Updated 12 months ago
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2006 Emails from Trip Out New York Yahoogroup
6362 Metaforce (Rachel and Vish) begins producing events
2006 – Tranceforming the Amerikan Ego Machine
It’s getting hot in here!
Trance continues to slowly expand & evolve in the United States. The Supreme Court (including Bush’s new nominee) recently ruled unanimously that DMT-laden ayahuasca is now a legally protected sacrament for U.S. branches of the Santo Daime and the UDV. The psychedelic/Goa trance virus, once it infects the fertile soil of a tripping mind, will never leave & through osmosis the empowerment of trance flowers into maturity. So let’s get growing…
Los Angeles is currently the outdoor party capital of the US with Green Sector & Psytribe providing trancers a good chance to get dirty every 2-3 weeks between April & October. Their spectacular forest location just outside the city has been a boon to the trance culture & has hosted scores of international artists since 2002. If you’re heading to the West Coast during the extended outdoor season, checking out “The Ranch” is a must. Infected Mushroom & Quadra are based in LA as well as the label Kagdila Records. Psytribe celebrated the one year anniversary of their weekly club Psyfix in January. Heavy Rotation is still importing the big names to various venues in Hollywierd. Green Sector continues to make improvements at the ranch & work with Burning Man groups to bring the zany people & atmosphere of the playa out to the forest, keeping the scene hot & spicy. The LA crowd has an international flavor & if you head outdoors you might just forget you’re in the US.
Long been known as the hotbed for political, artistic, & cultural change, & the home of Goa Gil, San Francisco was the testing ground for LSD in the 60s. Soon after, psy-parties started & evolved into the amazing events we know today. The most active psychedelic tribes local to the bay area would be Phoenix Family, Goa-Play, Mistress of Evil, Drop Out, Tantra SF, Thumpradio, Fusion, Dance Everywhere Assoc/Straylight, Ataraxia, CCC, Love Projectors, Spin This!, Paragon Family, Community Dance, & the weekly club Synchronize. The most common trait here is an amazing sense of family. There are a sizeable amount of producers making topnotch music such as Ocelot, Penta, Chromatone, Random, Mubali, Greg On Earth, Aeon, Helios, Mindstorm, Quasar, the Loomii, Sanayama, & Ekko. Recent additions to the mayhem include Deeper In Zen, Xyla, Alien Mental, Yohei. Psytrance Labels Ceiba Geomagnetic.tv, Vaporvent, Soular, Dropout, Mistress of Evil, Auraquake, Psybooty, Illumination, Psybertribe, Keyframe, & Light Rhythm are all based in SF.
Portland, Oregon has an active community. Apollo’s Lute continues to be the driving force, while N.E.T., Catharsis Crew, Synergy Productions, & others have organized events in the past. This April will see the first Portland event from formerly Pittsburgh-based Sidetrakkt Productions. Famed violinist Kenji Williams now lives near Washington D.C.
In Seattle, Infinite Connections has been doing a series of Iosis Art Parties that have featured some of the world’s top progressive psy acts while Environmental Structures focuses on the darker sounds.
In Texas, the vast expanse of the lone star state reveals wonderful locations for intense stomping such as wooded ranches deep in the heartland or desolate beaches along the gulf coast. The future looks bright for bush country as crews, DJs & artists are evolving faster than you can say “bring ’em on”
Goa/Psy reached new levels of awareness in the Midwest US in 2005 thanks to flagship promoter Chilluminati, a meta group comprised of six promotional, arts & consciousness communities: Psymbolic, Touch Samadhi, Divine Balance Recs, Tranceplant Recs, Audiognomes & Vision Collective. Chilluminati also has working relationships with fire performers SPUNN, the Consciousness Cafe psychedelic research project, & Iowa’s Subconscious Collective. In 2006 the Chilluminati are planning 2 weekend festivals in western Wisconsin: “Sacred Earth Open Air” & “Crystal Sky Full Moon” as well as a repeat of “Secret Fire” in central Illinois. They also promise their first all downtempo event “Bioluminescence”.
In Pennsylvania, Gaian Mind continues to build upon its wondrous open air in America’s own Stonehenge, Four Quarters. The North Carolina based Touch Samadhi crew are making waves all over the country with their primal beats & annual outdoor Powow. Florida is starting to flower with Goa parties sprinkled about the warm weather bacchanalia.
There’s something about northern climes that makes producers vibe with a cooler, cleaner, more Teutonic beat, as seen in Scandinavia &, in the States, New England. Boston continues to refine its progressive tastes with Psyforia put on by Sonic Beating, & Zia-Trance’s pocket-protected Robot style.
In New York lie thousands of trance nomads from all over the world. Megaclubs that before blacklisted psytrance are now offering events by Tsunami & Trancemotion on an almost weekly basis. Alex Grey’s Chapel of Sacred Mirrors has proven to be a dependable home for holistic events. Alladin Project has been the major force for innovation in NYC. The Russian banner is being carried by TDC. Luis Influx presides over a weekly cabal of global trance wizards every Wednesday. There is now an Elf-style trance commune called 55 Lex in Brooklyn. For open-air, The Devotional Ministry of Trance continued to push the limits with a free 28-hour open-air in uptown Manhattan that was only busted up by noise complaints from across the river in the Bronx.
We’ve saved the best for last. Burning Man is far & away one of the most mind-blowing festivals on planet earth. Located in the Black Rock Desert of Nevada, it’s the hottest thing since blueberry pancakes. With attendance swelling over 30,000 & plenty of room to expand, this event is set to go to the moon (incidentally, we think this is where they filmed the landing;) Any trance traveler is recommended to skip everything else & simply go to Black Rock City. We could use both of these pages just to describe one day there, but to break it down: The art & atmospheres are astounding & there’s every style of underground music imaginable. Don’t be surprised if you have more different experiences during one week at BM than the whole rest of your year combined. The 20th anniversary is this Summer…
Isratrance.com is heavily used for local events.
A newly launched homegrown alternative is www.Tranceam.org with many forums and links across North America.
Contacts (East to West as the Sun rises)
NEW YORK Machinelf machinelf@Tranceam.org
Boston – Patrick McAndrew shockwaverider@gmail.com mindkiller.org/hoffman/
& famed Boston Robot Maestro zia-trance.com
PHILADELPHIA Allen Mimetics gaian-mind.com
NORTH CAROLINA Kri kri@touchsamadhi.com
MIDWEST Julee & Troy unlock@psymbolic.com chilluminati.org divinebalance.com/dbsonic.org
SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA TrevorGreen Sector greensector.com psytribe.com www.heavyrotation.us Globaltrance.org
NORTHERN CALIFORNIA San Francisco – DJ Spook doctorspook@hotmail.com
OREGON/WASHINGTON/WESTERN PA Apollo’s Lute apollos_lute@hotmail.com Sidetrakkt www.sidetrakkt604.com
TEXAS: shivatrance.com extremeunderground.net .mistprodonline.com tribes.tribe.net/sGoa
East Coast – Machinelf is a corporate dropout who’s been with NYC psy/Goa trance since day one in 1996. At one point he was the list moderator, the underground open air organizer, and the sole squatter acid dealer in NYC with his trusty water gun. After being found screaming his URL while laying Jesus style on the subway tracks in a K-Hole, this reformed degenerate now sells legal drugs at Nootrition.com and is lucky to be alive.. Machinelf@Tranceam.org ...thanks Trevor W and everyone else for your help in making this article happen!
West Coast – Dr. Spook (aka Nathan Vogel) is an internationally renowned San Francisco VJ/DJ/live AV act. Geospirit1: virtual vortex is his newest solo DVD film project. He began creating electronic music & 3D visuals in the early 90’s. He started DJing in 98 at burning man. A pillar in the SF psytrance scene, known for creating amazing parties with the Phoenix Family. Nate is also a producer & director at Minds Eye Media in SF since 95.
January 2006
Don Barry Mason
Viktor Zolotorenko “Zolod” (Parasense)
January 4 Wednesday
Come celebrate the first party in 2006. Here’s the lineup: from 10:30 til 11:30 – MAYUR from 11:30 til 12:30 – NAHUAL (Mexican tribe) from 12:30 til 01:30 – VORTEX (London, England) from 01:30 til 04:00 – BRANDON ADAMS (Dreamcatcher) FREE EN-TRANCE 21+ w/ ID LOCATION: THE FAT BLACK PUSSYCAT LOUNGE ( BASEMENT ) 130 W. 3rd st (between 6th ave and Macdougal) – New York City – NY in the heart of Greenwich Village.
Eyah Babla yesterday was a really fantastic night. since Mayur had to travel, carol opened the night with some progressive bombs, then Carlos played some progressive and started the engines for what came next. vincent’s brother from England played very hyper and fast acid music. people loved it then Brandon played an awesome set as always and very fast too ranging from 144 to 147 at the end
thank you all for coming and we hope to see you next week
January 6 Friday 2006
Blue Spectral Money at subTonic on Norfolk street
January 7 Saturday
28th Day Productions and Light-O-Matic – 2005 9 Hours of Psyche delic Trance & Visionary Art
LEMURIANS – LIVE (Shiva Space Technology) PHASEPHOUR – LIVE (Shiva Space Technology) + Blue Spectral Monkey (Touch Samhadi / Interchill) Shai (Divine Balance /Chilluminati) Karmakanik (PSI) vs. Dave Henshaw (Sonic Beating) Indigom (PsyBooty Records San Francisco) live performance + DJ set At COSM – The Chapel of Sacred Mirrors – 540 W27th St, NYC Saturday January 7, 2005 11PM – 7:30AM – $25 The Chapel of Sacred Mirrors (CoSM) is a sanctuary in New York City for contemplation and a center for events encouraging the creative spirit. The Sacred Mirrors, on display in the Chapel, is a series of paintings by visionary artist Alex Grey that allow us to see ourselves and each other as reflections of the divine. Chillout in the Chapel with EldarLife (Chillcode & Chill Tribe Records) Pedro (Reality Engine / Interchill) Jay aka D-Space Dancefloor Decor by Dave Henshaw & Marria (Sonic Beating Projection by Dave Tennant
January 10 Tuesday
Jeff Machinelf’s birthday party at Nootrition
8pm-12am Tuesday offices RSVP a mus. i.e. don’t be a shitlister showing up at midnight with y our tagging crew)
Personal news – my birthday party is Tuesday, January 10th 8pm-12am at Nootropica LLC’s offices. Also, I am seeking a roommate in Brooklyn: My roommate Michael is moving out on January 15th. Doorman building in a tree-lined neighborhood, 2 blocks from Church Avenue stop on F train subway. 35 minutes from downtown door to door, 45 minutes from midtown. 10 blocks south of Prospect Park I have an office downstairs on the ground floor. I am usually down there. You have the option of doing work for our company at $7 an hour. There is plenty of work with extremely flexible hours. You would have your own master bedroom with a walk-in closet and 2 sunny windows, wood floor. 200 sq feet. I have converted the living room to a room that I sleep in. It is divided from the dining room by a row of bookshelves. There is a large dining room and kitchen and extra closet space. I will need 2 months’ rent (first and last month) and 1-month security for deposit. You must pay all rent and deposit to definitely secure the room. We use Optimum Online for cable/phone/broadband Internet. That is $50 a month each to share. Light smokers OK, a cat is OK although I am slightly allergic, cleanliness and sharing chores are a must, i.e. you should never leave dirty plates in the sink. Rent is $650 a month. If we haven’t ever met I’ll need references. You must be gainfully employed, independently wealthy, or willing to work long hours. If you are seeking a limited timeshare let me know. Con Ed is about $40 a month. Call me at 1- 347-405-5518. If you’re interested. I will be gone Dec 22-30 and would like to find someone ASAP.
Albert Hoffman turns 100!
I just got informed One of the guys from Parasense jump down the window and unfortunately left our physical planet.for good. It just happened one or two days ago..good to have way to confirm this sad news. Zolod didn’t die by accidentally falling out of the window – he jumped out of the window after having a huge argument with his girlfriend (the girl that was a reason for Parasense break-up in the first place). Unfortunately, he simply killed himself. White flag for Russian Trance… … Memorial
Okay, I won’t be able to make it to Albert Hoffman’s 100th birthday party in Switzerland To those of you that are going: Dance for me! but I DO have a copy of the unreleased Project Eleusis CD from Dropout Productions that was created to celebrate Albert Hoffman’s birthday and accomplishments. WOW!!!! Everybody get ready. It is AWESOME! so, so PSYCHEDELIC!!! Twisted, pounding, glitchy, and completely psychoactive. I think the release date is Jan. 9, give or take a day. It has Penta, Kindzadza, Digitalist, The Nommos, Ocelot, The Galactic Brain, Plyphonia, Candy Power AND Highko vs. Naked Tourist.
The samples are killer. I’ve got it on repeat repeat repeat. Just a heads up! Y ou can listen to clips here: web dropout-Productions/ releaseProjectEleusis.shtmlweb dropout-Productions/release ProjectEleusis.shtml Daiva Nata “We dance for laughter, we dance for tears, we dance for madness, we dance for fears, we dance for hopes, we dance for screams, we are the dancers, we create the dreams.” unknown
January 11 Wednesday
Influxny at yahoo wrote: hello everyone, last week we had our 28th party. we are very happy with all the great vibration we had so far. Thanks, everyone for the support! this week we have a killer lineup: from 10:00 til 12:00 – LEO (tribal vision records) from 12:00 til 01:30 – FUZZY NUGGET LIVE from 01:30 til 02:30 – PHASEPHOUR LIVE (shiva space technology, Norway) from 02:30 til 04:00 – LUIS (Dreamcatcher NYC) PhasePhour is a Psychedelic trance project based in Norway, a little country based to far north on the blue and green planet Earth. Today PhasePhour consists of Eldar von Essen that’s been involved in the project from the start in 1997. Since then PhasePhour has changed a lot both in music style and members but today PhasePhour it92s concentrated about Psychedelic night music for the dance floor. You will also find some chillout tracks made by PhasePhour but Eldar it92s now only producing chillout tracks under the name EldarLife that’s been his own project since the start in 2004. PhasePhour has released one album (Boiing & Zipp on Freetransform Records) and V.A tracks on labels like Shiva Space Technology and Chill Tribe Record s for more info – web phasephourweb phasephou r FREE EN-TRANCE 21+ w/ ID LOCATION: THE FAT BLACK PUSSYCAT LOUNGE ( BASEMENT ) 130 W. 3rd st (between 6th ave and Macdougal) – New York City – NY in the heart of Greenwich Village. By subway: A B C D E F V Trains to w est 4th stop. Map: Flyer: web Dreamcatcherstudion
January 13 Friday
Gaian Mind Monthly
Trip Out New York Circ 2,070 and growing faster than a pack of Israelis My room ate/business partner moved out so the number had to change. 718-676-5347
Gosha plays early Wednesday at Psycheground, New Samadhi party Feb
January 15 Tuesday
Roommate Michael is moved out
Note from Rebecca who was in Switzerland for Hoffman’s 100th – Oh my god, it was so great. The last day Albert Hoffman talked for the closing ceremony at the Symposium and I was inches away. Got lots of cool shots of him. He uses kinda like a medical cane on each arm but is strong as ever, going up and down the stage stairs and waving his arms in salut grinning the entire time. He was describing his “problem child” and how it found him. I have some of the seminars of him on some DVDs and CDs that I got there. There were so many amazing speakers. Goa Gil played last night and I’ve never seen him so good, no longer hardcore, or maybe it was just my trip as I was guided into a galaxy of organic, soft melodies interconnecting into fully dimensional sounds of reason and synchronization,. The deco was beautiful and cosmic (the party was in a huge barge!), and the whole room resonated with love and generosity. We were all satisfied under his sun. The Symbosium is over now. Time to pack up and move on. We go to Zurich tomorrow, it’s li ke an hr away. It’s 4 of us traveling including me in an old BMW, rockstar style. Loving life and you and you…
January 18 Wednesday
thank you for coming last week .this week’s lineup: from 10:30 til 11:30 – GOSHA (Omnitribe-Alphatrance) from 11:30 til 12:30 – BEN (light-o-matic) from 12:30 til 02:00 – EARTHIAN (Omnitribe-Alphatrance) form 02:00 til 04:00 – LUIS(Dreamcatcher NYC) FREE EN-TRANCE 21+ w/ ID LOCATION: THE FAT BLACK PUSSYCAT LOUNGE ( BASEMENT ) 130 W. 3rd st (between 6th ave and Macdougal) – New York City – NY in the heart of Greenwich Village.
January 20 Friday
Tsunami at Spirit
HAPPY, HEALTHY & TRANCEY NEW YEAR! TSUNAMI 10pm till late at SPIRIT 530 West 27th Street (between 10th & 11th Avenues) 10pm till late spritnewyork TSUNAMI and SPIRIT are starting a brand new monthly party that intents to set the bar every 3rd Friday of each month with top quality psytrance acts. It all starts on Friday, January 20th with… L For the first time in NY: YOUNGER BROTHER ( twisted, UK) The legendary, the much followed and imitated Simon Posford (a .k.a. HALLUCINOGEN, or half of SHPONGLE) and Benji Vaughan (a.k.a. PROMETHEUS, and half of PROCESS, with Sean Williams, half of a CITIZEN KANED with Doof, and half of CYBER BABAS with Raja Ram) join forces for this trailblazing experience. 10:30pm till midnight, it’s our great honor to welcome: CONSPIRATOR (Diamond Riggs/Final Phaze) Conspirator consists of Marc and Aro n of the DISCO BISCUITS and DJ Omen, who hosted CAMP BISCO the open-air party for 5000+, which brought YOUNGER BROTHER to the US for the first time ever this past August. HALLUCINOGEN (Simon Posford – Twisted, UK) Prometheus (Benji – Twisted, UK) YONI (TSUNAMI) – Always rocking, always right on! SURRENDER – Gadi’s signature no-nonsense morning full-on sets are powerful and energetic. Decor by: NAGUAL Creations, Barcelona ( Spain) Admission: $ 30 advance (plus store commission or service fee) Vinyl Market Satellite 241 East 10th Street 259 Bowery 212 539-1203 212 995-1740
January 25 Wednesday
hello tranceheads thank you for coming last week. t his week is special we have Matyas birthday here’s the lineup: from 10:00 til 11:30 PEDRO (reality engine) from 11:30 til 01:00 MATYAS (reality engine) from 01:00 til 02:30 GAVIN (digital structures – Sweden) from 02:30 til 04:00 LUIS (Dreamcatcher NYC) FREE EN-TRANCE 21+ w/ ID LOCATION: THE FAT BLACK PUSSYCAT LOUNGE ( BASEMENT ) 130 W. 3rd st (between 6th ave and Macdougal) – New York City – NY in the heart of Greenwich Village.
