2005 NYC Psytrance

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2005 Emails from Trip Out New York Yahoogroup

2005 Playlist

28th Day (Theo and Scott) begins producing events in June
Youtube launched February 14


Trance Americana 2005
America? Fuck yeah

2005 TGG

by Machinelf reporting from New York and Aaron Ocelot at Enabled.com reporting from San Francisco with help from countless others

Trance cannot be bought or sold.  Ergo, it flies in the face of American capitalism.  That said, the health of a trance scene can be gauged by several interdependent barometers… number of producers and visual artists, quality and quantity of events… and the availability of psychedelic drugs.  If one were to condense the best of America from its various pockets of trance and put it all in one area, you’d have one slammin’ scene that would rival anywhere else.  But you can’t.  It’s too spread out.  It’s a Herculean or even Sisyphusean task to rein it all in, to condense the energy into one vital scene.  Some have tried to do it in the U.S. and have burned out. 

Other diehards remain.  These diehards say, “To hell with the overseas snobs who sniff, “Why Bother?”‘  It’s STILL sexier to carry on the Kulturkampf and have sex in the cracks of a fascist state.  America invented skateboards, rock and roll, surfing, and hippy culture… Americans offer smaller, intimate, and more underground gatherings. 

The typical story is “There are countless unnamed contributors to the scene here, largely because most everyone here works together.”  The scenes are as varied as the landscape, but trance has infiltrated even to Iowa in the prairie.   Though never profitable, trance formers are collaborating like never before and keeping the faith.   While other genres have fallen by the wayside, psy/Goa has persevered through LSD droughts, an Internet economy bust, restrictions on immigration, and a somebody-else-do-it-for-you consumer culture. 

On the entheogen front, the new world is having sex with the old world as religious use of DMT-laden ayahuasca is marching along fresh from a string of court victories, and the US government has begun the first testing of psychedelic drugs in 40 years on MDMA and psilocybin for post-traumatic stress disorder and terminally ill patients and OCD.  And the propellerheads at DARPA (which invented the Internet) are giving MDMA to monkeys to gauge their sociability in the wild! Plus, the medical use of marijuana is starting to be recognized by the states, so the future of psychedelics in the US is assured.  For travelers reading this, just enter one of the names below in an internet search engine, seek and ye shall find…

Although 9/11 slowed the influx of international travelers, New York is still the largest and most diverse community in the US – and 2004 was inarguably the best in years.  Tsunami, which pioneered psy/Goa massives in North America in ’96 with the seminal Return to the Source at the Liberty Science Center in New Jersey, flies in Tsuyoshi every month and brings top acts to the old Twilo/Sound Factory space Spirit, the top floor of which is Alex Grey’s Chapel of the Sacred Mirrors (COSM).    Liran shed Hommega’s name and still brings major acts to large clubs.   The Russians bring both full-on and progressive with, respectively, TDC in their amazing new and completely underground warehouse on the Brooklyn waterfront and OmniTribe’s OmniFestival in upstate New York. Alladin Project keeps the revolving door swinging with connoisseur events, picking up where Ecliptic Trance left off.  Reality Engine has shifted out of neutral, and long-running Goa Trash and a revived Psychegrounds are NYC’s free weeklies.

After years of hibernation, the community Devotional Ministry of Trance (DMT) brought the most fertile and vibrant open-air season ever held in Manhattan, enacting Paleolithic rituals and bringing crews from all over the country to play at free gatherings for casts of hundreds under a bridge in the Dominican hood.  Subtlechaos doses the Medical Marijuana Party with High Times in downtown Manhattan every May.  Daya (Indonesia), Severin (Ukraine), Equus, and Nan Hutchinson are New York’s most prominent visual artists.  Finally, Adam, Ian, and Jowe, and PSI have continued to do gatherings under the stars in the Pine Barrens.

Elsewhere in the east coast, Touch Samadhi in Asheville, North Carolina has kept the DIY spirit in the Southeast since 1998.  DJs Kri and Blue Spectral Monkey lead the team, and with visual artist the Devotee.  Since 2000, working with other east coast psy-crews, they conjure Maataa Mandaara at a Hare Krishna compound in West Virginia.  After an epic Neptunalian summer festival in ’04, in ’05 they have Goa Gil and Autumn Equinox on private mountain land.
Philadelphia has a small but steady scene with Gaian Mind in the mountains at a place where locals are building a Stonehenge the old, hard way. 

Boston’s sounds lean towards progressive and early nights, with Central Psy and Sonic Beating continuing its assault and Psyforia going into its third year.   And Baltimore has Konvocation.

On the West Coast, after a slowdown in Northern California in 2004 as various organizers retired, 2005 is looking up for psy/Goa. The vast majority of American producers call NoCal their home; even Penta’s pater lives in San Jose.   SF’s weekly is Synchronize.  Thump Radio does a monthly the 3rd Friday of each month. Typically, the summer outdoor party season kicks off with a Goa Gil party in May, and ends with his birthday party in October, with all of the other parties in between.  Tantra continues to throw larger events on holidays and special occasions.   Local producers include Nommos (Ariane and Goa Gil) oCeLoT, Kode IV, Chromatone, Ghreg on Earth, FractalCowboys (Quasar and Dylalien), Mubali, Random, Amanda, Yohimbe and Deeper in Zen. Local artists include Garrett of Dreamtime, and Dr. Spook.  San Francisco is home to labels Dropout, Ceiba, Mistress of Evil, Vaporvent, and Soular Records. Ceiba Records on Haight Street is the only psy/Goa record shop in the U.S.

In Los Angeles’ vital scene, Green Sector, Psy-tribe, and Moontribe are the dominant forces, and Heavy Rotation is LA’s weekly.  Kagdila Records is based in LA, as is producer Quadra.  Phantasm’s New Years’ party with Green Sector was the largest event of the year.

In the Pacific Northwest, producer Jirah is based in Seattle, where crews such as Innov8tors and Environmental Structures gather for mountain events such as Eskimo Summer (Mackie speakers in the snow..) collaborating with Oregon for the Phoenix Festival and  Apollo’s Lute’s Enosa festival every summer.   

And of course, the biggest U.S. open-air multigenre mindfuck megafestival of the year Burning Man continues to incinerate in Nevada.  Its tentacles reach into almost every nook and cranny in local scenes throughout the country.

Texas has more people than any other state except California, and the most land, but has a very low Goa head ratio.  Still, it’s showing signs of life with Mistical Productions bringing vital acts such as Neuromotor.   Burning Flipside, focuses on psy/Goa with many various large-scale Burning Man-style theme camps.  The top Texas live acts are Initialization String and Gift Culture.  Most Texan events are indoors.  An exurban legend claims Texas wanted to buy Colorado once –  but the Coloradans SpaceDub, Metameme, Mindflux, Psygnosis, and Jagged Sound hold their own in the mountains.

The Midwest is starting to flower with groups with small multi-state festivals such as Aestival and the open community Chilluminati, a collaboration between Touch Samadhi, Wisconsin’s Audiognomes, and Psymbolic Visual Communications, which recently moved from Texas. Ohio’s Goahead brings the Butterfly Dance Ritual.  In Iowa of all places, Consciousness Collective delivers MAGE, Midwest Annual Goa Experience.  Even Kansas City has Wilderness Technologies and the hills of Arkansas are vibrating with Esotericgen.

Filling in the gaps, there were reports of infected mushrooms sprouting in Miami, DC. Seattle, and Chicago. 

In 2005 expect more activity as the infrastructure strengthens, the economy continues to improve, and communication, collaboration, and cooperation between communities propels psychedelic trance to new heights.  Bring your euros.  We want them.  And the most important message for incoming travelers, just two words – shampoo bottles!

2005 Nootropica

January 2005

Dan Carpenter

Dan Carpenter

1963-2005 Author, A Psychonaut's Guide to the Invisible Landscape: The Topography of the Psychedelic Experience, a book about DXM. I ...
Dropout Records Interview

Dropout Records Interview

by Tena Moore Originally appeared in 2005 in Australia's Doof Central (Reprinted with Permission) Dropout Productions, a new record label ...

“Don’t Hate the Media – Be the Media” – Jello Biafra
Flow records, Etnica, Joti, Eduardo, more, announced for January (see listings) Tsuyoshi returned to Cielo Jan 16
Still signing up DJs for my birthday party January 12 willing to get their 15 minutes… contact me if interested.
TripoutNY interview by Joanne (Equus) with tapestry artist Chay (Daya) was used for an article in a big paper there. Chay says his family in Sumatra are ok (the Batak):

Chay - Daya Cayung - Ricard Junjungan Siagian

Chay – Daya Cayung – Ricard Junjungan Siagian

b. 1968 - December 9, 2016. Sumatra/Batak/Indonesian ArtistDied from either fatal complications after taking an antibiotic (Ciprofloxacin) to treat a ...

January 5 Wednesday
TELEPATHY at Goa Trash

DJs Kife (Omnitribe) and Synthroid (Com.Pact Records, Israel)(Lior) Kife is one of the masterminds of the Omnifestival, and a terrific full-on DJ in his own right. Synthroid is a producer from Israel who has appeared on Com.Pact Records’ “Made to measure” compilation. Telepathic deco by Nan and Machinelf. Warmup set by Ben Light-o-matic. This week, we’ll have out the infamous Pakistani Doombek drum (recently recovered from the N YPD’s property warehouse in LIC), the blood-splattered one from the infamous crime scene at Boom in June 2003! Come Kiss the drum of doom! Goa Tra sh downstairs at Karma, 51 1st Avenue between 3rd and 4th streets, ID21+, 10pm-4am, free. If it’s late go down the stairs and knock. This high r es-erected-by-popular-demand party promises to make any memories of Ibiza, the Riviera, or even Thailand like so much flotsam and jetsam strung along the beaches of Goa India. Music from 10pm – 12am is generally mid- to late-90s Goa Trance, which is really just modern progressive house beats mixed with Ravi Shankar sounds done up at 145 BPM. After midnight DJs may mix in modern psychedelic trance. A GOA TRASH just opened recently in Santiago, Chile by Angeles who did the long-running Wednesdays Opium Den. A coalition of independent trance collectives are coming together to make Goa Trash version 3.0 – all old skool 90’s Goa – at Karma in the East Village. Karma is a sensual, candlelit hookah lounge. The velvet decor, subtle fragrance of incense and deep resonant music is a delight to the senses. The Ambient beats played early in the evening compliment our Happy Hour (everyday 3PM-8PM), and are sure to rejuvenate the soul. Fo r the body, we offer a light array of Indian and Cafe food that is served all night every night! There are private booths and comfortable couches available for some R&R. Once you’ve relaxed your mind with one of our specialty cocktails, had a taste of India, and put your feet up, you mustn’t forget that Karma is currently the number one place for a “puff of the stuff” (Hookah stuff, that is.) And YES you can smoke here even after the city-wide smoking ban since we are exempt as a Tobacco Bar from the smoking law. We have a variety of flavored tobacco that is served in beautiful brass hookahs. If you wanna get down “just follow the signs”to our basement, where Goa Trance is played. Karma is a true mix of East Village diversity in a no attitude space where everyone is welcome.

January 6 Thursday
Ruby Lounge

it was busy last week, the middle of three straight nights of hard dancing and revelry. The add ress is 186 E. 2nd St., East Village

January 7 Friday
Subtlechaos at “m” shanghai bistro

Special event: live act: dead radar is a wild combo of electro-dance, industrial, and noisy rock n roll. based in Brooklyn, but hailing from Japan, Russia, New Orleans, and Chicago, this 3girl/1 boy band consists of loud, screeching guitars, male and female vocals, synths and computer sounds, and floor stomping dance beats. with a hybrid of sounds like Depeche mode, KMFDM, the faint, the rapture, and blonde redhead, dead radar is bot h retro and current, exciting, and refreshing. DJs: Jordan (Chicago-NYC) comtak – subtlechaos (rus) Jason – subtlechaos (u.k.) visuals by surge & the doktor(subtlechaos/dekompression) no cover & happy hour 2 till 4am location-m shanghai bistro m 1718 384 93 00 129 Havemeyer between grand st & south 1st, Williamsburg, Brooklyn ht tp://mshanghaiden/picgallery (mshanghaiden/picgallery. html) email for further information:.org o at subtlechaos.org)

January 7 Friday
Epic Shabbos
sabbatical iration hey, what’s up Jeff. sorry I haven’t made it to Wednesday parties in a while, I’m hoping to be there this week…Epic Shabbos in Williamsburg! The party to end worlds continues the legendary Daniel Browne LoftThis shabbos, the 7th of JanuarWith g-d’s help the wine will be spiced and the lights will be left on.144 Leonard st. services begin Like 6:00call Yoseph for more info 646 372 8494or NeedelR I’m looking to get some liquid for the sacrament wine… if you know of any good deals, let us know, yeah?–Yoseph

January 12 Wednesday
Albert Hoffman & Machinelf’s birthday at Karma

Extra Sound by DMT! Extra hours 10pm-at least 4am (Machinelf’s & Alb ert Hoffman’s Birthday is January 10 and 11, respectively) by Death Metal John; from 8-10pm we will project the “Team America” film … Fuck Yeah!! We are adding a subwoofer and two Mackie 450s to the sound system You are encouraged to bring non-dosed food. Special appearance by a friend who went to the Mayan ruins recently with Dr. Hoffman. Every DJ plays for 15 Minutes! Email me if you’d like to play and get your 15 Minutes of Fame. Two floors of DJs! Lineup, in no particular order: Stefan, Evil 9mm, Chuck A.K.A. FaceHead, Ethan Ambramson, Mark Trancellor Ogg Mod (unconfirmed), Jason Sannachan (Subtlechaos), Ben Light-o-matic, Ari D (Goahead, Ohio), Primate (Primal Industries), Vlad Kife “(PC) LIVE”, Mac hinelf, Dan De Maria Deco by Nan and Joann (Equus, Philadelphia) Goa Trash downstairs at Karma, 51 1st Avenue between 3rd and 4th streets, ID21+, 10 pm-4am, free. If it’s late go down the stairs and knock. This high res-erected-by-popular-demand party promises to make any memories of Ibiza, the Riviera, or even Thailand like so much flotsam and jetsam strung along the beaches of Goa India. Music from 10pm – 12am is generally mid- to late-90s Goa Trance which is really just modern progressive house beats mixed with Ravi Shankar sounds done up at 145 BPM. After midnight DJs may mix in modern psychedelic trance. A GOA TRASH just opened recently in Santiago, Chile by Angeles who did the long-running Wednesdays Opium Den A coalition of independent trance collectives are coming together to make Goa Trash version 2.0 – all old skool 90’s Goa – at Karma in the East Village. This party is for you Karma is a sensual, candlelit hookah lounge. The velvet decor, subtle fragrance of incense, and deep resonant music is a delight to the senses. The Ambient beats played early in the evening compliment our Happy Hour (everyday 3PM-8PM), and are sure to rejuvenate the soul. For the body, we offer a light array of Indian and Cafe food that is served all night every night! There are private booths and comfortable couches available for some R&R. Once you’ve relaxed your mind with one of our specialty cocktails, had a taste of India, and put your feet up, you mustn’t forget that Karma is currently the number one place for a puff of the stuff (Hookah stuff, that is.) And YES you can smoke here even after the city-wide smoking ban since we are exempt as a Tobacco Bar from the smoking law. We have a variety of flavored tobacco that is served in beautiful brass hookahs. If you wanna get down just follow the signs to our basement, where Goa Trance is played. Karma is a true mix of East Village diversity in a no attitude space where everyone is welcome.

January 13 Thursday
Ruby Lounge
It was busy last week, the middl e of three straight nights of hard dancing and revelry. The address is 186 E. 2nd St., East Village

January 14 Friday
Ayahuasca Ceremony

RSVP a must! Format: Before, a discussion, and some film clips. During, a traditional, meditative, fairly formal ceremony within a candlelit + lava lit circle with incense and art. Icaros will be mixed with nature sounds. After, a light meal and discussion. There will be two sitter positions available.
Arrive by 9pm; session is around midnight; will go through the morning. There will be spaces for you to sleep and mediate through Saturday.Location: Casa de Machinelf, Brooklyn, accessible by train.$50; students $25; monks $10Prepaid RSVP a must. Session will be limited to seven participants.

Pena Interview

Pena Interview

meets DJ PENA (Flow Records, Portugal) January 7, 2005 by Ari Davidov The Portuguese DJ PENA is the man behind ...

January 15 Saturday

DJ Pena/Flow Recs Portugal B U R N I N G S K Y PENA Flow Records – Portugal SERGE Z-LENIN Hypernation/ESW – N Y VITALIK Omni Tribe – NY KIFE Omni Tribe – NY chillout: Farmatar Leshiy U-CTAC Earthian visuals: YDesign.tv deco: Steve-O sound: Spectra 20 WEST 27TH ST. between 6TH AV & BWAY 12TH FLOOR 10 PM-7AM PARTICIPATION: $20 Web Flyer: web Omnitribe (web Omnitribe/)
Hi everybody, due to unforeseen circumstances (oh we love the sound of that) we are forced to announce a last-minute change to the location of tonight’s party with DJ PENA (Flow Records, Portugal). The party moved to Blarney Stone 8th Ave. between 30th and 31st Sts. 10pm-4:30am Reduced cover: $15 or $10 with flyer. DJ Pena will start his set around 1 am… we are likely to be asked to start winding down after 4 am (it’s a bar), so arrive early!! Thanks for understanding. See you all tonight!! Omni Tribe Crew
Thanks guys. Classic understatement. I wasn’t going to go but was pulled out of the house. I thought it was at the Blarney Stone Irish bar, and it was but it was upstairs in a private area. You had no idea where you really were! Steve-o transformed the place, music and everything was top-notch and only $10. I had a great time, got to try out my new sound-sensitive brain machines. After it closed which was very late if memory serves 20 of us went and took over Yaffa Cafe and played trance music. Thanks guys.
Great Omni party last weekend – and at least 40 heads took over Yaffa Cafe afterward and put on trance music on the CDs. Stefan and Maria got in a food fight and rolled around the floor.
We totally consumed Yaffa cafe and we played psytrance on their “sound system”. it was awesome. ~Charlie

January 16 Sunday

with TSUYOSHI SUZUKI at CIELO! (Martin Luther King Jr. Weekend) 8pm till late TSUYOSHI SUZUKI (Feedback… Tokyo / Resident DJ Tokiodrome, Japan, tokiodrome) The international Trance Master in his New York Residency. YONI ( New York) KAZU (Vinyl Market, New York) C I E L O CIELO was named #1 venue in the US 18 Little West 12th Street (between 9th Avenue and Washington Street) DanceStar 2004 Best Club Venue Winnerdmission15 at Door Tickets available at GrooveTickets Info Line: 212.439.8124 (ce) TSUNAMI EVENTS “Please join us as our hearts, prayers and assistance go out to our brother and sisters in Asia. “

Thursday at Ruby Lounge is no more – the owners were real assholes More Alladin Project dates Next week: “Potluck” DVD release party at Karma with High Times magazine, the director and actors from the film plus DVD and magazine giveaways Omnitribe DJs

January 19 Wednesday

Atlantis in America (Nan’s Book)
Goa Trash with Dreamcatcher’s Influx, Juggernaut, Brandon Adams with Special guest DJ Greenman from Western Massachusetts! a friend, Bryan Ladd aka DJ Greenman, would be interested in coming down to play Karma sometime…he’s a skilled DJ and sound technician, but doesn’t get as much exposure due to his Western Mass residency….I know you like to book new DJ’s and especially those from out of town, so I told him I’d pass on his info to you….his email is Bryan Ladd at yahoo.c om …. (web DJgreenman….%20thanx/) thanx! Tonight artist Nan Hutchinson fleshes out George Erikson and Ivar Zapp’s new book Atl antis In America web Next week: “Potluck” DVD release party with High Times magazine, the director and actors from the film plus DVD and magazine giveaways Omnitribe DJs Goa Trash downstairs at Karma, 51 1st Avenue between 3rd and 4th streets, ID21+, 10pm-4am, free. If it’s late go down the stairs and knock. This high res-erected-by-popular-demand party promises to make any memories of Ibiza, the Riviera, or even Thailand like so much flotsam and jetsam strung along the beaches of Goa India. Music from 10pm – 12am is generally mid- to late-90s Goa Trance which is really just modern progressive house beats mixed with Ravi Shankar sounds done up at 145 BPM. After midnight DJs may mix in modern psychedelic trance. A GOA TRASH just opened recently in Santiago, Chile by Angeles who did the long-running Wednesdays Opium Den A coalition of independent trance collectives are coming together to make Goa Trash version 2.0 – all old skool 90’s Goa – at Karma in the East Village. This party is for you Karma is a sensual, candlelit hookah lounge. The velvet decor, subtle fragrance of incense, and deep resonant music is a delight to the senses. The Ambient beats played early in the evening compliment our Happy Hour (everyday 3PM-8PM), and are sure to rejuvenate the soul. For the body, we offer a light array of Indian and Cafe food that is served all night every night! There are private booths and comfortable couches available for some R&R. Once you’ve relaxed your mind with one of our specialty cocktails, had a taste of India, and put your feet up, you mustn’t forget that Karma is currently the number one place for a puff of the stuff (Hookah stuff, that is.) And YES you can smoke here even after the city-wide smoking ban since we are exempt as a Tobacco Bar from the smoking law. We have a variety of flavored tobacco that is served in beautiful brass hookahs. If you wanna get down just follow the signs to our basement, where Goa Trance is played. Karma is a true mix of East Village diversity in a no attitude space where everyone is welcome.

January 20 Thursday
Ancient brain machines:

NYT Jan 20 2005
Edoardo Interview

Edoardo Interview

meets DJ Edoardo,Neurobiotic Records, Italy June 2005 by Ari Davidov EDOARDO is the main man behind Neurobiotic Records. He started ...

January 21 Friday
Alladin Project – Psyjourney

PSYJOURNEY Featuring… ETNICA-Maurizio Etnicanet- Ibiza-Italy JOTI SIDHU-Neurobiotoic Records-UK EDOARDO-Neurobiotic Recor ds-Italy ELNADIV-Alladin Project-NYC S.H.I.K.I.D-OmniTribe-NYC Decorations by Severyn Barabakh (Subtlecaos NYC) & Alladin Project Crew (NYC) Visuals by: Skyeye Sound Species (U.N.-NYC) Tickets: $25 until 12 AM $30 After. 18 to enter / 21+w/ID to drink. Door Open: 10PM to 8AM Location: CLUB EXIT 147 GREENPOINT AVE BROOKLYN NY web etnicanet.net web alladinproject web n eurobiotic web Omnitribe web severyn “give a chance to trance NYC”
ok it was quite a nice party thing missing of course live acts….. Nice vibe but like 4 me crowd was mixed too much (some Adidas and gold chain wearing necks from hood). IMO JOti had the best set, very smart and wise track selection. otherone shikid wow way to go man.
Missed elnadiv set ,how was it anyway ??boom

January 22 Saturday
Essential Wave & Polarligh t House & Progressive at Nightengale

213 2nd Avenue # 13 St, NYC Stefan [deKompression] Pulsedub [Essential Wave, Hypernation] Valo [Essential Wave] Dave Henshaw [Changmian/S. Beating] Andrey K [Polarlight] Stashuk [Essential Wave] Visuals by Dejavu & Serge Free Admission 21+ web polarlightmu sic (web polarlightmusic)

January 25 Tuesday
Tuesday Daniel Pinchbeck, who’s written for NY Times Magaz ine, Wired, et al, and about our scene in Breaking Open the Head, gives a talk on 2012.

Daniel Pinchbeck Interview

Daniel Pinchbeck Interview

Daniel Pinchbeck by Joseph Durwin, The Orbits Project, 2000 Daniel Pinchbeck is a New York-based writer and journalist who has ...

