Updated 2 years ago

These are the full emails with discussion, replies, off-topic, non-trance events, etc.
For a much more succinct, formatted, and edited history, go here, and here are just flyers.
Other years in emails:
1999* – 2000* – 2001* – 2002 Pt 1* – 2002 Pt 2* – 2003* – 2004 – 2005
2006 – 2007 – 2008 – 2009 – 2010 – 2011
*Trip Out New York was called Brainmachines from 1999-2003.
January 2001
#1387 Tue, 02 Jan 2001 09:57:58 Fwd: Brain News for a Smart Start 2001!
#1388 Tue, 02 Jan 2001 17:21:03 Upcoming d/New info site/anticrime From: 1. The d will be having a Winter Celebration at a loft next weekend in Soho. (98% legal!) As always, free for members of the d, and members can bring one guest for $15. Join this week and you’ll get the info. And also as always, see below for details to join. 2. Zen is a behind the scenes tranceorganizer in New York who is affiliated with Subtlechaos, Blakkat Collective, and the d. His new site is web globaluplift.org It is full of information on the Million Marijuana March and events in 2001. 3. BTSWatch is evolving quickly. Our input will be going into an upcoming article in the Village Voice.
#1389 Tue, 02 Jan 2001 16:37:51 Oxygen/nootropics To: reubenfirmin at yahoo at egroupswell, not sure re: lucidreaming but i believe in positive effect, quantitatively. thoughts are like software running on a ever faster computer – the code (your life) has to be rewritten to take advantage of a faster processor. but a caveat – “fat” programs like Word 7.0 may be too bulky than a no nonsense word program written for, say, Linux. I’ll let you connect the dots. btw, day #5 of ‘upshift’ with Homozon and piracetam- woke up at 4AM, scribbled stuff (ideas) down on paper for about an hour (they just kept on coming, you no doubt know the creative urge), went back to sleep, lucid dreamed. part of the ‘normal’ process?
#1390 Tue, 02 Jan 2001 22:29:35 Boston 1/13 From: SHANTI gms/tip records, UK spun/frequency deluxe, LA BUFO (live PA) ceiba records/eyephunk, SF ** first east coast appearance ** KJ eyephunk, SF ** first east coast appearance in 3+ years ** ADAM OHM bufo/ceiba records/eyephunk, SF ** first east coast appearance ** JAMIN hovek olam, NYC january 13, 2001 10pm-? (lockdown at 11/11:30pm) free decor by jamin (NYC) boston location TBA free giveaways throughout the nite 617.540.2368 617.730.5679
#1391 Tue, 2 Jan 2001 19:47:31 -0800 Special guest Wednesday at Opium Den From: angeles garay chiletrance at yahoo Hello Friends!! Tonight Wednesday, come and enjoy the Trance Music at Opium Den, nice vibes and nice people. This Wednesday DJ Angeles+ Special Guest OPium Den 29 East 3rd Street at 2nd Ave. 10 PM No Cover Happy New Year!!! Love and Light Angeles /
#1392 Wed, 03 Jan 2001 09:34:37 Rave on 1/25
#1393 Wed, 3 Jan 2001 12:11:26 -0800 Specials guest Wednesday at Opium Den From: angeles garay chiletrance at yahoo Hello Friends!! Tonight Wednesday, come and enjoy the Trance Music at Opium Den, nice vibes and nice people. This Wednesday DJs from New Years eve. DJ Angeles+ Dominic Lamb(UK) Sid Shanti(UK) Yaniv(Israel) OPium Den 29 East 3rd Street at 2nd Ave. 10 PM No Cover Happy New Year!!! You too!! 🙂 Love and Light Angeles /
#1394 Wed, 03 Jan 2001 17:09:43 Lifebeat needs volunters Subj: LIFEbeat Volunteer Opportunities Wed, 3 Jan 2001 4:28:06 PM Eastern Standard Time From: Jessy Barreto programs2 at lifebeat.org Hello, I hope you all had a wonderful New Years. I want to first thank you all for taking the time to inquire about LIFebeat. You have taken the first step in making a difference in your community. Remember, you too can make a difference! This is just to inform you about LIFEbeat and how you can get involved in our outreach efforts. If you are interested in what you are about to read please contact us at (212)965-8900. All are welcome, LIFEbeat is holding an orientation for new volunteers that are interested in HIV/AIDS and Prevention Education on Wednesday, January 10th at 6:30pm. This session will be held at the LIFEbeat office. LIFEbeat The Music Industry Fights AIDS 72 Spring St., Suite #1103 New York, NY 10012 (212)965-8900 PH (212)966-3910 Fax web lifebeat.org Additional info: Must be at least 16 years old. Volunteer opportunities are in NYC, you must be accessible to travel in & out of NYC at least twice a month. LIFEbeat, the Music Industry Fights AIDS, is a nonprofit organization dedicated to reaching America’s youth with the message of HIV/AIDS prevention. LIFEbeat mobilizes the talents and resources of the music industry to raise awareness and funds, and to provide support to the AIDS community. Tour Outreach has been LIFEbeat’s HIV/AIDS awareness, prevention and condom distribution program since 1992. The main purpose of Tour Outreach is to increase HIV/AIDS awareness and education, at concert & club venues nationwide and locally in New York. Lifebeat volunteers donate their free time to distribute condoms and various literature on HIV and AIDS, while providing a comfortable safe environment for concert and club going youth to ask questions and address concerns they have about HIV/AIDS & other related issues. With this innovated program we have reached hundreds of thousands of young people across America. Please help LIFEbeat in its HIV/AIDS awareness, education and prevention efforts. Thank you once again. Hope to hear from you soon and hopefully see you soon. Ciao. Jessy A. Barreto Erin Bennett Tour Outreach & Peer Educator Tour Outreach Manager programs2 at lifebeat.org ebennett at lifebeat.org PS: If you are interested but can not make it to this orientation please let us know, so we can inform you when our next orientation is. Thanks.
#1396 Mon, 08 Jan 2001 14:47:50 Jeff’s Birthday Party Wednesday January 10 From: Hej ya’ll… For your entertainment and amusement you are invited to my 33rd birthday this Wednesday at Karma, an Indian restaurant owned by a friend in restaurant in the East Village 51 1st avenue between 3rd & 4th streets. It’s very cozy and opulent. There is a nice bar too. Astrid had her rockin’ birthday party there last year. Dinner 9-11 then dancing etc. until maybe after 1am. We’ll jam oput to our favorite tracks on the Karma’s stereo system. If you’d like to join us for dinner RSVP, be there 8:30pm and bring $30. Otherwise feel free to come by. Cash bar. No dress code. Just come as you are. As an added bonus, if more than 33 show up for dinner then this year will NOT become the Year of the Jesus Complex. Hope to see ya’ll there! Jeff
#1397 Tue, 09 Jan 2001 14:23:05 North Carolina 1/26 From: thank you all again for coimg out on the 6th and to the after party bom shankar!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! don’t want to miss this 01.26.01 come and witness an amazing 10 HR !!!!! set by KRI THE STORY OF KRI Kri began his musical journey in Winston Salem, NC writing industrial music in 1990. He made a cross over into the sounds of techno music and began learning the art of DJing. In just a few short years, Kri established a name for himself in the rave community, playing with many major acts. By 1994 Kri founded Did You Ever Think? a production company and opened up Evolution, a tattoo and body piercing studio in Winston Salem. He met a young DJ turntablist named Faust, who went on to become ranked number five in the world, and started another production company named Space Kadets Collective. As the years go by Kri continues to play with Faust and himself all over the southeast. Kri mixed a diverse range of styles of techno but was best known for his breakbeat and scratching skills. While performing in Atlanta, he was browsing in a record store and came across a section marked “GOA.” He heard some samples, bought several records and immediately felt a deep, profound connection to this music. That night being booked to play a breakbeat set, Kri played this ominous beautiful trance music and as a result did not get booked for six months after his performance at the URB/Smile tour. Kri became so bewitched by psychedelic goa trance and frustrated by the lack of understanding from the techno community he again formed a new production company, this time solely devoted to the sounds of goa trance. This was the dawn of Utta Chaos. This also marked the time of departure to the progressive, freak mountain community of Asheville, NC. Asheville welcomed him with loving arms and he felt he had finally found the support and understanding of the music that it deserved. Utta Chaos became infamous for their wildly free parties and their delivery of a true psychedelic experience. Kri began to make more contacts and has earned the recognition in the international trance family, playing in New York and Puerto Rico with such greats as Hallucinogen, MFG, Infected Mushroom, Total Eclipse tours in Europe and Africa. Kri has an intense passion for playing goa trance and has gained a loyal following in the Southeast and New York. Living in the beautifully surreal mountains of Asheville he wants to use trance as a means towards working towards a higher consciousness. The parties are dedicated to the primitive nature of the music and a return to the origin of our roots. Kri has also been inspired to compose his own compilations that have been received with great response. After being immersed in trance for six years now, comes T.O.U.C.H. Samadhi, reflecting the spiritual evolution through the sonic vibrations of psychedelic goa trance. Kri has a deep gratitude and love for all the Asheville family who has supported him and shared his vision. fri. jan. 26th 2001 at the future traditions from 10pm-8am price of entry is $ 5 18 & up must have I.D. to enter no if’s an’s or but’s or i know so and so. think of this place as a worship center. keep it clean don’t trash this venue or its bathrooms in any way shape or form. it is a god send that we are able to use this place, so lets keep it that way! please please party responsibly. don’t push your limits, no bad vibes or attitudes. or you will be kicked out. we try our best to provide a safe place for you to party so please party safe so that we may continue to bring you the very best psy-trance events to come . life’s a blur stay in focus! directions are : from east : take I-40 west to 240 west (downtown asheville) then exit monford ave. and turn left at light. then turn right at next light follow around and stay left, go straight through light and that will put you on clingman. then turn left on roberts. future traditions is the white warehouse on the corner. enter the left front door and go all the way up stairs. from west: take I-40 east to 240 east (downtown asheville) then exit patton ave (downtown). then turn right on clingman. then turn left on roberts. future traditions is the white warehouse on the corner. enter the left front door and go all the way up stairs. info web touchsamadhi or 828.691.2207 sat nam aum shiva kri web touchsamadhi in trance we believe
#1398 Tue, 09 Jan 2001 14:38:43 Subject:Williamsburg Sat Jan. 13 From: NOTE: non psytrance event Dr.Mojo will be performing at the following : Twisted Electronic soundscape 2001 Saturday January 13th at Mighty Robot 401 Wythe Ave. Williamsburg, Brooklyn (between South 6th and Broadway) INFO: (718) 387 3399 * FREE * doors 9:30pm music by DJs : Michael Raphael (co-producer of Didjilution on 89.1FM/web wnyu.org) Lorenzo (Turntablist Extraordinaire) Kai Fikentscer (Author of the book “You better work” underground dance music in New York) Elektroluxe (aka Arthur Twisted One) visuals by : Mighty Robot Twisted Ones Dr. Mojo special appearance by : Jedi Nitrous & the Balloonatics
#1399 10 Jan 2001 13:02:01 Machinelf’s Birthday Party Machinelf’s Birthday Party Wednesday, January 10, 2001 Time: 8:00PM – 2:00AM (-05:00) Hej ya’ll… For your entertainment and amusement you are invited to my 33rd birthday this Wednesday at Karma, an Indian restaurant owned by a friend in restaurant in the East Village 51 1st avenue between 3rd & 4th streets. It’s very cozy and opulent. There is a nice bar too. Astrid had her rockin’ birthday party there last year. Dinner 9-11 then dancing etc. until maybe after 1am. We’ll jam oput to our favorite tracks on the Karma’s stereo system. If you’d like to join us for dinner RSVP, be there 8:30pm and bring $30. Otherwise feel free to come by. Cash bar. No dress code. Just come as you are. As an added bonus, if more than 33 show up for dinner then this year will NOT become the Year of the Jesus Complex. Hope to see ya’ll there! Jeff
#1400 Thu, 11 Jan 2001 14:29:46 Fwd: literary rave account from CA
#1401 Thu, 11 Jan 2001 14:30:48 Fwd: Korg Z1/sound system For Sale…
#1402 13 Jan 2001 04:02:02 Tim Schuldt/Oforia/Yare-X Tim Schuldt/Oforia/Yare-X Friday, January 19, 2001 Time: 11:00PM – 7:00AM (-05:00) Friday January 19, 2000 ::::::::Tsunami presents:::::::: TIM SCHULDT live Aurinko, Germany OFORIA BNE, ISrael/Tsunami Opher india drop purple oz/tsunami Yare X NYC …and more! location: Octagon 555West 33rd 11pm-7am btwn 11th and 12th ave. tickets: $25 advance $30 door 18+ id only please
#1404 Tue, 16 Jan 2001 09:42:25 -0800 Wednesday at Opium DEn From: angeles garay chiletrance at yahoo Dear Friends!! Come and enjoy the Trance music this Wednesday night at Opium Den, with DJ Angel + Guests every week. Nice vibes and nice people!! DJ Isam Nick(Synthetic Sadhus) Opium Den 29 East 3rd Street at 2nd Avenue 10 PM No Cover Thanks! Love and Light Angeles
#1406 Thu, 18 Jan 2001 05:58:34 An articulate d experience From: Seven Minutes In the Primal Furnace- by S Ever since my first couple times doing d, i have had a far more difficult time remembering what happened, and there was a fear that kept me from taking the plunge too often. Both of these were cleared out of me the other night though when i smoked it again amongst new friends: it was once again lucidly available to my memory and i had the joy of attempting to put words to the unlanguageable. Enjoy! DOSE : 50mg synthetic d in a glass pipe on a small bed of dill, three large, hot, plasticy tokes: Upon inhalation, the trembling darkness before me crystallized instantly into a shimmering vortex of lime-colored tessera and began a meticulous implosion in upon itself. Pulses of sinuous electric energy shot along it from behind me and I could see them disappear down its infinite corridor. Each one came faster and faster and faster until this typhoon like tunnel was throbbing with supple, supernova pulsations. It was then that I began to accelerate, an auditory drone that seemed to flange at the edges of my being propelling me along. I couldn’t believe the breakneck speed with which I was beginning to move, like a proton in a hyperspatial supercollider. The breathtakingly ecstatic sensation of being literally shot out of the confines of my corporeal body was overwhelming, and already my mind was grasping wildly about for some semblance of familiarity. No previous d journey had ever moved this fast. The vortex started coiling then, curling and cycling into its cylindrical self, and I became aware that it was but one strand in a warping and wefting dimension which was now materializing and taking on a thousand outlandish forms all around me. Ahead was an entirely ludicrous, tensile, concentric, mandala-like disco-medusa that wore about it a technicolor dreamcoat of fibrillating antennae, surrounded by an ultraviolet aura. Instantly I could tell it was alive: some sort of a sentinel. Then seemingly out of nowhere and from every direction at once came these freakish tentacles of liquid lapis lazuli. They began moving together with an almost orchestral hyperprecision, and I was completely mesmerized – it was like nothing I had ever seen. I had absolutely no idea what I was looking at – there must literally have been thousands of them – I was utterly flabbergasted. I knew I must find a way past this creature though, as extraordinary as she was. We were still cruising along at the speed of light, now descending backwards together through an amoeboid, octahedral gallery of iridescent vaults. It was at this moment that I became suddenly aware we were not alone. The vaults seemed to zoom explosively outward then and the gallery expanded ad infinitum into a gargantuan, labrynthine, almost interstellar space, and through every vault poured the miraculous and zany imps who make the tryptamine hyperdimension their home. The tentacles of lapis lazuli gathered these capricious, multi-colored enigmas in towards the center, and became the architectonic scaffolding of their new multi-dimensional reality, a world which I found myself dab smack in the middle of. It was like a liquid mind ecology of staggering and alien complexity, the mind as it crosses over into quantum warpdrive and migrates ever further out into the oceanic beyond. At this point the glorious geometries transcended what is even vaguely feasible in this three dimensional mundane, constantly concrescing into new and variegated permutations, exfoliating out of themselves what might be called hyperspherologies of the divine, and to look anywhere was to be shot clean through with scintillating amazement. Crowding and cramming themselves into my field of vision were thousands upon thousands of beings of every imaginable sort and many that were completely unimaginable. They were everywhere jabbering in indecipherable tongues, juggling incandescent neon microworlds of dancing beings, and morphing with a zen-like, diaphanous fluidity that remains a primal miracle no matter how often you lay your all too human eyes on it. The primordial intelligence being manifest before me was palpable, undeniable, transcendently amazing – it shook me to my core in a more-than-real gleeful profundity. All I could do was sit there in divine liquid awe, my soul gaping wide open, and stare at the incalculable proportions of bizarreness and the down right weird that lay before me. It was like being entertained by the 76,000 piece orchestra of an alien civilization in whose classical music each note is not merely a musical tone, but an entire world, each just as intricate and nuancical as our own. You have a sense of being swarmed by the whimsical mastermind artforms of an extremely eccentric Boolean contortionist, a diabolical merry go round of linguistic Rubix cubes, 13th dimensional millipedes saying themselves to themselves as they make love, and impossible Gordian knots dancing the jitterbug at a lyrical lightspeed: a gelatinous ballet of endlessly self-juxtaposing pirouettes. You realize all at once you have arrived and are now having darshan with this gigantically insectoid, otherworldly Oz. They came at me again and again, a more than possible tsunami of opalescent combobulations, like rivers of music and miracles and clowns, the flood gates of my soul thrown wider than wide with the sheer magnitude of this dazzling, world-devouring spectacle. It was the primal, otherworldly bewilderness of the Andalusian gardens that grow in the antipodes of the mind, the crystalline vegetal perplexity of its delectable ecologies spilling and dripping and pouring like liquid diamonds from my eyes. The presence of what is awesome, what is wildly and passionately and numinously alive, filled every meridian in the vast continent of my expanded being, an intensity of joy and love and life coursing like heavenly ambrosia through my electrified veins. It was as though I myself was god, moving through liquid ecologies of god, the self-crystallizing emerald labyrinths of the tryptamine dreamtime, a marvelous infundibulum of plasmoidal calisthenics. What occurred was a total meltdown of everything I know and hold dear, utter surrender into the honeycomb lovewomb of the universe reborn, born anew in a thousand unendingly magnificent eyes, and Maya and Lila handheld spinning in sundream dandelions, my five senses spinning like a zillion gyroscopes round the centripetal amthyst of this all and everything. I was there, and then I was back – zap like before – I was back before I even knew I was back, the dimensions subsiding very quickly within me as the last few molecules of d were cracked wide open and gone. The room before me buzzed and shimmered like the most unlikely dream. The world? Oh yes – I remember – I like it there. Hello people. You look so normal and good. But wait, somthing just happened. What was that thing? Oh YES, OH MY LORD YES…..everything was still a shimmering mindmirage or bliss and joy and awe. WOW…… I think I said that: WOW…… To think that we all spend hours there every night, after *we* have been metabolized away that is, and that every day the collectivity of human consciousness looks upon that miracle for over 50 billion hours, is more than any of us can even begin to begin to understand. Seven minutes spent in that dimension, the primal furnace of our being, is enough for most people to think about for the rest of their lives. How miraculously absurd and awe-inspiring is our situation as humans then, that we are somehow built around this certain little molecule, only four atoms away from serotonin, the neurotransmitter which mediates and colors every aspect of our waking lives. It is like the human body is a door, a portal, and d is the key that opens our experience to the all-possible, the everything dimension, which surrounds us on all sides though we see it not. That the simple quantum difference of four atoms can open this for anyone to see is, and will remain, the greatest, most mysterious enigma in this life. The day we unlock its secrets we will for the first time awaken from the dream.
#1407 Fri, 19 Jan 2001 15:03:11 This weekend – Sunday Friday – Tsunami Saturday – Psytrance Parties in Queens and in Williamsburg/Greenpoint Sunday – New weekly – Read below Sunday January 21, 2001 NY, NY Guillaume Clave, Animal With No Name, IL PAPA present FUNDAY MASS DJs: Animal With No Name Steve-O (GoaBabies USA), Charmaine Visuals: Patrick Gallagher, Eric, Guillaume Clave Multimedia and art performances: Bunny, Sean-Michael Fleming, Kendall Q. Morrison, Maya Gurantz, IL PAPA and Animal With No Name $12 ($10 with flyer) FUN: 130 Madison Street (Chinatown):(F train to East Broadway) nightfiles.jetlog.org 3PM-4AM
#1408 Fri, 19 Jan 2001 20:15:50 Friday at Tsunami we bring you… From: the return of the Old Skool!!! Brainmachines will bring back its brain machine station with 15 glasses. Be sure to come by – it’s $3 and you can use them as long as you want. In the chillout area.
#1409 20 Jan 2001 04:02:02 Synthetic Sadhus Synthetic Sadhus Friday, February 2, 2001 Time: 11:00PM – 7:00AM (-05:00) Friday, February 2, 2001 NYC, USA SYNTHETIC SADHUS – GAIA PARTY Live: YUMADE (Spiral Trax-Dragonfly-France), TRIPIATRIK (TIP-Creamcrop-France), PLANET BEN (TIP-Flying Rhino-Free form-Germany) DJ: PAPS (TIP-Creamcrop-France), NINJA (Gaia Concept-Tekno Tanz-France), KALYX (Synthetic Sadhus-Growroom-USA). Fluoro Deco by: Punkadelic (Liquid Karma-France),Jamin Murphy (Hovek Olam-USA), Severyn (NYC), Synthetic Sadhus (NYC). Free fruits and chai will be served in the morning! New Security! Live visuals! Location: AMAZURA Ballroom, 91-12 144th Place, Jamaica, Queens, NY. Conveniently located by all public transportation and major highways. Doors open at 11PM. INFO: 212 774 7728 Tickets: $30/adv & $35/door. Tickets are sold at: House of Trance 212 533 6700 Satellite 212 780 9305 Throb 212 533 2328 Sonic Groove 212 675 5284 Growroom (MA) 413 549 9296 Satellite (Boston) 617 536 5482 Caffeine (LI) 516 797 7196 611 (Philly) 215 413 9100 Yoshi Toshi (DC) 202 338 5638
#1410 Mon, 22 Jan 2001 21:19:40 Tsunami news From: What a great down and dirty party this last friday! 1. Christopher Jones and Alex Munschnik Vitalizubry? of the BTS were spotted and removed by security after Alex was told he needed to try some Slimfast. Jones’ original post to me appears on brainmachines/btswatch.html implicating him in the assault of an Israeli at a bridge party 3 years ago that was advertised everywhere via flyers. I forgot to take their pictures; oh welll next time. Frank Owen, the writer of the original Details article will be getting info from us for an upcoming Village Voice article. 2. A girl wandered over a velvet rope and into the brainmachine station where whe “just wanted to sit down for a second” and had an epileptic seizure. She is OK. But I packed up all my gear anyway, it looked baaaaad. Witnesses verify that she never had in fact put on the glasses so my liability is still safe. Angel’s benefit in Greenpointe on Saturday was off the hook. See ya’ll at Spectra this weekend. And a message to a select few – PEZ ON EARTH!
#1411 Wed, 24 Jan 2001 11:15:54 -0800 Wednesday at Opium Den From: angeles garay chiletrance at yahoo Dear Friends! Come tonight Wednesday, to Opium Den with Trance Music, DJ Angel + Guest Enjoy the nice people and nice vibes!! DJ Angel(Chiletrance-6th Element) Misha(San Francisco) Opium Den 29 East 3rd Street at 2nd Avenue 10 PM No Cover Welcome everybody!! Love and Light Angeles
#1412 Thu, 25 Jan 2001 01:41:00 National Psychedelics Month From: Is February National Psychedelic Consumption month? Can we make it that? PSYCHEDELIC 60s MARATHON on THE BIOGRAPHY CHANNEL A GROOVY, DAY-LONG HAPPENING FEATURING THE WORLD PREMIERE OF BIOGRAPHY: TIMOTHY LEARY From 2pm to 12 Midnight ET, Hang Loose With the Decades Most Influential, Counter-Cultural Icons including Rockers Brian Wilson, Mick Jagger, Jimi Hendrix, David Crosby, Janis Joplin and More! NEW YORK, NY, January 24, 2001 As 60s guru Dr. Timothy Leary was fond of saying: Turn on, tune in and drop out. Drop out, that is, on February 4th from 2pm to 12 Midnight ET for The Biography Channels PSYCHEDELIC 60s MARATHON. Transporting viewers back into the tumultuous decade when the nations social fabric was torn by the Vietnam War, and a young counter-culture made sex, ds and rock and roll the lyrics to its national anthem, the special marathon features, among other programming, the World Premiere of BIOGRAPHY: TIMOTHY LEARY. The 10-hour marathon airs on THE BIOGRAPHY CHANNEL on February 4 from 2pm-12 Midnight ET. Aside from delving into the life and times of the seminal 60s icon who brought psychedelic ds into the national zeitgeist, THE BIOGRAPHY CHANNELs PSYCHEDELIC 60s MARATHON brings viewers back to a time of free love, long hair and electric cool-aid acid tests with other profiles including legendary rockers Brian Wilson, Mick Jagger, Jimi Hendrix, David Crosby, Janis Joplin and notorious murderer Charles Manson. This special, retro happening also wouldnt be complete without two trippy, mood-altering documentaries which will also be featured: Getting High: A History of l and Psychedelic Science. The World Premiere of BIOGRAPHY: TIMOTHY LEARY traces the long, strange trip of the larger-than-life academic-turned-cultural icon. From his early days as a respected Harvard professor experimenting freely with l to his eventual fall from grace with the American establishment, Leary helped define a generation with his bold pronouncements and rallying cries. And, along the way, he surrounded himself with the foremost minds and cultural superstars of the time, who followed his gospel with a 60s-era abandon. While delving into his esoteric background, BIOGRAPHY also explores whether or not Leary believed his own rhetoric about ds, and what effect they had on him personally. The program includes archival interviews with the late Leary himself; colleagues at Harvard and Berkeley including Dr. Brendan Maher, Dr. Frank Barron and Dr. Mervin Friedman, author and Merry Prankster Ken Kesey; author of l and the American Dream Jay Stevens; friends Peggy Hitchcock and Susan Sarandon; and family members Rosemary Woodruff Lear and Zach Leary. The 60s were an exciting, revolutionary, turbulent time of great social and technological change. Relive them or experience them for the very first time with THE BIOGRAPHY CHANNELs PSYCHEDELIC 60s MARATHON. THE BIOGRAPHY CHANNEL takes viewers into the world of exceptional people. It provides round-the-clock entertainment focused on the true stories of the worlds most captivating people. Viewers can always find entertaining biographies filled with surprising new information as well as the movies they starred in, documentaries with more information about their lives and times, and exclusive short features such as Martin Short shorts, Postcards from Hollywood, Born on This Day, and Freeze Frame, the popular Biography Magazine feature showing famous VIPs at different stages of their lives. For viewers who want to know more about specific people, Biography has a searchable database of more than 25,000 names. In recent subscriber studies, The Biography Channel was voted #1 by satellite subscribers (Beta Research Sept. 2000), #1 in viewer satisfaction by male cable subscribers (Beta Research Dec. 2000), and #2 in high interest by cable subscribers overall (Beta Research September 2000). Contacts: Mike Krause/DKPR/212-586-7967 Kathie Gordon/A&E/212-210-1320
#1413 Wed, 24 Jan 2001 22:44:02 Saturday on a boat Content-Disposition: Inline ignore the fact that the same name was used recently by zen & subtlechaos f or the same venue… psytrance this ain’t. but the promoter and the space rocks. SATURDAY JANUARY 27, 2001 / SHIPWRECKED This is the first of many boat and loft parties that will be hos ted this year by DSE and TBADJ. This party is going to be hot, hot, h ot!!!! Has anyone been to the FRYING PAN yet this year, well he re is your chance!!! For those off you who have never seen the frying pan i ts the antique boat at the Chelsea pier. This is one of New Yorks coolest and hottest venues. The boat is completely hea ted and there will be a full top shelf bar, coat check, and the best hassle free door policy. DAVID SIGMUND ENTERTAINMENT, TOUCHED B Y A DJ BOOKINGS and the BROOKLYN UNION CREW PRESENT: SHIPWRECKED JANUARY 27, 2000 THE FRYING PAN PIER 63 23 RD STREET & WEST SIDE HIGHWAY ONE P IER NORTH OF CHELSEA PIER SPORTS COMPLEX BEHIND TO THE RIGHT OF BASKETBALL CITY COVER – $10 PE R PERSON AGES E28093 21+ TALENT: JOE BOND E28093 TOUCHED BY A DJ BOOKINGS DJ DEEP E28093 UNION/NEBULUM RECORDINGS ALEK BIOTIC E28093 UNION/NEBULUM RECORDINGS SPECIAL TAG TEAM SET BY: CURT ASHLEY E28093 TOUCHED BY A DJ BOOKINGS/MAGNETIC RECOR DS & SHAWN JACKSON E28093 PROTEKSION RECORD S / CHICAGO ILL. same name was used recently by zen & subtlechaos for the same ven ue… psytrance this ain’t. but the promoter and the space rocks. SATURDAY JANUARY 27, 2001 / SHIPWRECKED This is the first of many boat and loft parties that will be hosted this year by DSE and TBADJ. This party is going to be hot hot, hot!!!! Has anyone been to the FRYING PAN yet this y ear, well here is your chance!!! For those off you who have never seen the frying pan its the antique boat at the Chelsea pier. This is one of New Yorks coolest and hottest venues. Th e boat is completely heated and there will be a full top shelf bar, coa t check, and the best hassle free door policy. DAVID SIGMUND ENTE RTAINMENT, TOUCHED BY A DJ BOOKINGS and the BROOKLYN UNION CREW PRESENT: SHIPWRECKED JANUARY 27, 2000 THE FRYING PAN PIER 63 23RD STREET & WEST SIDE HIGHWAY ONE PIER NORTH OF CHE LSEA PIER SPORTS COMPLEX BEHIND TO THE RIGH T OF BASKETBALL CITY COVER – $10 PER PERSON AGES E28093 21+ TALENT: JOE BOND E28093 TOUCHED BY A DJ BOOKINGS DJ DEEP E28093 UNION/NEBULUM RECOR DINGS ALEK BIOTIC E28093 UNION/NEBULUM R ECORDINGS SPECIAL TAG TEAM SET BY: CURT ASHLEY E28093 TOUCHED BY A DJ BOOKI NGS/MAGNETIC RECORDS & SHAWN JACKSON E28093 PROTEKSION RECORDS / CHICAGO ILL.
#1414 Subject:Right now 215am Thu, 25 Jan 2001 01:45:00 From: ” i’m at the opium den now ya’ll come on down he opium den now ya’ll come on
#1415 brainmachines new releases 2001 Thu, 25 Jan 2001 14:11:23 From: 2001 – NEW YEAR – NEW PRODUCTS Spectrum Pro Glasses By popular demand! Our Spectrum Pro glasses are being reintroduced this month. With two major improvements. The first one is the brighter light experience. The Spectrum glasses are made with bright red and bright green LEDs (2 per eye). These bright LEDs are as b right as our best selling TruWhite glasses. The Spectrum Pro glasses also include the CCM (Color Control Mode) switch. This switch allows the glasse s to operate in the conventional mode (left/right control) and CCM (red/b lue) mode. The Spectrum Pro glasses are available for $99.00. The glasses are offered in both polarity choices for any model or manufacturer of ligh t and sound equipment. You will not be disappointed. More on CCM mode Whe n operating in CCM, the Indigo and Spectrum Pro glasses flash a mixed color when driven simultaneously (focus) and alternate between the two colors w hen driven alternately (left/right). Indigo glasses Red/Blue combination (2 LEDs each color per eye) in the same brightness as the TruWhiteE4 glasses. The Indigo glasse s also include the CCM (color control mode) switch. The switch allows the glasses to operate in two modes, the conventional one (left/right) and CC M (red/blue control) modes. A new experience in great color combination fo r vivid images. Ultr aGreen Glasses After numerous requests to manufacture brighter glasses, we are proudly introducing the Ultra Green glasses. The Ultra Green glasses a re made with ultra bright green LEDs (4 per each eye) with the same bright ness as our TruWhite glasses. The Ultra Green glasses are available for $ 99.00. The glasses are offered in both polarity choices for any model or manufacturer of light and sound equipment. If you are interested in a new cool and bright color, try the Ultra Green glasses. And of course, if you enjoy the not so bright version of entrainment we still make the regular gr een glasses. MINDSCAPE’S EZINE FEATURED ARTICLE: STRESS RELIEF TECHNIQUE Techniques to Reliev e Stress and Tensions In today’s face-paced, hectic world, stress-related illnesses are more co mmon than the common cold. We all face it, but how we deal with it makes th e difference between being healthy and being sick. When you are feeling be sieged, whether it’s a boss breathing down your back or your child screamin g for dinner, the best way to deal with the stress is to step away from it. Since it’s not possible to walk away from your job, or leave your child al one screaming, you must learn to step away mentally when you can’t physical ly. The greatest way of dealing with stress is with humor. Again, if you ca n’t verbalize, internalize. When your boss is demanding the impossible, try remembering the time when he had broccoli stuck in his teeth or his tie wa s caught in his zipper. This alleviates the inner-tension you are feeling a s well as putting your boss in perspective – he’s just as fallible as the r est of us. Many times using humor can relieve tension and stress. In the m idst of a heated argument with your spouse or even your child, saying somet hing funny and totally off the wall can transform the domestic dispute into a “family moment”. We are all overwhelmed by the chaotic times in which we live. We are always running, dropping kids at day care, car-pooling to bas eball games, going to meetings, and we know all too well that this constant rush to be somewhere ten minutes ago can lead to road rage. First rule of thumb: when you’re late, you’re late and there’s really nothing you can do about it. Beeping your horn, looking at your watch, and trying to change la nes isn’t going to get you there any faster. If you have a cell phone, call and explain your situation, then sit back and relax. Take a deep breath an d always keep an “emergency” cassette tape in your car. Make a tape of your favorite, upbeat songs, that you can listen to and sing along with while y ou’re stuck in traffic, or make a tape of your favorite stand-up comedian t o listen to while all the other drivers around you are busy fighting. Tune them out, turn the music on and relax. When family and work responsibiliti es overpower us, we are useless to everyone, especially ourselves. To deal with the huge amount of responsibilities we face on a daily basis follow th e three “ize”s. Prioritize, compartmentalize and visualize. Since we can o nly do so many things at one time, prioritize. If you have a report due but promised to take your child to the playground, chance are you can do both. Work on your report while your child plays in the sandbox. On the other ha nd, if you have an important presentation due next week, a business trip ne xt month and a sick child today, compartmentalize. It’s useless to worry ab out next week today. Take care of your sick child today and do not think ab out next week or next month. Worrying about what will happen, what could ha ppen or what won’t happen will only lead to nothing at all happening!! Whe n in a stressful situation totally beyond your control, visualize. Close yo ur eyes and picture yourself lying on a beach, or strolling through a field of daisies. This visualization has an extremely calming effect; you’ll fee l the tension melting away be you will be prepared to face pressures head-o n. Remember also to make time for yourself. Treat yourself each day to som ething special – a hot bubble bath, an ice cream cone, a trashy novel. It d oesn’t have to be elaborate or take a lot of time, it just has to make you feel good and relaxed. Unfortunately, stress has become a necessary evil in our lives, but with the right attitude, it won’t engulf us. Remember, “whe n life gives you lemons, make lemonade!” 2001 – NEW YEAR – NEW PRODUCTS Gl asses By popular demand! Our Spectrum Pro glasses are being reintrodu ced this month. With two major improvements. The first one is the brig hter light experience. The Spectrum glasses are made with bright red a nd bright green LEDs (2 per eye). These bright LEDs are as bri ght as our best selling TruWhite glasses. The Spectrum Pro glasses als o include the CCM (Color Control Mode) switch. This switch allows the glasses to operate in the conventional mode (left/right control) and CCM (red/blue) mode. The Spectrum Pro glasses are available for $99 .00. The glasses are offered in both polarity choices for any model or manufacturer of light and sound equipment. You will not be disappoint ed. More on CCM mode When operating in CCM, the Indigo and Spect rum Pro glasses flash a mixed color when driven simultaneously (focus) and alternate between the two colors when driven alternately (lef RIndigo glasses Red/Blue combination (2 LEDs each color per eye) in th e same brightness as the TruWhiteE4 glasses. The Indigo glasses a lso include the CCM (color control mode) switch. The switch allows the glasses to operate in two modes, the conventional one (left/right) an d CCM (red/blue control) modes. A new experience in great color combin ation for vivid Glasses After numerous requests to manufact ure brighter glasses, we are proudly introducing the Ultra Green glasse s. The Ultra Green glasses are made with ultra bright green LEDs ( 4 per each eye) with the same brightness as our TruWhite glasses. The Ultra Green glasses are available for $99.00. The glasses are o ffered in both polarity choices for any model or manufacturer of light and sound equipment. If you are interested in a new cool and bright c olor, try the Ultra Green glasses. And of course, if you enjoy the not so bright version of entrainment we still make the regular green gl asses. MINDSCAPE’S EZINE FEATURED TECHNIQU E Techniques to Relieve Stress and face-paced, hectic world, st ress-related illnesses are more common than the common cold. We all fac e it, but how we deal with it makes the difference between being health y and being sick. When you are feeling besieged, whether it’s a boss breathing down your back or your child screaming for dinner, the b est way to deal with the stress is to step away from it. Since it’s not possible to walk away from your job, or leave your child alone scre aming, you must learn to step away mentally when you can’t physically. The greatest way of dealing with stress is with humor. Again, if you can ‘t verbalize, internalize. When your boss is demanding the impossible, try remembering the time when he had broccoli stuck in his teeth or his tie was caught in his zipper. This alleviates the inner-tension you a re feeling as well as putting your boss in perspective – he’s just asB Rfallible as the rest of us. Many times using humor can relieve te nsion and stress. In the midst of a heated argument with your spouse or even your child, saying somthing funny and totally off the wall canB Rtransform the domestic dispute into a “family moment”. We are all ove rwhelmed by the chaotic times in which we live. We are always running, dropping kids at day care, car-pooling to baseball games, going to meeti ngs, and we know all too well that this constant rush to be somewhere t en minutes ago can lead to road rage. First rule of thumb: when you’re late, you’re late and there’s really nothing you can do about it. Beepi ng your horn, looking at your watch, and trying to change lanes isn’tB Rgoing to get you there any faster. If you have a cell phone, call and explain your situation, then sit back and relax. Take a deep breath an d always keep an “emergency” cassette tape in your car. Make a tape of your favorite, upbeat songs, that you can listen to and sing along with while you’re stuck in traffic, or make a tape of your favorite stand-u p comedian to listen to while all the other drivers around you are busy fighting. Tune them out, turn the music on and relax. When fami ly and work responsibilities overpower us, we are useless to everyone, especially ourselves. To deal with the huge amount of responsibilities we face on a daily basis follow the three “ize”s. Prioritize, compartme ntalize and visualize. Since we can only do so many things at one t ime, prioritize. If you have a report due but promised to take your chi ld to the playground, chance are you can do both. Work on your repor t while your child plays in the sandbox. On the other hand, if you have an important presentation due next week, a business trip next month an d a sick child today, compartmentalize. It’s useless to worry about nex t week today. Take care of your sick child today and do not think about next week or next month. Worrying about what will happen, what could h appen or what won’t happen will only lead to nothing at all happening!! When in a stressful situation totally beyond your control, visuali ze. Close your eyes and picture yourself lying on a beach, or stroll ing through a field of daisies. This visualization has an extremely cal ming effect; you’ll feel the tension melting away be you will be prepar ed to face pressures head-on. Remember also to make time for yourse lf. Treat yourself each day to somthing special – a hot bubble bath, a n ice cream cone, a trashy novel. It doesn’t have to be elaborate or tak e a lot of time, it just has to make you feel good and relaxed. Unfort unately, stress has become a necessary evil in our lives, but with the right attitude, it won’t engulf us. Remember, “when life gives you le mons,
#1416 Thu, 25 Jan 2001 20:43:34 Techno madness at Limelight thursday From: It will be a lonnnng weekend Higher Communications Presents Infiltrate Thursday.January.25th.2001 LimeLight.20th st./ 6th ave.NYC Main Floor Exclusive 4 Turntable Set Woody McBride and Andrei Morant First time ever anywhere on Earth and we have it for you tonight! A tag team set from these two on four turntables for an incredible 2 hours! McBride, a world reknown dj/producer/promoter, has played all over the world and produced tracks on countless labels such as Bush, TLC, Labworks, Missile, Magnetic North, Ex, and Contact Records. Tonight he is stepping to the decks with Andrei Morant. Morant has had production work on some of the hottest internationsal labels for over 9 years! Take that into consideration, then you add his absolutely banging track selection to match the flawless mixes he dishes out and then you’ll understand why he always blazes a path forward that most ofthers just can’t keep up with! Having been in Scotland for sometime and travelling the european circuit, he has left crowds from Glasglow to Melborne in utter awe! Now residing in Chicago, we are happy to have him tonight for his first NYC performance ever! Assuredly a set everyone should experience first hand. Mike Dearborn Majesty Recordings – Chicago Dave Hollands Minimal Wage – NYC Exclusive 4 Turntable Set The Dever and Alan Sax The Zoo / Uptown Underground / Digital Domain – NYC Myth I-S Cousins / DPIM – LI 3 decks and a 505 set 3000 Beats Higher Communication – Tokyo / NYC Chris Love Stuck on Earth – NYC dj Elevation Total Elevation – NJ Drum and Bass Den Empress Ignite / VR / Skunkrock – UK / NYC Christian Bruna 50/50 / Camouflage – NYC Kech and Reid Speed Stuck on Earth / Reeespect – NYC dj 9X Satellite / Technique – UK / NYC Mindfield Mixed Up / Beat Boutique – NJ Josef Fazor w/mc Overide Sixth Sense Communications / HyperBreaks – NJ Saskai Kontakt / Echo Lounge – NYC Infinite w/ Pure mc Mixed Up – NYC BreakBeat Room Drea 192 Break Junkies – NYC Josh Matthews Stuck on Earth – Upstate NY Jimmy Swift SmooveGroove – LI Ross Newman Sixth Sense Communications – NJ Tajina Higher Communication – NYC *** AND A FOURTH ROOM WITH SEVERAL SUPRIZE PERFORMERS FROM THE TRI STATE AREA *** Main Info 212.591.1683 / 212.591.1687 Along with additional bone shattering sound, lighting, Lasers by Atrophy and visuals from Japan inside the already slammin Limelight…what more can you ask for..and advance tickets that are only twenty bucks!! Party Starts at 9pm Tickets available everywhere $20 advance More at Door
#1417 Thu, 25 Jan 2001 21:04:06 Techno madness at Limelight thursday From: Higher Communications Presents Infiltrate Thursday.January.25th.2001 LimeLight.20th st./ 6th ave.NYC Main Floor Exclusive 4 Turntable Set Woody McBride and Andrei Morant First time ever anywhere on Earth and we have it for you tonight! A tag team set from these two on four turntables for an incredible 2 hours! McBride, a world reknown dj/producer/promoter, has played all over the world and produced tracks on countless labels such as Bush, TLC, Labworks, Missile, Magnetic North, Ex, and Contact Records. Tonight he is stepping to the decks with Andrei Morant. Morant has had production work on some of the hottest internationsal labels for over 9 years! Take that into consideration, then you add his absolutely banging track selection to match the flawless mixes he dishes out and then you’ll understand why he always blazes a path forward that most ofthers just can’t keep up with! Having been in Scotland for sometime and travelling the european circuit, he has left crowds from Glasglow to Melborne in utter awe! Now residing in Chicago, we are happy to have him tonight for his first NYC performance ever! Assuredly a set everyone should experience first hand. Mike Dearborn Majesty Recordings – Chicago Dave Hollands Minimal Wage – NYC Exclusive 4 Turntable Set The Dever and Alan Sax The Zoo / Uptown Underground / Digital Domain – NYC Myth I-S Cousins / DPIM – LI 3 decks and a 505 set 3000 Beats Higher Communication – Tokyo / NYC Chris Love Stuck on Earth – NYC dj Elevation Total Elevation – NJ Drum and Bass Den Empress Ignite / VR / Skunkrock – UK / NYC Christian Bruna 50/50 / Camouflage – NYC Kech and Reid Speed Stuck on Earth / Reeespect – NYC dj 9X Satellite / Technique – UK / NYC Mindfield Mixed Up / Beat Boutique – NJ Josef Fazor w/mc Overide Sixth Sense Communications / HyperBreaks – NJ Saskai Kontakt / Echo Lounge – NYC Infinite w/ Pure mc Mixed Up – NYC BreakBeat Room Drea 192 Break Junkies – NYC Josh Matthews Stuck on Earth – Upstate NY Jimmy Swift SmooveGroove – LI Ross Newman Sixth Sense Communications – NJ Tajina Higher Communication – NYC *** AND A FOURTH ROOM WITH SEVERAL SUPRIZE PERFORMERS FROM THE TRI STATE AREA *** Main Info 212.591.1683 / 212.591.1687 Along with additional bone shattering sound, lighting, Lasers by Atrophy and visuals from Japan inside the already slammin Limelight…what more can you ask for..and advance tickets that are only twenty bucks!! Party Starts at 9pm Tickets available everywhere $20 advance More at Door
