1999 Brainmachines Emails

Updated 2 years ago


These are the full emails with discussion, replies, off-topic, non-trance events, etc.
For a much more succinct, formatted, and edited history, go here, and here are just flyers.
Other years in emails:
1999*2000*2001*2002 Pt 1*2002 Pt 2*2003*20042005
*Trip Out New York was called Brainmachines from 1999-2003.

February 1999

#1 Fri, 12 Feb 1999 17:57:09 Ahoy First message, HERE WE GO

#2 Fri, 12 Feb 1999 19:25:40 Hello Congratulations, you are the FIRST MEMBER to sign up. You get a free unit of whatever d you want, which includes oxygen and liquour and sex with my ex girlfriend.

#3 Fri, 12 Feb 1999 19:24:05 Re-send – Sorry – DELETE NOW if you received this just now – Yule bee happee… My list got too big, and too easy to spam. AOL sucks w/blind cc’s If you want to get party emails in the future, subscribe to my new mailing list. It takes 2 minutes and will enable others on this list to interact with each other. And believe you me, you are all a very great group of people. You are all interesting in one way shape or form. Go to: /subscribe.cgi/brainmachines and click away the boxes, and be sure to reply to the confirmation when you receive it via email. DO NOT REPLY TO ME or to anyone else. Just go to the web site address above, OK? For all of you who like to go out in Manhattan, who have been to Neurotrancemitter parties, want to hear gossip about each other, who’s schtupping whom, this list is a must, it works like clockwork, it’s fast, it’s interactive, it’s smart, and you will know everyone probably who submits to it. It’s easy to unsubmit too if you don’t like it. Also, the web site is up and running, with party stuff there. Feel free to forward, forward, forward. You might get a mass email again if it is a truly killer must-go event, particularly so – or if I move or get killed or somthing. Goodbye. Jeff

#4 Fri, 12 Feb 1999 19:39:52 I’ll get this right THIS time I hope – sorry for the possible repeat. Whew. Sorry. I will be out of your hair in a second. LET’S try this ooooone more time. My list got too big, and too easy to spam. AOL sucks w/blind cc’s If you want to get party emails in the future, subscribe to my new mailing list. It takes 2 minutes and will enable others on this list to interact with each other. And believe you me, you are all a very great group of people. You are all interesting in one way shape or form. Go to: /subscribe.cgi/brainmachines and click away the boxes, and be sure to reply to the confirmation when you receive it via email. DO NOT REPLY TO ME or to anyone else. Just go to the web site address above, OK? For all of you who like to go out in Manhattan, who have been to Neurotrancemitter parties, want to hear gossip about each other, who’s schtupping whom, this list is a must, it works like clockwork, it’s fast, it’s interactive, it’s smart, and you will know everyone probably who submits to it. It’s easy to unsubmit too if you don’t like it. Also, the web site is up and running, with party stuff there. Feel free to forward, forward, forward. You might get a mass email again if it is a truly killer must-go event, particularly so – or if I move or get killed or somthing. Goodbye. Jeff

#5 Sat, 13 Feb 1999 19:52:56 Fwd: thought you might enjoy this In a message dated 2/13/99, 3:05:49 PM, malar16 at erols writes: DJs Anthony Martinez (OF MUSIC MAKERS, THE LIGHTNING, AND THE FUTURE IS OVER-RATED FAME) and DJ Jennifer spin HARD HOUSE and TRANCE music! NO guestlist for this party. Just email me or page me with your address and i will send you flyers in the mail. $10.00 w/flyer, $15.00 at the door. Specially renovated for this party, there will be a star glazed ceiling, lasers and multimedia lightshow! For more info, email Lisa at eeziepeezy at hotmail or leave a message on 1-800-580-1534

#6 Sat, 13 Feb 1999 19:55:00 You have some crack! Also, there is a party in Williamsburg tonight – call me at after 10om abd I’ll give you details.

#7 Sat, 13 Feb 1999 21:11:46 Here’s anotha HOT LOVE HOT LAVA HOT LOVE HOT LAVA HOT LOVE HOT LAVA Join Vava at Lava for a Valentine’s Eve Bash! Lava Lounge 28 West 20th Street Saturday February 13th Guestlist Complimentary Admission Meet or Bring a Valentine! Enter to Win Raffle Prizes V-Day Special Drink “the Aphrodisiac” For more information or to be placed on V’s guestlist, email VaVaVVoom at aol or call 212-330-8895

#8 Sat, 13 Feb 1999 21:13:27 Here’s the shit. It’ll be good, I recommend this, I will be there by 1pm Coming up on Saturday, Feb. 13th(Valentine’s Weekend) at Sens Space Touch Productions presents TOUCH featuring DAVE RALPH(Kinetic Records) BILLY SHANE(Touch/Topless) HER(Spelunk Recordings) SEAN HALL(Touch/HVAC) VISUALS & INSTALLATIONS: CAMERON CLARK(Nucleus Design) SENS WHERE: SENS SPACE at 210 Kent Avenue at the corner of Kent Ave. and Metropolitan in Williamsburg, Brooklyn. It’s about 5 minutes on foot from the Bedford L stop and about 7 bucks and 5 minutes by cab from the east village, over the Williamsburg Bridge, first exit on the right. ****In depth directions and maps on web sens.org/touch HOW MUCH? $5 reduced(easy as pie), $12 without anything here’s one of the many ways to get reduced: 1. bring a flyer 2. print out this email 3. print out of the web site web sens.org/touch 4. call the info line 212-502-3532 and leave your name + #guests 5. reply to this email with name and # of guests 6. smile nicely and ask at the door. no sweat WHERE? This is happening at a new space in Williamsburg, Brooklyn called Sens Space with capacity for 400+ people. Bring your dancing shoes. See y’all there, Sean Hall, Billy Shane, Stephen Grimesaka the Touch Brothers…..Please help spread the word, and bring those happy smiling faces!

#9 Sat, 13 Feb 1999 21:15:11 Hey guys Feel free to respond to emails, give yer input, say yer piece, esp. private parties. Your esponses go out to all the otherws on the list, makes it interactive. Like a chat line. I moderate this list for wankers, so don’t worry everybody’s “cool”

#10 Wed, 17 Feb 1999 11:30:23 Neurotrancemitter Party Saturday This Saturday, February 20th: Neurotrancemitter Presents: Serotonin Selector Saturday February 20th 10 p.m. – 10 a.m. A new/old/recycled social concept Unbelievably cool people as clueless as you Neuronauts – Doctors – Phsicists – Neuroscientists – Artists – Hackers – Yeah, people like us! Trance Global Underground – No bullshit attitude Leave illegal ds beHIND and broaden your MIND 336 West 37th, between 8th and 9th Avenue, 14th floor West 2500′ with views of the Hudson River Cover: Code word at door: Serotonin Selector If you know the code word, cover is determined by rolling a six sided dice. If you don’t, you roll a twenty sided dice. A portion of the proceeds will go towards Lisa Spudic’s medical bills; she has been diagnosed with somthing like a cyst or a tumor and does not have medical insurance. She has given her all to support the trance scene, and runs the House of Trance store. Come to show your support! Vendor Information: Leave message at 212-445-0364 Emergency cell Go to get on the mailing list: /subscribe.cgi/brainmachines DJs: These gatherings are not about the cult of the DJ, but about the vibe itself, so those expecting a prima donna with a box of vinyl will be disappointed. The people are most important – who you will meet, what ideas you will share. Generally, it will start out house progrssing to trance. Sounds will include John the Dentist/Additive, Sasha & Digweed, Paul Oakenfold, assorted trance, progressive house, uplifting hard house and techno, all on genuine digital compact discs. Actual DJs: Jeff, Gaby, Barbara (Sasha & Digweed’s NY Manager), Liam, Matthew Magic, assorted others). And in terms of DJs, there will be some surprises. Entrainment: Brain Wave Research by brainmachines, Cranial Electrical Stimulation, Breathwork Explorer, Ganzfeld Effect, Laser, Smoke, Lights, a- Sordid giveaways Come any time from 10 p.m. to 8 a.m., it will be happening. Bring friends from wherever you end up Saturday. We don’t have to worry about crowds or noise, so bring out the big guns and bring the posse, as long as they don’t actually have big guns or normally travel in posses. Cash bar for civilians. BYOB encouraged. Any males visibly intoxicated will be escorted from the premises. Abusive treatment of women will not be tolerated. We reserve to right to kick anybody out. Refreshments: Homozon, blue-green algae, various nootropics Lame Scale: ZERO. Expecting roughly 700 people or so, 350 at any one time. As always, shood be good. And big enough to avoid exes who may appear out of the woodwork. Like cockaroaches, as cocaine kingpin Tony Montagno would say. Serotonin: The Neurotransmitter for the ’90s Introduction Serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine, 5-HT) is widely distributed in animals and plants, occurring in vertebrates, fruits, nuts, and venoms. A number of congeners of serotonin are also found in nature and have been shown to possess a variety of peripheral and central nervous system activities. Of particular interest over the years is the psychotomimetic activity displayed by several serotonin-related compounds such as N,N-dimthyl tryptamine, 5-hydroxy-N,N-dimthyltryptamine (bufotenine), and 4-phosyphoryloxy-N,N-dimthyl-tryptamine (psilocybin). Although serotonin may be obtained from a variety of dietary sources, endogenous 5-HT is synthesized in situ from tryptophan through the actions of the enzymes tryptophan hydroxylase and aromatic L-amino acid decarboxylase. Both dietary and endogenous 5-HT are rapidly metabolized and inactivated by monoamine oxidase and aldehyde dehydrogenase to the major metabolite, 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid (5-HIAA). Of the chemical neurotransmitter substances, serotonin is perhaps the most implicated in the etiology or treatment of various disorders, particularly those of the central nervous system, including anxiety, depression, obsessive- compulsive disorder, schizophrenia, stroke, obesity, pain, hypertension, vascular disorders, migraine, and nausea. A major factor in our understanding of the role of 5-HT in these disorders is the recent rapid advance made in understanding the physiological role of various serotonin receptor subtypes.

#11 Wed, 17 Feb 1999 11:33:17 Big Trance party Friday There’s this big trance party going on the night before, Friday, February 19th. Major Trance Rendez-vous with globalmegatrancemitters MFG Astral Projection – and Tsuyoshi Suzuki at Vinyl. Info Line 212-439-8124.

#12 Wed, 17 Feb 1999 13:08:50 From: LoAnne & Mojo a-loanne at xx.x Extraspecialbonus Just added to circus: Projections by Total Eclipse Multimedia Featuring original art by Dr. Mojo

#13 Wed, 17 Feb 1999 18:29:56 Party Saturday Everyone, welcome to the list. If anybody knows of any cool parties, reply to this email or send anytime to brainmachines at onelist, and everbody’s who subscribed (there are about 30 members to date) will get your mail. This is meant to be interactive. So far this weekend is looking really good, with the most star studded trance party at Vinyl on Friday, and our party Serotonin Selector on Saturday-Sunday. I decided that all members of onelist will be comped, limit one person per email. Just remember your email name. That shouldn’t be hard. The asian door guy will have a list of emails. No email address, no list. Again, to subscribe, access: /subscribe.cgi/brainmachines Otherwise, with the code name it’s $1-$6, otherwise $1-$20.

#14 Thu, 18 Feb 1999 04:38:48 From: “djkc at SoS Records” djkc at x.x Re: Big Trance party Friday There’s this big trance party going on the night before, Friday, February 19th. Major Trance Rendez-vous with globalmegatrancemitters MFG Astral Projection – and Tsuyoshi Suzuki at Vinyl. Info Line 212-439-8124. Goa Trance! Cool. I personally don’t spin it, but like groovin (and driving fast) to some of it. And Astral Projection would have to be one of my favorites. They’ve recorded on Transient, TIP, and Matsuri. Tsuyoshi Suzuki is also on Matsuri, and he’s also known as JOUJOUKA when teamed up with someone else named Takeshi Isagai. Are these guys gonna DJ, or play a live PA?? Got a picture of the flier? If anyone goes to the party and snaps some photos, beam them up!! I’m a Houston-ite, so doubt I’ll be there :/ Hey Jeff, I gotta question. You know the first Matrix Crew party down here in Houston (circa 1991-92) was called ‘Brainmachine’. Any connection?? 🙂 -kc djkc at sosrecords web sosrecords “We will use…the recording of nervous energy streaming past microscopic listening devices in the bloodstreams of insects. Our pallette is the noise of infinity itself and all that is accessable to human beings.” Chuck Goldman

#15 Thu, 18 Feb 1999 09:18:00 Re: Big Trance party Friday In a message dated 2/18/99 5:41:44 AM Eastern Standard Time, djkc at sosrecords writes: Are these guys gonna DJ, or play a live PA?? Got a picture of the flier? If anyone goes to the party and snaps some photos, beam them up!! I’m a Houston-ite, so doubt I’ll be there :/ Hey Jeff, I gotta question. You know the first Matrix Crew party down here in Houston (circa 1991-92) was called ‘Brainmachine’. Any connection?? 🙂 Live PA I BELIEVE. I’ll send you anything I come across. …What a conicidence

#16 Fri, 19 Feb 1999 10:10:47 weeeehellll….. Fwd: Special Networking Event 2/26 at Limelight!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA I’ll be there bwAHAHAHAHA actually fuck it. I’ll probably go. It’s free. Hey, all, for the party this Saturday – we just rented a HUGE sound system. It’s going to ROCK. hahahha. haha. heh.

#18 Fri, 19 Feb 1999 15:57:16 From: “Cliff Hall” cliff at xxx.x Re: weeeehellll….. Fwd: Special Networking Event 2/26 at Limelight!! “A flock of young professionals enjoying cocktails, flirting and business chitchat.” ooooohh, let’s *netwoooooooorrrrrrkkkk*! that makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside! not quite like ****d**** does, but, then i’m not really a fucking yuppie and could care less about business chitchat. “our events are held at manhattan’s hottest nightclubs, but the music’s never so loud you can’t talk” weeellll, count me out! actually i prefer the music be loud enough to rearange my internal organs!!! i believe my choice will be the TRANCE PARTY AT VINYL TONGIGHT !!!!! -Cliff

#19 Mon, 22 Feb 1999 09:28:30 (no subject) So what happened? Overall very good vibe and people, booming sound system. In general, complete chaos. Doctors and researchers hitting up blonde Spy models. A guy tripping on acid with a video camera trying to get footage of girls in the bathroom, a barking dog, three drunk Frenchmen kicked out, as was promised in the flyer for the party, for breaking bottles, stealing booze and manhandling the loft owners wife, respectively. So many other little bits of random, random craziness. But we still won’t hire security because We Are The Mob. Haha. Lost and found: if anybody saw anybody leave with a Hobermann sphere, email me or dejongm at teoco (Mark de Jong) privately. If anybody has loft space available, let me know. So how was the music? Who did ya’ll like (or dislike?)

#20 Mon, 22 Feb 1999 09:48:49 From: KHussman at xxx.xxx Re: (no subject) a cutish short-haired blond girl wearing blue with a nose-piercing was looking around for the guy who told her to hold the sphere at 2am. She was really trying to find him to give it back. Jeff – another nice one! The music was great, but I also liked the dj you had at the first party he played hard techno. Karl

#21 Mon, 22 Feb 1999 09:49:24 From: dejongm at xx.xxx Serotonin Selector – Lost Items – Please help Please forward to everyone you know that’s not on the list that went to Serotonin Selector.. Hey kids this is Mark from Zero-G (web buser.net/zero-g)… Just wanna say thanks for the great time at Neurotransmitters – Serotonin Selector! Everyone was great. The vibe was unbelievable!! Also… We lost some items while we were there and were wondering if anyone happened to find them. We’re looking for a Gold colored Samsung camera and a Hoberman ball. The camera is pocket sized and the hoberman is the ball that expands as you pull it outward. You might have found the camera in your back pack. My friend was kinda disoriented that night. 🙂 If you’ve seen these please send an e-mail to dejongm at teoco. Thanks and hope to see you all at the next Neurotransmitter party.. Also come see us at Twilo this upcoming friday with Sasha & Digweed. Peace, Mark

#22 Mon, 22 Feb 1999 09:52:45 From: dejongm at xx.xxx Ohh. Another Thanks. Real Quick.. Just want to say thanks to Jeff and everyone else who made that party happen! DJ’s…. You all were incredible! 🙂 Outstanding….. you know who you are! 😉 Much love from DC! Mark

#23 22 Feb 1999 15:35:07 From: cdragon at xx.xxx Re: Neurotrancemitter Party Saturday Thanks go out to Jeff and everybody else responsible for setting up one hell of a party:) Keep it up! A very brief report for those of you who missed out: Got in around 1AM. Looking at the size of the loft, I was surprised to see the number of people to comfortably enjoy themselves! It was incredible! Plenty of room to dance, plenty of room to chill! Brainmachines were hanging down at random places from the ceiling. Music vibe in combination with them sent me sky-high! If you havent tried it TRY IT! DJs were awesome, spinning vinyl and reacting to every vibe in the house! Danced non-stop energy levels refused to be depleted! Left a bit after 8AM. Although some people left, it didnt seem that party was dying out! People were still raving at large! A special thanks goes out to Mark De Jong! Mark you are incredible! Managed to extend my trip for almost an hour and sent me so high I was barely aware of anything aside from the interweaving sea of sounds and emotions! Mark, keep it going! You are the best! And yet again I thank everyone that made this party possible:) CD

#24 Mon, 22 Feb 1999 11:14:54 brainmachines] Psychedelic Loft Party vs. Jesus at Kegger Psychedelic Loft Party – Come Celebrate GOD We don’t have anything on these guys: TRIUMPHANT RETURN OF JESUS CHRIST ADDS EXCITEMENT TO KEGGER Dozens of Lucky Underage Drinkers Get Baptized – in Beer! (copied without permission from the Onion, a local newsmagazine) Those in attendance at Andy Habershanker’s beer bash last Friday were delighted to entertain an unexpected visitor when the Lord Jesus Christ materialized above a keg of beer, ending an almost 2,000 year period of non-intervention in earthly matters. Although Jesus was initially judgemental of the group of drunken college students, He was quick to mingle with the crowd and ended up staying at the party for nearly three hours. “I was really worried that He would send me to hell or some shit like that,” said Habershanker, “but it turns out He was just looking for a good time and some cheap beer.” After Jesus introduced himself to Habershanker, the excited host was quick to welcome the Son of God, giving Him a discount on a cup and introducing Him to his housemates. Jesus seemed appreciative of the hospitable gestures, although assured Habershanker that He already knew everyone at the party. To demonstrate, He then pointed at a group of people and remarked on how many hairs were on each of their heads. Jesus’ attendance saved the party, which was up until then boring and unsuccessful. According to Habershanker, guests were complaining that the crowd had gotten too big, and that the mix-tape being played was “lame.” Once Jesus appeared, however, people seemed to forget their qualms, rejoicing in His presence and joyfully singing hymns. “Jesus made us feel like we were all players in Our Heavenly Father’s plan, where before we were just a sweaty, uncomfortable crowd,” said one partygoer. “This was the best kegger ever!” After only a few beers, Jesus, or “Jeez” as He came to be known, began to show signs of mortal fallibility. He was seen spilling a beer on His loincloth, and repeatedly spoke of his strained relationship with His father. “He said that living in the light of God wasn’t all it’s cracked up to be,” said Erika Matthews, a sophomore majoring in graphic design. “God was always on his case to come down here and fix things up, and was always bugging Jeez to get a haircut.” But Jesus’ dismay soon turned to delight for all. The Lord proved to be a natural at “quarters”, hitting an unprecedented 18,000 in a row. “He totally cheated,” claimed one witness, convinced that Jesus had used a well-timed miracle to accomplish the feat. The Lord also impressed His new friends by draining a “beer bong”, although found Himself at the butt of jokes when an entire 42 ounces of Busch Light leaked out of the sword wound in his side. It was this leak, together with Jesus’ wine-like blood, which imparted upon Him an unusually high tolerance for alcohol. In fact, Jesus almost single- handedly drained a keg dry, but was quick to compensate for his gluttony by turning water from the kitchen faucet into fine imported beer. Jesus’ finest moment, however, came when He saved the party from being busted by police. Emily Stillson, an underage party-goer, explained that she and everyone else at the kegger could have been severely fined were it not for the Lord’s divine intervention. “When someone yelled ‘cops,’ we all ran for the back door,” she explained, “but Jeez told us not to fear, for we were all His flock. Anyway, once Jeez threatened the cops with time in purgatory, they left us alone.” Unfortunately, as the night wore on, Jesus became more confrontational toward the non-believers in the group. From a slumped-over position in a secluded corner, He spouted insults and accusations at the crowd, occasionally taking belts from a bottle of tequila. “He kept rambling on about how He would pass final holy judgement on us there and then,” said Habershanker, “but He was obviously just too tanked. When He started harassing some of the female guests for not being virgins, we had to ask him to leave.” Jesus was walked to the door by Habershanker and told to “walk off” the effects of the alcohol. Seemingly embarassed by His behavior, Jesus offered a slurred apology to the other guests and reminded them to always go to church on Ash Wednesday. After checking to make sure that Jesus wouldn’t be driving a car, Habershanker pointed Christ in the direction of the nearest homeless shelter and sent Him walking away. Jesus was last seen miraculously stumbling across the surface of the water in a nearby viaduct. Despite Jesus’ antisocial behavior as the night grew late, most of the guests who met Him didn’t seem to hold a grudge, and many showed up for church the next morning. “We’ve all had our share of bad drunken experiences,” said Father Patrick McCollough to the crowd of dishevel- led students who attended his mass. “We should all be willing to forgive Jesus for His actions. He died on the cross so that you kids could party!” Religious scholars around the world cannot be certain where Jesus will next appear, but most agree that the actual Second Coming will not occur until Christ our Lord recovers from what is undoubtedly the worst hangover since biblical times.

#25 Mon, 22 Feb 1999 11:19:22 Re: Neurotrancemitter Party Saturday In a message dated 2/22/99 10:40:43 AM Eastern Standard Time, cdragon at the- lair writes: Thanks go out to Jeff and everybody else responsible for setting up one hell of a party:) Keep it up! This coming Friday – Sasha and Digweed at Twilo Saturday – Synthetic Saddhus (Trance) at the Marc Ballroom at Union Square Does anybody know anything going on this week? Even gallery parties, whatever. Has anybody been to Freq at Pseudo lately?

#26 Mon, 22 Feb 1999 12:03:08 Fwd: (nyc) COUNTDOWN 02 If perchance you’re a non-Twilo type ravers, esp. from Jersey, Brooklynn and Staton Island, and/or want to hear really good techno:

#27 Mon, 22 Feb 1999 11:41:45 From: “djkc at SoS Records” djkc at sosrecordsRe: Fwd: (nyc) COUNTDOWN 02 On 22 Feb 99 at 12:03, Jeff brainmachines at onelistwrote: If perchance you’re a non-Twilo type ravers, esp. from Jersey, Brooklynn and Staton Island, and/or want to hear really good techno: MR. KLEEN (satellite records, nyc) $$ tape release MR. KLEEN IS THE BOMB He’s been down to Houston TWICE and has not disappointed. Good hard groovy phat and chunky. Great selectah!! If you happen to go, and get a tape, tell him KC from Hardrive Crew (Houston) wants one too!!!!! By the way Jeff, who *was* the “hard techno DJ” at your first party?? -kc 🙂 Hardrive Crew, Houston Texas USA web sosrecords/hardrive hardrive at sosrecords

#28 Mon, 22 Feb 1999 13:18:18 From: Stacia Zynczenko StaciaZ at ChampionSaysYesRe: Neurotrancemitter Party Saturday This is what I’ve heard about for this week so far… hey Stacia….thought I’d pass this on to you as fyi…Also, didn’t know if you knew, but there is a hhhuge party at the Roxy this Thursday -Original Message- Sent: Monday, February 22, 1999 4:03 AM To: blackcherrylist at blackcherrysoul; marchlist at voicesatnells Nells Monday Just a quick note. Nells is launching a new party tonight Cashmere Mondays Hosted by Jordan, Earth, and Cash of Cashmere Ent. Come join the biggest names in fashion, entertertainment and music fo for a night of reggae, R/B, and jazz. DJ Twin spins. $10 cover Door open 9 pm and close at 3 pm. -Original Message- Sent: Monday, February 22, 1999 11:19 AM [brainmachines] Re: Neurotrancemitter Party Saturday In a message dated 2/22/99 10:40:43 AM Eastern Standard Time, cdragon at the- lair writes: Thanks go out to Jeff and everybody else responsible for setting up one hell of a party:) Keep it up! This coming Friday – Sasha and Digweed at Twilo Saturday – Synthetic Saddhus (Trance) at the Marc Ballroom at Union Square Does anybody know anything going on this week? Even gallery parties, whatever. Has anybody been to Freq at Pseudo lately? Access for full information

#29 Tue, 23 Feb 1999 09:40:27 Fwd: Cannibal Rendezvous Mike Bindra’s shindig tonight. I will be there!

#30 23 Feb 1999 21:32:45 From: cdragon at xx.xxx Is there a trance party in LA this saturday? I am going to LA for a week. If anyone knows of a good trance party to go to there, I’d really appreciate it! Either this saturday or upcoming friday-saturday? CD

#31 Wed, 24 Feb 1999 09:50:56 From: dejongm at xx.xxx Re: Is there a trance party in LA this saturday? Here ya go CDragon…. Hope this helps.. 🙂 Friday February 26, 1999 Clubsoda One Year Anniversary Featuring in: Area One: Galactic (Electric NRG, LA), Nicholas Bennison (Biohazard, LA), Doran (Fragrant, LA), Chelsea & Charlie Brown (Clubsoda, LA), and Thee-O (Biohazard, LA) Area Two: DJ Warhol (Superbean, LA), Jason Splat (The Realm, LA), Dave Panek, DJ Drew Down, Omicron (Electric NRG, LA), and Charlie Brown & Chelsea (Clubsoda, LA) More info: 310.840.5532 Phuture Now 2 Featuring Taylor (Platipus Records/United DJ’s of America), Thomas Michael (Phat Phunk), Paolo (Alien Nation/Equinox), Jon E Thin (Equinox), G. Maxim (Magestek Muzik), Jamie Thinnes (Higher Source), Sotero (Hallucination), Merlyn (Industry/Alien Nation), Thomas White (Higher Source), Tony Fiore (Magestek Muzik), and Lance Holland (d Music) More info: 619.492.8406 | 323.960.4396 Saturday February 27, 1999 Another ONE Party by One Entertainment Featuring in: Area One: Gayle San (Equator, London, 1st LA appearance), Chris Liebing (Audio Rec., Frankfurt), Luis Ortiz (Aural Exciter, Spain), Omar (Higher Source, LA), Thee-O (Biohazard, LA), and San (One Ent., LA) Area Two: Medicine Show (Live PA, LIK Rec., LA), Mystic (LIK Rec.), Joel (ONE Ent.), Thee-O (Biohazard, LA), Ganesh (Biohazard, LA), and Huggie (Global Energy, LA) Cost: $20 Presale More info: 213.871.5845 | 714.647.5537 | 619.492.8453 | 909.424.5052 | email Dubtribe Sound System by Conscious Groove & Lotus Magazine Featuring in: Environment 1: Dubtribe live (playing an exclusive 3 hour set), Moonbeam (Dubtribe), Cosmic Jason (Dubtribe), and Sergio (Lotus Magazine). This room will feature 26 cabinets of turbo sound and Dubtribe’s special lighting show for your retinal delight. Environment 2: Jason Blakemore (Til’ Dawn/Life), Juan Nunez (Release / WAX), Kenneth Graham (controlteam / Planet Groove), Jaime Thinnes (earthtones recordings), and Wally (Love / Dufflebag Records) Environment 3 – Ambient / Funk Lounge: Oscure (Til’ Dawn / Conscious Groove), Alien Tom (Native Alien / Planet Groove) and Odysseus More info: 213.427.8665 | 818.382.2990 | 714.740.8741 | 619.635.9735 Eclipse by 2Hype Prod. Featuring John Bishop (ICU Promotions, SD), Christopher Lawrence (Hook Rec., Fragrant, LA), Jason Blakemore (Bassex, LA), Jon Williams (Organized Noise, SF), Hawke (aka Gavin Hardkiss, Live PA, Sunburn, SF), and Eric Davenport (Black Licorice, LA) Cost: w/ flyer from LA- $15 | w/ flyer from SD- $10 | w/ flyer from SF- $5 | w/o flyer- $20 More info: 800.913.7513 | 888.520.1547 | 213.506.2107 | 619.680.8960 Essence of Friendship by X & O Prod. Featuring Simply Jeff (Mission Control, LA), Ron D. Core (2 hr old skool acid set), Thee-O (Biohazard, LA), St. John (HouseNation, SF), Andren & Scott Free (Dr. Freeclouds), Dave Tech, and more TBA More info: 818.754.4785 Midnight Bombers 1 yr. Anniversary by Planet 9 Featuring Curious? (Tonz of Drumz, LA), Machete (Junglist Platoon), Cosmo Brown (Planet 9, LA), Prime-Evil (Sharee & Dr. Mario), DJ Down (Planet 9), and MC? Cost: $10 with canned food | $3 w/ Detonation 06 ticket More info: 323.692.5721 | 213.960.7764 | 310.281.6025 Friday March 5, 1999 Drum and Bassics by Skyline Prod. Featuring Freaky Flow (Placebo, Toronto), Machete (Junglist Platoon, LA), Oscar da Grouch (Junglist Platoon, LA), MC Vers 1 (Junglist Platoon, LA), Deacon (Wreckignition, LA), SDF-1 (Protoculture Kru, LA), MC Hai (Protoculture Kru, LA), ESP (RE Design), Don, Trox, and EZ Dub (Triforce) Cost: $10 More info: 909.932.2067 | 818.816.4984 | 213.991.8250 Saturday March 6, 1999 Demented Circuitry by Infinite Frequency Featuring Nick Taylor (Tip Rec., UK), Andrew Till (The Visitors), and more TBA More info: 213.694.1424 | 818.771.8737 Octopus Garden by Jedi Knights and Lube ‘n Stuph Featuring ??? More info: 213.960.5695 | 310.859.5806 | 714.550.4722 | 909.424.3373 Wake ‘n Bake by Jungle Boogie & Nova Family Featuring in: Area One- Kelly Reverb (Dallas), Barry Weaver (Funky Tekno Tribe, Portland), Lenny V. (Jungle Boogie, LA), Jason Blakemore (Bassex, LA), Jimmy (Make Believe, LA), and Reza (Go Ventures, LA) Area Two- R.A.W. vs. Curious (2×4), and Flux vs. Rinse (2×4, SF Bass Kru) Area Three- Vapor Space (Live PA), Adam X (Sonic Groove, NY), Jon Williams, and Sunny Stone More info: 213.960.7849 | 213.532.6985 | 714.780.8208 | 310.535.0706 -Original Message- Sent: Tuesday, February 23, 1999 4:33 PM [brainmachines] Is there a trance party in LA this saturday? From: cdragon at the-lair I am going to LA for a week. If anyone knows of a good trance party to go to there, I’d really appreciate it! Either this saturday or upcoming friday-saturday? CD Have you seen our new web site?

#32 Thu, 25 Feb 1999 12:55:19 From: dejongm at xx.xxx Lost items Hey people. 🙂 Just want to say that the lost camera has been found.. Jen.. Thanks for holding on to it! As for the hoberman… Still missing. If anyone knows the identity of the cutish blonde girl wearing blue at the party last saturday… Please let me know.. The ball is customized and has hours and hours of creative work behind it. It is an essential part of my show.. Thanks in advance… Mark Ps. – The photos from Serotonin Selector should be up by monday night at web buser.net/zero-g. I’ll write a final message when they’re ready.

#33 Fri, 26 Feb 1999 16:45:09 From: Handsndeck at xxx.xxx stay tuned for great british house HANDS ON DECK and GBH present STAY TUNED FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 26th putting the “brits” in great british house with special guests: Eli (Ministry of Sound/Blue Note) Terry Casey (Stay Tuned) deep, soulful, funky, pumping house join gbh resident: Anthony Maccaroni (King Street Sounds/Nightgroove) in the downstairs lounge: DJ Frank Delour spinning soul, funk and hip hop classics 10p-4am open bar 10-11 at Vanity 28 e23rd st (between park/madison) guestlist/info 212.501.4305 see you on the dancefloor…………. **************************

March 1999

#35 Mon, 1 Mar 1999 12:58:21 Fwd: unit/ cineplexx record release party- caipirinha music

#36 Wed, 3 Mar 1999 21:22:44 Fwd:Smile Communications / The Controls Release Party

#37 Wed, 3 Mar 1999 21:45:19 Change you DNA now! Here’s how! Hello Brainiacs, If you know anybody looking to promote/sell/distribute ideas/findings/memes, at the next Neurotrancemitter on March 27 email me e.g. artwork, magazine articles, T-shirts, jewelry, etc etc [fractal here]. As a the simplest way to communicate to all is to simply reply to any message with (brainmachines) in the Subject field. Jeff

#39 Wed, 3 Mar 1999 22:02:37 Fwd: SunJet Extends New York Fare Sale to Big HUGE Florida Party! If anybody’s going to the Winter Music Conference in Miami…

#40 Thu, 4 Mar 1999 11:57:08 From: “djkc at SoS Records” djkc at x.x Tha Pride- jungle zine Hi Jeff, are you lonely & desparate for replies to the list? 🙂 heh j/k. We’re listenin!! just probably really fuggin busy with other 5h!t… Anyway, about your request for stuff I don’t know if anybody on this list is into jungle, but there is a pretty slick jungle zine called “Tha Pride” that’s published down here in Houston. Billy aka BMC (Purrin Lion) runs it and prints up about 10,000 per issue (currently on issue 4). Let me know if you’re interested and I could hook you up with some. It’s a half-size gloss zine, and oh, it’s free! -kc On 3 Mar 99 at 21:45, Jeff brainmachines at onelistwrote: Hello Brainiacs, If you know anybody looking to promote/sell/distribute ideas/findings/memes, at the next Neurotrancemitter on March 27 email me e.g. artwork, magazine articles, T-shirts, jewelry, etc etc [fractal here]. As a the simplest way to communicate to all is to simply reply to any message with (brainmachines) in the Subject field. Jeff djkc at sosrecords web sosrecords “We will use…the recording of nervous energy streaming past microscopic listening devices in the bloodstreams of insects. Our pallette is the noise of infinity itself and all that is accessable to human beings.” Chuck Goldman

#41 Fri, 5 Mar 1999 14:52:30 TONIGHT Friday Meet the first hacker John Draper AKA Cap’n Crunch tonight – my guest – at the big Australian trance party tonight at Vinyl. He’s really into trance. He’s on his way to Goa, India. discovery/area/technology/hackers/crunch.html From down under will be Nick Taylor and Andrew Till. Mention brainmachines at the door, and include your email address and you’ll get reduced admission. The door will have a list of every email from the brainmachines list. You’ll also be able to do the brainmachines for free. Questions? . 11pm – 745am. Vinyl is right next to Wetlands 6 Hubert Street off Hudson 3 bvlocks below Canal

#42 Wed, 10 Mar 1999 12:12:20 Fwd: Gaian Mind Party Anybody going? I am. Anybody driving…?

#43 Wed, 10 Mar 1999 12:24:06 From: dejongm at xx.xxx Re: Fwd: Gaian Mind Party Jeff. The DC / Philly crew from ZG will probably be there. I know I’ll be in town that weekend. Just a matter of when I’m heading back to Washington. Are you going to be in NYC this weekend or are you heading down to FL? Are there any parties in NYC on Friday or Saturday? Talk soon… Late, Mark -Original Message- Sent: Wednesday, March 10, 1999 12:12 PM [brainmachines] Fwd: Gaian Mind Party Anybody going? I am. Anybody driving…?

#44 Wed, 10 Mar 1999 12:38:03 DOPAMINE My children, This is some advance information about the upcoming cleansing, forwarded for your immediate gratification. We will be re-enacting the process of addiction so as to break free of the bond, if only for an evening. It will involve heavy use of substances so as to be more fully informed of their deleterious effects. So, start stockpiling. Also note that rats exude dopamine when shocked. So when that headless prom queen comes into 337 West 36th andsees the sisters of the straw, we drain her brain fluids and make a new cocktail!! ‘Nuff said, my rodentious cretins… Dr. Dope a’Mine!!

#45 Thu, 11 Mar 1999 07:23:33 From: KupoJsin at xxx.xxx Re: Fwd: Gaian Mind Party where is this or where can i get info? jsin

#46 Thu, 11 Mar 1999 15:10:32 From: “thew” thew at xx.x greetings and hallucinations – hi im matthew of the NEURONAUTIC INSTITUTE i already love this list and havent even gotten a message from it yet Ive been involved with brainmachines since before teh first MEGABRAIN book came out and was very involved particularly through the 80’s with micheal hutchinson and that crowd (via charlie rush (inventor of the TRANQUILITE)) Tim Leary R A Wilson etcetcetc I also do psychedelic performance with computer and video at clubs raves parties trance events other events etc the last big gig i did was in portland OR with wavey gravey and some pranksters and the phurst church of phun before that the boom! festival in portugal big fun it was too a week from friday hallucinogen is performing at vinyl wow i just wanted to say hi guys i rambled peaceout m ….. BLUR thew ….. home.earthlink.net/thew

#47 Thu, 11 Mar 1999 15:26:16 From: “thew” thew at xx.x Re: greetings and hallucinations – oooo i forgot to mention i was back in goa this season it rocked hard anyone else make it this year? ….. BLUR thew ….. home.earthlink.net/thew From: “thew” thew at neuronautic brainmachines at onelist [brainmachines] greetings and hallucinations – Thu, Mar 11, 1999, 3:10 PM From: “thew” thew at neuronautic hi im matthew of the NEURONAUTIC INSTITUTE i already love this list and havent even gotten a message from it yet Ive been involved with brainmachines since before teh first MEGABRAIN book came out and was very involved particularly through the 80’s with micheal hutchinson and that crowd (via charlie rush (inventor of the TRANQUILITE)) Tim Leary R A Wilson etcetcetc I also do psychedelic performance with computer and video at clubs raves parties trance events other events etc the last big gig i did was in portland OR with wavey gravey and some pranksters and the phurst church of phun before that the boom! festival in portugal big fun it was too a week from friday hallucinogen is performing at vinyl wow i just wanted to say hi guys i rambled peaceout m ….. BLUR thew ….. home.earthlink.net/thew

#48 Thu, 11 Mar 1999 15:52:52 Re: greetings and hallucinations – In a message dated 3/11/99, 2:06:44 PM, brainmachines at onelist writes: week from friday hallucinogen is performing at vinyl and the same night tsuyoshi suzuki at twilo…. hmmm

#49 Thu, 11 Mar 1999 15:57:00 Fwd: Gaian Mind Party This is Philly Saturday I will be going – not a really huge event but hey it’s TRANCE if anybody wants to go email me and maybe we can coordinate driving etc

#50 Thu, 11 Mar 1999 15:58:52 Re: greetings and hallucinations – In a message dated 3/11/99, 2:22:59 PM, brainmachines at onelist writes: i forgot to mention i was back in goa this season it rocked hard anyone else make it this year? cap’n crunch was in the house last saturday and he was on his way to Goa Gil’s, and speaking before the hotel industry RE: Trance

#52 Sat, 13 Mar 1999 14:45:47 Fwd: [mind-l] Re: GHB In a message dated 3/12/99 10:55:40 AM Eastern Standard Time, jim at entrance.to writes: Yes. and you can get 1-4 Butanediol, a solvent – electronics grade like BASF 99.95%, which converts in the liver to GHB, water, and carbon dioxide. Lemmee see, Scott, how do you spell that? BUTANEdiol. Is that pronounced BUTANE-DIE-ALL? The liver may break it down to GHB, but why put solvents in your liver which it DOESN’T like for you to do when you can order pharmaceutical grade GHB from an overseas source that guarantees delivery, cause you can’t re-da-liver if when fails you some day! The liver performs more than 360 life-sustaining functions every day, the loss of any one of which WILL KILL YOU! Treat your liver with more respect than you give your brain, because you can be brain-dead & live, but you will die without your LIVEr.

#54 Mon, 15 Mar 1999 19:24:07 Monday nights …there is a trance night on Mondays now at Club 205. Has anybody been, is it worth checking out? This next Friday Hallucinogen will be at Vinyl and Tsuyoshi Suzuki will be at Twilo. Decisions decisions.

#55 Tue, 16 Mar 1999 05:45:38 From: “djkc at SoS Records” djkc at x.x websyteovthemillenium countdown.org/

#56 Wed, 17 Mar 1999 16:28:05 Fwd: What’s up In a message dated 3/17/99 12:39:17 PM Eastern Standard Time, npaniagua at backstagecasting writes: I also heard a weird rumor that Paul Oakenfold will be spinning somewhere in NYC next week. Inquiring minds want to know. Have you hear anything? I have an Email at home boldOakenfoldk at aol/bold

#57 Wed, 17 Mar 1999 16:30:23 Jungley doings wednesday night …and also, Trang is doing Gemini, mention her name, open bar 10-11.

#58 Thu, 18 Mar 1999 00:01:51 From: “Cliff Hall” cliff at xxx.x Re: Fwd: What’s up I also heard a weird rumor that Paul Oakenfold will be spinning somewhere in NYC next week. Inquiring minds want to know. Have you hear anything? It’s the Perfecto crew at Bowery Ballroom on the 25th – DAVE RALPH & PAUL OAKENFOLD! I caught them both down in Atlanta last year and it was awesome! Oakie’s set was OK, but let me tell you, Dave Ralph threw the f # at k DOWN! he *is* the man to see. Don’t get me wrong, i’m not knocking Oakenfold, but Dave Ralph is who *i’m* going down there to see next week…. -Cliff

#59 Wed, 17 Mar 1999 19:25:16 Dope – a- Mean Very important – Please forward to interested parties. The space that was scheduled for the next dope fest – March 27, Saturday – has been rented out. If anybody knows anybody or anywhere, read on. If anybody passes along information leading to the arrest of a space they will receive a free six month supply of their choice of nootropics and oxygen, a $120 value, including piracetam, pramiracetam, vinpocetine, hydergine, lucidril, Homozon, and B.O.L. liquid oxygen. Or you can just have the cash. Or, a more bountiful cornucopia can be developed per your preference. Said space must be at least 2000′. Preferably not a venue per se. Preferably not a CLUB or a BAR as that would entail us having to behave semi- grown up. Owners would share a 50% monetary stake from proceeds and will have full veto powers on ensuing weirdness. “WE” will do the rest. Do it for US. Do it for your BRAINS. Cheers (let’s hope), Jeff

#60 Wed, 17 Mar 1999 21:33:19 From: KupoJsin at xxx.xxx Re: Dope – a- Mean so is this party still on? cause i was looking forward to goin ALOT!!! jsin

#61 Thu, 18 Mar 1999 17:59:16 Re: Dope-a-mean In a message dated 3/17/99 11:27:58 PM Eastern Standard Time, cliff at hotbot writes: i’m here now and more at peace than i’ve ever been in my life. it really is all about *being* and *connecting with others*. found a space, back on FUCKING TRACK.

#62 Thu, 18 Mar 1999 22:53:52 Official U.S. Report Backs Medical Use Of Marijuana I do not smoke cannabis – it temporarily inhibits short term memory – but this is what we call a SEA CHANGE. It started with the herbal revolution, the coming $1 billion nootropic cognitive enhancer industry (within 4 years), and now this:

#63 Fri, 19 Mar 1999 00:44:17 From: DrBaxkus at xxx.xxx Party at 205 Club Goa Trance on Mondays at the 205 Club on Stanton and Chrystie, NYC. No Cover.

#64 Fri, 19 Mar 1999 01:24:30 From: “thew” thew at xx.x Re: Party at 205 Club same people as the party as the party ay vain? ….. BLUR thew ….. home.earthlink.net/thew /subscribe/Psychedelia From: DrBaxkus at aol [brainmachines] Party at 205 Club Fri, Mar 19, 1999, 12:44 AM From: DrBaxkus at aol Goa Trance on Mondays at the 205 Club on Stanton and Chrystie, NYC. No Cover.

#65 Fri, 19 Mar 1999 10:54:33 From: DrBaxkus at xxx.xxx Re: Digest Number 21 In a message dated 99-03-19 03:59:45, you write: same people as the party as the party ay vain? Different DJ/Promoters, more or less same crowd, but with Caberet liscence. state can not only restrict, but also tax our right to dance?!

#66 Fri, 19 Mar 1999 12:24:18 From: “thew” thew at xx.x Re: Digest Number 21 im sure its the same crowd more otr less is vain still running? i have to start performing again the trance world is forgetting me….. if you accept the concept of a state at all, then taxes dont bother me much….. BLUR thew ….. home.earthlink.net/thew /subscribe/Psychedelia From: DrBaxkus at aol [brainmachines] Re: Digest Number 21 Fri, Mar 19, 1999, 10:54 AM From: DrBaxkus at aol In a message dated 99-03-19 03:59:45, you write: same people as the party as the party ay vain? Different DJ/Promoters, more or less same crowd, but with Caberet liscence. state can not only restrict, but also tax our right to dance?!

#67 Wed, 24 Mar 1999 00:02:22 The party is ON!!! Dopamine Detergent is ON for Saturday, at the Pierre Garroudi showroom in West Chelsea. 4000′, runway, glass, 25′ ceilings. Reduced suggested donation of $7 if you give your email on this list at the door, and you are registered at /subscribe.cgi/brainmachines (if you got this message, unforwarded, you’re on… if someone forwarded this to you, subscribe. This will be a Neurotrancemitter to remember. A release form will be involved) Neurotrancemitters are designed to be faster, smarter, harder, higher, trippier The next event – Code name Dopamine Detergent – will be at a NEW SPACE – the beautiful Pierre Garroudi Showroom on 530 West 25th between 9th and 10th in the arts district in West Chelsea on Saturday, March 27, 10PM-9AM. Youll have to sign a WAIVER at the door. Neurologic Psychedelic Loft party – Come celebrate GOD Saturday March 27th 10 p.m. – 8 a.m. (The Saturday after Sasha & Digweed at Twilo Friday night) Code word to get in: Dopamine Detergent Suggested Donation: $10 Save money by going to the web site to buy tickets for $7 in advance with any major credit card through a secure connection to CCNOW – the tickets wil be held for you at the Door Reduced suggested donation of $7 if you give your email at the door, and you are registered at /subscribe.cgi/brainmachines A new/old/recycled social concept Unbelievably cool people as clueless as you Neuronauts – Artists – Hackers – Doctors – Models – Freaks Yeah, people like us! Trance Global Underground No bullshit attitude Leave illegal ds beHIND and broaden your MIND This party is NOT about being fuzzy and fu*ked uif you are, we dont want you, we will make you become the next Burning Man Vendor Information: Leave message at 212-445-0364 Emergency cell DJs: These gatherings are not about the cult of the DJ, but about the vibe itself, so those expecting a prima donna with a box of vinyl will be disappointed. The people are most important – who you will meet, what ideas you will share. To the DJs who show up – DO NOT VULTURE around the turntables. Generally, it will start out house progressing to trance. Sounds will include John the Dentist/Additive, Sasha & Digweed, Paul Oakenfold, assorted trance, progressive house, uplifting hard house and techno, all on genuine digital compact discs. Actual DJs:, Karl H, Tyson, Barbara, Matthew Magic, assorted others). And in terms of DJs, there will be some surprises. Entrainment: Brain Wave Research by brainmachines, Cranial Electrical Stimulation, Breathwork Explorer, Ganzfeld Effect, Laser, Smoke, Lights, a- Sordid giveaways Come any time before 8 a.m., it will be happening. Bring friends from wherever you end up Saturday. We don’t have to worry about crowds or noise, so bring out the big guns and bring the posse, as long as they don’t actually have big guns or normally travel in posses. BYOBencouraged. Cash bar for civilians. BYOBencouraged. Any males visibly intoxicated will be escorted from the premises. Any videocameras in the bathrooms will be confiscated. Abusive treatment of women will not be tolerated. We reserve to right to kick anybody out, and we have, and its a lot of fun to get violent with stupid people, every once in a while. Refreshments: Homozon, various nootropics Lame Scale: ZERO. Expecting roughly 700 people or so, 350 at any one time. Shood be good. And big enough to avoid exes who may appear out of the woodwork. Like cockaroaches, as cocaine kingpin Tony Montagno would say. Serotonin Selector was a howling success. Thank you. So What happened? Overall very good vibe and people, booming sound system. In general, complete chaos. Doctors and researchers hitting up blonde Spy models looking for blow. A guy tripping with a video camera trying to get footage of girls in the bathroom, a barking dog, two drunk Frenchmen kicked out, as was promised in the flyer for the party, for breaking bottles, stealing booze and amorously trying to grope Tims girlfriend. Whew.

#68 Wed, 24 Mar 1999 00:03:35 Oh, read this too. Oh, forward that email you just got to EVERYONE YOU KNOW. It will save you the truuble of having to tell them what an evening/morning you had.

#69 Wed, 24 Mar 1999 00:45:09 Link look up web PierreGarroudi for where this Neurotrancemitter will be held. Also, for you lab rats… Caffeine is not addictive for most people, a new study concludes, and has little effect on human health. No, really. According to a much-promoted French study released Monday during the American Chemical Society’s annual meeting, drinking up to three cups of coffee a day has no effect on the part of the brain responsible for addiction. And it may actually be good for you. If you’re a rat. After spending two years with 30 rodents, researcher Astrid Nehlig of the French National Health Medical Research Institute found that moderate consumption increases energy and renders addiction “quite unlikely.” The study was funded by the French coffee industry and her employer. Bank loan officer Laura Comstock doesn’t hesitate when asked if she agrees with Nehlig’s conclusions. “No,” she replies flatly. Comstock must have at least two caffeinated drinks – usually tea or Diet Coke – to get through the day, plus a midmorning cup of joe. “I get headaches if I don’t drink coffee,” she said, seated at a coffee house during lunch, a cup of decaf in hand. “There’s got to be somthing to that.” According to Nehlig, seven or eight cups of java would have to be consumed in quick succession to create the same addictive brain activity as a low dose of, say, morphine. “Addiction to caffeine is not the same as addiction to mthamphetamines or cocaine or morphine,” Nehlig said. “I’m not denying that there can be a dependence on caffeine, I’m just saying that there is no adverse physical effects to using caffeine in moderate levels,” the researcher said. Caffeine studies are all over the map when it comes to health effects. Some say the d increases productivity. The Center for Science in the Public Interest, a Washington-based watchdog group, said it may degenerate bone mass and endanger fetuses. Roland Griffiths, a professor of psychiatry and neuroscience at Johns Hopkins University, has done extensive research on caffeine. He’s skeptical of Nehlig’s conclusions. “When you start extrapolating from rats to humans, all kinds of things change,” he said. And “there is pretty substantial literature in animals and humans showing chronic administration of caffeine produces acute dependency syndrome.” Georgina Rocha, who operates an outdoor coffee stand in Los Angeles, sees some of that every day. Does she believe caffeine is healthy for her customers? “When I drink it, I get all jumpy and hyper, so it can’t be good for them, either,” she said. Copyright 1999 The Associated Press. .

#70 Thu, 25 Mar 1999 22:26:06 From: Lola lola at xx.xx.x for those interested in stocks Check this out! web monsterbook/SignUp2.asp if choose to sign up, give this number 466027 Hope to see y’all on Saturday! L.

#71 Fri, 26 Mar 1999 09:57:31 Fashion Show If anybody knows edgey fashion designers who would want to do a runway show in front of well, the community

#72 Fri, 26 Mar 1999 12:02:52 From: LaBeLdEva at xxx.xxx Re: Fashion Show yo my name is leya my friends and i are starting our own fashion company,,we just having finanvial delays,when did u have in mind?? leya

#73 Fri, 26 Mar 1999 12:27:05 Re: Fashion Show In a message dated 3/26/99 12:03:25 PM Eastern Standard Time, LaBeLdEva at aol writes: yo my name is leya my friends and i are starting our own fashion company,,we just having finanvial delays,when did u have in mind?? leya it’s jeff. send me a JPEG so I can if it’s a good fit with the scene

#74 Fri, 26 Mar 1999 12:34:17 From: “thew” thew at xx.x Re: Fashion Show as some of you know i do live video projection and performance and would love to do an edgy fasion show From: LaBeLdEva at aol [brainmachines] Re: Fashion Show Fri, Mar 26, 1999, 12:02 PM From: LaBeLdEva at aol yo my name is leya my friends and i are starting our own fashion company,,we just having finanvial delays,when did u have in mind?? leya

#75 Fri, 26 Mar 1999 13:15:28 Re: Tonight Everybody going to Sasha & Digweed tonight? It’s the 2 year anniversary. In a message dated 3/26/99 12:31:44 PM Eastern Standard Time, thew at neuronautic writes: as some of you know i do live video projection and performance we have 6 simultaneously video going on, with a slide projector. Ted and Mojo are running it.

#76 Fri, 26 Mar 1999 13:19:46 From: LaBeLdEva at xxx.xxx Re: Fashion Show we dont have stuff ready everything is still in design rite now so,i guess its no good maybe later, leya

#77 Fri, 26 Mar 1999 13:45:53 Re: Fashion Show In a message dated 3/26/99 1:24:39 PM Eastern Standard Time, LaBeLdEva at aol writes: we dont have stuff ready everything is still in design rite now so,i guess its no good maybe later, leya get yer shit together!

#78 Fri, 26 Mar 1999 13:46:09 Re: Fashion Show In a message dated 3/26/99 1:24:39 PM Eastern Standard Time, LaBeLdEva at aol writes: we dont have stuff ready everything is still in design rite now so,i guess its no good maybe later, leya and i didn’t see you at the meeting at sound factory

#79 Fri, 26 Mar 1999 13:48:34 Delete – SORRY Disregard those other emaiLelete – SORRY Disregard those other emails

#80 Fri, 26 Mar 1999 13:59:29 From: “thew” thew at xx.x Re: Tonight mojo tha animator? what sort of videos? just running, or being mixed? [brainmachines] Re: Tonight Fri, Mar 26, 1999, 1:15 PM Everybody going to Sasha & Digweed tonight? It’s the 2 year anniversary. In a message dated 3/26/99 12:31:44 PM Eastern Standard Time, thew at neuronautic writes: as some of you know i do live video projection and performance we have 6 simultaneously video going on, with a slide projector. Ted and Mojo are running it.

#81 Fri, 26 Mar 1999 17:51:41 From: EquisDos at xxx.xxx Re: Fashion Show Yes….Sasha and Digweed tonight 3 am….and we’ll bring the posse….sans guns

#82 Fri, 26 Mar 1999 18:00:21 From: EquisDos at xxx.xxx Re: Fashion Show check out the fashions at web garosparo….. pretty cool

#83 Sat, 27 Mar 1999 17:43:47 Ahoy neuronauts See ya’ll tonight. All your emails are on the brainmachines log list. You will pay $7 instead of $15 to get in. Dopamine Detergent is ON for night, at the Pierre Garroudi showroom in West Chelsea. 4000′, runway, glass, 25′ ceilings. He’s the French Versace. Come prance on his runway and check out his site at web PierreGarroudi. Reduced suggested donation of $7 if you give your email on this list at the door, and you are registered at /subscribe.cgi/brainmachines (if you got this message, unforwarded, you’re on… if someone forwarded this to you, subscribe. This will be a Neurotrancemitter to remember. A release form will be involved) Neurotrancemitter FasterHarderSmarterHarderHigherTrippier The Next Experiment, In partnership with New York Nites Code Name Dopamine Detergent will be at a NEW SPACE the beautiful Pierre Garroudi Showroom 530 West 25th St. btwn 10th Ave. & 11th Ave. in the arts district in West Chelsea on Saturday, March 27, 10PM-9AM. Youll have to sign a WAIVER at the door. Neurologic Psychedelic Loft party Lets celebrate GOD After Paul Oakenfold Thursday, Sasha & Digweed at Twilo Friday night, come wind down the weekend on a fasionista runway with fellow extropians, utopians, and domanine deficient nocturnals The cleansing, forwarded for your immediate gratification. We will be re-enacting the process of addiction so as to break free of the bond, if only for an evening, so as to be more fully informed of their deleterious effects. So, start stockpiling. Also note that rats exude dopamine when shocked. So when that headless prom queen comes in and sees the sisters of the straw, we drain her brain fluids and make a new cocktail!! Code word to get in: Dopamine Detergent Suggested Donation: $10 Save money by clicking on at brainmachines to buy tickets for $9 in advance with any major credit card through a secure connection to CCNOW – the tickets wil be held for you at the Door Reduced suggested donation of $7 if you give your email at the door, and you are registered at /subscribe.cgi/brainmachines A new/old/recycled social conceptUnbelievably cool people as clueless as youNeuronauts – Artists – Hackers – Doctors – Models – Freaks – Programmers – Web Heads – Yeah, people like us!Trance Global Underground No bullshit attitude Leave illegal stuff beHIND and broaden your MINDThis party is NOT about being fuzzy and fu*ked uif you are, we dont want you, we will make you become the next Burning Man Vendor Information: Leave message at 212-445-0364 Emergency cell DJs: These gatherings are not about the cult of the DJ, but about the vibe itself, so those expecting a prima donna with a box of vinyl will be disappointed. The people are most important – who you will meet, what ideas you will share. To the DJs who show up – DO NOT VULTURE around the turntables. Generally, it will start out house progressing to trance. Music played will include John the Dentist/Additive, Sasha & Digweed, Paul Oakenfold, assorted trance, progressive house, uplifting hard house and techno. Actual DJs: Jeff Machinelf, Karl H, Tyson, Barbara, Sean Hall, Matthew Magic, assorted others). Entrainment: Brain Wave Research by brainmachines, Cranial Electrical Stimulation, Breathwork Explorer, Ganzfeld Effect, Laser, Smoke, Lights, a- Sordid giveaways Come any time before 8 a.m., it will be happening. Bring friends from wherever you end up Saturday. We don’t have to worry about crowds or noise, so bring out the big guns and bring the posse, as long as they don’t actually have big guns or normally travel in posses. BYOBencouraged. Cash bar for civilians. BYOBencouraged. Any males visibly intoxicated will be escorted from the premises. Any videocameras in the bathrooms will be confiscated. Abusive treatment of women will not be tolerated. We reserve to right to kick anybody out, and we have, and its a lot of fun to get violent with stupid people, every once in a while. Refreshments: Homozon, various nootropics Lame Scale: ZERO. Expecting 350 new media types at any one time. Shood be good. And big enough to avoid exes who may appear out of the woodwork. Like cockaroaches, as cocaine kingpin Tony Montagno would say. Imbalanced dopamine activity can cause brain dysfunction and disease. Since the 1970s, scientists have studied the connections between dopamine malfunction and two major Central Nervous System disorder schizophrenia and Parkinson’s disease. More recently, researchers have explored dopamine neurotransmission role in the abuse of ds ranging from stimulants, such as amphetamines and cocaine, to depressants, such as morphine and other opioids, and alcohol. Dopamine research has enhanced scientists’ understanding of how diseases and addictions originate and develop. This understanding is leading to new treatment possibilities. ds which act primarily as dopamine receptor agonists or antagonists can serve as important clinical tools. Dopaminergic neurotransmission can mediate or modulate behaviors ranging from ambulation and stereotypy to self-stimulation, TOP conditioned avoidance responding, feeding and drinking. Serotonin Selector was a howling success. Thank you. All the proceeds went up our nose 😉

#84 Wed, 31 Mar 1999 20:09:54 Thank you List members, Thank you. We were on to somthing unprecedented – the building of a psychedelic community. And we won’t stop here. Ironically it was illegal squatters upstairs who had the Precinct Lieutenant’s home phone, and made it all un-happen at 2am. This, following a 4am raid on Tunnell and Twilo the night before. Extra police are the price we pay for Safir streets. The next event will be incredibly discounted for list members. Coming up will be a weekly trance party 4am-3pm Fridays at the Sound Factory. You’re already on the list. More to come. -JW

April 1999

#85 Thu, 1 Apr 1999 14:34:21 Web authoring services To all List members: Web sites creation – and hosting, created in a day. Special discount for list members. Need several days for InterNic registration. If requested will teach web authoring software.

#86 Fri, 2 Apr 1999 14:14:54 Trance party tonight ..If any wants to go to the Trance at Vinyl tonight you can get a reduced admission by getting on the brainmachines guest list Email your first name and last initial.

#87 Fri, 2 Apr 1999 15:47:01 From: Hommage2p5 at xxx.xxx Re: Trance party tonight Hommage2p5 at aol Rich B.

#88 Fri, 02 Apr 1999 15:58:26 From: Robert Esris rae18 at xx.x Re: Trance party tonight reduced by how much…? ..If any wants to go to the Trance at Vinyl tonight you can get a reduced admission by getting on the brainmachines guest list at Email your first name and last initial. “All of this happened before, and it will all happen again.” -Peter Pan

#89 Fri, 02 Apr 1999 16:07:10 From: “thew” thew at neuronauticRe: Thank you is a friday party that will conflict with tsunami twice a month the best idea for a trance party in NY the scene aint that large —————- home.earthlink.net/thew [brainmachines] Thank you Wed, Mar 31, 1999, 8:09 PM The next event will be incredibly discounted for list members. Coming up will be a weekly trance party 4am-3pm Fridays at the Sound Factory. You’re already on the list. More to come.

#90 Fri, 2 Apr 1999 16:04:12 Re: Trance party tonight In a message dated 4/2/99 3:57:49 PM Eastern Standard Time, rae18 at columbia writes: reduced by how much…? $5. I think it’s $25 normally

#91 Fri, 2 Apr 1999 16:10:51 Re: Thank you In a message dated 4/2/99 4:04:31 PM Eastern Standard Time, thew at neuronautic writes: is a friday party that will conflict with tsunami twice a month the best idea for a trance party in NY the scene aint that large conflict?!? starting at 4am? It’s the afterparty!

#92 Fri, 02 Apr 1999 16:30:22 From: “thew” thew at neuronauticRe: Thank you duh i misread the times my bad —————- home.earthlink.net/thew [brainmachines] Re: Thank you Fri, Apr 2, 1999, 4:10 PM In a message dated 4/2/99 4:04:31 PM Eastern Standard Time, thew at neuronautic writes: is a friday party that will conflict with tsunami twice a month the best idea for a trance party in NY the scene aint that large conflict?!? starting at 4am? It’s the afterparty!

#95 Wed, 7 Apr 1999 00:18:36 Wow Last Friday at the Tsunami was freaky. There were so many phantoms that one had to walk with arms outstretched, as if blind. Wild activity in every 3′ x 3′ space. Sometimes the image was a real person, sometimes just a maniacal stringless marionette puppet. Wow. Boy this sounds like spam but it is not. You can call MIAMI PARIS LONDON BRUSSELS for free. No strings right now – right now you don’t have to listen to ads until they get this service off the ground with a big ad campaign.. You just have to answer 20 questions one time. Soon you’ll have to hear ads but not now. If you have someone in one of these cities go for it. web cortextelecom 212-887-9800 I just called my ex girlfriend in Paris and talked for 20 minutes. Hahahahaahaha. Soon to come – Trance 4am-3pm Fridays at the Sound Factory.

#96 Wed, 7 Apr 1999 09:10:45 From: GaryKruk at mccann Re: Wow when does the trance party at sound factory start…. Thanks, Gary

#97 Wed, 7 Apr 1999 12:32:16 Re: Wow In a message dated 4/7/99 9:15:05 AM, GaryKruk at mccann writes: From: GaryKruk at mccann when does the trance party at sound factory start…. Thanks, Gary April 23rd. Everyone on this list is on the list for reduced, and every effort will be made to build a real community. Sleeping Friday night and waking up early Saturday morning will be encouraged.

#98 Wed, 7 Apr 1999 12:38:15 Wednesday night Come on by tonight, April 7th, as Beep presents the last Wednesday of the BIG BEAT BOUTIQUE at Bar 13. Residents Jeremy Brown (BBB) and Liquid Todd (ultra records/k-rock) will be joined by ffrr artist DJ HIVE. Big Beat Boutique is FREE. The fun starts at 10 w/ 2-for-1 drinks til 11p with MENTION OF PARTY. Bar 13 is located at 35 e. 13th St. at university.

#99 Wed, 7 Apr 1999 13:45:47 From: GaryKruk at xxx.xxx Re: Wow one more question will the sound factory trance party be a weekly thing….. The bad thing about starting on the 23rd is that sven vath and liquid todd r at twilo.. Peace, Gary

#101 Wed, 7 Apr 1999 17:01:46 Re: Wow In a message dated 4/7/99 1:50:16 PM, GaryKruk at mccann writes: one more question will the sound factory trance party be a weekly thing….. The bad thing about starting on the 23rd is that sven vath and liquid todd r at twilo.. yeah, as an afterparty for the twilans, as sff goes until 3-4 pm.

#103 Mon, 12 Apr 1999 14:22:14 Videodrome Forward this around. Come fly with us in the face of Giuliani. WHAT: The Porn Industry Convention (at the Javitz Center – the one with the woman on stage trying to set a world record for number of sex partners in one day)’s The Afterparty WHO: The acclaimed progressive house DJ Liam Kennedy, who has played all over the country, plus Gabriel and Michael, the tag team duo who have opened every Neurotrancemitter with their slamming progressive house tracks. Watch out Sashers & Diggers!! Plus the K Dancers. WHERE: Wednesday April 15th at Cheetah NUDITY: Yes, but not you, so come fully clothed ATTRACTIONS: Come sample the Tantric Yoga program on the NovaPro 100 HOW MUCH: If you have subscribed to the Neurotrancemitter email list, at /subscribe.cgi/brainmachines Your email will be on file at the door giving you a reduced admission, from the $20 admission.

#104 Mon, 12 Apr 1999 18:09:02 Correction – it’s Thursday not Wednesday Forward this around. Come fly with us in the face of Giuliani. WHAT: The Porn Industry Convention (at the Javitz Center – the one with the woman on stage trying to set a world record for number of sex partners in one day)’s The Afterparty WHO: The acclaimed progressive house DJ Liam Kennedy, who has played all over the country, plus Gabriel and Michael, the tag team duo who have opened every Neurotrancemitter with their slamming progressive house tracks. Plus the K Dancers. WHERE: Thursday April 15th at Cheetah NUDITY: Yes, but not you, so come fully clothed ATTRACTIONS: Come sample the Tantric Yoga program on the NovaPro 100 HOW MUCH: If you have subscribed to the Neurotrancemitter email list, at /subscribe.cgi/brainmachines Your email will be on file at the door giving you a reduced admission, from the $20 admission.

#106 Tue, 13 Apr 1999 10:02:15 From: “Mike” MS at x.x Re: Correction – it’s Thursday not Wednesday so whats the cover now?? Jeff04/12/99 06:09PM Forward this around. Come fly with us in the face of Giuliani. WHAT: The Porn Industry Convention (at the Javitz Center – the one with the woman on stage trying to set a world record for number of sex partners in one day)’s The Afterparty WHO: The acclaimed progressive house DJ Liam Kennedy, who has played all over the country, plus Gabriel and Michael, the tag team duo who have opened every Neurotrancemitter with their slamming progressive house tracks. Plus the K Dancers. WHERE: Thursday April 15th at Cheetah NUDITY: Yes, but not you, so come fully clothed ATTRACTIONS: Come sample the Tantric Yoga program on the NovaPro 100 HOW MUCH: If you have subscribed to the Neurotrancemitter email list, at /subscribe.cgi/brainmachines Your email will be on file at the door giving you a reduced admission, from the $20 admission.

#107 Tue, 13 Apr 1999 10:25:19 From: “Mike” MS at x.x Re: Correction – it’s Thursday not Wednesday will there be real smut there??? Jeff04/12/99 06:09PM Forward this around. Come fly with us in the face of Giuliani. WHAT: The Porn Industry Convention (at the Javitz Center – the one with the woman on stage trying to set a world record for number of sex partners in one day)’s The Afterparty WHO: The acclaimed progressive house DJ Liam Kennedy, who has played all over the country, plus Gabriel and Michael, the tag team duo who have opened every Neurotrancemitter with their slamming progressive house tracks. Plus the K Dancers. WHERE: Thursday April 15th at Cheetah NUDITY: Yes, but not you, so come fully clothed ATTRACTIONS: Come sample the Tantric Yoga program on the NovaPro 100 HOW MUCH: If you have subscribed to the Neurotrancemitter email list, at /subscribe.cgi/brainmachines Your email will be on file at the door giving you a reduced admission, from the $20 admission.

#108 Tue, 13 Apr 1999 11:53:04 From: Ross von Burg radian at xxx.x Re: Correction – it’s Thursday not Wednesday Put me down on the list for thursday, sounds like fun!!! Ross

#109 Tue, 13 Apr 1999 13:47:21 Re: Correction – it’s Thursday not Wednesday In a message dated 4/13/99 12:00:23 PM, radian at tki.net writes: From: Ross von Burg radian at tki.net Put me down on the list for thursday, sounds like fun!!! Ross Your emails will be on the Neurotrancemitter list. The actual DJ, the lighting people, and the brainmachines will all be identical to those you have experienced before. But this time you’ll be sharing space with the smut industry, for better or worse. Cover will be $10-17, I’ll get it as low as possible.

#110 Tue, 13 Apr 1999 22:44:48 From: GEMgodesss at xxx.xxx Re: Welcome to brainmachines at onelist HI my name is kimberly I met you at a sound factory meeting,along with my friends larry and adam…and went to one party, but the cops came…. I email to over 1300 people a week for sound factory,If u would like me to send any thing,,let me know and send what you can that i can blind carbon copy to my list and i will….k? thanks w/b kimberly

#111 Tue, 13 Apr 1999 23:27:48 UpThursday’s VIDEODROME will be $10 This event will make up for the last fiasco. List members will get in for $10. All the other sleazoids scumbags and sex kittens will pay $30. If you will have anybody with you that cannot or does not have a computer so they can log on to the Neurotrancemitter email list at /subscribe.cgi/brainmachines then EMAIL those STRAGGLERS to me by Thursday at 7PM so that they can get in for $10 instead of $30. I need a full first name plus a last initial. My email is Here’s a repeat of the email in case you want to forward this: Forward this around. Come fly with us in the face of Giuliani. (Well, we’re bending him over so we can’t really see his face, so use your imagination) WHAT: The Porn Industry Convention (at the Javitz Center – the one with the woman on stage trying to set a world record for number of sex partners in one day)’s Afterparty WHO: The acclaimed progressive house/trance DJ Liam Kennedy, who has played all over the country, plus Gabriel and Michael, the tag team duo who have opened every Neurotrancemitter with their slamming progressive house tracks. Plus the K Dancers. (I know, that’s an oxymoron) WHERE: Thursday April 15th at Cheetah 12 West 21st. WHEN: This Thursday April 15th, 11 P.M. NUDITY/JAILBAIT LIMIT: Yes, but not you, so come fully clothed. This time we’re slightly incognito. And you should look like you’re at least of drinking age 🙂 ATTRACTIONS: Come sample the Tantric Yoga program on the NovaPro 100 Brain Machine. Porno industry sleazoids and their sex kittens. HOW MUCH: It’s a STEAL at $10 if you have subscribed to the Neurotrancemitter email list, at /subscribe.cgi/brainmachines Your email will be on file at the door giving you a reduced admission, from the $30 general admission.

#112 Wed, 14 Apr 1999 04:35:57 From: “Milton Durr” miltondurr at x.x Re: Correction – it’s Thursday not Wednesday How much of a discount from the $20 admission will submitting my name entitle me to? I am considering attending this. Milton From: Ross von Burg radian at tki.net [brainmachines] Re: Correction – it’s Thursday not Wednesday Tue, 13 Apr 1999 11:53:04 From: Ross von Burg radian at tki.net Put me down on the list for thursday, sounds like fun!!! Ross

#115 Wed, 14 Apr 1999 22:26:04 From: Ash W ash at x.x Re: UpThursday’s VIDEODROME will be $10 Hey, where’s the real TRANCE at? I can’t relish house/techno a bitta ambient/voov is fine but I need the REAL TRANCE TRANCE.

#116 Thu, 15 Apr 1999 02:17:47 Where’s the TRANCE this weekend? Friday at Tsunami. I was going – grand guignol going – to get to that, Ash. For reduced admission, you MUST email first names and last initial by 9 P.M. Friday to get on the reduced BRAINMACHINES list – $20. It will start at 11pm at Vinyl, on Hudson and Hubert, next to Wetlands. In a message dated 4/14/99 10:18:28 PM, ash at bway.net writes: I can’t relish house/techno a bitta ambient/voov is fine but I need the REAL TRANCE TRANCE.

#117 Thu, 15 Apr 1999 04:08:15 Israel June 8, 1998 – Press Release For Immediate Distribution Israeli Supreme Court Accepts Claim: “June 6 Political Event is actually a d-Party in Disguise” Organizers claim they intended to Announce a political party at the event A request to hold a political event on June 6 (planned by 2 Israeli registered NPOs as part of an international campaign), was denied by Tel-Aviv police and city-hall. The NPOs appealed to the Israeli Supreme Court, and a session was held on Friday, June 5. The police representatives claimed – “based on classified and reliable intelligence information” – that there was probable cause to assume that the event was actually “a d-party disguised as a political event”. Nimrod Kerrett – Israeli coordinator for Legalize!: “It is the 4th time since mid-April that an event where Trance music is being played is defined by the police as an event where massive d-dealing is expected, and Supreme Court accepts the claim. Our intention was to play Trance music (among many other cultural activities), in order to protest against the local attitude towards the Trance culture. Authorities are sticking the blame for the d-crisis on a musical genre, instead of admitting that the so called “war on ds” is not only ineffective, but actually increases crime, corruption, and even the d-abuse it is supposed to prevent”. legalize.org.il/pr080698.htm

#118 Fri, 16 Apr 1999 14:06:34 From: christina at x.x) Re: Welcome to brainmachines at onelist Parties: Well you know about Whistle but here is another good one from my hometown Charm City a.k.a Baltimore, Maryland Electroscape Festival is a phat party coming up on June 5. It is held on the water at a city park from 9 til 7am as you watch the sunrise over the Cheasepeake Bay!!! Cool right?!! Anyway, I went to their “Sunrise Festival” last year and it was great. The vibe is unmatched by any other place or party I have ever been to. Check out their website at web ultraworld.net for more info. They will be throwing the Sunrise Fest again this August too. I hope to see you there! P.s You’d think I was a promoter or somthing by the way I was talking, right? No, I just know how hard it is to find good parties with a really good atmosphere. christina at compuscape At 04:23 PM 4/15/99 you wrote: Hello new member, Welcome to the brainmachines list. Please take a moment to review this message. You will be getting probably 5-10 messages a week. Please, please, I am begging of you, email this list with any good parties or events you might know of. We’ll all return the favor. web onelist, and select the User Center link from the menu bar on the left. This menu will also let you change your subscription between digest and normal mode. Thanks,

#119 Thu, 15 Apr 1999 14:10:38 From: LaBeLdEva at xxx.xxx Re: Where’s the TRANCE this weekend? LEYA W. PETER W. THATS TEH NAMES HUNNIE,,GOOD TO SEE YA LAST NIGHT ALL BUSINESS LIKE,HEHE I HOPE TO SEE YA TONIGHT AS WELL.. 3 LEYA

#120 Thu, 15 Apr 1999 14:13:36 From: dejongm at xx.xxx Re: Welcome to brainmachines at onelist yes.. Sunrise Festival is definately one to attend!!!! Tickets have gone on sale so don’t waist time to get a few for yourself and your friends!!! Peace, KiPhat Sent: Friday, April 16, 1999 2:07 PM [brainmachines] Re: Welcome to brainmachines at onelist From: christina at compuscape (Christina Mull) Parties: Well you know about Whistle but here is another good one from my hometown Charm City a.k.a Baltimore, Maryland Electroscape Festival is a phat party coming up on June 5. It is held on the water at a city park from 9 til 7am as you watch the sunrise over the Cheasepeake Bay!!! Cool right?!! Anyway, I went to their “Sunrise Festival” last year and it was great. The vibe is unmatched by any other place or party I have ever been to. Check out their website at web ultraworld.net for more info. They will be throwing the Sunrise Fest again this August too. I hope to see you there! P.s You’d think I was a promoter or somthing by the way I was talking, right? No, I just know how hard it is to find good parties with a really good atmosphere. christina at compuscape

#121 Thu, 15 Apr 1999 15:48:38 Re: Where’s the TRANCE this weekend? In a message dated 4/15/99 2:11:35 PM, LaBeLdEva at aol writes: LEYA W. PETER W. get there early and dress sexily but no sneakers and try to look over 21 they will ID otherwise

#122 Thu, 15 Apr 1999 15:59:45 From: Ash Wadhwani ash at x.x Re: Where’s the TRANCE this weekend? I’m in for vinyl. Name is Ash W. Thanks.

#123 Thu, 15 Apr 1999 16:04:34 From: Hommage2p5 at xxx.xxx Re: Correction – it’s Thursday not Wednesday Could you add these names to the list for thursday? Thank you very much. Rich Boatti Corey Grant

#126 Thu, 15 Apr 1999 16:23:04 Fwd: Cinco de Mayo Party In a message dated 4/15/99 4:01:38 PM, kivels at iimagazine writes: CILANTRO 1712 Second Avenue (between East 88th & East 89th Streets) Home of NY’s Best Margaritas WEDNESDAY, MAY 5th 1999 (obviously) 9:00 p.m. until 1:00 a.m. See you there (unless I’ve drunk too many margs and don’t recognize you) Stacey

#134 Fri, 16 Apr 1999 15:40:45 Fwd: MAPS: psychedelic therapy participants wanted

#139 Sat, 17 Apr 1999 17:32:36 From: EquisDos at xxx.xxx Re: Fwd: MAPS: psychedelic therapy participants wanted HOOK ‘EM HORNS!

#140 Mon, 19 Apr 1999 20:17:00 From: “Christine” mccarrot at x.x Re: Fwd: MAPS: psychedelic therapy participants wanted You’ve got to love all Longhorns! From: EquisDos at aol EquisDos at aol brainmachines at onelist Saturday, April 17, 1999 9:33 PM [brainmachines] Re: Fwd: MAPS: psychedelic therapy participants wanted From: EquisDos at aol HOOK ‘EM HORNS!

#143 Wed, 21 Apr 1999 15:35:57 From: “Milton Durr” miltondurr at x.x e-board set-up The set-up of this electronic bulletin board isn’t very sensible! Instead of having everyone on the mailing list (i assume this is who received the messages) receive and e-mail everytime there is a response, why not just have this board be on the web site and have the e-mail list be for notification of various events and guest lists. I don’t mind reading what people say in this forum (assuming they have somthing to say), but it doesn’t make sense to receive several e-mails per day of responses people have made to what they see on this e-board or of requests to be taken off this list. Don’t take me off the list, but please look into restructuring this e- board. When is the next warehouse party? I tend not to like the parties at the big clubs. I don’t like having to pay so much money just to get into a club. Heaven help me if I want to drink!! Tunnel would be better if it weren’t so expensive and there were so many yuppy coke- heads milling about. Milton

#146 Wed, 21 Apr 1999 16:03:38 New format Now, to reduce white noise the list has been reformatted so that any email replied to will be sent straight to the sender. Also – this Friay – The Merry Band of Hyperdimensional self tranceforming machine elves collectively known as Neurotrancemitter They will Tune you in Turn you On and spit you OUT Push your Limit Hack your Brain Feed your Head and Jack you In You will learn to Play HARD, Play SMART, or Play DEAD at the Spiraling Evolving Frenetic revolving Synthetic Synaesthetic Memetic Aerobic Diuretic Neurotrancemitter Experiment V at Sound Fractory Fridays in New York High NRG Trance shamanics Matrix Teledildonics hooked on neuronics soon to be full of viagra bionics Friday April 23rd and EVERY FRIDAY after that: Sound Fractory Fridays, with Trance from 4am to 3pm. GOA ALL DAY. We’re out to make the words “Dance til Dawn” a quaint anachronism. So come vote with your feet. If you get there earlier it will be drum n’bass and techno. 618 West 46th between 11th and 12th Avenues in Manhattan Those in outlandish garb – or on the brainmachines list – will walk in immediately – no line. Guest list starts at 11 p.m. and will be open until 8 a.m. Subscribe to the brainmachines NYC Sound Fractory Fridays email list to register to be on the list every week. Give your email at the door. Wake up early Saturday morning for a workout! Aerobics classes come in reduced at $5 each for small groups, $3 groups over 30. Must be in by 8:00 a.m. Must be an actual aerobics group (consider this a pre-Crunch party). Email Security will be airtight. Every effort will be made t ensure a wholesome, happy, and trippy environment for your aesthetic experiencing pleasure. Attractions include aerobics classes, Ozone, and pure Trance NRG. BYOB: Bring Your Own Brain. BOM SHANKAR! Terence McKenna is coming to New York in May. Friday May 7th Trance Party Blue Room at at Vinyl on Hudson and Hubert, around the corner from Wetlands. Call 212-445-0364 to put your first name, last initial on the reduced Neurotrancemitter list, or email me. Your name will be on file at the door giving you a $20 reduced admission. Saturday May 15th Trance Party Transient at Synthetic Sadhus, at the Marc Ballroom at 29 Union Square West b/w 15th & 16th Call 212-445-0364 to put your first name, last initial on the reduced Neurotrancemitter list, or email me. Your name will be on file at the door giving you a $20 reduced admission. August 9-15th Spend the eclipse in Hungary at Solipse Burning man is happening Labor Day 1999

#147 Wed, 21 Apr 1999 16:04:45 Oh, I forgot, plus a special LIVE appearance by the Black Trenchcoat Mafia.

#150 Wed, 21 Apr 1999 21:28:27 Fwd: I’m sayin though… In a message dated 4/21/99 7:47:57 PM, alibeckner at mindspring writes: And tommorrow night, 4/22, come and celebrate F-111’s cd release party for DJ DB’s drum and bass cd “Shades of Technology” at Psuedo, located at broadway and Houston…party is 10-12… 5th-6th floor beepproductions at hotmail

#151 Wed, 21 Apr 1999 21:30:51 Fwd: the controls at Pseudo’s Streetsounds

#152 Wed, 21 Apr 1999 21:35:08 From: Patrick Grizzard pg286 at xxx.xxx.x Re: Oh, I forgot, Grow the fuck up. People are dead. On Wed, 21 Apr 1999 plus a special LIVE appearance by the Black Trenchcoat Mafia. Patrick J. Grizzard New York University Interactive Telecommunications Program 212.941.9172 “Eppur si muove…” (“And yet, it does move…”) -Galileo

#153 Wed, 21 Apr 1999 21:57:15 Re: Oh, I forgot, plus a special LIVE appearance by the Black Trenchcoat Mafia. It’s a NEW BAND. Also joining this will be a coterie of the industry’s finest, including: [ a ] Albino Toilet Boys Alcoholocaust Alcoholics Unanimous Apocalypse Hoboken Armageddon Dildos [ b ] Biff Hitler and the Violent Mood Swings The Band Formerly Known As Sausage Band Over Band That Shot Liberty Valence Barbara’s Bush Black Trenchcoat Mafia Bleau Chunks Bobby Joe Ebola and the Children MacNuggets The Bourbon Tabernacle Choir The Boxing Ghandis Brady Bunch Lawnmower Massacre Breakfast in Beruit Bulimia Banquet Buster Hymen & the Penetrators [ c ] Caltransvestites Cap’n Crunch and the Cereal Killers Carnage Asada Cindy Brady’s Lisp Cortizone 5 Cottage Cheese from the Lips of Death [ d ] The Dancing French Liberals of 1848 The Dead Sea Squirrels The Dead Kennedys The Dick Clarks The Dick Nixons Dicky Retardo Drunks With Guns [ e ] e. coli Edith Head Electric Prostates Elvis Hitler Engorged Members Ethyl Merman [ f ] Fearless Iranians From Hell Fields of Shit ’57 Lesbian The 4-Skins The 4 Nikators Four Nurses of the Apocalypse The French are from Hell Fromage d’Amour [ g ] Gefelte Joe and the Fish Gonoreagan [ h ] Headless Marines Hell Camino Herpes Cineplex Hindu Garage Sale Hitler’s Bikini HIV and the Positives Honest Bob and the Factory to Dealer Incentives Hornets Attack Victor Mature [ i ] Impaled Nazarenes Inhale Mary Invertebrates [ j ] Janitors Against Apartheid Jehovah’s Waitresses Jehovah’s Wetness Jehovah’s Witness Protection Program Jesus Christ Super Fly Jesus Chrysler Supercar Jesus Manson and the Starvation Army JFKFC Jonestown Punch [ k ] Kathleen Turner Overdrive Kerrigan’s Knees [ l ] Lack of Afro Lawn Piranhas The Leave It To Beaver Conehead Immolation Lee Harvey Keitel Lesbian Ninjas Louder Than God [ m ] Mao Tse Helen Mary Kay and the Cosmetics Max Roach and the Holders Meat Curtains Minnie Pearl’s Jam Mr. Happy and the Genocides Mussolini Headkick My Dog Has Hitler’s Brain [ n ] Nate Nocturnal and the Nightly Emissions Nervous Christians and the Lions Norman Bates and the Shower Heads Not Drowning, Waving [ p ] Pabst Smear Pearl Harbor and the Explosions Penis DeMilo Pepto Dismal Phenobarbidols Phlegm Fatale Poultry in Motion Pretentious Flamedogs The Pro-Midget Mafia Psychic Buddhist Gorillas Psycho Sluts from Hell Pungent Frustration Purple Headed Love Warriors [ r ] Raging Pimps of Doom Rectal Nightmare Reluctant Stereotypes Reserectum Results of Inbreeding Retarted Elf Roid Rogers and the Whirling Butt Cherries [ q ] Quasimodo and the Eunuchs [ s ] Sandy Duncan’s Eye Screaming Headless Torsos Screaming Iguanas of Love Screaming Moist Accountants Septic Death Seven Year Bitch The Shamu Afterbirth Orchestra Shirley Temple of Doom Shirley Temple Pilots Simulated Orgasms [Simulerte Orgasmer] Skeptic Tank Smegma & the Nuns Smorgasborgnine Solosex The Sound of Munich Spastic Colon The Sphinctones Stiff Richards Stukas Over Bedrock Swingin’ Johnsons [ t ] Ted Bundy’s Volkswagen The Telephony Bandits of Doom Temporary Darkening of the Stool Testostertones The Texas Nazis Thank God We’re Immortal They Tried To Frame OJ To Live and Shave in LA Toxic Shock and the Tampons Tracy & the Hindenburg Ground Crew Tragic Mulatto Transsexual Hitler Trotsky Icepick [ u ] Uncle Dickie’s Shameless Quickies Unstoppable Kamikaze Iditos [ v ] Vaginal Davis The Velcro Pygmies Vic Morrow’s Head [ w ] The Well Hungarians Willie Nelson Mandela [ y ] Yoko Homo

#154 Wed, 21 Apr 1999 22:21:26 From: Patrick Grizzard pg286 at xxx.xxx.x Re: Oh, I forgot, hmmm. i’m not sure what to make of this post. are you trying to imply that i just don’t ‘get’ your cliched attempt at humor? i’m really sick of people who think that being offensive being subversive. i doubt the families of the dead children in colorado would share your opinion of the humor in this joke.if what i’m not ‘getting’ is the fact that this actually IS a real band (so unlikely i feel foolish even mentioning it), then i direct the comments above at its members. plus a special LIVE appearance by the Black Trenchcoat Mafia. It’s a NEW BAND. Also joining this will be a coterie of the industry’s finest, including:[ a ] Albino Toilet Boys Alcoholocaust Alcoholics Unanimous Apocalypse Hoboken Armageddon Dildos[ b ] Biff Hitler and the Violent Mood Swings The Band Formerly Known As Sausage Band Over Band That Shot Liberty Valence Barbara’s Bush Black Trenchcoat Mafia Bleau Chunks Bobby Joe Ebola and the Children MacNuggets The Bourbon Tabernacle Choir The Boxing Ghandis Brady Bunch Lawnmower Massacre Breakfast in Beruit Bulimia Banquet Buster Hymen & the Penetrators[ c ] Caltransvestites Cap’n Crunch and the Cereal Killers Carnage Asada Cindy Brady’s Lisp Cortizone 5 Cottage Cheese from the Lips of Death[ d ] The Dancing French Liberals of 1848 The Dead Sea Squirrels The Dead Kennedys The Dick Clarks The Dick Nixons Dicky Retardo Drunks With Guns[ e ] e. coli Edith Head Electric Prostates Elvis Hitler Engorged Members Ethyl Merman[ f ] Fearless Iranians From Hell Fields of Shit ’57 Lesbian The 4-Skins The 4 Nikators Four Nurses of the Apocalypse The French are from Hell Fromage d’Amour[ g ] Gefelte Joe and the Fish Gonoreagan[ h ] Headless Marines Hell Camino Herpes Cineplex Hindu Garage Sale Hitler’s Bikini HIV and the Positives Honest Bob and the Factory to Dealer Incentives Hornets Attack Victor Mature[ i ] Impaled Nazarenes Inhale Mary Invertebrates[ j ] Janitors Against Apartheid Jehovah’s Waitresses Jehovah’s Wetness Jehovah’s Witness Protection Program Jesus Christ Super Fly Jesus Chrysler Supercar Jesus Manson and the Starvation Army JFKFC Jonestown Punch[ k ] Kathleen Turner Overdrive Kerrigan’s Knees[ l ] Lack of Afro Lawn Piranhas The Leave It To Beaver Conehead Immolation Lee Harvey Keitel Lesbian Ninjas Louder Than God[ m ] Mao Tse Helen Mary Kay and the Cosmetics Max Roach and the Holders Meat Curtains Minnie Pearl’s Jam Mr. Happy and the Genocides Mussolini Headkick My Dog Has Hitler’s Brain[ n ] Nate Nocturnal and the Nightly Emissions Nervous Christians and the Lions Norman Bates and the Shower Heads Not Drowning, Waving[ p ] Pabst Smear Pearl Harbor and the Explosions Penis DeMilo Pepto Dismal Phenobarbidols Phlegm Fatale Poultry in Motion Pretentious Flamedogs The Pro-Midget Mafia Psychic Buddhist Gorillas Psycho Sluts from Hell Pungent Frustration Purple Headed Love Warriors[ r ] Raging Pimps of Doom Rectal Nightmare Reluctant Stereotypes Reserectum Results of Inbreeding Retarted Elf Roid Rogers and the Whirling Butt Cherries[ q ] Quasimodo and the Eunuchs[ s ] Sandy Duncan’s Eye Screaming Headless Torsos Screaming Iguanas of Love Screaming Moist Accountants Septic Death Seven Year Bitch The Shamu Afterbirth Orchestra Shirley Temple of Doom Shirley Temple Pilots Simulated Orgasms [Simulerte Orgasmer] Skeptic Tank Smegma & the Nuns Smorgasborgnine Solosex The Sound of Munich Spastic Colon The Sphinctones Stiff Richards Stukas Over Bedrock Swingin’ Johnsons[ t ] Ted Bundy’s Volkswagen The Telephony Bandits of Doom Temporary Darkening of the Stool Testostertones The Texas Nazis Thank God We’re Immortal They Tried To Frame OJ To Live and Shave in LA Toxic Shock and the Tampons Tracy & the Hindenburg Ground Crew Tragic Mulatto Transsexual Hitler Trotsky Icepick[ u ] Uncle Dickie’s Shameless Quickies Unstoppable Kamikaze Iditos[ v ] Vaginal Davis The Velcro Pygmies Vic Morrow’s Head[ w ] The Well Hungarians Willie Nelson Mandela[ y ] Yoko Homo

#156 Fri, 23 Apr 1999 00:01:12 From: christina at x.x) Re: Oh, I forgot, doesn’t look like this thing has been redone yet. Jeff thanks for putting me on the list for SF, also where is TM going to be speaking?? details? At 03:50 AM 4/22/99 you wrote: From: “Milton Durr” miltondurr at hotmail Well yes, it does seem to be somewhat questionable humour, though a little morose humour never hurt. Maybe if it were presented differently…

#157 Wed, 21 Apr 1999 23:59:25 From: Zmerf at xxx.xxx Re: Oh, I forgot, In a message dated 4/21/99 11:56:01 PM, christina at compuscape writes: eff thanks for putting me on the list for SF, also where is TM going to be speaking?? details? Terence Mckenna will be at the lighthouse. 111 E 59th St the cost is 15 dollars and you can get resevations through the ny open center 212-219-2527 George

#159 Thu, 22 Apr 1999 00:44:02 From: “thew” thew at xx.x Re: New format too bad….. i liked the open conversation feel Neuronautic Institute: home.earthlink.net/thew the meek shall inherit the earth – the rest of us are going to space [brainmachines] Re: New format Wed, Apr 21, 1999, 9:27 PM In a message dated 4/21/99 8:23:58 PM, rae18 at columbia writes: Do we have to separately register to be on the SF Friday list? If so, sign me up. If not, is everyone on this mailing list just automagically signed up? automatically

#160 Thu, 22 Apr 1999 03:08:37 From: Geofrey Edward Hildrew geh9 at xx.x Re: take me off the list Sent: Friday, April 16, 1999 9:23 PM at onelist [brainmachines] Re: take me off the list From: “Milton Durr” miltondurr at hotmail Yes, it is curiously appropriate. From: christina at compuscape (Christina Mull) Sat, 17 Apr 1999 00:32:56 From: christina at compuscape (Christina Mull) Name fits, huh?!!! At 10:25 PM 4/15/99, you wrote: From: DownerKing at aol

#161 Thu, 22 Apr 1999 10:04:48 Last night I got JACKED… by the BTS, AKA the “Brooklynn Terror Squad” that was recently described in Details. I got a late night call from some rave girl that I used to know. She wanted to see if I was home, could she stop by with a couple of friends. They made me a drink and I passed out – and when I woke up an hour later they and my computer were gone. I checked my caller ID and called the cell phone that the girl had called from. The voice on the other end, after an hour of circling each other, was the leader of an infamous gang. I told him I knew the girl, and that I would go to the police – so he agreed to a trade. I threw in a brain machine and agreed not to turn them in, and got my computer back. If that is not a lesson in choosing your crowd wisely, I don’t know what is. There is such a difference between intelligence and judgement. Some of us really ride that wave.