Nan with all the Mayan stuff you better be there!
…and Wednesday, my last big-budget party for awhile – “Potluck” DVD release party at Karma with High Time s magazine, the director and actors from the film plus DVD and magazine giveaways – plus Severyn doing deco, and Omnitribe DJs! The free party to end all free parties. Oh, and no parties this weekend as of this writing. Someone may post something on NYC604 (if it’s very last minute) and/or Safetydance, (if it’s private and they get to me in a timely fashion) Valerio originally from New Orleans, he has played at a couple of parties her e – has a track out on Psyshop! yay! my track finally got released…. It’s called “reefer and barbeque” now buy it, download it, rip it, do what u want with it…

“Potluck” DVD Release Party at Karma with DJs Terry Spacehopper and Omnitribe DJs at Goa Trash at Karma. “Potluck” came out last year, it’s the marijuana movie that bridges the Sopranos and Cheech and Chong. We’ll probably project the DVD, and hopefully, the director and actors will be on hand, as they were at last year’s party. The Pot Luck film’s DVD Release coming up in January!!! (See listings below) Just got this from Terry Spacehopper, you may remember him as the hippy with a can full of joints giving them out to everybody Hey, Jeff, this is shaping up to be the best party ever. David Peel is coming, some other movie people, High Times people, I can’t thank you enough, what a great way to end this adventure. I hope you have a safe and relatively sane holiday, can’t wait to see you and the gang, will definitely be there for your b-day, what do you want? love terry Here’s last year’s event /ganjatron. html (web tranceam.org/ganjatron )

January 26 Wednesday

“Potluck” DVD Release Party at Karma with DJs Terry Spacehopper and Omnitribe DJs at Goa Trash at Karma. Deco by Severyn for the next two weeks! “Potluck” came out last year, it’s the marijuana movie that bridges the Sopranos and Cheech and Chong. We’ll project the DVD at around 9pm, and the director and actors will be on hand, as they were at last y ear’s party. High Times will have giveaways. and pleeeaaaasse people – do not light up at Karma! Goa Trash downstairs at Karma, 51 1st Avenue between 3rd and 4th streets, ID21+, 10pm-4am, free. If it’s late go down the stairs and knock. This high res-erected-by-popular-demand party promises to make any memories of Ibiza, the Riviera, or even Thailand like so much flotsam and jetsam strung along the beaches of Goa India. Music from 10pm – 12am is generally mid- to late-90s Goa Trance which is really just modern progressive house beats mixed with Ravi Shankar sounds done up at 145 BPM. After midnight DJs may mix in modern psychedelic trance. A GOA TRASH just opened recently in Santiago, Chile by Angeles who did the long-running Wednesdays Opium Den A coalition of independent trance collectives are coming together to make Goa Trash version 2.0 – all old skool 90’s Goa – at Karma in the East Village. This party is for you Karma is a sensual, candlelit hookah lounge. The velvet decor, subtle fragrance of incense, and deep resonant music is a delight to the senses. The Ambient beats played early in the evening compliment our Happy Hour (everyday 3PM-8PM), and are sure to rejuvenate the soul. For the body, we offer a light array of Indian and Cafe food that is served all night every night! There are private booths and comfortable couches available for some R&R. Once you’ve relaxed your mind with one of our specialty cocktails, had a taste of India, and put your feet up, you mustn’t forget that Karma is currently the number one place for a puff of the stuff (Hookah stuff, that is.) And YES you can smoke here even after the city-wide smoking ban since we are exempt as a Tobacco Bar from the smoking law. We have a variety of flavored tobacco that is served in beautiful brass hookahs. If you wanna get down just follow the signs to our basement, where Goa Trance is played. Karma is a true mix of East Village diversity in a no attitude space where everyone is welcome.

January 27 Thursday
DeKompression at Jack Rabbit Slim’s

January 29 Saturday
an Organization Dedicated to HIV/AIDS Education Thru Entertainment Featuring Performances by GAVIN (Digital Structures, Sweden) ONNOMON (Soular Records, Philadelphia) Live! ALLEN (Gaian Mind, Philadelphia) EGBOT (Psy-Planet, Philadelphia) Deco by Optical Delusion & Steve-O Saturday, January 29th, 10pm-7am THE HALCYON 3237 Amber Street Philadelphia, PA, USA Located at THE HALCYON, a beautiful, 3,300 square foot gallery space in the Port Richmond area of Philadelphia $15 Donation (Benefits HUMANKIND and CALCUTTA HOUSE) BYOB (Beer & Wine Only) THE HALCYON is located on the third floor via the freight elevator.

January 29 Saturday
Unofficial Afterparty
Afterparty tonight after Gaian Mind party – getting abducted by Smart Fiends If you are going, see you at the party in Philly. If you are planning to drive in from NYC coordinate your rides on brainpooling. They’re renting a $40K(summer) rental a month for cheap winter rates a block from the beach: My ex-hacker friend’s smart drug company is still importing piracetam and very cheap and pure nootropics/smart ds and making money hand over fist. The AIDS era Clinton loophole for a limit of three months supply of non-illicit “orphan drugs” that may not cure disease but can make you smarter was very vague, and he’s pushing the fucking limit. And he’s creating jobs in south jersey. It seems they don’t know what to do with the case, and returned his computer. You go boy! Bring back the DMTski House! web smi2le.biz (web smi2le.biz)

February 2005

Jack Rabbit Slim’s on Thursday the place clo sed Glow sticks legal again!

February 2 Wednesday
Groundhog Day at Goa Trash

Lauryn (Boston) & Mad Orange (TDC); DJ Spirit opens. Nan and friend return to doing deco! Goa Trash downstairs at Karma, 51 1st Avenue between 3rd and 4th streets, ID21+, 10pm-4am, free. If it’s late go down the stairs and knock. This high res-erected-by-popular-demand party promises to make any memories of Ibiza, the Riviera, or even Thailand like so much flotsam and jetsam strung along the beaches of Goa India. Music from 10pm – 12am is generally mid- to late-90s Goa Trance which is really just modern progressive house beats mixed with Ravi Shankar sounds done up at 145 BPM. After midnight DJs may mix in modern psychedelic trance. A GOA TRASH just opened recently in Santiago, Chile by Angeles who did the long-running Wednesdays Opium Den A coalition of independent trance collectives are coming together to make Goa Trash version 2.0 – all old skool 90’s Goa – at Karma in the East Village. This party is for you Karma is a sensual, candlelit hookah lounge. The velvet decor, subtle fragrance of incense, and deep resonant music is a delight to the senses. The Ambient beats played early in the evening compliment our Happy Hour (everyday 3PM-8PM), and are sure to rejuvenate the soul. For the body, we offer a light array of Indian and Cafe food that is served all night every night! There are private booths and comfortable couches available for some R&R. Once you’ve relaxed your mind with one of our specialty cocktails, had a taste of India, and put your feet up, you mustn’t forget that Karma is currently the number one place for a puff of the stuff (Hookah stuff, that is.) And YES you can smoke here even after the city-wide smoking ban since we are exempt as a Tobacco Bar from the smoking law. We have a variety of flavored tobacco that is served in beautiful brass hookahs. If you wanna get down just follow the signs to our basement, where Goa Trance is played. Karma is a true mix of East Village diversity in a no attitude space where everyone is welcome.

February 4 Friday
Essential Wave & Polarlight House & Progressive at Nightingale
213 2nd Avenue # 13 St, NYC Z innober [Polarlight] Stashuk [Essential Wave] Valo [Essential Wave] Andrey K [Polarlight] Earthian [Polarlight] D.Mitriy [Essential Wave] Visuals by Polarlight Free Admission 21+ web polarlightmusic (web polarlightmusic/) Feb 9 – Wednesday – Goa Trash – Pennsylvania DJs with Egbot from Philadelphia and Psychotty from PA and Mescalinium plus Analog from Bethlehem PA (Likes: walks on the beach, full on face-melting basslines by the fire; Dislikes: women with fleas)

February 5, 2005 It’s All Gone Pete Tong Premiere

February 5 Saturday
Shamanistas – Ayahuasca Ceremony

Shamanistas tea ceremony at me casa this Saturday let me know if interested and I’ll send details. I am officiating and it’s going to be fairly involved. tea time is going to be midnight Saturday; that means no solid food for you after midnight tonight. let me know asap if you’re interested. seven participants (not counting “helpers” or “observers”) make for a do-able quorum. donations a must and the amount is entirely dependent on your situation and our needs for a balance of different people (and also we want the group to be mostly experienced travelers). we meet ~9pm, drink at midnight and eat a very late breakfast. Sleepovers welcome.

February 5 Saturday
Psychedelic Saturdays Asheville NC

Tribes 237 Haywood st. Asheville NC 28801 828.350.1195
Gavin – Digital Structures, Spectra – USA/Sweden Kameleon-Pangea – SC Kri – NC Pioneering a revolutionary new understanding of the nature of consciousness that can help us see beyond the inner structures that limit our awareness. Striving to ultimately discover who we are beyond our thoughts, emotions, memories, associations, and perceptions. YOU are the reason why THIS is happening! get rid of the last possibility of ego-manifestation. get on the floor and dance – no talent required. just let go and have an experience! 10pm until…. 18 and up $5 blacklight active costumes are encouraged Come and dance to psychedelic sounds and get lost in a world of inner vision. www.touchsamadhi.com DESIGNATED SMOKING AREA INSIDE! PLEASE HELP US KEEP THE DANCE SPACE BREATHABLE!

February 9 Wednesday
Goa Trash – Nan’s last deco at Karma Wednesday!

now with a Coat Check behind the DJ booth! – Pennsylvania DJs with Egbot from Philadelphia and Psychotty from PA and Mescalinium plus Analog from Bethlehem PA (Likes: walks on the beach, full-on face-melting basslines by the fire; Dislikes: women with fleas) Nan and friend returns to doing deco! Goa Trash downstairs at Karma, 51 1st Avenue between 3rd and 4th streets, ID21+, 10pm-4am, free. If it’s late go down the stairs and knock. This high res-erected-by-popular-demand party promises to make any memories of Ibiza, the Riviera, or even Thailand like so much flotsam and jetsam strung along the beaches of Goa India. Music from 10pm – 12am is generally mid- to late-90s Goa Trance which is really just modern progressive house beats mixed with Ravi Shankar sounds done up at 145 BPM. After midnight DJs may mix in modern psychedelic trance. A GOA TRASH just opened recently in Santiago, Chile by Angeles who did the long-running Wednesdays Opium Den A coalition of independent trance collectives are coming together to make Goa Trash version 2.0 – all old skool 90’s Goa – at Karma in the East Village. This party is for you Karma is a sensual, candlelit hookah lounge. The velvet decor, subtle fragrance of incense, and deep resonant music is a delight to the senses. The Ambient beats played early in the evening compliment our Happy Hour (everyday 3PM-8PM), and are sure to rejuvenate the soul. For the body, we offer a light array of Indian and Cafe food that is served all night every night! There are private booths and comfortable couches available for some R&R. Once you’ve relaxed your mind with one of our specialty cocktails, had a taste of India, and put your feet up, you mustn’t forget that Karma is currently the number one place for a puff of the stuff (Hookah stuff, that is.) And YES you can smoke here even after the city-wide smoking ban since we are exempt as a Tobacco Bar from the smoking law. We have a variety of flavored tobacco that is served in beautiful brass hookahs. If you wanna get down just follow the signs to our basement, where Goa Trance is played. Karma is a true mix of East Village diversity in a no attitude space where everyone is welcome.

I’m going also to Talamasca/Spirallianz but I really can’t miss Koxbox… Frank E is a true master and he partied with us at Wylie’s several years ago. And Talamasca stayed with us a couple of years back when James Deeper in Zen lived here. Whatever I think both parties are going to be good, there are 1400 people on TripOutNY and this is the first really big weekend of the year. Hey party people, This is gonna be one of those special parties. Oforia and Kox Box are one of the trance scene in the world since the beginning of it all. The music harmony together with Knob’s new LIVE act and Dr. Spook’s visual & DJ set going to blow you out of this world…

2005 2 11 Tsunami
Spirallianz/Midimilliz Interview

Spirallianz/Midimilliz Interview

meets Spirallianz/Midimilliz By Ari Davidov February 2005 Arne Schaffhausen and Wayan Raabe are a duo from Hamburg, Germany who make ...
Talamasca Interview

Talamasca Interview

meets DJ Lestat a.k.a. Talamasca 2004 by Ari Davidov Appearing for Tsunami this Saturday March 6th at Club Arc (details ...

February 11 Friday

“The Sound Wave of Love” HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR: Year of the Rooster! 530 West 27th Street (between 10th & 11th Avenues) 10pm till 7am TALAMASCA,live and DJ set (Mind Control, France) CEDRIC mesmerizes large audiences in the four corners of the globe with his powerful and loving live-sets, and the Valentines Celebration at SPIRIT will be no exception. SPIRALLIANZ vs. MIDIMILIZ, live (Gravity Plus, The Delta, Boshkebeats, Spirit Zone – Germany) Arne and Wayan, who are also part of THE DELTA, keep pushing the envelope into new universes of musical expression, and are a dance floor favorite all over the world. ARNE MINDS OF DEMENTED HANOCH DEKOMPRESSION $30 in advance Valid Picture ID is Required 18 to party / 21 to drink Tickets also available at GrooveTickets INFO LINE: 212.439.8124 Friday, March 25th at SPIRIT SUN PROJECT, both LIVE! Info Line 212 439-8124 web groovetickets Best regards
For those of you who remember the first Trancers Guide to the Galaxy, I predicted in the US survey that Sprit would host some of the most holistic events New York has ever seen. It took them a while… but it’s now happening!
Spirallianz (2/3 of Delta!!!) will be playing on the excellent, new sound system at Spirit!!!! Most of you know I’m nuts about them and soon you’ll see why I fly to obscure locations on the globe to see them! guestlist info at the bottom. Wayan and Arne have not played a live set asSpirallianz in NY since 200 0, when they released their ground-breaking, psytek wonder, “BLASTFOOD” Arne will also be doing a DJ set! Talamasca, of global fame, will also be doing a live set and DJ set!!!! AND- DeKompression DJs, Coral Slater and DanVapid will be opening the party, so come as early as you can!!!! I am doing a guestlist for this party. It will be the cheapest option because buying tix presale usually involves a store commission….send an email with your name to t) and you will be on the DeKompression list, the tix will then be 30 bucks flat. For info on upcoming events and a mix from DanVapid, visit web .dekompression.net the last time they played here at the roller rink they were playing on a system James deeper in zen put together that included my fucked up mixer. Sorry guys!

I had a really good time until the music got stopped… Arne and Wayan were great, I love their music and it was a pleasure to get to hear them live. I don’t really know enough about music production to say for sure but I got the feeling that they were pretty live. The atmospheric soundscapes they make are some great ear candy -. Talamasca was cool too…. I dunno about his use of guitar, I would have preferred a little less of it or a little more variety in the guitar sounds used but hey he’s the artist so if that’s what he felt doing I’m glad he did it. It really sucked that the cops came in right in the middle of his set, but hey, that’s life in NYC year 2005. We gonna be a straightedge beer drinking (American) football watching city if we don’t do something about but hey I’m getting off-topic.
It was a good party while it lasted…
These cops just screwed up the night… Cedric played like a king….gr8 energy flowing along with the guitaring…hope he had gotten a chance to play a DJ set too later, but anyways I guess shit happens! Hope to see him play soon, he surely is an excellent artist

February 12 Saturday
Alladin Project – Valentines Day Weekend

Featuring… KOX BOX LIVE-(DK) OFORIA LIVE- Bne Rec. (Israel ) BLACK BUDDHA LIVE- Sound Species (Japan) /Alladin Project (NYC/US) Dj SET… Frank’e -KOX BOX (DK) Ofer Dikovsky Bne Rec. (Israel ) Knob- Sound Species/ Alladin Project (Japan) Dr Spook GeoMagnetic/ Alladin Project (SF) Decorations by: Severyn Barabakh (Subtlechaos NYC) & Alladin Project Crew (NYC/US) Visuals by: VJ: Dr Spook (SF) VJ: Surge (SubtleChaos/Dekompression) VJ: Skyeye Sound Species (U.N.-NYC) Door Open: 10PM to 8AM Tickets: $25 in advance, $35 After. 18 to enter – 21+w/ID to drink. Tickets in Advance: alladinproduction at yahoo (917) 569-1177 Hoomoos Asli NYC 100 Kenmare St/ Lafayette, (212) 966-0022 Satellite Records NYC 259 Bowery Av. (212) 995-1744 CLUB EXIT 147 “give a chance to trance NYC” Extra Extra Extra Aladdin Project Review I’ve come to the conclusion that Israeli’s cannot not throw good parties in NYC (however I have Jewish blood so exceptions can b made). My bias stemmed out of a rising plume of blackish smoked as El Naiive LIED about booking KOXBOX for his party this sat. Not only did he lie (and is a lying scumbag), but he didn’t have the balls to tell anyone that KOXBOX was not coming; instead he told us that he was going to pick Frankie E up at the airport. I’ve had problems with other promoters in the past, namely John Emanuel putting acts on the flyers and then not having the artists show at the party, BUT the difference is John had the dignity to at least tell people that the advertised act was not at the party. El Naiive could not bring himself to do this; he had to lie until the very end of the party, then say: “Maybe Next time”. Well my response to your maybe next time scamuless $35 fake party is “FUCK YOU, I’M NEVER GOING TO YOUR PARTY AGAIN, be careful as karma acts in mysterious ways.” If not for Midi Miliz playing an extended DJ set at his party, the whole thing would have sucked so bad… For some of my friends, who didn’t enjoy that kind of music hated the whole experience… no one likes to be lied to about their favorite music. I encourage everyone not to go to his parties… there will be other parties with good energy. El Naiive you scumbag, you deserve to give the NYC trance scene an apology and to suffer the consequences. Sincerely, Brian B
that’s just wrong, B. I believe El Nadiv (who also paid mad money to keep the place open until 9am. If you don’t, call Frank E and get back to us! El Nadiv has always been ethical in the past, no reason to throw rocks. YOU try throwing a trance party without losing your shirt…


February 14 Monday
Youtube launched and changes everything forever

Feb 16 Wednesday
Goa Trash – Trip to Me

Dreamcatcher DJs, Coral (NC) opens Goa Trash downstairs at Karma, 51 1st Avenue between 3rd and 4th streets, ID21+, 10pm-4am, free. If it’s late go down the stairs and knock. This high res-erected-by-popular-demand party promises to make any memories of Ibiza, the Riviera, or even Thailand like so much flotsam and jetsam strung along the beaches of Goa India. Music from 10pm – 12am is generally mid- to late-90s Goa Trance which is really just modern progressive house beats mixed with Ravi Shankar sounds done up at 145 BPM. After midnight DJs may mix in modern psychedelic trance. A GOA TRASH just opened recently in Santiago, Chile by Angeles who did the long-running Wednesdays Opium Den A coalition of independent trance collectives are coming together to make Goa Trash version 2.0 – all old skool 90’s Goa – at Karma in the East Village. This party is for you Karma is a sensual, candlelit hookah lounge. The velvet decor, subtle fragrance of incense, and deep resonant music is a delight to the senses. The Ambient beats played early in the evening compliment our Happy Hour (everyday 3PM-8PM), and are sure to rejuvenate the soul. For the body, we offer a light array of Indian and Cafe food that is served all night every night! There are private booths and comfortable couches available for some R&R. Once you’ve relaxed your mind with one of our specialty cocktails, had a taste of India, and put your feet up, you mustn’t forget that Karma is currently the number one place for a puff of the stuff (Hookah stuff, that is.) And YES you can smoke here even after the city-wide smoking ban since we are exempt as a Tobacco Bar from the smoking law. We have a variety of flavored tobacco that is served in beautiful brass hookahs. If you wanna get down just follow the signs to our basement, where Goa Trance is played. Karma is a true mix of East Village diversity in a no attitude space where everyone is welcome.

Tegma Interview

Tegma Interview

meets Tegma February 2005 by Vitalik Omar Chelly and Jason Orfanidis of Sweden have been producing trance music since 1998 ...

February 18 Friday
OmniTribe and Polarlight Records Present

T E G M A (live PA – Candyflip Records, Sweden) — For the first time in the USA presenting the new album — “002:Avant.garde”, released in February on Candyflip Records.
++ plus DJ sets from EARTHIAN (OmniTribe, NYC) FX MIKE (OmniTribe, NYC) (special bday set) ANDREY K (Polarlight, NYC) FARMATAR (OmniTribe, NYC)at The Hook 18 Commerce St. Red Hook, Brooklyn, NY 10pm-6am :: $25 :: 18+ Tegma Interview by Vitalik of Omnitribe
Thank you Tegma, for a fantastic night of amazing and magical music. Last track almost made me cry, it was so beautiful – mix of eastern vocals with psychedelic sounds – something out of this world. Thank you Omnitribe for making this party. Everything was very well organized. Lots of friendly people and good vibes. I’m sure NY will remember this one for a long time. Happy birthday, Mike!!! You had the nicest birthday party!!! Boom to everyone! Natia (Blue Goa) Yeah I second what Natia sez, the music was absolutely beautiful, especially this one track that I can’t even begin to describe! It was either the last Tegma played or the first that Earthian played. The sound could have been a little crisper but the music sounded great regardless. It’s a real shame that more people didn’t show to this party, why not? Where was everyone? the birthday cake was served with candles, the club’s sound system was strange. Well, it wasn’t usual Omni Tribe setup and it showed with all thouse active Mackies that pump up and keep pumping no matter what. This was EVs with some JBLPros at the back – neeh. I remember Antix/Sangeet party with original Omni Tribe JBLs – oh that was sounding something!!!! yeah, it was low volume, but clean and soft SO DJs were interesting to watch. for sure Earthian finished the party on an uplifting note, but it wasn’t there almost until the end. It’s the sunrise that put the finishing touch and I was there! FXMike played his usual rollings and AndreyK was giving some german progressive sounds accurately mixed. Noticeable progression for this DJ. Also touched Farmatar that is overjumped himself !!!!!!! And girls, Russian girls – thank you for happy dancing – you made me smile For sure thanks to Israelies and American girls – you all are so beautiful! Actually, Omnitribe always has pretty girls attending!!!! Oh and Tegma, yeah it was strong and serious. Jason was going nuts and driving as much as he could!!!!!! Omar was quite and concentrated occasionally playing with Synth and back to his whatever it was but looked like a mixing console and then to the laptop. Jason was showing him what to loop. Tegma is serious LIVE SET ! requires special attention and super sound system. the last and the most is the Video DJ set – this one goes to hit parade of DJ sets !!!!!!

February 18 Friday

February 19
Nan’s Moving Party Photos

Hunter S. Thompson

Hunter S. Thompson

July 18, 1937 – February 20, 2005 - Writer of Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas and many othersWikipedia Quotes:When ...

February 23 Wednesday
Omnitribe at Goa Trash

DJs Shai, Vitalik, Vlad Kife, fxmikes bday was this past Friday and vlad globus was Sunday.. also there will be raffles of Omnitribe DJ mixes from the party this past weekend……! Goa Trash downstairs at Karma, 51 1st Avenue between 3rd and 4th streets, ID21+, 10pm-4am, free. If it’s late go down the stairs and knock. This high res-erected-by-popular-demand party promises to make any memories of Ibiza, the Riviera, or even Thailand like so much flotsam and jetsam strung along the beaches of Goa India. Music from 10pm – 12am is generally mid- to late-90s Goa Trance which is really just modern progressive house beats mixed with Ravi Shankar sounds done up at 145 BPM. After midnight DJs may mix in modern psychedelic trance. A GOA TRASH just opened recently in Santiago, Chile by Angeles who did the long-running Wednesdays Opium Den A coalition of independent trance collectives are coming together to make Goa Trash version 2.0 – all old skool 90’s Goa – at Karma in the East Village. This party is for you Karma is a sensual, candlelit hookah lounge. The velvet decor, subtle fragrance of incense, and deep resonant music is a delight to the senses. The Ambient beats played early in the evening compliment our Happy Hour (everyday 3PM-8PM), and are sure to rejuvenate the soul. For the body, we offer a light array of Indian and Cafe food that is served all night every night! There are private booths and comfortable couches available for some R&R. Once you’ve relaxed your mind with one of our specialty cocktails, had a taste of India, and put your feet up, you mustn’t forget that Karma is currently the number one place for a puff of the stuff (Hookah stuff, that is.) And YES you can smoke here even after the city-wide smoking ban since we are exempt as a Tobacco Bar from the smoking law. We have a variety of flavored tobacco that is served in beautiful brass hookahs. If you wanna get down just follow the signs to our basement, where Goa Trance is played. Karma is a true mix of East Village diversity in a no attitude space where everyone is welcome.

February 26 Saturday
TDC – Underground Gathering

Babla and Shammy ( Kagdila rec.) TDC MaFia ( Legalize This ) Mad Orange ( TDC, NYC ) Lauryn special guests Deco: LunaShamaDelic ( Lunatics Brothers, NYC ) LaserMaxx TDC Crew Admission: $ 10 Doors open to enter from 10 96 1 am ( please don’t forget ), party till 7am. This is a local gathering, for people who want to support the trance scene in NY city
Loc Nation: TDC SKLAD (2nd floor) 69 9th Street Brooklyn NY 11215 www.Tdcny

February 26 Saturday
Progressive Essential Wave & Polarlight (Saturday

February 27 Sunday
Private party at Turkish Baths

tomorrow got this from Al, if interested I’ll email you his address..
There is a party tomorrow (sat) at 268 E. 10th st. between 1st and A. Its at the Turkish bath house. The place is rented out for a private party from 11:00pm-3:00am. Men are provided shorts, etc., women can bring bathing suits, nudity optional…

March 2005

Lots of news this week, lots of Subtlechaos this week Wednesday and Friday, plus Eat Static and Koxnox this Saturday. And a new weekly on Sunday.

