This is a large file, ~120,000 lines long. May take a while to load. D-M-T is a members-only planning and discussion group for private trance events in New York with ~500 members, started in 2001, cutting off at 2010. D-M-T on Yahoogroups: 1 Now that we are all on a private list and we know everybody, every attempt will be made to ensure that every post here is 100% dead-on and appropriate and if anybody loses faith in me then I promise i will put it to a vote. After Synthetic Sadhus (where Rocky and Guilleame and Wade will do visuals), 9am Saturday morning, come see DJ Storm from Detroit and Omnitribe play on a newly expanded sound system (Omnitribe's combined with Wiley's (the same as the DMT Mackeys) with promo help from mark at indole. Please be discrete; Invite your friends, but don't post it to any lists; Musical instruments are welcomed (drums, tambourine etc.); Bring blanket, water and ... DIRECTIONs: BY CAR >From Manhattan take Belt Pkwy to Exit 6 (Cropsey Avenue). First traffic light make LEFT turn (corner of Cropsey & Bay 52 St). Follow Cropsey Ave to 27th AVENUE (you pass about 4 traffic lights). Turn LEFT on 27th Avenue towards highway. You'll see the overpass bridge right in front of you. Park. Walk over the bridge and turn LEFT. Walk for about 50 steps and look for barrier/toll-bar on your RIGHT. That's the park (CALVERT VAUX PARK). Go through the bar and keep walking and walking; First you walk along the fence for about 2 soccer fields distance. Then you should find a path over the bushes and rocks. Keep walking straight until you find the PARTY. BY TRAIN "W" train to BAY 50 St. Station. Follow Bay 50 St. to Cropsey Avenue (you pass Harway Ave and so on). Turn RIGHT on Cropsey Ave. Go straight (you pass Bay 49th Str., Bay 48th Str and Bay 47th St) and make LEFT on 27th Avenue. Walk one block and you should see the overpass (via Belt Pkwy). Walk over the bridge and turn LEFT. Walk for about 50 steps and look for barrier/toll-bar on your RIGHT. That's the park (CALVERT VAUX PARK). Go through the bar and keep walking and walking; First you walk along the fence for about 2 soccer fields distance. Then you should find a path over the bushes and rocks. Keep walking straight until you find the PARTY. Date: Fri, 28 Sep 2001 20:24:53 To: DMTea Subject: Last stragglers From: Machinelf this is the last i'll ask about these guys. thanks to all who id'd whoever looked familiar. new people, if you recognize anybody let me know. i think the dust is settling on this and we'll be doing events very soon. 51 adrian airr1978 akida5 allakefak alphaomega1619 amber008 andynymc Anesh69 Ansoir aoprysko appia_us aprilfools2 arhine athoang100 AToni2M auralguide3000 austinwingate avideditor2000 babmozart beanlette bellaXXdonna bethwein binary black_grape boo28 Brightness bry1300 bsontime BUDAHSAFA bumpnk cbetik cellux agbrander chelmentsev chickabel chriswabnitz clara98 cobold29 cohen_emmanuel Colleeflower22 Corallus crisis420x crittertoo d3mon dantehks darkagent3 deezzerrec dfitusi dianegabay djarum11 djej djhomsy dmz dngrdbolik down79 drdave99 dreamstate78 duclos duende duph dvolovik dwajkhul earthmoon23 ebonneau egeorgieva ellis emeupal enamon enbohm endub21 energyx epsonp2p epsonp2p equisol erickhill ernestb21 eugenesis2000 evayda evzene exstacy eyal_fitoussi eyc2 farahhappy festerla firstarter1 fishtalks flack55 FNM at prodigfutureboy FAILDSYSTM gabanna69 ghertz1 girlgeo girloffduty GLOWBOI Goayogini GODSlZE GooBoy95 Gragglasport grktown grouleau gsonnad h2oxgo420 haardcore halimaperu halognriot hbomb heatherae Holomos hommage2p5 hoodaville hotds1 hothmal huboo iczerio idahong77 IiIflex kdoodlebug74 invsble ione_orange Irene37420 isaac_gijs IsmokeDMT itai_world itsadidjeridu Jack at ishappening Jeneyney Jeppetto1515 jlg7 JLink at ea jlnovosad joekharris johnstan_98 jonesscov jor13 josenk jp27932n jsantag643 jsyteng jszerlip kadrock katbarbash Kbeauchamp1 kelleher kiaro KiTtEmAgiK kk8te kmatar knuttzz koike kostik_lukin ksbrar250 lenka2000 LEWIS421 LFrye1999 likwidhead limeberry7 lin736 lior999 liquifunk lisakeys lkhiawathathug loopy720 lovelight3x3x3 lucid00b1 luckytoffee02 luvianism lynndkim maddpete madtrancer mail at marselenspencer MirrorGlare mistabojangles2000 mixt mjeppson mmclaps mobileskimo mr05713 MRMOBYSTRIPP mspaid musicpromoter mwal1548 mwalsh nanairo3 neum_ nicowest nikkifem2001 NOaNGeI143 nondo4life notcurrentlyevolving nuala369 Oedipus23 oleg omri orbartstudios orbicles orly oxyemb paranoid PartzBoy pattience pdechen pilot745us prima-donna prizraks progress_data pudgybuddha Qkan9357 R 621 rabotnik radian at tki ramp1999 return25 ronitkef russell rwbremer s2ballard sarina420 saturngirl schedule1 seannyc7 SexGod SHannah shobhanas Shortybish14 shvatz9199 shystr sighmoan sign silvahh slowdown2001 sluck604 sny68701 soobuns sorber_mt space7521 specialed777 stargazer_420_ starideils stewnuts stormsweeper sunscientific surfsin surpass_ svenghali SWaYwUn swifty21369 sycrogram sydbarret69 tanbochi tanechka11 tbhale20 TEKnikiller3x tesorieri textile at xaoh thebackroomkl ThePlaygrnd therealfixxx theunloveable tjtelli toastman torchek trancefever trancefevernyc trancelove69 trancenhancer TrAnZid78 tribaltrance2000 tripndazi trippyvibes tujikane tunnelvisions tzap99 ultraviolet Urdge uzzo66 valentinka velocity82 verr1278 victorc vladistar Vostochnaya vsteward whetaver wirehead Xxhazelrah xxnolticxx xzulaidmanx Yankegirl8 yoinano zach zephyrac zhoro72 ZoneM13 zonk_e Zplus11 zulaidman zyklen Date: Fri, 28 Sep 2001 21:27:17 To: DMTea Subject: Did you recognize any names on that last email From: Machinelf That big list - if you recognized any names then let me know because otherwise they will not be added to this group Date: Mon, 01 Oct 2001 18:30:58 To: DMTea Subject: We are finally in agreement From: Machinelf On Saturday, Jeff and Mark discussed things in person, and came to the following agreement: Jeff will make Mark listowner of DMTCircle (DMTea, or whatever it's called). The Devotional Ministry of Trance will then decide what to do with those names, and it will most likely go to a vote. Jeff promises not to create anymore "DMT" lists or "splinter groups" without a vote of the congregation of The Devotional Ministry of Trance. After which, Mark will make Jeff listowner of Brainmachines, and Mark will remain moderator so he can still post (this was the situation prior to June 13). There was some confusion as to the meaning of the terms "listowner" and "moderator". The definitions that Mark used were based on their traditional meaning when applied to email mass distribution systems; the definitions Jeff used were closer to their definitions in common English. These definitions were further confused by yahoogroups, which is run by a bunch of kids who think "unix" is a phone system. Jeff took these terms to describe each other's authority within the Ministry, Mark took these terms as to describe the administriva of the list itself. Nevermind that someone can't actually own a group of people or a democracy, and that the list is rarely literally moderated. Regardless, it has been decided that the person who is "moderator" (as named by yahoogroups) is front person and preacher, and the that the person who is "listowner" is administrator and pastor, such that the "moderator" takes the lead in making events happen and the "listowner" keeps the "moderator" accountable. Almost needless to say, it makes more sense that Jeff be "moderator" and Mark be "listowner". However, due to Jeff's pending legal battle, Mark will be make Jeff "listowner" (as according to yahoogroups) solely for that purpose, and Jeff promises to make Mark listowner as soon as his case is settled one way or another. While named "moderator" (according to yahoogroups), Mark will retain all of the administrative privileges of "listowner" in the meanwhile. Jeff and Mark further agreed that they will continue the division of labor established prior to June 13: that Jeff raises money, develops themes for events, and recruits new members; and that Mark runs administrates the list, posts the polls, and books the DJ's. Date: 4 Oct 2001 00:52:20 From: SafetyDance To: SafetyDance Subject: New poll for SafetyDance Enter your vote today! A new poll has been created for the SafetyDance group: If this 100% secure list is not folded into the DMT, should it be kept separate or deleted? Answer by Friday! o Yes, keep it going! I want to hear about outdoor and underground events even if I'm not in the DMT o No, delete it, even if we all know each other, 600 is too many!! To vote, please visit the following web page: /group/SafetyDance/polls Note: Please do not reply to this message. Poll votes are web site listed above. Thanks! Date: Thu, 04 Oct 2001 01:01:16 To: SafetyDance Subject: Lord of the Rings status From: Machinelf If anyone is interested in helping Lori and Boris put together a Lord of the Rings outdoor trance festival upstate this fall, be sure to email Lori at Lollygoa . I know I am. Who has to be Gandalf? Jacob! I wanna be Elrond the Half Elf! There's always Sauron too - no comment! Astrid woulda beena good Galadriel. Who's going to be Frodo? Doron, bien sur. Legolas? Rocky. you get the drift. THE BEST THING IS THAT THERE IS A NEW MOVIE COMING OUT EVERY YEAR FOR THE NEXT THREE YEARS! I should know about stretching out that costume expenditure. It's not 100% certain if the land upstate will still be tied up legally - yet. But even if it ain't, the event *will* still get done, even if it's in Manhattan. Date: 5 Oct 2001 17:12:56 From: SafetyDance To: SafetyDance Subject: Poll results for SafetyDance The following SafetyDance poll is now closed. Here are the final results: POLL QUESTION: If this 100% secure list is not folded into the DMT, should it be kept separate or deleted? Answer by Friday! CHOICES AND RESULTS - Yes, keep it going! I want to hear about outdoor and underground events even if I'm not in the DMT, 20 votes, 86.96% - No, delete it, even if we all know each other, 600 is too many!!, 3 votes, 13.04% For more information about this group, please visit /group/SafetyDance /help/us/groups/ Date: Sat, 06 Oct 2001 14:20:28 To: SafetyDance Subject: lord of the rings(LOTR) From: LOLLYGOA hi everybody, so good to see so many of you at SS last week! THAT was the best part - the people! As a reunion of sorts after 9/11 it was muchneededtogetherness. Tks SS! LOTR is in the GERMINATION stages....if you arent familiar w/the saga now is the time to plow yer way thru it - research or refresher- it will catch you up and spellbind you. This event will be total immersion fantasy so start revving your right and left cerebral cortexes - we creating a world where yellow rat bastard 'biggie' pants havent been invented yet! :) No date has been yet set, so while we are organizing the venue etc, (mostly depending on the outcome of Mike the Farmer's legal case), and other tech-y things, you can do your part by starting to plan your costumes and contribution. My own Ent-wife costume is gonna take the entire wigstaff of patricia fields and 6 foot dbleplus Boris is planning on Gollum! in tights! :) some things to get you started: Costumes: ugliest Orc, shieldmaidens, heroic warriors with magic swords, elves(!) dwarves, magicians, ringwraiths, halflings,etc. Artists: On-Topic backdrops and other things that you'd imagine Lothlorien would look like. (large quantities of yellow mallorn- flowers to adorn the flets) The Last Homely House of Elrond for the chai/chill area.... This is gonna take some time to organize (and if you were at Burning Elf you know how meticulous we are...did someone say aaaaaaaaaaaanal? :), so yaaaas, we are getting our staff/helper list together, but no its not happening tomorrow. thanks to all those who've already written about helping - we'll be calling you! For security reasons, do not post this to other lists. I do not want to be fielding 'email from canada' like last time! Well thats all for now, lori and boris (Lollygoa) To: safetydance Subject: Anyone need a car? From: Ben Sorry to be off topic, especially for those of you who are on psy-trance list also... but my girlfriend Jaime (some of you have met her at parties.. 6ft blonde girl) recently moved to NYC and needs to sell her car. It's a 94 Nissan Sentra, 75K miles, in -very- good condition. She wants $2700 for it.. a lot lower than market value, so as to hopefully sell it without having to put ads in the paper and whatnot. If you are interested, give me a call at 646-872-9884. Thanks nogloom (ben) light-o-matic Date: Mon, 08 Oct 2001 16:01:56 To: SafetyDance Subject: Join the DMT! From: Machinelf Here you'll find a lot of good underground party information but if you want to actually get involved - as in DJ etc. - you could do worse than to join DMT in New York. There are 400 of you that have been to a DMT service but have never contributed. Here is your chance. We might be needing a generator. We got one last year but it was stolen. This time it will be kept in a much safer place, screw the bike locks. They run at least $500. It's not all-encompassing but it's a start. We can beg borrow and plead for now but this feat will be necesarry no matter what the police verdict is. Wylie has the same kind of speakers that the DMT bought last year. We might recover the two that were confiscated from me in June. Either way, we're ready to go forward. Permanent membership is only $35, to join go through paypal and send it to "jeff W" jeff at brainmachines That way you will be assured of a vote on who, when, where we practice trance ideation. Plus, you'll enable the events to happen, period. Thanks for listening! Help us shape our own realities outside the mind numbing consensus Matrix!! Date: Tue, 09 Oct 2001 13:47:53 Subject: Save the date - FridaTo: From: Machinelf A more detailed email will be sent later this week that will include DJ lineup and artistry involved. Directions follow to a New York Celebration of Earthdance, beginning on Friday October 12 and extending through Saturday October 13. On midnight on Saturday night a song will be played all over the world in many locations; whether we go through Saturday is 100% up to you. What *is* 100% is that we will commence on Friday night at midnight. a New York Earthdance: PSY-TRANCE PRAYER FOR PEACE in support of our troops, Afghani civilians, and peace loving people everywhere Exactly *who* is sponsoring this is TBD, however, a trance event *will* happen on this spot on this date. It will be either DMT or SafetyDance. Either way you're in good hands. The event will begin around midnight and go through very very late the next day. With enough people it may very well extend into the next evening. Equipment is already secured; we need more black lights and tapestries. Currently soliciting projectionists and artists. A free area is back in effect. So bring offerings to the spirits. Directions It is on the northern tip of the West side of Manhattan, otherwise known as Washington Heights. It is on the East side of Washington Heights, along the Harlem River. The party is beneath the Washington Bridge (not the George Washington Bridge, that's a different bridge). The Washington Bridge goes from the Bronx, over the Major Deegan, over the Harlem River, over Harlem River Drive, then turns into West 181st St. in Manhattan. ~~ If you are driving from the Manhattan or Brooklyn, take the West Side Highway in Manhattan, North, until it turns into the Henry Hudson Parkway. As far as I can remember, you want to take Exit 14 for 179St. (You may be able to take the FDR North up the East Side to the Harlem River Drive and then take the exit for the Trans Manhattan Expressway that heads towards the GWB, but I've never taken that route.) >From the Bronx, or take the Cross Bronx Expressway to Exit 1C (The Washington Bridge), or The Major Deegan (87 North) to the Alexander Hamilton Bridge (it's two blocks South of the Washington Bridge, but don't think you can take it heading South on 87). >From Boston, take 90 West (The Mass Pike), to 84 East, to 91 South. Then take Rt. 15 South (The Merritt Parkway) which turns into the Hutchinson River Parkway when it crosses the border into NY State. DO NOT ACCIDENTALLTAKE THE TRIBORO OR WHITESTONE BRIDGES. Take the Cross County West to The Henry Hudson South 9A (which would be the Saw Mill if it went North. If you end up on I87 take the left hand exit for the Saw Mill/9A, and then head South). There will be signs for the GWB. Take the Henry Hudson Bridge ($1.75 toll) into Manhattan, then take the first exit after the GWB. DO NOT TAKE THE GEORGE WASHINGTON BRIDGE INTO NEW JERSE ~~~ >From West to East at W181st, the avenues go, Fort Washington Avenue, Broadway, Wadsworth, St. Nicholas, Audubon, Amsterdam. By subway, take the 1 or 9 to 181st. & St. Nichols. Quietly walk East. Go to the Southeast corner of 181st and Amsterdam. Once you're on 181st and Amsterdam it's a minute walk. Stand there. Look east. See the little paved pedestrian paved path that runs next to the road on the south side, parallel to the highway. Walk East on this path (towards the Harlem River for those of you who can sense such things) -- after about 100 yards it starts dipping South, The little road gently slopes down into the park, down some stairs, goes under an arch. The path splits in two. Go all the way down to the ARCH LOCATION take the LEFT PATH. Take a Right at the next split to go under the Washington Bridge; there's an arch there. This bridge is the Washington Bridge and it is the one you saw continuing ahead of you when you were walking on 181st. DO NOT POST THIS TO ANY OTHER LIST OR YOU WON'T BE ON THIS ONE (thx mark) Date: Wed, 10 Oct 2001 21:07:52 To: SafetyDance Subject: Wanted: Hebrew translator From: Machinelf to enable israeli attendance at our event on friday. we can do this via email. your help would help others help themselves. Date: Wed, 10 Oct 2001 17:31:31 Subject: Re: [SafetyDance] Wanted: Hebrew translator To: SafetyDance From: LOLLYGOA a lovely lad who has hebrew on his web site.................. moti at pereg a lovely lad who has hebrew on his web site.................. moti at pereg Date: Wed, 10 Oct 2001 22:10:49 Subject: DMT voted these DJs to play at bridge Fri-Sat To: safetydance From: Machinelf If you are, or know any of these sonic sorcerors, someone at DMT wants to hear them this weekend. Our needs MUST be fulfilled. There's plenty of time. So contact me with time preferences and we'll get you a slot. Friday night is already booked by the poll, so be flexible. Voicemail 212-330-9371. In alpha order Akin (Dragontribe NJ) Boris (& Lori...Burning Elf) CONFIRMED Chico (Pyramid Wednesdays - Parasense style) Deeper in Zen/Atomicjuice (Live PA with video show) CONFIRMED Dima (Russian Rasta, nor Prussian Pasta)(Chillout) FX Mike (Alphatrance) Hallucinogen* Hugh S (Brooklyn Crib) Icy Coil (Female!) CONFIRMED Iggy AKA Unknown Mushroom (Pyramd Wednesdays) Jason & Vadim (Subtlechaos) Kent Friedman (Producer at Burning Elf) Machinelf CONFIRMED Lori Hi-Fi Princess Ozzy Osbourne* Gosha AKA Rheedoo (Alphatrance) Ranka (Japan) Satan** CONFIRMED S.H.A.I.K.I.D. (Omnitribe) Soch (DMT) CONFIRMED Steve-O (Goababies, Nantucket) The 3 Israeli Dudes (You know who I'm talking bout and it's not Doron) Tony (Dragontribe NJ - Hard Swedish) CONFIRMED Vitalik (Omnitribe) Vlad Kife *psych. **for real! We're definitely on. This may be our last this year, so don't miss it! Official info email to come soon! Date: Fri, 12 Oct 2001 12:21:38 Subject: BURNING BERT EARTHDANCE tonight friday-sunday morning To: dmtny, safetydance Cc: psy-trance at dewline From: Machinelf Friday 11pm-Saturday 7:30am Burning Bert Saturday 7:30am-Sunday morning NY Earthdance Back-to-back theme events at the old bridge location at 181st & Amsterdam Locations have been pre-scouted this week for security patrols; in any event the place has never been closed for events. Friday Burning Bert Tonight we exorcise the Yellow Evill One from our consciousness. No longer will we let Osama Bin Laden to have a monolpoly on Evil Bert and fire. We will all focus hate, envy, and bad vibes in an effigy of Evil Bert effigy and crucify him on a cross of love. At 730am to a track of "One and Only Dominator" he will be burned. Also bring Ernie and Bert masks and your lover for the dancefloor orgy staring at 6am. Don't believe me? Think this is a GAME? http://www.cnn /2001/US/10/11/muppets.binl http://www.fractalcow /bert/bert.htm someone we have all known to love as we grew up in trance, turns out to be (butthole surfers intro) SATAN SATAN SATAN Friday night video projection via DVD mxing by Atomic Juice (Rocky and Guilleaume) DJ lineup - Vinyl Friday evolves into digital Saturday and Sunday! Friday tonight - Mostly Vinyl 11-1230 Icy Coil (DMT) 12:30-2:00 Boris (older TIP stuff) 2:00 -3:30 Hugh S (Brooklyn Crib) 3:30 -4:45 Deeper in Zen 4:45 -6:00 Soch (DMT) Saturday morning 6-730am Machinelf (DMT) 730-9 Steve-o (Goababies, Nantucket) 11am-Midnight Vitalik and SHAIKID and Dima (Omnitribe) if they do not see the Shaman; Confirmed Open Mike with DMT selected DJs including Issam, Chico, Iggy, Tony and Akin from Dragontribe, the 3 Israeli DJs, Incomplete emails indicate probable presence: Gosha, FX Mike (Alphatrance) If you a CD DJ bring your favorite tracks and if there space you will be able to play. Midnight Earthdance recording 12-2 Ori Psychodog 2-4am Nimbus 4am-sunday morning Anyone left standing Refreshments Red Bull, OJ, Water (donations accepted) Bring your own refreshments, blankets, fluoro paint, Bert masks, candles If you have extra lighting, projectors, fog machines, there is extra capacity on the generator for you. A free area is back in effect. So bring offerings to the spirits, cookies, wtare, art, flowers, bert dolls. Everyone is encouraged to let their creative juices run wild and become Brefoot in the Park. And as always, leave no trace. Directions (English and Phonetic Hebrew) English Directions It is on the northern tip of the West side of Manhattan, otherwise known as Washington Heights. It is on the East side of Washington Heights, along the Harlem River. The party is beneath the Washington Bridge (not the George Washington Bridge, that's a different bridge). The Washington Bridge goes from the Bronx, over the Major Deegan, over the Harlem River, over Harlem River Drive, then turns into West 181st St. in Manhattan. ~~ If you are driving from the Manhattan or Brooklyn, take the West Side Highway in Manhattan, North, until it turns into the Henry Hudson Parkway. As far as I can remember, you want to take Exit 14 for 179St. (You may be able to take the FDR North up the East Side to the Harlem River Drive and then take the exit for the Trans Manhattan Expressway that heads towards the GWB, but I've never taken that route.) DO NOT TAKE THE GEORGE WASHINGTON BRIDGE INTO NEW JERSE ~~~ >From West to East at W181st, the avenues go, Fort Washington Avenue, Broadway, Wadsworth, St. Nicholas, Audubon, Amsterdam. By subway, take the 1 or 9 to 181st. & St. Nichols. Quietly walk East. Go to the Southeast corner of 181st and Amsterdam. Once you're on 181st and Amsterdam it's a minute walk. Stand there. Look east. See the little paved pedestrian paved path that runs next to the road on the south side, parallel to the highway. Walk East on this path (towards the Harlem River for those of you who can sense such things) -- after about 100 yards it starts dipping South, The little road gently slopes down into the park, down some stairs, goes under an arch. The path splits in two. Take a Right to go down the staits until you hear music. >From street level, the walk takes fa few minutes. If unsure wait discretely at the intersection until you see trance people heading east and follow them. HEBREW Alien Sex Mesiba A Derech le Agia la Mesibat Trance: Yom Shishi, Shtemesre shel October 2001 Be rachevet: ata tzarich lachach et a rachevet 1 o 9 ad mea, shmonim ve echad ve st nicholas (181st. & St. Nichols.) Be shechet olchim maraav (east). ti lech la Southeast pina shel mea, shmonim ve echad ve Amsterdam (181st and Amsterdam.) She ata magia le mea, shmonim ve echad ve Amsterdam ata cimat sham! Tistacel east. Ata tire she yesh macom bishvel anashim she olchim ba park (cvish catan) leyad a cvish a gadol ba tzad darom (south). A cvish a catan olech be oto kivoon shel a cvish a gadol.., tilech al a cvish a catan.. achara be-erech mea ve arbayim meter.. ba tzad Maraav (east) shel a cvish aze, a cvish nea betoch a park, yesh madregot ve yesh gag catan ve agol, achshav a cvish neea shney cvishim.. tilech col aderech lemata ad she a cvish neea shney cvishim ve tichach et a cvish ba tzad yemin (right), al tafsich ad she ata shomea moosica!!! Date: Fri, 12 Oct 2001 14:09:08 Subject: Fresh Evil Bert Links for tonight To: dmtny Cc: safetydance From: Machinelf the other sites were taken out print out many copies of your favorite shot, photocopy on dayglo paper at kinko's, bring to the Burn tonight Date: Fri, 12 Oct 2001 16:28:40 Subject: Prayer for Peace song played at 7pm Saturday night To: dmtny Cc: safetydance From: Machinelf We'll still do the ceremony at midnight but the official time that the Prayer for Peace earthdance song will be played all over the world is 7pm EST so that's when the sync up will be held. Date: Sat, 13 Oct 2001 04:10:17 To: SafetyDance Subject: Burning Burt has been MOVED! From: Machinelf As of 12 am on Saturday 10/13, the Burning Burt party has been moved to 146 Duane Street #2B, between Church and West Broadway. It's three blocks below Canal, close to the A, C, E and 1, 9 trains. Helicopters hovered the bridge party, and the police closed down the other party location. All the art work and video installations will be moved down to the Duane Street location. It's 3 rooms, 2500 to 3000 square feet of space to move and groove in. The party will go as planned, till Sunday. Map: Date: Sat, 13 Oct 2001 13:05:08 To: SafetyDance Subject: NYPD From: Machinelf shut it down at 8:30am. Date: Sat, 13 Oct 2001 12:02:17 Subject: Moving Energy TodaTo: Cc: From: Machinelf NYPD came before Bert could be burned to the tune of Every Day is Halloween. We are taking him to the beach near Coney Island to fullfeel the burn. Meanwhile we will send positive energy towards our global trance brotherhood at Earthdances everywhere. For we as New Yorkers are particularly compelled to make sense of what happend on September 11. So the energy has been moved to to the beach near coney island. It's a beautiful day and we are going outside. we will be there playing music from 1pm until at least sundown. An attempt will me made to go quite late. Wylie's cell phone is 917-476-1864. Musical instruments are welcomed (drums, tambourine etc.); Bring blanket, water and ... DIRECTIONs: BY CAR >From Manhattan take Belt Pkwy to Exit 6 (Cropsey Avenue). First traffic light make LEFT turn (corner of Cropsey & Bay 52 St). Follow Cropsey Ave to 27th AVENUE (you pass about 4 traffic lights). Turn LEFT on 27th Avenue towards highway. You'll see the overpass bridge right in front of you. Park. Walk over the bridge and turn LEFT. Walk for about 50 steps and look for barrier/toll-bar on your RIGHT. That's the park (CALVERT VAUX PARK). Go through the bar and keep walking and walking; First you walk along the fence for about 2 soccer fields distance. Then you should find a path over the bushes and rocks. Keep walking straight until you find the PARTY. BY TRAIN "W" train to BAY 50 St. Station. Follow Bay 50 St. to Cropsey Avenue (you pass Harway Ave and so on). Turn RIGHT on Cropsey Ave. Go straight (you pass Bay 49th Str., Bay 48th Str and Bay 47th St) and make LEFT on 27th Avenue. Walk one block and you should see the overpass (via Belt Pkwy). Walk over the bridge and turn LEFT. Walk for about 50 steps and look for barrier/toll-bar on your RIGHT. That's the park (CALVERT VAUX PARK). Go through the bar and keep walking and walking; First you walk along the fence for about 2 soccer fields distance. Then you should find a path over the bushes and rocks. Keep walking straight until you find the PARTY. Date: Sun, 14 Oct 2001 15:16:39 Subject: Review and thanks To: dmtny Cc: safetydance From: Machinelf It was a feinitely a full spectrum weekend. It's 3pm Sunday and we just got back from near Coney Island. After the bridge event was moved to Duane Street at 1am, we went until 830am. Wylie's whole floor had been busted open, so there was a whole warren of rooms. And a newly opened penthouse on the top floor with a big black marble bathroom. It was in the same building that I had gotten into all that trouble month ago. The police were very freaked out when they came. There were all these broken parking meters in the hallway, and there was a shrine to evil bert in one big room, with weird messages, coloring book pages, and doctored photos of Osama and Evil bert all over the walls, with eery candlelight everywhere. Another room was for drumming. The DJs all played good sets. I resisted with all my might to move out towards Coney Island but it worked out very well; it was a BEAUTIFUL day and sunset and nightfall. SHAIKID, his friend, Akin, and Kate Mohandia all played good music. We had a good crowd.. At 7pm we all danced around the fire holding hands. We also burned Evil Bert. Hats off to Y from infornography, who sent out crucual emails in the middle of the night and also brought Evil Bert pictures and hung them everywhere; to Lori and Boris for bringing art and UV and gas cans; to Ben for loaning the VRT; Charles at Nexuslabs for helping move, to Wylie for being a hamhead who made it happen with equipment, van, and location; to all the Irish, and everubody else who helped out. ALthough the cold weather is coming I am hoping that DMT will stay active. Because there's never been as twisted and crazy vibe event as Friday. If you would like to see more truly mind-twisting events like this weekend, show your support by joining DMT. You'll be able to vote for DJs and influence the direction. You can join by sending $35 to jeff W, jeff at brainmachines, via paypal . Thanks, all. Next stop: Halloween parade and Frying Pan. To:, , Cc:, "Infornography For The Masses" Subject: Re: BURNING BERT EARTHDANCE tonight friday-sunday morning From: "yvonne yay" Attached are some great black and white pictures of Evil Bert in various habitats. Feel free to post, print, color in and bring to b u r n ! ! ! -- "An eye for an eye only leaves the whole world blind." - Mahatma Gandhi Yvonne + y at onomatopoeik + http://onomatopoeik + + vox: 646 321 5710 ----- Original Message ----- From: To: ; Cc: Sent: Friday, October 12, 2001 12:21 PM Subject: BURNING BERT EARTHDANCE tonight friday-sunday morning > Friday 11pm-Saturday 7:30am Burning Bert > Saturday 7:30am-Sunday morning NY Earthdance > Back-to-back theme events at the old bridge location at 181st & Amsterdam > Locations have been pre-scouted this week for security patrols; in anevent > the place has never been closed for events. > > Friday Burning Bert > Tonight we exorcise the Yellow Evill One from our consciousness. No longer > will we let Osama Bin Laden to have a monolpoly on Evil Bert and fire. > We will all focus hate, envy, and bad vibes in an effigy of Evil Bert effig> and crucify him on a cross of love. At 730am to a track of "One and Onl> Dominator" he will be burned. Also bring Ernie and Bert masks and your lover > for the dancefloor orgy staring at 6am. > Don't believe me? Think this is a GAME? > http://www.cnn /2001/US/10/11/muppets.binl > http://www.fractalcow /bert/bert.htm > someone we have all known to love as we grew up in trance, turns out to be > (butthole surfers intro) SATAN SATAN SATAN > > Friday night video projection via DVD mxing by Atomic Juice (Rocky and > Guilleaume) > > DJ lineup - Vinyl Friday evolves into digital Saturday and Sunday! > Friday tonight - Mostly Vinyl > 11-1230 Icy Coil (DMT) > 12:30-2:00 Boris (older TIP stuff) > 2:00 -3:30 Hugh S (Brooklyn Crib) > 3:30 -4:45 Deeper in Zen > 4:45 -6:00 Soch (DMT) > Saturday morning > 6-730am Machinelf (DMT) > 730-9 Steve-o (Goababies, Nantucket) > > 11am-Midnight Vitalik and SHAIKID and Dima (Omnitribe) if they do not see > the Shaman; Confirmed Open Mike with DMT selected DJs including Issam, Chico, > Iggy, Tony and Akin from Dragontribe, the 3 Israeli DJs, Incomplete emails > indicate probable presence: Gosha, FX Mike (Alphatrance) If you a CD DJ bring > your favorite tracks and if there space you will be able to play. > > Midnight Earthdance recording > 12-2 Ori Psychodog > 2-4am Nimbus > 4am-sunday morning Anyone left standing > > Refreshments > Red Bull, OJ, Water (donations accepted) > > Bring your own refreshments, blankets, fluoro paint, Bert masks, candles > If you have extra lighting, projectors, fog machines, there is extra capacit> on the generator for you. > A free area is back in effect. So bring offerings to the spirits, cookies, > wtare, art, flowers, bert dolls. > Everyone is encouraged to let their creative juices run wild and become > Brefoot in the Park. > And as always, leave no trace. > > Directions (English and Phonetic Hebrew) > > English Directions > It is on the northern tip of the West side of Manhattan, otherwise known as > Washington Heights. It is on the East side of Washington Heights, along > the Harlem River. The party is beneath the Washington Bridge (not the > George Washington Bridge, that's a different bridge). The Washington > Bridge goes from the Bronx, over the Major Deegan, over the Harlem River, > over Harlem River Drive, then turns into West 181st St. in Manhattan. > > ~~ > > If you are driving from the Manhattan or Brooklyn, take the West Side > Highway in Manhattan, North, until it turns into the Henry Hudson Parkway. > As far as I can remember, you want to take Exit 14 for 179St. (You may be > able to take the FDR North up the East Side to the Harlem River Drive and > then take the exit for the Trans Manhattan Expressway that heads towards > the GWB, but I've never taken that route.) > > DO NOT TAKE THE GEORGE WASHINGTON BRIDGE INTO NEW JERSE> > ~~~ > > >From West to East at W181st, the avenues go, Fort Washington Avenue, > Broadway, Wadsworth, St. Nicholas, Audubon, Amsterdam. > > By subway, take the 1 or 9 to 181st. & St. Nichols. Quietly walk East. > Go to the Southeast corner of 181st and Amsterdam. > > Once you're on 181st and Amsterdam it's a minute walk. > > Stand there. Look east. See the little paved pedestrian paved path that > runs next to the road on the south side, parallel to the highway. Walk > East on this path (towards the Harlem River for those of you who can sense > such things) -- after about 100 yards it starts dipping South, The little > road gently slopes down into the park, down some stairs, goes under an arch. > > The path splits in two. Take a Right to go down the staits until you hear > music. > > >From street level, the walk takes fa few minutes. If unsure wait discretel> at the intersection until you see trance people heading east and follow them. > > HEBREW > > Alien Sex Mesiba > > A Derech le Agia la Mesibat Trance: > > Yom Shishi, Shtemesre shel October 2001 > > Be rachevet: ata tzarich lachach et a rachevet 1 o 9 ad mea, shmonim ve > echad ve st nicholas (181st. & St. Nichols.) Be shechet olchim maraav > (east). > > ti lech la Southeast pina shel mea, shmonim ve echad ve Amsterdam (181st > and Amsterdam.) > She ata magia le mea, shmonim ve echad ve Amsterdam ata cimat sham! > Tistacel east. Ata tire she yesh macom bishvel anashim she olchim ba park > (cvish catan) leyad a cvish a gadol ba tzad darom (south). A cvish a catan > olech be oto kivoon shel a cvish a gadol.., tilech al a cvish a catan.. > achara be-erech mea ve arbayim meter.. ba tzad Maraav (east) shel a cvish > aze, a cvish nea betoch a park, yesh madregot ve yesh gag catan ve agol, > achshav a cvish neea shney cvishim.. tilech col aderech lemata ad she a > cvish neea shney cvishim ve tichach et a cvish ba tzad yemin (right), al > tafsich ad she ata shomea moosica!!! > > Go vote for Friday's DJ at /group/DMTNY/surveys?id10200784 > Date: Tue, 16 Oct 2001 22:50:20 Subject: RE: NYPD To: SonikZolution Cc: safetydance From: Machinelf I'm happy to say we got off scott free. the cops were pretty freaked out by the Evil Bert shrine, though. you should have seen Evil Bert burn in the golden sunset by the Verrazano. and we fire walked, too. Burning Man was started because some guy's girlfriend ran off with another guy. so good things can come from evil intentions... so we are going to do the same squat area for friday, but this time it will be in an abandoned 5th floor penthouse with huge black marble bathrooms and skylights, far from the madding streets last saturday was on the 2nd floor) In a message dated 10/13/01 6:08:05 AM Pacific Daylight Time, soniksolution writes >shut it down at 8:30am. > any arrests or confiscation>?? Date: Tue, 16 Oct 2001 22:53:20 Subject: Fwd: TRANCE PARTY THIS FRIDAY!!!!!!!!! To: safetydance From: Machinelf Date: Wed, 17 Oct 2001 11:50:19 Subject: Fwd: 11/3/01 Ayahausca ceremonTo: safetydance From: Machinelf Date: Wed, 17 Oct 2001 13:10:23 Subject: Fwd: DMT ski? To: dmtny Cc: safetydance From: Machinelf read on if you like snowboarding tripping video games burning CDs eating snow the Poconos email Rocktheshow and neural at prodigy,net if you would like to go in on a nice isolated house 10 mins. from a ski lift open only to DMT people read on Date: Thu, 18 Oct 2001 04:13:49 Subject: Fwd: ANGEL'S BIRTHDAY THIS SAT 20!!!!! To: safetydance From: Machinelf I'm going after Omnitribe at Speeed; if you do the same admission will be discounted if you have a flyer. Date: Thu, 18 Oct 2001 18:53:28 Subject: Fwd: details on Angel's b-day at Eagle's lair saturday 20th To: safetydance From: Machinelf sooo it looks like the serious trance will all be early sunday morning - that's the time for an A-list trance head like you to show up... Date: Fri, 19 Oct 2001 10:57:25 Subject: DJs for Benefit/Sacred Buddhist Fire CeremonTo: safetydance From: Machinelf For tonight's DMT Benefit at 146 Duane 5th floor tonight here's the schedule: 1030-Midnight Tony (Hard Swedish Trance) Midnight-1am Dror (Israel) 1-230am Koan Deeper in Zen 230-530 Vitalik & S.H.A.K.I.D. (Omnitribe) 530-7 Machinelf (DMT) 7-9 F/X Mike (Alphatrance) 9-afternoon TBA Needed: jambox for chillout room, which is bigger than your apt. If you bring, you can DJ. Sacred Buddhist Fire Ceremony for World Peace Goma is an ancient Buddhist fire ceremony that exemplifies spiritual wisdom and purification. In the hills of Kyoto, Japan, every February, over 500,000 people assemble for the Star Festival, the world's largest outdoor fire ritual conducted by the priests of Agon Shu Buddhism, led by its founder (Kancho), the Rev. Seiyu Kiriyama. Riverside Church 120 Street and Riverside Drive, Manhattan 4:30p doors, program 5:30-7:30p; free 646 521 0271 Date: Fri, 19 Oct 2001 17:10:38 Subject: BURNING KOOL-AID TONIGHT To: safetydance Cc: dmtny, infornography From: Machinelf Can YOU pass the Electric Kool-Aid A Test?? Have you studied up? Ready to cram? Drink the Kool-Aid... Tonight we will drink the Burning Kool Aid of Death to celebrate kool mass suicides everywhere remember Jim Jones Look for the grinning Punch Man with that killer brew OH YEAH!!! Door prize for the most ingenious Evil Kool-Aid man printouts to go in the Wall of Death http://lennon.csufresno /~jmc43/koolaid.html For tonight's DMT Benefit at 146 Duane 5th floor tonight here's the schedule: 1030-Midnight Tony (Hard Swedish Trance) Midnight-1am Dror (Israel) 1-230am Koan Deeper in Zen 230-530 Vitalik & S.H.A.K.I.D. (Omnitribe) 530-7 Machinelf (DMT) 7-9 F/X Mike (Alphatrance) plus special guests This is an amazing mirrored dance studio space right under the roof. Spacious and clean. I can't recommend it enough. For those of you who missed the roving DMT Burning Bert last weekend, or went and only experienced 1/3 of the entire floor plan, here's your chance to break on through to the other side in a space three times the size. The party is coming along nicely, with many unconfirmed surprises in the works. This Friday, 10pm through Saturday 146 Duane Street 5th floor, roof party. Subway - Take the A/C/E subway to Chambers, walk two blocks north Car - If you drive, it's south of Canal - you can now drive through Canal. It is in a 3000' multiroomed penthouse with huge state of the art black marble bathrooms. Bring your loved ones and swim suits under your clothes as we will set up a mini spa.Very spacious with exhilerating views.Start 10pm through late Saturday morning (and later if we can get away with it)DJs will include top local practitioners of psychedelic trance, and MachinelfBring decorations candles, banners, etc. **BYOB!!!** $5 min. suggested donation to replace lost equipment from last week's DMT event and build for future events.We are currently looking for a video projectionist; those interested please contact machinelf at brainmachines This will not be busted as we will opened at 8am)There will be open windows and fans as well.Wiley's cell phone 917-476-1864 Can YOU pass the Electric Kool-Aid A Test?? Have you studied up? Ready to cram? Drink the Kool-Aid... Tonight we will drink the Burning Kool Aid of Death to celebrate kool mass suicides everywhere remember Jim Jones Look for the grinning Punch Man with that killer brew OH YEAH!!! Door prize for the most ingenious Evil Kool-Aid man printouts to go in the Wall of Death http://lennon.csufresno /~jmc43/koolaid.html For tonight's DMT Benefit at 146 Duane 5th floor tonight here's the schedule: 1030-Midnight Tony (Hard Swedish Trance) Midnight-1am Dror (Israel) 1-230am Koan Deeper in Zen 230-530 Vitalik & S.H.A.K.I.D. (Omnitribe) 530-7 Machinelf (DMT) 7-9 F/X Mike (Alphatrance) plus special guests This is an amazing mirrored dance studio space right under the roof. Spacious and clean. I can't recommend it enough. For those of you who missed the roving DMT Burning Bert last weekend, or went and only experienced 1/3 of the entire floor plan, here's your chance to break on through to the other side in a space three times the size. The party is coming along nicely, with many unconfirmed surprises in the works. This Friday, 10pm through Saturday 146 Duane Street 5th floor, roof party. Subway - Take the A/C/E subway to Chambers, walk two blocks north Car - If you drive, it's south of Canal - you can now drive through Canal. Date: Fri, 19 Oct 2001 17:39:27 Subject: Sick! visuals for tonight's BURNING KOOL-AID DMT Benefit To: safetydance Cc: dmtny From: Machinelf vissuals tonight -we are set check out our site www.squaresquare see you in tribbecca around 9 or 9:30 we will bring dv decks video onix DV video mixer a projecter and cables Jack Hazard j_hazard 917 922 1605 Date: Tue, 23 Oct 2001 18:29:33 Subject: Fwd: Jeff, please post this...Every Tuesday at Jarrod's Lounge... thanx To: safetydance From: Machinelf Subject: Wanderlusting for the New Year's To: Infornography for the Masses, From: Yvonne NEW YEAR'S Koh Phangan, Thailand http://www.kohphangan2002 / Vision Fe stival Golden Bay, New Zealand Stonehaven Ancie nt Fireballs Ceremony, Scotland 31 December 2001 (Every year) Every year, t he Hogmanay celebrations in the town of Stonehaven centre round a large, fi reball-swinging procession which marches through the town down to the harbo ur and then throws the flaming orbs into the sea. With 60 marchers all whir ling 16-pound balls of fire above their heads on five-foot metal poles, the parade makes an impressive and faintly terrifying spectacle. The festival is said to date from the 19th century, but probablpreserves much older pa gan traditions. Umbanda, Brazil 31 December 2001 - 1 January 2002 (Every ear) If you're one of those people that find it hard to keep their prying e yes away from anything beyond the realm of human reasoning, then you will n ot have a problem rousing an interest in the elements that lie behind one o f Brazil's most popular religions, CandomblE9. At the Festival of the Godd ess of the Sea, IemanjE1, throngs of CandomblE9 followers enact some rite s of worship that are not entirely orthodox. Once a year believers congrega te on the golden beaches of Copacabana, Ipanema and Loblon to worship and r evere IemanajE1. As part of the beach rituals cigar-toting, sometimes bise xual, priests and priestesses usher people forward to enter trances (pegar um passo). It is not long before the odd person, mesmerised by the luring b eats of the drums, enters a convulsing fit or even begins to foam at the mo uth. But why do these followers, dressed in the white tunics and blue turba ns of their West African ancestors go to such lengths? The reason is that that IemanajE1 is the God of Carnal Pleasures. It is hence up to her follo wers to sate her appetite once a year with a menu of overt dancing, smoking and trances. The ending highlights take place at dusk. CandomblE9 followe rs admnister offerings to the Goddess. Rafts are covered with all things ep icurian, from champagne to perfume and flowers, and are launched out to sea . There are growing signs of the nearby Reveillon celebrations dwarfing the festival of IemenajE1. The Reveillon celebrations consist of fireworks, a nd open air pop concerts. Flambeaux Procession, Scotland 31 December 2001 - 1 January 2002 (Every year) The Flambeaux at Comrie is an ancient pagan t orchlight procession that was originally performed to drive evil spirits ou t of the village. Although beliefs have now changed, the unique performance is re-enacted each Hogmany. The village is small, and the festivities are also small. So if you are serious about making it, it's probably best to ma ke a friend in Comrie to stay with. The Flambeaux procession dates back man y years when pagan worship was the norm. It has always followed the four po ints of the compass, which takes a tour around the village. A pipe band, an d all the villagers dress up and follow the lit torches - eventually to re- assemble at the main village square. Three torches are lit at midnight and as these burn down others are lit (usually between two and five). These ar e eventually added to a large bonfire, which becomes the focus of dancing a nd celebrating. Fancy dress prize-winners are announced at this time too. T he torches that are not thrown in are thought to contain evil spirits - so they are duly chucked into the River Earn. Comrie is a small village, with a tremendous pride in its heritage; this annual festival is not a great tou rist attraction and, indeed, the villagers are keen to maintain it as such. Talk to the very friendly Tourist Office for more information if a large g roup of you want to join in the fun. New Year Swimmers at Coney Island, Br ooklyn 1 January 2002 (New Year's Day) Brace yourself for the start of the New Year by joining New York's eccentrics as they plunge into the freezing cold sea at the Aquarium on Coney Island. Or better still, just watch and w onder. This annual winter event takes place at the southernmost tip of Broo klyn at the former New York Aquarium. Certainly one of the city's more biza rre New Year events, it can do wonders for the fuzzy head which traditional ly greets New Year's Day. Kavadi Festival, South Africa January - Februar y 2002 tbc (Dates vary; near the January/February full moon) During this im portant Hindu festival devotees of the God Muruga fall into an hypnotic tra nce and perform extreme and eye-catching penances, including piercing their bodies with small spears and hooks, while carrying the kavadi to a temple. Sounds gory? Sure. But do bear in mind that according to most eye-witness reports the devotees experience very little pain or bleeding in the process because most have fasted, chanted and meditated for days and thus entered into a trance-like state. A good thing really, because some are suspended i n the air by hooks through their bodies! Others have long spears skewering their limbs or pull wagons using hooks embedded in their backs. But this fe stival (which comes twice during the year) is about much more than shocking feats of austerity. Indians have a long and illustrious history in South A frica and Hindus make up more than 70% of all Indians in the country. In fa ct, Durban has the biggest concentration of Hindus outside of India. They h onour the deity Lord Muruga because he represents virtue, youth and power a s well as healing and the ability to dispel misfortune. For most adherents, the Kavadi festival is more about a cleansing of the soul and mind and an opportunity to ask for Muruga's forgiveness, love and mercy. The title of t he festival comes from the Tamil word kavadi, which was used to describe an ything that is suspended on a pole and carried over the shoulders. Nowadays it is a stylized and elaborate affair that is decorated with flowers, peac ock feathers and palm leaves and usually has two vessels of milk hanging fr om each side. These items are usually thrown into the Umgeni River as a sac rifice. The festival actually derives from an ancient story about a devotee of Lord Subramanya, who had to travel a long and arduous journey to his id ol's temple but nonetheless carried his heavy pots of milk as a puja offeri ng. His efforts were much appreciated by the god and he was granted a divin e vision. Although this festival is celebrated by Hindus all over South Afr ica, it is particularly celebrated across Durban. One of the best places to catch it is in the suburb of Cato Manor to the west of the city. There is a high concentration of Hindus here and consequently a proliferation of tem ples, the ideal place to catch the action! We, mere mortals, can't guarante e you a divine vision at the festival, but we can promise a spectacular one should you choose to go and witness this amazing procession. When you get tired of gawping, there are always Durban's endless stretches of beautiful beach and tropical weather to enjoy. FEBRUAR ACA World Sound Festival Acapulco, Mexico http://www.acasoundfest / Holi Festival, India http:/ /www.lonelyplanet /theme/festivals/festivals_holi.htm -- Yvonne + at onomatopoeik + http://onomatopoeik + vox: 646 321 5710 "An eye fo r an eye only leaves the whole world blind." - Mahatma Gandhi Date: Sat, 27 Oct 2001 21:14:12 Subject: we need a favor saturday night tonight To: safetydance From: Machinelf can someone please pick up a box of flyers for halloween at Wylie's so we can distribute them at Amazura tonight? you will be suitably rewarded. call wylie at 917-476-1864 he lives at 146 duane #2B between church and west broadwai can't go myself unfortunatel Date: Tue, 30 Oct 2001 01:01:51 To: SafetyDance Subject: Thank you ALL!!!! From: "Kate" Well it is now MOnday evening and I have only now got the power of my brain and fingers back. It has been a most brilliant weekend. First and foremost, thanks to all the DJ's that spun, you guys and gals are totally amazing and we need to hear more of you. Even though there wasn't a huge crowd, the dance floor was never empty, and that is the most important thing. Uri, Ben, Merry, AKin, Boris, Fumi, Daka, Storm, what an amzing line-up of DJ's, there was not one bad track all day, the mixing was wonderful,the music was full-on and uplifting, it was a truly an enlightening experience. Promotors take note, these guys and girls need more bookings, their style, messages, energy needs to be shared, come out of the darkness and into the light. Thanks to everyone that came, you were such a great crowd, danced, talked, laughed made merry all day long. There was games of pool, there was great connections made sitting at the downstairs bar, and then upstairs danced, and ran and stomped all over the place. It was nice to have the balcony to get some fresh air and herbal refreshments. Thanks also to the people who came, who weren't even at the Amazura. Major thank you to Lori and Boris. Boris your sound system is incredible. Clarity of sound is so important, it was killer. Lori thank you for donating your lights and backdrops. Boris and Paul thank you for your strong arms and all the work you put in Satur day and Sunday night when it all had to brought back. Thanks to Maritza, Barbara, Andrea and Lori for cleaning up and and taking everything down oh and for keeping an eye on the food and coffee situation throughout the day. The last track was played and the last step danced at 8.30pm. 12 hours lads and you all were brilliant. Quality over quantity all the time. (Jeff hope you haven't that phrase copyrighted!!;oP) It is such a pity that we clashed with Angel/Wylie. When I was inquiring last week no-one was planning anything, and when we finally got the go ahead from the bar owner (after trying to persuade him for 2 weeks) it turned out that somthing else was going to happen, we couldn;t go back and cancel at that stage (the problem with indoor legal safe venues I guess). We will have to keep in contact for the future so we can either join up or make alternate arrangement. This is a scene where we should all be coming together and making the vibe and dream come alive, uniting the people, minds and energies of the wonderful beings in this world. The great news is that the owner liked us very much and liked the music and the whole thing so we are welcme again for future possibilities. Is anyone planning anything this weekend?? LEt me know privately (dinkydun ) I hope that I have left no-one out, oh Mark and Jeff of course, thank you so much for promoting our first event. There will be more to come in the not so distant future!!! Once again thanks to all who played, danced, attended, helped, promoted or did anything at all. For our first time it was great, and things can only get better. Onwards and upwards. Beannacht Kate (DJ Bandia) Children of LIr Promotions Date: Tue, 30 Oct 2001 11:08:38 EST Subject: SecuritTo: brainmachines Cc: safetydance, dmtny From: Machinelf There was a complaint emailed to the police about the "nyctrance" list's existence - somthing about drug parties; the complaint will be/is being investigated i am sure... if you want to be safe I strongly recommend you remove yourself from the list by sending an email to I am in no way associated with nyctrance even though my name was in the description. It is frustrating and in this case dangerous to have my name associated with somthing I have nothing to do with. All the names came from me - and my name is/was on the description. I'm pretty sure NYCtrance is a duplicate of the Safetydance list i worked hard to create. I will now publicly ask that the list be removed, for everyone's safety. To clarify: My groups are brainmachines (general NYC trance info) safetydance (people from brainmachines that are personally known) dmtny (Devotional Ministry of Trance, NYC) shamanistas (Shamanism) k-os (Jon Lilly fans) sacredmirrors (Believers in Alex Grey's vision) Thanks by tbone.cownow (8.11.3/8.11.3) id fA38FBl13653; To: safetydance Subject: Loft Party Tonight (Sat) NOT psytrance, but.. From: Ben Williamsburg loft party, not psytrance though there might be some, I dunno. But several psy people are involved, including myself, so some of you might be interested. It should be a good party. Info follows... -Ben (light-o-matic) -- Somthing - out - of - Nothing Techno : Tech-House : House DJs: Niko (Synthetic Sadhus), Chocho, Dots (Wonderlust) Lighting Effects by Ben (light-o-matic) 10PM-7AM 60 Rutledge St, Brooklyn N$10 at the door Directions: Take G train to Broadway. Walk towards the city. Make a left on Rutledge. Walk approximately 5-7 blocks it's going to be on your left hand side. Driving: Take BQE towards Williamsburg bridge. Get out at Metropolitan Ave exit. Make a right on Metropolitan Ave West. Make a left on Wythe street. Drive straight and make a left on Rutledge. WE WILL BE THERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -- Date: Sat, 3 Nov 2001 20:36:20 EST Subject: Fwd: Safetydance people: Volunteer for DanceSafe NTo: safetydance From: Machinelf Dancesafe - SafetyDance get it? Date: Tue, 6 Nov 2001 13:43:02 EST Subject: Wylie Peyote's Trance Mission V: Red MasquerKoolade this SaturdaTo: safetydance Cc: infornography From: Machinelf Red MasquerKoolad, the Masque of the Red Koolaid, a Post-Halloween Psy-Trance Gothic Masquerade this SaturdaDefeat is not in our vocabulary. Psy-trance music can heal the spirit and lift our hearts in these troubling times. Readers to the end of this email will be rewarded by more whit than you can handle. Bring out your masques, we're getting gothic with a costumed masquerade homage to old New Yorker Edgar Allen Poe's Masque of the Red Death. The "masque" takes place in the imperial suite which consisted of seven, very distinct rooms. Within the Prince's abbey, he (Wylie) has created a world of their imagination with masked figures that reflect "his own guiding taste." These dancers are so much a product of the Prince's imagination that Poe refers to them as "a multitude of dreams." The TWIST on this is that as Death enters Trance Music will fortify and immortalize the revelers. This will happen at the stroke of Midnight. Wylie's 100% secure imperial castle penthouse is at 146 Duane street 5th floor between church and west broadway in Tribeca, below Canal. Directions follow. Donation: $5 if in costume or outlandish attire or if you're on the SafetyDance list; $7 without. Fwd this email to all friends who might like Edgar Allen Poe and/or Psy-Trance; if you are on SafetyDance and can bring three donating new people (unrecognizable to us) your donation will be waived and they will be added to SafetyDance. "During the course of a plague, Prince Prospero (Wylie) calls together his friends to come to his castle for fun and frolic until the danger of pestilence has passed. A masquerade is planned, and in typical "Poesque" fashion the great halls are described in imagery that foreshadows a horror to follow. The night of the ball comes, the guests arrive in their costumes and the festivities begin.The gaiety is interrupted by the arrival of a guest, dressed in the garments of the grave besprinkled with the scarlet Red Death Kool-Aid associated with the plague of "red death." The intruder stalks the halls until confronted by the host in (of course) the black hall. Without explanation, the host falls dead at the masquer's feet and the revelers, setting upon the intruder, find that the costume is "untenanted by any tangible form." Whereupon, the guests began to die in their tracks as they acknowledge the presence of the Red Death." ...until Akin the African psy-trance DJ saves everyone by playing spiritual cleansing music and the Plague on our Hearts is lifted. -Many twists and surprises are planned so come earl-Refreshing Red Death Koolaid will be served at midnight -Rocky from AtomicTrance will be doing visuals -Electric guitar from israel and drum machines with Deepr in Zen's Dan Covan will be integrated with the sound system. -DanceSafe will have a table in one of the rooms -Bring masquerade attire and gothic ware. Formal attire, even. Tuxedos. Mardi Gras masks. Like in The Shining. Kool-Aid T-shirts and regalia. Robes. Candles. EvilGet inspiration from the Giger Room at Limelight on Friday, the night before. -BYOB and BYOfood - it's five flights up, so bring a lot! -$3 Coat Check upstairs, over the dance floor -Bring drums and instruments for the chillout room. -Bring face paints -Bring extant legal Romantic era stimulants, e.g. absinthe -We need: more UV lamps and a portable CD player. (If you bring the latter for the chillout room, it will be bike locked to a pole and you can play your chill CDs and also keep it whenever in coat check) -We also need a helper for coat check 5:30-6:30am; if you know Machinelf please reply. Tentative psy-trance DJ schedule If you have time please arrive around and help setup by 9:30 for free admission. Speakers need to be carried up 3 flights of stairs. Call Wylie at 917-476-1864 10:00-11:00 warmups, downtempo 11:00-Midnight akin psy-trance Midnight - 12:30 - Performance: Entrance and Defeat of the Red Death - Gothic/Industrial/Psy-Trance (Akin, Machinelf, IcyCoil) 12:30-1:30 icy coil psy-trance 1:30-2:30 deeper in zen psy-trance 2:30-3:30 steve-o (nantucket) psy-trance 4:30-5:30 tony psy-trance 5:30-6:30 machinelf psy-trance/eclectric Sunrise - 6:37am We went a little crazy last time; this time we will focus on refinement and civility. Nobody will be going crazy on the roof. Sound will focus on quality over quantity. Flyers won't be everywhere. I and a helper will do coat check in the upstairs room. Nitrous, if present, will be relegated to a private room. Wylie OK'd everything with the landlord, we just need to cut down on decorating the walls. And this time we're cutting the sound at sunrise 6:37 a.m. Our goal is to end a party ourselves without help from the NYPD. Although they have been GRACIOUS each time, we want to be respectful for a change. This time every effort will be made to keep this a pure trance crowd with personal friends also invited. One person transgressed last time; ergo, wylie won't be bottom fishing passing out flyers to random strangers at techno massives (DUH!). These parties will only be posted to safetydance from now on, so if there's someone you want to invite get them to join safetydance by sending an email to safetydance-subscribe and sending me an email with an explanation of who they are and who they know. DIRECTIONS BY SUBWATake E train 42nd street, switch to A or C train. A,C downtown to "Chambers St." walk up Church, take a left on Duane. BY LIRR Take LIRR to Penn Station. Take 1,9,2 or 3 downtown to "Chambers St." walk up West Broadway to Duane, take a right. OR Take A or C train downtown to "Chambers St." walk up Church, take a left on Duane. BY CAR Downtown Manhattan.... It's about 6 blocks below Canal, in Tribeca, 2 blocks north of Chambers. 146 Duane street between Church and West Broadway. FULL ORIGINAL TEXT The Masque of the Red DeathThe "Red Death" had long devastated the country. Nopestilence had ever been so fatal, or so hideous. Blood was itsAvatar and its seal--the redness and the horror of blood. There weresharp pains, and sudden dizziness, and then profuse bleeding at thepores, with dissolution. The scarlet stains upon the body andespecially upon the face of the victim, were the pest ban whichshut him out from the aid and from the sympathy of his fellow-men. And the whole seizure, progress and termination of the disease,were the incidents of half an hour.But the Prince Prospero was happy and dauntless and sagacious. When his dominions were half depopulated, he summoned to hispresence a thousand hale and light-hearted friends from among theknights and dames of his court, and with these retired to the deepseclusion of one of his castellated abbeys. This was an extensiveand magnificent structure, the creation of the prince's owneccentric yet august taste. A strong and lofty wall girdled it in. This wall had gates of iron. The courtiers, having entered,brought furnaces and massy hammers and welded the bolts. Theyresolved to leave means neither of ingress nor egress to the suddenimpulses of despair or of frenzy from within. The abbey was amplyprovisioned. With such precautions the courtiers might biddefiance to contagion. The external world could take care ofitself. In the meantime it was folly to grieve, or to think. Theprince had provided all the appliances of pleasure. There werebuffoons, there were improvisatori, there were ballet-dancers,there were musicians, there was Beauty, there was wine. All theseand security were within. Without was the "Red Death".It was towards the close of the fifth or sixth month of his seclusion, and while the pestilence raged most furiouslyabroad, that the Prince Prospero entertained his thousand friendsat a masked ball of the most unusual magnificence.It was a voluptuous scene, that masquerade. But first let metell of the rooms in which it was held. These were seven--animperial suite. In many palaces, however, such suites form a longand straight vista, while the folding doors slide back nearly tothe walls on either hand, so that the view of the whole extent isscarcely impeded. Here the case was very different, as might havebeen expected from the duke's love of the bizarre. Theapartments were so irregularly disposed that the vision embracedbut little more than one at a time. There was a sharp turn atevery twenty or thirty yards, and at each turn a novel effect. Tothe right and left, in the middle of each wall, a tall and narrowGothic window looked out upon a closed corridor which pursued thewindings of the suite. These windows were of stained glass whosecolour varied in accordance with the prevailing hue of thedecorations of the chamber into which it opened. That at theeastern extremity was hung, for example in blue--and vividly bluewere its windows. The second chamber was purple in its ornamentsand tapestries, and here the panes were purple. The third wasgreen throughout, and so were the casements. The fourth wasfurnished and lighted with orange--the fifth with white--the sixthwith violet. The seventh apartment was closely shrouded in blackvelvet tapestries that hung all over the ceiling and down thewalls, falling in heavy folds upon a carpet of the same materialand hue. But in this chamber only, the colour of the windowsfailed to correspond with the decorations. The panes here werescarlet--a deep blood colour. Now in no one of the sevenapartments was there any lamp or candelabrum, amid the profusion ofgolden ornaments that lay scattered to and fro or depended from theroof. There was no light of any kind emanating from lamp or candlewithin the suite of chambers. But in the corridors that followedthe suite, there stood, opposite to each window, a heavy tripod,bearing a brazier of fire, that projected its rays through thetinted glass and so glaringly illumined the room. And thus wereproduced a multitude of gaudy and fantastic appearances. But inthe western or black chamber the effect of the fire-light that streamed upon the dark hangings through the blood-tinted panes,was ghastly in the extreme, and produced so wild a look upon thecountenances of those who entered, that there were few of thecompany bold enough to set foot within its precincts at all.It was in this apartment, also, that there stood against thewestern wall, a gigantic clock of ebony. Its pendulum swung to andfro with a dull, heavy, monotonous clang; and when the minute-handmade the circuit of the face, and the hour was to be stricken,there came from the brazen lungs of the clock a sound which wasclear and loud and deep and exceedingly musical, but of so peculiara note and emphasis that, at each lapse of an hour, the musiciansof the orchestra were constrained to pause, momentarily, in theirperformance, to harken to the sound; and thus the waltzers perforceceased their evolutions; and there was a brief disconcert of thewhole gay company; and, while the chimes of the clock yet rang, itwas observed that the giddiest grew pale, and the more aged andsedate passed their hands over their brows as if in confusedrevery or meditation. But when the echoes had fully ceased, alight laughter at once pervaded the assembly; the musicians lookedat each other and smiled as if at their own nervousness and folly,and made whispering vows, each to the other, that the next chimingof the clock should produce in them no similar emotion; and then,after the lapse of sixty minutes, (which embrace three thousand andsix hundred seconds of the Time that flies,) there came yet anotherchiming of the clock, and then were the same disconcert andtremulousness and meditation as before.But, in spite of these things, it was a gay and magnificentrevel. The tastes of the duke were peculiar. He had a fine eyefor colours and effects. He disregarded the decora of merefashion. His plans were bold and fiery, and his conceptions glowedwith barbaric lustre. There are some who would have thought himmad. His followers felt that he was not. It was necessary to hearand see and touch him to be sure that he was not.He had directed, in great part, the movable embellishments ofthe seven chambers, upon occasion of this great fete; and itwas his own guiding taste which had given character to themasqueraders. Be sure they were grotesque. There were much glareand glitter and piquancy and phantasm--much of what has been sinceseen in "Hernani". There were arabesque figures withunsuited limbs and appointments. There were delirious fancies suchas the madman fashions. There were much of the beautiful, much ofthe wanton, much of the bizarre, somthing of the terrible, andnot a little of that which might have excited disgust. To and froin the seven chambers there stalked, in fact, a multitude ofdreams. And these--the dreams--writhed in and about taking huefrom the rooms, and causing the wild music of the orchestra to seemas the echo of their steps. And, anon, there strikes the ebonyclock which stands in the hall of the velvet. And then, for amoment, all is still, and all is silent save the voice of theclock. The dreams are stiff-frozen as they stand. But the echoesof the chime die away--they have endured but an instant--and alight, half-subdued laughter floats after them as they depart. Andnow again the music swells, and the dreams live, and writhe to andfro more merrily than ever, taking hue from the many tinted windowsthrough which stream the rays from the tripods. But to the chamberwhich lies most westwardly of the seven, there are now none of themaskers who venture; for the night is waning away; and there flowsa ruddier light through the blood-coloured panes; and the blacknessof the sable drapery appals; and to him whose foot falls upon thesable carpet, there comes from the near clock of ebony a muffledpeal more solemnly emphatic than any which reaches their earswho indulged in the more remote gaieties of the other apartments.But these other apartments were densely crowded, and in thembeat feverishly the heart of life. And the revel went whirlinglyon, until at length there commenced the sounding of midnight uponthe clock. And then the music ceased, as I have told; and theevolutions of the waltzers were quieted; and there was an uneasycessation of all things as before. But now there were twelvestrokes to be sounded by the bell of the clock; and thus ithappened, perhaps, that more of thought crept, with more of time,into the meditations of the thoughtful among those who revelled. And thus too, it happened, perhaps, that before the last echoes ofthe last chime had utterly sunk into silence, there were manyindividuals in the crowd who had found leisure to become aware ofthe presence of a masked figure which had arrested the attention of no single individual before. And the rumour of thisnew presence having spread itself whisperingly around, there aroseat length from the whole company a buzz, or murmur, expressive ofdisapprobation and surprise--then, finally, of terror, of horror,and of disgust.In an assembly of phantasms such as I have painted, it maywell be supposed that no ordinary appearance could have excitedsuch sensation. In truth the masquerade licence of the night wasnearly unlimited; but the figure in question had out-Heroded Herod,and gone beyond the bounds of even the prince's indefinite decorum. There are chords in the hearts of the most reckless which cannot betouched without emotion. Even with the utterly lost, to whom lifeand death are equally jests, there are matters of which no jest canbe made. The whole company, indeed, seemed now deeply to feel thatin the costume and bearing of the stranger neither wit norpropriety existed. The figure was tall and gaunt, and shroudedfrom head to foot in the habiliments of the grave. The mask whichconcealed the visage was made so nearly to resemble the countenanceof a stiffened corpse that the closest scrutiny must have haddifficulty in detecting the cheat. And yet all this might havebeen endured, if not approved, by the mad revellers around. Butthe mummer had gone so far as to assume the type of the Red Death. His vesture was dabbled in blood--and his broad brow, with allthe features of the face, was besprinkled with the scarlet horror.When the eyes of the Prince Prospero fell upon this spectralimage (which, with a slow and solemn movement, as if more fully tosustain its role, stalked to and fro among the waltzers) he wasseen to be convulsed, in the first moment with a strong shuddereither of terror or distaste; but, in the next, his brow reddenedwith rage."Who dares,"--he demanded hoarsely of the courtiers who stoodnear him--"who dares insult us with this blasphemous mockery? Seize him and unmask him--that we may know whom we have to hang, atsunrise, from the battlements!"It was in the eastern or blue chamber in which stood thePrince Prospero as he uttered these words. They rang throughoutthe seven rooms loudly and clearly, for the prince was a bold androbust man, and the music had become hushed at the waving of hishand.It was in the blue room where stood the prince, with a groupof pale courtiers by his side. At first, as he spoke,there was a slight rushing movement of this group in the directionof the intruder, who at the moment was also near at hand, and now,with deliberate and stately step, made closer approach to thespeaker. But from a certain nameless awe with which the madassumptions of the mummer had inspired the whole party, there werefound none who put forth hand to seize him; so that, unimpeded, hepassed within a yard of the prince's person; and, while the vastassembly, as if with one impulse, shrank from the centres of therooms to the walls, he made his way uninterruptedly, but with thesame solemn and measured step which had distinguished him from thefirst, through the blue chamber to the purple--through the purpleto the green--through the green to the orange--through this againto the white--and even thence to the violet, ere a decided movementhad been made to arrest him. It was then, however, that the PrinceProspero, maddening with rage and the shame of his own momentarycowardice, rushed hurriedly through the six chambers, while nonefollowed him on account of a deadly terror that had seized uponall. He bore aloft a drawn dagger, and had approached, in rapidimpetuosity, to within three or four feet of the retreating figure,when the latter, having attained the extremity of the velvetapartment, turned suddenly and confronted his pursuer. There wasa sharp cry--and the dagger dropped gleaming upon the sable carpet,upon which, instantly afterwards, fell prostrate in death the Prince Prospero. Then, summoning the wild courage of despair, athrong of the revellers at once threw themselves into the blackapartment, and, seizing the mummer, whose tall figure stood erectand motionless within the shadow of the ebony clock, gasped inunutterable horror at finding the grave cerements and corpse-likemask, which they handled with so violent a rudeness, untenanted byany tangible form.And now was acknowledged the presence of the Red Death. He had come like a thief in the night. And one by one dropped therevellers in the blood-bedewed halls of their revel, and died eachin the despairing posture of his fall. And the life of the ebonyclock went out with that of the last of the gay. And the flames ofthe tripods expired. And Darkness and Decay and the Red Death heldillimitable dominion over all. Story told from the view of Red Death: Kool-Aid Man sat in his Fortress of Koolitude, lazily watching the hundreds of monitors before him. At any moment, there could be a call of distress, and that is when he would venture out and save the day. The Fortress of Koolitude was a grand place. Once a regular iceberg, before Kool-Aid Man infused the ice with every known colour and flavour, some no longer existing, others yet to exist, and the rest available at any grocer for only pennies a glass. Yes, life was good. It was no wonder that Kool-Aid Man smiled so often, it warmed his heart to see all the people of the world enjoy his life giving liquid.Suddenly, a cry was heard. "Hey, Kool-Aid!"Kool-Aid Man sprung from his chair, taking a stoic pose before the many screens before him. "Hmmmm," He thought to himself, "Little Wylie Hyde in New York needs Kool-Aid, and quick!" He bolted for the Scrambler ..."You bet!" A voice called over the speakers. Kool-Aid Man stopped in his tracks. He turned quickly to look at the screen of Little Wylie. Little Wylie seemed confused, when the wall to his room shook, as if somthing smashed into it. "Oooooooooof" was noticeably heard. "*(*&(%$%$# wall." After a bit of stomping, the door to Little Wylie's room opened to reveal ... *gasp* No! It couldn't be!He stood there with a sneer on his plastic pitcher face. One hand twirled a long thin mustache while the other held a plastic vile of a ghastly concoction. He sneered again and filled Little Wylie's glass. "Drink up, little boy, I promise that you'll like this." He chuckled evilly as Little Wylie raised the glass to his lips.Kool-Aid Man shook in anger and fear, knowing full well that he could do nothing but watch. "Don't do it, Wylie." Kool-Aid Man pleaded. But Little Wylie could not hear his idol, and drank the vile liquid down. Little Wylie twitched violently, one eye began to vibrate while the other dilated to but a small dot. Little Wylie twitched again, then swung around in a fit, spouting out gibberish and speaking in tongues. Suddenly, Little Wylie stopped his spasms, and stood slack jawed before the beige pitcher that had entered the room. "Good boy." The pitcher smiled devilishly. "You are now my minion, and you shall spread my liquids to all your friends. Isn't that right, little boy?""Yes, master." The zombified Wylie murmured, his eyes blank and his mouth slack-jawed. The evil pitcher laughed maniacally, throwing his whole body back in a chuckle of pure evil abandon."NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Kool-Aid Man screamed, hands gripping the sides of his spout. "Curse you ... I will avenge you, Little Wylie. Flavour-Aid Fella, you shall rue the day that you crossed my path, and prevented me my god and goddess-given right to spread joy and happiness to all who ask. Vengence will be mine ... as of now, Flavour-Aid Fella, I'm pissed!"And with that, Kool-Aid Man stormed out of the monitoring room to prepare ... (To be continued this Friday) COMMENTARSetting The story covers a period of approximately six months during the reign of the Red Death. The action takes place in " [the] deep seclusion of one of [Prince Prospero's] castellated abbeys." The "masque" takes place in the imperial suite which consisted of seven, very distinct rooms. (See Style for a more indepth discussion of the significance of the setting to this particular story.) Characters This story has no characters in the usual sense which lends credibility to an allegorical interpretation. Only Prince Prospero speaks. His name suggests happiness and good fortune; however, ironically this is not the case. Within the Prince's abbey, he has created a world of his imagination with masked figures that reflect "his own guiding taste." These dancers are so much a product of the Prince's imagination that Poe refers to them as "a multitude of dreams." Even when the "Red Death" enters, the author refers to this character as a "figure" or a "mummer" who "was tall and guant, and shrouded from head to foot in the habiliments of the grave. The mask...was resemble the countenance of a stiffened corpse....But the mummer had gone so far as to assume the type of the Red Death. His vesture was dabbled in blood-and his broad brow, with all the features of the face, was besprinkled with the scarlet horror." When the mummer is seized toward the end of the story, all "gasped in unutterable horror at finding the grave cerements and corpselike mask...untenanted by any tangible form." Point of View Poe expressed his dislike for allegory - "a tale in prose or verse in which characters, actions or settings represent abstract ideas or moral qualities." Poe argued that allegory was an inferior literary form because it is designed to evoke interest in both the narrative and the abstract ideas for which the narrative stands, which distracts the reader from the singleness of effect that Poe most valued in literature. "Under the best circumstances, it must always interfere with that unity of effect which, to the artist, is worth all the allegory in the world." Yet Poe himself openly used allegory, as in "The Haunted Palace" verses which he inserted into his story, "The Fall of the House of Usher," as well as in "The Masque of the Red Death." (See Style for allegorical interpretation.) Style and Interpretation Poe's story takes place in seven connected but carefully separated rooms. This reminds the reader of the past significance of the number seven. (The history of the world was thought to consist of seven ages, just as an individual's life had seven stages. The ancient world had seven wonders; universities divided learning into seven subjects; there were seven deadly sins with seven corresponding cardinal virtues, and the number seven is important in mysticism.) Therefore, an allegorical reading of this story suggests that the seven rooms represent the seven stages of one's life, from birth to death, through which the prince pursues a figure masked as a victim of the Red Death, only to die himself in the final chamber of eternal night. The prince's name suggests happiness and good fortune, and the prince, just like all beings uses happiness to wall out the threat of death. Prince Prospero's masked ball or dance reminds us of the "dance of death" portrayed in old paintings as a skeleton leading a throng of people to the grave, just as the prince leads his guests to the Red Death. The significance of time in this story is seen in the symbol of the "gigantic clock of ebony" which is draped in black velvet and located in the final room. Although the clock is an object, it quickly takes on human aspects as the author describes it as having a face and lungs from which comes a sound that is "exceedingly musical" but "so peculiar" that the "dreams are stiff-frozen as they stand," in a momentary rigor mortis that anticipates the final one. The relationship between the Red Death and time is a key to understanding the symbolic meaning of the story. The seven rooms are laid out from east to west, reminding us of the course of the sun which measures our earthly time. These rooms are lighted from without, and it is only in the seventh room where the color of the windows does not correspond with the color of the room, but instead is "a deep blood color" through which light illuminates the westernmost chamber of black, with an ebony clock on its western wall. In creating this room, Poe links the colors red and black with death and time. "[S]carlet stains upon the body and especially upon the face of the victim" indicate the presence of the Red Death. Blood, the very substance of life, becomes the mark of death as it bursts through the pores. Death, then, is not an outside antagonist, to be feared and walled out as Prince Prospero attempts to do; but instead it is a part of each of us. Its presence is felt in our imaginations as we become aware of the control that time has over our lives. We hear the echoes of the "ebony clocks" that we carry within. Prince Prospero tries to escape death by walling it out, and by so doing, creates a prison out of his sanctuary. However, the Prince learns that no one can escape death. Death holds "illimitable dominion over all." Theme No one escapes death. Human happiness (as represented by Prince Prospero) seeks to wall out the threat of death; however, the Biblical reference (I Thessalonians 5:2-3) at the end of the story reminds us that death comes "like a thief in the night," and even those who seek "peace and safety...shall not escape." Trance Twist Defeat is not in our vocabulary. Psy-trance music can heal the spirit and lift our hearts in these troubling times. THIS HAS BEEN A WYLIE TRANCE MISSION Thanks, Wylie!!! Friday (24 hours): Partly cloudy with scattered showers ending late and becoming clear. Highs in the mid 50s and lows in the mid 30s. Saturday (24 hours): Sunny. Highs in the mid 50s and lows in the low 40s Red MasquerKoolad, the Masque of the Red Koolaid, a Post-Halloween Psy-Trance Gothic Masquerade this SaturdaDefeat is not in our vocabulary. Psy-trance music can heal the spirit and lift our hearts in these troubling times. Readers to the end of this email will be rewarded by more whit than you can handle. Bring out your masques, we're getting gothic with a costumed masquerade homage to old New Yorker Edgar Allen Poe's Masque of the Red Death. The "masque" takes place in the imperial suite which consisted of seven, very distinct rooms. Within the Prince's abbey, he (Wylie) has created a world of their imagination with masked figures that reflect "his own guiding taste." These dancers are so much a product of the Prince's imagination that Poe refers to them as "a multitude of dreams." The TWIST on this is that as Death enters Trance Music will fortify and immortalize the revelers. This will happen at the stroke of Midnight. Wylie's 100% secure imperial castle penthouse is at 146 Duane street 5th floor between church and west broadway in Tribeca, below Canal. Directions follow. Donation: $5 if in costume or outlandish attire or if you're on the SafetyDance list; $7 without. Fwd this email to all friends who might like Edgar Allen Poe and/or Psy-Trance; if you are on SafetyDance and can bring three donating new people (unrecognizable to us) your donation will be waived and they will be added to SafetyDance. "During the course of a plague, Prince Prospero (Wylie) calls together his friends to come to his castle for fun and frolic until the danger of pestilence has passed. A masquerade is planned, and in typical "Poesque" fashion the great halls are described in imagery that foreshadows a horror to follow. The night of the ball comes, the guests arrive in their costumes and the festivities begin.The gaiety is interrupted by the arrival of a guest, dressed in the garments of the grave besprinkled with the scarlet Red Death Kool-Aid associated with the plague of "red death." The intruder stalks the halls until confronted by the host in (of course) the black hall. Without explanation, the host falls dead at the masquer's feet and the revelers, setting upon the intruder, find that the costume is "untenanted by any tangible form." Whereupon, the guests began to die in their tracks as they acknowledge the presence of the Red Death." ...until Akin the African psy-trance DJ saves everyone by playing spiritual cleansing music and the Plague on our Hearts is lifted. -Many twists and surprises are planned so come earl-Refreshing Red Death Koolaid will be served at midnight -Rocky from AtomicTrance will be doing visuals -Electric guitar from israel and drum machines with Deepr in Zen's Dan Covan will be integrated with the sound system. -DanceSafe will have a table in one of the rooms -Bring masquerade attire and gothic ware. Formal attire, even. Tuxedos. Mardi Gras masks. Like in The Shining. Kool-Aid T-shirts and regalia. Robes. Candles. EvilGet inspiration from the Giger Room at Limelight on Friday, the night before. -BYOB and BYOfood - it's five flights up, so bring a lot! -$3 Coat Check upstairs, over the dance floor -Bring drums and instruments for the chillout room. -Bring face paints -Bring extant legal Romantic era stimulants, e.g. absinthe -We need: more UV lamps and a portable CD player. (If you bring the latter for the chillout room, it will be bike locked to a pole and you can play your chill CDs and also keep it whenever in coat check) -We also need a helper for coat check 5:30-6:30am; if you know Machinelf please reply. Tentative psy-trance DJ schedule If you have time please arrive around and help setup by 9:30 for free admission. Speakers need to be carried up 3 flights of stairs. Call Wylie at 917-476-1864 10:00-11:00 warmups, downtempo 11:00-Midnight akin psy-trance Midnight - 12:30 - Performance: Entrance and Defeat of the Red Death - Gothic/Industrial/Psy-Trance (Akin, Machinelf, IcyCoil) 12:30-1:30 icy coil psy-trance 1:30-2:30 deeper in zen psy-trance 2:30-3:30 steve-o (nantucket) psy-trance 4:30-5:30 tony psy-trance 5:30-6:30 machinelf psy-trance/eclectric Sunrise - 6:37am We went a little crazy last time; this time we will focus on refinement and civility. Nobody will be going crazy on the roof. Sound will focus on quality over quantity. Flyers won't be everywhere. I and a helper will do coat check in the upstairs room. Nitrous, if present, will be relegated to a private room. Wylie OK'd everything with the landlord, we just need to cut down on decorating the walls. And this time we're cutting the sound at sunrise 6:37 a.m. Our goal is to end a party ourselves without help from the NYPD. Although they have been GRACIOUS each time, we want to be respectful for a change. This time every effort will be made to keep this a pure trance crowd with personal friends also invited. One person transgressed last time; ergo, wylie won't be bottom fishing passing out flyers to random strangers at techno massives (DUH!). These parties will only be posted to safetydance from now on, so if there's someone you want to invite get them to join safetydance by sending an email to safetydance-subscribe and sending me an email with an explanation of who they are and who they know. DIRECTIONS BY SUBWATake E train 42nd street, switch to A or C train. A,C downtown to "Chambers St." walk up Church, take a left on Duane. BY LIRR Take LIRR to Penn Station. Take 1,9,2 or 3 downtown to "Chambers St." walk up West Broadway to Duane, take a right. OR Take A or C train downtown to "Chambers St." walk up Church, take a left on Duane. BY CAR Downtown Manhattan.... It's about 6 blocks below Canal, in Tribeca, 2 blocks north of Chambers. 146 Duane street between Church and West Broadway. FULL ORIGINAL TEXT The Masque of the Red DeathThe "Red Death" had long devastated the country. Nopestilence had ever been so fatal, or so hideous. Blood was itsAvatar and its seal--the redness and the horror of blood. There weresharp pains, and sudden dizziness, and then profuse bleeding at thepores, with dissolution. The scarlet stains upon the body andespecially upon the face of the victim, were the pest ban whichshut him out from the aid and from the sympathy of his fellow-men. And the whole seizure, progress and termination of the disease,were the incidents of half an hour.But the Prince Prospero was happy and dauntless and sagacious. When his dominions were half depopulated, he summoned to hispresence a thousand hale and light-hearted friends from among theknights and dames of his court, and with these retired to the deepseclusion of one of his castellated abbeys. This was an extensiveand magnificent structure, the creation of the prince's owneccentric yet august taste. A strong and lofty wall girdled it in. This wall had gates of iron. The courtiers, having entered,brought furnaces and massy hammers and welded the bolts. Theyresolved to leave means neither of ingress nor egress to the suddenimpulses of despair or of frenzy from within. The abbey was amplyprovisioned. With such precautions the courtiers might biddefiance to contagion. The external world could take care ofitself. In the meantime it was folly to grieve, or to think. Theprince had provided all the appliances of pleasure. There werebuffoons, there were improvisatori, there were ballet-dancers,there were musicians, there was Beauty, there was wine. All theseand security were within. Without was the "Red Death".It was towards the close of the fifth or sixth month of his seclusion, and while the pestilence raged most furiouslyabroad, that the Prince Prospero entertained his thousand friendsat a masked ball of the most unusual magnificence.It was a voluptuous scene, that masquerade. But first let metell of the rooms in which it was held. These were seven--animperial suite. In many palaces, however, such suites form a longand straight vista, while the folding doors slide back nearly tothe walls on either hand, so that the view of the whole extent isscarcely impeded. Here the case was very different, as might havebeen expected from the duke's love of the bizarre. Theapartments were so irregularly disposed that the vision embracedbut little more than one at a time. There was a sharp turn atevery twenty or thirty yards, and at each turn a novel effect. Tothe right and left, in the middle of each wall, a tall and narrowGothic window looked out upon a closed corridor which pursued thewindings of the suite. These windows were of stained glass whosecolour varied in accordance with the prevailing hue of thedecorations of the chamber into which it opened. That at theeastern extremity was hung, for example in blue--and vividly bluewere its windows. The second chamber was purple in its ornamentsand tapestries, and here the panes were purple. The third wasgreen throughout, and so were the casements. The fourth wasfurnished and lighted with orange--the fifth with white--the sixthwith violet. The seventh apartment was closely shrouded in blackvelvet tapestries that hung all over the ceiling and down thewalls, falling in heavy folds upon a carpet of the same materialand hue. But in this chamber only, the colour of the windowsfailed to correspond with the decorations. The panes here werescarlet--a deep blood colour. Now in no one of the sevenapartments was there any lamp or candelabrum, amid the profusion ofgolden ornaments that lay scattered to and fro or depended from theroof. There was no light of any kind emanating from lamp or candlewithin the suite of chambers. But in the corridors that followedthe suite, there stood, opposite to each window, a heavy tripod,bearing a brazier of fire, that projected its rays through thetinted glass and so glaringly illumined the room. And thus wereproduced a multitude of gaudy and fantastic appearances. But inthe western or black chamber the effect of the fire-light that streamed upon the dark hangings through the blood-tinted panes,was ghastly in the extreme, and produced so wild a look upon thecountenances of those who entered, that there were few of thecompany bold enough to set foot within its precincts at all.It was in this apartment, also, that there stood against thewestern wall, a gigantic clock of ebony. Its pendulum swung to andfro with a dull, heavy, monotonous clang; and when the minute-handmade the circuit of the face, and the hour was to be stricken,there came from the brazen lungs of the clock a sound which wasclear and loud and deep and exceedingly musical, but of so peculiara note and emphasis that, at each lapse of an hour, the musiciansof the orchestra were constrained to pause, momentarily, in theirperformance, to harken to the sound; and thus the waltzers perforceceased their evolutions; and there was a brief disconcert of thewhole gay company; and, while the chimes of the clock yet rang, itwas observed that the giddiest grew pale, and the more aged andsedate passed their hands over their brows as if in confusedrevery or meditation. But when the echoes had fully ceased, alight laughter at once pervaded the assembly; the musicians lookedat each other and smiled as if at their own nervousness and folly,and made whispering vows, each to the other, that the next chimingof the clock should produce in them no similar emotion; and then,after the lapse of sixty minutes, (which embrace three thousand andsix hundred seconds of the Time that flies,) there came yet anotherchiming of the clock, and then were the same disconcert andtremulousness and meditation as before.But, in spite of these things, it was a gay and magnificentrevel. The tastes of the duke were peculiar. He had a fine eyefor colours and effects. He disregarded the decora of merefashion. His plans were bold and fiery, and his conceptions glowedwith barbaric lustre. There are some who would have thought himmad. His followers felt that he was not. It was necessary to hearand see and touch him to be sure that he was not.He had directed, in great part, the movable embellishments ofthe seven chambers, upon occasion of this great fete; and itwas his own guiding taste which had given character to themasqueraders. Be sure they were grotesque. There were much glareand glitter and piquancy and phantasm--much of what has been sinceseen in "Hernani". There were arabesque figures withunsuited limbs and appointments. There were delirious fancies suchas the madman fashions. There were much of the beautiful, much ofthe wanton, much of the bizarre, somthing of the terrible, andnot a little of that which might have excited disgust. To and froin the seven chambers there stalked, in fact, a multitude ofdreams. And these--the dreams--writhed in and about taking huefrom the rooms, and causing the wild music of the orchestra to seemas the echo of their steps. And, anon, there strikes the ebonyclock which stands in the hall of the velvet. And then, for amoment, all is still, and all is silent save the voice of theclock. The dreams are stiff-frozen as they stand. But the echoesof the chime die away--they have endured but an instant--and alight, half-subdued laughter floats after them as they depart. Andnow again the music swells, and the dreams live, and writhe to andfro more merrily than ever, taking hue from the many tinted windowsthrough which stream the rays from the tripods. But to the chamberwhich lies most westwardly of the seven, there are now none of themaskers who venture; for the night is waning away; and there flowsa ruddier light through the blood-coloured panes; and the blacknessof the sable drapery appals; and to him whose foot falls upon thesable carpet, there comes from the near clock of ebony a muffledpeal more solemnly emphatic than any which reaches their earswho indulged in the more remote gaieties of the other apartments.But these other apartments were densely crowded, and in thembeat feverishly the heart of life. And the revel went whirlinglyon, until at length there commenced the sounding of midnight uponthe clock. And then the music ceased, as I have told; and theevolutions of the waltzers were quieted; and there was an uneasycessation of all things as before. But now there were twelvestrokes to be sounded by the bell of the clock; and thus ithappened, perhaps, that more of thought crept, with more of time,into the meditations of the thoughtful among those who revelled. And thus too, it happened, perhaps, that before the last echoes ofthe last chime had utterly sunk into silence, there were manyindividuals in the crowd who had found leisure to become aware ofthe presence of a masked figure which had arrested the attention of no single individual before. And the rumour of thisnew presence having spread itself whisperingly around, there aroseat length from the whole company a buzz, or murmur, expressive ofdisapprobation and surprise--then, finally, of terror, of horror,and of disgust.In an assembly of phantasms such as I have painted, it maywell be supposed that no ordinary appearance could have excitedsuch sensation. In truth the masquerade licence of the night wasnearly unlimited; but the figure in question had out-Heroded Herod,and gone beyond the bounds of even the prince's indefinite decorum. There are chords in the hearts of the most reckless which cannot betouched without emotion. Even with the utterly lost, to whom lifeand death are equally jests, there are matters of which no jest canbe made. The whole company, indeed, seemed now deeply to feel thatin the costume and bearing of the stranger neither wit norpropriety existed. The figure was tall and gaunt, and shroudedfrom head to foot in the habiliments of the grave. The mask whichconcealed the visage was made so nearly to resemble the countenanceof a stiffened corpse that the closest scrutiny must have haddifficulty in detecting the cheat. And yet all this might havebeen endured, if not approved, by the mad revellers around. Butthe mummer had gone so far as to assume the type of the Red Death. His vesture was dabbled in blood--and his broad brow, with allthe features of the face, was besprinkled with the scarlet horror.When the eyes of the Prince Prospero fell upon this spectralimage (which, with a slow and solemn movement, as if more fully tosustain its role, stalked to and fro among the waltzers) he wasseen to be convulsed, in the first moment with a strong shuddereither of terror or distaste; but, in the next, his brow reddenedwith rage."Who dares,"--he demanded hoarsely of the courtiers who stoodnear him--"who dares insult us with this blasphemous mockery? Seize him and unmask him--that we may know whom we have to hang, atsunrise, from the battlements!"It was in the eastern or blue chamber in which stood thePrince Prospero as he uttered these words. They rang throughoutthe seven rooms loudly and clearly, for the prince was a bold androbust man, and the music had become hushed at the waving of hishand.It was in the blue room where stood the prince, with a groupof pale courtiers by his side. At first, as he spoke,there was a slight rushing movement of this group in the directionof the intruder, who at the moment was also near at hand, and now,with deliberate and stately step, made closer approach to thespeaker. But from a certain nameless awe with which the madassumptions of the mummer had inspired the whole party, there werefound none who put forth hand to seize him; so that, unimpeded, hepassed within a yard of the prince's person; and, while the vastassembly, as if with one impulse, shrank from the centres of therooms to the walls, he made his way uninterruptedly, but with thesame solemn and measured step which had distinguished him from thefirst, through the blue chamber to the purple--through the purpleto the green--through the green to the orange--through this againto the white--and even thence to the violet, ere a decided movementhad been made to arrest him. It was then, however, that the PrinceProspero, maddening with rage and the shame of his own momentarycowardice, rushed hurriedly through the six chambers, while nonefollowed him on account of a deadly terror that had seized uponall. He bore aloft a drawn dagger, and had approached, in rapidimpetuosity, to within three or four feet of the retreating figure,when the latter, having attained the extremity of the velvetapartment, turned suddenly and confronted his pursuer. There wasa sharp cry--and the dagger dropped gleaming upon the sable carpet,upon which, instantly afterwards, fell prostrate in death the Prince Prospero. Then, summoning the wild courage of despair, athrong of the revellers at once threw themselves into the blackapartment, and, seizing the mummer, whose tall figure stood erectand motionless within the shadow of the ebony clock, gasped inunutterable horror at finding the grave cerements and corpse-likemask, which they handled with so violent a rudeness, untenanted byany tangible form.And now was acknowledged the presence of the Red Death. He had come like a thief in the night. And one by one dropped therevellers in the blood-bedewed halls of their revel, and died eachin the despairing posture of his fall. And the life of the ebonyclock went out with that of the last of the gay. And the flames ofthe tripods expired. And Darkness and Decay and the Red Death heldillimitable dominion over all. Story told from the view of Red Death: Kool-Aid Man sat in his Fortress of Koolitude, lazily watching the hundreds of monitors before him. At any moment, there could be a call of distress, and that is when he would venture out and save the day. The Fortress of Koolitude was a grand place. Once a regular iceberg, before Kool-Aid Man infused the ice with every known colour and flavour, some no longer existing, others yet to exist, and the rest available at any grocer for only pennies a glass. Yes, life was good. It was no wonder that Kool-Aid Man smiled so often, it warmed his heart to see all the people of the world enjoy his life giving liquid.Suddenly, a cry was heard. "Hey, Kool-Aid!"Kool-Aid Man sprung from his chair, taking a stoic pose before the many screens before him. "Hmmmm," He thought to himself, "Little Wylie Hyde in New York needs Kool-Aid, and quick!" He bolted for the Scrambler ..."You bet!" A voice called over the speakers. Kool-Aid Man stopped in his tracks. He turned quickly to look at the screen of Little Wylie. Little Wylie seemed confused, when the wall to his room shook, as if somthing smashed into it. "Oooooooooof" was noticeably heard. "*(*&(%$%$# wall." After a bit of stomping, the door to Little Wylie's room opened to reveal ... *gasp* No! It couldn't be!He stood there with a sneer on his plastic pitcher face. One hand twirled a long thin mustache while the other held a plastic vile of a ghastly concoction. He sneered again and filled Little Wylie's glass. "Drink up, little boy, I promise that you'll like this." He chuckled evilly as Little Wylie raised the glass to his lips.Kool-Aid Man shook in anger and fear, knowing full well that he could do nothing but watch. "Don't do it, Wylie." Kool-Aid Man pleaded. But Little Wylie could not hear his idol, and drank the vile liquid down. Little Wylie twitched violently, one eye began to vibrate while the other dilated to but a small dot. Little Wylie twitched again, then swung around in a fit, spouting out gibberish and speaking in tongues. Suddenly, Little Wylie stopped his spasms, and stood slack jawed before the beige pitcher that had entered the room. "Good boy." The pitcher smiled devilishly. "You are now my minion, and you shall spread my liquids to all your friends. Isn't that right, little boy?""Yes, master." The zombified Wylie murmured, his eyes blank and his mouth slack-jawed. The evil pitcher laughed maniacally, throwing his whole body back in a chuckle of pure evil abandon."NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Kool-Aid Man screamed, hands gripping the sides of his spout. "Curse you ... I will avenge you, Little Wylie. Flavour-Aid Fella, you shall rue the day that you crossed my path, and prevented me my god and goddess-given right to spread joy and happiness to all who ask. Vengence will be mine ... as of now, Flavour-Aid Fella, I'm pissed!"And with that, Kool-Aid Man stormed out of the monitoring room to prepare ... (To be continued this Friday) COMMENTARSetting The story covers a period of approximately six months during the reign of the Red Death. The action takes place in " [the] deep seclusion of one of [Prince Prospero's] castellated abbeys." The "masque" takes place in the imperial suite which consisted of seven, very distinct rooms. (See Style for a more indepth discussion of the significance of the setting to this particular story.) Characters This story has no characters in the usual sense which lends credibility to an allegorical interpretation. Only Prince Prospero speaks. His name suggests happiness and good fortune; however, ironically this is not the case. Within the Prince's abbey, he has created a world of his imagination with masked figures that reflect "his own guiding taste." These dancers are so much a product of the Prince's imagination that Poe refers to them as "a multitude of dreams." Even when the "Red Death" enters, the author refers to this character as a "figure" or a "mummer" who "was tall and guant, and shrouded from head to foot in the habiliments of the grave. The mask...was resemble the countenance of a stiffened corpse....But the mummer had gone so far as to assume the type of the Red Death. His vesture was dabbled in blood-and his broad brow, with all the features of the face, was besprinkled with the scarlet horror." When the mummer is seized toward the end of the story, all "gasped in unutterable horror at finding the grave cerements and corpselike mask...untenanted by any tangible form." Point of View Poe expressed his dislike for allegory - "a tale in prose or verse in which characters, actions or settings represent abstract ideas or moral qualities." Poe argued that allegory was an inferior literary form because it is designed to evoke interest in both the narrative and the abstract ideas for which the narrative stands, which distracts the reader from the singleness of effect that Poe most valued in literature. "Under the best circumstances, it must always interfere with that unity of effect which, to the artist, is worth all the allegory in the world." Yet Poe himself openly used allegory, as in "The Haunted Palace" verses which he inserted into his story, "The Fall of the House of Usher," as well as in "The Masque of the Red Death." (See Style for allegorical interpretation.) Style and Interpretation Poe's story takes place in seven connected but carefully separated rooms. This reminds the reader of the past significance of the number seven. (The history of the world was thought to consist of seven ages, just as an individual's life had seven stages. The ancient world had seven wonders; universities divided learning into seven subjects; there were seven deadly sins with seven corresponding cardinal virtues, and the number seven is important in mysticism.) Therefore, an allegorical reading of this story suggests that the seven rooms represent the seven stages of one's life, from birth to death, through which the prince pursues a figure masked as a victim of the Red Death, only to die himself in the final chamber of eternal night. The prince's name suggests happiness and good fortune, and the prince, just like all beings uses happiness to wall out the threat of death. Prince Prospero's masked ball or dance reminds us of the "dance of death" portrayed in old paintings as a skeleton leading a throng of people to the grave, just as the prince leads his guests to the Red Death. The significance of time in this story is seen in the symbol of the "gigantic clock of ebony" which is draped in black velvet and located in the final room. Although the clock is an object, it quickly takes on human aspects as the author describes it as having a face and lungs from which comes a sound that is "exceedingly musical" but "so peculiar" that the "dreams are stiff-frozen as they stand," in a momentary rigor mortis that anticipates the final one. The relationship between the Red Death and time is a key to understanding the symbolic meaning of the story. The seven rooms are laid out from east to west, reminding us of the course of the sun which measures our earthly time. These rooms are lighted from without, and it is only in the seventh room where the color of the windows does not correspond with the color of the room, but instead is "a deep blood color" through which light illuminates the westernmost chamber of black, with an ebony clock on its western wall. In creating this room, Poe links the colors red and black with death and time. "[S]carlet stains upon the body and especially upon the face of the victim" indicate the presence of the Red Death. Blood, the very substance of life, becomes the mark of death as it bursts through the pores. Death, then, is not an outside antagonist, to be feared and walled out as Prince Prospero attempts to do; but instead it is a part of each of us. Its presence is felt in our imaginations as we become aware of the control that time has over our lives. We hear the echoes of the "ebony clocks" that we carry within. Prince Prospero tries to escape death by walling it out, and by so doing, creates a prison out of his sanctuary. However, the Prince learns that no one can escape death. Death holds "illimitable dominion over all." Theme No one escapes death. Human happiness (as represented by Prince Prospero) seeks to wall out the threat of death; however, the Biblical reference (I Thessalonians 5:2-3) at the end of the story reminds us that death comes "like a thief in the night," and even those who seek "peace and safety...shall not escape." Trance Twist Defeat is not in our vocabulary. Psy-trance music can heal the spirit and lift our hearts in these troubling times. THIS HAS BEEN A WYLIE TRANCE MISSION Thanks, Wylie!!! Friday (24 hours): Partly cloudy with scattered showers ending late and becoming clear. Highs in the mid 50s and lows in the mid 30s. Saturday (24 hours): Sunny. Highs in the mid 50s and lows in the low 40s Tue, 06 Nov 2001 19:38:12 To: SafetyDance Cc: Machinelf Bcc: Subject: Re: [SafetyDance] Wylie Peyote's Trance Mission V: Red MasquerKoolade this SaturdaFrom: "Tony Torn" Sounds great. Need help with the performance? I am actually related the Poe, y'know... TT - Date: Wed, 7 Nov 2001 11:46:14 EST Subject: Fwd: wylie To: safetydance From: Machinelf wylie had to move the date this saturday to following Sat. Nov 17 Subject: Koh Phangan 2002 To:, Dance, New York Burningman From: Yvonne Dear fellow travellers, You are invited to a waterfall surrounded by jungl e and crystal blue waters: K O H P H A N G A N 2 0 0 2 A Tribal Gather ing With Three Days of Psychedelic Trance for New Year's 2002 from Decembe r 31st 2001 to January 2nd 2002 in Koh Phangan, Thailand. --->>> KohPhanga n2002 Many moons ago the psychedelic trance scene began to grow in Asia, putting places like Koh Phangan and Goa on the map as key pl aces to find the freedom to party under the stars. Since then, there have b een many gatherings where all nationalities with the common love of psyched elics and trance unite! This New YearB9s Eve there will be for the first t ime, a trance festival of this kind on the island of Koh Phangan. The music and celebrations begin at sunset on New Years Eve 2001 and continue until Jan 2nd 2002, open-end, at the beautiful location of Paradise Waterfall, No rth Koh Phangan, Thailand. In addition to the international line up there is an accoustically designed ampitheatre/dance floor, stacked with 60K of t he latest JBL speakers, situated on an idillic mountainside with views of b oth the jungle and the sea. --->>> KohPhangan2002 Confirm ed DJ Line-up: GUS TILL /Bus / Zen Lemonade / Slinky Wizard / Flying Rhino / UK OLLI WISDOM / Space Tribe / Spirit Zone / AUSTRALIA CHRISTOF / Absolu m / Tipworld / 3D Vision / FRANCE ANTI / Spriral Trax / SWEDEN REEFER DECRE E / Iboga / DENMARK ZOO B / U.S.T.A. / ISRAEL SEBASTIAN KRDCGER / SBK / Ta rsis / GERMANS>RANGE / Spiral Trax / SWEDEN DJ PHILIPP / Prime Time Plast ik / GERMANMAHASUKA / Intact Instinct / Peak Pilots / GERMANBANEL / Fab el / Iboga / DENMARK ALPHA / Star Sound Orchestra / Chaishop / GERMANSALL Y DOOLALLY / Fractal Kin / U.S.T.A. / UK MAILI / U.S.T.A. / ISRAEL Djane U. F.ORIA / Cosmophilia / Austria SUPER COZI / Zen Lemonade / Japan MAT MUSH ROOM / Mushroom Magazine / GERMANVINNY / Enlightenment / Optica / UK KIM / Resonoise / SWEDEN ODO / Enlightenment / UK ...and many mor e friends... --->>> KohPhangan2002 A list has been creat ed for planning and preparing to go to the tribal trance gathering over New Year's 2002, December 31st 2001 to January 2nd 2002, near a Paradise Water fall in Thailand. Please join us by sending an e kohphangan2002-su bscribe Group home: /group/kohphan gan2002 Tribal gathering: http://www.kohphangan2002 / Regards, Your F ellow Traveller Date: Thu, 8 Nov 2001 14:36:23 EST Subject: Fwd: Jeff, please post... 100% pure underground Party on 11/16 To: safetydance From: Machinelf Date: Sat, 10 Nov 2001 18:03:19 EST Subject: end of an era To: safetydance From: Machinelf 146 duane 2b 146 duane 2b Reply-To: "Zach Smith" To: Subject: Wireless Trance Parties Date: Tue, 11 Dec 2001 20:14:18 -0600 From: "Zach Smith" Hi, I see you are also interested in wireless trance parties. I have had that idea also.... and i definately think it can be done. I dont know if ou've done any research, but I will share what i have found with you: http ://www.aaroncake/circuits/fmtrans.htm that is the design for a trancemi tter that will trancemit up to 400ft...plenty of room 3D) its basic, but ou could modify it to be better. also, imagine combining binaural beats wi th trance...since the users are already wearing headphones, it would just b e as easy as hooking up a computer to the trancemitter. there is a great f reeware program out there called bwgen (www.bwgen) that lets you create you r own binaural beats, and additionally imbed audiostrobe frequencies in sai d sound, which you can use to drive your proteus or other such device. ~Za ch www.neuroatomik Hi, I see you are also interested in wireless trance parties . I have had that idea also.... and i definately think it can be don e. I dont know if you've done any research, but I will share what i have found with you: http://www.aaroncake/circuits/fmtrans.htm that is the design for a trancemitter that will trancemit up to 400ft...plenty of room 3D) its basic, but you could modify it t o be better. also, imagine combining binaural beat s with trance...since the users are already wearing headphones, it would j ust be as easy as hooking up a computer to the trancemitter. there i s a great freeware programout there called bwgen (www.bwgen) that lets you create your own binaural beats, a nd additionally imbed audiostrobe frequencies in said sound, which you can use to drive your proteus or other such device. ~Zach www.neuroatomik Date: Mon, 12 Nov 2001 01:24:37 EST Subject: Fwd: hi.. party on wednesday!! To: safetydance From: Machinelf come only if you know orit rsvp to Mssarahek if you're coming come only if you know orit rsvp to Mssarahek if you're coming Reply-To: To: Subject: RE: [SafetyDance] Wireless Trance Parties Importance: Normal From: "Hans Barboza" I've been using BWGEN for over a year now, and its quite a cool program. You can accomplish nearly anything given the right frequencies. Low frequencies (delta) around 3.5 hz are great for deep meditation/trauma release/sleep deprivation. There are also frequencies which are said to increase serotonin production, chi, endorphins. 160 hz is thought to be involved with 5-HTP. There's all sorts of varied associations, from emotions to chemicals to actions. Even kundalini. I have a full listing of frequencies if anyone is interested. A friend of mine was on the BWGEN yahoogroup and cultivated an immense amount of information not just on BWGEN, but on the underlying science. He befriended the mystical wizard of frequencies and ate his brain too. And all was passed on to me via email. -----Original Message----- From: Zach Smith [zach at overcoffee ] Sent: Tuesday, December 11, 2001 9:14 PM To: safetydance Subject: [SafetyDance] Wireless Trance Parties Hi, I see you are also interested in wireless trance parties. I have had that idea also.... and i definately think it can be done. I dont know if you've done any research, but I will share what i have found with you: http://www.aaroncake/circuits/fmtrans.htm that is the design for a trancemitter that will trancemit up to 400ft...plenty of room ) its basic, but you could modify it to be better. also, imagine combining binaural beats with trance...since the users are already wearing headphones, it would just be as easy as hooking up a computer to the trancemitter. there is a great freeware program out there called bwgen (www.bwgen) that lets you create your own binaural beats, and additionally imbed audiostrobe frequencies in said sound, which you can use to drive your proteus or other such device. ~Zach www.neuroatomik Date: Mon, 12 Nov 2001 15:36:25 EST Subject: Send me your birthdaTo: safetydance Cc: personalbest From: Machinelf I may use your info to include you in a party or get you comped or somthing. the entire database itself will be available only to me. You don't have to say what year you were born. Keep in mind, we know everyone on this list. Optionally you can save me time by entering the data in yourself at /group/SafetyDance/calendar -Event name is, say, Michael Johnson's Birthda-set options to "All Day" -Repeat "Every Year" -No reminders Next: Social Security numbers and maiden names :-) See, this is all a big post-arrest "cooperative effort" with NYPD. :-O Date: Mon, 12 Nov 2001 15:47:08 EST Subject: Re: Masque of the Red Death To: stc215 at nyu Cc: Wylier18, safetydance From: Machinelf the big penthouse space is boarded up and unusable for any more parties. So Wylie (Count Prospero) is shooting for the Frying Pan. More to come. Once the space is secure then it will be sent out on all appropriate lists. Date: Mon, 12 Nov 2001 16:05:44 EST Subject: afterparty psy-artists wanted to exhibit To: psy-trance at dewline, SafetyDance, omnitribe From: LOLLYGOA Hi everybody, Plans for the next ss afterparty (you can walk there) are rolling along; The Ice Cave is back! Bigger, Better Shinier - get out yer polarbears and psy-penguins! I'm incorporating an art gallery in the main area and am looking for psy-artists who want to exhibit their works in the gallery. Tapestries, sculptures,etc - if you want to show please contact me : Lori (lollygoa ) 917 669 8296 cell Date: Mon, 12 Nov 2001 21:14:46 To: SafetyDance Subject: Re: Wireless Trance Parties From: Gospodinovt at husson 8Hz sound wave stops human heart .....a french guy was able to create a machine which could produce a 2Hz wave -- basically used for destructive purposes(could easily take a building down)....the machine was dismanteled a fiew years ago and blue prints destroyed .... so in light of that....: Please enlighten me as to how can YOU hear that 3.5 hz or the 160 for that matter when it's out of range for human ear????????? --- In SafetyDance at y..., "Hans Barboza" wrote: > I've been using BWGEN for over a year now, and its quite a cool program. > You can accomplish nearly anything given the right frequencies. Low > frequencies (delta) around 3.5 hz are great for deep meditation/trauma > release/sleep deprivation. There are also frequencies which are said to > increase serotonin production, chi, endorphins. 