#162 Thu, 22 Apr 1999 11:01:09 From: Scott Miller smiler at x.x Re: Digest Number 41 Keep me on the list, but two things here. When replying to the list, or otherwise, PLEASE take a moment and delete the parts of the previous message not needed, along with the onelist trailers (those automatic paragraphs at the end). Also, when (if) you list your web site in either your post, or your sig. file, if you include the web …. part, it will show up in many browsers as a direct link, and then lazy folks like myself can just click on it to go to your web site – assuming you want people to visit. Scott Miller 1000 chattering monkeys ENADA NADH available at web wizardsgate

#163 Thu, 22 Apr 1999 13:14:16 From: Ash Wadhwani ash at x.x Re: Last night I got JACKED… Lucky you, who need’s that machine anyway 🙂

#166 Thu, 22 Apr 1999 15:52:03 From: John Lolis DrBombay at x.x Re: Last night I got JACKED… At 03:29 PM 04/23/99 you wrote: From: christina at compuscape (Christina Mull) it sucks that things like this happen. You really have to keep your gaurd up these days. Jeff, be glad that somthing worse did not happen. yeah, you could have ended up a victim of date rape …and they could have cleaned out your stock of Homozon, leaving you oxygen-deprived and wondering why you feel the way you do down there. seriously, i always believe that karma will prevail over such villainous scoundrels. pax, amat, lux. dr. bombay “time wounds all heels.”

#167 Thu, 22 Apr 1999 15:58:37 Re: Last night I got JACKED… Karma – it’s funny, I’m here with James and he says the same thing. Good to see you last time!!!

#168 Thu, 22 Apr 1999 16:33:27 From: LoAnne & Mojo a-loanne at xx.x Re: Last night I got JACKED… Moral : Never accept a drink from any one other than a bartender or ds from anyone who’s not 100% reliable. Not exactly a testament to the intellegence boosting qualities of noontropics, aye JW.

#169 Thu, 22 Apr 1999 16:32:41 Re: Last night I got JACKED… In a message dated 4/22/99 4:32:15 PM, a-loanne at erols writes: Moral : Never accept a drink from any one other than a bartender or ds from anyone who’s not 100% reliable. Not exactly a testament to the intellegence boosting qualities of noontropics, aye JW. It was K.

#170 Thu, 22 Apr 1999 17:02:20 From: LoAnne & Mojo a-loanne at xx.x Re: Last night I got JACKED… It was K. Normally I’m not one to cry wolf, but check out this link for a cautionary tale about the careless use of anesthetic-type ds. web resproject/one/durner.html

#171 Fri, 23 Apr 1999 17:21:04 From: christina at x.x) Re: Last night I got JACKED… How do you know it was K????? At 04:32 PM 4/22/99, you wrote: In a message dated 4/22/99 4:32:15 PM, a-loanne at erols writes: Moral : Never accept a drink from any one other than a bartender or ds from anyone who’s not 100% reliable. Not exactly a testament to the intellegence boosting qualities of noontropics, aye JW. It was K.

#172 Thu, 22 Apr 1999 18:47:07 From: jawbone40 jawbone40 at x.x Re: Last night I got JACKED… Whoa shit! What an intrepid diplomat you are!! What a fucked story. are you ok? how were you able to talk sense to these thugs? I’m just curious. Dany Jones by the BTS, AKA the “Brooklynn Terror Squad” that was recently described in Details. I got a late night call from some rave girl that I used to know. She wanted to see if I was home, could she stop by with a couple of friends. They made me a drink and I passed out – and when I woke up an hour later they and my computer were gone. I checked my caller ID and called the cell phone that the girl had called from. The voice on the other end, after an hour of circling each other, was the leader of an infamous gang. I told him I knew the girl, and that I would go to the police – so he agreed to a trade. I threw in a brain machine and agreed not to turn them in, and got my computer back. If that is not a lesson in choosing your crowd wisely, I don’t know what is. There is such a difference between intelligence and judgement. Some of us really ride that wave.

#174 Fri, 23 Apr 1999 10:28:52 From: “thew” thew at xx.x Re: take me off the list seems to me rob, that dialogue begins by listening to what total strangers have to say, not the other way around. Neuronautic Institute: home.earthlink.net/thew the meek shall inherit the earth – the rest of us are going to space

#176 Fri, 23 Apr 1999 16:15:29 From: “Milton Durr” miltondurr at x.x Re: take me off the list Turn it, thew! Turn it! From: “thew” thew at neuronautic Fri, 23 Apr 1999 10:28:52 From: “thew” thew at neuronautic seems to me rob, that dialogue begins by listening to what total strangers have to say, not the other way around. Neuronautic Institute: home.earthlink.net/thew the meek shall inherit the earth – the rest of us are going to space

#177 Fri, 23 Apr 1999 09:35:35 PDT From: “claire landon” clara98 at x.x (no subject) hey jeff. i’m glad that you are ok and that you got your stuff back. it’s a mean that people like that have to make everyone be less trustful of humanity. ..claire

#178 Fri, 23 Apr 1999 21:38:37 Re: Last night I got JACKED… In a message dated 4/22/99 6:49:27 PM, jawbone40 at earthlink.net writes: Whoa shit! What an intrepid diplomat you are!! What a fucked story. are you ok? how were you able to talk sense to these thugs? I’m just curious. Dany Jones It wasn’t the BTS just a bunch of screwed up Islip kids – got most of it back. I knew one of the girls – her number – her mother – and I was ready to go 911 on them.

#179 Fri, 23 Apr 1999 21:58:01 Ibiza DO NOT “REPLY TO ALL ” on this email I am organizing a trip to the Balearic isle of Ibiza (pronounced ib EEth a) for Memorial Day Weekend. We will fly out Thursday night and get there Friday morning, leaving Sunday. Beach, clubs, history. Round trip from NYC – $500 House rental – $1000, divided up by 10-12 people Ancillary expenses – $200 Please reply in private to if you’re interested. We have to buy tickets by next week. So far we have me, Liz, and Heather.

#180 Sat, 24 Apr 1999 06:21:27 From: “Milton Durr” miltondurr at x.x Re: Last night I got JACKED… Maybe you should have gotten your stuff and reported them anyway… [brainmachines] Re: Last night I got JACKED… Fri, 23 Apr 1999 21:38:37 In a message dated 4/22/99 6:49:27 PM, jawbone40 at earthlink.net writes: Whoa shit! What an intrepid diplomat you are!! What a fucked story. are you ok? how were you able to talk sense to these thugs? I’m just curious. Dany Jones It wasn’t the BTS just a bunch of screwed up Islip kids – got most of it back. I knew one of the girls – her number – her mother – and I was ready to go 911 on them.

#181 Sat, 24 Apr 1999 08:53:31 From: jawbone40 jawbone40 at x.x Re: take me off the list Right!?!!? Thew have some compassion, after all he lost his brainmachine. Milton Durr wrote: From: “Milton Durr” miltondurr at hotmail Turn it, thew! Turn it! From: “thew” thew at neuronautic Fri, 23 Apr 1999 10:28:52 From: “thew” thew at neuronautic seems to me rob, that dialogue begins by listening to what total strangers have to say, not the other way around. Neuronautic Institute: home.earthlink.net/thew the meek shall inherit the earth – the rest of us are going to space

#182 Sat, 24 Apr 1999 09:00:37 From: jawbone40 jawbone40 at x.x Re: Last night I got JACKED… Well Im just glad you’re alright, Within the isolation of the gay male circles I mostly party in, it’s easy to forget that violence like that is still commonplace. Thats one point for my community anyway. Peace- Dany Jones In a message dated 4/22/99 6:49:27 PM, jawbone40 at earthlink.net writes: Whoa shit! What an intrepid diplomat you are!! What a fucked story. are you ok? how were you able to talk sense to these thugs? I’m just curious. Dany Jones It wasn’t the BTS just a bunch of screwed up Islip kids – got most of it back. I knew one of the girls – her number – her mother – and I was ready to go 911 on them.

#183 Sat, 24 Apr 1999 11:11:57 From: SENORSLAP at xxx.xxx Re: Ibiza Jeff I go to Ibiza every summer and this year being 99 I wanted to go twice. I was thinking the same thing: shooting down for memorial weekend. Its such a great idea and it will be a blast especially going with the brainmachines crew. COUNT ME IN. Jojo Serure

#184 Sat, 24 Apr 1999 13:47:28 From: Robert Esris rae18 at xx.x Re: Those fucks at Twilo Jesus, there must be somthing unlucky about this whole week- last night those full-of-themselves stick-up-their-ass bouncers at Twilo came up to me and kicked me out without any explanation. They told my friends I was dealing ds (WHICH I WASN’T!!!!) but didn’t even have the decency to tell me why. Pricks. My friends were cool enough to leave with me though, which made the night. 🙂 -R.E. Milton Durr wrote: From: “Milton Durr” miltondurr at hotmail Maybe you should have gotten your stuff and reported them anyway… [brainmachines] Re: Last night I got JACKED… Fri, 23 Apr 1999 21:38:37 In a message dated 4/22/99 6:49:27 PM, jawbone40 at earthlink.net writes: Whoa shit! What an intrepid diplomat you are!! What a fucked story. are you ok? how were you able to talk sense to these thugs? I’m just curious. Dany Jones It wasn’t the BTS just a bunch of screwed up Islip kids – got most of it back. I knew one of the girls – her number – her mother – and I was ready to go 911 on them. “All of this happened before, and it will all happen again.” -Peter Pan

#185 Sat, 24 Apr 1999 17:17:32 From: Sasha Chislenko sasha1 at xxx.x MEDIA: Harpers article on “America’s Altered States” I just received a copy of the article from the May issue of Harpers magazine, entitled “America’s Altered States/ When does legal relief of pain become illegal pursuit of pleasure”. From what little I’ve read so far, it looks like a very good article, on liberties of altered states, politics of the War on ds, reviews of personal risks from different causes, etc. So if you pass by a newsstand, consider picking up Harpers.

#186 Sat, 24 Apr 1999 18:22:32 Re: Those fucks at Twilo In a message dated 4/24/99 1:47:08 PM, rae18 at columbia writes: Jesus, there must be somthing unlucky about this whole week- last night those full-of-themselves stick-up-their-ass bouncers at Twilo came up to me and kicked me out without any explanation. They told my friends I was dealing ds (WHICH I WASN’T!!!!) but didn’t even have the decency to tell me why. Pricks. My friends were cool enough to leave with me though, which made the night. 🙂 I’ll tell you why – occasionally they hit capacity and have to kick people out randomly, IMO.

#187 Sat, 24 Apr 1999 18:42:58 SFF Last night Sound Factory closed like a bunch of idiots at 9am – some bonehead bald DJ hogged the turntables until 7:30 then only an hour and a half of Trance, so the Israelis went and rented a generator and started a party on blankety blank and blank street & Amsterdam and had an underground trance party until late afternoon.

#189 Sat, 24 Apr 1999 21:53:47 From: “Tetsuo / 3rd Earth” tetsuo2 at x.x Re: SFF yea the afterparty was very nice, and everyone was in a good mood, but it DID take a bit long to get set up. Last night Sound Factory closed like a bunch of idiots at 9am – some bonehead bald DJ hogged the turntables until 7:30 then only an hour and a half of Trance, so the Israelis went and rented a generator and started a party on blankety blank and blank street & Amsterdam and had an underground trance party until late afternoon.

#190 Sun, 25 Apr 1999 03:53:36 From: “Milton Durr” miltondurr at x.x Re: Those fucks at Twilo Kicked out of Twilo for “d dealing”?????? I can’t believe it! Whenever I’ve been there, I’ve seen so much open d use, I assumed that the management new and just didn’t care ( and probably greased some official’s palms so as to avoid getting raided) The Chelsea boys are all about some C and K and don’t seem to care who sees them do it. And the Friday night crowd is no different. Wow! You know you’re in trouble when Twilo starts to ‘crack down’ From: Robert Esris rae18 at columbia [brainmachines] Re: Those fucks at Twilo Sat, 24 Apr 1999 13:47:28 From: Robert Esris rae18 at columbia Jesus, there must be somthing unlucky about this whole week- last night those full-of-themselves stick-up-their-ass bouncers at Twilo came up to me and kicked me out without any explanation. They told my friends I was dealing ds (WHICH I WASN’T!!!!) but didn’t even have the decency to tell me why. Pricks. My friends were cool enough to leave with me though, which made the night. 🙂 -R.E.

#191 Sun, 25 Apr 1999 03:56:27 From: “Milton Durr” miltondurr at x.x Re: SFF Has the management at Sound Factory given you any reason to think that this will be their closing time? I thought the party was supposed to go until some time in the afternoon.

#192 Sun, 25 Apr 1999 11:19:37 From: “thew” thew at neuronauticrather than waste bandwidth complaining about wasted bandwidth learn how to unsubsvribe from a mailing list and go…… Neuronautic Institute: home.earthlink.net/thew the meek shall inherit the earth – the rest of us are going to space Sat, Apr 24, 1999, 9:05 PM too. I value my time, and I also valye w-mail from people with whom I have a dialogue. These people must sit home all day, tapping away at the keyboard about their innermost thoughts. I don’t. Rob’t. Brown (robtbrown at hotmail)

#193 Sun, 25 Apr 1999 12:58:18 From: AphexMike at xxx.xxx Re: Goa Hello, I guess that just only one on this list have been to Goa (the geographic place) and his name is Mattew, who’s email is thew at neuronatic. I didn’t want to ask my questions on 604 for certain reasons, but still, I always wanted to go to Goa, but there are a lot of unanswered questions like what is this place really like, or what people is this place really for….. Do trips there change your present life in any way? Or it’s up to a person to realize some things, and one does not really have to go anywhere to be able to do mind work? I also heard that Goa is not like it was several years ago, that there are big problems with police and local people. Is it true or people who say that simply didn’t find the right place with the right people in Goa? Anyway, I wanted to start this discussion and see what happens next. bom, mike

#194 Sun, 25 Apr 1999 19:47:42 From: “thew” thew at xx.x Re: Goa From: AphexMike at aol [brainmachines] Re: Goa Sun, Apr 25, 1999, 12:58 PM From: AphexMike at aol Hello, I guess that just only one on this list have been to Goa (the geographic place) and his name is Mattew, who’s email is thew at neuronatic. I didn’t want to ask my questions on 604 for certain reasons, but still, I always wanted to go to Goa, but there are a lot of unanswered questions like what is this place really like, the place itself is beautiful or what people is this place really for….. people who dont need a luxury hotel room, have a sense of humor anf adventure and an enjoyment of psychedelics couldnt hurt Do trips there change your present life in any way? Or it’s up to a person to realize some things, and one does not really have to go anywhere to be able to do mind work? while the latter is certainly true, for me personally i find im able to work harder on myself and see myself more clearly in a place like goa or on the road in general I also heard that Goa is not like it was several years ago, that there are big problems with police and local people. Is it true or people who say that simply didn’t find the right place with the right people in Goa? Anyway, I wanted to start this discussion and see what happens next. no place is the same as it was a few years ago – so what? the last season there were many many many parties ( new police force wanted the baksheesh) and the locals love the scene – it brings in money by the bucketfull bom, mike Neuronautic Institute: home.earthlink.net/thew the meek shall inherit the earth – the rest of us are going to space

#195 Mon, 26 Apr 1999 04:46:57 From: “Milton Durr” miltondurr at x.x Whoa! I see someone has a forked tongue… From: “thew” thew at neuronautic Sun, 25 Apr 1999 11:19:37 From: “thew” thew at neuronautic rather than waste bandwidth complaining about wasted bandwidth learn how to unsubsvribe from a mailing list and go…… Neuronautic Institute: home.earthlink.net/thew the meek shall inherit the earth – the rest of us are going to space

#196 Mon, 26 Apr 1999 10:46:19 From: “thew” thew at xx.x forked? no i thonk i was rather direct Neuronautic Institute: home.earthlink.net/thew the meek shall inherit the earth – the rest of us are going to space From: “Milton Durr” miltondurr at hotmail Mon, Apr 26, 1999, 12:46 AM From: “Milton Durr” miltondurr at hotmail Whoa! I see someone has a forked tongue… From: “thew” thew at neuronautic Sun, 25 Apr 1999 11:19:37 From: “thew” thew at neuronautic rather than waste bandwidth complaining about wasted bandwidth learn how to unsubsvribe from a mailing list and go…… Neuronautic Institute: home.earthlink.net/thew the meek shall inherit the earth – the rest of us are going to space

#200 Mon, 26 Apr 1999 14:49:28 Re: Goa In a message dated 4/25/99 7:44:35 PM, thew at neuronautic writes: the last season there were many many many parties ( new police force wanted the baksheesh) Cap’n Crunch – the 1st phone phreak – went there recently after a stopoff in NYC to speak about the trance industry in Goa to a bunch of hotel exec$

#202 Tue, 27 Apr 1999 15:10:58 From: “Milton Durr” miltondurr at x.x forked or straight, thy words cut to the quick From: “thew” thew at neuronautic Mon, 26 Apr 1999 10:46:19 From: “thew” thew at neuronautic forked? no i thonk i was rather direct Neuronautic Institute: home.earthlink.net/thew the meek shall inherit the earth – the rest of us are going to space From: “Milton Durr” miltondurr at hotmail Mon, Apr 26, 1999, 12:46 AM From: “Milton Durr” miltondurr at hotmail Whoa! I see someone has a forked tongue… From: “thew” thew at neuronautic Sun, 25 Apr 1999 11:19:37 From: “thew” thew at neuronautic rather than waste bandwidth complaining about wasted bandwidth learn how to unsubsvribe from a mailing list and go…… Neuronautic Institute: home.earthlink.net/thew the meek shall inherit the earth – the rest of us are going to space valye sit

#205 Tue, 27 Apr 1999 16:19:55 The Littleton Tragedy I wore a navy trenchcoat in high school, was fascinated by the Nazis (but was not one), have a web site, was weird and smart and hated jocks and the popukar kids and like the band KMFDM and the video game Doom. And I didn’t kill anybody. IMHO these are symptoms. Attacking symptoms misses the cure, which is love, love, love. And a good butt kicking every once in a while by an authority figure. If the school would have cracked down on me I would have rebelled even more and reached a breaking point earlier than I did at college. Holden Caufield today woulda had a field day, today. I guess alienation is endemic to any high school kid who chooses – or tries to be – different.

#206 Tue, 27 Apr 1999 17:18:30 Fwd: [brainmachines] The Littleton Tragedy In a message dated 4/27/99 4:35:27 PM, t at mba1999.hbs writes: I am sure I am reading this wrong, but I would hate to think you were fascinated with the Nazis, who were responsible for the deaths of many of my family members. You may want to send out a correction so as not to offend anyone on your mailing list. Point taken. I was interested in Nietsche and the many many distorted uses his teachings brought, e.g. what Dostoevsky explored in Crime and Punishment

#207 Tue, 27 Apr 1999 17:26:43 From: Robert Esris rae18 at xx.x Re: Fwd: [brainmachines] The Littleton Tragedy Certainly there are many groups responsible for millions of deaths that people are fascinated by. Fascination does not equate to endorsement or support. The Nazis are certainly an interesting group of people to study just because of the power they were able to wield and the mindset they had. Not that I’d want to meet one. I mean, to take it even further one could say that pink floyd (or at least roger waters) had some degree of fascination with the Nazis, but that doesn’t mean he supported them in any way or that he was one. -Rob In a message dated 4/27/99 4:35:27 PM, t at mba1999.hbs writes:I am sure I am reading this wrong, but I would hate to think you were fascinated with the Nazis, who were responsible for the deaths of many of my family members. You may want to send out a correction so as not to offend anyone on your mailing list. Point taken. I was interested in Nietsche and the many many distorted uses his teachings brought, e.g. what Dostoevsky explored in Crime and Punishment Fwd: [brainmachines] The Littleton Tragedy Tue, 27 Apr 1999 16:37:45 From: Tammy t at mba1999.hbs To: Jeff Jeff, I am sure I am reading this wrong, but I would hate to think you were fascinated with the Nazis, who were responsible for the deaths of many of my family members. You may want to send out a correction so as not to offend anyone on your mailing list. I hope things have been good otherwise. -Tammy Tue, 27 Apr 1999 16:19:55 Mailing-List: list brainmachines at onelist; contact brainmachines-owner at onelist Delivered-To: mailing list brainmachines at onelist [brainmachines] The Littleton Tragedy I wore a navy trenchcoat in high school, was fascinated by the Nazis (but was not one), have a web site, was weird and smart and hated jocks and the popukar kids and like the band KMFDM and the video game Doom. And I didn’t kill anybody. IMHO these are symptoms. Attacking symptoms misses the cure, which is love, love, love. And a good butt kicking every once in a while by an authority figure. If the school would have cracked down on me I would have rebelled even more and reached a breaking point earlier than I did at college. Holden Caufield today woulda had a field day, today. I guess alienation is endemic to any high school kid who chooses – or tries to be – different.

#208 Tue, 27 Apr 1999 17:40:53 From: EquisDos at xxx.xxx Re: The Littleton Tragedy I broke out at 13….it was 1985 🙂

#209 Tue, 27 Apr 1999 18:14:33 From: “thew” thew at xx.x Re: Fwd: [brainmachines] The Littleton Tragedy my parents were both in the camps and that is why i am fascinated by nazis i just hate them as well as to nietzche he was no nazi, the nazis used a twisted version of his thought Neuronautic Institute: home.earthlink.net/thew the meek shall inherit the earth – the rest of us are going to space [brainmachines] Fwd: [brainmachines] The Littleton Tragedy Tue, Apr 27, 1999, 5:18 PM In a message dated 4/27/99 4:35:27 PM, t at mba1999.hbs writes:I am sure I am reading this wrong, but I would hate to think you were fascinated with the Nazis, who were responsible for the deaths of many of my family members. You may want to send out a correction so as not to offend anyone on your mailing list. Point taken. I was interested in Nietsche and the many many distorted uses his teachings brought, e.g. what Dostoevsky explored in Crime and Punishment

#210 Tue, 27 Apr 1999 19:22:08 email to terence mckenna Hello Terence, When you come speak in Manhattan May 6, as a token of our appreciation for the exploration you have undertaken we’d like to present to you a customized Muse Sharp light glass unit with the TruWhite LED glasses, a recent development, a $269 value. The technology has advanced recently, what with Moore’s Law and the accelerating market for mind tools. We’re not looking for an endorsement, this is just a compact and effective communications device we think you’d find pretty useful, in a visually geometric sort of way. We’ll be attending the Lighthouse on May 6. If you see somebody with light glasses after the talk, that’s me, with the device. I just wanted to assure you that I’m not some Sharper Image gadget freak – or some antiextropian eschaphobe from a bad Star Trek episode. We in New York have been experimenting with TruWhite LED light glasses and have found them to be an interesting novel tool in our explorations. Used with binaural beat sounds, they are excellent training wheels that remove any distractions whilst inner exploring. It’s been great fun, and the elves don’t seem to mind, in fact, they begin waering hyperdimensional versions of light glasses that truly boggle the mind. Of course, later sessions take place in the Rambles in Central Park, but that’s another story. Our site is at We have created entire “Neurotrancemitter” Trance music events surrounding the elves. In a way, we’re really just fronting for them. I left Bloomberg Financial News recently to pursue this endeavor, and was inspired by your example. Let me know if you would like me to show you how to best use these devices, for I have a lot of practice. There is also a wonderful Israeli psychedelic trance party the next evening if you’re in town, right next to where you spoke before at the Wetlands. Bom!

#211 Tue, 27 Apr 1999 19:26:13 Re: Fwd: [brainmachines] The Littleton Tragedy In a message dated 4/27/99 6:11:48 PM, thew at neuronautic writes: my parents were both in the camps and that is why i am fascinated by nazis i just hate them as well as to nietzche he was no nazi, the nazis used a twisted version of his thought The same way they appropriated Wagner, but that’s another story. When will the Neuronautics Institute be running another video display? Your stuff is truly mind boggling – I was not “on” anything and I felt the visual effects even when I got home from that trance party Sept 97 in that wedding-y place in Queens.

#212 Wed, 28 Apr 1999 09:38:43 From: LaBeLdEva at xxx.xxx Re: The Littleton Tragedy i duno,i’m one of the lucky ones i guess…in my short time on this earth i’ve lived in or stayed extended periods of time in almost every state in the US….just in the past 2.5 yrs i’ve moved 8 times,,through all this i’ve been able to maintain a “popular” status..i know the right people yet i dont dress the “right” way.. i think its all a state of mind..my mom jokes about this whole thing because i am a self addmitted aol junkee..yet i’m very social in my own way, i think this type of behavior,the kind that causes what happened in CO is in the mind of all of us,,its just that most of us are able to deal with it and work past it to live normal lives and think on a healthier level..you cant blame society or video games or movies for a person being mentally diturbed.. thats an issue on its own,sure maybe these things help to keep the individual away from reality and from dealing with the problem but they’re not the culprit..even lack of family and loving isnt always the issue,some of the craziest serial killers came from decent homes…in all i think for the most part these people just come this way,,but what do i know? peace leya

#213 Wed, 28 Apr 1999 14:11:05 From: “Milton Durr” miltondurr at x.x Re: The Littleton Tragedy I agree. It is entirely too facile to blame the Internet or ‘goth’ subculture or whatever. At the end of the day, the problem is those boys didn’t have the strength to reconcile their need to release their obvious anger and agression with their need to function healthily in society. I am no stranger to murderous rages (which are always interesting to experience but dangerous to pursue or ignore) but I also know better than to run with those emotions, or any other surge of emotion, whether ‘good’ or ‘bad’ I happen to have been a fan of the Goth scene since 1982 and am also a fan of Whitehouse, J.W. Gacy the Nazis and number of other things that are singularly violent and socially ‘abhorent’ but I don’t go out hurt people or spread the sort of other-bound negativity that seems de riguer amongst people who latch onto those things as an excuse to be deviant. I do find that most of the people i have to deal with leave a lot to be desired, but i also know that i don’t have to kill them to get them out of my hair. I personally find it cathartic to blast some Whitehouse if I’m in an exceptionally nasty mood (though I’m not too particular about the misogny of their lyrics, though i understand it as their means to the end which is what i appreciate). Then again, the same therapeutic effect can be obtained from Stravinsky (Rite of Spring) or Carl Orff (De Temporum Fine Comedia) though I wouldn’t expect the average high school student to be aware of such possibilities in classical music. I would be curious to find out how these boys conducted themselves on a more day to day level. how did they deal with simple everyday shit? I doubt we’ll ever find out such essential information about the quality of their character’s amidst all the hype and knee-jerk reaction that this has caused. From: LaBeLdEva at aol [brainmachines] Re: The Littleton Tragedy Wed, 28 Apr 1999 09:38:43 From: LaBeLdEva at aol

#214 Wed, 28 Apr 1999 11:16:27 From: Robert Esris rae18 at xx.x Re: The Littleton Tragedy There’s always bound to be some crazy people. People are just biological machines, and any type of machine is bound to sometimes come out defective. (waiting for the flames) -RE LaBeLdEva at aol wrote: From: LaBeLdEva at aol i duno,i’m one of the lucky ones i guess…in my short time on this earth i’ve lived in or stayed extended periods of time in almost every state in the US….just in the past 2.5 yrs i’ve moved 8 times,,through all this i’ve been able to maintain a “popular” status..i know the right people yet i dont dress the “right” way.. i think its all a state of mind..my mom jokes about this whole thing because i am a self addmitted aol junkee..yet i’m very social in my own way, i think this type of behavior,the kind that causes what happened in CO is in the mind of all of us,,its just that most of us are able to deal with it and work past it to live normal lives and think on a healthier level..you cant blame society or video games or movies for a person being mentally diturbed.. thats an issue on its own,sure maybe these things help to keep the individual away from reality and from dealing with the problem but they’re not the culprit..even lack of family and loving isnt always the issue,some of the craziest serial killers came from decent homes…in all i think for the most part these people just come this way,,but what do i know? peace leya “Writing is the art of mixing up cliches to create the illusion of originality.”

#215 Wed, 28 Apr 1999 11:21:57 From: “thew” thew at xx.x Re: Fwd: [brainmachines] The Littleton Tragedy im ready to start performing again i needed a break a sorta I-dont-give-a-shit period so to speak but im going to call john emmanuel in the next week or so and get a move on again….. i really need to make some new footage though but spring is here and im ready to work – re terence mck- did you go to the party the next night on ludlow after the wetlands gig with the zippies? that was a blast we did the visuals at that too i was just in touch with terrence about his psychedelic art seminar he answered my 1st email promptly – the 2nd not at all- Neuronautic Institute: home.earthlink.net/thew the meek shall inherit the earth – the rest of us are going to space [brainmachines] Re: Fwd: [brainmachines] The Littleton Tragedy Tue, Apr 27, 1999, 7:26 PM In a message dated 4/27/99 6:11:48 PM, thew at neuronautic writes:my parents were both in the camps and that is why i am fascinated by nazis i just hate them as well as to nietzche he was no nazi, the nazis used a twisted version of his thought The same way they appropriated Wagner, but that’s another story. When will the Neuronautics Institute be running another video display? Your stuff is truly mind boggling – I was not “on” anything and I felt the visual effects even when I got home from that trance party Sept 97 in that wedding-y place in Queens.

#216 Wed, 28 Apr 1999 12:17:02 From: LoAnne & Mojo a-loanne at xx.x Re: Fwd: [brainmachines] From: “thew” thew at neuronautic im ready to start performing again i really need to make some new footage though Hey thew, Mojo here, i don’t know if you’ve seen my recent work, I did slide projections / lighting FX at the last 2 BMachine loft parties. Anyway, I’ve also got 6 hours of video, all original art/ amnimation/ live footage. Since I no longer have access to a video projector I’m offering it to you good folks at the Neuronautic Institue. Send a personal e-mail if your interested. And to the list in general – I’m available for any events large or small – reasonable rates. Total Eclipse Multimedia 917-646-1989

#217 Wed, 28 Apr 1999 12:37:55 Re: Fwd: [brainmachines] The Littleton Tragedy In a message dated 4/28/99 11:18:52 AM, thew at neuronautic writes: did you go to the party the next night on ludlow after the wetlands gig with the zippies? that was a blast we did the visuals at that too i was just in touch with terrence about his psychedelic art seminar he answered my 1st email promptly – the 2nd not at all- haha – let us know matthew when this stuff is going down!!

#218 Wed, 28 Apr 1999 20:37:06 From: “zev – zgraphics” zev at x.x Where’s the trance at??? Does anyone know where there is goa trance tomorrow night (Thursday) with a good vibe in the city (mind my grammar)? bom, brainmachiners zev

#220 Wed, 28 Apr 1999 20:54:04 Re: Where’s the trance at??? In a message dated 4/28/99 8:41:57 PM, zev at zgraphics.net writes: Does anyone know where there is goa trance tomorrow night (Thursday) with a good vibe in the city (mind my grammar)? bom, brainmachiners zev Good luck – nothing around this weekend. Maybe Saturday GW Bridge, who knows. Find your nearest Israeli.

#221 Wed, 28 Apr 1999 23:11:08 From: Robert Esris rae18 at xx.x Re: Where’s the trance at??? At the risk of sounding uneducated (and justifiably so…), why are Israelis associated with trance? -Rob the Ignorant In a message dated 4/28/99 8:41:57 PM, zev at zgraphics.net writes:Does anyone know where there is goa trance tomorrow night (Thursday) with a good vibe in the city (mind my grammar)? bom, brainmachiners zev Good luck – nothing around this weekend. Maybe Saturday GW Bridge, who knows. Find your nearest Israeli. “Writing is the art of mixing up cliches to create the illusion of originality.”

#222 Thu, 29 Apr 1999 02:03:32 From: jawbone40 jawbone40 at x.x Re: Where’s the trance at??? They love it! That and rave in general are really happening in Israel. Who knows why it caught on in such a big way but it has, and you hear about bigger and better outdoor trances all the time. Of course now they’re having trouble with the authorities. Dany Jones- Robert Esris wrote: From: Robert Esris rae18 at columbia At the risk of sounding uneducated (and justifiably so…), why are Israelis associated with trance? -Rob the Ignorant In a message dated 4/28/99 8:41:57 PM, zev at zgraphics.net writes:Does anyone know where there is goa trance tomorrow night (Thursday) with a good vibe in the city (mind my grammar)? bom, brainmachiners zev Good luck – nothing around this weekend. Maybe Saturday GW Bridge, who knows. Find your nearest Israeli. Did you know that ONElist hosts some of the largest lists on the Internet? Our scaleable system is the most reliable free e-mail service on the Internet!

#223 Thu, 29 Apr 1999 14:04:25 From: “Milton Durr” miltondurr at x.x Re: Where’s the trance at??? But what is supposed to be happening by the George Washington Bridge? Is somthing going on at the Lighthouse? i live over that way, so if somthing is going on, do tell!!! Also, i love the goa parties, but whenever i’ve bought goa CDs, which are obscenely expensive, i don’t like the music as much. What first got me into this sort of music was hearing Juno Reactor (who is sheer perfection in my book) and later on Koxbox and Eat Static. Can anyone recommend some goa stuff that is more subtle and intricate and definitely more song-like. Closer in spirit to the above mentioned groups, especially Juno Reactor, not just dance floor anthems. From: jawbone40 jawbone40 at earthlink.net [brainmachines] Re: Where’s the trance at??? Thu, 29 Apr 1999 02:03:32 From: jawbone40 jawbone40 at earthlink.net They love it! That and rave in general are really happening in Israel. Who knows why it caught on in such a big way but it has, and you hear about bigger and better outdoor trances all the time. Of course now they’re having trouble with the authorities. Dany Jones- Robert Esris wrote:From: Robert Esris rae18 at columbia At the risk of sounding uneducated (and justifiably so…), why are Israelis associated with trance? -Rob the Ignorant In a message dated 4/28/99 8:41:57 PM, zev at zgraphics.net writes: Does anyone know where there is goa trance tomorrow night (Thursday) with a good vibe in the city (mind my grammar)? bom, brainmachiners zev Good luck – nothing around this weekend. Maybe Saturday GW Bridge, who knows. Find your nearest Israeli. “Writing is the art of mixing up cliches to create the illusion of originality.”

#224 Thu, 29 Apr 1999 13:53:25 Re: Where’s the trance at??? In a message dated 4/28/99 11:10:55 PM, rae18 at columbia writes: At the risk of sounding uneducated (and justifiably so…), why are Israelis associated with trance? -Rob the Ignorant Check out web tranceam.org/html/Trances/trances.html for the most complete story of the Israelis in NY with trance

#225 Thu, 29 Apr 1999 13:58:06 Re: Where’s the trance at??? I’ve updated the events section in brainmachines, but this list gets emails whenever events come up… McKenna May 6th. TIP puts out the best discs, IMO. Also, burned MP3’s of Goa Gil really really rock. In a message dated 4/29/99 10:04:38 AM, miltondurr at hotmail writes: But what is supposed to be happening by the George Washington Bridge? Is somthing going on at the Lighthouse? i live over that way, so if somthing is going on, do tell!!! Also, i love the goa parties, but whenever i’ve bought goa CDs, which are obscenely expensive, i don’t like the music as much. What first got me into this sort of music was hearing Juno Reactor (who is sheer perfection in my book) and later on Koxbox and Eat Static. Can anyone recommend some goa stuff that is more subtle and intricate and definitely more song-like.

#226 Thu, 29 Apr 1999 14:59:18 From: Max.Feil at xx.xxx Re: Wednesday night [brainmachines] Wednesday night Come on by tonight, April 7th, as Beep presents the last Wednesday of the BIG BEAT BOUTIQUE at Bar 13. Residents Jeremy Brown (BBB) and Liquid Todd (ultra records/k-rock) will be joined by ffrr artist DJ HIVE. Big Beat Boutique is FREE. The fun starts at 10 w/ 2-for-1 drinks til 11p with MENTION OF PARTY. Bar 13 is located at 35 e. 13th St. at university.

#227 Thu, 29 Apr 1999 19:14:30 From: “Milton Durr” miltondurr at x.x Re: Where’s the trance at??? Unfortunately, I haven’t like anything I’ve heard on TIP or Flying Rhino. The stuff on Blue Room comes closest to my tastes for home listening. I like more flexible, middle eastern rhythms. but that isn’t what I hear out in the clubs. I also like the mix to be REALLY REALLY busy and the structure of the song to be more intricate. Sort of like if Atom Heart or Mouse on Mars did Goa. Though I wouldn’t mind dancing to the TIP stuff in a club, I get bored with it rather quickly when i listen to it at home. So far, Juno Reactor, Eat Static and koxbox are my consistent favorites. I’ve heard Total Eclipse in the same vein as the people i’ve mentioned. Maybe I’ll check them out. I’ve never heard of Goa Gil. If i come across it in the stores I’ll give it a listen. Thanx.

#228 Thu, 29 Apr 1999 15:19:57 Re: Where’s the trance at??? In a message dated 4/29/99 3:13:58 PM, miltondurr at hotmail writes: I’ve heard Total Eclipse in the same vein as the people i’ve mentioned. Maybe I’ll check them out. I’ve never heard of Goa Gil. If i come across it in the stores I’ll give it a listen. Thanx. My advice is to join the MP3 crowd and download winamp and get it all for free.

#229 Thu, 29 Apr 1999 15:24:33 Re: Where’s the trance at??? In a message dated 4/29/99 1:59:14 PM, Jeff writes: TIP puts out the best discs, IMO. Also, burned MP3’s of Goa Gil really really rock. speaking of, let’s exchange major major MP3s here. I’ll try to get the fileshare for this group going so we can FTP it all from onelist

#231 Thu, 29 Apr 1999 19:44:44 From: “Milton Durr” miltondurr at x.x Re: Where’s the trance at??? thanx for the tip [brainmachines] Re: Where’s the trance at??? Thu, 29 Apr 1999 15:19:57 In a message dated 4/29/99 3:13:58 PM, miltondurr at hotmail writes:I’ve heard Total Eclipse in the same vein as the people i’ve mentioned. Maybe I’ll check them out. I’ve never heard of Goa Gil. If i come across it in the stores I’ll give it a listen. Thanx. My advice is to join the MP3 crowd and download winamp and get it all for free.

#232 Thu, 29 Apr 1999 16:02:32 From: “zev – zgraphics” zev at x.x Why are Israeli’s always associated with trance? -Brainmachiners… I lived in israel from 1994 till about 6 months ago and let me tell you the greatest trance parties i have ever been to in my life have been there – 2 days at a time at a deserted beach… Anyway from what i understand the reason that they are involved with trance a lot is because a lot of them are drafted into the army at 18, when they are barely adults and after being in the army till 21 they are stressed and cracked out. The number one destination after that is Goa, India. There is a whole community of them there. After they come back to Israel (some don’t) they try to re-create the scene out there and do a damn good job. When you experience trance Israel style there’s a lot more to it than just going to a party here and there, there is whole culture, they wear different clothes and hang out in different places and drop the best shit in town… Anyway for people that use chemical enhancers (!) of any sort the trance movement is definitely the way to go there (as apposed to here where there is the e-dropping twilo – tunnel crowd etc.) So most israelis that use CE are trancers and there’s your answer.

#233 Thu, 29 Apr 1999 17:12:51 From: jawbone40 jawbone40 at x.x Re: Why are Israeli’s always associated with trance? Now were going to be elitist about who does what illegal ds? Do you do these ds, or are they doing you? sounds like you could benifit from a little “e” yourself. bom zev – zgraphics wrote: From: “zev – zgraphics” zev at zgraphics.net -Brainmachiners… I lived in israel from 1994 till about 6 months ago and let me tell you the greatest trance parties i have ever been to in my life have been there – 2 days at a time at a deserted beach… Anyway from what i understand the reason that they are involved with trance a lot is because a lot of them are drafted into the army at 18, when they are barely adults and after being in the army till 21 they are stressed and cracked out. The number one destination after that is Goa, India. There is a whole community of them there. After they come back to Israel (some don’t) they try to re-create the scene out there and do a damn good job. When you experience trance Israel style there’s a lot more to it than just going to a party here and there, there is whole culture, they wear different clothes and hang out in different places and drop the best shit in town… Anyway for people that use chemical enhancers (!) of any sort the trance movement is definitely the way to go there (as apposed to here where there is the e-dropping twilo – tunnel crowd etc.) So most israelis that use CE are trancers and there’s your answer.

#235 Thu, 29 Apr 1999 17:18:27 Meet David Seaman tonight… For free. That’s right, the famed DJ. My guess is he’s spinning. Liam Kennedy will play for an hour. As a gift for brainmachines listers you can go in to Cheetah tonight for free Thurdsday with our group. Just email me privately at or call me at we’ll meet at 325 West 51st

#4C by ten and go. Limit: first six responses… We’ll have a couple bottles of liquor, all we have to do is tip. You must be 18. And the dress code is non-ravey.

#236 Thu, 29 Apr 1999 17:20:38 Re: Why are Israeli’s always associated with trance? In a message dated 4/29/99 5:15:31 PM, jawbone40 at earthlink.net writes: Now were going to be elitist about who does what illegal ds? Do you do these ds, or are they doing you? sounds like you could benifit from a little “e” yourself. l does nothing to your physical body or physical brain, but the jury is waaaay out on E. Check out web tranceam.org/html/psychotropics.html for the real unbiased scoop

#237 Thu, 29 Apr 1999 18:01:26 From: DanteHks at xxx.xxx back on Long Island Guys, I just want to thank everyone for the info on what’s happening and what not. For the last 2 years I lived in Poughkeepsie, but I moved back to long Island last month. Not knowing anyone, or knowing where good trance clubs are ariound here, my customers at my store reccomended I get on the list. I just wwant to thank you all for the information, cause now I am finally getting out and about. And if I get any info I’ll pass it along -Eric aka “the Dante clone”

#238 Fri, 30 Apr 1999 03:58:02 From: “Milton Durr” miltondurr at x.x Re: Why are Israeli’s always associated with trance? SPARE ME!!! This issue isn’t who’s doing what illegal ds. The real point is the caliber of the crowd and the atmosphere that comes from the ds they do. The crowd at Twilo/Tunnel is all about being on their d of choice, which is usually K or C, neither of which contribute to a interpersonal, party atmosphere. Ever tried to engage in a conversation with some revved up on C? In a K hole? I’ve been to gatherings where everyone has been on K and/or C and it doesn’t make for a ‘party’ atmosphere because everyone seems to be boxed-off in their own, self-contained world. Those aren’t communal ds. Though there are some less than savory aspects to the E, pot and acid scene, at least the atmosphere at those kinds of parties tends to be more communal and the overall state of the people there tends to be more ‘open’. At least E, pot and acid lend themselves to mind-expanding experiences. I would be hard pressed to say the same of K, C, mth or any of the other ds of choice in the mega-club scene. From: jawbone40 jawbone40 at earthlink.net [brainmachines] Re: Why are Israeli’s always associated with trance? Thu, 29 Apr 1999 17:12:51 From: jawbone40 jawbone40 at earthlink.net Now were going to be elitist about who does what illegal ds? Do you do these ds, or are they doing you? sounds like you could benifit from a little “e” yourself. bom zev – zgraphics wrote: From: “zev – zgraphics” zev at zgraphics.net -Brainmachiners… I lived in israel from 1994 till about 6 months ago and let me tell you the greatest trance parties i have ever been to in my life have been there – 2 days at a time at a deserted beach… Anyway from what i understand the reason that they are involved with trance a lot is because a lot of them are drafted into the army at 18, when they are barely adults and after being in the army till 21 they are stressed and cracked out. The number one destination after that is Goa, India. There is a whole community of them there. After they come back to Israel (some don’t) they try to re-create the scene out there and do a damn good job. When you experience trance Israel style there’s a lot more to it than just going to a party here and there, there is whole culture, they wear different clothes and hang out in different places and drop the best shit in town… Anyway for people that use chemical enhancers (!) of any sort the trance movement is definitely the way to go there (as apposed to here where there is the e-dropping twilo – tunnel crowd etc.) So most israelis that use CE are trancers and there’s your answer.

#239 Fri, 30 Apr 1999 00:31:29 From: “thew” thew at xx.x Re: Why are Israeli’s always associated with trance? i think you confuse the d and the user people who enjoy mind expansion tend to try and prefer acid, etc and people who like a hard sexual adlerian body rush tend to do cociane not people who do cocaine get into the H.S.A.B rush not doing acid automatically makes you aware open spiritual or what have you….. “its not that power corrupts, but that power attracts the corruptable” Neuronautic Institute: home.earthlink.net/thew the meek shall inherit the earth – the rest of us are going to space From: “Milton Durr” miltondurr at hotmail [brainmachines] Re: Why are Israeli’s always associated with trance? Thu, Apr 29, 1999, 11:58 PM From: “Milton Durr” miltondurr at hotmail SPARE ME!!! This issue isn’t who’s doing what illegal ds. The real point is the caliber of the crowd and the atmosphere that comes from the ds they do. The crowd at Twilo/Tunnel is all about being on their d of choice, which is usually K or C, neither of which contribute to a interpersonal, party atmosphere. Ever tried to engage in a conversation with some revved up on C? In a K hole? I’ve been to gatherings where everyone has been on K and/or C and it doesn’t make for a ‘party’ atmosphere because everyone seems to be boxed-off in their own, self-contained world. Those aren’t communal ds. Though there are some less than savory aspects to the E, pot and acid scene, at least the atmosphere at those kinds of parties tends to be more communal and the overall state of the people there tends to be more ‘open’. At least E, pot and acid lend themselves to mind-expanding experiences. I would be hard pressed to say the same of K, C, mth or any of the other ds of choice in the mega-club scene. From: jawbone40 jawbone40 at earthlink.net [brainmachines] Re: Why are Israeli’s always associated with trance? Thu, 29 Apr 1999 17:12:51 From: jawbone40 jawbone40 at earthlink.net Now were going to be elitist about who does what illegal ds? Do you do these ds, or are they doing you? sounds like you could benifit from a little “e” yourself. bom zev – zgraphics wrote: From: “zev – zgraphics” zev at zgraphics.net -Brainmachiners… I lived in israel from 1994 till about 6 months ago and let me tell you the greatest trance parties i have ever been to in my life have been there – 2 days at a time at a deserted beach… Anyway from what i understand the reason that they are involved with trance a lot is because a lot of them are drafted into the army at 18, when they are barely adults and after being in the army till 21 they are stressed and cracked out. The number one destination after that is Goa, India. There is a whole community of them there. After they come back to Israel (some don’t) they try to re-create the scene out there and do a damn good job. When you experience trance Israel style there’s a lot more to it than just going to a party here and there, there is whole culture, they wear different clothes and hang out in different places and drop the best shit in town… Anyway for people that use chemical enhancers (!) of any sort the trance movement is definitely the way to go there (as apposed to here where there is the e-dropping twilo – tunnel crowd etc.) So most israelis that use CE are trancers and there’s your answer.

#240 Fri, 30 Apr 1999 00:57:04 From: jawbone40 jawbone40 at x.x Re: Why are Israeli’s always associated with trance? Yes, thank you for your response. It’s as I thought: to each, their own. no conflict. We are all looking deep for somthing different. Respect and tolerance is called for, nothing more. Dany Jones- thew wrote: From: “thew” thew at neuronautic i think you confuse the d and the user people who enjoy mind expansion tend to try and prefer acid, etc and people who like a hard sexual adlerian body rush tend to do cociane not people who do cocaine get into the H.S.A.B rush not doing acid automatically makes you aware open spiritual or what have you….. “its not that power corrupts, but that power attracts the corruptable” Neuronautic Institute: home.earthlink.net/thew the meek shall inherit the earth – the rest of us are going to space From: “Milton Durr” miltondurr at hotmail [brainmachines] Re: Why are Israeli’s always associated with trance? Thu, Apr 29, 1999, 11:58 PM From: “Milton Durr” miltondurr at hotmail SPARE ME!!! This issue isn’t who’s doing what illegal ds. The real point is the caliber of the crowd and the atmosphere that comes from the ds they do. The crowd at Twilo/Tunnel is all about being on their d of choice, which is usually K or C, neither of which contribute to a interpersonal, party atmosphere. Ever tried to engage in a conversation with some revved up on C? In a K hole? I’ve been to gatherings where everyone has been on K and/or C and it doesn’t make for a ‘party’ atmosphere because everyone seems to be boxed-off in their own, self-contained world. Those aren’t communal ds. Though there are some less than savory aspects to the E, pot and acid scene, at least the atmosphere at those kinds of parties tends to be more communal and the overall state of the people there tends to be more ‘open’. At least E, pot and acid lend themselves to mind-expanding experiences. I would be hard pressed to say the same of K, C, mth or any of the other ds of choice in the mega-club scene. From: jawbone40 jawbone40 at earthlink.net [brainmachines] Re: Why are Israeli’s always associated with trance? Thu, 29 Apr 1999 17:12:51 From: jawbone40 jawbone40 at earthlink.net Now were going to be elitist about who does what illegal ds? Do you do these ds, or are they doing you? sounds like you could benifit from a little “e” yourself. bom zev – zgraphics wrote: From: “zev – zgraphics” zev at zgraphics.net -Brainmachiners… I lived in israel from 1994 till about 6 months ago and let me tell you the greatest trance parties i have ever been to in my life have been there – 2 days at a time at a deserted beach… Anyway from what i understand the reason that they are involved with trance a lot is because a lot of them are drafted into the army at 18, when they are barely adults and after being in the army till 21 they are stressed and cracked out. The number one destination after that is Goa, India. There is a whole community of them there. After they come back to Israel (some don’t) they try to re-create the scene out there and do a damn good job. When you experience trance Israel style there’s a lot more to it than just going to a party here and there, there is whole culture, they wear different clothes and hang out in different places and drop the best shit in town… Anyway for people that use chemical enhancers (!) of any sort the trance movement is definitely the way to go there (as apposed to here where there is the e-dropping twilo – tunnel crowd etc.) So most israelis that use CE are trancers and there’s your answer.

#241 Fri, 30 Apr 1999 05:25:28 From: LoAnne & Mojo a-loanne at xx.x PERCEPTION REALITY PERCEPTION REALITY…period! To assume that the physiological / metaphysical / social responses to a particular chemical stimulus in your own unique mind / body system will be identical to that of any other individual is an arrogant reductionist point of view. ds are just tools. The same hammer can be used to build a house or to hit oneself on the head…………..Mojo jawbone40 wrote: From: jawbone40 jawbone40 at earthlink.net Yes, thank you for your response. It’s as I thought: to each, their own. no conflict. We are all looking deep for somthing different. Respect and tolerance is called for, nothing more. Dany Jones- thew wrote: From: “thew” thew at neuronautic i think you confuse the d and the user people who enjoy mind expansion tend to try and prefer acid, etc and people who like a hard sexual adlerian body rush tend to do cociane not people who do cocaine get into the H.S.A.B rush not doing acid automatically makes you aware open spiritual or what have you….. “its not that power corrupts, but that power attracts the corruptable” Neuronautic Institute: home.earthlink.net/thew the meek shall inherit the earth – the rest of us are going to space From: “Milton Durr” miltondurr at hotmail [brainmachines] Re: Why are Israeli’s always associated with trance? Thu, Apr 29, 1999, 11:58 PM From: “Milton Durr” miltondurr at hotmail SPARE ME!!! This issue isn’t who’s doing what illegal ds. The real point is the caliber of the crowd and the atmosphere that comes from the ds they do. The crowd at Twilo/Tunnel is all about being on their d of choice, which is usually K or C, neither of which contribute to a interpersonal, party atmosphere. Ever tried to engage in a conversation with some revved up on C? In a K hole? I’ve been to gatherings where everyone has been on K and/or C and it doesn’t make for a ‘party’ atmosphere because everyone seems to be boxed-off in their own, self-contained world. Those aren’t communal ds. Though there are some less than savory aspects to the E, pot and acid scene, at least the atmosphere at those kinds of parties tends to be more communal and the overall state of the people there tends to be more ‘open’. At least E, pot and acid lend themselves to mind-expanding experiences. I would be hard pressed to say the same of K, C, mth or any of the other ds of choice in the mega-club scene. From: jawbone40 jawbone40 at earthlink.net [brainmachines] Re: Why are Israeli’s always associated with trance? Thu, 29 Apr 1999 17:12:51 From: jawbone40 jawbone40 at earthlink.net Now were going to be elitist about who does what illegal ds? Do you do these ds, or are they doing you? sounds like you could benifit from a little “e” yourself. bom zev – zgraphics wrote: From: “zev – zgraphics” zev at zgraphics.net -Brainmachiners… I lived in israel from 1994 till about 6 months ago and let me tell you the greatest trance parties i have ever been to in my life have been there – 2 days at a time at a deserted beach… Anyway from what i understand the reason that they are involved with trance a lot is because a lot of them are drafted into the army at 18, when they are barely adults and after being in the army till 21 they are stressed and cracked out. The number one destination after that is Goa, India. There is a whole community of them there. After they come back to Israel (some don’t) they try to re-create the scene out there and do a damn good job. When you experience trance Israel style there’s a lot more to it than just going to a party here and there, there is whole culture, they wear different clothes and hang out in different places and drop the best shit in town… Anyway for people that use chemical enhancers (!) of any sort the trance movement is definitely the way to go there (as apposed to here where there is the e-dropping twilo – tunnel crowd etc.) So most israelis that use CE are trancers and there’s your answer.

#242 Fri, 30 Apr 1999 07:24:07 From: jawbone40 jawbone40 at x.x Re: PERCEPTION REALITY To each, their own is arrogant…you just want to argue a moot point and show off your expanded brain to someone who only feels love for you and respect for your opinion.Please, if Im so low don’t waste your time on me. peace- Dany jones LoAnne & Mojo wrote: From: LoAnne & Mojo a-loanne at erols PERCEPTION REALITY…period! To assume that the physiological / metaphysical / social responses to a particular chemical stimulus in your own unique mind / body system will be identical to that of any other individual is an arrogant reductionist point of view. ds are just tools. The same hammer can be used to build a house or to hit oneself on the head…………..Mojo jawbone40 wrote: From: jawbone40 jawbone40 at earthlink.net Yes, thank you for your response. It’s as I thought: to each, their own. no conflict. We are all looking deep for somthing different. Respect and tolerance is called for, nothing more. Dany Jones- thew wrote: From: “thew” thew at neuronautic i think you confuse the d and the user people who enjoy mind expansion tend to try and prefer acid, etc and people who like a hard sexual adlerian body rush tend to do cociane not people who do cocaine get into the H.S.A.B rush not doing acid automatically makes you aware open spiritual or what have you….. “its not that power corrupts, but that power attracts the corruptable” Neuronautic Institute: home.earthlink.net/thew the meek shall inherit the earth – the rest of us are going to space From: “Milton Durr” miltondurr at hotmail [brainmachines] Re: Why are Israeli’s always associated with trance? Thu, Apr 29, 1999, 11:58 PM From: “Milton Durr” miltondurr at hotmail SPARE ME!!! This issue isn’t who’s doing what illegal ds. The real point is the caliber of the crowd and the atmosphere that comes from the ds they do. The crowd at Twilo/Tunnel is all about being on their d of choice, which is usually K or C, neither of which contribute to a interpersonal, party atmosphere. Ever tried to engage in a conversation with some revved up on C? In a K hole? I’ve been to gatherings where everyone has been on K and/or C and it doesn’t make for a ‘party’ atmosphere because everyone seems to be boxed-off in their own, self-contained world. Those aren’t communal ds. Though there are some less than savory aspects to the E, pot and acid scene, at least the atmosphere at those kinds of parties tends to be more communal and the overall state of the people there tends to be more ‘open’. At least E, pot and acid lend themselves to mind-expanding experiences. I would be hard pressed to say the same of K, C, mth or any of the other ds of choice in the mega-club scene. From: jawbone40 jawbone40 at earthlink.net [brainmachines] Re: Why are Israeli’s always associated with trance? Thu, 29 Apr 1999 17:12:51 From: jawbone40 jawbone40 at earthlink.net Now were going to be elitist about who does what illegal ds? Do you do these ds, or are they doing you? sounds like you could benifit from a little “e” yourself. bom zev – zgraphics wrote: From: “zev – zgraphics” zev at zgraphics.net -Brainmachiners… I lived in israel from 1994 till about 6 months ago and let me tell you the greatest trance parties i have ever been to in my life have been there – 2 days at a time at a deserted beach… Anyway from what i understand the reason that they are involved with trance a lot is because a lot of them are drafted into the army at 18, when they are barely adults and after being in the army till 21 they are stressed and cracked out. The number one destination after that is Goa, India. There is a whole community of them there. After they come back to Israel (some don’t) they try to re-create the scene out there and do a damn good job. When you experience trance Israel style there’s a lot more to it than just going to a party here and there, there is whole culture, they wear different clothes and hang out in different places and drop the best shit in town… Anyway for people that use chemical enhancers (!) of any sort the trance movement is definitely the way to go there (as apposed to here where there is the e-dropping twilo – tunnel crowd etc.) So most israelis that use CE are trancers and there’s your answer. Attention small business owners: Did you know that ONElist is a great way for small business owners to stay in touch with their customers?

#243 Fri, 30 Apr 1999 10:16:18 From: christina at x.x) GW Bridge Is it a go? details anyone?

#244 Fri, 30 Apr 1999 10:14:34 From: Max.Feil at xx.xxx Re: GW Bridge christina at compuscape (Christina Mull) on 04/30/99 02:16 PM cc: (bcc: Max Feil/USA/DDS) [brainmachines] GW Bridge From: christina at compuscape (Christina Mull) Is it a go? details anyone? Did you know that ONElist hosts some of the largest lists on the Internet? Our scaleable system is the most reliable free e-mail service on the Internet! Synthetic Sadhus, Neurotrancemitter and other Brain Machined events.

#245 Fri, 30 Apr 1999 10:21:25 From: christina at x.x) Re: GW Bridge follow the directions if you want off the list. At 10:14 AM 4/30/99 you wrote: From: Max.Feil at donovandata christina at compuscape (Christina Mull) on 04/30/99 02:16 PM cc: (bcc: Max Feil/USA/DDS) [brainmachines] GW Bridge From: christina at compuscape (Christina Mull) Is it a go? details anyone? Did you know that ONElist hosts some of the largest lists on the Internet? Our scaleable system is the most reliable free e-mail service on the Internet! Synthetic Sadhus, Neurotrancemitter and other Brain Machined events.

#246 Fri, 30 Apr 1999 14:32:27 From: “Milton Durr” miltondurr at x.x Re: Why are Israeli’s always associated with trance? I never said that doing acid, etc necessarily means that you are spiritually open. What I said is that E, pot, acid, etc LEND THEMSELVES to mind-expanding experiences and that being in a room full of people on those substances has a very different effect from being in a room full of people on C,K, mth, what have you. Im not particular about the crowd at those places, period. It is the same basic crowd I could find in any number of bars/clubs around town. Im not inspired by them when theyre sober. Im not inspired by them when theyre chemically altered. But I have been in situations where Ive seen people of that sort on E, pot, acid, etc and the effect of them on those substances has been very interesting. Not that they are any wiser, or any more inspiring, but the effect that them being on those substances had on the environment was truly interesting. Them having very basic conversations about the opposite sex, sports, music, whatever had an entirely different quality because of the state they were in. Even when Ive seen people having a very bad trip, the fact remains that they are in a certain state with relatively high potential, afforded by the presence of that substance in their system. Whether or not they can enjoy it and the possibilities that can be accessed when it that state is really of no interest to me. Even somthing as simple as hanging out with someone on acid when Im not is still fun because you can pick up some of their state just from being around them. I would be hard pressed to say the same about being in a room full of people on C or K. Ive done C and K myself, and what I observed happening in other people on those ds is the same thing that happened to me. Granted, there are certain things that K can give you access to, but connectivity with the environment doesnt seem to be its strong point. It seems very visceral yet self-enclosed. Even doing somthing as basic as listening to music, at least for me, seemed to have the quality of listening to it from WITHIN an enclosure, similar to listening to the stereo really loud but from the next room. On more expansive substances, I can quite easily fuse with the sound/environment. On K it was truly difficult and on C seemed near impossible. The observation that people who enjoy mind expansion enjoy acid, etc and those whose tastes lay elsewhere enjoy different substances doesnt address the central point of my original posting, which had to do with effect that these substances have on the atmosphere at the party. The other crucial point is that, from what I can see, what brings people to a goa/underground party isnt necessarily the same thing that brings the Twilo/Tunnel crowd back every week I imagine there are people who would disagree with my assesment of the effects of these ds on a party atmosphere. If so, then bring it on… I have been in situations where I’ve From: “thew” thew at neuronautic [brainmachines] Re: Why are Israeli’s always associated with trance? Fri, 30 Apr 1999 00:31:29 From: “thew” thew at neuronautic i think you confuse the d and the user people who enjoy mind expansion tend to try and prefer acid, etc and people who like a hard sexual adlerian body rush tend to do cociane not people who do cocaine get into the H.S.A.B rush not doing acid automatically makes you aware open spiritual or what have you….. “its not that power corrupts, but that power attracts the corruptable” Neuronautic Institute: home.earthlink.net/thew the meek shall inherit the earth – the rest of us are going to space From: “Milton Durr” miltondurr at hotmail [brainmachines] Re: Why are Israeli’s always associated with trance? Thu, Apr 29, 1999, 11:58 PM From: “Milton Durr” miltondurr at hotmail SPARE ME!!! This issue isn’t who’s doing what illegal ds. The real point is the caliber of the crowd and the atmosphere that comes from the ds they do. The crowd at Twilo/Tunnel is all about being on their d of choice, which is usually K or C, neither of which contribute to a interpersonal, party atmosphere. Ever tried to engage in a conversation with some revved up on C? In a K hole? I’ve been to gatherings where everyone has been on K and/or C and it doesn’t make for a ‘party’ atmosphere because everyone seems to be boxed-off in their own, self-contained world. Those aren’t communal ds. Though there are some less than savory aspects to the E, pot and acid scene, at least the atmosphere at those kinds of parties tends to be more communal and the overall state of the people there tends to be more ‘open’. At least E, pot and acid lend themselves to mind-expanding experiences. I would be hard pressed to say the same of K, C, mth or any of the other ds of choice in the mega-club scene. From: jawbone40 jawbone40 at earthlink.net [brainmachines] Re: Why are Israeli’s always associated with trance? Thu, 29 Apr 1999 17:12:51 From: jawbone40 jawbone40 at earthlink.net Now were going to be elitist about who does what illegal ds? Do you do these ds, or are they doing you? sounds like you could benifit from a little “e” yourself. bom zev – zgraphics wrote: From: “zev – zgraphics” zev at zgraphics.net -Brainmachiners… I lived in israel from 1994 till about 6 months ago and let me tell you the greatest trance parties i have ever been to in my life have been there – 2 days at a time at a deserted beach… Anyway from what i understand the reason that they are involved with trance a lot is because a lot of them are drafted into the army at 18, when they are barely adults and after being in the army till 21 they are stressed and cracked out. The number one destination after that is Goa, India. There is a whole community of them there. After they come back to Israel (some don’t) they try to re-create the scene out there and do a damn good job. When you experience trance Israel style there’s a lot more to it than just going to a party here and there, there is whole culture, they wear different clothes and hang out in different places and drop the best shit in town… Anyway for people that use chemical enhancers (!) of any sort the trance movement is definitely the way to go there (as apposed to here where there is the e-dropping twilo – tunnel crowd etc.) So most israelis that use CE are trancers and there’s your answer.

#247 Fri, 30 Apr 1999 10:19:08 From: “Mike” MS at x.x Re: Why are Israeli’s always associated with trance? hey Milt you got a lot of time on your hands….. “Milton Durr” miltondurr at hotmail04/30/99 10:32AM From: “Milton Durr” miltondurr at hotmail I never said that doing acid, etc necessarily means that you are spiritually open. What I said is that E, pot, acid, etc LEND THEMSELVES to mind-expanding experiences and that being in a room full of people on those substances has a very different effect from being in a room full of people on C,K, mth, what have you. IAEm not particular about the crowd at those places, period. It is the same basic crowd I could find in any number of bars/clubs around town. IAEm not inspired by them when theyAEre sober. IAEm not inspired by them when theyAEre chemically altered. But I have been in situations where IAEve seen people of that sort on E, pot, acid, etc and the effect of them on those substances has been very interesting. Not that they are any wiser, or any more inspiring, but the effect that them being on those substances had on the environment was truly interesting. Them having very basic conversations about the opposite sex, sports, music, whatever had an entirely different quality because of the state they were in. Even when IAEve seen people having a very bad trip, the fact remains that they are in a certain state with relatively high potential, afforded by the presence of that substance in their system. Whether or not they can enjoy it and the possibilities that can be accessed when it that state is really of no interest to me. Even somthing as simple as hanging out with someone on acid when IAEm not is still fun because you can pick up some of their state just from being around them. I would be hard pressed to say the same about being in a room full of people on C or K. IAEve done C and K myself, and what I observed happening in other people on those ds is the same thing that happened to me. Granted, there are certain things that K can give you access to, but connectivity with the environment doesnAEt seem to be its strong point. It seems very visceral yet self-enclosed. Even doing somthing as basic as listening to music, at least for me, seemed to have the quality of listening to it from WITHIN an enclosure, similar to listening to the stereo really loud but from the next room. On more expansive substances, I can quite easily fuse with the sound/environment. On K it was truly difficult and on C seemed near impossible. The observation that people who enjoy mind expansion enjoy acid, etc and those whose tastes lay elsewhere enjoy different substances doesnAEt address the central point of my original posting, which had to do with effect that these substances have on the atmosphere at the party. The other crucial point is that, from what I can see, what brings people to a goa/underground party isnAEt necessarily the same thing that brings the Twilo/Tunnel crowd back every weeka I imagine there are people who would disagree with my assesment of the effects of these ds on a party atmosphere. If so, then bring it on… I have been in situations where I’ve From: “thew” thew at neuronautic [brainmachines] Re: Why are Israeli’s always associated with trance? Fri, 30 Apr 1999 00:31:29 From: “thew” thew at neuronautic i think you confuse the d and the user people who enjoy mind expansion tend to try and prefer acid, etc and people who like a hard sexual adlerian body rush tend to do cociane not people who do cocaine get into the H.S.A.B rush not doing acid automatically makes you aware open spiritual or what have you….. “its not that power corrupts, but that power attracts the corruptable” Neuronautic Institute: home.earthlink.net/thew the meek shall inherit the earth – the rest of us are going to space From: “Milton Durr” miltondurr at hotmail [brainmachines] Re: Why are Israeli’s always associated with trance? Thu, Apr 29, 1999, 11:58 PM From: “Milton Durr” miltondurr at hotmail SPARE ME!!! This issue isn’t who’s doing what illegal ds. The real point is the caliber of the crowd and the atmosphere that comes from the ds they do. The crowd at Twilo/Tunnel is all about being on their d of choice, which is usually K or C, neither of which contribute to a interpersonal, party atmosphere. Ever tried to engage in a conversation with some revved up on C? In a K hole? I’ve been to gatherings where everyone has been on K and/or C and it doesn’t make for a ‘party’ atmosphere because everyone seems to be boxed-off in their own, self-contained world. Those aren’t communal ds. Though there are some less than savory aspects to the E, pot and acid scene, at least the atmosphere at those kinds of parties tends to be more communal and the overall state of the people there tends to be more ‘open’. At least E, pot and acid lend themselves to mind-expanding experiences. I would be hard pressed to say the same of K, C, mth or any of the other ds of choice in the mega-club scene. From: jawbone40 jawbone40 at earthlink.net [brainmachines] Re: Why are Israeli’s always associated with trance? Thu, 29 Apr 1999 17:12:51 From: jawbone40 jawbone40 at earthlink.net Now were going to be elitist about who does what illegal ds? Do you do these ds, or are they doing you? sounds like you could benifit from a little “e” yourself. bom zev – zgraphics wrote: From: “zev – zgraphics” zev at zgraphics.net -Brainmachiners… I lived in israel from 1994 till about 6 months ago and let me tell you the greatest trance parties i have ever been to in my life have been there – 2 days at a time at a deserted beach… Anyway from what i understand the reason that they are involved with trance a lot is because a lot of them are drafted into the army at 18, when they are barely adults and after being in the army till 21 they are stressed and cracked out. The number one destination after that is Goa, India. There is a whole community of them there. After they come back to Israel (some don’t) they try to re-create the scene out there and do a damn good job. When you experience trance Israel style there’s a lot more to it than just going to a party here and there, there is whole culture, they wear different clothes and hang out in different places and drop the best shit in town… Anyway for people that use chemical enhancers (!) of any sort the trance movement is definitely the way to go there (as apposed to here where there is the e-dropping twilo – tunnel crowd etc.) So most israelis that use CE are trancers and there’s your answer. Check out our homepage for details on how to use our new shared files feature!

#248 Fri, 30 Apr 1999 14:47:46 From: “Milton Durr” miltondurr at x.x Re: Why are Israeli’s always associated with trance? Is that a slag? I’d rather say what i have to say, long or short, than speak in sound bites and have to deal with uninformed responses to what someone THOUGHT I meant. From: “Mike” MS at fkmf [brainmachines] Re: Why are Israeli’s always associated with trance? Fri, 30 Apr 1999 10:19:08 From: “Mike” MS at fkmf hey Milt you got a lot of time on your hands….. “Milton Durr” miltondurr at hotmail04/30/99 10:32AM From: “Milton Durr” miltondurr at hotmail I never said that doing acid, etc necessarily means that you are spiritually open. What I said is that E, pot, acid, etc LEND THEMSELVES to mind-expanding experiences and that being in a room full of people on those substances has a very different effect from being in a room full of people on C,K, mth, what have you. IAEm not particular about the crowd at those places, period. It is the same basic crowd I could find in any number of bars/clubs around town. IAEm not inspired by them when theyAEre sober. IAEm not inspired by them when theyAEre chemically altered. But I have been in situations where IAEve seen people of that sort on E, pot, acid, etc and the effect of them on those substances has been very interesting. Not that they are any wiser, or any more inspiring, but the effect that them being on those substances had on the environment was truly interesting. Them having very basic conversations about the opposite sex, sports, music, whatever had an entirely different quality because of the state they were in. Even when IAEve seen people having a very bad trip, the fact remains that they are in a certain state with relatively high potential, afforded by the presence of that substance in their system. Whether or not they can enjoy it and the possibilities that can be accessed when it that state is really of no interest to me. Even somthing as simple as hanging out with someone on acid when IAEm not is still fun because you can pick up some of their state just from being around them. I would be hard pressed to say the same about being in a room full of people on C or K. IAEve done C and K myself, and what I observed happening in other people on those ds is the same thing that happened to me. Granted, there are certain things that K can give you access to, but connectivity with the environment doesnAEt seem to be its strong point. It seems very visceral yet self-enclosed. Even doing somthing as basic as listening to music, at least for me, seemed to have the quality of listening to it from WITHIN an enclosure, similar to listening to the stereo really loud but from the next room. On more expansive substances, I can quite easily fuse with the sound/environment. On K it was truly difficult and on C seemed near impossible. The observation that people who enjoy mind expansion enjoy acid, etc and those whose tastes lay elsewhere enjoy different substances doesnAEt address the central point of my original posting, which had to do with effect that these substances have on the atmosphere at the party. The other crucial point is that, from what I can see, what brings people to a goa/underground party isnAEt necessarily the same thing that brings the Twilo/Tunnel crowd back every weeka I imagine there are people who would disagree with my assesment of the effects of these ds on a party atmosphere. If so, then bring it on… I have been in situations where I’ve From: “thew” thew at neuronautic [brainmachines] Re: Why are Israeli’s always associated with trance? Fri, 30 Apr 1999 00:31:29 From: “thew” thew at neuronautic i think you confuse the d and the user people who enjoy mind expansion tend to try and prefer acid, etc and people who like a hard sexual adlerian body rush tend to do cociane not people who do cocaine get into the H.S.A.B rush not doing acid automatically makes you aware open spiritual or what have you….. “its not that power corrupts, but that power attracts the corruptable” Neuronautic Institute: home.earthlink.net/thew the meek shall inherit the earth – the rest of us are going to space From: “Milton Durr” miltondurr at hotmail [brainmachines] Re: Why are Israeli’s always associated with trance? Thu, Apr 29, 1999, 11:58 PM From: “Milton Durr” miltondurr at hotmail SPARE ME!!! This issue isn’t who’s doing what illegal ds. The real point is the caliber of the crowd and the atmosphere that comes from the ds they do. The crowd at Twilo/Tunnel is all about being on their d of choice, which is usually K or C, neither of which contribute to a interpersonal, party atmosphere. Ever tried to engage in a conversation with some revved up on C? In a K hole? I’ve been to gatherings where everyone has been on K and/or C and it doesn’t make for a ‘party’ atmosphere because everyone seems to be boxed-off in their own, self-contained world. Those aren’t communal ds. Though there are some less than savory aspects to the E, pot and acid scene, at least the atmosphere at those kinds of parties tends to be more communal and the overall state of the people there tends to be more ‘open’. At least E, pot and acid lend themselves to mind-expanding experiences. I would be hard pressed to say the same of K, C, mth or any of the other ds of choice in the mega-club scene. From: jawbone40 jawbone40 at earthlink.net [brainmachines] Re: Why are Israeli’s always associated with trance? Thu, 29 Apr 1999 17:12:51 From: jawbone40 jawbone40 at earthlink.net Now were going to be elitist about who does what illegal ds? Do you do these ds, or are they doing you? sounds like you could benifit from a little “e” yourself. bom zev – zgraphics wrote: From: “zev – zgraphics” zev at zgraphics.net -Brainmachiners… I lived in israel from 1994 till about 6 months ago and let me tell you the greatest trance parties i have ever been to in my life have been there – 2 days at a time at a deserted beach… Anyway from what i understand the reason that they are involved with trance a lot is because a lot of them are drafted into the army at 18, when they are barely adults and after being in the army till 21 they are stressed and cracked out. The number one destination after that is Goa, India. There is a whole community of them there. After they come back to Israel (some don’t) they try to re-create the scene out there and do a damn good job. When you experience trance Israel style there’s a lot more to it than just going to a party here and there, there is whole culture, they wear different clothes and hang out in different places and drop the best shit in town… Anyway for people that use chemical enhancers (!) of any sort the trance movement is definitely the way to go there (as apposed to here where there is the e-dropping twilo – tunnel crowd etc.) So most israelis that use CE are trancers and there’s your answer.

#249 Fri, 30 Apr 1999 10:38:34 From: “Mike” MS at x.x Re: Why are Israeli’s always associated with trance? OK “Milton Durr” miltondurr at hotmail04/30/99 10:47AM From: “Milton Durr” miltondurr at hotmail Is that a slag? I’d rather say what i have to say, long or short, than speak in sound bites and have to deal with uninformed responses to what someone THOUGHT I meant. From: “Mike” MS at fkmf [brainmachines] Re: Why are Israeli’s always associated with trance? Fri, 30 Apr 1999 10:19:08 From: “Mike” MS at fkmf hey Milt you got a lot of time on your hands….. “Milton Durr” miltondurr at hotmail04/30/99 10:32AM From: “Milton Durr” miltondurr at hotmail I never said that doing acid, etc necessarily means that you are spiritually open. What I said is that E, pot, acid, etc LEND THEMSELVES to mind-expanding experiences and that being in a room full of people on those substances has a very different effect from being in a room full of people on C,K, mth, what have you. IAEm not particular about the crowd at those places, period. It is the same basic crowd I could find in any number of bars/clubs around town. IAEm not inspired by them when theyAEre sober. IAEm not inspired by them when theyAEre chemically altered. But I have been in situations where IAEve seen people of that sort on E, pot, acid, etc and the effect of them on those substances has been very interesting. Not that they are any wiser, or any more inspiring, but the effect that them being on those substances had on the environment was truly interesting. Them having very basic conversations about the opposite sex, sports, music, whatever had an entirely different quality because of the state they were in. Even when IAEve seen people having a very bad trip, the fact remains that they are in a certain state with relatively high potential, afforded by the presence of that substance in their system. Whether or not they can enjoy it and the possibilities that can be accessed when it that state is really of no interest to me. Even somthing as simple as hanging out with someone on acid when IAEm not is still fun because you can pick up some of their state just from being around them. I would be hard pressed to say the same about being in a room full of people on C or K. IAEve done C and K myself, and what I observed happening in other people on those ds is the same thing that happened to me. Granted, there are certain things that K can give you access to, but connectivity with the environment doesnAEt seem to be its strong point. It seems very visceral yet self-enclosed. Even doing somthing as basic as listening to music, at least for me, seemed to have the quality of listening to it from WITHIN an enclosure, similar to listening to the stereo really loud but from the next room. On more expansive substances, I can quite easily fuse with the sound/environment. On K it was truly difficult and on C seemed near impossible. The observation that people who enjoy mind expansion enjoy acid, etc and those whose tastes lay elsewhere enjoy different substances doesnAEt address the central point of my original posting, which had to do with effect that these substances have on the atmosphere at the party. The other crucial point is that, from what I can see, what brings people to a goa/underground party isnAEt necessarily the same thing that brings the Twilo/Tunnel crowd back every weeka I imagine there are people who would disagree with my assesment of the effects of these ds on a party atmosphere. If so, then bring it on… I have been in situations where I’ve From: “thew” thew at neuronautic [brainmachines] Re: Why are Israeli’s always associated with trance? Fri, 30 Apr 1999 00:31:29 From: “thew” thew at neuronautic i think you confuse the d and the user people who enjoy mind expansion tend to try and prefer acid, etc and people who like a hard sexual adlerian body rush tend to do cociane not people who do cocaine get into the H.S.A.B rush not doing acid automatically makes you aware open spiritual or what have you….. “its not that power corrupts, but that power attracts the corruptable” Neuronautic Institute: home.earthlink.net/thew the meek shall inherit the earth – the rest of us are going to space From: “Milton Durr” miltondurr at hotmail [brainmachines] Re: Why are Israeli’s always associated with trance? Thu, Apr 29, 1999, 11:58 PM From: “Milton Durr” miltondurr at hotmail SPARE ME!!! This issue isn’t who’s doing what illegal ds. The real point is the caliber of the crowd and the atmosphere that comes from the ds they do. The crowd at Twilo/Tunnel is all about being on their d of choice, which is usually K or C, neither of which contribute to a interpersonal, party atmosphere. Ever tried to engage in a conversation with some revved up on C? In a K hole? I’ve been to gatherings where everyone has been on K and/or C and it doesn’t make for a ‘party’ atmosphere because everyone seems to be boxed-off in their own, self-contained world. Those aren’t communal ds. Though there are some less than savory aspects to the E, pot and acid scene, at least the atmosphere at those kinds of parties tends to be more communal and the overall state of the people there tends to be more ‘open’. At least E, pot and acid lend themselves to mind-expanding experiences. I would be hard pressed to say the same of K, C, mth or any of the other ds of choice in the mega-club scene. From: jawbone40 jawbone40 at earthlink.net [brainmachines] Re: Why are Israeli’s always associated with trance? Thu, 29 Apr 1999 17:12:51 From: jawbone40 jawbone40 at earthlink.net Now were going to be elitist about who does what illegal ds? Do you do these ds, or are they doing you? sounds like you could benifit from a little “e” yourself. bom zev – zgraphics wrote: From: “zev – zgraphics” zev at zgraphics.net -Brainmachiners… I lived in israel from 1994 till about 6 months ago and let me tell you the greatest trance parties i have ever been to in my life have been there – 2 days at a time at a deserted beach… Anyway from what i understand the reason that they are involved with trance a lot is because a lot of them are drafted into the army at 18, when they are barely adults and after being in the army till 21 they are stressed and cracked out. The number one destination after that is Goa, India. There is a whole community of them there. After they come back to Israel (some don’t) they try to re-create the scene out there and do a damn good job. When you experience trance Israel style there’s a lot more to it than just going to a party here and there, there is whole culture, they wear different clothes and hang out in different places and drop the best shit in town… Anyway for people that use chemical enhancers (!) of any sort the trance movement is definitely the way to go there (as apposed to here where there is the e-dropping twilo – tunnel crowd etc.) So most israelis that use CE are trancers and there’s your answer.

#250 Fri, 30 Apr 1999 12:16:57 From: GEMgodesss at xxx.xxx Re: Why are Israeli’s always associated with trance? I liked your story Milton, thanks for sharing it.

#251 Fri, 30 Apr 1999 16:27:13 From: “Milton Durr” miltondurr at x.x Re: Why are Israeli’s always associated with trance? I love your name. Thanks for using it. From: GEMgodesss at aol [brainmachines] Re: Why are Israeli’s always associated with trance? Fri, 30 Apr 1999 12:16:57 From: GEMgodesss at aol I liked your story Milton, thanks for sharing it.

