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2000 Emails from Brainmachines Yahoogroup

Tsunami – El Cuco in Puerto Rico
6th Element on Randall’s Island, NYC
New York: Americans come alive. Wylie, Prometheus Project, Evolution Box, and Citizens of Utopia begin events, Church of Trance becomes the DMT in New York, Paradise splits off from Paradox
Opium Den on Wednesdays begins in November in NYC
T.O.U.C.H. Samadhi begins events in North Carolina
Traktor launched
Playstation 2 launched March 4
January 2000
January 15 Saturday
Kyle presents Medicine Drum, Truth and DJ Moonwalker
These guys struggled with this venue last time; however, this time it just might work given the paucity of other trance this weekend:
Hey Jeff, I want to let you know that I am doing a show with Medicine Drum, Truth and DJ Moonwalker at VIP Saturday. This show is not only going to go off, but it is also a much more positive vibe than the last show I was trying to do because I am not working with that crew from Long Island on this. You know that Chris Deckker from Medicine Drum started Return to the Source and band, is playing one of its first live shows; they are combining Psychedelic Trance with real instruments and are wicked cool. Truth is also playing at Pseudo on Thursday at Midnight. I am hoping that you can include details on the show Saturday on your email list of things to do. It is a small, intimate venue and it will look totally different because of Hanoch and Adrian’s decorations. Let me know if you can do it and if you need any more info. My number is 917-771-6781. You can also email me at carmone at earthlink.net. It is not an expensive show, $15 with flyer, $20 at the door. The exact address is 2020 20th St between 5th and 6th. 21 & over w/ID. Let me know if you can come as well, and anyone else you want to bring within reason. Hope all is well, Kyle
This party was a fiasco. VIP was a strip club. Kye was into Aleister Crowley and the occult. At the time I laughed wickedly, but I feel bad now.

January 21 Friday
First DJ Set: Peter Anders/Algorhythm
Hey! It’s freezing out there today, feels like I’m back in Moscow :), imagine, headlines of one Russian newspaper: Russian-American Alphatrance crews secretly invaded all underground spots of Moscow, kicked out Aerodance SS, and are taking control of the city…. shit, can’t wait till…. wait, I shall give you more details when everything is going into action. 🙂 Anyway, the lineup for tonight: Indra + Yoshik-(me 🙂 (Alphatrance Psyductions) are going to open the night at
11:00 12:00 – 1:00 ZaZen, their crew got split up for this one, so it’s going to be just Noam, delivering his wicked sounds LIVE !
1:00 – 2:15 ALGORHYTHM If you miss this live Act, – you missed IT ! although some black market DATs will be sold on Brighton Beach starting the morning after the event 🙂
2:15 – 2:30 Coffe break (Alphatrance White Label)
2:30 – 3:30 Ranka (Polymorphous)
3:30 – 4:30 Subtle Chaos (Subtle Chaos Rec.)
4:30 – 5:30 Iggy (Alphatrance Psyductions)
5:30 – ? Indra + Yoshik (Alphatrance Psyductions) We’ll see you soon! aleks at alphatrance.org
The alphatrance party is 40′ east of the southeast corner of 40th & 9th Avenue, knock on the metal door with the stickers on it. Very incog-neato.

I remember hearing the start of Polaris and grabbing Vera, Natalie and Severyn. I was nearly crying when the first kick came in. Played it at nearly every party. We made proper dust clouds at the bridge with that track -Jason
January 29 Saturday
Marc Ballroom
29 Union Square West Between 15th & 16th St., NYC $25/door $23/adv.
OFORIA (Dragonfly – Atomic – Israel)
LAUGHING BUDDHA (Transient Rec. – UK)
ORGANIC NOISE (Tip – Flying Rhino – Germany)
PLANET B.E.N. (Tip – Flying Rhino – Germany)
KEN (Synthetic Sadhus – NYC)
Psyche Fluorodelic Deco by: SYNTHETIC SADHUS (Krisz, Jamin, Severyn – NYC) MOONWALKER (Bali) Also, Chai stand, massage area and Tip Records stand (music & clothing).
This was Synthetic Sadhus’ last event on record at Marc Ballroom:
“We were trying to take the deco down & get the sound system out when this truck turned up outside and started bringing equipment & chairs etc in. Gilles politely asked the dude and his team to stop while we emptied out the room. The big dude started shouting at Gilles & brought his fist down on his head splitting it open. Severyn ran to get the police and a few hood rats working with the dude ran after Severyn so we ran after them & they shit themselves and walked back.” – Jason
This man, this human bowling ball. influenced history:

Gilles then sued and won a lot of money. He then moved to Amazura.
February 2000
February 10 Thursday
Polymorphous Presents SYNERGY
This Party is for people to come together and share a psychedelic experience of TRANCE DANCE and Growth . The line up Includes ALGORHYTHM (mind engine ) LIVE! . Your Djs For your Journey are JOA (polymorphous) SEQUENTIAL TOM (polymorphous/futuretech). PLEASE COME EARLY!!! This party is at cream 246 Colombus Ave Bet. 71st and 72nd st. Take 1239 trains to 72nd st walk one block east look for glittery door. Or take BorC train to 72nd st walk one block west again look for glittery door on Columbus. Hope to see you there BOOM!
john at caiwebRe: I’ve seen him too…fucking awesome!!…he deserves some serious props…if you have a chance, be sure to check his set out! “D. Ze’ev Gilad” dzgilad at yahoo Just wanted to point out that SEQUENTIAL TOM is fucking great. I’ve seen ‘im at AlphaTrance. This kid’s got a future. o – O – o The rowers keep on rowing And they’re certainly not showing Any signs that they are slowing… o – O – o
February 11 Friday
Dear list members, This is what I’ve been waiting for… Friday the 11th is the night. I Robot, AKA finally have my own space to do some insane things with. This is the first party I have thrown since Neurotrancemitter, Serotonin Selector, and Dopamine Detergent last year. My first installment is called KABBALA. The general theme is the way-out mindbending astrophysics in the Hebrew Kabbala. Trance will be the audio force driving your consciousness through the path to enlightenment, mixed with some Hubris ‘cuz we ain’t supposed to be getting into the Kabbala until we’re at least in our forties. The labyrinthine space includes a bar, two dance rooms, (One trance, one progressive house) One room will be chillout with a KABBALA reading room/brainmachine/cranial electrical stimulation installation, plus COATCHECK. Trance DJs will include the debut of Machinelf, and possibly F/X Mike and/or Subtle Chaos. Progressive House DJ’s are… who cares? Open Bra, I mean, Bar, all night. Giveaways throughout the night. Free Million Dollar Bills. Location: COUNTDOWN STUDIOS 122 W 26th St, Level 2, Buzzer 25 10p til’ until at least 5am. Cover is $20, $15 if you are on the BRAINMACHINES list and give your email address at the door there will also be a weird theme of free fluoro face painting, in recognition of the vestigial visage of your traveling spirit, under heavy black lights. Also, there is a trance party tonight at Cream in the Upper West Side… check yer email from a week ago silly.
Also Sprach een der Kabbitalists Manifesto… …Sleeshashee Gosha & Alex AKA Indra & Yoshik – Moi tovareesh Indra, fresh from brainwashing the masses in the Ukraine, and me droogy Yoshik, tempered with a Zen Buddhist grace born and bred in the lush Krimea, will be joining der Kabbala seance tomorrow plying their Soviet Santeria style postmodernist Slavic Ukraynietski voodoo Kabbalist Das Kabbitalist Cybernetic juxtapositionalistically kounterKulturklusterfukked melange of tranceDental Root Canal werk, kathartikally shrugging off generations of Kossack pogrom oppression of mushroom-ingesting shamanic tribes with bolshoi unterwelt unreleased Slavic trax… Kreechee, Eegrai, Dumai, Dveegai, Kooree, Lyetai s Goshu, Alyosha!!! As they say in Chechnya, Oobeevai! Oobeevai! Oobeevai! Oobeevai! Oobeevai! Oobeevai! Oobeevai! Oobeevai! Oobeevai! Oobeevai! Oobeevai! Oobeevai!Oobeevai! Oobeevai! Oobeevai! Dosvedanya Retrogressivos, Machinelf WHerecanIgeTMORE RE: Friday Feb 11 10pm-6am doors klose at 3:30 122 West 26th Level 2 Buzzer 25. US$20/$15 w/password KabbalaEverything fluoro will be going like Klockwerk Orange
Moontribe tonight Bark at the moon, Joe from Moontribe will be spinning his magik tonight at Kabbala Even though he lives in LA His dad lives in Lon Gisland, see and if you are weekend warrior and mist the Full Moon Winter Solstice Celebration under the Bridge Now’s your chance
Anybody live in Queens? Does Anybody live in Queens? and going to Kabbala tonight? If so would you be able to pick up and drop off Joe from Moontribe. He’s at Kew Gardens and his number is 718-380-5265. You’ll get a custom mix CD for the trouble.
Here’s the scoop Dear Vriends, For those who didn’t get tickets in time to be able to make El Cuco and Puerto Rico, or even Disinfocon this weekend, there might be another more intimate trance this Friday at the Countdown Studios, again… stay tuned on this list for theme info. I believe we’ll just have the smaller room this time. But in a few weeks we’ll do the Kabbala thing again, albeit with a new direction. (But NOT a Koran party – haha women must wear veils and no open bar 😉 just Sufi and Whirling Dervishes). Maybe a techno voodoo or Santeria theme, a la Mona Lisa Overdrive, if anybody has ideas email me. Next time we will have Vornado fans and negative ion generators. Keep note: the next time we throw a full-on event again, the environment will be more elaborate and the entry price a little higher to cover the free refreshments, and the owner’s and DJ’s costs. Thanks to all for making Kabbala an unprecedented success. To the drummer on the set who made the evening have a Sun Project feel, to Suzanne or the Kabbala mantras displayed ove the walls, to Ruben for being a solid partner, to the owner Joey who did all the artwork and had patience and understanding, to Joey Cassanova for keeping a clear head (somebody had to), to Dmitri for handling security, to musikal sorcerers Alex/Yoshik and Gosha/Indra and Aphex Mike and especially Joe from Moontribe, and most of all to everyone who made the evening a true social mystic journey, we love you. M.E.

