Updated 2 years ago

These are the full emails with discussion, replies, off-topic, non-trance events, etc.
For a much more succinct, formatted, and edited history, go here, and here are just flyers.
Other years in emails:
1999* – 2000* – 2001* – 2002 Pt 1* – 2002 Pt 2* – 2003* – 2004 – 2005
2006 – 2007 – 2008 – 2009 – 2010 – 2011
*Trip Out New York was called Brainmachines from 1999-2003.
January 2008
#4079 Wed, 02 Jan 2008 14:09:34 From: “susannahpryce” susannahpryce at yahoo-TDC presents Mighty Quinn Label release party in NYC (01/05/2008)- Mighty Quinn Record’s “Beauty and the Beast” release party on saturday Jan 5th, 2008. Mighty Quinn Records was developed out of our respect for musi c and the people who make it. Our goal is to release psychedelic music by quality artists that have not yet been released, or just had a few release s on some other labels. We want to make sure that worthy underground track s of trance music are released and heard by the people who support the sce ne and the psy-movement. We also and always plan to release new upcoming artists who we believe should be heard. Mighty Quinn is committed to provid ing the best possible quality sound for the sake of both the listener and the artists. Sound Transmitters are: WIZACK TWIZACK (Sweden- Stoneage re cords/ Namaha records) LIVE SET Tommy Axelsson has been touring the globe, taking us on wild sonic excursions with his powerful trademark forest soun ds! With years of experience playing massive parties across the seas and a number of releases on respected record labels, Wizack Twizack has establis hed himself among the top Scandinavian producers. Through his journeys, To mmy has further developed his style and defined his sounds, the result of which is fresh and cutting edge psytrance, drenched with powerful acid mel odies. Wizack’s twisted new style features classic Goa influenced sounds f used with his unique and heavy forest groove. Dead End will have you adven turing through a audial galaxy, a vast tapestry which has been knitted tog ether by none other than yours truly . The tracks capture a cosmic spectru m of sonic frequencies,from chaotic liquid atmospheres to thundering bassl ines with a hard attitude. Relentless, with driving grooves and boiling to the brim with rich psychedelic sounds, Dead End reminds us that true harm ony can only be found within chaos. Let Wizack take you to the dead end of our universe and launch you off the edge! Let the games begin! MuktIsvar a -(Mighty Quinn/ Lycantrop Rec)[Russia / NYC] LIVE SET MuktIsvara is a pr oject started by Isvara and Mukti in 2003. Isvara is a direct descendant o f Genghis Khan and was raised by wolfs in the steps of Mongolia until he w as fifteen, when an ancient mountain shaman found him and taught him the m agic arts of music. He has been stumbling around in the fifth dimension un til he mysteriously appeared in Times Square with a 15 foot long beard. No one noticed. Mukti was born in Russia and earned his degree in quantum ph ysics at the age of thirteen and was hidden by the KGB in the deep tundra. He served the Soviet government in a secret underground physics laborator y until we was able to escape to New York. With Isvara’s animal instincts and innate musical talent and Mukti’s technical skills they are able to pro duce music to conquer dark spirits. Their shoe sizes are nine and a half a nd ten respectively. MuktIsvara debut release on Mighty-Quinn Records V/A “Beauty and The Beast” web mightyquinnrecords DJ NIKI aka Asmo deus (Japan- Mighty Quinn Rec) DJ SET Niki is the co-owner of Japan based record label mighty quinn records. Without a doubt Niki will be presenting the latest tunes from around the world as well as the latest release “Bea uty and the Beast.” Be ready for his full power psychedlik madness from th e underground of Tokyo. Boom!! PHATMIND DJ SET Born in a land far far a way, this unusually large headed dude will bless you wicked sound. Progre ss (TDC) LIVE & DJ SET yurka, yurka, yurkaaaaaaa…… Decoration by: Ut a Bekaia (Georgia) TDC Production plus more special geusts Location: Golde n Bridge (Club ABC) 50 Bowery (Corner of Canal and Bowery st) New York, NY Admission: $30 at the entrance (Please bring the flyer or send us an email (before Jan 4th) with your names for 25$ entrance to information at tdcny ) 18 to Party, 21 to Drink. Entrance at 10pm LINKS: web mightyquin nrecords web tdcny web myspace/mightyquinnrec web myspace/wizacktwizackmusic web myspace/iprog web myspace/tdcIsvara
#4080 Fri, 4 Jan 2008 17:44:16 To: d-m-t, d06, TripOutNY Fri, 04 Jan 2008 17:44:16 From: Save the date – Thursday January 10 Machinelf/’s 40th birthday bash thursday december 20 2007 8pm – 4am free at karma Full range of music, many DJs 9-4 at karma downstairs lounge free, 21+ (ID a must, absolutely no exceptions) 51 1st avenue at 3rd street, New York, NY smoking permitted web karmanyc/ web tranceam.org More new features than ever. Check out the new AOL Mail ! – webmail.aol MCA1D3A78751410F204E26webmail-dd10.sysops.aol at karma downstairs lounge free, 21+ (ID a must, absolutely no exceptions) 51 1st avenue at 3rd street, New York, NY smoking permitted web karmanyc/web karmanyc/ web tranceam.orgweb tranceam.org s”AOLPromoFooter More new features than ever. Check out the new o.aolcdn/cdn.webmail.aol/mailtour/aol/en-us/text ?ncidaolcmp00050000000003″ target”blankAOL Mail !br/ MCA1D3A78751410F204E26webmail-dd10.sysops.aol
#4081 Fri, 4 Jan 2008 19:59:06 Fri, 4 Jan 2008 19:59:06 Cc: d-m-t, d06 From: Correction – Save the date – birthday trance celebration next thursday jan 10 To clarify its Thur Jan 10 9pm-4am Full range of music, many DJs 9-4 at karma downstairs lounge free, 21+ (ID a must, absolutely no exceptions) 51 1st avenue at 3rd street, New York, NY smoking permitted web karmanyc/ web tranceam.org To clarify its Th ur Jan 10 9pm-4am Full range of music, many DJs 9-4 at karma downstairs lounge BR free, 21+ (ID a must, absolutely no exceptions) BR 51 1st avenue at 3rd street, New York, NY smoking permitted web karmanyc/ web tranceam.or
#4082 Mon, 7 Jan 2008 17:41:55 d06, d-m-t Mon, 07 Jan 2008 17:41:55 From: Machinelf’s 40th Birthday Party – DJ lineup Machinelf’s 40th Birthday Party – DJ lineup Thursday Jan 10 2007 Fumi (Japan) psy Brandon Adams (USA) psy Luis (Brazil) Pat Mindkiller (USA) industrial – spy Machinelf (USA) eclectic ? free, 21+ (ID a must, absolutely no exceptions) at karma? downstairs lounge? 51 1st avenue at 3rd street, New York, NY ? smoking permitted web karmanyc/ web tranceam.org More new features than ever. Check out the new AOL Mail ! – webmail.aol Thursday Jan 10 2007 Fumi (Japan) psy Brandon Adams (USA) psy Luis (Brazil) Pat Mindkiller (USA) industrial – spy Machinelf (USA) eclectic exceptions) at karma downstairs lounge 51 1st avenue at 3rd street, New York, NY smoking permitted web karmanyc/” target”blankweb karmanyc/ web tranceam.org” target”blankweb tranceam.org s”AOLPromoFooter More new features than ever. Check out the new o.aolcdn/cdn.webmail.aol/mailtour/aol/en-us/text ?ncidaolcmp00050000000003″ target”blankAOL Mail !br/
#4083 Tue, 8 Jan 2008 16:50:09 Tue, 8 Jan 2008 16:50:09 , planet-crew, 604 at party.net From: Vote your favorite trance for 2007: Trance Former Awards Voting form. Deadline January 20. Results will be counted and tabulated by the end of the month. web tranceam.org/tfa2007questions (web tranceam.org/tfa2007questions ) Last year’s results web tranceam.org/tfa2006 (web tranceam.org/tfa2006 ) Voting form. Deadline January 20. Results will be counted and tabulated by the end of the month. 2007questions web tranceam.org/tfa2007questions Last year’s results p://web tranceam.org/tfa2006 web tranceam.org/tfa
#4084 Thu, 10 Jan 2008 13:31:58 Thu, 10 Jan 2008 13:32:24 , omnitribe at yahoo From: – My 40th Birthday Party tonight at Karma Note – added lineup and deco artist Machinelf’s 40th Birthday Party Thursday Jan 10 2007 9pm-4am Fumi (Japan) psy Brandon Adams (USA) psy Ben Light-o-matic (USA) psy Luis (Brazil) Pat Mindkiller (USA) industrial – spy Machinelf (USA) eclectic Art by KUNSTWERKS Jaerls free, 21+ (ID a must, absolutely no exceptions) at karma downstairs lounge 51 1st avenue at 3rd street, New York, NY smoking permitted web karmanyc/ (web karmanyc/) web tranceam.org (web tranceam.org/) **************Start the year off right. Easy ways to stay in shape. body.aol/fitness/winter-exercise?NCIDaolcmp00300000002489 Note – added line up and deco artist Machinelf’s 40th Birthday P Thursday Jan 10 2007 9pm-4am Fumi (Japan) psy Brandon Adams (USA) psy Ben Light-o-matic (USA) psy Luis (Brazil) Pat Mindki ller (USA) industrial – spy Machinelf (USA) eclectic Art by KUNSTWERKS Jaerls lutely no exceptions) at karma downstairs lounge 51 1st avenue at 3rd street, New York, NY smoking p
#4085 Fri, 11 Jan 2008 19:11:21 Fri, 11 Jan 2008 19:11:06 ystem at 28thdayCc: From: “scott” scott at 28thdayActuate NYE (post-mortem) First off, we’d like to express gratitude for everyone who came out to our Actuate NYE party, and to share regret of its unexpected early closing. Bot h the 28thday and Freek Factory crews worked tirelessly to create a special night, and we were saddened to have that cut short by the authorities. Alt hough we always do everything in our power to secure the integrity of our e vents, there is always some risk inherent in underground parties. The NYPD seems to have been on the warpath this New Year’s, with many underground NY E events having come to an abrupt and unceremonious end. We realize that NYE is a high-investment party night, that everyone paid a n NYE-caliber ticket price and that some people even traveled quite far to come to the event. Countless props to all of you for coming out. It is and has been 28thday’s policy to deliver all artists as advertised at every eve nt, and to always pay all artists and venues in full. Actuate was no except ion to this. The financial reality is that we are now facing a very large d eficit from the event, and are unable to offer any refunds of the ticket pr ice, as some have asked. We appreciate everyone’s support in our endeavors to offer quality nightli fe in a climate that is often inhospitable to it, and wish you all the best in the new year. -28thday First off, we’d like to express gratitude for everyone who came out to our Actuate NYE party, and to share regret of its unexpected early closing. Bot h the 28thday and Freek Factory crews worked tirelessly to create a special night, and we were saddened to have that cut short by the authorities. Alt hough we always do everything in our power to secure the integrity of our e vents, there is always some risk inherent in underground parties. The NYPD seems to have been on the warpath this New Year’s, with many underground NY E events having come to an abrupt and unceremonious end. We realize that NYE is a high-investment party night, that everyone paid an NYE-calibe r ticket price and that some people even traveled quite far to come to the event. Countless props to all of you for coming out. It is and has been 28t hday’s policy to deliver all artists as advertised at every event, and to a lways pay all artists and venues in full. Actuate was no exception to this. The financial reality is that we are now facing a very large deficit from the event, and are unable to offer any refunds of the ticket price, as some have asked. We appreciate everyone’s support in our endeavors to of fer quality nightlife in a climate that is often inhospitable to it, and wi sh you all the best in the new year. -28thday
#4086 Tue, 15 Jan 2008 13:21:23 -0800 TripoutnyPSYCHEGROUND Thursday, Jan 17 in NYC 0-77699409-1200432083:17288 PSYCHEGROUND is back on thursday, January 17 at the amazing Sullivan Room. Come celebrate the first party of the year with NY’s most skilled DJ’s. lineup: from 10:00 till 12:30 – LUIS CAMPOS (Dreamcatcher / Alladin Group – BR, NYC) from 12:30 till 02:00 – LUCINA (NY / Ectoplasmic) from 02:00 till 04:00 – EARWORM (Yabai records, NYC) and BRANDON ADAMS (Dreamcatcher NYC) (special tag team set) deco by Dreamcatcher’s COME EARLY TO GET 2 FOR 1 DRINK SPECIALS UNTIL MIDNIGHT!!!! From 10pm to 4am 21+ with ID $5 cover Sullivan Room, Manhattan, New York City 218 Sullivan St (between Bleecker and West 3rd St, 2 blocks east of 6th Ave) Subway: A, B, C, D, E, F, or V trains to “W 4 St – Wash Sq” Here is a maps. yahoo/ broadband # mvtm&gid111059006&q1218+Sullivan+ St%2C+New+ York%2C+NY&trf0&lon-74.000173&lat40.729438&mag2 Here’s the E-flyer: web myspace/psycheground web djluiscampos 0-77699409-1200432083:17288 PSYCHEGROUND is back on thursday, January 17 at the amazing Sullivan Room. Come celebrate the first party of the year with NY’s most skilled DJ’s. lineup: from 10:00 till 12:30 – LUIS CAMPOS (Dreamcatcher / Alladin Group – BR, NYC) from 12:30 till 02:00 – LUCINA (NY / Ectoplasmic) from 02:00 till 04:00 – EARWORM (Yabai records, NYC) and BRANDON ADAMS (Dreamcatcher NYC) (special tag team set) deco by Dreamcatcher’s COME EARLY TO GET 2 FOR 1 DRINK SPECIALS UNTIL MIDNIGHT!!!! From 10pm to 4am 21+ with ID $5 cover Sullivan Room, Manhattan, New York City 218 Sullivan St (between Bleecker and West 3rd St, 2 blocks east of 6th Ave) Subway: A, B, C, D, E, F, or V trains to “W 4 St – Wash Sq”
#4087 Thu, 17 Jan 2008 07:54:03 -0800 To: jeff michel michelbyrne at hotmail, nyc604 raffi raffi4200 at yahoo, TripOutNY PSYCHEGROUND Thursday, Jan 17 in NYC 0-1528989856-1200585243:31675 PSYCHEGROUND is back on thursday, January 17 at the amazing Sullivan Room. Come celebrate the first party of the year with NY’s most skilled DJ’s. This is going to be A “SPECIAL NIGHT” and we would really like EVERYONE to come out for this one as one of the most amazing couples and very dear friends of ours who have been part of the NYC psy scene for a loooooong while are moving to a far off exciting land This party is being held to celebrate the new adventure Caroline & Exley are about to embark. So come out with ur happy faces and ur dancing shoes to wish them luck and share some happy moments with two very special people who have meant so much to so many of us All of you who dont know them still come out and be part of all the fun Its a great way to shake off the weekday blues- i promise. lineup: from 10:00 till 12:30 – LUIS CAMPOS (Dreamcatcher / Alladin Group – BR, NYC) from 12:30 till 02:00 – LUCINA (NY / Ectoplasmic) from 02:00 till 04:00 – EARWORM (Yabai records, NYC) and BRANDON ADAMS (Dreamcatcher NYC) (special tag team set) deco by Dreamcatcher’s COME EARLY TO GET 2 FOR 1 DRINK SPECIALS UNTIL MIDNIGHT!!!! From 10pm to 4am 21+ with ID $5 cover Sullivan Room, Manhattan, New York City 218 Sullivan St (between Bleecker and West 3rd St, 2 blocks east of 6th Ave) Subway: A, B, C, D, E, F, or V trains to “W 4 St – Wash Sq”
#4088 20 Jan 2008 01:13:14 Sun, 20 Jan 2008 01:13:10 ystem at 28thday From: scott scott at 28thdayGaian Mind presents Healing Ananda :: January 27th Sunday, January 27th, 2008 Gaian Mind presents gaian-mind/?p366HEALING ANANDA: Benefit/Release Party at Libation, NYC Come out for an NYC Sunday stompfest courtesy of Gaian Mind! Starting at 3PM and stretching to midnight, don’t miss this rare opportunity to rock out with Gaian Mind including live sets from Aphid Moon and Kenji Williams and all with keeping your circadian rhythm on track for the week ahead. All proceeds from this event go to a “healing-ananda.blogspot/Healing Ananda, daughter of Gaian Mind founder Allen Milletics & wife Melanie. Also the Healing Ananda benefit compilation is soon to be released. Tracklisting at the bottom! Main Room: DJ KIFE KENJI WILLIAMS – Live Set! DJ ANDREW LIGHT GRAINS OF SOUND – DJ/VJ Set! Progressive Room (6 pm – 12 am): DJ GAVIN DJ EARTHIAN DJ KARMAKANIK DJ LUIS APHID MOON – Live Set! Chill Out Room -KID FRIENDLY- 3 pm – 8 pm Visuals by SEVERYN and GUILLAUME Sunday, January 27th, 2008 3 pm – 12 am web libationnycLIBATION 137 Ludlow Street New York, NY 10002 Minimum donation at the door is $30, or visit 28thday for $25 advance tickets. If you’re unable to attend but would still like to offer support, your a “healing-ananda.blogspot/2007/05/call-to-prayer prayers, healing-ananda.blogspot/2007/07/sicko awareness, and healing-ananda.blogspot/2007/09/donations sponsorship are graciously welcomed. – – – Coming Soon! – – – V/A & Healing Ananda [benefit compilation] Trance: 01. Earth Simulator & BLUE PLANET CORPORATION 02. Rumble in the Cave & BEHIND BLUE EYES 03. Emerged & D-SPACE 04. Rotosonic & STELLA NUTELLA, STANLEY ARTS & SAAFI CONNECTION 05. Sentient & SINEWAVE 06. Grain Funk & AJJA 07. Do U? & APHID MOON & DAMION 08. Merry Winner & YAB YUM 09. Vamp Dump Gump & ZEN LEMONADE 10. Still Looking for You & ELECTRYPNOSE Freestlye/Chill: 01. Arrivederci & BUS 02. Love Ya & DICKSTER & JAMES MONRO 03. Reverse Reality & G.BALYZER 04. Overunity & KENJI WILLIAMS 05. Slow Hopper & SUBTERFUGE 06. Lost in Translation & GRAINS OF SOUND 07. Alladin & ELECTRYPNOSE 08. Under the Spell & KAYA PROJECT 09. Progress of the Soul & KENJI WILLIAMS 10. Persia & MASTER MARGHERITA 11. Transgenesis & INDIDGINUS Compiled by Gus Till. Mastered by Tim Valkenburg at The Vault, Bali. Cover by Mertha Kunia. web gaian-mindweb gaian-mind healing-ananda.blogspot
#4089 Sun, 20 Jan 2008 23:57:21 From: “alladinproject” alladinproject at yahooAlladin group Presents:VALENTINES WEEKEND BAMBOO FOREST, ZION & MORE Fri Feb 8 Hi party people, Happy New Year full of peace, love and light! We are plan ning a big year full of surprises, killer parties with wicked line-ups! Get ready for an amazing psytrance gathering and few more to come before ORB 2 008 that will take place in Echo Lake, July 10-13!!! We are very excited to begin this year on valentines weekend, Friday, February 8th so prepare you rselves for a mind blowing event with full deco and psy vibes that we all k now!!! See you all there! Main Stage: THE LEGENDARY, BAMBOO FOREST Trans ient Rec / MP Rec / Spirit Zone Rec, France ZION Orb Rec/ Alladin Group, I srael ENERTOPIA Alladin Group/ Orb Rec, Israel LUIS Alladin Group, Brazil Ctrl+Alt+Del Nexus Media/ Alladin Group, India Electro Room: STEVE-O Ga ia Mind, NYC TONI UNORTHODOX 28 Days, NYC DJ CHARLES Alladin Group/ New C oncept, Brazil RAY BRIONES PG Records, Brazil Visual by: SERGE Alladin group, NYC Decorations by: Alladin Crew NYC ***18 to enter/21+ to drink wi th picture ID*** ***Doors Open at 10 PM *** Tickets: $25 in advance at web alladingroup Or call (917)569-1177 $35 at the door Location: CLUB EXIT 147 GREENPOINT AVE. BROOKLYN, NY Street Map: local.google/ Direct ions : By Subway: take the L train to metropolitan Ave & transfer to the G train to Green point Ave. the Club is right across the street. Or: take the L train to Redford stop and transfer to the 61 bus go down in green point Ave ( 5 mint ) or: G train to green point Ave Subway Map: web mta.n yc.ny.us/nyct/maps/submap Bus: 61, 43, to Greenpoint Ave Bus map: http ://web mta.nyc.ny.us/nyct/maps/busbkln.pdf By Car: Take BQE (I-278) to Exi t 33 McGuiness Blvd. to Green point Ave. Turn LEFT at Greenpoint Ave Procee d to the corner of Manhattan Ave. By car-service / taxi: from Manhattan co sts about $15 from Bedford Station it costs about $6 Links: web ne urobiotic web mprecords.net web myspace/bambooforestb and web myspace/zionpsy web myspace/enertopiapsy http ://web myspace/ctrlaltdeletion web myspace/psycheground http ://web myspace/djraybriones web myspace/djcharlesnyc web myspace/vjsurge NEXT ALLADIN GROUP’S PARTY WILL BE ON: SATURDAY, F EB 23 at GYPSE TEA, NYC THE FOLLOWING PARTY WILL BE ON FRIDAY, MARCH 7 at CLU B EXIT MORE INFO WILL BE POSTED SOON
#4090 Wed, 23 Jan 2008 09:14:17 Wed, 23 Jan 2008 09:14:17 From: Lowest price available -$20 -for Bamboo Forest Feb 8! Limited availability, don’t put this off as these always sell out within 24 hours. web Hi party people, Happy New Year full of peace, love and light! We are planning a big year full of surprises, killer parties with wicked line-ups! Get ready for an amazing psytrance gathering and few more to come before ORB 2008 that will take place in Echo Lake, July 10-13!!! We are very excited to begin this year on valentines weekend, Friday, February 8th so prepare yourselves for a mind blowing event with full deco and psy vibes that we all know!!! See you all there! Main Stage: THE LEGENDARY, BAMBOO FOREST Transient Rec / MP Rec / Spirit Zone Rec, France ZION Orb Rec/ Alladin Group, Israel ENERTOPIA Alladin Group/ Orb Rec, Israel LUIS Alladin Group, Brazil Ctrl+Alt+Del Nexus Media/ Alladin Group, India Electro Room: STEVE-O Gaia Mind, NYC TONI UNORTHODOX 28 Days, NYC DJ CHARLES Alladin Group/ New Concept, Brazil RAY BRIONES PG Records, Brazil Visual by: SERGE Alladin Group, NYC Decorations by: Alladin Crew NYC ***18 to enter/21+ to drink with picture ID*** ***Doors Open at 10 PM *** Tickets: $25 in advance at web alladingw (web alladingroup/) Or call (917)569-1177 $35 at the door Location: CLUB EXIT 147 GREENPOINT AVE. BROOKLYN, NY Street Map: local.localoht&q147%q147%W20q147%W20gre&saN& tabta (local.google/local?hlen&q147%20greenpoint%20ave%20brooklyn&saN&tabwl) Directions : By Subway: take the L train to metropolitan Ave & transfer to the G train to Green point Ave. the Club is right across the street. Or: take the L train to Redford stop and transfer to the 61 bus go down in green point Ave ( 5 mint ) or: G train to green point Ave Subway By Car: Take BQE (I-278) to Exit 33 McGuiness Blvd. to Green point Ave. Turn LEFT at Greenpoint Ave Proceed to the corner of Manhattan Ave. By car-service / taxi: from Manhattan costs about $15 from Bedford Station it costs about $6 Links: web neurobio (web neurobiotic/) web mprecordhttp: (web mprecords.net/) web myspace.web myspahttp (web myspace/bambooforestband) web myspace.web (web myspace/zionpsy) web myspace.web myspa (web myspace/enertopiapsy) web myspace.web myspahtt (web myspace/ctrlaltdeletion) web myspace.web myspa (web myspace/psycheground) web myspace.web myspa (web myspace/djraybriones) web myspace.web myspa (web myspace/djcharlesnyc) web myspace.web (web myspace/vjsurge) NEXT ALLADIN GROUP’S PARTY WILL BE ON: SATURDAY, FEB 23 at GYPSE TEA, NYC THE FOLLOWING PARTY WILL BE ON FRIDAY, MARCH 7 at CLUB EXIT MORE INFO WILL BE POSTED SOON **************Start the year off right. Easy ways to stay in shape. body.aol/fitness/winter-exercise?NCIDaolcmp00300000002489 Limited availabil ity, don’t put this off as these always sell out within 24 hours. Hi party people, Happy New Year full of peace, love and light! We are planning a big year full of surprises, killer parties with wicked line-ups! Get ready for an amazing psytrance gathering and few more to come befo re ORB 2008 that will take place in Echo Lake, July 10-13!!! We are ve ry excited to begin this year on valentines weekend, Friday, February 8 th so prepare yourselves for a mind blowing event with full deco and psy vibes that we all know!!! See you all there! Main Stage: THE LEGENDARY, BAMBOO FOREST Transient Rec / MP Rec / Spirit Z one Rec, France ZION Orb Rec/ Alladin Group, Israel EN ERTOPIA Alladin Group/ Orb Rec, Israel LUIS Alladin Group, Brazil Ctrl+Alt+Del Nexus Media/ Alladin Group, India Electro Room: STEVE-O Gaia Mind, NYC TONI UNORTHODOX 28 Days, NYC DJ CHARLES Alladin Group/ New Concept, Brazil RAY BRIONES PG Records, Brazil Visual by: SERGE A lladin Group, NYC Decorations by: Alladin Crew NYC *** 18 to enter/21+ to drink with picture ID*** ***Doors Open at 10 PM *** Tickets: $25 in om/ Or call (917)569-1177 $35 at the door Location: CLU B EXIT 147 GREENPOINT AVE. BROOKLYN, NY Street Map: irections : By Subway: take the L train to metropolitan Ave & transfer to the G train to Green point Ave. the Club is right acros s the street. Or: take the L train to Redford stop and transfer to the 61 bus go down in green point Ave ( 5 mint ) or: G train to green point Ave Subway Map: t/maps/submap ttp://web mta.Wnyc.ny.us/Wnyct/maps/Wsubmap Bu s: 61, 43, to Greenpoint Ave Bus map: .us/nyct/maps/busbkln.pdf ln.pdfweb mta.Wnyc.ny.us/Wnyct/maps/Wbusbkln.pdf By Car: Take BQE (I-278) to Exit 33 McGuiness Blvd. to Green point Ave. Turn LEFT at Greenpoint Ave Proceed to the corner of Manhattan Ave. By car-service / taxi: from Manhattan costs about $15 from Bedford Station it costs about $6 NEXT ALLADIN GROUP’S PARTY WILL BE ON: SAT URDAY, FEB 23 at GYPSE TEA, NYC THE FOLLOWING PARTY WILL BE ON FRIDAY, MARCH 7 at CLUB EXIT MORE INFO WILL BE POSTED SOON /
#4091 Wed, 30 Jan 2008 12:08:43 -0800 TripoutnyPSYCHEGROUND Thursday, Jan 31st in NYC 0- PSYCHEGROUND Presents: For the first time in NYC Ctrl+Alt+Del (Nexus Media/ Alladin Group, India) Ctrl+Alt+Del is the psytrance project of Vishaal Turakhia from Bombay (India). After immersing himself into the Psy-Trance culture in Bombay in 1999, he began collecting psychedelic tunes and started dj-ing at parties in Bombay. His project aims at producing top-notch intelligent twilight blasters that will surely tweak the brain! The project’s 1st track was signed by Shift for Nexus-Media’s upcoming compilation Midnight Storm III. Ctrl+Alt+Del is ready to explode onto the global psy-trance scene! featuring sets by: ELNADIV (Alladin Group, IL) LUIS CAMPOS (Dreamcatcher / Alladin Group, BR) deco by Dreamcatcher’s COME EARLY TO GET 2 FOR 1 DRINK SPECIALS UNTIL MIDNIGHT!!!! From 10pm to 4am 21+ with ID $5 cover Sullivan Room, Manhattan, New York City 218 Sullivan St (between Bleecker and West 3rd St, 2 blocks east of 6th Ave) Subway: A, B, C, D, E, F, or V trains to “W 4 St – Wash Sq”
February 2008
#4092 Fri, 01 Feb 2008 22:08:15 From: ” Reality Sandwich Saturday Feb 2 (No psy trance tho) Reality Sandwich & Jivamukti Yoga School Present… EVOLVER: WAKE UP AND DR EAM Saturday February 2, 8pm – 4am web realitysandwich What happens when America’s most visionary city starts building a new world by living ou t its dreams? Take an overnight journey into a realm of new possibilities with otherworldly music, performance, ideas, art and alchemy. Drift through a labyrinth of rooms full of enchanted activities, glowing and pulsing art work, exotic performers, magical chill caves, futuristic playgrounds, and e ndless spontaneity. Featuring: Globesonic’s (Fabian Alsultany & Derek Bere s) electrifying melting pot of Afro-beat, tabla, drum ‘n bass, global tranc e, dub, hip-hop, and house. Haj (Resident DJ of Sub Swara & Freek Factory) and his “low-end monkey business that’s more about journey than genre.” Her cules’ (Safetycan) Hobo Tech/Freshstep of deep electrofunk. Glass Bead Col lective’s “Spaceship Inflatable,” Peripheral Media Sheep,” Blinky Art by Fort-Da/ Image Node, Dr. Brainwave’s “Mind Machine,” Face Painting by Kostume Kult & Friends, “Gastronome Cache- Cache: The Masked Meal,” Bill Kennedy’s gaggle of dream geese, Future Unincorporated’s “Poll of the Future” by Cassie Tho rnton, “Entheogenic Plants of the World” with Nat Bletter, chakra balancing with Lisa Paul Streitfeld, “Restoring the Revelation Dream” with Rodger Ka menetz, C. Eule Dance: “Flight of Fantasy” with video by Yuliya Lanina, ecs tatic drumming with Jay Michaelson, hula- hoop instruction with Stephanie R adia, “INFINITY” mannequin installation with Kundalini Couture/Wearable Art by Selma Karaca and video by John Knowles., “Chakracise” with Kiana Love, interactive light installation by Seej, Michael Robinson’s “Universus” proj ect, video art by Love Intelligence Group and The Housewives’ Guide to Anat omyD85 And, of course, that bold beautiful dreamer 96 YOU! Evolvitorium, 8:30p: “Asanas and Ayahuasca” In this talk Sharon Gannon (co-founder of Ji vamukti Yoga) and Reality Sandwich’s Daniel Pinchbeck (author of “2012: The Return of Quetzalcoatl”) compare and contrast yoga and shamanism and how t hese ancient techniques might just save our world today. Opening “Body Pray er” by Jivamukti co-founder David Life. Communion Square Cafe: Courtney We ber – MC and Astro Hour with musical accompaniment by Eric Holloway, sitar and Sufi poetry with Dawoud Kringle and Asad Khan, Divine Drum & Bass Hip H op with Naada, fantastical storytelling by Martin Dockery, David Life live, Jessica Star’s Burner-Country music, Michael Brownstein’s “Must Not Sleep, ” and Bill Kennedy on the mike. This is the first in a series of freakishl y fun experiments from Reality Sandwich. Their goal is to spread ideas, con nect people and reinvigorate life with creativity and spirit. As the season s change, expect more invitations to participate in reality-changing events . If we can build it here, we can build it anywhere. So, let’s get togethe r, New York, and start dreaming. Dreamy Costumes Highly Encouraged! (8p (d oors) to 4a, $20) Jivamukti Yoga School 841 Broadway, 2nd Fl. (between 13th & 14th St. at Union Square)
#4093 Tue, 05 Feb 2008 23:03:36 From: “alladinproject” alladinproject at yahooTHIS WEEKAND Alladin Project Presents:FRI FEB 8 BAMBOO FOREST,LIVE NYC Hi party people, Happy New Year full of peace, love and light! We are pl anning a big year full of surprises, killer parties with wicked line-ups! Get ready for an amazing psytrance gathering and few more to come before OR B 2008 that will take place in Echo Lake, July 10-13!!! We are very excite d to begin this year on valentines weekend, Friday, February 8th so prepare yourselves for a mind blowing event with full deco and psy vibes that we a ll know!!! See you all there! Main Stage: THE LEGENDARY, BAMBOO FORE ST LIVE & DJ SET Transient Rec / MP Rec / Spirit Zone Rec, France ZION Orb Rec/ Alladin Group, Israel ENERTOPIA Alladin Group/ Orb Rec, Israel LUIS Alladin Group, Brazil Ctrl+Alt+Del Nexus Media/ Alladin Group, I ndia Electro Room: STEVE-O Gaia Mind, NYC TONI UNORTHODOX 28 Days, NYC DJ CHARLES Alladin Group/ New Concept, Brazil RAY BRIONES PG Reco rds, Brazil Visual by: SERGE Alladin Group, NYC Decorations by: Alla din Crew NYC ***18 to enter/21+ to drink with picture ID*** ***Doors Ope n at 10 PM *** Tickets: $25 in advance at web alladingroup Or call (917)569-1177 $35 at the door Location: CLUB EXIT 147 GREENPOINT AV E. BROOKLYN, NY Street Map: Directions : By Subway: take the L train to metropolitan Ave & transfer to the G train to Green p oint Ave. the Club is right across the street. Or: take the L train to Re dford stop and transfer to the 61 bus go down in green point Ave ( 5 mint ) or: G train to green point Ave Subway Map: web mta.nyc.ny.us/n yct/maps/submap Bus: 61, 43, to Greenpoint Ave Bus map: web m ta.nyc.ny.us/nyct/maps/busbkln.pdf By Car: Take BQE (I-278) to Exit 33 McGuiness Blvd. to Green point Ave. Turn LEFT at Greenpoint Ave Proceed to the corner of Manhattan Ave. By car-service / taxi: from Manhattan co sts about $15 from Bedford Station it costs about $6 Links: web .neurobiotic web mprecords.net web myspace/bamboofo restband web myspace/zionpsy web myspace/enertopiap sy web myspace/ctrlaltdeletion web myspace/psychegr ound web myspace/djraybriones web myspace/djcharles nyc web myspace/vjsurge NEXT ALLADIN GROUP’S PARTY WILL BE ON : SATURDAY, FEB 23 at GYPSY TEA, NYC THE FOLLOWING PARTY WILL BE ON FRIDAY MARCH 7 at CLUB EXIT MORE INFO WILL BE POSTED SOON SEE U ALL THERE WIT H THE BEST POSITIVE ENERGY ALLADIN CREW
#4094 Fri, 8 Feb 2008 23:57:19 Fri, 8 Feb 2008 23:57:19 From: OMFG!!!! check this crazy photo out – mac Fwd: Sunset at North Pole From: bliemer at nyc.rr To: Sent: 2/5/2008 12:07:08 A.M. Eastern Standard Time Subj: Fwd: Sunset at North Pole Mon, 4 at North Pole To: This is the sunset at the North Pole with the moon at its closest point. And, you also see the sun below the moon. An amazing photo and not one easily duplicated. You may want to pass it on to others. The Chinese have a saying that goes somthing like this: “When someone shares with you somthing of value, you have an obligation to share it with others!” A scene you will probably never get to see, so take a moment and enjoy From: bliemer at nyc.rr To: Sent: 2/5/2008 12:07:08 A.M. Eastern Standar d Time Subj: Fwd: Sunset at North Pole sp;is the sunset at the North Pole with the moon at its closes you al and not one easil others. class Chinese have wi wit scen e you will probably never get to see, so take a moment and