January 26 Thursday
THURSDAY MEXICAN TRIBE Free Psychedelic Trance Party
at SIN-SIN OR LEOPARD LOUNGE Located at 248 East. 5th. St. Corner of 2 nd. Ave. East Village, NY, NY 10003 LINE-UP: ZUMA ( MEXICAN TRIBE NYC ) 10-12AM NAHUAL ( MEXICAN TRIBE/ DREAMCATCHER NYC ) 12-2AM JUGGERNAUT ( DREAMCATCHER NYC ) 2-4 AM FREE EN-TRANCE L TRAIN TO 1 ST OR 3 RD AVE. F TRAIN TO 2 ND AVE. For more info contact “email DJnahual at yahoo” DJnahual at yahoo I hope to see you all there. With your support this will become a Monthly Party.
January 27 Friday
TDC Underground – Echoes in the Night
Dejan ( Kabrathor Rec ) Live Set Dejan: is a project from Paris, France. He discovered electronic music in 1995 and got interested in music production. After attending his first psychedelic trance party in 98, he fell in love with this kind of music, and he began to make psytrance. Now he makes psytrance and chill-out sounds. He performed in France, Russia, Japan, United States, and Switzerland. Other projects: 0.0.0.: Dejan vs. Judzign vs. Virgile (France), The Many Faces: Dejan vs. Jelly (from JellyHeadz)(France ), Loko : Dejan vs. Baphomet Engine vs. Electrypnose(France, Brazil, Switzerland). Dejan also figure on Tantrumm Records Manic Dragon, Nabi, Vertigo, Ajana, Trishula, Deja Vu records, Drop Out and others. Dj’s: Egbot & Mescalinium (Gaian Mind, PSI – Philadelphia, NYC) Babla (Kagdila Records) Isvara (TDC) NikA9 (TDC) Deco by: Aleysis & Melanie (Gaian Mind – Philadelphia, PA) TDC Crew Admission: 20$ before midnight 25$ after Location: Club 7 6122 7th Ave. (Corner of 62nd Street and 7t h Ave) Brooklyn NY, 11220 Public transportation: N train (8th Ave stop) ‘ bus (60 St. and 7th Ave. stop) web TDCny. com/web TDCNY
Good party!!! Music: Babla – Came in towards the end of his set, and the crowd was also just arriving in and getting on the floor. Liked the ending track, some ‘Meow’ thingy? Babla Help!! EgBot& Mescalinium – Good selection here as well, especially the Savage Scream track. The tag team DJ’in also rocked because both felt the flow, and it wasn’t too much of a difference between styles. The highlight would be the finale by Osom, which was super funky and original. Nik – Alright from start to finish I tremendously enjoyed Nik’s set, which was very nocturnal oriented. A deeper, droidsect style of music, with tons of acidic fx all around. Except for some minor mixin mishaps, this was a great set. Real dungeon stuff comin outta the speakers. DEJAN – Starts off with some 148 bpm? track, which shows that he was intent on not lettin us take a moment off. Good flow from Nik to Dejan, and boy, was this guy on a roll. Very versatile style and the whole set had quite a lotta flair. Never let a moment off and although he played Live there were few intervals. Insane music!! Very groovy!! Isvara – Isvara hasn’t let me down so far and last nite was no exception. I really didn’t think I cud stomp after E.M + Nik + Dejan, but he really started pouring the psychedelia. Must hear MuktIsvara soon!! Decor: Was fabulous, especially the “Devi” behind the DJ booth. The masks on the pillar were wicked, as well as the Petals on the wall (too bad sometimes it dropped down). Crowd: As usual TDC has the best crowds. Nothing but happy people all over. Makes for another great party. Saw tons of cute girls as well . Highlight: Owner stomping away to Dejan and Isvara. Now that’s cool! @Droozi & Babla Nice seeing you guys. @ichiro My legs are falling off man . Hope u got home safely with the ‘bloody’ man. @boomshanti Bidu, u were rockin the house .. hehehe @TDC Thanks to all, Nik, Mukti, Isvara, Mutex. WooHoo!!
i think you’re reacting to the wrong things – I’m really not bothered about drumming outdoors, if I can’t stand it that much, id happily go and climb a tree and enjoy things from there – the Asheville story was just a joke – though it did happen .. I’m talking about the drum banging at clubs – if this is the same person we are talking about, I’m sorry, he has no sense of rhythm whatsoever .. if it isn’t, then sorry to you .. on the other hand, drum in jeffs hands at the yoga studios party with blue Spectral and dr spook, sounded great .. no fooling around, just some thumping on a drum .. if you take a general poll of new yorkers who’ve gone to indoors, id bet good money on the fact that there’s no love lost for that misaligned drumbeat we’ve heard at plenty of parties .. and really, Mr. vision .. – I don’t think I’m completely wrong – im fully entitled to an opinion, especially when it’s shared by a fair number of people in the same situation .. hehe karma, in all sorts of ways .. !
wow, smashing party, very FULL POWAH!!! today is Tuesday and I think only now am I fully recovered… crowd was relatively small, maybe 150-200, but I love the intimate family vibe that results… there was plenty of space to dance the whole night without it getting too hot or smoky… musically, I liked most of what I heard… my man babla ganoush got things started right, beginning with some groovier chewns before cranking up the full-on-o-meter… the sudden “shift” ( ) in styles was a bit abrupt, but I enjoyed a lot of the tunes, especially that theorome track at the end… I ended up missing most of Nik’s set, had to get some fresh air after DJing, so I can’t really comment on his material… dejan I really enjoyed… very heady psychedelic music, perhaps not as dancefloor-oriented as I generally prefer, but solid nonetheless… there was this one track he played early on with an accordion sample or something like that… anybody else knows what I’m talking about? and then isvara came on and made sure everyone’s dancing shoes were still securely fastened… anyone who was too tired to dance at the point I’m sure was regretting it. It was great to see some Philly headz in the house… Jon, josh, Mithun, adam, Allyssa… and of course eitan and Mimi were there in spirit regarding our set… wow… it is so nice to get such uniformly positive feedback… all I can say is if you liked what you heard, we’ll be back in NYC for the weekly on the 8th… big BOOM to TDC from the Philly crew… we’re definitely looking forwards to collaborating again in the future… oh, and pix are coming soon…………. FULL POWAH!!!!!!!!!!!
January 24 Tuesday
Stefan is doing a Tuesday party at a sushi place and they are showing Powow videos but he doesn’t want any freaky tweakers showing up, contact him directly if you are interested.
February 2006
“We Are Free”, released in October on Organic Records has had many excellent reviews (including one well-known online reviewer saying “There is no doubt in my mind – this is the best album I’ve heard so far in 2005! And I’ve heard quite a few – including the Shpongle album!” Very flattering :). ‘They have also had fantastic responses to the many live sets they’ve played here in the UK, as well as in Switzerland and Scotland…and are about to play one of London’s biggest and most well-known psytrance parties, “Synergy Project” for the second time – unique for any act who has played there. If you haven’t heard any of their tracks, their style has been described as “proper psytrance”; funky, melodic full-on with spanking production… Antaro put their track “Just A Ride” in his top ten for 2004, and John 00 Fleming had an online interview and played many of t full of the finest music this year. Combining the thumping elements of Psy Trance with the deeper tones of Progressive are a winning combination. They have created their own unique sound. Bloody awesome!!! (5/5)”…
February 1Wednesday
hi, thank you for coming last week. thanks Pedro, Matyas, and Gavin for their mindblowing sets this week’s lineup: from 10:00 till 12:00 NAHUAL (Mexican tribe/ Dreamcatcher) from 12 :00 till 02:00 BABLA (TDC – kayarecs) from 02:00 till 04:00 LUIS (dream catcher) deco and video projections by Dreamcatcherstudio FREE EN-TR ANCE 21+ w/ ID LOCATION: THE FAT BLACK PUSSYCAT LOUNGE ( BASEMENT ) 130 W. 3rd st (between 6th ave and Macdougal) – New York City – N Y in the heart of Greenwich Village.
Introducing Trance Americana the new North American “super” site with forums, gallery etc web tranceam.org with regional categories for all over North America. all of brainmachines will be folded into this new more interactive site. as brainmachines is not the site that sells brainmachines anymore (nootrition does that now) this was only 5 hours of work from DNS to completion, obviously, there wil be many more add-ons and modules installed, e.g.. the Gallery will be made public in an hour. the styles will change fairly often and new topics will be added daily. Finally, there will be numerous secret, closed forums that are accessible only to private groups. So if you are a moderator and willing to put in time, email me and I’ll set you up with your own area so that only those registered members that you specify will be able to see the topic. -and you’ll get the “super” joke when you see the forum If anyone would like to moderate any regional forums let me know.
February 3 Friday
fReE pSycHedElic paRty
sPiralizeD gLiMpSeS oF cOnCurRenT 3Rd-eYe iMpulsE sNaCks HerE is aNotheR poSitivly fRee psYcheDelic event arRiviNg aT a cOncreTe sOiled brOoklYn shack on Fri Feb 3rd. Come join us for a very free night at 349 Kent Ave. in Brooklyn. fRee vEgan snAcks too. Party starts at 10pm and goes to earlY moRniNG Be sure to be 21.. The party is a 20-minute walk in the cold from the L train (Bedford and N.7th) so we are going to have a FREE pick up service running. Pick up will be at 11:00 and we can arrange a dropoff if necessary. The organizers are the New Jersey Pine Barrens rainbow crew. They requested that this be sent out to you guys… so it’s 2 loft parties tonight yahoo!
February 4 Saturday
28thday and Light-o-matic
Touch Samadhi Invasion! Loft in NOHO Who: Live Act: Shape Static ( formerly Lost Baba and the Bastard) Dj sets: Kri (Touch Samadhi) Blue Spectral Monkey (Touch Samadhi) Coral (Touch Samadhi/28thday) D r. Spook (Geomagnetic) Deco by GoaDevotee Hours: 11pm- 7am This event will be footloose and shoe-free once inside, so wash your goddamn feet and socks beforehand& there will be a coat check as well, so bundle up for the cold weather. Cover: $20. And I forgot to add:Dr. Spook will be providing ttp://web 28thday/ c/web lightomatic
thank you for the awesome party(again)! I can’t wait till the next one… highlight for me was Shapestatic, some awesome music from those guys I didn’t like Dr.Spook’s set, and I don’t like 3-minute political commentary/satire during trance-dance sessions. Visuals were great tho! Kri was awesome, last track was my favorite… once again thank you 28th day…
lad people appreciated all the hard work that went into making this party a reality! or a surreality… props to Serena for her zome constructions and geometric origami..! she worked hard to get those ready for the event. it was a magical addition to the already mindblowing decor provided by the brainiacs at devotional decor …. robomarket- I think the “There were few tracks that left a big impression on me, like the one with arcade games samples” track you are referring to was the one I started my set with = Electrypnose – mario bros on V/A Play Way – doof rec 2006 all the sets were awesome, smoothies too. great sound/music and great space and great people make great times. just got a massage to work out the last of the kinks from doing the crazy monkey dance all night! phew! jeff, you and your goji berries…. overall–great times. thanks again 28thday and lightomatic. you guys really make a difference. boom
Ben in 2023:
By auspicious coincidence I came across this promo CD 28th Day and Light-o-Matic presents TOUCH Samadhi 2006 featuring Kri Samadhi, Blue Spectral Monkey and Mindstorm aka Dr. Spook at a friend’s house on Saturday as several of my loved ones were dancing the weekend away at T.O.U.C.H. Samadhi’s annual equinox event. Oh what an incestuously wicked web we weave! In PSYNY spirit, also mentioned on the CD, here’s a little piece of psytrance history for download.
Also web tranceam.org is launching very soon with a North America forum. All brainmachines files will be transferred to this site and reformatted and repackaged for your consumption. Also, this is where we will have a weekly TV show streamed out. Basically a North American answer to Isratrance. And all brainmachines are now sold at Nootrition. Death to brainmachines woohoo
February 8 Wednesday
Dear Friends, I will be brief now, but before I go to bed let me tell of this angel I met, her name is DJ Coral…. I must confess that few Dj’s have touched my heart like she has, how can I describe her… ELEGANCE…. yes, that’s the word!!! To stand behind the booth and PLAY music is one thing, Now to be a DJ and play music with good taste takes a certain individual, # 1- NO EGO what a pleasure it was to hear a true trance DJ play…. too bad they had to cut you short, but no problem baby, you’ve WON my heart. I Hope You pop up in my dreams and play for me for a few hours. PS: Let me get some rest and think really hard on my Quaker friends. KeepitReal
Dear Head Bangers, I had a Good Night’s sleep it’s now 11:27 am, I think I’m ready to speak my mind about the second half of the party, so let’s get down to business… I would like to start off by saying that DJ Coral did not show up in my dreams and that’s not a good start. When I walked in the decor made my jaw drop, it was really nice, spiritual artifacts hanging all over the place, this Cute DJ playing some good music and I thought to my self “I’m in for a treat tonight” so I’m hanging out saw some familiar faces, said hi to everybody, grabbed a beer and relaxed. About an Hour later the Philly crew came on- So let me start by saying that I must put in consideration the type of DJ’s Patrick and Dave r… HEADBANGERS. I Know lots of trancers love this type of sound, it reminded me of my first IRON MAIDEN concert in 89…Damn those were the good old days…. anyways…I Personally thought it was no big deal, but you have to catch me ate the rite time and last night was not it, that’s why myself (and most of the party left) @ 3 am, Sorry I just could not take it, maybe next time… Now The DJ’s (Nothing personal) Mr. Patrick: Being able to “Mix” 2 tracks does not make you a Superstar, pounding the crowd out of a club doesn’t help, you Might be the man back in Philly but @ PSYCHEGROUND you’re an average DJ and I’m being Nice. Mr. Dave: There’s so much more to DJing than acting like AXEL ROSE, first and most important what you play in your bedroom does not apply @ PSYCHEGROUND. Next time you guys come back to town I Promise I’ll be there. Don’t blame me, I’m just the messenger, TATA!!! KeepitReal
Every week I want to post stupid things I see and think is funny, so I’m going to call this part. Thing’s that cross my mind: * Babla with tight jeans…hahahah…need some Junk in the trunk to wear them. * I Love to see Vincent’s Brother dancing it cracks me up * Where the Fuck was JEFF??? * Stefan, as usual, acting strange * Carlitos how I missed you old friend, don’t go stay here with us
February 10 Friday
Alladin Project
Hi party people after few years that he wasn’t in NYC he’s back!!! One of the best psytrance producers in the world, the master COSMOSIS, This one going to be crazy party See u all on the trance floor Friday March 10th CLUB EXIT Brooklyn NY Line Up: COSMOSIS LIVE & DJ SET- Transient Rec UK ELNADIV – Alladin Project NYC – Israel SINPATEX – Alladin Project – Israel LUIS – Dreamcatcher / Alladin Project – Brazil Decorations by: Alladin Project Crew (NYC) 18 to enter/21+ to drink with picture ID ***Door Open: 11 PM to 7 AM *** Tickets: $25 before midnight $30 after midnight @the door Location: CLUB EXIT 147 GREEN POINT AVE BROOKLYN NY https://web.archive.org/web/20111025053142/http://www.alladinproject.net/ http://www.transient.com
Cosmosis totally killed the dance floor throughout the entire set. He started playing around 4:30 and his live set was practically flawless. The crowd went crazy as soon as he started playing and didn’t stop until the very end. Eduardo’s set was good, Luis played an uplifting set closing out the party. Symatex’s first hour of the set was below average I agree along with some bad mixing, but that all changed when he played Cosma’s “Nonstop” track. It was a breaking point. The crowd just went nuts and never stopped. So I would not go as far as calling his entire set shitty. He rebounded towards the end. Overall, I think it was a very good party. When Cosmosis started playing I already forgot about one hour of bad music.
I can live with one hour of bad music if the rest of the night was simply great. I think the majority of the people who attended this party will agree with me.
Boy has this club changed dramatically from the days when Dennis Rodman used to frequent the place with his nutty friends. Anyway, it wasn’t that good of a party until Cosmosis finally showed up at 4:30… way too late and he only played for 90 minutes, which left me wanting more. But damn, he was excellent, flawless, and his concentration on his work was something to be admired. I think Synpatex and Eduardo should learn something about concentration during their sets. Synpatex was frustrating me and my friends because he kept slowing it down. I mentioned this before; you cannot slow down the music too much / too often at a club because it makes the crowd frustrated and stagnant. He would build up a track for about a good 30 seconds and then just kill it off with another 20 seconds or so of slow beats or vocals. If you’re a DJ standing over a crowd and all of a sudden you see people stop dancing and looking around at each other, a light should go off in your head that hey, maybe I shouldn’t be doing that! I’ll keep my fingers crossed for next time. Was that Luis with the ponytail and nose ring? He was awesome too. I see now what I’m missing on Wednesdays. The decorations were nice too. I liked those hanging paintings that resemble ink blots… The ones that Cosmosis knocked over. I almost stole one! And he’s such a nice, humble, and friendly person. I’ll be looking forward to Exaile and hope he plays before 4:30.
This was a good party, It was nice to get out and dance for a night. I agree that Synaptex didn’t deliver that much of an exciting set. The energy would build up and then drop suddenly but I think I lost it when he played the Cosma track…I love that track. I’ve never heard Cosmosis before and I was blown away. I couldn’t stop dancing but why did he play so late? Luis, your set was great, keep up the good work! I enjoyed the party, not shitty at all. I even had the courage to try and find some Isratrance peoples and introduce myself but I didn’t… maybe next time.
Nice party! I actually used to go to all psytrance parties, no matter the organizer (i think it should be like this, not be in the team of anybody ) and I felt a good vibe from the people. Is nice to see people smiling, feeling the music, and enjoying with friends, because in some parties I don’t feel this way anymore, so thanks for the people that made all this happen, and I also want to say that some should know all the first meaning for the parties …. enjoy, not only see which sets are good or not. Hey Goat, I don’t understand what are you trying to say about the first DJs concentrating more with their sets, why? I think that the first one (Edoardo) did a great job! It was great music for the beginning of a party. I’ve never seen people dancing since the beginning and be excited, I heard in his set a good combination in progressive psytrance to start, slowly building it up to full-on and a touch of dark music to finish it up. A good DJ does that job: keeps you dancing and interested and you don’t even notice the changes. Cosmosis did a great job, kept everybody moving till the end of his set, good job! Luis surprised me!, I wished he played a little bit more, I was enjoying it so much… the deco great as usual! I wish they sold Severyn t-shirts at parties here.