#1418 Thu, 25 Jan 2001 22:24:30 Sunday Funday Mass From: Line-up for 02/04: 3pm-5pm Animal With No Name (flyvision.org) 5pm-7pm dj Dot (Wanderlust-Touch) 7pm-11pm dj Charmaine 11pm-12am art performance by IL PAPA 12am-4am Steve-O (GoaBabies, USA) Hooka by Sherrif (Sahara East) Thanks to all for your support, be proud to forward this e-mail! Funday Mass at FUN: 130 Madison St NYC – F line to E Broadway
#1419 Fri, 26 Jan 2001 00:35:44 a valued member struts his stuff Content-Disposition: Inline Tony Torn saved my ass twice at from a crippling lawsuit to watching my back vs. thugs… He’s a standup guy: Jeff, come see what I do for a living (such as it is) tuesday, thursday, friday, sat & sunday at 8pm I play Freddy, a longhaired burnout sailing through hyperspace in Richard Foreman’s latest brainmachine NOW THAT COMMUNISM IS DEAD MY LIFE FEELS EMPTY at Saint Marks Church on 2nd Ave & 10th street if you have never seen a Foreman play: prepare to be trust into a perverse funhouse alternity a world of blinding lights and disorientation where tape loops and subliminal imagery tumble breathlessly over one another while veiled dwarves dance for your pleasure and the hand of god makes a regular appearance sounds familiar? gold star to whomever can pick out my d inspired “lollypop” moment. come see why EMERGENCY magazine says “Torn in particular is notable for his extreme sexual dampness, not unlike a cellar before or after a particularly unpleasent orgy.” tickets are $15 cash only quite a deal for an hour and fifteen minutes of true sensory turmoil. Reservation line in 212-533-4650 You must get there early, if you are not in your seat by a quarter of 8 then the box office nazis will give your ticket away! Freddy looks forward to seeing you. NOW THAT COMMUNISM IS DEAD MY LIFE FEELS EMPTY by Richard Foreman with Jay Smith (“Fred”) & Tony Torn (“Freddy”) tuesday, thursday, friday, sat & sunday at 8pm thru april 28th at Saint Marks Church, 2nd Ave & 10th st $15 cash only reservations 212-533-4650my back vs. thugs… He’s a standup guy: Jeff, come see what I do for a living (such as it is) tuesday, thursday, friday, sat & sunday at 8pm I play Freddy, a longhaired burnout sailing through hyperspace in Richard Foreman’s latest brainmachine NOW THAT COMMUNISM IS DEAD MY LIFE FEELS EMPTY at Saint Marks Church on 2nd Ave & 10th street if you have never seen a Foreman play: prepare to be trust into a perverse funhouse alternity a world of blinding lights and disorientation where tape loops and subliminal imagery tumble breathlessly over one another while veiled dwarves dance for your pleasure and the hand of god makes a regular appearance sounds familiar? gold star to whomever can pick out my d inspired “lollypop” moment. come see why EMERGENCY magazine says “Torn in particular is notable for his extreme sexual dampness, not unlike a cellar before or after a particularly unpleasent orgy.” tickets are $15 cash only quite a deal for an hour and fifteen minutes of true sensory turmoil. Reservation line in 212-533-4650 You must get there early, if you are not in your seat by a quarter of 8 then the box office nazis will give your ticket away! Freddy looks forward to seeing you. NOW THAT COMMUNISM IS DEAD MY LIFE FEELS EMPTY by Richard Foreman with Jay Smith (“Fred”) & Tony Torn (“Freddy”) tuesday, thursday, friday, sat & sunday at 8pm thru april 28th at Saint Marks Church, 2nd Ave & 10th st $15 cash only reservations 212-533-4650
#1420 Sun, 28 Jan 2001 16:51:32 Here we are going To: thed at egroups Content-Disposition: Inline Thanks yet again to Reuben from Scotland groups.yahoo.co hroom right now psychedelics are in a similar position to early christi anity – aside from a few voices in the wilderness – our religion is synon omous with institutions – direct contact with the divine has been reestabli shed – the only thing you need to gain access is 20 dollars or a dark clos et – the psychedelic cultural permeation didn’t end in the 60’s, it has on ly just begun – the d haters – 12 step therapists and cops – are right – weed IS a gateway d – you smoke a little (or a lot) of grass and thin k “this isn’t so bad” – then you try the Fungi cause you think they’ll make you laugh then the next thing you know, “Whoa! What the fuck is thi s?” – weed is permeating society, and psychedelics and their reality will piggyback into the minds of unsuspecting citizens – most people have a co uple trips and pack it in, and that’s ok – but the hard core will (and are ) a meme factory expressing itself through scientific capitalist culture a nd are transforming imaginal and physical reality without the majority havi ng no fucking clue where this shit is coming from (steve jobs anyone?) – after the intital anarchistic psychedelic rupture of the 50-70’s we are se eing the psychedelic culture forming into cults (using shaministic/occult/ mystical organizations gleamed from global travel culture’s prodding into every exotic nook and cranny of naked mother earth) using some kind of dru g as the sacrament – just as roman emperor constantine legalized and used the popularity of christianity to increase its power the largest and most popular psychedelic church also may be legalized and state endorsed for t he same reasons – a giant state approved psychedelic institution will devle op – the priesthood will only have access – the mass maybe will only have a highly regulated trip once a year or life or somthing and spend the re st of the time reading the pstchedelic scriptures (leary? mckenna? castena da?) – replaying the organized religion movie the history mushroom church will be fraught by schisms and heritics – psychedelic use outside of the church will be outlawed and those who indulge in the sacrament will be per secuted as witches and sorcerers – a couple thousand years later the churc h will be spent force – empty ritual for the poor and stupid – all this a gainst a backdrop of ubiquitous computers, genetic engineering, space trav el, nano tech and who the fuck knows what else – that fucking bastard hux ley was right! quitous computers, genetic engineering, space travel, nano tech and who the fuck knows what else – that fucking bastard huxley was right! From: reubenfirmin at yahoo (Reuben) To: some friends and i are getting our shit together to do some activis m type stuff…wondered if you felt like spamming the list to see if anyone ‘s interested… the url is groups.yahoo/group/culturejammers-ne wyork if you do send this out, my contact email for this is : cjnyony at yahoo [i.e. please don’t use the email address in the headers…we’re keepin g it anonymous on the ‘obvious’ level] cheers en from Scotland groups.yahoo/mygroups?ed right now psychedelics are in a similar position to early chri stianity – aside from a few voices in the wilderness – our religion &n bsp;is synonomous with institutions – direct contact with the divine ha s been reestablished – the only thing you need to gain access is 20 do llars or a dark closet – the psychedelic cultural permeation didn’t end in the 60’s, it has only just begun – the d haters – 12 step therapists and cops – are right – weed IS a gateway d – you smoke a little (or a lot) of grass and think “this isn’t so bad” – then you t ry the Fungi cause you think they’ll make you laugh then the next thing you know, “Whoa! What the fuck is this?” – weed is permeati ng society, and psychedelics and their reality will piggyback into the minds of unsuspecting citizens – most people have a couple trips and pack it in, and that’s ok – but the hard core will (and are) a meme fa ctory expressing itself through scientific capitalist culture and are transforming imaginal and physical reality without the majority having no fucking clue where this shit is coming from (steve jobs anyone?) – after the intital anarchistic psychedelic rupture of the 50-70’s we are seeing the psychedelic culture forming into cults (using shamin istic/occult/mystical organizations gleamed from global travel culture ‘s prodding into every exotic nook and cranny of naked mother earth) u sing some kind of d as the sacrament – just as roman emperor consta ntine legalized and used the popularity of christianity to increase it s power the largest and most popular psychedelic church also may be legalized and state endorsed for the same reasons – a giant state ap proved psychedelic institution will devleop – the priesthood will only have access – the mass maybe will only have a highly regulated trip o nce a year or life or somthing and spend the rest of the time reading the pstchedelic scriptures (leary? mckenna? castenada?) – replay ing the organized religion movie the history mushroom church will be f raught by schisms and heritics – psychedelic use outside of the church will be outlawed and those who indulge in the sacrament will be perse cuted as witches and sorcerers – a couple thousand years later the chu rch will be spent force – empty ritual for the poor and stupid – all this against a backdrop of ubiquitous computers, genetic engineeri ng, space travel, nano tech and who the fuck knows what else – B Rthat fucking bastard huxley was right! quitous computers, geneti c engineering, space travel, nano tech and who the fuck knows what B Relse – that fucking bastard huxley was right! F rom: reubenfirmin at yahoo (Reuben) To: .co m some friends and i are getting our shit together to do some activ ism type stuff…wondered if you felt like spamming the list to see if anyone’s interested… the url is groups.yahoo/group/cul turejammers-newyork if you do send this out, my contact email for this is : cjnyony at yahoo [i.e. please don’t use the email address in the headers…we’re keeping it anonymous on the ‘obvious’ level] cheers
#1421 Mon, 29 Jan 2001 00:43:11 SubtleChaos Tuesday Content-Disposition: Inline TUESDAY JAN 30TH 10PM-2:00AM169 BAR AT 169 EAST BROADWAY F at E Broadway Subtlechaos & Niko present NIGHT SHIFT TECHNO TRANCE visual and audio enviroment techno and minimal psychedelic music by resident DJs and special guests FREE ADMISSION, ID to DRINK required email forF at E Broadway Subtlechaos & Niko present NIGHT SHIFT TECHNO TRANCE visual and audio enviroment techno and minimal psychedelic music by resident DJs and special guests FREE ADMISSION, ID to DRINK required
#1422 Mon, 29 Jan 2001 20:36:06 On the cover of the Times today My buddy John Draper AKA Cap’n Crunch, the first phone phreak hacker and a good buddy of Goa Gil’s When he came to New York he stayed at my house: ht January 29, 2001 From Outl aw to Consultant By JOHN MARKOFF MENLO PARK, Calif. 97 There are many le gendary figures here in Silicon Valley. There are men like Steven Jobs and Stephen Wozniak, Bill Hewlett and . There are stories of brilliance and i nnovation and avarice. But there may be no tale so poignant as that of Jo hn T. Draper, the mythical “phone phreak” who became a national figure in 1971 after being one of the first to discover that a toy whistle in the Ca p’n Crunch cereal box could trick the telephone network into giving free telephone calls. Widely known as Captain Crunch, Mr. Draper has had a rema rkable career since then. He was arrested and sent to prison for his tele phone exploits several times and graduated from phones to computers. He did the early design from a jail cell for EasyWriter, the word processing program that came with the first I.B.M. PC in 1981. In the intervening dec ades he was for a while a millionaire who owned a house in Hawaii. But he has also lost jobs and been homeless more than once. He hacked into comput er networks, using some of the same skills he honed on the telephone syste m. His back was permanently injured in a prison beating in Pennsylvania. H e was robbed on a Texas highway where he lost a notebook computer containi ng the only copy of his autobiography. For years he wandered the world wor king where he could as a high-tech hobo 97 including the Goa coast in Ind ia, where in 1999 he spent six months coding Web sites for an Indian entr epreneur. Throughout all of his travels and travails, however, Mr. Draper has maintained an almost childlike sense of optimism, and now he is tryin g to start over. With a small group of partners 97 and perhaps a little l ate to the game 97 Mr. Draper is seeking to take part in the Internet boo m. In a venture that will no doubt raise concerns for some, he and his co nfederates have set up an Internet security software and consulting firm, aimed at protecting the online property of corporations. The company, whic h has been self- financed but is not soliciting venture capital, is called ShopIP. Mr. Draper, 57, describes himself as a “white-hat hacker” these d ays and sees his new venture as his way of repaying society for his misadv entures three decades ago. Mr. Draper vows that his hacking days are behin d him. In the last year, he says, he has thrown himself into the study of computer security techniques with the same passion with which he once stud ied the intricacies of the nation’s phone system. “My eyes were opened, a nd this has been a real change in direction in my life,” he said in an int erview at a coffee house here, just a mile from the telephone booth where a government informer once cornered him for his antics with a so-called bl ue box 97 an electronic device that could generate the tones necessary fo r commanding the phone network. “It made me realize that I could pay back society for my deeds in the past,” he added. After starting to develop a type of network-security software program known as a fire wall in 1999, Mr . Draper met a young businessman, Daniel Baggett, now 29, who had known th e older man by reputation and who now takes a sheltering stance toward him . “Part of my mission is to protect Crunch; I respect him,” Mr. Baggett s aid. “He played a huge role in the early days of the personal computer ind ustry, and it’s a crime he hasn’t been able to reap the rewards.” And yet the issue of white-hat vs. black-hat hackers has long been a thorny ethi cal debate in the computer security world, where some people have argued t hat there is no room for outlaws 97 reformed or otherwise. Others respond that the people who can best protect network computer systems are those w ith the most experience at testing their weaknesses. “Whether black hats can become white hats is not a black-and-white question,” said Peter Neuma nn, a computer security expert at SRI International, a research firm here. “In general, there are quite a few black hats who have gone straight and become very effective. But the simplistic idea that hiring overtly black-h at folks will increase your security is clearly a myth.” Mr. Draper’s pas t was largely defined by a widely read article by Ron Rosenbaum, “Secrets of the Little Blue Box,” which appeared in the October 1971 issue of Esqui re. The article described the activities of a small group of telephone “h obbyists,” including Mr. Draper, who had learned how to control and misuse the nation’s telephone network. In an essay in The New York Observer this month, Mr. Rosenbaum wrote that Captain Crunch became an American antiher o and a cultural icon in the intervening years. Two young men who devoure d the 1971 article were Steven Jobs and Stephen Wozniak. At the time Mr. W ozniak was a student at the University of California at Berkeley. He and M r. Jobs spent several weeks frantically searching for Mr. Draper, who then lived in the San Jose area. After they contacted him, Mr. Draper arrived at Mr. Wozniak’s dorm room. Mr. Jobs recalls an outlandish character with moustache and horn- rim glasses who walked in and announced with a flouri sh, “It is I.” Mr. Draper tutored Mr. Wozniak and Mr. Jobs in the art of programming their own blue boxes, capable of gaining free 97 and illegal 97 access to the phone network. The two novice entrepreneurs sold the blu e boxes door-to-door on the Berkeley campus, several years before they fo unded Apple Computer. Things turned out less favorably for Mr. Draper. Aft er the Esquire article he became a target of the F.B.I. and in 1972 was ar rested and spent a short while in jail before being sentenced to five year s probation. Around this time he discovered Call Computer, a tiny company in Mountain View, Calif., that provided computer time-sharing services. Mr. Draper was still a student at a local community college, but the owner of Call Computer discovered that Mr. Draper had a flair for programming a nd offered him a job. Later, the programming tools Mr. Draper had develope d while working at Call Computer were widely used by many of the first per sonal computer designers. And while he did not entirely end his phone acti vities, he became a regular at the potluck dinners at the People’s Compute r Company, a counterculture educational organization in Menlo Park dedicat ed to making computers widely available. Mr. Draper’s new passion was com puting, but he was a phone- phreak recidivist. In fact, it was at a pay ph one across the street from the People’s Computer office near here where a government informer caught him in the act of telephone fraud. This time, Mr. Draper went to prison, spending October 1976 to February 1977 at the f ederal prison in Lompoc, Calif. For the final portion of his sentence he w as in a work- release program back in the Bay Area, where he began developing his EasyWriter program. During the day, he recalled, he would write the code. Then, at night, after returning to jail, he would s tudy the paper list of programming commands, looking for errors. “It was a n ideal situation,” he said. “It forced me to get off the computer and thi nk and debug my program.” Shortly after leaving prison, Mr. Draper was hi red by Apple Computer, at a time when the company had only 15 employees. H e developed a telephone-dialing card for the original Apple II computer. B ut Apple never marketed it for fear that it could be used as a powerful c omputer-controlled blue box. In an online posting a number of years ago Mr . Draper described the antics during Apple’s early period, which may help explain the company’s hesitation to put his modem on the market. “I can re member Woz programming it to repeatedly call Steve Jobs’s parents’ phone over and over again (in those days, there were very few answering machines ). I got blamed for what Woz did.” He also was blamed, by federal authorit ies, for a parole violation later that year for associating with known pho ne phreaks, and was sent to a federal penitentiary in Pennsylvania. There, as Mr. Draper recalls the episode, a fellow inmate asked for instructions on hacking into the telephone network. Suspecting the man to be an infor mer, he gave him bogus information. Unfortunately, when the inmate could n ot get the free phone calls he was expecting, he beat up Mr. Draper, who s till has several damaged vertebrae from the run- in. Despite his prison s tints, Mr. Draper enjoyed an unaccustomed affluence in the early 80’s, aft er Easy- Writer hit it big on the early I.B.M. PC’s. But his life lacked t he structure and discipline to make his comfort last. He drifted in and o ut of jobs, the most promising one with Ted Nelson, a social scientist and software designer at Autodesk, in Sausalito, Calif. Mr. Nelson was trying to perfect his hypertext software, a forerunner of the World Wide Web. B ut all too soon, Mr. Draper lost his job. He spent the mid-1990’s kicking about, winding up in San Diego in September 1996. There, he lived in an ar tists’ collective known as the Loft, which had a high- speed Internet conne ction. When the Loft fell apart, Mr. Draper was homeless. He spent time in Tijuana, then decided to move to Florida, where he had heard of an oppor tunity to work in Web-site development. It was on the road to Florida, at a roadside rest area in Texas, that the manuscript for his autobiography w hich he had worked on for four years was stolen from his car as he slept. But things started looking up in Florida, where he showed a natural apti tude as a Web programmer and his work came to the attention of an Indian b usinessman. That contact resulted in Mr. Draper’s spending six months on t he Goa coast, designing Web pages for companies there that were anxious to be on the Internet. After returning from India in late 1999, Mr. Draper s ettled in Fremont, across the Bay from Palo Alto. Sharing a cramped apartment with several friends, he began work on his software com pany. Today, Mr. Draper still lives a largely hand-to-mouth existence. Kn own for his manic intensity and insistent curiosity, he has the distinctio n of being one of the few people to lose his invitation to the Hackers Con ference, the annual gathering of the pioneers of the personal computing in dustry, where social graces are not usually a criterion for admission. Bu t there are those who have loyally stuck by Mr. Draper 97 including Mr. W ozniak, who gave him an Apple Macintosh PowerBook for Christmas. For his p art, Mr. Draper is enthusiastic about his new venture and conveys a true b eliever’s faith in the strength of his security software, which ShopIP pla ns to release to a group of test customers next month. Yet he acknowledge d the difficulties of living down the Captain Crunch legend. “I’m not a ba d guy,” he said. “But I’m being treated like a fox trying to guard the hen house.”
#1423 Mon, 29 Jan 2001 17:12:23 Sunday – Syn.Sad afterparty Content-Disposition: Inline 3:00pm on Sunday till 4:am Monday delicious fresh fruit, stellar visuals (6 Projectors) ample room for everyone hours & hours of psy-sounds comand you to attend think about it…. 3pm till 4am Sunday Feb 4th & every coming Sunday for the rest of the winter….Killer new revised link web hovekolam/FUNDAYdelicious fresh fruit, stellar visuals (6 Projectors) ample room for everyone hours & hours of psy-sounds comand you to attend think about it…. 3pm till 4am Sunday Feb 4th & every coming Sunday for the rest of the winter….Killer new revised link
#1424 Mon, 29 Jan 2001 23:25:04 North Carolina Kri played at one of the best d events. this is an invite, print it you must bring it!!!!!!!!!!!! T.O.U.C.H. Samadhi psychedelic goa trance at its best fri. feb. 23, 2001 presents AVATARA the birth of divine consciousness in the human heart lostnoiz Boppity PTLF Sapphire Productions Detroit, MI Sinai T.O.U.C.H. Samadhi Tokyo Alex T.O.U.C.H. Samadhi Asheville psychedelic cyberspace and sacred geometry sound with crystal placement by the devotee & kri flyer art by lostnoiz full awareness of a constant consciousness through the psychedelic sounds of goa trance fri. feb. 23rd 2001 at the future traditions from 10pm-8am price of entry is $ 10, 18 & up must have I.D. to enter no if’s an’s or but’s or i know so and so. think of this place as a worship center. keep it clean don’t trash this venue or its bathrooms in any way shape or form. it is a god send that we are able to use this place, so lets keep it that way! please please party responsibly. don’t push your limits, no bad vibes or attitudes. or you will be kicked out. we try our best to provide a safe place for you to party so please party safe so that we may continue to bring you the very best psy-trance events to come . life’s a blur stay in focus! directions are : from east : take I-40 west to 240 west (downtown asheville) then exit monford ave. and turn left at light. then turn right at next light follow around and stay left, go straight through light and that will put you on clingman. then turn left on roberts. future traditions is the white warehouse on the corner. enter the left front door and go all the way up stairs. from west: take I-40 east to 240 east (downtown asheville) then exit patton ave (downtown). then turn right on clingman. then turn left on roberts. future traditions is the white warehouse on the corner. enter the left front door and go all the way up stairs. info web touchsamadhi or 828.691.2207 this is an invite, print it!!!!!!!!!!!! sat nam aum shiva kri web touchsamadhi in trance we believe
#1425 Mon, 29 Jan 2001 23:13:26 This Saturday Content-Disposition: Inline So after Synthetic Sadhus friday and before Funday Mass on Sunday come hear Astrid’s new boyfriend spin… That bastard. Just Kidding. Mark is the g rooviest nonpsytrance guy I know Blackkat presents CHOPSHOP A multi-medi a warehouse jam featuring DJ CHROME with MC KID LUCKY (hard drivin, rhyme f lippin, drum n bass) DJ fflood (funky tribal techno) (11-midnight) pH 10 (live breakbeat dynamic duo) (MIDNIGHT-1) CAROL C (representing h er new label Lauka Bop) (1-2) SEAN B (two stepE280A6 if Curtis Mayfield was a DJ) AndE280A6 the long-awaited return of JASON BLACKKAT (live tech no-fresh off marathon world tour) Plus visuals by ADAM CHAO (live multi-so urce video mixing) LYNN BELL (slide projection tour of nyc and beyond) KVK (live video-mixingE28094welcome back!) Art and puppets by BUNNY the BOY Human pyrotechnics by ZEMI 17, Deb, Dori, andE280A6 Wet bar by BROKE TOE REZO Hosted by the unstoppable, incomparable, persona at largeE280 A6 BUNNY SOFT Plus the usual surprise performances, weird art, and genera l great vibes for everyone!! SPACE: King Collision E28093 our latest wa rehouse discovery at 237 Kent b/w N 1st and Grand. Williamsburg, Brooklyn. (L train to Bedford, West to Kent, South to N. 1st.) DATE: Sat urday, February 10th, 2001 TIME: 10 pm to 6 am PRICE: $10 INFO: 212 714 4987 P.S. Dont forget, the Blackkat bombs continue; Mayday in Tompkins Square ParkE28094April 29th, 2nd annual Festival of NOWE2 8094June 15th thru 18th Please fell free to forward. Also, one of the last out lets for community run, independent media in this city is under serious att ack. Namely 99.5 fm WBAI. If you are not familiar with this station a nd its struggle, please educate yourelf, web savepacifica.net or web radio4all.org/wbai. I hope everyone will get involved in the fig ht to save one of the only alternative media voices in the city! The hotlin e for upcomming Save WBAI events is 718-707-7189. Remember, information is power, knowledge is strength. If the big cor porations control all the information and their government employees contro l the schools then where does that leave us? Stay strong, have fun, and pa y very close attention. Much love, BLACKKAT s friday and before Funday Mass on Sunday come hear Astrid’s new boyfri end spin… That bastard. Just Kidding. Mark is the groovies t nonpsytrance guy I know Blackkat presents CHOPSHOP A multi-media warehouse jam featuring DJ CHROME with MC KID LUCKY (hard drivin, rhyme flippin, drum n bass) DJ fflood (funky tribal techn o) (11-midnight) pH 10 (live breakbeat dynamic duo) (MIDNIG HT-1) CAROL C (representing her new label Lauka Bop) (1-2) SEAN B ( two stepE280A6 if Curtis Mayfield was a DJ) AndE280A6 the long-aw aited return of JASON BLACKKAT (live techno-fresh off marathon world to ur) Plus visuals by ADAM CHAO (live multi-source video mixing) LYNN BELL (slide projection tour of nyc and beyond) KVK (live vide o-mixingE28094welcome back!) Art and puppets by BUNNY the BOY Human pyrotechnics by ZEMI 17, Deb, Dori, andE280A6 Wet bar by BROKE TOE REZO Hosted by the unstoppable, incomparable, pe rsona at largeE280A6 BUNNY SOFT Plus the usual surprise per formances, weird art, and general great vibes for everyone!! S PACE: King Collision E28093 our latest warehouse discovery at 237 Ke nt b/w N 1st and Grand. Williamsburg, Brooklyn. (L train to Bedford West to Kent, South to N. 1st.) DATE: Saturday, Febr uary 10th, 2001 TIME: 10 pm to 6 am PRICE: $10 I NFO: 212 714 4987 P.S. Dont forget, the Blackkat bo mbs continue; Mayday in Tompkins Square ParkE28094April 29th, 2n d annual Festival of NOWE28094June 15th thru 18th Please fell f ree to forward. Also, one of the last outlets for community run, independent media in this city is under serious attack. Namely 99 .5 fm WBAI. If you are not familiar with this station and its struggle, please educate yourelf, web savepacifica.net or web rad io4all.org/wbai. I hope everyone will get involved in the fight to save one of the only alternative media voices in the city! The hotline for upcomming Save WBAI events is 718-707-7189. Remember, information is power, knowledge is strength. If the b ig corporations control all the information and their government employ ees control the schools then where does that leave us? Stay st rong, have fun, and pay very close attention. Much love, BLACK
#1426 Tue, 30 Jan 2001 04:00:00 Re: Party, i MEANT Saturday the 10th Content-Disposition: Inline not the 3rd like the prev email said
#1427 Wed, 31 Jan 2001 00:50:02 Come tonight (Tuesday) to the Subtlechaos party at Bar 169 at 169 East Broadway. Our breath will be exceptionally fresh.
#1428 Tue, 30 Jan 2001 19:12:52 -0800 Wednesdays at Opium Den From: angeles garay chiletrance at yahoo Hello all!!! Remember every Wednesday Night at Opium Den, come and enjoy the Trance Music with DJ Angel + Guests, everybody is welcome! DJ Angel(Chiletrance-6th Element) Isam(Morocco) Steveo Opium Den 29 East 3rd Street at 2nd Avenue 10 PM No Cover Thanks!! Love and Light Angeles a year!
#1429 31 Jan 2001 04:02:02 – Synthetic Sadhus Synthetic Sadhus Friday, February 2, 2001 Time: 11:00PM – 7:00AM (-05:00) Friday, February 2, 2001 NYC, USA SYNTHETIC SADHUS – GAIA PARTY Live: YUMADE (Spiral Trax-Dragonfly-France), TRIPIATRIK (TIP-Creamcrop-France), PLANET BEN (TIP-Flying Rhino-Free form-Germany) DJ: PAPS (TIP-Creamcrop-France), NINJA (Gaia Concept-Tekno Tanz-France), KALYX (Synthetic Sadhus-Growroom-USA). Fluoro Deco by: Punkadelic (Liquid Karma-France),Jamin Murphy (Hovek Olam-USA), Severyn (NYC), Synthetic Sadhus (NYC). Free fruits and chai will be served in the morning! New Security! Live visuals! Location: AMAZURA Ballroom, 91-12 144th Place, Jamaica, Queens, NY. Conveniently located by all public transportation and major highways. Doors open at 11PM. INFO: 212 774 7728 Tickets: $30/adv & $35/door. Tickets are sold at: House of Trance 212 533 6700 Satellite 212 780 9305 Throb 212 533 2328 Sonic Groove 212 675 5284 Growroom (MA) 413 549 9296 Satellite (Boston) 617 536 5482 Caffeine (LI) 516 797 7196 611 (Philly) 215 413 9100 Yoshi Toshi (DC) 202 338 5638
#1430 Wed, 31 Jan 2001 16:45:36 YEAH! Karl Jansen’s booK is out Cc: k-os Content-Disposition: Inline Dr. J was the doctor speaking on the Diskovery Channel about you know what and he sent me this email about his new book: My book ‘K: Dreams and Realities’ is now available. Information on how to obtain a copy can be found at the end of the commentaries. ‘Karl Jansen’s book K, Dreams, and Realities is a goldmine of information on this fascinating substance that combines in a unique way the properties of an anesthetic and a psychedelic. It is clearly written, well researched and documented, and presents a balanced and objective view point. The author’s broad perspective that covers all the aspects of K from pharmacology to its use in raves makes this book interesting for clinicians and researchers, as well as the general public.” -Stan Grof, M.D., author of Psychology of the Future: Lessons From Modern Consciousness Research; l Psychotherapy ‘Indispensable reading for those with any interest in K. Entertaining, thought-provoking, and thorough.’ -Rick Strassman, M.D., author of d: The Spirit Molecule: A Doctor’s Revolutionary Research into the Biology of Near-Death and Mystical Experiences “It is an excellent book… a well done comprehensive review of the entire history of K.” -Evgeny Krupitsky, M.D., Ph.D. Pioneer researcher into the use of K-assisted psychotherapy in the treatment of alcoholism and heroin addiction Ordering Information: K: Dreams and Realities (ISBN: 0-9660019-3-1) $14.95/copy Shipping and Handling Charges: Domestic book rate (allow 4 weeks): $4.00 Domestic first class (allow 7 days): $6.00 ($1.00 each additional copy) Overseas airmail rates (allow 10 days): Canada/Mexico ($7.00) Other Countries ($9.00) Pacific Rim ($10.00) ($1.00 each additional copy) mthods of Payment: Check or money order in U.S. Dollars, Mastercard, Visa Wholesale Orders Welcome: Case discount: 50% Split case discount (ten copy minimum): 40% Five to nine copies: 20% Other ways to order K: Dreams and Realities: Via secure credit card transaction at web maps.org Toll Free at 1-888-868-MAPS (6277) Through your favorite local bookstore Send Orders to: MAPS/ K Dreams 2105 Robinson Ave. Sarasota, FL 34232 voice: (941)924-6277 fax: (941)924-6265 e-mail: info at maps.org Toll-Free number (orders only please): 1-888-868-MAPS (6277)and he sent me this email about his new book: My book ‘K: Dreams and Realities’ is now available. Information on how to obtain a copy can be found at the end of the commentaries. ‘Karl Jansen’s book K, Dreams, and Realities is a goldmine of information on this fascinating substance that combines in a unique way the properties of an anesthetic and a psychedelic. It is clearly written, well researched and documented, and presents a balanced and objective view point. The author’s broad perspective that covers all the aspects of K from pharmacology to its use in raves makes this book interesting for clinicians and researchers, as well as the general public.” -Stan Grof, M.D., author of Psychology of the Future: Lessons From Modern Consciousness Research; l Psychotherapy ‘Indispensable reading for those with any interest in K. Entertaining, thought-provoking, and thorough.’ -Rick Strassman, M.D., author of d: The Spirit Molecule: A Doctor’s Revolutionary Research into the Biology of Near-Death and Mystical Experiences “It is an excellent book… a well done comprehensive review of the entire history of K.” -Evgeny Krupitsky, M.D., Ph.D. Pioneer researcher into the use of K-assisted psychotherapy in the treatment of alcoholism and heroin addiction Ordering Information: K: Dreams and Realities (ISBN: 0-9660019-3-1) $14.95/copy Shipping and Handling Charges: Domestic book rate (allow 4 weeks): $4.00 Domestic first class (allow 7 days): $6.00 ($1.00 each additional copy) Overseas airmail rates (allow 10 days): Canada/Mexico ($7.00) Other Countries ($9.00) Pacific Rim ($10.00) ($1.00 each additional copy) mthods of Payment: Check or money order in U.S. Dollars, Mastercard, Visa Wholesale Orders Welcome: Case discount: 50% Split case discount (ten copy minimum): 40% Five to nine copies: 20% Other ways to order K: Dreams and Realities: Via secure credit card transaction at web maps.org Toll Free at 1-888-868-MAPS (6277) Through your favorite local bookstore Send Orders to: MAPS/ K Dreams 2105 Robinson Ave. Sarasota, FL 34232 voice: (941)924-6277 fax: (941)924-6265 e-mail: info at maps.org Toll-Free number (orders only please): 1-888-868-MAPS (6277)
#1431 Review of SubtleChaos Thu, 1 Feb 2001 00:22:00 From: Down in the sketchiest part of Chinatown last night I went to Bar 169 to see Jason & Vadim of Subtlechaos play. Any doubts that I had not indeed truly entered New York Bladerunner 2001 were dispelled by the time I walked into a group of Triads negotiating each other’s blood levels with broken beer bottles. That was just the first corner. In the other corner there were some homeboys dancing like men and men and men and women. In another corner some really weirded out trance people were scattering about in a frentic metal synthesis provided by the fourth corner. Which had Jason & Vadim banging out tunes of constantly replenishing impending doom. I hope they weren’t offended when I handed them a CD that was given to me by Tihomir to give to Jason… the CD cover case had Sasha’s Expander EP. I suspect the CD inside parlayed more everlasting doom. And in the middle of all this, the accidental dosing I had given myself really kicked in. See ya’ll friday at Amissouri!!
February 2001
#1434 RE: Subtlechaos Thu, 1 Feb 2001 13:31:18 From: Jeff, it was somthing much ……much…..much…nicer than Sasha…. hihik….actually anything is nicer than sasha …so I will a neutral side on the decision making process of whether it was or it wasn’t a “Doom’s Day” CD…….. 😛 ANOTHER THING!!!!!!!!!!! THIS WEEKEND: IS THE PLASTICMAN PARTY IN TWILO!!!!!!!!!!! SO FOR ALL YOU MINIMALISTIC-HEADBANGING-HARD PUMPING-( at & #$% at &9 GOT MYSELF CONFUSED) …You have a hard decision to make Hard Techno or Fluffy Psy!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!? Good Luck!!!!!!!!!! and See you All at One of those places or may be both Tim
#1435 Thu, 1 Feb 2001 13:32:14 Re: Politix 2150 To: Anxiope at aol, brainmachines, Intoqwerty at aol Content-Disposition: Inline Funny, your diction. K, AKA K has been the most responsible for my
#1436 Looking for Yasher and Gaby – Important Thu, 1 Feb 2001 13:49:36 From: if anybody could please send me a confidential update on the whereabouts of Yasher and Gaby I would be most appreciative.
#1437Wow Tsunami next week feb 9 Thu, 1 Feb 2001 21:25:54 From: Thanks Mark! February 9th, 2001 TSUNAMI CHAKRA, live (OPTIMUS, Israel / TSUNAMI) RIKTAM (Growling Mad Scientists / TIP.world) YONI (House of Trance / History of Future, NY) YARE-X (NYC) OCTAGON 555 W 33rd Street (between 11/12) 18 and over. Must have valid ID! Hours: 11pm – 7am NEW DECORATONS FROM EUROPE! Separate CHILL-OUT room and lounges.. Tickets: $25.00 advance/$30.00 door Throb 211 E 14 Street (12/9) Satellite 259 Bowery 212 995-1744 House of Trance 122 St Marks Place 212 533-6700//web houseoftrance Satellite, Boston 617 536-5482 Caffeine, L.I. 516 797-7196 TSUNAMI 24hr info-line: 212.439.8124
#1438 Sat, 3 Feb 2001 21:42:01 From: The French Embassy Delegation won the Paps Blue Ribbon. Thanks to all for a vibe of liberte egalite and fraternite that you could cut with a rapier. And most thanks of all to Gilles and Krystina (sp?) for flying the Frencg flag so highly. Thanks to all the ambassadors. To paraphrase Mahir from Turkey, “I Kiss You.” Apologies to the multiple Russians who were welcomed as the “one and only” representative from their country, don’t worry I tell that to all the girls. There were many young people who were blown away by their first trance, you could intuit their enthusiasm all through the end, when free fruit was handed out. Cordially, The Double Agent PS That was really just water in the water gun that was being squirted, but not necessarily in the martini glass. My heart was shaken *and* stirred…
#1439 4 Feb 2001 04:02:01 – Sacred Science Sacred Science Saturday, February 17, 2001 Time: 11:00PM – 7:00AM (-05:00) SPECTRA presents… Sacred Science February 17th, 2001 live acts: MEDICINE DRUM (Return to the Source, CyberOctave) U.K- all 3 members TICON (DIGITAL structures, TIP World) Sweden- first time in the u.s SHAPE SHIFTERS (Boom records, Krembo records) U.S- first nyc performance dj’s: SYNCHRO (TIP World, Liquid Audio Soundz) Netherlands Hugh S (Futuretech,Brooklyn Crib) NYC JAMIN (Hovek Olam) NYC landscapes and brand new work from: MAXI-flourelysium-Germany deco by: JAMIN- Hovek Olam- USA venue: The Key Skating Rink 220 E.138th St.& Grand Concourse Bronx, N.Y.C $25 in advance $30 at the door advance tickets: House of Trance 212-533-6700 Sonic Groove 212-675-5284 Satellite Boston 617-536-5482 Growroom 413-549-9296
#1440 Mon, 05 Feb 2001 00:50:50 Outdoor Free events this year warm weather outdoor free trance events are coming up… the richest part of NYC night life by all measures. Due to security issues they will NOT be announced on this list which has grown to be too big for comfort. So cough up $25 and you will be in the know in 2001.
#1441 brainmachinesPez 2 Mon, 5 Feb 2001 01:53:58 From: Enjoy
#1442 Mon, 5 Feb 2001 09:35:14 -0800 Wednesday at Opium Den From: angeles garay chiletrance at yahoo Hello Friends!!! This is a of Wednesdays at Opium Den with Trance Music DJ Angel+ Guests every week. This Wednesday is Full Moon, so come and celebrate with us! DJ Angel(Chiletrance-6th Element) Isam(Morocco) Niko(Synthethic Sadhus) Opium Den 29 East 3rd Street at 2nd Avenue 10 PM No Cover thanks!! Love and Light Angeles a year!
#144 3x conference Mon, 5 Feb 2001 14:33:17 From: web salon/people/feature/2001/02/05/xconf/index.html
#1444 sFW: guest list for tsunami party this coming friday!!! Tue, 6 Feb 2001 13:18:44 From: Sent: Monday, February 05, 2001 8:58 PM To: guest list for tsunami party this coming friday!!! if you would like to be on the list for the tsunami party this friday please e-mail me with your first and last name and the names of anybody else who wants to be on the list if your name is on the list you will have a reduced pass so do it before friday at 1pm peace mike
#1445 brainmachinesFungi came from space!?! Tue, 6 Feb 2001 13:45:08 From: Astronauts vs. Fungus Source: The Boston Globe Published: 10/1/2000 Author: Gareth Cook Orbiting spacecraft turns out to be food for aggressive mold By Gareth Cook, Globe Staff, 10/1/2000 he history books will never record it, but life in outer space was discovered about 12 years ago by a Russian cosmonaut as he was gazing out a window of the space station Mir. Squinting to set his sights on the passing Earth below, this space explorer instead focused on a thick living mat that had made its way up the window’s hard quartz surface, nearly obliterating any view. A microbiologist, Natalia Novikova, eventually identified the growth as an aggressive space fungus. And since then, she’s had her hands full examining the various forms of fungi found growing aboard the ship. The aging Mir, it turns out, is nearly overrun with the stuff. Visitors have found numerous fungal patches with hues between green and black, feeding behind control panels, slowly digesting the ship’s air conditioner, communications unit, and myriad other surfaces. Pull out an insulation panel on Mir, and you’ll probably find fungus. And in the heavy radiation of space, Novikova and others said, these fungi could mutate into more virulent forms, possibly harming future space travelers, or even be carried back to Earth to wreak havoc as they join the many earthbound varieties that relentlessly attack metal, plastic and glass surfaces. Scientists are discovering that ‘biodegradation,’ the term used to describe microbial damage to materials, is a far greater problem than previously thought. Fungal infections could explain why electronics fail more often than expected, and microbes, along with acid rain, are assaulting famous landmarks from the Taj Mahal to the Acropolis to the cathedral in Cologne. Just last month, China hired a Belgium company that said it would launch a three-year program to rid the 40 varieties of mold eating away the famed 2,200-year-old army of terra cotta warriors. The mold has attacked 1,400 of the 8,000 life-sized statues of soldiers and horses that were found in the tomb of China’s first emperor, Qin Shihuang, outside the city of Xian. But there’s no one to call to combat space mold, and NASA is suddenly treating the topic seriously. Decades of science fiction notwithstanding, it now seems the great threat to space exploration comes not from technologically advanced alien races, but from the same lowly fungi that attack dorm-room refrigerators. With the $60 billion International Space Station under construction, and more ambitious missions to the moon and Mars being considered, the Mir infection has shown that fungi are surprisingly destructive, giving off corrosive agents like acetic acid that damage equipment and release toxins into the environment. Spacecraft ‘are closed systems, and there is very little room for error,’ said Ralph Mitchell, a professor of applied biology at Harvard who has helped NASA come to terms with the microbial threat. ‘Within days, all of the astronauts share all of the same microflora … like children in kindergarten.’ Viewed under a microscope, many fungi look harmless, beautiful even, with long threads weaving a living filigree. But, unchecked, they happily destroy the things we build. Mitchell, in research for NASA, said that his team placed fungus on plastics the agency was considering for the International Space Station, and watched the effects. Over time, the plastics bubbled, released fumes, and broke off in thin strips. Placed on metals, he said, fungi can plunge through the surface, weakening it with pits and microscopic fissures. On space missions, the potential problems multiply because of increased radiation that can cause the fungi to mutate into more dangerous forms. Francis Cucinotta, manager of the radiation health office at NASA’s Johnson Space Center, said he published a scientific paper in 1995 that found that about one-tenth of 1 percent of bacterial spores would mutate after a year of the kind of radiation experienced on a mission to Mars. The problem, he cautioned, was poorly understood, and nobody could say how many of the mutations would pose a threat. But astronauts are also less able to fight off infections, doctors said, especially on long missions. The stresses placed on their bodies, including weightlessness, psychological pressure, and trouble sleeping, can all degrade the immune system. ‘If the microflora is altered into some kind of superbug, and the astronaut’s immune system is weakened, it could cause quite a problem,’ said William Shearer, a professor of pediatrics and immunology at the Baylor College of Medicine, and the team leader in charge of immunology for the National Space Biomedical Research Institute. US astronaut Jerry Linenger said that when he was on Mir in 1997, he found ‘an overgrowth of fungus.’ Linenger, who is a medical doctor and holds a doctorate in epidemiology, used a standard NASA test to determine fungal counts on surfaces. For the shuttle, he explained, the samples would be placed in a medium so their growth could be tracked over several days. But on Mir, he said, he couldn’t do the count because the container was overgrown in half a day. Linenger, author of ‘Off the Planet,’ a book about his experiences on Mir, said that he did not see any evidence that fungi or bacteria on the craft caused health problems. But he added that the station had ‘a strong smell of fungal contamination’ – a smell he called ‘mushroomy’ in his book – and that ‘there were areas you wouldn’t want to stick your hand in.’ According to Novikova, who heads the Microbial Protection Laboratory of the Russian government’s Institute for Biomedical Problems, Mir’s problems first came to light with the finding of fungus on the porthole in 1988, and have been an issue ever since. The fungi that did the damage, Novikova said, included members of the genera Aspergillus, Penicillium, and Cladesporium – all very common on Earth. In July, a Web site called Space described some of Novikova’s findings, but the results did not gain wide attention. NASA officials said that wherever humans go, they bring a certain amount of fungus with them. They said they had not seen evidence of biodegradation on the International Space Station, but they have put into place an ‘aggressive’ prevention program. On a visit to the station this summer, astronauts spent hours lifting out panels to search for evidence that colonies were causing damage. ‘Because of this issue on Mir, it has led us to be more aware of the need to do these inspections more frequently,’ said Kyle Herring, a NASA spokesman. There is no evidence that fungi have ever affected the health of the crew, or threatened the integrity of critical systems, said Jeffrey Manber, president of MirCorp, the Amsterdam-based company that has leased the rights to use Mir. He said that the situation hasn’t threatened MirCorp’s business ventures, which include sending the winner of a sequel to the television show ‘Survivor’ to the station. MirCorp has undertaken a $5 million project to upgrade Mir’s environmental control systems, Manber said. When the space race began with the Russians’ launch of Sputnik in 1957, it was seen as an engineering challenge. But as experience accumulates, scientists say they are coming to appreciate more and more that it is a serious biological challenge as well. NASA’s Cucinotta said that there are a host of ‘basic questions that NASA must answer before it can go to Mars.’ But for Linenger, who was almost killed by a fire during his stay on Mir, the lure of exploration will always outweigh dangers such as microbial infestation. Climbing into a rocket is like ‘climbing onto a pile of explosives,’ he explained. ‘There are just too many other things to worry about.’