#4095 Sat, 9 Feb 2008 16:19:37 Sat, 9 Feb 2008 16:19:37 From: News – new music, Alex Grey’s COSM this Friday Feb 15, free CDs, ISO roomate 1 – added many new tracks mixed by Facehead (used to live in PA and played in NY, now in OR) on the player on tranceam.org. I sell the CD on the site along with many other new music that beats 95% of my hard drive. Check it out, all the new stuff in the U.S. section, also some new remixes with Bill Haley and the Comets, Skazi, Exaile, and Richard Pryor. And a South Park take on Alex Grey! 2. Save the date – Friday Feb 15 I’m playing a real trance set (promise) at COSM! Details forthcoming. There’s a special sample mix on the player that calls out everyone crazy in the scene at tranceam.org. 3. I have hundreds of free trance and nontrance CDs at mi casa that i digitized and are up for grabs. Also about 100kilos of smart ds sold at bargain basement rates. I live off the L train in Brooklyn. Email for a private meeting. 4. I am looking for a roomate, $600, 20 minutes from Manhattan in the edge of Williamsburg and Bushwick, March 1. Pat is moving to Soho!! 1 – added many ne w tracks mixed by Facehead (used to live in PA and played in NY, now in OR ) on the player on tranceam.org. I sell the CD on the site along wit h many other new music that beats 95% of my hard drive. Check i t out, all the new stuff in the U.S. section, also some new remixes with B ill Haley and the Comets, Skazi, Exaile, and Richard Pryor. And a South Park take on Alex Grey! 2. Save the date – Friday Feb 15 I’m playing a real trance set (promise) at COSM! Details forthcoming. There’s a special sample mix on the play er that calls out everyone crazy in the scene at tranceam.org. & nbs 3. I have hundreds of free trance and nontrance CDs at mi casa that i digitized and are up for grabs. Also about 100kilo s of smart ds sold at bargain basement rates. I live off the L tr ain in Brooklyn. Email for a private meeting. 4. I am looking for a roomate, $600, 20 minutes from Manhattan in the edge of Williamsburg and Bushwick, March 1. Pat is moving to
#4096 Mon, 11 Feb 2008 13:38:03 Mon, 11 Feb 2008 13:38:35 From: Entheogenic Salon at Cosm Friday Feb 15
#4097 Mon, 11 Feb 2008 14:12:06 Mon, 11 Feb 2008 14:12:38 From: Mubali in Connecticut Feb 23 web awakeproductions.net/promo/events (web awakeproductions.net/promo/events )
#4099 Thu, 14 Feb 2008 21:32:17 From: “alladinproject” alladinproject at yahooAlladin Project Presents: Logic Bomb, D-Tek & MORE Sat, Feb 23 at GYPSY TEA NYC Hi Party people This party will take place on Gypsy Tea. The place will be fully decorated and the sound will be adjusted specially for this event. T he artists are preparing a special sets for this party, so prepare your sel ves for a mind blowing event ! The capacity for this location is 400 people so make sure to purchase your tickets in advance. See you all on the danc e floor! LOGIC BOMB LIVE (Solstice Records, Tip World, Sweden) D-TEK LI VE (Maia Records, Mexico) EARWORM BRANDON ADAMS (Dreamcatcher, NYC) K e N (Enigmaticsound/Alladin Group,NY/JP) Visuals by : VJ SERGE Alladin Group, NYC Decorations by: Alladin Crew NYC ***18 to enter/21+ to drink with picture ID*** ***Doors Open at 10PM *** Tickets: $2 5 in advance at web alladingroup Or call (917) 569-1177 $35 at the door Location: GYPSY TEA 27 West 24th Street (between 5th & 6th Avenues) Directions By Subway: F, V to 23St & 6Av St or N, R to 23st & Broadway S ubway Map: web mta.nyc.ny.us/nyct/maps/submap Links: w ww.AlladinGroup web myspace/alladinproject web myspac e/logixbomb web logicbomb.se/ web myspace/musicdtek web d-tek.mx/ web myspace/earwormtrax web myspa ce/497009 web myspace/54517291
#4100 Fri, 15 Feb 2008 07:52:54 -0800 TripOutNY CoSM’s ENTHEOCENTRIC SALON this Friday, Feb 15 in NYC 0-1660352813-1203090774:26778 0-262935784-1203090774:26778 Entheocentric Salon Friday, February 15th 8 PM to 5 AM A fusion of art & music, live paintings, psychotropic projections & eclectic grooves -Live art performances by: Alex & Allyson Grey Sharon Fulcher Gizem Bacaz Zachariah Gregory 10PM – 2AM COSM Steve Book (cosmic guitar) Body Painting: Amy Angeles Music By: PEDRO (Reality Engine, Interchill Records, Cosm) ALIEN AMBASSADOR (Cosm) ZACHARIAH (Cosm) LUIS CAMPOS (Dreamcatcher, Alladin Group, Sullivan Room) Hall of Spirit: (ismoked) DHARMA (tribal psytrance) 11PM – 2AM at microcosm gallery: RADIO FREE STATIC enviroment deco: PHANTOMIME Price: $20 Address: 542 W. 27th Street, 4th Floor NYC Links: cosm.org web pedrogomide interchill htto://web myspace/psycheground 0-262935784-1203090774:26778 Entheocentric Salon Friday, February 15th 8 PM to 5 AM A fusion of art & music, live paintings, psychotropic projections & eclectic grooves -Live art performances by: Alex & Allyson Grey Sharon Fulcher Gizem Bacaz Zachariah Gregory 10PM – 2AM COSM Steve Book (cosmic guitar) Body Painting: Amy Angeles Music By: PEDRO (Reality Engine, Interchill Records, Cosm) ALIEN AMBASSADOR (Cosm) ZACHARIAH (Cosm) LUIS CAMPOS (Dreamcatcher, Alladin Group, Sullivan Room) Hall of Spirit: (ismoked) DHARMA (tribal psytrance) 11PM – 2AM at microcosm gallery: RADIO FREE STATIC enviroment deco: PHANTOMIME Price: $20 Address: 542 W. 27th Street, 4th Floor NYC Links: “cosm.org/” targetblank relnofollowcosm.org web pedrogomide/” targetblank relnofollowweb pedrogomide “interchill/” targetblank relnofollowinterchill “htto://web myspace/psycheground” targetblank relnofollowhtto://web myspace/psycheground 0-262935784-1203090774:26778 0-1660352813-1203090774:26778
#4101 Fri, 15 Feb 2008 12:09:36 Fri, 15 Feb 2008 12:09:33 at aol From: Discount tickets to Mubali in Connecticut; Logic Bomb/D-Tek in NYC, both 2/23 (web awakeproductions.net) . They’ve been throwing down some quality psy events, and are bringing Mubali Feb 23. Mubali is an archetype, check him out web tranceam.org/brainmachines/trancespotting (web tranceam.org/brainmachines/trancespotting ) On the same night Alladin Project is bringing Logic Bomb and D-Tek to New York. Also have Earworm, a rising new talent and producer. I have one of his tracks on tranceam.org’s player for a oprelisten. web AlladinGroup (web alladingroup/) Tickets at web I’m selling Mubali tickets for $12 and Logic Bomb for $22. These are the lowest prices anywhere, a small amount are given to me to sell by the gracious promoters. Also everyone come out to COSM tonight, I’m DJing a crazy set 10-12 with a gang of wild people. /message/4100 (/message/4100) **************The year’s hottest artists on the red carpet at the Grammy Awards. Go to AOL Music. (music.aol/grammys?NCIDaolcmp00300000002565) Connecticut is he ating up with s. They’ve been throwing down some quality psy events, and are b ringing Mubali Feb 23. Mubali is an archetype, check him out hre ://web tranceam.org/brainmachines/trancespotting On the same night Alladin Project is bringing Logic Bomb and D-Tek to New York. Also have Earworm, a rising new talent and p roducer. I have one of his tracks on tranceam.org’s player for a opr elisten. ladinGroup Tickets at are the lowest prices anywhere, a small amount are given to me to sell by the gracious promoters. Also everyone come ou t to COSM tonight, I’m DJing a crazy set 10-12 with a gang of wild people. 0/message/4100
#4102 Sun, 17 Feb 2008 11:01:37 -0800 TripoutnyPSYCHEGROUND this Thursday February 21st in NYC 0-166494027-1203274897:71688 PSYCHEGROUND presents: PROGRESSIONS at Sullivan Room Featuring dj sets by: EARTHIAN aka ANIMALTEK web myspace/animaltek web djearthian TONY UNORTHODOX (28th Day, NY) RICARDO MODERNO ( BR ) deco by Dreamcatcher’s COME EARLY TO GET 2 FOR 1 DRINK SPECIALS UNTIL MIDNIGHT!!!! From 10pm to 4am 21+ with ID $5 cover Location: Sullivan Room, Manhattan, New York City 218 Sullivan St (between Bleecker and West 3rd St, 2 blocks east of 6th Ave) Subway: A, B, C, D, E, F, or V trains to “W 4 St – Wash Sq”
#4103 Sat, 23 Feb 2008 22:47:23 Sat, 23 Feb 2008 22:47:22 From: Fwd: LOGIC BOMB PARTY HAS MOVED TO 311 W 57 ST NY From: alladinproduction at yahoo To: Sent: 2/23/2008 8:59:19 P.M. Eastern Standard Time Subj: LOGIC BOMB PARTY HAS MOVED TO 311 W 57 ST NY Hey Guys, The party has moved in the last moment to a better and bigger location at PROVIDENCE 311 west 57 st (Between 8th and 9th Ave) New York NY The reason for the change is the fact that the previous location were having their own troubles which we were notified of just today. After jumping through a lot of hoops we were able to find this new, more expensive location. We need your energy and support! See you later tonight! Respectfully, Alladin Crew More info at web alladingroup (web emailbrain/) (web emailbrain/RWCode/subscribe.asp? This mailing system may only be used for sending permission based email. If you did not give permission to receive emails from this sender, please notify us This email was sent to by alladinproduction at yahoo | Print / PDF version Read our Privacy Policy Alladin Project – 215 E 3RD ST, New york NY, 10009, United States From: alladinproduction at yahoo To: Sent: 2/23/2008 8:59:19 P.M. Eastern Standard Time Subj: L OGIC BOMB PARTY HAS MOVED TO 311 W 57 ST NY Hey Guys, The party has moved in the last mome nt to a better and bigger location at PROVIDENCE 311 west 57 st (Bet ween 8th and 9th Ave) New York NY The reason for the change is t he fact that the previous location were having their own troubles which we were notified of just today. After jumping through a lot of h oops we were able to find this new, more expensive location. We need your energy and support! See you later tonight! Respectfully, Alladin Crew More info at 29t 5hbGxhZGluZ3JvdXAuY29tweb alladingroup ! subscribe to this newsletter IMG wspacer.gif” ti 0 s.gif” lbrain/ebpowspacer.gif” ti if” ter 203817995000 src EXT-DECORATION: noneThis mailing system may only be us ed for sending permission based email. If you did not give per mission to receive emails from this sender, This email was sent to by alladinproduction at yahoo
#4104 Mon, 25 Feb 2008 16:54:11 -0800 To: jeff psyny Tripoutny, Psycheground this Thursday, february 28th in NYC PSYCHEGROUND this thursday February 28th, featuring NY’s best dj’s and producers at the amazing Sullivan Room! Featuring dj sets by: Twitterpate (awake productions, NYC) Hunter was first bitten by the psytrance bug in New York City, and – utterly inoculated – pursued it across the Atlantic, from the meadows of Britain to the bOoMing deserts of Portugal to the forests of Spain. With an insatiable hunger for beats and tweets he began to plant his own sonic seeds, and has been producing and DJing psytrance for over a year. Out of his infectious rhythmic pulses and creative sound-debauchery sprout emerald thickets of induced auditory hallucinations, vines of aural pixillation coiling down the edges of psychoacoustic possibility. Though you can take the hunter out of the forest, you can’t take the forest out of the Hunter. Ctrl+Alt+Del (Nexus Media/ Alladin Group, India) Babla (Kagdila Records) dj Lucina (Dreamcatcher, NYC) deco by Dreamcatcher’ s COME EARLY TO GET 2 FOR 1 DRINK SPECIALS UNTIL MIDNIGHT!!!! stay tuned for the Psycheground 100th party happening on Friday, July 4th with lots of surprises!!!!!!!!!!! From 10pm to 4am 21+ with ID $5 cover Location: Sullivan Room, Manhattan, New York City 218 Sullivan St (between Bleecker and West 3rd St, 2 blocks east of 6th Ave) Subway: A, B, C, D, E, F, or V trains to “W 4 St – Wash Sq” Here is a web myspace/psycheground
#4105 Thu, 28 Feb 2008 09:26:45 -0800 To: jeff psyny rainbowtrance, Tripoutny, Psycheground this Thursday, february 28th in NYC PSYCHEGROUND this thursday February 28th, featuring NY’s best dj’s and producers at the amazing Sullivan Room! Featuring dj sets by: Twitterpate (awake productions, NYC) Hunter was first bitten by the psytrance bug in New York City, and – utterly inoculated – pursued it across the Atlantic, from the meadows of Britain to the bOoMing deserts of Portugal to the forests of Spain. With an insatiable hunger for beats and tweets he began to plant his own sonic seeds, and has been producing and DJing psytrance for over a year. Out of his infectious rhythmic pulses and creative sound-debauchery sprout emerald thickets of induced auditory hallucinations, vines of aural pixillation coiling down the edges of psychoacoustic possibility. Though you can take the hunter out of the forest, you can’t take the forest out of the Hunter. Ctrl+Alt+Del (Nexus Media/ Alladin Group, India) Babla (Kagdila Records) dj Lucina (Dreamcatcher, NYC) deco by Dreamcatcher’ s COME EARLY TO GET 2 FOR 1 DRINK SPECIALS UNTIL MIDNIGHT!!!! stay tuned for the Psycheground 100th party happening on Friday, July 4th with lots of surprises!!!!!!!!!!! From 10pm to 4am 21+ with ID $5 cover Location: Sullivan Room, Manhattan, New York City 218 Sullivan St (between Bleecker and West 3rd St, 2 blocks east of 6th Ave) Subway: A, B, C, D, E, F, or V trains to “W 4 St – Wash Sq”
#4106 Fri, 7 Mar 2008 13:03:17 TripOutNY Fri, 07 Mar 2008 13:03:17 From: Small room available immediately in NYC We have an extra room.? Bushwick, 30 min from Manhattan Small room in middle of rairoad 10′ x 13′ Utilities, internet are free, no deposit needed. There is a utility shelf in the room. Avail month to month. Close to laundromats, grocery stores. Smokers, OK no cats Roomates are me and Joey, a COSM regular who threw a party recently with COSM’s Eli and Pedro from Mind Engine in San Francisco. Call jeff at 347 404 5606 to discuss or email 10′ x 13′ There is a utility shelf in the room. Close to laundromats, grocery stores. Smokers, OK no cats Roomates are me and Joey, a COSM regular who threw a party recently with COSM’s Eli and Pedro from Mind Engine in San Francisco. Call jeff at 347 404 5606 to discuss or email
#4107 18 Mar 2008 04:04:14 From: TripOutNY Vernal Quinox, 3/21/2008, 12:00 am Vernal Quinox Friday March 21, 2008 All Day Vernal Quinox Friday March 21, 2008 All Day
March 2008
#4108 Wed, 19 Mar 2008 21:44:52 PSYCHEGROUND this Thursday March 27th at Sullivan room in NYC 0- Thursday, March 27th, 2008 Psycheground celebrates dj Luis’s birthday bash at the amazing sullivan Room!!! Lineup: Luis Campos (Dreamcatcher/Alladin Group NYC/Brazil) K e N (Enigmaticsound/Alladin Group,NY/JP) Earworm (Yabay Records, NYC) deco by Dreamcatcher’ s stay tuned for the Psycheground 100th party happening on Friday, July 4th with lots of surprises!!!!!!!!!!! From 10pm to 4am 21+ with ID $5 cover Location: Sullivan Room, Manhattan, New York City 218 Sullivan St (between Bleecker and West 3rd St, 2 blocks east of 6th Ave) Subway: A, B, C, D, E, F, or V trains to “W 4 St – Wash Sq” Here is a web myspace/psycheground 0-102978433-1205988292:89994 deco by Dreamcatcher’ s 0-102978433-1205988292:89994
#4109 Tue, 25 Mar 2008 15:49:50 PSYCHEGROUND this Thursday March 27th at Sullivan room in NYC 0- Thursday, March 27th, 2008 Psycheground celebrates dj Luis’s birthday bash at the amazing sullivan Room!!! Lineup: Luis Campos (Dreamcatcher/Alladin Group NYC/Brazil) K e N (Enigmaticsound/Alladin Group,NY/JP) Earworm (Yabay Records, NYC) deco by Dreamcatcher’ s stay tuned for the Psycheground 100th party happening on Friday, July 4th with lots of surprises!!!!!!!!!!! From 10pm to 4am 21+ with ID $5 cover Location: Sullivan Room, Manhattan, New York City 218 Sullivan St (between Bleecker and West 3rd St, 2 blocks east of 6th Ave) Subway: A, B, C, D, E, F, or V trains to “W 4 St – Wash Sq” web myspace/psycheground 0-1238021078-1206485390:46932 deco by Dreamcatcher’ s stay tuned for the Psycheground 100th party happening on Friday, July 4th with lots of surprises!!!!!!!!!!!
#4111 Thu, 27 Mar 2008 09:40:47 TripOutNY, DJ KeN nydj4life at hotmail, psynyDJ Luis birthday this Thursday March 27th at Sullivan room in NYC 0-38148879-1206636047:68062 Thursday, March 27th, 2008 Psycheground celebrates dj Luis’s birthday bash at the amazing sullivan Room!!! Lineup: Luis Campos (Dreamcatcher/Alladin Group NYC/Brazil) K e N (Enigmaticsound/Alladin Group,NY/JP) Earworm (Yabay Records, NYC) deco by Dreamcatcher’ s stay tuned for the Psycheground 100th party happening on Friday, July 4th with lots of surprises!!!!!!!!!!! From 10pm to 4am 21+ with ID $5 cover Location: Sullivan Room, Manhattan, New York City 218 Sullivan St (between Bleecker and West 3rd St, 2 blocks east of 6th Ave) Subway: A, B, C, D, E, F, or V trains to “W 4 St – Wash Sq” web myspace/psycheground 0-38148879-1206636047:68062 0-38148879-1206636047:68062
April 2008
#4112 Sat, 5 Apr 2008 15:07:33 Sat, 5 Apr 2008 15:07:33 Cc: earthprogram at thesavantguard.org From: OT but these guys prmoted psytrance early on Thu Apr 10 old hackers From: earthprogram at thesavantguard.org To: Sent: 4/2/2008 1:40: 53 A.M. Eastern Standard Time Subj: Our new label, our new single, and a p arty to prove it. (thesavantguard.org/) Hi there! If you hav en’t heard from us in forever, it’s cause we haven’t had anything to shou t about. Well here it is! The first release on our new 12″ and digital on ly record label, The Savant Guard (thesavantguard.org/) . Pink S kull’s “ds Will Keep Us Together” marks the return to our passion of r eleasing music by artists we truly love. We were fortunate enough to score amazing remixes from fidget house godfather, Trevor Loveys, and NYC’s e lectro darlings 33Hz with Ming of Ming & FS. All three mixes have picked u p quite alot of international nods, reviews, and a ton of DJ support. We couldn’t have asked for a better debut. The 12″ has been out 1 week (Mar ch 24) and is doing incredibly well worldwide with distribution by Music Response UK/Pinnacle (musicresponseuk/) . Ask your stateside shop to order it from Groove Distribution (web groovedis/sho p/Pink-Skull-dS-WILL-KEEP-US…-12-p-87486 ) or Sector Media (ht tp://sectormediadistro/) . The digital release, which features the un released bonus track “Fuck You and the MicroKORG You Rode In On” is also beginning to show up at finer digital outlets through IODA (ioda y ou purchase it from Other Music (digital.othermusic/search/fu (web turntablel ab/digital/0/0/42199 ) E28093 both are righteous. To celebrate the release, we’re throwing a party at 205 Club. Mark your calendars for Thursday, April 10th. It’s going to be a big one! We hope to see you out for a drink and a dance. xo all of us at the earthprogram ltd. youth cul ture design since 95 Next up: Foreign Islands (myspace/forei gnislands) featuring James Chance “Congrats” 12″/Digital EP Toro y Moi (myspace/toroymoi) “Left Alone At Night” 12″/Digital EP both with bad-ass remixers to be confirmed. Thursday April 10th Pocket C heckers Presents Pink Skull – ds Will Keep Us Together – Record Release Party With: Pink Skull (DJ set) Blu Jemz (Turntable Lab) sTERRYo (Dub Pi stols) Hugmode (SVG) 205 Club (nymag/listings/bar/205/) 205 Chrystie Street at Stanton, NYC Please RSVP to savant at thesavantguard.org 10pm-late Listen and look.. k here to stream record (thesavantguard.org/pinkskull) The cri tics are RAVING! “Hugely promising debut release from this little Brooklyn -based label. Philly’s Pink Skull operate somewhere between electro, disc o and house….not unlike the DFA’s best, most recent output….all three (mixes) would make a formidable part of any dancefloor arsenal.” 4 out o f 5 E28093 iDJ Magazine “In this era of Justice and slinky French Ed B anger-style electro, Pink Skull’s latest offering (and the first release from Brooklyn’s Savant Guard label) is a hot slice of ’90s accessibility and sensibility….Pink Skull evokes Orbital or a super-danceable Aphex T win with the single “ds Will Keep Us Together.” It’s a throwback and a slick eye opener at the same time even the title of the track reeks o f ’90s dgy love. Dirty dive bar dance floors, beware.” E28093 Prefi x Magazine ‘ds Will Keep Us Together’ is one tech house banger fresh f rom the hardware and required listening for every hardknock with an inter net connection. Pink Skull delivers not only the grinding frequencies and fierce basslines, but melodic hands-in-the-air synth rifts on top. Is thi s modern day psychedelica? Go pop some allergy medication, crank that Pin k Skull and cuddle with your man ’cause ds (and dance music) will keep y’all together.” E28093 Missing Toof we play nice. we will never sh are your email with anyone, ever. no way, no how. promise. if you’re on this list it’s cause you’re a friend, or a friend of a friend. if you’re not into receiving our emails, then simply click the link below and it’ll fix itself. be good. xweb earthprogram/cgi-bin/cgiwrap/joelt/ dada/mail.cgi/u/earthprogram/ (web earthprogram/cgi-bin/cgiwra p/joelt/dada/mail.cgi/u/earthprogram/) old hackers From: earthprogram at thesavantgua rd.org To: Sent: 4/2/2008 1:40:53 A. M. Eastern Standard Time Subj: Our new label, our new single, and a p arty to prove it. if/IMGHi there! If you haven’t heard from us in f orever, it’s cause we haven’t had anything to shout about. Well here it is! The first release on our new 12″ and digital only record label, t Guard. Pink Skull’s “ds Will Keep Us Together” marks the return to our passion of releasing music by arti sts we truly love. We were fortunate enough to score amazing remixes fro m fidget house godfather, Trevor Loveys, and NYC’s electro darlings 33Hz with Ming of Ming & FS. All three mixes have picked up quite alot o f international nods, reviews, and a ton of DJ support. We couldn’t have asked for a better debut. The 12″ has been out 1 week (March 24) and is doing incredibly well worldwide with distribution digital r elease, which features the unreleased bonus track “Fuck You and the Micr oKORG You Rode In On” is also beginning to show up at finer digital outl le Lab E28093 both are righteous. To celebrate the release we’re throwing a party at 205 Club. Mark your calendars for Thursday, April 10th. It’s going to be a big one! We hope to see you out for a drink and a dance. xo all of us at the earthprogram ltd. youth cu lture Foreign Islands featuring James Chance “Congrats” 12″/Digital EPP both with bad-ass remixers to be confirmed. Th ursday April 10th Pocket Checkers Presents Pink Skull – ds Will Keep Us Together – Record Release Party With: Pink Skull (DJ set) Blu Jemz (Turntable Lab) sTERRYo (Dub Pistols) Hugmode (SV Chry avantguard.org 10pm-late Listen and look.. B record The critics are RAVING! “Hugely promising debut releas e from this little Brooklyn-based label. Philly’s Pink Skull operate som ewhere between electro, disco and house….not unlike the DFA’s best, mo st recent output….all three (mixes) would make a formidable part of an y dancefloor arsenal.” 4 out of 5 E28093 iDJ Magazine “In this er a of Justice and slinky French Ed Banger-style electro, Pink Skull’s lat est offering (and the first release from Brooklyn’s Savant Guard label) is a hot slice of ’90s accessibility and sensibility….Pink Skull evoke s Orbital or a super-danceable Aphex Twin with the single “ds Will Ke ep Us Together.” It’s a throwback and a slick eye opener at the same tim e even the title of the track reeks of ’90s dgy love. Dirty dive b ar dance floors, beware.” E28093 Prefix Magazine ‘ds Will K eep Us Together’ is one tech house banger fresh from the hardware and re quired listening for every hardknock with an internet connection. Pink S kull delivers not only the grinding frequencies and fierce basslines, bu t melodic hands-in-the-air synth rifts on top. Is this modern day psyche delica? Go pop some allergy medication, crank that Pink Skull and cuddle with your man ’cause ds (and dance music) will keep y’all together.” E28093 Missing Toof !signature we play nice. we will never share your email with anyone, ever. no way, no how. promis e. if you’re on this list it’s cause you’re a friend, or a friend of a friend. if you’re not into receiving our emails, then simply click the link below and wrap/joelt/dada/mail.cgi/u/earthprogram/web earthprogram/cgi-b in/cgiwrap/joelt/dada/mail.cgi/u/earthprogram/ !/signatureB
#4114 Thu, 10 Apr 2008 08:46:55 PSYCHEGROUND presents E-JEKT live at Sullivan Room in NYC 0-102341609-1207842415:941 PSYCHEGROUND presents: Thursday April 17th, 2008 E-JEKT LIVE (noya records, IL / NYC) web myspace/gadimon E-JEKT are Gadi Vered and Uri Azene from Tel Aviv, Israel. Gadi camefrom a heavy metal background as a drummer and searched for the same”feel” in electronic music. He met acid house and techno in the early90’s and upon listening to trance, the future was set. Gadi has had anactive part for many years in the global psy movement as anadministrator at Isratrance. Uri was a professional sound designer,working at the top of the Israeli sound design industry for a decade.He has been a DJ since 1992 during the unforgettable DAT era. Hismusical influences are 60’s and 70’s psychedelic and experimental rock.E-JEKT’s music can be described as hard, unique, heavily psychedelicand free of fluff and cheese. The duo, currently continue to releaseand work on new music at a feverish pace and a 2nd E-Jekt album is wellunderway. The theme of the new album is kept true to the E-JEKT coreconcept: crushing quality dance floor beats. and featuring sets by: Luis Campos (Dreamcatcher / Alladin Group, BR / NYC) Ctlr+ Alt + Del (Nexus Media, IN/NYC) deco by Dreamcatcher’ s stay tuned for the Psycheground 100th party happening on Friday, July 4th with lots of surprises!!!!!!!!!!! From 10pm to 4am 21+ with ID $10 cover Location: Sullivan Room, Manhattan, New York City 218 Sullivan St (between Bleecker and West 3rd St, 2 blocks east of 6th Ave) Subway: A, B, C, D, E, F, or V trains to “W 4 St – Wash Sq” web myspace/psycheground web myspace/gadimon 0-102341609-1207842415:941 from a heavy metal background as a drummer and searched for the same “feel” in electronic music. He met acid house and techno in the early 90’s and upon listening to trance, the future was set. Gadi has had an active part for many years in the global psy movement as an administrator at Isratrance. Uri was a professional sound designer, working at the top of the Israeli sound design industry for a decade. He has been a DJ since 1992 during the unforgettable DAT era. His musical influences are 60’s and 70’s psychedelic and experimental rock. E-JEKT’s music can be described as hard, unique, heavily psychedelic and free of fluff and cheese. The duo, currently continue to release and work on new music at a feverish pace and a 2nd E-Jekt album is well underway. The theme of the new album is kept true to the E-JEKT core 0-102341609-1207842415:941
#4115 Tue, 15 Apr 2008 18:15:04 PSYCHEGROUND presents E-JEKT live at Sullivan Room in NYC this Thursday April 17th 0-476038328-1208308504:28972 PSYCHEGROUND presents: Thursday April 17th, 2008 E-JEKT LIVE (noya records, IL / NYC) web myspace/gadimon E-JEKT are Gadi Vered and Uri Azene from Tel Aviv, Israel. Gadi camefrom a heavy metal background as a drummer and searched for the same”feel” in electronic music. He met acid house and techno in the early90’s and upon listening to trance, the future was set. Gadi has had anactive part for many years in the global psy movement as anadministrator at Isratrance. Uri was a professional sound designer,working at the top of the Israeli sound design industry for a decade.He has been a DJ since 1992 during the unforgettable DAT era. Hismusical influences are 60’s and 70’s psychedelic and experimental rock.E-JEKT’s music can be described as hard, unique, heavily psychedelicand free of fluff and cheese. The duo, currently continue to releaseand work on new music at a feverish pace and a 2nd E-Jekt album is wellunderway. The theme of the new album is kept true to the E-JEKT coreconcept: crushing quality dance floor beats. and featuring sets by: Luis Campos (Dreamcatcher / Alladin Group, BR / NYC) Ctlr+ Alt + Del (Nexus Media, IN/NYC) deco by Dreamcatcher’ s stay tuned for the Psycheground 100th party happening on Friday, July 4th with lots of surprises!!!!!!!!!!! From 10pm to 4am 21+ with ID $10 cover Location: Sullivan Room, Manhattan, New York City 218 Sullivan St (between Bleecker and West 3rd St, 2 blocks east of 6th Ave) Subway: A, B, C, D, E, F, or V trains to “W 4 St – Wash Sq” web myspace/psycheground web myspace/gadimon 0-476038328-1208308504:28972 from a heavy metal background as a drummer and searched for the same “feel” in electronic music. He met acid house and techno in the early 90’s and upon listening to trance, the future was set. Gadi has had an active part for many years in the global psy movement as an administrator at Isratrance. Uri was a professional sound designer, working at the top of the Israeli sound design industry for a decade. He has been a DJ since 1992 during the unforgettable DAT era. His musical influences are 60’s and 70’s psychedelic and experimental rock. E-JEKT’s music can be described as hard, unique, heavily psychedelic and free of fluff and cheese. The duo, currently continue to release and work on new music at a feverish pace and a 2nd E-Jekt album is well underway. The theme of the new album is kept true to the E-JEKT core 0-476038328-1208308504:28972
#4116 Thu, 17 Apr 2008 10:06:15 PSYCHEGROUND presents E-JEKT live at Sullivan Room in NYC this Thursday April 17th PSYCHEGROUND presents: Thursday April 17th, 2008 E-JEKT LIVE (noya records, IL / NYC) web myspace/gadimon E-JEKT are Gadi Vered and Uri Azene from Tel Aviv, Israel. Gadi came from a heavy metal background as a drummer and searched for the same “feel” in electronic music. He met acid house and techno in the early 90’s and upon listening to trance, the future was set. Gadi has had an active part for many years in the global psy movement as an administrator at Isratrance. Uri was a professional sound designer, working at the top of the Israeli sound design industry for a decade. He has been a DJ since 1992 during the unforgettable DAT era. His musical influences are 60’s and 70’s psychedelic and experimental rock. E-JEKT’s music can be described as hard, unique, heavily psychedelic and free of fluff and cheese. The duo, currently continue to release and work on new music at a feverish pace and a 2nd E-Jekt album is well underway. The theme of the new album is kept true to the E-JEKT core concept: crushing quality dance floor beats. and featuring sets by: Luis Campos (Dreamcatcher / Alladin Group, BR / NYC) Ctlr+ Alt + Del (Nexus Media, IN/NYC) deco by Dreamcatcher’ s stay tuned for the Psycheground 100th party happening on Friday, July 4th with lots of surprises!!!!!!!!!!! From 10pm to 4am 21+ with ID $10 cover Location: Sullivan Room, Manhattan, New York City 218 Sullivan St (between Bleecker and West 3rd St, 2 blocks east of 6th Ave) Subway: A, B, C, D, E, F, or V trains to “W 4 St – Wash Sq” web myspace/psycheground web myspace/gadimon 0-884816026-1208451975:42405 set. Gadi has had an active part for many years in the global psy movement as an administrator at Isratrance. Uri was a professional sound designer, working at the top of the Israeli sound design industry for a decade. He has been a DJ since 1992 during the unforgettable DAT era. His musical influences are 60’s and 70’s psychedelic and experimental rock. E-JEKT’s music can be described as hard, unique, heavily psychedelic and free of fluff and cheese. The duo, currently continue to release and work on new music at a feverish pace and a 2nd E-Jekt album is well underway. The theme of the new album is kept true to the E-JEKT core concept: crushing quality dance floor beats. deco by Dreamcatcher’ s 0-884816026-1208451975:42405
#4117 Wed, 30 Apr 2008 17:01:32 To: psyny nyc604, TripOutNY PSYCHEGROUND this Thursday, May 8th at Sullivan Room 0-1409269174-1209600092:84671 Come celebrate spring at PSYCHEGROUND this Thursday, May 8th. Lineup: ANIMAL TEK and DJ VLAD web myspace/animaltek web djearthian. com DJ RAFAEL ( soul sounds, BR/BOS ) EARWORM (Yabai Records – NYC) LU IS CAMPOS (Dreamcatcher – Alladin Group) deco by Dreamcatcher’ s sta y tuned for the Psycheground 100th party happening on Friday, July 4th with lots of surprises!!!!!!!!!!! COME EARLY TO GET 2 FOR 1 DRINK SPECIALS UNT IL MIDNIGHT!!!! From 10pm to 4am 21+ with ID $5 cover Location: Sul livan Room, Manhattan, New York City 218 Sullivan St (between Bleecker and West 3rd St, 2 blocks east of 6th Ave) Subway: A, B, C, D, E, F, or V tra ins to “W 4 St – Wash Sq” web mys pace/psycheground 0-1409269174-1209600092:84671 Lineup: ANIMALTEK and DJ VLAD DJ RAFAEL ( soul sounds, BR/BOS ) LUIS CAMPOS (Dreamcatcher – Alladin Group) deco by Dreamcatcher’ s COME EARLY TO GET 2 FOR 1 DRINK SPECIALS UNTIL MIDNIGHT!!!!