By that, I meant that they were not keeping me interested. Eduardo’s mixing wasn’t that smooth in transitions, the buildups wouldn’t last long, there were sound issues in the beginning, jumping from one style to another… In my opinion, there was not a consistent flow to his set. Synpatex, as I mentioned before would kill off the mood during his buildups. For instance, you’d see everyone, including myself, jumping up and down, ready to explode with our ‘dance’ and then boom! He’d drop the volume, add vocals, lower the beats. Very frustrating. Just my opinion.
If the lineup was: Eduardo (He woulda warmed it up) Luis (He woulda uplifted everyone to get up and dance) Cosmosis (You know what he woulda done regardless) Synpatex (He woulda chilled it out a little bit so you can recover) Elnadiv (He woulda closed it out with more banging beats to keep the people from heading for the exits) then you would see that a LOT of people would have stayed longer instead of leaving midway through. Although at this particular event, there was not a big crowd, to begin with.
February 10 Friday
Gaian Mind Monthly
February 11 Saturday
This is the last TripOutNY email until the forums at hits 100 users I know that emails are push and forums are pull – but I have no vested interest in anything trance-wise right now beyond making the forums at tranceam.org take fruit. oh yeah, and go to Luis’ Wednesday and El Nadiv’s and Tsunami this weekend. Promoters – please post your events at web ranceam.org in the appropriate places. It’s easy to get confident that there are 2083 members who read this newsletter, but the reality is that most don’t go to most events, and few have time to sift through forums and such. But without a token gesture of support for the north psy scene from more than a smattering of the psy scene, it really isn’t worth my time. I feel like sometimes Ithe promoters and drug dealers value the parties the most. Five and a half years ago I made a similar appeal for people to come together to make open-air in new York a common occurrence. It’s time yet again for a critical mass of the Folk to emerge from their shell and take control of their destinies. I think is going to be amazing. let me put it this way – if you guys go into the forums full force, we and the d will return the favor this next summer with a season that will rival 2004. And if you think THAT is crazy, brainmachines is now for sale…
Wed, 08 Feb To: 604 at party.net, TripOutNY The Ski is Falling! Brainmachines domain for sale on ebay to the highest bidder… It’s time to what Nobel physicist Prigogine Brainmachines domain for sale on ebay to highest bidder… in the late 70s called “escaping to a higher level of complexity.” Since I’m selling the brain machines and CES on nootrition now and the brainmachines registry just expired today, I have up to 3-4 weeks to decide what to do with it. I figure I could buy a couple of cases of beer by not renewing. And when I say for sale to the highest bidder I meant the highest offer, not the highest person. If nobody buys it I will keep in my pocket and fwd it to web tranceam.org or nootrition We have 2-3 weeks to do this if anyone is so inclined. The site has had pretty good traffic over 10 years – 1000 page views a day – and should draw in a lot of eyeballs. Here is the auction cgi.ebay/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item5664957639 And don’t knock on my door trashed at 5am saying “Hey I’M the highest bidder!!!” …someone gives Mark a hundred bucks 🙂
February 12 Sunday
Machinelf Brainmachines sold for $1000 to fames brain machine programmer Christopher Oliver. PsyNY how handling all scheduling the calendar at tranceam.org Ron had bid up the brainmachines domain, I ended up selling to a higher bidder but in the spirit of cooperation, I will pass along the baton to Ron at PsyNY. The link is at web tranceam.org, which is the gateway to Info for trance in NYC – esp. the forum there. So no newsletters for awhile as PsyNY and the forum at should fulfill what it did. A t some point in the future I’ll do the newsletter again, but use more RSS and links.
February 17 Friday
Alladin Project – Bamboo Forest
VALENTINE WEEKEND Hi party people happy New Year, we would like to thank everyone for the support and the positive energy that we had in New Years’ weekend. We are planning for 2006 killer parties with wicked line ups and best energy. We excited to start this year in the valentine weekend Friday February 17th prepare yourself for a mind-blowing event see you all there DJ’S: THE LEGENDARY: BAMBOO FOREST – ST EPHAN Transient Rec / MP Rec / Spirit Zone Rec. France Second album release. FIRST APPEARANCE IN NYC: SIRIUS ISNESS-Maxx Mind Control records. Spain ELNADIV Alladin Project. NYC – Israel SIN PATEX Alladin Project. Israel Decorations by: Severyn. NYC Alladin Project Crew. NYC *18 to enter/21+ to drink with picture ID *** Tickets: $20 before midnight $30 after midnight at the door Location: Club Exit
Thanx a lot Alladin Project for this great party!! I’m a big fan of Sirius Isness and he didn’t disappoint me at all!!! I loved his DJ set, as well as the BAmboo Forest one, I Ieft early so I didn’t get a chance to listen to Elnadiv’s set… Great deco!, people were having a good time and I felt I made the right choice of going to this party instead of the other two….It was good to be back at Exit though, I love the place! …you guys should always make parties here, forget about Avalon… Good Job Alladin Project, Thank You for having parties like this in NY!! Keep ’em coming, it was KILLER!! See you at the next one
It’s Sunday and I’m slowly recovering but my legs are still wobbly and aching. Entered the place towards Steve-O’s (not from Jackass) set. It was alright. Sat down and relaxed. The decorations were very very nice. Very visually stimulating, especially the paintings behind the artists and the one in the front. I liked the 3D stars too with the sexy colorful feathers. Good job! Then Synpatex started and it was much better, the crowd got into it a little more. So I slowly got up around 2 and got ready for Mr. Bamboo He started it with a bang. The first track hit me so hard that I needed a ciggie (too bad I don’t smoke). Very pumping full-on mixes. It’s funny how I like the deeper underground dark psy, yet I enjoy dancing to full-on more. Weird… Towards the end of Bamboo’s set, the BO started to kick up another notch, yet it was not as bad as the last party. So I moved to the other side. The worst BO, btw, comes from the janitor. If you smell it and don’t know where it’s coming from, just look around for the dude with the mustache and you’ll spot him right away. Then MAX took over the decks. OMFG. This dude is amazing. I think he started it with Pink’s Get the Party Started? Kinda funny but oh what a sick mix! From there on, it was a full-blast full-on experience. Even the older male Polish wallflowers were dancing to this guy. I could not stop shaking and dancing until the end. If you’re reading this man, keep it up. Some points: Very very hot girls at this event. Wow! The two projectors need to either be turned off or filtered. Toooo bright. Alladin Project, please tell your photographer not to flash his camera in people’s faces then start laughing. He took some of me from a foot away and I was seeing stars for a few moments. Not a fan of the flash. $20 price before midnight allowed more people to pack the place earlier than usual which made for great fun. My two frugal friends loved it. Keep that up for the next party. Announcing the lineup timeslots was perfect too. Thank you, keep it up and I’ll see you soon.
February 17 Friday
Tsunami 10th Anniversary
11m till late at SPIRIT 530 West 27th Street (between 10th & 11th Avenues) 11pm till late spritnewyork S.U.N. PROJECT, live (EMI / Sprit Zone, Germany) Marco, Mathias and McCoy, with their signature electric guitar and drum live set, will be celebrating this year, just a s TSUNAMI will, their 10th Anniversary as SUN PROJECT. Their appearances all over the globe have made them the crowds German darlings. For their 10th year together they have big plans, also in the US, and they will be giving us a taste of their new creations for the jubilee, complete with masks and costumes. DINO PSARAS, live and DJ set (Visionquest, Japan, / Cehmchemical Crew, Israel, / Spun, Spain) Dino is since years internationally consistently voted as one of the top trance DJs and Producers in the world. After quite a few unforgettable DJ sets, this is the first time Dino graces us in the US with a live set, introducing his brand new, yet unreleased material. D J SURRENDER (Gadi) DJ OMI-40% (Chemical Crew, Israel) And in a separate upstairs chill-out area, the legendary… MIXMASTER MORRIS Decor by: NOS (Swed en) Visuals by Optical Delusion Admission: $ 30 advance (plus store commission) Available at: VINYL MARKET SATELLITE 241 East 10th Street 259 Bowery 212 539-1203 212 995-1744 All ticket holders or will call patrons please use express entrance. INFO LI NE: 212.439.8124 93TSUNAMI Presents94 every fourth Friday of each month ( next one Friday Febr. 24th) at 2pm NY time on web di.fm/”w ww.di.fm
February 21 Tuesday
SUPREME COURT ALLOWS DMT AYAHUASCA First Serge gets off his case in Nebraska because they didn’t get an independent tester for the acid, weed and DMT found in his car (he had a good laugh at the graphics we made for his Free Serge party last year) Starting work at Nootropica tomorrow) but now – now – Not just a stay – not just the Supreme Court telling Bush & Co. to back off for a while – this time it’s a unanimous decision – a victory for religious freedom. How can they block the importation of DMT when they subsidize the growth of, say, Illinoensis grass for cattle, which is chock full of DMT and can be made into tea by anyone with an Internet connection, lemons, Syrian rue, pantyhose, a stove, purified water, and Vitamin C. Of course, doing t outside an established religion a la UDV or Santo Daime is still verboten.
Court Allows Church’s Hallucinogenic Tea By GINA HOLLAND Associated Press Writer WASHINGTON (AP) A small branch of a South American religious sect may use hallucinogenic tea as part of a ritual intended to connect with God, a unanimous Supreme Court ruled Tuesday. In its first religious freedom decision under Chief Justice John Roberts, the court said the government cannot hinder religious practices without proof of a “compelling” need to do so. “This is a very important decision for minority religious freedom in this country,” said lawyer John Boyd, who represents about 130 U.S. members of O Centro Espirita Beneficiente Uniao do Vegetal who live in New Mexico, California and Colorado. The tea, which contains an illegal d known as d, is considered sacred to members of the sect, which has a blend of Christian beliefs and South American traditions. Members believe they can understand God only by drinking the tea, which is consumed twice a month at four-hour ceremonies.
February 22 Wednesday
The Eye and Anakin Koenig The Eye (Disorient, Turquoise Trance | BRC) Goa Trance has been the leitmotiv in The Eye’s musical selection since the beginning of the genre. His 1988 trip around the world including several stops in India opened his mind to electronic dance music. The Eye has played at numerous (outdoor) parties in France, Ibiza, New York and the Western USA Deserts. He lives in Black Rock City and is the Architect of Disorient. http://www.flyvision.org/the_eye Anakin Koenig Anakin Koenig is an artist involved in performance-sculpture. He creates large scale inflatable structures in collaboration with prestigious contemporary artists and is active in several electronic dance music milieux. Some of the transient pieces that he builds are instruments/environments for performances by artists and members of the audience; others such as his Breathing Chandeliers and Sealings are soothing kinetic objects with built-in lights and sequenced inflation. Recent activities include an installation at the Museum of Modern Art in New York City, a collaboration with Pierre Huyghe to create an inflatable environment for a project in Antarctica, a show with Teddy Lo at the DDM Warehouse in Shanghai, an installation with Leo Villareal for an event organized by Creative Time in NYC and a Residency at the MIT MediaLab. Regular collaborators include Leo Villareal, Nicholas Butterworth, the Disorient collective, Davis Burns and Forward Motion Theater. Based in New York, he founded Anakin Koenig Airways in 2001 and received his PhD from NYU in 2004. He has created art at Burning Man since 1999. Obsessive documentation of his work is available at http://www.AKAirways.com lineup: from 10:00 till 12:30 – Nahual (Mexican tribe/Dreamcatcher) from 12:30 till 02:00 – The Eye (Disorient, Turquoise Trance | BRC) from 02:00 till 04:00 – Eduardo(Mexico) FREE EN-TRANCE 21+ w/ ID projections by Dreamcatcher studios LOCATION: THE FAT BLACK PUSSYCAT LOUNGE ( BASEMENT ) 130 W. 3rd st (between 6th ave and Macdougal) – New York City – NY in the heart of Greenwich Village.
February 25 Saturday
TDC Underground Presents: Polyphonia Live
Polyphonia – (Trishula Records) LIVE Set Polyphonia is the solo project of Romolo Cheri from Greece. After some years of metal and hardcore music, he discovered psytrance in 1995 and was instantly addicted to the full energy outdoor parties around Greece and Goa. He brings to us his uncompromising twisted and psychedelic music. DJ’s: Mukti (TDC Underground) MuteX (TDC Underground) Indra Aka Gosha (OmniTribe – Alphatrance) Deco by: Uta Bekaia (Georgia) TDC Production Admission: 20$ before midnight 25$ after Location: Cub 7 6122 7th Ave. (Corner of 62nd Street and 7th Ave) Brooklyn NY, 11220 From 10pm – 7am Public transportation: N train (8th Ave stop) B9 bus (60 St. and 7th Ave. stop)
I’m not sure if everybody knows about what happened, but unfortunately, it did. The police came and closed the party. The next one will be very soon. Our sincerest regrets.
Around 12:30 or so… As soon as they came in, I knew it was over because you could smell the greens easily. The crowd was just starting to pile in too. *sigh* Looking forward to the next one.
I was walking around enjoying the beautiful deco (nice paintings!) and was just starting to get into my trance when the ‘effin PoPo came in and started running around with flashlights and shit. They were going around for quite a while before they shut the party down so they must have had to look pretty hard to find something. And I didn’t smell any of these greens that g0at is referring to, got no clue what he’s talking about. Seems like the NYPD just being pricks as usual. The bastards wouldn’t even let us stand around outside the club they were all telling us to disperse and that we were obstructing the sidewalk even though there was clearly no one else using the sidewalk for us to be obstructing the path of.
February 25 Saturday
“thewstyle” be-in’s Saturday – Reality Engine at Alex Grey, TDC, Carlos from MX’s going away… Scientifically designed to resurrect a madman. Last Friday had 3 big parties, a sign of maturity. The multiplexed insanity repeats itself tomorrow, I kick myself for not making it to Psycheground this Wednesday to see Pierre For Saturday
just in case you missed it: WE ARE LIVING NOW IN A UNIVERSE WHERE DMT IS A LEGAL SACRAMENT IN THE USA. Scientifically designed to resurrect a madman. Thews’ a lot of psychdelelic brain going on. I actually only added that because I miss Thew.
March 2006
Trip out New York- Relaunches as a national paid publication – plus we’re selling shamanic plants starting the first of Spring.
TRIP OUT NEW YORK EXPANDS, RELAUNCHES AS TONA – TRIP OUT NORTH AMERICA! Trip OutNew York is being relaunched as TONA, Trip Out North America, as a paid publication at $5 a year. This will be a more extended version of what has been going out for years. We will have regional listings from all over the U.S. Canada, and Mexico, a new interview every week, complete previews and reviews on every event in NYC, plus photos from the events. The forum will also be scoured for pertinent information. The newsletter will be available on the Web a month after it’s published. Subscribers will also get the current DMTV weekly broadcast, 30-minute program covering psychedelic culture in New York. Also by being a SUBSCRIBER YOU WILL AT LEAST OCCASIONALLY BUT PROBABLY ALWAYS GET REDUCED ADMISSION AT EVENTS so the subscription will pay for itself almost immediately.
TONA will also be carrying affordable advertising – the and the first advertiser is Alladin Project.
We offer free subscriptions to monks, DJs, and event organizers. The paid newsletter will replace the free Trip Out New York next week. In addition to the TripOut subscription, links to purchase membership in the d and Safetydance are also on that site. There’s a great package deal where you get all memberships AND a free copy of the Trancer’s Guide to the Galaxy all for $40 a year. If membership surges, this is going to be a busy summer, free-open-air-wise – so don’t be left out and help make it happen. Safetydance gets you all the underground info, and d membership gives you a vote as to what we’ll do in open air this year. The forum and calendar at web tranceam.org web tranceam.org will always remain a repository of all information that is free – and it’s also interactive.
We have resumed all email groups again now the rollout is in motion. and now the culmination of my dreams…
Great news, We have signed a deal to be the sole U.S. distributor of Amazon Healing, a major wholesaler of shamanic plants and extracts, one that is ecologically minded works closely with indigenous farmers. The Bazaar (link above) will be carrying a full range of shamanic plants later this month, from Salvia to Kratom and Ayahuasca ingredients. These plants will be available for sale around the start of Spring later this month. HELP WANTED TONA is currently seeking photographers/reporters who will get comps at the events but will be required to write stories and take pictures. Must have a digital camera and can write creatively. You will get a Press Pass for free entry to all events. You won’t have to attend every event, but a significant portion of them.
The TripOutNY newsletter is no more.
March 1 Wednesday
hey tranceheads, thank you very much for coming last week. thank you Pierre and Anakin for the amazing deco this week’s lineup: from 10:00 till 12:00 DROOZI (india) from 12:00 till 02:00 BABLA (kagdila records) from 02:00 till 04:00 SHIKID(Omnitribe/polarlight records) FREE EN-TRANCE 21+ w/ ID deco and video projections by JAMES and Dreamcatcher studios LOCATION: THE FAT BLACK PUSSYCAT LOUNGE ( BASEMENT ) 130 W. 3rd st (between 6th ave and Macdougal) – New York City – NY in the heart of Greenwich Village.
Got there late caught half of Babla’s Set enjoyed it very much… Shikid started a bit slow but picked it up after 30 min. I must confess that in my opinion the best progressive DJ in Town…. good job man…. ohhhh and by the way cool jeans nice and tight…. can’t let go of the 80’s humm… Got to meet some new people like ICHIROCK…cool Kid Had a beer with Babla had a nice talk all is good. Great decor by our friend James. Lots of new stuff The Graveyard Shift lately has been tough on all of us except for last week. I think that if the crew keeps the diverse DJ’s playing this party is just going to keep getting better
March 3 Friday
Symptoms of Science in Boston
March 4 Saturday
Trancemotion CD Release Party ALIEN vs. The CAT
Following hot on the heels of the album by Alien Project & Avi Space Cat 9292Space Jam9292. Ari the Alien has teamed up with Avi the Space Cat to catapult us into another stratosphere. The collaboration fell together and gelled instantly. A project that came together very quickly, after all-night studio sessions and in between numerous gigs around the world. It came out of nowhere, within a lunar cycle and it’s a real treat for all. The quality and the vibe are so high that the benchmark has yet again been raised. 2 (Second) Album coming soon !!! ALIEN PROJECT VS SPACE CAT Dj Set: Ari Linker (Alien Project, Tip, Spun, Uk, Israel) Avi Algranati (Space Cat, Tip, Spun, Uk, Israel) Sinpatex ( Alladin project, Nyc) VJ Projector By: Chris 96 Exeris (NYC) Avalon Club 20th Street & 6th Ave, NYC Doors Open at 11pm 96 7am $25 guest List / $3 0 without 1. 917.553.4424 web trance-motion/web trance-motion web alien-project/web alien-project web spunrecords.org/web spunrecords.org Next Party On April 15th Passover + Easter Party. More Details Coming Soon.