#252 Fri, 30 Apr 1999 16:35:35 From: “Milton Durr” miltondurr at x.x PERCEPTION REALITY ? Jawbone, There wasn’t any conflict or intolerance. Zev and I apparently don’t enjoy that scene and have simply expressed our opinion of it. LoAnne & Mojo, Quaint but not to the point. The fact is, we all have the same bodies and what happens to me should be similar to what happens to you, though we may process what is happening to us differently. To think that just because I have a unique body means that I don’t share common traits with other humans is naive to say the least. Handy-dandy expression, such as the one you ended your e-mail with, are just tools also. They can be used to lead others to an broadening experience of the world or they can be used to cloud pertinent issues and silence opposing opinions… From: LoAnne & Mojo a-loanne at erols [brainmachines] PERCEPTION REALITY Fri, 30 Apr 1999 05:25:28 From: LoAnne & Mojo a-loanne at erols PERCEPTION REALITY…period! To assume that the physiological / metaphysical / social responses to a particular chemical stimulus in your own unique mind / body system will be identical to that of any other individual is an arrogant reductionist point of view. ds are just tools. The same hammer can be used to build a house or to hit oneself on the head…………..Mojo jawbone40 wrote: From: jawbone40 jawbone40 at earthlink.net Yes, thank you for your response. It’s as I thought: to each, their own. no conflict. We are all looking deep for somthing different. Respect and tolerance is called for, nothing more. Dany Jones- thew wrote: From: “thew” thew at neuronautic i think you confuse the d and the user people who enjoy mind expansion tend to try and prefer acid, etc and people who like a hard sexual adlerian body rush tend to do cociane not people who do cocaine get into the H.S.A.B rush not doing acid automatically makes you aware open spiritual or what have you….. “its not that power corrupts, but that power attracts the corruptable” Neuronautic Institute: home.earthlink.net/thew the meek shall inherit the earth – the rest of us are going to space From: “Milton Durr” miltondurr at hotmail [brainmachines] Re: Why are Israeli’s always associated with trance? Thu, Apr 29, 1999, 11:58 PM From: “Milton Durr” miltondurr at hotmail SPARE ME!!! This issue isn’t who’s doing what illegal ds. The real point is the caliber of the crowd and the atmosphere that comes from the ds they do. The crowd at Twilo/Tunnel is all about being on their d of choice, which is usually K or C, neither of which contribute to a interpersonal, party atmosphere. Ever tried to engage in a conversation with some revved up on C? In a K hole? I’ve been to gatherings where everyone has been on K and/or C and it doesn’t make for a ‘party’ atmosphere because everyone seems to be boxed-off in their own, self-contained world. Those aren’t communal ds. Though there are some less than savory aspects to the E, pot and acid scene, at least the atmosphere at those kinds of parties tends to be more communal and the overall state of the people there tends to be more ‘open’. At least E, pot and acid lend themselves to mind-expanding experiences. I would be hard pressed to say the same of K, C, mth or any of the other ds of choice in the mega-club scene. From: jawbone40 jawbone40 at earthlink.net [brainmachines] Re: Why are Israeli’s always associated with trance? Thu, 29 Apr 1999 17:12:51 From: jawbone40 jawbone40 at earthlink.net Now were going to be elitist about who does what illegal ds? Do you do these ds, or are they doing you? sounds like you could benifit from a little “e” yourself. bom zev – zgraphics wrote: From: “zev – zgraphics” zev at zgraphics.net -Brainmachiners… I lived in israel from 1994 till about 6 months ago and let me tell you the greatest trance parties i have ever been to in my life have been there – 2 days at a time at a deserted beach… Anyway from what i understand the reason that they are involved with trance a lot is because a lot of them are drafted into the army at 18, when they are barely adults and after being in the army till 21 they are stressed and cracked out. The number one destination after that is Goa, India. There is a whole community of them there. After they come back to Israel (some don’t) they try to re-create the scene out there and do a damn good job. When you experience trance Israel style there’s a lot more to it than just going to a party here and there, there is whole culture, they wear different clothes and hang out in different places and drop the best shit in town… Anyway for people that use chemical enhancers (!) of any sort the trance movement is definitely the way to go there (as apposed to here where there is the e-dropping twilo – tunnel crowd etc.) So most israelis that use CE are trancers and there’s your answer.

#253 Fri, 30 Apr 1999 13:03:45 From: Robert Esris rae18 at xx.x Re: PERCEPTION REALITY Not to pun off of your own response, but you hit the nail precisely on the head. This is exactly, exactly, my view of ds in general and its just cool to see someone else with the same idea. 🙂 -RE LoAnne & Mojo wrote: From: LoAnne & Mojo a-loanne at erols PERCEPTION REALITY…period! To assume that the physiological / metaphysical / social responses to a particular chemical stimulus in your own unique mind / body system will be identical to that of any other individual is an arrogant reductionist point of view. ds are just tools. The same hammer can be used to build a house or to hit oneself on the head…………..Mojo jawbone40 wrote: From: jawbone40 jawbone40 at earthlink.net Yes, thank you for your response. It’s as I thought: to each, their own. no conflict. We are all looking deep for somthing different. Respect and tolerance is called for, nothing more. Dany Jones- thew wrote: From: “thew” thew at neuronautic i think you confuse the d and the user people who enjoy mind expansion tend to try and prefer acid, etc and people who like a hard sexual adlerian body rush tend to do cociane not people who do cocaine get into the H.S.A.B rush not doing acid automatically makes you aware open spiritual or what have you….. “its not that power corrupts, but that power attracts the corruptable” Neuronautic Institute: home.earthlink.net/thew the meek shall inherit the earth – the rest of us are going to space From: “Milton Durr” miltondurr at hotmail [brainmachines] Re: Why are Israeli’s always associated with trance? Thu, Apr 29, 1999, 11:58 PM From: “Milton Durr” miltondurr at hotmail SPARE ME!!! This issue isn’t who’s doing what illegal ds. The real point is the caliber of the crowd and the atmosphere that comes from the ds they do. The crowd at Twilo/Tunnel is all about being on their d of choice, which is usually K or C, neither of which contribute to a interpersonal, party atmosphere. Ever tried to engage in a conversation with some revved up on C? In a K hole? I’ve been to gatherings where everyone has been on K and/or C and it doesn’t make for a ‘party’ atmosphere because everyone seems to be boxed-off in their own, self-contained world. Those aren’t communal ds. Though there are some less than savory aspects to the E, pot and acid scene, at least the atmosphere at those kinds of parties tends to be more communal and the overall state of the people there tends to be more ‘open’. At least E, pot and acid lend themselves to mind-expanding experiences. I would be hard pressed to say the same of K, C, mth or any of the other ds of choice in the mega-club scene. From: jawbone40 jawbone40 at earthlink.net [brainmachines] Re: Why are Israeli’s always associated with trance? Thu, 29 Apr 1999 17:12:51 From: jawbone40 jawbone40 at earthlink.net Now were going to be elitist about who does what illegal ds? Do you do these ds, or are they doing you? sounds like you could benifit from a little “e” yourself. bom zev – zgraphics wrote: From: “zev – zgraphics” zev at zgraphics.net -Brainmachiners… I lived in israel from 1994 till about 6 months ago and let me tell you the greatest trance parties i have ever been to in my life have been there – 2 days at a time at a deserted beach… Anyway from what i understand the reason that they are involved with trance a lot is because a lot of them are drafted into the army at 18, when they are barely adults and after being in the army till 21 they are stressed and cracked out. The number one destination after that is Goa, India. There is a whole community of them there. After they come back to Israel (some don’t) they try to re-create the scene out there and do a damn good job. When you experience trance Israel style there’s a lot more to it than just going to a party here and there, there is whole culture, they wear different clothes and hang out in different places and drop the best shit in town… Anyway for people that use chemical enhancers (!) of any sort the trance movement is definitely the way to go there (as apposed to here where there is the e-dropping twilo – tunnel crowd etc.) So most israelis that use CE are trancers and there’s your answer. Attention small business owners: Did you know that ONElist is a great way for small business owners to stay in touch with their customers? “Writing is the art of mixing up cliches to create the illusion of originality.”

#254 Fri, 30 Apr 1999 13:43:31 Re: Why are Israeli’s always associated with trance? In a message dated 4/29/99 11:59:26 PM, miltondurr at hotmail writes: Though there are some less than savory aspects to the E, pot and acid scene, at least the atmosphere at those kinds of parties tends to be more communal and the overall state of the people there tends to be more ‘open’. At least E, pot and acid lend themselves to mind-expanding experiences. I would be hard pressed to say the same of K, C, mth or any of the other ds of choice in the mega-club scene. oh, they’re communal is a bloodless republican facetious sort of way, but not in a Deadhead sort of way IMHO

#255 Fri, 30 Apr 1999 13:46:27 Re: GW Bridge In a message dated 4/30/99 10:10:42 AM, christina at compuscape writes: Is it a go? details anyone? I dunno, just a rumour, no def. plans set

#256 Fri, 30 Apr 1999 19:06:56 From: “Milton Durr” miltondurr at x.x Gabby Gabber I can’t respond to your reference to the Deadheads because I have no real first hand experience of that scene. But you have to be realistic about what I’m talking about. The parties are still part of a public setting. It isn’t communal in the sense that everyone knows everyone and lives together peacefully. I don’t think that what I said is that difficult to understand. It is very easy to try to reify ‘communal’ and begin all sorts of verbal prestidigiation-filled dialogue that ultimately goes nowhere, but then that misses the point of what started this series of e-mails to begin with… If you honestly view the ‘scene’ as bloodless, Republican and facetious, then why do you bother with this???? Those aren’t the sorts of words you use to describe somthing that you enjoy and spend your time and energy on. If you honestly think that way, then why do you bother with this bulletin board and the brainmachines website? If it is so bloodless, then why not go do somthing else? Maintaining these forums must take a lot of time and dedication. Why dedicate yourself to somthing that is facetious. I don’t have any illusions of ‘community’ in the sense that you seem to think I do. When it comes down to the nitty gritty of dealing with people one on one, it is back to square one, as far as i’m concerned. Kindred spirits are never that easily found. I only frequent this scene because, like with punk when it first started, there are good ideas floating around and an actual ‘somthing’ tends to happen when these people get together.. . [brainmachines] Re: Why are Israeli’s always associated with trance? Fri, 30 Apr 1999 13:43:31 In a message dated 4/29/99 11:59:26 PM, miltondurr at hotmail writes:Though there are some less than savory aspects to the E, pot and acid scene, at least the atmosphere at those kinds of parties tends to be more communal and the overall state of the people there tends to be more ‘open’. At least E, pot and acid lend themselves to mind-expanding experiences. I would be hard pressed to say the same of K, C, mth or any of the other ds of choice in the mega-club scene. oh, they’re communal is a bloodless republican facetious sort of way, but not in a Deadhead sort of way IMHO Did you know that you can now set up a shared calendar to post events of interest to your community? Check out our homepage for details.

#257 Fri, 30 Apr 1999 15:05:09 From: LoAnne & Mojo a-loanne at xx.x Re: PERCEPTION REALITY I’m sorrry if I come off sounding overly intellectual, that’s just the way I express myself. Please don’t take my vocabulary as an insult. Peace…………..Mojo jawbone40 wrote: To each, their own is arrogant…you just want to argue a moot point and show off your expanded brain to someone who only feels love for you and respect for your opinion.Please, if Im so low don’t waste your time on me. peace- Dany jones LoAnne & Mojo wrote:From: LoAnne & Mojo a-loanne at erolsPERCEPTION REALITY…period! To assume that the physiological / metaphysical / social responses to a particular chemical stimulus in your own unique mind / body system will be identical to that of any other individual is an arrogant reductionist point of view. ds are just tools. The same hammer can be used to build a house or to hit oneself on the head…………..Mojojawbone40 wrote: From: jawbone40 jawbone40 at earthlink.net Yes, thank you for your response. It’s as I thought: to each, their own. no conflict. We are all looking deep for somthing different. Respect and tolerance is called for, nothing more. Dany Jones- thew wrote: From: “thew” thew at neuronautic i think you confuse the d and the user people who enjoy mind expansion tend to try and prefer acid, etc and people who like a hard sexual adlerian body rush tend to do cociane not people who do cocaine get into the H.S.A.B rush not doing acid automatically makes you aware open spiritual or what have you….. “its not that power corrupts, but that power attracts the corruptable” Neuronautic Institute: home.earthlink.net/thew the meek shall inherit the earth – the rest of us are going to space

#258 Fri, 30 Apr 1999 15:22:10 Re: Gabby Gabber I was only describing people on cocaine and K…. In a message dated 4/30/99 2:59:18 PM, miltondurr at hotmail writes: view the ‘scene’ as bloodless, Republican and facetious, then why do you bother with this???? Those aren’t the sorts of words you use to describe somthing that you enjoy and spend your time and energy on. If you honestly think that way, then why do you bother with this bulletin board and the brainmachines website? If it is so bloodless, then why not go do somthing else? Maintaining these forums must take a lot of time and dedication. Why dedicate yourself to somthing that is facetious.

#259 Fri, 30 Apr 1999 19:31:05 From: “Milton Durr” miltondurr at x.x Re: Gabby Gabber OOPS! My bag… [brainmachines] Re: Gabby Gabber Fri, 30 Apr 1999 15:22:10 I was only describing people on cocaine and K…. In a message dated 4/30/99 2:59:18 PM, miltondurr at hotmail writes:view the ‘scene’ as bloodless, Republican and facetious, then why do you bother with this???? Those aren’t the sorts of words you use to describe somthing that you enjoy and spend your time and energy on. If you honestly think that way, then why do you bother with this bulletin board and the brainmachines website? If it is so bloodless, then why not go do somthing else? Maintaining these forums must take a lot of time and dedication. Why dedicate yourself to somthing that is facetious.

#260 Fri, 30 Apr 1999 17:40:47 From: “zev – zgraphics” zev at x.x Wow – that twilo/tunnel comment definitly got the list talkin’! Just to clarify my earlier remarks… Compare 2 day rave/bonding experience to a six to twelve hour intense party and you can better understand what i meant. Come to Twilo on a Friday night chances are you’ll probobly see me there along with everyone else dancing and having a good time. However in contrast to your typical Israeli trance, it doesn’t come close. Not necasserily do I want that either. In israel i didn’t have to work and had no responsibilities whereas here i have abusiness to run and bills to pay. I am completely comfertable with this and i appreciate EVERYTHING everyone that is involved with these parties do. In fact I had hands on experience with a Goa Trance party that my associates made at Twilo a few month’s ago and even after months of hard work and lots of money it flopped. The e-droppers at Twilo/tunnel make a nice party, and i enjoy them and regularly attend them as well, but a nice 24, even 12 hour trance party will always be appreciated here. Have a nice weekend to all.. Zev

#261 Fri, 30 Apr 1999 18:27:17 From: christina at x.x) Re: Gabby Gabber how long are you going to go for?!!!!!! At 07:31 PM 4/30/99 you wrote: From: “Milton Durr” miltondurr at hotmail OOPS! My bag… [brainmachines] Re: Gabby Gabber Fri, 30 Apr 1999 15:22:10 I was only describing people on cocaine and K…. In a message dated 4/30/99 2:59:18 PM, miltondurr at hotmail writes: view the ‘scene’ as bloodless, Republican and facetious, then why do you bother with this???? Those aren’t the sorts of words you use to describe somthing that you enjoy and spend your time and energy on. If you honestly think that way, then why do you bother with this bulletin board and the brainmachines website? If it is so bloodless, then why not go do somthing else? Maintaining these forums must take a lot of time and dedication. Why dedicate yourself to somthing that is facetious.

#262 Fri, 30 Apr 1999 18:43:49 Re: Wow – that twilo/tunnel comment definitly got the list ta… Flopped financially but not aesthetically. It had never ever been done. I really enjoyed it, I had just lost my job. It took me out there, and I was sober. I think there weren’t enough flyers handed out. In a message dated 4/30/99 5:45:59 PM, zev at zgraphics.net writes: In fact I had hands on experience with a Goa Trance party that my associates made at Twilo a few month’s ago and even after months of hard work and lots of money it flopped

#263 Fri, 30 Apr 1999 19:09:20 From: LoAnne & Mojo a-loanne at xx.x Re: PERCEPTION REALITY ? Milton, I believe I was very to the point, you just missed it. Yes, the chemical changes that take place in our bodies/brains when we ingest a particular substance are indeed similar. However, human beings are not lab rats. We do not all have the same bodies or minds. Aspirin does nothing for my headache while Ibuprofin works like a charm. When it comes to psychoactives some people are lightwieghts – 1/2 a normal dose will send them flying; some people are hardheads – they need twice the normal dose just to get a threshold effect. Some people would suffer permanent pychological damage from just one full blown dose of l while others eat it like candy. In my own experiments I’ve found that many times a group of different people who take the same dose of the same d in the same environment have widely varying experiences. Some peoples trips are very visual, others are more body oriented. Why should our individual response to ds be any different than our response to say music or food. What a scary world it would be if we were all just biological automatons. Oh yeah one last thing – Handy-dandy expression?!?! It’s called an analogy and I think it ecapsulates my whole argument quite effectively. ds don’t make a scene happen, people do…..Mojo Quaint but not to the point. The fact is, we all have the same bodies and what happens to me should be similar to what happens to you, though we may process what is happening to us differently. To think that just because I have a unique body means that I don’t share common traits with other humans is naive to say the least. Handy-dandy expression, such as the one you ended your e-mail with, are just tools also. They can be used to lead others to an broadening experience of the world or they can be used to cloud pertinent issues and silence opposing opinions… From: LoAnne & Mojo a-loanne at erols [brainmachines] PERCEPTION REALITY Fri, 30 Apr 1999 05:25:28 From: LoAnne & Mojo a-loanne at erols PERCEPTION REALITY…period! To assume that the physiological / metaphysical / social responses to a particular chemical stimulus in your own unique mind / body system will be identical to that of any other individual is an arrogant reductionist point of view. ds are just tools. The same hammer can be used to build a house or to hit oneself on the head…………..Mojo

#264 Fri, 30 Apr 1999 21:40:06 From: christina at x.x) Re: The Littleton Tragedy Leya, are you a New Yorker…just curious????? At 11:16 AM 4/28/99 you wrote: From: Robert Esris rae18 at columbia There’s always bound to be some crazy people. People are just biological machines, and any type of machine is bound to sometimes come out defective. (waiting for the flames) -RE LaBeLdEva at aol wrote:From: LaBeLdEva at aol i duno,i’m one of the lucky ones i guess…in my short time on this earth i’ve lived in or stayed extended periods of time in almost every state in the US….just in the past 2.5 yrs i’ve moved 8 times,,through all this i’ve been able to maintain a “popular” status..i know the right people yet i dont dress the “right” way.. i think its all a state of mind..my mom jokes about this whole thing because i am a self addmitted aol junkee..yet i’m very social in my own way, i think this type of behavior,the kind that causes what happened in CO is in the mind of all of us,,its just that most of us are able to deal with it and work past it to live normal lives and think on a healthier level..you cant blame society or video games or movies for a person being mentally diturbed.. thats an issue on its own,sure maybe these things help to keep the individual away from reality and from dealing with the problem but they’re not the culprit..even lack of family and loving isnt always the issue,some of the craziest serial killers came from decent homes…in all i think for the most part these people just come this way,,but what do i know? peace leya

May 1999

#265 Sat, 01 May 1999 02:27:31 From: “Milton Durr” miltondurr at x.x PERCEPTION DECEPTION-REALITY ? I think you need to reread what I said. i really am not interested in what someone’s individual ‘trip’ is like. I was talking about the effect that their state (d-induced in this instance) has on the environment that they’re in. Whether you’re having a heady trip or a visual trip or an emotional trip is really immaterial from the standpoint of the situation as a whole. The fact that you are in that state, to whatever degree, has an effect on the surroundings. And this is accentuated by being in a situation that supports and encourages the types of things that can happen to those that have accessed that state. As for your analogy, I stand by what I said. It was quaint, but did not address what I was saying. Your current response to my comments have not addressed what I’ve said either. And yes, ds don’t make the scene, the people do. But if you go through the history of the multilogue on this subject on this bulletin board, you will see that the reason why we are even on this subject is that someone had a problem with Zev not being all that particular about the crowd at Twilo/Tunnel and the ds that they do. I’m usually not on anything when I go to these parties and it doesn’t matter because the vibe supercedes everything. If what is boosting the vibe is the fact that a number of people are on psychoactive ds then fine; I enjoy being around tripping people because their state rubs off on me. I would still have just as much fun if they weren’t tripping and don’t think that the ds are an indispensable part of having an intense time. Never said that and never will. It isn’t like I was making comments about obscure, abstruse things that are out of the range of experience of most people. Anyone who has bothered to observe the different effects that different ds have on a group situation will understand what I mean and what probably prompted Zev’s original comment that started this whole ‘debate’. If you don’t understand, then say so and someone will gladly point you in a fruitful direction. If anyone else cares to address this issue, go right ahead. I have nothing else to say on the subject. From: LoAnne & Mojo a-loanne at erols [brainmachines] Re: PERCEPTION REALITY ? Fri, 30 Apr 1999 19:09:20 From: LoAnne & Mojo a-loanne at erols Milton, I believe I was very to the point, you just missed it. Yes, the chemical changes that take place in our bodies/brains when we ingest a particular substance are indeed similar. However, human beings are not lab rats. We do not all have the same bodies or minds. Aspirin does nothing for my headache while Ibuprofin works like a charm. When it comes to psychoactives some people are lightwieghts – 1/2 a normal dose will send them flying; some people are hardheads – they need twice the normal dose just to get a threshold effect. Some people would suffer permanent pychological damage from just one full blown dose of l while others eat it like candy. In my own experiments I’ve found that many times a group of different people who take the same dose of the same d in the same environment have widely varying experiences. Some peoples trips are very visual, others are more body oriented. Why should our individual response to ds be any different than our response to say music or food. What a scary world it would be if we were all just biological automatons. Oh yeah one last thing – Handy-dandy expression?!?! It’s called an analogy and I think it ecapsulates my whole argument quite effectively. ds don’t make a scene happen, people do…..Mojo Quaint but not to the point. The fact is, we all have the same bodies and what happens to me should be similar to what happens to you, though we may process what is happening to us differently. To think that just because I have a unique body means that I don’t share common traits with other humans is naive to say the least. Handy-dandy expression, such as the one you ended your e-mail with, are just tools also. They can be used to lead others to an broadening experience of the world or they can be used to cloud pertinent issues and silence opposing opinions… From: LoAnne & Mojo a-loanne at erols [brainmachines] PERCEPTION REALITY Fri, 30 Apr 1999 05:25:28 From: LoAnne & Mojo a-loanne at erols PERCEPTION REALITY…period! To assume that the physiological / metaphysical / social responses to a particular chemical stimulus in your own unique mind / body system will be identical to that of any other individual is an arrogant reductionist point of view. ds are just tools. The same hammer can be used to build a house or to hit oneself on the head…………..Mojo

#266 Sat, 01 May 1999 08:19:37 From: LoAnne & Mojo a-loanne at xx.x Re: Nail in the Coffin Perhaps I went a bit too far off on a tangent, but your classification of different ds (K+C, acid+e) into broad categories of predictable behavior is what set me off. The ‘vibe’ put off by people on ds at a party or wherever is a dynamic interaction between the d, the people and the environment. We’ve all experienced a ‘contact high’ from people on ds, but it is my opinion that you are trying to over simplify the situation. That’s all I’m saying. peace……………Mojo From: “Milton Durr” miltondurr at hotmail I think you need to reread what I said. i really am not interested in what someone’s individual ‘trip’ is like. I was talking about the effect that their state (d-induced in this instance) has on the environment that they’re in. Whether you’re having a heady trip or a visual trip or an emotional trip is really immaterial from the standpoint of the situation as a whole. The fact that you are in that state, to whatever degree, has an effect on the surroundings. And this is accentuated by being in a situation that supports and encourages the types of things that can happen to those that have accessed that state. As for your analogy, I stand by what I said. It was quaint, but did not address what I was saying. Your current response to my comments have not addressed what I’ve said either. And yes, ds don’t make the scene, the people do. But if you go through the history of the multilogue on this subject on this bulletin board, you will see that the reason why we are even on this subject is that someone had a problem with Zev not being all that particular about the crowd at Twilo/Tunnel and the ds that they do. I’m usually not on anything when I go to these parties and it doesn’t matter because the vibe supercedes everything. If what is boosting the vibe is the fact that a number of people are on psychoactive ds then fine; I enjoy being around tripping people because their state rubs off on me. I would still have just as much fun if they weren’t tripping and don’t think that the ds are an indispensable part of having an intense time. Never said that and never will. It isn’t like I was making comments about obscure, abstruse things that are out of the range of experience of most people. Anyone who has bothered to observe the different effects that different ds have on a group situation will understand what I mean and what probably prompted Zev’s original comment that started this whole ‘debate’. If you don’t understand, then say so and someone will gladly point you in a fruitful direction. If anyone else cares to address this issue, go right ahead. I have nothing else to say on the subject. From: LoAnne & Mojo a-loanne at erols [brainmachines] Re: PERCEPTION REALITY ? Fri, 30 Apr 1999 19:09:20 From: LoAnne & Mojo a-loanne at erols Milton, I believe I was very to the point, you just missed it. Yes, the chemical changes that take place in our bodies/brains when we ingest a particular substance are indeed similar. However, human beings are not lab rats. We do not all have the same bodies or minds. Aspirin does nothing for my headache while Ibuprofin works like a charm. When it comes to psychoactives some people are lightwieghts – 1/2 a normal dose will send them flying; some people are hardheads – they need twice the normal dose just to get a threshold effect. Some people would suffer permanent pychological damage from just one full blown dose of l while others eat it like candy. In my own experiments I’ve found that many times a group of different people who take the same dose of the same d in the same environment have widely varying experiences. Some peoples trips are very visual, others are more body oriented. Why should our individual response to ds be any different than our response to say music or food. What a scary world it would be if we were all just biological automatons. Oh yeah one last thing – Handy-dandy expression?!?! It’s called an analogy and I think it ecapsulates my whole argument quite effectively. ds don’t make a scene happen, people do…..Mojo Quaint but not to the point. The fact is, we all have the same bodies and what happens to me should be similar to what happens to you, though we may process what is happening to us differently. To think that just because I have a unique body means that I don’t share common traits with other humans is naive to say the least. Handy-dandy expression, such as the one you ended your e-mail with, are just tools also. They can be used to lead others to an broadening experience of the world or they can be used to cloud pertinent issues and silence opposing opinions… From: LoAnne & Mojo a-loanne at erols [brainmachines] PERCEPTION REALITY Fri, 30 Apr 1999 05:25:28 From: LoAnne & Mojo a-loanne at erols PERCEPTION REALITY…period! To assume that the physiological / metaphysical / social responses to a particular chemical stimulus in your own unique mind / body system will be identical to that of any other individual is an arrogant reductionist point of view. ds are just tools. The same hammer can be used to build a house or to hit oneself on the head…………..Mojo

#267 Sun, 02 May 1999 18:41:58 From: Hubert Kowalczyk d-ram at xx.x technologix.org: Live internet broadcast – tonight 10PM – techno.house technologix.radio – presents binary sundays live.internet.broadcast. djs: Luke Ballon – (riviera deep house) Mike Foulkes (tech-house specialist) dev null – deep house d-ram (hard techno) TIME: 10PM till 2AM direct broadcast link web technologix.org/ram/live.ram Live technologix.show6 web technologix.org/ram/radio/show6.ram New music on technologix.org is: Mike Shannon KTown web technologix.org/ram/djs/mikeshannon1.ram Lotus (AMMO, Blue Recordings) web technologix.org/ram/djs/lotus2.ram Adam Marshall (Stereo 416 blue) web technologix.org/ram/djs/adam2.ram Launch Pad Party – technologix crew. web technologix.org/ram/events/lp/lp.ram Next week stay tuned for Marco Corolla (Italy – Zenith records) He will be visiting Toronto and playing at Blue Thursdays. If you are in Toronto and want to check out his performance here is the address: 177 Peter St. (System Sound Bar) technologix.crew web technologix.org

#268 Sun, 02 May 1999 21:09:56 From: jawbone40 jawbone40 at x.x Re: Why are Israeli’s always associated with trance? You’re a smart man Jeffrey. In a message dated 4/29/99 11:59:26 PM, miltondurr at hotmail writes:Though there are some less than savory aspects to the E, pot and acid scene, at least the atmosphere at those kinds of parties tends to be more communal and the overall state of the people there tends to be more ‘open’. At least E, pot and acid lend themselves to mind-expanding experiences. I would be hard pressed to say the same of K, C, mth or any of the other ds of choice in the mega-club scene. oh, they’re communal is a bloodless republican facetious sort of way, but not in a Deadhead sort of way IMHO Did you know that you can now set up a shared calendar to post events of interest to your community? Check out our homepage for details.

#269 Mon, 03 May 1999 14:21:36 From: Ash Wadhwani ash at x.x c, k, mth? Excuse me, I must have missed a few. What is C and K ????

#270 Mon, 03 May 1999 14:54:56 From: christina at x.x) Re: c, k, mth? Oh Boy! Good Luck with this one Jeff At 02:21 PM 5/3/99 you wrote: From: Ash Wadhwani ash at bway.net Excuse me, I must have missed a few. What is C and K ????

#271 Mon, 03 May 1999 18:58:26 From: “Milton Durr” miltondurr at x.x Re: c, k, mth? Yes, I think Jeff should respond to this one… From: christina at compuscape (Christina Mull) [brainmachines] Re: c, k, mth? Mon, 03 May 1999 14:54:56 From: christina at compuscape (Christina Mull) Oh Boy! Good Luck with this one Jeff At 02:21 PM 5/3/99 you wrote: From: Ash Wadhwani ash at bway.net Excuse me, I must have missed a few. What is C and K ????

#272 Mon, 03 May 1999 16:22:58 From: Robert Esris rae18 at xx.x Re: c, k, mth? Oh come on you guys, what’s with this attitude? Christina: C is cocaine and K is K. -Rob Christina Mull wrote: From: christina at compuscape (Christina Mull) Oh Boy! Good Luck with this one Jeff At 02:21 PM 5/3/99 you wrote: From: Ash Wadhwani ash at bway.net Excuse me, I must have missed a few. What is C and K ???? “Writing is the art of mixing up cliches to create the illusion of originality.”

#273 Mon, 03 May 1999 17:30:14 From: christina at x.x) Re: c, k, mth? Hello, pay attention, I was not the one who needed the info!!! At 04:22 PM 5/3/99 you wrote: From: Robert Esris rae18 at columbia Oh come on you guys, what’s with this attitude? Christina: C is cocaine and K is K. -Rob Christina Mull wrote:From: christina at compuscape (Christina Mull) Oh Boy! Good Luck with this one Jeff At 02:21 PM 5/3/99 you wrote: From: Ash Wadhwani ash at bway.net Excuse me, I must have missed a few. What is C and K ????

#274 Mon, 03 May 1999 17:29:54 From: Robert Esris rae18 at xx.x Re: c, k, mth? Okay my mistake. And again I say, chill out please, and lose the attitude. -RE Christina Mull wrote: From: christina at compuscape (Christina Mull) Hello, pay attention, I was not the one who needed the info!!! At 04:22 PM 5/3/99 you wrote: From: Robert Esris rae18 at columbia Oh come on you guys, what’s with this attitude? Christina: C is cocaine and K is K. -Rob Christina Mull wrote: From: christina at compuscape (Christina Mull) Oh Boy! Good Luck with this one Jeff At 02:21 PM 5/3/99 you wrote: From: Ash Wadhwani ash at bway.net Excuse me, I must have missed a few. What is C and K ???? Over 3 million people are using ONElist. Give back to your community through “Grow to Give.” See homepage for details. “Writing is the art of mixing up cliches to create the illusion of originality.”

#275 Mon, 03 May 1999 17:39:19 From: christina at x.x) Re: c, k, mth? no attitude here. I feel that if Ash does not know simple abbreviations for chem he will not be comprehending much of the dialogue that goes on here anyway. At 05:29 PM 5/3/99 you wrote: From: Robert Esris rae18 at columbia Okay my mistake. And again I say, chill out please, and lose the attitude. -RE Christina Mull wrote:From: christina at compuscape (Christina Mull) Hello, pay attention, I was not the one who needed the info!!! At 04:22 PM 5/3/99 you wrote: From: Robert Esris rae18 at columbia Oh come on you guys, what’s with this attitude? Christina: C is cocaine and K is K. -Rob Christina Mull wrote: From: christina at compuscape (Christina Mull) Oh Boy! Good Luck with this one Jeff At 02:21 PM 5/3/99 you wrote: From: Ash Wadhwani ash at bway.net Excuse me, I must have missed a few. What is C and K ???? “Writing is the art of mixing up cliches to create the illusion of originality.”

#276 Mon, 03 May 1999 17:46:34 From: Ash Wadhwani ash at x.x Re: c, k, mth? I have an attitude and it is positive LOLOLOLOL. Hence I did not get it the C n K bit. The only use for them is medical (and I don’t take medecines since a kid 🙂 ) Any other is abuse. A is fine, E, dunno how to use it. The mantra is ” How not to abuse, how not to abuse? hmm. ” More . . . .

#277 Mon, 03 May 1999 17:57:20 From: christina at x.x) Re: c, k, mth? Ash, how old At 05:46 PM 5/3/99 you wrote: From: Ash Wadhwani ash at bway.net I have an attitude and it is positive LOLOLOLOL. Hence I did not get it the C n K bit. The only use for them is medical (and I don’t take medecines since a kid 🙂 ) Any other is abuse. A is fine, E, dunno how to use it. The mantra is ” How not to abuse, how not to abuse? hmm. ” More . . . .

#278 Mon, 03 May 1999 17:57:47 From: christina at x.x) Re: c, k, mth? what is A?? At 05:29 PM 5/3/99 you wrote: From: Robert Esris rae18 at columbia Okay my mistake. And again I say, chill out please, and lose the attitude. -RE Christina Mull wrote:From: christina at compuscape (Christina Mull) Hello, pay attention, I was not the one who needed the info!!! At 04:22 PM 5/3/99 you wrote: From: Robert Esris rae18 at columbia Oh come on you guys, what’s with this attitude? Christina: C is cocaine and K is K. -Rob Christina Mull wrote: From: christina at compuscape (Christina Mull) Oh Boy! Good Luck with this one Jeff At 02:21 PM 5/3/99 you wrote: From: Ash Wadhwani ash at bway.net Excuse me, I must have missed a few. What is C and K ???? “Writing is the art of mixing up cliches to create the illusion of originality.”

#279 Mon, 03 May 1999 18:02:17 From: Ash Wadhwani ash at x.x Re: c, k, mth? A????? Someone help !!!!!!! My age? What is the real question?

#280 Mon, 3 May 1999 18:05:29 Bandwidthtime/money, and how to not waste it As the list moderator, I gotta be a Nixon here and step in here guys and speak for the Silent Majority, why don’t you six get together and split hairs on someone else’s time. The semantics of d abbreviations can better be argued in an environment where you can actually walk away from someone, like, the West Side Highway. Please refrain from meaningless chatter. Bottom “line:” tell us about where we can go do these things, or not. There are plenty of AOL chat rooms where there are others who will enjoy polemic vacuity. If you want to argue, how about arguing about why you think otherwise intelligent goal-oriented people are sharing straws and spreading Hepatitis C from each other? By the way, there was last Saturday and will continue to be very good outdoor parties underneath the GW Bridge. Anybody go?

#281 Mon, 03 May 1999 18:22:57 From: Ash Wadhwani ash at x.x Re: Bandwidthtime/money, and how to not waste it Right, Don’t abuse this list, LEARN to use it. Thanks, Jeff

#282 Mon, 03 May 1999 19:27:23 From: christina at x.x) Re: Bandwidthtime/money, and how to not waste it the last time I checked my mail no one new of the GW party!!! there will be one this Saturday for sure? which side? directions? Also, did not mean to offend you Jeff. I suppose importance of topics are arguable. At 06:05 PM 5/3/99, you wrote: As the list moderator, I gotta be a Nixon here and step in here guys and speak for the Silent Majority, why don’t you six get together and split hairs on someone else’s time. The semantics of d abbreviations can better be argued in an environment where you can actually walk away from someone, like, the West Side Highway. Please refrain from meaningless chatter. Bottom “line:” tell us about where we can go do these things, or not. There are plenty of AOL chat rooms where there are others who will enjoy polemic vacuity. If you want to argue, how about arguing about why you think otherwise intelligent goal-oriented people are sharing straws and spreading Hepatitis C from each other? By the way, there was last Saturday and will continue to be very good outdoor parties underneath the GW Bridge. Anybody go?

#283 Tue, 04 May 1999 13:55:06 From: “Milton Durr” miltondurr at x.x Re: Bandwidthtime/money, and how to not waste it Well, YOU, jeff, were nominated to give the needed information. What’s this about last Saturday???????? Last I heard, the party under the GW bridge was only hearsay. Are there going to parties at the Lighthouse on a ‘regular’ basis????????????? Hey, I want to know what ‘A’ is too!! [brainmachines] Bandwidthtime/money, and how to not waste it Mon, 3 May 1999 18:05:29 As the list moderator, I gotta be a Nixon here and step in here guys and speak for the Silent Majority, why don’t you six get together and split hairs on someone else’s time. The semantics of d abbreviations can better be argued in an environment where you can actually walk away from someone, like, the West Side Highway. Please refrain from meaningless chatter. There are plenty of AOL chat rooms where there are others who will enjoy polemic vacuity. If you want to argue, how about arguing about why you think otherwise intelligent goal-oriented people are sharing straws and spreading Hepatitis C from each other? By the way, there was last Saturday and will continue to be very good outdoor parties underneath the GW Bridge. Anybody go?

#284 Tue, 4 May 1999 10:10:35 Re: Bandwidthtime/money, and how to not waste it In a message dated 5/4/99 9:47:17 AM, miltondurr at hotmail writes: What’s this about last Saturday???????? Last I heard, the party under the GW bridge was only hearsay. Are there going to parties at the Lighthouse on a ‘regular’ basis????????????? Hey, I want to know what ‘A’ is too!! It was hearsay. There will not be a PARTY at the Lighthouse, it’s a speaker at the Open Center, same bldg A is for ACid

#285 Tue, 4 May 1999 10:27:33 Re: Here is an excellent example of a post Greetings to all, Even though I am in Germany for the next 2 months, I have become aware of the situation this past weekend of the club closings around the city by my favorite mayor Guiliani. These are bullying tactics by this asshole who knows its his last term and wants to look good for everyone that does not live in Manhattan or the burroughs for that matter. That would vote for him for senator, They have no idea what its like to live in the city, I would like to know what they would say if Guliani closed down their favorite hillbilly, redneck upstate local bar or stopped 7 Eleven from serving beer. These voters couldn’t buy rhythm if they wanted to, So they don’t give a shit about clubs or dancing, I would like to remind everyone of the movie Footloose, as silly and as ludicrous this film was it is actually happening in our city which is supposed to be the one of the cultural hubs of the world. We cannot let this go on, Need I remind everyone the power that is bestowed in this country to the people, we need to stop this in its tracks before it becomes a political trend in this city regardless of who is in office. We need to make ourselves heard instead of just standing by, scratching our heads and saying thats messed up. We need to let whichever crooked asshole is coming to office next we will not stand for these illegal raids on our constitutional right to dance and rejoice at the fact that life is hard enough and we need remind ourselves why we are alive and on this planet. I have seen this forthcoming for some time as most of you will know . Now it is starting to affect everyone who would like the freedom to blow off some steam on a FUCKING SATURDAY NIGHT! I will be returning to NYC and will not stand by and let this happen, We are all intelligent, tax paying citizens that have rights. Please don’t be complacent and let this go on. Every fight is not an easy one. Investigate find out what can be done and I and I’m sure most of us will stand behind it. – O – P.S Forward this to everyone and spread the word You have it all wrong Omar. You see, the Tunnel is an abomination. We need more tourist friendly places like Caliente Cab Company and Jeckyl & Hyde and Bleecker Street. We need Downtown to be more like Hoboken. That’s right, more like Jersey. So we can welcome the beer dollar and not the Edollar from trendy dancing Frenchies. Didn’t you see that WWII movie with Tom Hanks, and they save the French little girl and she cries…… Typical frogs they have no respect. And do you want the Edollars to go to Michael Alig? You know he gets it all even from “behind bars”. That’s what it’s all about. You got a problem with that? Hey, Omar is a foreigner name isn’t it? You people just like big crowds so you can smuggle the bombs in. Satan comes in many disguises my friends, including a “Velvet Jones.” The CIA has been watching this character for years. And if you FATWA me I’ll FATCHICK you. I’ll take Rush over Rushie any day, Satan spawn. Boy, I can’t wait to get less time on my hands when I get a job one of these days… In all seriousness, it’s good that Giuliani is messin’ wit da mix ‘cuz now there are unbelievable outlaw trance parties thrown by the Israelis under the GW Bridge… Oh, and Edollar stands for Eurodollar, for those not financially inclined.

#286 Tue, 4 May 1999 13:13:07 From: LaBeLdEva at xxx.xxx Re: Here is an excellent example of a post in all seriousness, it’s good that Giuliani is messin’ wit da mix ‘cuz now there are unbelievable outlaw trance parties thrown by the Israelis under the GW Bridge… ok i agree to in some aspects…yes these actions should and are leading to awesome underground parties however we shouldnt feel as if we cant party openly…its wrong to target just us why dont they go after bars that allow insanely drunk peolpe out in vehichles, somthing i’ve noticed is alot more deadly…i duno maybe im not seeing the whole picture, leya

#287 Tue, 04 May 1999 17:20:33 From: “Milton Durr” miltondurr at x.x Terence McKenna & The Hafler Trio I skimmed through some of the stuff on the website re: Terence McKenna. He sounds quite fun. Exactly what time will he be speaking? (Maybe I’m just overlooking some obvious info on the site) Also, I’m not sure if anyone checking this board will be interested, but the Hafler Trio will be appearing at the Cooler on Saturday. They’re a well-known, experimental ‘group’ (it primarily consists of one person with varying collaborators) whose music has been quite influential over the past ten years or so. For those who haven’t heard them, their music tends to be very thick, intricate masses of organized sound, generally not abrasive, but not ‘relaxing’ in the usual sense of passive, take-me-on-a-soma-holiday entertainment. They don’t use beats of any sort,(though their older material tended toward rapid audio-collage which produced its own sort of rhythm) It is primarily pulsing masses of sound, the effect of which is very visceral and starts to affect your perception after a while, which is what they aim for. I’m not sure what the opening performances will be like, but it is almost guarenteed to be a full-on multi-media experience. Hey, Jeff, can I upload a sample of their stuff and attach it to an e-mail, or would that be a copyright infringement?

#288 Tue, 04 May 1999 17:30:35 From: “Milton Durr” miltondurr at x.x Re: Here is an excellent example of a post I’ve noticed that even in times when things are more permissive, an underground, less-than-legal gig is just as fun. Maybe it is the combination of an earnest DIY attitude on the part of the organizers and the illegality of it that makes for a fun event. Even during crackdown periods like this one, there’s always somthing going on, you just have to dig deeper for it. Giuliani might make me work harder for my fun, but the returns are usually more than worth it. From: LaBeLdEva at aol [brainmachines] Re: Here is an excellent example of a post Tue, 4 May 1999 13:13:07 From: LaBeLdEva at aol in all seriousness, it’s good that Giuliani is messin’ wit da mix ‘cuz now there are unbelievable outlaw trance parties thrown by the Israelis under the GW Bridge… ok i agree to in some aspects…yes these actions should and are leading to awesome underground parties however we shouldnt feel as if we cant party openly…its wrong to target just us why dont they go after bars that allow insanely drunk peolpe out in vehichles, somthing i’ve noticed is alot more deadly…i duno maybe im not seeing the whole picture, leya

#289 Tue, 4 May 1999 13:56:20 Re: Terence McKenna & The Hafler Trio In a message dated 5/4/99 1:20:40 PM, miltondurr at hotmail writes: Hey, Jeff, can I upload a sample of their stuff and attach it to an e-mail, or would that be a copyright infringement? steal away, you have my permission haha. TMcK will be at the Open Center on Thursday at 61st & Park

#290 Tue, 4 May 1999 14:16:58 Re: In defense of Giuliani In a message dated 5/4/99 1:13:59 PM, LaBeLdEva at aol writes: in all seriousness, it’s good that Giuliani is messin’ wit da mix ‘cuz now there are unbelievable outlaw trance parties thrown by the Israelis under the GW Bridge… ok i agree to in some aspects…yes these actions should and are leading to awesome underground parties however we shouldnt feel as if we cant party openly…its wrong to target just us why dont they go after bars that allow insanely drunk peolpe out in vehichles, somthing i’ve noticed is alot more deadly…i duno maybe im not seeing the whole picture, leya I’ll play devil’s advocate here – it’s easier now to be 31 then to be 21. Giuliani busts clubs as centers of d dealing. Let’s face it, he is right in that perspective. E changes your neurochemistry forever. Or at least semi-permanently reduces your ability to make serotonin. K is rough on your brain, and will make Olney’s Lesions if done in “excess,” whatever that is. l is completely safe for 97% of us. So if Tunnel closes, that is that many less people fucking their brains up. Closing the Tunnel forces people to conserve their neurocemistry more, so when they DO ds again they’ll be able to enjoy them more, as their neuroreceptors won’t be as overblown. It’s like a set of speakers. And let’s face it, it is difficult to truly enjoy a club scene if you are sober. I only enjoy them sober because I have been in it major for 4 years and know enough people to communicate with that it doesn’t get boring. So, the average dick on the street has no place to go to thug around and rob. Young teenagers, unable to find places to buy ds, might study more and learn about the world before they, inevitably, grow older and do ds when they have jobs to excel in or families to raise. So when they re-enter a club scene they are stronger. There is a correlation between teens who do ds and dropout rates. If you have no high school education, a dead end is all the more likely. ds done too often destroy lives, I know that for a fact. If young people can wait until their career is in place, or education, then it is soooo much easier to bounce back if you ever stray too far. I’m speaking from experience, every 7 years I go completely fucking nuts and almost clinically anarchistic. Every 7 years I rip authority a new, bigger one, until I burn out. Anyway, the parties that do happen are more spontaneous and special. That’s looking at it optimistically. And it won’t be forever, a Democrat will inevitably come along and build on Rudy’s rebuilding of New York’s fiscal stability.

#291 Tue, 04 May 1999 18:46:02 From: “Milton Durr” miltondurr at x.x Re: In defense of Giuliani I can enjoy the club scene sober if the crowd isn’t just standing around looking fashionable (even in their big floppy, tattered raver pants) The only problem with being 30 and still into going out is that I never know anyone (no big deal) and sometimes I wonder if the crowd thinks I’m an undercover cop (I’ve been to jungle parties under the GW bridge and I was being MAJORLY scrutinized by the young’ins en masse.) “Young teenagers, unable to find places to buy ds, might study more and learn about the world before they, inevitably, grow older and do ds when they have jobs to excel in or families to raise. So when they re-enter a club scene they are stronger.” Dearie!!! I don’t know about so much optimism. AAGHHHH!!! [brainmachines] Re: In defense of Giuliani Tue, 4 May 1999 14:16:58 In a message dated 5/4/99 1:13:59 PM, LaBeLdEva at aol writes:in all seriousness, it’s good that Giuliani is messin’ wit da mix ‘cuz now there are unbelievable outlaw trance parties thrown by the Israelis under the GW Bridge…ok i agree to in some aspects…yes these actions should and are leading to awesome underground parties however we shouldnt feel as if we cant party openly…its wrong to target just us why dont they go after bars that allow insanely drunk peolpe out in vehichles, somthing i’ve noticed is alot more deadly…i duno maybe im not seeing the whole picture, leya I’ll play devil’s advocate here – it’s easier now to be 31 then to be 21. Giuliani busts clubs as centers of d dealing. Let’s face it, he is right in that perspective. E changes your neurochemistry forever. Or at least semi-permanently reduces your ability to make serotonin. K is rough on your brain, and will make Olney’s Lesions if done in “excess,” whatever that is. l is completely safe for 97% of us. So if Tunnel closes, that is that many less people fucking their brains up. Closing the Tunnel forces people to conserve their neurocemistry more, so when they DO ds again they’ll be able to enjoy them more, as their neuroreceptors won’t be as overblown. It’s like a set of speakers. And let’s face it, it is difficult to truly enjoy a club scene if you are sober. I only enjoy them sober because I have been in it major for 4 years and know enough people to communicate with that it doesn’t get boring. So, the average dick on the street has no place to go to thug around and rob. Young teenagers, unable to find places to buy ds, might study more and learn about the world before they, inevitably, grow older and do ds when they have jobs to excel in or families to raise. So when they re-enter a club scene they are stronger. There is a correlation between teens who do ds and dropout rates. If you have no high school education, a dead end is all the more likely. ds done too often destroy lives, I know that for a fact. If young people can wait until their career is in place, or education, then it is soooo much easier to bounce back if you ever stray too far. I’m speaking from experience, every 7 years I go completely fucking nuts and almost clinically anarchistic. Every 7 years I rip authority a new, bigger one, until I burn out. Anyway, the parties that do happen are more spontaneous and special. That’s looking at it optimistically. And it won’t be forever, a Democrat will inevitably come along and build on Rudy’s rebuilding of New York’s fiscal stability.

#292 Tue, 04 May 1999 11:48:05 From: “Cliff Hall” cliff at xxx.x Re: Terence McKenna & The Hafler Trio Also, I’m not sure if anyone checking this board will be interested, but the Hafler Trio will be appearing at the Cooler on Saturday. They’re a well-known, experimental ‘group’ (it primarily consists of one person with varying collaborators) whose music has been quite influential over the past ten years or so. ahh, yes. i have a live performance of the ‘trio’ i recorded in knoxville, tn back in ’91 or so. a good friend of mine had set up a show with him and Phauss and Karkowski, who did some phenomenal performance art which involved a metal floor connected to a car battery and swords and armor which thew firey sparks as they battled on stage with bizzar film loops and a crunchy noise bed hemmoraging from the sound system. all the while andrew mckenzie (i believe that’s his name – of the hafler trio) rolled about madly on the floor ripping things to shreds and terrorizing the crowd with a very menacing switchblade knife. it was quite a show. be forwarned, readers of this thread who are not open to ‘non-musical’ sound-art performances (i.e. you can’t dance to this – on ANY d, kids) should not apply… -Cliff

#293 Tue, 04 May 1999 19:04:33 From: “Milton Durr” miltondurr at x.x Re: Terence McKenna & The Hafler Trio WOW!!!! I’m quite glad to hear from another H3O fan!!! I saw them on that same tour in Cleveland. Mr. McKenzie was drunk off his ass in the back of the room and feeling rather surly. Phauss and Karkowski were quite fun, though i sort of wanted a little more violence, a la Etant Donnes. I guess Andrew wasn’t up for it. How’s the sound quality on that tape? is there a way i could get a copy of it? From: “Cliff Hall” cliff at hotbot [brainmachines] Re: Terence McKenna & The Hafler Trio Tue, 04 May 1999 11:48:05 From: “Cliff Hall” cliff at hotbot Also, I’m not sure if anyone checking this board will be interested, but the Hafler Trio will be appearing at the Cooler on Saturday. They’re a well-known, experimental ‘group’ (it primarily consists of one person with varying collaborators) whose music has been quite influential over the past ten years or so. ahh, yes. i have a live performance of the ‘trio’ i recorded in knoxville, tn back in ’91 or so. a good friend of mine had set up a show with him and Phauss and Karkowski, who did some phenomenal performance art which involved a metal floor connected to a car battery and swords and armor which thew firey sparks as they battled on stage with bizzar film loops and a crunchy noise bed hemmoraging from the sound system. all the while andrew mckenzie (i believe that’s his name – of the hafler trio) rolled about madly on the floor ripping things to shreds and terrorizing the crowd with a very menacing switchblade knife. it was quite a show. be forwarned, readers of this thread who are not open to ‘non-musical’ sound-art performances (i.e. you can’t dance to this – on ANY d, kids) should not apply… -Cliff

#294 Tue, 04 May 1999 12:04:05 From: “Cliff Hall” cliff at xxx.x Re: In defense of Giuliani I can enjoy the club scene sober if the crowd isn’t just standing around looking fashionable (even in their big floppy, tattered raver pants) what’s up with everybody diss’n the kids pants? i’m 33, and my girfriend makes me big freaky floppy raver kid pants and they are soooo much easier and fun to dance in. i used to have this attitude about the kids and how i ‘just didn’t understand them until i started partying with them at raves and the culture took over. age makes absolutely *zer0* impact upon one’s ability to *be*, which is exactly what they do, and which is all we can aspire to. i’ve learned a lot from these kids. you can too, if you’ll get over the floppy pants and listen to what they have to say. The only problem with being 30 and still into going out is that I never know anyone (no big deal) and sometimes I wonder if the crowd thinks I’m an undercover cop i’ll tell you how to defeat that one as well. i go to these parties and they’re filled with kids half my age, and i throw down *twice* as hard for *twice* as long as any of them. let them see your soul and they won’t ask to see your badge, copper… -Cliff

#295 Tue, 04 May 1999 19:10:58 From: “Milton Durr” miltondurr at x.x Re: In defense of Giuliani Yes, I find it funny that I’m almost twice as old as a good number of them and can usually go much longer. They spend all their energy in massive bursts and then have to stop after 5-10 minutes. Move over and let granpa show you how its done… From: “Cliff Hall” cliff at hotbot [brainmachines] Re: In defense of Giuliani Tue, 04 May 1999 12:04:05 From: “Cliff Hall” cliff at hotbot I can enjoy the club scene sober if the crowd isn’t just standing around looking fashionable (even in their big floppy, tattered raver pants) what’s up with everybody diss’n the kids pants? i’m 33, and my girfriend makes me big freaky floppy raver kid pants and they are soooo much easier and fun to dance in. i used to have this attitude about the kids and how i ‘just didn’t understand them until i started partying with them at raves and the culture took over. age makes absolutely *zer0* impact upon one’s ability to *be*, which is exactly what they do, and which is all we can aspire to. i’ve learned a lot from these kids. you can too, if you’ll get over the floppy pants and listen to what they have to say. The only problem with being 30 and still into going out is that I never know anyone (no big deal) and sometimes I wonder if the crowd thinks I’m an undercover cop i’ll tell you how to defeat that one as well. i go to these parties and they’re filled with kids half my age, and i throw down *twice* as hard for *twice* as long as any of them. let them see your soul and they won’t ask to see your badge, copper… -Cliff

#296 Tue, 04 May 1999 12:11:13 From: “Cliff Hall” cliff at xxx.x Re: Terence McKenna & The Hafler Trio WOW!!!! I’m quite glad to hear from another H3O fan!!! few and far between but out here, nonetheless! I saw them on that same tour in Cleveland. Mr. McKenzie was drunk off his ass in the back of the room and feeling rather surly. sounds like him. he crashed at my friends house that night and so we’ve got pictures and stuff, too. he’s pretty strange. Phauss and Karkowski were quite fun, they are nuts! good to here they haven’t gone away either! How’s the sound quality on that tape? is there a way i could get a copy of it? pretty good. in fact one side is an unauthorized copy from dat of a recording he was working on. my friend surrepitisously recorded it that night when andrew crashed.regardless of scruples, it’s cool. there’s also an interview with himm that my firend made that night as well. i’ll make a copy for you, no prob. i assume you’ll be at the show? we should hook up there… -Cliff

#297 Tue, 04 May 1999 19:17:53 From: “Milton Durr” miltondurr at x.x Re: In defense of Giuliani P.S. I actually don’t have a problem with the pants. I have several pair that I work to death (even on casual days in some very corporate environments) My point isn’t their fashion sense, which is very comfortable and fun, but in the way that it sometimes seems to be all fashion and not enough abandon. (Part of that could be age.) i don’t get stuck on it, believe me. I can make my own fun. I just like it more when the crowd is willing to abandom themselves to whatever is moving them. From: “Cliff Hall” cliff at hotbot [brainmachines] Re: In defense of Giuliani Tue, 04 May 1999 12:04:05 From: “Cliff Hall” cliff at hotbot I can enjoy the club scene sober if the crowd isn’t just standing around looking fashionable (even in their big floppy, tattered raver pants) what’s up with everybody diss’n the kids pants? i’m 33, and my girfriend makes me big freaky floppy raver kid pants and they are soooo much easier and fun to dance in. i used to have this attitude about the kids and how i ‘just didn’t understand them until i started partying with them at raves and the culture took over. age makes absolutely *zer0* impact upon one’s ability to *be*, which is exactly what they do, and which is all we can aspire to. i’ve learned a lot from these kids. you can too, if you’ll get over the floppy pants and listen to what they have to say. The only problem with being 30 and still into going out is that I never know anyone (no big deal) and sometimes I wonder if the crowd thinks I’m an undercover cop i’ll tell you how to defeat that one as well. i go to these parties and they’re filled with kids half my age, and i throw down *twice* as hard for *twice* as long as any of them. let them see your soul and they won’t ask to see your badge, copper… -Cliff

#298 Tue, 04 May 1999 19:19:41 From: “Milton Durr” miltondurr at x.x Re: Terence McKenna & The Hafler Trio Definitely!!!! I think the easiest way to identify me is by clothing: I’ll wear my Zoviet France T-shirt and my big, black raver pants (LOL!!). If I have to wear somthing else, I’ll e-mail you. See you there From: “Cliff Hall” cliff at hotbot [brainmachines] Re: Terence McKenna & The Hafler Trio Tue, 04 May 1999 12:11:13 From: “Cliff Hall” cliff at hotbot WOW!!!! I’m quite glad to hear from another H3O fan!!! few and far between but out here, nonetheless! I saw them on that same tour in Cleveland. Mr. McKenzie was drunk off his ass in the back of the room and feeling rather surly. sounds like him. he crashed at my friends house that night and so we’ve got pictures and stuff, too. he’s pretty strange. Phauss and Karkowski were quite fun, they are nuts! good to here they haven’t gone away either! How’s the sound quality on that tape? is there a way i could get a copy of it? pretty good. in fact one side is an unauthorized copy from dat of a recording he was working on. my friend surrepitisously recorded it that night when andrew crashed.regardless of scruples, it’s cool. there’s also an interview with himm that my firend made that night as well. i’ll make a copy for you, no prob. i assume you’ll be at the show? we should hook up there… -Cliff

#299 Tue, 4 May 1999 15:45:20 From: Handsndeck at xxx.xxx Re: In defense of Giuliani In a message dated 5/4/99 3:11:06 PM, miltondurr at hotmail writes: Yes, I find it funny that I’m almost twice as old as a good number of them and can usually go much longer. They spend all their energy in massive bursts and then have to stop after 5-10 minutes. Move over and let granpa show you how its done… I was moved enough to answer this one! Hear hear grandpa back in my day no-one dared to EVER park it on the dancefloor. Amazing that me & my friends (aged b/w 29 & 38) love to dance harder, faster & longer then most kiddies half our age. peace, A/x

#300 Tue, 04 May 1999 13:14:02 From: “helen spencer” helbug at xxx.x Re: In defense of Giuliani milton fashion is sometimes abandon. age does play a part. thank goodness you don’t have a problem with the pants, remind me to make you a pair of pants when i get to n.y. 😉 helen On Tue, 04 May 1999 19:17:53 Milton Durr wrote: From: “Milton Durr” miltondurr at hotmail P.S. I actually don’t have a problem with the pants. I have several pair that I work to death (even on casual days in some very corporate environments) My point isn’t their fashion sense, which is very comfortable and fun, but in the way that it sometimes seems to be all fashion and not enough abandon. (Part of that could be age.) i don’t get stuck on it, believe me. I can make my own fun. I just like it more when the crowd is willing to abandom themselves to whatever is moving them. From: “Cliff Hall” cliff at hotbot [brainmachines] Re: In defense of Giuliani Tue, 04 May 1999 12:04:05 From: “Cliff Hall” cliff at hotbot I can enjoy the club scene sober if the crowd isn’t just standing around looking fashionable (even in their big floppy, tattered raver pants) what’s up with everybody diss’n the kids pants? i’m 33, and my girfriend makes me big freaky floppy raver kid pants and they are soooo much easier and fun to dance in. i used to have this attitude about the kids and how i ‘just didn’t understand them until i started partying with them at raves and the culture took over. age makes absolutely *zer0* impact upon one’s ability to *be*, which is exactly what they do, and which is all we can aspire to. i’ve learned a lot from these kids. you can too, if you’ll get over the floppy pants and listen to what they have to say. The only problem with being 30 and still into going out is that I never know anyone (no big deal) and sometimes I wonder if the crowd thinks I’m an undercover cop i’ll tell you how to defeat that one as well. i go to these parties and they’re filled with kids half my age, and i throw down *twice* as hard for *twice* as long as any of them. let them see your soul and they won’t ask to see your badge, copper… -Cliff

#301 Tue, 04 May 1999 13:22:35 From: “Cliff Hall” cliff at xxx.x Re: Terence McKenna & The Hafler Trio Definitely!!!! I think the easiest way to identify me is by clothing: I’ll wear my Zoviet France T-shirt and my big, black raver pants (LOL!!). If I have to wear somthing else, I’ll e-mail you. bahahaha, i have a zoviet france t-shirt from the same era as the hafler trio show, my friend also set up a show for them in knoxville as well. that was a pretty hip show actually. they set up all their synths and other little noisemaking trinkets and sat crosslegged on the floor and did the whole show that way. it was quite cool. so let me throw out a few names of other freakoid experimentalists from that scene you might be into, it’s odd to find someone with interest in such obscure stuff… how about merzbow, runzelstien & gurglestock, tac, on all fours, nurse with wound, biota.. -CLiff

#302 Tue, 04 May 1999 13:26:00 From: “Cliff Hall” cliff at xxx.x Re: In defense of Giuliani BTW, milton, helen (the lurker who just offered to make you some pants) is my girlfriend in tennessee who makes the phattest of the big pants. at a rave in tennessee this weekend we were startled to find a complete stranger wearing a pair of pants she’d made! -Cliff milton fashion is sometimes abandon. age does play a part. thank goodness you don’t have a problem with the pants, remind me to make you a pair of pants when i get to n.y. 😉 helen On Tue, 04 May 1999 19:17:53 Milton Durr wrote: From: “Milton Durr” miltondurr at hotmail P.S. I actually don’t have a problem with the pants. I have several pair that I work to death (even on casual days in some very corporate environments) My point isn’t their fashion sense, which is very comfortable and fun, but in the way that it sometimes seems to be all fashion and not enough abandon. (Part of that could be age.) i don’t get stuck on it, believe me. I can make my own fun. I just like it more when the crowd is willing to abandom themselves to whatever is moving them. From: “Cliff Hall” cliff at hotbot [brainmachines] Re: In defense of Giuliani Tue, 04 May 1999 12:04:05 From: “Cliff Hall” cliff at hotbot I can enjoy the club scene sober if the crowd isn’t just standing around looking fashionable (even in their big floppy, tattered raver pants) what’s up with everybody diss’n the kids pants? i’m 33, and my girfriend makes me big freaky floppy raver kid pants and they are soooo much easier and fun to dance in. i used to have this attitude about the kids and how i ‘just didn’t understand them until i started partying with them at raves and the culture took over. age makes absolutely *zer0* impact upon one’s ability to *be*, which is exactly what they do, and which is all we can aspire to. i’ve learned a lot from these kids. you can too, if you’ll get over the floppy pants and listen to what they have to say. The only problem with being 30 and still into going out is that I never know anyone (no big deal) and sometimes I wonder if the crowd thinks I’m an undercover cop i’ll tell you how to defeat that one as well. i go to these parties and they’re filled with kids half my age, and i throw down *twice* as hard for *twice* as long as any of them. let them see your soul and they won’t ask to see your badge, copper… -Cliff

#303 Tue, 04 May 1999 20:45:45 From: “Milton Durr” miltondurr at x.x Abandon Thru Fashion THANKS!!!!!!!!!! I’m always up for some new fun clothes!!!!!!!!!!! Please make sure pants are solid black and that the bottoms are larger than 40″. (yes, I’m a size queen…) If you can make me a fun, angular shirt, that would be great too… Yes, fashion is abandon (sometimes). So let’s inspire each other to more and more of this abandon. (Steven Strange, watch out!) From: “helen spencer” helbug at hotbot [brainmachines] Re: In defense of Giuliani Tue, 04 May 1999 13:14:02 From: “helen spencer” helbug at hotbot milton fashion is sometimes abandon. age does play a part. thank goodness you don’t have a problem with the pants, remind me to make you a pair of pants when i get to n.y. 😉 helen On Tue, 04 May 1999 19:17:53 Milton Durr wrote: From: “Milton Durr” miltondurr at hotmail P.S. I actually don’t have a problem with the pants. I have several pair that I work to death (even on casual days in some very corporate environments) My point isn’t their fashion sense, which is very comfortable and fun, but in the way that it sometimes seems to be all fashion and not enough abandon. (Part of that could be age.) i don’t get stuck on it, believe me. I can make my own fun. I just like it more when the crowd is willing to abandom themselves to whatever is moving them. From: “Cliff Hall” cliff at hotbot [brainmachines] Re: In defense of Giuliani Tue, 04 May 1999 12:04:05 From: “Cliff Hall” cliff at hotbot I can enjoy the club scene sober if the crowd isn’t just standing around looking fashionable (even in their big floppy, tattered raver pants) what’s up with everybody diss’n the kids pants? i’m 33, and my girfriend makes me big freaky floppy raver kid pants and they are soooo much easier and fun to dance in. i used to have this attitude about the kids and how i ‘just didn’t understand them until i started partying with them at raves and the culture took over. age makes absolutely *zer0* impact upon one’s ability to *be*, which is exactly what they do, and which is all we can aspire to. i’ve learned a lot from these kids. you can too, if you’ll get over the floppy pants and listen to what they have to say. The only problem with being 30 and still into going out is that I never know anyone (no big deal) and sometimes I wonder if the crowd thinks I’m an undercover cop i’ll tell you how to defeat that one as well. i go to these parties and they’re filled with kids half my age, and i throw down *twice* as hard for *twice* as long as any of them. let them see your soul and they won’t ask to see your badge, copper… -Cliff

#304 Tue, 04 May 1999 17:03:43 From: christina at x.x) Re: In defense of Giuliani You all make fun of “ravers” and say that these trance goers are much more fashionable but being from Baltimore I think the ravers you have here are much different from My friends in “Charm City”. Yes they are still adornded in Jencos and lollipops but they are older and more mature and FRIENDLY. I think that is the difference between NY hoodies and Baltimore natives. At 06:46 PM 5/4/99 you wrote: From: “Milton Durr” miltondurr at hotmail I can enjoy the club scene sober if the crowd isn’t just standing around looking fashionable (even in their big floppy, tattered raver pants) The only problem with being 30 and still into going out is that I never know anyone (no big deal) and sometimes I wonder if the crowd thinks I’m an undercover cop (I’ve been to jungle parties under the GW bridge and I was being MAJORLY scrutinized by the young’ins en masse.) “Young teenagers, unable to find places to buy ds, might study more and learn about the world before they, inevitably, grow older and do ds when they have jobs to excel in or families to raise. So when they re-enter a club scene they are stronger.” Dearie!!! I don’t know about so much optimism. AAGHHHH!!! [brainmachines] Re: In defense of Giuliani Tue, 4 May 1999 14:16:58 In a message dated 5/4/99 1:13:59 PM, LaBeLdEva at aol writes: in all seriousness, it’s good that Giuliani is messin’ wit da mix ‘cuz now there are unbelievable outlaw trance parties thrown by the Israelis under the GW Bridge… ok i agree to in some aspects…yes these actions should and are leading to awesome underground parties however we shouldnt feel as if we cant party openly…its wrong to target just us why dont they go after bars that allow insanely drunk peolpe out in vehichles, somthing i’ve noticed is alot more deadly…i duno maybe im not seeing the whole picture, leya I’ll play devil’s advocate here – it’s easier now to be 31 then to be 21. Giuliani busts clubs as centers of d dealing. Let’s face it, he is right in that perspective. E changes your neurochemistry forever. Or at least semi-permanently reduces your ability to make serotonin. K is rough on your brain, and will make Olney’s Lesions if done in “excess,” whatever that is. l is completely safe for 97% of us. So if Tunnel closes, that is that many less people fucking their brains up. Closing the Tunnel forces people to conserve their neurocemistry more, so when they DO ds again they’ll be able to enjoy them more, as their neuroreceptors won’t be as overblown. It’s like a set of speakers. And let’s face it, it is difficult to truly enjoy a club scene if you are sober. I only enjoy them sober because I have been in it major for 4 years and know enough people to communicate with that it doesn’t get boring. So, the average dick on the street has no place to go to thug around and rob. Young teenagers, unable to find places to buy ds, might study more and learn about the world before they, inevitably, grow older and do ds when they have jobs to excel in or families to raise. So when they re-enter a club scene they are stronger. There is a correlation between teens who do ds and dropout rates. If you have no high school education, a dead end is all the more likely. ds done too often destroy lives, I know that for a fact. If young people can wait until their career is in place, or education, then it is soooo much easier to bounce back if you ever stray too far. I’m speaking from experience, every 7 years I go completely fucking nuts and almost clinically anarchistic. Every 7 years I rip authority a new, bigger one, until I burn out. Anyway, the parties that do happen are more spontaneous and special. That’s looking at it optimistically. And it won’t be forever, a Democrat will inevitably come along and build on Rudy’s rebuilding of New York’s fiscal stability. Give back to your community through “Grow to Give.” See homepage for details.

#305 Tue, 04 May 1999 17:09:02 From: christina at x.x) Re: In defense of Giuliani Tell me do you have pics of the pants??? chrissy At 01:26 PM 5/4/99 you wrote: From: “Cliff Hall” cliff at hotbot BTW, milton, helen (the lurker who just offered to make you some pants) is my girlfriend in tennessee who makes the phattest of the big pants. at a rave in tennessee this weekend we were startled to find a complete stranger wearing a pair of pants she’d made! -Cliff milton fashion is sometimes abandon. age does play a part. thank goodness you don’t have a problem with the pants, remind me to make you a pair of pants when i get to n.y. 😉 helen On Tue, 04 May 1999 19:17:53 Milton Durr wrote: From: “Milton Durr” miltondurr at hotmail P.S. I actually don’t have a problem with the pants. I have several pair that I work to death (even on casual days in some very corporate environments) My point isn’t their fashion sense, which is very comfortable and fun, but in the way that it sometimes seems to be all fashion and not enough abandon. (Part of that could be age.) i don’t get stuck on it, believe me. I can make my own fun. I just like it more when the crowd is willing to abandom themselves to whatever is moving them.

#306 Tue, 04 May 1999 21:02:37 From: “Milton Durr” miltondurr at x.x Re: Terence McKenna & The Hafler Trio how about merzbow, runzelstien & gurglestock, tac, on all fours, nurse with wound, biota.. That’s too funny that you saw Zoviet France for that tour! LOL! I was lucky enough to see two consecutive shows they did on that tour. What they did at one show really confirmed my belief that states can be communicated to people thru music. There was a point during the show where everything shifted quite palpably and i felt like i’d been placed in a state not quite like anything i’d experienced before. Hard to explain., Afterwards, i asked people if they noticed anything and everyone i talked to said that at a definite point, and pretty much the same point in time, SOmthING HAPPENED. Everyone seemed to feel that they’d been placed in a curious state. Definitely an experience i’ll remember to my dying day… I saw Merzbow a while ago. The show wasn’t loud enough. I had the same complaint about Whitehouse. I love NWW, there’s no end to his mischief (well, Rock and Roll Station was pretty questionable) Never heard of Runzelstien & Gurglestock, what are they like. ‘tac’? Do you mean TAG (The Anti-Group)? if not, i’m in the dark. My tastes are more Maurizio Bianchi, Zoviet France, Pierre Schaeffer, TAG/Clock DVA, Ussachevsky. SBOTHI/P16.D4, AMM. I never get to see this sort of thing live anymore. I haven’t found this scene in NY yet (i knew of several places in Cleveland to hear this sort of thing). Do you know anybody in town bringing in these sorts of shows? From: “Cliff Hall” cliff at hotbot [brainmachines] Re: Terence McKenna & The Hafler Trio Tue, 04 May 1999 13:22:35 From: “Cliff Hall” cliff at hotbot Definitely!!!! I think the easiest way to identify me is by clothing: I’ll wear my Zoviet France T-shirt and my big, black raver pants (LOL!!). If I have to wear somthing else, I’ll e-mail you. bahahaha, i have a zoviet france t-shirt from the same era as the hafler trio show, my friend also set up a show for them in knoxville as well. that was a pretty hip show actually. they set up all their synths and other little noisemaking trinkets and sat crosslegged on the floor and did the whole show that way. it was quite cool. so let me throw out a few names of other freakoid experimentalists from that scene you might be into, it’s odd to find someone with interest in such obscure stuff… how about merzbow, runzelstien & gurglestock, tac, on all fours, nurse with wound, biota.. -CLiff

#307 Tue, 04 May 1999 21:03:54 From: “Milton Durr” miltondurr at x.x Re: In defense of Giuliani Yes, I thought the people in Cleveland were friendlier than they are here. But i guess its just like that in smaller scenes. From: christina at compuscape (Christina Mull) [brainmachines] Re: In defense of Giuliani Tue, 04 May 1999 17:03:43 From: christina at compuscape (Christina Mull) You all make fun of “ravers” and say that these trance goers are much more fashionable but being from Baltimore I think the ravers you have here are much different from My friends in “Charm City”. Yes they are still adornded in Jencos and lollipops but they are older and more mature and FRIENDLY. I think that is the difference between NY hoodies and Baltimore natives. At 06:46 PM 5/4/99 you wrote: From: “Milton Durr” miltondurr at hotmail I can enjoy the club scene sober if the crowd isn’t just standing around looking fashionable (even in their big floppy, tattered raver pants) The only problem with being 30 and still into going out is that I never know anyone (no big deal) and sometimes I wonder if the crowd thinks I’m an undercover cop (I’ve been to jungle parties under the GW bridge and I was being MAJORLY scrutinized by the young’ins en masse.) “Young teenagers, unable to find places to buy ds, might study more and learn about the world before they, inevitably, grow older and do ds when they have jobs to excel in or families to raise. So when they re-enter a club scene they are stronger.” Dearie!!! I don’t know about so much optimism. AAGHHHH!!! [brainmachines] Re: In defense of Giuliani Tue, 4 May 1999 14:16:58 In a message dated 5/4/99 1:13:59 PM, LaBeLdEva at aol writes:in all seriousness, it’s good that Giuliani is messin’ wit da mix ‘cuz now there are unbelievable outlaw trance parties thrown by the Israelis under the GW Bridge…ok i agree to in some aspects…yes these actions should and are leading to awesome underground parties however we shouldnt feel as if we cant party openly…its wrong to target just us why dont they go after bars that allow insanely drunk peolpe out in vehichles, somthing i’ve noticed is alot more deadly…i duno maybe im not seeing the whole picture, leya I’ll play devil’s advocate here – it’s easier now to be 31 then to be 21. Giuliani busts clubs as centers of d dealing. Let’s face it, he is right in that perspective. E changes your neurochemistry forever. Or at least semi-permanently reduces your ability to make serotonin. K is rough on your brain, and will make Olney’s Lesions if done in “excess,” whatever that is. l is completely safe for 97% of us. So if Tunnel closes, that is that many less people fucking their brains up. Closing the Tunnel forces people to conserve their neurocemistry more, so when they DO ds again they’ll be able to enjoy them more, as their neuroreceptors won’t be as overblown. It’s like a set of speakers. And let’s face it, it is difficult to truly enjoy a club scene if you are sober. I only enjoy them sober because I have been in it major for 4 years and know enough people to communicate with that it doesn’t get boring. So, the average dick on the street has no place to go to thug around and rob. Young teenagers, unable to find places to buy ds, might study more and learn about the world before they, inevitably, grow older and do ds when they have jobs to excel in or families to raise. So when they re-enter a club scene they are stronger. There is a correlation between teens who do ds and dropout rates. If you have no high school education, a dead end is all the more likely. ds done too often destroy lives, I know that for a fact. If young people can wait until their career is in place, or education, then it is soooo much easier to bounce back if you ever stray too far. I’m speaking from experience, every 7 years I go completely fucking nuts and almost clinically anarchistic. Every 7 years I rip authority a new, bigger one, until I burn out. Anyway, the parties that do happen are more spontaneous and special. That’s looking at it optimistically. And it won’t be forever, a Democrat will inevitably come along and build on Rudy’s rebuilding of New York’s fiscal stability. Give back to your community through “Grow to Give.” See homepage for details.

#308 Tue, 04 May 1999 21:04:51 From: “Milton Durr” miltondurr at x.x Re: In defense of Giuliani yeah, why not upload a picture or two? maybe you can get some orders from people on this mailing list From: christina at compuscape (Christina Mull) [brainmachines] Re: In defense of Giuliani Tue, 04 May 1999 17:09:02 From: christina at compuscape (Christina Mull) Tell me do you have pics of the pants??? chrissy At 01:26 PM 5/4/99 you wrote: From: “Cliff Hall” cliff at hotbot BTW, milton, helen (the lurker who just offered to make you some pants) is my girlfriend in tennessee who makes the phattest of the big pants. at a rave in tennessee this weekend we were startled to find a complete stranger wearing a pair of pants she’d made! -Cliff milton fashion is sometimes abandon. age does play a part. thank goodness you don’t have a problem with the pants, remind me to make you a pair of pants when i get to n.y. 😉 helen On Tue, 04 May 1999 19:17:53 Milton Durr wrote: From: “Milton Durr” miltondurr at hotmail P.S. I actually don’t have a problem with the pants. I have several pair that I work to death (even on casual days in some very corporate environments) My point isn’t their fashion sense, which is very comfortable and fun, but in the way that it sometimes seems to be all fashion and not enough abandon. (Part of that could be age.) i don’t get stuck on it, believe me. I can make my own fun. I just like it more when the crowd is willing to abandom themselves to whatever is moving them. never an

#309 Tue, 04 May 1999 21:06:09 From: “Milton Durr” miltondurr at x.x Re: In defense of Giuliani Tell it!! From: Handsndeck at aol [brainmachines] Re: In defense of Giuliani Tue, 4 May 1999 15:45:20 From: Handsndeck at aol In a message dated 5/4/99 3:11:06 PM, miltondurr at hotmail writes: Yes, I find it funny that I’m almost twice as old as a good number of them and can usually go much longer. They spend all their energy in massive bursts and then have to stop after 5-10 minutes. Move over and let granpa show you how its done… I was moved enough to answer this one! Hear hear grandpa back in my day no-one dared to EVER park it on the dancefloor. Amazing that me & my friends (aged b/w 29 & 38) love to dance harder, faster & longer then most kiddies half our age. peace, A/x

#310 Tue, 04 May 1999 14:13:55 From: “Cliff Hall” cliff at xxx.x Re: Terence McKenna & The Hafler Trio That’s too funny that you saw Zoviet France for that tour! LOL! I was lucky enough to see two consecutive shows they did on that tour. that’s so whack! i did enjoy their show as it was a bit more musical than most ‘experimental’ groups, although i can appreciate the ‘anti-art’ noise approach, i just can’t dance to it 😉 how about ted milton? I saw Merzbow a while ago. The show wasn’t loud enough. any louder and you start damaging the internal organs of the listeners which can be somewhat of a downer… I had the same complaint about Whitehouse. my friend set up a show for whitehouse as well. lots of distorted screaming into the mic about anal sex there. i think their a little angry about somthing…;) SBOTHI/P16.D4 swimming behavior of the human infant. yes, i’ve several tapes but never seen them. same with p16/d4. i’ve got a nice little cutout and foldup thingy p16/d4 did with one of their releases that spurred me to do somthing similar with one of my tapes awhile back. very cool. how about throbbing gristle/chris&cosy? I never get to see this sort of thing live anymore. I haven’t found this scene in NY yet (i knew of several places in Cleveland to hear this sort of thing). Do you know anybody in town bringing in these sorts of shows? it’s been *years* since i’ve seen or heard from any of these groups. i sort of fell out of the genre a while back as it was so hard to keep up with all the little labels that deal in the stuff, they’re always closing down and starting up again somewhere else. since my friend who was setting up those shows in knoxville moved to atlanta in ’94 or so, i’ve been totally out of touch. which was why it was such a blast from the past to hear somebody else into this stuff… -cliff

#311 Tue, 04 May 1999 14:13:55 From: “Cliff Hall” cliff at xxx.x Re: Terence McKenna & The Hafler Trio That’s too funny that you saw Zoviet France for that tour! LOL! I was lucky enough to see two consecutive shows they did on that tour. that’s so whack! i did enjoy their show as it was a bit more musical than most ‘experimental’ groups, although i can appreciate the ‘anti-art’ noise approach, i just can’t dance to it 😉 how about ted milton? I saw Merzbow a while ago. The show wasn’t loud enough. any louder and you start damaging the internal organs of the listeners which can be somewhat of a downer… I had the same complaint about Whitehouse. my friend set up a show for whitehouse as well. lots of distorted screaming into the mic about anal sex there. i think their a little angry about somthing…;) SBOTHI/P16.D4 swimming behavior of the human infant. yes, i’ve several tapes but never seen them. same with p16/d4. i’ve got a nice little cutout and foldup thingy p16/d4 did with one of their releases that spurred me to do somthing similar with one of my tapes awhile back. very cool. how about throbbing gristle/chris&cosy? I never get to see this sort of thing live anymore. I haven’t found this scene in NY yet (i knew of several places in Cleveland to hear this sort of thing). Do you know anybody in town bringing in these sorts of shows? it’s been *years* since i’ve seen or heard from any of these groups. i sort of fell out of the genre a while back as it was so hard to keep up with all the little labels that deal in the stuff, they’re always closing down and starting up again somewhere else. since my friend who was setting up those shows in knoxville moved to atlanta in ’94 or so, i’ve been totally out of touch. which was why it was such a blast from the past to hear somebody else into this stuff… -cliff

#312 Tue, 04 May 1999 14:13:54 From: “Cliff Hall” cliff at xxx.x Re: Terence McKenna & The Hafler Trio That’s too funny that you saw Zoviet France for that tour! LOL! I was lucky enough to see two consecutive shows they did on that tour. that’s so whack! i did enjoy their show as it was a bit more musical than most ‘experimental’ groups, although i can appreciate the ‘anti-art’ noise approach, i just can’t dance to it 😉 how about ted milton? I saw Merzbow a while ago. The show wasn’t loud enough. any louder and you start damaging the internal organs of the listeners which can be somewhat of a downer… I had the same complaint about Whitehouse. my friend set up a show for whitehouse as well. lots of distorted screaming into the mic about anal sex there. i think their a little angry about somthing…;) SBOTHI/P16.D4 swimming behavior of the human infant. yes, i’ve several tapes but never seen them. same with p16/d4. i’ve got a nice little cutout and foldup thingy p16/d4 did with one of their releases that spurred me to do somthing similar with one of my tapes awhile back. very cool. how about throbbing gristle/chris&cosy? I never get to see this sort of thing live anymore. I haven’t found this scene in NY yet (i knew of several places in Cleveland to hear this sort of thing). Do you know anybody in town bringing in these sorts of shows? it’s been *years* since i’ve seen or heard from any of these groups. i sort of fell out of the genre a while back as it was so hard to keep up with all the little labels that deal in the stuff, they’re always closing down and starting up again somewhere else. since my friend who was setting up those shows in knoxville moved to atlanta in ’94 or so, i’ve been totally out of touch. which was why it was such a blast from the past to hear somebody else into this stuff… -cliff

#313 Tue, 04 May 1999 14:13:55 From: “Cliff Hall” cliff at xxx.x Re: Terence McKenna & The Hafler Trio That’s too funny that you saw Zoviet France for that tour! LOL! I was lucky enough to see two consecutive shows they did on that tour. that’s so whack! i did enjoy their show as it was a bit more musical than most ‘experimental’ groups, although i can appreciate the ‘anti-art’ noise approach, i just can’t dance to it 😉 how about ted milton? I saw Merzbow a while ago. The show wasn’t loud enough. any louder and you start damaging the internal organs of the listeners which can be somewhat of a downer… I had the same complaint about Whitehouse. my friend set up a show for whitehouse as well. lots of distorted screaming into the mic about anal sex there. i think their a little angry about somthing…;) SBOTHI/P16.D4 swimming behavior of the human infant. yes, i’ve several tapes but never seen them. same with p16/d4. i’ve got a nice little cutout and foldup thingy p16/d4 did with one of their releases that spurred me to do somthing similar with one of my tapes awhile back. very cool. how about throbbing gristle/chris&cosy? I never get to see this sort of thing live anymore. I haven’t found this scene in NY yet (i knew of several places in Cleveland to hear this sort of thing). Do you know anybody in town bringing in these sorts of shows? it’s been *years* since i’ve seen or heard from any of these groups. i sort of fell out of the genre a while back as it was so hard to keep up with all the little labels that deal in the stuff, they’re always closing down and starting up again somewhere else. since my friend who was setting up those shows in knoxville moved to atlanta in ’94 or so, i’ve been totally out of touch. which was why it was such a blast from the past to hear somebody else into this stuff… -cliff

#314 Tue, 04 May 1999 14:14:04 From: “Cliff Hall” cliff at xxx.x Re: Terence McKenna & The Hafler Trio That’s too funny that you saw Zoviet France for that tour! LOL! I was lucky enough to see two consecutive shows they did on that tour. that’s so whack! i did enjoy their show as it was a bit more musical than most ‘experimental’ groups, although i can appreciate the ‘anti-art’ noise approach, i just can’t dance to it 😉 how about ted milton? I saw Merzbow a while ago. The show wasn’t loud enough. any louder and you start damaging the internal organs of the listeners which can be somewhat of a downer… I had the same complaint about Whitehouse. my friend set up a show for whitehouse as well. lots of distorted screaming into the mic about anal sex there. i think their a little angry about somthing…;) SBOTHI/P16.D4 swimming behavior of the human infant. yes, i’ve several tapes but never seen them. same with p16/d4. i’ve got a nice little cutout and foldup thingy p16/d4 did with one of their releases that spurred me to do somthing similar with one of my tapes awhile back. very cool. how about throbbing gristle/chris&cosy? I never get to see this sort of thing live anymore. I haven’t found this scene in NY yet (i knew of several places in Cleveland to hear this sort of thing). Do you know anybody in town bringing in these sorts of shows? it’s been *years* since i’ve seen or heard from any of these groups. i sort of fell out of the genre a while back as it was so hard to keep up with all the little labels that deal in the stuff, they’re always closing down and starting up again somewhere else. since my friend who was setting up those shows in knoxville moved to atlanta in ’94 or so, i’ve been totally out of touch. which was why it was such a blast from the past to hear somebody else into this stuff… -cliff

#315 Tue, 04 May 1999 14:26:16 From: “Cliff Hall” cliff at xxx.x Re: In defense of Giuliani we don’t have any ‘product photos’ per se, but i do have a roll of film that has to be developed that should have some of me wearing a pair. and of course i have several pair at home i could shoot and upload. i’ll be glad to, but it might take a few days unless i can find a digital camara somewhere. a friend has one, but he’s of galavanting around the country right now… -Cliff Tell me do you have pics of the pants??? chrissy At 01:26 PM 5/4/99 you wrote: From: “Cliff Hall” cliff at hotbot BTW, milton, helen (the lurker who just offered to make you some pants) is my girlfriend in tennessee who makes the phattest of the big pants. at a rave in tennessee this weekend we were startled to find a complete stranger wearing a pair of pants she’d made!