#4118 30 Apr 2008 22:57:33 Wed, 30 Apr 2008 22:57:33 ystem at 28thday From: scott scott at 28thdayFriday May 16 :: Gaian Mind and 28thday present Wild Things FRIDAY MAY 16, 2008 GAIAN MIND & 28THDAY present WILD THINGS at CoSMosis featuring: BEARDY WEIRDY (a Records, UK) Fat and kicking psychedelic night time music. One of the main instigators of the Wildthings label, Beardy serves also as manager, A&R head, and is responsible for quality control within the Wildthings releases. He’s an active DJ on the southeast of the UK club and underground scenes, and has been involved in psychedelic trance for the past 10 years after visiting Goa in 1994. Today Beardy continues on the path of audio mastery, having joined the London SAE to further crack the code of high-quality electronic music production. RANDOM (a SF) – LIVE SET SHAPESTATIC (a Samadhi | a Mind, Asheville | Knoxville) – LIVE SET KARMAKANIK (a Mind | PSI, Philadelphia) decor by: GOA DEVOTEE (a Samadhi, NC) visuals by: SPOT (Electric Sheep | a NYC) GUI”AUM”ETRIX (NYC) sound by: ICARUS FACUNDIA (NYC) Friday May 16th 10pm – 6am $20 presale | $25 door CoSMosis at the Chapel of Sacred Mirrors 542 West 27th Street, 4th Floor New York, NY 10001 a web cosm.org a web gaian-mind a web 28thday Presales opening soon on the 28thday web site. We’ll notify y’all… : )
May 2008
#4119 01 May 2008 20:31:35 Thu, 01 May 2008 20:31:35 ystem at 28thday From: scott scott at 28thdaytwo parties this weekend! This weekend 28thday’s Tony Unorthodox kicks off a series of spring appearances with a free party in Queens on Friday, followed by an Omnitribe open-air in NJ on Saturday. a Tony on tribe.net for his complete spring schedule, culminating in a morning set on the main stage at the a Mind Summer Festival ! Friday, May 2 Monitoring Project presents PSYnite featuring DJs: TONY UNORTHODOX (28thday, NYC) CRIS (MP-Team, Mexico | NYC) BRANDON ADAMS (Dreamcatcher, NYC) Dolce Vita Lounge 47-53 43rd St. corner of 48th ave. Sunnyside (Queens), NY 11377 9pm – 5am FREE! Saturday, May 3 Omnitribe presents Sharks and Dolphins music by: ANIMALTEK KIFE TONY UNORTHODOX FXMIKE FARMATAR INDRA USTAS LESHIY North Bergen, NJ just outside NYC and the Lincoln Tunnel! 10pm – next day $20 gate + free water Visit Isratrance for details: a NEXT 28THDAY EVENT: MAY 16: WILD THINGS at COSMOSIS
#4120 05 May 2008 01:38:21 Mon, 05 May 2008 01:38:17 ystem at 28thday From: scott scott at 28thdayWild Things – May 16 Friday May 16: Gaian Mind and 28thday present Wild Things. DJ Beardy Weirdy breaks off some stomping sounds from the London underground at CoSMosis. Look for more Wildthings artists this summer at a web 28thday/lists/lt.php?idLBoCUQFdDQEfAQoaBg4BGMSF ! Advance tickets for this party are now available at a web 28thday/lists/lt.php?idLBoCUQFdDggfAQoaBg4B28thday .
#4121 Tue, 6 May 2008 11:49:52 TripoutnyPSYCHEGROUND this Thursday, May 8th at Sullivan Room 0-1382500694-1210099792:6118 Come celebrate spring at PSYCHEGROUND this Thursday, May 8th.Lineu p:ANIMALTEK and DJ KIFE web myspace/animaltek ww w.djearthianDJ RAFAEL ZANETTE ( soul sounds, BR/BOS ) MAX EARWORM (Yabai Records – NYC) LUIS CAMPOS (Dreamcatcher – Alladin Gro up)deco by Dreamcatcher’ s stay tuned for the Psycheground 100t h party happening on Friday, July 4th with lots of surprises!!!!!!!!!!! CO ME EARLY TO GET 2 FOR 1 DRINK SPECIALS UNTIL MIDNIGHT!!!! From 10pm to 4am 21+ with ID $5 cover Location: Sullivan Room, Manhattan, New Yo rk City 218 Sullivan St (between Bleecker and West 3rd St, 2 blocks east o f 6th Ave) Subway: A, B, C, D, E, F, or V trains to “W 4 St – Wash Sq” web myspace/psycheground 0-1382500694-1210099792:6118 Come celebrate spring at PSYCHEGROUND this Thursday, May 8th. Lineup: ANIMALTEK and DJ KIFE DJ RAFAEL ZANETTE ( soul sounds, BR/BOS ) LUIS CAMPOS (Dreamcatcher – Alladin Group) deco by Dreamcatcher’ s stay tuned for the Psycheground 100th party happening on Friday, July 4th with lots of surprises!!!!!!!!!!! COME EARLY TO GET 2 FOR 1 DRINK SPECIALS UNTIL MIDNIGHT!!!! 0-1382500694-1210099792:6118
#4122 Thu, 8 May 2008 09:26:50 PSYCHEGROUND this Thursday, May 8th at Sullivan Room 0-2021200912-1210264010:77673 Come celebrate spring at PSYCHEGROUND this Thursday, May 8th.L ineup:ANIMALTEK and DJ KIFE web myspace/animaltek web djearthianDJ RAFAEL ZANETTE ( soul sounds, BR/BOS ) MAX EARWORM (Yabai Records – NYC) deco by Dreamcatcher’ s stay tuned for the Psycheground 100th party happening on Friday, July 4th w ith lots of surprises!!!!!!!!!!! COME EARLY TO GET 2 FOR 1 DRINK SPECIALS UNTIL MIDNIGHT!!!! From 10pm to 4am 21+ with ID $5 cover Locati on: Sullivan Room, Manhattan, New York City 218 Sullivan St (between Bleec ker and West 3rd St, 2 blocks east of 6th Ave) Subway: A, B, C, D, E, F, o r V trains to “W 4 St – Wash Sq” web myspace/psycheground 0-2021200912-1210264010:77673 Come celebrate spring at PSYCHEGROUND this Thursday, May 8th. Lineup: ANIMALTEK and DJ KIFE DJ RAFAEL ZANETTE ( soul sounds, BR/BOS ) deco by Dreamcatcher’ s stay tuned for the Psycheground 100th party happening on Friday, July 4th with lots of surprises!!!!!!!!!!! COME EARLY TO GET 2 FOR 1 DRINK SPECIALS UNTIL MIDNIGHT!!!! 0-2021200912-1210264010:77673
#4123 Thu, 8 May 2008 16:40:23 Thu, 8 May 2008 16:40:23 From: Albert Hoffman RIP web telegrapweb tewwwweb teleweb telehttp: //web telegweb t (web telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/europe/1912499/Albert-Hofmann,-l-inventor,-dies ) //web telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/europe/1912499/Albert-Hofmann,-l-inv entor,-dies 1912499/Albert-Hofmann%2C-l-inventor%2C-dies web telegrapWB Rh.co.uk/news/Wworldnews/Weurope/1912499/WAlbert-Hofmann%W
#4124 Thu, 08 May 2008 21:08:11 Thu, 08 May 2008 21:08:07 From: scott scott at 28thdaySaturday May 10: MANA-fest II Tony Unorthodox joins the multidisciplinary mayhem this Saturday at MANA-fest II in Newark! Details below… target”blank” Sandwich, target”blank” class”externalSouldish, and target”blank” class”externalSEED Gallery present… MANA-fest II: Cosmic Convergence Saturday, May 10, 2008 Experience what enchantment unfolds when a host of conscious creators, ecstatic revelers, and visionary dreamers gather for an all-out, all-night escapade across the Hudson… From 7pm – 7am, we’ll dance and delight in an alchemical fusion of pulsating live world beats, rapturous performance art, consciousness-shifting talks, exotic workshops, multimedia installations, tripped out lounges, mythological creatures, astrological gadgetry, and a variety of mystical shenanigans. Bring drums and hoops, pillows….and let’s play. Featuring: Spiro (Freek Factory, IDM, trip hop, electronic, very dancable) Himalayan Voices(acoustical, gongs), Conscious Hip-Hop with Propaganda Anonymous, Lyrical prose with Fun Yung Moon, Renegade Sufi Sitar, live band the Jungle Jazz Initiative (jazz, jam), Mikio (Freek Factory, very danceable electronic beatzzz), Justin Lang (downtempo in the chill out space); Plus a late night psytrance party: with Tony Unorthodox (psytrance, 28thday), Kamal Sunflower, (psytrance), Dharma (psytrance), DJ L’ement (breaks, psy, and other very danceable stuff. ) Workshops and fun stuff: Kiana Love’s 2nd Chakra Activation, Dr. Brainwave’s Mind Machine, Eric Rosado’s crash course in tarot, Raw Yoga with Dave Bryson; Alan Steinfeld of New Realities right left brain synching, lyrical prose and vegan and raw food provided by Fun Yun Moon, Raw food and beverages provided by Raw Foodist Matt, Liz and Natasha and The V Spot Restaurant, Nelia’s Creative Bodypainting Transformations, Dreamtime Mythology performance by Invisible Rinzai, video art lounge featuring the work of Doug O’neil, Kaliptus, Nemo, Chris Dyer, and Simon Haiduk and friends, Sigil workshop by Domino San, live tarot readings by Eric Rosado and Kelly Heresy, Sacred Geometry workshop by Basem Hassan, Dharma’s poetry, Origami with Kamal Sunflower, Hooping by Civ and a sneak peak at the next Seed Gallery exhibition presenting the large scale series of mind-blowing “Pop Deity” paintings by award-winning visionary artist, Kelli Bickman. 7:30pm: The night kicks off with Stephen Popiotek’s opening ceremony, followed by a sonic massage with the Himalayan Voices. Raw Yoga with Dave Bryson and a workshop by New Realities’ Alan Steinfeld starts at 8pm. 8:30pm: Reality Sandwich Panel: Speaking from the Divine: Sacred Language, Symbols, and Ritual in Action: This forum, hosted by Reality Sandwich, will discuss how spiritual and cultural traditions have accessed the power of sacred language throughout history and how those techniques can be used to shift present-day paradigms. RS Editorial Director Daniel Pinchbeck will talk on contemporary messages in crop circles, RS Community Director Jonathan Phillips on reclaiming the lost Gnostic Mysteries, Magical Intelligence Teacher Rene Collins on the art of the Kabbalah, Urban Mystic Anthony Williams on the magic of Tarot, and Propaganda Anonymous on mystical Hip Hop. Music, mingling, and mystical mischief to follow into the wee hours. 2:00am: LATE NIGHT PSYTRANCE AFTER PARTY until the early hours of the morning with Tony Unorthodox (28th Day) Kamal Dragonlotus (Dragontribe), Dharma, and DJ L’ement. Come early, revel all night, and greet the sunrise with us over breakfast. DIRECTIONS: It’s easy to get there and shouldn’t take too long. Just follow the instructions below. As mentioned, come early, stay late and make this an extended trip out of the city. Via PATH: PATH trains leave Manhattan from stations located at 14th St. & 6th Ave, 23rd St. & 6th Ave, and 34th St. & 7th Ave. Take PATH train to Jersey City/Journal Square stop (JSQ), get out there and transfer to the Newark train which takes you to Newark Penn Station. Once you get out at Newark Penn Station, you can take a taxi, walk, take Light Rail (which is in the station) to 2nd stop. (Washington St.) Once you get out of the light rail station, go up the stairs and make a right onto Washington St. Seed is located on the right side, 239 Washington St. Via NY Penn Station: Take an NJTransit train. All trains that say EWR and/or SEC go to Newark Penn Station. 2nd stop on NJTransit. If walking out of Newark Penn Station: Make a right and walk up Market St. until you hit Washington St. Make a right onto Washington St. Seed is on your left, 239 Washington St. Taxi’s available for late night transport. We’ll have signs up with their numbers. Saturday, May 10th 2008 (7p – 7a, $20) SEED Gallery 239 Washington St. Newark NJ a class”externalnewarkseed a class”externalweb realitysandwich a class”externalweb souldish
#4125 Fri, 9 May 2008 18:01:51 Fri, 9 May 2008 18:01:51 From: Sunday night event! Reality Sandwich Goodbye, Albert! To commemorate Albert Hofmann’s life and legacy, Reality Sandwich will be screening the film “Hofmann’s Potion” featuring Albert Hofmann, Timothy Leary, Ram Dass, and many pioneers and the recent History Channel documentary featuring Wade Davis, ” Peyote to l: A Psychedelic Odyssey”, this Sunday night, at 7:30 pm. The screening will be followed by an audience discussion with John Perry Barlow and Daniel Pinchbeck. Goodbye Albert! This Sunday night, May 11, 7:30 pm at The Wild Project 195 East 3rd Street New York NY 10009 Contribution: $10 Goodbye, Albert! To commemorate Albert Hofmann’s life and legacy, Reality Sandwich w ill be screening the film “Hofmann’s Potion” featuring Albert Hofman n, Timothy Leary, Ram Dass, and many pioneers and the recent History Channel documentary featuring Wade Davis, ” Peyote to l: A Psychedel ic Odyssey”, this Sunday night, at 7:30 pm. The screening will be follo wed by an audience discussion with John Perry Barlow and Daniel Pinchbe ck. Goodbye Albert! This Sunday night, May 11, 7:30 pm at The Wild Project 195 East 3rd Street New York NY 10009 C
#4126 pedro at realityengine.org Brother(LIVE), Promtheus, Shpongle and more 16 May 2008 TWISTED RECORDS MASSIVE! Younger Brother Live . Shpongle . Prom etheus at 1015 Folsom . San Francisco, CA, USA This show will feature s ets by Promtheus AND Shpongle (Twisted Records UK), as well as Conspirat or, which features Marc Brownstein (bass) and Aron Magner (keys) from the Disco Biscuits. The tour will be headlined by Younger Brother LIVE BAND, which is fronted by Simon Posford and Benji Vaughn and their UK vocalist RU and will be backed by Marc Brownstein from the Disco Biscuits, Joe Ru sso from the Benevento-Russo Duo, and Tommy Hamilton of American Babies a nd Brothers Past. This extremely special event will be a trance party fo r the ages, with some of the most forward thinking musicians from multipl e continents getting together to bring the heat to the West Coast! YOUNG ER BROTHER (Live Band – Twisted, UK) SHPONGLE (DJ Set – Twisted, UK) PROMET HEUS (DJ Set – Twisted, UK) CONSPIRATOR (Live Band with members of THE DISC O BISCUITS) Chromatone (Vaporvent) Sentient (Vaporvent) Kode IV (Ceiba Rec) Pedro (Symbiosis, BR) Psynthetic and in the other room: Ana Sia (3WS) La ura (El Circo) Dov (Muti) An-ten-nae (An-ten-nae.net) TICKETS ON SALE NOW! sanfrancisco.going/shpongle BB Click to Buy Online Presale – $ 30 ($25 Tier Sold Out!) 21+ Event . 9PM Presented by Symbiosis Events and An-Ten-Nae.net
#4127 14 May 2008 23:05:20 Wed, 14 May 2008 23:05:20 ystem at 28thday From: scott scott at 28thdayWild Things this Friday! Feeling a little rambunctious as Spring’s sunshine flits in and out of a fading and gloomy winter? Join us on Friday as we all get sent to bed without our supper and reclaim one of our favorite indoor Manhattan stomping grounds. We’d also like to note that we’ve added a chill lineup (see below), and a new sound system! The new Icarus sound system has been rocking parties all over the city for a few weeks now, and Wild Things marks its premiere run at a trance event. We’ll be powering up with 16kW of high-end Danley sound. a Presales for this party close Thursday evening. FRIDAY MAY 16, 2008 GAIAN MIND & 28THDAY present WILD THINGS at CoSMosis featuring: BEARDY WEIRDY (a Records, UK) RANDOM (a SF) – LIVE SET SHAPESTATIC (a Samadhi | a Mind, Asheville | Knoxville) – LIVE SET KARMAKANIK (a Mind | PSI, Philadelphia) chillout: LAURYN (28thday) vs. EGBOT (Gaian Mind) HYPERWAVE (Metakinetics | Portland, Oregon) Z and DAN CoZan YOSCHI (Original Brooklyn | CoSM) FRACTAL PHONO (Gaian Mind) decor by: GOA DEVOTEE (a Samadhi, NC) visuals by: SPOT (Electric Sheep | a NYC) GUI”AUM”ETRIX (NYC) sound by: ICARUS FACUNDIA (NYC) Friday May 16th 10pm – 6am $20 a | $25 door CoSMosis at the Chapel of Sacred Mirrors 542 West 27th Street, 4th Floor New York, NY 10001 a web cosm.org a web gaian-mind a web 28thday
#4128 Fri, 16 May 2008 12:22:51 Fri, 16 May 2008 12:22:50 From: Fwd: AWAKENING – psy trance party in Baltimore 5/25/08 From: alterculture at gmail To: alterculture at gmail Sent: 5/14/2008 4:48:52 P.M. Subj: AWAKENING – psy trance party in Baltimore 5/25/08 The party is on a Sunday, but everyone should have Monday off for Memorial Day! please spread the word… A W A K E N I N G the first psytrance party in Baltimore in years Sunday May 25th at Club Orpheus, 18+, $5, 9pm-2am DJ’s: Molecular Synaptic Guru (Richmond, VA) Exeris (AlterCulture Records – NYC/Baltimore) TangLed LyseRgic PudDLEs oN CeLestiAl thReads (NJ) Onnomon (Soular Records – Philly) deco by TangLed LyseRgic PudDLEs oN CeLestiAl thReads video projections by VJ Exeris flyer by Molecular Synaptic Guru and Exeris web grainsofsound.net/awakening Club Orpheus, 1003 E Pratt St, Baltimore, MD 21202 (club has air conditioning) phone: 410 276 5599 Directions/Transportation: I-95 North: Take I-95 NORTH towards BALTIMORE. Take the I-395 NORTH exit, exit 53, towards the Inner Harbor. I-395 N becomes S HOWARD ST. Turn RIGHT onto PRATT ST. Pass PRESIDENT ST. After 2 blocks you’ll see the club on the right hand side at the corner of S Exeter St. I-95 South: Take I-95 South to Boston St/ O’Donnell St. Exit. Continue straight through on Boston St. until you reach Fleet St. Take a left and continue until Fleet St. veers around and becomes President St. Take a right on Pratt St. After 2 blocks you’ll see the club on the right hand side at the corner of S Exeter St. I-83 South: Take I-83 SOUTH towards BALTIMORE, exit number 23A, towards BALTIMORE. Merge onto I-83 S /JONES FALLS EXPWY about 9 miles I-83 S/JONES FALLS EXWY becomes N PRESIDENT ST. Turn LEFT onto E PRATT ST. After 2 blocks you’ll see the club on the right hand side at the corner of S Exeter St. By Greyhound or Chinatown Buses aka (web gotobus) The club is only a 4mile cab ride from the Travel Plaza, which has a Greyhound bus station. The Chinatown buses drop off across the street. Or you could take the local MTA bus 20 to the 10 to Lombard and S. Exeter and then walk South 2 blocks to E Pratt. From: alterculture at g alterculture at gm ail Sent: 5/14/2008 4:48:52 P.M. Subj: A WAKENING – psy trance party in Baltimore 5/25/08 color ay off for Memorial Day! please spread the word… A W A K E N I N G the first psytrance party in Baltimore in years Sunday May 25th at Club Orpheus, 18+, $5, 9pm-2am DJ ‘s: Molecular Synaptic Guru (Richmond, VA) Exeris (AlterCulture Re cords – NYC/Baltimore) TangLed LyseRgic PudDLEs oN CeLestiAl thReads (NJ) Onnomon (Soular Records – Philly) deco by TangLed LyseRgi c PudDLEs oN CeLestiAl thReads video projections by VJ Exeris flyer by Molecular Synaptic Guru and Exeris web gra insofsound.net/awakening Club Orpheus, 1003 E Pratt St, Balti more, MD 21202 (club has air conditioning) phone: 410 276 5599 Directions/Transportation: I-95 North: Take I-95 NORTH tow ards BALTIMORE. Take the I-395 NORTH exit, exit 53, towards the Inner Harbor. I-395 N becomes S HOWARD ST. Turn RIGHT onto PRATT ST. Pass PRESIDENT ST. After 2 blocks you’ll see the club on the right hand side at the corner of S Exeter St. I-95 South: Take I-95 South to B oston St/ O’Donnell St. Exit. Continue straight through on Boston St. until you reach Fleet St. Take a left and continue until Fleet St. v eers around and becomes President St. Take a right on Pratt St. After 2 blocks you’ll see the club on the right hand side at the corner of S Exeter St. I-83 South: Take I-83 SOUTH towards BALTIMORE, e xit number 23A, towards BALTIMORE. Merge onto I-83 S /JONES FALLS EXP WY about 9 miles I-83 S/JONES FALLS EXWY becomes N PRESIDENT ST. Turn LEFT onto E PRATT ST. After 2 blocks you’ll see the club on th e right hand side at the corner of S Exeter St. By Greyhou nd or Chinatown Buses aka (web gotobus) The club is only a 4mile cab ride from the Travel Plaza, which has a Greyhound bus station.&nb sThe Chinatown buses drop off across the street. Or you coul d take the local MTA bus 20 to the 10 to Lombard and S. Exeter and th en walk South 2 blocks to E
#4129 Fri, 16 May 2008 23:57:26 From: “alladinproject” alladinproject at yahooORB FESTIVAL 2008 JULY 10th – 13th at ECHO LAKE We are happy to officially announce ORB Festival 2008, July 10th -13th! at T he New Echo Lake: 185 Echo Lake Lane, Afton, NY The time has come to go ou tdoors for the second year’s gathering to celebrate the purity of nature an d music, in a beautiful resort with a magical forest hugging a peaceful wid e lake. Getaway from your daily routine to a well produced festival with gr eat vibes, happy people and an unforgettable adventure. Motivated by the pu rity of nature and music, originating the culture of awareness and apprecia tion, Orb Festival builds a village to celebrate life. This year’s festiva l will feature a selection of the best electronic music: Full-on, progressi ve, dark, electro, and chill out music crafted by the world’s top artists a nd producers. ORB Festival is the biggest electronic music gathering on the east coast and this year it will be bigger than ever!! The Festival will t ake place in “The New Echo Lake” (AKA Echo lake) Afton NY. A beautiful camp ground, two and a half hours away from Manhattan featuring plenty of parkin g space, well-maintained camping site, hot showers, clean restrooms and eco nomy cabins available for rental. ORB festival 2008 will host two stages wi th top of the line sound systems, work shops, drums circles, fire performan ces, backdrops & structure decorations, visual art, yoga, 24 hours active c hai shops, delicious organic food, body painting, bars & vendors market, se veral designated public camping tents, fishing, boating, swimming, horse ba ck riding, and LOTS MORE!!! ORB 2008 Music Performances ATOMICULTURE LIVE (BNE Records, South Africa) ATOMIC PULSE (B.N.E Records, Israel) PROTOCULT URE (B.N.E Records, South Africa) ETNICA (Etnicanet Records, Ibiza, Spain) ZION (Orb Records, Alladin Group, Israel/USA) DEVIANT SPECIES (Ambivalent R ecords, London, UK) ANDROMEDA (Dream Vision Records, Sweden) CHROMOSOME (Dr eam Vision Records, Sweden) HUX FLUX (Spiral Trax Records, Sweden) ABOMINA LAB (Dark Records, EN SOF, Portugal) U-RECKEN (Doo flex Records, Israel) WIZACK TWIZACK (Hypnotica Records, Sweden) YONI (H.O. F, Israel) ORBIT aka ELNADIV (Orb Records, Alladin Group, NYC/Israel) ONNOM ON (Gaian Mind, Soular Records, Philadelphia) KNO-B (Orb Records, Alladin group, Japan) PHATMIND (Alladin Group, Israel/Russia) ENERTOPIA (Alladin Gro up, Israel) BARAKUDA (Psytribe, Los Angeles/Greece) BRANDON ADAMS (Dreamcat cher, NYC) KEN (Dreamcatcher, Alladin Group, NYC/Japan) LUIS (Dreamcatcher, Alladin Group, Brazil/NYC) BABLA (Alladin Group, Kagdila Records, India) D J MOE:T (Osaka Japan) DR. SPOOK (Geomagnetic Records, San Francisco) ROE RE VOLUTION (South Florida Psytrance, Miami/Israel) LAURYN vs EGBOT (Gaian Mi nd, PSI, 28th Day, Philadelphia) MUKTISVARA (TDC, Lycantrop Rec, Russia/NYC ) KARMANANIK (Gaian Mind, PSI, Philadelphia) WICHDOKTA (Phoenix Family/Geom agnetic Records, San Francisco) QUIVERING VIRGIN aka ANDREW (Blacklight Act ivists, Toronto) SKETI AKA BRETT HAWES (Igoyai Rec, South Africa/Canada) DJ RAFAEL (Soul Sounds, Brazil/Boston) CHILL OUT/ELECTRO SHAPESTATIC (Gaian Mind, TOUCH Samadhi, Asheville, NC, USA) ZION CHILL ROOM (ORB Records/All adin Group, USA/Israel) STEVE-O (GoaBabies, Spectra, Gaian Mind, NYC/Puerto Rico) GRAINS OF SOUND (AlterCulture Records, Baltimore, USA) MAURIZIO BAG OTI (Etnicanet Records, Ibiza, Spain) ILLUMINUS (Spiral Trax Records, Swede n) KIFE (Omnitribe, Russia/NYC) NAGUALI (TDC Lycantrop Rec Russia/nyc) ANIM ALTEK (Omnitribe, Russia/NYC) SUNIL (Alladin Group, Malaysia/India) RAY BRI ONES (PG Records, Brazil/NYC) TONI UNORTHODOX (28thday, NYC) Deco by: JUL IEN SEYER (Pixie Dust, Canada, Montreal) SEVERYN (Alladin Group, NYC) STEVE -O (GoaBabies, Spectra, Gaian Mind, NYC/PR) Alladin & ORB Deco Team& And More TBA!!! Visuals By: DR SPOOK (Geomagnetrix Records ) SERGE (Allad in Group, NYC) SEVERYN (Alladin Group, NYC) EXERIS (d, Trancemotion, Alla din Group, NYC/Baltimore) And More TBA!!! Advance Tickets : First 100 Tic kets $105 300 Tickets at $120 $135 till july 9th Buy Tickets at: web OrbFes tival For paper tickets Call (1917) 569-1177 ***Gates Open on July 1 0, Thu at 12 pm until Sunday at 3 pm, July 13. For directions, ride shares, camping tips and location map go to: web OrbFestival This one for sure will be another unforgettable gathering!!! So prepare your camping gear an d mark your calendars! Rain or Shine Event! See you all there! Peace Love & Light ‘n Trance Orb Crew by Alladin Group Vendors: If you feel that your merchandise can be sold to our crowd and it is a demographic that interest s your company’s promotion, it will be a great opportunity for you to take part of this event. Please email us at orbfestival at gmail with the subje ct Vendors. Volunteers: If you think you can contribute in any way and wou ld like to be a part of ORB 2008! We need good responsible individuals to w ork and we need all the hands that we can get! Please email us at orbfesti val at gmail with the subject volunteers. Links: web alladinproject.net web myspace/alladinproject web myspace/orbfestival web myspace/ orbrecords web myspace/etnicaband web myspace/zionpsy web myspace.c om/protocultureonline web myspace/atomiculture web myspace/zionchil l web myspace/andromedachromosome web myspace/huxfluxmusic web mysp ace/atomicpulselabs web myspace/psyabomination web myspace/labl abs web myspace/illuminusmusic web myspace/urecken web myspace/ tdcIsvara web myspace/shapestatic web myspace/grainsofsound web mys pace/revolutionproductions web myspace/djlauryn web myspace/Onn omon web myspace/djraybriones web myspace/enertopiapsy web myspace. com/psycheground web myspace/psybrothers web myspace/egboticusmaxim us web myspace/karmakanik web myspace/bushtelegraph web myspace /wizacktwizackmusic web myspace/quiveringvirgin web myspace/naguali web myspace/animaltek web myspace/djkife web etnicanet.net web .ambivalentrecords web mightyquinnrecords web grainsofsound.mindles sfaith web gaian-mind web tonyunorthodox web geomagnetic.tv/art ists
#4130 Thu, 22 May 2008 13:15:40 PSYCHEGROUND this Thursday, May 29th at Sullivan Room in NYC 0-688167417-1211487340:2598 PSYCHEGROUND Thursday May 29, 2008 featuring sets by: BRANDON ADA MS (Dreamcatcher NYC) LUIS CAMPOS (Alladin Group / Dreamcatcher NYC) TWITTE RPATE (Awake Productions, USA) LUCINA (Dreamcatcher, USA) deco by Dreamca tcher’ s stay tuned for the Psycheground 100th party happening on Fr iday, July 4th with lots of surprises!!!!!!!!!!! COME EARLY TO GET 2 FOR 1 DRINK SPECIALS UNTIL MIDNIGHT!!!! From 10pm to 4am 21+ with ID $ 5 cover Location: Sullivan Room, Manhattan, New York City 218 Sullivan S t (between Bleecker and West 3rd St, 2 blocks east of 6th Ave) Subway: A, B, C, D, E, F, or V trains to “W 4 St – Wash Sq” web myspace/psycheground 0-688167417-1211487340:2598 deco by Dreamcatcher’ s stay tuned for the Psycheground 100th party happening on Friday, July 4th with lots of surprises!!!!!!!!!!! COME EARLY TO GET 2 FOR 1 DRINK SPECIALS UNTIL MIDNIGHT!!!! 0-688167417-1211487340:2598
#4131 Wed, 28 May 2008 09:50:19 TripoutnyPSYCHEGROUND this Thursday, May 29th at Sullivan Room in NYC 0-1069855918-1211993419:74005 PSYCHEGROUND Thursday May 29, 2008 featuring sets by: BRANDON ADAMS (Dreamcatcher NYC) LUIS CAMPOS (Alladin Group / Drea mcatcher NYC) TWITTERPATE (Awake Productions, USA) LUCINA (Dreamcatcher, USA)deco by Dreamcatcher’ s stay tuned for the Psycheground 100 th party happening on Friday, July 4th with lots of surprises!!!!!!!!!!! C OME EARLY TO GET 2 FOR 1 DRINK SPECIALS UNTIL MIDNIGHT!!!! From 10pm to 4am 21+ with ID $5 cover Location: Sullivan Room, Manhattan, New Y ork City 218 Sullivan St (between Bleecker and West 3rd St, 2 blocks east of 6th Ave) Subway: A, B, C, D, E, F, or V trains to “W 4 St – Wash Sq” web myspace/psycheground 0-1069855918-1211993419:74005 deco by Dreamcatcher’ s stay tuned for the Psycheground 100th party happening on Friday, July 4th with lots of surprises!!!!!!!!!!! COME EARLY TO GET 2 FOR 1 DRINK SPECIALS UNTIL MIDNIGHT!!!! 0-1069855918-1211993419:74005
#4132 Wed, 28 May 2008 12:15:53 Thu, 29 May 2008 04:15:48 From: Yugo F ripvanwinkle at hotmailMinimal Techno, Tech House, “Activate” at Identity on May 29th (Thur.) d543618e-7a60-404e-a659-75 cd1f18′ 6ce78645-1b82-40bc-a707-cace657a37b3 “Activate” is back!! Minimal Techno & Tech House event Every Thursday! Resident DJs: -Tsutomu -Hisaki -Yugo Admission: -Free Location: -511 E6th st. (btw/ ave.A & ave.B), New York, NY Time: 10pm – 4am 6ce78645-1b82-40bc-a707-cace657a37b3 { { 6ce78645-1b82-40bc-a707-cace657a37b3 d543618e-7a60-404e-a659-75 cd1f18′
#4133 Thu, 29 May 2008 08:56:49 PSYCHEGROUND this Thursday, May 29th at Sullivan Room in NYC 0-1766591455-1212076609:45158 PSYCHEGROUND Thursday May 29, 2008 featuring sets by: BRANDON ADAMS (Dreamcatcher NYC) LUIS CAMPOS (Alladin Group / Drea mcatcher NYC) TWITTERPATE (Awake Productions, USA) LUCINA (Dreamcatcher, USA)deco by Dreamcatcher’ s stay tuned for the Psycheground 100 th party happening on Friday, July 4th with lots of surprises!!!!!!!!!!! C OME EARLY TO GET 2 FOR 1 DRINK SPECIALS UNTIL MIDNIGHT!!!! From 10pm to 4am 21+ with ID $5 cover Location: Sullivan Room, Manhattan, New Y ork City 218 Sullivan St (between Bleecker and West 3rd St, 2 blocks east of 6th Ave) Subway: A, B, C, D, E, F, or V trains to “W 4 St – Wash Sq” web myspace/psycheground 0-1766591455-1212076609:45158 deco by Dreamcatcher’ s stay tuned for the Psycheground 100th party happening on Friday, July 4th with lots of surprises!!!!!!!!!!! COME EARLY TO GET 2 FOR 1 DRINK SPECIALS UNTIL MIDNIGHT!!!! 0-1766591455-1212076609:45158
#4134 Fri, 30 May 2008 22:26:59 Fri, 30 May 2008 22:26:59 From: Trance tonight Psybotik in LES 28thday’s Tony Unorthodox plays tomorrow night at Ekam! Details below. Friday, May 30, 2008 – 10:00 PM PSYBOTIK Presents Ekam May 30th, 10pm- 5am Main Floor: KRI (Touch Samadhi | Asheville, NC) Electrik (Psyboti k Records | NYC) VishwaatmaE5a (6362Metaforce | NYC/Bombay) Tony Unorth odox (28thday | NYC) Ammon EP (Sonic Beating, Soul Trance Records | Bosto n) Friar Tuck (Disorient | NYC) Chill out floor: Full of surprises… Environment: Sonic Beating Live Visual Stimulation: D3MON Club Mid way 25 Ave B Lower East Side By Subway: F,V to 2nd Ave or Essex Delan cey St. OR L to 1st Ave $15 Limited Presale $20 At Door 21+ With ID Tickets at web psybotikrecords (web 28thday/lists/lt.php? Flyer at web psybotikrecords/ekamflyer.jp g Wild Dress Encouraged web touchsamadhi (web 28thday/lists/lt web 28thday (web 28thday.c web sonicbeating.org (http web 6362meta force.net web disorient.info SAA8fAQ4aBAQE) web soultrancerecords (web 28thday/list gaian-mind/releases/gm001/ (h saikosounds oCXAhSAQgfAQ4aBAQE) web myspace/krisamadhi (web 28thday/ web myspace/shapestatic (ht web touchsam adhi/audio/by/artist/kri oCXAhSAQsfAQ4aBAQE) rs. Watch “Cooking with fac bo a:hover h4 .forwardfo div.ema 2 8thday’s Tony Unorthodox plays tomorrow night at Ekam! Details below am Main Floor: KRI (Touch Samadhi | Asheville, NC) Electri k (Psybotik Records | NYC) VishwaatmaE5a (6362Metaforce | NYC/Bombay) Tony Unorthodox (28thday | NYC) Ammon EP (Sonic Beating, Soul Tra nce Records | Boston) Friar Tuck (Disorient | NYC) Chill out f loor: Full of surprises… Environment: Sonic Beating Live Visual Stimulation: D3MON Club Midway 25 Ave B B RLower East Side By Subway: F,V to 2nd Ave or Essex Delancey St. OR L to 1st Ave $15 Limited Presale $20 At Door B R21+ With ID Tickets at Flyer at title Dress Encouraged AwfAQ4aBAQE Q4aBAQEweb 28thday Q4aBAQE AQEweb disorient.info leases/gm001/ BoCXAhSAQgfAQ4aBAQE title om/krisamadhi BoCXAhSAQofAQ4aBAQE AhSAQofAQ4aBAQEweb myspace/shapestatic
June 2008
#4135 Tue, 3 Jun 2008 13:45:09 Tue, 3 Jun 2008 13:45:08 , d06, 604 at party.net, From: This Thursday at Karma – Albert Hoffman’s Going Away Party!! Best flyer. ever. web tranceam.org/hoffmannfarewell.gif (web tranceam.org/hoffmannfarewell.gif) Albert Hoffman’s Going Away Party Thursday June 5th 9pm-4am Downstairs at Karma 51 1st avenue b/w 3rd & 4th streets NYC Candlelight Tribute at midnight- Deco by Kelly Newman Free, 21 and up (ID a must) Free Pez Dispenser Giveaways Psy Trance DJs: 3am Unwashed Tomato (LIVE) – Andy comes from Buffalo and has been a pioneer in the new higher BPM darker sounds. Goa Gil has recently been using his tracks. Come hear Andy play live! 1am – 2am El Nadiv (Israel)- El Nadiv is a master of high power sets. He has been a stalwart in throwing the largest events in NYC. 12am -1am Influx (Brazil)- Luis is commonly regarded as one of New York’s best psy dj’s. He throws a party every 3 weeks at Sullivan Room. 9pm – 12am Machinelf – Stumbling out of retirement, Jeff is the Energizer Bunny of trance in New York. Come hear him play an actual psy/goa set that won’t lull you to sleep. Best flyer. ever. offmannfarewell.gifweb tranceam.org/hoffmannfarewell.gif/A D IV Albert Hoffman’s Going Away Party Thurs day June 5th 9pm-4am Downstairs at Karma 51 1st avenue b/w 3rd & 4t h streets NYC Candlelight Tribute at midnight- Deco by Kelly Newma n Free, 21 and up (ID a must) Free Pez Dispenser Giveaways Psy Trance DJs: 3am Un washed Tomato (LIVE) – Andy comes from Buffalo and has been a pionee r in the new higher BPM darker sounds. Goa Gil has recently been usi ng his tracks. Come hear Andy play live! 1am – 2am El Nadiv (Israel)- El Nadiv is a master of high power sets . He has been a stalwart in throwing the largest events in NYC. 12am -1am Influx (Brazil)- Luis is commonly regarde d as one of New York’s best psy dj’s. He throws a party every 3 week s at Sullivan Room. 9pm – 12am Machinelf – Stumbling out of retirement, Jeff is the Energizer Bunny of trance in N ew York. Come hear him play an actual psy/goa set that won’t lull yo
#4137 Wed, 4 Jun 2008 17:12:26 Thu, 5 Jun 2008 09:12:26 From: Yugo F ripvanwinkle at hotmailMinimal, Tech House, Deep House “Activate” at Identity (downstairs inside) on June 6th (Thur.) Minimal, tech house, and deep house Every Thursday! 6/5 (thu.) at Identity (downstairs inside) in East Village This time, a live painting featured by Mami. Resident DJs: -Tsutomu -Hisaki -Yugo Admission: -Free Location: -Identity (downstairs inside) at 511 E6th st. (btw/ ave.A & ave.B), New York, NY Time: 10pm – 4am { This time, a live painting featured by Mami.