March 10 Friday
Alladin Project – Cosmosis
COSMOSIS LIVE, ELNADIV, SINPATEX LUIS & EDUARDO, CLUB EX IT Greenpoint NY Flyer: web alladinproject.net/ Hi party people after few years that he wasn’t in NYC he’s beck!!! One of the best psytrance producers in the world, the master COSMOSIS, This one going to be a crazy party, See u all on the trance floor Line Up: COSMOSIS LIVE Transient Rec UK ELNADIV Alladin Project NYC – Israel SIN PATEX Alladin Project – Israel LUIS Dreamcatcher / Alladin Project – Brazil EDUARDO Alladin project – Mexico Decorations by: Alladin Project Crew (NYC) Tickets: $25 before midnight $30 after midnight at the door ***18 to enter/21+ to drink with picture ID*** ***Door Open: 11 PM to 7 AM *** Location: CLUB EXIT 147 GREEN POINT AVE BROOKLYN NY More info: (917)-5691177 (917)-4054847
March 10 Friday
Gaian Mind Monthly
March 15 Wednesday
hi tranceheads , thank you very much for coming last week. thank you Mayur, Dima, Coral and Lauryn for the awesome sets this week’s lineup: from 10:00 till 11:30 – CAROL(Dreamcatcher) from 11:30 till 01:00 – URIEL(Alladin project) from 01:00 till 02:30 – SONYXPARK from 02:30 till 04:00 – JUGGERNAUT(Dreamcatcher) FREE EN-TRANCE 21+ w/ ID deco and string art by JAMES(Dreamcatcher) LOCATION: THE FAT BLACK PUSSYCAT LOUNGE ( BASEMENT ) 130 W. 3rd st (between 6th ave and Macdougal) – New York City – NY in the heart of Greenwich Village.
The last I heard Sonyxpark he used to play semi-dark and twisted sounds… not too heavy and crazy… but quite cryptic
March 16 Thursday
Call for links, US-based tracks, and events Hi, when I retired brainmachines I felt it was too static and not dynamic. The new site is finally past beta and the fun begins, and I need your help populating tranceam.org. I am looking for tracks from US producers to stream – low res if needed. I have Antix and Skazi up there and would like to replace them with Americana tracks. Send them to me. A links page is now up, you can add links, descriptions, and update them here
March 17 Friday
10pm till late @ SPIRIT 530 West 27th Street (between 10th & 11th Avenues) 10pm till late spritnewyork.com For the first in America: G.B.U.,, live The Good, The Bad & The Ugly (GBU Records, Ibiza) Dado (DEEDRAH), DIMITRI (Spun, Ibiza/ Solstice, Japan) and Serge (ANTIDOTE), each one individually a highly accomplished international trance artist, joining together for this unique and trendsetting act, creating through it a new level of quality, excitement and awareness expanding experience. Deedrah, live (GBU Records, Ibiza) Dado, who burst to prominence as half of trailblazing TRANCEWAVE, and has since created a quantity of anthems, will show us his latest version of his classics as well as brand new material. Antidote, DJ set / live (GBU Records, Ibiza) Serge, was part of the legendary TOTAL ECLIPSE, and besides being a world-class DJ has created in the last years, an incredible body of work as ANTIDOTE. Surrender, DJ set Gadi’s signature morning full-on sets are powerful, energetic, and packed with new music. And more DJ surprises…! Psychedelic 3 Dimensional Decor. Visuals by Optical Delusion Admission: $ 30 advance (plus store commission) https://web.archive.org/web/20090611095614/http://www.Tsunami-trance.com:80/ INFO LINE: 212.439.8124 Every 3rd Friday on each month, 2pm NY time, on http://www.di.fm “TSUNAMI Presents:” Check out our schedule at the WMC 2006 in Miami! Next TSUNAMI Monthly @ SPIRIT: Friday, April 7th: In ELEMENT TSUNAMI.
well well well… What can I say!? Simply a beautiful party! Energy on the floor was soooooo intense. Fantastic music, beautiful smiles, lots of room to jump around, and less druggy assholes! Brandon warmed up the floor perfectly. Antidote played quite decent set. G.B.U. kept dropping some destructive bombshells. Deedrah didn’t mock my expectation at all. BUT my highlight was… Gadi! IMO, it was one of the best sets I’ve experienced in a while!!! (They should have let him finish in his own way…) I’m sure we’re gonna miss you, man… But don’t worry. I’m gonna book you and force you to come back here!!! hehe All in all, it was an awesome party! For those who didn’t come, I’m sorry to say but……. YOU GUYS MISSED A LOT!!!!!! hehehe Hats off to all the artists and Tsunami. Since the Younger Brother/Prometheus affair, parties at Spirit have been pretty amazing. I had a great time last night. Brandon’s track selection was flawless and besides two minuscule mixing oopsies, his set was a ticking bomb that exploded in the end. He set a great mood for the Antidote set which drove people up and down the dancefloor. And then, GBU…their performance was BOOM and then I left and I know I missed out. Gadi man, I don’t doubt that Ichi knows what’s a good set and I regret missing it The people at this party were very friendly I hope that the good vibes will stay in Spirit. Great job Tsunami, the artists and everybody else! Good party! Came around the beginning of Antidotes set, couldn’t really figure out who was playin coz all 3 of them were pretty much on stage. Anyhow, it was intense with some good tracks. G.B.U were also pretty good, and the party began to pick up a lil more. Deedrah has some excellent tracks periodically but on the whole I wasn’t blown away as I hoped I would, but some great powerful sunrise tracks. Gadi as usual started with his screamin, scratchy, acidic fits and it was a great end to the nights line-up. Keep an eye on his future releases, real dancefloor shakers. Good luck bro back in Israel. Decor was nice, I liked the big billowing thing behind the stage and also must mention the trippy visuals. There was this one part where the screen showed clouds and these dudes skydiving, but they kept getting split up or something incredible. Security was alright and had no issues till like the middle of the party when some Chinese dude just walked up on stage and started undressing. Next thing some white dude jumps up beside him and sucker punches the shit outta him. They both fall off the stage right on our feet and began beatin the crap outta each other. This guy was butt naked and he took on like 3 bouncers. Wow! Dont know what he was on!! Nicely done by Tsunami. Now its time to count the days till Voice of Cod.
here I am trying to say my feelings for an hour already! this was a party to remember and tune in to for inspiration. My warmest greetings to the pioneers. To me it was like being to a party that I missed 10 or so years ago when I first heard Goa trance and Transwave music among other artists. I think it was Pulse compilation that I was lucky to come by in tower records. I listened to that CD till it had holes in it. Hey, was that Trashish remix or I was hearing things? Then there was Surrender set. There was so much energy in the air I thought poor Spirit would collapse and the sun would breakthrough! And I think it did several times. Surrender, you rock!! I’ve been dancing to that last track that they didn’t let you play all morning Saturday. Big High to everybody @ the party!
yes, I definitely also felt the vibe of an older party here, something that has been missing for a while in new york…deco was minimal but effective, with full blacklight, good projections, and some bubbly fluoro fixtures hanging from the ceiling…and oh yea, I’ve gotta say the new white paint job is a refreshing change…music was steady and intelligent from start to finish, building a very warm vibe… I particularly enjoyed the GBU set…and oh yea, GADI!!! you totally ioneyesed the place man, way to go out on top, but really, we know it’s only just the beginning…it looks like Tsunami has definitely found some momentum
March 20 Monday
Addicted to drugs i.e. cocaine and/or heroin? Depressed? Here’s a free solution that is well researched over decades of study We at Nootropica LLC are now offering free solution, this not meant to replace a doctor or as a replacement for clean living and the importance of responsibility/willpower. Absolutely no claims are implied – this is a private message to friends and not available to the general public. And soon we will carry Kratom, a shamanic plant from Vietnam which replicates a speedball (heroin/cocaine). Cranial Electrical Stimulation is painless, well researched, and takes 20 minutes a week and we are willing to offer this as a free service to the psychedelic trance community in New York. Our offices are located 5 minutes from the Church Avenue stop on the F train in Brooklyn just south of Park Slope, 20 minutes from downtown Manhattan. Here is our writeup at WHAT IS CRANIAL ELECTROTHERAPY STIMULATION?
March 22 Wednesday
DJ Shankar (Shakti Collective/ Tribal Vision Records-Toronto) Shankar started to DJ in 1999. He started his DJing journey playing Deep House at private events and small parties in Toronto. In 2002 Shankar discovered the sounds of Goa Trance, sound that would alter his musical journey forever. Today Shankar plays progressive trance with elements of psy and electro. He had shared stage with artists like Matt Boom, Freq, Vibrasphere and Antix and played in Toronto’s known clubs (eg. The Guvernment, Funhaus, Footwork). Shankar is a co-manager of Shakti Collective, an organization devoted to help promote quality progressive and psychedelic sounds in the Toronto area. here’s the lineup: from 10:00 till 12:00 – KIFE (Omnitribe) from 12:00 till 02:00 – SHANKAR (Shakti Collective/ Tribal Vision Records) from 02:00 till 04:00 – BRANDON ADAMS (Dreamcatcher) FREE EN-TRANCE 21+ w/ ID Deco, video projections and string art by JAMES and Dreamcatcher studios THE FAT BLACK PUSSYCAT LOUNGE ( BASEMENT ) 130 W. 3rd st (between 6th ave and Macdougal) – New York City – NY in the heart of Greenwich Village.
March 25 Saturday
CoSM presents “The Entheocentric Salon” part 2
Join us on these monthly events produced by CoSM with the intention to develop our local scene featuring a fusion of art, music, psychotropic projections, live paintings and trance grooves. LIVE Visionary Painting by: Oliver Vernon (www.oliververnon.com) Zachariah Kaliptus Psy-Trance and Tribal Grooves by: Resident: Pedro (Reality Engine/Interchill) Guests DJs: Earthian (Omnitribe, Polarlight Rec.) Steve-O Luis(Dreamcatcher) Video projections by Optical Delusion (www.opticaldelusion.com) Organic Food and Elixir Bar Price: $15 540 W. 27th Street, 4th Floor NYC http://www.cosm.org
The music was really good if you are into that style my only quarrel was the night was really smoothly picking up then went into full-on and just as it was about to peak it was over I think it’d have been better with just another hour oh well though just a little complaint I sat most of the tim to most probably looking like I was asleep the deep progressive was actually just filling my head and soothing me it was good stuff oh ya and the full-on DJ at the end had the volume up a bit too much the speakers couldn’t take it but I can’t stress how much I love this location cya next time -chuk edro (your chillout mix made my bus ride go so much smoother), Lucas, the crazy Polish dude (I am sure next time we will have MORE beer!), Shamil, Vlad Kife, Stas and Dima (it was a blast to meet you guys), Igor (good luck in your future endeavors), Optical Delusion crew (CRAZZZY visuals!!!) Luis and Carolina (you guys just…you ROCK!), Brandon and James (it was a big pleasure), and of course all of those who I forgot to mention. See you next time (and I hope soon enough) in the Big Apple!
March 31 Friday
Alladin Project at CLUB EXIT Total Eclipse/Exaile
Greenpoint NY Hi party people, we are proud to present this excellent line up: TOTAL ECLIPSE, & first time in USA EXAILE. they Are coming with new unreleased tunes to give as the best psychedelic experience Together with ALLADIN PROJECT Environment will be made by one of the talented deco artist NIEL GIBSON. DonEFBFBDt miss this party, See u all on the dance Floor Line Up: TOTAL ECLIPSE Tip world. Spirit Zone Rec – France EX AILE Chemical crew EFBFBD Israel ELNADIV Alladin Project NYC – Israel SINPATEX Alladin Project – Israel URIEL Alladin Project – Israel Decorations by: NEIL GIBSON Alladin project-Canada Alladin Project Crew (NYC) Tickets: $25 before midnight $35 after midnight at the door ** *18 to enter/21+ to drink with picture ID*** ***Door Open: 11 PM to 7 AM *** Location: CLUB EXIT 147 GREEN POINT AVE BROOKLYN NY More info: (9 17)-5691177 (917)-4054847 Or: info at alladinproject.net
Nice event! I was a little bored for the first couple of hours, but the party picked up around 1:30 or so… As much as I like Exaile’s work though, he did not compare to Total Eclipse. As soon as Exaile came on, people went nuts, screaming, and whistling and shouting. It was like a Tiesto concert with giddy teens. I couldn’t enjoy it with people shouting throughout most of the set. He also started out a little slow at first with a LOT of annoying stoppages but picked it up and finished strongly towards the end. He’s such a nice and cool guy too. But the highlight was Total Eclipse. I was so tired by the time he started, but somehow I found the energy to dance to his music. The crowd thinned out by that time too, which was a big plus. More room to dance and no more whistling and screaming. T.E. was absolutely amazing. Anybody who missed his short, but sweet set missed out! The deco was fantastic too. I liked the cube to the left of the stage and I LOVED the pinball machine painting with the dude with 5 arms to the right. The colors of that painting were gorgeous!! Oh how I wish I could have taken it down and brought it home with me. It was beautiful and mesmerizing. And this time almost zero smoke in the air and minimal BO. That bright projector has got to go through. I saw several people complaining to the owner but he was shrugging it off. Oh well. I got pissed off though when the bartender gave me a bottle of water AND took the liberty of charging me tip along the way. Next time, no mister nice guy. I’ll be looking forward to the next one. Thank you.
March 31 Friday
Sell your trance stuff – we do all the work! If you have extra trance paraphernalia laying around, give it and a minimum price to me, I’ll sell it at the bazaar at web tranceamerica.org web tranceamerica.org/ and at your option set up an ebay sale. My ebay rating is spotless. I only ask a 20% commission of final sale. Ebay charges will be extra should you choose that, as will shipping the item to me. At your option you can ship directly to the customer but this requires the fee upfront. Also if the item does not sell and you want it back at any point you would be reponsible for shipping back to you. I am also looking for DJ mixes, the old Organix calendar, flyers, old spacetribe clothes and will pay $$$ for the old school Israeli Morning in Space CD. LEGAL ITEMS ONLY. give it and a minimum price to me, I’ll sell it at the bazaar at a web tranceamerica.org/web tranceamerica.org and at your option set up an ebay rating is spotless. I only ask a 20% commission of final sale. Ebay charges will be extra should you choose that, as will shipping the item to me. At your option you can ship directly to the customer but this requires the fee upfront. Also if the item does not sell and you want it back at any point you would be responsible for shipping back to you. calendar, flyers, old spacetribe clothes and will pay $$$ for the old school Israeli Morning in Space CD.
Machinelf Also re: Voice of COD, an online mix! – Look for our audio-CD flyer at a trance party near you, featuring an exclusive 70-minute promotional mix by ColinOOOD. Or, turn your volume up and browse to web 28thday
April 2006
April 1 Saturday
28thday and Light-o-Matic bring you an Organically grown treat
One of my all-time faves! In their first appearance in the U.S.: Voice of Cod LIVE (Organic Records UK) Andrew Humphries (Organic Records UK) ColinOOOD (Organic Records UK) Unorthodox (28thday) The Sonic Beating deco crew hailing from Boston Additional artists TBA $20 before midnight, $25 after. Location: CoSM – Chapel of Sacred Mirrors (540 West 27th St, NYC) lightomatic/ 28thday/
Reduced admission to Voice of COD/Lauryn/Sonic beating in NYC – $10 limited tickets!! I am doing this because I want everyone to be able to go, but you have to pay with a debit or credit card. While supplies last – 5 tickets left! You will have a special pre-assigned secret name on the comp list at the door. The first buyer will also get a free copy of the new Voice of COD cd! The ticket link is /productinfo.php?products id106 Also we have added a lot of Geomagnetic CDs/DVDs and Psybertribe’s compilation with audio samples, with Random – Implicate Order and the Magnus sampler DVD added later tonight. Finally, we’ll be offering shamanic plants such as caapi, catuaba, kratom, and Salva 20x with a week or two.
April 5 Wednesday
DREAMCATCHER, TURQUOISE TRANCE & DISORIENT PRESENTS PSYCHEGROUND we’re teaming up with turquoise trance and disorient to bring you the best weekly psytrance party in NYC this week’s lineup: from 10:00 til 12:00 – EARTHIAN – SHIKID (Omnitribe) from 12:00 til 01:00 – AZTEC TEAM (Cris) from 01:00 til 02:30 – THE EYE (Disorient, Turquoise Trance | BRC) from 02:30 til 04:00 – LUIS (Dreamcatcher) FREE EN-TRANCE 21+ w/ ID projections by Dreamcatcher studios LOCATION: THE FAT BLACK PUSSYCAT LOUNGE ( BASEMENT ) 130 W. 3rd st (between 6th ave and Macdougal) – New York City – NY in the heart of Greenwich Village. By subway: A B C D E F V Trains to west 4th stop.
Fatali & Michele Adamson this Friday – Virgin Venue!! Or should it be, Virgin Vault as it’s a former bank building..
April 7 Friday
TSUNAMI “In Element
225 East Houston St Essex St / Avenue A Doors open at 10pm Age 21+ TSUNAMI – in New York City’s newest venue, a former and entirely redone Art Deco Bankbuilding, with very high ceilings, separate chill-out Vault, a new Party Experience, together with an after-hours at a separate location. For the first time in America: FATALI, live & DJ set (BNE, Israel) Eitan (22) sound is totally different, fresh and powerful, ranging from deep progressive to full-on trance, always melodic and perfectly produced for the dance floor. Also for the first time in America: MICHELE ADAMSON Live full-on set, and chill-out set in the separate Vault Michelle has sprung to trance prominence as the vocalist in SHPONGLE 2 “Tales of the Inexpressable” and has then grown into a respected full on artists as well, collaborating with such names as SUB-6, SKAZI and more. BRANDON Regardless of what time slot New York-based BRANDON plays, it’s always appropriate, inspired and fun! Separate chill-out area in the VAULT MICHELLE ADAMSON KAZU (Vinyl Market) THE EYE (Disorient, Turquoise Trance | BRC) At 4.30 am the party moves, together with the artists, for it’s own after hours, produced together with TURQUOISE TRANCE to: VILLAGE UNDERGROUND 130 West 3rd Street (between 6th Av. and McDougal) The afterhours starts at 4am and last till 8am. There is only one ticket ($25 advacne/$30 door) available, regardless of where and when it is bought, so no cheaper tickets available at the after hours. Tickets (valid for both legs of the evening) $25 advance / $30 door.