#316 Tue, 04 May 1999 18:35:04 From: John Lolis DrBombay at x.x Re: Terence McKenna & The Hafler Trio gotta watch that navigating backward and forward with your browser there, cliff. i suspect that you did that and hotbot took it upon itself to post your message again, and again and again. i say we make cliff model the complete line of helen’s pants at the next trance party. actually, i think we have the makings of a cottage industry here making and selling ravewear. pax, amat, lux. bombay At 02:14 PM 05/04/99 you wrote: From: “Cliff Hall” cliff at hotbot That’s too funny that you saw Zoviet France for that tour! LOL! I was lucky enough to see two consecutive shows they did on that tour. that’s so whack! i did enjoy their show as it was a bit more musical than most ‘experimental’ groups, although i can appreciate the ‘anti-art’ noise approach, i just can’t dance to it 😉 how about ted milton? I saw Merzbow a while ago. The show wasn’t loud enough. any louder and you start damaging the internal organs of the listeners which can be somewhat of a downer… I had the same complaint about Whitehouse. my friend set up a show for whitehouse as well. lots of distorted screaming into the mic about anal sex there. i think their a little angry about somthing…;) SBOTHI/P16.D4 swimming behavior of the human infant. yes, i’ve several tapes but never seen them. same with p16/d4. i’ve got a nice little cutout and foldup thingy p16/d4 did with one of their releases that spurred me to do somthing similar with one of my tapes awhile back. very cool. how about throbbing gristle/chris&cosy? I never get to see this sort of thing live anymore. I haven’t found this scene in NY yet (i knew of several places in Cleveland to hear this sort of thing). Do you know anybody in town bringing in these sorts of shows? it’s been *years* since i’ve seen or heard from any of these groups. i sort of fell out of the genre a while back as it was so hard to keep up with all the little labels that deal in the stuff, they’re always closing down and starting up again somewhere else. since my friend who was setting up those shows in knoxville moved to atlanta in ’94 or so, i’ve been totally out of touch. which was why it was such a blast from the past to hear somebody else into this stuff… -cliff

#317 Tue, 04 May 1999 18:49:39 From: John Lolis DrBombay at x.x In defense of McKenna At 12:04 PM 05/04/99 you wrote: From: “Cliff Hall” cliff at hotbot and how i ‘just didn’t understand them until i started partying with them at raves and the culture took over. age makes absolutely *zer0* impact upon one’s ability to *be*, which is exactly what they do, and which is all we can aspire to. i’ve learned a lot from these kids. you can too, if you’ll get over the floppy pants and listen to what they have to say. The only problem with being 30 and still into going out is that I never know anyone (no big deal) and sometimes I wonder if the crowd thinks I’m an undercover cop i’ll tell you how to defeat that one as well. i go to these parties and they’re filled with kids half my age, and i throw down *twice* as hard for *twice* as long as any of them. let them see your soul and they won’t ask to see your badge, copper… -Cliff here. here! having crawled, toddled and walked over this planet for 43 years, i very occasionally feel like i may be seen to be an undercover cop at such gatherings. but, that’s a very fleeting feeling; once i re-tune into the communal vibes, that feeling dissipates like smoke in the wind. besides, retaining the best features of childhood is nothing but goodness. and i think that, especially given the empathic tendencies that e elicits, most tune in to the fact that i’m just another reveler sharing in and giving off good vibes …either that, or i’m seriously deluding myself. on another note, there usually tend to be crackdowns as an election year winds down. it doesn’t help, too, when a “good kid” ends up dead at a club due to e and k and the media frenzy kicks in. to me, it’s all part of the checks and balances in life (not to minimize a tragedy, mind you, but rather to take a zen attitude)at times, there’s a dangerous lack of responsibility and some of us need a wake up call. sure, a lot of things that suck tend to happen, but, overall, given the inherent nature of people, the system works fairly well. it’s when intolerance and arrogance prevail that the shit hits the fan. also, a, k and e tend to be dangerous in that they make it easy to tear asunder those very paradigms upon which society is built. imho, if enough people were to defect to “the other side,” the infrastructure of society as it stands would crumble. besides, that kind of thinking is simply not for everyone. just don’t tread on me …unless of course you’re a petite japanese girl massaging my back with her feet. 😉 pax, amat, lux. bombay

#318 Tue, 04 May 1999 19:13:39 From: christina at x.x) Re: In defense of Giuliani Thanks for the effort Cliff, I’ll hopefully see you at the Lighthouse. Could you bring a pic then? Chrissy At 02:26 PM 5/4/99 you wrote: From: “Cliff Hall” cliff at hotbot we don’t have any ‘product photos’ per se, but i do have a roll of film that has to be developed that should have some of me wearing a pair. and of course i have several pair at home i could shoot and upload. i’ll be glad to, but it might take a few days unless i can find a digital camara somewhere. a friend has one, but he’s of galavanting around the country right now… -Cliff Tell me do you have pics of the pants??? chrissy At 01:26 PM 5/4/99 you wrote: From: “Cliff Hall” cliff at hotbot BTW, milton, helen (the lurker who just offered to make you some pants) is my girlfriend in tennessee who makes the phattest of the big pants. at a rave in tennessee this weekend we were startled to find a complete stranger wearing a pair of pants she’d made!

#319 Tue, 04 May 1999 21:30:02 From: jawbone40 jawbone40 at x.x Re: Here is an excellent example of a post Senseless prattle!! Christ, no wonder Jeff’s going to germany! Guliani and his jack-booted thugs filled Twilo w/displaced ravers for the last time!!!! Fight back!! Think about it, what are you really doing that’s so flippin’ wrong??!! NOTHING!! Betcha boy if benito Guliani could make a buck off me bumpin’ K…….. Stand by your house!! Greetings to all, Even though I am in Germany for the next 2 months, I have become aware of the situation this past weekend of the club closings around the city by my favorite mayor Guiliani. These are bullying tactics by this asshole who knows its his last term and wants to look good for everyone that does not live in Manhattan or the burroughs for that matter. That would vote for him for senator, They have no idea what its like to live in the city, I would like to know what they would say if Guliani closed down their favorite hillbilly, redneck upstate local bar or stopped 7 Eleven from serving beer. These voters couldn’t buy rhythm if they wanted to, So they don’t give a shit about clubs or dancing, I would like to remind everyone of the movie Footloose, as silly and as ludicrous this film was it is actually happening in our city which is supposed to be the one of the cultural hubs of the world. We cannot let this go on, Need I remind everyone the power that is bestowed in this country to the people, we need to stop this in its tracks before it becomes a political trend in this city regardless of who is in office. We need to make ourselves heard instead of just standing by, scratching our heads and saying thats messed up. We need to let whichever crooked asshole is coming to office next we will not stand for these illegal raids on our constitutional right to dance and rejoice at the fact that life is hard enough and we need remind ourselves why we are alive and on this planet. I have seen this forthcoming for some time as most of you will know . Now it is starting to affect everyone who would like the freedom to blow off some steam on a FUCKING SATURDAY NIGHT! I will be returning to NYC and will not stand by and let this happen, We are all intelligent, tax paying citizens that have rights. Please don’t be complacent and let this go on. Every fight is not an easy one. Investigate find out what can be done and I and I’m sure most of us will stand behind it. – O – P.S Forward this to everyone and spread the word You have it all wrong Omar. You see, the Tunnel is an abomination. We need more tourist friendly places like Caliente Cab Company and Jeckyl & Hyde and Bleecker Street. We need Downtown to be more like Hoboken. That’s right, more like Jersey. So we can welcome the beer dollar and not the Edollar from trendy dancing Frenchies. Didn’t you see that WWII movie with Tom Hanks, and they save the French little girl and she cries…… Typical frogs they have no respect. And do you want the Edollars to go to Michael Alig? You know he gets it all even from “behind bars”. That’s what it’s all about. You got a problem with that? Hey, Omar is a foreigner name isn’t it? You people just like big crowds so you can smuggle the bombs in. Satan comes in many disguises my friends, including a “Velvet Jones.” The CIA has been watching this character for years. And if you FATWA me I’ll FATCHICK you. I’ll take Rush over Rushie any day, Satan spawn. Boy, I can’t wait to get less time on my hands when I get a job one of these days… In all seriousness, it’s good that Giuliani is messin’ wit da mix ‘cuz now there are unbelievable outlaw trance parties thrown by the Israelis under the GW Bridge… Oh, and Edollar stands for Eurodollar, for those not financially inclined.

#320 Tue, 4 May 1999 21:58:30 Re: Here is an excellent example of a post In a message dated 5/4/99 9:32:49 PM, jawbone40 at earthlink.net writes: Guliani and his jack-booted thugs filled Twilo w/displaced ravers for the last time!!!! …but it gives us somebody to steal from. And you can bet they had sooo much fun they’ll come more often than a pubert on Viagra. Betcha boy if benito Guliani could make a buck off me bumpin’ K…….. ..He’d be a millionaire.

#321 Tue, 4 May 1999 21:56:33 Re: Here is an excellent example of a misunderstood post Just to set the record straight, I was responding in jest to Omar, who recently returned from a failed suicide bombing in Germany. Failed, because he’s baaaaack. In a message dated 5/4/99 9:32:49 PM, jawbone40 at earthlink.net writes: Senseless prattle!! Christ, no wonder Jeff’s going to germany! Guliani and his jack-booted thugs filled Twilo w/displaced ravers for the last time!!!! Fight back!! Think about it, what are you really doing that’s so flippin’ wrong??!! NOTHING!! Betcha boy if benito Guliani could make a buck off me bumpin’ K…….. Stand by your house!!

#322 Tue, 4 May 1999 19:02:32 GST -1080 From: charles at x.xxx Free email at raveaddict and at raveaddict Hey Check the free email at web Musicosm. You can get email accounts with yourname at rave addict or at clubjunkie or at caffeinefreak …plus lots of cool other domains too. Musicosm is also giving away FREE Prodigy Presents: The Dirtchamber Sessions, Vol. 1 CDs. To enter the CD giveaway, sign up for a free email account and send a message to prodigy at musicosm Peace, Charles

#323 Tue, 04 May 1999 22:18:00 From: jawbone40 jawbone40 at x.x Re: In defense of McKenna Im so stimulated by this thread! Im 40!! and a thirty year old is telling me about raving w/revelers half his age. Get with it! It isn’t about age, it’s about common experience! Shared experience! When I was in my 20’s I had the help of more experienced men and women to fall back on and i was smart enough to pay attention. whew!! Im glad to this day. Now it’s my turn have someone fall back on me. It’s life and everybody has ONE. We all belong together. love Dany(not Velvet)Jones John Lolis wrote: From: John Lolis DrBombay at prodigy.net At 12:04 PM 05/04/99 you wrote: From: “Cliff Hall” cliff at hotbot and how i ‘just didn’t understand them until i started partying with them at raves and the culture took over. age makes absolutely *zer0* impact upon one’s ability to *be*, which is exactly what they do, and which is all we can aspire to. i’ve learned a lot from these kids. you can too, if you’ll get over the floppy pants and listen to what they have to say. The only problem with being 30 and still into going out is that I never know anyone (no big deal) and sometimes I wonder if the crowd thinks I’m an undercover cop i’ll tell you how to defeat that one as well. i go to these parties and they’re filled with kids half my age, and i throw down *twice* as hard for *twice* as long as any of them. let them see your soul and they won’t ask to see your badge, copper… -Cliff here. here! having crawled, toddled and walked over this planet for 43 years, i very occasionally feel like i may be seen to be an undercover cop at such gatherings. but, that’s a very fleeting feeling; once i re-tune into the communal vibes, that feeling dissipates like smoke in the wind. besides, retaining the best features of childhood is nothing but goodness. and i think that, especially given the empathic tendencies that e elicits, most tune in to the fact that i’m just another reveler sharing in and giving off good vibes …either that, or i’m seriously deluding myself. on another note, there usually tend to be crackdowns as an election year winds down. it doesn’t help, too, when a “good kid” ends up dead at a club due to e and k and the media frenzy kicks in. to me, it’s all part of the checks and balances in life (not to minimize a tragedy, mind you, but rather to take a zen attitude)at times, there’s a dangerous lack of responsibility and some of us need a wake up call. sure, a lot of things that suck tend to happen, but, overall, given the inherent nature of people, the system works fairly well. it’s when intolerance and arrogance prevail that the shit hits the fan. also, a, k and e tend to be dangerous in that they make it easy to tear asunder those very paradigms upon which society is built. imho, if enough people were to defect to “the other side,” the infrastructure of society as it stands would crumble. besides, that kind of thinking is simply not for everyone. just don’t tread on me …unless of course you’re a petite japanese girl massaging my back with her feet. 😉 pax, amat, lux. bombay

#324 Wed, 05 May 1999 02:31:20 From: “Milton Durr” miltondurr at x.x Re: Terence McKenna & The Hafler Trio i did enjoy their show as it was a bit more musical than most ‘experimental’ groups, although i can appreciate the ‘anti-art’ noise approach, i just can’t dance to it You should check out some of the Zoviet France side projects: Ingelton Falls and Horizon 222. They both sound pretty similar, tribal/trancey sort of stuff. Also, Rapoon is a solo project by one of the ZF guys. Beautiful stuff. A must-hear. Never heard of Ted Milton. Do tell. (Maybe you should respond privately. The other people on this e-board might be tired of the obscurity of our conversation) Merzbow simply was not loud enough. The sound guy apparently wasn’t used to that kind of music and refused to turn it up. I could hear conversations of people a few rows back. Whitehouse angry about somthing. Au contraire! TG/Chris & Cosey/Coil/PTV are all quite fun in their own ways. I too lost touch with the scene (forcibly since I was in Asia, though I did find some fun people over there). I also thought things had reached a point where a lot of what I was hearing seemed like bad imitations of better, earlier stuff. It seems that this has passed, as it always does, and things are sounding good again. Quebec seems to be a hot spot for now. I still love the old musique concrete. I just got the Pierre Scaeffer box set that came out recently. Beautiful and and innocently exhuberant. I’m reaching the point where I might start looking into organizing such events. I don’t know how and I’m quite broke, but the punks always managed so there’s probably no reason why I can’t. From: “Cliff Hall” cliff at hotbot [brainmachines] Re: Terence McKenna & The Hafler Trio Tue, 04 May 1999 14:13:54 From: “Cliff Hall” cliff at hotbot That’s too funny that you saw Zoviet France for that tour! LOL! I was lucky enough to see two consecutive shows they did on that tour. that’s so whack! i did enjoy their show as it was a bit more musical than most ‘experimental’ groups, although i can appreciate the ‘anti-art’ noise approach, i just can’t dance to it 😉 how about ted milton? I saw Merzbow a while ago. The show wasn’t loud enough. any louder and you start damaging the internal organs of the listeners which can be somewhat of a downer… I had the same complaint about Whitehouse. my friend set up a show for whitehouse as well. lots of distorted screaming into the mic about anal sex there. i think their a little angry about somthing…;) SBOTHI/P16.D4 swimming behavior of the human infant. yes, i’ve several tapes but never seen them. same with p16/d4. i’ve got a nice little cutout and foldup thingy p16/d4 did with one of their releases that spurred me to do somthing similar with one of my tapes awhile back. very cool. how about throbbing gristle/chris&cosy? I never get to see this sort of thing live anymore. I haven’t found this scene in NY yet (i knew of several places in Cleveland to hear this sort of thing). Do you know anybody in town bringing in these sorts of shows? it’s been *years* since i’ve seen or heard from any of these groups. i sort of fell out of the genre a while back as it was so hard to keep up with all the little labels that deal in the stuff, they’re always closing down and starting up again somewhere else. since my friend who was setting up those shows in knoxville moved to atlanta in ’94 or so, i’ve been totally out of touch. which was why it was such a blast from the past to hear somebody else into this stuff… -cliff

#325 Tue, 4 May 1999 22:26:27 Loft Party Saturday …at a huge 5000′ loft space. Expecting 400 people a most. Thrown by myself and John Finch of 33* Degrees clothing design infame. Music will include California breakbeat and what has been described to me by Ben as “Dreamy House.” No walk-in DJs. No trance this time, good for you pEople. Very fashionny art faggy chichi well dressed double cheek kissing crowd. So leave your freaking baggy pants home (sorry). This party is for brainmachines list members only plus one guest each, and complete information will be emailed to you Friday at 3 PM. It would be later but my understanding is that some of you work. I would tell you the address now but then some of you would forward it ad nausea to everyone you know. I’ll just tell you that it’s a new space in the west 30s and rents for $10K a month. Most of the old familiar Neurotrancemitter trappings and spatial effects will be present. It starts at 10PM. If you plan on staying out past 4am you should make plans as the party will close then. h, and while you estroy the place be sure to mention that you left your ress pass at home.

#326 Tue, 04 May 1999 22:44:52 From: jawbone40 jawbone40 at x.x Re: Here is an excellent example of a post OOOOOOH Jeffrey! thats cold!! In a message dated 5/4/99 9:32:49 PM, jawbone40 at earthlink.net writes: Guliani and his jack-booted thugs filled Twilo w/displaced ravers for the last time!!!! …but it gives us somebody to steal from. And you can bet they had sooo much fun they’ll come more often than a pubert on Viagra.Betcha boy if benito Guliani could make a buck off me bumpin’ K…….. ..He’d be a millionaire. Did you know that More than 3.5 million people are using ONElist?

#327 Wed, 05 May 1999 02:50:53 From: “Milton Durr” miltondurr at x.x Re: In defense of McKenna Sorry to offend your seasoned sensibilities, jawbone. This does not change the fact that in an anonymous, public setting such as a ‘rave’, I am often scrutinized in such a way that it is obvious that I am ‘suspect’ (in a way different from other social situations). If you bother reading the rest of the thread, you’ll realize that I don’t spend my evening worrying about this or anything else. Anyway, I would much rather party with a younger crowd than with people in my own age group. At least the younger crowd hasn’t slipped into the we’re-older-so-we-have-to-have-more-cultured-dignified-evening-soirres sort of attitude. I imagine you’ll be over that comment too… From: jawbone40 jawbone40 at earthlink.net Re: [brainmachines] In defense of McKenna Tue, 04 May 1999 22:18:00 From: jawbone40 jawbone40 at earthlink.net Im so stimulated by this thread! Im 40!! and a thirty year old is telling me about raving w/revelers half his age. Get with it! It isn’t about age, it’s about common experience! Shared experience! When I was in my 20’s I had the help of more experienced men and women to fall back on and i was smart enough to pay attention. whew!! Im glad to this day. Now it’s my turn have someone fall back on me. It’s life and everybody has ONE. We all belong together. love Dany(not Velvet)Jones John Lolis wrote: From: John Lolis DrBombay at prodigy.net At 12:04 PM 05/04/99 you wrote: From: “Cliff Hall” cliff at hotbot and how i ‘just didn’t understand them until i started partying with them at raves and the culture took over. age makes absolutely *zer0* impact upon one’s ability to *be*, which is exactly what they do, and which is all we can aspire to. i’ve learned a lot from these kids. you can too, if you’ll get over the floppy pants and listen to what they have to say. The only problem with being 30 and still into going out is that I never know anyone (no big deal) and sometimes I wonder if the crowd thinks I’m an undercover cop i’ll tell you how to defeat that one as well. i go to these parties and they’re filled with kids half my age, and i throw down *twice* as hard for *twice* as long as any of them. let them see your soul and they won’t ask to see your badge, copper… -Cliff here. here! having crawled, toddled and walked over this planet for 43 years, i very occasionally feel like i may be seen to be an undercover cop at such gatherings. but, that’s a very fleeting feeling; once i re-tune into the communal vibes, that feeling dissipates like smoke in the wind. besides, retaining the best features of childhood is nothing but goodness. and i think that, especially given the empathic tendencies that e elicits, most tune in to the fact that i’m just another reveler sharing in and giving off good vibes …either that, or i’m seriously deluding myself. on another note, there usually tend to be crackdowns as an election year winds down. it doesn’t help, too, when a “good kid” ends up dead at a club due to e and k and the media frenzy kicks in. to me, it’s all part of the checks and balances in life (not to minimize a tragedy, mind you, but rather to take a zen attitude)at times, there’s a dangerous lack of responsibility and some of us need a wake up call. sure, a lot of things that suck tend to happen, but, overall, given the inherent nature of people, the system works fairly well. it’s when intolerance and arrogance prevail that the shit hits the fan. also, a, k and e tend to be dangerous in that they make it easy to tear asunder those very paradigms upon which society is built. imho, if enough people were to defect to “the other side,” the infrastructure of society as it stands would crumble. besides, that kind of thinking is simply not for everyone. just don’t tread on me …unless of course you’re a petite japanese girl massaging my back with her feet. 😉 pax, amat, lux. bombay

#328 Tue, 4 May 1999 23:39:07 From: “Bert H. Dweck” bertd1 at x.x Re: Loft Party Saturday im in for this party let me know the info ill bring a chick and we’ll party e-mail me back Sent: Tuesday, May 04, 1999 10:26 PM [brainmachines] Loft Party Saturday …at a huge 5000′ loft space. Expecting 400 people a most. Thrown by myself and John Finch of 33* Degrees clothing design infame. Music will include California breakbeat and what has been described to me by Ben as “Dreamy House.” No walk-in DJs. No trance this time, good for you pEople. Very fashionny art faggy chichi well dressed double cheek kissing crowd. So leave your freaking baggy pants home (sorry). This party is for brainmachines list members only plus one guest each, and complete information will be emailed to you Friday at 3 PM. It would be later but my understanding is that some of you work. I would tell you the address now but then some of you would forward it ad nausea to everyone you know. I’ll just tell you that it’s a new space in the west 30s and rents for $10K a month. Most of the old familiar Neurotrancemitter trappings and spatial effects will be present. It starts at 10PM. If you plan on staying out past 4am you should make plans as the party will close then. h, and while you estroy the place be sure to mention that you left your ress pass at home.

#329 Wed, 05 May 1999 02:50:57 From: “thew” thew at xx.x Re: In defense of Giuliani we were sitting in the bklyn bridge anchorage during a party there once aand a kid of about 19 was looking at us weirdly (we were id say 35 at the time id been performing at rave/trance for a while already) he finaly came over … the following conversation is to the best of my recollection: k19 – what are you guys doing here? us – you know – the music the scene etc – k19- wow, do you..do you… how do i put ths… do you do ds? us- we do LOTS of ds k-19 (befuddled look that say he thought his peers ahd invented good sex and ds) – wow are you doing ds now? us – yes, acid k19 ( looking like he just found out his mom did acid) – whoa thats really cool have you ever done x? us- since before it was illegal k19 – want some? ………. we went on to tell him he shouldnt leave school to travel the US, but should leave school to go to asia and party instead Neuronautic Institute: home.earthlink.net/thew the meek shall inherit the earth – the rest of us are going to space From: “Cliff Hall” cliff at hotbot [brainmachines] Re: In defense of Giuliani Tue, May 4, 1999, 3:04 PM From: “Cliff Hall” cliff at hotbot I can enjoy the club scene sober if the crowd isn’t just standing around looking fashionable (even in their big floppy, tattered raver pants) what’s up with everybody diss’n the kids pants? i’m 33, and my girfriend makes me big freaky floppy raver kid pants and they are soooo much easier and fun to dance in. i used to have this attitude about the kids and how i ‘just didn’t understand them until i started partying with them at raves and the culture took over. age makes absolutely *zer0* impact upon one’s ability to *be*, which is exactly what they do, and which is all we can aspire to. i’ve learned a lot from these kids. you can too, if you’ll get over the floppy pants and listen to what they have to say. The only problem with being 30 and still into going out is that I never know anyone (no big deal) and sometimes I wonder if the crowd thinks I’m an undercover cop i’ll tell you how to defeat that one as well. i go to these parties and they’re filled with kids half my age, and i throw down *twice* as hard for *twice* as long as any of them. let them see your soul and they won’t ask to see your badge, copper… -Cliff

#330 Wed, 05 May 1999 13:40:13 From: “Milton Durr” miltondurr at x.x Re: In defense of Giuliani Thanx for the inspirational words for the day… From: “thew” thew at neuronautic Re: [brainmachines] In defense of Giuliani Wed, 05 May 1999 02:50:57 From: “thew” thew at neuronautic we were sitting in the bklyn bridge anchorage during a party there once aand a kid of about 19 was looking at us weirdly (we were id say 35 at the time id been performing at rave/trance for a while already) he finaly came over … the following conversation is to the best of my recollection: k19 – what are you guys doing here? us – you know – the music the scene etc – k19- wow, do you..do you… how do i put ths… do you do ds? us- we do LOTS of ds k-19 (befuddled look that say he thought his peers ahd invented good sex and ds) – wow are you doing ds now? us – yes, acid k19 ( looking like he just found out his mom did acid) – whoa thats really cool have you ever done x? us- since before it was illegal k19 – want some? ………. we went on to tell him he shouldnt leave school to travel the US, but should leave school to go to asia and party instead Neuronautic Institute: home.earthlink.net/thew the meek shall inherit the earth – the rest of us are going to space From: “Cliff Hall” cliff at hotbot [brainmachines] Re: In defense of Giuliani Tue, May 4, 1999, 3:04 PM From: “Cliff Hall” cliff at hotbot I can enjoy the club scene sober if the crowd isn’t just standing around looking fashionable (even in their big floppy, tattered raver pants) what’s up with everybody diss’n the kids pants? i’m 33, and my girfriend makes me big freaky floppy raver kid pants and they are soooo much easier and fun to dance in. i used to have this attitude about the kids and how i ‘just didn’t understand them until i started partying with them at raves and the culture took over. age makes absolutely *zer0* impact upon one’s ability to *be*, which is exactly what they do, and which is all we can aspire to. i’ve learned a lot from these kids. you can too, if you’ll get over the floppy pants and listen to what they have to say. The only problem with being 30 and still into going out is that I never know anyone (no big deal) and sometimes I wonder if the crowd thinks I’m an undercover cop i’ll tell you how to defeat that one as well. i go to these parties and they’re filled with kids half my age, and i throw down *twice* as hard for *twice* as long as any of them. let them see your soul and they won’t ask to see your badge, copper… -Cliff

#331 Wed, 05 May 1999 13:38:47 From: “Milton Durr” miltondurr at x.x You didn’t invent good sex and ds??????? Thanx for the inspirational words for the day… From: “thew” thew at neuronautic Re: [brainmachines] In defense of Giuliani Wed, 05 May 1999 02:50:57 From: “thew” thew at neuronautic we were sitting in the bklyn bridge anchorage during a party there once aand a kid of about 19 was looking at us weirdly (we were id say 35 at the time id been performing at rave/trance for a while already) he finaly came over … the following conversation is to the best of my recollection: k19 – what are you guys doing here? us – you know – the music the scene etc – k19- wow, do you..do you… how do i put ths… do you do ds? us- we do LOTS of ds k-19 (befuddled look that say he thought his peers ahd invented good sex and ds) – wow are you doing ds now? us – yes, acid k19 ( looking like he just found out his mom did acid) – whoa thats really cool have you ever done x? us- since before it was illegal k19 – want some? ………. we went on to tell him he shouldnt leave school to travel the US, but should leave school to go to asia and party instead Neuronautic Institute: home.earthlink.net/thew the meek shall inherit the earth – the rest of us are going to space From: “Cliff Hall” cliff at hotbot [brainmachines] Re: In defense of Giuliani Tue, May 4, 1999, 3:04 PM From: “Cliff Hall” cliff at hotbot I can enjoy the club scene sober if the crowd isn’t just standing around looking fashionable (even in their big floppy, tattered raver pants) what’s up with everybody diss’n the kids pants? i’m 33, and my girfriend makes me big freaky floppy raver kid pants and they are soooo much easier and fun to dance in. i used to have this attitude about the kids and how i ‘just didn’t understand them until i started partying with them at raves and the culture took over. age makes absolutely *zer0* impact upon one’s ability to *be*, which is exactly what they do, and which is all we can aspire to. i’ve learned a lot from these kids. you can too, if you’ll get over the floppy pants and listen to what they have to say. The only problem with being 30 and still into going out is that I never know anyone (no big deal) and sometimes I wonder if the crowd thinks I’m an undercover cop i’ll tell you how to defeat that one as well. i go to these parties and they’re filled with kids half my age, and i throw down *twice* as hard for *twice* as long as any of them. let them see your soul and they won’t ask to see your badge, copper… -Cliff

#332 Wed, 05 May 1999 06:41:10 From: “Cliff Hall” cliff at xxx.x Re: In defense of Giuliani Thanks for the effort Cliff, I’ll hopefully see you at the Lighthouse. Could you bring a pic then? are you kidding, i’ll prolly wear a pair… 😉 -Cliff

#335 Wed, 5 May 1999 10:00:46 From: Marisa Scirocco alienblue3 at xx.x Re: Fwd: beep there tonight how can I get off this mailing list??? Wed, 05 May 1999 11:37:09 From: Alison Beckner alibeckner at mindspring beep there tonight Here’s what’s going on tonight at “beep.” And just to warn you, there’s an overlapping film screening-after-party-thing going on at bar 13 until 12a for which a cover is being charged. So, if anyone tries to charge you, just say you’re there for this party which is ALWAYS FREE. Finally, if any of y’all want me to take you off this mailing list, just let me know in a reply. Cheers, alison Yes folks, it’s that time. may 5th at beep. the faces you know, the bass you trust. djs on the night: keith rocka – playing a blend of finest breaks and b-boyness steve monkey – representing tuff house sean bumgarnier – the more nuanced end of glamour encased in a house beat we’ll be rocking the tables at beep. take this chance to make this party rock with all your friends and associates of questionable backgrounds. this is a nice space with real sound AND a cabaret license, so be prepared to shake dat ass. 35 e. 13th at univeristy place 10p-4a 2 for 1 drinks before 11 with mention of the party FREE 21+ w/i.d.

#336 Wed, 5 May 1999 13:03:39 Re: Fwd: beep there tonight In a message dated 5/5/99 1:02:16 PM, alienblue3 at yahoo writes: how can I get off this mailing list??? marisa, go to onelist to desubscribe. You’ve been there before when you went there to subscribe.

#337 Thu, 06 May 1999 12:07:38 From: christina at x.x) Re: Fwd: [Fwd: FWD:] I guess If I call I’ll be going on faith that the call is really about that. I f all it says is thanks then how do I really know if I am calling is support of the subject this woman is describing???

#340 Thu, 6 May 1999 13:04:17 Re: Fwd: [Fwd: FWD:] In a message dated 5/6/99 12:54:16 PM, christina at compuscape writes: Milton, do you know if Tticx are available for TM tonight? I called to get the # for the Lighthouse but there are several listings. What is the address? Lighthouse for the Blind at Park & 61st

#341 Thu, 06 May 1999 17:12:57 From: “Milton Durr” miltondurr at x.x Re: Fwd: [Fwd: FWD:] and at what TIME? Re: [brainmachines] Fwd: [Fwd: FWD:] Thu, 6 May 1999 13:04:17 In a message dated 5/6/99 12:54:16 PM, christina at compuscape writes:Milton, do you know if Tticx are available for TM tonight? I called to get the # for the Lighthouse but there are several listings. What is the address? Lighthouse for the Blind at Park & 61st.

#342 Thu, 06 May 1999 13:20:37 From: “thew” thew at xx.x Re: Fwd: [Fwd: FWD:] when you call it tells you what u voted for no faith needed Neuronautic Institute: home.earthlink.net/thew the meek shall inherit the earth – the rest of us are going to space From: “Milton Durr” miltondurr at hotmail Re: [brainmachines] Fwd: [Fwd: FWD:] Thu, May 6, 1999, 12:01 PM From: “Milton Durr” miltondurr at hotmail I imagine you could verify by calling the company. I assumed the company knew there would be a reaction and set up the line to guage public opinion. At worst, it could be a hoax (I haven’t actually seen the ad) and a waste of 20 seconds of your time From: christina at compuscape (Christina Mull) Re: [brainmachines] Fwd: [Fwd: FWD:] Thu, 06 May 1999 12:07:38 From: christina at compuscape (Christina Mull) I guess If I call I’ll be going on faith that the call is really about that. I f all it says is thanks then how do I really know if I am calling is support of the subject this woman is describing??? At 11:19 AM 5/5/99, you wrote: by by rly-zc02.mx.aol (8.8.8/8.8.5/AOL-4.0.0) Tue, 4 May 1999 15:45:12 (Eudora Tue, 04 May 1999 15:49:17 From: eva weiss eva at astralwerks Organization: astralwerks records To: amanda blackwelder penspal at mciworld.mci, Arthur Karpati akaynyc at earthlink.net, “AuraWeiss at aol” AuraWeiss at aol, Carter Armstrong carmstrong at networkmags, Craig Hermes chermes at virginusa, clark benson FrescaMan at aol, gregg allen gregg.allen at emimusic, “Handsndeck at aol” Handsndeck at aol, jennifer vest jenvest at att.net, john davis Viachicago at aol, kenfeldman kfeldman at hmv.ca, M Toppe loungemn at bitstream.net, “MFpop at aol” MFpop at aol, Troy Davis avis at bluemarble, Vanessa Haupt vhaupt at webtv.net [Fwd: FWD:] eva weiss eva at astralwerks astralwerks records web astralwerks

#343 Thu, 06 May 1999 13:56:12 From: christina at x.x) Upcoming events from within the Circle…. From: kevin at 2world (Kevin Gimble) To: christina at compuscape Upcoming events from within the Circle…. Thu, 6 May 1999 13:42:09 For the most current updates on all Circle events, please check out: web circle-events THIS FRIDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FRIDAY, MAY 7, 1999 11:00 PM – 3:20 AM An Evening with Portishead DJ- A N D Y S M I T H Please welcome Portishead’s touring dj in an exclusive Philadelphia appearance to celebrate the release of his mix cd ‘The Document’ (london/ffrr). Main Floor: A n d y S m i t h from P o r t i s h e a d J u g o Hip-Hop Floor: J o h n L. Classics Floor: M o b e N i c e Palmer Social Club 601 Spring Garden St. 11pm – 3:20pm 21+ $5 members, $10 guests INFO? palmer…215.925.5000, circle…web circle-events SATURDAY MAY 15, 1999 10:00 PM – 2:00 AM Please welcome Japans number 1 son to Philadelphia for his very first appearance in our City of Brotherly Love… F A N T A S T I C P L A S T I C M A C H I N E (FPM) will be performing a very special DJ set in tour support of his latest release, Luxury. Come witness his very special blend of Japanese pop, Trip-Hop and lush loungy tunes and soundtracks in a venue perfectly designed for the man- rich with Japanese decor and koi-coffee tables!!! Grass Saturdays Silk City 5th and Spring Garden Sts. 10pm – 2:00pm 21+ $5 INFO? silk city…215.592.8838, circle…web circle-events Circle Weekly Events: Tuesday’s: H E A V Y resident DJ ROB PAINE + special guests weekly serve up the whole spectrum…funk-soul-hop-dub-house Saint Jacks 10:00 PM – 2:00 AM 45 S. 3rd Street (between Market and Chestnut) Philadelphia No Cover, 21+ Thursday’s: P L A T I N U M drum and bass is the mission… residents DIESELBOY, SINE and the DUB 2 MC + special guests weekly educate the crowd with the most sophisticated drum and bass tunes… upcoming guests: May 6- Special Residents Night May 13- Total Science Tour feat. Spinback and Q Project plus the return of KAOS!!!!! May 20- DSCI4 Tour featuring Trace, Fierce and MC Rymetyme May 27- Dylan and Facs(Droppin’ Science)- London, UK June 3- Ladies Night Round 3- Sage (Phunkateck) Siren (Bassment, xlr8r) Fluid 10:00 PM – 2:00 AM 611 S. 4th Street (between South and Bainbridge) Philadelphia $5, 21+ Saturday’s: G A L A C T I C D I S C O (house,classics,hip-hop) residents O’KEEF, BIG RICH and JOHN L. spin on 3 different floors at Philly’s premier afterhours club… Palmer Social Club 11:00 PM – 3:20 AM 601 Spring Garden Street Philadelphia 21+, bring ID $5 Members, $10 non members S T E A D Y house music residents PETE MOSS & SEAN THOMAS bring the deepness… Fluid 10:00 PM – 2:00 AM 611 S. 4th Street (between South and Bainbridge) Philadelphia $5, 21+

#344 Thu, 06 May 1999 13:58:26 From: christina at x.x) Re: Fwd: [Fwd: FWD:] Thnak you guys…no luck though. No one there is available. Jeff, I orded Piracetam tablets. Is the liquid better/more readily absorbed? Does it really take 28 days for them to deliver? Chrissy At 01:04 PM 5/6/99, you wrote: In a message dated 5/6/99 12:54:16 PM, christina at compuscape writes:Milton, do you know if Tticx are available for TM tonight? I called to get the # for the Lighthouse but there are several listings. What is the address? Lighthouse for the Blind at Park & 61st.

#345 Thu, 6 May 1999 13:50:16 Re: Fwd: [Fwd: FWD:] In a message dated 5/6/99 1:15:06 PM, miltondurr at hotmail writes: and at what TIME? dudes, Terence McKenna starts at 7pm but they might be sold out call the Lighthouse for the Blind now if you want to try to get a ticket

#346 Thu, 6 May 1999 13:53:32 Re: Fwd: [Fwd: FWD:] In a message dated 5/6/99 1:47:06 PM, christina at compuscape writes: Jeff, I orded Piracetam tablets. Is the liquid better/more readily absorbed? Does it really take 28 days for them to deliver? Yeah, the liquid is far superior, especially when INJECTED. (Squirm squirm) Yeah, order early, and often. Go for the high powered Neupramir if you can.

#347 Thu, 06 May 1999 14:07:35 From: christina at x.x) Re: Fwd: [Fwd: FWD:] damn I wish I would have known that!!! Have you injected it?? Why is it more superior? Neupramir?? Chrissy At 01:53 PM 5/6/99, you wrote: In a message dated 5/6/99 1:47:06 PM, christina at compuscape writes: Jeff, I orded Piracetam tablets. Is the liquid better/more readily absorbed? Does it really take 28 days for them to deliver? Yeah, the liquid is far superior, especially when INJECTED. (Squirm squirm) Yeah, order early, and often. Go for the high powered Neupramir if you can.

#348 Thu, 06 May 1999 14:01:49 From: John Lolis DrBombay at x.x Re: Fwd: [Fwd: FWD:] the details for the McKenna talk tonight… The Lighthouse 111 E. 59th between Park and Lex sponsored by the Open Center 212.219.2527 (for reservations) price: $15 begins at 7:30pm, but at the Open Center they advise to get there at about 7pm. pax, amat, lux. bombay At 05:12 PM 05/06/99 you wrote: From: “Milton Durr” miltondurr at hotmail and at what TIME? Re: [brainmachines] Fwd: [Fwd: FWD:] Thu, 6 May 1999 13:04:17 In a message dated 5/6/99 12:54:16 PM, christina at compuscape writes: Milton, do you know if Tticx are available for TM tonight? I called to get the # for the Lighthouse but there are several listings. What is the address? Lighthouse for the Blind at Park & 61st.

#349 Thu, 6 May 1999 14:06:11 Smart ds work In a message dated 5/6/99 1:56:18 PM, christina at compuscape writes: damn I wish I would have known that!!! Have you injected it?? Why is it more superior? Neupramir?? Yes injection of a whole bottle with ascorbic acid, buffer, and Gingko Biloba, from Al Garcia, whose brother was on a recent cover of New York Magazine as part of the new alternative medical establishment in New York. Injection gave me 2 days of cognitive enhancement satori, but for the long haul take it orally. Piracetam is far cheaper and in the long run all you need. The much stronger Pramiracetam (Neupramir) is $2 a pill, which is always felt after 6 hours. Piracetam takes 2-4 weeks. Chek out my site or on web smartbasics/glos.ds.dir.html for an excellent gossary. And don’t forget the oxygen, which can be purchased on brainmachines on the UPSHIFT page.

#350 Thu, 6 May 1999 14:08:49 From: Zmerf at xxx.xxx Re: Fwd: [Fwd: FWD:] In a message dated 5/6/99 1:06:13 PM, Jeff writes: Milton, do you know if Tticx are available for TM tonight? I called to get the

# for the Lighthouse but there are several listings. What is the address? Lighthouse for the Blind at Park & 61st. T The thing i have list the address as 111 E 59th st, you can call the Open Center for Reservations or Ticket availability 212-219-2527. George “So what your saying in that mushroom spores were brought here from outer space by whom?

#351 Thu, 06 May 1999 14:28:06 From: christina at x.x) Re: Smart ds work Thanks Jeff! Also, call me if you need any computer software/hardware. I checked out the dig cams for you. The best I can do is this: retail700, I can prob get it for 500. depending on the model. I have not heard from Sony yet so keep your fingers crossed!! Sony employees get a huge discount on electronics. Chrissy 7At 02:06 PM 5/6/99, you wrote: In a message dated 5/6/99 1:56:18 PM, christina at compuscape writes:damn I wish I would have known that!!! Have you injected it?? Why is it more superior? Neupramir?? Yes injection of a whole bottle with ascorbic acid, buffer, and Gingko Biloba, from Al Garcia, whose brother was on a recent cover of New York Magazine as part of the new alternative medical establishment in New York. Injection gave me 2 days of cognitive enhancement satori, but for the long haul take it orally. Piracetam is far cheaper and in the long run all you need. The much stronger Pramiracetam (Neupramir) is $2 a pill, which is always felt after 6 hours. Piracetam takes 2-4 weeks. Chek out my site or on web smartbasics/glos.ds.dir.html for an excellent gossary. And don’t forget the oxygen, which can be purchased on brainmachines on the UPSHIFT page.

#352 Thu, 6 May 1999 11:23:47 From: Marisa Scirocco alienblue3 at xx.x Re: Fwd: [Fwd: FWD:] if you dont take me off this list im ging to kill you!! – In a message dated 5/6/99 1:47:06 PM Eastern Daylight Time, christina at compuscape writes: Jeff, I orded Piracetam tablets. Is the liquid better/more readily absorbed? Does it really take 28 days for them to deliver? Yeah, the liquid is far superior, especially when INJECTED. (Squirm squirm) Yeah, order early, and often. Go for the high powered Neupramir if you can.

#353 Thu, 6 May 1999 15:56:22 Hello big people New anti-BTS link: web tranceam.org/html/Trances/BTSWatch/btswatch.html Forward to everyone. Link, link, link. Put on your flyers. Let everybody know. Full text of Details article.

#354 Thu, 06 May 1999 17:12:23 From: “Alex A. Krasavin” kreator at xx.x Re: Fwd: [Fwd: FWD:] Marisa Scirocco wrote: From: Marisa Scirocco alienblue3 at yahoo if you dont take me off this list im ging to kill you!! hey, hey, easy here… 🙂 why don’t you just go to then click on Member center, enter your email and pass, then just click on that goddamn no need to kill, keep cool peace )

#355 Thu, 06 May 1999 17:58:26 From: christina at x.x) Re: Hello big people Is there going to be a trance party under the GW bridge this Saturday? JEFF, where is the oxygen on your site? Links? Do we dare to go to SF this weekend?? At 03:56 PM 5/6/99, you wrote: New anti-BTS link: web tranceam.org/html/Trances/BTSWatch/btswatch.html Forward to everyone. Link, link, link. Put on your flyers. Let everybody know. Full text of Details article.

#356 Thu, 06 May 1999 18:08:45 From: christina at x.x) Re: Hello big people Jeff where did I see the TI-290, was it on your site under E? At 05:58 PM 5/6/99 you wrote: From: christina at compuscape (Christina Mull) Is there going to be a trance party under the GW bridge this Saturday? JEFF, where is the oxygen on your site? Links? Do we dare to go to SF this weekend?? At 03:56 PM 5/6/99, you wrote: New anti-BTS link: web tranceam.org/html/Trances/BTSWatch/btswatch.html Forward to everyone. Link, link, link. Put on your flyers. Let everybody know. Full text of Details article.

#357 Thu, 6 May 1999 17:51:32 Re: Hello big people In a message dated 5/6/99 5:47:15 PM, christina at compuscape writes: Is there going to be a trance party under the GW bridge this Saturday? Will know Saturday morn. JEFF, where is the oxygen on your site? Links? web tranceam.org/UPSHIFT/upshift.html Do we dare to go to SF this weekend?? What are you crazy? And miss Tsunami!?!

#358 Fri, 07 May 1999 01:58:38 From: “Milton Durr” miltondurr at x.x Re: Hello big people HMMMM. How is it that I haven’t seen any of this? Have I been THAT unobservant? I was at a hardcore show and a lot of fights spontaneously broke out, but I just thought it was because the DJ was so inspiring (as every DJ should be). I’ve seen plenty of sketchy behaviour at parties but nothing to the degree this article insists. Has anyone else experienced what the writer of the article has? Nocturnals at aol, urastar at interport.net, GEMgodesss at aol, johnnyu at hyperreal [brainmachines] Hello big people Thu, 6 May 1999 15:56:22 New anti-BTS link: web tranceam.org/html/Trances/BTSWatch/btswatch.html Forward to everyone. Link, link, link. Put on your flyers. Let everybody know. Full text of Details article.

#359 Fri, 7 May 1999 00:04:36 This FRIDAY and SATURDAY OK intrepid Neuronauts here are the details for two count’em two sure-fire can’t miss events this weekend… BTW It’s all on web tranceam.org/html/events.html Oh, Terence was fucking brilliant, and funny too Buckle up yer seat belts. Trance Party Blue Room at the group led by John Emmanuel Gartmann that brought Trance to New York at Vinyl on Hudson and Hubert, around the corner from Wetlands. Your Neurotrancemitter email is your name; if you have others with you email me or call by 8pm. Your email will be on file at the door on the Neurotrancemitter list giving you a $20 reduced admission. And Saturday, Soory the fuzz busted Dopamine Detergent – 2 illegal squatters upstairs called the NYPD repeatedly. Fuck criminals!!! That was a victim crime they did. Who threw up on the runway!?! Was anybody peaking when they were run out into the street? Was anybody not? I was amazed at all the columbia, brown, coopers people who showed, and very few NYUers. To thank you for the $10 you blew that night, I would like to invite you to a loft space Saturday, free party, Saturday 10pm – 4am, guaranteed safe and secure, a 5000′ space that rents for $10K/month, 545 West 34th Street Studio 6B between 10th and 11th. Your email is your password, and you can bring one friend. If you want to bring more than one friend they have to register on the Neurotrancemitter list below. To register on the Neurotrancemitter/brainmachines list go to or straight to /subscribe.cgi/brainmachines You’ll get 1-3 emails a day from this list. Try to keep your responses brief and to the point, i.e. where can we score a good party. Expecting 400 people a most. Thrown by myself and John Finch of 33* Degrees clothing design infame. Music will include California breakbeat and what has been described to me by Ben as “Dreamy House.” No walk-in DJs. No trance this time, good for you pEople. Very fashionny art faggy chichi well dressed double cheek kissing crowd. So leave your freaking baggy pants home (sorry). Most of the old familiar Neurotrancemitter trappings and spatial effects will be present. It starts at 10PM. If you plan on staying out past 4am you should make plans as the party will close then. Suggested d: E, but take just ONE zoloft paxil or prozac when you et home to preserve your dendrites. Oh, and while you e-stroy the place be sure to mention that you left your press pass at home.

#360 Fri, 07 May 1999 02:33:22 From: christina at x.x) Re: Hello big people I sure have bought beat ds at NY parties before, maybe it was just my luck. Has anyone ever experienced E taking effect 3 hours after taking it?????? This has happened to me several times. I am always the last one to fell it whenever I dose. This is probaly from a slower metabolic rate. At 01:58 AM 5/7/99 you wrote: From: “Milton Durr” miltondurr at hotmail HMMMM. How is it that I haven’t seen any of this? Have I been THAT unobservant? I was at a hardcore show and a lot of fights spontaneously broke out, but I just thought it was because the DJ was so inspiring (as every DJ should be). I’ve seen plenty of sketchy behaviour at parties but nothing to the degree this article insists. Has anyone else experienced what the writer of the article has? Nocturnals at aol, urastar at interport.net, GEMgodesss at aol, johnnyu at hyperreal [brainmachines] Hello big people Thu, 6 May 1999 15:56:22 New anti-BTS link: web tranceam.org/html/Trances/BTSWatch/btswatch.html Forward to everyone. Link, link, link. Put on your flyers. Let everybody know. Full text of Details article.

#361 Fri, 7 May 1999 02:41:01 Re: Hello big people In a message dated 5/7/99 2:22:07 AM, christina at compuscape writes: I sure have bought beat ds at NY parties before, maybe it was just my luck. Has anyone ever experienced E taking effect 3 hours after taking it?????? This has happened to me several times. I am always the last one to fell it whenever I dose. This is probaly from a slower metabolic rate. my advice – sat nite take it at 7 pm

#362 Fri, 07 May 1999 10:08:20 From: Hubert Kowalczyk d-ram at xx.x Marco Corola – Last night at Blue! Last night at Blue(toronto,canada) – Marco Corola – Italy (zenith, t1000) rocked the crowd at System Sound Bar! Thanks to Marco and Blue Crew, we like to give you the opportunity to listen to Marco’s set from last night. Hope you like it! 3 decks 2 hours need RA G2 player. web technologix.org/ram/djs/corola1.ram cheers, Hubert web technologix.org

#363 Fri, 7 May 1999 11:38:28 From: “George” george at x.x Re: Hello big people I think my metabolic rate is in the standard area, takes me about half an hour to feel the heat. However, once I bought an E on a party, did the usuall chores and half an hour later… nothing happened. It kicked me about three hours later, when I was already in my place dosing off. Have you ever been tripping in your sleep ? From: Christina Mull christina at compuscape brainmachines at onelist Friday, May 07, 1999 2:20 AM Re: [brainmachines] Hello big people From: christina at compuscape (Christina Mull) I sure have bought beat ds at NY parties before, maybe it was just my luck. Has anyone ever experienced E taking effect 3 hours after taking it?????? This has happened to me several times. I am always the last one to fell it whenever I dose. This is probaly from a slower metabolic rate. At 01:58 AM 5/7/99 you wrote: From: “Milton Durr” miltondurr at hotmail HMMMM. How is it that I haven’t seen any of this? Have I been THAT unobservant? I was at a hardcore show and a lot of fights spontaneously broke out, but I just thought it was because the DJ was so inspiring (as every DJ should be). I’ve seen plenty of sketchy behaviour at parties but nothing to the degree this article insists. Has anyone else experienced what the writer of the article has? Nocturnals at aol, urastar at interport.net, GEMgodesss at aol, johnnyu at hyperreal [brainmachines] Hello big people Thu, 6 May 1999 15:56:22 New anti-BTS link: web tranceam.org/html/Trances/BTSWatch/btswatch.html Forward to everyone. Link, link, link. Put on your flyers. Let everybody know. Full text of Details article.

#364 Fri, 7 May 1999 11:32:31 From: Mark deJong dejongm at xx.x Buzz.. DC.. Shut down! Due to and unforseeable and horrible act of yellow journalism by Fox News, Buzz, the home of DC Sting parties and a major hub of the east coast rave scene, has been shut down until further notice. This is just one more hit to the American Rave culture that is driving us back to the underground. I’m sick of all the negative bullshit shed upon our scene. DC kids are taking action.. Protest will be held at FOX in DC at 5151 Wisconsin Ave at 9 oclock. I know most of you are in NY but just in case your interested, I’m forwarding this info to you. You see, this doesn’t just concern DC kids, this concerns everybody involved in the rave culture.. You saw how the Tunnel and Sound Factory got shut down just two weeks ago. Clubs are being shut down all over the country. It’s time to take a stance. Support your fellow ravers either in person or in spirit at Fox in DC. If you can’t attend, call in your support to Spacechild at 301-869-7681. All the support is appreciated!! It’s time for us to unite! To everyone… P*L*U*R*! KiPhat

#365 Fri, 07 May 1999 15:38:08 From: “Milton Durr” miltondurr at x.x Re: Hello big people 3 HOURS LATER???????????? WOW!!!!! What do you do, dose after dinner so you can be sure to be ‘on’ by time you go out?? From: christina at compuscape (Christina Mull) Re: [brainmachines] Hello big people Fri, 07 May 1999 02:33:22 From: christina at compuscape (Christina Mull) I sure have bought beat ds at NY parties before, maybe it was just my luck. Has anyone ever experienced E taking effect 3 hours after taking it?????? This has happened to me several times. I am always the last one to fell it whenever I dose. This is probaly from a slower metabolic rate. At 01:58 AM 5/7/99 you wrote: From: “Milton Durr” miltondurr at hotmail HMMMM. How is it that I haven’t seen any of this? Have I been THAT unobservant? I was at a hardcore show and a lot of fights spontaneously broke out, but I just thought it was because the DJ was so inspiring (as every DJ should be). I’ve seen plenty of sketchy behaviour at parties but nothing to the degree this article insists. Has anyone else experienced what the writer of the article has? Nocturnals at aol, urastar at interport.net, GEMgodesss at aol, johnnyu at hyperreal [brainmachines] Hello big people Thu, 6 May 1999 15:56:22 New anti-BTS link: web tranceam.org/html/Trances/BTSWatch/btswatch.html Forward to everyone. Link, link, link. Put on your flyers. Let everybody know. Full text of Details article.

#366 Fri, 7 May 1999 11:39:42 From: “Fofa” vladimir.mukhin at x.x Re: Buzz.. DC.. Shut down! Wow… and they had to do it on the night that Oakenfold’s there. I didn’t like that joint too much when I visited a couple of months ago. Lots of generic club BS going on. But still, shutting it down right before Oakie’s in town – that’s gonna leave some people very unhappy. What exactly did Fox News say? From: Mark deJong dejongm at buser.net brainmachines at onelist Friday, May 07, 1999 11:33 AM [brainmachines] Buzz.. DC.. Shut down! From: Mark deJong dejongm at buser.net Due to and unforseeable and horrible act of yellow journalism by Fox News, Buzz, the home of DC Sting parties and a major hub of the east coast rave scene, has been shut down until further notice.

#367 Fri, 7 May 1999 11:51:55 From: Mark deJong dejongm at xx.x Re: Buzz.. DC.. Shut down! Fox actually had investigative reporters go into the venue and scope out all the kids the were cracked out and fucked up on E or whatever. They wen’t and interviewed these kids and as stupid as they were, the kids started talking about how good their fucking roll was going. All this will being taped by hidden cameras. The segment was about 10 minutes long and only showed the negative side of the rave scene. (negative as in, negative to the masses. I know not all of you see ds as a negative. Just wanted to get that accross :)) They failed to show that raving also has a sober side. Anyway.. Many people are pissed off, including myself given I was supposed to drive down from Philly to see Oakenfold. I know Buzz isn’t the best venue. It’s changed alot during the past 6 months, not for the better. It’s gotten a bit too mainstream. But it’s still one of the most well know clubs on the east coast. Anyway, that’s the jist of it.. KiPhat On Fri, 7 May 1999, Fofa wrote: From: “Fofa” vladimir.mukhin at yale Wow… and they had to do it on the night that Oakenfold’s there. I didn’t like that joint too much when I visited a couple of months ago. Lots of generic club BS going on. But still, shutting it down right before Oakie’s in town – that’s gonna leave some people very unhappy. What exactly did Fox News say? From: Mark deJong dejongm at buser.net brainmachines at onelist Friday, May 07, 1999 11:33 AM [brainmachines] Buzz.. DC.. Shut down! From: Mark deJong dejongm at buser.net Due to and unforseeable and horrible act of yellow journalism by Fox News, Buzz, the home of DC Sting parties and a major hub of the east coast rave scene, has been shut down until further notice.

#368 Fri, 07 May 1999 16:07:32 From: “Milton Durr” miltondurr at hotmailRe: Buzz.. DC.. Shut down! Unfortunately, this can happen anywhere. I’ve been out and had total strangers start telling me how good their ‘high’ was or that they could set me up with some ‘good stuff’. All I could think was that they were being quite stupid because they didn’t know me from Adam. I guess it might be a bit much to expect people to still have the wherewithall (sp) to not divulge all their business to strangers at a club, no matter how good the stuff is… From: Mark deJong dejongm at buser.net Re: [brainmachines] Buzz.. DC.. Shut down! Fri, 7 May 1999 11:51:55 From: Mark deJong dejongm at buser.net Fox actually had investigative reporters go into the venue and scope out all the kids the were cracked out and fucked up on E or whatever. They wen’t and interviewed these kids and as stupid as they were, the kids started talking about how good their fucking roll was going. All this will being taped by hidden cameras. The segment was about 10 minutes long and only showed the negative side of the rave scene. (negative as in, negative to the masses. I know not all of you see ds as a negative. Just wanted to get that accross :)) They failed to show that raving also has a sober side. Anyway.. Many people are pissed off, including myself given I was supposed to drive down from Philly to see Oakenfold. I know Buzz isn’t the best venue. It’s changed alot during the past 6 months, not for the better. It’s gotten a bit too mainstream. But it’s still one of the most well know clubs on the east coast. Anyway, that’s the jist of it.. KiPhat On Fri, 7 May 1999, Fofa wrote: From: “Fofa” vladimir.mukhin at yale Wow… and they had to do it on the night that Oakenfold’s there. I didn’t like that joint too much when I visited a couple of months ago. Lots of generic club BS going on. But still, shutting it down right before Oakie’s in town – that’s gonna leave some people very unhappy. What exactly did Fox News say? From: Mark deJong dejongm at buser.net brainmachines at onelist Friday, May 07, 1999 11:33 AM [brainmachines] Buzz.. DC.. Shut down! From: Mark deJong dejongm at buser.net Due to and unforseeable and horrible act of yellow journalism by Fox News, Buzz, the home of DC Sting parties and a major hub of the east coast rave scene, has been shut down until further notice.

#369 Fri, 7 May 1999 12:12:10 Re: Buzz.. DC.. Shut down! These are just the first stirrings of the Baby Boomer’s kids, who are getting old enough to party like it’s 1969. Expect more, much more. We Gen Xers are just watching from the sidelines. In a message dated 5/7/99 12:10:19 PM, miltondurr at hotmail writes: Unfortunately, this can happen anywhere. I’ve been out and had total strangers start telling me how good their ‘high’ was or that they could set me up with some ‘good stuff’. All I could think was that they were being quite stupid because they didn’t know me from Adam. I guess it might be a bit much to expect people to still have the wherewithall (sp) to not divulge all their business to strangers at a club, no matter how good the stuff is…

#370 Fri, 7 May 1999 12:18:24 From: Mark deJong dejongm at buser.netRe: Buzz.. DC.. Shut down! I got to admit.. I do my share of mind altering, uplifting ds but come one.. I’ve had people ask me for ds all the time. You have to have some sense of what can be disclosed to the general public. I just can’t understand how stupid people can be.. It’s not like some news reported is gonna tac out in rave gear and descretely interview fucked up raver kids. There had to be some red flags pop up. I’m just blowing steam. I just don’t understand some people. But your right Mil, there are a bunch of fucking morons out there! On Fri, 7 May 1999, Milton Durr wrote: From: “Milton Durr” miltondurr at hotmail Unfortunately, this can happen anywhere. I’ve been out and had total strangers start telling me how good their ‘high’ was or that they could set me up with some ‘good stuff’. All I could think was that they were being quite stupid because they didn’t know me from Adam. I guess it might be a bit much to expect people to still have the wherewithall (sp) to not divulge all their business to strangers at a club, no matter how good the stuff is… From: Mark deJong dejongm at buser.net Re: [brainmachines] Buzz.. DC.. Shut down! Fri, 7 May 1999 11:51:55 From: Mark deJong dejongm at buser.net Fox actually had investigative reporters go into the venue and scope out all the kids the were cracked out and fucked up on E or whatever. They wen’t and interviewed these kids and as stupid as they were, the kids started talking about how good their fucking roll was going. All this will being taped by hidden cameras. The segment was about 10 minutes long and only showed the negative side of the rave scene. (negative as in, negative to the masses. I know not all of you see ds as a negative. Just wanted to get that accross :)) They failed to show that raving also has a sober side. Anyway.. Many people are pissed off, including myself given I was supposed to drive down from Philly to see Oakenfold. I know Buzz isn’t the best venue. It’s changed alot during the past 6 months, not for the better. It’s gotten a bit too mainstream. But it’s still one of the most well know clubs on the east coast. Anyway, that’s the jist of it.. KiPhat On Fri, 7 May 1999, Fofa wrote: From: “Fofa” vladimir.mukhin at yale Wow… and they had to do it on the night that Oakenfold’s there. I didn’t like that joint too much when I visited a couple of months ago. Lots of generic club BS going on. But still, shutting it down right before Oakie’s in town – that’s gonna leave some people very unhappy. What exactly did Fox News say? From: Mark deJong dejongm at buser.net brainmachines at onelist Friday, May 07, 1999 11:33 AM [brainmachines] Buzz.. DC.. Shut down! From: Mark deJong dejongm at buser.net Due to and unforseeable and horrible act of yellow journalism by Fox News, Buzz, the home of DC Sting parties and a major hub of the east coast rave scene, has been shut down until further notice. Give back to your community through “Grow to Give.” See homepage for details.

#371 Fri, 7 May 1999 13:11:01 Time Out New York Time Out New York article on TRANCE TONIGHTall of ya’ll emails are on the Neurotrancemitter list. Btmap Picture attached, text here: Two strains of trance are currently in vogue. One, commonly referred to as Eurotrance (Eurodiscus hypnoticus satinus), is essentially a heterosexual version of HINRG that has found enthusiastic champions in English “Victrologists” like Paul Oakenfold. The male of the species seems fond of shiny shirts in man-made fabrics, while the female often sports satiny bras and body-conscious stretch skirts and dresses. Goa, or psychedelic, trance (Eurodiscus hypnoticus hippie), on the other hand, is Eurotrance’s grungier parent. Born of the hippie beach parties of India and Thailand, this style emphasizes pseudo-Eastern psychedelic motifs and the heavy “acid” sound of the Roland 303 bass synthesizer. Goa trancers are believed to be descended from the Deadhead and trustafarian orders, both of which have, through evolution, developed the ability to survive for months without a shower or haircut. Additionally, much of the population is of Israeli origin, although science has yet to come up with an explanation for this. (From Time Out New York)

#372 Fri, 07 May 1999 10:54:59 From: “Cliff Hall” cliff at hotbotmckenna (and an unexpected shamanic rant) so how many of us attended mckenna’s little talk last night? can we see show of hands? i personally thought he was quite cogent and more on topic than he *usually* is. he has a tendancy to wander all over the board, sometimes only coming back round to the point long after you’ve forgotten that there was a thrust toward any particular point to begin with. not that that’s bad, it’s just his style. btw- milton, christina, i had 3 pair of helen’s phat pants with me in my bag, but unfortunately my psychic abilities were apparently on vacation, and i didn’t manage to pick up your vibes and single you out of the maddening crowd. i’m sure everyone figured out who jeff was, if the flashing brainmachine goggles didn’t give him away, surely his question to terrance about whether he “saw crass commercialization turning d into the ‘Bud Light’ of psychedelics in the future” could’ve been a clue… 😉 jeff, i we know you were an adman once, but i doubt the elves would allow advertising billboards to be erected alongside their hyperspace bypasses. when you’re traveling that fast, you have *no* time for consumerism! oh, and i don’t know if anyone here caught it, as he didn’t elaborate, but mckenna made a great analogy about the mthod with which shamanism has emerged from the jungles. i was describing the way that at the turn of the century we’d gotten very interested in the aborriginal peoples and had gone to their lands and returned with their masks and artwork and *medicine chests* and brought them back here for study. and that although we saw that as us seeking greater understanding of these ‘less-civilised’ cultures, that those things came to us as a sort of ‘trojan horse’. then he moved on. what he was referring to here is how d and other shmanic allies came to our ‘civilization’ wrapped in the trappings of a culture study, but have begun to extend their tendrils into our culture. the ‘archaic revival’ as he referrs to it, the rise of interest in tribalism and shamanism in our culture is quite interesting seeing as how we have ‘civilised’ ourselves and left such ‘primitive’ things behind. but when these things came back from the jungle to be studied, the powerful underlying memes infected our group conciousness and began to take hold. in this way the trojan horse rolled up to the ‘walled city’ of our unsuspecting civilisation and when we brought it inside, these powerful things poured out – silently, stealthly, into our culture and began to take root. shamanism – enlightenment, spirituality, wisdom and guidance aided by the botanical allies of the shaman, is somthing that is transforming our society from the underside. our society is based on such rigid rulesets none of which explain or offer assistance in the most basic of human endeavors: *being*. that is to say, existing in harmony with the universe around us and finding inner peace even though we are buffeted about on a sea of unending turmoil. d (or any chemical ally) does not encode the wisdom of the ages in a molecule. if that were the case, we could isolate some ‘magic compound’, give it to everyone at bith like a ‘chaos innoculation’ and then we’d all grow up to live in harmony. in the jungles, the shaman uses d and other allies to ‘speak to the spirit world,’ allowing him to tap into the wisdom of his ancestors which he uses to guide his tribe. not everyone in the tribe becomes a shaman. the shaman isn’t ‘elected.’ the old shaman seeks and grooms his replacement from the tribe as he grows older. for whatever reason, some are meant to be shaman, and some aren’t. and you *NEVER* know who the shaman are. some people smoke d and never get more from it than a sense of amazement and wonder, some are frightened at the sheer vastness of what they saw and never wish to go back. to some, the only thing they see is incredible ‘brain-candy’ for 5 minutes. but some are profoundly, irrevocably and fundamentally *changed* by the experience. this is what happened to me. the experience – as breathtaking and awe inspiring as it was – was only the tip of the iceberg! in the weeks following, insights that permanantly rearanged my belief system were pouring into my head at a fantastic rate, with such clarity it was astonishing. and i was left with an eternal flame of peace burning inside my chest. and a knowledge that all that i had considered important was, in fact, frivolous. that there are two important things for me to do with my life: 1) to BE, 2)to connect with others and spread this meme. the first part sounds rather overly simple, but then zen monks spend their lives in constant struggle for the attainment of just this. to BE – unfettered by worry or regret, to cast aside expectations and live in what terrance calls the ‘felt presence of immediate existance’ – requires constant attention to one’s motivations, and one’s purpose. truly *being* requires only that you banish the constant internal chatter of mind and thought, allowing you – the observer, to become one with the universe about you – the observed. when this state – satori, is achieved, you have reached the pinnacale of what it is to *be*. it is at this point that you realise that there is a grand orderly design unfolding all around us and we are all a part of it, all connected, the threads of our individual lives weaving together to form the great tapestry of human existance. and when you have glimpsed this Grand Orderly Design (refer to it by acronym if you’d like), the peace that besets you cannot be shaken, cannot ever become doubt, cannot be dislodged or displaced by other memes, for knowledge of it is the most powerful meme that man is capable of playing host to. the second part – connecting with others and spreading this meme, is where shamanism becomes more than a road to personal enlightenment. for as i said, the peace and enlightenment are *not* encoded in a molecule. you cannot expect J. Random Citydeweller to consume a ‘hit’ of d and gain spiritual enlightenment as easy as cracking open a Bud Light and watching the game on ESPN. he needs direction. and he may never need to take the d to see ‘the light’. each person’s path to enlightenment is uniquely his own. but once you have seen the light, it is obvious that you must help others to see it as well. and i don’t mean by cramming any particular ideology down anyone’s throat as is the way with ‘organized’ religion. ‘you must believe this or you’ll burn in hell!’ no, that is not the way. the way is quite simply to face each person you contact in life with the concious thought: ‘this person is both my student and my teacher’ acknowledge the fact that no matter who the person is, they have *somthing* for you. some bit of wisdom intended solely for your consumption. they may not know it, but they are carrying around somthing in their experience which was meant to be passed on to you. and you must be about your business of finding out what that is with *everyone* you meet. when you begin to see people this way, your threshold for triviality lowers considerably. you begin to be very attentive with people, to see who they really are, to ‘break the ice’ with people quickly, so as to get on with the real business of figuring out what your connection with them is meant to be and what wisdom is to be shared. you are not only listening for what it is that they have for *you*, but for clues to what it is that you have for *them*. and when your connection has been forged you begin to pass on to them – in that unique way that each human connection has – to pass on your peace. and in this way, shamanism is merely about individuals finding inner peace and passing it on to others. not via dogma or organised ‘schools of thought,’ but on a personal one to one basis. and to close this *totally unexpected* shamanic rant that just popped out of my head, i’ll share a little zen joke which sort of illustrates my point about shamanism as opposed to organised dogma as a way of bringing one’s fellow man closer to enlightenment. two zen masters were walking along a path in the woods, when one stopped suddenly and bent down to pick up somthing that had caught his eye. the other asked ‘what have you found there, friend?’ to which the first replies ‘why, i think a bit of truth!’ the second smiles broadly and exclaims ‘wonderful! lets go back to town and organise it!’ -Cliff

#375 Fri, 7 May 1999 14:29:16 Still more parties this weekend – say you know In a message dated 5/7/99 2:11:17 PM, GEMMA at t-arch writes: Friday (ddhh…tunite!) 1 – Private party (read: tell this to a few trusted friends, don’t just fwd the info ad infinitum!) on 400 Broome St (across the street from the Ex-Police-CindyCrawford-Centre-St-Bldg) – fl? 2 floors down from 2-weeks-ago-French-Party – Ale, Giuseppe & Orly: u know what i’m talking about….;-) 2 – Jean Claude birthday party at Ohm (new location – should be funky – dwnst open as well!) – call him for GL on 212 330 7639 and mention me to get (possibly) a comp! Saturday: 1- Jeff’s (tuztuztuztuz…) free big loft party in Chelsea – see following text (keep reading…u’ll find the info!) 2 – Elle Magazine party w/ top model Tricia Helfer at Limelight – call Jean Claude (see above) for GL

#376 Fri, 07 May 1999 19:00:51 From: “Milton Durr” miltondurr at hotmailAn unexpected shamanic rant WELL!!! Sorry I missed you, sorry I missed the talk. I wanted to go, but I was too exhausted to even go to class last night. I’m going to the Blue Room thing tonight, though i’m still much too beat. Maybe someone will be kind to me when I get there and offer me somthing to raise my spirits…. You ARE going to the Hafler Trio aren’t you? Hey Jeff, why don’t you take your brainmachines to the Hafler Trio show? I’m sure the crowd would be receptive. (Plus, I’m curious to try them out.) Sounds like you were quite inspired, Cliff. Can we expect more of this from you? And yes, ” you *NEVER* know who the shaman are”… From: “Cliff Hall” cliff at hotbot [brainmachines] mckenna (and an unexpected shamanic rant) Fri, 07 May 1999 10:54:59 From: “Cliff Hall” cliff at hotbot so how many of us attended mckenna’s little talk last night? can we see show of hands? i personally thought he was quite cogent and more on topic than he *usually* is. he has a tendancy to wander all over the board, sometimes only coming back round to the point long after you’ve forgotten that there was a thrust toward any particular point to begin with. not that that’s bad, it’s just his style. btw- milton, christina, i had 3 pair of helen’s phat pants with me in my bag, but unfortunately my psychic abilities were apparently on vacation, and i didn’t manage to pick up your vibes and single you out of the maddening crowd. i’m sure everyone figured out who jeff was, if the flashing brainmachine goggles didn’t give him away, surely his question to terrance about whether he “saw crass commercialization turning d into the ‘Bud Light’ of psychedelics in the future” could’ve been a clue… 😉 jeff, i we know you were an adman once, but i doubt the elves would allow advertising billboards to be erected alongside their hyperspace bypasses. when you’re traveling that fast, you have *no* time for consumerism! oh, and i don’t know if anyone here caught it, as he didn’t elaborate, but mckenna made a great analogy about the mthod with which shamanism has emerged from the jungles. i was describing the way that at the turn of the century we’d gotten very interested in the aborriginal peoples and had gone to their lands and returned with their masks and artwork and *medicine chests* and brought them back here for study. and that although we saw that as us seeking greater understanding of these ‘less-civilised’ cultures, that those things came to us as a sort of ‘trojan horse’. then he moved on. what he was referring to here is how d and other shmanic allies came to our ‘civilization’ wrapped in the trappings of a culture study, but have begun to extend their tendrils into our culture. the ‘archaic revival’ as he referrs to it, the rise of interest in tribalism and shamanism in our culture is quite interesting seeing as how we have ‘civilised’ ourselves and left such ‘primitive’ things behind. but when these things came back from the jungle to be studied, the powerful underlying memes infected our group conciousness and began to take hold. in this way the trojan horse rolled up to the ‘walled city’ of our unsuspecting civilisation and when we brought it inside, these powerful things poured out – silently, stealthly, into our culture and began to take root. shamanism – enlightenment, spirituality, wisdom and guidance aided by the botanical allies of the shaman, is somthing that is transforming our society from the underside. our society is based on such rigid rulesets none of which explain or offer assistance in the most basic of human endeavors: *being*. that is to say, existing in harmony with the universe around us and finding inner peace even though we are buffeted about on a sea of unending turmoil. d (or any chemical ally) does not encode the wisdom of the ages in a molecule. if that were the case, we could isolate some ‘magic compound’, give it to everyone at bith like a ‘chaos innoculation’ and then we’d all grow up to live in harmony. in the jungles, the shaman uses d and other allies to ‘speak to the spirit world,’ allowing him to tap into the wisdom of his ancestors which he uses to guide his tribe. not everyone in the tribe becomes a shaman. the shaman isn’t ‘elected.’ the old shaman seeks and grooms his replacement from the tribe as he grows older. for whatever reason, some are meant to be shaman, and some aren’t. and you *NEVER* know who the shaman are. some people smoke d and never get more from it than a sense of amazement and wonder, some are frightened at the sheer vastness of what they saw and never wish to go back. to some, the only thing they see is incredible ‘brain-candy’ for 5 minutes. but some are profoundly, irrevocably and fundamentally *changed* by the experience. this is what happened to me. the experience – as breathtaking and awe inspiring as it was – was only the tip of the iceberg! in the weeks following, insights that permanantly rearanged my belief system were pouring into my head at a fantastic rate, with such clarity it was astonishing. and i was left with an eternal flame of peace burning inside my chest. and a knowledge that all that i had considered important was, in fact, frivolous. that there are two important things for me to do with my life: 1) to BE, 2)to connect with others and spread this meme. the first part sounds rather overly simple, but then zen monks spend their lives in constant struggle for the attainment of just this. to BE – unfettered by worry or regret, to cast aside expectations and live in what terrance calls the ‘felt presence of immediate existance’ – requires constant attention to one’s motivations, and one’s purpose. truly *being* requires only that you banish the constant internal chatter of mind and thought, allowing you – the observer, to become one with the universe about you – the observed. when this state – satori, is achieved, you have reached the pinnacale of what it is to *be*. it is at this point that you realise that there is a grand orderly design unfolding all around us and we are all a part of it, all connected, the threads of our individual lives weaving together to form the great tapestry of human existance. and when you have glimpsed this Grand Orderly Design (refer to it by acronym if you’d like), the peace that besets you cannot be shaken, cannot ever become doubt, cannot be dislodged or displaced by other memes, for knowledge of it is the most powerful meme that man is capable of playing host to. the second part – connecting with others and spreading this meme, is where shamanism becomes more than a road to personal enlightenment. for as i said, the peace and enlightenment are *not* encoded in a molecule. you cannot expect J. Random Citydeweller to consume a ‘hit’ of d and gain spiritual enlightenment as easy as cracking open a Bud Light and watching the game on ESPN. he needs direction. and he may never need to take the d to see ‘the light’. each person’s path to enlightenment is uniquely his own. but once you have seen the light, it is obvious that you must help others to see it as well. and i don’t mean by cramming any particular ideology down anyone’s throat as is the way with ‘organized’ religion. ‘you must believe this or you’ll burn in hell!’ no, that is not the way. the way is quite simply to face each person you contact in life with the concious thought: ‘this person is both my student and my teacher’ acknowledge the fact that no matter who the person is, they have *somthing* for you. some bit of wisdom intended solely for your consumption. they may not know it, but they are carrying around somthing in their experience which was meant to be passed on to you. and you must be about your business of finding out what that is with *everyone* you meet. when you begin to see people this way, your threshold for triviality lowers considerably. you begin to be very attentive with people, to see who they really are, to ‘break the ice’ with people quickly, so as to get on with the real business of figuring out what your connection with them is meant to be and what wisdom is to be shared. you are not only listening for what it is that they have for *you*, but for clues to what it is that you have for *them*. and when your connection has been forged you begin to pass on to them – in that unique way that each human connection has – to pass on your peace. and in this way, shamanism is merely about individuals finding inner peace and passing it on to others. not via dogma or organised ‘schools of thought,’ but on a personal one to one basis. and to close this *totally unexpected* shamanic rant that just popped out of my head, i’ll share a little zen joke which sort of illustrates my point about shamanism as opposed to organised dogma as a way of bringing one’s fellow man closer to enlightenment. two zen masters were walking along a path in the woods, when one stopped suddenly and bent down to pick up somthing that had caught his eye. the other asked ‘what have you found there, friend?’ to which the first replies ‘why, i think a bit of truth!’ the second smiles broadly and exclaims ‘wonderful! lets go back to town and organise it!’ -Cliff

#377 Fri, 7 May 1999 15:39:28 Re: An unexpected shamanic rant In a message dated 5/7/99 3:00:44 PM, miltondurr at hotmail writes: you *NEVER* know who the shaman are”… yeah we do, they “can move move move any mountain”

#378 Fri, 07 May 1999 16:11:09 From: christina at compuscape (Christina Mull) Re: Buzz.. DC.. Shut down! I am from D.C. and I started parting at BUZZ in 96. It was much different then. If you think it has changed in the last 6 months you have to have been there a few years ago. I have to say it became more mainstream in mid 97 when the bear drinking Zei club people found out that they could pick up “X” (AS THEY CALLED IT) there. The scene went bad then since, as you know, those two crowds do not mix well. Beer drinking red-necks making fun and staring at the ravers. From then on it was all downhill. Re: the new generation of ravers, I have to say I realy experienced that at a party I went to recently in NJ called Countddown by Symty Prod. The kids were 14 years old. I do not know if it was because of the age factor, but there was no vibe at all. No dancing just lying around on the floor making out. At 12:12 PM 5/7/99, you wrote: These are just the first stirrings of the Baby Boomer’s kids, who are getting old enough to party like it’s 1969. Expect more, much more. We Gen Xers are just watching from the sidelines. In a message dated 5/7/99 12:10:19 PM, miltondurr at hotmail writes:Unfortunately, this can happen anywhere. I’ve been out and had total strangers start telling me how good their ‘high’ was or that they could set me up with some ‘good stuff’. All I could think was that they were being quite stupid because they didn’t know me from Adam. I guess it might be a bit much to expect people to still have the wherewithall (sp) to not divulge all their business to strangers at a club, no matter how good the stuff is…

#379 Fri, 7 May 1999 16:01:49 Re: Buzz.. DC.. Shut down! In a message dated 5/7/99 3:59:55 PM, christina at compuscape writes: The kids were 14 years old. I do not know if it was because of the age factor, but there was no vibe at all. No dancing just lying around on the floor making out. sounds like an ideal NAMBLA convention

#380 Fri, 07 May 1999 16:17:48 From: christina at compuscape (Christina Mull) Re: An unexpected shamanic rant Jeff, I know I capitalized the S last time but quit teasing me! Chrissy At 03:39 PM 5/7/99, you wrote: In a message dated 5/7/99 3:00:44 PM, miltondurr at hotmail writes:you *NEVER* know who the shaman are”… yeah we do, they “can move move move any mountain”

#381 Fri, 07 May 1999 16:21:00 From: christina at compuscape (Christina Mull) Re: Buzz.. DC.. Shut down! NAMBLA? educate me At 04:01 PM 5/7/99, you wrote: In a message dated 5/7/99 3:59:55 PM, christina at compuscape writes:The kids were 14 years old. I do not know if it was because of the age factor, but there was no vibe at all. No dancing just lying around on the floor making out. sounds like an ideal NAMBLA convention

#382 Fri, 07 May 1999 20:09:58 From: “Milton Durr” miltondurr at hotmailRe: An unexpected shamanic rant LLLLLLLLLLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Re: [brainmachines] An unexpected shamanic rant Fri, 7 May 1999 15:39:28 In a message dated 5/7/99 3:00:44 PM, miltondurr at hotmail writes:you *NEVER* know who the shaman are”… yeah we do, they “can move move move any mountain”

#383 Fri, 07 May 1999 20:19:39 From: “Milton Durr” miltondurr at hotmailRe: Buzz.. DC.. Shut down! now now… Re: [brainmachines] Buzz.. DC.. Shut down! Fri, 7 May 1999 16:01:49 In a message dated 5/7/99 3:59:55 PM, christina at compuscape writes:The kids were 14 years old. I do not know if it was because of the age factor, but there was no vibe at all. No dancing just lying around on the floor making out. sounds like an ideal NAMBLA convention


#385 Fri, 07 May 1999 20:22:42 From: “Milton Durr” miltondurr at hotmailRe: Buzz.. DC.. Shut down! North American Man Boy Love Association NAMBLA They have a ‘zine out too! From: christina at compuscape (Christina Mull) Re: [brainmachines] Buzz.. DC.. Shut down! Fri, 07 May 1999 16:21:00 From: christina at compuscape (Christina Mull) NAMBLA? educate me At 04:01 PM 5/7/99, you wrote: In a message dated 5/7/99 3:59:55 PM, christina at compuscape writes:The kids were 14 years old. I do not know if it was because of the age factor, but there was no vibe at all. No dancing just lying around on the floor making out. sounds like an ideal NAMBLA convention

#386 Fri, 07 May 1999 20:16:00 From: “Milton Durr” miltondurr at hotmailRe: An unexpected shamanic rant Oh, really? From: LaBeLdEva at aol Re: [brainmachines] An unexpected shamanic rant Fri, 7 May 1999 16:13:03 From: LaBeLdEva at aol OK I REALLLY DONT WANA SOUND LIKE A PERSON WITH AN ATTITUDE BUT COULD PEOPLE PLEASE SEND THESE ONE LINER COMMENTS ANOTHER WAY,I SUSBSCRIBE TO THIS LIST FOR THE USEFUL INFO AND I DONT MIND THE COMMMENTARY AT ALL JUST I HATE HAVN A MAILBOX FULL OF ONE WORD REPLIES…. THANKZ LEYA Give back to your community through “Grow to Give.” See homepage for details.


#388 Fri, 7 May 1999 16:17:24 From: LaBeLdEva at xxx.xxx Re: An unexpected shamanic rant im sorry i never pay attention to the fact that my caps are on, but back to my original question ..is it possible that this list be used as it should ( for informational and commentary purposes) and not as a MASS IM???? peace leya

#389 Fri, 07 May 1999 13:28:07 From: “Cliff Hall” cliff at xxx.x Re: An unexpected shamanic rant i’m going to the Blue Room thing tonight, though i’m still much too beat. should be good. tsunami trance parties are almost always events that trancesend the norm. i’ll certainly be there. look for me. i’ll be wearing a pair of fuzzy phat pants that helen made me, black with white dots, with pockets and insets of white with black dots. and a black einsturzende neubauten (sp) t-shirt. also, you’ll be able to pick me out of the crowd at the moment as i currently look like a chernobyl radiation victim. well, not that bad, but it sure feels like it. bad sunburn that came back from vacation with me. You ARE going to the Hafler Trio aren’t you? i may. i really want to, but this weekend i’ve got a lot of recording and editing to do and i’ll prolly end up blowing out all the stops tonight. we’ll certainly see. Sounds like you were quite inspired, Cliff. that would be an understatement 😉 my experience with d was much like what is referred to in the priesthood as ‘getting the calling’. only i don’t want to ‘convert’ people to any particular belief. i only want to nudge them in the general direction of the trailhead to their own path to enlightenment. Can we expect more of this from you? the brainmachine list’s techno-shaman in residence? hhmmm… the wise word of the day: ‘Don’t squeeze the shaman!’ 😉 And yes, ” you *NEVER* know who the shaman are”… you fished out of that rant a very important point. when approaching people, the ‘teacher and student’ philosophy of interaction can only work when you drop any predispositions you may have about them, *or* yourself. you may think ‘this 18 year old kid’ couldn’t possibly have anything wise or even interesting to tell me.’ and you may think ‘ah, but i am older and surely i can teach him a thing or two.’ and that leads to your not listening closely enough to them to hear *either* what they need from you *or* what they have to offer you. even when you find your own enlightenment and are eager to give some of it to others, you must still humble yourself to accept wisdom from those who do not even realise that they have it to offer. and only when offered humbly will your wisdom proferred be accepted rather than rejected as dogma being forecefed from some self acclaimed authority. the only thing that makes the shaman any different from John Q Public is that he is aware of the greater interconnectedness of all things, and of his duty to spread peace and truth to those whose lives he touches in whatever way is most approproate and understandable to each. -Cliff

#390 Fri, 07 May 1999 16:48:20 From: christina at x.x) Re: An unexpected shamanic rant This list is to communicate. IF I do not understand somthing I will ask. We may not all agree what is important or noteworthy but can I ask you be tolerant of my ignorance? At 04:13 PM 5/7/99, you wrote: From: LaBeLdEva at aol OK I REALLLY DONT WANA SOUND LIKE A PERSON WITH AN ATTITUDE BUT COULD PEOPLE PLEASE SEND THESE ONE LINER COMMENTS ANOTHER WAY,I SUSBSCRIBE TO THIS LIST FOR THE USEFUL INFO AND I DONT MIND THE COMMMENTARY AT ALL JUST I HATE HAVN A MAILBOX FULL OF ONE WORD REPLIES…. THANKZ LEYA Give back to your community through “Grow to Give.” See homepage for details.

#391 Fri, 07 May 1999 16:50:48 From: christina at x.x) Re: Buzz.. DC.. Shut down! NAMBLA seemed to be at BUZZ quite often. A lot of older men there to pick up young boys… if that is what you mean. At 08:22 PM 5/7/99 you wrote: From: “Milton Durr” miltondurr at hotmail North American Man Boy Love Association NAMBLA They have a ‘zine out too! From: christina at compuscape (Christina Mull) Re: [brainmachines] Buzz.. DC.. Shut down! Fri, 07 May 1999 16:21:00 From: christina at compuscape (Christina Mull) NAMBLA? educate me At 04:01 PM 5/7/99, you wrote: In a message dated 5/7/99 3:59:55 PM, christina at compuscape writes: The kids were 14 years old. I do not know if it was because of the age factor, but there was no vibe at all. No dancing just lying around on the floor making out. sounds like an ideal NAMBLA convention

#392 Fri, 07 May 1999 20:42:45 From: “Milton Durr” miltondurr at x.x Re: Buzz.. DC.. Shut down! That, and, from the tone of their ‘zine, young boys looking to pick up older men. From: christina at compuscape (Christina Mull) Re: [brainmachines] Buzz.. DC.. Shut down! Fri, 07 May 1999 16:50:48 From: christina at compuscape (Christina Mull) NAMBLA seemed to be at BUZZ quite often. A lot of older men there to pick up young boys… if that is what you mean. At 08:22 PM 5/7/99 you wrote: From: “Milton Durr” miltondurr at hotmail North American Man Boy Love Association NAMBLA They have a ‘zine out too! From: christina at compuscape (Christina Mull) Re: [brainmachines] Buzz.. DC.. Shut down! Fri, 07 May 1999 16:21:00 From: christina at compuscape (Christina Mull) NAMBLA? educate me At 04:01 PM 5/7/99, you wrote: In a message dated 5/7/99 3:59:55 PM, christina at compuscape writes:The kids were 14 years old. I do not know if it was because of the age factor, but there was no vibe at all. No dancing just lying around on the floor making out. sounds like an ideal NAMBLA convention

#393 Fri, 07 May 1999 17:21:27 From: “thew” thew at xx.x Re: An unexpected shamanic rant once again my favorite sort of email wasting bandwidth complaining about wasting bandwith its all godel escher bach an shit Neuronautic Institute: home.earthlink.net/thew the meek shall inherit the earth – the rest of us are going to space From: LaBeLdEva at aol Re: [brainmachines] An unexpected shamanic rant Fri, May 7, 1999, 4:13 PM From: LaBeLdEva at aol OK I REALLLY DONT WANA SOUND LIKE A PERSON WITH AN ATTITUDE BUT COULD PEOPLE PLEASE SEND THESE ONE LINER COMMENTS ANOTHER WAY,I SUSBSCRIBE TO THIS LIST FOR THE USEFUL INFO AND I DONT MIND THE COMMMENTARY AT ALL JUST I HATE HAVN A MAILBOX FULL OF ONE WORD REPLIES…. THANKZ LEYA Give back to your community through “Grow to Give.” See homepage for details.

#394 Fri, 07 May 1999 14:31:58 From: “Cliff Hall” cliff at xxx.x Re: An unexpected shamanic rant once again my favorite sort of email wasting bandwidth complaining about wasting bandwith its all godel escher bach an shit bahahaha! yes, that was rather self-referential / self-defeating. BTW, good to see another GEB fan. that was a dense but rewarding read! highly recommended. as is anything douglas hofstadter has put out before or since. -cliff

#395 Fri, 07 May 1999 17:39:37 From: “Mike” MS at x.x Re: An unexpected shamanic rant Maybe the list should be divided into two. One for people who are interested about what is going on in town and want to add information they may have about parties and events. And another for rest of you who want to discuss illicit d use, which by the way, I have no interest in…. say, dgedout at onelist. I am sure I am not the only one who receives this list at work and does not appreciate the open air d talk, nor do I partake in the use.. I just want to know whats going on in the big town. I would only desubscribe because of the above talk. Remember your employer has the right to review all your email. It is their property. Go ahead and comment (i.e Milt Durr). “Cliff Hall” cliff at hotbot05/07/99 05:31PM From: “Cliff Hall” cliff at hotbot once again my favorite sort of email wasting bandwidth complaining about wasting bandwith its all godel escher bach an shit bahahaha! yes, that was rather self-referential / self-defeating. BTW, good to see another GEB fan. that was a dense but rewarding read! highly recommended. as is anything douglas hofstadter has put out before or since. -cliff

#396 Fri, 07 May 1999 17:48:58 From: “Mike” MS at x.x Re: An unexpected shamanic rant ALSO, the previous message was not in any way an insult to Jeff, who is truly one an original in nyc and is a lot of fun, not to mention a great guy! “Mike” MS at fkmf05/07/99 05:39PM From: “Mike” MS at fkmf Maybe the list should be divided into two. One for people who are interested about what is going on in town and want to add information they may have about parties and events. And another for rest of you who want to discuss illicit d use, which by the way, I have no interest in…. say, dgedout at onelist. I am sure I am not the only one who receives this list at work and does not appreciate the open air d talk, nor do I partake in the use.. I just want to know whats going on in the big town. I would only desubscribe because of the above talk. Remember your employer has the right to review all your email. It is their property. Go ahead and comment (i.e Milt Durr). “Cliff Hall” cliff at hotbot05/07/99 05:31PM From: “Cliff Hall” cliff at hotbot once again my favorite sort of email wasting bandwidth complaining about wasting bandwith its all godel escher bach an shit bahahaha! yes, that was rather self-referential / self-defeating. BTW, good to see another GEB fan. that was a dense but rewarding read! highly recommended. as is anything douglas hofstadter has put out before or since. -cliff

#397 Fri, 7 May 1999 18:12:24 Re: An unexpected shamanic rant Good point. OK, guys, no more d talk. In a message dated 5/7/99 5:48:44 PM, MS at fkmf writes: I am sure I am not the only one who receives this list at work and does not appreciate the open air d talk, nor do I partake in the use.. I just want to know whats going on in the big town. I would only desubscribe because of the above talk. Remember your employer has the right to review all your email. It is their property.