#4138 Tue, 10 Jun 2008 21:41:44 From: ” Forum upgraded, fixed, polished Hey guys, there were major housecleaning issues with the forum on traceam.o rg. After much delay everything is working as it should, antispam mods hav e been added in that actually work. Give it a try, it’s finally bug free a nd what I had wanted all along. Better late than never! Direct link from tranceam.org web tranceam.org/phpbb/index.php And your post s are RSS’d to the top of the tranceam.org main page, so if you’re organizi ng events, this is a great place. A code has been added when you register to prevent spambots. Anyone can register and post freely immediately once of course they type in Hoffman’s first name 😛 Finally, thousands of prob able spambot users were deleted from the memberlists. If you are one of the unnlucky few that registered within the past year or so that were undelete d, you’ll have to re-register.
#4139 Tue, 10 Jun 2008 18:20:23 Tue, 10 Jun 2008 18:20:23 From: Free music by chaishop right clicking the tracks downloaded for me… Hi Jeff! (ml Today I have a s pecial for you: A free download of six full-length summer chillout / loun ge tracks of the artist “ACHT”. Check them out! ACHT is your sense fo r beauty. ACHT is respect to those who share it with you. ACHT is reproduc tion of itself. ACHT is eternity. Concentrate on inspiration. here to prelisten and free download the EP E2809E1stE2809C ! In progre ss: ACHTs debut album E2809Ethe magic of eightE2809C All the Best, Chaishop Media Thomas Samuel Jankowski Sam at Chaishop (mailto :Sam at Chaishop) web chaishop (ml.chaishop/lists/lt.php Mailing Info E2809CChaishop Media Ma ilingE2809D is send to over 3000 trance business contacts. To updat (ml.chais Forward this message to someone this link UwACGlMEVERVAwMC) 5, A9 tincan ltd wABGlMEVERVAwMC) **************Vote for your city’s best dining and ni ghtlife. City’s Best 50000000102) right clicking the tr acks downloaded for me… ! Hi Jeff!/ special for you: A free download of six full-length summer chillout / lou nge tracks of the artist “ACHT”. Check them out! BLOCK se who oduction of eternit inspiration./EM ERVAwMC ERVAwMCClick here to prelisten and free download the EP E2809E1st E2809C ! In progress: ACHTs debut album E2809Ethe magic of eightE2809C src f” / mSam at Chaishop ailfooterMailing Info E2809CChaishop Media MailingE2809D i s send to over 3000 trance business contacts. lin k Forward this message to someone link a:link.poweredphplist, a:active.poweredph plist, a:hover
#4140 Wed, 11 Jun 2008 15:06:46 Wed, 11 Jun 2008 15:06:43 From: Gaian Mind 2008 Gain Mind Presenting the 7th Annual GAIAN MIND SUMMER FESTIVAL Summer Solstice / Full Moon Wednesday, June 18th to Sunday, June 22nd, 2008 Four Quarters, Central Pennsylvania, USA Extended dates – gates open Wednesday! Join us for five days and four nights of Transcendental Dance in the open air – truly, a magical event which has quickly become an annual summer tradition for the global Trance Tribes! Now in its seventh year, the Gaian Mind Summer Festival has hosted world-class international talent from Australia, Brazil, Canada, Denmark, France, Germany, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, New Zealand, Sweden, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom, plus the finest regional talent in the USA, becoming a destination for hundreds of dancers from all over the world. The gathering includes a full weekend of spiritual dancing, tribal drumming, lectures and workshops, yoga, sweat lodge, swimming, relaxation, and much more in a sacred, sylvan sanctuary that only Four Quarters can provide. Stone Circle Stage: Psytrance & Progressive Trance RASTALIENS (Phar Psyde Records – Switzerland) Live! BRAINCELL (Glowing Flame Records – Switzerland) Live! E.V.P (Wildthings Records – UK) Live! REALITYGRID (Wildthings Records – UK) Live! DIGITALIST (Dropout Productions / Zaikadelic Records – Switzerland) Live & DJ! TREAVOR MOONTRIBE (Iboga Records / Desert Dwellers – Los Angeles) ONNOMON (Gaian Mind / Soular Records – Philadelphia) Live! EKOPLEX (Ektoplazm Records – Toronto) Live! LAURYN (Peak Records / 28th Day – Philadelphia) KAISER SOZE (Chilluminati / TOUCH Samadhi – Milwaukee, WI) DRAGON (Dharma Harmony Records / TOUCH Samadhi – Jackson, MS) CORAL (TOUCH Samadhi – Seattle) FREEDOM (Esoteric Gen – Fayetteville, AR) PSYOPS (Free Radical Records / Bom Shanka Music – Philadelphia) TONY UNORTHODOX (28th Day – NYC) FRACTAL PHONO (Gaian Mind / Goa Home – Philadelphia) DEET (Gaian Mind – Philadelphia) North Crook Stage: Downtempo & Ambient Presenting an exclusive Ultimae Records showcase with: AES DANA (Ultimae – France) Live! SOLAR FIELDS (Ultimae – Sweden) Live! Trance and Chillout sets! H.U.V.A. NETWORK (Ultimae – France / Sweden) Live! First North American performance! MAHIANE (Ultimae – France) LAUGE (Divine Balance Records – Denmark) Live! KILOWATTS (Native State Records – Philadelphia) Live! GRAINS OF SOUND (AlterCulture Records – Baltimore) Live! GIFT CULTURE (Psymbolic Sounds – Dalles/Ft. Worth, TX) Live! PSYLAB (Sonic Beating / Circle Collective / Abstract Trax – Boston) Live! ALIGNING MINDS (88 / Native State Records / Aleph Zero – DC) Live! SILIC8 (Star Active Records / Space Dub – Crestone, CO) Live! AMOEBA FUNK (Metameme / Seedsound – Denver) Live! NYXYSS (Church – NYC) Live! SUPER GALACTIC EXPANSIVE (Supersensible Science – Philadelphia) Live! PEDRO (COSM – Brazil) GAVIN (Spectra – NYC) HAJ (Sub Swara / Freek Factory / COSM – NYC) Gain Mind Full Moon Wednesday, June 18th to Sunday, June 22nd, 2008 Four Quarters, C entral Pennsylvania, USA Extended dates – gates open Wednesday! Join us fo r five days and four nights of Transcendental Dance in the open air – trul y, a magical event which has quickly become an annual summer tradition for the global Trance Tribes! Now in its seventh year, the Gaian Mind Summer Festival has hosted world-class international talent from Australia, Brazi l, Canada, Denmark, France, Germany, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, New Zealand, Sweden, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom, plus the finest regional tal ent in the USA, becoming a destination for hundreds of dancers from all ov er the world. The gathering includes a full weekend of spiritual dancing, tribal drumming, lectures and workshops, yoga, sweat lodge, swimming, rela xation, and much more in a sacred, sylvan sanctuary that only Four Quarter s can provide. Stone Circle Stage: Psytrance & Progressive Trance RASTALIENS (Phar Psyde Records – Switzerland) Live! BRAINCELL (Glowing Fla me Records – Switzerland) Live! E.V.P (Wildthings Records – UK) Live! REAL ITYGRID (Wildthings Records – UK) Live! DIGITALIST (Dropout Productions / Zaikadelic Records – Switzerland) Live & DJ! TREAVOR MOONTRIBE (Iboga Records / Desert Dwellers – Los Angeles) ONNOMON (Gaian Mind / Soular Reco rds – Philadelphia) Live! EKOPLEX (Ektoplazm Records – Toronto) Live! LAUR YN (Peak Records / 28th Day – Philadelphia) KAISER SOZE (Chilluminati / TO UCH Samadhi – Milwaukee, WI) DRAGON (Dharma Harmony Records / TOUCH Samadh i – Jackson, MS) CORAL (TOUCH Samadhi – Seattle) FREEDOM (Esoteric Gen – F ayetteville, AR) PSYOPS (Free Radical Records / Bom Shanka Music – Philade lphia) TONY UNORTHODOX (28th Day – NYC) FRACTAL PHONO (Gaian Mind / Goa Ho me – Philadelphia) DEET (Gaian Mind – Philadelphia) North Crook Stage: D owntempo & Ambient Presenting an exclusive Ultimae Records showcase w ith: AES DANA (Ultimae – France) Live! SOLAR FIELDS (Ultimae – Sweden) Liv e! Trance and Chillout sets! H.U.V.A. NETWORK (Ultimae – France / Sweden) Live! First North American performance! MAHIANE (Ultimae – France) LAUGE ( Divine Balance Records – Denmark) Live! KILOWATTS (Native State Records – Philadelphia) Live! GRAINS OF SOUND (AlterCulture Records – Baltimore) Liv e! GIFT CULTURE (Psymbolic Sounds – Dalles/Ft. Worth, TX) Live! PSYLAB (So nic Beating / Circle Collective / Abstract Trax – Boston) Live! ALIGNING M INDS (88 / Native State Records / Aleph Zero – DC) Live! SILIC8 (Star Acti ve Records / Space Dub – Crestone, CO) Live! AMOEBA FUNK (Metameme / Seeds ound – Denver) Live! NYXYSS (Church – NYC) Live! SUPER GALACTIC EXPANSIVE (Supersensible Science – Philadelphia) Live! PEDRO (COSM – Brazil) GAVIN ( Spectra – NYC) HAJ (Sub Swara / Freek Factory / COSM – NYC)
#4141 Wed, 11 Jun 2008 15:30:40 Wed, 11 Jun 2008 15:30:40 From: Flying Rhino opens up their back catalogue web flyingrhino.co.uk/bcatalogue-albums (web flyingrhino.co.uk/bcatalogue-albums )
#4142 Wed, 11 Jun 2008 18:03:48 Thu, 12 Jun 2008 10:03:48 From: Yugo F ripvanwinkle at hotmailMinimal, Tech House, Deep House “Activate” at Identity on June 12th (Thur.) Minimal, tech house, and deep house Every Thursday! 6/12 (thu.) at Identity in East Village Guest DJ: -Pedro (CoSM, Symbiosis – Br) web pedrogomide Resident DJs: -Tsutomu -Hisaki -Yugo Admission: -Free Location: -Identity (downstairs) at 511 E6th st. (btw/ ave.A & ave.B), New York, NY Time: 10pm – 4am maps.live/ { {
#4144 Wed, 18 Jun 2008 18:06:22 Wed, 18 Jun 2008 18:06:22 From: Fwd: Animaltek (Treibstoff/WIR) DJ set! at identity lounge thurs 6.19.08 From: shay.earthian at gmail hay.earthian at gmail Sent: 6/18/2008 1:12:16 P.M. Subj: Animaltek (Treibstoff/WIR) DJ set! at identity lounge thurs 6.19.08 Guest DJ: Animaltek (Treibstoff/WIR) web animaltek.net/ (web animaltek.net/) web myspace/animaltek (web myspace/animaltek) Movie web youtube/watch?vR8AFDnLW4 (web youtube/watch?vR8AFDnLW4) Resident DJs: -Yugo (Activate/NYC) -Tsutomu (Activate/NYC) -Hisaki (Relativity/JP) Featured live paint artists: Mami & Kate Place: Identity (downstairs) at 511 East 6th st. (btw/ave. A & B) New York, NY. Time: 10pm – ??? Admission: Free web djearthian (web djearthian/) web myspace/animaltek (web myspace/animaltek) From: shay.earthian at g shay.earthian at gmail Sent: 6/18/2008 1:12:16 P.M. Subj: Animaltek (Treibstoff/WIR) DJ set! at identity lounge thurs 6.19.08 tek ek.net/ //web myspace/animaltek” altek Movie AFDnLW4 targe Resident DJs: -Yugo (Activate/NYC) -Tsutomu (Activate/NYC) -His aki (Relativity/JP) Featured live paint artists: Mami & Kate Place: Identity (downstairs) at 511 East 6th st. (btw/ave. A & B) New York, NY. Time: 10pm – ??? Admission: F ree h t nimaltekweb myspace/animaltek
#4145 Wed, 18 Jun 2008 18:22:25 Wed, 18 Jun 2008 18:22:25 From: Support Same Sex Marriage in New York Governor Patterson has said that NY will recognize same-sex marriages from other states and countries. He’s doing a poll on whether people support it. Take 15 seconds to lodge your support… Call 1-518-474-8390. You will talk to a live person from the Governor’s office during business hours and you can leave a phone message after that. Simply say “I support the Governor’s directive on same sex marriage,” then give them your 5 digit (New York) zip code. then pass it on… Linda Peck, MA, ATR, CCLS, LCAT Director, NAC Creative Arts Program Governor Patterso n has said that NY will recognize same-sex marriages from other states and countries. He’s doing a poll on whether people support it. Take 15 seconds to lodge your support… Call 1-518-474-8390. You will talk to a live person from the Governor’s office during bus iness hours and you can leave a phone message after that. Simply say “I support the Governor’s directive on same sex marriage,” then give them your 5 digit (New York) zip code. then pass it on … Linda Peck, MA, ATR, CCLS, LCAT Director, NAC Creative Art
#4146 Wed, 18 Jun 2008 20:36:50 Thu, 19 Jun 2008 From: Yugo F ripvanwinkle at hotmailAnimaltek (Treibstoff/WIR) DJ set! “Activate” at Identity (downstairs) on 6/19 (Thu.) Weekly minimal, tech house, deep house event “Activate” on 6/19 (Thu.) Guest DJ: Animaltek (Treibstoff/WIR) web animaltek.net/ web myspace/animaltek Movie web youtube/watch?vR8AFDnLW4 Resident DJs: -Yugo (Activate/NYC) -Tsutomu (Activate/NYC) -Hisaki (Relativity/JP) Featured live paint artists: Mami & Kate Place: Identity (downstairs) at 511 East 6th st. (btw/ave. A & B) New York, NY. Time: 10pm – ??? Admission: Free { web animaltek.net/” target”blankweb animaltek.net/ web myspace/animaltek” target”blankweb myspace/animaltek Movie web youtube/watch?vR8AFDnLW4″ target”blankweb youtube/watch?vR8AFDnLW4 Resident DJs: -Yugo (Activate/NYC) -Tsutomu (Activate/NYC) -Hisaki (Relativity/JP) Featured live paint artists: Mami & Kate Place: Identity (downstairs) at 511 East 6th st. (btw/ave. A & B) New York, NY. Time: 10pm – ??? Admission:
#4148 27 Jun 2008 01:20:29 Fri, 27 Jun 2008 01:20:28 ystem at 28thday From: scott scott at 28thdaySaturday Solar Fields LiVE in NYC 28thday presents h e l i o p a u s e free daytime park party! featuring SOLAR FIELDS (Ultimae, Sweden) – LIVE web lightomaticlight-o-matic | PSI, NYC) TONY UNORTHODOX (28thday, NYC) MAYUR (Spectra, NYC) “maps.google/maps?fd&hlen&geocode&saddr&daddr40.606704,-74.017489&mradme&mrcr0&mrsp1&sz16&sll40.606329,-74.01706&sspn0.010377,0.019484&ieUTF8&th&z16 Dyker Beach Park, Brooklyn Saturday, June 28 12pm – 7pm sound by Icarus Facundia web myspace/nephilineNeff NEW! look at pictures from past park parties web 28thday/gallery?eventid104″ web 28thday/gallery?eventid11″ and many other events in the web 28thday/gallery 28thday gallery . …and, the sonic prayer continues on Sunday: web musicislove.net/june29 ” web 28thday”
#4149 Mon, 30 Jun 2008 11:45:38 Dreamcatcher Presents: PSYCHEGROUND 100th Anniversary – Friday July 4th in NYC For this special occassion, we’ve invited a couple special guests, each making their long overdue NY debut… KONFLUX (Psytribe, Phar Psyde – Los Angeles) LIVE Konflux is a solo project of the US based DJ and producer Vasily M. Born and raised in Russia he relocated to the states in 2001. Living in Los Angeles and frequenting he soon gained recognition within the local psytrance communities. Having over ten years of experience in producing multifarious styles of electronic dance music, Vasily began making psy-trance in 2004. A light-hearted, elegant, yet pounding and groovy style can be roughly described as “a blend of Light Night and Heavy Morning Psychedelic Music”. Rock, Jazz, [Happy] Hardcore, Drum’n’Bass, Techno and House have all made significant contributions to his style. Konflux has spun across the United States alongside a multitude of international acts, participating in major events like Gaian Mind in Pennsylvannia and Burning Man in Nevada. Konflux has become “live-actable” after debuting in fall of 2006 in California desert. Konflux has a tune released on UK’s Phar Psyde and there are a couple of more coming out on Namaha, Looney Moon and Doof Records. He also has a currently inactive collaboration project Jetlux with the LA based producer Jeto, with releases on Divine Balance Records from Chicago and on Mumbai based Sonic Tantra. WICHDOKTA (Phoenix Family, Geomagnetic – San Francisco) DJ SET The Wichdokta began DJing in ’96 and formed the FULL CIRCLE COLLECTIVE in Mendo, Nothern Cali. In ’97 he began throwing the infamous gathering called “GEMINI” that was held on the majestic Eel River. In ‘2000 he met up with Dr. Spook and created the loving PHOENIX FAMILY COLLECTIVE. He also runs the sound company FULL CIRCLE PRODUCTIONS. As a promoter and gathering thrower, he knows what gets the people going. The Wichdokta’s sets are somthing of a spectacle to witness…his amazing energy and sinister music go hand in hand to give you the ride of your life on the dancefloor. Hailed as one of the top DJ’S in San Fran-psycho, he has played with the best in the industry; Neuromotor, Rastaliens, Alien Project, Mr. Peculiar, Miraculix, Lemurians, Devient Species, Scorb, CPU, Sirius Issness, Earthling, Xenomorph,Highko and many many more. ” +PLUS+ DJ Sets by… Luis Campos (Dreamcatcher, Alladin Group – Brazil/NY) vs. Brandon Adams (Dreamcatcher – NY) and Tony Unorthodox (28th Day – NY) Visual Projections by Gui”Aum”Etrix Deco by Dreamcatcher + more TBA Party from 10pm to 5am 21+ with ID $15 with RSVP by 5 p.m. July 4 (email psycheground at yahoo) $20 at the door Location: Sullivan Room, Manhattan, New York City 218 Sullivan St (between Bleecker and West 3rd St, 2 blocks east of 6th Ave) Subway: A, B, C, D, E, F, or V trains to “W 4 St – Wash Sq” web konflux.org/ web geomagnetic.tv/artists/wichdokta web sullivanroom 0-1689730495-1214851538:98028 House have all made significant contributions to his style. Konflux has spun across the United States alongside a multitude of international acts, participating in major events like Gaian Mind in Pennsylvannia and Burning Man in Nevada. Konflux has become “live-actable” after debuting in fall of 2006 in California desert. Konflux has a tune released on UK’s Phar Psyde and there are a couple of more coming out on Namaha, Looney Moon and Doof Records. He also has a currently inactive collaboration project Jetlux with the LA based producer Jeto, with releases on Divine Balance Records from Chicago and on Mumbai based Sonic Tantra. WICHDOKTA (Phoenix Family, Geomagnetic – San Francisco) DJ SET The Wichdokta began DJing in ’96 and formed the FULL CIRCLE COLLECTIVE in Mendo, Nothern Cali. In ’97 he began throwing the infamous gathering called “GEMINI” that was held on the majestic Eel River. In ‘2000 he met up with Dr. Spook and created the loving PHOENIX FAMILY COLLECTIVE. He also runs the sound company FULL CIRCLE PRODUCTIONS. As a promoter and gathering thrower, he knows what gets the people going. The Wichdokta’s sets are somthing of a spectacle to witness…his amazing energy and sinister music go hand in hand to give you the ride of your life on the dancefloor. Hailed as one of the top DJ’S in San Fran-psycho, he has played with the best in the industry; Neuromotor, Rastaliens, Alien Project, Mr. Peculiar, Miraculix, Lemurians, Devient Species, Scorb, CPU, Sirius Issness, Earthling, Xenomorph,Highko and many many more. ” +PLUS+ DJ Sets by… Luis Campos (Dreamcatcher, Alladin Group – Brazil/NY) vs. Brandon Adams (Dreamcatcher – NY) and Tony Unorthodox (28th Day – NY)
July 2008
#4150 Tue, 1 Jul 2008 17:48:59 Wed, 2 Jul 2008 09:48:59 From: Yugo F ripvanwinkle at hotmailactivate presents: Plexus (Mnus), Vadim (Less) DJ set at Identity (downstairs) on 7/3 (Thu.) activate presents…minimal – tech house – deep house event EVERY THURSDAY!!! 7/3/2008 (thur.) Guest DJs: Plexus (Mnus) web youtube/watch?vB1PpvvnPbiY Vadim (Less) web myspace/comtak Resident DJs: -Yugo -Tsutomu -Hisaki Place: Identity (downstairs) at 511 East 6th st. (btw/ave. A & B) New York, NY. Time: 10pm – ??? Admission: Free Contact:activatenyc at gmail
#4151 03 Jul 2008 23:42:38 Thu, 03 Jul 2008 23:42:36 ystem at 28thday From: scott scott at 28thday28thday news + Psycheground Thanks to all who came out to the park and celebrated the elements with us last weekend, rejoicing in the sunshine and dancing like heathens in the rain! Some web 28thday/gallerypix and video from Heliopause are up in the gallery, with more coming soon. Also check out a web 28thday/choons/tony/TonyUnorthodox-GaianMind2008.mp3Tony’s set from the Gaian Mind Summer Festival . FRIDAY NIGHT: Tony Unorthodox joins the fireworks at the a sullivanroom/7-4 Psycheground centennial, featuring Konflux LIVE, Wichdokta, and Luis v Brandon at Sullivan Room NYC. And in August (probably mid-late August), we throw down the 28thday 3-year anniversary park party. Stay tuned for details! web 28thdayweb 28thday web psynyweb psyNY
#4152 Fri, 4 Jul 2008 10:40:13 Dreamcatcher Presents: PSYCHEGROUND 100th Anniversary – Friday July 4th in NYC For this special occassion, we’ve invited a couple special guests, each making their long overdue NY debut… KONFLUX (Psytribe, Phar Psyde – Los Angeles) LIVE Konflux is a solo project of the US based DJ and producer Vasily M. Born and raised in Russia he relocated to the states in 2001. Living in Los Angeles and frequenting he soon gained recognition within the local psytrance communities. Having over ten years of experience in producing multifarious styles of electronic dance music, Vasily began making psy-trance in 2004. A light-hearted, elegant, yet pounding and groovy style can be roughly described as “a blend of Light Night and Heavy Morning Psychedelic Music”. Rock, Jazz, [Happy] Hardcore, Drum’n’Bass, Techno and House have all made significant contributions to his style. Konflux has spun across the United States alongside a multitude of international acts, participating in major events like Gaian Mind in Pennsylvannia and Burning Man in Nevada. Konflux has become “live-actable” after debuting in fall of 2006 in California desert. Konflux has a tune released on UK’s Phar Psyde and there are a couple of more coming out on Namaha, Looney Moon and Doof Records. He also has a currently inactive collaboration project Jetlux with the LA based producer Jeto, with releases on Divine Balance Records from Chicago and on Mumbai based Sonic Tantra. WICHDOKTA (Phoenix Family, Geomagnetic – San Francisco) DJ SET The Wichdokta began DJing in ’96 and formed the FULL CIRCLE COLLECTIVE in Mendo, Nothern Cali. In ’97 he began throwing the infamous gathering called “GEMINI” that was held on the majestic Eel River. In ‘2000 he met up with Dr. Spook and created the loving PHOENIX FAMILY COLLECTIVE. He also runs the sound company FULL CIRCLE PRODUCTIONS. As a promoter and gathering thrower, he knows what gets the people going. The Wichdokta’s sets are somthing of a spectacle to witness…his amazing energy and sinister music go hand in hand to give you the ride of your life on the dancefloor. Hailed as one of the top DJ’S in San Fran-psycho, he has played with the best in the industry; Neuromotor, Rastaliens, Alien Project, Mr. Peculiar, Miraculix, Lemurians, Devient Species, Scorb, CPU, Sirius Issness, Earthling, Xenomorph,Highko and many many more. ” +PLUS+ DJ Sets by… Luis Campos (Dreamcatcher, Alladin Group – Brazil/NY) vs. Brandon Adams (Dreamcatcher – NY) and Tony Unorthodox (28th Day – NY) Visual Projections by Gui”Aum”Etrix Deco by Dreamcatcher + more TBA Party from 10pm to 5am 21+ with ID $15 with RSVP by 5 p.m. July 4 (email psycheground at yahoo) $20 at the door Location: Sullivan Room, Manhattan, New York City 218 Sullivan St (between Bleecker and West 3rd St, 2 blocks east of 6th Ave) Subway: A, B, C, D, E, F, or V trains to “W 4 St – Wash Sq” web konflux.org/ web geomagnetic.tv/artists/wichdokta web sullivanroom 0-1215635579-1215193213:57248 ’96 and formed the FULL CIRCLE COLLECTIVE in Mendo, Nothern Cali. In ’97 he began throwing the infamous gathering called “GEMINI” that was held on the majestic Eel River. In ‘2000 he met up with Dr. Spook and created the loving PHOENIX FAMILY COLLECTIVE. He also runs the sound company FULL CIRCLE PRODUCTIONS. As a promoter and gathering thrower, he knows what gets the people going. The Wichdokta’s sets are somthing of a spectacle to witness…his amazing energy and sinister music go hand in hand to give you the ride of your life on the dancefloor. Hailed as one of the top DJ’S in San Fran-psycho, he has played with the best in the industry; Neuromotor, Rastaliens, Alien Project, Mr. Peculiar, Miraculix, Lemurians, Devient Species, Scorb, CPU, Sirius Issness, Earthling, Xenomorph,Highko and many many more. ” +PLUS+ DJ Sets by… Luis Campos (Dreamcatcher, Alladin Group – Brazil/NY) vs
#4153 Thu, 10 Jul 2008 09:28:48 Fri, 11 Jul 2008 01:28:48 From: Yugo F ripvanwinkle at hotmailminimal, tech house “activate” at Identity (downstairs) on 7/10 (Thu.) activate presents…minimal – tech house event EVERY THURSDAY!!! 7/10/2008 (thu.) Resident DJs: -Yugo -Tsutomu -Hisaki Place: Identity (downstairs) at 511 East 6th st. (btw/ave. A & B) New York, NY. Time: 10pm – ??? Admission: Free Contact:activatenyc at gmail questionbox.jp.msn/index.php3?StatusCheckON { {
#4154 Tue, 15 Jul 2008 16:51:12 PSYCHEGROUND Presents: MAX EARWORM LIVE, WICHDOKTA and more this Thursday, July 17 in NYC PSYCHEGROUND presents this Thursday, July 17th at Sullivan Room: EARWORMl EarWorm is the psy project of Max Meshiv, bo rn in 1986. He was infected by the psychedelic trance virus at a young age in Israel…and now resides in NYC to infect others. Around 2002 he and his older brother Noam started to work on music together on a computer based m usic software…it was more of an experimental stage and development. What started as a hobby eventually took on a more serious path, which also broug ht in lots of magical and mysterious experiences along with it. That mixed with an explosion of inspiration and…BooM! the EarWorm project was born. The project in itself is aimed towards wizardly magical futuristic nighttim e-twilight psychedelic frequencies….Tune in to the frequency of everywher e and now-here and get earwormed…soon on dancefloors near you! and DJ Sets by: WICHDOKTA (Phoenix Family, Geomagnetic – San Francisco) KEN (Drea mcatcher NYC) LUCINA (Dreamcatcher NYC) Deco by Dreamcatcher Party fro m 10pm to 4am 21+ with ID $5 at the door Location: Sullivan Room, Manh attan, New York City 218 Sullivan St (between Bleecker and West 3rd St, 2 blocks east of 6th Ave) Subway: A, B, C, D, E, F, or V trains to “W 4 St – Wash Sq” web geomagnetic.tv/artists/wichdokta web sulliva nroom web myspace/psycheground web myspace/earw ormtrax 0-1822153427-1216165872:82846 EarWorm is the psy project of Max Meshiv, born in 1986. He was infected by the psychedelic trance virus at a young age in Israel…and now resides in NYC to infect others. Around 2002 he and his older brother Noam started to work on music together on a computer based music software…it was more of an experimental stage and development. What started as a hobby eventually took on a more serious path, which also brought in lots of magical and mysterious experiences along with it. That mixed with an explosion of inspiration and…BooM! the EarWorm project was born. The project in itself is aimed towards wizardly magical futuristic nighttime-twilight psychedelic frequencies….Tune in to the frequency of everywhere and now-here and get earwormed…soon on dancefloors near you! and DJ Sets by: web myspace/psychegroundweb myspace/psycheground 0-1822153427-1216165872:82846
#4155 Wed, 16 Jul 2008 23:46:42 Fw: PSYCHEGROUND Presents: MAX EARWORM LIVE, WICHDOKTA and more this Thursday, July 17 in NYC 0-433584998- PSYCHEGROUND presents this Thursday, July 17th at Sullivan Room: EARWORMl EarWorm is the psy project of Max Meshiv born in 1986. He was infected by the psychedelic trance virus at a young age in Israel…and now resides in NYC to infect others. Around 2002 he and his older brother Noam started to work on music together on a computer bas ed music software…it was more of an experimental stage and development. W hat started as a hobby eventually took on a more serious path, which also b rought in lots of magical and mysterious experiences along with it. That mi xed with an explosion of inspiration and…BooM! the EarWorm project was bo rn. The project in itself is aimed towards wizardly magical futuristic nigh ttime-twilight psychedelic frequencies….Tune in to the frequency of every where and now-here and get earwormed…soon on dancefloors near you! and DJ Sets by: WICHDOKTA (Phoenix Family, Geomagnetic – San Franc isco) KEN (Dreamcatcher NYC) LUCINA (Dreamcatcher NYC) Deco by Dr eamcatcher Party from 10pm to 4am 21+ with ID $5 at the door Locatio n: Sullivan Room, Manhattan, New York City 218 Sullivan St (between Bleec ker and West 3rd St, 2 blocks east of 6th Ave) Subway: A, B, C, D, E, F, o r V trains to “W 4 St – Wash Sq” web geomagnetic.tv/artists/wichdo kta web sullivanroom web myspace/psycheground http ://web myspace/earwormtrax 0-433584998-1216277202:78498 EarWorm is the psy project of Max Meshiv, born in 1986. He was infected by the psychedelic trance virus at a young age in Israel…and now resides in NYC to infect others. Around 2002 he and his older brother Noam started to work on music together on a computer based music software…it was more of an experimental stage and development. What started as a hobby eventually took on a more serious path, which also brought in lots of magical and mysterious experiences along with it. That mixed with an explosion of inspiration and…BooM! the EarWorm project was born. The project in itself is aimed towards wizardly magical futuristic nighttime-twilight psychedelic frequencies….Tune in to the frequency of everywhere and now-here and get earwormed…soon on dancefloors near you! and DJ Sets by: 0-433584998-1216277202:78498
#4156 Thu, 24 Jul 2008 23:46:09 Thu, 24 Jul 2008 23:46:09 From: Baltimore, Aug 2 – Awakening Chris Exeris used to do video at Goa Trash – he’s in Baltimore atm with a great new gig with major ppl Exeris presents: A W A K E N I N G Saturday Aug 2nd at The Depot, 21+, $5, 9pm-2am DJs and UV reactive deco by: Molecular Synaptic Guru (Richmond, VA) Exeris (AlterCulture Records – NYC/Baltimore) Jay Selway (Iboga Records, Konvocation – Baltimore) With a DJ career extending more than a decade, Jay has held residencies at major clubs inclucing Cubik/Buzz at Nation (DC), Sonar (MD) and Five (DC). Having organized countless one off events and club nights, he was also responsible for kick-starting the underground trance scene in the DC/Baltimore area. He’s also headlined alongside world renowned DJs and live acts, and has been featured on radio shows such as The Essential Mix on Radio One, John 00 Fleming’s Global Trance Grooves, The Move on XM Radio, and Digitally Imported Radio. Jay also produces ‘The Static Channel’ his monthly radio show on di.fm . With releases on Iboga, Pharmacy Music, Propulsion, Soular Records and JOOF Recordings, 2006 was a break out year for this American producer. Jay has remixed Christopher Lawrence, John ’00’ Fleming, Astrix, Wizzy Noise, and Hujaboy. His tracks have been featured on The Essential Mix by Christopher Lawrence-the, #4 rated DJ in the world. Christopher not only selected Jay’s remix of “Fused” for his Gatecrasher “Live in Moscow” mix CD, but also his remix of “Rasa Lila.” “Fused,” deemed “Single of the Month” in IDJ magazine, – also hit #2 on the Beatport top seller chart, and remaining in the top 10 for more than six weeks. Jay also forms half of the group Zero Divide, with his musical partner, John C. Their hard-edged progressive sound has received world class support from DJs like Christopher Lawrence, Paul van Dyk, John ’00’ Fleming, Nicholas Bennison, John O Bir, John Askew, and others. The Depot, 1728 N. Charles St., Baltimore, MD 21201 phone: 410-528-0174 (club has air conditioning and cheap drinks!) for more info, directions, etc: web grainsofsound.net/awakening and if you’re on isratrance forum.isratrance/awakening/7-136995/ flyer coming soon FanHouse Fantasy Football today. (web fanhouse/fantasyaffair?ncidaolspr00050000000020) Chris Exeris used to do video at Goa Trash – he’s in Baltimore atm with a great new gig wit h major ppl Exeris presents: A W A K E N I N G Saturday Aug 2nd at The Depot, 21+, $5, 9pm-2am DJs and UV reactive deco by: Molecular Synaptic Guru (Richmond, VA) Exeris (AlterCulture Records – NYC/Baltimore) Jay Selway (Ibog a Records, Konvocation – Baltimore) With a DJ career extending more than a decade, Jay has held residencies at major clubs inclucing Cubik /Buzz at Nation (DC), Sonar (MD) and Five (DC). Having organized countle ss one off events and club nights, he was also responsible for kick-sta rting the underground trance scene in the DC/Baltimore area. He’s also headlined alongside world renowned DJs and live acts, and has been feat ured on radio shows such as The Essential Mix on Radio One, John 00 Fle ming’s Global Trance Grooves, The Move on XM Radio, and Digitally Impor ted Radio. Jay also produces ‘The Static Channel’ his monthly radio sho w on di.fm . With releases on Iboga, Pharmacy Music, Propulsion, Soular Records and JOOF Recordings, 2006 was a break out year for this Ameri can producer. Jay has remixed Christopher Lawrence, John ’00’ Fl eming, Astrix, Wizzy Noise, and Hujaboy. His tracks have been featured o n The Essential Mix by Christopher Lawrence-the, #4 rated DJ in the wor ld. Christopher not only selected Jay’s remix of “Fused” for his Gatecr asher “Live in Moscow” mix CD, but also his remix of “Rasa Lila.” “Fuse d,” deemed “Single of the Month” in IDJ magazine, – also hit #2 on the Beatport top seller chart, and remaining in the top 10 for more than si x weeks. Jay also forms half of the group Zero Divide, with his mu sical partner, John C. Their hard-edged progressive sound has received world class support from DJs like Christopher Lawrence, Paul van Dyk, J ohn ’00’ Fleming, Nicholas Bennison, John O Bir, John Askew, and others . The Depot, 1728 N. Charles St., Baltimore, MD 21201 phone : 410-528-0174 (club has air conditioning and cheap drinks!) for more info, directions, etc: web grainsofsound.net/awake ning and if you’re on isratrance forum.isratrance/awa kening/7-136995/ flyer
#4157 Tue, 29 Jul 2008 10:42:26 TripoutnyPSYCHEGROUND this Thursday, July 31st in NYC Psycheground invites you all to join us for another great night of psytrance at the amazing Sullivan Room. this week’s lineup: DJ RAFAEL (Soul Sounds, Brazil/Boston) BABLA (Alladin Group, Kagdila Records, India) LUIS CAMPOS(Dreamcatcher, Alladin Group, Brazil/NYC) deco by Dreamcatcher’s COME EARLY TO GET 2 FOR 1 DRINK SPECIALS UNTIL ELEVEN!!!! From 10pm to 4am 21+ with ID $5 cover Sullivan Room, Manhattan, New York City 218 Sullivan St (between Bleecker and West 3rd St, 2 blocks east of 6th Ave) Subway: A, B, C, D, E, F, or V trains to “W 4 St – Wash Sq” 0-1668081680-1217353346:86461 Psycheground invites you all to join us for another great night of psytrance at the amazing Sullivan Room. this week’s lineup: DJ RAFAEL (Soul Sounds, Brazil/Boston) BABLA (Alladin Group, Kagdila Records, India) LUIS CAMPOS (Dreamcatcher, Alladin Group, Brazil/NYC)