April 7 Friday
April 8 Saturday
TDC Presents – NaKeD in the CiTY
** DJ IGUANA (Parvati Records) ** Bjorn (aka DJ Iguana) made a spectacular appearance for TDC last October, and now he’s back to deliver the funk-fortified full power that the German duo is known for. Celebrating the release of their new album “MaD DiFFeReNT MeTHoDS” with a stop in the NYC underground, DJ Iguana will smash out a delicious foot-stomping set, taking us to the next level of trance! …………….joined by……………… ** MUTEX (TDC) Master engineer, expert journey-maker, TDC Crew member Gabriel is mixing together all the ingredients required in his recipe of psychedelic mayhem. ** KARMAKANIK (Gaian Mind) A driving force behind Gaian Mind, Pat will open the night with the proggy vibe ………… 😉 ** DECO by UTA BEKAIA With his dreamlike psychedelic touch, the Georgian Grand Master will transform our trance family reunion a trip into the heavens. NEW VENUE: Pink Room (Underground at BLVD/Crash Mansion, private party room) 199 Bowery (at the end of Spring Street) Manhattan (Lower East Side), NYC 10002 10pm – 7am Entrance to the RIGHT of the main BLVD/CRASH MANSION entrance… look for the psy signals into our secret lair $20 before midnight, $25 after Transportation: 6 train to Spring Street (walk east to Bowery and club is across the street) J&M trains to Delancey Street (walk north on Bowery) F train to 2nd Ave (walk west to Bowery and down three blocks) Questions? Comments? Wanna share the love? Information@TDCny.com http://www.TDCNY.com for latest news, events, photos…. *** TDC: Taking on the BaTTLe FoR HeARTs and MiNDs!!! *** … MaNHaTTaN: The Next Frontier…
I forgot about the power of a TDC party. I haven’t heard trance so hard and dark in a while. During the first two sets, there were times where my brain felt stretched to capacity and I wanted to run and hide until it decompressed back into shape…but I didn’t- I couldn’t stop dancing long enough to. Naked Tourist was amazing! The sounds were absolutely hypnotizing. As always, I met some fun new people which I hope to see again, I wasn’t too crazy about the place but LOVED the artwork and the vibe, music, people and circle of friends/family made it all worthwhile. I can’t wait until the picnic and I don’t know Sergei but Happy birthday to you!
Great party, amazing tunes from Naked Tourist, you kick ass man!!! And also Egbot, Mescalium and Isvara played great sets! The trance vibe was all around, You guys are the best I had so much fun, I actually like the venue, was kinda hidden and staff was friendly… Keep up the real parties TDC, bringing trance back to NY!
Great music from all the artists ( I heard some noises I hadn’t heard before, always nice) and the typical great crowd vibe. I liked the hidden nature of the venue, the walk through the corridor amused me to no end. However, the small size of the dancefloor and especially the raised DJ booth and weren’t my style so much. But it worked, and obviously, it’s hard to find a perfect venue that will satisfy everyone, so whatever, hopefully, another club 7 will pop up…but now I reckon it’s time to get outdoors anyway.
I also forgot to mention Art was fantastic (twisted and beautiful) Great job UTA!!! (I did remember some of those pieces being born out of your hands back on Norfolk Street
Yea I enjoyed the place, at first thought, it was a bit small, but in the end, worked out fine, found a nice spot to dance the whole night as everyone did so wasn’t an issue. The organizers where pure trance ppl, I like that a lot helping me with being 20 in NYC, and making sure I got to the party, Which is kinda bad I go to parties since I was 14 in Portugal and come here and its mostly 21+ :/ ..
At first, I thought I was staying at the door cause the bouncers where Assholes ! they didn’t even get a chance to explain myself lol, there like ur not 21 leave ! wich is a long way back at 1am lol, But it was resolved And glad it was cause I had a blast
Mushroom Magazine’s Trancer’s Guide to the Galaxy – now in stock Everybody got in except for specifically two truly great organizers 28th Day Productions and Lightomatic. Sorry guys!
It’s free if you pick it up in person (in Brooklyn) otherwise it’s $5 shipping & handling, worldwide. I’d send it free if I could afford it. You may be able to catch me with some at a gathering but don’t count on it, I run out very quickly every year.
April 12 Wednesday
Psycheground – Psybooty
PSYCHEGROUND and PsyBooty presents ServeEm2wice :: Record Release Party :: DAVID JUSTIN (PsyBooty) San Fran A&R and co-founder of PsyBooty records, David Justin (A.K.A. David West) is the ear behind the PsyBooty sound. He has been composing and performing music for over fourteen years, and a DJ for ten. As a life long collector of music, David has always been on a constant search for new, innovative, well-crafted music. It is this perspective, trained ear, and passion for music that David brings to his DJ sets and PsyBooty. :: M-FIELD LIVE (PsyBooty) San Fran/Hartford Jay and Rob are among the newest additions to the psybooty roster. the collaboration of Jay Indigom (D-Space, Soular Rec. & PsyBooty) and label DJ Rob-ot (Rob Watson), these boys are poised tp take the world by storm with their deep, funky progressive psychedelic style. M-Field is currently in the studio putting the finishing touch on their full-length CD to be released on PsyBooty in 2006. :: EQUISOL (PsyBooty) Florida Equisol is the Trance project of Steven Fava. A US-based artist working out of Southwest Florida. Steven holds a solid presence on the PsyBooty artist roster. He has two previous releases on PsyBooty Records, and has also seen his music released as a member of D-Space (Soular Records). :: DEAN MANNING (PsyBooty) Boston Along with David Justin, Dean founded Boston’s Changmian Productions in 1998. Two years later the pair opened Boston’s first all psytrance weekly, Samsara. Tonight, 8 years and hundreds of parties later, the two are still sharing the same line-up. alongside with STEVE-O (GoaBabies/Spectra – NYC, NY) MAYUR (Spectra Productions, New York) FREE EN-TRANCE 21+ w/ ID projections by Dreamcatcher studios LOCATION: THE FAT BLACK PUSSYCAT LOUNGE ( BASEMENT ) 130 W. 3rd st (between 6th ave and Macdougal) – New York City – NY in the heart of Greenwich Village. By subway: A B C D E F V Trains to west 4th stop.
April 13 Thursday
Salvia 5x, 20x now available. The perfect thing to have while reading the new Trancers’ Guide 🙂 When you buy salvia of 20x you are buying a very strong concentration of the most powerful hallucinogen known to man! The active ingredient, Salvinorin A has not been able to be synthesized and looks like it’s going to take a while if they ever can. We have to rely then on nature to provide us with the necessary ingredients. This is actually a good thing, we tend to think if we use the active ingredient, the rest of the plant can be considered trash and discarded, but salvia is showing us that the most insignificant particles mean a lot. Salvinorin A is present in three-thousandths of the leaf, yet two leaves are usually enough for a normal dose. Divinorin C is present in even a smaller amount, in fact, the dose is so small this has made it extremely difficult to analyze the substance. Using the whole plant makes much more sense and will produce the effects that the ancient Mayas and Aztecs experienced. You can buy salvia 20x in many sites over the internet, the only places where the ingestion of the plant is prohibited is Australia, Denmark, Belgium, Italy and South Korea. The rest of the world has no restriction, you can use it without fear or thinking you are doing something that is forbidden by law. This is its current status, so be responsible and use the plant with care and caution so it remains this way, Salvia Divinorum is a plant unlike any other, works on the human body as no plant ever has, we must appreciate this marvelous gift and not abuse it. Make sure the site you purchase is for real, many are selling salvia without even knowing what it is. A 20x is a very strong concentrate, if the company is not good you will never know if you purchased a 15x at the price of a 20x. The detection of inaccurate extracts is difficult in many ways, how can you be certain 20 plants were concentrated into one? You have to trust the manufacturer. This is not simple, many plants have higher concentrations of salvinorin A than others, products from the “Sierra Mazateca” are some of the best in quality because that’s the plant natural environment. People buy salvia 20x mostly for smoking, this makes it possible (without a concentrate many leaves would have to be smoked) with 20x only a few inhalations are necessary, making it practical for smoking. Extreme caution should be taken to avoid overdosing with such a heavy concentrate. Stock up while it’s still legal. Here’ a photo I just took: Fine quality at the lowest price on the Internet. Free shipping. Satisfaction guaranteed. I’ll even throw in my ex-girlfriend!
April 14 Friday
Gaian Mind Monthly
April 15 Saturday
Entheocentric Salon at COSM tonight
Matias, Pedro, and the rest of the Reality Engine guys do the gatherings for Alex Grey. Mathias’s gf Anna Clara hooked me up with the Amazonian plants co. in Germany. I will be there interviewing Torsten who contributed a lot to the Liquid Crystal Vision. DVD link Pedro, and the rest of the Reality Engine guys do the gatherings for Alex Grey.
The Entheocentric Salon April 15th 10pm-6am A fusion of art & music psychotropic video projection live painting & trance grooves Live Painting: Alex & Allyson Grey Zachariah Live Digital Art with Projections: Eli Morgan Marisa Scirocco LIVE ACTS: Onnomon (Soular Records / Gaian Mind) CD release by Kenji Williams (WORLDSPIRIT) with DJ Takaya Nagase DJs: Pedro (Reality Engine/Interchill) with live percussion by Dan Covan Brandon (Dreamcatcher/Tsunami) Visuals by Optical Delusion ) CoSMosis 542 w 27th st. 4th flr. NYC 10001 $15 http://www.cosm.org 10pm-6am
Oh… I can’t dance anymore!!! I couldn’t make it by Pedro’s set. But I’m sure it was great. As soon as I came in, Kenji Williams’s music hit me good. It was really good, very emotional… Love the sound of violin! As for Dean’s set… phew… What can I say?? Hard for me to describe in any words. It was just great!!! Not dark. Not full-on. But very veeery veeeery psychedelic! I enjoyed it more than one at the last Gaian Mind monthly in Philly. I was dead tired by then but his music kept me going… Keep up the good work, man! I’m looking foward to the next one! Brandon came up after the psychedelia from Dean and played some nice morning tunes. Everyone was smiling and dancing hard. Good job my friend! All in all, it was really nice party… Thank to all involved! And it was very interesting to see all the live paintings! really nice party!!! (though this was much more than just a party) good turnout, lots of psychedelic people & Alex grey groupies…wish I could have gotten there earlier to soak it in more. I caught most of Onnomon’s set and really enjoyed it…nice progression and was really cool towards the end…original stuff! nice (!) photos up there too neotrancer, you should do more. thanks, Pedro, Alex, Alysson and company!!! thanks to all who came Saturday! the music was great… really loved onnomon twisted psychedelic music! keep on breaking the trance formula! as many told me that night, hard to find such unique psy music… Brandon was great as well, good psy with morning vibes…thanks a lot… so great to have both greys being part of it…really inspiring to see them painting allll night long. info for next month’s event are in their way….date: May 20th…many surprises to come….
April 15 Saturday
Pine Barrens
There was an utterly amazing open-air gathering this last weekend in Jersey. For all you on Safetydance, you are grandfathered into the new DMT. For you newcomers, you’ll have to pay to join. are grandfathered into the new DMT.
April 21 Friday
TSUNAMI Presents Friday, April 21st, 2006 at SPIRIT 530 West 27th Street (between 10th & 11th Avenues) 11pm till late spritnewyork.com INFECTED MUSHROOM live & DJ set (BNE / Yoyo Records, Israel) INFECTED MUSHROOM are for sure the world’s #1 live trance act. From the WMC to Fuji Mountain, Duvdev and Erez have stretched and reset the limits over and over again. They are currently touring the globe introducing their soon to be released new full album “Vicious Delicious”. TSUNAMI first worked with them in 1999, and has been proud and dedicated supported of their global expansion. DUVDEV DJ set (infected mushroom) EREZ DJ set (infected mushroom) BRANDON DJ set Brandon is one of the most solid and consistent US trance DJs. LUIS DJ set (Dreamcatcher) This US-based, Brazilian native, is a very experienced, dynamic, and musically multi grounded artist, able to deliver the perfect, spellbinding set, in any situation or occasion. Next TSUNAMI Monthly at @ SPIRIT: Friday, May 19th Every 4th Friday of the Month, 2pm NY time, on http://www.di.fm: “TSUNAMI Presents:” March 24th, and April 26th. $30 in advance / $35, $40 door. (plus store commission) http://www.GrooveTickets.com l.877.71Groove VINYL MARKET SATELLITE 241 East 10th Street 259 Bowery (between 1st & 2nd Avenues) (between Houston & Prince) 212 539-8124 212 995-1744 Valid Picture ID is Required While visiting Tsunami-trance.com, sign up to our email list, so that you will be informed personally of our upcoming world-wide events and releases. 3D Psychedelic Decor Visuals by Optical Delusion
Well well well what can I say? Party was good, I would say excellent, vibe was good, many smiley faces, the club was packed and everybody was dancing like crazy. First DJ, I think Brandon was very nice, groovy music, good energy. Played longer than expected but it was only a good thing as we found out later. Thank you Brandon. Then Infected mushroom came to action. Oh God!!!! I wish I never heard or saw this embarrassment of Duvdev singing from time to time as an untalented rock singer or an eastern folk female singer. I’m sorry but it was beyond horrible experience. Real shameful moment of trance or maybe better to use the word pity? Last and the best DJ was Luis. He played some real great hard stuff and saved the party. I couldn’t stop dancing, I wish your set was longer. It was great. Thank you very much.
I have heard this all over the world. as a person who have been there quite sometimes, I think the sound in spirit is horrible. If you standing in the middle of the dance floor, you can here everyone talks, the mid-range is very low and no power. too warm for psytrance. for house maybe ok. if you standing by the corners close to the speakers, nothing you can hear but the sub pumping to your ear and stomach, anything else undigestable but hurting. the best spot to hear the sound is at the back center ( right by the steps to the smoking area which are driven by those small speakers, but the main drive speakers from the from did not do the job, especially the sub. anyway whoever says that spirit has the best sound in NYC, I think they have to check their ears or something.
I remember the New Year Eve party in Sklad Brooklyn while ago where Nexus, Vibra and Suria played was the best sound system. Turned out I saw the same system displayed in their last festival. Powerful, killer, crystal clear 3d sound and it takes any space. This sound guy must know what he is doing. I attempted to put my ear about a quarter inch from the speakers. It does not hurt my ear and my heart. kapuzz? I climb the hill at that festival, I still hear that killer powerful sound from distance and still in crystal clear detail. Exit had a great sound before they renovate, after they renovate become a little too much hars from Mid and Hi and bass is not clear, but not as bad as hats from Mackie Fusion tweeters.
oh yes, I am an audiophile stubborn, believe me. For that I made my best to have my Genelec monitors pleasing my ears at least three hours every day. and tubes amps and custom speakers in my living room. As a fact, you don’t need the backside speakers (as you see in most of the “C.L.U.B.S”) to create 3d sounds. They often attempt to give a bad feedback and fight the other incoming waves, especially in a high ceiling. Many sound designers on this planet are just “Big Name”, what they actually did is to grab the money from the big club owner (big cheese) by spending this and that. Same as “Big Name” performers. Commercials what some people call it.
April 21 Friday
Alladin Project – Edoardo at the Hook
Hi party people; we are excited to present a new venue THE HOOK CLUB 18 Commerce Street Brooklyn, NY 11231. THE HOOK CLUB is absolutely great. It has good sound, a big outdoor back yard to chill and smoke, And easy access by the F and G trains to Carroll St. In the lineup section we are happy to present the unforgettable uplifting Dj EDOARDO the head of Neurobiotic Rec, / and Sonica festival, He has been playing in the past few years all over the world with his excellent mixing skills and the best collections of unreleased top-notch psytunes. For sure this party will be a mind-blowing experience. Please come early. This party is not to be missed! See u all on the dance floor!!! Line up: EDOARDO Neurobiotic Records/ Sonica – Italy ELNADIV Alladin Project NYC – Israel/NYC SINPATEX Alladin Project – Israel/NYC Uriel Alladin Project – Israel/NYC Decorations by Alladin Project Crew (NYC) Tickets: ***$20 with guestlist $25 at the door*** ***18 to enter/21+ to drink with picture ID*** ***Door Open: 11 PM to 7:30 AM *** Location: The Hook Club 18 Commerce Street Brooklyn, NY 11231 More info: (917)569-1177 (917)405-4847 or email: info at alladinproject.net info at alladinproject.net thehookmusic/ web alladinproject.net web alladinproject.net/ web neurobiotic web neurobiotic/ web thehookmusic/main Peace & Love in Trance Alladin Project Crew great. It has good sound, a big outdoor back yard to chill and smoke EDOARDO the head of Neurobiotic Rec, / and Sonica festival, over the world with his excellent mixing skills and the best collections of unreleased top-notch psytunes . For sure this party will be a mind-blowing experience. Please come early. This party is not to be missed! ***$20 with guest list $25 at the door*** ***18 to enter/21+ to drink with picture ID*** thehookmusic/ Peace & Love in Trance Alladin Project Crew
Nice to see familiar faces again. Good set from Edoardo but poor sound from the speaker system. The Hook is a good place for a rock concert but not a trance party.
Exit has much better sound, can’t wait till next party there with Etnica. Nothing beats exit
April 21
Croatan in North Carolina
with Dennis Mckenna, Alex Grey, Kri, Androcell
Very interesting products we sold back in the day!
This ancient Banisteriopsis Caapi vine has a story. After a move, our supplier requested everything be sent back. But they said I could keep this piece.
I used the external bark to make ayahuasca tea, but then the middleman said they wanted this back too. I used it to make the most complex, full-bodied brew I had ever made.
I arranged to take it with my girlfriend, who was the mother of the middleman, and a group of friends, at a ceremony deep in the woods of Westchester. We were to meet at Grand Central. But my girlfriend chose to stay at my apartment and take some acid I had leftover with my roommate and some friends. I was very sad but tried not to show it when we all took a train up to Westchester County to have the ceremony, and she never showed up. Later, when I returned the vine, stripped of its outer bark, I was called a vine murderer by the middleman’s girlfriend. The middleman went on to be one of the organizers of one of the largest festivals on the West Coast. He eventually found a new girlfriend. She was kind of a groupie anyway.