#398 Fri, 7 May 1999 18:43:56 SUBVERT THE FUTURE Sunday

#399 Fri, 07 May 1999 19:01:39 From: “thew” thew at xx.x Re: An unexpected shamanic rant sigh another list starts the slow drying out to death process Neuronautic Institute: home.earthlink.net/thew the meek shall inherit the earth – the rest of us are going to space Re: [brainmachines] An unexpected shamanic rant Fri, May 7, 1999, 6:12 PM Good point. OK, guys, no more d talk. In a message dated 5/7/99 5:48:44 PM, MS at fkmf writes:I am sure I am not the only one who receives this list at work and does not appreciate the open air d talk, nor do I partake in the use.. I just want to know whats going on in the big town. I would only desubscribe because of the above talk. Remember your employer has the right to review all your email. It is their property.

#400 Fri, 7 May 1999 18:11:06 From: “Christine” mccarrot at x.x Re: c, k, mth? It’s ok for you to ask what C and K are but it’s not ok for someone else to ask you what A is? Now who has the attitude?? From: Ash Wadhwani ash at bway.net brainmachines at onelist Monday, May 03, 1999 10:02 PM [brainmachines] Re: c, k, mth? From: Ash Wadhwani ash at bway.net A????? Someone help !!!!!!! My age? What is the real question?

#401 Fri, 07 May 1999 20:29:25 From: christina at x.x) Re: Buzz.. DC.. Shut down! Hey Milt, do you have a subscription??!!!! At 08:42 PM 5/7/99 you wrote: From: “Milton Durr” miltondurr at hotmail That, and, from the tone of their ‘zine, young boys looking to pick up older men. From: christina at compuscape (Christina Mull) Re: [brainmachines] Buzz.. DC.. Shut down! Fri, 07 May 1999 16:50:48 From: christina at compuscape (Christina Mull) NAMBLA seemed to be at BUZZ quite often. A lot of older men there to pick up young boys… if that is what you mean. At 08:22 PM 5/7/99 you wrote: From: “Milton Durr” miltondurr at hotmail North American Man Boy Love Association NAMBLA They have a ‘zine out too! From: christina at compuscape (Christina Mull) Re: [brainmachines] Buzz.. DC.. Shut down! Fri, 07 May 1999 16:21:00 From: christina at compuscape (Christina Mull) NAMBLA? educate me At 04:01 PM 5/7/99, you wrote: In a message dated 5/7/99 3:59:55 PM, christina at compuscape writes: The kids were 14 years old. I do not know if it was because of the age factor, but there was no vibe at all. No dancing just lying around on the floor making out. sounds like an ideal NAMBLA convention

#402 Fri, 07 May 1999 20:38:20 From: christina at x.x) Re: An unexpected shamanic rant Mike, If you choose to view your email at work then that is your problem. I am sure you a an idea of what the conversation would consist of when you looked at Jeff’s website. I would recommend subscribing to Twilo’s mail list and checking other NY club websites for event info. At 05:39 PM 5/7/99 you wrote: From: “Mike” MS at fkmf Maybe the list should be divided into two. One for people who are interested about what is going on in town and want to add information they may have about parties and events. And another for rest of you who want to discuss illicit d use, which by the way, I have no interest in…. say, dgedout at onelist. I am sure I am not the only one who receives this list at work and does not appreciate the open air d talk, nor do I partake in the use.. I just want to know whats going on in the big town. I would only desubscribe because of the above talk. Remember your employer has the right to review all your email. It is their property. Go ahead and comment (i.e Milt Durr). From: “Cliff Hall” cliff at hotbot once again my favorite sort of email wasting bandwidth complaining about wasting bandwith its all godel escher bach an shit bahahaha! yes, that was rather self-referential / self-defeating. BTW, good to see another GEB fan. that was a dense but rewarding read! highly recommended. as is anything douglas hofstadter has put out before or since. -cliff

#403 Fri, 07 May 1999 17:34:44 From: “Cliff Hall” cliff at xxx.x Re: An unexpected shamanic rant i’m afraid i must agree with christina. censoring a list or dividing just because one subscriber hasn’t the common sense to get a hotmail account instead of having the traffic sent to his employer’s email system seems a bit silly, IMHO. -Cliff If you choose to view your email at work then that is your problem. From: “Mike” MS at fkmf Maybe the list should be divided into two. One for people who are interested about what is going on in town and want to add information they may have about parties and events. And another for rest of you who want to discuss illicit d use, which by the way, I have no interest in…. say, dgedout at onelist. I am sure I am not the only one who receives this list at work and does not appreciate the open air d talk, nor do I partake in the use.. I just want to know whats going on in the big town. I would only desubscribe because of the above talk. Remember your employer has the right to review all your email. It is their property. Go ahead and comment (i.e Milt Durr). From: “Cliff Hall” cliff at hotbot once again my favorite sort of email wasting bandwidth complaining about wasting bandwith its all godel escher bach an shit bahahaha! yes, that was rather self-referential / self-defeating. BTW, good to see another GEB fan. that was a dense but rewarding read! highly recommended. as is anything douglas hofstadter has put out before or since. -cliff

#404 Sat, 08 May 1999 00:38:51 From: “Milton Durr” miltondurr at x.x Re: Buzz.. DC.. Shut down! LLLLLLOOOOOOOOOOOLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL!!!!!!!!!!!! No, I saw it in See Hear. I was curious so I read through it. I wanted to buy in but I was short on coins after getting what I went in there for. (No, it wasn’t NAMBLA-related) I’ll make sure to pick up a copy for you next time I’m in there… From: christina at compuscape (Christina Mull) Re: [brainmachines] Buzz.. DC.. Shut down! Fri, 07 May 1999 20:29:25 From: christina at compuscape (Christina Mull) Hey Milt, do you have a subscription??!!!! At 08:42 PM 5/7/99 you wrote: From: “Milton Durr” miltondurr at hotmail That, and, from the tone of their ‘zine, young boys looking to pick up older men. From: christina at compuscape (Christina Mull) Re: [brainmachines] Buzz.. DC.. Shut down! Fri, 07 May 1999 16:50:48 From: christina at compuscape (Christina Mull) NAMBLA seemed to be at BUZZ quite often. A lot of older men there to pick up young boys… if that is what you mean. At 08:22 PM 5/7/99 you wrote: From: “Milton Durr” miltondurr at hotmail North American Man Boy Love Association NAMBLA They have a ‘zine out too! From: christina at compuscape (Christina Mull) Re: [brainmachines] Buzz.. DC.. Shut down! Fri, 07 May 1999 16:21:00 From: christina at compuscape (Christina Mull) NAMBLA? educate me At 04:01 PM 5/7/99, you wrote: In a message dated 5/7/99 3:59:55 PM, christina at compuscape writes: The kids were 14 years old. I do not know if it was because of the age factor, but there was no vibe at all. No dancing just lying around on the floor making out. sounds like an ideal NAMBLA convention

#405 Sat, 08 May 1999 00:36:41 From: “Milton Durr” miltondurr at x.x Re: An unexpected shamanic rant Christina, ever the voice of reason From: christina at compuscape (Christina Mull) Re: [brainmachines] An unexpected shamanic rant Fri, 07 May 1999 20:38:20 From: christina at compuscape (Christina Mull) Mike, If you choose to view your email at work then that is your problem. I am sure you a an idea of what the conversation would consist of when you looked at Jeff’s website. I would recommend subscribing to Twilo’s mail list and checking other NY club websites for event info. At 05:39 PM 5/7/99 you wrote: From: “Mike” MS at fkmf Maybe the list should be divided into two. One for people who are interested about what is going on in town and want to add information they may have about parties and events. And another for rest of you who want to discuss illicit d use, which by the way, I have no interest in…. say, dgedout at onelist. I am sure I am not the only one who receives this list at work and does not appreciate the open air d talk, nor do I partake in the use.. I just want to know whats going on in the big town. I would only desubscribe because of the above talk. Remember your employer has the right to review all your email. It is their property. Go ahead and comment (i.e Milt Durr). From: “Cliff Hall” cliff at hotbot once again my favorite sort of email wasting bandwidth complaining about wasting bandwith its all godel escher bach an shit bahahaha! yes, that was rather self-referential / self-defeating. BTW, good to see another GEB fan. that was a dense but rewarding read! highly recommended. as is anything douglas hofstadter has put out before or since. -cliff

#406 Sat, 08 May 1999 00:42:10 From: “Milton Durr” miltondurr at x.x Re: An unexpected shamanic rant I see someone has issues! You want to name ME specifically in your complaining?!!! I could go off on you,McThing, but I wont. First of all, why did you use your WORK e-mail for such obviously PERSONAL contacts? Common sense should have told you to do otherwise. Second of all, there have been a number of topics raised in this forum. The d-related ones seem to generate the bigger response. Where has YOUR voice been? The only time I hear from YOU is when you decided to take time out of your busy day at work to slag me for taking time out of MY day to make my point on somthing as clear as possible. Couldnt be bothered to address the CONTENT of what I said… Now, once again, you gripe about how nobody talks about ‘anything else’: The spirit, I, that endlessly denies Girl, dont step to me… From: “Mike” MS at fkmf To: cliff at hotbot, brainmachines at onelist Re: [brainmachines] An unexpected shamanic rant Fri, 07 May 1999 17:39:37 From: “Mike” MS at fkmf Maybe the list should be divided into two. One for people who are interested about what is going on in town and want to add information they may have about parties and events. And another for rest of you who want to discuss illicit d use, which by the way, I have no interest in…. say, dgedout at onelist. I am sure I am not the only one who receives this list at work and does not appreciate the open air d talk, nor do I partake in the use.. I just want to know whats going on in the big town. I would only desubscribe because of the above talk. Remember your employer has the right to review all your email. It is their property. Go ahead and comment (i.e Milt Durr). “Cliff Hall” cliff at hotbot05/07/99 05:31PM From: “Cliff Hall” cliff at hotbot once again my favorite sort of email wasting bandwidth complaining about wasting bandwith its all godel escher bach an shit bahahaha! yes, that was rather self-referential / self-defeating. BTW, good to see another GEB fan. that was a dense but rewarding read! highly recommended. as is anything douglas hofstadter has put out before or since. -cliff

#407 Fri, 07 May 1999 21:09:33 From: christina at x.x) Re: An unexpected shamanic rant Mcthing??? Is that like MCDLT???? LOL The only one that has issues is you but, I don’t think it is the onelist. I see someone has issues! You want to name ME specifically in your complaining?!!! I could go off on you,McThing, but I wont. First of all, why did you use your WORK e-mail for such obviously PERSONAL contacts? Common sense should have told you to do otherwise. Second of all, there have been a number of topics raised in this forum. The d-related ones seem to generate the bigger response. Where has YOUR voice been? The only time I hear from YOU is when you decided to take time out of your busy day at work to slag me for taking time out of MY day to make my point on somthing as clear as possible. Couldnt be bothered to address the CONTENT of what I said… Now, once again, you gripe about how nobody talks about ‘anything else’: The spirit, I, that endlessly denies Girl, dont step to me… From: “Mike” MS at fkmf To: cliff at hotbot, brainmachines at onelist Re: [brainmachines] An unexpected shamanic rant Fri, 07 May 1999 17:39:37 From: “Mike” MS at fkmf Maybe the list should be divided into two. One for people who are interested about what is going on in town and want to add information they may have about parties and events. And another for rest of you who want to discuss illicit d use, which by the way, I have no interest in…. say, dgedout at onelist. I am sure I am not the only one who receives this list at work and does not appreciate the open air d talk, nor do I partake in the use.. I just want to know whats going on in the big town. I would only desubscribe because of the above talk. Remember your employer has the right to review all your email. It is their property. Go ahead and comment (i.e Milt Durr). “Cliff Hall” cliff at hotbot05/07/99 05:31PM From: “Cliff Hall” cliff at hotbot once again my favorite sort of email wasting bandwidth complaining about wasting bandwith its all godel escher bach an shit bahahaha! yes, that was rather self-referential / self-defeating. BTW, good to see another GEB fan. that was a dense but rewarding read! highly recommended. as is anything douglas hofstadter has put out before or since. -cliff

#408 Sat, 08 May 1999 01:24:38 From: “Milton Durr” miltondurr at x.x Silence is GOLDEN! “The only one that has issues is you but, I don’t think it is the onelist.” OK, I’ll just keep my little mouth closed. I just won’t say another word. Um-hm, not another word. No siree Bob, not a peep. Not even the littlest pep. Not even a sigh or a mutter. From: christina at compuscape (Christina Mull) Re: [brainmachines] An unexpected shamanic rant Fri, 07 May 1999 21:09:33 From: christina at compuscape (Christina Mull) Mcthing??? Is that like MCDLT???? LOL The only one that has issues is you but, I don’t think it is the onelist. I see someone has issues! You want to name ME specifically in your complaining?!!! I could go off on you,McThing, but I wont. First of all, why did you use your WORK e-mail for such obviously PERSONAL contacts? Common sense should have told you to do otherwise. Second of all, there have been a number of topics raised in this forum. The d-related ones seem to generate the bigger response. Where has YOUR voice been? The only time I hear from YOU is when you decided to take time out of your busy day at work to slag me for taking time out of MY day to make my point on somthing as clear as possible. Couldnt be bothered to address the CONTENT of what I said… Now, once again, you gripe about how nobody talks about ‘anything else’: The spirit, I, that endlessly denies Girl, dont step to me… From: “Mike” MS at fkmf To: cliff at hotbot, brainmachines at onelist Re: [brainmachines] An unexpected shamanic rant Fri, 07 May 1999 17:39:37 From: “Mike” MS at fkmf Maybe the list should be divided into two. One for people who are interested about what is going on in town and want to add information they may have about parties and events. And another for rest of you who want to discuss illicit d use, which by the way, I have no interest in…. say, dgedout at onelist. I am sure I am not the only one who receives this list at work and does not appreciate the open air d talk, nor do I partake in the use.. I just want to know whats going on in the big town. I would only desubscribe because of the above talk. Remember your employer has the right to review all your email. It is their property. Go ahead and comment (i.e Milt Durr).”Cliff Hall” cliff at hotbot05/07/99 05:31PM From: “Cliff Hall” cliff at hotbot once again my favorite sort of email wasting bandwidth complaining about wasting bandwith its all godel escher bach an shit bahahaha! yes, that was rather self-referential / self-defeating. BTW, good to see another GEB fan. that was a dense but rewarding read! highly recommended. as is anything douglas hofstadter has put out before or since. -cliff

#409 Fri, 07 May 1999 21:31:29 From: Robert Esris rae18 at xx.x Re: Silence is GOLDEN! I have remained silent on this issue until now but would like to just say this- and I will only say it ONCE to avoid contributing to the very problem I hope to address. Wasted bandwidth aside, I have just noticed that in the past few days the sheer NUMBER of brainmachines emails in my mailbox has risen to a ridiculous level, and MOST of these are inane or unnecessary personal banter like the quoted message below. If you have these kind of personal comments to make, please only make them to the person to whom they apply, unless there is some legitimate reason for everyone on the list to know it. And given the nature of the list, I would say that things not having to do with trance, dance, brainmachines, parties, etc. do not need to be discussed here. Thanks for your patience with this and apologies to everyone to whom this message does not apply. -RE Milton Durr wrote: From: “Milton Durr” miltondurr at hotmail “The only one that has issues is you but, I don’t think it is the onelist.” OK, I’ll just keep my little mouth closed. I just won’t say another word. Um-hm, not another word. No siree Bob, not a peep. Not even the littlest pep. Not even a sigh or a mutter. From: christina at compuscape (Christina Mull) Re: [brainmachines] An unexpected shamanic rant Fri, 07 May 1999 21:09:33 From: christina at compuscape (Christina Mull) Mcthing??? Is that like MCDLT???? LOL The only one that has issues is you but, I don’t think it is the onelist. I see someone has issues! You want to name ME specifically in your complaining?!!! I could go off on you,McThing, but I wont. First of all, why did you use your WORK e-mail for such obviously PERSONAL contacts? Common sense should have told you to do otherwise. Second of all, there have been a number of topics raised in this forum. The d-related ones seem to generate the bigger response. Where has YOUR voice been? The only time I hear from YOU is when you decided to take time out of your busy day at work to slag me for taking time out of MY day to make my point on somthing as clear as possible. Couldnt be bothered to address the CONTENT of what I said… Now, once again, you gripe about how nobody talks about ‘anything else’: The spirit, I, that endlessly denies Girl, dont step to me… From: “Mike” MS at fkmf To: cliff at hotbot, brainmachines at onelist Re: [brainmachines] An unexpected shamanic rant Fri, 07 May 1999 17:39:37 From: “Mike” MS at fkmf Maybe the list should be divided into two. One for people who are interested about what is going on in town and want to add information they may have about parties and events. And another for rest of you who want to discuss illicit d use, which by the way, I have no interest in…. say, dgedout at onelist. I am sure I am not the only one who receives this list at work and does not appreciate the open air d talk, nor do I partake in the use.. I just want to know whats going on in the big town. I would only desubscribe because of the above talk. Remember your employer has the right to review all your email. It is their property. Go ahead and comment (i.e Milt Durr). “Cliff Hall” cliff at hotbot05/07/99 05:31PM From: “Cliff Hall” cliff at hotbot once again my favorite sort of email wasting bandwidth complaining about wasting bandwith its all godel escher bach an shit bahahaha! yes, that was rather self-referential / self-defeating. BTW, good to see another GEB fan. that was a dense but rewarding read! highly recommended. as is anything douglas hofstadter has put out before or since. -cliff

#410 Sat, 8 May 1999 02:40:36 From: “Scott Forschein” sforsche at x.x Re: Silence is GOLDEN! AMEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! From: Robert Esris rae18 at columbia brainmachines at onelist Friday, May 07, 1999 9:32 PM Re: [brainmachines] Silence is GOLDEN! From: Robert Esris rae18 at columbia I have remained silent on this issue until now but would like to just say this- and I will only say it ONCE to avoid contributing to the very problem I hope to address. Wasted bandwidth aside, I have just noticed that in the past few days the sheer NUMBER of brainmachines emails in my mailbox has risen to a ridiculous level, and MOST of these are inane or unnecessary personal banter like the quoted message below. If you have these kind of personal comments to make, please only make them to the person to whom they apply, unless there is some legitimate reason for everyone on the list to know it. And given the nature of the list, I would say that things not having to do with trance, dance, brainmachines, parties, etc. do not need to be discussed here. Thanks for your patience with this and apologies to everyone to whom this message does not apply. -RE Milton Durr wrote:From: “Milton Durr” miltondurr at hotmail “The only one that has issues is you but, I don’t think it is the onelist.” OK, I’ll just keep my little mouth closed. I just won’t say another word. Um-hm, not another word. No siree Bob, not a peep. Not even the littlest pep. Not even a sigh or a mutter. From: christina at compuscape (Christina Mull) Re: [brainmachines] An unexpected shamanic rant Fri, 07 May 1999 21:09:33 From: christina at compuscape (Christina Mull) Mcthing??? Is that like MCDLT???? LOL The only one that has issues is you but, I don’t think it is the onelist. I see someone has issues! You want to name ME specifically in your complaining?!!! I could go off on you,McThing, but I wont. First of all, why did you use your WORK e-mail for such obviously PERSONAL contacts? Common sense should have told you to do otherwise. Second of all, there have been a number of topics raised in this forum. The d-related ones seem to generate the bigger response. Where has YOUR voice been? The only time I hear from YOU is when you decided to take time out of your busy day at work to slag me for taking time out of MY day to make my point on somthing as clear as possible. Couldnt be bothered to address the CONTENT of what I said… Now, once again, you gripe about how nobody talks about ‘anything else’: The spirit, I, that endlessly denies Girl, dont step to me… From: “Mike” MS at fkmf To: cliff at hotbot, brainmachines at onelist Re: [brainmachines] An unexpected shamanic rant Fri, 07 May 1999 17:39:37 From: “Mike” MS at fkmf Maybe the list should be divided into two. One for people who are interested about what is going on in town and want to add information they may have about parties and events. And another for rest of you who want to discuss illicit d use, which by the way, I have no interest in…. say, dgedout at onelist. I am sure I am not the only one who receives this list at work and does not appreciate the open air d talk, nor do I partake in the use.. I just want to know whats going on in the big town. I would only desubscribe because of the above talk. Remember your employer has the right to review all your email. It is their property. Go ahead and comment (i.e Milt Durr). “Cliff Hall” cliff at hotbot05/07/99 05:31PM From: “Cliff Hall” cliff at hotbot once again my favorite sort of email wasting bandwidth complaining about wasting bandwith its all godel escher bach an shit bahahaha! yes, that was rather self-referential / self-defeating. BTW, good to see another GEB fan. that was a dense but rewarding read! highly recommended. as is anything douglas hofstadter has put out before or since. -cliff

#411 Sat, 8 May 1999 10:35:16 From: DecyPhe7 at xxx.xxx Re: Buzz.. DC.. Shut down! i know exactly what your saying about both the beer drinking crowd mixing in and the little kids….im from brooklyn and have been watching the scene fall apart up here for the last 3 years…yes, i have to admit, i started going to parties when i was 14, but there was somthing different then about the atmosphere….it wasnt the same as these kids now, their vibes are twisted…from talking to some of them and observing it seems as if most are in it for the ds, big clothes, and a feeling of being “cool”…its like a trend now….back when i first started it was about the music and the interaction of amazing people….now its all materialistic…like, even when they throw parties its $30 a head for that shit to be cancelled anyway…whatever happened to the latenite barbeques out in Bk., or the outlaws in Queens, without all the fancy “buy me” atmosphere…..anyway, thats why i stopped going out, despite how much i love the live beats, it often makes me sick to see how everyone acts now….i just wanted to say, im feeling what youre all saying, and am in no way suprised at what happened in DC, its nothing new…Kids need to wise up and fix up their act…didnt they learn from 20/20 ? didnt they realize the powers that be had it out for them back in 97 when the cops bulled that shit on the Zen fest, or when tear gas and rubber bullets flew in Cali? silly kids aura*

#412 Sat, 08 May 1999 12:25:11 From: jawbone40 jawbone40 at x.x Re: Silence is GOLDEN! HERE, HERE ROBERT! Robert Esris wrote: From: Robert Esris rae18 at columbia I have remained silent on this issue until now but would like to just say this- and I will only say it ONCE to avoid contributing to the very problem I hope to address. Wasted bandwidth aside, I have just noticed that in the past few days the sheer NUMBER of brainmachines emails in my mailbox has risen to a ridiculous level, and MOST of these are inane or unnecessary personal banter like the quoted message below. If you have these kind of personal comments to make, please only make them to the person to whom they apply, unless there is some legitimate reason for everyone on the list to know it. And given the nature of the list, I would say that things not having to do with trance, dance, brainmachines, parties, etc. do not need to be discussed here. Thanks for your patience with this and apologies to everyone to whom this message does not apply. -RE Milton Durr wrote: From: “Milton Durr” miltondurr at hotmail “The only one that has issues is you but, I don’t think it is the onelist.” OK, I’ll just keep my little mouth closed. I just won’t say another word. Um-hm, not another word. No siree Bob, not a peep. Not even the littlest pep. Not even a sigh or a mutter. From: christina at compuscape (Christina Mull) Re: [brainmachines] An unexpected shamanic rant Fri, 07 May 1999 21:09:33 From: christina at compuscape (Christina Mull) Mcthing??? Is that like MCDLT???? LOL The only one that has issues is you but, I don’t think it is the onelist. I see someone has issues! You want to name ME specifically in your complaining?!!! I could go off on you,McThing, but I wont. First of all, why did you use your WORK e-mail for such obviously PERSONAL contacts? Common sense should have told you to do otherwise. Second of all, there have been a number of topics raised in this forum. The d-related ones seem to generate the bigger response. Where has YOUR voice been? The only time I hear from YOU is when you decided to take time out of your busy day at work to slag me for taking time out of MY day to make my point on somthing as clear as possible. Couldnt be bothered to address the CONTENT of what I said… Now, once again, you gripe about how nobody talks about ‘anything else’: The spirit, I, that endlessly denies Girl, dont step to me… From: “Mike” MS at fkmf To: cliff at hotbot, brainmachines at onelist Re: [brainmachines] An unexpected shamanic rant Fri, 07 May 1999 17:39:37 From: “Mike” MS at fkmf Maybe the list should be divided into two. One for people who are interested about what is going on in town and want to add information they may have about parties and events. And another for rest of you who want to discuss illicit d use, which by the way, I have no interest in…. say, dgedout at onelist. I am sure I am not the only one who receives this list at work and does not appreciate the open air d talk, nor do I partake in the use.. I just want to know whats going on in the big town. I would only desubscribe because of the above talk. Remember your employer has the right to review all your email. It is their property. Go ahead and comment (i.e Milt Durr). “Cliff Hall” cliff at hotbot05/07/99 05:31PM From: “Cliff Hall” cliff at hotbot once again my favorite sort of email wasting bandwidth complaining about wasting bandwith its all godel escher bach an shit bahahaha! yes, that was rather self-referential / self-defeating. BTW, good to see another GEB fan. that was a dense but rewarding read! highly recommended. as is anything douglas hofstadter has put out before or since. -cliff

#413 Sat, 08 May 1999 12:39:33 From: jawbone40 jawbone40 at x.x Re: An unexpected shamanic rant Yeah no shit. thew wrote: From: “thew” thew at neuronautic sigh another list starts the slow drying out to death process Neuronautic Institute: home.earthlink.net/thew the meek shall inherit the earth – the rest of us are going to space Re: [brainmachines] An unexpected shamanic rant Fri, May 7, 1999, 6:12 PM Good point. OK, guys, no more d talk. In a message dated 5/7/99 5:48:44 PM, MS at fkmf writes:I am sure I am not the only one who receives this list at work and does not appreciate the open air d talk, nor do I partake in the use.. I just want to know whats going on in the big town. I would only desubscribe because of the above talk. Remember your employer has the right to review all your email. It is their property.

#414 Sat, 08 May 1999 12:52:19 From: jawbone40 jawbone40 at x.x Re: An unexpected shamanic rant Oh Jeff….LOL…LOL. you kill me. Good point. OK, guys, no more d talk. In a message dated 5/7/99 5:48:44 PM, MS at fkmf writes:I am sure I am not the only one who receives this list at work and does not appreciate the open air d talk, nor do I partake in the use.. I just want to know whats going on in the big town. I would only desubscribe because of the above talk. Remember your employer has the right to review all your email. It is their property.

#415 Sat, 8 May 1999 13:05:48 A final note Dear List Members, After careful thought, this list will be announcement only, meaning that you will only be receiving an email every week or so, effective whenever the really don’t to waste your time or clutter your email boxes. This is in no way reflective of long rants of recent past, of which many I’ve joined, shit, encouraged. In the future if you want somthing posted just email it to me, and I’ll be glad to forward it out. Thank you all. Jeff

#416 Tue, 11 May 1999 12:18:52 Fwd: Dream Party – NYC – Wednesday, May 12, 1999

#418 Tue, 11 May 1999 13:17:28 Regarding Saturday night From miltondurr at hotmail: I left at about 5:15. Who were the guys playing at about 2:30? Were they the Saafi Brothers? When did Montauk P play? I really wasn’t sure while I was there who was who. I was expecting there to be a difference in the style of the music but it never really changed much. Fun party nonetheless… Me too. It was crazy huh. I’m not sure who anyone was, I spent the night getting the remainder of my date rape incident’s stolen stuff out on Long Island. I got back at 2:30 to find the place mauled. Alcohol doesn’t make for a good vibe, IMHO.

#419 Tue, 11 May 1999 19:22:34 Come see Billy Stopless at SPECTRUM this sunday In a message dated 5/11/99 7:18:46 PM, urastar at theearthprogram writes: SPECTRUM Every Sunday night from 6:00pm to Midnight for FREE at Tribe Bar 132 first Ave.(on the corner of 1st Ave. and 8th St.) This week May 16, 1999 Freq Nasty Botchit & Scarper/ Fuel, UK Omar & Eric Santana Spinning a special breakbeat set Tricked Out Recordings, NY Plus Residents: Empath (DPM/ Spectrum) & Billy Stopless (Earth Program/ Spectrum) and Special Guests I will be there and so should you.

#420 Tue, 11 May 1999 23:26:26 Goa Gil Saturday If anybody has a car and is driving to Philly Saturday for the world famous Goa Gil, let me know at . Otherwise Synthetic Sadhus will be at the Marc Ballroom at Union Square on Saturday.

#421 Wed, 12 May 1999 11:26:35 Fwd: [brainmachines] Goa Gil Saturday In a message dated 5/12/99 11:01:25 AM, thew at neuronautic writes: the synthetic sadhu party will probably be better gil tends to play one good set every three is a bit indulgent and does ego related dj tricks like stopping the music for applause several times

#422 Wed, 12 May 1999 22:25:57 Tsunami Review In a message dated 5/12/99 9:05:30 PM, writes: I arrived around midnight. There was a line. They were checking ID’s. One of the security guys, who sounds like a gay Tone Loc, was handing out flyers. He was saying they were for a dance contest. They weren’t. He was just saying that so people took the flyers. They announced Vinyl’s anti-d policy. They had seven extra security persons working that night. I was thoroughly searched somthing that has never happened to me there. I told the guy searching me, “Those are Altoids.” The guy next to him goes, “You better look through them to make sure.” “Here, try one, they’re mint.” “I know what they are.” “Then why are you searching through them??” So while this guy is groping my pockets, I tell him “You know I work for Tsunami.” “No, I don’t that.” “Well, you know now.” John-Emanuel went on about the whole Guilliani thing. He told me this story he heard fourth-hand that a cop said this girl was raped outside of an E inside the club. By the time I left, I was hearing that she was 12. If I had stayed later, I’m sure Bigfoot would have been involved somehow. The anti-d flyers were up everywhere. They practically wallpapered the bathroom. There were these kooky “Tips for Teens” anti-d brochures that John picked up from the Mayor’s office on the table Ofer usually uses to sell cd’s (Ofer wasn’t there, he’s was in Israel). I picked up the one “About Hallucinogens” no mention of Simon Posford. I failed to ask John if they’re were axes mounted over the Mayor’s door. There was a large crowd inside, but it didn’t keep several people from asking me, “Where is everybody??” It not that there weren’t people there, but they didn’t seem like the usual crowd. Most noticeably absent were the Israelis. Joanne said “It seems like there are less lights.” The lighting was the same, except the UV fell upon a black hole of ordinary clothing. In my Indian plaid shirt I seemed like one of the most goa people there, and I’ve never looked more goa than anyone before, ever. The music was good, but there was no vibe. Montauk P./Saafi Bros. played a very live set. There was guitar, a MIDI drum pad, an SV series DAT machine, another DAT player, an Ensoniq DP-4, this TC Electronics box, a Power Mac, an Akai sampler, a Mackie 24*8, three Nord keyboards, and a bunch of other stuff I couldn’t see or can’t remember. For some inexplicable reason they also had a massive sprawl of various cassette tapes. The drummer actually played the hi-hats, snare, and principal percussion to the tracks.

#424 Fri, 14 May 1999 14:23:26 Saturday, and FWD:My return from India has changed…. Less is more with these fewer emails, shouldn’t we say? There’s a good trance party Saturday at the Marc Ballroom in Union Square (no list), and Goa Gil will be in Philly Saturday, all info at Good news, I finally got a job. It’s been an interesting 3 months to say the least, in a meat grinding sort of way. Following is from John Draper AKA CAp’n Crunch, the first “phreak” a phone hacker, the Ur-hacker who first hacked into AT&T’s free dial tone with a cereal box whistle. For Pictures archived at

#425 Fri, 14 May 1999 21:52:18 Saturday party in DUMBO (Down under Manhattan Bridge Overpass) Behave yourselves brainmachiners.. From last weekend’s parties I see that a lot of you are price sensitive and will be all over a free party like a hound dog on a dead racoon: Okay y’all – Lola here. Please come to our loft party in Dumbo, Brooklyn on Sat. May 15 – As some of you have heard, I will be moving out of the loft June 1, so this is the last hurrah. Please bring anyone you want. Circulate this to anyone else you know who might be interested in coming. (There’s also a party at Akiva Film Studios around the corner that night) It’s free admission and there is beer (all you can drink when you buy a cup for $2.00) but I’d also bring a stash of booze – these people can drink! It’s a two loft party – my place will have the bands, the other loft will have djs running concurrently: Gillian & Stephanie will be spinning between the bands… 9pm-10 harderdreamer (TRIPPED OUT SIMON AND GARFUNKEL) featuring my adorable ex-roomie Eric, the film editor! (throw sultry looks, cash & editing gigs) 10-11 trouble dolls (MELODIC UPBEAT POP) featuring Sonicnet’s Matty Karas (throw floral tributes and kisses) 11-12 the rosenbergs (POWER POP GODS) featuring Sonicnet’s Evan Silverman (throw underwear, hotel keys & caution to the winds) 12-1 the immaculate contraption (LIVE GROOVE TRIP FUNK) featuring my landlord who evicted me – you can go to the dance loft now! 🙂 (throw up) dj’s roger, spirit, spooky, dyno dylan, sheik amir, punjab raj, and DJ SKIZMUS spinning ACID JAZZ, FUNK, TRIPHOP, OLD SCHOOL, DISCO, REGGAE, SALSA, EIGHTIES DIRECTIONS The neighborhood looks scary, because of all the warehouses, but it is quite safe! F train to York St (come out of train station, take a right. walk 3 blocks downhill, Left on Plymouth, walk 2 blocks and building on the right – 135 Plymouth – my loft is #208) A or C train to High St. (get out, walk through the little park and then walk downhill – should be Washington Street – you’ll be walking parallel to the Manhattan Bridge – go to the base of it and the building is 40ft north of the bridge on your right, at the waterfront. In all fairness, the F train is much closer, so you should try to take that! For all you divas who will be cabbing it from Manhattan, listen closely: Tell yr cabbie to take the *UPPER* level of the Manhattan Bridge, this is crucial. Once yr up there, take a moment to look over yr shoulder and admire the lovely Manhattan view. Then tell your driver to take the first right hand exit for the BQE (278) – once that little exit spits you out, tell the driver to get in the left hand lane. At the big intersection, take a FAR LEFT TURN – tell the driver to aim for the mailbox on the corner, if you turn too early you will end up on the Brooklyn Bridge, which is counterproductive, to say the least. Anyhow, that puts you on Sands St. – go through the light to the end of the block and take a right (you have no choice) on to Adams Street. Go through the light and then through the next two stop signs, you are now at the base of the Manhattan Bridge – you wind around and go right back under the bridge and take a right at the third stop sign (directly on the waterfront) and pull up at the building that’s directly on your left – there’s a big space available sign and a light over the door. You have arrived at 135 Plymouth Street. Once again, take a moment to enjoy the gorgeous view of the Manhattan skyline and then proceed up to the party! For more information or other directions: email me: FFFAW at aol See you there!

#426 Sat, 15 May 1999 23:20:42 Party Saturday night Party downstairs at 147 West 15th, Eric Anthony and Cynthia’s party, housey, Euro, but not Trashy, in the 147 restaurant’s basement. DJs, dancing, very cool SoHo modelly crowd, gay friendly too. Walk through the restaurant and go down the stairsin the back. Dressy, funky. Then later we’re off to Synthetic Sadhus a couple blocks away in Union Square (Marc Ballroom $25). Check brainmachines for details.

#427 Mon, 17 May 1999 21:09:56 Fwd: WEMF!!! This is a huge gathering in Canada this July. By far the biggest ever in North America.

#428 Mon, 17 May 1999 22:38:07 Tuesday Here is the info on Rendez-Vous and Cannibal. This bi-weekly is slamming! And it’s because of you guys. Thanks and see you there… Izzy Bar 166 First Ave bet 10th & 11th Sts. Tuesday May 18th 1999 & every other tuesday upstairs/downstairs 10:00pm-04:00am NO COVER! Bring ID!!! CANNIBAL(downstairs) featuring: NIGEL RICHARDS – 611 records JAESUN – ossom records RENDEZ-VOUS with No Dj’s featuring: Shari & Amanda – HANDS on DECK Liz “Happy” Harper “Birthday” – DKNY Ali Traxx – PLAYBOY real resident DJ NEIL ALINE! coming up this week: BPM on WNYU with Dj Tedd Paterson (Thur. 10:30pm on 89.1fm) Feedback at Liquids (Thursdays); Respect is Burning at Twilo (Friday); Respect is Burning..The Day AFter… at Izzy (Saturday)

#429 Tue, 18 May 1999 16:53:18 Wonderful Art I normally don’t do this – but there is an amazing site with work by an ex-NYU Dr. named Alex Grey that is truly truly breathtaking. It can be located at web alexgrey/gallery.html. I strongly recommend checking this site out, at your leisure.

#430 Wed, 19 May 1999 20:28:28 Fwd: Another Night of Spectrum In a message dated 5/19/99 5:28:13 PM, Damon.Zwirn at bmge writes: This Sunday May 23rd Spectrum Presents: Lenny D (Industrial Strength)- 8-10 Playing a very special flashback Disco Set. Heather Heart (Sonic Groove/ Underonesky)- 10-12 Playing a very special Old School Set. Plus residents: Billy Stopless 6-7 Empath 7-8 Spectrum is every Sunday at Tribe 137 First Ave. NYC. (on the South East Corner of 1st Ave. and 8th St.) It is free as usual and takes place from 6:00 PM to Midnight. 21 and over w/ ID. I will be there early and so should you.

#431 Thu, 20 May 1999 21:56:41 Here we go here we go I’m still sending out this list, even though I’m “clean” and have a job. This list was created under the influence of a lot of nootropics and psychedelics, but I’m going to keep it going. I think it works better as an occasional announcement. As a subscribe to NYNeuroChat if youlike to talk back to everybody. Friday, tomorrow night, two very good events, one trance, one progressive house/trance. For you hardies, do Tsunami last as it doesn’t get kicking until 2 anyway: TRANCE The trance scene is building…Friday, May 21st Trance Party the group led by John Emmanuel Gartmann that brought Trance to New York at Vinyl on Hudson and Hubert, around the corner from Wetlands. Your email is your name; if you’re going to have others with you email me or call by 8pm. Your name will be on file at the door giving you a $20 reduced admission – mention the NEUROTRANCEMITTER list. We are creating a Temporary Autonomous Zone for our minds to investigate the mysteries of the universe, as we once again, like our distant ancestors, cajole the spirits of the trees and the sky, the earth and the cosmos to come out to play – as one. Ancient earth drums dance in symbiotic merriment with the metallic inter-galactic beats as the circles of sound expand and astound our imagination with vibratory awareness. In this changeling world of chance, shape shifters from distant corners find themselves sharing these profound wonders, and learning the empowerment of the mystical dance space. There is a pulsating awareness of sharing archaic understandings, reviving lost traditions, particularly unwritten traditions, and which are all invested with new technological innovation. The sounds are the new epic poetry of this century, and the modern wandering minstrels are fine tuning their harmonious and transcendental harps. We are returning to a relationship with ourselves and others which is removed from written language, and which undermines our absolute reliance on finding meaning within the world of words. progressive house/trance TOUCH 10pm(we’re starting it early, and ending by 5, don’t be late) Thanks again to everyone for spreading the word and coming to the last Touch in Brooklyn, AKA The FuseBox Party! Well, we’re at it again, this time in the city. We’re keeping with the funky-trance-tech-progressive-house theme, and are really excited to have Chris Fortier coming up from Orlando to spin…….. DJ’s Chris Fortier – Fade Records/Balance Promote Group – Orlando, FL Billy Shane – Touch – Brooklyn, NY Sean Hall – Touch – Brooklyn, NY Visuals by Nucleus Design(Cameron Clark) There will be some sort of drink specials at the party and/or afterhours brought to you by ORIGINAL SIN HARD CIDER at ACME Underground 9 Great Jones, at the corner of Lafayette St (2 blocks north of Bleeker) SUBWAY: 6 Train to Bleeker St., or N or R or 6 to Astor Place Call 212-502-3532 for directions and info and reduced list COST: $15 with nothing $10 with a flyer, print out of this email, or call 212-502-3532, or batt your lashes at the door For those of you that aren’t extremely famliar with Chris and his music, check out web bedrock.org.uk/docs/chrisfortier.txt for his bio and history, or localstation/djs/fortier.asp to hear a set of his! The venue will only hold just over 200 people, so please come early, there is no warm up dj, we’re just going right into it. This will very likely be an over 21 party, but we’re going to see what we can do about that, so those few younger folks that want to come can. Call the info line above for more info the week of the event and bring those tasty little bits to shake! peace sean, stephen and billy

#433 Tue, 25 May 1999 19:38:16 Fwd: [Thur. Eve.] This is a well dressed 21 and over crowd. I will be in on business.

#436 Thu, 27 May 1999 01:48:02 Fwd: party info to be forwarded! The hip hop part scares me but it seems worth checking out

#437 Thu, 27 May 1999 21:23:02 Spectrum Sunday

#438 Thu, 27 May 1999 21:22:20 Friday at Twilo

#439 Fri, 28 May 1999 12:19:19 Finally, the Sound Factory does Trance May 30, 1999 New York, New York DJ JORG (Shiva Space Technology) DJ MOONWALKER (Synthetic Sahdus) DJ PSYCHOCLOUD (W.P.T.) 11PM – ??? 18+ Proper ID Required H.O.F. 24-hr INfo line (212) 982-7859 Synthetic Sahdus (212) 774-7728 Sound Factory 618 West 46th Street, between 11th & 12th (From NYC: make your way over to the West Side Highway, go to W46th St, head East 1/2 block) Wednesdays, NY, NY Eye of God Records and Tranceart, London DJ Dudi Asher Xfactor Alex May 12th, may 26, june 9th and june 23rd The Wetlands 161 Hudson St. 212-260-4707 tranceart at yahoo

#440 Fri, 28 May 1999 14:37:02 Casting call for rave kids – get $100 – you sellouts Hey there Jeff. The casting details for that Kodak Photo shoot are; Zoom Studios 632 Broadway, 8th floor Btw Bleeker and Broadway. 2pm to 7pm It’s a rave scene we’re shooting at my place on the 9th of June. Carol Ann( the girl I was with at the Talk) is conducting the casting. It’ll be a quick poloroid situation because we need to have the client approve the talent. It’s cool looking kids 13 -18years and we have $100 per kid. No stress if you don’t get anyone. We only need 40 kids and carol ann is passing the word on the street. hope all is well. Frank.

June 1999

#441 Tue, 1 Jun 1999 12:25:12 (((back from la playa!))) This is produced by Mike Bindra, Twilo’s manager.

#443 Tue, 1 Jun 1999 12:35:31 er, I mean, calling all new media specialists! (Read THIS one) Calling all new media specialists! Announcing the American Museum of Natural History and Planetarium Authority Electronic Audio and Visual Artists Database (EAVAD). As an emerging technology, the internet has facilitated increasingly detailed forums of communication . This accelerated pace of information exchange provides the opportunity to interact with cultures previously unavailable. Consequently, amplified rates of technological development requires new research data to be up to date and quickly available. In the spirit of research and discovery, the EAVAD will be used as a reference for all electronic artists and researchers, from the entertainment industry to computer software research and development. Additionally, the EAVAD serves as a network for future collaborations with the (virtual) Hayden Planetarium. EAVAD listings shall include but are not limited to: mission statement, field of interest, medium of choice, record of work, samples of work, record of studio/lab equipment used, inspirations, links, and contact information. Please forward all files to: Nils Whitmont Ambient Sound Coordinator Digital Galaxy Project American Museum of Natural History and Planetarium Authority Central Park West at 79th Street New York, NY 10024-5192 Tel 212.496.3578 Fax 212.496.3555 E-mail nils at amnh.org NADA BRAHAMA

#444 Tue, 1 Jun 1999 13:36:47 Fwd: [brainmachines] er, I mean, calling all new media specialists! (Read THI… In a message dated 6/1/99 1:30:06 PM, christina at compuscape writes: My boyfriend’s client, Gene from Westbury, NY now has a permanant exhibit at the Planetariun. He (Floating Images) has a 3-D exhibit of the solar system that is fantastic. I was lucky enough to get a sneak preview at his office a few weeks ago. I highly reccomend seeing this exhibit. This is the first patented 3-D imaging without using those paper glasses. You will be seeing the work of a local genius who also codeveloped the CD Rom! Take care! Chrissy P.S Viva Piracetam!

#445 Tue, 1 Jun 1999 17:30:44 NEEDED!!! Rave kids, will pay $100 for film shoot Tune in, turn on, sell out!!! Hey $100 will buy a lot of glow sticks. Haha. Forward around. This is from a trippy ad guy from Saatchi, an ad agency: Hi Jeff. It looks as if we may need more rave/trance kids age 14-21(+) than we thought. If you have any in mind send them to: Wednesday, June 2nd at the following address: Zoom Studios 632 Broadway, 8th Floor (btwn. Bleeker & Broadway) Ph: 420-9596 Hours: 2pm-7pm

#446 Tue, 1 Jun 1999 19:11:10 Terence McKenna is about to die “It’s with a very heavy heart that I forward the latest on Terence McKenna. The message below was sent to me by his close friend and fellow Mind-Ler Chuck H who authorized me to be the messenger of such ill tidings. For myself I can only quote what I related to Chuck when he sent me the message you are about to read. Bare with me as I share with you my thoughts of admiration and philosophical kinship and yes love for this fearless explorer who will, it appears, be leaving us very shortly. “Ya know Chuck I never had the pleasure of meeting Terence. In a sense I suppose there was never really any need to. Like all highly advanced individuals, one tends to feel they know the person through their works, and in Terence’s case, through his voice on Art Bell. I consider Terence one of the greatest philosophical geniuses, not just of the 20th century, but in the history of Mankind. I don’t know how to really explain it, but if there was ever anyone I could look up to as a personal hero it would be Terence McKenna. I can only guess how, you, a personal friend must feel. It’s so easy to be philosophical about death, but when it hits close to home, it’s always a sickening tragedy.” end quote.

#447 Tue, 1 Jun 1999 19:17:18 From: Ismoked at xxx.xxx MDmmmmmmA Testing Kits The kits are legal in all countries I am aware of USA, UK, Australia etc. The kits can be easily bought in Amsterdam which is were I purchased mine. In the UK some record shops have started selling them for about #5 pounds, the stores I am aware of that do this are Dance 2 records in Guilford and XSF records in London. If you want to order some then look at the official testing kit web site web ez-test/index.html. In my experience the kits are reliable in testing the quality of pills. The better the reaction (fizzing and liquid changing to a dark colour) the better the pill. The kits only last about 4-5 months before the kits slowly turn a brown color and cease to be reliable.

#449 Wed, 2 Jun 1999 12:10:43 From: Ismoked at xxx.xxx Roll safely ello Stephen and everyone on the MAPS forum, I must qualify a few issues about the testing kits that Stephen raised in the message below. Testing kits are NOT legal in all States of the United States. In fact, my guess is that they are NOT legal in most states. The reason is that most States, like California and Florida for example, define illegal parapharnalia very broadly. I’ll quote you from the California Health and Safety Code: Section 11014.5 (General Provisions and Definitions) “(a) ‘d Paraphernalia’ means all equipment, products and materials of any kind which are designed for use or marketed for use, in planting, propagating, clutivating, growing, harvesting, manufacturing, compounding, converting, producing, processing, preparing, TESTING, ANALYZING, packaging, repackaging, storing, containing, concealing, injecting, ingesting, inhaling, or otherwise introducing into the human body a controlled substance in violation of this division. It includes, but is not limited to: (4) Testing Equipment designed for use or marketd for use in IDENTIFYING, or in analyzing the strength, effectiveness, or PURITY of controlled substances.” [1-3, and 5-8 deleted, words in CAPITALS are my emphasis] Now I don’t know if anyone has been arrested for possesion of an Ecstasy testing kit anywhere in the US yet, but certainly people have been arrested for possessing other types of paraphernalia that fall under this definition. Our harm reduction project here in the Bay Area may soon be undertaking a challenge to this law by openly selling Marquis kits at local raves. District Attorney Terrance halinan has personally told me, at the recently d Policy Foundation Conference, that he is willing to consider NOT prosecuting us for doing this. I should be meeting with him soon about this. HOWEVER, most cities do NOT have DAs as progressive at Halinan. I would suggest people possessing or distributing these kits be cautious. Check the laws in your state. Also, I must disagree that these kits are reliable. Their benefit is that they can identify SOME fake pills. However, we have recently found bunk pills that tested black using the Marquis kit. This is because there are many other substances dealers can put into pills to make them turn black (like simple saffrole). As more manufacturers become aware of these kits, we should expect more pills to turn black despite their quality. Again, the one good thing is that if a pill does NOT turn black, than the user can definately know that this is a fake pill. But there is still no guarantee. Thank you and Roll Safe! Emanuel Sferios Ecstasy Harm Reduction Project 510-547-6982

#450 Wed, 2 Jun 1999 12:27:10 From: Ismoked at xxx.xxx Question Did anybody go to the trance party last Friday at Sound Factory (ALL NIGHT TRANCE HAHAHAHA) as opposed to Sasha & Digweed at Twilo?

#452 Wed, 2 Jun 1999 20:14:01 Touch Yes, it’s here again, just like that nagging cough you’ve still got in june! Touch is back in Brooklyn. Thanks shitloads to everyone that turned out for Chris Fortier a couple weeks ago. Makes us remember why we do this. Lovely bunch of people! TOUCH WHEN: Friday June 11th at 10pm WHERE: 66 North 6th Street right near the intersection of Kent Ave and N6th. It’s also right next to Galapagos WHODO: Keeping with the Tech-House, Progressive House/Trance theme TIMO MAAS from Hope/Lakota- UK, Orinoko- GERMANY LEON ALEXANDER from Hope/Lakota- UK playing a special old school house/techno set: LENNY DEE from Industrial Strength- Brooklyn BILLY SHANE from Touch- Brooklyn SEAN HALL from Touch- Brooklyn HOW MUCH: $5 HOW TO GET THERE: Simple as pie. BY TRAIN: L Train to Bedford Avenue(1 stop into brooklyn from the city) Walk 1 block down bedford to North 6th. Take a Right. 66 is 3 blocks towards the river, just past Galapagos. BY TAXI: Take the Williamsburg Bridge to Brooklyn, get off at the first first first exit. Take a right leaving the exit, go down Broadway towards the river to Bedford. Take a Right on Bedford. Take a left on North 6th, to Kent. FOR A MAP & FLYER & TO GET ON EMAIL LIST: members.xoom/touchnyc PHONE DIRECTIONS: 212-502-3532 FREE BOOZE: Random free cider throughout the evening from Original Sin Cider So bring your favorite dancing friends to come get sloppy and dance your tushy off and hear some wicked tunes that you won’t here anywhere else in this city. it’s time kids! Peace Sean Hall, Stephen Grimes & Billy Shane BIO INFO on Timo(One of our FAVORITE DJ’s and Producers, you fellow dj’s know what i mean) and Leon: Timo is one of Germany’s most prolific DJs and producers. His discography reads like a who’s who from the last five years of trance, techno and house. He also plays all over the world at all the biggest events. Timo records for Sony as Orinoko, for Phuture Wax as Kinetic A.T.O.M., for Hope Recordings as Timo Maas, just to name a few. His DJ sets are legendary, emcompassing various lengths and styles. He began Djing over fifteen years ago playing funk and breaks. As the dance scene errupted across Europe in the early nineties he took on more of an electronic techno and trance based sound. He has held numerous chart positions around the world for various projects, the best known being Mama Conda by Orinoko and his remixes of Annihilate by Major North which recently reached number 15 in the Billboard club charts. Leon Alexander has been involved in dance music and its surrounding industry since he went to his first warehouse party in 1988. Since then he has introduced Bristol to the idea of Trance & Techno with astonishing results. If there are three nights in the history of Bristol Clubbing everybody can name you can guarantee they were his doing: One Love Foundation, Shimmy & Temptation. Along side all of this he has been making music as Mad Dogs & Englishmen with Timo Maas, Djing all around Europe and A&Ring for the sadly departed Lakota Records. He has now started a brand new project known simply as Hope Recordings & Management which will continue to spread his vibe right into the next millennium. On his work as a DJ : “one of the best in the game” Mixmag On his work as a label manager: “Each release is the pinnacle of its particular genre, every track is both astounding and outstanding” Mixmag Update S e a n H a l l creative recruiting specialist V: 212 328 3011 Silicon Alley Connections F: 212 328 3017 90 John Street Suite 312 NYC 10038 web salley r e c r u i t e r s w i t h a c l u e

#453 Fri, 4 Jun 1999 11:35:22 From: Ismoked at xxx.xxx North American trance events TSUNAMI presents the legendary TIP PARTY 06:04:99 11PM – 7AM GROWLING MAD SCIENTISTS (Tip Records, UK) Live SYNCHRO (Tip Records, UK) Live DJ DIMITRY (Tip Records, UK) BANZI (Tip Records, UK) MATTHEW MAGIC ( NYC) Chillout Room by POLYMORPHOUS Backdrops & Decorations: Brahma (UK) & Tip (UK) We also welcome the founder of Tip Records, Raja Ram $25 or $20 with this eflyer * 18+ Must Bring Photo ID * TSUNAMI 24 HR INFO LINE: 212.439.8124 Polymorphous 718.390.7232 Synthetic Sadhus 212.774.7728 In-Trance-It 212.462.3241 Pure Children 212.352.4340 VINYL 6 Hubert Street, NY, NY (Off Hudson St. 3 blocks below Canal) Friday June 18 Tsunami presents Cydonia live, Dino Psaras and much more!! Tsunami Celestial Trance for Sublime People From: alyosha -NYC- alekseydanilov at hotmail Tsunami/TIP Afterparty Kent Ave & N. 5th St., Brooklyn there is going to be outdoor afterparty (after or befor the end of Tsunami/TIP) for anyone who wants to come across the river to Greenpoint, Brooklyn. It’s organized by me and Mike has been tested twice last week for sound tolerence – succesfuly, it’s a deserted pier, that is a bit tricky to find, We have a pretty good sound system, and it may get even better by FridaySo i hope to see you all out there, speak to me or Mike at the Tsunami party for any details (i’ll be easy to find – black t-shirt with big orange “604” on the back 🙂 Subway stop: closest one is “L” train “Bedford Ave” which is on the map located at intersection of Bedford Ave and North 6th Str, from there it is about 10 minute walk to the party. Aleks PS. bring some water and fruits may be, i dont think there are any shops around that place. If the map doesnt go through – see me at the party, i have them printed out – with directions 🙂 June 5, 1999 Live: Synchro Growling Mad Scientists Djs: Lucas (Metal Spark) Dimitri D.K.N. Adam O’Hana Downtempo room: Lorin Rob Rayle Surreal Anon 1-888-682-7666 5 June, Saturday, 1999 Montreal DELERIUM Dado (Deedrah/Question Mark records, Twisted Records, France) Jeff MK Ultra (Aum Records, France/Montreal) Smiling Budha (Israel, Toronto) Dew (EOMF, Montreal) Tag Team: Rickam and EOM (EOMF/Montreal) Shangriva (Ultrabeat, Quebec) Chill out: Thau (Bulle-o-Thron, TR, Montreal) Spyroid (EOMF/Montreal) Balee (Progressive, Montreal) Seb (Psychotrop, Montreal) Corey-k (Montreal) Pedno (Chicoutimi) Da Ridou (CFOU/Trois Rivieres) Psychedelic Visuals by Hallucinetik Tickets are 15$ in april, 20$ in may/june and 25$ at the door, Info line: 514-204-4666 also eomf: 514-740-7449 Lotus: 514-851-0111 Sweet Leaf: 514-801-9222 Psychofrog: 514-720-3474 Rave A Moi: 819-372-2652 Evenement: 819-695-7159 Old School: 418-529-9193 Utopic World: 418-874-4985 Frogasmic: 418-640-4949 Bus trip from Quebec and Trois Rivieres: 30$: 514-204-4666 Its thrown by Les Productions Sine 1999 Wednesdays, NY, NY Eye of God Records and Tranceart, London DJ Dudi Asher Xfactor Alex May 12th, may 26, june 9th and june 23rd The Wetlands 161 Hudson St. 212-260-4707 tranceart at yahoo Thursdays, LA Electripcity Kiva, Wyse, Travisty, Luka Tarzana, CA 818-589-3300 June 12, 1999 Ottawa, Canada 2:00pm – 11pm One Tribe presents: Full Circle Party for Peace on Parliament Hill, Ottawa Hugh S, Panda Records, NYC Sequential Tom, One Tribe / Polymorphous, NY Hi-Fi Princess, One Tribe / Luxury, U.K. Yohimbe, Return to the Source / Moon Shadow, Toronto Tangent, Moon Shadow, Toronto Dew, E.O.M.F., Montreal Gordon Field, Interchill at instinct, Montreal Join us as we demonstrate to the world that all tribes can dance together as one. Free Admission; a benefit for war refugees; Bring your drums, love and consciousness and bring canned goods, bankets and a warm heart. info page: onetribe.nomad.ca June 17, 1999 Nantucket, MA From: cystonic cystonic at mindspring Jamin and Malcolm presents… every thursday at the Muse (Surfside Rd) starting June 17th the NYC DJ Series Featuring NYC and International DJs Acts TBA week prior to event… Some of last years talents include: DJ Micheal Dog (Planet Dog Records, UK) DJ John the Builder (UK) DJ Lucas DJ Liam Kennedy (NYC) and of course all our local djs AFTER HRS PARTIES on the beaches of nantucket, throughout the summer done minimally under the stars (free of course) INFO: dr strange, drstrange at mindspring cystonic, cystonic at mindspring June 18, 19, & 20, 1999 Montreal, Canada – om – ” There is no place like om, there is no place like om. There is no place like om.” info: (416) 202.64om(6466) collective participatants: KIND KITCHEN – AFFINITY – GOBBLEDEYGOOK – N.I.C.E. FUNKDAMENTAL – BLUE SKY PRODUCTIONS – Pi COLLECTIVE moonshadow stage…. Hugh S (Panda Records, NY) NIVOC (Classic psychedelic set, Ascend Records, mtl) JEFF MK ULTRA (Ascend Records, mtl) DEW (EOMF, mtl) RICKAM + E.O.M (EOMF, mtl) CYBER “G” (Moonshadow, to) YOHIMBE (Moonshadow, to) MITCH SUNRISE (Moonshadow, to) locals: DAM, JOHN DEE, SMILING BUDDHA, AVATAR, MATRIX, HIGH VOLTAGE, CRICKET, TANGENT, ECLIPSE Several other stages!! PRE PARTY: “RECLAIM THE STREETS” friday june 18.1999 tickets: $30 UNTIL MAY 30TH $35 TILL JUNE 18 AND MORE AT THE DOOR info: 416.202.6466 OTTAWA: 613.860.1089 Montreal: 514.302.4424 webiste: web.onramp.ca/om (please check for ride board/carpooling) web shadowplay.net/tekk/ tickets can be bought in Ottawa at Bowwgy and Organised Sound, Montreal: On beat and Arithmetik, Toronto: Metropolis, Play de Records, The pit, Eastern Bloc, Seekers, Gypsys (Yorkdale), Zoam (Fairview) and Hidden Jungle. Saturday, June 26, 1999 New York, New York Synthetic Sdhus presents: BRAHMAS a full-on night of psychedelic trance with DRAGONFLY Live: OFFORIA (Dragonfly, Israel) ORGANIC NOISE (Flying Rhino/Tip, Germany) DJ: DJ PURPLE (Dragonfly, UK) OFER (Dragonfly, Israel) PLANET B.E.N. (Flying Rhino/Tip, Germany) MOONWALKER (Synthetic Sadhus, NYC) backdrops, visuals & fluoro deco by: synthetic sadhus – krisz – jamin severyn & moonwaler (bali) goa clothing market by: fiber optix chai stand by deepak massage area & much more! Tickets: $23 advance, $25 door House of Trance 212-477-9250 Satellite 212-780-9305 Liquid Sky 212-343-0532 Throb 212-533-2328 Sonic Groove 212-675-5284 Satellite (Boston) 617-536-5482 Music Now (DC) 202-338-5638 Caffeine (LI) 516-797-7196 Digital Underground 215-925-5324 611 (Philly) 215-413-9100 Tsunami 212-439-8124 In-Trance-It 212-462-3241 Marc ballroom 29 union square west (between 15th and 16th) Manhattan, New York (union square subway station) Synthetic Sadhus 212-774-7728 email: synthsadhus at earthlink.net Join us for the summer’s best festival at: web solipse From: Entheogen2 at aol Solar Apex – July 2, 1999 Seattle, WA Ollie Wisdom – Space Tribe, Australia Taka – Solstice, Tokyo Tony D’Oporto – Entheogen / Twisted Records Vajra – Blueroom Americas Free and in the Forest. 30th of July, 31th of July, 1st of August Montreal NATURA 3 Outdoor goa festival, in the woods. DJs: Aeon Jeff MK Ultra Random Dew Rickam Electro Organic Mutant StormBass Seb Neerav Neuro-Chemical ZigZag Zoltan Jeronimo Zen+Apyria Tribal Drummer Balee Kasper Shangrilla Delerious Mag Shy-m Kimo Tricks Isocele Deco fluo under the black light, starts at 21h, ends at ??? Body Painting, good, elysium Smart Bar, good vibes only Only 1000 tickets, 1$ (Its not a typo, 1$!!!) Available at Fluodelik, colimacon, platine, virus. No possibility of tickets at the door! Bus Trip from Montreal: Fluodelik at 514-499-2847 Trois-Rivieres: Minigma at 819-376-3802 Quebec: old School: 418-529-9193 Ottawa: Me, more info to be announced 🙂 info lines: EOMF: 514-740-7449 Elysium: 514-920-9050 Evenement: 819-695-7159 Minigma: 819-376-3802 Old School: 418-529-9193 fly.to/isocele membres.tripod.fr/isocele/natura.htm Jyly 17-18, 1999 Quebec Evolution Radar 1 Its on an old abandoned military base near a lake and a mountain. There will be a goa party on top of the mountain, booking is done by EOMF: Electro Organic Mutant (EOMF) Rickam (EOMF) Dew (EOMF, Other Limits) Nataraja (Other Limits) Chill out in a mega dome: Isocele, Mad Maxx, One, Steph, B-Plex, Mad Slin, Olivier, Wig, Thal, Bliss, Spinal, Gnat, Neerav There will also be a hip hop party on the beach and a House/Techno room in the mountain, in the bunker. Drum n Bass & Jungle room in the top secret tower of the bunker. Info line: (450) 625-7000 or web rayjunior Tickets are on sale at usual outlets or through admission. Call 1-800-361-4595 in the US. WEMF is coming back again with a BANG! WEMF is on July 16 through 18 and location is Sauble beach, Ontario Canada (a 2 hour drive from Toronto). Lineup is: Paradox/Moonshadow Collective (Psychedelic Trance Tent) Psychopod – Live PA, Tip Records, Denmark Frank E – Blue Room, Denmark Ian Ion – Blue Room, Denmark Tim Schuldt – Aurinko Records, Germany Avatar – NMC Records, Israel Asia 2001 – Stargate, France Sevens – Paradox, NYC Illusion – Paradox, NYC Catalyst – Paradox, NYC India Drop – Purple Oz, NYC Severyn – Synthetic Sadhus, NYC Ranka – Nova Angel, NYC Smiling Budha – Toronto Cyber G – Moonshadow Collective, Area 51, Toronto Yohimbe – Moonshadow Collective, Return to the source, Toronto Mitch Sunrise – Moonshadow Collective, Area 51, Toronto Dog Star – Moonshadow Collective, Toronto Tangent – Moonshadow Collective, Area 51, Toronto 6 Other Tents 136 Different perfomers from around the world 6 Massive dance areas covered by circus big-top tent for rain or shine enjoyment Camping facilities throughout the site Hot and cold food available 24hours a day including vegeterian choices 24 hour security patrols Parking on site and nearby Full on medical staff and first aid on site Easy access to the 7 miles of beautiful white sand beaches at sauble beach In and out privileges for people and car through the wristband policy Fully licensed restaurant on site Shuttle bus service 24 hours Firewood available and fires permitted based on forest fire risk Vendors from across North America RV access and hookups Hot showers and flush toilets in the camping area Info lines: 416: Destiny: 631-8821 Dose: 760-3275 Syrous: 760-3133 Renegades: 760-3305 Lifeforce: 760-3322 Speed: 760-3396 Next Junction: 760-3210 Hulabaloo: 410-3813 212: Paradox: 946-1050 3 day package (from noon friday) 45$ before June 21st 55$ before July 16 65$ at the gate 2 Day package (from noon Saturday) 30$ before June 21st 40$ before July 16 50$ at the gate destiny.nkaos destiny at passport.ca From: “Entheogen” entheogen at home Twisted Tour dates: August 26th – Vancouver, Canada August 27th – Seattle, Washington August 28th – San Francisco, California September 11th – Los Angeles, California September 18th – Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Hallucinogen Tristan Simon H. Entheogen Records / Twisted U.K. 836 n.e. 92nd st. Seattle, Wa. 98115 206-525-9974

#454 Wed, 16 Jun 1999 17:13:28 Wednesday night This is an alcohol thing but was highly recommended: GET ready for the Russian Invasion In Downtown with sparkling champagne, cold vodka, coolest music in a funky Russian lounge “NEVA” in a heart of Greenwich village. Your favorite Russian Martian Gelaa invites you to celebrate her best friend Lena’s B-day Bash!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Dress funky Get your attitude ready for fun and come up on WEDNESDAY JUNE 16 at “NEVA” 28 SEVENTTH AVEENUE OFF LEROY STREET The fun starts at 9 PM till you drop.

#455 Thu, 17 Jun 1999 17:33:20 Fwd: mixed media night at the anchorage

#456 Fri, 18 Jun 1999 14:35:57 Trance this summer Word on the street is that Allen is doing a beach party on July 3/4. I’ll be at Vinyl tommorrow night. Hope I see some of you there!! June 17, 1999 Nantucket, MA From: cystonic cystonic at mindspring Jamin and Malcolm presents… every thursday at the Muse (Surfside Rd) starting June 17th the NYC DJ Series Featuring NYC and International DJs Acts TBA week prior to event… Some of last years talents include: DJ Micheal Dog (Planet Dog Records, UK) DJ John the Builder (UK) DJ Lucas DJ Liam Kennedy (NYC) and of course all our local djs AFTER HRS PARTIES on the beaches of nantucket, throughout the summer done minimally under the stars (free of course) INFO: dr strange, drstrange at mindspring cystonic, cystonic at mindspring TSUNAMI presents CYDONIA FRIDAY 06:18:99 11PM – 7AM DINO PSARAS (Atomic Records) Back by popular demand!! CYDONIA (Blue Room, UK) Live!! For The First Time in America STEVE RONAN (Atomic Records) DJ JOA (Polymorphous) Chillout Room by POLYMORPHOUS Backdrops & Decorations: Cesar & Augustine $25 or $20 with a print-out of this eflyer * 18+ Must Bring Photo ID * TSUNAMI 24 HR INFO LINE: 212.439.8124 Polymorphous 718.390.7232 Synthetic Sadhus 212.774.7728 In-Trance-It 212.462.3241 Pure Children 212.352.4340 VINYL 6 Hubert Street, NY, NY (Off Hudson St. 3 blocks below Canal) July 2, Tsunami presents The Hovek Olam Party with Avi Algranati and much more!! Tsunami Celestial Trance for Sublime People To view the current flyer: tsunami-trance/ June 18, 19, & 20, 1999 near TORONTO, Canada – om – ” There is no place like om, there is no place like om. There is no place like om.” info: (416) 202.64om(6466) collective participatants: KIND KITCHEN – AFFINITY – GOBBLEDEYGOOK – N.I.C.E. FUNKDAMENTAL – BLUE SKY PRODUCTIONS – Pi COLLECTIVE moonshadow stage…. Hugh S (Panda Records, NY) NIVOC (Classic psychedelic set, Ascend Records, mtl) JEFF MK ULTRA (Ascend Records, mtl) DEW (EOMF, mtl) RICKAM + E.O.M (EOMF, mtl) CYBER “G” (Moonshadow, to) YOHIMBE (Moonshadow, to) MITCH SUNRISE (Moonshadow, to) locals: DAM, JOHN DEE, SMILING BUDDHA, AVATAR, MATRIX, HIGH VOLTAGE, CRICKET, TANGENT, ECLIPSE Several other stages!! PRE PARTY: “RECLAIM THE STREETS” friday june 18.1999 tickets: $30 UNTIL MAY 30TH $35 TILL JUNE 18 AND MORE AT THE DOOR info: 416.202.6466 OTTAWA: 613.860.1089 Montreal: 514.302.4424 webiste: web.onramp.ca/om (please check for ride board/carpooling) web shadowplay.net/tekk/ tickets can be bought in Ottawa at Bowwgy and Organised Sound, Montreal: On beat and Arithmetik, Toronto: Metropolis, Play de Records, The pit, Eastern Bloc, Seekers, Gypsys (Yorkdale), Zoam (Fairview) and Hidden Jungle. Wednesdays, NY, NY Eye of God Records and Tranceart, London DJ Dudi Asher Xfactor Alex May 12th, may 26, june 9th and june 23rd The Wetlands 161 Hudson St. 212-260-4707 tranceart at yahoo From: wayne keenan wayne420 at hotmail Jamin&malcolm present: The NYC DJ SERIES 99 featuring NYC and interntional DJs every thursday at the MUSE Nantucket Island massachusetts june 24th from Amsterdam DJ LUCAS (blue room released) Wayne Keenan july 1st back by demand MICHAEL DOG (planet dog records) DJ Randy (boston) coming soon: Sandra Collins Jody (way out west) Tsuyoshi Suzuki (T.B.C) from: Seb G drgstoned at yahoo June 25 : PSYCHOTROP ASTATIQUE This is our 3rd party party this year and our first major event. Location has a legal capacity of over 1000 pers. and it is 100% ligit. Headliners are Eyal Yankovich (Hom-mega prod. Israel), St-Pi.R & Miss Etta (tiny teck, hades prod, France) as well as Psychotrop & Ascend crew : Nuclear Ramjet (live), Jeff Mk Ultra & Seb. There will also be a chill out area with a live performance from Sanjiva, Montreal’s ambient-trance godfather. For more info check out our website at web bassline/psychotrop/ Saturday, June 26, 1999 New York, New York Synthetic Sdhus presents: BRAHMAS a full-on night of psychedelic trance with DRAGONFLY Live: OFFORIA (Dragonfly, Israel) ORGANIC NOISE (Flying Rhino/Tip, Germany) DJ: DJ PURPLE (Dragonfly, UK) OFER (Dragonfly, Israel) PLANET B.E.N. (Flying Rhino/Tip, Germany) MOONWALKER (Synthetic Sadhus, NYC) backdrops, visuals & fluoro deco by: synthetic sadhus – krisz – jamin severyn & moonwaler (bali) goa clothing market by: fiber optix chai stand by deepak massage area & much more! Tickets: $23 advance, $25 door House of Trance 212-477-9250 Satellite 212-780-9305 Liquid Sky 212-343-0532 Throb 212-533-2328 Sonic Groove 212-675-5284 Satellite (Boston) 617-536-5482 Music Now (DC) 202-338-5638 Caffeine (LI) 516-797-7196 Digital Underground 215-925-5324 611 (Philly) 215-413-9100 Tsunami 212-439-8124 In-Trance-It 212-462-3241 Marc ballroom 29 union square west (between 15th and 16th) Manhattan, New York (union square subway station) Synthetic Sadhus 212-774-7728 email: synthsadhus at earthlink.net Join us for the summer’s best festival at: web solipse From: Entheogen2 at aol Solar Apex – July 2, 1999 Seattle, WA Ollie Wisdom – Space Tribe, Australia Taka – Solstice, Tokyo Tony D’Oporto – Entheogen / Twisted Records Vajra – Blueroom Americas Free and in the Forest. from: David Aaron goadave at hotmail One Tribe, Ottawa, and XperimenT, Belgrade, plan on doing a co-production peace party on the Parliament Hill of Ottawa and in Belgrade, on July 3, 1999, in simultaneous net-linkage. They aim to raise global awareness that all tribes can dance together as one. They believe that trance music has a role to play in the development of social consciousness. They welcome other organizers around the world to join in and link up with us for this global gesture of peace on July 3. Please contact aaron1971 at hotmail to coordinate. TRIBAL DANCE, NOT TRIBAL WAR July 23, 1999 10 miles south of Portland, Oregon, USA From: Kevin Coe psycosm at hotmail Free Outdoor Event Earthrise Festival Apollo’s Lute presents a free outdoor event by the coast with an amazing view of the valleys, and the ocean in the distance. Lineup is not complete yet, but so far: Adam Ohana BlueRoom Americas/Ceiba records Tony D’oporto Entheogen/Twisted Uk Vajra BlueRoom Americas Spun S.F. 30th of July, 31th of July, 1st of August Montreal NATURA 3 Outdoor goa festival, in the woods. DJs: Aeon Jeff MK Ultra Random Dew Rickam Electro Organic Mutant StormBass Seb Neerav Neuro-Chemical ZigZag Zoltan Jeronimo Zen+Apyria Tribal Drummer Balee Kasper Shangrilla Delerious Mag Shy-m Kimo Tricks Isocele Deco fluo under the black light, starts at 21h, ends at ??? Body Painting, good, elysium Smart Bar, good vibes only Only 1000 tickets, 1$ (Its not a typo, 1$!!!) Available at Fluodelik, colimacon, platine, virus. No possibility of tickets at the door! Bus Trip from Montreal: Fluodelik at 514-499-2847 Trois-Rivieres: Minigma at 819-376-3802 Quebec: old School: 418-529-9193 Ottawa: Me, more info to be announced 🙂 info lines: EOMF: 514-740-7449 Elysium: 514-920-9050 Evenement: 819-695-7159 Minigma: 819-376-3802 Old School: 418-529-9193 fly.to/isocele membres.tripod.fr/isocele/natura.htm Jyly 17-18, 1999 Quebec Evolution Radar 1 Its on an old abandoned military base near a lake and a mountain. There will be a goa party on top of the mountain, booking is done by EOMF: Electro Organic Mutant (EOMF) Rickam (EOMF) Dew (EOMF, Other Limits) Nataraja (Other Limits) Chill out in a mega dome: Isocele, Mad Maxx, One, Steph, B-Plex, Mad Slin, Olivier, Wig, Thal, Bliss, Spinal, Gnat, Neerav There will also be a hip hop party on the beach and a House/Techno room in the mountain, in the bunker. Drum n Bass & Jungle room in the top secret tower of the bunker. Info line: (450) 625-7000 or web rayjunior Tickets are on sale at usual outlets or through admission. Call 1-800-361-4595 in the US. WEMF is coming back again with a BANG! WEMF is on July 16 through 18 and location is Sauble beach, Ontario Canada (a 2 hour drive from Toronto). Lineup is: Paradox/Moonshadow Collective (Psychedelic Trance Tent) Psychopod – Live PA, Tip Records, Denmark Frank E – Blue Room, Denmark Ian Ion – Blue Room, Denmark Tim Schuldt – Aurinko Records, Germany Avatar – NMC Records, Israel Asia 2001 – Stargate, France Sevens – Paradox, NYC Illusion – Paradox, NYC Catalyst – Paradox, NYC India Drop – Purple Oz, NYC Severyn – Synthetic Sadhus, NYC Ranka – Nova Angel, NYC Smiling Budha – Toronto Cyber G – Moonshadow Collective, Area 51, Toronto Yohimbe – Moonshadow Collective, Return to the source, Toronto Mitch Sunrise – Moonshadow Collective, Area 51, Toronto Dog Star – Moonshadow Collective, Toronto Tangent – Moonshadow Collective, Area 51, Toronto 6 Other Tents 136 Different perfomers from around the world 6 Massive dance areas covered by circus big-top tent for rain or shine enjoyment Camping facilities throughout the site Hot and cold food available 24hours a day including vegeterian choices 24 hour security patrols Parking on site and nearby Full on medical staff and first aid on site Easy access to the 7 miles of beautiful white sand beaches at sauble beach In and out privileges for people and car through the wristband policy Fully licensed restaurant on site Shuttle bus service 24 hours Firewood available and fires permitted based on forest fire risk Vendors from across North America RV access and hookups Hot showers and flush toilets in the camping area Info lines: 416: Destiny: 631-8821 Dose: 760-3275 Syrous: 760-3133 Renegades: 760-3305 Lifeforce: 760-3322 Speed: 760-3396 Next Junction: 760-3210 Hulabaloo: 410-3813 212: Paradox: 946-1050 3 day package (from noon friday) 45$ before June 21st 55$ before July 16 65$ at the gate 2 Day package (from noon Saturday) 30$ before June 21st 40$ before July 16 50$ at the gate destiny.nkaos destiny at passport.ca From: “Entheogen” entheogen at home Twisted Tour dates: August 26th – Vancouver, Canada August 27th – Seattle, Washington August 28th – San Francisco, California September 11th – Los Angeles, California September 18th – Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Hallucinogen Tristan Simon H. Entheogen Records / Twisted U.K. 836 n.e. 92nd st. Seattle, Wa. 98115 206-525-9974 “If I met the Buddha on the road, I’d kick him in the nuts!!” Eric Cartman

#457 Fri, 18 Jun 1999 15:12:05 Note on Tsunami The space is 80% legal, the other 20% filled floor to ceiling with ds.

#458 Fri, 18 Jun 1999 15:15:25 War with Bloomberg We are fucking with each other now. Check out the site.

#459 Fri, 18 Jun 1999 15:50:27 Uncle Miltie From: miltondurr at hotmail (Milton Durr) To: though i really feel like i’m beating a dead horse by asking, why is it that the goa parties are ALWAYS so expensive? Aren’t there any smaller parties happening around town? must it always happen in such large spaces? granted, i could afford to pay the admission price, but i have never liked the idea of my evening starting at $20-$25. you probably aren’t to blame (now that you have a new job that you won’t talk about) but you must have some idea what is going on here. where are all those israelis that you keep talking about? where are their parties? milton Uncle Miltie the Aging Hippie, The parties are expensive because they cost and arm and a leg to put on – importing DJ’s from areas of the world that appreciate this sort of thing, the decadent art, rent, ds, etc. Most parties lose money. If you actually go to one you would understand. The Israelis go to the trance parties, DUH. You must be over 30. Didn’t they say 30 years ago to not trust anybody over 30? Well, I’m 31, so goa figure. 🙂 Hey everybody let’s all pitch in so Uncle Miltie can see what the Jung whippersnappers are doing these days.

#460 Fri, 18 Jun 1999 15:52:30 Remember when there were Bands where they play instruments? Recommended Show of the Week********************* 6/22 The Beta Band at Bowery Ballroom Indicates a new show. -UPCOMING NEW YORK CITY 6/16 Damnations TX, The V-Roys, Todd Thibaud at Brownies 6/16 Joey Ramone, Toilet Boys, The Prissteens at Coney Island High $15 6/16 Ben Swift Band, Lost Beat Heroes at The Lion’s Den 6/16 Jules Shear at Knitting Factory – Old Office 6/16,17 Pavement, U.S. Maple at Irving Plaza SOLD OUT 6/17 God Street Wine, Invisible Jet, The Big Wu at Wetlands 6/17 Mike Ness at Town Hall 6/17 Baron, Medeski & Ribot at Knitting Factory 6/17,18 Ash at Bowery Ballroom 6/18 NY Ska Jazz Ensemble, Dem Brooklyn Bums at Knitting Factory 6/18,19 The Meters, Jiggle The Handle at Tramps $25 6/19 Jupiter Coyote, Seeking Homer at Wetlands 6/19 Sean Kelly & Rob Somers, Pat McGee at The Bottom Line $15 6/19 Dave Davies, Grand Mal at Coney Island High $15 6/19 Dismemberment Plan, Enon at Knitting Factory 6/19 Groove Collective at The Cooler 6/19 Sunburst, Tiffany Anders, Girltoucher at Brownies 6/20 They Might Be Giants at Central Park Summerstage 6/20 Pavement, Strapping Fieldhands at Irving Plaza SOLD OUT 6/21 Joeseph Arthur at Knitting Factory 6/22 Tim Reynolds, Parker at Wetlands 6/22 DC Talk at Hammerstein Ballroom 6/22 The Beta Band at Bowery Ballroom 6/22 Cakelike, A Don Piper Situation, Sex Mob at Brownies 6/22,23,24 The Radiators at Manny’s Car Wash SOLD OUT 6/23 Jorma Kaukonen at The Bottom Line $20 6/23 The Pretenders at Bowery Ballroom SOLD OUT 6/23 The Hollowbodies, Mer at The Mercury Lounge 6/23 Eye Of God (Psychedelic Trance) at Wetlands 6/24 Bio Ritmo, Bloque at Wetlands 6/24 Ben Folds Five, Jude at Central Park Summerstage 6/24 Peter Salett, Prime-8, Paul Ruderman at Bowery Ballroom 6/24 Mary Lee’s Corvette, Mary Cutrufello at The Mercury Lounge 6/24 Carlinhos Brown at Beacon Theatre 6/25 The Verve Pipe, Papa Vegas, Gus at Bowery Ballroom 6/25 Honky Toast, Raging Slab at Continental 6/25,26 Deep Banana Blackout at Wetlands 6/26 James Brown, Galactic at Avery Fisher Hall 6/26 Guiness Fleadh at Randall’s Island** 6/26 Southern Culture On The Skids, The Backsliders at Bowery Ballroom 6/26 Joan Of Arc, Euphone at The Mercury Lounge 6/26 Robert Forster & Grant McLennan at Fez 6/28 Vertical Horizon, Fighting Gravity at Bowery Ballroom 6/29 John Brown’s Body, Soulive at Knitting Factory 6/29 Arto Lindsay, Amy Rigby at Coney Island High 6/30 Eric Clapton, Sheryl Crow, D’Angelo at Madison Square Garden 6/30 Joe Strummer & The Mescaleros at Irving Plaza $20 6/30 Sun Ra Arkestra at SOB’s 6/30, 7/1 The Bogmen at Bowery Ballroom 7/1 Face To Face at The Mercury Lounge 7/4 Lucious Jackson, Jon Spencer Blues Explosion at Summerstage 7/4 Mixmaster Mike, DJ Logic at Wetlands 7/4,5 Lloyd Cole & The Negatives at The Mercury Lounge 7/7,8,9 John Lurie & The Lounge Lizards at Knitting Factory 7/8 Kula Shaker at Irving Plaza $16.50 7/8 John Mayall & The Bluesbreakers at The Bottom Line $20 7/8 Zuba at Bowery Ballroom 7/8 Perfecto feat. Paul Oakenfold & Dave Ralph at Vinyl 7/9 Orbital, Crystal mthod, Lo-Fidelity All-Stars at Hammerstein Ballroom 7/9 Fountains Of Wayne, Imperial Teen, Owsley at Irving Plaza 7/9 Jazz Mandolin Project at The Bottom Line $15 7/9 Robbie Fulks at The Mercury Lounge 7/9,10 Ozric Tentacles at Wetlands 7/10 Girls Against Boys, Tim Kinsella, Cat Power at Tramps $10 7/13 Willie Nelson, Kelly Willis at Tramps $37.50 7/13 Orgy, Videodrone at Hammerstein Ballroom 7/13 Orange 9mm at Bowery Ballroom 7/14,15,16 Vic Chesnutt at Knitting Factory 7/15 Old 97’s at Bowery Ballroom $12 7/15 Marvelous 3, Dovetail Joint, Shades Apart at Irving Plaza $13.50 7/16 Warped Tour at Randall’s Island*** 7/16 Great Big Sea at Bowery Ballroom 7/16,17 KVHW at Wetlands 7/17 16 Horsepower at Knitting Factory 7/17 John Hiatt, Amy Rigby at The Bottom Line $35 7/19 Atari Teenage Riot at Bowery Ballroom 7/20 Will Oldham, Shannon Wright at Knitting Factory 7/20 Manic Street Preachers, Remy Zero at Bowery Ballroom 7/21 Jamiroquai at Roseland 7/21 Apples In Stereo, Beulah at Bowery Ballroom 7/21,22,23 Bush at Irving Plaza 7/22 Limp Bizkit, Kid Rock at Hammerstein Ballroom 7/22 Brian Setzer Orchestra, BR5-49 at Central Park Summerstage 7/22 The Smithereens at The Bottom Line $10 7/22 The Donnas, Delta 72, Groovie Ghoulies at Tramps $10 7/23 Looper, Khan at Tramps $10 7/23 Jill Sobule & Mary Lou Lord at Knitting Factory 7/24 Acoustic Junction, Granian at Wetlands 7/24 Daniel Johnston, Kramer at Knitting Factory 7/27 Bob Dylan, Paul Simon at Madison Square Garden 7/27 Ziggy Marley & The Melody Makers at Central Park Summerstage 7/27 G. Love & Special Sauce at Irving Plaza 7/27,28 Frank Black & The Catholics at Bowery Ballroom 7/27,28 Widespread Panic, Dirty Dozen at Roseland 7/28,29 Mick Taylor at Wetlands 7/29,30 The Melvins, Cosmic Psychos at Knitting Factory 7/30 Lyle Lovett, Keb’ Mo’ at Central Park Summerstage 7/30 Percy Hill, Moon Boot Lover at The Lion’s Den 8/2 Jazz Is Dead at Wetlands 8/3 Julian Lennon, Pushstars at Irving Plaza 8/3 The Cult, New American Shame at Roseland 8/3,4 Mr. Bungle at Bowery Ballroom 8/4 Steve Earle & The Del McCoury Band at Tramps $23.50 8/11 Marc Ribot Y Los Cubanos Postizos at Knitting Factory 8/11 Jurassic Five, Dilated Peoples at Tramps 8/12 The Mavericks at Tramps $27.50 8/12 Disco Biscuits at Wetlands 8/12 Luscious Jackson, Cibo Matto at Irving Plaza 8/15 Karl Denson’s Tiny Universe at Wetlands 8/17,18 Hothouse Flowers at Irving Plaza 8/19 Insane Clown Posse, Coal Chamber at Hammerstein Ballroom 8/19,20 Zorn, Medeski, Ribot & Wolleson at Knitting Factory -FESTIVALS 6/18,19,20 Gathering of The Vibes at Seaside Memorial Park in Bridgeport, CT Strangefolk, Moe., Gov’t Mule, Deep Banana Blackout, Disco Biscuits, John Scofield Band, Percy Hill, The Slip, The Zen Tricksters, Max Creek, Viperhouse, The Radiators, Big Wu + others tba for tix call 1-800-677-8650 **6/26 Guiness Fleadh with Elvis Costello, Hootie & The Blowfish, Lucinda Williams, Shawn Mullins, The Saw Doctors, John Prine, Black 47, Shane MacGowan, Richard Thompson, John Martyn, Moxy Fruvous, Martin Sexton, Joe Henry, Eileen Ivers Band, Frances Black, Kila + others ***7/16 Vans Warped Tour with Blink 182, Eminem, Pennywise, Suicidal Tendencies, Less Than Jake, Black Eyed Peas, Sevendust, Ice-T, The Living End, H20, Royal Crown Revue, Bouncing Souls, Lit, Agnostic Front, Dropkick Murphys, Amazing Crowns + others -UPCOMING NYC AREA SHOWS Jones Beach, Wantagh, NY 6/18 John Mellencamp, Son Volt SOLD OUT 6/19 Ani DiFranco, Maceo Parker 7/2,3 Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers, Lucinda Williams 7/10 J. Geils Band 7/24 Jewel, Rusted Root 7/25 The Offspring, Mighty Mighty Bosstones 7/30,31 Bob Dylan, Paul Simon 8/4 Barenaked Ladies, The Beautiful South 8/6 Lilith Fair w/ Sarah McLachlan, Sheryl Crow, The Pretenders + others 8/7 Roger Waters 8/14 The Cranberries, Collective Soul 8/15 Duran Duran 8/20 Goo Goo Dolls, Sugar Ray, Fastball 8/27 Allman Brothers 8/29 Bonnie Raitt, Bruce Hornsby, Jackson Browne, Shawn Colvin 9/1 Alanis Morissette, Tori Amos 9/4 R.E.M., Spacehog Joyous Lake, Woodstock, NY 6/18 Black 47 6/25 Joe Henry 42 Mill Hill Drive (914) 679-0367 Maxwells, Hoboken, NJ 6/17 Los Straitjackets, V-Roys, Todd Thibaud 6/19 Robert Forster & Grant McClennan 6/23 The Handsome Family, Candy Jones 6/24 Joe Henry, Candy Butchers 6/27 Southern Culture On The Skids 6/30 Face To Face 7/3 Jon Spencer Blues Explosion SOLD OUT 7/9 Freedy Johnston 7/17 Vic Chesnutt 7/21 Frank Black & The Catholics 7/23 The Donnas, Delta 72 7/24 Apples In Stereo, Beulah 7/26,27 Luna 7/30 Jimmie Dale Gilmore 1039 Washington St. (201) 798-0406 Toads Place, New Haven, CT 6/24 Spring Heeled Jack, Shades Apart 7/1 Luscious Jackson, Ben Lee 7/9 2 Skinnee J’s, Block 7/22 Frank Black & The Catholics, Reid Paley 7/29 Julian Lennon, Pushstars (203) 624-TOAD 300 York St. Towne Crier Cafe, Pawling, NY (914) 855-1300 Route 22 The Turning Point, Piermont, NY (914) 359-1089 468 Piermont Ave. Tuxedo Junction, Danbury, CT (203) 748-2561 2 Ives Street Phone #’s & Addresses Acme Underground (212) 420-1934 9 Great Jones Btwn. Broadway & Lafayette Beacon Theatre (212) 496-7070 74th St. & Broadway Bitter End (212) 673-7030 147 Bleeker St. Blue Note (212) 475-8592 131 West 3rd St. Bottom Line (212) 228-6300 15 West 4th St. at Corner of Mercer Bowery Ballroom (212) 533-2111 6 Delancey St. Brownies (212) 420-8392 169 Ave. A Btwn. 10th & 11th St. CBGB (212) 982-4052 315 Bowery at Bleeker St. CB’s 313 Gallery (212) 677-0455 313 Bowery Btwn. 1st & 2nd St. Chicago Blues (212) 924-9755 73 8th Ave. Below 14th St. Coney Island High (212) 674-7959 15 St. Marks Btwn. 2nd & 3rd Ave. Continental (212) 529-6924 25 3rd Ave. at St. Marks The Cooler (212) 229-0785 416 West 14th St. Don Hill’s (212) 334-1390 511 Greenwich St. Downtime (212) 695 3373 251 West 30th St. Btwn. 7th & 8th Ave. The Elbow Room (212) 979-8434 144 Bleeker St. Btwn. Thompson & LaGuardia Fez (212) 533-2680 380 Lafayette at Great Jones Hammerstein Ballroom at Manhattan Center (212) 564-4882 311 West 34th St. Iridium (212) 582-2121 48 West 63rd St. Irving Plaza (212) 777-6800 17 Irving Place at 15th St. Izzy’s (212) 228-0444 1st Ave & 10th St. Kenny’s Castaways (212) 979-9762 Bleeker & N. Thompson Sts. Knitting Factory (212) 219-3055 74 Leonard St. Btwn. Broadway & Church The Lions Den (212) 477-2782 214 Sullivan St. Btwn. Bleeker & West 3rd Louisiana Community Bar & Grill (212) 460-9633 622 Broadway at Houston Manny’s Car Wash (212) 369-BLUES 1558 3rd Ave. Btwn. 87th & 88th Mercury Lounge (212) 260-4700 217 East Houston St. at Essex St. Nightingale’s (212) 473-9398 213 2nd Ave. at 13th St. Pyramid (212) 228-4888 101 Avenue A Rock ‘N Roll Cafe (212) 677-7630 149 Bleeker St. Rodeo Bar (212) 683-6500 375 3rd Ave. at 27th St. Roseland (212) 245-5761 239 West 52nd St. Btwn. 8th & Broadway Roxy (212) 777-1224 515 West 18th St. Shine (212) 941-0900 285 W. Broadway at Canal Smalls (212) 929-7565 193 West 10th St. at 7th Ave. S.O.B.’s (212) 243-4940 204 Varick St. at corner of Houston The Spiral (212) 353-1740 244 East Houston St. Supper Club (212) 921-1940 240 West 47th St. Tonic (212) 358-7503 107 Norfolk Street Btwn. Delancey & Rivington Town Hall (212) 840-2824 123 West 43rd St. Tramps (212) 727-7788 51 West 21st St. Btwn. 5th & 6th Ave. Village Vanguard (212) 255-4037 178 7th Ave. South at 11th St. Visiones (212) 673-5576 125 MacDougal Street Webster Hall (212) 353-1600 125 East 11th St. Westbeth Theatre (212) 691-2272 151 Bank St. Wetlands (212) 966-4225 161 Hudson St. 2 blocks south of Canal end

#461 Fri, 18 Jun 1999 16:18:29 Uncle Miltie Stwikes Back There may be a free weekly at Club 205 Mondays…

#462 Fri, 18 Jun 1999 17:09:45 Re: Uncle Miltie Stwikes Back This string has been moved to NYNeurochat. In a message dated 6/18/99 5:05:35 PM, christina at compuscape writes: From: christina at compuscape (Christina Mull) -owner at onelist hey there! Milt is sure fired up! Maybe Jeff could reccomend a GW bridge party (if they still exist!) I agree who wants to spend so much money on cover! I guess I am used to forking out the dough even though I am from DC and the usual cover there is 5-10. You both make good points. Chrissy

#463 Fri, 18 Jun 1999 17:58:43 Question Does anybody know Matt Miller who works at Bloomberg? Email me privately if so.