160 hz is thought to be > involved with 5-HTP. > > There's all sorts of varied associations, from emotions to chemicals to > actions. Even kundalini. I have a full listing of frequencies if anyone is > interested. > > A friend of mine was on the BWGEN yahoogroup and cultivated an immense > amount of information not just on BWGEN, but on the underlying science. He > befriended the mystical wizard of frequencies and ate his brain too. And > all was passed on to me via email. > > -----Original Message----- > From: Zach Smith [zach at o...] > Sent: Tuesday, December 11, 2001 9:14 PM > To: safetydance at y... > Subject: [SafetyDance] Wireless Trance Parties > > Hi, > > I see you are also interested in wireless trance parties. I have had that > idea also.... and i definately think it can be done. I dont know if you've > done any research, but I will share what i have found with you: > > http://www.aaroncake/circuits/fmtrans.htm > that is the design for a trancemitter that will trancemit up to > 400ft...plenty of room ) > its basic, but you could modify it to be better. > > also, imagine combining binaural beats with trance...since the users are > already wearing headphones, it would just be as easy as hooking up a > computer to the trancemitter. there is a great freeware program out there > called bwgen (www.bwgen) that lets you create your own binaural beats, and > additionally imbed audiostrobe frequencies in said sound, which you can use > to drive your proteus or other such device. > > ~Zach > www.neuroatomik Mon, 12 Nov 2001 22:56:00 To: SafetyDance Bcc: Subject: do you know about this party??? Date: Mon, 12 Nov 2001 22:56:00 From: "nic karas" www.ypypoty check this magnificent event taking place in brazil on the full moon of january. organized by the boom production team with the daime tribe of brazil.... more info at igwana12 Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at http://explorer.msn Date: Mon, 12 Nov 2001 22:08:52 EST Subject: AudioVisual To: safetydance From: Machinelf Whoa! did that cause a thread!!! I compiled them all below. Gentlemen, i appreciate your enthusiasm, but keep your posts on-topic. Building a ma tter disintegrator is not within the parameters of this list. I don't wan t to go scarin' the trance people with your mad scientist talk. Don't thi nk i ain't a freeq too, forchrissakes one time i had 20 sets of glasses (a nd I will again, someday). I feel like i'm back in the Audio Visual Club in high school. Might i suggest MIND-L for those so inclin ed. From: Samuel T Carter Date: Mon Nov12,20015:05pm Subject: SafetyDance Binaural beats work by using higher closely matched frequencies. For exa mple, a 400 hz and 410 hz produces a 10 hz beat. These "beats" are not th ump thump thump, but a pulsing. If you ever took physics, you might have gotten a demo with tuning forks. Or, even better, if you have a keyboard switch to a bass sound and hold down low C and C#, you'll get a beat.sam From: Gene R Bonannella Date: MonNov12,20015:11pm Subject: Re: [SafetyDance] Re: Wireless Tr ance Parties > 8Hz sound wave stops human heart .....a french guy wa s able to > create > a machine which could produce a 2Hz wave -- basicall y used for > destructive purposes(could easily take a building down) e > machine was dismanteled a fiew years ago and blue prints > destroyed .... so in light of that....: > Please enlighten me as to how can YOU hear that 3.5 hz or the 160 > for > that matter when it's out of range for hum an ear????????? What you are talking about are TONES at 8hz and 2Hz. What is being discussed are beatings of 3.5 Hz and 160 Hz. And for the record 1 60 Hz is well within the range of human hearing. Basically, the concept behind what is being discussed can ONLY be achieved in a stereo system, it sets the left out of phase with the right by so many cycles to create a f requency of beating of say, 3.5 Hz. FROM: zach at overcoffee DATE: Wed, 12 Dec 2001 18:38:53 -0600 SUBJECT: Re: [SafetyDance] Re: Wireless T rance Parties It's not actually 3.5hz...its a binaural beat. basically, for a 3.5 hz beat, a 1000hz tone is played in the left ear, and a 1003.5hz tone is played in the right...your brain 'hears' a shifting tone that is at 3.5hz. it's really tight, and if you focus on it, your brain entrains it self to the beat, allowing you to control your brainwave frequencies. Th e way its been explained to me is there is a difference between the freq. o f the carrier wave and that of the binaural beat. That 2 Hz wave you mentio ned is a wave. I'm not sure exactly what the French guy was doing, but it d oesn't sound hard. Get any tone generator, like Cool Edit on a PC, create a 2 Hz sound, and hook it up to some massive subs. Aim at target, and watch it disintegrate. Now, about binaural beats. The 3.5 Hz refers to the numbe r of beats per second in your head. The sound is created by difference in l eft/right ear frequencies. Your left ear hears an actual frequency of 500 h z, and the right ear hears 508. Two separate tones, thus the need for headp hones. The difference creates an 8 hz tone in your head. | -----Original M essage----- | From: Gospodinovt at h... [Gospodinovt at h...] | Sent: Mond ay, November 12, 2001 4:15 PM | To: SafetyDance at y... | Subject: [SafetyDanc e] Re: Wireless Trance Parties | | 8Hz sound wave stops human heart ..... a french guy was able to create | a machine which could produce a 2Hz wave -- basically used for | destructive purposes(could easily take a building d own)....the | machine was dismanteled a fiew years ago and blue prints | de stroyed .... so in light of that....: | Please enlighten me as to how can OU hear that 3.5 hz or the 160 for | that matter when it's out of range for human ear????????? From: "Zach Smith" Date: Wed Dec12,20017:38pm Subject: Re: [SafetyDance] Re: Wireless Trance P arties It's not actually 3.5hz...its a binaural beat. basically, for a 3.5 hz beat, a 1000hz tone is played in the left ear, and a 1003.5hz ton e is played in the right...your brain 'hears' a shifting tone that is at 3. 5hz. it's really tight, and if you focus on it, your brain entrains itself to the beat, allowing you to control your brainwave frequencies. Whoa! did that cau se a thread!!! I compiled them all below. Gentlemen, i ap preciate your enthusiasm, but keep your posts on-topic. Building a ma tter disintegrator is not within the parameters of this list. I don't want to go scarin' the trance people with your mad scientist talk. D on't think i ain't a freeq too, forchrissakes one time i had 20 sets of gla sses (and I will again, someday). I feel like i'm back in the Audio V isual Club in high school. Might i suggest MIND-L for t hose so inclined. From: Samuel T Carter < ;stc215 at nyu > Date: MonNov12,20015:05pm Subject: SafetyDance Binaural beats work by using higher closely matched frequencies. F or example, a 400 hz and 410 hz produces a 10 hz beat. These "beats" are not thump thump thump, but a pulsing. If you ever took physics, ou might have gotten a demo with tuning forks. Or, even better, if yo u have a keyboard switch to a bass sound and hold down low C and C#, you'll get a beat.sam From: Gene R Bonannella Date: MonNov 12,20015:11pm Subject: Re: [SafetyDance] Re: Wireless Tra nce Parties > 8Hz sound wave stops human heart .....a fre nch guy was able to > create > a machine which could produc e a 2Hz wave -- basically used for > destructive purposes(could eas ily take a building down)....the > machine was dismanteled a fiew ears ago and blue prints > destroyed .... so in light of that....: > Please enlighten me as to how can YOU hear that 3.5 hz or the 160 > for > that matter when it's out of range for human ear??? ?????? What you are talking about are TONES at 8hz and 2Hz. What i s being discussed are beatings of 3.5 Hz and 160 Hz. And for the recor d 160 Hz is well within the range of human hearing. Basicall y, the concept behind what is being discussed can ONLY be achieved in a stereo system, it sets the left out of phase with the right by so ma ny cycles to create a frequency of beating of say, 3.5 Hz. FROM: zach at overcoffee DATE: Wed, 12 Dec 2001 18:38:53 -0600 SUBJECT: Re: [SafetyDance] Re: Wireless Trance Parties It's not actually 3.5hz...its a binaural beat. basically, for a 3.5 hz beat, a 1000hz tone is played in the left ear, and a 1003.5hz tone is played in the right...your brain 'hears' a shifting tone that is at 3.5hz. it 's really tight, and if you focus on it, your brain entrains itself to the beat, allowing you to control your brainwave frequencies. The way its been explained to me is there is a difference between the fre q. of the carrier wave and that of the binaural beat. That 2 Hz wave yo u mentioned is a wave. I'm not sure exactly what the French guy was doi ng, but it doesn't sound hard. Get any tone generator, like Cool Edit o n a PC, create a 2 Hz sound, and hook it up to some massive subs. Aim a t target, and watch it disintegrate. Now, about binaural beats . The 3.5 Hz refers to the number of beats per second in your head. The sound is created by difference in left/right ear frequencies. Your lef t ear hears an actual frequency of 500 hz, and the right ear hears 508. Two separate tones, thus the need for headphones. The difference creat es an 8 hz tone in your head. | -----Original Message----- | F rom: Gospodinovt at h... [Gospodinovt at h...] | Sent: Monday, Novembe r 12, 2001 4:15 PM | To: SafetyDance at y... | Subject: [SafetyDance] Re: Wireless Trance Parties | | 8Hz sound wave stops human he art .....a french guy was able to create | a machine which could produc e a 2Hz wave -- basically used for | destructive purposes(could easily take a building down)....the | machine was dismanteled a fiew years ago and blue prints | destroyed .... so in light of that....: | Please enlighten me as to how can YOU hear that 3.5 hz or the 160 for | that matter when it's out of range for human ear????????? From: "Zach Smith" Date: WedDec12, 20017:38pm Subject: Re: [SafetyDance] Re: Wireless Trance Parties It's not actually 3.5hz...its a binaural beat. basi cally, for a 3.5 hz beat, a 1000hz tone is played in the left ear, and a 1003.5hz tone is played in the right...your brain 'hears' a shifting tone that is at 3.5hz. it's really tight, and if you focus on it, your brain entrains itself to the beat, allowing you to control your brainwa ve frequencies. Date: Tue, 13 Nov 2001 11:13:27 EST Subject: A further note on adding your birthdaTo: safetydance From: Machinelf When you're entering your birthday, as type in your name, also add in your email address! Many of you were so kind as to add it in, but this will enable everything to come together. Or somthing. /group/SafetyDance/calendar PS no word yet from wylie on saturday. See ya'll at Karma tonight! When you're entering your birthday, as type in your name, also add in your email address! Many of you were so kind as to add it in, but this will enable everything to come together. Or somthing. /group/SafetyDance/calendar PS no word yet from wylie on saturday. See ya'll at Karma tonight! Date: Wed, 14 Nov 2001 17:27:15 To: SafetyDance Subject: Re: AudioVisual From: Gospodinovt at husson The whole idea behind going to a party is to hear the music on that big system you don't have at home(imho). To actually feel the music rather than hear it. Of course no need to mention socializing. Take all that away might as well stay at home and listen on your headphones -- the quality will be better than the one coming from the wireless and when it comes to music.......well there isn't any new stuff played anyway ..... I guess what I'm trying to say is -- a party on headphones where averybody is in their own little world (because you can't really talk at that time ) is not much different than staying at home and pluging yourself to your stereo. Even better -- at home you have the convenience of benig able to get what you need and not to worry about people seeing you so f*& at ed up that even your own mother wouldn't recognise you.............. So my question is : _WHY_ PARTY ON HEADPHONES ???????? just my twocents.... -t- Wed, 14 Nov 2001 18:41:17 To: SafetyDance Bcc: Subject: I need decorations for a party dec 6th Date: Wed, 14 Nov 2001 18:41:17 From: "jack miller" Greetings my my name is jack and I am throwning a party called treasure island at speed. I need decorations (UV MURALS, ECT) Dont haVE MUCH MONEY BUT i AM WILLING TO PAY A RESONABLE FEE FOR IT.....I hop you guys can help! JACK DJENDEAVOR at HOTMAIL 917-971-5688 - id To: SafetyDance Subject: Re: [SafetyDance] Re: AudioVisual From: andrew fusco no new stuff played - i doubt it (and i'll fix it if it's true) sometimes you just cant get away with a big sound system plus- socializing over 4000 watts is not all that easy either, not like the headphones are permanentlattached (are they), you could take them off for a minute granted, it wont match a full on sound system, but its not the worst idea the cooolest would be to have 200+ people in a populated area like times square or somthing just going crazy dancing and everyone else going -what the.............. Date: Wed, 14 Nov 2001 13:28:37 EST Subject: Re: [SafetyDance] Re: AudioVisual To: SafetyDance From: sonikzolution In a message dated 11/14/01 12:38:37 PM Eastern Standard Time, Gospodinovt at husson writes: > The whole idea behind going to a party is to hear the music on that > big system you don't have at home(imho). To actually feel the music > rather than hear it. Of course no need to mention socializing. Take > all that away might as well stay at home and listen on > your headphones -- the quality will be better than the one coming > from the wireless and when it comes to music.......well there isn't I really dig the technological boundries of wirelesss partying, but i have to agree partying with headphones is pointless. loud/Boom boxes. or mp3 laptop streams to cheap but loud banging speakers is a better idea. charlie. In a message dated 11/14/01 12:38:37 PM Eastern Standard Time, Gospodinovt at husson writes: The whole idea behind going to a party is to hear the music on that big system you don't have at home(imho). To actually feel the music rather than hear it. Of course no need to mention socializing. Take all that away might as well stay at home and listen on your headphones -- the quality will be better than the one coming from the wireless and when it comes to music.......well there isn't I really dig the technological boundries of wirelesss partying, but i have to agree partying with headphones is pointless. loud/Boom boxes. or mp3 laptop streams to cheap but loud banging speakers is a better idea. charlie. Date: Wed, 14 Nov 2001 17:49:46 To: SafetyDance Subject: Re: AudioVisual From: Gospodinovt at husson > Date: MonNov12,20015:05pm > Subject: SafetyDance at y... > > Binaural beats work by using higher closely matched frequencies. F or > example, a 400 hz and 410 hz produces a 10 hz beat. These "beats" a re not > thump thump thump, but a pulsing. If you ever took physics, you might have > gotten a demo with tuning forks. Or, even better, if you ha ve a keyboard > switch to a bass sound and hold down low C and C#, you'll get a beat.sam will yo u produce that sound??? What would the transducers be in such a frequency modeled setup (3.5hz,etc.)?-- you think headphoens can really reproduce tha t -- we're not talking about those in-your-ear Grados??? Anyway good luck on getting the low end on headphones -- have you tried doing a low end mi xdown on headphones -- good luck :)!!!!! That 10hz ambience is not a beat but AMBIENCE -- resonance between the two tones...addd one more and your "beat" is off.......... Spatialization is cool -- very nice technique too- - but not base the whole party on it. So it's not a party but a meditation gathering .......I thought they did those......... -t- To: Subject: Re: [SafetyDance] Re: Wireless Trance Parties From: "oCeLot" frequency is important- amplitude is what brings down the building. a 2Hz wave is a long big slow wave- it would need some amplitude to do andamage whatsoever- the so-called range of human hearing is a load of poop- we can feel well below that. we can hear frequencies above it by the way they interact with the audible range- waveform addition- subharmonics etc... start layering fundamental tones and you notice the way they beat with each other... (we hear with more than just our ears too...) IN THE CASE OF HEMISYNC/Binaural Beat ****important!!**** yo- its not an audible frequency- it's a meta- frequency using the audio signal as a carrier wave- Binaural beat technique, for example, creates a meta-wave by shifting the frequency of the right and left channel such that the DIFFERENCE is the meta- frequency- for example: left channel 400 hz, right channel 407 hz, metafrequency 7 hz...there are other ways of doing similar things but the main dealio is that your brain in it's efforts to resolve the difference becomes entrained to the meta-beat of x hz.... vm 415.430.2161 x2875 aaron at chaishop ----- Original Message ----- From: To: Sent: Monday, November 12, 2001 1:14 PM Subject: [SafetyDance] Re: Wireless Trance Parties > 8Hz sound wave stops human heart .....a french guy was able to create > a machine which could produce a 2Hz wave -- basically used for > destructive purposes(could easily take a building down)....the > machine was dismanteled a fiew years ago and blue prints > destroyed .... so in light of that....: > Please enlighten me as to how can YOU hear that 3.5 hz or the 160 for > that matter when it's out of range for human ear????????? > > --- In SafetyDance at y..., "Hans Barboza" wrote: > > I've been using BWGEN for over a year now, and its quite a cool > program. > > You can accomplish nearly anything given the right frequencies. Low > > frequencies (delta) around 3.5 hz are great for deep > meditation/trauma > > release/sleep deprivation. There are also frequencies which are > said to > > increase serotonin production, chi, endorphins. 160 hz is thought > to be > > involved with 5-HTP. > > > > There's all sorts of varied associations, from emotions to > chemicals to > > actions. Even kundalini. I have a full listing of frequencies if > anyone is > > interested. > > > > A friend of mine was on the BWGEN yahoogroup and cultivated an > immense > > amount of information not just on BWGEN, but on the underlying > science. He > > befriended the mystical wizard of frequencies and ate his brain > too. And > > all was passed on to me via email. > > > > -----Original Message----- > > From: Zach Smith [zach at o...] > > Sent: Tuesday, December 11, 2001 9:14 PM > > To: safetydance at y... > > Subject: [SafetyDance] Wireless Trance Parties > > > > Hi, > > > > I see you are also interested in wireless trance parties. I have > had that > > idea also.... and i definately think it can be done. I dont know > if you've > > done any research, but I will share what i have found with you: > > > > http://www.aaroncake/circuits/fmtrans.htm > > that is the design for a trancemitter that will trancemit up to > > 400ft...plenty of room ) > > its basic, but you could modify it to be better. > > > > also, imagine combining binaural beats with trance...since the > users are > > already wearing headphones, it would just be as easy as hooking up a > > computer to the trancemitter. there is a great freeware program > out there > > called bwgen (www.bwgen) that lets you create your own binaural > beats, and > > additionally imbed audiostrobe frequencies in said sound, which you > can use > > to drive your proteus or other such device. > > > > ~Zach > > www.neuroatomik > > To become more involved with "making it happen" join the New York chapter of the Devotional Ministry of Trance, DMTNY by going to paypal, registering, and sending $25-$35 to Jeff W, jeff at brainmachines . > > CAUTION: Electronic mail sent through the Internet is not secure and > could be intercepted by a third party. For your protection, avoid > sending identifying information, such as account, Social Security or > card numbers to us or others. Any opinions expressed on this list are not necessarily the opinions of DMTNY. > > This is a message for friends and family of psychedelic trance in New York. Feel free to have your friends join by sending an email to > Date: Wed, 14 Nov 2001 19:36:30 To: SafetyDance Subject: One more time to the techno geeks From: Machinelf OK, enough already about the science of it - your science was more theoretical and navel gazing than the down and dirty of even doing it. I mean, of course, I dig it but it's doubtful 560 list members do, and i don't want them to leave over a spec pissing match. I only approved recent posts because it mentioned "party" somewhere. -This list is a safe sendout for private and intimate parties. -We're going to prototype the wireless thing before it goes mass. -The technical issues are being worked out -Save your energy when we have somthing to talk about -Don't be pissed if your emails don't get approved, most of the 560 people on here just want to have fun So, if you have a nyc event that you just want friends or true trance heads to attend, send it here. Date: Wed, 14 Nov 2001 15:20:26 EST Subject: Re: [SafetyDance] I need decorations for a party dec 6th To: SafetyDance From: sonikzolution speaking of, we should oorganize a workshop for all techno tribes to get involved with banner making, Uv art e.t.c. we have soem banners, im really interested in the uv banner techniques. anyone>? charlie,. speaking of, we should oorganize a workshop for all techno tribes to get involved with banner making, Uv art e.t.c. we have soem banners, im really interested in the uv banner techniques. anyone>? charlie,. To: "'SafetyDance '" Subject: RE: [SafetyDance] Wireless Trance Parties From: Alex Gordon-Brander anyone who is interested in the interactions of various frequencies to create meta-frequencies, and who has not done so, should visit dreamhouse in tribeca. dreamhouse is a permanent soundspace installation, which pumps a complex polyphonic (about 80-voice) sine wave chord from each of four fridge-sized speakers in the corners of the room. When you move around the space, the 3-dimensional constructive/destructive interference between the waves creates the sense of diving in a shifting ocean of sound. for the music freeks, the 80 waves are (from memory) spread across an 8 or 10 octave range, but have some very interesting microtonal overlays in the mid-spectrum, i think about 20 or 25 tones in the central octave. the music side was put together by lamonte young, the leading light of east coast minimalism, and a long-term student of pandit pran nath, one of the masters of indian classical singing; so it is influenced by both european and indian musical tones. the space (designed by marian zazeela, young's wife) is pretty cool too -- it is darklightly lit, minimally decorated and sparse, with cushions on the floor. anyway, babble over, just go check it out if you are interested. thursdays and saturdays, 2pm to midnight. alex -----Original Message----- From: oCeLot [aaron at chaishop ] Sent: Tuesday, November 13, 2001 3:18 PM To: SafetyDance Subject: Re: [SafetyDance] Re: Wireless Trance Parties frequency is important- amplitude is what brings down the building. a 2Hz wave is a long big slow wave- it would need some amplitude to do andamage whatsoever- the so-called range of human hearing is a load of poop- we can feel well below that. we can hear frequencies above it by the way they interact with the audible range- waveform addition- subharmonics etc... start layering fundamental tones and you notice the way they beat with each other... (we hear with more than just our ears too...) IN THE CASE OF HEMISYNC/Binaural Beat ****important!!**** yo- its not an audible frequency- it's a meta- frequency using the audio signal as a carrier wave- Binaural beat technique, for example, creates a meta-wave by shifting the frequency of the right and left channel such that the DIFFERENCE is the meta- frequency- for example: left channel 400 hz, right channel 407 hz, metafrequency 7 hz...there are other ways of doing similar things but the main dealio is that your brain in it's efforts to resolve the difference becomes entrained to the meta-beat of x hz.... vm 415.430.2161 x2875 aaron at chaishop ----- Original Message ----- From: To: Sent: Monday, November 12, 2001 1:14 PM Subject: [SafetyDance] Re: Wireless Trance Parties > 8Hz sound wave stops human heart .....a french guy was able to create > a machine which could produce a 2Hz wave -- basically used for > destructive purposes(could easily take a building down)....the > machine was dismanteled a fiew years ago and blue prints > destroyed .... so in light of that....: > Please enlighten me as to how can YOU hear that 3.5 hz or the 160 for > that matter when it's out of range for human ear????????? > > --- In SafetyDance at y..., "Hans Barboza" wrote: > > I've been using BWGEN for over a year now, and its quite a cool > program. > > You can accomplish nearly anything given the right frequencies. Low > > frequencies (delta) around 3.5 hz are great for deep > meditation/trauma > > release/sleep deprivation. There are also frequencies which are > said to > > increase serotonin production, chi, endorphins. 160 hz is thought > to be > > involved with 5-HTP. > > > > There's all sorts of varied associations, from emotions to > chemicals to > > actions. Even kundalini. I have a full listing of frequencies if > anyone is > > interested. > > > > A friend of mine was on the BWGEN yahoogroup and cultivated an > immense > > amount of information not just on BWGEN, but on the underlying > science. He > > befriended the mystical wizard of frequencies and ate his brain > too. And > > all was passed on to me via email. > > > > -----Original Message----- > > From: Zach Smith [zach at o...] > > Sent: Tuesday, December 11, 2001 9:14 PM > > To: safetydance at y... > > Subject: [SafetyDance] Wireless Trance Parties > > > > Hi, > > > > I see you are also interested in wireless trance parties. I have > had that > > idea also.... and i definately think it can be done. I dont know > if you've > > done any research, but I will share what i have found with you: > > > > http://www.aaroncake/circuits/fmtrans.htm > > that is the design for a trancemitter that will trancemit up to > > 400ft...plenty of room ) > > its basic, but you could modify it to be better. > > > > also, imagine combining binaural beats with trance...since the > users are > > already wearing headphones, it would just be as easy as hooking up a > > computer to the trancemitter. there is a great freeware program > out there > > called bwgen (www.bwgen) that lets you create your own binaural > beats, and > > additionally imbed audiostrobe frequencies in said sound, which you > can use > > to drive your proteus or other such device. > > > > ~Zach > > www.neuroatomik > > To become more involved with "making it happen" join the New York chapter of the Devotional Ministry of Trance, DMTNY by going to paypal, registering, and sending $25-$35 to Jeff W, jeff at brainmachines . > > CAUTION: Electronic mail sent through the Internet is not secure and > could be intercepted by a third party. For your protection, avoid > sending identifying information, such as account, Social Security or > card numbers to us or others. Any opinions expressed on this list are not necessarily the opinions of DMTNY. > > This is a message for friends and family of psychedelic trance in New York. Feel free to have your friends join by sending an email to > To become more involved with "making it happen" join the New York chapter of the Devotional Ministry of Trance, DMTNY by going to paypal, registering, and sending $25-$35 to Jeff W, jeff at brainmachines . CAUTION: Electronic mail sent through the Internet is not secure and could be intercepted by a third party. For your protection, avoid sending identifying information, such as account, Social Security or card numbers to us or others. Any opinions expressed on this list are not necessarily the opinions of DMTNY. This is a message for friends and family of psychedelic trance in New York. Feel free to have your friends join by sending an email to Subject: event at Speed on Thursday 11/15 To: SafetyDance From: Benjamin Romanofsky Freedom Location: Club Speed Date: 11-15-01 Time: 9:00 pm to 5am Cost: $15.00 Limited Ages: 18 and up Info: (phone) 516-247-5539 516-247-5550 Info: (email) conatct at web site Info: (website) www.cousinsproductions Styles: Techno/ Drum n Bass/ Breaks/ 2 Step/ House/ Trance Djs: James Christian, Gonzo, Function, Dever, Pleasurehead, Kliprock & Rob Devs, Craig Harris, Myth-I-S, DJ Odi, Karl K, Wally aka Pish Posh, Charly, DJ Krazyglue & Link, Koncept W/MC Dimes & Virtue, Miztah Lex & DJ Media, Masterminds, Reid Speed & Orion, Mr. Marvelous aka Kazpa W/MC Posi D, 3PO, Sneak-E-Pete, Shane, Myk Cee, Tarzan, DJ Ric, Reade Truth, Chris Love, Dave Seagull, Alphastate, DJ Race, Joel Hollow, DJ Ello, DJ Phritz Promoters: Cousins Producitons in associations with drum N breaks Directions: Club Speed 20 W 39 St. btw 5 & 6 Ave. New York, New York --- Machinelf wrote: > OK, enough already about the science of it - your > science was more > theoretical and navel gazing than the down and dirt> of even doing it. > I mean, of course, I dig it but it's doubtful 560 > list members do, > and i don't want them to leave over a spec pissing > match. I only > approved recent posts because it mentioned "party" > somewhere. > > -This list is a safe sendout for private and > intimate parties. > -We're going to prototype the wireless thing before > it goes mass. > -The technical issues are being worked out > -Save your energy when we have somthing to talk > about > -Don't be pissed if your emails don't get approved, > most of the 560 > people on here just want to have fun > > So, if you have a nyc event that you just want > friends or true trance > heads to attend, send it here. > id To: Subject: Re: [SafetyDance] Send me your birthdaOrganization: at home From: "Alikannnngouras" 26 august aliki ----- Original Message ----- From: To: Cc: Sent: Monday, November 12, 2001 12:36 PM Subject: [SafetyDance] Send me your birthda > I may use your info to include you in a party or get you comped or somthing. > the entire database itself will be available only to me. > You don't have to say what year you were born. > Keep in mind, we know everyone on this list. > > Optionally you can save me time by entering the data in yourself at > /group/SafetyDance/calendar > -Event name is, say, Michael Johnson's Birthda> -set options to "All Day" > -Repeat "Every Year" > -No reminders > > Next: Social Security numbers and maiden names :-) See, this is all a big > post-arrest "cooperative effort" with NYPD. :-O > > To become more involved with "making it happen" join the New York chapter of the Devotional Ministry of Trance, DMTNY by going to paypal, registering, and sending $25-$35 to Jeff W, jeff at brainmachines . > > CAUTION: Electronic mail sent through the Internet is not secure and > could be intercepted by a third party. For your protection, avoid > sending identifying information, such as account, Social Security or > card numbers to us or others. Any opinions expressed on this list are not necessarily the opinions of DMTNY. > > This is a message for friends and family of psychedelic trance in New York. Feel free to have your friends join by sending an email to > Date: Wed, 14 Nov 2001 18:50:36 EST Subject: A PhD in Sound AKA Alphatrance DJ weighs in... To: safetydance From: Machinelf Gosha, a PhD Pysics candidate at Stoneybrook, has this to say, and i think you'll agree it's the last word. (ALSO - know that Wylie's is done for parties, again) Very simple relation btw. frequency(f), speed of sound (c) and wavelength (L) L c / f (basically the smaller the freqency, the bigger the wave) Sound is just a travelling vibration, speed of sound in the air is 340 m/s And EVERY single part of your body participates in catching of those vibrations, but the best response is when the linear size of that part of the body is equal or close to the WAVELENGTH L So let's see, 160 Hz > L 340/160 2.1 m which means 160 Hz wave has a length of 2 meters in the air, so our own bodies are pretty good antennas to catch this kind of wave. Ears are much smaller, so you can turn your earphones up to whatever loudness, and still won't get much of a 160 Hz. Here is the FREQUENCY that matters, not the ENERGBut when the sound is not only in your ears, when it's enveloping you, when you are next to the GOOD speaker.... listening to NOMA :)) ohhhh, that's why I 'll never forget that SPECTRA party with HuxFlux and Noma back in MAY :))) That's what I call full-body experience... Gosha PS. sorry for this long narrative, if you're allready familiar with contents :) >Re: [SafetyDance] Re: Wireless Trance Parties Date :Tue, 13 Nov 2001 21:26:07 As far as I understand, it's not a big deal to make 2Hz wave -- 2 Hz just means TWO (2) vibrations (of any kind) per second For example, pendulum which makes a swing every half-second is allready a "2 Hz - machine" :) To destroy a building you need HUGE energy, it's ENERGY not frequency that counts. It doesn't matter how you provide this destructive energy - w/ resonant frequency, with huge bomb or karate team :) - you still have to apply that immense energy to destroy the damn thing. And you're right - frequency response of an average ear is estimated to be 20Hz - 20KHz....Can I do some physics in here?...C'mon it's not rocket science.... :) Date: Mon, 12 Nov 2001 21:14:46 8Hz sound wave stops human heart .....a french guy was able to create a machine which could produce a 2Hz wave -- basically used for destructive purposes(could easily take a building down)....the machine was dismanteled a fiew years ago and blue prints destroyed .... so in light of that....: Please enlighten me as to how can YOU hear that 3.5 hz or the 160 for that matter when it's out of range for human ear????????? --- In SafetyDance at y..., "Hans Barboza" wrote: > I've been using BWGEN for over a year now, and its quite a cool program. > You can accomplish nearly anything given the right frequencies. Low > frequencies (delta) around 3.5 hz are great for deep meditation/trauma > release/sleep deprivation. There are also frequencies which are said to > increase serotonin production, chi, endorphins. 160 hz is thought to be > involved with 5-HTP. > > There's all sorts of varied associations, from emotions to chemicals to > actions. Even kundalini. I have a full listing of frequencies if anyone is > interested. > > A friend of mine was on the BWGEN yahoogroup and cultivated an immense > amount of information not just on BWGEN, but on the underlying science. He > befriended the mystical wizard of frequencies and ate his brain too. And > all was passed on to me via email. > > -----Original Message----- > From: Zach Smith [zach at o...] > Sent: Tuesday, December 11, 2001 9:14 PM > To: safetydance at y... > Subject: [SafetyDance] Wireless Trance Parties > > Hi, > > I see you are also interested in wireless trance parties. I have had that > idea also.... and i definately think it can be done. I dont know if you've > done any research, but I will share what i have found with you: > > http://www.aaroncake/circuits/fmtrans.htm > that is the design for a trancemitter that will trancemit up to > 400ft...plenty of room ) > its basic, but you could modify it to be better. > > also, imagine combining binaural beats with trance...since the users are > already wearing headphones, it would just be as easy as hooking up a > computer to the trancemitter. there is a great freeware program out there > called bwgen (www.bwgen) that lets you create your own binaural beats, and > additionally imbed audiostrobe frequencies in said sound, which you can use > to drive your proteus or other such device. > > ~Zach > www.neuroatomik Date: Thu, 15 Nov 2001 12:32:56 EST Subject: Trance Roomate Wanted To: safetydance From: Machinelf [I met leyla in puerto rico. she's a friend of stefans'. i think she lives way uptown.] Jeff, my roommate is OUT LIKE SPROUT by dec. 1st and I need someone to take her place. SO if anyone needs a relatively cheap room (500) in a huge supah sunny 2br in Manhattan, could ya lemme know? given all the WHACKASSED pple in the city, I 'd prefer a good ol' trance freak, freak! meu numero: (917) 667-4253 love Leyla Date: Thu, 15 Nov 2001 13:51:43 EST Subject: More psyartists wanted To: safetydance From: Machinelf FROM: dinkydun DATE: Thu, 15 Nov 2001 18:39:43 SUBJECT: Psy artitsts wanted Hey everybody I guess most of you know by now that Children of lIr and Burning Elf are getting together to throw a beautiful afterparty on Dec 2. We intend to run all day and will be bringing you Dj's from all the groups within the NY scene. The fantastically talented Lori is the artitstic director and has a most comforting atmosphere planned. She is also going to exhibit art by our known and unknown artists. If you have anything that you would like displayed 2D/3D or in any shape or form. Let either Lori (LOLLYGOA ) or I know. We also have Ben adn Jamie To: SafetyDance Reply-To: retron23 at lycos Subject: Re: [SafetyDance] A PhD in Sound AKA Alphatrance DJ weighs in... Organization: Lycos Mail (http://mail.lycos :80) From: "Ethan K Abramson" Sorry, I know that was supposed to be the last word...Gosha, I was blown away at the Spectra PARTY also, and am a huge Noma fan. Actually, I've used his kicks as a basis to study good trance kicks, and I've found using spectral analysis that their main frequency is 43hz, along with a majority of other producers' kicks and bass tones. That seems to be a magikal chest-shaking freq that can affect your digestive system at a PARTY. However, sound waves are longitudinal, not transversal, meaning that they vibrate perpendicular to the foward direction of the wave. In other words, the 'linear' size of a part of the body doesn't matter, since the molecules are moving 'in and out', not 'up and down'. Otherwise, subwoofers would have to be twenty feet tall, and headphones would sound like dog whistles. As far as this damn 160hz that keeps coming up, here's a little experiment folks can try: 1. Use Soundforge, CoolEdit, or some shareware to make a 160hz sine wave. 2. Put on headphones, and set the volume to a bit higher than comfortable. 3. Enjoy the temporary hearing loss. Again, sorry to keep flogging this dead horse thread. -Ethan On Wed, 14 Nov 2001 18:50:36 jeffreywhi wrote: >Gosha, a PhD Pysics candidate at Stoneybrook, has this to say, and i think >you'll agree it's the last word. (ALSO - know that Wylie's is done for >parties, again) > >Very simple relation btw. frequency(f), speed of sound (c) and >wavelength (L) > >L c / f (basically the smaller the freqency, the bigger the wave) > >Sound is just a travelling vibration, speed of sound in the air is 340 m/s > >And EVERY single part of your body participates in catching of those >vibrations, but the best response is when the linear size of that part of >the body is equal or close to the WAVELENGTH L > >So let's see, 160 Hz > L 340/160 2.1 m which means 160 Hz wave has a >length of 2 meters in the air, so our own bodies are pretty good antennas to >catch this kind of wave. >Ears are much smaller, so you can turn your earphones up to whatever >loudness, and still won't get much of a 160 Hz. Here is the FREQUENCY that >matters, not the ENERG>But when the sound is not only in your ears, when it's enveloping you, >when you are next to the GOOD speaker.... listening to NOMA :)) > >ohhhh, that's why I 'll never forget that SPECTRA party with HuxFlux >and Noma back in MAY :))) That's what I call full-body experience... > >Gosha > >PS. sorry for this long narrative, if you're allready familiar with contents >:) > >>Re: [SafetyDance] Re: Wireless Trance Parties >Date :Tue, 13 Nov 2001 21:26:07 >As far as I understand, it's not a big deal to make 2Hz wave -- 2 Hz just >means TWO (2) vibrations (of any kind) per second For example, pendulum which >makes a swing every half-second is allready a "2 Hz - machine" :) To destroy >a building you need HUGE energy, it's ENERGY not frequency that counts. It >doesn't matter how you provide this destructive energy - w/ resonant >frequency, with huge bomb or karate team :) - you still have to apply that >immense energy to destroy the damn thing. >And you're right - frequency response of an average ear is estimated to be >20Hz - 20KHz....Can I do some physics in here?...C'mon it's not rocket >science.... >:) > Date: Mon, 12 Nov 2001 21:14:46 > 8Hz sound wave stops human heart .....a french guy was able to create a machine which could produce a 2Hz wave -- basically used for destructive purposes(could easily take a building down)....the > machine was dismanteled a fiew years ago and blue prints destroyed .... so in light of that....: Please enlighten me as to how can YOU hear that 3.5 hz or the 160 for that matter when it's out of range for human ear????????? --- In SafetyDance at y..., "Hans Barboza" wrote: > > I've been using BWGEN for over a year now, and its quite a cool program. > You can accomplish nearly anything given the right frequencies. Low > frequencies (delta) around 3.5 hz are great for deep meditation/trauma > release/sleep deprivation. There are also frequencies which are said to > increase serotonin production, chi, endorphins. 160 hz is thought to be > involved with 5-HTP. > > There's all sorts of varied associations, from emotions to chemicals to > actions. Even kundalini. I have a full listing of frequencies if anyone is > interested. > > A friend of mine was on the BWGEN yahoogroup and cultivated an immense > amount of information not just on BWGEN, but on the underlying science. He > befriended the mystical wizard of frequencies and ate his brain too. And > all was passed on to me via email. > > -----Original Message----- > From: Zach Smith [zach at o...] > Sent: Tuesday, December 11, 2001 9:14 PM > To: safetydance at y... > Subject: [SafetyDance] Wireless Trance Parties > > Hi, > > I see you are also interested in wireless trance parties. I have had that > idea also.... and i definately think it can be done. I dont know if you've > done any research, but I will share what i have found with you: > > http://www.aaroncake/circuits/fmtrans.htm > that is the design for a trancemitter that will trancemit up to > 400ft...plenty of room ) > its basic, but you could modify it to be better. > > also, imagine combining binaural beats with trance...since the users are > already wearing headphones, it would just be as easy as hooking up a > computer to the trancemitter. there is a great freeware program out there > called bwgen (www.bwgen) that lets you create your own binaural beats, and > additionally imbed audiostrobe frequencies in said sound, which you can use > to drive your proteus or other such device. > > ~Zach > www.neuroatomik > Date: Thu, 15 Nov 2001 20:21:55 EST Subject: WOW- BurninGoa, anOutdoorSaturDayTranceBeachParty near ConeyIsle after Omnitribe To: safetydance Cc: mark at indole, infornography, artandpolitics From: Machinelf --THE BURNINGOA TRANCE MISSION BEGINS-- WOW- an all day old skool Outdoor SaturDay Burning GoaTranceBeachParty near Coney Isle after Omnitribe! a Benefit Burn for the Oppressed Peoples of Goa. an excuse to get some sun. A reason to be outdoors. Stop rubbing your eyes. Yes, an outdoor trance party in November. We would say we owe it to you because the abandoned penthouse that we were going to hold back the Plague for the Masque of the Red Death Gala is now boarded up, or even go so far as to say you deserve it, but really all the credit goes to Wylie. Be sure to bitch slap him when you see him!! You can be anything this time around... Hare Krishna, Shiva, or even a cultural arsonist bent on creative destruction of stagnant ideology. Why: Benefit Burn for the Oppressed Peoples of Goa in December. They are afflicted by sunny weather, wild goa trance parties, cheap A, Prince William, nude revellers, drunken british trying loose their stiff upper lips, oh my, copious amounts of OTC insanity, basic infrastructure intact, Goa Gil, legal k, an "I told you so" attitude towards Pakistan, lack of means of world destruction, a rigidly defined caste system, a newly party friendly government, and more deities than you can shake a stick at. Basically, 180 degrees from New York. Poor bastards. So let's do a benefit, one that we don't actually raise any money, but stay infnitely cooler than they, for that's what it's all about right? Let'em tan!! or better yet, BURN!!! WOW - we are at it again Where: Near Coney Island at "the spot," see directions and map attached WOW - Still crazy after all this year When: Saturday Nov 17 after end of Omnitribe (proooobably around sunrise 6:46 a.m.) through sundown 4:36 p.m. AT LEAST WOW - I/we are not goan to jail (yet) How much: Free W+ O + W BOM!!! W is for good Weather this weekend Friday night: Mostly clear. Low near 39F. Winds N 5 to 10 mph. Goa: Sunny, 91F. Saturday: Sunny. High around 52F. Winds NE 10 to 15 mph. Sunrise 646am, Sunset 436pm Goa: Sunny 93F. Saturday (24 hours): Sunny. Highs in the low 50s and lows in the upper 30s. O is for Omnitribe and their party the night before, for which this is the afterparty and their generator W is for Wylie, whose ongoing Trance Mission makes it all possible Who: Goa/Psy-trance DJ schedule, derived from the ill-fated Masque of the Red Death party, which proved impossible to translate to a madcap beach setting. The disorganizers of the event would like to encourage DJs to play the fluffiest, cheesiest goa trance they can find, or somthing that, in the immortal words of the Zambia mafia, 'takes you on a journey.' This is day. This is the last day of the year to do this here. We have all winter to pull still here (they're getting busted as we speak, if they lack working visas) Akin groovy psy-trance tony hard swedish psy-trance Chico parasense style wildass psy-trance Machinelf psy-trance/eclectric playing a very non PC set, including many newly relevant tracks from the 80s and 90s that are real forehead slappers!! such as Disco Inferno, Bombs Away, Goa to Hell Ayatollah, Killing an Ahab, all rewired to appease a multicultural bent Unconfirmed but likely: Icy Coil, Bandia, Soch, Gosha Only CDJs will be available. ATTRACTIONS: At some point a performance piece wherein we burn things. To find out what it really is you'll have to attend. SOME things can't go out on email, LURKERS!! Also, there will be a fire walking instruction demonstration at sundown. Bring: Musical instruments are welcomed (drums, tambourine etc.); Bring Goa stuff, photos of Goa, banners, frisbees, devil sticks, blankets, sunglasses, warm clothing, water and you ... and be sure to Leave No Trace. Directions - Be sure to print out the fine map attached DIRECTIONs:BY CAR >From Manhattan take Belt Pkwy to Exit 6 (Cropsey Avenue). First traffic light make LEFT turn (corner of Cropsey & Bay 52 St). Follow Cropsey Ave to 27th AVENUE (you pass about 4 traffic lights). Turn LEFT on 27th Avenue towards highway. You'll see the overpass bridge right in front of you. Park. Walk over the bridge and turn LEFT. Walk for about 50 steps and look for barrier/toll-bar on your RIGHT. That's the park (CALVERT VAUX PARK). Goa through the bar and keep walking and walking; First you walk along the fence for about 2 soccer fields distance. Then you should find a path over the bushes and rocks. Keep walking straight until you find the PARTY. BY TRAIN >From the Omnitribe party on West 26th, go to the 1/9 station at 28th and 7th avenue. Take the uptown train to 42nd street. Transfer to the W train downtown. Take the "W" train to BAY 50 St. Station. Follow Bay 50 St. to Cropsey Avenue (you pass Harway Ave and so on). Turn RIGHT on Cropsey Ave. Goa straight (you pass Bay 49th Str., Bay 48th Str and Bay 47th St) Make LEFT on 27th Avenue. Walk one block and you should see the overpass (via Belt Pkwy). Walk over the bridge and turn LEFT. Walk for about 50 steps and look for barrier/toll-bar on your RIGHT. That's the park. Goa over the bar and keep walking and walking. First you walk along the fence for about 2 soccer fields distance. Then you should find a path over the bushes and rocks.Keep walking straight until you find the PARTY. Lost? Wylie's cell 917-476-1864 Whataboutha DMT? Too soon turnaround time. Didn't want them to be scalded. Why the rampant negativity? because we are a bunch of crazed maniac New Yorkers (well, the 20% of us who are actually Americans are, anyway, the rest of you are honorary bastards) Cynicism is our life raft. Insanity is out secret weapon. And hippy dippy love is our stairway to nirvana. When 200 of us get togther our amassed IQ is greater than 22K!! This is your brain. This is your brain scrambled in a 200 egg omelette. Any questions? BOM!! --THIS HAS BEEN A WYLIE TRANCE MISSION-- --THE BURNINGOA TRANCE MISSION BEGINS-- WOW- an all day old skool Outdoor SaturDay Burning GoaTranceBeachParty near Coney Isle after Omnitribe! a Benefit Burn for the Oppressed Peoples of Goa. an excuse to get some sun. A reason to be outdoors. Stop rubbing your eyes. Yes, an outdoor trance party in November. We would say we owe it to you because the abandoned penthouse that we were going to hold back the Plague for the Masque of the Red Death Gala is now boarded up, or even go so far as to say you deserve it, but really all the credit goes to Wylie. Be sure to bitch slap him when you see him!! You can be anything this time around... Hare Krishna, Shiva, or even a cultural arsonist bent on creative destruction of stagnant ideology. Why: Benefit Burn for the Oppressed Peoples of Goa in December. They are afflicted by sunny weather, wild goa trance parties, cheap A, Prince William, nude revellers, drunken british trying loose their stiff upper lips, oh my, copious amounts of OTC insanity, basic infrastructure intact, Goa Gil, legal k, an "I told you so" attitude towards Pakistan, lack of means of world destruction, a rigidly defined caste system, a newly party friendly government, and more deities than you can shake a stick at. Basically, 180 degrees from New York. Poor bastards. So let's do a benefit, one that we don't actually raise any money, but stay infnitely cooler than they, for that's what it's all about right? Let'em tan!! or better yet, BURN!!! WOW - we are at it again Where: Near Coney Island at "the spot," see directions and map attached WOW - Still crazy after all this year When: Saturday Nov 17 after end of Omnitribe (proooobably around sunrise 6:46 a.m.) through sundown 4:36 p.m. AT LEAST WOW - I/we are not goan to jail (yet) How much: Free W+ O + W BOM!!! W is for good Weather this weekend Friday night: Mostly clear. Low near 39F. Winds N 5 to 10 mph. Goa: Sunny, 91F. Saturday: Sunny. High around 52F. Winds NE 10 to 15 mph. Sunrise 646am, Sunset 436pm Goa: Sunny 93F. Saturday (24 hours): Sunny. Highs in the low 50s and lows in the upper 30s. O is for Omnitribe and their party the night before, for which this is the afterparty and their generator W is for Wylie, whose ongoing Trance Mission makes it all possible Akin groovy psy-trance tony hard swedish psy-trance Chico parasense style wildass psy-trance Machinelf psy-trance/eclectric playing a very non PC set, including many newly relevant tracks from the 80s and 90s that are real forehead slappers!! such as Disco Inferno, Bombs Away, Goa to Hell Ayatollah, Killing an Ahab, all rewired to appease a multicultural bent Unconfirmed but likely: Icy Coil, Bandia, Soch, Gosha Only CDJs will be available. ATTRACTIONS: At some point a performance piece wherein we burn things. To find out what it really is you'll have to attend. SOME things can't go out on email, LURKERS!! Also, there will be a fire walking instruction demonstration at sundown. Bring: Musical instruments are welcomed (drums, tambourine etc.); Bring Goa stuff, photos of Goa, banners, frisbees, devil sticks, blankets, sunglasses, warm clothing, water and you ... and be sure to Leave No Trace. Directions - Be sure to print out the fine map attached DIRECTIONs:BY CAR >From Manhattan take Belt Pkwy to Exit 6 (Cropsey Avenue). First traffic light make LEFT turn (corner of Cropsey & Bay 52 St). Follow Cropsey Ave to 27th AVENUE (you pass about 4 traffic lights). Turn LEFT on 27th Avenue towards highway. You'll see the overpass bridge right in front of you. Park. Walk over the bridge and turn LEFT. Walk for about 50 steps and look for barrier/toll-bar on your RIGHT. That's the park (CALVERT VAUX PARK). Goa through the bar and keep walking and walking; First you walk along the fence for about 2 soccer fields distance. Then you should find a path over the bushes and rocks. Keep walking straight until you find the PARTY. BY TRAIN >From the Omnitribe party on West 26th, go to the 1/9 station at 28th and 7th avenue. Take the uptown train to 42nd street. Transfer to the W train downtown. Take the "W" train to BAY 50 St. Station. Follow Bay 50 St. to Cropsey Avenue (you pass Harway Ave and so on). Turn RIGHT on Cropsey Ave. Goa straight (you pass Bay 49th Str., Bay 48th Str and Bay 47th St) Make LEFT on 27th Avenue. Walk one block and you should see the overpass (via Belt Pkwy). Walk over the bridge and turn LEFT. Walk for about 50 steps and look for barrier/toll-bar on your RIGHT. That's the park. Goa over the bar and keep walking and walking. First you walk along the fence for about 2 soccer fields distance. Then you should find a path over the bushes and rocks.Keep walking straight until you find the PARTY. Lost? Wylie's cell 917-476-1864 Whataboutha DMT? Too soon turnaround time. Didn't want them to be scalded. Why the rampant negativity? because we are a bunch of crazed maniac New Yorkers (well, the 20% of us who are actually Americans are, anyway, the rest of you are honorary bastards) Cynicism is our life raft. Insanity is out secret weapon. And hippy dippy love is our stairway to nirvana. When 200 of us get togther our amassed IQ is greater than 22K!! This is your brain. This is your brain scrambled in a 200 egg omelette. Any questions? BOM!! --THIS HAS BEEN A WYLIE TRANCE MISSION-- To: Cc:, , Subject: Leonid Meteor Showers, Was: WOW- BurninGoa, anOutdoorSaturDayTranceBeachParty near ConeyIsle after Omnitribe From: "Yvonne" So, does this mean we can stay out there till Sunday 4:30 am to catch the Leonid Meteor Showers? :) Leonid Meteor Shower Viewing Tips Updated: Wed, Nov 14 2:30 PM EST By The Associated Press Astronomers expect this year's Leonid meteor shower to peak during a half-hour period around 5 a.m. EST on Sunday, when as many as 70 meteors a minute could streak across the sky. If the weather is clear, the shower should be visible from all North American locations. To best view the shower, head to a dark location far from city lights. The meteors should be visible across the sky, appearing to radiate from the east, in the direction of the constellation Leo that gives the shower its name. Only a lawn chair, warm clothes, and the naked eye are required. Binoculars or telescopes are not necessary. Many astronomy clubs and observatories plan to hold meteor shower-gazing parties. --- On the Net: Meteor shower parties: -- Yvonne + y at onomatopoeik + http://onomatopoeik + vox: 646 321 5710 "An eye for an eye only leaves the whole world blind." - Gandhi ----- Original Message ----- From: Machinelf To: safetydance Cc: mark at indole ; infornography ; artandpolitics Sent: Thursday, November 15, 2001 8:21 PM Subject: [SafetyDance] WOW- BurninGoa, anOutdoorSaturDayTranceBeachPartnear ConeyIsle after Omnitribe --THE BURNINGOA TRANCE MISSION BEGINS-- WOW- an all day old skool Outdoor SaturDay Burning GoaTranceBeachParty near Coney Isle after Omnitribe! a Benefit Burn for the Oppressed Peoples of Goa. an excuse to get some sun. A reason to be outdoors. Stop rubbing your eyes. Yes, an outdoor trance party in November. We would say we owe it to you because the abandoned penthouse that we were going to hold back the Plague for the Masque of the Red Death Gala is now boarded up, or even go so far as to say you deserve it, but really all the credit goes to Wylie. Be sure to bitch slap him when you see him!! You can be anything this time around... Hare Krishna, Shiva, or even a cultural arsonist bent on creative destruction of stagnant ideology. Why: Benefit Burn for the Oppressed Peoples of Goa in December. They are afflicted by sunny weather, wild goa trance parties, cheap A, Prince William, nude revellers, drunken british trying loose their stiff upper lips, oh my, copious amounts of OTC insanity, basic infrastructure intact, Goa Gil, legal k, an "I told you so" attitude towards Pakistan, lack of means of world destruction, a rigidly defined caste system, a newly partfriendly government, and more deities than you can shake a stick at. Basically, 180 degrees from New York. Poor bastards. So let's do a benefit, one that we don't actually raise any money, but stay infnitelcooler than they, for that's what it's all about right? Let'em tan!! or better yet, BURN!!! WOW - we are at it again Where: Near Coney Island at "the spot," see directions and map attached WOW - Still crazy after all this year When: Saturday Nov 17 after end of Omnitribe (proooobably around sunrise 6:46 a.m.) through sundown 4:36 p.m. AT LEAST WOW - I/we are not goan to jail (yet) How much: Free W+ O + W BOM!!! W is for good Weather this weekend Friday night: Mostly clear. Low near 39F. Winds N 5 to 10 mph. Goa: Sunny, 91F. Saturday: Sunny. High around 52F. Winds NE 10 to 15 mph. Sunrise 646am, Sunset 436pm Goa: Sunny 93F. Saturday (24 hours): Sunny. Highs in the low 50s and lows in the upper 30s. O is for Omnitribe and their party the night before, for which this is the afterparty and their generator W is for Wylie, whose ongoing Trance Mission makes it all possible Who: Goa/Psy-trance DJ schedule, derived from the ill-fated Masque of the Red Death party, which proved impossible to translate to a madcap beach setting. The disorganizers of the event would like to encourage DJs to play the fluffiest, cheesiest goa trance they can find, or somthing that, in the immortal words of the Zambia mafia, 'takes you on a journey.' This is day. This is the last day of the year to do this here. We have all they are all still here (they're getting busted as we speak, if they lack working visas) Akin groovy psy-trance tony hard swedish psy-trance Chico parasense style wildass psy-trance Machinelf psy-trance/eclectric playing a very non PC set, including mannewly relevant tracks from the 80s and 90s that are real forehead slappers!! such as Disco Inferno, Bombs Away, Goa to Hell Ayatollah, Killing an Ahab, all rewired to appease a multicultural bent Unconfirmed but likely: Icy Coil, Bandia, Soch, Gosha Only CDJs will be available. ATTRACTIONS: At some point a performance piece wherein we burn things. To find out what it really is you'll have to attend. SOME things can't go out on email, LURKERS!! Also, there will be a fire walking instruction demonstration at sundown. Bring: Musical instruments are welcomed (drums, tambourine etc.); Bring Goa stuff, photos of Goa, banners, frisbees, devil sticks, blankets, sunglasses, warm clothing, water and you ... and be sure to Leave No Trace. Directions - Be sure to print out the fine map attached DIRECTIONs:BY CAR >From Manhattan take Belt Pkwy to Exit 6 (Cropsey Avenue). First traffic light make LEFT turn (corner of Cropsey & Bay 52 St). Follow Cropsey Ave to 27th AVENUE (you pass about 4 traffic lights). Turn LEFT on 27th Avenue towards highway. You'll see the overpass bridge right in front of you. Park. Walk over the bridge and turn LEFT. Walk for about 50 steps and look for barrier/toll-bar on your RIGHT. That's the park (CALVERT VAUX PARK). Goa through the bar and keep walking and walking; First you walk along the fence for about 2 soccer fields distance. Then you should find a path over the bushes and rocks. Keep walking straight until you find the PARTY. BY TRAIN >From the Omnitribe party on West 26th, go to the 1/9 station at 28th and 7th avenue. Take the uptown train to 42nd street. Transfer to the W train downtown. Take the "W" train to BAY 50 St. Station. Follow Bay 50 St. to Cropsey Avenue (you pass Harway Ave and so on). Turn RIGHT on Cropsey Ave. Goa straight (you pass Bay 49th Str., Bay 48th Str and Bay 47th St) Make LEFT on 27th Avenue. Walk one block and you should see the overpass (via Belt Pkwy). Walk over the bridge and turn LEFT. Walk for about 50 steps and look for barrier/toll-bar on your RIGHT. That's the park. Goa over the bar and keep walking and walking. First you walk along the fence for about 2 soccer fields distance. Then you should find a path over the bushes and rocks.Keep walking straight until you find the PARTY. Lost? Wylie's cell 917-476-1864 Whataboutha DMT? Too soon turnaround time. Didn't want them to be scalded. Why the rampant negativity? because we are a bunch of crazed maniac New Yorkers (well, the 20% of us who are actually Americans are, anyway, the rest of you are honorary bastards) Cynicism is our life raft. Insanity is out secret weapon. And hippy dippy love is our stairway to nirvana. When 200 of us get togther our amassed IQ is greater than 22K!! This is your brain. This is your brain scrambled in a 200 egg omelette. Any questions? BOM!! --THIS HAS BEEN A WYLIE TRANCE MISSION-- This is a big friends and family list for psychedelic trance in New York. Primarily we promote private parties that are too intimate fror the larger brainmachines list. If you know of jobs available, or rooms for rent, send them over, everyone here is good at safetydance . Feel free to have your friends join by sending an email to To become more involved with making actual events happen - and taking part in a DMT Ski Lodge this winter - you should join the New York chapter of the Devotional Ministry of Trance, DMTNY by going to paypal, registering, and sending $35 to Jeff W, jeff at brainmachines . Reply-To: "melissa" To: Subject: Re: [SafetyDance] do you know about this party??? From: "melissa" We may go for New Year's Eve to this one... ----- Original Message ----- From: nic karas To: SafetyDance at ahoogroups Sent: Monday, November 12, 2001 5:56 PM Subject: [Safet yDance] do you know about this party??? www.ypypoty check this magnificent event taking place in brazil on the full moon of january. orga nized by the boom production team with the daime tribe of brazil.... more i nfo at igwana12 --------- AD VERTISEMENT To become more involved with " making it happen" join the New York chapter of the Devotional Ministry of T rance, DMTNY by going to paypal, registering, and sending $25-$35 to Je ff W, jeff at brainmachines . CAUTION: Electronic mail sent throu gh the Internet is not secure and could be intercepted by a third party. For your protection, avoid sending identifying information, such as acco unt, Social Security or card numbers to us or others. Any opinions expre ssed on this list are not necessarily the opinions of DMTNY. We may go for New Year's Eve to this one... ----- Original Message ----- From: nic karas To: SafetDance Se nt: Monday, November 12, 2001 5:56 PM Subject: [SafetyDance] do you know about this party??? www .ypypoty check this magnificent event taki ng place in brazil on the full moon of january. organized by the boom pr oduction team with the daime tribe of brazil.... more info at igwana12 Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at http://explorer.msn To become more involved with "making it happen" join the New York chapter o f the Devotional Ministry of Trance, DMTNY by going to paypal, regis tering, and sending $25-$35 to Jeff W, jeff at brainmachines .CAUTION: Electronic mail sent through the Internet is not secure an dcould be intercepted by a third party. For your protection, a voidsending identifying information, such as account, Social Securit y orcard numbers to us or others. Any opinions expressed on th is list are not necessarily the opinions of DMTNY.This is a mess age for friends and family of psychedelic trance in New York. Feel free to have your friends join by sending an email to SafetyDance-subsc this group, send an e of Date: Fri, 16 Nov 2001 12:45:34 EST Subject: So now it's also a BurninGoa Leonid Meteor Showers Viewing Party!! To: SafetyDance Cc: mark at indole, infornography, artandpolitics From: Machinelf Thanks Y!! (I don't think the original email made it to Artandpolitics) Wel l, Saturday's BurninGoa will continue as long as there are people out ther e. And it's free and outside, so I'm sure we'll have critical mass. It w ould be nice to time the peak with the meteor shower peak, and to be able t o see it away from Manhattan. It may be partially cloudy now but tomorrow the sky will be crystal clear. Cool. Just bring provisions to last you t hrough the night if you plan to stay that long. There will be a campfire and music to dance and keep warm to. Wylie and the van is ready to camp o ut all night through Sunday morning. I myself would love to cut out at so me point and freak out the natives at the Burning Man Decompression and th en come back, but if you want to hear trance all night and see a spectacul ar meteor shower while tripping that's your business. I love it when you have to choose! So AFTER the Burning Man Decompression, come on down!! Bu t leave by 3am just to be safe. You can confirm our existence there at 91 7-476-1864... >Leonid Meteor Shower Viewing Tips Updated: Wed, Nov 14 2:30 PM EST By The Associated Press Astronomers expect this year's Leonid meteor shower to peak during a half-hour period around 5 a.m. EST on Sunday, when as many as 70 meteors a minute could streak across the sky. If the weather is clear, the shower should be visible from all North American locations. To best view the shower, head to a dark location far from city lights. The meteors should be visible across the sky, appearing to radiate from the eas t, in the direction of the constellation Leo that gives the shower its nam e. Only a lawn chair, warm clothes, and the naked eye are required. Binoc ulars or telescopes are not necessary. Many astronomy clubs and observator ies plan to hold meteor shower-gazing parties. II "The natural bardo of t his life spans the whole of our lifetime between birth and death. It's tea chings make clear to us why this bardo is such a precious opportunity, what it really means to be a human being, and what is the most important and o nly truly essential thing for us to do with the gift of human life . . . " We often wonder: 'How will I be when I die?' The answer to that is that wh atever state of mind we are in now, whatever kind of person we are now; tha t's what we will be like at the moment of death, if we do not change. That is why it is so absolutely important to use this lifetime to purify our min dstream, and so our basic being and charachter, while we can. "The qulity of life in the realm of the gods may look superior to our own, yet the mast ers tell us that human life is infinitelmore valuable. Why? "Becasue of the fact that we have the awareness and intelligence that are the raw mate rials for enlightenment, and because the very suffering that pervades this human realm is itself the spur to spiritual transformation. "Pain, grief, loss and ceaseless frustration of every kind are there for a real and drama tic purpose: to wake us up, to enable and almost force us to break out of t he cycle of samsara and so release our imprisoned splendor." ~ Sogyal Rinpoche . . . The Tibetan Book of Living & Dying III On a complete ly different front, I'll be trancing at the Omnitribe event tonight but if you're jonesing for hardcore: ...Bring earplugs is you have sensitive hea ring. THis onez going to be Naztyyyy :o)~ Mental Meltdown Date: Friday, No vember 16, 2001 Time: 8:00PM - 3:00AM EST (-05:00) ___huh LIVE PERFORMA NCES BY: Tyrant - Apocalypse Rec / Team Bring It NSkinner & Low-Key - Bla ck Monolith / Newark NJ Team Bring It (Churchshoes & Nakedslice) w/ Fury 8 - Virus Renegade / Team Bring It NEdgey - Thought Bludgeon NNic Fit - H avoc NHeartworm - / Darthfuck Rec / DigitalHardkoreRec NAND DJ 'S: Fiend - Apocalypse Rec / CA Amok - Virus Renegade / NJ Data - Data Ink / N at the Sunrise - 5073 Broadway corner of 216th Street - Train Direction s: 1 or 9 to 215th Street for car directions log on to yahoo maps or mapque st | Admission is $10 for further info call (212) 613-5754 HardKORE>LI VESPEEDKORE>HARDTEK>BREAKORE NONSTOP. AAA Different peoples lives are based around different things, our's is based around music. At our cor e is a soundsystem. It feeds us, nourishes our talents, it dictates our m ovements, brings adventure and keeps us wiser. We want freedom from statik society. Freedom to create our own societies with our own rules. We are n ot rebelling against, so much as living outside the system. FREE MUSIK to anyone that wants it is what we give and we need nothing back but space to roam. Tribal beats have surrounded our planet since the begining of time. Technology is our addition to this continual rythm. We exist now and in t he future.. NO SYSTEM HTTP:/ /www.virusrenegade.8k www.apocalypse-recordings Thanks Y!! (I don't think the original email made it to Artandpolitics) Well, Saturday's Bu rninGoa will continue as long as there are people out there. And it's free and outside, so I'm sure we'll have critical mass. It would be nice to time the peak with the meteor shower peak, and to be able to see it away from Manhattan. It may be partially cloudy now but tomorrow the sky will be crystal clear. Cool. Just bring provisions to last you t hrough the night if you plan to stay that long. There will be a campf ire and music to dance and keep warm to. Wylie and the van is ready t o camp out all night through Sunday morning. I myself would love to c ut out at some point and freak out the natives at the Burning Man Decompres sion and then come back, but if you want to hear trance all night and see a spectacular meteor shower while tripping that's your business. I lov e it when you have to choose! So AFTER the Burning Man Decompressi on, come on down!! But leave by 3am just to be safe. You can co nfirm our existence there at 917-476-1864... >Leonid Meteor Shower V iewing Tips Updated: Wed, Nov 14 2:30 PM EST By The Associated Pres s Astronomers expect this year's Leonid meteor shower to peak during a half-hour period around 5 a.m. EST on Sunday, when as many as 70 meteor s a minute could streak across the sky. If the weather is clear, the sh ower should be visible from all North American locations. To best v iew the shower, head to a dark location far from city lights. The meteo rs should be visible across the sky, appearing to radiate from the east, in the direction of the constellation Leo that gives the shower its name. Only a lawn chair, warm clothes, and the naked eye are required. Binocul ars or telescopes are not necessary. Many astronomy clubs and observatories plan to hold meteor shower-gazing parties. II "The natural ba rdo of this life spans the whole of our lifetime between birth and dea th. It's teachings make clear to us why this bardo is such a precious o pportunity, what it really means to be a human being, and what is the m ost important and only truly essential thing for us to do with the gift of human life . . . "We often wonder: 'How will I be when I die?' The answer to that is that whatever state of mind we are in now, whatever kind of person we are now; that's what we will be like at the moment of death, if we do not change. That is why it is so absolut ely important to use this lifetime to purify our mindstream, and so our basic being and charachter, while we can. "The qulity of life in the realm of the gods may look superior to our own, yet the masters tel l us that human life is infinitelmore valuable. Why? "Becas ue of the fact that we have the awareness and intelligence that are the raw materials for enlightenment, and because the very suffering that p ervades this human realm is itself the spur to spiritual transformation . "Pain, grief, loss and ceaseless frustration of every kind a re there for a real and dramatic purpose: to wake us up, to enable and almost force us to break out of the cycle of samsara and so release our imprisoned splendor." ~ Sogyal Rinpoche . . . The Ti betan Book of Living & Dying III On a completely different fro nt, I'll be trancing at the Omnitribe event tonight but if you're jonesing for hardcore: ...Bring earplugs is you have sensitive hearing. THi s onez going to be Naztyyyy :o)~ Mental Meltdown Date: Friday, Nov ember 16, 2001 Time: 8:00PM - 3:00AM EST (-05:00) ___huh LIVE P ERFORMANCES BY: Tyrant - Apocalypse Rec / Team Bring It NSkinner & Low-Key - Black Monolith / Newark NJ Team Bring It (Churchshoes & amp; Nakedslice) w/ Fury 8 - Virus Renegade / Team Bring It NEdge y - Thought Bludgeon NNic Fit - Havoc NHeartworm - / D arthfuck Rec / DigitalHardkoreRec NAND DJ'S: Fiend - Apocalypse R ec / CA Amok - Virus Renegade / NJ Data - Data Ink / N at the S unrise - 5073 Broadway corner of 216th Street - Train Directions: 1 or 9 to 215th Street for car directions log on to yahoo maps or mapquest.c om | Admission is $10 for further info call (212) 613-5754 HardKOR E>LIVESPEEDKORE>HARDTEK>BREAKORE NONSTOP. AAA Dif ferent peoples lives are based around different things, our's is based around music. At our core is a soundsystem. It feeds us, nourishes our talents, it dictates our movements, brings adventure and keeps us wiser. We want freedom from statik society. Freedom to create our own societ ies with our own rules. We are not rebelling against, so much as livin g outside the system. FREE MUSIK to anyone that wants it is what we gi ve and we need nothing back but space to roam. Tribal beats have surro unded our planet since the begining of time. Technology is our additio n to this continual rythm. We exist now and in the future.. NO SSTEM HTTP://www.virusrene gade.8k www.apocalypse-recordings Date: Mon, 19 Nov 2001 15:18:13 EST Subject: psy art exhibitors wanted To: SafetyDance, psy-trance at dewline, omnitribe From: LOLLYGOA Hi trance family, We are still looking for a few more artists who want to show their work at the SS afterparty in queens on dec2 with Children of Lir and BurningElf. Wall hangings or framed work, or sculptural thing-ys in uv, along with an 'inpho' card listing names of artist and work and short bio are going up in the space on fri nov 1st in the evening. I will have a movable scaffold that night only to get stuff up high, and all decos are loading in on that eve. 917 669 8296- cell 718 565 0432 -home lori and boris As Miss Cleo says," Call me now!" lori and boris(lollygoa and burningelf) Date: Thu, 22 Nov 2001 23:17:16 To: SafetyDance Subject: KRONOLOGY Fri From: evan at shpongle tell one tell all! Boombastic Cosmic Phantastik EntheoTrance this Friday at Karma hookah lounge! T emporal H armonC odes presents: KRONOLOGY FRI 11/23 Free admission DJs Evan (THC) & Vadim (Subtleporduction) ...providing you with the musical medicine spirituale... (Psy-Trance, Pineal ProTek, Entheodelic Downbeats, Techgnostic TimeBeats) 10pm - ?? location: the lovable & eclectic Karma hokah lounge & bar 51 First Ave & 3rd St. -Ultra Violet Dreamscapes -nice soundsystem -couchy chill out areas -dance area -outdoor courtyard -big beautifull hookahs with flavored tobaccos -full bar (2 months+ to enter, 21 years+ to drink) (no security ;) free admission come prepared to laugh, enjoy life, network you plans for saving the world, receive emtional therapy through cosmic giggle, and to boogie. info: evan at shpongle _,.-:*'``'*:-.,__,.-:*'``'*:-.,__,.-:*'``'*:-.,_ `'*:-.,__,.-:*'``'*:-.,__,.-:*'``'*:-.,__,.-:*'` ~~~~ "Such stuff as dreams are made of" ~~~~~ Date: Fri, 23 Nov 2001 21:26:58 To: SafetyDance Subject: Space Available for Events From: Machinelf (LET ME KNOW IF INTERESTED - JEFF) ANYWAY, a friend of mine is a set designer at a movie studio and the owner has just informed me about letting the space be home to a monthly party event. The space is SICK: there is: 1 7500 sq ft room with a stage and cyclorama (seamless celing/walls) and 18 ft ceiling 1 10,000 sq ft room wth 28 ft ceiling, the "main room", between those 2 rooms is 2400 amps of power to be distributed there are about 7 or 8 other smaller rooms, with more power suitable for more djs, around 100 people could fit in each one, inside of which are are enchanted trees, one room has thunder and lightning visual effects and sounds! Each room has a gridded ceiling to allow for lights, decorations. Total there is enough rooom to pack in 5000 people, the owners have a definite way to secure a liquor license, and are willing to set up bars throughout. The space is in Greenpoint. The space will either be available first in December, or if Comedy Central decides to run a tv show next month then not until Febuary. They want a mature crowd, people who arent going to be vandalizing or getting drunk and ridiculous, especially since this is a business, not just some warehouse space. They had first said they wanted someone like Frankie Bones, "big names" but after I told them that the type of djs who get booked at the Limelight would also draw in a Long Island drunk crowd, they were more than willing to rethink the music/names they are familiar with. One of the owners used to run a nightclub a long time ago, and is used to greedy yes-sir type of promoters, so she is verhappy to find some honest people to work with. The space is also suitable for two simultaneous and different parties because the two major buildings are for the most part, split up. That might be the best way to truly pack the place to make it worthwhile for them, as well as not have to throw a gross mass rave. Cost hasnt been discussed yet, but I told them what the Lunatarium charges so at least they have that idea. Let me know if you or anyone you know is interested in talking to me more about it. I'm on the Brainmachines list,and maybe more??? if you want to post this info. I get a little confused about the lists, despite your recent attempts at clarifying, since I receive some of the same emails and there are forwards as well. Though I'm not a trance head, nor a promoter for that matter, I do appreciate the trance crowd and energy, and I definitely appreciate the info from the lists on science/metaphysical/technology, as well as the alternative party info (ie dub, downtempo, D&B). My connection to all of this is a love of all music and dancing, my hopes to help out someone who knows how to throw a good party, and to help out the owners of this space in a tough time concerning the current conditions of the economy. I'm an assistant sound engineer at a small music production company and know how much the industry is hurting right now, yeah boohoo whatever, but considering I am living on $20 a week after rent is paid, anything I can do to help others in turn helps me and my soul as well. Hope your day is making you smile! Peace Karen Date: Fri, 23 Nov 2001 21:37:10 To: SafetyDance Subject: Note on December 7 From: Machinelf There are two parties on Friday December 7. I recommend you go to Liemlight. Here's why. 1 - Wizzy Noise - 1st time in America 2 - Sound - Wizzy Noise will be on the main floor 3 - Interactive visuals and art will be there 4 - New orgaziner who is a very well connected woman who is a good person who is doing psy-trance for the first time and needs our support. If we show up to experience Wizzy Noise there will be more and we won't ever be relegated to the back rooms!! Finally, the following evening, I can't stress enough for you to attend the Alex Grey benefit. It will change your life as sure as that first piece of paper you put in your mouth... Date: Sat, 24 Nov 2001 14:12:08 EST Subject: Koh Phangan 2002 To: From: Machinelf >From alc604 Subject: Koh Phangan 2002 anyone? I'm wondering if anyone here is going to Koh Phangan, Thailand, for the 3 day psy-trance New Year's partthere (www.kohphangan2002 )? From what their website says it really looks like it's going to be an amazing event. (even though Oforia is *not* going to be there, as was advertised previously) Has anyone been to parties there before and do you have anexperiences, good or bad, to share? Please reply to the email address below. thanks! -pig in space, alc604 Date: Tue, 27 Nov 2001 06:14:29 EST Subject: synthetic sadhus afterpartTo: carnelianangel , omnitribe, alex at artvant-garde, chiletrance, gilBaraK2000, ny69productions , nbryant at optonline, nydiad, u23me , donna_ahmadi , trancedoron, Dandraver , arifumi2 , helbug at lycos, neural at prodigy, doctec at pcnet, martin_kropf at ziffdavis, phil.lukeman at nyu , luthere , giofogbeo , sabiil , Raffi420 , jubz at (Chris Schweizer), hjs15 at columbia , hotglass , Thormark , touch at nycartist, y at onomatopoeik, benjamin.romanofsky at ssmb (Romanofsky,Benjamin [IT]), ShaZStar , psy-trance at dewline, SafetyDance, chloe at, denise.f at virgin, ramblinrory , ejm at ejmpr, gretchenfetchen13 , sea_sprite at mindspring, adrien.burch at yale , hkim2010, dmcgeeus, wildbill at raveworld From: LOLLYGOA Hi trancefamily! We are doing this the longways until the list is setup properly... Children of Lir Promotions and BurningElf Productions are at it again - The Ice Cave - Synthetic Sadhus afterparty. Its about 10 blks from the amazura and we have a great line-up in a huge cool space with pool, darts, and an art gallery featuring the works of talented local trancers. Dance and downtempo djs: Daka Gosha(Rheedoo) Boris Deeper in Zen Chico Yanni Soch Machinelf Bandia(kate) special guests Lighting effects by Ben Cave design and art direction by Lollygoa Bellydancing by jezibel breakfast, chai, fruit Traditions Pub 84-28 164th ST (2 blk east of Parsons blvd exit of van wyck) (10 blk walk fr Amazura) (718) 526-9448 $5 ID required to drink flyers at Home of Trance and Throb Remember to be respectful of the neighbors on your journey - You make the world a better place and it ripples.... See you there! Lori and Boris Hi trancefamily! We are doing this the longways until the list is setup properly... Children of Lir Promotions and BurningElf Productions are at it again - The Ice Cave - Synthetic Sadhus afterparty. Its about 10 blks from the amazura and we have a great line-up in a huge cool space with pool, darts, and an art gallery featuring the works of talented local trancers. Dance and downtempo djs: Daka Gosha(Rheedoo) Boris Deeper in Zen Chico Yanni Soch Machinelf Bandia(kate) special guests Lighting effects by Ben Cave design and art direction by Lollygoa Bellydancing by jezibel breakfast, chai, fruit Traditions Pub 84-28 164th ST (2 blk east of Parsons blvd exit of van wyck) (10 blk walk fr Amazura) (718) 526-9448 $5 ID required to drink flyers at Home of Trance and Throb Remember to be respectful of the neighbors on your journey - You make the world a better place and it ripples.... See you there! Lori and Boris Date: Tue, 27 Nov 2001 08:01:08 To: SafetyDance Subject: MYSTERY SCHOOL Tuesdays From: evan at shpongle join us tonight at Karma Hookah Lounge & Bar for THC's M Y S T E R S C H O O L Tuesdays Free Psy-Trance & Entheo-Tunes with DJ Kakulja E van & weekly guests UV Visionary dreamscapes provided by Daniel, Kura & ot her artists In the eclectic couch filled hookah bar; KARMA 51 First Ave (3 rd St) 10pm - 4am dancing, free cookies, up-beat entheodelic chunez, like -minded beautiful freaks, apple tobacco, full bar, UV atmosphere, no secur ity. . . info: evan at shpongle _,.-:*'``'*:-.,__,.-:*'``'*:-.,__,.-:*'` `'*:-.,_ `'*:-.,__,.-:*'``'*:-.,__,.-:*'``'*:-.,__,.-:*'` ~~~~ "Such stuff as dreams are made of" ~~~~~ Tue, 27 Nov 2001 18:27:01 To: 604 at party, Angelny69 Cc: AdamBanoun , arifumi2 , benspam at cownow, CafferkyK at logica, Cata_Toro7 , cathal55, chicomorphius at juno, goasadhu, cspelman at, dakadj at cs, djstorm23 , dominicanbutterfly , foxsinead , IcyCoil , iyarkoni , jaskim at roxsystems, Joanne.McCann at compaq, johnny_factor , katyamalaya , kderrig , Khazarwinds , Kinggo at c4, kittykat700 , Lesh at nyc.rr, Liatska , maedhbh , mikelongo , NCC1701km , nelliec61 , nja2 at nyu ,, orithirsh , redzer_28 , RLoughran at kmdinc, SafetyDance, Seantimon , sionnach at, spiritualbeings, Susan.Colgan at, Tom at elflex, SuperNerf , tromkio, vitalik at onebox Bcc: From: "Kate Garry" Children of Lir Promotions and Burning Elf Productions Present Official Synthetic Sadhus Afterpart"The Ice Cave" Sunday December 2 8am - 9pm (or as late as needs be!!!!!!) Traditions/Creighton and Greys Bar 84-28 164th Street Jamacia (On the corner of 164th St and 84th Rd) 718-526-9448 Upstairs and Downstairs of a Huge Location Pool, Darts, Free Breakfast and Chai Art Exhibition featuring the works of local artists Downtempo and Full on Dance DJ's Gosha (Aplhatrance) Boris (Burning Elf) Deeper in Zen LIVE!!!!!! Yoni (HOT/HOF) Mike Soch Daka (Children of Lir) MachineElf (DMT and Everything else!!) Chico (UnknownShrooms) Bandia (Children of Lir) PLUS SPECIAL SURPRISE GUESTS!!! A day not to be missed!!!! Feel free to drop in anytime as we will go ALL day and night if we have to!!! 18 to participate 21 to Drink $5 donation Art direction LOLLYGOA Lighting Ben-O-Matic Sound Boris There is a big sign on corner of building saing BAR it's more obvious than the name!! Directions: By Car, Bicycle or Foot! (From Amazura) Start out going South on 144TH PL towards ARCHER AVE. Turn LEFT onto ARCHER AVE. Turn LEFT onto SUTPHIN BLVD. Turn RIGHT onto HILLSIDE AVE/NY-25. Turn LEFT onto 148TH ST. Turn RIGHT onto 86TH AVE. Turn RIGHT onto PARSONS BLVD. Turn LEFT onto NORMAL RD. Turn LEFT onto 162ND ST. Turn RIGHT onto 84TH DR. Turn LEFT onto 164TH ST. Location on Corner of 164th St and 84th Rd TOTAL ESTIMATED TIME: 6 minutes TOTAL DISTANCE: 1.5 miles By Subway (From Amazura) Take F to Parsons Blvd Take a LEFT on HILLSIDE AVE walk towards 164th STREET Take a LEFT on 164th STREET walk 6 blocks to 84TH ROAD BAR on THE CORNER By Subway (From all other locations) Make you way to an F train heading to Queens Take the F to PArsons Blvd and follow directions as above See you all there!!! ::And Aoife felt remorse for the curse and said to the Children of Lir "Since there is no other help for me to give you now, you may keep you own speech, and you will sing the sweet music of the Sidhe, and men will fall into a trance, and there will be no music in the world equal to it. And you will continue like this for 900 years" :: See you all there INfo Line 718 472-4438 - Date: Sat, 24 Nov 2001 17:59:25 EST Subject: Re: [SafetyDance] Koh Phangan 2002 To: SafetyDance From: dandraver this looks like an incredible gathering. Are there any travel agents in the group? This looks like a good time to get away for about a week. this looks like an incredible gathering. Are there any travel agents in the group? This looks like a good time to get away for about a week. Date: Tue, 27 Nov 2001 20:35:17 EST Subject: Requesting trance URLs for different cities To: northamtrance Cc: safetydance From: Machinelf I'm updating my web site and creating a list designed for the North American *trance* traveller. If anybody knows web site URLs for psy-trance events in the following cities let me know thanks. Events such as Burning Man, Survival Research Laboratories, and Rainbow Gatherings will be included as filler until the rest of the country catches up to New York >;-D flake alert!!! The email list will be brief, and consist of dates & links only. to subscribe to this send an email to northamtrance and if there are any cities that were left out please enlighten me! Austin Boston Chicago Dallas Detroit Houston Iowa Los Angeles Mexico Miami Milwaukee Montreal Nantucket New Orleans New York www.tsunami-trance www.synthetic-sadhus www.brainmachines North Carolina www.touch-samadhi Pittsburgh www.sidetrakkt Philadelphia www.Gaian-Mind Portland Quebec San Francisco Seattle Vancouver/B.C. Washington D.C. Date: Tue, 27 Nov 2001 20:51:58 EST Subject: Fwd: looking for a little nest for december!!!!! To: safetydance From: Machinelf angel needs help - so does utha, the asian georgian guy (email me for the latter) Reply-To: "melissa" To: Subject: Re: [SafetyDance] Koh Phangan 2002 From: "melissa" The Koh Phangan event will surely be transporting; however, its a 27 hour f light from NYC!!! And the best fare I could find was still over $2,000 rou nd trip... Even when I went to Morocco 2001 last year, flights under $1,00 0 were easy to find. So I've been checking for alternate New Year's Eve pl ans. A group of us are planning on going to Brasil. The flight is only ab out 7 hours from NYC and should be about $500 roundtrip. Check out http:// /group/brazil2002 and f or more information about New Year's Eve in this warm jungle rainforest. ----- Original Message ----- From: dandraver To: SafetyDanc e Sent: Saturday, November 24, 2001 5:59 PM Subject: R e: [SafetyDance] Koh Phangan 2002 this looks like an incredible gatheri ng. Are there any travel agents in the group? This looks like a good time t o get away for about a week. This is a big friends and f amily list for psychedelic trance in New York. Primarily we promote privat e parties that are too intimate fror the larger brainmachines list. If you know of jobs available, or rooms for rent, send them over, everyone here i s good at safetydance . Feel free to have your friends join by sending an email to SafetyDance-subscribe . To unsub ps To become more involved with making actual events happen - and ta king part in a DMT Ski Lodge this winter - you should join the New York cha pter of the Devotional Ministry of Trance, DMTNY by going to paypal, re gistering, and sending $35 to Jeff W, jeff at brainmachines . Yo The Koh Phangan event will surely be transporting; however, its a 27 hour flight from NYC!!!And the best fare I could find was still over $2,00 0 round trip... Even when I went to Morocco 2001 last year, flights under $1,000 were easy to find. So I've been checking for alternate New Year's Eve plans. A group of us are planning on going to Brasil. The flight is only about 7 hours from NYC and should be about $500 roundtrip. Check out /group/brazil2002and more information a bout New Year's Eve in this warm jungle rainforest. ----- Original Message ----- From: dandraver To: SafetyD ance Sen t: Saturday, November 24, 2001 5:59 PM Subject: Re: [SafetyDance] Koh Phangan 2002 this looks like an incredible gathering. Are there any travel agents in the group? This lo oks like a good time to get away for about a week. This is a big friends and family list for psychedelic trance in New Yo rk. Primarily we promote private parties that are too intimate fro r the larger brainmachines list. If you know of jobs available, or rooms for rent, send them over, everyone here is good at safetydance at ya hoogroups . Feel free to have your friends join by send ing an email to om this group, send an To become more involved with making actual events happen - and t aking part in a DMT Ski Lodge this winter - you should join the New York chapter of the Devotional Ministry of Trance, DMTNY by going to paypal. com, registering, and sending $35 to Jeff W, jeff at brainmachines.c Service. Subject: Re: [SafetyDance] Koh Phangan 2002 To: From: Yvonne Tara got two round trip tix for $950... IB9ll find out through who/what ai rlines, etc On 11/27/01 9:31 PM, "melissa" wro te: > The Koh Phangan event will surely be transporting; however, its a 27 hour > flight from NYC!!! And the best fare I could find was still over $ 2,000 round > trip... Even when I went to Morocco 2001 last year, flights under $1,000 were > easy to find. So I've been checking for alternate New Year's Eve plans. A > group of us are planning on going to Brasil. The fl ight is only about 7 hours > from NYC and should be about $500 roundtrip. Check out > /group/brazil2002 and > http://www.unive for more information about New Year's Eve > in this war m jungle rainforest. > ----- Original Message ----- >> From: dandraver . com >> To: SafetyDance >> Sent: Saturday, November 24, 2001 5:59 PM >> Subject: Re: [SafetyDance] Koh Phangan 2002 >> >> this looks l ike an incredible gathering. Are there any travel agents in the >> group? T his looks like a good time to get away for about a week. >> >> This is a big friends and family list for psychedelic trance in New York. >> Prima rily we promote private parties that are too intimate fror the larger >> br ainmachines list. If you know of jobs available, or rooms for rent, send > > them over, everyone here is good at safetydance . >> >> F eel free to have your friends join by sending an email to >> SafetyDance-su >> an email t >> >> To become more involved w ith making actual events happen - and taking part in >> a DMT Ski Lodge thi s winter - you should join the New York chapter of the >> Devotional Minist ry of Trance, DMTNY by going to paypal, registering, and >> sending $35 to Jeff W, jeff at brainmachines . >> is subject to >> . >> > > This is a big fri ends and family list for psychedelic trance in New York. > Primarily we pro mote private parties that are too intimate fror the larger > brainmachines list. If you know of jobs available, or rooms for rent, send > them over, everyone here is good at safetydance . > > Feel free to hav e your friends join by sending an email to > SafetyDance-subscribegro > e SafetyDance-un subscribe > > To become more involved with making actual e vents happen - and taking part in > a DMT Ski Lodge this winter - you shoul d join the New York chapter of the > Devotional Ministry of Trance, DMTNY b y going to paypal, registering, and > sending $35 to Jeff W, jef f at brainmachines . > ! Terms of Service > . > -- Yvonne Liu + y at onomatopoeik + http://onomatopoeik + vox: 646 321 5710 "A n eye for an eye only leaves the whole world blind." - Mahatma Gandhi Re: [SafetyDance] Koh Phangan 2002 Tara got two round trip tix for $950... Ill find out through who/what airlines, etc On 11/27/01 9:31 PM, "melissa" wrote: T he Koh Phangan event will surely be transporting; however, its a 27 hour fl ight from NYC!!! And the best fare I could find was still over $2,000 round trip... Even when I went to Morocco 2001 last year, flights un der $1,000 were easy to find. So I've been checking for alternate New Year's Eve plans. A group of us are planning on going to Brasil. The flight is only about 7 hours from NYC and should be about $500 round trip. Check out /group/brazil2002 and for more information about New Year's Eve in this warm jungl e rainforest. ----- Origina l Message ----- From: dandraver To: SafetyDance Sent : Saturday, November 24, 2001 5:59 PM Subject: Re: [SafetyDa nce] Koh Phangan 2002 this looks like an incredib le gathering. Are there any travel agents in the group? This looks like a g ood time to get away for about a week. This is a big friends and family list for psychedelic tr ance in New York. Primarily we promote private parties that are too i ntimate fror the larger brainmachines list. If you know of jobs avail able, or rooms for rent, send them over, everyone here is good at safetydan ce . Feel free to have your friends join by To become more involved with making actual events happen - and taki ng part in a DMT Ski Lodge this winter - you should join the New York chapt er of the Devotional Ministry of Trance, DMTNY by going to paypal, regi stering, and sending $35 to Jeff W, jeff at brainmachines . Your This is a big friends and fa mily list for psychedelic trance in New York. Primarily we promote pr ivate parties that are too intimate fror the larger brainmachines list. If you know of jobs available, or rooms for rent, send them over, everyo ne here is good at safetydance . Feel free t o have your friends join by sending an email to SafetyDance-subscribe nsubscribe To become more involved with making act ual events happen - and taking part in a DMT Ski Lodge this winter - you sh ould join the New York chapter of the Devotional Ministry of Trance, DMTNY by going to paypal, registering, and sending $35 to Jeff W, jeff at brainmachines . erms of -- Yvonne + y at onomatopoeik + http://onomatopoei k + vox: 646 321 5710 "An eye for an eye only leaves the whole world blind." - Mahatma Gandhi Date: Tue, 27 Nov 2001 22:40:51 EST Subject: Promoters To: SafetyDance From: shazstar Hi If anybody is interested in promoting (handing out flyers) they will get paid.. let me know because we are recruiting promoters for Lunatarium which is a wherhouse club in BKLN. Also I am throwing a rave event on December 6th and need promotional support.. if anyybody wants to run a reduced list or could just help me out then I'd appreciate it. Email me. Shazstar Thanks. shaz 917 9715688 Hi If anybody is interested in promoting (handing out flyers) they will get paid.. let me know because we are recruiting promoters for Lunatarium which is a wherhouse club in BKLN. Also I am throwing a rave event on December 6th and need promotional support.. if anyybody wants to run a reduced list or could just help me out then I'd appreciate it. Email me. Shazstar Thanks. shaz 917 9715688 Date: Wed, 28 Nov 2001 08:08:24 To: SafetyDance Subject: SS Afterparty Sunday All Day and Night!! From: "Kate" Children of Lir Promotions and Burning Elf Productions Present Official Synthetic Sadhus Afterpart"The Ice Cave" Sunday December 2 8am - 9pm (or as late as needs be!!!!!!) Traditions/Creighton and Greys Bar 84-28 164th Street Jamacia (On the corner of 164th St and 84th Rd) 718-526-9448 Upstairs and Downstairs of a Huge Location Pool, Darts, Free Breakfast and Chai Art Exhibition featuring the works of local artists Downtempo and Full on Dance DJ's Gosha (Aplhatrance) Boris (Burning Elf) Deeper in Zen LIVE!!!!!! Yoni (HOT/HOF) Mike Soch Daka (Children of Lir) MachineElf (DMT and Everything else!!) Chico (UnknownShrooms) Bandia (Children of Lir) PLUS SPECIAL SURPRISE GUESTS!!! A day not to be missed!!!! Bellydancing display by JEZEBEL Feel free to drop in anytime as we will go ALL day and night if we have to!!! 18 to participate 21 to Drink $5 donation Art direction LOLLYGOA Lighting Ben-light-o-matic Sound Boris There is a big sign on corner of building saing BAR it's more obvious than the name!! Directions: By Car, Bicycle or Foot! (From Amazura) Start out going South on 144TH PL towards ARCHER AVE. Turn LEFT onto ARCHER AVE. Turn LEFT onto SUTPHIN BLVD. Turn RIGHT onto HILLSIDE AVE/NY-25. Turn LEFT onto 148TH ST. Turn RIGHT onto 86TH AVE. Turn RIGHT onto PARSONS BLVD. Turn LEFT onto NORMAL RD. Turn LEFT onto 162ND ST. Turn RIGHT onto 84TH DR. Turn LEFT onto 164TH ST. Location on Corner of 164th St and 84th Rd TOTAL ESTIMATED TIME: 6 minutes TOTAL DISTANCE: 1.5 miles By Subway (From Amazura) Take F to Parsons Blvd Take a LEFT on HILLSIDE AVE walk towards 164th STREET Take a LEFT on 164th STREET walk 6 blocks to 84TH ROAD BAR on THE CORNER By Subway (From all other locations) Make you way to an F train heading to Queens Take the F to PArsons Blvd and follow directions as above See you all there!!! ::And Aoife felt remorse for the curse and said to the Children of Lir "Since there is no other help for me to give you now, you may keep you own speech, and you will sing the sweet music of the Sidhe, and men will fall into a trance, and there will be no music in the world equal to it. And you will continue like this for 900 years" :: Date: Wed, 28 Nov 2001 08:16:21 To: SafetyDance Subject: Directions to AfterpartFrom: "Kate" Anyone that needs better directions to the afterparty from any other location, email me off-list and I'll send them on to you. It's easy to find once you get the GCP. Oh the adventure of finding a party!! :o) Kate Wed, 28 Nov 2001 04:46:06 To: SafetyDance Bcc: Subject: Re: [SafetyDance] Fwd: looking for a little nest for december!!!!! Date: Wed, 28 Nov 2001 04:46:06 From: "Jacob Sabat" I am renting out a room. You can give my number 917-405-0865. >From: Machinelf >Reply-To: SafetyDance >To: safetydance >Subject: [SafetyDance] Fwd: looking for a little nest for december!!!!! >Date: Tue, 27 Nov 2001 20:51:58 EST > >angel needs help - so does utha, the asian georgian guy (email me for the >latter) >> - Wed, 28 Nov 2001 17:53:21 To: safetydance Bcc: Subject: travel agent-Koh Phangan Date: Wed, 28 Nov 2001 17:53:21 From: "Christina B" If there's anyone out there whose interested in going to Thailand this New Year's I have a friend whose a travel agent who can get pretty good prices on roundtrip airfare for about $700 to $800 plus taxes (well that's the deal she had 2 weeks ago). If anyone is serious about it email me offline and I will give you her number. good luck guys, Christina - To: Subject: Re: [SafetyDance] Koh Phangan 2002 From: "alex at artvant-garde" Re: [SafetyDance] Koh Phangan 2002I am getting my tickets today 900 round t rip each and the flight is 22 hours ... than of course it's about 10 hours by train through Thailand and 2 hours by boat to the island also i am pla nning to stay in Thailand for about 3 weeks ... Sasha ----- Original Mess age ----- From: Yvonne To: SafetyDance Sent: Tuesd ay, November 27, 2001 10:36 PM Subject: Re: [SafetyDance] Koh Phangan 200 2 Tara got two round trip tix for $950... I'll find out through who/wha t airlines, etc On 11/27/01 9:31 PM, "melissa" wrote: The Koh Phangan event will surely be transporting; however, its a 27 hour flight from NYC!!! And the best fare I could find was still over $2,000 round trip... Even when I went to Morocco 2001 last year, fli ghts under $1,000 were easy to find. So I've been checking for alternate N ew Year's Eve plans. A group of us are planning on going to Brasil. The f light is only about 7 hours from NYC and should be about $500 roundtrip. C heck out /group/brazil2002 and http://www.universopa for more information about New Year's Eve in this warm jungl e rainforest. ----- Original Message ----- From: dandraver at ao l To: SafetyDance Sent: Saturday, Novembe r 24, 2001 5:59 PM Subject: Re: [SafetyDance] Koh Phangan 2002 this looks like an incredible gathering. Are there any travel agents in th e group? This looks like a good time to get away for about a week. This is a big friends and family list for psychedelic trance in New York. Primarily we promote private parties that are too intimate fror the larger brainmachines list. If you know of jobs available, or rooms for rent, sen d them over, everyone here is good at safetydance . Feel free to have your friends join by sending an email to SafetyDance-sub To become more involved with making actual events happen - and taking part in a DMT Ski Lodge this winte r - you should join the New York chapter of the Devotional Ministry of Tran ce, DMTNY by going to paypal, registering, and sending $35 to Jeff Whit more, jeff at brainmachines . -- Yvonne + y at onomatopoeik + http://onomatopoeik + vox: 646 321 5710 "An eye for an ee only leaves the whole world blind." - Mahatma Gandhi ups Sponsor T his is a big friends and family list for psychedelic trance in New York. P rimarily we promote private parties that are too intimate fror the larger b rainmachines list. If you know of jobs available, or rooms for rent, send them over, everyone here is good at safetydance . Re: [SafetyDance] Koh Phangan 2002 I am getting my tickets today 900 ro und trip each and the flight is 22 hours ... than of course it's about 10 hours by train through Thailand and 2 hours by boat to the island also i am planning to stay in Thailand for about 3 we eks ... Sasha ----- Original Message ----- From: Yvonne To: SafetyDancegr oups Sent: Tuesd ay, November 27, 2001 10:36 PM Subject: Re: [SafetyDance] Koh Phangan 2002 Tara got two round trip tix for $950... I92ll fin d out through who/what airlines, etcOn 11/27/01 9:31 PM, "me lissa" melissap2001 at netz ero> wrote: The Koh Phangan event will surely be transporting; howev er, its a 27 hour flight from NYC!!! And the best fare I could f ind was still over $2,000 round trip... Even when I went to Moro cco 2001 last year, flights under $1,000 were easy to find. So I 've been checking for alternate New Year's Eve plans. A group of us are planning on going to Brasil. The flight is only about 7 hours from NYC and should be about $500 roundtrip. Check out htt p:// /group/brazil2002 and for more information about New Year's Eve in this warm jungle rainforest. ----- Original Message ----- From: dandrav er To: SafetyDance Sent: Saturday, November 24, 2001 5:59 PMSubject: Re: [Safet yDance] Koh Phangan 2002this looks like an in credible gathering. Are there any travel agents in the group? This l ooks like a good time to get away for about a week. This is a big friends and family l ist for psychedelic trance in New York. Primarily we promote p rivate parties that are too intimate fror the larger brainmachines l ist. If you know of jobs available, or rooms for rent, send th em over, everyone here is good at safetydance . Feel free to have your friends join by sending an email to SafetyDance-subscribe . To p, send an e To become more involved with making actual events happen - and takin g part in a DMT Ski Lodge this winter - you should join the New York chapter of the Devotional Ministry of Trance, DMTNY by going to papal, registering, and sending $35 to Jeff W, jeff at brainma chines . erms of Service Sponsor ADVERTISEME NTThis is a big friends and family list for psychedelic trance in New York. Primarily we promote private parties that are too inti mate fror the larger brainmachines list. If you know of jobs ava ilable, or rooms for rent, send them over, everyone here is good at sa fetydance . Feel free to have your friend s join by sending an email to SafetyDance-subscribe . T an e SafetyDance-unsubscri be To become more involved with making actual e vents happen - and taking part in a DMT Ski Lodge this winter - you sh ould join the New York chapter of the Devotional Ministry of Trance, D MTNY by going to paypal, registering, and sending $35 to Jeff Whit more, jeff at brainmachines . . --Yvonne+ y at onomatopoeik + htt p://onomatopoeik + vox: 646 321 5710"An eye for an eye only leaves the whole world blind." - Mahatma GandhiThis is a big friends and family list for psychedelic trance in New Yo rk. Primarily we promote private parties that are too intimate fro r the larger brainmachines list. If you know of jobs available, or rooms for rent, send them over, everyone here is good at safetydance at ya hoogroups . Feel free to have your friends join by send ing an email to om this group, send an To become more involved with making actual events happen - and t aking part in a DMT Ski Lodge this winter - you should join the New York chapter of the Devotional Ministry of Trance, DMTNY by going to paypal. com, registering, and sending $35 to Jeff W, jeff at brainmachines.c Service. Date: Wed, 28 Nov 2001 16:09:10 EST Subject: DMT Pagan Holiday Celebration, Birthdays & Welcome Wagon Dec. 11 To: dmtny Cc: oshocy, OggMod13 , DayTripR42 , TaharaRose , BillnEd , Akasha at deserttrance, morglette, safetydance, gabanna69, chaos at bork.hampshire , sgravitz at draftnet, why5ht2a , shaunabell21 From: Machinelf DMT Pagan Holiday Celebration, Birthday Party, & Welcome Wagon!! Save the date. 9pm-4am, December 11. December 11, Tuesday night, at Karma, i believe. I'll negotiate a flat rate for food in case you want to eat. We should go pagan for this, pagan is as pagan does. This is Evan Kakulja's night and we are doing it with him. Slideshow art by Lisa R. It's not a DJ dance thing, so there's really no biggy about DJ selection, I say just bring CDs and we play, the more pagan the better. To encourage all our friends to come help us celebrate a most chaotic crazy quilt of which we are all strands. To start a tradition with a monthly celebration of birthdays, and give Safetydance people a chance to meet DMT people and possibly join the congregation. To celebrate the birthdays of Lisa R, Metal Mark Lorenz, Boris Romanofsky, Gabriel (& Viviana), Lauren Kutscher, Tahara Rose, Bill & Ed, Evan Kakulja, Akasha, Morgan Levine and daytripr42 . If anyone else has a birthday in December let me know; in any event add it to /group/SafetyDance/calendar To welcome new members chaos at bork.hampshire , sgravitz at draftnet, why5ht2a , gabanna69, and shaunabell21 To sign in for DMT Ski and provide information To paraphrase Kate, " is a lovely location, it's always been an intimate experience, get there early dance, talk, get to know the people that share the same love as you. Smoke a hooka, have a bite to eat, have a drink and share the dream. There's lots of opportunities to travel far into oneself, this is the opportunity to bond with others. Put names to faces and exchange information, we are a travelling band and need to make the connections to keep united no matter where we travel or where we go! To:, "Spring 2002 Working Group", "People for Peace Chat", , Subject: 11/28 & 12/1 Earth Celebrations Puppet and Costume Workshop From: "Yvonne" WINTER PAGEANT: CELEBRATING GARDENS, COMMUNITY, CITY & EARTH Lower East Side, NYC Hi, hope you can stop by the puppet and costume workshop wed. and Sat. I have included a list at the btotom of this message of some of the volunteer and performing roles for the Visions of the Earth: Winter Pageant we are trying to fill. If you have not signed up-Please let us know if you can help. ARTISTS INVITED: PUPPETEERS, COSTUME DESIGNERS, DANCERS, SINGERS, PERFORMERS, MUSICIANS, LIGHTING DESIGNERS, TECHNICAL & SOUND PRODUCTION... To contribute your creative contributions to the pageant please come to a workshop on Wednesday beginning in November or call (212) 777-7969. Anyone interested in workshops, volunteering, or performing in some waplease contact us at : mail at earthcelebrations or at (212) 777-7969. thanks so much, Felicia FREE-WINTER GARDEN PAGEANT - PUPPET & COSTUME WORKSHOPS - SATURDAY & WEDNESDA ---- VOLUNTEER - CREATE PUPPETS & COSTUMES - WINTER PAGEANT FOR PEACE ARTISTS INVITED: PUPPETEERS, COSTUME DESIGNERS, DANCERS, SINGERS, PERFORMERS, MUSICIANS, LIGHTING DESIGNERS, TECHNICAL & SOUND PRODUCTION... To contribute your creative contributions to the pageant please come to a workshop on Wednesday beginning in November or call (212) 777-7969. * Earth Celebrations: Visions For the Earth: Winter Pageant For Peace An illuminated procession and performance Celebrating Gardens, Community, City, & Earth. FREE-WINTER PAGEANT PUPPET & COSTUME WORKSHOPS Every Wednesday 6-9pm & Saturday 12:30-4:30pm at Earth Celebrations 638 East 6th St (bet. Aves. B & C) For more information: (212) 777-7969 http://www.earthcelebrations * Earth Celebrations Visions for the Earth: Winter Pageant Saturday, January 26, 2002 7-9 pm VOLUNTEERS NEEDED FOR WINTER PAGEANT: Volunteers and Creative Volunteers for Puppet & Costume Workshops Wed. & Sat. Costume Performers Puppet MarshaLancers Whirling dervish or Butoh dancer Opera Singer Technical Directors/Sound/Electric/Lights/ Sounds system w/ person to run it Bell Chorus/ Misc. Drummers World Ritual-Musicians/Singers General Volunteers & Marshals Photo & Video COSTUME PERFORMERS: Frozen Earth Roots Tree Ice Sun Moon Bird Horn creature Pod Creature Community Spirit Peace Angel 5-snowflakes 5-luminarios w/ wings 2-cocoons 10-Whirling Dervishes PUPPETS: 6-Glow Worm puppet 3-Bird of Hope Puppet 3-Earth Lantern Puppet 5-Moon Puppets LANTERNS: 25-lantern bearers EARTH CELEBRATIONS - 12 YEARS OF ENVIRONMENTAL ARTS PROGRAMMING Earth Celebrations is a non-profit organization dedicated to fostering ecological awareness through the arts. Since 1991, Earth Celebrations has been working to preserve the community gardens on the Lower East Side, and throughout New York City through innovative arts projects, theatrical pageants, performances, exhibitions, video programs, web-site, and art & ecology workshops for children and adults through schools, communitcenters, and gardens. More Information: Earth Celebrations 638 East 6th Street New York, NY 10009 (212) 777-7969 http://www.earthcelebrations -- Yvonne + y at onomatopoeik + http://onomatopoeik + vox: 646 321 5710 The revolution will not be televised. The revolution will not be right back after a message About a white tornado, white lightning, or white people. You will not have to worry about a germ on your Bedroom, a tiger in your tank, or the giant in your toilet bowl. The revolution will not go better with Coke. The revolution will not fight the germs that cause bad breath. The revolution WILL put you in the driver's seat. The revolution will not be televised, WILL not be televised, WILL NOT BE TELEVISED. The revolution will be no re-run brothers; The revolution will be live. - Gil Scott-Heron Date: Thu, 29 Nov 2001 20:14:18 EST Subject: Finally... wireless trippiness 12/15 To: safetydance From: Machinelf Thanks Sheldon Drake! 2001 Unsilent Night Every year since 1992 I've presented Unsilent Night, an outdoor ambient music event for an INFINITE number of boom box tape players. It's like a Christmas carolling party except that we don't sing, but rather carrboom boxes, each playing a separate tape which is part of the piece. In effect, we become a city block long stereo system. This year it will happen on Saturday December 15th. We will meet at the Arch in Washington Square at 6:45 pm, begin at 7 pm and proceed eastward to Tompkins Square Park, where the piece will end around 8 o'clock. It would be really cool if you could join us and bring a boom box. The more tapes we run, the bigger and more amazing the sound will be. The past few years we've had around 50 boomboxes and over 200 people total, not to mention a really great time... If you'd like to do it, please email me at boombox at mindspring so I will know how many tapes to make. If you'd like to do it but don't have a boombox, I have several dozen and you can reserve one...and if you want to come and just listen, that's cool, too. Help us make a BIG (and joyful) noise. Phil Kline Subject: 12/1 Picnic in the Hive To: Infornography for the Masses, From: Yvonne Forwarded from MI Picnic in the Hive Saturday, December 1st 2001 452 W 13t h at 10th Avenue, Manhattan (10pm - until we're done dancing) $10 Take the A ,C, E, 1,2,3,or 9 train to 14th street, or the L to 8th ave. There is a par king lot next to the space. Come early if you're driving and need a place t o park. Dj's johnnyrandom - 138 Productions sean b. - Freeskool burzurk - S pacelounge girldj - The Madagascar Institute mad anthony - m smallchange - WFMU the spork - Spacelounge Note: This is not a Madagasca r Institute event, per se, but an insect-themed party put together by two M adagascar Institute stalwarts- Ryan and Girl DJ. There will be music (both the whoomp whoomp and the funky) delicious drinks, really attractive and ef ficient coat checkers, and lots and lots of art with insect themes, made b members of the Institute, ranging from the superdangerous and menacing to the kinda cute. (Emphasis on the menacing.). The party takes place in an en ormous, recently decommissioned meat packing facility, and there will be ot her things going on there in the following weeks. (Check the http://www.mad agascarinstitute for details in the future) Wear an insect-themed costu me because things are more fun if you put a little effort into them. It wil l be very very good. Have we let you down yet? -- Yvonne + y at onomato poeik + http://onomatopoeik + vox: 646 321 5710 B3If I am not for myself, then who will be for me? And if I am only for myself, then what am I? And if not now, when?B2 - Rabbi Hillel Date: Fri, 30 Nov 2001 00:40:16 EST Subject: Prayer for Respect for the Land near Coney Island To: safetydance Cc: omnitribe From: Machinelf The space near Coney Island is trashed. A lone Native American walked through his old ancestral burial grounds and a tear welled up in his eye. A metaphor, if you will. WE are ALL to blame. The space was thrashed before Wylie's Smokeout/BurningGoa/meteor shower. There is no official trash pickup there. Trash has been collected before but the bags over the months split open. The next people to do anything there will have to accept the burden. An official cleanup with a dedicated truck or van. Or we will be partying, insert whatever euphemism you want, in our own filth. Back in theDMT days when mark and i were getting along we had a credo - Leave No Trace and be respectful to our neighbors and the Earth. The Law of Threes dictates that everything you do will come back to you threefold. Ugly Consumers - Trance trash - or Environmentally Responsible People of Peace? Until we address this, our legacy there will be trashed out partiers on the edge of the soccer fields, as the fishermen wade through the detritus of our decadence. The choice is ours. You will see this email again whenever someone comes up to the plate. Subject: 12/5 Hip Hop Speaks! Community Forum & MC Battle To: Infornography for the Masses, CSSN, , Dance, NYCstudents4peace, NYC Dan, IMC NYC Print From: Yvonne -----Original Message----- From: AWORKSONGS HipHop Speaks! is an outlet for the healthy exchange of social and political ideas related to the hiphop nation and beyond (as Dead Prez has stated, it is bigger than hiphop, after all), and led by activists/voices from the hiphop community. This particular program will recap the year in hiphop music, the September 11th tragedy, "the new patriotism," and the on-going war in Afghanistan from OUR perspectives. So: HipHop Speaks! presents A Community Forum & MC Battle Wednesday, December 5, 2001 at the House of Justice located at 1941 Madison Avenue (between 124th & 125th Streets) Harlem, New York Take the #2, 3, 4, or 5 trains to 125th Street Doors open at 6:30 pm ~ Admission is FREE and Open to the Public (first come, first seated: at our last event, we had well over 500 people in attendance, so get there on time!) The community forum features.... Ras Baraka educator, activist, poet, and candidate for council-at-large (Newark, NJ) Rosa Clemente writer, activist, and co-host of WBAI radio's "Where We Live" (Thursdays at 8 pm) Kevin Powell poet, journalist, activist, and editor of the forthcoming WHO SHOT YA? The Hip-Hop Photographs of Ernie Paniccioli April R. Silver activist, cultural arts entrepreneur; founder & pres. of akila worksongs Moderated by Bobbito AKA DJ Cucumber Slice ...and on the one and twoz Battle DJ Kuttin Kandi PART II: Mahogany Browne presents DA CYPHA MC BATTLE Hosted by Poison Pen, with music by Droopist DaRiddlah The first 16 MCs to sign up at 6:30 pm can get down with this battle. The competition will start immediately after the community forum. All MCs who want to battle MUST attend the community forum. NO EXCEPTIONS TO THE RULES. DA CYPHA MC BATTLE is sponsored by Rawkus Records, Motown Records, DaDa Footwear, and Hudson Punch Productions. We have pre-holiday GIFT BAGS for the first 500 folks, with donated items from The Lyricist Lounge, PASS the ROC, PNB Nation, and other companies.... As always, information tables available for community-based organizations and non-profits. Call in advance to reserve. general and media inquirese are directed to 718-756-8501 (ext. 1) or email hiphopspeaks # # # -- Yvonne + y at onomatopoeik + http://onomatopoeik + vox: 646 321 5710 "Do you know why people like me are shy about being capitalist? Well, it's because for as long as we have known you, we were capital, like bales of cotton and sacks of sugar, and you were the commanding, cruel capitalist, and the memory of this is so strong, the experience so recent, that we can't quite bring ourselves to embrace this idea that you think so much of. As for what we were like before we met you, I no longer care. No periods of time over which my ancestors held sway, no documentation of complex civilizations, is any comfort to me. Even if I really came from people who were living like monkeys in trees, it was better to be that than what happened to me, what I became after I met you." --Jamaica Kincaid "A Small Place" Farrar, Straus & Giroux 1988 Date: Sat, 01 Dec 2001 06:47:59 To: SafetyDance Subject: 12/6 Call for a Tribal Trance Gathering From: y at onomatopoeik Dear friends, You are invited to perform at a People for Peace (Columbia University/Barnard College/Teachers College/Morningside Heights Anti War Coalition) fundraiser for Peace Efforts and Afghan Refugees. What: Hip Hop Self expression dirty booty shakin house music Psychedelic peace tribal trance Konkrete Urban Jungle b r e a k s spoken word Ethnic A jazz fusion art computer visuals expressions of l o v e and p e a c e universal When: Thursday, December 6th 2001, from 10 pm to 2 am Where: Lerner Hall Auditorium, Columbia UniversitLocated at W 115th St and Broadway. http://www.columbia /cu/lernerhall/ Capacity of 1000 to 2000 people. Will have all sound equipment, including turntables, speakers, amps, PA system. Transportation is available for those who need to transport their vinyl, projectors, art murals, etc. Why: Fun(d) raising for People for Peace, the Anti War Coalition at Columbia University and Morningside Heights, and for Afghan Refugee Rescue Efforts (divided among Oxfam and Doctors Without Borders). Please send a sound sample (in digital format) to yl90 at columbia . Please send in zipped format, if larger than 30 MB email yl90 at columbia for instructions on how to FTP the sample to a server. Please respond if interested by Sunday 12/2 by email to yl90 at columbia . Please contact Yvonne at (646) 321- 5710 if you have any questions or require further information. This event is co-sponsored by People for Peace and Columbia Concerts. Paz, Yvonne PEOPLE FOR PEACE (Our website is undergoing maintenance this weekend, so please be patient if it doesn't load immediately.) -- Yvonne + y at onomatopoeik + http://onomatopoeik + vox: 646 321 5710 First they came for the Communists, and I didn't speak up, because I wasn't a Communist. Then they came for the Jews, and I didn't speak up, because I wasn't a Jew. Then they came for the Catholics, and I didn't speak up, because I was a Protestant. Then they came for me, and by that time there was no one left to speak up for me. by Rev. Martin Niemoller, 1945 Date: Sat, 1 Dec 2001 15:32:51 EST Subject: photographer needed for afterparty.. To: psy-trance at dewline, SafetyDance, vitalik at onebox (v) From: LOLLYGOA hi everyone, i'm so excited about this weekend i cant stand it! Synthetic Sashus has the dream-team lineup, it's warm outside in November, and the afterparty is gonna be incredible! Last minute stuff: We need a real photographer who can photograph ultra violet environments. (i bloody-well mean to have some photos of my work this time!) We will pay for the prints AND comp you! Please call my cell, as we are over doing work now and wont be online for a bit... 917 669-8296 Thanks and love, Lori(lollygoa ) ps : i seem to remember talking to a photographer named Malcolm(?) last year at SS's earthdance 2000....Anybody know him? hi everyone, i'm so excited about this weekend i cant stand it! Synthetic Sashus has the dream-team lineup, it's warm outside in November, and the afterparty is gonna be incredible! Last minute stuff: We need a real photographer who can photograph ultra violet environments. (i bloody-well mean to have some photos of my work this time!) We will pay for the prints AND comp you! Please call my cell, as we are over doing work now and wont be online for a bit... 917 669-8296 Thanks and love, Lori(lollygoa ) ps : i seem to remember talking to a photographer named Malcolm(?) last year at SS's earthdance 2000....Anybody know him? Date: Mon, 03 Dec 2001 23:17:45 To: SafetyDance Subject: MYSTERY SCHOOL Tuesdays From: evan at shpongle A reminder to come down and join us for this intimate gathering at this eclectic location. THC (Temporal Harmony Codes) presents M Y S T E R Y S C H O O L Tuesdays 12/4, 12/11 at Karma Hookah Lounge and Bar FREE Psy-Trance & Entheo-Tunes with Dj's Kakulja-Evan (THC) Kate (Ireland) & guests Couches, hookahs, apple tobacco, dance floor, full bar, info: evan at shpongle Wed, 05 Dec 2001 16:56:53 To: mark at indole, Machinelf, safetydance, 604 at partBcc: Subject: Thanks to all for a great weekend From: "Kate Garry" So it's Wednesday and I've finally found the time to sit down and write an e-mail. It has been such an amazing weekend. SS was great even though I was distracted at times due to promotional work and stuff like that and having spent half an hour or so having to dance outside !!! But alls well that ends well. Now the most important thing. THANK YOU to everyone who made it to the afterparty. It was so good. The atmosphere, the feeling of people coming together to help out was great. It was such a great opportunity to put names to faces and get to know so many. Games of pool were played, breakfast was shared, people relaxed and replenshed their energy supplies and the dancing continued till 8pm. People were coming all day long giving the weary the boost they needed. Thanks to Kristine and Rebecca for all the work they did in the chillout/chai area. Nice wall hangings, candlelit tables, gorgeous chai/coffee/tea and chess boards!!!! To all the guys who spun downstairs thank you! (Stefan, Gosha, Kamal, John you guys rock) Thanks to all the artists who brought their wonderful pieces. It was so nice to have such a variety of styles of art. (Susannah, Lado, Gosha, Mandy - thanks also for all your help setting up and taking down) Thanks to Lori and Boris - the ice-cave was excellent and the sound was perfect all day long. You guys have outdone yourself. Keep an eye out for future Burning Elf productions, the quality is top class. Ben-Light-O-Matic's lighting effects truly made the cave glistening, the art come alive and the aurora behind the DJ's made them seem to come out of the light! And the DJ's, OMG you were all so great, in the way you spun and in the way we all got along, no ego's, no BS, just love of music. Daka, Gosha, Boris, Andrew, Chico, Mike Soch and MachineElf, you brought us all over the place in a very good and pleasing way!! Dan and the guys you acoustic set with Kellys vocals was such a nice change in pace it helped us all feel refreshed for the afternoons craziness. Deepr in Zen played live all their own material, all the trackks are really really nice and well produced, kept the floor full and people happy. Thanks to Simon and Benji for making it out and fighting the Jet lag for so long. Love ye!!!!! And of course a big thakn you to Mark and Jeff for promoting the whole thing. Keep up the great work. I hope I haven't forgotten anyone and if I have I apologise in advance. As my time here draws closer to the end, it had to be the highlight of my New York adventure. At times I have to admit I did feel a lump formoing in my throat when I remembered that I'm soon leaving all you wonderful people. But thank God for e-mail and keep in contact. Now all I have to do is get some parties going in Ireland, build it up to a festival and ye ALL have to come:o) Keep it alive guys, but don't burn it out! I wanna have somthing to come back to, whenever I return! I'll be having a little going away kinda get together, DJ's and stuff!! Anyone that would like to come e-mail me off list and I'll give ye the details. To anyone that I won't get to see before I go, I will miss ye and thanks for a great 4 years :o) Must go now before I get soppy, packing and stuff to do. Love to All Beannacht Kate (Bandia/Children of LIr) - Date: Wed, 5 Dec 2001 14:30:04 EST Subject: Calling all Sagitarians and friends To: safetydance, infornography From: Machinelf (Feel free to forward) December 11 Tuesday - Sagitarian Birthday Theme Party, Devotional Ministry of Trance Pagan Holiday Celebration, Welcome Wagon!! WHY: This is a birthday party for all Sagitarians 11/23-12/21, who are known to be really big partiers so this will be one to remember. To get an idea of what Sagitarians are like see below. If you are or know a Sadge, then come on down and particpate! ELEMENT: Fire COST: FREE DATE: December 11 TIME: Come early (8pm) to eat, later (11pm) to party. 