March 2 Wednesday
Subtlechaos at Goa Trash

Photos (General)
DJs Jason Sannachan (Subtlechaos) with tapestry art and DJing by the infamous and very notorious Severyn Jason will be playing all new unreleased full-on Psy and Progressive straight off the press and throwing in some rare whites just because he can. Goa Trash downstairs at Karma, 51 1st Avenue between 3rd and 4th streets, ID21+, 10pm-4am, free. If it’s late go down the stairs and knock. This high res-erected-by-popular-demand party promises to make any memories of Ibiza, the Riviera, or even Thailand like so much flotsam and jetsam strung along the beaches of Goa India. Music from 10pm – 12am is generally mid- to late-90s Goa Trance which is really just modern progressive house beats mixed with Ravi Shankar sounds done up at 145 BPM. After midnight DJs may mix in modern psychedelic trance. A GOA TRASH just opened recently in Santiago, Chile by Angeles who did the long-running Wednesdays Opium Den A coalition of independent trance collectives are coming together to make Goa Trash version 2.0 – all old skool 90’s Goa – at Karma in the East Village. This party is for you Karma is a sensual, candlelit hookah lounge. The velvet decor, subtle fragrance of incense, and deep resonant music is a delight to the senses. The Ambient beats played early in the evening compliment our Happy Hour (everyday 3PM-8PM), and are sure to rejuvenate the soul. For the body, we offer a light array of Indian and Cafe food that is served all night every night! There are private booths and comfortable couches available for some R&R. Once you’ve relaxed your mind with one of our specialty cocktails, had a taste of India, and put your feet up, you mustn’t forget that Karma is currently the number one place for a puff of the stuff (Hookah stuff, that is.) And YES you can smoke here even after the city-wide smoking ban since we are exempt as a Tobacco Bar from the smoking law. We have a variety of flavored tobacco that is served in beautiful brass hookahs. If you wanna get down just follow the signs to our basement, where Goa Trance is played. Karma is a true mix of East Village diversity in a no attitude space where everyone is welcome.

March 4 Friday

mixed genre event MIDNIGHT- DJ CAMEA (NYEX, SNYC) bio. Camea is currently living in New York where she has several projects underway. She has been honing her mixing skills to create a funky and dirty blend of tech-house, micro-house and minimal techno. Growing increasingly popular in 2004, she has played over fifty shows in the past year. Her style has been described as “innovative”, “energetic” and “intelligent” by her peers. For a full-length biography please visit this page – web DJcamea (web DJcamea/) Resident DJs – Jason, Comtak and Severyn Visuals by SURGE & THE DOKTOR(Subtlechaos/Dekompression) Fluoro Environment by Severyn (SubtleChaos-NYC) This event occurs on first Friday of every month. Location ‘M’ Shanghai Bistro 129 Havemeyer St Between South 1st & Grand St. 11pm till pretty late NO COVER (Happy hour 2 till 4am) Visit .org (.org/)

March 5 Saturday
Alladin Project – Eat Static & Koxbox redux!

FOR THE FIRST TIME IN NYC EXCLUSIVE LIVE SET FROM THE LEGENDARY EAT STATIC!!! Featuring… KOX BOX -FRANK-E (DK) EAT STATIC LIVE (UK) Mesmobeat, TIP World,Twisted, Solstice Rec. KNOB (Japan) Sound Species / Alladin Project ELNADIV Alladin Project NYC/ IL JASON Subtlecaos -NYC Chillout Room By: LESHIY (Omnitribe- NYC) U-STAS (Omnitribe- NYC) TONIC (Omnitribe- NYC) INDRA (Omnitribe- NYC) Decorations by: Severyn Barabakh (Subtlecaos -NYC) Flouradelic by Lunatic Brothers (NYC) Visuals by: VJ: Surge (SubtleChaos/Dekompression) NYC VJ: Skyeye Sound Species (Alladin Project)Japan -NYC Tickets: $30 in Advance, $35 at door 18 to enter – 21+w/ picture ID to drink. Door Open: 10PM to 8AM CLUB EXIT 147 GREENPOINT AVE BROOKLYN NY Tickets in Advance: (917) 569-1177 Hoomoos Asli NYC 100 Kenmare St/ Lafayette, (212) 966-0022 Satellite Records NYC 259 Bowery Av. (212) 995-1744
Koxbox/Eat Static was exhilarating – never saw Exit in Greenpoint that packed – saw a lot of old faces – and former naysayer Brian was there and I gave him a lot of grief. I wore a Hungarian warlock robe made by Emoka. It was good to see Frank E again, he ended up at Wylies’ place on Duane street a couple years back when he played at Tsunami for New Years. And speaking of Wylie, his new project “Melonhand” (so named because the cops stomped his hand after he hit a cop) is up and running wildly: THE DOOR IS AJAR AND MELONHAND IS AFOOT!!! The time for talk is OVER!!! I have finally recorded and posted some of my songs on the world wide web for your listening pleasure! Enjoy! web melonhand (web melonhand/) Website is currently under construction but will be more user friendly soon! Yours, Robert Wylie Hyde 917-476-1864
Just got back home from the party…what can I say….WOW…one of the best parties I’ve been to in years!!! Everything was at the highest level…music …people, great crowd, can’t even find enough words how to express my feelings!!! Alladin Crew, my hat is going out to you guys..keep it up!!!! mono mono Onnomon
Koxbox was killer: real rock n’ roll-esque driving rhythms with dark subliminal shadowy sounds frothing underneath. Very subtle stuff, not too many breaks-in-your-face. Kept me going. Knobe did a smooth, slick, set of full-on, brawler-style. My old and jaded friends were cringing, I, much to my surprise, enjoyed it that night. He sounded better than the set I heard a year or so back when he seemed to be playing tons of guitar-riff-full-on- not so much this time. His late-night set lasted about 3 hours- more than enough. Eat Static came on dressed in lab jackets and alien masks, setting the tone for what was an eclectic and fun set replete with perhaps some mixing “trainwrecks” (seemed like at least one tune just finished playing, then the next one started…the crowd looked slightly confused). One of the guys was doing the mixing and perhaps throwing in a few mix sounds. The other guy was working the synthesizers and frequently played on what looked like a handheld custom tube analog synthesizer. I could hear what he was doing was very tasteful, even adding some significant, but subtle, contributions to the overall sound. They threw in a couple of break-beat tunes, and near the end, it seemed like they going at about 153+ bpm, perhaps a little fast for me. But they certainly give out a jestful vibe….good stuff. And then…and then…Knobe came back on…and came in where he left off…more of the same banging trance. My even more disgusted friends started to get the itch to leave, I danced a few more, then headed on back to Philadelphia. This is the second time I’ve been to Brooklyn’s Club Exit and in general, I’ve had good experiences here. Although at times I felt like the sub-bass, on the sound system, was a bit elusive. I hope this arrangement lasts a bit longer. Where Alladin may have faltered at the previous near-miss Koxbox party, they do redeem themselves from time-to-time. -dean

March 6 Sunday

DJ set Acid Trance to Psy ASSEMBLAGE POINT, DJ set Psy and more Psy JIMMY JAMES, DJ set Breaks then Techo MIKE SPEARZ, DJ set Downtempo Breaks and Techo The evening stars off with Chill and Breaks moving into Techno and Acid Trance then we work our way up into Psy Boogaloo Bar 68 Marcy Ave South Williamsburg, Brooklyn, NY (‘tween Bway and S. 5th) 8pm till 4am FREE By Subway: J to Marcy Ave. (over the Williamsburg Bridge); G at Metropolitan Ave

Psychedelic Information Theory: Shamanism in the Age of Reason
From James Kent at Tripzine Friends, As many of you know, since I’ve wrapped Trip Magazine I have been working towards completing a book that compiles everything I have learned in my fifteen-year exploration of the psychedelic experience. Some of this material appeared on tripzine last year in an article entitled “The Case Against DMT Elves,” but now this project has expanded into a comprehensive text entitled “Psychedelic Information Theory: Shamanism in the Age of Reason.” Psychedelic Information Theory is an exhaustive work that analyzes and deconstructs the psychedelic state from a neurochemical, cognitive, and mystical perspective simultaneously. That may seem like a Herculean task, but years of research and hard work are finally paying off as this massive text now nears completion. The bulk of the chapters are still undergoing revision and editorial review, but a preview of the introduction and first six chapters are now available online: web tripzine/pit (web tripzine/pit) It is a big chunk to take in all at once, but if you take a quick look at the index you’ll see that this promises to be a monumental work. I hope to have the full text ready for publication before the end of the year, but for those of you who would like to see results sooner
Since this is a work in process on a very complex and controversial subject, there will no doubt be many questions, discussions, comments, and corrections to follow. In order to manage reader feedback, I have set up a discussion board where readers can post comments or start follow-up discussions related to the text. I will also be posting announcements, addendums, and updates to the text here from time to time. web tripzine.net/pit/viewforum.php?f2 (web tripzine.net/pit/viewforum.php?f2) That is all for now. If you are interested in the text and wish to be notified when new chapters become available online, please make a small donation today. Every little bit will help make this project a reality sooner rather than later. Thanks and best wishes, James Kent tripzine (tripzine)

March 9 Wednesday
Goa Trash

Photos (General)
Psytrance DJ FaceHead (Pennsylvania), plus various NYC DJs at Goa Trash Ari Martin opens at 8pm just confirmed with “rockin techo and trance” Deco by Kelly and Ben LightOmatic (And THANK YOU EMOKA for helping out with deco last week – it was awesome!) Theme: Transplant a plan. Goa Trash downstairs at Karma, 51 1st Avenue between 3rd and 4th streets, ID21+, 10pm-4am, free. Even if the lights are on upstairs, the party ALWAYS GOES until 4am. If it’s late and the main doors are closed go down the stairs and knock. This high res-erected-by-popular-demand party promises to make any memories of Ibiza, the Riviera, or even Thailand like so much flotsam and jetsam strung along the beaches of Goa India. Music from 10pm – 12am is generally mid- to late-90s Goa Trance which is really just modern progressive house beats mixed with Ravi Shankar sounds done up at 145 BPM. After midnight DJs may mix in modern psychedelic trance. A GOA TRASH just opened recently in Santiago, Chile by Angeles who did the long-running Wednesdays Opium Den A coalition of independent trance collectives are coming together to make Goa Trash version 2.0 – all old skool 90’s Goa – at Karma in the East Village. This party is for you Karma is a sensual, candlelit hookah lounge. The velvet decor, subtle fragrance of incense, and deep resonant music is a delight to the senses. The Ambient beats played early in the evening compliment our Happy Hour (everyday 3PM-8PM), and are sure to rejuvenate the soul. For the body, we offer a light array of Indian and Cafe food that is served all night every night! There are private booths and comfortable couches available for some R&R. Once you’ve relaxed your mind with one of our specialty cocktails, had a taste of India, and put your feet up, you mustn’t forget that Karma is currently the number one place for a puff of the stuff (Hookah stuff, that is.) And YES you can smoke here even after the city-wide smoking ban since we are exempt as a Tobacco Bar from the smoking law. We have a variety of flavored tobacco that is served in beautiful brass hookahs. If you wanna get down just follow the signs to our basement, where Goa Trance is played. Karma is a true mix of East Village diversity in a no attitude space where everyone is welcome.
Goa Trash moved from Karma We were notified by the management that there was a rash of theft at Karma and the NYPD Larceny Unit had been casing the joint for the past several weeks; their final report was that the late-night Sunday and Wednesday night parties had to go or Karma would lose its license. This is all a bit ironic as we did all we could to combat the theft that was endemic to the venue… from my experience, 90% of anything ever going wrong was by someone who was not one of “us” or there for Goa Trash. This goes back a ways… some may remember I was assaulted last year for outing the purse thief on the microphone. . but the manager would be evasive about removing known thieves. On top of this, some friends of the bouncer, a group of underage black thugs, punched Ira. And the manager did not remove them. Fuck that! I think this crew is the perps, they came around right when the thefts began. We are better than this, and we deserve a venue that will uphold our rights to privacy and a safe space to spend our beer money 🙂 Stay tuned, if a suitable alternate venue will be found – I’m looking at a couple of spots tonight – it will be announced here by Wednesday afternoon. Otherwise, there won’t be any scheduled rance events in greater NYC for almost 2 weeks!
Is this the beginning of the death of trance in New York – the long-feared dark ages, the nuclear winter? (ed. note – YES IT WAS)

Psychedelic Anim 15

March 11 Friday
pUckerED pRIsM fiBRe buILt poDS of synAPTic miRAgE diLATioN in Queens
a VERRRY free gathering of psychoactive music, dance, and telepathic orgasm branches.With: YOU, people who love YOU, and some very special elastic guests! Dissolve into the fabric of a collective flake, accumulating the intricate petals of multidimensional pollination. Certified orgasmic. The collective mental flower blooms, releasing turquoise blending memory resin, spattering outwards into the unfolding origami crumple of time. Space-time implodes on itself as all beings in existence (and also not in existence) harmonize at their biological resonance. Massive latency blossoms and jet-velocity consciousness smearing impact before they even occur, leaving behind in the future cavities of Spectral, vibratory paradises, to thrive in. Snacky platelets accumulate from our biological energy resynthesis like vapor rising from a puddle of data juice. Prepare your mystical frog entities to jump through quantum portals, this salvia is going to be extra multiplied. Starts at 10:00 pm Friday march 11th- never ends.

Yes, now you see reflections of your most ancient, single-celled ancestors and band splitting projections of future, evolutionary, crystal generated slime cluster organisms growing in the fertile cracks between organic, cultivated data droplets.
by auto mechanazoid from Manhatten, take the Queensboro bridge (59th st on the east side) to Queens. Stay to the left off the bridge and follow signs to Northern Blvd. Take Northern Blvd. to 36th st. and make a left. Drive to 36th AVENUE. The Spectral turbulence sets in as your physical body regenerates into billions of self-similar, interwoven multiverses, pulsating with cosmic energy and busting apart with tones of intergalactic celebration. And, the particulate vortex of your spasming cosmos reformulates at 35-15 36th AVENUE.>From central or southern New smelly Jersey, just take the turnpike North to exit 11. Get on the parkway North to 14c (holland tunnel). Go through the holland tunnel into the mechanical sponge that is Manhatten. Drive to 59th st. and 3rd Avenue and follow the directions above to implode with thermodynamic intracisy and telepathic pod hatchery. The spot is called LA REFUGIO and is located in physical space at 35-15 36th AVENUEIf you like to go outside sometimes at the party, try not to hang out right outside the venue, as to not attract any attention from the police. We do not want to give the authorities any reason to want to come in and start messing with people. Can’t wait to see you there, we love you.
– Underground indoor free trance party (the best!) in Queens by the NJ crew – listed only on Safetydance! PLEASE don’t ask me where it is if you’re not on that list. Ask Jowe, Ian, Adam, etc if you know them.
Tamas and Emoke also helped with the party
“I thought I would share one of my favorite memories of Stefan with y’all. Early 2000’s. We threw a psy-party in Queens; free party with Double Dragon and I forget the other act. Security was lax and the police showed up. Right into the club. Adam took the mic and said “Hey everyone the police are here, so keep the party favors on the DL,” They turned the music down, but we all kept dancing. Then they stayed for a bit, the police, just kind of hovering around the club.
Then they noticed a kid in a big hole in one of the string pyramids we had made. They were headed to him, intending to search? Bother? Arrest? I saw it happening but didn’t know what to do. Stefan ran over and pulled out his Palm Pilot, maybe it was a Blackberry, remember those? He starts telling the cops that the guy was a special needs patient and that he was in charge of taking care of him. He was scrolling through a calendar on his device and saying that “these are activities we have planned” and that, “we bring them out to these events so they have the opportunity to experience nightlife” “Don’t worry, I am here to take care of him all night”
Convinced the cops he was the caretaker and saved the dude from being harassed/arrested. Very impressive. After that, the cops left and he and I watched the door together for a few hours…”
Stefan did something similar for me outside the popular club Twilo; I was facing a wall and trying to hail a cab. Someone came up and tried to help me, thinking I was mentally retarded or something. He laughed about that for months.

March 12 Saturday
Polarlight Recordings Anniversary Party!!!

web polarlightmusic/boshke (web polarlightmusic/boshke ) March 16 Bryan Ladd (Massachussetts) at Goa Trash at Karma March 23 – Dreamcatcher at Goa Trash at Karma

2005 3 19 Avalon

March 19 Saturday
Astrix at Avalon

I really do not like the parties there and certainly do not think it is worth the inflated cover charge. I do not recommend it. Still, if you want a big budget cattle pen and have money to burn, check it out but I have no more details. I am only posting this because Astrix is a famous psytrance DJ. Hopefully, emails will become more common as psytrance enters the nightclub mainstream. OTOH hand if they comp me and give me drink tickets I would doubtlessly sing its praises :-/ On a side note, the truly “underground” parties (whatever “underground means – DIY? financially impossible and hopelessly point and cliqued out?) suffer financially; I think it’s a dilemma endemic to the U.S. where something is valued only if it is not free. That really sucks because there is a sizable group of individuals who have suffered financial hardship not because the DJs are not good or don’t mix well or the sound is crap. This happened to Synthetic Sadhus all the way down to people who donated blood sweat and tears to get free food at a bridge party. I think most on this list anyway would agree with me when I say vibe is more important than how much money you spend, how many watts the system is, or how famous the performers are. I apologize for the elitist attitude, I heard many horror stories of women getting groped, inane security, and a general ugly dog eat dog attitude at every trance party I’ve been to at Avalon. If you go, fine, just don’t harass any of the free gathering people for a party on-demand on an idle weekend this summer if you avoid the donation hat at events. I heard that ASTRIX IS PLAYING AT AVALON SATURDAY NIGHT, MARCH 19… What’s the Word??

Parties all weekend, and launch of Insha’allah As was mentioned before, the long-running Goa Trash at Karma Wednesdays has been put to sleep. We moved 2 blocks away to better digs. Long Live Insha’allah at Carthage! Come check out our opulent new digs at the Grand Opening this Wednesday night! DJs from Dreamcatcher & Omnitribe! See the listings below. If we get enough people to come out this will be the new weekly with loads of out of town DJs, so it’s very important for people to come out this week. There are already a lot of out of towners in this week so it shouldn’t be a problem. The location is currently being soundproofed but the system is already at par with Karma’s so it will only get bigger.

Starting next week Stefan found a very great location for Wednesday night parties called Carthage. It’s close to Karma, Ave B between 3rd and 4th, across the street from the infamous late-night Le Souk (which is where Cathage’s manager was hired from). The decor and vibe is basically a high-end Moroccan hookah emporium. There are so many very nice details, the place is brand new and opulent. And you can smoke in there. The 10-4 hours are the same, the sound is roughly equivalent, the CDJs and mixer are better. The front is chillout, the back is the dance area… We’ll have four times as many drink tickets for the DJs and artists. There will be plenty of extra foot traffic because it’s right across the street from Le Souk. This is a whiff of deja vu of Morocco 2001 and Opium Den, but taken to the next level. This will be a nice lead into the Rhythms of Peace Moroccan festival later this summer. Grand opening with many many artists and DJs from Omnitribe, Dreamcatcher, and Bryan Ladd from Western Mass is next week! Please come out and start the week off with a bang. Oh yeah, we are calling this event Inshallah… the idea is to explore the Sufi ideal as an Islamic entree into psytrance and a metaphor for bringing the tribes together rather than continuing to wallow in Indian trash… for those of you not up on your Arabic: Inshallah Translates roughly as… ‘If Allah wills it’. A marvelously useful term of complete fatalism and one which has no direct English equivalent. The nearest thing would be ‘…but on the other hand, I might get hit by a number 73 bus tomorrow’ – uttered in tones of sodden dejection by a clinical depressive with a strong Solihull accent. Also, in the current climate, a term almost guaranteed to increase web traffic if only from US government sniffers.

March 23 Wednesday
Insha’allah at Carthage

The Goa Trash energy has found a new home. This Wednesday night is the Grand Opening for the new weekly Insha’allah at the lounge/club Carthage in the East Village. Carthage is on Avenue B between 3rd and 4th street across from Le Souk. Free, ID 21+. 10pm-4am. If we get enough people to come out this will be the new weekly, so it’s important for people to come. Insha’allah translates roughly to “If God Wills.” We are attempting to bring Sufi Muslims, Crazy Jews, and Lapsed Christians together through mutual alcohol consumption, apple-flavored tobacco smoked through hookahs, and psychedelic trance. The venue is gorgeous and the potential is vast. It’s a combination of all the best qualities of all the venues used in the past few years, with the hookah decor of Karma with the class of Boom. A perfect marriage. Great owners, long hours, good kitchen, free. No thugs. And no security, the Moroccan guys take care of that. The bathrooms are very clean, always a plus. The whole place feels like an upscale version of the Cantina in Star Wars. Lounge area in the front, dance area in the back. Do or by Jennifer Fahey, Deco by Kelly Newman, /Machinelf is yo ur host. The kitchen stays open until 2am. Also if you can tell me the name of the mystic Sufi sect who go into trances by turning around and around again amongst heavy hashish smoking, you get a free drink. And if you can name the film with Ms. Winslitt (sp!) about Morocco, you get another. Limit to the first five people. Ask for Jeff. 10-11:30 Stefan, Ari, and Machinelf – downtempo through house/trance 11:30am – 2am Omnitrib e DJs – progressive to psy 2am – 4am Dreamcatcher DJs – Goa/psy
Arielle showed up here with some acquaintances from San Francisco
Extra! Big party Sunday in Brooklyn the party at Carthage is on regardless of the snow and I’m driving, will be there 11pm
We’re bringing part of the DMT sound system to Carthage tonight, and the best part ids we don’t have to load them on elephants and we don’t have to march them through the Pyrenees. Thanks for getting us a new home! Just in time for Norooz (Persian-Zoroastrian New Year & celebratory welcoming of spring) & Purim (Jewish-Persian bacchanal holiday of inebriation)! well, NoRooz officially began Sun morn 7:33:24 (beginning of spring) & the festivities continue, in various forms, for about a week, so it’s happening now. (There was a Norooz parade down Madison on 5th Ave. on Sun. afternoon.) Purim begins Thursday night, around 1/2 hour after sunset, & ends Friday night (in Jerusalem it lasts till Saturday night). Actually, the entire month of Adar (of which Purim is on day 14) is a time for merriment & celebration, so this too is happening now. & full moon follows right behind

What’s News Party at Chelsea Piers with Son Kite and Ghreg on Earth starts at 5pm Saturday! Plus Knobi is back from Japan and he’ll be playing. Insha’allah Wednesday back for round two with Steve-O and Luis celebrates his birthday with the Dreamcatcher collective. Kent Friedman is moving back in June. he’s been doing nuclear med down in Baltimore, but he hasn’t neglected his production. He’s been on releases by Soular Records, so he’s simply going to have to play them out sometime this summer!

I’m helping move Smi2le.biz to Weehawken so I may not see ya’ll out

March 25 Friday

2005 3 25 Tsunami
X-Dream Interview

X-Dream Interview

meets X-Dream March 2005 By Ari Davidov Simply put, X-Dream is a staple in just about every trance lover's diet ...
S.U.N. Project Interview & Reviews

S.U.N. Project Interview & Reviews

meets S.U.N. Project playing for Tsunami 2003by Ari Davidov See Bottom for Review! Introduction S U.N. Project are no strangers ...

March 25 Friday
Tsunami at Spirit with XDream and S.U.N. Project
530 West 27th Street (between 10th & 11th Avenues) 10pm till 7am Live Performances by any / Solstice Music, Japan) is the most famous psytrance name coming from Germany. They have set the tone for over 8 years. While they visited the US in many occasions, this is the first time they appear with their new addition, Arielle. Their album RADIO was a milestone in international trance, now they introduce their new milestone “We Interface”. to ce S.U.N. Project Mathias, Marco and McCoy are the international crowd-pleasers in trance. McCoy’s fiery guitar interludes bring crowds to a roaring frenzy, in all four corners of the globe. DJs MINDS OF DEMENTED HANOCH KIFE (Omnitribe, DeKompression) ADMISSION 30 in advance Valid Picture ID is Required 18 to party / 21 to drink Buy Tickets Early!