February 11
Sidetrakkt – Psychosis in Pittsburgh
Hallucinogen, Shapeshifters, Hugh Sharpe
February 18 Friday
Niew Yorvik Prayer of the Elvs: A Trance Journey into Nordic Mysticism and Finnish shamanism
Terrence McKenna’s sendoff to Valhalla Too poor to join those fat cats in Puerto Rico (Rich Port in Spanish)? Can you cough up $20 for something completely different? Rather than doing some lame-ass web synch to show our solidarity with the richy friends in PR where we cannot shower in the morning” we will gather together in a thunderous, victorious sendoff of a visionary. See, Terrence McKenna has a couple weeks to live. So we will send him off in a ritual blaze of glory, jumping the gun a little bit because he’s still alive. But time has no meaning in Hyperspace. And the opera ain’t over until the fat lady in the Viking helmet sings. We will help the realization that the Concrescence of Reality is indeed Ragnarok, the End of the World as we know it.
Odenma (Father) – Yo (Joe) from Moontribe from the City of Valkyries (Los Angeles)
Thor – Thundering Sonic Wizardry from Yason of Subtle Chaos (UK/New York)
Tyr (War) – Hard slavic war trance by Vadimof subtle chaos (Russia/NY) (NOT “Victory Trance at /sucks.html”)
Loki (Mischief) – shamanic Scandinavian ritual trance from Celtic bard Matthew MagiK (New York)
The Alphernas Beten Sound System final meltdown by (Hyperspace) Valhalla – Countdown Studios 122 W26th between 6th and 7th avenues Level Two Buzzer 125. Saga begins at 10pm and go until you die and be put on a burning canoe at 4am Cover: $20, Free refreshments Open Bar all night -Free Viking face painting -Free giveaways for those of Nordic ancestry (ID/passport) or bringers of black fluorescent light or those dressed in Nordic Shamanic or Tolkien motif. -Negative Ion generators and air circulation. -Brainmachines, Entactical Massage and Cranial Electrical Stimulation. -Tribal drumming. -Projection by Mojo /mojo.html -If you are Swedish, Finnish, Danish, Norwegian, or Icelandic, and have the papers to prove it, email me before the party for a unique opportunity. I strongly recommend reading the full philosophical underpinnings of Finnish Shamanism and the Alphernas Beten Sound System at Ior Bock Saga at www-math.cudenver/jweber/circus/bocktext.html Full graphical runes at Niew Yorvik (Did you actually know that “York” is a Viking word, the original word was “Jorvik”, which means “The Horse Bay”. The legend tells that Jorvik was founded by Ragnar Lodbrok’s son Ivar Benls (Ivar the Boneless). New York was however founded a bit later, but the origin of the name derives from the Vikings… ) I guess you can call this the El Ukko party, after the Finnish father deity, a hyperspatial spirit far older than El Cuco… See you Friday.

February 19 Saturday
Robert Anton Wilson Disinfocon
FREE* *You and a friend get in FREE to Robert Anton Wilson’s event at the Hammerstein Ballroom Saturday $50 value, x 2 people. Set up the brainmachines and stand there and meet a bunch of cool people (RU Sirius, Robert Anton Wilson, Throbbing Gristle, etc etc) One person has to man the station at all times. If you agree to do this I will comp you at tonight’s RAGNAROK and give you the brainmachines to set up Saturday at 10am. I will be at RAGNAROK tonight but will be flying to Puerto Rico Saturday morning and will not be able to attend Disinfocon. I have to know you so I can trust you with some brainmachines. Call me
Tsunami – El Cuco Puerto Rico

El Finca del Cuco, Puerto Rico, February 19-21, 2000
Here is an article about the festival from Spin Magazine in June 2000, which appropriately ends with a description of Astrid on the dance floor. Funnily enough, Astrid and I on several occasions slipped the woman pictured in the article, Sandra Collins, a dodgy bag of Bolivian marching powder several times whilst she DJ’d at Twilo in NYC, to the point where she immediately smiled when she saw us:

Puerto Rico, 2000. Y2K didn’t end in an apocalypse, and Switzerland by way of New York’s John Emmanuel Gartmann was ready to take Tsunami to the next level.
“El Finca del Cuco,” literally “The Farm of El Cuco” was a small primeval area in the middle of Puerto Rico, where a reputed local boogeyman common in Latin American cultures, “El Cuco” lived.
DJs included Infected Mushroom, Koxbox, Hallucinogen, Total Eclipse, and Kri of North Carolina. All smack dab in the middle of raw jungle, the clearing of which for the event was controversial at the time.
After getting a ticket to Puerto Rico from a shady black dude in Manhattan that had been recommended by John Emmanuel Gartman, the organizer, (the man was later arrested by Port Authority Police with my reluctant cooperation) I showed up a day late, and after driving all over the island with cruelly vague instructions…
Directions to El Cuco Reunion Party
(a) find a cop car and ask Donde es El Cuco? Then they drive you to the front gate
(b) reallly late on Saturday find an old drunk local who is weaving everywhere in a beat up Gremlin and ask him if he has heard of El Cuco and he goes “Ohhhhhh… El CUCO!!!!” and then his car doesn’t start or so he makes you believe…
(c) Take the helicopter approach
(d) Drive around aimlessly and ask locals where it is until you pay a gas station attendant $20
(e) Every once in a while when you’re lost, roll down the window and listen for loud trance
(f) Get a satellite photo and scan for fluoro
…I eventually made it up to the front gate Saturday morning.
John Emmanuel was passed out in a chair at the front desk.
I immediately set up my wigwam at the side of the stage and put on my voodoo regalia. After going out and scaring the local Christian protesters, I took the bottles of acid I had brought and dumped them in a half-chopped coconut and passed it around.
Chaos ensued.
It was the first time many North American trancers had met face to face outside of Mark’s email list, such as Kri from North Carolina, who played “Tribal Warrior” by Sonic Fusion:
Trance is Alchemy. The alchemist offers a wicked Lysergic homemade brew in coconut to Astrid, his muse.
On each side of the mandala sexual opposites of Life and Death, Man and Woman, Atom and Evol, Shiva and Kali, God and Goddess, unite in a whirling milky pool of tantric ecstasy.
Image collage compiled and assembled by Astrid in T-shirt form and given as an offering to Witch Doctor in May 2000, compiled from the visionary Sacred Mirrors collection by Alex Grey.

Trance is techno-shamanism. The secret revealed: the sorcerer’s face is attached to the head of the doll.

Trance is Magik. Trance is voodoo. Here the wily village witch doctor plunges a white needle through the face of an un-hapless Nordic Valkyrie into the word “Ecstacy.”