8pm-4am If you plan on joining the dinner email machinelf at brainmachines or call 212-330-9371. ADDRESS: Karma, 51 First Ave (3rd St) 212-677-3160 ID: All Ages, 21+ to drink, 33+ to get rip roaring drunk MUSIC: The energy of the music will match the energy of the crowd (Personally, we plan to blowing the place up - and someone on my shoulder will finish the job if iI die in the process!!) Si necessito we pull back the carpet to trance dance to tunes from Kakulja, Machinelf, and many more. DIVERSIONS: Slide art by Lisa R, projection by Gary Toro. Poetry by Evan Kakulja (see end of email for transcript). Astrological readings. Alex Grey art and books (you have to see the recently completed Cosmic Christ). Music written by Sagitarians (see below) To encourage all our friends to come help us celebrate a most chaotic crazy quilt of which we are all strands of theoretical string. To launch a monthly tradition of birthday celebration, and give trance people a chance to meet DMT people and possibly join the congregation. BRING: Hunter motif items. Bows and arrows. Centaur figures. If you have toys, trip toys, bring them. If you have art, bring it. If you can bring a lot of goodies for everyone, that would be swell. Bring enough to share. DRESS: Dress like your favorite pagan. Dress like a Centaur Archer Hunter. Bring a bow and arrows. GUESTS OF HONOR: To celebrate the birthdays of fun lovers Lisa R, Metal Mark Lorenz, Rich at indole, Boris Romanofsky, Gabriel (& Viviana), Bill & Ed, Evan Kakulja, Akasha, Serina Synapsita, Morgan Levine and daytripr42 , and ANY OTHER SAGITARIANS!! To paraphrase Kate, " is a lovely location, it's always been an intimate experience, get there early dance, talk, get to know the people that share the same love as you. Smoke a hooka, have a bite to eat, have a drink and share the dream. There's lots of opportunities to travel far into oneself, this is the opportunity to bond with others. Put names to faces and exchange information, we are a travelling band and need to make the connections to keep united no matter where we travel or where we go!" If your birthday is in December, let me know, you Sadge or Cap!! IF YOU ARE OR KNOW A SAGITARIAN be sure to just show up. If you frequent our activities and are on safetydance then enter your birthday in our roster and celebrate with us go to /group/SafetyDance/calendar PESONALITBasically, astrologically, they are ideal party people. They speak their mind and may hurt feelings without meaning to. Sagittarians are always looking for a challenge. They thrive on excitement and the unknown. The "archer" is the eternal optimist of the Zodiac. Take a look at the SAGITTARIUS in your life, does he have a penchant for truth? Does his curiosity take him/her to places that you have no interest in? Does he want to know the answers to everything? Is he a crusader for the underdog? Does he have more nerve than brains? Does he get himself into and out of scrapes more times than you care to know? When he gets into fixes, have you noticed how easily he comes out smelling like a rose in spite of the odours of others around? SAGITTARIANS are lucky because they believe they will be lucky. They know everything will turn out no matter what the present state of events may be. Not only are they optimistic, but they also usually have a great sense of humour. This gets them through the most trying times. FAMOUS SAGITARIANS Terence McKenna Jim Morrison (December 8, 1943) Jimi Hendrix Frank Zappa Sinead O'Connor Ozzy Osbourne Keith Richards Sir Winston Churchill (November 30, 1874) Ludwig van Beethoven (December 16 or 17, 1770) Mark Twain (November 30, 1835) Woody Allen Jane Fonda Francis Albert Sinatra (December 12, 1915) Brad Pitt Britney Spears Samuel Jackson Rodney Dangerfield Christina Applegate Tyra Banks Kim Basinger Dick Clark Joe DiMaggio Kirk Douglas Ed Harris Teri Hatcher Alyssa Milano Judd Nelson Steven Spielberg Howard Stern Ben Stiller Dionne Warwick Terri Garr Tim Conway Dick Van Dyke Patty Duke Don Johnson Phil Donahue Chris Evert TRAITS Optimistic and freedom-loving Jovial and good-humored Honest and straightforward Intellectual and philosophical On the dark side.... Blindly optimistic and careless Irresponsible and superficial Tactless and restless ASTRONOMThe center of our galaxy, the Milky Way, lies in the direction of Sagittarius. It is believed to be about 29,000 light years away from us. The Sun orbits around the Milky Way once every 200 million years at a speed of 220 kilometers per second! What is at the center of the galaxy? No one really knows yet, but it appears that there might be a giant black hole there with a mass about a million times greater that the Sun. Planetary Ruler: Jupiter Dieties: Hathor, Hecate, Neith, Athene, Minerva, Ixchel, Osiris Nature Spirits: Snow Faeries, storm Faeries, winter tree Faeries Directional Angel: Archangel Micheal Day of the Week: ThursdaTarot Cards: Page of Wands and Temperance Lucky Numbers: (4, 10, 16, 22, 35, 41) Colours: Royal Purple, Golden yellow Meditational Colour: Deep Purple Stones: Serphentine, jacinth, peridot Trees: Pine, fir, hollHerbs: English ivy, fir, mistletoe Flowers: Poinsettia, Christmas or Yule cactus Scents: Violet, patchouli, rose geranium, myrhh, lilac Animals: Mouse deer, horse, bear Birds: Rock robin, snowy owl send more Sagitarian INFO to: machinelf at brainmachines, 212-330-9371 To: Subject: Re: [SafetyDance] Calling all Sagitarians and friends From: "Yvonne" Awesome!! Yesterday was my birfday... :) ----- Original Message ----- From: To: ; Sent: Wednesday, December 05, 2001 2:30 PM Subject: [SafetyDance] Calling all Sagitarians and friends > (Feel free to forward) > > December 11 Tuesday - Sagitarian Birthday Theme Party, Devotional Ministrof > Trance Pagan Holiday Celebration, Welcome Wagon!! > > WHY: This is a birthday party for all Sagitarians 11/23-12/21, who are known > to be really big partiers so this will be one to remember. To get an idea of > what Sagitarians are like see below. If you are or know a Sadge, then come > on down and particpate! > > ELEMENT: Fire > COST: FREE > DATE: December 11 > TIME: Come early (8pm) to eat, later (11pm) to party. 8pm-4am If you plan on > joining the dinner email machinelf at brainmachines or call 212-330-9371. > > ADDRESS: Karma, 51 First Ave (3rd St) 212-677-3160 > ID: All Ages, 21+ to drink, 33+ to get rip roaring drunk > > MUSIC: The energy of the music will match the energy of the crowd > (Personally, we plan to blowing the place up - and someone on my shoulder > will finish the job if iI die in the process!!) Si necessito we pull back > the carpet to trance dance to tunes from Kakulja, Machinelf, and manmore. > > DIVERSIONS: Slide art by Lisa R, projection by Gary Toro. Poetry bEvan > Kakulja (see end of email for transcript). Astrological readings. Alex Gre> art and books (you have to see the recently completed Cosmic Christ). > Music written by Sagitarians (see below) To encourage all our friends to come > help us celebrate a most chaotic crazy quilt of which we are all strands of > theoretical string. To launch a monthly tradition of birthday celebration, > and give trance people a chance to meet DMT people and possibly join the > congregation. > > BRING: Hunter motif items. Bows and arrows. Centaur figures. If you have > toys, trip toys, bring them. If you have art, bring it. If you can bring a > lot of goodies for everyone, that would be swell. Bring enough to share. > > DRESS: Dress like your favorite pagan. Dress like a Centaur Archer Hunter. > Bring a bow and arrows. > > GUESTS OF HONOR: To celebrate the birthdays of fun lovers Lisa R, Metal > Mark Lorenz, Rich at indole, Boris Romanofsky, Gabriel (& Viviana), Bill & > Ed, Evan Kakulja, Akasha, Serina Synapsita, Morgan Levine and > daytripr42 , > and ANY OTHER SAGITARIANS!! > > To paraphrase Kate, " is a lovely location, it's always been an > intimate experience, get there earl> dance, talk, get to know the people that share the same love as you. Smoke a > hooka, have a bite to eat, have a drink and share the dream. There's lots of > > opportunities to travel far into oneself, this is the opportunity to bond > with others. Put names to faces and exchange information, we are a travelling > > band and need to make the connections to keep united no matter where we > travel or where we go!" If your birthday is in December, let me know, you > Sadge or Cap!! > > IF YOU ARE OR KNOW A SAGITARIAN be sure to just show up. If you frequent our > activities and are on safetydance then enter your birthday in our roster and > celebrate with us go to /group/SafetyDance/calendar > > PESONALIT> Basically, astrologically, they are ideal party people. > They speak their mind and may hurt feelings without meaning to. Sagittarians > are always looking for a challenge. They thrive on excitement and the > unknown. The "archer" is the eternal optimist of the Zodiac. Take a look at > the SAGITTARIUS in your life, does he have a penchant for truth? Does his > curiosity take him/her to places that you have no interest in? Does he want > to know the answers to everything? Is he a crusader for the underdog? Does > he have more nerve than brains? Does he get himself into and out of scrapes > more times than you care to know? When he gets into fixes, have you noticed > how easily he comes out smelling like a rose in spite of the odours of others > around? SAGITTARIANS are lucky because they believe they will be lucky. > They know everything will turn out no matter what the present state of events > may be. Not only are they optimistic, but they also usually have a great > sense of humour. This gets them through the most trying times. > > FAMOUS SAGITARIANS > Terence McKenna > Jim Morrison (December 8, 1943) > Jimi Hendrix > Frank Zappa > Sinead O'Connor > Ozzy Osbourne > Keith Richards > Sir Winston Churchill (November 30, 1874) > Ludwig van Beethoven (December 16 or 17, 1770) > Mark Twain (November 30, 1835) > Woody Allen > Jane Fonda > Francis Albert Sinatra (December 12, 1915) > Brad Pitt > Britney Spears > Samuel Jackson > Rodney Dangerfield > Christina Applegate > Tyra Banks > Kim Basinger > Dick Clark > Joe DiMaggio > Kirk Douglas > Ed Harris > Teri Hatcher > Alyssa Milano > Judd Nelson > Steven Spielberg > Howard Stern > Ben Stiller > Dionne Warwick > Terri Garr > Tim Conwa> Dick Van Dyke > Patty Duke > Don Johnson > Phil Donahue > Chris Evert > > TRAITS > Optimistic and freedom-loving > Jovial and good-humored > Honest and straightforward > Intellectual and philosophical > > On the dark side.... > Blindly optimistic and careless > Irresponsible and superficial > Tactless and restless > > ASTRONOM> The center of our galaxy, the Milky Way, lies in the direction of > Sagittarius. It is believed to be about 29,000 light years away from us. The > Sun orbits around the Milky Way once every 200 million years at a speed of > 220 kilometers per second! What is at the center of the galaxy? No one reall> knows yet, but it appears that there might be a giant black hole there with a > mass about a million times greater that the Sun. > > Planetary Ruler: Jupiter > Dieties: Hathor, Hecate, Neith, Athene, Minerva, Ixchel, Osiris > Nature Spirits: Snow Faeries, storm Faeries, winter tree Faeries > Directional Angel: Archangel Micheal > > Day of the Week: Thursda> Tarot Cards: Page of Wands and Temperance > Lucky Numbers: (4, 10, 16, 22, 35, 41) > > Colours: Royal Purple, Golden yellow > Meditational Colour: Deep Purple > Stones: Serphentine, jacinth, peridot > > Trees: Pine, fir, holl> Herbs: English ivy, fir, mistletoe > Flowers: Poinsettia, Christmas or Yule cactus > Scents: Violet, patchouli, rose geranium, myrhh, lilac > Animals: Mouse deer, horse, bear > Birds: Rock robin, snowy owl > > send more Sagitarian INFO to: machinelf at brainmachines, 212-330-9371 > > This is a big friends and family list for psychedelic trance in New York. Primarily we promote private parties that are too intimate fror the larger brainmachines list. If you know of jobs available, or rooms for rent, send them over, everyone here is good at safetydance . > > Feel free to have your friends join by sending an email to > > To become more involved with making actual events happen - and taking part in a DMT Ski Lodge this winter - you should join the New York chapter of the Devotional Ministry of Trance, DMTNY by going to paypal, registering, and sending $35 to Jeff W, jeff at brainmachines . > by mail16.bigmailbox (8.10.0/8.10.0) id fB5LPiZ21340; To: safetydance Subject: RE: Calling all Sagitarians and friends From: "Kakulja Evan" there will also be cake for the Sagitariuns and cookies for everybody. _,.-:*'``'*:-.,__,.-:*'``'*:-.,__,.-:*'``'*:-.,_ `'*:-.,__,.-:*'``'*:-.,__,.-:*'``'*:-.,__,.-:*'` Interdimensional devices; levitating, spinning, crawling and sliding. Linking, dividing, harmonizing and synergizing qualities, forms, waves and realities. Trans-technological singularities of temporal matrices, hyper-functional crystaline mathematic fractal baby gizmos of light, color and sound, busy, busy, busy. ~~~~~ "Such stuff as Dreams are made of" ~~~~~ Not Shpongled enough? Then Get Twisted at Subject: 12/7 Tupperwire To: From: Yvonne SEAL Presents: Tupperwire Friday, Dec. 7th 2001 Light 'N Wire Productions is an art-technology resource center in San Francisco that explores the cutting edge of new electronic and other cool technologies for art. We work with EL wire, LEDs, lasers and assorted other luminaries to help spread a little light into to the foreboding darkness around us. We have an association with Burning Man and have supplied various theme camps, the Burning Man operas, artists and attendees with light wire for creative and decorative use. We offer free consultations, sponsor educational seminars (Tupperwire parties) and are also purveyor of electro-luminescent wire, aka glow wire or lightwire, a decorative and novelty wire used for costumes, masks, stage props, and fashion embellishments. Tupperwire is a gathering of like-minded techno and fashion earladopters who need to know the hows, wheres, and whys of light wire. Basically it all boils down to one question: "What's it gonna do for me?" And fellow techno friends, Tupperwire not only answers your questions, but it will also bring its little 'ol store front so you too can own a share of this delightful wire (your choice of color) for your own personal and experimental enjoyment. Our store front will have a limited supply of stuff. Once exhausted we will do back orders and ship ASAP (with a seven-10 day turn around). With kleverVice, aka DJ Shel. Fun 130 Madison Street, between Pike and Market, Market 7.30p; $5 entry/discount on purchase from Tupperwire -- Yvonne + y at onomatopoeik + http://onomatopoeik + vox: 646 321 5710 First they came for the Communists, and I didn't speak up, because I wasn't a Communist. Then they came for the Jews, and I didn't speak up, because I wasn't a Jew. Then they came for the Catholics, and I didn't speak up, because I was a Protestant. Then they came for me, and by that time there was no one left to speak up for me. by Rev. Martin Niemoller, 1945 Subject: 12/8 SantadaTo:, Dance From: Yvonne XXXXX SATURDAY, DECEMBER 8 XXXXX From brooklyn.cacophony: SantaCon/Sant arch It's extremely warm outside, but indeed, it is Santa weather! Santa Con NYC 2001 promises to be a huge gathering of Santas, manfrom various d ifferent states. Remember, no spectators are allowed. You must be dressed i n the costume to join us in SantaCon. The Santas will wait around Katz's f or a little while, but then we'll take off for our workday: meeting the pub lic, handing out Christmas toys, spreading holiday cheer, and enjoying ours elves. As always, the itinerary will remain a secret; you have to walk it to experience it. There's a few things that Santas should bring on Saturda y: An unlimited Metro card, good walking shoes and a suitable outfit for al l day and night, and money. (There's only one cover charge this year, and i t's at our end-of-night party ($5) Everything else is free. But drinks, fo od, and disposable cameras are not free. Please practice discretion should you decide to display naked naughtbody parts or practice public drunkenn ess to the wrong cop -- or child. Katz's delicatessen 205 East Houston, Ma nahttan 11a sharp; $free 646 250 8548 cell phone for updates NOTE: We have high hopes. Last year's two-day Santa rampage through the avenues of Manha ttan and the backstreets of Williamsburg was no-lie one of the best weekend s we'd ever had. Not just ever had in New York, but ever had ever. There's not much that compares to catching the look on people's faces when they stu mble upon 100 drunken Santas crammed into a subway car. The whole thing was just so much fun. Plus, we met some great folks who we became friends with in real life and ended up collaborating with on even more silliness during the rest of the year. This year's event is wisely restricted to one day, b ut we've been assured it's a doozy of a day. The event starts at the almost ungodly Saturday-morning hour of 11a and progresses into the night. If you 'd like to come you can still score cheap costumes at Gem stores in Manhatt an (Delancy) and Williamsburg (Metropolitan). Please find us and say hello: We'll be the one in the red suit. ***** Also on SATURDAY ***** La Supe rette La Superette is a pre-holiday bazaar where you can find the most ori ginal gifts from $1-50, all made by local and international artists, design ers, and passionate amateurs. There will be live music, food, and drinks at La Superette. Schedule of Performances: 2p kleverVice, 3p PineBox/Karen H ancock, 3:45p Black Ops, 4:30p Nerve Moon, 5p All Time Present, 6p Transpor t, 7p newcenturypuppetmusical Rock And Roll Santa, aka Naughty Cherubs, 7:1 5p Somnambulants, 8p The SB, 8:45p Bivins/Davis, 9:30p The Lotus, 10p Duck Attack, 10:30p Krakatoa, 11:15p Nancy Mo No. Plus intervening DJs and other sounds provided by free103.9 including DJ Dizzy, DJ Matt Mikas, and Matt B ua. La Superette artists, performers, and participants are: All Time Prese nt, Anatkis, Angela Crabtree, Anney Fresh, Bivins/Davis, Carrie Dashow, Cut Paste, David Heatley, de Vie, Di-ann Eisnor, Duck Attack, Evolved Freak TM , Femmes A Barbre, Free103point9, Freshly Squozen, Holly Klein, Jason Wilso n, Jess Daniles, Josh Weinstein, KleverVice, Krakatoa, KT Blood, Kyle Lapid us, The Lotus, Matt Bua, Matt Moses, Miss Chief Buttons, Nancy Mo No, Nerv e Moon, newcenturypuppetmusical, Nouri Zander, PineBox/Karen Hancock, Rey Q Loki, The SB, Somnambulants, Tali Hinkis-Lapidus, Tanya Bezreh, Tracy Roll ing, Transport, White Tapes. Second Floor/Third Floor 97 South 6th Street, Williamsburg, Brookyln L train to Bedford stop; J, M, Z trains to Marcy st op 2p-midnight; $free, but bring money for shopping NOTE: A destination ev ent -- just look at all the people involved -- and wouldn't you rather spen d your Christmas gift money on homemade love than in, um, Circuit City? DJ Shel and nonsense subscriber (in fact the person who made it possible for ou to actually be able to read this list) has this to say: It's a mall, in a house, full of people (some who speak French) who made their own wares, w ith somthing like 10 hours of entertainment. I have both made endearing tr inkets and will also be performing. I'm performing first, at like 2p. But t hat's not why you are coming. You are coming because there is a rock 'n' ro ll Santa puppet show at 7p. ***** Also on SATURDAY ***** From Sheena B izarre: 23 Windows and Brooklyn Massive present: Orgo Tona Eclectic danc e sounds, multi projections, drum circle, and performance. Fun party. Soun d: Dub Gabriel (Bkln Mssv) live electronics from the mother ship; Zemi17 (r ansom corp.) live electronics, outer space tribal electro; DJ Ripley (so fa t / toneburst) dub and jungle. Vision: KvK (ransom corp.) polyrhythmic abs tract video montage; Quak & Spak (SF, CA) bright subversive moving images; See Monkey (ameoba) vid collage; lightpainting in video feedback by Lightwa rriors NYC; slide projection by D-Luzion. Performance: (B.Y.O.Drum) open j am room; Indonesian Dance by Tanya Ridgely; the body mosaic performance by Keasha. 23 Windows, Las Ventanas de 23 41 Belvidere, Bushwick, Brooklyn JM Z trains to Mrytle stop. Down the stairs to right, left on Broadway, three blocks, then a right on Belvidere, last building on your left #41. L train to Montrose stop. Ten- to 15-minute walk. Walk downhill on Bushwick Avenue. The road will turn and veer to the left. Turn right on Flushing, two block s, turn left onto Beaver, five blocks, turn right on Belvidere, first door on your right. 11p; $5 donation (we turn no one away and we can always be b ribed with houseplants) 212 726 0631 NOTE: Generally tekno with a k, purve yed by swell kids who want to change the world. ***** Also on SATURDAY ** *** Rubulad, aka the Party That Can Now Be Named, But Not Listed With an Address Rubulad After a dozen or so listings, and a now nearly forgotten first and certainly not last series of spirited arguments with people who s houldn't really be making decisions over using the name and address of this party, Nonsense is now happy to at least name the party that we've heretof ore called The Party That Can Not Be Named. Rubulad. Rubulad (rube-you-la d) is, even after dozens of regular, almost monthly parties, still one of t he best things going in New York. We think anyone who complains about it be ing crowded, or tired, is a thankless whiner who should move back to Great Neck. Physically, Rubulad is quite large, wonderfully decorated, often abs urdly crowded, and almost always fun. There are bands, DJs, art, people in costumes, and many fascinating comestibles. Because it is an ostensibly pr ivate party we have been specificallasked to not print the name or locati on of the place. If you would like to know it, please email us; we won't th ink you're uncool or out-of-the-know (and who cares anyway? cool people suc k). As a public service announcement, know that it has been extremely crowd ed in recent months and generally doesn't even get comfortable until 2 or 3 a. You can go early to beat the crowds and catch all of the performances, o r you can show up around 3a and have more room. From there, you have about a three or four hour window to dance, flirt, and do make out. After around 6a, the vibe can be a little odd and maybe even a bit creepy, with many dru nk boys trying to mop up. Please be careful and watch out for one another. This month: All-Star Holiday Extravaganza, with live music by Nurse & Sold ier, Moisturizer, the Hungry March Band, and Chin-Chin. Plus your Yuletide DJs $mall Change, Pataphisto, Koresh E. Fresh. Video projections by the Mig hty Robot Visual Squad. And more delicious visual smorgasbord from the Vide o Vault of Gary Balaban. Dress your holiday best! NOTE: We are happy to se nd you email about this party, just keep in mind that if you request it aft er 7p on Friday we will not get it and therefore be unable to get you addre sses and such. ***** Also on SATURDAY ***** Dumboluna Entertainment pre sents: Formula Many complex equations, reactive elements, and intense lab research culminated to create Formula, a social experiment invented by the mad lab cats at Intuition NYC. With DRM (downtempo), MineUs I (fusion bre akbeat hip-hop band), ActiveFreeMedia (performance piece, Boon/Katie/Kristi n (bigbeat/triphop/violin/vocal fusion), MissonOnMars (live sitar breakbeat ), Arvin (trancey tech house), Leo (deep tech house), Skizum (ambient sound scapes), Busch (chill beat). With fire dancers, Syrenz Break Crew, Vessels Interactive Art Circle, Doug doing his magic thing, Oliver Vernon doing a l ive painting, Z doing an active painting, and Nato doing a graf/relief piec e and bombing innocent pedestrians. The Lunatarium 10 Jay Street, Dumbo, B rooklyn F train to York Street station 10.30p; $10 ($5 before 11.30) http:/ /www.lunatarium / 718 813 8404 ***** Also on SATURDAY ***** Ganga Ma : A Pilgrimage to the Source A film by Pepe Ozan (Burning Man Opera) and M elitta, about the holiest Hindu pilgrimage up the river Ganges. Photos by M elitta. Stephen Gang Galler529 West 20th Street, 4E, between 10th and 11 th avenues, Mahahattan 6-9p opening; $free Continues through December 29 SG anGal -- Yvonne + y at onomatopoeik + http://onomatopoeik. com + vox: 646 321 5710 B3If I am not for myself, then who will be for me ? And if I am only for myself, then what am I? And if not now, when?B2 - Rabbi Hillel Date: Thu, 6 Dec 2001 23:39:20 EST Subject: Fwd: |>/-/- -|- Thanks, and apology from Wylie To: safetydance From: Machinelf (Thanks Wylie.. the original email this refers to was sent out to mark's list) >Hello Everyone, THis is Wylie and I would also like to publiclapologize to Jeff and all of you for being paranoid and suffering from nicotein withdrawl. At the last outdoor party at Coney Island I lost a tape that I wanted Jeff to play for me and like a freak I blamed JEff. The tape was later found. Sorrto you Jeff, to you Mark(indole) and and to everyone else for starting this type of trouble. I hope I can learn from my mistakes. THIS HAS BEEN A WYLIE TRANCE-MISSION (Thanks Wylie.. the original email this refers to was sent out to mark's list) >Hello Everyone, THis is Wylie and I would also like to publiclapologize to Jeff and all of you for being paranoid and suffering from nicotein withdrawl. At the last outdoor party at Coney Island I lost a tape that I wanted Jeff to play for me and like a freak I blamed JEff. The tape was later found. Sorrto you Jeff, to you Mark(indole) and and to everyone else for starting this type of trouble. I hope I can learn from my mistakes. THIS HAS BEEN A WYLIE TRANCE-MISSION Date: Thu, 6 Dec 2001 23:45:58 EST Subject: Re: [SafetyDance] 12/8 SantadaTo: SafetyDance From: Machinelf Of course, there's a lot going on, but don't forget the most important event of the season- the Alex Grey Benefit 8pm-4am at Pseudo 600 Broadway 6th floor. Get their before 9pm. There will be music, but that's such a small part of what's going to go on. Try to focus on making to this event. You'll understand if you go to www.alexgrey . Even if you have to show up in your santarchist outfit!! Of course, there's a lot going on, but don't forget the most important event of the season- the Alex Grey Benefit 8pm-4am at Pseudo 600 Broadway 6th floor. Get their before 9pm. There will be music, but that's such a small part of what's going to go on. Try to focus on making to this event. You'll understand if you go to www.alexgrey . Even if you have to show up in your santarchist outfit!! To: SafetyDance Subject: Re: [SafetyDance] Fwd: |>/-/- -|- Thanks, and apology from Wylie From: Arman Bishop Way to go wylie, i'm sure everyone will forgive you, after all we all have our imperfections, but the true sign of wisdom comes when one realises he has yet reached his mark of perfection. so i say to all may we all reach our mark and achieve perfection. This haz bin a Demetrios Synnchronus Dynamicus Tranzmission. Machinelf wrote: > (Thanks Wylie.. the original email this refers to was sent out to > mark's list) > >Hello Everyone, > > THis is Wylie and I would also like to publicl> apologize to Jeff and all of you for being paranoid > and suffering from nicotein withdrawl. > > At the last outdoor party at Coney Island I lost a > tape that I wanted Jeff to play for me and like a > freak I blamed JEff. The tape was later found. Sorr> to you Jeff, to you Mark(indole) and and to everyone > else for starting this type of trouble. I hope I can > learn from my mistakes. > > THIS HAS BEEN A WYLIE TRANCE-MISSION > > This is a big friends and family list for psychedelic trance in New > York. Primarily we promote private parties that are too intimate fror > the larger brainmachines list. If you know of jobs available, or > rooms for rent, send them over, everyone here is good at > safetydance . > > Feel free to have your friends join by sending an email to > > To become more involved with making actual events happen - and taking > part in a DMT Ski Lodge this winter - you should join the New York > chapter of the Devotional Ministry of Trance, DMTNY by going to > paypal, registering, and sending $35 to Jeff W, > jeff at brainmachines . > > Subject: Re: |>/-/- -|- Thanks, and apolog> From: Robert Hyde > To: Machinelf, dmtny > CC: mark at indole, wylier18 > > (Mark-please post this on safety dandce list) > > Hello Everyone, > > THis is Wylie and I would also like to publicl> apologize to Jeff and all of you for being paranoid > and suffering from nicotein withdrawl. > > At the last outdoor party at Coney Island I lost a > tape that I wanted Jeff to play for me and like a > freak I blamed JEff. The tape was later found. Sorr> to you Jeff, to you Mark(indole) and and to everyone > else for starting this type of trouble. I hope I can > learn from my mistakes. > > THIS HAS BEEN A WYLIE TRANCE-MISSION > > --- Machinelf wrote: > > after reading and evan's poem and the previous two > > posts from the > > non-jaded/young i feel that i should not feel > > paranoid about mark at indole > > and publicly apologize for going too far by removing > > him from the > > DMTNY list. After careful > > consideration, I went too far. > > Mark, you can resubscribe, if he wants. No one > > should ever be banned from > > DMT unless they collaborate with the Enemy, whoever > > that may be :-) We can > > be divorced, but not separated. In reality we are > > two rugged individuals, > > not nose picking Siamese Twins. > > > > also, if there is ever needed someone can request a > > vote of no confidence. > > as it stands, if i can find someone truly dedicated > > and really ready to step > > up to the plate i will be happy to oblige. There > > are other things to life > > than moderating an email list for the DMTNY. > > There's also SafetyDance :-) > > > > it's been a pleasant summer nonetheless thanks to > > Omnitribe and Wylie and > > Lori and Boris and the Irish. stuff is down to the > > wire - tuesday is the > > day. > > > > i hope we can all continue to pool our spiritual > > resources. > > > > > Send your FREE holiday greetings online! > > Way to go wylie, i'm sure everyone will forgive you, after all we all have our imperfections, but the true sign of wisdom comes when one realises he has yet reached his mark of perfection. so i say to all may we all reach our mark and achieve perfection. This haz bin a Demetrios Synnchronus Dynamicus Tranzmission. Machinelf wrote: (Thanks Wylie.. the original email this refers to was sent out to mark's list) >Hello Everyone, THis is Wylie and I would also like to publiclapologize to Jeff and all of you for being paranoid and suffering from nicotein withdrawl. At the last outdoor partat Coney Island I lost a tape that I wanted Jeff to play for me and like a freak I blamed JEff. The tape was later found. Sorrto you Jeff, to you Mark(indole) and and to everyone else for starting this type of trouble. I hope I can learn from my mistakes. THIS HAS BEEN A WYLIE TRANCE-MISSION This is a big friends and family list for psychedelic trance in New York. Primarily we promote private parties that are too intimate fror the larger brainmachines list. If you know of jobs available, or rooms for rent, send them over, everyone here is good at safetydance . Feel free to have your friends join To become more involved with making actual events happen - and taking part in a DMT Ski Lodge this winter - you should join the New York chapter of the Devotional Ministry of Trance, DMTNY by going to paypal, registering, and sending $35 to Jeff W, jeff at brainmachines . to . Subject: Re: |>/-/- -|- Thanks, and apologFrom: Robert Hyde To: Machinelf, dmtny CC: mark at indole, wylier18 (Mark-please post this on safety dandce list) Hello Everyone, THis is Wylie and I would also like to publiclapologize to Jeff and all of you for being paranoid and suffering from nicotein withdrawl. At the last outdoor party at Coney Island I lost a tape that I wanted Jeff to play for me and like a freak I blamed JEff. The tape was later found. Sorrto you Jeff, to you Mark(indole) and and to everyone else for starting this type of trouble. I hope I can learn from my mistakes. THIS HAS BEEN A WYLIE TRANCE-MISSION --- Machinelf wrote: > after reading and evan's poem and the previous two > posts from the > non-jaded/young i feel that i should not feel > paranoid about mark at indole > and publicly apologize for going too far by removing > him from the > DMTNY list. After careful > consideration, I went too far. > Mark, you can resubscribe, if he wants. No one > should ever be banned from > DMT unless they collaborate with the Enemy, whoever > that may be :-) We can > be divorced, but not separated. In reality we are > two rugged individuals, > not nose picking Siamese Twins. > > also, if there is ever needed someone can request a > vote of no confidence. > as it stands, if i can find someone truly dedicated > and really ready to step > up to the plate i will be happy to oblige. There > are other things to life > than moderating an email list for the DMTNY. > There's also SafetyDance :-) > > it's been a pleasant summer nonetheless thanks to > Omnitribe and Wylie and > Lori and Boris and the Irish. stuff is down to the > wire - tuesday is the > day. > > i hope we can all continue to pool our spiritual > resources. > Send your FREE holiday greetings online! Date: Mon, 10 Dec 2001 10:25:45 EST Subject: afterparty confusion this weekend To: safetydance From: Machinelf Date: Mon, 10 Dec 2001 10:50:11 EST Subject: Re: [SafetyDance] afterparty confusion this weekend To: SafetyDance From: shazstar Hi, I think that everyone should go to the psytrance party at speeed this saturday.. I know the security usually sucks but they like Distort 909 who do the sat. parties and tend to lighten their attitudes up a bit, and act with slightly more moral inclination. Here's the info on that and also on open tables night.. hope this is all useful.. xx shaz Hail to all.................. We all Would Like to wish you happy holidays................. So Come & Listen to Music, Dance & Heal Your Soul Music & Dance Will Unify The World! Things always have more then one meaning.....& yes they can have both positive & negative ones......... The meaning is only as clear as the mind is open! IF you feel out of place you will find a home with us....... I have my own agenda..i am the not about a dj...........I am about a culture........& a vibe........ come & Build with us! PASS THIS ALONG TO ALL WHO WILL HEAR open bar from 10 - 11:30 BUILDING Levels Of Enlightenment 20 w39th st Between 5th & 6th ave NYC PLEASE USE THE LEFT HAND ENTRANCE $15 Addmission at other entrances $25 Distort909 shazstar (212) 615 - 6915 10 pm - 5am 18 & over ID A must! Saturday December 15th. 2001 We have A PSY TRANCE PARTTonight With Dj's: PROCESS YAHEL.............I LOVE THIS MANS RECORDS he is very enlightening! LIRAN DOOM Brought to you by hom mega productions level 3 TONY DIANGELIS ................ MOSES RIOS ......... Konspirac..... Yental Beats HARDCORE Trancers, Club Kidz, Ravers, Freaks Oh My! Dress Code Is To be as colorfull and positive as you can Be! Please do not come as if you just rolled out of bed! DOOR BY: ARMANDO YOUR HOSTS: MC GADGET, AZIZ, GO GO & CHIP CHIP, MARIA909, SHAZSTAR, SOINGNE DELUXE & PUSSY LEE Extra Sound & Lights BMASTERMIND AUDIO The 3rd floor of the building is under renovations....... in a couple of weeks we will have a larger dance floor brand new sound system & amazing lighting show. Call 1-800-564-8982 Opt # 2, Category 5228 For a really good time this is a must! Cleansing Waters... Share in the truth of your existence with our professional psychics... Then relax for awhile... as we cleanse your mind and your body with our "Aquatic Touch Massages" After ridding your body of unnesscacary negative buildups due to stress With your new eyes learn by professionals how to stay focused and learn to use your abilities like... *HEALING TECHNIQUES FOR BODY AND SOUL *TAP INTO YOUR PSYCHIC ABILITIES *ASTRAL PROJECTION *TELEKINETICS to name a few. Our psychics are well trained in many areas: _ Palm Readings Aura Readings Tarot Cards Past Life Regressions Stone Rock Readings _ After understanding more about your life... Cleanse with our aquatic touch massages. Relax every muscle and every part of your mind. *Mind numbing head Mesagas *Invigorating back Massages *Full Body Massages can't be put into words. In your relaxed state of being Meld with us as we concentrate on the seven energy centers. Promoting focus, strength, self confidence, and the understanding of the divine. Learn to unleash your soul to promote healing in yourself and others. Learn to be more intuitive Learn to elevate your life and others with your mind. Become part of the team that's... BUILDING LEVELS OF ENLIGHTENMENT Always on hand for your enjoyment: *Oils *Insence *Hand Crafted Jewelry *Candles Through the hope of unity in this positive vibe we shall find the means to always survive. ~~~~~~~~~Kinetic~~~~~~~~~~ open turntable event ATTENTION ON WEDNESDAY DEC 12th WE WILL BE HOLDING OPEN DECKS THIS IS THE ONLY TIME THIS EVENT WILL BE HELD ON A WEDNESDAY. AFTER THE 12th WE WILL GO BACK TO THURSDAYS. WE APOLIGIZE FOR ANY INCONVENIENCE.... Every thursday we will be holding an open decks night here at the pseudo.The location is 600 broadway on the corner of broadway and houston 6th floor.There will be a 5.00 cover charge and will go from 8pm-2am.So bring your records your freinds and your good times and we hope to see you there.Oh yah if more information is needed you can go to pseudo our email us at pseudoden Hi, I think that everyone should go to the psytrance party at speeed this saturday.. I know the security usually sucks but they like Distort 909 who do the sat. parties and tend to lighten their attitudes up a bit, and act with slightly more moral inclination. Here's the info on that and also on open tables night.. hope this is all useful.. xx shaz Hail to all.................. We all Would Like to wish you happy holidays................. So Come & Listen to Music, Dance & Heal Your Soul Music & Dance Will Unify The World! Things always have more then one meaning.....& yes they can have both positive & negative ones......... The meaning is only as clear as the mind is open! IF you feel out of place you will find a home with us....... I have my own agenda..i am the not about a dj...........I am about a culture........& a vibe........ come & Build with us! PASS THIS ALONG TO ALL WHO WILL HEAR open bar from 10 - 11:30 BUILDING Levels Of Enlightenment 20 w39th st Between 5th & 6th ave NYC PLEASE USE THE LEFT HAND ENTRANCE $15 Addmission at other entrances $25 Distort909 shazstar (212) 615 - 6915 10 pm - 5am 18 & over ID A must! Saturday December 15th. 2001 We have A PSY TRANCE PARTTonight With Dj's: PROCESS YAHEL.............I LOVE THIS MANS RECORDS he is very enlightening! LIRAN DOOM Brought to you by hom mega productions level 3 TONY DIANGELIS ................ MOSES RIOS ......... Konspirac..... Yental Beats HARDCORE Trancers, Club Kidz, Ravers, Freaks Oh My! Dress Code Is To be as colorfull and positive as you can Be! Please do not come as if you just rolled out of bed! DOOR BY: ARMANDO YOUR HOSTS: MC GADGET, AZIZ, GO GO & CHIP CHIP, MARIA909, SHAZSTAR, SOINGNE DELUXE & PUSSY LEE Extra Sound & Lights BMASTERMIND AUDIO The 3rd floor of the building is under renovations....... in a couple of weeks we will have a larger dance floor brand new sound system & amazing lighting show. Call 1-800-564-8982 Opt # 2, Category 5228 For a really good time this is a must! Cleansing Waters... Share in the truth of your existence with our professional psychics... Then relax for awhile... as we cleanse your mind and your body with our "Aquatic Touch Massages" After ridding your body of unnesscacary negative buildups due to stress With your new eyes learn by professionals how to stay focused and learn to use your abilities like... *HEALING TECHNIQUES FOR BODY AND SOUL *TAP INTO YOUR PSYCHIC ABILITIES *ASTRAL PROJECTION *TELEKINETICS to name a few. Our psychics are well trained in many areas: _ Palm Readings Aura Readings Tarot Cards Past Life Regressions Stone Rock Readings _ After understanding more about your life... Cleanse with our aquatic touch massages. Relax every muscle and every part of your mind. *Mind numbing head Mesagas *Invigorating back Massages *Full Body Massages can't be put into words. In your relaxed state of being Meld with us as we concentrate on the seven energy centers. Promoting focus, strength, self confidence, and the understanding of the divine. Learn to unleash your soul to promote healing in yourself and others. Learn to be more intuitive Learn to elevate your life and others with your mind. Become part of the team that's... BUILDING LEVELS OF ENLIGHTENMENT Always on hand for your enjoyment: *Oils *Insence *Hand Crafted Jewelry *Candles Through the hope of unity in this positive vibe we shall find the means to always survive. ~~~~~~~~~Kinetic~~~~~~~~~~ open turntable event ATTENTION ON WEDNESDAY DEC 12th WE WILL BE HOLDING OPEN DECKS THIS IS THE ONLY TIME THIS EVENT WILL BE HELD ON A WEDNESDAY. AFTER THE 12th WE WILL GO BACK TO THURSDAYS. WE APOLIGIZE FOR ANY INCONVENIENCE.... Every thursday we will be holding an open decks night here at the pseudo.The location is 600 broadway on the corner of broadway and houston 6th floor.There will be a 5.00 cover charge and will go from 8pm-2am.So bring your records your freinds and your good times and we hope to see you there.Oh yah if more information is needed you can go to pseudo our email us at pseudoden Date: Tue, 11 Dec 2001 10:46:16 EST Subject: Fwd: Kata's Birthday! To: safetydance From: Machinelf Date: Fri, 14 Dec 2001 12:20:08 EST Subject: DMT Capricorn Goatrance Birthday Celebration January 8 Call for Birthdays To: dmtny Cc: dragontribe, safetydance From: Machinelf Jan 8 - Tue - TTTT - DMT Capricorn Goatrance Birthday Celebration December 22-January 19 To enter your birthday in our roster and celebrate with us go to /group/SafetyDance/calendar FREE. Come early (8pm) to eat, later (11pm) to party. 8pm-4am Karma, 51 First Ave (3rd St) 212-677-3160 All Ages, 21+ to drink The energy of the music will match the energy of the crowd. Come dressed as the sign. Goats. Horns. Eat tin cans. Goatrance. Goat trance. Astrological readings. Capricorns: Jesus, Machinelf, chameleia , Lauren Kutscher's Birthday TaharaRose , BillnEd Bill, Akasha at deserttrance, Morgan Levine, Alicia beastiegirl at quadprincess To encourage all our friends to come help us celebrate a most chaotic crazy quilt of which we are all strands of theoretical string. To give trance people a chance to meet DMT people and possibly join the congregation. If you have toys, trip toys, bring them. If you have art, bring it. If you can bring a lot of goodies for everyone, that would be swell. Bring enough to share. To paraphrase Kate, " is a lovely location, it's always been an intimate experience, get there early dance, talk, get to know the people that share the same love as you. Smoke a hooka, have a bite to eat, have a drink and share the dream. There's lots of opportunities to travel far into oneself, this is the opportunity to bond with others. Put names to faces and exchange information, we are a travelling band and need to make the connections to keep united no matter where we travel or where we go!" Jan 8 - Tue - TTTT - DMT Capricorn Goatrance Birthday Celebration December 22-January 19 To enter your birthday in our roster and celebrate with us go to /group/SafetyDance/calendar FREE. Come early (8pm) to eat, later (11pm) to party. 8pm-4am Karma, 51 First Ave (3rd St) 212-677-3160 All Ages, 21+ to drink The energy of the music will match the energy of the crowd. Come dressed as the sign. Goats. Horns. Eat tin cans. Goatrance. Goat trance. Astrological readings. Capricorns: Jesus, Machinelf, chameleia , Lauren Kutscher's Birthday TaharaRose , BillnEd Bill, Akasha at deserttrance, Morgan Levine, Alicia beastiegirl at quadprincess To encourage all our friends to come help us celebrate a most chaotic crazy quilt of which we are all strands of theoretical string. To give trance people a chance to meet DMT people and possibly join the congregation. If you have toys, trip toys, bring them. If you have art, bring it. If you can bring a lot of goodies for everyone, that would be swell. Bring enough to share. To paraphrase Kate, " is a lovely location, it's always been an intimate experience, get there early dance, talk, get to know the people that share the same love as you. Smoke a hooka, have a bite to eat, have a drink and share the dream. There's lots of opportunities to travel far into oneself, this is the opportunity to bond with others. Put names to faces and exchange information, we are a travelling band and need to make the connections to keep united no matter where we travel or where we go!" Date: Sat, 15 Dec 2001 16:58:05 To: SafetyDance Subject: lost and found From: "lollygoa" found in ICE CAVE sunday, Dec. 2: 1. yellow scarf 2. tan sarong describe it and its yours.. email lori and boris(lollygoa ) Date: Sat, 15 Dec 2001 22:07:18 EST Subject: Getting into the Israeli trance party tonight at Speeed To: safetydance From: Machinelf left entrance, mention shaz or maria to get in for reduced FROM: shazstar DATE: Sat, 15 Dec 2001 21:49:11 EST SUBJECT: Yahel tonight!!!!! who's coming to see Yahel tomight?? shaz left entrance, mention shaz or maria to get in for reduced FROM: shazstar DATE: Sat, 15 Dec 2001 21:49:11 EST SUBJECT: Yahel tonight!!!!! who's coming to see Yahel tomight?? shaz Date: Mon, 17 Dec 2001 02:40:15 To: SafetyDance Subject: More essence less screwing From: "ganjatron666" More essence less screwing Apologies in advance for getting on my soap box I am tired of being screwed over by the big clubs, who charge exorbitant prices to get into the clubs to see our favourite and respected DJ,s and then screw us all over i.e.: Security who check us over like criminals confiscating our chewing gum and sweets, so we buy more drinks, not to mention any other harmful substances that might dangerously increase our sense of human compassion and creativity, then act with seaming oblivion when valuable pieces of art work, equipment and our coats our stolen under their very noses. I am fed up of the attitude towards the drugs. What about the immoral attitude of the clubs in turning off tap water in bath rooms when they know people our doing high intensity dancing and charging exorbitant prices for a basic human necessity after you have paid thirty bucks to get in somewhere. Turning off sound systems early when people have paid to see a specific DJ and they don't get to play. So please lets support those within our ranks who have a sense of personal and artistic integrity and understand the essence of trance. How refreshing to attend the latest Omnitribe party. Kick ass DJ's who are passionate about their music and can build the spirit in a crowd. People who go out of their way to create a visually stimulating environment, thank you those of you who always make the effort, it is appreciated. FREE WATER, so you can dance your ass off and not feel you are being screwed over or risking your life. What a wonderful energy to be surrounded by creative unpretentious people where you can leave your stuff without it being stolen. We should really make an effort when we see people ripping artwork off walls or going through peoples stuff. So please more of you come forward to encourage each other, lets make it more about the music than the dollar, thank you for reading. A message for one of the girls YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE. You ought to be ashamed of yourself for the disgusting way you left the girls bathroom Friday night. It is unfair to expect other people to use it in that condition and to clean it up after you. Lets have a little respect. The English Emma Date: Mon, 17 Dec 2001 17:43:23 To: SafetyDance Subject: From Kate From: "ismokedmt" Jeff's braingenerated: >>And the party in brooklyn that was supposed to be the afterparty for wizzy noise was moned at the last minute to double book with alex grey - damn that to HELL! >> >From dinkydun : I've only got to a computer now, at my home in -ireland and have to say that this statement has made me a wee bit pissed. First and foremost the party in Brooklyn was a going away party in a house, not a trance exclusive event, not an afterparty for anything, just a chance for my friends from all my time in New York to come together, I know more people than from the trance scene :oP (IT WAS POSTED BY YOU ON SAFETYDANCE- JW) Anyway we moved it to -sat nite firstly because of work commitments, secondly because I meant to get to Wizzy Noise but the financial situation did not allow and thirdly we knew that if we had a party/get together Friday nite, there was the risk that people would not make it to Alex Grey. (THIS WAS DECIDED RIGHT BEFORE IT HAPPENED; I APPROVED YOUR EMAIL THAT COINCIDED WITH ALEX GREY WITHOUT READING IT, GOING BY YOUR SPOKEN WORD THAT IT WAS STILL SATURDAY MORNING... I WOULDN'T REALLY CARE EXCEPT THAT IS THE SECOND TIME THE CONFUSION HAPPENED ON THIS LIST IN THE PAST TWO MONTHS - JW) UNfortunatlety as I had to work I did not get to Alex Grey Benefit, but I shall make up for that. Now that I have had time to think, I would really like top say that the flameing has to stop. The pitting of party organizers against each other has to stop. The rating of who is better/cooler than the other has definetly got to stop. You have such a great bunch of people in New York that want to do the right thing, but may be put off by the daming statements that has been mad ein the past. Cut the shite!! (DOUBLE AND TRIPLE BOOKING, STOPPING REFILLING WATER IN BATHROOMS, OVERCHARGING, MISLEADING ABOUT LINEUPS... SAY WHAT YOU WANT, BUT PEOPLE HAVE A RIGHT TO KNOW - JW) Anyway thanks to everyone that I meet in New York in the past 3/4 years. You have all been great and have helped in making my dreams come true. I definetly met people that I know I will be in contact with for a long time to come. Now that I can travel at will again I am sure that I will be meeting a lot of you over the spring and summer at different parties and festivals in Europe and surrounding areas. I can't WAIT!! Once again thanks to everyone. Keep up the good work, try to come together, try to stop turning it into popularity competitions, everyone is great in their own way. Everyone is equal, and there should not be the ~leaders~ or ~elite~ ! ee you all soon, and keep in contact Love Beannacht Kate xx (IF AN EVENT ORGANIZER SAYS THEY WILL DO SOmthING AND THEN DOES SOmthING ELSE THEN THEY WILL BE HELD ACCOUNTABLE, POPULAR OR NOT -JW) To: Subject: Re: [SafetyDance] More essence less screwing From: "Hello Sushi" > More essence less screwing > Apologies in advance for getting on my soap box > > I am tired of being screwed over by the big clubs, who charge > exorbitant prices to get into the clubs to see our favourite and > respected DJ,s and then screw us all over i.e.: > Security who check us over like criminals confiscating our chewing gum > and sweets, so we buy more drinks, not to mention any other harmful > substances that might dangerously increase our sense of human > compassion and creativity, then act with seaming oblivion when > valuable pieces of art work, equipment and our coats our stolen under > their very noses. Solution: Don't go to them.. The clubs know exactly what they are doing, and everyone that attend these functions know/should know what they are going to put up with when thecomply to put up with the treatment that they endure. I've noticed that when I used to cheerfully slam down my hard-earned $30+ to attend these events every flipping week, I had in my mind that in some sort of way, as sad and f'ed up as it may be to say, I/someone I know was going to get screwed somehow.. And normally, whether it's someone getting their car broken into or towed, having their items stolen at the party, having the party start later/end earlier than promoted, having the water cost more at the venue than at the corner store, bathroom faux pas, etc. so on, my point gets proven. Now true, people constantly complain and complain, but you know what.. Those same people constantly continue to go to these parties, regardless of how horrible they get treated. It's a vicious cycle of sorts.. you get abused, then go back for more.. And for what??? Sure, you expect better treatment and you think that the promoters would listen, especially if you bitch and complain on a mailing list, but reality check here.. they don't give a hoot, and obviously, you don't either, for you're still showing up to those parties that you complain about and still enduring the same bullshiznit treatment.. Now what to say? Well, not anymore am I one of those people, for I got sick of it and got a taste of being treated well at parties now. I've noticed in the past few weeks that the underground scene (not just for psy-trance, but for other genres), is getting more grass-roots and more fun. That the promoters are actually giving a crap about their attendees and treating them with respect, instead of seeing them as walking dollar signs. For the past few weeks, I've attended some underground parties that would totally blow people's minds. They are well-organized, well-thought out, very accommodating to the party attendees, security treats one and all with respect. Their themes, some are costumed events, are fun for all and everyone that attends make the effort to actually participate. Location of parties are nice and spacious, so you don't feel like you are being crowd upon. If the flyer said that it starts at 9 and end at 7, guess what.. they start and end on time.. Beverage bars are stocked with everything from water to hard spirits - probably better than the clubs that charge $30+ to get in.. how sad is that?- and you are charged way less than these clubs.. And, if you bring in your own drink or food, it's ok.. Just as long as you respect the venue by disposing your containers!! You don't have to worry about being harassed and having your stuff removed from you. Hell, even coat-checks is a pleasant experience, for it's priced reallaffordable ($1.. WHUT?!?!?!) and, unless you piss the worker off, you would get your personal items back in better condition than you handed to them when you arrived. If you need to go back to your car to get somthing, you can come back in and out with no hassle from the security, unlike other parties... Plus, you needn't have to worry about watching your back all the time, for it's a comfortable enviroment to have fun, however you feel like doing so.. And to think, that all these cool parties cost only $10 max, while the more expensive parties end up not offering you what these other parties do and end up having you be treated like crap! Maybe some of these promoters that are dicking folks over need to take notes on what these underground folks are doing so they can accomodate their party goers. I'm sorry if I sound like a snob with my statements, but the ill-treatment of folks that are kicking out $30+ need to stop overall and people just need to stop settling for the abuse. Alicia To: Subject: Re: [SafetyDance] More essence less screwing From: "DaoistRaver" that, is the essence to solving all of these problems. Don't go to events of this sort, or be prepared for the conseqences. Thedon't owe you anything, and they know it. If all they look at is the money, don't give it to them. Don't think like an addict. You don't need them. ad-m ----- Original Message ----- From: "Hello Sushi" To: Sent: Monday, December 17, 2001 1:17 PM Subject: Re: [SafetyDance] More essence less screwing > More essence less screwing > Apologies in advance for getting on my soap box > > I am tired of being screwed over by the big clubs, who charge > exorbitant prices to get into the clubs to see our favourite and > respected DJ,s and then screw us all over i.e.: > Security who check us over like criminals confiscating our chewing gum > and sweets, so we buy more drinks, not to mention any other harmful > substances that might dangerously increase our sense of human > compassion and creativity, then act with seaming oblivion when > valuable pieces of art work, equipment and our coats our stolen under > their very noses. Solution: Don't go to them.. To: SafetyDance Subject: Re: [SafetyDance] More essence less screwing Organization: Lycos Mail (http://mail.lycos :80) From: "Ethan K Abramson" Reply-To: retron23 at lycos Hey now, don't go blaming promoters and party goers for all of your bad party experiences. I resent the idea that anyone who continues to support $30 parties at clubs is gullible or a glutton for punishment. One small detail you neglect to mention in your entire diatribe: the music. I reluctantly pay $30 to hopefully see live acts and djs whose music I feel is a cut above most of the stuff out there, not because I've never had a 'taste' of the underground scene. Comparing the two types of parties is like apples and oranges...of course underground parties are cheaper and they treat you better, duh...they're not paying huge sums to fly over the latest flavors of the month artists from Europe, and with the smaller crowds that show up, they don't have to get huge name-brand clubs, etc etc. Granted the security at many of these clubs sucks ass (my friend got literally strip searched for waiting by the bathroom for his girlfriend...courtesy of The World) but that's often not the promoter's fault since clubs usually have house security. Incidentally, at the Limelight party last week there was NO security of note. BTW, are you suggesting that a broken into/towed car is somehow related to a party? Anyway, the promoters don't need to 'take notes' on the underground since most of them started out doing small parties and worked their way up to the big ones over the years. While I certainly condemn the ill behavior of security, turning off tap water, confiscating candy (they took my nicorette gum at Amazura - that was a rough night), etc, keep in mind that many go through all that for the music, not for the hopes of cheap water and a good vibe. As far as the parties ending early and the like, yes that sucks, and anyone should feel free to try to argue with the club managers whenever that happens. Again, nothing against the underground djs, (the Omnitribe guys have been throwing down some awesome stuff lately), but when I want to hear brand spanking new killer tracks played live on a decent sound system by the artist who made them, I usually have to go through the hell of a New York City club processing-plant style nightmare...but you know what? Often it is worth it. -Ethan > >Solution: Don't go to them.. > >The clubs know exactly what they are doing, and everyone that attend these >functions know/should know what they are going to put up with when the>comply to put up with the treatment that they endure. I've noticed that >when I used to cheerfully slam down my hard-earned $30+ to attend these >events every flipping week, I had in my mind that in some sort of way, as >sad and f'ed up as it may be to say, I/someone I know was going to get >screwed somehow.. And normally, whether it's someone getting their car >broken into or towed, having their items stolen at the party, having the >party start later/end earlier than promoted, having the water cost more at >the venue than at the corner store, bathroom faux pas, etc. so on, my point >gets proven. Now true, people constantly complain and complain, but you >know what.. Those same people constantly continue to go to these parties, >regardless of how horrible they get treated. It's a vicious cycle of >sorts.. you get abused, then go back for more.. And for what??? Sure, you >expect better treatment and you think that the promoters would listen, >especially if you bitch and complain on a mailing list, but reality check >here.. they don't give a hoot, and obviously, you don't either, for you're >still showing up to those parties that you complain about and still enduring >the same bullshiznit treatment.. Now what to say? > >Well, not anymore am I one of those people, for I got sick of it and got a >taste of being treated well at parties now. I've noticed in the past few >weeks that the underground scene (not just for psy-trance, but for other >genres), is getting more grass-roots and more fun. That the promoters are >actually giving a crap about their attendees and treating them with respect, >instead of seeing them as walking dollar signs. For the past few weeks, >I've attended some underground parties that would totally blow people's >minds. They are well-organized, well-thought out, very accommodating to the >party attendees, security treats one and all with respect. Their themes, >some are costumed events, are fun for all and everyone that attends make >the effort to actually participate. Location of parties are nice and >spacious, so you don't feel like you are being crowd upon. If the flyer >said that it starts at 9 and end at 7, guess what.. they start and end on >time.. Beverage bars are stocked with everything from water to hard >spirits - probably better than the clubs that charge $30+ to get in.. how >sad is that?- and you are charged way less than these clubs.. And, if you >bring in your own drink or food, it's ok.. Just as long as you respect the >venue by disposing your containers!! You don't have to worry about being >harassed and having your stuff removed from you. >Hell, even coat-checks is a pleasant experience, for it's priced reall>affordable ($1.. WHUT?!?!?!) and, unless you piss the worker off, you would >get your personal items back in better condition than you handed to them >when you arrived. If you need to go back to your car to get somthing, you >can come back in and out with no hassle from the security, unlike other >parties... Plus, you needn't have to worry about watching your back all the >time, for it's a comfortable enviroment to have fun, however you feel like >doing so.. And to think, that all these cool parties cost only $10 max, >while the more expensive parties end up not offering you what these other >parties do and end up having you be treated like crap! Maybe some of these >promoters that are dicking folks over need to take notes on what these >underground folks are doing so they can accomodate their party goers. > >I'm sorry if I sound like a snob with my statements, but the ill-treatment >of folks that are kicking out $30+ need to stop overall and people just need >to stop settling for the abuse. > >Alicia > Date: Tue, 18 Dec 2001 05:56:13 To: SafetyDance Subject: Re: More essence less screwing From: "ganjatron666" Thank you for reading and taking the time to respond to my email. I suppos e having experienced a limited amount of the large venues my attitude ma seem somewhat naEFve and I hoped that what I wrote would be more of a pr o active statement than a winge, you could also call me an idealist and I would agree with you I truly discovered trance at Burning man . My disillu sionment finally hit when I had my coat and my boyfriends and my friends s tolen within a couple of weeks. So what do I do? Give up. Or try to make a n effort to become more pro active. My complaints are not vainly made in t he hope that clubs will listen and change their attitude of course as long as they keep making the money they will carry on. What I hope is that a fter hearing so many voice their frustrations that we can have a sense of unity and support those who are trying to make difference If you have di scovered a scene that embodies artistic integrity then share it. Emma Date: Mon, 17 Dec 2001 19:34:18 EST Subject: Re: [SafetyDance] More essence less screwing To: SafetyDance From: sonikzolution In a message dated 12/17/01 1:24:21 PM Eastern Standard Time, beastiegirl at quadprincess writes: > I'm sorry if I sound like a snob with my statements, but the ill-treatment > of folks that are kicking out $30+ need to stop overall and people just need > to stop settling for the abuse. > > Alicia > hell Yeah . WELl well post more info on some upcoming underground events we have planned. for more info check out. late charlie. In a message dated 12/17/01 1:24:21 PM Eastern Standard Time, beastiegirl at quadprincess writes: I'm sorry if I sound like a snob with my statements, but the ill-treatment of folks that are kicking out $30+ need to stop overall and people just need to stop settling for the abuse. Alicia hell Yeah . WELl well post more info on some upcoming underground events we have planned. for more info check out. late charlie. Date: Tue, 18 Dec 2001 11:05:43 EST Subject: How to avoid getting anything taken or lost, ever. To: SafetyDance From: Machinelf In all my years of parties I have never been ejected for drugs or had somthing stolen. Here are simple steps to take. 1. Use a train or subway if possible, leaving your car in relatively safe neighborhoods 2. Use the coat check. If that is not available, try the DJ booth or a vendor friend. 3. Take a bike lock, metal cable, with a combination lock. Lock all of your belongings to a pole. Give the combination to your significant other. This in particular is wonderful, because it works with coats and backpacks. You can even put smaller locks on the zippers, and hang it at eye level to be extra sure. I've done that at hard core techno raves and nothing got taken. 4. Don't leave cameras or small electronics laying around. 5. Take vitamins etc before you go inside. 6. Do not do vitamins etc in the open. 7. Avoid others who have drugs out, esp. M joints. That's it. If you follow these guidelines you should remain a happy camper, with the exception of refilling water in the bathroom. That mist be addressed with the organizer directly. In all my years of parties I have never been ejected for drugs or had somthing stolen. Here are simple steps to take. 1. Use a train or subway if possible, leaving your car in relatively safe neighborhoods 2. Use the coat check. If that is not available, try the DJ booth or a vendor friend. 3. Take a bike lock, metal cable, with a combination lock. Lock all of your belongings to a pole. Give the combination to your significant other. This in particular is wonderful, because it works with coats and backpacks. You can even put smaller locks on the zippers, and hang it at eye level to be extra sure. I've done that at hard core techno raves and nothing got taken. 4. Don't leave cameras or small electronics laying around. 5. Take vitamins etc before you go inside. 6. Do not do vitamins etc in the open. 7. Avoid others who have drugs out, esp. M joints. That's it. If you follow these guidelines you should remain a happy camper, with the exception of refilling water in the bathroom. That mist be addressed with the organizer directly. Date: Tue, 18 Dec 2001 12:22:43 EST Subject: Re: [SafetyDance] More essence less screwing To: From: mickpick i agree with most of what you say, accept a lot of the times you wont hear the new music at the big parties either. a lot of promotors bring back the same acts over and over again and its not very fresh or exciting. there are many artists that have never been to the US or NYC that would rock the house, but until then.. its going to be sun project and infected mushroom over and over again. In a message dated Tue, 18 Dec 2001 10:41:42 AM Eastern Standard Time, "Ethan K Abramson" writes: > Hey now, don't go blaming promoters and party goers for all of your bad party experiences. I resent the idea that anyone who continues to support $30 parties at clubs is gullible or a glutton for punishment. One small detail you neglect to mention in your entire diatribe: the music. I reluctantly pay $30 to hopefully see live acts and djs whose music I feel is a cut above most of the stuff out there, not because I've never had a 'taste' of the underground scene. Comparing the two types of parties is like apples and oranges...of course underground parties are cheaper and they treat you better, duh...they're not paying huge sums to fly over the latest flavors of the month artists from Europe, and with the smaller crowds that show up, they don't have to get huge name-brand clubs, etc etc. > > Granted the security at many of these clubs sucks ass (my friend got literally strip searched for waiting by the bathroom for his girlfriend...courtesy of The World) but that's often not the promoter's fault since clubs usually have house security. Incidentally, at the Limelight party last week there was NO security of note. BTW, are you suggesting that a broken into/towed car is somehow related to a party? > > Anyway, the promoters don't need to 'take notes' on the underground since most of them started out doing small parties and worked their way up to the big ones over the years. While I certainly condemn the ill behavior of security, turning off tap water, confiscating candy (they took my nicorette gum at Amazura - that was a rough night), etc, keep in mind that many go through all that for the music, not for the hopes of cheap water and a good vibe. As far as the parties ending early and the like, yes that sucks, and anyone should feel free to try to argue with the club managers whenever that happens. > > Again, nothing against the underground djs, (the Omnitribe guys have been throwing down some awesome stuff lately), but when I want to hear brand spanking new killer tracks played live on a decent sound system by the artist who made them, I usually have to go through the hell of a New York City club processing-plant style nightmare...but you know what? Often it is worth it. > > -Ethan > > > > >Solution: Don't go to them.. > > > >The clubs know exactly what they are doing, and everyone that attend these > >functions know/should know what they are going to put up with when the> >comply to put up with the treatment that they endure. I've noticed that > >when I used to cheerfully slam down my hard-earned $30+ to attend these > >events every flipping week, I had in my mind that in some sort of way, as > >sad and f'ed up as it may be to say, I/someone I know was going to get > >screwed somehow.. And normally, whether it's someone getting their car > >broken into or towed, having their items stolen at the party, having the > >party start later/end earlier than promoted, having the water cost more at > >the venue than at the corner store, bathroom faux pas, etc. so on, my point > >gets proven. Now true, people constantly complain and complain, but you > >know what.. Those same people constantly continue to go to these parties, > >regardless of how horrible they get treated. It's a vicious cycle of > >sorts.. you get abused, then go back for more.. And for what??? Sure, you > >expect better treatment and you think that the promoters would listen, > >especially if you bitch and complain on a mailing list, but reality check > >here.. they don't give a hoot, and obviously, you don't either, for you're > >still showing up to those parties that you complain about and still enduring > >the same bullshiznit treatment.. Now what to say? > > > >Well, not anymore am I one of those people, for I got sick of it and got a > >taste of being treated well at parties now. I've noticed in the past few > >weeks that the underground scene (not just for psy-trance, but for other > >genres), is getting more grass-roots and more fun. That the promoters are > >actually giving a crap about their attendees and treating them with respect, > >instead of seeing them as walking dollar signs. For the past few weeks, > >I've attended some underground parties that would totally blow people's > >minds. They are well-organized, well-thought out, very accommodating to the > >party attendees, security treats one and all with respect. Their themes, > >some are costumed events, are fun for all and everyone that attends make > >the effort to actually participate. Location of parties are nice and > >spacious, so you don't feel like you are being crowd upon. If the flyer > >said that it starts at 9 and end at 7, guess what.. they start and end on > >time.. Beverage bars are stocked with everything from water to hard > >spirits - probably better than the clubs that charge $30+ to get in.. how > >sad is that?- and you are charged way less than these clubs.. And, if you > >bring in your own drink or food, it's ok.. Just as long as you respect the > >venue by disposing your containers!! You don't have to worry about being > >harassed and having your stuff removed from you. > >Hell, even coat-checks is a pleasant experience, for it's priced reall> >affordable ($1.. WHUT?!?!?!) and, unless you piss the worker off, you would > >get your personal items back in better condition than you handed to them > >when you arrived. If you need to go back to your car to get somthing, you > >can come back in and out with no hassle from the security, unlike other > >parties... Plus, you needn't have to worry about watching your back all the > >time, for it's a comfortable enviroment to have fun, however you feel like > >doing so.. And to think, that all these cool parties cost only $10 max, > >while the more expensive parties end up not offering you what these other > >parties do and end up having you be treated like crap! Maybe some of these > >promoters that are dicking folks over need to take notes on what these > >underground folks are doing so they can accomodate their party goers. > > > >I'm sorry if I sound like a snob with my statements, but the ill-treatment > >of folks that are kicking out $30+ need to stop overall and people just need > >to stop settling for the abuse. > > > >Alicia > > > > This is a big friends and family list for psychedelic trance in New York. Primarily we promote private parties that are too intimate for the larger brainmachines list. If you know of jobs available, or rooms for rent, send them over, everyone here is good at safetydance . > > To become more involved with making actual events happen - and taking part in a DMT Ski Lodge this winter - you should join the New York chapter of the Devotional Ministry of Trance, DMTNY by going to paypal, registering, and sending $35 to Jeff W, jeff at brainmachines . > Subject: Re: [SafetyDance] How to avoid getting anything taken or lost, ever. To: SafetyDance From: soybean tofu --- Machinelf wrote: > In all my years of parties I have never been ejected > for drugs or had > somthing stolen. Here are simple steps to take. Given certain definitions of "never" of course. your unique holiday gifts! Buy at or bid at Tue, 18 Dec 2001 16:26:25 To: SafetyDance Bcc: Subject: Re: [SafetyDance] More essence less screwing From: "Alexandra Aristy" the person who wrote the original email was not at the last synthetic sadhus, or the last tsunami, or the last sasha & digweed. i was at all three and by far s & d was more trippier (music/visuals/lasers) -minus the crowd- than any trance party i'd been to all season. i paid 65 bucks, got treated like dirt by the bouncers, someone burnt my northface with a cigarette and i loved it all. i didn't go to the smaller trance parties because i can't be bothered unless theres a big name playing. LOVE PEACE RESPECT BLUR FUCK YOU~ Alex ----Original Message Follows---- From: sonikzolution Reply-To: SafetyDance To: SafetyDance Subject: Re: [SafetyDance] More essence less screwing Date: Mon, 17 Dec 2001 19:34:18 EST In a message dated 12/17/01 1:24:21 PM Eastern Standard Time, beastiegirl at quadprincess writes: > I'm sorry if I sound like a snob with my statements, but the ill-treatment > of folks that are kicking out $30+ need to stop overall and people just need > to stop settling for the abuse. > > Alicia > hell Yeah . WELl well post more info on some upcoming underground events we have planned. for more info check out. late charlie. _ MSN Photos is the easiest way to share and print your photos: http://photos.msn /support/worldwide.aspx To: Subject: RE: [SafetyDance] Re: More essence less screwing Importance: Normal From: "Koan" TRANCE!!!! LOVE IT OR LEAVE IT, YOU DAMN COMMIE BASTARDs!!! Tue, 18 Dec 2001 02:28:49 To: SafetyDance Bcc: Subject: Re: [SafetyDance] From Kate From: "Kate Garry" I don't know why i'm bothering with this but Jeff you are a liar and there is no other word for it. I sent you a personal invitation that you might call over at some stage, it was NOT to be posted to any list. I had asked that off you, I asked you in Karma not to post it, yet you had on the schedule that I was having an afterparty and if anyone was interested to ask me, then you had it on the Wizzy Noise reminder to ask either you or me about it. It was not nor was it ever an AFTERPARTY, it was a going away party, maybe in your intoxicated state you did not hear me correctly, did not remeber clearly or whatever. If you are to continue promoting peoples events and want to do it correctly maybe you should get some help, (either an assistant or a counsellor!!) it was not moved at the last minute, when I SPOKE to you two weeks before we did not know who had to work or not, if it was alright with the people who lived in the house etc, etc, the party in Brooklyn was a going away party in a >house, not a trance exclusive event, not an afterparty for anything, >just a chance for my friends from all my time in New York to come >together, I know more people than from the trance scene :oP >(IT WAS POSTED BY YOU ON SAFETYDANCE- JW) >Anyway we moved it to -sat nite firstly because of work commitments, >secondly because I meant to get to Wizzy Noise but the financial >situation did not allow and thirdly we knew that if we had a >party/get together Friday nite, there was the risk that people would >not make it to Alex Grey. >(THIS WAS DECIDED RIGHT BEFORE IT HAPPENED; I APPROVED YOUR EMAIL >THAT COINCIDED WITH ALEX GREY WITHOUT READING IT, GOING BY YOUR >SPOKEN WORD THAT IT WAS STILL SATURDAY MORNING... I WOULDN'T REALL>CARE EXCEPT THAT IS THE SECOND TIME THE CONFUSION HAPPENED ON THIS >LIST IN THE PAST TWO MONTHS - JW) as I said in the above paragraph straighten yourself out Jeff, all the fights, all the confusion has been caused by you, and you alone. Get some help, get clean, get sober, cos you can't do what you are good at while you are in this position. You are a great and clever man, you are a great sales man, but for Christ sake give it up cos your gonna mess up everything you created if you don't sort your head out and come back into the real world!! I love you to bits, but am very worried about you, I know I shouldn't be, but I've seen too many go down the confused road of not being able to seperate reality from imagination. >(DOUBLE AND TRIPLE BOOKING, STOPPING REFILLING WATER IN BATHROOMS, >OVERCHARGING, MISLEADING ABOUT LINEUPS... SAY WHAT YOU WANT, BUT >PEOPLE HAVE A RIGHT TO KNOW - JW) Jeff I agree that people need to know, and the whole idea about water and security is a very good thing, but if you start a rating games you run the risk of all the parties becoming the same, you run the risk of organisers having to fit into the format of how to do a party, if that happens, it ain't psychedelic anymore. Is it not part of the fun of psy parties, in NOT knowing what is going to happen?? As for the double and triple bookings, people need to communicate with each other more, not everyone has email, get phone numbers, meet up at different times, whatever but talk to each other more. It's a shame when the smaller groups collide, so everyone that organises or hopes to organise parties should get each other contact info and not be relying on psy-schedules, I at m sure you have enough to do Jeff as it is without being mediator between all the organisers. On the the other hand though, not all of us within the scene have the money to fork out 35/40 dollars for a party, especially around holidays or long weekends (which usually coincide with the fecking rent aswell!), so do you not think that is is fair that smaller groups should be allowed to give the less privileged and those without trust funds and big jobs, the opportunity to go out and enjoy themselves aswell?? The big holidays always seem to be dominated by the bigger more expensive parties, they get huge crowds anyway, they have their own mailing lists, so us within this smaller sub-community could and should have parties at the holidays that anyone can afford. >(IF AN EVENT ORGANIZER SAYS THEY WILL DO SOmthING AND THEN DOES >SOmthING ELSE THEN THEY WILL BE HELD ACCOUNTABLE, POPULAR OR NOT -JW) Oh hold me accountable, tie me up and whip me for my sins mein Jeffmeister. I'm so sorry I had a party in a private house. I'm so sorry that I had no money to go to the party, I'm so sorry you feel the need to be the most popular boy in the class. Grow up, and get this scene kicking, get the ski lodge going, put your energy into making people glad instead of make people mad. (This section has been sponsered by plastic stuff that keeps trance fresh!!) Just my two eurocents Beannacht Kate (ya knows I loves ya or I wouldn't be this honest!!) -. Wed, 19 Dec 2001 07:14:10 Bcc: Subject: Spectra info...... From: "ANGEL 69'S YOU" Hi everybody....... this friday we're gonna enjoy a great event,and here's some info about it....... the venue is killer,i've been there today and i think all of you are gonna love it. there will be water,sodas and juice available.all of them for $3 each possibly red bull also. we're sorry,but alcohol is not gonna be sold. there's a coat check also. the sound system rocks.....perfect for this venue. a nice security team will be taking care of everybody. bring your good vibes this event is 18yrs and over lineup(yes,once again) Shiva Chandra-spiritzone-germany-live Auricular-medium records-germany-live Mapusa Mapusa-spiritzone-germany-dj set Daniel-spiritzone-germany-dj set Gavin-spectra,radiant-ma,usa-dj set psychedelic installations by: Ran Mor-hovek olam-nyc Jamin-spectra-nyc,nantucket location: 130-140 Essex st manhattan between stanton and rivington j,m,z,f trains to delancey/essex stop for more info call 212-981-8888 ok......and the full lineup for january 11th!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yare-cheese records-venezuela,nyc-live set Jamin-spectra-nyc,nantucket-dj set psychedelic installations by: Amrisha-voov-hamburg,germanJamin-spectra-nyc,nantucket flyer out soon!!!!! tickets are $25 in advance $30 at the door you can also have more info at www.spectranyc hope to see all of you there peace,love and music Angel _ Chat with friends online, try MSN Messenger: http://messenger.msn Date: Wed, 19 Dec 2001 19:58:04 To: SafetyDance Subject: Gullible Glutton for the Punishment of Party Promoters From: "ganjatron666" As much as I agree with your absolute right to disagree with anything and everything I may have mentioned in my initial email, I also feel it is important to clarify what maybe a misinterpretation. It was certainly never my intention to criticize any of the promoters, and nowhere in my initial e-mail will you find that reference. I am fully aware of the distinction between club management and promoters, I happen to know two of the aforementioned promoters and hold them in the highest esteem. That still does not change the fact that they are also at the mercy of the big clubs as well when it comes to holding an event for "the latest flavours", let us continue to support them in their quest for good venues with "decent sound systems". You also refer to the fact that one small detail I neglect to mention in my entire diatribe is the music. I believe if you care to reread that 'diatribe' you will note I make two references to music. Firstly about Artists who are passionate about their music and who understand how to build the spirit in a crowd and, secondly, that the events should be about the music and not the dollar. In reference to 'apples and oranges' I have consumed both to great satisfaction at the Alex Grey event and the Omnitribe event, if you have indeed attended them both you will see my point. Finally I had hoped that the misfortune of others would bring about compassion rather than scathing criticism and scorn. Does the statement "gullible" and "glutton for punishment" also apply to the two artists who had their work ripped off the walls of two recent events, or, perhaps to the person who had their projector stolen or indeed the girl who had her back pack unzipped with everything taken and stood crying outside one of the clubs? To conclude I hope my reply to your e-mail is succinct without stooping to the level of personal insults. In the need for further response please feel free to approach me personally and not bore others with our "diatribe". - The Idealist Hey now, don't go blaming promoters and party goers for all of your bad part experiences. I resent the idea that anyone who continues to support $30 parties at clubs is gullible or a glutton for punishment. One small detail you neglect to mention in your entire diatribe: the music. I reluctantly pay $30 to hopefully see live acts and djs whose music I feel is a cut above most of the stuff out there, not because I've never had a 'taste' of the underground scene. Comparing the two types of parties is like apples and oranges...of course underground parties are cheaper and they treat you better, duh...they're not paying huge sums to fly over the latest flavors of the month artists from Europe, and with the smaller crowds that show up, they don't have to get huge name-brand clubs, etc etc. > Granted the security at many of these clubs sucks ass (my friend got literall strip searched for waiting by the bathroom for his girlfriend...courtesy of The World) but that's often not the promoter's fault since clubs usually have house security. Incidentally, at the Limelight party last week there was NO securit of note. BTW, are you suggesting that a broken into/towed car is somehow related to a party? > Anyway, the promoters don't need to 'take notes' on the underground since most of them started out doing small parties and worked their way up to the big ones over the years. While I certainly condemn the ill behavior of security, turning off tap water, confiscating candy (they took my nicorette gum at Amazura - that was a rough night), etc, keep in mind that many go through all that for the music, not for the hopes of cheap water and a good vibe. As far as the parties ending early and the like, yes that sucks, and anyone should feel free to tr to argue with the club managers whenever that happens. > Again, nothing against the underground djs, (the Omnitribe guys have been throwing down some awesome stuff lately), but when I want to hear brand spanking new killer tracks played live on a decent sound system by the artist who made them, I usually have to go through the hell of a New York City club processing-plant style nightmare...but you know what? Often it is worth it. > -Ethan Date: Wed, 19 Dec 2001 15:49:05 EST Subject: One rule I forgot about safeguarding your valuables To: safetydance From: Machinelf One rule I forgot, and it should be the very first: If you go to a techno party, never ever ever let your belongings leave your sight. If you are a trance person you are especially game because (a) you are trusting and naive by nature and (b) you have more to lose b/c you are older and have had more time to compile stealable stuff, and (c) your carelessness sticks out b/c few others at the event are that green to be so careless. Garen got a videocamera stolen at Wylie's penthouse party; there were a lot of runoffs from the Blakkat party, and if my birds are right, the recent string of emails were inspired by two people who got their coats stolen at... you guessed it, a Blakkat party. Blakkat parties, Virus renegade et al are run by great people but the problem is a lot of thugs and thieves also like the music. Consider it a karma tax for not listening to trance. Oh, it all still happens at trance parties, but only the big ones where it is hard to crack down on them in time, if not outright eject them immediately as was attempted at Limelight. People like the BTS sharpen their skills by stealing from each other. As trance people step out into the night and spill over into other vital genres, the same goes for drum and bass and two step etc. It goes a little for so-called progressive trance. id Wed, 19 Dec 2001 23:43:45 To: SafetyDance Subject: Re: [SafetyDance] One rule I forgot about safeguarding your valuables From: andrew fusco OK this is really making me sad, all this stuff below i am reading from you guys. i go to parties out here in the west and have never heard of anyone taking anything form anyone else. at lame ass little kid parties, people sometimes worry a little more, but still i have not heard of thefts. I guess i wish whoever is weak enough to steal at a party sees this and that the rest of you know it isnt always and doesnt need to be the way jeff describes things to be, quoted below. i cant count the times i've left my jacket with cell phone, illicits, money, etc and not worried about it, even in NY. just really makes me sad If you go to a techno party, never ever ever let your belongings leave your sight. If you are a trance person you are especially game because (a) you are trusting and naive by nature and (b) you have more to lose b/c you are older and have had more time to compile stealable stuff, and (c) your carelessness sticks out b/c few others at the event are that green to be so careless. Garen got a videocamera stolen at Wylie's penthouse party; there were a lot of runoffs from the Blakkat party, and if my birds are right, the recent string of emails were inspired by two people who got their coats stolen at... you guessed it, a Blakkat party. Date: Thu, 20 Dec 2001 03:30:50 EST Subject: Re: [SafetyDance] One rule I forgot valuables To: SafetyDance From: sonikzolution In a message dated 12/19/01 3:52:38 PM Eastern Standard Time, Machinelf writes: > One rule I forgot, and it should be the very first: > If you go to a techno party, never ever ever let your belongings leave your > sight. If you are a trance person you are especially game because (a) you > are trusting and naive by nature and (b) you have more to lose b/c you are > older and have had more time to compile stealable stuff, and (c) your > carelessness sticks out b/c few others at the event are that green to be so > careless. > Garen got a videocamera stolen at Wylie's penthouse party; there were a lot > of runoffs from the Blakkat party, and if my birds are right, the recent > string of emails were inspired by two people who got their coats stolen > at... > you guessed it, a Blakkat party. > Blakkat parties, Virus renegade et al are run by great people but the > problem > is a lot of thugs and thieves also like the music. Consider it a karma tax > for not listening to trance. Oh, it all still happens at trance parties, > but > only the big ones where it is hard to crack down on them in time, if not > outright eject them immediately as was attempted at Limelight. People like > the BTS sharpen their skills by stealing from each other. > As trance people step out into the night and spill over into other vital > genres, the same goes for drum and bass and two step etc. It goes a little > for so-called progressive trance. > I guess i could agree, but we honestely havent had any Bts problems at the last couple of parties, even the ones in the summer. Since lalot of them dont like hARDKORE, or the experiemtnal styles of breaks and tekno we play, they usually dont even show up. The last robery was one our visual, audio artists , madame chao, getting robbed for lal his equiptment, luckily he was insured, but we were also in bushwick brooklyn witch isnt the best of hoods. Anyways, it s prone ot happen anywhere, especially in the merky night spoits of our glorious Nyc. Small tast force groups who look out forthe whole party, including making shure security is behaving as well, are being formed, by members of the underground events.///// well just Keep parting hard,m safe and keep everything alive and well. I want to know more about the backdrops and art that was ruined or stolen, thats terrible, where did this happen>??? Ill post more info soon. Also we have a FreeTekno party on Sat dec 29. for those interested, ill post the flyer up this week. byie. FoodStampz Al:i http://www.virusrenegade.8k LIVING ON THE EDGE!!!!!! In a message dated 12/19/01 3:52:38 PM Eastern Standard Time, Machinelf writes: One rule I forgot, and it should be the very first: If you go to a techno party, never ever ever let your belongings leave your sight. If you are a trance person you are especially game because (a) you are trusting and naive by nature and (b) you have more to lose b/c you are older and have had more time to compile stealable stuff, and (c) your carelessness sticks out b/c few others at the event are that green to be so careless. Garen got a videocamera stolen at Wylie's penthouse party; there were a lot of runoffs from the Blakkat party, and if my birds are right, the recent string of emails were inspired by two people who got their coats stolen at... you guessed it, a Blakkat party. Blakkat parties, Virus renegade et al are run by great people but the problem is a lot of thugs and thieves also like the music. Consider it a karma tax for not listening to trance. Oh, it all still happens at trance parties, but only the big ones where it is hard to crack down on them in time, if not outright eject them immediately as was attempted at Limelight. People like the BTS sharpen their skills by stealing from each other. As trance people step out into the night and spill over into other vital genres, the same goes for drum and bass and two step etc. It goes a little for so-called progressive trance. I guess i could agree, but we honestely havent had any Bts problems at the last couple of parties, even the ones in the summer. Since lalot of them dont like hARDKORE, or the experiemtnal styles of breaks and tekno we play, they usually dont even show up. The last robery was one our visual, audio artists, madame chao, getting robbed for lal his equiptment, luckily he was insured, but we were also in bushwick brooklyn witch isnt the best of hoods. Anyways, it s prone ot happen anywhere, especially in the merky night spoits of our glorious Nyc. Small tast force groups who look out forthe whole party, including making shure security is behaving as well, are being formed, by members of the underground events.///// well just Keep parting hard,m safe and keep everything alive and well. I want to know more about the backdrops and art that was ruined or stolen, thats terrible, where did this happen>??? Ill post more info soon. Also we have a FreeTekno party on Sat dec 29. for those interested, ill post the flyer up this week. byie. FoodStampz Al:i http://www.virusrenegade.8k LIVING ON THE EDGE!!!!!! by tbone.cownow (8.11.3/8.11.3) id fBIMSSR14511; To: SafetyDance Subject: Re: [SafetyDance] Re: More essence less screwing From: Ben > > TRANCE!!!! LOVE IT OR LEAVE IT, YOU DAMN COMMIE BASTARDs!!! ROFL! Seriously, if you want to blame someone blame the fucking government not party promoters.. or as they should be called, party producers. If thewant to produce a legal party and not get their asses sued or in jail theneed to work with a legal venue, and legal venues are deliberately limited by the city as we all know, and they can get shut down for numerous violations including the use of drugs by their patrons, or they can get sued out of existence by just one violent incident.. So those that own the venues are looking out for themselves, to stay open, and to make some monewhile they can stay open. Refusing to attend the parties unless things improve is unlikely to do more than put the producers out of business, it won't do anything about the venues. It is unlikely that any psytrance party producer has enough influence to make a permanent change in the club environment... SS tried with Amazura and you can see how well that worked out. For example I asked them (SS) to please straighten out the confiscation of candy so that we could bring in halloween candy for everyone.. they DID make an effort and straighten it out.. we were able to bring in the treats. So how long do you think that lasted??? The very next party they were back to confiscating candy. I hardly think that Kris and Gilles told them to go back to doing that.. this is what the venue wants to do and they are going to do what they want to do. Use whatever logic you want but clearly the clean, big, legal venues our producers would like to use for parties obviously are not going to change their ways for us. You say go to small parties and that's great but small all-night venues are not easy to find and you cannot do the same kind of decoration etc there.. it's a different kind of party. If you are willing to completely give up the big all-night parties then go ahead and boycott producers and put them out of business. It won't accomplish anything except hurting ourselves and the producers who are also part of ourselves. -Ben (light-o-matic) To: SafetyDance Subject: Re: [SafetyDance] Gullible Glutton for the Punishment of Party Promoters Organization: Lycos Mail (http://mail.lycos :80) From: "Ethan K Abramson" Reply-To: retron23 at lycos 'Idealist'; I was replying to a different message, which I included in my post, but you seem to have cut out of your response. I believe it was from 'beastiegirl'. I'll be sure to include names in the future, and I suggest others do the same to avoid this kind of confusion. Anyway, apologies to the list members for dragging this out. -Ethan On Wed, 19 Dec 2001 19:58:04 ganjatron666 wrote: >As much as I agree with your absolute right to disagree with anything >and everything I may have mentioned in my initial email, I also feel >it is important to clarify what maybe a misinterpretation. It was >certainly never my intention to criticize any of the promoters, and >nowhere in my initial e-mail will you find that reference. I am fully >aware of the distinction between club management and promoters, I >happen to know two of the aforementioned promoters and hold them in >the highest esteem. That still does not change the fact that they are >also at the mercy of the big clubs as well when it comes to holding an >event for "the latest flavours", let us continue to support them in >their quest for good venues with "decent sound systems". You also >refer to the fact that one small detail I neglect to mention in my >entire diatribe is the music. I believe if you care to reread that >'diatribe' you will note I make two references to music. Firstly >about Artists who are passionate about their music and who understand >how to build the spirit in a crowd and, secondly, that the events >should be about the music and not the dollar. In reference to 'apples >and oranges' I have consumed both to great satisfaction at the Alex >Grey event and the Omnitribe event, if you have indeed attended them >both you will see my point. > >Finally I had hoped that the misfortune of others would bring about >compassion rather than scathing criticism and scorn. Does the >statement "gullible" and "glutton for punishment" also apply to the >two artists who had their work ripped off the walls of two recent >events, or, perhaps to the person who had their projector stolen or >indeed the girl who had her back pack unzipped with everything taken >and stood crying outside one of the clubs? > > To conclude I hope my reply to your e-mail is succinct without >stooping to the level of personal insults. In the need for further >response please feel free to approach me personally and not bore >others with our "diatribe". > >- The Idealist > > Hey now, don't go blaming promoters and party goers >for all of your bad part> experiences. I resent the idea that anyone who >continues to support $30 parties > at clubs is gullible or a glutton for punishment. One >small detail you neglect > to mention in your entire diatribe: the music. I >reluctantly pay $30 to > hopefully see live acts and djs whose music I feel is >a cut above most of the > stuff out there, not because I've never had a 'taste' >of the underground scene. > Comparing the two types of parties is like apples and >oranges...of course > underground parties are cheaper and they treat you >better, duh...they're not > paying huge sums to fly over the latest flavors of >the month artists from > Europe, and with the smaller crowds that show up, >they don't have to get huge > name-brand clubs, etc etc. > > > Granted the security at many of these clubs sucks ass >(my friend got literall> strip searched for waiting by the bathroom for his >girlfriend...courtesy of The > World) but that's often not the promoter's fault >since clubs usually have house > security. Incidentally, at the Limelight party last >week there was NO securit> of note. BTW, are you suggesting that a broken >into/towed car is somehow > related to a party? > > > Anyway, the promoters don't need to 'take notes' on >the underground since most > of them started out doing small parties and worked >their way up to the big ones > over the years. While I certainly condemn the ill >behavior of security, turning > off tap water, confiscating candy (they took my >nicorette gum at Amazura - that > was a rough night), etc, keep in mind that many go >through all that for the > music, not for the hopes of cheap water and a good >vibe. As far as the parties > ending early and the like, yes that sucks, and anyone >should feel free to tr> to argue with the club managers whenever that >happens. > > > Again, nothing against the underground djs, (the >Omnitribe guys have been > throwing down some awesome stuff lately), but when I >want to hear brand > spanking new killer tracks played live on a decent >sound system by the artist > who made them, I usually have to go through the hell >of a New York City club > processing-plant style nightmare...but you know what? >Often it is worth it. > > > -Ethan > -- You Win! We Donate. Register to win $10,000 and Lycos will donate $1 to the Children's Wish Foundation (up to $20,000 in total). Limit of one registration per person. Go to http://shop.lycos /holidays/sweeps/ To: SafetyDance Subject: Re: [SafetyDance] Gullible Glutton for the Punishment of Party Promoters From: Edward Potter Reply-To: ejp at well I don't know, for my $35 at the last Queens thang, i had more fun then I had all year... and do did my friends... Mia the girl spinning in the pyramid, and Ralph, her bohemian boyfriend.... so 10 hours, works out to about $3.50 per hour.... and the muzak was awesome, and the girls, well i was pretty much in awe... hey, I'm a geek, what can i say! jai ma :-) ed Ethan K Abramson wrote: > 'Idealist'; > > I was replying to a different message, which I included in my post, but you seem to have cut out of your response. I believe it was from 'beastiegirl'. I'll be sure to include names in the future, and I suggest others do the same to avoid this kind of confusion. Anyway, apologies to the list members for dragging this out. > > -Ethan > > On Wed, 19 Dec 2001 19:58:04 > ganjatron666 wrote: > >>As much as I agree with your absolute right to disagree with anything >>and everything I may have mentioned in my initial email, I also feel >>it is important to clarify what maybe a misinterpretation. It was >>certainly never my intention to criticize any of the promoters, and >>nowhere in my initial e-mail will you find that reference. I am fully >>aware of the distinction between club management and promoters, I >>happen to know two of the aforementioned promoters and hold them in >>the highest esteem. That still does not change the fact that they are >>also at the mercy of the big clubs as well when it comes to holding an >>event for "the latest flavours", let us continue to support them in >>their quest for good venues with "decent sound systems". You also >>refer to the fact that one small detail I neglect to mention in my >>entire diatribe is the music. I believe if you care to reread that >>'diatribe' you will note I make two references to music. Firstly >>about Artists who are passionate about their music and who understand >>how to build the spirit in a crowd and, secondly, that the events >>should be about the music and not the dollar. In reference to 'apples >>and oranges' I have consumed both to great satisfaction at the Alex >>Grey event and the Omnitribe event, if you have indeed attended them >>both you will see my point. >> >>Finally I had hoped that the misfortune of others would bring about >>compassion rather than scathing criticism and scorn. Does the >>statement "gullible" and "glutton for punishment" also apply to the >>two artists who had their work ripped off the walls of two recent >>events, or, perhaps to the person who had their projector stolen or >>indeed the girl who had her back pack unzipped with everything taken >>and stood crying outside one of the clubs? >> >>To conclude I hope my reply to your e-mail is succinct without >>stooping to the level of personal insults. In the need for further >>response please feel free to approach me personally and not bore >>others with our "diatribe". >> >>- The Idealist >> >> Hey now, don't go blaming promoters and party goers >>for all of your bad part>> experiences. I resent the idea that anyone who >>continues to support $30 parties >> at clubs is gullible or a glutton for punishment. One >>small detail you neglect >> to mention in your entire diatribe: the music. I >>reluctantly pay $30 to >> hopefully see live acts and djs whose music I feel is >>a cut above most of the >> stuff out there, not because I've never had a 'taste' >>of the underground scene. >> Comparing the two types of parties is like apples and >>oranges...of course >> underground parties are cheaper and they treat you >>better, duh...they're not >> paying huge sums to fly over the latest flavors of >>the month artists from >> Europe, and with the smaller crowds that show up, >>they don't have to get huge >> name-brand clubs, etc etc. >> > >> Granted the security at many of these clubs sucks ass >>(my friend got literall>> strip searched for waiting by the bathroom for his >>girlfriend...courtesy of The >> World) but that's often not the promoter's fault >>since clubs usually have house >> security. Incidentally, at the Limelight party last >>week there was NO securit>> of note. BTW, are you suggesting that a broken >>into/towed car is somehow >> related to a party? >> > >> Anyway, the promoters don't need to 'take notes' on >>the underground since most >> of them started out doing small parties and worked >>their way up to the big ones >> over the years. While I certainly condemn the ill >>behavior of security, turning >> off tap water, confiscating candy (they took my >>nicorette gum at Amazura - that >> was a rough night), etc, keep in mind that many go >>through all that for the >> music, not for the hopes of cheap water and a good >>vibe. As far as the parties >> ending early and the like, yes that sucks, and anyone >>should feel free to tr>> to argue with the club managers whenever that >>happens. >> > >> Again, nothing against the underground djs, (the >>Omnitribe guys have been >> throwing down some awesome stuff lately), but when I >>want to hear brand >> spanking new killer tracks played live on a decent >>sound system by the artist >> who made them, I usually have to go through the hell >>of a New York City club >> processing-plant style nightmare...but you know what? >>Often it is worth it. >> > >> -Ethan >> > > -- > You Win! We Donate. > Register to win $10,000 and Lycos will donate $1 to the Children's Wish Foundation (up to $20,000 in total). Limit of one registration per person. Go to http://shop.lycos /holidays/sweeps/ > > This is a big friends and family list for psychedelic trance in New York. Primarily we promote private parties that are too intimate for the larger brainmachines list. If you know of jobs available, or rooms for rent, send them over, everyone here is good at safetydance . > > To become more involved with making actual events happen - and taking part in a DMT Ski Lodge this winter - you should join the New York chapter of the Devotional Ministry of Trance, DMTNY by going to paypal, registering, and sending $35 to Jeff W, jeff at brainmachines . > To: SafetyDance Subject: Re: [SafetyDance] Gullible Glutton for the Punishment of Party Promoters From: Edward Potter Reply-To: ejp at well anyway, to change the subject, was that Fellowship of The Rings flick cool or what? Now all of a sudden all those kids that had those strange sounding names growing up, it now all makes kinda sense! :-) ed Ethan K Abramson wrote: > 'Idealist'; > > I was replying to a different message, which I included in my post, but you seem to have cut out of your response. I believe it was from 'beastiegirl'. I'll be sure to include names in the future, and I suggest others do the same to avoid this kind of confusion. Anyway, apologies to the list members for dragging this out. > > -Ethan > > On Wed, 19 Dec 2001 19:58:04 > ganjatron666 wrote: > >>As much as I agree with your absolute right to disagree with anything >>and everything I may have mentioned in my initial email, I also feel >>it is important to clarify what maybe a misinterpretation. It was >>certainly never my intention to criticize any of the promoters, and >>nowhere in my initial e-mail will you find that reference. I am fully >>aware of the distinction between club management and promoters, I >>happen to know two of the aforementioned promoters and hold them in >>the highest esteem. That still does not change the fact that they are >>also at the mercy of the big clubs as well when it comes to holding an >>event for "the latest flavours", let us continue to support them in >>their quest for good venues with "decent sound systems". You also >>refer to the fact that one small detail I neglect to mention in my >>entire diatribe is the music. I believe if you care to reread that >>'diatribe' you will note I make two references to music. Firstly >>about Artists who are passionate about their music and who understand >>how to build the spirit in a crowd and, secondly, that the events >>should be about the music and not the dollar. In reference to 'apples >>and oranges' I have consumed both to great satisfaction at the Alex >>Grey event and the Omnitribe event, if you have indeed attended them >>both you will see my point. >> >>Finally I had hoped that the misfortune of others would bring about >>compassion rather than scathing criticism and scorn. Does the >>statement "gullible" and "glutton for punishment" also apply to the >>two artists who had their work ripped off the walls of two recent >>events, or, perhaps to the person who had their projector stolen or >>indeed the girl who had her back pack unzipped with everything taken >>and stood crying outside one of the clubs? >> >>To conclude I hope my reply to your e-mail is succinct without >>stooping to the level of personal insults. In the need for further >>response please feel free to approach me personally and not bore >>others with our "diatribe". >> >>- The Idealist >> >> Hey now, don't go blaming promoters and party goers >>for all of your bad part>> experiences. I resent the idea that anyone who >>continues to support $30 parties >> at clubs is gullible or a glutton for punishment. One >>small detail you neglect >> to mention in your entire diatribe: the music. I >>reluctantly pay $30 to >> hopefully see live acts and djs whose music I feel is >>a cut above most of the >> stuff out there, not because I've never had a 'taste' >>of the underground scene. >> Comparing the two types of parties is like apples and >>oranges...of course >> underground parties are cheaper and they treat you >>better, duh...they're not >> paying huge sums to fly over the latest flavors of >>the month artists from >> Europe, and with the smaller crowds that show up, >>they don't have to get huge >> name-brand clubs, etc etc. >> > >> Granted the security at many of these clubs sucks ass >>(my friend got literall>> strip searched for waiting by the bathroom for his >>girlfriend...courtesy of The >> World) but that's often not the promoter's fault >>since clubs usually have house >> security. Incidentally, at the Limelight party last >>week there was NO securit>> of note. BTW, are you suggesting that a broken >>into/towed car is somehow >> related to a party? >> > >> Anyway, the promoters don't need to 'take notes' on >>the underground since most >> of them started out doing small parties and worked >>their way up to the big ones >> over the years. While I certainly condemn the ill >>behavior of security, turning >> off tap water, confiscating candy (they took my >>nicorette gum at Amazura - that >> was a rough night), etc, keep in mind that many go >>through all that for the >> music, not for the hopes of cheap water and a good >>vibe. As far as the parties >> ending early and the like, yes that sucks, and anyone >>should feel free to tr>> to argue with the club managers whenever that >>happens. >> > >> Again, nothing against the underground djs, (the >>Omnitribe guys have been >> throwing down some awesome stuff lately), but when I >>want to hear brand >> spanking new killer tracks played live on a decent >>sound system by the artist >> who made them, I usually have to go through the hell >>of a New York City club >> processing-plant style nightmare...but you know what? >>Often it is worth it. >> > >> -Ethan >> > > -- > You Win! We Donate. > Register to win $10,000 and Lycos will donate $1 to the Children's Wish Foundation (up to $20,000 in total). Limit of one registration per person. Go to http://shop.lycos /holidays/sweeps/ > > This is a big friends and family list for psychedelic trance in New York. Primarily we promote private parties that are too intimate for the larger brainmachines list. If you know of jobs available, or rooms for rent, send them over, everyone here is good at safetydance . > > To become more involved with making actual events happen - and taking part in a DMT Ski Lodge this winter - you should join the New York chapter of the Devotional Ministry of Trance, DMTNY by going to paypal, registering, and sending $35 to Jeff W, jeff at brainmachines . > (iPlanet Messaging Server 5.0 Patch 2 (built Dec 14 2000)) Subject: what is the point of this list??? To: SafetyDance From: "Paul C. Smith IV" ok.. i love to party.. especialy in the psytrance scene because i prefer to be arround intelegent mature people.... but i'm tiard of all the crap filling my mail box.. if people have a problem with one another.. or have somthing to say to someone... tell them in person.. not to the 500 people on the list... if Jeff promoted a private party he shouldn't have.. tell him.. not me, and everyone else... i remember at one point in time recieving messages about quantium theory, genetics, and other intelectualy stimulating material (it was called braincandy).. now all i read is this person did that.. this person didn't do this... the price of party's is too high.. blah blah blah.. how fucking much do you people think it costs to put together a production like the ones at amazure ballroom... shit.. from what i understand the dj's make apx 10,000.00 for the night.. let alone the cost of the venu.. and promotions, and the sound crew, and the ppl who do decore, and the staff, and the lighting crew, and ...... if you don't want to pa35.00 for a party DONT.. but i don't need to hear unintelegent bable and bitching... outlaws cost less.... no insurence (which EVERY venu/party has to have to cover the ass's of the production people just incase some stupid kiddie decides to eat too many pills...)