March 26 Saturday
N’Light’N Launch Party

Realityengine.org presents (web realityengine.org presents) NLig htN Launch Party Saturday White Galactic Wind Reality Engine in collaboration with CoSM invite you to a special private event, welcoming the spring and Easter with the NLightN opening at the Chapel of the Sacred Mirrors. Being already established as a meeting point for the visionary community, now it will also become a reference on the East Coast for upbeat downtempo and neo media gatherings. This event is meant to uplift the awareness of collective consciousness through the multi-mediation of ego loss and the ecstatic ritual process. Bringing together in celebration diverse communities committed to experience sacred sounds and images as pathways toward a return to a natural state of happiness. With a performance by ArcheDream, an archetypal mask theatre company that uses ritual, movement and myth to present allegorical dramas. The inspiration for ArcheDream is derived from ancient rituals where the Divine mingled with Humankind. Their theatre uses various forms of dance, innovative music, multimedia projections, archetypal masks and costumes that are illuminated with ultra-violet light, accentuating the supernatural aspects to reveal the dreamscape as the action unfolds. ArcheDream is founded on the quality of the individual artist participating in a collaborative effort. This remains their ongoing quest as they merge creative forces with the Reality Engine crew and the Chapel of Sacred Mirrors to NLightN through an original performance of ArcheDream, the Episode titled “5th Element.” For more information please visit: web archedream. A body & soul-nourishing by Putali Catering that has been providing creative whole foods cuisine for over a decade. Putali sets up a Chai-shop at CoSM to offer delicious vegetarian, vegan, raw organic food and beverages. The program for the evening will be the following: 10:00 PM Opening ceremony Special Performance by ArcheDream: The 5th Element archedream Upbeat Downtempo grooves by: Blue Spectral Monkey (TouchSamadhi-Asheville-NC) Alien Blue (Co SM NY) Matyas (Reality Engine) Pedro (Reality Engine) + Dan Cov an 06:00 AM Closing Ceremony Minimum donation: $20 Space is very limited; guarantee your participation buying tickets online. Audio-visual installation by Reality Engine Address: 540 W. 27th St. 4th Floor – New York City For more infos log at realityengine.org (realityengine.org /) Online tickes cosm.org Namaste, Reality Engine Team.May any merits created by or through this gathering be offered to the freedom of all beings. realityengine.org (realityengine.org/) Contact/Booking: (347)7334317
All I can say is that it’s a true honor to be a part of this experience. a number of the Asheville tribe will be in attendance…making the 12-hour trek to NYC! I have been dreaming of this for a long time. we are all in for a thrilling adventure. for those who haven’t seen archedream, its not to miss psy-theatre… indescribable really…. I’m preparing a special set of twisty, tweaky, magical 4/4 chillout/dub and techy tripout sounds, you’ll have to hear it to believe it. hehe ive been saving some special tunes for an occasion just like this…. cant wait to play alongside Pedro, Matyas, Dan Covan! interested to hear alien blue…..! see you all there, look forward to meeting more of you and dancing in such a wonderful place…. -BSM
incredible event, altho most of the time I wished for a more upbeat 4/4, I still had an incredible time. dancing and chilling to very interesting/experimental and psychedelic music among alex grey’s artwork and sacred mirrors was an amazing experience. I hope to see more trance events at CoSm. archedreams performance was surreal. thanks to everybody involved for a great night!
Really was amazing! I can’t imagine a better place for a chill-out event… I love chillout music and always want to hear it spun and played on a bigger system than what I have @ home but it’s hard to find a space that is pleasant and interesting enough to chill out in for a long period of time…. But CoSM certainly fits the bill. As others have said, Archedreams performance was amazing. Shame on those who arrived late and missed it! Paz
just wanted to say wow! what a great event. I feel fully wrung out and refreshed and still reeling speechless from this adventure. NYC always quite a trip. thanks to reality engine family for making our stay so special…
the party! what can I say. what a place for a party, perhaps it is a bit crazy to have a party in such a place, I mean, how can you be around all this amazing art for so long, and expect not to be overwhelmed by it! I was a bit speechless for a good part of the night.
thanks so much to everyone who danced hard and cheered during my set, it was truly and honor to be a part, and humbling to be there doing my thing in such a place and time with you all! somewhere in the middle of the set I played 3 of my own tracks and to see people getting down to those was also a wonderful experience! great sets by all, VJs and DJs and archedream. overall one of the best parties I’ve been to this year! great to see you too mai mai, I hope we can cross paths again soon…. when I’m not so inter-dimensional hehe. wish I could remember everyone’s names! so great to meet everyone… did anyone post any pictures? we have some getting developed now, they will go up on touchsamadhi.com gallery soon! I will post the link. again, thanks to all involved… truly an inspiration and a new step further into the future of this family. see you all next time, or at Goa gil, whichever comes first. boom BSM

March 27 Sunday
DJ set Progredelic to Psy VIBRO FUENTES, DJ set Acid Trance to Psy COSMIC CREEPERS, DJ set Psy and more Psy Techno and Acid Trance working our way up into Psy Boogaloo Bar 68 Marcy Ave South Williamsburg, Brooklyn, NY (‘tween Bway and S. 5th) 8pm till 4am FREE By Subway: J to Marcy Ave. (over the Williamsburg Bridge); G at Metropolitan Ave March 27 Sunday TONE LOTUS and TOLTECNICA Present OLEJO, DJ set Progredelic to Psy JIMMY JAMES, DJ set Techo to Psy VIBRO FUENTES, DJ set Acid Trance to Psy COSMIC CREEPERS, DJ set Psy and more Psy Techno and Acid Trance working our way up into Psy Boogaloo Bar 68 Marcy Ave South Williamsburg, Brooklyn, NY (‘tween Bway and S. 5th) 8pm till 4am FREE

March 30 Wednesday
Insha’allah – Carthage

Psy/ambient DJ Lizzie Shell South African female DJ opens Carthage Insha’allah is going to start opening earlier – 9pm. Earlier on we will be featuring different psy/ambient DJs; tonight we have the lovely and talented Lizzie Shell from South Africa
Insha’alla this week – the sound system goes surround as soundproofing is being added… plus Steve-O’s doing deco and it’s Luis Influx’s birthday with an all-star cast of DJs! Wednesday, March 30 – The Goa Trash energy has found a new home. Last Wednesday night was the Grand Opening for the new weekly Insha’allah at the lounge/club Carthage in the East Village. Carthage is on Avenue B between 3rd and 4th street across from Le Souk. Free, ID21+. 10pm-4am. Insha’allah translates roughly to “If God Wills.” This is the weekly meeting of the Christian Muslim Jewish Drinking Society, promoting tolerance, understanding, camaraderie and maybe even friendship amongst those from various creeds through mutual alcohol consumption, apple-flavored tobacco smoked through hookahs, and psychedelic trance. The venue is gorgeous and the potential is vast. It’s a combination of all the best qualities of all the venues used in the past few years, with the hookah decor of Karma with the class of Boom. A perfect marriage. Many take their shoes off. Great owners, long hours, good kitchen, free. Occasional free food. No thugs. And no security, the Moroccan guys take care of that. The bathrooms are very clean, always a plus. The whole place feels like an upscale version of the Cantina in Star Wars. Lounge area in the front, dance area in the back. Door by Jackie P, Deco by Steve-O, /Machinelf is your host. The kitchen stays open until 2am. I will have extra nootropics (web smi2le.biz) on hand if anyone wants to buy some direct for cash. 10-11:30 Steve-O, Stefan, Ari, and Machinelf – downtempo through house/trance 11:30am – 12:30 Steve-O (Goababies) 12:30am – 4am – Dreamcatcher DJs (Influx, Juggernaut, Brandon Adams)

March 31 Thursday
Chillout at EarthyNYC

sorry for the late post but there is gonna be a 2-hour chill out, dub, progressive set on Thursday, March 31st. chillout set – 8pm – 10 pm this is a beautiful lounge with a very Indian look……… really nice energy !!! no cover at the door !!!!
VENUE: EARTH NYC ON THE CORNER OF 10TH AVE AND 17TH STREET. DJ: Babla (Kagdila NYC) its my first try at chill out !!! if the night works out well then we will be looking for more DJ’s in this genre of music much love
well the good news is that we have found a new lover for our music that we call psytrance….. the night started out as chillout, dub, ambient night but the owner was quite happy with the sound and wanted to know what the more uplifting side would be like so we went ahead and introduced him to some progressive and eventually also some full-on………… outcome: the music gels well with the place and the energy…….. so maybe we will see more of this stuff in the near future……. thanks to everybody who came by….. babla

April 2005

April 1 Friday
28thday and Light-o-matic – Organic Sunrise
First USA performance: Voice of Cod LIVE (Organic Records UK) Andrew Humphries (Organic Records UK) ColinOOOD (Organic Records UK) Lauryn (Alkaloid Records, Boston) Unorthodox (28thday) Chill Out Pedro (Reality Engine / Interchill) & Pete
Environment by Sonic Beating & Steve-O 11p – 7a $20 before midnight, $25 after Location: CoSM – Chapel of Sacred Mirrors (540 West 27th St, NYC) http://www.lightomatic.com / http://www.28thday.com / Missed our recent events? See photos here: http://lightomatic /images/touch_samadhi/ http://lightomatic /images/sst/
Look for our audio-CD flyer at a trance party near you, featuring an exclusive 70-minute promotional mix by ColinOOOD. Or, turn your volume up and browse to http://www.28thday.com
28thday and Light-o-Matic Voice of Cod Party at Cosm
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!!! This was an amazing party filled with all of my favorite things! 28thday and Light-o-Matic have restored my faith in the return of the perfect trance party. The music was outstanding, the deco was stellar, the space was comfortable and I had a blast! The planning that went into this party was immediately apparent from the minute I walked through the door. If you missed this party, my heart goes out to you. And I pray that you make it to the next one. These guys are the pied pipers of the New York Trance scene. The pulled me onto the dance floor, made me sweat in the middle of the night and sent me out the door with sexy, groovy beats echoing pleasantly in my head. They offered food, water, chai, a chill area and the main dancefloor that was filled with the best music that I’ve heard in a very long time. AND if you missed the afterparty at Lex, you missed spending time with headliners…Andrew and Colin. They are incredible artists that treated us to more of their talent at the loft! AND on top of that, they’re great guys to hang out with. What a wonderful gift that was. As some of you may know, I can be very outspoken and a total bitch about how I think trance parties should be planned. Well, I have nothing to bitch about this time. Thanks guys for shutting me up! love & light, Joanne PS The morning set by Tony/Unorthodox put a huge smile on my face and made me dance even though my injured knee was screaming at me. Pay attention to this guy and let’s get him booked at more parties. He’s a goldmine of talent and to my glory, one of my best friends.
Also I would like to mention all the people who helped us with the party.. The Sonic Beating Deco Team (Dave, Marria, Dave and Rachel) who did all the art in the main room.. James and everyone else who helped with the chill room art. Pete, Pedro, and Jed who played in the chillout. Liz and Chris who created and ran the chai shop.. Pete, Charlie, Mio, Colleen, Lauren and everyone else who helped at the door. Ron for helping with promotion and with many other things, and also thanks to Ron and Wiley for hosting a nice afterparty.. And thanks to Tony for supporting us, playing for us and for the blacklight.. and the same to Lauryn for playing for us and being really helpful in taking our visitors (Andrew & Colin of VOC) around the city while we were busy setting up for the party. And Dan D. Raver who helped us with extra subwoofers. Jeff for promotion.. Also, Eli at CoSM who helped arrange everything for us and helped us with the pillows and all kinds of stuff…………………… And thanks to all the people who came out and danced 🙂 moof! -Ben
Thanks a lot Joanne 🙂 It means more than you can imagine to read a review like that… And it’s always nice to see you. The parties would not be worth a thing without the community spirit and you always bring that.

April 1 Friday
PsyFri NC

April 2 Saturday
Alladin Project

OPEN AIR IN NYC!!! Hey Party People…. This is the time of the year to welcome spring and come to enjoy a magical sunset party. Along with killer sounds flowing on the Hudson River, in the Open Air of Manhattan. Once more we get to enjoy the sounds of an exclusive LIVE set by Marcus and Sebastian aka SON KITE! And with one of the best North American Psy-Trance producers, GHREG ON EARTH for the 1ST time in NYC! See U ALL there with the best energy! Alladin Project Crew Featuring… SON KITE LIVE Digital Structures (Denmark) KNOB Alladin Project (JP) GHREG ON EARTH Wirikuta/ Mistress of Evil Records (SF) ALLEN Gaian Mind/ Metropolis Records (Philadelphia) ELNADIV Alladin Project (NYC/ IL) S.H.I.K.I.D OmniTribe (NYC) Sound: 20,000 WATT Decorations by: Severyn Barabakh (Subtlecaos -NYC) Alladin Project Crew Door Open: 5PM After party location will be announced at party THE FRYING PAN Pier 63 North River 23rd St. and Westside Highway MANHATTAN, NY 10001 THE PARTY WILL TAKE PLACE ON THE DOCK Tickets: $25 in Advance, $30 at door 21+w/ picture ID to drink. By Subway: #1,9,F,N,R,A,C,E or PATH to 23st Take cross-town bus or taxi to west side highway to pier 63 noth river. Subway Map: web mta.NYC.ny.us/NYCt/maps/submap (web mta.NYC.ny.us/NYCt/maps/submap ) Hoomoos Asli NYC 100 Kenmare St/ Lafayette, (212) 966-0022 Satellite Records NYC 259 Bowery Av. (212) 995-1744 web fryingpan (web fryingpan) RAIN OR SHINE EVENT!
El Nadiv’s Alladin Project party with Son Kite, Ghreg on Earth, Allen and Nobi, etc was truly excellent, a new high for this year. We surfed the waves of Chaos as the dancefloor on the dock rode the crests of the Hudson. I really hope people start doing afterparties after major events like this one.
Grrreaaat party! The last couple of hours were simply magical. The sunrise, wet, misty air, the boat rocking on the waves, the music! the people radiating with happiness. I also will remember that fire in the middle of Ghreg On Earth very hypnotic and pulsating set. It almost felt like the energy levels on the floor were so high that things started to catch on fire! Thank God there were no complications. I’ll also remember dancing outside under the stars. Well there were no stars that night actually it was cloudy and rained a few times but I felt them shining through the clouds. Big thanks to the organizers and everyone who was there. Looking forward to more parties at that great location. Peace and LOve
whaaaaat a night. First of all IMO the best location for summer parties. Son Kite as always an excellent set same to SIDKH and KNOB (hehe way to go man). Also a very nice set from Ghreg (he played some weirdest tunes I ever heard hehe) , as sundance3 mentioned that we had a fire (in a TENT!!) started by fireworks(tell me whos play with the fireworks inside a tent?????). And now that was one of dumbest things I ever witnessed. We all remember Great White, one f…. firecracker (especially the one used on this party, kind of rocket with a lot of fire coming from all sides ) can ruin not just an event, can damage much more …….. Fortunately, damn fire rocket landed on the roof (was kind of shelf under the roof) and caused fire. When I saw it I started looking for fire-eating. guess what seen none…..
ok enough about fire, how about water? Two bucks for water is a damn right price. First time for a long time I haven’t had that feeling that they ripping me off in the daylight,nah you can even look in the eyes of the bartender leaving a tip (not like I am paying 5$ and forget about tip bah).
OH and I forgot about Allen. He started playing right after Son Kite (hard task heheh) and ppl keep dancing and yelling (whos the f…. were yelling the whole nigh ??? )everybody enjoyed.booooooooom
ghreg landed on earth, and took all of us back with him to whatever planet he comes from .. brilliant set from ghreg, what sounds !! ..
didn’t enjoy knob’s night set as much, too full-on for my liking after ghreg, which had to be one of the psychedelic rides of a lifetime .. … son kite was beautiful for the time they played, a typically son kite journey, gentle and rhythmic – a great release after the power of ghreg .. on to Allen, who was much much better than the last time he played in NYC – seemed like a lot of droidlock droidsect type sounds, his set came as a complete surprise and rocked !! ..
knob in the morning was .. well … knob in the morning, some great tracks as well as a little bollywood humor.. 😉 he must have been to ninja school the way that man is on the decks !!! location and weather were perfect (so what if the chillum doesn’t light too well in the wind ! ) but the crowd left far too much to be desired .. there were a whole bunch of very strange, overly drug addled zombies teetering around the dancefloor that reminded me of being in Michael Jackson’s (is it safe to say his name ) video ‘thriller’ .. all in all .. what a party .. brilliant music at many moments, and what a morning
One crazy night …Rain, wind, cold, and a bunch of happy people dancing their asses off…what a scene that was. I can only wish this place would be used for summer parties.
Didn’t enjoy Son Kite’s set that much, but I guess that’s the style. Knob’s sets before and after – don’t even have the words to explain…outrageously THEEEEEE BEESSSSTTT.
Ghreg On Earth had some very good morning tunes. And what an ending to the party. It was scheduled to go until 4, but I left at 8 and Elnadiv was still doing what he does best – simply amazing. Crowd was awesome, solid turn out…looked like everybody was having lots of fun, especially a couple of girls at the front….a little drugged out and wild, but looked like they really enjoyed themselves (no harm done) Thanks Alladin crew for yet another great party. Can’t wait for you next one.
I also enjoyed this party. The place is indeed very nice, looking forward to check it in summertime when the tent will be open. There are couple of minuses I can think of: at some point it was way too overcrowded, and the Son Kite’s set was very short (less than an hour?). But it was compensated with an extended overall time. And the morning…a blast! Thank you everyone! btw, there were so many people taking pictures, so can anyone post them?
“knob in the morning was .. well … knob in the morning, some great tracks as well as a little bollywood humor.. 😉 he must have been to ninja school the way that man is on the decks !!!” I agree totally.. man what the hell was he doing up there.. by far the best DJ on the decks.. what control.. he was like a kid on a Nintendo machine… brilliant stuff from the japanese nuttah…
greg on earth totaly fuct with my head.. the most twisted sounds I have heard.. killer dark set.. the way he kept me thinking he was going to stop and then he’d drop another bomb… crazy stuff.. Allen was killing it as well.. what the hell was that track that he played where he pretended that the CDJs were outta control and then all of a sudden there was a crazy crazy sample and back to tha madness… son kite was well son kite…. brilliant production and sound.. the violins really did it for me… great stuff all in all a killer party one of my better ones in NYC.. big up to the Alladin crew.. this was a special one… and big up to konu man… thanks for tha flight to space and back…. see ya at tha next one
I think everything was already said in here!!! this one was for sure one of the best (if not the best!!) parties I’ve ever been to in NYC !!!! Everything about it was just perfect …. the place is beautiful and even with all that rain it didn’t lose it’s magic, the deco was very nice, there was happy faces everywhere in the crowd and the music… Knob as always… The master of NY trance … he always manages to take us to a different dimension !! Allen’s set was great as well… Greg had some really twisted sounds which made me wonder where it was coming from , but once I got used to it I kinda managed to like it… and Son Kite… well is not really my style but they played a very nice set as well !!! Once again… Thanks Alladin Crew for making such a beautiful event happen!!! looking foward for the next one….
That was an amazing party! I was lovin the music all nite SHIKID up to the last second… There wasnt even a moment where I wasn’t feeling it! It was wonderful to finally get to hear Ghreg, I wasn’t disappointed at all, to say the least. The sounds he was playing really made me bust a synapse, as promised.
Going from that crazy weather in the beginning to gentle fog and finally even breaks in the clouds letting me glimpse the stars added to the experience, as did getting to stay and see the light come in the morning as Knobe and Elnadiv did their crazy back and forth. Id love to see more of that kind of thing at parties. Having two people take turns puts a special energy in the music.
At one point I got seasick (I’m a landlubber, I admit it) and had to go curl up in a ball under the stage, but after a while I couldn’t resist the sounds Allen was playing and had to go back and dance. When I came popped up from under the stage the people that were dancing in front (perhaps the same individuals mentioned by SpaceShark) had the most priceless looks of surprise on their faces! They obviously had no idea there was someone under there. I hope they got as big a kick out of my sudden appearance as I got from their reaction. If I startled anyone in an unpleasant way my apologies.
So even getting seasick wasn’t so bad, it kind of added to the experience in a way (although I hope my belly behaves next time lol!)
Hope there are more parties @ frying pan, it’s a great location. Till next time… static fish
This was my first time at frying pan, and even with the rain it was a super location. The party was very reminiscent of a squat party and had a nice underground feel to it…no club BS or hassles. It was very refreshing to be outdoors and to feel far removed from the city.
Shikid and Knob played great sets – seamless and with wonderful energy. I was so put off by GhregonEarth though. The music was way too dark and malformed for my taste (and it seemed like he played for eons!). Son Kite was fantastic as to be expected – they never disappoint! I agree that their set was way too short…hopefully, they’ll make it up to us next time 😉

April 3 Sunday

DJ set Progredelic to Psy VIBRO FUENTES, DJ set Acid Trance to Psy COSMIC CREEPERS, DJ set Psy and more Psy Techno and Acid Trance working our way up into Psy Boogaloo Bar 68 Marcy Ave South Williamsburg, Brooklyn, NY (‘tween Bway and S. 5th) 8pm till 4am FREE By Subway: J to Marcy Ave. (over the Williamsburg Bridge); G at Metropolitan Ave April 6th- Omnitribe at Insha’allah April 13th- Stas and Coral at Insha’allah Stas “HiFi (Omnitribe) Coral Slater (Touch Samadhi, DeKompression) Sasha “Shmumer” Fsov (Radiolaria) – Boston -“THIS WILL BE A SICK LINE-UP. ALL THREE PLAY GREAT DOWNTEMPO, SHMUMER PLAYS TECHY PROG, CORAL AND STAS ARE FULL-ON, AWESOME….THE WHOLE NIGHT WILL BE TAKEN CARE OF….” April 15 – Alladin Project April 20th- Insha’allah with Mescalinium and friends Just a note to let you know a couple of artists of mine will be out performing in NYC for the Full Moon at CoSM with Alex Grey. (April 23-25) They are playing in the daytime … more of their acoustic drums/chill music. They also do a live trance act…. and a live chill act. Ajja is the label owner of Peak Records in Switzerland and if you aren’t aware of them…. check it out. They have released some stomping compilations that really move a floor! They have regularly performed throughout Europe and at festivals, Rainbow Serpent, Exodus, Zoom and more. April 27th- Omnitribe at Insha’allah

Free Open Air Psy-Trance in New York for 2005… If anyone misses the free open-air bridge parties with DJs from all over the country with the frequency and incredible production values of last year, get involved and join the DMT. As of this writing, we still need money to get the sound system restored to its full 7000-watt glory and make it so that a few members (Dan de Maria… Joanne) don’t lose their shirts so that everyone else can play.
This weekend No NYC parties as of this writing except for the well-spoken of the party in Brooklyn on Sundays that got a glowing review on NYC604 by Dan de Maria. Beings that these are the only people stepping up to the plate and doing something this weekend, I’m going to reprint his review here:
What a kick-ass awesome party this was!!!! The bartender was making some serious drinks, and the DJs were dropping some serious beats! For me, this party had a little bit of everything that I like. As many of you know, I’m not a strictly psytrance listener. This started off with some nice squeaking and bleeping techno, then moved to the trancier stuff-not quite full-on trance, something like psychedelic techno, then full-on psytrance from about 1-1:30AM. I had no idea what time it was until looking out the window seeing that it was getting light out!!! The bartender was still serving, the music by this time had moved from full-on to a chillout vibe. One of the owners of the bar came down. I was talking with her for a little while. Seems that she used to hit the clubs in NYC back in the ’90s and is looking to keep some of that vibe going. She had no problem keeping the place open, just as long as some common sense was applied, no crowds, once you go out, no coming back in, etc. She was really cool about it! Also, a big plus here, is that the owners bought the building, so in essence, they don’t have to worry about the sound waking the people upstairs, there really aren’t any. And they do have a nice sound setup. Enough sound and in the right places to get the job done properly. I don’t smoke cigarettes, but I didn’t see anyone getting hassled about cigarettes, I wouldn’t push it through. An excellent way to finish the weekend off. Wish I was able to get some sleep… have to get ready for work now! Highly recommend this spot. Nice vibe, a half block from the train. The music was great! Alcohol was great! Def. going back next weekend. Boogaloo Bar 168 Marcy Ave Sundays (see Calendar below)
(web smi2le.biz) New Office in Weehawken! The new web Smi2le.biz (web Smi2le.biz) offices are spacious and beautiful. We just got Internet and cable TV. Our phone is 201-766-1086. We offer free tours where you can see products getting made round the clock – you can stay overnight if it’s late, get free samples and consulting, and enjoy steep discounts on quantity smart ds. It’s a $2, 15 minute bus ride from Port Authority via the Lincoln Tunnel. Subliminal Records owns the building. We’ll be having a launch party here soon once our backorders are all fulfilled. Bargain Basement Smart ds! Everyone and I mean everyone needs to try Piracetam daily for at least two weeks and get what I call the UPSHIFT. Here are my experiences: /upshift (web tranceam.org/upshift ) When I made the page you could only get this stuff overseas. Not any longer! I now work at web Smi2le.biz (web smi2le.biz/) which offers this. Cheap. The company is awesome – Jackie is working here too and she looks gorgeous pressing capsules in her new lab coat. What’s in it for you trancers? I am also selling these nootropics at steep discounts on ebay. at search.ebay/W0QQsassZbrainmachines (search.ebay/W0QQsassZbrainmachines) Smi2le sells them for a lot cheaper than anyone else. And I get rid of excess inventory with 3 day auctions. So if smart drugs are your interest, check it out. This is the real deal; the prices are killer. Like Wal-Mart, priced just a little but lower than the lowest prices I could find. the lowest anywhere. and if you don’t know what any of the nootropics are, use google. If you only have cash or want them immediately feel free to email me and I’ll see you at Insha’allah Wednesday when I’m back in town and we’ll meet in some back alley for some shady transaction all just to boost your IQ. I never imagined myself a smart drug dealer (get it?) To get on the smart drug mailing list send a blank email to specials, info, and discussion. We also just recently signed Wilson Leary, Timothy’s cousin, as our new spokesperson. Wilson is an old artist friend who currently resides in Austin, TX. His old roommate was the real Laszlo, the lawyer from Fear & Loathing. He stayed with me up here in ’97 an was on the phone the other night with PIKHAL/TIKHAL’s Sasha & Ann Shulgin. He is here in the lower left at a birthday party for Timothy at author Bruce Eisner’s house (writer of Ecstacy: The E Story).(and no, ladies, this dashing young man is not single):

April 6 Wednesday
Omnitribe at Insha’allah…
Carthage is on Avenue B between 3rd and 4th street across from Le Souk. Free, ID21+. 9pm-4am. Insha’allah translates roughly to “If God Wills.” This is the weekly meeting of the Christian Muslim Jewish Drinking Society, promoting tolerance, understanding, camaraderie and maybe even friendship amongst those from various creeds through mutual alcohol consumption, apple-flavored tobacco smoked through hookahs, and psychedelic trance. The venue is gorgeous and the potential is vast. It’s a combination of all the best qualities of all the venues used in the past few years, with the hookah decor of Karma with the class of Boom. A perfect marriage. Many take their shoes off. Great owners, long hours, good kitchen, free. Occasional free food. No thugs. And no security, the Moroccan guys take care of that. The bathrooms are very clean, always a plus. The whole place feels like an upscale version of the Cantina in Star Wars. Lounge area in the front, dance area in the back. Door by Jackie P, Deco by Steve-O, /Machinelf is your host. The kitchen stays open until 2am. I will have extra nootropics (web smi2le.biz/) on hand if anyone wants to buy some direct for cash. Feel free to come early for high-end Moroccan cuisine. 9-11:30 Stefan, Ari, & Machinelf – downtempo through house/trance 11:30pm – 4am – Omnitribe

April 9 Saturday
First Party: Lynne Rabchuk

Ulana’s w/ DJ CORAL, CHAD, and others… web gaian-mindanaapril(web gaian-mindanaapril)

April 10 Sunday
DJ set Progredelic to Psy VIBRO FUENTES, DJ set Acid Trance to Psy COSMIC CREEPERS, DJ set Psy and more Psy Techno and Acid Trance working our way up into Psy Boogaloo Bar 68 Marcy Ave South Williamsburg, Brooklyn, NY (‘tween Bway and S. 5th) 8pm till at least 4am FREE By Subway: J to Marcy Ave. (over the Williamsburg Bridge); G at Metropolitan Ave [ed note: take the J train, the G stop is kinda far]

April 13 Wednesday
Stas and Coral at Insha’allah
Insha’allah Wednesdays is no more, the venue was just too incongruous and I’m too busy to find another location and keep it going. Goa Trash is taking a break. If anyone would like to do something in that vein and have me as a silent partner, I’m all (pointed) ears!