#4158 Thu, 31 Jul 2008 12:02:43 TripoutnyPSYCHEGROUND this Thursday, July 31st in NYC Psycheground invites you all to join us for another great night of psytrance at the amazing Sullivan Room. this week’s lineup: DJ RAFAEL (S oul Sounds, Brazil/Boston) BABLA (Alladin Group, Kagdila Records, India) LUIS CAMPOS(Dreamcatcher, Alladin Group, Brazil/NYC) deco by Dream catcher’s COME EARLY TO GET 2 FOR 1 DRINK SPECIALS UNTIL ELEVEN!!!! From 10pm to 4am 21+ with ID $5 cover Sullivan Room, Manhattan, New Y ork City 218 Sullivan St (between Bleecker and West 3rd St, 2 blocks east of 6th Ave) Subway: A, B, C, D, E, F, or V trains to “W 4 St – Wash Sq” 0-741010400-1217530963:49739 Psycheground invites you all to join us for another great night of psytrance at the amazing Sullivan Room. this week’s lineup: DJ RAFAEL (Soul Sounds, Brazil/Boston) BABLA (Alladin Group, Kagdila Records, India) LUIS CAMPOS (Dreamcatcher, Alladin Group, Brazil/NYC) 0-741010400-1217530963:49739
August 2008
#4159 Fri, 1 Aug 2008 14:02:05 Sat, 2 Aug 2008 06:02:05 From: Yugo F ripvanwinkle at hotmail”activate” this Friday 08/01 at Identity featured by Vadim (Less), Juan Gaviria (Phono) 8/1/2008 (FRI.) Guest DJs: -Vadim (Less) web myspace/comtak -Juan Gaviria (Phono) profile.myspace/index.cfm?fuseactionuser.viewprofile&friendid118592040 Resident DJs: -Yugo -Tsutomu -Hisaki Place: Identity (downstairs) at 511 East 6th st. (btw/ave. A & B) New York, NY. Time: 10pm – late Admission: Free
#4160 Thu, 7 Aug 2008 19:12:14 Thu, 7 Aug 2008 19:12:14 From: WOW. fwd Horizons: Perspectives on psychedelics September 19-21 2008 Horizons: Perspectives on psychedelics September 19-21 2008 at Judson Memorial Church 55 Washington Square South New York, NY 10012 horizonsnyc.org/ info at horizonsnyc.org Horizons is a forum for learning about psychedelics. It seeks to open a fresh dialogue about psychedelics and challenges society to rethink their role in history, culture, medicine, spirituality and art. After a successful debut in 2007, it is now an annual event. Its dates for 2008 are September 19-21. Speakers have been announced (see below) and tickets are on sale now. Friday night with be an opening reception and party, and Saturday and Sunday will feature presentations. Psychedelics are a unique class of psychoactive ds that have been used by humans for thousands of years. Millions of people in every corner of the globe have used them to alter their consciousness in search of introspective contemplation, spiritual insights, creative exploration and physical and psychological healing. In the 1950s and early 1960s, legal research with psychedelics spurred important discoveries in science and psychology. During the 1960s, psychedelics entered worldwide popular culture. Fueled by the wild social dogmas of the era, recreational use become commonplace. Questions about their safety, medical value, history and implications in politics and culture were unfortunately answered with numerous myths spread by both their users and the media. Times are changing. The freewheeling sixties are now a distant memory and the hype of the millennial rave fever has finally been laid to rest. Now, a small group of dedicated researchers and activists has orchestrated a renaissance in psychedelic research that is re-shaping the public’s understanding of these unique substances. Horizons brings together the brightest minds and boldest voices of this movement to share their research, insights and dreams for the future. Tickets are on sale now! 2008 Speakers (in alphabetical order)* Rick Doblin, Ph.D. – Founder/president of MAPS* Alex Grey – Artist and co-founder of Chapel of Sacred Mirrors* Allyson Grey – Artist and co-founder of Chapel of Sacred Mirrors* Roland Griffiths, Ph.D. – E and psilocybin researcher, Professor of Behavioral Biology and Neuroscience, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine* John Halpern, M.D. – E, psilocybin and peyote researcher, Associate Director of Substance Abuse Research at Harvard Medical School* Sean Helfritsch & Isaiah Saxon – Video artists, creators of* Alan Hunt-Badiner – Co-editor of Zig Zag Zen: Buddhism and Psychedelics* Dan Merkur – Psychoanalyst, author of The Ecstatic Imagination* Dimitri Mugianis – Ibogaine therapist* David Nichols, Ph.D. – Founder of Heffter Research Institute, Distinguished Chair in Pharmacology at Purdue University* Daniel Pinchbeck – Author of Breaking Open the Head and 2012: The Return of Quetzalcoatl* Sasha and Ann Shulgin – Psychedelics elders, authors of Tikhal and Pikhal More speakers to be announced shortly. Speakers are curated by Neal Goldsmith, Ph.D., psychologist and author. Horizons’ founder and lead organizer is Kevin Balktick, a Brooklyn-based cultural event producer. See horizonsnyc.org/ for more information or to purchase tickets. Horizons announcement mailing list horizonsnyc.org/
Horizons: Pe rspectives on psychedelics September 19-21 2008 at Judson Memorial Church 55 Washington Square South New York, NY 10012 horizonsnyc.org/ info at h orizonsnyc.org Horizons is a forum for learning about psyc hedelics. It seeks to open a fresh dialogue about psychedelics and challenges society to rethink their role in history, culture, medi cine, spirituality and art. After a successful debut in 2007, it i s now an annual event. Its dates for 2008 are September 19-21. Spe akers have been announced (see below) and tickets are on sale now. Friday night with be an opening reception and party, and Saturday and Sunday will feature presentations. Psychedelics are a unique class of psychoactive ds that have been used by humans for thousands of years. Millions of people in every corner of the globe have used them to alter their consciousness in search of int rospective contemplation, spiritual insights, creative exploration and physical and psychological healing. In the 1950s and early 1960s, legal research with psychedelics spurred important di scoveries in science and psychology. During the 1960s, psychedelic s entered worldwide popular culture. Fueled by the wild social dog mas of the era, recreational use become commonplace. Questions abo ut their safety, medical value, history and implications in politi cs and culture were unfortunately answered with numerous myths spr ead by both their users and the media. Times are changing. The freewheeling sixties are now a distant memory and the hype of the millennial rave fever has finally been laid to rest. Now, a s mall group of dedicated researchers and activists has orchestrated a renaissance in psychedelic research that is re-shaping the publ ic’s understanding of these unique substances. Horizons brings tog ether the brightest minds and boldest voices of this movement to s hare their research, insights and dreams for the future. T ickets are on sale now! 2008 Speakers (in alphabetical ord er) * Rick Doblin, Ph.D. – Founder/pres ident of MAPS * Alex Grey – Artist and co-founder of Chapel of Sacred Mirrors * Allyson Grey – Artist and co-founder of Chapel of Sacred Mirrors * Roland Griffiths, Ph.D. – E and psilocybi n researcher, Professor of Behavioral Biology and Neuroscience, Jo hns Hopkins University School of Medicine &n bs* John Halpern, M.D. – E, psilocybin and peyote researcher, BR Associate Director of Substance Abuse Research at Harvard Medical& nbsSchool * Sean Helfritsch & Isaiah Saxon – Video artists, creators of Bjork’s Wanderlus – Co-editor of Zig Zag Zen: Buddhism and Psychedelics >* Dan Merkur – Psychoanalyst, author of The Ecstatic Imagination * Dimitri Mugianis – Ibogai ne therapist * David Nichols, Ph.D. – F ounder of Heffter Research Institute, Distinguished Chair in Pharm acology at Purdue University * Daniel P inchbeck – Author of Breaking Open the Head and 2012: The Return o f Quetzalcoatl * Sasha and Ann Shulgin – Psychedelics elders, authors of Tikhal and Pikhal More speakers to be announced shortly. Speakers are curat ed by Neal Goldsmith, Ph.D., psychologist and author. Horizons’ fo under and lead organizer is Kevin Balktick, a Brooklyn-based cultu ral event producer. See horizonsnyc.org/ for more i nformation or to purchase tickets. Horizons announcement mai announce-l eave at horizonsnyc.org horizonsnyc.org/
#4161 Fri, 08 Aug 2008 01:47:32 From: ” Party tonight thursday aug 7 at Karma Alexis’ birthday, downstairs at Karma 10-4 Psy trance DJs, open decks 1st b etween 3rd and 4th street Free, smoking permitted, ID 21+ a must
#4163 Mon, 18 Aug 2008 23:53:38 Tue, 19 Aug 2008 15:53:38 From: Yugo F ripvanwinkle at hotmailDJ O (Animaltek/Treibstoff/WIR/NYC) on 8/22 (FRI) Activate presents… 8/22/2008 (FRI.) Guest DJ: -DJ O (Animaltek/Treibstoff/WIR/NYC) web myspace/animaltek Resident DJs: -Yugo -Tsutomu -Hisaki web myspace/activateny Admission: FREE Place: ‘Identity (downstairs)’ 511 E6th st. btw/ave. A & B, New York, NY Time: 10pm-4am
#4164 28 Aug 2008 23:20:53 Thu, 28 Aug 2008 23:20:51 ystem at 28thday From: scott scott at 28thdaySeptember 13 NYC :: 28thday presents Trinity September 13, 2008 28thday presents TRINITY the web 28thday/events/trinity28thday 3-Year Anniversary Park Party + BBQ ! at web nycgovparks.org/parks/kaiserpark/Kaiser Park, Coney Island featuring: LAURYN (Peak Records | 28thday, Philly) HYPNOTOAD ( web lightomaticlight-o-matic | PSI, NYC) TONY UNORTHODOX (28thday, NYC) …and more TBA! sound by Icarus Facundia and light-o-matic decor & interactive psytructures by Neff (NephilNine, NYC) free food & drink! burgers & vegan burgers renegade grilling welcome! iced chai and exotic fruit juice by bioLu(minescence) Leon S. Kaiser Park Saturday September 13 noon – 6pm free, all ages
#4165 Sun, 31 Aug 2008 12:43:59 nyc604Mon, 1 Sep 2008 04:43:59 From: Yugo F ripvanwinkle at hotmailThoughtless) + activate residents… on 08.31 (Sun.) at Jelani Lounge 08.31.08 (sun.) activate presents… Labor day weekend minimal madness… We’ll bring the one of the finest DJs from Boston. Heis also a label DJ of Airdrop records which is one of the mostforward-thinking and rising minimal label owned by ArgentinaProducer/DJ Face Miusic Sender! web myspace/airdroprecords activate residents from Japan… Yugo, Tsutomu, Hisaki. myspace/activateny DJ Yugo August ’08 promo mix web megaupload/?d1YK9BW9G DJ Hisaki August ’08 promo mix web megaupload/?dINR6CMF6 $5 all night at Jelani Lounge 507 Waverly ave. Brooklyn, NY 11238 10pm-4am Contact: activatenyc at gmail
September 2008
#4166 04 Sep 2008 23:56:48 Thu, 04 Sep 2008 23:56:42 ystem at 28thday From: scott scott at 28thdayTrinity :: update September 13, 2008 28thday presents TRINITY the 28thday 3-Year Anniversary Park Party + BBQ! at Kaiser Park, Coney Island Local legend Hugh S joins the lineup! 28thday’s top sleeper agent, Hugh emerges once again to distill his mammoth psytrance collection and knowledge into a rocking, celebratory set. All info at web 28thday/events/trinityweb 28thday .
#4167 Sun, 7 Sep 2008 11:44:20 To: alladinproductions at hotmail, biscopat at yahoo, buffalostylz2999 at yahoo, daniel.muth at gmail, danimu66 at hotmail, dean at psybooty, dslympy at yahoo, kellynew at aol, landry314 at hotmail, michelbyrne at hotmail, omegaofinfinance at yahoo, patricia.vendas at setin.br, tativitsic at gmail, TripOutNY, uchyapepe at gmail, unknownshroom at yahoo, adhemar adhemaralmeida at uol., allan atagino at cs, ben ben at light-o-matic, Brandon Adams bcadams at amherst, carlao ceducampos at hotmail, carol carolinaferraz at hotmail, charlie charlienyc at bigfoot, coral corals at hotmail, cris alterculture at gmail, dan dandraver at aol, Daniel DeMaria dandraver at yahoo, DJ KeN nydj4life at hotmail, efthemias efthemias at yahoo, eli morgan e at cosm.org, fabio djfabiosoul at hotmail, felipe felipevlinares at hotmail, Fofa fofochka at gmail, Fx Mike djfxmike at yahoo, gadi gadimon at hotmail, Gavin spectra at rcn, jason sannachan jsannachan at yahoo, jeff john emmanuel jegny at earthlink.net, karla kalfaya at hotmail, leo leodinflux at hotmail, Lisa Brubaker lisa at sullivanroom, liza mozzinha at aol, liza psyliza at gmail, liza laranjo llaranjobus200081 at yahoo, maira NYnphomanyac at aol, marcos carnaval marcos at ucmusicgrou, michel michelbyrne at hotmail, nan nan at hipchix.net, Pedro Gomide pedro at realityengine.org, Raffi Peterson raffipeterson at yahoo, ray briones raybriones91 at hotmail, ron aidar nyfoto at gmail, sahil patel tosahil at gmail, Sean timocon at optonline.net, sean timon flowerpower881 at hotmail, shykid shay.earthian at gmail, Stephanie Alfaya stephynyalfaya at hotmail, thony unorthodox tony at 28thday, tommy tuunez at aol
Reality Engine fundraiser email Dear Friends, As you may or may not know, Matyas Kelemen suffered a severe neck injury last month. After completing work on an Alex Grey event in L.A., while swimming at the beach, Matyas was slammed into the ocean’s rocks head on and broke his neck. Thanks to many extraordinary factors, his life was saved and he is now in a neurological rehabilitation center at UCLA Hospital. Being left with limited motor skills in his right hand, working with traditional DJ equipment will be extremely difficult. In order to continue his work as an audio-visual producer and performer, he will require the aid of a touch screen midi interface. We would like to ask for help in the form of a $50 donation in order to make it possible for Matyas to continue with his career. We would also like to thank everyone for all the love, energy and support during these hard times. Reality Engine is the audio-visual project of Luis Campos and Matyas Kelemen. Please check back soon for the launch of the new website and monthly itunes podcast. Please click on the link below to make a donation: Please forward this letter to anyone you think would be willing to help…
#4168 11 Sep 2008 01:39:47 Thu, 11 Sep 2008 01:39:39 ystem at 28thday From: scott scott at 28thdaythis weekend in nyc Trinity + Church! Come celebrate three years of 28thday and the arrival of beautiful fall weather this Saturday at Brooklyn’s Kaiser Park! We’re bringing only a finite amount of food, so don’t waste time getting your ass to Kaiser if you wanna get your drink on and your snack on. Tony Unorthodox kicks off the afternoon with impeccable beats to clean us up and dirty us down, followed by Lauryn channeling her groove into a rare old-skool progressive set! Next up, Captain Hypnotoad sends us all to walk the Planck length, and Hugh S digs deep into his crate to unearth those tracks you didn’t even know you forgot to remember. We’re also bringing out way more sound than we’ve ever brought out to the park, and will be rocking rain or shine with high-grade 4-point audio. And rounding off the weekend, on Sunday the a web musicislove.net/church Church crew throws caution to the wind and opens wide the doors of Love for a *free* session of Church! The moon is full and summer sets; everyone is invited for the descent into the lodge to help stir up some of that old time religion. We set it off family style with a residents-only throwdown of significance. Haj, Mikio and Nyxyss feat. evocative violinist Hannah Thiem set the tone for the first in a run of six consecutive Sunday evenings at Love this fall. Phat beats. Mad vibe. September 13, 2008 28thday presents TRINITY the web 28thday/events/trinity/28thday 3-Year Anniversary Park Party + BBQ ! at web nycgovparks.org/parks/kaiserpark/Kaiser Park, Coney Island featuring: class”orangeHugh S (28thday, NYC) LAURYN (Peak Records | 28thday, Philly) HYPNOTOAD ( web lightomaticlight-o-matic | PSI, NYC) TONY UNORTHODOX (28thday, NYC) sound by Icarus Facundia and light-o-matic decor & interactive psytructures by Neff (NephilNine, NYC) free food & drink! burgers & vegan burgers renegade grilling welcome! iced chai and exotic fruit juice by bioLu(minescence) Leon S. Kaiser Park Saturday September 13 noon – 6pm free, all ages
#4169 Sat, 13 Sep 2008 13:33:10 Sat, 13 Sep 2008 13:33:10 From: Im in this film playing a brain machine mad scientist go see it From: tony.torn at verizon.net To: tony.torn at verizon.net Sent: 9/13/2008 11:50:09 A.M. Subj: My film LUCKY DAYS at The Coney Island Film Festival! Two Weeks from Today My Feature Directorial Debut LUCKY DAYS (Co-Directed, Written by, and Starring my sister Angelica Torn) will have it’s East Coast Premiere at The Coney Island Film Festival! The showing is on Saturday, September 27, 2008, 3pm, at The Coney Island Museum, 1208 Surf Ave. at W.12th St. It’s amazing to show the film in the very place it was filmed. LUCKY DAYS is a Coney Island Film down to its bones. Reserve tickets now, for we are sure to sell out For tickets and information, click this link: web coneyislandfilmfestival/programs08/program4 (web coneyislandfilmfestival/programs08/program4 ) From: tony.torn at verizon.net T o: tony.torn at verizon.net Sent: 9/13/2008 11:50:09 A.M. Eastern Daylig ht Time Subj: My film LUCKY DAYS at The Coney Island Film Festival! Tw o Weeks from Today ture Directorial Debut LUCKY DAYS (Co-Directed, Written by, and Starring my sister Angelica Torn) will have it’s East Coast Premiere at The Cone y Island Film Festival! The showing is on Saturday, September 27, 2 008, 3pm, at The Coney Island Museum, 1208 Surf Ave. at W.12th St. It’s amazing to show the film in the very place it w as filmed. LUCKY DAYS is a Coney Island Film down to its bones. or we are sure to sell out
#4170 20 Sep 2008 01:28:29 Sat, 20 Sep 2008 01:28:18 ystem at 28thday From: scott scott at 28thdaykaiser pix && church! Thanks to all who came out to Trinity! The a web 28thday/gallery28thday gallery is now updated with pix and video from this event, as well as new slides from Heliopause and the Wild Things soiree with Gaian Mind. The fundamentals of our sonic economy remain strong this weekend, as the fall season of Church continues. For Haji’s birthday and fall rising we bring you a very live Church session. Sub Swara, Freek Factory and Nyxyss the branches of Haji’s musical tree appear together for the first time, with further family support from SF’s lovely DJ Shawna and Dub War’s Dave Q. The moon wanes halfly and the earth will rumble… web musicislove.net/september21 CHURCH at Love Sunday, September 21 179 MacDougal St at 8th St New York City 8pm – 2am $10 at the door web 28thdayweb 28thday web psynyweb psyny
#4171 Sat, 20 Sep 2008 18:02:24 From: ” Horizons: Perspectives on Psychedelics Going on now Horizons: Perspectives on Psychedelics” conference Judson Memorial Church in Washington Square Park in New York City horizonsnyc.org CONFE RENCE AGENDA Friday, September 19, 2008 8pm-midnight – Horizons Opening R eception and Art Party Saturday, September 20, 2008 10am – CONVOCATION – 10:15-11:00 – author Daniel Pinchbeck – The Future of Psychedelics 11:00 -11:45 – author Allan Hunt Badiner – Catching the Buzz: ds or Dharma? 11:45-12:30 – Screening: Postmodern Times psychedelic interviews 12:30-2:0 0 – LUNCH BREAK 2:15-3:00 – author Robert Forte – Psychedelic ds and th e Religious Experience: The Politics of mthodology 3:00-3:45 – pharmacol ogist and medicinal chemist David Nichols, Ph.D. – I! s There a Renaissanc e in Psychedelic Research and How Did it Happen? 3:45-4:30 – psychologist/ pharmacologist Roland Griffiths, Ph.D. – Psilocybin Occasions Mystical-Typ e Experiences Having Sustained Personal Meaning and Spiritual Significance 4:30-5:15 – therapist Dimitri Mobengo Mugianis – Ibogaine Healing in Ame rica and Gabon: A Contrast in World View and Public Policy 5:15-6:00 – psy choanalyst Dan Merkur – The Social Location of Psychedelic Mysticism 6:00 -6:45 – chemist Sasha Shulgin, Ph.D. and therapist Ann Shulgin – Q&A with the pioneering psychopharmacologist, and his wife 6:45-7:30 – Psyche and D elia – Reading from a new opera on the history of psychedelics Sunday, S eptember 21, 2008 1:30pm – RECONVENE 1:45-2:30 – artists Alex and Allyson Grey – Psychedelic Families: What Do We Tell the Children? 2:30-3:15 – a rtist Alex Grey – Contemporary Visionary Culture 3:15-4:00 – 3! -D film ma kers Sean Helfritsch & Isaiah Saxon – Psilocybin, Experiential Art, and th e Language of Forms 4:00-4:45 – MAPS founder Rick Doblin, Ph.D. – Mainstre aming Psychedelic Medicine: Patience is the Fastest Way 4:45-5:30 – Clust erBuster founder Bob Wold – Cluster Headache and Psilocybin: A New Medicat ion on the Horizon 5:30-6:00 – ADJOURN Horizons: Perspectives on Psyched elics September 19 – 21 2008 Judson Memorial Church 55 Washington Square So uth New York, NY 10012 web horizonsnyc
#4172 Wed, 24 Sep 2008 01:26:48 Wed, 24 Sep 2008 01:26:46 formatflowed From: Hugh S hjs15 at columbiareview of 28th Day’s Trinity event It’s cheesy to start off reviews with exclamation point-ending sentences, but what a killer party out at Coney Island celebrating the 28th Day third anniversary on Saturday afternoon! First off, what an awesome venue! (OK, two in a row that’s way over the line. I’ll stop now). Nestled in a corner of the park with superb natural acoustics provided by a short hillside toward which the stage was pointed, the mixing tent was backed by a fence about three feet high behind which were the sidewalk and street. Thus, the sound was well-contained inside the little corner of park we occupied but still audible a good distance away. Incredible sound was provided by both front and delay-adjusted rear speaker pairs, along with what appeared to be 8000 watts of subwoofers. The quality of the sound in the dance space rivaled some of the best clubs I’ve been in crisp, clean, not too loud, and coming at you from all sides. Kudos to Icarus Facundia and Ben light-o-matic for providing it. Delicious barbecue was presided over by Ron and Scott. Their burgers, accompanied with excellent chips, condiments, and iced chai from bio-Lu offered perfect sustenance for dancing through what turned out to be a rather sultry, late summer Saturday afternoon. The music all day long was fantastic starting with Tony Unorthodox’s excellent, though abbreviated opener. I always enjoy Tony’s taste in tracks and mixing skills and Saturday was no exception he had me moving my feet early on and they kept moving right on through pretty much all of Lauryn’s excellent set of faster progressive psy selections. She ramped up the intensity a bit toward the end, just right for Hypnotoad to make a seemless transition. Ben upped the tempo and the tweak-age, giving the now-sizable audience a barrage of well-mixed squelchy psychedelic throttlers which I thoroughly enjoyed. I only stopped dancing briefly to greet friends who had made a late arrival and prepare for my turn on the decks. As far as my set goes, I will leave the review to someone else more qualified and only say that I hope folks enjoyed it as much as I did playing it. It was a real treat to drop some of my favorite new tunes out loud for such excellent folks in such a great setting. The real highlight was when a good number of local kids showed up and threw down on the dance floor with the trance regulars. The energy they brought was incredible. The last beats of my closing track dropped just under the 6:30pm mark accorded by the much-inspected parks permit that Theo and the crew had to repeatedly present to police and parks department officials throughout the course of the day. To the credit of everyone in charge, the event proceeded unhindered from start to finish and the crazy kids were able to enjoy a nice day of music outside under the trees. My deepest gratitude goes out to everyone at 28th Day and their affiliates who made the day sound, look, and taste as good as it did, and to all the party people who came out and shared their summer day with us. It was an honor to take part in such a well-organized event with such fun folks and it reminds me once again why I spin these tunes in the first place.
October 2008
#4173 Wed, 1 Oct 2008 09:45:52 PSYCHEGROUND Thursday, October 2nd, 2008 at Sullivan Room, NYC 0-302538271-1222879552:55679 Psycheground celebrates Liza & CarolA2s birthdays bash!!! All proceedin gs from the cover charge will be donated to Matyas who is in a journey to r ecovery from a severe accident. May all healing vibes be with you! Featuring Knob (Alladin Group NYC/Japan) Dj Elnadiv (Alladin Group NYC/Israel) Dj Luziunm (Dreamcatcher/ N YC/Brazil) 10pm – 4am Sullivan Room, Manhattan, New York City 218 Sullivan St (between Bleecker and West 3rd St, 2 blocks east of 6th Ave) Subway: A, B, C, D, E, F, or V trains to “W 4 St – Wash Sq” 21+ with ID $5 cover charge Here is a web sullivanroom web myspace/psycheground web myspace/earwormtrax web myspace/alla dinproject 0-302538271-1222879552:55679 proceedings from the cover charge will be donated to Matyas who is in a jou rney to recovery from a severe accident. May all healing vibes be with rance/images/smiles/dj.gif Knob (Alladin Group NYC/Japan) IM /dj.gif Dj Elnadiv (Alladin Group NYC/Israel) IMG tp://forum.isratrance/images/smiles/dj.gif Dj Luziunm (Dreamcatc atrance/images/smiles/drive.gif Sullivan Room, Manhattan, New York Ci ty 218 Sullivan St (between Bleecker and West 3rd St, 2 blocks east of 6th Ave) Subway: A, B, C, D, E, F, or V trains to “W 4 St – Was h Sq” 21+ with ID $5 cover charge
#4174 Thu, 2 Oct 2008 06:03:13 PSYCHEGROUND Thursday, October 2nd, 2008 at Sullivan Room, NYC 0- Psycheground celebrates Liza & CarolA2s birthdays bash!!! All pro ceedings from the cover charge will be donated to Matyas who is in a journe y to recovery from a severe accident. May all healing vibes be with you! Featuring Knob (Alladin Group NYC/Japan) NYC) Dj Elnadiv (Alladin Group NYC/Israel) Dj Luziunm (Dreamcatc her/ NYC/Brazil) 10pm – 4am Sullivan Room, Manhattan, New York Cit y 218 Sullivan St (between Bleecker and West 3rd St, 2 blocks east of 6th Ave) Subway: A, B, C, D, E, F, or V trains to “W 4 St – Wash Sq” 21+ wi th ID $5 cover charge Here is a web sullivanroom web myspace/psycheground web myspace/earwormtrax web myspace.co m/alladinproject 0-757183455-1222952593:34525 Psycheg forum.isratrance/images/smiles/17.gif” All proceedings from th e cover charge will be donated to Matyas who is in a journey to recovery fr tp://forum.isratrance/images/smiles/iconsmile.gif” B e/images/smiles/dj.gif Dj Luziunm (Dreamcatcher/ NYC/Brazil) IMG smiles/drive.gif Sullivan Room, Manhattan, New York City 218 Sullivan St (between Bleecker and West 3rd St, 2 blocks east of 6th Ave) B RSubway: A, B, C, D, E, F, or V trains to “W 4 St – Wash Sq” 21+ with ID $5 cover charge Here is a om A 0-757183455-1222952593:34525
#4175 08 Oct 2008 00:00:26 Wed, 08 Oct 2008 00:00:12 ystem at 28thday From: scott scott at 28thdaySunday: Govinda and DJ Manny at Church Apologies in advance for the genre heresy… this is not a psytrance event by any stretch, but megatons of energy go into this party and it has proven crossover appeal. ) Church is in session for two more weeks only! So if you’re into unitive dancefloors and peak experiences that venture beyond the 4/4, read on… This Sunday, Church residents Haj, Mikio, and Nyxyss are joined by special guests web govindamusicGovinda and a “people.tribe.net/djmannyDJ Manny from Austin, TX. The music at Church varies from week to week, and is always diverse, creative, highly musical and eminently danceable. Listen to a 10-minute clip of Freek Factory vs Nyxyss, live from Church week 2: Sunday, October 12th & 19th CHURCH at Love 179 MacDougal St at 8th St New York City 8pm – 2am $10 at the door For more information on Church, visit: web 28thday/events/church/fall2008web 28thday/events/church/fall2008
#4176 Sun, 12 Oct 2008 00:05:19 Sun, 12 Oct 2008 00:05:19 From: Halloween Big Party NYC-Friday,Octob er 31st,-Repsychle Presents…Tryambaka Live!/Earworm Live!/Spectra Live!/ LAB Live!/Xama Cirkus Dj Set! /Greetings Intergalactic Flu oro Funksters. We are a group of friends who love CURSOR: pointer; BORDER-BOTTOM: rgb(0,102,2 Trance and we love to PARTY!!! We are d edicated to bringing quality Psychedelic ashedTrance amEast Coast PsyFamily. Repsychle Proudly Presents… A Psychedelic Trance gathering, Featuring 5 headliners, encompassing a wide range of psychedelic trance frequencies(genres/styles) We hop e that you all are as excited as we are about this massive line up: B RXama t!( Trishula Rec||Psybaba Rec||Akuntsu Rec,Portugal)Dj Ay-Ash now XaMC3 A3 CIrKus is 30 years old has been playing the underground sound for a long Time..Started to play in some bands rock..but one evil day in 1 998 and still going strong and evil. A Dj who only plays in underground pa rty’s, with the devilish aggressive quality alien sounds. This Time dedica te time to make some party’s with friends in Portugal. Long time XamC3A3 liked it has much time that he likes Portuguese producing sound, and help s them to combine it self in the psychedelic world, due to his Knowledge n ear the labels and cybernauts. XaMC3A3 : MY objective in floor is : Dance until s w LAB – Live!(En sof,Portugal)LAB, of his name Re nato Moreira was born in 1984 in Lisbon, Portugal.Starting his route in th ANin 1998, he begun to gain a taste for computorized production in that same year using Rebirth 1.0.Evolving in 2000 into the use of hosts like FL Studio, he first had experiences in genres of electronic like breakbeat,d owntempo and house, before turning to the more dark path of psychedelic tr ance in his selftitled project LAB, influenced by the upcoming wave of rus sian sounds. LAB..s music is based on fast passed and groove full beats, i nducing futuristic ambiences and breaks, featuring powerful mental twistin g leads!Making his live debut appearence in 2005, at the present time LAB intends to obtain more knowledge to add to his evergrowing musical expertis e, and to perform and release globaly, to bring his vision of the future o f PAN Tryambaka – Live!(Spectral Rec/Bhooteshwara Rec,Portug al)Tiago Pimentel has a connection with music since his childhood. The fir st contact was with classical music, but it would be the power of electron ic music that would influence his artistic culture at psychedelic parties. Discovering trance lead Tryambaka to producing intense sounds marked by a nocturnal and unique style. Since then the challenge is at his finger tip s, adopting one of the many names given to the Hindu god Shiva meaning the one who sees thru the third eye, a vision that promotes union such as the music he represents. web myspace/tryambaka” N Earworm – f Max Meshiv, born in 1986. He was infected by the psychedelic trance viru s at a young age in infect others. Around 2002 he and his o lder brother Noam started to work on music together on a computer based mu sic software…it was more of an experimental stage and development. What started as a hobby eventually took a more serious path, which also brought in lots of magical and mysterious experiences along with it. That mixed w ith an explosion of inspiration and…BooM! the EarWorm project was born. The project in itself is aimed towards wizardly magical futuristic nightti me-twilight-morning psychedelic frequencies….Tune in to the frequency of everywhere and now-here and get e/earwormtrax Spectra – Live!(Crystal Mat rix Rec,Portugal) Spectra are Paulo and Francisco Oliveira, two talent ed portuguese brothers.Paulo started called Shrink, a nigh t based psychedelic project with twisted sounds and high pitch voltage. He released several track on Ketuh records and Good Mood Records.As in 2001 experimenting music production on his own, but in a melodic and morning way.Finally, in 2003, the two br others started making music together and the Spetra project was born. Sinc e that time they released tracks on Ketuh records and Spectral records fro m Portugal.Nowdays they are making high quality production in a vaste area psy progressive. id F luorescent Psychedelic Backdrops by: Fluorobotanics. The Fluorobotanics is one artist Lukas Kavik engaged in fluorescent painting, psychedelic (mind intensifying) backdrops and decoration of the parties. The style of the pa inting went through certain changes and the process, that would result in a consistent style, is unfinished yet. The history of the painting is conn ected with techniques and materials experiments. Its subject matter always was the abstraction of natural forms. The work of art becomes the means o f e work of art expresses feelings, visions and energy which can incite your imagination. Backdrops help to make a good atmosphere at the party. They are an integral part of it. This idea was realized in 1998 in class The Fluorobotanics is wide – decorated a lot of parties in Czech Republic and abroad ( Azores Islands, Finland, France, Germany, cuts s ollow The location we will be using for this party is a cozy yet spacious loft E2809CRefugeE2809D which is CURSOR: ST, Queen from DIRECTIONS: Take the L Train to Halsey Street Station. Exit near intersection of Halsey St and Wy ckoff Ave. Start out going EAST on Wyckoff Ave towards George St. Turn rig ht onto Decatur St, and proceed to 1532 Decatur St. The location is approx imately 5 minutes away from the subway stop. 18+ To Enter / 21+ To Drink 10 pm E28093 7:30 am Tickets price structure: Advanced i nced tickets (Until OCTOBER 30th) $35(+1$ Paypal fee, purchase tickets be low) At the door tickets (OCTOBER 31st) $40(with costume) or $45(co stume-less) To purchase advanced tickets please visit web r3 psychle.org OR You can buy advanced tickets directly from us, just call CURSOR: pointer; if you have any questions or concerns, we will be very happy to assist you. We hope to see everyone there please come and support our scene. !RaknahS MooB Than shows what’s happening at your destination. Dining, Movies, Events, News &
#4177 Sun, 12 Oct 2008 00:10:06 Sun, 12 Oct 2008 00:10:06 From: 2008 – Most quiet year of psy-trance in New York Had to be said. Thanks to all who are still doing it!