#464 Sat, 19 Jun 1999 09:54:47 The Milton Special – only 10 quid SAT JULY 10::: **implant** at frying pan -this evening the first peripheral visionaries event, promising banging futuristic ear psychedelia and intra-dimensional visual bogglers!! -for those who aren’t familiar with it, the frying pan is a unique old ship and always a trip to visiti promise! future technology music from *CLOOJ * HIFI PRINCESS * Hugh S * SEQUENTIAL TOM space sounds by NILS of digital galaxy fame retinal recharge by LSPete venue: Frying Pan pier 63 at 12th ave. and 23rd st. (1 pier north of chelsea piers, immediately to the right of ‘basketball city’) for those driving, it’s right off the west side highway. time: 10 pm – 4 am who: 21+ only, and you gotta bring i.d. (next party will be an all-ages, we promise) cost: $10 before midnight (come early) we hope to see you all there !

#465 Sat, 19 Jun 1999 11:37:16 Fwd: Neuronautics Institute

#466 Sun, 20 Jun 1999 20:31:47 Fwd: [brainmachines] Remember when there were Bands where they playinstruments?

#468 Tue, 22 Jun 1999 17:03:54 Fwd: fridays at Twilo In a message dated 6/22/99 5:00:13 PM, friday at twiloclub writes: This Friday June 25th 1999 TWILO Presents: **PRIDE WEEKEND** SASHA & JOHN DIGWEED JIMMY VAN M Doors open at 11pm web twiloclub General admission is $30 18 to party 21 to drink July 2nd ***** One Year Anniversary *****: ULTIMATE B.A.S.E CARL COX JIM MASTERS MARK LEWIS July 9th DAVE ANGEL STACEY PULLEN DAVID HOLLANDS July 16th RESPECT IS BURNING! DIMITRI FROM PARIS FRANCOIS K SVEN LOVE July 23rd JOSH WINK WAMDUE KIDS July 30th SASHA & JOHN DIGWEED JIMMY VAN M. August 6th ULTIMATE B.A.S.E. DJ DAN COMMANDER TOM JUSTIN NICHOLS

#470 Wed, 23 Jun 1999 14:54:48 Juno Reactor July 9 In a message dated 6/23/99 1:41:51 PM, miltondurr at hotmail writes: Are you gonna announce the Juno Reactor show on July 9th at the Limelight or what? And yes, I’m gonna pay a whole $15 to see this show! Can you believe it?

#471 Wed, 23 Jun 1999 16:31:11 Fwd: [brainmachines] Juno Reactor July 9 In a message dated 6/23/99 3:24:20 PM, vladimir at tempest writes: I talked to John-Emanuel after the last Tsunami party and he said that the show in question will actually be Mike Maguire alone playing a DJ set. None of the other JR members are going to be there (and remember, Juno is a rather large band with live instruments, percussion, dancers, etc. etc.) I am opting for Orbital at Hammerstein Ballroom on the same night. Peace Fofa

#473 Thu, 24 Jun 1999 11:21:42 GWBridge free trance party SUBTLE CHAOS Friday 06/25 This is the read deal, maties. I will not be in town but you should goa to this, it’s pretty authentic.

#474 Thu, 24 Jun 1999 11:49:13 CORRECTION WEST GWBridge IMPORTANT. It’s West not EAST. You could get yourself killed otherwise swimming the Spuyten Dyvel looking for the party. This is the read deal, maties. I will not be in town but you should goa to this, it’s pretty authentic. dude, ‘east’ on 181st street? shouldn’t that be ‘west’? -cliff Correct.

#475 Wed, 30 Jun 1999 17:09:33 Fwd: Scuba presents Tanked

July 1999

#476 Fri, 2 Jul 1999 14:47:25 From: ” jeff at x.x Upcoming Trance Events TSUNAMI presents THE HOVEK OLAM PARTY (Embrace The World) FRIDAY 07:02:99 11PM – 7AM AVI ALGRANATI (BNE, Israel) For The First Time in America, Performing Live as Space Cat YANIV (Munich, Germany) Live!! For The First Time in America SHSHSH A Five Person Live Instrumental Group DJ MOTI (NYC) INDIA DROP (Purple Oz/Tsunami) Backdrops & Decorations: RAN MOR/HOVEK OLAM (Munich) $25 or $20 with a print-out of this eflyer * 18+ Must Bring Photo ID * TSUNAMI 24 HR INFO LINE: 212.439.8124 Polymorphous 718.390.7232 Synthetic Sadhus 212.774.7728 In-Trance-It 212.462.3241 Pure Children 212.352.4340 VINYL 6 Hubert Street, NY, NY (Off Hudson St. 3 blocks below Canal) Tsunami Celestial Trance for Sublime People ce/ Filtering Forest Pow-Wow Psychedelic Trance Camp July 2nd-4th DJ Sets featuring: DJ Dragonlotus Melange * Tryagoffcon Psilly Psyborg Justin * Ori Located in the delicious Allegheny National Forest, PA Near the 28th Annual Rainbow Gathering of Tribes “Be Prepared to Camp” For directions: AquarianSun at hotmail or call: (215) 552-8949 / (215) 309-0699 From: Entheogen2 at aol Solar Apex – July 2, 1999 Seattle, WA Ollie Wisdom – Space Tribe, Australia Taka – Solstice, Tokyo Tony D’Oporto – Entheogen / Twisted Records Vajra – Blueroom Americas Solar Apex has moved indoors because of the rain. Call the voice mail – 206-522-3150 – for the address. Located locally in Seattle. From: Anthony Tribby puppetmaster at project2501 Since the 5th of July is a holiday for most people (in the US at least) we’re having an early-evening party at our club in Alexandria, VA. It’s only $2, it runs from 7pm – 2am, and will feature full-on fluoro decorations, plus some original video art projections, plus of course lots of great psy-trance for your listening and dancing pleasure, spun by Ritter Gluck, 2501 & Tempus. directions are here: project2501/psychoburbia/directions.html July 9th, 1999 New york, New York at the Limelight Mike McGuire (Juno Reactor) Tickets are $15 and can be purchased at: Manny’s Closet 212-463-8203 House of Trance 212-477-9250 Norman’s Sound & Vision 212-873-3100 Krazy Caffee 212-979-6125 SAT JULY 10, 1999 New York, New York Peripheral Visionaries present **IMPLANT** at the Frying Pan -this evening the first peripheral visionaries event, promising banging futuristic ear psychedelia and intra-dimensional visual bogglers!! -for those who aren’t familiar with it, the frying pan is a unique old ship and always a trip to visiti promise! future technology music from: Hugh S (Peripheral Visionaries, Brooklyn) SEQUENTIAL TOM (Peripheral Visionaries / Polymorphous, Brooklyn) HIFI PRINCESS (Peripheral Visionaries / Luxury, Brooklyn) CLOOJ (Kluge Concepts, NYC) space sounds by NILS of digital galaxy fame retinal recharge by LSPete time: 10 pm – 4 am who: 21+ only, and you gotta bring i.d. (next party will be an all-ages, we promise) Frying Pan Pier 63 at 12th ave. and 23rd st. (1 pier north of chelsea piers, immediately to the right of ‘basketball city’) right off the West Side Highway “Not just for transvestite hookers anymore.” cost: $10 before midnight (come early) we hope to see you all there ! 30 YEARS AGO IT WAS A SMALL STEP FOR A MAN – NOW ITS A GIANT LEAP TO PARTY Come celebrate the 30th anniversary of our first tentative step to the stars!! brought to you by NEURONAUTIC INSTITUTE & LANCE ROMANCE DJ’s to be announced JULY 20 1999 at the Frying Pan Pier 63 (Chelsea Piers Complex), New York (212) 989-6363 Neuronautic Institute: home.earthlink.net/thew

#477 Sat, 3 Jul 1999 19:20:58 Saturday night At 147 West 15th. Downstairs in the restaurant, Eric and Anthony and Cynthia from Gemini fame. European chichi gathering, come by around midnight. I’ll definitely be there.

#478 Sat, 3 Jul 1999 19:30:55 one other.. Say you know if anybody asks. It’s housey but a great crowd. DJ, dancing, etc

#479 Tue, 6 Jul 1999 13:41:56 Paul Oakenfold Does anybody know where Paul Oakenfold is playing on the 8th, and where can we get tickets?

#480 Tue, 6 Jul 1999 14:03:58 Fwd: [brainmachines] Paul Oakenfold

#481 Thu, 8 Jul 1999 14:37:42 From: ” jeff at x.x Outlaw Friday – SUBTLE CHAOS Part 2 – Severyn Synthetic Sadhus NYC Vadim Subtle Chaos NYC Alex Alyosha-NYC 604 Mike AphexMike 604 Comes another journey into the beautiful connection of music, stars, nature, trees, leaves, grass, clouds of dust from under the dancing feet! Come! Join the vibe with us at known location… “KNOWN LOCATION” is located at 181st cornering Amsterdam Ave. It is rather tricky to get to the spot, (some people didnt find it last time) and in case you need any info. contact : Alex’s voicemail (212)714-4713 Max’s e-mail: max at maxf.net This info is available on the web at party.maxf.net

#482 Fri, 9 Jul 1999 03:42:02 Mouth-dropping Unbelievable site at xdude I am not worthy. You have to check out this site, I don’t ever prevaricate or even use hyperbole. web xdude is a new standard. Be sure to check out the chakra section.

#483 Fri, 9 Jul 1999 13:11:23 La La La We need tickets for Orbital To be exact: clara98 at hotmail anyway, i am desperate to see orbital tonight’ i{ve been waiting 6 years!! a music friend was supposed to get tickets and at the last minute couldn{t because of promoter changes, and the show just sold out. i wanted to see if anyone had tickets they wanted to sell me. if you get the chance, could you write me back?? gracias ..claire Damn. I was gonna go, too. Anybody have tickets?

#484 Mon, 12 Jul 1999 14:56:42 Excellent gathering! Dear Brainmachiners, What a wonderful group of people at the outlaw underneath the east part of the GW Bridge this last Friday. That was my first time ever, and being out in nature – even in Manhattan!?! – is 100% different from being in a club. No time restrictions, no security – there’s no justice, it’s Just Us. I had a chance to talk to just about everybody, and ecstatic wanderers had chances to go behind bushes and stroke each other. It began to feel like a big mind orgy. The view of the river was beautiful. We even had a chance to put up some trance graffiti. Thanks Max for the party, the Russians are a welcome addition, Thanks George for the bananas, and I think Matthew Magic’s set was the best ever. It felt tribal, it felt like an Archaic mini-Revival, I felt the love. Even a couple locals came out and shared their spliffs. From now on, this is my scene. I finally felt at home. I used to be hard core into anarchism, and this is it. In practice, it is real, real, real. It’s the closest we NYers come to Burning Man, which is pretty much the ideal ideal. For those of you who have never been, you are missing a lot. Keep an eye on these emails for future gatherings, as it ain’t ever going on the site! And I slept for 20 hours afterwards. BOM Jeff PS Here’s a good MP3 file from xdude (be sure yu have an MP3 player): web lenet/mp3/antiloop01.mp3 PSS There is an almost sensual longing for communion with others who have a larger vision. The immense fulfillment of the friendships of those engaged in the furthering of consciousness has a quality almost impossible to describe. Back to work %-)

#485 Mon, 12 Jul 1999 15:22:26 The French think the Internet is an Anglo-American conspiracy And they’re right! This is a re-send. It ain’t trance but it’s artsy. Not like OUR art, you know, the Tsunami bathroom art where all the asian women have quadrilateral vaginas and polymorphous perversity and all, but… diverting nonetheless. (I can just imagine John Emmanuel interviewing that artist… “So, how many genitalia do we have?) This is a good way to spend a Saturday afternoon in Queens, hell probably the ONLY way, ever, ever, sorry. I think it’s Frenchy housey acid jazzy sort of music. Everybody, complain loudly when you can’t get ICED tea, and ask them “Do you have… RUNNING WATER?” Forwarded Message: Subj:CHEZ! Date: 7/12/99 3:05:59 PM From: NEILOU1 at aol Hello friends! This is it….web chezmusic is up and running. Trust me… it deserves your magic click. Go check it out and let me know what you think. For the New York people, i am very proud to bring you that special “Chez Week End” we have been working on for the last two months. Let’s party! Don’t forget to check out Chez’s new 12″ release from DJ SPEN… “LE CHEZ WEEK END” Three parties in 24 hours brought to you by CHEZ Music and Friends. proudly sponsored by cductive Premiere Partie: Saturday July 17th 1999 ( from 5ish until 9pm) “LE CHEZ WEEKEND” kicks off at PS1 for the Warm Up series. A great outdoor space, good music, good people……Chez is on the case!!! featuring les Chez dj’s: Aldo from A1 records Holmar Filipsson from N’ce Neil Aline from la Chez Planet. donation $5 directions: P.S.1 is located just across the Queensboro Bridge at the corner of Jackson Ave and 46th Ave. By train take the F or E to 23rd St-Ely Ave. PS1 ph #:1-718-784-2084 Deuxieme Partie: Saturday July 17th 1999 from 10:00pm Right after the big outdoor “Chez Orgy” at PS1, join us for “la soiree super cool” at the Bowery Ballroom with Giant Step and two floors full of You, You, You and You! headlining upstairs: Mushroom Jazzshowcase feat. Mark Farina and Dj Spinna music in the lower CHEZ level by: Neil Aline Dj Sleepyface Holmar Filipsson Aldo from A1 records plus surprisingly good guest dj’s. Bowery Ballroom 6 Delancey St bet Bowery and Christie St 21&over $15 cover Troisieme Partie: The cherry on top – The orgazmik finish… N’ice, Flyer Magazine, Chez & Cductive proudly present Sunday July 18th 1999 N’ice Boatparty upper deck: Thomas (N’ice, Wicked Crew S.F) Neil Aline (Chez Music, BPM) A. GRam (N’ice,Diesel U.S.A) Holmar Filipsson (N’ice,Iceland) Lower deck: Marcus & Dominique Plant Perry & Smith Agzilla Visuals by Funk Taxi 1533 Only 200 tickets available for this event. Tickets $25, available in advance at: Dub Spot Records12th street btwn 1st and Ave A boarding starts at 5pm at the pier on 23rd street and FDR aboard the “Half Moon” (departs at 6pm sharp!!!!) & returns at 11pm. 18 to board, 21 to drink. N’ice infoline 212.712.7258 ******************** Chez Music releases are available on vinyl, mp3, cd’s. For more information go to web CHEZMUSIC

#486 Mon, 12 Jul 1999 15:52:03 More Frenchy stuff – Free – Tonight – Bring ID This is a big Twilo/industry scene. aGain, no trance, per se, but fun, and pretty much the only good thing on a Tuesday night. Correct me if I’m wrong. Every other Tuesday from 10:00pm to 04:00am at Izzy Bar – 166 first ave corner of 10th st. no cover – 21 & over. Picture id is a must! This Tuesday July 12th 1999 downstairs at cannibal A very rare appearance by the don of Tech House: TERRY FRANCIS (Pagan/uk) plus Adam Goldstone (Supertars of Rock) Upstairs, it’s our Rendez-Vous with: Djette Wiseblood direct from London (Wax Magazine) and direct from last time….. Neil Aline Alright Guys..see you there. We have a busy week coming up and i hope to see you at each of our events. Mad thanks to Stephanie at Synkronize for hooking us up. Happy B.day girl! Neil-web chezmusic

#487 Mon, 12 Jul 1999 17:09:59 correction – Izzy Bar thing is Tuesday per the email

#488 Mon, 12 Jul 1999 17:42:38 Yeah, we were both there haha. From Hommage2p5 at aol Jeff- you said the outlaw on friday was under the east part of the GW bridge; I was also at an outlaw on friday, but it was under the cross bronx expressway (which is attached to the gw). Is that the one you’re talking about or was there another one actually under the bridge, where the historic little red lighthouse is? At the one I was at the music didn’t start till about 3:30 when we finally borrowed electricity from a construction crew working on the expressway, but it did fit your description otherwise. -Rich Yes, one and the same. Boy was that fucker hard to find!!! Esp. if we started early heh heh. The email I sent had a pretty good map. It can still be found at: This info is available on the web at party.maxf.net

#489 Tue, 13 Jul 1999 09:34:41 SUBTLE CHAOS 2 – Review and Plea for used equipment This could be YOUR way of helping out our Russian friends

#490 Tue, 13 Jul 1999 16:18:26 Fwd: for your listening pleasure Bookers – Max, et alia – consider this source of transpiration: In a message dated 7/13/99 4:04:35 PM, kr185 at columbia writes: Hi – my name is Kiovanna and I was wondering if you could help me out… I have a golden boy DJ secret talent that I would love to share with the New York trance scene. I’ve lived in New york for a little less than a year so I haven’t established all the right connections yet (… but I’m getting there). Anyways- I’d love to get his music into the right hands- someone that organizes these beautiful parties. I’m friends with Hanoch of the Israeli trance scene (do you know him?) but he has a preference for Israeli DJs that play mini-disks. (The tracks are fantastic but the experience loses it’s “on-a-journey” effect when the DJ can’t match beats.) I’m working on him though- and he listens when I dance. I’m a Queen Bee you know. So- my secret talent DJ is only in town until the middle of August. I’d love to try to hook somthing up for everyone’s listening pleasure – guaranteed mental, emotional, spritual, and sexual stimulation. Maybe we could meet for a drink sometime so you can judge for yourself whether or not I’m someone to be taken serioulsy. I have big plans… for the scene, for the future. Feel free to contact me at anytime work: 212-424-0753 email: kr185 at columbia until then, keep transmitting – someone’s always listening. Thank You Sincerely, Kiovanna

#491 Wed, 14 Jul 1999 15:04:24 Upper West Side Sublet available now… If you have any friends in need of a quick 1 bedroom call this trance guy… Hey ya’ll I’m moving back downtown and giving up my sublet. I need to find someone to take my spot. 1 bdrm 2nd flr walk up 85th columbus & Amsterdam july 15th till sept 15th 1,100 a mnth If you know anyone who needs it please let me know. BOM Rack 203 887 4567

#492 Wed, 14 Jul 1999 16:41:41 Izzy Bar report (Message follows) Hello Sasha, I cancelled going at the last minute. Still recovering from the outlaw this last weekend. Did anybody see our list droog? There’s a bunch of Russians on this list, computer & medical types, and they seem strangely almost pharmaceutically attracted to mechanical blinking things. BTW Did anybody know that Russians as an ethnic group are one of the most likely to be millionaires, along with Scots and Armenians!?! (From The Millionaire Next Door) In a message dated 7/14/99 4:35:49 PM, sasha1 at netcom writes: I was visiting NY from Boston for a day, and came to Izzy Bar. Brought some guys from work, too; we really enjoyed it, especially later in the night, when people started dancing more. The place could use better lights, but I liked the music and the crowd. Kept wondering who were the brainmachines people, had a few ideas, but didn’t want to bother anybody with questions. Maybe next time somebody could wear a brain hat or somthing? If anybody noticed a short Russian guy with three dancing figures on his white T-shirt – it was me…

#493 Wed, 14 Jul 1999 17:12:03 Sorry -another email -Feel spontaneous? Want to go to Canada this weekend Imagine “We all live in the Yellow Submarine,” sung by a chorus of intrepid neuronauts with Russian accents: Hey all! This is Aleks from Subtle Chaos reaching out to grab some more people to join us on this trip to festival in Canada. Some of our friend canceled on this trip, so we ran in to some problems: Need a person over 25 with credit card and drivers license to rent a van, we could also rent with someone over 21 (that would be me), but dont know if my c.c. will hold up to that (up to the limit:) and it’s going to be more $, if someone out there is planning a trip this weekend and needs a ride, please get in touch with me today at my voice mail: 212-714-4713 Even if you cant help us rent the van, still should join us – the more people we have, the less everyone would have to chip in 🙂 We will have a nice sound system on the car, and whole bunch of other stuff, with reallly cool crew of friends. Plans are to leave Friday morning and come back early Monday morning. The cost of the place in van will vary between $40-65, depending on final # of people going. Discount for someone who rents the van 🙂 djrhino99 at yahoo writes: Also e-mail me at rhinoman21 at yahoo Peace to all of you C U before or at next Subtle Chaos party! Aleks

#494 Thu, 15 Jul 1999 15:23:51 Twilo lineup this summer

#495 Fri, 16 Jul 1999 11:37:46 Tsunami Friday TSUNAMI presents SPUN FRIDAY 07:16:99 11PM – 7AM POLY (Spun Records, Amsterdam) TORRY (Spun Records, Amsterdam) SEQUENTIAL TOM (Polymorphous, Brooklyn) MATTHEW MAGIC (Project Beyond/Tsunami) $25 or $20 with a print-out of this eflyer * 18+ Must Bring Photo ID * TSUNAMI 24 HR INFO LINE: 212.439.8124 Polymorphous 718.390.7232 Synthetic Sadhus 212.774.7728 In-Trance-It 212.462.3241 Pure Children 212.352.4340 VINYL 6 Hubert Street, NY, NY (Off Hudson St. 3 blocks below Canal) Tsunami Celestial Trance for Sublime People Friday July 30th, Tsunami presents Astral Projection and much more!! ce/

#496 Sat, 17 Jul 1999 11:24:19 Huge Drum n’Bass/Jungle in Brooklynn – M A J O R H A V O C

#497 Sat, 17 Jul 1999 11:26:52 Also, don’t forget, P.S. 1 at 5-9 today. WWow all this action today in Queens and Brooklynn… must be the economy 🙂

#498 Sat, 17 Jul 1999 21:53:16 Friday? Are you there? Are you there? If so you are up czeching your email Navratolva-style, catching a good serve. Here’s one, one by an archetype of the MC Hammer villain in the movie Half-Baked. In it, the character has a castle in Spanish Harlem, where the party is tonight, be SURE not to miss, 2269 1ST Ave at 116tt, cool Eurotrashy elegance (it is Bastille Week, after all 😉 See you there. Eric, Anthony amd Cynthia’s scene My 212-445-0364 Be there by 11pm. Last name of guest: Hoyt, friends of Eric, Anthony amd Cynthia (E & A are getting married in France now…)

#499 Sun, 18 Jul 1999 17:51:29 See me on K on the Discovery Channel I’m on the Discovery Channel, interviewed while getting into a K-hole while at Bennie’s Burritos in the East Village…! by the BBC in a program on Near Death Experiences, hosted by Arthur C. Clarke. Next airing: Friday night 31 Jul 1999 – 01:30 AM

#500 Wed, 21 Jul 1999 10:18:04 This weekend so far – it’s looking a little ravey If anybody gets info on things this week/weekend send to as there are some list members in from out of town and it seems to be dead, trancewise. We need an outlaw!!! So far, Josh WInk Friday, PS1 Saturday afternoon, and Big rave Sat-Sun. All in all, pretty fucking lean! July 23rd Twilo – JOSH WINK WAMDUE KIDS SHELDON DRAKE (upstairs lounge) TWILO is NYC’s premier nightclub venue, featuring the LARGEST DIGITAL SOUND SYSTEM in the USA, all within a 30,000 square foot complex. PARKING is available in a SECURED PARKING GARAGE right across the street. TWILO is located at 530 West 27th Street, between 10th & 11th Avenues. For further information call 212-268-9422/212-268-1600 or visit our website at web twiloclub Saturday afternoon – 3pm – 9pm – big day party at PS1. There is a lot of cool art by Philip Johnson etc, electronic dance music, dancing, beer drinking, $5. by Subway (map at web PS1.org) E or F to 23 St/Ely Ave. Exit onto 44th to Jackson Ave. Walk two blocks south on Jackson to 46th Ave. 7 to 45 Rd/Courthouse Sq. Exit onto Jackson Ave. Walk one block south to 46th Ave. G to 23 St/Van Alst, Exit onto 21st St. Walk one block north to 46th Rd. Turn right. Walk one block east to Jackson Ave. G to Court Sq. Walk south three blocks on Jackson Ave. July 24th-25th Big big big 24 hour old school techno rave in NYC – saturday the 24th – sunday the 25th, in NYC virgin location – info 592-3676. A lot of techno, some jungle no trance.

#501 Wed, 21 Jul 1999 12:57:50 Wednesday loungish doings A bunch of us are chilling tonight Eau Bar (NOT the Au Bar in midtown) 913 Bway 21&22 2nd floor. Tell the door guy you’re with Pete’s group. 9pm – 4 am. Feel free to forward this freely, esp. to Ace Frehley

#502 Wed, 21 Jul 1999 13:59:17 AOL poll today will shock you! Most people online (at least on AOL) say YES to all d legalization. All the old farts offline are getting drunk and smoking cigarettes. Do you believe in the legalization of ds for recreational purposes? Yes 9229 52.0% No 6697 37.8% Unsure 1812 10.2% Total votes: 17738 Do you believe in the legalization of ds for medicinal purposes? Yes 15293 87.0% No 1463 8.3% Unsure 821 4.7% Total votes: 17577 What is your age? Under 18 3700 21.1% 18-35 8218 46.8% 36-54 4498 25.6% 55+ 1146 6.5% Total votes: 17562

#503 Wed, 21 Jul 1999 14:02:37 Next Wednesday There’s a cool art opening next Wednesday 7/28 6-8pm at Apex Art gallery. 291 Church Street between Walker & White. My friend Erwin Reidl has a show there of a light installation (right up your alley). It should be an interesting crowd.

#505 Wed, 21 Jul 1999 19:02:23 Seats at fashion shows next week This is from Norma Quinto, an old friend who produces fun downtown fashion shows JEFF, We are producing fashion shows next week and we have a few seats left to fill for a cool NY crowd: Tuesday, July 27th at 3:00 PM 7Th On Sixth Everett Hall 135 West 18th Street at the Altman Building Tuesday, July 27th at 7:00 PM 7Th On Sixth PELLE PELLE 135 West 18th Street at The Altman Building Wednesday, July 28th at 6:00 PM 7th On Sixth ERIC MALIK 135 West 18th Street at The Altman Building PLEASE NOTE: SEATING IS LIMITED PLEASE CALL 965.1146 TO RSVP

#506 Wed, 21 Jul 1999 19:27:53 YES!!!! A trance outlaw this friday!!! The party is the best place I’ve been to in NYC. You must check it out. Be patient if it takes a while for their generator to get running. It is on the northern tip of Manhattan, on the east corner where the GW Bridge and he Triborough merge. Once you’re on 181st and Amsterdam it is a 5 minute walk. Don’t get confused with these simple directions. Follow them literally. Take the subway 1 or 9 to 181st. Go to the southeast corner of 181st and Amsterdam. Stand there. Look east. See the little paved road that runs along the road on the south side, parallel to the highway that the cars are on? Walk east on it; after about 100 yards it starts dipping south, The little road gently slopes down into the park, down some stairs, goes under an arch, splits in two (take the right path) and down more stairs and continues down down down until you hear music. It’s creepy getting there but there has been NO CRIME EVER at these parties, thanks to the Israelis %-)(that’s a stoned Israeli with a beard) Bring blankets cigarettes and 5HTP and water. Hey all! Happy to bring you this info: this friday Paradox is organizing a party under the bridge, (just to blend somthing in, with Subtle Chaos already thinking to move in under there 🙂 The party will start at midnight and will go on till 9:00 am or so, at that point everybody will be invited to go to swimming pool in the area -(???) DJ line-up: 12 – 2 Severyn Synthetic Sadhus, NYC 2 – 5 Illusion Paradox, NYC 7’s 5 – 8 MD4 Phonokol, Israel Both, the party and the pool are free, water and chai will be sold (unlike at our parties – it’s free 🙂 For those of you that still dont know how to get there – e-mail me for directions or any other info: rhinoman21 at yahoo Hope to see you all! Boom aleks

#507 Thu, 22 Jul 1999 13:38:41 Actual map to the outlaw trance party Hey guys, just in case you get lost, i put up a map and brief directions at web maxf.net/directions.html. Hope that helps. Max

#508 Thu, 22 Jul 1999 13:42:38 Aweb to bad that sucky rave was cancelled…. … hope to see you all under the bridge friday. “Kloud 909” has been cancelled. Bob Baxter web baxter.cc/ “No sane man will dance.” – Marcus Tullius Cicero (106-43 BC) The 24th is Called Kloud 909 by New York WOrld Order. This was Hyped at Local 13’s Whistle at event on Memorial Day weekend. Since that event there has been no word, no mailing, and now the web-site is down. There are no record stores with flyers or that have any info. The info line does not give an exact local or time or price or the full dj list ((supposedly 40+ including Space Girl, Lenny D and Rabbit in the Moon) I am very interested in attending this and am looking for any more info that someone else might have on it.

#509 Thu, 22 Jul 1999 13:44:05 important news about trance outlaw friday just thought everyone should know- the 1 and 9 doesn’t stop at 181st st. until september, they’re doing repairs. THe nearest stops, I think are 191st and 178th. Don’t want anyone to get lost.. see you there. Thanks derlock at excite!!!

#510 Fri, 23 Jul 1999 13:00:37 From: ” jeff at x.x fashionneurotrancemitterindustrytechno Event next Thursday Mark your calendars. You are invited to a free fabulous event next week, the best in a good while: 33 Degrees, Neurotrancemitter, Columbia Records, Tanqueray, Present “Full Body Gear” (also promoting a new techno compilation called Y2K (Think an updated Stussy vibe) Thursday night, July 29th. Boylan studios 601 West 26th street 14th floor between 11th and 12th avenues Free, general admission/party 9PM-late Open Bar All night. You can email this around if you want, but use some discretion. There will be a private collection showing beforehand, if you really want to go to that you must email me or call at 212-445-0364 and I’ll give you the RSVP number. It’s a cocktial hour and fashion show. But the real action starts at 9 when the DJs start cranking. Get there right at 9. My connection to this party is that I know John Finch, who runs 33 degrees and have worked on ravey manga style fashion parties with him before. Cheers, Jeff

#511 Fri, 23 Jul 1999 16:22:33 A further note on next thursday the fashion party – if you come at or after 9, no need to RSVP, it will be free anyway thanks. before is a low key cocktail hour and showing. that’s what you’d have to rsvp for.

#512 Sat, 24 Jul 1999 19:46:51 Bridge Trance Review from Friday Before you read the rest of this, I want you to know there were a lot of people there it was chaotic and free. Most people enjoyed themselves. This is however real life and things will happen. As we leave the clubs behind we are in a true simulation of anarchism in a pure form, a large community of 200 or 300 people that fulfill all functions of what a event would normally fulfill, such as maintenance, refreshments, or security. Today we’ll start with the last one. A quiet older Israeli given to bouts of deeply contemplative 20 hour esoteric PIKHAL alchemy was jumped by a wandering gang of street kids on the very edge of the outlaw party. We helped him to the hospital. He’s going to be OK, stiches and some broken bones. I’m sorry, but I feel responsible to let this information out, not to ruin your natural high, but because I ended up knowing Eddie from before and he is a very kind man. This is the first time violence has ever happened at a trance, and it pretty much sucked the vibe right out. As his roommate/friend said when looking for him “Where are the children???” Many thanks to the friends who helped Eddie in his time of crisis, some of you were invaluable, and this event underscores the chaotic environment that *that* was last night, and of one random group encountering ceremonies of another tribe. And the sparks that fly when we are on our own. As movements build and mature these random chaotic situations will have to be dealt with and prevented in the future. I can’t help but feel responsible, but I reason that no one with email would beat somebody up, kind of like the old adage that no wars have ever been fought between two countries that both have a McDonald’s; however, Serbia just proved that wrong. So I screen now new members, just to be sure. Or the trance graffiti that had been painted over… oh, the mind was racing, flipping out candy to a lost comrade to feel the hurt of a good man. I’m pretty sure it was just random people walking by, though. It was the first time anything like that happened that anybody remembers. Yet of course the trances don’t exactly go away but will continue, but people now will occasionally patrol the park, myself included. Kind of like security at Burning Man, the last line before police. And if you do go, expect a completely different vibe in a hidden wilderness park 5 minutes walk from the street but a world apart from Manhattan. Just do not wander out in the middle of the night by yourself to a remote area. PLUR shankar Jeff

#513 Mon, 26 Jul 1999 12:23:53 New security group We will form a patrol volunteer group with head mounted flashlights (one over each ear) at the Bridge parties in NYC. 2 hour shifts, must be medium to large sized male, to patrol the park. Walkie talkies provided. Volunteers email No formal “Guardian Angel” uniform, just need to know. No formal “Trance Ranger” name. Speed freaks need not apply, no wait, take that back. i have 2 motorola walkie talkies and a cell phone. Let’s stalk about this further. In a message dated 7/26/99 11:58:48 AM, rack37 at gigfoot writes: The patrol idea is a very good one but I question the effect of randomly walking around. Perhaps checkpoints would be better. Do you have any maps or layouts of the park? (Including space under both bridges and in between. People who know the layout tend to wander) BOM Rack

#514 Mon, 26 Jul 1999 13:59:19 Burning Man Update

#515 Tue, 27 Jul 1999 14:46:08 DAVE SEAMAN free at Cannibal tonight!!!

#516 Wed, 28 Jul 1999 11:25:46 Thursday Friday BTW, David Seaman was amazing last night free at Cannibal. -Don’t forget the big rockin’ fashion party Thursday -Astral Projection at Vinyl Friday (that’s where I’ll be) -Another Bridge party by the wonderful Subtle Chaos people (same night – that’s tearing me up) -PS1 Saturday afternnon/early evening Also, I’m on the Discovery SCIENCE Channel (satellite only in Manhattan), interviewed while getting into a K-hole while at Bennie’s Burritos in the East Village…! by the BBC in a program on Near Death Experiences, hosted by Arthur C. Clarke. Next airing: Friday night 31 Jul 1999 – 01:30 AM If you have satellite could you tape it? Is it worth money?

#517 Thu, 29 Jul 1999 01:40:46 Help please I have two different friends looking for apartments to move in to sept 1 and oct 1. One needs one bedroom, the other needs two. Both have a budget of around $1200. If you know of anything opening up please let me know!!! Let’s keep it in the “family.” Two bedrooms is a girl who wrote to me when I was in prison for general anarchism. mccarrot at earthlink, One bedroom is a distant cousin from Iowa. One bedroom bradbrummett at hotmail Please email them or me at

#518 Fri, 30 Jul 1999 14:23:24 Fwd: Subtle Chaos Part 3 – Friday, July 30th In a message dated 7/30/99 1:20:42 PM, max at maxf.net writes: MESSAGE BELOW NOT TO BE FORWARDED TO ANY OTHER LISTS! Subtle Chaos brings you yet another renegade party! – VIBE! – VIBE! – VIBE! – VIBE! – VIBE! – – New Location! – New Directions! – Same people! – Excellent vibe! – VIBE! – VIBE! – VIBE! – VIBE! – VIBE! – Come with us to Ft. Washington Park and enjoy a riverside natural beauty! DJ Lineup featuring: Alex! Ron! AphexMike! Indra! Get to 176th St & Haven Ave. You should see a garage. Next to a garage there will be an overpass going to the park. You should see the signs how to get to us 🙂 Just follow the yellow brick road:) If you do not see ‘The Way’ – call our info line at (917) LCD-8-MAX or (917) 744-4354. Mention Subtle Chaos and identify yourself. We’ll send one of our renegades to bring you in 🙂

#519 Fri, 30 Jul 1999 14:44:16 Trip Date July 30, 1999: the next 30 hours It’s 1999 and we are living, breathing science fiction entities 9PM Take Pramiracetam 10:00PM Eat a good pasta meal 12PM Eat lots of fruit, take 5HTP, Melatonin, Ozone, Lemon, Hydergine, Vinpocetine, Lucidril 1:30AM Discovery Science Channel – “The Near Death Experience,” yours truly’s K interview with Arthur C. Clarke 2:00AM Astral Projection – trance party at Vinyl 8:00AM Subtle Chaos – bring blankets and water and water paints 3PM PS 1 in Queens (web ps1.org) BTW RE: Subtle Chaos Max gave an OK for me to fdw that on to you all. There is a guy called David Pearce who has put a controversial idea on the web called the Hedonistic imperative. His thesis is that the “aversive experience” that we are so frequently is a byproduct of our role as vehicles for selfish DNA, the reproduction of which is served by our suffering. (This corresponds with Eastern philosophical traditions that hold that all suffering is due to an attachment to physical things.) Now that we are smart and have entered the ‘post darwinian’ era, we can do somthing about it. Through genetic engineering and other technologies, we can “eliminate the biological substrates of aversive experience” and live in a state of continuous exctasy and love towards each other and all living things.

#520 Fri, 30 Jul 1999 14:47:27 Fwd: Subtle Chaos Part 3 – Benefit Party In a message dated 7/30/99 2:42:50 PM, max at maxf.net writes: Ok, some more info: We’ll be checking the intersection at 12:00, 1:30 and 2:30. Please be there around those times. This party is going on til last man standing. So if you are in the mood for an afterparty after Astral Projection, you are welcome to join us. We ARE also accepting donations towards equipment replacement. This IS a benefit party. Please donate whatever you deem worthy. We have lost a little over $2000 (two thousand) dollars in equipment at our last party. Help us to bring you the best!:) Peace, and see you all tonight 🙂 Max

#521 Sat, 31 Jul 1999 08:32:28 Monday Food & Drinks & Models & Live DJ Dear Jeff, Mark your calendar WEBSITE launch party at CYBERCAFE uptown 250 West 49th Street between 8th Ave & Bwy MONDAY August 2nd from 5:00 to 7:00 PM Sponsored by MOR Vodka Food & Drinks & Models & Live DJ For guest list call: 212.965.1146

August 1999

#522 Mon, 2 Aug 1999 13:22:49 Trance Celebrity Watch From another list, RE: Astral Projection at Vinyl Friday: Drew Barrymore was in the house. Apparently you can wear a funny wig, but you still have to show your ID at the door. I didn’t notice her, but I probably wouldn’t have anyway. I’m just glad she didn’t start any fires with her mind. It was hot enough as it was. On a related note, John is telling me how Winona Ryder was at Tsunami for both RTTS2 and Growling Mad Scientists in November. Winona Ryder!! I’m shocked I didn’t notice her. What I wouldn’t do to get her dressed like a duck 😉

#523 Tue, 3 Aug 1999 06:55:12 House music Tuesday Aug. 3 warning: house music

#524 Wed, 4 Aug 1999 16:58:28 Do you know any of these people? web geocities/SoHo/Studios/9195/mullets2.html …I’m sorry, I just had to send this non-NY related email. Sincerely, From those you trust to bring you the very best.

#525 Fri, 6 Aug 1999 04:08:30 From: ” jeff at x.x Friday Limelight and Saturday Woods (Details follow) (Editor’s note: This will be a weird mix. Part of it will be free Israeli desert trancers and part of it will be random NYC tourists. Expect a vibe conflict of alcohol drinkers from say, Dublin and an assortment of hallucinating global trance people from Israel, Russia, and Sweden. And about 20% AmericaL (limelight will up that to about 45%, hence the potential vibe deflation) There will also be some esoteric French trance people. As it is in a deconsecrated Episcopalian church, there will be plenty of mixed metaphors, alchemically trancemitting the message from the Holy Land. Christians beware. But I think it is good to mix it up, that’s what the city-state of New York is all about. The NY Times is doing a story on the “scene,” BTW. Let’s help spread the word about this positive, life-affirming movement. Sure, some people are smoking marijuana etc, but the net NET is a gentler kind of scene where people are eager to meet other intelligent people. I’ll take that over a mob of desperate drinkers any day. BTW, the injured Israeli is doing OK. He had been in the hospital 5 days after the raver/BTS(?) attack. The last time I saw him he was smoking hydro and smiling ear to ear. Curiously, they learned English by listening to Roger Waters albums. I guess it’s the 24-7 Vietnam antiwar culture. However you want to approach the Last Days, Bible wise, the Israelis are our guests and we Americans should keep an eye out for them. We Christians are inately connected to Judaism. Saturday night there’s a nice trance forest gathering 90 minutes north of the city. If anybody has a car(!) I can compensate with guidance and a tent. It will be small and the vibe will be intimate and “chaotic good.” Think hackers with walkie talkies and communal bananas. 🙂 NOT like wood$tock, BTW. Call me at 445-0364 if you’re interested in camping in a wooded area with trance playing all night.) August 7, 1999 NY, NY PARADOX IN TRANCE WE TRUST 10PM-7AM DJ Loren X. Asia 2001 (Trance Master, France) DJ Issac DJ Avichay 15 Advance/$25 Door ID A MUST 212.996.1720 718.787.1381 Limelight, 20th St. at 6th Ave Please send a prayer to a missing relative of mine, Lyle Leonard, who owned a bar in my parents’ hometown in Iowa. God bless. BOM Shankar!! Jeff

#526 Fri, 6 Aug 1999 13:13:44 Limelight trance party is Saturday (correction)

#527 Fri, 6 Aug 1999 22:17:23 Fwd: GAIAN MIND – Zen Fest Tour: September 4th/5th, Philadelphia, USA…

#528 Tue, 10 Aug 1999 19:19:26 Samedi soir I will be out of town but this I hear is a great event: *This message was transferred with a trial version of CommuniGate(tm) Pro* Its that time of the month, The PLANT boys are outdoors again. This Saturday the 14th PLANT brings you the sunset party at Chelsea Piers (Turntables on the Hudson) with Djs Marcus, Dominique, Nicodemus and Mariano. Located at pier 61, Chelsea piers, Entrance at 23rd st. & 12th. ave. Take the elevator to second floor and go through the hockey rink to the sundeck. Starts at 10pm, $10, info 212 989 1038 *213 Try to get there early, This party sells out every week and once we reach capacity we cannot let anyone else in until people leave. So, to avoid waiting on line GET THERE EARLY.

#529 Tue, 10 Aug 1999 19:25:35 Good Connecticut Party Saturday in the beginning there was jack .. and jack had a groove! ** V I C I O U S L Y T H R O W I N ‘ D O W N ** Saturday August 14th, 1999 8pm 8am stay up all night with your favorite DJ’s: ** Dread (vr productions/uptown underground records, ct) Known as one of new england’s top DJs, this European hard Trance legend has a reputation for motivating dance floors around the globe.. ** Empress (vr productions, nyc) One of our countries leading female junglists, Empress has Amazing technical skills and her track selection is flawless; She is always one to please the crowds. ** Baby Manny (vr productions/one lil Indian, ct) Baby Manny has been around for years, and is now coming to the forefront with VR; he will surely be a DJ to watch the future as his tight mix of bangin’ house tracks rocks the party ** James Fusion (energee allstarz/spiritual emporium, ct) James is known for pumping his flowing mix of hard edged underground Acidic trance And techno sounds and keeping the parties moving til’ the underground world seems to melt! ** Kered (nocturnal productions, ct) Kered is the man behind Nocturnal, and recently his smooth house blends have become known for making dance floors go crazy all over new england! ** DJ Myth (volume productions, rhode island) Myth is a key element in the volume crew, and a progressive trance force to be reckoned with – come experience his set as he takes You on a journey to another place, volume style .. ** Al Bino (the muck crew/realizations, ct) Al Bino has been blowing up parties around new england, and his residency at Realizations has exposed his speed garage and house skills to the masses of people who can’t help but move to it! ** DJ Shy (shy productions, ct) Shy is another Connecticut house mixer with blending skills topped With scratching and a lot of funkiness! His set is sure to bang the House and make us all happy we can dance all night long! ** DJ Bleak (the arc, new jersey) A long time friend of VR Productions, and a cool cat with a talent For blending house and techno like no other, DJ Bleak is a name You won’t soon forget – maybe we will even bang on the drum for us! ** Charles Collin (cella dwellaz, ct) Charles mixes up the funky breaks and house and is an up and Coming DJ with a talent for making you all shake your asses! ** JJ Blades (spiritual emporium/realizations, ct) JJ is known and loved by all, for his underground sense and his devotion to the scene – he is the man behind CTs leading scene Store, Spiritual Emporium and also the bi-weekly Realizations events. ** Ronald (vr productions/masters of the univers, ct) Ronald is a guy who plays weird records, and likes to have fun. This party is in celebration of his birthday, so come out and have FUN! Admission is $10 at the door – no advance, no guest list. For more information call: Vr Productions (860) 231-2372 or (203) 226-8706 Spiritual Emporium (860) 231-2241 Or online checkout web vrproductions At The Municipal Caf, 485 Main Street, Hartford CT for door to door directions check out web tripquest or web mapblast

#531 Wed, 11 Aug 1999 16:02:02 Bi-state Kiddie Rave Info Site From: miltondurr at hotmail (Milton Durr) -owner at onelist I don’t know if you know about this website, or are interested, but it lists a large number of happenings in NYC/NJ over the next couple of months. members.aol/kiddsprod/parties.html but where is PIMPN8EZ!?! 😉

#532 Wed, 11 Aug 1999 18:47:25 From: ” jeff at x.x Love is just chemical deficiency web telegraph.co.uk:80/et?ac000116192758126&rtmoQ9wOpQzR&atmoFFFFFFtX&pg/et/99/7/29/wlove29.html Thursday 29 July 1999 Finding love and losing one’s mind FALLING madly in love may really involve a degree of mental illness, according to a team of Italian psychiatrists. Researchers have discovered striking biological similarities between people who are lovesick and sufferers of obsessive compulsive disorder. OCD is a mental condition characterised by obsessive, intrusive thoughts. A patient with the condition feels compelled to repeat mundane activities, such as washing hands or checking that doors are locked. Donatella Marazziti, a psychiatrist at the University of Pisa, carried out research in 1990 which showed that OCD was linked with low levels of a brain messenger chemical, serotonin. Struck by the way the persistent one-track thoughts of OCD sufferers mirrored the musings of people in love, she set out to see if there were biochemical similarities between the two. Her findings, published in Psychological Medicine and reported in New Scientist show clearly that there are and that both the OCD and in-love volunteers tested had about 40 per cent less serotonin than normal. web theage.au/daily/990301/news/news20.html Monday 1 March 1999 Scientists put love under the microscope LONDON, SUNDAY Italian scientists have reportedly developed a blood test that shows whether a person is ‘in love’ or just mildly interested and faking it. Tests on 20 students who thought they were lovestruck revealed a common pattern of brain cells similar to that of people suffering an obsessive-compulsive disorder. The blood shows a 40 per cent loss of a protein that helps serotonin, a neurotransmitter, to travel from one cell to another. The researchers at the Psychiatry Institute at Pisa University defined someone as in love if they thought about their partners for at least four hours a day, the Sunday Times reported. The results, to be published in the British journal Psychological Medicine, show that after six to 18 months, the phase of falling in love changes, Professor Donatella Marazziti said. ‘It either ends completely or it turns in to plain loving with high levels of the protein,’ Professor Marazziti said. There are, of course, other Italians who still prefer traditional rather than strictly scientific proofs of love. A professor of dynamic psychology at Pavia University, Sylvia Vegetti Finzi, said the symptoms were usually easily recognisable. ‘Reducing love to a game of molecules belittles it,’ she said. ‘No neurotransmitter will ever be able to keep love in a cage.’ AAP 1024/D9C69DF9 steve mynott steve at tightrope.demon.co.uk web pineal/ we are here and it is now. further than that all human knowledge is moonshine. h. l. mencken

#533 Thu, 12 Aug 1999 12:09:19 What’s goin’ onnnnnn From brainmachines listmembers: I heard a rumor that last friday was the last time Tsunami was going to be held at Vinyl (and this would seem to be reinforced by the fact that there were NO flyers on the way out. Does anyone know if the rumors are true, and, if so, where Tsunami is moving to? I heard a rumor that Tsunami was dead – no more parties!!! Say it ain’t so! I know that Time Out doesn’t have it listed this friday – I was so excited. Pez and I took a weekend off to rest and recoup after the whole mess with waterfront and I was really lookin’ forward to tomorrow night. I know that Paul Van Dyk is at Twilo – but it’s at twilo and Twilo has really started to SUCK! (or at least it has the last 3 times I went) The crowd on PVD night has just gotten WAY to big and there aren’t any ravers left at it because of the guidos working the door (“you think your gonna get in with those baggy pants – sorry, not tonight”) That’s Bullsh*t! I too heard that rumor. Yes, that does suck, with the ole biweekly at tsunami MIA there’s no reliable place for an enlightened candy raver So, know of any good parites? And do you know what’s goin’ on with Tsunami? I’ll be out this weekend. San Francisco. Here’s somthing: This just in . . . There is a three-day event this weekend, celebrating the anniversary of Woodstock, at the original site, on the anniversary of the actual date, brought to you by the hippies that literally bought the farm. There will be several stages of music, and large numbers are expected to attend. As the only electronic music at this event, Matthew Magic will be spinning psy-trance and Sean Detech will be spinning spacey house and trance between the bands on the main stage. In addition, Matthew has Stage 4 to present psy-trance and electronic music through out this three day festival. Experienced DJ’s interested in playing are invited to contact Matthew Magic at irishdragon at rcnor 516.291.1373. Matthew will have a cell phone with this number: 516-317-0198 People will be camping, etc. Bring water and other supplies. That’s all folks, as I am Audi. See you next week.

#534 Thu, 12 Aug 1999 13:47:13 Trance with Dalai Lama Sunday Dalai Lama 10am Sunday Trance scene bring fluoro – no music planned as yet

#535 Fri, 13 Aug 1999 09:53:54 NYC Fry-Day …Candy Raver goes WHOA WHOA HIP HOP HOOOOORAY grin Friday, August 13 NY, NY Announcing the opening night of SILICON an exploration in psychedelic electronica. Opening night will feature DJ sets by: * Nils * Hi-Fi Princess * Sequential Tom * Hugh S Optical stimulation provided by LSPete. SILICON takes place at OHM, 16 West 22nd St. between 5th & 6th Aves. OHM Is 21+ so please bring proper ID. Admission is $15 with flyer or printed e-flyer, $20 without. We hope to make SILICON a monthly event that will provide a stage for all of the talent our region has to offer. In order to achieve this goal, we need support on this opening night. So come on out, bring your friends, your energy, and your vibe and support your local scene!

#536 Fri, 13 Aug 1999 21:29:57 Fwd: NYC, Friday 13, Aug. SILICON Psy electronica huh – I got 3 questions for ya: 1.)is it gonna have that base-thumpin’ speaker-humpin’ dance-all-night vinyl goa sound? 2.)am I gonna get there only to have a big ol’ bouncer tellin’ me and my psycedelic light-up daisy pants to go home??? 3.)But most important – what about the vibe? Are all those beautiful good-vibin’ tsunami peeps gonna rise to the occasion? This goes out to candy raver… read on. I.e., of course you can, it’s a fucking TRANCE PARTY.

#537 Fri, 13 Aug 1999 21:31:32 Fwd: SATURDAY at Jet 19 More stuff non trancey

#538 Fri, 13 Aug 1999 21:32:02 Fwd: Farewell Party – Friday 13 August 8PM

#539 Fri, 13 Aug 1999 21:42:10 Fwd: MAPS: New ecstasy website and pill testing program I’m in beautiful Napa Valley now. Miss the NY trance weirdos already…. Read on..

#540 Tue, 17 Aug 1999 09:48:24 Friday Trance This Friday Polymorphous is doing a psy-trance party at Speed (39th St between 5th & 6th Aves, NY, NY) from 10PM to 7AM. The full-on party is on the third floor with a chill out on the roof!! Tsunami will be bringing in extra sound. It will be $10 at the door through a separate entrance. Line-up to be confirmed.

#541 Tue, 17 Aug 1999 11:47:56 Trance SATURDAY, too It’s a trance weekend here in NY. ‘Paradox/Dragonfly does Limelight late Saturday(!) UK & amsterdam djs youth, bansi, gms, illusion $15 in advance 463-8203, $25 at door

#542 Tue, 17 Aug 1999 15:04:05 Thursday Prog House/Trance Cheetah THIS JUST IN…the brand new New York Trance Authority brings you a Progressive House/Trance explosion on Thursday, August 19th, PROGRESS, is taking you… to europe and back DJ’s Dershin & Taisun spin the sounds of the new Millenium. With a raw Progressive mix of Trance, Tech & Hard House. Bound to be a Hard Hitting night, you might plan to take off work Friday. Remember, rest up before hand, eat light and be prepared to dance. The location of the party this week is at Club Cheetah. Located at 12 W. 21st Street. Reduced admission is available, email first names w/last inits. to: yodersh at aol The dress code will be typical Cheetah, so keep those baggy jeans and fluoro nappies at home 🙁

#543 Wed, 18 Aug 1999 10:28:45 Sunday art For Immediate Release: August 18, 1999 Erica Paul, Fashion Designer to the fun-loving and charming gals of the Tri-State Area, is bringing her “Candy For The Body” confections to CB’s Gallery for a multi-media event on Sunday August 29, 1999. Makeup and hairstyling will be provided in part by the renowned Arrojo Cutler Salon, with beaded accessories provided by designer Tawny Davis. Snacks and door prizes will also be a part of the festivities. In addition to her fashion show, several of her friends will donating their creative efforts. The Buttons, from Red Bank, New Jersey, will be bringing their endearing brand of Americana-pop to the event, featuring songs that are melodic parodies of life on the front lines. In addition, singer/bassist Chris Guice will be MC-ing the event with savoir faire. The evening will also feature Josh Max’s Outfit, who are comprised of 4 young classically trained musicians hooked on Carl Perkins, Peggy Lee, & Elvis who serve up hot Ultra lounge-o-billy with lyrics about jailbait, cats, death & romance. A limited number of baffo d’Oro’s (AKA Andrew Brown) painted surreal landscape works will be displayed among an existing installation of working New York artists. Forty-two of his works are currently being exhibited in his solo summer show “The Egolution Exhibition,” at N.O. Joe on Broad Street in Red Bank. CB’s Gallery Sunday August 29 7pm-12pm 313 Bowery NYC, NY For more info, contact Stella Psaroudakis 718. 857.3752 stellap at cmj Or Erica Paul airr1978 at aol Other Contact Info: CB’s Gallery 212.677.0455 baffo d’Oro community-1.webtv.net/BaffoDOro/baffodOro/ Josh Max’s Outfit JMaxOutfit at aol

#544 Wed, 18 Aug 1999 10:29:50 Random doings For Immediate Release: August 18, 1999 Erica Paul, Fashion Designer to the fun-loving and charming gals of the Tri-State Area, is bringing her “Candy For The Body” confections to CB’s Gallery for a multi-media event on Sunday August 29, 1999. Makeup and hairstyling will be provided in part by the renowned Arrojo Cutler Salon, with beaded accessories provided by designer Tawny Davis. Snacks and door prizes will also be a part of the festivities. In addition to her fashion show, several of her friends will donating their creative efforts. The Buttons, from Red Bank, New Jersey, will be bringing their endearing brand of Americana-pop to the event, featuring songs that are melodic parodies of life on the front lines. In addition, singer/bassist Chris Guice will be MC-ing the event with savoir faire. The evening will also feature Josh Max’s Outfit, who are comprised of 4 young classically trained musicians hooked on Carl Perkins, Peggy Lee, & Elvis who serve up hot Ultra lounge-o-billy with lyrics about jailbait, cats, death & romance. A limited number of baffo d’Oro’s (AKA Andrew Brown) painted surreal landscape works will be displayed among an existing installation of working New York artists. Forty-two of his works are currently being exhibited in his solo summer show “The Egolution Exhibition,” at N.O. Joe on Broad Street in Red Bank. CB’s Gallery Sunday August 29 7pm-12pm 313 Bowery NYC, NY For more info, contact Stella Psaroudakis 718. 857.3752 stellap at cmj Or Erica Paul airr1978 at aol Other Contact Info: CB’s Gallery 212.677.0455 baffo d’Oro community-1.webtv.net/BaffoDOro/baffodOro/ Josh Max’s Outfit JMaxOutfit at aol

#545 Sat, 21 Aug 1999 16:15:54 Adam Sandler This will be the ONLY forwarded intentionally “funny ha-ha” email you will ever receive from me, as opposed to “funny strange.”

#546 Sat, 21 Aug 1999 17:52:53 Cancel all plans for Saturday – big party tonight Not trance, but a combo of all dance music 3 floor party 353 Broadway Tribeca 11pm run by the Pseudo Programs people, specifically Josh Harris DJs, interactive art, brainmachines Crowd: Digiterati maybe we’ll go to trance at limelight later Dmitri will be there too for updates go to onelist and subscribe to the brainmachines list.

#547 Fri, 27 Aug 1999 12:36:15 This weekend… For once, nothing special going on this weekend in New York. I’d like to throw the ball in your court. Tell me what you are doing this weekend that others should be clued in to.

#548 Fri, 27 Aug 1999 13:36:00 Okay, here’s 3, keep’em coming From Namie: Well, this is not a techno party but this is my plan tonight…. Hi friends! I hope you can all come to the first performance/ cocktail benefit party this Friday the 27th. it’s gonna be a lot of funa whole night drinks, food, serious dance party dj’d by Seth and Niger, (you’ll even get to dance with momma eule), and a live performance by theeulysis company, and of course about 200 cool people to meet. for those of you who know some of the dancers, the performers are:nam holtz, alex escalante, molly phelps, cheryl iaquinto-lamura, kim,erin parsch, rachael armstrong, becka vargas, jack bettin, briancaggianno, johann, sarah vacanti, danielle de persis, david zlotchew.yes, it’s in brooklyn, but it’s literally 5 minutes from union square. just take the L to bedford ave, and it’s right there at 205 n 7thstreet. the party will start at 9, and the show will go up at 10:30. call the rsvp line at 560-4360 or e-mail me back, so i can put you on the list since there is limited space.hope to see ya! hi my name is cheryl. Surge 2 is goin on tonite, friday, in flushing ny. very phat lineup, wish i was going, t1000, terry mulan, dj hardware, scott henry, feelgood, xdream, and lots more. Saturday nite is destination earth which orginially was gonna be at mays landing in jersey but it is now moved to the fifth element club and evolution club both in philly in walking distance from each other, Keoki is still gonna be there! atomic babies, heather heart, space girl… definitely goin to that! ok bye! There is nothing worthwhile in NYC, which is why I’m headed up to Boston to hear Hugh S at Club Hibernia. For the techno minded, “Surge 2” is taking place in Flushing Queens tonight. Bob

#549 Fri, 27 Aug 1999 19:15:45 From: ” jeff at x.x Trance Party Saturday Triple S and Neurotrancemitter bring you INTENSITY a full-on night of aggressive European style psychedelic trance Neural Alchemy: Brain Wave Research by brainmachines Musical Alchemy: Silly Cybin and Oren Located at 2035 Beth Avenue in Bensonhurst in a tried and true location in an ethnic Italian neighborhood. Visuals: Terrence McKenna “Alien Dream Time” and the Japanese “Virtual d” $10 inc. includes a soft drink ticket (get at the door) Directions: By train: Take the B or M to 20th Ave go to bay 26 then take right walk 2 blox to beth ave make another right By car: BQE to belt parkway go to exit 5 Bay Parkway Exit go 2 lights and make left 2nd light on beth avenue b/w bay 25 & bay 26. The sign on the building says “Michelangelo” “The space is 90% legal, the other 10% is floor to ceiling packed with ds

#550 Fri, 27 Aug 1999 19:36:43 From: ” jeff at x.x (Time: Saturday 10pm – 6am+) Saturday August 28th 10pm – 6am+ Triple S and Neurotrancemitter bring you INTENSITY a full-on night of aggressive European style psychedelic trance Neural Alchemy: Brain Wave Research by brainmachines Musical Alchemy: Silly Cybin and Oren Located at 2035 Beth Avenue in Bensonhurst in a tried and true location in an ethnic Italian neighborhood. Visuals: Terrence McKenna “Alien Dream Time” and the Japanese “Virtual d” $10 inc. includes a soft drink ticket (get at the door) Directions: By train: Take the B or M to 20th Ave go to bay 26 then take right walk 2 blox to beth ave make another right By car: BQE to belt parkway go to exit 5 Bay Parkway Exit go 2 lights and make left 2nd light on beth avenue b/w bay 25 & bay 26. The sign on the building says “Michelangelo” “The space is 90% legal, the other 10% is floor to ceiling packed with ds”

#551 Sat, 28 Aug 1999 16:47:34 Sunday fashion multi-media event

#552 Sat, 28 Aug 1999 22:36:55 Hi. Are you still round? I’m going to Brooklyn for the party but here is somthing…..

#553 Mon, 30 Aug 1999 10:48:49 Question Does anybody know hot to get in touch with the long red haired woman that was booking trance at the limelight on fridays?

September 1999

#554 Wed, 1 Sep 1999 15:58:56 Fwd: September Solo Exhibition Trance lifestyle applicable art event Thursday- “The trance cult lifestyle has even made its own industry of products for living off the grid. Whether or not this is possible, a growing human desire to go beyond the reduction of all phenomena to elements within a material grid seems to be timely. Mr. Selman admits he feels centering in the urban grid is obsolete and, in the exhibit, draws from his own desire to expand beyond its domain.” See below for details…

#556 Fri, 3 Sep 1999 12:50:01 Labor Day Weekend I’m audi today. Here’s somthng I got from the trance people: This is the Calendar to help you party like it’s 1999. Gaian Mind at the Zen Fest is not happening. POLYMORPHOUS presents PSYMENSIONS Friday, September 3, 1999 10PM – 7AM SEQUENTIAL TOM (Polymorphous) RANKA (Enemi Tranz/Nova Angel) KLOOJ (Klooj Koncepts) NILS (Polymorphous/Digital Galaxy) *Special Surprise Guests* Third Floor: Full On Psychedelic Trance On the Roof: Cosmic Chill Out Under The Stars SEPARATE ENTRANCE $10 18+ at Speed 39th St., between 5th & 6th Aves. NY, NY TSUNAMI 212.439.8124 POLYMORPHOUS 718.390.7232 THURS.SEP.9TH NYC DJ SERIES 99 at THE MUSE TSUYOSHI SUZUKI (MATSURI) jamin&malcolm present the nyc dj series featuring nyc and international djs every thursday night at the muse. THE MUSE 44 SURFSIDE ROAD NANTUCKET ISLAND MA U.S.A. TSUNAMI presents INFECTED MUSHROOM, THE GATHERING FRIDAY 09:10:99 INFECTED MUSHROOM (BNE, Israel/Drogonfly UK) Live for their debut American performance!! DJ DUVDEV (Dragonfly, UK) MATTHEW MAGIC (Tsunami/Project Beyond) YON-E (Promtheus) Backdrops and Decor: Cesar (NYC) and Jamin $25, or $20 with a print-out of this eflyer * 18+ Must Bring Photo ID * TSUNAMI 24 HR INFO LINE: 212.439.8124 Polymorphous 718.390.7232 Synthetic Sadhus 212.774.7728 In-Trance-It 212.462.3241 Pure Children 212.352.4340 VINYL 6 Hubert Street, NY, NY (Off Hudson St. 3 blocks below Canal) Tsunami Celestial Trance for Sublime People On Thursday October 21st, Tsunami presents Tsuyoshi Suzuki as he begins his monthly residency at Club Vinyl!! ce/ Friday, September 10 NY, NY TSUYOSHI SUZUKI at Twilo SEPTEMBER 10-11-12 Southern California Desert FREQUENCY 99′ Summer Festival and One Year Anniversary Post- Burning-Man-Sexy Funkadelic-Happenin’ Hallucinogen (Live) Growling Mad scientists (live) Psychaos (Live) System Busters (live I think) Tsuyoshi Suzuki Synchro Nick Taylor Tristan (Twisted) Simon H. (Twisted) Lucas (Metal Spark, Mazzo Resident) A. B. Amanda Wright (Kog Records New Zealand) Bam Bam $25 (??) web infinitefrequency 213.694.1424 818.771.8737 info at infinitefrequency Bring camping stuff, water, sunscreen, an open mind and good vibes. friday, 17 september 1999 pittsburgh, pennsylvania sidetrakkt productions presents: GYROPHARE pittsburgh’s first psychedelic trance party soundscape synthesis: HALLUCINOGEN (twisted u.k. – london) simon h. (twisted u.k. – london) tony d’oporto (entheogen records/twisted u.s. – seattle) vajra (blueroom americas – san francisco) jon mark (integral gathering/sixth sense – los angeles) xb (palladium – germany/u.s.a.) in the ambient/chillout room: the instigator (hypervinyl – pittsburgh) mskw1 (projekthaus – pittsburgh) count zer0 (philadelphia) reliant (pbs – pittsburgh) the gentlemen live pa (pbs – pittsburgh) indabob (new jersey) sound by wizard workshop in addition, the space will be decorated with many psychedelic fluoro paintings, backdrops, and decorations, with lots of blacklights we will be featuring crazy video projections free bottled water with presale ticket cenotaph.org/gyrophare Sept 17, 1999 DALLAS, TEXAS GEARHEADZ V3.3.99 AB – EDGECore Releases, Byron Bay, Australia Special Live PA Rabi – System 7, Austin Ron-E – E-Pro recording, Houston Edwin Watson – Team Progress, Edge Club Sat Sep 18, 1999 DALLAS, TEXAS SPACE RODEO 11:00 pm – 6:00 am Nick Taylor – EDGECore Records, Byron Bay OZ Renowned DJ and recording artist from Prana, Rhythmystec, Reflecta, Parasonix and Snake Thing. Full on sonic bliss to move your body and soul. Shawn – Astral Tribe Jeremy Dawson – The Storm, OKC Patio: Albert Martinez Aeon The Evil Dr Krelm Skye Chill Area: Ergot&Jiquid Initialization String Euphorius Alien Orgasm Come.To/SpaceRodeo web txraves.org/sgoa/events/spacerodeo.html Sept 19th . . . The AfterMath Details to follow at Space Rodeo… Location: Decibel(32 Degrees Warehouse), Dallas, TX Info lines: Universal Mind (972)949-4193 RealTime Syndicate (512) 684-3231 Austin (214) 510-7505 Dallas 32 Degrees (214)421-3232 – In town 1(877)421-3232 – Out of town Saturday October 2, 1999 EARTHDANCE ’99! From: Entheogen2 at aol November 5th, 1999 Seattle GREN NUNS OF THE REVOLUTION “the space is 80% legal, the other 20% filled floor to ceiling with ds.” Christopher Green

#557 Tue, 7 Sep 1999 20:07:58 Overboard #4

#558 Wed, 8 Sep 1999 18:59:57 Tonight,tomorrow, and Friday You can get comps at their offices, I hear. Read on: Downtown Arts Festival Nightlife Limelight 47 West 20th Street (at 6th Avenue) Doors open at 7:45pm Performance events begin at 8pm Complimentary Skyy Vodka Cocktails 8pm-9pm. 21 and over only LIVENDIRECT 2000 Thursday, September 9 8:00pm – 1:00am Live and Direct & Platform Network present positive beats, poetic lyricism, and infectious live grooves. Featuring Dujeous?, Opus Akoben, The Ancients and guest DJs. Flyer Magazine and the Downtown Arts Festival present DJ Neil Aline of Chez Music in the Chapel Space For updates visit web simonsays.org & web platform.net Simon Says Third Anniversary Party Friday, September 10 8:00pm – 1:00am A multi-faceted art and performance event to celebrate Simon Says three years as the cutting-edge guide to New York’s experimental art scene. Featuring an all-star line-up of artists and performers who have been featured in the pages of Simon Says. DJS: Selway, Sean & the Unknown DJ, and others. Featuring: Antony and the Johnsons Orchestra Music Johanna Constantine Dance The Donkey Show Music/Theater FISCHERSPOONER Music/Performance Stanley Love Performance Group Dance David Neumann and Stacy Dawson Dance/Theater Murray Hill announces his run for the New York State Senate. Tony Matelli: Distant Party, a sound installation (a project of the Public Art Fund) VIDEOS by Charles Atlas, Thomas Glassford, Danny Hobart, the Poool, and others. SPOKEN WORD (8:30pm) Galinsky, Sarah Jones, Universes and Bobby Miller. All schedules change. All Nightlife events 21 and over only. Festival Hotline (For listing purposes and general information): 212.243.7656 For press information & guest list please contact Sean B. Nutley & Co. Ltd.: 212.9897860 or YAKK at AOL

#559 Thu, 9 Sep 1999 04:00:48 Fwd: Inside & Out Exhibition Free booze 😉

#560 Thu, 9 Sep 1999 04:06:47 Infected Mushroom at Vinyl Friday TSUNAMI presents INFECTED MUSHROOM, THE GATHERING FRIDAY 09:10:99 INFECTED MUSHROOM (BNE, Israel/Drogonfly UK) Live for their debut American performance!! DJ DUVDEV (Dragonfly, UK) MATTHEW MAGIC (Tsunami/Project Beyond) YON-E (Promtheus) Backdrops and Decor: Cesar (NYC) and Jamin $25, or $20 with a print-out of this eflyer * 18+ Must Bring Photo ID * TSUNAMI 24 HR INFO LINE: 212.439.8124 Polymorphous 718.390.7232 Synthetic Sadhus 212.774.7728 In-Trance-It 212.462.3241 Pure Children 212.352.4340 VINYL 6 Hubert Street, NY, NY (Off Hudson St. 3 blocks below Canal) Tsunami Celestial Trance for Sublime People On Thursday October 21st, Tsunami presents Tsuyoshi Suzuki as he begins his monthly residency at Club Vinyl!! ce/ The lightweights may go to Twilo. Maybe worth checking out, but the “in” trance crowd will be at Vinyl: Friday, September 10 NY, NY TSUYOSHI SUZUKI at Twilo

#561 Thu, 9 Sep 1999 11:29:05 Question – Dino PsarasCydonia?? Milton Durr needs to know – Does you know if the Dino Psaras listed on the flyer as playing with Man With No Name of Saturday at the Limelight is the guy in Cydonia? Please respond if you know the deal…

#562 Fri, 10 Sep 1999 03:22:23 From: Ismoked at xxx.xxx Christopher Lawrence Friday!! Dear Abby, Dmitri would love To See Bea. What are you gonna do? I know it is heresy to mention attending somthing on a TSUNAMI night, but infected Fungi notwithstanding I dare any of you crunchy trance trustafarians to shake a didjideroo at Christopher Lawrence from L.A., IMO the best trance DJ in the U.S. I was walking home tonight from a protracted Kinduced haze of rainy clubs and such when I saw a wet flyer on the sidewalk (face down if you have to know) for Sound Factory Fridays with Mr. Lawrence billed for tomorrow. Everything he plays is all good. Trance techno fusion. But…. the crowd will suck, i.e. they will all be mutant ravers from the inner city an outer boros and not Jerusalem or Tel Aviv 😀 Too bad it wasn’t billed for Saturday, when I dread we’ll be dosed with another idiot at Limelight putting in Paul Oakenfold’s “Tranceport” CD. So many times you can get in a mode, like sticking your head in a toilet getting a swirly and when your head is in, and the water is swirling around, there’s no way to notice what OTHER people in OTHER bathroom stalls are doing. And speaking of the scatological, when is John Emmanuel going to stop being his own worst enema by booking Tsuyoshi at Twilo the same night as his Vinyl party hmmmmmmmm? I expect an answer. But I still don’t know which toilet bowl I will choose. Oh yeah – 🙂 the tree. Naaa(m)asty, Machinelf

#564 Fri, 10 Sep 1999 16:22:33 Saturday morning Brooklyn afterparty There will be a Tsunami AFTERPARTY at MicheLanGelo The party will last from 6AM on Saturday till Sunday morning, if anyone wants to stay. DJs: Ori Severyn Silly-Cybin Vadim Subtle Chaos recs. Entrance: $6 or $7 Chillout, Drinks, Nice People, Good Music, Cool Decor 🙂 It’s a nice cozy place to hang out and relax, but with a pretty good dance floor 😉 if you have any questions, please send an e-mail to subtlechaos at maxf.net address: 2035 Bath Avenue (corner of Bay 26th street), Brooklyn, NY to get there by train: take a B train to 20th avenue station and walk 2 blocks up to Bath street, and 1.5 blocks to the left the clubs’ phone is 718-714-1385 om shiva!

#565 Sat, 11 Sep 1999 23:04:17 Fwd: NYTA Space 1999

#566 Sun, 12 Sep 1999 14:44:07 A non-neuronautical nautical for sunday Come on. The crowd will be good. Overboard 4 featuring on the main floor: Jimmy Van M. (Freelance Icebreakers/Balance) Billy Shane (Touch) Sean Hall (Touch) on the second floor: Holmar Filipsson (N’ICE) A.Gram (N’ICE) specs: Sunday, September 12th at The Paddlewheel Queen 23rd St. & East River Party and Boarding starts at 7pm, BOAT LEAVES PROMPTLY AT 8PM, returns at 12 (afterparty at Liquids with tons of our favorite drunk ass dj friends (like Lucas!)) $25 (well worth it!) available at Metropolis at 43 3rd Ave or day of event you can get info at boatparty at hotmail or call 212-332-0083 for info peace Sean & Billy

#567 Mon, 13 Sep 1999 14:03:28 Boat Party Sept 18th There another good boat party this Saturday Sept 18th at 11pm (boarding) leaves at midnight, back at 4am. “The Star” at Houston & Hudson. DJs: Sandra Collins, Breeder 21 & over w/proper ID Info 332-0083 boatparty at hotmail

#569 Mon, 13 Sep 1999 15:18:24 Fwd: kung fu vs. cmj

#570 Tue, 14 Sep 1999 10:41:36 Fwd: Peter party invite Friday September 17th 1999 euro-friendly trendy crowd…

#571 Tue, 14 Sep 1999 15:21:54 xvi stuff tuesdays The Early Team Party DJs Gillian&Stephanie Tonight – Tuesday Sept. 7 XVI 16 First Ave. At 1st & 1st 8 – 11pm ***Next Week – Tuesday September21*** Mark your calender for our One Year Anniversary party celebration *** Tuesday Sept 28 **** Guest DJs from the band Fictura! Mychael LaMorte – Mark Robinson – Chris Court

#572 Tue, 14 Sep 1999 16:04:26 Save the Date i know…. I know…. the Tunnel!!! But…. Gatien’s in jail and we’re running rampant and amok this coming Friday we are going to remake it with our own brainmachines private room, with Chris Decker from Return to the Source, Terra Firma, and Union Jack playing on the main floor. An very impressive lineup. Sta tuned for an email within the next two days RE: getting on a reduced list. “The party will be 80% legal, the remainder stacked floor to ceiling with bottles of K.”

#573 Wed, 15 Sep 1999 00:07:06 sunday night What’s up Everyone! Just thought I’d create a mailing list to announce those special ocassions when I decide to throw little shin-digs. So I’m having a fuuun little party on Sunday night. It’s at this sexy little bar in the East Village. (details below) I’d looove to see you all there! Ok, so I hope you’re all having a good week, if not. . . well, all the more reason to come to party, right? oooh, and tell friends! peace Kiovanna presents: A dose of intelligent energy for those of us who understand. . . don’t doubt the djs Nodak. & Christopher At The LEOPARD LOUNGE (grrr)- 248 East 5th St. at Second Ave.(upstairs) Sunday, September 19th- from 10pm to 4am. Free All Night (only if you dance,that is…)

#574 Wed, 15 Sep 1999 12:40:49 From: ” jeff at x.x AmthYST Trance Friday – the best DJ lineup ever Giuliani called the Tunnel an Abomination. Let’s ensure this Friday that that was an self-fulfilling prophecy. *Everyone* will be there – Medicine Drum/Chris Decker/Chrisbo/Mindfield/John Phantasm all from Return to the Source in London, Union Jack, Terra Ferma, Spiritual Being, etc etc there will be two rooms to play with. Considering all the mind expansion agog, we’ll have the largest brain machine setup in years – with 10-20 glasses. The code word for a free ride is “Terrence McKenna.” Here is the lineup and times for the Amthyst Festival at Tunnel, 220 12th Ave…West 27th St. NYC. The show is September 17 and it is a CMJ event. Tickets are $30 at the door, $25 in advance. Tickets are available online at web tixtogo/go/amthyst. The infoline is (212) 560-5678. It is an over 18 event. Main Floor 10-11 Hush and Chip (Grow Room, Massachusettes) 11-11:30 Spiritual Being (Unknown World Recordings, Orlando, FL) 11:30-12:30 Truth (Special Guest Performance, first time in the US) 12:30-1:30 Mindfield, Live PA (Return to the Source, Phantasm Records,UK) 1:30-3:00 Joey Beltram (Tresor, Novamute, BML, Germany, NYC) 3-4 Deepsky, Live PA (Fragrant Records, LA) 4-5:30 Union Jack, Terra Ferma, Art of Trance, and POB, Live PA (ThePlatipus Sound System ’99, UK) 5:30-6:15 Ralph Rampula (GEM, NYC) 6:15-7:15 Medicine Drum, Live PA, (Return to the Source, Higher OctiveRecords, UK) 7:15-Close Steve Porter (Grow Room, Massachusettes) Psi Trance Area Chrisbo (Return to the Source, Phantasm Records, UK) Guy Frenkel (Family Productions, NYC) Nebula 9, Live PA (Ant, Gig Records, NYC) Chilled Out Room Organologic (Ion Records, NYC) Colin Vincent (Optical Distortion Spectrum, NYC, LA) John Phantasm (Return to the Source, Phantasm Records UK) Urban Rhythm (Future Music, Mixer, Ballistic UK, NYC) House Area Buddy (Caffeine Records, NYC) Ethan Justo Tom Rise Jason Jungle Area Taylor (GEM, NYC) Klute (Certificate 18 UK, Smile Communications) Malik (Temple Records, Koncrete Jungle) Joel T (Earth Program/Sound Gizmo) Scorpion (HipStepMassive/Koncrete Jungle) Art Direction and Visuals Brain Wave Research by brainmachines Adrienne of TranceArt and Eye of God-Masters of Blacklight Art installationwhere the mind is open, the imagination can travel….

#575 Thu, 16 Sep 1999 18:39:59 Fwd: we rock like hurricanes

#576 Thu, 16 Sep 1999 23:43:36 Fwd: GAIAN MIND: Earthdance, Philadelphia, USA – Saturday, October 2nd, 1999…

#577 Thu, 16 Sep 1999 20:37:16 From: ” jeff at x.x AmthYST friday moved/cancelled The trance party at Tunnel Friday is cancelled. I don’t know the details, but I won’t be involved at this point. They’re trying to move it to Speeed, which I’m sure will bend. That will be interesting if they can pull it off. I bet a lot of people have purchased tickets already, and they would get in first. Even if it works, I wonder if the rooftop will be unusable b/c of rain. What a mess. We’ll see. Info line (212) 560-5678 If you forwarded ths to anyone, be sure to repeat with this one. Bridge party, anyone!?! Giuliani called the Tunnel an Abomination. Let’s ensure this Friday that that was an self-fulfilling prophecy. *Everyone* will be there – Medicine Drum/Chris Decker/Chrisbo/Mindfield/John Phantasm all from Return to the Source in London, Union Jack, Terra Ferma, Spiritual Being, etc etc there will be two rooms to play with. Considering all the mind expansion agog, we’ll have the largest brain machine setup in years – with 10-20 glasses. The code word for a free ride is “Terrence McKenna.” Here is the lineup and times for the Amthyst Festival at Tunnel, 220 12th Ave…West 27th St. NYC. The show is September 17 and it is a CMJ event. Tickets are $30 at the door, $25 in advance. Tickets are available online at web tixtogo/go/amthyst. The infoline is (212) 560-5678. It is an over 18 event. Main Floor 10-11 Hush and Chip (Grow Room, Massachusettes) 11-11:30 Spiritual Being (Unknown World Recordings, Orlando, FL) 11:30-12:30 Truth (Special Guest Performance, first time in the US) 12:30-1:30 Mindfield, Live PA (Return to the Source, Phantasm Records,UK) 1:30-3:00 Joey Beltram (Tresor, Novamute, BML, Germany, NYC) 3-4 Deepsky, Live PA (Fragrant Records, LA) 4-5:30 Union Jack, Terra Ferma, Art of Trance, and POB, Live PA (ThePlatipus Sound System ’99, UK) 5:30-6:15 Ralph Rampula (GEM, NYC) 6:15-7:15 Medicine Drum, Live PA, (Return to the Source, Higher OctiveRecords, UK) 7:15-Close Steve Porter (Grow Room, Massachusettes) Psi Trance Area Chrisbo (Return to the Source, Phantasm Records, UK) Guy Frenkel (Family Productions, NYC) Nebula 9, Live PA (Ant, Gig Records, NYC) Chilled Out Room Organologic (Ion Records, NYC) Colin Vincent (Optical Distortion Spectrum, NYC, LA) John Phantasm (Return to the Source, Phantasm Records UK) Urban Rhythm (Future Music, Mixer, Ballistic UK, NYC) House Area Buddy (Caffeine Records, NYC) Ethan Justo Tom Rise Jason Jungle Area Taylor (GEM, NYC) Klute (Certificate 18 UK, Smile Communications) Malik (Temple Records, Koncrete Jungle) Joel T (Earth Program/Sound Gizmo) Scorpion (HipStepMassive/Koncrete Jungle) Art Direction and Visuals Brain Wave Research by brainmachines Adrienne of TranceArt and Eye of God-Masters of Blacklight Art installationwhere the mind is open, the imagination can travel….

#578 Fri, 17 Sep 1999 11:59:44 tonight weather looks good. speeed might work, with its huge roof. but I just heard of a 48 hour party underneath the GWbridge. Word! More to come later today.