April 14 Thursday

You are graciously invited to the rebirth of your auditory senses. To a night of rigorous vibrations of a woofer diaphragm that will act as your passport to a complete mind fuck. Join us as we rejoice in the ushering of spring brought upon us by the turntable like the movement of this rock we call Earth. Papaya Syndrome presents “Triptonite Thursdays” at earthNYC 116a 10th Avenue, Corner of 17th Street and 10th Avenue, NY,NY DAVE WRIGHT (9 – 11 PM) Dave Wright exploded into the Midwestern underground tech-house scene in 1998. He quickly drew attention with his impeccable mixing and experimental use of live jazz to enhance his bassy and feverishly funky beats. His reputation as a tech-house, dub, trip-hop and downtempo disk jockey made him a regular in the Chicago- Milwaukee- Madison scene. His subtle mixes, funky bouncy tunes will send his listeners into a feeling of floating on dense air. He has opened for Rusty P and played alongside the likes of Nick Nice. Please join us in welcoming Mr. Wright to the NYC scene. Their loss is our gain. Special Guest: DJ LUNA AKA LUIS (11 P M – END) Luis has been spinning since 1985, in major clubs and parties in Brazil. In 1998 he founded the band INFLUX – “the first live PA of Psychedelic Trance in Brazil.” Now he’s part of the Dreamcatcher team in new york city where he resides. Hope you all can make it and come support a new night in the NYC PSY/Electronica scene Zorawar “Babla” Sachdeva 1- 516-426-2627 ( I’m not lost…..I’m just looking for the people who drove me here…. )
ok, my personal review: First of all, I think you are doing a great job by supporting a psytrance scene here in NY, and we know how hard it is. So, keep on! And thank you! Regarding the place: I think this is a good place, spacious and all. However, if you want people coming in the future, I think there should be some psychedelic decorations. Without them it always seems that something is missing … Will the owners allow them? And if making and organizing gets really money consuming, I think it’s ok if you start charging a small amount/donation. People will be willing to pay if it’s worth paying.

April 15 Friday

April 16 Saturday
Liran – GMS

GMS LIVE + DJ SET, SATURDAY APRIL 16TH at least we know Liran is involved, I was feeling remiss with no familiar faces, like a crotchety old trance man that none of the new kids tolerate
GMS Review It was the best time I’ve ever had at Avalon, and the soberest time
(drug-wise) Liran did a great job letting in trancers straight away and many of the old heads were there. GMS sounded incredible on the sound system. They played a lot of new material with mainstreamy samples and reworkings. The vibe was good. It was great to be at a really humongous trance party with a looot of unknown people. And it was at least a quarter Japanese.

April 17 Sunday

April 18 Monday
What’s News – Daniel Pinchbeck, Gaian Mind info, Tsunami open-air July 3, various psytekky stuff Interview with Mubali [m.o.e. san fran] 300 people removed from Safetydance If you were one of these people that I do not recall as a known contributor, you’ll have to contribute to rejoin. Sorry. I’d rather ask now than later this summer when I am too busy to even think about it . Let’s make 2004 like a warm-up. GMS Review It was the best time I’ve ever had at Avalon, and the soberest time (drugwise) Liran did a great job letting in trancers straight away and many of the old heads were there. GMS sounded incredible on the sound system. They played a lot of new material with mainstreamy samples and reworkings. The vibe was good. It was great to be at a really humongous trance party with a looot of unknown people. And it was at least a quarter Japanese/Korean.
To re-experience this and transcend the fact that emotions are holographically imprinted chemicals, rejoin us or be forced to develop a time travel mechanism in the lab in your basement. Neurons that fire together wire together. Help us escape to a higher level of complexity. here is the founder of web SMI2LE.biz
We organized that event back when the Devotional Ministry of Trance was the Church of Trance, and that is where I first met the AOHELL hacker who was delivering pizzas when he started SMI2LE. To see more events like this get on Safetydance for $10 or $25 for Safetydance and the d. Of course, you’ll be thoroughly screened. High-Res Eye of God great wallpaper!

Just a note to let you know a couple of artists of mine will be out performing in NYC for the Full Moon at CoSM with Alex Grey. (April 23-25) They are playing in the daytime … more of their acoustic drums/chill music. They also do a live trance act. … and a live chill act. Ajja is the label owner of Peak Records in Switzerland and if you aren’t aware of them…. check it out. They have released some stomping compilations that really move a floor! They have regularly performed throughout Europe and at festivals, Rainbow Serpent, Exodus, Zoom and more.

April 23 Saturday
SubtleChaos – Boogalo

Polarlight Recordings EssentialWave Hyper-Nation at Nightengale 213 2nd Avenue # 13 St, NYC Line up: Starstruck [Essential Wave, NYC] Serge Z-Lenin [HyperNation, NYC] Earthian [Polarlight RCS, NYC] Dino [Psybooty/Changmian, Boston] Yanis [Polarlight RCS, NYC] Eddie Kanto r [HyperNation, NYC] Free Admission 21+ web polarlightmusic (web polarlightmusic/) web essentialwave (http ://web essentialwave/) April 23rd New Location!!! 10pm till ………Just ask ya mum if you can stay out late! ‘BOO GALOO’ 168 Marcy Ave Williamsburg, Brooklyn Subway: Take the JMZ to Marcy or the L/G to Metropolitan/Lorimer Dj’s Comtak – Subtlechaos/Subtleprodu ction Severyn – Subtlechaos/Pulse Industries Jason – Subtlechaos/Pulse Industries Special Guests! Psy Environment by Sev – Pulse Industries/web severyn Visual Stim by the Boys from the Burg! Join us on April 23rd at o ne of the coolest spots in the Burg for a night of psychedelic tunes made for grooving:) Venue info: webtunes/venue/boogaloo.cfm (http at subtlechaos.org) Mailing List: subtlechaos
He y Peeps, Thanks to everyone who came to Boogaloo last Saturday we had killer time and hopefully we will be doing it again next Month…………..maybe we’ll go more than 12 hours though…you bunch of lightweights:) FY I – Pulse Industries is dedicated to the best in Full On Trance & Tek no medium no in-between & nothing slower than 135bpm. Jason/Severyn – Pulse Industries Subtlechaos is a multi Genre event dedicated to all music for grooving.

April 24 Sunday
Full-On Psy Trance at Boogaloo

Juve the bartender says it’s psytrance there every Sunday

April 27 Wednesday
Pulse at Opium, Den
(Opium Den & Vibrasphere Flyers) Pulse Industr ies at Opium Den Wednesday 27th of April

What’s News -Many new big events announced in the calendar, below. -Supreme Court to Hear Case of Dispute Over Religious Group’s Use of Banned DMT [Ayahuasca /DMT] (see end of this email for full article)
We welcome to this newsletter John Perry Barlow (homes.eff.org /barlow/), He’s the Electronic Frontier Foundation’s vice chairman, Grateful Dead lyricist, and was on the letterhead for Wired Magazine for many years.

Notes from the Underground
There are several gatherings being planned that you will not read about here. Why? because Thieves Destroy Scenes. Physical thieves, that is. I admit I appropriate almost every idea I can find. None of the logos and nor even the names of every group I am with are original. I can’t really think of anything original maybe unless it was a weird costume ars back but even all that was store-bought. But stealing a bag is another thing entirely, and bag thieving is brilliant in its simplicity to fuck things up for tranceheads. The low number of thieves per capita is one of several reasons why psytrance has survived the rave implosion. The Idea for us to survive is to keep things too weird and too psychedelic for a (low level) monkey mind to tolerate.
Dr. Albert Hofmann celebrated his 99th birthday on January 11, 2005! Dr. Hofmann first synthesized l-25 in 1938 while working at Sandoz Laboratories in Basel Switzerland. He became the first person to discover its psychedelic effects on April 16, 1943. (from MAPS.org) He’s also a pal of Goa Gil, who has played at gatherings in Hofmann’s native Switzerland and is playing in North Carolina in May (see below). One of my friends went down to the Mayan ruins with Dr. Hofmann recently. I wouldn’t have believed him but he gave me a photo. This guy just keeps going and going and going… Love Parade NYC Why does have its own Love Parade and New York does not?

April 29 Friday
Tsuyoshi Suzuki at Webster Hall
– Tsuyoshi Ladies and Gentlemen! Spring is coming (DJ:TSUYOSHI SUZUKI), JOUJOUKA is coming! We are selling advanced tickets of April 29th with Numanoid aka DJ: Tsuyoshi, LIVE JOUJOUKA, TOMMIE SUNSHINE at websterhall MAY 5th. April 29th (FRI) 10:00PM-MORNING at WEBSTER HALL (125 East 11th St,bet 3rd & 4th Ave) Main Floor: DJ:NUMANOID aka DJ TSUYOS HI (JOUJOUKA / MADSKIPPERS) LIVE:JOUJOUKA (Electro) DJ: TOMMIE SUNSHINE (xylophone jones / Brooklyn Fire) Advanced Ticket with JOUJOUKA live CD $2 5.00 Ticket Outlet- O planning (276 Fifth Ave suite 307A, bet 29th St &30 th St) 212-532-5665 (You have an advanced ticket, you don’t stand on long li ne, use the guest entrance) If you buy advanced ticket $25, you can get J OUJOUKA LIVE CD and Joe Perry (Aerosmith) and DJ honda concert’s INVITATION on MAY 5th. web joujouka (web joujouka/) web tommies unshine.org (web tommiesunshine.org/) web odoru-NYC (web odoru-NYC/) basement: DJ Sean Sharpe (Hip Hop) 3F: DJ Chikkitin ( Salsa, Merengue and Reggaeton) 2F(coffee room): DJ Chase (Reggae) 1F: DJ A very (Classics 70’s-90’s) *Amature Striptease at 3:00AM $500 cash prize for winner! *Bring ID +18 to enter, +21 to drink *Dress Code -nice and casual-

April 30 Saturday
N’Light’n – Evolve

A community of multimedia artists unites to create an enlightening and uplifting environment. Fusing multimedia art installations with psychedelic experimental grooves, dubadelic world beats, and next-level beatboxing, Evolve features beat-driven music that transcends current musical genres to illustrate where we have been and points in the direction of where we are going. LIVE ACTS: VIBRASPHERE(web mpdqx/digitalstruct ures (web mpdqx/digitalstructures) web mpdqx/digi talstructures (web mpdqx/digitalstructures) ) One of the mos t innovative trance acts in the world, Vibrasphere combine the deepness of dub with the energy of Trance. Flying in from Sweden where Digital Structures is based, Vibrasphere joins us in an exclusive east coast appearance to take us on a musical journey and rock the dance-floor. WATERJUICE ( web vaporvent (web vaporvent/) web vaporvent (web vaporvent/) ) is the sonic brain-child of Cyri l Kollock and Raven Tupling. Formed in 1999, their musical styles have evolved from deep funk to trance, electro, breaks and a touch of rock and roll. Based in the bay area, these prolific artists have designed their own software and an innovative piece of hardware called the Mi di-Trigger Suit which they use to create sounds through movement. Their live performance takes the listener from dubby downtempo grooves to psychedelic soundscapes. BEATBOXER ENTERTAINMENT (beatboxing (beatboxing/) beatboxing (beatboxing/) ) Brooklyn based Beatboxer Entertainment showcases some of the most innovative human beatboxing in the world. Representing the next level of the body as instrument and transcending traditional Hip Hops boundaries to envelope the progressive sounds of future vocal breakbeat. UPBEAT-DOWNTEMPO DJs: CYRIL (Waterjuice-Vaporvent)ALIEN BLUE (C.o.S.M.)PEDRO (Reality Engine) MATYAS (Reality Engine) MULTIMEDIA (VJS)Full-on Video installation by Reality Engine Matyas (Reality Engine) Nikos (Reality Engine)Serge (Subtle Chaos) Vibrational Zen room by Himalayan Voices, providing gongs and percussion instruments from around the world. Beer, juice, water and snacks wi ll also be served. Art installations by Michael Murphy (michaeldmurphy (michaeldmurphy/) ), Kris Kuksi (kriskuksi.c om (kriskuksi/) ), Ryan Uzi, and Wade Harrell (trauni c (traunic/) ) Body therapeutics by Sharodka Stagger. Conceptualized in collaboration with enlightenedProductions.org https://web.archive.org/web/20110910022728/http://www.enlightenedproductions.org/) Proceeds from EVOLVE to benefit the non-profit creativecommons.org (creativecommons.org/) LOCATION: Grand Space 778 Bergen St. in Prospect Heights, Brooklyn near the Brooklyn Museum of Art and Prospect Park (accessible by C, 2, 3 and Q trains). DIRECTIONS: web grandspace/directions (web grands pace/directions ) TICKETS: It’s strongly encouraged to buy your tickets in advanced as we will keep this event at a comfortable dancing capacity. $20 in advance, $30 at the door if still available. For tickets and more information please visit realityengine.org/events ( realityengine.org/events) If you have any trouble viewing this flyer in y our email client is it also available online at web enlightenedProductions.org/evolve/email Flyer (web enlightenedProductions.org/evolve/emailFlyer )
Thankyou Vibrasphere for playing “San Pedro” this time! I recall it wasn’t played back in Oct 2001, the last time I heard Vibrasphere. That song contains the very soul of a certain cactus from the Andes that I love very much…
The musical water table thingies were amazing… In fact, I think they may be the coolest thing I have ever seen at a party.
I hope the creativity and innovation that went into this party inspires others to stretch out more and try new things…
Thank you Reality Engine for setting a new standard for trance events in NYC!

Mubali Interview

Mubali Interview

meets Mubali April 2005 by Ari Davidov This is Mubali's first "interview," and I'm convinced it won't be his last ...

April 30 Saturday

ALLEN, ONNOMON, MUBALI… web GoaheadProductions (web GoaheadProductions)
The Butterfly Dance Ritual II (The Rites of Spring) Cleveland, Ohio Saturday, April 30, 2005 Presented by Goahead Productions https://web.archive.org/web/20190602123830/http://goaheadproductions.com/ “It’s the time of the season when love runs high” May the wings of the butterfly kiss the sun. And find your shoulder to light on. To bring you luck, happiness and riches. Today, tomorrow, and beyond. MAIN STAGE: Mubali – Live/Dj set – Mistress of Evil Records – San Francisco, Ca http://mubali.tripod.com https://web.archive.org/web/20190703131153/http://mistressofevil.com/ Onnomon – Live – Soular Records – Philadelphia, Pa https://web.archive.org/web/20070422143100/http://www.onnomon.com:80/ https://web.archive.org/web/20070216233419/http://www.soularrecords.com/ Sound samples from Onnomon’s latest CD release: Allen – Gaian Mind – Philadelphia, Pa S.O.T. – Touchsamadhi – Chicago http://www.touchsamadhi.com Ari D vs. Meghan – Goahead – Cleveland/NYC Sound by: Cosmic Traveler https://web.archive.org/web/20151119142758/http://cosmictraveler.com/ Thematic Event Decor & Interactive Projected Visuals by: Psymbolic Visual Communications http://www.psymbolic.com CHILL ROOM: Boompsie – Goahead – Cleveland Paco De Bongo – Cleveland Malachi – Goahead – Cleveland N.O.D. vs. Kaiser Soze – Touchsamadhi/37H3R – Asheville/Milwaukee Chill room deco by Marisa Butterflygoddess Visuals by Wiley Cat Pictures from last year’s Ritual at: http://www.troutsoup.com/photos/rites_spring https://web.archive.org/web/20071009224121/http://www.silverraver.com:80/photos/butterfly http://parties.vrillusions.com/gallery/bdr 9pm-6am $20 at the door Directions and info updates will be posted at https://web.archive.org/web/20190602123830/http://goaheadproductions.com/ and our mailing list. To join our mailing list, go to the link below, and click on “Join This Group!” Infoline 330-573-6969 _ http://facebook.com/DJmeghan Bookings for DJ Meghan contact: Jac@Psylicious.com (Americas) Tom@Psylicious.com (UK/EU) http://www.psylicious.com

May 1 Sunday
Psy Boogaloo
Bar 68 Marcy Ave South Williamsburg, Brooklyn, NY (‘tween Bway and S. 5th ) 8pm till 4am FREE By Subway: J to Marcy Ave. (over the Williamsburg Bri dge); G at Metropolitan Ave (J train is waayyyy better)

May 2005


May 4 Wednesday
Open House Launch Party at Smi2le
We are having friends, family, and other intelligent people at our new offices. 7pm-6am
DJs Nick Tornetta (Seattle), Shaikid and Kife (Omnitribe) plus others Smart drugs giveaways, smart bar, barbecue, lab tours, etc web smi2le.biz/launchparty in the Subliminal Records building in Weehawken NJ, 5 minute $2 bus ride from Port Authority This is only the beginning. Later this summer we’ll host Salons with John Perry Barlow and Daniel Pinchbeck.

May 5 Thursday


May 6 Friday
TDC – Atomic Pulse ( Spectrum, Israel)

For the first time in New York City, Atomic Pulse will perform a special LIVE and DJ Set. Atomic Pulse sound consists of full-on music blending with hard elements of groove with an epic feel. DJ’s: Main Psy-full on room Babla ( Kagdila rec, NYC ) TDC Mafia ( Legalize this ) Inner Mongolian Progressive room Pulse ( HyperNation / TDC, NYC ) Oleg K ( HyperNation, NYC ) Eddie Kantor ( HyperNation, NYC ) Serge Z-Lenin ( HyperNation, NYC ) Farmatar ( Omnitribe / Polarlight, NYC ) Earthian ( Omnitribe / Polarlight, NYC ) Deco: D aya Cayung ( Dreamcatcher studio, Indonesia ) TDC crew Admission: $ 25 – Party from 10 – 7 Club Axis 32-17 College point Blvd. QUEENS NYC. ( entrance is on 33rd Ave ) For more information about this event and upcoming summer festival visit web TDCNY (web tdcny)

2005 5 7 MMM

May 7 Saturday
Marijuana March in Battery Park

web cures- not-wars.org/ (web cures-not-wars.org/)
What do you want first the good news or the bad? Ok F..k it Bad news first. We will not be having a Psy Stage in Battery Park this year for the first time since 1999.This personally to Subtlechaos & Pulse Industries is very sad news as the only time we get to say Fuck you legally to the System (not the Sound System:) the City and the Police is basically on this one date May 7th Battery Park. This year the City has been doing its utmost to hinder and bollox all Permits that have been applied for over the last few months in reference to Cures Not Wars and this time the city Succeeded……………closing off the Lawn where we normally host the Rally and the Psy Stage saying that due to Heavy Lawn Construction the only place that Cures Not Wars can rally is in front of the Stupid oval Castle where all the Senegalese guys sell their Oakley’s and Jeff sells his Smart Drugs:).Thus only room for one Sound System (crap) which will of course be the only stage Consisting of Hip Hop, Rock and all that crap and will be run by the Yippee Organizers leaving us completely fucked but we will be back to do it next year unless the City decides its better to have a 20 level Ikea store in its location.
Ok now the good news……….72 HOUR NON STOP PSY PARTY AT BOOGALOO (Just kidding)OUTDOOR MAY 7TH FROM 7AMThis Parties location holds alot of special memories for us and the people we have been working with and partying with over the last 8 years in NYC. Thank you for supporting the scene. TDC’S (Atomic Pulse) party finishes at 7am on May 7th then we go to the Bridge for a full day and night of the best in Psy Tek and Trance. Cheers Jason Subtlechaos/Pulse Industries The future of Psychedelic Tek Trance is NYC ”181”DJ SETS BY – Pulse Industries, TDC, Subtlechaos, Omnitribe, Alphatrance and a couple of very special guests!Deco by Pulse Industries.Visuals by Surge & Vladimir.Goa Flea Market(Please contact info at subtlechaos.org (info at subtlechaos.org) to arrange setting up a stand. Sound by Spectra and The Dmt!Start of the outdoor season -7AM Saturday, May 7th, 2005 Location – Under the Arches at the bridge.Directions – info at subtlechaos.org (info at subtlechaos.org) Join subtlechaos (subtlechaos ) These outdoor events cost $$$$ so do expect to be giving a donation or help at the event!from jsannachan

May 7 Saturday
Bridge Party

First Party: Dan Bro-Be
they were originally planning to have a trance stage setup at the million marijuana march but because of difficulties with “the man” the party has moved. The future of Psychedelic Tek Trance is NYC ”181” DJ SETS BY – Pulse Industries,TDC, Subtlechaos, Omnitribe, Alphatrance and a couple of very special guests! Deco by Pulse Industries. Visuals by Surge & Vladimir. Goa Flea Market (Please contact info@subtlechaos.org to arrange setting up a stand. Sound by Spectra and The Dmt! Start of the outdoor season -7AM Saturday, May 7th 2005 ps watch out for trolls
OUTDOOR This Parties location holds a lot of special memories for us and the people we have been working with and partying with over the last 8 years in NYC. Thank you for supporting the scene. TDC’S (Atomic Pulse) party finishes at 7am on May 7th then we go to the [locati on] for a full day and night of the best in Psy Tek and Trance. Cheers [E d. note: I love them so much, I’m never going to post location/direx on a public list.
Regarding the “underground event” this weekend, they stopped at 4pm