#4178 Mon, 13 Oct 2008 08:46:13 From: “alladinproject” alladinproject at yahooPsy collective presents: Deviant species Live Squid Inc Live Sat Oct 18 0-4239660236-0180042605:4 [Psy collective presents: Deviant species Live Squid Inc Live Saturday October 18 Psy collective presents: 248 West 14th St btw 7th -8th Ave New York NY Next door to club plum Music by: Deviant species Live Ambivalent Rec uk Squid Inc Live (Ambivalent Rec) uk Kno-B (Alladin Group ) Japan Brandon Adams (Dreamcatcher) NYC Elnadiv (Alladin Group) NYC/Israel Vj by: Serge (Alladin Group) NYC Deco by: Severyn NYC Cost: $25. First 50 people will get a free ambivalent Records original CD 21+ with pic ID Door opens at 10 pm Location: 248 West 14th St btw 7th -8th Ave New York N Y Next door to club plum See u all at the dance floor with full of smiles : ) Subways L/ A/C/E trains to 14THST & 8th AVE 1/2/3/ trains to 14TH ST & 7TH AVE (walk one block) F/V/ trains to 14TH ST& 6TH AVE (walk two bloc ks ) N/R to 14th st (transfers to the L or walk a few blocks) Next Psyco live (first app earance in nyc ) at 248 West 14th Street btw 7th -8th Ave Manhattan New Yor k Next door to club plum 0-4239660236-0180042605:4 e Squid Inc Live Saturday October 18 Psy collective presents: 248 West 1 4th St btw 7th -8th Ave New York NY Next door to club plum Music by: De viant species Live Ambivalent Rec uk Squid Inc Live (Ambivalent Rec) uk Kno-B (Alladin Group ) Japan Brandon Adams (Dreamcatch er) NYC Elnadiv (Alladin Group) NYC/Israel Vj by: Serge (Al ladin Group) NYC Deco by: Severyn NYC Cost: $25. First 5 0 people will get a free ambivalent Records original CD 21+ with pic ID Do or opens at 10 pm Location: 248 West 14th St btw 7th -8th Ave New York NY Next door to club plum See u all at the dance floor with full of smile s : ) Subways L/ A/C/E trains to 14THST & 8th AVE 1/2/3/ trains to 14 TH ST & 7TH AVE (walk one block) F/V/ trains to 14TH ST& 6TH AVE (walk tw o blocks ) N/R to 14th st (transfers to the L or walk a few blocks) Nex rst appearance in nyc ) at 248 West 14th Street btw 7th -8th Ave Manhattan New York Next door to club plum 50 0-4239660236-0180042605:4
#4179 Thu, 16 Oct 2008 12:07:16 TripoutnyPSYCHEGROUND Thursday, October 30th 2008 at Sullivan Room, NYC 0-1081902371-1224184036:10461 PSYCHEGROUND get’s ready for halloween with a special progressive / fullo n night featuring special dj sets by: NOMOLOS (Zenon Records, Australia/I srael) Currently based in NYC, is the Zenon Records representation in Isra el. He specializes in the Zenon style of dark mystical minimal to grinding, experimental progressive. Some of his favorite acts include Krumleur, Sens ient, Cujorius One, Mantik, Opsis and Igneous Sauria to name a few. He has performed in the UK, Australia, India and of course Israel, supporting many fine acts including Sun Control Species, Perfect Stranger, Ticon, Pena, Ko xbox, Hujaboy and many more. Lately Nomolos has been exploring Dubstep, an d the more abstract sides of the Minimal Techno world and is incorporating these fresh sounds in to his DJ sets enhancing these deep musical journeys. CTRL+ALT+DEL ( Nexus Media, India/USA)DJ CHARLES (new concep t, BR)RICARDO MODERNO (Brazil) 10pm – 4am Sullivan Ro om, Manhattan, New York City 218 Sullivan St (between Bleecker and West 3r d St, 2 blocks east of 6th Ave) Subway: A, B, C, D, E, F, or V trains to “W 4 St – Wash Sq” 21+ with ID $5 cover charge Here is a map to Sulliv an Room: web sullivanroom web myspace/psycheground 0-1081902371-1224184036:10461 PSYCHEGROUND get’s ready for halloween with a special progressive / fullon night featuring special dj sets by: (Zenon Records, Australia/Israel) CTRL+ALT+DEL ( N exus Media, India/USA) DJ CHARLES (new concept, BR) RICARDO MODERNO (Brazil)
#4180 Thu, 16 Oct 2008 16:01:53 Thu, 16 Oct 2008 16:01:52 From: Halloween at COSM with Psylab web cosm.org/dnd (web cosm.org/dnd)
#4181 Sun, 19 Oct 2008 17:52:56 Mon, 20 Oct 2008 09:52:56 From: Yugo F ripvanwinkle at hotmailChristopher Manik (Autist./ Harthouse), diss0nance (unfoundsound/ Phonocult) on 11/08 (SAT) ed702b-89df-4675-a6cc-4d59b59377e1 99be4f68-3875-444f-ba7d-dddd9f1c495c Activate presents… 11.08.08 (SAT) -Christopher Manik a.k.a. chatterbox (Autist./Harthouse) -diss0nance (unfoundsound/Phonocult) Resident: Yugo, TTX, Hisaki 11pm-8am $10 all night *BYOB (We don’t serve any alcohol!) ‘G-Spot’ (decent loft space with a huge roof top!) 778 Bergen st. Brooklyn, NY. 11238 map:maps.google/maps?hlen&clientfirefox-a&rlsorg.mozilla:en-US:official&hsnQi&q778+bergen+st+brooklyn&um1&ieUTF-8&saX&oigeocoderesult&resnum1&ctimage subway: C, to Clinton-Washington Ave or Franklin Ave. 2.3 to Grand Army Plaza or Eastern pkwy – Brooklyn Museum Contact: activatenyc at gmail web myspace/christophermanik web myspace/tonaleclipse web myspace/activateny
#4182 21 Oct 2008 04:01:15 From: TripOutNY Timothy Leary’s Birthday, 10/22/2008, 12:00 am Timothy Leary’s Birthday Wednesday October 22, 2008 All Day Timothy Leary’s Birthday Wednesday October 22, 2008 All Day
#4183 Sat, 25 Oct 2008 00:01:09 Sat, 25 Oct 2008 00:01:06 From: (no subject) Hi Guys, Sorry for the late notice on this but could you post this to y our lists, etc? Many thanks in advance. Stop by for a healthy serving o f dirty beats. Thanks, Erica Come one come all, Step right up…Psyb otik Presents Circus Debauchery at The Flying Laboratory NYC Decompressi on 2008 Saturday October 25th, 4pm-4am DJs Jeff (BRC) – Minimal tech P ito (Biatch Corp) – Minimal Techno, Dub Techno and Tech-House Giovanni (Bi atch Corp)- Techno and Breaks Karraskilla (Biatch Corp) – ranges from Elec tro House, Electro Techno, and Techno too. Leonard Boltz (BRC)- Jumpy, fu nky, vocal breaks Gabriel vs Electrik (Psybotik) – Electro House, Breaks, Techno Dysform (Phoenix Circle) – Psytrance Stas Hi-Fi (Omnitribe) – Psytra nce Rev Dr Shamus (BRC) – Psytrance Electrik (Psybotik) – Psytrance Dave D ittmer (Sonic Beating) – Psytrance Gabriel (Psybotik) – Dark Psy VJs nas hamasha Jeff Biatch Corp DE3MON Deco and UV Dance Enclosure Psybotik e t al. Sound Icarus Facundia, Elf Communique and Psybotik Location on th e tarmac at TC01 – Space Odyssey near Arbor Animus: at Aviator Sports in Flo yd Bennett Field Brooklyn, NY Go to web nycdecompression.org (web nycdecompression.org/) for tickets but hurry because they stop sell ing tomorrow (Friday) at noon and none will be sold at the gate! Also c heck out nycdecompression.org/ (nycdecompression.org/) W day-of-event/projeWday-of-ev for details about other stages and pro jects. Getting to the event (Public Transportation) Take the 2 train to the last stop in Brooklyn (Flatbush Avenue). From there, you can either take a car service or take the MTA’s Q35 bus. It is a 10 minute direct ca r ride from the subway stop to the venue. It is about 15 minutes on the b us. To catch the Q35 bus, you want to wait in front of the Payless (acros s the street from Target; corner of Flatbush and Avenue H), and you may w ant to ask the bus driver to let you off at Aviator Sports at Floyd Bennett Field. Before reaching the destination, you will pass Kings Plaza Mall o n your left, and then a golf course type area on your right. After you pa ss over the Belt Parkway, you will see Hangers 5 and 6 on the left, follo wed by Hangers 7 and 8. This is where you want to disembark the bus. Cros s the street and go through the parking lot. You will see a red aviator p lane, which will indicate the entrance to the Flying Laboratory. If you would like to take a car service from the end of the 2-train to Aviator Sports, we have alerted several car services that there will be a large n umber of people requesting that route. These car services were quoting us $18-$25 for the trip. * Jaffa Car Services? – (718) 964-4444 * On Time Car Service – (718) 934-2222 * Zia – (347) 275-0956 * All People Taxi Services – (718) 282-3700 * Church Avenue Ca r Services – (718) 633-4444 * Easy Ride Car Services Inc – (718) 44 4-5557 * Exquisite Car & Limo Services – (347) 922-7012 * F ive Star Car Services – (718) 940-0044 * R & K Limousine Services I nc – (718) 763-5701 * Strictly Car Services- (718) 837-7000 * West End Car Services – (718) 332-6622 * First Class – (718) 493 -4800 Getting to/from the event (Cars/etc.) You can also reach the event in your own car or carpool. Directions from a variety of locations are o n the Aviator Sports website at web aviatorsports/ (ww w.aviatorsports/) Wcontent/about-aviWcontent/ab. Most directi ons are the same from the Belt Parkway: * Belt Parkway at Exit 11S (F latbush Ave. South towards the Rockaways) * Go South on Flatbush Av e for 3 lights. At third light, turn left (just before the toll bridge) t o enter Floyd Bennett Field. * Pass guard house * Take firs t Left. Drive BD mile * Make Left into parking area when you see t he Aviator Facility Getting back from the event (Public Transportation) Decompression has arranged for complimentary shuttle buses to take you from the venue to the end of the 2-train line. Buses will run regularly from 2 am until 8 am, with the highest frequency leaving between 4 and 6 am. I f you prefer to take a car service, feel free to use the numbers above. ***If you want to stay informed about future private events psybotik-subscribe at psybotik-subscri legroups) *** **************A Good Credit Score is 700 or Above. See yours in just 2 easy steps! (pr.atwola/promoclk/100 ooter) Hi Guys, Sorry for the late notice on this but could y ou post this to your lists, etc? Many thanks in advance. Stop by for a healthy serving of dirty beats. Than ks, Erica Circus Debauchery at The Flying Laboratory NYC Decompression 2008 Saturday October 25th, 4pm-4am pse Jeff (BRC) – Minimal tech Pito (Biatch Corp) – M inimal Techno, Dub Techno and Tech-House Giovanni (Biatch Corp)- Techno and Breaks Karraskilla (Biatch Corp) – ranges from Electro House, Elec tro Techno, and Techno too. Leonard Boltz (BRC)- Jumpy, funky, vocal br eaks Gabriel vs Electrik (Psybotik) – Electro House, Break s, Techno Dysform (Phoenix Circle) – Psytrance Stas H i-Fi (Omnitribe) – Psytrance Rev Dr Shamus (BRC) – Psytrance Electri k (Psybotik) – Psytrance Dave Dittmer (Sonic Beating) – Psytranc e Gabriel (Psybotik) – Dark Psy VJ s nashamasha Jeff Biatch Corp DE3MON D Deco and UV Dance Enclosure Psybotik et al. Sound Location on the tarmac at TC01 – Space Odysse y near Arbor Animus: : preat Aviator Sports in Floyd Bennett Field DI V / ression.org for tickets but hurry because they stop selling tomorrow ( Friday) at noon and none will be sold at the gate! Also check out nycdecompression.org/ details about other stages and projects. Getting to the event (Public Transpor tation) Take the 2 train to the last stop in Brooklyn ( Flatbush Avenue). From there, you can either take a car service or take th e MTA’s Q35 bus. It is a 10 minute direct car ride from the subway stop to the venue. It is about 15 minutes on the bus. To catch the Q35 bus, you w ant to wait in front of the Payless (across the street from Target; corner of Flatbush and Avenue H), and you may want to ask the bus driver to let you off at Aviator Sports at Floyd Bennett Field. Before reaching the dest ination, you will pass Kings Plaza Mall on your left, and then a golf cour se type area on your right. After you pass over the Belt Parkway, you will see Hangers 5 and 6 on the left, followed by Hangers 7 and 8. This is whe re you want to disembark the bus. Cross the street and go through the park ing lot. You will see a red aviator plane, which will indicate the entranc e to the Flying Laboratory. If you would like to take a ca r service from the end of the 2-train to Aviator Sports, we have alerted s everal car services that there will be a large number of people requesting that route. These car services were quoting us Jaffa Car Services? – (718) 964-4444 On Time Car Service – (718) 934-2222 Zia – (347) 275-0956 All People Taxi Services – (718) 282-3700 Church Avenue Car Services – (718) 633-4444 Easy Ride Car Services Inc – (718) 444-5557 Ex quisite Car & Limo Services – (347) 922-7012 Five Star Car Servi ces – (718) 940-0044 R & K Limousine Services Inc – (718) 763-57 01 Strictly Car Services- (718) 837-7000 West End Car Service s – (718) 332-6622 First Class – (718) 493-4800 DI VGetting to/from the event (Cars/etc.) You can also reach the event in your own car or carpool. Directions from a variet y of locations are on the Aviator Sports website at com/web aviatorsports/Wcontent/about-aviator/Wdire Most directions are the same from the Belt Parkway: Belt Parkway at Exit 11S (Flatbush Ave. South towards the Rockaways) Go South on Flatbush Ave for 3 lights. At third light, turn left (just before the toll bridge) t o enter Floyd Bennett Field. Pass guard house Take first Left . Drive BD mile Make Left into parking area when you see the Aviato r Facility Getting back from the event (Publi c Transportation) Decompression has arranged for compli mentary shuttle buses to take you from the venue to the end of the 2-train line. Buses will run regularly from 2 am until 8 am, with the highest fre quency leaving between 4 and 6 am. If you prefer to take a car service, fe el free to use the numbers above. *** /If you want to stay informed about future private events send an e to:psybotik-subscribe at googlegroups” at Wgooglegroups*** DI V /P A Good Credit Score is 700 or Above. pr.atwola/promo
#4184 Sat, 25 Oct 2008 00:13:18 Sat, 25 Oct 2008 00:13:14 From: 10.31.08 // CoSM Demons & Deities Masquerade Friday, October 31, 2008 Deities and Demons Masquerade: A Mystical Evening of Visionary Art, Music and Dance at CoSM Feature Presentation at 8pm by Alex and Allyson Grey on the Mysteries and Celebrations of Death, Spirits, and the Great Beyond. ********* CoSMosis 10pm-4am PSYLAB (5-pc live electronic, Boston, Psy-Tech) REALITY ENGINE (NY, LA, Sao Paulo; Minimal Tech House) KOZ (NLightN, LA, Electro-Funk) MIKEO (Freek Factory, NYC, Psy-Breaks) ********* MicroCoSM: DJ CLOUD (Dark Ambient) OPTICAL DRAGON HANNAH THIEM (Ethereal Eastern Solo Violin) STEVE ROURKE (Cosmic Guitar) ********* Live Painting by Alex and Allyson Grey 8pm – 4am, $40 Tickets available at web cosm.org (web cosm.org/) 542 W. 27th St, 4th Fl, NYC 10001 212.564.4253 **************A Good Credit Score is 700 or Above. See yours in just 2 easy steps! ooter) style and A Mystical Evening of Visionary Art, Music and Dance SPA Feature Presentation at 8pm by Alex and Allyson Grey on the Mysteries and Celebrations of Death, Spirits, and LINE-HE D LI BORDER-TOP-WIDTH: 0p LINE-HEIG Paulo; Minimal LA, Electro-Fun LINE-HEIG Psy-Breaks) : 15p an yle-span AN styl Ambient)/SPAN le-span ereal Eastern n G LINE-HEIG tyle-span pple-style-span LINE-HEI style-span by Alex and Allyson pple-style-span LINE-H ww.cosm.org/ V MILY: 542 W. 27th St, 4th Fl, NYC SPA L
#4185 Sat, 25 Oct 2008 00:28:27 Sat, 25 Oct 2008 00:28:27 From: NYC 10/31/08 Spectra/LAB/Tryambaka/Earworm/Xama Cirkus Greetings Intergalact ic Fluoro Funksters. We are a group of friends who love Psychedelic Tr ance and we love to PARTY!!! We are dedicated to bringing quality Psyc hedelic Trance music, and Psychedelic Environments To the New York &am East Coast PsyFamily. R3PSYCHLE presents…. 10.31. 08 HALLOWEEN PSYCHEDELIC TRANCE PARTY!!! A Psychedelic Trance gath ering, Featuring 5 headliners, encompassing a wide range of psychedelic trance frequencies(genres/styles) We hope that you all are as exc ited as we are about this massive line up: Spectra LIVE! (Crystal Matrix yambaka LIVE! (Spectral Records, Bhooteshwara Rec, Portugal) LAB L IVE! (En Sof, Portugal) XaMC3A3 CirKus DJ SET! (Trishula Rec, Ps ybaba Rec, Akuntsu Rec, Portugal) Deco and Psychedelicious environ ment by: web fluorobotanics/web fluorobotanics The lo cation we will be using for this party is a cozy yet spacious loft E2 809CRefugeE2809D which is located at 1532 Decatur ST, Queens, NY 11385 . For a map of the location, and directions to and from : SUBWAY DIRECTIONS: Take the L Train to Halsey Street Station. Exit near B Rintersection of Halsey St and Wyckoff Ave. Start out going EAST on W yckoff Ave towards George St. Turn right onto Decatur St, and proceed to 1532 Decatur St. The location is approximately 5 minutes away from the subway stop. 18+ To Enter / 21+ To Drink 10 pm E280 93 7:30 am Tickets price structure: Advanced tickets (Unt il OCTOBER 10th) $30(+1$ Paypal fee, purchase tickets below) Advan ced tickets (Until OCTOBER 30th) $35(+1$ Paypal fee, purchase tickets belo w) At the door tickets (OCTOBER 31st) $40(with costume) or $45(cos tume-less) To purchase advanced tickets please go to w.R3psychle.org OR You can buy advanced tickets directly from us, just call 917-43 8-8804 Please feel extremely welcome to contact us at r3psychle at gm ail if you have any questions or concerns, we will be very happy t o assist you. We hope to see everyone there, please come and suppo rt our scene. re is 700 or Above. pr.atwola/promoclk/100000075×1211
#4186 Tue, 28 Oct 2008 10:36:16 PSYCHEGROUND Thursday, October 30th 2008 at Sullivan Room, NYC 0-2017260088-1225215376:34589 PSYCHEGROUND get’s ready for halloween with a special progressive / fullon night featuring special dj sets by: NOMOLOS (Zenon Records, Austra lia/Israel) Currently based in NYC, is the Zenon Records representation in Israel. He specializes in the Zenon style of dark mystical minimal to grin ding, experimental progressive. Some of his favorite acts include Krumleur, Sensient, Cujorius One, Mantik, Opsis and Igneous Sauria to name a few. He has performed in the UK, Australia, India and of course Israel, supporting many fine acts including Sun Control Species, Perfect Stranger, Ticon, Pen a, Koxbox, Hujaboy and many more. Lately Nomolos has been exploring Dubste p, and the more abstract sides of the Minimal Techno world and is incorpora ting these fresh sounds in to his DJ sets enhancing these deep musical jour neys. CTRL+ALT+DEL ( Nexus Media, India/USA)RICARDO MODER NO (Brazil) 10pm – 4am Sullivan Room, Manhattan, New York City 218 Sullivan St (between Bleecker and West 3rd St, 2 blocks east of 6th A ve) Subway: A, B, C, D, E, F, or V trains to “W 4 St – Wash Sq” 21+ wit h ID $5 cover charge Here is a web sullivanroom web myspace/psycheground 0-2017260088-1225215376:34589 PSYCHEGROUND get’s ready for halloween with a special progressive / fullon night featuring special dj sets by: NOMOLOS (Zenon Records, Australia/Israel) CTRL+ALT+DEL ( N exus Media, India/USA) RICARDO MODERNO (Brazil)
#4187 Wed, 29 Oct 2008 21:52:21 TripoutnyPSYCHEGROUND Thursday, October 30th 2008 at Sullivan Room, NYC PSYCHEGROUND get’s ready for halloween with a special progressive / fullon night featuring special dj sets by: NOMOLOS (Zenon Records, A ustralia/Israel) Currently based in NYC, is the Zenon Records representati on in Israel. He specializes in the Zenon style of dark mystical minimal to grinding, experimental progressive. Some of his favorite acts include Krum leur, Sensient, Cujorius One, Mantik, Opsis and Igneous Sauria to name a fe w. He has performed in the UK, Australia, India and of course Israel, suppo rting many fine acts including Sun Control Species, Perfect Stranger, Ticon Pena, Koxbox, Hujaboy and many more. Lately Nomolos has been exploring D ubstep, and the more abstract sides of the Minimal Techno world and is inco rporating these fresh sounds in to his DJ sets enhancing these deep musical journeys. CTRL+ALT+DEL ( Nexus Media, India/USA)RICARDO MODERNO (Brazil) 10pm – 4am Sullivan Room, Manhattan, New York City 218 Sullivan St (between Bleecker and West 3rd St, 2 blocks east of 6th Ave) Subway: A, B, C, D, E, F, or V trains to “W 4 St – Wash Sq” 21 + with ID $5 cover charge Here is a maps.y web sullivanroom web myspace/psycheground 0-1206584257-1225342341:98730 PSYCHEGROUND get’s ready for halloween with a special progressive / fullon night featuring special dj sets by: NOMOLOS (Zenon Records, Australia/Israel) CTRL+ALT+DEL ( N exus Media, India/USA) RICARDO MODERNO (Brazil) 0-1206584257-1225342341:98730
#4188 Thu, 30 Oct 2008 06:59:48 From: “alladinproject” alladinproject at yahooPsy collective presents: Halloween with Time lock Live Audiopathik Live Saturday Psy collective presents: Halloween Psytrance Party Music by: Time Lock Li ve BNE Rec Israel Audiopathik Live Acidance Rec Mexico Kno-B vs Elnadi v (Alladin Group )Israel-Japan Tony Unorthodox (28thday ) NYC Vj by: Serge (Alladin Group) NYC Deco by: Severyn NYC Admission at the door $30 $5 off if u Mention Tripout New york at the door 21+ with pic ID D oor opens at 10 pm Location: 244 West 14th St btw 7th -8th Ave New York NY Next door to club plumm the entrance is normal building entrance not a club entrance next door to subway sandwich store See u all at the dance floor with costumes and smiles Subways L/ A/C/E trains to 14THST & 8t h AVE 1/2/3/ trains to 14TH ST & 7TH AVE (walk one block) F/V/ trains to 14TH ST& 6TH AVE (walk two blocks ) N/R to 14th st (transfers to the L or walk a few blocks) web psycollective web alladinproje ct.net
November 2008
#4189 06 Nov 2008 21:30:32 Thu, 06 Nov 2008 21:30:28 ystem at 28thday From: scott scott at 28thdayFriday: Tony Unorthodox at Vitamin Bformatflowed 28thday’s Tony Unorthodox spins this Friday at Vitamin B, Brooklyn’s breakbeat and electro monthly. If you’ve felt that irresistible drive to dance to any of Tony’s numerous sets at trance parties and festivals, be there on Friday as the next generation of his sound takes shape and he throws down an unmistakable mandate for groove onto the floor of none other than Grand Space! November 7, 2008 Vitamin B at G-Spot (formerly Grand Space) featuring: LB3 (hypnotarium | nucleus, NYC) Tony Unorthodox (28thday, NYC) Tarquin (Vitamin B | Kostume Kult, NYC) Tektite (Vitamin B | Kostume Kult, NYC) Cecil Grey (Knights of Pan | Vitamin B, NYC) 2000 square foot dance floor spin-jam-friendly rooftop garden and positive vibes fire and silk performances BYO 21+ G-Spot 778 Bergen St, Brooklyn 11pm – 4am $10 admission For directions and more information, visit: web vitaminbreaks web 28thday web 28thday 28thday’s Tony Unorthodox spins this Friday at Vitamin B, Brooklyn’s breakbeat and electro monthly. If you’ve felt that irresistible drive to dance to any of Tony’s numerous sets at trance parties and festivals, be there on Friday as the next generation of his sound takes shape and he throws down an unmistakable mandate for groove onto the floor of none other than Grand Space! November 7, 2008 Vitamin B at G-Spot (formerly Grand Space) featuring: LB3 (hypnotarium | nucleus, NYC) Tony Unorthodox (28thday, NYC) Tarquin (Vitamin B | Kostume Kult, NYC) Tektite (Vitamin B | Kostume Kult, NYC) Cecil Grey (Knights of Pan | Vitamin B, NYC) 2000 square foot dance floor spin-jam-friendly rooftop garden and positive vibes fire and silk performances BYO 21+ G-Spot 778 Bergen St, Brooklyn 11pm – 4am $10 admission For directions and more information, visit: web vitaminbreaksweb vitaminbreaks web 28thdayweb 28thday
#4190 Thu, 6 Nov 2008 22:14:22 -0800 nyc604Fri, 7 Nov 2008 15:14:22 From: Yugo F ripvanwinkle at hotmailChristopher Manik (Autist./ Harthouse), diss0nance (unfoundsound/ Phonocult) on 11/08 (SAT) in Brooklyn e0096370-3079-40ae-9e7d-4f3cf9e7e45d 61222065-‘1a-4c65-a7-3adb441a731e Activate presents… 11.08.08 (Sat) -Christopher Manik a.k.a. chatterbox (Autist./Harthouse) -diss0nance (unfoundsound/Phonocult) Resident: Yugo, TTX, Hisaki 11pm-8am $10 all night *BYOB (We don’t serve any alcohol!) “G-Spot” (decent loft space with a huge roof top!) 778 Bergen st. Brooklyn, NY. 11238 map:maps.google/maps?hlen&clientfirefox-a&rlsorg.mozilla:en-US:official&hsnQi&q778+bergen+st+brooklyn&um1&ieUTF-8&saX&oigeocoderesult&resnum1&ctimage subway: C, to Clinton-Washington Ave or Franklin Ave. 2.3 to Grand Army Plaza or Eastern pkwy – Brooklyn Museum Contact: activatenyc at gmail web myspace/christophermanik web myspace/autistrecords web myspace/tonaleclipse web foundsoundrecords/ web myspace/activateny travel.jp.msn/special/domestic/kouyou2008/
#4191 14 Nov 2008 01:01:54 Fri, 14 Nov 2008 01:01:51 ystem at 28thday From: scott scott at 28thdaySat Nov 22 :: 28thday and Psybotik :: Contracosmos SATURDAY, November 22 28THDAY and PSYBOTIK present CONTRACOSMOS An evening of psytrance, progressive, electro-house, breaks and techno at a NEW undisclosed and spacious virgin venue in East Williamsburg! featuring: KARASH (2TO6, France) HELIOS (Geomagnetic, SF) TONY UNORTHODOX (28thday, NYC) ELECTRIK (Psybotik, NYC) DAVE DITTMER (Sonic Beating, Boston) GABRIEL (Psybotik, NYC) FRACTAL PHONO (Gaian Mind, Philly) Visuals by: Helios (Geomagnetic) Serge (Alladin) nashamasha (Psybotik) D3M0N (Psybotik) Decor by Psybotik Performance by Masae Sound by Icarus & light-o-matic November 22, 2008 11:00pm & 6:30am East Williamsburg $15 advance / $25 door web 28thday/events/contracosmosAdvance tickets available from 28thday. Venue will be revealed upon purchasing your ticket online. Space permitting, we will announce the venue to the general public 24 hours before the event. web 28thdayweb 28thday web psybotikweb psybotik web psynyweb psyny
#4192 Sat, 15 Nov 2008 19:26:23 From: ” Koxbox – Ocelot – Frank’E – TONIGHT Same great place as Halloween web yogibogeybox.org Hello New York! After a very successful first gathering YogiBogeyBox is proud to host some of ou r favorite artists. Please come and support the scene! We do hope this s tretches a smile on your face… KOXBOX Live (Twisted Records/ Ibiza/Den emark) Formed in Copenhagen early in the ’90s, Koxbox made some of the firs t moves toward the psychedelic trance sound that became a standard later in the decade. The duo was formed by Frank E (aka Frank Madsen) and Peter Can dy, who first met back in 1980 while playing in rock bands around Copenhage n. Even though the KoxBox evolution has taken many twists and turns, one th ing stayed constant: the music is of unimaginable quality and they can sure ly be called legends in our scene. We are very excited to host one of the o nly artists that have constantely elevated their music to be on top of the psychedelic trance scene. Ocelot Live (Vertigo Records/ Portugal) oCeLoT a ka Aaron Peacock is based in Portugal after many years in San Fran. Aaron p roduces high-impact psychedelic trance, sometimes deviating into fresh morn ing goa style creating music for your nonstop dancing, listening pleasure. While producing since 1993, the oCeLoT project began in the year 2000 and h as been heard on 5 continents in forests, on beaches, on mountains, in club s, warehouses, in fields, and just about anywhere a trance party has been h eld. Frank’E DJ Set (Twisted Records/ Ibiza/Denemark) By the words of the DJ, get ready for a “KILLER” DJ set by the mastermind of KoxBox. Ocelot ch ill set (Vertigo Records/ Portugal) We are treated by this multi talented a rtist to a couple of hours of on the chill stage that will surely have you levitating.. Isvara DJ Set-(Mighty Quinn/ Lycantrop Rec)[Russia / NYC] It is a joy to have one of the leading artists on the east coast. With his ani mal instincts and his innate musical talent this set is surely going to pac k a punch into the lineup. The dark night tunes will surely set your mind t o an unforgettable voyage. Progress Live (YogiBogeyBox/ NYC) Yuriy Vaskevi ch is a discoverer of musical dreamscapes. His immense musical background i s not to be missed. He pushes the limits of psychedelic experimental music and reached sounds that are progressively unique. By popular demand we brin g back Yuriy. We assure you that if you have not heard Yuriy before you wil l go back to your computers to have another listen. DJ K E N (Dreamcatcher / Psychollective, NYC / JP) K e N’s Psytrance style can be described as Fu ll-On that is neither too bright or too dark. Yet, powerful with a message, his infectious sounds make you smile & dance 🙂 He plays for the love of t he music and the people. Always evolving, and trying to further define that special moment, to make the crowd feelspecial on the dance floor. – – – – – – sp ecial decor & interactive psytructures by Neff (NephilNine) & Uta New and Unique visuals for your party from Serge !!!! Be ready for a special visua lly stimulating atmosphere – – – – – – Location: Refuge 1532 Decatur St Queens, NY We will host this amazing event at a cozy yet spacious loft, with some kil lller sound :). By Subway: Take the L train to the Halsey Station. Exit ne ar the Halsey and Wyckoff Ave exit. Walk east on Wyckoff towards George St. Turn right onto Decatur St, and proceed to 1532 Decatur St. The location i s approximately 5 minutes away from the subway stop. +NY+1138 – – – – – – – – W e will make it our mission to make out parties affordable for everyone. Tic kets at the door will be 28 Advance tickets will go for 23. Advanced tix ca n be purchased by going to cts.vresp/c/?Elemental/96ddc10ac5/433 a32c554/9c9167dbfb yBox.org or simply write us at yogibogeybox at gmail. For any additional questions call us at (631)943-1339 . doors will open at 11 with the party going until 8 am We hope to see you all there!!! As always bring your beautiful smiles Thank you everyone for making these events possible!!! BOOOoooMM hese emails, please reply to this message with “Take me off this list” in t he subject line or simply click on the following link: cts.vresp /u?96ddc10ac5/433a32c554/66a2b65 This message was sent by YogiBogeyBox using V erticalResponse YogiBogeyBox, 2 West 3 street, New York, NY, 10010 Read the VerticalResponse marketing policy: web verticalresponse/cont ent/pmpolicy
#4193 19 Nov 2008 00:02:06 Wed, 19 Nov 2008 00:02:07 ystem at 28thday From: scott scott at 28thdayContracosmos – Saturday 28thday and Psybotik invite you to come rock the Karashbah this Saturday at CONTRACOSMOS. From dangerous dark stylings to soaring full-on and beyond, we’ll traverse a wide arc of psychedelic terrain as we inaugurate Brooklyn’s newest party spot. Icarus and light-o-matic unite again to assemble one of the finest mobile sound systems in the city, and we welcome a web glassbeadcollective.orgGlass Bead Collective on board with visual art. $15 advance tickets will remain available until Friday 10PM. Don’t miss this last chance to get your slice of the multiverse at a fire-sale price! Late adopters will be welcome at the door, although based on response we may release the venue only to a limited audience. Visit web 28thday/events/contracosmos28thday for tickets, lineup, and further details. Full flyer up on a web Psybotik . See you on Saturday! -28thday & Psybotik web 28thdayweb 28thday web psybotikweb psybotik
#4194 Wed, 19 Nov 2008 10:51:50 -0800 SLIP at Sullivan Room – Nov 20 Come and join us this Thursday, Nov. 20th, for the launch of SLIP at Sullivan Room. An evening of pumping Brazilian flavored minimal, tech-house and tribal beats, beautiful people, and relaxed vibes. Featuring residents Luis Campos and Matyas (a.k.a. Reality Engine) on the decks. This edition sees Ray Briones and Nikki McNally joining in on the fun… web myspace/realityengineav web myspace/djraybriones us.myspace/nikimcnally 218 Sullivan St (between Bleecker and W 3rd Sts) Greenwich Village 212-252-2151 Subway: A, C, E, B, D, F, V to W 4th St web sullivanroom 21+ with ID $10 cover charge $5 on list Please respond to this email to be added to the guest list.
#4195 Wed, 19 Nov 2008 15:38:16 Wed, 19 Nov 2008 15:38:16 Cc: TripOutNY From: Rooms for rent, 20 min from Manhattan 2nd floor, Bushwick, in major hip party area. Closet, wood floors, window to street. $650 100 sq feet Close to delis, grocery store park. Smal ler room, windowless. $350 60 sq feet 2 blocks from L train Jefferso n Street. I month deposit needed. Rooms available now. 347 404 5606 ** ************Check out smokin hot deals on laptops, desktops and mo re from Dell. Shop Deals (pr.atwola/promoclk/100000075×121334 1;l) 2nd floor, Bushwi ck, in major hip party area. Closet, wood floors, window to street.& nbs$650 100 sq feet Close to delis, grocery store park . Smaller room, windowless. $350 60 sq feet 2 blocks from L train Jeffer son Street. I month deposit needed. Room s available now.