#1446 Updated brainmachines pages Tue, 6 Feb 2001 23:32:11 From: Be sure to have your sound on
#1447C c: “Psy-Trance” Busted Wed, 7 Feb 2001 13:13:22 From: I got this from an Iowa rave promoter. My parents are both from Iowa. This summer I’m goan to Iowa to freak their shit out. Just thought I’d share that, and this, with you… From: Anxiope To: ia-raves at egroups, Ismoked OK, here’s the situation … You’re at a party, it’s 2AM, and you’re getting down to the beat when SUDDENLY… You look around and the event is being flooded with cops … coming through the doors, climbing through the windows, rappeling from the ceiling … Now it could be that that pill you thought was Ecstasy that you got before the party from that guy on the corner in the giant Dr. Seuss hat was actually somthing a bit more powerful or it’s more likely that the party you’re at is getting BUSTED!!! Here’s a few tips and some fun things you can do as a consolation before you just go to the afterparty that the idiot cops don’t realize will inevitably spring up ’cause you CAN’T KEEP RAVERS DOWN!!!! YEAH!!! ) Tips 1) Don’t panic. You’re at a party and there’s no law against that so relax. 2) If you’re drunk(naughty, naughty) pretend you’re sleepy. It usually works. 3) If you have to drive somewhere and you’re drunk, DON’T!!! Stay in the car and tell the nice officer you’re too sleepy to drive. Fun Things to do to Cops That Are Busting a Party 1) Ask her/him if s/he’s ‘rolling’. 2) Tell her/him how sexy s/he is … ESPECIALLY if s/he is the same sex as you are. 3)Ask them where the afterparty’s at. 4)Ask them if they can draw your outline on the sidewalk with that little chalk they have. 5) Ask to see their gun … wink. 6) When the cops come bursting through the doors scream ‘SURPRISE!!!’ and wish them a happy birthday. 7)Ask them to apprehend the green elves with the laser beam eyes. 8) Tell them ‘they’ went that way(point any direction) 9) Ask for directions to the nearest all night donut shop … laugh at them when they tell you and say to your friends “I told you s/he’d know!!!” 10) When they ask you to leave, pretend you don’t see them, look around and ask, “Is that you God?” 11) Give all the money in your wallet to a friend in full view of the cops and then tell them you know where to get some really good PLUR. 12) Repeat everything that the cop says to you. 13) Pretend you’re a cop and tell the other kids to leave. 14) Thank the cops for arriving when they did otherwise you were gonna call fire from heaven and bring these heathen, sinners to judgement yourself! 15) Tell the cops you’re undercover DEA, Division 6. 16) Tell them you’re James Bond. 17) Tell them you’re Marilyn Monroe. 18) Welcome them to the Annual Policeman’s Ball. Ask to take their coat. 19) Ask them if they’ve seen you’re anti-psychotic meds ’cause you’re about to REALLY freak out! 20) Ask them if they’d like to know where the REAL rave is at. 21) Thank them for igoring the real problems in society. 22) Ask them to leave ’cause their really killing ‘the vibe’. 23) Ask them if they’d like to see the tattoo of a cop that you got on your asshole. 24) Ask them when the Village People’s next release is. 25) Smile directly at them … fart. 26) Tell them you’d like to report a crime … Your friend just puked on your new Skechers. 27) Make a complaint about the neighbors. 28) Don’t leave! Make them drag you out. They can’t mace you unless they’re threatened. 29) If they use a bullhorn drop to your knees and scream, “OH GOD, IT’S THE VOICES, NOT AGAIN!!!” 30)Be friendly and cooperative. This really throws ’em. Keep in mind that cops are only assholes because they have to enforce laws that suck! Change the laws, change the cops. VOTE!!! Feel free to add to this list and forward to all your fellow ravers … this is at least ONE rave related phenoma that started in IOWA! Go figure … we must be bored. Demand Peace! Raziel KnowPro / NeuroAtomik DM
#1448 Another reason to join the d Wed, 7 Feb 2001 14:13:57 From: We have a dski tekno sweat lodge in the Poconos with a network of drivers. We are throwing down. Hey’s it’s better than UP. If any of you are interested in joining the dski you’ll have to join the d first. dski is free but you will have to share in the rental of the luxury lodge. It’s pretty big, and we have some mind stretching apres ski festivities planned.
#1449 Moving Sale – Vinyl Wed, 7 Feb 2001 14:35:29 From: I have a box of 100 assorted 70s era LPs including Donna Summer etc No I am not gay. I will sell the whole crate for $20. I live in midtown.
#1450 thed, “dSki” dSKIPicture of the Tekno Sweat Lodge Wed, 7 Feb 2001 17:56:26 From: This Saturday’s Post Tsunami Ski Disorder d event is shaping up nicely. Party all day Saturday, get up early andmtski Sunday. Here’s a shot of the T.A.Z., which is 5 minutes from the lifts. The more the merrier. This is what the d will do in the winter now! Don’t miss this most psychedelic of Saturdays.
#1451 brainmachines thed, “dSki” dSKIOur new logo for skiing Wed, 7 Feb 2001 19:07:16 From: print out, laminate, superglue to bottom of snowboard, occasionally use the back of your board as a rolling tray at the top of the lift. Share.
#1452 Wed, 7 Feb 2001 21:55:23 Brain Generated Music – coming soon Content-Disposition: Inline See ya’ll at Opium Den tonight… SPIRITUAL EXPERIENCE THROUGH BRAIN GENER ATED MUSIC”There is already one technology that appears to generate at least one aspect of a spiritual experience. This experimental technolo gy is called Brain Generated Music (BGM), pioneered by NeuroSonics, a smal l company in Baltimore, Maryland, of which i am a director. BGM is a br ain-wave biofeedback system capable of evoking an experience called the Re laxation Response, which is associated with deep relaxation. The BGM us er attaches three disposable leads to her head. A personal computer the n monitors the user’s brain waves to determine her unique alpha wavelength . Alpha waves, which are in the range of eight to thirteen cycles per s econd (cps), are associated with a deep meditative state, as compared to b eta waves (in the range of thirteen to twenty-eight cps), which are associ ated with routine conscious thought. Music is then generated by the com puter, according to an algorithm that transforms the user’s own brain-wave signal.”The BGM algorithm is designed to encourage the generation of alpha waves by producing pleasurable harmonic combinations upon detection of alpha waves, and less pleasant sounds and sound combinations when alpha detection is low. In addition, the fact that the sounds are synchroniz ed to the user’s own alpha wavelength to create a resonance with the user’ s own alpha rhythm also encourages alpha production.”Dr. Herbert Bens on, formerly the director of the hypertension section of Boston’s Beth Israel Hospital and now at New England Deaconess Hospital in Boston, and o ther researchers at the Harvard Medical School and Beth Israel, discovered the neurological-physiological mechanism of the Relaxation Response, whic h is described as the opposite of the “fight or flight,” or stress respons e. The Relaxation Response is associated with reduced levels of epineph rine (adrenaline) and norepinephrine (noradrenaline), blood pressure, bloo d sugar, breathing, and heart rates. Regular elicitation of this respon se is reportedly able to produce permanantly lowered blood-pressure levels (to the extent that hypertension is caused by stress factors) and other h ealth benefits. Benson and his colleagues have catalogued a number of t echniques that can elicit the Relaxation Response, including yoga and a nu mber of forms of meditation.”I have had experience with meditation, an d in my own experience with BGM, and in observing others, BGM does appear to evoke the Relaxation Response. The music itself feels as if it is be ing generated from inside your mind. Interestingly, if you listen to a tape recording of your own brain-generated music when you are not hooked u p to the computer, you do not experience the same sense of transcendence. Although the recorded BGM is based on your personal alpha wavelength, the recorded music was synchronized to the brainwaves that were produced b y your brain when the music was first generated, not to the brainwaves tha t are produced while listening to the recording. You need to listen to “live” BGM to achieve the resonance effect.”Conventional music is gene rally a passive experience. Although a performer may be influenced in s ubtle ways by her audience, the music we listen to generally does not refl ect our response. Brain Generated Music represents a new modality of mu sic that enables the music to evolve continually based on the interaction between it and our own mental responses to it.”Is BGM producing a spir itual experience? It’s hard to say. The feelings produced while list ening to “live” BGM are similar to the deep transcendent feelings i can so metimes achieve with meditation, but they appear to be more reliably produ ced by BGM.”I have to say, the potentiality of this device intrigues m e… especially as the technology becomes less expensive and mass-producti on becomes increasingly possible… is this an example of objective/subjec tive interaction which may actually influence and encourage subjective gro wth? that is, would such a seemingly second-tier (?) meditative impleme nt help “boost” the subject toward second-tier cognition? or at least ” guide” the subject through whatever wave of development he or she is eng aged in, by simply “exposing” him/her to the perennial core by such techno logically assisted introspection? Could this be, for once, an example o f advanced technology having a potentially positive impact upon less dev eloped social/cultural systems? I am curious also as to the cultural im pact this technology could have… it may influence many somewhat pragm atically-inclined peoples toward acceptance of the actuality of the tran scendent experience, provided the experiences described here are genuine, and thus open a new line of dialogue where previous cultural dogmatism had not allowed… this also rasies other very important issues, most notabl y the notion of the “God spot” … an egg waiting to be cracked, but i w ill not be the one do the cracking, at least not right now. What do y’a ll think? onight… ars to generate at least one aspect of a spiritual experience. This experimental technology is called Brain Generated Music (BGM), pionee red by NeuroSonics, a small company in Baltimore, Maryland, of which i am a director. BGM is a brain-wave biofeedback system capable of e voking an experience called the Relaxation Response, which is associat ed with deep relaxation. The BGM user attaches three disposable lea ds to her head. A personal computer then monitors the user’s brain waves to determine her unique alpha wavelength. Alpha waves, which are in the range of eight to thirteen cycles per second (cps), are ass ociated with a deep meditative state, as compared to beta waves (in the B Rrange of thirteen to twenty-eight cps), which are associated with routine conscious thought. Music is then generated by the computer, accord ing to an algorithm that transforms the user’s own brain-wave signal. ourage the generation of alpha waves by producing pleasurable harmonic combinations upon detection of alpha waves, and less pleasant sounds and sound combinations when alpha detection is low. In addition, th e fact that the sounds are synchronized to the user’s own alpha wavele ngth to create a resonance with the user’s own alpha rhythm also encou Benson, formerly the director of the hypertension section of Boston ‘s Beth Israel Hospital and now at New England Deaconess Hospital in B oston, and other researchers at the Harvard Medical School and Beth Israel, discovered the neurological-physiological mechanism of the Relaxation Response, which is described as the opposite of the “fight or flight, ” or stress response. The Relaxation Response is associated with re duced levels of epinephrine (adrenaline) and norepinephrine (noradrena line), blood pressure, blood sugar, breathing, and heart rates. Reg ular elicitation of this response is reportedly able to produce perman antly lowered blood-pressure levels (to the extent that hypertension i s caused by stress factors) and other health benefits. Benson and h is colleagues have catalogued a number of techniques that can elicit t he Relaxation Response, including yoga and a number of forms of medita itation, and in my own experience with BGM, and in observing others, B GM does appear to evoke the Relaxation Response. The music itself f eels as if it is being generated from inside your mind. Interesting ly, if you listen to a tape recording of your own brain-generated musi c when you are not hooked up to the computer, you do not experience the B Rsame sense of transcendence. Although the recorded BGM is based on you r personal alpha wavelength, the recorded music was synchronized to th e brainwaves that were produced by your brain when the music was first generated, not to the brainwaves that are produced while listening to the recording. You need to listen to “live” BGM to achieve the res generally a passive experience. Although a performer may be influe nced in subtle ways by her audience, the music we listen to generally does not reflect our response. Brain Generated Music represents a n ew modality of music that enables the music to evolve continually based on the interaction between it and our own mental responses to it. It’s hard to say. The feelings produced while listening to “liv e” BGM are similar to the deep transcendent feelings i can sometimes a chieve with meditation, but they appear to be more reliably produced b lity of this device intrigues me… especially as the technology becom es less expensive and mass-production becomes increasingly possible… is this an example of objective/subjective interaction which may actu ally influence and encourage subjective growth? that is, would such a seemingly second-tier (?) meditative implement help “boost” the sub ject toward second-tier cognition? or at least “guide” the subject through whatever wave of development he or she is engaged in, by sim ply “exposing” him/her to the perennial core by such technologically a ssisted introspection? Could this be, for once, an example of advanced technology having a potentially positive impact upon less developed social/cultural systems? I am curious also as to the cultural impact this technology could have… it may influence many somewhat p ragmatically-inclined peoples toward acceptance of the actuality of the transcendent experience, provided the experiences described here are ge nuine, and thus open a new line of dialogue where previous cultural do gmatism had not allowed… this also rasies other very important iss ues, most notably the notion of the “God spot” … an egg waiting to be cracked, but i will not be the one do the cracking, at least not r
#1453FW: Friday the 9th- it’s coming quick! Wed, 7 Feb 2001 22:02:40 From: For those who are all Tsunami’d out for Friday… here is an alternative… Sent: Wednesday, February 07, 2001 8:10 PM To: X at ILIGILI; Walter; venniac at hotmail; tomoko; timothy; thew; stuart; Skye Nichols; 917-642-7782 at mindspring; Shem; shakti spirit; Rolando; ricardo cortZs; peter-audrey’s friend; Patrick; neda; oliver; MMA; mj; mhayashi at cdnow.co.jMagdalena Wolinski;lauren collet; joanne; Jennifer Bleyer; jemal; gisela; Enrique Zuiga; ejoe; charlie; brian; ben; angela del franco Friday the 9th- it’s coming quick! You are invited: this Friday night to Rebar for a sexy little show of M. Mank clothing by Melina Bloomfield Show starts at 10:30pm The event, Obscene Fridays, features artwork, multimedia visuals and music and dancing throughout the night. Open Bar from 9-10. Rebar is located on the NW corner of 8th Ave. and 16th St. Mention the fashion show for a reduced admission of $5 for you and your friends, or RSVP if you’ll be there for sure- I’ll put your name on the list. I’d love to see you there! T those who are all Tsunami’d out for Friday… he re is an field ary 07, 2001 8:10 PM To: X at ILIGILI; Walter; venniac at hotmail. com; tomoko; timothy; thew; stuart; Skye Nichols; 917-642-7782 at mindspring. com; Shem; shakti spirit; Rolando; ricardo cortZs; peter-audrey’s friend; Patrick; neda; oliver; MMA; mj; mhayashi at cdnow.co.jMagdalena Wolinski;lauren collet; joanne; Jennifer Bleyer; jemalgisela; Enrique ZuF1iga; ejoe; charlie; brian; ben; angela del francoB RFriday the 9th- it’s coming quick! ni /S PAN Man styl Fridays,’ features artwork, multimedia visuals and music and dancin g throughout n Bar from fa ed on the NW corner of 8th Ave. and 16th St./ Mention the fashion show for a reduced admission of $5 for you and your fr iends, or RSVP if you’ll be there for sure- I’ll put your name on th tI’d love to see you there!
#1454 Wed, 7 Feb 2001 22:06:54 American Psychotic 2/17 To: personalbest Content-Disposition: Inline An online acquaintance sent me this. It’s not a trance party, but I figured some people on the list would be interested. Join us, Sat. Feb 17th for evening of art, poetry, drinking, dancing and wacky ass shite…. “American psychotic” Music by Jon S(tech-house) stasisbound(DnB) Wize(DnB) tejina-(breaks) Jordan(hard-trance) stw(progressive trance) art exibited by: carlos, Nick, Warren, and eduardo time:10:30pm-5am place: Florence-Lynch gallery 147 west 26th st. (conveniently located like 4 blocks from penn station) Damage: $6(yes, we are throwing a party in NYC on a Saturday w/6 DJ’s for $6) Dress to Sweat, bring yer friends and leave your attitude for more info and directions visit anti-ego.netfirms brought to you by antiego productions and the lovable guys of Spec 4(feeding the massive since 2000)figured some people on the list would be interested. Join us, Sat. Feb 17th for evening of art, poetry, drinking, dancing and wacky ass shite…. “American psychotic” Music by Jon S(tech-house) stasisbound(DnB) Wize(DnB) tejina-(breaks) Jordan(hard-trance) stw(progressive trance) art exibited by: carlos, Nick, Warren, and eduardo time:10:30pm-5am place: Florence-Lynch gallery 147 west 26th st. (conveniently located like 4 blocks from penn station) Damage: $6(yes, we are throwing a party in NYC on a Saturday w/6 DJ’s for $6) Dress to Sweat, bring yer friends and leave your attitude for more info and directions visit anti-ego.netfirms brought to you by antiego productions and the lovable guys of Spec 4(feeding the massive since 2000)
#1455 brainmachinesDaily News Yesterday Thu, 8 Feb 2001 02:27:51 From: Ecstasy Breeds Violence d gangs muscling in By PATRICE O’SHAUGHNESSY Daily News Staff Writer un-toting narcotics dealers are embracing the love d and its lucrative market. Ecstasy pills Ecstasy, the designer pill favored by trendwise twentysomthings in Manhattan clubs, is fast becoming a staple of d gangs. Long considered a benign, feel-good d limited to campuses and dance clubs, Ecstasy’s popularity has exploded throughout the city in the last three months. “It used to be the Manhattan South club d, and in 1999, we had three or four investigations involving it,” said NYPD narcotics bureau Chief Charles Kammerdener. “Now we have 30 to 40 active investigations.” With an abundant supply and an enormous profit potential, Ecstasy has increasingly been linked to the violence long associated with other illegal ds, authorities say. “Now, with the phenomenon of Ecstasy, people are arming themselves,” said Lt. Wilfredo Garcia of the firearms investigation unit. Recent cases include: A suspected firearms trafficker accused of selling Ecstasy as well as guns. Ecstasy smugglers arrested at area airports with contacts in Washington Heights, where heroin and cocaine distribution networks are entrenched. An undercover sting involving 15,000 Ecstasy tablets that ended in gunfire at a Bronx bodega. The NYPD-d Enforcement Administration task force stands behind a table of ds. “It’s a d. No matter where it’s sold, it will be dangerous,” said Kammerdener. “If it continues to go to the street, you’ll see the same level of violence.” With an upscale reputation burnished in popular culture and on the Internet, Ecstasy is said to give users a mood-mellowing sense of euphoria that lessens inhibitions and increases energy. Now it is widely available in any neighborhood. Pills that once sold for as much as $35 can be bought for less than half that price. “Our investigators are seeing it on the streets,” said special narcotics prosecutor Bridget Brennan. “We’ve made buys in Washington Heights, and we recently raided an apartment in Bushwick where we seized guns, heroin, cocaine and marijuana, and the dealer told us he just ran out of Ecstasy.” The supply is “skyrocketing … unabated,” said John Varrone, assistant commissioner of investigations for the Customs Service. “In 1997, we seized 400,000 pills. We seized 9 million pills in 2000, and in the last four months we have seized 3 million,” he said. “We are on pace to set a record year of 12 million tablets of Ecstasy this year. It’s just coming at us fast and furious.” Customs agents have intercepted shipments from Miami destined for the Bronx and Brooklyn, Varrone said. Recent intelligence shows Colombian dealers have been trading cocaine for Ecstasy, he said. “We’ve seized Ecstasy and heroin, which shows the cartels are trying to deliver Ecstasy in the same traditional heroin routes, with the same consumer in mind,” Varrone said. “We know Washington Heights is coming into play,” said Kammerdener. “People caught at the airports live in the heights, or their destination was the heights.” Brennan predicted: “They’ll have guns there to protect their stash, they’ll resort to violence to settle disputes, the same as other ds.” Her point was illustrated Dec. 27, during a buy-and-bust operation along a gritty strip of E. 198th St. in the Bronx. Police said 15,000 pills were stashed under the counter of the Ocoa grocery, where undercover cops had arranged a purchase. They had bought cocaine and Ecstasy twice in Corona, Queens, from the same gang. When police raided the bodega, one of the dealers reached for a gun in his waistband, and an officer shot and wounded him. In Ridgewood, Queens, in December, undercover detectives met with Richard Rodriguez, a suspected weapons dealer, to buy guns. They said they bought a .25-caliber Saturday night special, as well as 500 Ecstasy tablets, and arrested Rodriguez. “We paid $12 a pill,” said Garcia. His cops have seized more than 2,000 Ecstasy tablets in the last six months while buying illegal guns. “The more that is out there, the cheaper it’s going to get,” said Assistant Bronx District Attorney Nestor Ferreiro. “We have just started to see it in the Bronx in the last two or three months.” The trend has disturbing ramifications, said Brennan. “Ecstasy has been celebrated, it’s been on magazine covers, people have written fond memories of it,” she said. “Everybody wants to taste a piece of paradise. But the concern is that people will want to do a lot of it, and the focus of the debate over addiction has been on privileged people who have a safety net. People in Washington Heights or Brooklyn don’t have that safety net.” Meanwhile, Ecstasy use shows no signs of waning in the clubs. “As of early January, the clubs were still going very strong,” said Lt. Ralph Ortino of Manhattan South narcotics. He said his cops seized 4,100 pills last year, mostly inside clubs. In 1998, they seized 120. And this week comes a sure sign of the d’s rising criminal status: Ecstasy joins heroin, cocaine, crack and marijuana on a Police Department bar graph that tracks arrests and seizures.
#1456Confession Time Thu, 8 Feb 2001 02:47:44 From: Astrid is not dating Mark, and the guy i thought is not even named Mark it’s Mike and he lives in Barcelona. Occasionally these little errors slip through…. Astrid is ACTUALLY dating Carl Cox and she has sold her soul to progressive house no wait she’s just kidding. OUch Astrid stop hitting me. So after Synthetic Sadhus friday and before Funday Mass on Sunday come hear Astrid’s new boyfriend spin… That bastard. Just Kidding. Mark is the grooviest nonpsytrance guy I know Blackkat presents CHOPSHOP
#1457Where we’re headed by Candace Pert Thu, 8 Feb 2001 13:58:31 From: Thanks Linda! This is where we are going with the d. At an education conference (October, ’00) I was in awe to meet Candace Pert (Molecules of Emotion, title of her earlier book). I was trying to find a shortcut corridor to beat the crowds on the break, having just listened to her. There she was, resting in the middle of her talk, sitting with her glass of water. “Can I just sit with you a minute?” She was very friendly, perhaps an aging hippie in her long skirt. This is the woman who pioneered the work with opiate receptors in the 70’s. It was great to hear this reductionist-enough scientist speak on just how amazing and variable we can be…. Among other things she said: – *all* the ds folks love are just mimicking internal human substances such as the endorphins (in other words, it’s all “in there”) – cells can “of course” repair damage due to ds/other, “the body has an infinite capacity to repair itself” – the receptor sites, sometimes thousands of them in one location are “vibrating” – learning seems to be completely connected with the opiate receptor system, we are wired to our constant search for pleasure (hence the implications for education) – we used to think the important stuff was happening at the synapses, now we know the action of the hormones and other substances is occurring in many locations far from the synapses, synapse action is less than 10 or even 5 percent of the total picture; the brain is a “bag of hormones” This last (also the vibration) reminds me of my astronomy prof, twenty-five years ago, telling us about how atoms seem to be variable size. One might just as likely be vibrating “the size of this room” as be the microscopic item we’ve grown to picture. Pert believes understanding the receptor system is the “key to linking the old and new paradigms” the system, the sites, the whole thing “really is vibrating”. It has the properties of a network shared common components to send info, receive info, no hierarchy, no center, no exclusions, with the purpose to process and integrate information. She showed us slides of scans showing three interacting systems creating immunity neurons/brain, lymph system and the bones (surprised me, source of some of the ‘juice’ required, I forget this part). This created a beautiful image of our vibrating being, making choices which have emotional and physical outcomes, which lead to…. [Please combine all previous and subsequent remarks with your own vision of the Alex Gray swirling interior lay lines….] She continued: – the Anglo-Saxon root of the word “mind” means “to pay attention to”; we seldom choose consciously what to pay attention to – our epidemic of depression is really a psychospiritual deficiency rather than a deficiency of serotonin – there is btw *no* biological evidence for ADD (which she also called the “Ritalin Deficiency Syndrome”; some districts in the U.S. have 40% of kids taking Ritalin) – “emotion has both a physical realm the molecules and a spiritual realm; this latter is not understood but it is related to communication between human beings and has to do with some kind of vibration or energy”; she believes science can get at this [A friend said, “… maybe…it’s all about being in a group.” You know that folks with high blood pressure show drops based on the presence of a friend, or petting an animal?] Pert: “The magic combination seems to be attention plus *intention*.” and… “The spiritual world is real. Just because we hated Catholic school and gave it up, that doesn’t matter, it’s still part of physics.” * * * So….. Awhile back I was glad to pass along an article entitled, “The Intelligent Heart”, which described the discovery of “way more neurons” than previously thought, linking the heart with the brain. I joked with Chuck at the time, “sure, in twenty years they’ll be saying, ‘wow, we just found *way more neurons* than we thought linking the genitals [pancreas, intestine, ?] with the brain’…. Boy, was I wrong. Here’s this snip from somthing similar, right now (thanks Belle!): Scientists discover ‘second brain’ in the stomach Scientists are claiming to have discovered a second brain – in the human stomach. The breakthrough, involving experts in the US and Germany, is believed to play a major part in the way people behave. This ‘second brain’ is made up of a knot of brain nerves in the digestive tract. It is thought to involve around 100 billion nerve cells – more than held in the spinal cord. Researchers believe this belly brain may save information on physical reactions to mental processes and give out signals to influence later decisions. It may also be responsible in the creation of reactions such as joy or sadness. The research is outlined in the latest issue of German science magazine, Geo…. Well, this all makes me picture and feel myself to be vibrating and oozing into my constantly new (however familiar) reality (“reality”). Alex Grayly my interior spaces all have the visible color glinty edges, which, ecstatic, I fondly recognized the moment I read that DNA gives off photons (Jeremy Narby, The Cosmic Serpent). our choices make our lives, love your life, live your love, Linda
#1458Free Couch Thu, 8 Feb 2001 21:34:47 From: Must pickup by 8am friday morning. You have 11 hours. You: Need big truck.
#1459 9 Feb 2001 04:02:01 – Tsunami/GMS at Octagon Tsunami/GMS at Octagon Friday, February 9, 2001 Time: 11:00PM – 7:00AM (-05:00) CHAKRA, live (OPTIMUS, Israel / TSUNAMI) RIKTAM (Growling Mad Scientists / TIP.world) YONI (House of Trance / History of Future, NY) YARE-X (NYC) OCTAGON 555 W 33rd Street (between 11/12) 18 and over. Must have valid ID! Hours: 11pm – 7am NEW DECORATONS FROM EUROPE! Separate CHILL-OUT room and lounges.. Tickets: $25.00 advance/$30.00 door Throb 211 E 14 Street (12/9) Satellite 259 Bowery 212 995-1744 House of Trance 122 St Marks Place 212 533-6700//web houseoftrance Satellite, Boston 617 536-5482 Caffeine, L.I. 516 797-7196 TSUNAMI 24hr info-line: 212.439.8124
#1460 10 Feb 2001 03:02:03 – Psychedelic Ambience Psychedelic Ambience Friday, February 16, 2001 Time: 10:00PM – 4:00AM (-05:00) Chelsea Lounge 154 W26th $10 w/flyer or list DNA Dan Mad Pete Amnesium Mesh Dragonlotus info 973-269-3839
#1461 brainmachinesSee ya’ll at FUN at midnight Sunday Sun, 11 Feb 2001 16:24:31 From:
#1462 brainmachinesMonday – Genpme Project Release Sun, 11 Feb 2001 22:25:39 From: (these findings tie Terence McKenna novelty theory, MAO chemistry, and our own raison d’etre) By Rick Weiss Washington Post Staff Writer Sunday, February 11, 2001; Page 1 All the instructions for making a human being are packed within a surprisingly small number of genes only about twice the number needed to grow a worm or a fly according to the first detailed analysis of the entire human genetic code. Moreover, hundreds of those genes, including one that’s been implicated in depression, are actually genes from bacteria that infected human predecessors millions of years ago and left their microbial DNA behind. But perhaps most remarkable, scientists said, is how little of the human genome the 23 pairs of chromosomes that contain the blueprint for human life is directly devoted to making human beings, and how much other biological activity is going on throughout the rest of the genome. The genetic instructions for making a person take up less than one inch of the six-foot-long strand of DNA that’s stuffed inside virtually every cell in the body, according to the new findings. Most of the rest of the human genome is filled with weird life-like entities that have settled in the genome like squatters. Among them are microscopic bits of foreign DNA that live like parasites on human DNA and even smaller bits that sponge off those parasites. Although scientists have known that such critters existed in the human genome, only now have they been able to see how many there really are, how they are distributed among people’s genes, and how these complex communities evolved inside the cells of human ancestors over millions of years. Taken together, the new findings show the human genome to be far more than a mere sequence of biological code written on a twisted strand of DNA. It is a dynamic and vibrant ecosystem of its own, reminiscent of the thriving world of tiny Whos that Dr. Seuss’s elephant, Horton, discovered on a speck of dust. Scientists are scheduled to describe their results Monday at a Washington news conference to be Webcast live around the world. But details were released last night after a British newspaper ran a story about the findings in its Sunday edition. Additional news conferences are to be held in London, Paris, Berlin and Tokyo, and details of the work are being published this week as a thick collection of more than a dozen landmark articles in the journals Science and Nature. The new work shows that some parts of the genome are rich in human genes, like biodiverse tropical rain forests, where genes crucial for human life and some that cause disease perform their jobs in the body. Scientists sifting through the newly unveiled genome with computerized search engines have discovered more than 40 previously unknown disease genes, including some for forms of epilepsy, deafness, color blindness and muscular dystrophy. Hundreds of others are expected to turn up in the next few years, speeding the development of new ds and diagnostic tests. Other regions of the genome are essentially genetic “deserts,” where there is nary a human gene for as far as the eye can see but where life, of a sort, perseveres nonetheless. Like genes, the entities living in these vast stretches of the human genome are made of DNA, the doubly coiled molecule of heredity. But they don’t contain coded messages to make anything useful for the human body. Most are able to persist and replicate within the human genome but are so dependent on the genome that they can never leave it. Others are mere remnants of genes that were left behind by prehistoric viruses eons ago and have been passed down in increasingly degenerate condition from human generation to generation. Now, like paleontologists studying a newly uncovered fossil trove, geneticists are dating and analyzing these genetic remnants, some of which have been in the human and pre-human genetic line for more than 500 million years. Through these studies, they are learning how genetic innovations during the course of evolution led to the handful of breakthroughs that allowed early backboned creatures to evolve into humans. “We’ve called the human genome the book of life, but it’s really three books,” said Francis Collins, director of the National Human Genome Research Institute in Bethesda and a chief of the international human genome project. “It’s a history book. It’s a shop manual and parts list. And it’s a textbook of medicine more profoundly detailed than ever.” The new findings come from the first comprehensive analyses of the human genetic code by the publicly funded human genome project involving thousands of researchers around the globe and led in this country by the National Institutes of Health and the Department of Energy and by Celera Genomics of Rockville, a private company. At a gala White House event in June, leaders of the competing public and private teams announced they each had determined the order of almost all the 3 billion “letters” of biochemical code in the human genome. Strung together along strands of DNA inside cells, those letters spell out the directions for making and maintaining human life. The work answers some long-standing questions, such as why the human sense of smell is so crude compared with that of many other mammals: In the past 10 million years, it turns out, pre-humans have lost more than half of the 1,000 olfactory genes their ancestors once had, apparently choosing to concentrate on vision and other senses instead. It also raises new and difficult questions, such as how human beings with all their passions and fears, their capacity for art, music, culture and war can be all that they are with just 30,000 or so genes, only five times as many as in baker’s yeast. One surprise is that the genome is populated with duplicate copies of many disease-causing genes shadowy genetic “twins” that scientists had never seen before but that in many cases also cause diseases. Another is that sperm carry twice as many mutations as eggs, suggesting that men are the major source of genetic errors in offspring but also the major source of evolutionary innovation. And in one of the bigger surprises to come out of the new analysis, some of the “junk” DNA scattered throughout the genome that scientists had written off as genetic detritus apparently plays an important role after all, perhaps by helping humans respond to stress. In short, said Celera president and chief executive J. Craig Venter, the human genome “is a lot more complicated than we thought.” Although it sounds paradoxical, Venter said, that complexity is due in part to humans having so few genes. The 30,000 estimate of both teams is a gross approximation; genes are not easy to identify in the genome, and the number may increase by a few thousand as the search continues. But the final count will clearly be far below previous estimates, which only a year ago had centered around 80,000 and had stretched as high as 120,000. That raises the question of how just 30,000 “sentences” of coded instructions can direct the production of the hundreds of thousands of ingredients that together make up a human body. The main answer, scientists said, is that the approximately 30,000 products (mostly proteins) made by those 30,000 human genes get cut into pieces after they’re made, and those pieces are then shuffled around and pasted together in novel arrangements. Just as lots of different sentences can be composed with a limited number of words, this system enables the instructions, or genetic “words,” in a single gene to produce 10 or more different proteins, depending on what the body needs. By contrast, individual genes in simpler organisms such as flies and worms can generally make just one or two proteins each. “We have the Cuisinart that can slice and dice and do lots of things, while worms and flies have paring knives,” Collins said. In addition, humans have a huge repertoire of regulatory mechanisms that simpler organisms lack, with which they can fine-tune their genes’ activities from moment to moment. Studies indicate that a wide range of environmental influences are involved in these regulatory decisions a that biology and behavior are not genetically determined but are influenced by countless non-genetic variables. By comparing the human genome to the genomes of simpler organisms such as the fly and the worm, scientists are also seeing with unprecedented detail how just a few genetic innovations helped launch early vertebrates ahead of the biological pack hundreds of millions of years ago. In one case, a few genes that probably helped flies and worms fight off invading microbes apparently copied and recopied and rearranged themselves inside newly evolving backboned creatures to create what is today the army of genes that together encode the human immune system, with its remarkable ability to recognize and attack a huge variety of invaders. Similar duplications of genes led to the development of the blood clotting system, a complicated but crucial breakthrough for vertebrates. A third series of duplications gave rise to the spectrum of hormones and other molecules that today allow human cells to communicate with one another and coordinate their activities with exquisite precision. And yet another set of duplicated genes gave rise to the vertebrate nervous system and brain, the capstone of mammalian complexity. Some human genes seem to have been ripped off wholesale from simpler organisms. By scanning the human genome for DNA sequences nearly identical to those in microbes, scientists found more than 200 genes whose origins can be traced to ancient infecting bacteria. Apparently those genes’ metabolic specialties were useful enough for them to be “hired” full time by the human genome. One, for example, controls production of a chemical called monoamine oxidase, which the body today uses to regulate brain chemicals affecting mood and is the target of a class of antidepressants called MAO inhibitors. For all the evolutionary creativity that led to the human race, however, there is shockingly little variation from person to person, genome scientists said. Individuals around the world all are about 99.9 percent genetically identical, an indication of how recently the human species arose and how little time it has had to diversify. Celera’s analysis, which included genes from five people who identified themselves as Caucasian, Hispanic Mexican, Asian Chinese or African American, indicates that the number of harmless variations nestled in the human genome varies by race. On average, African Americans carry more variations than Caucasians evidence that they have been around longer and Caucasians have more than Asians. That’s consistent with the prevailing theory that the human race got its start in Africa and radiated from there. But Venter’s data also strengthens the notion that race itself has no genetic basis. No genes, either by themselves or in concert with others, were able to predict which race each person had claimed to be. Those genome findings could help temper cultural biases about the genetics of race, but other new results are likely to fan the flames of the gender wars: the finding that sperm cells are the main source of human genetic mutations. Scientists said they are not certain why sperm are so loaded with genetic errors. One theory blames the fact that so many cell divisions occur in the making of sperm while eggs are the result of a single cell division. Each cell division offers chromosomes a new opportunity to break or mutate. Whether men should be blamed or praised for their mutated sperm is an open question, scientists said. Mutations are usually harmful or neutral at best, suggesting that males are causing significant molecular mayhem. On the other hand, species count on occasional mutations to invent new things, so males may also be the species’ prime innovators. In any case, daughters and sons equally inherit their dads’ warped genes. So with the exception of their sperm, men are no more mutated than women. But enough about you, the genome might say. What about me? Indeed, the human genome is about much more than just humans. In the vast spaces between those scattered 30,000 genes, taking up the other 99 percent or so of the genome, is a molecular menagerie of genes and gene pieces. Some of them arose internally like warts on the genome while others hacked their way into human cells during the past several hundred million years and decided to stay. Hundreds of thousands of these genes and gene fragments reside in the human genome in relative leisure while human genes toil away nearby, making new generations of people for all to live in. Most of them are just “freeloaders,” said Eric Lander, director of the Whitehead Center for Genome Research in Cambridge, Mass. Having integrated themselves into the very fiber of the human genome, these interlopers can rest assured that every time a human cell divides and passes copies of its DNA to a daughter cell, they also will be replicated, thus keeping “alive” what to them are their family lines. All told, the new analysis shows, at least 45 percent of the human genome consists of selfish genetic elements mooching off their human hosts. Scientists have grouped them into families, traced their lineages and are now tracking the migrations they’ve made over millions of years as they wandered from chromosome to chromosome through the wilderness of the genome. In some cases, pieces of chromosomes have broken off, drifted away and attached themselves to other chromosomes, carrying their parasitic sequences along like penguins on ice floes. By tracing the routes these passengers have taken, scientists are identifying some of the large-scale genetic changes that correlate with key advances in human evolution. “Humanity has a certain number of great classics of literature that are amazing historical stories and sources of insight and inspiration,” Lander said. “Now for the first time we have an historical anthology of ourselves, some of it passed down for a billion years. We’re just learning how to read the story, and it’s sure to enthrall us for decades to come.” One story with an especially surprising ending has to do with ALU sequences, DNA fragments scattered about the human genome that don’t make anything except more of themselves. The human genome is home to about a half a million of these entities, which take up fully 14 percent of the human genome. Scientists had long written off ALUs as genetic “junk.” But ALUs living near genes are preferentially retained, according to the new genome analysis, while ALUs that live in other areas of the genome are gradually weeded out. Recent but controversial experiments had suggested that ALUs might help their human hosts, perhaps by turning on protective genes in stressful situations. The new finding that ALUs are especially welcomed around genes is strong evidence that they are indeed helpful neighbors. Many mysteries remain to be solved. Inexplicably, for example, few new families of genetic interlopers seem to have taken root in the human lineage in the past 50 million years. Also unexplained, some types of genetic parasites are becoming gradually extinct within the genome while others are apparently thriving. Entire civilizations, it seems, have risen and fallen within the human genome and are continuing to do so. It’s a humbling perspective, said Robert Waterston, director of Washington University’s genome center in St. Louis. A person who gazes upon the human genome is likely to walk away feeling a little bit less the center of attention, he said less certain about being the sole purpose of it all. “You can’t study the genome for very long before you start feeling that you’re just a transient vehicle for making more DNA,” Waterston said. But not just any vehicle. One with the curiosity, ingenuity and wherewithal to explore and decipher its own genetic code. Staff writer Justin Gillis contributed to this report. 2001 The Washington Post Company
#1463NOW Sunday nite Mon, 12 Feb 2001 01:26:08 From: drop down to FUN. We’re here 130 Madison St So. of Canal.
#1464s’I can see sounds’ Mon, 12 Feb 2001 02:55:07 From: “I’ve had a very white colour picking up a hot cup” Friday, 9 February, 2001, 09:45 For Jane Mackay, sneezes are turquoise and Friday is chequered. She has synaesthesia, a neurological condition which mixes up her senses. Here, the former GP-turned-artist, of south London, explains her colourful world. “Sounds, words and numbers just throw images into my head. ‘Jane’, for instance, is quite orangey-red with a yellowish tinge on the ‘e’ at the end. Synaesthetes Affects up to one in 2,000 people Runs in families, particularly women Some see sound, feel tastes, or hear movement Painters David Hockney and Wassily Kandinsky had synaesthesia As did author Vladimir Nabokov “Asking when did I realise that I’m synaesthetic is like saying, ‘When did you realise that you weren’t colour-blind?’ “It takes a very long time to realise that others may not experience it like you do. Some people think I’m making it up. “One of my earliest memories is that I could tell the difference between Canadian and American accents because the Canadian accent is more yellow. “And my sister and I used to argue about our colours for the days of the week – my Wednesday is a lemony-yellow with angles in the middle of it, hers is green. “It’s really hard to explain where I see the colours. It’s almost like I see what’s in front of me with a colour filter in front of it – but what I’m looking at in the physical world doesn’t change colour. Brian Perkins: Colours of his name and voice clash “I can find it very hard to remember names if the colour is at odds with some defining characteristic of the person. “Brian Perkins, the BBC Radio Four newsreader, has an amazingly rich, chocolatey-brown voice. “Yet ‘Perkins’ is a rather wishy-washy yellow-green, so I always forget his surname.” Art for art’s sake “I’ve always loved painting, and have done it all my life. But I also love the sciences, so I was a GP for 20 years. It took five years to decide to give up medicine. “On New Year’s Day last year, I threw my stethoscope in the Thames to mark the beginning of my career as a full-time artist. Postcards of artworks inspired by synaesthetic principles “I paint largely, but not exclusively, orchestral music – sometimes I transfer my synaesthetic images completely to the paper, sometimes I use them as a starting point.” “But what really sparks me off is change and contrast. “My printer, for instance, started jamming recently and the sound turned pink, quite an opaque pastel pink. I hadn’t been aware of any particular colour for the printer because the sound is so routine, but the change got to me. “It’s the same with music. Modern music; music I haven’t heard before; someone hitting a wrong note; noises-off – I get tremendously strong synaesthetic experiences from all of those. “I had a wonderful sneeze once, from someone sitting behind me in a concert. It was a really lovely turquoise that came across my shoulder in a triangular sheet.” See the music “This academic year, I’m the artist-in-residence for the Cambridge University Musical Society. Sketches of the first, top, and second rehearsals of a piece by Woolfenden “I sit in on all their rehearsals, trying to capture the synaesthetic images I get from the music in a very sketchy, annotated form. “I tape the rehearsals, so I can go back over the images. From these sketches and tapes, I work up paintings in my studio. “People often ask me if I get the same images each time I hear somthing, and the answer is yes. “But you can hear music live, or on CD, or in a sectional rehearsal, and that can change the colour and shape of it all together. “I think most people must be at least a little bit synaesthetic. “After all, our whole language is littered with synaesthetic images – we’re always talking about warm sounds, sharp colours.” BBC News Online Cambridge University Musical Society International Synaesthesia Association The BBC is not responsible for the content of external internet sites Top UK stories now: Genome teams in access dispute Legal action over ‘acoustic shock’
#1465 brainmachinesFW: progressive tuesdays Mon, 12 Feb 2001 15:54:15 From: Sent: Monday, February 12, 2001 3:08 PM To: undisclosed-recipients: Fluidalive and underground this week it’s super sweet tuesday with super sweet special guests… billy shane, melanie moore, and spesh from looq records upstairs we have special guests adam goldstone and nuphonic le party is at izzy bar 166 1st ave. by 10th st 21+, $3
#1466 Mon, 12 Feb 2001 17:49:31 -0800 Wednesday at Opium Den From: angeles garay chiletrance at yahoo Hello Friends! This is a for Wednesdays at Opium Den. Come and enjoy the Trance Music with DJ Angel+Guests. Nice music and nice people . Everybody welcome!! DJ Angel(chiletrance-6th Element) Isam(Morocco) Jason&Vadim(Subtlechaos) Opium Den 29 East 3rd Street at 2 Avenue 10 PM No Cover Love and Light Angeles a year!
#1467Tonight (Tuesday) Tue, 13 Feb 2001 12:32:23 From: Come here if you want more than progressive. I will be there! It’s very raw and Bladerunnerish. And open until 2pm the next day I kid you not. Hello, Starting tonight and every Tues. we will be working extra hours doing NIGHTSHIFT weekly events. 169 BAR 169 EAST BROADWAY, 212 473 8866 Big PA sound, lots of space to move! Low priced alcohol drinks – compared to upper bars. Weekly rotating resident Djs presenting this week: jason and vadim (subtlechaos), Nikko, DJ11 Home to numerous underground events, this place is becoming one of the most intimate places for new electronic dance music. Join underground minimal futuristic techno and psy-trance party! Flyer is attached and distributed in techno-trance locations. Free admission, curtesy of subtle productions and Nikko. Thanks for your support! We hope to see you all there! Sent: Tuesday, February 06, 2001 1:02 PM [subtlechaos] flyer for next week subtle productions, nyc
#1468Naoto’s show this Saturday Tue, 13 Feb 2001 12:38:29 From: Naoto is a Japanese artist with art in Soho (otherwise he’d have stuff at the bridge) and is a crazy man at all the parties. Come check out his show on Saturday! web wwwcomcom Subj: subculture gallery ( a group show )))))) 2/12/2001 10:46:50 PM Eastern Standard Time From: TripE13 BCC: JeffreyWhi heeeeeey everyonnneeeeeee!! our next show is coming up this SAT opening 7pm – 9pm at Subculture Gallery (376 Broome ST. NYC)! this month featured artist is stupid hyper kid naoto, yeah ME!! I think i don’t sell any of my work for this time but i got some ill shit to show 🙂 also we got shitloard of lowbrow works by lowbrow artists, so stop by when you get the chance! sorry if you get this mail by accident!! (u’d say, ” I live in UK goddamn it!!”) yeah sue me!! peace naoto
#1469 To: andys at ezy.netCc: “brainmachines” brainmachinesTonight, tomorrow, this weekend Tue, 13 Feb 2001 17:36:00 From: there’s also an afterparty in Brooklyn being planned after Sacred Science. I want to encourage everybody to come out and show your support for the unterwelt! Tonight, Bar 169, E Broadway, SUbtlechaos Wednesday, Opium Den I’ll be at all three CU there Sent: Monday, February 12, 2001 4:08 PM To: RE: [dski] stuff if you ever need a place to stay in NYC i have a lot of room i will definetely want to take you up on that. i think Julie (gf) and i have decided to move to Manhattan this summer. Do you have Tim’s email address? And what’s cooking for this weekend? Andy
#1470 14 Feb 2001 03:02:02 – Psychedelic Ambience Psychedelic Ambience Friday, February 16, 2001 Time: 10:00PM – 5:00AM (-05:00) Chelsea Lounge 154 W26th $10 w/flyer or list DNA Dan Mad Pete Amnesium Mesh Dragonlotus info 973-269-3839
#1471 brainmachinescancelled on Friday Wed, 14 Feb 2001 00:09:09 From: Due to cabaret issues, the dragons will meet again to fire breathe another day If it’s right, and we can get five new members this week, the d might do an event. Otherwise we save our strength. The ball’s in your court don’t be a courtesan… ACT… Defend your birthright Stay tuned, dem tiers Thanks
#1472 brainmachinesFriday Wed, 14 Feb 2001 01:31:17 From: Jeff There is a cheesyesque progressive thang going on friday at twirl. It is a little bit like dasher and sogweed, but more breakbeaty and funky. I like em. but you know what a cheeseball I am. They do a rockin live show, but this is a DJ set – if you like Way out west meets dave ralph meets a little bit of goldie and disco meets a certain brand of japanese car, its for you. Defn not psy, but darn good fun…I’ll see ya at the medicine drum thang…… Phil Fri February 16th, 2001: HYBRID – Live DJ Set at Twirl Kinetic and Rush Present: THE HYBRID SOUNDSYESTEM – The UK’s premiere Breakbeat-Trance Act with Rush DJs Erick Jon and Leo Lipsztein (Satellite Records) at Twirl 208 West 23th St. Doors open at 10pm 18+. $15 Advance tickets available at Satellite Records, 259 Bowery
#1474sNightly Bar Action Wed, 14 Feb 2001 02:48:49 From: Astrid is now working and spinning psytrance every night at 143 West 4th Street “Vol de Nuit” between 6th avenue and Washington Park every night this week and if ya’ll come show your strength she will teach you how to handle the two handed sword…
#1475 brainmachinesGreat new party – the brown eyed girl act live Wed, 14 Feb 2001 02:48:59 From: TRANCEMANIFEST From 2001-02-23 11:00h Saturday until 2001-02-24 09:00h Sunday In United States / New York City Live FUZZION(TIPworld,E,RUSSIA) DJ’s ILLUSION ( paradox,psy-locib,Israel) YON-E (tsunami-NYC) STEVE-O(Cosmophlia,Goa Babies,USA) MAXIMUS(psy-locib-NYC) Chill STEVE-o Deco SEPERATION ANXIETY( LONDON, UK )+ nice visuals and projections . Location DEMERARA 215 WEST 28 ST. (BET. 7th & 8th AVE.) Organizer Psy-Locib Infos purchase tickets now while they last at web tranceam.org/psy-locib.html tickets are 21$ in advance 25$ at the door note: tickets are limited get them now! free breakfast and fruits in the morning important: please bring your soul to dance, join others in releasing your trancendental energy! and please smile! Email psylocib3000 at aol Url – BUY TICKETS ONLINE and SAVE /psy-locib.html Thanks to psylocib
#1476 Friday “Goa” Party Wed, 14 Feb 2001 13:23:36 From: I think it’s ravers tring to be goa, or someone completely new Name: Unknown Shroom Time: 9pm – 2am Location: Club 420 – 420 North Broad Street, Elizabeth, NJ Cost: $15 before 11 PM, $20 after 11 PM Info: njraver4life at hotmail or call 908-599-2538 Styles: Goa Trance, Hard Trance Promoter: Organic Myst Productions DJs:Unknown Shroom + more
#1477 This Makes my Brown Eyes Blue Wed, 14 Feb 2001 14:25:15 From: Fuzzion from Russia will not be playing on 2/23, still come though, a solid lineup of NYC DJs will be knocking it out. Thanks, I. for the heads up. It was an honest miscommunication. You can still buy tickets online at web tranceam.org/psy-locib.html
#1478 Afterparty this Sunday 4am Wed, 14 Feb 2001 20:54:31 From: after Sacred Science will be the after party to join on the 02/18. doors open at 4am and the venue is located 59 montrose ave in brooklyn. lot’s of luv and happy valentine’s day to every one. attached is the flyer with the info.