This week, Dreamcatcher Thursday and Wizzy Noise Friday. Omnifest moved to September. Smi2le is hiring….”ecstasy, a dangerous illicit drug, can help cancer patients and trauma victims” Am I the only one who is reminded of a Homer Simpson quote (from the episode he is given medical marijuana) That’s because daddy’s special medicine, which you must never touch because it will ruin your life, allows him to see and hear things you couldn’t even imagine ever -Scott from N.E. PA
Cool Daya Art! Not that active in a cycle way but quite movin’ especially in the real size (17x1o ft). Please see the link at scroll all th way down. I also still in the middle of a project with a similar theme for another 4 more pieces like that. web www.day avision.50megs.com/catalog
New Naotto art! https://www.wwwcomcom.com/

May 11 Thursday

thank you al l for coming last week this week’s lineup: from 11:00 till 12:30 – Machinelf (brainmachines) from 12:30 till 02:30 – STAS (Omnitribe) from 02:30 till 04:00 – LUNA (Dreamcatcher) NO cover/ 21 and over with ID (support the bar to keep the party alive, CLUB CAOS 33-05 Broadway, Queens, NY

May 13 Friday
Alladin Project – WIZZY NOISE

(Greece) Spun Rec. Candy Flip Rec. KNOB Allad in Project (Japan) ELNADIV Alladin Project (NYC/ IL) URIEL Alladin Project (NYC/IL) STEVE-O Spectra (NYC) Decorations by: Alladin Project Crew Severyn Barabakh (Subtlecaos -NYC) Visuals by: VJ: Skyeye (Alladin Proje ct)Japan -NYC Tickets $25 in Advance, $30 at door 18 to enter – 21+w/ picture ID to drink. Door Open: 11PM to 8AM CLUB EXIT 147 GREENPOINT AVE BROOKLYN NY com
I enjoyed the party, the energies were good, I played in a different time than I usually played, so I choose a different style of set than I play, when I play in the morning time, hope U people liked it. wizzy noize set was nice but not too crazy to say wow. knobe play awesome set like always. I was tired as hell cause I came after work, but I had a great time, I love trance and can’t leave without parties whoever feel the same I believe do the same unless he doesn’t really like it or need it. support the trance scene we all big family and it’s not by the hand of one promoter or another only by everybody, all of us promoters, DJs, party people and fun lovers. nothing really matters except to have fun in life. we all came from the same place and going there anyway so party on people. p.s I think $30 is not high but not justified also. $25 sound better for me for a DJ set from 1 trance artist (wizzy noize in this last one), and I will speak with Eli in person on that one 2. but please don’t forget that 2 make one party that take one night U need to work like a month and more and to run like crazy, so ur support is so important and give the energy to do great things again all the last parties that I’ve been to was great, and believe me I know what I’m talking about cause I was there. and some people come with bad energy just because they have something in person with Eli or don’t like him or know him well and it’s got nothing to do with his parties and for all of U outsiders before U talk come and check it out urself new york have a great trance scene and Eli & Eyal are big part of it together with all the others there is a party every month from Alladin project if someone didn’t like one party that’s natural and can happen but nobody can say they don’t deserve big respect and support for there hard work to let us party the way we like with the music we like. I’m a big supporter. peace and love
lets be absolutely honest .. this party was an abomination, both in terms of sound quality and general music played over the evening .. apart from a few hours of knob’s set, which were really good, the rest of the party was really just an excuse to .. well, you all know .. no faith in this crew until they can do something different – made it to the TDC party the week before, and that was brilliant in terms of the progression of music, sound quality and music quality .. this was just a letdown .. complete and utter .. nothing against the crew, they have churned out plenty of good parties .. but please, don’t let it become a hollow commercial thing that you do to make a little money before the summer starts, because it really shows
I think WIZZY NOISE played a little too long…3 hours was a bit too much..nice music, but a little too long. A bunch of people were drained out and waiting for something a little more uplifting before the set was over. Knob should have started earlier and Elnadiv should have played as well. Overlall a good party. Good job Alladin crew

May 14 Saturday

Featuring Dreamcatcher s DJ Juggernaut, DJ Influx and DJ Brandon Adams playing Psytrance all night starting at 10pm. Juve will be serving cocktails and cold beers at the bar. Ask for the nights special! At 4am refreshing fruit juices will take over the alcohol for the morning rise

May 17 Tuesday
Severyn’s Art Stolen

last night someone broke into Sevryn’s girlfriends’ car and stole the last eight years of his work, all the banners that were hung at the Alladin project Wizzy noise party. the thief left other expensive items such as a digital camera, binoculars, etc and only took the artwork. PLEASE if you know anything about the missing artwork contact jason (jason@subtlechaos.org 917 903 0428) or Severyn of pulse industries.
also no questions asked BIG reward is being offered for any information that leads to the return of his artwork.

Fri, 20 May Fri, 20 May Cc: TripOutNY No Dreamcatcher this week – sorry

May 20 Friday

Aaron Ocelot has a new CD coming out very soon by Dropout Productions, this is not it.

That’s Kiernan in the middle, Chris Exeris on the left, m.e. on the right, Jackie dancing one more positive trip on Glastonbury

May 21 Friday
55 Lex

nice party at 55 LexIt was a very nice party indeed. Thanks to you Dan, for the decks and watermelon, and Vincent, Jeff, Kamal, Chris, and Ken(?) for superb sets, perfect music all night and morning. Vlad, Ron, and Chris provided awesome live visuals on four monitors and people seemed to enjoy the projected art slide show. Respect to Joanne for supplying loads of munchies and brewing the wormwood. Thanks to all of you who showed up and danced, and helped create such a great vibe. -Evan

Goa Gil: A Tribute to a Psychedelic Trance Pioneer and Icon

Goa Gil: A Tribute to a Psychedelic Trance Pioneer and Icon

1951 - October 26, 2023 Goa Pioneer Goa Gil on Wikipedia Rolling Stone India Gil and Albert Hofmann!! "October 2023 will long be remembered as one of the heaviest most profound and sad periods in the multi generational, global community that is psychedelic trance. Following on the heels of Oct 7, our world is yet rocked again by the passing of one of our most enduring icons. It's not a hidden secret that I've had some rather vocal opinions about Goa Gil over the years, but one's opinions and hot takes are just that... the ramblings of a singular experience. The weight and impact of man who has profoundly affected so many for so long surely transcends the soap box of a malcontent such as myself. Goa Gil was truly the definition of a living. legend. One whos influence and dedication to the music and the scene touched countless dancers and hearts around the world. The dance floor and healing holistic experience we all bask in would not be how it is today if not for his dedication to openness and the discipline of meditation through dance We owe much of who we are today regardless of where our musical styling lay to the bedrock and foundation that one our undeniably greatest pioneers laid down so many years ago." - Lawrence Chavoya Dear Global Community, Words are inadequate for what we wish to communicate with you. It is with heavy hearts that we share with you news of Shri Mahant Managalanand Puri aka Goa Gil has left his worldly body in the comfort of his home. Babaji was cared for in his final days by his family, devotees & friends. In his final days Babaji wished to send his love and blessings to all and wanted to thank everyone for the love and support he has received over the years. He was at peace and was ready for his onward journey. We thank you for your respect and support during this sensitive period. If you wish to know more about the current situation, give dakshina or donate to his final expenses, please check the link below.https://www.gofundme.com/f/goagil meets Goa Gil December 17, 2005 by Machinelf Goa Gil will be playing in New York City over New Year’s 2005. When he answered our questions via email, he added various pictures and icons. The following is the email received from him “as is.” Goa Gil is a living legend who needs no introduction; he is a living embodiment of GoaTrance and was in many ways goa trance/psy-trance's obstetrician. <SNIP>\ hi jeff, namaste and greetings from kalifornia !!! here are the answered questions !!! please keep the whole thing intact as one thing, and please do not edit, or remove, any of the answers or the questions !!! so here you go: In a message dated 12/5/2005 2:16:05 P.M. Pacific SA Daylight Time, machinelf@tranceam.org writes: When I was selling advertising for the Mayor of New York's financial company Bloomberg LLC in 1998-9, I would pop your Spiritual Trance CD in the rental cars as I was driving around Texas. I think the music made me not want to do work that felt so inherently meaningless, so I eventually left for an extended period of (I'll use a euphemism here!) technobohemianism. I know it wasn't like I was Manson listening to the White Album, but I've always wanted to ask you, did you program that message in yourself or was the big ole Trance Rorschack Blot? the spiritual trance cd... that is quite a long time ago.. more than 10 years !!! it is the ...

May 21-22 Friday-Saturday
Goa Gil in North Carolina

touchsamadhi (touchsamadhi/) bus trip info !!!!! from Philly to Asheville. please contact: len2012 at gmail) Goa Gil & Ariane Sacred Trance Dance Experience Saturd ay – Sunday May 21 – 22 At Deerfields, Asheville, NC, USA TOUCH Samadhi is honored to bring you: Goa Gil & Ariane (The Nommos, Avatar Record s) Gil grew up in the middle of the music scene of the sixties; he then left to journey to India in 1969. Having been a musician all his life and then doing intense Yogic practices with Gurus in the Himal ayas, he tried to unite the two forces, Music and Yoga, into one spirit befitting this Age. The result is his focus to use the trance party environment as a medium to uplift the consciousness of the participants through the Sacred Trance Dance Experience. He met Ariane in Goa in 1985. The y have been together constantly ever since. Ariane’s keen interest in African Djembe drumming and West African Traditional Dance has also had a big influence on the development and direction of Gil’s musical tastes and concepts. Gil & Ariane’s current musical project is The Nommos, and their Goal is to combine Psychedelic Trance with West African Traditional Drumming in the True Spirit of the Ancients. We will begin with an opening drum invocation at sunset, followed by Ariane’s ethno-tribal rhythms. The n Gil will guide us on an 18 hour trip through futuristic sounds for primal movements,
“Redefining Ancient Tribal Ritual for the 21st Century.”
” Since the beginning of time humankind has used Music and Dance to commune with the Spirit of Nature and the Spirit of the Universe. When I come to the Party and set up my altar, sprinkle the Holy Water, recite the Holy Mantra, and make the Offering to the Cosmic Spirit, and then start the Music… the Music and the whole Party becomes the Offering to the Cosmic S spirit.”
Come early on Saturday to set up camp, explore the land, have a swim, share a potluck meal (bring a dish/utensils, and prepare for the amazing journey that awaits us all! Plus: Sound by Project 7 Psyoptic Mindstimuli by Devotee Live video projections by Omb Ritual by Tranceform Venus Entry: $30 presale til may 7 at BOBO Gallery, 22 Lexington Ave, Ashevill e Atmosphere Records, 1 West Walnut St, Asheville $35 presale til May 7 – Paypal to: touch.samadhi at gmail 40 at gate Bus trips over 4 people get in for $30 a person Gate opens Saturday 9AM carpool & leave no trace! more information and directions at: web touchsamadhi (web touchsamadhi/) web deerfields (web Deerfields) Bhakti Satya, Kri see you on the dancefloor! always be brahmanirvana. touchsamadhi (touchsamadhi/) email: m) aim: krisamadhi msn: ) low-cost high-quality printing email me! join our mailing list! to uchsamadhi-subscribe at touchsamadhi ) join our tribe! touchsamadhi.tribe.net/ ( touchsamadhi.tribe.net/) The music will never stop! The heartbeat will never fade! The party will never end!
Many thanks and blessings to all who attended our Goa gil party here in Asheville, NC! What unbelievable time we all experienced together. Gil ripped a hole in the earth thur the night and reached down and pulled us back to the light as sunrise awakened us. Thank you all so so much it meant everything to us to see you all have such a good and pleasant time. Special thanks to Devotee and fuzzikitten for all the deco work. To Kevin, aastral, don, hal, george, and allana for getting the fire set up. Almost heartfelt thanks to tranceform venus for an amazing ritual. The amazing visual projection and bamboo temple by Craig, Raymond, josh and daniel! Lou, James and Ryan for the doofing sound system! For Rachel, Nicole, derby, don and Chris for working the door as much as they did. For all the people who helped clean up at the end. To Deerfield’s for having the best spot on earth and for letting us use their magical space!
Operation: TIME WARP accomplished. When I got home, I felt like Dorothy waking from her dream in OZ. The Deerfields are f’n incredible. It’s the emerald city if it were made of trees and foliage (and trippy blacklight art). Gil didn’t just drop a house on the witch, he picked it up again and wailed on the floor all night, like an overzealous infant with a building block. Thank you, Gil and Touch Samadhi for the amazing experience.
just recovering from the trip back to Indiana WOW what a PARTY! Gil just tore Deerfields apart! The location was fantastic! you couldn’t ask for a more beautiful, Shanti place for a psychedelic trance experience. untouched nature and a very special vibe in the ground. I loved Deerfields and Ashville for the matter too. The stage was set up in an awesome place, it was like being in a valley surrounded by tall trees. It was also nice to have the stream on the side! The sound system was crazy! crystal clear sound – loud as hell – perfectly fitting for Gil’s multilayered insanity! A nice change from the times when Gil played at disco valley where the sound system was HUGE but not as clear. The music was simply AMAZING! Gil ripped out one of the darkest most powerful sets I have heard. I was listening from when he started (10 pm I think) till about 12 in the afternoon. My legs couldn’t take it after that and I had to get at least 2 hrs sleep before I began the road trip back to Bloomington. From midnight till 6 am Gil just went mad. Amazing track selection – every track taking you on a different tangent – FLAWLESS mixing. I hate people who judge Gil – but I have to say that he is a GENIUS on the mix. His mixing style is different from other DJs (as is his music) and is PHENOMENAL. I loved the way he twisted the basslines together and was able to do this for hours and hours and hours. Kudos baba Gil. I loved the music. The Touch Samadhi crew and everybody involved with the party – THANKS YOU THANK YOU! You guys set it up so well. Devotee – nice to meet you and I have to say your backdrops were stunning and set the scene for Gils wrath. Whoever was doing the visuals – my fucking god – twisted shit! I loved the visuals – went very well with the music. You guys pulled off one hell of a party. The organizers were very nice and helpful and set the atmosphere very well. I debated on whether to include any criticism in this post because I had such a great time. I wish the people at the party got into the music a little more. I knew what I was in for when I drove 8 hrs to get there – complete darkness for hours on end. I think some didn’t realize this is Gil’s style – pure psychedelic music and were expecting the bouncy morning beats to kick in (which I do love listening to as well). Due to this there were often only 10-15 people dancing and not much of a vibe on the floor. But saying that the freaks like me who didn’t let up the whole night you guys were awesome! A magical experience overall. Could not have been done without very careful planning and organising and of course the sinister BABA GIL!
where does one begin to comment on the party… dopey summed up pretty much all I wanted to say.. absolutely fukin brilliant. I was just blown away by deer fields.. such an amazin location, was sureal.
The sound system was insane.. what clarity at all angles on the dance floor, and on the hill where we had set up for the eve… as for Gil babas set… bap re bap… he just destroyed my brains and my feet.. where the hell does that music come from man.. he is just insane.. to have the stamina and the resolve to blast it for as long as he did is no wonder nanda calls him ‘papa gil’… its almost as if one part of my personal trance saga is complete after witnessing the man who started it all… thank u gil baba for what it was and makin this a totally magnificent experience… a big up to the touch samadhi crew.. not only was the organization of the party top-notch the choice of location, amount of deco and overall amazing vibes from the crew were fantastic. once again I must congratulate u for the ssound.. it was just perfect. and finally to all the freaks that made the ‘trip’ down with me. nanda, konu, hock, rah, kabir, amy, skaz, rish, ken, chadda.. it was a brilliant experience to have shared with all of yall.. from the drive down, to bustin up tha dance floor to the chilla sessions by the lake… cant believe we pulled it off, and cant wait for tha next one either.. ‘om’ nama shiva (no pun intended ) bada bing bada boooom
words cant even begin to describe what an incredible psychedelic experience we had. thank you touch samadhi crew, Goa gil, and everyone else involved for such an incredible journey, I had the time of my life.
cant put many words with the feelings received by this event thanks to all who came out, and thanks for the beautiful comments on the deco. A big blessed thankyou to Alex, lindsay and the others who continued to pop up with helping hands during setup. wow 36 hours of setup and 18 hours of gil really looped my brain, I think I’m almost out of trance now but still trying to figure it all out(what did we just do were where we and will we ever be the same)
it was true magic to see my sober wife and friends tripped out over what was going on, a true psytrance experience big thanks to my partner kri, I love ya brother hope everyone is gonna be ready to come back out for pow wow festival in September thankyou all for your energy you put forth for this especially at the end, the circle at the end was swarming with good vibes hope everyone had safe travels blessed be bom shanka, devotee
damn dude .. damn .. wow .. still kinda rocked by the entire affair … kami kami (rmx) at 11:00 in the a.m puts a whole new spin on psychedelic music … papa Gil did some serious damage, churning out banger after banger, melding basslines that scream into a new track, twisting the bpm on beats till its uncontrollable and suddenly flies into a dark new beat, smiling at the crowd before throwing on some mind twistingly hard track, just generally being sinister all night .. …. I agree with dopey – Gil is fairly unique in his DJ’ing style and track selection, especially when you add the fact that he keeps bobbing from side to side playing for 18 hours .. – and for those who did not know what to expect, it might have been a bit too much … as for me .. im all set for another 18 hours, that was some pure old school psychedelic madness that didn’t stop, music where your arms and legs are out of sync and then in sync but all the while your brain is traveling past the speed of light on some crazy journey laid out by the baba himself .. and then suddenly you look around and the sun is rising and the grass is green and the sky is blue and the stream is running .. and then again he rips you back up, spiraling towards some crazy center of energy that is floating over the dancefloor, summoning the twenty crazy freaks who continue to shake every cell in their body to his mad, mad beat …. thank you touch samadhi crew, and papa gil, for a phenomenal weekend .. and now, to bed till Posford and the Huj..
Oh wowowowow, still recovering from the damage from PAPA Gil, what killer set, I never thought I would enjoy dark psy as much as I did. Does anyone have any idea what he was playing? What a selection of music!!!! 24 hours of great music, I can’t complain about a single track. About 10 years ago trance has changed my life, and now papa Gil changed the way I see Psychedelic Music, what a lesson! Big thanks to Kri, Shane and Monkey for the best organization I’ve seen in America by Far. The sound, Oh boy what was that? Crisp and clear, it couldn’t be any better. Love you Guys , And once again thanks from me and any , for one of the best time of our lives !! God bless u all . PAPA Gil see u in Cali in set, and thanks so much for such a great experience!!!!!
I’ve finally recovered from this absolutely mindblowing event. the sound system was the BEST I have ever heard in my short life . . .30k watts and perfectly eq’d perfect for the barrage of synapse forging sound manipulation that Gil would lay upon us. the vibe was spectacular and peaceful. I would say about 300 ppl showed up(beautiful intimate and cozy atmosphere) the place was gorgeous everything just fell into place even the weather which was chilly when we arrived but eventually bursted with sun in the morning. wow looking forward to the next event touch samadhi. you made the 18hr greyhound trip worth it (luckily we found a ride back).
so much incredible feedback and sooooo many smiles! this event was beyond my highest expectations and dreams. we worked very hard to make this reality! it was growing larger and surprising me at every moment when I looked at the dancefloor and the camping areas full of people! people came from all over! I am sooo impressed with everyone, the place was very clean at the end. the BEST sound crew ever = project 7 Goa Gil, what can I say. I’ve never heard tracks like those. some I recognized, some kindzadza and friends, some dreams like deserts, some Parvati… but mostly it wasn’t music at all it was a magical soundscape that enveloped us all and send us out into the atmosphere. his collection is the core of psy creation. he has some of the best tracks never heard. he knows how to wield them like the most skilled warrior brandishing a razor’s edge. he speaks through the trance. I saw the ionosphere and the moisture in the air fully reacting to the sound. I said a word and it came through the system. at one point I think everyone there melted into one person and we all somehow jumped back into our bodies instantly. there was this one sound holy smokes it was a doozie. I haven’t danced like that in a long time. I feel like I’ve gone to another planet and back this gathering has inspired me beyond my wildest dreams. it was a chore to do all the planning and deco and networking and details… but believe me, all that is a mere blink compared to the wonderful incredible experience we all shared. this is still just the beginning for touch samadhi. this is still just the beginning for psychedelic trance. thank you all for coming, thank you all for dancing, for smiling, for making it home safe. we want you to come back someday… this was the best birthday party ever. boom BSM
After the moon went down, I started to get a little freaked out. What an intense time! That night taught me something: there’s music, and then there’s TRANCE. There might be musical trance, or trancey music, but there is such a thing as hardcore mind-blowing TRANCE that has nothing whatsoever to do with music, and that is exactly what Gil put us through – for 19 hours.This was a cosmic force, way beyond a party, way beyond trance music as I know it. This was real trance, coming close to speaking in tongues, convulsing on the floor trance. I was blown away and my being has been forever altered and recoded. The music was so intense, in the witching hours of 3-5 am, that I was shaken and stirred to say the least, and was praying for the sun to rise. Dawn brought renewal and new profound appreciation for life and not death and root chakra issues as the night was fully present in. Gil continued to pound out the intensity, but the sun glistened it and made it a little more gentle. I did not do any drugs, instead decided to stay in my body and experience it fully, but much to my ego’s surprise, I was transported into the underworld and the heavens by just the sheer power of psychedelic trance music! Wow, what an experience. Thanks to the touch samadhi crew for all their efforts and hard work and their ever-evolving vision, remember we are doing such important and needed work! Tranceform Venus, you are all so beautiful and the ritual touched my soul so deeply. The altar was pulsing, it was so alive and vibrant and definitely touched by the gods! Thanks to all the beautiful people smiling, dancing and loving! And thank you Gil and Ariane for your amazing gift to us all, continue to rock on and teleport beings to a higher realm, you guys truly are vibrating on an evolved level. Much humble respect! Blessings and sat nam, Jenna

May 21 Saturday
Trancemotion – Yahel at Avalon

DJ YAHEL (Phonokol Records, Israel) DIMITRI (Spun Records, Ibiza, Uk) Plus CHRIS CAMPBELL (Heavy Rotation, L.a) EYAL HEN, NYC AVALON CLUB NY – 20th Street 6th Ave, NYC Reduced price tickets are: $25 (with guest list) $30 door (without guestlist) Guestlist closes at 2am Doors Open @ 11pm to 6am, 7am Valid Picture ID Required 18+ To Enter, 21+ To Drink Info@trance-motion.com Tel: 917.553.4424 https://web.archive.org/web/20200919032614/http://www.djyahel.com/ http://www.trancemelody.com This event will be broadcasted by Digitally Imported Radio (www.di.fm)

May 27 Friday

First Party: Narrotam
530 West 27th Street (between 10th & 11th Avenues) 10pm till 7am The world’s most sought after live trance act: HALLUCINOGEN ( Twisted, UK) live and DJ set Simon Posfod and his live act HALLUCINOGEN is the industries most-watched, imitated and respected trance producers. Sim on is also half of the cutting edge ambient project SHPONGLE (see below, for CIELO on May 29th!) For the first time in America: HUjABOY (SPUN Records, Ibiza / HOMEGA, Israel) live and DJ set Finally, after years of waiting, Nir is finally coming to America! NIr has been producing his signature full-on music for close to 10 years, and his young and happy style is ve ry much in demand all over the world. His first album HUJABOY stirred a sensation, his second one SONIC TONIC even more, and now, he also brings hi s newest gems. Also DJing: MINDS OF DEMENTED $30 in advance Valid Picture ID is Required 18 to enter / 21 to drink Offer: Combination Tickets Friday May 27th at SPIRIT and Sunday, May 29th at CIELO $40 (while supplies last)
Jonathan Horan 5 rhythms was on 8th floor that same building

May 28 Saturday
pLant ReSon fIber oPtic gEometry ImposSibilItiEs aNd sEnsoRy vEctOr pRojecTioN fLakEs at Pine Barrens

Photos (Maybe)
Free oUtdO0R trAncE paRty!!! A gathering of hugs, dAnce, and hYpnoTic cYcles in tHe prIMal seNsorY snAckerY! Free Outdoor Psychedelic Trance Make sure that no cars are in the vicinity when you turn off of Route539. Keep this information away from police people. Be prepared to camp. Bring necessities (ie. food, water, etc.).Be kind to our universe- do not leave trash or cigarette butts at this sacred place.

Simon Posford Interview

Simon Posford Interview

meets Simon PosfordTwisted UK May 2005 by Ari Davidov I am sure I need not introduce Simon here... his powerful ...

