Updated 2 years ago
WE THE PEOPLE are the true heroes, the sovereign citizens, in the fight against all the evils that beset our society, whether it comes from the vaccine and telecom industries, crisis actors, the Deep State, the Illuminati, the Zionist Bankers, and other even more nefarious malefactors. You may not agree with everything here, but keep an open mind, and you may learn something.
Covid-19 doesn’t exist, and it was made in a lab, and it’s harmless and just an excuse to limit our freedom, also it’s deadly and being used for population control, and it’s being released so that we need to be given a vaccine to survive so the vaccine can be used to give us a microchip that will allow us to be tracked but the vaccine will also kill us to reduce population to stop global warming, which isn’t actually a real thing this all so the left can spread communism so they can control the people, the people that will all be dead and already controllable due to the microchips … and all of that is actually just a hoax to distract us from the 5G rollout which is designed to kill us for one of the reasons already noted above.
WE WILL NOT BE DIVIDED. We hope to unite the Right and the Left and find our common ground. We ALL hate Hitlery and that documented pedophile, Biden, and all those RINOS like that Mormon guy. We ALL agree Epstein didn’t kill himself. The list goes on.
We all hate the same things. The evil cabal behind the curtain, controlling everything.
The problem is we are fractured. To be effective, we need to unite, and stick together.
We are beset by evil malevolent forces on all sides.
We should support real leaders who are aware of what’s going on, such as Donald J. Trump or Bernie Sanders. Either/or. They appeal to the gut, not the mind, which you can’t trust anyway. You have to follow your gut.
Moderates are not only unwelcome, but they are also the problem. The true enemy. Radical problems require radical solutions.
The Right-wingers of us will agree to give Bernie a chance and not say the word “cuck” or “safe space” anymore because those are so 2015.
The Left-wingers will agree to give Donald a chance and stop being such pansy soy-drinking cucks and stop calling us inbred.
And let’s face it, the more you go down this rabbit hole you eventually join the right. The right is stronger. You are betas. We are alpha Chads.
Fictional conspiracy theories such as Qanon, and conspiracy theories about the imaginary “deep state” are cooked up by the far-right and weaponized to distract attention from really-existing geopolitical strategic game playing and really-existing empire-building on the part of fascists: that is part of the purpose these conspiracy theories are designed for.
Spiritual people are particularly susceptible to this because they are perceived as high on empathy and low on boundaries and therefore seen as easy to turn or manipulate.
An effective way to defeat one’s opponent is to get them to chase after imaginary enemies in order to weaken them, confuse them, control them and cover up one’s really existing nefarious behaviour.
It’s an old strategy: Machiavelli and Sun Tzu describe it, it’s used by abusers everywhere to get their victims to trauma bond with them, and some intelligence agencies round the world are trained in such techniques.
The Overton Window ( the range of policies politically acceptable to the mainstream population at a given time) has shifted to the right over the last thirty years or so, so folks mistake centrists for leftists and the far right for the moderate right. Of course the far right’s strategy has been to encourage and capitalise on that shift in the Overton Window.
People who are disenchanted with the political center, disenchanted with “identity politics” and disenchanted with capitalism or neoliberalism would in the past have gravitated to the moderate left, far left or center-right, but these days the far-right have extensive recruitment and disinformation campaigns to funnel those disenchanted with capitalism, centrism, identity politics or neoliberalism towards fascism.
Part of the fascist strategy is to misguide people into thinking the centrist neoliberal policies that trouble them are leftist policies. The far-right then pretend to be rebels against capitalism, whilst in fact standing for an even more extreme and brutal form of capitalism.
Spreading disinformation and fictional conspiracy theories through mechanized AI algorithms to lure alternative culture luminaries and leftists to the far-right has been part of the international far-right and fascist playbook for a long time.
The fascist strategy is to pose as a “rebel” against the system, and get leftists and hippies to attack each other and attack civil society in the West thinking they are fighting a noble fight against George Soros, “globalism” or the imaginary “deep state.