#1479 Hiking Expedition Wed, 14 Feb 2001 22:49:38 From: From Eric startripper at earthlink.net “I am going on a winter expedition in northern NY. This journey will elapse two days and will carry us up atleast one mountain. You need only to be focused and well equiped. I need a few people to meet minimum winter group hiking safety requirements. The exscurtion will include a hikeing and prep meeting. The only requirement is that you must have good footware. In addition I might lead an additional winter hike as well as future spring and other seasonal hikes. So if you may be interested inquire.
#1480 Wednesday at Opium Den Wed, 14 Feb 2001 22:51:28 From: This event is in New York, NY From: angeles garay chiletrance at yahoo Mon, 12 Feb 2001 17:49:31 -0800 Hello Friends! This is a for Wednesdays at Opium Den. Come and enjoy the Trance Music with DJ Angel+Guests. Nice music and nice people . Everybody welcome!! DJ Angel(chiletrance-6th Element) Isam(Morocco) Jason&Vadim(Subtlechaos) Opium Den 29 East 3rd Street at 2 Avenue 10 PM No Cover Love and Light Angeles
#1481 15 Feb 2001 04:02:01 – Sacred Science Sacred Science Saturday, February 17, 2001 Time: 11:00PM – 7:00AM (-05:00) SPECTRA presents… Sacred Science February 17th, 2001 live acts: MEDICINE DRUM (Return to the Source, CyberOctave) U.K- all 3 members TICON (DIGITAL structures, TIP World) Sweden- first time in the u.s SHAPE SHIFTERS (Boom records, Krembo records) U.S- first nyc performance dj’s: SYNCHRO (TIP World, Liquid Audio Soundz) Netherlands Hugh S (Futuretech,Brooklyn Crib) NYC JAMIN (Hovek Olam) NYC landscapes and brand new work from: MAXI-flourelysium-Germany deco by: JAMIN- Hovek Olam- USA venue: The Key Skating Rink 220 E.138th St.& Grand Concourse Bronx, N.Y.C $25 in advance $30 at the door advance tickets: House of Trance 212-533-6700 Sonic Groove 212-675-5284 Satellite Boston 617-536-5482 Growroom 413-549-9296
#1482 brainmachines thedSacred Science Fri, 16 Feb 2001 00:00:09 From: If you miss drinking the Virgin Maria’s blood pulled from the heart of a live virgin and mixed with the urine from Montezuma’s medicine drummer, from the sacred skulls bought with pieces of eight from (or captured in manacles by) the ghost of Cortez el conquistador and help summon th spirit of Quetzalcoatl, the Feathered Serpent who will deliver the natives from the alien White Man, and innoculate the new trance natives from the diseases of the Old World, you will miss much my friend.
#1483 Note on Vol de Nuit Friday meet Fri, 16 Feb 2001 00:53:32 From: The correct address is *148* West 4th between Washington & 6th avenue. Also, note that you have to walk through the Belgian frites restaurant. This is important. Let everybody know. I was walking around outside and was propositioned by THREE dime bag dealers. The Belgian beers are killer….
#1484sFull details on the Sacred Science afterparty on Sunday Fri, 16 Feb 2001 01:43:15 From: Hello everyone, On Sunday 18th we will host the 2 Year TOUCH Anniversary After-Party starting at 4am – this will also be the Sacred Science After-Party. We will have a first set of excellent House and Progressive DJs from 4am to 8:30am with DJ Dave Chromatix, the wonderful DJ Charmaine and some of the best guests you could ask for. The second set will be a total trance experience and will ended when ever every body dematerialized !!! with the amazing Steve-O (Goa Babies) and Opher (Purple OZ) and once again the best guest you could ask for. The party will be located at SinCity, 59 Montrose Ave. in Brooklyn. Chai shop, fresh fruits and Kit Kat bars will bring back memories of Goa to the “Happy Few”. A $5 cover will be charge at the door. Have fun and be safe!!! Diections from Sacred Science (courtest of Yahoo): By car: 1.Start out going Southeast on W 138TH ST towards 7TH AVE/ADAM CLAYTON POWELL JR BLVD by turning right. 2.Turn LEFT onto 7TH AVE/ADAM CLAYTON POWELL JR BLVD. 3.Turn RIGHT onto W 145TH ST. 4.W 145TH ST becomes 145TH ST BRIDGE. 5.Turn RIGHT onto EXTERIOR ST. 6.EXTERIOR ST becomes MAJOR WILLIAM F DEEGAN BLVD. 7.Turn SLIGHT LEFT to take the I-87 SOUTH ramp. 8.Merge onto I-87 S/MAJOR DEEGAN EXWY. 9.Take I-278 WEST RAMP towards LONG ISLAND/TRIBORO BR. 10.Merge onto I-278 W. 11.Take I-278 W/TRIBOROUGH BRIDGE towards LONG ISLAND. 12.Merge onto I-278 W/TRIBOROUGH BRIDGE. 13.I-278 W/TRIBOROUGH BRIDGE becomes I-278 W. 14.Take the I-278 WEST/BKLYN-QNS EXPWY exit, exit number 4, towards VERRANZANO BR. 15.Merge onto BROOKLYN QUEENS EXWY W/I-278 W. 16.Take the exit, exit number 32B, towards METROPOLITAN AVE. 17.Merge onto MEEKER AVE. 18.Turn RIGHT onto METROPOLITAN AVE. 19.Turn LEFT onto REV DR GARDNER C TAYLOR BLVD/MARCY AVE. 20.Turn LEFT onto BROADWAY. 21. Turn LEFT onto HEWES ST. 22.Turn RIGHT onto S 5TH ST. By Sub.: 4 train to Canal ST then J or M to Lorimer St (2 blocks) 4 train to Union Sq. then L to Montrose Ave. (5 blocks) 4 train to Union Sq. then L to lorimer St then G to Broadway (1.5 blocks) From the 2nd Anniversary Touch Party at Shine: By car: 1.Start out going Northeast on W BROADWAY towards CANAL ST by turning right. 2.Turn RIGHT onto CANAL ST. 3. Turn LEFT onto CENTRE ST. 4.CENTRE ST becomes CLEVELAND PL. 5.Turn RIGHT onto KENMARE ST. 6.KENMARE ST becomes DELANCEY ST. 7.DELANCEY ST becomes WILLIAMSBURG BRIDGE. 8.Take the BROADWAY ramp. 9. Keep LEFT at the fork in the ramp. 10. Merge onto BROADWAY. 11.Turn LEFT onto HEWES ST. 12.Turn RIGHT onto S 5TH ST by Subway: J or M from Canal St. to Lorimer St (2 blocks)
#1485 Fri, 16 Feb 2001 18:11:05 Everything you need to know about Saturday-Sunday From: Get some sleep tonight (Friday) Bring Aztec and Mayan clothes and accoutrements 😉 SPECTRA presents SACRED SCIENCE SHAPE SHIFTERS (Boom records, Krembo records) U.S – first nyc performance MEDICINE DRUM (Return to the Source, CyberOctave) U.K – all three members TICON (DIGITAL structures, TIP World) Sweden – first time in America SYNCHRO (TIP World, Liquid Audio Soundz) Netherlands Hugh S (Futuretech,Brooklyn Crib) NYC JAMIN (Hovek Olam) NYC landscapes and brand new work from: MAXI-flourelysium-Germany deco by: JAMIN- Hovek Olam- USA 10:30 PM 6:30 AM venue: The Key Skating Rink 220 E.138th St.& Grand Concourse Bronx, NY $25 in advance $30 at the door advance tickets: House of Trance 212-533-6700 Sonic Groove 212-675-5284 Satellite Boston 617-536-5482 Growroom 413-549-9296 DIRECTIONS: by subway: from manhattan: Get to Grand Central Terminal. Take the Green #4 or #5 uptown to the i38th St. & Grand Concourse stop. The venue is accross 138th Street. You will see the illuminated yellow sign for The Key Skate. from Queens and Brooklyn: Transfer to #4, #5, or #6, and follow the above directions. by car: from upstate New York: Take 87 South, the New York Thruway to the Major Deegan, to Exit 3 (138th & Grand Concourse). The venue is two blocks down on the right. Look for the illuminated yellow sign for The Key Skate. from Connecticut: Take I-95 South to the Cross Bronx Expressway to I-87 South (The Major Deegan). Take Exit 3 (138th & Grand Concourse), and follow the above directions. from Manhattan: Take the FDR North to the or take the Willis Avenue Bridge or Triboro Bridge (towards the Bronx), to the Major Deegan North to Exit 3. Turn right onto 138th Street. The venue is two blocks down on the right. from the Outer Boroughs: Please consult a map to in order to find the best route for you, or drive to Manhattan and follow the above directions. Quetzalcoatl Mayan and Aztec feathered serpent god, messiah to the natives of central America against the invading Spanish. Most precious Twin; Feathered serpent. Plumed serpeMorning Star. Great Priest; master of Life; god of the wind, sea breeze, and life breath. Creator god, identified with the planet Venus. He was considered a good god as he required only one human sacrifice a year. Civilization, the arts, metallurgy, fate. Priests would consume teonanacatl and urinate into urns, from which the peasants would drink to achieve enlightenment. AN ANCIENT FORM OF COMMUNION The discovery of the shamanic use of teonanacatl amongst contemporary Mexican Indians was indicative of a sacred tradition that, although almost buried, had its roots firmly set in the glories of past civilisations. In particular, the great Aztec empire had been familiar with the mushroom and the various documents written by Spanish Conquistadors almost 500 years ago which mention mushroom use by the Aztecs, can be re-analysed according to what we now know of the actual entheogenic experience. Teonanacatl emerges as no mere incidental feature of the natural world restricted to secretive and isolated use, rather its ritual role as a potent sacrament was overtly established within the very fabric of ancient Mesoamerican society. Until, that is, it came under the merciless gaze of the Catholic Spanish conquistadors. The Aztecs were an immensely powerful civilisation whose cultural achievements are ranked by some in the same league as those of ancient Egypt and Babylonia. Religious ideology permeated all aspects of Aztec society, driving them to conquest and expansion and giving rise to their infamous bloody human sacrifices on a scale that cannot fail to shock. Located in the Central Valley of Mexico, the Aztec capital Tenochtitlan (now Mexico city) reached its peak of power and magnificence immediately prior to the arrival of Hernon Cortes and his gold rushing Spanish army in 1519. With the advent of the Spanish conquest, all aspects of Aztec religion including the use of the teonanacatl mushroom were systematically wiped out, being condemned as devilish heresy. To the invading Spanish clergy, the Aztec’s claim that certain teonanacatl (some two dozen teonanacatl-containing species are indigenous to Mexico) were teonanacatl, or ‘God’s flesh’, was to admit to some blasphemous unholy communion. In the Roman Catholicism touted by the marauding conquistadors, communion with the divine was not based upon personally revealed knowledge or gnosis. Absolutely not. Rather it was the case that ‘inside’ information concerning the divine was considered acceptable only if one was connected to a formally established religious hierarchy within which accepted, without question, its most cherished doctrines. In other words, the organised drive of Catholicism which descended upon the Aztec nation derived its power structure through force- feeding religious dogma to its adherents. To openly question such dogma, or to criticise it, could and did mean death 500 years ago. One is therefore hard pushed to conceive of a more heretical act than that of the Aztecs consumption of supposedly divine fungi. The Catholic Spanish clergy, eager to spread their faith, would have been utterly appalled at the concept of eating some foul and unsightly fungus in order to commune with the Gods. this negative reaction was clearly reflected in the lively written Spanish accounts of Aztec customs. The Aztec’s use of teonanacatl is clearly revealed in many of the records made by Spanish chroniclers at the time of the conquest who diligently recorded their observations and began translating Aztec historical documents. during the coronation of Montezuma the second in 1502, we learn that teonanacatl was consumed during the celebrations. Many war captives were slaughtered to honour the new king, their hearts torn out and offered to the gods. After the grisly sacrifices, the celebrants were bathed in blood and then given raw teonanacatl to eat. Perhaps it was this kind of terrible juxtaposition that helped the finger of heresy point toward the mushroom. After all, a mass bloody sacrifice followed by some strange ritual fungal inebriation is a hellish concept to the West, yet it was bound up to the Aztec’s desire to supplant their pantheon of gods. Blood spilled in the name of religion whether through war or sacrifice is, unfortunately, a kind of pious tradition that highlights the immense power of the religious impulse over the minds and souls of men. The gods of the Aztecs were deemed real, they had to be worshipped and placated. At any rate, the Aztecs utilised teonanacatl in their religious rituals as well as engaging in various other rites that would have appeared horrendously alien to the invading Spanish who were unlikely to react in the manner of refined social anthropologists. The excessive sacrifices together with the deliberate intoxication with teonanacatl must have sorely confused the Spanish invaders. For whilst they were at once amazed at the glorious wealth and regality of the Aztec cities that they encountered, they were less enthusiastic about the underlying psychological forces which had lead to the physical magnificence set in stone. “And all the lords and grandees of the provinces rose, and to solemnise further the festivities, they all ate of some woodland teonanacatl, which they say make you lose your senses, and thus they sallied forth all primed for the dance.” “At the very first, teonanacatl had been served. They ate them at a time when, they said, the shell trumpets were blown. They ate no more food; they only drank chocolate during the night. And they ate the teonanacatl with honey. When the teonanacatl took effect on them, then they danced, then they wept. But some while still in command of their senses entered and sat there by the house on their seats; they danced no more, but only sat there nodding.” Such scare stories are parodied by the rumours that surrounded l use in the sixties. People were supposedly hurling themselves from high-rise apartments and foolishly attempting to stop motorway traffic by the power of thought alone. In actuality, of all the millions of doses of l taken in the 1960’s there were only a handful of deaths through misadventure resulting from l’s effects. It appears that any psychedelic substance with a powerful mystique seems to instil fear in those who are unfamiliar with its effects and who are easily threatened by the unknown. Moreover, such fear often precedes persecution and the spreading of inaccurate information, which is why it is so important to have an unconditional flow of informed, hysteria-free knowledge regarding the psychological action of visionary plants and fungi. One hopes then, that we live in more enlightened times. The fact remains however, that the Aztec’s use of psychoactive agents, which included the use of other entheogenic agents like the morning glory plant (whose seeds contain l-related compounds), proved to be so abhorrent to the Spanish that they sought to drive the all such practices to extinction. The intense disgust generated within the orthodox religious minds of the Spanish priests echoes the hatred meted out to the women accused of being satanic witches in medieval Europe as they too were found guilty of possessing heretical botanical knowledge. Whereas the Aztecs employed teonanacatl in order to induce numinous states of awareness, the witches of the Middle Ages achieved similar states using plants like henbane and belladonna. Historically it would seem that all such occult practices with plants and fungi unfortunately generate the same type of response in the male psyche of the dominator culture eager to perpetuate its own ideology, namely, unremitting persecution. The Aztec religion succumbed to just such a fate. It appears then, that the Spanish clergy were ultimately unsuccessful in silencing the claims made by their subdued and conquered subjects; messages in stone speak louder than words and provide rock-hard testimony to the Aztec’s sacred links to the natural environment, with its varied potent botanical offspring. What exactly the Aztecs experienced through teonanacatl remains debatable, although we can be sure that their psychedelic visions were vivid and convincing enough for them to regard the mushroom as being a link to the divine realm, no less than the appearance of God’s flesh upon the Earth. PSYCHEDELIC TEMPLES Prior to the Aztec’s rise to dominance and before the time of the Toltecs reign previous to them, the premier ritual centre of pre- Columbian Mesoamerica was the mighty city of Teotihuacan located in the north-eastern Valley of Mexico, near Mexico city. Dating from 150 BC. to A.D.750, little is known about the Teotihuacans although Aztec legends equate this city with the birthplace of their deities. Its very name was given by the Aztecs who had discovered it 600 years after its mysterious collapse and means ‘Place of the Gods’ in Nahuatl. Due to the immense scale of Teotihuacan’s religious architecture which includes the spectacular Pyramids of the Sun and Moon and highly sophisticated wall paintings rife with ornate serpent motifs, it can be reasonably assumed that it was the centre of an important religious cult. The overt presence of serpent motifs upon the architecture is a strong indication of religious worship since the pantheon of almost all Mesoamerican cultures include mythical serpentine entities, such as the feathered serpent god Quetzalcoatl. Elaborately stylised serpents were used both to represent gods and to symbolise divine power penetrating the mundane world. Their fearsome presence on and around temples signified that the temple was a sacred place to be guarded from profane intrusion. Of most concern here are the style and content of the numerous mural paintings which adorn most of Teotihuacan’s temples and shrines. In these murals we once more find depictions of various flowers, one of which is the morning glory (either Turbina corymbosa or Ipomoea violacea). As stated, the seeds of this plant species contain l- related compounds known to have been used by the Aztecs for religious communion. It is therefore reasonable to assume that the temple-goers at Teotihuacan knew of, and thus utilised, the psychedelic effect of the morning glory. SECRET PSYCHEDELIC LEGACIES Such an historical concept in which indigenous visionary agents are consumed ritually in order to induce theophany and religious solidarity should come as no surprise. In ancient Greece the classic Eleusinian Mystery cult echoes the inferred scenario occurring at Teotihuacan. The mystery rites which took place each year at Eleusis near Athens, centred around the drinking of some secret potion that granted a numinous vision to initiates, the entire sacred ceremony taking place within the guarded confines of a hallowed temple. Recent theories have proposed that this Eleusinian drink was made from ergotised barley which would mean that it contained entheogenic substances since ergot, a tiny plant fungus which grows on wheat and barley, contains a number of l-related compounds. Though this psychedelic scenario has not been confirmed and remains merely an engaging hypothesis (ergot is also potentially toxic), the point is that the potion was almost certain to have contained some form of entheogenic alkaloid with the capacity to engender the type of mystical experience attested to in Greek historical literature. Wasson thus assumed that Teotihuacan was a Mesoamerican equivalent to Eleusis, that is, that both were sacred places where visionary agents were administered in a ritual context. Clearly the morning glory plant was utilised for its psychoactive effect by the Teotihuacans (assuming of course that they did not just like the look of it) as the various murals testify, and it would follow that teonanacatl would also have been ingested had their properties been known at the time. THE BIRTH OF THE RELIGIOUS IMPULSE Claims which infer that psychoactive plants and fungi played a major role in ancient religion might be considered to belittle religion in some way, as though one were reducing everything to ‘damnable ds’. Nothing is further from the truth. Far from reducing the religion, the religion becomes firmly entwined with the unequivocal numinous effects of vision-inducing fungi and plant species. That is the strength and force of such species. They cannot fail but have a dramatic impact. Anyone who has made the sacred connection within their psyche through the action of natural psychedelics knows of their profoundly religious/spiritual impact. Ultimately one comes to suspect that the very historical source of Homo sapiens’ religious impulse lies in our ancestor’s primeval encounters with raw entheogenic species like the teonanacatl mushroom which are effective without the need for elaborate preparation. This scenario does not lessen religion, it empowers it, giving it an unstoppable impetus created through the effect of visionary alkaloids in opening up the boundless capacities of the human mind. God becomes connected to a level or state of consciousness, an inwardly felt presence mysteriously welling up from the depths of the psyche and not from some abstract religious dogma. However, religious dogma might well allude to the experience, and indeed testify to the reality of entheogen-induced theophany. Yet, once a detailed knowledge of the plant or fungus in question is lost in the hazy mists of time, then any lingering memory of it’s original entheogenic power will be no more than words, an echo of a once living mystery. The greatest reason to embrace an entheogenic fungus or plant- orientated explanation for the rise of the religious impulse however is that it is couched in wholly naturalistic terms, therefore lending itself to scientific study. If a man claims to have had a life- changing theophany then that is one thing. But if he bears in his hand the very mthod whereby he attained such an experience then you are obliged, if you wish to determine the man’s claims, to explore and verify the means. In more ways than one, psychedelic plants and fungi must be taken seriously in their role in the development of religious ideology. As stated, their historical influence can never be overestimated. Some of the stone teonanacatl are carved emerging from human figures with trance-like facial expressions. Others are linked to kneeling female figures at a metate, a kind of work surface upon which plant items are crushed. Metates were still sometimes used in order to grind teonanacatl so that an entheogenic infusion could be made. Still other of the mushroom stones carry ‘toad’ effigies at their base, and this creature has always been mysteriously linked with psychoactive fungi the world over, perhaps because of knowledge that certain toads exude hallucinogenic alkaloids from their skin glands (incidentally, this odd ‘toady’ fact might also account for the fairy story The Frog Prince since magical events happen after a frog has been ‘kissed’). Is there any other evidence that the Maya employed teonanacatl in their religion? A look at Mayan codices might help on this matter, yet our not-so-delightful conquering Spanish priests have hindered such study due to their blundering haste in burning everything that stood in their theological way, including virtually all Mayan scriptures. As an example, consider the fact that in 1562, one Diego de Landa, a hardened Spanish priest of some frightening zeal, seized thousands of Mayan ‘idols’ and books, burning all and sundry as though it were worthless. Among the treasures destroyed were 27 roles and signs of hieroglyphics, invaluable sources of knowledge about the Mayan civilisation. Landa commented: ” We found among them a number of books written in these characters and as they contained nothing in which there were not to be found superstitions and devilish lies, we burned them all, which they regretted to an amazing degree and caused them great affliction.” Such a foolish and insensitive act has left the world with only a handful of Mayan codices on which to assess Mayan customs and beliefs. Within two of these remaining works, the Popul Vuh and the Annals of Cakchiquels, are references to psychoactive fungi, but there is no indication as to the extent of their role within Mayan belief systems. In the Books of Chilam Balam there is mention of trance-like states, though no mention of hallucinogenic plants. Again, in many Mayan relief carvings, which seem to possess a psychedelic air about them, are found scenes depicting visionary ecstasy though plants are not explicitly shown. Some scholars have therefore rejected the notion that the Maya employed natural entheogenic agents in their religious rituals (despite the existence of the many mushroom stones) and have opted instead for the alternative view that the Maya, unlike the martial teonanacatl-using Aztecs who were to follow, were of a radically different nature and temperament. However, recently discovered Mayan mural paintings have depicted fearsome looking battle scenes so that it is not absolutely certain that these two cultures were so different. It is worth looking more closely at the actual similarity in religious belief between the Maya and Aztecs, as it demonstrates a common historical thread connecting the two cultures. Both peoples divided the cosmos into upper worlds and lower worlds with their respective gods. Both believed in the cyclical destruction and regeneration of the Earth, and both followed a ritual 260 day calendar. Bearing in mind these cultural similarities, it has been reasonably suggested that the Maya also utilised the mushroom as well as other psychedelic agents and that this practice influenced the nature of ancient Mesoamerican cosmology. It has also recently come to light, as many Mayan vases and pieces of pottery attest, that the classical Mayan elite used enemas. The objects which depict scenes of enema use date from the first millennium AD.. The daunting practice of administering enemas has been well documented in South American native peoples. In particular, it has been established that the Incas introduced hallucinogenic infusions into the body via enema, using bulbed syringes made from local rubber sap. Apparently, the use of an enema to introduce psychoactive compounds into the body is almost as effective with regard to speed of action as is the mthod of intravenous injection. It’s effectiveness with hallucinogens occurs because the colon is the receptive site of the enema and this is where absorption by the bloodstream occurs. A number of scholars have therefore claimed that hallucinogenic brews were involved in these Mayan enema rites and thus teonanacatl might well have been employed in this manner. We should also be aware that much Mayan artwork is given over to portrayals of ‘vision serpents’ manifesting themselves before entranced members of the Mayan nobility. To the Mayan mind serpents represented the entry of divine forces into normal reality, and to depict fantastically decorated serpents hovering above an enraptured individual signified a communion with the gods. Such individuals are often shown holding a special receptacle. This object is believed to either hold blood from a bloodletting rite or an hallucinogenic brew, both alternatives offering an effective avenue for attaining a desired visionary state of consciousness. AFTERPARTY Hello everyone, On Sunday 18th we will host the 2 Year TOUCH Anniversary After-Party starting at 4am – this will also be the Sacred Science After-Party. We will have a first set of excellent House and Progressive DJs from 4am to 8:30am with DJ Dave Chromatix, the wonderful DJ Charmaine and some of the best guests you could ask for. The second set will be a total trance experience and will ended when ever every body dematerialized !!! with the amazing Steve-O (Goa Babies) and Opher (Purple OZ) and once again the best guest you could ask for. The party will be located at SinCity, 59 Montrose Ave. in Brooklyn. Chai shop, fresh fruits and Kit Kat bars will bring back memories of Goa to the “Happy Few”. A $5 cover will be charge at the door. Have fun and be safe!!! Diections from Sacred Science (courtest of Yahoo): By car: 1.Start out going Southeast on W 138TH ST towards 7TH AVE/ADAM CLAYTON POWELL JR BLVD by turning right. 2.Turn LEFT onto 7TH AVE/ADAM CLAYTON POWELL JR BLVD. 3.Turn RIGHT onto W 145TH ST. 4.W 145TH ST becomes 145TH ST BRIDGE. 5.Turn RIGHT onto EXTERIOR ST. 6.EXTERIOR ST becomes MAJOR WILLIAM F DEEGAN BLVD. 7.Turn SLIGHT LEFT to take the I-87 SOUTH ramp. 8.Merge onto I-87 S/MAJOR DEEGAN EXWY. 9.Take I-278 WEST RAMP towards LONG ISLAND/TRIBORO BR. 10.Merge onto I-278 W. 11.Take I-278 W/TRIBOROUGH BRIDGE towards LONG ISLAND. 12.Merge onto I-278 W/TRIBOROUGH BRIDGE. 13.I-278 W/TRIBOROUGH BRIDGE becomes I-278 W. 14.Take the I-278 WEST/BKLYN-QNS EXPWY exit, exit number 4, towards VERRANZANO BR. 15.Merge onto BROOKLYN QUEENS EXWY W/I-278 W. 16.Take the exit, exit number 32B, towards METROPOLITAN AVE. 17.Merge onto MEEKER AVE. 18.Turn RIGHT onto METROPOLITAN AVE. 19.Turn LEFT onto REV DR GARDNER C TAYLOR BLVD/MARCY AVE. 20.Turn LEFT onto BROADWAY. 21. Turn LEFT onto HEWES ST. 22.Turn RIGHT onto S 5TH ST. By Sub.: 4 train to Canal ST then J or M to Lorimer St (2 blocks) 4 train to Union Sq. then L to Montrose Ave. (5 blocks) 4 train to Union Sq. then L to lorimer St then G to Broadway (1.5 blocks) From the 2nd Anniversary Touch Party at Shine: By car: 1.Start out going Northeast on W BROADWAY towards CANAL ST by turning right. 2.Turn RIGHT onto CANAL ST. 3. Turn LEFT onto CENTRE ST. 4.CENTRE ST becomes CLEVELAND PL. 5.Turn RIGHT onto KENMARE ST. 6.KENMARE ST becomes DELANCEY ST. 7.DELANCEY ST becomes WILLIAMSBURG BRIDGE. 8.Take the BROADWAY ramp. 9. Keep LEFT at the fork in the ramp. 10. Merge onto BROADWAY. 11.Turn LEFT onto HEWES ST. 12.Turn RIGHT onto S 5TH ST by Subway: J or M from Canal St. to Lorimer St (2 blocks)
#1486 Fri, 16 Feb 2001 18:19:06 Sacred Image Link From: web povray.org/preview/irtc- cd3/stills/19990430/view/quetzal.htm
#1487 Fri, 16 Feb 2001 16:42:13 Sasha Shulgin is now Online Content-Disposition: Inline Alexander Shulgin, Ph.D., goes online to answer questions! /web alchemind.org/shulgin/ CALIFORNIA E28093 Stating that the Governme nt has abdicated its responsibility to provide unbiased and accurate d education and is thereby increasing the individual and social harms that m ay be associated with d use, a nonprofit organization focused on E2 809Ccognitive libertyE2809D has unveiled a new online service aimed a t providing real d education. A project of the Alchemind Society: The International Association for Cognitive Liberty, ASK DR. SHULGIN ONLINE al lows any person with Internet access to ask word-famous chemist and writer Alexander Shulgin, Ph.D. a question regarding psychoactive ds such as mescaline, l, and E (Ecstasy). For years, those seeking accurate in formation about psychoactive plants and substances have had few places to turn for reliable information. E2809CIn waging its War on ds, the U .S. Government has engaged in a dangerous Just Say No pr opaganda campaign under the banner of d education, sa ys Richard Glen Boire, an attorney and director of the nonprofit Alchemind Society. E2809CGiven that ds like E (Ecstasy) are used for a var iety of personal, epistemological, spiritual and therapeutic purposes in spite of the governments prohibition, ASK DR. SHULGIN ONLINE aims to provide reliable information that might well save someones li fe and which, at the very least, will shine some light into an area that h as long been the victim of an information blackout,E2809D said Boire. Shulgin, who has been termed the E2809CGodfather of E,E2809D is a legend in the world of psychedelics and cognitive enhancing substances. I n addition to creating over 200 novel psychoactive substances and testing them on himself prior to 1986 (when a federal law made much of his work illegal), Dr. Shulgin with his wife Ann have authored the books PIHKAL and TIHKAL. The books mix narratives of the Shulgins psychoactive dru g experiences with detailed laboratory notes. But many people have wished that they had some way of contacting Dr. Shulgin to ask specific question s such as: In your opinion is E (Ecstasy) neurotoxi c? Can l really cause E2809Cflashbacks?E2809D Can using GHB recreationally result in a coma? How is E (Ecstasy) different from a legal d like Prozac ? Consulting a book like PIHKAL or TIHKAL is helpful, but at some point, for some questions, you wish you could just ask the author. Now you can. How It Works: Asking a question is free, easy, and private. Simply visi t ASK DR. SHULGIN ONLINE at: web alchemind.org/shulgin/ Read the current question and answer, browse the archive, or ask your own question using a simple online form. ABOUT THE ALCHEMIND SOCIETY The Alchemind Soc iety: The International Association for Cognitive Liberty, is an internati onal nonprofit association, which seeks to foster cognitive liberty; the r ight of each individual to think independently, to use the full spectrum o f his or her mind, and to engage in multiple modes of thought and alternat ive states of consciousness. Contact Information: Wrye Sententia Alchemin d Society E-mail: wrye at cognitiveliberty.org Telephone: 1-530-298-5001 Fax: 1-530-750-7912 Web site: web alchemind.org Alexander Shulgin, Ph.D., goes online to answer questions! p://web alchemind.org/shulgin/ CALIFORNIA E28093 Stating that t he Government has abdicated its responsibility to provide unbiased and accurate d education and is thereby increasing the individ ual and social harms that may be associated with d use, a nonpr ofit organization focused on E2809Ccognitive libertyE280 9D has unveiled a new online service aimed at providing real d education. A project of the Alchemind Society: The International Association for Cognitive Liberty, ASK DR. SHULGIN ONLINE allows a ny person with Internet access to ask word-famous chemist and writ er Alexander Shulgin, Ph.D. a question regarding psychoactive ds such as mescaline, l, and E (Ecstasy). For ye ars, those seeking accurate information about psychoactive plants and substances have had few places to turn for reliable information. E2809CIn waging its War on ds, the U.S. Government has en gaged in a dangerous Just Say No propaganda campaign under the banner of d education, says Richar d Glen Boire, an attorney and director of the nonprofit Alchemind Society. E2809CGiven that ds like E (Ecstasy) are used for a variety of personal, epistemological, spiritual and therapeutic B Rpurposes in spite of the governments prohibition, ASK DR. SHULGIN ONLINE aims to provide reliable information that might well save someones life and which, at the very least, wi ll shine some light into an area that has long been the victim of an information blackout,E2809D said Boire. Shulgin, who has been termed the E2809CGodfather of E,E2809D is a legend in the world of psychedelics and cognitive enhancing substances. I n addition to creating over 200 novel psychoactive substances and testing them on himself prior to 1986 (when a federal law made mu ch of his work illegal), Dr. Shulgin with his wife Ann have author ed the books PIHKAL and TIHKAL. The books mix narratives of the Sh ulgins psychoactive d experiences with detailed labora tory notes. But many people have wished that they had some way of contacting Dr. Shulgin to ask specific questions such as: In your opinion is E (Ecstasy) neurotoxic? Can l really cause E2809Cflashbacks?E2809D Can using GHB recreationally result in a coma? How is E (Ecstasy) different from a legal d like Prozac? Consulting a book like PIHKAL or TIHKAL is helpful, b ut at some point, for some questions, you wish you could just ask the author. Now you can. How It Works: Asking a questio n is free, easy, and private. Simply visit ASK DR. SHULGIN ON LINE at: web alchemind.org/shulgin/ Read the current question and answer, browse the archive, or ask your own question using a simple online form. ABOUT THE ALCHEMIND SOCIETY The A lchemind Society: The International Association for Cognitive Libe rty, is an international nonprofit association, which seeks to fos ter cognitive liberty; the right of each individual to think indep endently, to use the full spectrum of his or her mind, and to enga ge in multiple modes of thought and alternative states of consciou sness. Contact Information: Wrye Sententia Alchemind Socie ty E-mail: wrye at cognitiveliberty.org Telephone: 1-530-298-5001 Fax: 1-530-750-7912 Web site: web alchemind.org
#1488 Relactes to Tunnel tonight Fri, 16 Feb 2001 16:48:00 From: RELOCATES *LAST MINUTE ANNOUNCEMENT* body: Hey everyone….. the party got spontaneously moved to the Tunnel, TONITE!!! we know this isnt our first choice of locations, but if its between having a party and not……… we’ll take having the damn party every time. So the location is the Tunnel, not too many people are gonna know about this, so its gonna be a pretty private party….. Flyers for the chelsea lounge WILL be honored. Same DJs, same everything, different location. (Guest DJs Bodan & Madison) SPREAD THE WORD!!!!! 18+up, $10 w/flyer or guestlist, $20w/o. guestlist: freebeer4kids at aol or 973-269-3839 27th st. & 12th ave. thanks for makin this happen, -Tony.Thanks
#1490 Silent strokes – another reason to look into nootropics Fri, 16 Feb 2001 17:48:26 From: My grandmother Alice died of a stroke and I can’t stop tinking how it might have been prevented. Besides, not smoking and a healthy lifestyle with exercise and a healthy diet. Following is an article about “silent strokes” that I think you shoulod read. My suggestion is, this is an appropriate reason to look into cerebral oxygenation. Nootropics AKA “smart ds” are chemicals that enhance the oygenation of the brain, ward off and heal Alzheimer’s patients, and can be effective in keeping the brain alive in a low to no oxygen environment, from strokes to falling in an icy lake. Some are more potent than others, most have been exensively tested in the US and Europe. I recently went back on a nootropic program with oxygen, piracetam,and sometime pramiracetam and have experienced excellent results. I’ll do it for 3 or 4 weeks before returning to baseline. I’m not trying to sell you anything, or convince anybody. Just passing along what I consider valuable information about safeguarding your future. Strokes are the enemy, the reality destroyers at perhaps of the most fundamental levels. In a sense, our memories are all we have… and I know, IQ is very different from wisdom or judgement! Study: Millions Suffer Silent Strokes By DANIEL Q. HANEY .c The Associated Press FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. (Feb. 16) – A surprising 11 million Americans each year have strokes that are never detected because they cause no obvious symptoms, although over time they may lead to memory loss and other ills, a study concludes. Doctors have long known that people can have insidious ‘silent strokes’ – tiny spots of dead cells inside the brain that do not cause classic stroke symptoms. But the new study suggests they are extremely common, occurring in about 4 percent of the U.S. population each year. Besides the 11 million Americans who have silent strokes annually, about 750,000 more have ones that cause classic stroke symptoms, such as slurred speech, dizziness and numbness on one side. ‘Silent strokes are epidemic in this country,’ said Dr. Megan C. Leary. While they occur in parts of the brain where they don’t cause symptoms right away, ‘the word ‘silent’ should be put in quotes, because their effects accumulate over the years.’ While a single silent stroke may have no impact, repeated ones lead to memory lapses, mood problems and difficulty walking. They are also a sign that people are especially prone to full-blown strokes. Leary and colleagues from UCLA Medical Center released the results Friday at a meeting of the American Stroke Association in Fort Lauderdale. ‘It’s an alarming estimate,’ said Dr. Robert J. Adams of the Medical College of Georgia. ‘It’s surprisingly high but very possibly accurate.’ The researchers say silent strokes are rare before age 30. But after that, their prevalence doubles every 10 years. By the time people reach their 70s, one in three has a silent stroke every year. The researchers also found that some people have more than one silent stroke in a year. When these repeat ones are added together, Americans have almost 22 million silent strokes annually. This means that only 3 percent of the total number of strokes in 1998, when the data were compiled, were actually diagnosed. Leary based her estimate on two surveys involving brain scans on about 5,500 Americans. ‘What’s sad is that silent strokes and symptomatic strokes are among the most preventable diseases in this country,’ Leary said. Doctors can see the scars left by silent strokes when they perform routine brain scans. But ordinarily they do not search for them. However, the new data raise the possibility that perhaps they should, since people who have one silent stroke are likely to have many more. Strokes can be prevented by keeping blood pressure under control, lowering cholesterol, treating diabetes and stopping smoking. Leary said if people actually know they have had a silent stroke, they might be more willing to stick to blood pressure medicines and cholesterol-lowering ds that cut their risk. The new data suggest that diagnosed strokes ‘may be just the tip of the iceberg,’ said Dr. Ralph Sacco of Columbia University. But while they raise the possibility that doctors should look for silent strokes and treat victims more aggressively, ‘we don’t have the data to show that yet.’ In a separate study, Dutch doctors did brain scans on a cross-section of 1,077 elderly people. They found that one-quarter of them had signs of stroke, and 80 percent of these were silent strokes. ‘Up until now, we have not told people about silent strokes because we didn’t know what they mean,’ said Dr. Sarah E. Vermeer of Erasmus Medical Center in Rotterdam. ‘Now we have evidence that silent strokes do count.’
#1491 Tue, 20 Feb 2001 07:11:39 -0800 Wednesday at Opium Den From: angeles garay chiletrance at yahoo Hello Friends!! This is a for every Wednesday night at Opium Den, come and enjoy the Trance Music and good vibes with DJ Angel+Guests. Everybody Welcome!!! DJ Angel(Chiletrance-6th Element) Steve-O Misha(San Francisco) Opium Den 29 East 3rd Street at 2nd Avenue 10 PM No Cover Love and Light Angeles a year!
#1492 Tue, 20 Feb 2001 23:04:46 Tonight 169 e broadway bar 169 in chinatown subtlechaos trance
#1493 for sale Tue, 20 Feb 2001 18:13:38 From: Crest 600c stereo amplifier for sale. 600 watts per channel professional amplifier. I paid over $1100 for it. It has only been used a total of 7 or 8 times. It is in pristine condition. Original packaging with it. Only asking $650. Contact: prismpro at mindspring
#1494 Bridge Party within next 3 weeks Tue, 20 Feb 2001 19:08:09 From: We are finally almost ready to go. Within the next three weeks the d will start its spring schedule of free outdoor trance music festivals. This year we have added several improvements: 120 new members Police protection Exclusive access Larger, better sound system This year we hope to make these improvements: Two more speakers With your help we can achieve these improvements. All event information – location, dates, lineup, etc – will be posted on the d list. We are very careful about who gets the information because we don’t want the wrong elements – unappreciative, disrespectful, or just plain stupid – showing up to our Temporary Autonomous Zone. An added benefit to d members is access to the dski Tekno Sweat Lodge in the Poconos. We have Lodge until April and our next major event will be the first weekend of March. Thanks To join the d list please follow these instructions:
#1495 flyer & lineup for Tonight Tue, 20 Feb 2001 19:20:00 NIGHTSHIFT Tues. Feb. 20th Nikko [Synthetic Sadhus] Jason [subtlechaos] Va dim [subtlechaos / subtle productions nyc] DJ Eleven [Nebulum recordings] p lus our special surprise guest decoration by Daniel 169 BAR 169 EAST BRO ADWAY, 212 473 8866 do not confuse with other Broadways! (not broadway and not west broadway… don’t end up in wrong place! this near Essex and E. Broadway) Big PA sound, lots of space to dance! Low prices on drinks! This week open 11pm until 4am Home to numerous underground events, this place is becoming one of the most intimate places for new electronic dance mus ic. Join underground minimal futuristic techno and psy-trance party! Fly er is attached and distributed in techno-trance locations. Free admission, curtesy of subtle productions and Nikko. To receive future updates from us feel free to visitThanks for your support! We hope to see you there! subtle productions, nyc 646 526 4500 9 EAST BROADWAY, 212 473 8866 do not confuse with other Broadways! underground minimal futuristic techno ached and distributed in techno-trance locations. Ni kko. 646 526 4500
#1496 Tue, 20 Feb 2001 20:24:43 Sasturday – Willsbrg – EAGLE’S LAIR LOFT PARTY
#1497d e c i p h e r Tue, 20 Feb 2001 23:17:05 From: Sent: Tuesday, February 20, 2001 10:19 PM To:brainmachines d e c i p h e r Spectra presents….. d e c i p h e r saturday, march 24, 2001 live acts: THREE POINT TURN (Hadshot Haheizar) France NECTON (Spiritzone) Sweden BUFO (Cieba records, Eyephunk) S.F dj’s: DJ HAKUNAH (Spiritzone) Sweden KALYX (Growroom, Spectra, Synthetic Sadhus) MA PORTAL QI (masd-lifted) Boston fluorescent, native, and mayan art by: DELIRIM deco by: CHILETRANCE venue: the key skating rink 220 E.138th St. at Grand Concourse bronx nyc tickets: $25 in advance $30 at the door satellite(ny & boston) throb growroom caffeine house of trance & sonic groove
#1498New York Apartment Sublet available Tue, 20 Feb 2001 23:20:42 From: Sent: Tuesday, February 20, 2001 10:20 PM Elf Trance Former New York Apartment Sublet Hey Jeff, My friend has an apt for sublet. Can you post it to your lists? ********************* New York Apartment Available from 26th March to 30th April 2001 Located just below Union Square in the divide between the east and west server3003.freeyellow/nypad/index.html Work(212) 473 6993 Mobile (646) 765 6276. Please note can be dialed from outside USA Fax (425) 962 4392 email: amadeusthaw at earthlink.net **********************
#1499 Wed, 21 Feb 2001 16:18:43 Trance Party Friday TRANCEMANIFEST Friday February 23 11pm-7am DJ’s ILLUSION (Paradox,psy-locib,Israel) YON-E (Tsunami-NYC) STEVE-O (Cosmophlia,Goa Babies,USA) MAXIMUS (psy-locib-NYC) Chill – STEVE-o Decor – SEPARATION ANXIETY( LONDON, UK ) + nice visuals and projections . Location DEMERARA 215 WEST 28 ST. (BET. 7th & 8th AVE.) online tickets are $21 in advance $25 at the door note: tickets are limited get them now! free breakfast and fruits in the morning important: please bring your soul to dance, join others in releasing your trancendental energy! and please smile! Email psylocib3000 at aol Save Money and Hassle. BUY A TICKET ONLINE at web tranceam.org/psy-locib.html
#1500 subtlechaosNightShift tomorrow at 169bar Wed, 21 Feb 2001 16:28:00 subtle productions, nyc & Nikko present… A night of full-on Psychedel ic Techno at 169 bar (this is an off-schedule weekly NightShift event) This Thursday 11pm – 4am Free admission! lineup: Jason vs. Vadim [subtlechaos] Nikko [synthetic sadhus] Severyn, NYC plus special guests and fluoro deco b y Daniel and Severyn. 169 Bar is located at 169 East Broadway (East Broadwa y & Essex St.) info: 212 473 8866 1350404/ join our mailing list for party info at: . com/events.html Subtlechaos 1lineup: ests and fluoro deco by Daniel and Severyn. 169 Bar is located at 169 East Broadway (East Broadway & Essex St.)/ htt r mailing list for party info at: web subtl tml
#1501 brainmachinesSynchro is playing right now at Opium Den!!! Thu, 22 Feb 2001 01:20:47 From: and you don’t have to pay $25!! Opium Den 29 East 3rd Street at 2 Avenue
#1502 tonight at 169bar Thu, 22 Feb 2001 16:41:25 subtle productions, nyc & nikko present… A night of full-on Psychedel ic Techno at 169 bar (this is an off-schedule weekly NightShift event) Tonig ht, Thursday 11pm – late Free admission to Brainmachines, d or Subtlechao s members! lineup: Jason vs. Vadim [subtlechaos] Nikko [synthetic sadhus] Severyn, NYC plus special guests and fluoro deco by Daniel and Severyn. 169 Bar is located at 169 East Broadway (East Broadway & Essex St.) club info : 212 473 8866 join our m ailing list for party info at: /events.html Subtlechaos border at 169 bar event) night, Thursday 11pm – late to Brainmachines, d or Subtlechaos members! NYC by Daniel and Severyn. t 169 East Broadway (East Broadway & Essex St.) newyork.city /profile/11350404/ or party info at:
#1503 Right now Fri, 23 Feb 2001 01:33:39 From: Severin is playing a lot of unreleased dark meterial right now at Bar 169 His art is amazing too. we can go until 4am if we get more people. Bar 169 is at 169 East Broadway, south of Canal SC will be doing somthing here next thursday as well
#1504 sFED DROPS INTEREST RATES, ACID AT POLICY RAVE Fri, 23 Feb 2001 01:45:33 From: FED DROPS INTEREST RATES, ACID AT POLICY RAVE Federal Reserve Not So Reserved Anymore Washington, D.C. (SatireWire) Proving the Federal Reserve is anything but reserved, U.S. central bank governors today announced they had dropped interest rates, their pants, and 162 tabs of acid and Ecstasy during what turned out to be a two-day “policy rave” that ended Wednesday. According to those present, Fed Chairman Alan Greenspan did not ingest any hallucinogens, although he was affected. “Alan didn’t drop, which was probably a good thing, because for about two hours there he barked like a chicken and had laser beams shooting from all 12 of his eyes,” said committee staffer Julie Lindstrom. “But his gossamer wings were soooo beautiful.” “Everyone was soooo beautiful,” she added. The closed-door session of the Federal Open Market Committee reportedly began with Greenspan discussing his upcoming Congressional testimony. However, it quickly raved-up after an unidentified staffer, frustrated at not being able to understand the opaque chairman, passed around tabs of Ecstasy and l, which he identified only as “Greenspan Decoders.” “About 45 minutes later, (Fed Governor) Nathan Gladstone says to me, ‘Julie, can you bring us the reports on monetary interventions, bond yields, and three dozen pacifiers?'” recalled Lindstrom. “Then we ordered some glowsticks and Jurassic-5 CDs, and the Open Market meeting got really, really open.” For the next 36 hours, the committee’s dignified board room was transformed into a trance room, with the heads of the New York and Dallas central banks banging out jungle-drum rhythms on the massive oval table, and the head of the Detroit bank insisting consumer confidence tastes like candy-coated clouds. Toward daybreak, male committee members and staff reportedly took off their trousers after their zippers began to emit radio signals which they feared could be picked up by passing spaceships. While the rave was “definitely a dope groove,” Fed Governor Bradley Muer said members did exhibit restraint. “Some people were going to candyflip (combine Ecstasy with acid), but most of us are Old Economy, and acid just seemed more traditional,” he said. The rave fizzled about 7 a.m., and was about to adjourn when a staffer reportedly noticed the committee hadn’t covered every item on the agenda. “We just hit re-entry, and were going watch the sun come up over the Treasury Building, when somebody said, ‘Oh shit, we forgot to drop the fed fund rates,'” explained FOMC member Gerald F. Cohen. “Then everybody just started calling out whatever numbers they saw floating in front of their eyes.” Hours later, the board finally agreed to cut rates half a percentage point. Initially, said Cohen, committee members decided to lower rates by 8 million basis points, from 6.00 to minus 7,999,994, but were talked out of it by an art deco wall sconce that claimed it was Cary Grant.