May 29 Sunday

very rare and precious treat: SIMON POSFORD introducing in a DJ set SHPONGLE 3 “Nothings Lasts, But Nothing Is Lost”, and YONI at CIELO! For Tickets: groovetickets/ordersystem/groove/frontsea (groovetickets.co mi) While visiting Tsunami-trance, sign up to our email list, so that you will be informed personally of our upcoming world-wide events and releases. To listen to HALLUCINGOEN, HUJABOY and SHPONGLE taste, go to tsunami-trance HUJABOY interview: web mushroom-online/a/en/frequencies/interviews/100911 (web mushroom-online/a/en/frequencies/interviews/100911 ) (web Tsunami-trance/) INFO LINE: 212.439.8124 About half of the SHPONGLE ticket s will be sold on GrooveTickets, while the second half will be put up for sale at SPIRIT, during the event on Friday, May 27th with HALLUCINOG EN and HUJABOY. June 10th Ambient Alchemy Tour web ambientalchemy (web ambientalchemy/)

June 2005

WOW!! Skazi, AP free at Central P ark’s Summer Stage July 23!! Kiernan’s Going Away (To Prague!) Party

June 2 Thursday

“M I X E D G R E E N S” a weekly shindig featuring the best of underground dance muziK PREMIERE NIGHT!!! Thursday, June 2nd, 8pm FREE Buddha Lounge(former Opium Den) 29 East 3rd st(bet 2nd ave and Bowery)

June 3 Friday
Juve – Utopia

JUVE presents Psytrance party at UTOPIA Featuring Dreamcatcher’s DJ Juggernaut and DJ Brandon Adams playing Psytrance all night starting at 10pm till 4am. Mayur 2-4am Juve will be serving cocktails and cold beers at the bar. Ask for the night’s special! Free till midnight, After midnight $5 cover at UTOPIA 446 Park Pl (corner of Washington Ave.) Brooklyn, NY

June 6 Wednesday

those who didn’t come, the sound system is really amazing. this week’s lineup: from 11:00 pm till 02:00 am – RAY BRIONES ( warpdrive NYC , tweek’d records) from 02:00 am till 04:00 am – BRANDON ADAMS (Dreamcatcher ) DECO BY JOANNE and CATA FREE ADMISSION 21 W ID LOCATION: THE FAT BLACK PUSSYCAT LOUNGE (BASEMENT ) 130w 3rd st New York City- NY
It was really a killer party (especially considering weekday and free entry!), an amazing sound system, real nice underground place, an awesome vibe and a gr8 neighbourhood!
I had to take off from work as some of the tracks really killed me and I realized at the end of the party that I am dead tired. Babla you are really amazing, I am not going to come to any future weekday event if you are going to play 😉 hehehe. Hey is somebody having pictures of the party? Boom Shankar, Sahil “Music fills the air and deep rhythms lock into an irresistible groove. Swept up in the beat, the dancers enter into profound altered states of consciousness, surrendering to the ecstasy of trance. Powerful energies move through their bodies as gateways to the spirit world open and they feel the awesome presence of the sacred. This demonstrates the integration of the physical, psychological, sociocultural, symbolic, virtual, ritual, and spiritual levels are all merged into a unified field. There is no separation between music and listeners and dancers, subject and object, mind and feelings and body, physical and spiritual worlds and beings; there is only a seamless multi-dimensional continuum of ecstatic musical experience.”
Journey begins now.

June 10 Friday
Reality Engine

Ambient Alchemy Tourweb ambientalchemy N’Light’N presents Ambient Alche my at 4th floor of 540 W. 27th St. (between 10th and 11th Ave) Spirit Yoga Center – New York City realityengine.org/events Reality Engine invites you to join us at N’Light’N, as we transmute varied backgrounds, mediums and genres into an element more valuable than the sum of Its parts. Friday, June 10th we gather to experience the eclectic electronic music culture emerging on the enlightened fringe where styles and thoughts intersect. N’light’N’s Ambient Alchemy will be the only East Coast date on the Ambient Alchemy Tour ( web ambientalchemy ), featuring internationally renowned producer Shulman from Israel, Shen, the new downtempo project from well-respected techno producer Noah Pred and eclectic beats buzz kid of the moment, Bluetech. The wholly unique and inspiring movie 1 Giant Leap, which features world music and great thinkers from all around the world will be screened at 10PM. The innovative theatre company, Archedream join us in Reality Engine’s full-on multi-media environment for an intimate night of next-level music and full-spectrum atmosphere. Eclectic multimedia culture is emerging, and we’re excited to share our creativity, passion, and destroy a few genre descriptions in the process. Program: LIVE Acts: SHULMAN (Aleph Zero Israel) ( web shulman. Info ) The Shul man project, comprised of Yaniv Shulman and later joined by Omri Harpaz, is considered one of the leading groups in psychedelic chill out and ambient electronic music. Shulman’s music is filled with evolving organic layer s backed by rich harmonies. With two albums already released, Shulman is b usy working on several new projects at the moment. Yaniv also manages Aleph Zero ( web aleph-zero. Info ) a well-respected label, with partner Shah ar Bar-Itzhak (aka DJ Shahar). Aleph Zero was created with a vision of releasing and promoting high quality downbeat electronic music, journeying through the realms of ambient, chill out, ethnic sounds and weird electronica. BLUETECH (Aleph Zero, Native State) ( web bluetechonline ) Evan Bluetech stormed onto the scene in 2003 with the release of “Prima Materia” on seminal ambient label Waveform, and has since appeared on many compilations. In 2004 he released Elementary Particles” on his own Nativ e State ( web nativestaterecords ), and both albums were re-released by Shulman’s Aleph Zero imprint. He has quickly built an avid fan base through his unique blend of IDM, chill-out, dub, and other genres. Not content to stay in the studio, he is often found on tour through Europe, Canada, and the United States. will see the launch of Native State into a fully operational label with the introduction of a compilation in time for summer. Bluetech will be playing music from both albums, as well as over an hour of new music. SHEN (Sentient Sound, Metapath) ( web noahpred.co m ) Audio explorer and sonic architect operating from the wild realms of the Pacific Northwest, Noah Pred a.k.a. Shen – has produced digital music under various guises for the past eight years. Focused on a deeply expansive sound, which aims to reflect the interconnected nature of experience, he has DJd and performed live at numerous gatherings throughout Europe and North America. His Productions have appeared on over twenty labels, garnering critical acclaim worldwide. He currently runs two label s of his own Metapath Recordings ( web metapathrecordings ) and Sentient Sound (web sentientsound.net). Noah continues to develop his work through integrated approaches to audio, communication, and consciousness itself. ARCHEDREAM ( web archedream ) ArcheDream is an archetypal mask theatre company, which uses ritual, movement, and myth to present allegorical dramas. The inspiration for ArcheDream is derived from ancient rituals where the Devine mingled with Humankind. Their theatre uses various forms of dance, innovative music, multimedia projections, archetypal masks and costumes that are illuminated with ultra-violet light, accentuating the supernatural aspects to reveal the dreamscape as the action unfolds. ArcheDream is founded on the quality of the individual artist participating in a collaborative effort. They will be performing 2 scenes from their original performance “The Shamyn’s Breath”. 1 Giant Leap ( web 1giantleap.tv ) Featuring such incredible musicians as Baaba Maal from Senegal, Ashe Bhosle from India, Brian Eno from the UK, and visionary thinkers like Ram Dass and Kurt Vonnegut, 1 Giant Leap fuses documentary filmmaking, innovative audio/visual piece and a global cultural project to create something unlike anything you’ve ever seen before. Guided by the principal of illustrating “Unity through Diversity” two music producers travel the world recording and speaking with a wide range of people and piece together the common strands that exist underneath the surface. Please join us at 10PM for this unique film experience. Visuals by VJ’s Matyas and Jordan Decor surprises and special guests abound Artworks by St.Eves : ( web divinereflections.ca ) The 4th floor of 540 W. 27th St. (between 10th and 11th Ave) Spirit Yoga Center – New York City Tickets: It’s strongly encouraged to buy your tickets in advanced as we will keep this event at a comfortable capacity. 10pm. – 6am. $20 in advance, $25 at the door if still available. Fo r tickets and more information please visit realityengine.org/event s or call our info. line at (212) 726-TOAD See you there, Namaste.
Yes, that was absolutely beautiful. I got to the party in time to catch the end of “One small step”, and then archedreams performance. As with the last time I saw them, it was a very captivating performance, although the masks they used this time IMO weren’t as cool as the ones they had on last time (those ones seemed more emotionally expressive). But anyway, I really enjoyed seeing them perform again. Then Shen started off the night with some very beautiful tunes. With Bluetech following up with more. Shulman’s was really nice but at a few moments it sounded kinda rough, but he ended up in a good place, I like the 2nd half of his set much more than the first half. And the visuals were of course first-rate. Looking forward to the next reality engine party!

June 11 Saturday
TDC – Visual Paradox LIVE at Club Axis

( Com.pact Records, Israel ) Visual Paradox AKA DJ BOG is the label manager and founder of Com.pact Rec. He released tracks on several compilations and also produced 22 albums for known artists such as Sesto Sento, Lish, Ultravoice, Bizzare Contact, Cosmic Tone and more. His tracks are full of groovy, powerful, deep, and melodic sounds with very high production quality. Main Room DJ’S: – DJ BOG ( Com.pact Records, Israel ) – Babla ( Kagdila Records, NYC ) – TDC Mafia: Mukti, Isvara, Nik ( Legalize This ) Progressive Room DJ’S: – Pulse ( Blood Pressure / TDC, NYC ) – Oleg K ( HyperNation, NYC ) – Eddie Kantor ( HyperNation, NYC ) – Serge Z-Lenin ( HyperNation, NYC ) – Dr Zinnober ( Polarlight, NYC ) – Earthian ( Omnitribe / Polarlight, NYC ) – Max ( HyperNation / TDC, NYC ) Deco by: – Daya Cayung ( Dreamcatcher studio, Indonesia ) – TDC Crew Admission: $ 25, party from 10pm E28093 7am Club Axis 32-17 College point Blvd, Queens ( entrance is on 33rd Av e ) Please check with maps.yahoo or maps.google for exact directions. For more information about this event and upcoming events visit web TDCNY
Tooooo much … TDC’s set was too intense. So psychedelic, so hard. Causing me to hurtle thru my mind at 10 million beats a second. Once the TDC set was over I was ready to go home!! But Visual Paradox essentially came up and told me that there was no way for me to check out. BOG’s set was out of this world. The live set was one of those “Shutup and listen to the music” sets. I hardly heard anyone chatting while his set was playing … It was like everyone was lost in the music and there was absolutely no way to get them out of their transcendental meditation. Once BOG’s set was done – I thought to myself that nothing could possibly compliment that – I was dead wrong. Bablas morning set was hard, pounding, foot-stomping mayhem. I think the bouncers at that place found a newfound respect for the trancers thanks to the dedication for the music they saw in us. I mean no one and I say no one in that party was capable of functioning after that psychedelic mind fuck. Thank you thank you TDC, Chai, BOG and Virji …. this night will forever stay in my mind and will cause me have psychedelic twitch every time I think about it.
hi everybody, first-party in NY for me since last year, and what 2 say – things didn’t change a lot. First of all, a very strong vibe created by an amazing crowd, friendly faces all around – “the gathering”. Second, organizers put a lot of effort into this thing; fully psydecorated club, good sound, friendly security, well – thumbs up 2 TDC crew! So its just music that is left 2 make it perfect but here I’d say that till Bog’s set there was not much to listen to in the main hall(but drilling full-on), in the progressive room it was more electro oriented stuff, definitely more interesting. Visual Paradox was good, he had a pass where to go and the last DJ (Babla?) gave some nice morning tunes, open-air oriented, the crowd was upside down till the end.. So, summing up – cool party, wish more like this and maybe shifting the music at night to 138 bmp and less u guys can lift it even higher
Big BOOM to NIC and TDC… I really had a blast, Nic mate no need to butter u up but u are truly a gracious host. the whole tdc crew has done yet another brilliant job in organizing a ‘party’. everything from tha deco to tha set times to the choice of artists. brilliant stuff and I can’t wait for tha next one. as for the night where does one begin. bablas opening set was the same ol.. nice and full-on until…… the haram dropped shift. took me a lil off guard but thereafter the whole set took another meaning. forget the usual full-on that babla normally plays there was an element of pure destruction in his mind for the night. one belter after another.. shift, scorb, you name it. even a few golden oldies in there that worked like a charm. tdc.. FACKIN HELL… where does this music come from. those two guys, up there are so much in sync with one another that it really makes the set that much more interesting. with extra fx and twisted sounds coming from the boys it was a treat to watch them perform yet again. brilliant energy coming from them and a flawless set imho. then bog. uff. for some whacked out reason I was expecting an ultra fluffy set but damn was I in for a surprise. he played some banging tracks that had no element of fluff in them,… constantly pounding and brilliant. his newer stuff looks crazy and jus when u don’t expect it.. the melodies come in from all over. his DJ set was much of the same. punding and fast. playing new wav hooker at a speed of 145 ws insane.. really really enjoyed it. like droozi said by the end of bog I was thinking a nice cup of coffee and my bed would be ideal as nothing was going to top that. but that destructive haram of the night had other plans. if his previous set was an a belter this one in the morning was pure carnage. one after another. pure morning bliss. he did play the usual moring suspects but at a super high pitch which was extra killer. protoculture coming out at around 146 followed by some new and improved wrecked machines… dunno what to say. the last four tracks he played ufffffffffffffffffffffffff…. pure power. great fackin set mate truly made the trip up worth it. tha Johann Bley remx at the end had the whole place in a frenzy. ahh well as they say alls well that ends well. I couldn’t have asked for a better ending. truly a great evening. and now until next week… I’m sure that our own Japanese ninja who was there in full support must have been extra charged with all that power to blast us next week with tha micro and dino. cant wait. big boom TDC and can’t wait for ur next surprise. till tha next time bada bing bada boom
I had a decent time… despite being all sober and slightly tired from hiking in from Jersey all the way to the wilds of queens. I loved the decorations and the vibe, and the club. However, my girlfriend and another woman at the party said that she didn’t care too much for the style of psytrance being played. I think she has a point. I think the psytrance being played doesn’t appeal enough to the ladies at the party. What I heard was Male DJs playing dark aggressive trance that appeals to guys. I think there needs to be a more feminine influence at parties, I would like to see more female DJs playing the more melodic style of psytrance that women seem to tend to prefer. It is like yin and yang. You need to balance the aggressive male energy with soothing female energy. P.S. – I liked the progressive room, but I thought that maybe the upstairs could be a chillout room?
BOOM EVERYBODY!!!!!!!! First of all we (TDC Creww) want to thank all the party people that made this night so magical. We want to thank DJ BOG for his great energy and beautiful performance. Big respec for your underground support and cds that you brought for people. If more people in trance scene was like you, the trance scene would be FUCKING AMAZING. Daya thank you very much. We are speechless because its impossible to describe. thanks to Babla and the Indian crew. Babla, that was a killer set. Big Respect to who was involved in making this event. Once again you know who you are.
Yea like people said that was a fantastic party. The music was hard and ragin murda muzik with plenty of psychedelia to keep my mind occupied as my feet moved, which is just how I like it. It was a perfect stress relief. I love goin to other people’s parties and hearing other styles but its good to know there is someone I can count on to take me on a trip to the depths of darkness. And after all that some more melodic sounds outta Bog and Babla sounded all the sweeter. Anyway CD + Party for less $$ than the price of 2 CDs or 1 party, pretty good deal eh? Many thanks to Bog for both performance and generosity wit the CDs and to TDC. See, not all New Yorkers are whiners!

Cosmosis Interview

Cosmosis Interview

meets Cosmosis 2004 by Ari Davidov Cosmosis is in part the work of Billy Bagginz, an acclaimed trance producer based ...

June 15 Wednesday

OMNITRIBE POLAR LIGHT HYPER-NATION PUR NYC TC1 “M I X E D G R E E N S” a weekly shindig featuring the best of underground dance muziK 10pm FREE Boris(purNYC) Oleg(hyp er-nation) Eddie Kanto r(hyper-nation) Buddha Lounge(former Opium Den) 29 East 3rd st(bet 2nd ave and Bowery) web buddhaloungeNYC web Omnitribe web polarlightmusic ww w.hyper-nation web purNYC web tc1

June 17 Friday
Alladin Project

WE ARE EXCITED TO PRESENT THIS KILLER LINE-UP…PSYCHOTIC MICRO “LIVE” and DJ SET Chemical Crew Rec. (Israel) DINO PSARAS Atomic Records, Chemical Crew Rec.(UK)KNOB Alladin Project(Japan) ELNADIV Alladin Project NYC(Israel)KIFE OminTribe NYC(Russia)Decorations by: Alladin Project CrewSeveryn Barabakh (ALLADIN PROJECT PULSE INDUSTRIES -NYC) Visuals by: VJ: Skyeye (Alladin Project)Japan -NYC Ticket s: $25 Advance, $35 at Door 18 to enter/21+ picture ID to drink. Door Open: 11PM to 8AM CLUB EXIT 147 GREENPOINT AVE BROOKLYN NY Tickets in Advance: alladinproduction at yahoo (917) 569-1177 (917 405-4847Hoomoos Asli NYC 100 Kenmare St/ Lafayette, (212) 966-0022 Satellite Records NYC 259 Bowery Av. (212) 995-1744 alladinproduction at yahoo web alladinproject web Omnitribe web chemicalcrew.t v OUR NEXT PARTY WILL BE ON FRIDAY JULY FIRST WITH THE LEGENDARY BAMBOO FOREST AND FIRST APPEARANCE IN USA PANIC NEUROBIOTIC REC. El Nadiv Tov Alladin Project Mobile: (917)569-1177 alladinproject at yahoo w ww.alladinproject *
This weekend is Dino Psaras. I remember his cousin getting kicked out of Vinyl back in the day. So watch out for a preppy Greek dude yelling “I’m baaaack”
Yeah, that was a really fun party, glad I got there relatively early so as to see the end if kife and all of psychotic micro. The music was how I like it… always full and hard with a mix of different moods as the sets took their course. I really liked how Dino was able to have some more uplifting stuff and some more evil-sounding stuff in the same set, it must take a lot of skill to be able to get multiple moods to fit together into a seamless journey. As for the deco it was good to see that they didn’t get all of Severyns stuff, there were some very beautiful pieces that I had never seen before hanging up. I also liked the thing around the DJ booth, the checkerboard made of cloth triangles, That’s a cool angle on the stretched cloth art that everybody uses these days… 1 thing tho: Certain individuals ought to lay off the liquor. If you cant drink without spilling your drinks on people and lunging into people. It seemed like every time I would be getting into a trance something like that would happen. You people know who you are. And if you don’t know who you are due to blacked-out memory you will soon because I’m going to tell you so next time I see you.
hi, cool it was so good! I have some funny stories concerning this party. It turned out that I decided to stay in Brooklyn that night, but about 5 a.m. in the morning completely crushed of searching the parking in my area I decided to accelerate to last hour-two of this party, to dig to the morning tunes .. what was interesting is how much will they charge me, for like couple of hours, 35$?! (not that I did care at all) So before 6 I’m there, approaching to the door – and it closed the other boy I met who was inside the club earlier and walked out just for 10 min, KNOCKED until they opened, the security guy was very pissed off that morning, he let this guy to enter, but not me – maybe coz I had no sticker on hands(but then why I remembered gates open till 8?) or maybe the “dress code” (it seemed like he prefered tight armani elegant shirts better then a yellow piece of fabric with a small grass leaf in the front, and a huge grass leaf in the back, but the last one he couldn’t see).. well, does not really matter I drove back home, found a good parking spot and basicly had a great time all that time coz morning views of Manhatten from the untrafficed BQE, with Son Kite in the stereo – its just pricelss So just for ppl knowledge, sometimes in the morning – doors are closed, they r open only in one direction. Hopefully, this was the reason other than the t-shirt – trance parties should not have codes in dressing afaic.. I’m pretty sure the fact that doors r closed at some point is obvious to many ppl but in last TDC party it was all way open till the end, probably differs from club to club.. and of course the whole thing may be avoided by coming at 1 am but shit happens

June 18 Saturday
This is a review of my own personal experience. The club itself was very hollow, fake and pretenious, just the way I hate this (what’s the story with the hideous half-naked “sexy” dancers?! This by itself ruined half the vibe, good thing that they got rid off them later). The crowd from the other hand was very nice, just a bunch of people out there for Saturday night partying. However, they lacked the magic of the crowd from the last 2 real parties. Unfortunately, the club was way too crowded, which made it impossible to dance freely and substantially damaged the experience. I liked the IM performance. I just love Aizen and his strange chemistry with Duvdev, and they got me dancing pretty well, the music suited the atmosphere at the club. The peak for me was when they played a trance version of “I wish”, I got completely crazy, and this killed my energy for the rest of the night. I could then only dance on-and-off with low intensity until the final collapse. The great surprise of the evening was when I discovered a small chillout room which played house music. One of the many revelations I had following the TDC party was that house music (or at least progressive house, which is responsible for most of my little knowledge about house), can be really fu***ng amazing (yes yes, please don’t laugh at me…). I finally had the opportunity to test this hypothesis. Boy, am I genius, this turned out to be the highlight of the night. At the beginning I was just chilling, getting into the mood, then I stepped to the small dancefloor which was only attended by a cute Asian group. I got completely hypnotised, and only left when the DJ, probably in an attempt to get rid off me, switched to another style which I didn’t really care for. I can’t really compare house to psytrance since they appeal to different parts of me, house being less abstractly spiritual and more yummy-sexy. Now I just must go to a house party, so if anyone knows about a nice unpretentious house party in the next week, I’ll be very thankful to know about. To sum up, this was my first commercial party (damn it, last week was my first party in general), so I can’t compare. For me it was just all right, not amazing but not bad. If it was less crowded there, it would help a lot. The part where I discovered the wonders of house made the whole night worth it.