... things are the way they are because that's the way they are...SS tryed to find a new venu.. but where are they currently throwing there parys??? i do believe that a seperate group was created so people could speek there mind.. it's called "spacetotripoffnyc"... if you want to yell at people do it there... please be what you people keep saying you are.. a group to be place above all the rest... and bring back the braincandy... believe me... david doich's theorys on the multiverse are MUCH more interesting then hearing about a casset tape dissapearing... personaly.. i think the so called conciouslaware people running this list need to wake the fuck up.. go back.. read the bullshit you've been filling out mailbox's with.. and tell me how far along we realy are... please don't misunderstand me... i love all of you... i love the music.. i love the vibe... i don't love hearing about stupid shit that dosn't concern the majority of us... see you at the next event... Date: Mon, 24 Dec 2001 21:14:23 To: SafetyDance Subject: RE: What's the point From: "ismokedmt" I filter out most of what is posted on this list to be approved. once you get 500+ people you get a lot of white noise. But every message you get is ultimately chosen to be of some worth to the group. Every once in a while i choose a battle and engage; alex grey was the most recent line that i fought fhard to keep a semblance of unity. If you really want to filter out anything besides WHERE THE OUTLAW IS, then set your settings to Digest or Special Announcement Only. Raison d-etre - Me, even though i usually look a decade younger i feel old and irrelevant. Psy-trance as a genre is no longer in puberty. New York is no longer the freak show it was in the early-midd 90s. There have been so many interesting groups, from rainbows to artists to actors to chemists to ravers to what have you. For years I wanted to attract as many cool and interesting freaks into psy-trance, and my motivation was to stick it to Twilo. which eventually ejected me and my brain machines. now, after a huge bust which came up grasping at straws, I am still battling to recover all my possessions. But I am out and free. But without my gadgets and machines I am an emperor with no clothes. It is my hope that others will continue to try to achieve the dream, so that some day when I return I won't be the only freak. Bottom line, i have to de-maneuver, since right now if I had children some enemy would have them taken from me. Ya'll have a Merry Christmas. I will see ya'll at Tsunami for New years! Date: Mon, 24 Dec 2001 17:34:12 EST Subject: Re: [SafetyDance] RE: What's the point To: SafetyDance From: LOLLYGOA merry xmas jeff! hope those arent the xmas blues- even as an emperor w/out clothes, you're more interesting than all the other 'blancmange' (props to monty p) that one runs into! To all goatrancers everywhere : happy holidays; your souls make our forays into the wacky all the more wonderful! remember: we all come to this realm in order to have fun, do learning, or both at once. To us, That's Entertainment! See ya New Years at Tsunami for equal helpings of both! kove and lisses, lori and boris Date: Tue, 25 Dec 2001 15:35:29 EST Subject: Trippy flash movie from From DJ aka bagelcat To: From: Machinelf Everyone, I have completed an evolving prototype version of my website, which is a series of interactive visual Flash pieces. It is somthing I would like to share with all of you..if you are on this list, you would probably be interested... Happy Holidays... http://pratt /~dfarraye ~Darius bagelcat To: "Infornography For The Masses", "Extreme NY", , Subject: 1/31-2/4 Call for Pagan Cluster by Starhawk From: "Yvonne" Starhawk wrote: Call for A Pagan Cluster: To Join the Resistance Against the World Economic Forum New York CitJanuary 31-February 4 2000 >From January 30 through February 4, 2002, the World Economic Forum will meet in New York City. A major mobilization is being planned to protest their meeting. The World Economic Forum is the gathering of political and business leaders to set the agendas of corporate domination which later become formalized by governments and international institutions. This is where the networking and brainstorming is done that sets policy for the WTO, the IMF and World Bank, and the other undemocratic, non-accountable institutions that impose corporate rule around the world. This is the first major meeting of the global corporate powers since September 11, and the first opportunity for the global justice movement to respond. We call on Pagans and our friends to join us in New York City to participate in creative resistance to the World Economic Forum and the unjust, global economic system that is destroying the health of the planet and impoverishing the majority of the world's people. We sathat our lives, our communities, the health of the earth's ecosystems, the cultures of indigenous peoples, the dreams of children are too important to be subsumed to profit. Another world is possible: a world of justice, freedom, ecological balance, real democracy and true abundance, and we will make it real. What Is A Pagan Cluster? -- We are people who cannot separate spirit from action. We see the earth as a living being, and all of life as interconnected. Our spirituality is earth-based, erotic, and engaged with the global struggles for justice, liberation, equality and ecological balance. -- In our actions we attempt to embody the world we want to create. -- Our actions respect the life, well being, and dignity of all people. -- We are colorful, beautiful and playful. We are courageous, bold and willing. We bring creativity and ritual to actions and to organizing. -- We give people a taste of the energy and power of magic, and show a glimmer of what is possible. -- We seek actions that allow people to participate at different levels of risk. We strongly value support roles as well as front-line roles. -- We model solidarity with other activists, on the street, in jail, in the courts, in the press-even though we may not agree completely with their tactics or their politics. -- We mobilize magical support for our actions. -- We transform tense moments and places to create a sense of safety and possibility. -- We recognize the violence directed against our movement, and acknowledge the toll of the trauma. We consciously integrate healing into our politics/actions. -- We value and provide training and preparation for actions. -- We build bridges and open channels of communication between many diverse groups. -- We are anti-authoritarian and nonhierarchical. We make decisions by consensus. We encourage the formation of affinity groups. -- You don't have to be a Pagan to join our cluster, but you do have to be willing to put up with Pagans who do ritual, sing songs, and plan strategy through divination. Fire and Water This action takes place over the festival of Brigid, ancient Irish Goddess of fire and water, the holy well and the sacred flame. Brigid is the Goddess of the forge, the patroness of poetry and healing. For many of us, her festival has long been a time for political magic. In many previous actions, the Pagan Cluster has formed a Living River, drawing attention to issues of water, asserting that water is sacred, and a human right to be protected against exploitation. We've challenged the FTAA, Bechtel Corporation, and the IMF and World Bank to stop privatizing water and to address the Cochabamba Declaration which calls for an international treaty to protect our rights to water. In this action we also carry Brigid's flame, the flame of truth, of courage, hope and passion. We oppose a global system based on the power of domination, backed by the firepower of the gun and the bomb, fueled by a vast, oil burning engine which manipulates governments, destroys indigenous communities, and assaults the health of the earth's ecosystems and climate. We invoke the renewable powers of sun, wind and water, the hearthfire of global solidarity, the creative fire of inspiration, and the transformative fire of healing, to fight fire with fire, to remake the world in the service of that power which sprouts seeds and pushes forth new growth in the warming days of spring. What We Will Do On Friday, Feb. 1, we have been asked by the co-ordinators of the group Another World is Possible to begin the weekend of actions by planning a vigil/pageant/ritual and helping to create a safe space/temporarautonomous zone. The event we create will be welcoming to people of all (or no) religious persuasions, and will aim to be a safe and non-arrest situation, that will focus on healing, empowerment, and forging our vision. The overall scenario for the whole weekend of actions is now being developed by a number of groups. We'll participate as a contingent in marches and actions planned by other groups. We will form our own plan for actions that allow a wide spectrum of participation by people with varying needs. We'll offer public ritual, create healing spaces and bring ritual into the streets. We'll provide trainings and preparations for the actions. We are eager to connect and network with Pagans from the local area who come from other traditions or communities. We encourage New York CitPagans to participate in the general organizing. In our organization, we will embody the principles of openness, participation, empowerment and real democracy that are the foundation of the world we strive to create. We intend to carry out our actions with vision, imagination, creativity, humor and joy, with sensitivity to the immense suffering caused by the attacks of September 11, with respect for the lives, enterprises, cultures and heritages of the people of New York City, and in a manner that encourages all to join us. How To Connect The Pagan Cluster listserve for organizing this action is LivRiv To subscribe, email livriv-subscribe Our general listserve for discussion and organizing magical support for actions is rwto To subscribe email rwto-subscribe We will attempt to organize housing for the cluster, training times and meeting spaces, and to physically meet in the days before the action. When to Come? The meetings begin on Thursday, January 31st. The scenario is still being developed, but conferences, art making, a countersummit and a student mobilization with workshops, panels and trainings will begin in the week leading up to the action, especially on Thursday and Friday. Major direct action will take place on the weekend. The earlier people come, the more time we will have for training and preparation, and the more you will be able to participate in planning and creating the actions. Other Useful Contact Infomation WEF Counter-Summit Organizing Collective email address: (globaljustice at Anti-Capitalist Convergence websites: Globalize Justice mailing list: ( /group/globalizejustice) for announcements and updates. National Student Mobilization and Conference information: The Students for Global Justice website ( ### -- Yvonne + y at onomatopoeik + http://onomatopoeik + vox: 646 321 5710 "An eye for an eye only leaves the whole world blind." - Gandhi Mon, 24 Dec 2001 21:44:35 To: SafetyDance Bcc: Subject: Brain CandFrom: "Preston Dane" Thank you Paul.... so i thought i throw in a little Alan Watts... one this century's greatest thinkers/theologens.... the following article is about the value of the psychotic experience.... its not necessarily about drug use... but certainly a vote for non-ordinary reality. -. Date: Thu, 27 Dec 2001 02:36:23 To: SafetyDance Subject: List policy change From: "ismokedmt" DONE. all email replies will go just to the sender, so r4eply away, at will! if you want to send somthing to the group to be approved send to safetydance-subscribe BTW, Machinelf, Machinelf, jeff at brainmachines, lordgodemperorofduneandalleternityshaihuludandilluvatarofthesilmarills at brainmachines, machinelf at brainmachines are all the same person. Is anything trance-ish going on this weekend in new york!?! the wholesome is getting too great for the partsome. From: shazstar Date: Mon Dec 24, 2001 11:18am Subject: Re: [SafetyDance] what is the point of this list??? I completely agree with this point, I do not even open most of my emails that come from lists because they are usually filled with rubbish. LIST MODERATOR -- please change the settings so that when someone replies, the reply is sent to the person who posted the message and not to the entire list, this works well at cutting oneliners and general shit.. thanks Shaz Subject: AUDITIONS! JAN 8th! New Play by Joe Vor-Tech To: Machinatigeneral, anti-ego-shtuff From: Joe Vor-Tech AUDITIONS TUESDAY JANURARY 8TH 2002 6PM SHARP!!!! Auditions for a new comedy by Joe Vor-Tech: "Jack Farnstien PH.D: The Secret Behind the Success" Are being held Tuesday Janurary 8th 2002 at 6pm. The play will go for roughly a two week run at the Lunatarium of about six to eight shows in early to mid March. Though exact dates haven't been figured out yet. Everyone is invited to audition, please come with just yourself and a willingness to audition. Be there AT if not BEFORE 6pm because we start THEN! Headshots or a good picture of yourself is strongly suggested. The players needed for the comedy are... 5 Males, 2 Females, 1 Narrator (can be male or female) 1 VERY GOOD piano player (need to be able to improvise well.) The play will also need production help so if you're interested in that respond as well though auditions aren't necessary. Once again, the auditions will be at 6pm on TuesdaJanurary 8th, 2002. They will be held at 10 Jastreet, 9th floor (it's the Lunatarium). Walk in through the entrance on Jay street, take the elevator to the eigth floor (or six if eight won't work) out of the elevator turn left, go up the stairs to the ninth floor, we should be in the center of the space. Please only audition if you're serious, this is going to be an intensive rehearsal process, and serious production that will be advertised throughout the city. For inquiries you can 1) E-mail Vor_Tech or 2) Call 917-821-0040 (though I can't guarantee it will always been available, and don't leave a message on that number because I don't check them very often) Flyers for the audition should be out soon. Hope to see you there! Forward to this AS MANY PEOPLE AS YOU WANT/CAN/ARE WILLING TO!!! Much love folks Joe V. Send your FREE holiday greetings online! Date: Mon, 31 Dec 2001 11:19:09 EST Subject: Underground Intimate New Years Space in Williamsburg To: safetydance From: Machinelf Jeff- Orignally this was going to be just a few friends but this space fell into my lap at the last minute and there seems to be nothing else going on and a bunch of people who don't want to shell out $75. Could you forward to your 'more exclusive' list and to vitalik etc at omnitribe?Collective Unconscious New Years 2002 Psy-trance. + drumming, improv dance performance, video and projection art, etc. It's at a very nice space (not a club or bar) for 75-100 people in Williamsburg and we should be able to go on through morning. The owner will be collecting $10 at the door, everything else is on us. I have sound equipment but could use more PA. There are also a few open slots for DJs. We also have computer and slide projection but could use more in the way of psy-art. If you can help out with anything (and/or for location), contact me at why5ht2a or 917-834-0733 zach Jeff- Orignally this was going to be just a few friends but this space fell into my lap at the last minute and there seems to be nothing else going on and a bunch of people who don't want to shell out $75. Could you forward to your 'more exclusive' list and to vitalik etc at omnitribe?Collective Unconscious New Years 2002 Psy-trance. + drumming, improv dance performance, video and projection art, etc. It's at a very nice space (not a club or bar) for 75-100 people in Williamsburg and we should be able to go on through morning. The owner will be collecting $10 at the door, everything else is on us. I have sound equipment but could use more PA. There are also a few open slots for DJs. We also have computer and slide projection but could use more in the way of psy-art. If you can help out with anything (and/or for location), contact me at why5ht2a or 917-834-0733 zach Date: Mon, 31 Dec 2001 13:10:00 EST Subject: Fwd: NEW YEARS EVE PARTY at the Tribeca Trance Mission!!! (TTM) To: safetydance From: Machinelf i know one just went out, this is the update. It all looks good, it's a must-go because it's not a squat it's new - wylie hasn't had time to mess it up! I'll be there in full regalia playing 10-12 for the Return of the Brain Machines! it's close to tsunami see end of email for the details i know one just went out, this is the update. It all looks good, it's a must-go because it's not a squat it's new - wylie hasn't had time to mess it up! I'll be there in full regalia playing 10-12 for the Return of the Brain Machines! it's close to tsunami see end of email for the details Date: Fri, 04 Jan 2002 23:08:17 To: SafetyDance Subject: Whirl mart From: "ismokedmt" WHIRL-MART RITUAL! when::next Sunday...January 6, 2002 at 12 noon where::Bed,Bath&Beyond in NYC (on 6th avenue near 18th street) There may be other people organizing whirl-marts this month or perhaps for next month. we have been busy sending out starter kits and a topica list has been created ( breathingplanet at t...) as a forum for discussion about the ritual and to plan for upcoming events. If YOU are one of these organizers, reply to this email so we can list your time and location on the web page asap. Last month, whirl-mart had its first NYC occurrence and it was successful bmost accounts. This means that we made an impression on people and transformed the shopping space into our ritual dance of the empty carts. In the end, the cops came to confirm that this was against the rules. to find out more about Whirl-Mart ritual resistance, or to check out photos, audio, and video, visit: { http://www.breathingplanet } Sun, 06 Jan 2002 21:33:40 To: SafetyDance Cc: DMTNY Bcc: Subject: Online Radio? Date: Sun, 06 Jan 2002 21:33:40 From: "Milton Durr" Would anyone be interested in starting an online radio station for broadcast of goa/psytrance parties, DMT-related or otherwise? If so, I may be able to provide a server. M _ Send and receive Hotmail on your mobile device: http://mobile.msn by porterhouse.cownow (8.11.6/8.11.6) id g0706dF15811; To: Milton Durr Cc: SafetyDance, DMTNY Subject: Re: |>/-/- -|- Online Radio? From: Ben I would be interested in helping with this.. there are two problems to overcome.. the smaller problem is the encoding machine (personally, I USED to be all set to do this.. but at the moment my laptop hard disk is crashed, my compressor has one channel out, and I lent my mixer to a friend.. so I'm -pathetic- :) The bigger problem is the internet connection.. where do we get a phone line we can use all night long.. NOT a cellphone because it's too slow. Riccochet would rock but they're history. It depends on the venue... And then, the stream that you can run through a 56K modem is pretty lame sounding... My friend runs the web site tranceact, he streams live from his place three nights a week and the rest of the time he's playing past files he's saved. He's got it all set up. If we wanted to try a live remote he'd probably accomodate us. But our own server would be cool. The only question is whether we could get the phone line in enough venues to make it worth it. -Ben (light-o-matic) On Sun, Jan 06, 2002 at 09:33:40PM , Milton Durr wrote: > > Would anyone be interested in starting an online radio station for broadcast > of goa/psytrance parties, DMT-related or otherwise? If so, I may be able to > provide a server. > > M > > _ > Send and receive Hotmail on your mobile device: http://mobile.msn > > CAUTION: Electronic mail sent through the Internet is not secure and > could be intercepted by a third party. For your protection, avoid > sending identifying information, such as account, Social Security or > card numbers to us or others. Any opinions expressed on this list are not necessarily the opinions of DMTNY. > Date: Mon, 07 Jan 2002 16:12:07 To: SafetyDance Subject: All the srver space string emails i got yesterday in one big emaul From: "ismokedmt" Rather than sending out on to lists multiple emails, here is all the responses to mitlon's post about server space - on his LAPTOP!!! Why don't you guys start a new group, such as the Psy-trance Audio Visual Club? The way i see it, here is a short list of hot topics- 1 DMT ski 2 and 3 (tie) Streaming parties and Wireless trance From: Ben Date: Sun Jan 6, 2002 1:09pm Subject: Re: |>/-/- -|- Online Radio? No, not an internet connection for the server, an internet connection for the encoder. The server lives wherever, and the connection it has determines how many simultaneous listeners you can handle. The encoder lives at the party, and the connection it has determines the maximum bitrate stream you can encode. If you have a 56K modem connection at the party, then you can only encode at most a 48K stream, no matter what kind of connection the server or your listeners have. One really nice thought.. has anyone tried to move a Time-Warner cable modem from one place to another? A lot of venues have cable.. that would entirely solve the problem. Anyway, I'm more than willing to help out in this venture, I think it's a great idea. But first we need someone producing a party to saYES, we want this, and YES we are willing to discuss it with the venue. -ben (light-o-matic) From: Ben Date: Mon Jan 7, 2002 0:06am Subject: Re: [SafetyDance] Re: |>/-/- -|- Online Radio? I thought we were talking about LIVE broadcast, not recorded. Recorded is easy. Live would be a lot cooler. -ben (light-o-matic) From: mickpick Date: Sun Jan 6, 2002 8:21pm Subject: Re: |-|/| Re: [SafetyDance] Re: |>/-/- -|- Online Radio? im not sure if live would necessarily be better, cause people in different time zones that cant go to hear the party are probably at different parties themselves, and if they arent, they probably wont stay up all night listening to the radio. i think this is a cool idea though. someone posted the hallucinogen set in SF a few weeks ago on 604 and everyone and their mom now has that set, so everyone could share how special hallucinogen's recent live set is. not just those in san fran, nyc, and hawaii (i think he played there also)... but on the other hand, it takes away the specialness of being the only one who heard it by actually being at the party. who knows. -mike Actually, just so people don't let their imaginations run away with them, the "server" i mentioned isn't a commercial server. Its a PC with a Pentium II processor and several gigabytes of memory to work with. No fancy, high speed internet connections or anything. My thought was that it be set up so that people could dial in to it directly (DHCP?), log in and be part of a local multicast, hopefully bypassing the congestion and periodic sluggishness to be found on commercial servers. Obviously, this being a "grass roots" implementation, there are certain limits on the number of people who could reasonably log in to this particular PC without overloading it, but there's no reason why other even moderately powerful computers couldn't be brought in to lighten the load. If a lot of people want to listen and only a few PCs are acting as server, then maybe dial-up numbers could be allocated (based on proximity?) to keep things spread evenly. Milton Though I do find the idea of broadcasting from an actual venue exciting, I was thinking that one of the advantages of doing it online or through local dialup is that the party doesn't need to be bound to a conventional venue and doesn't even need to be connected with a physical party. Granted, it would be nice to have an actual party to attend, especially if the music is pumping, but the broadcast could also be originating from someone's living room or several living rooms, with the DJs spinning their sets just like radio DJs do. During the winter months when there aren't any bridge parties and during times where money issues hinder securing a actual space, "parties" can be organized and broadcast from almost anywhere with a minimum of cost and hassle. Besides, I think it would be good that when there actually are parties, those who can't be there in person can still participate virtually. If it can be finagled that the broadcasts indeed happen over the Internet with reasonable fidelity, (or that they happen locally and then expand to the Internet) then it can possibly be used as a lure for new members. Let them hear the party, but not know the location, assuming there really is one. If they want to attend the party and participate in the DMT (or whatever), they can pay to join. Non-local listeners will still get to hear the music and local people who want more will have a better idea of what they're getting into. Anyway, I think that a pretty central issue is that we need someone with a laptop at the actual site to encode and relay the signal to whatever is acting as the server. Does anyone have a laptop, even a basic one, that could be used to do this? Milton From: "Paul N. Hrisko" Date: Mon Jan 7, 2002 9:58am Subject: Re: |>/-/- -|- Online Radio? This is somthing I've been doing for years, namely netcasting from outdoor/indoor venues including the Tibetan Freedom Concerts & The Detroit Electronic Music Festival. I have the encoders & equipment so that's no big deal. The main issue is in the connection out to the net. The main issue are bandwidth and audience. If most of the listeners are 56K modem connections, then there's little need to stream 320K. You realistically need about 128K bandwidth (ISDN) for a decent signal. We always use 56K for backup and that even provides a decent quality stream, albeit low fidelity. Also, the new codecs have improved greatly so the quality issue becomes less of an issue (that sounds redundant). Cell modems are out, most providing 19.2K connection (ir less), plus error correction in the cellular protocol trashes the stream to make it almost unusable. Now we come to 802.11b LANS. Hmm, I've been war driving around the city and noticed a bunch of wireless networks with little or no security. We could look around the venue and possibly 'acquire' a connection to one of these networks and use it to stream the signal. 802.11b provides a lovely 11Mbps connection which give us tonnes of overhead. If anyone want to give this a shot, I'm up for it. P. From: "Charles J. Knipe" Date: Mon Jan 7, 2002 11:06am Subject: Re: |>/-/- -|- Online Radio? I'd be interested in helping out. One thing that can possibly be done toward the bandwidth issue is to use an inverse multiplexer with 2 or more modem connections. It'd require some doing, and we'd need multiple phone lines (both at the venue, and at a second location), but it could be done. This may or may not be easier than getting somthing like a cablemodem on-site. -Charles Date: Mon, 07 Jan 2002 19:23:26 To: SafetyDance Subject: New trance technologist list From: "ismokedmt" Streaming, wireless, acoustics tech group for the greater New York area. Basically a techie guild. Unmoderated. send an email to trancetech-subscribe by porterhouse.cownow (8.11.6/8.11.6) id g07K9L219767; To: psy-trance at dewline, SafetyDance Subject: Feb 8, Private Party for Jaime's BirthdaFrom: Ben FEB 8 .. FEB 8 .. FEB 8 .. FEB 8 .. FEB 8 Hello all.. I am pleased to announce that Jaime and I will be throwing a little psy-trance bash for her birthday. And you are invited! WHEN: February 8, 2001.. 12 hours from 11PM - 11AM WHERE: A loft in Williamsburg We shall be honored by the talents of DJs (in no particular order): Boris (Burning Elf) Shikid (OmniTribe) Chico DJ Joa aka Kamal (DragonTribe) Machinelf (DMT) Jed (TranceAct) ..and possibly others. FREE Water, Tea, Fruit (all night) and Birthday Cake. BYOB. Decorations by MANDY and JAIME. Floor Design by MANDY. Lighting and Blacklight Effects by BEN (light-o-matic). Sound by BORIS (Burning Elf) Video.. well, MAYBE :) Flouro clothing and paint ENCOURAGED. THE COST: $15 donation in advance.. for legal and security reasons this is a guest-list only party! You will me emailed directions to the partwhen we receive payment. As mentioned above all food and drink is free at the party. To get on the list either: 1) The easy way.. PAYPAL $15 to ben at cownow's a link: https://www.paypal /xclick/businessbenspam%40cownow &undefined_quantity1&item_nameBirthday+Party&amount15.00&no_shipping1 2) Hand Ben or Jaime $15 and a piece of paper with your email address and full name on it. We will definitely be present at either Tsunami, SS or both this month. Alternately, give it to Lori or Boris.. they have kindly offered to help with this. We ask your cooperation in making payment in advance.. We are trying to do somthing special here, and a guest list is the only way to keep the partfree of both unwanted guests and the LAW. Feel free to email me (ben at cownow ) with any questions. Thanks! Date: Mon, 07 Jan 2002 20:39:31 To: SafetyDance Subject: Free drinks and Kamal is not Joa From: "ismokedmt" NEWS FLASH There are free drinks for Capricorns on Tuedsay at Who's on First, and DJ Kamal is a separate entity from DJ Joa. Joa would NEVER play behind bars in a downstairs bank vault as a jailed DJ!! From: Ben Date: Mon Jan 7, 2002 3:27pm Subject: Re: |-|/| Feb 8, Private Party for Jaime's Birthday I'm sorry that was my fuckup. If someone would kindly straighten me out on what Kamal is calling himself and who Joa is.. I will correct it with my apologies! thanks ben (light-o-matic) > On Mon, 7 Jan 2002, Ben wrote: > > > DJ Joa aka Kamal (DragonTribe) > > since when are Joa and Kamal the same person? :) Date: Thu, 10 Jan 2002 15:41:47 To: SafetyDance Subject: Notes from the Ski Haus. From: "neural2k" What can be said about Wed. night at Who's on First? >From the look of the crowd, everyone seemed to be having a good time. Jeff and Tony were great on the decks (as usual). The bartender (Viviana(?)) was pouring me increasingly more dangerous drinks as the evening wore on. In all, the pounding in my head tells me I enjoyed it. Now, on to business. Response to the house was great. We received plenty of positive feedback and managed to take in most of the cash needed to secure the house for the season. A BIG THANKS to David, Ben, Jeff and Daniel for bringing us almost to what we need. All told, we're at $2400. We need $3000 by Friday, which is when we have to get the realtor the cash to be able to move in for the weekend of the 18th. We're only $600 short! That's 12 people at $50 for a weekend, or 6 at $100. If you want to contribute and secure a place, you can PayPal either myself using neural at prodigy or Mike using rocktheshow as the account. Enter the amount and tell us how many weekends you want. If you want more information, take a look at http://www.heracleitus /dmtski/ You'll be able to see pictures and a description of the house. C'mon people, don't leave us out in the snow! P. Date: Thu, 10 Jan 2002 23:29:23 EST Subject: Fwd: greetz from Indiaaah To: safetydance From: Machinelf In a message dated 1/7/02 10:38:35 AM Eastern Standard Time, byzant at lycos writes: > HAPPY 2002 > Tha Best EV-Ah > > After half dozen years daydreams, half assed plans, fear cowardice and > hope, finally am fully present in India. .. It's lovely and I'm really > having few adjustment difficulties, all shanti despite war brewing over the > next pass. The air here in the mountains is bracing and full of fragrant > smoke. > Food inexpensive, nonfattening. Many vegetables, much water. Water comes > from the mountain, hot water too, in the village where I stay there are > natural hot springs, so that we splash in black marble baths, in the temple > underneath the sky. (Women curvy.) I am touring the valleys for hotsprings > and temples. > > In my mind. Actually I've been in the same place the whole week. scored a > solo hut on the hill for $1/night. Drafty & none too clean, but jives with > wallet and self-image both. Italian two houses up is into trance (though > the Londoners down the road emphatically are not haha I tried). There are > not so many foreigners now, it is winter, but we hang out and cook. gender > ratio advantageous to me. (I yawn, pleased.) I went paragliding the other > day it ROCKED. Fortunately no one shot me down. People here watch > escalation of Indo-Pak disturbances, to them is nothing new but perhaps do > not see consequences, tourism hence prosperity decrease, pollution and > destruction of land, fields,-transpl-ant difficult at !I still say good idea > tho, I talk to people. what will happen? I solo Westerner what to do? I am > talking with kamikaze Frenchman come here via Peshawr, via Afgh.stan last > month, many crazy story and Wow he is full of life. Some others die on the > way though. Here everything is imm > ediate, full choice, instant karma and everyone burns fire for warmth. > > In the south now more travellers more parties but I wait a long time to > come Himalyaaah so I stay a bit longer, see some more. Autorickshaw, bus > make transport, guestrooms have oven. Life not so hard. Imagination was > full of specters. Reality full of light, beautiful mountain, yummy chai. > Muy rico. I like. > > --- > "You have license, you drive over dog, no good." -kamikaze Frenchman > In a message dated 1/7/02 10:38:35 AM Eastern Standard Time, byzant at lycos writes: HAPPY 2002 Tha Best EV-Ah After half dozen years daydreams, half assed plans, fear cowardice and hope, finally am fully present in India. .. It's lovely and I'm really having few adjustment difficulties, all shanti despite war brewing over the next pass. The air here in the mountains is bracing and full of fragrant smoke. Food inexpensive, nonfattening. Many vegetables, much water. Water comes from the mountain, hot water too, in the village where I stay there are natural hot springs, so that we splash in black marble baths, in the temple underneath the sky. (Women curvy.) I am touring the valleys for hotsprings and temples. In my mind. Actually I've been in the same place the whole week. scored a solo hut on the hill for $1/night. Drafty & none too clean, but jives with wallet and self-image both. Italian two houses up is into trance (though the Londoners down the road emphatically are not haha I tried). There are not so many foreigners now, it is winter, but we hang out and cook. gender ratio advantageous to me. (I yawn, pleased.) I went paragliding the other day it ROCKED. Fortunately no one shot me down. People here watch escalation of Indo-Pak disturbances, to them is nothing new but perhaps do not see consequences, tourism hence prosperity decrease, pollution and destruction of land, fields,-transpl-ant difficult at !I still say good idea tho, I talk to people. what will happen? I solo Westerner what to do? I am talking with kamikaze Frenchman come here via Peshawr, via Afgh.stan last month, many crazy story and Wow he is full of life. Some others die on the way though. Here everything is imm ediate, full choice, instant karma and everyone burns fire for warmth. In the south now more travellers more parties but I wait a long time to come Himalyaaah so I stay a bit longer, see some more. Autorickshaw, bus make transport, guestrooms have oven. Life not so hard. Imagination was full of specters. Reality full of light, beautiful mountain, yummy chai. Muy rico. I like. --- "You have license, you drive over dog, no good." -kamikaze Frenchman Date: Fri, 11 Jan 2002 04:30:16 To: SafetyDance Subject: Goahead From: "ismokedmt" sent randomly to me from a goahead HAPPY 2002 Tha Best EV-Ah After half dozen years daydreams, half assed plans, fear cowardice and hope, finally am fully present in India. .. It's lovely and I'm really having few adjustment difficulties, all shanti despite war brewing over the next pass. The air here in the mountains is bracing and full of fragrant smoke. Food inexpensive, nonfattening. Many vegetables, much water. Water comes from the mountain, hot water too, in the village where I stay there are natural hot springs, so that we splash in black marble baths, in the temple underneath the sky. (Women curvy.) I am touring the valleys for hotsprings and temples. In my mind. Actually I've been in the same place the whole week. scored a solo hut on the hill for $1/night. Drafty & none too clean, but jives with wallet and self-image both. Italian two houses up is into trance (though the Londoners down the road emphatically are not haha I tried). There are not so many foreigners now, it is winter, but we hang out and cook. gender ratio advantageous to me. (I yawn, pleased.) I went paragliding the other day it ROCKED. Fortunately no one shot me down. People here watch escalation of Indo-Pak disturbances, to them is nothing new but perhaps do not see consequences, tourism hence prosperity decrease, pollution and destruction of land, fields,-transpl-ant difficult at !I still say good idea tho, I talk to people. what will happen? I solo Westerner what to do? I am talking with kamikaze Frenchman come here via Peshawr, via Afgh.stan last month, many crazy story and Wow he is full of life. Some others die on the way though. Here everything is imm ediate, full choice, instant karma and everyone burns fire for warmth. In the south now more travellers more parties but I wait a long time to come Himalyaaah so I stay a bit longer, see some more. Autorickshaw, bus make transport, guestrooms have oven. Life not so hard. Imagination was full of specters. Reality full of light, beautiful mountain, yummy chai. Muy rico. I like. --- "You have license, you drive over dog, no good." -kamikaze Frenchman To: "Dance", "Infornography For The Masses", , "PoGo", "Extreme NY" Cc: "Jeff Stark" Subject: 2/2 Reclaim the Streets, Greeting the World Economic Forum (WEF) From: "Yvonne" ----- Original Message ----- From: chuck reinhardt yeo, friends of the dance..... e join rts for a street party on 2/2 in front of the waldorf astoria......if you can tango, dance or make music, come to judson church, 55 washington sq. south, near nyu, on wed. 1/16, and join in our scenario dance upon the wef...........pax, chuckyeo details below, read on......... rts dance party........... >From: stephen duncombe > >We at RTS NY recently conducted a poll. > >We asked CEOs, high-level government officials and >other members of the wealthy global elite the >following question: > >Four months after the worst terrorist attack in U.S. >history, at a time when the site of the World Trade >Center remains a smoldering mass grave; when thousands >of New Yorkers have been laid off; when the city has >entered into austerity mode, initiating budget cuts, >axing social programs and welfare (but generousl>donated a community center to a needy developer); and >when many New Yorkers are still deep in the process of >mourning their dead and a home forever changed, what >would be the best way to spend a few million taxpayer >dollars? > >a) on social programs that would benefit New York's > poor, hungry, homeless and jobless >b) on a 5-day cocktail party for rich people > >Our prestigious respondents unanimously chose "b". >(Though George W. Bush requested, "No fancy fruit>drinks. Just beer and chicks.") > >We at RTS NY have decided to endorse these lovable fat >cats. We figure, with all that money and power, the>must know what they're doing! > >So in solidarity with the World Economic Forum, RTS is >throwing its own bash -- a musically oriented, >danceable one, of course. Argentine Tango, anyone? >Consider yourself cordially invited to... > >DANCE UPON THE RUINS OF THE WORLD > >Profits Before People! Rebuild NY for Big Business! > >Dress up, make music, and tango till you drop. > >Date: Saturday, 2 Februar>Time: Noon >Place: The Waldorf Astoria Hotel, Park Avenue, NYC >[Exact Location TBA] > >Formal attire. > >Calling all samba bands, musicians of every stripe, >tango instructors, bikers in ball gowns and >loudmouths. Meet with us next Wednesday, 16 January, >at 7pm at Judson Church (55 Washington Square South, >near Thompson St.) to plan the party. > >No R.S.V.P. required. Date: Tue, 15 Jan 2002 14:32:32 EST Subject: New safetydancer/dmteer from The Elf in Amsterdam now in NYC To: safetydance Cc: dmtny From: Machinelf From:tomasix2002 To:Machinelf Sent from the Internet --- Machinelf wrote: > hey safetydancer applicant who are you? -jeff > I 'm Toma from amsterdam and the elfers (as in the elf squat which hopefully u know about). Heads over there told me about u guys. And I'm back here know... From:tomasix2002 To:Machinelf Sent from the Internet --- Machinelf wrote: > hey safetydancer applicant who are you? -jeff > I 'm Toma from amsterdam and the elfers (as in the elf squat which hopefully u know about). Heads over there told me about u guys. And I'm back here know... by porterhouse.cownow (8.11.6/8.11.6) id g0FLemi31728; To: psy-trance at dewline, SafetyDance, dragontribe Subject: Freaky Tuesdays & Feb 8 PartFrom: Ben Re Freaky Tuesdays.. at Who's on First, 1st Avenue just north of 87th. This was a lot of fun, lots of people there last week. Check it out. Re the Feb 8 party aka "Jaime's Psy-Trance Birthday".. MUCH thanks to those who have already kicked in for it. We will be at Freaky Tuesday at Who's on First tonight by 10-11 if you want to meet up with us and (hopefully) give us some money :) We'll also be at Opium Den around the same time tomorrow, and probablTsunami... For information about that party or to pay on the web go here: http://www.lightomatic /part Thanks -ben Date: Tue, 15 Jan 2002 19:12:32 EST Subject: lollygoa needs computer advice.. To: SafetyDance, omnitribe, psy-trance at dewline From: LOLLYGOA does any body know a way to get back yer AOL email filing cabinet's saved(ha) lost a lot of burning elf inpho-arrgh! (like i want to ever re-write the camping guide again!) email me back direct, so as not to clutter these lists, please. Lollygoa thanks to all, lori Wed, 16 Jan 2002 18:41:26 Bcc: Subject: SPECTRA info-very important!!!!- From: "Angel Blanco" hi all...... for happiness of not too many and sadness of almost everybody.... SPECTRA is not happening on february 8th ---- we're sorry, it seems that making a venue 100% legal is more difficult than having a baby,so until the venue is totally legal or we find another one that has the capacity and needs for a real party,we're putting the parties on hold. we don't want to have a party cancelled or bother anybody with a shutdown..... so be patient and SPECTRA will be back soon with very big surprises peace and love to all Angel and the SPECTRA crew _ Join the worlds largest e-mail service with MSN Hotmail. Date: Thu, 17 Jan 2002 13:05:56 EST Subject: Boris' b'day at Gnome Depot To: psy-trance at dewline, omnitribe, SafetyDance From: LOLLYGOA hi y'all(sending this the long-hand way since our 'puter puked up its guts), i know that loads of you are going to the dmtski house this weekend (we are too poor to take off work to go) and will be having the time of your lives(pout), but if any stragglers are stuck here like us(dble pout) and are not Tsunami-ing: Saturday we are celebrating Boris' birthday at Ave A Sushi, afterwhich we will be spinnin' and partyin' at our playpen in queens. The joint is stocked of course w/ a/v triptoys and art supplies,music,books and the neighbors are cool(all nighters are never a problem). We figure on eating around 9-ish and then being back here after 11:00. rsvp us so i know if i should reserve a table for how many...and so i know if i should push back the sofas! we are 1st exit off the bqe after the midtown tunnel, rt turn onto 65th pl, go three blks, to the intersection of 51st ave and 65th place . 51-06 65 place in woodside, queens or: #7 train to 61/woodside and take $5 car service to same address 718 565 0432 917 669 8296(lori lollygoa's cell) byob alcohol and we'll supply the non-,plus some munchies and my famous elfcakes. lori and boris(Burning Elf) LOTR inpho coming soon... hi y'all(sending this the long-hand way since our 'puter puked up its guts), i know that loads of you are going to the dmtski house this weekend (we are too poor to take off work to go) and will be having the time of your lives(pout), but if any stragglers are stuck here like us(dble pout) and are not Tsunami-ing: Saturday we are celebrating Boris' birthday at Ave A Sushi, afterwhich we will be spinnin' and partyin' at our playpen in queens. The joint is stocked of course w/ a/v triptoys and art supplies,music,books and the neighbors are cool(all nighters are never a problem). We figure on eating around 9-ish and then being back here after 11:00. rsvp us so i know if i should reserve a table for how many...and so i know if i should push back the sofas! we are 1st exit off the bqe after the midtown tunnel, rt turn onto 65th pl, go three blks, to the intersection of 51st ave and 65th place . 51-06 65 place in woodside, queens or: #7 train to 61/woodside and take $5 car service to same address 718 565 0432 917 669 8296(lori lollygoa's cell) byob alcohol and we'll supply the non-,plus some munchies and my famous elfcakes. lori and boris(Burning Elf) LOTR inpho coming soon... Date: Thu, 17 Jan 2002 13:50:09 EST Subject: Wylie needs a roomate To: safetydance From: Machinelf share a space the tribeca trance mission in tribeca with wylie, gabriel and viviana, must be amenable to the occasional party. he's getting walls put in, there. won't be a sty and it's clean and nice. wylier18, 917-476-1864 Date: Sun, 20 Jan 2002 02:39:15 EST Subject: DMTski is going on thru Monday, a holidaTo: Cc:, From: Machinelf It's beautiful, there's snow, and people at the house. Come on down, we'll be there until Monday night. Bring toiletries towels food and warm clothing! Donate what you can to Paul or Mike. Here are the directions: "I'm not sure where each of you are coming from so basically whatever is the quickest way to I-80 then follow the directions from there getting off at exit 43 etc. You could do a mapquest to albrightsville PA 18210 and see how it takes you to 80 from wherever your coming from etc.... Take the N.J. TURNPIKE SOUTH exit on the left towards TRENTON/NEWARK AIRPORT. 0.19 miles 15: Stay straight to go onto ramp. 0.32 miles 16: Merge onto I-95 S (Portions toll). 3.49 miles 17: Take the I-280 exit- exit number 15W- towards KEARNY/THE ORANGES. 0.43 miles 18: Merge onto I-280 W. 16.94 miles 19: Take the I-80 W exit on the left towards DOVER/DEL WATER GAP. 0.47 miles 20: Merge onto I-80 EXPRESS LN W. 2.27 miles 21: I-80 EXPRESS LN W becomes I-80 W. 71.10 miles 22: Take the PA-115 exit- exit number 43- towards BLAKESLEE. 0.34 miles 23: Keep LEFT at the fork in the ramp. 0.06 miles 24: Turn LEFT onto PA-115 S. 2.07 miles 25: Turn RIGHT onto PA-903. 5.0 miles About 4 miles down pa-903 you will pass route 534 keep going.... about 1 mile past 534 on your left will be a large entrance to towamensing trails, keep going past that entrance on your left you will then pass by smale real estate keep going about 1/4-1/2 mile the next left will be Old Stage road 516 (It's the next left after the main entrance to towamensing trails) Make that left. Go Down 516 Old Stage about 1-2 miles.. your second right will be Penn Forest Trail. Make that right and the house is the second one on the left...1874 Penn Forest Trail. After driving there tommorow morning I will try to type up some better directions for the future w/ more landmarks etc... Anyone who gets lost can call my cellphone at 856-275-0275 -Mike rocktheshow Date: Fri, 25 Jan 2002 18:23:17 EST Subject: kelly needs a roomate To: safetydance From: Machinelf KELLY NEWMAN NEEDS TO FIND A ROOMMATE? I NEED SOMEONE TO MOVE IN BY FEB. 1. PLEASE SEND OUT AN EMAIL FOR ME. I TRULY NEED HELP RIGHT NOW. I ALSO NEED SOME MORE BUSINESS. I WANT TO PROMOTE TO MORE OF OUR FRIENDS THAT I DO HAIRCUTS, MAKE-UP, MASSAGE, GIVE SPIRITUAL ADVICE AND HEALING FROM MY HOME. TRANCERS CAN REACH ME AT (917)593-9185 OR (212)599-3991 TO SCHEDULE AN APPOINTMENT. MY APARTMENT IS IN THE U.N AREA, 18TH FLOOR PENTHOUSE SUITE, 24HR DOORMAN, BALCONY AND RIVER VIEW. MY PLACE IS A VERY EARTHY, ARTISTIC, COLORFUL AND PSYCHEDELIC. I'VE LIVED HERE FOR 6 YEARS NOW SINCE MOVING TO MANHATTAN. I DO HAVE PETS. 12 AFRICAN ALBINO WATER FROGS, THAT MEDITATE AFTER EATING AND THEY CAN BE LICKED, YOU JUST WON'T GET HIGH FROM THIS TYPE OF LICK. THEY ARE MY 12 DISCIPLES. I'M LOOKING TO GET $1000.00 A MONTH FOR A FURNISHED ROOM WITH T.V/VCR. I NEED FIRST MONTHS RENT, LAST MONTH PLUS SECURITY. $1000.00 COVERS EVERYTHING EVEN CABLE. PLEASE CONTACT KELLY ASAP. THANKS kellynew KELLY NEWMAN NEEDS TO FIND A ROOMMATE? I NEED SOMEONE TO MOVE IN BY FEB. 1. PLEASE SEND OUT AN EMAIL FOR ME. I TRULY NEED HELP RIGHT NOW. I ALSO NEED SOME MORE BUSINESS. I WANT TO PROMOTE TO MORE OF OUR FRIENDS THAT I DO HAIRCUTS, MAKE-UP, MASSAGE, GIVE SPIRITUAL ADVICE AND HEALING FROM MY HOME. TRANCERS CAN REACH ME AT (917)593-9185 OR (212)599-3991 TO SCHEDULE AN APPOINTMENT. MY APARTMENT IS IN THE U.N AREA, 18TH FLOOR PENTHOUSE SUITE, 24HR DOORMAN, BALCONY AND RIVER VIEW. MY PLACE IS A VERY EARTHY, ARTISTIC, COLORFUL AND PSYCHEDELIC. I'VE LIVED HERE FOR 6 YEARS NOW SINCE MOVING TO MANHATTAN. I DO HAVE PETS. 12 AFRICAN ALBINO WATER FROGS, THAT MEDITATE AFTER EATING AND THEY CAN BE LICKED, YOU JUST WON'T GET HIGH FROM THIS TYPE OF LICK. THEY ARE MY 12 DISCIPLES. I'M LOOKING TO GET $1000.00 A MONTH FOR A FURNISHED ROOM WITH T.V/VCR. I NEED FIRST MONTHS RENT, LAST MONTH PLUS SECURITY. $1000.00 COVERS EVERYTHING EVEN CABLE. PLEASE CONTACT KELLY ASAP. THANKS kellynew Tue, 29 Jan 2002 18:43:53 To: brainmachines, dragontribe, psy-trance at dewline, safetydance Bcc: Subject: Freaky Tuesdays Tonite! From: "anthony citro" Hey, YES, Freaky Tuesdays is on tonite. sorry, its been a crazy weekend for me, but it IS on and it will be every week! I promise to give fair warning if its cancelled! Tonite: 10pm - 3:30am 21+ ID a must. 2 for 1 drink specials, free admission! come chll, play pool, video games, or just get plain drunk. lots of good new trance and good people. DJs: Amnesium Machinelf DJ Thorn Akin Dragonlotus at "Who's on First" on 1st ave between 87th & 8th. see you all there! -Tony. -. Date: Tue, 29 Jan 2002 16:20:14 EST Subject: Fwd: Apartment avail To: safetydance From: Machinelf by porterhouse.cownow (8.11.6/8.11.6) id g0TNRsk05925; To: brainmachines, safetydance, psy-trance at dewline, dragontribe Subject: Intergalactic Party Feb 8 From: Ben Hello all.. the light-o-matic party Feb 8 is approaching! I will be at Freaky Tuesday tonight at Who's On First, and Opium Den tomorrow, around 11PM - midnight or so. See me there to get on the list for the party. Or do it on the web: http://www.lightomatic /party/ Thanks -Ben PS: Everything you need is on the web site, but for the truly lazy.. here's the info: FEB 8 .. FEB 8 .. FEB 8 .. FEB 8 .. FEB 8 Hello all.. I am pleased to announce that Jaime and I will be throwing a psy-trance bash in honor of her birthday. And you are invited! WHEN: February 8, 2001.. 12 hours from 11PM - 11AM WHERE: A loft in Williamsburg, Brooklyn You will receive directions to the party when we receive payment. We shall be honored by the talents of DJs (in no particular order): Boris (Burning Elf) Shikid (OmniTribe) Niko (Synthetic Sadhus) Chico DragonLotus (DragonTribe) Machinelf (DMT) Jed (TranceAct) FREE Water, Chai, Fruit (all night) and Birthday Cake. BYOB. Intergalactic Flouro Environment by MANDI and JAIME. Lighting Effects by BEN (light-o-matic). Surround Sound by BORIS (Burning Elf) Chai by Susannah Flouro clothing and makeup ENCOURAGED. THE COST: $15 donation in advance.. for legal and security reasons this is a guest-list only party! You will be emailed directions to the partwhen we receive payment. As mentioned above this price includes free food and drink at the party. To get on the list either: 1) The easy way.. PAYPAL $15 to ben at cownow .. a link for doing that is here: http://www.lightomatic /part You don't need to already have paypal to do this.. just a debit or credit card. It is totally legit/safe.. and I will never see your credit card number. 2) Hand Ben or Jaime $15 and give us your email address and name. We will be at Freaky Tuesdays (Who's on First) and Opium Den this week and next week around 11PM - Midnight+. Alternately, give it to Lori or Boris.. they have kindly offered to help with this. We also plan to go to the Omnitribe party but don't count on it. 3) You don't have paypal, you don't have email! Someone told you about it. You can call 212-696-6428. We ask your cooperation in making payment in advance.. We are trying to do somthing special here, and a guest list is the only way to keep the partfree of both unwanted guests and THE LAW. Feel free to email me (ben at cownow ) with any questions. Thanks! Date: Wed, 30 Jan 2002 15:57:46 To: SafetyDance Subject: F2, Festival of Organized Resistance From: "onomatopoeik" (Please forward widely and post to your respective mailing lists.) While politicians and CEOs of the World Economic Forum (WEF) party at the New York Stock Exchange, we will be celebrating a much different future . . . Join artists, musicians, activists, and youth from around the world at F2: FESTIVAL OF ORGANIZED RESISTANCE! AT THE FRYING PAN FEB. 2nd 10pm $5 to $20+ Sliding Scale Donation Benefit for Jail Solidarity Funds for the NYC Peoples Law Collective, NYC Indypendent Media Center, and community gardens. Located at Pier 63 one pier north of Chelsea Piers behind Basketball Cit12 Ave.& W.23 St. all ages HOSTED BRev. Bill FEATURING The Welfare Poets Kid Lucky & Urban Acapella DJ Kuttin Kandi DJ ShakekleverVice Stephan Smith Blowback Hopeless Dregs of HumanitSPEAKER Amy Goodman of Democracy Now IN THE LOUNGE DJ Kat-o (Blackkat) Kontrast Optimus Rhyme & Haiku DJ Ray Dawn Immortal Technique Bionic Pie On the Grid Scurvy Pirates open mic and more . . DJBCS Pow Pow (Blackkat) Jason BK (Blackkat) Chrome (Blackkat) Lo-ki (Konkrete Jungle) Zemi17 (Havoc Sound) For more info: (212) 431-7377 or go to or Sponsored by Students for Global Justice, Another World is Possible Coalition, Refuse & Resist!, Indymedia NYC, and WBAR Barnard College Radio. Protest the WEF on Feb 2nd! -- Yvonne [ Students for Global Justice ] + yl90 at columbia + + vox: 646 321 5710 The revolution will not be televised. The revolution will not be right back after a message About a white tornado, white lightning, or white people. You will not have to worry about a germ on your Bedroom, a tiger in your tank, or the giant in your toilet bowl. The revolution will not go better with Coke. The revolution will not fight the germs that cause bad breath. The revolution WILL put you in the driver's seat. The revolution will not be televised, WILL not be televised, WILL NOT BE TELEVISED. The revolution will be no re-run brothers; The revolution will be live. - Gil Scott-Heron Date: Mon, 4 Feb 2002 17:43:46 EST Subject: info on Ben & Jaime's Friday Psy-Trance Loft Party in ill-iamsburg, Brooklyn To: safetydance Cc: dmtski From: Machinelf Hey party people, This just might be the only party this weekend. It's a great space and great people. One good sign is that it's put on by many of the people involved with the Burning Man event, which was rated by the brainmachines poll as #1... These are my favorite kinds of parties. See everyone there!! /ratings.html Friday Feb 8 11pm-11am Jaime's Psy-Trance Birthday at private loft in Williamsburg, Brooklyn As this is a private party, no IDs will be checked DJS Boris (Burning Elf), Sh ikid (OmniTribe) DragonLotus (DragonTribe) Machinelf (DMT) Chico (Unknown Shrooms), Niko (Synthetic Sadhus) Jed (TranceAct ) Visuals by Wade, Chai by Susannah, Sound by Boris (Burning Elf), Flouro Environment by Mandi and Jaime, Lights by Ben Chai, Water, Fruit, and Birthday Cake will be provided at NO CHARGE.. all included with admission. BYOB if you want it. HOW TO RSVP/PREPAY ONLINE Prepay a must to ensure admittance. The easiest way to prepay is to do it online using a debit/credit card. It's through paypal (totally legit/secure, takes 5 minutes). Go to Ben's web page to do it: http://www.lightomatic /party/ Email Ben at cownow to RSVP. Location will be given upon payment. Friday's party is a sure thing, full-on and a go. Be sure not to miss the boat on this most spacious of Brooklyn lofts. He is collecting cover and names beforehand so the cops can't bust it. HOW TO RSVP/PREPAY IN PERSON Ben the organizer will be at Freaky Tuesday at 87th & 1st avenue from 11-midnight and Opium Den on Wednesday 11pm-midnight to collect cover and add to the RSVP list. www.lightomatic /party or email ben at cownow AFTERPARTY? PS No one knows for sure whether the Lunartarium is a go on Saturday - or if there's an alternate venue. If it doesn't happen, we will be doing an afterparty at the DMTski lodge and needing drivers... email rocktheshow to join the DMTski list. Date: Wed, 6 Feb 2002 15:12:20 EST Subject: Lineup for FridaTo: safetydance From: Machinelf Here's the lineup for Friday: 11:00 - 12:30 Machinelf 12:30 - 2:00 Niko 2:00 - 4:00 Boris 4:00 - 5:30 Chico 5:30 - 7:00 Shikid 7:00 - 9:30 Jed 9:30 - 11:00 Kamal this is a private loft space in williamsburg; email ben at cownow for RSVP/prepay info/directions; i think he'll be at opium den tonight. Date: Wed, 6 Feb 2002 16:21:48 EST Subject: Last chance your own Ski house in the wooDs.... To: safetydance Cc: dmtny From: rocktheshow You've looked at the messages for the DMTSKI house, and thought..... that's cool I'd like to get away, do somthing different, commune with the mountains andmtskiers so forth and such on... But you still sit there in your house/apartment, doing the same old crap ... The Ski House is here for 7 more weekends, and 6 full weeks.... Anyone who wants their own reserved spot for the rest of the winter need only pay $50 and can then come as much as they want!! and stay as long as you want!!.....though you may end up sleeping on couches/floors....if you'd rather definetly have a bed, pay a little extra and you got it! (let us know what you can afford) That's right $50 for your own goddamn ski lodge, for 7 weeks!! There's lots of interesting things to do, in a secluded area in the woods/mountains, besides partying, conversation, meeting the coolest people around etc. There's also skiing and snowboarding 5 mins away, a lake nearby which you might be able to ice skate on,trails,king of the hill and lots of other fun things to do.... The house is big and has a large basement that could be used to party in that we haven't even needed yet because it hasn't been crowded enough... but it looks like this weekend may be different, so make some plans.. get off your ass and get out to the poconos... Well you might say what am I getting for my $50...a huge 3 level house in the woods with plenty of room, for 7 weeks!!!.... It should be obvious that this is quite a steal,.... our only hope right now as far as collecting money goes is to pay back the people who put up extra $$ so we could get the house....if we do that then you'll also have tons of free food and party favors available at the house with the extra $$$ leftover (Though there is already a ton of that every weekend already, everyone is encouraged to bring food,music,art,books,movies etc. to share and most do ....) You can see tons of pictures of the whole thing and some of the people who were there at: http://www.heracleitus /dmtski/pics1/ If your interested check out the website at: http://www.heracleitus /dmtski/ And if your planning on going/paying you're encouraged to join the yahoogroup at: /group/dmtski/ If you have a car and have room in it there most likely will be people willing to pay your gas/tolls if you can bring them along, if you don't have a car but would like to come up, simply post to the yahoogroup that you need a ride and most likely someone will be able to accomodate you... To get your spot and help us pay back those who put up extra out of their pockets you can send money via paypal to: Rocktheshow or neural at prodig Questions? page me yo... at: RockTheShow You can also call my cell phone 856-275-0275, though make it after 8pm so I don't go over my daytime minutes again this month...... You've looked at the messages for the DMTSKI house, and thought..... that's cool I'd like to get away, do somthing different, commune with the mountains andmtskiers so forth and such on... But you still sit there in your house/apartment, doing the same old crap ... The Ski House is here for 7 more weekends, and 6 full weeks.... Anyone who wants their own reserved spot for the rest of the winter need only pay $50 and can then come as much as they want!! and stay as long as you want!!.....though you may end up sleeping on couches/floors....if you'd rather definetly have a bed, pay a little extra and you got it! (let us know what you can afford) That's right $50 for your own goddamn ski lodge, for 7 weeks!! There's lots of interesting things to do, in a secluded area in the woods/mountains, besides partying, conversation, meeting the coolest people around etc. There's also skiing and snowboarding 5 mins away, a lake nearby which you might be able to ice skate on,trails,king of the hill and lots of other fun things to do.... The house is big and has a large basement that could be used to party in that we haven't even needed yet because it hasn't been crowded enough... but it looks like this weekend may be different, so make some plans.. get off your ass and get out to the poconos... Well you might say what am I getting for my $50...a huge 3 level house in the woods with plenty of room, for 7 weeks!!!.... It should be obvious that this is quite a steal,.... our only hope right now as far as collecting money goes is to pay back the people who put up extra $$ so we could get the house....if we do that then you'll also have tons of free food and party favors available at the house with the extra $$$ leftover (Though there is already a ton of that every weekend already, everyone is encouraged to bring food,music,art,books,movies etc. to share and most do ....) You can see tons of pictures of the whole thing and some of the people who were there at: http://www.heracleitus /dmtski/pics1/ If your interested check out the website at: http://www.heracleitus /dmtski/ And if your planning on going/paying you're encouraged to join the yahoogroup at: /group/dmtski/ If you have a car and have room in it there most likely will be people willing to pay your gas/tolls if you can bring them along, if you don't have a car but would like to come up, simply post to the yahoogroup that you need a ride and most likely someone will be able to accomodate you... To get your spot and help us pay back those who put up extra out of their pockets you can send money via paypal to: Rocktheshow or neural at prodig Questions? page me yo... at: RockTheShow You can also call my cell phone 856-275-0275, though make it after 8pm so I don't go over my daytime minutes again this month...... To: "Infornography for the Masses", Subject: tv_static 2.8 From: "Yvonne" From: "spiral beam" > > TV_Static > live electronica with multi projection live video > Friday February 8th. > > A night of media outside the usual spectrum featuring: > gabino with dumb n' bass, > Simple Life live experimental worldbeat, > Nock with live techno contrasts, > David Last playing melodic electronic, > > Dead Combo with electro punk and Zemi 17 > building an ambient image chamber. > > video mixtures from Kaesha KVK, and (we) > plus > WEF protest footage from ohms media at > openhumanminds > > at CB's Lounge 313 Bower> Just above Houston St. > Friday February 8th > only $5 > 10pm until late. > Date: Fri, 8 Feb 2002 09:10:01 EST Subject: Fwd: Party Directions and Hints To: safetydance From: Machinelf Date: Fri, 8 Feb 2002 11:19:40 EST Subject: Fwd: Important Information For Feb 8 [Tonight's] Crashers To: safetydance From: Machinelf Date: Fri, 8 Feb 2002 12:42:47 EST Subject: Clarification re: party, plus afterpartTo: safetydance From: Machinelf here's the deal. apologies for all the confusion, but it's really rare to go into a underground trance party knowing it will be good. just show respect for the host and hostess at the door and be discrete if you are a late bloomer. -ben and i agreed last fri. to send out directions if not enough people rsvp'd -i sent directions on this list -100 people prepaid, so if you didn't get the tix in advance & just show up it's $20 -a BLANK email sent as joke to brainmachines saying "Directions to Ben's Party" (i couldn't resist) it looks like there will be an afterparty at the DMTski lodge saturday and sunday. there's already a nice group going. all DJs are welcome. there's no snow around the house but it's still out in the woods and weather will be crisp and clear. Hiking and running around the woods is in order. Directions are attached. If you have extra space in your car LET ME KNOW and you will be reimbursed. sorry for all the confusion i'm quite sober these days. if you want to hear one of my patented "sober sets" come before 11pm tonight. it's cool when the songs follow each other and are not punctuated by silence or me battling off my girlfriend, who is throwing my needed CD like a frisbee. Subject: 2/22 The Future of Happy Times To: Infornography for the Masses, , Dance, The Big Wander List From: Yvonne ------ Forwarded Message From: "Terry Lewis" >From the creator of The Pa jama Jammy Jam The Young Vant Garde and North Six Present: Friday night 2002 "The future of happy times" Welcome to Friday Night 2002. At this P arty you show up and we take care of the rest. You wanna drink for free? W e have contests all night long giving away drinks to those who answer diffe rent trivia and play our truth or dare games You wanna dance all night lon g too the hottest djB9s NYC has to offer.? We got that all night long. O h you like the open Jam session so you can hear the old and young gun music ians from all over the world jam together and play innovative live music. W ell guess what we got that. Oh you like games? What kind arcade or board g ames? It doesnB9t matter Guess what? We got that! We are doing interactiv e 4 dimensional parties. Using the six senses smell, taste, touch, sight he aring and intuition as a basis for our parties; our goal is simple - to all ow you to relax and get away from the pressures of work and hard life. Welc ome to Friday night 2002 the last Friday of evermonth. This is what you n eed once a month: A party just for you. ------ Opening night will consist of in the Performance Room A quick n ote these bands are awesome and we guarantee that you will be dancing the n ight awato these live bands. Plus there will be an open jam session for t hose musicians that wanna get down on one of the largest jam sessions in Wi lliamsburg. And if you donB9t believe me the stage at North Six is huge an d looong. TC Izlam (Hip Step Massive, Zulu Nation) Gives a special perfo rmance from the old days He will MC and dj a live set this will be awesome. Ricanstruction This group blazes raw material for your head. The revolut ion is alive and does not slow down. Pleasure Unit This group is so sexy all the women go wild for these guys maybe because they make the sexiest mu sic and have nothing but style. Urban A cappella This a cappella group is raw I mean raw. they mix up drum&bass, hip hop and free jazz all with thei r mouths. Led by Kid Lucky "The human noise box" this group is off the mete r. Feat. David Pleasant, Baba Israel, MC Squared and Marya Lawrence. The Young Vant GardeB9s Brooklyn Inc. Jam Session. The rawest, live dance ori ented, open jam session in Brooklyn. Musicians welcomed only if you wanna m ake the crowd dance. This is a dance jam session. All dance styles welcomed . ---- In the Front Ro om djs mix it up feat. Synapse( Young Vant Garde, Greyscale) Spinning bre akbeat hip hop and old school hip hop Saskai (Echo Lounge, Giant Step) El ectronic dance grooves with a world beat flavor. Nigel Old school 80B9s classic hip hop. And Surprise Guest (I think you may really like this one) - --- Downstairs in the ocean - game lounge Dj Cruz missile Spins the best eclectic mix of old s chool and current electronic music Dj What Spins her unique exotic blend of Jungle and hip hop. Plus open turn tables When February 22, 2002 W here North Six (66 North 6th street) Time doors open at 8:00pm How much $10.00 Directions: Take the L train to Bedford Avenue (first stop in Broo klyn). Walk west (towards Manhattan skyline) on North 6th Street 3 blocks. BY CAR: from Manhattan: Get off at first exit on Williamsburg Bridge. Vee r right and proceed down Broadway. At second traffic light, turn right onto Berry Street. Continue on Berry for 12 blocks. Take a left onto North 6th Street. Continue on North 6th for 2 blocks. from West and South: Brooklyn -Queens Expressway East to Metropolitan Avenue exit. Take left at first tra ffic light. Immediately veer right at next traffic light onto North 6th Str eet. Continue on North 6th for 7 blocks. from North: Brooklyn-Queens Expre ssway West to Metropolitan Avenue exit. After exiting, proceed 3 blocks and turn right onto North 6th Street. Continue on North 6th for 7 blocks. For More info contact Terry Lewis at 718-467-2818 or E-mail kid_lucky . com in subject heading please put Friday Night 2002 ------ End of Forward ed Message Date: Fri, 8 Feb 2002 15:06:49 EST Subject: Looking for these people To: safetydance From: Machinelf lollygoa is looking to replenish the burning elf party info list and she's missing emails for these people. Please help her out: robabdelaciz genebonanella evancunningham jasondorfman jennyfoster Date: Fri, 8 Feb 2002 14:37:19 EST Subject: PARADIGM .Feb 9th To: renegadevirus at egroups, sAFETYDANCE, machinatimembers at egroups, emmagoldman at djshiva, AirCRaSh2000 , Kentistyle , LARRYNEVERMIND at earthlink, babeepanther , VirusZ , mutantfest at, djchurchshoes , Grafficterror From: sonikzolution Saturday Feb9th.2000-23.... Paradigm KoreXtravaganza PumpinG soundz zz Soundart****HardteKno>>JahKore>hellhouse>BrokenBreakz>>glitch>&more * ****Fury8 (rv,tbi25) a proud lucid member of team bring it, this girl has got wit and thats about it, her agrresive style of Club Trance will bring new light to the already glowing team, during her set this freaky punk chi ck will be flashing her breasts while trying to breast feed..... *****Au tomaton (rv) Back from a brooklyn i mean dirty jersey no Long Island tour comes the lord of slick kore himself, a founding member of that fabulous g roup of nerds known as "RenegadeVirus" your mind will be crushed as this man twiddles his knobz and spreads his Love trap for......... *****NIC -f it (havoc) Heres a man who has travelled the world in search of stardom an d has still not found it, although he deserves it, his mind blowing monk eydance and freakno tekno will have you changing your tampons and throwing the bloody one's onto........ *****Foodstampz (rv,apocalypse) also know n as the Al:i for being a cokaroaches only friend, tonight he will be hitt ing you hard with 100% live set from a broken vtech Pc. Adding to this mis sery of sound will be a surviving woodstock hippie known as dj Nevermind. BEND over NYC, when thier done you'll know whats it feels like to be hit with the .... ......Gstompz (csquat) This homey G is no joke he's half h uman half orangatang, he claims to be able to suck a roland tr-909 thru a straw and program it with his tounge, This feat has yet to be seen by norm al humans and thats why his only fan will be ... .....Cj the MechNoid (m etrophage) i cantyusuya6*^%(*%%(&^%(((^(*& %M}A2+18AAE58AAEA$B5B6}+ --BDN_4_{DCD1~_-02A4E6DCA3MBBE6~|++04q++10)-5 thats right with speak n smellz and while he Fries up more of those circuits he'll also be cooking up some Veal Parmigana for.... .....Xylene (rv) Ohh boy, dj Xyle ne is a walking can of spray paint, tonight he packs his record bag with an arsenal of dance tunes including the top 40 euro hit "straight edgers w ith candy",but dont get too excited he might also be boring you with some of that freeetekno stuff we all despise, hopefully he'll be thrown off the wheels of steel by ... ......BeatKore Jazz TeaM (outer space) These avid Brooklenites are much part of the "in" williamsburg crowd, they claim to fuze jazz with hardkore electroniks for a healing effect on the senses, T hese guys can party hard and when there really drunk they like to make out with ....... .....Chadmo (lernand) Known for his fusion of country musi c classics mixed with psychadelic Trance. This boy also just got back from a umm Long Island tour he will be signing autographs for..... .......Ba nji - (Csquat records) banji is a fatherly figure to the L.E.S, also known as Popeye for beating ugly underage Goth kids to thier deathz, this man r ips up the crown amps with an aggresive djembe hardkore set, wheres deos al l this anger come from, Its probably from sharing needlez with ... .... .Peter Missing/Dj Hazzard ( ) this man walks unrepresented his style is go ofy But danceable, but no label or promo crew dares to book him, well aft er hearing his demo's we decided to give lil ol' petey a chance, tonight h e will be the only dj playing a style of musik called "hardkore techno" V isualz Artzz sick Graff burnerz on display By: Sharp one Chadmo Merk St an 1 Tsf Dan Shipz 0tb Josh guru Slinz Pris tsf 907 B.K. EDeN ..... ................. MId Size HALF PIPE & (only bring a skateboard if you can seriously skate) CHEAP BAR allNight Devastating Bass Pounding Sound by R enegadeVirus virusPanikLine: (718) 404-3906 ext.6665 the location is CSQU AT located in the L.E.S of NYC directions will be posted to virus info lin e $4 friendly contribution to cquat and the sound crew. eknode-usa www.virusrenegade.9f *23* dj pro files by charlie. k, were having a problem with pushing the time past 3 a m. In case we cant, witch i doubt we wont be able to after the cquaters a re drunk, well move onto the next ditch, should be nice out 2morrow night . FoodStampz Al:i http://www.virusrenegade.8k LIVING ON THE EDGE!!!!! ! virusPanikLine: (718) 404-3906 x6665 Saturday Feb9th.2000-23.... Paradigm Ko reXtravaganza PumpinG soundzzz Soundart****HardteKno>>JahKore> ;hellhouse>BrokenBreakz>>glitch>&more *****Fury8 (rv,tbi25) a proud lucid member of team bring it, this girl has got wit and thats about it, her agrresive style of Club Trance wi ll bring new light to the already glowing team, during her set this freaky punk chick will be flashing her breasts while trying to breast feed..... *****Automaton (rv) Back from a brooklyn i mean dirty jerse no Long Island tour comes the lord of slick kore himself, a founding membe r of that fabulous group of nerds known as "RenegadeVirus" your mind will be crushed as this man twiddles his knobz and spreads his Love trap fo r......... *****NIC -fit (havoc) Heres a man who has trave lled the world in search of stardom and has still not found it, although h e deserves it, his mind blowing monkeydance and freakno tekno will have yo u changing your tampons and throwing the bloody one's onto........ *****Foodstampz (rv,apocalypse) also known as the Al:i for b eing a cokaroaches only friend, tonight he will be hitting you hard with 10 0% live set from a broken vtech Pc. Adding to this missery of sound will be a surviving woodstock hippie known as dj Nevermind. BEND over NYC, when thier done you'll know whats it feels like to be hit with the .... ......Gstompz (csquat) This homey G is no joke he 's half human half orangatang, he claims to be able to suck a roland tr-909 thru a straw and program it with his tounge, This feat has yet to be seen by normal humans and thats why his only fan will be ... . ....Cj the MechNoid (metrophage) i cantyusuya6*^%(*%%(&^%(((^(*& ;%M}A2+18AAE58AAEA$B5B6}+--BDN_4_{DCD1~_-02A4E6DCA3MBBE6~ |++04q++10)-5 thats right with speak n smellz and while he Fries up more of those circuits he'll also be cooking up some Veal Parmigana for.... .....Xylene (rv) Ohh boy, dj Xylene is a walking can of spray paint, tonight he packs his record bag with an arsenal of dance tunes incl uding the top 40 euro hit "straight edgers with candy",but dont get too exc ited he might also be boring you with some of that freeetekno stuff we all despise, hopefully he'll be thrown off the wheels of steel by ... ......BeatKore Jazz TeaM (outer space) These avid Brooklenites are much part of the "in" williamsburg crowd, they claim to fuze jazz with har dkore electroniks for a healing effect on the senses, These guys can party hard and when there really drunk they like to make out with ....... .....Chadmo (lernand) Known for his fusion of country music classics mixed with psychadelic Trance. This boy also just got back from a umm Long Island tour he will be signing autographs for..... . ......Banji - (Csquat records) banji is a fatherly figure to the L.E.S, also known as Popeye for beating ugly underage Goth kids to thier deathz, this man rips up the crown amps with an aggresive djembe hardkore set, wher es deos all this anger come from, Its probably from sharing needlez with . .. .....Peter Missing/Dj Hazzard ( ) this man walks unrepr esented his style is goofy But danceable, but no label or promo crew dares to book him, well after hearing his demo's we decided to give lil ol' pete y a chance, tonight he will be the only dj playing a style of musik called "hardkore techno" Visualz Artzz sick Graf f burnerz on display By: Sharp one Chadmo Merk Stan 1 Tsf Dan Shipz 0tb Josh guru Slinz Pris t sf 907 B.K. EDeN ...................... MId Size HALF PIPE & (only bring a skateboard if you can seriously ska te) CHEAP BAR allNight Devastating Bass Pounding Sound by Renegad eVirus virusPanikLine: (718) 404-390 6 ext.6665 the location is CSQUAT located in the L.E.S of NYC directions will be posted to virus info line $4 friendly contribution to cquat and the s ound crew. www.vir usrenegade.9f *23* dj p rofiles by charlie. k, were having a problem with pushing the time past 3 am. In case we cant, witch i doubt we wont be able to after the cquaters are drunk, well move onto the next di tch, should be nice out 2morrow night. FoodStampz Al:i http://www.virusrenegade.8k LIVIN G ON THE EDGE!!!!!! virusPanikLine: (718) 404-3906 x6665 Date: Mon, 11 Feb 2002 02:21:36 EST Subject: Ben & Jaime's partTo: safetydance From: Machinelf ...was the best private party in a long time. Since, I hasten to add, Burning Elf. Many thanks to everyone. WHAT A VIBE!! You had to be there!! To spice it up further there were two female altercations... why don't men get in fights at trance parties!?! Special thanks to Boris for his sound system and great set. People are still at the afterparty at DMTski. And we have another good private party this next Friday at the new Tribeca Trance Mission.. stay tuned. ...was the best private party in a long time. Since, I hasten to add, Burning Elf. Many thanks to everyone. WHAT A VIBE!! You had to be there!! To spice it up further there were two female altercations... why don't men get in fights at trance parties!?! Special thanks to Boris for his sound system and great set. People are still at the afterparty at DMTski. And we have another good private party this next Friday at the new Tribeca Trance Mission.. stay tuned. Date: Mon, 11 Feb 2002 02:50:08 EST Subject: Tribeca Trance Mission Friday + DMTski AfterpartTo: safetydance Cc: dmtski From: Machinelf (editors note - wylie has been working on this party for weeks - the place is slamming!! and as usual there is an afterparty at the DMTski house fro m Saturday morning through Sunday... see attached for direx! people still there through monday - they're up now... call them 570-722-3982) The Tri beca Trance Mission (T.T.M.) at: 111 Reade Street, Penthouse presents: LORD of the TRANCE house-warming part-welcoming Vivianna, Jason and Ga be to the TTM When: Friday February 15th, 10pm to 6am DJ Line u p: AMNESIUM AKIN KAMAL MACHINE ELF far mmmMMMMORE to come!!!! BYOB : The IRISH enter half-price w/ jig at the door Lighting, Decorations, and E ffects by Wylie Prepay wylie $15 at:  WHOS ON FIRST on TUESD AY (see: DMT Age of Aquarius party) or  OPIUM DEN on WEDNESDAElse $20 at the DOOR E280A6YOU DONE28099T EVEN KNOW!!!! Info: 212-267-40 10 or wylier18 THIS HAS BEEN A WYLIE TRANCE_MISSION!!! (editors note - wylie ha s been working on this party for weeks - the place is slamming!! and as usual there is an afterparty at the DMTski house from Saturday morning t hrough Sunday... see attached for direx! people still there through m onday - they're up now... call them 570-722-3982) The Tribeca Tran ce Mission (T.T.M.) at: 111 Reade Street, Penthouse presents: LORD of the TRANCE house-warming part-welcoming Vivianna, Jason and Gabe to the TTM When: Friday February 15th, 10pm to 6a m DJ Line up: AMNESIUM AKIN KAMAL MACHINE ELF far mmmMMMMORE to come!!!! BYOB : The IRISH enter half-price w/ jig at the door Lighting, Decorations, and Effects by Wylie < ;TTM> Prepay wylie $15 at:  WHOS ON FIRST on TU ESDAY (see: DMT Age of Aquarius party) or  OPIUM DEN on WEDNESDAElse $20 at the DOOR E280A6YOU DONE28099T EVE N KNOW!!!! Info: 212-267-4010 or wylier18 THIS HAS B EEN A WYLIE TRANCE_MISSION!!! by porterhouse.cownow (8.11.6/8.11.6) id g1BFSM716634; To: psy-trance at dewline, safetydance, dragontribe Subject: nogloom/light-o-matic party aftermath From: Ben Hey, thanks to everyone who came down to me and Jaime's partFriday night... it was huge fun for us. And HUGE thanks to everyone who helped (in no particular order): Lori, Boris, Mandy, Merry, Andrea, Susannah, Wade, Terry, John P, Kelly, Paul, Jeff, Mark, Jed, Kamal, Chico, Niko, Shay, Nils, Frenil, Earl.. and especially Mandi's friend from PA who helped us carry all the heavy shit up the stairs and was a real lifesaver.. but I can't remember his name! It was like, we had this picture in our heads of what we wanted it to be.. with the music cranked and all these people dancing their asses off with the flouro all around and the decorations and the lights and the painted people, and everyone just going totally native! Then I opened my eyes and it wasn't a picture, it was real :) FOUND ITEMS After the party, we found a black scarf. And a CD case for Psionic Tonic. If anyone lost either of these let me know. Merry lost a multicolored scarf which we didn't find. If you have it let me or her know. thanks -Ben by porterhouse.cownow (8.11.6/8.11.6) id g1BFhw916705 To: safetydance Subject: 2 Weezer tickets available for tonight From: Ben I have two extra Weezer tickets for tonight at Continental Airlines Arena (Meadowlands). $29.50 plus ticketbastard service charge. Me and Jaime are going, so if you need a ride you can come with us. Email if interested. -Ben Date: Tue, 12 Feb 2002 21:37:48 EST Subject: Shamanic Mask Class To: SafetyDance From: LOLLYGOA Hello fellow trancers, artists, and dreamers, did you ever need a mask and: 1. hated the crappy shite in the costume store 2. put it off 'til too late.. 3. when you got to Burning Elf's LOTR party, everyone else was 'Gandalf', too! My co-worker Nicole is organizing a shamanic spiritmask workshop in early March. Tresham Gregg, founding member of the Chilkat Dancers, a Native-American dance group, is an Alaskan artist who learned his craft from the elders of the Tlingit people. During this 2-day ritual wkshop, you will sculpt, paint, and decorate your own transformational mask, followed by movement and ritual dance. (you should see the wolf spirit-guide mask in the flier...) I've fwd'ed a copy of her orig email w/ downloaded pix and inpho, and for the rest of you who might not have downloadable capability : it's a 2 day wkshop: Fri March 8th 7-10 pm Sat March 9th 1-7 pm $100 - materials included. manhattan location TBA Call Nicole to register at (212) 724-5386 happy mardi gras!, lori(lollygoa) Hello fellow trancers, artists, and dreamers, did you ever need a mask and: 1. hated the crappy shite in the costume store 2. put it off 'til too late.. 3. when you got to Burning Elf's LOTR party, everyone else was 'Gandalf', too! My co-worker Nicole is organizing a shamanic spiritmask workshop in early March. Tresham Gregg, founding member of the Chilkat Dancers, a Native-American dance group, is an Alaskan artist who learned his craft from the elders of the Tlingit people. During this 2-day ritual wkshop, you will sculpt, paint, and decorate your own transformational mask, followed by movement and ritual dance. (you should see the wolf spirit-guide mask in the flier...) I've fwd'ed a copy of her orig email w/ downloaded pix and inpho, and for the rest of you who might not have downloadable capability : it's a 2 day wkshop: Fri March 8th 7-10 pm Sat March 9th 1-7 pm $100 - materials included. manhattan location TBA Call Nicole to register at (212) 724-5386 happy mardi gras!, lori(lollygoa) To: psy-trance at dewline, , Cc: Sebastian Klement, Charles, , Subject: a really nice review of Ben and Jaime's Loft PartFrom: Mania Kawasaki Last week there was a nice thread going about people's first trance experience. This review, written by a friend of mine, was about his first trance party. ^^ Date: Wed, 13 Feb 2002 05:14:46 EST From: RexxxBlack Subject: My Review On Friday Feb. 8, 2002 I ventured down to a Psy-Trance Birthday Party held in a loft in Williamsburgh and WOW what a Blast! The Groove never stopped from beginning to end. Once in a while, there might be a 5 second lull between waves of sound, and people would break into spontaneous applause, to reward the hard-working DJs. The ONLY lights were Black-Lights. There was a Beautiful KozMik Solar System of Unknown Planets, all different shapes and sizes and painted in original Day-Glows. Staring at them in awe, I took a double-take and realiized, YES, it wasn't mimagination....they were slowly revolving around, above the Dance Floor in different directions. Speaking of the Dance Floor, upon it were Intricate Diamond Patterns in Day-Glow tapes, creating a kind of karmic force to those dancing above and upon it. The Front of the room had a kind of Cosmic Healing area. There were folks painting, making beads and weaving Flourescent strands into others' flowing Hair. There were also beautiful people writing out signs and statements explaining why we are all here....."to enjoy and respect life and to be responsible to the earth and all its creatures". There was also a wonderful Tattoo Artist named Artext who was offering reasonably-priced Temporary AirBrush Skin Painting. Amazing talent. One woman looked like a Tiger, another like a Lion. Every face I saw all night had the biggest Smile I have ever witnessed at anclub, and believe me, I go to clubs 4-5 nights every week. It was infectious. There were ample supplies of FREE Farm-Fresh Apples, Pears, Bananas and Water. Also, because this Psy-Trance was also a Birthday Party for a LovelGirl named Jamie, there was also Yummy Chocolate Birthday Cake. The Party began at 11PM and didn't break up 'til 11AM the next morning. The Light Show was amazing all night long, the constantly changing DJs gave everyone ample chance to find the groove they were seeking and the revelers were each and everyone satisfied. I prided myself in locating the best, happparty I can ever remember attending. Date: Wed, 13 Feb 2002 13:17:07 EST Subject: Fwd: Another Alex Grey event - CHAPEL OF SACRED MIRRORS BENEFIT PARTTo: safetydance From: Machinelf Date: Thu, 14 Feb 2002 16:06:40 EST Subject: More on Tribeca Trance Mission - Rocky Atomic Juice is doing projection To: safetydance From: Machinelf You may recall Rocky who has done numerous DMT and Omnitribe (but not the last one as was on the flyer) and Synthetic Sadhus (the pyramid projecting near the front area). If you haven't seen his work he alone is worth the cover. He makes the event special. Without him, we wander in a desert p eopled only with mirages of the mundane. UPDATE! UPDATE! UPDATE! The T ribeca Trance Mission (T.T.M.) at: 111 Reade Street, Penthouse presents : LORD of the TRANCE house-warming part-welcoming Vivianna, Jason and Gabe to the TTM When: Friday February 15th, 10pm to 6am DJ Line up: AKIN AMNESIUM CHICO ICY-COIL IGGKAMAL MACHINELF SOCH E280A6pleas e please no more DJs! Hey, somebody has to pay! E280A6for ATOMIC JUICE !!!! (Aka E2809CMr. CleanE2809D) who will be spurting his goods and doing projections BYOB : The IRISH enter half-price w/ jig at the door Li ghting, Decorations, and Effects by Wylie andVivianna AKIN and NOEL $20 at the DOOR E2809CThereE28099s somthing in the air and I think s itE28099s funkyE2809D Info: 212-267-4010 or wylier18 TH IS HAS BEEN A WYLIE TRANCE_MISSION!!! Subject: FWD: mtg this sunday at 7pm for future event >... To: savvy1007 From: Savannah Skye --- >Hey all, > >Just wanted to send out a reminder about the next >meeting to brainstorm Kaya-Ananda (Carnival of Mind, >Body and Spirit) > >Meeting this Sunday February 17th at 7 pm at the >space (directions below) > >Here is how the event is shaping up. Below are >ideas thrown out at the last meeting. Also, anyone >you know who would be interested in contributing, >send them to www.lunatarium /kaya/proposal.pdf > >Thanks again for all your pledges to help and i'll >cya there. > >peace >carlos > >kaya::ananda > >a carnival of mind+body+spirit, or body bliss, >in Sanskrit. >Sunday March 17, 2002 2pm-12 >midnight > >Hopeful Components of Event: > >Workshops >Massage circle >Yoga instructions >Lectures >Fire Spinning >Vocalists and Group Chanting >Dance >Interactive Performance Art >Visual art >Belly dance >Live Artist >Auditory and olfactory experiments >Drum circles >Sufi whirling >Bodywork sessions >Complementary Medicine Information Booths >Juicebar >Vegitarian Feast > >The centerpiece of the evening will be an >interactive performance uniting the five elemental >energies of the universe - Earth, Air, Fire, Water >and Ether - and body's chakras, the spiritual energy >centers that correspond to each element. The goal of >the program is to educate the participants about >these forces as we try our hardest to activate and >invoke them. > >The Elements will be used as the visual layout of >the space. Some ideas that we have had are the >following: > >Air area > >1. Balloons >2. Bubble Machine >3. Fan >4. Trapeze artists >5. Jugglers >6. Moon Bounce >7. Trampoline > > >Earth area > >1. Drumming >2. Sand and Rocks >3. Piles of dirt >4. Contact dancing >5. Cla> >Water area > >1. Walls of Water >2. Entrance of Mist >3. "Liquid" dancers >4. Kiddy pool > >Fire area > >1. Fire Spinners- 1337 Collective >2. Fire Circle >3. Confrontational dance > >Ether area > >1. Designs that give a sense of space. >2. Meditation Chamber >3. Sufi Whirling > > >These are only some ideas, we can use many more. >We wil be having a "brainstorming" session at the >space this Sunday February 17th at 8pm. > >To make this event a reality, we need your help, >such as: > >Teachers: Yoga, Chakra, Meditation, Dance, >Complementary Medicine (this is a good place to share >with a large audience the myriad modes of healing, >theories, etc.) >Performers >Musicians >Dancers >Creaters >Vocalist >Bodyworkers (w/ tables) > >If you know of anyone else who would be interested >in helping, please forward them this message or bring >them to the meeting, or give them my phone number: >Laya 917.207.2660 > >The Space: > >Lunatarium - 10 Jay Street. >check out the space at Lunatarium > >9th floor. Take elevator to 8th floor (or any floor >whose elevator button lights up when pressed). >Make a left out the elevator and go up the stairs >to the top floor. > >F Train to York (easiest route) >First stop in Brooklyn >Right on Jay. Last building before the water. > >A,C to High Street (a longer walk, about 11 >minutes) First stop in Brooklyn >Exit station from exit closest to the front of >train (from Manhattan) From Brooklyn- exit closest >to the end of train. Cross Cadmen Plaza East (it has >an island dividing traffic) Cross through the mini- >park (Cadman Plaza). Make a Left once you exit the >park (Washington Street) under the BQE. Make a Right >on Front Street Make a Left on Jay. Last building >before the water >2,3 to Clark Street (longest walk, about 13.5 >minutes) First stop in Brooklyn >Only one staircase, two exits on ground floor, go >to Henry St. exit Make a Left on Henry Street. >On the right side of the street, after 2 blocks, >you will see a "courtyard" of a one-story housing >complex Make a right through the courtyard, and you >will be at the High Street Train Station Entrance >(see above) > >the lunatarium >10 jay street >dumbo :: brooklyn :: nyc >646.325.7556 >www.lunatarium >lunacy at carlosgranda >www.carlosgranda >--- Date: Fri, 15 Feb 2002 18:00:51 EST Subject: (no subject) To: dmtski Cc: safetydance, dmtny, omnitribe From: Machinelf Looks like there will be another crowd at the DMT skihouse in Pennsylvania this weekend, noon Saturday through Monday, a holiday. An afterparty for Wylie's and Level X. Everyone is welcome, it's beautiful out there, we will have a little party. Directions attached. Date: Fri, 15 Feb 2002 18:50:45 EST Subject: Bus available to the DMT ski party Saturday-MondaTo: dmtski Cc: safetydance, dmtny, omnitribe From: Machinelf BUS INFO Take the MartzTrailways( ) Bus to Blakeslee and we'll pick you up -call below. Bus Leaves Port Authority 212-564-8484 $29.25 1-way/$54.1 0 round trip. Bus leaves Saturday 830am & 1pm AFTER & WYLIE'S & LEVEL X : PRESIDENT'S DAY WEEKEND TRANCE PARTY FEB 16-18 SKIING AT SECLUDED HOUSE I N WOODS OF THE PENNSYLVANIA POCONOS MOUNTAINS - SKIING BRING $20, FOOD, B LANKETS, Fungi, MUSIC - FILM - JACUZZI - HIKING Take the MartzTrailwas Bus to Blakeslee and we'll pick you up -call below. Bus Leaves Port Authority 212-564-8484 $29.25 1-way/$54.10 round trip. Bus leaves Saturd ay 830am & 1pm Two Hour Drive Directions: Basically, GET ON I280 to I80 1: From 8TH AVENUE Turn LEFT onto W 34TH ST. 0.25 miles 2: Turn RIGHT o nto DYER AVE. 0.05 miles 3: Turn SLIGHT RIGHT onto DYER AVE/I-495. 0.05 miles 4: DYER AVE/I-495 becomes ramp. 0.07 miles 5: Merge onto I-495 W. 4.22 miles 6: Take NJ TURNPIKE SOUTH exit on left towards TRENTON/NEWARK AIRPORT.0.19 miles 7: Stay straight to go onto ramp. 0.32 miles 8: M erge onto I-95 S (Portions toll). 3.49 miles 9: Take the I-280 exit- exi t number 15W- towards KEARNY/THE ORANGES. 0.43 miles 10: Merge onto I-2 80 W. 16.94 miles 11: Take the I-80 W exit on the left towards DOVER/DEL WATER GAP. 0.47 miles 12: Merge onto I-80 EXPRESS LN W. 2.27 miles 1 3: I-80 EXPRESS LN W becomes I-80 W. 71.10 miles 14: Take the PA-115 exi t- exit number 43- towards BLAKESLEE. 0.34 miles 15: Keep LEFT at the for k in the ramp. 0.06 miles 16: Turn LEFT onto PA-115 S. 2.07 miles 17: T urn RIGHT onto PA-903. 5.0 miles About 4 miles down pa-903 Stop by the big grocery store on your left and get food!!! Pass route 534E280A6 keep going one mile.... Turn left on Old Stage road 516 Go Down 516 Old Stage about 1-2 miles.. Take 2nd right which will be Penn Forest Trail to 2nd ho use on the left... 1874 Penn Forest Trail. House phone 570-722-3982 M ike's cell 856-275-0275 Paul's cell 917 GIFT 577 DMTski parties through M arch 18 Email rocktheshow for more information. Date: Fri, 15 Feb 2002 19:10:25 EST Subject: Sorry! these are new right revised directions. To: dmtski Cc: dmtny, safetydance From: Machinelf Date: Fri, 15 Feb 2002 19:24:05 EST Subject: Final Correct Direx to DMT ski To: safetydance From: Machinelf Date: Fri, 22 Feb 2002 16:39:40 EST Subject: DMThouse-ski-teer Roll call this weekend To: dmtski Cc: dmtny, safetydance From: Machinelf I know Synthetic is Saturday, but I'm real broke and all. Is anybody driving up? DMThouse-ski-teer Roll call. Date: Tue, 26 Feb 2002 03:12:28 To: SafetyDance Subject: For Sale: Vestax mixer & dbx compressor From: "shareradar201" > > > > > > > > Vestax PMC-46MKII mixer. Mint condition, in box. - $600 > > > > http://www.vestax /products/pmc46mkII.htm > > > > > > > > dbx MC6 Mini compressor. Mint condition, in box. - $100 > > > > http://www.harmony-central /Newp/103AES/dbx/MC6.html > > > > > > > > Please respond with any questions. > > > > Date: Thu, 28 Feb 2002 18:37:05 EST Subject: DMTski/Hux Flux Preparty in the Mountains - flyer attached To: dmtski Cc: dragontribe, safetydance From: Machinelf I am hoping that everyone on this list who has not made it out, will make i t out for the sturm und drang. The flyer for the Hux Flux Pre-Party is a ttached. Fr ride coordination and RSVP email rocktheshow . (I need a ride for 2, returning to the City Saturday night for Hux Flux) FRIDAY March 2: HUXFLUX PRE-PARTY OnlyThree More Weekends!! Seclud ed HOUSE IN WOODS of the PENNSYLVANIA POCONOS MOUNTAINS - Bring $20, fo od, blankets, Fungi, Music - film- jacuzzi - hiking Takethe MartzTrail ways Bus to Blakeslee and weE28099ll pick you up -call below. 212- 564-8484 $29.25 1-way/$54.10 roundtrip. Bus leaves Port Authority Sat.& S un. 830 am & 1 pm TwoHour Drive Directions: Basically, GETON I280 to I80! ! 1: From 8TH AVENUE Turn LEFT onto W 34TH ST. 0.25 miles 2: Turn RIGHT onto DYER AVE. 0.05miles 3: Turn SLIGHT RIGHT onto DYER AVE/I-495. 0.05 m iles 4: DYER AVE/I-495 becomes ramp. 0.07 miles 5: Merge onto I-495 W. 4.22 miles 6: Take NJ TURNPIKE SOUTH exit on lefttowards TRENTON/NEWARK AI RPORT.0.19 miles 7: Stay straight to go onto ramp. 0.32 miles 8: Merge o nto I-95 S (Portions toll). 3.49 miles 9: Take the I-280 exit- exit number 15W- towards KEARNY/THE ORANGES. 0.43 miles 10: Merge onto I-280 W. 16 .94 miles 11: Take the I-80 W exit on the left towards DOVER/DEL WATER GAP . 0.47 miles 12: Merge onto I-80 EXPRESS LN W. 2.27 miles 13: I-80 EXPRE SS LN W becomes I-80 W. 71.10 miles 14: Take the PA-115 exit- exit number 43-towards BLAKESLEE. 0.34 miles 15: Keep LEFT at the fork in theramp. 0 .06 miles 16: Turn LEFT onto PA-115 S. 2.07 miles 17: Turn RIGHT onto PA -903. 5.0 miles About 4 miles down pa-903 Stop by the big grocery stor e on yourleft and get food!!! Pass route 534E280A6 keep going one mile.. .. Turn left on Old Stage road516 Go Down 516 Old Stage about 1-2 miles.. Take 2nd right which will be PennForest Trail to 2nd house on the left... 1874 Penn Forest Trail. House phone 570-722-3982 MikeE28099s cell 856-275-0275 PaulE28099scell 917 GIFT 577 DMTski parties through March 18 Email rocktheshow fo r more information. I am hoping that everyon e on this list who has not made it out, will make it out for the sturm und drang. The flyer for the Hux Flux Pre-Party is attached. Fr rid e coordination and RSVP email rocktheshow . (I need a ride for 2, returning to the City Saturday night for Hux Flux) FRIDAY March 2: HUXFLUX PRE-PARTY O nlyThree More Weekends!! Secluded HOUSE IN WOODS of the PENNSYLVAN IA POCONOS MOUNTAINS - Bring $20, food, blankets, Mushro oms, Music - film- jacuzzi - hiking Takethe MartzTrailways Bus to Blakeslee and weE28099ll p ick you up -call below. 212-564-8484 $29.25 1-way/$54.10 roundtrip. Bus leaves Port Authority Sat.& Sun. 830 am & 1 pm TwoHour Drive Directions: Basically, GETON I280 to I80!! 1: From 8TH AVENUE Turn LEFT onto W 34TH ST. 0.25 miles 2: Turn RIGHT onto DYER AVE. 0.05miles 3: Turn SLIGHT RIGHT onto DYER AVE/I-495. 0.05 miles 4: DYER AVE/I-495 becomes ramp. 0.07 miles 5: Merge onto I-495 W. 4.22 miles 6: Take NJ TURNPIKE SOUTH exit on lefttowards TRENTON/NEWARK AIRPORT.0.19 miles 7: Stay straight to go onto ramp. 0.32 miles 8: Merge onto I-95 S ( Portions toll). 3.49 miles 9: Take the I-280 exit- exit number 15W- to wards KEARNY/THE ORANGES. 0.43 miles 10: Merge onto I-280 W. 16.94 miles 11: Take the I-80 W exit on the left towards DOVER/DEL WATER GAP. 0.47 miles 12: Merge onto I-80 EXPRESS LN W. 2.27 mil es 13: I-80 EXPRESS LN W becomes I-80 W. 71.10 miles 14: Take the PA-115 exit- exit number 43-towards BLAKESLEE. 0.34 miles 15: K eep LEFT at the fork in theramp. 0.06 miles 16: Turn LEFT onto P A-115 S. 2.07 miles 17: Turn RIGHT onto PA-903. 5.0 miles About 4 miles down pa-903 Stop by the big grocery store on yourleft and get food!!! Pass route 534E280A6 keep going one mile... . Turn left on Old Stage road516 Go Down 516 Old Stag e about 1-2 miles.. Take 2nd right which will be PennForest Trai l to 2nd house on the left... 1874 Penn Forest Trail. House phone 570-722-3982 MikeE28099s cell 856-275-0275 PaulE28099scell 917 GIFT 577 DMTski parties through March 18 Email rocktheshow fo r more information. Date: Tue, 5 Mar 2002 10:51:48 EST Subject: Brooklyn Wave Pattern Integrity Center For The Deaf And Blind Saturday 03.09.200 To: renegadevirus at egroups, mutantfest at, safetydance From: sonikzolution Brooklyn Wave Pattern Integrity Center For The Deaf And Blind Saturday 03.09.2002 - Psychoacoustics - Optokinetiks - Spatial displacement therap- Explorations in ambient soundscapes Zemi 17 (ransom Corp.) - acoustic/electronic Uji (el Compendio) - max/csound/radio baton DJ Olive (the Agriculture, WE, phonomena) - turntables Newclueless (the Agriculture, Share) - lunchbox computer Lloop (the Agriculture, WE, phonomena) - powerbook kleverVice (Grounded, Madagascar Institute) - turntables Jason BK (blackkat) - turntables (noize set) Amoeba Technology - electronics/turntables seeMonkey (amoeba) - holistic ocular healing Implode (brooklyn beats) - light stills f33db4ck (el Compendio) - nato enrap+ures alien_resident (amoeba) - film manipulation at el Compendio - Corner of Irving and Eldert. By Train: L train to Halsey stop. Get off at last car walk 1 block down Halsey then left on Irving. Corner of Irving and Eldert. By Car: Wliiamsburgh Bridge to Broadway left on Myrtle, right on Irving. Corner of Irving and Eldert. 11:00 PM $7 with flyer or e-flyer, $10 without. * Made possible by el Compendio and Amoeba FoodStampz Al:i http://www.virusrenegade.8k LIVING ON THE EDGE!!!!!! virusPanikLine: (718) 404-3906 x6665 Brooklyn Wave Pattern Integrity Center For The Deaf And Blind Saturday 03.09.2002 - Psychoacoustics - Optokinetiks - Spatial displacement therap- Explorations in ambient soundscapes Zemi 17 (ransom Corp.) - acoustic/electronic Uji (el Compendio) - max/csound/radio baton DJ Olive (the Agriculture, WE, phonomena) - turntables Newclueless (the Agriculture, Share) - lunchbox computer Lloop (the Agriculture, WE, phonomena) - powerbook kleverVice (Grounded, Madagascar Institute) - turntables Jason BK (blackkat) - turntables (noize set) Amoeba Technology - electronics/turntables seeMonkey (amoeba) - holistic ocular healing Implode (brooklyn beats) - light stills f33db4ck (el Compendio) - nato enrap+ures alien_resident (amoeba) - film manipulation at el Compendio - Corner of Irving and Eldert. By Train: L train to Halsey stop. Get off at last car walk 1 block down Halsey then left on Irving. Corner of Irving and Eldert. By Car: Wliiamsburgh Bridge to Broadway left on Myrtle, right on Irving. Corner of Irving and Eldert. 11:00 PM $7 with flyer or e-flyer, $10 without. * Made possible by el Compendio and Amoeba FoodStampz Al:i http://www.virusrenegade.8k LIVING ON THE EDGE!!!!!! virusPanikLine: (718) 404-3906 x6665 Subject: Return to the New Skool: May 4th To: machinatimembers, renegadevirus, safetydance From: Joe Vor-Tech Sorry about that message before... fuckin' computer. Anyway I'm doing a party in North BK May 4th and I'm looking for an old skool Belguim rave techno DJ, if any of you know any DJs with a set like that please have them contact me. It's going ot be a night of old skool, new wave, uk hardcore and jungle. May 4th, keep it open. Because it's a private venue don't forward this to another lists or people please. If anyone has any other ideas in which they'd like to get involved please contact me, booths, acts or anything I like to hear about. Peace Joe V. Date: Fri, 8 Mar 2002 17:41:22 EST Subject: Money Raised So Far - $110 To: dmtny Cc: safetydance From: Machinelf As the weather gets warmer I start to shiver with an-ti-ci-pation. Every time you go to Tsunami and give your brainmachines email address, the DMT gets $1. So far, we have $110. (Specifically I get $1 per name per party and am using that to raise money for the impounded speakers. If you're not on brainmachines just send me an email and I will add you to just the guest list) The generator cost $500. The speakers cost $1800. Wylie wants to sell his VW van for $1000. I'm getting a salary job within the next three weeks so we should be covered either way. I wonder who will be the first to do a bridge party this year. What about doing a weekly Sunday day event under the bridge? Date: Tue, 12 Mar 2002 00:28:23 EST Subject: Fwd: Manhattan 1 bedroom To: safetydance From: Machinelf Date: Tue, 12 Mar 2002 13:55:23 EST Subject: Pyrric (o'maniac) VictorTo: dmtny Cc: k-os, safetydance From: Machinelf Finally, details of my case can be released. As we expected, all my charges were formally dismissed this morning and sealed - burglary, trespassing, possession of K, possession of paraphernalia, possession of needles. All misdemeanors. They tried to find felony drugs in a bunch of pez candy I had but tests proved fruitless. So the computer crime unit and narcotics lost any interest in even meeting with me. My lawyer said it's common for police to take whatever they can get away with from drug suspects. With all the hippy and drug related posters, medical diagrams, MRI brain scans, brain machines, electrodes, bags of funny smelling unidentifiable powders, scales, syringes, computers, costumes, tennis bags full of pez candies (which tested negative), pictures of me in Amsterdam wearing Cyberdog pants, Polaroids of me smiling with a gas mask and beaker and a huge assortment of (legal) smart drugs and literature etc they mistook my party pad for a drug lab! (Note to self: Keep apartment presentable to the authorities should they ever be allowed in by a guest.) There have been numerous instances where police would call 911 on a known drug dealer, go there, and steal whatever they can. I knew somthing was "up" when an arresting officer pocketed my wallet with $1500 and party supplies :-) Karma works in mysterious ways. Had he been honest I would still be in jail (and the judge would have probably not granted me release on my own recognizance without having to post bail) My lawyer is also President of the New York Criminal Bar. He is enraged at my treatment and will see it through to the end and is confident we'll get ours. The whole recovery process will take a while (it took 9 months to get to THIS point) and may involve a lawsuit against the city or NYPD. My lawyer sees this as necessary so that the DA can keep a handle on the NYPD's actions. As my case was dismissed, I still have plenty of credit for the retainer. I have plenty of documentation of my possessions and a battery of solid testimonials and a job and all that so my lawyer says my chances are good to make a difference and show the police that we are innocent until proven guilty. I for one want to teach the bullies a lesson: whether it's the BTS or NYPD, we can't let thugs get away with theft. Much thanks to Omnitribe who kept the outdoor spirit alive last year! Unrecovered Possessions: Taken into custody: $2,400 VAIO laptop 200 Cell Phone 150 Scale 25 Flashlight 25 Soldering platform 20 Canister Homozon 20 Lucidril ( Date: Tue, 12 Mar 2002 17:12:26 EST Subject: flyer attached To: dmtski Cc: dmtny, safetydance From: Machinelf This weekend, Friday night through Saturday night - the LAST blowout at the house with DJs Kamal, Machinelf, and others. See attached flyer. If you missed out this winter, here's your chance. Date: Tue, 12 Mar 2002 16:54:06 EST Subject: freaky tuesdays is on for tonight! To:, From: mickpick hey tony's email is down, but Freaky Tuesday's at Whos on First (1st ave betwixt 87th and 88th) is still on for tonight. every should come cause its free (im pretty sure its free, if not like 3 bucks) and theyll be good guest djs, hopefully I (dj soch) will get to lay down a few records as well. should be fun. Date: Wed, 13 Mar 2002 02:26:48 EST Subject: Have you left Brainmachines b/c of too many emails? To: dmtny Cc: safetydance, k-os, personalbest, trancemission, dmtski From: Machinelf you can now JUST get the weekly trance Pschedule. It's a long email but has all the goods in terms of psy trance and closely related spiritual shindiggery in New York! Send an email to brainmachines-subscribe wait 15 minutes and then go to /group/brainmachines/join and set your Message Delivery to "Only Special Notices" Note: Yahoogroups will be down this coming weekend Friday March 15 through Monday 18. Send an email to brainmachines-subscribe wait 15 minutes and then go to /group/brainmachines/join and set your Message Delivery to "Only Special Notices" Note: Yahoogroups will be down this coming weekend Friday March 15 through Monday 18. Date: Wed, 13 Mar 2002 18:50:01 EST Subject: Party Friday: There are 11 spaces in cars for this weekend! To: safetydance From: Machinelf At the house this Friday thru Saturday night - the last weekend we have the house - there are 11 spaces in cars. Everyone is welcome to come up (see attached) Paul neural at prodigy has space for 3 others coming from NYC Kamal krsnalotus , Cheryl, 2 spaces in car coming from NJ/NYC Mike rocktheshow with 2 spaces in car coming from PA, thru NYC if need be Wylier18 (maybe with a van with 4 spaces) coming from NYC Andy psychotropc from Baltimore Scott Abbot! sda at abbsattmedia from PA Jeff We still need more people! At the house this Friday thru Saturday night - the last weekend we have the house - there are 11 spaces in cars. Everyone is welcome to come up (see attached) Paul neural at prodigy has space for 3 others coming from NYC Kamal krsnalotus , Cheryl, 2 spaces in car coming from NJ/NYC Mike rocktheshow with 2 spaces in car coming from PA, thru NYC if need be Wylier18 (maybe with a van with 4 spaces) coming from NYC Andy psychotropc from Baltimore Scott Abbot! sda at abbsattmedia from PA Jeff We still need more people! Date: Thu, 14 Mar 2002 15:35:15 EST Subject: Fwd: Records + Vestax mixer for sale To: safetydance From: Machinelf Date: Sat, 23 Mar 2002 17:15:27 EST Subject: directions to 23 windowz tonight. $3 NonstOp To: GothicWiggerBoy , AirCRaSh2000 , DJCanDeeFlip , Symmetry33 , VirusZ , machinatimembers at egroups, NYCareaOUTLAWS, :SafetyDance From: sonikzolution soundsystemclash!! .Havoc.renegadevirus Tonight M23.23.23.2003 --> DIRECTIONS to the 23 windows, nEW yORK cITY: ***see website for a map JMZ to Mrytle- exit turnstyles- go down the stairs to your right, at street level take a left on broadway, 3 blocks then a right onto belvidere, last building on your left #41 L to montrose- exit subway (you will be on the corner of bushwick and montrose)- walk down hill on bushwick ave. the road will turn and vear to the left. when you arrive at flushing (see the stop and go gas station at the corner) turn right, 2 blocks and turn left onto beaver, 5 blocks turn right onto belvidere, 1st door on your right #41 G to Broadway when above ground and get your bearings-- and walk away from manhattan in the direction of flushing--- pass the big hospital and flushing ave-- about 7 blocks later, after you pass locust st, take a left onto belvidere- last building on your left #41 its easy by any bus that runs up and down broadwaalso- we are in between flushing and myrtle (4 blocks to the flushing side of myrtle) by independently moving transit from points west: williamsbug bridge- take the first exit when in Brooklyn, at the light take a left onto Broadway, approx. 1 mile down broadway- (look out for the big hospital on the corner of flushing) turn left on flushing, take your first right onto Beaver- go up about 6 blocks, after locust street turn right onto Belvidere- we are the first door on the right- big red brick building And if ya PaNIk a quarter can save ya 212 726 0631 718 404 3906 EXT 6665 FoodStampz Al:i http://www.renegadevirus.9f LIVING ON THE EDGE!!!!!! virusPanikLine: (718) 404-3906 x6665 NLNANTNE soundsystemclash!! .Havoc.renegadevirus Tonight M23.23.23.2003 --> DIRECTIONS to the 23 windows, nEW yORK cITY: ***see website for a map JMZ to Mrytle- exit turnstyles- go down the stairs to your right, at street level take a left on broadway, 3 blocks then a right onto belvidere, last building on your left #41 L to montrose- exit subway (you will be on the corner of bushwick and montrose)- walk down hill on bushwick ave. the road will turn and vear to the left. when you arrive at flushing (see the stop and go gas station at the corner) turn right, 2 blocks and turn left onto beaver, 5 blocks turn right onto belvidere, 1st door on your right #41 G to Broadway when above ground and get your bearings-- and walk away from manhattan in the direction of flushing--- pass the big hospital and flushing ave-- about 7 blocks later, after you pass locust st, take a left onto belvidere- last building on your left #41 its easy by any bus that runs up and down broadwaalso- we are in between flushing and myrtle (4 blocks to the flushing side of myrtle) by independently moving transit from points west: williamsbug bridge- take the first exit when in Brooklyn, at the light take a left onto Broadway, approx. 