#1505 Fw: NightShift’s this week! Mon, 26 Feb 2001 01:30:34 subtle productions & nikko present – NightShift at 169 bar Tuesday Feb. 27th Preston Space and DJ Eleven [Nebulum recordings] Jason [subtlechaos ] Vadim [subtle productions / subtlechaos] Nikko [synthetic sadhus] Fre e admission! Thursday March 1st NightShift Thursday! Stay tuned for line -up. $5/door, free w/guestlist 169 Bar is located at 169 East Broadway (Eas t Broadway & Essex St.) club info: 212 473 8866 newyork.citysearch /profile/11350404/ Email guestlist at subtlechaos or call 646 526 450 0 Thank you for your support! We are looking forward to seeing you again. Subtlechaos pt arial t Thursdays” 2 ko present – FOh DI m [subtle productions / subtlechaos] o [synthetic sadhus] Thursday March 1st STRO NightShift Thursday! tuned for line-up. or, free w/guestlist ated at 169 East Broadway (East Broadway & Essex St.) F newyor ch/profile/11350404/ hr forward to s eeing you again. lechaos btlechaos
#1506 Mon, 26 Feb 2001 14:21:04 Tsuyoshi Content-Disposition: Inline ATTENTION!! SAT. MARCH 3 at TWILO TSUYOSHI SUZUKI & MAX GRAHAM After-hours w/ Junior Vasquez SPECIAL OFFER FROM MAO!! COMP & REDUCED ($15 OR $20) RE-MAIL ME A.S.A.P. mao at earthlink.net Do NOT reply to this email, or email or machinelf or you will not be added on!Do NOT reply to this email, or email or machinelf or you
#1507 Mon, 26 Feb 2001 18:30:19 Fire Sale on audio equipment Content-Disposition: Inline From: GospodinovT at husson (TimomirGospodinov) Hi Guys, There are a couple of things for sale ……if anybody is interested let me know… Mackie 32 / 8 Bus only a couple of months old in prestine condition asking $3000 Novation Drumstation same condition $400 and … Roland SH 101 will talk!!!!! TimHi Guys, There are a couple of things for sale ……if anybody is interested let me know… Mackie 32 / 8 Bus only a couple of months old in prestine condition asking $3000 Novation Drumstation same condition $400 and … Roland SH 101 will talk!!!!!
#1508 Tue, 27 Feb 2001 00:19:18 Excerpts from Strassman’s d: The Spirit Molecule From: From: “Thomas Roberts” P80TBR1 at wpo.cso.niu Strassman: d: The Spirit Molecule (long) Strassman, Rick. (2001). d: The Spirit Molecule: A Doctor’s Revolutionary Research into the Biology of Near-Death and Mystical Experiences. Rochester, VT: Park Street Press. ISBN: 0-89281-927-8 Description: xxx + 358 pages. Contents: Acknowledgments, introduction, Prologue: First Sessions, 22 chapters in 6 parts: Part 1. The Building Blocks, Part 2. Conception and Birth, Part 3. Set, Setting, and d, Part 4. The Sessions, Part 5. Taking Pause, Part 6. What Could and Might Be, epilogue, notes. about the author. Excerpt(s): Introduction: In 1990 I began the first new research in the United States in over twenty years on the effects of psychedelic, or hallucinogenic, ds on humans. These studies investigated the effects of N, N-dimthyltryptamine, or d, on extremely short-acting and powerful psychedelic. During the project’s five years, I administered approximately four hundred doses of d to sixty human volunteers. This research took place at the University of New Mexico’s School of Medicine in Albuquerque, where I was a tenured Associate Professor of Psychiatry. (page xv) The d project was founded on cutting-edge brain science, especially that which dealt with the psychopharmacology of serotonin. However, my own background, which included a decades-long relationship with a Zen Buddhist training monastery, powerfully affected how we prepared people for, and supervised, their d sessions. d: The Spirit Molecule reviews what we know about psychedelic ds in general, and d in particular. It then traces the d research project from its earliest intimations through a maze of committees and review boards to its actual performance. (pages xv-xvi) This approach will satisfy no one in every respect. There is intense friction between what we know intellectually, or even intuitively, and what we experience with the aid of d. As one of our volunteers exclaimed after his first high-dose session, “Wow! I never expected that!” Or as Dogen, a thirteenth-century Japanese Buddhist teacher, said, “We must always be disturbed by the truth.” Enthusiasts of the psychedelic d culture may dislike my conclusions: that d has no beneficial effects in and of itself; that rather, the context in which people take it is at least as important. Proponents of d control may condemn what they read as encouragement to take psychedelic ds and a glorification of the d experience. Practitioners and spokespersons of traditional religions may reject the suggestion that spiritual states can be accessed, and mystical information gained, through ds. Those who have undergone “alien abduction,” and their advocates, may interpret my suggestion that d is intimately involved in these events as a challenge to the “reality” of their experiences. Opponents and supporters of abortion rights may find fault with my proposal that a pineal d release at forty-nine days after conception marks the entrance of the spirit into the fetus. Brain researchers may object to the suggestion that d affects the brain’s ability to receive information, rather than only generating those perceptions. They may also dismiss the proposal that d can allow our brains to perceive dark matter or parallel universes, realms of existence inhabited by conscious entities. (page xvii) Prologue: First Sessions This threshold to which Philip referred is what we now call the “psychedelic threshold” for d. You cross it when there is a separation of consciousness from the body and psychedelic effects completely replace the mind’s normal contents. There is a sense of wonder or awe, and a feeling of undeniable certainty in the reality of the experience. This clearly had not occurred with 1 mg/kg intramuscular d. (page 5) Chapter 1. Psychedelic ds: Science and Society In 1948 researchers discovered that serotonin carried in the blood stream was responsible for contracting the muscles lining veins and arteries. This was vitally important in understanding how to control the bleeding process. The name for serotonin came from the Latin sero, “blood,” and tonin, “tightening.” (page 24) Another problem was that psychedelics were becoming an embarrassing source of contention even within psychiatry itself. Biology-based psychiatrists had little patience with colleagues who “found religion” and touted the spiritual effects of these ds. These latter researchers viewed their brain-only associates as narrow-minded and repressed. Psychiatry has never been especially comfortable with spiritual issues, and in fact, an entirely new division appeared in the field to contend with results from psychedelic research: the “transpersonal” area of theory and practice. Thus, at least some psychedelic researchers may have been quietly relieved that they no longer had to face many of the complex, contradictory, and confusing effects these ds produced in their patients, themselves, and their colleagues. (page 29) Chapter 2. What d Is N, N-dimthyltryptamine, or d, is the remarkable main character of this book. While chemically simple, the “spirit” molecule provides our consciousness access to the most amazing and unexpected visions, thoughts, and feelings. It throws open the door to worlds beyond our imagination. d exists in all of our bodies and occurs throughout the plant and animal kingdoms. It is a part of the normal makeup of humans and other mammals; marine animals; grasses and peas; toads and frogs; Fungi and molds; and barks, flowers, and roots. (page 42) Another plant mixture, this one consumed as a beverage, seemed to produce similar effects at a slower pace. This brew also went by several names, including ayahuasca and yage. This drink inspired much rock art and paintings drawn on the walls of native shelters – what would be called “psychedelic” art today. (page 43) However, the brain is where d exerts its most interesting effect. There, sites rich in these d-sensitive serotonin receptors are involved in mood, perception, and thought. Although the brain denies access to most ds and chemicals, it takes a particular and remarkable fancy to d. It is not stretching the truth to suggest that the brain “hungers” for it. The brain is a highly sensitive organ, especially susceptible to toxins and metabolic imbalances. A nearly impenetrable shield, the blood-brain barrier, prevents unwelcome agents from leaving the blood and crossing the capillary walls into the brain tissue. This defense extends even to keeping out the complex carbohydrates and fats that other tissues use for energy. The brain burns instead only the purist form of fuel: simple sugar, or glucose. However, a few essential molecules undergo “active transport” across the blood-brain barrier. Little specialized carrier molecules ferry them into the brain, a process that requires a significant amount of precious energy. In most cases, it is obvious why the brain activity transports particular compounds into its hallowed ground; amino acids required for maintaining brain proteins, for example, are allowed in. Twenty-five years ago, Japanese scientists discovered that the brain actively transports d across the blood-brain barrier into its tissues. I know of no other psychedelic d that the brain treats with such eagerness. This is a startling fact that we should keep in mind when we recall how readily biological psychiatrists dismissed a vital role for d in our lives. … In a way, d is “brain food,” treated in a manner similar to how the brain handles glucose, its precious fuel source. It is part of a “high turnover” system: quick in, quick used. The brain actively transports d across its defense system and just as rapidly breaks it down. It is as if d is necessary for maintaining normal brain function. It is only when levels get too high for “normal” function do we start undergoing unusual experiences. (pages 52-53) … “What is d doing in our bodies?” More specifically, let’s [ask, “Why] do we make d in our bodies?” My answer, “It is the spirit molecule.” … A spirit molecule needs to elicit, with reasonable reliability, certain psychological states we consider “spiritual.” These are feelings of extraordinary joy, timelessness, and a certainty that what we are experiencing is “more real than real.” Such a substance may lead us to an acceptance of the coexistence of opposites, such as life and death, good and evil; a knowledge that consciousness continues after death; a deep understanding of the basic unity of all phenomena; and a sense of wisdom or love pervading all existence. A spirit molecule also leads us to spiritual realms. These worlds usually are invisible to us and our instruments and are not accessible using our normal state of consciousness. However, just as likely as the theory that these worlds exist “only in our minds” is that they are, in reality “outside” of us and freestanding. If we simply change our brain’s receiving abilities, we can apprehend and interact with them. Furthermore, keep in mind that a spirit molecule is not spiritual in and of itself. It is a tool, or a vehicle. Think of it as a tugboat, a chariot, a scout on horseback, somthing to which we can hitch our consciousness. It pulls us into worlds known only to itself. We need to hold on tight, and we must be prepared, for spiritual realms include both heaven and hell, both fantasy and nightmare. While the spirit molecule’s role may seem angelic, there is no guarantee it will not take us to the demonic. Equally important is that d occurs in our bodies. We produce it naturally. Our brain seeks it out, pulls it in, and readily digests it. As an endogenous psychedelic, d may be involved in naturally occurring psychedelic states that have nothing to do with taking ds, but whose similarities to d-induced conditions are striking. While these states certainly can include psychosis, we must also include in our discussion conditions outside of mental illness. It may be upon endogenous d’s wings that we experience other life-changing states of mind associated with birth, death and near-death, entity or alien contact experiences, and mystical/spiritual consciousness. … (pages 54-55) Chapter 3. The Pineal: Meet the Spirit Gland The pineal gland contains the necessary building blocks to make d. For example, it possesses the highest levels of serotonin anywhere in the body, and serotonin is a critical precursor for pineal melatonin. The pineal also has the ability to convert serotonin to tryptamine, a critical step in d formation. (page 69) All spiritual disciplines describe quite psychedelic accounts of the transformative experiences, whose attainment motivate their practice. Blinding white light, encounters with demonic and angelic entities, ecstatic emotions, timelessness, heavenly sounds, feelings of having died and being reborn, contacting a powerful and loving presence underlying all of reality – these experiences cut across all denominations. They also are characteristic of a fully psychedelic d experience. (page 73) One of the most powerful reasons for my fascination with the pineal gland relates to its function in the life of the spirit. The importance and potential of this was brought home to me when, as a medical student in the mid-1970s, I learned of a startling coincidence involving the pineal gland and Buddhist beliefs about reincarnation. I cannot overemphasize how strong an impression this discovery made on me, and how it strengthened my research for a spiritual role for the pineal gland, and within it, the spirit molecule. I already knew that the Tibetan Buddhist Book of the Dead teaches that it takes forty-nine days for the soul of the recently dead to “reincarnate.” That is, seven weeks from the time of death of one person elapses until the life-force’s “rebirth” into its next body. I remember very clearly, several years later, feeling the chill along my spine when, reading my textbook on human fetal development, I discovered this same forty-nine-day interval marking two landmark events in human embryo formation. It takes forty- nine days from conception for the first signs of the human pineal to appear. Forty-nine days is also when the fetus differentiates into male or female gender. Thus the soul’s rebirth, the pineal, and the sexual organs all require forty-nine days before they manifest. (pages 81-82) Chapter 10. Introduction to the Case Reports Volunteers usually found the high dose caused an almost complete loss of control. They felt utterly helpless, incapacitated, unable to function or interact in the “real” world: “I felt like an infant, helpless, unable to do anything.” d volunteers decided, at this point, they were happy to be in a hospital! Beyond their own loss of control, some volunteers felt another “intelligence” or “force” directing their minds in an interactive manner. This was especially common in case of contact with “beings.” (page 149) Chapter 15, Death and Dying. The morning of Carlos’s 0.4 mg/kg dose, he was sweating and shaking when I entered the room. … He began chanting as I started giving him the d. His chanting abruptly stopped halfway through the flush. He let out a big sigh at 2 minutes. He resumed chanting, more softly this time, at 3 1/2 minutes. At 12 minutes he said, Please remove my eyeshades. Laura did so. It was really quite special. I wasn’t human for about three and a half minutes. This dose creates a level of stress that’s unparalleled in the annals of Carlos’s history. He cleared his throat and said, I met myself as the Creator. “Creator of …? The Creator of all. I’ve had that realization before, but not at this level. “One of our volunteers likes to say ‘You can still be an atheist until 0.4.'” This is true. Carlos took a deep breath and began telling us what had happened. It was difficult to keep up with his rate of sharing his incredible story. There was the sound of the entire universe, more like a hum. It was pervasive, overwhelming. I thought, “Holy moly, how did I get into this?” Things weren’t right and were getting more wrong all the time. Then my ability to perceive as a human being winked out. There were no more emotions, because emotions only work up to a certain point. I saw a man lying in a hospital room. He was naked with a person on either side of him, one female and one male. At first they didn’t look like anybody I knew. They were perfect generic human beings. I recognized, in context, that they were me, you, and Laura. The way of knowing was totally different from this reality. I didn’t know I was in a study of any kind. There was somthing wrong with him. He was there to get better. The hospital was a healing center. What was wrong with him was death. The naked person was dead. What killed the person was the stress from the d. None of my guardians or protectors made an appearance. They were out of the loop. He was healed, more than healed. He was reborn. He got cured from death, healed from death. And then he became the creator of a whole universe. I gradually became more and more solid and moved toward my everyday presence. I watched the universe’s creation down from fundamental mental energy to a vibratory rate to material things. I realized I was recreating the hospital and the room. As the world jelled more and more, I wanted to see it and asked to have the eyeshades taken off. I became fascinated with my fingers, like a newborn. I’ve taught classes on how the universe is a construct of your own mind. And here it was happening. My attitude was different when I knew you were my creations. I felt as close to you as to my son and daughter. I would have to say my experience was a classical death/rebirth experience. I had done it before, but never the same way as with d. It was spectacular in imagery, texture, and atmosphere and had incredible lighting and effects. Boil it down and it’s very, very classic. The [dose of] 0.2 [mg/kg] was harrowing – this was way beyond. I knew the at such an early age. It’s one of those things that old men talk about, like “once I got there.” It’s just the wrong place and time. I expect these sorts of things in the mountains with my friends in a more ceremonial setting. (pages 230-231) Chapter 16. Mystical States One of the most compelling factors fueling my decision to make a career of psychedelic research was the similarity between high-dose psychedelic experiences and mystical experiences. Years later, it was these types of sessions I hoped to see, study, and understand in our New Mexico d volunteers. … In my early visits to the Zen Buddhist community at which I studied, I raised this question with many of the young American monks. Nearly everyone I asked at this training center answered that psychedelic ds, especially l, first opened the doors to a new reality for them. It was the pursuit of stabilizing, strengthening, and broadening their initial psychedelic flash that led them to the discipline of a communal, meditation-based ascetic life. (pages 236-237) … While I took notes, the report she wrote the next day does a better job of capturing what she experienced than does my shorthand. Before you spoke the words, “Okay, we’re done,” there arose in me an energy so forceful that no words could describe it. It drove my heart. The swirl of color reminded me of the visual experience the day before, but multiplied a millionfold. I could only hold on, remembering not to fall off into the distracting light show. Then everything stopped! The darkness opened to light, and on the other side of space all was utterly still. Then the words “just because it is possible” emerged out of nothingness and filled me. The great power sought to fill all possibilities. It was “amoral,” but it was love, and it just was. There was no benevolent god, only this primordial power. All my ideas and beliefs seemed absurdly ridiculous. I never wanted to forget this. I was aware I could open my eyes and relate to those around me. But first I had to wait for all this to solidify, to allow the fullness of the experience to congeal, so I could bring it back to the others. I wondered, “Why come back?” I was reluctant to open my eyes. When I did, the room seemed very bright, but otherwise just as I had left it. (pages 239-240) d reproduces many of the features of an enlightenment experience, including timelessness; ineffability; coexistence of opposites; contact and merging with a supremely powerful, wise, and loving presence, sometimes experienced as a white light; the certainty that consciousness continues after death of the body; and a first-hand knowledge of the basic “facts” of creation and consciousness. (page 246) Chapter 20 Stepping on Holy Toes We gave and analyzed this new questionnaire, the Hallucinogen Rating Scale, or HRS, at the end of every d session for the entire project. The results were remarkable. It is well-known in clinical psychopharmacology that a good questionnaire is more sensitive than any biological factor in assessing d effects. In other words, a well-designed rating scale is better than measurements of blood pressure, heart rate, or hormone levels in distinguishing doses of a d, or different types of ds, from each other. I hoped that the HRS would follow in that tradition, and this it did without difficulty. We were better able to separate responses to various does of d, or the effects of combining d with other ds, using HRS scores than by measuring changes in any biological variable, including all the cardiovascular and blood hormone data. However, it also validated the wisdom and strength of the Buddhist approach to mental states. Clifford Qualls, Ph.D., the Research Center biostatistician, and I grouped together HRS questions using the “clinical cluster” or skandha mthod and compared this mthod of analysis to a large number of alternative purely statistical models. The Abhidarma’s technique was a good as, if not superior to, ones developed solely upon mathematical considerations. Since the computer-derived classification of results was no better than the clinical cluster ones, and since using the skandhas made more sense intuitively, the Buddhist classification system won out. Other groups have since used the HRS and confirmed its usefulness in measuring other altered states of consciousness, d-induced or otherwise. (pages 299-300) And then the Fall 1996 issue of Tricycle, The Buddhist Review came out with my article calling for a discussion of integrating psychedelics into Buddhist practice. In that article I presented Elena’s first high-dose session, which we’ve read in chapter 16, “Mystical States.” Her experience served as an example of the type of spiritual breakthrough possible with d in someone open to them – that is, a person with a serious meditation practice, solid psychological mindedness, and a deep reverence and respect for ds like d. I also raised the concern that isolated experiences, occurring without any sort of spiritual or therapeutic context, were not especially effective in producing long-term serious change in our volunteers. I therefore concluded with the following: “I believe there are ways in which Buddhism and the psychedelic community might benefit from an open, frank exchange of ideas, practices, and ethics. For the psychedelic community, the ethical, disciplined structuring of life, experience, and the relationship provided by thousands of years of Buddhist communal tradition have much to offer. This well-developed tradition could infuse meaning and consistency into isolated, disjointed, and poorly integrated psychedelic experiences. The wisdom of the psychedelic experience, without the accompanying and necessary love and compassion cultivated in a daily practice, may otherwise be frittered away in an excess of narcissism and self-indulgence. While this is also possible within a Buddhist meditative tradition, it is less likely with the check and balances in place within a dynamic community of practitioners. “On the other hand, dedicated Buddhist practitioners with little success in their meditation, but well along in moral and intellectual development, might benefit from a carefully timed, prepared, supervised, and followed-up psychedelic session to accelerate their practice. Psychedelics, if anything, provide a view. And a view, to one so inclined, can inspire the long hard work required to make that view a living reality.” (pages 305-306) Chapter 22. The Futures of Psychedelic Research Understanding religious sensibilities in as deep, a manner as possible also is necessary for being fully supportive and understanding while supervising psychedelic sessions. This does not mean simply having spiritual or religious experiences oneself, with or without a psychedelic. Rather it ought to include training and background in religious sensibilities. Education in theology, ethics, and ritual additionally will help in empathizing with and understanding important aspects of the full psychedelic experience. (pages 337-338) In addition to the treatment of clinical disorders, psychedelics could be used to enhance characteristics of our normal state of being, such as creativity, problem-solving abilities, spirituality, and so on. The research institute I envision will carefully and responsibly take the lead in such studies. This work may ultimately serve more people, and have greater overall impact, than strictly pathology-based therapy projects. We are seeing an ever-increasing availability of relatively side-effect-free antidepressants, sexual performance enhancers, stimulants, and mood stabilizers. These new, easy-to-take chemical agents are forcing us to reevaluate the risks and benefits involved in making us better than average. Why not use psychedelics, too, for indications other than treating the sick? (page 340)
#1509 tonight at 169 Tue, 27 Feb 2001 14:46:44 NightShift at 169 bar Tuesday Feb. 27th Preston Space and DJ Eleven [Nebulu m recordings] Jason [subtlechaos] Vadim [subtle productions / subtlechaos ] Nikko [synthetic sadhus] 10pm-3am Free admission! 169 Bar is located at 169 East Broadway (East Broadway & Essex St.) club info: 212 473 8866 h Thank you for your support! We are looking forward to seeing you again. Subtlechaos inf o at subtlechaos Feb. 27th DI admission! Ess ex St.) forward to seeing you again. borderColo 90 osinfo at subtlechaos
#1510 Tue, 27 Feb 2001 16:11:48 Opium Den is going on on Wednesday Content-Disposition: Inline Opum Den is on 3rd street between 1st and 2nd avenue Wednesday 10pm-4am It has been getting a great crowd of late EVERYBODY COME because there are no parties this weekend Also, thanks to Max and the Russians for doing a great job on Friday night at Demerara! Also, the WIlliamsburg event at the Eagle’s Nest was full on. I’ve never heard that many people on a trance floor doing an Indian yell in unison.Wednesday 10pm-4am It has been getting a great crowd of late EVERYBODY COME because there are no parties this weekend Also, thanks to Max and the Russians for doing a great job on Friday night at Demerara! Also, the WIlliamsburg event at the Eagle’s Nest was full on. I’ve never heard that many people on a trance floor doing an Indian yell in unison.
#1511 Tue, 27 Feb 2001 16:17:19 High Times Party Friday Content-Disposition: Inline From terry Hopper in CT There’s a cool event friday. High times mag is hosting the stony awards, honoring the most pot-friendly movies and actors of the last year. Tommy chong will be there to accept a lifetime award. Of most interest to me is the first ever screening of Pot Luck, the movie I am a “prominent extra” in. There will be food and fun, and they plan to show clips from over 20 pot movies. It starts around 7 pm until… Tickets are 20 and available at the ht website, and possibly the door. It’s at the anthology film archives, corner of second ave.,and second street, lower east side. Anyway, it sounds like a good party out of boundsThere’s a cool event friday. High times mag is hosting the stony awards, honoring the most pot-friendly movies and actors of the last year. Tommy chong will be there to accept a lifetime award. Of most interest to me is the first ever screening of Pot Luck, the movie I am a “prominent extra” in. There will be food and fun, and they plan to show clips from over 20 pot movies. It starts around 7 pm until… Tickets are 20 and available at the ht website, and possibly the door. It’s at the anthology film archives, corner of second ave.,and second street, lower east
#1512 NightShift party tomorrow! Wed, 28 Feb 2001 23:30:01 subtle productions & nikko present – NightShift at 169 bar Thursday Mar ch 1st a.. Severyn b.. DJ Eleven [Nebulum recordings] c.. Vadim [subtle p roductions / subtlechaos] d.. Jason [subtlechaos] e.. Nikko [synthetic sa dhus] with Fluoro PsycheDelic Art Decoration by a.. Daniel b.. Severyn, NYC 11pm-late. $5 / free guestlist 169 Bar is located at 169 East Broad way (East Broadway & Essex St.) club info: 212 473 8866 newyork.cit ysearch/profile/11350404/ Email guestlist at subtlechaos or call 646 526 4500 Truly yours, s u b t l e c h a o s
March 2001
#1514 Fw: NightShift tonight! Thu, 1 Mar 2001 12:37:46 Hello, we would like to remind you of tonight’s event, thanks for all the g uestlist entries that where already sent to us, those who still haven’t giv en us their names and would like to receive “comp’s”, please do so before 6 :30pm as we go off-line at that time. We would also like to remind you to buy some drinks at the bar and not just come for the party the bar’s sa les are crucial to our mission, since they are not so much into psychedelic techno music and unlike us mainly care about making money… therefore eve n if you don’t drink alcohol, please buy a soda or water and don’t forget t o tip the barman who’s making his salary off the tip money! Thanks and see you tonight! subtle productions & nikko present – NightShift at 169 bar Thursday March 1st a.. Severyn b.. DJ Eleven [Nebulum recording s] c.. Vadim [subtle productions / subtlechaos] d.. Jason [subtlechaos] e.. Nikko [synthetic sadhus] with Fluoro PsycheDelic Art Decoration by a .. Daniel b.. Severyn, NYC 11pm-late. $5 / free guestlist 169 Bar is lo cated at 169 East Broadway (East Broadway & Essex St.) club info: 212 473 8 866 Email guestlist at subtl echaos or call 646 526 4500 Truly yours, s u b t l e c h a o s ght’s event, thanks for all the guestlist entries that where already sent to us, those who still haven’t given us their names and would li ke to receive “comp’s”, please do so before 6:30pm as we go off-line at th at time.
#1518 3 Mar 2001 04:02:01 – SYNTHETIC SADHUS – ATOMIC SYNTHETIC SADHUS – ATOMIC Friday, March 9, 2001 Time: 11:00PM – 7:00AM (-05:00) SYNTHETIC SADHUS – ATOMIC Live: TORTURED BRAIN (Atomic Records – UK) PSYCHAOS (Atomic Records – UK) DJ: DINO PSARAS (Atomic Records – UK) JOTI SIDHU (Atomic Records – UK) MARK VAN DER VLUGT (Atomic Records – UK) KEN (Synthetic Sadhus – NYC) Fluoro Psychestetic Environment by: Harland (Hamburg, Germany) Jamin Murphy (Hovek Olam-USA) Krisz (Synthetic Sadhus – NYC) Severyn (Synthetic Sadhus – NYC) Free breakfast will be served in the morning with chai tea, fruits, croissants, and vitamins. New Security / Ticket Holder Line Location: AMAZURA Ballroom 91-12 144th Place, Jamaica, Queens, NY. Conveniently located by all public transportation and major highways. Doors open at 11PM. INFO: 212 774 7728 Tickets: $30/adv & $35/door. Tickets are sold at: House of Trance 212 533 6700 Satellite 212 780 9305 Throb 212 533 2328 Sonic Groove 212 675 5284 Growroom (MA) 413 549 9296 Satellite (Boston) 617 536 5482 Caffeine (LI) 516 797 7196 611 (Philly) 215 413 9100 Yoshi Toshi (DC) 202 338 5638 Direction: By Subway – Take E, J, Z, to Sutphin Blvd Station. Walk down Archer Ave for 1/2 block following the tracks to 144th Place. Make a right and you are in front of the Amazura. By Long Island Railroad – From Penn Station, 1 stop to Jamaica Station. From other points take it all the way to Jamaica stop. Walk down Archer Ave for 1/2 block following the tracks to 144th Place. Make a right and the Amazura is in front of you. By Car From Manhattan – Take the Queensborough Bridge / 59th Street Bridge to L.I.E. to Grand Central Pkwy East, to Van Wyck Expwy South, to Hillside / Jamaica Ave. Exit, travel on service road to Jamaica Ave on which you make a left. Go strait to 144th Place, make a right and the Amazura is at the end of the street. From Brooklyn/Staten Island – Belt Pkwy to Van Wyck Expwy towards the Withestone Bridge. Exit on Atlantic Ave and
#1519 SDM: Equipments Sat, 03 Mar 2001 12:54:27 CST From: chiletrance at yahoo uwfCMNG0SI0Ov1INezbFHgW9dNCB51Z5 If you do not view this message by Mar 10, 2001 at 12:54 (CST), then this message will be deleted and the sender will be notified. When you click the link below and view this message securely, chiletrance at yahoo will be notified by email that you have picked up this message. web y1.securedelivery/s/e?mABDKaFirddOKnNRfv4dK3h5n If your email program does not support active links, please cut and paste the link displayed above into the “address” or “location” field of your browser and press “Enter” or “Go”.
#1522 Mon, 5 Mar 2001 10:11:35 -0800 Equipments selling From: angeles garay chiletrance at yahoo Hello Jeff: My friend is selling some music equipments if anybody is intresting, just contact chiletrance at yahoo (2) Vestex PDX3 Turntables w/reverse w/cases $1000 (2) Pioneer CDJ 700S players w/case(room in case for DJM500 mixer) $1000 (1) Yorkville Subwoofer Elite 700 w/built in 700 Wall power amplifier w (4) Pulse 12 speakers $1500 Package Deal All $3000 30 Foot Dome $3500 Best Offer!!!!!!!!! Love and Light Angeles
#1524 Tue, 6 Mar 2001 09:41:02 -0800 Wednesday at Opium Den From: angeles garay chiletrance at yahoo Hello Friends! This is a for every Wednesdays night at Opium Den with DJ Angel + Guests. Come and enjoy the Trance Music with nice vibes and nice people. Everybody welcome! DJ Angel(Chiletrance-6th Element) Jamin Opium Den 29 East 3rd Street at 2nd Avenue 10 PM No Cover thanks! Love and Light Angeles
#1526 tonight – NightShift Tuesday March 6th Tue, 6 Mar 2001 18:48:24 — From: info ubtlechaos Sent: Tuesday, March 06, 2001 2:30 PM tonight – NightShi ft Tuesday March 6th Stay tuned for more events coming soon! – s ubtle productions & nikko present – NightShift at 169 bar Thursday March 6th a.. DJ Eleven [Nebulum recordings] b.. Vadim [subtle productions / sub tlechaos] c.. Jason [subtlechaos] d.. Nikko [synthetic sadhus] with Fl uoro PsycheDelic Art Decoration by a.. Daniel 11pm-late. Free admission! 169 Bar is located at 169 East Broadway (East Broadway & Essex St.) club info: 212 473 8866 Yours, s u b t l e c h a o s
#1527 7 Mar 2001 04:02:00 – SYNTHETIC SADHUS – ATOMIC SYNTHETIC SADHUS – ATOMIC Friday, March 9, 2001 Time: 11:00PM – 7:00AM (-05:00) SYNTHETIC SADHUS – ATOMIC Live: TORTURED BRAIN (Atomic Records – UK) PSYCHAOS (Atomic Records – UK) DJ: DINO PSARAS (Atomic Records – UK) JOTI SIDHU (Atomic Records – UK) MARK VAN DER VLUGT (Atomic Records – UK) KEN (Synthetic Sadhus – NYC) Fluoro Psychestetic Environment by: Harland (Hamburg, Germany) Jamin Murphy (Hovek Olam-USA) Krisz (Synthetic Sadhus – NYC) Severyn (Synthetic Sadhus – NYC) Free breakfast will be served in the morning with chai tea, fruits, croissants, and vitamins. New Security / Ticket Holder Line Location: AMAZURA Ballroom 91-12 144th Place, Jamaica, Queens, NY. Conveniently located by all public transportation and major highways. Doors open at 11PM. INFO: 212 774 7728 Tickets: $30/adv & $35/door. Tickets are sold at: House of Trance 212 533 6700 Satellite 212 780 9305 Throb 212 533 2328 Sonic Groove 212 675 5284 Growroom (MA) 413 549 9296 Satellite (Boston) 617 536 5482 Caffeine (LI) 516 797 7196 611 (Philly) 215 413 9100 Yoshi Toshi (DC) 202 338 5638 Direction: By Subway – Take E, J, Z, to Sutphin Blvd Station. Walk down Archer Ave for 1/2 block following the tracks to 144th Place. Make a right and you are in front of the Amazura. By Long Island Railroad – From Penn Station, 1 stop to Jamaica Station. From other points take it all the way to Jamaica stop. Walk down Archer Ave for 1/2 block following the tracks to 144th Place. Make a right and the Amazura is in front of you. By Car From Manhattan – Take the Queensborough Bridge / 59th Street Bridge to L.I.E. to Grand Central Pkwy East, to Van Wyck Expwy South, to Hillside / Jamaica Ave. Exit, travel on service road to Jamaica Ave on which you make a left. Go strait to 144th Place, make a right and the Amazura is at the end of the street. From Brooklyn/Staten Island – Belt Pkwy to Van Wyck Expwy towards the Withestone Bridge. Exit on Atlantic Ave and
#1536 May 11th SubtleChaos with Fletcher Mundson Syndrome live Thu, 8 Mar 2001 15:42:12 Hello all, we would like to announce this very special event: Friday May 11th first time in U.S. Fletcher Mundson Syndrome live aka Yak and Ramon, recording in various projects and well known for their releases on labels such as Naja, SpiritZone, Tatsu and others as EarGear, presenting new album ClubKraft! Directly from Hamburg, Germany! This will be an unforgettable experience of live German techno psychedelic with SubtleChaos style! We have booked a very comfortable venue for this event with excellent sound and located right in the midtown Manhattan! We are looking forward to this event a lot and would like you all to join us and check out this amazing music and have great time! Please visit out website for details!18+, party till after sunrise + afterparty! Thank you!
#1537 10 Mar 2001 04:02:00 – Aerodance Aerodance Friday, March 16, 2001 Time: 11:00PM – 9:00AM (-05:00) Friday march 16 2001 Psy-locib invites you to psy-trance gathering. dj’s: Hugh S (Futuretech,Brooklyn,NYC) Jason & Vadim (SubtleChaos) illusion(Psy-locib,Paradox,Israel) Jamin (hovek olam-usa) Steve-o(Cosmophilia,goababies,USA) Nimbus(promtheos project,nyc) decoration: Lunatics bros,Jamin. Very warm and pleasent atmosphere, in a safe and convenient location. Fun-o-rama 608 neptune ave. in Brooklyn. take the F train to neptune ave. and it’s right there . Cover: 15$ on the guestlist, 20$ at the door. to be on the guestlist call 1-917-538-3247 / 24 hours. Party from: 11pm to 9am Thanx to : /psy-locib, goatrance.de/partyserver. On April 21 2001, psy-locib is bringing you AERODANCE party with Parasense-live, plus more.
#1539 NightShift free psychedelic techno party tomorrow! Mon, 12 Mar 2001 13:46:42 – SubtleChaos with Fletcher Mundson Syndrom (EarGear) live + DJ se t on May 11th! Please read this week’s NightShift info below: subtle productions & nikko present – NightShift at 169 bar Thursday March 13th a.. DJ Eleven [Nebulum recordings] b.. Vadim [subtle productions / s ubtlechaos] c.. Jason [subtlechaos] d.. Niko [synthetic sadhus] with F luoro PsycheDelic Art Decoration by a.. Daniel 11pm-late. Free admission ! 169 Bar is located at 169 East Broadway (East Broadway & Essex St.) club info: 212 473 8866 Yours s u b t l e c h a o son Syndrom (EarGear) live + DJ set on May 11th! ease read this week’s NightShift info below: ns & nikko present – 9 bar e productions / subtlechaos] 111pm-late. Free admission! oadway & Essex St.) 8866 MARinfo at subtlechaos
#1541 – free psychedelic techno party tonight! Tue, 13 Mar 2001 13:37:43 subtle productions & niko present – NightShift at 169 bar Tuesday March 13th a.. DJ Eleven [Nebulum recordings] b.. Vadim [subtle productions / s ubtlechaos] c.. Jason [subtlechaos] d.. Niko [synthetic sadhus] plus spe cial guest this week: a.. DJ Indra [Alphatrance, Ukraine] with Fluoro P sycheDelic Art Decoration by a.. Daniel 11pm-late. Free admission! 169 Bar is located at 169 East Broadway (East Broadway & Essex St.) club info: 212 473 8866 Yours, s u b t l e c h a o sDecoration by 169 East Broadway (East Broadway & Essex St.)
#1546 Wed, 14 Mar 2001 15:10:43 Help the d – Buy our CDJs Two Pioneer CDJ700s for sale, worth $799 each new, both refurbished with new parts (have papers), best offer starting at $350 apiece. Can loop, change temp with changing pitch, much more. Why are they being sold? Because we need front loading CD players to use at our outdoor events. Top loaders are too vulnerable to excessive dust and dirt, the types of environment where hordes of people are kicking up dirt for 12 hours at a time. It will be hard to see them go, there really are no better players. It’s just that we do parties outdoors and it’s crazy to use these. These CDJs are top of the line for indoor use. Specs/info at web pioneerprodj/products/cdj700/cdj700.htm One month unconditional return, no questions asked. Contact: jeff
#1548 Wed, 14 Mar 2001 17:20:19 -0800 Thursdays at Street From: angeles garay chiletrance at yahoo Hello Friends: From this Thursday and every Thursday night is going to be Trance Music at Street Bar with DJ Angel+Guests. Come and enjoy the music!! Everybody Welcome! DJ Angel(Chiletrance-6th Element) Isam(Morocco) Street Bar 14 Ave.B/BetweenHouston&2nd St. 10 PM No Cover Love and Light Angeles
#1549 Wed, 14 Mar 2001 17:43:44 -0800 Wednesday at Opium Den From: angeles garay chiletrance at yahooHello Friends! Tonight at Opium Den DJ Angel(chiletrance-6th Element) Niko(Synthetic Sadhus) thanks! Love and Light Angeles
#1551 Fw: [subtlechaos] MAY 11TH party flyer Thu, 15 Mar 2001 13:25:59 Please visit our website to view the flyer: /e vents.html credits – Daniel at subtlechaos Subtlechaos
#1552 Thu, 15 Mar 2001 21:17:06 Recipient List Suppressed:; March 24, NY, NY From: Saturday, March 24, 2001 NY, NY Spectra presents….. d e c i p h e r live acts: THREE POINT TURN (Hadshot Haheizar) France NECTON (Spiritzone) Sweden BUFO (Cieba records, Eyephunk) S.F dj’s: DJ HAKUNAH (Spiritzone) Sweden KALYX (Growroom, Spectra, Synthetic Sadhus) MA PORTAL QI (masd-lifted) Boston fluorescent, native, and mayan art by: DELIRIM deco by: CHILETRANCE venue: The Key Skating Rink 220 E.138th St.& Grand Concourse Bronx, NY $25 in advance $30 at the door advance tickets: House of Trance 212-533-6700 Sonic Groove 212-675-5284 Satellite Boston 617-536-5482 Growroom 413-549-9296 DIRECTIONS: by subway: from manhattan: Get to Grand Central Terminal. Take the Green #4 or #5 uptown to the i38th St. & Grand Concourse stop. The venue is accross 138th Street. You will see the illuminated yellow sign for The Key Skate. from Queens and Brooklyn: Transfer to #4, #5, or #6, and follow the above directions. by car: from upstate New York: Take 87 South, the New York Thruway to the Major Deegan, to Exit 3 (138th & Grand Concourse). The venue is two blocks down on the right. Look for the illuminated yellow sign for The Key Skate. from Connecticut: Take I-95 South to the Cross Bronx Expressway to I-87 South (The Major Deegan). Take Exit 3 (138th & Grand Concourse), and follow the above directions. from Manhattan: Take the FDR North to the Willis Avenue Bridge or Triboro Bridge (towards the Bronx), to the Major Deegan North to Exit 3. Turn right onto 138th Street. The venue is two blocks down on the right. from the Outer Boroughs: Please consult a map to in order to find the best route for you, or drive to Manhattan and follow the above directions.
#1553 Saturday in Queens Thu, 15 Mar 2001 21:40:26 From: Saturday, March 17, 2001 Psychedelic Trance Party MAGICAL SYNTHESIS presents .. for the first time in America Pete (GR ) Etruria Dimitri (GR) Psycho D Fluoro Environment Doors Open: 10pm – 4am 21+ID.. Management (Just NO sneakers) Music: Psychedelic – Techno Trance GOA (classix) NITRO bar cafe 32-18 Steinway St. Astoria, NY 11103
#1556 17 Mar 2001 04:02:00 – Tsunami brings Koxbox/Anti Tsunami brings Koxbox/Anti Friday, March 23, 2001 Time: 11:00PM – 7:00AM (-05:00) Tsunami brings Koxbox/Anti/Erez at the BBking Theater on 237 West 42nd between 7th and 8th avenues
#1557 18 Mar 2001 03:02:00 – Decipher Decipher Saturday, March 24, 2001 Time: 10:00PM – 6:00AM (-05:00) More Mayan Themes!!! d e c i p h e r Spectra presents….. d e c i p h e r saturday, march 24, 2001 live acts: THREE POINT TURN (Hadshot Haheizar) France NECTON (Spiritzone) Sweden BUFO (Cieba records, Eyephunk) S.F dj’s: DJ HAKUNAH (Spiritzone) Sweden KALYX (Growroom, Spectra, Synthetic Sadhus) MA PORTAL QI (masd-lifted) Boston fluorescent, native, and mayan art by: DELIRIM deco by: CHILETRANCE venue: the key skating rink 220 E.138th St. at Grand Concourse bronx nyc tickets: $25 in advance $30 at the door satellite(ny & boston) throb growroom caffeine house of trance & sonic groove
#1558 18 Mar 2001 05:02:00 – Vernal Quinox Vernal Quinox Wednesday, March 21, 2001 Time: 12:00AM (-05:00)
#1559 Sun, 18 Mar 2001 04:06:42 pagan sunday in LI !!!A Benefit For Sarayacu!!! Benefit Concert at Witches Brew Coffee House Sunday, March 18, 2000 starting at 2 P.M. till 8 P.M. After the event enjoy coffee, tea and deserts at The Witches Brew The event will benefit Sarayacu: ATribe of Indigenous People in Equador are going to be Exploited & Driven off their Land for the sake of Oil Drilling, UNLESS WE HELP!!! Live music ??? ???comedians ??? Who Knows? Richie Nagan and Who Knows? Live music in the improvisational Style touched by klezmer musicians and Knitting factory staples Mark Whitecage (12/23) and Perry Robinson(12/23, 25, 29), Richie Nagan of course, and Guest Musicians accompanying. Taking the music to places its never been before. And For those who haven’t been their before these musicians may or may not preform with Richie. I don’t know and neither does Richie Nagan FOOD IN THE VEGAN STYLE AS WELL AS ALTERNATIVES BEVERAGES IN THE WET STYLE WITH DIVERSE ECLECTIC TASTES Witches Brew 311 Hempstead Turnpik West Hempstead (516) 489 – WITC(H) The event is $10 but those lacking green peices of paper (or who have only millions as they can’t break them I’ve tried) and those that just look to pathetic to ask for money will be taken into consideration at the venue Witches Brew, which is located at 311 Hempstead Turnpike in West Hempstead, NY (on Long Island) is owned by two lovely young sisters, Alabama and Lulo. It is located in a 100 year old house which was renovated by the sisters and their friends and they serve freshly brewed gourmet coffees, specialty teas and desserts in a sixtyish Victorian atmosphere. Their phone number is (516) 489-WITCH
#1560 Mon, 19 Mar 2001 12:43:18 (OT) FS: Roland MKS-80 From: Roland MKS-80 $825 Super Jupiter, 2U analogue polyphonic synth 8 voices in whole mode. Two part multitimbral. Responds to velocity, modwheel, and aftertouch. Fully programmable via SySex or front panel. No knobs. Supported by many software editors and PC1600. Earlier revision with 16 CEM3340’s (worth $45 each), more stable tuning, and more resonant filters considered the best Roland synth ever made. Excellent cosmetic condition just a few tiny scratches. 100% electronic condition. Includes M64C cartridge loaded with original patches, and original manual. web vintagesynth/roland/mks80.html web retrosynth/gear/mks80/info.html TERMS: Pre-pay or Paypal. Buyer pays shipping.