This image has been on the front page of the infamous Yale obsesssive Clifford Pickover’s web site Reality Carnival for 20 years now running.
“In the end, the trouble with mainstream trance is basically that it’s got no Dionysian madness, no real rock’n’roll in it. For that, you’ve got to turn to the underground and to raves like El Cuco.
Stefan, a lightly bearded 21-year-old who’s flown in from New York despite a sprained knee, boasts that “psytrance isn’t scared to go extremely evil.” When he saw bands from leading U.K. label Dragonfly play at a Synthetic Sadhus rave in New York, “they scared the living shit out of me. Then the party got closed down at 7:30 a.m., and I was in such a state that I went outside and latched onto the first person I saw. I ended up spending six hours with this drag queen-just telling her anything and everything. But it’s always an adventure!”
In some ways, El Cuco was like a 2000 version of Fyre Festival. Organization broke down, the buses were nonexistent, the map was awful, Felix from Germany’s banners got stolen. More on Felix here.
…but these are psytrancers. They are used to brutality.
The event still goes down as one of the most memorable events of that period, and a time where so many came together, bonds that last to this day.
Official Event Email:
First DJ Set: Israeli Mike
Tsunami’s El Cuco Festival in Puerto Rico TSUNAMI presents the First International EL CUCO Festival in the jungle of Puerto Rico
Saturday, February 19 – Monday, February 21, 2000
Featuring Explosive Live Performances from:
KOX BOX (Nova Tek, Germany)
MFG (Phonokol, Israel)
Plus Amazing DJ Sets From:
SIMON POSFORD (Twisted, UK) ALLEN (Gaian Mind, Philadelphia)
DUVDEV (Infected Mushroom) SEQUENTIAL TOM (Polymorphous, NY)
EREZ (Infected Mushroom) RED MOON (Pleiadian Infusion, CT)
EDUARDO (Klooj Koncepts) Hugh S (Brooklyn Crib, NY)
SERGE (Total Eclipse) KRI DJ (Utta Chaos, NC)
FRANK E (Psycho-Pod) HI-FI PRINCESS (Futureteck/SpiralKind, NY)
LOIC (Total Eclipse) CATALYST (Paradise Productions)
STEPHAN (Total Eclipse) COLIN VINCENT (Optical Distortion Spectrum, NY)
JOA (Polymorphous, NY) ALGORYTHM (Mindengine, NY)
MATTHEW MAGIC (Tsunami, NY) DJ MIKE (Prometheus Project, NY)
INDIA DROP (Tsunami/Purple Oz, NY)
Decor by God with Felix (Hamburg, Germany), Traffiko (NYC), and Jamin (NYC)
The order of the line-up will be announced at registration before entering the event.
Tickets available Tuesday, January 18, 2000 for $100.
Price includes all 3 days of entertainment and guarded campgrounds next to the chillout area (3 nights). There are portable toilets. No tents are provided.
Please bring a tent, reusable water container, sunscreen, insect repellent, long thick athletic socks, sturdy hiking boots or athletic sneakers, flashlight, and other essential camping gear to make your stay more comfortable and safe. Mobile phones and beepers will not work in these
remote valleys, and there are no public telephones. There are limited shower facilities on the premises.
Water, juices, chai, coffee, and vegetarian food will be available for purchase.
Yoga classes and instruction will be available as well.
Puerto Rico is part of the United States. If you live in the U.S. you don’t need a passport or visa, since there are no customs. You only need a picture I.D. as required by the airline for check-in. If you travel to Puerto Rico from abroad, the same passport requirements apply as for any
American Destination.
Flight prices from the U.S. to San Juan vary. It is worth your time to shop around and try on different days. The best deals are found if traveling dates area flexible. We found some good deals at lowestfares
[800.497.7137], priceline, Tower Air, Ana, and TWA. The weekend of the festival is the peak season of travel to Puerto Rico, You will therefore have to be persistent and patient about finding deals with airlines and hotels. The days prior to the event should be easier than the days immediately after it, when it comes to hotels.
We will organize buses on the main days of the event from San Juan International Airport to the festival site. Times and pick-up points will be announced on the information lines just before the festival. All major car rental companies have offices at the airport, and of course, it is important to make your reservation ahead of time. Car renters, please car-pool as many people as possible into your vehicle as there is limited parking space. Taxi fares from San Juan International Airport to the festival site are approximately $90.
Some of the most beautiful beaches in the Caribbean are just 20 minutes away.
For fun facts about Puerto Rican geography:
The party is in the jungle at La Finca El Cuco (the Farm of El Cuco). El Cuco is the native mysterious mystic, which is known in many stories and legends, some have had profound experiences and a few mortals have had
passing glimpses. Will he reveal Himself to us??
EL CUCO, located between the towns of Manati and Ciales, the site is nine miles from the coast and forty minutes away from San Juan, the capitol of Puerto Rico. Running near the property is the Rio Grande de Manati which is navigable all the way to the beautiful unspoiled beaches of the north coast. There are numerous caves and springs on the property that are waiting to be explored for the first time. El Rio Encantado, the longest subterranean river in the world is suspected to run beneath these spiritually infused valleys. This remote private jungle setting as well as its proximity to the beach, San Juan, and the two major airports makes El Cuco ideal for numerous types of adventures. The primary property is a remote six-acre farm one mile from the main road. It is very private due to the spectacular mountainous landscape which surrounds it.
The festival site has several flat open spaces where the main stage, camping ground, and chillout will be. These open spaces very steep hills of virgin jungle, making it impossible to penetrate. Looking up, at the edge of the cliffs is the wide-open tropical sky, so it seems like each
little valley has its very own sky.
Visitors will be required to register upon arrival at a house by the main road, where secure parking will be provided. Heavy bags will be transported to the site by an official vehicle and then there will be a one-mile hike on a dirt road through the jungle to the secluded site of El Cuco.
This is a sacred area. After the Spaniards invaded Puerto Rico the native people, the Indios Tainos, retreated into these hidden and remote canyons.
Later, the Spaniards opened up the small, flat valleys for agriculture. In the early 1900’s the inhabitants moved to the cities. The jungle vegetation quickly overgrew the farm. Only these parts have been cleared out again, and not a single inch of jungle was touched. Please respect the environment and dispose of garbage as instructed on the site.
The opening ceremony will begin on Saturday, February 19th at 4:20 PM, when the sign of Leo, the regal ruler of play fun, and beauty will be rising in the East. The ceremony will be performed by a native holy man, a priest of Santeria (indigenous mystical path), invoking all supreme beings from all traditions, the five elements, nature, and of course, El Cuco, to bestow their blessings and protection upon the event and its participants, so that it will be filled with joy, light, and life-transforming insights all throughout the three days. The night of February 19th will be a full moon in the sign of Virgo. In this part of the world, the moon is so bright one can read by the moonshine. The festival will end Monday, February 21st in the early afternoon.
This is the first major music event to be held in El Cuco. Our hosts intend to stage high-quality music events and spiritual gatherings regularly. Our hosts in Puerto Rico and Tsunami are working very hard and doing their best to bring about a memorable festival to east visitor, assembling the strongest international trance line-up to ever appear in this country. In order to succeed, we will need the help of each and every one of us. Please help out from time to time with the chores at hand, and please follow suggestions from the security and organizers. Let’s shower each other with love and respect so that together we will make El Cuco a first in a series of experiences that we will cherish forever.
This list is for discussing Tsunami’s First International El Cuco Festival. Topics may include travel plans, camping arrangements, hookups with other trancers, El Cuco sightings, or anything related to the festival. Only subscribers may post to the list. The list is unmoderated and open to anyone interested.
Has El Cuco revealed himself to you?? Bring unmistakable proof, such as a picture, a message to our hosts that only El Cuco would understand, or an object is clearly given to you by El Cuco Himself. You will win a free Tsunami El Cuco International Festival limited edition t-shirt or a Tsunami limited edition pre-release of the CD to be released at a later date.
February 25 Friday
El Cuco Reunion Party
Are we alive? Are you cuckoo for Cuco Puffs? 10pm – 4 am El Cuco from the Puerto Rican jungle rises from the Dead and take vengeance on the Gringos in New York Trance Witch Doctors:
Jason and Vadim of Subtle Santerian Chaos in the Big Brujeria Room
Location: Countdown Studios 122 West 26th Level 2 Buzzer 25 Suggested sacrifice $20 Free Zombie drinks, Cerveza, Fire Water all night long Directions to El Cuco Reunion Party (a) find a cop car and ask Donde es El Cuco? Then they drive you to the front gate (b) reallly late on Saturday find an old drunk local who is weaving everywhere in a beatup Gremlin and ask him if he has heard of El Cuco and he goes “Ohhhhhh… El CUCO!!!!” and then his car doesn’t start or so he makes you believe… (c) Take the helicopter approach (d) Drive around aimlessly and ask locals where it is until you pay a gas station attendant $20 (e) Every once in a while when you’re lost, roll down the window and listen for loud trance (f) Get a satellite photo and scan for fluoro Suggested Reading: William Gibson’s Mona Lisa Overdrive trilogy
Yet more shameless (s)elf promotion Hey c’mere buddy Friday we* host an extravagant, outlandishly contrived 3-ring flouro-circus megaevent, a new age marketing experiment, supplicating to the gods of pokemon and e-bay while dancing behind a shifty mask of vaguely esoteric and poorly understood eastern mysticisms run through a pharmaceutical translator …plus a lot of commercial and usually predictable brand of so-called ‘psychedelia’ that the vinyl crowd’s been taught to recognize as ‘psytrance.’ Be there or be squared. Oh, and one ring. 122 W26thNYC level two Buzzer 25 $20gitsumsleep *Who’s we? The Elvs you idiot!! Copy: sequentialtom at hotmail Scam: Questions? satan at hell Answers? god at heaven.org
Note from tomorrow’s DJ From Vadim, one of the witch doctor duo called Subtle Chaos who will be entrancing us tomorrow night: You see the thing is that if you want to be a psytrance DJ, you have to do a number of things, most is quite easy and fun:
1. Take drugs at some point in your life and really enjoy the effect
2. Spend some time in Europe to understand the culture and people or spend some time in California in the sixties 🙂
3. Know the material that you play very well, make sure that it’s psychedelic
4. Have some kind of musical education (not necessarily formal, but you have to have a sense for music)
5. Learn how to mix well and beatmatch (but if you only mix ends of tracks you can also play if you can choose the right moments, tracks etc… what you call “programming”) At the start of goa-trance music, people did not have vinyl simply because the music was never released on it, the first DJs in goa played from regular analog tapes, then went to DAT, just recently CDR that’s when real beatmatching started 🙂 Most of my friends who are working with TIP, Flying Rhino and most of the well-known artists like Marcus, Mark Allen, etc use CDR format. We use it too now (you saw us with a DAT because we couldn’t afford to buy a burner 🙂 Now we only play from CDR. The thing is that you can’t have a decent set with the doof-doof psychedelic music that we like with just only vinyl the stuff is unreleased! What we can find from dark psytrance on vinyl we always try to buy, but it’s just not enough… Hugh ran out of his dark material after about an 1.5 hours and had to play some progressive stuff on the festival, not enough programming I guess 🙂 But that completely sucks if you’re tripping. Why do you think that Goa-Gil can play 7 hours straight with no beatmatching and people come back from his parties like after seeing god? Music has to be good and psychedelic, not progressive, it just doesn’t work for us 🙂 So you can call me whatever you like, I don’t like to be called a DJ actually I have a nice job already 🙂 plus I write music and playing at parties gives me unique opportunity to experiment with sound and this is what I want to do most. I know that you’re a very good DJ technically and we only have 9 months of DJing experience, so no argument here, same with Hugh, he’s very good with vinyl, we suck with turntables, but we are learning!!! maybe psytrance DJ is not a DJ at all, I’m sure that any good techno/house DJ can drive the crowd on E or K to complete madness, but to create a trance experience for people who are sober or on l in a matter of hours can do only those that know what is psychedelic trance and they have no DJ competitions the style of music is more important…
Elf-inflicted Elf analysis.. or could it be Elf aggrandizement? from Elf-indulgent NYC gee whatever happened to love of music and making the crowd move? I thought DJing was about that too, hmmmmmm perhaps im wrong here? I don’t care what your track selection is like or your skills, if your heart isn’t into it that will radiate out to the dance floor more then anything. skill is important, yes but its not the only thing. (In a loud, obnoxious rednecky Andrew Dice Clay voice) Take Mega M.E. for example. Mega M.E. has ZERO technical skill but Mega M.E. knows how get them off their lilly white asses. It just goes to show any moron can put on a slamming track and communicate wild take no prisoners energy. Many different types of music can do that better than a lot of schlop in the record stores. Don’t anybody forget that. If your music is meant for smoking a joint and hangin at home, so someplace else, maybe the secret burial ground of Yes, Rush, oh yes Sting, and other thinking men’s progressive rock mastodons. Let’s deconstruct this effort. Start with the PEOPLE, and your fingers will know how to twiddle. It’s quite like sex, actually. Make them your bitches (sorry, womyn) but leaders and rock stars are for brainwashed cattle – EAT THE SACRED COW. Just don’t tip it, and spit out the glowsticks before you swallow. It’s simple. If they are not dancing, the DJ sucks. Tonight the DJs will most definitely not suck and will have at the PR Reunion party:
Diaper in zXen 10pm-mid, Matthew Tragic mid-1am, and Smelly Chaos until 4am.
*Who’s we? The Elvs you idiot!! Copy: Sequential Tom at hotmail Scam: machinelf at brainmachines Questions? satan at hell Answers? god at heaven.org
Yo significo mбs Profundo en Zen, Matteo Magia y Sutil Caos… PS If anybody wants their favorite DJ to play at the studios, vote with your email! I am especially interested in those who will attract the “right crowd” (misfit freaks that like to trance dance) and not just someone who wants someone to put a bib on them and assuage some corner of their ego that needs assuaging. Message to DJs: if you suck we will make you drink the water runoff from the showers at la Finca El Cuco AFTER we get someone up there who will really grab us by the ‘rons (that’s neurons, in case you forgot) Having a hard time keeping it unreal? Did you lose your elf control? uhh.. it’s under the couch right by your feet …. . . WAIT DON’T PRESS THA T B U T T O N
This after event had the great fortune of having one of the members of Killing Joke, one of the members of which was named Youth and formed Dragonfly Records, the seminal goa label from the 90s.
To this day I still don’t know if it was Youth.
March 2000
March 3 Friday
Trainwreck Spotting
Please forward to everyone you know who has excellent musical taste: It seems that grassroots democracy has prevailed in all countries except North Korea, Iraq, and the global music scene. That changes Friday. GRASSROOTS AKA Do It Yourself party, Trance Mob, Storm the Bastille, Perestroika, Bu m Rush the DJ booth Friday March 3 It’s primary season at Countdown Studios. Now is your chance to step up to the plate and hear your favorite music on a huge system. It’s back to basics at the Countdown Studios this Friday . The concept is simple: Bring your favorite electronic dance music on compact disk. This includes Psy Trance, our favorite. In order of preference, Hard Trance. Goa Trance. Progressive Trance. Progressive House. Techno. Hardcore. House. Breakbeat. Etc. Or even music you’ve made at home. We don’t care which microgenre it is, as log as it calls to you. Of course, this excludes rap, drum & bass, hip hop, R&B, country & western, and the Backstreet Boys. You will be able to play your absolutely favorite track during the party over the big room’s awesome sound system. If you only have minidisks or DAT you’ll have to bring your own player with cord hookup. That’s it. The crowd should as always be a healthy mix, with an added emphasis on friends of ours that may not be in the trance scene. This concept in no way is a reflection of New York’s excellent local DJ’s. Matthew Magic, Vadim, Jason, James, Cliff, Alex, Misha… they’re all larger than lif e. They will have extra playtime in recognition of past triumphs. Count down Studios 122 West 26th Level Two Buzzer 25. Friday March 3 10pm SHARP – 4am SHARP. Doors close at 3:30am. Open Bar all night. The Mechanics of Trainwreck Spotting Everybody gets a million dollar bill with a number written on it, in fluorescent marker. The first person in gets a “1,” the next person gets a “2,” etc. Whoever is at the DJ booth who has the lowest numb er can redeem their money to be the next DJ, assuming they brought music. If you don’t bring music you can still redeem your million dollar bill by giving it to someone whose musical tastes you like. An experienced technician will be there to ensure that there won’t be a (bad) trainwreck with the mixing, and can help you add special effects and tempo, etc. A sound engineer will also be on hand to ensure that the system runs smoothly. The line at the booth will be limited to three people. And the DJ who gets the most airtime will be able to open our next event. There will be *no comps* per the owner of the studios. For all of you who have wanted to play before a crowd, this is your chance. This will be the last party in this space for at least a month. The trance drought is almost over, and we have pulled through. As you know, Tsunami will be at Mars 2112 March 11th, there will be a Rite of Spring under the Bridge on March 21, and Synthetic Sadhus is March 24.
March 4 Saturday
Playstation 2 Launches
March 9 Thursday
Leading up to Mars
Full-On Psychedelic Trance, upstairs w/ Paradise DJ’s: Catalyst Illusion Sevenz
Jungle/Drum N’ Bass, downstairs Featuring: DJ Soul Slinger (Liquid Sky, NYC) Ranka DJ 101 (Jungle Sky) Saskai DJ Krunchy Location: Planet 28 (aka Demerara) 215 W 28th St. Between 7th & 8th Ave’s 11 PM – 5 AM Paradise Main Info (to be on Richie Catalyst’s ‘Paradise’ list): (718) 707-1014 or e-mail me at: DJcatalyst at usa.net only $12/$10 on the guest lists…18 to party, 21 to drink….ID a must!!!!!!!
March 11 Saturday
Tsunami – Mars 2112 – JOURNEY TO MARS
First Party: Jessica, Vitalik
Tsunami will present the triumphant return of
S.U.N. Project (Nova Tekk, Germany)
at Mars 2112 in at 51st & Broadway in midtown Manhattan. It will be a late party, probably from 1 Am to 8 AM, with unbelievable extraterrestrial decor.
Trance Event of the Year ..not counting Puerto RicoTsunami… In case you’ve been in Plato’s Cave… not his retreat… To clear up any confusion, the Mars 2112 party is very late Saturday night, starting around 1am Sunday morning.
We need a bootleg copy of “Mission to Mars”, which opens today. If anybody can get a copy (either in a Harlem street or with your video camera, we don’t care) by Saturday night email me privately. I’m not asking anybody to do anything unethical or illegal. If that’s what you think is going on here, consider it as a metaphor. Stay tuned to the list for unfolding details on the post-Mars2112 Rendez-vous on Sunday morning… for those with their favorite trance tracks, bring’em. The party in progress can be found on brainmachines
March 16 Thursday
Geiger Room trance party at Limelight
Druid Trance on the Eve of St Patrick’s Day Mon, 14 Feb Friends, Let’s celebrate who was there first. Let’s fight back the roMAN who gave us St. Patrick. Let’s remember the polytheistic pagan traditions. In this vein, The Alphernas Beten Sound System (machinelf) brings you Druid Trance Limelight, upstairs in the Geiger Room Thursday, March 16 10PM-4am DJs Ritchie from Paradise Matthew Magic Joe from Moontribe Yoshik/Alex from Alphatrance Traditional pagan dress encouraged – blue or white robes, garlands, etc Email if you’re coming, we’ll comp you FREE on the Creation List, otherwise $15. We have 15 comps left. Reserve now to hold your spot. No Plus Ones or anything. Just names. Get there early. This is a lead-up to the Rite of Spring under the Bridge next Monday. Astrid will be celebrating her birthday at the Indian restaurant Karma next week. Stay tuned. Point of information… The Mars 2112 review that several of you liked was not written by or for me. PS There are still TEN comps to the Geiger Room trance party at Limelight tonight 10pm-4am, with SIX DJs from subtlechaos, alphatrance, paradise, moontribe, and project beyond. Reply to this email to get on the CREATION list. PSS Pray for no rain for the Rite of Spring tomorrow… also if anybody has the Queens store that rents generators please email me privately
March 18 Saturday
Psytrance at Liquids
with DJs Noam, Aleks & Gosha (Alphatrance), and Hugh Sharpe (Brooklyn Crib). Liquids 266 e. 10th Street (between 1st and Ave. A) 9:30pm to 4:30am. Free. 21+ w/ id. 3)
March 19 Sunday
Spring Equinox- World Dance Festival
Party in wash sq church tomorrow Sun, 19 Mar here is a flyer for Sigalit’s party tomorrow. I don’t think it’s considered psytrance but it should be really interesting: gideon
Spring equinox- world dance festival Monday march 20th 8-12 pm Washington square church 135 west 4 th st, between McDougal st & 6 th ave. trance dance & live performance dancing the web of community consciousness. $5 suggested donation opportunity to get info from various spiritual traditions.
March 20 Monday
Rite of Spring under the Bridge
March 22 Wednesday
Astrid’s Birthday Celebration at Karma
It’s also her going away party – she’s going to GREECE for a long time so the role of Faerie Queen is up for grabs!!
Everyone is welcome to an exciting new Indian restaurant/bar at 51 1st avenue between 3rd & 4th. The owner is my old buddy Sangam Pande. He will be doing original artwork for the event!!! So COME!!! No dancing, no DJ, just chilling. G et there early if you want to eat. We hope that there will not be a food fight, but knowing Astrid, who knows…. Many from the good old trance crowd. CDR by Subtle Chaos. 10pm-1am or so 10pm-after midnight Seryna under the Chelsea