#579 Fri, 17 Sep 1999 10:42:25 From: ” jeff at x.x Breakthrough!!! 48 hours trance outlaw!!! Hello all- This party is the best place I’ve been to iIt’s the closest we NYers get to the true Burning Man /Thai Beach Full Moon Party experience. You must check it It will be an adventure. out. Be patient if it takes a while for their generator to get running. Subtle Chaos is Happy to bring you the latest update on how to spend this night (Friday) in most crazy loonatic way.. THE BRIDGE… THE MUSIC… THE FAMILY… THE COPS… (hopefully not:) The last reunion of Goa-heads at the known location, (old one, on the east side), this time we got everybody from the underground involved, the party will go till everyone leaves, even if it has to be Sunday morning (Yes, we will go on 40 hours) Acts include: (in no particular order) fx Mike Subtle Chaos Vadim Subtle Chaos Aleks Subtle Chaos Jason Indra Subtle Chaos Ron Subtle Chaos Severyn Synthetic Sadhus and others… Sorry for the short note… i guess we are just a group of chaotic neuro psychonauts… But we do hell of the parties! So, i hope to see you all out there! Yeah, this time we’ll kindly ask for $10 (or more) donation, to cover some of the expenses we faced bringing you outlaw parties throughout this summer. Thank You All! Pass this to your friends, and again, see you soon! If the weather will stay somewhat warm – this is not the last one… Bom-bom aleks at subtle chaos It is on the northern tip of Manhattan, on the east corner where the GW Bridge and he Triborough merge. Once you’re on 181st and Amsterdam it is a 5 minute walk. Don’t get confused with these simple directions. Follow them literally. Take the subway 1 or 9 to 181st. & St. Nichols. Walk east. Go to the southeast corner of 181st and Amsterdam. Stand there. Look east. See the little paved pedestrian paved path that runs next to the road on the south side, parallel to the highway that the cars are on? Walk east on it; after about 100 yards it starts dipping south, The little road gently slopes down into the park, down some stairs, goes under an arch, splits in two (take the right path) and down more stairs and continues down down down until you hear music. It’s creepy getting there but there are a lot of good people around %-)(that’s a stoned Israeli with a beard) Bring blankets cigarettes and 5HTP and water. Look for the flashing glasses:)


#582 Fri, 17 Sep 1999 16:16:04 Fwd: MAPS: Judge Told To Rethink Marijuana Ban

#583 Fri, 17 Sep 1999 17:17:17 Fwd: Fwd: young Drum n’Bass In a message dated 9/17/1999 4:55:13 PM, LuvMISO at aol writes: yo i’m so sorry this party is saturday night not friday night!!!

#584 Fri, 17 Sep 1999 20:15:56 Clarification OK. The trance DJs that were marooned from Tunnel/Speeed will play at the outlaw tonight. Union Jack will play at VIP Club, yessiree the strip joint, tomorrow night.

#585 Sun, 19 Sep 1999 00:01:06 saturday 12pm-2am+ Private Loft trance dance party is: 71 8th Avenue (Bet. 13 & 14) – Apt 4R. Party thrower is Curtis – 212-414-9995 Jeff knows Ramone, friend of owner. 2am Paradox trance at Limelight 6am-noon Union Jack afterhours at VIP club 20W20th

#586 Mon, 20 Sep 1999 17:26:25 Weekend update, and another crazy boat party this Saturday September 25th Will you be there? We will!! Details follow. The Friday outlaw and the loft party Saturday was rocking!!! Chrispo and John Ford came down from the cancelled Amthyst party Friday and rocked our world, straight outta Bristol!! Limelight was packed Saturday with a new unknown horde of Israelis. The Amthyst party with Union Jack that ended up at the VIP club on Saturday was a train wreck that ended not with a bang but a whimper. Ravertoys has a very impressive setup. Their web site is ravertoys. This Saturday: Jeremy Panther,Thorin Aiello & Reach Productions present a 4-hour Cruise around Manhattan aboard the Paddle Wheel Queen (23 St. East at the NY Skyport FDR Drive) 2 levels of dancefloors with Dj’s Taisun, Dershin, Sepher & Dan Barnes. Open Vodka Bar from 12 ’til One AM. Boarding begins at 11:00…Boat leaves dock around Midnight Tickets are $25 Info: 212.SANDBOX 212.726.3269 Tickets also available at Satellite Records 342 Bowery 212.780.9305 Recent events on this boat have included the Overboard parties with Jimmy Van M, Sandra Collins, Breeder, among many others. Bring a jacket, it gets nippy uptop!!!!!!!!!!!!

#587 Wed, 22 Sep 1999 13:52:31 Next Friday (not this one) CATERA, MCCOY, & MOJO: Harsh House Night at the Knitting Factory Alterknit Theatre On Friday Oct. 1 the Harsh House presents another evening of live electronic sound and image manipulation at the Knitting Factory Alterknit Theatre, located on 74 Leonard St. in lower Manhattan. Doors are at 9:30. Damian Catera and Kevin Mccoy will perform another improvised videosonic piece utilizing Catera’s expanded guitar system and Mccoys “Video Collider” software. The two last played together in the same space back on May 17th. Catera recently toured with KK Null in the US and just returned from a successful performance in the Bay area, promoting his new cd PROCESS, OBJECT, INTUITION. Mccoy and wife/ collaborator Jenn recently debuted an online experiment entitled “AIRWORLD” which was sponsored by The Walker Center in Minnesota. Starting off the eveningwill be guitarist/sound artist extrordinaire, Dr. Mojo. Known primarily for his work with the ground-breaking but now defunct improv rock outfit KURU, Dr. Mojoregularly contributes mind-bending sounds and images to the unsuspecting in many dark corners of Manhattan nite-life. The nite will conclude with a set featuring all three performers. More info at web harshhouse

#588 Wed, 22 Sep 1999 18:00:44 Boat party Saturday, and a Loft party that night 2 good ones This Saturday. One on the water, one in a Loft for a good cause. Both have killer house & techno & trance DJs. I’ll be on the boat, because it’s the only place where evereybody else is stubling too. Everybody welcome Jada to the list! BOAT PARTY Jeremy Panther,Thorin Aiello & Reach Productions present a 4-hour Cruise around Manhattan aboard the Paddle Wheel Queen (23 St. East at the NY Skyport FDR Drive) 2 levels of dancefloors with Dj’s Taisun, Dershin, Sepher & Dan Barnes. Open Vodka Bar from 12 ’til One AM. Boarding begins at 11:00…Boat leaves dock around Midnight Tickets are $25 Info: 212.SANDBOX 212.726.3269 Tickets also available at Satellite Records 342 Bowery 212.780.9305 Recent events on this boat have included the Overboard parties with Jimmy Van M, Sandra Collins, Breeder, among many others. Bring a jacket, it gets nippy uptop!!!!!!!!!!!! LOFT PARTY If you miss the boat, here’s a goooood party in that neighborhood: hey there. this saturday night, september 25th i’ll be hosting an event at my loft in chelsea for a very important person.. a friend is very sick with cancer at the moment and we’re desperately trying to raise funds to afford to get him alternative treatment. your attendance would be amazing and you should know that it’ll be the full-on party treatment as usual – what you’ve come to expect from the few other parties that have happened at my loft. the event is called OZONE and will feature djs: FREQ NASTY (from london), A. GRAM & HOLMAR FILIPSSON (n’ice/diesel), DYLAN DRAZEN, and special guests. visuals provided by REALITY ENGINE (projections and such), open bar, etc. so you can definitely get your groove on and it’ll be cheaper than a bar and helping a good cause. so join us all on saturday night from 10pm until 4amish for a damn good time and a good cause. please come if you can humanly do so. my address: 109 w. 24th street, 6th floor (btwn 6th/7th avenue in chelsea) – the elevator will be running. cost: $20 if you can’t attend and would like to send a donation, please make checks payable to Julie Drazen and send them to: the earth program, 111 w. 24th street, 6th floor nyc 10011. we’d appreciate any support you can give. i don’t ask for much often, or do i? so hopefully i’ll see all of you invading my loft (over 4000+ sq feet of fun, mind you!) this saturday night. please pass this on to anyone who may be interested in doing somthing damn cool. peace and see you soon. love jason jordan

#589 Thu, 23 Sep 1999 11:01:53 Ravertoys My friends Brandy and Paul are whiz kids who sell glow sticks, lights, all sorts of weird shit on Ravertoys. The prices are very good. They also have these mad killer pants.

#590 Thu, 23 Sep 1999 12:50:15 Sunday free: spaced out hard stuff (giant robots and mutant invasions) Presha is a night of drum n bass, with the predominant style being the Blaze, New Yorks best MC, does a good job of holding together the chaos with her trademark ragga flow (Sweet and Viscious also has a cool little garden in the back for the chill-out minded). Presha takes place on Sundays and is 100% free… DJRAIDEN2K at aol PRESHA NYC DRUM N BASS RESIDENT DJS: RAIDEN DOOMER VANDAL RESIDENT MC: MC BLAZE ROTATING: CHRISTIAN BRUNA BEAU REID SPEED KID CHI DELMAR STEEL 101 EREMUS THIS WEEK: KECH PRESHA SUNDAYS AT SWEET AND VISCIOUS 5 SPRING STREET AT BOWERY 10 PM NO COVER/FREE!!!

#591 Thu, 23 Sep 1999 18:32:51 Shakti energy- interested? A west coasty kinda thing: If anybody is interested in Eastern mysticism, Jivamukti Rave, tomorrow nite, 8:30 – 11:30, sought of a spiritual rave but with older people, focus on the Divine mother, Kali], Shakti energy….. Not your usual party! $15, email me and I’ll send you the address. NO PASSIVE PARTICIPANTS ALLOWED!!! Also Ram Dass is speaking Sat and Sunday.. ramdasstapes.org/index2.htm

#592 Thu, 23 Sep 1999 20:37:15 Save the date Touch Sat Oct 16 David Hollandz Billy Shane Sean Hall DJ Dots 20W20th

#593 Fri, 24 Sep 1999 03:26:03 Upcoming Trance Events Saturday October 2, 1999 Philadelphia, PA GAIAN MIND presents EARTHDANCE ’99 9pm-6am Main Floor: HATARI – 9pm-11:30pm DIMITRI – 11:30pm-1:30am HUMAN BLUE – 1:30am-2:30am (Live PA) ANTI – 2:30am-5am SHAKTA – 5am-6am (Live PA) “Prayer for Peace” – close Upstairs: ALLEN – 11pm-midnight SLIPPING INTO SUBLIMNITY – midnight-2am TABLA-GANGES – 2am-4am STEVE-O – 4am-6am Live Webcast by web STREETSOUND Fluoro Decor and Atmosphere by GAIAN MIND Mind-Blowing Lasers by PAWN (Philadelphia) Psychedelic String Art by JAMIN (NYC) Art Installations by SANG (Philadelphia) Vibe and Vision by DICHOTOMY and RESONATOR UV Body Art by MISS RACHEL (Philadelphia) Ritual Dance Performance by YBDO and DHIA (NYC) Tibetan Relief Information by RECYCLING THE BUDDHA (NYC) Brain Wave Research by Fluorowear by AVATAR DESIGNS (Newark) and TWISTED TRAVELERS (SF) Earthdance Compact Discs Provided by PURPLE OZ (NYC) Chai Stall by QRIA (Philadelphia) Turbosound PA by BAUDER AUDIO SYSTEMS (Philadelphia) 8pm – 6am, Saturday, October 2nd, 1999 at SPACE, 953 N. Front Street, Philadelphia, PA, USA $25 (18+ w/ ID to enter) ADVANCE TICKETS AVAILABLE AT TICKETMASTER Online Flyer: web spaceistheplace/PAGES/flyers/flyerearthdance’99.html Additional Directions: web spaceistheplace Gaian Mind Productions P.O. Box 53582 Philadelphia, PA 19105 USA infoline: (215) 238-1053 email: GaianMind at yahoo October 2, 1999 Earthdance Montreal Linup: Taka (Soltice, Tokyo/Vancouver) Hugh S (Panda rec., NYC) Stormbass (Ultra Wolrd, Qc) Jeff Mk Ultra (Ascend, Psychotrop, Mtl) Rigpa Vs Seb (Psychotrop prod., Mtl) Our Partners & sponsors: Deco: Fluodelik, Cosmogony prod. (former EOMF) & Syzygy prod. Sound & Light by Euphoria prod. Laser show by web laser-fx Smart & Herbal bar by Chanvre du Nord Psychedelik Projections & live video linkup by Zone-Web Tickets : 15$ pre-sale, 20$ at the doors Pre-party with educational presentations on Tibet & chill out music from 16h to 20h at World Beat Center Party from 22h00 to 10h00, location reveled 24h prior to the event. Info line: (514)204-9849 web bassline/psychotrop psychotrop at hotmail TSUNAMI presents TIM SCHULDT FRIDAY 10:08:99 TIM SCHULDT (Aurinko, Germany/Atomic, UK) DINO PSARAS (Atomic, UK) DJ LUMINUS (Hom-Mega, Israel) MATTHEW MAGIC (Tsunami/Project Beyond) FX MIKE (Polymorphous/Subtle Chaos) $25, or $20 with a print-out of this eflyer * 18+ Must Bring Photo ID * TSUNAMI 24 HR INFO LINE: 212.439.8124 Polymorphous 718.390.7232 Synthetic Sadhus 212.774.7728 In-Trance-It 212.462.3241 Pure Children 212.352.4340 VINYL 6 Hubert Street, NY, NY (Off Hudson St. 3 blocks below Canal) Tsunami Celestial Trance for Sublime People http:/

#594 Fri, 24 Sep 1999 15:32:05 Fwd: DJ needs a ride… Hi folks. I’m supposed to be playing Earthdance in Montreal next weekend (Oct. 2). I got a call yesterday from Jeff MK Ultra, the promoter in charge of the event. He called to tell me that they didn’t have airline tix booked for me and to ask if I could find another way up. This is presents a problem because I have neither a car nor a driver’s license, so I’m wondering if any of you out there with the requisite license and automobile might be interested in a road trip to Montreal with me next week. As my driver you can expect to receive: * reimbursement for gas, tolls, food, assorted expenses * free admission to Earthdance * a place to sleep before/after the party in Montreal * countless hours of trance tunes (cars with cassette decks preferred 😉 * a seasoned guide to point out all of the interesting points along 87 North. * countless opportunities to proclaim, “I’m with the DJ” 🙂 So basically it’s a free trip except that you’ll have to drive. It’s approx. 6 hours’ drive from NYC, not including rest stops. I’d prefer to leave Saturday morning/afternoon and return on Sunday evening, but my schedule is flexible and crash space has been offered by the promoters. It looks like it’s going to be a great party and I really hope I can get up to it because I definitely don’t plan on taking Greyhound. Anyone interested in this, write me back at this address, or call me at 718-399-0139. Cheers! -Hugh

#595 Fri, 24 Sep 1999 18:08:15 From: ” jeff at x.x Outlaw trance Saturday Sept 24 Hello all- When was the last time you looked at the full moon? The “last” party last friday was soooo special that we’re doing it again. The closest we NYers get to the true Burning Man /Thai Beach Full Moon Party experience. You must check out it will be an adventure. out. Be patient if it takes a while for their generator to get running. Subtle Chaos is Happy to bring you the latest update on how to spend this night (Saturday) in most crazy loonatic way.. THE BRIDGE… THE MUSIC… THE FAMILY… THE COPS… (hopefully not:) The last reunion of Goa-heads at the known location, (old one, on the east side), this time we got everybody from the underground involved, the party will go till everyone leaves. Acts include: (in no particular order) fx Mike Subtle Chaos Vadim Subtle Chaos Aleks Subtle Chaos Indra Subtle Chaos Ron Subtle Chaos Dmitri from Elfland Hyperspace and others… Sorry for the short note… i guess we are just a group of chaotic neuro psychonauts… But we do hell of the parties! So, i hope to see you all out there! Pass this to your friends, and again, see you soon! If the weather will stay somewhat warm – this is not the last one… Bom-bom aleks at subtle chaos It is on the northern tip of Manhattan, on the east corner where the GW Bridge and he Triborough merge. Once you’re on 181st and Amsterdam it is a 5 minute walk. Don’t get confused with these simple directions. Follow them literally. Take the subway 1 or 9 to 181st. & St. Nichols. Walk east. Go to the southeast corner of 181st and Amsterdam. Stand there. Look east. See the little paved pedestrian paved path that runs next to the road on the south side, parallel to the highway that the cars are on? Walk east on it; after about 100 yards it starts dipping south, The little road gently slopes down into the park, down some stairs, goes under an arch, splits in two (take the right path) and down more stairs and continues down down down until you hear music. It’s creepy getting there but there are a lot of good people around %-)(that’s a stoned Israeli with a beard) Bring blankets cigarettes and 5HTP and water. Look for the flashing glasses:)

#596 Sun, 26 Sep 1999 14:29:39 Fwd: Mellow Dramatic Mondays Mirimar, Inc. presents “Mellow Dramatic Mondays” at Lola Restaurant. If you didn’t make it in last week, get here early this Monday!! Hosted by Four Beautiful Women from New York, It’s the only place you’ll find warm conversation, positive vibes, funky beats and stunningly beautiful people on a Monday evening. DJ Pleasure sets the tone with the sweetest ear candy. Mellow Dramatic Drinks & Deserts sweeten tongues and keep lips moist. Walking, Talking works of art in different shapes, sizes and hues await your entrance at this afterwork Vibrant thing. Location: 30 West 22nd Street (btwn 5th & 6th Ave’s in Manhattan) Time: 5-11pm Each & every Monday Admission price: Open Mind and a desire to mellow out. Half-price drinks for ladies from 5-7pm Coming this November: web phat-lip Bringing you quality events and entertainment Look for more events in a City near you to be removed from this list, reply to this message with “Remove Me:” as the SUBJECT

#597 Wed, 29 Sep 1999 18:28:54 tonight his evening and this evening only, Billy Shane and Sean Hall will be spinning in the big top known as Jet Lounge 10pm Free Jet Lounge is at 286 spring st. near varick No Miami style door tomfoolery tonight. be there or be sleepy sean & billiam

#598 Thu, 30 Sep 1999 16:42:51 House Party Tonight Tonight, we throwing a pretty rocking house party at a friends apartment. The place is pretty cool and has three tremendous roof decks.. It’s going to be a really raging party. It’s on the Upper East Side. If you want the address email back. Starts at 9:00pm

October 1999

#599 Fri, 1 Oct 1999 11:00:31 Fwd: Venue sreach for Halloween In a message dated 10/1/1999 10:11:29 AM, bobbles at panix writes: Since you might know some people, any ideas of venue rental for a pre-Halloween party? I’m looking to throw an all-nighter for Saturday, October 30. So many people I know were looking to attend the Synthetic Saddhus party, coming down from CT and Boston. etc. We’re all disappointed. Party would be semi-private, meaning people from Psy-trnace, my Dance list, and whoever is on your Brainmachines list. The cheaper the location, the cheaper the admittance fee. Hell, I’m willing to outlay bucks out of my own pocket, to reduce cost for folk attending. Music would be a mixture of hard trance, psy-trance and techno. People should be free to get pupils dilated, enter thspatial distortion zone, etc. Thanks for any assist, Bob Hi Jeff, Since you might know some people, any ideas of venue rental for a pre-Halloween party? I’m looking to throw an all-nighter for Saturday, October 30. So many people I know were looking to attend the Synthetic Saddhus party, coming down from CT and Boston. etc. We’re all disappointed. Party would be semi-private, meaning people from Psy-trnace, my Dance list, and whoever is on your Brainmachines list. The cheaper the location, the cheaper the admittance fee. Hell, I’m willing to outlay bucks out of my own pocket, to reduce cost for folk attending. Music would be a mixture of hard trance, psy-trance and techno. People should be free to get pupils dilated, enter thspatial distortion zone, etc. Thanks for any assist, Bob

#600 Fri, 1 Oct 1999 11:06:15 Upcoming Transcendance The Synthetic Saddhus party has been postponed until December 11. I’m hoping they mean December, 1999 🙂 Many of us WILL be in Philly Saturday. Pseudo is doing webcasting – they might be doing a party as well I hear. Apologies to the last Bridge party; Max, Aleks, Misha were not involved in any way – it was other Subtle Chaos people; any new event posted will have an info line for the future in order to be listed. A thanks to for the updated information. Saturday October 2, 1999 Philadelphia, PA GAIAN MIND presents EARTHDANCE ’99 9pm-6am Main Floor: HATARI – 9pm-11:30pm DIMITRI – 11:30pm-1:30am HUMAN BLUE – 1:30am-2:30am (Live PA) ANTI – 2:30am-5am SHAKTA – 5am-6am (Live PA) “Prayer for Peace” – close Upstairs: ALLEN – 11pm-midnight SLIPPING INTO SUBLIMNITY – midnight-2am TABLA-GANGES – 2am-4am STEVE-O – 4am-6am Live Webcast by web STREETSOUND Fluoro Decor and Atmosphere by GAIAN MIND Mind-Blowing Lasers by PAWN (Philadelphia) Psychedelic String Art by JAMIN (NYC) Art Installations by SANG (Philadelphia) Vibe and Vision by DICHOTOMY and RESONATOR UV Body Art by MISS RACHEL (Philadelphia) Ritual Dance Performance by YBDO and DHIA (NYC) Tibetan Relief Information by RECYCLING THE BUDDHA (NYC) Brain Wave Research by Fluorowear by AVATAR DESIGNS (Newark) and TWISTED TRAVELERS (SF) Earthdance Compact Discs Provided by PURPLE OZ (NYC) Chai Stall by QRIA (Philadelphia) Turbosound PA by BAUDER AUDIO SYSTEMS (Philadelphia) 8pm – 6am, Saturday, October 2nd, 1999 at SPACE, 953 N. Front Street, Philadelphia, PA, USA $25 (18+ w/ ID to enter) ADVANCE TICKETS AVAILABLE AT TICKETMASTER Online Flyer: web spaceistheplace/PAGES/flyers/flyerearthdance’99.html Additional Directions: web spaceistheplace Gaian Mind Productions P.O. Box 53582 Philadelphia, PA 19105 USA infoline: (215) 238-1053 email: GaianMind at yahoo October 2, 1999 Earthdance Montreal Linup: Taka (Soltice, Tokyo/Vancouver) Hugh S (Panda rec., NYC) Stormbass (Ultra Wolrd, Qc) Jeff Mk Ultra (Ascend, Psychotrop, Mtl) Rigpa Vs Seb (Psychotrop prod., Mtl) Our Partners & sponsors: Deco: Fluodelik, Cosmogony prod. (former EOMF) & Syzygy prod. Sound & Light by Euphoria prod. Laser show by web laser-fx Smart & Herbal bar by Chanvre du Nord Psychedelik Projections & live video linkup by Zone-Web Tickets : 15$ pre-sale, 20$ at the doors Pre-party with educational presentations on Tibet & chill out music from 16h to 20h at World Beat Center Party from 22h00 to 10h00, location reveled 24h prior to the event. Info line: (514)204-9849 web bassline/psychotrop psychotrop at hotmail Mondays, NY, NY “Goa at Michelangelo” 10pm-5am, Michelangelo club 2035 Bath Avenue Brooklyn, NY 718.714.1385 DJ’s are randomly selected, no big names. Cover is $8/ $6 w/flyer TSUNAMI presents TIM SCHULDT FRIDAY 10:08:99 TIM SCHULDT (Aurinko, Germany/Atomic, UK) DINO PSARAS (Atomic, UK) DJ LUMINUS (Hom-Mega, Israel) MATTHEW MAGIC (Tsunami/Project Beyond) FX MIKE (Polymorphous/Subtle Chaos) $25, or $20 with a print-out of this eflyer * 18+ Must Bring Photo ID * TSUNAMI 24 HR INFO LINE: 212.439.8124 Polymorphous 718.390.7232 Synthetic Sadhus 212.774.7728 In-Trance-It 212.462.3241 Pure Children 212.352.4340 VINYL 6 Hubert Street, NY, NY (Off Hudson St. 3 blocks below Canal) Tsunami Celestial Trance for Sublime People http:/

#601 Sat, 2 Oct 1999 14:49:16 Fwd: Fwd: Venue sreach for Halloween In a message dated 10/1/1999 11:05:30 PM, FaiLDsYsTm at aol writes: i recently joined brainmachines, i have an idea for the oct.30 party, “Art Gallery Mutli Media Space Entire bldg. 3 levels. Cabaret zone PA- 400 -ideal for ANY event. 113 LUDLOW ST. (212)-375-8761” i saw an ad for this venue in a local nyc small time paper classified section. this venue is down on the lower east side, on a pretty isolated street and relatively near the subway. they have previously had parties there. the street is pretty deserted except for a parking garage that closes early. the HOPE party a one or two saterdays ago was there. the cover was just $15 in advance. i recently joined brainmachines, i have an idea for the oct.30 party, “Art Gallery Mutli Media Space Entire bldg. 3 levels. Cabaret zone PA- 400 -ideal for ANY event. 113 LUDLOW ST. (212)-375-8761” i saw an ad for this venue in a local nyc small time paper classified section. this venue is down on the lower east side, on a pretty isolated street and relatively near the subway. they have previously had parties there. the street is pretty deserted except for a parking garage that closes early. the HOPE party a one or two saterdays ago was there. the cover was just $15 in advance.

#602 Sat, 2 Oct 1999 14:55:20 Need ride to Philly tonight Earthdance? You would get in free if I could hitch. Call me 212-445-0364

#603 Sat, 2 Oct 1999 17:06:36 Fwd: Fwd: Venue sreach for Halloween In a message dated 10/2/1999 4:56:32 PM, tiggerkid at hotmail writes: in my humble opinion, that venue is horrible. It was incredibly small with no dancing room and it had no ventalation (at least for Hope). I think it would be fun for a very small, intimate party, but for anything more, it is not very nice. Anyway, i would like to introduce myself. My name is dave, and i hail from the Buffalo/ TO scene. I just moved to NYC a month ago, and really havent been to many good parties. I hate clubs, and large massive events. if anyone has any info on smaller parties, it would be really appreciated. thanx PLUR, dave “I know what tiggers like you do best…spread the motherfuckin’ love!”- Buffalo Party Kid hey now! in my humble opinion, that venue is horrible. It was incredibly small with no dancing room and it had no ventalation (at least for Hope). I think it would be fun for a very small, intimate party, but for anything more, it is not very nice. Anyway, i would like to introduce myself. My name is dave, and i hail from the Buffalo/ TO scene. I just moved to NYC a month ago, and really havent been to many good parties. I hate clubs, and large massive events. if anyone has any info on smaller parties, it would be really appreciated. thanx PLUR, dave “I know what tiggers like you do best…spread the motherfuckin’ love!”- Buffalo Party Kid In a message dated 10/1/1999 11:05:30 PM, FaiLDsYsTm at aol writes: i recently joined brainmachines, i have an idea for the oct.30 party, “Art Gallery Mutli Media Space Entire bldg. 3 levels. Cabaret zone PA- 400 -ideal for ANY event. 113 LUDLOW ST. (212)-375-8761” i saw an ad for this venue in a local nyc small time paper classified section. this venue is down on the lower east side, on a pretty isolated street and relatively near the subway. they have previously had parties there. the street is pretty deserted except for a parking garage that closes early. the HOPE party a one or two saterdays ago was there. the cover was just $15 in advance.message3.txt

#604 Mon, 4 Oct 1999 15:12:41 Fwd: RALLY WITH ME! Hey everyone! I know this is supposed to be a party announcement list, but protesting the d-war and voicing the misery of the thousands of imprisoned human souls has become the focus of my life and I would like to encourage you all to help end the madness. Also, I’ve been asked to prepare and give a speech at this event by the organizers. MY FIRST PUBLIC SPEECH! I’ll be hooked up with a sound system and all the works! I’m pretty excited. So- my friends, I hope to see many of you there. Join me in my fight for justice! Together we can make a difference! -and forward to any friends or mailings lists. Thanks! Please- read on for details: PROTEST!!! NOW IS YOUR CHANCE TO TAKE A STAND AGAINST GEORGE W.BUSH AND THE POLITICS OF HYPOCRISY Join Friends and Families of the victims of the ROCKEFELLER d LAWS in a RALLY outside a fundraiser that Gov Pataki is holding for GEORGE W. BUSH TUESDAY, October 5, 1999 4:30pm – 7:30pm Sheraton Hotel – 7th ave. (betw. 52/53 streets) Organized by the William Moses Kunstler Fund for Racial Equality * Pro Choice forces * Anti Death Penalty and Pro Prisoners’ Rights forces * Gay rights advocates * Immigrants’ advocates * and other forces for social change have also organized around this rally. PLEASE FRIENDS, What do we fear? Is this country still the land of the free and the home of the brave? Or have we been so conditioned that we are afraid to defend justice – to protest spending billions of tax dollars for the mass persecution and enslavement of non-violent first time offenders? THERE IS NO JUSTICE IN THE WAR ON dS THE TIME IS NOW – LET’S PROTEST TOGETHER!!

#606 Tue, 5 Oct 1999 22:12:56 Fwd: Cuba Trip I am planning a trip to Havana, Cuba for new year’s eve. The price of the trip will probably be about $550 for 4 days 3 nights or about $900 for a week. The price includes round trip airfare form Cancun (it’s a 1 hour flight) and accomodations at one of the nicer hotels. truely paradise. If you have any questions, please e-mail / call me & I will get you in contact with my travel agent. LAZ 212.587.8447

#607 Thu, 7 Oct 1999 18:13:32 Fwd: Saturday 6-8pm Opening at Richard Anderson Fine Arts Hi, I have artwork in an exhibition at Richard Anderson Fine Arts and the opening is this Saturday 10/9 6-8pm. The show was mounted as a reaction to Rudy Guilliani and others cutting funding and trying to kick the Brooklyn Museum out of their space for displaying ‘objectionable’ art. Please stop by. It’s guaranteed to be an interesting show! Richard Anderson Fine Arts presents a group exhibition in response to the current political attempts to restrict free expression in the Arts Opening Reception: Saturday, October 9th, 6-8pm October 5th – November 13th, 1999 Tuesday – Saturday 11am – 6pm Richard Anderson Fine Arts 453 West 17th Street, 4th Floor New York, NY 10011 Tel/Fax: 212-463-0970

#608 Thu, 7 Oct 1999 19:48:14 for Friday Hey everybody come to Vinyl for the biggest trance party in a while: TSUNAMI presents TIM SCHULDT FRIDAY 10:08:99 TIM SCHULDT (Aurinko, Germany/Atomic, UK) DINO PSARAS (Atomic, UK) DJ LUMINUS (Hom-Mega, Israel) MATTHEW MAGIC (Tsunami/Project Beyond) FX MIKE (Polymorphous/Subtle Chaos) $25, or $20 with a print-out of this eflyer * 18+ Must Bring Photo ID * TSUNAMI 24 HR INFO LINE: 212.439.8124 Polymorphous 718.390.7232 Synthetic Sadhus 212.774.7728 In-Trance-It 212.462.3241 Pure Children 212.352.4340 VINYL 6 Hubert Street, NY, NY (Off Hudson St. 3 blocks below Canal) Tsunami Celestial Trance for Sublime People http:/

#609 Fri, 8 Oct 1999 12:06:36 If you don’t answer this your genitalia will turn to epoxy You know what amazes me is that this got forwarded to like 50 people before me…… So all the people who hate forwarded messages and chain letters are contributing to the disease…. A little ironic I think. -Adam

#610 Fri, 8 Oct 1999 18:27:26 Fwd: Touch me again This NEXT Saturday, so mark your calendars…. ok, so we got lazy this summer and had some time off……well, i wouldn’t actually call it lazy more like we took some time to reflect upon ourselves and loved ones and to really work on finding that all so elusive, oneness, with the universe and…ah..whatever sean…we really missed all you guys and we’re sorry and please, please won’t you come out and celebrate life and all the exciting new compositions we bought this past…billy, shut the f* k up… seriously, thanks for all your previous support. we would love to see ya at this one. its been a lot of work and if you haven’t been well then you better come…thanks stephen…haha… TOUCH members.xoom/touchnyc When:: Saturday, October 16th (please ignore any other publications that reported the wrong date) Featuring:: Dave Hollands(Minimal Wage) Billy Shane (Touch) Sean Hall (Touch) DJ Dots(Egg/Wanderlust) Visuals & Flyer Design by:: The Attik web theattik At:: VIP:: 20 West 20th (btw, 5th & 6th) Time:: 11pm-7am Cost:: 10 bucks 8 bucks w/ flyer or e-mail The venue holds 600+ people so bring that truckload of friends you have been hanging on to. We would like to do an extra special thanks to the Attik for their wicked work! Peace Sean, Billy & Stephen [if you get this email in error, or are annoyed by us, please email back and we’ll fix you right up]

#611 Fri, 8 Oct 1999 19:36:15 Fwd: 411.10.07.99 In a message dated 10/7/99 10:58:25 PM, writes: If anyone has any changes, corrections, or additions, please let us know. Pick this one up today…… Shiva Space Technology Friday October 15 1999 at 20 W 20th st DJ’s-Jorg-Shiva Shidapu -Erez-Infected Mushroom -Liran-Paradox 20 in advance 25 at the door id a must 10-7 hanan-212-665-0615 liran917-842-7335 Also Banco De Gaia at the cooler on sat the 16th George

#612 Sun, 10 Oct 1999 00:04:41 Re: saturday the 10th It’s very late – midnight – but I feel it’s OK to inform you of theall night Trance party tonight at 40th & 9th Southeast corner, as I am in a hurry and have to get it to 3 of you. EnTrance is on 40th street, 40 feet east from the intersection. I think the address is 354 W40th . There will be a door person and it’s $20. Misha, Alecks, Sequential Tom will be playing sets! Lets have a great party! In a message dated 10/7/1999 7:52:39 PM, Poo0498 writes: anything going on saturday? ) in nyc… Liz p.s. u know anyone looking for a computer programmer?

#613 Mon, 11 Oct 1999 10:10:29 Re: Digest Number 152 In a message dated 10/11/1999 1:01:19 AM, tetsuo2 at optonline.net writes: I got dicked outta paul van dyk this weekend, so I’m looking for a nice goa trance party for anytime in the upcoming weeks… suggestions? -tetsuo you’re in luck: Thursday, October 21 Tsunami presents TSUYOSHI SUZUKI VINYL 6 Hubert Street, NY, NY (Off Hudson St. 3 blocks below Canal) 10 PM 4 AM TSUNAMI 24 HR INFO LINE: 212.439.8124 http:/

#614 Mon, 11 Oct 1999 16:42:30 Fwd: Beating the Monday Blues…… Tonight appearing for first time in NYC Danny McMillan (UK) at Koncrete Jungle at Farrenheit (Broadway & Leonard) with DJs Soul Slinger, Odi & Datacyde Doors open at 10:30pm mention this & get in for only $5! Also look for Danny spinning at Weds 11 – Oxygen at Drinkland (10th & Ave B) Thu 12 – K7 at AuBar (913 B’way) & if you can’t get yer lazy behind off that sofa then tune in on Thu to: web psuedo at midnight!! to hear Danny spinning a live set of all things breakz For more info please call Amanda at Hands On Deck (718) 349-9525 The man behind the TCR label with Rennie Pilgrem, one half of the Uptown ruling breaks night in London, “Friction”, Danny will be showcasing what is going on in the nu-skool breaks world. He has released a series of tracks on Carl Cox’s Ultimate Breaks, Mechanoise, Botchit & Scarper, and Kickin’ and has helped engineer tracks for the likes of Arthur Baker whilst remixing New Order, The Scientist & Philadelphia Bluntz to name a few. See why his recent release on Passion Music (home of the Rennaisance compilations) is blowing up and Danny is now considered to be at the forefront of this burgeoning scene. “He glides, then surges, then rockets through the coolest breakbeat” NME “Danny McMillan is one of the freshest Djs on the breakbeat scene today” FHM “Danny McMillan deserves a special mention because he’s one of the original champions of the sound……will challenge common (mis)conceptions of what the nu-skool is all about” DJ “The refreshingly uplifting and airy flipside to Freq Nasty’s punk noise” MUZ IK Danny McMillan is such a breath of fresh air” 7/Update

#615 Tue, 12 Oct 1999 10:15:33 Space Ahmed seeks an apartment: Good luck not paying a broker – I’ve only found one good deal w/o one and that was in 1991!!! From: Ahmed.Yearwood at ft (Ahmed Yearwood) To: Jeff Hi Jeff, Long time no hear, although I keep posted on all of your emails that get through to my account. I was curious to know if, through your vast email network, you may know of any one bedrooms coming available in the next month or so. I’m looking for a one bedroom (or a large studio) and I’m trying to avoid paying a brokers fee. Therefore, I’m relying on word of mouth. If you hear of anything, please let me know. Thanks! Ahmed Yearwood PS – Are you still at Bloomberg, or are you full-time promoting now??? No, I am at Sky TV. Bloomborg was Michael’s trip)

#616 Tue, 12 Oct 1999 12:52:19 The Gallery is up – send me your photo. …at web tranceam.org/Warp/Fast/trance/Subscribe/Gallery/gallery.html Send me a JPG or GIF file. Only your first name will be used. No email links will be added. If you can, make it a 1″ x 1″ head shot. and keep it under 20K, 72DPI.

#617 Tue, 12 Oct 1999 16:08:35 Resource Guide If anybody knows of people who make trance art, flyers, music, lighting, etc etc there is now a resource guide at web tranceam.org/Warp/Fast/trance/Promoters/promoters.html Please forward this to anybody who might wish to be in this directory

#618 Wed, 13 Oct 1999 01:34:07 Fwd: Thursday 10/21 6-8pm Reception at CMA New C O C K T A I L R E C E P T I O N Date in honor of Hurricane Floyd at C M A : T H U R S D A Y, October 21st, 6 – 8 p m. I N S I D E & O U T, an exhibition curated by KIMBERLY MARRERO, curator and LITTLEJOHN CONTEMPORARY art gallery Director, formerly of MONIQUE KNOWLTON gallery, explores the arts from the professional perspective. New Works by 15 CMA Artists: Christine Abelman, Eva Barash, Jeanette Brew, Tom Burnett, Austin Center, Michelle Leisure, Natasha Mondon-Crowley, Niizeki Hiromi, Tawnya Olsen*, Shlomo Pestcoe, Benjamin D. Rinehart, Tinne Rosenmeier, Theresa Rosinski, Anna Schwebel, & Audrey Wong. Exhibition Dates: 9/16-10/31/99 Hours: Wednesday 12-7pm, Thursday-Sunday 12-5pm The C H I L D R E N ‘ S M U S E U M O F T H E A R T S is located at 182 Lafayette Street between Broome & Grand, New York, NY 10013. Tel: 212-274-0986. * home.earthlink.net/tawnyaolsen To be removed from this list, hit reply and in the subject header type “remove”.

#619 Thu, 14 Oct 1999 10:38:00 Kast kall 4 klub kid Jada? There are a lot of good kandidates on this list!!! Hey Jeffrey, been on your list for a while and have had a lot of fun a many of the parties you’ve listed. I wanted to know if you could post this on the list: I’m looking for a club kid, someone really cute and in the 18-21 year old age range to to do a 5 second cameo in a Sony mini-disc commercial. We’re shooting next week so if they could email me a jpeg headshot. We’re looking for a girl who looks good in club kid or raver drag and gives the impression of loving music. So if you could post this to your list I would certainly appreciate it. My contact info is : Ross von Burg Callahan Creative 110 Duane St. 2nd Fl. NYC 212.385.9702 917.405.0754 web callahancreative

#620 Thu, 14 Oct 1999 12:12:48 also, club kid will get $$$ In a message dated 10/14/1999 11:44:04 AM, radian at tki.net writes: This is a paid cameo, it’ll be about 5-7 seconds long, we’re shooting Monday or Tuesday in Nolita and the pay is $150-$200. Oh thats a good idea I should give Jada a call. But as an addendum: This is a paid cameo, it’ll be about 5-7 seconds long, we’re shooting Monday or Tuesday in Nolita and the pay is $150-$200. Cheers, RvB

#621 Thu, 14 Oct 1999 17:46:26 Fritrance at 2020/Sat Proghouse at 2020&nontranceloft Friday: Israeli Trance party at 20W20th Saturday: 1 Touch (Billy Shane & Sean Hall) Prog. House at 20W20th (Coincidence?) 2…bring somthing to drink and an even mix of male and female. The music may very well be shit but for a pickupondrunksextoy thing s’worth checking out. U R friends of Jeff, who knows Mira/Gemma BIG loft party on 34th Street between 10th and 11th Avenues this Saturday. 545 West 34th Street; Apt 2A New York, NY 10001 11:30pm or so… There is

#622 Thu, 14 Oct 1999 17:48:29 Plus… OK rumor has it Banco De Gaia will be at the Cooler on Saturday the 16th… so you can trance twice in a row (noooot recommended, give one set of neurotrancemitters a break %-)

#623 Thu, 14 Oct 1999 22:49:34 From: Ismoked at xxx.xxx Me, interviewed on the Discovery Channel tonight and Friday 5pm OK I’m going to be interviewed doing K on the Discovery Channel (Channel18) tonight and at 5:00 PM Friday. Soon to be streamed from brainmachines. Science Mysteries Between Life and Death “Survivors of near-death experiences usually consider it a highly spiritual event but those who study the phenomenon think the white light and “feeling of energy” survivors describe, may in fact be the changes that happen to a dying brain.” Air Time(s) Eastern/Pacific Time: DSC – 14 Oct 1999 – 09:00 PM DSC – 14 Oct 1999 – 12:00 AM DSC – 16 Oct 1999 – 05:00 PM

#625 Fri, 15 Oct 1999 10:36:12 Correction: Discovery Channel is on Saturday not Friday Correction: The Aforementioned Discovery Channel program 18 is on Saturday not Friday. Sorry. My mind wasn’t here 🙂 -J

#626 Fri, 15 Oct 1999 14:51:57 Brain cells DO regrow!! There is hope for some of us!! Dear listmembers, Today in the NYTimes we hear that brain cells REGROW. Every day. For decades it has been thought that brain cells are NOT replaced. That is now known as a MYTH. They do grow, every day, stem cells that provide a coordinate for when a memory is formed. So the memories you have of TODAY are thanks to cells that were created TODAY. Wow. All those years of glue sniffing!! 🙂

#627 Sat, 16 Oct 1999 16:05:56 An evening with Alex Grey Alex Grey does a lot of art on brainmachines. (Also turn on channel 18 at 5pm sat. afternoon): Thursday November 18, 7:30 to 9:30 20 in advance 25 at the door At the Wainwright house in Rye, New York a 40 minute ride on metro north from Grand Central Station. For more info check out the Wainwright house’s web page…..web wainwright.org/George Thursday November 18, 7:30 to 9:30 20 in advance 25 at the door At the Wainwright house in Rye, New York a 40 minute ride on metro north from Grand Central Station. For more info check out the Wainwright house’s web page….. web wainwright.org/ George

#628 Mon, 18 Oct 1999 21:02:37 Thankyou for ll the info… If it’s a cool party I want to hear about it. But 80% comesfrom me and my sources.-I have worked my ass off to get the right 200 peop in over the past 8 years and if you been to any of my parties you know the crowd ROCQUES. so keep em comming or I will shut off those who don;t thrown it back out to us. From: bshane at pseudo To: a thank you for 800 peeps!!! Mon, Oct 18, 1999, 1:40 PM thank you! thank you! thank you! A big thanks to everyone who, showed their support, did the dance, worked their asses off and waited in that gargantuan line to make Saturday such a remarkable and memorable night…and don’t worry the brain will be up and running with in a few days, promise…big hug to the Attik for makin’ the joint fresh and tasty…our apologies to those who spent way too long waiting in a line that was meant to be short and speedy…and how about those guest dj’s…David Hollands and DJ Dots, fuckin ‘ell…I’m getting all misty eyed…aw shucks… lots o’ lovey, the Touch Brothers: Stephen Grimes, Sean Hall and Billy Shane…stay tuned.. (please forward this to anyone that we may have missed) (apologies to anyone who receives this in error) For anyone that is out and about on Tuesday…Dj Dots hosts the Hooka Lounge at Liquids…Sean and Billy are the guests in a “Touch Productions Battle!” on three turntables, some boxing gloves and,no battle would be complete without the whips and chains…this week is the third of four special weeks leading up to their 1 year annivesary…chill vibe, hooka pipes, and its FREE!! Liquids 266 e 10th (1st & A) 9pm-4AM no cover billy shane s t r e e t s o u n d . c o m 212.925.7909 bshane at pseudo

#629 Thu, 21 Oct 1999 12:54:58 Digital camera Does anybody have a digital camera they can donate so we can get everybody on the brainmachines site? Doesn’t have to be high res, as a ot of you aren’t high res anyway, judging by my fried neural circuits. Everything is negotiable at this point, I just want everybody on there, best done at a trance party or event. If I break it, I buy it. The page is currently at web tranceam.org/Warp/Fast/trance/Subscribe/Gallery/gallery.html There’s a lot wrong with people in different “groups,” i.e. Walter the old candle balancer in the trance group, but we’ll fix that. The photo, not Walter, heh heh.

#630 Fri, 22 Oct 1999 19:00:10 Fri Baktun House, Fahrenheit Trance, Sat Big Underground Russian Trance My vote? Saturday Trance, read on Friday House 4* N’ICE (Baktun – Fri Oct 22nd 1999 – 418 west 14th st- $10 ) DANNY BUDDHA MORALES (beyond Bass) HOLMAR FILIPSSON AGRAM NEIL ALINE SHAUNA SLEVIN Trance hey, were not promoting this party, but we are spinning at it, so I thought I would let everyone know incase they wanted somthing to do tommorrow. My friend Bec aka HoneyGun is doing visuals. She does wicked stuff. If you want to be on the $5 guest list, email me at hifiprincess at hotmail or call me at 718.781.3836 and leave a message with the names you want on the list. don’t be afraid if you come b4 11:oo for the free bar. there is an opener dj that is part of the crew that is putting it on. He plays from 10-11. but will be on at 11:00 sharp. hope to see you there. Keep your eyes open in January as Future Tech is going to start doing events again. We have been super busy and haven’t had the time to do anything else after the party at Ohm, but we have been preparing to bring you some nutty stuff!! Anyways, heres the info for tommorrow……..Thanks, Lori Dj HIFi Princess ****** Forever Night Entertainment ****** Invites You To a night of “Psychedelic Techno” fahrenheit friday’s ****** October 22, 1999 349 B’way & Leonard (4 Blocks Down From Canal St.) upstairs Doors Open at 10 PM Free Giveaways 18 To Party – 21 To Drink $5 On Guest List 12:00 $10 w/o Guest List Open Bar 10:00 – 11:00 PM Sat Hey All! And again happy to bring you the great news… Ready? Here it goes: OCTOBER 23, Saturday AlphaTrance (new name for x-subtle chaos crew:) delivers a new location and a new party… I’m not going in to details on how cool the place is and how trance music unites us all together (remember the bridge parties? this is the continuation, only a little warmer)… just come check it out 🙂 (just to give you a taste: we got two floors all to ourselfs, nice sound system, chill out, visuals and more..) DJ line-up: Sequential Tom fx Mike Ron Indra + other guests and may be a set by me… Location: 40th str. / 9th Ave, get yourself to South/East corner, walk about 40 feet towards east (most likely you’ll see me) Cover will be $15, some flyers are going to be around, if you catch one of them – it’s $12… For any ?’s e-mail me or Max and yeah, – tell your friends 🙂 See you there! aleks From: Neil Aline Bonjour! Here is an update on the N.Y.C events i organise or play at: 1*RESPECT is BURNING (twilo) 2*SCHOOL 3*RENDEZ-VOUS & CANNIBAL 4*N’ICE 1* RESPECT IS BURNING at TWILO – Friday November 12th 1999 (every other month) This has been one year that Respect comes to Twilo. It’s time to celebrate!!!!!!!! live and dj set: THOMAS BANGALTER of DAFT PUNK live: LES RYTHMES DIGITALES dj: MATTHIAS HEILBRONN (Wave Music) dj: IVAN SMAGGHE (Secret) twilo 530 west 27th st – web twiloclub 2* S C H O O L (saturdays at alphabet lounge 7th st and ave c – no cover 21&over) Simply the best underground house party on Saturdays. About 500 people came through last week. We will give and mail the “SCHOOL’s” student id’s/member cards this coming Saturday. So we’re sure our friends get in first without waiting in line forever. resident dj’s: NEIL ALINE MATTHIAS HEILBRONN MELVIN MOORE hosted by Jodi 3*RENDEZ-VOUS & CANNIBAL – Tuesday October 19th (every other tuesday at Izzy Bar 166 First Ave – no cover – 21 & over) The concept of the night is very simple: downstairs we are showcasing the best of NY’s & Overseas underground techno dj’s (Danny Moon; Sandra Collins; David Hollands; Terry Francis; Jim Masters; Nigel Richards, Jaesun etc etc….) upstairs we bring you the best non-dj’s (promoters, label a&r’s, agents, journalists,groupies etc etc) we give them 45 minutes to play whatever they want….Guess what!? They can’t mix but they are good! Tomorrow’s line up: upstairs…(tonight most of them are real dj’s) GUY LEGER (Polygram) CHRIS TORELLA (streetsound) ANDREW GOLDSTONE (F111 records) DJ WANNABE (Amsterdam) downstairs…… Tini Tun(Mexico City)and Phil Morrison(Balance Promote Group) 4* N’ICE (Baktun – Fri Oct 22nd 1999 – 418 west 14th st- $10 ) DANNY BUDDHA MORALES (beyond Bass) HOLMAR FILIPSSON AGRAM NEIL ALINE SHAUNA SLEVIN Happy-Scary Halloween and See you Soon!!!! Neil – web chezmusic

#631 Fri, 22 Oct 1999 19:03:13 Fwd: October 23, Saturday, NYC We are happy to announce a new addition to dj lineup Mathew Magic will be spinning with us Flyer on the web: web maxf.net/alpha Come and enjoy! Max at AlphaTrance On Fri, 15 Oct 1999, Aleks D wrote: Hey All! And again happy to bring you the great news… Ready? Here it goes: OCTOBER 23, Saturday AlphaTrance (new name for x-subtle chaos crew:) delivers a new location and a new party… I’m not going in to details on how cool the place is and how trance music unites us all together (remember the bridge parties? this is the continuation, only a little warmer)… just come check it out 🙂 (just to give you a taste: we got two floors all to ourselfs, nice sound system, chill out, visuals and more..) DJ line-up: Sequential Tom fx Mike Ron Indra + other guests and may be a set by me… Location: 40th str. / 9th Ave, get yourself to South/East corner, walk about 40 feet towards east (most likely you’ll see me) Cover will be $15, some flyers are going to be around, if you catch one of them – it’s $12… For any ?’s e-mail me or Max and yeah, – tell your friends 🙂 See you there! aleks

#632 Fri, 22 Oct 1999 19:06:44 web AlexGrey If you like the ultrtrippy art on the site, go to: Thursday November 18, 1999 Rye, New York An evening with Alex Grey 7:30 to 9:30 At the Wainwright house in Rye, New York a 40 minute ride on metro north from Grand Central Station. $20 in advance $25 at the door For more info check out: web wainwright.org/ [This is NOT a trance party.]

#633 Fri, 22 Oct 1999 19:07:54 Fwd: MAPS: psilocybin: ART BELL RADIO TALK SHOW Hi! I wanted to let you know I will be doing a four hour interview on The Art Bell Show on Saturday October 23rd from 11 PM to 3 AM Sunday October 24th. I will be discussing Magical Plants and Sacramental Substances. Fungi especially. There will be hours where you can call in and discuss this with us live, so please do! You can listen live over the internet (you must have real audio which you can download free off the net) you can get to the live web broadcast by going to the Art Bell Website, or there is a link to his page at the front of my website as well. Art Bell is also broadcast live on over 400 radio stations in the U.S. and you can find the stations nearest you by looking at the Art Bell website. I hope you get a chance to listen. I will try (time permitting) to send you a before then. Links below: Have a great weekend, James My Website: web sirius/holy/mushroom.htmlclick here Art Bells Website: web artbellArt Bell’s site click here MAPS-Forum at maps.org, a member service of the Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies (to become a member, see web maps.org/memsub.html). To [un]subscribe, email the message text, [un]subscribe maps-forum youraddress to majordomo at maps.org

#634 Fri, 22 Oct 1999 19:14:42 Full schedule courtesy of Mark from CT It was good to see everybody at Tsuyoshi, although I was coveered in layers of alien rubber brainmachines and mylar so if you were there and I was mumbling about galaxies or somthing. Kudos to Mark from CT for caring enough to compile this cheat sheet. October 22, 1999 NY, NY Forever Night Entertainment Invites You To a night of “Psychedelic Techno” fahrenheit friday’s 349 B’way & Leonard (4 Blocks Down From Canal St.) upstairs Doors Open at 10 PM Free Giveaways 18 To Party – 21 To Drink $5 On Guest List 12:00 $10 w/o Guest List Open Bar 10:00 – 11:00 PM Starting at 11:00-4:00: DJ HiFi Princess Future Tech NYC/Lift/Luxury U.k & Sequential Tom Future Tech NYC/Polmorphous with video DJ honeygun :: nyc Friday October 22, 1999 Montreal, Canada EOMF brings you a full on night of psychedelic trance!!! *** EL NINO *** Main Room: Goblin (Hom-Mega, TiT, Tel-Aviv, Israel) Children of the doc/PsySex (Hom-Mega, TiT, Tel-Aviv, Israel) Nivoc (Ascend Records, Montreal) Jeff Mk Ultra (Psychotrop, Ascend Records, Mtl) Electro Organic Mutant (EOMF, Mtl) Rickam (EOMF, Mtl) Chill Out: Gordon Field (Interchill Records, Mtl) Neerav (Sweet Water Magazine, Mtl) Adityo (New Urban Ritual, Mtl) Thal (EOMF, Mtl) Psychedelic Art by Nagual Tickets on sale (20$) at: Inside Records, 2011 St-Denis Music Hall, 4511 St-Denis 25$ at the door, doors open at 11pm Location is Blade, 1296 Amherst. This is the first of a series of club night that EOMF is gonna be putting on, please go and support them and we will have wicked psy trance talents coming down to Montreal every month! Info: 514-740-7449 10.22.99 Olympia, Washington, USA Trancylvania Amazia Salvia Atone Murshid Jesse Manifest at the CAPITOL THEATRE. This is $5…and $3 if you are an OFS member. The event starts around 11:00pm, inside the theatre, and will probably go till around 10am-12noon the next day. This event is a benefit for the Film Society. Proceeds go to the OFS festival. 503.844.4401 OCTOBER 23, Saturday New York, New York AlphaTrance (new name for x-subtle chaos crew:) DJ line-up: Sequential Tom fx Mike Ron Indra Matthew Magic + other guests Location: 40th str. / 9th Ave, get yourself to South/East corner, walk about 40 feet towards east (most likely you’ll see me) Cover will be $15, some flyers are going to be around, if you catch one of them – it’s $12… web maxf.net/alpha Saturday, October 23, 1999 Philadelphia, USA Banco De Gaia/Chrisbo The location is Space: web spaceistheplace Mondays, NY, NY “Goa at Michelangelo” 10pm-5am, Michelangelo club 2035 Bath Avenue Brooklyn, NY 718.714.1385 DJ’s are randomly selected, no big names. Cover is $8/ $6 w/flyer Friday 10/22/99 Boston, MA, USA The Middle East Restaurant & Nightclub 472/480 Mass Ave Cambridge MA 02139 P:617.864.EAST F:617.547.3930 web mideastclub Upstairs: Big Bad Bollocks, Speed Devils, The Explosion, Suspect Device 18+ $7 Downstairs Gamelan Presents: Banco de Gaia, The New Deal 18+ $15 October 30, 1999 Dripping Springs, Texas Texaliens present: HELLoween Sound by: the Alien Sound Source & okyeron Area 51 gfire (Texaliens) ergot (Texaliens) Hugh S (Brooklyn Crib/Panda Records NYC) The Evil Dr. Krelm (Texaliens) Rabi (System 7) Dr. No (Texaliens) Ice Station Zebra: Wayne Johnson (Spinning Euro D&B) Alien Orgasm (live) jel/Initialization String (live) Rabi/Skye (System 7) Time: sundown – noon 10.30.99 LA, CA, USA From: “Ray Ramirez” djkavandi at hotmail Hello, this is Ray (dj Kavandi) of Sixth Sense letting everyone in the LA area know of our upcoming party on the 30th of October which will commence in the Hollywood area. November 6, 1999 Florida From: “ben strum” dre4mer at hotmail Underground Goa party at Ehjay’s of off Aloma and Forsyth Hosts of the evening: The Dharma Kshetra Arjuna T-Zero Putyu Bringing a new flavor of music to the Orlando scene. Arjuna said “Prepeare the people for a deep psy/goa/tech trance and acid trance session:))” If trance is your love then this is your sanctuary. $5 at the door friday, 12 november 1999 pittsburgh, pennsylvania sidetrakkt productions presents unraveled soundscape synthesis: sequential tom (future tech/polymorphous – nyc) hifi princess (future tech nyc/lift/luxury u.k.) Hugh S (boom records – nyc) count zer0 (radiance organization – philadelphia) more to be announced… for more information, please e-mail sidetrakkt at aol Thursday November 18, 1999 Rye, New York An evening with Alex Grey 7:30 to 9:30 At the Wainwright house in Rye, New York a 40 minute ride on metro north from Grand Central Station. $20 in advance $25 at the door For more info check out: web wainwright.org/ [This is NOT a trance party.] December 11, 1999 New York, New York Synthetic Sadhus presents TIP RECORDS PARTY Lotus Omega Gus (Slinky Wizard) Dimitry (TIP, UK) Ken (Beach House, Malibu) Yeti (Raja Ram) $23 in advance/ 25$ at door Marc Ballroom 29 Union Square West (between 15th & 16th St.) New York, New York Synthetic Sadhus 212.774.7728 On New Years Eve, December 31, 1999 January 1, 2000, Tsunami presents its 24-hour millennium party at Club Vinyl in New York City, with a massive international line-up, free giveaways, and much more!! Mark your calendars from February 12 till February 14, 2000 for a three day party in the jungle. You are invited to camp on 52 beautiful acres of land in Puerto Rico, just 10 minutes from the beach. Tsunami will present two stages of international talent: chill out and full on psy-trance. February 19, 2000

#635 Sun, 24 Oct 1999 23:16:33 Fwd: Portugal psy trance parties In a message dated 10/22/1999 10:00:28 AM, bobbles at panix writes: I will be in the northern part of Portugal for a long Thanksgiving weekend. Any web sites or event information for psychedelia during this time would be appreciated. Thanks, Bob Baxter (bobbles at panix) Hi Jeff, Could you forward this to your list? I will be in the northern part of Portugal for a long Thanksgiving weekend. Any web sites or event information for psychedelia during this time would be appreciated. Thanks, Bob Baxter (bobbles at panix)

#636 Sun, 24 Oct 1999 23:18:15 BIIIIIG techno party in DC with bus From: ANIMAINEAXNYC at aol “http:/traworld.nettraworld Productions ENGAGE Saturaday, November 27, 1999 at the DC Armory 12 noon til 12 midnite DAVE RALPH DONALD GLAUDE RICHIE HAWTIN DERICK MAY MOBY SCOTT HENRY SLANT & STRESS BAILEY STORM BRYAN GEE ED RUSH ANDY C FAVIO GROOVERIDER FLUID LOVEGROVE RHOMBUS OLIVE CLARK WARNER AVATARS OF DUB So far we are the only confirmed bus trip in the NYC area. If you are interseted in the bus trip, please reply to ANIMAINEAX NYC at aol or call 212.479.7887 for more info. If you’ve never been to an Ultraworld party, you don’t know what you’ve been missing. Bus trip includes: round trip on a luxuary 55 person bus with tv’s/vcr’s and of course music admission to the party free give aways other suprises *remember you don’t have to drive and don’t have to worry about parking If you would like to join the Animaineax Mailing List to find out about our *upcoming events* as well as other events in they NY/NJ and surrounding areas, Please reply to ANIMAINEAX NYC at aol with your screen name. Feel free to pass this along to anyone you think would be interested as well. If you have recieved this in error, or more then once, kindly reply to us as well so we can remove you from the list and please accept our apology. *Some things we are currently working on* November 5th MASSIVE FLAVOR Afterhours w/ Divine Prods. November 27th Bustrip to ENGAGE brought to you by Ultraworld at the DC Armory *call or e’mail for ticket info* December 4th WISH LIST 2 – A Toys for Tots Benefit December 11th ALPHA RHYTHM Afterhours w/ Brooklyn Beatz

#637 Mon, 25 Oct 1999 17:57:21 NYTimes article Oct 24 on Trance Trance Casts a Spell Over the Youth of a Worried Israel By BRUCE FEILER EL AVIV One day last May, 10,000 young people crowded into a beach-side park north of here, dressed in tank-top T-shirts and tie-dye shorts, brandishing rings from every visible body part ears, noses, lips, bellybuttons and dancing wildly to a techno beat that has become the latest casus belli in Israel’s most overlooked war: the one between the generations. The music, a throbbing, lyric-free form of psychedelic electronica known as trance, has swept the country in recent years, enveloping everyone from bar mitzvah candidates to elite Air Force pilots, and prompting the authorities to clamp down on what they consider a subversive form of entertainment that promotes the use of illegal ds. In the last year alone, the police have shut down more than a dozen underground trance parties, in places ranging from posh mansions north of Tel Aviv to desert mountains overlooking the Dead Sea. The battle over trance highlights a larger change going on in Israel, where young people disillusioned with the lingering war with Lebanon and tensions with Israel’s Arab neighbors are expressing their desire for greater freedom by traveling abroad, exploring alternative religions and experimenting with hallucinogenic ds. Trance, a form of music popular in India that was adopted by young Israelis who regularly flock there after their military service, has become the focal point of this movement, often resulting in enormous, unannounced outdoor festivals that draw as many 50,000 people. Asher Haviv, 33, the organizer of many of the events, including the one last May along the Mediterranean at which he estimated that two-thirds of the participants were using marijuana, Ecstasy or l, likened the experience of being at a trance party to the story of Exodus. “In the Bible it says God led us from slavery to freedom,” he said. “This is freedom.” But the growing interest in trance may signal an even greater political shift, as young people distance themselves from the values of self-sacrifice and nationalism that characterized the early years of the State of Israel and move toward self-centered instant gratification. “It’s the most universal, post-Zionist, individualistic way of thinking,” said Dedi Zucker, 50, a former left-wing member of the Israeli parliament who once invited trance performers to play for conservative lawmakers. He had come to the party last May, held two days before the country’s general elections, to urge the crowd to translate its frustration into votes for his nascent Green Party. Trance music grew out of the unusual cross-breeding of high-tech, high-tempo European dance club music and the laid-back attitudes in the Indian state of Goa, popular for its beaches, ds and all-night raves. Long a magnet for the Western counterculture, Goa has undergone somthing of a revival in recent years helped by a surge of visitors from Israel. Goa’s reputation as a haven for nonconformists has been enhanced in part by the media coverage of young Israelis being thrown into Indian jails for using ds. In Goa, the unusual fusion of Western technology and Eastern mysticism created a new sound, a sort of neo-hippie background music, with rapid-fire, computer-generated bass lines that would be familiar to any 1990’s clubgoer, coupled with eerie, space-age atmospherics that sound as if they were lifted from 60’s sci-fi films like “2001: A Space Odyssey.” Unlike house music, which averages around 120 beats per minute, or progressive house, which averages 135 to 140, trance clocks in at a mind-numbing 150. Lior Perlmutter, 31, co-founder of the popular Israeli group Astral Projection, says the high number of beats allows listeners or dancers to disengage from the world and turn inward. “The music is very internal,” he said. “It’s less about touching and more about getting in touch with yourself. House is great for getting into the groove. Trance is much more individual. People don’t have to dance with a partner; they dance with the music.” Trance first made the jump to Israel in the early 1990’s and was embraced by a fledgling group of clubgoers who had experienced the music overseas. Groups with names like Mystica, Pigs in Space and Enlightened Evolution popped up. With song titles like “Searching for UFO’s” and “Aqua Line Spirit” and CD covers that featured air-brushed unicorns and Day-Glo crystals, the movement embraced the somewhat contradictory ideals of New Age ascetism and d hedonism. As a result, even though most albums sold fewer than 5,000 copies at home, trance parties attracted the attention of the police. In 1992, Avi Nissim, the other half of Astral Projection, was arrested while performing as a disk jockey at a party near Tel Aviv at which marijuana was found. Though Nissim was never accused of using ds himself, prosecutors charged him with playing music that “promoted d use” and asked the judge to impose the maximum sentence, seven years in prison. After four years and what Nissim says was $50,000 in legal bills, the judge ruled there was no connection between music and ds. “All of my life, I thought the police were there to protect me from bad people,” said Nissim, 30. “Now I see them on the other side. I’m afraid of them.” Oren Cristal, the president of Phonokol Records, which represents Astral Projection and other trance acts, said the authorities were concerned about a phenomenon they could not comprehend. “For them it’s very frightening,” he said. “The biggest threat is that these young people won’t join the Army.” But trance has become embedded in Israeli society, Cristal said, and can’t be easily eradicated. “Israel is at a junction,” he said. “Forty years ago, young people were draining swamps. Twenty years ago they were fighting wars. Now they want to enjoy themselves.” That attitude has helped Israeli trance artists become popular in Europe, where Astral Projection has a considerable following in clubs. Most of the sales of the group’s six albums, which Cristal says average around 30,000 copies a piece, come from Scandinavia, England and Germany. Trance has become the leading export of Israeli music and may finally allow Israeli pop artists to escape the legacy of sandals and acoustic guitars that has persisted since the 1960’s, when the kibbutz was considered a model for communal living around the world. The new image is also taking hold at home. After existing on the fringes of Israeli society for half a decade, trance has finally made the leap to mainstream popularity. The person responsible for the transition is Eyal Barkan, a former protg of Perlmutter and Nissim. A slight man with stringy hair and no formal musical education, Barkan, 29, introduced catchy melodies and added samples from popular culture, like children’s cartoons. His first CD, “Good Morning Israel,” became the first trance record to achieve gold status in Israel, selling more than 20,000 copies (bootleg versions accounted for 80,000). To reach a larger audience, Barkan toned down the d references in his music. He was also invited to appear on a well-known afternoon children’s television show and has become a popular attraction at bar mitzvahs and weddings. Last year, Yedioth Ahronoth, the country’s leading daily newspaper, listed Barkan among its “100 most influential Israelis,” crediting him with having “brought trance into every household in the country.”  r. BARKAN considers his music less complicated than that of his predecessors. He characterizes his sound as “victory trance,” for its upbeat message, while that of older artists like Astral Projection is termed psychedelic. “My music is easier on the ears,” Barkan said. “It’s more for any crowd, not just people who are in a daze.” Because of Barkan’s clean-cut image, even the Government has embraced him. “The police love me,” he said. “My image to young people is that you can listen to trance without ds.” With success, of course, has come rivalries among some musicians. Perlmutter and Nissim dismiss their former friend as a technician. “He’s not a musician; he’s a disk jockey,” said Perlmutter, who Barkan thanks on his albums. Barkan responded: “It’s jealousy. I sold more in 2 years than they did in 10.” Regardless, many of those involved are convinced that trance will only grow as teen-agers, hooked on the squeaky-clean version, move into maturity. “It’s commercial, it’s fun and it’s electronic,” said Srulig Einhorn, 21, a promoter, and Barkan’s former manager, who says he was kicked out of the Army because of his association with the music. “Now that it’s almost the year 2000, all the kids have the Internet, so for them it’s easy to get into this music.” Sounding like an advocate of a previous generation of psychedelic music, he says trance “is not the name of a music; it’s a state of mind.” For the youth of today, he adds, “this is normal music everybody else will just have to get used to it.”

#638 Mon, 25 Oct 1999 20:08:12 3 Halloween parties so far Send them on! The people on this list are cool and will def have a lot of treats PARTY UNO – Suzanne Bartsch at Roxy. Say no more. The freaks will come out at night. Treats: 1000 Tricks: 5,0000 Party DOS- Trance Party by the House of trance people (yech potential) call them, don’t ask me i avoid that shit Treats: 1000 Tricks: 0 Paty Tres looks good:From: taskforcenyc at hotmail (It’s Me) To: TaskforceNYC at hotmail Greetings my randy little goblins, Do we have our pitchforks and tutus in order? Have a look at this: web inhi-fi/nyc/nyc-hom.htm (scroll down to Red Hook). I believe it’s covertly sponsored by Brooklyn Brewery.There’s free transportation, free beer (guess who),industrial space, good music, and no cover. Folks who went last year say it kicked. There’s a pre-partynearbywrite me for details. I’m probably going to both.If you’ve come across somthing cool for Saturday, by all means share the wealth (I’m open to overcommitment).lso let me know if you’re interested in the above. Greetings my randy little goblins, Do we have our pitchforks and tutus in order? Have a look at this: web inhi-fi/nyc/nyc-hom.htm (scroll down to Red Hook). I believe it’s covertly sponsored by Brooklyn Brewery. There’s free transportation, free beer (guess who), industrial space, good music, and no cover. Folks who went last year say it kicked. There’s a pre-party nearbywrite me for details. I’m probably going to both. If you’ve come across somthing cool for Saturday, by all means share the wealth (I’m open to overcommitment). Also let me know if you’re interested in the above. KW

#639 Wed, 27 Oct 1999 15:46:19 From: Ismoked at xxx.xxx Last chance to find trance this Halloween I got this from another list: DJ Frank E (Koxbox, Psychopod, Blue Room, Denmark) Martin Cooper (Trancemaster, France) Asia 2001 (Avatar Records, Israel) DJ Illusion (Paradox, NYC) Liran (Dark Soho, Paradox, NYC) featuring psychedelic flouro decorations by Hovek Olam Friday October 29, 1999 at Tunnel (27th Street & 12th Avenue NYC) Main info line 212-996-1720, 212-946-1050 [Paradox] [Atomic Jam] There isn’t any info at either of those numbers. The last time Paradox advertised Frank E he didn’t show up. Notice it says Tunnel not Limelight. I also heard House of Trance is doing a party in Queens on Saturday. Anyone have the flyer??

#640 Thu, 28 Oct 1999 16:10:23 From: Ismoked at xxx.xxx IMPORTANT – please help, only for the hard core I have a Dutch documentary journalist iand camera crew n town this weekend needs details all details on “Trance in America.” I do the brainmachines site, so a lot of history is covered. And the bullshit, which will be kept to a minimum. The show will be aired only in Holland, when we speak it wil be subtitled. we’re meeting at my house 6:30 Call me for any contributions we have a lot to cover; -no trashing of DJsunless they are 21-3 haha or -the flight of BlueRoom America man -Israel’s making it happen here -Israel and Victory Trance (It will never happen here) -d, l, and other psychedelics (d church was just raided in Holland) -Human testing of hallucinogens -Terrence McKenna’s influence -how trance works into yor ife -We don’t really need to talk at length aout Solipse or Cheech & Chong. -The producers are sympathetic Dutch but wil not have any weed on them -This will not be abot Halloween, altho they dot celebrae it there We need info on the house of Trance party please anybody send details for this weekend Sat? We need press passes. I deleted it. Is it at the Shea stadium? Shoukd we do a morning outlkaw Sunday for footage? Mark? You coming? Could you LEASE resend the sched for NY trance stuff for next 3 weeks Geaorge Tara Kris Rich? Ethan Lisa? Get Ofer over here!!! Gilles & K? Severign? Jason Vadim? Alex G? Please? and for aesthetic sake somebody please call Astrid!! and an Israeli or three but not the whole Defense Force and alecks and or misha and Hugh S and Matthew Mag and John Emmanuel Gartmann we can’t have a mob here – there will be plenty of timeor that Saturday. I’m not sure they’llwantto deal with tranceat tunnel. If ya’ll come dress in your trnciest outfits imaginable. DON’T do a costume for Halloween, bring it in a bag if need be. Can anybody do a grapgic that shows Uncle Sam saying WE NEED YOU for Victory Trance with maybe a pacifier and glwstick in his ront lapel or somthig) Anybody on film will have ioption of being named or inshadow or I even have a nice alien mask that came in handy at Tzusuki. I myself wil not use my real name. and…the crew will be here for 3 more weeks doing more. This is your chance to communicate with the Dutch and assure them that d legalization is driving smart people unerground. This i a planning session but film crew will be present. Spread the word. They will really lambaste US d policy too. This is our chance to represent the US as not a complete counry of jarheads. Sorry so soon. There will be chai & rereshments served but bring your own brain. 212-445-0364 keep it cool, will give mphysical URL on phone 630PM Friday the 29th There will be an unrelated Halloween party layer Friday. I will chill.

#641 Thu, 28 Oct 1999 22:00:53 Need C++ programmers OK I have a theory that there are a lot of trancers who are computer criminals and hackers. Anyway, if any of y’all need computer work, read on. We need 3 senior and 2 junior programmers who have 3-5 years experience at a Computer animation web site company Long list of requirements. email: ethan23 at hotbot 212-734-7203 Mention brainmachines for an added bonus (he’s my best fiend) Sorry for the spam, but we gotta keep it in the family andthat would be tht much more $ in the scene. Being a capitalist I believe the scene ebbs and flows by the viscitudes of your neurochemistry as regulated by your means to perfect it 🙂 Take the money you earn to go to Thailand Moon Party.

#642 Fri, 29 Oct 1999 12:30:32 From: ” jeff at x.x This is going to be a wild NYC weekend, trance and otherwise For those of ya’ll in town this weekend I have compiled a guide to mostly free fun: 29-Oct Friday Party # 1: Dutch Documentary Crew Name Myhaus Time 630pm Phone 212-445-0364 Hosted by Me We there? Y Cost $ $4 Type Filming Crowd Trance inner crowd only Vibe Journalists ds? Chai Be Searched?No ds of choice: Caffeine Music Trance Costume? In bag Gays? SOme URL/email emaul me Notes: Per email 29-Oct Party # 2 Name Perry Nagel’s Party Time 11pm Location Perry Nagel Address 28Cliff #2&Fulton Wall St Area Phone 9646222 5305357 Hosted by Perry We there? Yeah Cost $ BYOB Type Cocktail Crowd Wall Street Vibe Stiff ds? No Be Searched? No ds of choice: BYOB Music House, Top 40, maybe me Costume? Yeah Dress Code Nice Otherwise? No Gays? No 29-Oct Party # $3 Name Sasha & Digweed Time 3am Location Twilo Address 27bw10&11 Cost $ 25 Type Club Crowd Club Vibe E ds? E Be Searched? Very ds of choice: E, A, K Music Eurotrance Costume? Y Dress Code Club Otherwise? No Gays? 30% URL/email Notes: Old hat 29-Oct Party # 4 Name *Israeli Trance at Tunnel* Time 12pm Location Tunnel Address 27 &WSH Phone Main info line 212-996-1720, 212-946-1050 Hosted by Paradox We there? No Cost $ Type Club Crowd Israeli & ghetto Vibe Dark featuring psychedelic flouro decorations by Hovek Olam ds? Yes Be Searched? Very ds of choice: K A E Music Trance – Costume? Y Dress Code any Otherwise? any Gays? few URL/email Notes: 29-Oct Party # 5 Name FREAKY 2 Time 8pm Location The West Indian Address 3340 Main Street, Hartford, CT Phone 860-231-3328 call 203-226-8706 to speak with R from VR Productions. Hosted by Derek NOCTURNALS We there? No Cost $ 25 Type Ravey Crowd Ravey Vibe Young, Light/Sound: Phuture/Shy Visuals: Pink Six: Seattle ds? Lots Be Searched? Yes ds of choice: All Music Green Velvet :: Bad Boy Bill :: Terry Mullan Space Girl :: Anabolic Frolic :: Dread Costume? Sure Dress Code Ravey Otherwise? Ravey Gays? No URL/email web vrproductions Notes: TONS of CDs and CANDY and other fun giveaways!! for EXACT door to door directions we highly urge checking out web tripquest general directions from NYC/south take 95 north toward New England, in the new haven area stay left and go onto Rt 91 North follow to exit 34, go left on Meadow Rd, and left onto Windsor, then a quick right onto Main St, the venue will be on your left – #3340 29-Oct Saturday Party # 1 Name *Suzanne Bartsch Party at the Roxy* Gays? draggy fierce ultratrendy like wigstock URL/email Notes: 30-Oct Saturday Party # 2 Name Infinity Experience Time 10pm – 10am Location at Grand Bay Marina (Queens) Address Phone H.O.T. Infoline 917-218-9411 Hosted by House of Trance We there? OH YEAAH!!! Cost $ $25, $20 Advance tickets: House of Trance 122 St. Marks Place (Between Ave A & 1st Ave) Type 122 St. Marks Place (Between Ave A & 1st Ave) Crowd Israelis, Russians, freaks Vibe A FULL-ON indoor/outdoor gathering of psychedelic trance by: ds? Psychedelics Be Searched? Little bit ds of choice: l, some E Music Trance Mark Van De Vlugt – Atomic Records UK Marco – APTP US/Japan Costume? Dress Code Otherwise? Gays? URL/email Notes: chai stand, outdoor goa flea market, psychedelic bodyart and more. There’s a pre-partynearbywrite me for details taskforcenyc at hotmail (Kirk) 30-Oct Saturday Party # 3 Name Red Hook Halloween Party Time Location Address Phone Hosted by We there? Cost Free ds? Free Beer Be Searched? Naaaa ds of choice: Free Beer Music Mainstream I bet Costume? Y Dress Code Any Otherwise? Any Gays? Doubt it URL/email This party looks good:From: B186taskforcenyc at hotmail (Kirk) Notes: Have a look at this: web inhi-fi/nyc/nyc-hom.htm (scroll down to Red Hook). DJ Franc O and myself (Jack Fetterman, In Hi-Fi) will provide the music. Anita (the Meat Mistress) Serwacki will be projecting film collage. Performance artist, Amy Shapiro will be stalking around and giving a show. Manuela (last week’s New York Time Out cover girl) and her go-go stripping sisters will be entertaining from their dance platforms, and it’s all free! Beer is provided by the Brooklyn Brewery. The address is 55 Ferris Street in Redhook, Brooklyn. The time is 9:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. Shuttle buses will be provided every half hour from the southeast corner of Spring and Crosby streets in Soho. Refer to the map below for more information. Well, Sunday is Halloween and the big parade sooo… get some sleep.

November 1999

#643 Tue, 2 Nov 1999 20:03:16 Fwd: Tonight Read on – sounds cheesey, sorry, but hey, if yer around. Isn’t Izzy tonight too? To all of the party girls, Spark Tuesdays, Starting October 26 at Bahi- located 274 3rd ave. between 21st & 22nd LADIES DRINK FREE…7-9 W/Happy Hour Specials for the guys Dj’s Dershin & gov + special guests 212-802-list DNA Thank You for Your Support, Dan & Anthony Please forward this to all loved ones! P.S.Stay tuned for New Years plans & send us your ideas!

#644 Thu, 4 Nov 1999 19:03:42 Friday night We’ll all be there This is from alecks. I can’t wait for tomoorow!! The Russians are the best. Hey! Another cool night with AlphaTrance…. ****NOVENBER 5th, FRIDAY**** response from people is that our gathering is getting better every time, and we are not going backwards on this one 🙂 DJ line up: Sequential Tom + HiFi Princess Ranka FX Mike Severyn Ron Indra Visuals by LSPeter Backdrops by Severyn Flyer design by Misha Addmission; $15, with the flyer $12 Location: 40th str./ 9thAve SE corner, 40″ towards East look for the flyer on the door. Party brought to you by: Max ! Misha ! Mike ! at alphatrance.org Ron ! Aleks ! Thanx for your support, We’ll be happy to see you soon! web alphatrance.org

#645 Sun, 7 Nov 1999 14:22:26 Fwd: MAPS: Fwd: history channel nov 8th Media coverage of the history of l, please post to Forum and add to web site 21:30:27 HUMC; Wed, 3 Nov 1999 18:27:04 PDT Wed, 03 Nov 1999 18:27:04 From: GROB at HUMC history channel nov 8th To: glbravo at aol, rickmaps at aol, pgrob at umpsy.umaryland IN%”pgrob at umpsy.umaryland” check out the history channel on nov 8th for the history of l, starring oz janniger. just got the message from kathy j. . . .

#646 Mon, 8 Nov 1999 15:10:30 Art Gallery Opening Reception Thursday For Immediate Release Contact Lance Fung (212) 334 6242 J o h n R o l o f f Morphology of Change A new installation 11 Nov – 18 Dec at Lance Fung Gallery, 537 Broadway NYC Reception for the artist: Thursday, 11 November, 6 – 8 PM Morphology of Change, an exhibition of a new installation by the American artist John Roloff, opens Thursday, November 11th at Lance Fung Gallery. In Morphology Of Change Roloff once again achieves an experimentation and provocation on level with his past landscape projects, installations, sculptures and environmental art. His geology inspired furnace projects in the landscape of the late 70’s through the early 90’s (Saskatchewan, Canada, Hartford, CT, Arvada, CO…), experimental works with greenhouses and plant materials of the 80’s and 90’s (Smithsonian Institution, San Francisco, CA, Santa Barbara, CA…) and the large-scale photographic works shown in Dialogues with Nature at Lance Fung Gallery in 1998 form the background for this new work. As a conceptual extension of this earlier work, the installation done for Morphology of Change incorporates architecture, natural systems and formal considerations in an interior/exterior setting referring to such diverse attitudes as the 19th century sublime, process art, earth works, and baroque philosophy. In the essay, John Roloff’s The Rising Sea, Robert C. Morgan wrote, “Like many artists of his generation, Roloff is not east to identify in terms of a particular medium. He has been called a sculptor and environmental artist, but he is much more than that. He functions on a conceptual level, meaning that he foregrounds the ideas he is seeking to clarify through his art. By foregrounding the ideas, the medium or media becomes secondary to the extent that he uses what is necessary in order to express the ideas.” Further in the same essay Morgan states, “The larger point for John Roloff in these site-specific installations is that nature is bigger than our understanding of it. The order of nature is bigger than any order we can impose upon it, and that it is a resilient force.” The focus of the exhibition will be a large singular work, Holocene, referring to the Holocene Era, the geologic period of our contemporary time. Holocene is a primarily transparent, wood-framed structure that extends the open portion of one of the gallery’s street-facing windows into the center the exhibition space. Within the constructed chamber and connected only to the outside world is a field of living moss subjected to the environmental conditions present during the run of the exhibition; on dry days the moss will be a dormant grey color, on rainy daysto the extent that weather can reach within the structurea vibrant green. As an extension of the physicality and process aspects of his earlier work, gallery viewers will be able to observe a section of the exterior environment penetrating deep into the gallery space and its effect on the moss’s condition. Holocene investigates two resonate themes of Roloff’s work, one that relates architecture and human activity in general to larger natural and geologic systems, the second, in a similar way to the earlier landscape furnaces and other environmental works, where a force (in this case organic vitality as condition of contemporary climate) is made visible in a confined environment and a dialog ensues between nature, the structure and its contents. Lance Fung Gallery is the New York dealer for John Roloff. He has work in such important art collections as: The National Museum of American Art, Washington, DC, Museum of Modern Art, San Francisco, CA, De Young Memorial Museum, San Francisco, CA, Achenbach Foundation, San Francisco, CA, Oakland Museum, Oakland, CA, University Art Museum, University of California Berkeley, Berkeley, CA, Newport Harbor Museum, Newport Beach, CA, Museum of American Crafts, New York, NY, Crocker Art Museum, Sacramento, CA, Lannon Foundation, Palm Beach, FL, Cornell University, Ithica, NY, University of Arizona, Tuscon, AZ, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, University of Nevada, Reno, Reno, NV, Viart Corporation and (Numerous additional private collections)

#647 Wed, 10 Nov 1999 14:24:24 House music all night long There is no trance this weekend. Friday – my fiend Devin is throwing a small house music event Friday Im having a party at 222 Lounge. Its my last party so you gotta come. Its Friday from 8-1 Mention my name at the door (DEVIN)and you should get in free. FEEL, an explodable euphorian experience hosted by Jacob Fuglsang, Raymond A and Dominic and Devin with an explosive and energetic FEEL. House music DJ, Shawne Christopher, showcases this Friday night, November 12th. Doors open at 8:00 pm ( 2 for 1 drinks until 11:00 pm.) located at 222 East 14th Street (Between 2nd & 3rd Avenues). Remember metion my name DEVIN at the door and you gshould get in FREE!

#648 Thu, 11 Nov 1999 21:50:33 Finally… this Saturday!!! COME Howdy partners, what do you say we git yer spurs all shined up and slap on those chaps(wow, i liked the way that sounded),oil up the wagon wheels and polish up yer guns. While everybody is goin Y2Krazy we seem to got it all mixed up(must of been some of that peyote cactus back on the trail!)…git ready for the big wrong turn of the century with….Touc900!!! ..e dressed either as a (space) cowboy or indian and get the special reduced ticket and a big yahoo for being a true Crazyhorse!!!(we ain’t kidding) Touch is back at VIP again for another dust-tastic installment of what we do best. here’s the poop… Touch – Saturday, Nov. 20th – members.xoom/touchnyc 10pm-7am (open vodka & redbull from 10-11) Featuring the knee-slapping DJ’s: Billy Shane (Touch) Sean Hall (Touch) DJ Emily (Yoshitoshi, Plastic City America) Holmar Filipsson (N’ice,Save the Garden) Ben Ewy (House of Groove, Spelunk) Ocular Stimulation by: Total Eclipse Multimedia Come check out Ben from houseofgroove spinning during the open vodka and red bull bar from 10-11. info: Saturday, Nov 20th VIP at 20 West 20th, between 5th and 6th $10/$8 reduced info/reduced: 212-502-3532 or members.xoom/touchnyc flyer by: theattik peace and see you there partners! Stephen Grimes, Billy Shane & Sean Hall

#649 Fri, 12 Nov 1999 17:52:20 Fwd: this saturday in dumbo… fuckin’ A, boys. be there. From: GavinHeck at ovid Fwd: this saturday in dumbo… To: terry at terrapindream Fri, 12 Nov 1999 11:50:25 Inc.(Release 5.0.1a|August 17, 1999) at 11/12/99 11:50:26 AM Terry I’ll be there.. Dori will be there… You’ll be there??? Seing sankai juku tonight at BAM very very psyched. waited 3 years. live gavin wintercitizenscomradesfiresoccerherosRAdiospaceneeders&friends of new zirk city hello this is not a testgeoff here. just sending this out to invite you to dumbo this saturday nov 13… to SMack Mellon. if you’ve never been there…this is a nutmeg, cinammon smelling old spice factory that’s about 15,000 sq feet. the night starts with a site-specific performance and carries into a DJ/ live act party throughout 3 rooms. HYPERBOLIC at 10:30 sharp (approx 45 minutes) 15 performers use ropes, bungees, ladders, nets & catwalks to create an aeriel landscape of simultaneous individual performances. this chaotic staging resolves in a ritual group act & the entrance of a 10 piece ensemble from the Williamsburg Composers’ Orchestra. (performers include: kathi von koerber, keren shani, mara smaldone-wanderlust, debbie stamos, loud josh, chris doorley, sean clute, erin “girl” kelly, Wen Shaun Yang, Nayelik, Loki Kevorkian, agent mT, zemi 17, kendra & evelyn dann) Until 4 or more. NYC electronic audio-video crew takes over. The party rises with: in the factory space zemi17 of The Ransom Corp. (found sound/ montage drum & bass) DJ Chrome of Blackkat & Steal This Radio (drum & bass) DJ Dots of Wanderlust (tech-house) through the curtains Amoeba 7 unit electro-squad wires room (myriad gadgets, montage d&b to trance) Himowari (live techno duo with vocals & projectionist) Individual peformances continue to punctuate the night.Plus outdoor fire dance. Video & slide mixing by KVK, Flyreel & Oltarsh throughout the space. Party happening goes till 4 or more. Cost: $10/ $7 with flier or print this invite out Location: SMACKMELLON Studios, 56 Water Street, DUMBO, Brooklyn Subway: F-train to York Street, first stop in Bklyn. 5 min. walk: Down Jay. First left onto York. Right onto Washington. Left onto Water. or ACE to High Street & walk towards the river till you reach Water Street. Info line: (212) 479-7763 1 for car directions & more info Proceeds benefit the Williamsburg Orchestra. Homecooked Indian food, beer & wine (absinthe guest appearance?) will be served. The WCO is a new 45 piece orchestra dedicated to original compositions by active, local composers and taking an orchestra into raw, experimental contexts. So there are the words. now a few last acts of madness …

#650 Sat, 13 Nov 1999 17:22:59 Nice friends need apartment From: TXGoodKarma at aol Nelson and I are apartment hunting. If you have any leads in Manhattan we would much appreciate it. We are looking for a Studio/1BR at about $1200/mo.