#1561 Fw: [subtlechaos] Monday update Mon, 19 Mar 2001 17:50:06 Organization: SubtleChaos From: “Vadim” vadim at subtlechaos — From: info ubtlechaos Sent: Monday, March 19, 2001 5:02 PM [subtlechaos] Monday update Hello, here are the news this week: a.. Tomorrow night weekly free p ary at 169 (see details below, we will announce special guest tomorrow) b. . Tickets for May 11th Subtle Chaos party with Fletcher Mundson Syndrom are on sale at THROB 211 E. 14TH BET. 2ND & 3RD and VINYL MARKET 241 E. 10TH B ET. 1ST & 2ND. advanced reservation is $25/$30 at the door web subtl echaos/events.html c.. We almost got in an accident in heavy rain la st Friday trying to make it to psylocib party but, we didn’t know how impor tant it is to show up on time in order to be able to play a set, so we are very sorry. **** d.. We will have only one special chance for our listm embers whoever signed up on our list and gave us support all this time, ple ase come to 169 tomorrow and we will provide you with tickets for our May 1 1th party at lowest price possible (too low to mention :)… If you can’t m ake it and you really want to get this price, call 646 526 4500 (limited ti me offer, restrictions apply, don’t tell us we didn’t know, etc…) e.. Thanks!!! subtlechaos subtle productions & niko present – Ni ghtShift at 169 bar Tuesday March 20th a.. DJ Eleven [Nebulum recordings] b.. Vadim [subtle productions / subtlechaos] c.. Jason [subtlechaos] d.. Niko [synthetic sadhus] with Fluoro PsycheDelic Art Decoration by a.. Da niel [subtlechaos] 11pm-late. Free admission! 169 Bar is located at 169 East Broadway (East Broadway & Essex St.) club info: 212 473 8866 n Yours, s u b t l e c h a o sweekly free pary at 169 (see details below, we will announce specia l guest tomorrow) 11th Subtle Chaos party with 211 E. 14TH BET. 2ND & 3RD an d VINYL MARKET 241 E. 10TH BET. 1ST & 2ND. advanced reserv ation is $25/$30 at the door Fr iday trying to make it to psylocib party but, we didn’t know how important it is to show up on time in order to be able to play a set, so we are ve ry sorry. **** ave only one special chance for our listmembers whoever signed up o n our list and gave us support all this time, please come to 169 tomorro w and we will provide you with tickets for our May 11th party at lowest price possible (too low to mention :)… If you can’t make it and you re ally want to get this price, call 646 526 4500 (limited time offer, rest rictions apply, don’t tell us we didn’t know, etc…) V
#1562 Tue, 20 Mar 2001 11:36:55 Recipient List Suppressed:; SYNTHETIC SADHUS PARTY, March 30, 2001, NY, NY From: New Manhattan location! SYNTHETIC SADHUS PARTY Friday, March 30, 2001 Live: SHIVA CHANDRA (Spirit Zone-Germany), DJ: TOTAL ECLIPSE (TIP-Blue Room-France), ANTIDOTE (Solstice Music-Japan), KALYX (Synthetic Sadhus-USA), NIKO (Synthetic Sadhus-Bulgaria). Fluoro Deco by: NOS (Toxomniac-Sweden),Jamin Murphy, Severyn (NYC), Synthetic Sadhus (NYC). Free fruits, breakfast, and chai will be served in the morning! NEW ! Location: ROXY, 515 West 18th Street, btwn 10th & 11th Ave, NY. This event is 21 & over, Please bring valid identification! Doors open at 10PM. INFO: 212 774 7728 Tickets: $30/adv & $35/door. Tickets are sold at: House of Trance 212 533 6700 Satellite 212 780 9305 Throb 212 533 2328 Sonic Groove 212 675 5284 Vynil Market 212 539 1203 Growroom (MA) 413 549 9296 Satellite (Boston) 617 536 5482 Caffeine (LI) 516 797 7196 611 (Philly) 215 413 9100 See You Soon All of You! Peace, Love & Big Hugs Chris
#1563 – NightShift free party tonight at 169 Tue, 20 Mar 2001 14:11:29 Special guest this week DJ ISSAM [Satellite records] INFO: / Vadim Dostman Subtlechaos vadim at sub tlechaos Contact: guest.trulyglobal/vadim guest.trulyglobal/vadimguest.trulyglobal/vadim
#1564 21 Mar 2001 04:47:01 – Vernal Quinox Vernal Quinox Wednesday, March 21, 2001 Time: 12:00AM (-05:00)
#1565 Tue, 20 Mar 2001 21:28:37 -0800 Wednesday at Opium Den From: angeles garay chiletrance at yahoo Hello All: This is a for Wednesday nights at Opium Den with DJ Angel+ Guests. Tomorrow is the Spring Equinox, and from now is going to be more light in the Earth . Isn’t it great!! Enjoy us to celebrate this event. Everybody Welcome! DJ Angel(Chiletrance-6th Element) Jason(Subtlechaos) Opium Den 29 East 3rd Street at 2nd Avenue 10 PM Free thanks! Love and Light Angeles
#1566 Wed, 21 Mar 2001 14:20:37 -0800 Thursdays at Street Bar From: angeles garay chiletrance at yahoo Hello Everybody: We start from last week to play Trance Music at Street every week with DJ Angel+Guests. Come and enjoy the international flair every week. Welcome and Happy Spring Equinox!! DJ Angeles(Chiletrance-6th Element) Misha(San FRancisco) Street 14 Avenue B/Between Houston at 2nd Street 10 PM Free Love and Light Angeles
#1567 22 Mar 2001 03:02:01 – Decipher Decipher Saturday, March 24, 2001 Time: 10:00PM – 6:00AM (-05:00) More Mayan Themes!!! d e c i p h e r Spectra presents….. d e c i p h e r saturday, march 24, 2001 live acts: THREE POINT TURN (Hadshot Haheizar) France NECTON (Spiritzone) Sweden BUFO (Cieba records, Eyephunk) S.F dj’s: DJ HAKUNAH (Spiritzone) Sweden KALYX (Growroom, Spectra, Synthetic Sadhus) MA PORTAL QI (masd-lifted) Boston fluorescent, native, and mayan art by: DELIRIM deco by: CHILETRANCE venue: the key skating rink 220 E.138th St. at Grand Concourse bronx nyc tickets: $25 in advance $30 at the door satellite(ny & boston) throb growroom caffeine house of trance & sonic groove
#1568 22 Mar 2001 04:02:01 – Tsunami brings Koxbox/Anti Tsunami brings Koxbox/Anti Friday, March 23, 2001 Time: 11:00PM – 7:00AM (-05:00) Tsunami brings Koxbox/Anti/Erez at the BBking Theater on 237 West 42nd between 7th and 8th avenues
#1569 Fri, 23 Mar 2001 14:48:37 Saturday, March 24, NY, NY From: Saturday, March 24, 2001 NY, NY Spectra presents….. d e c i p h e r live acts: THREE POINT TURN (Hadshot Haheizar) France NECTON (Spiritzone) Sweden BUFO (Cieba records, Eyephunk) S.F dj’s: DJ HAKUNAH (Spiritzone) Sweden KALYX (Growroom, Spectra, Synthetic Sadhus) MA PORTAL QI (masd-lifted) Boston fluorescent, native, and mayan art by: DELIRIM deco by: CHILETRANCE venue: The Key Skating Rink 220 E.138th St.& Grand Concourse Bronx, NY $25 in advance $30 at the door advance tickets: Throb 212-533-2328 House of Trance 212-533-6700 Sonic Groove 212-675-5284 Satellite Boston 617-536-5482 Growroom 413-549-9296
#1570 Israeli trance party April 6 Fri, 23 Mar 2001 16:57:49 From: Hello there trance lovers, for the first time in the united states, spiritual beings are gathering together to produce a 12 hours ceremony full of peace, love, unity and respect.When: April 6th from 12:00am (midnight) to 12:00pm (highnoon).Location: 502 w. 30 str (between 10 & 11 av). used to be a moving company. the party is on the 5th floor. a 5500 sf loft with city view to 3 directions, including the sunrise.Sound: way to much for this size of a venue . 8 18′ sub woofers, 4 mid-high from EAW.Djs: All djs are israeli and promise to deliver strong bass line-psychedelic- european trance. * Dj Ran * Dj Eitan (Spiritual beings) * Dj shai (Spiritual beings)Chai: a chai and chillout corner will be set on site with mattress, pillows and good karma.Decorations: are beings made by the amazing michaela. longis, 3-d oms and Fungi, and lots more.Admission: $25 at the doors, $20 with an invitation (you can find our invitations in “house of trance”, “throb” and at our good friends all around ny. you can also print this email and bring it with you as an invitation.). low prices at the bar: $3 for water, $5 beer. coat check will also be available for our guests.one more thing: please remember that this party is “underground” so make sure you’re telling about it to the right people only.if you have any questions, please feel free to drop us a line, we’ll be more then happy to answer all your questions.May all beings be happy and full of joy, Spiritual beings
#1571 Fw: Monday news update Mon, 26 Mar 2001 00:19:34 To: Subtlechaos Info List Sent: Monday, March 26, 2001 12:16 AM Monday news update Hello, we wo uld like to inform you of the following news about our events: -[ This week is our last NightShift event and we present last party at 169 bar, please visit our events page located at /events.html #NIG HTSHIFT See photo’s from previous nights /gall ery/nightshift/nightshift1.htm -[ APRIL 7 SubtleChaos party at CBGB’s down stairs lounge. Underground style weekly party including sound and visual by SubtleChaos. Click link to see the flyer – /even ts.html #CBGB -[ APRIL 3rd SubtleChaos party at IzzyBar. Stay tuned for mor e details coming up. Thank you and have a great time. c h a o s Subtlechaos web sub tlechaos l AD at VadimT20 Message – om: minfo Sent: Monday, March 26, 2001 12:16 AM /BMonday news update o, we would like to inform you of the following news about our events:NT e present last party at 169 bar, please visit our events page located at s rs lounge. Underground style weekly party including sound and visual by Su btleChaos. Click link to see the flyer – vents.html #CBGB arty at IzzyBar. Stay tuned for more details coming up.right echaos subtlechaos s /
#1572 Want to ski this weekend – or need an apartment? Tue, 27 Mar 2001 12:04:03 From: 1. Last weekend to join us at the dski lodge in the Poconos, Saturday after Synthetic Sadhus. 2. If you are looking for a place to live here is a personal friend who has a rental agency (mention you know Jeff): “Here I go again, Last month I acquired Shares & Sublets International Inc. in Manhattan. It has been around since 1991 and specializes in short-term furnished rentals, sublets, b&b’s, shares and roommate services in Jersey City, Queens, Bronx, Brooklyn and Manhattan. There are some awesome short-term deals and great long-term rentals coming in daily. No brokerage fees. Fresh leads daily. Cool. So, check it out. web apartment-info There is a lot of work to do on the site. Send me your suggestions. Nevertheless, you now know where to turn should you ever need a roommate, to sublet your place or just find yourself a new place. Stay in touch. Warmest regards from David Drake.
#1573 To: PerPupp79 at aolMore on dski info this weekend Tue, 27 Mar 2001 13:10:32 From: The dski lodge is for d members – $25 to join, they do the bridge parties. The house fee for skiing is $20 a person. full info, groups.yahoo/group/dski Membership is open to all d members. If you haven’t joined d and you want to ski you will need to donate the $25. (We kept the page out of full view until the last weekend) Sent: Tuesday, March 27, 2001 12:51 PM To: Re: brain Want to ski this weekend – or need an apartment? im not sure if i understood the email- is there a party at htis ski lodge this weekend? where? when exactly? let me know, sounds like it would be fun -yo
#1574 NightShift free party tonight – special guests Tue, 27 Mar 2001 17:24:41 Hello, here’s the line-up for tonight’s free party (our last one at 169 bar). see pictures from 169 at /gallery/nightshift/ni ghtshift1.htm subtle productions & niko present – NightShift at 1 69 bar Tuesday March 27th a.. Severyn b.. DJ Eleven [Nebulum recordings] c.. Vadim [subtle productions / subtlechaos] d.. Jason [subtlechaos] e.. Niko [synthetic sadhus] with Fluoro PsycheDelic Art Decoration by a.. Da niel [subtlechaos] b.. Severyn 10pm-late. Free admission! 169 Bar is loc ated at 169 East Broadway (East Broadway & Essex St.) club info: 212 473 88 66 a o sl AD at VadimT20 party (our last one at 169 bar). ures from 169 at ightshift/nightshift1.htm/gallery/nightshift/ni ghtshift1.htm btle productions & niko present – 1 bsat 169 bar DI LI ings] ko [synthetic sadhus] /DIR ro PsycheDelic Art Decoration by yn /DIR Bar is located at 169 East Broadway (East Broadway & Essex St.) h osinfo at subtlechaos ww.subtlechaos/ sty
#1575 Tue, 27 Mar 2001 14:51:49 -0800 Wednesdays at Opium Den From: angeles garay chiletrance at yahoo Dear Friends: This is a for Wednesday nights at Opium Den. Come and enjoy listening to the Trance Music with DJ Angel and the international flair of DJ’s. Everybody is Welcome!!! DJ Angel(Chiletrance-6th Element) Isam(Morocco) Niko(Synthethic Sadhus) Opium Den 29 East 3rd Street at 2nd Avenue 10 PM Free Thanks! Love and Light Angeles
#1576 Tue, 27 Mar 2001 14:51:32 -0800 Wednesdays at Opium Den From: angeles garay chiletrance at yahoo Dear Friends: This is a for Wednesday nights at Opium Den. Come and enjoy listening to the Trance Music with DJ Angel and the international flair of DJ’s. Everybody is Welcome!!! DJ Angel(Chiletrance-6th Element) Isam(Morocco) Niko(Synthethic Sadhus) Opium Den 29 East 3rd Street at 2nd Avenue 10 PM Free Thanks! Love and Light Angeles
#1577 28 Mar 2001 03:02:00 – Synthetic Sadhus Synthetic Sadhus Friday, March 30, 2001 Time: 10:00PM – 8:00AM (-05:00) SYNTHETIC SADHUS PARTY Live: SHIVA CHANDRA (Spirit Zone-Germany), DJ: TOTAL ECLIPSE (TIP-Blue Room-France), ANTIDOTE (Solstice Music-Japan), KALYX (Synthetic Sadhus-USA), NIKO (Synthetic Sadhus-Bulgaria). Fluoro Deco by: NOS (Toxomniac-Sweden),Jamin Murphy, Severyn (NYC), Synthetic Sadhus (NYC). Free fruits, breakfast, and chai will be served in the morning! New Manhattan location! ROXY 515 West 18th Street (btwn 10th & 11th Ave) NY, NY This event is 21 & over, Please bring valid identification! Doors open at 10PM. INFO: 212 774 7728 Tickets: $30/adv & $35/door. Tickets are sold at: House of Trance 212 533 6700 Satellite 212 780 9305 Throb 212 533 2328 Sonic Groove 212 675 5284 Vynil Market 212 539 1203 Growroom (MA) 413 549 9296 Satellite (Boston) 617 536 5482 Caffeine (LI) 516 797 7196 611 (Philly) 215 413 9100
#1583 brainmachinesAFTERPARTY this weekend Wed, 28 Mar 2001 13:24:33 Hello, we would like to remind that subtle productions and Niko invite you to 169 bar this Saturday for official Synthetic Sadhus afterparty. Lineup: a.. Vadim [subtlechaos / subtle productions] b.. Jason [subtlechaos] c.. Niko [Synthetic Sadhus] d.. Special guest! The price is $10 or $5 if you bring our small “AFTERPARTY” flyer or the large flyer – Synthetic Sadh us at ROXY. Party starts right after you leave Roxy, catch a ride to 169 Eas t Broadway ( at Essex St.), we will have chai, place to relax and good music t hat you will enjoy! e/11350404/ Thanks and see you at Roxy! Don’t forget that this Tuesday is first SubtleChaos party at IzzyBar, look out for flyers this weekend! Ticket s for May 11th Subtle Chaos party with Fletcher Mundson Syndrom are on sale at THROB 211 E. 14TH BET. 2ND & 3RD and VINYL MARKET 241 E. 10TH BET. 1ST & 2ND. advanced presale is $25 / $30 at the door. . com/events.html Subtlechaos i nfo at subtlechaos212 216 0661 l AD at VadimT20 roductions and Niko invite you to 169 bar this Saturday for official Synth etic Sadhus afterparty. UL LI ! r small “AFTERPARTY” flyer or the large flyer – Synthetic Sadhus at ROXY. y, catch a ride to 169 East Broadway ( at Essex St.), we will have chai, plac e to relax and good music that you will enjoy! 1169bar profile Thanks and see you at Roxy! Don’t forget that this Tuesday is first Su btleChaos party at IzzyBar, look out for flyers this weekend! 2ND & 3RD and VINYL MARKET 241 E. 10TH BET. 1ST & 2ND. advanced presale is $25 / $30 at the door.ubtlechaos/events.html osinfo at subtlechaos s
#1585 29 Mar 2001 03:02:01 – Shipwrecked on the Frying Pan (Progressi… Shipwrecked on the Frying Pan (Progressive) Saturday, March 31, 2001 Time: 10:00PM – 7:00AM (-05:00) Dave Sigmund’s Birthday “AND NOW THE MOMENT YOU HAVE ALL BEEN WAITING FOR: March 31st the last Saturday of the month!!! SHIPWRECKED 3 at THE FRYING PAN Pier 63(Boat Party!!!)23rd Street & the Westside Highway One pier north of the Chelsea Pier Sports Complex Behind to the right of Basketball City If you have a problem finding it call my cell and Ill walk you through the directions 917.523.3128 This time we have a little suprise for ya: Two seperate sound systems!!!!!!!!!! On the main Level(the hull of the boat/dancefloor) we have: Curt Ashley(Touched By a DJ) Special Tag Team Set: Preston Space(Union/Vibes Records) DJ Eleven(Union/Vibes Records) Sean Pollen(Hooj Choons) Perry(BLaSTNYC) Joe Bond(Touched By a DJ) Russ Deep(Union/Nebulum Recordings) Upstairs in the Captains Quarters Monro Secor(Satelite Records/Diablo Recordings) Max Rim(Satellite Records/Good People) Oh yeah did I mention that this is my Birthday party!!!!! LETS GET WRECKED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! For more info go to web touchedbyadj or contact me at David at touchedbyadj also those of you who sent in pictures for the website please resend them to David at touchedbyadj the photo address is not responding properly!!! If you are interested in promoting with David Sigmund Entertainment and Touched By a DJ please call me at 917.523.3128 See ya out there Peace David Sigmund Its all about the music and the vibe!!!
#1587 30 Mar 2001 21:02:01 – Synthetic Sadhus Synthetic Sadhus Friday, March 30, 2001 Time: 10:00PM – 8:00AM (-05:00) SYNTHETIC SADHUS PARTY Live: SHIVA CHANDRA (Spirit Zone-Germany), DJ: TOTAL ECLIPSE (TIP-Blue Room-France), ANTIDOTE (Solstice Music-Japan), KALYX (Synthetic Sadhus-USA), NIKO (Synthetic Sadhus-Bulgaria). Fluoro Deco by: NOS (Toxomniac-Sweden),Jamin Murphy, Severyn (NYC), Synthetic Sadhus (NYC). Free fruits, breakfast, and chai will be served in the morning! New Manhattan location! ROXY 515 West 18th Street (btwn 10th & 11th Ave) NY, NY This event is 21 & over, Please bring valid identification! Doors open at 10PM. INFO: 212 774 7728 Tickets: $30/adv & $35/door. Tickets are sold at: House of Trance 212 533 6700 Satellite 212 780 9305 Throb 212 533 2328 Sonic Groove 212 675 5284 Vynil Market 212 539 1203 Growroom (MA) 413 549 9296 Satellite (Boston) 617 536 5482 Caffeine (LI) 516 797 7196 611 (Philly) 215 413 9100
#1588 31 Mar 2001 03:02:01 – SS Afterparty SS Afterparty Saturday, March 31, 2001 Time: 10:00PM – 7:00AM (-05:00) AFTERPARTY – Hello, we would like to remind that subtle productions and Niko invite you to 169 bar this Saturday for official Synthetic Sadhus afterparty. Lineup: * Vadim [subtlechaos / subtle productions] * Jason [subtlechaos] * Niko [Synthetic Sadhus] * Special guest! The price is $10 or $5 if you bring our small “AFTERPARTY” flyer or thelarge flyer -Synthetic Sadhus at ROXY. Party starts right after you leave Roxy, catch a ride to 169 East Broadway ( at Essex St.), we will have chai, place to relax and good music that you will enjoy! Thanks and see you at Roxy! Don’t forget that this Tuesday is first SubtleChaos party at IzzyBar, look out for flyers this weekend! /events.html
#1589 31 Mar 2001 03:47:01 – Spiritual Beings Friday, April 6, 2001 Time: 11:45PM – 11:45AM Hello there trance lovers, for the first time in the united states, spiritual beings are gathering together to produce a 12 hours ceremony full of peace, love, unity and respect.When: April 6th from 12:00am (midnight) to 12:00pm (highnoon).Location: 502 w. 30 str (between 10 & 11 av). used to be a moving company. the party is on the 5th floor. a 5500 sf loft with city view to 3 directions, including the sunrise.Sound: way to much for this size of a venue . 8 18′ sub woofers, 4 mid-high from EAW.Djs: All djs are israeli and promise to deliver strong bass line-psychedelic- european trance. * Dj Ran * Dj Eitan (Spiritual beings) * Dj Doom (Shuffle Records)Chai: a chai and chillout corner will be set on site with mattress, pillows and good karma.Decorations: are beings made by the amazing michaela. longis, 3-d oms and Fungi, and lots more.Admission: $25 at the doors, $20 with an invitation (you can find our invitations in “house of trance”, “throb” and at our good friends all around ny. you can also print this email and bring it with you as an invitation.). low prices at the bar: $3 for water, $5 beer. coat check will also be available for our guests.one more thing: please remember that this party is “underground” so make sure you’re telling about it to the right people only.if you have any questions, please feel free to drop us a line, we’ll be more then happy to answer all your questions.May all beings be happy and full of joy, Spiritual beings
April 2001
#1590 1 Apr 2001 02:02:03 – SS Afterparty SS Afterparty Sunday, April 1, 2001 Time: 10:00PM – 6:00AM AFTERPARTY – Hello, we would like to remind that subtle productions and Niko invite you to 169 bar this Saturday for official Synthetic Sadhus afterparty. Lineup: * Vadim [subtlechaos / subtle productions] * Jason [subtlechaos] * Niko [Synthetic Sadhus] * Special guest! The price is $10 or $5 if you bring our small “AFTERPARTY” flyer or thelarge flyer -Synthetic Sadhus at ROXY. Party starts right after you leave Roxy, catch a ride to 169 East Broadway ( at Essex St.), we will have chai, place to relax and good music that you will enjoy! Thanks and see you at Roxy! Don’t forget that this Tuesday is first SubtleChaos party at IzzyBar, look out for flyers this weekend! /events.html
#1593 – SS Afterparty Sun, 1 Apr 2001 15:20:22 Organization: SubtleChaos From: “Vadim” vadim at subtlechaosNO PARTY TODAY… chill-out :))))) — Sent: Saturday, March 31, 2001 9:02 PM brain – SS Afterparty SS Afterparty Sunday, April 1, 2001 Time: 10:00PM – 6:00AM (-04:00) AFTERPARTY – Hello, we would like to remind that subtle productions and Niko invite you to 169 bar this Saturday for official Synthetic Sadhus afterparty. Lineup: * Vadim [subtlechaos / subtle productions] * Jason [subtlechaos] * Niko [Synthetic Sadhus] * Special guest! The price is $10 or $5 if you bring our small “AFTERPARTY” flyer or thelarge flyer -Synthetic Sadhus at ROXY. Party starts right after you leave Roxy, catch a ride to 169 East Broadway ( at Essex St.), we will have chai, place to relax and good music that you will enjoy! Thanks and see you at Roxy! Don’t forget that this Tuesday is first SubtleChaos party at IzzyBar, look out for flyers this weekend! /events.html There is another, more exclusive list that costs $25 to join. To get info on the Devotional Ministry of Trance, and vote on how we celebrate spritual enlightenment though communal trance dance, and when, where and who will DJ, click and send $25 to Machine Elf, . You’ll be added to a special email community list. For a preview go to If you would like to join this list but have no credit or debit card please email join with check or cash. You can’t reply to this whole list, just to m.e. Find it in the archives at web egroups/messages/brainmachines Photo gallery of listmembers is at web tranceam.org/gallery.html go to
#1595 starting this TUESDAY… (not a joke!) Sun, 1 Apr 2001 15:32:26 Hello, starting this week: a.. Tuesdays at Izzy Bar 166 1st ave. bet.10th&1 1th St. Special guest this week Jamin [Hovek Olam, U.S.A.] $3 at door / fr ee with guestlist, email your names to guestlist at subtlechaos Subtlechaos
#1598 Tue, 03 Apr 2001 13:59:00 Disregard SS Afterparty From: Sorry, that was for last week please disregard – In brainmachines at y…, brainmachines at y… wrote: SS Afterparty Tuesday, April 3, 2001 Time: 10:0 0PM – 6:00AM AFTERPARTY – Hello, we would like t o remind that subtle productions and Niko invite you to 169 bar this Satu rday for official Synthetic Sadhus afterparty. Lineup: * Vadim [subtlechaos / subtle productions] * Jason [subtlechaos] * Niko [Synthe tic Sadhus] * Special guest! The price is $10 or $5 if you bring our small “AFTERPARTY” flyer or theDDlarge flyer -DDSynthetic Sadhus at RO XY. Party starts right after you leave Roxy, catch a ride to 169 Eas t Broadway ( at Essex St.), we will have chai, place to relax and good music that you will enjoy! Thanks and see you at Roxy! Don’t forget that this Tuesday is first SubtleChaos party at IzzyBar, look out for flyers this weekend! /events.html
#1599 Tue, 03 Apr 2001 10:19:40 Nonpsytrance art parties from amin… art parties starting at 6 PM on Friday, April 6th, and continueing through Sunday, April 9th, Richard London, Special, ajproductionsny and Coke present: [A DUMBO Space] a weekend-long group party, electronic music show and celebration of fine art 3 Days of Rebel Rousing VISUAL ARTISTS Shakir Baruka, Alejandro Cesarco, Joey Dahmen, Adam Dragon, Jed Ela, Ezra, Hidenori Kondo, and Rosalie video, installation, projection, paintings, photographs and more. Friday, April 6th 6-9 PMFine Art Opening, FREE. 9 PM till 6 AMrock. stomp. roll. $5.00 FRIDAY NIGHT MUSIC (tentative schedule, all artists are confirmed) 6 PM DJ Johnny Random (138 Productions, SF) Casio (Tokyo Lucky Hole) 10 PM Glenn (Swim) 12 AM A.R.E. Weapons (joy division meets electronica) 2 AM til Close: DJ DOTS (Wanderlust, NYC) Sean Hall (Touch, NYC) Saturday, April 7th A Wanderlust event (Tuesday Night Hookah Lounge, Liquids) 10 PM til Whenever $5.00 SATURDAY NIGHT MUSIC 12 AM Rawka and Saskai (Echo Lounge, NYC) DJ STRANGE (Cystonic, BOSTON) Ian Hammond (Cystonic, BOSTON) and more Sunday, April 8th, A Night of Sugar For the Soul A CD Release Party for La Raiz 8:30 PM til 2 AM $10.00 (with CD) $5.00 admission SUNDAY NIGHT MUSIC 8:30 PM DJ Eduardo (Latin House, Afro-Cuban Beats) 11:00 PM La Raiz (Latin Funk Music) The Location: A 7000 Square Foot Warehouse in Dumbo. 65 Jay Street. Brooklyn. You’ll recieve instructions from there. (the party is 2 blocks away) Directions: Take the F Train to York Street. Walk one block towards river. more info: artparties at earthlink.net
#1600 Tue, 3 Apr 2001 11:17:12 Every Wednesday at Opium Den From: angeles garay chiletrance at yahoo Hello Everybody: This is a for every Wednesday night at Opium Den with DJ Angel+Guests. Come and enjoy the Trance music every week in this nice lounge. Everybody Welcome! DJ Angel(Chiletrance-6th Element) Isam(Morocco) Opium Den 29 East 3rd Street at 2nd Avenue 10 PM No Cover Love and Light Angeles
#1601 IZZY BAR tonight Tue, 3 Apr 2001 13:21:41 Every Tuesday SubtleChaos party at Izzy Bar a.. Jason [subtlechaos] b. . Vadim [subtlechaos / subtle productions] c.. DJ Eleven [Union, Vibes re cords] d.. Jamin [Hovek Olam, U.S.A.] (our special guest this evening) Fl uro art and eviroment by Daniel [subtlechaos] $3 to enter, free with guest list – email guestlist at subtlechaos 21+ with photo id only. 10pm till la te. thank you for support! Starting this Satu rday SubtleChaos underground party at CBGB’s downstairs lounge. Subtlechaos .co m productions] n [Union, Vibes records] amin [Hovek Olam, U.S.A.] (our special guest this evening) [s ubtlechaos] with guestlist – email with photo id only. 10pm till late.NT turday SubtleChaos underground party at CBGB’s downstairs lounge. Join our mailing list for most updated info. up/subtlechaos
#1602 5 Apr 2001 02:02:00 – Subtlechaos at CBGBs downstarirs Subtlechaos at CBGBs downstarirs Saturday, April 7, 2001 Time: 10:00PM -[ APRIL 7 SubtleChaos party at CBGB’s downstairs lounge. Underground style weekly party including sound and visual by SubtleChaos. Click link to see the flyer – /events.html #CBGB
#1603 Thu, 5 Apr 2001 14:38:42 Thursday, Friday, Saturday The onl “real” psytrance party will be the Israeli party Spiritual Beings o n Friday April 6 THURSDAY 4/5 10PM-2AM MIDWESTEXPRESS at VELVET DJ’S KIMBE( CANDY RECORDS) ALEXANDER SOLOMOS(CANDY RECORDS) SIT BACK, RELAX WITH SOME F RIENDS, AND LISTEN TO THESE TWO MIDWEST DJ’S BRING THE TRANCE TO YOU. TELL YOUR FRIENDS, TELL YOUR FRIENDS’ FAMILY AND YOUR FAMILY’S FRIENDS. NO COV ER VELVET 223 MULBERRY (BETWEEN PRINCE AND SPRING) UPSTAIRS PARTY ROOM Hey all. Just wanted to let you know about this party. It is a good time, a nd is always a nice pre-party to other things, plus two hour open bar. The music is always great, and at the end of the night DJ Divine lays down so me nice Goa tracks. Look forward to seeing you all there. mike Tech Hous e, Progressive, Deep Trance Friday April 6th Divine Force Productions Prese nts Sauce Fridays Featuring Resident DJ Divine (Disco 2000) This weekE2 8099s special guest DJ: DJ Schwinge (Naked Edge Productions) Location: Cream 246 Columbus Ave Between 71st and 72nd $20 General Admission $15 Gue st List Open bar from 10-12 21+ Guest list: MikESmileZ at hotmail Sat urday Hey everyoneE280A6.First I would like to thank everyone who came o ut Saturday night for SHIPWRECKED III, it was a huge success. Look for SHIP WRECKED IV and V coming April 20th(Friday) and May 11th(Friday). We are try ing very hard to bring you DJ MICRO from MOONSHINE Recordings for these eve nts. Starting this Saturday April 7th 2001, Touched By A DJ presents the g rand opening night of PLEASURE, our new weekly party at Club 3000 located a t 20 West 39th street between 5th and 6th Avenue. We need all your support for this one as we try to bring New York a great new weekly party. The club has recently been renovated and new sound systems and lighting systems hav e been put on all the 3 floors. Also the roof will be open for all to see. Our lineup is: Curt Ashley-TBADJ Joe Bond-TBADJ Eddie Bang-Pitch Black Todd Murtha-Mode Alan Sax will be headlining the 2nd floor, and Lentil-Beats wi ll be headlining on the first floor. This should truly be a night to rememb er. In order to make this night a complete success we have arranged a voic e mail account for all of you to call so we can have your names for our red uced/no line admission. The number is (212) 894-3748 x1695, just call and l eave your name and we will make sure you have an easy time getting in to th e club. If the voicemail box gets full just make sure you come to the door and tell our doorperson you are with TOUCHED BY A DJ. This will ensure red uced admission and an easy entrance into the club. Thanks for all your sup port. We cant wait to see you all out this Saturday night What: T able Turns 4 Year Annviersay part 1 When: Friday April 6th 2001 Where: Lime light 660 6th Ave at 20th Street New York City Line- Up: 20 1200 Masters fe at: Technical/power: Q-bert, Melo d, Mike Boogie, Radar Funky slow: D-Styl es, Relm, Presyce, Babu Jugglers: Roli Rho, Total Eclipse, Roc Raida, P-Tr ix Crazy style: Klever, Infamous, Tony Vegas, Prime Cuts Next school: Dope y, Spictacular, Supa Dave, Pump Doors: 7:30pm Showtime: 8:30pm sharp! Q-b ert goes on at 9:00pm Advance Tickets: $25 in advance more at the door Tic ket Locations:Fat Beats, Other Music and online at Ticketweb The DJs a re grouped into different categories. The entire Tableturns 4 year annivers ary show is uniquely organized such that each group of 4 DJs is teamed up t o perform 20-30 minute jam sessions, with each DJ’s individual routines bei ng played as blended solos instead of as segmented routines. This format wi ll be the first of its kind . Table Turns 4 year anniverary part 2 Who Tabl e Turns 4 Year Annviersay part 2 When: Saturday April 7th Where: Fun at 130 Madison St What: Q- Berts Wavetwister Movie Doors: 8:00pm Showtime: 9:00pm Tickets: $15.00 Limited Advance tickets available at: Fat Beats, Other Musi c and online at Ticketweb Table Turns History –
#1605 6 Apr 2001 03:47:01 – Spiritual Beings Friday, April 6, 2001 Time: 11:45PM – 11:45AM Hello there trance lovers, for the first time in the united states, spiritual beings are gathering together to produce a 12 hours ceremony full of peace, love, unity and respect.When: April 6th from 12:00am (midnight) to 12:00pm (highnoon).Location: 502 w. 30 str (between 10 & 11 av). used to be a moving company. the party is on the 5th floor. a 5500 sf loft with city view to 3 directions, including the sunrise.Sound: way to much for this size of a venue . 8 18′ sub woofers, 4 mid-high from EAW.Djs: All djs are israeli and promise to deliver strong bass line-psychedelic- european trance. * Dj Ran * Dj Eitan (Spiritual beings) * Dj Doom (Shuffle Records)Chai: a chai and chillout corner will be set on site with mattress, pillows and good karma.Decorations: are beings made by the amazing michaela. longis, 3-d oms and Fungi, and lots more.Admission: $25 at the doors, $20 with an invitation (you can find our invitations in “house of trance”, “throb” and at our good friends all around ny. you can also print this email and bring it with you as an invitation.). low prices at the bar: $3 for water, $5 beer. coat check will also be available for our guests.one more thing: please remember that this party is “underground” so make sure you’re telling about it to the right people only.if you have any questions, please feel free to drop us a line, we’ll be more then happy to answer all your questions.May all beings be happy and full of joy, Spiritual beings
#1606 Fri, 6 Apr 2001 10:31:25 Re: – Spiritual Beings From: I’m thinking they wouldn’t want it posted to Brainmachines. Spiritual Beings Friday, April 6, 2001 Time: 11:45PM – 11:45AM (-04:00) please remember that this party is “underground” so make sure you’re telling about it to the right people only.
#1607 Fri, 6 Apr 2001 15:45:32 986528821.508.4290.a66Doh!! From: At 10:31 AM 04/06/01, wrote: I’m thinking they wouldn’t want it posted to Brainmachines. My bad 🙁 I didn’t mean to post that to the list. I meant to send that as a private comment to Jeff. Please except my apologies.
#1608 New ground. Unbelievable. Sat, 7 Apr 2001 17:18:50 From: ” #8 D.M. Turner – 30 mg. N.N. d (subsequent to smoking Salvinorin) I loaded my pipe and smoked 30 mg. in three tokes. I entered d space and was greeted with the usual pantheon of critters and objects. Recollection of my recent Salvinorin journey and desire to connect in the same way with d was basically forgotten as I watched the elves moving about. These elves and other creatures didn’t seem to be doing anything of particular interest or meaning, and looking past them I saw some doors from behind which came occasional flashes of bright, colored light. A friend of mine had recently remarked that he thought the d elves were primarily there to distract one from entering the deeper aspects of d experiences, and that he’d been successful in moving beyond them by willing the elves to let him pass. This was in my mind as I said to the elves “Let Me Through. Let Me Through….” I had to repeat this several times with lots of force, even saying it out loud. Eventually the elves reluctantly let me through, and as I passed though a doorway I was admitted to a vast dimensional space. At this point I seemed to be flying. I was disembodied consciousness, and I scanned this new space to hone in on any beings that might be present. Soon I came across some angel/guardian type beings. I recall there were about seven of them. They looked like blobs of light. somewhat gray in color and sort of egg-shaped. They appeared solid from a distance, but on closer examination I saw that their bodies were made of closely packed fibers. These were connected at the center but apparently could open at any point on the outside of their bodies. They seemed to be part computer. part robot, part flesh/brain matter. But all of these elements were blended into one living whole. When I came into their territory these beings briefly glanced over at me, as if saying “what’s all this commotion,” then went back to their tasks, seemingly ignoring me. It seemed that they were busy watching over everything that happens in our space-time dimension, and occasionally making minor adjustments to keep everything in line. Anyway, my thrust of will which had propelled me past the elves and through the door into the guardian’s space, continued propelling me out through the back of the guardian’s realm and into another time space dimension. When I first entered this new time-space dimension I encountered its guardian beings. These beings looked similar to, but slightly different than, the guardians from our dimension. There were about 50 to 60 of them, and they reacted very differently to my appearance. These beings were quite surprised to see me, primarily because I had not come from the dimension that they were guarding, but had come in from the back side of hyperspace. They all huddled together as if in conference, trying to determine if it was OK to let me pass. Eventually they decided, with hesitation, that I could continue on, and I swooped down into a foreign planetary system. I came to a planet that was highly evolved, both scientifically and technically. The place I entered into was some type of research center, and my attention was focused on some large metallic pods that were being moved in and out of racks by elaborate robotic arms. Bach of these pods was somthing like an isolation chamber. They were shaped like large coffins about eight feet long, although with rounded edges. The oval cross sections were about three feet wide. The beings who used these pods looked exactly like humans. The pods were filled with a foam-type material which was connected to the sides of the pod. and also contacted the entire skin surface area of the person inside the pod. The foam was serrated, and I understood that it served as a conductor of food, water, heat, medicines, etc. between the pods’ technical systems and the person resting in it. These pods were also cold chambers. They were not for cryogenically freezing a person, but put them into some type of suspended animation. It was soon impressed on me that the whole purpose of these pods and this research center, was that this was the mthod the people here used to increase the level of d in the brains of the pod sleepers. One fortunate enough to be a research subject would go into a pod for weeks or months at a time. The d levels in their brain would be significantly increased, and they would spend their time having the most fascinating dreams! This research that was taking place was considered the most serious aspect of this society’s evolution. I entered into the mind of a person inside a pod. It was a woman who appeared to be about 25 years old. As I went into her mind and became aware of all I’ve described above, she simultaneously became aware of much of my world. This was the first time her society had ever had contact with an earthling. And it was quite a shock and discovery for her to find out that there were other people who didn’t need to go through the elaborate technological process of increasing d levels through suspended animation, but simply smoked the stuff and could collect it from any of several plants. It must have been a bit embarrassing for her. Initially I thought that she must have asked her guardians to let her pass into another dimension as I had done. Although on further thought, it seemed that I had come to her dimension on my own power, and was quite possibly invading her space. She may have been a bit taken back by this, as well. Almost instantly she wanted to leave her pod to announce her discovery to the rest of the research team and go to the Israeli Spiritual Beings trance party tonight.
#1612 Fw: [subtlechaos] CBGB this Saturday Fri, 6 Apr 2001 14:14:25 Saturday April 7 SubtleChaos party in CBGB Resident DJs: Jason vs. Vadim DJ set [subtlechaos] DJ Eleven [union / vibes records] Special guest DJ Bla cklight deco by our artists from New York including Severyn, Kura and Danie l [subtlechaos] E-Flyer: /events.html #CBGB $7 at the door or $5 with our flyer (no flyer? – print this email…) 18+ / 21 to drink, tip like a New Yorker would! CBGB’s downstairs lounge 315 B owery between 1st and 2nd Street bring drums or didj if you can play. we will grant free admission to best cyber-techno-fluoro-freak costumes. ask f or us at the door if think you look like one. 10pm till later… Bring y er granny! Subtlechaos web sub tlechaos CBG B al guest DJ cklight deco by our artists from New York including Severyn, Kura and Daniel [subtlechaos] Arial Narrow E-Flyer: w /events.html #CBGB r (no flyer? – print this email…) would! d 2nd Street dj if you can play. nt free admission to best cyber-techno-fluoro-freak costumes. ask for us a t the door if think you look like one. echaos
#1616 Mon, 09 Apr 2001 15:58:47 RE: Bridge parties Correction:I meant one in April and one in May, not two in May. Hurry, the early bird catches the sandworm…
#1617 Fw: SubtleChaos Izzy Bar this Tuesday Mon, 9 Apr 2001 16:01:28 — From: info To: Subtlechaos Info List Sent: Monday, April 09, 2001 3:35 PM SubtleChaos Izzy Bar this Tuesday Hello, we would like to anounce our special guests for tomorrow night at Izzy Bar: a.. QUARTZ [BreakBeatScience] from leading store for dru m & bass in East Village, groovy down-tempo breaks for most enjoyable eveni ng in the Izzy’s upstairs lounge b.. KAZU [VinylMarket.org] best stor e for techno & trance in East Village carrying always fresh collection of n ew and underground material, minimal techno set from the store’s owner – Ka zu! Izzy Bar downstairs lounge. plus resident DJs and blacklight art from S ubtlechaos! 166 First ave. between 10th and 11th Street. 10pm – 4am $3 at the door / free with guestlist (please confirm by sending email to guestli st at subtlechaos) Truly yours, Please note that our weekly events at CBGB are cancelled, stay tuned for our new locati on on Saturday nights. SubtlechaosSent: Monday, April 09, 2001 3:35 PM S ubtleChaos Izzy Bar this Tuesday Hello, we would like to anounce our special guests for tomorrow night at Izzy Bar: UL QUARTZ [BreakBeatScience] from lea ding store for drum & bass in East Village, groovy down-tempo breaks for most enjoyable evening in the Izzy’s upstairs lounge STRONG KAZU [VinylMarket.org] best store for techno & trance i n East Village carrying always fresh collection of new and und erground material, minimal techno set from the store’s owner – Kazu! Izzy Bar downstairs lounge. plus resident DJs and&nb sp;blacklight art from Subtlechaos! 166 First ave. be tween 10th and 11th Street. 10pm – 4am $3 at the door / free with gu estlist (please confirm by sending email to btlechaosguestlist at subtlechaos) Truly yours, – Please note that our weekly events at CBGB are cancelled, stay tuned for our new location on Saturday nigh ts. borde al chaosinfo at subtlechaos
#1618 10 Apr 2001 03:02:02 – Trance party Trance party Thursday, April 12, 2001 Time: 11:00PM – 7:00AM Inviting all minds seeking higher consciousness to the Frying Pan on April 12 for an eventful evening of epic and progressive proportions. Pleasure Head (mass hysteria) Jon S St0w (anti-ego productions SF/NY) Jordan (anti-ego productions SF/NY) If weather permits we will take this party outdoors on to the docks where we can all dance and watch the sunrise together. Mandalay’s record release party will be taking place in the Captain’s Quarters. $15/ $10 with canned goods all going to City Harvest Foods Please be respectful.. Frying Pan North River/ Pier 63 Behind Basketball City on the westside highway and 23rd st. See everyone there, Steven G.