March 24 Friday
Synthetic Sadhus
First Party: Vicki M
Live: COSMOSIS (Transient-UK) ATMOS (Flying Rhino-Spiral Trax-Sweden) SHAKTA (Dragonfly-UK) DJ: BILBO BAGGINZ (Cosmosis-Transient-UK) INDIA DROP (Purple Oz-Music Selector-NY) KEN (Synthetic Sadhus-NY) Chill Out: Digitalis (Matsuri-UK)
Atmos (Spiral Trax-TIP-Sweden) Algorythm (Mind Engine-NY) India Drop (Music Selector-Purple Oz) Eclectika (Music Selector-NY) Fluoro Psychestetic Environment By: MAXI (Fluorelysium-Hamburg-Germany), Jamin, Severyn, Krisz (Synthetic Sadhus-NY) TIP Stand, music (cd/lp) and clothing! Free Chai-tea & Fruits! Location: AMAZURA Ballroom, 91-12 144th Place, Jamaica, Queens, NY. An amazing new venue, featuring 20,000 sq feet of partying space, 60 ft high ceilings, a giant concert stage, and an elevated chill-out lounge. Entirely transformed into a fluorescent temple. Conveniently located by all public transportation and major highways. Doors open at 11 PM. 18 to party, 21 to drink. Please bring ID! INFO: 212 774 7728 Ohm Shiva, Kris
Click here for “The Two Vikings” story and photos from this party (Opens on a new page.)
For those who INSISTED Tue, 28 Mar …ongoing mainstream last weekend at Twilo/Roxy, you missed the virgin launch of a truly amazing pairing of Synthetic Saddhus at Amazura. It was easily the best SynSad yet, and Gilles & Co. are to be commended. And you guys missed the Viking sporting the wearable computing during Atmos… Here is a snippet from NE Raves that a friend just sent me that pretty much explains it all.. Well… I am pissed off I didn’t go to Synthetic Saddhus… Sounds like you guys had real fun. I had already bought tix to go see Paul Oakenfold and Dave Ralph with my friend for his b-day, and so I ended up at the Roxy. The music was good but the crowd was totally off. I felt like I was in one of those TV/Movie raves

March 31 Friday – April 1 Saturday
SUBTLECHAOS – E Records [Israel] Label Party
First Party: Ben Light-o-Matic
presents first non-commercial music & art event to support the psytrance scene in New York:
Two floors of psychedelic sound!
MAIN FLOOR: Two long psychedelic trippytales:
DJ MICHA [MDMA, Israel] …..very hard night german psy-techno mixed with Scandinavian progressive minimal sound, licensed and promo music from Delta, Atmos, Noma, Kox-Box,
Vadim vs Jason [SUBTLECHAOS, UK/Russia] …..DJ set ping-pong style, dark psychedelic space techno mixed with experimental psychedelic trance, best of our collection and sound laboratory, god is a DJ…..
Alternative floor:
Matthew Magic [Project Beyond, NYC]
DJ Joe [Moontribe, L.A.] ……mix of down-tempo psychedelic music, groovy, funky, break-beat, dub, chill….. Fluoro art & deco by SUBTLE CHAOS and E VIsualS by Total Eclipse Multimedia Free chai & fruit breakfast, chill-out after-party under the bridge… $25 at door, $20 w/flyer/guestlist 113 Ludlow St. Manhattan
April 2000
April 1 Saturday
Dispossessed Imagery & Atomic Quest present: ‘ATOMIC JAM 3’
w/ Psychedelic Trance DJ’s from PARADISE, NYC:
CATALYST (Paradise) SEVENZ (Paradise) ILLUSION (Paradise) Location: 5th Street & Cecil B. Moore Philadelphia, PA For more info, call : (215) 336-1678 also check out: /paradisetranceNYC.html Big Bada-Bom’s… *RICHIE CATALYST* …Paradise, NYC…

Terence McKenna
April 7 Friday
Bridge Party – Subtlechaos MDMA Records, Severyn
DJ MICHA [MDMA, Israel] …..very hard night german psy-techno mixed with Scandinavian progressive minimal sound, licensed and promo music from Delta, Atmos, Noma, Kox-Box,
Midnight to sunrise. Donation will be requested. Full details will be posted on Friday. Please note, if you don’t have directions you will never find it. There will be a trance party under the bridge this Friday by SubtleChaos, M D M A and Severin. Midnight to sunrise. Donation will be posted.
“Please forward to all involved with making the bridge party happen, Just had to say thanks for one of the most incredible parties ever. You guys rock,. the party was awesome, sunrise was beautiful, and most of all the music kicked ass. Keep up the good work”
(By the way, the bridge party rocked. It was under the arch, so the acoustics were excellent, and the generator was silent placed behind the arch.)
April 13 Thursday

April 15 Saturday
Earth Program The Summer Series
a. Gram & Holmar Filipson Chillfreez (space jazz/future funk) Johnny T (niagrara/cfp) MachineElf (brainmachines) 109 W. 24th street at 6th ave Invite only 10pm-4am old school kegger.
I had gone on business to Sausalito, CA and met some girls who worked at the office there, where everyone had VAIO’s.