#4196 Wed, 19 Nov 2008 15:44:08 Wed, 19 Nov 2008 15:44:06 From: Saturday, November 29th, 2008 NYC… at Refuge Saturday, November 29th, 2008 NYC… REPSYCHLE delivers you a diverse an d psychedelicious line up : – Special Live Set! After working as a Headliner Mastering Engineer for t he one of the most hed his own psychedelic trance label E2809CNUTEKE2809D in 2006. Curr ently residing in Amsterdam, Holland, his quest for the new sounds has ev en become more active lately. He has already secured his status in the sc ene by producing 2 legendary albums with his dark full-on style. With his 3rd album, E2809CDISCODELIC,E2809D he successfully set himself the new direction E28093 Disco Psychedelic. His label NUTEK along with his diverse musical talent and unique style has become easily recognizable a nd fully penetrated into every nook and corner of the psychedelic trance world. His latest album, E2809CEAT IT!E2809D proves the fact that h e is definitely one of the most cutting-edge and quality track makers toda y. He never stops; he keeps evolving. He has just announced that he will launch 3 projects with totally different styles: considered as one of hi s trademarks, Disco Psychedelic E28093 E2809CCPU,E2809D chic and minimal electro project E28093 E2809CBeatkrush,and the m ost anticipated dark full-on project that hes ready to unleash t his timeE280A6 E2809CCPU on ACIDE2809D!!! His ever-growing psych edelic world will be fully unfolded in the unexplored realm between 146 t o 162 BPM. No doubt that CPU on ACID will become a legend among psy-world travelers always craving for the fresh sounds!!! web myspace /therealcpu (web myspace/therealcpu) KONFLUX vs. COGNOSCENT I (California E28093 Russia/Japan) – Special Live Set! Konflux is a so lo project of the DJ and producer Vasily M. Born and raised in Russia he now resides in Los Angeles, California. Having over ten years of experienin producing multifarious styles of electronic dance music Vasily bega n making psy-trance in 2004. A light-hearted, elegant, yet pounding and g roovy style can be roughly described as “a blend of Light Night and Heavy Morning Psychedelic Music”. Konflux has spun across the states alongside a multitude of international acts, participating in major events like Gaia n Mind in Pennsylvannia and Burning Man in Nevada, Boom Festival Radio in Portugal and countless California outdoor gatherings. Vasily has release d tracks on compilations from such labels as Phar Psyde (UK), Doof (Israe l), Pixan (Italy). web konfluxmusic.net (web konfluxmusic .net/), web myspace/konfluxpsy (web myspace/konf luxpsy) Dai N. comes from the country of the Rising Sun and knows well how to bring fresh energy to the dancefloor, utilizing his ability to pic k out just the right tracks and create an animated story. His psychedelic party experience started at when he was a teenager in Japan. Eight years ago Dai launched his career as a DJ. After moving to Southern California he quickly joined the local underground psytrance movement and became an active member of a Los Angeles-based collective Psytribe, without which h e cannot imagine his DJ career. He has played at numerous parties across the US, as well as Mexico and Japan. Dai started producing music under th e name Cognoscenti in 2005. He is focusing on creating intelligent and tw isted psy-trance, releasing on Psycircle Records. web myspace.co m/psydai (web myspace/psydai) Recently the boys joined forc es to demonstrate what the real West Coast flavor is all about. Through t heir carefully crafted live set they communicate with the Earthlings in a language easily understood by minds and bodies alike. NOMOLOS (Zenon Re cords, Australia/Israel) – Dj Set! Currently based in NYC, is the Zenon R ecords representation in Israel. He specializes in the Zenon style of dar k mystical minimal to grinding, experimental progressive. Some of his fav orite acts include Krumleur, Sensient, Cujorius One, Mantik, Opsis and Ig neous Sauria to name a few. He has performed in the UK, Australia, India a nd of course Israel, supporting many fine acts including Sun Control Spec ies, Perfect Stranger, Ticon, Pena, Koxbox, Hujaboy and many more. Lately Nomolos has been exploring Dubstep, and the more abstract sides of the M inimal Techno world and is incorporating these fresh sounds in to his DJ sets enhancing these deep musical journeys. web myspace/theno molos (web myspace/thenomolos) 718718456 Brandon Adams (Dre am Catcher, NYC) – Dj Set! PsyOps (CrookedRecords, Philadelphia, US) – D j Set! Jonathan Yeminy AKA PsyOps discovered trance in India when he stum bled u[pon amazing psychedelic sounds at a beach in the south of India on Christmas eve, 2002. Soon after, he rerouted his trip through Goa where he caught a sever case of the psy-trance bug. Since then, he’s helped thr ow some of the most killer parties ion the East coast of the US and South Africa. He’s part of the Noisy Radicals collective, which is Noise Poiso n Records, FreeRadical Records, Bom Shanka Music, and his own Crooked Rec ords, whose first VA Release is coming soon. He spins the newest, most cu tting edge, full power music he can find that’s sure to take you on a tur bo-powered musical adventure. web crooked-records (web .crooked-records/) Fluorescent Psychedelic Backdrops & paintings by : “CALAQUENDI” Calaquendi is a small artist collective located in the aus trian countryside. From the heart of europe the collective spread their w ork all over the world. During the last years calaquendi did a lot of pa rty deco and become well known for their nice fluo paintings and string art works. web calaquendiart/ (web calaquendiart/) Additional decor & interactive psytructures by Neff (NephilNine). Lo cation : Refuge at 1532 Decatur st, Queens, NYC. 18 to enter 21 to drink! Admission $35 at door, Advanced tickets $30(until nov 28th)Advanced tick ets can be purchased at web r3psychle.org (web r3psychle.or g/) (will be updated anyday now…) Or contact us at r3psychle at gmail For any questions? Call us at 917 438 880 4 More info and details tba. We hope to see everyone there, please com e and support the scene with your beautiful smiles & energy. Saturday, November 29 th, 2008 NYC… REPSYCHLE delivers you a diverse and psychedelicio Switzerland) – Special Live Set! After working as a Headliner Mastering Engineer for the one Guediche launched his own psychedelic trance label E2809CNUTEKE2809D in 2006. Currently r esiding in Amsterdam, Holland, his quest for the new sounds has even become more active lately. He has already secured his status in the scene by pro ducing 2 legendary albums with his dark full-on style. With his 3rd album, E2809CDISCODELIC,E2809D he successfully set himself the new directi on E28093 Disco Psychedelic. His label NUTEK along with his diverse mus ical talent and unique style has become easily recognizable and fully pene trated into every nook and corner of the psychedelic trance world. His lat est album, E2809CEAT IT!E2809D proves the fact that he is definitely one of the most cutting-edge and quality track makers today. He n ever stops; he keeps evolving. He has just announced that he will launch 3 projects with totally different styles: considered as one of his trademar ks, Disco Psychedelic E28093 E2809CCPU,E2809D chic and minimal ele ctro project E28093 E2809CBeatkrush,E2809D and the most anticipat ed dark full-on project that hes ready to unleash this timeE280 A6 E2809CCPU on ACIDE2809D!!! His ever-growing psychedelic w orld will be fully unfolded in the unexplored realm between 146 to 162 BPM . No doubt that CPU on ACID will become a legend among psy-world travelers always craving for the fresh sounds!!! ! incode auto-link start om/therealcpu” alcpu KONFLUX vs. COGNOSCENTI (Ca lifornia E28093 Russia/Japan) – Special Live Set! Konflux is a solo project of the DJ and producer Vasily M. Born and raised in Russia he now resides in Los Angeles, California. Having over ten years of experience i n producing multifarious styles of electronic dance music Vasily began mak ing psy-trance in 2004. A light-hearted, elegant, yet pounding and groovy style can be roughly described as “a blend of Light Night and Heavy Mornin g Psychedelic Music”. Konflux has spun across the states alongside a multi tude of international acts, participating in major events like Gaian Mind in Pennsylvannia and Burning Man in Nevada, Boom Festival Radio in Portugal and countless California outdoor gatherings. Vasily has released tracks o n compilations from such labels as Phar Psyde (UK), Doof (Israel), Pixan ( Italy). sic.net/ llowweb konfluxmusic.net, ! in ://web myspace/konfluxpsy! incode auto-link end Dai N. comes from the country of the Rising Sun and knows well how to bring f resh energy to the dancefloor, utilizing his ability to pick out just the right tracks and create an animated story. His psychedelic party experienc e started at when he was a teenager in Japan. Eight years ago Dai launched his career as a DJ. After moving to Southern California he quickly joined the local underground psytrance movement and became an active member of a Los Angeles-based collective Psytribe, without which he cannot imagine his DJ career. He has played at numerous parties across the US, as well as Me xico and Japan. Dai started producing music under the name Cognoscenti in 2005. He is focusing on creating intelligent and twisted psy-trance, relea sing on Psycircle Records. targe -link end Recently the boys joined forces to demonstrate what the real West Coast flavor is all about. Through their carefully crafted l ive set they communicate with the Earthlings in a language easily understo od by minds and bodies alike. NOMOLOS (Zenon Records, Australia/Is rael) – Dj Set! Currently based in NYC, is the Zenon Records represent ation in Israel. He specializes in the Zenon style of dark mystical minima l to grinding, experimental progressive. Some of his favorite acts include Krumleur, Sensient, Cujorius One, Mantik, Opsis and Igneous Sauria to nam e a few. He has performed in the UK, Australia, India and of course Israel supporting many fine acts including Sun Control Species, Perfect Strange r, Ticon, Pena, Koxbox, Hujaboy and many more. Lately Nomolos has been exp loring Dubstep, and the more abstract sides of the Minimal Techno world an d is incorporating these fresh sounds in to his DJ sets enhancing these dee p musical journeys. ! incode auto-link start web myspace/thenomolos e auto-link end 718718456 Brandon Adams (Dream Catcher, NYC) – Dj Set! PsyOps (CrookedRecords, Philadelphia, US) – Dj Set! Jo nathan Yeminy AKA PsyOps discovered trance in India when he stumbled u[pon amazing psychedelic sounds at a beach in the south of India on Christmas eve, 2002. Soon after, he rerouted his trip through Goa where he caught a sever case of the psy-trance bug. Since then, he’s helped throw some of th e most killer parties ion the East coast of the US and South Africa. He’s part of the Noisy Radicals collective, which is Noise Poison Records, Free Radical Records, Bom Shanka Music, and his own Crooked Records, whose firs t VA Release is coming soon. He spins the newest, most cutting edge, full power music he can find that’s sure to take you on a turbo-powered musical adventure. Fluorescent Psychedelic Backdrops & paintings by: “CALAQUEN DI” Calaquendi is a small artist collective located in the austrian co untryside. From the heart of europe the collective spread their work a ll over the world. During the last years calaquendi did a lot of party deco and become well known for their nice fluo paintings and string a t/ lowweb calaquendiart/ Additional decor & interactive psytructures by Neff (NephilNine). Location : Refuge at 1532 Decatur st, Queens, NYC. 18 to enter 21 to drink! Admission $35 at door, Advanced tickets $30(until nov 28th)Advanced tickets can be purchased at k end (will be updated anyday now…) Or contact us at ! incode auto -mailto start sychle at gmailr3psychle at gmail For any questions? Call us at 917 438 8804 More info and details tba. We hope to see everyone there, please come and support the s cene with your beautiful smiles & energy. !RaknahS MooB ‘ hot deals on laptops, desktops and more from Dell. Shop Deals /B
#4197 Thu, 20 Nov 2008 11:47:06 -0800 SLIP at Sullivan Room – Nov 20 Come and join us this Thursday, Nov. 20th, for the launch of SLIP at Sullivan Room. An evening of pumping Brazilian flavored minimal, tech-house and tribal beats, beautiful people, and relaxed vibes. Featuring residents Luis Campos and Matyas (a.k.a. Reality Engine) on the decks. This edition sees Ray Briones and Nikki McNally joining in on the fun… web myspace/realityengineav web myspace/djraybriones us.myspace/nikimcnally 218 Sullivan St (between Bleecker and W 3rd Sts) Greenwich Village 212-252-2151 Subway: A, C, E, B, D, F, V to W 4th St web sullivanroom 21+ with ID $10 cover charge $5 on list Please respond to this email to be added to the guest list.
#4198 20 Nov 2008 17:46:59 Thu, 20 Nov 2008 17:46:57 ystem at 28thday From: scott scott at 28thdayRSVPs for Contracosmosformatflowed By popular demand we’ve opened up an RSVP option for Contracosmos. If you’d like to participate in Saturday night and still get your tickets at the door, you can now reserve door tix online: web 28thday/events In contrast to the $15 advance ticket, the RSVP will reserve a $20 ticket for you at the door. Those with an RSVP will be e-mailed on Friday night with the venue. We’ll be accepting both RSVPs and presales until Friday 10PM. Special thanks to everyone who’s already responded! -28thday & Psybotik web 28thday web 28thday web psybotik web psybotik By popular demand we’ve opened up an RSVP option for Contracosmos. If you’d like to participate in Saturday night and still get your tickets at the door, you can now reserve door tix online: web 28thday/eventsweb 28thday/events In contrast to the $15 advance ticket, the RSVP will reserve a $20 ticket for you at the door. Those with an RSVP will be e-mailed on Friday night with the venue. We’ll be accepting both RSVPs and presales until Friday 10PM. Special thanks to everyone who’s already responded! -28thday & Psybotik web 28thdayweb 28thday web psybotikweb psybotik
#4199 Sat, 22 Nov 2008 13:53:55 Sat, 22 Nov 2008 13:55:15 From: UNIFED VIBES:. free party Dec 4 .:UNIFED VIBES:. Free Party Thur Dec 4th NYC There will be psy tra nce at this party !!!!!!! .:UNIFED VIBES:. Thur Dec 4th 8pm-4am 21+ Line up: Eshin – jump-up Bigears – ragga-jungle John Dough – acid techno Amok – breaks Primate – tribal psytrance Loud Zoo – tribal psytrance Bitmode – analogue electronics Madnum Darxyde – raggae 2 for 1 drinks!!! beer, vod ka, & wine from 8-10pm !!! FREE !!! at porch 115 ave C NYC 10009 please b ring canned food to donate to web foodnotbombs.to web unifiedvibes.www w ww.jungleriddims.www web renegadevirus.www web porchnyc.www ***** *********Check out smokin hot deals on laptops, desktops and more from Dell. Shop Deals (pr.atwola/promoclk/100000075×121334583 ) ext .:UNIFED VIBES:. Free Party Thur Dec 4th NYC There will be p sy trance at this party !!!!!!! UNIFED VIBES:. Thur Dec 4th 8pm-4am 21+ Line up: Eshin – jump-up Bigears – ragga-jungle John Dough – acid techno Amok – breaks Primate – tribal psytrance Loud Zoo – tribal psytrance Bitmode – analogue electronics Madnum Darxyde – raggae 2 for 1 drinks!!! beer, vodka, & wine from 8-10pm !!! FREE !!! at porch 115 ave C NYC 10009 please bring canned food t o donate to web foodnotbombs.Worg web unifiedvibes.Wcom web jungleriddims.Wcom web renegadevirus.Worg web porchnyc .Wcom !End group email re from Dell. pr.atwola/promoclk/100000075×121334583
#4201 Sat, 29 Nov 2008 01:07:10 From: “alladinproject” alladinproject at yahooAlladin project present Fri Dec 12th ABOMINATION LIVE GHREG ON EARTH at CLUB EXIT Alladin group parties will is back for monthly events at club exit, The ven ue has been renovated and additional sound has been added. So get ready fo r a worm winter sounds with amazing decoration and top notch music by world class producers and DJ’s that will make this experience unforgettable Our first party will be on Friday December 12 2008 so mark your calendars. Ma in floor web myspace/psyabomination GHREG ON EARTH ( Echo Vortex96USP) SF http ://web myspace/ghregonearth web myspac e/earwormtrax SKETI (Blacklight Activists) Canada web myspace.co m/bushtelegraph ORBIT aka Elnadiv vs Kno-B (Alladin group) Israel-Japan R AFAEL (Soul Sounds) Brazil/Boston Electro Room: RAY BRIONES, Brazil O MER BARNEA, Israel And more to be announced Decoration: Backdrops by; NEIL GIBSON (Blacklight Activists) Toronto Canada web myspace/ neilgibson81 Spandex & Structures by Ocular Delight web dividemysk y/oculardelight /Alladin Deco Team alladinproject.net/gallery/di 18 to enter 21 to drink with valid ID Doors open 10 pm 96 6 am $25 in advance at web alladinproject.net $35 at the door Location: CLUB EXIT 147 GREENPOINT AVE. BROOKLYN, NY 11222 S treet Map: Directions: By Subway: Take the L train to Red ford stop and transfer to the 61 bus go down in green point Ave, ( 5 mint ) Or: take the L train to metropolitan Ave & transfer to the G train to Gr een point Ave. the Club is right across the street. Or: G train to green po int Ave Subway Map: web mta.nyc.ny.us/nyct/maps/submap Bus: 61, 43, to Green point Ave Bus map: web mta.nyc.ny.us/nyct/maps/busbkln .pdf By Car: Take BQE (I-278) to Exit 33 McGuiness Blvd,towards Green poi nt Ave, Turn LEFT at Green point Ave Proceed to 147 Greenpoint Ave. By car -service / Taxi: From Manhattan costs about $15 From Bedford Station it cos ts about $6 Our next party will be at take place at Club Exit on January 16 2009 web AlladinProject.net
December 2008
#4202 Wed, 10 Dec 2008 12:06:07 Wed, 10 Dec 2008 12:06:06 , d-m-t, darchive From: Get $5 off Alladin Project if you say “Trip Out New York” at the door Return to Club Exit!!!!! World class lineup as usual… welcome ba ck El Nadiv! Get $5 off Alladin Project if you say “Trip Out New York” at the door Alladin group parties are back for monthly events at club exi t, The venue has been renovated and additional sound has been added. Get ready for a worm winter sounds with amazing decoration and top notch music by world class producers and DJ’s that will make this experience unforge ttable Our first party will be on Friday December 12 2008 so mark your ca lendars. Main floor l web myspace/psyabomination (web myspace/psyabom ination) GHREG ON EARTH (Echo VortexE28093USP) SF web mysp ace/ghregonearth (web myspace/ghregonearth) Vision) NYC web myspace/earwormtrax (web myspace/e arwormtrax) SKETI (Blacklight Activists) Canada web myspace /bushtelegraph (web myspace/bushtelegraph) ORBIT aka Elnadiv vs Kno-B (Alladin group) Israel-Japan RAFAEL (Soul Sounds) Brazil/Boston Electro Room: RAY BRIONES, Brazil OMER BARNEA, Israel And more to be announced Decoration: Backdrops by; NEIL GIBSON (Blacklight Activ ists) Toronto Canada web myspace/neilgibson81 (web my space/neilgibson81) Spandex & Structures by Ocular Delight http ://web dividemysky/oculardelight (web dividemysky/ocularde light) /Alladin Deco Team alladinproject.net/gallery/displayima (alladinproject.net/gallery/displayimag 18 to enter 21 to drink with valid ID Doors o pen 10 pm E28093 6 am $25 in advance at web alladinproject.net (web alladinproject.net/) $35 at the door Location: CLUB EXIT 147 GREENPOINT AVE. BROOKLYN, NY 11222 Street Map: local.google (ht Directions: By Subway: Take the L train to Redford stop and transfer to the 61 bus go down in Greenpoint Ave, (5 mint) Or: take the L train to metropolitan Ave & transfer to the G train to Green point Av e. the Club is right across the street. Or: G train to green point Ave Su bway Map: web mta.nyc.ny.us/nyct/maps/submap (web mta. nyc.ny.us/nyct/maps/submap ) Bus: 61, 43, to Green point Ave Bus map: web mta.nyc.ny.us/nyct/maps/busbkln.pdf (web mta.nyc.ny.u s/nyct/maps/busbkln.pdf) By Car:Take BQE (I-278) to Exit 33 McGuiness Bl vd,towards Green point Ave, Turn LEFT at Green point Ave Proceed to 147 Green point Ave. By car-service / Taxi: From Manhattan costs about $15 F rom Bedford Station it costs about $6 Our next party will be at take plac e at Club Exit on January 16 2009 Alladin Group / Orb Festival Phone: 19 17-569-1177 1917-554-6574 alladinproject at yahoo web alladinproje ct.net web OrbFestival **************One site keeps you connect ed to all your email: AOL Mail, Gmail, and Yahoo Mail. The NEW AOL.(h 00000019) Return to Club Exit!!!!! World class lineup as usual… welcome back El Nadiv! York” at the door Alladin group parties are back for monthly events at club exit, The venue has been renovated and additional sound has been added. Get ready for a worm wi nter sounds with amazing decoration and top notch music by world class producers and DJ’s that will make this experience unforgettable Our first party will be on Frid ay December 12 2008 so mark your calendars. Main floor Israe ON EARTH (Echo V ortexE28093USP) SF //web myspace/ghregonearth EARWORM myspace/earwormtrax SKETI 20424 shortcuts bsp; aka Elnadiv vs Kno-B (A lladin group) Israel-Japan RAFAEL (Soul Sounds) Brazil/ Boston Electro Room: RAY BRIONES, Brazil OMER BARNEA, Israel And more to be announced Decoration: Backdrops by; NEIL GIBSON (Blacklight Activists) Toronto Can & Stru ctures by Ocular Delight /web dividemysky/oculardelight cuts Deco Team tit shortcuts to enter 21 to drink with valid ID Doors open 10 pm E28093 6 / llow door &nbs p;Location: CLUB EXIT CURSOR: pointer; BORDER-BOTTOM: rgb(0,1 PAN CURSOR: GREENPOINT AV 11222 Str eet Map: Subway: T ake the L train to Redford stop and transfer to the 61 bus go down i n Greenpoint Ave, (5 mint) Or: take the L tr ain to metropolitan Ave & transfer to the G train to class Cl ub is right across the street. Or: G train to class title 61, 43, to Gree n point Ave Bus map: ct/maps/busbkln.pdf AN By Car:Take BQE (I-278) to Exit 33 McGuiness Bl vd,towards Green point Ave, Turn LEFT at Green point AveB RProceed to 147 Green point Ave. By car-service / Taxi: From Manhattan costs about $15 From Bedfor d Station it costs about $6 Our next party will be at t 2009 Alladin Group / Orb Festival Phone: 1917-569-1177 1917 -554-6574 alladinproject at yahoo web alladinproject.net web OrbFestival
#4203 Wed, 10 Dec 2008 12:14:03 Wed, 10 Dec 2008 12:14:03 From: Room available, $325. 20 min from manhattan Available immediately 100 square feet, windowless. b/w East Williamsburg and Bushwick Need 1 month deposit. Available immedia tely 100 square feet, windowless. b/w East Williamsb urg and Bushwick Need 1 month deposit. Call 347 404 5 606 or email
#4204 Wed, 10 Dec 2008 17:44:25 Wed, 10 Dec 2008 17:44:25 From: Old timers back in town this month – David and Vitalek -David from Hungary (Mathis’ brother; Mathias survived his SCUBA accident on the West Coast, and is recovering) trancemuter at yahoo -Vitalek from Omnitribe back from India Welcome back guys! -David from Hunga ry (Mathis’ brother; Mathias survived his SCUBA accident on the West Coast and is recovering) yahoo -Vitalek from Omnitribe ba ck from India Welcome back guys! &n o all your email: AOL Mail, Gmail, and Yahoo Mail. web ao
#4206 Thu, 11 Dec 2008 22:18:54 -0800 Cc: alladinproductions at hotmail, michelbyrne at hotmail, nyc604, dan dandraver at aol, liza psyliza at gmailAlladin Group Present ABOMINATION LIVE, GHREG ON EARTH and more Decmber 12th at CLUB EXIT
#4207 Sat, 13 Dec 2008 16:11:37 -0800 TripoutnyPSYCHEGROUND Thursday December 25th at Sullivan Room 0-383106079-1229213497:56693 Come and celebrate Christmas full on style at Sullivan Room, NYC’s best sound system and fully renovated!!!!!!! featuring live and dj sets b y: Daksinamurti (Shiva Space Technology/Nexus Media)Dj Daksinamurti is Till Kuhn from Marburg/ Germany. In his sets he prefers twilight style d / Night Full ON. But he also has a weakness for good produced non cheesy morning music and chill out … In 2005 he joined Shiva Space Technology. F rom 2006-2008 he was A&R for the India based label Rudraksh Records and in the end of 2007 he joined the South African label “Nexus Media”… web nexu s-media.co.za Noam Rubinstein (nractiv / Minengine / fuzzy nugget NY C) LIVENoam Rubinsteinis a local video games professional who has b een writing, recording and performing electronic music for over ten years. Known for his legendary psychedelic sight and sound collaborations at M indEngine, Noam will be joining us tonight for a rare live performance and a very special DJ set. Ctrl+Alt+Del ( Nexus Media, India/USA) Live Luziunm (Dreamcatcher, Brazil) LiveLuis & Maty as (Reality Engina / Dreamcatcher / Alladin Group) Deco by t he Dreamcatchers 10pm – 4am Sullivan Room, Manhattan, New York City 218 Sullivan St (between Bleecker and West 3rd St, 2 blocks east of 6th Ave) Subway: A, B, C, D, E, F, or V trains to “W 4 St – Wash Sq” 21 + with ID $5 cover charge Here is a maps.y web sullivanroom web myspace/psycheground myspace/daksi 0-383106079-1229213497:56693 Come and celebrate Christmas full on style at Sullivan Room, NYC’s best sound system and fully renovated!!!!!!! featuring live and dj sets by: Daksinamurti (Shiva Space Technology/Nexus Media) Noam Rubinstein (nractiv / Minengine / fuzzy nugget NYC) LIVE Ctrl+Alt+Del ( N exus Media, India/USA) Live Luziunm (Dreamcatcher, Brazil) Live Luis & Matyas (Reality Engina / Dreamcatcher / Alladin Group) Deco by the Dreamcatchers
#4208 Sat, 13 Dec 2008 23:17:50 Sat, 13 Dec 2008 23:17:50 From: New Years Eve, North Carolina web touchsamwwweb twwwww (web touchsamadhi/events/2008/12/31/new-years-eve) Love Life Kri Mastering and Mixing Service: audiovalve.http (audiovalve.org/) It’s all in the ear! Join the trance talk: groups.grougrogrouht (groups.google/group/goa-america?hlen) Bands: web myspace.web mysp (web myspace/shapestatic) web myspace.web mys (web myspace/audiovalve) Dj: web myspace.web mys (web myspace/krisamadhi) Mixes: web touchsamwwwwwww (web touchsamadhi/audio/by/artist/kri) releases: saikosounds.saikosaikosaik /web touchsamadhi/events/2008/12/31/new-years-eve ouchsamadhi/events/2008/12/31/new-years-eveweb touchsamWad hi/Wevents/2008/W12/31/new-Wyears-eve Love Li org/ ‘s all in the ear! Join the trance talk: static com/shapestatic ve Dj: p://web myspace/krisamadhiweb myspace.Wcom/krisamadhi Mixes: h Wadhi/Waudio/by/Wartist/kri releases: all your email: AOL Mail, Gmail, and Yahoo Mail. web aol.