The rest of the tea was in the freezer when House of Yes burned down in 2007.
April 23 Sunday
Mimosa Hotilis Root Bark now on sale at Trance Americana Best prices I can find! Tested for potency. Sustainably harvested in the Brazilian Caatinga from mature plants (over 10 years of age). Known as Jurema and considered sacred by many Indian tribes in the northeast of Brazil its the only tree to survive the long dry periods of the Brazilian Caatinga and still be green and vibrating with life! Tribesmen would evoke the connection to the spirit of this plant at a ritualistic ceremony. Dressed up in long straw costumes the Indians chant, dance, and drink a brew called Vinho de Jurema, which is said to open the gates of the spirit world. The Jurema is also widely used In the Candomble and Ubanda religions. In their ceremonies, the Jurema root bark is burned to evoke the spirit s of nature. The variety we carry is Premium MHRB – one of the most powerful in the world. We also offer both types finely ground and ready to be used in your incense burner for your convenience. Sold for smudging as an aid to call the natural spirits, just add it to your incense burner before starting the ceremony. Not for consumption.
April 28? Friday
Spectra at Shelter with Shane Gobi
May 2006
May 1 Monday
M’Aidez – Introducing Amazonian shamanic snuffs – viable seeds – spring planting A Tree Grows in Brooklyn? Cebil – Anadenanthera Colubrina seeds Cebil is the name given to a shamanic snuff prepared from Anadenanthera Colubrina seeds and pods with perhaps 4500 years of historical use in the southern Andean region and in the Chaco of Bolivia, Paraguay and Argentina. Cebil is also the common name used for the plant itself. The use of Cebil by Inca shaman s to foresee the future was reported by Western science as far back as the 15th century. Up to the present day these seeds are being used in ritualistic contest by shamans in the form of snuff, or roasted and smoked, as a means to enter the visionary spirit world. Bring closer the spirit of the forest! Use these seeds and plant a spirit plant near you. This beautiful tree with wide branches needs good sunlight. Harvested from sustainable source s. Seeds sold for propagation. Not for human consumption Yopo – Anadenanth era Peregrina seeds With these seeds and pods the indigenous populations of Brazil, Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru produced a shamanic snuff called Yopo, that has broad historical and contemporary use. Yopo is normally employed only by shamans as an aid to divination, although in some cultures such as many Yanomami tribes of Venezuela and Brazil, is used frequently in non-ritual contexts while other Waika tribes also used them for hunting. Harvested from sustainable sources. Sold for propagation. Not for human consumption. Use these seeds to plant a Yopo tree! web tranceam Cheers, Managing Partner Nootropica LLC 301 Beverley Road Ofc PR4 Brooklyn, NY 112 18 (718) 676-5347 jeff at nootrition Retail web nootrition Wholesale Co-Op web nootropica.org is the name given to a shamanic snuff prepared from clay perhaps 4500 years of historical use in the southern Andean region. the common name used for the plant Cebil by Inca shamans to foresee the future was reported by Western science as far back as the 15th century. Up to the present day these seeds are being used in the ritualistic contest by shamans in the form of snuff, or roasted and smoked, as a means to enter the visionary spirit world. Bring closer the spirit of the forest! Use these seeds and plant a spirit plant near you. This beautiful tree with wide branches needs good sunlight. Normally employed only by shamans as an aid to divination, although in some cultures, is used frequently in non-ritual contexts while other used them for hunting. Sold for propagation only
May 3 Wednesday
May 5 Friday
Alladin Project – Etnica
First time in NYC ETNICA LIVE, KNOB-B and more…CLUB EXIT Hi party people, finally, the time has come, after a long time awaiting… We are excited to present you this KILLER line-up: ETNICA LIVE first time in NYC. After releasing in the past few years new sounds of ETNICA, Maurizio will deliver for sure one of the best shows that NYC has ever seen, together with KNOB-B after a while in Japan he is back with his unique energy and perfect DJ skills, they will take us to the unexpected psychedelia of sounds and rip the dance floor apart. This party will be one of a kind. For sure this is one in a lifetime experience! This party is not to be missed! We can’t wait… See you all on the dancefloor!!! Live Performance by ETNICA LIVE (Etnicanet) Italy/Spain DJ Set by: KNO-B Alladin Project, Japan ELNADIV Alladin Project NYC – Israel/NYC SINPATEX Alladin Project – Israel/NYC Decorations by: Alladin Project Crew (NYC) ***Door Open: 11PM to 7AM *** Tickets: $25 before midnight $35 after midnight @the door 18 to enter/21+ to drink with picture ID Location: CLUB EXIT 147 GREEN POINT AVE BROOKLYN NY More info: (917)569-1177 (917)405-4847 Or email: info@alladinproject.net
1) Got there towards the middle of Etnica’s set…very solid. Expected it to be a little darker, but wasn’t disappointed at all….I guess you can’t hide the professionalism and years of experience. 2) Knob came on around 5 and then the party started. As expected, he totally killed the dance floor. People went crazy till the end. It’s been a while since I heard good music in Exit. Hopefully, he’s here to stay this time and we get to hear him some more. Not too many people showed up for this party…I guess it was due to the Pine Barrens party or simply people are resting up for summer outdoors. It looked more like a house party than a club party. Nonetheless, I had fun and I’m sure all the people who attended.
Psychotria Viridis – Chacruna Leaves This is the most traditional source of d for Amazonian shamans, similar to the Mimosa Hostilis “Jurema”. I’m fairly certain that as is all other ethnobotanicals this is the lowest price on the Internet, especially once quality and free shipping is taken into account. /index.php?cPath2154 Psychotria Viridis is also the name of Aaron Ocelot’s CD several years ago, also on sale on the site. The US government subsidizes the growth of another DMT containing plant, Illinoensis, which can give cows the “wobbles” bit is highly nutritious (for cattle).
May 5 Friday
Pine Barrens
May 12 Friday
First Live Set: Jamie Kilowatts
Philadelphia’s Premier Psy-Trance Party! Special Guest: KIFE (Omni Tribe – NYC) Plus DJ: DRAGONLOTUS (Dreamquest Records/Dragontribe – NJ) Born in South African Indian was raised on American shores this firebreather has been involved in the psytrance community since the beginning. Once a promoter and bedroom DJ of Tekno music, Kamal had evolved back to his roots in spiritualism and found that link within the Goa sound. Over the course of a few years he had been playing underground parties and promoting in NYC for Tsunami from the early days in 1996 till now and also he worked with Omni Tribe, Synthethic Sadus, Acid Phisix Trance, Subtle Chaos just to name a few, working on his own music project, he will be sure to turn heads with his dark n groovy progressive style for another ten years to come. Downtempo Lounge with KILOWATTS (Artificial Music Machine – Philadelphia) Recently completing his 4th album, “Routes”, among numerous singles and remixes, James Watts continues to create dynamic and unpredictable moods with his music. He’s generally known for his complex rhythmic audio editing, sliced and diced to all hell, married to wistful melodic structure and vaporous soundscapes. His live sets are a combination of intricate programmed beats and sojourns into improvised experimental groovology, often evolving into thick layered violet walls of sound. GANJALA (Gaian Mind – Philadelphia) Deco: GAIAN MIND Friday, May 12th, 2006 9pm – 2am $7 cover ($5 before 11pm) 21+ w/ ID Ulana’s Bainbridge Street & Second Street, Philadelphia, PA, USA (one block south of South Street)
had a blast trippin on sum good trance..but the party lacked the vibe…ppl socializing more then finding themselves in the music… anyone with pics well the GM monthly for many is as much a social gathering as a musical one. you have to remember the Philly trance scene is relatively small, most people know each other. Usually, people are socializing for the first 2 hours or so, but by 12-12:30 most of the people are getting down on the dancefloor. I assume you stayed until the end……… another factor I think, is most likely a lot of people were saving their energy for the “secret” party on Saturday night so I encourage you to introduce yourself next time, maybe then we can get you socializing and trance dancing
May 13 Saturday
PSI – Chiaroscuro in the Pine Barrens
Photos – Lauryn – Orbicles
First Party: Lynne Rabchuk, Phoebe Xavier
Call your MOM it’s mother’s day… And thanks to all to PSI and friends for the utterly amazing outdoor festival; it was well needed and enjoyed by hundreds.
May 20 Saturday
Pine Barrens?
May 20 Saturday
Reality Engine and CoSM presents The Entheocentric Salon
10pm-7am A fusion of art & music, psychotropic video projection, live paintings & trance grooves Live Painting: Alex & Allyson Grey Zachariah CoSMosis Line up From 10 PM until 7 AM Fuzzy Nugget Live DJ-VJ Jam by Matyas and Pedro DJs: Pedro (Reality Engine/ Interchill) Matyas (Reality Engine) Luis (Dreamcatcher/Tsunami) CoSM Lineup: The Chapel will be open from 12 AM until 5 AM Live show by Inicha: Groovy sonic cosmic connection, live drum beats, and bass strums, for your dancing pleasure. DJs: Indra a.k.a. Gosha(Omnitribe, Alphatrance) Pete Visuals by Reality Engine VJs Jordan & Niko $ 20 540 W. 27th Street, 4th Floor NYC www.cosm.org www.realityengine.org
It was a different crowd than the normal for sure, interesting to observe how they reacted to trance, some liked, others ran away right after the talk… I understand the deco complaint…but there is just so much we can do, any artists willing to collaborate with this just let me know…. if you really think about the deco tough….one of the rooms is full of original psychedelic paintings, in the other room, visuals and Alex Grey doing live painting… pretty good, no?
May 26 Friday
Alladin Project & Trancemotion at Exit – Xerox & Illumination
Presale tickets ($20) on sale at
While supplies last (10 remaining at this writing; the listing will be automatically removed when sold out) We are excited to present one of the best Israeli full-on act First Time In USA XEROX & ILLUMINATION LIVE & Dj Set, They just release they second collaboration album. They going to reap the floor together with Alladin Project Dj’s, this party going to blast, prepare your selves to a mind-blowing event. See you all there!!! Line Up: XEROX & ILLUMINATION LIVE & Dj Set hommega- Israel ELNADIV Alladin Project NYC – Israel KNO-B Alladin Project – japan SINPATEX Alladin Project – Israel Decorations by: Alladin Project Crew (NYC) Tickets: $25 before midnight $35 after midnight at the door ***18 to enter/21+ to drink with picture ID*** ***Door Open: 11 PM to 7 AM *** Location: CLUB EXIT 147 GREEN POINT AVE BROOKLYN NY 11222 More info: (917) 569-1177 (917) 405-4847 (917)553-4424.
Unfortunately, some tragedy happened in Moshe aka Xerox family, and he will not be able to attend the party. ILLUMINATION will give us the same LIVE act and Dj Set, the music will be kicking and it’s going to be k.r.a.h.a.n.a party. Due to the situation, the price @ the door will drop-in $5 all night.
Hey guys, My name is Eyal (for the ones who doesn’t know me) I’m Elnadiv brother and own half of Alladin Project, I live in NY for the past 3 years and have been producing and promoting trance parties in NYC together with my brother. For some reason, 10% of the crowd in NY likes to complain and to see the empty part of the glass, instead of looking on the full part of the glass. In the beginning, I took every word that been said here to my attention, but now I take only some. Usually, I don’t answer to the problematic 10% because anyways they don’t come to the parties and the words not coming from a place that would like to improve and build a better scene it’s only to discriminate in order to do harm. For example, all the users that posted negative replays in this topic weren’t even at the party. It seems childish to get into details but if you want a child to understand, you need to go down to he’s level of language so here it is: from my knowledge most of the guys that are complaining are new to trance, 2-6 years maximum and this shows that for sure they have a big mouth and less knowledge. James, you willingly helped me to hang for free some banners ONE time, I accepted your help and I thank you for it. That’s all there is to it. Don’t make it seem like the comp was a reward for your help. I comped your admissions price a party before the one that you helped because I thought you are a good guy, nothing to do with you helping. Gadi All the local DJs that played in our parties got paid, except the parties that we lost. I believe that when we let a local DJ play with a well-known ARTIST the promotion that he is getting is his reward even though WE DO PAY THE LOCAL DJ’S. Now if a Dj becomes an artist locally or not locally and brings people’s interest to hear him play, he will get the amount that he is asking no matter what, as long as it’s agreed. You talking about us “inheriting” club exit, NOW I can see what this is all about, For some reason every chance you got to mention that you did. So yes you stopped making parties and the venue was available for booking so we booked it, is there something wrong with that? Do you want credits for that? Well sorry, but you didn’t help us to book the place. But if it will make you feel better, then we’re happy with the place, it’s a good club. In the last 3 years that we have been making parties, you only came a few times, but u didn’t forget to give your negative opinion in every party topic that we opened. On top of that, you didn’t even give us the minimum of freedom in speech on responding to your replies by deleting our answers from the forum. What is it jealousy? Are you envying in our persistence, in a position that you have failed? When we talked not too long ago you told me that the reason that you stop making parties was that artists that are coming to play in the parties gets more money than organizers in NYC. So U decided to be an artist. What happened? You lost in 2 or 3 parties and that’s it! Well, we lost way more than that and we’ll not stop making parties!!!! This is my passion this is what I love to do. Together with all the good people of NY we will embrace the local scene and enjoy life; in this chance I would like to thank the ones that support us . In regards to live set or DJ sets, usually, when artists are coming to play DJ sets they play an ARTIST set, meaning: they will play most of their own music. When artist play live set its almost the same music as DJ set, There are only a few artists in the world that plays ALL the sounds LIVE meaning creating ALL the sounds during the show. I’m personally like live sets, If the scene in NYC grows, (mining more people showing up to the parties) then it will justify into the expenses, and we will book only live sets (except for the local DJ’s that doesn’t have a live set yet). You always talk about charging too much; well it all depends on the expenses of the individual production. According to my calculations, we charged a reasonable price, Sometimes we charged even less then what we need to. Don’t forget that every party is not one day’s work, it’s a month ahead of a lot of effort and work, you should know that. For the 10% of the local users that are talking about supporting the locals, why I don’t see you in the free events with the local DJs that take place every week???? You know why? I know why, its because nothing will make you happy free or with cover, international artists or local, live or DJ set, you don’t bother to show up but you do exist on Isratrance lol. So my conclusion is that you are not meaningful and trustworthy you guys are just sitting all day on your ….. and talking nonsense on Isratrance. And last to all the good people that are supporting the scene and have positive energy just know that we are dedicated to gathering people for the purpose of raising the awareness of the good feeling. Good music and positive energy that is what we’re all about. In production sometimes staff can go wrong but we are honest and we care about you guys more than our pockets. That’s why in the moment that we knew that Xerox would not be able to attend the party; you were the first to know, even that in business-wise thinking, letting u know that one of the artists will not attend in the party is the same as shooting yourselves in the leg. We aDJusted the price to the minimum that we could. In more than 30 parties that we did, we had only 2 parties with problems like that, and believe me it wasn’t depending on us. Our vision is to create an experience of unique energy that will bring the hearts and minds of people to a place that connects to the source of inspiration through the pure and innovative electronic sounds of trance music. We are planning some wicked line ups for this summer!!! And you are all welcome to attend and take part. Peace Love ‘n Trance Eyal
May 27 Saturday
EVERY SATURDAY STARTING MAY 27th with the best of PROGRESSIVE and FULL ON sounds and the residents: LEO, LUIS, BRANDON ADAMS, JUGGERNAUT and guests from 11:00 TILL 04:00 am FREE EN-TRANCE 21 W ID Meyer sound State of the art sound system LOCATION: Club Midway 25 Avenue B bet 2nd and 3rd street
the sound and venue, in general, are very nice, better than fat black pussycat by far….please support the bar or a free party cannot stay free or stay at all!
May 28 Sunday Memorial Day Weekend
28th Day and Light-o-matic – Zero Divide – Mubali
Mubali from the west coast! When was the last time you went to a real psytrance loft party? One where you could really relax and have a good time? Now imagine one with live music, good sound, interesting art/visuals, and hot chai… Well, after years of people claiming that it could never happen again, that’s what we’re doing… SUNDAY MAY 28, Memorial Day Weekend – NO WORK ON MONDAY! In Brooklyn, NYC 28thday and Light-O-Matic present: Best of the West IV: Mubali! 14 hours of psychedelic trance 10:28 pm (May 28) – 12:28 pm (May 29) This is a presale-only, limited-admission event: only 125 tickets will be sold. At the end of this e-mail is a link to a web page where you can buy a ticket. Mubali LIVE + DJ* (Mistress of Evil Rec | Trishula Rec, San Francisco) First NYC appearance! Zero Divide LIVE* (Soular Records | J00F Recordings | Konvocation, Washington DC) First NYC appearance! Alpha Channel LIVE (PsyBooty, CT) Egbot vs. Mescalinium (Gaian Mind | PSI, Philadelphia/NYC) Tony Unorthodox (28thday, NYC) Environment: *PsyPlanet* (Philadelphia) Sound: *light-o-matic* (NYC) Projection: *light-o-matic* (NYC) Chaishop: *Putali* (NYC)
oh no! boo-hoo! Mubali, you don’t have your ‘cat-in-the-hat’ hat, whatever shall you do!? should we fed-ex it to you? Can you DJ without it? Or just fuhgedaboudit? Someone get him an I (heart) NY cap! or else Mubali’s trauma choons will fly off the map! phew….. What can I say??? Another quality party from 28thday & Light-O-Matic! I had a really good time… All artists did excellent jobs. My highlight was Mubali & Zero Divide. Greg… you almost killed me! That was really wicked!!! But I’m sure you need THE hat! hehehe John and Jay played smooth yet powerful tunes… Perfect for the morning with beautiful sunlight coming in from the window… Thanks to all artists, organizers, and the owners of the loft for letting us have a great time! Hats off to all of them involved boom indeed very nice party. Mubali’s set I would divide in two first part when he played little shy (hehe ) then that song with ppl talking, then madness…… zero divide bah, such a set. we need you guys to see more often, boom. kudos to the rest od Dj , and special thanks to Ben and 28th day crew to pulling such a nice party.and to the regular loft inhabitants, who let us invade their private space. nothing can match vibe at the loft party and u know what I am talking about. hehehe so peace all and see u at the outdoor this very Friday. peace I had such a blast here at this party. I met a lot of really awesome people there and loved the space, even though it was quite hot there… Many thanks to Scott, Ben, and Theo for putting together a nice show. Thanks for coming and dancing, and I really liked it here… -Mubali
June 2006
One day in the summer of 2006
Touch Samadhi in Downtown Asheville, North Carolina
June 2-4
TDC Picnic by Echo Lake
Everybody is gathering to see the mist on the lake rise, to hear the grasshoppers sing their high hats, to smell the mountain air breeze, to touch the earth and to taste the drops of freedom. To dance like a madman will be orchestrated by the most magical lineup. You are all invited to experience TDC picnic by Echo Lake. The time continuum of the picnic is 3 beautiful days and 2 twisted nights from June 2 – 4.