One was fat and plain and the other was very pretty. So pretty in fact I felt sorry for the other one. I took the fat one out on the town to a trance party in San Francisco and then took her back to my hotel and had sex with her. Then I hooked up with the pretty one at a barbecue and someone’s house, and then took her back to the hotel and had sex with her.
I stayed in touch with the pretty one, and used Will the shady ticket guy (from Puerto Rico, above) to get her a ticket to visit me. We went to the Pure Children event (listed above) where I Djd. She was a little standoffish, but we had sex again.
A week or two later I got a call from her cursing me out. She had found out.
Sometime Before April 20 Thursday
EGOTRYPTONITE kicked ass. Thank you Hugh, Misha, Richie, everyone. I hope we can do it again. The manager was drunk off her ass. Thursday There is a big rave tonight. The last one I went to sucked big time but I admire their fuktupinyerfaceantiauthoritarian stance but they say DJs will be there when they don’t even call them etc.
April 20 Thursday
Suzanne Bartsch party at Spa 13th & Lafayette.
If you don’t know, don’t ask. If you’re not all glammed out you’ll need to
be on the list.

April 21 Friday
Sidetrakkt – Soma in Pittsburgh
Astral Projection
April 21 Friday
Trance party at Cream Club – don’t ask me for more info, I already sent it out a week ago and will refuse to be the official party dude for those who can’t pick upo a phone and call 411.
April 21 Friday
Frying Pan though, into the fire On Behalf Of Doctor M
April 22 Saturday
Cuckoo Cuckoo Philadelphia
Underground party at an abandoned insane asylum in Philly
Here is the Ultimate Weirdness
10:00PM – 10:00AM Philadelphia
This is a renegade gathering, map-point information will not be released until Saturday. Lighting and Flouro will be provided by Dispossessed Imagery, sound will be provided by No Frills. Music will be provided by Skinner, myself, and possibly some of the chaps from Paradise. Map point location and time will be posted to this list on Saturday morning. conor at FORCE.stwing.upenn
To: M Laboratories Cuckoo Map Point A few notes: Please don’t wear bright colors/white before we get you inside the event perimeter. We suggest you put your party clothes and shoes in a bag and bring them along so they don’t attract attention and so they don’t get soggy, muddy, and gross to wear. There will be changing rooms. Bring warm clothes and rain gear (umbrella, poncho, or the like). At points, you may be standing outside. Hypothermia is no fun. Bring fluoro anything. If you want to paint a wall, feel free. You may want to bring a snack. Water and granola will be provided. Exploring the institution is not a good idea, especially if you’re chemically altered. It’s dank, dark, rusty, creepy, spooky, huge, scary, wet, nasty, and you’ll probably get lost and wish you were dead. Please don’t go where you can’t hear the music, or you may not come back at all. Have fun; dance! By car: Via NJ Turnpike: Take the turnpike to the Ben Franklin Bridge. Go over the bridge and get on 95 north. Follow directions below. From Center City & points south: Take I-95 north to Academy Road (about 15 minutes outside of Center City). On Academy, stay in right-hand lanes. You’ll pass through some lights, and then you’ll reach an intersection with a Texaco on one side and a Merit on the other. Pull into the parking lot behind the Merit (not the Merit itself). As you pull in to the lot, flash your lights once or twice. Park your car and walk towards the deli. By train, bus, boat, plane, etc. Both the bus terminal and the train stations are in close proximity to the Market-Frankford subway line (aka “the El” or the blue line). Buy 4 subway tokens. Get on the blue line going east to Frankford. Walk towards the front of the train. Get off at the last stop. Walk downstairs, out the turnstiles, and look for the person with the black and red stovepipe (cat in the hat) hat under the covered area near Dunkin Donuts. If you want, you can show them your egg. Otherwise, you can just ask for directions to Cuckoo. Listen carefully. See you tonight!
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If anybody read the previous email re: the ultimate weirdness tonight and is acting on it please email me offline first before you even consider it; there were several missing key points that were omitted and you’ll be wasting time and gas if you just hop into your car into the wild blue yonder. Sorry for the f***up. Just trying to be responsible.

I visited Astrid in Athens, Greece around this time. I smuggled some Es and some Coke in a shoe that I had peeled back the rubber sole and ironed it shut. Cata and Amelia were there when I did it. In Athens Astrid stayed at a model hostel at the top of a hill. Some black American guy was their social coordinator, he got paid by clubs such as Plus Soda to bring them all out. I injured my leg climbing the steps around the Parthenon.
April 28 – 30
12:00AM – 12:00PM North Carolina 24 hrs of full-on trance! plus some enlightenment! with the whole force of the utta chaos family
360 the event starts on Friday the 28th of April. setting up camp and drumming will take place on Friday. a sweat lodge will happen Friday night. Saturday we will be doing yoga and ohm circles. the music starts Saturday at 4:00pm and will continue until Sunday at 4:00pm. gates close at 12 midnight Saturday! don’t arrive after that you will not be able to get in. rain or shine be there! bring drums and instruments! NO DOGS/PETS! no private fires! we will have a bonfire! and a place to cook your food! bathrooms and shower provided. admission is $10 free camping please bring exact change! things to bring: cooler, food for 3 days, warm clothes (for the nights), blankets, lawn chairs, camping/ hiking gear, trash bags! bring all you need there are no stores near the mtn. top! please keep this place clean! THE EVENT IS 42.5 MILES FROM THE ASHEVILLE NC AIRPORT. if you get lost call 828.275.7008 there will be cd’s and tapes for sale and donations for free tibet will be accepted art banners by the devotee and kri web uttachaos/parties/parties.html
May 2000
May 1 Monday
TrancenDance downstairs at Izzy Bar
10:00PM – 4:00AM
The paramilitary psychedelic trance shock troop Alphatrance Commune celebrates May Day by invading the breakaway former republic Sketchnya, home of the Touchy Feely Trance Progressivos. Taking back the city, house by House.
Special Forces includes
Jef Frey Machinelf of Brainmachines and Maxi M.E. AKA MachinElf on a very Special major ego Tryp with his Smart Droogs whose Momma Said Trip You Out so they’re gonna, with a slamming psychedelic VR trance assault featuring the Pioneer EFX box, brainmachines, DanceSafeinformation, and crazy light show. MachinElf’s pointed elfin ears are actual antennaes that download enemy plans by the Twin Twilans Slobbers, Dankers and Malevolent Maestro Pool Oldandcold. The ears also double as audio enhancers being that they catch and focus more soundwaves into the ear canal.
Front line audio artillery will be provided by Yosheek, Indra, and F/X Mike, all of the Alphatrance Commune and Machinelf.
Lighting by Total Eclipse Multimedia
Review on the pot rally and on TrancenDance and Tuesday night Tue, 2 May the annual squatters day in Tompkins square park was pretty cool, except that it was filled with young teenage ravers who didn’t know why there was a free concert in the park, they came, they danced, they littered, and they ignored all the political oriented flyers/info being handed out, musically however it was pretty cool, DJ chrome of the blakkat collective impressed me greatly, great selection of music and great variety, Lenny dee spun some classic old school style hardkore, if u like that sort of mind-numbing repetitive bass beats, soul slinger or jungle sky sucked giant moose c**k, every 6 seconds during his set, some guy with him would scream “sooouuulll slliingger!”, the most annoying thing I ever heard, musically it was pretty lame jungle too, but overall a beautiful day to chill in the park with decent music. TranceDance last night was great. Needed more women. The sound is awesome! expect us there every Monday. Alex and Misha were good. They’re throwing an Alphatrance party this Friday. More to come.
May 5, Friday, 11:00PM – 6:00AM
First Party: Gene B
But now, all free, we bring you an upgraded version of 40/9, in a 8000 sf raw warehouse-style space with beautiful windows, 30 ft krishas, with a new improved sound (zvuk) system, new ideas in UV design, and proudly featuring behind the turntables: DJ’s
Hugh S (Brooklyn crib)
Sequential Tom (future tech)
Hi-Fi Princess (future tech)
Ranka (Alphatrance/polymorphous)
iXOM (Alphatrance)
we will be happy to see you all again, at 11:00 pm. and to stay as long as you want, although no blankets will be provided. But we will have coffee, chai and water, fruits in the morning… Damage: $15 There will be an Ohm sign on the door, so you can find yeti easily. Map of the area in NJ is on our site as well. This date is special, May 5th, and I think some of you may want to share the knowledge if it is of any importance to you….
May 6 Saturday
T.N.S. & D.D.A.L. Wed, 26 Apr It’s that time of year again, campers! Roll up your sleeves, roll up some fatty, and meet up at the Million Marijuana March with: TOOLZ of the NEW SCHOOL! Our other favorite parade (besides Halloween, naturally) kicks off Saturday, May 6, at 1 p.m. departing from in front of Toolz HQ at Broadway & Houston, going down Broadway to Battery Park. The Pot Parade rocks because d decriminalization is a cause we heartily support, and as far as crowd situations in NYC go, the marchers are the most diverse, positive, and excitable. (Funny how enjoying being high crosses all barriers like that) Previous years’ themes were a float honoring Fast Ricky, the Most Punctual Weed Dealer in NYC, for his “30 minutes or it’s on us” Sales Policy. Last year, everyone dressed as blatant undercover cops carrying a banner reading “National Young People’s Deployment of the North American Reefer Coalition” (NYPD NARC!), wherein we harassed stoned marchers for “Mary Jane cigarettes” and asked if we could buy some bong hits off the kids. The NYPD plainclothes appreciated our efforts at policing, though they did not approve of our raining Cheetos off the roof of Toolz HQ onto the gathering crowd as a celebratory munchie kick-off. Or so they might have told us between walkie-talkie whacks if they had caught up while chasing us down the back stairs and out of our own building. This year’s Parade theme is…drum roll? DRUG DEALERS AGAINST LEGALIZATION I mean, who’s really winning the War On Drugs, anyway? Let’s befuddle the clueless activists, support the police and the prohibition laws, and have fun dressing as our favorite types of d dealers to make a powerful statement and a very funny group: -People in Suits as the Mafia, Colombian, and Pharmaceutical Industry kingpins who pull the strings. These people could also have bodyguards and assistants. Metal briefcases & cellphones would be ideal. -Street hustlers. “Smoke? Sense?” guys. Shady and typical, in dirty clothes, Rastafarian caps, sunglasses. -School dealers. The popular hippie dude that you hung within your dorm just because he got you high for a while until he asked you to buy some of your own, at which point you hung with your real friends. -That also goes for the high school “bad boy”/”bad girl” type who first started being cool, smoking cigarettes, staying out late, and selling dope to the swim team. -Raver kids, obvious and careless with dealing. “X?? You need X? Anyone here need X?” Glow colors, colored corduroys, face glitter, a hip backpack. -Why not go all the way and wear a trenchcoat and fedora, offering poison on the corner like a 50’s d film? You can dress however you want!! Help keep our prices and customers high! Have fun, and remember: Their first one is free. We’ll posse up on Saturday, May 6th, at 12:30 p.m. sharp at the South East corner of Broadway & Houston, in front of the DKNY Building, Toolz HQ. We will have a drug dealers banner to convene under, and the parade departs from Broadway & Houston at 1 p.m. promptly. NOTE that due to the NYPD’s wizardry with crowd control, they are fond of relocating gathering marchers across the street, in the subway, etc., just to quell a revolutionary uprising for a couple of minutes. We may well get moved by NY’s finest, but will be in the intersection with a DRUG DEALERS AGAINST LEGALIZATION BANNER nearby. Just look for the stoners in suits! The Parade officially gathers between 11 and 12 on the South Street of Washington Square Park, and departs from Broadway & Houston at 1 p.m. After the parade, we will reconvene for a Puff Party!! Location details to be dispersed at the March. Due to last year’s Cheetos Incident, we will have to rescind our open invitation to police officers everywhere. We will be asking everyone if they are a cop before approving admittance, we know our rights and that narcs are like vampires, they can’t do anything unless you invite them in. Any questions, please don’t hesitate to write back to ToolzRules at aol Also checkout web curesnotwars.org This float is presented in conjunction with the SURF COMEDY FESTIVAL, showcasing the finest of New York’s alternative comedy scene. This is a demonstration, a stunt, a performance, and a party all rolled into one! The Surf festival kicks off May 1st, and features performers such as Upright Citizens Brigade, Toolz of the New School, TV Head, Rob Paravonian, Epstein & Hassan, Rob Shapiro, Grindhouse a-go-go, voodoolulu, and tons more!
May 8 Monday
TrancenDance downstairs at Izzy Bar TrancenDance downstairs at Izzy Bar 10:00PM – 4:00AM
Tonight we explore the KABBALAH through trance dance ritual. Necromancers Jason & Vadim of SubtleChaos will weave an elaborate tapestry. Neuromancer MachinElf will conjure up a VR trance ritual featuring the Pioneer EFX box, brainmachines, DanceSafe information, and crazy light show. Dark and fierce trance magik performed by SubtleChaos. Art by Anya. Lighting by Brainmachines. IZZY BAR 10pm-4am, $3 21+/ID.