#1621 Fw: – tonight at Izzy Bar (guest DJs – Vinyl Market & Breakbeat Science) Tue, 10 Apr 2001 17:30:40 — From: info To: Subtlechaos Info List Sent: Tuesday, April 10, 2001 5:23 PM – tonight at Izzy Bar Hello, we would like to remind you about party tonight at Izzy Bar: Izzy Bar Upstairs with Breakbeat Science, NYC: a.. QUARTZ [Breakbeat Science] b.. DJ STILL [Breakbeat Science] c.. DRUM ONE [Breakbeat Science] Iz zy Bar downstairs techno lounge: a.. KAZU [Vinyl Market] best store fo r techno & trance in East Village carrying always fresh collection of new a nd underground material, minimal techno set from the store’s owner – Kazu! Izzy Bar downstairs lounge. b.. Jason [subtlechaos] c.. Vadim [subtle chaos / subtle productions] Blacklight art and deco from Subtlechaos! 166 First ave. between 10th and 11th Street. 10pm – 4am $3 at the door / free with guestlist (please confirm by sending email to guestlist at subtlechaos.co m) Truly yours, Subtlechaos i nfo at subtlechaos- btlechaosSubtlechaos Info List Sent:/ BTuesday, April 10, 2001 5:23 PM – to night at Izzy Bar tonight at Izzy Bar:/ 340 r Upstairs with Breakbeat Science, NYC: UL Science] TRONG[Breakbeat Science] Science] /L I [Vinyl Market] best store for techno & trance in East Villa ge carrying always fresh collection of new and underground mat erial, minimal techno set from the store’s owner – Kazu! Izzy Bar downst airs lounge. Jason [subtlechaos] productions]/ t and deco from Subtlechaos! 4am ease confirm ruly yours, a o s
#1624 Tue, 10 Apr 2001 22:14:20 Fwd: JerseyCity Emergency If ya’ll went to the Alphatrance events in New Jersey, this is mandatory of you live around Jeresey City if you want to see the arts district stay intact!! There’s one thing worse than the wussification of trance, and that’s the gentrification of fine neighborhoods and the yuppie vampires who suck the marrow of meaning from established arts areas. Would you EVER expect to see Sasha & Digweed playing at a benefit to save the Jersey City arts area? Disclaimer: I will be at home playing video games
#1625 SubtleChaos Izzy Bar this Tuesday Mon, 9 Apr 2001 15:28:56 Hello, we would like to anounce our special guests for tomorrow night at Iz zy Bar: a.. QUARTZ [BreakBeatScience] from leading store for drum & bass in East Village, groovy down-tempo breaks for most enjoyable evening in the Izzy’s upstairs lounge b.. KAZU [VinylMarket.org] best store f or techno & trance in East Village carrying always fresh collection of new and underground material, minimal techno set from the store’s owner – Kazu! Izzy Bar downstairs lounge. plus resident DJs and blacklight art from Subt lechaos! 166 First ave. between 10th and 11th Street. 10pm – 4am $3 at th e door / free with guestlist (please confirm by sending email to guestlist at subtlechaos) Truly yours, Please note tha t our weekly events at CBGB are cancelled, stay tuned for our new location on Saturday nights. SubtlechaosHello, we would like to anounce our special guests for tomo rrow night at Izzy Bar: UL QUARTZ [BreakBea tScience] from leading store for drum & bass in East Village, groovy down-tempo breaks for most enjoyable evening in the Izzy’s upsta irs lounge KAZU [VinylMarket.org] best store for techno & trance in East Village carrying always fresh ;collection of new and underground material, minimal techno set from the store’s owner – Kazu! Izzy Bar downstairs lounge. plus resident DJs and blacklight art from Subtlechaos!/STR ONG 166 First ave. between 10th and 11th Street. 10pm – 4am $3 at the door / free with guestlist (please confirm by sending email to Truly yours, Please note th at our weekly events at CBGB are cancelled, stay tuned for our new lo cation on Saturday nights.
#1626 ds Wed, 11 Apr 2001 16:55:00 We were told that last night 4 people got asked to leave Izzy Bar because t hey were cought using ds in front of the bar manager. We would like to a sk you please don’t take pills and don’t smoke hand rolled cigarettes in front of people, if you have to take any prescritpion ds, please leave the bar to take it or go in the bathroom, if undercover police catches you first, you’re definately in big trouble. Please be smart and keep in mind t hat our parties are not in any way promoting d use. May 11th SubtleChaos will be participating in the annual Legalize It Marijuana March “Space Odi ssey 2001”, it will be 6 hours of trance and techno music openair in Batter y Park NYC in the shade of the Statue of Liberty celebrating right to choos e… Sat. April 21st some big surprise party! Thank you and see you at O pium Den tonite! Vadim Dostman Subtlechaos vadim at su btlechaos Contact: guest.trulyglobal/vadim We were told that last night 4 people got asked to leave Iz zy Bar because they were cought using ds in front of the bar manager. W e would like to ask you please don’t take pills and don’t smoke ha nd rolled cigarettes in front of people, if you have to take any prescritpion ds, please leave the bar to take it or go in the bat hroom, if undercover police catches you first, you’re definately in big&nb sp;trouble. Please be smart and keep in mind that our parties are not in a ny way promoting d use. May 11th SubtleChaos will be participat ing in the annual Legalize It Marijuana March “Space Odissey 2001″, it wil l be 6 hours of trance and techno music openair in Battery Park NYC i n the shade of the Statue of Liberty celebrating right to choose… Sat. April 21st some big surprise party! T hank you and see you at Opium Den tonite! MARGI ” 1Subtlechaos vadim at subtlechaos
#1627 12 Apr 2001 01:02:01 – Very messy underground techno party in B… Very messy underground techno party in Brooklyn Saturday, April 14, 2001 Time: 9:00PM – 5:00AM 23 windows is in full throttle- you are invited to a- tekno party with mass amounts of performances by the unusuals…… mini carnival kizzes, you are the circus- DuEL BraIN Parallel Processed Happening * nOn sTop * Saturday, April 14 21:00 – until you decide it is over (blankets, and urban campout welcome) $5 donation we turn no one away and we can always be bribed with PLANTS las Ventanas de 23 at 41 Belvidere Bushwick *Brooklyn* IN the Sky Pad: non-stop * NON-STOP * non-STOP * NON-stop * non-stop * NON-STOP * non-STOP * NON-stop * non-stop * NON-STOP * by: HAVOC ^ K.KTUS ^ BROKLYNBEATS SINTELLIGENCE^ MADAMECHAO ^ KvK [[[hardkor tek breakz noize space core+++]]]***** LIVEACTZ and DJz: burned mohoks (in from france) churchshoes (resurrected loopytunes) zipperspy GO at /OS nic-fit zemi17 no rx 40 07 blubber ENVIRONMENT by sintelligence VISUAL chaos by kvk, madame chao IN the Temple: BODY EXPeriments and EXPeriences * Acoustic Audio Resurrection (Damage) Laboratory * 9 PM sharp start 5 Performances developed from the body (and its inherent desire to resolve the conflict between internal and external) Evelena Dann Hiroko Ishimura Egg Juan Merchan Kaesha ^ Isak Veta (Erin Ellen, Kendra, Macarena, Shazaad) Okk Yung: Cello SSSSSSSSSSS: Live Audio Shazaad: Live Audio Zemi 17: Sing Ta Ha!, WaLa, Saxophone, FX, insects with endurance performance noitoM wolS b a ck w o r ds by Kaesha VK and Isak (die Ransom Core) Ameoba Technology: Quasi Harmonic Blips Fashion Hole Peep Show Featuring Dresses from Atelier E and Hats by Jasmin Zorlu ***** vinyls direct from French soundsystems, havocsound mixes and other items completely unavailable in typical commercial outlets***** (listening station on s
#1634 15 Apr 2001 02:02:00 – Psilocib – Parasense Psilocib – Parasense Saturday, April 21, 2001 Time: 10:00PM – 6:00AM
#1638 Fw: [subtlechaos] This Tuesday at Izzy Bar Mon, 16 Apr 2001 17:12:43 — From: info To: Subtlechaos Info List Sent: Monday, April 16, 2001 4:43 PM [subtlechaos] This Tuesday at Izzy Bar My Groups | subtlechaos Main Page SubtleCha os party Tuesday April 16 Izzy Bar 166 First Ave between 10th and 11th Stee t. 10pm-4am 212 228 0444 a.. Vadim [subtlechaos / subtle productions] b.. Jason [subtlechaos] c.. DJ Eleven [Union, Vibes records] d.. Gavin [Spectra, Amherst – MA] e.. Deco by Daniel [subtlechaos], Kura and Severy n We would like to welcome our friend Gavin that has been responsible for t he Spectra parties with new names like Ticon, 3-Turn and more coming soon.. . we hope you will like this special DJ set. $3 at the door or free with g uestlist, email guestlist at subtlechaos : May 11th SubtleCha os party with Fletcher Mundson Syndrom (a.k.a. EarGear) live set and more, visit our site for infoAdvanced presale tickets for M ay 11th are available at Throb and Vinyl Market records, please buy your ti ckets early this is a small club and we have limited capacity. Email us if you have any questions. Subtlechaosom this group, send an e You – lto:subtlechaosSubtlechaos Info List S ent: Monday, April 16, 2001 4:43 PM [subtlec haos] This Tuesday at Izzy Barparty Tuesday April 16 2Izzy Bar 166 First Ave between 10th and 11th Steet. 10pm-4am 212 228 0444 UL productions]/STRO NG Jason [subtlechaos] record s] MA] LI [subtlechaos], Kura and Severyn friend Gavin that has been responsible for the Spectra part ies with new names like Ticon, 3-Turn and more coming soon… we hope you will like this special DJ set. guestlist, emai l with Fletcher Mundson Syndrom (a.k.a. EarGear) live set and more, visit o ur site for info .co m ets for May 11th are available at Throb and Vinyl Market re cords, please buy your tickets early this is a small club and we h ave limited capacity. Email us if you have any questions. to:info at subtlechaosinfo at subtlechaos b btlechaosinfo at subtlechaos ttp:// /TB ODYTo t of
#1643 Fw: [subtlechaos] : tonight at Izzy Bar Tue, 17 Apr 2001 14:42:45 — From: info To: Subtlechaos Info List Sent: Tuesday, April 17, 2001 2:12 PM [subtlechaos] : tonight a t Izzy Bar SubtleChaos Party Tuesday April 17 Izzy Bar 166 First Ave bet ween 10th and 11th Steet. 10pm-4am 212 228 0444 a.. Vadim [subtlechaos / subtle productions] b.. Jason [subtlechaos] c.. DJ Eleven [Union, Vibe s records] d.. Gavin [Spectra, Amherst – MA] e.. Deco by Daniel [subtle chaos], Kura and Severyn We would like to welcome our friend Gavin that has been responsible for the Spectra parties with new names like Ticon, 3-Turn and more coming soon… we hope you will like this special DJ set. In ups tairs lounge : a.. DJ Angeles [6th Element, U.S.A.] Angeles originally co ming from Chile now an international DJ playing for 6th Element, she is wee kly resident DJ at Opium Den (Wed.) and Street bar. (Thurs.) Enjoy her exot ic lounge mix. $3 at the door or free with guestlist, email guestlist at subtl echaos : May 11th SubtleChaos party with Fletcher Mundson Syndrom (a.k.a. EarGear) live set and more, visit our site for info web sub tlechaos Advanced presale tickets for May 11th are available at Throb and Vinyl Market records, please buy your tickets early this is a small club and we have limited capacity. Email us if you have any questions. Subtlechaos w ww.subtlechaos ilto:info at subtlechaosinfo echaos haos Info List Sent: Tuesday, April 17, 2001 2:12 PM [subtlechaos] : tonight at Izzy Bar/DI V sr y y April 17 NGIzzy Bar 166 First Ave between 10th and 11th Steet. 10pm-4am 212 228 04 44 UL T ason [subtlechaos] records]/STRO NG Gavin [Spectra, Amherst – MA] [subt lechaos], Kura and Severyn friend Gavin that has been responsible for the Spectra parties wit h new names like Ticon, 3-Turn and more coming soon… we hope you will lik e this special DJ set. : UL [6th Element, U.S.A.] Chile now an international DJ playing for 6th Element, she is weekly resident DJ at Opium Den (Wed.) and Street bar. (Thurs.) Enjoy her exotic l ounge mix. guestlist, email guestlist at subtlechaos ubtleChaos party with Fletcher Mundson Syndrom (a.k.a. EarGear) live set a nd more, visit our site for info ww w.subtlechaos ced presale tickets for May 11th are available at Throb and ;Vinyl Market records, please buy your tickets early this is a sma ll club and we have limited capacity. Email us if you have any questions. sty A
#1644 Tue, 17 Apr 2001 12:26:50 Wednesdays at Opium Den From: angeles garay chiletrance at yahoo Hello Everybody!! This is a for Wednesday nights at Opium Den with DJ Angeles +Guests. Come and listen the trance music in this nice bar and enjoy. Also I want to informate that this Saturday 21st of April is the “Day of the Earth” that has been celebrate for years around the world. The idea is meditate for our planet Earth to be heal of all the garbage that we have been putting for 2000years or more. So wake up everybody!!!!!! Let’s do somthing for the planet. This is DJ Angeles comunicating my spirit to eveyone that want to listen. DJ Angeles(Chiletrance-6th element) Isam(Morocco) Jamin(USA) Opium Den 29 East 3rd Street at 2nd Avenue 10 PM No Cover thanks!! Love and Light Angeles
#1645 18 Apr 2001 02:02:01 – Mantric Music Mantric Music Wednesday, April 18, 2001 Time: 10:00PM – 3:00AM I got a flyer for this today and I thought people might be interested, after all it is free… -Alex Crawford Mantric Music featuring Santur, Flute, Harmonium, Bells, and Synthesizer Wednesday, April 18th 7:30 pm Wallace Hall Park Ave. at 84th St. Admission Free All are welcome For Further info call (718) 523-0318 The Sri Chinmoy Bhajan Singers are an international group of women singers and musicians from North America, Europe, Australia, and Japan who perform bhajans composed by spiritual teacher Sri Chinmoy. A cosmic feeling combines with harmonious musical entertainment as the singers use mantras to invoke the Hindu gods. The instruments- tamboura, bells, celeste, chimes, flute, harmonium and synthesizer- create a light, rhythmically peaceful and soothing sound like the steadiness of the sea washing up on the shore, and the playfulness of the sun twinkling and dancing on its surface. Peace emanates from this music. It will take you miles and miles away from your daily worries.
#1653 21 Apr 2001 02:02:01 – Spectra – CYCLES – Hux Flux Spectra – CYCLES – Hux Flux Friday, May 4, 2001 Time: 10:00PM – 6:00AM Spectra presents….. c y c l e s friday, may 4th 2001 **live acts: NOMA (Spiral Trax) Sweden **dj’s: MAGNUS ANDERSSON (Noma,Spiral Trax) Sweden LORI THE HIFI PRINCESS (Shimmy recordings U.K,futuretech,nanote) KALYX (Growroom, Spectra, Synthetic Sadhus) GAVIN (Spectra) AMMON EP (Resurrection,Satellite Boston) **fluorescent art by: TANIA (Amsterdam) CHILETRANCE (USA) deco by: JAMIN venue: the key skating rink 220 E.138th St. at Grand Concourse bronx nyc DIRECTIONS: by subway: from manhattan: Get to Grand Central Terminal. Take the Green #4 or #5 uptown to the i38th St. & Grand Concourse stop. The venue is accross 138th Street. You will see the illuminated yellow sign for The Key Skate. from Queens and Brooklyn: Transfer to #4, #5, or #6, and follow the above directions. by car: from upstate New York: Take 87 South, the New York Thruway to the Major Deegan, to Exit 3 (138th & Grand Concourse). The venue is two blocks down on the right. Look for the illuminated yellow sign for The Key Skate. from Connecticut: Take I-95 South to the Cross Bronx Expressway to I-87 South (The Major Deegan). Take Exit 3 (138th & Grand Concourse), and follow the above directions. from Manhattan: Take the FDR North to the Willis Avenue Bridge or Triboro Bridge (towards the Bronx), to the Major Deegan North to Exit 3. Turn right onto 138th Street. The venue is two blocks down on the right. from the Outer Boroughs: Please consult a map to in order to find the best route for you, or drive to Manhattan and follow the above directions. tickets: $25 in advance $30 at the door satellite(ny & boston) throb growroom caffeine house of trance & sonic groove
#1654 Collective Unconscious Sat, 21 Apr 2001 23:06:47 From: “sElf Trance Former” From: Collective Unconscious Event Update … … Collective Unconscious Event Update – web weird.org … … 4.21.01 … From Collective: Unconscious … Sub-Group IFAM … … For Immediate Release … … M I K O N H A L L O F W O R L D S … A monthly late night installation event … Saturday April 21, 2001 12am … … MikonHallofWorlds is a total visual, sonic, and tactile … environment … to take place at … Collective: Unconscious … 145 Ludlow Street … 212.254.5277 … … Featuring: Monsterrobots (c), Flying Water, Animatronic … Creatures, … Projection, Bubbletank, and Monitorblock … Design renderings viewable at web ifam.net. … … with the Aural Environments of Triptych Records’ Bionaut … and Drama Desk Award Winning Sound Designer Jamie Mereness … … Calendar Information and future dates viewable at: … web weird.org … Email Contact: hebdemnobad at hotmail
#1655 Fw: subtle news Mon, 23 Apr 2001 14:05:35 Here’s what’s on our calendar for the next few weeks: Tomorrow – Tuesday April 23rd: Weekly SubtleChaos party at Izzy Bar Jason [subtlechaos] Vadi m [subtlechaos / subtle productions] DJ Eleven [union, vibes records] and special appearence by DJ YANIV [Cosmophilia, Germany/Israel] We are very pleased to present Yaniv the head of major worldwide psytrance records distribution “Cosmophilia” this SubtleChaos Tuesday. In New York Yaniv play ed at such big events as 6th Element openair, Hovek Olam New Year’s party a nd many more parties all around the globe. 166 First Ave. between 10th and 11th Street, 10pm-late, 21+ only Admission – $3, free with guestlist at subt lechaos Saturday May 5th Battery Sq. Park (see attached flyer) 6 ho urs of music at openair annual Marijuana March “Space Odissey 2001”, cepara te soundsystem, special guest apprearences and more. Free. Stay tuned for u pdates about this event! Friday May 11th SubtleChaos party with EarGear /Fletcher Mundson Syndrom live! We can’t wait until May 11th… Newest psy techno sound directly from Hamburg Germany will blow you away! This is big gest event we did since E records party last year! at Downtime 251 West 30 th Street. 10pm – 7am, all ages. Stay tuned for updates… tickets are avai lable in following locations: Vinyl Market records – 241 East 10th Street b etween 1st and 2nd Ave.; Throb records – 211 East 14th Street between 2nd a nd 3rd Ave. To order by phone call (212)539-1203 (credit card purchase onl y). Please start reserving your tickets now as the space is limited. Thank you for support and have a good week! Subtlechaos info at su btlechaosTomorrow – Tuesday April 23rd: Weekly SubtleChaos party at Izzy Bar Jason [subtlechao s] Vadim [subtlechaos / subtle productions] DJ Eleven [u nion, vibes records] and special appearence by DJ YANIV [Cosm ophilia, Germany/Israel] We are very pleased to present Yaniv&n bsthe head of major worldwide psytrance records distribution “Co smophilia” this SubtleChaos Tuesday. In New York Yaniv play ed at such big events as 6th Element openair, Hovek Olam New Year’s party and many more parties all around the globe. 166 First Ave. between 10th and 11th Street, 10pm-late, 21+ only Admission – $3, free with Saturday May 5th Battery Sq. Park (see attached flyer ) 6 hours of music at openair annual Marijuana March “Space Odi ssey 2001”, ceparate soundsystem, special guest apprearences and more. Fre e. Stay tuned for updates about this event! Friday Ma y 11th SubtleChaos party with EarGear/Fletcher Mundson Syndrom live! We can’t wait until May 11th… Newest psy techno sound d irectly from Hamburg Germany will blow you away! This is biggest event&nbs p;we did since E records party last year! at Downtime 251 West 30th Street. 10pm – 7am, all ages. Stay tuned for updates… tickets are availa ble in following locations: Vinyl Market records – 241 East 10th Street be tween 1st and 2nd Ave.; Throb records – 211 East 14th Street between 2nd a nd 3rd Ave. To order by phone call (212)539-1203 (credit card purcha se only). Please start reserving your tickets now as the space is&nbs p;limited. Thank you for support and have a good week! btlechaos subtlechaos s /
#1656 Fw: Best chill-out in town Mon, 23 Apr 2001 18:25:39 SubtleChaos presents: DJ Angeles [Chiletrance / 6th Element] plus guests.. . This Tuesday April 24th upstairs in Izzy Bar! DJ Angeles who now has be en long time resident at Opium Den will join us from tomorrow to create spe cial ambient night upstairs in Izzy Bar. Please come and enjoy great dance music downstairs and electronic chill-out space upstairs! 166 First Ave. b etween 10th and 11th Street, 10pm-late, 21+ only Admission – $3, free with guestlist at subtlechaos Subtlechaosat VadimT20 SubtleChaos presents: DJ Angeles [Chiletra nce / 6th Element] plus guests… This Tuesday April 24th upstairs in Izzy Bar! DJ Angeles who now has been&nb sp;long time resident at Opium Den will join us from tomorrow to crea te special ambient night upstairs in Izzy Bar. Please come and enjoy great dance music downstairs and electronic chill-out space upstairs! 166 First Ave. between 10th and 11th Street, 10pm-late, 21+ only Admission – $3, free with stlist at subtlechaos borderColo 90 osinfo at subtlechaos ww.subtlechaos
#1657 Parasense Review/This Week/Workshop/Focus Group Tue, 24 Apr 2001 20:29:48 From: “sElf Trance Former” PARASENCE(sp?) REVIEW: PARASENSE in Brooklyn was amazingly off the hook. Good crowd, not so crowded that you could never dance. The music was wonderful. Every fifteen seconds the tracks would switch, each time jacking you in deeper and deeper, never ever repetitive, never ever boring, yet still the overall efect was entrancing. Sampling like Public Enemy, machined up like I’ve rarely heard. It sounded so intricate that it sounded like a turntablist. I wonder if their CDs sound the same. It took me sooo long to leave at 5:30am. The Mackie sound system was rocking. The Israeli guy Psychodog was energetic and victory. The venue was far but fun with a lot of rides, slides, and whatnot (next time guys – leave the video games on). Max from Psilocib did yet another great job and should be commended for sticking to it against all odds in the face of competition. Shame on those who spread – or heard and believed – rumours that the party was cancelled. Guess what. You missed out. The party was always “on,” and if you still doubt me, then you should check your email. I go almost everything I post, and know who is shady and who is not (it just so happens there are not a lot of shady people in psytrance) There has NEVER been an instance of a party being cancelled and it not being posted on this list. If you’re never 100% sure, check your email. If a promoter were to not contact me about a cancellatuion or significant headliner change, it is bad bad bad. Max has thrown two good parties before and this makes three. Throw him some freaking slack already! TUESDAY is a double rocking night with a nice house party at LIQUIDS and a psytrance party adownstairs at Izzy BAR. WEDNESDAY Angeles from Chile spins at Opium Den. THURSDAY VELVET has a “progressive trance” night every Thursday night: THURSDAYS at VELVET MIDWEST EXPRESS PRODUCTIONS PRESENTS: DJ’S: KIMBE (CANDY RECORDS)and ALEXANDER SOLOMOS (CANDY RECORDS)SPIN TRANCE FROM 10 UNTIL 2. UPSTAIRS. VELVET 223 MULBERRY (IN BETWEEN PRINCE AND SPRING) THIS FRIDAY before Tsunami: Dear Friends, I’m back from Hawaii – lots of Hawaiian visions to share with you… Join the SHAKTISPIRITS for a Trancedance Soul journeying experience fri. April 27 at Limon Dance Studio 611 Broadway corner of Houston, 7:45-10:00 p.m $15 Where loose comfortable cloths bring a Bandana a candle CHECK OUT web trancedance for more info. MAHALO PARASHAKTI-SIGALIT GET PAID to spout about your hipy dippy ideas Trance heads – Be part of an underground focus group and get paid… Hello People, I wan’t to let you know about this market research company that is looking for voices of the underground and tuned-in heads who have good taste in upcoming trends, fasion, music and culture. Their goal is to find out what is the real current of culture, where is it going and how can the clueless corporate media become more honest, hip and down to earth / out into space and less nausiatingly superficial, manipulative and tedious. So if you have a millenial attitude of a cyber-punk, techno-shaman, funkified hip-hopper, soul-house groover, glabal trance-raver, hempy hippy, psy-rocker, holistic healing mystic, ayahuasca/shroom using yogic-tantra guru, cyberdelic information/systems theorist lover of transpersonal psychology and subculture, GET PAID TO SHARE YOUR OPINIONS!! You just have to fill out a few short surveys per month and get paid $5 for each survey, and if you can get ten friends to fill out surveys you will make an extra $50 per month!! simple & easy. For information send email to kakuljaevan at yahoo
#1658 SubtleChaos party tonight Tue, 24 Apr 2001 14:12:32 Tonight – Tuesday April 24th: Weekly SubtleChaos party at Izzy Bar Izz y Bar downstairs: Jason [subtlechaos] Vadim [subtlechaos / subtle producti ons] DJ Eleven [union, vibes records] and special appearence by DJ YANIV [Cosmophilia, Germany/Israel] We are very pleased to present Yaniv the head of major worldwide psytrance records distribution “Cosmophilia” this SubtleChaos Tuesday. In New York Yaniv played at such big events as 6th Ele ment openair, Hovek Olam New Year’s party and many more parties all around the globe. Izzy Bar upstairs SubtleChaos presents : DJ Angeles [Chiletr ance / 6th Element] plus guests… DJ Angeles who now has been long time resident at Opium Den will join us from tomorrow to create special ambient night upstairs in Izzy Bar. Please come and enjoy great dance music downsta irs and electronic chill-out space upstairs! 166 First Ave. between 10th and 11th Street, 10pm-late, 21+ only Admission – $3, free with guestlist at subtlechaos Friday May 11th SubtleChaos party with EarGear/Fletcher Mundson Syndrom live! We can’t wai t until May 11th… Newest psy techno sound directly from Hamburg Germany w ill blow you away! This is biggest event (up to 700 people expected!) since E records party last year! at Downtime 251 West 30th Street. 10pm – 7am, all ages. Stay tuned for updates… tickets are already available in follow ing locations: Vinyl Market records – 241 East 10th Street between 1st and 2nd Ave.; Throb records – 211 East 14th Street between 2nd and 3rd Ave. To order by phone call (212)539-1203 (credit card purchase only). Please star t reserving your tickets now as the space is limited. Truly yours, – Subtlechaosat VadimT20 Tonight – Tuesday April 24th: Weekly Sub tleChaos party at Izzy Bar Izzy Ba r downstairs: Jason [subtlechaos] Vadim [subtlecha os / subtle productions] DJ Eleven [union, vibes records] and special appearence by DJ YANIV [Cosmophilia, Germany/Israel]/ We are very pleased to present Yaniv the head of major w orldwide psytrance records distribution “Cosmophilia” this Subtl eChaos Tuesday. In New York Yaniv played at such big events as 6 th Element openair, Hovek Olam New Year’s party and many more parties all around the globe. Izzy Bar u pstairs SubtleChaos presents : DJ Angeles [Chiletra nce / 6th Element] plus guests… DJ Angeles who now has been long time resident at Opium Den will join us from tomo rrow to create special ambient night upstairs in Izzy Bar. Please com e and enjoy great dance music downstairs and electronic chill-out space up stairs! 166 First Ave. between 10th and 11th Street, 1 0pm-late, 21+ only Admission – $3, free with tlist at subtlechaosguestlist at subtlechaos Friday May 11th SubtleChaos party with EarGear/Fletcher Mundson Syndrom live! We can’t wait unti l May 11th… Newest psy techno sound directly from Hamburg Germ any will blow you away! This is biggest event (up to 700 people expected!) since E records party last year! at Downtime 251 West 30th Str eet. 10pm – 7am, all ages. Stay tuned for updates… tickets are already a vailable in following locations: Vinyl Market records – 241 East 10th Stree t between 1st and 2nd Ave.; Throb records – 211 East 14th Street between 2 nd and 3rd Ave. To order by phone call (212)539-1203 (credit card p urchase only). Please start reserving your tickets now as the space i s limited. Truly yours, s u b t l e c h a o s
#1659 “Subtlechaos Info List” subtlechaosCc: Best chill-out in town Mon, 23 Apr 2001 17:09:59 SubtleChaos presents: DJ Angeles [Chiletrance / 6th Element] plus guests.. . This Tuesday upstairs in Izzy Bar! DJ Angeles who now has been long tim e resident at Opium Den will join us from tomorrow to create special ambien t night upstairs in Izzy Bar. Please come and enjoy great dance music downs tairs and electronic chill-out space upstairs! 166 First Ave. between 10th and 11th Street, 10pm-late, 21+ only Admission – $3, free with guestlist at subtlechaos DJ Angeles [Chiletra nce / 6th Element] plus guests… This Tuesday upstairs in Izzy Bar! DJ Angeles who now has been long time res ident at Opium Den will join us from tomorrow to create special ambie nt night upstairs in Izzy Bar. Please come and enjoy great dance musi c downstairs and electronic chill-out space upstairs! 166 First Ave . between 10th and 11th Street, 10pm-late, 21+ only Admission – $3, free with
#1660 Tue, 24 Apr 2001 15:58:18 Wednesdays at Opium Den From: angeles garay chiletrance at yahoo Hello Everybody! This is a for every Wednesday nights at Opium Den with DJ Angeles + Guests. Come and enjoy the Trance music in this nice bar with nice vibes and people. I think finally the summer is here!!! Let s go out and enjoy life, Everybody Welcome! DJ Angeles(chiletrance-6th Element) Misha(San Francisco) + special guest Opium Den 29 East 3rd Street at 2nd Avenue 10 Pm No Cover thanks! Love and Light Angeles
#1663 New venue for XDream friday/Atmos still cancelled at Roxy Thu, 26 Apr 2001 15:28:54 From: “sElf Trance Former” has been moved from the BB King to “The World” at 1501 Broadway at 43rd. It starts at 11:45 p.m. this Friday Also, an auto email was sent out this morning for Atmos at Roxy. It is still not going to happen, sorry. Hello just wondering if Atmos is really on this weekend? i thought it had been postponed. If you could let meknow. Please. Thankyou! Vibha (member of both your lists) I saw the group posting this am. I thought ATMOS was cancelled. Please let me know Leslie Hey, are you going to Atmos? Them I want to hear. I think A. and her SISTER will probably not miss this one either. ALSO ON FRIDAY… in Seinfeld’s and “Friends” ‘hood, the Yupper West Side… the Tsunami Party, but it is also my birthday. So it will be an excellent with a two-hour open bar and smooth Trance early on it is a great way to start out the night. I hope to see you all out this weekend. Love and Happiness mike Tech House, Progressive, Deep Trance and Goa Trance Party Friday April 27th Divine Force Productions Presents Sauce Fridays Featuring Resident DJ Divine (Disco 2000) This weeks special guest DJ: DJ Spree (Touched by a DJ) Location: Cream 246 Columbus Ave Between 71st and 72nd $20 General Admission $15 Guest List Open bar from 10-12 21+ Guest list: MikESmileZ at hotmail And don’t forget next week… Spectra presents….. c y c l e s friday, may 4th 2001 **live acts: NOMA (Spiral Trax) Sweden **dj’s: MAGNUS ANDERSSON (Noma,Spiral Trax) Sweden LORI THE HIFI PRINCESS (Shimmy recordings U.K,futuretech,nanote) KALYX (Growroom, Spectra, Synthetic Sadhus) GAVIN (Spectra) AMMON EP (Resurrection,Satellite Boston) **fluorescent art by: TANIA (Amsterdam) CHILETRANCE (USA) deco by: JAMIN venue: the key skating rink 220 E.138th St. at Grand Concourse bronx nyc DIRECTIONS: by subway: from manhattan: Get to Grand Central Terminal. Take the Green #4 or #5 uptown to the i38th St. & Grand Concourse stop. The venue is accross 138th Street. You will see the illuminated yellow sign for The Key Skate. from Queens and Brooklyn: Transfer to #4, #5, or #6, and follow the above directions. by car: from upstate New York: Take 87 South, the New York Thruway to the Major Deegan, to Exit 3 (138th & Grand Concourse). The venue is two blocks down on the right. Look for the illuminated yellow sign for The Key Skate. from Connecticut: Take I-95 South to the Cross Bronx Expressway to I-87 South (The Major Deegan). Take Exit 3 (138th & Grand Concourse), and follow the above directions. from Manhattan: Take the FDR North to the Willis Avenue Bridge or Triboro Bridge (towards the Bronx), to the Major Deegan North to Exit 3. Turn right onto 138th Street. The venue is two blocks down on the right. from the Outer Boroughs: Please consult a map to in order to find the best route for you, or drive to Manhattan and follow the above directions. tickets: $25 in advance $30 at the door satellite(ny & boston) throb growroom caffeine house of trance & sonic groove
#1665 Sunday afternoon, Tompkins Square Park Fri, 27 Apr 2001 17:25:10 From: “sElf Trance Former” Sunday afternoon… also, there’s a shindig saturday at the end of this email (in the d spirit we mention the ‘free’ stuff first) We would like to remind you of this upcoming day trip. Afternoon “Outlaw” Sunday, April 29, 2001 Time: 2:00PM – 7:00PM (-04:00) with some of the usual suspects: it’s ALMOST getting warmer…. a. MAYDAY 2001 A FREE festival and dance party celebration in TOMPKINS SQUARE PARK featuring… Industrial Strengths hardcore pioneer and Mayday veteran, LENNY DEE Blackkat’s Mayday Mastermind, DJ CHROME representing the D-N-B and tech-step with, MC KID LUCKY rhymes, beatbox, and vocal improvisation Blackkat co-founder JASON BLACKKAT Hard techno, core and breaksjust back from world tour. No-holds-barred Tech-house tag team with DJ DOTS and BILLY SHANE of Wanderlust and Touch fame respectively mobile sound-system pioneers, ELECTRIC MEYHEM of the S.P.A.Z. crewSF,CA Urban Resistance Project’s drum-n-bass don-ness DJ 101 holdin down the ragga and old skool jungle The electronic maestro ZEMI 17 from Ransom Corp. Plus DJ ESE and CANNIBAL OX Representing tha live undaground hip-hop And, direct from the Chao-lin temple MADAME CHAO With a special 10 minute set. Also… Choreographed dance performances, Circus arts, Puppets, Info tables and more, more, more!! Sunday, April 29th, 2001 Time: 2 to 7 PM Place: Tompkins Square ParkMain entrance at St. Marks and Ave. A. Lower East SideNot East VillageNYC Background: This is the 15th annual Squatters Mayday ConcertA celebration of the vibrant communities of Lower Manhattan since 1987. This is the fourth time the event has focused on electronic music and culture and the third year in a row that Blackkat has hosted the event. This is a legal event dedicated to showcasing and celebrating NYC’s budding festival and dance music culture. Don’t be boring, dress up, bring some art, do a performance, and live life better than ever!! Blackkat info212-714-4987 or web blackkat.org PS. This is just a warm-up for the BIG eventTHE FESTIVAL OF NOWJune 15th thru 18th!! also… heh heh… Oh yeah, the night before… not psy-trance… and if you send RSVP to ME i will kill you… [405 broadway (manhattan), RSVP to step2 at inch, $7, 10pm – 6am] hi folks, ok, the big day is rapidly approaching. spring is nipping at your ankle like an angry rabbit, the sun is peeking through your office window or where-ever your hours are spent, and you are ready to let the world know: spring is here, fuck this cold shit. for those of you that have joined us in the past, you know what to expect. for those of you that have yet to experience the freeskool crew in its native environment, get ready for a most pleasent surprise. do you remember the first time you heard house music and really experienced it? you didn’t understand anything, because there was nothing to be understood. there was a faint feeling of awe-inspiring beauty: the people dancing cooler than you knew how to, the endless flurry of beautiful, inspiring styles, the inability to remember how many drinks (or whatever) you’d had already… it’s not gone forever, it isn’t just a figment of your imagination, you aren’t too old to have fun. come to freeskool this saturday and experience some the funnest, funkiest people along with new york’s most under-rated djs, flying 100 ft. over land, so far below radar people think we’re in the ocean. all right, enough marketing crap, here’s the deal: if you want to come to the party, you need to e-mail me an rsvp and get yourself on the “can-do” list. there is a $7 charge for everybody, there is no guest list, but you need to RSVP to get in to the party, as space is limited. here’s where to go: 405 BROADWAY, below canal street, in MANHATTAN. take whatever subway to canal street. go up to the 3rd floor, and be nice to the doorman :). try not to congregate on the street. you know how much the cops love underground parties. the party goes from 10pm – 6am some of you may recall my penchant for putting together pretty good sound. well folks, this time i’ve outdone myself. frankly i’m a little scared. we’ve got 2000 WATTS of BASS. that’s just the bass bins. 2000 WATTS of BASS. skip the appointment with your chiropracter. DJs on the night: in the main room: steve monkey – deep house and deeper techno sean b featuring MC adlib – 2-step, breaks, and ‘ardkore (you know the score), plus a real live UK-style MC, the one like adlib riain – freeskool breaks kaz – deep house embe – bringing you that west london jazz-funk in the front room: keith rocka – good music dinesh – 2-step dirty dietz – good music big yello – house all right, peace out y’all, i look forward to seeing you saturday. and don’t forget to RSVP! love steve
#1666 Mystery afterparty Fri, 27 Apr 2001 11:06:56 From: the World, (which is the WWF place normally) and don’t know of the afterparty, come see me…. there’s somthing very very nice planned – but Trance etc.
#1667 PEZ Convention in CT Fri, 27 Apr 2001 15:14:58 From: Saturday, April 28 PEZ Collectors Gathering, where obsessives meet to compare the tools of their hobby and sell both common and rare dispensers to an adoring public. Sheraton Stamford, 2701 Summer St., Stamford, CT, (516) 676-1183. 10 a.m.-2 p.m. $5.
#1668 More Parasense Insanity Fri, 27 Apr 2001 16:23:20 From: Paranoid Sensations from Moskova, still heeeere… Max Psilocib brought’em last week and they’re having so much fun they’re still in New York and gonna do some damage this weekend ahahaha (d plug here) I strongly encourage to to get their CD and if that’s not possible, get your ass on Napster and download, for example, “Matrix remix” or just about anything have out there. F***ng unbelievable. These guys are crazy, off the hook, and are meant to play LOUD. If ever you have lost faith in the direction of psy-trance, you will be a true believer once more. This is turning out to be a crazy full-on 18 hour period. So after X Dream, join us for the wheels are turning on the crazy train.
#1670 29 Apr 2001 20:02:01 – K reception K reception Sunday, May 6, 2001 Time: 4:00PM – 10:00PM May 6, 4:00-10:00pm, New York, NY, reception honoring the publication of Dr. Karl Jansen’s new book, “K Dreams and Realities” by the Muldisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies (MAPS). At the Cathedral House of the Church of St. John the Divine, 112th St. & Amsterdam, lectures by Dr. Jansen at 5:00pm and 7:30pm. Optional RSVP by 4/30 to (941) 924-6277 or carla at maps.org.
#1671 MAYDAY address Sun, 29 Apr 2001 16:58:22 From: FLAMINGO EAST IS LOCATED AT 219 2ND AVE BETWEEN E 13TH AND E 14TH STS. LATER……
#1672 Fletcher Mundson Syndrom May 11th Fri, 27 Apr 2001 18:18:50 We would like to remind you of the upcoming psychedelic techno event: Frida y May 11th, New York city SubtleChaos with Fletcher Mundson Syndrom live! Main floor: Fletcher Mundson Syndrom, a.k.a. EarGear live set [Plusquam, DE] EarGear DJ set [SpiritZone, DE] DJ Eleven [Union / Vibes] Kalyx [Gro wroom, Greenhouse Effect, Spectra, Synthetic Sadhus] Jason [subtlechaos] Vadim [subtlechaos / subtle productions] Downtempo Progressive: Sean Ha ll [Touch / Freakus] Billy Shane [Touch / Freakus] Dots [Hooka Lounge / W anderlust, NYC] Original Fluoro Deco by Daniel [subtlechaos], Severyn an d Kura Location: Downtime 251 West 30th Street between 7th and 8th Ave. 1 0pm – 7am Admission $30 at the door, presale tickets at $25 Tickets avail able at Vinyl Market 241 East 10th Street, Throb 211 East 14th Street To o rder by phone call (212)539-1203 Subtlech aos [Plusquam, DE] rGear DJ set [SpiritZone, DE] DJ Eleven [Union / Vibes] lyx [Growroom, Greenhouse Effect, Spectra, Synthetic T productions] Downtempo Progressive:/P Sean Hall [Touch / Freakus] Billy Shane [Touch / Freakus] Dots [Hooka Lounge / Wanderlust, NYC] Original Fluor o Deco by Daniel [subtlechaos], Severyn and Kura Location: Downtime 251 West 30th Street between 7th and 8th Ave. 10pm – 7am Admi ssion $30 at the door, presale tickets at $25 Tickets available at V inyl Market 241 East 10th Street, Throb 211 East 14th Street To ord er by phone call (212)539-1203
May 2001
#1673 To: “thed” thed, “. Com” Is God a State of Mind? Tue, 1 May 2001 13:48:12 From: “sElf Trance Former” (This is 100% on topic… also – limited edition Parasense unreleased bootlegs on sale – $10 – email me via paypal to reserve – will fundraise to get them back) Is God a State of Mind? By Laurie Barclay, MD WebMD Medical News Reviewed by Dr. Jacqueline Brooks April 11, 2001 Read the daily paper or watch the local TV news and a seemingly endless parade of chaotic, violent events unfolds: school shootings, terrorism, murder, child abuse. Many people make sense of these seemingly senseless events through a belief in a Supreme Being and faith that their God won’t desert them in a time of need. This faith may be well placed, according to a Philadelphia-based radiologist well placed in the brain, that is. In Why God Won’t Go Away, released April 1 by Ballantine Books, co-author Andrew B. Newberg, MD, explains his theory that the human brain is hard-wired for religion. Just as the mind has the capacity for analytical thought, abstract mathematical reasoning, and invention of highly sophisticated technology, it also has the capacity and the built-in design to experience God. Scientific study of how the brain works can’t tell us if there is a God, he tells WebMD, but it can tell us about how human beings understand God. “Our work neurotheology has a reverence for both science and religion,” he says.” In a study to be published this month in Psychiatry Research and Neuroimaging, Newberg and a team of fellow researchers describe their study of the brain activity of eight Tibetan Buddhists in the throes of a peak meditative experience. “We used meditation as a model … for prayer and other types of intense religious experience,” says Newberg, assistant professor of radiology at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine in Philadelphia. see increased activity in the brain during meditation. Brain areas important in focused concentration were especially active. Even more astounding was altered activity in a brain region that normally orients us and tells us where our bodies are in space. The different pattern of brain activity in this particular brain region may explain why meditators feel transported out of the physical world and into a spiritual realm that seems no less real. “As the boundaries between self and physical surroundings go away, the meditator feels at one with somthing larger, whether a religious community, the world as a whole, or ultimately, God,” Newberg says. The brain activity patterns in the meditating Buddhists were similar to those in the praying Franciscan nuns, another religious group studied by Newberg. Hymns, chants, ritual dancing, and sacred rites may also intensify focus, block out external stimuli, and provide a pathway to mystical experience, even in nonbelievers. “Too much meditation can over-drive brain areas and drop us into another universe for a while,” says Laurence O. McKinney, director of the American Institute for Mindfulness in Arlington, Mass. Analyzing the brain states of spiritual practices started in the 1960s when researchers from the Menninger Clinic in Topeka, Kan., first went to India to record the brain waves of yogis, McKinney says. He claims his group first coined the term ‘neurotheology’ in the 1980s, and then published the book Neurotheology in 1994. “Explanations change every time we get a new [way to measure brain function], but eternal truths and eternal questions still remain,” McKinney tells WebMD. One of these new measurement techniques, called functional magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), has partially confirmed Newberg’s findings. In a study published last year in NeuroReport, investigators at the Massachusetts General Hospital and the MindMedical Institute in Boston used MRI to examine the brains of five experienced meditators and found increased activity in the regions involved in concentration and excitability. “Additional brain regions involved in memory were also … activated during meditation,” Jeffery A. Dusek, PhD, associate director for clinical research at the MindMedical Institute, tells WebMD. Future plans for Dusek’s team are to re-evaluate these findings in a three-year study funded by the Atlanta-based CDC. Still, some experts advise against reading too much into Newberg’s findings. “Anything we do or feel, from a simple activity like moving a finger to the deepest passion like love or rage, has its own characteristic pattern of brain activity,” says Pietro Pietrini, MD, PhD, who has used SPECT scanning to study brain activity in different emotional states for example, in healthy subjects imagining acts of aggression. “This is a fascinating field that needs to be entered with extreme caution and a rigorous scientific approach,” says Pietrini, a professor of clinical biochemistry and psychiatry at the University of Pisa in Italy. “There is a complex interrelationship between mind, body, and spirit,” Michael E. McCullough, PhD, tells WebMD. “Those behaviors and experiences designed to put people in touch with the transcendent may give them a survival advantage.” In an analysis of 42 different clinical studies, McCullough found that religious involvement was associated with lower death rate, even after accounting for obvious health advantages such as less alcohol and tobacco use and more social support. Could active religious faith prevent illness or forestall death? “It’s too soon to tell,” says McCullough, associate professor of psychology at Southern mthodist University in Dallas. “Understanding how the brain works can go a long way toward understanding the impact of religion, both physically and spiritually,” says Newberg. With religious experiences such as meditation or prayer, heart rate and blood pressure decrease and changes in hormone levels may improve the function of the immune system, he explains. Brain activity studies show that meditation is not just a passive experience but that increased excitability at peak meditation seems to confirm the “active bliss” reported by Newberg’s study subjects. “They feel profoundly calm, yet highly alert and intensely aware,” Newberg says. “Spiritual experiences are more real to them than everyday reality like walking down the street. And they’re not frightening, disorganized, or disorienting like d-induced states or hallucinations seen in mental illness.” “We’re looking at philosophy and religion in a more scientific way,” says Pietrini, says. “Science has no way to prove or disprove a Creator, but finding unique patterns of brain activity corresponding to religious experiences is entirely compatible with religious beliefs.” Though skeptics may argue that God lives only in the mind of the faithful, Newberg suggests that the opposite conclusion is equally valid: “If there is a God, it makes perfect sense that He would create a way for us to communicate with Him.” “If truth were told, nearly all the nonbelievers would love a reason to believe,” McKinney says. “Newberg believes he’s done a good job providing some reasons, and for those who follow his path, I wish them well.”