ORCHESTRAL CONDUCTORS are -=PENTA (AuraQuake Records) – LIVE & DJ SET=- Nikita Tselovalnikov the mastermind behind Penta unlocks a wicked vault of powerful, futuristic, audio wizardry ranging from high nighttime through heavy dropping morning full-on tunes. Each track is woven tightly with outstanding production and composition crafting a unique fabric of floor-filling full-on psychedelic trance. -=HORROR PLACE aka ZIK (Devilsmind Records – Greece) – LIVE SET=- Originally from Bulgaria and now making his home in Greece, Alex has studied music production since the age of 13. In 1999 he came upon psytrance and has been producing it since. Now, after scorching numerous dancefloors all over the world, most recently at the Space of Joy festival on the Black Sea in Russia, he is ready to show us just how far the borders of sanity can be pushed. -=POLYPHONIA (Trishula Records) – LIVE SET=- Polyphonia is the solo project of Romolo Cheri. After some years of metal and hardcore music, he discovered psytrance in 1995 and was instantly addicted to the full energy outdoor parties around Greece and Goa. He brings to us his uncompromising twisted and psychedelic music. -=MUKTISVARA (TDC Underground – NYC) – LIVE & DJ SET=- Sergey and Eugene combine their forces on the MuktIsvara project, creating a trip into the darker circles of the subterranean world. With an emphasis on high-quality production, MuktIsvara’s driving basslines and scratching leads will power you toward unsanity. – EG_BOT & MESCALINIUM (Gaian Mind, PSI – Philadelphia, NYC) – LAUREN (Alkaloid/Mistical Productions – Boston) – MUTEX (TDC Underground – NYC) – FRIA (Tantrumm Records) – NIK© (Tantrumm Records – TDC Underground) – INDRA Aka GOSHA (OmniTribe – Alphatrance – NYC) – KIFE (Omnitribe – NYC) – LUIS (Dreamcatcher – NYC) – BRANDON ADAMS (Dreamcatcher – NYC) – INNER MONGOLIAN ( ? ) – BABLA (Kagdilla records – NYC) Plus more special artists and guests… DECORATION ENVIRONMENT by: GoaDevotee (Touch Samadhi) LaserMaxx TDC Production LOCATION FEATURES: -> Nature in its basic beauty. Drum circle, meditation area. Swimming, fishing, boating, food, beverages, fruit bar. Camping, economy cabins, indoor/outdoor pavilions, bunkhouse, store. Clean Showers and Bathrooms. -> Feel free to bring your musical instruments (drums, percussion etc.) -> Economy cabins are provided at extra charge. For the economy cabins you will also need clean blankets and sheets. -> Respect Nature, No Littering, No Alcohol, No Drugs Admission: 50$ before May 12th, 60$ before may 26th, 80$ at the door. For any questions e-mail information@TDCny.com LOCATION: Echo Lake Campground 185 Echo Lake Lane Afton, NY 13730 Phone (607) 639-2666
Wow… that was a blast and a half… That was my first East Coast outdoor and it was amazing. The information about the roadblock was indeed correct. They had one placed up as early as Friday morning. Nice job about getting the word out about that… Knowing your rights is key in any situation. I had soo much fun, and all the music was great.. insane stuff man… full-powered to the core! Many thanks to the TDC guys for putting this together, and much love to all who I met during my stay here in NYC. I, unfortunately, have to return to SF tomorrow, but I’ve had fun and hopefully, I’ll be back! booooom could not imagine a better start of summer trance season. we haven’t seen any roadblocks (arriving time 1.11 am Friday) bless the rain! we had such a nice and relaxing time, all DJ’s RESPECT. TDC folks RESPECT. All other whos not get scared of a rain and came the same, RESPECT. And the deco, Goa man haven’t seen your artwork before, Kudo brother very impressive. peace all. ooof – what a party – it rained all weekend and the best part is that nobody cared. This party was an eye-opener in the sense that true psytrancer will simply party no matter what the circumstances. Mubali and Varun it was finally meeting you guys – I really enjoyed pretty much every set I heard. Thanks, TDC for this and thanks to all the DJ’s and the people who were there – a friendly bunch as usual. id not see a single cop-car to and from my way to Afton. I spoke to the guy who got arrested and I know that there really were blocks….lucky I missed them. The party was really good. Forget about the rain, I paid no attention to it because everything else summed up to keep a smile on my face during the entire fest I met some very cool people, super positive vibes, the music was BOOOOMMMM nice campfire, aaaahh that weekend felt really good. What do you think about the live acts? It was a pleasure to listen to Mubali for the second time. Muktiswaraaa!! You guys have an amazing style! Everybody ripped the dancefloor, but one dude shredded it! Big up Polyphonia WOW I could not leave the dancefloor in the danger that I miss even a few tracks. The absolute highlight for me was the Jelly(DJ set). . .this guy completely controlled the floor with booming track perfectly mixed into booming track and knew exactly when to tone it down just a little bit. There were so many highlights though its hard to decide horror place->polyphonia->Jelly->PEnta straight caused some very serious obliteration of space-time continua TDC knows how to throw down! Thank you all for an amazing time. Thanks for inviting Scott and myself, it was rager. It was great to finally put names to the faces after many years and festivals together. Awesome music from all the artists. Fantastic flow with increasing complexity. Thanks to Mukti, Sergey for hospitality. Uta makes a mean breakfast. Gosha, Kaif, Lesha, Masha great company! Shane and Alex outdid themselves with environmental enhancement yet again. Fria, Nick beautiful spirits! Thanks, TDC guys, Great event we had a lot of fun even with so much rain. Zik was absolutely insane, men we loved your set, even better them I expect. I hope to see u back on the east cost soon. Penta America’s finest export proved again why he is the best American artist, Killer set Bro. Boom Everyone, We wanted to thank everybody who came to the picnic, bringing their beautiful energy to this event. We also wanted to thank everybody’s who made this event possible. Thanks go out to all the artists: Penta, Polyphonia, Jelly, Alien Mental, Zik, Eg_bot & Mescalinium, Lauryn, Mutex, Kife, Kaiser Soze, S.O.T., Inner Mongolian, Babla, Brandon Adams, Indra, Progress, Astatic, Droozi, Mad Orange. We would like to thank Shane, Alex, Uta and everyone who helped with the deco for creating a beautiful psychedelic environment for us to dance. Special thanks to Fria, Nik and the entire Tantrum records crew for their help. Those not mentioned, you know who you are, thank you for making this event possible. Check our website for photos from this event and for updates about future events. Big Boom
June 2 Friday
Tsunami @ PACHA
CONSPIRATOR, live (Disco Biscuits) It’s our honor to welcome Conspirator back for their second appearance at Tsunami. Marc, Aron and Omen, with their Trance-fused aural assaults, continue to further destroy the boundaries between live and electronic music. PROMETHEUS, live & DJ set (YOUNGER BROTHER / Twisted, UK) Benji, who is also half of YOUNGER BROTHER, surprised everybody with an earth-shattering DJ during his visit here in January. This time, he is also going to perform for us his live set! TRISTAN, live (Twisted, UK) TRISTAN is introducing his nearly finished album “Chemisphere”, which will be released by Twisted, London, in the second half of this year. Just like the other Twisted artists, TRISTAN is in a class by himself, production-wise as well as a DJ. This is his first visit her in 7 years, even though we have tried again and again. CORAL, DJ set (Touch Samadhi) Coral is one of the few US female psy DJs. She takes every opportunity she can to release her passion and energy onto the dance floor. and much more. Hours: 10pm – 7am PACHA, which just opened a short time ago, has already made headlines internationally as being, sound-wise and architecturally, New York’s new, international top-level, music venue. PACHA 618 W 46th Street (between 11th & 12th Avenues) TICKETS: $25 / $30 advance. $35 door. Express VIP Entrance for ticket holders and will call. Limited number of $25 (once sold out, $30 tickets available)
Tristan is one of the true psy masterminds who still hasn’t lost his touch – a seriously intelligent music-maker…and I’m sure most of us are aware of the equal talents of Prometheus, especially after his visit this past winter. Too bad this conflicts w/ TDC Festival, but for those who can’t make it up that weekend, rest assured there will be a worthy alternative here at home Pacha is truly a great venue. It was formerly known as the Soundfactory, before turning into PACHA about a year ago. I also passed the question onto Tsunami, and this is what they responded: The main floor is 3 stories high. The DJ booth was designed by Errick Morillo- a true House DJ legend. The booth comes out into the dance floor, so that easy eye contact can be established with dancers on the main floor and mezzanine, which makes it very intimate. On the third floor, there are even two glass showers for dancers, one on each side of a dance aria looking down on the main floor. For this event, a stage is being built right in front of the massive DJ booth. The sound system was specially made with the exact club and resident artists’ specifications (Errick Morillo and Carl Cox) in Germany. This is the first trance event @ PACHA. All I can say is that the party was off the hook!!! Perhaps one of the BEST parties I’ve been in a while. PACHA had 3 floors; Main floor, basement (hip hop), and upstairs (techno/ hard house), and the subfloors had quite a nice space. The interior of Pacha felt very classy and upscale. Indeed not so underground. However, the sound system is what makes PACHA. If you stand in the middle of the dance floor, you can feel the bass with your entire body. Just like how the speakers should be set up, and are setup at some festivals. Conspirators played some funky progressive stuff and got the party going. Tristian came on and rocked the crowd. But it was Prometheus (Benji) who tore the place apart. Benji played some of his old stuff, along with his new stuff- which was some killer tracks. Big ups to all of the DJs, and people who came out to support this party. If anyone missed this party, I would strongly recommend you to come out to the next TSUNAMI @ PACHA Word to that. I saw a guy cash a cig butt on the floor and 3 seconds later a Pacha worker swept it up. first, the smoker destroys the body while breaking the best rule in NYC AND burns the nice wooden floors. these Pacha workers are surely doing their jobs-picking up garbage- but I strongly urge these smokers to respect the domain. Ask, “what would I do in Mr. Gray’s space?” Respect and preserve lest we face the effects of The Tragedy of the Commons. p.s. party people…the h20 is filtered and chlled at pacha, too…so good!
June 3 Saturday
hi trance heads for those who are not going to TDC festival, we’re having our weekly this Saturday June 3rd with the following lineup: PEDRO will be playing downtempo on the first floor and LEO & MATHIAS on the basement from 11:00 TILL 04:00 am FREE EN-TRANCE 21 W ID Meyer sound State of the art sound system LOCATION: Club Midway 25 Avenue B bet 2nd and 3rd street
June 9 Friday
prOjeCTIOn eRrOdeD SoniC BraIN bRanCH tANGle at Pine Barrens
3 Free Parties – Starting Tonight The parties on Saturday, May 20, and Friday June 2, are to be in the location outlined below. The party on Friday June 9, will be a special tricky wacky snacky one, and we will let you know about it soon, when all of the details are together! TwiSted Sonic triNity trAnquILIty. EvolVe mangLed, dArk purple cLUsters of three Way diAganaL shaPesHifiTiNg neuRal hoNeycoMbs. Splitting into the Fragments of sonic spagetti, The sOund of ouR cREamY Phase sPlit cHakra miRRorwork sPlits thriCe, and again each cHunk splIts into threes of threes oF thRees of tREEs of THeSe thREes. TileD viSUal COrteX warped rAptuRe wRaped in eNdleS gEnetiC fLUx. BlenDing maD hALLuciNOGeniC plAnt VAPOr inTo thE cREvicEs of oUR rEvoLVing tiMEleSs coNTInuUm. DriPPing coSmic pOWwOws aLLign in cOILing sYmetRical sYncronicITy, anD bliSsfuLL psyCHic turBulenCe. The dusTy dAnce GrounDs of inTErplaNeTAry spAce sHake wiThe evEry oOzinG puLSe aS liFormS and AnciEnt viSIons coLide wiTH smeAred reCepTOrs wiiiiDe opEn. PrepAre foR siCk sPLinTEry coSMic biRth… can’t wait to look forward to remembering about seeing you back in this sacred sanctuary. Keep this information away from police people. Remember, this is a habitat for many lifeforms. Bring them lots of love.Be prepared to camp. Bring necessities (ie. food, water, etc.).Be kind to our universe- do not leave trash or cigarette butts at this sacred place. about it soon, when all of the details are together!
June 9 Friday
TANGLED LYSERGIC PUDDLES IN CELESTIAL THREADS & HEATHEN (Outer Space) Downtempo Lounge with: EIM (Gaian Mind – Philadelphia) EG~BOT And BOTANICAL ANTIDOTE (Gaian Mind – Philadelphia) Deco: GAIAN MIND Friday, June 9th, 2006 9pm – 2am $7 cover ($5 before 11pm) 21+ w/ ID Ulana’s Bainbridge Street & Second Street, Philadelphia, PA, USA (one block south of South Street)
June 10 Saturday
hi trance heads We always wanted a place to go on Saturdays. Now we got one in the EAST VILLAGE, with MEYER SOUND, Draft Beer and FREE entrance. Come on! this Saturday, June 10th: PEDRO will be playing downtempo on the first floor and Leo & JUGGERNAUT on the basement from 11:00 TILL 04:00 am FREE EN-TRANCE 21 W ID Meyer Sound, State of the art sound system LOCATION: Club Midway 25 Avenue B bet 2nd and 3rd street
I enjoyed both floors of music – Pedros eclectic set upstairs, and vincents trance downstairs. The drinks are well priced – I got a properly made whiskey and coke for 5 bucks! The staff/owner of midway is really nice; one of the few venues which has a quaint, down to earth vibe.