Sasha Chislenko
May 12
Pre-Burning Man East Coast Burn Maryland
To: gideongoa at yahoo604 at party.net This weekend..Pre-Burning Man East Coast Burn Hey guys… This weekend there is going to be a pre-Burning Man burn in Maryland. It is a 2-night campout. After Midnight Saturday, The Trance party will begin (under the stars), and will continue through the dawn & into the morning. At around 2 AM, the 16-foot “Waiting-to-be-Burned Man” will be ignited, and will burn throughout the night, while rotating at the waist at 5 mph, with 5 foot flames shooting from each hand, as we dance to the trance… Tentative Psychedelic Trance DJ’s include Richie Catalyst (Paradise, NYC) Lior Illusion (Paradise, NYC) Jason (NYC/UK) It is a campout, so bring all the normal camping supplies you would need for a comfortable stay Reply to DJcatalyst at usa.net if you are interested in joining us, and would like to stay & camp with the group… Otherwise, you will have to pay for your own campsite on the other side of the campground Go to this site for directions to the beach burn site: web op.net/fibo/fuego.html Go to this site for photos from past Burns. communities.msn/GingerPetuniasmessafotos I hope to see you there!!! Big Bada-Bom’s from… *RICHIE* PARADISE, NYC
May 13 Saturday
Daniel will have a party at his house on Saturday. big daniel. if you know
May 13 Saturday
Centro Fly
Tonight, Dalit from Israel is throwing an Israeli trance party at Centro fly. Misha from E records will play.
The Happy Birthday Israel Party at Centro -Fly was great. Plenty of room to dance (Misha was good) and at the end instead of cutting off the music or turning it down, they just played a really slow beat song and had the security tell us it was time to go. Scheduled to end at 7am, I left at 7:30 so it was cool that they didn’t cut the sound at 7 on the dot. And there was no security search of bags or persons upon entering the club…I thought that was cool too. 🙂 That’s allll folks!
May 15 Monday
Trancendance/Alphatrance/Neuronautics Institute downstairs at Izzy Bar
1st avenue & avenue a, NYC Monday, May 15, 10:00pm-3:00am Event III of V Description: Tonight, ex-Soviet paramilitary psychedelic trance shock troop Alphatrance Commune celebrates May Day by invading Sketchnya, home of loose-in-the-caboose Progressive Trance. Taking back the city, house by House. Front line audio artillery will be provided by Yosheek, F/X Mike, and unannounced guests all of the Alphatrance Commune… Special forces include a dazzling pyrotechnic napalm light show brought by Neuronautics Institute, plus chaos by Maxi M.E. AKA MachinElf on a very Special major ego Tryp with his Smart Droogs whose Momma Said Trip You Out so they’re gonna, with a slamming psychedelic VR trance assault featuring the Pioneer EFX box, brainmachines, tranceSafe information, and crazy light show. The pointed elfin ears are actual antennas that download enemy plans by the Twin Twilans Slobbers, Dankers and Malevolent Maestro Pool Oldandcold. The ears also double as audio enhancers being that they catch and focus more soundwaves into the ear canal. BATTLEGROUND: DOWNSTAIRS AT IZZY BAR 10pm-4am, $3 21+/ID.

May 16 Tuesday
Dreamland 2000 presents Korova Milk Bar
A night of progressive trance, hard house and psychedelic trance
Matt Mesella
Yon-E (Prometheus Project)
Illusion *Paradise)
Nimbus (Prometheus Project)
$5 200 Ave A between 12th & 13th 21+
May 17 Wednesday
Better Living Through Circuitry Premiere Party
Circuitry Green Galactic Presents… Guest List Invitation to a Premiere party for… Better Living Through Circuitry: A Digital Odyssey into the Electronic Dance Underground at TWILO featuring Luke Slater & David Alvarado Wed. May 17th, 10:00pm (OPEN BAR until 11:30pm) For guestlist admission (must arrive before 11pm) send reply email to wendy at greengalactic by Tuesday May 16th at 5pm. TWILO 530 W 27th St. 212.268.1600 Giveaways by Mean magazine and 7th Art Releasing.

May 19 Friday
First Party: Joanne
First DJ Set: Asu
10:00PM – 7:00AM LOTUS OMEGA (TIP-Italy) TOTAL ECLIPSE (TIP-Blue Room-France) RAJA RAM (TIP-Shpongle-UK) DIMITRI (TIP-UK) KEN (Synthetic Sadhus-NYC) In the Sacred Room meditative soundscape invoked by: MATRIKA. Kalyx (Matrika-Growroom Records) Raja Ram (TIP-Shpongle-Yeti-UK) Asu (Organic Trancendence-NYC)
Deco by: Fluoro Psychestetic Environment By: BRAHMA (TIP Records-UK), Fluoro String Art by: Jamin Murphy (NYC), Severyn, Krisz (Synthetic Sadhus-NY) plus, landscapes of light & images on film by BRITTANY (Matrika). AMAZURA Ballroom, 91-12 144th Place, Jamaica, Queens, NY. Doors open at 11PM. 18 to party, 21 to drink. Please bring ID! 212 774 7728
May 22 Monday
Perfect Dark released
May 22 Monday
SubtleChaos TrancenDance downstairs at Izzy Bar
10:00PM – 4:00AM Tonight we explore the KABBALAH through trance dance ritual. Necromancers Jason & Vadim of SubtleChaos will weave an elaborate tapestry of 3-dimensional soundscapes. Neuromancer MachinElf will channel through an audio EFX box, brainmachines, DanceSafe information. Dark and fierce trance magik performed by SubtleChaos. Art by SubtleChaos. Lighting by Total Eclipse Multimedia. DOWNSTAIRS AT IZZY BAR 10pm-4am, $3 21+/ID. Info: /trancendance.html
May 25 Thursday
SubtleChaos at CHAELRA (Pron. “chella”)
330 West 38 Street betw 8-9 Aves. Club Phone: 212.244.7101 email to get $2 off the price… 212-445-0364 All matter is simply spirit moving slow enough to see. 212.244.7101 email to get $2 off the price… subtlechaosinfo at subtlechaos sr 212-445-0364 All matter is simply spirit moving slow enough to see.
May 29 Monday
TrancenDance downstairs at Izzy Bar
1st ave & 10th street , 10:00PM – 2:30AM
THE FINAL TRANCENDANCE We have had trouble attracting a crowd for Mondays. So this will be the final installment. Theme: Do-it-Yourself TrancenDance Game Shaman: MachinElf The concept is simple: Bring your favorite electronic dance music on compact disk. This includes Psy Trance, our favorite. In order of preference, Hard Trance. Goa Trance. Progressive Trance. Progressive House. Techno. Hardcore. House. Breakbeat. Etc. Or even music you’ve made at home. We don’t care which microgenre it is, as long as you can hear it in a dream. Of course, this excludes rap, drum & bass, hip hop, R&B, country & western, and the Backstreet Boys. You will be able to play your absolutely favorite track. That’s it. The crowd should as always be a healthy mix, with an added emphasis on friends of ours that may not be in the trance scene. An experienced technician will be there to ensure that there won’t be a (bad) trainwreck with the mixing, and can help you add special effects and tempo etc. A sound engineer will also be on hand to ensure that the system runs smoothly. The line at the booth will be limited to three people. Lighting by Total Eclipse Multimedia.
$3 21+/ID. Info: /trancendance.html
May 31 Wednesdays
DJ’s Ranka and Saskai present Echo Lounge
10PM 158 First Ave. Free
June 2000
June 2 Adi and Lior party
10:00PM – 4:00AM adi and lior are throwing another party at cream next weekend,the last one they did was beautiful (for those who went to Philly that weekend). the flyer says: “-Stephane- bamboo forest -Lestat- Talamasca -liran- dark Soho -deco by Severyn -$20 in advance/$25 at the door -Friday June 2nd at cream club- 246 col ave/72 st.