#651 Wed, 17 Nov 1999 23:00:01 From: ” jeff at x.x Psy Fri Phat Sat Hi all, COMDEX was a blast. Back in the New York groove. Two excellent parties this weekend, Fri psy-trance and Sat progressive house/eurotrance This Friday should be smashing again at this undercover location, excellent russian trance vibe: Hey! Yaaahhhoooo! Rotations and diameter of our spinns has been rapidly increasing! Now…. another twisted psy party, with new local talents, increasing number of black lights, and totally new deco…. DJ line-up: (not in order in wich they will play, it will be posted later on website) -Sequential Tom -Indra -FX Mike -Raikyng -Iggy -Ron – + a return of a special surprise guest… Flyer design by Misha Interior design by Aleks 10:30 pm – 9:00 am Cover: $15, $12 w/flyer Location: SE corner of 40 str/9 ave, look for the door with flyers on it, close to that corner on 40th. Chai, cofee, and water will be served. See you soon! -AlphaTrance crew: Ron Mike Aleks Indra at alphatrance.org Max Misha * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Saturday!!! Howdy partners, what do you say we git yer spurs all shined up and slap on those chaps(wow, i liked the way that sounded),oil up the wagon wheels and polish up yer guns. While everybody is goin Y2Krazy we seem to got it all mixed up(must of been some of that peyote cactus back on the trail!)…git ready for the big wrong turn of the century with….Touc900!!! ..e dressed either as a (space) cowboy or indian and get the special reduced ticket and a big yahoo for being a true Crazyhorse!!!(we ain’t kidding) Touch is back at VIP again for another dust-tastic installment of what we do best. here’s the poop… Touch – Saturday, Nov. 20th – members.xoom/touchnyc 10pm-7am (open vodka & redbull from 10-11) Featuring the knee-slapping DJ’s: Billy Shane (Touch) Sean Hall (Touch) DJ Emily (Yoshitoshi, Plastic City America) Holmar Filipsson (N’ice,Save the Garden) Ben Ewy (House of Groove, Spelunk) Ocular Stimulation by: Total Eclipse Multimedia Come check out Ben from houseofgroove spinning during the open vodka and red bull bar from 10-11. info:Saturday, Nov 20th VIP at 20 West 20th, between 5th and 6th $10/$8 reduced info/reduced: 212-502-3532 or members.xoom/touchnyc flyer by: theattik peace and see you there partners! Stephen Grimes, Billy Shane & Sean Hall

#652 Thu, 18 Nov 1999 07:01:49 From: jawbone40 jawbone40 at x.x Re: Psy Fri Phat Sat Hi Jeffrey, Its dany Jones. Remember those fab smart ds you gave me at that birthday party at my place in July? Well as you know I play a major part in the Macy’s Parade and I would love to get my hands on a dose or two before tuesday if possible! When inflating those silly balloons I have about 200 volunteers asking me what’s what and it would be great to be totally “on” if you know what I mean. Hit me back would you? maybe we can hook up this week end? luv ya Dany- wrote: Hi all, COMDEX was a blast. Back in the New York groove. Two excellent parties this weekend, Fri psy-trance and Sat progressive house/eurotrance This Friday should be smashing again at this undercover location, excellent russian trance vibe: Hey! Yaaahhhoooo! Rotations and diameter of our spinns has been rapidly increasing! Now…. another twisted psy party, with new local talents, increasing number of black lights, and totally new deco…. DJ line-up: (not in order in wich they will play, it will be posted later on website) -Sequential Tom -Indra -FX Mike -Raikyng -Iggy -Ron – + a return of a special surprise guest… Flyer design by Misha Interior design by Aleks 10:30 pm – 9:00 am Cover: $15, $12 w/flyer Location: SE corner of 40 str/9 ave, look for the door with flyers on it, close to that corner on 40th. Chai, cofee, and water will be served. See you soon! -AlphaTrance crew: Ron Mike Aleks Indra at alphatrance.org Max Misha * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Saturday!!! Howdy partners, what do you say we git yer spurs all shined up and slap on those chaps(wow, i liked the way that sounded),oil up the wagon wheels and polish up yer guns. While everybody is goin Y2Krazy we seem to got it all mixed up(must of been some of that peyote cactus back on the trail!)…git ready for the big wrong turn of the century with….Touc900!!! ..e dressed either as a (space) cowboy or indian and get the special reduced ticket and a big yahoo for being a true Crazyhorse!!!(we ain’t kidding) Touch is back at VIP again for another dust-tastic installment of what we do best. here’s the poop… Touch – Saturday, Nov. 20th – members.xoom/touchnyc 10pm-7am (open vodka & redbull from 10-11) Featuring the knee-slapping DJ’s: Billy Shane (Touch) Sean Hall (Touch) DJ Emily (Yoshitoshi, Plastic City America) Holmar Filipsson (N’ice,Save the Garden) Ben Ewy (House of Groove, Spelunk) Ocular Stimulation by: Total Eclipse Multimedia Come check out Ben from houseofgroove spinning during the open vodka and red bull bar from 10-11. info:Saturday, Nov 20th VIP at 20 West 20th, between 5th and 6th $10/$8 reduced info/reduced: 212-502-3532 or members.xoom/touchnyc flyer by: theattik peace and see you there partners! Stephen Grimes, Billy Shane & Sean Hall

#653 Thu, 18 Nov 1999 14:25:39 From: ” jeff at x.x Huh? %*^ at & #!! Very funny Dany. You must have confused one of us with “the man,” whoever that is. Happy thoughts, though, when I’ll be watching the parade… Also – Tsuyoshi Tsuzuki will be at Vinyl tonight, and Alex Grey in Westchester Check out brainmachines/trance.html for complete info.

#654 Fri, 19 Nov 1999 19:11:47 Today is unique Hello, Today is Nov 19th 1999 The numeric format of this date is 11/19/1999. all the digits are odd. The next odd day is january 1st 3111 (1/1/3111), in more than a millenium from now… The next even day is Feb 2th 2000 (2/2/2000), the first since Aug 28th in the year 888, more than a millenium ago! Today is our last odd day on earth! Let’s celebrate! Have a good odd day, party hard! Vadim Subtle Chaos Records

#655 Mon, 22 Nov 1999 12:46:18 Nontrance party You are cordially invited to Double Scorpio: Russian-MArtian Gela and FRED GEORGE B-day Bash! Welcome to “HOTEL FRED”-, this place known for a lot of fun and wild times. MUSIC, Lights, Cameras, roof with the view of Empire State Building will be the place to be in New York for Tuesday November 23, 1999!!!!!!!!! Ladies, please: Looking schick! Feather, leather, wigs and kicks. Express yourself! This is a friend of mine. If you are interested and know me please reply and I’ll give you the RSVP number. The limit is 150 people.

#656 Mon, 22 Nov 1999 13:26:50 Real Estate broker If anybody’s looking for a place, there is a real state broker names Mike that is in the trance scene and he will giveyou special treatment if you say hat you are in it as well. His cell # is 718-781-9614. He works at Rockefeller Center. I get requests all the time for people looking for a place, so MIKE could be your salvation. Soon I will have a free classified section on the brainmachines site tha will give you a special trance discount off of someone’s standard services. If you have somthing to offer please reply to this email with complete information, i.e. massage, brokering, pe sitting, housecleaning, etc etc use your imagination but no sex or ds please!

#657 Mon, 22 Nov 1999 14:06:53 Fwd: Service From: summersj at mail.nih.gov (Summers, Jeff (NCI)) Actually I was thinking about it-forget the pelvic exams, but if anyone has questions about Pediatric Cancer (kids with cancer) friends/relatives and have questions I would be happy to help-give information, protocols Thanks Crazy Larry Jeff Actually I was thinking about it-forget the pelvic exams, but if anyone has questions about Pediatric Cancer (kids with cancer) friends/relatives and have questions I would be happy to help-give information, protocols Thanks Crazy Larry Sent: 11/22/99 12:46 PM [trancenews] Nontrance party You are cordially invited to Double Scorpio: Russian-MArtian Gela and FRED GEORGE B-day Bash! Welcome to “HOTEL FRED”-, this place known for a lot of fun and wild times. MUSIC, Lights, Cameras, roof with the view of Empire State Building will be the place to be in New York for Tuesday November 23, 1999!!!!!!!!! Ladies, please: Looking schick! Feather, leather, wigs and kicks. Express yourself! This is a friend of mine. If you are interested and know me (jeff Machinelf) please reply and I’ll give you the RSVP number. The limit is 150 people.

#658 Tue, 23 Nov 1999 13:36:13 To all fans of Dr. Shulgin and PIKHAL If you are, email me back, for there is a special seminar/event on December 4th for which I have a few tickets for $10. Hint: MOVEMENT And if you are a stranger I’ll quiz you on the significance. “If you have to ask, you’ll never know,” Louis Armstrong on jazz

#659 Wed, 24 Nov 1999 14:15:55 Fwd: Real Estate broker im looking to sublet my flat for the holidays next month studio on 56th 9/10 ave sunny, queen size bed, stereo etc. so if you hear of anyone looking pls lemme know! ta mate alix

#660 Wed, 24 Nov 1999 14:36:02 House Fwd: Wed 24th Tonight Tonight Tonight Tonight Tonight Tonight Tonight Tonight For anyone still in town, and you wanna get down… THAT N’ICE BOY HOLMAR FILIPPSON will be busting a move with PLANT BOY MARCUS, down at the SLIPPER ROOM on the corner of ORCHARD & STANTON IT’S FWEE, IT’S FWEE, IT’S FWEE, IT’S FWEE, IT’S FWEE, IT’S FWEE, WHEEL BE DERE! IF WE DON’T SEE YA THERE, SEE YA ON SATURDAY 27TH AT C E N T R O – F L Y 45 W. 21ST. STREET(5TH & 6TH) WHERE RESIDENT PLANT DJ’S MARCUS & DOMINIQUE WILL BE JOINED BY THE TURNTABLES ON THE HUDSON POSSE…MARIANO & NICODEMUS INFO:212 802 7859 DOORS 10PM TILL 5:30 /21 W /I.D. $10 $10 $10 $10 $10 $10 $10 $10 $10 $10 $10 $10 $10 $10 $10 $10 $10

#661 Thu, 25 Nov 1999 14:03:36 Fwd: fridays at Twilo ..Call Gaby at 212-431-7303 for guest list This Friday Nov 26th 1999 SASHA/JOHN DIGWEED JIMMY VAN M Bring in 3 canned goods for $5 off admission The first 20 full shopping bags receive a comp. Benefiting City Harvest food rescue for New York’s hungry. Doors open at 11pm web twilo General admission is $25 18 to party 21 to drink Wednesday, Dec 1st 2K WEDNESDAYS ARE BACK! Direct for the UK, voted #1 new international DJ in the world by Muzik Magazine……. PURE SCIENCE plus JIMMY VAN M. and NEIL ALINE warming things up. Doors open at 10pm with an OPEN BAR from 10pm-11.30pm provided by STOLI & RED BULL 21 and over Please bring photo ID For reduced admission for $10 call 212-268-1600 otherwise the general admission is $15 Dec 3rd ULTIMATE B.A.S.E. CARL COX DARREN EMERSON JIM MASTERS Dec 10th PAUL VAN DYK Dec 17th “YOSHIESQUE” RELEASE PARTY WITH DEEP DISH Dec 24th A FAR EAST TECHNOLOGICAL CHRISTMAS WITH KEN ISHII CO-FUSION – LIVE PERFORMANCE DJ WADA + DJ AKIRA Sat Jan 01 *****NEW YEAR’S DAY CELEBRATION 2000***** SASHA & JOHN DIGWEED JIMMY VAN M Doors open at 11pm OPEN BAR 11PM – 4AM !! 18 to party 21 to drink ADVANCE TICKETS ARE AVAILABLE FROM THE BOX OFFICE DURING BUSINESS HOURS FOR NEW YEARS DAY FROM: 542 WEST 27TH STREET, 2ND FLOOR (Bet 10th & 11th Avenues) 10AM-5PM MON-THURS FRIDAY 12.00 NOON – 8.00PM SATURDAY 8PM-11PM TICKET PRICE $100 UNTIL DECEMBER 1ST CASH/MASTERCARD, VISA AND AMERICAN EXPRESS Jan 7th PAUL VAN DYK Jan 14th RESPECT IS BURNING Jan 21st RICHIE HAWTIN aka PLASTIKMAN Jan 28th SASHA & JOHN DIGWEED JIMMY VAN M TWILO is NYC’s premier nightclub venue, featuring the LARGEST DIGITAL SOUND SYSTEM in the USA, all within a 30,000 square foot complex. PARKING is available in a SECURED PARKING GARAGE right across the street. TWILO is located at 530 West 27th Street, between 10th & 11th Avenues. For further information call 212-268-1600 or visit our website at web twilo “If you wish to be removed from this list, please reply with the subject “REMOVE’ and this software will automatically block you from our future mailings”.

#662 Thu, 25 Nov 1999 13:11:29 Paul Oakenfold Thursday i am looking for anyone who could sell me a ticket for paul oakenfeld on thursday night. they have sold out. my tel. is 917.365.2465 thankyou thankyou claire

#663 Thu, 25 Nov 1999 18:50:55 From: ” jeff at x.x jobs To: jeffw at skytv.net jobs, jobs, jobs here ya go these are the descriptions anybody interested send me an email with resume in the subject line. by the way if they like you they told me they will pay to relocate you so… DIRECTOR OF CREATIVE SERVICES Luminant Worldwide, formerly Interactive8, an award-winning interactive agency, is looking for a Creative Department Manager. Must have solid experience in communicating management’s endeavors and concerns effectively to each department, and work with other Creative Department Manager to improve workflow and encourage creatives to work towards our company vision. Please email your resume and URLs to dvoorsanger at interactive8 or fax your resume and examples of your work to Devin Voorsanger at 212.807.1763. FLASH DESIGNER Luminant Worldwide, formerly Interactive8, an award-winning interactive agency, is looking for a Flash Designer. Candidate must have experience in interactive design and development. Responsibilities will include working with Art Directors on concepting and creation of online games and Flash sites for kids. The candidate must also have a demonstrated ability and experience in working towards timelines. Most importantly, candidates must demonstrate experience with providing new and innovative ideas for animation and interface design, with a firm understanding of design and information architecture, as well as the knowledge and ability to work in response to branding. o Thorough knowledge of Flash o Familiarity with Javascript Please email your resume and URLs to dvoorsanger at interactive8 or fax your resume and examples of your work to Devin Voorsanger at 212.807.1763. DESIGNER Luminant Worldwide, formerly Interactive8, an award-winning interactive agency, is looking for a Designer. Candidate must have experience in interactive design and development. Responsibilities will include designing for Fortune 500 clients from concept, through development, to launch. The candidate must have a graphic arts background, preferably in both interactive and offline media. The candidate must also have a demonstrated ability and experience in working on creative projects in an agency setting. Will work closely with Art Director and Copywriter to create award-winning work. Please email your resume and URLs to dvoorsanger at interactive8 or fax your resume and examples of your work to Devin Voorsanger at 212.807.1763. Applications knowledge should be: o Photoshop & llustrator o Thorough knowledge of HTML coding o Familiarity with Javascript ART DIRECTOR Luminant Worldwide, formerly Interactive8, an award-winning interactive agency, is looking for a dynamic Art Director. Candidate must have experience in interactive design, branding and development. Responsibilities will include managing a creative team from concept, through development, to launch. The candidate must have a graphic arts background, preferably in both interactive and offline media. The candidate must also have a demonstrated ability and experience in managing creative projects, as well as people. Most importantly, candidates must demonstrate experience with providing artistic and creative direction to interface design, with a firm understanding of information architecture, as well as the knowledge and ability to work in response to brand direction and strategy. Will work closely with Creative Director, Designers and Copywriters to create award-winning work. Please email your resume and URLs to dvoorsanger at interactive8 or fax your resume and examples of your work to Devin Voorsanger at 212.807.1763. Applications knowledge should be: o Photoshop & llustrator o Knowledge of HTML coding o Familiarity with Javascript o Working knowledge of database-driven sites CREATIVE DIRECTOR Award-winning agency, Luminant Worldwide, formerly Interactive8 seeks a dynamic individual who can spearhead the creation of sites for Fortune 500 clients. Must have 2-4 years as Creative/Art Director; Should have experience in driving all phases of a project, such as concepting, encouraging designers to take their work to the next level, strategic vision, building site architectures, etc. Prior supervisory experience required. Please email your resume and URLs to dvoorsanger at interactive8 or fax your resume and examples of your work to Devin Voorsanger at 212.807.1763. Executive Producer 212-459-9301 Sky TV is the world’s largest producer of Computer and Technology related video and television programming. We reach 1.5 million viewers on our Bunting’s Window program running monthly on United Airlines/US Air/TWA. In addition to video and creative services, SKY TV is a fully skilled, interactive web and Internet design, implementation, and hosting service providing for many of the Fortune 500.

#664 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 13:56:01 TuesHouseCannibal, WranceJet HOPE TOUR SPECIAL SHOWCASE KEEPING THE FAITH: TIMO MAAS & LEON ALEXANDER 12-4 album giveaways: hope classics volume 1 “Mixed by Leon Alexander. If you’re not aware of Hope Recordings, buy this superb compilation immediately. It contains some of the best dance music you will ever hear” Muzik Magazine TONIGHT!!! CANNIBAL at Izzy Bar 1st ave and 10th st. (no cover 21&over) And Wednesday, trance will be going on at about 1 or 2 am to 4am at Jet Lounge called “HOOKED” doors open at 9:00pm. 2-4-1 drinks from 9-11. And YURI is working the door and will give you a reduced $5 if you’re a trance peron or Russian or mention brainmachines… There may or may not be a cover. Music Centered around the international house music scene, rotating DJs and music acts will filter through the lineup each week. These DJs will reflect the vast array of styles, influences and nuances that dance music encompasses. Crowd The event will be geared towards the socially mobile. This includes fashionable socialites, entertainment moguls and the likes that they attract. Our contacts and resources include modeling agencies, record and fashion companies, and media entities of all types. Hosts The hosts/ resident DJs of the event, will be Giancarlo Chersich and Ze’ev Holland of G-Cockin productions, who will be providing the essential back drop for the perfect evening of lounging/ dancing/ mingling and industry networking. By spinning the latest releases with essential classical moments in dance music history, Giancarlo and Ze’ev will provide the patrons of JetSet a forum through which they can listen to the best house music out, whether for dancing and merely socializing purposes. Door Policy and Etiquette: All sense of modern day styles will be taken into consideration by the doorpersons. There will not be an admission charge, therefore eliminating the clashing of egos and other nonsense which is created by a reduced admission event. Certainly, however, there will be a system for crowd control in place, and there will be several guestlists for which entry to the establishment will be gained. In addition we will be adding a mini trance session from 2-4am, featuring… Amihay Lapid & Vadim Dostman C U There!!! Trouble66 at aol HOPE TOUR SPECIAL SHOWCASE KEEPING THE FAITH: TIMO MAAS & LEON ALEXANDER 12-4 album giveaways: hope classics volume 1 “Mixed by Leon Alexander. If you’re not aware of Hope Recordings, buy this superb compilation immediately. It contains some of the best dance music you will ever hear” Muzik Magazine TONIGHT!!! CANNIBAL at Izzy Bar 1st ave and 10th st. (no cover 21&over)

December 1999

#665 1 Dec 1999 09:06:27 -owner at ONElist Monthly File /OKyou.txt Is it me, or are you not sending me cool events to send to the 300+ cool members who were obviously cool enough like yourself to join the brainmachines list? Speak up. Let yourself be heard and share the wealth. It doesn’t have to be trance – just intelligent and fun. Pax,

#666 Thu, 2 Dec 1999 12:45:30 Fwd: Lo-Tek Style Info on making your own moozika! At 6:59 PM 12/1/99, PsyBishop at aol wrote: Greets, I’m looking for anyone out there who’s into electronics/analog synths/patchbay synths/DIY synths. Anyone? Beuller? Beuller? The synth-diy list at synth-diy at mailhost.bpa.nlis a very technical list that discusses electronics and synth construction. For example, I’m currently involved with a thread on whether or not a log amp can be built with vacuum tubes, after another listmember successfully a built a neon-tube relaxation oscillator using a solid-state exponential converter. People often post websites detailing their projects. It’s an excellent list for those who want to learn. Synths using patchbays are called modulars 🙂 There used to be a modular synth list at bode at veda, but I don’t know if it’s still running. There is also Analogue Heaven, a popular but badly run list, that discusses all sorts of analog and virtual analog synths at analogue at hyperreal.org Try searching its archives at http:/web midiwall For general discussion on gear and producing psy-trance, check out the Dream List at dream at lists.trance.org

#668 Thu, 2 Dec 1999 12:48:58 Fwd: fridays at Twilo This Wednesday Dec 1st in the 2K lounge. Twilo presents…… PURE SCIENCE “In the world of dance music calling an artist”GENIUS” all over the headlines and “future of DJ’ing” is quitea bold statement. But my friends, that is exactly what everyone is saying about this year’s Best New DJ at the 1998 Muzik SAS Awards. For a man who doesn’t actually DJ, and can show up anywhere with his set-up of hard disks, keyboard and drum machines and play a fresh and original non-stop blend of twisted soulful and tribal bizsness with bassdriven techno drops to boogified funk without ever repeating himself, what else can be said? Besides headlining the biggest festivals in Europe this summer including Lowlands, Techno Fest, Love Parade, and Homelands he has been touring the globe, and now taking up a monthly residency at London’s new superclub Fabric alongside Danny Tenaglia and Terri Francis” Also joining PURE SCIENCE, JIMMY VAN M. from Balance Promote Group and NEIL ALINE from Chez Music. OPEN BAR by STOLI & RED BULL 10PM-11:30PM DOORS OPEN AT 10PM 21 and over please, bring ID Call for reduced admission $10 call 212-268-1600 $15 general admission TWILO is NYC’s premier nightclub venue, featuring the LARGEST DIGITAL SOUND SYSTEM in the USA, all within a 30,000 square foot complex. PARKING is available in a SECURED PARKING GARAGE right across the street. TWILO is located at 530 West 27th Street, between 10th & 11th Avenues. For further information call 212-268-1600 or visit our website at web twilo “If you wish to be removed from this list, please reply with the subject “REMOVE’ and this software will automatically block you from our future mailings”.

#669 Thu, 02 Dec 1999 13:07:57 From: “D. Ze’ev Gilad/Levinger” DZGilad at xx.x Hanuka Party For those who don’t know: A Hanuka Trance Party Saturday Dec 4 at TUNNEL (27 st at 12 av) 10 PM – 10 AM Dragonfly Party organized by, I believe, Dalit the Israeli of Paradox/NYC7’s. Youth, Mike Maguire, Juno Reactor, Paul Jackson, Voodoo People. “Soofganiot” will be given out these are those yummy Israeli Hanuka pastries, sort of like a really good jelly-filled donut. Should be good, should be big, should be alota ‘Zrailies. PARADOX INFO LINE 212-996-1720, GUEST LIST 212-533-4663, TUNNEL 212-695-4682The rowers keep on rowing And they’re certainly not showing Any signs that they are slowing…

#671 Thu, 2 Dec 1999 14:08:45 Fwd: feel the cosmic vibes this saturday a grand celebration to honor the joy of life of four shagadelic sagittarians: jose bautista sophie gharbi tetsuya koike scott tillitt transglobal shagfest | the second coming saturday 12.04.99 10pm angel 174 orchard (b/w houston/stanton) drink specials just mention the party or our names at the door or bring the attached invitation. don’t shag too much. t l i t i l t

#672 Thu, 2 Dec 1999 14:18:58 Techno Sunday DAT foundation presents: Time:Space Tour Main floor: Derric May (detroit) Stacey Pullen (detroit) Live performances by: Aril Brinkha (Sweden) Time:Space (detroit) Tony Drake John Beltran The Detroit Escalator Co. 2nd floor Alexi Delano (SVEK) DJ Silver (Liquid sky/ DAT) Kimyon (foundation) Dinky J (DAT/Angels on Vinyl) Sunday, December 5th 1999 at Culture Club – 179 Varick St. Ticket info: DAT – 12 St. Marks place – 3rd floor 212/598-0800

#673 Thu, 2 Dec 1999 14:51:12 Free Thursday SOHO art party I will have a few drawings up at Artists Space & the opening is this Thursday 12/2 6-9pm. Stop by! It should be a fun opening. 1 9 9 9 N I G H T O F 1 0 0 0 D R A W I N G S DECEMBER 2-23, 1999 OPENING RECEPTION DECEMBER 2, 6-9PM HALF-PRICE SALE DECEMBER 21-23 The N I G H T O F 1 0 0 0 D R A W I N G S benefit sale is an exciting opportunity to collect art work by emerging artists. Drawings are priced at $25, $40 and $50 (cash and checks only please). All proceeds benefit A R T I S T S S P A C E ‘s programs. A R T I S T S S P A C E 38 Greene Street, 3rd floor New York, NY 10013 Phone: 212-226-3970 Fax: 212-966-1434 web artistsspace.org email: artspace at artistsspace.org HOURS Tuesday through Saturday, 11-6pm. Admission is free.

#674 Thu, 2 Dec 1999 15:31:39 Sunday Chai Party dk & waris of GO.TO.ASA present high chai.02 an evening of tabla’n’bass, AIDS awareness, & freshly brewed chai Sunday, December 5 at Astor Lounge 316 Bowery at Bleeker, NYC 8pm-12am carol c : direct drive ….::..:….::..:…. e-love : savor dj karsh kale : mighty junn ….:..:.. siraiki : mutiny nyc ………at the end of 2005, India will have the dubious distinction of being the country with the largest number of HIV infections :.:..::.:..:.. awareness is the first step in making a change .:..:..::..: Gen Om Takes On AIDS in South Asia ..:..::..: gotoasa.org :..:::..:: web gotoasa.org/highchai/invite.htm

#675 Thu, 2 Dec 1999 17:40:27 From: Space7521 at xxx.xxx Re: [brainmachines] Welcome to brainmachines at onelist i got the mail about the membership thanks im looking forward to get ur mail about psychedelic trance events

#676 Thu, 2 Dec 1999 18:21:22 Fwd: THIS friday at Twilo This Friday December 3rd ULTIMATE B.A.S.E. CARL COX 4.00AM-CLOSE DARREN EMERSON (UNDERWORLD) 2.00AM-4.00AM JIM MASTERS 11-2AM Doors open at 11pm web twilo General admission is $25 18 to party 21 to drink Dec 10th PAUL VAN DYK Dec 17th “YOSHIESQUE” RELEASE PARTY WITH DEEP DISH Dec 24th A FAR EAST TECHNOLOGICAL CHRISTMAS WITH KEN ISHII CO-FUSION – LIVE PERFORMANCE DJ WADA + DJ AKIRA Sat Jan 01 *****NEW YEAR’S DAY CELEBRATION 2000***** SASHA & JOHN DIGWEED JIMMY VAN M Doors open at 11pm OPEN BAR 11PM – 4AM !! 18 to party 21 to drink ADVANCE TICKETS ARE AVAILABLE FROM THE BOX OFFICE DURING BUSINESS HOURS FOR NEW YEARS DAY FROM: 542 WEST 27TH STREET, 2ND FLOOR (Bet 10th & 11th Avenues) 10AM-5PM MON-THURS FRIDAY 12.00 NOON – 8.00PM SATURDAY 8PM-11PM TICKET PRICE $100 UNTIL DECEMBER 1ST CASH/MASTERCARD, VISA AND AMERICAN EXPRESS Jan 7th PAUL VAN DYK Jan 14th RESPECT IS BURNING Jan 21st RICHIE HAWTIN aka PLASTIKMAN Jan 28th SASHA & JOHN DIGWEED JIMMY VAN M TWILO is NYC’s premier nightclub venue, featuring the LARGEST DIGITAL SOUND SYSTEM in the USA, all within a 30,000 square foot complex. PARKING is available in a SECURED PARKING GARAGE right across the street. TWILO is located at 530 West 27th Street, between 10th & 11th Avenues. For further information call 212-268-1600 or visit our website at web twilo “If you wish to be removed from this list, please reply with the subject “REMOVE’ and this software will automatically block you from our future mailings”.

#677 Sat, 4 Dec 1999 16:29:53 Notes from the Underground – Peasant Revolt in Seattle [Awhile back I was an street anarchist. This reminds me of the old days…] N30 Black Bloc Communique by ACME Collective 10:48am Sat Dec 4 ’99 Source: web indymedia.org Article: A communique from one section of the black bloc of N30 in Seattle On November 30, several groups of individuals in black bloc attacked various corporate targets in downtown Seattle. Among them were (to name just a few): Fidelity Investment (major investor in Occidental Petroleum, the bane of the U’wa tribe in Columbia) Bank of America, US Bancorp, Key Bank and Washington Mutual Bank (financial institutions key in the expansion of corporate repression) Old Navy, Banana Republic and the GAP (as Fisher family businesses, rapers of Northwest forest lands and sweatshop laborers) NikeTown and Levi’s (whose overpriced products are made in sweatshops) McDonald’s (slave-wage fast-food peddlers responsible for destruction of tropical rainforests for grazing land and slaughter of animals) Starbucks (peddlers of an addictive substance whose products are harvested at below-poverty wages by farmers who are forced to destroy their own forests in the process) Warner Bros. (media monopolists) Planet Hollywood (for being Planet Hollywood) This activity lasted for over 5 hours and involved the breaking of storefront windows and doors and defacing of facades. Slingshots, newspaper boxes, sledge hammers, mallets, crowbars and nail-pullers were used to strategically destroy corporate property and gain access (one of the three targeted Starbucks and Niketown were looted). Eggs filled with glass etching solution, paint-balls and spray-paint were also used. The black bloc was a loosely organized cluster of affinity groups and individuals who roamed around downtown, pulled this way by a vulnerable and significant storefront and that way by the sight of a police formation. Unlike the vast majority of activists who were pepper-sprayed, tear-gassed and shot at with rubber bullets on several occasions, most of our section of the black bloc escaped serious injury by remaining constantly in motion and avoiding engagement with the police. We buddied up, kept tight and watched each others’ backs. Those attacked by federal thugs were un-arrested by quick-thinking and organized members of the black bloc. The sense of solidarity was awe-inspiring. THE PEACE POLICE Unfortunately, the presence and persistence of “peace police” was quite disturbing. On at least 6 separate occasions, so-called “non-violent” activists physically attacked individuals who targeted corporate property. Some even went so far as to stand in front of the Niketown super store and tackle and shove the black bloc away. Indeed, such self-described “peace-keepers” posed a much greater threat to individuals in the black bloc than the notoriously violent uniformed “peace-keepers” sanctioned by the state (undercover officers have even used the cover of the activist peace-keepers to ambush those who engage in corporate property destruction). RESPONSE TO THE BLACK BLOC Response to the black bloc has highlighted some of the contradictions and internal oppressions of the “nonviolent activist” community. Aside from the obvious hypocrisy of those who engaged in violence against black-clad and masked people (many of whom were harassed despite the fact that they never engaged in property destruction), there is the racism of privileged activists who can afford to ignore the violence perpetrated against the bulk of society and the natural world in the name of private property rights. Window-smashing has engaged and inspired many of the most oppressed members of Seattle’s community more than any giant puppets or sea turtle costumes ever could (not to disparage the effectiveness of those tools in other communities). TEN MYTHS ABOUT THE BLACK BLOC Here’s a little somthing to dispel the myths that have been circulating about the N30 black bloc: 1. “They are all a bunch of Eugene anarchists.” While a few may be anarchists from Eugene, we hail from all over the United States, including Seattle. In any case, most of us are familiar with local issues in Seattle (for instance, the recent occupation of downtown by some of the most nefarious of multinational retailers). 2. “They are all followers of John Zerzan.” A lot of rumors have been circulating that we are followers of John Zerzan, an anarcho-primitivist author from Eugene who advocates property destruction. While some of us may appreciate his writings and analyses, he is in no sense our leader, directly, indirectly, philosophically or otherwise. 3. “The mass public squat is the headquarters of the anarchists who destroyed property on November 30th.” In reality, most of the people in the “Autonomous Zone” squat are residents of Seattle who have spent most of their time since its opening on the 28th in the squat. While they may know of one-another, the two groups are not co-extensive and in no case could the squat be considered the headquarters of people who destroyed property. 4. “They escalated situations on the 30th, leading to the tear-gassing of passive, non-violent protesters.” To answer this, we need only note that tear-gassing, pepper-spraying and the shooting of rubber bullets all began before the black blocs (as far as we know) started engaging in property destruction. In addition, we must resist the tendency to establish a causal relationship between police repression and protest in any form, whether it involved property destruction or not. The police are charged with protecting the interests of the wealthy few and the blame for the violence cannot be placed upon those who protest those interests. 5. Conversely: “They acted in response to the police repression.” While this might be a more positive representation of the black bloc, it is nevertheless false. We refuse to be misconstrued as a purely reactionary force. While the logic of the black bloc may not make sense to some, it is in any case a pro-active logic. 6. “They are a bunch of angry adolescent boys.” Aside from the fact that it belies a disturbing ageism and sexism, it is false. Property destruction is not merely macho rabble-rousing or testosterone-laden angst release. Nor is it displaced and reactionary anger. It is strategically and specifically targeted direct action against corporate interests. 7. “They just want to fight.” This is pretty absurd, and it conveniently ignores the eagerness of “peace police” to fight us. Of all the groups engaging in direct action, the black bloc was perhaps the least interested in engaging the authorities and we certainly had no interest in fighting with other anti-WTO activists (despite some rather strong disagreements over tactics). 8. “They are a chaotic, disorganized and opportunistic mob.” While many of us could surely spend days arguing over what “chaotic” means, we were certainly not disorganized. The organization may have been fluid and dynamic, but it was tight. As for the charge of opportunism, it would be hard to imagine who of the thousands in attendance didn’t take advantage of the opportunity created in Seattle to advance their agenda. The question becomes, then, whether or not we helped create that opportunity and most of us certainly did (which leads us to the next myth): 9. “They don’t know the issues” or “they aren’t activists who’ve been working on this.” While we may not be professional activists, we’ve all been working on this convergence in Seattle for months. Some of us did work in our home-towns and others came to Seattle months in advance to work on it. To be sure, we were responsible for many hundreds of people who came out on the streets on the 30th, only a very small minority of which had anything to do with the black bloc. Most of us have been studying the effects of the global economy, genetic engineering, resource extraction, transportation, labor practices, elimination of indigenous autonomy, animal rights and human rights and we’ve been doing activism on these issues for many years. We are neither ill-informed nor unexperienced. 10. “Masked anarchists are anti-democratic and secretive because they hide their identities.” Let’s face it (with or without a mask)we aren’t living in a democracy right now. If this week has not made it plain enough, let us remind youwe are living in a police state. People tell us that if we really think that we’re right, we wouldn’t be hiding behind masks. “The truth will prevail” is the assertion. While this is a fine and noble goal, it does not jive with the present reality. Those who pose the greatest threat to the interests of Capital and State will be persecuted. Some pacifists would have us accept this persecution gleefully. Others would tell us that it is a worthy sacrifice. We are not so morose. Nor do we feel we have the privilege to accept persecution as a sacrifice: persecution to us is a daily inevitability and we treasure our few freedoms. To accept incarceration as a form of flattery betrays a large amount of “first world” privilege. We feel that an attack on private property is necessary if we are to rebuild a world which is useful, healthful and joyful for everyone. And this despite the fact that hypertrophied private property rights in this country translate into felony charges for any property destruction over $250. MOTIVATIONS OF THE BLACK BLOC The primary purpose of this communique is to diffuse some of the aura of mystery that surrounds the black bloc and make some of its motivations more transparent, since our masks cannot be. ON THE VIOLENCE OF PROPERTY We contend that property destruction is not a violent activity unless it destroys lives or causes pain in the process. By this definition, private propertyespecially corporate private propertyis itself infinitely more violent than any action taken against it. Private property should be distinguished from personal property. The latter is based upon use while the former is based upon trade. The premise of personal property is that each of us has what s/he needs. The premise of private property is that each of us has somthing that someone else needs or wants. In a society based on private property rights, those who are able to accrue more of what others need or want have greater power. By extension, they wield greater control over what others perceive as needs and desires, usually in the interest of increasing profit to themselves. Advocates of “free trade” would like to see this process to its logical conclusion: a network of a few industry monopolists with ultimate control over the lives of the everyone else. Advocates of “fair trade” would like to see this process mitigated by government regulations meant to superficially impose basic humanitarian standards. As anarchists, we despise both positions. Private propertyand capitalism, by extensionis intrinsically violent and repressive and cannot be reformed or mitigated. Whether the power of everyone is concentrated into the hands of a few corporate heads or diverted into a regulatory apparatus charged with mitigating the disasters of the latter, no one can be as free or as powerful as they could be in a non-hierarchical society. When we smash a window, we aim to destroy the thin veneer of legitimacy that surrounds private property rights. At the same time, we exorcise that set of violent and destructive social relationships which has been imbued in almost everything around us. By “destroying” private property, we convert its limited exchange value into an expanded use value. A storefront window becomes a vent to let some fresh air into the oppressive atmosphere of a retail outlet (at least until the police decide to tear-gas a nearby road blockade). A newspaper box becomes a tool for creating such vents or a small blockade for the reclamation of public space or an object to improve one’s vantage point by standing on it. A dumpster becomes an obstruction to a phalanx of rioting cops and a source of heat and light. A building facade becomes a message board to record brainstorm ideas for a better world. After N30, many people will never see a shop window or a hammer the same way again. The potential uses of an entire cityscape have increased a thousand-fold. The number of broken windows pales in comparison to the number broken spellsspells cast by a corporate hegemony to lull us into forgetfulness of all the violence committed in the name of private property rights and of all the potential of a society without them. Broken windows can be boarded up (with yet more waste of our forests) and eventually replaced, but the shattering of assumptions will hopefully persist for some time to come. Against Capital and State, the ACME Collective “Peasant Revolt!” –

#678 Tue, 7 Dec 1999 10:41:30 Fwd: AlphaTrance Party, Dec.10th Hey All! December 10th Probably one of the most exclusive parties we’ll have ever at this space (this year 🙂 Line Up: (not in order) Hi-Fi Princess Ranka Subtle Chaos (Vadim + Jason) Matthew Magic iXOM (Ron) Hugh S Flyer by Dondesign (misha at alphatrance.org) Some cool visuals and drinks, not defined by who and how sweet yet 🙂 Cover: $15, $12 w/flyer 11:00 pm – 8:00 am Some unexpected guests may come to join us from next day’s event.. See you all soon! aleks at alphatrance.org Thousands of Stores. Millions of Products. All in one place.

#679 Tue, 7 Dec 1999 10:42:50 Directions to AlphaTrance Party, Dec.10th Go to 40th and 9th avenue, southeast corner, walk 40′ east to the closed door with the stickers on it, knock loudly. Hey All! December 10th Probably one of the most exclusive parties we’ll have ever at this space (this year 🙂 Line Up: (not in order) Hi-Fi Princess Ranka Subtle Chaos (Vadim + Jason) Matthew Magic iXOM (Ron) Hugh S Flyer by Dondesign (misha at alphatrance.org) Some cool visuals and drinks, not defined by who and how sweet yet 🙂 Cover: $15, $12 w/flyer 11:00 pm – 8:00 am Some unexpected guests may come to join us from next day’s event.. See you all soon! aleks at alphatrance.org Thousands of Stores. Millions of Products. All in one place.

#680 Tue, 7 Dec 1999 12:06:59 Trance this Saturday, Sunday, and next Tuesday December 11 Synthetic Sadhus presents TIP RECORDS PARTY For the first time ever in America, a blowing set from the legendary MAX LAFRANCONI – Etnica (TIP – Spirit Zone – Ibiza) and, a live performance from Gus, the magician behind Slinky Wizard, as BUS (TIP – Flying Rhino – UK) also, back by popular demand DIMITRI (TIP records – UK) plus, a special set from TIP’s guru RAJA RAM (The Infinity Project – Yeti – Shpongle – TIP – UK) and, acoustic adventures from BANZI (Growling Mad Scientists – TIP – Ibiza) KEN (Synthetic Sadhus – NYC) Visual travels by BRAHMA (TIP – UK) Mind blowing fluoro deco by Synthetic Sadhus – Krisz – NYC Jamin – Severyn, NYC – Moonwalker (Bali) Chai tent, body painting, massage tent, goa clothing and accessories market. $23 in advance/ 25$ at door Marc Ballroom 29 Union Square West (between 15th & 16th St.) Synthetic Sadhus 212.774.7728 Dec12 Sunday – afterparty at 40th & 9th; 40′ east of se corner, knock on door loudly T.I.P. UK Launch Party MusicSelector resident DJ IndiaDrop will host “Eclectronica” CBGB Gallery at 313 Bowery Ave, New York, NY. December 14th (Tuesday), 1999 TIME: 10:00pm – 4:00am PRICE: $5.00 DJ’S: Raja Ram (TIP Records UK) Dimitri Nakov (10 KILO Records UK) Banzi (TIP Records UK) Raja Ram psychedelic trance visionary, is the founder of one of the most ground-breaking trance record-labels in London. Raja Ram will give an ambient-music performance including works from recent albums “Shpongle”, “TheYeti” and “Infinite Excursions”. DJ Dimitri Nakov is one of the most prominent artists on the 10 Kilos breakbeat sub-label of TIP UK, DJ Dimitri is respected throughout the European Trance scene performing with such talents as Sasha and Digweed. Banzi has been one of the most influential artists in Trance music as member of the TIP recording group “Growling Mad Scientists.” IndiaDrop is the founder of Purple OZ Distribution, the largest Trance-specific record company in the United States and world known DJ and producer. ndiaDrop will be the host-DJ for this event. Hovek Olam – Graphic arts. Hovek Olam’s room-sized paintings take hyper-realism to futuristic surrealism. His work has been showcased in major outdoor parties and festivals throughout Europe, as well as in the Woodstock ’99 Festival.

#681 Fri, 10 Dec 1999 13:41:47 Fwd: Giles, Giles, Giles… This clarifies who will be there tonight (friday) Hey! did i spell his name right? 🙂 so there will be no missunderstanding: AlphaTrance crew is not in any way connected with the TIP party I have to make this statement, becouse there were some replyes that put too much meaning into my earlier saying on the e-flyer: Some unexpected guests may come to join us from next day’s event.. This is just a joke, (although it would be nice to see them come and dance with us 🙂 since there were parties on and off throughout last few month, this is going to be mind blowing weekend! peace aleks at alphatrance.org Thousands of Stores. Millions of Products. All in one place.

#682 Sat, 11 Dec 1999 00:13:20 From: “D. Ze’ev Gilad/Levinger” DZGilad at xx.x [Fwd: Fwd: FW: Last Lunar Hurrah] The Biggest Brightest Full Moon In A Long, Long Time… Last Lunar Hurrah of the Millennium Everyone should mark their calendars next month. (if some do not think this is genealogically related, I’ll explain after the message) It will be the Last Lunar Hurrah of the Millennium: This year will be the first full moon to occur on the winter solstice, Dec. 22, commonly called the first day of winter. Since a full moon on the winter solstice occurred in conjunction with a lunar perigee (point in the moon’s orbit that is closest to Earth) The moon will appear about 14% larger than it does at apogee (the point in it’s elliptical orbit that is farthest from the Earth) since the Earth is also several million miles closer to the sun at this time of the year than in the summer, sunlight striking the moon is about 7% stronger making it brighter. Also, this will be the closest perigee of the Moon of the year since the moon’s orbit is constantly deforming. If the weather is clear and there is a snow cover where you live, it is believed that even car headlights will be superfluous. On December 21st. 1866 the Dakota Sioux took advantage of this combination of occurrences and staged a devastating retaliatory ambush on soldiers in the Wyoming Territory. In laymen’s terms it will be a super bright full moon, much more than the usual AND it hasn’t happened this way for 133 years! Our ancestors 133 years ago saw this. Our descendants 100 or so years from now will see this again. Remember this will happen December 22, 1999….. Just thought this would be interesting, now if I can just remember the date!!! (And it’s the last full moon of the millenium)

#683 Tue, 14 Dec 1999 13:41:38 From: bernard at x.xxx Side-Line announcement This is an official press release web side-line Hi, This might be quite interesting to the most of you: the leading European printed music magazine Side-Line is sending a weekly newsletter via e-mail with the latest from the Dark Techno, Gothic, Medieval, EBM, Synthpop, New Wave, Dark Wave, Goa, Electro and Industrial scene. You can easily subscribe at web side-line Signed Bands are kindly asked to submit their pressreleases to bernard at frontstagewith “Press release” in the header. The news will be added both in the newsletter and in the printed magazine. Kind regards, Bernard Van Isacker Online editor for Side-Line web side-line

#684 Tue, 14 Dec 1999 22:05:26 My email was deleted… and if you sent somthing to me, send it again. Anything sent since last Friday is GONE. Or call me at 212-445-0364 PS this includes candy raver, luis manvcilla, and bishop. PS Everybody come to the trance party at CBGBs downstairs tonight (Tuesday)

#685 Wed, 15 Dec 1999 14:25:52 Re: A question about Alpha trance and other clubs. In a message dated 12/15/1999 12:37:24 AM Eastern Standard Time, revolver1010 at freewwweb writes: Hi there! Just wanted to say a couple of things. First… thanks for the newsletter it’s AWESOME!!! Second is a question…why is it that a lot of Psy Trance gatherings have no available alcohol?? Myself and 2 friends I brought to Alpha Trance would’ve came in but when I asked the door man if there’s any alcohol he said no. Now there are a couple of points about this. I personally really enjoy going out to hear my music and dance while having a few beers. Yet it seems that places like Alpha Trance and Vinyl have no liquor license. Now there have been a few events I went to that did have beer and liquor. Like when House of Trance did a show at Twilo. And when I went to a psy trance show at Speed. And went I went to the Grand Marina near Shea Stadium they had alcohol too. But these are mainly event parties… …. If possible could you please please please announce in your mail lists if the clubs serve alcohol or not. It would also be really cool if you could generalize the size of the club so people know if the place they’re going to wind up in is going to be any larger than a coffee shop 🙂 Thank you and I really appreciate your mailing list!!!Revolver1010 at freewwweb OK you booze hound first of all alphatrance is not a club it’s a group of russians who rent out an art gallery so there’s no liquor license and if they served alcohol they’d get busted and for what? so 5% can drink? The scene is out of control enough, what with the schizophrenic street woman who wandered into the afterparty last Sunday and us having to call the police. There was a DELI outside that party, even the owner had a case he was chugging through the next day ( and boy did YOU miss out) The trance scene would have been impossible in the 70s and 80s b/c it was pre-AIDS and everybody would have been having wild sex, and the combo of jealousy a la Brave new World and STDs would have killed it. It also would be impossible without a general eschewance of drinking, which in general makes people ugly and makes men get aggressive with women. If you don’t believe me, try being sober in a group of drunks as opposed to serotonin selectors. You are to the parties, right, so you must get my point. My answer? Drink before you come (sounds like GHB ha ha), or, if it’s a DIY party (do it yersef) BYOB (bring your own brain heh heh) (wink wink nudge nudge say somemore saysomemore) OK also if you want alco-Eurotrance try Ssha and Digweed last friday of every month a Twilo, you will find many a drinking buddy as well as the usual assortment of idiots who drink while they are on E. Peice out, J

#686 Wed, 15 Dec 1999 17:56:40 From: “thew” thew at xx.x Re: Re: A question about Alpha trance and other clubs. To: revolver1010 at freewwweb [trancenews] Re: A question about Alpha trance and other clubs. Wed, Dec 15, 1999, 2:25 PM The trance scene would have been impossible in the 70s and 80s b/c it was pre-AIDS and everybody would have been having wild sex, and the combo of jealousy a la Brave new World and STDs would have killed it. It also would be impossible without a general eschewance of drinking, which in general makes people ugly and makes men get aggressive with women. funny there was a thriving psychedelic dance scene very similar to the trance scene throughout the 60’s 70’s and 80’s and it was not killed by either jealousy or std’s (or alcohol for that matter) and part of its strength was its sexuality and that lack is one of the trance scenes weaknesses sexuality and sensual explicitness are not (to the contrary of what the most radical feminists say) the same as male aggressiveness Neuronautic Institute: home.earthlink.net/thew CHECK HERE FOR UPDATED PERFORMANCE SCHEDULE: home.earthlink.net/thew/ESP.html “To have doubted one’s own first principles is the mark of a civilized man [sic].” -Oliver Wendell Holmes “One’s mind, once stretched by a new idea, never regains its original dimensions.” -Oliver Wendell Holmes

#687 Thu, 16 Dec 1999 07:20:47 -0800 From: “Cliff Hall” cliff at xxx.x Re: Re: A question about Alpha trance and other clubs. btw, the short answer to ‘ why does there seem to be no alcohol at psychedelic trance parties?’ is: IT’S NOT A PSYCHEDELIC!!!!!!! there was a thriving psychedelic dance scene… and part of its strength was its sexuality and that lack is one of the trance scenes weaknesses sexuality and sensual explicitness are not (to the contrary of what the most radical feminists say) the same as male aggressiveness for those who want alchohol and sex, try cheeta or twilo. however, if you’re ready to quit loitering at the lower chakras and allow the energy that binds us to flow unimpeded through the core of your being, ultimately revealing the true inner peace that can only be had when you finally begin to resonate with the carrier wave your soul is broadcasting… well, then your ready for trance. as for conciousness altering for such events, i recommend psylocybin… -trickyelf

#688 Thu, 16 Dec 1999 10:34:26 From: marki at x.x) RE: Re: A question about Alpha trance and other club s. I agree with this… alcohol is a downer… I’m for uplifting experiences, you? Sent: Thursday, December 16, 1999 9:22 AM Re: [trancenews] Re: A question about Alpha trance and other clubs. From: “Cliff Hall” cliff at hotbot btw, the short answer to ‘ why does there seem to be no alcohol at psychedelic trance parties?’ is: IT’S NOT A PSYCHEDELIC!!!!!!! there was a thriving psychedelic dance scene… and part of its strength was its sexuality and that lack is one of the trance scenes weaknesses sexuality and sensual explicitness are not (to the contrary of what the most radical feminists say) the same as male aggressiveness for those who want alchohol and sex, try cheeta or twilo. however, if you’re ready to quit loitering at the lower chakras and allow the energy that binds us to flow unimpeded through the core of your being, ultimately revealing the true inner peace that can only be had when you finally begin to resonate with the carrier wave your soul is broadcasting… well, then your ready for trance. as for conciousness altering for such events, i recommend psylocybin… -trickyelf

#689 Thu, 16 Dec 1999 08:23:19 -0800 From: Melissa Dewey mbdewey at xx.x RE: Re: A question about Alpha trance and other club s. Mark wrote: “I agree with this… alcohol is a downer… I’m for uplifting experiences, you?” Definitely! But I don’t like to pass judgement on my fellow revelers for not getting down the way I do. I think that more represents the spirit of our scene, no? As long as everyone is happy and not killing anyone else’s buzz (substance induced or non), I am all for whatever people want to do. PLURespect for everyone’s freedom of choice… Unfortunately there are always those who will come and get too high on insert d of choice here, the best we can do is to try and lead by example; employing judicious d use, and behaving apropriately around and toward each other. All for fun, and fun for all! Melissa Thousands of Stores. Millions of Products. All in one place.

#690 Thu, 16 Dec 1999 11:52:12 From: “Shaievitz, Sondra” Sondra.Shaievitz at xxx.x The spiritual side of trance Hi Cliff, I just got your e-mail and I had to write back to you. First of all, what is phylocybin? My mind is always open. But more importantly, I am so happy to hear the way you describe the trance experience. I’ve just gotten into it since this summer. I have always been very spiritual, always longing to connect with the higher levels of consciousness, to experience what we humans were originally meant to experience but from which we have closed ourselves off. Sometimes I achieve that connection through meditation, chanting, etc. When I discovered trance (both the music and the goodies that go along with it) it quickly became part of my spiritual journey. Unfortunately, none of the people I have taken it with have approached it in this way. (Mojo, if you’re reading this, I don’t mean you) To them, it has always been just getting fucked-up, feeling fantastic and having a shitload of fun – which definitely has its place. But I was left feeling that I was the only person at trance parties who was seeking a spiritual connection to somthing higher. The first time I did it, I could literally feel my heart chakra open and the kundalini rising, bringing me up to an energy or “being” or somthing larger than us. It is very moving to me and I’m getting all misty-eyed just writing this. At first I felt alittle weird that I was turning to “substances”. I was never big on them. But since I have identified the motivation behind it for me, the spiritual quest, I am much more at peace with using it. I feel that I have actually been lead to trance, specifically for spiritual growth. Your e-mail has made me realize that not only am I not alone in this journey, but evidently many in the trance scene are on the same path. Thanks so much for opening my eyes to this. It means alot to me. Peace, Sondra Sent: Thursday, December 16, 1999 10:21 AM Re: [trancenews] Re: A question about Alpha trance and other clubs. btw, the short answer to ‘ why does there seem to be no alcohol at psychedelic trance parties?’ is: IT’S NOT A PSYCHEDELIC!!!!!!! there was a thriving psychedelic dance scene… and part of its strength was its sexuality and that lack is one of the trance scenes weaknesses sexuality and sensual explicitness are not (to the contrary of what the most radical feminists say) the same as male aggressiveness for those who want alchohol and sex, try cheeta or twilo. however, if you’re ready to quit loitering at the lower chakras and allow the energy that binds us to flow unimpeded through the core of your being, ultimately revealing the true inner peace that can only be had when you finally begin to resonate with the carrier wave your soul is broadcasting… well, then your ready for trance. as for conciousness altering for such events, i recommend psylocybin… -trickyelf Cell Biology Reference Set3 books + 2 CDs-for $7.99! A $127.40 value, yours with membership in Library of Science, the leading science book club since 1958! Order NOW at clickme.onelist/ad/dblselect4 clickme.onelist/ad/dblselect4Click Here If you have events to add email me directly at .

#691 Thu, 16 Dec 1999 11:53:18 From: Scott Rader rader at x.x RE: Re: A question about Alpha trance and other club s. At 08:23 AM 12/16/99 -0800, Melissa Dewey wrote: Definitely! But I don’t like to pass judgement on my fellow revelers for not getting down the way I do. I think that more represents the spirit of our scene, no? As long as everyone is happy and not killing anyone else’s buzz (substance induced or non), I am all for whatever people want to do. PLURespect for everyone’s freedom of choice… Right on Melissa. I hear the arguments (?) about alcohol and I think it’s safe to say it doesn’t have to intense ‘uplifting’ qualities of certain hallucinogens and serontonin-based substances. But remember the definition of ‘psychedelic’ … “mind-expanding; literally, to make the psyche visible.” In that sense, it’s still a ‘psychedelic’ in that it alters perception and (hopefully) loosens people a bit from the constraints caused by our corporeal embodiment and material existence. Like any d, it affects different people in different ways bringing out the best or sometimes the worst. Some people are really happy drunks … others become belligerent. But the mind-altering properties and propensity toward camaraderie that alcohol can induce is an age-old phenomena. Along with tobacco, it’s one of the oldest “recreational” ds and has been used ceremoniously for centuries (priests, Buddhists, shaman, old guys sitting on the dock) … plus it’s ‘widespread’ quite a bit more accessible to the masses than more “elite” (read: hard-to-find, cutting edge, unexplored) ds. Unfortunately, especially in America, the tendency to abuse alcohol is rampant and extreme. But for those that *responsibly* find a use for it in their repertoire of alternative experience, it’s no worse than anything else. Scott Rader Programmer Analyst 914.448.3346 / 888.399.1465 (pager) “Each new technology turns its predecessor into an art form.” – Marshall McLuhan

#692 Thu, 16 Dec 1999 12:11:48 From: Luis Alonso luis.mancilla at x.x Re: Re: A question about Alpha trance and other clubs. Yeah, alcohol is hardly relevant at trance parties as an effective or meaningful form of stimuli. Consider instead that in finding “this energy that binds us,” the journey toward wholeness, or the moment when one stands outside the prison of self, in that release, VISION opens as though when you stand from on top of the tallest mountain. In that great short moment there is supreme joy unbroken by the preoccupations of body and mind. Bliss may attend the breakdown of the ego’s confining walls, but a preparation is needed-or else a monstrously misshapen berserk may ambush you instead. Violence, lust, frenzy, to name a few, lurk about when the protecting & sheltering structure of everyday life crumbles – balance may be lost forever. What of a subtle matter of preparation? Music like trance, within melody and rhythm, evoke a poised readiness that may transport us beyond ourselves. Many traditional practices make use of this to bring participants into a new state. Dance is the physical representation of music. And a quality in music is that it is capable of expressing the objective basis of all traditional art-knowledge of the greater whole. Music’s hidden harmonies us, as lesser wholes, toward the aim of our search; to that which elevates and expands us. Once that condition is achieved, we might be ready to meet higher, more primal energies. -Therefore trance on- LM On Thu, 16 Dec 1999, Cliff Hall wrote: From: “Cliff Hall” cliff at hotbot however, if you’re ready to quit loitering at the lower chakras and allow the energy that binds us to flow unimpeded through the core of your being, ultimately revealing the true inner peace that can only be had when you finally begin to resonate with the carrier wave your soul is broadcasting… well, then your ready for trance. as for conciousness altering for such events, i recommend psylocybin… -trickyelf

#693 Thu, 16 Dec 1999 12:12:26 From: marki at x.x) RE: Re: A question about Alpha trance and other club s. both points are very true, alcohol is a psychedelic and it does effect people in different ways. I do have to say that the average person on alcohol is at a lower level, even if they are a happy drunk. this does not make them bad, its just that their choice to suppress perceived reality with alcohol might not be the wisest choice. I had an experience last month that reminds me of this thread. I was able to attend a party for oakenfold and ralph in la and a week later was able to repeat the night in Boston, my home. the difference between the two was in la the majority was on a colorful psy and the vibe was sweet. people would say hi, give hugs, give h2o and just give love in general. PLUR in full effect. I was very clean, as it was a biz trip :*(… though the Boston show was totally different… Paul and Dave were extreme as usual so I was fine with the night, never mind having a wonderful partner for the night. all the kiddies were on the major vowels, but they were also drinking. bad mix…. no love in the house 🙁 i had a great time but the addition of the neg element was not helping . yes i know this note is partly cryptic but i am on some lung meds and my head is in the clouds. I hope I got my point across. alcohol is not bad, and neither are the persons indulging, but I just don’t like the vibe it brings 🙂 thanks for the hear out 🙂 Mark PLUR?PLUS

#694 Thu, 16 Dec 1999 12:22:33 MTV party tonight (Thursday) …brainmachines will be in full effect and I need some helper elves. Free food & drinks. 7pm on at a huge loft. Great fun. You’ll have to help me a little bit with the logistics if you come. Limited supply of names for guest list. Limit to brainmachines listmembers – if you’re one of the 1st 5 respondees I’ll reply with the details by 6pm. Jeff

#695 Thu, 16 Dec 1999 12:35:51 Notice from the moderator We love to talk, but it’s getting to be too much. Of course alcohol abuse is part of the enemy that we should seek to obliterate. Let’s move the conversation to the chat room at brainmachines at onelist, as i have once again shut the doors on open responses to this list.

#697 Fri, 17 Dec 1999 14:35:32 Tonight Friday 12.17.99 NY, NY Alphatrance For the first time we bring you an amazing live set from Alchemy (NYC), two guys behind the project, Noam and James, will take you into their world of music and visuals. Starting from down beat psy/acid trance at 12:00 am, they will build it up to full on 145 bpm’s right in time when those “cosmic energies” start to take affect 🙂 DJ lineup: Live set by Alchemy, NYC FX Mike Ranka Subtle Chaos (Vadim + Jason) iXOM Flyer by DONDesign (misha at alphatrance.org) Cover: $12 w/flyer/this email printed out per person, $15 w/out Location: …that’s 40′ EAST of the southeast corner of 40th and 9th avenue; there is an umarked door with stickers on it – knock loudly on it. Time: 11:00 pm – 8:00 am Brain “research” by Dmitri/BrainMachines Coffee, chai and water will be served; + some snacks in the morning. Good Luck and we’ll see you this Friday! aleks at alphatrance.org

#698 Thu, 16 Dec 1999 17:44:41 From: TimomirGospodinov GospodinovT at xxx.x RE: Re: A question about Alpha trance and other club s. Well, I’m always partial to having some wine or hard liquor while partaking of certain *other* intoxicants…. the only thing “low” about the “lower chakras” is their location. When they are fully engaged, there is just as great a possibility for expansion and insight as when the “higher” functions are activated. If the consciousness processing the experience is course, then it makes little difference if the ascendant “energy” is of a carnal or ‘spiritual’ nature… 1.st HI Jeff. It was nice to see you at the afterparty on 40th St. It’s Tim. Somthing is wrong with the chat script at the brainmachines. Is there a hybrid IRC log-on?????and what server????? 2.nd About this whole mess with the Alpha Trance “questionaire”. Why does everybody has to define the different meanings of trance and substances, and the whole trance scene for that matter. It somthing personal and for everybody it’s different. I have been listening to the music for the last 3yrs. and got into the substance exploration in the past 11 mos. With ds or without its still somthing very beautifull, and I am not talking about this spiritual connection stuff and all. Who are you connecting to??? What are they saying to oyu???? Well, I just explore myself. I connect with myself. Yea the mandalas and fractals are very very nice (especially on acid) but I can do without them also…………it’s just how you make it!!!!!! For that matter, Luis, you said it the way it is and I support you 100%. If people want to drink….let them drink….if they want to do ds ….they can do as much as they want….(and hopefully they know their limits)….this is what it’s all about….freedom. btw. Sondra: psylocybin?!?!? try Fungi:) Cliff: where, man??? I am looking for some 🙂 Bye all…….and talk to you soon Tim From: marki at taxware To: ‘Scott Rader’; ‘Melissa Dewey’; ‘Cliff Hall’; ‘brainmachines at onelist’ Sent: 12/16/99 12:12 PM RE: [trancenews] Re: A question about Alpha trance and other club s. From: marki at taxware (Mark Ingersoll) both points are very true, alcohol is a psychedelic and it does effect people in different ways. I do have to say that the average person on alcohol is at a lower level, even if they are a happy drunk. this does not make them bad, its just that their choice to suppress perceived reality with alcohol might not be the wisest choice. I had an experience last month that reminds me of this thread. I was able to attend a party for oakenfold and ralph in la and a week later was able to repeat the night in Boston, my home. the difference between the two was in la the majority was on a colorful psy and the vibe was sweet. people would say hi, give hugs, give h2o and just give love in general. PLUR in full effect. I was very clean, as it was a biz trip :*(… though the Boston show was totally different… Paul and Dave were extreme as usual so I was fine with the night, never mind having a wonderful partner for the night. all the kiddies were on the major vowels, but they were also drinking. bad mix…. no love in the house 🙁 i had a great time but the addition of the neg element was not helping . yes i know this note is partly cryptic but i am on some lung meds and my head is in the clouds. I hope I got my point across. alcohol is not bad, and neither are the persons indulging, but I just don’t like the vibe it brings 🙂 thanks for the hear out 🙂 Mark PLUR?PLUS If you have events to add email me directly at

#699 Fri, 17 Dec 1999 16:18:48 From: ” jeff at x.x Custom greeting art attached – very trippy My new cell # is I hope everybody has a great holiday season & new years See ya’ll at alphtrance tonight and tsunami for New Years

#701 Fri, 17 Dec 1999 19:05:08 Friday Correction HEY! Here’s an update on the alphatrance arty tonite. The live act is ZaZen, and the beast actually has *three* heads – Gnome, Koan, and TrickyElf. their unique style covers the psytrance spectrum and will take you from chill, cerebral bodymovers to hard-driving, bullet-train hyperspace tracks! All these interesting thoughts about the pyschedelic Trance scene. Yes it is many things to many people, and like each of us that are individuals it has individual meanings. The major difference of TRANCE music from people that I have heard world over is that this music is experienced. Most music in the world is only listened to. Not that Trance cannot be “listened to” but because of it’s intensity it has this unique ability to encapsulate and make itself “Experienced”. Not everytime or everwhere, but it contains the properties moreso than most other music, thus it’s name-TRANCE. And as consciousness evolves everything becomes more and more intense. The information age that we have taken for granted would have been to much for an individual 100 years ago. The fast paced world we live in would be to much if someone was Transported into our time. AS YOU ARE READY, SO IS THE UNIVERSE. When a being can handle it, the infinite has all the intensity you can stand and more. a.. Alcohol……. ‘human kinds’ little bosom buddy. Another “opiate of the masses”! This to is an indivual thing. I can only relate from my experience and let others be aware. After many years of dousing myself with Satan’s Sperm(alcohol) I began to take l again. (I had stopped for 4 years because it was ” To INTENSE, MAN! “). And after taking l in places where people are participating in this so called sociably acceptable form of human interation, I began to WAKE UP. b.. c.. I began to see through the illusion that Alcohol tends to facilitate. I watched as these souls walked around in a drunken stupor. [ The Websters Dictionary defines STUPOR: a state of suspended or deadened sensibility. ] Hmmmm. I began to see. You ever notice how you can’t even see well after a few stiff drinks, things bet blurry. d.. e.. And we have all been or are presently in that stupor state. That is fine. There are no judgements. But as with everything, this is a better way of being. The general lack of alcohol at TRANCE parties is a move towards this higher state of being. When one is ready and able to move to the speed of the higher vibrations (and remember everything that is….. is vibration) there will be no time for a STUPOR. f.. g.. I have had my time and place with Alcohol, as must all. Alcohol is like a diaper, and just as I no longer need a diaper to keep me from shitting all over the place I no longer need ALCOHOL. But to each their own and in their own time. h.. i.. So good luck to all who still find an appropriate place in their lives for alcohol. I just recommend balance. Balance for all things, alcohol, pyschedelics and in life in general. PEACE!!!!!!!!!! j.. k.. KOAN

#702 Sun, 19 Dec 1999 15:50:33 Winter Solstice Party Wednesday There is a suprise visit from one of the three founders/DJ’s from the famous Los Angeles MOONTRIBE SOUND SYSTEM. He is here to make sure that somebody organizes a full moon event in the New York area no matter how cold it get’s. He putting up all the money for the system and necessities just so that we can be dancing under the last and biggest full moon of the millennium. This will be held this wednesday December 22 the winter soltice, no matter how many people come. I’m aware that people are going to bitch about the cold but we don’t care. Were making sure that there is going to be Firecans to keep people warm,and we just want to have a small number of people anyway to keep the family vibe that the moontribe experiences every full moon party they’ve thrown,no matter how many show up. Dj’s: JOE (MOONTRIBE FOUNDER) MATTHEW MAGIC (TSUNAMI-PROJECT BEYOND) JOA (POLYMORPHOUS-NYC) SEAN DETECH (PROJECT BEYOND-MOJOSTUDIO) plus more to be added… this will be mainly a psy-trance experience, but we will throw in the proper diversity needed to keep things interesting. Remember it’s FREE so dress warm and don’t bitch, it get’s cold in the desert and that hasn’t stopped them for over five years. If your interested please feel free to e-mail me for directions irishdragon at rcn Hope to here from some of you soon, MATTHEW MAGIC

#703 Mon, 20 Dec 1999 16:03:55 From: YoDersh at xxx.xxx Re: Re: A question about Alpha trance and other clubs. In a message dated 12/16/99 10:24:14 AM, cliff at hotbot writes: for those who want alchohol and sex, try cheeta or twilo. Uhhhh what? I’m sorry cliff, coming from someone who actually goes to one of those clubs, the latter of course, and talking to someone who I believe has had many a good time there, (and probably the other…), please don’t bad mouth my second home, or even mention twilo in a derogatory statement grouped with cheetah…. Thx, Gaby

#704 Mon, 20 Dec 1999 14:46:43 More background info on Dec 22 From: “D. Ze’ev Gilad/Levinger” DZGilad at spacelab.net The Biggest Brightest Full Moon In A Long, Long Time… Last Lunar Hurrah of the Millennium Everyone should mark their calendars next month. (if some do not think this is genealogically related, I’ll explain after the message) It will be the Last Lunar Hurrah of the Millennium: This year will be the first full moon to occur on the winter solstice, Dec. 22, commonly called the first day of winter. Since a full moon on the winter solstice occurred in conjunction with a lunar perigee (point in the moon’s orbit that is closest to Earth) The moon will appear about 14% larger than it does at apogee (the point in it’s elliptical orbit that is farthest from the Earth) since the Earth is also several million miles closer to the sun at this time of the year than in the summer, sunlight striking the moon is about 7% stronger making it brighter. Also, this will be the closest perigee of the Moon of the year since the moon’s orbit is constantly deforming. If the weather is clear and there is a snow cover where you live, it is believed that even car headlights will be superfluous. On December 21st. 1866 the Dakota Sioux took advantage of this combination of occurrences and staged a devastating retaliatory ambush on soldiers in the Wyoming Territory. In laymen’s terms it will be a super bright full moon, much more than the usual AND it hasn’t happened this way for 133 years! Our ancestors 133 years ago saw this. Our descendants 100 or so years from now will see this again. Remember this will happen December 22, 1999….. Just thought this would be interesting, now if I can just remember the date!!! (And it’s the last full moon of the millenium)

#705 Mon, 20 Dec 1999 19:20:18 This Friday THIS FRIDAY CHRISTMAS eve 1999 !!! In the scarrriest club in the city decoration there is not normal. Presented by Krazy Cafe, H.O.F. and Diva (CREAM) Music by DJ MOONWALKER (H.O.F./nyc) Subtle Chaos (Subtle Chaos/nyc) deco by History of Future FRIDAY 12/24/1999 at CREAM 246 Columbus Ave. (bet. 71st/72st) 21 and over, ID a must, invite only doors open 23:00pm, for guest list call (212)531-0063 or call SubtleChaos at 212.216.0661 THE MILLENNIUM PARTY!!!! Totally disinfected, no muchsrooms, no projections, no anthems, no end-of-war victory songs, same place Hell’s Kitchen at 40&9th will be filled with chaos the millennium night, more details will follow. One thing for sure it won’t cost you your week’s wages and we’ll try our best to blast off into next 1000 years with a super party. Hello all, Thanks for your kind support through this year, we promise that Subtle Chaos will keep you dancing full-on and taking your mind far away places where only strong survive… We continue to research new music you can hear new styles and new sounds in our sets coming from all over the galaxy, we do think however, that new is good, but only as long as old is remembered. Experiment with us. Our Subtle Chaos studio is working, as much as we can, we try to put our fingers on the knobs every moment we have free, so new millennium will bring us “live”. Until then please be patient, it’s not so easy and don’t try it at home. Prolonged trance-recording sessions do cause psychotic disorders… whom should we thank… All artists that make their music make us wish we were there… Aleks, Jeff, Kristina, Mike, Max, DJ MoonWalker, DJ IndiaDrop, Rijaya & friends, Mathew Magic, Mark, Gosha, friends at Phantasm, Yon-E, Gabi, Lior, Severin, Ceasar, Alex, Daniel (hope to see you back soon!), Peter, Simon, Sam, Daniel V., Twinsun, Thrash, Bjorn, Chaos Unlimited, all old friends in Israel, Germany, Sweden, UK, Spain, Moscow… all New York party people for your nuclear vibe and smiles. Happy Holidays! Many thanks to all promoters and organizers that helped us find place to play.

#707 Mon, 20 Dec 1999 23:26:43 Prognosis for Winter Solstice wednesday …looks good… stay tuned… may be at the gw bridge space.

#709 Wed, 22 Dec 1999 12:27:03 Winter Solstice Tonight *Email to everyone we’re starting a tribal solstice/equinox tradition* Things seem to have worked out. The full moon party starts at 9:00 pm tonight (Wednesday) and goes until we stop. Dress warm Gloves hat jacket. Please bring your own bottle of water. BYOB (… … … Brain) The event will be held at the George Washington bridge location. This is where Alphatrance and Subtle Chaos have thrown their outdoor parties. Happy Holidays and welcome home to so many psy-trance students returning from school. The celebration space is the best place I’ve been to in NYC. You must check it out. Be patient if it takes a while for their generator to get running. It is on the northern tip of Manhattan, on the east corner where the GW Bridge and he Triborough merge. Once you’re on 181st and Amsterdam it is a 5 minute walk. Don’t get confused with these simple directions. Follow them literally. Take the subway 1 or 9 to 181st. & St. Nichols. Walk east. Go to the southeast corner of 181st and Amsterdam. Stand there. Look east. See the little paved pedestrian paved path that runs next to the road on the south side, parallel to the highway that the cars are on? Walk east on it; after about 100 yards it starts dipping south, The little road gently slopes down into the park, down some stairs, goes under an arch, splits in two (take the right path) and down more stairs and continues down down down until you hear music. It’s creepy getting there but there are a lot of good people around %-)(that’s a stoned Israeli with a beard) Bring blankets cigarettes and 5HTP and water.

#710 Wed, 22 Dec 1999 12:44:25 Re: Winter Solstice Tonight In a message dated 12/22/1999 12:40:23 PM Eastern Standard Time, alienblue3 at yahoo writes: whos playing here tonight? Does it matter? We’re just inviting all the Webster Hall DJs and asking them to interpret Goa. No sneakers, please. To paraphrase Mork, Humor. Har.Har. It will be Moontribe, matthew magic, alphatrance guys, probably more

#711 Wed, 22 Dec 1999 14:49:58 Thanks… to the 40 listmembers who emailed Matthew Magic for the detes on the party. This rush of interest got the party going and made it happen. Now the final step…. show up… see ya’ll tonight around 9 or 10. Power to the People. BTW The Lord of the Rings will be made into 3 movies, live action, speciall effects, made in the UK by the british george lucas… and the elves will be tranced out (just kidding about that last part)

#712 Wed, 22 Dec 1999 14:54:15 Re: Thanks… In a message dated 12/22/1999 2:52:27 PM Eastern Standard Time, cubensis at flashmail writes: Say, what time do you think this party will go until? If I come, I will not be able to come until 4 AM or 8AM. hmmm i somehow doubt it will go that long but MAYBE so keep my cell . I mean, we could end up like Jack at the end of The Shining…

#713 Thu, 23 Dec 1999 17:15:48 MERGER Merger of monopolies Christmukah Continuing the current trend back towards turn-of-the-century monopolies, it was announced today at a press conference that Christmas and Chanukah will merge. An industry source said that the deal had been in the works for about 1300 years, ever since the rise of the Muslim Empire. While details were not available at press time, it is believed that the overhead cost of having twelve days of Christmas and eight days of Chanukah was becoming prohibitive for both sides. By combining forces, we’re told, the world will be able to enjoy consistently high quality service during the Fifteen Days of Christmukah, as the new holiday is being called. Massive layoffs are expected, with lords a-leaping and maids a-milking being the hardest hit. As part of the conditions of the agreement, the letters on the dreydl, currently in Hebrew, will be replaced by Latin, thus becoming unintelligible to a wider audience. Also, instead of translating to “A” great miracle happened there,” the message on the dreydl will be the more generic, “Miraculous shit happens.” In exchange, it is believed that Jews will be allowed to use Santa Claus and his vast merchandising resources for buying and delivering their gifts. In fact, one of the sticking points holding up the agreement for at least three hundred years was the question of whether Jewish children could leave milk and cookies for Santa even after having eaten meat for dinner. A breakthrough came last year, when Oreos were finally declared to be Kosher. All sides appeared happy about this development except for Santa’s dentist. A spokesman for Christmas, Inc., declined to say whether a takeover of Kwanzaa might not be in the works as well. He merely pointed out that were it not for the independent existence of Kwanzaa, the merger between Christmas and Chanukah might indeed be seen as an unfair cornering of the holiday market. Fortunately for all concerned, he said, Kwanzaa will help to maintain the competitive balance. He then closed the press conference by leading all present in a rousing rendition of “Oy, Come All Ye Faithful.”

#714 Thu, 23 Dec 1999 17:31:00 News on the alt NYears party Thanks to all for attending the Full Moon Winter Solstice under the bridge last night. We danced around the bonfire like anaesthetic saddhus underneath a beautiful clear and unseasonably warm night. Heads off to Matthew Magic who truly came through to demonstrate that he can on occasion transcend being the house monkey for Tsunami and rise to the occasion of his role as the atomic fulcum of the cutting edge of full-on tribal DIY, meanwhile proving to outoftowner Cali freaks like Moontribe that we are not just weekenders here on Empire Island. Can’t wait for the Vernal Equinox celebration this spring, same bat time, same bat channeling. Now for the NewYears update – (this is the shit. if you don’t have $105 for Tsunami GO HERE. Tsunami won’t open until 1AM (you heard it here first – the owners of Vinyl want it for a private party until 1am) so if you want to be with the Trance Folk for the countdown this is a must. Me, I’ll be here until 4am then off to Tsunami until 10PM next day- if $ is no object (perfect wyrld) then by all means go to BOTH party people!!) also, keep in mind there is NO COAT CHECK so you’ll have to manage – maybe bring a pack combination lock with a metal cord, $10 at EMS camping stores – or if yer nice you can pile it in with my brainmachines shit) MILLENIUM VISION time travel with psychedelic trance A SubtleChaos Science Production, one time only for Millenium celebration in New York! Location: 40th Street between 9 & 8 ave. Walk east 20 meters towards 8th on 40th Street, look for a door on the right with a “nuclear shelter” sign and flyers on the door. (this is same location as AlphaTrance events) Party starts at 2am 01.01.2000. Before 2am, the music will be playing but the crowd might be quite random as flyers will be given out on the street… (sorry, the club wants to make some money they pay $75). After 2am though the place is ours until we are finished, my guess is that most of the non-trance crowd will quickly want to leave, we are determined to make this is a real trance event for the rest of the time. We have no time limits, we might end up quite late if you want us to. The special price for friends, listies, all new york party people is $30, please email me with your names, you will receive this price only if we have your name before Dec. 31St. Otherwise the club might charge full price. Please bring the flyer with you as well. Flyers will given out by us, AlphaTrance and friends, no flyers in stores. A URL for the flyer will be posted shortly. This is full-on psychedelic night, long DJ set by us, and some suprise guests from Israel (some really old friends just arrived to spend holidays in New York, so some foregn talents will be heard). Drinks, visuals, chai, we’re working on it… Ohh yes, we are aware of the toilet problems !:-) no worries, this time the club will have their employees working during the party, constantly helping to keep it clean. We are creating this event as an alternative to Vinyl, we know that not all can get in that club and not all are so interested in the line-up, we will try to have a small party for friends, that we can afford & enjoy to the end. vadim SubtleChaos

#715 Thu, 23 Dec 1999 17:41:48 Oh – here’s the guest list for MILLENIUM VISION time travel with SubtleChaos (RE: prev email) Avoid paying the $75 General Public fee and send all guest list additions for the Hell’s Kitchen location party before Dec 31st to: vadim at hotmail (Vadim) He’s the producer of the heavy Slavic metal trance, you can hear generations of chains that the Cossacks and Czars had shackled the Pogrommed Jews and peasants being THROWN OFF in a catharsis of ecstacy and spiritual renewal. My two rubles: (Death to wussy album oriented sellout trance, the progressive prettified crap that keeps you on your ass and off your feet.)

#716 Thu, 23 Dec 1999 18:29:32 Kvetching about crowds My only concern would be: how the hell do we get into Midtown on New Year’s Eve? Remember, 40th & 9th is almost Times Square, so the crowds are going to be unmanageable (what is it, 3 million folks tryin to be there at the same time?), the subway stations will be closed, cars will be prohibited from entering the area, etc. etc. Pity on those of us who live in Brooklyn… But I think what we’re gonna do is stop by later in the morning (5-ish) when the night’s craziness is mostly gone… until then, it’s champaign and candles and ambient trance in a very close circle of friends. Vlad It’s GLOBAL CHAOS we going CRAZY so bring your firepower and brainpower. See you there. I know you can make it, O Vlad the Impaler. Get outta Brooklyn already you Sesame Street vampyre motherfucker hah hah…

#717 Fri, 24 Dec 1999 00:54:20 News alert for NewYears Hello again, This is the flyer for the New Years party at 40th & 9thavenue. You have to have a copy of this image in order to get in for $30. Vadim SORRY for the mixup. Guess Vadim’s email got full 🙂 Go crazy and photocopy the shit out of this flyer. Jeff

#718 Fri, 24 Dec 1999 00:55:58 Party X Mass eve (ill) i will will gone visiting family #1.you guys are family 2, the epigenetic familia. RIDAY 12/24/1999 NY, NY Presented by Krazy Cafe, H.O.F. and Diva (CREAM) Music by DJ MOONWALKER (H.O.F./nyc) Subtle Chaos (Subtle Chaos/nyc) deco by History of Future at CREAM 246 Columbus Ave. (bet. 71st/72st) 21 and over, ID a must, invite only doors open 23:00pm for guest list call (212)531-0063 or call SubtleChaos at 212.216.0661

#719 Fri, 24 Dec 1999 03:00:36 Where is Miko playing Saturday clara98 at hotmail (claire landon) wants to know: hi jeff. i spoke with havoch or hanoch or someone (moonwalker) on wednesday at liquids and he said that miko will be spinning somewhere on saturday night. i gave him my tel and he is supposed to tell me where. just in case he doesn’t, could you tell me the details if you know them? there are friends from spain here and i must show them fun.

#720 Tue, 28 Dec 1999 05:12:39 +0200 From: “D. Ze’ev Gilad” DZGilad at xx.x A Rant On The End Of The Second Millenium A Rant On The End Of The Second Millenium My Dear Sisters & Brothers, Meaning is crumbling. We are in the clutches of chaos. And it doesnt feel quite exactly like anyone could have guessed. What the hell is going on here? Ive been observing the approach toward 2000 with what I consider an unusual amount of interest for a couple of years now. Ive been conducting informal surveys of everyone I run across. Some of you have been victims of this probing. Ive got some conclusions. There is a Theory of Novelty (see Terence McKenna) which proposes, in short, that the Universe is a novelty-preserving engine. By novelty, we mean “newness,” or, that which previously was not: the arising of somthing novel. In the beginning, according to both priests and scientists, there was chaos, the formless void, the Oneness. There was only one thing. Time passed, and then new things, novel things, began to distinguish themselves from out of the void. Subatomic particles. Atoms. Eventually, molecules. More time passed, and these coalesced into stars, then planets. Matter differentiated itself from space, substances differentiated themselves from other substances, and the world was inexorably drawing forward into greater and greater complexity. Greater novelty. Where before there was one thing, then a few, now there were many, and these new things have been, for the most part, preserved into the present. Much, much later, life distinguished itself from non-life, and one of the things that characterizes life is its great complexity, its novelty, over non-life. The Earth, as far as we know, is a nexus of complexity in the Universe. Youd have to travel pretty far to find any more life out there, if youd find it at all, and that makes us and our little planet pretty special, pretty complex, in the grand scheme of things. Then fairly recently, a form of life here on the planet developed a big brain, and the Universe found itself with an engine for generating novelty that was extremely efficient. Just give it some food, and it generates ideas at an alarming rate. Ideas are a highly efficient way to generate novelty. And if you look back, the rate at which novelty has been increasing throughout time has been increasing exponentially. Things are getting more and more novel, faster and faster. Now, the nature of somthing novel, how it “looks and feels”, is like somthing that you didnt imagine previously. Because its new. People describe this as “Things are changing so fast!” or “That was weird!” or words to that effect. Ive been having a really weird year. In fact, I would say its been the weirdest year of my life. Ive had a boatload of experiences that Ive never had before. And a lot of people in my survey agree. A lot. (Sorry no statistics. You know what Mark Twain said. There are three types of lies. White lies. Dirty lies. And statistics.) Some agree in a way that’s different from what I would have expected. Like my dad. I asked him if hes been having a weird year, in comparison to all the ones that came before. He said he couldnt really remember all the ones before. I asked, “Has it always been like that?” He laughed and said, no, that was new this year. Ive seen an alarming number of people literally lose their sanity in front of my eyes. Never seen that before. It feels to me, standing here on 28/12/99, like everyone has lost their footing, like everyone is sort of floating a couple of millimeters above the ground. I heard someone say that no one has any respect for anything anymore. I think thats one apt way of describing the dissolution of meaning. I think we all realize by now that life has no meaning beyond the meaning we give it. Nothing has any meaning, except what we give it. Thats what we do, us humans: we invent meanings for things. In the past, there has been more popular agreement on meaning. Like on marriage, and God, and communism, and so forth, but lately, its all falling apart. I feel like most of my life I was getting to understand things better and better, but in the last year, Ive started to feel like I dont know shit. What do you know for sure? What do you know for sure is meaningful? What is the meaning of that thing? Is there anything you know the meaning of? And I mean KNOW like in the good old days, remember? When you were younger? When you KNEW some stuff, like, beyond a shadow of a doubt? I used to know stuff. Not anymore. Its all up for grabs. Its all up for grabs. What kind of doctor are you going to go to for your latest ailment? Which and how many self-help gurus have given you new ways of looking at things? What are you going to tell your kids to prepare them for the next 30 years of their life? Do you have any idea what the world will be like in 20 years? Is technology making you crazy? Do you suspect it might be out of control? Should you buy a Mac or a PC? Should you go on the caveman diet or be a vegetarian? Why are so many people still smoking cigarettes? Have you tried Ecstacy? Whats with all the body piercing? Do you have moments in your life when you totally lose control? Do you like it? Shouldnt you be married by now? Isnt it time to switch careers? Are you where you thought youd be at this age? Is your sex life satisfying? Shouldnt we have dismantled all those nuclear warheads by now? Can there be a peace in the Middle East? What does God REALLY want? Have you seen a lot of porn? Do you have a homepage? Do you want to live forever? Its liberating, to realize that meaning is what you make it, that that is what our purpose is as humans, to invent meaning, to give life meaning. But its unsettling. Leaves you kind of cold. And it leaves you with a kind of empty space. A kind of reformatted hard drive. I think a lot of people will commit suicide this weekend. I think the REAL Y2K bug is not the one in the computers, its the one behind your eyes. Look around you. Have things been making less and less sense? Have the people closest to you, the ones you thought you knew, been acting a bit, oh, I dont know, odd? Saying things you didnt think theyd say? Acting a little funny? Maybe sometimes its cute, maybe other times its scary. If anyone out there has been experiencing a nice solid period of stability, please let me know. There are, in general, two reactions to questions about the Millenium. One is anxiety and concern that somthing terrible will happen. The other is, “Give me a break with all that Millenium crap, nothings gonna happen, goddamn it, you wont catch ME buying into all that hype. Damn it.” You know, the feigned apathy types. Lets face it: weve all wondered, at various times in our lives, “How old will I be in the year 2000? Where will I be? What will I be doing? What will the world be like?” Ive wondered, anyway. Many times. And it always seemed a ways off, then, BOOM, it was really close. And here it is just three days away. The year 2000 has been THOUGHT ABOUT more than any other future year. Ever. Its been in the back of your head. Hopes and dreams. Visions. Fears. Youve seen it imagined in movies, books, and on TV. I loved Princes “Tonight were gonna party like its 1999.” I loved 2001. So fucking what? Its just a year. But everything in human history has been “just” a somthing. And youre going to live with that year in your head for a whole year. Youre going to be looking around, youre going to have you spider-senses on alert, watching for signs of change, arent you? Even if you think nothings going to happen this weekend (HA!), youre secretly hoping that somthing does. Me, personally, I want the aliens to land. But like everything else in our wonderful and sordid history, we have the opportunity to invent the meaning of the new millenium. Dont forget, the Third Millenium doesnt begin until 1/1/2001. We have a year to set it up in our heads. I propose we make it mean the dawning of a new era. All you have to do is have a clear picture in your head of what you want the new era to be like. I trust you. I dont need to tell you what it should be. (The things that usually bring me happiness are love, sugar, and a good party.) But that weird feeling youve been having, that weird “somthing” thats been going on, that you cant quite put your finger on, or say “there it is” or “here is its girth in inches”, is an opportunity for revision. I say, lets make the most of it. Let the Y2K bug in your head run rampant and delete all your files. Let it give you more megabytes for some new programs. Because things are REALLY gonna come down in 2012. Dont believe the hype. You have NO IDEA whats coming. Love, dzg 28 December 1999 PS: I was dreaming when I wrote this, so sue me if I go too fast. The rowers keep on rowing And they’re certainly not showing Any signs that they are slowing…

#721 Tue, 28 Dec 1999 11:26:13 Good news This from vadim at hotmail RE: the New Years Party #1 at 40th & 9th. It’s looking better and better, as it looks like someone won’t have to put on the alien mask rollerblading with bullhorn and Freddy Krueger claws to scare out general public fux so we can get some rheum to dance. If you want to be somewhere before the ball drops this is the only trance party,