1 mile down broadway- (look out for the big hospital on the corner of flushing) turn left on flushing, take your first right onto Beaver- go up about 6 blocks, after locust street turn right onto Belvidere- we are the first door on the right- big red brick building And if ya PaNIk a quarter can save ya 212 726 0631 718 404 3906 EXT 6665 FoodStampz Al:i http://www.renegadevirus.9f LIVING ON THE EDGE!!!!!! virusPanikLine: (718) 404-3906 x6665 NLNANTNE Date: Fri, 29 Mar 2002 15:59:47 EST Subject: Fwd: My Birthday Event at Saci, Monday April 1st To: personalbest Cc: safetydance From: Machinelf Dave is an old old friend and owns a house music label - see ya'll there! And it's no April Fools joke eeder! Dave is an old old friend and owns a house music label - see ya'll there! And it's no April Fools joke eeder! Subject: Autonomous Festival for Freedom in Woomera, Australia To:, , From: Yvonne (Sorry if you have seen these articles before.) Woomera is a remote town, 500 kms from Adelaide (Australia). It is the home of a huge detention cent er where over 650 people seeking asylum from Afghanistan, Iraq, South Asia, etc. are detained; women, families and children. Over 50 children detaine d are without parents. In January, the detainees organized a hunger strike where many sewed their mouths shut, or impaled themselves on the metal bar bed wire that surrounds the jail. Starting yesterday, a festival of free dom started at the perimeter of the camp. See the call to action here: htt p://www.woomera2002 /calltoaction.php3 Yesterday, riots broke out at th e jail. A dozen detainees had a brief moment of freedom. - see pictures f rom the BBC 000/1900482.s tm - article from The Guardian ldlatest/story/0,1280,-1621729,00.html - updated news from Melbourne's Ind ymedia Today, March 30th is the global day of solidarity -- March 30th Of course you can show your solidarity a t any time; but we envisage that as the protests in Woomera gather by the 2 9th, the authorities might well respond severely to protesters, including t hose inside the internment camp - as they have done time and again when tho se behind the razor-wire have called for freedom - including with tear-gas, water-cannon and beatings. Above all, we would ask you to respond to this. Here are some suggestions of things you can do: - Send faxes to the Austr alian Government and Opposition - the policy of mandatory and extrajudicial internment is a bi-partisan one. See below for fax and emails. - Make a n oise in front of the Australian embassy or consulate near you. - Organise protest at one of the other detention centres in Australia: Maribyrnong, Vi llawood, Port Hedland, Curtin and Perth. Or create some direct action at a detainment centre, department office or estate near you. - Protests for th e rights and freedom of sans papier everywhere. The Australian Government h as established offshore internment camps in the Asia-Pacific, and there are also a number of detention centres in Europe and the USA. - Participate o nline in woomera2002 - details on how to do this will be up shortly on http ://www.woomera2002 / - Get involved in noborder actions near you, or ge t them going. See and http://antimedia/xborder/ for links to numerous noborder groups and events around the world. - Help us o ut with funds and/or skills. See the woomera2002 website. There are specifi c actions and events listed at the woomera2002 website which you might also like to support. http://woomera2002 email: infodesk at woomera2002 3D3D3D3D3D3D3D3D3D3D3D3D3D3D3D3D3D3D3D Fax numbers and e mail addresses: Prime Minister, John Howard Fax: +61 26273 4100 Or submit an email at: Leader of the Opposition, Simon Crean Fax: +61 26277 2307 Email: at Minister for Immigration, Philip Ruddock Fax: +61 26273 4144 Or, submit an email at: Shadow Mini ster for Immigration, Julia Gillard Fax: +61 26277 8457 Email: julia.gillar at Regular mail address for all politicians: Parliament House , Canberra 2006 Australia -- Yvonne + yvonne at riseup + http:/ / + vox: 646 321 5710 "Unfortunately, we have been br ought up on parlor games, where the participants discuss whether or not the y are 'for' or 'against' violence. Can you picture a similar discussion on whether we are for or against disease? Violence, class struggle, and disea se are all real. Those who deny the reality of violence and class struggle - like those who deny the reality of disease - are not dealing with the re al world." -- BlasE9 Bonpane Guerillas for Peace (1985) Date: Mon, 1 Apr 2002 04:55:02 EST Subject: In case you missed this the first time To: safetydance From: Machinelf (Sorry if the emails are being sent out multiple times - AOL was acting fun ny) Dear friends & family & acquaintances, I am forced to take this matt er public, as it continues to affect me. Almost eight months ago the DMT g enerator turned up missing. Initially we supposed some bike theives took it, but the kryptonite lock was found unlocked in the mess on the floor several months later. There were only two keys to it, one in my possessio n and one in another list moderator's, who was last seen in the middle of locking it up it. This person accused me of stealing it, and continues to do so. I agree to undergo a professional polygraph to clear my name and a nswer any questions any of you may have concerning the missing generator. I am willing to answer anything, for as long as requested. -If it is foun d I am indeed telling the truth then I demand an apology from anyone who a ccused me of its loss. Even if they do not offer an apology, or agree to be accountable for the generator replacement, this matter should be consid ered case closed, I will be content to go on with my life. In any case, I will hold no grudges, and will continue to support everyone who makes tra nce happen. And I will raise money for a new generator and for Mark shoul d he agree to be tested (see below) -If it is found that I am lying - that I am willing to lie when I swear on my grandmothers' graves - that I had ANYTHING to do with the generator's loss, then I will: admit I am a lying scumbag thief, will personally owe the cost of the test; replace the gene rator; publicly apologize to mark and everyone via brainmachines, psy-tran ce and on my web site on the home page and in person if need be; delete the dmtny list, and agree to be excommunicated if needed from the dmt neve r ever to return! I will never harp on this again. I will be out of you r hair, but will be forever shamed by the treachery! -Put yourself in my s hoes. If you were wrongfully accused publicly or no then you would DESERV E a chance to clear your name. This is no popularity contest, this is a d etermination of slander and character assassination. I have been through a rough personal patch with the police etc. but my word, ethics, and goodw ill are and have always been solid. I've never been afraid to admit if I fucked up somewhere. Almost all of you know that - but I want to set the record straight. That's all I ask. After all we have been through you owe me that much. Forget money or speakers or generators, without trustwo rthiness we have nothing. -If my accuser(s) are not willing to come forwa rd and put this to the test, then their reluctance should speak for itself . I personally don't think they have the balls. And it has to be a profe ssional reputable polygraph, not a cheap Radio Shack kit! "Advocates o f the polygraph, among them the American Polygraph Association, say that e xperienced testers can see through these efforts [to beat the polygraph], however, and that polygraphs E28094 while not foolproof E28094 are a useful tool for authorities." I am pretty certain that a good test has a very low margin of error and will be difficult to fake. Unfortuna tely I do not have the funds right now, and even if I did and underwent a polygraph myself then the results would be suspect. But if anyone is wi lling to chip in for the test, I am so there and this matter can be cleare d and the real liar(s) exposed. Maybe Kamal would be a good choice to orga nize this, or even Mark at indole. Will anyone step forward? I should n ot raise money for this, because if I am a liar then I cannotbe trusted wi th money. There should be at least two witnesses, and that the results be made available to everyone in the dmt. Mark can be free to take a polygr aph too if he so desires, in which case I would like him to answer the que stion of whether he is 100% sure that he left the key in the lock when loc king the lock together and then turned it clockwise. Fair enough? It s hould be. Financially feasible? It's up to you. Thank you, and looking f orward to it, Jeff "I am not a crook" W Some Polygraph Links http: //www.polygraphplace / I am also willing to do a brain scan lie detectio n (the cost would be pretty high though) http://www.courttv /news/featu (Sorry if the emails are being sent out multiple times - AOL was acting funny) Dear friend s & family & acquaintances, I am forced to take this matt er public, as it continues to affect me. Almost eight months ago t he DMT generator turned up missing. Initially we supposed some bike t heives took it, but the kryptonite lock was found unlocked in t he mess on the floor several months later. There were only two keys t o it, one in my possession and one in another list moderator's, who was las t seen in the middle of locking it up it. This person accused me of s tealing it, and continues to do so. I agree to undergo a professio nal polygraph to clear my name and answer any questions any of you may have concerning the missing generator. I am willing to answer anything , for as long as requested. -If it is found I am indeed telling th e truth then I demand an apology from anyone who accused me of its loss. Even if they do not offer an apology, or agree to be accountable for th e generator replacement, this matter should be considered case closed, I wi ll be content to go on with my life. In any case, I will hold no grud ges, and will continue to support everyone who makes trance happen. A nd I will raise money for a new generator and for Mark should he agree to b e tested (see below) -If it is found that I am lying - that I am w illing to lie when I swear on my grandmothers' graves - that I had ANYTHING to do with the generator's loss, then I will: admit I am a lying scumb ag thief, will personally owe the cost of the test; replace the g enerator; publicly apologize to mark and everyone via brainmachines, p sy-trance and on my web site on the home page and in person if need b e; delete the dmtny list, and agree to be excommunicated if neede d from the dmt never ever to return! I will never harp on this a gain. I will be out of your hair, but will be forever shamed by the treachery! -Put yourself in my shoes. If you were wrongf ully accused publicly or no then you would DESERVE a chance to clear your n ame. This is no popularity contest, this is a determination of slande r and character assassination. I have been through a rough personal p atch with the police etc. but my word, ethics, and goodwill are and have al ways been solid. I've never been afraid to admit if I fucked up somew here. Almost all of you know that - but I want to set the record stra ight. That's all I ask. After all we have been through you owe me that much. Forget money or speakers or generators, without trustworthiness we have nothing. -If my accuser(s) are n ot willing to come forward and put this to the test, then their reluctance should speak for itself. I personally don't think they have the balls . And it has to be a professional reputable polygraph, not a cheap Radio Shack kit! "Advocates of the polygraph, among them the American Polygraph Association, say that experienced testers can s ee through these efforts [to beat the polygraph], however, and that polygra phs E28094 while not foolproof E28094 are a useful tool for authoriti es." I am pretty certain that a good test has a very low ma rgin of error and will be difficult to fake. Unfortunately I do not have the funds right now, and even if I did and underwent a polygraph myself then the results would be suspect. But if anyone is willing to chip in for the test, I am so there and this matter can be clear ed and the real liar(s) exposed. Maybe Kamal would be a good choic e to organize this, or even Mark at indole. Will anyone step forward ? I should not raise money for this, because if I am a liar then I ca nnotbe trusted with money. There should be at least two witnesses, an d that the results be made available to everyone in the dmt. Mark can be free to take a polygraph too if he so desires, in which case I would li ke him to answer the question of whether he is 100% sure that he left the k ey in the lock when locking the lock together and then turned it clockwise. Fair enough? It should be. Financially fe asible? It's up to you. Thank you, and looking forward to it, Jeff "I am not a crook" W Some Polygraph Links http://www.polygraphplace / I am also willing to do a brain scan li e detection (the cost would be pretty high though) http://www.courttv.c Date: Mon, 01 Apr 2002 14:16:54 To: SafetyDance Subject: Passports stolen at Synthetic Sadhus PartFrom: "phadrus604profile" dear friends, What was otherwise an incredible party turned to a complete disaster for me and my friend, because someone at the party stole my bag which had our passports and some other stuff including my cellphone. I know its probably pretty stupid of us to have carried our passports in the first place, but we`re Indian citizens and do not have any other form of identification so did not really have a choice in the matter. The bag was a red and black north face that was left on top of the speakers next to the dj stand at the amazura. If anyone saw it or can help, please do so by contacting me at either ct401 at stern.nyu . The person who stole it apparently lives in Coney island. We dont care about who this person is, and are not interested in making a case or even filing a report. As long as he would be honest about it and return our passports, we are really not concerned about what he would do with the rest of his life. We did manage to speak to the culprit from my cellphone, and tried all of last evening to convince him to return at least the passports to us. He did seem to agree for a while, but mysteriously disappeared after some time. Additionally, he said that since we`re Indian, we blew up the world trade center, and asked for $1000 to return the passports. This is completely wrong, because the whole point of these psytrance gatherings is precisely to get away from these divisions and boundaries and all of that shit. Obviously, what happened at the world trade center is terrible, but we all must understand that it does not make Indians or even Afghanis terrible people. Wat is far more important to realise than the fact that AMERICAN human lives were lost there and an attack was made on America is the fact that HUMAN LIVES irrespective of which nation they were from were lost there and an attack was made on humanity. I think most of you people can understand this fact, and for those who cannot, I have absolutely nothing against you and all I can do is hope that better sense does prevail in you one day. Many of you have been to Goa in India, and know what that means for you. The whole scene is about that, its about being happy and not having to worry, and being able to love and enjoy your life, and trust and have a good time with the people around you. And to a small extent, it is also about being sure that you can leave your bag at one of these parties and not have it stolen. This was not Paul Van Dyk or some other commercial bullshit that we all came for on friday, this is a psytrance party and it is there for a reason. Shiva Love, light and peace is just not an empty phrase, nor is Peace, love, unity and respect. If you do not believe in these things, and if you think that Americans are somehow different from Indians and it is necessary for you to take your frustrations out on a bunch of international students, then please do not come for these parties, you have absolutely no place in an event like this. I really thank you if you have taken the time to read this, and/or if you can help out by giving us some info on who might have taken the bag. thanks, CT Subject: Re: [SafetyDance] Passports stolen at Synthetic Sadhus PartTo: phadrus604profile, SafetyDance From: Tamara Hummel CT, I just wanted to let you know that my bag was also stolen at synthetic this friday along with my house keys. I realize that its not nearly as bad as your passports. It truly saddens me to think that people could stoop so low and be so ignorant as to what is really going on in the world today concerning Sept 11th. I wish you all the luck in the world in getting your passports back from this horrible person. The only consolation that I can offer to you is that karma has a way of paying back those who do bad things to others. However, if this person persists in you paying him $1000 bucks for the return of the passports, perhaps you should file a report with the police?! Love and peace Tamara --- phadrus604profile wrote: > dear friends, > What was otherwise an incredible party turned to a > complete disaster > for me and my friend, because someone at the part> stole my bag which > had our passports and some other stuff including m> cellphone. > I know its probably pretty stupid of us to have > carried our passports > in the first place, but we`re Indian citizens and do > not have any > other form of identification so did not really have > a choice in the > matter. > The bag was a red and black north face that was left > on top of the > speakers next to the dj stand at the amazura. If > anyone saw it or can > help, please do so by contacting me at either > ct401 at stern.nyu . > The person who stole it apparently lives in Cone> island. We dont > care about who this person is, and are not > interested in making a > case or even filing a report. As long as he would be > honest about it > and return our passports, we are really not > concerned about what he > would do with the rest of his life. We did manage to > speak to the > culprit from my cellphone, and tried all of last > evening to convince > him to return at least the passports to us. He did > seem to agree for > a while, but mysteriously disappeared after some > time. Additionally, > he said that since we`re Indian, we blew up the > world trade center, > and asked for $1000 to return the passports. This is > completely > wrong, because the whole point of these psytrance > gatherings is > precisely to get away from these divisions and > boundaries and all of > that shit. Obviously, what happened at the world > trade center is > terrible, but we all must understand that it does > not make Indians or > even Afghanis terrible people. Wat is far more > important to realise > than the fact that AMERICAN human lives were lost > there and an attack > was made on America is the fact that HUMAN LIVES > irrespective of > which nation they were from were lost there and an > attack was made on > humanity. I think most of you people can understand > this fact, and > for those who cannot, I have absolutely nothing > against you and all I > can do is hope that better sense does prevail in you > one day. Many of > you have been to Goa in India, and know what that > means for you. The > whole scene is about that, its about being happy and > not having to > worry, and being able to love and enjoy your life, > and trust and have > a good time with the people around you. And to a > small extent, it is > also about being sure that you can leave your bag at > one of these > parties and not have it stolen. This was not Paul > Van Dyk or some > other commercial bullshit that we all came for on > friday, this is a > psytrance party and it is there for a reason. Shiva > Love, light and > peace is just not an empty phrase, nor is Peace, > love, unity and > respect. If you do not believe in these things, and > if you think that > Americans are somehow different from Indians and it > is necessary for > you to take your frustrations out on a bunch of > international > students, then please do not come for these parties, > you have > absolutely no place in an event like this. > I really thank you if you have taken the time to > read this, and/or if > you can help out by giving us some info on who might > have taken the > bag. > > thanks, > CT > / Date: Tue, 2 Apr 2002 12:07:58 EST Subject: Catch Beyond2002 To: undisclosed-recipients:; From: Panderproduction You have heard the talk about VNC Now you can listen for yourself... to the best Progressive artists since Sasha & Digweed _Valencia&Christopher_ Scheduled times for Beyond2002 Friday April12, SoBe stage 10-11:30PM Saturday April13, Beyond stage 8-9PM Monday April15, TheWomb 11-12 .contact me for bookings, you'll want to be part of the action .I also have so many of you I have had the opportunity and pleasure of working with that I am looking forward to meeting, so be sure to get in touch! .It's going to be an awesome weekend, make your plans to be there! Kell {[o_o]} Kelly Slevin Pander Productions P.O. Box 25903 Sarasota, FL 34277 941.685.1031 panderproduction You have heard the talk about VNC Now you can listen for yourself... to the best Progressive artists since Sasha & Digweed _Valencia&Christopher_ Scheduled times for Beyond2002 Friday April12, SoBe stage 10-11:30PM Saturday April13, Beyond stage 8-9PM Monday April15, TheWomb 11-12 .contact me for bookings, you'll want to be part of the action .I also have so many of you I have had the opportunity and pleasure of working with that I am looking forward to meeting, so be sure to get in touch! .It's going to be an awesome weekend, make your plans to be there! Kell {[o_o]} Kelly Slevin Pander Productions P.O. Box 25903 Sarasota, FL 34277 941.685.1031 panderproduction To: Subject: Re: [SafetyDance] Passports stolen at Synthetic Sadhus PartFrom: "alex at artvant-garde" my sell phone was stolen there also, and the guy had a nerve to call mvoice mail and leave 20 minutes messages from the party (so I can listen to my spiritual trance ), and after I called my number the next day I was also called "mother fu**r" and the phone was never returned to me, the only thing can be done about it is to trace the numbers he called from your phones and maybe ask police to do somthing ( I am not sure if they are capable in actually doing somthing) but at least we can try... he called every possible state from my phone ... if any of you, victims will go to the police to report it send me a note and will join you, it could be that all this low crime in done by the same person... p.s. I decided not to attend synthetic sudhus parties any longer, I went to their first parties at marks ball room..., and ... the last time at amazura( what a shit hole) I had to look inside first to make sure I came to the right party because 90% of the crowd in the line didn't even look like happy trancers... plus I had to many unpleasant experiences in amazura ( with bouncers or neighborhood) since their first party there ... anyway.... Sasha ----- Original Message ----- From: "phadrus604profile" To: Sent: Monday, April 01, 2002 9:16 AM Subject: [SafetyDance] Passports stolen at Synthetic Sadhus Part > dear friends, > What was otherwise an incredible party turned to a complete disaster > for me and my friend, because someone at the party stole my bag which > had our passports and some other stuff including my cellphone. > I know its probably pretty stupid of us to have carried our passports > in the first place, but we`re Indian citizens and do not have an> other form of identification so did not really have a choice in the > matter. > The bag was a red and black north face that was left on top of the > speakers next to the dj stand at the amazura. If anyone saw it or can > help, please do so by contacting me at either ct401 at stern.nyu . > The person who stole it apparently lives in Coney island. We dont > care about who this person is, and are not interested in making a > case or even filing a report. As long as he would be honest about it > and return our passports, we are really not concerned about what he > would do with the rest of his life. We did manage to speak to the > culprit from my cellphone, and tried all of last evening to convince > him to return at least the passports to us. He did seem to agree for > a while, but mysteriously disappeared after some time. Additionally, > he said that since we`re Indian, we blew up the world trade center, > and asked for $1000 to return the passports. This is completel> wrong, because the whole point of these psytrance gatherings is > precisely to get away from these divisions and boundaries and all of > that shit. Obviously, what happened at the world trade center is > terrible, but we all must understand that it does not make Indians or > even Afghanis terrible people. Wat is far more important to realise > than the fact that AMERICAN human lives were lost there and an attack > was made on America is the fact that HUMAN LIVES irrespective of > which nation they were from were lost there and an attack was made on > humanity. I think most of you people can understand this fact, and > for those who cannot, I have absolutely nothing against you and all I > can do is hope that better sense does prevail in you one day. Many of > you have been to Goa in India, and know what that means for you. The > whole scene is about that, its about being happy and not having to > worry, and being able to love and enjoy your life, and trust and have > a good time with the people around you. And to a small extent, it is > also about being sure that you can leave your bag at one of these > parties and not have it stolen. This was not Paul Van Dyk or some > other commercial bullshit that we all came for on friday, this is a > psytrance party and it is there for a reason. Shiva Love, light and > peace is just not an empty phrase, nor is Peace, love, unity and > respect. If you do not believe in these things, and if you think that > Americans are somehow different from Indians and it is necessary for > you to take your frustrations out on a bunch of international > students, then please do not come for these parties, you have > absolutely no place in an event like this. > I really thank you if you have taken the time to read this, and/or if > you can help out by giving us some info on who might have taken the > bag. > > thanks, > CT > > This is a big friends and family list for psychedelic trance in New York. Primarily we promote private parties that are too intimate for the larger brainmachines list. If you know of jobs available, or rooms for rent, send them over, everyone here is good at safetydance . > > Feel free to have your friends join by sending an email to SafetyDance-subscribe . > > To become more involved with making actual events happen you should join the New York chapter of the Devotional Ministry of Trance, DMTNY by going to paypal, registering, and sending $35 to Machine Elf, machinelf at brainmachines . > To: "alex at artvant-garde" Cc: Subject: Re: [SafetyDance] Passports stolen at Synthetic Sadhus PartFrom: danah boyd On Tue, 2 Apr 2002, alex at artvant-garde wrote: > p.s. I decided not to attend synthetic sudhus parties any longer, I went > to their first parties at marks ball room..., and ... the last time at > amazura( what a shit hole) I had to look inside first to make sure I came to > the right party because 90% of the crowd in the line didn't even look like > happy trancers... I have to echo Sasha's concerns about lack of happy trancers at Synthetic Sadhus parties... Since i don't carry anything in with me, i've never had anything stolen at the club (although my car....), but i cringe at the idea of going back to their parties because every time i do attend, i get unwantingly groped, grinded or made to feel utterly gross. I'm used to happy trancer environments where i'm more than welcome to come in my big baggy pants and tank top and dance until i can't dance no more without the assumption that i've come to get picked up. Unfortunately, that's not the environment i've experienced at those parties where i have to go out of mway to dress boringly and dance stiffly and make certain that i'm always with my crew. Yuck. I guess i just want an open environment that's not simply a pick-up joint that appears to be full of thieves. That's why i decided to stop going... danah Date: Tue, 2 Apr 2002 16:57:47 EST Subject: Let's get the record straight re: parties To: yahoo.z3z at, alex at artvant-garde Cc: SafetyDance From: Machinelf if you want vibe and all that spectra and omnitribe and burning elf and dmt are the way to go. smaller better in that regard. the problem is, there's just not enough core trance people to go around, esp. with all the sheet going on in israel now. the economy sucks and people can't afford to go out. Sometimes I feel like most people I know are unemployed. I still can't figure if it's because they're trance people, either... SS and Tsunami have the best big name djs and SS has by far the best art and decor ever. But large parties attract a general crowd. As you go Above Ground you dilute your vibe somewhat, it's inevitable. if you are a newcomer it's harder because you can't find a nice crowd of friends. Tsunami has had its ups and downs. SS seems to have a nice trance mafia all around. The irony is that more ravers go to Amazura. SS gets more clubby people, esp as it's at the Amazura. Although some people refuse to go there. my favorite all time place is Amazura. The Amazura has always had problems with theft; i'm sure it's the same people. There are also raves thrown at Amazura. Probably the same who were smoking angel dust. We are finding out that venue has a big influence on vibe. Tsunami at Vinyl are always standing room only. SS at Marc Ballroom was always hot crowded but wonderful. Tsunami at Shelter is comfortable but somewhat sparse. SS at Amazura is spacious, beautiful, and a little PUBLIC, like a shopping mall taking over by a psychedelic Santa aided by his elves.. Ho Ho Ho. ...And an evil Santa with a big bag of your toys, walking out the door. So lock your shit up and enjoy the music! To: SafetyDance Bcc: Subject: Re: [SafetyDance] Passports stolen at Synthetic Sadhus PartDate: Tue, 02 Apr 2002 22:46:17 From: "Infect B" >I have to echo Sasha's concerns about lack of happy trancers at >Synthetic >Sadhus parties... wow i must B living in a dream world... i thought friday's SS party was awesome, i didnt have any problem finding happy peeps to dance with. >I'm used to happy trancer environments where i'm more than welcome to >come >in my big baggy pants and tank top and dance until i can't dance >no more the only time i've felt a tingle of negativity was when i came in costume... but when it all comes down, i really dont give a f- what other peeps think about me. i often go to these parties alone. friday's SS party was my 6th SS event and i had a blast, found plenty of peeps to share my dance w/ and no one was stopping me from having the time of my life (not even me)! >without the assumption that i've come to get picked up. then again im probably not experiencing the same problems as you because i have a penis (i know it's a world of difference). just an fyi i dont go to these parties to pick up girls (that was never an objective). i go to dance and hear the music that reflects my attitude: f- crazy. im sorry that peeps are getting discouraged. (going back into lurker mode) B _ Join the worlds largest e-mail service with MSN Hotmail. Date: Wed, 3 Apr 2002 02:53:57 EST Subject: Fwd: [omnitribe] update - party April 12th SON KITE party moved To: safetydance From: Machinelf Great venue, read on Great venue, read on To: Machinelf Cc: safetydance, mark at indole Subject: Re: [SafetyDance] Fwd: [omnitribe] update - party April 12th SON KITE party moved From: "A. Visosky" Hey, a trance party in my neighborhood, yippee Could you forward my contact info to the omnitribe crew, I'd like to offer my visual services "gratis" (or is it non gratis? free,duh)for this event. Thanx - mojo > Party on April 12 has been moved to Brooklyn. > > Sorry to brake the flow, but police busted the venue > at 114 West 26th street pasted weekend and the owner > canceled our party. With that sad news we had to find > another location as fast as possible, so we booked > FUN-O-RAMA 608 Neptune Avenue, Brooklyn, NY. > > Please spread the news... > > Directions and updated flyer to be posted later. > Hey, a trance party in my neighborhood, yippee Could you forward my contact info to the omnitribe crew, I'd like to offer my visual services "gratis" (or is it non gratis? free,duh)for this event. Thanx - mojo Party on April 12 has been moved to Brooklyn. Sorry to brake the flow, but police busted the venue at 114 West 26th street pasted weekend and the owner canceled our party. With that sad news we had to find another location as fast as possible, so we booked FUN-O-RAMA 608 Neptune Avenue, Brooklyn, NY. Please spread the news... Directions and updated flyer to be posted later. Date: Thu, 4 Apr 2002 13:30:42 EST Subject: Fwd: Vor-Tech first ever Underground Unification Project: Universus Gens May... To: safetydance From: Machinelf Date: Thu, 4 Apr 2002 15:14:11 EST Subject: Ayahuasca To: safetydance From: Machinelf We're doing an ayahuasca ceremony in May upstate. If you are interested send an email to shamanistas >From "I went at a terrific speed. I came to a strange street. I only saw one side of it. It was an interminable row of two- or three-storied houses with pointed roofs and wooden beams, in the style of medieval houses or English country houses. I suddenly saw a man running. ire was a messenger. I had to slow down and placed myself next to him. That is, next to his face, since in this dream only my soul participated. My soul is a sphere of some 7 cm. in diameter, pure energy, and it rotates on itself at such enormous speed that it would be the same if it didn't. It can displace itself in any direction at the speed it wishes. My soul sees, hears, thinks; it perceives odors, I believe, but has no sense of touch for the simple reason that it repels matter. We must in the first place take notice that this is a dream of fantasy of her "soul," and this awareness of an entity which is regarded as a soul as distinct from the body is seen with the same explicitness in other experiences too. Consider the following de- scription by a al-year-old Chilean journalist: I was going farther and farther away from myself. I was real- izing that my body and my mind were such autonomous forces that if they had ever converged in me it seemed pure chance. What during my entire lifetime I had sensed like mingled con- fusion now appeared to be divided in three precise domains: outside lay the world, people, buildings and noises (for which I cared less and less); closer, as a boundary, stood my organism, with those hands, that mouth and its laugh, now commanded by itself; inside, at last, in the innermost and recondite, warmly floating in the skin that was always with me, was I. That is, my mind. I remember a Negro woman I saw from above ... I saw her from a distance of some 3 meters and then approached her further, from her right side. She carried a purple parasol of a very bright, almost luminous color, like a sea anemone, like em- broidery, and would twist it around its axis so that it unfolded like loose chiffon or in the form of an aurora borealis, and she laughed with a coarse and vulgar laugh. Susannah!?! More links www.brainmachines /dmtv.html www.ayahuasca www.ayahuasca-wasi / We're doing an ayahuasca ceremony in May upstate. If you are interested send an email to shamanistas From "I went at a terrific speed. I came to a strange street. I only saw one side of it. It was an interminable row of two- or three-storied houses with pointed roofs and wooden beams, in the style of medieval houses or English country houses. I suddenly saw a man running. ire was a messenger. I had to slow down and placed myself next to him. That is, next to his face, since in this dream only my soul participated. My soul is a sphere of some 7 cm. in diameter, pure energy, and it rotates on itself at such enormous speed that it would be the same if it didn't. It can displace itself in any direction at the speed it wishes. My soul sees, hears, thinks; it perceives odors, I believe, but has no sense of touch for the simple reason that it repels matter. We must in the first place take notice that this is a dream of fantasy of her "soul," and this awareness of an entity which is regarded as a soul as distinct from the body is seen with the same explicitness in other experiences too. Consider the following de- scription by a al-year-old Chilean journalist: I was going farther and farther away from myself. I was real- izing that my body and my mind were such autonomous forces that if they had ever converged in me it seemed pure chance. What during my entire lifetime I had sensed like mingled con- fusion now appeared to be divided in three precise domains: outside lay the world, people, buildings and noises (for which I cared less and less); closer, as a boundary, stood my organism, with those hands, that mouth and its laugh, now commanded by itself; inside, at last, in the innermost and recondite, warmly floating in the skin that was always with me, was I. That is, my mind. I remember a Negro woman I saw from above ... I saw her from a distance of some 3 meters and then approached her further, from her right side. She carried a purple parasol of a very bright, almost luminous color, like a sea anemone, like em- broidery, and would twist it around its axis so that it unfolded like loose chiffon or in the form of an aurora borealis, and she laughed with a coarse and vulgar laugh. Susannah!?! More links www.brainmachines /dmtv.html www.ayahuasca www.ayahuasca-wasi / Date: Thu, 4 Apr 2002 16:01:41 EST Subject: Correct subscribing address to shamanistas To: safetydance From: Machinelf send email to shamanistas-subscribe sorry! send email to shamanistas-subscribe sorry! Date: Thu, 04 Apr 2002 23:59:10 To: SafetyDance Subject: Greetings from the Emerald ISle From: "goakat" Hello everyone Kate here just to say hi! and let ye know all is well over here in the land of greens and goblins. Working away and promoting psytrance til I'm blue in the face. It's all good, its all VERY good. THe weather is improving so it will soon be time to hit the fields, lakes and beaches. Mmmmmmm I smell a very good time coming along. Anyway I'm trying to make out a rough plan off what to do for the summer and have a question for ye. Is anyone planning on attending any of the European festivals this year? If so I would love to start to make plans on meeting up again. I miss ye all so very very much. It's just not the same dancing about and not seeing yer wonderful faces, your wonderful dances and yer wonderful playing!!!! A summer reunion would be brilliant!! Let me know. Thanks and keep up the spirit and the good work. Slan agus Beannacht Kate (the Irish chick or DJ Bandia or whatever ye might remember me as!!! ;oD) xxxxxx Fri, 05 Apr 2002 06:35:13 Bcc: Subject: Cherry Input Jam Date: Fri, 05 Apr 2002 06:35:13 From: "Jacob Sabat" 2-5 pm | 4/7 & 21 | 1st & 3rd SUN | free Cherry Input Jam Liz 713-0650 rejecting complacency & embracing freedom & creativit bring instruments & dance MOVEMENT SALON on 3 ave, bet 17-18 st 420-7242 When thought is not, experiencing is...Jacob 917-405-0864 Take a 1 hour experiential journey to the NOW. _ Send and receive Hotmail on your mobile device: http://mobile.msn Date: Sat, 6 Apr 2002 20:03:14 EST Subject: New member - a Transylvanian trance gypsTo: safetydance From: Machinelf I never normally post new members on a message, but Finally! Transylvanian trance gypsy!! He's the guy with bushy hair in a tail wearing a big whit e pagan smock. It's funny to see him on a PalmPilot. Check out his art, attached. He's gonna do a party sometime with his brother Matthias in an abandoned mining city right of the euro train stop in the deep mountainous woods of transylvania.. >This is DE1vid the transylvanian space gypsy : -) I had a really nice time hanging with you after the SS party. Could you please put me on the safetydance list? I'll be comming to the city next w eekend, so guess I'll see you then at some party. I'll try to make it to t he Dzogchen Teaching on Saturday. Are you comming to that? peace and love Trancemuter the space gypstrancemuter at internalastronauts (David T. D ienes) I never normally post ne w members on a message, but Finally! Transylvanian trance gyps y!! He's the guy with bushy hair in a tail wearing a big white pagan smock. It's funny to see him on a PalmPilot. Check out his art, attached. He's gonna do a party sometime with his brother Matthias i n an abandoned mining city right of the euro train stop in the deep mountai nous woods of transylvania.. >This is DE1vid the translvanian space gypsy :-) I had a really nice time hanging with you after the SS party. Could you please put me on the safetydance list? I'll be comming to the city next weekend, so guess I'll see you then at some party. I'll t ry to make it to the Dzogchen Teaching on Saturday. Are you comming to that ? peace and love Trancemuter the space gypstrancemute r at internalastronauts (David T. Dienes) Date: Sat, 6 Apr 2002 20:24:52 EST Subject: More from the transylvanian gypsTo: safetydance From: Machinelf It's time for some cool projects. I feel some powerful energies converging:-) I'm starting a psychedelic sub-label to Mystic Fire Video called Internal Astronauts. I'll be able to use the MFV infrastucture which is a great help for starting somthing like this. Any input, possible content and help is welcomed. thanks again... D. trancemuter at internalastronauts PS take a look at the http://www.mysticfire and if you are interested in anything there I can hook you up. I recommend the Prophets Conference tapes, some amazing info in there. It's time for some cool projects. I feel some powerful energies converging:-) I'm starting a psychedelic sub-label to Mystic Fire Video called Internal Astronauts. I'll be able to use the MFV infrastucture which is a great help for starting somthing like this. Any input, possible content and help is welcomed. thanks again... D. trancemuter at internalastronauts PS take a look at the http://www.mysticfire and if you are interested in anything there I can hook you up. I recommend the Prophets Conference tapes, some amazing info in there. Date: Mon, 8 Apr 2002 17:32:41 Subject: Fwd: FW: apt for rent $1050 To: safetydance From: Machinelf To: "Infornography for the Masses", Subject: 4/14 Stop the Disappearances! From: "Yvonne" ---> please post and forward widely EXPOSE THE GLOBAL IN THE LOCAL: >STRENGTHENING THE ROOTS OF RESISTANCE > >Mass detentions of Arabs. Anti-immigrant CUNY admissions. Racist policing. >The use of prisons to control political thought and action. The U.S. war on >"terror." > >On April 14, join us from 3 to 8 p.m. (location TBA) as New York and >Canadian activists meet to link issues that have afflicted our city and the >globe before and after 9/11. > >The panels and workshops include activists from DRUM working to expose and >halt illegal INS detentions; the Prison Moratorium Project fighting against >the racist prison industrial complex; CUNY students combating prejudicial >tuition hikes; local labor activists; and the Haitian Coalition working to >eradicate the racist police brutality that terrorizes much of NYC. > >The Northeast Anti-G8 Roadshow & Caravan - which includes members of the >CLAC, anti-war and local activist groups - is traveling from Canada to >outline how the policies of the 'elected' rulers from the G8 - the globe's >controlling capitalist nations - lead to oppressive and imperialist programs >that damage our communities from Astoria to Afghanistan. > >"These heads of state behave like vultures who gather to share stolen >treasures to the detriment of 90 percent of the world's population and to >the total detriment of the environment." > >In response, thousands plan to take to the streets of Ottawa on June 26 and >27, to protest the G8 superpowers who will be meeting in Kananaskis, >Alberta. During the last G8 meeting in Genoa, Italian police murdered Carlo >Giuliani, a young activist, and brutally attacked hundreds of protesters. > >This event is co-sponsored by NYC ACC and NYC DAN. >For more info on the April 14th event call 917-421-3900 ext. 2956 or email >kristenschurr or marklibkuman; for more info on CLAC >call 514-844-1994 or clac at > >Links: >CLAC: >DRUM: >Prison Moratorium Project: >NYC ACC: -- Yvonne + yvonne at riseup + + vox: 646 321 5710 "Unfortunately, we have been brought up on parlor games, where the participants discuss whether or not they are 'for' or 'against' violence. Can you picture a similar discussion on whether we are for or against disease? Violence, class struggle, and disease are all real. Those who deny the reality of violence and class struggle - like those who deny the reality of disease - are not dealing with the real world." -- Blas Bonpane Guerillas for Peace (1985) To: "NYC Dan" Subject: 4/14 EXPOSE THE GLOBAL IN THE LOCAL: G8 Roadshow & Caravan From: "Yvonne" EXPOSE THE GLOBAL IN THE LOCAL: STRENGTHENING THE ROOTS OF RESISTANCE The G8 Roadshow and Caravan Comes to New York City on Sunday, April 14th 2002 At the Walkerspace, 56 Walker Street between Broadway and Church, from 3 to 8 pm. Subway: 1, 9, A, E, C, 4, 5, 6, N, and R trains to Canal Street. Admission is a sliding scale donation, from $5 to 20+. No one will be turned away. Mass detentions of Arabs, Pakistanis and Muslims. Anti-immigrant CUNadmissions. Tuition hikes for undocumented students. Racist policing. The use of prisons to control thought and action. The U.S. war on terror. On April 14th, New York and Canadian activists meet to link issues that have afflicted our city and the world before and after September 11th. The Northeast G8 Roadshow and Caravan is traveling from Canada to outline how the policies of the elected rulers from the G8 the globes controlling capitalist nations lead to oppressive and imperialist programs that damage our communities from Astoria to Afghanistan. New York is the first U.S. appearance of the G8 Roadshow and Caravan, made up of 7 Canadian activists from Alberta, Ottawa, and Montreal, to discuss ways of connecting global issues and local struggles in preparations for the actions surrounding the G8 summit, which will be held simultaneously in Kanaskis and Ottawa this June. The one day conference is sponsored by the New York Direct Action Network and the NYC Anti-Capitalist Convergence. SCHEDULE FOR THE CONFERENCE 3 - 3:50pm - First Panel, Beyond Summit Hopping: Radical CommunitOrganizing and the Roots of Local Struggle. Moderated by Aristone with speakers including Dominic Wetzel of Free CUNY, Thomas Wheatley of Jobs with Justice, Shannon Willmott of Ottawa, etc. 4 - 4:50pm - First Workshop Session, Discussion Group Breakout 1. Public Education at Risk: The Struggle Over Tuition Hikes at CUN(facilitated by Dominic) 2. Police Brutality, the new Police State (facilitated by Fiona Cavanagh of Alberta, Elena from the People's Law Collective, and a WEF defendant) 3. Alternative Communities: Seeds of Hope (facilitated by Deadbolt and Stefan Christoff) 5 - 5:50pm - Second Panel, Structures of World Domination and the Permanent Global Uprising Moderated by Petra with speakers including Bilal El-Amine of Direct Action for Palestine, Subhash Shetty Kateel of DRUM, Andrea Schmidt of Montreal, Jaggi Singh of Montreal, etc. 6 - 6:50pm - Second Workshop Session; Discussion Group Breakout 1. Crisis in Palestine (faciliated by Bilal) 2. The G8, the Neoliberal Agenda, and the Campaigns in Alberta and Ottawa (faciliated by CLAC) 3. Disppearances at Home: INS and Immigrant Detention (facilitated by Jaggi and Subhash of DRUM) 7 - 7:30pm - Open Mike, Closing, Announcements 9 pm - 2 am - Benefit party for Stop the Disappearances!, Emergency Legal and Family Fund STOP THE DISAPPEARANCES! THE OFFICIAL AFTERPARTY FOR THE NORTHEAST ANTI-G8 ROADSHOW & CARAVAN AND BENEFIT FOR THE EMERGENCY FAMILY AND LEGAL FUND BY DRUM FROM 9 PM TO 2 AM Lineup: 9 pm - Lo-Ki, Konkrete Jungle 10 pm - Hungry March Band 11 pm - Kid Lucky & Urban Acapella 12 am - Jason BK, Blackkat 1 am - NicFit, Havoc Sound The proceeds will go towards covering the travel expenses of CLAC from Montreal, Canada; and to the Emergency Family and Legal Fund setup by DRUM to benefit families whose members have been detained by the INS since September 11th. Many detainees are experiencing deteriorating health as they languish in jails simply because they cannot afford bail or bond moneand have no support outside. Others still are in urgent need of funds to help support the families left behind. SPEAKER BIOGRAPHIES THE CANADIANS: Fiona Cavanagh -- Fiona is a student in international education and an activist based in Edmonton, Alberta. She works with The People's Action Network (FTAA), Citizens for Peaceful Communities (police-monitoring), Ecocity, and is involved with local anti-G8 organizing. Stefan Christoff -- Stefan is an activist, musician and artist living in Montreal. He is a member of the Anti-Capitalist Convergence (CLAC) and also an audio activist with CKUT community radio. He has also been active in planning and organizing the Howl Festival of Art & Revolution in Montreal, Toronto, New York City and Halifax. Lisa Freeman -- Lisa is an activist and community organizer who has been involved in supporting people with developmental disabilities in Kitchener-Waterloo and Ottawa where she now lives and works. She has recently been very active in local anti-oppression work, as well as coalition building against the FTAA and G20 in Ottawa. Andra Schmidt -- Andra lives in Montreal, where she is a member of the Anti-Capitalist Convergence (CLAC) and Action montralaise contre la guerre, l'imprialisme et le racisme (AGIR). Andra is also a facilitator with the Montreal Direct Action Workshop. Marika Schwandt-- Marika is an activist and performer based in Edmonton, Alberta, where she is active on many projects including indymedia, communitradio, police monitoring and health care struggles. Marika is organising on many levels to mobilise against the G8. Jaggi Singh -- Jaggi is a writer and activist based in Montreal. He is a member of the Anti-Capitalist Convergence (CLAC), as well as the anti-war group AGIR (Action Against War, Imperialism and Racism). He is also a member of the Alternative Bookshop collective in Montreal. Shannon Willmott -- Shannon is an Ottawa activist. She has been active in local mobilizing against the FTAA and G8, anti-biotech activism, and supporting survivors of sexual violence/women living on the street. Shannon grew up off-reserve on Lake Muskoka with her mixed Ojibwe/Euro-immigrant family. THE NEW YORKERS: Subhash Shetty Kateel DRUM (Desis Rising Up and Moving) is a social justice movement based in the South Asian community in New York; it has been involved in a series of campaigns ranging from popular education, the "Stop the Disappearances" campaign against post-911 detention of immigrants, the CommunitSelf-Defense project against racist attacks, anti-war organizing, among a host of other projects. Bilal El-Amine an editor of Left Turn, Bilal El-Amine is also a participant in Al Awda, the Palestinian Right of Return organization which has conducted numerous campaigns in New York ranging from popular education to marches and street theater, and Direct Action for Palestine. Thomas Wheatle works with Jobs With Justice, New York. Jobs With Justice focuses on workers' rights issues and building alliances between labor and communitgroups. Thomas Wheatley has been involved with the New York Greengrocers' campaign, the creation of a Workers' Rights Board and through it a campaign that lead to reform of the city's abusive Workfare policies, anti-sweatshop and living wage campaigns, and much more Dominic Wetzel is a sociology student at the CUNY Grad Center and has been a longtime organizer with Free CUNY, as well as taking part in campaigns against the FTAA in Quebec City, WEF in New York and other mobilizations. He is currently helping to create a CUNY-wide coalition to combat proposed tuition hikes and other policies which threaten to destroy CUNY's unique status as an open, public universit LINKS Al-Awda, Palestine Right to Return Coalition, CLAC, Anti-Capitalist Convergence in Montreal, Immigration Action Alerts from CHRI, Jobs with Justice, NYC Anti-Capitalist Convergence, The Northeast Anti-G8 Roadshow & Caravan, www.takethecapital/caravans.html Stop the Disappearances! Campaign from DRUM, -- Yvonne + yvonne at riseup + + vox: 646 321 5710 "Unfortunately, we have been brought up on parlor games, where the participants discuss whether or not they are 'for' or 'against' violence. Can you picture a similar discussion on whether we are for or against disease? Violence, class struggle, and disease are all real. Those who deny the reality of violence and class struggle - like those who deny the reality of disease - are not dealing with the real world." -- Blas Bonpane Guerillas for Peace (1985) Date: Sat, 13 Apr 2002 07:01:06 Subject: now To: safetydance From: Machinelf the funo rama is still rocking.. there is talk of an afterparty today in coney island if the weather is good - call someone you know, or maybe even wiley heh heh 917-476-1864. Don't go unless you have confirmation - and don't ask for directions if you don't know where it is (look in the archives at safetydance i'm sure it's there! the funo rama is still rocking.. there is talk of an afterparty today in coney island if the weather is good - call someone you know, or maybe even wiley heh heh 917-476-1864. Don't go unless you have confirmation - and don't ask for directions if you don't know where it is (look in the archives at safetydance i'm sure it's there! Date: Sat, 13 Apr 2002 19:43:38 Subject: Son Kite review/Tsunami preview To: safetydance Cc: brainmachines, dragontribe From: Machinelf Just woke up, Son Kite at Fun-o-Rama was off the hook. Everyone came out of the woodwork for this one, the Tulum Mexico crew, the Philly and Mass and CT crew. Many trancers got lost and twisted in the indoor playground structure set up. This morning I had msgs from Wiley at the nearby outdoor afterparty that they were rocking in the sun and everybody was there. Will someone please buy some paint and paint Wiley's VW van with intelligent psychedelic day glo motifs already? It seriously needs some work! I was alseep all day at me casa with my woman being responshible and all that, having DMT dreams about robotic doll houses with the option of becoming the dolls, Alice in Wonderland style (that happens to your dreams if you've even smoked it just once); besides she has all my music at her house, the schemer. But the party needs of the manyoutweigh the party needs of a few, and by the Utiltarian Spock logic today was mighty efficient. Uh, no idea how Liran's Hommega party at Tribeca Grand Hotel went, let's just say there was a nice contingent of Israelis at Son Kite and we'll leave it at that. Just a reminder for the remainder - Ladies free at Tsuanmi at Shelter tonight before 1am, $10 for guys. No guest list this week. ID 18+ a must, everyone come hear. It was packed last week, I am sure it will be again. Yanni from History of the Future is back again after jamming with Raja Ram in Brazil, if you haven't experienced his hard set, don't miss it! Just woke up, Son Kite at Fun-o-Rama was off the hook. Everyone came out of the woodwork for this one, the Tulum Mexico crew, the Philly and Mass and CT crew. Many trancers got lost and twisted in the indoor playground structure set up. This morning I had msgs from Wiley at the nearby outdoor afterparty that they were rocking in the sun and everybody was there. Will someone please buy some paint and paint Wiley's VW van with intelligent psychedelic day glo motifs already? It seriously needs some work! I was alseep all day at me casa with my woman being responshible and all that, having DMT dreams about robotic doll houses with the option of becoming the dolls, Alice in Wonderland style (that happens to your dreams if you've even smoked it just once); besides she has all my music at her house, the schemer. But the party needs of the manyoutweigh the party needs of a few, and by the Utiltarian Spock logic today was mighty efficient. Uh, no idea how Liran's Hommega party at Tribeca Grand Hotel went, let's just say there was a nice contingent of Israelis at Son Kite and we'll leave it at that. Just a reminder for the remainder - Ladies free at Tsuanmi at Shelter tonight before 1am, $10 for guys. No guest list this week. ID 18+ a must, everyone come hear. It was packed last week, I am sure it will be again. Yanni from History of the Future is back again after jamming with Raja Ram in Brazil, if you haven't experienced his hard set, don't miss it! Date: Mon, 15 Apr 2002 08:56:32 Subject: Lord of the Rings finally a-go go To: safetydance Cc: dmtny, burningelf From: Machinelf As usual, don't fwd out this email thanks... In case you haven't heard, the weekend long outdoor Lord of the Rings themed trance festival is a go. Dress as your favorite Lord of the Rings character. I myself have 3 or 4 different personae lined up for your edification and amusement, including maybe, the Eldar bearer of the 3rd Elven Ring AKA the "Red Ring" (the identity will be revealed Friday), the Hobbit Golfimbul (who invented Golf by hitting a "goblin" so perfectly his head flew off many yards), a Uruk Hai Orc leading a scando heavy metal band (with Metal Mark as backup but need a drummer, Peter Criss is busy), and Sauron himself. You can be.. Galadriel, or Gandalf, or Elrond, Legolas, Aragorn, Boromir, Gimli, Arwen, there are so many choices. Who will be Tom Bombadil? Celebrant? Saruman? Frodo? And who will bear the One True Ring? I know many of you purists or even lightweights never wear costumes and just want to hear trance music. If that's the case, I would like to make you feel as uncomfortable as possible over the course of a weekend. A weekend is a very long time to spend with me when you are not cooperating with the collective psychosis. If you haven't read the books or seen the movie, you have a huge blind spot on your cultural literacy that needs to be remedied!! Keep in mind you have to RSVP, and not to me... Limited to 200 people and spaces are going fast - probably by the time you get this, if you don't check yer email often there will may only a few spaces left.. Lori and Boris are organizing it. Her email is lollygoa . It's the last weekend of May, Memorial Day Weekend i think. There will be a token donation asked for to pay for the land use. Full Moon and all that. In Poughkeepsie. So if you were at Burning Elf last year, you know this is not to be missed. Burning Elf and the Alex Grey Benefit were the two best parties last year, and this one just might top it. Pretty much everything you can imagine goes on, from fire twirling to drumming to art installations to multiple projection to stage acts to, well, you get the idea. Like a bridge DMT party but you got all weekend and it's just with friends. And this time, I'm getting there Friday so as to succor each moment... As usual, don't fwd out this email thanks... In case you haven't heard, the weekend long outdoor Lord of the Rings themed trance festival is a go. Dress as your favorite Lord of the Rings character. I myself have 3 or 4 different personae lined up for your edification and amusement, including maybe, the Eldar bearer of the 3rd Elven Ring AKA the "Red Ring" (the identity will be revealed Friday), the Hobbit Golfimbul (who invented Golf by hitting a "goblin" so perfectly his head flew off many yards), a Uruk Hai Orc leading a scando heavy metal band (with Metal Mark as backup but need a drummer, Peter Criss is busy), and Sauron himself. You can be.. Galadriel, or Gandalf, or Elrond, Legolas, Aragorn, Boromir, Gimli, Arwen, there are so many choices. Who will be Tom Bombadil? Celebrant? Saruman? Frodo? And who will bear the One True Ring? I know many of you purists or even lightweights never wear costumes and just want to hear trance music. If that's the case, I would like to make you feel as uncomfortable as possible over the course of a weekend. A weekend is a very long time to spend with me when you are not cooperating with the collective psychosis. If you haven't read the books or seen the movie, you have a huge blind spot on your cultural literacy that needs to be remedied!! Keep in mind you have to RSVP, and not to me... Limited to 200 people and spaces are going fast - probably by the time you get this, if you don't check yer email often there will may only a few spaces left.. Lori and Boris are organizing it. Her email is lollygoa . It's the last weekend of May, Memorial Day Weekend i think. There will be a token donation asked for to pay for the land use. Full Moon and all that. In Poughkeepsie. So if you were at Burning Elf last year, you know this is not to be missed. Burning Elf and the Alex Grey Benefit were the two best parties last year, and this one just might top it. Pretty much everything you can imagine goes on, from fire twirling to drumming to art installations to multiple projection to stage acts to, well, you get the idea. Like a bridge DMT party but you got all weekend and it's just with friends. And this time, I'm getting there Friday so as to succor each moment... Date: Tue, 16 Apr 2002 01:09:12 Subject: Re: |>/-/- -|- Lord of the Rings finally a-go go To: safetydance From: Machinelf In a message dated 4/15/02 2:37:32 PM Time, trance girl writes: > any suggestions of a simple costume for a woman? I > saw the movie, and i would love to dress up, but i > don't have any good ideas as to who i should come as? trance folk aremost like the elves.. in a pinch wear a toga (sheet) robe or whatever.. and maybe get some elf ears at halloween adventire, the good cheap store i use on i think 10th and bowery (or 4th ave) i am trying to find cheap elf ears by the dozen somewhere. alternatively you can get toy bows and arrows or plastic swords... or ideally get friends from the Society of Creative Anachronisms to come. They have real armor and swords etc. In a message dated 4/15/02 2:37:32 PM Time, trance girl writes: any suggestions of a simple costume for a woman? I saw the movie, and i would love to dress up, but i don't have any good ideas as to who i should come as? trance folk aremost like the elves.. in a pinch wear a toga (sheet) robe or whatever.. and maybe get some elf ears at halloween adventire, the good cheap store i use on i think 10th and bowery (or 4th ave) i am trying to find cheap elf ears by the dozen somewhere. alternatively you can get toy bows and arrows or plastic swords... or ideally get friends from the Society of Creative Anachronisms to come. They have real armor and swords etc. Date: Wed, 17 Apr 2002 00:10:11 Subject: Trance Metal Orcs barking at the Full Moon for LOTR To: trancemetalorcs Cc: dragontribe, safetydance From: Machinelf There is a long tradition of metal Orc bands in Sweden. We hope to continue that tradition for an Orc presence at the Lord of the Rings party next month, mixing it up of course with hard hard trance... Here is are some links - check them out - but not for the faint of heart: If you are interested in participating there is a new planning yahoogroup to join - send an email to trancemetalorcs-subscribe At the VERY least we will have a band lip synching to death metal and S.U.N. Project and some scandotrance with a lead singer/DJ, guitarist (Mark Lorenz) and a drummer (Terry Spacehopper). We need more in our band of killers! Fire twirlers! Torturers! Black shamans! Lady Orcs! Half-Orc Perps! You can also loan us appropriate CDs. We will help you assemble your costume and makeup for a very small cost, which will pay for the accoutrements that will not cost all that much (be ready to pay up you don't want just blackface and a burlap sack!) If you're really ugly in a human way you will be welcomed in our group, as our standards for beauty are opposite that of the humans. (Astrid - YUCK!) It's also be cheaper, as we won't need facial add-ons for you. FUCK THE ELVES!!! >Burzum was a black metal band that appeared circa 1992-97. Varg Vikernes named his band Burzum after one of Tolkien's words for darkness (in the language of Morder, the word Burzum means darkness). He also chose "Count Grishnackh" as his black metal name (after one of the orcs in the Lord of the Rings series). So what if he allegedly burned down three churches in Sweden. So what if he has neo pagan/nazi beliefs. AND SO WHAT if he stabbed and killed his friend and fellow co-producer over a matter of money (which he is serving 21 consecutive years for). I think that his music is awesome, and that he should deserve an honorary cut in the lord of the rings soundtrack. Any thoughts to this? There is a long tradition of metal Orc bands in Sweden. We hope to continue that tradition for an Orc presence at the Lord of the Rings party next month, mixing it up of course with hard hard trance... Here is are some links - check them out - but not for the faint of heart: If you are interested in participating there is a new planning yahoogroup to join - send an email to trancemetalorcs-subscribe At the VERY least we will have a band lip synching to death metal and S.U.N. Project and some scandotrance with a lead singer/DJ, guitarist (Mark Lorenz) and a drummer (Terry Spacehopper). We need more in our band of killers! Fire twirlers! Torturers! Black shamans! Lady Orcs! Half-Orc Perps! You can also loan us appropriate CDs. We will help you assemble your costume and makeup for a very small cost, which will pay for the accoutrements that will not cost all that much (be ready to pay up you don't want just blackface and a burlap sack!) If you're really ugly in a human way you will be welcomed in our group, as our standards for beauty are opposite that of the humans. (Astrid - YUCK!) It's also be cheaper, as we won't need facial add-ons for you. FUCK THE ELVES!!! >Burzum was a black metal band that appeared circa 1992-97. Varg Vikernes named his band Burzum after one of Tolkien's words for darkness (in the language of Morder, the word Burzum means darkness). He also chose "Count Grishnackh" as his black metal name (after one of the orcs in the Lord of the Rings series). So what if he allegedly burned down three churches in Sweden. So what if he has neo pagan/nazi beliefs. AND SO WHAT if he stabbed and killed his friend and fellow co-producer over a matter of money (which he is serving 21 consecutive years for). I think that his music is awesome, and that he should deserve an honorary cut in the lord of the rings soundtrack. Any thoughts to this? Date: Wed, 17 Apr 2002 00:26:24 Subject: More on LOTR gatherings from Wired Oct '01 To: trancemetalorcs Cc: safetydance, dragontribe From: Machinelf Costumed Tolkien gatherings are popular throughout Northern Europe and the former Soviet Union - thousands of Middle-earthers have reenacted episodes from The Silmarillion in the forests outside Moscow, while the repressive government of Kazakstan is now detaining "Tolkienists" alongside hippies, anarchists, and punks. Tolkien gatherings are serious affairs: One elvish feast that Persson attended took months to prepare. The central meal incl uded honeyed bread, mulled wine, roasted boar, blueberry pie, and Psilocyb e Fungi. People shot arrows, danced, and bathed naked in the streams, taking care to remain in character at all times. This meant that participa nts not only removed all references to the modern world (smokers switched to pipes) but abandoned Swedish for their own version of Quenya. The boys from Za FrFBmi enjoy these elvish fetes, but they really get off on plaing orcs. "I like the orcs' cultural way of life," says Persson. "They are crude and primitive but still in some ways more advanced than us." Someti mes dozens of orcs congregate in smaller, more esoteric gatherings, garbed in elaborate costumes featuring la tex, prosthetics, and Orientalist arm or. In addition to mounting raids and practicing their vocabulary words, t he orcs sometimes stage shamanistic rituals around the fire. "Sometimes it' s very difficult to remember it's not really happening," says Persson. "It 's not dangerous in any sense. People would not actually start killing one another. But you can get so deeply in character that you forget yourself. " from http://www.wired /wired/archive/9.10/lotr.html?pg3D1&topic 3D&topic_set3D Costumed Tolkien gatherings are popular throughout Northern Europe and the former Soviet Union - thousands of Middle-earthers have reenacted episodes from The Silmarillion in the forests outsid e Moscow, while the repressive government of Kazakstan is now detaining "To lkienists" alongside hippies, anarchists, and punks. Tolkien gatherings are serious affairs: One elvish feast that Persson attended took months to pre pare. The central meal included honeyed bread, mulled wine, roasted boar, b lueberry pie, and Psilocybe Fungi. People shot arrows, danced, a nd bathed naked in the streams, taking care to remain in character at all t imes. This meant that participants not only removed all references to the m odern world (smokers switched to pipes) but abandoned Swedish for their own version of Quenya. The boys from Za Fr FBmi enjoy these elvish fetes, but they really get off on playing orcs. "I like the orcs' cultural way of life," says Persson. "They are crude and pr imitive but still in some ways more advanced than us." Sometimes dozens of orcs congregate in smaller, more esoteric gatherings, garbed in elaborate c ostumes featuring la tex, prosthetics, and Orientalist armor. In addi tion to mounting raids and practicing their vocabulary words, the orcs some times stage shamanistic rituals around the fire. "Sometimes it's very diffi cult to remember it's not really happening," says Persson. "It's not danger ous in any sense. People would not actually start killing one another. But you can get so deeply in character that you forget yourself." from http://www.wired /wired/archiv e/9.10/lotr.html?pg3D1&topic3D&topic_set3D Date: Wed, 17 Apr 2002 21:33:13 Subject: LOTRRSVP-ing... To: SafetyDance From: LOLLYGOA Hello Hobbitfolk, (just got my roots done and now am properly fluffy-headed... :) thankyou all so much for rsvp-ing in such hefty amounts.....but i didn't ask for them, yet. (i'm absolutely swamped with email, and there's lots else to do) also, we need more inpho than just saying : 'hey, me and a friend are coming' You must be on the burningelf list to get any inphormation. You must be vouched for by someone on the list, you must be 18, and give your 1st and last real names. This is for your protection. once you join the list, you will receive furthur instructions for rsvp-ing. /group/burningelf/ boris thanks you, i thank you, and my roots are breathing a sigh of relief! (burning elf productions) Hello Hobbitfolk, (just got my roots done and now am properly fluffy-headed... :) thankyou all so much for rsvp-ing in such hefty amounts.....but i didn't ask for them, yet. (i'm absolutely swamped with email, and there's lots else to do) also, we need more inpho than just saying : 'hey, me and a friend are coming' You must be on the burningelf list to get any inphormation. You must be vouched for by someone on the list, you must be 18, and give your 1st and last real names. This is for your protection. once you join the list, you will receive furthur instructions for rsvp-ing. /group/burningelf/ boris thanks you, i thank you, and my roots are breathing a sigh of relief! (burning elf productions) To: safetydance Subject: moving circle trick From: Charlie NYC look at me, i am an optical illusion. (open the attachment) ~Charlie Subject: New Proper Hardcore list To: Machinatimembers, safetydance, renegadevirus, NYCareaOUTLAWS From: Joe Vor-Tech For those of you interested, I've started a new list on yahoo groups called... NEProperHardkore I'm told people have been having trouble finding it on yahoogroups but it should be available, it's open to all and in the directory. Anyway it's a list dedicated to the proliferation of "Proper" Hardcore in the North East from Jersey to NYC to LI to CT and farther. In Proper I mean the likes of darkstep, techstep, old skool UK hardcore, Happy hardcore, freeform, trancecore, and old and new skool jungle. Check it out and pass the word. Joe V. / Date: Wed, 17 Apr 2002 12:17:16 Subject: Re: Who will be Tom Bombadil? To: digitalglitter Cc: mark at indole, safetydance From: Machinelf since you asked, mark at indole specifically mentioned some time last year that he would most logically be that troubador of the woods, Tom Bombadil. AFAIK no one else has claimed the persona of he or his mate Goldberry. I now pronouce you virtual man and wife! And don't be discouraged that the characters were unceremoniously omitted from the film! Maybe you could sing some of those songs for us on Friday or Sunday... you'll have to clear that with Lori and Boris! In a message dated 4/17/02 10:36:03 AM Time, digitalglitter writes: > i think i want to go as goldberry. who will go as tom bombadil?? > > --- In SafetyDance at y..., IsmokeDMT at a... wrote: > > As usual, don't fwd out this email thanks... > > > > In case you haven't heard, the weekend long outdoor Lord of the > Rings themed > > trance festival is a go. Dress as your favorite Lord of the Rings > character. > > I myself have 3 or 4 different personae lined up for your > edification and > > amusement, including maybe, the Eldar bearer of the 3rd Elven Ring > AKA the > > "Red Ring" (the identity will be revealed Friday), the Hobbit > Golfimbul (who > > invented Golf by hitting a "goblin" so perfectly his head flew off > many > > yards), a Uruk Hai Orc leading a scando heavy metal band (with > Metal Mark as > > backup but need a drummer, Peter Criss is busy), and Sauron himself. > > > > You can be.. Galadriel, or Gandalf, or Elrond, Legolas, Aragorn, > Boromir, > > Gimli, Arwen, there are so many choices. Who will be Tom > Bombadil? > > Celebrant? Saruman? Frodo? And who will bear the One True Ring? > > > > I know many of you purists or even lightweights never wear costumes > and just > > want to hear trance music. If that's the case, I would like to > make you feel > > as uncomfortable as possible over the course of a weekend. A > weekend is a > > very long time to spend with me when you are not cooperating with > the > > collective psychosis. If you haven't read the books or seen the > movie, you > > have a huge blind spot on your cultural literacy that needs to be > remedied!! > > > > Keep in mind you have to RSVP, and not to me... Limited to 200 > people and > > spaces are going fast - probably by the time you get this, if you > don't check > > yer email often there will may only a few spaces left.. Lori and > Boris are > > organizing it. Her email is lollygoa at a... It's the last weekend > of May, > > Memorial Day Weekend i think. There will be a token donation asked > for to > > pay for the land use. Full Moon and all that. In Poughkeepsie. > > > > So if you were at Burning Elf last year, you know this is not to be > missed. > > Burning Elf and the Alex Grey Benefit were the two best parties > last year, > > and this one just might top it. Pretty much everything you can > imagine goes > > on, from fire twirling to drumming to art installations to multiple > > projection to stage acts to, well, you get the idea. Like a bridge > DMT party > > but you got all weekend and it's just with friends. > > > > And this time, I'm getting there Friday so as to succor each > moment... > since you asked, mark at indole specifically mentioned some time last year that he would most logically be that troubador of the woods, Tom Bombadil. AFAIK no one else has claimed the persona of he or his mate Goldberry. I now pronouce you virtual man and wife! And don't be discouraged that the characters were unceremoniously omitted from the film! Maybe you could sing some of those songs for us on Friday or Sunday... you'll have to clear that with Lori and Boris! In a message dated 4/17/02 10:36:03 AM Time, digitalglitter writes: i think i want to go as goldberry. who will go as tom bombadil?? --- In SafetyDance at y..., IsmokeDMT at a... wrote: > As usual, don't fwd out this email thanks... > > In case you haven't heard, the weekend long outdoor Lord of the Rings themed > trance festival is a go. Dress as your favorite Lord of the Rings character. > I myself have 3 or 4 different personae lined up for your edification and > amusement, including maybe, the Eldar bearer of the 3rd Elven Ring AKA the > "Red Ring" (the identity will be revealed Friday), the Hobbit Golfimbul (who > invented Golf by hitting a "goblin" so perfectly his head flew off many > yards), a Uruk Hai Orc leading a scando heavy metal band (with Metal Mark as > backup but need a drummer, Peter Criss is busy), and Sauron himself. > > You can be.. Galadriel, or Gandalf, or Elrond, Legolas, Aragorn, Boromir, > Gimli, Arwen, there are so many choices. Who will be Tom Bombadil? > Celebrant? Saruman? Frodo? And who will bear the One True Ring? > > I know many of you purists or even lightweights never wear costumes and just > want to hear trance music. If that's the case, I would like to make you feel > as uncomfortable as possible over the course of a weekend. A weekend is a > very long time to spend with me when you are not cooperating with the > collective psychosis. If you haven't read the books or seen the movie, you > have a huge blind spot on your cultural literacy that needs to be remedied!! > > Keep in mind you have to RSVP, and not to me... Limited to 200 people and > spaces are going fast - probably by the time you get this, if you don't check > yer email often there will may only a few spaces left.. Lori and Boris are > organizing it. Her email is lollygoa at a... It's the last weekend of May, > Memorial Day Weekend i think. There will be a token donation asked for to > pay for the land use. Full Moon and all that. In Poughkeepsie. > > So if you were at Burning Elf last year, you know this is not to be missed. > Burning Elf and the Alex Grey Benefit were the two best parties last year, > and this one just might top it. Pretty much everything you can imagine goes > on, from fire twirling to drumming to art installations to multiple > projection to stage acts to, well, you get the idea. Like a bridge DMT party > but you got all weekend and it's just with friends. > > And this time, I'm getting there Friday so as to succor each moment... Date: Thu, 18 Apr 2002 16:03:48 Subject: burning elf mia's To: omnitribe, psy-trance at dewline, SafetyDance From: LOLLYGOA does any body have the correct addresses for these peeps? i thought i had the problem licked, but now their mail is coming back - "not a known aol member" help before i pull out my newly blonde roots! robabdelaciz - This is not a known member. jasondorfman - This is not a known member. jennyfoster - This is not a known member. giovanna - This is not a known member. klaushouz - This is not a known member. joshloring - This is not a known member. crystalmoore - This is not a known member. thanks, lori (your nearly bald list admin) does any body have the correct addresses for these peeps? i thought i had the problem licked, but now their mail is coming back - "not a known aol member" help before i pull out my newly blonde roots! robabdelaciz - This is not a known member. jasondorfman - This is not a known member. jennyfoster - This is not a known member. giovanna - This is not a known member. klaushouz - This is not a known member. joshloring - This is not a known member. crystalmoore - This is not a known member. thanks, lori (your nearly bald list admin) Date: Fri, 19 Apr 2002 04:17:32 Subject: NY Rainbow's April potluck/picnic To: safetydance From: Machinelf Howdy Folks.. Please ignore all previous messages on the upcomng April Potluck/Picnic - it will be this coming Sunday in Central Park. The correct date and time are below. We got our signals crossed on our end. Thanks for understanding and hope there are no incoveniences. This picnic is NOT the 20th annual Central Park Picnic which will happen on the 3rd Sunday in May as is tradition. Looking forward to seeing you in the Park. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ NY Rainbow's April Potluck/Picnic Central Park, NYC Sunday, April 21, 2002 noon til dusk Enter at 103rd St & Central Park West, walk 50 ft. turn left & go up 14 steps, walk 50 yds. to V in path, bear left & walk 125 yds. into meadow Bring plenty of food & non-alcoholic drink to share, acoustic instruments, drums, games, family, friends, good feelings & Love. Spread the word!! Non-commercial & absolutely FREE! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ NY Rainbow P.O. Box 1554 New York, NY 10009 Lightline: 212-560-7111 ~ NYRainbowFamily WE LOVE YOU! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 'When the earth is ravaged and the animals are dying, a new tribe of people shall come unto the earth from many colors, classes, creeds, and who by their actions and deeds shall make the earth green again. They will be known as the warriors of the Rainbow.' -- Old Native American Prophec Howdy Folks.. Please ignore all previous messages on the upcomng April Potluck/Picnic - it will be this coming Sunday in Central Park. The correct date and time are below. We got our signals crossed on our end. Thanks for understanding and hope there are no incoveniences. This picnic is NOT the 20th annual Central Park Picnic which will happen on the 3rd Sunday in May as is tradition. Looking forward to seeing you in the Park. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ NY Rainbow's April Potluck/Picnic Central Park, NYC Sunday, April 21, 2002 noon til dusk Enter at 103rd St & Central Park West, walk 50 ft. turn left & go up 14 steps, walk 50 yds. to V in path, bear left & walk 125 yds. into meadow Bring plenty of food & non-alcoholic drink to share, acoustic instruments, drums, games, family, friends, good feelings & Love. Spread the word!! Non-commercial & absolutely FREE! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ NY Rainbow P.O. Box 1554 New York, NY 10009 Lightline: 212-560-7111 ~ NYRainbowFamily WE LOVE YOU! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 'When the earth is ravaged and the animals are dying, a new tribe of people shall come unto the earth from many colors, classes, creeds, and who by their actions and deeds shall make the earth green again. They will be known as the warriors of the Rainbow.' -- Old Native American Prophec Date: Fri, 19 Apr 2002 11:07:52 Subject: Call for photos from Alex Grey Benefit To: sacredmirrors Cc: safetydance From: Machinelf Hello... I hope everyone enjoyed the Chapel of Sacred Mirrors party as much as I did. It was great to see the whole psychedelic community come together. The energy was intense and beautiful. It really touched the essence of why we all go to parties. Much thanks, love and respect to all who came out to make it happen. The Chapel foundation is adding a section on the web site that will highlight the last two parties and future events. So if you have any photos or video of the "Transfiguration" or "Universal Spirit" parties please contact me. Photo and video credits will be posted, and very appreciated. Somthing very unique is starting with these parties, and it's going to take all of us that feel it, to manifest it. peace & unity Eli psythos at earthlink Hello... I hope everyone enjoyed the Chapel of Sacred Mirrors party as much as I did. It was great to see the whole psychedelic community come together. The energy was intense and beautiful. It really touched the essence of why we all go to parties. Much thanks, love and respect to all who came out to make it happen. The Chapel foundation is adding a section on the web site that will highlight the last two parties and future events. So if you have any photos or video of the "Transfiguration" or "Universal Spirit" parties please contact me. Photo and video credits will be posted, and very appreciated. Somthing very unique is starting with these parties, and it's going to take all of us that feel it, to manifest it. peace & unity Eli psythos at earthlink Date: Mon, 22 Apr 2002 16:10:47 Subject: What is this strange place?? ? ? ? ? To: safetydance From: FrequencyFire at cs Hi. You may know who I am possibly not. My name is Andrew. I've been coming to the NY parties for about 2.5 years, although I never reached out to anyone. All it took was a simple step through the door. I'm the 22 year old american kid with no hair. At Shelter this past week I realized I needed to speak to everyone. I've been listening to real trance for about 4 years. I live in Rhode Island, and here being able to really "see" can be a problem when no one can hear it or see it. Talking about trance to me up until about 6 months ago was unheard of. Now, is the time. I am an electronic music programmer- recording- live engineer. I always thought my affinity for both jungle and trance music were in some way balanced. Then as I'm sure has happened to everybody, it hit me and the useless thoughts stopped and trance took over my heartbeat. Hit me off with a message!! PEACE AND LIGHT, -ANDREW Hi. You may know who I am possibly not. My name is Andrew. I've been coming to the NY parties for about 2.5 years, although I never reached out to anyone. All it took was a simple step through the door. I'm the 22 year old american kid with no hair. At Shelter this past week I realized I needed to speak to everyone. I've been listening to real trance for about 4 years. I live in Rhode Island, and here being able to really "see" can be a problem when no one can hear it or see it. Talking about trance to me up until about 6 months ago was unheard of. Now, is the time. I am an electronic music programmer- recording- live engineer. I always thought my affinity for both jungle and trance music were in some way balanced. Then as I'm sure has happened to everybody, it hit me and the useless thoughts stopped and trance took over my heartbeat. Hit me off with a message!! PEACE AND LIGHT, -ANDREW Date: Fri, 26 Apr 2002 15:18:47 Subject: Fwd: [infornography] 2-7pm this sat: free at Lunatarium To: safetydance From: Machinelf from the people who brought you BuringMan my gf has been hard at work at this - In a message dated 4/26/02 2:32:26 PM Time, ladyj168 writes: > hello friends, > > *Saturday* is a FREE EVENT at the Lunatarium in Dumbo.. > > from 2-7pm - a day on the Playa with Fashion shows, Greetings, > Training, Art and if you hang out you will get to see a gathering of > Fire Folks. It's time to hang out with burningman founder Larry > Harvey > and > the BurningMan Team... > but get there before 7pm. > > last time S.E.A.L. threw an event, the lunatarium was transformed > into > a > 20,000 square foot mini-village with different tents, installations > and > fire > sculptures...these guys like fire. they also like to dress in crazy > clothes, > or in nothing at all--this is all optional, of course. > > 10 Jay St > DUMBO, Brooklyn > F train to York St > A,C to High St. > (it's only one stop into brooklyn from manhattan. if you live > anywhere > downtown, it's probably as fast--if not faster--than getting your ass > to > midtown) > > for more info... > http://www.lunatarium > > > then....there's the afterparty from 7pm-? > DUMBOluna's Full Moon Festival > $8 before 10pm, $10 after > > dj sets by: > > 9X [camouflage/ satellite/ kultura] > two set special! an electro/ new wave preview of kultura's > soon-to-be new weekly & his classic set of d-n-b > with a latin flare > > FFLOOD [dubfidub/urban resistance] > *from cosmic funk to tribal house, this soulchild > raises the roof with smooth blends of booty shakin beats" > > djs from the blackkat crew: > > POW POW > mixin her rocksteady blend of dancehall & reggae riddims > > JASON BK > pushin the limits with maximal tekno...he's also the mastermind of > many > a > fun and crazy event in new york's underground and always brings in a > great > vibe! > > SYNAPSE [Heads of State] > rippin it up roots-style with > hip hop/ hip step/ n flavaful funkadelia > > DJ ELEMENT > dishin deep and moody trip hop/hip hop & soul-stirrin classix > > live sets b> > BOMB LOGIC > [who build funkingroovin better than > volkswagen, & bust rocknroll better than sex and drugs] > > ELECTRIC EARTH > [ psychadelic/shamanistic electronica- > ibiza meets urban electronic enchantment] > > *featuring a maypole spring ritual dance led b> bodypainted dancers under the glow of moon and > blacklight > > performance b> > CIRCUSTRA FUNK BUDDHA [urban aerial arts] * > cirque du soleil meets street theater...he breakdances, pulls off > aerial > stunts AND does tibetan chanting! > > VESEEL [performance art troupe] * costumed timewarp > dance to make you do doubletakes > > Films and Art capturing the spirit of the > Burning ManFestival > > Visuals by Denny Daniel > > our location is: > 10 Jay St > 9th floor > DUMBO, Brooklyn > F to york st > A,C to high st > *just one stop into brooklyn > > ***feel free to forward this to your friends*** > from the people who brought you BuringMan my gf has been hard at work at this - In a message dated 4/26/02 2:32:26 PM Time, ladyj168 writes: hello friends, *Saturday* is a FREE EVENT at the Lunatarium in Dumbo.. from 2-7pm - a day on the Playa with Fashion shows, Greetings, Training, Art and if you hang out you will get to see a gathering of Fire Folks. It's time to hang out with burningman founder Larry Harvey and the BurningMan Team... but get there before 7pm. last time S.E.A.L. threw an event, the lunatarium was transformed into a 20,000 square foot mini-village with different tents, installations and fire sculptures...these guys like fire. they also like to dress in crazy clothes, or in nothing at all--this is all optional, of course. 10 Jay St DUMBO, Brooklyn F train to York St A,C to High St. (it's only one stop into brooklyn from manhattan. if you live anywhere downtown, it's probably as fast--if not faster--than getting your ass to midtown) for more info... http://www.lunatarium then....there's the afterparty from 7pm-? DUMBOluna's Full Moon Festival $8 before 10pm, $10 after dj sets by: 9X [camouflage/ satellite/ kultura] two set special! an electro/ new wave preview of kultura's soon-to-be new weekly & his classic set of d-n-b with a latin flare FFLOOD [dubfidub/urban resistance] *from cosmic funk to tribal house, this soulchild raises the roof with smooth blends of booty shakin beats" djs from the blackkat crew: POW POW mixin her rocksteady blend of dancehall & reggae riddims JASON BK pushin the limits with maximal tekno...he's also the mastermind of many a fun and crazy event in new york's underground and always brings in a great vibe! SYNAPSE [Heads of State] rippin it up roots-style with hip hop/ hip step/ n flavaful funkadelia DJ ELEMENT dishin deep and moody trip hop/hip hop & soul-stirrin classix live sets b BOMB LOGIC [who build funkingroovin better than volkswagen, & bust rocknroll better than sex and drugs] ELECTRIC EARTH [ psychadelic/shamanistic electronica- ibiza meets urban electronic enchantment] *featuring a maypole spring ritual dance led bbodypainted dancers under the glow of moon and blacklight performance b CIRCUSTRA FUNK BUDDHA [urban aerial arts] * cirque du soleil meets street theater...he breakdances, pulls off aerial stunts AND does tibetan chanting! VESEEL [performance art troupe] * costumed timewarp dance to make you do doubletakes Films and Art capturing the spirit of the Burning ManFestival Visuals by Denny Daniel our location is: 10 Jay St 9th floor DUMBO, Brooklyn F to york st A,C to high st *just one stop into brooklyn ***feel free to forward this to your friends*** Date: Sat, 27 Apr 2002 14:04:50 Subject: Burning Elf - LOTR cancelled To: omnitribe, psy-trance at dewline, SafetyDance, Shamanistas, DRAGONTRIBE From: LOLLYGOA hello, it is with very heavy heart and much tears that i must relay the message to one and all that we have lost our venue. Burning Elf will continue in our mission to provide quality outdoor legal events in the future. We appologise for the confusion due to events beyond our control, thank everyone for the great response, and hope to see you in the future. Lori and Boris Date: Mon, 29 Apr 2002 14:24:57 Subject: Mail order - Soular Records Psy-Trance Compilation To: brainmachines Cc: safetydance, dmtny From: Machinelf I have plenty of copies right here and can send it to you at a bigass discount, cheaper than buying anywhere else! DMT members - $9 Safetydance members - $10 Brainmachines Members - $11 General Public - $12 To get a copy mailed to you send me the amount plus $2 shipping and handling. You can find me at a party or send it to me via Paypal, use my name Machine Elf and my email machinelf at brainmachines . You'll get it in 2-3 days. $1 from each order will go to DMT outdoor events this summer. "Soular records emerges onto the psychedelic trance scene with a debut compilation featuring cutting-edge beats and mind-bending synthesizers, delivered to you direct from some of New York City's top-secret sound labs. Supercharged sonic wizards mix up a batch of tripped-out tracks, running the range from full-on dancefloor killers to chilled out minimalistic stompers. Like the city from which these tracks were born, this powerful packet of digital vibrations offers up a multidimensional world that even the most ardent follower of spiritual psychedelic trance dance will appreciate." "AWAKENING" Track Listing 1. Deeper in Zen - The Calling 2. Mind Warped - Dark Matter 3. Deeper in Zen vs. Mind Warped - Liquid Dimensions 4. Deeper in Zen - Ponder on This 5. Creamsicle - First Flight 6. Onnomon - Tower of Babel 7. Mind Warped - Psychic Underground 8. IndiaDrop - 2Face 9. D-Space - Hoedown Number Nine 10. IndiaDrop vs. Deeper in Zen - Subtle Energy I have plenty of copies right here and can send it to you at a bigass discount, cheaper than buying anywhere else! DMT members - $9 Safetydance members - $10 Brainmachines Members - $11 General Public - $12 To get a copy mailed to you send me the amount plus $2 shipping and handling. You can find me at a party or send it to me via Paypal, use my name Machine Elf and my email machinelf at brainmachines . You'll get it in 2-3 days. $1 from each order will go to DMT outdoor events this summer. "Soular records emerges onto the psychedelic trance scene with a debut compilation featuring cutting-edge beats and mind-bending synthesizers, delivered to you direct from some of New York City's top-secret sound labs. Supercharged sonic wizards mix up a batch of tripped-out tracks, running the range from full-on dancefloor killers to chilled out minimalistic stompers. Like the city from which these tracks were born, this powerful packet of digital vibrations offers up a multidimensional world that even the most ardent follower of spiritual psychedelic trance dance will appreciate." "AWAKENING" Track Listing 1. Deeper in Zen - The Calling 2. Mind Warped - Dark Matter 3. Deeper in Zen vs. Mind Warped - Liquid Dimensions 4. Deeper in Zen - Ponder on This 5. Creamsicle - First Flight 6. Onnomon - Tower of Babel 7. Mind Warped - Psychic Underground 8. IndiaDrop - 2Face 9. D-Space - Hoedown Number Nine 10. IndiaDrop vs. Deeper in Zen - Subtle Energy Date: Tue, 30 Apr 2002 09:45:39 Subject: Fwd: 1/2 psy-summer sublet, psy-park slope To: safetydance From: Machinelf Date: Tue, 30 Apr 2002 12:22:57 Subject: Fwd: Playa del Fuego, May 24-27! Tix $20 till May 11! To: safetydance From: Machinelf this is only people that i know, so don't fwd it out or i will get spanked. If you want to see me spanked, then see me at the next trance party. this is only people that i know, so don't fwd it out or i will get spanked. If you want to see me spanked, then see me at the next trance party. Date: Wed, 1 May 2002 13:53:38 Subject: Another satisfied customer To: safetydance From: Machinelf Hey guys, I have a confession to make...I'm addicted. I can't get enough... I go to sleep to trance...I wake up to commute is only 25 minutes which is not a lot of time to go without I'm gonna rip my room apart to find my old portable CD player!..and you can bet your bootie I'm gonna bring some speakers to work and hook em' up to my computer (until they break down and get me a new computer that comes with speakers like SOME people in the office). Trance is taking over. I've been listening to trance since 1998 (Thanks to Luchino A.C for infecting me with this virus), but I've never been this trance crazy! I have to force myself to listen to the radio (just so I can stay in touch with the rest of the world)...I like other kinds of music hiphop,alt rock,drum and bass/triphop, jungle,jazz,r&b,reggae...but it's not the same! I cought myself physically dancing (not minimal and not full out, but enought to be noticed) to the trance music in my work!...I was having a good day...I thought "Oh my god I've lost it again!" and the other day I was listening to the reggae station and I kept picking out the trancy beats/sounds and dancing to it and I thought "Hey! What's going on! Mhips are not moving right! I'm Jamerican! This is reggae...what's wrong with me!" I even listen to the stuff on the radio and think "Hey, I could actualllike this song! I do like it!"...but still it seems mindless. For me listening to trance is action that I took for granted. I decided to branch off and go to a non-trance party...a lot of my trance friends were there, nice penthouse, so so sound system, but I was bored out of my mind! I never thought I would EVER be bored...especially with a lot of friends around, and then I realized that there was nothing to listen to. The music was playing, but I couldn't hear it, think it, smell it, taste it... I tasted sound twice. Once I was listening to Miles Davis and when he played this note the juices in the back corners of my mouth squirted somthing citrus and fruity (I can hum the song, but I don't know the name....flamenco sketches maybe. I'll listen to it when I get home and email you the name of the song later...the second time I was at a Synthetic Sadhus party about two years ago...and I don't even remember who was spinning (damn!), but I felt like I was eating a four course meal! I even had the sensation of lemonade! Are there any websites or medical info on tasting sound? Oh yeah, the thought crossed my mind that "Oh, it's the drugs that's doing it.", but I've gone to a lot (more than three or four) of parties sober and it's the same thing...AND I'm not even high right now (I'm still at work)! Trance makes me "stupid happy" (my mushroom is infected) and I'm glad I have someone to write to who understands :) Thanks for listening guys. Oh,... and all you list owners out can post this to the list...just don't put my name or email address on it puhleeze. Long Live Trance! Hey guys, I have a confession to make...I'm addicted. I can't get enough... I go to sleep to trance...I wake up to commute is only 25 minutes which is not a lot of time to go without I'm gonna rip my room apart to find my old portable CD player!..and you can bet your bootie I'm gonna bring some speakers to work and hook em' up to my computer (until they break down and get me a new computer that comes with speakers like SOME people in the office). Trance is taking over. I've been listening to trance since 1998 (Thanks to Luchino A.C for infecting me with this virus), but I've never been this trance crazy! I have to force myself to listen to the radio (just so I can stay in touch with the rest of the world)...I like other kinds of music hiphop,alt rock,drum and bass/triphop, jungle,jazz,r&b,reggae...but it's not the same! I cought myself physically dancing (not minimal and not full out, but enought to be noticed) to the trance music in my work!...I was having a good day...I thought "Oh my god I've lost it again!" and the other day I was listening to the reggae station and I kept picking out the trancy beats/sounds and dancing to it and I thought "Hey! What's going on! Mhips are not moving right! I'm Jamerican! This is reggae...what's wrong with me!" I even listen to the stuff on the radio and think "Hey, I could actualllike this song! I do like it!"...but still it seems mindless. For me listening to trance is action that I took for granted. I decided to branch off and go to a non-trance party...a lot of my trance friends were there, nice penthouse, so so sound system, but I was bored out of my mind! I never thought I would EVER be bored...especially with a lot of friends around, and then I realized that there was nothing to listen to. The music was playing, but I couldn't hear it, think it, smell it, taste it... I tasted sound twice. Once I was listening to Miles Davis and when he played this note the juices in the back corners of my mouth squirted somthing citrus and fruity (I can hum the song, but I don't know the name....flamenco sketches maybe. I'll listen to it when I get home and email you the name of the song later...the second time I was at a Synthetic Sadhus party about two years ago...and I don't even remember who was spinning (damn!), but I felt like I was eating a four course meal! I even had the sensation of lemonade! Are there any websites or medical info on tasting sound? Oh yeah, the thought crossed my mind that "Oh, it's the drugs that's doing it.", but I've gone to a lot (more than three or four) of parties sober and it's the same thing...AND I'm not even high right now (I'm still at work)! Trance makes me "stupid happy" (my mushroom is infected) and I'm glad I have someone to write to who understands :) Thanks for listening guys. Oh,... and all you list owners out can post this to the list...just don't put my name or email address on it puhleeze. Long Live Trance! Date: Wed, 1 May 2002 14:58:52 Subject: Fwd: [SafetyDance] Another, other satisfied customer To: safetydance From: Machinelf Date: Wed, 1 May 2002 15:02:55 Subject: Fwd: My CELL PHONE store opens TOMORROW! To: safetydance From: Machinelf Date: Wed, 1 May 2002 23:00:22 Subject: Fwd: 20th annual NY Rainbow Central Park Picnic To: safetydance From: Machinelf Date: Fri, 3 May 2002 22:46:30 Subject: Free party all weekend To: safetydance From: Machinelf Friday 11pm thru all day and night Saturday, thru Sunday morning T3 for Peace (3-day free nonstop party at Chashama Theater, Times Square - Blackkat dj's on Saturdanight! for full schedule or read on below) Friday 11pm thru all day and night Saturday, thru Sunday morning T3 for Peace (3-day free nonstop party at Chashama Theater, Times Square - Blackkat dj's on Saturdanight! for full schedule or read on below) Date: Fri, 3 May 2002 22:59:02 Subject: More info on the all-weekend Blakkat PartTo: safetydance From: Machinelf, Feedbuck Galore, Planet Generation Global Move, and Chashama Theater present: T3 4 Pe at ce Free three-day, nonstop, meglomedia festival. With theater, installations, street performances, food, music, dancing, news forums, and waaaay more. [lizzie note: Three Blackkat DJ's are spinning there Saturday night and I'm aiming for that! I heard vergood advance word from some of the participants about this ambitious project. Perhaps you've gone by Times Square and saw the big banner with the logos on it and the headline "How does it feel to be under corporate control?" This is them.] In an effort to provide an open forum for the creative expression of different views and opinions surrounding the events of September 11, Feedbuck Galore, a multimedia production company, has developed the TeleTwinTowers (T3), a replica of the World Trade Center's Twin Towers built of television monitors, screening digital art submitted by artists from around the world. The mobile, multimedia exhibit will be presented to the public at the Chashama Theater in conjunction with Chashama's Oasis and Window on 42nd Street Festivals in New York City's Times Square. Featuring, among others, Feedbuck Galore, Suzi Miles and Guillaume Clave, Akim Funk Buddha and Chikako Cat Dragon, MJ Luvvy aka Josh Harris, Penny Arcade and Church of Betty, Urban Acapella, Anie S8 Stanley, Suzi Miles RX Ensemble, Rhythm Collective, King 4 PG at M live, Doily live, Gecko, Mission from Mars, Sheldon Drake, Blackkat DJs, and so much more. The schedule is far to lengthy to publish here. Hit website below for more info. Chashama Theater 135 West 42nd Street, Manhattan Noon-6p SUNDAY; $free Continues SATURDAY and SUNDA Netcast on, Feedbuck Galore, Planet Generation Global Move, and Chashama Theater present: T3 4 Pe at ce Free three-day, nonstop, meglomedia festival. With theater, installations, street performances, food, music, dancing, news forums, and waaaay more. [lizzie note: Three Blackkat DJ's are spinning there Saturday night and I'm aiming for that! I heard vergood advance word from some of the participants about this ambitious project. Perhaps you've gone by Times Square and saw the big banner with the logos on it and the headline "How does it feel to be under corporate control?" This is them.] In an effort to provide an open forum for the creative expression of different views and opinions surrounding the events of September 11, Feedbuck Galore, a multimedia production company, has developed the TeleTwinTowers (T3), a replica of the World Trade Center's Twin Towers built of television monitors, screening digital art submitted by artists from around the world. The mobile, multimedia exhibit will be presented to the public at the Chashama Theater in conjunction with Chashama's Oasis and Window on 42nd Street Festivals in New York City's Times Square. Featuring, among others, Feedbuck Galore, Suzi Miles and Guillaume Clave, Akim Funk Buddha and Chikako Cat Dragon, MJ Luvvy aka Josh Harris, Penny Arcade and Church of Betty, Urban Acapella, Anie S8 Stanley, Suzi Miles RX Ensemble, Rhythm Collective, King 4 PG at M live, Doily live, Gecko, Mission from Mars, Sheldon Drake, Blackkat DJs, and so much more. The schedule is far to lengthy to publish here. Hit website below for more info. Chashama Theater 135 West 42nd Street, Manhattan Noon-6p SUNDAY; $free Continues SATURDAY and SUNDA Netcast on Sat, 04 May 2002 16:42:46 To: mark at indole Bcc: Subject: Re: |-|/| 411.05.02.02 From: "Angel Blanco" on behalf of spectra w/mark allen at the frying pan..... it starts at 10 pm and finishes 4-4:30 am,not later as we wish,but the party will have enough muscle and vibe to make all of you satisfied and happy. just come early so you don't miss any of the excellent talent like isam,gav or jamin.....they're rocking....they have some style in there. and if you're not tired after that you still have tsunami,where you can find some pure israeli full on until late in the morning,but spectra is a must first!!!!!!! hope to see you all there with the best vibes!!!! peace Angel _ MSN Photos is the easiest way to share and print your photos: http://photos.msn /support/worldwide.aspx Date: Thu, 9 May 2002 20:37:28 Subject: If Middle Earth was real To: safetydance From: Machinelf I was thinking the other day... for a change... If Middle Earth was "real," Hobbits would smoke cannabis and the wilder Tooks would engage in Fungi Dwarves would mix amphetamines and booze Elves would eat Fungi and some like Elrond may dabble in purple ergot mold Orcs would do crystal and K and PCP; the Uruk Hai would get the best blow from the City of Corsairs Trolls would freebase all the orc's best stashes Gollum would huff inhalants The Ringwraiths would all be high on ether Humans would stick to alcohol, except for the folk/Corsairs of Harad who would undoubtedly smoke hash and Opium Ents would BE an ayahuasca ritual, smoke dead branches of each other, and salvia Wizards would smoke DMT ... and Sauron would be perpetually on E listening to Sasha and Digweed! I was thinking the other day... for a change... If Middle Earth was "real," Hobbits would smoke cannabis and the wilder Tooks would engage in Fungi Dwarves would mix amphetamines and booze Elves would eat Fungi and some like Elrond may dabble in purple ergot mold Orcs would do crystal and K and PCP; the Uruk Hai would get the best blow from the City of Corsairs Trolls would freebase all the orc's best stashes Gollum would huff inhalants The Ringwraiths would all be high on ether Humans would stick to alcohol, except for the folk/Corsairs of Harad who would undoubtedly smoke hash and Opium Ents would BE an ayahuasca ritual, smoke dead branches of each other, and salvia Wizards would smoke DMT ... and Sauron would be perpetually on E listening to Sasha and Digweed! Date: Fri, 10 May 2002 17:37:42 Subject: Clarity through CharitTo: safetydance From: Machinelf "The onset was rapid. Within 15 minutes closed eye visuals were pronounced, a feeling of losing physical boundaries was also present. There were no physical sensations other than where the skin may be there was air. The objects in the room danced with life and seemed to rush forward into the air. A definite 3-D effect. Within another five minutes the room was no longer recognizable. Reading was impossible. Geometries were overwhelming and seemed to wash over me with an orgasmic type pleasure. Traveling. It is traveling. New indescribable places were unfolding before my eyes. Everything was vibrant and alive. There was utter peace. An ever shifting play of color never ceased to make the experience boring. Voices can be heard. Music can be heard. Yet there isn't anyone here to speak or play music. A voice asks"Would you like to go deeper?" It was a female voice. Reassuring. As I would think about going deeper the colors would flow over me and bring me to new spaces - each one more bizarre than before. Impossible objects from the past were floating in space. Things like huge HP calculators, Vertibird helicopter toys. Scenes of childhood were evident. No entities. All in all a 5 hour experience." The moral: Throw your consummables out of the refrigerator or donate them to the needy every couple of weeks. "The onset was rapid. Within 15 minutes closed eye visuals were pronounced, a feeling of losing physical boundaries was also present. There were no physical sensations other than where the skin may be there was air. The objects in the room danced with life and seemed to rush forward into the air. A definite 3-D effect. Within another five minutes the room was no longer recognizable. Reading was impossible. Geometries were overwhelming and seemed to wash over me with an orgasmic type pleasure. Traveling. It is traveling. New indescribable places were unfolding before my eyes. Everything was vibrant and alive. There was utter peace. An ever shifting play of color never ceased to make the experience boring. Voices can be heard. Music can be heard. Yet there isn't anyone here to speak or play music. A voice asks"Would you like to go deeper?" It was a female voice. Reassuring. As I would think about going deeper the colors would flow over me and bring me to new spaces - each one more bizarre than before. Impossible objects from the past were floating in space. Things like huge HP calculators, Vertibird helicopter toys. Scenes of childhood were evident. No entities. All in all a 5 hour experience." The moral: Throw your consummables out of the refrigerator or donate them to the needy every couple of weeks. Date: Fri, 10 May 2002 18:13:58 Subject: .... ergo... To: dmtny Cc: safetydance From: Machinelf In case you missed that not so subtle reminder there is a campout ceremony next Saturday in the Catskills and have several spaces left. Email me privately if interested. First come, first served! Love, St. Bernard of the Alpine Brandy Keg In case you missed that not so subtle reminder there is a campout ceremony next Saturday in the Catskills and have several spaces left. Email me privately if interested. First come, first served! Love, St. Bernard of the Alpine Brandy Keg Subject: Jack Farnstien PHD: THE SECRET BEHIND THE SUCCESS To: machinatimembers, renegadevirus, safetydance, havocsound, garbage12 , steelow at mastersteelow, nils at dj-nils, ph10 at usa, mrlex2000 at onebox, kimen at, neon1744 , grandanews , reconehelmut , bfeldman at kfygr, arrowchrome , jblackkat From: Joe Vor-Tech Sorry about the bunk one prior guys! Check it out. The New Brooklyn Theatre Underground & Jack Farnstien Productions Presents Jack Farnstien Ph.D: The Secret Behind the Sucess A New Comedy by Joe Rovner What happens when a stock clerk at a super market, an over the hill actress who smokes too many Dunhills, a corporate laywer from Minniapolis and a Shakesperean Player team up with the Minions of hell to do a radio show? God knows but evidently it would be this. So LAUGH... when some one says somthing funny. So CRY.... when some one does somthing sad. So SCREAM IN AGONY... when some one does somthing to warrent a scream of agony. AND BE SURE TO SEE THE SPECTACULAR EXTRAVAGANZA THAT CAN ONLY BE CALLED! Jack Farnstien! At the Collective Unconscious Theater 145 Ludlow St, 1 1/2 blocks south of Houston. 10 dollars at the door, for reservations or info e-mail JackFProductions or call 212-803-5424. SCHEDULE. May 10, 10pm May 11, 12am May 17, 10pm May 18, 12am May 24, 10pm May 25, 8pm May 31, 12am June 1, 10pm Spread the word... Joe need to make a living! Date: Sat, 11 May 2002 16:24:50 Subject: One of our own trance troops on MTV To: safetydance From: Machinelf My friend Terry is a DJ with his own program The Quest in Connecticut: From: terryhopper (terry hopper) To: Machinelf Hi, bud, you can see me very briefly on the mtv show on pot, breaking it down with Serena. Although it pretends some kind of impartiality, the host is seen on plant raids in Hawaii(Gee, this is fun!), in clinics in SF-" they don't look sick to me"-what does someone with cancer look like, anyway? and finishes up calling pot a very dangerous drug. Jeff, you can appreciate this. When all these studies were done in search of the killer effects of pot which the gov't. so desperately wanted to find, they used thc extracts way in excess of what anyone could smoke in a lifetime. Now, the bad guys are trying to invalidate all that research by saying, "this isn't your parents M!". But if the studies were done with such massive quantities, the fact of today's pot being 5 or even 10 times stronger is totally irrelevant! As if all known science on pot has been rendered untrue! how convenient!! Oh, well, what could you expect from inferior lifeforms... Must carry on god's work, now, spreading the light.Take care my friend, terr My friend Terry is a DJ with his own program The Quest in Connecticut: From: terryhopper (terry hopper) To: Machinelf Hi, bud, you can see me very briefly on the mtv show on pot, breaking it down with Serena. Although it pretends some kind of impartiality, the host is seen on plant raids in Hawaii(Gee, this is fun!), in clinics in SF-" they don't look sick to me"-what does someone with cancer look like, anyway? and finishes up calling pot a very dangerous drug. Jeff, you can appreciate this. When all these studies were done in search of the killer effects of pot which the gov't. so desperately wanted to find, they used thc extracts way in excess of what anyone could smoke in a lifetime. Now, the bad guys are trying to invalidate all that research by saying, "this isn't your parents M!". But if the studies were done with such massive quantities, the fact of today's pot being 5 or even 10 times stronger is totally irrelevant! As if all known science on pot has been rendered untrue! how convenient!! Oh, well, what could you expect from inferior lifeforms... Must carry on god's work, now, spreading the light.Take care my friend, terr Date: Wed, 15 May 2002 15:56:55 To: SafetyDance Subject: DMT ramping up again this year From: "ismokedmt" Members get two benefits mainl-info to outdoor events (finally getting speakers) -sacred drink from Peru shamanic retreats (discount for DMT members) To joinsend $35 to Mr. Machine Elf machinelf at brainmachines via paypal or contact machinelf at brainmachines for personal payment details Date: Wed, 15 May 2002 16:00:11 To: SafetyDance Subject: More on the shamanistic retreats From: "ismokedmt" Monthly. At various places inc. upstate, Montauk, national forests. Discount for DMT members. No amplified music just us and the sacred Peruvian drink and flutes, guitars, didgideroos... To get more info send an email to shamanistas /dmtv.html Date: Thu, 16 May 2002 17:40:15 Subject: Fwd: [omnitribe] PARTY fridaTo: safetydance From: Machinelf Date: Sat, 18 May 2002 23:44:05 Subject: "Gnome Depot' BBQ To: SafetyDance From: LOLLYGOA hi everybody, the season's 'bout to start and we're gearing up for the start of the summer's 'Chill and Grill' sundays. noon-8 our backyard, BYO alcohol and grillables hope to see you! lori and boris (burning elf) email lollygoa for direx Date: Mon, 20 May 2002 20:44:12 Subject: Fwd: uta's art To: safetydance From: Machinelf Uta is the artist who does art at Omnitribe and Tsunami - he has a site now: Uta is the artist who does art at Omnitribe and Tsunami - he has a site now: Date: Mon, 20 May 2002 21:39:20 Subject: Cleanse the Bridges and Island! To: shamanistas Cc: dmtny, safetydance, dragontribe, omnitribe From: Machinelf Do not forward this to anyone who is not "Experienced.." There will be a lot of outdoor parties this year, and I am sure many will be under the east & west bridges and at the spot Coney Island. To kick off the season we will ask the spirit world to help. There will be a small Sunday daytime aya circle session at each location to wash the place of evil spirits, plant some flowers (morning glory?) and flora (acacia grass?) and clean up the areas of trash and detritus from past revelry. There will be no DJs or large sound systems, lots of drums maracas and tambourines, and incense. In these settings we request that only those who will drink should come - and only experienced travellers partake, and great care will be taken to avoid drinking too much. To become experienced you can contact me privately. A $50 donation will go towards DMT equipment. And participation grants you full fledged membership of the DMT. First we clean up, then we plant, then we drink, then we commune. Then we go have a very light vegan meal. If anyone is interested in attending or suggesting plantings please join by sending an email to shamanistas-subscribe >11/30/01 The space near Coney Island is trashed. A lone Native American walked through his old ancestral burial grounds and a tear welled up in his eye. A metaphor, if you will. WE are ALL to blame. The space was thrashed before Wylie's Smokeout/BurningGoa/meteor shower. There is no official trash pickup there. Trash has been collected before but the bags over the months split open. The next people to do anything there will have to accept the burden. An official cleanup with a dedicated truck or van. Or we will be partying, insert whatever euphemism you want, in our own filth. Back in theDMT days when mark and i were getting along we had a credo - Leave No Trace and be respectful to our neighbors and the Earth. The Law of Threes dictates that everything you do will come back to you threefold. Ugly Consumers - Trance trash - or Environmentally Responsible People of Peace? Until we address this, our legacy there will be trashed out partiers on the edge of the soccer fields, as the fishermen wade through the detritus of our decadence. The choice is ours. You will see this email again whenever someone comes up to the plate. Do not forward this to anyone who is not "Experienced.." There will be a lot of outdoor parties this year, and I am sure many will be under the east & west bridges and at the spot Coney Island. To kick off the season we will ask the spirit world to help. There will be a small Sunday daytime aya circle session at each location to wash the place of evil spirits, plant some flowers (morning glory?) and flora (acacia grass?) and clean up the areas of trash and detritus from past revelry. There will be no DJs or large sound systems, lots of drums maracas and tambourines, and incense. In these settings we request that only those who will drink should come - and only experienced travellers partake, and great care will be taken to avoid drinking too much. To become experienced you can contact me privately. A $50 donation will go towards DMT equipment. And participation grants you full fledged membership of the DMT. First we clean up, then we plant, then we drink, then we commune. Then we go have a very light vegan meal. If anyone is interested in attending or suggesting plantings please join by sending an email to shamanistas-subscribe >11/30/01 The space near Coney Island is trashed. A lone Native American walked through his old ancestral burial grounds and a tear welled up in his eye. A metaphor, if you will. WE are ALL to blame. The space was thrashed before Wylie's Smokeout/BurningGoa/meteor shower. There is no official trash pickup there. Trash has been collected before but the bags over the months split open. The next people to do anything there will have to accept the burden. An official cleanup with a dedicated truck or van. Or we will be partying, insert whatever euphemism you want, in our own filth. Back in theDMT days when mark and i were getting along we had a credo - Leave No Trace and be respectful to our neighbors and the Earth. The Law of Threes dictates that everything you do will come back to you threefold. Ugly Consumers - Trance trash - or Environmentally Responsible People of Peace? Until we address this, our legacy there will be trashed out partiers on the edge of the soccer fields, as the fishermen wade through the detritus of our decadence. The choice is ours. You will see this email again whenever someone comes up to the plate. Date: Wed, 22 May 2002 14:15:29 Subject: Fwd: private outdoor techno party in june in planning stages To: safetydance From: Machinelf Date: Wed, 29 May 2002 16:06:33 Subject: Party in the Park To: safetydance From: Machinelf From: theoloniusmonk (Theo ..:..) To: jeff at brainmachines Hey good to see you the other night, hope LOTR was cool. I almost made it down to the Deleware party which is a shame cause it sounded like it would be rocking. I posted an earlier email re: party in the park an idea to get people to have a sunday meetings/picnic/party the feedback was real good so I posted this email already on the omnitribe and machinati lists. Wondering if you could post it on the dmny and safety lists. I'll see ya when I get back. Peace Theo (hope the TIP party rocks) PARTY IN THE PARK Hey peeps. Nice to hear that everyone is as enthusiatic about it as I am. As a result of really great feedback from all you guys, I want to organise the first party in the park for Sunday June 16th. I'm heading off to the land of eternal cloud (England) for a week or so and will announce the time and location when I get back. Central Park is a big possibility, prospect park is nicer but a bit less accessible. Let me know if this date clashes with anything else major, I know the Flow party is on the 14th so this might be a good recovery tonic. The basic idea is to bring food, people, music (ie Boom boxes) games, fun and anything else you want to contribute and just make this a friendly social event. Barbeque (meat and veggie) is a possibility but I'm not an expert. If anyone has any suggestions or wishes to help, give me a shout. I hope this will be a regular thing, Chillin' and soaking up the rays Theo .:. From: theoloniusmonk (Theo ..:..) To: jeff at brainmachines Hey good to see you the other night, hope LOTR was cool. I almost made it down to the Deleware party which is a shame cause it sounded like it would be rocking. I posted an earlier email re: party in the park an idea to get people to have a sunday meetings/picnic/party the feedback was real good so I posted this email already on the omnitribe and machinati lists. Wondering if you could post it on the dmny and safety lists. I'll see ya when I get back. Peace Theo (hope the TIP party rocks) PARTY IN THE PARK Hey peeps. Nice to hear that everyone is as enthusiatic about it as I am. As a result of really great feedback from all you guys, I want to organise the first party in the park for Sunday June 16th. I'm heading off to the land of eternal cloud (England) for a week or so and will announce the time and location when I get back. Central Park is a big possibility, prospect park is nicer but a bit less accessible. Let me know if this date clashes with anything else major, I know the Flow party is on the 14th so this might be a good recovery tonic. The basic idea is to bring food, people, music (ie Boom boxes) games, fun and anything else you want to contribute and just make this a friendly social event. Barbeque (meat and veggie) is a possibility but I'm not an expert. If anyone has any suggestions or wishes to help, give me a shout. I hope this will be a regular thing, Chillin' and soaking up the rays Theo .:. Date: Wed, 29 May 2002 16:06:56 Subject: Fwd: Camping PartTo: safetydance From: Machinelf Date: Wed, 29 May 2002 18:49:02 Subject: Fwd: Delaware news To: safetydance From: Machinelf Date: Wed, 29 May 2002 18:50:51 Subject: Flushing Meadows To: safetydance From: Machinelf you should have the party in FLUSHING MEADOWS PARK.. it only costs 25 bones to rent the space by the lake.. went to a ravey-hip hop thing there last sunday.. no cops, no problem!! it went on till midnight as well!!! fun!!!! miss sarah k Mssarahek you should have the party in FLUSHING MEADOWS PARK.. it only costs 25 bones to rent the space by the lake.. went to a ravey-hip hop thing there last sunday.. no cops, no problem!! it went on till midnight as well!!! fun!!!! miss sarah k Mssarahek Date: Thu, 30 May 2002 22:32:31 Subject: Fwd: Return of the Tribeca Trance-Mission!!! To: safetydance From: Machinelf Date: Fri, 31 May 2002 00:24:12 Subject: Synthetic Shamans daytime June 8 To: safetydance From: Machinelf The first Synthetic Shamans ayahuasca workshop went very well. The next will be a bit closer to the city, a day trip. The ceremony will be held in a special spot in a large forest an hour north of the city, accessible via Metro North trains. We will meet at Grand Central June 8th at 10am and be back by 10pm. (From there, some of us will go straight to Synthetic Sadhus) There will be a short hike involved; bring a blanket, incense, musical instruments. The site is used quite often by friends of mine who bring a large radio and build a fire and have all day/night jams. We have six people so far... The ceremony's suggested donation will be $100 and will be limited to the first 15 people; $90 for second timers and DMT members, free for experienced South American vegetalistas. Price includes transportation and a late light vegan meal in the city. Prepay only to secure your spot. To RSVP email Machinelf . To donate email me privately oe send $ via paypal to Mr. Machine Elf, machinelf at brainmachines . Also, feel free to join the discussion group by sending an email to shamanistas-subscribe . This email will be sent on consecutive days to shamanistas, then DMTNY & sacredmirrors, then safetydance. The first Synthetic Shamans ayahuasca workshop went very well. The next will be a bit closer to the city, a day trip. The ceremony will be held in a special spot in a large forest an hour north of the city, accessible via Metro North trains. We will meet at Grand Central June 8th at 10am and be back by 10pm. (From there, some of us will go straight to Synthetic Sadhus) There will be a short hike involved; bring a blanket, incense, musical instruments. The site is used quite often by friends of mine who bring a large radio and build a fire and have all day/night jams. We have six people so far... The ceremony's suggested donation will be $100 and will be limited to the first 15 people; $90 for second timers and DMT members, free for experienced South American vegetalistas. Price includes transportation and a late light vegan meal in the city. Prepay only to secure your spot. To RSVP email Machinelf . To donate email me privately oe send $ via paypal to Mr. Machine Elf, machinelf at brainmachines . Also, feel free to join the discussion group by sending an email to shamanistas-subscribe . This email will be sent on consecutive days to shamanistas, then DMTNY & sacredmirrors, then safetydance. Date: Fri, 31 May 2002 12:35:48 Subject: Fwd: [SafetyDance] Fwd: Return of the Tribeca Trance-Mission!!! To: safetydance From: Machinelf Date: Fri, 31 May 2002 12:42:32 Subject: Fwd: Still more on wylie's party saturdaTo: safetydance From: Machinelf Date: Fri, 31 May 2002 14:27:20 Subject: Important Saturday Update- Wylie's noon-midnight, Omnitribe after midnight To: safetydance Cc: burningelf, dragontribe, omnitribe From: Machinelf Just finished conference call with Wylie & Vitalik. Basically Wylie will d o a full on day barbecue roof party with multiple giveaways.. and we'll al l go to Omnitribe afterwards (free ride for those who help clean up the me ss!) ATTN ALL DJS AT WYLIES: No slots will be available after midnight, D J schedule follows.. afterparty with Omnitribe at Coney Island, directions follow Return of the Tribeca Trance-Mission!!!/Lord of the Rings Decompre ssion PartDate: Saturday June 1st 12 noon - midnight noon-3 Amnesium & M anic Mekator 3-5 DragonLotus 5-7 Boris 7-830 Soch 830-10 Icycoil Then the p arty will move from the roof to downstairs The Trance Metal Orcs will play on main floor 10-midnight FXMike is unconfirmed but will probably play at s ome point in the afternoon - evening!! There will be over 3000 sunglasses to choose from as giveaways Where: 111 Reade Street, #5 ROOF party BBQ BOB Projections by Atomic Juice (outside) Decorations by Evan Fire twirling by CharitBrainmachines by Machine Orc Lord of the Rings decompression set with special set by the Trance Metal orcs (MechineELf and Trancelor Ogg M odd) and Nils (Norway) Bubble by DMT Pot luck or small donation appreciate d, pair of sunglasses free with entrinfo call wylie at : 212-267-4010 917-476-1864 (naked Wylie 'won' the Lord of the Ring Prize at Lord of th e Rings last week) THIS HAS BEEN A WYLIE TRANCE_MISSION AND AFTERWARDS T his is an invitation to the free Open-Air party on Saturday night. Omni Tri be is bringing the psy trance to the CALVERT VAUX Park in Brooklyn. This i s the same location we did parties last summer. We bring our JBL speakers p owered by Crown amplifier, so youE28099d be able swim in the sound. Ple ase be discrete while getting to the site; bring blankets and refreshments; Invite your friends, but don't post it to any other email lists... Lineup : Omni Tribe DJs + special guests When: Saturday 11:30PM WHERE: Coney I sland, Brooklyn DIRECTIONs: BY CAR 3D3D3D3D3D3D >From Manhattan take Belt Pkwy to Exit 6 (CropseAvenue). First traffic light make LEFT turn ( corner of Cropse& Bay 52 St). Follow Cropsey Ave to 27th AVENUE (you pass about 4 traffic lights). Turn LEFT on 27th Avenue towards highway. You'll see the overpass bridge right in front of you. Park. Walk over the bridge and turn LEFT. Walk for about 50 steps and look for barrier/toll-bar on you r RIGHT. That's the park (CALVERT VAUX PARK). Go through the bar and keep walking and walking; First you walk along the fence for about 2 soccer fiel ds distance. Then you should find a path over the bushes and rocks. Keep wa lking straight until you find the PARTY. BY TRAIN 3D3D3D3D3D3D3D 3D "W" train to BAY 50 St. Station. Follow Bay 50 St. to Cropsey Avenue ( you pass Harway Ave and so on). Turn RIGHT on Cropsey Ave. Go straight (you pass Ba49th Str., Bay 48th Str and Bay 47th St) and make LEFT on 27th Avenue. Walk one block and you should see the overpass (via Belt Pkwy). Wa lk over the bridge and turn LEFT. Walk for about 50 steps and look for bar rier/toll-bar on your RIGHT. That's the park (CALVERT VAUX PARK). Go throug h the bar and keep walking and walking; First you walk along the fence fo r about 2 soccer fields distance. Then you should find a path over the bush es and rocks. Keep walking straight until you find the PARTY. _____ ___ Oh yeah, also there is a Tsunami p arty at Shelter! :-) Just finished conference call with Wylie & Vitalik. Basically Wylie will do a full on da barbecue roof party with multiple giveaways.. and we'll all go to Omnitrib e afterwards (free ride for those who help clean up the mess!) AT TN ALL DJS AT WYLIES: No slots will be available after midnight, DJ schedul e follows.. afterparty with Omnitribe at Coney Island, directions follow Return of the Tribeca Trance-Mission!!!