June 4 Wednesday
A1 Funky Techno at Gemini Lounge
First DJ Set: Kazu
221 2nd Av between 13th & 14th Special Guests Kazu (Vinyl Market) Prozac (Throb/Tension) resident DJs Jason (A1) Severyn (A1)Decorations Severyn 10pm-4am Bring ID No Cover

June 9 – Friday
Sidetrakkt – Paradise – Maya Pittsburgh
10:45PM Check out web tranceam.org/paradisetranceNYC.html for details
June 9 or 10
Alphatrance bridge party

June 10 Saturday
6th Element
Distinguished by its utter lack of psytrance (however one of the DJ’s partners played KoxBox last Saturday, you know who you are Sean) The Dawn of a New Era. . . 6th Element Saturday June 10th – Gates 2pm Randall’s Island Soccer Fields New York City The East Coast’s Largest Open Air Electronic Music Festival… 35 DJ’s… 10 Live Performances… 5 Sonic Areas… 1 Monumental Event…
STREAM 1/4TH DIMENSION Rabbit in the Moon (all-new show) Hybrid (live) Bassbin Twins (live) SEEN (Godfather of Graffiti Live) Dave Ralph Donald Glaude Sandra Collins Afrika Bambaata Liquid Todd Star Sound Orchestra (live) Monk STREAM 2/BASS EXPERIENCE Aphrodite Mickey Finn Kool DJ Herc (Father of Hip-Hop) Freaky Flow MC Flipside Trace DJ Spitfire Christian Bruna STREAM 3/HOUSE HAPPENING Erick Morillo Tony Humphries (DJ Legend) Miss Honey Dijon Kevin Yost Scotty Marz Justin Johnson STREAM 4 Perry Farrell (exclusive DJ set) Organic Grooves Mixmaster Morris Medicine Drum Trancewave Yaniv Michael Dog Clark Warner India Drop STREAM 5 – LIMITED ACCESS Mark Ronson Holmar Philipson Billy Shane Agram Mike Sike Matt Guess Mark Kamins STREAM 6 – NTH DEGREE Cultural Alchemy’s Soundlab DJ Sing & Verb Alpha K Val I-Sound Ambassador Jr.
Here are the preliminary time slots for the event (as posted on the NYC-raves mailing list). I’m actually looking forward to this – haven’t been to an outdoor event in a while and I’ve heard that Rabbit in the Moon puts on quite a live show. [NYC-raves] 6th Element Time as of May 15th, 6th Element: Artist Line Up as of May 15, SATURDAY, JUNE 10 TIME MAIN STAGE 11:00-12:00 Dave Ralph 10:00-11:00 Rabbit In The Moon 9:00 -10:00 Bassbin Twins 8:00 -9:00 Donald Glaude 7:00 -8:00 Sandra Collins SEEN 6:00-7:00 Hybrid Band 5:00-6:00 Liquid Todd 4:00- 5:00 Afrika Bambatta 3:00- 4:00 Star Sound Orchestra TIME Bass 10:00-12:00 Mickey Finn 8:30 – 10:00 Trace 7:00- 8:30 Christian Bruno 6:00 -7:00 Freaky Flow MC Flipside 4:00- 6:00 Aphrodite 3:00-4:00 Kool DJ Herc 2:00-3:00 Spitfire TIME House 10:00 -12:00 Tony Humphries 8:30: -10:00 Honey Dijon 6:00- 8:30 Kevin Yost 5:00 -6:00 Eric Morrillo 3:30 -5:00 Scotty Marz 2:00- 3:30 Justin Johnson TIME Chill Out City 10:40- 12:00 Yaniv 10:00-10:40 Three Point Turn 9:00-10:00 Trancewave 8:00-9:00 Medicine Drum 7:00 -8:00 Micheal Dog 6:00 -7:00 Organic Grooves 5:00 -6:00: Perry Farrell 4:00-5:00 Mixmaster Morris 3:00 – 4:00 Clark Warner 2:00 – 3:00 India Drop TIME Limited Access 11:00- 12:00 tba 10:00-11:00 Mark Ronson 9:00 -10:00 Mark Kamins 8:00-9:00 Billy Shane 7:00 -8:00 Holmar Flipson 6:00 -7:00 Mike Sike 5:00- 6:00 Agram 4:00- 5:00 Matt Guess Tues. June 6 Icon 20 Postwar and Contemporary design preview, 601 W. 26th, 14th Flr., 6-9 John Button and Gone Fisching at Fischbach Jane Masters at Nicholas Davies, 6-8 Sonic Youth at Printed Matter, 6-8 Andre Raffray at Achim Moeller Fine Art, 167 E. 73rd, 6-8 Melville McLean at Stark Gallery, 6-8 Whitney Museum, 6:30-8:30 Wed. June 7 Elevator Repair Service at the Whitney, 8pm Elena Climent at Mary-Anne Martin, 6-8 DAP party at Eugene, 27 W 24, 6:30-9:30 Center For The Dull, Family Of God Party at 450 W. 31st, 11th floor, 8.30-1.30 Thurs. June 8 “Maximal Minimal” at Feigen, 535 W. 20th St., 6-8 Ellen Berkenblit at Anton Kern, Laylah Ali at 303, 6-8 Carla Klein at Bonakdar Jancou, 6-8 Sothebys at PPOW, 6-8 Gary Bukovnik at Neuhoff Gallery, 41 E. 57th, 6-8 American Glass by Cud at Max Fish, 8-11 Ingo Gunther at UCU, 6-8 Jeff Burch at Jay Grimm, 505 W. 28th, 6-8 Janet Echelman at Florence Lynch, 147 W. 29th, 6-9 “Sentimental Education” curated by David Rimanelli at Deitch Projects, 6-8 Fri. June 9 The Magic City at Brent Sikkema, 6-8 Group show (Sandra Cinto, Olafur Eliasson, etc.) at Paula Cooper Women of the World at White Columns (W. 13 St. on Horatio), 7-9 Abbas Kiarostami at Gallery 2, 6-8 Between Grains of Sand and Microchips at Silverstein (ceramics group show) Julia Scher at Andrea Rosen, 6-8 Party: Launch of soapbox the video-magazine, 65 Hope St. Brooklyn, 718.599.9411, 7-11 Sat. June 10 Nothing in Common (Justine Kurland, Deborah Mesa-Pelly, et al.) at Audiello Sunday June 11 Block-Party Benefit Bar-B-Q for Bellwether, 150 Franklin St, Brooklyn, 5-9 Tues. June 13 Paul Graham “Paintings” at Lawrence Rubin Greenberg Van Doren, 730 Fifth Ave., 5:30-7:30 Preview of Guernseys Graffiti auction at the Puck Building, 12-6 (Wed./Thurs. 10-6) Alan Sonfist at Goethe-Institute, 1014 Fifth Ave, 6-8 Wed. June 14 “Living Doll,” curated by Rene Lynch at The Work Space, 96 Spring St., 8th Fl., 5:30-7:30 Graffiti auction at the Puck Building, 6 pm Thurs. June 15 IN BLACK AND WHITE at Stephen Stux, 6-8 Leemour Pelli at Nikolai Fine Art, 6-9 Erika Knerr at Lance Fung Gallery, 537 Broadway, 6-8 Modern Culture At The Gershwin Hotel, 6-8 Graffiti auction at the Puck Building, 6 pm Fri. June 16 New York Classicism Now at Hirschl & Adler Galleries, no opening. THE DKS LIST Welcome to the Douglas Kelley Show List. sites.netscape.net/secretrocker/ (The Above Link Takes You To A Late Breaking List Of Manhattan Art Openings For This Week. If You Reply “No” In The Subject Line, You Will Be Deleted From Future Mailings. And Conversely, If You Like The List, Send Me A “Yes.”) “l’art pour l’art” – Gustave Flaubert
“Vladimir M” Does anyone have the info on the psytrance portion of this thing?? I only have rather disjointed information. As far as I know, they’ve got Medicine Drum, Trancewave (NB: Wasn’t it Transwave and didn’t they go their separate (but close) ways quite a while ago? Hmmm….), 3-Point Turn, India Drop and Star Sound Orchestra. Only the last act (SSO) is playing in the trance area, the rest being stuck in “Chill-Out City”. Since I’m not going to Pittsburgh, I thought I might as well go to this thing. Why the f*ck isn’t Koxbox playing in NYC? Peace VM

Daniel Pinchbeck Interview
June 16 Friday
As we climb up to the top of the world (to do a trance party there), our foot has been set to Switzerland. We are happy to bring you top Swiss psytrance artist in a LIVE act and a DJ set: –
XV Kilist (NAJA, Spiral Trax, Plastik Park) presenting his new album to be released on Spiral Trax end of the summer.
DJ Tremor (aka Vadim) – Subtle Chaos + two special guests, to be announced later. at the same beautiful space in NJ as our party on May 5th with even more powerful sound system and beautiful deco art.
Visuals by Neuronatic Institute. UV active thingies shop stand. Juice and fruit in the morning. We start at 11:00 pm and go on till people are still dancing ( that should soon be our logo 🙂
Damage: $20 w/flyer$25 w/o June 23rd great German artist and a known DJ: DJ Philipp will be brought here by us to play a special set with our local NYC DJ’s. See you all soon, Alphatrance Crew aleks at alphatrance.org

June 17 Saturday
Koxbox in Dallas
First Party: Jamie W..
Line Up Night of the MIDI cops featuring: KOXBOX, live (Novatekk, Germany) SAIKO-POD, live (T.I.P. Records, UK) DJs DJ FRANK’E (DK) THC IAN ION (SPCE) SID SHANTI (RTTS, London/Manumission, Ibiza) JAMES MEADOWS (UMP/Astral Tribe) AEON (UMP/Astral Tribe) SUNRAY(UMP, Dallas) House/D&B Area — COY WEST CHRIS SPECHT DJ MEL TWIST-1 ROBERT M CLE’ (Hazy Daze Collectif, Dallas) SQUIRT (32 Degrees, Herbal Science, Illmatic, Dallas) MYTHIC (Rosebud Productions, Dallas) Chill SPIV:)E (Ambiosis, Austin) RABI (UMP/System 7, Austin) KRELM (Texaliens, Austin) INITIALIZATION STRING (AI Collective, Dallas) – Special downtempo set with live drummer ERGOT/DR. NO (Alien Sound Source, Dallas/Texaliens, Austin) JESSE (Uni Ver Sol, Dallas) Deco Deco Light & Sound – RAID 5 Visual Arts – Organix(Tokyo/London), Jamin Murphy(Hovek Olam, NY), D1(Dallas) Fire Performance – Tantien(Austin) Location Location Outdoors in a beautiful forested location in the Dallas/Ft. Worth Metroplex. Details announced closer to date. Organizer Universal Mind Productions Hotline 972-949-4193
June 23 Friday
GAIAN MIND at BUZZ, Washington, DC
BUZZ hosts GAIAN MIND for a “PSYTRANCE DECK PARTY” 10pm-6am at Nation, Washington, DC
We will be dancing at the outdoor deck area of the nightclub in view of the Capitol rotunda. The dancefloor surface is both hardwood and macadam. DJs: HATARI (Gaian Mind, Philadelphia) ALLEN (Gaian Mind, Philadelphia) WILDBILL (Creatures Who Stir/Epidemic, DC) HYBRID (Static Channel, Baltimore) (also appearing: DEEPSKY, MISTRESS BARBARA, LIEVEN, PAUL C., LONNIE FISHER, JOHN TAB) Decor: GAIAN MIND Admission: $11US before 11pm/$15US after 11pm Location: NATION 1015 Half Street SE Washington, DC, USA Website: web buzzdc Peace, Allen Gaian Mind P.O. Box 53582 Philadelphia, PA 19105 USA infoline: (610) 461-4092 email: GaianMind at yahoo