#4209 Wed, 17 Dec 2008 16:31:53 Wed, 17 Dec 2008 16:31:51 From: Tonight – Sneak Preview: “Footsteps in Africa: A Nomadic Journey” I’m going! Reality Sandwich presents… Sneak Preview: “Footsteps in Africa: A Nomadic Journey” Discussion with Director Kathi von Koerber, Editor CC Treadway, Composer Jamshied Sharifi, and RS Editorial Director Daniel Pinchbeck Catch a sneak preview of an exquisite cinematic journey followed by a discussion with the film’s director Kathi von Koerber, its editor CC Treadway, and composer Jamshied Sharifi. “Footsteps in Africa, a Nomadic Journey” is a documentary, witnessing the colorful music of the daily life and ritualistic survival of the Saharan desert nomads of Mali. The Tuareg / Kel Tamashek relate their nomadic quest for freedom, their pursuit for oneness with life, and their integration of encroaching modern ways into their tradition of life. For thousands of years their survival reveals the innate wisdom of living as one with nature in the desert, allowing them to survive beyond droughts and their rebellions. Shot on 24P Video,16 mm and interlaced with still photography, the film expresses the power of music, its frequencies, and the Tuareg’s courage, strength and willingness to face death. Reality Sandwich Interview with Director Kathi von Koerber: web realitysandwich/footstepsinterview (web realitysandwich/footstepsinterview) Wed. Dec. 17 The Wild Project 195 E 3rd st. (212) 228-1195 (7p doors, 8p screening, $15) I’m going! Reality Sandwich presents… Sneak Previe w: “Footsteps in Africa: A Nomadic Journey” Discussion with Directo r Kathi von Koerber, Editor CC Treadway, Composer Jamshied Sharifi, and RS Editorial Director Daniel Pinchbeck Catch a sneak preview of an ex quisite cinematic journey followed by a discussion with the film’s directo r Kathi von Koerber, its editor CC Treadway, and composer Jamshied Sharifi . “Footsteps in Africa, a Nomadic Journey” is a documentary, witnessing th e colorful music of the daily life and ritualistic survival of the Saharan desert nomads of Mali. The Tuareg / Kel Tamashek relate their nomadic que st for freedom, their pursuit for oneness with life, and their integration of encroaching modern ways into their tradition of life. For thousands of years their survival reveals the innate wisdom of living as one with natu re in the desert, allowing them to survive beyond droughts and their rebel lions. Shot on 24P Video,16 mm and interlaced with still photography, the film expresses the power of music, its frequencies, and the Tuareg’s cour age, strength and willingness to face death. Reality Sandwich Inter view with Director Kathi von Koerber: ad(this, event, function { UntrustedLink.bootstrap($(this), “4c6a690b3bb4 wich/footstepsinterview Wed. Dec. 17 The Wild ProjectB R195 E 3rd st. (212) 228-1195 (7p doors, 8p
#4210 18 Dec 2008 05:02:30 From: TripOutNY Winter Solstice, 12/21/2008, 12:00 am Winter Solstice Sunday December 21, 2008 Winter Solstice Sunday December 21, 2008
#4211 Thu, 18 Dec 2008 17:45:05 From: “alladinproject” alladinproject at yahooPsy collective presents; NYE with PSYCOTIC MICRO LIVE D-TACK LIVE WISTERIA LIVE Psy collective presents; New Years psytrance Party Wednesday Dec 31st 200 8 We are pleased to invite you to celebrate the New Year in a loft type sp ace high ceiling good sound killer deco and friendly staff in the lower eas t side Manhattan. Line Up: PSYCHOTIC MICRO Live Israel web mysp ace/thepsychoticmicro D-TACK Live Maia records Mexico web myspa ce/musicdtek WISTERIA Live web myspace/wisteria2misteria And more to be announce Decoration: Back drop SEVERYN NYC Spandex & Str uctures by: Ocular Delight web dividemysky/oculardelight Alladin Deco Team 18 to enter 21 to drink with valid ID Doors open 10 pm 96 6 am $4 0 in advance at web psycollective $50 at the door Location: The b ack lot 107 Suffolk St New York NY 10002 (Between Delancey and Rivington) Street Map: Directions: By Subway: F. J. M. Z To Delancey St web psycollective web alladinproject. net
#4212 Thu, 18 Dec 2008 17:48:25 From: “alladinproject” alladinproject at yahooAlladin Group Present SHIVA CHANDRA Live, ILLEGAL MACHINE Live…JAN 16 NYC Alladin Group Present SHIVA CHANDRA Live, ILLEGAL MACHINE Live and more!! F riday Jan 16th at CLUB EXIT (Brooklyn NY) LineUp: Main floor SHIVA CHANDR A Live web myspace/shivachandra ILLEGAL MACHINE Live web .myspace/illegalproject BRANDON ADAMS Dreamcatcher /NYC profile. KeN Psy collective /Dreamcatcher /NYC web myspace/nydj4life ORBI T Alladin Group Israel/ Japan MOMOLOS Zanon Rec web myspace/thenomolos Electro Room: OMER BRNEA Israel/ NYC TONY UNORTHODOX 28th day NYC DJ CHA RLES SEVERYN NYC Decoration: Backdrops by; TBA Spandex & Structures by: Ocular Delight web dividemysky/oculardelight Alladin Deco Team 18 t o enter 21 to drink with valid ID Doors open 10 pm 96 6 am $25 in advance at web alladinproject.net $30 at the door Location: CLUB EXIT 149 GRE ENPOINT AVE. BROOKLYN, NY 11222 Street Map: local.google/loca Direction s: By Subway: Take the L train to Redford stop and transfer to the 61 bus go down in Greenpoint Ave, (5 mint) Or: take the L train to metropolitan A ve & transfer to the G train to Green point Ave. the Club is right across the street. Or: G train to green point Ave Subway Map: web mta.ny c.ny.us/nyct/maps/submap Bus: 61, 43, to Green point Ave Bus map: ht tp://web mta.nyc.ny.us/nyct/maps/busbkln.pdf By Car: Take BQE (I-278) to Exit 33 McGuiness Blvd,towards Green point Ave, Turn LEFT at Green point Ave Proceed to 147 Green point Ave. By car-service / Taxi: From Manhatt an costs about $15 From Bedford Station it costs about $6 Our next party will be at take place at Club Exit on valentine weekend Feb 13 2009 featurin g RASTALIENS Live BRAINCELL Live FRIA and more web AlladinProject. net
#4213 Thu, 18 Dec 2008 14:16:09 Thu, 18 Dec 2008 14:16:46 From: New Years Repsychle NEW YEARS EVE 12/31/08 Wednesday at HELLO BK(THE HOOK) TWO ROOMS of MAYHE M! MIND BLOWING UV DECO! PSYCHEDELIC + PROGRESSIVE TRANCE! FULL STOCKED BA R! PARTY GOING UNTIL 6am or LATER! Repsychle invites you on a passage thr ough time. Permit the melody of the hypnotic realm to unravel your mind fr om the year elapsed, and unearth your spirit in the new age of psychedelic revolution. Deck wizards and sonic alchemists : (in order of appearance) Green Apples (New Jersey/New Castle UK) – Dj Set! To the underground ea st coast diggers Apples is no stranger. Many mornings at numerous outdoor gatherings all over the east coast Apples was there to indulge us with awe some baked goods and his awesome energy. Now it’s time for him to cater us with some appetizing sounds!!! BRANDON ADAMS (Dreamcatcher – NYC) – Dj S et! profile.profiproprofprofile.&friend nd Once New Jersey’s best-kept secret, Brandon h as quickly become a prominent fixture in the New York psy scene, having pl ayed for every major promoter, at several major clubs, lofts, and outdoor spaces in and around NYC. With a deep-rooted appreciation for all forms of music, especially psychedelic, he is easily one of the most versatile and dedicated DJs around. SPYROS (Psytribe – Los Angeles) – Dj Set w ww.psytribeweb pshtt (web psytribe/artists ) One o f the leading forces of Psytribe, Spyros, is determined to develop and mai ntain psychedelic trance scene in Los Angeles. Introduced to psy-trance in 1995 in Athens, Greece by Andy Barakuda he soon became a dedicated promot er and DJ. Famous for his heavy and expressive night time sets, uplifting morning full-on sounds and a good pinch of progressive beats he is undoubt edly a trend setter for many. DAKSINAMURTI (Shiva Space Technology/Nexus Media – Germany) – Dj Set web myspace.ww (web myspac e/daksi) Daksinamurti is Till Kuhn from Marburg Germany.Till became a DJ to spread his love for the psychedelic music he loves with such a big passion. Perfect nighttime and twilight power psychedelic trance is his r ecipe, but Till also has a real weakness for well produced, soulful and in telligent morning / daytime sound as well. Time to kick up some dust! RAN DOM (Geomagnetic.RANDOM (Geomagnetic.Wtv – web myspace.w ww.my (web myspace/randompsy) Hi my name is Ross and I am Ra ndom. The Bay Area has been my home and source of inspiration for all of m y life. In the year 1996 I heard Psychedelic Trance and chose the twisted path of being a psy-trance musician and DJ, now I make and play music insp ired by the environments of places I have lived, and for the parties that I have played at around the world. I gather encouragement and inspiration from the people and the parties that I play at and/or put ..ing me to expl ore the realms of possibility in designing sound. Growing up in Northern C alifornia placed me amongst incredibly diverse music scenes. I can’t deny my goth punk roots, but those days were for learning to play the drums and the guitar. I collected EBM and Industrial, which led me to Techno then H ard Trance a bit of Jungle, Hardcore, Acid Techno, and then I bought my fi rst GOA records. In 1997 over 200 of my best psy records were destroyed in a fire, changed my life but gave me a reason to rebuild my collection. In 2001 after four years of Djing and throwing parties my mind got set on se rious music production. My music is formed from all of my music tastes and is created for dance floor destruction. In the beginning I would take all the gigs I could get, playing in fields, barns, river beds, forests, wher ehouses, city streets, beaches, clubs, weddings, graduations, houses and m ega rave events. So far I’ve played at events with many psy artist from ar ound the world including Xenomorph, Earthling, Altom, Scorb, Deviant Speci es, Lemurians, Rastaliens, Neuromotor, Hydraglyph, BUS, CPU, GMS, Deedrah, Jirah, Hyperfrequency, Audiopathik, Phase Phour, Miraculix, Electrypnose, Mechanika, Serious Isness, Eskimo, Noosphere, Alien Project, Quantize, Hi gko, Naked Tourist, Onnomon, Clone, Shapestatic, Mexican Trance Mafia, Dev iant Species, Phatmatix, Kode Six, Loud, Virtual Light, Psychotic MIcro, E VP, Shiva Jeorg, Krumuler. uhh probably a lot more that i am forgetting an d the list will grow. Plus all the local California artist and friends of mine Mubali, Mindstorm, The Loomi, Bodhisattva 13:20, Meta, Fractal Cowboy s, Amanda, Ghreg on Earth, Arahat, Ocelot, Parus, Alien Mental, Penta, Chr omatone, RoB0t, Helios, Xyla, Deeper In Zen, and more. From the days of wo rking in a full midi studio with roommates and friends using Logic Audio o n crappy computers and even worse monitors, we tried to bend the boundarie s of weird music. Now in ’07, I’m upgraded in the studio gear and computer . and have composed 4+ CDs worth of unreleased tracks, and release my debu t album Implicate Order in ’06. My music has matured and morphed with time and my self-taught skills have resulted in an innovative, fresh sound lik e nothing that even I have heard before. NYC) – Dj Set! web myspace.web mysp (web myspace.co m/earwormtrax) EarWorm is the music project of Max Meshiv, born in 1986. He was infected by the psychedelic trance virus at a young age in Israel. ..and now resides in NYC to infect others. Around 2002 he and his older br other started to work on music together on a computer based music software …it was more of an experimental stage and development. What started as a hobby eventually took a more serious path, which also brought in lots of magical and mysterious experiences along with it. That mixed with an explo sion of inspiration and…BooM! the EarWorm project was born. The project in itself is aimed towards wizardly magical futuristic nighttime-twilight- wizardly magical futu frequencies.frequencies.W…Tune in to the freque ncy of everywhere a get earwormed… 2nd STAGE/PROGRESSIVE/2nd STAGE/PRO G2n REALITY ENGINE (Reality Engine / Dreamcatcher – Brazil/NYC) w ww.myspace.web myspahtt (web myspace/realityengineav) Reality Engine is the Audio-Visual project of the long standing producers and DJ’s, Luis Campos and Matyas Kelemen. It began when the pair joined f orces and brought together their unique experience within the dance music industry to create a revolutionary integrated audio-visual show. the video s are specially made for each track creating sounds you can see and visual s you can hear. DJ O (Animaltek/TreibstoDJ O (Animaltek/Tre& Dj Set! ani maltek.net web myspace.web my (web myspace/anim altek) DJ KIFE (Omnitribe E28093 NYC) – Dj Set! web myspace.www (web myspace/djkife) DJ VITALIK (Omnitribe E280 93 NYC) – Dj Set! DJ ANDREY K (Polar Light E28093 NYC) – Dj Set! Flu orescent Paintings and backdrops by Daya (Blacksheephybrid – Indonesia/Phi ladelpIndonblacksheephyblacksheehttp (blacksheephyb rid.deviantart/) web myspace.web m (web myspace /matajiwa) Daya is the creative visual project by Cayung Siagian. Th e founder of Blackshephybrid. Birth place Lake Toba, North Sumatra, Indone sia 1968. Cayung’s Toba-Batak heritage expresses itself strongly in his a wareness of both the natural and spiritual worlds. Cayung is a self-taught artist who says that the best art teacher is natural experience, because there is no authority or discipline forcing or limiting the freedom of exp ression in art. For that he is not imprison with any kind of style. Psytra nce scene first found him in 1993 in Bali where he spent most of his creat ive time. State of The Art String Deco by Marria & Dave (Sonic Beating E28093 Boston) Additional DC3A9cor and interactive psystructures by Neff(Nephilnine E28093 NYC) Visual Projections By Guillaum Clave http ://web guillaumweb (web guillaumeclave/) Location: H ello BK formerly The Hook 18 Commerce street Brooklyn, NY web theh ookmww (web thehookmusic/) While the Red Hook does no t have subways running through its underground yet, there are other option s. The B61 bus, which travels express from Williamsburg and downtown BK dr ops you off one block from the venue. The F train carroll street stop drop s you a short 10 minute walk from The Hook. There is plenty of parking spaand the cab fare to the venue ranges from 8 from BK to 12 from Manhatta n. For your convenience we will have a shuttle making runs from the Smith /9 Sts F and G train stops to the Venue!!!!! directions: web theh ookmwwweb http (web thehookmusic/directions ) map: Admission is $60 at th e door And advanced tickets will be $40(until 12.24.08) and $50(until 12.3 0.08) Advanced tickets are available at web r3psychlhttp:/ (web r3psychle.org/) r3psychle at gmail) For any additional questions call us at 1917 438 880 4 or contact us via Do ors will open from 9pm-6amE280A6 Come out, support the scene and celeb rate NYE 2009 with us!!! !RaknahS MooB **************A Good Credit Scor e is 700 or Above. See yours in just 2 easy steps! (pr.atwola/ cemailfooter NO62) NEW YEARS EVE 12/31/0 8 Wednesday at HELLO BK(THE HOOK) TWO ROOMS of MAYHEM! MIND BLOWING UV DECO! PSYCHEDELIC + PROGRESSIVE TRANCE! FULL STOCKED BAR! PARTY GOING UNTIL 6am or LATER! Repsychle invites you on a passage throug h time. Permit the melody of the hypnotic realm to unravel your mind fr om the year elapsed, and unearth your spirit in the new age of psychede lic revolution. Deck wizards and sonic alchemists : (in order of ap pearance) Green Apples (New Jersey/New Castle UK) – Dj Set! T o the underground east coast diggers Apples is no stranger. Many mornin gs at numerous outdoor gatherings all over the east coast Apples was th ere to indulge us with awesome baked goods and his awesome energy. Now it’s time for him to cater us with some appetizing sounds!!! BRANDO N ADAMS (Dreamcatcher – NYC) – Dj Set! nce New Jersey’s best-kept secret, Brandon has quickly become a promine nt fixture in the New York psy scene, having played for every major pro moter, at several major clubs, lofts, and outdoor spaces in and around NYC. With a deep-rooted appreciation for all forms of music, especially psychedelic, he is easily one of the most versatile and dedicated DJs around. SPYROS (Psytribe – Los ://web psytribe/artists mweb psytribeW/artists.Whtm One of the lea ding forces of Psytribe, Spyros, is determined to develop and maintain psychedelic trance scene in Los Angeles. Introduced to psy-trance in 19 95 in Athens, Greece by Andy Barakuda he soon became a dedicated promot er and DJ. Famous for his heavy and expressive night time sets, uplifti ng morning full-on sounds and a good pinch of progressive beats he isB Rundoubtedly a trend setter for many. DAKSINAMURTI (Shiva Space Te chnology/Nexus Media – Germany) – Dj Set com/daksi m/daksi Daksinamurti is Till Kuhn from Marburg Germany.Till bec ame a DJ to spread his love for the psychedelic music he loves with suc h a big passion. Perfect nighttime and twilight power psychedelic tranc e is his recipe, but Till also has a real weakness for well produced,B Rsoulful and intelligent morning / daytime sound as well. Time to kick up some dust! RANDOM (Geomagnetic.Wtv – San Fransisco) – Live! /randompsyweb myspace.Wcom/randompsy Hi my nam e is Ross and I am Random. The Bay Area has been my home and source of inspiration for all of my life. In the year 1996 I heard Psychedelic Tra nce and chose the twisted path of being a psy-trance musician and DJ, n ow I make and play music inspired by the environments of places I have lived, and for the parties that I have played at around the world. I ga ther encouragement and inspiration from the people and the parties that I play at and/or put ..ing me to explore the realms of possibility in designing sound. Growing up in Northern California placed me amongst in credibly diverse music scenes. I can’t deny my goth punk roots, but tho se days were for learning to play the drums and the guitar. I collected EBM and Industrial, which led me to Techno then Hard Trance a bit of J ungle, Hardcore, Acid Techno, and then I bought my first GOA records. I n 1997 over 200 of my best psy records were destroyed in a fire, change d my life but gave me a reason to rebuild my collection. In 2001 after four years of Djing and throwing parties my mind got set on serious mus ic production. My music is formed from all of my music tastes and iscreated for dance floor destruction. In the beginning I would take all the gigs I could get, playing in fields, barns, river beds, forests, w herehouses, city streets, beaches, clubs, weddings, graduations, houses and mega rave events. So far I’ve played at events with many psy artist from around the world including Xenomorph, Earthling, Altom, Scorb, De viant Species, Lemurians, Rastaliens, Neuromotor, Hydraglyph, BUS, CPU, GMS, Deedrah, Jirah, Hyperfrequency, Audiopathik, Phase Phour, Miracu lix, Electrypnose, Mechanika, Serious Isness, Eskimo, Noosphere, Alien Project, Quantize, Higko, Naked Tourist, Onnomon, Clone, Shapestatic,B RMexican Trance Mafia, Deviant Species, Phatmatix, Kode Six, Loud, Vir tual Light, Psychotic MIcro, EVP, Shiva Jeorg, Krumuler. uhh probably a lot more that i am forgetting and the list will grow. Plus all the loc al California artist and friends of mine Mubali, Mindstorm, The Loomi, Bodhisattva 13:20, Meta, Fractal Cowboys, Amanda, Ghreg on Earth, Araha t, Ocelot, Parus, Alien Mental, Penta, Chromatone, RoB0t, Helios, Xyla, Deeper In Zen, and more. From the days of working in a full midi studi o with roommates and friends using Logic Audio on crappy computers and even worse monitors, we tried to bend the boundaries of weird music. No w in ’07, I’m upgraded in the studio gear and computer. and have compos ed 4+ CDs worth of unreleased tracks, and release my debut album Implic ate Order in ’06. My music has matured and morphed with time and my sel f-taught skills have resulted in an innovative, fresh sound like nothing NYC) – ttp://web myspace/earwormtraxweb myspace.Wcom/earwormtrax EarWorm is the music project of Max Meshiv, born in 1986. He wa s infected by the psychedelic trance virus at a young age in Israel. ..and now resides in NYC to infect others. Around 2002 he and his older brother started to work on music together on a computer based music so ftware…it was more of an experimental stage and development. What sta rted as a hobby eventually took a more serious path, which also brought in lots of magical and mysterious experiences along with it. That mixe d with an explosion of inspiration and…BooM! the EarWorm project was born. The project in itself is aimed towards wizardly magical futuristi c nighttime-twilight-Wmorning psychedelic frequencies.W…Tune in to the frequency of everywhere and now-here and get earwormed… 2nd STAGE/PROGRESSIVE/WELECTRO/CHILLOUTW- REALITY ENGI NE (Reality Engine / Dreamcatcher – Brazil/NYC) myspace/realityengineav web myspace.Wcom/realityenginWeav Reality Engi ne is the Audio-Visual project of the long standing producers and DJ’s, Luis Campos and Matyas Kelemen. It began when the pair joined forces an d brought together their unique experience within the dance music indus try to create a revolutionary integrated audio-visual show. the videos are specially made for each track creating sounds you can see and visua ls you can hear. DJ O (Animaltek/TreibstoWff E28093 NYC) – L ive & Dj ltek /animaltek DJ KIFE (Omnitribe E28093 NYC) – Dj Set! ti web myspace.Wcom/djkife DJ VITALIK (Omnitribe E2 8093 NYC) – Dj Set! DJ ANDREY K (Polar Light E28093 NYC) – Dj Set! Fluorescent Paintings and backdrops by Daya (Blacksheephybrid – Indonesia/PhiladelpWhia) ntart/ eephyWbrid.deviantart.Wcom/ om/matajiwa com/matajiwa Daya is the creative visual project by Cayung S iagian. The founder of Blackshephybrid. Birth place Lake Toba, North Su matra, Indonesia 1968. Cayung’s Toba-Batak heritage expresses itself st rongly in his awareness of both the natural and spiritual worlds. Cayun g is a self-taught artist who says that the best art teacher is natura l experience, because there is no authority or discipline forcing orlimiting the freedom of expression in art. For that he is not imprisonwith any kind of style. Psytrance scene first found him in 1993 in Bal i where he spent most of his creative time. State of The Art String Deco by Marria & Dave (Sonic Beating E28093 Boston) Addition al DC3A9cor and interactive psystructures by Neff(Nephilnine E28093 N YC) Visual laumeclave/ mWeclave/ Location: Hello BK formerly The Hook 18 Commerce street Brooklyn, NY / While the Red Hook does not have subways running through itsunderground yet, there are other options. The B61 bus, which travels e xpress from Williamsburg and downtown BK drops you off one block fro m the venue. The F train carroll street stop drops you a short 10 mi nute walk from The Hook. There is plenty of parking space and the ca b fare to the venue ranges from 8 from BK to 12 from Manhattan. For your convenience we will have a shuttle making runs from the Smith/ 9 Sts F and G train stops to the Venue!!!!! directions: titl music/directions web thehookmWusic/Wdirections .Whtml map: W-W-W-W- W- Admission is $60 at the door And advanced tickets will be $40(until 12.24.08) and $50(until 12.30.08) Advanced tickets ar e available at sychle.org/web r3psychlWe.org/ or simply write us at r3psychle at gmail.Wcom For any additional questions call us at 1917 438 8804 or contact us via Doors will open from 9pm-6amE280A6 Come out, support the scene and celebrate NYE 2009 with us!!! !RaknahS MooB B
#4214 Fri, 19 Dec 2008 15:29:08 Fri, 19 Dec 2008 15:29:08 To: tranceformers Cc: TripOutNY, goa-boston From: ds without ds, available to us if we get the right promoters on “the Bus” 20 free promo emails to any1 who brings these guys from Israel… web youtube/watch?vF5KccEuMupg (web youtube/watch?vF5KccEuMupg) web youtube/watch?vPgtusEYAgjc (web youtube/watch?vPgtusEYAgjc) (web youtube/watch?vPgtusEYAgjc&featurerelated) (web youtube/watch?vF5KccEuMupg) Kinda recent. Idkow i missed them in past 2 years. Primal, Ur-Trance. This is what I always wanted trance to be. I get weird l/K flashbacks just watching it, making me feel like a wormhole into the 22nd century is developing. Blows every1 else in psy trance away. This is what a party should be. She gets into a weird summoning seance style trance after 2 hours of the didj. And probably without the aid of chillum – considering circular breathing on a didj is very taxing on lung capacity. ds without ds. We are not worthy. Or are we? BOOKEM DANO! ps couldn’t find their contact info after 10 minutes of browsing. Any1 got their info or know them (some of you prob. do) TY Mio for bringing this to my attention. …also any1 know any1 doing the armenian Duduk with trance? Any1 know any1 who plays the Duduk? I think its a vastly unexplored instrumentation for psytrance. heres a track that Peter Gabriel did with max effect in Scorcese’s Last Temptation of Christ web tranceam.org/files/pg1.mp3 (web tranceam.org/files/pg1.mp3) The mournful, soulful sound IS Armenia and the world of 3000 years ago. It is an instrument of virtual time travel. Off to Texas after taking my Malamute to the snows today. See ya’ll New years! **************A Good Credit Score is 700 or Above. See yours in just 2 easy steps! cemailfooterNO62) 20 free promo ema ils to any1 who brings these guys from Israel… web youtube/ Kinda recent . Idkow i missed them in past 2 years. Primal, Ur-Trance. This is what I always wanted trance to be. I get weird l/ketamin e flashbacks just watching it, making me feel like a wormhole into the 22n d century is developing. Blows every1 else in psy trance away.& nbs This is what a party should be. &n bs She gets into a weird summoning seance s tyle trance after 2 hours of the didj. And probably without the aid of chillum – considering circular breathing on a didj is very taxing on lu ng capacity. ds without ds. & nbs We are not worthy. Or are we? DI V BOOKEM DANO! ps couldn’t f ind their contact info after 10 minutes of browsing. Any1 got their info or know them (some of you prob. do) TY Mi o for bringing this to my attention. …also a ny1 know any1 doing the armenian Duduk with trance? Any1 know any1 w ho plays the Duduk? I think its a vastly unexplored instrumentation for ps ytrance. heres a track that Peter Gabriel did with max effect in Sco rcese’s Last Temptation of Christ mericana.org/files/pg1.mp3web tranceam.org/files/pg1.mp3/A The mournful, soulful sound IS Armenia and the world of 3000 y ears ago. It is an instrument of virtual time travel. &nb s Off to Texas after taking my Malamute to the snows today.&nb sSee ya’ll
#4215 Fri, 19 Dec 2008 15:53:24 Fri, 19 Dec 2008 15:53:24 From: Liquid Crystal Vision, on youtube tried a while back, wasn’t on then. It is now. Required viewing for any self respected trance head. Fin de siecle, anno acidomini circa 2000. Part 2 is out there but I couldn’t find it in 5 min of browsing. web youtube/watch?v3nqmWPs40x0 (web youtube/watch?v3nqmWPs40x0) **************One site keeps you connected to all your email: AOL Mail, Gmail, and Yahoo Mail. Try it now. (web aol/?optinnew-dp&icidaolcom40vanity&ncidemlcntaolcom00000025) tried a while bac k, wasn’t on then. It is now. Required viewing for any self re spected trance head. Fin de siecle, anno acidomini circa 2000. Part 2 is out there but I couldn’t find it in 5 min of browsing./D
#4216 Fri, 19 Dec 2008 15:59:23 Fri, 19 Dec 2008 15:59:23 Cc: 604 at party.net From: Yoga as a weapon web youtube/watch?vA8iCIYx1CYc&featurerelated (web youtube/watch?vA8iCIYx1CYc&featurerelated) Ive had this DVD for years, showed anyone who was prostate in my abode, its now on youtube. This is an old documentary from national Geographic, 2 Brit brothers who had a long 10 year tour on Indonesia. This particular scenario blew my mind open in 2000. As an atheist, I still believe it. A friend who travelled with Hoffman gave me this. In return I gave him the french psychedelic western Renegade and Jospeh Cambell’s Sukavati, which he helped disseminate (sic?) through the global psy intelligenstia.cemailfooterNO62) Ive had this DVD for years, showed anyone who was prostate in my abode, its now on youtube. This is an old documentary from nation al Geographic, 2 Brit brothers who had a long 10 year tour on Indones ia. This particular scenario blew my mind open in 2000. As an atheist, I still believe it. A friend who travelled with Hoffman gave me this. In return I gave him the fr ench psychedelic western Renegade and Jospeh Cambell’s Sukavati, which he helped disseminate (sic?) through the global psy intelligenstia.
#4217 Fri, 19 Dec 2008 19:37:34 Fri, 19 Dec 2008 19:37:34 From: Come see tha original nigga of psytrance … now that I got your attention… Seriously Mubali is tha shiznit. After his last show he passed out at 55 Lex and i felt bad no groupies tried to lay him. Sorta. We experienced a technical error today which may have prevented you from accessing the Mubali presales. It’s now fixed, and we’ve extended presales until 5PM Saturday, although they may still sell out prior to then. Sorry for any inconvenience! Again, the link: web 28thday/events/icarusmubali/mubzpresales.cfm (web 28thday/lists/lt.php?idLBoEVgFRDAkfBwlXTgENUA) Thanks! -28thday & Icarus … now that I go t your attention… Seriously Mubali is tha shiznit. After his last show he passed out at 55 Lex and i felt bad no groupies tried to lay him. Sorta. We experienced a technical error today which may have prevented you from accessing the Mubali presales. It’s now fixed, and we’ve extended presales until 5PM Saturday, although they may s till sell out prior to then. Sorry for any inconvenience! Again, the link: ubali/mubzpresales.cfm Thanks! -28thday & Icarus link preferen ces: link send to a friend:
#4219 Fri, 19 Dec 2008 21:46:47 Fri, 19 Dec 2008 21:46:47 From: Mubali clarification Theres 2 events. 1 tonight i got was cancelled due to snow 1 rescheduled by 28th Day. Any updates tonight ill post.
#4221 Tue, 23 Dec 2008 02:16:33 Tue, 23 Dec 2008 02:16:33 From: Free New year’s Eve afterparty by Psybotik!! Psybotik will be throwing a FREE NYE afterparty this year. Just a small token of appreciation for all the support we had during our first year. We’ll start soon after our friends around the city finish their fun. Due to the nature of the space, you have to be on the guest list to get in. venue will be disclosed a few days before. We will say that it’s in the east village. blue will be throwing a FRE E NYE afterparty this year. Just a small token of appreciation for all the support we had during our first year. We’ll start s oon after our friends around the city finish their styl nature of the space, you have to be on the guest list to get in. RSVP to&nb sp; yotik” will be disclosed a few days before. We will say that it’s in the east vi
#4222 Tue, 23 Dec 2008 13:56:56 -0800 TripoutnyCc: kellynew at aol, susannahpryce at gmail, adriana adriesl at aol, anastasiya nastik1983 at mail.ru, asad zaidi freeaatmah at hotmail, charlie charlienyc at bigfoot, cris alterculture at gmail, Daniel DeMaria dandraver at yahoo, DJ KeN nydj4life at hotmail, efthemias efthemias at yahoo, eli morgan e at cosm.org, felipe felipevlinares at hotmail, Fx Mike djfxmike at yahoo, guillaume clave guillaumeclave at gmail, liza psyliza at gmail, Matyas Kelemen matyas at realityengine.org, Raffi Peterson raffipeterson at yahoo, Rebecca Roman pattience at yahoo, sahil patel tosahil at gmail, sean timon flowerpower881 at hotmail, sean timon flowerpowernyc at aol, Sean timon timocon at optonline.netPSYCHEGROUND Thursday December 25th at Sullivan Room 0-21374441-1230069416:82087 Come and celebrate Christmas full on style at Sullivan Room, NYC’ s best sound system and fully renovated!!!!!!! featuring live and dj sets by: Daksinamurti (Shiva Space Technology/Nexus Media)Dj Daksinamur ti is Till Kuhn from Marburg/ Germany. In his sets he prefers twilight sty led / Night Full ON. But he also has a weakness for good produced non chees y morning music and chill out … In 2005 he joined Shiva Space Technology. From 2006-2008 he was A&R for the India based label Rudraksh Records and i n the end of 2007 he joined the South African label “Nexus Media”… web ne xus-media.co.za Noam Rubinstein (nractiv / Minengine / fuzzy nugget NYC) LIVENoam Rubinsteinis a local video games professional who has been writing, recording and performing electronic music for over ten years . Known for his legendary psychedelic sight and sound collaborations at MindEngine, Noam will be joining us tonight for a rare live performance and a very special DJ set. Ctrl+Alt+Del ( Nexus Media, India/USA) Live Luziunm (Dreamcatcher, Brazil) LiveLuis & M atyas (Reality Engina / Dreamcatcher / Alladin Group) Deco b y the Dreamcatchers 10pm – 4am Sullivan Room, Manhattan, New Y ork City 218 Sullivan St (between Bleecker and West 3rd St, 2 blocks east of 6th Ave) Subway: A, B, C, D, E, F, or V trains to “W 4 St – Wash Sq” 21+ with ID $5 cover charge Here is a map web sullivanr oom web myspace/psycheground myspace/daksi 0-21374441-1230069416:82087 Come and celebrate Christmas full on style at Sullivan Room, NYC’s best sound system and fully renovated!!!!!!! featuring live and dj sets by: Daksinamurti (Shiva Space Technology/Nexus Media) Noam Rubinstein (nractiv / Minengine / fuzzy nugget NYC) LIVE Ctrl+Alt+Del ( N exus Media, India/USA) Live Luziunm (Dreamcatcher, Brazil) Live Luis & Matyas (Reality Engina / Dreamcatcher / Alladin Group) Deco by the Dreamcatchers
#4225 Thu, 25 Dec 2008 12:58:32 -0800 PSYCHEGROUND Thursday December 25th at Sullivan Room Come and celebrate Christmas full on style at Sullivan Room, NYC’s be st sound system and fully renovated!!!!!!! featuring live and dj sets by: Daksinamurti (Shiva Space Technology/Nexus Media)Dj Daksinamurti i s Till Kuhn from Marburg/ Germany. In his sets he prefers twilight styled / Night Full ON. But he also has a weakness for good produced non cheesy mo rning music and chill out … In 2005 he joined Shiva Space Technology. Fro m 2006-2008 he was A&R for the India based label Rudraksh Records and in th e end of 2007 he joined the South African label “Nexus Media”… web nexus- media.co.za Noam (nractiv / Minengine / fuzzy nugget NYC) LIVENoam Rubinsteinis a local video games professional who has bee n writing, recording and performing electronic music for over ten years. Known for his legendary psychedelic sight and sound collaborations at Mind Engine, Noam will be joining us tonight for a rare live performance and a v ery special DJ set. Ctrl+Alt+Del ( Nexus Media, India/USA) Live Luziunm (Dreamcatcher, Brazil) LiveLuis & Matya s (Reality Engina / Dreamcatcher / Alladin Group) Deco by th e Dreamcatchers 10pm – 4am Sullivan Room, Manhattan, New York City 218 Sullivan St (between Bleecker and West 3rd St, 2 blocks east of 6 th Ave) Subway: A, B, C, D, E, F, or V trains to “W 4 St – Wash Sq” 21+ with ID $5 cover charge Here is a maps.ya web sullivanroom. com web myspace/psycheground myspace/daksi 0-364572938-1230238712:33860 Come and celebrate Christmas full on style at Sullivan Room, NYC’s best sound system and fully renovated!!!!!!! featuring live and dj sets by: Daksinamurti (Shiva Space Technology/Nexus Media) Noam Rubinstein (nractiv / Minengine / fuzzy nugget NYC) LIVE Ctrl+Alt+Del ( N exus Media, India/USA) Live Luziunm (Dreamcatcher, Brazil) Live Luis & Matyas (Reality Engina / Dreamcatcher / Alladin Group) Deco by the Dreamcatchers
#4226 Sun, 28 Dec 2008 00:52:36 From: “alladinproject” alladinproject at yahooAlladin Group Present JAN 16 NYC SHIVA CHANDRA,ILLEGAL MACHINE…CLUB EXIT Alladin Group Present SHIVA CHANDRA Live, ILLEGAL MACHINE Live and more!! F riday Jan 16th at CLUB EXIT (Brooklyn NY) LineUp: Main floor SHIVA CHANDR A Live web myspace/shivachandra ILLEGAL MACHINE Live web .myspace/illegalproject BRANDON ADAMS Dreamcatcher /NYC KeN Psy collec tive /Dreamcatcher /NYC ORBIT Alladin Group Israel/ Japan MOMOLOS Zanon Rec Electro Room: OMER BRNEA Israel/ NYC TONY UNORTHODOX 28th day NYC DJ CH ARLES SEVERYN NYC Decoration: Backdrops by; TBA Spandex & Structures by : Ocular Delight web dividemysky/oculardelight Alladin Deco Team 18 to enter 21 to drink with valid ID Doors open 10 pm 96 6 am $25 in advanc e at web alladinproject.net $30 at the door Location: CLUB EXIT 149 GR EENPOINT AVE. BROOKLYN, NY 11222 Street Map: local.google/loc Directio ns: By Subway: Take the L train to Redford stop and transfer to the 61 bu s go down in Greenpoint Ave, (5 mint) Or: take the L train to metropolitan Ave & transfer to the G train to Green point Ave. the Club is right across the street. Or: G train to green point Ave Subway Map: web mta.n yc.ny.us/nyct/maps/submap Bus: 61, 43, to Green point Ave Bus map: web mta.nyc.ny.us/nyct/maps/busbkln.pdf By Car: Take BQE (I-278) t o Exit 33 McGuiness Blvd,towards Green point Ave, Turn LEFT at Green point Ave Proceed to 147 Green point Ave. By car-service / Taxi: From Manhat tan costs about $15 From Bedford Station it costs about $6 Our next party will be at take place at Club Exit on valentine weekend Feb 13 2009 with RA STALIENS Live BRAINCELL Live FRIA and more web AlladinProject.net
#4227 Sun, 28 Dec 2008 00:55:36 From: “alladinproject” alladinproject at yahooPsycollective presents; NYE with PSYCOTIC MICRO LIVE D-TACK LIVE….NYC Psy collective presents; NYE with PSYCOTIC MICRO LIVE D-TEK LIVE WISTERIA L IVE and more Psy collective presents; New Years psytrance Party Wednesday D ec 31st 2008 We are pleased to invite you to celebrate the New Year in a loft type space high ceiling good sound killer deco and friendly staff in t he lower east side Manhattan. Decoration: Line Up: PSYCHOTIC MICRO Liv e Israel web myspace/thepsychoticmicro D-TEK Live Maia records Mexico web myspace/musicdtek WISTERIA Live web myspace. com/wisteria2misteria And more to be announce Back drop SEVERYN NYC Spandex & Structures by: Ocular Delight web dividemysky/ocularde light Alladin Deco Team alladinproject.net/gallery/displayimage.php? 18 to enter 21 to drink with valid ID Doors open 10 pm 96 6 am $40 in advance at web psycollective $50 at the door Loc ation: The back lot 107 Suffolk St New York NY 10002 (Between Delancey a nd Rivington) Street Map: Directions: By Subwa y: F. J. M. Z To Delancey St web psycollective web al ladinproject.net
#4228 Mon, 29 Dec 2008 16:34:05 -0800 Omnitribe From: Dmitri Yunoshkin yunoshkin at yahooRepsychle New Year’s Eve Gathering with Random + Mubali TripOutNY Discount! 0-1495035055-1230597245:7294 Repsychle invites you on a passage through time. Permit the melody of the h ypnotic realm to unravel your mind from the year elapsed, and unearth your spirit in the new age of psychedelic revolution. NEW YEARS EVE 12/31/08 We dnesday at HELLO BK(THE HOOK) Main Stage: RANDOM (Geomagnetic.tv – San Fra nsisco) – Live! web myspace/randompsy MUBALI (Trishula Records, CA) LI VE! web myspace/mubalitrax DAKSINAMURTI (Shiva Space Technology/Nexus Media – Germany) – Dj Set web myspace/daksi SPYROS (Psytribe – Los Ang eles) – Dj Set web psytribe/artists – NYC) – Dj Set! web myspace/earwormtrax BRANDON ADAMS (Dreamcatcher – NYC) – Dj Set! profile.myspace/index.cfm Green Apples (New Jersey/Ne w Castle UK) – Dj Set! 2nd STAGE/PROGRESSIVE/ELECTRO/CHILL-OUT REALITY EN GINE (Reality Engine / Dreamcatcher – Brazil/NYC) web myspace/realityen gineav DJ O (Animaltek/Treibstoff 96 NYC) – Live & Dj Set! animaltek.net web myspace/animaltek DJ KIFE (Omnitribe 96 NYC) – Dj Set! web myspa ce/djkife DJ VITALIK (Omnitribe 96 NYC) – Dj Set! DJ ANDREY K (Polar Light 96 NYC) – Dj Set! Fluorescent Paintings and backdrops by Daya (Bla cksheephybrid – Indonesia/Philadelphia) blacksheephybrid.deviantart/ ww w.myspace/matajiwa State of The Art String Deco by Marria & Dave (Son ic Beating 96 Boston) Additional DE9cor and interactive psystructures by Neff(Nephilnine 96 NYC) Visual Projections By Guillaum Clave Location: Hello BK formerly The Hook 18 Commerce street Brooklyn, NY web thehookmusi c/ For your convenience we will have a shuttle making runs from the Sm ith/9 Sts F and G train stops to the Venue!!!!! directions: web thehookmus ic/directions Admission is $60(at the door), or $50(just say Tri pOutNY at the door) And advanced tickets will be $40(until 12.30.08) Advanc ed tickets are available at web r3psychle.org/ or simply write us at r3psyc hle at gmail For any additional questions call us at 1-917-438-8804 or c ontact us via r3psychle at gmail Doors will open at 9:00 PM. 0-1495035055-1230597245:7294 me. Permit the melody of the hypnotic realm to unravel your mind from the y ear elapsed, and unearth your spirit in the new age of psychedelic revoluti on. NEW YEARS EVE 12/31/08 Wednesday at HELLO BK(THE HOOK) Mai n Stage: RANDOM (Geomagnetic.tv – San Fransisco) – Live! web mysp ace/randompsy MUBALI (Trishula Records, CA) LIVE! web myspace /mubalitrax DAKSINAMURTI (Shiva Space Technology/Nexus Media – G ermany) – Dj Set web myspace/daksi SPYROS (Psytribe – Los Ang cordings – NYC) – Dj Set! web myspace/earwormtrax BRANDON ADA MS (Dreamcatcher – NYC) – Dj Set! profile.myspace/index.cfm Green Apples (New Jersey/New Castle UK) – Dj Set! 2nd STAGE/PROG RESSIVE/ELECTRO/CHILL-OUT REALITY ENGINE (Reality Engine / Dreamcatc her – Brazil/NYC) web myspace/realityengineav DJ O (Animaltek /Treibstoff 96 NYC) – Live & Dj Set! animaltek.net web myspace. com/animaltek DJ KIFE (Omnitribe 96 NYC) – Dj Set! web myspace.c om/djkife DJ VITALIK (Omnitribe 96 NYC) – Dj Set! DJ ANDREY K (Polar Light 96 NYC) – Dj Set! Fluorescent Paintings and backdrop s by Daya (Blacksheephybrid – Indonesia/Philadelphia) blacksheephybrid.devi antart/ web myspace/matajiwa State of The Art String Dec o by Marria & Dave (Sonic Beating 96 Boston) Additional DE9cor and interactive psystructures by Neff(Nephilnine 96 NYC) Visual Pr ojections By Guillaum Clave Location: Hello BK formerly The Hook 18 Commerce street Brooklyn, NY web thehookmusic/ For your convenience we will have a shuttle making runs from the Smith/9 Sts F and G train stops to the Venue!!!!! directions: web thehookmusic /directions Admission is $60(at the door), or $50(just say TripOutNY at the door) And advanced tickets will be $40(until 12.30. 08) Advanced tickets are available at web r3psychle.org/ or simply write us at r3psychle at gmail For any additional questions call us at 1-917-438-8804 or contact us via r3psychle at gmail Doors will o pen at 9:00 PM.