/Lord of the Rings Decompression P artDate: Saturday June 1st 12 noon - midnight noon-3 Amnesiu m & Manic Mekator 3-5 DragonLotus 5-7 Boris 7-830 Soch 830-10 Icycoil Then the party will move from the roof to downstairs The Trance Metal Orcs will play on main floor 10-midnight FXMike is un confirmed but will probably play at some point in the afternoon - evening!! There will be over 3000 sunglasses to choose from as giveaways Whe re: 111 Reade Street, #5 ROOF party BBQ BYOB Projections by Atom ic Juice (outside) Decorations by Evan Fire twirling by CharitBrainmachines by Machine Orc Lord of the Rings decompression set with special set by the Trance Metal orcs (MechineELf and Trancelor Og g Modd) and Nils (Norway) Bubble by DMT Pot luck or small donation appreciated, pair of sunglasses free with entrinfo call wylie at : 21 2-267-4010 917-476-1864 (naked Wylie 'won' the Lord of the Ring Prize at Lord of the Rings last week) THIS HAS BEEN A WYLIE TRANCE_MISSION AND AFTERWARDS This is an invitation to the free Open-Air party on Saturday night. Omni Tribe is bringing the psy trance to the CALVERT VAUX Park in Brooklyn. This is the same location we did parties last summer. We bring ou so youE28099d be able swi m in the sound. Please be discrete while getting to the site; brin g blankets and refreshments; Invite your friends, but don't post it to any other email lists... Lineup: Omni Tribe DJs + special guests When: Saturday 11:30PM WHERE: Coney Island, Brooklyn DIRECTIONs: BY CAR 3D3D3D3D3D3D From Manhattan take Belt Pkwy to Exit 6 (CropseAvenue). First t raffic light make LEFT turn (corner of Cropse& Bay 52 St). Fo llow Cropsey Ave to 27th AVENUE (you pass about 4 traffic lights). Turn LEFT on 27th Avenue towards highway. You'll see the overpass bridg e right in front of you. Park. Walk over the bridge and turn LEFT. Walk for about 50 steps and look for barrier/toll-bar on your RIGHT. That's the park (CALVERT VAUX PARK). Go through the bar and keep walking and walking; First you walk along the fence for about 2 socce r fields distance. Then you should find a path over the bushes and rocks. Keep walking straight until you find the PARTY. B TRAIN 3D3D3D3D3D3D3D3D "W" train to BAY 50 St. Station. Fo llow Bay 50 St. to Cropsey Avenue (you pass Harway Ave and so on). Turn RIGHT on Cropsey Ave. Go straight (you pass Ba49th Str., Ba y 48th Str and Bay 47th St) and make LEFT on 27th Avenue. Walk on e block and you should see the overpass (via Belt Pkwy). Walk over the bridge and turn LEFT. Walk for about 50 steps and look fo r barrier/toll-bar on your RIGHT. That's the park (CALVERT VAUX PARK). Go through the bar and keep walking and walking; First you wa lk along the fence for about 2 soccer fields distance. Then you sho uld find a path over the bushes and rocks. Keep walking straight until you find the PARTY. ____ Oh yeah, also there is a Tsunami party at Shelter! :-) Date: Fri, 31 May 2002 17:15:50 Subject: HIGHLY RECOMMENDED: Green subway party tonight To: safetydance From: Machinelf For those who attended last year's BLUE subway party - you know this is the shit!!! Don't post on any public forums (Safetydance is a friends and family private list) >ATTENTION! AUTONOMOUS EVENT! subway party tonight wear all green meet 8:30 pm union square across from barnes and noble byob (unmarked containers) 212.252.3644 for info. For those who attended last year's BLUE subway party - you know this is the shit!!! Don't post on any public forums (Safetydance is a friends and family private list) >ATTENTION! AUTONOMOUS EVENT! subway party tonight wear all green meet 8:30 pm union square across from barnes and noble byob (unmarked containers) 212.252.3644 for info. To: "Infornography for the Masses" Subject: More Gardens! Summer Internship From: "Yvonne" ----- Original Message ----- From: aresh Subject: Summer Interns for NYC Gardens with the More Gardens! Coalition More Gardens! Coalition Interns Project Currently in the works: Social Activism - Direct Action Cabo Rojo Encampment close to its 4th month of encampment. Activists trained in civil disobedience are staying at the garden since December, 2001. Spring is here, and we are planting. We're working to create new gardens. Publishing - The More Gardens! Book This Book is a hands-on guide to successful grassroots organizing, paired with the More Gardens! Songbook. The book outlines the history of our movement, and gives an opportunity to learn about the many aspects of this struggle. Among the texts, we find statements chosen from the thousands of personal testimonies provided at the four public hearings, none of which was attended by the mayor of New York. We've been gathering essays on many of the actions and poetry inspired by the movement. Photos and drawings from gardens and streets will further enhance a description of our success. The More Gardens! Book producers are in the process of locating a publisher for this project. We need editors, producer, and designers to help put this book together. Contact persons are: Aresh Javadi and Alecia Rearick Legal - Legislation with environmental lawyers - Writing legislation to make all gardens permanent and create More Gardens! We are working with pro bono lawyers dedicated to the safekeeping and enhancement of the communitgardens. Not-for-profit lawyers from the Puerto Rican Legal and Education Fund and pro bono attorneys from Sullivan and Cromwell are contributing their time and expertise. Urban Design - Housing and Gardens Together We're collaborating with professional landscape designers to create gardens and housing in the wilds of new york city! We are looking for funders who are willing to create buildings with community gardens and telling them not to invest in any plans that involve destroying a garden. Artist and Musicians - Tons of projects in the Community Gardens There are art projects from Giant Puppetry with local folks, to Painting Murals, to Building Giant Turtle Greenhouses, to Dragon-Fly Bikes to Bird shaped straw-bail ovens to songs about gardens to..... Housing can be as cheap as $250 a month in a lower east side, two bedroom apartment! Dedicated, organized and passionate interns, be ready for a most amazing summer! If you are interested in participating in the this project contact Aresh at (917) 518 9987 or (212) 533 8019; E-mail aresh at More Gardens! Coalition What we are about We are gardeners - and students, artists, senior citizens, workers - living in New York City who believe in more gardens! in all urban areas world-wide. Gardens provide for everything: Oxygen Food Recreation Exercise BeautPlaygrounds Education Communit The experience of planting is that of acknowledging our roots and embracing the future. Gardens are truly visionary. Political, obviously; and divine. In 1996, the NYC administration decided to try to sell off and therebdestroy the city's 741 community gardens. In 1999, the auction of 114 of these green oases was prevented by years of well planned grass roots actions, which inspired private land conservation groups to join in and purchase the title of the land. A success, indeed; yet, we need to keep working to secure the remaining 400+ gardens for the future. The More Gardens! Coalition operates from a comprehensive five-pronged plan of action: legislative organizing: judicial actions; outreach and education; fundraising; and direct action. Some examples: * Following on the visit by More Gardens! Members with the attorney general in Albany, his office filed a suit to secure the preliminary injunction of the auction on May 5, 1999. * A federal civil rights suit on behalf of ALL gardens was designed by the More Gardens! outreach and research team and by the pro bono work of the Puerto Rican legal defense and education fund, in filed in early May of that year. * The Outreach and Education team contacts and visits all gardens to inform about recent developments and upcoming events. Currently, we are visiting those gardens included in the land trust which are dormant to provide assistance in their revitalization. In response to frequent invitations, we talk about the issue of community gardens in schools and other institutions, and our Street Theater Collective with puppets brings color and life into the education. *Amazing fundraising celebrations, grant writing and individual donations as well as money from land trust to purchase gardens have been utilized. *Direct Action gets the goods The More Gardens! coalition with puppets have participated in speakouts, public hearings, demonstrations, and several acts of civil disobedience. Over 100 of us have been arrested during spring 1999 and over 30 more since then. We conduct Freedom Workshops on a regular basis to pr pare the participants for the non-violent actions and any legal implications.Cabo Rojo Encampment close to its 4th month of encampment. .......................................................................... Yvonne | yvonne at riseup | aim: whyloo .......................................................................... "The free market is 'socialism' for the rich: the public pays the costs and the rich get the benefit - markets for the poor and plenty of state protection for the rich." -- Noam Chomsky, March 2002 Date: Mon, 3 Jun 2002 16:31:30 Subject: Weekend review To: safetydance From: Machinelf Just got back. Wiley's party was great. best ever. the orc's set got cut off and the party was ended so Trancellor OggModd and Nils from Norway didn't get to play. Then off to Omnitribe at coney island party, which got shut down by the police an hour after we got there. It was great while it lasted. there was actually another ravey crew there with 5 people and a mini system. there was an exquisite afterparty on the beach outside of a rest stop near Sheepshead Bay. beautiful beach with sand, and a whole other group of russians playing dark dramatic morning music such as Skinny Puppy. Best outdoor location EVER. Very very very cool. Highlight of the weekend. Sign me up! But nobody snag their spot, you need a car anyways... Sunday we ended up back at Wiley's and then to Boris and Lori's for a backyard barbecue. Thanks guys for a great wrap up! Just got back. Wiley's party was great. best ever. the orc's set got cut off and the party was ended so Trancellor OggModd and Nils from Norway didn't get to play. Then off to Omnitribe at coney island party, which got shut down by the police an hour after we got there. It was great while it lasted. there was actually another ravey crew there with 5 people and a mini system. there was an exquisite afterparty on the beach outside of a rest stop near Sheepshead Bay. beautiful beach with sand, and a whole other group of russians playing dark dramatic morning music such as Skinny Puppy. Best outdoor location EVER. Very very very cool. Highlight of the weekend. Sign me up! But nobody snag their spot, you need a car anyways... Sunday we ended up back at Wiley's and then to Boris and Lori's for a backyard barbecue. Thanks guys for a great wrap up! Date: Mon, 3 Jun 2002 21:15:20 Subject: saturday thanks To: safetydance From: LOLLYGOA yeow, the perfect roof party, Wylie's place rocked, there was a shaded tar-beach with a hammock and loads of good tunes and dancing, and not a cloud ever until 5 minutes b4 before we were supposed to go downstairs anyway, and then a refreshing dash to move indoors for more awaited merry orcster pranks were laid out with a dramatic finale. thankyou, wiley, for a nice majorly relaxing day! Date: Tue, 4 Jun 2002 11:50:54 Subject: Last call for Synthetic Shamans Satur-day trip To: safetydance From: Machinelf We have spaces available for the Saturday day trip. Email me privately if interested. >The next Synthetic Shamans will be a bit closer to the city. The day long ceremony will be held in a special spot in a large forest an hour north of the city, accessible via Metro North trains. We will meet at Grand Central at 10am and be back by 10pm. (From there, some of us will go straight to Synthetic Sadhus) There will be a short hike involved; bring a blanket, incense, musical instruments. The site is used quite often by friends of mine who bring a large radio and build a fire and have all day/night jams. The ceremony's suggested donation will be $100. Price includes transportation and a late light vegan meal in the city. To RSVP email Machinelf . To donate send $ via paypal to Mr. Machine Elf, machinelf at brainmachines . Also, join the discussion group by sending an email to shamanistas-subscribe . We have spaces available for the Saturday day trip. Email me privately if interested. >The next Synthetic Shamans will be a bit closer to the city. The day long ceremony will be held in a special spot in a large forest an hour north of the city, accessible via Metro North trains. We will meet at Grand Central at 10am and be back by 10pm. (From there, some of us will go straight to Synthetic Sadhus) There will be a short hike involved; bring a blanket, incense, musical instruments. The site is used quite often by friends of mine who bring a large radio and build a fire and have all day/night jams. The ceremony's suggested donation will be $100. Price includes transportation and a late light vegan meal in the city. To RSVP email Machinelf . To donate send $ via paypal to Mr. Machine Elf, machinelf at brainmachines . Also, join the discussion group by sending an email to shamanistas-subscribe . Date: Wed, 5 Jun 2002 11:48:00 Subject: Driving to S-Range this Saturday? To: safetydance From: Machinelf from steve at state22 (steve truex) hey I don't suppose anyone out there (with a car) wants to drive down to Starscape in Maryland where S>Range is playing on Saturday? I've never been but it's a huge multi-stage muti-genre affair and this is the first year with a psytrance stage. it's been going on a least a few years and its supposed to be more elaborate than ever. a few people have told me they're really fun parties. tix are $40. I'd of course split gas money...and driving if you want...but I don't drive stick sorry. well if anyone is interested let me know info here www.ultraworld peace, steve steve at state22 (steve truex) from steve at state22 (steve truex) hey I don't suppose anyone out there (with a car) wants to drive down to Starscape in Maryland where S>Range is playing on Saturday? I've never been but it's a huge multi-stage muti-genre affair and this is the first year with a psytrance stage. it's been going on a least a few years and its supposed to be more elaborate than ever. a few people have told me they're really fun parties. tix are $40. I'd of course split gas money...and driving if you want...but I don't drive stick sorry. well if anyone is interested let me know info here www.ultraworld peace, steve steve at state22 (steve truex) Date: Wed, 5 Jun 2002 18:55:06 Subject: virus, sigh To: psy-trance at dewline, SafetyDance, omnitribe, burningelf From: LOLLYGOA everyone, do not open any emails titled : a funny game sent to you by anyone you know. this seems to be a virus that picks a name from an addy book and makes it seem like its from someone you know. (mine read coming from jeff, yours might say from your sis, or someone in your addybook.) i luckily abborted/ f at cked up the original installation so it (i hope) was never given a chance to live. but just in case, don;t download anything thats not a jpeg! lori here's a copy, its path was thru doctec at pcnet but that probably doesnt mean anything... - Subj: A funny game Date: 6/4/02 8:31:02 PM Time From: Machinelf To: LOLLYGOA File: (78524 bytes) DL Time (49333 bps): everyone, do not open any emails titled : a funny game sent to you by anyone you know. this seems to be a virus that picks a name from an addy book and makes it seem like its from someone you know. (mine read coming from jeff, yours might say from your sis, or someone in your addybook.) i luckily abborted/ f at cked up the original installation so it (i hope) was never given a chance to live. but just in case, don;t download anything thats not a jpeg! lori here's a copy, its path was thru doctec at pcnet but that probably doesnt mean anything... - Subj: A funny game Date: 6/4/02 8:31:02 PM Time From: Machinelf To: LOLLYGOA File: (78524 bytes) DL Time (49333 bps): Sent from the Internet (Details) Hello,This is a very funny game This game is my first work. You're the first player. I wish you would like it. Thu, 06 Jun 2002 01:11:17 Bcc: Subject: Help for party Date: Thu, 06 Jun 2002 01:11:17 From: "Jacob Sabat" Barbara is looking for DJs & artists to do a goa trance party on SUN 7/16 at Leopard Lounge. Email her at singerba99 Take the Red Pill & come out of the Matrix...Jacob -. Date: Fri, 7 Jun 2002 15:27:59 Subject: Fwd: [infornography] NYC: 90,000 sq ft Art/Dance party call for submissions To: safetydance From: Machinelf Date: Mon, 10 Jun 2002 15:00:33 Subject: Phantasm Records Full Moon Upststae July 26-29 To: safetydance From: Machinelf On a small flyer handed to me at Synthetic Sadhus by a Home of Trance guy... "Phantasm Records presents Full Moon Outdoor Psy-trance Festival In private 120 acrea resort 1 hour from NYC July 26-28 Phantasmusa " On a small flyer handed to me at Synthetic Sadhus by a Home of Trance guy... "Phantasm Records presents Full Moon Outdoor Psy-trance Festival In private 120 acrea resort 1 hour from NYC July 26-28 Phantasmusa " Date: Mon, 10 Jun 2002 15:03:06 Subject: Wanting to help outdoor event To: safetydance From: Machinelf (Believe it or not, Joe is a wunderkind at NASA) FROM: AT at wpi SUBJECT: bridge enthusiasm? It doesnt necessarily have to be at a bridge.. just somewhere. Anywhere with the space and the accessibility. Maybe upstate or in jersesomewhere. brainstorms? Maybe the woods would be better.. could build a big fire.. have a trible/loin cloth theme.. make some spears, drop, chase down a pig and eat it.. or a tofu pig for the more sensitive. >with terrorism on high alert a nightime bridge party would be not only impossible a waste of time/money/resources. FROM: AT at wpi SUBJECT: bridge enthusiasm? Any chatter/enthusiasm about throwing a bridge event in the next few weeks? Im out of town right now but would like to come down for a few days to help put somthing together.. especially as theres nothing of interest happening in the next month or so. joe diddy (Believe it or not, Joe is a wunderkind at NASA) FROM: AT at wpi SUBJECT: bridge enthusiasm? It doesnt necessarily have to be at a bridge.. just somewhere. Anywhere with the space and the accessibility. Maybe upstate or in jersesomewhere. brainstorms? Maybe the woods would be better.. could build a big fire.. have a trible/loin cloth theme.. make some spears, drop, chase down a pig and eat it.. or a tofu pig for the more sensitive. >with terrorism on high alert a nightime bridge party would be not only impossible a waste of time/money/resources. FROM: AT at wpi SUBJECT: bridge enthusiasm? Any chatter/enthusiasm about throwing a bridge event in the next few weeks? Im out of town right now but would like to come down for a few days to help put somthing together.. especially as theres nothing of interest happening in the next month or so. joe diddy Date: Wed, 12 Jun 2002 10:08:56 Subject: Fwd: three day non-trance camping party To: safetydance From: Machinelf Subject: Fri June 14, FLow Rec. psy trance party in Brooklyn To: SafetyDance From: omni tribe ~~~~ OMNI TRIBE ~~~~ ..presents.. Friday June 14th, 2002 FLOW Label Part Psychedelic Trance Party DJ Acts bPena - Flow records, Portugal Tone factory - Flow records, Portugal FX MIKE - Omni Tribe, NKife - Alphatrance, NSh.I.K.I.D - Omni Tribe, NY - special Birthday DJ set Live Act bFaktor D - flow records, Portugal 11PM - 8AM (after-hours open-air location announced at the party) COVER: $20 at the door - FREE CD from Flow Records for the first 150 sold tickets Location: FUN-O-RAMA, 608 Neptune Avenue, Brooklyn, N Live Video Projections By ATOMIC JUICE Visual Effects by Ben Deco by Y_DESIGN Label Link: www.flow-records Email: info at omnitribe _____ Directions : by Train : F train to Neptune Ave, continue along the train on MacDonald Ave cross Neptune Ave, pass McDonalds on the right, another 300 ft ( 100m ) will put you right in front of Fun-O-Rama. by Car : Belt Pkw East, take Ocean Pkw South exit (7S), make right on first light, continue 2 blocks, make another right on Neptune Ave, continue another 2 blocks until you cross the train line( McDonalds Ave). If you cross West 8 it means you have passed the location go back one block. ~~~ Date: Thu, 13 Jun 2002 12:01:58 Subject: Neva back for Thursdays To: safetydance From: Machinelf "Trance and Ambient, free style music to free your mind with d.g s.g and more... Downbeat till 12, psytrance till 3 Free admission! this thursday June 13th at Neva Bar" 7th ave south between morton and lero "Trance and Ambient, free style music to free your mind with d.g s.g and more... Downbeat till 12, psytrance till 3 Free admission! this thursday June 13th at Neva Bar" 7th ave south between morton and lero Date: Thu, 13 Jun 2002 16:45:30 Subject: Fwd: [SafetyDance] Wanting to help outdoor event To: safetydance From: Machinelf Date: Thu, 13 Jun 2002 16:37:30 To: SafetyDance Subject: Maataa Mandaara 2002 From: "lavouivre" MAATAA MANDAARA 2002 July 12 - 14 You are invited to join us in a beautiful field in the Apalachian Mountains of West Virginia for a full weekend of psychedelic trance. Come and enjoy great music, fresh air, a Sunday afternoon vegetarian feast and West Virginia's only Palace of Gold! ~~~DJs/Artists~~~ ALLEN - Gaian Mind/Metropolis Records, Philadelphia, PA KRI - T.O.U.C.H. Samadhi, Asheville, NC DERBY - T.O.U.C.H. Samadhi/PTLF, Chicago, IL ELECTRIC MAYHEM - Sidetrakkt Productions, Pittsburgh, PA BLUE SPECTRAL MONKEY - T.O.U.C.H. Samadhi, Asheville, NC FUSE - M-Labs, Philadelphia, PA (Live PA) BUFFER - M-Labs, Philadelphia, PA ~~~Fire and Performance~~~ Tranceform Venus - T.O.U.C.H. Samadhi, Asheville, NC ~~~Sound, Deco & Lighting~~~ Gaian Mind ~~~Location~~~ New Vrindaban, North America's largest Hare Krishna community, near Moundsville, WV. Please respect the community's rules: -no meat eating: if you bring your own food, please do not bring meat. -no intoxication: please do not smoke in the temple area. -no illicit sexual relations -no gambling Everyone is welcome to come to New Vrindaban early or stay late. You can: -take a tour of Prabhupada's Palace of Gold -visit the Goshalla and learn how to milk a cow -visit the temple and see the Darshan (deities) -buy organic food or browse Krishna's Attic: A Transcendental thrift store for more info: www.newvrindaban ~~~Price~~~ $30 one night's stay in an on-site Guest Lodge with showers/bathrooms (additional nights $15 per night, children $10, infants free) OR $20 camping. Please note there are no restroom facilities available for campers. ~~~Meals~~~ Vegetarian Indian meals are available at the temple. Please make a suitable donation. Stay until Sunday afternoon and join the feast! ~~~RSVP~~~ Please RSVP to lavouivre with full names of everyone coming (for the security list). You will get a confirmation with directions/arrival info. Subject: Everyone involved in Omni Tribe partTo: omnitribe Cc: psy-trance at dewline, brainmachines, SafetyDance, DRAGONTRIBE From: omni tribe Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! For those who didn't make it... there is always next time to enjoy the highest horizons of pure vibe.. And if you are into material world, you missed free Blue (flow rec) CD for everyone, impeccable sound and top-world DJ act. Date: Mon, 17 Jun 2002 07:27:31 Subject: Fwd: Party In The Park INFO To: safetydance From: Machinelf Tue, 18 Jun 2002 02:42:27 Bcc: Subject: Fwd: SOLSTICE DANCE CELEBRATION Date: Tue, 18 Jun 2002 02:42:27 From: "Jacob Sabat" >From: Dianne Dunya McPherson >To: Recipient List Suppressed:; >Subject: SOLSTICE DANCE CELEBRATION > >Please >join us and bring friends this Friday evening >to the Dharma Yoga Center for Spiritual Bellydance >to Celebrate >the SUMMER SOLSTICE. > >Dunya > Salima > Jennifer Sears >with >Emma, Ana, Katherine, Jadina, Evelyn and Nanc> >Also poetry and Visual Haiku > and >DANCING FOR ALL! > >8:30pm >297 3rd Ave. at 23rd St. >$7 donation >INFO: >212-889-8160 _ Send and receive Hotmail on your mobile device: http://mobile.msn Date: Thu, 20 Jun 2002 18:39:10 Subject: Fwd: SUnday trance event at Orange Bear(no cover) / Mermaid Parade !!! To: safetydance From: Machinelf To:, , "Neo Infornography for the Masses" Subject: FRIDAY NIGHT: Frontlines of Eco-Defense Needs YOUR SUPPORT! From: "Yvonne" FUNDRAISER FOR ENVIROMENTAL ACTIVIST & POLITICAL PRISONER -BENEFIT PARTY. FILM SCREENING, OPEN MIKE, FOLLOWED BY DJ'S WHY: Click on one of the above links. To help our beloved friend Free and raise money for his upcoming legal costs. The benefit will enable a nationwide tour (to start in July) aimed at education young people about the destruction of our environment, expose them to various eco-defense options such as direct action. We hope to raise awareness and money for our comrade Free's upcoming appeal.. WHAT: The benefit party will rock hard! See films "The Real Eco-Terrorists" which features interviews with Free, John Zerzan and Bron Taylor on radical ecological resistance. ALSO featuring "Fuck the System" and a variety of political music videos. Followed by Anarchist Love Soncs By "Brad" DJ's Mary Jane & others. Boogie Down! Meet radical activists! Vent on the open mike! WHEN: FRIDAY JUNE 21ST 8:00 PM-2:00 AM WHERE: 56 Walker Street - Betw. Broadway & Church 2 Blocks south of Canal. Take 6 or N or R trains to Canal St. (Lenny will be out of town - don't worry) For more info or to help with the benefit, please E-MAIL: warcry at please page me at 917-800-6141 HELP get the word out about this benefit so we can go on the road and raise money for Free's appeal! He sacrificed his freedom to call attention to our environmental disasters. Now we must call attention to Free! Thank you for your support! Make a quick comment on this article. The money will benefit him directly, as well as the green anarchy tour for this summer - which will be nationwide and will raise money for Free's appeal as well. .......................................................................... Yvonne | yvonne at riseup phone: 646.321.5710 | aim: whyloo .......................................................................... I am not wrong: Wrong is not my name My name is my own my own my own and I can't tell you who the hell set things up like this but I can tell you that from now on my resistance my simple and daily and nightly self-determination may very well cost you your life -- June Jordan, Poem About My Rights To: safetydance Subject: Fwd: [Ally] Independence Day Action From: Hoeken check it out, underground resistance!! also posted on www.neuroatomik ~Hoeken >THIS IS IT! > >Prepare your staple guns; in less than two weeks the samizdat blitz will >begin. > >If you didn't receive the previous email, here's how things are shaping >up. As you know, almost every city in the US has some sort of event on the >4th of July. At midnight on the night before, we expect samizdat agents >across the country to plaster parade routes with the new poster. This is a >coordinated effort, and we need you to get involved! > >You can download the poster right now at > >(You'll need Acrobat Reader, which you can also download for free at > >Make a stack of copies, and then you're ready to go. If you can't afford >to make the copies yourself, please let me know how many posters you think >you'll use and what address I should mail them to. > >I think all of us participating would like to know where the other agents >are striking, so please post to the list, or email me personally, and tell >us where you're located and your plan of action. I'll try to compile a >list after the event. > >Posting a post on poster posting, >*zara* > >P.S. here's a link of some major events across the nation, which might >help some of you >www.american /heintze/events.htm > >The Alchemind Society: The International Association for Cognitive Libert> > >TO SUBSCRIBE: send a blank e- > >alchemindallies-subscribe at topica >^ >This email was sent to: hoeken at neuroatomik > >http://topica /u/?a2iYO4.a4xTDW > >T O P I C A -- Register now to manage your mail! >http://www.topica /partner/tag02/register >^ check it out, underground resistance!! also posted on www.neuroatomik ~Hoeken THIS IS IT! Prepare your staple guns; in less than two weeks the samizdat blitz will begin. If you didn't receive the previous email, here's how things are shaping up. As you know, almost every city in the US has some sort of event on the 4th of July. At midnight on the night before, we expect samizdat agents across the country to plaster parade routes with the new poster. This is a coordinated effort, and we need you to get involved! You can download the poster right now at (You'll need Acrobat Reader, which you can also download for free at Make a stack of copies, and then you're ready to go. If you can't afford to make the copies yourself, please let me know how many posters you think you'll use and what address I should mail them to. I think all of us participating would like to know where the other agents are striking, so please post to the list, or email me personally, and tell us where you're located and your plan of action. I'll try to compile a list after the event. Posting a post on poster posting, *zara* P.S. here's a link of some major events across the nation, which might help some of you www.american /heintze/events.htm The Alchemind Society: The International Association for Cognitive Liberty TO SUBSCRIBE: send a blank e- alchemindallies-subscribe at topica ^ This email was sent to: hoeken at neuroatomik http://topica /u/?a2iYO4.a4xTDW T O P I C A -- Register now to manage your mail! http://www.topica /partner/tag02/register ^ Date: Sat, 22 Jun 2002 15:04:06 Subject: Fwd: upstate ny partTo: safetydance From: Machinelf Date: Sat, 22 Jun 2002 13:24:51 Subject: Summer Trance Event in Vermont To: safetydance From: FrequencyFire at cs Greetings, I have some exciting news. OnPoint Productions, my crew in Providence is throwing an outdoor party on Labour Day. On Askonet Mountain in Vermont. Incredible venue, working chair lifts (it's a ski mountain), and a huge indoor 2 floor arena. I'll be booking the trance for the evening. REAL trance. It will be our own area. It'll be our own area. I'll organize bus trips if enough people want to go. Anyone who wants to play, or help out in any way please write me back. Decorations will be needed. We don't have a great budget, but at least there is one. Till then... peace and light to all, andrew* Date: Wed, 26 Jun 2002 22:36:04 Subject: Fwd: fRee OutDoor psYchAdElic trAnCe PArtTo: safetydance From: Machinelf i don't know about this one... they mispelled psychedelic Thu, 27 Jun 2002 17:20:20 To: safetydance Bcc: Subject: Maataa Mandaara 2002 - IMPORTANT - changes in lodging Date: Thu, 27 Jun 2002 17:20:20 From: "Sara Tesorieri" Hello everyone, If you plan to come to Maataa Mandaara in West Virginia this year, please note the following: only a few rooms available in the guest lodge, which we previouslexpected to have ample availability. I have reserved all remaining rooms, so if anyone had planned to stay there but has not yet RSVP'd to me, please do so ASAP if you'd like a room (they accomodate 4 people in bunkbeds.) I will give them out on a first come first serve basis. To compensate a little for the lodging crunch, New Vrindaban has agreed to make restroom and shower facilities at the lodge available to all campers. I apologize for any inconvenience, and hope no one will be discouraged from coming -- it really is a beautiful place to camp :) MAATAA MANDAARA 2002 July 12 - 14 You are invited to join us in a beautiful field in the Apalachian Mountains of West Virginia for a full weekend of psychedelic trance. Come and enjoy great music, fresh air, a Sunday afternoon vegetarian feast and West Virginia's only Palace of Gold! ~~~DJs/Artists~~~ ALLEN - Gaian Mind/Metropolis Records, Philadelphia, PA KRI - T.O.U.C.H. Samadhi, Asheville, NC DERBY - T.O.U.C.H. Samadhi/PTLF, Chicago, IL ELECTRIC MAYHEM - Sidetrakkt Productions, Pittsburgh, PA BLUE SPECTRAL MONKEY - T.O.U.C.H. Samadhi, Asheville, NC FUSE - M-Labs, Philadelphia, PA (Live PA) BUFFER - M-Labs, Philadelphia, PA ~~~Fire and Performance~~~ Tranceform Venus - T.O.U.C.H. Samadhi, Asheville, NC ~~~Sound, & Lighting~~~ Gaian Mind, Philadelphia ~~~Deco~~~ Gaian Mind, Philadelphia The Devotee, T.O.U.C.H. Samadhi, Asheville, NC ~~~Location~~~ New Vrindaban, North America's largest Hare Krishna community, near Moundsville, WV. Please respect the community's rules: -no meat eating: if you bring your own food, please do not bring meat. -no intoxication: please do not smoke in the temple area. -no illicit sexual relations -no gambling Everyone is welcome to come to New Vrindaban early or stay late. You can: -take a tour of Prabhupada's Palace of Gold -visit the Goshalla and learn how to milk a cow -visit the temple and see the Darshan (deities) -buy organic food or browse Krishna's Attic: A Transcendental thrift store for more info: www.newvrindaban ~~~Price~~~ $20 camping. Restroom and shower facilities available. ~~~Meals~~~ Vegetarian Indian meals are available at the temple. Please make a suitable donation. Stay until Sunday afternoon and join the feast! ~~~RSVP~~~ Please RSVP to lavouivre with full names of everyone coming (for the security list). You will get a confirmation with directions/arrival info. -. Date: Fri, 28 Jun 2002 04:45:08 Subject: more info on the multigenre camping trip To: safetydance From: Machinelf I know its been posted before, but i just wanted to update this because i wanna make sure everyone knows about it. This weekend June 28th-30th theres an outdoor festival with jungle and psytrance with a very friendly crowd. It was organized by very good people with the best intentions. Im not sure what the jungle lineup is but im very interested in checking it out. Its a beautiful location with our privacy and bathrooms/showers. The unknown shrooms will be there representing psytrance, and we hope you all will come up and have a great weekend with us. Friday to late Saturday will be Jungle, Psytrance will be late Sat.- 12 noon sunday. Its outdoor, its a little bit of a break from a typical trance party, and the vibe is completely positive. Here is what Randol wanted me to fwd to you all....... What's going on, Randol Aircrash and Michelle Mars here with some updates on The Sound Unity Project, Mission 1. OK First of everything is set and good to go. All the DJs are showing love by coming up, we got a new location that's 300 acres of paradise. Renegade virus is coming with the sound system. We got a little bit of everything for everyone. This is promising to be nothing but a good fun and loving event. {The location of the place is: 4 Cameron rd. Athol, N.Y. 12810 #518 623 9474} DIRECTIONS:I-87 NY Thruway to exit 24 I-87 Adirondack Northway to exit 23 Warrensburg end of ramp north bound turn left (end of ramp south bound turn right) at traffic light turn right on Rt. 9 proceed north 2 more traffic lights turn left on Rt. 418-Stony Creek Rd approx. 4 miles Crazy Creek Campgrounds is located on the left, across from the Crazy Creek Store and gas station. Go on to map quest for specific directions from your home.} There is a bus that goes up that way. Trailways is the bus company, you can call them up to get a schedule and get your ticket. 1 800 225 6815. This bus goes to Warrensburg NY which is 4 miles from the campgrounds. We will have someone doing shuttle rides from the bus stop to the campgrounds. The bus fair (ill post more bus fare and schedule info tomorrow, or contact me. info at bottom of mail - Tony.) and the admission ticket are two separate things, so be sure to have some money for both. Admission is 25 bucks which includes camping cost (rental of the land). There is gonna be a donation jar which is to give money to the DJs for coming up and showing love. There is bathrooms on location as well as showers, there is a store on location, be sure to bring what you need. A small grill if you have one, food that won't go bad if not refrigerated, A sleeping bag or a nice big blanket. We will be on a mountain so it will get cold at night. bring a sweater, the river is right there so you might wanna bring shorts to swim on the river. Bring a garbage bag for your garbage. Do not leave cigarette butts on the ground. If it wasn't there when you arrived dont let it be there when you leave. No paper flyer promoting allowed. We don't want papers all over the ground. Bring a tent if you have one. A first aid kit if you have one. a fire extinguisher if you have one. There will be only one community camp fire, so we can keep things under control. Upon entry you will receive some reading material, that will set the rules of the land. Please read them carefully and cooperate with us. This event is gonna be very special and if everything goes well, we can make it a yearly event. So please come correct. Respect the land, respect the locals. We are being welcomed as guest into these peoples home land. So be generous. We will have security and if your miss behave you will get kicked out without a refund. I trust all of you will be respectful to the land by cleaning up after yourselves. There is no they, its we, and together we must keep our earth clean and natural so that our future offspring will have somthing to enjoy. Be generous to each other and show love. This is a peaceful gathering and we don't want any static if you know what I mean. Be generous to yourself, this is a place where you can come relax, enjoy great music and be part of an amazing culture but most important this is a place where you can heal your soul. Help us generate positive energy. This is a gift from us to you. Enjoy it, learn from the experience and pass it on into your everyday world. Together we will make this a magical experience that will create a strong bond among us as well as a positive ripples that will spread love onto the world That is all for now folks, I hope to see you all there, have fun and spread love. Sincerely, Randol AirCrash & Michelle Mars : The Crash On Mars Crew PS: Spread the word about this event to anyone you feel is worthy of sharing this beautiful experince. This is all about word to mouth, be sure to let only your friends know about the new location. ............ peace........................ ]] Did I forget anything? I must have. If anyone wants more info call me 646-234-3263, e-mail Freebeer4kids . Who knows how many outdoor events there will be!?! The next scheduled one is the Phantasm party in late July, by then the summers more than half over!! see you all there, peace& love, -Ton I know its been posted before, but i just wanted to update this because i wanna make sure everyone knows about it. This weekend June 28th-30th theres an outdoor festival with jungle and psytrance with a very friendly crowd. It was organized by very good people with the best intentions. Im not sure what the jungle lineup is but im very interested in checking it out. Its a beautiful location with our privacy and bathrooms/showers. The unknown shrooms will be there representing psytrance, and we hope you all will come up and have a great weekend with us. Friday to late Saturday will be Jungle, Psytrance will be late Sat.- 12 noon sunday. Its outdoor, its a little bit of a break from a typical trance party, and the vibe is completely positive. Here is what Randol wanted me to fwd to you all....... What's going on, Randol Aircrash and Michelle Mars here with some updates on The Sound Unity Project, Mission 1. OK First of everything is set and good to go. All the DJs are showing love by coming up, we got a new location that's 300 acres of paradise. Renegade virus is coming with the sound system. We got a little bit of everything for everyone. This is promising to be nothing but a good fun and loving event. {The location of the place is: 4 Cameron rd. Athol, N.Y. 12810 #518 623 9474} DIRECTIONS:I-87 NY Thruway to exit 24 I-87 Adirondack Northway to exit 23 Warrensburg end of ramp north bound turn left (end of ramp south bound turn right) at traffic light turn right on Rt. 9 proceed north 2 more traffic lights turn left on Rt. 418-Stony Creek Rd approx. 4 miles Crazy Creek Campgrounds is located on the left, across from the Crazy Creek Store and gas station. Go on to map quest for specific directions from your home.} There is a bus that goes up that way. Trailways is the bus company, you can call them up to get a schedule and get your ticket. 1 800 225 6815. This bus goes to Warrensburg NY which is 4 miles from the campgrounds. We will have someone doing shuttle rides from the bus stop to the campgrounds. The bus fair (ill post more bus fare and schedule info tomorrow, or contact me. info at bottom of mail - Tony.) and the admission ticket are two separate things, so be sure to have some money for both. Admission is 25 bucks which includes camping cost (rental of the land). There is gonna be a donation jar which is to give money to the DJs for coming up and showing love. There is bathrooms on location as well as showers, there is a store on location, be sure to bring what you need. A small grill if you have one, food that won't go bad if not refrigerated, A sleeping bag or a nice big blanket. We will be on a mountain so it will get cold at night. bring a sweater, the river is right there so you might wanna bring shorts to swim on the river. Bring a garbage bag for your garbage. Do not leave cigarette butts on the ground. If it wasn't there when you arrived dont let it be there when you leave. No paper flyer promoting allowed. We don't want papers all over the ground. Bring a tent if you have one. A first aid kit if you have one. a fire extinguisher if you have one. There will be only one community camp fire, so we can keep things under control. Upon entry you will receive some reading material, that will set the rules of the land. Please read them carefully and cooperate with us. This event is gonna be very special and if everything goes well, we can make it a yearly event. So please come correct. Respect the land, respect the locals. We are being welcomed as guest into these peoples home land. So be generous. We will have security and if your miss behave you will get kicked out without a refund. I trust all of you will be respectful to the land by cleaning up after yourselves. There is no they, its we, and together we must keep our earth clean and natural so that our future offspring will have somthing to enjoy. Be generous to each other and show love. This is a peaceful gathering and we don't want any static if you know what I mean. Be generous to yourself, this is a place where you can come relax, enjoy great music and be part of an amazing culture but most important this is a place where you can heal your soul. Help us generate positive energy. This is a gift from us to you. Enjoy it, learn from the experience and pass it on into your everyday world. Together we will make this a magical experience that will create a strong bond among us as well as a positive ripples that will spread love onto the world That is all for now folks, I hope to see you all there, have fun and spread love. Sincerely, Randol AirCrash & Michelle Mars : The Crash On Mars Crew PS: Spread the word about this event to anyone you feel is worthy of sharing this beautiful experince. This is all about word to mouth, be sure to let only your friends know about the new location. ............ peace........................ ]] Did I forget anything? I must have. If anyone wants more info call me 646-234-3263, e-mail Freebeer4kids . Who knows how many outdoor events there will be!?! The next scheduled one is the Phantasm party in late July, by then the summers more than half over!! see you all there, peace&love, -Ton Date: Fri, 28 Jun 2002 19:13:27 Subject: DJ needs a ride to the camping trip today (saturday) To: SAFETYDANCE From: Machinelf 917-407-4587 mike Thu, 27 Jun 2002 17:08:52 To: safetydance Bcc: Subject: Maataa Mandaara 2002 - IMPORTANT - changes in lodging Date: Thu, 27 Jun 2002 17:08:52 From: "Sara Tesorieri" Hello everyone, If you plan to come to Maataa Mandaara in West Virginia this year, please note the following: only a few rooms available in the guest lodge, which we previouslexpected to have ample availability. I have reserved all remaining rooms, so if anyone had planned to stay there but has not yet RSVP'd to me, please do so ASAP if you'd like a room (they accomodate 4 people in bunkbeds.) I will give them out on a first come first serve basis. To compensate a little for the lodging crunch, New Vrindaban has agreed to make restroom and shower facilities at the lodge available to all campers. I apologize for any inconvenience, and hope no one will be discouraged from coming -- it really is a beautiful place to camp :) MAATAA MANDAARA 2002 July 12 - 14 You are invited to join us in a beautiful field in the Apalachian Mountains of West Virginia for a full weekend of psychedelic trance. Come and enjoy great music, fresh air, a Sunday afternoon vegetarian feast and West Virginia's only Palace of Gold! ~~~DJs/Artists~~~ ALLEN - Gaian Mind/Metropolis Records, Philadelphia, PA KRI - T.O.U.C.H. Samadhi, Asheville, NC DERBY - T.O.U.C.H. Samadhi/PTLF, Chicago, IL ELECTRIC MAYHEM - Sidetrakkt Productions, Pittsburgh, PA BLUE SPECTRAL MONKEY - T.O.U.C.H. Samadhi, Asheville, NC FUSE - M-Labs, Philadelphia, PA (Live PA) BUFFER - M-Labs, Philadelphia, PA ~~~Fire and Performance~~~ Tranceform Venus - T.O.U.C.H. Samadhi, Asheville, NC ~~~Sound, & Lighting~~~ Gaian Mind, Philadelphia ~~~Deco~~~ Gaian Mind, Philadelphia The Devotee, T.O.U.C.H. Samadhi, Asheville, NC ~~~Location~~~ New Vrindaban, North America's largest Hare Krishna community, near Moundsville, WV. Please respect the community's rules: -no meat eating: if you bring your own food, please do not bring meat. -no intoxication: please do not smoke in the temple area. -no illicit sexual relations -no gambling Everyone is welcome to come to New Vrindaban early or stay late. You can: -take a tour of Prabhupada's Palace of Gold -visit the Goshalla and learn how to milk a cow -visit the temple and see the Darshan (deities) -buy organic food or browse Krishna's Attic: A Transcendental thrift store for more info: www.newvrindaban ~~~Price~~~ $20 camping. Restroom and shower facilities available. ~~~Meals~~~ Vegetarian Indian meals are available at the temple. Please make a suitable donation. Stay until Sunday afternoon and join the feast! ~~~RSVP~~~ Please RSVP to lavouivre with full names of everyone coming (for the security list). You will get a confirmation with directions/arrival info. _ MSN Photos is the easiest way to share and print your photos: http://photos.msn /support/worldwide.aspx Thu, 27 Jun 2002 17:53:21 To: safetydance Bcc: Subject: Going to Maataa Mandaara from NYC? Date: Thu, 27 Jun 2002 17:53:21 From: "Sara Tesorieri" If anyone is coming to Maataa Mandaara from NYC, Dali Poliva would like to carpool. Please email her directly at: dalith at theisraelinetworkusa Thanks, Sara _ Join the worlds largest e-mail service with MSN Hotmail. Date: Sat, 06 Jul 2002 22:46:50 To: SafetyDance Subject: Bridge PartFrom: "ismokedmt" Heard a rumor from the drum & bass people that there was at least one bridge party with at least some psy-trance a couple of days ago, maybe on Wednesday during Infected Mushroom for all thew people who couldn't pay $25... Date: Sat, 6 Jul 2002 20:46:20 Subject: (no subject) To: safetydance From: Machinelf heard another rumor of a psytrance party at frying pan tonight Date: Sat, 6 Jul 2002 21:42:29 Subject: rumour - Bridhe by the Lighthouse To: safetydance From: Machinelf some people are setiing up a party on the EAST side of GW bridge by the lighthouse - overlooking New Jerse To:, Subject: Upstate party if people are interested From: "Peter Rosenberg" Hey everyone, I've got some friends with a twenty five acre ranch in upstate new york. They want to have a party the second or third week in august, and we are looking for DJ's, decorators, visuals, sound system etc. The cost of participation will be free, if people are willing to lend/donate their talents and equipment. The ranch is in a fairly secluded location and they think that it will not be a problem to have a mid size (300 to 500) party. There is electricity so generators will not be an issue. The location is about two hours from the GW bridge by car. Near Windham for those who are familer with upstate NY. It's also accesible by bus plus a $15 cab ride for those with out a car. This is still in the formative stages, but I think that its a really great location for a party. Reasonably easy to get to. Beautiful area. Only about ten miles from store for supplies. If anyone is interested send me an e-mail. Anyone who's organized somthing like this before. I would love to hear from you. Peter P.S. If this happens there will be a lot of people there who are not on this list and are not part of the "trance scene" Date: Tue, 9 Jul 2002 02:33:26 Subject: Fwd: PSI Party this Saturday, July 13th To: safetydance Cc: shamanistas From: Machinelf directions will be emailed a couple of days before the partNote to shamanistas - note use of the name. I swear I made the name up! In a message dated 7/9/02 1:02:12 AM Time, pjm246 at nyu writes: > Party Info Starts Here: > > A REFLUX: the 1st trip > > *PSI brings you an hallucinatory event* > > An evening of psychedelic trance in a beautiful, outdoor forest setting > > Your all-vinyl techno-shamans for the evening: > > 11:00 - 2:00 > Mark (Philadelphia Shamanista Initiative, Philadelphia) > Opening up with a groovy, minimal intro set and phasing into some more > full-on sounds > > 2:00 - 5:00 > Merlin and Dharmaz Reptile (Twisted Minds, New York/London) > These two deck wizards are bringing you 3 hours of peak-of-the-night, > full-on, psychedelic madness > > 5:00 - 8:00 > Mescalinium (Philadelphia Shamanista Initiative, New York/Philadelphia) > Spinning a thoroughly modern set of uplifting, melodic trance to > coincide with the sunrise > > Location: This event will take place in a forest clearing located in > the New Jersey Pine Barrens. The area is approximately 2 hours outside > of New York City, and 1 1/2 hours outside of Philly. The field itself > is extremely isolated, and is miles from any residential area. There > will be a designated area for parking. Please email > Sunshinegoa3, with "PSI party" somewhere in the subject line, > for directions. Directions will also be posted later this week. > > This place is a gorgeous, pristine oasis of nature in its purest form. > We must respect the land and LEAVE NO TRACE. Please take care of all > personal items/trash etc. > > Because of recent forest fires in the Pine Barrens, we ask that no > fires be permitted. > > Bring: > Water, food, blankets, tents/camping gear, flashlights, good vibes, > incense, tapestries, friends, black lights, strobe lights, other > visuals, herbal refreshments... etc. > > IMPORTANT NOTE: This gathering IS NOT rain or shine. Unfortunately, > heavy rain may render the field temporarily inaccessable due to mud. > In the event of inclement weather, we will postpone the party and send > a mass email the day of the event or sooner. (To get on the PSI > mailing list, please send a message to Sunshinegoa3 ). > > This will be a free party. Nonetheless, donations to the Initiative > is a non-profit organization ;) and will go to finance future > psychedelic events. > > This promises to be a special and memorable night. The Dj's and > organizers are all very excited and enthusiastic. We hope you can you > make it out and be a part of it. > > - Pat and Neil (The PSI team) directions will be emailed a couple of days before the partNote to shamanistas - note use of the name. I swear I made the name up! In a message dated 7/9/02 1:02:12 AM Time, pjm246 at nyu writes: Party Info Starts Here: A REFLUX: the 1st trip *PSI brings you an hallucinatory event* An evening of psychedelic trance in a beautiful, outdoor forest setting Your all-vinyl techno-shamans for the evening: 11:00 - 2:00 Mark (Philadelphia Shamanista Initiative, Philadelphia) Opening up with a groovy, minimal intro set and phasing into some more full-on sounds 2:00 - 5:00 Merlin and Dharmaz Reptile (Twisted Minds, New York/London) These two deck wizards are bringing you 3 hours of peak-of-the-night, full-on, psychedelic madness 5:00 - 8:00 Mescalinium (Philadelphia Shamanista Initiative, New York/Philadelphia) Spinning a thoroughly modern set of uplifting, melodic trance to coincide with the sunrise Location: This event will take place in a forest clearing located in the New Jersey Pine Barrens. The area is approximately 2 hours outside of New York City, and 1 1/2 hours outside of Philly. The field itself is extremely isolated, and is miles from any residential area. There will be a designated area for parking. Please email Sunshinegoa3, with "PSI party" somewhere in the subject line, for directions. Directions will also be posted later this week. This place is a gorgeous, pristine oasis of nature in its purest form. We must respect the land and LEAVE NO TRACE. Please take care of all personal items/trash etc. Because of recent forest fires in the Pine Barrens, we ask that no fires be permitted. Bring: Water, food, blankets, tents/camping gear, flashlights, good vibes, incense, tapestries, friends, black lights, strobe lights, other visuals, herbal refreshments... etc. IMPORTANT NOTE: This gathering IS NOT rain or shine. Unfortunately, heavy rain may render the field temporarily inaccessable due to mud. In the event of inclement weather, we will postpone the party and send a mass email the day of the event or sooner. (To get on the PSI mailing list, please send a message to Sunshinegoa3 ). This will be a free party. Nonetheless, donations to the Initiative is a non-profit organization ;) and will go to finance future psychedelic events. This promises to be a special and memorable night. The Dj's and organizers are all very excited and enthusiastic. We hope you can you make it out and be a part of it. - Pat and Neil (The PSI team) Date: Tue, 9 Jul 2002 02:35:32 Subject: Fwd: 09/13-15/2002 Gaian Mind Trance Weekend at ... To: safetydance From: Machinelf Date: Tue, 9 Jul 2002 12:54:09 Subject: Twisted Mind Events To: safetydance From: Machinelf They've all been posted here before b-b-b-b-but not in one email! These lads are busy, like the DMT 2 years ago. >TWISTED MINDS EVENTS - 7/9/2002 Twisted Minds Will Now List All Future Events It Will Be Organising Or Appearing At: If You Would Like To Book Our DJs - Merlin or Dharmaz Reptile, or just want to reach us regarding future events. mail: twistedmindsproductions ++++++++++++++++++++++ Wednesday July 10th PYRAMID PARTY - hosted by Unkown Shrooms A BI WEEKLY FAVOURITE - DARK/HARD/FUNKY/FULLON PSYTRANCE, MAKE YOU LOSE YOUR MIND WITH AN ABSOLUTELY KILLER SOUND SYSTEM. MAKE NO MISTAKES THIS IS A TOTAL TRANCE -DANCE PARTY. 3$ COVER ---- 2$BEER AND 4$ SHOTS DJ'S LINEUP::NILS {SWEEDEN}- DJ UNKNOWN {TSUNAMI}- MERLIN {TWISTED MINDS} - ICYCOIL {UNKNOWSHROOMS} DECOR: BY UNKNOWSHROOMS 101 AVE.A BETW. 6-7ST 18 TO PARTY 21TO DRINK +ID +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Saturday July 13th A REFLUX: the 1st trip *PSI brings you an hallucinatory event* An evening of psychedelic trance in a beautiful, outdoor forest setting Your all-vinyl techno-shamans for the evening: 11:00 - 2:00 Mark (Philadelphia Shamanista Initiative, Philadelphia) Opening up with a groovy, minimal intro set and phasing into some more full-on sounds 2:00 - 5:00 Merlin and Dharmaz Reptile (Twisted Minds, New York/London) These two deck wizards are bringing you 3 hours of peak-of-the-night, full-on, psychedelic madness 5:00 - 8:00 Mescalinium (Philadelphia Shamanista Initiative, New York/Philadelphia) Spinning a thoroughly modern set of uplifting, melodic trance to coincide with the sunrise Location: This event will take place in a forest clearing located in the New Jersey Pine Barrens. The area is approximately 2 hours outside of New York City, and 1 1/2 hours outside of Philly. The field itself is extremely isolated, and is miles from any residential area. There will be a designated area for parking. Please email Sunshinegoa3, with "PSI party" somewhere in the subject line, for directions. Directions will also be posted later this week. This place is a gorgeous, pristine oasis of nature in its purest form. We must respect the land and LEAVE NO TRACE. Please take care of all personal items/trash etc. Because of recent forest fires in the Pine Barrens, we ask that no fires be permitted. Bring: Water, food, blankets, tents/camping gear, flashlights, good vibes, incense, tapestries, friends, black lights, strobe lights, other visuals, herbal refreshments... etc. IMPORTANT NOTE: This gathering IS NOT rain or shine. Unfortunately, heavy rain may render the field temporarily inaccessable due to mud. In the event of inclement weather, we will postpone the party and send a mass email the day of the event or sooner. (To get on the PSI mailing list, please send a message to Sunshinegoa3 ). This will be a free party. Nonetheless, donations to the Initiative is a non-profit organization ;) and will go to finance future psychedelic events. This promises to be a special and memorable night. The Dj's and organizers are all very excited and enthusiastic. We hope you can you make it out and be a part of it. - Pat and Neil (The PSI team) +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Sunday July 21st Party In The Park Finally. Info Will be posted Soon. Bring Food Music People and Loads of Energy. Including World Cup Soccer Game - For All those who know what football really is. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Wednesday July 24th Pyramid Party Featuring Dharmaz Reptile (Twisted Minds) Look out for info. on other acts. Dharmaz Reptile Will be spinning a totally twisted set including new unrealesed material. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Coming Soon - Twisted Minds First NEW YORK PARTY. Will Feature Live Acts, As well as a plethera of Psychadelic Talent. A Night of utter chaos and madness. Date: Thu, 11 Jul 2002 14:27:42 Subject: Directions to PSI's free psy-trance outdoor in NJ this SaturdaTo: safetydance From: Machinelf These were to be sent out by Theo any day now, saw them just now on Omnitribe so here goes: (Directions at bottom of page following party info) A REFLUX: the 1st trip *PSI brings you an hallucinatory event* An evening of psychedelic trance in a beautiful, outdoor forest setting Your all-vinyl techno-shamans for the evening: 11:00 - 2:00 Mark (Philadelphia Shamanista Initiative, Philadelphia) Opening up with a groovy, minimal intro set and phasing into some more full-on sounds 2:00 - 5:00 Merlin and Dharmaz Reptile (Twisted Minds, New York/London) These two deck wizards are bringing you 3 hours of peak-of-the-night, full-on, psychedelic madness 5:00 - 8:00 Mescalinium (Philadelphia Shamanista Initiative, New York/Philadelphia) Spinning a thoroughly modern set of uplifting, melodic trance to coincide with the sunrise Location: This event will take place in a forest clearing located in the New Jersey Pine Barrens. The area is approximately 2 hours outside of New York City, and 1 1/2 hours outside of Philly. The field itself is extremely isolated, and is miles from anresidential area. There will be a designated area for parking. Directions will follow at the bottom of this page. This place is a gorgeous, pristine oasis of nature in its purest form. We must respect the land and LEAVE NO TRACE. Please take care of all personal items/trash etc. Because of recent forest fires in the Pine Barrens, we ask that no fires be permitted. Bring: Water, food, blankets, tents/camping gear, flashlights, good vibes, incense, tapestries, friends, black lights, strobe lights, other visuals, herbal refreshments... etc. IMPORTANT NOTE: This gathering IS NOT rain or shine. Unfortunately, heavy rain may render the field temporarilinaccessable due to mud. In the event of inclement weather, we will postpone the party and send a mass email the day of the event or sooner. (To get on the PSI mailing list, please send a message to Sunshinegoa3 ). This will be a free party. Nonetheless, donations to the Initiative would be much appreciated. All donations are is a non-profit organization ;) and will go to finance future psychedelic events. This promises to be a special and memorable night. The Dj's and organizers are all very excited and enthusiastic. We hope you can you make it out and be a part of it. - Pat and Neil (The PSI team) DIRECTIONS IMPORTANT NOTE: It is vitally important that while travelling to the event location, we do not arouse the suspicion of either the locals or THE MAN. Therefore, a number of precautions must be taken. First, do not "caravan", i.e. do not drive out with a bunch of friends in different cars all in a row. This is especially important when you get close to the event location. A local who sees a several cars lined up with out of state plates may be inclined to alert THE MAN. Secondly, when making the turn off onto the dirt road, MAKE SURE there are NO OTHER cars on the road at that time. Multiple cars seen turning down the same road is certainly grounds for suspicion. Third, do not enter local establishments, e.g. gas stations or convenience stores when you are within 20 miles of the location. Please act wisely and safely, and we can then all enjoy ourselves to the fullest extent. >From New York and all points North: Go through Holland Tunnel, bear left coming out of it. The road will turn into I-78 west. Take I-78 west to the I-95 South/NJ Turnpike South exit. Follow signs for NJ Turnpike South. Take Turnpike South to exit number 7, US-206 (towards "Bordentown/Trenton") and merge onto 206 South. Take 206 South for about 18 miles, enter the traffic circle, and merge onto Route 70 East. Continue along Route 70 East for about 20 miles until you hit the junction for Route 539. You will see a Wawa on one side of the road, and a gas station on the other. DO NOT go into either of these establishments. THE MAN is known to frequent these locations. Bear right onto 539 South. Follow Route 539 for about 5 miles. On the right, you will see a wooden, unlit sign for the "Greenwood Forest". Your next turn will be the 2nd RIGHT after the Greenwood Forest sign, about 1.4 miles after the sign. It is a small dirt road and may be difficult to see. However, please try to drive at a normal speed if there are other cars on the road so as not to arouse suspicion. Turn right onto the road and proceed about 1/2 a mile and make your first right. BE CAREFUL. This road is somewhat sandy, so please handle with care. Remember to keep your speed up when going uphill to avoid getting stuck. Go about a 1/4 of a mile down this road and make your first left onto a smaller trail-like road. We will have some sort of marker in place at this turnoff. BE CAREFUL, there is a dip in the left section of the road, so take it slow. There is also more sand at the end of the path, so you mahave to keep your speed slightly up. Continue along this path briefly, and bear left at the end to go into the parking lot. If lot is full, please drive onto the field and park at the top. Please do not drive down the hill on the field. Directions from Philadelphia and all points South: Take the Ben Franklin Bridge (I-676 East) into New Jersey and follow signs for Route 70 East (CherrHill). You will eventually bear left and merge onto 70 East. Go approximately 40 miles on 70 East until you get to the Junction with Route 539. You will see a Wawa on one side of the road, and a gas station on the other. DO NOT go into either of these establishments. THE MAN is known to frequent these locations. Bear right onto 539 South. Follow Route 539 for about 5 miles. On the right, you will see a wooden, unlit sign for the "Greenwood Forest". Your next turn will be the 2nd RIGHT after the Greenwood Forest sign, about 1.4 miles after the sign. It is a small dirt road and may be difficult to see. However, please try to drive at a normal speed if there are other cars on the road so as not to arouse suspicion. Turn right onto the road and proceed about 1/2 a mile and make your first right. BE CAREFUL. This road is somewhat sandy, so please handle with care. Remember to keep your speed up when going uphill to avoid getting stuck. Go about a 1/4 of a mile down this road and make your first left onto a smaller trail-like road. We will have some sort of marker in place at this turnoff. BE CAREFUL, there is a dip in the left section of the road, so take it slow. There is also more sand at the end of the path, so you mahave to keep your speed slightly up. Continue along this path briefly, and bear left at the end to go into the parking lot. If lot is full, please drive onto the field and park at the top. Please do not drive down the hill on the field. Date: Thu, 11 Jul 2002 20:58:06 Subject: Alphatrance party photos from 2 years ago - rarely seen! To: omnitribe Cc: safetydance From: Machinelf from dhia and yuri... /181picts.htm Date: Thu, 11 Jul 2002 23:03:47 Subject: urgent - trance party on beach tonight Thursday! Fwd:- free open air in Brooklyn To: SAFETYDANCE From: Machinelf i GOT PERMISSION FROM dima TO POST THIS! NOTE - There are dollar-a-cab car services ($1 ride to Sea Gate) going from last train station on Coney Island to Sea Gate, all the way to the end... they go on Surf Ave, which goes along the beach... you can probably stop them somewhere in the middle... they stop and wait for ppl on Surf and Stillwell... just an idea for others, some of my friends live in Sea Gate, i own a car though... though i'm not entirely sure where that place is exactly.... DIREX FOLLOW/ARE ATTCHED i GOT PERMISSION FROM dima TO POST THIS! NOTE - There are dollar-a-cab car services ($1 ride to Sea Gate) going from last train station on Coney Island to Sea Gate, all the way to the end... they go on Surf Ave, which goes along the beach... you can probably stop them somewhere in the middle... they stop and wait for ppl on Surf and Stillwell... just an idea for others, some of my friends live in Sea Gate, i own a car though... though i'm not entirely sure where that place is exactly.... DIREX FOLLOW/ARE ATTCHED Date: Sat, 13 Jul 2002 16:23:09 Subject: Fwd: Up For Hire!! Its not spam, Its Mark Lorenz SPAM!! To: safetydance From: Machinelf Date: Sat, 13 Jul 2002 17:02:22 Subject: Renegade Virus doing renegade in cemetery tonight To: safetydance From: Machinelf Forest Hill park.. all i know... To: safetydance Subject: A Thank You From The PSI People! From: Patrick J Myers To everyone who made it out on Saturday: THANK YOU! To everyone who brought lighting, equipment, refreshments, and so many other things that contributed to the positive atmosphere: THANK YOU! To all the dj's, organizers, dancers, and everyone who helped out: THANK YOU! To everyone who couldn't make it out: We'll see at our next party! A special thanks goes out to our close friend Josh, who was injured in a bicycle accident the day of the party and was unable to make it out. Josh was integral to the planning stages of this event, and, among many other things, designed and printed the flyer. We wish you a speedy recovery! Thank you to Theo and Sam (Merlin and Dharmaz Reptile, respectively) who not only came out and spun a wicked tag team set, but also helped us set up the sound system, and helped clean up and move out in the morning. Thanks to our friend Ian, without whom we could not have had this party. Ian lent us two of his speakers, and let us use his van for transporting equipment. Thanks to Ben and Boris, et. al., for bringing out some serious black lights which definately took the party to another level. Thanks to Rocky for the awesome video projections. Thanks to our friend Nicole, who helped drive out some people for us after Josh went down. Thanks to everyone who gave us donations at the end (unsolicited no less!). And finally, thanks to everyone who stayed and kept dancing through the rain all the way to the end! We sincerely thank you from the bottom of our hearts. The 2nd Trip is already in the planning stages. We're bringing you more sound, more dj's, more music, more lighting, more visuals, more everything!!! Stay tuned and stay psychedelic, - Pat and Neil (The PSI Team) P.S.(I.?) Have a friend who'd be interested in our future events? Tell him or her to send us an email at sunshinegoa3 to get on our mailing list. Date: Tue, 16 Jul 2002 18:55:31 To: SafetyDance Subject: Synthetic Shamans outdoor Friday July 19 From: "ismokedmt" The next ayahuasca ceremony will be in the woods in Westchester at sunset. It's a beautiful and isolated spot. Last time we did it in the day and there was no one there. We'll leave at 6pm from Grand Central, get there around 7:30pm, hike in and partake by 8:00.m., build a fire and be out there by 3am. Several people have said that $100 is too much in this economy, so the new amount is $75 for safetydance members - but you will be responsible for your roundtrip train ticket (~$10) and no free light meal served afterwards. Lower rates for DMT members - inquire. Please RSVP to me if you are interested in taking this journey. Space is limited this time to ten people. And the next day we can go to Synthetic Sadhus! Date: Tue, 16 Jul 2002 19:06:14 To: SafetyDance Subject: DIY Euro-style From: "ismokedmt" /war.html Do It Yo urself Ritual Since the arrival of ayahuasca in Europe, some people were m ore interested in the effects of the brew than in the various types of ri tuals in whichthe brew was served. Many modern Europeans are allergic to christianity and can't stand the christian atmosphere that is so essentia l in a Santo Daime ritual. This allergy was one of the reasons Friends of the Forest started with a different type of ritual. Quite a few particip ants think also the Friends of the Forest rituals are not their cup of te a, because these rituals are a mixture of Santo Daime and Osho belief sys tems. Until recently it was hard to find ayahuasca in a more recreational context, because no one except the above mentioned had access to the bre w or to the plant sources. Recently quite a lot of ayahausca ingredients became available to the European market, and this opportunity was the sta rting point of a new type of ritual, which might be nicknamed as the 'No Ritual Ritual' or the 'DIY Ritual' (Do It Yourself Ritual). In this moder n ritual an experienced ayahuasca drinker, or somebody otherwise experien ced in the effects of DMT or similar substances, acts as a guide for the participants. Most participants like the idea of somebody leading the ses sion, since the effects of ayahuasca can become quite overwhelming and ar e sometimes unpredictable.In a typical 'DIY ritual' there is no dressing code and no rules regarding sexual behavior. Participants are asked not t o eat any substances thatmight interfere with the MAO inhibiting effect o f the brew several hours before the rituals starts. Otherwise participants are free to do what they want, since they are responsible for themselves . In rituals I guide myself I ask the participants not to talk to other p eople. Any sound might distract people, take them out of the trip into mu ndane reality. I serve a glass of ayahuasca every hour, until the effects are on a desirable level. For most participants two or sometimes three g lasses are enough. In my rituals I try to mimic a natural surrounding. I play recordings of natural soundscapes, combined with recordings of indige nous tribes and medecinemen from South America, Africa and Asia. I also p lay trip music like 'A Test-Hommage E0 Albert' and the like. In cases where people need help, I use my experiences as a guide in other rituals, and I use a bundle of chacapa leaves to dust down the problematic period. Most important is my knowledge that until now everybody came down from a n ayahuasca trip. Essential for these kind of rituals is a certain select ion beforehand. Psychedelics are not for everybody and for some people a mystical medicine like ayahuasca sounds like the panacea they have been l ooking for so long. Beware of the lunatic fringe! Date: Thu, 18 Jul 2002 14:04:46 Subject: Fwd: Friday Psy-Trance in Brooklyn - !!! THE PARTY !!! To: safetydance From: Machinelf Looks awesome see ya'll there, the zip attachment is the flyer not a virus! Date: 20 Jul 2002 04:02:31 From: SafetyDance To: SafetyDance Subject: Reminder - Leo's BDay We would like to remind you of this upcoming event. Leo's BDay Date: Tuesday, July 23, 2002 Time: All Da Leonardo aka tonemarisoyyo BDAY! Date: 22 Jul 2002 04:02:08 From: SafetyDance To: SafetyDance Subject: Reminder - Leo's BDay We would like to remind you of this upcoming event. Leo's BDay Date: Tuesday, July 23, 2002 Time: All Da Leonardo aka tonemarisoyyo BDAY! Date: Tue, 23 Jul 2002 09:53:52 Subject: Fwd: Work avail for someone who knows Flash To: safetydance From: Machinelf frpm dandraver Date: 23 Jul 2002 14:13:34 From: SafetyDance To: SafetyDance Subject: New file uploaded to SafetyDance Hello, This email message is a notification to let you know that a file has been uploaded to the Files area of the SafetyDance group. File : / Uploaded by : ismokedmt Description : Photos from the Pine Barrens NJ outfdoor trance You can access this file at the URL /group/SafetyDance/files/ To learn more about file sharing for your group, please visit /help/us/groups/files Regards, ismokedmt Date: Wed, 24 Jul 2002 14:19:39 Subject: New yahoogroup - BrainExchange To: brainmachines Cc: safetydance, dragontribe From: Machinelf BrainExchange description This unmoderated group is for tristate trancers to buy, sell and trade goods & services that support their lifestyle, e.g. bluegreen algae, gym passes, used electronic equipment. All replies go straight to sender, not the whole group, so it will be a constant list of things to throw your money at - or an opportunity to unload things you no longer need. info /group/brainexchange/ to join send email to brainexchange-subscribe Date: Thu, 25 Jul 2002 20:35:21 Subject: Bus ticket to Phantasm To: safetydance From: Machinelf Call Mimi in the east village she has an extra and i don't know if bus passes are sold out 917-806-0187 It looks like a lot of people are going. Date: Fri, 26 Jul 2002 06:07:19 Subject: Re: [SafetyDance] Bus ticket to Phantasm To: Machinelf, safetydance From: dandraver I took off of work today (Friday) thinking that I'd go, but I had to make a choice between lugging stuff to a bus and a bus trip, or actually cleaning my place up. I may be kicking myself in the ass but I think being able to see the floor is starting to become a concern for me. And I worry how much damage the cats can cause in 3 days. Considering what they do after I leave for work, I wonder if I'll have a place to come back to. Everybody, be safe, take pix, get a video or somthing, I'd like to see what I'm missing. If anyone is selling any of those black light tapistries, or know of anyone who is or who makes them, let me know or send an address or phone #. I'm getting sick of seeing white walls, and they're not padded! grrrrr Dan ps. Jeff, thanks for showing me that Alex Grey stuff. My books should be in either today or tomorrow.Now if I could only be where you were the other night when I look at them... Date: Fri, 26 Jul 2002 13:12:05 Subject: NEW Location Phantasm - Directions HERE To: safetydance From: Machinelf Last minute location change: Directions to Fill Your Head with Phantasm Outdoor Festival Take New York State thruway 87 North to exit 21. After passing the toll booth, make left onto route 23 W. Go straight on route 23 W and make a left onto Silver Spur Avenue (there are model homes on the left). Go straight on Silver Spur Avenue and look for festival signs. Last minute location change: Directions to Fill Your Head with Phantasm Outdoor Festival Take New York State thruway 87 North to exit 21. After passing the toll booth, make left onto route 23 W. Go straight on route 23 W and make a left onto Silver Spur Avenue (there are model homes on the left). Go straight on Silver Spur Avenue and look for festival signs. Date: Fri, 26 Jul 2002 15:45:42 Subject: free psy-trance party(OMNITRIBE AND INFLUX) To: safetydance From: atagino at cs FREE ADMISSION NEXT WEDNSDAY,31 OF JULY AT FLOW (DOWNSTAIRS). DJS:SHI.K.I.D(OMNITRIBE-NYC) VITALIK(OMNITRIBE-NYC) DJ INFLUX(BRAZIL) PSY-BACKDROPS: CAYUNG (BATAK-BALI) FROM 10:00PM TO 4:00AM FREE ADMISSION FLOW: 150 VARICK ST/VANDAN (TRIBECA)MANHATTAN NYC GAIALAU(DREAMCACTHER) Date: Fri, 26 Jul 2002 20:02:36 To: SafetyDance Subject: This weekend safetydance is unmoderated From: "ismokedmt" Date: Fri, 26 Jul 2002 17:14:41 Subject: DREAMCATCHER AND OMNITRIBE "FREE PARTTo: safetydance Cc: brainmachines, omnitribe From: atagino at cs FREE ADMISSION NEXT WEDNSDAY,31 OF JULY AT FLOW (DOWNSTAIRS). DJS:SHI.K.I.D(OMNITRIBE-NYC) VITALIK(OMNITRIBE-NYC) DJ INFLUX(BRAZIL) PSY-BACKDROPS: CAYUNG (BATAK-BALI) FROM 10:00PM TO 4:00AM FREE ADMISSION FLOW: 150 VARICK ST/VANDAN (TRIBECA)MANHATTAN NYC GAIALAU(DREAMCACTHER Subject: Wed July 31 - trance vibe in Tribeca To: omnitribe Cc: SafetyDance From: omni tribe > > PRIMEIRA ORGANIZACAO TOTALMENTE BRASILEIRA EM NYCIT> FREE ADMISSION > NEXT WEDNSDAY,31 OF JULY AT FLOW (DOWNSTAIRS). > DJS:SHI.K.I.D(OMNITRIBE-NYC) VITALIK(OMNITRIBE-NYC) DJ INFLUX(BRAZIL) > PSY-BACKDROPS: CAYUNG (BATAK-BALI) > FROM 10:00PM TO 4:00AM > FREE ADMISSION > FLOW: 150 VARICK ST/VANDAN (TRIBECA) > Date: Sun, 28 Jul 2002 14:35:10 Subject: MANDALA TONIGHT! To: IcyCoil From: icycoil It's hot out there today.. e cool off with us tonight at Korova!! MANDALA www.mandala-nyc PsyGoa Tribal Trance Date: Sunday, July 28th, 2002 9P-4A Location: Korova Milk Bar 200 Ave A. Between 12/13st NYC DJ's Chico (Unknownshrooms) Icycoil (Evolutionbox, Unknownshrooms) Iggy (Unknownshrooms) Nils (Sveeeden!) w/ LIVE Tribal drumming/percussion by Dancovan Dan! + Special Guest DJ: Sam the Dharmazreptile from Twisted Minds! **Abstract glowy art by Susannah Pryce** & Lady Metabloom as your hostess w/ the mostest. ;) FREE ADMISSION: 21+ W/ ID INSANE DRINK SPECIALS!!! $5 Cosmopolitans $5 Lager + Kamikaze Shots $4 Lager $2 Kamikaze Shots We will be simultaneously be projecting visuals through 13 TV monitors. Feel free to bring your own DVD's if you have somthing you'd like to share with us! * Please help us out at the bar so we can keep this venue! It's hot out there today.. e cool off with us tonight at Korova!! MANDALA www.mandala-nyc PsyGoa Tribal Trance Date: Sunday, July 28th, 2002 9P-4A Location: Korova Milk Bar 200 Ave A. Between 12/13st NYC DJ's Chico (Unknownshrooms) Icycoil (Evolutionbox, Unknownshrooms) Iggy (Unknownshrooms) Nils (Sveeeden!) w/ LIVE Tribal drumming/percussion by Dancovan Dan! + Special Guest DJ: Sam the Dharmazreptile from Twisted Minds! **Abstract glowy art by Susannah Pryce** & Lady Metabloom as your hostess w/ the mostest. ;) FREE ADMISSION: 21+ W/ ID INSANE DRINK SPECIALS!!! $5 Cosmopolitans $5 Lager + Kamikaze Shots $4 Lager $2 Kamikaze Shots We will be simultaneously be projecting visuals through 13 TV monitors. Feel free to bring your own DVD's if you have somthing you'd like to share with us! * Please help us out at the bar so we can keep this venue! Date: Sun, 28 Jul 2002 19:53:18 Subject: email sent to the phantasm usa organizer To: dragontribe Cc: safetydance From: Machinelf all was good except for no green nuns and the food - the food and water being confiscated at the entrance was really unpopular to say the least. you should never ever ever do that again, it fucked with the vibe. I've NEVER heard of that being done before, you should have at least mentioned it on the flyer. People spent all their money omn food and water and then were too poor to but it from you. The several hundred dollars you may have gotten back does not justify it - it will be harder for you to have nearly as many people at the next event. also, john phantasm and dick trevor were a little miffed when they heard what happened... here are emails i got on saturday and sunday. every one was negative focussing exclusively on the confiscated food and water: "A friend just called me. They just took his monebefore notifying him that no food or water from the outside is allowed. NOWHERE on the flyer is that stated. They all packed up a bunch of stuff to go up and are SOoo pissed off right now. Save yourself the trouble of food. He spent well over 100 bucks on food to bring up. There was a last minute venue change and now this. hmm.. it better be good." "that's really fucked up! a 3 day festival, yo bring your own stuff and then you're told to trash it (basically) That's sooooo wrong. I suppose you can't bring your own toliet paper too." "That is the most fucked thing I have heard of this summer. You absolutely MUST be shitting me! If I went up there I would have packed myself a deli again. What the hell is going on around here?? Gremlins?? People really have to get a little more prepared before people get on the highway. Man, I wish New York Trancers good luck. This shit has to stop, that is just plain cruel. Good thing I did not go, my Pissed off MetalHead NYHC side would have definately made an appearance, lucky I was not there." "How could it be good?? That's totally mad wick wickety wack!! I'd hate to jump the gun here -- so are you sure your friend Scotty wasn't reporting an "alternate reality"?? I knew somthing was rotten in Denmark when the 24-hr infoline didn't have any info, and they lied about Green Nuns on the flyer, but I didn't expect anything as bad as not allowing food or water for a three-day festival. If it's true, that's just totally $$%$&* at $!!! Didn't HOT try to gouge people at an outdoor festival a couple of years ago?? I've seen monkey shit fights at the zoo that made El Cuco look organized, but at least the monkeys weren't trying to rob each other :/" "what else can you expect from these people they havent done one party without lying or bullshiting i say fuck em! fuck em up their stupid asses!" all was good except for no green nuns and the food - the food and water being confiscated at the entrance was really unpopular to say the least. you should never ever ever do that again, it fucked with the vibe. I've NEVER heard of that being done before, you should have at least mentioned it on the flyer. People spent all their money omn food and water and then were too poor to but it from you. The several hundred dollars you may have gotten back does not justify it - it will be harder for you to have nearly as many people at the next event. also, john phantasm and dick trevor were a little miffed when they heard what happened... here are emails i got on saturday and sunday. every one was negative focussing exclusively on the confiscated food and water: "A friend just called me. They just took his monebefore notifying him that no food or water from the outside is allowed. NOWHERE on the flyer is that stated. They all packed up a bunch of stuff to go up and are SOoo pissed off right now. Save yourself the trouble of food. He spent well over 100 bucks on food to bring up. There was a last minute venue change and now this. hmm.. it better be good." "that's really fucked up! a 3 day festival, yo bring your own stuff and then you're told to trash it (basically) That's sooooo wrong. I suppose you can't bring your own toliet paper too." "That is the most fucked thing I have heard of this summer. You absolutely MUST be shitting me! If I went up there I would have packed myself a deli again. What the hell is going on around here?? Gremlins?? People really have to get a little more prepared before people get on the highway. Man, I wish New York Trancers good luck. This shit has to stop, that is just plain cruel. Good thing I did not go, my Pissed off MetalHead NYHC side would have definately made an appearance, lucky I was not there." "How could it be good?? That's totally mad wick wickety wack!! I'd hate to jump the gun here -- so are you sure your friend Scotty wasn't reporting an "alternate reality"?? I knew somthing was rotten in Denmark when the 24-hr infoline didn't have any info, and they lied about Green Nuns on the flyer, but I didn't expect anything as bad as not allowing food or water for a three-day festival. If it's true, that's just totally $$%$&* at $!!! Didn't HOT try to gouge people at an outdoor festival a couple of years ago?? I've seen monkey shit fights at the zoo that made El Cuco look organized, but at least the monkeys weren't trying to rob each other :/" "what else can you expect from these people they havent done one party without lying or bullshiting i say fuck em! fuck em up their stupid asses!" Subject: Phantasm filled their pockets with my $$$ for the first and last time content-class: urn:content-classes:message Thread-Topic: Phantasm filled their pockets with my $$$ for the first and last time Thread-Index: AcI2saGwWeIRGcyfS7SNw5CnY+yMKw To: From: "Scott D. Abbott" I am usually a positive person. I try very hard to see the good in everythi ng but I just got back from my weekend at Fill your Head with Phantasm and it was HANDS DOWN the WORST party I have ever been to. I came to the Goa/Ps y trance scene from the rave scene. I left the rave scene because I was tir ed of feeling like I was being swindled evertime I went to a party. Tranc e parties have never made me feel that way, until this weekend. I was concerned to begin with when not even 24 hours before the partstarted, t he venue was changed but I figured all was well and if it wasn't I would ju st go camping with my girlfriend for the weekend. I got to the party at abo ut 10:30 Friday night. Relieved there was actually a party going on and we had found it, my girlfriend and I quickly forked over $120 each to the peop le at the entrance. Once the money was taken, they told us that neither coo lers nor water were allowed inside. Thetold us that the no coolers rule w as on the flyer (as I look at the flyer now, I realize that was a blatant l ie.) Having packed enough food for 5 days, I was livid and also did not ha ve much cash on me. Since there was no way I was leaving after a four-hour drive, I agreed to let them hold onto my cooler and proceeded to a nearby s tore to get some extra cash out. Later that night, Jeff informed me that th ey were giving the coolers back and I had to talk to a person named Ricky. I talked to Ricky 3 seperate times and he kept telling me to come back late r. Finally, after pleading with him and agreeing to hide the cooler in mc ar and carry the food in a book bag so it would not insight other people to demand their coolers back, I was able to get my food (of course I had spen t at least 20 bucks on food before getting my cooler back). Had this been t he only surprise of the weekend, I would have just grumbled to myself and w ent on about my merry way. As the weekend progressed, many other shortcomin gs became apparent. There was supposed to be a waterfall tour nearby. There was none. There were supposed to be toilet and shower facilities. There we re 2 Port-a-potties and a sink which was often out of water. I will say the sound system was good but had to be kept at a low volume because the polic e kept showing up. There were many other things promised that appeared to b e missing such as a meditation and massage area but I think I have made eno ugh of a point. Some may say I hold a grudge too long and others may say I am over reacting to the situation, but I feel that the no outside foo d shit and the subsequent shadyness associated with getting the food back I RREPERABLY DESTROYED the vibe of the party so although it seemed that the p eople running the party were being pleasant and trying to make things right , the damage was done. I will NEVER again attend an event put on by Phantas m and will avoid purchasing their records whenever possible. I wanted to sh are my experience in the hopes that you will feel the same and show people who try to take advantage of our scene that it will not be tolerated. I am usually a positive person. I try very hard to see the good i n everything but I just got back from my weekend at Fill your Head with Pha ntasm and it was HANDS DOWN the WORST party I have ever been to. I came to the Goa/Psy trance scene from the rave scene. I left the rave scene because I was tired of feeling like I was being swindled every time I went to a pa rty. Trance parties have never made me feel that way, until this weekend. I was concerned to begin with when not even 24 hours before the party started, the venue was changed but I figured all was well and if it wasnt I would just go camping with my girlfriend for the weekend. I got to the party at about 10:30 Friday night. Relieved there was actually a party going on and we had found it, my girlfriend and I quickly forked over $120 each to the peo ple at the entrance. Once the money was taken, they told us that neither co olers nor water were allowed inside. Thetold us that the no coolers rule was on the flyer (as I look at the flyer now, I realize that was a blatant lie.) Having packed enough food for 5 days, I was livid and also did not have much cash on me. Since there was no way I was leaving after a four -hour drive, I agreed to let them hold onto my cooler and proceeded to a ne arby store to get some extra cash out. Later that night, Jeff informed me t hat they were giving the coolers back and I had to talk to a person named R icky. I talked to Ricky 3 seperate times and he kept telling me to come bac k later. Finally, after pleading with him and agreeing to hide the cooler i n my car and carry the food in a book bag so it would not insight other peo ple to demand their coolers back, I was able to get my food (of course I ha d spent at least 20 bucks on food before getting my cooler back). Had this been the only surprise of the weekend, I would have just grumbled to myself and went on about my merry way. As the weekend progressed, many other shor tcomings became apparent. There was supposed to be a waterfall tour nearby. There was none. There were supposed to be toilet and shower facilities. Th ere were 2 Port-a-potties and a sink which was often out of water. I will s ay the sound system was good but had to be kept at a low volume because the police kept showing up. There were many other things promised that a ppeared to be missing such as a meditation and massage area but I think I h ave made enough of a point. Some may say I hol d a grudge too long and others may say I am over reacting to the situation, but I feel that the no outside food shit and the subsequent shadyness asso ciated with getting the food back IRREPERABLY DESTROYED the vibe of the par ty so although it seemed that the people running the partwere being pleas ant and trying to make things right, the damage was done. I will NEVER agai n attend an event put on by Phantasm and will avoid purchasing their record s whenever possible. I wanted to share my experience in the hopes that you will feel the same and show people who try to take advantage of our scene t hat it will not be tolerated. To: Subject: wait...there is hope... From: "Peter" ...have no fear all is not lost... well it seems that the Fill Your Head P arty turned out to be a Fill My Pockets Party afterall... I must say I am n ot suprised. The 'trance scene' in NY is filled with unsavory promoter char acters to say the least. There are, however, some bright spots of good peop le who are not in it for the sheckels :) cough... spectra... cough... It bu ms me out to see what has happened to this 'scene' over the past 5 years... Anyway I just wanted to write this note to letcha all know t hat their is hope... the anti-thesis of what seems to have happened at the Fill My Pockets Party... REAL INTERNATIONAL TRANCE PARTIES!!!!! me and my lads went to Brazil for Trancedence a few weeks ago... I wish all that went to the debacle upstate could have experienced what we did during that 6 da y trance festival. No bullshit real deal festival freakout!!! I guess what I want to say in a nutshell is SAVE YOUR sheckel$, time, synapses, and self respect and stop paying good money after bad to UNSAVORY CHARACTERS and an te' up for some real fun. Good parties thrown by good people is THE KEY. DE MAND IT DAMN IT oops... i just fell off my soap box... anyway hope to see you in Greece... ...have no fear a ll is not lost... well it seems that the Fill Your Head Partyturned out to be a Fill My Pockets Party afterall... I must say I am not suprised. The 'trance scene' in NY is filled with unsavory promoter characters to say th e least. There are, however, some bright spots of good people who are not in it for the sheckels :) cough... spectra... cough... It bums me out to see what has h appened to this 'scene' over the past 5 years...ough said> Anyway I just wanted to write this note toletcha allknowthat their is hope...the anti-thesis of what seems to have happ ened at the Fill My Pockets Party... REAL INTERNATIONAL TRANCE PARTIES!!!!! me a nd my lads went to Brazil for Trancedence a few weeks ago... I wish all th at went to the debacle upstate could have experienced what we did during t hat 6 day trancefestival. No bullshit real deal festival freakout!!! I guess what I want to say i n a nutshell is SAVE YOUR sheckel$, time, synapses, and self respect and s top paying good money after bad to UNSAVORY CHARACTERS and ante' up for so me real fun. Good parties thrown by good people is THE KEY. DEMAND IT DAMN IT oops... i just fell off my soap box. .. anyway hope to see youin Greece... Date: Mon, 29 Jul 2002 05:06:57 Subject: Re: [SafetyDance] Phantasm filled their pockets with my $$$ for the first and last time To: safetydance From: dandraver I guess fate was finally looking out for me by my not being able to show... I also came from the rave scene, although from a lot longer. I met Jeff a little over 2 years ago and went to a bridge party, which reminded me of the way things were when I began getting involved with the techno scene. I'd have to go through some of my e-mail back-ups, but I also remember Jeff going off on the people at House of Trance because of the lousy way they set up a party, the way they basically collected cash and gave everyone a minimal effort. I didn't check the flyer to see if House of Trance was involved in this catastrophe, but it kinda stinks of the same thing. Kinda like the phrase history repeats itself. crap like this is and commercialization is what killed the rave scene, along with national media. big events are fine, but if you're gonna have them, deliver somthing. 3 day event and you can't bring food?! what kinda horseshit is that? Moving the venue a few hours before the event? Toilet facilities I hear were next to non-existent. Is this the 1st time these people have done anything like this? If so, who were they getting advice from? Sound system was good but the cops kept showing up? Where were you, in someones back yard? Very disappointing to hear. Glad I couldn't make it Date: Mon, 29 Jul 2002 05:09:07 Subject: the phantasm usa organizer, and the historical context To: dragontribe Cc: safetydance From: Machinelf the organizer was Eli who used to own house of trance and now operates under Global Trance Productions. If making money is a badge of quality then he has succeeded better than anyone else. He was helped by his friend Ricky. Phantasm was just playing and did not organize it. I have fwded all emails to phantasmusa If anyone knows how to reach John Phantasm that would be helpful to get this feedback to him as it reflects poorly on the artists. And was it me or was it me dreaming when on the last morning a carnival barker voice was saying over the PA, "Come to the Concession stand and buy all your food" in a really evil voice? WHo WAS that? Finally, it must be said that this BS happened at the last HOT party 2 years ago (in which Elly was involved as well) with Goa Gil my friends Uri and Dhea almost got kicked ut for bringing a juicer and making fresh fruit juices... here is an email sent about that... "To Ely from Jeff Nice party. Thank you for bringing Goa Gil to New York. For that alone you have done the unprecedented....Yet there is some unfinished business to take care of before your kundalini can shoot straight up your spine. Someone should apologize to Uri and Dhea at http://www.magick-circle . dhia at magick-circle 718-462-6299 They got permission from Ely at HOT to bring juice makers and do yoga and massage. Urio physically came into the store last week. They are very wonderful and spiritual people. When they came to the HOT event and began setting up, they were rudelaccosted and were threatened with expulsion by several HOT employees, and from I heard, Ely did nothing and everyone at HOT acted like Uri HAD NOT GONE IN to the HOT to get permission. They were treated like dirt. These two people were not just random New Agers. They are well esconced in the local psy trance scene and are very respected. A lot of people found this out. They did NOT have to be treated with the lack of respect like they did. With all the work you did to make the experience wonderful out in the forest, you risk damaging the goodwill that you have created. I can understand if you do not want other people to take part in your vision, even if it involves bringing fruits to a trance party where you are selling hot dogs and hamburgers to a bunch of vegetarians. The salad and everything were great, BTW. I love red meat, and thanks for the chai and popsicles too. I respect what you are doing. But if someone gets permission to bring fruits etc, and you give them permission, why were the people such assholes to them? My theory is that they talked to the OTHER Eli not Ely or however your names might be different. I say this to help you in the future, because right now all these issues are going around 1500 email boxes, on my two email list of 650 new york trance people and mark's list of 100s of North American trance people. I want HOT of be bad karma-free. I want to be able to freely support you in all of your endeavors. I understand that there has been an accusation of Alex of Alphatrance stealing a minidisc player from Ely. I tell you, I have worked very closely with Alex for years and he wouyld NEVER EVER EVER EVER steal anything. He is extremely honest and sincere. I stand behind him 100%. And this accusation made for a rift between the two largest trance groups in New York, the Israelis and the Russians, that has *never* healed. Nevertheless all the Russians and Israelis had a beautiful time together. the bad blood with the physical threat and money, I will perhaps too optimistically write that off to a A Physyx debt with Gula and Marco. I may be wrong on this. Whatever. It is not my intention to sow discord hear, just heal wounds and bring us all together. I wish Gula and Marco would have been here to see Goa Gil. We all saw him in Burning Man two years ago. My point is, you have the potential for being a rallying point for trance in New York. But there are still fences to be mended. I wish you the best of luck. When you are trying to make the impossible happen, it is hard to accomodate everyone. Everybody wants somthing, and your time is limited, and you are stressed about the weather and the media and the police and the whole "caton benzona"s in the local scene here. I've thought a lot about it, really. Maybe it is an Israeli/American cultural miscommunication we have. We Americans are not out to get you guys. You have no reason to be paranoid. We are not agents of Arafat. Thank you for helping bring everybody together. God bless you and I wish you the best and look forward to the next. Please respond. Thanks. Jeff HOT photos online http://tranceport.torchok /photo/Upstate-Aug20-2k " the organizer was Eli who used to own house of trance and now operates under Global Trance Productions. If making money is a badge of quality then he has succeeded better than anyone else. He was helped by his friend Ricky. Phantasm was just playing and did not organize it. I have fwded all emails to phantasmusa If anyone knows how to reach John Phantasm that would be helpful to get this feedback to him as it reflects poorly on the artists. And was it me or was it me dreaming when on the last morning a carnival barker voice was saying over the PA, "Come to the Concession stand and buy all your food" in a really evil voice? WHo WAS that? Finally, it must be said that this BS happened at the last HOT party 2 years ago (in which Elly was involved as well) with Goa Gil my friends Uri and Dhea almost got kicked ut for bringing a juicer and making fresh fruit juices... here is an email sent about that... "To Ely from Jeff Nice party. Thank you for bringing Goa Gil to New York. For that alone you have done the unprecedented....Yet there is some unfinished business to take care of before your kundalini can shoot straight up your spine. Someone should apologize to Uri and Dhea at http://www.magick-circle . dhia at magick-circle 718-462-6299 They got permission from Ely at HOT to bring juice makers and do yoga and massage. Urio physically came into the store last week. They are very wonderful and spiritual people. When they came to the HOT event and began setting up, they were rudelaccosted and were threatened with expulsion by several HOT employees, and from I heard, Ely did nothing and everyone at HOT acted like Uri HAD NOT GONE IN to the HOT to get permission. They were treated like dirt. These two people were not just random New Agers. They are well esconced in the local psy trance scene and are very respected. A lot of people found this out. They did NOT have to be treated with the lack of respect like they did. With all the work you did to make the experience wonderful out in the forest, you risk damaging the goodwill that you have created. I can understand if you do not want other people to take part in your vision, even if it involves bringing fruits to a trance party where you are selling hot dogs and hamburgers to a bunch of vegetarians. The salad and everything were great, BTW. I love red meat, and thanks for the chai and popsicles too. I respect what you are doing. But if someone gets permission to bring fruits etc, and you give them permission, why were the people such assholes to them? My theory is that they talked to the OTHER Eli not Ely or however your names might be different. I say this to help you in the future, because right now all these issues are going around 1500 email boxes, on my two email list of 650 new york trance people and mark's list of 100s of North American trance people. I want HOT of be bad karma-free. I want to be able to freely support you in all of your endeavors. I understand that there has been an accusation of Alex of Alphatrance stealing a minidisc player from Ely. I tell you, I have worked very closely with Alex for years and he wouyld NEVER EVER EVER EVER steal anything. He is extremely honest and sincere. I stand behind him 100%. And this accusation made for a rift between the two largest trance groups in New York, the Israelis and the Russians, that has *never* healed. Nevertheless all the Russians and Israelis had a beautiful time together. the bad blood with the physical threat and money, I will perhaps too optimistically write that off to a A Physyx debt with Gula and Marco. I may be wrong on this. Whatever. It is not my intention to sow discord hear, just heal wounds and bring us all together. I wish Gula and Marco would have been here to see Goa Gil. We all saw him in Burning Man two years ago. My point is, you have the potential for being a rallying point for trance in New York. But there are still fences to be mended. I wish you the best of luck. When you are trying to make the impossible happen, it is hard to accomodate everyone. Everybody wants somthing, and your time is limited, and you are stressed about the weather and the media and the police and the whole "caton benzona"s in the local scene here. I've thought a lot about it, really. Maybe it is an Israeli/American cultural miscommunication we have. We Americans are not out to get you guys. You have no reason to be paranoid. We are not agents of Arafat. Thank you for helping bring everybody together. God bless you and I wish you the best and look forward to the next. Please respond. Thanks. Jeff HOT photos online http://tranceport.torchok /photo/Upstate-Aug20-2k " Date: Mon, 29 Jul 2002 05:21:14 Subject: Rate the party, results will be posted To: safetydance Cc: dragontribe, brainmachines From: Machinelf Copy and paste into email, send in results to Machinelf New York T rance Promoters Poll Ratings August 2002 Organizer Gl obal Trance Productions (Organized Phantsm USA party upstate) Organ izer: Elly (former owner, House of Trance) Ethnic background Israeli Averag e Cover $100 Rate the following 1-4 (1 worst, 4 best) Vibe/Crowd/Spiritu ality Quality of DJs Sound DE9cor/Environs Novelty Water Refills/ Refreshments Flyer/promo mirrors reality send in results to ismoked mt results will be posted at /ratings.h tml Date: Mon, 29 Jul 2002 12:17:45 Subject: Another Phantasm Review To: safetydance From: Machinelf was anyone else a little urked that the phantasm party was a huge scam?? they lost their venue, yet still charged $120 at the door, for a party they spent maybe 7g on... 300 tickets x 120 tsunami. i still had a good time, cause thats what we do, but i was really hoping that i wouldnt have to spend the majority of that good time sitting in my car till i ran out of gas. i was a little confused as to who's party this actually was because yoni (history of my ass) played his set get this:: twice in the same weekend plus additional slots of yes the same tracks. i think i've heard yoni play 8 times in the last week, that's 8 more times than i would like. nuns of the revolution didnt show either... before space cat came on and reminded us all what REAL trance is or was, i could have sworn i was at a tsunami party. all the pieces were there:: yoni was playing at every opportunity (im so sick of seeing him up there, i could vomit), and after he was done junor played his infected mushroom remix set (both nights). ((there was a little joke, when the state police shut the party down:: yoni is the promoter of this party, lock him up!! he's been VERY bad!)) thankfully there ARE people out there that are ready to fuck the bullshit and throw their own events. the only thing that saved the music was space cat's set + dj set. which was really really good, only because it was juxed next to a medicore music. i was only too happy to see him set up his G4... i have so many really fond memories of seeing him with deedrah, and space tribe (oct.27 2001) i know where my party is... it's in greece (samathakri).. i just cant get there :( 45 live acts + 60 djs over 4 days mindgasm. :) Date: Mon, 29 Jul 2002 15:13:23 Subject: about outdoor events large and small To: synaptalancer Cc: dragontribe, safetydance, omnitribe From: Machinelf In a message dated 7/29/02 12:28:14 PM Time, synaptalancer writes: > i feel the need > to now steer clear of the larger events. well, goes without saying that there are many smaller free outdoor parties that rarely get over 100 people.. burning elf, omnitribe, dmt, alphatrance, wylie's trance mission. The profit from the party last weekend would have paid for an outdoor every weekend for five years straight. It's really up to the attendees to make that mental calculation to determine if hearing out of town djs is worth the ben franklin... but the vibe affects the music - if it is bad then the music sounds bad, sarcastic, even silly. In a message dated 7/29/02 12:28:14 PM Time, synaptalancer writes: i feel the need to now steer clear of the larger events. well, goes without saying that there are many smaller free outdoor parties that rarely get over 100 people.. burning elf, omnitribe, dmt, alphatrance, wylie's trance mission. The profit from the party last weekend would have paid for an outdoor every weekend for five years straight. It's really up to the attendees to make that mental calculation to determine if hearing out of town djs is worth the ben franklin... but the vibe affects the music - if it is bad then the music sounds bad, sarcastic, even silly. Date: Mon, 29 Jul 2002 17:02:35 Subject: I finally got the paying job in ad sales! To: dmtny Cc: safetydance From: Machinelf I got the offer today and it pays great and i'll be travelling the country. After a year and a half getting no income this is a godsend. It will be 2-3 months before i can replace the dmt speakers and be doing a lot of outdoors stuff with the dmt but the most important hurdle has been overcome. Date: Mon, 29 Jul 2002 10:38:10 Subject: OggMod's Rant about scenes To: safetydance From: oggmod13 Well, since everyone is in a retrospective mood, here goes: I came from a few scenes first, A Rock to Metal METAL METAL, Grunge to Goth, Industrial to Noise, and on the list goes. I always wanted when I was a kid music that was, in my personal definition, Post Nuclear holocaust industrial machine out of control misfiring engine computer generated virus like NOISE Trance. Now that I have found it, I am very willing and TOTALLY FUCKING SERIOUS when I say "Now that I have found my love, I will do all I can to protect her". My first trance party was New Years 2000-2001. I am a late comer I guess, missed the rave scene totally. Although I floated throughout various musical genres, I always needed the rush that Metal delivered as a matter of course. Trance is amazing, and the people are what really blew me away. I was raised around Authority, and as soon as I really got to learn about the scene from first hand observation, I realised that this is the most peaceful scene around, and I love that aspect most of all cause I am bored totally of violence, aside from some wacky dance steps. It makes me sad to see scuzzbags sliming up the scene (Gelcaps at Omnitribe, Upstate Fiascos, etc), and I want to be a part of the Real Trance Scene, not the proto commercialised, open for the taking, unfocused and cranky NegaTrance scene as of late. Use these e mail lists for creating and organizing parties, get togethers, etc. Scout for Locations, call yer local park police and ask about permits. Practice makes perfect, I am going to do some scouting as soon as I get some gas money, but I am collecting numbers to call and ask questions. Please everyone, dont let this shit happen again, personally I am thinking that this was a truly criminal offense and I really believe that someone should A) refund a LOT of money to people, and B) have charges of fraud or whatever scamming is called. Did I not read that Home of Trance was involved???? Are you all sleeping or what?? I would never stand for somebody ripping me off that bad, I CANNOT AFFORD TO!!!!!! I am rather broke in recent weeks, so I count all my change before leaving the store. Lets see, 200 bucks times 200 is what, 40,000, or is my math off. What does it cost to rent a space for an indoor party? What does it cost to reserve part of some state park like in New Jersey the past weekend? Frankly, you people are absolutely nuts and Filthy RICH if yer throwing away cash like that!!!! Did you leave a TIP???? I know that not everyone went, but may I ask, did anyone stomp the shit out of the guy taking the cash? No? Right, its cause I did not go, man, I am proud of my attitude problem and my aggressive side, it protects me from obvious scams like that. The cops would have been called there much sooner because I love the Robin Hood tale, and I would love to have broken that crime ring to pieces. Did anyone get their license plates?? I am sorry for all that went, and I ask that we all do what we can to prevent outsiders ripping off the peaceful Digi-Hipi scene that we all love so much, WATER SHOULD BE FREE AND SO SHOULD WE FROM FASCIST VIOLENCE AND TERRORIST CAPITOLISTS. Ok, I shut up now. T. OggMod Well, since everyone is in a retrospective mood, here goes: I came from a few scenes first, A Rock to Metal METAL METAL, Grunge to Goth, Industrial to Noise, and on the list goes. I always wanted when I was a kid music that was, in my personal definition, Post Nuclear holocaust industrial machine out of control misfiring engine computer generated virus like NOISE Trance. Now that I have found it, I am very willing and TOTALLY FUCKING SERIOUS when I say "Now that I have found my love, I will do all I can to protect her". My first trance party was New Years 2000-2001. I am a late comer I guess, missed the rave scene totally. Although I floated throughout various musical genres, I always needed the rush that Metal delivered as a matter of course. Trance is amazing, and the people are what really blew me away. I was raised around Authority, and as soon as I really got to learn about the scene from first hand observation, I realised that this is the most peaceful scene around, and I love that aspect most of all cause I am bored totally of violence, aside from some wacky dance steps. It makes me sad to see scuzzbags sliming up the scene (Gelcaps at Omnitribe, Upstate Fiascos, etc), and I want to be a part of the Real Trance Scene, not the proto commercialised, open for the taking, unfocused and cranky NegaTrance scene as of late. Use these e mail lists for creating and organizing parties, get togethers, etc. Scout for Locations, call yer local park police and ask about permits. Practice makes perfect, I am going to do some scouting as soon as I get some gas money, but I am collecting numbers to call and ask questions. Please everyone, dont let this shit happen again, personally I am thinking that this was a truly criminal offense and I really believe that someone should A) refund a LOT of money to people, and B) have charges of fraud or whatever scamming is called. Did I not read that Home of Trance was involved???? Are you all sleeping or what?? I would never stand for somebody ripping me off that bad, I CANNOT AFFORD TO!!!!!! I am rather broke in recent weeks, so I count all my change before leaving the store. Lets see, 200 bucks times 200 is what, 40,000, or is my math off. What does it cost to rent a space for an indoor party? What does it cost to reserve part of some state park like in New Jersey the past weekend? Frankly, you people are absolutely nuts and Filthy RICH if yer throwing away cash like that!!!! Did you leave a TIP???? I know that not everyone went, but may I ask, did anyone stomp the shit out of the guy taking the cash? No? Right, its cause I did not go, man, I am proud of my attitude problem and my aggressive side, it protects me from obvious scams like that. The cops would have been called there much sooner because I love the Robin Hood tale, and I would love to have broken that crime ring to pieces. Did anyone get their license plates?? I am sorry for all that went, and I ask that we all do what we can to prevent outsiders ripping off the peaceful Digi-Hipi scene that we all love so much, WATER SHOULD BE FREE AND SO SHOULD WE FROM FASCIST VIOLENCE AND TERRORIST CAPITOLISTS. Ok, I shut up now. T. OggMod Date: Mon, 29 Jul 2002 10:59:57 Subject: Um does anyone else feel this way? To: safetydance From: oggmod13 I feel that when we set up parties, that they are in many ways a healing ritual, a sacred and pricate type of ritual, not to be disrespected or abused? I take my music seriously, and I know others do as well. Main point, I think of music as a religious experience every time it makes me feel all fuzzy n warm. Are not our gatherings sometimes similar to a religious gathering? Not to praise outside things or ideas, but to celebrate the moment, our moments that we worked to hard to create? I love to bring my paints to parties and watch the psychological decompression as people get all covered in tribal colors, Omni tribal that is. We should take ourselves, and our scene more seriously, lets prevent the CapitolTerrorists from hurting our tribe ever again! I say: GOD LIVES IN TRANCE I feel that when we set up parties, that they are in many ways a healing ritual, a sacred and pricate type of ritual, not to be disrespected or abused? I take my music seriously, and I know others do as well. Main point, I think of music as a religious experience every time it makes me feel all fuzzy n warm. Are not our gatherings sometimes similar to a religious gathering? Not to praise outside things or ideas, but to celebrate the moment, our moments that we worked to hard to create? I love to bring my paints to parties and watch the psychological decompression as people get all covered in tribal colors, Omni tribal that is. We should take ourselves, and our scene more seriously, lets prevent the CapitolTerrorists from hurting our tribe ever again! I say: GOD LIVES IN TRANCE Date: Tue, 30 Jul 2002 18:12:58 Subject: Fwd: [omnitribe] 9/6: 24 hour Open-Air Music Happening under the full moon To: safetydance From: Machinelf Date: Tue, 30 Jul 2002 20:16:02 Subject: Last was from John Phantasm, this is from ElTo: brainmachines Cc: safetydance, dragontribe, goa-boston, phantasmusa From: Machinelf ya'll should read these, it explains a lot. forward this out to anyone who was there. occam's razor dictates that the simplest explanation is probably the correct one. elly and john's last two events went without a hitch (aside from two friends who were almost kicked out for having a juicer) basically, it's the same thing as taking advice from a "friend" who has some unsavory clubowner friends and having a party moved last minute to this unfriendly club run by rednecks who refuse to take the blame - and the club owner dicks everyone - the organizers and the attendees. it looks like it was either make a deal with satan or not have the event at all. at least a lesson is learned by all. "Hey jeff and everybody else. I know you received an explanation letter from John Ford and i'll like to tell you also my point of view. First of all i Eli-take full responsibility for every thing that happened over the last weekend.I was the one that organized this party as Global Trance Production launching Phantasm Records.Phantasm Records and its artists:John Phantasm,Dick Trevor,Dj Junya and all the rest are not the ones to blame,these artists came free to perform and make this party fun and joyable.they did not have anything to do with the production (they came a day before the party to the USA and were not part of all this fuck up)If there is anybody to boycott its me as a promoter and my production.Phantasm Records and its artists has been and is still known in the last 10 years as one of the most honest labels and one of the label that always was a joy to people to go to their will be no fair to any of these artists and this label to be held for blame,as i said before i did all the arrangement for this party and its only me to be blamed. About all the explanation for this shame party i think John Ford told you all the things that was wrong in this event and i wish they didn't happened but they did.i wish to apologize to anybody that got hurt or disappointed, that definitely was not the meaning from the beginning,the whole idea was to make somthing that not really happening over here and its to have an outdoor event like i did in the past.i did everything i could to make it better including fighting with however was there. i risked myself in being arrested at list 2 times,i did not make this party from the beginning in order to make money from it,it was known that there would be no money made from the fact i spent my own money on this party with no return.All of the other things and explanation i think you got all the figures and story in John's letter so there is no point for me to repeat it all again. My wish is only to make sure that there is really nobody to boycott and blame but me.i felt the vibe already in the start of the party and that's why i tried to make it better including giving the cds at the party to the people(over 200 Phantasm Records latest cd releases on my expenses,any thing i managed to take from the van where they put the things that they took from the people,like water and some other things) i did not know that this shame thing would happen. it was not supposed to be and when i saw it happen i fought with these people and flipped myself.i was going all this weekend between the people and apologizing in my name and in my fuck is really not fair to blame any body but me including the Home Of Trance that was only trying to make a nice energy for this party and celebrate with the people and definitely not Phantasm Records and its artists that most of them came here to play and have fun and definitely not to make any money. they were playing for no fee at all.there was no intension to scam anybody and as you know this production was not cheap and there is no way to make money with 250 people that are paying for that. I ask you to post this letter to everybody that you know and was in this party.i will do anything i can to make up for these great people that were only supporting to us and wanted to have fun.I thank everybody and am willing to speak to who ever wants to talk to me and like more explanation for this wrong weekend. Thanks again. Eli. Date: Tue, 30 Jul 2002 20:29:07 Subject: 15 pages of Pheedback To: brainmachines Cc: safetydance, dragontribe, goa-boston From: Machinelf /phantasmfeedback.html Hopefully this will do it. The 15 page compilation of all feedback and explanations from last weekend includes responses from both organizers and the text from all messages sent to me from attendees. In the interest of fairness I have left nothing out except some of my attempts at an explanation. Date: Wed, 31 Jul 2002 10:23:11 Subject: Upcoming PSI outdoor party - 2 weeks away! To: safetydance From: Machinelf "Since the next PSI party is being mentioned. . . and since this past weekend seemed to blow so hard. . . You all might want to keep the weekend of the 16th-17th open in August, I just got off the phone with Pat (if you were at A Reflux, he spun the sunrise set) and he's pretty sure the next one will be then. He's not on this list, but I've been sending him and Neil all the positive feedback you guys have been giving and there's really no better pay off for all that work. He wanted me to thank everyone who helped out (and showed up!) last time, ben he mentioned especially for the lights. If you want to help out on this one, you can email me, pat or neil on this. sam ps. just to put my own two cents (no longer being the voice of PSI :-) mfavorite party has still been, and always will be the brooklyn leonid meteor shower last fall, weekend of burning man decompression and all that jazz. Wylie's dog never looked so. . . -sam stc215 at nyu "Since the next PSI party is being mentioned. . . and since this past weekend seemed to blow so hard. . . You all might want to keep the weekend of the 16th-17th open in August, I just got off the phone with Pat (if you were at A Reflux, he spun the sunrise set) and he's pretty sure the next one will be then. He's not on this list, but I've been sending him and Neil all the positive feedback you guys have been giving and there's really no better pay off for all that work. He wanted me to thank everyone who helped out (and showed up!) last time, ben he mentioned especially for the lights. If you want to help out on this one, you can email me, pat or neil on this. sam ps. just to put my own two cents (no longer being the voice of PSI :-) mfavorite party has still been, and always will be the brooklyn leonid meteor shower last fall, weekend of burning man decompression and all that jazz. Wylie's dog never looked so. . . -sam stc215 at nyu Date: Wed, 31 Jul 2002 16:02:48 Subject: FREE PARTY TODAY AT FLOW "DREAMCACTHER&OMNITRIBE" To: AleMonger1 , brainmachines, Cayungsiagian , ed at visionear, douglasbakal , DRAGONTRIBE, ADRIESL , rodrigosenhore , iroquesgabriel , beyondeverythingnow, spectralmushi at zipmail, iberov at terra .br, kalfaya , KELLYNEW , kellyguerin at bol .br, Mozzinha , djcommunicate , lce201 at nyu , fairland77 , tildooriento , mysanches at uol .br, omnitribe, Kentistyle , pedroarq at uol .br, psy-trance at dewline, lush at nyc.rr, safetydance, RONITRIP16 at HOTMAIL, willysoares , seantimon , xcn11 , InsaneAsylumNYC From: atagino at cs FREE ADMISSION DRESS CODE: NO SHORTS. NEXT WEDNSDAY,31 OF JULY AT FLOW (DOWNSTAIRS). DJS:SHI.K.I.D(OMNITRIBE-NYC) VITALIK(OMNITRIBE-NYC) DJ INFLUX(BRAZIL) PSY-BACKDROPS: CAYUNG (BATAK-BALI) FROM 10:00PM TO 4:00AM FREE ADMISSION FLOW: 150 VARICK ST/VANDAN (TRIBECA)MANHATTAN NYC GAIALAU(DREAMCACTHER) To: Machinelf Cc: safetydance Subject: next PSI party Friday, August 16th From: Patrick J Myers Hey Jeff, We're planning on having our second party on Friday, August 16th, with Saturday the 17th being the rain date. We're looking for people who can help us out in any regard: equipment, i.e. lighting, generators, black lights, visual efx, vehicles to haul equipment with, dj's (we only have turntables right now, so we're also looking for someone who can bring out some cdj's), speakers (esp. monitors), tapestries, tarps/tents for dj area, etc. etc. Anyone interested in helping out can contact us at the PSI email address, sunshinegoa3, or through me personally at pjm246 at nyu Thanks, Pat Date: Thu, 1 Aug 2002 23:24:47 Subject: Fwd: Omnitribe pulls through Friday night on the beach! To: safetydance From: Machinelf Date: Fri, 2 Aug 2002 12:59:13 Subject: Addendum for those without cars for tonight To: safetydance Cc: omnitribe From: Machinelf >Can we get detailed directions for those of us not taking a car? Love and Peace option one (for those with energy in their legs and good hearing) >F till coney island ( as far as i know ) then a WaLK for several miles option two posted in may (better) >There are dollar-a-cab car services ($1 ride to Sea Gate) going from last train station on Coney Island to Sea Gate, all the way to the end... they go on Surf Ave, which goes along the beach... you can probably stop them somewhere in the middle... they stop and wait for ppl on Surf and Stillwell... just an idea for others, some of my friends live in Sea Gate, i own a car though... though i'm not entirely sure where that place is exactly.... Tolik >Can we get detailed directions for those of us not taking a car? Love and Peace option one (for those with energy in their legs and good hearing) >F till coney island ( as far as i know ) then a WaLK for several miles option two posted in may (better) >There are dollar-a-cab car services ($1 ride to Sea Gate) going from last train station on Coney Island to Sea Gate, all the way to the end... they go on Surf Ave, which goes along the beach... you can probably stop them somewhere in the middle... they stop and wait for ppl on Surf and Stillwell... just an idea for others, some of my friends live in Sea Gate, i own a car though... though i'm not entirely sure where that place is exactly.... Tolik Date: Fri, 2 Aug 2002 13:55:37 Subject: another way to get to the beach To: safetydance From: Machinelf >there is another option to get there take Q train to sheepshead bay station, get to sheepshead bay blvd, make a left(eastward), walk to the end of the blvd (canal), you'll get to the parking lot, the party is on the beach inside- go with driving directions of the highwapeace Date: Fri, 2 Aug 2002 14:54:40 Subject: introducing the Psafety Pschedule To: safetydance From: Machinelf -----Psafety Pschedule----- This is the standard Pschedule but without int ernational info... but will also has all the salacious details that come o n Safetydance. If enough of you want a stand alone list called Psafety Psch edule I'll do it! um, as usual, do not ever forward any of this out. For our Eyes Only... Everything underlined is sensitive info. The Om symbol indicates I will see you there! Info: It's funny! http://www.brain machines /phantasmfeedback.html Events: TONIGHT Friday August 2 -Psy- Trance Beach Party The location is between 9th and 11th exits on Belt Pkw as you drive East (there is no entrance if you drive West). After passing all exists with number 9 keep right and look for the first chance to take off the hwy. That'll be the place. Park and walk toward the water and to your left. You shall find us there around 12:00pm. Can we get detailed dir ections for those of us not taking a car? Love and Peace option one (for th ose with energy in their legs and good hearing) F till coney island ( as fa r as i know ) then a WaLK for several miles option two posted in may (better) There are dollar-a-cab car services ($1 ride to Sea Gate) goi ng from last train station on Coney Island to Sea Gate, all the way to the end... they go on Surf Ave, which goes along the beach... you can probabl y stop them somewhere in the middle... they stop and wait for ppl on Surf and Stillwell... just an idea for others, some of my friends live in Sea G ate, i own a car though... though i'm not entirely sure where that place i s exactly.... there is another option to get there take Q train to sheeps head bay station, get to sheepshead bay blvd, make a left(eastward), walk t o the end of the blvd (canal), you'll get to the parking lot, the party is on the beach inside- go with driving directions of the highwapeace Satur day August 3 -Body Temple Come join Electric Earth and Reality Engine as w e present an all night Trance Dance ritual dance party this Saturday, Augu st 3 2002, from 7.30pm till 6am . This event is taking place at The Foundry, a jewel of a space (40 ft. ceilings with skylights, beautiful design, goo d sound system and air conditioning), located at 42-38 ninth street, Long I sland City, New York, near PS 1 and the new MOMA. For Directions go to : Come explore the Mys tery with us as we bring you ; Kirtan* with Anjula & the Kirtan Orchestra 8-9 pm "Kirtan is joyous songs of praise." A Trance-dance workshop* led b Parashakti 9-11pm *You are invited on a journey of movement into the sac red dance of life,transcending time and space to fill you with a sense of infinite existence that your ancestors knew as ecstasy." 11pm-5:30am - Psychedelic Dance Party featuring: Dj El Halwa playing Exotic Trance Dj Cer spinning a mix of Breakbeats, House, and Trance Reality Engine playing Ps-Trance,with a integrated audio/visual environment Ritual Performance by El ectric Earth 5:30am-6am - Closing dawn ceremondelicious food and drink b Planetery Pastries, tarot readings, sensual Hula Hoop performers and more ... Minimum contribution for the dance partyt is $15 at the door, or $10 p resale. *The price to participate in the Kiratan chanting and blindfolded t rance dance workshops is $25, which includes the admission into the dance party. You must pre-register by calling Parashakti's at 917.607.6674 ( ht tp://www.shaktispirits / ). Due to the nature of the blindfold Trance Da nce doors will be closed between9-11p.m., and will reopen for the dance pa rty. Please come by eight to prepare yourself for the workshop. Bring a bl indfold and read below to find out more about Kirtan and Trance Dance For more info you can also refer to our website at odytemple Call the Body Temple Hotline 212-252-4856 for info and updates. p.s. pass this along to anyone who might be interested,this is going to be wild Saturday August 10 -Primal Industries Eli the artist (www.Psythos ) (The American, NO T the Israeli connected with Global Trance Productions) is doing Frying Pa n (23rd & West Side Highway at the Chelsea Piers) flyers are out www.psyth os Primal Industries first party....So this primal gathering will be amazing. A lot of very talented people have come together to make this nig ht happen. Music; DJs & live acts, art murals, fire dancing, video project ion, all of this mixed with primal energy will make this a night to rememb er. We have the "Frying Pan" from 8pm-4am come watch the sunset...So bring your tribe, and come get primal........ -Aug 15-17 Outdoor festival in tri-state area by the A Reflux PSI (Philadelphia Shamanista Initiative crew We're planning on havin g our second party on Friday, August 16th, with Saturday the 17th being th e rain date. We're looking for people who can help us out in any regard: e quipment, i.e. lighting, generators, black lights, visual efx, vehicles to haul equipment with, dj's (we only have turntables right now, so we're al so looking for someone who can bring out some cdj's), speakers (esp. monit ors), tapestries, tarps/tents for dj area, etc. etc. Anyone interested in helping out can contact us at the PSI email suns hinegoa3, or through me personally at pjm246 at nyu This will be a free party. Nonetheless, donations to the Initiative would be much a or ganization ;) and will go to finance future psychedelic events. This promis es to be a special and memorable night. The Dj's and organizers are all very excited and enthusiastic. We hope you can you make it out and be a pa rt of it. - Pat and Neil (The PSI team) Location: This event will take plac e in a forest clearing located in the New Jersey Pine Barrens. The area is approximately 2 hours outside of New York City, and 1 1/2 hours outside o f Philly. The field itself is extremely isolated, and is miles from any re sidential area. There will be a designated area for parking. Directions wi ll follow at the bottom of this page. This place is a gorgeous, pristine o asis of nature in its purest form. We must respect the land and LEAVE NO T RACE. Please take care of all personal items/trash etc. Because of recent forest fires in the Pine Barrens, we ask that no fires be permitted. Bring : Water, food, blankets, tents/camping gear,flashlights, good vibes, incen se, tapestries, friends, black lights, strobe lights, other visuals, herba l refreshments... etc. IMPORTANT NOTE: This gathering IS NOT rain or shine . Unfortunately, heavy rain may render the field temporarily inaccessabl e due to mud. In the event of inclement weather, we will postpone the part y and send a mass email the day of the event or sooner. (To get on the PSI mailing list, please send a message toSunshinegoa3 ). DIRECTIONS IMPORTANT NOTE: It is vitally important that while travelling to the event location, we do not arouse the suspicion of either the locals or THE MAN. Therefore, a number of precautions must be taken. First, do not "caravan", i.e. do not drive out with a bunch of friends in different cars all in a row. This is especially important when you get close to the event location . A local who sees a several cars lined up with out of state plates may be inclined to alert THE MAN. Secondly, when making the turn off onto the di rt road, MAKE SURE there are NO OTHER cars on the road at that time. Multi ple cars seen turning down the same road is certainly grounds for suspicio n. Third, do not enter local establishments, e.g. gas stations or convenience sto res when you are within 20 miles of the location. Please act wisely and saf ely, and we can then all enjoy ourselves to the fullest extent. >From New ork and all points North: Go through Holland Tunnel, bear left coming out o f it. The road will turn into I-78 west. Take I-78 west to the I-95 South/ NJ Turnpike South exit. Follow signs for NJ Turnpike South. Take Turnpike South to exit number 7, US-206 (towards "Bordentown/Trenton") and merge on to 206 South. Take 206 South for about 18 miles, enter the traffic circle, and merge onto Route 70 East. Continue along Route 70 East for about 20 m iles until you hit the junction for Route 539. You will see a Wawa on one side of the road, and a gas station on the other. DO NOT go into either of these establishments. THE MAN is known to frequent these locations. Bear right onto 539 South. Follow Route 539 for about 5 miles. On the right, yo u will see a wooden, unlit sign for the "Greenwood Forest". Your next turn will be the 2nd RIGHT after the Greenwood Forest sign, about 1.4 miles af ter the sign. It is a small dirt road and may be difficult to see. However , please try to drive at a normal speed if there are other cars on the roa d so as not to arouse suspicion. Turn right onto the road and proceed abo ut 1/2 a mile and make your first right. BE CAREFUL. This road is somewhat sandy, so please handle with care. Remember to keep your speed up when go ing uphill to avoid getting stuck. Go about a 1/4 of a mile down this road and make your first left onto a smaller trail-like road. We will have som e sort of marker in place at this turnoff. BE CAREFUL, there is a dip in th e left section of the road, so take it slow. There is also more sand at th e end of the path, so you may have to keep your speed slightly up. Continu e along this path briefly, and bear left at the end to go into the parking lot. If lot is full, please drive onto the field and park at the top. Plea se do not drive down the hill on the field. August 22 - Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Sturgeon/Red/Green Corn Moon) Labor Day - Burning Man - Vermo nt - resort trance with Onpoint email FrequencyFire at cs for info -Omn itribe Friday September 6th - Saturday September 7th there will be another open-air event thrown by Omni Tribe. "We take it to upstate NY where we r ent a small resort in the woods for 24 hours... 24 hour Open Air Music Ha ppening under the full moon Fri Sept 6 10pm - Sat Sept 7 10pm Join in coll ective consciousness and rhythms of time, and under the stars and the dawn we will celebrate, heal and anneal, all the beauty that flows through ete rnity. Follow your heart to the end of future and free yourself in fractal festivities of the forever flowing!! Let reality unravel beyond the bound aries of imagination amidst a wondrous forest setting next to a beautiful lake. Feel free to bring your drums, percussion and instuments to bring to life our own poly-rhythms, chants and icaros. Bring your camping gear, th is event goes on rain or shine. Located in a safe and secure private woodl and resort. As one heart, dancing the beat of flux & love. Line up: INFLUX (Brazil) FXMIKE (Omni Tribe, NY) VITALIK vs. SH.I.K.I.D (Omni Tribe, NY) J AMIN vs. GAVIN (Spectra, NY/Nantacket, MA) KIFE vs. INDRA (Omni Tribe/Alpha trance, NY) ANGELES (Chiletrance/6T H ELEMENT, Chile) DIMA vs. DUB.LIK (Omni Tribe, NY) ROMAN SHELEPANOV (P roforma Records, NY) EVAN (T.H.C, NY) Fluoro Installations and Visuals by M isha ( Sound by Omni Tribe & Spectra (spactranyc ) Free water Cover: $20 RIDE SHARE and all TRANSPORTATION issues at com/group/omnitribe DIRECTIONS: by car: (abot 2.5 hours from Manhattan) Tak e 87 North (toward Albany) to Exit 16 which will bring you to 17 West; Tak e 17 West to Exit 1 on Monticello. Get off the exit, drive 5 miles on 17B road, make right on "Airport" and "Swan Lake" sign. In 100 meters look for yellow flash light and "Proforma Rec." sign. Park. The destination exact address is 41 Airport Rd., Monticello, N -September 13-15 Gaian Mind Ou tdoor Trance Festival in PA check out... ht tp:// ... 09/2002 Gaian Mind Trance Weekend at 4 Quarters In terfaith Sanctuary... Gaian Mind at Four Quarters First there was the sound , the rushing, fractal meter of the cosmos. And it gave rise to the puls e, the irresistible breath of the Mother. Transformed through it's Europea n journey, crossing the rising oceans to find itself, born and reborn agai n in the New World. Where World Beat meets Earth Beat. Where Earth Rhythm meets Earth Mother. You will Find Your Gaian Mind. Dancing the Psy-Trance by Riverside in one of the East Coast's most hidden and amazing locations. Site Hosted by The Four Quarters InterFaith Sanctuary of Earth Religion Wh o: CHRISBO (Return to the Source/Dragonfly, London), ALLEN (Gaian Mind/Metr opolis Records, Phila.), HATARI (Gaian Mind, Phila.), NEUM (Spiral Trax Int ./Flow Records, Phila.), STEVE-O (GoaBabies, Nantucket), YON-E (Tsunami/Cos mophilia, NYC), KRI (T.O.U.C.H. Samadhi, Asheville), BUFFER (M-Laboratories , Baltimore), CARMEN (???, London), JAMIE (DinerE28099s Club, Phila.), F USE (Live) (M-Laboratories, Phila.), UNCOMMON (Live) (mp3, Allentown) W hat: In one of the East CoastE28099s most Unique & Amazing Locations, 3 days and 2 nights of Sacred Trance Ritual. Goa Psy-Trance Sounds. When: Fri day Sept. 13 thru Sunday the 15th, 2002 Where: Four Quarters InterFaith Sa nctuary of Earth Religion, Planet Gaia. Main Dance area with the Circle of Standing Stones, DownTempo in the Riverside Circle. Why: "The message th at Nature sends is, transform your language through a synergy between elec tronic culture and the psychedelic imagination, a synergy between dance an d idea, a synergy between understanding and intuition, and dissolve the bo undaries that your culture has sanctioned between you, to become part of t his Gaian supermind." - Terence McKenna (1946-2000) Redefining Ancient Trib al Ritual for the 21st Century Never before on the east coast has a full o n Trance Dance been moved from the bowels of the city to it's proper home in a stunning natural environment. Because the mission and purpose of the Four Quarters InterFaith Sanctuary is to support all forms ofspiritualit that honor the natural world and cosmos, we have found a home that we are sure will become the future reference point for the Trance Dance Experienc e. Because Four Quarters is a site set aside for its natural beauty as a w orking ritual center, we will be able to move the experience to the next l evel. And Beyond. The Circle of Standing Stones at Four Quarters. Floro- monial Space for the 21st Century. The Main Dance Circle for Gaian Mind. W here Technician meets Tradition. With Ancient Ways and Modern Means; We P ilot the Temple, to the Land of the Gods. Progressive/Psychedelic Trance L ine-Up from the Standing Stone Dance Circle CHRISBO (Return to the Source/ Dragonfly, London) ALLEN (Gaian Mind/Metropolis Records, Phila.) HATARI (Ga ian Mind, Phila.) NEUM (Spiral Trax Int./Flow Records, Phila.) Chill-Out / Downtempo Line-Up from the Creekside Dance Circle STEVE-O (GoaBabies, Nan tucket) KRI (T.O.U.C.H. Samadhi, Asheville) BUFFER (M-Laboratories, Baltimo re) CARMEN ( London) JAMIE (DinerE28099s Club, Phila.) FUSE (Live) (M-La boratories, Phila.) UNCOMMON (Live) (mp3, Allentown) Gaian Mind Admissi on includes: 2 Nights of All Night Full-On PsyTrance Music 3 Days and 2 Nig hts Camping, 10K Watts of Turbosound, Saturday Afternoon Fractal Feast (a ll-you-can-eat, carnivore/veggy, free for all attending) Opening & Closing Rituals in The Sacred Stone Circle Riverside Swimming Hole, Sweat Lodge Dru m & Fire Circle, Chill-Out Area, Yoga Healing/Massage Area, Merchant Area F ree Water, Hot Showers and Very Clean Toilets. Free & Secure Main Parking * Optional for the Weekend: Meal Plans are Available, Camp Fire Rings and Fir ewood In-Camp Car Camping and Close in Car Parking Pre Registered by Saturd ay August 17, 2002 Friday-Saturday Arrival, $75 Four Quarters Members $55 P re Registered by Saturday September 9, 2002 Friday-Saturday Arrival, $85 Fo ur Quarters Members $65 At The Gate: Friday-Saturday Arrival $100 Call for Merchanting Info. Children under 16 are loved, cherished and free! (must be accompanied by parent or guardian) Meal Plan with The Starvin' Artist, Pr e Registered only. $27.50, indicate Carnivore or Veggie with your registrat ion. Three meals, Friday Dinner, Sat Brunch, Sun Brunch. Saturday afternoon Fractal Feast is FREE for all attending Permits are available at the gate for: Fire Rings with Firewood, In-Camp Car Camping and Close In Parking Mai l in Registrations: Legal Name and Address, telephone and email. Check or Money Order to: Gaian Mind 190 Walker Lane Artemas, PA 17211 Credit Card R egistrations: Call the Four Quarters offices at 814-784-3075 or On-Line at Gaian Mind Hot Line at: 215.238.1053 email: GaianMind Site and Reg istration Information: Call the Four Quarters offices at 814-784-3075 or We b Site at email: megalith at September 21 - Full Moon (Ind ian Name: Full Harvest/Corn/Barley Moon) Autumn September 23 12:56 am Au tumnal Equinox With only 3 more months left in the Celtic summer, pagan fo lk work hard for the harvest yet to c-e, whether it be corn and hay fr- th e fields or the personal projects and goals that we planned for the summer months. When the sun crosses the equator and heads south at the Autumnal Equinox, the second of the harvest festivals, (celebrated around September 21) we again celebrate the magnificant balance that the everturning Wheel of the Year pr-ises. These equinoxs are great reminders that the bleak da ys of winter as well as the heady days of summer are temporary, that all things have their se asons, and that none will last forever. The law of polarity and rythym req uire that all things be balanced by their opposites. On these days our anc estors aligned themselves in the ebb and flow of life. As winter, spring, summer and autumn pass by, Witches still reconnect with the ever moving f low of life, we make our plans and watch them unfold. If some do not c-e t o fruition we try again. We pass through times of joy and sorrow; little o nes are born, the older ones die allowing their spirits to pass into Summe rland. Every event in life is rich in purpose and meaning. Each day, night and season has its own special character. Rituals connect us to both the big and little dramas of the year and of the greater life cycle. We unite the character and spirit of each passing season and do magic to transform our lives, giving them a depth and an expansiveness that without ritual an d celebration we would never achieve. Even the most humble ritual helps th e m-ent of power and change, and the celebrant partakes in s-ething greate r than him or herself. We would say that in these moments of ecstasy we ac tually stand outside ourselves and the God and Goddess within us bec-e bri ghter, more powerful and we touch the All; eg, the Lord Pan and Lady Gaia, Jesus, God, however you see the Divine Power. This festival is associate d with the taking of corn and other foods that are to be harvested at this time. Cornbread cakes and cider are an excellent addition to the festivit ies. The frost will hit soon, so the last of the herbs and other plants yo u wish to dry for winter use should be harvested now. Depending on when the leaves turn in your area, you may wish to parafin them and add them to your house decorations. Dip the leave quickly in melted parafin, and put them on wax paper. When the leaves are dry you can put them in a huge, dec orative jar with a sigil of protection carved lightly on s-e or all of the leaves. Colors used for candles should be brown, orange, gold or red. Al tar cloths can be made of material with fall designs. River and stream sto nes gathered over the summer can empowered for various purposes. Oct 12 - Saturday - International Global Dance Party for Peace... sponsored by Ea rthDance Org... Oct 21 - Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Hunter's/Travel/Dyi ng Grass Moon) Oct 31 Halloween Winter (Pagan) Nov 1 - Samhain - Winte r's Start -Nov 12 - Tues - DMT Scorpion Birthday Celebration October 23-N ovember 21 Smoke scorpion ven- :-) To enter your birthday in our roster and celebrate with us go to /group/SafetyDance/cal endar Junkies and Get High in the Pits" QUETTA, Pakistan (Reuters) - When they're in season, Ghulam Raza smokes scorpions. He says he dries their st ingers in the sun and grinds them, then lights the powdery ven- and sucks the smoke deep into his lungs. "Oh yes," he said when asked if the scorpio ns make him high. "When I smoke scorpion, then the H is like nothing to me." The place where Raza and other Pakistani junkies smoke dope or sho ot up in the southwestern city of Quetta is a good place to find scorpions . It is the main cemetery, a dust-filled field of t-bstones and corpse-siz ed mounds of rocks. A shantytown molded from the pale dirt of the desert claws its way up a steep mountain slope on one side while Muslim prayers r ing out across the city on the other. In the middle, in the ruins of a bui lding, Raza and a dozen addict friends spend their days. Some, like Abdul Hai, have been coming here for more than 20 years. More disdained than cr iminalized, the hundreds of junkies in Quetta, capital of Pakistan's parch ed Baluchistan province, gather away from the chaotic life of the city. In the cemete in an even less salubrious den. Theyry, sometimes one of them will get very stoned and drop into an open grave. "We are safe here," says Raza, a mechanical engineer, who says he started down the slippery slope of drugs after becoming addicted to pain killers years ago when, he says, he was shot 18 times by police. The graveyard addicts beg or steal for the ir drug money. They pay off officials for peace. When they forget, the pol ice come and beat them, they say. Closer to the center of town, other Paki stani junkies hide away huddle in small groups, cloaks pulled over their h eads, in an open gutter. Nov 19 - Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Beaver/Fr ost Moon) Dec 19 - Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Cold/Long Nights Moon) Dec 21 8:15pm Winter Solstice Psy-Trance Links by City Atlanta http:// www.atlantapsytrance / http://www.sageaudio / Austin http://www.t Boston www.changmian http: // /group/goa-boston/ /thirsty-ear/music/ Krysalis/ Boston rave site www.miscon Dallas http://www.umprod Denver gregschmid.c om 888-336-3997 Iowa - lojikbom Los Angeles http://www.l iquidgrin / (psytrance) barakuda_psytribe http://www.sixth sense (psytrance, kindof defunct) http://people.we.mediaone/trance one/index2.html (kind of defunct) Miami Milwaukee Montreal http://www. psyvilization.ravewave New York www.tsunami-trance www.syntheti c-sadhus www.spectranyc www.mandala-nyc m North Carolina - www.touchsamadhi Pittsburgh - www.sidetrakkt Philadelphia - www.Gaian-Mind San Francisco http://sftrance ww Toronto ww - promoters www.ektoplazm - psytrance resource pub4. ezboard /bnineveh - psychedelic forums, local Un-psychedlic American C ities? Chicago Detroit Houston Nantucket New Orleans Portland Quebec Se attle Vancouver/B.C. Washington D.C. Amsterdam http://goatrance Bra zil www.ypypoty www.carloswh.hpg .br www.raveon .br www.refug ioaltiplano Germanhttp://www.Chaishop http:// http://www.Cyberfly KERNEL http://www.Shakaree I srael www.isratrance Kohng Pangan www.kohphangan200 2 London http://www.futuretrance http:/ /www.goatrance Mexico City www.psycraft www.soun dsorcery /group/fire_quetzal/ www.zintetik Paris www.gaia concept /version_angl aise/pages/accueil_gb.html www.transegoavibes h ttp://www.cosmic-Bug Poland http://w Spain http://www.cosmictrance http://www.zonadance Switzerland -----Psafety Pschedule----- This is the st andard Pschedule but without international info... but will also has all th e salacious details that come on Safetydance. If enough of you want a s tand alone list called Psafety Pschedule I'll do it! um, as usual, do n ot ever forward any of this out. For Your Eyes Only... Everything u nderlined is sensitive info. The Om symbol indicates I will see you there! Info: It's fun ny! /p hantasmfeedback.html Events: TONIGHT Friday August 2 -Psy-Trance Beach Party The location is be tween 9th and 11th exits on Belt Pkwy as you drive East (there is no entran ce if you drive West). After passing all exists with number 9 keep righ t and look for the first chance to take off the hwy. That'll be the place. Park and walk toward the water and to your left. You shall find us there ar ound 12:00pm. Can we get detailed directions for those of us not taking a car? Love and Peace option one (for those with energy in their l egs and good hearing) F till coney island ( as far as i know ) then a WaLK for several miles option two posted in may (be tter) There are dollar-a-cab car services ($1 ride to Sea Gate) going f rom last train station on Coney Island to Sea Gate, all the way to the end. .. they go on Surf Ave, which goes along the beach... you can probably stop them somewhere in the middle... they stop and wait for ppl on Surf and Sti llwell... just an idea for others, some of my friends live in Sea Gate, i o wn a car though... though i'm not entirely sure where that place is exactl.... there is another option to get there take Q train to sheepshe ad bay station, get to sheepshead bay blvd, make a left(eastward), walk to the end of the blvd (canal), you'll get to the parking lot, the party is on the beach inside- go with driving directions of the highwa peace Saturday August 3 - Body Temple Come join Electric Earth and Reality Engine as we present an all night Trance Dance ritual dance party this Saturday, August 3 2002, from 7.30pm till 6am . This event is taki ng place at The Foundry, a jewel of a space (40 ft. ceilings with skylights, beautiful design, good sound system and air conditioning), located at 42-38 ninth street, Long Island City, New York, near PS 1 and the new MOMA. For Directions go to : Come explore the Mystery with us as we bring you ; Kirtan* with Anjula & the Kirtan Orchestra 8-9 pm "Kirtan is joyous songs of praise." A Trance-dance workshop* led by Parashakti 9-11pm *You are invited on a journey of movement into the sacred dance of life,transcending time and space to fill you with a sense of infi nite existence that your ancestors knew as ecstasy." 11pm-5: 30am - Psychedelic Dance Party featuring: Dj El Halwa playing Exo tic Trance Dj Cer spinning a mix of Breakbeats, House, and Trance R eality Engine playing Psy-Trance,with a integrated audio/visual environment Ritual Performance by Electric Earth 5:30am-6am - Closing d awn ceremondelicious food and drink by Planetery Pastries, tar ot readings, sensual Hula Hoop performers and more... Minimum contribution for the dance partyt is $15 at the door, or $10 presale. *The price to participate in the Kiratan chanting and blindfolded trance dance workshops is $25, which includes the admission into the dance party. You must pre-reg ister by calling Parashakti's at 917.607.6674 ( http://www.shaktispiri ts / ). Due to the nature of the blindfold Trance Dance doors will b e closed between9-11p.m., and will reopen for the dance party. Please come by eight to prepare yourself for the workshop. Bring a blindfold and read b elow to find out more about Kirtan and Trance Dance For more info you c an also refer to our website at C all the Body Temple Hotline 212-252-4856 for info and updates. p.s. pa ss this along to anyone who might be interested,this is going to be wild Saturday August 10 -Primal Industries Eli the artist (www.Psythos ) (The American, NOT the Israeli connected with Global Trance Productions) is doing Frying Pan (23rd & West Side Highway at the Chelsea Piers) flyers are out www.psythos Primal Industries first party....So this primal gathering will be amazing . A lot of very talented people have come together to make this night happe n. Music; DJs & live acts, art murals, fire dancing, video projection, all of this mixed with primal energy will make this a night to remember. We have the "Frying Pan" from 8pm-4am come watch the sunset...So bring your t ribe, and come get primal........ -Aug 15-17 Outdoor festival in tr i-state area by the A Reflux P SI (Philadelphia Shamanista Initiative crew We're planning on having our second party on Friday, August 16th, with Saturday the 17th being the rain date. We're looking for people who can hel p us out in any regard: equipment, i.e. lighting, generators, black lights, visual efx, vehicles to haul equipment with, dj's (we only have turnt ables right now, so we're also looking for someone who can bring out s ome cdj's), speakers (esp. monitors), tapestries, tarps/tents for dj area, etc. etc. Anyone interested in helping out can contact us at the PSI em ail sunshinegoa3, or through me personally at pjm246 at nyu This will be a free party. Nonetheless, donations to the Initiative would be much ganization ;) and will go to finance future psychedelic events. Thi s promises to be a special and memorable night. The Dj's and or ganizers are all very excited and enthusiastic. We hope you can you make it out and be a part of it. - Pat and Neil (The PSI team) Location: This event will take place in a forest clearing located in the New Jersey Pine B arrens. The area is approximately 2 hours outside of New York City, and 1 1 /2 hours outside of Philly. The field itself is extremely isolated, an d is miles from any residential area. There will be a designated area for p arking. Directions will follow at the bottom of this page. This place i s a gorgeous, pristine oasis of nature in its purest form. We must respect the land and LEAVE NO TRACE. Please take care of all personal items/trash e tc. Because of recent forest fires in the Pine Barrens, we ask that no fires be permitted. Bring: Water, food, blankets, tents/camping gear,flashlights, good vibes, incense, tapestries, friends, black lights, s trobe lights, other visuals, herbal refreshments... etc. IMPORTANT NOT E: This gathering IS NOT rain or shine. Unfortunately, heavy ra in may render the field temporarily inaccessable due to mud. In the event o f inclement weather, we will postpone the party and send a mass email t he day of the event or sooner. (To get on the PSI mailing list, please send a message toSunshinegoa3 ). DIRECTIONS IMPORTANT NOTE: It is vitally important that while travelling to the event location, we do no t arouse the suspicion of either the locals or THE MAN. Therefore, a number of precautions must be taken. First, do not "caravan", i.e. do not drive o ut with a bunch of friends in different cars all in a row. This is especial ly important when you get close to the event location. A local who sees a s everal cars lined up with out of state plates may be inclined to alert THE MAN. Secondly, when making the turn off onto the dirt road, MAKE SURE there are NO OTHER cars on the road at that time. Multiple cars seen turning dow n the same road is certainly grounds for suspicion. Third, do not enter loc al establish ments, e.g. gas stations or convenience stores when you are within 2 0 miles of the location. Please act wisely and safely, and we can then all enjoy ourselves to the fullest extent. >From New York and all points North: Go through Holland Tunnel, bear left coming out of it. The road will turn into I-78 west. Take I-78 west to the I-95 South/NJ Turnpike Sou th exit. Follow signs for NJ Turnpike South. Take Turnpike South to exit nu mber 7, US-206 (towards "Bordentown/Trenton") and merge onto 206 South. Tak e 206 South for about 18 miles, enter the traffic circle, and merge onto Ro ute 70 East. Continue along Route 70 East for about 20 miles until you hit the junction for Route 539. You will see a Wawa on one side of the road, an d a gas station on the other. DO NOT go into either of these establishments . THE MAN is known to frequent these locations. Bear right onto 539 South. Follow Route 539 for about 5 miles. On the right, you will see a wooden, un lit sign for the "Greenwood Forest". Your next turn will be the 2nd RIGHT a fter the Greenwood Forest sign, about 1.4 miles after the sign. It is a sma ll dirt road and may be difficult to see. However, please try to drive at a normal speed if there are other cars on the road so as not to arouse suspi cion. Turn right onto the road and proceed about 1/2 a mile and make your first right. BE CAREFUL. This road is somewhat sandy, so please handle with care. Remember to keep your speed up when going uphill to avoid getti ng stuck. Go about a 1/4 of a mile down this road and make your first l eft onto a smaller trail-like road. We will have some sort of marker in place at this turnoff. BE CAREFUL, there is a dip in the left section of t he road, so take it slow. There is also more sand at the end of the pat h, so you may have to keep your speed slightly up. Continue along this path briefly, and bear left at the end to go into the parking lot. If lot is fu ll, please drive onto the field and park at the top. Please do not driv e down the hill on the field. August 22 - Full Moon (Indian Na me: Full Sturgeon/Red/Green Corn Moon) Labor Day - Burning Man - Vermont - resort trance with Onpoint email FrequencyFire at cs for i nfo -Omnitribe Friday September 6th - Saturd ay September 7th there will be another open-air event thrown by Omni Tribe. "We take it to upstate NY where we rent a small resort in the woods for 24 hours... 24 hour Open Air Music Happening under the full moon Fri Sept 6 10pm - Sat Sept 7 10pm Join in collective consciousness and rhythms o f time, and under the stars and the dawn we will celebrate, heal and anneal , all the beauty that flows through eternity. Follow your heart to the end of future and free yourself in fractal festivities of the forever flow ing!! Let reality unravel beyond the boundaries of imagination amidst a wondrous forest setting next to a beautiful lake. Feel free to bring your drums, percussion and instuments to bring to life our own poly-rhythms, cha nts and icaros. Bring your camping gear, this event goes on rain or shine. Located in a safe and secure private woodland resort. As one heart, dancing the beat of flux & love. Line up: INFLUX (Brazil) FXMIKE (Omni Tribe, NY) VITALIK vs. SH.I.K. I.D (Omni Tribe, NY) JAMIN vs. GAVIN (Spectra, NY/Nantacket, MA) KI FE vs. INDRA (Omni Tribe/Alphatrance, NY) ANGELES (Chiletrance/6TH ELEMENT, Chile) DIM A vs. DUB.LIK (Omni Tribe, NY) ROMAN SHELEPANOV (Proforma Records, NY) EVAN (T.H.C, NY) Fluoro Installations and Visuals by Misha (YDe Sound by Omni Tribe & Spectra (spactranyc ) Free wa ter Cover: $20 RIDE SHARE and all TRANSPORTATION issues at http: // /group/omnitribe DIRECTIONS: by car: (abot 2.5 ho urs from Manhattan) Take 87 North (toward Albany) to Exit 16 which will bring you to 17 West; Take 17 West to Exit 1 on Monticello. Get off the ex it, drive 5 miles on 17B road, make right on "Airport" and "Swan Lake" sign. In 100 meters look for yellow flash light and "Proforma Rec." sig n. Park. The destination exact address is 41 Airport Rd., Monticello, N -September 13-15 Gaian Mind Outdoor Trance F estival in PA check out... http://ww ... 09/2002 Gaian Mind Trance Weekend at 4 Quarters Interfaith Sanctuary... Gaian Mind at Four Quarters First there w as the sound, the rushing, fractal meter of the cosmos. And it gave rise to the pulse, the irresistible breath of the Mother. Transfo rmed through it's European journey, crossing the rising oceans to find itse lf, born and reborn again in the New World. Where World Beat meets Earth Be at. Where Earth Rhythm meets Earth Mother. You will Find Your Gaian Min d. Dancing the Psy-Trance by Riverside in one of the East Coast's most hidd en and amazing locations. Site Hosted by The Four Quarters InterFaith S anctuary of Earth Religion Who: CHRISBO (Return to the Source/Drago nfly, London), ALLEN (Gaian Mind/Metropolis Records, Phila.), HATARI (Gaian Mind, Phila.), NEUM (Spiral Trax Int./Flow Records, Phila.), S TEVE-O (GoaBabies, Nantucket), YON-E (Tsunami/Cosmophilia, NYC), KRI (T .O.U.C.H. Samadhi, Asheville), BUFFER (M-Laboratories, Baltimore), CARMEN (???, London), JAMIE (DinerE28099s Club, Phila.), FUSE (Live) (M-Laboratories, Phila.), UNCOMMON (Live) (mp3, Allentown) Wha t: In one of the East CoastE28099s most Unique & Amazing Loc ations, 3 days and 2 nights of Sacred Trance Ritual. Goa Psy-Trance Sou nds. When: Friday Sept. 13 thru Sunday the 15th, 2002 Where: F our Quarters InterFaith Sanctuary of Earth Religion, Planet Gaia. Mai n Dance area with the Circle of Standing Stones, DownTempo in the Rive rside Circle. Why: "The message that Nature sends is, transform you r language through a synergy between electronic culture and the psychedelic imagination, a synergy between dance and idea, a synergy between understan ding and intuition, and dissolve the boundaries that your culture has sanct ioned between you, to become part of this Gaian supermind." - Terence McKen na (1946-2000) Redefining Ancient Tribal Ritual for the 21st Century Ne ver before on the east coast has a full on Trance Dance been moved from the bowels of the city to it's proper home in a stunning natural environment. Because the mission and purpose of the Four Quarters InterFaith Sanct uary is to support all forms ofspirituality that honor the natural world an d cosmos, we have found a home that we are sure will become the future reference point for the Trance Dance Experience. Because Four Quar ters is a site set aside for its natural beauty as a working ritual center, we will be able to move the experience to the next level. And Be yond. The Circle of Standing Stones at Four Quarters. Floro-monial Sp ace for the 21st Century. The Main Dance Circle for Gaian Mind. Where Techn ician meets Tradition. With Ancient Ways and Modern Means; We Pilot t he Temple, to the Land of the Gods. Progressive/Psychedelic Trance Line-Up from the Standing Stone Dance Circle CHRISBO (Return to the Source/Dra gonfly, London) ALLEN (Gaian Mind/Metropolis Records, Phila.) HATAR I (Gaian Mind, Phila.) NEUM (Spiral Trax Int./Flow Records, Phila.) Chill-Out / Downtempo Line-Up from the Creekside Dance Circle STEVE-O (GoaBabies, Nantucket) KRI (T.O.U.C.H. Samadhi, Asheville) BUFFER (M-Laboratories, Baltimore) CARMEN ( London) JAMIE (Diner E28099s Club, Phila.) FUSE (Live) (M-Laboratories, Phila.) UNCOM MON (Live) (mp3, Allentown) Gaian Mind Admission includes: 2 Ni ghts of All Night Full-On PsyTrance Music 3 Days and 2 Nights Camping, 10K Watts of Turbosound, Saturday Afternoon Fractal Feast (all-yo u-can-eat, carnivore/veggy, free for all attending) Opening & Closi ng Rituals in The Sacred Stone Circle Riverside Swimming Hole, Sweat Lo dge Drum & Fire Circle, Chill-Out Area, Yoga Healing/Massage Ar ea, Merchant Area Free Water, Hot Showers and Very Clean Toilets. F ree & Secure Main Parking *Optional for the Weekend: Meal Plans are Available, Camp Fire Rings and Firewood In-Camp Car Camping and Cl ose in Car Parking Pre Registered by Saturday August 17, 2002 Frida y-Saturday Arrival, $75 Four Quarters Members $55 Pre Registered b Saturday September 9, 2002 Friday-Saturday Arrival, $85 Four Quart ers Members $65 At The Gate: Friday-Saturday Arrival $100 Call for Merchanting Info. Children under 16 are loved, cherished and free! (mus t be accompanied by parent or guardian) Meal Plan with The Starvin' Art ist, Pre Registered only. $27.50, indicate Carnivore or Veggie with you r registration. Three meals, Friday Dinner, Sat Brunch, Sun Brunch. Saturday afternoon Fractal Feast is FREE for all attending Permits are available at the gate for: Fire Rings with Firewood, In-Camp Car Campi ng and Close In Parking Mail in Registrations: Legal Name and Addre ss, telephone and email. Check or Money Order to: Gaian Mind 190 W alker Lane Artemas, PA 17211 Credit Card Registrations: Call th e Four Quarters offices at 814-784-3075 or On-Line at Gaian Mind Hot Line at: 215.238.1053 email: GaianMind Sit e and Registration Information: Call the Four Quarters offices at 814-7 84-3075 or Web Site at email: megalith at rm.htm September 21 - Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Harvest/Corn/Barley Moon) Autumn September 23 12:56 am Autum nal Equinox With only 3 more months left in the Celtic summer, pagan f olk work hard for the harvest yet to c-e, whether it be corn and hay fr- th e fields or the personal projects and goals that we planned for the summer months. When the sun crosses the equator and heads south at the Autumnal Eq uinox, the second of the harvest festivals, (celebrated around September 21 ) we again celebrate the magnificant balance that the everturning Wheel of the Year pr-ises. These equinoxs are great reminders that the bleak days of winter as well as the heady days of summer are temporary, that all things have their seasons, and that none will last forever. The law of polarity and rythym require th at all things be balanced by their opposites. On these days our ancestors a ligned themselves in the ebb and flow of life. As winter, spring, sum mer and autumn pass by, Witches still reconnect with the ever moving flow o f life, we make our plans and watch them unfold. If some do not c-e to fruition we try again. We pass through times of j oy and sorrow; little ones are born, the older ones die allowing their spirits to pass into Summerland. Every event in life is rich in purpose and meaning. Each day, night and season has its own special character. Rituals connect us to both the big and little dramas of the yea r and of the greater life cycle. We unite the character and spirit of each passing season and do magic to transform our lives, giving them a depth and an expansiveness that without ritual and celebration we would never achiev e. Even the most humble ritual helps the m-ent of power and change, and the celebrant partakes in s-ething greater than him or herself. We would say t hat in these moments of ecstasy we actually stand outside ourselves and the God and Goddess within us bec-e brighter, more powerful and we touch the A ll; eg, the Lord Pan and Lady Gaia, Jesus, God, however you see the Divine Power. This festival is associated with the taking of corn and ot her foods that are to be harvested at this time. Cornbread cakes and cider are an excellent addition to the festivities. The frost will hit soon, so t he last of the herbs and other plants you wish to dry for winter use should be harvested now. Depending on when the leaves turn in your area , you may wish to parafin them and add them to your house decorations. Dip the leave quickly in melted parafin, and put them on wax paper. When the le aves are dry you can put them in a huge, decorative jar with a sigil of pro tection carved lightly on s-e or all of the leaves. Colors used f or candles should be brown, orange, gold or red. Altar cloths can be made o f material with fall designs. River and stream stones gathered over the sum mer can empowered for various purposes. Oct 12 - Saturday - Inter national Global Dance Party for Peace... sponsored by EarthDance Org.. . Oct 21 - Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Hunter's/Travel/Dying Gra ss Moon) Oct 31 Halloween Winter (Pagan) Nov 1 - S amhain - Winter's Start -Nov 12 - Tues - D MT Scorpion Birthday Celebration October 23-November 21 Smoke scorpion ven- :-) To enter your birthday in our roster and celebrate with us go to /group/SafetyDance/calendar Junkies a nd Get High in the Pits" QUETTA, Pakistan (Reuters) - When they're in seaso n, Ghulam Raza smokes scorpions. He says he dries their stingers in the sun and grinds them, then lights the powdery ven- and sucks the smoke deep int o his lungs. "Oh yes," he said when asked if the scorpions make him high. " When I smoke scorpion, then the H is like nothing to me." The place wh ere Raza and other Pakistani junkies smoke dope or shoot up in the so uthwestern city of Quetta is a good place to find scorpions. It is the main cemetery, a dust-filled field of t-bstones and corpse-sized mounds of rock s. A shantytown molded from the pale dirt of the desert claws its wa up a steep mountain slope on one side while Muslim prayers ring out across the city on the other. In the middle, in the ruins of a building, Raza and a dozen addict friends spend their days. Some, like Abdul Hai, have been c oming here for more than 20 years. More disdained than criminal ized, the hundreds of junkies in Quetta, capital of Pakistan's parched Balu chistan province, gather away from the chaotic life of the city. In the cemete in an even less salubrious den. Theyry, sometimes one of them will get very stoned and drop into an open grave. "We are safe here," says Raza, a mechanical engineer, who says he started down the slippery slope o f drugs after becoming addicted to pain killers years ago when, he says, he was shot 18 times by police. The graveyard addicts beg or steal fo r their drug money. They pay off officials for peace. When they forget, the police come and beat them, they say. Closer to the center of town, other P akistani junkies hide away huddle in small groups, cloaks pulled over their heads, in an open gutter. Nov 19 - Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Beaver/Frost Moon) Dec 19 - Full Moon (I ndian Name: Full Cold/Long Nights Moon) Dec 21 8:15pm Winter Sols tice Psy-Trance Links by City At lanta http://www.atlantapsytrance / http://www.sageaudio / Austin http://www.burnaustin.o rg/ Boston www.changmian /gr oup/goa-boston/ /thirsty-ear/music/Krysalis/ Boston rave site www .miscon Dallas http://www. umprod Denver gregschmid 888-336-3997 Iowa - m ailto:lojikbom Los Angeles http://www.liquidgrin / (psytrance) barakuda_psytribe http://www.sixthsense (psytrance, kindof defunct) http://people.we.mediaone/tranceo ne/index2.html (kind of defunct) Miami Milwaukee Montreal http://www.psyvilization.ravewave New York www. tsunami-trance www.synthetic-sadhus www.spectranyc www.mandala-nyc www.brainmachines North Carolina - www.touchsamadhi Pittsburgh - b Philadelph ia - www.Gaian-Mind San Francisco http://sftrance Toronto - promoters m - psytrance resource pub4.ezboard /bnineveh - psychedelic forums, local Un-psychedlic American Cities? Chicago Detroit Houston Nantucket New Orleans Portland Quebec Seattle Vancouver /B.C. Washington D.C. Amsterdam http://goatrance Brazil www.ypypoty www.carloswh.hpg .br www.raveon.c www.refugioaltiplano Germanhttp://www.Chaish op http://www.Cyb erfly KERNEL http://www.Shakaree Israel www.isratrance Kohng Pangan www.kohphang an2002 London http://www.fu turetrance http://www.goatrance Mexico City www.psycraft www.soundsorcery /group/fire_quetzal/ www.zintetik Paris h ttp:// www.gaia concept /version_anglaise/pages/accu eil_gb.html www.transegoavibes http://w ww.cosmic-Bug Poland htt p:// Spain http://www.cosmictrance http:// www.zonadance Switzerland Date: Fri, 2 Aug 2002 16:38:42 Subject: Did you go to Phantasm? Want to get into the makeup party? To: safetydance Cc: dragontribe From: Machinelf So people, if you went to the Phantasm event, the organizer is trying to make amends and throw a "Kiss Ass" party... so send an email to phantasmmakeup-subscribe to get on the list created to facilitate this process. Your email addresses will go to Ely and maybe John Phantasm so they will know who showed up. If I don't recognize your email address I will ask you questions to check, or just explain who you are thanks. Say what you will, at least they are trying to make amends. I want to personlly ask everyone to let bygones be bygones. Feel free to forward this out to anyone you know who went - and also to email me their addresses so I can manually add them on. DJs - contact them!!! Finally, I have no details on when/where/how much it will be, or if it will be free. Hopefully it will be free for those who were there, and will not double book another party. I'm just passing on info to try to make everyone happy and be meddlesome. PS I will dress up as Pink from The Wall and have my boys take your drugs at the door and I will sell them back to you! "Who let all this riff raff into the room" :-) DISCLAIMER: Trance people do not do drugs, the last sentence was intended as humor. Finally, i must say i was in such a state saturday morning that for 5 minutes there was around my field of vision a cyborg looking cockpit/menu, and i could alter the appearance of anyone i looked at, like in photoshop. Then when it came time to get back into my body i put it on glovelike backwards, and could feel my heels in my face then everything was backwards, when i looked at my back of my hand i saw my palm, etc etc. of what a morning that was. >Hey Jeff. this is eli,i really need a list of all the people that you know that was in the party,im booking a place for the kiss ass party and i realy need it fast .i would like to come with a flyer fast so pleas work with me on that. thanks again for all you done for us. Eli Date: Fri, 2 Aug 2002 16:42:56 Subject: more driving direx To: safetydance From: Machinelf bqe west to belt parkway. go belt east pass coney island pass brighton beach pass sheepshead ba1st exit after sheepshead bay is a rest area. get out and go to beach. Go left and walk until you hear music. >can you sene me directions to drive i got the map but it makes no sence so if you have any more details please send them on Date: Mon, 5 Aug 2002 13:49:21 Subject: Paul lost his wallet at the beach To: omnitribe Cc: safetydance From: Machinelf From: palle909 at netscape To: Machinelf Sent from the Internet (Details) hello, please post this if at all possible. last night at the beach party (sheapshead bay, i believe), my wallet disappeared at some point between my being face down in the sand and being abducted by gay aliens and taken to the homo-forest. if anyone saw a dkny tri-fold wallet around with my driver-license in it (arizona lic. i look bald and scary with big scar on forehead) please let me know. if anyone knows who the kaleidescope guys are, tell me that too, cause i think they may be the ones who took my wallet. maybe not. anyway, any info. is appreciated. write me here, or at pwg3 at columbia thanks, paulh From: palle909 at netscape To: Machinelf Sent from the Internet (Details) hello, please post this if at all possible. last night at the beach party (sheapshead bay, i believe), my wallet disappeared at some point between my being face down in the sand and being abducted by gay aliens and taken to the homo-forest. if anyone saw a dkny tri-fold wallet around with my driver-license in it (arizona lic. i look bald and scary with big scar on forehead) please let me know. if anyone knows who the kaleidescope guys are, tell me that too, cause i think they may be the ones who took my wallet. maybe not. anyway, any info. is appreciated. write me here, or at pwg3 at columbia thanks, paulh Date: Mon, 5 Aug 2002 17:58:48 Subject: Fwd: [DRAGONTRIBE] GAIAN MIND SUMMER FESTIVAL 2002 - September 13th-15th, 200... To: safetydance From: Machinelf Date: Mon, 5 Aug 2002 23:16:35 Subject: Looking for a big guy named HUGE who was out at the beach partTo: safetydance From: Machinelf Looking for a big guy named HUGE who was out at the beach partif anyone knows, email me thanks Date: Wed, 07 Aug 2002 19:32:13 To: SafetyDance Subject: help needed tonight 8:30pm From: "zeidlemus" need help with a van tonight for 30 min to transport some boxes from east to west side manhatten please reply to psilobus at gmx thanxxx mathias Date: Thu, 8 Aug 2002 13:42:13 Subject: Prostitution causes curfew at Sheepshead Bay Rest Area:-( To: omnitribe Cc: safetydance From: Machinelf http://www.nydailynews /boroughs/story/9187p-8642c.html The Sheepshead Bay Rest Area & Beach now has a curfew from 9pm-6am. Read in yesterday's Daily News, text below. I'm pretty sure this is the place we were at last weekend - how many rest areas are there off the Bely Parkway in Sheepshead Bay? It was such a wonderful place! Still can be used for daylong events but for sure there will be at least one patrol after dark for a while. Thus goes the only spot that had never been busted. So I am compiling a database of good spots and will share them with psy-trance organizers such as Omnitribe, PSI, Wylie, and the DMT. This should have been done a long time ago. If anyone is interested in this directory email me OFFLINE and it would help if you have locations to share. Oh yeah - the Omnitribe party at the rest area was amazing - and dry! Best location ever! Too bad it's the last nocturnal emission for trance or anything else at that spot. Crackdown at rest stop Crime cited in Plum Beach night closure By ELIZABETH HAYS DAILY NEWS STAFF WRITER State Sen. Carl Kruger is behind overnight closure that begins today at Plum Beach rest stop. In an effort to crack down on an alleged prostitution hot spot in Sheepshead Bay, a rest stop and beach off the Belt Parkway will be closed overnight beginning today.Officials from the city Parks Department and the National Park Service, which share joint jurisdiction at the stop, said the move was made after community groups and elected officials complained of increased prostitution at the Plum Beach rest area, between Knapp St. and Flatbush Ave.Outraged community advocates said that at night, after beachgoers and other rest stop users left for the day, cars flocked to the rest area parking lot, which they say had become a prostitution zone."From dusk to dawn this had become a no-man's land," said state Sen. Carl Kruger (D-Sheepshead Bay) yesterday, gesturing to the rest stop's small parking lot and beach area, which offers a spectacular view of the Rockaway Inlet. "We want to create a safe, descent place for our community."In June, a 55-year-old Starrett City man was found dead next to his car on the Belt Parkway, east of the rest area. Cops said the man was knifed in a dispute while visiting the area."It moved from the proverbial lovers lane to a really bad, nasty scene," said Kruger, adding that the remote spot has long been a favorite with couples. "The sense was the only way we're going to reclaim this area is with a curfew. So we're closing the place down."Park officials said that beginning tonight, the rest stop's parking lot and beach area will be closed daily from 9 p.m. to 6 a.m. Previously, the rest area was open around the clock.In preparation for the new hours, park workers installed new signs and movable barricades yesterday at the rest stop entrance off the Belt Parkway."It really is our goal to make this a better park area," said Brian Feeney, a spokesman for the National Park Service, which runs the Gateway National Recreation Area, including Plum Beach.Federal Park Police and New York City cops will step up patrols of the area to enforce the closing, officials said, and violators will be issued summonses.Plum Beach regulars cheered the crackdown, saying it will help clean up the garbage-strewn area and encourage more families to enjoy the often-overlooked beach."I'm very happy," said Mohamed Moharam, 52, a merchant who has operated a concession truck at the rest area for almost a decade.Moharam said that the alleged nighttime exploits in the parking lot left the area dirty and off-putting for daytime beachgoers."I think it's a very good idea," he said. http://www.nydailynews /boroughs/story/9187p-8642c.html The Sheepshead Bay Rest Area & Beach now has a curfew from 9pm-6am. Read in yesterday's Daily News, text below. I'm pretty sure this is the place we were at last weekend - how many rest areas are there off the Bely Parkway in Sheepshead Bay? It was such a wonderful place! Still can be used for daylong events but for sure there will be at least one patrol after dark for a while. Thus goes the only spot that had never been busted. So I am compiling a database of good spots and will share them with psy-trance organizers such as Omnitribe, PSI, Wylie, and the DMT. This should have been done a long time ago. If anyone is interested in this directory email me OFFLINE and it would help if you have locations to share. Oh yeah - the Omnitribe party at the rest area was amazing - and dry! Best location ever! Too bad it's the last nocturnal emission for trance or anything else at that spot. Crackdown at rest stop Crime cited in Plum Beach night closure By ELIZABETH HAYS DAILY NEWS STAFF WRITER State Sen. Carl Kruger is behind overnight closure that begins today at Plum Beach rest stop. In an effort to crack down on an alleged prostitution hot spot in Sheepshead Bay, a rest stop and beach off the Belt Parkway will be closed overnight beginning today.Officials from the city Parks Department and the National Park Service, which share joint jurisdiction at the stop, said the move was made after community groups and elected officials complained of increased prostitution at the Plum Beach rest area, between Knapp St. and Flatbush Ave.Outraged community advocates said that at night, after beachgoers and other rest stop users left for the day, cars flocked to the rest area parking lot, which they say had become a prostitution zone."From dusk to dawn this had become a no-man's land," said state Sen. Carl Kruger (D-Sheepshead Bay) yesterday, gesturing to the rest stop's small parking lot and beach area, which offers a spectacular view of the Rockaway Inlet. "We want to create a safe, descent place for our community."In June, a 55-year-old Starrett City man was found dead next to his car on the Belt Parkway, east of the rest area. Cops said the man was knifed in a dispute while visiting the area."It moved from the proverbial lovers lane to a really bad, nasty scene," said Kruger, adding that the remote spot has long been a favorite with couples. "The sense was the only way we're going to reclaim this area is with a curfew. So we're closing the place down."Park officials said that beginning tonight, the rest stop's parking lot and beach area will be closed daily from 9 p.m. to 6 a.m. Previously, the rest area was open around the clock.In preparation for the new hours, park workers installed new signs and movable barricades yesterday at the rest stop entrance off the Belt Parkway."It really is our goal to make this a better park area," said Brian Feeney, a spokesman for the National Park Service, which runs the Gateway National Recreation Area, including Plum Beach.Federal Park Police and New York City cops will step up patrols of the area to enforce the closing, officials said, and violators will be issued summonses.Plum Beach regulars cheered the crackdown, saying it will help clean up the garbage-strewn area and encourage more families to enjoy the often-overlooked beach."I'm very happy," said Mohamed Moharam, 52, a merchant who has operated a concession truck at the rest area for almost a decade.Moharam said that the alleged nighttime exploits in the parking lot left the area dirty and off-putting for daytime beachgoers."I think it's a very good idea," he said. Date: Thu, 8 Aug 2002 13:49:21 Subject: A Reflux 2 - The Second Trip August 16 To: safetydance From: Machinelf Beautiful location! Virgin forest! Mark your calendars! From: theoloniusmonk A Reflux 2 - The Second Trip Aug 16th 2002 Presented bPSI (Philadelphia Shamanista Initiative) and Twisted Minds Productions With the first party only one month ago a real hit, the PSI team are at it again. With A Reflux 2. The Second Trip. The Location is the same as before, beautiful wood land an hour and half from NYC. The price is the same as before Absoloutely Nothing. Guess what you can even bring your own food. Infact we encourage it. Last time people brought down blacklights, projectors and decorations. We are looking for even more this time any people who can help us out in any regard: equipment, i.e. lighting, black lights, visual efx, vehicles to haul equipment with, speakers (esp. monitors), tapestries, tarps/tents for dj area, etc. etc. This event promises to be a unique and beautiful experience. DJ's of the night will be Mark (PSI), Mescalinium (PSI) Dharmaz Reptile (Twisted Minds,Unknown Shrooms) Plus a SPECIAL GUEST For Directions and information regarding helping out can contact the PSI team by email sunshinegoa3, mention the name of the list you got the email from. This promises to be a special and memorable night. The Dj's and organizers are all very excited and enthusiastic. We hope you can you make it out and be a part of it. - Pat and Neil (The PSI team) Location: This event will take place in a forest clearing located in the New Jersey Pine Barrens. The area is approximately 2 hours outside of New York City, and 1 1/2 hours outside of Philly. The field itself is extremely isolated, and is miles from any residential area. There will be a designated area for parking. This place is a gorgeous, pristine oasis of nature in its purest form. We must respect the land and LEAVE NO TRACE. Please take care of all personal items/trash etc. Because of recent forest fires in the Pine Barrens, we ask that no fires be permitted. Bring: Water, food, blankets, tents/camping gear,flashlights, good vibes, incense, tapestries, friends, black lights, strobe lights, other visuals, herbal refreshments... etc. Beautiful location! Virgin forest! Mark your calendars! From: theoloniusmonk A Reflux 2 - The Second Trip Aug 16th 2002 Presented bPSI (Philadelphia Shamanista Initiative) and Twisted Minds Productions With the first party only one month ago a real hit, the PSI team are at it again. With A Reflux 2. The Second Trip. The Location is the same as before, beautiful wood land an hour and half from NYC. The price is the same as before Absoloutely Nothing. Guess what you can even bring your own food. Infact we encourage it. Last time people brought down blacklights, projectors and decorations. We are looking for even more this time any people who can help us out in any regard: equipment, i.e. lighting, black lights, visual efx, vehicles to haul equipment with, speakers (esp. monitors), tapestries, tarps/tents for dj area, etc. etc. This event promises to be a unique and beautiful experience. DJ's of the night will be Mark (PSI), Mescalinium (PSI) Dharmaz Reptile (Twisted Minds,Unknown Shrooms) Plus a SPECIAL GUEST For Directions and information regarding helping out can contact the PSI team by email sunshinegoa3, mention the name of the list you got the email from. This promises to be a special and memorable night. The Dj's and organizers are all very excited and enthusiastic. We hope you can you make it out and be a part of it. - Pat and Neil (The PSI team) Location: This event will take place in a forest clearing located in the New Jersey Pine Barrens. The area is approximately 2 hours outside of New York City, and 1 1/2 hours outside of Philly. The field itself is extremely isolated, and is miles from any residential area. There will be a designated area for parking. This place is a gorgeous, pristine oasis of nature in its purest form. We must respect the land and LEAVE NO TRACE. Please take care of all personal items/trash etc. Because of recent forest fires in the Pine Barrens, we ask that no fires be permitted. Bring: Water, food, blankets, tents/camping gear,flashlights, good vibes, incense, tapestries, friends, black lights, strobe lights, other visuals, herbal refreshments... etc. Date: Fri, 9 Aug 2002 14:29:05 Subject: Work with Jason to do a environmental trance party in Williamsburg To: safetydance Cc: TheGuggi , info at omnitribe, alphatrance, mark at indole, AirCRaSh2000 , AGalFrOmMaRs , ben at cownow, sunshinegoa3, Machinelf, twistedmindsproductions , theoloniusmonk , IcyCoil , jason.sannachan at studiodistribution, jeg at tsunami-trance, synthsadhus at earthlink, wylier18, LOLLYGOA , phantasmusa , gaianmind, chiletrance, eli at psythos, UnknownShroom, steve at state22, publius , Krsnalotus From: Machinelf >From Jason formerly of SubtleChaos now the proud father.. I want do some kind of event against that 1000kw power plant they are proposing in Williamsburg it will emit 2000 tons of toxic emissions everyear and now with the baby I definitely do not approve what do you think want to help do somthing?. I have no idea when or where yet so any ideas let me know if nothing is done about this we are going to have a less empty skyline over Brooklyn but with shitloads more pollutants. Jason Sannachan Studio Distribution Chelsea Market 425 west 15th street suite 2r NY NY 10011 1212 685 7161 EXT 43 Js at studiodistribution Subject: Sept 6th: NY: Omni Tribe: IMPORTANT updates... To: omnitribe Cc: SafetyDance, psy-trance at dewline, DRAGONTRIBE From: omni tribe 1>> IN DIRECTIONS updeted exit number. Should be "...Take 17 West to Exit 104 on Monticello..." (not Exit 1 as previously posted) ...sorry... 2>> the price is $25 (just trying to keep it closer to the balance) very much hope to see you there... ~~~ Fri Sept 6 10pm - Sat Sept 7 Monticello, N Omni Tribe presents 24 hour Open Air Music Happening under the full moon "Join in collective consciousness and rhythms of time, and under the stars and the dawn we will celebrate, heal and anneal, all the beauty that flows through eternity. Follow your heart to the end of future and free yourself in fractal festivities of the forever flowing!! Let reality unravel beyond the boundaries of imagination amidst a wondrous forest setting next to a beautiful lake. Feel free to bring your drums and food, percussion and instruments to bring to life our own poly-rhythms, chants and icaros. Bring your camping gear, this event goes on rain or shine. Located in a safe and secure private woodland resort. As one heart, dancing the beat of flux & love. Line up: INFLUX (Brazil) FXMIKE (Omni Tribe, NY) VITALIK vs. SH.I.K.I.D (Omni Tribe, NY) JAMIN vs. GAVIN (Spectra, NY/Nantacket, MA) KIFE vs. INDRA (Omni Tribe/Alphatrance, NY) ANGELES (Chiletrance/6TH ELEMENT, Chile) DIMA vs. DUB.LIK (Omni Tribe, NY) ROMAN SHELEPANOV (Proforma Records, NY) EVAN (T.H.C, NY) Fluoro Installations and Visuals by Misha ( Sound by Omni Tribe & Spectra (spactranyc ) Free water music starts at 10pm Cover: $25 RIDE SHARE and all TRANSPORTATION issues at /group/omnitribe DIRECTIONS: by car: (abot 2.5 hours from Manhattan) Take 87 North (toward Albany) to Exit 16 which will bring you to 17 West; Take 17 West to Exit 104 on Monticello. Get off the exit, drive 5 miles on 17B road, make right on "Airport" and "Swan Lake" sign. In 100 meters look for yellow flash light and "Proforma Rec." sign. Park. The destination exact address is 41 Airport Rd., Monticello, N ~~~ Date: Fri, 9 Aug 2002 17:44:30 Subject: PARTY ALERT! Wylie's having another killer rooftop trance party tonight! To: safetydance Cc: personalbest From: Machinelf Friday: Lots of goa sunshine. High 84F. Winds NNW at 5 to 10 mph. My personal hero/jesus Wylie is throwing down tonight at the Tribeca Trance Mission!! Starting now and going late until he kicks us all out (which he always does at some late point). My guess? Around 4am or so. Trance will happen when the music shows up and we get a critical mass - by 8pm or so. BYOB.. Bring barbecue, hot dogs, shiskabobs, beer, chai, drinks, food, fire twirling apparatus, frankincense, myrhh, lebanese blonde, instruments (drums etc), CDs, trip toys, etc etc No needles. No guns. No bad attitudes. We promise! and above all... no drama! Yeah right! 111 Reade between Church and West Broadway in Tribeca 5th floor 212-267-4010 DIRECTIONS BY SUBWATake E train 42nd street, switch to A or C train. A,C downtown to "Chambers St." walk up Church, take a left on Reade. BY LIRR Take LIRR to Penn Station. Take 1,9,2 or 3 downtown to "Chambers St." walk up West Broadway to Reade, take a right. OR Take A or C train downtown to "Chambers St." walk up Church, take a left on Reade. BY CAR Downtown Manhattan.... It's about 6 blocks below Canal, in Tribeca, 2 blocks north of Chambers. 111 Reade street between Church and West Broadway, 5th floor. Friday: Lots of goa sunshine. High 84F. Winds NNW at 5 to 10 mph. My personal hero/jesus Wylie is throwing down tonight at the Tribeca Trance Mission!! Starting now and going late until he kicks us all out (which he always does at some late point). My guess? Around 4am or so. Trance will happen when the music shows up and we get a critical mass - by 8pm or so. BYOB.. Bring barbecue, hot dogs, shiskabobs, beer, chai, drinks, food, fire twirling apparatus, frankincense, myrhh, lebanese blonde, instruments (drums etc), CDs, trip toys, etc etc No needles. No guns. No bad attitudes. We promise! and above all... no drama! Yeah right! 111 Reade between Church and West Broadway in Tribeca 5th floor 212-267-4010 DIRECTIONS BY SUBWATake E train 42nd street, switch to A or C train. A,C downtown to "Chambers St." walk up Church, take a left on Reade. BY LIRR Take LIRR to Penn Station. Take 1,9,2 or 3 downtown to "Chambers St." walk up West Broadway to Reade, take a right. OR Take A or C train downtown to "Chambers St." walk up Church, take a left on Reade. BY CAR Downtown Manhattan.... It's about 6 blocks below Canal, in Tribeca, 2 blocks north of Chambers. 111 Reade street between Church and West Broadway, 5th floor. Date: Fri, 9 Aug 2002 19:43:21 Subject: Reminder - NO party at Frying Pan tomorrow SaturdaTo: brainmachines Cc: safetydance, dragontribe, pschedule From: Machinelf someone got shot there a week ago. but see ya'll at Wylie's tonight. Date: Sat, 10 Aug 2002 00:28:47 To: SafetyDance Subject: if you are not on brainmachines you may be missing emails From: "ismokedmt" i rarely if ever send duplicate emails to both safetydance and brainmachines, so if you are only on safetydance you won't receive critical info about commercial parties and general announcements. At this point there is more email on safety than on brain anyway! to join send an email to brainmachines-subscribe Date: Sun, 11 Aug 2002 11:44:28 Subject: Fwd: Pine Barrens flora at the upcoming PSI partTo: safetydance From: Machinelf Date: Mon, 12 Aug 2002 11:07:13 Subject: Judy is looking for roommate To: safetydance From: Machinelf Jeff email me if you know of anyone looking to share in Jersey City.... it'll be $400 flat....just one stop on the Path train to the west village..... or call me...201-217-3451.... enjoy the rest of your weeknd! Luv, Jude* Jeff email me if you know of anyone looking to share in Jersey City.... it'll be $400 flat....just one stop on the Path train to the west village..... or call me...201-217-3451.... enjoy the rest of your weeknd! Luv, Jude* Date: Wed, 14 Aug 2002 16:57:39 Subject: Fwd: Imporant Notice: PSI party date changed to Saturday, August 17th To: safetydance From: Machinelf Date: Thu, 15 Aug 2002 19:59:07 To: SafetyDance Subject: Have a car/need a ride to the party? From: "ismokedmt" To join send an e brainpooling-subscribe This is a list for those who have a car or need a ride in a car to one of greater New York's many psy-trance events that you see on brainmachines or safetydance. If you have a car you can ask for gas $. You can subscribe as web-only, changing to email-only as the need arises. Date: Thu, 15 Aug 2002 16:01:21 Subject: Subway Party! Fwd: [infornography] [8/18: PgPny06: Take the A Train] To: safetydance From: Machinelf To: safetydance Subject: Fwd: Directions and info for PSI party, this saturday the 17th Priority: normal From: Patrick J Myers ----32af3528db45992-- Date: Fri, 16 Aug 2002 00:32:57 Subject: Psafety Pschedule - for your dilated eyes onlTo: safetydance From: Machinelf -----Psafety Pschedule----- No international events.. No seasonal updates ... Just local trance parties (underground AND commercial) For Your Eyes O nly... Everything underlined is sensitive info. The Om symbol indicates I will see you there! Info: Note, the NJ outdoor is on SATURDAY!!! Rides: send email to brainpooling Events: -Friday Aug 16 BOD TEMPLE Come join Electric Earth and Reality Engine as we present an all n ight Trance Dance ritual theatrical dance party this Friday, August 16 200 2, from 8pm till 6am . This event is taking place at The Foundry, a jewel of a space (40 ft. ceilings with skylights, beautiful design, good sound sys tem and air conditioning), located at 42-38 ninth street, Long Island City, New York, near PS 1 and the new MOMA. For Directions go to : http://www. Come explore the Mystery with us as we brin g you ; A sacred chanting Kirtan* from 8-9 pm "Kirtan is joyous songs of praise." A Trance-dance workshop* led by Parashakti from 9-11pm *You are invited on a journey of movement into the sacred dance of life,transcendi ng time and space to fill you with a sense of infinite existence that your ancestors knew as ecstasy." 11pm-5:30am - Psychedelic Dance Party featuri ng: Dj El Haiwa playing Exotic Trance Dj Cer spinning Trance Reality Engin e playing Psy-Trance,with a integrated audio/visual environment Ritual Per formance by Electric Earth 5:30am-6am - Closing dawn ceremonDelicious foo d and drink by Planetery Pastries, tarot readings, blacklight body paintin g by Ferd Hatt, sensual Hula Hoop performance by and more... Price for the dance party is $15 at the door, or $10 presale. This event will sell out! If you want to make sure you could attend please RSVP a reply or send e-ma il to bodytempleevent *The price to participate in the Kiratan ch anting and blindfolded trance dance workshops is $25, which includes the a dmission into the dance party. You must pre-register by calling Parashakti 's at 917.607.6674 ( http://www.shaktispirits / ). Due to the nature o f the blindfold Trance Dance doors will be closed between9-11p.m., and wil l reopen for the dance party. Please come by eight to prepare yourself for the workshop. Bring a blindfold and read below to find out more about Kir tan and Trance Dance Call the Body Temple Hotline 212-252-4856 for info and updates. p.s. pass this along to anyone who might be interested,this is g oing to be wild -Saturday Aug 16 PSI Outdoor festival in tri-state area by the A Reflux PSI (Philadelp hia Shamanista Initiative crew We're planning on having our second pa rty on Saturday the 17th. We're looking for people who can help us out in any regard: equipment, i.e. lighting, generators, black lights, visual efx , vehicles to haul equipment with, dj's (we only have turntables right no w, so we're also looking for someone who can bring out some cdj's), speake rs (esp. monitors), tapestries, tarps/tents for dj area, etc. etc. Anyone interested in helping out can contact us at the PSI email suns hinegoa3, or thro ugh me personally at pjm246 at nyu This will be a free party. Nonetheless, donations to the Initiative would be it organization ;) and will go to finance future psychedelic events. This promises to be a special and memorable night. The Dj's and organizers ar e all very excited and enthusiastic. We hope you can you make it out and be a part of it. - Pat and Neil (The PSI team) Location: This event will tak e place in a forest clearing located in the New Jersey Pine Barrens. The a rea is approximately 2 hours outside of New York City, and 1 1/2 hours out side of Philly. The field itself is extremely isolated, and is miles from any residential area. There will be a designated area for parking. Directi ons will follow at the bottom of this page. This place is a gorgeous, pris tine oasis of nature in its purest form. We must respect the land and LEAV E NO TRACE. Please take care of all personal items/trash etc. Because of r ecent forest fires in the Pine Barrens, we ask that no fires be permitted. Bring: Water, food, blankets, tents/camping gear,flashlights, good vibes, incense, tapestries, friends, black lights, strobe lights, other visuals, herbal refreshments... etc. IMPORTANT NOTE: This gathering IS NOT rain or shine. Unfortunately, heavy rain may render the field temporarily inacc essable due to mud. In the event of inclement weather, we will postpone th e party and send a mass email the day of the event or sooner. (To get on t he PSI mailing list, please send a message toSunshinegoa3 ). DIREC TIONS IMPORTANT NOTE: It is vitally important that while travelling to the event location, we do not arouse the suspicion of either the locals or THE MAN. Therefore, a number of precautions must be taken. First, do not "car avan", i.e. do not drive out with a bunch of friends in different cars all in a row. This is especially important when you get close to the event lo cation. A local who sees a several cars lined up with out of state plates may be inclined to alert THE MAN. Secondly, when making the turn off onto the dirt road, MAKE SURE there are NO OTHER cars on the road at that time. Multiple cars seen turning down the same road is certainly grounds for su spicion. Third, do not enter local establishments, e.g. gas stations or convenienc e stores when you are within 20 miles of the location. Please act wisely a nd safely, and we can then all enjoy ourselves to the fullest extent. From New York and all points North: Go through Holland Tunnel, bear left coming out of it. The road will turn into I-78 west. Take I-78 west to the I-95 South/NJ Turnpike South exit. Follow signs for NJ Turnpike South. Take Tur npike South to exit number 7, US-206 (towards "Bordentown/Trenton") and me rge onto 206 South. Take 206 South for about 18 miles, enter the traffic c ircle, and merge onto Route 70 East. Continue along Route 70 East for abou t 20 miles until you hit the junction for Route 539. You will see a Wawa o n one side of the road, and a gas station on the other. DO NOT go into eit her of these establishments. THE MAN is known to frequent these locations. Bear right onto 539 South. Follow Route 539 for about 5 miles. On the rig ht, you will see a wooden, unlit sign for the "Greenwood Forest". Your nex t turn will be the 2nd RIGHT after the Greenwood Forest sign, about 1.4 mi les after the sign. It is a small dirt road and may be difficult to see. H owever, please try to drive at a normal speed if there are other cars on t he road so as not to arouse suspicion. Turn right onto the road and proce ed about 1/2 a mile and make your first right. BE CAREFUL. This road is so mewhat sandy, so please handle with care. Remember to keep your speed up w hen going uphill to avoid getting stuck. Go about a 1/4 of a mile down thi s road and make your first left onto a smaller trail-like road. We will hav e some sort of marker in place at this turnoff. BE CAREFUL, there is a dip in the left section of the road, so take it slow. There is also more sand at the end of the path, so you may have to keep your speed slightly up. C ontinue along this path briefly, and bear left at the end to go into the p arking lot. If lot is full, please drive onto the field and park at the top . Please do not drive down the hill on the field. Rides: send email to br ainpooling August 22 - Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Sturge on/Red/Green Corn Moon) Labor Day - Burning Man - Vermont - resort trance with Onpoint email FrequencyFire at cs for info -Friday September 6th - Saturday September 7th Omnitribe there will be another open-air event t hrown by Omni Tribe. "We take it to upstate NY where we rent a small resor t in the woods for 24 hours... 24 hour Open Air Music Happening under the full moon Fri Sept 6 10pm - Sat Sept 7 10pm Join in collective consciousn ess and rhythms of time, and under the stars and the dawn we will celebrat e, heal and anneal, all the beauty that flows through eternity. Follow yo ur heart to the end of future and free yourself in fractal festivities of the forever flowing!! Let reality unravel beyond the boundaries of imaginat ion amidst a wondrous forest setting next to a beautiful lake. Feel free t o bring your drums, percussion and instuments to bring to life our own pol y-rhythms, chants and icaros. Bring your camping gear, this event goes on rain or shine. Located in a safe and secure private woodland resort. As on e heart, dancing the beat of flux & love. Line up: INFLUX (Brazil) FXMIKE (Omni Tribe, NY) VITALIK vs. SH.I.K.I.D (Omni Tribe, NY) JAMIN vs. GAVIN (S pectra, NY/Nantacket, MA) KIFE vs. INDRA (Omni Tribe/Alphatrance, NY) ANGEL ES (Chiletrance/6TH ELEMENT, Ch ile) DIMA vs. DUB.LIK (Omni Tribe, NY) ROMAN SHELEPANOV (Proforma Records, NY) EVAN (T.H.C, NY) Fluoro Installations and Visuals by Misha ( Sound by Omni Tribe & Spectra (spactranyc ) Free water Cover: $20 RIDE SHARE and all TRANSPORTATION issues at /group/omnitri be DIRECTIONS: by car: (abot 2.5 hours from Manhattan) Take 87 North (towar d Albany) to Exit 16 which will bring you to 17 West; Take 17 West to Exit 1 on Monticello. Get off the exit, drive 5 miles on 17B road, make right on "Airport" and "Swan Lake" sign. In 100 meters look for yellow flash lig ht and "Proforma Rec." sign. Park. The destination exact address is 41 Air port Rd., Monticello, NRides: send email to m -September 13-15 Gaian Mind Outdoor Trance Festival in PA check out... ... 09/2002 Gaian Mi nd Trance Weekend at 4 Quarters Interfaith Sanctuary... Gaian Mind at Four Quarters First there was the sound, the rushing, fractal meter of the cosm os. And it gave rise to the pulse, the irresistible breath of the Mother . Transformed through it's European journey, crossing the rising oceans to find itself, born and reborn again in the New World. Where World Beat mee ts Earth Beat. Where Earth Rhythm meets Earth Mother. You will Find Your Ga ian Mind. Dancing the Psy-Trance by Riverside in one of the East Coast's m ost hidden and amazing locations. Site Hosted by The Four Quarters InterFa ith Sanctuary of Earth Religion Who: CHRISBO (Return to the Source/Dragonfl y, London), ALLEN (Gaian Mind/Metropolis Records, Phila.), HATARI (Gaian Mi nd, Phila.), NEUM (Spiral Trax Int./Flow Records, Phila.), STEVE-O (GoaBabi es, Nantucket), YON-E (Tsunami/Cosmophilia, NYC), KRI (T.O.U.C.H. Samadhi, Asheville), BUFFER (M-Laboratories, Baltimore), CARMEN (???, London), JAMIE (DinerE28099s Club, Phila.), FUSE (Live) (M-Laboratories, Phila.), UNCO MMON (Live) (mp3, Allentown) What: In one of the East CoastE28099s m ost Unique & Amazing Locations, 3 days and 2 nights of Sacred Trance Ritual . Goa Psy-Trance Sounds. When: Friday Sept. 13 thru Sunday the 15th, 2002 Where: Four Quarters InterFaith Sanctuary of Earth Religion, Planet Gaia. Main Dance area with the Circle of Standing Stones, DownTempo in the Rive rside Circle. Why: "The message that Nature sends is, transform your langua ge through a synergy between electronic culture and the psychedelic imagin ation, a synergy between dance and idea, a synergy between understanding a nd intuition, and dissolve the boundaries that your culture has sanctioned between you, to become part of this Gaian supermind." - Terence McKenna ( 1946-2000) Redefining Ancient Tribal Ritual for the 21st Century Never befo re on the east coast has a full on Trance Dance been moved from the bowels of the city to it's proper home in a stunning natural environment. Becau se the mission and purpose of the Four Quarters InterFaith Sanctuary is to support all forms ofspirituality that honor the natural world and cosmos, we have found a home that we are sure will become the future reference poi nt for the Trance Dance Experience. Because Four Quarters is a site set a side for its natural beauty as a working ritual center, we will be able to move the experience to the next level. And Beyond. The Circle of Standin g Stones at Four Quarters. Floro-monial Space for the 21st Century. The M ain Dance Circle for Gaian Mind. Where Technician meets Tradition. With An cient Ways and Modern Means; We Pilot the Temple, to the Land of the Gods. Progressive/Psychedelic Trance Line-Up from the Standing Stone Dance Circ le CHRISBO (Return to the Source/Dragonfly, London) ALLEN (Gaian Mind/Metr opolis Records, Phila.) HATARI (Gaian Mind, Phila.) NEUM (Spiral Trax Int./ Flow Records, Phila.) Chill-Out / Downtempo Line-Up from the Creekside Da nce Circle STEVE-O (GoaBabies, Nantucket) KRI (T.O.U.C.H. Samadhi, Ashevill e) BUFFER (M-Laboratories, Baltimore) CARMEN ( London) JAMIE (DinerE280 99s Club, Phila.) FUSE (Live) (M-Laboratories, Phila.) UNCOMMON (Live) (mp 3, Allentown) Gaian Mind Admission includes: 2 Nights of All Night Full -On PsyTrance Music 3 Days and 2 Nights Camping, 10K Watts of Turbosound, Saturday Afternoon Fractal Feast (all-you-can-eat, carnivore/veggy, free f or all attending) Opening & Closing Rituals in The Sacred Stone Circle Rive rside Swimming Hole, Sweat Lodge Drum & Fire Circle, Chill-Out Area, Yoga H ealing/Massage Area, Merchant Area Free Water, Hot Showers and Very Clean T oilets. Free & Secure Main Parking *Optional for the Weekend: Meal Plans ar e Available, Camp Fire Rings and Firewood In-Camp Car Camping and Close in Car Parking Pre Registered by Saturday August 17, 2002 Friday-Saturday Arri val, $75 Four Quarters Members $55 Pre Registered by Saturday September 9, 2002 Friday-Saturday Arrival, $85 Four Quarters Members $65 At The Gate: Fr iday-Saturday Arrival $100 Call for Merchanting Info. Children under 16 are loved, cherished and free! (must be accompanied by parent or guardian) Me al Plan with The Starvin' Artist, Pre Registered only. $27.50, indicate Car nivore or Veggie with your registration. Three meals, Friday Dinner, Sat Br unch, Sun Brunch. Saturday afternoon Fractal Feast is FREE for all attendin g Permits are available at the gate for: Fire Rings with Firewood, In-Camp Car Camping and Close In Parking Mail in Registrations: Legal Name and Addr ess, telephone and email. Check or Money Order to: Gaian Mind 190 Walker Lane Artemas, PA 17211 Credit Card Registrations: Call the Four Quarters of fices at 814-784-3075 or On-Line at Gaian Mind Hot Line at: 21 5.238.1053 email: GaianMind Site and Registration Information: Call the Four Qu arters offices at 814-784-3075 or Web Site at email: megalith at Rides: send email to brainpooling September 21 - Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Harvest/Corn/Barley Moon) Autumn September 23 1 2:56 am Autumnal Equinox Oct 12 - Saturday - International Global Dance P arty for Peace... sponsored by EarthDance Org... Oct 21 - Full Moon (Ind ian Name: Full Hunter's/Travel/Dying Grass Moon) Oct 31 Halloween Winte r (Pagan) Nov 1 - Samhain - Winter's Start Nov 19 - Full Moon (Indian N ame: Full Beaver/Frost Moon) Dec 19 - Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Cold/L ong Nights Moon) Dec 21 8:15pm Winter Solstice -----Psafety Pschedule----- No internation al events.. No seasonal updates... Just local trance parties (undergr ound AND commercial) For Your Eyes Only... Everything underlined is sensitive info. The Om symbol indicates I will see you t here! Info: Note, the NJ outdoor is o n SATURDAY!!! Rides: send email to brainpooling Events: -Frida Aug 16 BODY TEMPLE Come join Electric Earth and Reality Engine as we present an all night Trance Dance ritual theatrical dance part this Friday, August 16 2002, from 8pm till 6am . This event is ta king place at The Foundry, a jewel of a space (40 ft. ceilings with sklights, beautiful design, good sound system and air conditioning), loc ated at 42-38 ninth street, Long Island City, New York, near PS 1 and t he new MOMA. For Directions go to : ons.html Come explore the Mystery with us as we bring you ; A sacr ed chanting Kirtan* from 8-9 pm "Kirtan is joyous songs of praise." A Trance-dance workshop* led by Parashakti from 9-11pm *You are invited on a journey of movement into the sacred dance of life,transcending time and space to fill you with a sense of infinite existence that your ancestors knew as ecstasy." 11pm-5:30am - Ps ychedelic Dance Party featuring: Dj El Haiwa playing Exotic Trance Dj Cer spinning Trance Reality Engine playing Psy-Trance,with a i ntegrated audio/visual environment Ritual Performance by Electric Earth 5:30am-6am - Closing dawn ceremonDelicious food and drink b y Planetery Pastries, tarot readings, blacklight body painting by Ferd Hatt, sensual Hula Hoop performance by and more... Price for the dance party is $15 at the door, or $10 presale. This event will sell ou t! If you want to make sure you could attend please RSVP a reply or se nd e-mail to bodytempleevent *The price to participate in the Kiratan chanting and blindfolded trance dance workshops is $25, which includes the admission into the dance party. You must pre-register b calling Parashakti's at 917.607.6674 ( http://www.shaktispirits / ) . Due to the nature of the blindfold Trance Dance doors will be closed between9-11p.m., and will reopen for the dance party. Please co me by eight to prepare yourself for the workshop. Bring a blindfold an d read below to find out more about Kirtan and Trance Dance Call t he Body Temple Hotline 212-252-4856 for info and updates. p.s. pass thi s along to anyone who might be interested,this is going to be wild -Saturday Aug 16 PSI Outdoor festival in tri-state area by the A Reflux PSI (Philadelphia Shamanista Initiative cr ew We're planning on having our second party on Saturday the 17th. We're looking for people w ho can help us out in any regard: equipment, i.e. lighting, generators, bla ck lights, visual efx, vehicles to haul equipment with, dj's (we only have turntables right now, so we're also looking for someone who can b ring out some cdj's), speakers (esp. monitors), tapestries, tarps/tents for dj area, etc. etc. Anyone interested in helping out can contact us at the PSI email sunshinegoa3, or through me persona lly at pjm246 at nyu This will be a free party. Nonetheless, donations to the Ini since PSI is a non-profit organization ;) and will go to finance future psychedelic events. This promises to be a special and memorable night. The Dj's and organizers are all very excited and enthusiastic. We hope you can you make it out and be a part of it. - Pat and Neil (The P SI team) Location: This event will take place in a forest clearing loca ted in the New Jersey Pine Barrens. The area is approximately 2 hours outsi de of New York City, and 1 1/2 hours outside of Philly. The field itse lf is extremely isolated, and is miles from any residential area. There wil l be a designated area for parking. Directions will follow at the bottom of this page. This place is a gorgeous, pristine oasis of nature in its p urest form. We must respect the land and LEAVE NO TRACE. Please take care o f all personal items/trash etc. Because of recent forest fires in the P ine Barrens, we ask that no fires be permitted. Bring: Water, fo od, blankets, tents/camping gear,flashlights, good vibes, incense, tapestri es, friends, black lights, strobe lights, other visuals, herbal refreshment s... etc. IMPORTANT NOTE: This gathering IS NOT rain or shine. U nfortunately, heavy rain may render the field temporarily inaccessabl e due to mud. In the event of inclement weather, we will postpone the p arty and send a mass email the day of the event or sooner. (To get on the P SI mailing list, please send a message toSunshinegoa3 ). DIREC TIONS IMPORTANT NOTE: It is vitally important that while travelling to the event location, we do not arouse the suspicion of either the locals or THE MAN. Therefore, a number of precautions must be taken. First, do not "c aravan", i.e. do not drive out with a bunch of friends in different cars al l in a row. This is especially important when you get close to the event lo cation. A local who sees a several cars lined up with out of state plates m ay be inclined to alert THE MAN. Secondly, when making the turn off onto th e dirt road, MAKE SURE there are NO OTHER cars on the road at that time. Mu ltiple cars seen turning down the same road is certainly grounds for suspic ion. Third, do not enter local establishments, e.g. gas stations or convenience stores when you are within 20 miles of the location. Please act wisely and safely, and we can then all enjoy ourselves to the fullest extent. >From New York and all points North: Go through Holland Tunnel, bear lef t coming out of it. The road will turn into I-78 west. Take I-78 west to th e I-95 South/NJ Turnpike South exit. Follow signs for NJ Turnpike South. Ta ke Turnpike South to exit number 7, US-206 (towards "Bordentown/Trenton") a nd merge onto 206 South. Take 206 South for about 18 miles, enter the traff ic circle, and merge onto Route 70 East. Continue along Route 70 East for a bout 20 miles until you hit the junction for Route 539. You will see a Wawa on one side of the road, and a gas station on the other. DO NOT go into ei ther of these establishments. THE MAN is known to frequent these locations. Bear right onto 539 South. Follow Route 539 for about 5 miles. On the righ t, you will see a wooden, unlit sign for the "Greenwood Forest". Your next turn will be the 2nd RIGHT after the Greenwood Forest sign, about 1.4 miles after the sign. It is a small dirt road and may be difficult to see. Howev er, please try to drive at a normal speed if there are other cars on the ro ad so as not to arouse suspicion. Turn right onto the road and procee d about 1/2 a mile and make your first right. BE CAREFUL. This road is some what sandy, so please handle with care. Remember to keep your speed up when going uphill to avoid getting stuck. Go about a 1/4 of a mile down this road and make your first left onto a smaller trail-like road. We will hav e some sort of marker in place at this turnoff. BE CAREFUL, there is a dip in the left section of the road, so take it slow. There is also mor e sand at the end of the path, so you may have to keep your speed slightly up. Continue along this path briefly, and bear left at the end to go into t he parking lot. If lot is full, please drive onto the field and park at the top. Please do not drive down the hill on the field. Rides: send email to brainpooling August 22 - Full Mo on (Indian Name: Full Sturgeon/Red/Green Corn Moon) Labor Day - B urning Man - Vermont - resort trance with Onpoint email FrequencyFire at cs for info -Friday September 6th - Satur day September 7th Omnitribe there will be another open-air event thrown by Omni Tribe. "We take it to upstate NY where we rent a small resort in the woods for 24 hours... 24 hour Open Air Music Happening under the full moon Fri Sept 6 10pm - Sat Sept 7 10pm Join in collective consciou sness and rhythms of time, and under the stars and the dawn we will celebra te, heal and anneal, all the beauty that flows through eternity. Follo w your heart to the end of future and free yourself in fractal festivities of the forever flowing!! Let reality unravel beyond the boundaries of i magination amidst a wondrous forest setting next to a beautiful lake. Feel free to bring your drums, percussion and instuments to bring to life our ow n poly-rhythms, chants and icaros. Bring your camping gear, this event goes on rain or shine. Located in a safe and secu re private woodland resort. As one heart, dancing the beat of flux & lo ve. Line up: INFLUX (Brazil) FXMIKE (Omni Tribe, NY) VITALIK vs. SH.I.K.I.D (Omni Tribe, NY) JAMIN vs. GAVIN (Spectra, NY/Na ntacket, MA) KIFE vs. INDRA (Omni Tribe/Alphatrance, NY) ANGELES (C hiletrance/6TH ELEMENT, Chil e) DIMA vs. DUB.LIK (Omni Tribe, NY) ROMAN SHELEPANOV (Proforma Records, NY) EVAN (T.H.C, NY) Fluoro Installations and Vi suals by Misha ( Sound by Omni Tribe & Spectra (spactran yc ) Free water Cover: $20 RIDE SHARE and all TRANSPORTATION issues at /group/omnitribe DIRECTIONS: b y car: (abot 2.5 hours from Manhattan) Take 87 North (toward Albany) to Exi t 16 which will bring you to 17 West; Take 17 West to Exit 1 on Montice llo. Get off the exit, drive 5 miles on 17B road, make right on "Airpor t" and "Swan Lake" sign. In 100 meters look for yellow flash light and "Proforma Rec." sign. Park. The destination exact address is 41 Airpo rt Rd., Monticello, NRides: send email to brainpoolinggro ups -September 13-15 Gaian Min d Outdoor Tr ance Festival in PA check out... htt p:// ... 09/2002 Gaian Mind Trance Weekend at 4 Quart ers Interfaith Sanctuary... Gaian Mind at Four Quarters First t here was the sound, the rushing, fractal meter of the cosmos. A nd it gave rise to the pulse, the irresistible breath of the Mother. T ransformed through it's European journey, crossing the rising oceans to fin d itself, born and reborn again in the New World. Where World Beat meets Ea rth Beat. Where Earth Rhythm meets Earth Mother. You will Find Your Gai an Mind. Dancing the Psy-Trance by Riverside in one of the East Coast's mos t hidden and amazing locations. Site Hosted by The Four Quarters InterF aith Sanctuary of Earth Religion Who: CHRISBO (Return to the Source /Dragonfly, London), ALLEN (Gaian Mind/Metropolis Records, Phila.), HAT ARI (Gaian Mind, Phila.), NEUM (Spiral Trax Int./Flow Records, Phil a.), STEVE-O (GoaBabies, Nantucket), YON-E (Tsunami/Cosmophilia, NYC), KRI (T.O.U.C.H. Samadhi, Asheville), BUFFER (M-Laboratories, Baltim ore), CARMEN (???, London), JAMIE (DinerE28099s Club, Phila.), FUSE (Live) (M-Laboratories, Phila.), UNCOMMON (Live) (mp3, Allentown) What: In one of the East CoastE28099s most Unique & Amazing Locations, 3 days and 2 nights of Sacred Trance Ritual. Goa Psy-Tran ce Sounds. When: Friday Sept. 13 thru Sunday the 15th, 2002 Where: Four Quarters InterFaith Sanctuary of Earth Religion, Planet Gai a. Main Dance area with the Circle of Standing Stones, DownTempo in th e Riverside Circle. Why: "The message that Nature sends is, transfo rm your language through a synergy between electronic culture and the psych edelic imagination, a synergy between dance and idea, a synergy between und erstanding and intuition, and dissolve the boundaries that your culture has sanctioned between you, to become part of this Gaian supermind." - Terence McKenna (1946-2000) Redefining Ancient Tribal Ritual for the 21st Cent ury Never before on the east coast has a full on Trance Dance been moved fr om the bowels of the city to it's proper home in a stunning natural environ ment. Because the mission and purpose of the Four Quarters InterFaith Sanctuary is to support all forms ofspirituality that honor the natural wo rld and cosmos, we have found a home that we are sure will become the f uture reference point for the Trance Dance Experience. Because Fou r Quarters is a site set aside for its natural beauty as a working ritual c enter, we will be able to move the experience to the next level. And Beyond. The Circle of Standing Stones at Four Quarters. Floro-mon ial Space for the 21st Century. The Main Dance Circle for Gaian Mind. Where Technician meets Tradition. With Ancient Ways and Modern Means; We P ilot the Temple, to the Land of the Gods. Progressive/Psychedelic Trance Li ne-Up from the Standing Stone Dance Circle CHRISBO (Return to the Sour ce/Dragonfly, London) ALLEN (Gaian Mind/Metropolis Records, Phila.) HATARI (Gaian Mind, Phila.) NEUM (Spiral Trax Int./Flow Records, Phila .) Chill-Out / Downtempo Line-Up from the Creekside Dance Cir cle STEVE-O (GoaBabies, Nantucket) KRI (T.O.U.C.H. Samadhi, Ashevil le) BUFFER (M-Laboratories, Baltimore) CARMEN ( London) JAMIE ( DinerE28099s Club, Phila.) FUSE (Live) (M-Laboratories, Phila.) UNCOMMON (Live) (mp3, Allentown) Gaian Mind Admission includes: 2 Nights of All Night Full-On PsyTrance Music 3 Days and 2 Nights Camp ing, 10K Watts of Turbosound, Saturday Afternoon Fractal Feast (a ll-you-can-eat, carnivore/veggy, free for all attending) Opening & Closing Rituals in The Sacred Stone Circle Riverside Swimming Hole, Swe at Lodge Drum & Fire Circle, Chill-Out Area, Yoga Healing/Massa ge Area, Merchant Area Free Water, Hot Showers and Very Clean Toilets. Free & Secure Main Parking *Optional for the Weekend: Meal Plans are Available, Camp Fire Rings and Firewood In-Camp Car Camping a nd Close in Car Parking Pre Registered by Saturday August 17, 2002 Friday-Saturday Arrival, $75 Four Quarters Members $55 Pre Register ed by Saturday September 9, 2002 Friday-Saturday Arrival, $85 Four Quarters Members $65 At The Gate: Friday-Saturday Arrival $100 Call for Merchanting Info. Children under 16 are loved, cherished and free! (must be accompanied by parent or guardian) Meal Plan with The Starvin ' Artist, Pre Registered only. $27.50, indicate Carnivore or Veggie wit h your registration. Three meals, Friday Dinner, Sat Brunch, Sun Brunch . Saturday afternoon Fractal Feast is FREE for all attending Permit s are available at the gate for: Fire Rings with Firewood, In-Camp Car Camping and Close In Parking Mail in Registrations: Legal Name and Address, telephone and email. Check or Money Order to: Gaian Mind 190 Walker Lane Artemas, PA 17211 Credit Card Registrations: Ca ll the Four Quarters offices at 814-784-3075 or On-Line at Gaian Mind Hot Line at: 215.238.1053 email: GaianMind Site and Registration Information: Call the Four Quarters offices at 814-784-3075 or Web Site at email: megalith at schd_frm.htm Rides: send email to brainpooling September 21 - Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Harvest/Corn/ Barley Moon) Autumn September 23 12:56 am Autumnal Equinox Oct 12 - Saturday - International Gl obal Dance Party for Peace... sponsored by EarthDance Org... Oct 21 - Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Hunter's/Travel/Dying Grass Moon) Oct 31 Halloween Winter (Pagan) Nov 1 - Samhain - Winter's Start Nov 19 - Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Beaver/Frost Moon) D ec 19 - Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Cold/Long Nights Moon) Dec 2 1 8:15pm Winter Solstice Date: Fri, 16 Aug 2002 15:23:19 Subject: Fwd: GAIAN MIND SUMMER FESTIVAL 2002 - Update 2... To: safetydance From: Machinelf Date: Sun, 18 Aug 2002 01:18:53 To: SafetyDance Subject: Need a ride to PSI tonight? From: "ismokedmt" email me - leaving around 11-1130pm Machinelf 718-686-2753 in the future to get rides send an email to brainpooling- subscribe Date: Mon, 19 Aug 2002 07:29:58 Subject: Beautiful PSI review - and the Murphy's Law aftermath To: safetydance From: Machinelf Greece was cancelled, the CHP stomped on the Fusion festival in northern California. We were fortunate to have Pat and Neil and company organize the second Pine Barrens open air. The party was great, awesome DJs, beautiful weather and scenery. Iced chai, blueberries, gummy worms, you name it, the Philadelphia Shamanista Initiative took care of us! Lost: skull in a test tube. If found email Machinelf I thought we got lucky, but Lady Luck proved to be hooker and we ran out of cash. After the party we got stuck for 6 hours and ten of us went in two cars to the beach in Seaside Heights, where I fell asleep. When I awoke we were surrounded by beach cops. It seems that Jonathan was running around naked. The police arrested Jonathan, found some things, and went through Jacob's bag against his wishes and found some other things, so they got Jacob too. They let the rest of us go. Jonathan's car is still at the beach, I have Jacob's other bag and radio. If anyone has contact info for Jonathan Payer or Jacob AKA Rick please let us know. We have no money for bail and were quite guilty ourselves so we had to leave them. It's possible that Jacob may be facing serious charges. Date: Mon, 19 Aug 2002 12:29:13 Subject: Message i got today from Jacob To: safetydance From: Machinelf very weird. Jacob is in the jail covering Seaside Heights in New Jersey. Subj: By public license practices. Many people have Date: 8/19/02 11:41:59 AM Time From: endoftheme To: brainmachines-owner File: of.mim (132282 bytes) DL Time (547536 bps): very weird. Jacob is in the jail covering Seaside Heights in New Jersey. Subj: By public license practices. Many people have Date: 8/19/02 11:41:59 AM Time From: endoftheme To: brainmachines-owner File: of.mim (132282 bytes) DL Time (547536 bps): Sent from the Internet (Details) ...virus attached Date: Mon, 19 Aug 2002 12:36:33 Subject: Jonathan's & Jacob's cell #s To: safetydance From: Machinelf Jacob 917-405-0864 Jonathan Payer 860-767-5038 Date: Mon, 19 Aug 2002 13:38:51 Subject: Free Jacob (& Jonathan) yahoogroup To: brainmachines Cc: safetydance, omnitribe, dragontribe From: Machinelf This group monitors and aids the release of Jacob and Jonathan Payer from Seaside Heights jail in NJ. If you know either of them you should join to get the knowledge out - and to help get them out send an email to freejacob-subscribe Date: Mon, 19 Aug 2002 16:45:46 Subject: Do not call Jonathan's 860 number To: safetydance Cc: freejacob From: Machinelf Jonathan's dad called me back from CT and knows about the situation. Unless you have *useful* help do NOT call the 860 number thanks. His 646-246-2948 voicemail is up and running though. Until Jacob and/or Jonathan is free there will be only updates in the FreeJacob group. Date: Mon, 19 Aug 2002 16:50:41 Subject: Flaps Off The Side Of The Moon in Canada next week To: safetydance From: Machinelf "Flaps Off The Side Of The Moon August 23-25 Killaloe, Ontario (Canada) Psy-trance stage featuring Chris Organic / System Beat LIVE (UK), Maxx Biodegradable (San Francisco), Hugh S, and yours truly OmniTribers FX Mike + Kife (New York), as well as loads of Canadians. It's going to be a multi-genre event - in addition to the psy-trance area, they're going to have a reggae/breaks/drum-n-bass stage and a jam band stage as well - a perfect chance to explore psychedelic music beyond trance. Full information *including directions* at: Tickets are $40 right now - you can buy online I think, but check the website for sure. Lineup for the psy-trance stage: FRI 18:00 Alison 19:30 Quantizer 21:00 Mark Psy 22:30 Zoltan SAT 0:00 SAFE 2012 3:00 Maxx 6:00 Clone 7:30 Erik 9:00 Seb 10:30 Kife 12:00 Fx Mike 13:30 Dam 15:00 Brainwerx 16:30 Tampered DNA 18:00 Lunaris vs Solarica 19:30 Tenzin 21:00 Reptilian 22:30 Jarek SUN 0:00 Yebediah 1:30 Quivvering Virgin 3:00 Chris Organic 5:00 System Beat LIVE 6:00 Hugh S 8:00 Koda 9:30 Ambient-Chill Hope some of you can make it up there. peace vlad kife Date: Tue, 20 Aug 2002 14:34:03 Subject: Jacob in NJ medical lockup, faces multiple charges, $10K bail To: safetydance Cc: shamanistas, dmtny From: Machinelf to help and stay in the loop send email to freejacob-subscribe jacob's image is at /jacob.html we possibly should have a party fundraiser to spring Jacob. if anyone has any ideas, or would like to contribute their sound system, please email me ASAP. >Call 732-929-2043 and press 1 for visit hours and 2 for inmate info (need full names) Jacob is in medical in Ocean County Medical because he was meditating. He is incommunicado. Rick Roger (Jacob)'s bail is $10,000; $1,000 with a bail bondsman if there is collateral such as a house. There are multiple witnesses that his backpack were searched against his will - he refused multiple times - and they opened it saying that was probable cause. Jacob IMHO should get off eventually, but it will be a looooong process so we have to be commited to being there for the long haul. Jonathan is in general Ocean County Jail both are facing CDS Controlled Dangerous Substance - Jonathan for 1.5g shrooms i think, Jacob has multiple charges. Both are first time offenders I believe. T1560 is Jonathan's prisoner ID In cell block North C Jonathan's bail is ~$3,250; 10% of that through a bondsman if someone can collateral their house. Jonathan said that someone can go down to Ocean County jail and retrieve his keys to the car so that Jacob's phone numbers can be gotten and his contacts be called to organize his defense. He has to fill out a property release in order for us to pick up his keys. Jonathan at least is set to see a judge on Thursday. to help send email to freejacob-subscribe Date: Wed, 21 Aug 2002 19:23:50 Subject: want to help do a bridge party this saturday day? To: dmtny Cc: safetydance From: Machinelf nothing for certain (nothing ever is) but if you want to talk and maybe help out anbd plan a possible manifestation, etc etc come to opium den tonight, there is rumblings from two different groups not including wylie Date: Thu, 22 Aug 2002 13:15:36 Subject: Eye O' Was Ka To: safetydance From: Machinelf *very* saturday morning overlooking the hudson and the NJ palisades have to fast frida$50 email me if interested Date: Thu, 22 Aug 2002 14:52:02 Subject: Possible NYC outdoor this Saturday at noon - all day - stay tuned! To: safetydance From: Machinelf To: safetydance Subject: Fwd: thanks for saturday... upcoming events... news... etc. Priority: normal From: Patrick J Myers ----51964f2731d712d6-- Date: Sat, 24 Aug 2002 17:15:18 Subject: Fwd: [infornography] 8/24 Indymedia Food Festival, & Amoeba Rooftop PartTo: safetydance From: Machinelf Subject: Chelsea To: safetydance From: Jacob Sabat Does anyone have Chelsea's email address or phone #? Uncutchic doesn't seem to work. Does anyone have Chelsea's email address or phone #? Date: Tue, 27 Aug 2002 14:46:30 Subject: PSY-TRANCE PARTY IN QUEENS SATURDATo: Machinelf, omnitribe, stridalia, safetydance, willysoares , spectralmushi at zipmail From: atagino at cs DREAMCACTHER WILL BE DOING A PARTY AT 3550, 31ST ASTORIA QUEENS. THIS SATURDAWE WILL BE ASKING FOR DONATIONS TO HELP OUR FRIEND JACOB, SUGGESTED $10, BUT IF YOU DON'T HAVE MONEY BUT a lot OF GOOD ENERGY COME ANYWAY. THANKS(GAIALAU-DREAMCACTHER) DIRECTION: TAKE "N" TRAIN TO 36 AV. STATION, QUEENS ITS LESS THAN A BLOCK FROM THERE. THE LINE UP AND DECO WILL BE ANNOUNCED TONIGHT.I STILL HAVE TO CONFIRM WITH SOME DJS. Date: Wed, 28 Aug 2002 14:32:31 Subject: DREAMCACTHER "JACOB PARTY"THIS SATURDATo: omnitribe, brainmachines, burningelf, safetydance Cc: Machinelf From: atagino at cs DREAMCACTHER WILL BE DOING A PARTY AT 3550, 31ST ASTORIA QUEENS. THIS SATURDAWE WILL BE ASKING FOR DONATIONS TO HELP OUR FRIEND JACOB, SUGGESTED $10, BUT IF YOU DON'T HAVE MONEY BUT a lot OF GOOD ENERGY COME ANYWAY. THANKS(GAIALAU-DREAMCACTHER) DIRECTION: TAKE "N" TRAIN TO 36 AV. STATION, QUEENS ITS LESS THAN A BLOCK FROM THERE."LESS THAN 15MIN FROM MANHATTAN" LINEUP: HOURS DJ JUGGERNAUT (IRLAND/DREAMCACTHER) -10:00-12:00PM VITALIK (OMNITRIBE-NYC) -12:00- 1:30AM DJ INFLUX (DREAMCACTHER/BRAZIL) -1:30- 3:30AM S.H.I.K.ID (OMNITRIBE/NYC) -3:00- 5:00AM DECO:CAYUNG SIAGIAN (DREAMCATHER/BALI) Date: Wed, 28 Aug 2002 15:11:12 Subject: Psafety Pschedule To: safetydance From: Machinelf -----Psafety Pschedule----- No international events.. No seasonal updates ... Just local trance parties (underground AND commercial) For Your Eyes O nly... Everything underlined is sensitive info. The Om symbol indicates I will see you there! Info: To help out legal fees for Jacob and Jonathan send an email to freejacob-subscribe Events: Aug 28 - W ednesday - Opium Den 3rd b/w 2nd & 3rd ave; 21+; free -Aug 31 - Saturday - DREAMCATCHER - Jacob Benefit PartDREAMCACTHER WILL BE DOING A PARTY AT 3550, 31ST ASTORIA QUEENS. THIS SATURDAY WE WILL BE ASKING FOR DONATIONS TO HELP OUR FRIEND JACOB, SUGGESTED $10, BUT IF YOU DON'T HAVE MONEY BUT a lot OF GOOD ENERGY COME ANYWAY. THANKS(GAIALAU-DREAMCATCHER) DIRECTION: T AKE "N" TRAIN TO 36 AV. STATION, QUEENS ITS LESS THAN A BLOCK FROM THERE." LESS THAN 15MIN FROM MANHATTAN" DJ JUGGERNAUT (IRLAND/DREAMCATCHER) -10:00-12:00PM VITALIK (OMNITRIBE-NYC) -12:00- 1:30AM DJ INFLUX (DREAMCATCHER/BRAZIL) -1 :30- 3:30AM S.H.I.K.ID (OMNITRIBE/NYC) -3:00- 5:00AM DECO:CAYUNG SIAGIAN (DREAMCATCHER/BALI) [Unable to displa image] Labor Day - Burning Man -Wednesday Sept 4 Pyramid HELLO EVERYON E!!!!! THIS IS THE UNKNOWSHROOMS COMING TO YOU THIS WENESDAY SEPTEMBER 4TH AT PYRAMIDS IS GOING TO BE A NIGHT OF FULL ON PSYTRANCE AND WE HAVE FOR OU.... LOCATION: PYRAMID 101 AVE. A BET 6-7 ST DJ LINEUP:ECOFUNKOLOGICAL{ US} DJ INFLUX {BRAZIL} DARKSHROOM{ITALY} DECOR: UNKNOWSHROOMS DOORS OPEN AT 10PM-4AM $5 COVER $$2 BEER ALL NIGHT 18 TO PARTY 21 TO DRINK +ID COME AND SAY BY TO THE SUMMER WITH THE US AND WELCOME A NEW SEASON!!! TRUST I N TRANCE.........PEACE Opium Den - 3rd Street between 2nd & 3rd ave ID 21+ , free -Friday September 6th -Friday September 6th - Saturday September 7 th Omnitribe there will be another open-air event thrown by Omni Tribe. " We take it to upstate NY where we rent a small resort in the woods for 24 hours... 24 hour Open Air Music Happening under the full moon Fri Sept 6 10pm - Sat Sept 7 10pm Join in collective consciousness and rhythms of tim e, and under the stars and the dawn we will celebrate, heal and anneal, al l the beauty that flows through eternity. Follow your heart to the end of future and free yourself in fractal festivities of the forever flowing!! Let reality unravel beyond the boundaries of imagination amidst a wondrous forest setting next to a beautiful lake. Feel free to bring your drums, p ercussion and instuments to bring to life our own poly-rhythms, chants and icaros. Bring your camping gear, this event goes on rain or shine. Located in a safe and secure private woodland resort. As one heart, dancing the b eat of flux & love. Line up: INFLUX (Brazil) FXMIKE (Omni Tribe, NY) VITAL IK vs. SH.I.K.I.D (Omni Tribe, NY) JAMIN vs. GAVIN (Spectra, NY/Nantacket, MA) KIFE vs. INDRA (Omni Tribe/Alphatrance, NY) ANGELES (Chiletrance/6TH ELEMENT, Chile) DIMA vs. DUB.LIK (Omni Tribe, NY) ROMAN SHELEPANOV (Proforma Records, NY) EVAN (T.H.C, NY) F luoro Installations and Visuals by Misha ( Sound by Omni Tribe & Spectra (spactranyc ) Free water Cover: $20 RIDE SHARE and all TRANSPOR TATION issues at /group/omnitribe DIRECTIONS: by car: (abot 2.5 hours from Manhattan) Take 87 North (toward Albany) to Exit 16 which will bring you to 17 West; Take 17 West to Exit 1 on Monticello. Get off the exit, drive 5 miles on 17B road, make right on "Airport" and "Swan Lake" sign. In 100 meters look for yellow flash light and "Proforma Rec." sign. Park. The destination exact address is 41 Airport Rd., Monticello, NRides: send email to brainpooling-subscribe -Septembe r 9 Israeli Party -September 13-15 Gaian Mind Outdoor Trance Festival in PA check out... ... 09/2002 Gaian Mind Trance Weekend at 4 Quarters Interfaith Sanctuary... Ga ian Mind at Four Quarters First there was the sound, the rushing, fractal meter of the cosmos. And it gave rise to the pulse, the irresistible bre ath of the Mother. Transformed through it's European journey, crossing the rising oceans to find itself, born and reborn again in the New World. Whe re World Beat meets Earth Beat. Where Earth Rhythm meets Earth Mother. You will Find Your Gaian Mind. Dancing the Psy-Trance by Riverside in one of t he East Coast's most hidden and amazing locations. Site Hosted by The Four Quarters InterFaith Sanctuary of Earth Religion Who: CHRISBO (Return to th e Source/Dragonfly, London), ALLEN (Gaian Mind/Metropolis Records, Phila.), HATARI (Gaian Mind, Phila.), NEUM (Spiral Trax Int./Flow Records, Phila.), STEVE-O (GoaBabies, Nantucket), YON-E (Tsunami/Cosmophilia, NYC), KRI (T.O .U.C.H. Samadhi, Asheville), BUFFER (M-Laboratories, Baltimore), CARMEN (?? ?, London), JAMIE (DinerE28099s Club, Phila.), FUSE (Live) (M-Laboratori es, Phila.), UNCOMMON (Live) (mp3, Allentown) What: In one of the East CoastE28099s most Unique & Amazing Locations, 3 days and 2 nights of Sac red Trance Ritual. Goa Psy-Trance Sounds. When: Friday Sept. 13 thru Sunda the 15th, 2002 Where: Four Quarters InterFaith Sanctuary of Earth Religi on, Planet Gaia. Main Dance area with the Circle of Standing Stones, Down Tempo in the Riverside Circle. Why: "The message that Nature sends is, tran sform your language through a synergy between electronic culture and the p sychedelic imagination, a synergy between dance and idea, a synergy betwee n understanding and intuition, and dissolve the boundaries that your cultu re has sanctioned between you, to become part of this Gaian supermind." - Terence McKenna (1946-2000) Redefining Ancient Tribal Ritual for the 21st C entury Never before on the east coast has a full on Trance Dance been move d from the bowels of the city to it's proper home in a stunning natural en vironment. Because the mission and purpose of the Four Quarters InterFait h Sanctuary is to support all forms ofspirituality that honor the natural world and cosmos, we have found a home that we are sure will become the fut ure reference point for the Trance Dance Experience. Because Four Quarter s is a site set aside for its natural beauty as a working ritual center, w e will be able to move the experience to the next level. And Beyond. The C ircle of Standing Stones at Four Quarters. Floro-monial Space for the 21s t Century. The Main Dance Circle for Gaian Mind. Where Technician meets Tr adition. With Ancient Ways and Modern Means; We Pilot the Temple, to the Land of the Gods. Progressive/Psychedelic Trance Line-Up from the Standing Stone Dance Circle CHRISBO (Return to the Source/Dragonfly, London) ALLEN (Gaian Mind/Metropolis Records, Phila.) HATARI (Gaian Mind, Phila.) NEUM ( Spiral Trax Int./Flow Records, Phila.) Chill-Out / Downtempo Line-Up from the Creekside Dance Circle STEVE-O (GoaBabies, Nantucket) KRI (T.O.U.C.H. Samadhi, Asheville) BUFFER (M-Laboratories, Baltimore) CARMEN ( London) JAM IE (DinerE28099s Club, Phila.) FUSE (Live) (M-Laboratories, Phila.) UNCO MMON (Live) (mp3, Allentown) Gaian Mind Admission includes: 2 Nights of All Night Full-On PsyTrance Music 3 Days and 2 Nights Camping, 10K Watts o f Turbosound, Saturday Afternoon Fractal Feast (all-you-can-eat, carnivor e/veggy, free for all attending) Opening & Closing Rituals in The Sacred St one Circle Riverside Swimming Hole, Sweat Lodge Drum & Fire Circle, Chill-O ut Area, Yoga Healing/Massage Area, Merchant Area Free Water, Hot Showers a nd Very Clean Toilets. Free & Secure Main Parking *Optional for the Weekend : Meal Plans are Available, Camp Fire Rings and Firewood In-Camp Car Campin g and Close in Car Parking Pre Registered by Saturday August 17, 2002 Frida y-Saturday Arrival, $75 Four Quarters Members $55 Pre Registered by Saturda y September 9, 2002 Friday-Saturday Arrival, $85 Four Quarters Members $65 At The Gate: Friday-Saturday Arrival $100 Call for Merchanting Info. Childr en under 16 are loved, cherished and free! (must be accompanied by parent or guardian) Meal Plan with The Starvin' Artist, Pre Registered only. $27.5 0, indicate Carnivore or Veggie with your registration. Three meals, Frida Dinner, Sat Brunch, Sun Brunch. Saturday afternoon Fractal Feast is FREE f or all attending Permits are available at the gate for: Fire Rings with Fir ewood, In-Camp Car Camping and Close In Parking Mail in Registrations: Lega l Name and Address, telephone and email. Check or Money Order to: Gaian Mi nd 190 Walker Lane Artemas, PA 17211 Credit Card Registrations: Call the F our Quarters offices at 814-784-3075 or On-Line at Gaian Mind Hot Line at: 215.238.1053 email: GaianMind Site and Registration Information: C all the Four Quarters offices at 814-784-3075 or Web Site at e mail: megalith at d/schd_frm.htm Rides: send email to brainpooling-subscribe September 21 - Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Harvest/Corn/Barley Moon) - Sept 28 - Saturday - The Phantasm Kick Ass Kiss Ass Feed Your Head 2 p arty more info to come Autumn September 23 12:56 am Autumnal Equinox Oct 12 - Saturday - International Global Dance Party for Peace... sponsore d by EarthDance Org... Oct 21 - Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Hunter's/Tra vel/Dying Grass Moon) Oct 31 Halloween Winter (Pagan) Nov 1 - Samhain - Winter's Start Nov 19 - Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Beaver/Frost Moon ) Dec 19 - Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Cold/Long Nights Moon) Dec 21 8 :15pm Winter Solstice -----Psafety Pschedule----- No internation al events.. No seasonal updates... Just local trance parties (undergr ound AND commercial) For Your Eyes Only... Everything underlined is sensitive info. The Om symbol indicates I will see you t here! Info: To help out legal fees fo r Jacob and Jonathan send an email to freejacob-subscribe Events: Aug 28 - Wednesday - Opi um Den 3rd b/w 2nd & 3rd ave; 21+; free -Aug 31 - Saturday - DREAMCATCHER - Jacob Benefit PartDREAMCACTHER WILL BE DOING A PARTY AT 3550, 31ST ASTORIA QUEENS. THIS SATURDAY WE WILL BE ASKING FOR DONATIONS TO HELP OUR FRIEND JACOB, SUGGESTED $10, BUT IF YOU DON'T HAVE MONEY BUT a lot OF GOOD ENERGY COME ANYWAY. THANKS(GAIALAU-DREAMCATCHER) DIRECTION: TAK E "N" TRAIN TO 36 AV. STATION, QUEENS ITS LESS THAN A BLOCK FROM THERE."LES S THAN 15MIN FROM MANHATTAN" DJ JUGGERNAUT (IRLAND/DREAMCATCHER) -10:00-12:00PM VITALIK (OMNITRIBE-NYC) -12:00- 1:30AM DJ INFLUX (DREAMCATCHER/BRAZIL) -1:30- 3:30AM S.H.I.K.ID (OMNITRIBE/NYC) -3:00- 5:00AM DECO:CAYUNG SIAGIAN (DREAMCATCHE R/BALI) Labor Day - Burning Man - Wednesday Sept 4 Pyr amid HELLO EVE RYONE!!!!! THIS IS THE UNKNOWSHROOMS COMING TO YOU THIS WENESDAY SEPTEMBER 4TH AT PYRAMIDS IS GOING TO BE A NIGHT OF FULL ON PSYTRANCE AND WE HAVE FOR YOU.... LOCATION: PYRAMID 101 AVE. A BET 6-7 ST DJ LINEUP:ECOFUNKOLO GICAL{US} DJ INFLUX {BRAZIL} DARKSHROOM{ITALY} DECOR: UNKNOWSHROOMS DOORS OPEN AT 10PM-4AM $5 COVER $$2 BEER ALL NIGHT 18 TO PARTY 21 TO D RINK +ID COME AND SAY BY TO THE SUMMER WITH THE US AND WELCOME A NEW SEASON!!! TRUST IN TRANCE.........PEACE Opium Den - 3rd Street between 2nd & 3rd a ve ID 21+, free -Friday September 6th -Friday September 6th - Saturday September 7th Omnitribe there will be another open-air event thrown by Omni Tribe. "We take it to upstate NY wher e we rent a small resort in the woods for 24 hours... 24 hour Op en Air Music Happening under the full moon Fri Sept 6 10pm - Sat Sept 7 10pm Join in collective consciousness and rhythms of time, and under the stars and the dawn we will celebrate, heal and anneal, all the beauty t hat flows through eternity. Follow your heart to the end of future and free yourself in fractal festivities of the forever flowing!! Let real ity unravel beyond the boundaries of imagination amidst a wondrous forest s etting next to a beautiful lake. Feel free to bring your drums, percussion and instuments to bring to life our own poly-rhythms, chants and icaros. Br ing your camping gear, this event goes on rain or shine. Located in a safe and secure private woodland resort. As one he art, dancing the beat of flux & love. Line up: INFLUX (Brazil) FXMIKE (Omni Tribe, NY) VITALIK vs. SH.I.K.I.D (Omni Tribe, N Y) JAMIN vs. GAVIN (Spectra, NY/Nantacket, MA) KIFE vs. INDRA (Omni Tribe/Alphatrance, NY) ANGELES (Chiletrance/6TH ELEMENT, Chile) DIMA vs. DUB.LIK (Omn i Tribe, NY) ROMAN SHELEPANOV (Proforma Records, NY) EVAN (T.H. C, NY) Fluoro Installations and Visuals by Misha ( Sound by Omni Tribe & Spectra (spactranyc ) Free water Cover: $20 RIDE SHARE and all TRANSPORTATION issues at /group/omnitribe DIRECTIONS: by car: (abot 2.5 hours from Manhattan ) Take 87 North (toward Albany) to Exit 16 which will bring you to 17 W est; Take 17 West to Exit 1 on Monticello. Get off the exit, drive 5 miles on 17B road, make right on "Airport" and "Swan Lake" sign. In 100 meter s look for yellow flash light and "Proforma Rec." sign. Park. The destination exact address is 41 Airport Rd., Monticello, NRides: send email to brainpooling-subscribe -September 9 Israeli Party -September 13-15 Gaian Mind Outdoor Trance Festival in PA check out... ... 09/2002 Gaian Mind Trance Weekend at 4 Quarters Interfaith Sanctuary... Gaian Mi nd at Four Quarters First there was the sound, the rushing, fract al meter of the cosmos. And it gave rise to the pulse, the irres istible breath of the Mother. Transformed through it's European journey, cr ossing the rising oceans to find itself, born and reborn again in the New W orld. Where World Beat meets Earth Beat. Where Earth Rhythm meets Earth Mother. You will Find Your Gaian Mind. Dancing the Psy-Trance by Riverside in one of the East Coast's most hidden and amazing locations. Site Hos ted by The Four Quarters InterFaith Sanctuary of Earth Religion Who: CHRISBO (Return to the Source/Dragonfly, London), ALLEN (Gaian Mind/M etropolis Records, Phila.), HATARI (Gaian Mind, Phila.), NEUM (Spiral T rax Int./Flow Records, Phila.), STEVE-O (GoaBabies, Nantucket), YON -E (Tsunami/Cosmophilia, NYC), KRI (T.O.U.C.H. Samadhi, Asheville), BUF FER (M-Laboratories, Baltimore), CARMEN (???, London), JAMIE (DinerE2 8099s Club, Phila.), FUSE (Live) (M-Laboratories, Phila.), UNCOMM ON (Live) (mp3, Allentown) What: In one of the East CoastE280 99s most Unique & Amazing Locations, 3 days and 2 nights of Sacred Trance Ritual. Goa Psy-Trance Sounds. When: Friday Sept. 13 thru S unday the 15th, 2002 Where: Four Quarters InterFaith Sanctuary of Earth Religion, Planet Gaia. Main Dance area with the Circle of Standing Stones, DownTempo in the Riverside Circle. Why: "The messa ge that Nature sends is, transform your language through a synergy between electronic culture and the psychedelic imagination, a synergy between dance and idea, a synergy between understanding and intuition, and dissolve the boundaries that your culture has sanctioned between you, to become part of this Gaian supermind." - Terence McKenna (1946-2000) Redefining Ancient Tribal Ritual for the 21st Century Never before on the east coast has a fu ll on Trance Dance been moved from the bowels of the city to it's proper ho me in a stunning natural environment. Because the mission and purpose of the Four Quarters InterFaith Sanctuary is to support all forms ofspirit uality that honor the natural world and cosmos, we have found a home th at we are sure will become the future reference point for the Trance Dance Experience. Because Four Quarters is a site set aside for its natu ral beauty as a working ritual center, we will be able to move the expe rience to the next level. And Beyond. The Circle of Standing Stones a t Four Quarters. Floro-monial Space for the 21st Century. The Main Da nce Circle for Gaian Mind. Where Technician meets Tradition. With Ancient W ays and Modern Means; We Pilot the Temple, to the Land of the Gods. P rogressive/Psychedelic Trance Line-Up from the Standing Stone Dance Circle CHRISBO (Return to the Source/Dragonfly, London) ALLEN (Gaian Mind /Metropolis Records, Phila.) HATARI (Gaian Mind, Phila.) NEUM (Spir al Trax Int./Flow Records, Phila.) Chill-Out / Downtempo Line-Up f rom the Creekside Dance Circle STEVE-O (GoaBabies, Nantucket) KRI (T.O.U.C.H. Samadhi, Asheville) BUFFER (M-Laboratories, Baltimore) CARMEN ( London) JAMIE (DinerE28099s Club, Phila.) FUSE (Liv e) (M-Laboratories, Phila.) UNCOMMON (Live) (mp3, Allentown) Ga ian Mind Admission includes: 2 Nights of All Night Full-On PsyTrance Mu sic 3 Days and 2 Nights Camping, 10K Watts of Turbosound, Saturda Afternoon Fractal Feast (all-you-can-eat, carnivore/veggy, free for a ll attending) Opening & Closing Rituals in The Sacred Stone Circle Riverside Swimming Hole, Sweat Lodge Drum & Fire Circle, Chill- Out Area, Yoga Healing/Massage Area, Merchant Area Free Water, Hot Showers and Very Clean Toilets. Free & Secure Main Parking *Opt ional for the Weekend: Meal Plans are Available, Camp Fire Rings and Fi rewood In-Camp Car Camping and Close in Car Parking Pre Registered by Saturday August 17, 2002 Friday-Saturday Arrival, $75 Four Quart ers Members $55 Pre Registered by Saturday September 9, 2002 Frida-Saturday Arrival, $85 Four Quarters Members $65 At The Gate: Frida y-Saturday Arrival $100 Call for Merchanting Info. Children under 1 6 are loved, cherished and free! (must be accompanied by parent or guardian ) Meal Plan with The Starvin' Artist, Pre Registered only. $27.50, indicate Carnivore or Veggie with your registration. Three meals, Frida y Dinner, Sat Brunch, Sun Brunch. Saturday afternoon Fractal Feast is F REE for all attending Permits are available at the gate for: Fire R ings with Firewood, In-Camp Car Camping and Close In Parking Mail i n Registrations: Legal Name and Address, telephone and email. Check or Mone y Order to: Gaian Mind 190 Walker Lane Artemas, PA 17211 C redit Card Registrations: Call the Four Quarters offices at 814-784-307 5 or On-Line at Gaian Mind Hot Line at: 215.238.1053 email: GaianMind Site and Registration Information: Ca ll the Four Quarters offices at 814-784-3075 or Web Site at email: megalith at Rides: send em ail to brainpooling-subscribe September 21 - Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Harvest/Corn/Barley Moon ) - Sept 28 - Saturday - T he Phantasm Kick Ass Kiss Ass Feed Your Head 2 party more info to come Autumn September 23 12:56 am A utumnal Equinox Oct 12 - Saturday - International Global Dance Pa rty for Peace... sponsored by EarthDance Org... Oct 21 - Ful l Moon (Indian Name: Full Hunter's/Travel/Dying Grass Moon) Oct 3 1 Halloween W inter (Pagan) Nov 1 - Samhain - Winter 's Start Nov 19 - Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Beaver/Frost Moon) Dec 19 - Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Cold/Long Nights Moon) Dec 21 8:15pm Winter Solstice Date: Thu, 29 Aug 2002 19:01:15 Subject: Introducing NYC Psy-Trance Open Discussion Group: NYC604 To: brainmachines Cc: dragontribe, safetydance From: Machinelf Not moderated, at all. Not even a little bit. Anything goes as long as it's legal, is not spam from other music genres, does not lie, and doesn't reveal secret locations etc To join send email to NYC604-subscribe Not affiliated with the global 604 list. Date: Thu, 29 Aug 2002 20:47:46 Subject: Correction: Rosh Hashanah 2nd only to Israel Independence DaTo: thew at neuronautic Cc: dragontribe, brainmachines, safetydance, Golan6 From: Machinelf i meant to say Rosh Hashanah the Jewish New Year is second only to Israeli Independence Da thanks Neuronautics dude! >Rosh Hashanah IS Jewish New Year Lit. head of the year on 8/29/02 3:53 PM, Machinelf at Machinelf wrote: > Monday Night September 9 > Rosh Hashanah (Second only to Israeli New Year) Date: Thu, 29 Aug 2002 21:29:35 Subject: Still more Me-ah culpa bility -goy boy explains Rosh Hashanah being #2 To: amt at gecko-software, frisbee at Nni, XDreamer123 Cc: dragontribe, brainmachines, safetydance, Golan6 From: Machinelf Judaism, like peeling an onion... In terms of dance energy, Israeli Independence Day is an all nighter. As in, people normally dance all night, and if they are at a trance party you can imagine how that extends the hours. As I have never heard of a Hanukah trance party that actually happened, I made a Gentile assumption that if the Israliens are organizing somthing for Rosh Hashanah (actually Sept 7) on the level that Joker is doing, for this then it must be second only to Israeli Independence Day. Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur are bookends to the ten Days of Awe, kind of like the first day of Christmas and the 12th day. The fact that this party is happening in the middle should connote that there won't be a lot of orthodox in attendance. Who knows. I guess you'll have to come to find out. The name "Yom Kippur" means "Day of Atonement," and that pretty much explains what the holiday is. It is a day set aside to "afflict the soul," to atone for the sins of the past year. In Days of Awe, I mentioned the "books" in which G-d inscribes all of our names. On Yom Kippur, the judgment entered in these books is sealed. This day is, essentially, your last appeal, your last chance to change the judgment, to demonstrate your repentance and make amends.' sorry for all the emails whew -from the lost WASP wandering the desert of ignorance and withdrawal from A. From: XDreamer123 To: Ismokedmt What do you mean by that? From: amt at gecko-software Wouldnt it be second to Yom Kippur? Judaism, like peeling an onion... In terms of dance energy, Israeli Independence Day is an all nighter. As in, people normally dance all night, and if they are at a trance party you can imagine how that extends the hours. As I have never heard of a Hanukah trance party that actually happened, I made a Gentile assumption that if the Israliens are organizing somthing for Rosh Hashanah (actually Sept 7) on the level that Joker is doing, for this then it must be second only to Israeli Independence Day. Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur are bookends to the ten Days of Awe, kind of like the first day of Christmas and the 12th day. The fact that this party is happening in the middle should connote that there won't be a lot of orthodox in attendance. Who knows. I guess you'll have to come to find out. The name "Yom Kippur" means "Day of Atonement," and that pretty much explains what the holiday is. It is a day set aside to "afflict the soul," to atone for the sins of the past year. In Days of Awe, I mentioned the "books" in which G-d inscribes all of our names. On Yom Kippur, the judgment entered in these books is sealed. This day is, essentially, your last appeal, your last chance to change the judgment, to demonstrate your repentance and make amends.' sorry for all the emails whew -from the lost WASP wandering the desert of ignorance and withdrawal from A. From: XDreamer123 To: Ismokedmt What do you mean by that? From: amt at gecko-software Wouldnt it be second to Yom Kippur? Date: Sat, 31 Aug 2002 16:36:05 Subject: REMINDER:DREAMCATCHER TONIGHT"JACOB PARTY" To: br-trance at chaishop, burningelf, ed at visionear, DRAGONTRIBE, iroquesgabriel , fairland77 , omnitribe, projetozat , psy-trance at dewline, safetydance, tranceamericas Cc: Machinelf From: atagino at cs DREAMCATCHER WILL BE DOING A PARTY AT 3550, 31ST ASTORIA QUEENS. THIS SATURDAWE WILL BE ASKING FOR DONATIONS TO HELP OUR FRIEND JACOB, SUGGESTED $10, BUT IF YOU DON'T HAVE MONEY BUT a lot OF GOOD ENERGY COME ANYWAY. THANKS(GAIALAU-DREAMCACTHER) DIRECTION: TAKE "N" TRAIN TO 36 AV. STATION, QUEENS ITS LESS THAN A BLOCK FROM THERE."LESS THAN 15MIN FROM MANHATTAN" LINEUP: HOURS DJ JUGGERNAUT (IRLAND/DREAMCATCHER) -10:00-12:00PM VITALIK (OMNITRIBE-NYC) -12:00- 1:30AM DJ INFLUX (DREAMCATCHER/BRAZIL) -1:30- 3:30AM S.H.I.K.ID (OMNITRIBE/NYC) -3:30- 5:00AM DECO:CAYUNG SIAGIAN (DREAMCATCHER/BALI) Date: 2 Sep 2002 04:54:00 From: SafetyDance To: SafetyDance Subject: File - Brainpooling Brainpooling is a list for those who have a car or need a ride in a car to one of greater New York's many psy-trance events that you see on brainmachines or safetydance. If you have a car you can ask for gas $. You can subscribe as web-only, changing to email-only as the need arises. To join send an e brainpooling-subscribe Subject: DJ Sangeet (Defolder,Earth) in NYC on Sept 27 To: omnitribe From: omni tribe ::: DJ Sangeet (Spirit Zone, Freeform) Germany at Omni Tribe party on Friday Sept 27th more party details to come... > { Ever wanted to experience from different perspectives? As an established figure on the German trance scene from its beginnings, DJ Sangeet has witnessed all stages of musical evolution throughout the techno and trance eras. Being an active producer parallel to his deejaying career, Sangeet's productions (aka 'Earth' and 'Defolder') have always incorporated popular mannerisms and techniques with his personal vision of dance floor rhythmics. 'DJ Sangeet' shifts between trance scapes, psychedelic riffs and clubby techno structures, transporting the listener into a delirious space of timeless suspense. Compatible on many levels, 'DJ Sangeet' maintains a persistent course through various dance floor atmospheres. Capturing the essence of percussive grooves encapsulated by alternating trance sections and building breaks, the crisp production character contributes to the effortless feel of 'DJ Sangeet'. With an electro break beat interlude ('Astrobar') and ambient outro (Gaensehaut), the artist reveals some of DJ Sangeet's other listening preferences, with an interesting approach as in all his music. Ranging from gripping energy bursts to lofty melodic trance passages, 'DJ Sangeet' summarises many classic party sensations. In a once again timely and modern interpretation produced by an artist, whose varying musical interests have given him a larger outlook, which 'DJ Sangeet' accommodates in an expertly adapted form. } Subject: multus luna: up-state NY partTo: omnitribe, SafetyDance, psy-trance at dewline, DRAGONTRIBE, goa-boston From: omni tribe Hello everyone, The party on the 6th is coming nicely. The place is very civilized with open pool and just one step from the darkest forest. The weather forecast is 72/53 no rain. Lineup is confirmed with addition of Vadim (SubtleChaos/SubtleProduction) who would play during the Saturday afternoon One again, we rented the place for 24 hours, but there will be opportunity to stay longer; Its a separate deal with the owner, might cost you $10. Please bring all you need. Although there is a gas station nearby for your grocery needs. See the flyer below for the updated directions and the lineup So hope you will make it to share the joy with us ~~~ Fri Sept 6 10pm - Sat Sept 7 Monticello, N Omni Tribe presents 24 hour Open Air Music Happening under the new moon "Join in collective consciousness and rhythms of time, and under the stars and the dawn we will celebrate, heal and anneal, all the beauty that flows through eternity. Follow your heart to the end of future and free yourself in fractal festivities of the forever flowing!! Let reality unravel beyond the boundaries of imagination amidst a wondrous forest setting next to a beautiful lake. Feel free to bring your drums and food, percussion and instruments to bring to life our own poly-rhythms, chants and icaros. Bring your camping gear, this event goes on rain or shine. Located in a safe and secure private woodland resort. As one heart, dancing the beat of flux & love. Line up: INFLUX (Brazil) FXMIKE (Omni Tribe, NY) VITALIK vs. SH.I.K.I.D (Omni Tribe, NY) JAMIN vs. GAVIN (Spectra, NY/Nantacket, MA) KIFE vs. INDRA (Omni Tribe/Alphatrance, NY) ANGELES (Chiletrance/6TH ELEMENT, Chile) DIMA vs. DUB.LIK (Omni Tribe, NY) ROMAN SHELEPANOV (Proforma Records, NY) EVAN (T.H.C, NY) VADIM (SubtleChaos/SubtleProduction) Fluoro Installations and Visuals by Misha ( Sound by Omni Tribe & Spectra (spectranyc ) Free water music starts at 10pm Cover: $25 RIDE SHARE and all TRANSPORTATION issues at /group/omnitribe DIRECTIONS: by car: (abot 2.5 hours from Manhattan) Take 87 North (toward Albany) to Exit 16 which will bring you to 17 West; Take 17 West to Exit 104 on Monticello. Get off the exit (on the fork make left), drive 5 miles on 17B road, make right on "Airport"and "Swan Lake" sign; In 100 meters look for yellow flash light and "Proforma Rec." sign on your left. Park. The destination exact address is 41 Airport Rd., Monticello, N ~~~ (authenticated bits0) (versionTLSv1/SSLv3 cipherRC4-MD5 bits128 verifyNOT) To: "SafetyDance " Subject: 9/6 RAVE ACT Protest Party by Blackkat From: Yvonne Date: 30 Aug 2002 21:46:59 From: Blackkat Subject: SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT-RAVE ACT PROTEST PARTY FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 6TH! Hey Peoples! So we got the permit for Foley Square on the 6th, NYC will be one of several cities across the U.S. protesting the RAVE act that day!(also DC, LA, SF, maybe more...) PLEASE FORWARD AND POST! We hope to see you all there! details below---- -JasonBK and the Blackkat Bunch > Senate bill 2633, the RAVE Act (Reducing Americans Vulnerability to Ecstasy) is a > vast expansion of existing "crack house" laws. If passed, it will give police > and the DEA the power to fine and imprison event organizers, leaseholders, > homeowners, and club managers for the actions of their patrons or guests. > Although the preamble of the bill mentions ill-defined "raves", the actual law > may be applied to virtually any gathering of people with music or entertainment. > It is a flagrant violation of civil and constitutional rights, and has the power > to destroy our entire music culture. Join Blackkat in front of the U.S. > Courthouse and demand that this bill is defeated! > > STOP THE RAVE ACT! > FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 6TH 2-6 PM > FOLEY SQUARE (Center Street between Worth and Duane, across from Federal > Courthouse, downtown Manhattan) > closest trains J.M,4,5,6 at Chambers Street/Brooklyn Bridge > FREE 100% legal and permitted > National Day of Action-simultaneous events in SF, DC, LA > > w DJs > Adam X and Heather Heart (tag team)-(Sonic Groove) > Pow Pow (Blackkat) > ESE (Embedded/Def Jux) > Chrome (Blackkat) > > and speakers: > Ethan Nadelmann (Executive Director, Drug Policy Alliance) > Norman Siegel (former President, NYCivil Liberties Union) > Jay Greco (Director, NYNORML, Libertarian candidate for Lieutenant Governor) ) > Andy Gensler (Legalize Dancing NYC) > Tim Santamour (Director, DanceSafe) > Jason Fitzsimmons (Blackkat) > more TBA > > loads of info, signups,voter registration tables > > brought to you by Blackkat 212-714-4987 > > for more info on RAVE Act check > > > NATIONAL CALL YOUR SENATOR DAY FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 6TH! LET THEM KNOW! NY numbers- Hillary Clinton-212-688-6262 Charles Schumer-212-486-4430 > > Feel free to forward!-JBK -- .......................................................................... Yvonne | yvonne at riseup dot net phone: 646.321.5710 | aim: whyloo .......................................................................... I am not wrong: Wrong is not my name My name is my own my own my own and I can't tell you who the hell set things up like this but I can tell you that from now on my resistance my simple and daily and nightly self-determination may very well cost you your life -- June Jordan, Poem About My Rights Date: Fri, 6 Sep 2002 13:14:28 Subject: Fwd: Make sure you have the updated directions to Omnitribe To: safetydance From: Machinelf Date: Mon, 9 Sep 2002 08:45:36 Subject: Omnitribe review and "Isreali" party tonight To: brainmachines Cc: safetydance, dragontribe From: Machinelf The -nitribe event upstate was rocking! We stayed through Sunday night. It was beyond a party... it was a c-unity of several hundred with cottages, swimming pool, water hoses, complete insanity. My favorites were the drum circle, and the art by the Balinese tribesman. Thanks to all who made it happen! Tonight... -Monday September 9 Israeli Party Rosh Hashanah (Second only to Israeli Independence Day) at Escuelita 301 West 39th (corner of 8th) NYC The Hebrew on the flyer roughly corresponds to "The most tripped out Israeli DJs in New York playing in a beautiful tripped out environment) DJs Yoni (History of the Future) Doom (Shaffel Records) Lior Rasta & Micky Liran (Hommega) Indispace Elnadiv (Alladin Project) Uriel (Psychodog) Shai (Shaitec) ID21+; $10 for women $15 for men Organizer: Joker 646-319-4743 The Israelis don't really do email, and the flyer is mostly in Hebrew, but it looks good and the organizer is honorable andmtskilled in getting their bandwagon going. So forward this out to anyone and everyone. The -nitribe event upstate was rocking! We stayed through Sunday night. It was beyond a party... it was a c-unity of several hundred with cottages, swimming pool, water hoses, complete insanity. My favorites were the drum circle, and the art by the Balinese tribesman. Thanks to all who made it happen! Tonight... -Monday September 9 Israeli Party Rosh Hashanah (Second only to Israeli Independence Day) at Escuelita 301 West 39th (corner of 8th) NYC The Hebrew on the flyer roughly corresponds to "The most tripped out Israeli DJs in New York playing in a beautiful tripped out environment) DJs Yoni (History of the Future) Doom (Shaffel Records) Lior Rasta & Micky Liran (Hommega) Indispace Elnadiv (Alladin Project) Uriel (Psychodog) Shai (Shaitec) ID21+; $10 for women $15 for men Organizer: Joker 646-319-4743 The Israelis don't really do email, and the flyer is mostly in Hebrew, but it looks good and the organizer is honorable andmtskilled in getting their bandwagon going. So forward this out to anyone and everyone. Subject: thanks to all involved; review for the rest; To: omnitribe, SafetyDance, psy-trance at dewline, DRAGONTRIBE, goa-boston From: omni tribe Just living and enjoying, we came to this party in the woods of New York. Preparations and installations were part of the trip as party never starts and never ends. By midnight on Friday night the party was gaining some weight as more and more people were coming. Sound was too clean, deco was better then ever. It was building slowly, but had to go to ambient mode around 3:30am as cops forced us to lower the volume. Many more people arrived; lucky them, it was free entrance from lower point. Going forward, must say, donation box was not popular at all. 6:30AM. Here it comes. Kolbasa. Just as you like it... from there it was high fly... On landing, barbeque was offered at dinner time. Music stopped for a double couple hours only on Sundalate night, but was lifted up at the early breakfast time. (going back, must say, we had to move the speakers around a couple times, just to find the corridor for the sound to travel away from disturbed ears of distant neighbors; on Saturday night we lowered the sound considerably) So it was there, vibe was softly strong and happy. Some people were camping; some were lucky to occupone of 8 small houses with shower and kitchen (same low price). All night fire under overfilled with stars skies; meteor shower for those who like to stare; a little cold, but bearable nights and perfect days; small pool at the dance floor; beautiful lake 2 min drive; pstrance music of no limits and all styles... we'll be back... Subject: :) Fwd: [omnitribe] sept.6th omnitribe review To: omnitribe, SafetyDance, psy-trance at dewline, DRAGONTRIBE, goa-boston From: omni tribe this is payed , do not read.... --- "B ... Power" wrote: > To: omnitribe > From: "B ... Power" > Date: Tue, 10 Sep 2002 17:28:36 > Subject: [omnitribe] sept.6th omnitribe review > > i wrote this on sunday when i got home for a > different list, but i wanted to > share with you too. > > the party:: > > was one of the *best* outdoor parties i've been to. > it went all night > >friday > all day sat > 4am sunday. i danced the > whole time i was there an > >interesting aside; lenoid said that he got worried > about me, when he didnt > >see me on the dancefloor, thanks lenoid :) i think > the party went longer > >but i needed to take a rest before the sun came up. > > i've heard people complain about the nyc scene, on > the grounds that the > people arent that friendly or somthing, but i met > some of the most kind > souls this weekend, we were on a whole other level > entirely, not speaking to > eachother and communicating with our minds. > glorious. i've never felt a > more overpowering sense of love, companionship, and > sense of belonging. the > vibe was amazing... serine, peaceful, with white > chain lightining of pure > energy straight from over 150 passionate hearts > beating in unision. we were > all one pulsating beam of light. everything added > up at this party (people > / vibe, music, decor, and venue to make a SLAmmin' > trance party... they had > a swimming pool, woods, baseketball court, soccer > balls and cabins, they > also had various bon fires around, and on sat. > omnitribe had a huge trance > bbq with corn on the cob, burgers, hot dogs, > chicken, salad. i had a > trancekabob :) there really wasnt a charge for the > party they were > suggesting that people donate $25... > > i did make one of my dreams come true, b - ing that > i got to fall asleep > right next to a huge subwoofer, that completel> vibrated my entire > existance... it was soooooo nice. the only thing > that i can think of that > would top that is making love on top of one of those > speakers. sat. night > was interesting to say the least i endulged in some > really nice kittens... > and danced myself right out of the large hole i > stepped in... it was so > nice... i could see anything; it looked like i wasnt > wearing my glasses > except i was. everything was blurred and faded to > black except the > blacklites. i felt my body moving in new and > interesting ways, i freed my > mind to move my body within abnormal paramaters of > dance... like i would > step one way and move in the opposite direction; i > was running circles > around the basketball court and occasionally pulling > my head out of my ass > to jump and catch rim (on the basket ball hoop ;) i > also had my very first > heiniken that tasted good, sat. night which is werid > cause i hate heiniken! > i ended up going to the store later that night to > buy more alcohol (i dont > normally drink)! i just had sooo much fun, i wish i > could have shared the > experience with you. i couldnt convince anyone to > come with me, but > thankfully all the familiars (nyc tribe) were there > and so was gabriel and > lenoid (special treat!!). the weather was gorgous > too, really warm, ideal > swimming temperatures. i found an old water heater > out in the woods and > proceeded to chuck rocks at it until my friend jeff > (the brainmachines guy > (www.brainmachines ) came out and explained to me > just how lucky i was. > he brought me back out of the woods and back into > the party... i dont think > i've had soo much fun dancing with my friends from > ny... we all just got > down crazy israeli stompin' stylis.. lots of big > smiles and energy threw the > roof... > > i dont know everyone's names, but the of the ones i > do know... jamin vs. > gavin was sick sick sick!, i really liked influx > (brazil) who played a lot > of heavy metal / trance cross overs.. there reall> wasnt ever a dull moment, > sat. from morning to like afternoon was full-on, > then afternoon til after > bbq was chillout, and then after the tranckabob's > were done, the trance came > back on, with more of a dark twisted sound, mixing > was overall smooth, i > didnt hear any trainwrecks... and late night sat. > was minimal / staticy / > crunchy moles (less kickdrum and more static) which > was really nice after > getting mental beat up for god knows how many hours. > > still smiling :) > > B > > _ > Chat with friends online, try MSN Messenger: > http://messenger.msn > Date: Thu, 12 Sep 2002 15:03:10 To: SafetyDance Subject: SynchronicitFrom: "pha4202002" I uploaded a picture to the photos section ( /group/SafetyDance/lst)... check it out ;) Date: Sat, 14 Sep 2002 20:41:35 Subject: GOAGIL To: omnitribe, safetydance From: atagino at cs Located in a beautfiul lush forest somewhere outside of Portland, Oregon, a 24 hour psychedelic trance dance under the harvest moon on Autumn Equinox. Featuring Goa Gil. Gil grew up in the middle of the San Francisco psychedelic music scene of the sixties. In 1969 he left for India where he began intense Yogic practices and became an initiated Sadhu. Gil helped give birth to the psychedelic trance movement in Goa, India in the early '80s and continues to distribute this energy to dancers across the world today. We welcome him back to the NW. "Since the beginning of time, humankind has used music and dance to commune with the Spirit of Nature and the Spirit of the Universe... We are trying to use Trance Music and the Trance Dance Experience to set off a chain reaction in Consciousness... Through the Trance Dance Experience hopefully people will become more sensitive and aware of themselves, their surroundings, the crossroads of humanity, and the needs of the planet... With this Awareness comes Understanding and Compassion. THAT is the need of the hour, and the true Goa State of Mind!!!" - Goa Gil Be prepared - bring what you need... and pack it out after. Be mindful of your presence - leave no trace. electricity provided by bio-deisel! 15 presale tickets available at : [online] . www.chaosexistence [portland] . Chaos Existence : 3862 SE Hawthorne (3rd flr.) : 888.957.1226 [eugene] . Stylus Grooves : 525 E 13th : 541.343.2425 [seattle] . Frequency 8 : 619 Broadway E : 206.861.1488 [san francisco] . Ceiba Records : 463 Haight St. at Fillmore : 415.437.9598 Buying your ticket early aids us in the creation of the festival and is cheaper for you - please help us by buying presale tickets! Entry at the gate will be $20 without a ticket... Info & Links: Check this page (www.apolloslute /events.html) for the latest updates & info. inphone: 1.877.588.4853 email : info at apolloslute Subject: ANTIX, SANGEET - NYC - Sept 28th To: omnitribe, SafetyDance, psy-trance at dewline, DRAGONTRIBE, goa-boston From: omni tribe Omni Tribe presents "Aural Beats" Sat. Sept 28th Full-on and progressive sounds; Two dance floors - indoor and outdoor; 10 hours of music and digital video art; ANTIX (Pylon/Bushbumpas - Plastik Park, Flow, Iboga - NZ) for the first time on the east cost with astonishing LIVE and DJ sets. ( ) DJ SANGEET (Defolder/Earth - Spirit Zone - DE) an established figure on the German trance scene from its beginnings introducing his new album ( ) FULL LINEUP with addition of local DJs TO BE ANNOUNCED SOON Participation: $25 (includes 3 drinks) Location: 515 29th St. (b/w 10 & 11 Ave.), NYC [thnx Sneg] Door opens at 11PM; Full details coming soon To: SafetyDance Subject: Ecstasy Begets EmpathFrom: Yvonne Ecstasy Begets Empath By Sheerly Avni, Salon September 12, 2002 Complete story at Last week, an essay in the Psychologist, a magazine published by the British Psychological Society, called into question the validity of recent research on the effects of Ecstasy. Its publication drew loud and immediate reaction from the British press, which printed stories under headlines like "Ecstasy Not Dangerous, Say Scientists." The study's authors demanded, and received, a retraction from at least one newspaper (the Guardian); but the question the researchers had hoped to raise -- whether E may have medical benefits -- was lost in the din. And not for the first time, according to Dr. Charles Grob, a longtime researcher of E and hallucinogenic drugs and one of the study's three authors. Grob, the head of adolescent and child psychiatry at the Harbor-UCLA Medical Center in Southern California, is also the editor of a newly published collection of essays, "Hallucinogens: A Reader," which explores the social and psychological worth of such drugs. Speaking from his office, Grob spoke about the essay he coauthored, the current war on drugs, and the history of Ecstasy, which he believes has therapeutic benefit -- not to mention potential as a facilitator of peace in the Middle East. -- .......................................................................... Yvonne | yvonne at liu phone: 646.321.5710 | aim: whyloo .......................................................................... I am not wrong: Wrong is not my name My name is my own my own my own and I can't tell you who the hell set things up like this but I can tell you that from now on my resistance my simple and daily and nightly self-determination may very well cost you your life -- June Jordan, Poem About My Rights To: Subject: Unknown Shrooms at Pyramid this wednesday sept. 18th From: "anthony citro" Hello everyone, Tomorrow - Wednesday Sept. 18th, Please come and enjoy a night in trance with the Unknown Shrooms.... With DJs: DHARMAZ REPTILE (Twisted Minds) IGZ (Unknown Shrooms - Malaysia) FMAR (Unknown Shrooms) 10pm - 4am (1st DJ plays 10-12 so please come early!) $5 cover 18 to party - 21 to drink - ID a must! $2 beer all night Visuals on 2 tvs Great loud as hell sound, nice dance floor Deco by Unknown Shrooms at Pyramid - 101 Avenue A, between 6th and 7th st. (NYC) (Next party: Wed. Oct. 2nd) See you all there! -Tony. He llo everyone, Tomorrow -Wednesday Sept. 18th, P lease come and enjoy a night in trance with the Unknown Shrooms.... With DJs: DHARMAZ REPTILE (Twisted Minds) IGZ (Unknown Shrooms - Malaysia) FMAR(Unknown S hrooms) 10pm - 4am (1st DJ plays 10-12 so plea se come early!) $5 cover 18 to party - 21 to drink - ID a must! $2 beer all night Visuals on 2 tvs Great loud as hellsound, nice dance floor Deco by Unkn own Shrooms at Pyramid - 101 Avenue A, between 6th and 7th st. (NYC) (Next party: Wed. Oct. 2nd) See you all there! -Tony. Date: Tue, 17 Sep 2002 17:55:05 Subject: Fwd: Regarding Sam's Last Performance in NYC To: safetydance From: Machinelf Date: Wed, 18 Sep 2002 12:07:04 Subject: If you're not on brainmachines you're missing all the recent parties To: safetydance From: Machinelf There hasn't been any outdoor/outlaw/underground/renegade events in a couple of months - since the beach party at Sheepshead Bay. SO all the info is going straight to brainmachines. If you're not on that, you should be - send an email to brainmachines-subscribe . If you are very wary about getting an email or two a day, then just get the psy-trance schedule by sending an email to pschedule-subscribe To: infornography, safetyDance Subject: 9/20-21 Wild Style 20th Anniversary Reunion From: Yvonne Forwarded message SoundLab's Step-O-Matic Temporal Deluxxx Celebration with Tokion Magazine and Pow Wow productions Represent NYC East River Park 2002 Friday Sept 20th 6pm-10pm>>>>> Saturday Sept 21st 2pm-6pm Date: Sat, 21 Sep 2002 05:21:07 Subject: Hardcore outlaw Sunday, and a preview from Elfis To: safetydance From: Machinelf Hardcore outlaw Sunday Sept 22 10pm at Owl's Head Park at 68th Street & the Ocean Jen and DJ Kaz et al By car, Exit 1 on BQE, turn under the expressway and go two blocks to park sign. Subway - R to Bay Ridge Avenue. If I get any more info I'll let you know. Info courtesy of my buddy who had my back when the cops invaded the squat! soooooooooooooo The Two Olga's are not actually involved with the russian party saturday. See everybody at Body Temple on Saturday. . . The Threee Elves Elvis Elfis will be there, but only temporarily. So come for the group Come! signed, machin3lf Date: Sat, 21 Sep 2002 12:06:05 Subject: If you're gonna be all non-shanti tonight, here is an alternative to Body Temple To: safetydance From: Machinelf me? I like to get drunk and throw bottles at cops (who doesn't?) but I will be at Body Temple getting in touch with my, uh, feminine side, with my handsome boyfriend Lisa Here's an experiment... smoke a dippy and try to map the crisscrossing police state ESP ray guns! But that'll have to wait for the next insurrection, luckily for the Man I will be chillin' with the yogis, simultaneously henpecked and enlightened by the leaning Power of Lisa. Or not.. >sTART THE DAY OF WITH THE dub-Hiphop SoundClash at ! at at !!! then bring it to the nonstop23 !!!!!!!!!! .charlie. This Sat 21st -NYC to DC FUNRAI$ING PARTY!! - pass it on- WHY: - To get NYC peoples on the busses to DC! to (nonviolently) kick some criminal corporate capitalist ass! all proceeds to benefit low income bus riders...because all are welcome on the bus--- ---To STOP THE IMF AND WORLD BANK - w/Mass Mobilization and Direct Actions! Sept 27th and 28th - Stop Global Corporate Violence - Cancel the Debt and Stop the War Machine WHERE: The PARTY -This Sat Sept 21st at 56 Walker st NYC- just below Canal near Bway....doors open 7pm It's Another unprecedented revolutionary multimedia event! -- Autonomously generated by those party people who intend to change the world while they shake their .... Come and find out what's up with the current Anti-Authoritarian/ Anti-Capitalist/Direct Action scene. some Highlights will include: BRAND NEW WORKS FROM OUR OWN PREACHER LAUREATE REVEREND BILLY! who may stick around to provide a little MC work to keep the flow...if we ask nice... KAIROS THEATRE COMPANY PERFORMS "ON THE GRID", HILARIOUS AND HEARTBREAKING PLAY ABOUT THE REAL LIVES behind THE WTO... INCENDIARY RHYMES AND SPOKEN WORD FROM JASON BK OF THE BLACKKAT COLLECTIVE! THE REVOLUTIONARY/AVANTGARD Hip Hop of "NO SURRENDER" affiliated w/SkyPimps & Mike Ladds Majesticons! GUEST DJ'S! GABINO WITH LIVE ELECTRONICA late into the night.... AND OPEN MIKE space on a kickin sound system for rants, spoken word, ChimpBush imitations, and your latest love song,... - you got somthing to say? wanna get on the schedule?--contact: k.skvorak at verizon and MUCH MUCH more !! for the latest on who's at the event check out: http://www.anotherworldispossible / STOP THE IMF AND WORLD BANK - Mass Mobilization and Direct action! Friday and Sat, Sept 27th and 28th Stop Global Corporate Violence - Cancel the Debt and Stop the War Machine and definitely check this out---- Broklyn Beats (sic) Blowout!!! Celebrating the completion of the (sic) 7"s with new singles from I-Sound and Donna Summer with some of the best experimental breaks New York, Berlin and Paris have to offer... Errorsmith (Transparent Rec., Berlin) I-Sound (Transparent Rec.) Donna Summer (cockrockdisco) Ripit (Riposte Rec., Paris) Timeblind (Orthlorng Musork) doily (Broklyn Beats) Criterion (Broklyn Beats) nicfit (Havoc) Miguel Lopez (Soundlab) Data (Havoc) Ripley (Broklyn Beats) Zemi17(Havoc) Jason BK (Blackkat) Visuals by MPL.O.D and Ben O. Bar by Disaster Contraption for updates, see ---> DIRECTIONS to the HAVOCPORT, nEW yORK cITY: see the map at JMZ to Mrytle- exit turnstyles- go down the stairs to your right, at street level take a left on broadway, 3 blocks then a right onto belvidere, last building on your left #41 L to montrose- exit subway (you will be on the corner of bushwick and montrose)- walk down hill on bushwick ave. the road will turn and vear to the left. when you arrive at flushing (see the stop and go gas station at the corner) turn right, 2 blocks and turn left onto beaver, 5 blocks turn right onto belvidere, 1st door on your right #41 G to Broadway when above ground and get your bearings-- and walk away from manhattan in the direction of flushing--- pass the big hospital and flushing ave-- about 7 blocks later, after you pass locust st, take a left onto belvidere- last building on your left #41 its easy by any bus that runs up and down broadwaalso- we are in between flushing and myrtle (4 blocks to the flushing side of myrtle) by independently moving transit from points west: williamsbug bridge- take the first exit when in Brooklyn, at the light take a left onto Broadway, approx. 1 mile down broadway- (look out for the big hospital on the corner of flushing) turn left on flushing, take your first right onto Beaver- go up about 6 blocks, after locust street turn right onto Belvidere- we are the first door on the right- big red brick building me? I like to get drunk and throw bottles at cops (who doesn't?) but I will be at Body Temple getting in touch with my, uh, feminine side, with my handsome boyfriend Lisa Here's an experiment... smoke a dippy and try to map the crisscrossing police state ESP ray guns! But that'll have to wait for the next insurrection, luckily for the Man I will be chillin' with the yogis, simultaneously henpecked and enlightened by the leaning Power of Lisa. Or not.. >sTART THE DAY OF WITH THE dub-Hiphop SoundClash at ! at at !!! then bring it to the nonstop23 !!!!!!!!!! .charlie. This Sat 21st -NYC to DC FUNRAI$ING PARTY!! - pass it on- WHY: - To get NYC peoples on the busses to DC! to (nonviolently) kick some criminal corporate capitalist ass! all proceeds to benefit low income bus riders...because all are welcome on the bus--- ---To STOP THE IMF AND WORLD BANK - w/Mass Mobilization and Direct Actions! Sept 27th and 28th - Stop Global Corporate Violence - Cancel the Debt and Stop the War Machine WHERE: The PARTY -This Sat Sept 21st at 56 Walker st NYC- just below Canal near Bway....doors open 7pm It's Another unprecedented revolutionary multimedia event! -- Autonomously generated by those party people who intend to change the world while they shake their .... Come and find out what's up with the current Anti-Authoritarian/ Anti-Capitalist/Direct Action scene. some Highlights will include: BRAND NEW WORKS FROM OUR OWN PREACHER LAUREATE REVEREND BILLY! who may stick around to provide a little MC work to keep the flow...if we ask nice... KAIROS THEATRE COMPANY PERFORMS "ON THE GRID", HILARIOUS AND HEARTBREAKING PLAY ABOUT THE REAL LIVES behind THE WTO... INCENDIARY RHYMES AND SPOKEN WORD FROM JASON BK OF THE BLACKKAT COLLECTIVE! THE REVOLUTIONARY/AVANTGARD Hip Hop of "NO SURRENDER" affiliated w/SkyPimps & Mike Ladds Majesticons! GUEST DJ'S! GABINO WITH LIVE ELECTRONICA late into the night.... AND OPEN MIKE space on a kickin sound system for rants, spoken word, ChimpBush imitations, and your latest love song,... - you got somthing to say? wanna get on the schedule?--contact: k.skvorak at verizon and MUCH MUCH more !! for the latest on who's at the event check out: http://www.anotherworldispossible / STOP THE IMF AND WORLD BANK - Mass Mobilization and Direct action! Friday and Sat, Sept 27th and 28th Stop Global Corporate Violence - Cancel the Debt and Stop the War Machine and definitely check this out---- Broklyn Beats (sic) Blowout!!! Celebrating the completion of the (sic) 7"s with new singles from I-Sound and Donna Summer with some of the best experimental breaks New York, Berlin and Paris have to offer... Errorsmith (Transparent Rec., Berlin) I-Sound (Transparent Rec.) Donna Summer (cockrockdisco) Ripit (Riposte Rec., Paris) Timeblind (Orthlorng Musork) doily (Broklyn Beats) Criterion (Broklyn Beats) nicfit (Havoc) Miguel Lopez (Soundlab) Data (Havoc) Ripley (Broklyn Beats) Zemi17(Havoc) Jason BK (Blackkat) Visuals by MPL.O.D and Ben O. Bar by Disaster Contraption for updates, see ---> DIRECTIONS to the HAVOCPORT, nEW yORK cITY: see the map at JMZ to Mrytle- exit turnstyles- go down the stairs to your right, at street level take a left on broadway, 3 blocks then a right onto belvidere, last building on your left #41 L to montrose- exit subway (you will be on the corner of bushwick and montrose)- walk down hill on bushwick ave. the road will turn and vear to the left. when you arrive at flushing (see the stop and go gas station at the corner) turn right, 2 blocks and turn left onto beaver, 5 blocks turn right onto belvidere, 1st door on your right #41 G to Broadway when above ground and get your bearings-- and walk away from manhattan in the direction of flushing--- pass the big hospital and flushing ave-- about 7 blocks later, after you pass locust st, take a left onto belvidere- last building on your left #41 its easy by any bus that runs up and down broadwaalso- we are in between flushing and myrtle (4 blocks to the flushing side of myrtle) by independently moving transit from points west: williamsbug bridge- take the first exit when in Brooklyn, at the light take a left onto Broadway, approx. 1 mile down broadway- (look out for the big hospital on the corner of flushing) turn left on flushing, take your first right onto Beaver- go up about 6 blocks, after locust street turn right onto Belvidere- we are the first door on the right- big red brick building Date: Tue, 24 Sep 2002 10:35:21 Subject: To get info on the VH1 psy-trance debacle To: safetydance Cc: brainmachines From: Machinelf send an email to NYC604-subscribe we know how to contact the Judas out ofrespect to the organizers this will stay off the big lists Subject: update: NYC indoor/open-air party: Sept 28th: Antix, Sangeet To: omnitribe, SafetyDance, psy-trance at dewline, DRAGONTRIBE, goa-boston From: omni tribe Date: Tue, 24 Sep 2002 20:25:11 Subject: Fwd: For those who know Erline Dominican Butterfly- MSN Greeting Card To: safetydance From: Machinelf she's having a baby in arizona - see link below if you know her Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2002 07:58:47 To: SafetyDance Subject: visuals.... From: "ooaurora" Sup? I have to say that some of the best decor I've ever seen would be at trance parties. Especially the black light reflective back drops... and DNA Dan's geometric shapes... but in my opinion I feel that usually the monitor visuals are lacking... (Disclaimer: that's my opinion... I'm entitled) unknown shrooms had some cool stuff playing on the monitor's at pyramid on the 18th... SS's crew does some chill stuff with video cam's... but why not have come cool flowing sound responsive type stuff... I'd be willing to bring my pc down to do monitor visuals... I have some chill sound responsive eye candy that I would love to share with the community... all that's needed is a line out from the sound board and a TV to plug my pc into.. If anyone's interested... e-mail me at oOaurora ... Free of course... also, a pc with a projection TV pointed down on the dance floor would cover us all in a colorful swimming glow... ) just thought i would share a few new ideas to keep things from being stagnant... quote: "if you're not growing your dieing." -Jeff... well, if anyone's interested... drop me a note... -paul. Subject: party tonight . update To: omnitribe, SafetyDance, psy-trance at dewline, DRAGONTRIBE, goa-boston From: omni tribe party is on. Antix & Sangeet are here. BORIS (Burning Elf) has been added to the full-on lineup... Omni Tribe presents "Aural Beats" Saturday Sept 28th Full-on and progressive sounds; Indoor and outdoor dancefloors; 10h of music & digital video art; ANTIX (Pylon/Bushbumpas - New Zealand) - LIVE & DJ Sets famous with releases on Plastik Park, Flow, Iboga... with their first East Cost appearance ( ) DJ SANGEET (Defolder/Earth - Germany) An established figure on the German trance scene from its beginnings introducing his new album recently released on Spirit Zone ( ) INFLUX (Brazil) URI-PSYCHODOG (Israel) LIOR RASTA & MIKEY(Israel) VITALIK (OmniTribe,NY) Sh.I.K.I.D (OmniTribe,NY) INDRA (Alphatrance/OmniTribe,NY) BORIS (Burning Elf) DECO & VIDEO INSTALATIONS by YDesign & Reality Engine & Ben Cover: $25 (includes 3 drinks) PreSale: $20 at House Of Trance 122 Saint Marks Pl (212) 533-6700 Party Location: 515 W 29th St. (b/w 10 & 11 Ave.), NYC Doors open at 11PM; info line: omnitribe Date: 1 Oct 2002 15:32:38 From: SafetyDance To: SafetyDance Subject: File - Brainpooling Brainpooling is a list for those who have a car or need a ride in a car to one of greater New York's many psy-trance events that you see on brainmachines or safetydance. If you have a car you can ask for gas $. You can subscribe as web-only, changing to email-only as the need arises. To join send an e brainpooling-subscribe Date: Tue, 1 Oct 2002 16:00:57 Subject: pix and cameras To: SafetyDance, psy-trance at dewline, omnitribe From: LOLLYGOA speaking of pix... in our lost and found we have a lovely black compact camera with film in it (olympia) and a disposable camera (1/2 used) both were left at Burning Elf this past May. we also have a rainbow stocking cap (very festive!) two sarongs/scarfs lori and boris speaking of pix... in our lost and found we have a lovely black compact camera with film in it (olympia) and a disposable camera (1/2 used) both were left at Burning Elf this past May. we also have a rainbow stocking cap (very festive!) two sarongs/scarfs lori and boris Date: 2 Oct 2002 14:05:22 From: SafetyDance To: SafetyDance Subject: New poll for SafetyDance Enter your vote today! A new poll has been created for the SafetyDance group: These have been slow days for the free LOCAL outdoor psy-trance event. There's been a variety of great open air events in south Jersey and upstate NY. But only the south jersey one was truly underground, as in, they were paranoid about too many people finding out, and it was free. In the absence of LOCAL outdoor underground psy-trance events, would you like to see more outdoor underground TECHNO events on Safetydance? I'm talking Blakkat and Renegade Virus and Havok here. o Yes, more techno for now if there's no psy-trance events o Yes, techno even when there's more psy-trance events in the future o No, keep it just psy-trance o No, I get that info elsewhere To vote, please visit the following web page: /group/SafetyDance/surveys?id10923748 Note: Please do not reply to this message. Poll votes are web site listed above. Thanks! Thu, 03 Oct 2002 02:26:36 To: SafetyDance Bcc: Subject: Re: [SafetyDance] New poll for SafetyDance Date: Thu, 03 Oct 2002 03:26:36 +0100 From: "Theo ..:.." As a response to the lack of outdoor parties. Don't give up yet. There is going to be a sick ass party in November brought to you by your PSNY friends. It is going to be a PSI vs Twisted Minds vs Unknown Shrooms event in a tripped out warehouse location. More info soon. Merlin _ Send and receive Hotmail on your mobile device: http://mobile.msn Date: Thu, 3 Oct 2002 12:03:33 Subject: State of the Safetydance To: safetydance From: Machinelf Aside from Omnitribe and Unknown Shrooms, absolutely nothing of interest in NYC has happened recently, nor will anything of interest happen until we have more outdoor free parties. Wiley is out of the party business, Omnitribe is focusing on legal venues, Subtlechaos has no system, and Alphatrance is no longer in commission. Somthing must be done. The economy ain't getting no better, and I miss seeing all the po' people. They're usually more interesting. I'm one of them, but I get in free for promotional activity. As for the DMT and the outdoor spirit trances, most of you remember last year's arrest and forfeiture of all my possessions that enabled the NYPD to take the DMT sound system. (And the generator was stolen a month later). I recently got my income revenue flow late the crack of autumn, and I had debts/bills, so I'm saving my strength for next spring. It's too late in the season to start from scratch (wow, just when I wrote that, someone in the next office said that on the phone) but next year looks good. There are plenty of places around the city. Now is the time to hoard nuts and bury them where I can find them in March. Stay tuned to Safetydance so you'll know when/where they are... and if you'd like to have a voice in who DJs/VJs, join the DMT. As for the poll for more underground techno on the list, so far it's even, 7 yes and 7 no. Your vote can sway the outcome: Yes, more techno for now if there's no psy-trance events 1 7.14% Yes, techno even when there's more psy-trance events in the future 6 42.86% No, keep it just psy-trance 4 28.57% No, I get that info elsewhere 3 21.43% Aside from Omnitribe and Unknown Shrooms, absolutely nothing of interest in NYC has happened recently, nor will anything of interest happen until we have more outdoor free parties. Wiley is out of the party business, Omnitribe is focusing on legal venues, Subtlechaos has no system, and Alphatrance is no longer in commission. Somthing must be done. The economy ain't getting no better, and I miss seeing all the po' people. They're usually more interesting. I'm one of them, but I get in free for promotional activity. As for the DMT and the outdoor spirit trances, most of you remember last year's arrest and forfeiture of all my possessions that enabled the NYPD to take the DMT sound system. (And the generator was stolen a month later). I recently got my income revenue flow late the crack of autumn, and I had debts/bills, so I'm saving my strength for next spring. It's too late in the season to start from scratch (wow, just when I wrote that, someone in the next office said that on the phone) but next year looks good. There are plenty of places around the city. Now is the time to hoard nuts and bury them where I can find them in March. Stay tuned to Safetydance so you'll know when/where they are... and if you'd like to have a voice in who DJs/VJs, join the DMT. As for the poll for more underground techno on the list, so far it's even, 7 yes and 7 no. Your vote can sway the outcome: Yes, more techno for now if there's no psy-trance events 1 7.14% Yes, techno even when there's more psy-trance events in the future 6 42.86% No, keep it just psy-trance 4 28.57% No, I get that info elsewhere 3 21.43% Date: Thu, 3 Oct 2002 14:25:51 Subject: Correction: Subtlechaos has small system, need sto link up with someone To: safetydance From: Machinelf Correction: SubtleChaos has 1000 watt amp, cdjs, but only one pair of speakers and needs another pair plus amp to make a party. Anyone interested in teaming for an outdoor email js at studiodistribution Correction: SubtleChaos has 1000 watt amp, cdjs, but only one pair of speakers and needs another pair plus amp to make a party. Anyone interested in teaming for an outdoor email js at studiodistribution Subject: NYC: tonight (10/3) at Union Cafe To: omnitribe, SafetyDance, psy-trance at dewline, DRAGONTRIBE, goa-boston From: omni tribe we are bringing our sound system to Union Cafe at Av. C and E 9th now. Party till 1AM. We'll have a jug of beer at the side of the DJ. Chill out progressing to psy trance. Date: Mon, 7 Oct 2002 18:08:52 Subject: Fwd: (trance party ) halloween at leon's 10/31 To: safetydance From: Machinelf Date: Mon, 7 Oct 2002 18:24:01 Subject: psy trance in central new Jersey oct 11th. To: safetydance From: Machinelf from ecofunkological Hi Jeff, Can you please post this? Greetings all, If you are in the central Jersey area and you seriously need a fix for some good psy tra nce, come out and support this night. ItE28099s going to be a monthly night at a yoga center and your support will keep it going on strong. M intention for the night is to create a spiritual environment through goa trance. Come dance with your shoes off in a drug and alcohol free environ ment. Chai tea and water will be served. If anyone is interesting in gi ving feedback or suggestions for this night please send emails to ecofunkological IE28099m currently looking for someone who has access to a video projec tor that they would be willing to share for the night. Please contact me if you have one available. Look forward to seeing you Trance Dance With D j Ecofunkological Location: Yogasana EmPower Center 900 Easton Avenue Some rset, NJ 732-246-9642 m Date: October 11, 2002 Time: 8-11pm Suggested Donation is $10. (If you are willing to travel from the New York area, your suggested donation is just to show up with some go od energy). Since most donE28099t know who I am, I would like to e xtend much gratitude to Icycoil (aka Merry) and Iggy and Chico (from the u nknownshrooms) for introducing me into the NYC psy trance scene and suppor ting me in my desire to spread my love for this music. E2809CIf music is your full worship How deliriously enormous like crying then sc reaming May we shine like hone On petals and mist Lick the luscious sk Goddess As she watches over one Dancing vision for life A delicate gif tE2809D Written by Erin Kipe and Erica Kyriakatos from ec ofunkological Hi Jeff, Can you please post this? Greetings a ll, If you are in the central Jersey area and you seriously need a fix for some good psy trance, come out and support this night. ItE2 8099s going to be a monthly night at a yoga center and your support will keep it going on strong. My intention for the night is to c reate a spiritual environment through goa trance. Come dance with you r shoes off in a drug and alcohol free environment. Chai te a and water will be served. If anyone is interesting in giving fee dback or suggestions for this night please send emails to ecofunkological IE28099m currently looking for someone who has access to a video projector that they would be willing to share for the night. Please contact me if you have one available. Look forward to seeing you Trance Dance With Dj Ecofunkological Location: Yogasana EmPower Center 900 Easton Avenue Somerset, NJ 732-246-9642 www.yogasanaom zone Date: October 11, 2002 Time: 8-11pm Suggested Donation is $10. (If you are willing to travel from the New York area, your suggested do nation is just to show up with some good energy). Since most donE28099t know who I am, I would like to extend much grati tude to Icycoil (aka Merry) and Iggy and Chico (from the unknownshrooms) fo r introducing me into the NYC psy trance scene and supporting me in my desi re to spread my love for this music. E2809CIf music is your full worship How deliriousl enormous like crying then screaming May we shine like h one On petals and mist Lick the luscious sky Goddess As she watches over one Dancing vision for life A delicate giftE2809D Written by Erin Kipe and Erica Kyriakatos Date: Tue, 8 Oct 2002 21:26:51 Subject: After Synthetic, Rainbow 10/13 To: safetydance From: Machinelf a note to all sunday oct. 13 is the rainbow picnic this time it is in prospect park not central from noon till dark all are welcome and bring drums and good vibes oh yea and food but no alcohol please its going to be in one of the meadows there i dont know exactly but look for some ribbons and listen for drums you will be able to hear them this is happening right after synthetic on saturdathanks for being a part of this world. i love you all peace and love to everyone in the world is what we need so lets manifest that and have happy lives john yac Date: Wed, 9 Oct 2002 11:48:43 Subject: Last call for the aya. ceremony Saturday evening To: shamanistas Cc: safetydance From: Machinelf if interested, let me know, sliding scale donation, return to manhattan by midnight. Date: Wed, 9 Oct 2002 12:32:03 Subject: Answers to questions To: safetydance Cc: shamanistas From: Machinelf about the ceremony... -yes it is the real deal -sliding scale means what you can afford. You will need an additional $15 for train fare. -yes we are doing it and returning by midnight so that some of you may go to the big trance party at synthetic -yes we will do it again, timed to the next synthetic -yes we need your donation upfront; we will reach capacity when we have 14 good people -no you can't eat heavy food on friday night through saturday night -yes you will receive a cd of the experience -yes you have control over how deep you go in -no no one has ever died from doing it To: "safetydance" Subject: RAVE Act Stalled in House From: "scott" Newsbrief: RAVE Act Stalled in House, Could Be Dead for the Year Foreign policy may have caused a healthy distraction from domestic drug war policy this year, as the House of Representatives went into recess Friday without taking action on the RAVE Act, which would dramatically expand federal "crack house" statutes to include any venue where drugs are consumed. The act has seen growing opposition and defections in the Senate, but it was the lack of time, not organized opposition, that apparently did in the bill for this year. According to a report from the Drug PolicAlliance's RAVE Act point-man, Bill Piper, the House Subcommittee on Crime held a hearing on the bill Thursday, but failed to vote on it because of the imminent recess. Still, wrote Piper, the Senate will be in session through next week, "so we have to keep the Senate version from passing and setting a bad precedent." The ultimate aim is to defeat the bill entirely, but opponents are prepared to offer amendments to make a bad bill slightly better if it appears headed for passage. Two original cosponsors of the Senate Bill, Patrick Leahy (D-VT) and Richard Durbin (D-IL) have withdrawn their support for the bill. Visit the Electronic Music Defense and Education Fund at to join the effort against the act. Date: 17 Oct 2002 07:30:37 From: SafetyDance To: SafetyDance Subject: Poll results for SafetyDance The following SafetyDance poll is now closed. Here are the final results: POLL QUESTION: These have been slow days for the free LOCAL outdoor psy-trance event. There's been a variety of great open air events in south Jersey and upstate NY. But only the south jersey one was truly underground, as in, they were paranoid about too many people finding out, and it was free. In the absence of LOCAL outdoor underground psy-trance events, would you like to see more outdoor underground TECHNO events on Safetydance? I'm talking Blakkat and Renegade Virus and Havok here. CHOICES AND RESULTS - Yes, more techno for now if there's no psy-trance events, 3 votes, 14.29% - Yes, techno even when there's more psy-trance events in the future, 8 votes, 38.10% - No, keep it just psy-trance, 7 votes, 33.33% - No, I get that info elsewhere, 3 votes, 14.29% For more information about this group, please visit /group/SafetyDance /help/us/groups/ Date: Thu, 17 Oct 2002 11:54:27 Subject: Someone looking for venue To: safetydance From: Machinelf >I was wondering if you knew of any Manhattan venues that are underground? I want to do a party Dec. 6th, but I want to do my own bar. And my own security. It would be a hip-hop/ Drum and Bass event for about 300 people. >I was wondering if you knew of any Manhattan venues that are underground? I want to do a party Dec. 6th, but I want to do my own bar. And my own security. It would be a hip-hop/ Drum and Bass event for about 300 people. To: SafetyDance Subject: Re: [SafetyDance] Poll results for SafetyDance From: andrew fusco Reply-To: thorn at lmi geez 400 on the list, 21 votes, one vote difference in the extremes. just like a real election To: safetydance Subject: Fwd: TWEAK this saturday.(forwardthis) From: Machinelf ---------7f3524f75a6831ec7f3524f75a6831ec-- Subject: 1. tonight and 2. next week To: omnitribe, SafetyDance, DRAGONTRIBE, goa-boston From: omni tribe 1. tonight Fri October 18th, 02 Spectra presents Peter Didjital at 70 Washington St. Suite 1101 Dumbo i.e. "the brooklyn loft" 2. next week OMNI Tribe presents High Inclination Saturday Oct. 26th at THE LUNATARIUM Full-on, progressive and ambient sounds; 10hrs of music & digital video art; MAIN FLOOR HUMAN BLUE (Sweden) (Spiral Trax, Medium, Flow, U.S.T.A Rec.) LIVE ACT A talented producer for 10 years Dag Walin has received international acclaim and an incredible response from the dance floors all over the world. His live set develops a spacious atmosphere opening the realms of trance and clarity. MINO (Israel/Denmark) (Transonic, Iboga, E, Nova Tekk Rec.) LIVE ACT Minos visual performance stands out as one of the very few trance artists to feature live drumming. With his unique electronic drums set-up and a laptop Mino deliver a full on twisted symphony of rhythms, deep pulsating bass lines and hypnotic effects that keeps the dance floor jumping till the end. INFLUX (Brazil) (Fliperama Music) With killer tracks of his own and remarkable mixing skills from 12 years of music experience, Influx is gaining a wonderful reputation in NYC for his uplifting and professional style. FX>MIKE (New York) (Omni Tribe) Long-time respected DJ of the NY underground trance scene highly regarded for his deep and emotional sounds, no/yes guaranteed to bring that smile to your face. VITALIK vs. SH.I.K.I.D (New York) (Omni Tribe) Dj.Sh.I.K.I.D. is one of Americas most intriguing trance DJs who continually breaks new musical ground. Beginning as Israeli psi trance DJ in 1999 he went on to inspire the New York scene with the latest astonishing progressive vibes a fusion of all that is hard and funky. Vitalik plays the moment and knows how to feel the flow; guiding on a mystical journey into the world of feelings and energies. FUMI (Japan) With a heart like an energizer, Fumi ignites the dance floor with unforgettable full-on sets. CHILLOUT AND PROGRESSIVE AREA ANGELES (Chile) (Chiletrance/6TH ELEMENT) Hailing from Chile, Angeles is well known for her unique style of psychedelic chill-out and trance. She has toured nationally as part of the 6th Element Tour and is also an accomplished artist who has spent years creating beautiful fluorescent banners, decorating parties as part of Chiletrance around the world. GAVIN (Spectra, NY/Nantacket, MA) ..... has been DJing for 4 years. He plays a funky and tribal style of progressive psychedelic trance. His sound takes influence from other styles of electronic music. Gavin has played alongside some of the top producers and DJ's in the scene, from Shiva Chandra DIMA vs. DUB.LIK (New York) (Omni Tribe) This duo will lead you to mind and body relaxation with Dima's trippy and colorfully ambient soundscapes over monotonic, foggy and "bassy" steps from DUB.LIK. STEFAN (New York) (Decompression) Eclectic chill out & IDM DECO & VIDEO INSTALATIONS by YDesign & Reality Engine & Ben Extra Powerful sound design by MUSIC FIRST PRODUCTION Location: THE LUNATARIUM (10 Jay St, DUMBO, Brooklyn) The breathtaking 18,000 square-foot venue, with its 30-foot ceilings and its perfect East River skyline view. Security and bar services provided by THE LUNATARIUM Cover: $25 at the door Pre-Sale: $20 at House Of Trance 122 Saint Marks Pl (212) 477-4440 Party 10PM 8AM 18 to enter / 21 to drink - ID a MUST info line: omnitribe links: dumboluna,, chiletrance, spectranyc, synthetic-sadhus, homeoftrance DIRECTIONS Subway: Take the F to York St and make a right at JaSt. and walk down to John St. or from the A/C at High St. Walk down Washington St., make a right on Front St and a left on Jay St. and walk down to John St. Car: Take Brooklyn Bridge across East River, make right onto Prospect St., left onto Jay St. drive down to John St. Date: Mon, 21 Oct 2002 12:30:46 Subject: Fwd: (no subject) To: safetydance From: Machinelf Date: Mon, 21 Oct 2002 12:31:18 Subject: Fwd: Bus to Peace March To: safetydance From: Machinelf Subject: Tbird reminder! To: mickpick From: Jacob Sabat I recommend this. Tonya Ridgely wrote: Every TUES. 11 pm. Beautiful Ones...again, the music and dance and laughter and visuals continue...this time join Tbird in the Union Square region. Where: 873 Broadway St. btw 18 & 19th, buzzer# 0007, 2nd floor studio#202 Cost: by donation free drink and food and love Faith Hill - Exclusive Performances, Videos, & more Faith Hill - Exclusive Performances, Videos, & more Y! Web Hosting - Let the expert host your web site I recommend this. Tonya Ridgely projecttbird2002 > wrote: Every TUES. 11 pm. Beautiful Ones...again, the music and dance and laughter and visuals continue...this time join Tbird in the Union Square region. Where: 873 Broadway St. btw 18 & 19th, buzzer# 0007, 2nd floor studio#202 Cost: by donation free drink and food and love Y! Web Hosting - Let the expert host your web site Subject: FLYER: NYC - Sat 10/26: Human Blue, Mino &more at The Lunatarium To: omnitribe, SafetyDance, DRAGONTRIBE, goa-boston, NYC604 From: omni tribe GIF version at http://omnitribe / (flyer by YDesign & Omni Tribe) Date: Thu, 24 Oct 2002 21:25:32 Subject: Mathias is off to GermanTo: safetydance From: Machinelf we will miss his chai his email is psilobus at gmx we will miss his chai his email is psilobus at gmx Subject: Fwd: 2nd annual aerial dance fest - sunday,10.27.02 8pm To: spairowe From: Jacob Sabat Don't miss this! 2nd annual aerial dance fest - sunday,10.27.02 8pm hi. anthology at sPACe presents its second annual aerial dance fest. performers show solo and group dance in the air on various apparatus including low flying trapeze, hanging trapeze, fabric, and tissue. performers will include: alisan funk akim funk buddha cirque boom elie venesky elise knudson fly by night dance theater sabrina pillars sunday 10.27.02 8pm physical arts center 230 n.9 st at roebling & driggs williamsburg, brooklyn 718.302.5990 L train to Bedford Ave or L/G train to Lorimer/Metropolitan/Grand $10 suggested donation *****anthology at sPACe (sun 11.24.02 8pm) still has few spaces for what may be the final show. contact 718.302.5990. *****anyone with knowledge of an available space for physical arts center, please contact 646.283.3204. thanks. ____ BILLBURG think globally, click locall ____ Select your own custom email address for FREE! Get you at yourchoice w/No Ads, 6MB, POP & more! http://www.everyone/selectmail?campaigntag Y! Web Hosting - Let the expert host your web site Don't miss this! Y! Web Hosting - Let the expert host your web site Date: Fri, 25 Oct 2002 12:47:51 Subject: Halloween Party Nov 1 To: safetydance From: Machinelf SXQncyB0ZWNobmljYWxseSBhbiBhbGwgc2FpbnRzIGRheSBwYXJ0eSBidXQgaW4gd3lsaWUncyBYXQgZmlsbGVkIGxvZnQgaSdtIApzdXJlIGl0IHdpbGwgZmVlbCBsaWtlIGl0J3Mgc3RpbGwgaGFs bG93ZWVuLCBhbmQgdGhlIGVsZWN0cmljIGtvb2wgYWlkIHZpYmUgCmlzIGJhY2sgZmluYWxseSAo ZnJlZSBnaXZlYXdheXMgYXQgdGhlIERKIGJvb3RoIHdoZW4geW91IGhlYXIgdGhlIHRyYWNrIAoi Q2FuZHkgTWFuLiIpCgpIQUxMT1dFRU4gUEFSVFkgYXQgdGhlIFRUTSAoVHJpYmVjYSBUcmFuY2UK TWlzc2lvbikhISEhCj4gCj5jaGlsbGluZyBIb2xsb3dlZW4gc2V0cyBieToKCkFNTkVTSVVNCkJP UklTCklDWSBDT0lMClRSQU5DRUxMT1IgT0dHTU9ECk1BQ0hJTkUgT1JDIHd3dy5icmFpbm1hY2hp bmVzLmNvbS9vcmNiaWJsZS5odG1sCk1BTklDIE1FS0FUT1IKCj7CoCDCoCDCoCDCoCDCoCDCoCDC oCDCoCArIG1vcmUgdG8gZm9sbG93CgpQcm9qZWN0aW9ucyBieSDCoCDCoCBBVE9NSUMgSlVJQ0UK RGVjb3JhdGlvbnMgYnkgTE9SScKgICYgRVZBTiAmIFdZTElFCkNoaWxsIG91dCB0cmFuY2UgYnVi YmxlIG9uIHJvb2YgYnkgTUFDSElORSBFTEYKKHJldHVybiBvZiB0aGUgUGllZCBQaXBlciBvZiBH b3RoYW0hKQo+IAo+wqAgwqAgwqAgwqAgwqAgwqAgwqAgwqAgTU9SRSBUTyBDT01FLi4uU1RBWSBU VU5FRAo+IAo+IFdoZW46wqAgwqAgwqAgwqAgwqAgRnJpZGF5LMKgIE5vdmVtYmVyIDFzdMKgwqAg MTBwbQp0aWzDouKCrMKmZnVjayBpdCEKPiAKPiBXaGVyZTrCoCDCoCDCoCDCoMKgIDExMSBSZWFk ZSBTdHJlZXQsIEFwdCA1IChwZW50aG91c2UpIAo+wqAgwqAgwqAgwqAgwqAgwqAgwqAgwqAgY29bmVyIG9mIFdlc3QgQnJvYWR3YXkKPsKgIMKgIMKgIMKgIMKgIMKgIMKgIMKgIG9uZSBzdHJlZXQg bm9ydGggb2YgQ2hhbWJlcnMgU3RyZWV0Cj4gCj7CoCDCoCDCoCDCoCDCoCDCoCDCoCDCoCAkMjAg b3LCoCAkMTAgd2l0aCBjb3N0dW1lCj4gPiAKPiBmb3IgaW5mb3JtYXRpb24gY2FsbCB3eWxpZSBA IDIxMi0yNjctNDAxMCAKPsKgIMKgIMKgIMKgIMKgIMKgIMKgIMKgIMKgIMKgIMKgIMKgIMKgwqAg b3IgOTE3LTQ3Ni0xODY0Cj4gCj4gb3IgZW1haWwgYXQgd3lsaWVyMThAeWFob28uY29tCj4gCj4g VEhJUyBIQVMgQkVFTiBBIFdZTElFIFRSQU5DRV9NSVNTSU9OCg PEhUTUw+PEZPTlQgRkFDRT1hcmlhbCxoZWx2ZXRpY2E+PEZPTlQgIFNJWkU9MiBGQU1JTFk9IlNB TlNTRVJJRiIgRkFDRT0iQXJpYWwiIExBTkc9IjAiPkl0J3MgdGVjaG5pY2FsbHkgYW4gYWxsIHNh aW50cyBkYXkgcGFydHkgYnV0IGluIHd5bGllJ3MgcmF0IGZpbGxlZCBsb2Z0IGknbSBzdXJlIGl0 IHdpbGwgZmVlbCBsaWtlIGl0J3Mgc3RpbGwgaGFsbG93ZWVuLCBhbmQgdGhlIGVsZWN0cmljIGtv b2wgYWlkIHZpYmUgaXMgYmFjayBmaW5hbGx5IChmcmVlIGdpdmVhd2F5cyBhdCB0aGUgREogYm9v dGggd2hlbiB5b3UgaGVhciB0aGUgdHJhY2sgIkNhbmR5IE1hbi4iKTxCUj4KPEJSPgpIQUxMT1dF RU4gUEFSVFkgYXQgdGhlIFRUTSAoVHJpYmVjYSBUcmFuY2U8QlI+Ck1pc3Npb24pISEhITxCUj4K Jmd0OyA8QlI+CiZndDtjaGlsbGluZyBIb2xsb3dlZW4gc2V0cyBieTo8QlI+CjxCUj4KQU1ORVNJ VU08QlI+CkJPUklTPEJSPgpJQ1kgQ09JTDxCUj4KVFJBTkNFTExPUiBPR0dNT0Q8QlI+Ck1BQ0hJ TkUgT1JDIHd3dy5icmFpbm1hY2hpbmVzLmNvbS9vcmNiaWJsZS5odG1sPEJSPgpNQU5JQyBNRUtB VE9SPEJSPgo8QlI+CiZndDvCoCDCoCDCoCDCoCDCoCDCoCDCoCDCoCArIG1vcmUgdG8gZm9sbG93 PEJSPgo8QlI+ClByb2plY3Rpb25zIGJ5IMKgIMKgIEFUT01JQyBKVUlDRTxCUj4KRGVjb3JhdGlv bnMgYnkgTE9SScKgICZhbXA7IEVWQU4gJmFtcDsgV1lMSUU8QlI+CkNoaWxsIG91dCB0cmFuY2Ug YnViYmxlIG9uIHJvb2YgYnkgTUFDSElORSBFTEY8QlI+CihyZXR1cm4gb2YgdGhlIFBpZWQgUGlw ZXIgb2YgR290aGFtISk8QlI+CiZndDsgPEJSPgomZ3Q7wqAgwqAgwqAgwqAgwqAgwqAgwqAgwqAg TU9SRSBUTyBDT01FLi4uU1RBWSBUVU5FRDxCUj4KJmd0OyA8QlI+CiZndDsgV2hlbjrCoCDCoCDC oCDCoCDCoCBGcmlkYXkswqAgTm92ZW1iZXIgMXN0wqDCoCAxMHBtPEJSPgp0aWzDouKCrMKmZnVj ayBpdCE8QlI+CiZndDsgPEJSPgomZ3Q7IFdoZXJlOsKgIMKgIMKgIMKgwqAExIFJlYWRlIFN0 cmVldCwgQXB0IDUgKHBlbnRob3VzZSkgPEJSPgomZ3Q7wqAgwqAgwqAgwqAgwqAgwqAgwqAgwqAg Y29ybmVyIG9mIFdlc3QgQnJvYWR3YXk8QlI+CiZndDvCoCDCoCDCoCDCoCDCoCDCoCDCoCDCoCBv bmUgc3RyZWV0IG5vcnRoIG9mIENoYW1iZXJzIFN0cmVldDxCUj4KJmd0OyA8QlI+CiZndDvCoCDC oCDCoCDCoCDCoCDCoCDCoCDCoCAkMjAgb3LCoCAkMTAgd2l0aCBjb3N0dW1lPEJSPgomZ3Q7ICZn dDsgPEJSPgomZ3Q7IGZvciBpbmZvcm1hdGlvbiBjYWxsIHd5bGllIEAgMjEyLTI2Ny00MDEwIDxC Uj4KJmd0O8KgIMKgIMKgIMKgIMKgIMKgIMKgIMKgIMKgIMKgIMKgIMKgIMKgwqAgb3IgOTE3LTQ3 Ni0xODY0PEJSPgomZ3Q7IDxCUj4KJmd0OyBvciBlbWFpbCBhdCB3eWxpZXIxOEB5YWhvby5jb208 QlI+CiZndDsgPEJSPgomZ3Q7IFRISVMgSEFTIEJFRU4gQSBXWUxJRSBUUkFOQ0VfTUlTU0lPTjwv Rk9OVD48L0hUTUw+Cg Subject: NYC: party UPDATE - tomorrow Sat Oct 26th with Human Blue, Mino & more To: psy-trance at dewline, omnitribe, SafetyDance, DRAGONTRIBE, goa-boston From: omni tribe flyer with all details at http://omnitribe there are some changes: for this party only, misha (ydesign) and matyas (reality engine) withdrew from the deco/projection team. we are renting the system for projection and will have Svin (a.k.a Alex) and co. to operate them; Chai is doing deco setup. He brings some new backdrops, very fresh and unseen before; Dan DNA will contribute his art work as well. Update on the sound system: sound system still provided by Music First production. Sound engineering by Stas (Hi Fi). we'll have 2x 3 stacks on the main floor (one stack is 2k watt sub and 800 watts full range speaker); chillout/progressive will have 2x 1 stack; Gavin (spectra) contributes some of his sound system as well. Subject: Re: any reviews?? To: omnitribe, SafetyDance, DRAGONTRIBE, goa-boston, NYC604 From: omni tribe well, no words can describe how was it..... no there are some - Wow, oHHH, ahhhh.. Thanks to all involved! PS: we've got back over a dozen of confiscated pipes, one mini knife and some other supplies... please email omnitribe to associate yourself with the item. For the future keep in mind that Lunatarium don't keep promises. We were told that security will first warn then take measures on the second encounter - thereacted on smell like elite dogs and were doing molecular search at the door. We were told that thehave all needed licenses - it turned out that thedon't have cabaret license. Around 1am cops showed up and even though they didn't shut down the party, liquor was removed from the bar. where the vibe came from, I have no idea :) --- mark at wrote: > > This list has been a bit too quiet lately. How did > the Spectra partry go?? > What about Lunatarium, or any of other parties this > weekend?? > > Consider this a gentle nudge :) > To: SafetyDance Subject: [SafetyDance] Re: any reviews?? From: the space gypsy Despite the babylon element, I had a good time. The space is beautiful! Hu man Blue rocked :) Here are some pictures I took. (unfortunatly my brand n ew camera has a burned pixel, but it can be retouched :( I have to return it). There a couple of nice pictures there, though. http://www.internalas tronauts /omnitribeluna/ Peace and Love and Let's Do It Again!!!!! ;) he he .______. | /_ __/ __.___ .___.___.__.____.___ .____.__.___ .____.__ | | / / /_/ / ._/ __/ __/ . / . | __/ ._/ / _.- / . // __/- / | | /_/_/ /_/___/ -__ _// __/_/|_|__/___/ -___// / __/___/ / / | |______/_/_____ __/_/_/_/_/___| >well, no words can describe how wa s it..... no there >are some - Wow, oHHH, ahhhhD6.. > >Thanks to all invol ved! > >PS: we've got back over a dozen of confiscated pipes, >one mini kni fe and some other supplies... please email >omnitribe to associat e yourself with the >item. >For the future keep in mind that Lunatarium don 't keep >promises. We were told that security will first warn >then take me asures on the second encounter - the>reacted on smell like elite dogs and were doing >molecular search at the door. We were told that the>have all needed licenses - it turned out that the>don't have cabaret license. Aro und 1am cops showed up >and even though they didn't shut down the party, >l iquor was removed from the bar. >where the vibe came from, I have no idea : ) > >--- mark at wrote: >> >> This list has been a bit too quiet lately. How did >> the Spectra partry go?? >> What about Lunatarium, or any of other parties this >> weekend?? >> >> Consider this a gentle nudge :) >> >> > >--- >Need a ride to the party? Have a car, have spaces? Se nd an email >to brainpooling > >Feel free to have your fri ends join by sending an email to >SafetyDance-subscribe . > >If you want updates on non-underground events send an email to >brainmac hines-subscribe > >This is a big friends and family list fo r psychedelic trance in New >York. Primarily we promote private parties t hat are too intimate >for the larger brainmachines list. If you know of j obs available, >or rooms for rent, send them over, everyone here is good a t >safetydance . > >To become more involved with making act ual events happen you should >join the New York chapter of the Devotional Ministry of Trance, >DMTNY by going to paypal, registering, and sendin g $25 to >Machine Elf, machinelf at brainmachines . > is group, send an e > >Yo Date: Wed, 30 Oct 2002 09:29:12 EST Subject: Re: [SafetyDance] Re: any reviews?? To: trancemuter at internalastronauts, SafetyDance From: Machinelf In a message dated 10/30/02 9:24:03 AM Eastern Standard Time, trancemuter at internalastronauts writes: > Despite the babylon element, I had a good time. The space is > beautiful! Human Blue rocked :) > > Here are some pictures I took. (unfortunatly my brand new camera has > a burned pixel, but it can be retouched :( I have to return it). > There a couple of nice pictures there, though. > > http://www.internalastronauts /omnitribeluna/ > > Peace and Love and Let's Do It Again!!!!! ;) he he unfortunately my brand new brain has a burnt out pixel in it, but it can be retouched (I have to return it) here is a nice picture in there though, the only one remaining (Naoto took it just as the pixel burned out). Piece and discord and Let's Do It Again!!!! %-D he he In a message dated 10/30/02 9:24:03 AM Eastern Standard Time, trancemuter at internalastronauts writes: Despite the babylon element, I had a good time. The space is beautiful! Human Blue rocked :) Here are some pictures I took. (unfortunatly my brand new camera has a burned pixel, but it can be retouched :( I have to return it). There a couple of nice pictures there, though. http://www.internalastronauts /omnitribeluna/ Peace and Love and Let's Do It Again!!!!! ;) he he unfortunately my brand new brain has a burnt out pixel in it, but it can be retouched (I have to return it) here is a nice picture in there though, the only one remaining (Naoto took it just as the pixel burned out). Piece and discord and Let's Do It Again!!!! %-D he he To: Machinelf, Machinelf, safetydance Subject: Unknown Shrooms Tonight! *Update From: icycoil (Jeff please post to brainmachines, thanks!) I'm really looking forward to this one... Hope to see you there! :) It's a shroomin' Halloween w/ ^~v~^ THE UNKNOWN SHROOMS ^~v~^ WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 30, 2002 10PM - 4AM (Come early!!!) Psycho-delic Musical Mayhem Twisted by: DARKSHROOM DHARMAZ REPTILE ICYCOIL w/ DanCovan on Electronic Drums from 10-12! IGSTER MEKATOR PROJECTION & VIDEO INSTALLATIONS BY AURORATEC WITH FEATURED ARTIST SHAUNA LENT at The Pyramid (A truly puuuurfect space to get you into the Halloween Groove!) 101 Avenue A, btwn. 6 & 7th st., NYC 5 BEAN$ w/ID 18 TO PARTY, 21 TO DRINK *Free Candy (The sweet kind P) & Spooky Visual Ambience *Morbidly Fascinating Costumes Encouraged! Come on NYC Trancers, show us what you've got!!! ^v^ ^v^ ^v^ ^v^ ^v^ ^v^ ^v^ ^v^ ^v^ ^v^ ^v^ ^v^ ^v^ ^v^ ^v^ Date: Wed, 30 Oct 2002 13:25:48 EST Subject: What's up for Halloween besides Tsunami? Leon's place until 6am To: safetydance From: Machinelf The Official Safetydance Endorsed Halloween Trance Party (flyer attached) halloween at leon's october 31st 9-6am 67 e 2nd st #45 *valerio zhyin mi nimal/dark progressive/full-ontrance sets (wajanga records/brazil) * visuals & projection by ooaurOra tech. *bring your poison & DRESS TO KI LL!!! The Official Safetydance Endorsed Halloween T rance Party (flyer attached) halloween at leon's october 31st 9 -6am 67 e 2nd st #45 * valerio zhyin minimal/dark pro gressive/full-ontrance sets (wa janga records/brazil) *vis uals & projection by ooaurOra tech. *bring your poison & DRESS TO KILL!!! Date: Wed, 30 Oct 2002 17:32:32 EST Subject: Phantasm Party??? To: SafetyDance From: XDreamer123 I heard there was going to be Phantasm party on November 9th. Any info??? I heard there was going to be Phantasm party on November 9th. Any info??? Date: Wed, 30 Oct 2002 18:02:48 EST Subject: new offweb gaian sacred creativity group To: safetydance From: Machinelf opening for women only to discuss staging sacred creative rituals as a counterbalance to all the male-oriented parties events etc. for informations and acknowledgement via emailing newAvalon users or leaving a message at 212-229-7866 opening for women only to discuss staging sacred creative rituals as a counterbalance to all the male-oriented parties events etc. for informations and acknowledgement via emailing newAvalon users or leaving a message at 212-229-7866 Date: Thu, 31 Oct 2002 07:07:50 EST Subject: eclipse solaire totale en Afrique du sud To: safetydance From: sonikzolution English text below. Bonjour E0 tous, A l'occasion de l'E9clipse solaire totale, Etnicanet et Vortex organisent du 03 au 07 decembre 2002 un festi val de transe psychE9dE9lique en Afrique du Sud, en bordure du mondialem ent cE9lE8bre Parc National Kruger, pour une occasion unique de faire la fEAte dans les E9tendues indomptE9es de l'Afrique sauvage. Le festival rE9unira les plus grands djs de la scE8ne transe et quelques uns des me illeurs live acts du moment (GMS, Infected Mushroom, Kox Box, Dimitri, Sim on Posford, Anti...). Le prix d'accE8s au festival est de 140$, incluant l e billet du festival et le camping sur place. Pour les rE9servations, mer ci de contacter Hadra au + 33 (0)6 18 111 747, ou au + 33 (0)6 63 80 28 07 , ou par email hadra at hadra Il ne nous reste presque plus de tickets, si vous etes interesses, contactez nous rapidement. Pour tout renseignement: www.hadra www.southafrica2000 www.etnicanet Si jamais votre a dresse apparait dansmessage, ne pas y faire attention, c est une erreu r due E0 notre list manager. Hi everyone, For the total solar eclipse, Etnicanet & Vortex organize the South Africa 2002 trance festival, from t he 03 to the 07 of december, on border of the Kruger National Park, for a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to party in the untamed wilds of Africa. Th e festival will gather some of the most famous DJs and live acts in the tr ance scene including GMS, Infected Mushroom, Kox Box, Dimitri, Simon Posfo rd, Anti... The price of the festival is 140$, including the festivakl tick et + camping on the festival area. For the tickets, please contact Hadra b y phone +33(0)6 18 111 747 or +33(0)6 63 044 766, or by email hadra at hadra. net Only a few tickets left so contact us quickly. For any infos: www.hadra www.southafrica2000 www.etnicanet If your email adress appear s on this mail, please don't be afraid, it's just a mistake due to our lis t manager. Love and Light. HADRA Crew English text below. Bonjour E0 tous, A l'occasion de l'E9clipse solaire totale, Etnicanet et Vortex or ganisent du 03 au 07 decembre 2002 un festival de transe psychE9dE9li que en Afrique du Sud, en bordure du mondialement cE9lE8bre Parc National Kruger, pour une occasion unique de faire la fEAte dans les E9tendues indomptE9es de l'Afrique sauvage. Le festival r E9unira les plus grands djs de la scE8ne transe et quelques uns des meilleurs live acts du moment (GMS, Infected Mushroom, Kox Box, Di mitri, Simon Posford, Anti...). Le prix d'accE8s au festival est d e 140$, incluant le billet du festival et le camping sur place. Pour les rE9servations, merci de contacter Hadra au + 33 (0)6 18 11 1 747, ou au + 33 (0)6 63 80 28 07, ou par email hadra at hadra Il ne nous reste presque plus de tickets, si vous etes interesses, conta ctez nous rapidement. Pour tout renseignement: www.hadra www.southafrica2000 www.etnicanet Si jamais votre ad resse apparait dansmessage, ne pas y faire attention, c est un e erreur due E0 notre list manager. Hi everyone, For the total solar eclipse, Etnicanet & Vortex organize the South Africa 2002 trance festival, from the 03 to the 07 of december, on border of the Kruger National Park, for a once-in-a-lifetime oppor tunity to party in the untamed wilds of Africa. The festival w ill gather some of the most famous DJs and live acts in the trance scene including GMS, Infected Mushroom, Kox Box, Dimitri, Simon Posfo rd, Anti... The price of the festival is 140$, including the festiv akl ticket + camping on the festival area. For the tickets, pl ease contact Hadra by phone +33(0)6 18 111 747 or +33(0)6 63 044 7 66, or by email hadra at hadra Only a few tickets left so contact us q uickly. For any infos: www.hadra www.southafrica2000 www.etnicanet If your email adress appears on this mail, ple ase don't be afraid, it's just a mistake due to our list manager. Love and Light. HADRA Crew Subject: (FRIDAY) WHAT WAR LOOKS LIKE: A DAY OF THE DEAD DIE-IN at Union Square, 12:30 PM To: Jacob From: Jacob Sabat Ruckus society just sent us over 50 zip-up body bags, several huge banners as well as some other skeleton masks with matching machine guns... we have media people working on this and it seems like it will be really big...try to make it out for some point if you can -max ********PERMIT APPROVED********* WHAT WAR LOOKS LIKE: A DAY OF THE DEAD DIE-IN Union Square, 14th Street btwn Broadway and Park Avenues* (on the steps facing Virgin MegaStore) November 1: 12:30pm-2pm NY U Peace Coalition invites you to join us on the Day of the Dead in protest against Bush's war in Iraq. In what will be part street theater, part demonstration, we will give a solemn, silent reminder that not even a $355.4 billion budget is worth more than the loss of human life. As part of the protest people will be dressed in costumes as angels of death, bush& co, skeletons, and be draped in body bags. Participants will also be holding sings that say, among other things "This is What War Looks like". Most importantly, we hope to see many of you lying down in silence with us--this will perhaps be the most emotionally powerful part of the event that stirs viewers conscience to stand against the war. hey everyone, i'm writing with the exciting news that the permit for the WHAT WAR LOOKS LIKE: DAY OF THE DEAD DIE-IN scheduled for this friday has been approved and we are ready to move full throttle with this event. i've included further information below--please forward it as widely as possible so that we can make this a powerful success. thanks for participating with us! in peace, nekeisha nyu peace coalition - more info at www.NY UPEACECOALITION - - - - - - - - - - -- .......................................................................... Yvonne | yvonne at riseup dot net| aim: whyloo .......................................................................... If George Bush spent more time and money on mobilizing Weapons of Mass Salvation (WMS) in addition to combating Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD), we might actually get somewhere in making this planet a safer and more hospitable home. WMD can kill millions and their spread to dangerous hands needs to be opposed resolutely. WMS, in contrast, are the arsenal of life-saving vaccines, medicines and health interventions, emergency food aid and farming technologies that could avert literally millions of deaths each year in the wars against epidemic disease, drought and famine. Yet while the Bush administration is prepared to spend $100 billion to rid Iraq of WMD, it has been unwilling to spend more than 0.2% of that sum ($200m) this year on the Global Fund to Fights AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria. -- Jeffrey Sachs, Director of Earth Institute at Columbia University (Oct. 26, 2002) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i n f o r n o g r a p h infornography at lists.riseup m i s s i o n >> to promote independent information & news >> to refuse groupthink, corporate monoculture, software monopol>> to embrace creative disturbance, civil disobedience, direct action >> to protest the war on terrorism, drugs, Afghanistan, occupation of Palestine >> to celebrate indigenous peoples, communities, direct democracy, the earth, human rights, the global south, local struggle, global resistance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . HotJobs - Search new jobs daily now HotJobs - Search new jobs daily now Subject: Re: Magical Night To: nan From: Jacob Sabat To the extent that a substance can quiet thoughts, one is seeing more of the "what is". For some, a substance can stimulate thoughts, so what is "seen" is merely a self-projection, an invention of the thought machiine. nan wrote:Hi Jacob, Loved that party!Dayum! Absolutely magical. Question for you: Already being a given,for the most part, thateverybody has their ownindividual trip on shrooms,what levels of reality existthere and where doesone usually "go"? In other words, are thetrips "real" in a sense? Thanks, Nanc HotJobs - Search new jobs daily now To the extent thata substance can quiet thoughts, one is seeing more of the "what is". For some, a substance can stimulate thoughts, so what is "seen" is merely a self-projection, an invention of the thought machiine. nan wrote: Hi Jacob, Loved that party! Dayum! Absolutely magical. Question for you: Already being a given, for the most part, that everybody has their own individual trip on shrooms, what levels of realityexist thereand where does one usually "go"? In other words, are the trips "real" ina sense? Thanks, HotJobs - Search new jobs daily now To: SafetyDance Subject: Providence Trance has finally started blasting off. From: FrequencyFire at cs Finally... > > > The 2nd of the Summit Parties was an explosive, full- on evening. An unforgettable acoustic band to start the night, then a full six hours of DJ sets... That's how the review should have been. It was shut down at one oclock, having started at nine. Now we are fully licensed, no more politics. The deco was from a couple of kids from Boston's only live and kicking trance weekly, Anithya. It looked amazying. We had a couple hundred people all dancing. About 40% attended for trance, the rest just arrived due to the reputation. Unfortunately the only DJ we heard was Ido Mor (resonant frequency)... so nice. If anyone is interested in coming up to the next one contact me so you can crash out in Providence. The ride can be painfull, not to mention dangerous, after a full- on evening. Namaste, andrew..:.;;:. Date: 1 Nov 2002 19:42:47 From: SafetyDance To: SafetyDance Subject: File - Brainpooling Brainpooling is a list for those who have a car or need a ride in a car to one of greater New York's many psy-trance events that you see on brainmachines or safetydance. If you have a car you can ask for gas $. You can subscribe as web-only, changing to email-only as the need arises. To join send an e brainpooling-subscribe To: SafetyDance Subject: Tribal Magic at Columbia (fwd) From: Jay Michaelson hey - this might be of interest to some on the list The Columbia University National Arts Journalism Program Presents Shamanism and Globalization: Tribal Magic Meets the Postmodern Technosphere Readings and discussion on the publication of Breaking Open the Head: A Psychedelic Journey into the Heart of Contemporary Shamanism by Daniel Pinchbeck with Michael Taussig, professor of anthropology, Columbia University, and author of Shamanism, Colonialism and the Wild Man and Michael Browstein, novelist, poet, and author of World on Fire Monday, November 11, 7-9pm Lecture Hall, Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism 116th and BroadwaFor more info see or call 212.854.6842 FREE admission **************************** Date: Fri, 8 Nov 2002 18:12:16 EST Subject: Astoria, Saturday: Dreams To: safetydance From: Machinelf Ya'll may know Pat from the Philadelphia Shamanista Initiative, the NJ Pine Barrens party. Also, Ben Light-o-Matic is doing the Light-o-Matic. The girls who are throwing it were really nice at the Omnitribe party upstate. So, if you don't feel like a trance party at Lunatarium, you may consider this. Regardless of not being an "all psy-trance" event it will definitely have a good vibe. Citizens of Utopia presents Dreams a loft part Saturday November 9, 10pm $10 guest list, $15 door Featuring: Benjamin Jones - relentless electrohouse Trevor Hochman and Tomo Tamaki - high energy progressive and trippy grooves Pat Myers - psychedelic trance Lighting by Ben Projections by Dan Vatsky and Viduo Located in our comfortable and spacious private loft in Astoria, Queens for information, directions, and reduced-price guest list reduced price guest list closes before 1pm Friday afternoon. Ya'll may know Pat from the Philadelphia Shamanista Initiative, the NJ Pine Barrens party. Also, Ben Light-o-Matic is doing the Light-o-Matic. The girls who are throwing it were really nice at the Omnitribe party upstate. So, if you don't feel like a trance party at Lunatarium, you may consider this. Regardless of not being an "all psy-trance" event it will definitely have a good vibe. Citizens of Utopia presents Dreams a loft part Saturday November 9, 10pm $10 guest list, $15 door Featuring: Benjamin Jones - relentless electrohouse Trevor Hochman and Tomo Tamaki - high energy progressive and trippy grooves Pat Myers - psychedelic trance Lighting by Ben Projections by Dan Vatsky and Viduo Located in our comfortable and spacious private loft in Astoria, Queens for information, directions, and reduced-price guest list reduced price guest list closes before 1pm Friday afternoon. Date: Fri, 8 Nov 2002 18:21:43 EST Subject: and this is the trance party at the lunatarium To: safetydance From: Machinelf coming back with a clean karmic party slate! really. take info down for both :-) GLOBAL TRANCE PRODUCTIONS / PHANTASM RECORDS Proudly Presents T HE PART SATURDAY NOV 9 2002 New 20,000 SQ. FT LOCATION THE LUNATARIUM 1 0 JAY STREET DUMBO-BROOKLYN (FIRST STOP FROM MANHATTAN) The party take place at the most amazing venue in the Tri State area with a full view of New York City.20, 000 Sq.ft location on the 9th floor. including a skyligh t sunrise. FULL ON PSYTRANCE ACT BY: RIKTAM: GMS - 1200 MICROGRAMS TIP W ORLD - UK, SPUN RECORDS UK-IBIZA DIMITRI: TIP WORLD - UK DEDE: SPECTRUM RECORDS, E - ISRAEL JUNYA: PHANTASM RECORDS -UK-USA TIP WORLD-UK LIRAN: HOM-MEGA RECORDS- ISRAEL, NY PHANTASM-USA TICKETS + INFO DOORS OPEN 11:0 0 PM - 8:00 AM 18 TO PARTY / 21 FOR ALCOHOL $25 ADVANCE - $30 AT DOOR TICKETS OUTLETS GTP/ Phantasm Records (USA) - 9 17.983.2700 Vinyl Market: 241 E.10 St.(NYC)- 212.539. 1203 Satellite: 259 Bowery (NYC) - 2 12.995.1744 Sonic Grove: 11 Carmine St. - 212.675.5281 Satellite (BOSTON) - 617.536.5482 611 (PHILLI) - 215 .413.9100 Grow room (AMHERST)- 413.549.9296 Caffeine (L,I)- 516.797.7196 GENERAL I NFO: WWW.LUNATARIUM phantasmusa 24 HOUR INFO LINE: 917.98 3.2700 ADDITIONAL INFO: SPECIAL PSYCHEDELIC ART BY: IAINDUB & STAR JUIC Y FROM UK SOUND PROVIDED BY: JF SOUND ENGINEERING CUSTOM BUILT JBL HUGE POWER COMMERCIAL SOUND SYSTEM. 60,000 WALTZ, 6 SPEAKERS STACK, DUAL 18 INCH SUBS, DUAL 15 INCH MAINS, 125DB NEW 20,000 SQ.FT LOCATION LUNATARIUM, 10 JAY STREET DUMBO-BROOKLYN. (FIRST STOP FROM MANHATTAN) DIRECTIONS: SU BWAY: Take the F to York St. and make right at Jay St. Walk down to John St. Or from A/C at Hight St. walk down Washington St. make a right on Front St. and a left on Jay St. and walk down to John St. BY CAR: Take Brooklyn Br idge across East River, make a right onto Prospect St. Left onto Jay St. dr ive down to John St. PLEASE COME EARLY,FULL OF GOOD ENERGAND GOOD AT TITUDE! EVENT SPORTED BY: PHANTASM RECORDS - UK,USA TIP WORLD RECORDS - UK SPECTRUM RECORDS - ISRAEL SPUN RECORDS - UK,IBIZA HOMMEGA RECORDS - ISRAEL ,USA SHUFFEL RECORDS - ISRAEL coming back with a clean karmic party slate! r eally. take info down for both :-) GLOBAL TRANCE PRODUCTIONS / PHANTASM RECORDS Proudly Presents THE PART S ATURDAY NOV 9 2002 New 20,000 SQ. FT LOCATION THE LUNATAR IUM 10 JAY STREET DUMBO-BROOKLYN (FIRST STOP FROM MANHATTAN) The party take place at the most amazing venue in the Tri State area with a full view of New York City.20, 000 Sq.ft location on the 9th floor. incl uding a skylight sunrise. FULL ON PSYTRANCE ACT BY: RIKTAM: GMS - 1200 MICROGRAMS TIP WORLD - UK, SPUN RECORDS UK-IBIZA DIMITRI: TIP WORLD - UK DEDE: SPECTRUM RECORDS, E - ISRAEL JUNYA: PHANTASM RECORDS -UK-USA TIP WORLD-UK LIRAN: HOM-MEGA RECORDS- ISRAEL, NY PHANTASM-USA TICKETS + INFO DOORS OPEN 11:00 PM - 8:00 AM 18 TO PARTY / 21 FOR ALCOHOL $25 ADVANCE - $30 AT DOOR TICKETS OUTLETS GTP/ P hantasm Records (USA) - 917.983.2700 Vinyl M arket: 241 E.10 St.(NYC)- 212.539.1203 Satellite: 259 Bowery (NYC) - 212.995.1744 Sonic Grove: 11 Carmine St. - 212.67 5.5281 Satellite (BOSTON) - 617.536.5482 611 (PHILLI) - 215.413 .9100 Grow room (AMHERST)- 413.549.9296 Caffeine (L,I)- 516.797.7196 GENERAL INFO: WWW.LUNATARIUM phantasmusa .co m 24 HOUR INFO LINE: 917.983.2700 ADDITIONAL INFO: SPECIAL PSYCHEDELIC ART BY: IAINDUB & STAR JUICY FROM UK SOUND PROVIDED BY: JF SOUND ENGINEERING CUSTOM BU ILT JBL HUGE POWER COMMERCIAL SOUND SYSTEM. 60,000 WALTZ, 6 SPEAKERS ST ACK, DUAL 18 INCH SUBS, DUAL 15 INCH MAINS, 125DB NEW 20,000 SQ.FT LOCATION LUNATARIUM, 10 JAY STREET DUMBO-BROOKLYN. (FIRST STOP FRO M MANHATTAN) DIRECTIONS: SUBWAY: Take the F t o York St. and make right at Jay St. Walk down to John St. Or from A/C at Hight St. walk down Washington St. make a right on Front St. and a left on Jay St. and walk down to John St. BY CAR: Take Brooklyn Bridg e across East River, make a right onto Prospect St. Left onto Jay St. d rive down to John St. PLEASE COME EARLY,FULL OF GOOD ENERGAND GOOD ATTITUDE! EVENT SPORTED BY: PHANTASM RECORDS - UK,USA TIP WORLD RECORDS - UK SPECTRUM RECORDS - ISRAEL SPUN RE CORDS - UK,IBIZA HOMMEGA RECORDS - ISRAEL,USA SHUFFEL RECORDS - ISR AEL Date: Mon, 11 Nov 2002 16:50:48 EST Subject: Looking for Chachi! To: safetydance From: Machinelf Not the the one from the 70s sitcom Happy Days either, as in Jonie loves Chachi... but the cute one who goes to parties such as Leon's and Wylie's and knows Charlie etc. Chachi I'm looking for that dude with the white T-shirt we were hanging with at the Lunatarium this Saturday. Not the the one from the 70s sitcom Happy Days either, as in Jonie loves Chachi... but the cute one who goes to parties such as Leon's and Wylie's and knows Charlie etc. Chachi I'm looking for that dude with the white T-shirt we were hanging with at the Lunatarium this Saturday. Date: Wed, 13 Nov 2002 15:18:49 EST Subject: Spectra Nov. 29 To: safetydance From: Machinelf For those who will be around Thanksgiving Weekend and missed Plastik Park i n Mexico :-) sent with permission of the organizers but for my sake (i wo n't be there) bring only people that are Beautiful on the Inside. Spectra and Mindengine present..... A Thanksgiving weekend celebration.... P L A S M A S T I C f r i d a n o v e m b e r 2 9 t h 2 0 0 2 For the first time in new york city: DJ Philipp Plastic Park, Sunse t Recordings....switzerland PLASTIK PARK/SUNSET RECORDINGS was founded as brother and sister labels, connected to build a unique platform where one side is the darker side of psychedelic-trance; and the other embodies a mo re progressive, groovy-lightful variation. This style is embodied by the music of Philipp Wolgast aka DJ PHILIPP from Hamburg, who known for his wi cked dj sets played at major trance events around the globe. Ammon E.P Satellite Jamin york citGavin york citSteve-O Spectra, york cit Deco: Jamin & Spectra 11pm-7am $20 at the door venue: The Brooklyn Loft 70 Washington St. suite 1101 Dum bo, Brooklyn Check www.spectranyc for directions For those who will be around Thanksgiving Weekend an d missed Plastik Park in Mexico :-) sent with permission of the organ izers but for my sake (i won't be there) bring only people that are Beautif ul on the Inside. Spectra and Mindengine present..... A Thanks giving weekend celebration.... P L A S M A S T I C f r i d a n o v e m b e r 2 9 t h 2 0 0 2 For the first time in new york city: DJ Philipp Plastic Park, Suns et Recordings....switzerland PLASTIK PARK/SUNSET RECORDINGS was fo unded as brother and sister labels, connected to build a unique platfo rm where one side is the darker side of psychedelic-trance; and the ot her embodies a more progressive, groovy-lightful variation. This style is embodied by the music of Philipp Wolgast aka DJ PHILIPP from Hambu rg, who known for his wicked dj sets played at major trance events aro und the globe. Ammon E.P Satellite Jamin york citGavin york citSteve-O Spectra, Goababi york cit Deco: Jamin & Spectra 11pm-7am $20 at the door venue: The Brooklyn Loft 70 Washington St. s uite 1101 Dumbo, Brooklyn Check www.spectranyc for directi ons Date: Fri, 15 Nov 2002 03:26:08 EST Subject: IMPORTANT: if you know Cata Toro, email me!! To: safetydance From: Machinelf don't worry - she's alive and well - but email me right now. don't worry - she's alive and well - but email me right now. Date: Fri, 15 Nov 2002 18:35:45 EST Subject: The Trance U.N.: FX Mike, Cata, Influx, SHAIKID, SubtleChaos, Machinelf, tonight To: safetydance Cc: omnitribe From: Machinelf Private house party in Brooklyn - limited space, 40-50 people - i'll check my email when I get home around 8:30 (I'll be there half an hour) and send direx once I confirm who you are. Private house party in Brooklyn - limited space, 40-50 people - i'll check my email when I get home around 8:30 (I'll be there half an hour) and send direx once I confirm who you are. Date: Tue, 19 Nov 2002 09:24:59 EST Subject: looking for lodging To: safetydance, DMTNY, brainexchange From: scottlt fellow dancers, trancers, explorers, the winds have picked up and this bohemain leaf floats once more. i'm off to exotic, spiritual india for a month (leaving 11.27); upon return, i need a place to land. somthing cheap and short term. room or whole, grand apartment for january and february, hopefully longer (if i can get enough work to keep me in NYC). budget: around $500/month, give or take. preferably downtown or brooklyn (or even LIC) artist communities. will consider barter arrangements (pet-sitting, etc. -- sexual only if one passes strict quality standards). if you don't know me (i.e. if this email was forwarded)... i'm an exceptionally clean, considerably considerate, fairly creative, reasonably responsible, rather zen, tolerably quirky midwesterner-turned-cosmopolitan urbanite who won't steal the silverware. i have a couple of friends who might vouch for me if i bribe them enough. any help appreciated. i promise acknowledgement when i publish my first book. cheers, scott... > --- __ -- _ - -- _ - - _ -- - _ -- __ --- > scott tillitt pr yogi | free agent writer scottlt :: AIM > scottlt +1 917.449.6356 > --- __ -- _ - -- _ - - _ -- - _ -- __ --- > We act as though comfort and luxury were the chief requirements of life, when all that we need to make us really happy is somthing to be enthusiastic about. -- Charles Kingsle fellow dancers, trancers, explorers, the winds have picked up and this bohemain leaf floats once more. i'm off to exotic, spiritual india for a month (leaving 11.27); upon return, i need a place to land. somthing cheap and short term. room or whole, grand apartment for january and february, hopefully longer (if i can get enough work to keep me in NYC). budget: around $500/month, give or take. preferably downtown or brooklyn (or even LIC) artist communities. will consider barter arrangements (pet-sitting, etc. -- sexual only if one passes strict quality standards). if you don't know me (i.e. if this email was forwarded)... i'm an exceptionally clean, considerably considerate, fairly creative, reasonably responsible, rather zen, tolerably quirky midwesterner-turned-cosmopolitan urbanite who won't steal the silverware. i have a couple of friends who might vouch for me if i bribe them enough. any help appreciated. i promise acknowledgement when i publish my first book. cheers, scott... > --- __ -- _ - -- _ - - _ -- - _ -- __ --- > scott tillitt pr yogi | free agent writer scottlt :: AIM > scottlt +1 917.449.6356 > --- __ -- _ - -- _ - - _ -- - _ -- __ --- > We act as though comfort and luxury were the chief requirements of life, when all that we need to make us really happy is somthing to be enthusiastic about. -- Charles Kingsle Date: Thu, 21 Nov 2002 18:33:16 To: SafetyDance Subject: what's goin on NYE? From: "Marria" I know there's some events goin on in various countries on New Years Eve, but unfortunately I cannot go to any other countries, actually I'll be right here in the U.S. of A. probably be in New York. Does anyone know any worthwhile events going on in New York Dec. 31 2002-Jan. 1 2003? To: Subject: Re: [SafetyDance] what's goin on NYE? From: "Jessica" looks like Synthetic Sadhus are having a NYE party with Astral Projection & Tim Schuldt among others. more info to come... http://www.synthetic-sadhus > I know there's some events goin on in various countries on New > Years Eve, but unfortunately I cannot go to any other countries, > actually I'll be right here in the U.S. of A. probably be in New York. > Does anyone know any worthwhile events going on in New York > Dec. 31 2002-Jan. 1 2003? > > --- > Need a ride to the party? Have a car, have spaces? Send an email to brainpooling > > Feel free to have your friends join by sending an email to SafetyDance-subscribe . > > If you want updates on non-underground events send an email to brainmachines-subscribe > > This is a big friends and family list for psychedelic trance in New York. Primarily we promote private parties that are too intimate for the larger brainmachines list. If you know of jobs available, or rooms for rent, send them over, everyone here is good at safetydance . > > To become more involved with making actual events happen you should join the New York chapter of the Devotional Ministry of Trance, DMTNY by going to paypal, registering, and sending $25 to Machine Elf, machinelf at brainmachines . > Date: Mon, 25 Nov 2002 12:56:31 EST Subject: NYC Freak Online Party now in full effect! Cc: omnitribe, dragontribe, safetydance, brainmachines From: Machinelf NYCFreaks is a general discussion for anything and everyth ing. Absolutely no moderation as everything is allowed, including li es, flames, off topic observations, navel gazing, personal sexual fantasie s, etc etc etc etc. It also carries every post rejected from NYC's v arious trance lists. All the usual suspects have been invited. The only t hing not allowed is the posting of other people's private parties and all egation or solitication of illegal activity, including but not limited to child porn, drugs, murder for hire, etc etc etc etc. No warnings will be given, if you're kicked from NYCfreaks it's time to start your very own e mail list. To join send an email to NYCFreaks . Full descr iption at /group/NYCFreaks/ NYCFreaks is a general discussion fo r anything and everything. Absolutely no moderation as everything is allowed, including lies, flames, off topic observations, navel gazing, pers onal sexual fantasies, etc etc etc etc. It also carries every post re jected from NYC's various trance lists. All the usual suspects have been invited. The only thing not allowed is the posting of other p eople's private parties and allegation or solitication of illegal act ivity, including but not limited to child porn, drugs, murder for hire, etc etc etc etc. No warnings will be given, if you're kicked from NYCfre aks it's time to start your very own email list. To join send an email to NYCFreaks . Full description at http://g /group/NYCFreaks/ To: omnitribe, safetydance, brainmachines Subject: topic and off From: "Konstantin Beschastnykh" Ladies and Gentlemen, I know I love to post mad amount of stuff on to the lists that makes it extremely hard to keep them in proper operational mode due to negligble amount of emotional information beeing transmited at one time. I humbly apologize for such inefficient and misleading use of public recources (time,emotions needed to understand and process the post and put in action whatever has been said). So in the future, I would like to let others know only the information they need in order for the list to answer operational questions which receive exact answers in particular topic or goal for which it has been created. And I promice to keep my personal posts between me and other person/group involved in my Personal discussion. Thank you for being understood in my e-motions. --k P.S. Does anyone have a poetic doc or an exact map which can define domains of operations with the respective properties/functions ? The older sources are fine, if nothing new exists at this point. Date: Mon, 25 Nov 2002 20:08:13 EST Subject: Synthetic Gimp To: SafetyDance From: marriagrace ~Greetings Trance Family, The Synthetic Sadhus party was amazing as usual... crutches & one-legged dancing was definately a unique and enlightening experience. Thank you ALL for making it a beautiful night. See you New Years! ~much gimp lovin, Marria ~Greetings Trance Family, The Synthetic Sadhus party was amazing as usual... crutches & one-legged dancing was definately a unique and enlightening experience. Thank you ALL for making it a beautiful night. See you New Years! ~much gimp lovin, Marria Date: Tue, 26 Nov 2002 12:58:13 EST Subject: Fwd: red light partTo: safetydance From: Machinelf Date: Tue, 26 Nov 2002 13:47:12 EST Subject: Fwd: FAUST & SHORTEE asheville nc To: safetydance From: Machinelf Date: Tue, 26 Nov 2002 14:45:37 EST Subject: newAvalon women's art, trance, events group forming !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! To: safetydance Cc: personalbest From: Machinelf From: lisaR HEY SISTERS, this is a sisters only circle, I hope that this can become a foru m for women interested in manifesting the sacred and the creative in the fo rm of events, parties, shows, exhibits, etc. with an emphasis on cooperat ion and collaboration. There definitely needs to be a counterbalance to al l the male-dominated events. Now that does not mean that we throw women on ly events, just featuring female artists, dj's, musicians, writers, thinke rs, etc. That's it, I just want to start the discussion, where you all take it is up to you. I just figured bring all the goddesses together and they'll know what to do. If interested please contact me at lisaR and I'll send you a new Avalon invite. Please if you recommend any sisters, make sure that they're sisters and not guys on the sneak Lov inyawl................ J. please put this out on brainmachines, safetydanc e, and personalbest, thanks babe. From: lisaren ko HEY SISTERS, this is a sisters only circle, I ho pe that this can become a forum for women interested in manifesting the sacred and the creative in the form of events, parties, shows, exhibi ts, etc. with an emphasis on cooperation and collaboration. There definitel y needs to be a counterbalance to all the male-dominated events. Now th at does not mean that we throw women only events, just featuring female artists, dj's, musicians, writers, thinkers, etc. That's it, I just want to start the discussion, where you all take it is up to you. I j ust figured bring all the goddesses together and they'll know what to d o. If interested please contact me at lisaR and I'll send you a newAvalon invite. Please if you recommend any sisters, make sure that they're sisters and not guys on the sneak Lovinyawl ................ J. please put this out on brainmachines, safetyda nce, and personalbest, thanks babe. Date: Tue, 26 Nov 2002 15:41:26 EST Subject: Fwd: Kittens To: safetydance From: Machinelf Date: Fri, 29 Nov 2002 19:24:35 EST Subject: Fwd: TONITE! PLASMASTIC trance party lost its venue last minute - CAN YOU HEL... To: safetydance From: Machinelf Date: Fri, 29 Nov 2002 20:14:51 EST Subject: Spectra Location Changed to 138 North 8th Williamsburg To: brainmachines Cc: safetydance From: Machinelf Here is the location of the Spectra party: Ciao Bella 138 North 8th Street Williamsburg Between Bedford and Berry. Sorry I don't know the closest subway stop. From 11:30 until 4:30 or so.. it is NOT an all nighter so get there early. And BYOB if you want it. It's a restaurant so I assume other drinks will be there. I think admission is now $10, but don't quote me on that :) -Ben Here is the location of the Spectra party: Ciao Bella 138 North 8th Street Williamsburg Between Bedford and Berry. Sorry I don't know the closest subway stop. From 11:30 until 4:30 or so.. it is NOT an all nighter so get there early. And BYOB if you want it. It's a restaurant so I assume other drinks will be there. I think admission is now $10, but don't quote me on that :) -Ben Date: Fri, 29 Nov 2002 20:25:30 EST Subject: Fwd: FREE Spectra now at 138 North 8th Williamsburg To: brainmachines Cc: safetydance, pschedule From: Machinelf Date: 1 Dec 2002 23:50:33 From: SafetyDance To: SafetyDance Subject: File - Brainpooling Brainpooling is a list for those who have a car or need a ride in a car to one of greater New York's many psy-trance events that you see on brainmachines or safetydance. If you have a car you can ask for gas $. You can subscribe as web-only, changing to email-only as the need arises. To join send an e brainpooling-subscribe Subject: Some tunes to start Fri December 20th To: omnitribe-news, omnitribe, SafetyDance, DRAGONTRIBE, goa-boston, NYC604 From: omni tribe dorogie druzia! As you probably know the next Omni Tribe event is both live reggae concert (7pm - 12am) and 2 floors of trance party with live NOMA and much more... (flyer coming soon)... So as a preview for Caribase performance, here is the link where you can listen to some tunes: http://www.ycrop /events/caribace.html till soon, omni tribe crew Date: Fri, 06 Dec 2002 13:19:26 To: SafetyDance Subject: medical advice requested.. From: "lori and boris" Hi neurotravelers.., Does any body out there have any inpho re: 'cluster headaches'(the mega-worse form of migraines? You may be wondering why Boris and meself are MIA lately... He has been quite sick with what we think are 'Cluster Headaches'(1ox worse than migraines and they come 5-6 /day for weeks and months). Our life has come to a standstill, and work is becoming impossible, which means affording medical help is making me panic. we are looking for the 'neuronaut viewpoint' since regularly accepted treatment involves triptans and similar medicine, and serotonin reception seems to figure in the picture. (the Erowid vault recommends that we "have a cup of tea" of shr&&ms- how nice) We need neurologist's names, drug interaction lists, established treatment inpho, and underground options, and prayers. please send to Lollygoa hoom-boom, lori, and boris Subject: Re: [SafetyDance] medical advice requested.. To: lori and boris, SafetyDance From: Jacob Sabat I am presently helping my brother with his cancer nightmare. I will ask my contacts what they know about cluster headaches. lori and boris wrote:Hi neurotravelers.., Does any body out there have any inpho re: 'cluster headaches'(the mega-worse form of migraines? You may be wondering why Boris and meself are MIA lately... He has been quite sick with what we think are 'Cluster Headaches'(1ox worse than migraines and they come 5-6 /day for weeks and months). Our life has come to a standstill, and work is becoming impossible, which means affording medical help is making me panic. we are looking for the 'neuronaut viewpoint' since regularly accepted treatment involves triptans and similar medicine, and serotonin reception seems to figure in the picture. (the Erowid vault recommends that we "have a cup of tea" of shr&&ms- how nice) We need neurologist's names, drug interaction lists, established treatment inpho, and underground options, and prayers. please send to Lollygoa hoom-boom, lori, and boris --- Need a ride to the party? Have a car, have spaces? Send an email to brainpooling Feel free to have your friends join by sending an email to SafetyDance-subscribe . If you want updates on non-underground events send an email to brainmachines-subscribe This is a big friends and family list for psychedelic trance in New York. Primarily we promote private parties that are too intimate for the larger brainmachines list. If you know of jobs available, or rooms for rent, send them over, everyone here is good at safetydance . To become more involved with making actual events happen you should join the New York chapter of the Devotional Ministry of Trance, DMTNY by going to paypal, registering, and sending $25 to Machine Elf, machinelf at brainmachines . I am presently helping my brother with his cancer nightmare. I will ask my contacts what they know about cluster headaches. lori and boris wrote: To: Subject: Re: [SafetyDance] medical advice requested.. Organization: ReSearch From: "David" > Hi neurotravelers.., > Does any body out there have any inpho re: 'cluster headaches'(the > mega-worse form of migraines? Sure...just enter your key words at and . . . click! Subject: [12/10 Peter Lamborn Wilson on "Spiritual Anarchism"] Bcc: From: Yvonne Happy Human Rights Day! -------- Original Message -------- Subject: Chaos Day 2002 Anarchist Forum:Dec.10-Peter Lamborn Wilson on "Spiritual Anarchism" Date: Sat, 07 Dec 2002 11:45:02 From: robert erler */_Peter Lamborn Wilson_ speaking on/* Spiritual Anarchism Chaos Day 2002 /The December Anarchist Forum/ On Tuesday, December 10, at 7:30pm, the Libertarian Book Clubs *Anarchist Forum* welcomes *_Peter Lamborn Wilson_* giving his annual Chaos Day presentation. Peter has been called by the Village Voice the "Underground-anarcho-Sufi." Peter is well known both for his radio show The Moorish Orthodox Radio Crusade and his numerous books, including the recent Escape from the Nineteenth Century. Peter will speak on *Spiritual Anarchism.* Peter will concentrate on the period of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance in Europe. The Diggers and The Ranters will be some of the fascinating spiritual groups he will describe. After his presentation, an open period of questions and discussion will follow. Peter will also be ready to sign copies of his books. The event will take place at the *Brecht Forum* on the *10th floor of 122 West 27th St.* [between 6th and 7th Aves.], a short walk from the 28th St. 1, 2, N, and R stops, the 34th St. B, D, and Q stop, and the 23rd St. F stop. There is no set fee for the presentation, but a contribution to aid the LBC is requested. If you have questions, contact the LBC /Anarchist Forum, 212-979-8353, 339 Lafayette St., Room 202, NYC, NY 10012 or e-mail: roberterler at erols . ......................................................................... Excerpt from "The Shamanic Trace" in Escape from the Ninteenth Centurand other essays by Peter Lamborn Wilson (Autonomedia, 1998) The Global Market is not driven by ideology but by its own totalitarian logic, the bottom line of eternal growth - and that which is eternal has no history. Released from its moorings in the mire of mere production, Capital has soared aloft into a NUMISPHERE (a numinous and numismatic realm) of pure transcendance. Over 90% of all existing money has no relation to any other form of wealth, but only to itself and circulates in a free sphere above the Earth, never manifesting as cash or even credit. Purely spiritual, and yet all-powerful in the material realm, money has achieved what God herself could never manage... In one corner of the corner, actual rebellion has broken out. If the movement of the Social is dead, the Zapatistas of Chiapas must represent either the last dying embers of the phoenix's pyre, or else the first tenuous spark of its rebirth...the philosophers of the EZLN have developed a complete critique of global neo-liberalism's meaning for the former "Third World" (how can there be a Third World when there is no second world?). THe communiques of Subcommandante Marcos and other EZLN writers... were developed in conjunction with the Mayan elders of the region, many of them practicing SHAMANS (Y: capitals mine)... In particular, at the moment when Capital announces its unification of reality - the mall-ing and McDisneyfication of absolutely everything - the single world so long desired by Enlightenment Rationalism - just at the very triumphalist instant of Capitals' psychic and aesthetic hegemony of separation and sameness - the very worst "empirical" claim made by the EZLN, the most shocking and atavistic offense against the transparent daylight of "Market values" comes to light: the claim to the right to be different, to be Mayan. Not to be "multi-cultural." Not to be a folkloristic survival. But to be... PRIMITIVE (Y: caps added). In other words, from a certain point of view, the Zapatista uprising is a REVOLUTIONARY REVERSION (caps added). -- .......................................................................... Yvonne | yvonne at igc dot org | aim: whyloo .......................................................................... And as for Saddam having "weapons of mass destruction" (or mass diversion as some critics say) The US has these weapons. So do Israel, South Africa, Germany, France, Italy, England, Russia, and now China, India, Pakistan. How is it the US and its allies (except the Chinese) can have such weapons, but no one else can. The answer to that, of course, is White Supremacy and Imperialism. And what should be the growing understanding by the American people and the democratic people of the world, is what the far right Bush coven wants is a militardictatorship of the world. -- Amiri Baraka, The ADL Smear Campaign Against Me: I Will Not Resign, I Will Not Apologize (Oct. 7, 2002) by porterhouse.cownow (8.11.6/8.11.6) id gBCHwSB03735 To: safetydance Subject: Enchantment Under The Sea Dance From: Ben Mark your calendars, we're doing it again! NYC *** February First 2003 *** in cooperation with Citizens Of Utopia presents In Honor of Jaime's Next BirthdaTHE ENCHANTMENT UNDER THE SEA DANCE A full night of psytrance and psychosis Details to be posted in the new year. Date: Mon, 16 Dec 2002 00:02:39 EST Subject: New people here from SF/TX To: safetydance From: Machinelf Note, they brought Texas Faggot from Finland to Texas and now they are here in NJ! from: lucid at neuron >Our namesare jason & danielle mika weare staying he re in lambertville new jersefor the next few months due tothe deat h of our grandfather and to help ease our grandmother into a self suffici ent life.we are here from kingsbury TX (about an hour south of austin)wher e we are involved in the small but wonderful trance community.I play and m ake music as jaysinspace http:// jaysinspace.iuma and contribute to local groups such as and http://www.last-laugh / for our last event danielle and I flew in our friends timo & pasi aka:texas faggott for a free outdoor celebration. two years ago we lived in san francisco and an d have been producing and contributing to underground events since 1996. and have seen the vision come to fruition of our dear friends jeremiah a nd lary at http://www.spectral psy / asfar as the new york community goes we know only what our friends from burrningman david umlas b rcguy and courtney knee at have told us . basically we would like to attend an u nderground goa event in the nyc area for new years or before even. hopeful ly this is enough information for you to make an informed judgment on our character. and we hope to share our grinning sweaty faces with all you frea ks on the dancefloor. rakastaa, -jason and danielle Note, they brought Texas Faggot from Finland to Texa s and now they are here in NJ! from: lucid at neuron >Our namesare jason & danielle mika weare staying here in lambertville new jerse for the next few months due tothe death o f our grandfather and to help ease our grandmother into a self sufficient life.we are here from kingsbury TX (about an hou r south of austin)where we are involved in the small but wonderful trance community.I play and make music as jaysinspace http:// jaysinspace.iuma and contribute to local groups such as and http://w ww.last-laugh / for our last event danielle and I flew in our fr iends timo & pasi aka:texas faggott for a fr ee outdoor celebration. two years ago we lived in san francisco and and have been producing and contributing to underground events since 1996. and have seen the vision come to fruition of our dear friends jeremiah and lary at http://www.spectralpsy / asfar as the new york community goes we know only what our friends from burrningman david umlas brcguy and courtney knee at have told us . basically we would like to attend an underground goa event in the nc area for new years or before even. hopefull this is enough information for you to make an informed judgment on our cha racter. and we hope to share our grinning sweat faces with all you freaks on the dancefloor. rakastaa, -jason and danielle Date: Mon, 16 Dec 2002 06:10:49 EST Subject: Return On revolution Junglist To: renegadevirus at egroups, techno, blackkatlist , safetydance From: sonikzolution !!!!GREETINGS!!!! Starting Thursday December 26th 2002 (date correction) RenegadeVirus & children ov da sun bring it, with the Rebirth ov REVOLUTIO N JUNGLIST A weekly night of da ruffest tuffest jungle DnB sounds with we ekly breakore, freetekno, dub, broken beat,ragga & turntablism showcases !! Resident Selecta's konkrete jungle's SURVIVAL CREW (tuffist -mc bass nach o-human) NAKEDSLICE HEXXUS XYLENE mash da place Up!! weekly special guests t.b.a. Dec26th: EDGEY (thoughtBlundgeon,BlackMonolith) Live p.a. This ain t no honkey tonk jungle, set Go, dont be prepared, let edgey mash your he ad up, a master of sonik warfare "EDGEY has drawn fans worldwide, with mor e than 400,000 downloads, selling numerous CD's, and drawing more exposure to the underground darker side of experimentalism in the field of drum n bass. Earning an artist spotlight at junglist, and artist of the month at dnbscene, as well as sound tracking independent film, several othe r interviews and articles for magazines/e-zines, EDGEY continues to help further the scene with positivity for growth" he is also da man responsible for the jungle soundtrack in the hilarious "bumfights" video ( http://www.bumfights ) DJ SEMTEX (r.v. s,flightzsolo) this hard working turntablist rokkka makes good use of his cartridges,scratching, bending,mutating sounds from underground Hiphop 2 experimental hardcore, he's finalled in many local dj competitions, comi ng in 2nd place at the "GuitarCenter" Dj competition, get here early to be awed by a true scratching wizzard!! w/ghost guest appearance by the dead pedestrian (aka dj thedriver) additional BASS devastating sound from r.v.s irie themed video visuals by 0auror 9 - 4 am $4 admission 21 to drink . Great bar, cheap drinks!! Say yes to i.d.!! (bring your christmas mone y to blow on drinks,lol) Right under the williamsburg bridge at Rockstarba r aka the local 2000 sq ft space + pool table 351 kent avenue ( at south 5th st) williamsburg I brooklyn Take the L to Bedford, walk south to s. 5th and west 3 blocks to Kent or Take the J to Marcy and walk west 7 blocks to Ken t (on the river) and 2 blocks north or Stay home (car directions up soon on website) http://www.renegadevirus.o rg http://www.konkretejungle http://havocsound.cjb http://www.thoughtbludgeon www.blackmonolith http://www.junglist / street promotion by: bring it girl prod. BRIN GITGRL at ROCK & Data. data23 at skylabnewyork PS: THIS WILL ALSO BE A HAPPY BDAY BASHMENT FOR the professor Himself Dj XYLENE aka oscar g. So f or those who know Him, dont forget to big him up. Happy BDAY SELECTA..... . We would like to thank all who made it out and were involved with the pr evi ous "revolution junglist " partys at castle heights, they unfortunely w ere forced to shut the spot down, but we are shure you will agree this ne w spot is bigger, louder and allot closer to all nyc neighborhoods, only 1 stop outside of nyc on the j and L trains. blessingz.. 1 love.!!!!!!! support ! RAggaMuffin sound Gunna Bun it up!! more fire on the christmas sp irit f.s. !!!!GREETINGS!!!! Starting Thursday Decembe r 26th 2002 (date correction) RenegadeVirus & children ov da sun bring it, with the Rebirth ov REVOLUTION JUNGLIST A weekly night of da ruffest tuffest jungle DnB sounds with weekl breakore, freetekno, dub, broken beat,ragga & turntablism showcases !! Resident Selecta's konkrete jungle's SURVIVAL CREW (tuffi st -mc bass nacho-human) NAKEDSLICE HEXXUS XYLENE mash da p lace Up!! weekly special guests t.b.a. Dec26th: EDGEY (th oughtBlundgeon,BlackMonolith) Live p.a. This aint no honkey tonk jungl e, set Go, dont be prepared, let edgey mash your head up, a master of sonik warfare "EDGEY has drawn fans worldwide, with more than 400,000 downloads, selling numerous CD's, and drawing more exposure to the und erground darker side of experimentalism in the field of drum n bass. E arning an artist spotlight at junglist, and artist of the month at dnbscene, as well as sound tracking independent film, several other interviews and articles for magazines/e-zines, EDGEY continues to help further the scene with positivity for growth" he is also da man respons ible for the jungle soundtrack in the hilarious "bumfights" video ( http://www.bumfights ) DJ SEMTEX (r.v.s,flightzsolo) this hard working turntablist rokkka makes g ood use of his cartridges,scratching, bending,mutating sounds from u nderground Hiphop 2 experimental hardcore, he's finalled in many local dj competitions, coming in 2nd place at the "GuitarCenter" Dj competi tion, get here early to be awed by a true scratching wizzard!! w/ghost guest appearance by the dead pedestrian (aka dj thedriver) a dditional BASS devastating sound from r.v.s irie themed video visu als by 0auror 9 - 4 am $4 admission 21 to drink . Great bar , cheap drinks!! Say yes to i.d.!! (bring your christmas money to blow on drinks,lol) Right under the williamsburg bridge at Rockstarbar aka the local 2000 sq ft space + pool table 351 kent aven ue ( at south 5th st) williamsburg I brooklyn Take the L to Bedford, w alk south to s. 5th and west 3 blocks to Kent or Take the J to Marc y and walk west 7 blocks to Kent (on the river) and 2 blocks north o r Stay home (car directions up soon on website) http: // http://www.konkretejungle http://havocsound.cjb http://www.thoughtbludgeon www.blackmonolith http://www.junglist / street promotion by: bring it girl prod. BRINGITGRL at ROCK & Data. data23 at skylabnewyork PS: THIS WILL ALSO BE A HAPPY BDAY BASHMENT FOR the prof essor Himself Dj XYLENE aka oscar g. So for those who know Him, dont forget to big him up. Happy BDAY SELECTA...... We would like to thank all who made it out and were involved with the previ ous "revo lution junglist " partys at castle heights, they unfortunely were forc ed to shut the spot down, but we are shure you will agree this new spot is bigger, louder and allot closer to all nyc neighborhoods, only 1 stop outside of nyc on the j and L trains. blessingz.. 1 love.!!!!!!! support ! RAggaMuffin sound Gunna Bun it up!! more fire on the chri stmas spirit f.s. Date: Mon, 16 Dec 2002 17:24:54 EST Subject: DMT ski house is secured for this winter To: dmtski Cc: safetydance From: Machinelf It's in Stockholm NJ. Nice big house 10minutes from ski lifts. We start in January. Donations will be per visit, $25. We'll be limited to ~15 people per night. Check it out! To get info on specific weekends send an email to dmtski-subscribe Rock on! It's in Stockholm NJ. Nice big house 10minutes from ski lifts. We start in January. Donations will be per visit, $25. We'll be limited to ~15 people per night. Check it out! To get info on specific weekends send an email to dmtski-subscribe Rock on! Date: Mon, 16 Dec 2002 17:25:44 EST Subject: Here's the link for the DMT ski house To: Machinelf, dmtski Cc: safetydance From: Machinelf /group/dmtski /group/dmtski Date: Thu, 19 Dec 2002 12:33:08 EST Subject: Fwd: Tech House PartTo: safetydance From: Machinelf Subject: difficulties Re: noma tomorow. To: omnitribe-news, omnitribe, SafetyDance, DRAGONTRIBE, goa-boston, NYC604, psy-trance at dewline, brainmachines-owner, homeoftrance From: omni tribe yes party is on! no problema here.... noma (both of them) and caribace (all 5 of them) are here and verhappy and excited about tomorrow very sorry for not having pre-sale tickets at home of trance anymore. home of trance decided to remove our flyers and stop selling tickets because they didn't like that omni tribe DJs were booked for the Dreamcatcher/1 tribe NYE party. They said that if you are not coming to their party you are no longer a trance person and they don't support you. And if you are playing at another party that means you are promoting another party - so it's double sin well, must state the following: omni tribe is on the side of music and happy vibe; we are neither for nor against anybody (that includes both Dreamcatcher/1Tribe & Home of Trance). we just plawith our lives and we play with tunes... our goal is not to make any rules. we might not like somthing, but we treat it as only our problem. And we do do do need your support our promotion is very minimal because we believe that attraction to the party is the actual party (artists and the vibe) and not empty promises and big flyers with "best and first" the goal is to let people know that there is a party and let everyone decide for themselves based on the personal experience. Truly, Omni tribe crew --- "Kendel, Brian" wrote: > hello, > > i was just wondering if this party was still > happening. > > thanks, > > b. Date: Thu, 19 Dec 2002 18:00:34 EST Subject: SafetyDance open & unmoderated until December 25th To: safetydance From: Machinelf SafetyDa