June 12 Wednesday
Feel free to forward this to anybody. This Wednesday will be a one-off to get you off. It’s called K-HOLE. No need to be unsober to attend. Should be fun for all; retarded conversations will be encouraged.
$5/$3 if you state your email address listed on the brainmachines list; if your nonlist friends also state your email address you will get a $2 refund immediately.
21+/ID a must 10pm-4am
Chelsea Lounge 154 West 26th b/w 6th & 7th New York “The K Capital of the World”
In the far corner, we have New York’s Finest. N.Y.P.D. The Men in Blue. plus, the D.E.A. and the F.B.I. (extra Controllers from The Matrix)
In the other corner we have KettleHeadz wit Attitude Headless K-Junkies Open Air d Marketeers Why do K? Y2K!!! Who Nose? Animal Tranquilizer Addicts Unite!! Who do you think will win?
Never in the annals of hyperspatial warfare have we seen the Immovable Object and the Unstoppable Force Collide. THE MUSIC Various unannounced guests from the psytrance scene Bring your favorite psytrance track and we’ll play it Psytrance
Spoon Feeding by SubHunan Primates Cereal K’iller DJ Date Grape Ape Frank-E and the Fish Flops John and the Water Lillies Paul Croakenfold Sacchara & Buckwheat Olney and the Lesions of Doom The Feel Mothers, Snot Hall and Billy Same Orgasmic Groove Fool KKK Katy and the NMDA Receptors Johnny and the K-Holes K,C and the Moonshine Band Stabbit with the Spoon K Mart and the Lonely Heart Band MADAM I AM ADAM NAMBLA E Socrates and the Cave Theories K-ROCK – Could it Be? The K Boogers Southside Johnny and the C-Holes NYPD Beavis and Butthead and the Red Herrings CD Pussies DJ Country Bump-k-in Oh, yeah, the music will be Trance and other music inspired by years out of the body LITERATURE Prod Literature How to Have Fun at Gwilo without a Forty a K Tailgate your Veterinarian Don’t Muscle Your Way In Vein How to Train your Cat to Look Sick Have your C.A.K & E. and snort it too REFRESHMENTS Koffee’s for K-losers Candy for the Near Breath Experience LIQUOR Cash bar Sushi served by pretty Japanese girls SPECIAL APPEARANCE BY …with a special appearance by TIMOTHY LEARY and TERRENCE McKENNA Featuring the New Jersey Dust Bunnies The Brooklyn Terrier Squad Hell’s Angles The Shits and the Blood Assordid Seedy Characters OUR MISSION We will arm ourselves with metaphors, idioms, and simile, turning back the clock in a faster than light experiment to eradicate those who wish to stay embodied. At midnight we will be joined by an army of disembodied K users who will aid us in our fight against the DEA There will be many sofas, couches, and chairs to leave your bodies in. THE WINNER? None of us! In the War on ds there are no winners except for the d kingpins. We like it that way. But if you can find K these days after the big bust and you get into the outer dimension, then, tonight, you WIN! THE LOCATION? $5 cheap 21+/ID Chelsea Lounge 10-4 154 West 26th b/w 6th & 7th New York “The K Capital of the World” Wednesday June 14 BYOK Kettleheadz wit Attitude is not responsible for irresponsible snorting of dissociatives
The Twelve Step Program to K Addiction
1 You start doing it all in one snort
2 Forget what you were saying
3 You get sick of using Afrin to clear your nose.
4 Take some powder, pour into glass, mix with water, shoot up
5 Get some more, blow dry on glass, microwave, and plate-over-boiling-water cook for that triple threat
6 You view mere alcoholics as hopelessly “body bound”; you laugh when you hear that K is used on d addicts in Russia
7 Your first words to your friends become “Do You Have any K?”
8 You get an underage girl, give her roofie, only to find she dosed you first and cleaned you out
9 You finally get to the point where you have an IV always attached to your arm; you continue until broke and homeless 10 Apologize to all your friends for being a retard for the last 4 years; from now on, stay home when you do it
11 You realize that there is a Higher Power; its name is Keta Mia and it lives on the 3rd Layer of Limbo
12 You enroll in vet school “because you care”
13 You finally stop doing K and enter a few years of hardcore alcoholism because that it the only thing that can reliably and easily obliterate you. But you miss the silver cord of the astral plane.
Oh yeah – See yall at K-HOLE Wednesday at Chelsea Lounge! The amount of pure psytrance played will be in direct proportion to how many of you dust munchkins show up. If you don’t come one of the East Coast Darin Clones will kick your asses. I guess this mean we WILL see the Blue Fire Engine at Burning Man this year, for a $250 roundtrip pittance… The new improved House of Trance in NYC kicks ass BTW, FINALLY PS missed y’all at all the music conventions 😉 Grease hand glove, M.E.
Kiovanna angrily tried to get me to turn the music down “so we could talk.” I locked the door to the DJ booth and snorted two big rails.
June 22 Thursday
Deus Ex released

June 23 Friday
Tsunami at Tunnel
Infected Mushroom Live -(BNE, Israel) introducing their newest “Synphonatic” to feature on Tsunami’s compilation to be released in Sept. 2000 For the first time in America HuxFlux Live (Spiral Trax, Sweden) Dennis and Jonas perform their cool nordic sound from one of the world’s most cutting edge label Decor and Visuals by Organix (Tokyo) DJ sets from Erez and Duvdev of IM, and also from Moander and Alan Sachs. $25 in advance, $30 at the door. Separate chill-out room and lounges with separate meditative trance-ambient music. This will be an incredible event and Tsunami will get the entire place to themselves. I encourage everyone to come. Tunnel 12th Avenue & 27th Street
Friday, June 23
First Live Set: Deeper in Zen
11:00PM – 7:00AM Hey! at the same beautiful space in NJ as our party on May 5th with even more powerful sound system and beautiful deco art. Visuals by Neuronatic Institute. UV active thingies shop stand. Juice and fruit in the morning. We start at 11:00 pm and go on till people are still dancing ( that should soon be our logo 🙂 Damage: $20 w/flyer$25 w/o See you all soon, Alphatrance Crew web alphatrance.org
Piercing the veil of consciousness and taking psychedelic trance to deeper, more hypnotic realms, NYC’s own ***DEEPER IN ZEN*** will be performing live Friday night at the AlphaTrance party in New Jersey. This is their first live event since the El Cuco festival in February, and they’ll be breaking out a bunch of new tracks, written since their return from the jungle. Also on display will be their intensely colorful video visuals, which accompanied Hallucinogen’s performance in Puerto Rico. Check out some newly released audio and visuals from “DEEPER IN ZEN” on the web at …and be sure to catch their performance Friday at Alphatrance. for more info on the party see web alphatrance.org ::::

June 27th Sunday
Goa Babies at Machine in Boston
1250 Boylston
Neo, Steve-O, Decor by Jamin, visuals cast from Australia by VJ Mandala

June 29 Thursday
Futuretech – Mind over Matter at the Frying Pan
HiFi Princess, Sequential Tom, Hugh Sharpe, Miss Innocent, Simmer, Carol C, Psyche + Kits

June 30 Friday
First Event: Merry
An invitation to redefine our senses through the magic of eternal rhythms mystical dances and sensual instincts.
Live: LAUGHING BUDDHA (Transient Records-UK) COSMOSIS (Transient Records-UK)
MEDICINE DRUM (Return to the Source-UK)
DJ: MARK ALLEN (Return to the Source-UK)
BARAKA (Return to the Source-UK)
KEN (Synthetic Sadhus-NYC) Invite every soul to gather and share their musical vision in order to celebrate their newly reopened store, empowering this warm summer night:
In the Sacred Room by House of Trance:
JOHN FORD (Phantasm Records-UK)
CHRIS DECKKER (Return to the Source-UK)
YONI (History of Future-NYC) Fluoro Psychestetic Conspiracy TRANCE ART (London), Return to the Source (UK), Jamin Murphy (NYC), Synthetic Sadhus (NY) plus, visual eyescapes projected by: Nathalie (NYC). TIP Stand, music (cd/lp) and clothing! Free Chai-tea & Fruits! Location: AMAZURA Ballroom, 91-12 144th Place, Jamaica, Queens, NY. Step into the most extravagant psychedelic trance arena ever dreamed. Imagine the ultimate gathering of shamans, babas, trancers, freaks, breaths, dreads, spirits, misfits…, people dedicated to unify for one night, as one tribe… Conveniently located by all public transportation and major highways. Doors open at 11PM. 18 to party, 21 to drink. Please bring ID! INFO: 212 774 7728 Tickets: $27/adv & $30/door. Tickets are sold at: House of Trance 212 533 6700 Satellite 212 780 9305 Throb 212 533 2328 Sonic Groove 212 675 5284 Growroom (MA) 413 549 9296 Utopia (CT) 203 838 8782 Satellite (Boston) 617 536 5482 Caffeine (LI) 516 797 7196 611 (Philly) 215 413 9100 Yoshi Toshi (DC) 202 338 5638 Ohm Shiva Chris
American producer news I must recommend Kri from North Carolina’s new mix CD “Tuned In. ” He played recently at a gig with Valerio in New Orleans… To get a copy of this awesome CD mail $10 to Chris johnson 47 Nebraska ave. Asheville NC 28806 or email him at utta at bellsouth.net
Local NYC talent Deeper in Zen are kicking ass on MP3 – Astral Projection makes $500 a day from downloads, while ‘Zen is making a respectable $25 a day. Not bad for two boys from Kansas City and Tennessee: DEEPER IN ZEN Track Release NEW TRACK “Anticipate” They are currently releasing tracks on MP3 while they’re getting ready to submit some hard-psy tracks to a few labels. You can download them at web mp3/deeperinzen They will also be playing Live very soon!!!