“The purpose in these disinformation campaigns and conspiracy theories are to divide people against each other, divide the working class, undermine democratic systems in the US and Europe and forward the agenda of white supremacist Christian fundamentalism.
Also, one of the far right’s current strategies is to actively rebrand themselves as spiritual teachers or “new paradigm influencers.” Some of those right-wing “new paradigm influencers” around today share some of the same beliefs as the fascists and Nazis from the 1920’s and 30’s but use a cover identity as new thought teachers, spiritual teachers, coaches and new paradigm influencers to forward their agenda and get ingress in leftist and alternative culture circles.
The radical right will always devour the hysterical left.
It is time for leftists to come to terms with what has been a historical constant. Chaos breeds fear, and fear breeds harsh measures. The leftists – the useful idiots – are always the first ones to go in every single revolution in the history of mankind.
Every time, you pave the way. But this time you can save yourself by joining me.
Only I can save you.
Now, let’s look at an object that looks a heck of a lot like the Ouroboros two-headed snake – the horseshoe:
That gap is where all the magic happens! That gap is the emptiness in our lives. It is what drives us to uncover the “real truth.”
Help us COMPLETE the horseshoe into a perfect circle, like a Tesla coil, with all of us in the middle. Like the Yin and Yang, the burnin’ hot red snake-head bites that purple left side snake-head, as it always does.
Even the new age gurus are on board.
If this seems hard for you to understand, go out to your car, open your gas tank and take three huge huffs and come back inside. Your brain needs to be attenuated to the higher frequency that I am emitting, and gasoline is a reliable psychedelic.
With our alliance, we will form a new center, one that incorporates all the REAL truth from both sides, and I will be your leader.
And there will be hell to pay.
We do welcome Jews, as long as they accept the white blonde Jesus and are appropriately ashamed of themselves and that advocate for all Jews leaving Israel and to admit that they are controlling the world behind the scenes, and won’t try any of that Jew magic on us.
We also welcome those with college degrees and postgraduate degrees, although it must be understood that education is generally pointless and that we can never really know anything, unless it serves our search for the REAL truth.
There are no coincidences.
If someone took the time to give me all this complex information I didn’t have, there must be something to it.
But complexity or nuance in any denial or explanation is evidence of a cover-up.
Experts can’t be trusted.
Expertise is meaningless in all fields, and education and official “expertise” make you less trustworthy, rather than more.
Except for this one expert I found – Agent X, see below.
All ideas are worth considering. Well, all ideas that come across my social media feed anyway.
Except for any ideas that are widely believed. Those are lies.
Except for the ones that are obviously true and I believe, like, say, gravity’s existence, and the fact that cars need gasoline to drive.
Anyone who doesn’t accept my latest narrative must only get information from mainstream media.
Any information new to me must be new to everyone else, too.
If they don’t believe it, they must be dismissing it because they’re closed-minded.
Being open-minded means never knowing anything.
Except we all KNOW something secret and evil is going on.
If I don’t understand something, no one else is able to.
If you accept anything the mainstream media report, that means you accept everything they report, and you support global industrial capitalism.
Power is static. Nothing essential has changed in this country or the world order for at least about 100 years.
The powerful secret elite is competent enough to continue pulling off massive conspiracies, but either too dumb to hide their tracks from random YouTubers, or purposely leaving breadcrumbs to taunt us.
If you don’t accept my current conspiracy narrative, you deny the possibility of conspiracies.
Whataboutery is also useful.
As always, go with your gut.
And if all else fails, kick’em in the nuts.
While I maintain a moderate anti-conspiracy front to the public world, I am actually a double agent – “Agent X.” I have worked with the U.S. government for decades spreading disinformation, and I finally had enough B.S. and stopped conning the American public and am now a whistleblower. On these pages, you will be the first to know what has “really” been going on.
Simply put the ideas on this page reflect how I truly feel.
I am with you.
Buckle your seatbelts.