June 17 Saturday
Last week the party was great, more people came over, the energy was great and we were allowed to stay after 4. This week we got: LEO and LAURYN (Alkaloid/Mistical Productions, Boston) Basement – Progressive and Full on Sounds. CORAL will be playing a downtempo set on the first floor. She will be playing with Lauryn sometime after 3am. from 11:00 TILL 04:00 am FREE EN-TRANCE 21 W ID Meyer Sound, State of the art sound system LOCATION: Club Midway 25 Avenue B bet 2nd and 3rd street
June 17 Saturday
The Entheocentric Saloon at COSM
10pm-6am A fusion of art & music, psychotropic video projection, live painting & trance grooves CoSMosis Line up: From 10 PM until 6 AM -Pedro (Reality Engine / Interchill): Originally from Brazil, now based in NYC, Pedro plays and produces freestyle tribal grooves. From dub beats into trip-hop, deep mid-tempo tribal psytrance and house, he fuses influences from many cultures and genres to build an uplifting sonorous experience. -Karmakanik vs. Eg~bot (Gaian Mind | PSI – Philadelphia/NYC): Infamous for their underground forest gatherings, these two DJs are equally renowned for their skills behind the decks. With recent bookings in Boston, LA, DC, TDC and Gaian Mind summer festivals, come see why these trance wizards are some of the most in-demand DJs on the east coast. Expect a “progenfunkengrooven” set from two of Philly’s phinest! -LOUD DJ set (Israel) – Kobi Tledano : This one half of LOUD was infected by the psytrance bug and movement back in the mid-nineties. Kobi has a significant and daring new sound, fresh and powerful, always seeking to expand their knowledge and results. In this performance, he will be presenting to us the freshest of the hi-tech psytrance. -Matyas (Reality Engine): Living in New York City, Matyas developed a distinct taste influenced by its diverse culture. He has a unique ability to provide the right elements for the creation of uplifting and otherworldly environments, from festival dance floors in the heart of Brazil to nightclubs in Tokyo. He Integrates organic with the high tech, abstract with conceptual, bringing to you the latest sounds from the best artists around the world. CoSM Line up: The Chapel will be open from 12 AM until 5 AM LIVE: -Inicha: Groovy sonic cosmic connection, live drum beats and bass strums, for your dancing pleasure. DJs: -Blue Spectral Monkey (TOUCH Samadhi, Interchill, Asheville, NC) — As a chillout DJ, he explores squishy liquid bliss soundscapes, which twist and groove with elastic geometric symmetry. After 10 years of spinning, ever deeper he dives into mutating gooey underwater dubworlds in a tricked out subwoofer submarine. -Shai (Divine Balance Rec. / India) With an ethnic flare with Goa elements and broad-spectrum sounds of psychedelia, she will be performing a downtempo set on this gathering. Guest Vjs: Optical Delusion and VJ Spot (HiFi Dreams) Price: $20 540 W. 27th Street, 4th Floor NYC www.cosm.org www.realityengine.org Collaborators: www. Interchill.com www.opticaldelusion.com www.touchsamadhi.com
Also: Live Painting by Alex and Allyson Grey Fire Performance at midnight by Marisa
Thanks to all that came Saturday for our 5th monthly event! Always supporting the locals! it was a great party, very nice to listen to so many talents in the same night. Thanks, Pat & Dave for the nice the progenfunkengrooves set…after some tech issues we got the whole thing pumping louder for LOUD, which played a nice uplifting set followed by Matyas surprising(for some) hi-power full-on set the chapel was very chill, from the nice sounds by BSM, Shai and the experimental Inicha to the fresh temperature…. thanks again to all that help these events to have such a powerful energy! namaste
June 17 Saturday
Psytrance in Baltimore, MD w/ Zero Divide LIVE, Brian H and Elektronkind
Konvocation | Soular Records | JOOF UK | myspace.com/zerodivide With upcoming releases on TIP World, Soular Records and JOOF Recordings, 2006 will be the break out year for this American trance duo. John C and Jay Selway (Cyzum) have completed remixes for Wizzy Noise, Hujaboy, John 00 Fleming, the Digital Blonde and have a slew of singles being released in 2006. Their hard-edged progressive sound has received international support by world-class DJs such as John O Bir, John Askew, Above & Beyond, Dimitri Nakov, Hujaboy, and John 00 Fleming. In addition, their tracks have been featured on KISS 100, Ministry of Sound, The Static Channel, and John 00 Fleming’s Global Trance Grooves. Brian H Konvocation | Mayavada | DJbrianh.net Elektronkind Konvocation | elektronkind.org Club 1722 1722 N Charles Street, Baltimore MD BYOB 18+ $10
21 Jun Sat
Harvard scandal, plus video and Link Raja Ram/TIP online tickets for this weekend For those of you who are into Raja Ram/Shpongle/Tip World, here’s a link for tickets. /index.php?cPath22 Also, from the main page at web tranceam.org web tranceam.org/there’s a link to the Halperngate Scandal involving a Harvard researcher who ratted out the Harvard chemist who made most of the global supply of l in the late 90s – and yet is doing great work in research. Nothing seems to ever advance in psychedelic culture without a Harvard Divinity School/Leary-style controversy. Finally, I’ve added a variety of video at Trance TV accessible from the main page. Today I added an incredible clip from the most incredible psychedelic film ever made – Renegade – AKA “Blueberry” from France. Though they are using peyote, it translates well to the rest of the pharmacopia. Easily the most psychedelic and accurate (LOL) visuals ever produced on film – and I should know 🙂
June 23 Friday
Alladin Project Presents: “TIP PARTY”
We are excited to present the legend RAJA RAM TIP WORLD UK Raja Ram has been in the music business for 40 years. From his early jazz days, through to the cult 60’s psychedelic jazz rock group Quintessence. He then found electronica in the 80’s. In 1990 the infinity project began, it formed the basis for TIP records, now TIP world. The instigator of Shpongle, Yeti, Crystal skulls, Cyberbabas, and now 1200 Micrograms, Raja Ram is a mover and innovator. One of the most in-demand DJs and live performers on the scene, his energy and professionally is legendary and boundless. LUCAS TIP WORLD UK A master of many styles and one the best mixers around, he is one of TIP. World and 10 Kilo’s main DJs regularly representing both labels as far afield as Mexico, Portugal, Serbia, Poland, Israel, Greece, Denmark, Finland, UK, Australia, Japan and Switzerland. His intelligent and totally professional approach provides huge enjoyment to crowds wherever he goes. KNO-B Alladin Project Japan A Raising talent in the trance scene around the globe, his excellent skills of mixing and the right choice of unreleased music make his sets unforgettable Art Exhibition By BRAHMA TIP WORLD UK Brahma is an acknowledged master of psychedelic fluoro art. Along with Alex Grey and a few others he has managed to expound this new art form, where the art gallery becomes the party. Working in complete harmony with the music these paintings are the doorways to another dimension. He turns an ordinary space into a scared worshipping ground where magic can happen. He has previously worked with Walt Disney, Madonna, and on the Star Wars Films. His credibility is flawless. $30 Advance Tickets: Hoomoos Asli 100 Kenmare St New York N.Y. Phone: (212) 966 0022 Satellite Records 259 Bowery New York, NY 10002 Phone (212) 995-1744 Or: (917)5691177 / (917)4054847 18 to enter/21+ to drink picture ID A MUST***Door Open: 10 PM to 7 AM *** Location: CLUB EXIT 147 GREEN POINT AVE BROOKLYN NY
For me the party was mixed. there were both good elements and bad ones. The decor was amazing, as expected, and the club was loaded with UV so the drapes really looked amazing. The crowd itself was nice, but in America my feeling is that most people just don’t quite “get” psytrance (whatever that is). the music started off very badly, the first DJ was atrocious, playing a 5 o’clock night time set as a warm-up set. far too banging, and really quite standard music. the second DJ was equally poor (just not my style of music). It was again inanely full-on with very little else. Then Lucas came on and things suddenly got much better. I was completely blown away by his set. as a DJ, his skills are up there with the best that I have ever seen. his choice of music and timing is superb. a very talented guy. although he had just released “God Save The Machine”, I didn’t hear him play a single tune. apart from a couple, it was all new to me and a style of trance that is very rare to find (because it was so good). Raja showed his characteristic high energy performance, jumping around and getting the crowd going. His music and mixing are always slightly suspect, but he gets away with it because it’s him and he’s a legend. massive respect to the guy that he can still rock a party at 65+. thanks to the promoters. great effort for getting these guys over. hope the numbers broke even. I wasn’t expecting so much from this party, and it actually turned out to be really great. In my opinion, and also what I had noticed on the face of the people, everybody was having a beautiful time, and enjoying the music. The music was amazing, especially at the beginning. The first DJ played combinations of nice tracks, which is really My style, and the Party and Time style. The second DJ was good too, and Raja Ram as always, with his style. I can’t wait for the next party, especially to listen to the new DJs from Alladin Project.
Raja is an elder of trance and is a must-see. Your tickets may be purchased at the online bazaar at web conroe86.org and will be held in your name at the door. Note there is a package deal for Friday and Sunday. I’ll be in TX at my 20 year Reunion at Conroe86.org (I made that) but ya’ll have fun.
June 25 Sunday
Alladin Project – SHPONGLE at COSM
We are Happy to present: SHPONGL E By RAJA RAM ttp%3A%2F%2Ftipworld.co.ukTip world uk rs6.ne ttp%3A%2F %2Ftipworld.co.ukShpongle is considered to be one of the most important and influential psychedelic downtempo music projects of recent years. The members are Simon Posford (aka Hallucinogen) and Raja Ram (one half of The Infinity Project and founder of the indo-prog/raga rock group of the ’60s/7 0’s Quintessence). Their sound is a successful mix of mainly eastern ethnic samples and western contemporary psychedelic synth music. Shpongle’s first tune, Rumours of Vapours, was released on TIP Records’ Infinite Excursions compilation in 1996. Their debut album, Are You Shpongled?, was released 1 998 on Twisted Records. The high sound quality, successful mix of samples, instruments and synths along with the story and progress of the music through the album made it one of the most cutting edge releases. Are You Shpongled? And Twisted Records’ first downtempo compilation, Eclipse, made a huge impact on the psychedelic trance scene. These two releases were very important and influential to the small and undefined psychedelic downtempo genre.
W 27th St 4th FL Btw 10th Ave & 11th Ave NYCtickets will be held in your name at the door.
very good guy before sph = very good (disco-eY, hello welcome to the party) sph = not into sph or downtempo (sounded like orbital mixed with something else, whrr whrrr whrrrrrrrrrrr, (relax, Indian-sample), etc) guy after sph = very good (psycho, click-y jumpy psytrance, predictable in a good way; like “hey I’m using this structure, you know about it? good”) Pedro = excellent (maniac mechanical, was screaming “stop” during set, machine took over set and killed people) best moments = night wind through window
June 24 Saturday
Guess what? another weekend for psyche round. If are not going to Gaian Mind, The weekend in NYC will be fun too. This week we got: LEO (Tribal Vision , Tupan Records) and KeN (Mad Elephant, Ject) from 11:00 TILL 04:00 am FREE EN-TRANCE 21 W ID Meyer Sound, State of the art sound system LOCATION: Club Midway 25 Avenue B bet 2nd and 3rd street
June 22-25 Friday-Sunday
Gaian Mind
Photos – Lauryn – Eddie – Steven – Orbicles
Line Up BUS (Sub Records/Cyan Music – Bali, Indonesia) PHONY ORPHANTS (Iboga Records – Copenhagen, Denmark) ELECTRYPNOSE (Peak Records/Kabrathor Records – Sion, Switzerland) PSYMMETRIX (PharPsyde Records – London, UK) DJs GUS TILL (Sub Records/Cyan Music – Bali, Indonesia) SHANE GOBI (Alchemy Records – London, UK) EMOK (Iboga Records – Copenhagen, Denmark) ALLEN2012 (Gaian Mind – Clearwater Beach, FL) LUIS (Dreamcatcher – NYC) MUKTI (TDC Production – NYC) S.O.T (T.O.U.C.H Samadhi/Chilluminati – Chicago/Kiev, UA) KONFLUX (Psytribe/Global Trance – Los Angeles) BOIPEBA (Gaian Mind – Phila./Japan/Israel) LAURYN (Alkaloid/Mistical Productions – Boston) EG~BOT (Gaian Mind – Philadelphia) Chill GUS TILL (Sub Records/Cyan Music – Bali, Indonesia) ELECTRYPNOSE (Peak Records/Kabrathor Records – Sion, Switzerland) KENJI WILLIAMS (ABA Structure – USA/Japan) KILOWATTS (Artificial Music Machine – Philadelphia) BLUE SPECTRAL MONKEY (TOUCH Samadhi/Interchill Records – Asheville, NC) PHIDELITY (Oracle Gatherings – Seattle/San Francisco) PEDRO (Reality Engine/Interchill Records – NYC) ANDREW LIGHT (Gaian Mind – Philadelphia) MATYAS (Reality Engine – NYC) EIM (Gaian Mind – Philadelphia) BUFFER (Gaian Mind/M-Laboratories – Boulder, CO) DEET (Gaian Mind – Philadelphia) NOD (TOUCH Samadhi – Asheville, NC) BINARY (Sonic Beating/Changmian – Boston) KARMAKANIK (Gaian Mind/PSI – Philadelphia/NYC) STEVE-O (GoaBabies – NYC/Rincon) PARAMNESIA (TOUCH Samadhi – Louisville, KY) DAVE HENSHAW (Changmian/Sonic Beating Productions – Boston) KIFE (Omni Tribe – NYC) ELEKTRONKIND (Digital Yeti Studios – Baltimore) ELECTRIC MAYHEM (Sidetrakkt – Portland, OR) MONO MONO (Soular Records/Gaian Mind – Philadelphia) DAN COVAN (NYC) ARJUNA (Dharma Kshetra – Miami) BOB TRAHPEK (Sonic Beating/Zia-Trance – Boston) INDRA (Omni Tribe – NYC) ORBICLES (Gaian Mind – Philadelphia) BOTANICAL ANTIDOTE (Gaian Mind – Philadelphia) GANJALA (Gaian Mind – Philadelphia) ICYCOIL (Las Vegas/NYC) BOTTOM DWELLERS (4 Quarters Farm – Baltimore) Deco Deco UV Paintings by MIZUE KATAOKA (Japan) Visual Projections by OPTICAL DELUSION (NYC) & REALITY ENGINE (NYC) Additional Art Installations by STEVE-O (GoaBabies – NYC/Rincon) & GAIAN MIND Info Info Special Guest Speaker: DANIEL PINCHBECK (Evolver Project – NYC) Daniel Pinchbeck is one of the leading voices in today’s counter-culture, exploring the connections between psychedelics and shamanism and their importance in the modern era. Though he’s published feature articles in the New York Times Magazine, Esquire, Wired, The Village Voice and is a regular columnist in Arthur magazine, it was his 2003 book, “Breaking Open the Head: A Psychedelic Journey into the Heart of Contemporary Shamanism,” which seems to have really given him a higher profile among those interested in alternative religion and spirituality. He will be speaking in support of his forthcoming book, “2012: The Return of Quetzalcoatl.” [breakingopenthehead.com] Featuring: Blacklight Theater Performance by ARCHEDREAM (Philadelphia) Fire Performance Drum Workshops Lectures and Workshops Psychedelic Cinema Opening and Closing Ceremonies Admission Includes: FREE All-You-Can-Eat “Fractal Feast” (carnivore/vegetarian) FREE 24-Hour Coffee/Tea Service by COFFEE DRAGONS Merchant Village and Children’s Area Morning and Evening Yoga Sessions Healing Arts and Massage Daily Sweat Lodges Nightly Drum Circles Riverside Swimming Spacious Campgrounds Hot Showers and Flush Toilets FREE Drinking Water FREE and Secure Main Parking Location Location FOUR QUARTERS – An InterFaith Sanctuary of EarthReligion, Artemas, Pennsylvania, USA, Gaia Entry fee Pre-reg: $110 (until June 17) At the Gate: $135 Organizer Organizer Gaian Mind Hotline +16107710668 E-mail info@gaian-mind.com Web [gaian-mind.com]
I would imagine that picking the right lineup and its order is an act of fine balance requiring impeccable taste. Gaian Mind ’06 was somewhat of a disappointing departure from that of ’05.
Friday night was musically dissatisfying with an unjustifiably weak lineup. There are plenty of local acts that can put on a pumping show. Shane Gobi was a savior. Saturday night was helped by the headliners, but Emok took it in the progressive direction a bit early in the night. Please consult lineups and timing for Boom Festival for near-perfect night-morning progression.
June 29 Thursday
DeKompression – Omnitribe
Fresh new sets from: Fx Mike> Vlad Kife> Shay Earthian> Gosha! Also resident Brandon… Drink Special, $4 “level” vodka drinks from 9-11………. 107 Norfolk bt Delancey and Rivington (F train to Delancey) New York City 9pm no cover for more info/involvement (deco, dancer or music), contact Stefan 917 553 9154 www.dekompression.net feel free to post anywhere (DJs who want to play…bring a mix plz) upcoming talent…: JULY 6th: Kazu Okura (Vinyl Market), and DontBeAnAss(itsokayprint.com), (super-special happy night!) JULY 13th: Beta returns!, Lizzy Shell
June 30 Friday
A.M. Bionik Productions – Squaremeat & Texas Faggot [Exogenic Records] LIVE!!
Texas Faggott are Pentti Slayer and Tim Thick, a Suomisaundi project from Finland, founded in 1996 with a third member, Francoise Faggott. Tim has been active as a member of Flippin’ Bixies, Mandalavandalz, Flying Scorpions, Tea Chairs and others. Pentti has founded reggae label Fat Belt Records. They have played across the world – aside from Finland, they have played in Israel, Turkey, Japan, India, Australia, USA, Mexico, New Zealand and further. The music is hilarious and serious, uplifting and chilling, and could be described as hill-billy style Psytrance. According to Thick, the name Texas Faggott comes from a “faggott instrument”, which they used to sample on some of their tracks, however their music and bizarre stage performances suggest otherwise. The “faggott instrument” may refer to the bassoon, which is called fagotti in Finnish. Texas Faggott are considered by many of their fans to be the ‘gods’ of Finnish, or Suomi-Style Psytrance (suomisaundi), and all music that has evolved from it. The group has collaborated with the Australian project The Zealator, the Swedish project Logic Bomb, Portuguese artist Snikers and the Finnish projects Mac Mavis and Mullet Mohawk. The group has also remixed songs by famous Finnish pop/rock artists, for example, Ultra Bra, Kingston Wall, Hidria Spacefolk and Notkea Rotta, and others such as Capella and Eat Static. Squaremeat are Pepe Kosminen and Francoise Faggott, a psychedelic trance duo from Helsinki, Finland. Pepe has been DJ’ing since the early 90’s, and has been active as a member of O*Men, Fluoro Fantasy, Midiliitto and Flying Scorpions, and has also produced music under the pseudonym Lightaman Jr.. Francoise is one of the founding members of Texas Faggott, also a member of Midiliitto and several other Finnish groups. Both are pioneers of the trance sound in Finland, have vast DJ experience and have toured together and separately across the world – aside from Finland they have played in Russia, Israel, India, Japan, Turkey, Germany, the Netherlands, Denmark, Greece and further. Their sound is best described as funky psychedelic power disco, uplifting music for the mind travels (suomisaundi). The group has collaborated with Greek Project Weird Alchemy, and has remixed tracks by the Swedish project Sienis and Finnish artist Kirna.
Generator and Sound by DMT
This is a free day time outdoor event; R.S.V.P. to suomisaundi@28thday.com for location, directions, and time.
WoW!!!!! That is up there with the best trance I have ever heard. Really, indescribable. Haunting twilight sounds, anthem riffs, Goa melodies, a healthy dose of psychedelic fx and ever-shifting, bouncy Soumi grooves…. I am totally blown away… Finland crew, thank you so much for coming and blessing us with your music! It was a blast! Long live Soumi Trance! interesting music don’t know if it was the best ever but nonetheless, it was good music question: was texas faggot or whoever was playing from like 6-8 I think texas mixing??? because he had his computer with him and looked like he was just playing tracks off of his laptop from one to the other…not sure tho great party tho…super underground…brought a friend that had never been to a psy party and he was completely blown away big ups to the organizers for doing this thank u very much had a great time Werd… big thanx from Scott and I to everybody to helped out with this, we had a great time. Special thanx to Brian of A.M. Bionik Productions, who fulfilled his obligations in spite of his sudden illness; the event wouldn’t have happened without him. Also, thank you to josh, James, Rudy, Steve, and everybody else who helped us carry the equipment down and up. Finally, thank you to Timo and Pepe, whose music just blew me away. You guys were worth every penny. “Suomisaundi (sometimes called psy-fi, suomistyge, suomisoundi, spugedelic trance) is a style of freeform psychedelic trance, originating from Finland. Suomisaundi literally means in Finnish slang “Finnish sound”. The term “spugedelic” is humoristically derived from psychedelic, spuge means “an alcoholic” or generally a bum in Finnish slang language. The term spugedelic was likely first used by Suomisaundi artist Huopatossu Mononen” -taken from wikipedia cottoneyejoe on acid meets the ventures niiiiCe delays at the end of the buildups funfunfun
Brokeback Mountain Scott and Th3o bringing th3 oth3r T3xas Faggot and Squarem33t (both nee Finland) later today at 2pm Get’er done!! Thanks to the toowenteeeeeaighyyydth deeei pruduckteeeeoonzzzzzz guys Scott and Theo you guys are popping the open aerie fairy’s cherry this time – via Blackberry.. And I absolutely LOVE the venue – best by far in New York. Insanely good ventilation and it’s FREE, blissfully free of thugs beside myself humping you wearing a pink cowboy hat when you drank that stray bottle of GHB. Ride you like a steer! I expect all my ex GFs to be there throwing black paint and mingling with squatters who prostitute themselves to other men for heroin (actually those guys will be working recovering from working). And if you don’t know what I am talking about, you really need to take more drugs. Or less,
PS my new favorite legal drug – Kratom! As you can tell it chills you out in small doses (not). Something that’s illegal in Thailand has got to be good. A virtual River Phoenix speedball without the death part but black cheeks with overuse – and no Siamese king trying to cut the Kratom trees all down. Because this is “America, Fuck Yeah.” (hear that excellent track at tranceam.org) PS I only do legal highs these days all you illegal d users are a bunch of users, losers, and abusers. Be nice to Texas Faggot or we ride you. See you there. Be there or be Squaremeat. PS note to promoters – THIS is the kinda shit we like. This reminds me of when I was young, fresh, had a job, and was going places 🙂 Do this and we’ll be happily hogtied all summer. Cheers, Machinelf/ Director Trance Americana