2005 6 18 PSI
2005 6 18 PSI

June 18 Saturday
PSI – Convergence in the Pine Barrens

The Philadelphia Shamanista Initiative is proud to present our seventh hallucinogenic gala: CONVERGENCE convergence: n. – 1) the process of coming together towards a common point or meeting place. 2) a representation of common ground between theories or phenomena. 3) the approach of an infinite series to a finite limit. Saturday, June 18th 10pm – 10am, a full 12 hours of music! A Free Open Air Tribal Gathering For Music, Dance, Art, Free Expression, and Peace in the scenic Pine Barrens of Southeastern New Jersey. A transcendental dance experience, a pagan celebration, a one-night CONVERGENCE of the tribes in honor of the summer solstice. Please join us for an evening of psychedelic trance in a beautiful open-air forest setting. The location is approximately 1 hour from Philadelphia and 2 from NYC. Directions will be sent out in the week preceding the event. Line-up We are very pleased to welcome: DJ LAURYN (Mistical Productions, Boston, MA) Lauryn is best known from her energetic jaunts up and down the East Coast, blowing up dancefloors with her dark funky full-on sounds. Yet, Lauryn has also been exploring the gentler side of the psychedelic sound, as she consistently evolves the already impeccable style that has made her a Boston crowd-pleaser. Come witness a special sunrise set as Lauryn blends the finest beats of light and dark. ONNOMON (Soular Records, Philadelphia) Performing LIVE! www.onnomon.com Philly’s phavorite homegrown trance producer returns for his final performance of 2005. Onnomon produces a deep and distinctive psychedelic tribal sound tossed with some full-on dressing. Don’t miss this last show before Dean disappears to India for the rest of the year. For this gig, they are going to push their computers to the limit! Let’s be sure to send off this local hero in proper style. Eg~Bot vs. Mescalinium (Psy Planet/PSI, Philadelphia/NYC) vs. Last year Eg~Bot ripped up the dancefloor at Panacea with his signature full-on mayhem. This time we are presenting you an exclusive 3-hour tag-team set with PSI’s own resident maestro Mescalinium. A twisted journey into the darkest hours of the night. Smooth, yet crunchy, psychedelic, and immensely satisfying. The sound of the Philly Underground. Plus a special morning trance and chill outset by Ben Light-o-Matic (Light-o-Matic Productions/PSI, New York) Other special guests TBA. Sound by PSI and Light-o-Matic Productions. 5000W of raw power. Black Light decor and visual stimulation by the Light-o-Matic Crew. Original UV artwork by Psy Planet. And of course the sacred circle of fire. We WILL have extra space on the generator, so feel free to bring any extra black lights, decorations, projections, visuals, etc. This is a free party and open to all. Extra karma points for any donations, contributions, etc. Although we are praying to the meteorological demigods for nice conditions, please be prepared for inclement weather since this event is RAIN OR SHINE. It can also get unseasonably cold in the forest, so be sure to bring warm clothing as well. Water, chai, fruits, sweets, and other snacks will be available, but we ask you to bring extra water and food as well so there will be enough for everyone. Due to security concerns, there will be NO FIRES PERMITTED WHATSOEVER!!! (fire dancing/poi is ok) Other Stuff To Bring: Tents/camping gear, ponchos/rain gear, blankets, flashlights, drums, SHOVELS (just in case ;o), good vibes, incense, tapestries, decorations, friends family children and pets, black lights, visuals, herbal refreshments, trash bags, toilet paper, and anything you feel will add to the communal experience. The location, a forest clearing, is a gorgeous, pristine oasis of nature in its purest form. We must respect the land and LEAVE NO TRACE. Please take care of all personal items/trash etc. (especially non-biodegradable cigarette butts!). Updates available at our website, www.psi-trance.com If you feel you can help us in any way with this event, do not hesitate to contact us at sunshineGoa3@yahoo.com You can also send us an email if you’d like to join our mailing list. Background info: Since 2002, the Philadelphia Shamanista Initiative (PSI) has put together some of the most memorable open-air psytrance events in the new york/Philly region. Having single-handedly revitalized the outdoor party scene 3 years ago with the infamous Acid Reflux parties, and with 2 wildly successful events last summer, CONVERGENCE will once again bring together the cosmic forces that guarantee a fully transcendental experience. PSI – the Philadelphia Shamanista Initiative
I can only begin to describe our last gathering by reeling off aDJectives like magickal, transcendent, beautiful, unique, refreshing, rejuvenating, life-affirming. Several people commented to me that “everything really came together” for this one. How appropriate then that it really was a “convergence”: of artists, musicians, dancers, DJs, freaks, hippies, shamans, yogis, babas, families, and friends, new and old alike. But it was also a convergence of karmic, cosmic forces, ethereal currents we can channel at times, but not always control. That is what really made it special for me. The setting was as beautiful as ever, the deco even more so. The music spot on. There was a flow, a progression, an aural journey through the entire night, and to that I credit the crowd, as well as the performers, who never let up dancing until the last song had been played. Dean, your sound constantly amazes me, to which Dan’s tribal, jazzy flourishes make it all the more impressive. If your computer crashed, it was only because you exceeded the maximum psychedelic output your mac is capable of handling! You make us Philly trancers proud, and I wish you the best for your trip to India, even though we’ll miss your music and vibrations here in the states… Dan, your psychedelic energy knows no bounds, you always manage to bring something new and interesting to the table. Dave and Jaime, the artwork was awesome, the tapestries and Dreamcatchers were truly a sight to behold suspended in the middle of the forest. Dave, your music was wonderfully complimentary, I always enjoy playing with you, and look forward to collaborating again in the future. This is only the beginning… Lauryn, you redefined for me what I think of as a great morning set. Dark yet uplifting, I felt your songs perfectly captured the moment. And Ben. Where would we be without you? Your enthusiasm and creativity is infectious and inspires all of us to do more than we thought would be possible. And as for your DJ set, I could not imagine a better way to close out the party. Neil, my old buddy. You’ve decided to pursue another path, which I truly understand. But when it came down to the wire, you were there to help me with the grunt work, the nuts and bolts that were necessary for pulling this off. So many others were involved in making this event come together. Big thanks to Allen and the whole Gaian Mind crew for the banners and support. Dave for the awesome visual projections. Mark (chai baba!) for the tea. Sahil for the hookahs and juice bar. Josh for the flyer. Ishmael, Tanya, and Squash for helping us pack up in the evening and transporting equipment, and Keith, Dave, and Jaime for helping unpack back in Philly. Jowe, Adam, Chris, Ian, Idal, and all the others I’ve forgotten who helped us clean up in the morning. Thanks to my parents and my beloved girlfriend Angela for their eternal support. A big Boom to everyone who contributed donations, we had the best turn out yet And finally, thank you to EVERYONE who came out and participated in a magical event, a party I don’t think anyone there will soon forget. July 13th will be four years since our first PSI party back in 2002, and I honestly never expected we’d still be doing it this far down the line. We have come so far, and yet we still have so far to go. I look forward to taking this journey together with all of you. Thank you, Patrick Dj Mescalinium/karmakanik PSI
This was my first open-air party, and I am very glad it was this particular one. Nature is so much more psy! Now I don’t feel like going to clubs anymore, not until it gets really cold. It was stunning to watch what was happening to other people in nature…or was it due to other reasons, I don’t know, but for the first time, I saw some people I know like this. I want to believe they will make the best of their experiences. Anyway, it was something for everyone who came. Thank you, PSI for organizing everything and making it just the way it was..place, music, deco, people…I liked everything! Thank you everyone who was there for being there.
And it was great to meet some Isratrancers. Well, I already met you before, but you know what I mean

June 22 Wednesday
moLtEn eNvIorn mEntaL dIgiT NecToRvERRrY at Pine Barrens

FREE outdoor psychedelic trance in the pines!!! sTarts at 10:00- never ends Quenching the dilating spore receptors in turbulent cosmic symmetry. Sensory reson droplets fragment off into impossible multidimensional cycles, modulating the space-time fabric into a Spectral, holographic projection of memory fibres and plant spirit byte blossoms. Reverse your osmosis, gathering shattering planer pools of juicy telepathic dew accumulation. Make sure that no cars are in the vicinity when you turn off of Route539. Keep this information away from police people. Yes, so this here is not a rule, but be aware that any fires had may attract unwanted police, who may break up the party and kill all of us. Remember, this is a habitat for many animals, the deer will enjoy NOT getting smushed by your car at high speed, so be aware, this IS their home, drive carefully. Be prepared to camp. Bring necessities (ie. food, water, etc.).Be kind to our universe- do not leave trash or cigarette butts at this sacred place.

June 22 Wednesday

This weekend is Gaian Mind, Gaijin Mind, Banco de Gaian Mind. See you there. This may be the last one held at that special location. At least 800 presold tickets are already sold, so I think it’s the biggest pure psy event in the Northeast in a long long time. (this doesn’t include the big NYC club events that are full of non-trance people. With Omnifestival not until September, this is going to be the biggest bash of the summer. And please don’t ask me for rides – u This has been the longest period in six years that I have not been involved in throwing an event. This long personal drought will end in the next open weekend with a big free open-air bash by the DMT that will not be listed on public discussion groups.
I will be launching a New York server-based community a la Isratrance and Psytrance.us very soon. Yahoo Groups is gonna go the way of the pasture maybe. The advantage of this will be that I already have thousands of people to add in… I think it’s gonna be way cool.
My new company/buyers club continues to evolve and expand and we’re doing well business-wise. I’m starting a Nootropics newsletter in the vein of this newsletter.

GM2005 Wide
GM2005 Blurry

June 23 Thursday
Gaian Mind Summer Festival

Photos – LaurynOrbicles Paramnesia
Four Quarters. web Gaian-mind Presenting the 4th Annual GAIAN MIN D SUMMER FESTIVAL Celebrating the Dance of Life! Thursday, June 23rd to Sunday, June 26th Four Quarter s’ Central Pennsylvania, USA Stone Circle Stage (Psy-Trance/Progressive Trance): JAIA (Digital Structures France) LIVE! ANTIX (Iboga Records New Zeala nd) LIVE! DEVIANT SPECIES (Ambivalent Records 9C Lond on) LIVE! DJ EDOARDO (Neurobiotic Records/Sonica – Italy) KENJI WILLIA MS (ABA Structure – USA/Japan) LIVE! ALLEN (Gaian Mind/Metropolis Records 9C Philadelphia) GAVIN (Digital Structures/Spectra – Sweden) KRI (T.O.U.C.H. Samadhi 9C Asheville) KIFE (O mniTribe NYC) KNOB (Alladin Project Japan) ALBERTO (Cosmic Traveler Columbu s) BINARY (Sonic Beating Boston) North Crook Stage (Downtempo): ANDROCELL ( Celestial Dragon Recordings Arizona) LIVE! BUFFER (M-Labs Baltimore) ELEKTRONKIND (Digital Yeti Studios Baltimore) BLUE SPECTRAL MONKEY (T.O.U.C.H. Samadhi Asheville) MONO MONO (Soular Records Philadelphia) ANDREW LIGHT (Gaia n Mind Philadelphia) EIM (Gaian Mind Philadelphia) DEET (Gaian Mind Philadelphia) EITAN (Gaian Mind Philadelphia/Israel) EGBOT (Psy-Planet/Gaian Mind Trenton) BOTTOM DWELLERS (Members Camp Four Quarters) (Plus more artists T BA) Plus: Performance Art by THE GREAT QUENTINI (Philadelphia) Drum and Fir e Performance and Workshops Lectures and Workshops Psychedelia Film Cinema Opening and Closing Ceremonies (Additional information coming soon…) Feat uring: UV Deco by MIZUE (Japan) Visual Projections by REALITY ENGINE (NYC) Additional Art Installations by STEVE-O (GoaBabies – NYC), DIGITAL YETI STUDIOS, and GAIAN MIND Sound Installation by SONIC BEATING (Boston) Admission: Early-Bird Registration – $75 (until Saturday, May 7th, 2005) Pre-Regist ration – $100 (until Saturday, June 18th, 2005) At the Gate* – $125 (Thursd ay, June 23rd – Sunday, June 26th) *Cash or Credit Card only. Children under 16 admitted FREE with a parent or legal guardian. Optional Meal Plans with the STARVIN’ ARTIST CAFE are available. Payment: Credit Card (VISA/MC) payments – contact Four Quarters at 1-(814) 784-3075 or pay online at web 4QF. org. Money Orders or Personal Checks – payable to: “Gaian Mind” c/o Four Quarters, 190 Walker Lane, Artemas, PA 17211, USA. Admission includes Optional Meal Plan provided by STARVIN’ ARTIST CAFE* FREE All-You-Can-Eat “Fractal Feast” (carnivore/vegetarian) FREE 24-Hour Coffee/Tea Service by COFFEE DRAGONS Chai and Children’s Area by ISHTARBUCK’S CHAI Merchant Area – Clothing, Jewelry, Crafts, Tattooing, Piercing, Body Painting, etc… Healing a nd Massage Area Morning and Evening Yoga Sessions Daily Sweat Lodges Night y Drum Circles Riverside Swimming Spacious Campgrounds Fire Rings with Unlimited Firewood* Hot Showers and Clean Toilets FREE Drinking Water FREE and Secure Main Parking *Additional charges apply. Dates: Thursday, June 23rd t o Sunday, June 26th, Gates open on Thursday at noon – Drum Circle at dusk. Amplified music starts on Friday at 10:00am. Extended camping is available for an additional fee for early arrivals and late departures. Locati on: FOUR QUARTERS – An InterFaith Sanctuary of EarthReligion, Artemas, Pennsylvania, USA, Gaia Directions: web 4qf.org Information: Questions and Concerns can be addressed to info at gaian-mind or megalith at 4qf.org. GAIAN MIND 24-Hour Hotline: 1-(610) 771-0668 FOUR QUARTERS Registration and Rumor Control: 1-(814) 784-3075 web Gaian-mind web 4qf. org – – – JAIA (Digital Structures France) LIVE! The act JAIA is the project of the French producer Yannis Kamarinos, formed in 1995 with Jean- Michel Blanchet and first oriented Psy-Trance and Downtempo. Since 2000 Yannis is working alone under JAIA name, and today JAIA’s music is more orientated to Progressive House and Progressive Trance (and still Downtempo too). JAIA has already released an album Blue Energy in 1998 (Cross/EastWest/Nova Tekk), which has been re-released in 2000 on the Japanese label Dakini. JAIA released several 12″ singles too, as well as numerous tracks on various label compilations, such as Island, Iboga, Wagram, Milan, Flying Rhino, T.I.P. World, and many others. The new album “Fiction” will be released in May on Digital Structures. Yannis has collaborated with other producers – DJs such as DADO WIZY NOISE, and SILICON SOUND. He has remixed famous artists like the French singer MYLENE FARMER including her last two singles “C’est Une Belle Journ Pardonne-Moi” (Polydor/Universal) – with BLUE PLANET CORPORATION, the Moroccan singer TYOUSSI (Fairway/SonyMusic), and the French pop band JPEX (Wagram). JAIA also has been remixed by TOTAL ECLIPSE, MINIL:OGUE, and JIMMY VAN M for example. He is also working with Oneletronic, a company making sound libraries for cinema and TV, collaborating with other artists like JOHN DIGWEED, OLIVER LIEB, NICK WARREN, and SASHA. Since 1997 Yannis has been performing live in Europe, Japan Israel, Canada, and in the United States. He has played at many big gatherings like Return to the Source in London, Solstice in Japan, and the Samothraki Dance Festival in Greece. jaia.net.free.fr ANTIX (Iboga Records New Zealand) LIVE! Based in Auckland New Zealand, Barton and H Hayden Strom are the producers behind the project ANTIX. The Strom brother’s dedication to pushing their style in new directions in the ever-evolving Progressive Trance genre has made them one of the emerging acts to watch for in their scene. Both Barton and Hayden were introduced to music at a young age listening, to music from their parent’s vast record collections. They quickly became addicted to the hypnotic sounds of Trance in ’95 when a friend handed them a tape urging them to check it out. Barton instantly purchased a mixer and started DJ’ing at small parties in the growing Auckland scene. Six months later he had moved to Japan to buy studio equipment and teach himself the art of production, and Hayden later joined him. Together they returned to New Zealand, set ting up various studios around Auckland, and refining a sound, which really came together once they moved to the West Coast of the North Island and set up Slow Burning Studios in ’99. The sound that seemed to evolve was a kind of minimal organic groove influenced by the European sound being played by DJ PHILIPP from Plastik Park and ANTI from Spiral Trax. It wasn’t long before a connection was made when Philipp toured Australia and New Zealand in 2000, and ANTIX were signed for their first 12″, “Rainstick,” on Plastik Park. Over the years the two have managed to put a few of the “big ones” under their belts, playing the U-Site Fusion Festival in Germany, The Boom in Portugal, and The Rainbow Serpent in Australia. And now three years down the line, ANTIX completed their long-awaited debut album “Lull” released on the Danish label Iboga Records. The duo are currently touring the globe for the third year, they are only halfway to completing this tour, but so far its been a huge success, playing parties in Denmark, Sweden, Croatia, Japan, the Voov Festival 2003 in Ger many and then in London, where they played alongside other respected kiwi artists for the annual New Zealand music night at club Fabric. And now to continue the tour ANTIX will play in Portugal, Switzerland, Sweden, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Austria and then to finish in France. On top of this, they’ve also been involved in Auckland label Manta. The label has just released its second 12″ and third compilation “Subduction” featuring an excellent selection of New Zealand and international, Progressive /Psy-Trance which are all available from Cyberculture Records at (web cyberculture.co.nz). So at last… Here comes the second full-length album from ANTIX – “Twin Cost Discovery.” Since their first album – “Lull” – released on Iboga Records in June 2003, ANTIX had major success with their very groovy and unique style. They have been playing their live set at a great number of events and have made a very good name for themselves in the scene. Now two years later, Iboga Records is proud to be releasing another well-produced album. From start to end the Strom brothers take you on a journey deep into their soundscapes. You can truly tell that ANTIX has spent many hours making this album come true, and once again they surprise with their style, going in a new direction. web iboga-records.dk DEVIANT SPECIES (Ambivalent Records’ London) LIVE! DEVIANT SPECIES are the England based electronic duo who are currently touring Japan consisting of Santos De Castro and Paul Wright. Consistently releasing their unique take on the London Techno sound for the past five years, they are now preparing to release their third album, “In the Hands of the Randomiser,” later this year on Ambivalent Records. From the Warlock Studios comes the long-awaited album by DEVIANT SPECIES. No need for introductions, once more you will be treated to nine quality-consistent cuts of dark and minimal psychedelia for the blackest hour s of the night. In this third album installment by DEVIANT SPECIES t he band is now only made up of Santos De Castro with collaborations with e x-DEVIANT SPECIES member Paul Konrad Wright (now of N.R.S. fame) and ground-breaking producer Ady Connor from SCORB. The atmosphere prevailing here is hard, with tinges of Industrial and Ambient intros and outros that cross-over giving the album a continuous flow. It all kicks off with “Voice of Thard,” a chugging and spatial number that builds up to a ripping chorus. “Pincushion Man” continues with galloping intensity where “…Thard” left off moving relentlessly to a climactic final before “Shell-less” ebbs in soothingly with an overture of peerless Gothic beauty. The tight pulse is quickly restored leading to a frantic groove that allows you to breathe with its interspersed waves of noise. On a slightly softer tip “Thermal Boundaries” follows with an infectious beat that gradually gathers momentum to trancing-out effect. In similar rolling yet relaxed vein enters “The Retinal Circus,” which has been doing the bootleg rounds in an earlier unfinished version titled “The Abyss.” To follow, “In the Hands of the Randomiser” is the first collaboration between DEVIANT SPECIES and SCORB, a powerful track that starts with an Industrial soundscape and steamrolls forward into a roaring pay-off. For the darkest hour “A Night to Dismember” brings the proceedings to total mayhem before the forces of light emerge. “Portal to Balojax” is a 3-minute-plus unwinding ambient piece and serves as a prologue to “The Entrapment of John Dory,” the only morning track in the album and the second DEVIANT SPECIES vs. SCORB outing, a delicate cut destined to be a classic. web deviantspecies.co.uk web ambivalentrecords DJ ED OARDO (Neurobiotic Records/Sonica – Italy) EDOARDO is the main man behind Neurobiotic Records. He started DJing 10 years ago playing Techno at parties in Rome. After three years, he went to his first Trance party and decided to move in that direction, so, he started playing Psy-T rance, the first one in Rome. Being one of the top DJ’s around today, he played gigs all over Europe (Germany, Austria, Spain, Portugal, Israel Denmark, Czech Republic, Switzerland, Italy, Serbia, Macedonia, Slovenia Croatia, France, Russia, Holland, Hungary, Greece, Bulgaria), Brazil, United States, Mexico, Argentina, India, and Japan. From small parties to huge festivals like Samothraki Dance Festival, Voov Experience, Full Moon Festival, Shiva Moon, Solaris, Universo Paralello, he is constantly touring the world spreading the Neurobiotic virus. His style is a mix of futuristic Psy-Trance with House, Progressive, and electronic breaks and beats. Giving great importance to the mixing, he creates a flowing liquid psychedelic soundscape. In 2004, he created Indica Music, Chillout/Downtempo label together with DJ JOSKO and he’s currently busy in the preparation of Sonica 2005, the first electronic music festival in Italy. web neurobiotic web sonica KENJI WILLIAMS (ABA Structure – USA/Japan) LIVE! Techno-wizard KENJI WILLIAM S is world-renowned for his cutting-edge improvisational compositions blending electronic beats, classical violin, and mind-bending visuals. From the first-ever “Illusion” EP release reaching a global audience of nearly 100,000 in collaboration with JOHN DIGWEED’s Bedrock label, to Ambient releases with top labels such as Flying Rhino and Interchill, to the late st full-length Tech-House, Tech-Trance album “Faces of Epiphany,” the network of recognition is growing. Combining unique skills in film and mu sic, KENJI WILLIAMS has earned international film awards from the CSC to Sundance, and has been featured in the press such as XLR8R, Jwave, Tokyo FM and Apple. Director of three films to date, “Moment Utopia,” ” Vision Quest 2002,” and the latest project “WORLDSPIRIT,” collaborating with world-renowned spiritual artist, ALEX GREY, KENJI WILLIAMS is establish ing himself as a forward-thinking audiovisual artist of the soul. web kenjiwilliams web magneticpresence AND ROCELL (Celestial Dragon Recordings 9C Arizona) LIVE! When awareness rendezvous with emotion, here is where one finds the heart of ANDROCELL. Tyler “Quasga” Smith (formerly of PRABHAMANDALA) created AND ROCELL as an aural habitat for all cognizant beings who experience the emotional palette of chilled, psychedelic wonder that awaits inside his music .
We at Four Quarters love Gaian Mind as an event, especially with the number of trance dancers among our members. And it has been a rare privilege to watch the event and its people mature and develop their own culture here on the Land. The spiritual awareness of the attendees grows and evolves each year, and was better this year at +800 on-site, than in previous years with under 600. The music and the Land work well together in transmitting the message.
Personally, I found the sound by Sonic Beating to be dialed in, reading 114.5 at the center of the dance floor. We (Gaian Mind/Four Quarters/Sonic Beating) have a number of tricks that are incorporated into the sound system. Sonic Beating developed a unique system of phase alinement for the stacks that resulted in a 2-3 db low-frequency pressure wave increase in a number of nodal points across the dance floor, at points it was very physically tangible when one walked into the nodes. A great deal of effort went into tweaking the frequency distributions with active, digital monitoring and filtering. The sound was crystal clean. We also crank the sound in the wee hours and scale back 2 db when neighbors are falling asleep or getting up. Just being a good neighbor ourselves.
I heard many positive comments about the effect that the Land has on attendees, comments we hear often. Four Quarters is an InterFaith Religious Sanctuary, (read: a bizarre church for bizarre times)and the Land is charged. Sensitive people quickly pick up on that and it adds a great deal to their experience of the dance, the trance and the music. For me personally, looking down over the chill-out area through the tall tulip poplar trees, resplendent in colors reflecting off the river; remains every year a high point of the event.
Thank you Gaian Mind for an incredible weekend. Saturday night was an amazing night of music. Lost Baba and Bastard rocked the place, making everyone stomp their demons out. Deviant Species has some of the most groovy ass shaking dark-psy I’ve ever heard. Jaia’s new music was very intelligent deep tribal emotional, great vibes groovin to his set with the sun beaming down. Edoardo had some funky ass full on and the mixes were flawless, great set just wish I had more energy to give, my legs were about to fall off. Mizue’s artwork was beautiful and the projections were really cool too. My only complaint would be I felt the sound was a little too weak for this caliber of an event. Heard it was because Four Quarters regulates how loud they can get, maybe they should look for another place. Gotta be able to feel the music as well as hear it. Thanks again Gaian Mind for an awesome experience. Peace and Light- Labyrinth Wow! what an amazing transcendental experience. even though there were a lot more people this year (probably because there wasn’t any competition with Omnidance) I still got more of a “family” vibe. everywhere you’d turn, there’d be smiling faces, good vibrations… and great music of course!
Antix played a great live set early Saturday morning, mostly stuff from the new album. the second half of his DJ was a little dry for my taste, but he definitely made up for it the next day…
Deviant species, OMFG, this guy just blew everyone away. sick, twisted shit; dark w/o sounding like all the cookie-cutter darkpsy flooding the market these days. at one point some guy shouted out “your samples are hurting my brain!” how delightfully appropriate.
Jaia played imo the perfect morning set. smooth, melodic, and energetic. even all the full-on snobs were dancing their asses off
then DJ Edoardo completely floored me. extremely tight mixing, great trax, pumping, not too dark, not too light.
Finally Antix took over for a final DJ set. he played two of my favorite songs near the end, beckers – switch and shiloh – focus rmx. perfect end to a perfect party!
as for the local acts, I really enjoyed Alberto’s set on Friday night. caught the end of Eitan’s set on Saturday night, and was rocking to the grooves. Allen was slated to play the sunrise set in between deviant species and Jaia. honestly, I was afraid he was gonna “bang it hard”, but he surprised me pleasantly and played a lot of melodic morning tunes. Unfortunately, I missed Kri and the bastard’s live set (had to sleep at some point!) but I heard it was kicking as well. and Mimi’s artwork was of course just superb.
also, can’t forget androcell’s live chillout performance. very dubalicious and groovy.
huge thanks to all the organizers, performers, artists, crew, volunteers, 4qf staff, and everyone involved in putting together such a kickass event.
I’ve known Allen a long time, and I don’t think I’ve ever seen him smiling as wide as he was on Sunday morning
4 quarters is such a unique place; it baffles me that anyone would choose to have the party somewhere else just for a few more decibels of bass. sure, the sound was not super loud, but it was very finely tuned and hi-fi. finding an auditory “sweet spot” on the dancefloor was fairly easy.
so many venues (almost all!) merely “put up” with the music and the people, but the 4qf group are genuinely interested in promoting trance culture and music and integrating it with their own lifestyles.
like Orren already said, every year the synergistic relationship between the attendees and the natives improves. a few yokels aside, I think most people were very respectful of the space and the members’ beliefs and practices.
thanks to all the friends, new and old, I met this weekend. it was truly a magical gathering, and I look forward to seeing it grow and mature in the coming years. I hope to one day take my own family and children here.
until next year…
Hate to mess with the good vibes but I have a comment about poor GMSF attendee behavior: I saw trash bags all over the place. Rather than follow the rules, I saw very few people purchasing the yellow bags from 4QF and dropping their trash off. Many people were dropping bags near the Coffee Dragon, far from the farmhouse where they were supposed to be dropped off. I also saw piles of trash bags at campsites. And the garbage, if left, was supposed to be in the yellow bag which cost only $4. So from the standpoint of garbage, a substantial group of GMSF attendees was doing a lousy job of following the 4QF rules and respecting their land.

June 29 Wednesday
is back every Wednesday It’s tonight. The location is owned by Pierre, the guy artist made the big roof-mounted breathing bubble at the 1st DMT party last year so please come see you there later owned by Pierre, the guy artist made the big roof-mounted breathing bubble at the 1st DMT party last year so please come see you there later

June 29 Wednesday


2005 Fall & Winter 2006

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