#1674 New Tuesday – move from Izzy bar to Gemini Tue, 1 May 2001 14:10:31 From: “sElf Trance Former” Hello all, our parties at Izzy Bar are being moved to new location: Every Tuesday starting May 1st NightShift (special MayDay event) Gemini Lounge 221 Second Avenue at 14th Street 9pm till late SubtleChaos residents plus special guests $3 cover / free with guestlist at subtlechaos Stay tuned for special guest announcement… See you there! – s u b t l e c h a o s
#1675 new list from a cool israeli who does parties Tue, 1 May 2001 14:13:15 From: “sElf Trance Former” hi all, the amount of people joining our list is getting to big to just lay around like that. every time we send you a message, you can all see each other’s email and who knows who will do what with what (aahhh… ya…). so, we formed our own group in yahoo (and audiogalaxy, for that matter) and from now on we will inform you only if you’re a member of our list. special bonus and suprises for our members in our parties should also be expected. hope to see you on the other side, Peace. Love. Unity. Respect. Spiritual beings.
#1676 Parasense Tue, 1 May 2001 14:42:05 From: “sElf Trance Former” did anybody notice that Parasense’s CD is vanilla and all their unreleased stuff on Napster is amazing? Parasense- a pair of Russian guys on the edge, parasquatters, tied together by a fly by night russian jewish twentyomthing who looks like one of the beastie boys. it’s been a while since talent this raw has been digested here.. We HAVE to get them back.
#1677 Cc: “Thed. Com” thedThanks from Alphatrance Mon, 30 Apr 2001 21:30:35 From: Reprinted with permission from Gosha Trance fan:The Thing from Outer Space wrote: The outdoor party after Tsunami wasthe best party i’ve been to in a long-long time …took place last saturday under the bridge. I would like to thank everyone who made it happen 🙂 GoshaI also feel that it’s really worth saying thank you to all who made it possible. I’ll try not to address any personal issues (not so easy to do with my level of involvement). First of all, the very idea of bringing Parasense -Under the Bridge came out/ was born/ inspired by Nyasha (Anya) POPOVA. (she’s a real meta-DJ, Dj who spin DJ’s :)) It was really sad that most of the trance-party people missed the guys 1st NY appearence a week ago, and Parasense themselves didn’t see much of ‘NYC hard-trancing’ As for the party itself, eventually it turned out to be absolutely collective effort. So many different things wouldn’t work out without help of so different people. I’m sure that’s exact reason why “the vibe” was so incredible. The weather, the people, the music, the fact that Parasense eventually came from Boston and somehow found us and showed up in the middle of the party (they couldn’t play /DAT-machines broken/, but I didn’t care much (almost 🙂 I was glad they made it and were experiencing our “under the bridge” activities). Then Jeff brought … DAT-player Ed. note – cab paid for bt House of Trance!and party got jump started again, That unifying feeling was incredible. And there was no eX involved! (some of the people were tripping shit out of them, though 🙂 crazy acid-fest, smoking-chilim-lying-on-the-grass-looking-at-the-sky-see-the-smiles-and-face -of-love.. Now, back to people 🙂 Very special thank you to Misha (you know, the dude who used to draw flyers for Alphatrance events :), who helped to move, set up and do all the preparations, made sure everything is cool and… had to leave and missed all the fun. to Grisha end Co. who stayed afterwards – to all the dudes, who played the tunes, (and all who didn’t but wanted to) – and to all who did participate, did help and has been nice and beautiful – eshe raz bol’shoe SPASIBO! Gosha/ dj Indra PSIf I forgot or offended anybody – sorry, there was no bad intention Ed. noteafter a lot of people left we went on, played requests straight off a wireless connection to Napster. At the end, even the local 12 and 13 year old cigarette bumming homies got to hear some Wu Tang Clan. Everybody won. People, this party was off the hook and if you would liuke to get involved, get info, join the friggin’ d. See, we want Quality not Quality. It’s easier to keep the wrong people out in the first place rather than eject them once they are there. Thanks for understanding
#1678 added lineup for NIGHTSHIFT at gemini lounge Tue, 1 May 2001 17:00:17 From: see ya’ll there… Sent: Tuesday, May 01, 2001 1:55 PM To: Subtlechaos Info List NIGHTSHIFT line-up for tonight Tonight – May 1st, 2001 NIGHTSHIFT (a MAYDAY special) NIKO [synthetic sadhus, NYC] DJ Eleven [union / vibes records] Jason [subtlechaos] Vadim [subtlechaos / subtle productions] Gemini Lounge 221 Second Avenue at 14th Street New comfortable venue, very good soundsystem, pool table, lots of space to relax and dance! 9pm till late $3 cover / free with guestlist at subtlechaos Pictures from previous events: /gallery/nightshift/nightshift1.htm Thank you for support! – s u b t l e c h a o s Subtlechaos PM To: Subtlechaos Info List NIGHTSHIFT line-u p for tonight Tonight – May 1st, 2001/ (a MAYD AY special) us, NYC] on / vibes records] chaos] e productions] Gemini Lounge 221 Second Avenue at 14th Street New comf ortable venue, very good soundsystem, pool table, lots of space to relax a nd dance! 9pm till late bs $3 cover / free with omguestlist at subtlechaos Pictures from previous events: tm/gallery/nightshift/nightshift1.htm Thank you for supp ort!
#1679 brainmachinesNightShift is back! Mon, 30 Apr 2001 13:50:33 From: “info” Hello all, our parties at Izzy Bar are being moved to new location: Every T uesday starting May 1st NightShift (special MayDay event) Gemini Lounge 221 Second Avenue at 14th Street 9pm till late SubtleChaos residents plus special guests $3 cover / free with guestlist at subtlechaos Stay tuned for special guest announcement… See you there! at VadimT20 Hello all, our parties at Izzy Bar are being moved to new l ocation: Every Tuesday starting May 1st ONGNightShift (special MayDay event) Gemini Lounge 221 Second Avenue at 14th Street 9pm till late SubtleC haos residents plus special guests $3 cover / free with Stay tuned for special guest announcement… See you there! s u b t l e c h a o s T T minfo at subtlechaos
#1680 Tue, 1 May 2001 10:45:07 Wednesdays at Opium Den From: angeles garay chiletrance at yahoo Hello Party People! This is a for Wednesday nights at Opium Den with DJ Angeles+Guests. Come and enjoy the Trance music with nice vibes y this nice bar. DJ Angeles(Chiletrance-6th Element) Niko(Synthetic Sadhus) Opium Den 29 East 3rd Street at 2nd Avenue 10 PM No cover Thanks! Love and Light Angeles
#1681 2 May 2001 02:02:01 – Spectra – CYCLES – Hux Flux Spectra – CYCLES – Hux Flux Friday, May 4, 2001 Time: 10:00PM – 6:00AM Spectra presents….. c y c l e s friday, may 4th 2001 **live acts: NOMA (Spiral Trax) Sweden **dj’s: MAGNUS ANDERSSON (Noma,Spiral Trax) Sweden LORI THE HIFI PRINCESS (Shimmy recordings U.K,futuretech,nanote) KALYX (Growroom, Spectra, Synthetic Sadhus) GAVIN (Spectra) AMMON EP (Resurrection,Satellite Boston) **fluorescent art by: TANIA (Amsterdam) CHILETRANCE (USA) deco by: JAMIN venue: the key skating rink 220 E.138th St. at Grand Concourse bronx nyc DIRECTIONS: by subway: from manhattan: Get to Grand Central Terminal. Take the Green #4 or #5 uptown to the i38th St. & Grand Concourse stop. The venue is accross 138th Street. You will see the illuminated yellow sign for The Key Skate. from Queens and Brooklyn: Transfer to #4, #5, or #6, and follow the above directions. by car: from upstate New York: Take 87 South, the New York Thruway to the Major Deegan, to Exit 3 (138th & Grand Concourse). The venue is two blocks down on the right. Look for the illuminated yellow sign for The Key Skate. from Connecticut: Take I-95 South to the Cross Bronx Expressway to I-87 South (The Major Deegan). Take Exit 3 (138th & Grand Concourse), and follow the above directions. from Manhattan: Take the FDR North to the Willis Avenue Bridge or Triboro Bridge (towards the Bronx), to the Major Deegan North to Exit 3. Turn right onto 138th Street. The venue is two blocks down on the right. from the Outer Boroughs: Please consult a map to in order to find the best route for you, or drive to Manhattan and follow the above directions. tickets: $25 in advance $30 at the door satellite(ny & boston) throb growroom caffeine house of trance & sonic groove
#1682 Street Party Thursday Thu, 3 May 2001 13:57:11 From: “sElf Trance Former” Wow, three outdoor shindigs this week, one last sunday, one thursday, one on saturday… this one is partially promoted by the guy who dresses uplike Hunter S. Thompson: Good seeing you on Sunday. If you can you should come out to my Street party on Thursday if you can. If not i’ll see ya in the Boogie Down J Money. 😉 -M Hello all, This week I am proud to announce a NEW FREE Party on Thursdays. It is getting warmer out there folks, and when it get warm Liquids often evaporate. So take the part to the Street. Hope to see you there. Love and Happiness, mike ****New Free Thursday Party**** D3 Deep Dark Dirty Trance Every Thursday with DJ Divine at Street 14 Ave B Between 2nd Street and Houston 212-260-7100 10-4 FREE FRIDAY This week is Gavins party (Spectra) up in the Bronx, which should be great and everyone should go check out and support him as he really knows how to throw a kick ass party. For those of you who want to drink (as The Key has no liquor) and hear good music, you should come to Cream and Pre-Party. Last weeks party was absolutely amazing with great music and a good vibe. I look forward to seeing you all there. Love and Happiness mike Tech House, Progressive, Deep Trance and Goa Trance Party Friday May 4th Divine Force Productions Presents Sauce Fridays Featuring Resident DJ Divine (Disco 2000) This weeks special guest DJs: Iman Rizky & Anthony D Location: Cream 246 Columbus Ave Between 71st and 72nd $20 General Admission $15 Guest List Open bar from 10-12 21+ Guest list: MikESmileZ at hotmail
#1683 Gathering on May 18 Thu, 3 May 2001 14:06:55 From: “sElf Trance Former” Hello to all you psychedelic people, We are happy and excited to inform you about our upcoming event: SPIRITUAL GATHERING, NYC 2001 The idea: We have traveled the world and now we are here at the big city still doing our thing, trying to live up to the ideas and principles of the trance culture and what it represents to us. One of our major commitments in life is unity. We have a dream, of hosting a big event where many productions will have a part in, Djing, decorating, helping out and working together. We hope that after this first peaceful event, many more will follow even after we’ll be gone. Bom! This event is not a one man vision, but the combined effort of so many people. We wish to thank all who helped, helps and will help to make this fantasy a reality. When: The gathering begins at 4:00pm, June 8th and ends at 4:00pm, June 9th (yes, you got it right: 24 hours!). We will begin with Ambient music and as the night will fall, the “work” will begin. Where: At this point we do not feel free to say the exact location of the venue but it is at the nature, some where in new york (no buses, not upstate, some where near by). The exact location will be announced several days before the event takes place. Djs: The lineup is not closed yet. Here are the Djs that have confirmed already by order of calls: * Dj Eitan (Spiritual beings, IL) Our Resident and birthday boy! * Dj Machinelf (BrainMachines, USA) Channeling Ra by Day and Set by Night with Pro-Noid Sentience. * Dj Ran (Spiritual Beings, IL) Our newest addition to Spiritual Beings Djs. * Dj Indra (AlphaTrance, RU) The one and only. * Dj Doom (Shaffel Records, IL) Skazi’s partner * Psycodogs (Djs Uri & Ben, IL) * facilities: * Chai area – serving chai, chillout area and good karma. * Bar – water, Coke, Redbull and beer. * Food stands – one must eat, don’t you think? * Flea market – Items from the far east at low prices! * Brainmachine Station with the new Orgasmatron from Amsterdam. * Medical facilities – first aid asst. * Restroom area – please use this area only. 24 hours is a long time… Decorations: Are being made by the amazing Michaela. Longis, 3-d oms, Fungi, and much more. Admission: There will be no admission! We believe that in free sessions, the vibes are much higher and better. But, we do have expanses that we hope will be covered by your donations. A donation box will be present at all times. Please pay your respect there. Thank you! What to bring: * Blankets to sit on * Flashlights * Juggling balls, Devil sticks etc. * Good spirit Help: If you wish to help, please contact us at: Spiritualbeings at hotmail We could use all the help we can get. Thanks! Special thanks to: (BrainMachines) – for all his help and good will. Respect. Inbal – For all her help and energy. Love. One more thing: Please remember that this gathering is “underground” so make sure you’re telling about it to the right people only. Do not pass this email to anyone you don’t know, or to any other list. Thanks. If you have any questions, please feel free to drop us a line, we’ll be more then happy to answer all your questions. Peace. Love. Unity. Respect. Spiritual beings.
#1684 Cc: dusa at dancesafe.org, leda at lycaeum.org, directors at lycaeum.org, sage at erowid.org, bluehoneydstore possibly a DEA front – pass along Thu, 3 May 2001 15:42:01 From: “sElf Trance Former” If you get any emails from anyone from dstore asking to get “hooked up, “Joe Leoni” claims to be U.S. law enforcement,probably the DEA. They seem to be targeting sites with information on E. I understand that no one in their right minds would sell E online (or off),please pass this along to everyone you know who has sensitive information on their website. Either that, or there is a really stupid mer out there with a lot of time on his hands! Down with munism! i agree with your opinion on E. It is harmful and my site is set up to communicate that risk. Compared to other sites on the web I focus on the risk and harm to one’s ability to produce serotonin. Many young people are causing irreparable harm. Occasionally I have gotten requests similar to yours, but quite honestly it’s been about one or two a year. I doubt if anyone would want to use E after reading my web page on its hazards. My intuition tells me that chat rooms are a much more promising target. I wish you luck in shutting anybody connected with the distribution of E down, esp. those who sell to young people online. one other thing. i appreciate your candor and honesty. but i suspect that is not what we’re dealing with here. i doubt the US gov’t would waste our tax dollars on building a huge d retail company just to be a front for online shoppers of illicit ds. why go to that much trouble when you could just get a hotmail account? if you are NOT in law enforcement – and really trying to buy E online – you are doing your company dstore a great disservice and should be fired. the co. could be sued, or worse, be investigated by the DEA or FTC. only an idiot would use their corporate email for any illegal activity (or even sexual or racist jokes etc). I understand you might be trying to play vigilante but leave that to the professionals, you will get burned. play it safe buddy. consider this a warning – someone will eventually call you on your bluff and alert your boss. Sent: Wednesday, May 02, 2001 2:07 PM To: ‘sElf Trance Former’ RE: That is a great answer considering we are watching all sites containing information on illegal substances. Yes, I do belong to law inforcement and currently investigating many sites of this nature. Play it safe buddy we know who you are. E is not somthing to full around with let alone post on a website. Sent: Thursday, May 03, 2001 2:20 PM To: Joe Leoni RE: are you insane? there’s a lot of info on a lot of things on there but no i can’t “pull a few strings.” you are either a cop or completely clueless – or wait – work at a web site. OhhhhK. Well, no, sorry, say hi to Tea for me 🙂 Sent: Wednesday, May 02, 2001 1:53 PM To: ‘sElf Trance Former’ RE: wow you have a whole site about E and you dont know what im talking about Sent: Thursday, May 03, 2001 2:09 PM To: Joe Leoni RE: who are you huh Sent: Wednesday, May 02, 2001 1:39 PM To: ‘ Subject: can you pull a few strings and get me some please get back to me
#1685 2 May 2001 15:32:00 – Medical Iboga/Marijuana Rally Medical Iboga/Marijuana Rally Saturday, May 5, 2001 Time: 11:30AM – 1:30PM The NYPD is issuing a permit for a “ibogaine/separate marijuana from hard ds” rally from 11 am to 12:30 PM on Washington Place East of the Square, from Greene Street to Broadway, for the morning of Saturday, May 5th. The New York Civil Liberties Union was able to secure this permit for cures not wars/mmm solely because New York University, which has administrative offices on Washington Place, is one of the only universities in the U.S. contemplating an Ibogaine trialfor interruption of heroin addictionand one of only 5 certified by NIDA to work on new cures for hard d addiction. The police betrayed their obsession with forever banning our parade and rally from Washington Square by insisting on a one block buffer zone between our protest and the park. But the granting of the permit constitutes a tacit admission that we have legitimate reasons to demonstrate in the Square to influence University/community policy on ds in the greater Village area, which stretches from Canal to 23rd Streets, and east to Alphabet City. For 25 years the annual marijuana protests gathered in Washington Square Park, where tens of thousands people learned to look for our unique blend of politics, music and high spiritsand more important, KNEW WHERE TO FIND US. One year after 239 people were arrested at the ’96 rally, a handful of anti-pot fanatics succeeded in banning the event totally from Washington Square Park with the connivance of the Giuliani Administration and the 6th Precinct. In ’98 and “99 they put on a “Family Day,” which flopped miserably, in our place, while protests continued on the periphery of the Park. But our attendance dropped by several thousand or more last year when we were moved 4 blocks away, to the corner of Houston and Broadway. This blatant intimidation and interference with our freedom of speech and assembly was not, however, sufficient for ou
#1687 NIGHTSHIFT line-up for tonight Tue, 1 May 2001 13:54:55 From: “SubtleChaos”Tonight – May 1st, 2001 NIGHTSHIFT (a MAYDAY special) NIKO [synthetic sa dhus, NYC] DJ Eleven [union / vibes records] Jason [subtlechaos] Vadim [ subtlechaos / subtle productions] Gemini Lounge 221 Second Avenue at 14t h Street New comfo rtable venue, very good soundsystem, pool table, lots of space to relax and dance! 9pm till late $3 cover / free with guestlist at subtlechaos P ictures from previous events: /gallery/nightshif t/nightshift1.htm Thank you for support! Subtlechaos Tonight – May 1st, 2001 IFT (a MAYDAY special) NYC] FO F Gemini Lounge 221 Second Avenue a t 14th Street file/7087721 New comfortable venue, very good soundsystem pool table, lots of space to relax and dance! 9pm till late $3 cover / free with Pictures from previous events: Thank you for support!
#1688 Fire Sale/Aliens Fri, 4 May 2001 17:42:24 From: “sElf Trance Former” Let’s see – tonight, Hux Flux at Spectra, Tomorrow, the Med. Marij/Ibogaine rally and trance party (sound by d) and on Sunday Karl Jansen speaks at the Cathedral of St. John the Divine on K! Extras – stuff for sale, and an upcoming alien press conference by gov’t officials… Yeah, I’m moving to New Zealand, so what’s it to ya? Oh, I got stuff to get rid of! THIS SALE ENDS SUNDAY, MAY 13, 2001 SORRY VULTURES, ANYTHING NOT SOLD WILL BE STORED BY FRIENDS… The cash and carry plan is simple three step process: 1) Make an offer (about 1/3-1/4 of what i paid is a good offer!) 2) Give me cash 3) Take it home! Here’s the list: electronic stuff SONY CD/CASSETTE PLAYER (CFD-S47) w/REMOTE, fancy tabletop model, less than one year old, like new, i paid $180… make me an offer and take it home! SHARP MINIDISC DECK MD-R2 WITH REMOTE (NEW)… originally bought for home studio, unit is excellent but never used! i paid $150… (note: this is not a portable unit), has digital in/out! SAMSUNG CLAMSHELL SPRINT PCS PHONE (NEW)… just got this from sprint, can’t take it with me, make me a reasonable offer for this annoying thing… oh, did i say annoying? i meant HAPPY PHONE!!!… SAMSUNG MP3 UPROAR PHONE (BRAND NEW, NEVER USED) Sprint PCS service, upload your MP3s into this little marvel… doesn’t have instructions, so don’t ask me how to use it… I “paid” $200 for this thing, it’s yours for $50… APPLE POWERMAC 9600/233MHZ 604E PROCESSOR, has 6 Slots(!) and 160MB RAM (!), 4GB HD with Applevision 17″ Multimedia Display, UMAX Astra 610 Scanner, ZIP Drive, External CD, 56K Global Village Modem, OS 8.6 … this unit can be UPGRADED! Think of the possibilities… Take this system home for a mere $250!!!! stuff for your beautiful home IKEA HOME OFFICE “EFFEKTIV” DESK SYSTEM… L Shaped Corner Unit with Extension, White Laquer Finish with Silver Legs, Indcludes the matching Rolling File Cabinet with Three drawers, an excellent unit indeed! This baby is modular, and can be expanded upon or whatever… I paid over $700 for the whole thing… I’m not asking much ’cause you’ll need a van to take it away… (web ikea) 5 PIECE CHANTAL COOKWARE SET, GREEN COLOR… This is a very awesome cookset with glass tops… I paid $200… make me an offer and take it home! (web chantalcookware) WHITE BIRCHWOOD FUTON FRAME (COUCH)… Some futon frames are really extra ugly and cheap, this baby cost me $400 and is a really beautiful frame, it’s a fullsize and I’ll sell it for $50… audio equipment TASCAM TSR-8 1/2″ PROFESSIONAL 8-TRACK MACHINES… The last of the great V-8’s, these are the original workhorses of the analog era… they need a good loving home, please adopt them!!! (a small donation will help as well) ALESIS STUDIO 32 16 TRACK MIXER Excellent condition, home studio use only… make me a reasonable offer and take it home… explanation, i’ll sell it for $75 MOTU MICRO EXPRESS 96 CHANNEL SERIAL PORT MIDI BOX An excellent midi box, 4×6 for your system Mac or PC, sells for $250, buy it for $50!!!!! ROLAND PC-200 MK II MIDI KEYBOARD CONTROLER… This baby needs repair, one of the keys isn’t transmitting midi signals, but it’s an excellent workhorse and I’ll sell it for $50… NO REASONABLE OFFER REFUSED, JUST GET THIS STUFF OUTTA MY APARTMENT BEFORE I SPLIT If interested please respond to johnny89 at megsinet.net Jeff, remember the cseti ufo disclosure thing I keep babbling about? It’s really happening, and there’s a webcast on May 9. I know this doesn’t have everything to do with psytrance per se, but it is related to the culture (listen to half the samples in the tracks for god’s sake!) I’ll leave it to you to post this to whatever list you think may be appropriate, if you want. -Ethan – Forwarded Message – Fri, 27 Apr 2001 16:04:30 From: “Debbie Foch” coordinator at cseti.org Dear Friends and Supporters of The Disclosure Project, On May 9, 2001, a historic event at the National Press Conference will take place: Nearly two dozen military, intelligence, government and other witnesses to UFO and extraterrestrial events and projects will for the first time come forward as a group to disclose the truth to the world. This is the kickoff for The Campaign for Disclosure, a campaign to get open hearings in the Congress, ban weapons from space and get the earth-saving technologies related to UFO energy and propulsion systems out to benefit an ailing world. This Campaign will continue until its goals are met. You can be part of history by becoming involved in this event by: Contacting your member of Congress and your two Senators and asking them to meet with me and some of these heroic witness May 10 and 11 and by asking them to support open congressional hearings and legislation on the matter; Senators: web senate.gov Congresspersons: web house.gov Contacting your local TV stations and newspapers and encouraging them to attend the National Press Club press conference and to cover the matter seriously and responsibly; they may also view the news conference on the Internet since it will be WEBCAST LIVE on May 9th from 9 to 11 a.m. at the following web site: web connectlive/events/disclosureproject Contact any mainstream news reporters you personally know and invite them on our behalf to the National Press Club to cover the event; Let us know if you have personal contacts to any VIPs, opinion leaders, etc., who should be briefed; there is a special VIP briefing on May 10 in the evening in Washington, DC for such people. Contact us at: Disclosure2001 at cs or at 540 456 8302 to arrange for such VIPs to come to this special meeting with the witnesses. You and your honored guests are invited to a day long Disclosure Symposium in Washington, DC on Saturday, May 12 at the Washington Hilton at 1919 Connecticut Avenue. Registration is from 9 a.m. -10 a.m.; the program begins at 10 a.m. and will go until around 9:30 p.m. that night. Numerous government witnesses will present their testimony. There is no charge for this Disclosure Symposium but you MUST preregister at Disclosure2001 at cs. Seating is very limited. Also, let any VIPs know of this event and invite them to attend. I would like to thank each one of you for your help, support and hard work over the years that has made this Campaign for Disclosure a reality. Without you, none of this would be possible! Wishing you the best of all worlds, Steven M. Greer MD Director of The Disclosure Project attachments, below For Immediate Release Contact: Alfred Webre 604-733-8134 Dr. Steven Greer 540-456-8302 Wednesday, May 9th, 2001 8 – 9 AM – Continental Breakfast 9:00 AM – 11:00 AM – Press conference The National Press Club Ballroom 529 14th Street NW Washington, DC MILITARY, GOVERNMENT WITNESSES TO PROVIDE TESTIMONY ON UFO/EXTRATERRESTRIAL PRESENCE; CONGRESSIONAL LEGISLATION SOUGHT On Wednesday, May 9th, over twenty military, intelligence, government, corporate and scientific witnesses will come forward at the National Press Club in Washington, DC to establish the reality of UFOs or extraterrestrial vehicles, extraterrestrial life forms, and resulting advanced energy and propulsion technologies. The weight of this first-hand testimony, along with supporting government documentation and other evidence, will establish without any doubt the reality of these phenomena, according to Dr. Steven M. Greer, director of the Disclosure Project which is hosting the event. The Disclosure Project, a non-profit research organization, is calling for open Congressional hearings on the UFO/Extraterrestrial presence, and for legislation that will ban space-based weapons. Congressional hearings were last held in 1968 by the House Science and Astronautics Committee (90th Congress, 2nd Session, Committee Print No. 7. “Symposium on Unidentified Flying Objects.”) The Project has identified several hundred witnesses throughout the world and spanning every branch of the armed services, the National Reconnaissance Office (NRO), DIA, CIA, NASA, Russia. UK, and other agencies and countries. Over 100 have been videotaped; 70 have been transcribed into edited testimony. Videotaped summary of the testimony and an in-depth briefing document with witness transcripts will be available at the press conference. Among the witnesses attending the event are: John Callahan, former Division Chief of the Accidents and Investigations Branch, FAA; Master Sergeant Dan Morris, former US Air Force and NRO operative with cosmic top secret clearance; Dr. Carol Rosin, space missile defense consultant and former spokesperson for Wernher Von Braun; Major George A. Filer III, former Air Force Intelligence; Graham Bethune, retired Navy commander pilot with a top-secret clearance; Michael Smith, former Air Traffic Controller, US Air Force; Sergeant Clifford Stone, United States Army; Lt. Col. Robert Salas, former SAC Launch Controller, US Air Force and FAA. Participants in this phase of the disclosure effort are asking for Congressional, White House and UN action to allow witnesses to testify under oath in open hearings. The group is requesting a Presidential Executive Order to protect witnesses afraid of violating security oaths and to declassify documents and secret projects for the benefit of all world citizens. “These testimonies establish once and for all that we are not alone. Technologies related to extraterrestrial phenomena are capable of providing solutions to the global energy crisis, and other environmental and security challenges,” says Dr. Greer. The Disclosure team and selected witnesses will be meeting with members of Congress and conducting briefings to address these issues and call for legislation. Wednesday, May 9th 8 – 9 AM Continental Breakfast 9:00 AM – 11:00 AM – Overview by Dr. Greer; Witness Presentations; Release of Statement for Congress; Questions Ballroom -The National Press Club 529 14th Street NW – 13th Floor Washington, D.C Contact: Alfred Webre 604-733-8134 Dr. Steven Greer 540-456-8302 DISCLOSURE PROJECT CALLS ON U.S. CONGRESS FOR HEARINGS & LEGISLATION: To hold open, secrecy-free hearings on the UFO/Extraterrestrial presence on and around Earth. To hold open hearings on advanced energy and propulsion systems that, when publicly released, will provide solutions to global environmental challenges. To enact legislation which will ban all space-based weapons. To enact comprehensive legislation to research, develop and explore space peacefully and cooperatively with all cultures on Earth and in space. The recorded testimony of scores of military, government and other witnesses to Unidentified Flying Objects and Extraterrestrial events and projects from around the world establishes the existence of a UFO/Extraterrestrial presence on and around Earth. This recorded testimony consists of dozens of first-hand, often top-secret witnesses to UFO and Extraterrestrial events, internal UFO-related government projects and covert activities, space-based weapons programs, Extraterrestrial Intelligence, and covert, reverse-engineered energy and propulsion system projects. The technologies that are of an Extraterrestrial origin, when publicly released within a planned transition period, will provide solutions to global environmental and security challenges. These numerous recorded witnesses constitute only a small portion of a vast pool of identified present or former military, intelligence, corporate, aviator, flight control, law enforcement officers, scientists and other witnesses, who will come forward when subpoenaed to testify at Congressional hearings. Without a grant of immunity releasing them from their security oaths, many such unimpeachable witnesses fear to speak out. The legislation to ban space-based weapons will prohibit acts of war against Extraterrestrial civilizations. The comprehensive legislation will transform the terrestrial war industry into a world cooperative space industry. This will provide unprecedented benefits and opportunities to all on Earth and in space. Contact: Alfred Webre 604-733-8134 Dr. Steven Greer 540-456-8302 BACKGROUND BRIEFING POINTS FOR CONGRESSIONAL HEARINGS & LEGISLATION * The Disclosure Project is a non-profit research effort that has, since 1993, been identifying top-secret military, government and other witnesses to UFO and Extraterrestrial events. * To date, several hundred such witnesses have been identified throughout the world and spanning every branch of the armed services, the NRO, DIA, CIA, NASA, the former USSR, and other agencies and countries. Over 100 have been videotaped, thus far; 70 have been transcribed into edited testimony. A four hour videotape summary of testimony and an over 500 page briefing document is available that contains excerpts of this historic testimony. * The weight of this testimony, along with supporting government documents and other evidence, establishes beyond any doubt the reality of extraterrestrial life forms, UFOs, or extraterrestrial vehicles, and advanced energy and propulsion technologies resulting from the study of these vehicles. * The testimony and evidence proves that these vehicles have been tracked on radar on many occasion, have landed and/or crashed on terra firma, and have been retrieved and studied by specialized and compartmentalized projects. Advanced technologies which have been identified from the study of these vehicles, once disclosed, will replace currently used forms of energy generation and propulsion. These technologies will enable the earth to attain a sustainable civilization without pollution, energy shortages, or global warming. These technologies are already fully operational. They have been developed within super-secret, unacknowledged special access projects. In short, the definitive solution to the world’s energy, pollution, and poverty problems exists within compartmentalized projects that need planned disclosure and relevant legislation. * The programs controlling this issue are operating outside of legally required Congressional oversight. Even Presidents have been left out of the loop, deliberately deceived, and denied access. Therefore, urgent action is needed on the part of Congress, the White House, and other institutions to obtain the necessary oversight and control of these operations to ensure that these now-classified technologies are prepared for disclosure and the eventual near-term application for world cooperative energy generation and propulsion. * A clear and on-going threat to the national security and world peace has arisen because of unauthorized covert actions that have led to the targeting and downing of these extraterrestrial vehicles and to related covert plans to weaponize space. Since it can be proven that we are sharing space with other civilizations, it is critical that a full disclosure of this long suppressed information take place, and that the National Missile Defense System (NMD/BMD/SDI.) be re-evaluated by policy makers in light of these revelations. * There is no evidence that these extraterrestrial civilizations are hostile to humanity or the earth. Rather, the testimony shows that they are very concerned about nuclear and space-based weapons systems, and human warfare. Therefore, a cooperative world policy and law must be immediately established to prohibit the targeting and striking of these vehicles. * Urgent Congressional, White House and UN action is needed to allow any and all witnesses to testify under oath so that a full, honest and open disclosure may occur this year, 2001, including witnesses with high level security clearances. *A US Presidential Executive Order is needed to protect these military, government, and other witnesses, and to declassify secret projects and their related technologies. * The world community needs to research and develop diplomatic programs and protocols, laws and treaties to address this issue and to interface with these civilizations in a manner that is peaceful, non- violent and mutually beneficial. * WE, THE PEOPLE, CALL ON THE U.S. CONGRESS; *To hold open, secrecy-free hearings on the UFO/Extraterrestrial presence on and around Earth. *To hold open hearings on advanced energy and propulsion systems related to the subject that, when publicly released, will provide solutions to global environmental and other challenges. *To enact legislation which will ban all space-based weapons. *To enact comprehensive legislation to research, develop and explore space peacefully and cooperatively with all cultures on Earth and in space. Disclosure Project Website up now: web disclosureproject.org
#1689 thedTrance Party/Rally Saturday Fri, 4 May 2001 19:15:06 From: “sElf Trance Former” And Kiovanna will be speaking – she’s always at the trance parties: Saturday May 5th Battery Sq. Park, NYC Openair annual Marijuana March “Space Odyssey 2001” 1pm – 7pm, soundsystem provided by d First time in history of Marijuana March we take official part as New York’s underground techno-trance community! SubtleChaos resident DJs plus a very special surprise from Europe! Please remember that smoking marijuana is still illegal be safe!
#1690 thedSat. rally location/time change Sat, 5 May 2001 16:03:43 From: “sElf Trance Former” : Tonight – Friday May 4th Spectra “Cycles” party with Noma, Hux-Flux and more… email us if you need directions. See you there! PLEASE NOTE LOCATION FOR BEGINNING OF “SPACE ODISSEY 2001” IS CHANGED! SEE BELOW. Saturday May 5th Openair annual Marijuana March “Space Odissey 2001” First time in history of Marijuana March we take official part as New York’s underground techno-trance community! March starts from openning ceremony at Broadway and Lafayette SubtleChaos soundsystem will be openning the march at 1pm and then continue our party at the park from 3pm until 7pm. Please join us first on Broadway, then at the park! *****Note – noone will be allowed to the park until 3pm. SubtleChaos resident DJs plus a very special surprise from Europe. Please remember that smoking marijuana is still illegal be safe!
#1691 4 May 2001 20:02:01 – K reception K reception Sunday, May 6, 2001 Time: 4:00PM – 10:00PM May 6, 4:00-10:00pm, New York, NY, reception honoring the publication of Dr. Karl Jansen’s new book, “K Dreams and Realities” by the Muldisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies (MAPS). At the Cathedral House of the Church of St. John the Divine, 112th St. & Amsterdam, lectures by Dr. Jansen at 5:00pm and 7:30pm. Optional RSVP by 4/30 to (941) 924-6277 or carla at maps.org.
#1692 Spectra tonight, Subtlechaos next Friday Sat, 5 May 2001 19:48:47 From: “sElf Trance Former” Spectra presents….. c y c l e s friday, may 4th 2001 **live acts: NOMA (Spiral Trax) Sweden **dj’s: MAGNUS ANDERSSON (Noma,Spiral Trax) Sweden LORI THE HIFI PRINCESS (Shimmy recordings U.K,futuretech,nanote) KALYX (Growroom, Spectra, Synthetic Sadhus) GAVIN (Spectra) AMMON EP (Resurrection,Satellite Boston) **fluorescent art by: TANIA (Amsterdam) CHILETRANCE (USA) deco by: JAMIN venue: the key skating rink 220 E.138th St. at Grand Concourse bronx nyc DIRECTIONS: by subway: from manhattan: Get to Grand Central Terminal. Take the Green #4 or #5 uptown to the i38th St. & Grand Concourse stop. The venue is accross 138th Street. You will see the illuminated yellow sign for The Key Skate. from Queens and Brooklyn: Transfer to #4, #5, or #6, and follow the above directions. by car: from upstate New York: Take 87 South, the New York Thruway to the Major Deegan, to Exit 3 (138th & Grand Concourse). The venue is two blocks down on the right. Look for the illuminated yellow sign for The Key Skate. from Connecticut: Take I-95 South to the Cross Bronx Expressway to I-87 South (The Major Deegan). Take Exit 3 (138th & Grand Concourse), and follow the above directions. from Manhattan: Take the FDR North to the Willis Avenue Bridge or Triboro Bridge (towards the Bronx), to the Major Deegan North to Exit 3. Turn right onto 138th Street. The venue is two blocks down on the right. from the Outer Boroughs: Please consult a map to in order to find the best route for you, or drive to Manhattan and follow the above directions. tickets: $25 in advance $30 at the door satellite(ny & boston) throb growroom caffeine house of trance & sonic groove also don’t forget We would like to remind you of the upcoming party: Friday May 11th, New York city SubtleChaos with Fletcher Mundson Syndrom live! Main floor: Fletcher Mundson Syndrom, a.k.a. EarGear live act [Plusquam, DE] First time in U.S., well known in Europe’s trance-scene for over 10 years, now introducing new album and new live set! Don’t miss this amazing psy-techno performance! EarGear DJ set [SpiritZone, DE] We are proud to have this super-energy psychedelic techno Yak & Ramon tag team just as heard on last year’s Voov Experience festival in Germany… DJ Eleven [Union / Vibes records] Our new resident – a very talented DJ from New York underground. plus…. Kalyx [Growroom, Greenhouse Effect, Spectra, Synthetic Sadhus] Jason [subtlechaos] Vadim [subtlechaos / subtle productions] Downtempo Progressive floor (special Touch to our event!): Sean Hall [Touch / Freakus] Billy Shane [Touch / Freakus] Dots [Hooka Lounge / Wanderlust, NYC] Original Fluoro Blacklight Deco by Daniel [subtlechaos], Severyn and Kura Chai stand by Kristina Location: Downtime 251 West 30th Street between 7th and 8th Ave., great soundsystem owned and built by people who run the recording studios in same building! 10pm – 7am + afterparty Admission $30 at the door, presale tickets at $25, 18+, please bring id. Tickets available at Vinyl Market 241 East 10th Street and Throb 211 East 14th Street Club capacity is limited. To order by phone call (212)539-1203
#1693 5 May 2001 03:32:01 – Subtlechaos – Fletcher Munson Syndrome Subtlechaos – Fletcher Munson Syndrome Friday, May 11, 2001 Time: 11:30PM – 7:30AM Fletcher Mundson Syndrome (Naja, SpiritZone, Tatsu/Hamburg, Germany) live first time in U.S. located in midtown Manhattan 18+, party till after sunrise + afterparty! /events.html
#1694 Sat, 05 May 2001 04:23:07 1pm saturday broadway & houston From:
#1695 Now Sat, 5 May 2001 21:42:09 From: If you’re reading this 10pm saturday night we are in tribeca… come… nice set up now at a friend’s loft. 146 duane #2b (cross street is west broadway) go until whenever 2-3-…? subtle chaos, israelis, weird crazy stuff and I want in. Wait a minute, I’m here. But if you wanna be too, come on down. The price is right – FREE. Bring drinks.
#1697 Ketmanine/NDE talk tonight Sunday Sun, 6 May 2001 18:15:40 From: 7pm -10pm tonight at the Cathedral House, at the Cathedral of St. John the Divine at 112th and Amsterdam Speaker is Karl Jansen, who wrote the book K Dreams and Realities, an excellent book available at MAPS.org
#1698 To: “Joe Vor-Tech” vortech at yahoo, “Thed. Com” thedThis weekend Mon, 7 May 2001 16:31:35 From: The medical marij./iboga at Battery Park rally went perfectly. Subtle Chaos was perfect. Some underground crews brought extra sound and added it to the generator – wow. The VRT worked as well as promised, nobody in our tribe got arrested. Thanks to everyone involved. After the rally we all had a slamming aferparty with Subtle Chaos, DJ Storm from Milwaukee (YEAH!! HE ROCKS) and our own DJ Serge brought his CDJs and closed it up.. where people were literally swinging off the rafters until 3pm sunday, then a bunch of us went to the Cathedral to meet Dr. Karl Jansen and hear his K lecture. I haven’t been home in 3 days… Sent: Tuesday, May 01, 2001 10:17 PM To: Hey Jeff it’s JOe from Mach Yo what’s up bro. Okay so here is the run down on the meeting this Friday. Gathering of the Tribes, so we can all get to know and finally meet all the other underground, outlaw and free party promoters in the NYC area (well not all of them but the bigger ones.) We meet at 8pm at 54 DUpont St. Greenpoint, Brooklyn. Take the L to the G train, take the G train to Queens and get off at Greenpoint Ave. exit at the India St. exit and walk north (so the street names go DOWN from I – A in alphabetical order so the next street after India should be Huron) until you hit Dupont, turn left we’re almost at the end toward Franklin. Hope you can make it! Joe
#1699 Free Shamanic Lecture/Soul Hunting Ritual / This comming weekend Mon, 7 May 2001 16:59:04 From: To all fellow seekers of the Truth and Beauty.., This weekend marks the return of the internationaly known Healer/Teacher known as Wilbert Alix. He is a master of Trance workSpiritual healing and teaching,with over 25 years of experience. This weekend he is offering a Soul hunting ritual/workshop at Limon studio,see below for more info. On Friday May 11: SHAKTI SPIRITS with ELECTRIC EARTH productions will present a free lecture by Wilbert Alix. This wil be held at BIKRAM YOGA Studio at150 Spring st.,2nd floor. This lecture will cover different aspects of his work and life journey. Space is limited (call 212-396-9095 for reservations). Don’t miss this opertunity to experience one of the most renown healers of our time!!! – – – – – – – – – – SOUL HUNTING HEALING RITUAL/WORKSHOP DATE & TIME: May 12-13, 2001 (Sat, 2:30pm – 7:30pm & Sun: 2pm – 6pm) LOCATION: Limon Dance Studio 611 Broadway (9th floor) Soul Hunting Author : Wilbert Alix Soul Hunting is one of the oldest forms of spiritual transformation known to mankind. Soul Hunting involves the use of ritual ‘double drumming’, spiritual breathing and trance dancing as mthods for entering our ethereal or ‘body/mind’ consciousness. Participants are transported on a journey into an ‘altered reality’ or a ‘state of trance’ where is becomes possible to re-unite with pieces of the soul lost through difficulties resulting from severe anxiety and/or emotional stress. Soul Hunting also renews and energizes the spirit, thereby healing old damage or ‘soul loss’ acquired through situations involving mental, physical, emotional or sexual trauma. Previous Soul Hunting Ritual participants report that they were able to reconcile previously unresolvable illnesses and difficulties. Soul Hunting participants also report a renewed state of integrity, wholeness and well-being. PRE-REG FEE: $95 FOR DETAILS/REGISTRATION INFO: Call: (512) 708-8888 E-mail: info at TranceDance Website: web trancedance/ FACILITATOR: Wilbert Alix
#1700 My life with John Emmanuel Gartman Tue, 8 May 2001 18:18:00 From: “sElf Trance Former” Had a conversation with John Emmanuel Gartman of Tsunami last week. I’m just communicating for him what he said, don’t email me back, he doesn’t read these lists. He expresses his deepest condolences for the multiple instances of double booking in May. He gave credible reasons for each date snafu – from Spectra, then Synthetic, and now Subtlechaos. He says that May was a fluke, and that anybody in their right minds wants to see independent trance groups grow and grow. A rising tide. A Tsunami!! (My words) In the five years I have known him I see the good and the bad. He is a unique individual with a crazy vision. I’m not going to rehash my relationship with John. I understand when people get together and money is involved is more volatile than a marriage in Texas. But I’ve seen creeps, and John is not a creep. I love John. He made trance just commercial enough, just clean and washed enough, where yuppie yoyos like me started going in 1995. Now he has heard that he has been massacred in the email lists recently, and is very distressed and wanted feedback on how this can all be resolved. I told him it’s simple, try as hard as you can not to help drive the small guys out of the trance “industry”. With so many parties and groups now, there will be multiple choices for “consumers.” If people don’t want to be passive “consumers” then they will make their own decisions, based on karma, sound, ethics, and DJs!!! So he says he will try harder now. He is open to suggestions on doing a better job at tsunamitrance (just don’t, you know, call him and tell him to go…) Anyway, there will be a LOT of double- and triple booking this summer – good luck to all. My position? Tsunami is Microsoft trying to acquire Time Warner/AOL. Synthetic is Apple. Spectra is Linux. Subtlechaos is the Melissa virus. d is Flash (but not in the pan). Some of us are Napster. Mark is Gnutella. Andrei is Winmx. Rishi is Winamp. Jacob is Mandala. Blue Room is Amiga. CCC is Adobe. Parasense is a bunch of chicken bones rattled over your computer with chunks of cacti.
#1701 Date change/Thursday/Dog Wars/Gong Zizhen/Markov Study Wed, 9 May 2001 00:01:03 From: “sElf Trance Former” Combo email – a lot of catchup email here. We’ll start with new party info A-Subtlechaos’ Ear Gear/Fletcher Mundson Syndrome Friday. Expect full-on insanity plus an afterparty. Btw, Tsunami SUN project moved from Saturday to Friday (yeah…) Expect high NRG Israeli guitar trance B – THURSDAY Hello Psychedelic people, Spiritual Beings is proud to announce: THURSDAY NIGHTS AT NEVA When and Where: Every thursday at NEVA BAR, 28 7th Av south (between Morton & Leroy) from 10:00pm to 4:00am. Djs: * Dj Ran (Spiritual Beings) * Dj Eitan (Spiritual Beings) C – Hey, Let’s Build a Shield Against Another Incoming Threat By BRUCE McCALL CONTROVERSY is already raging around the Bush administration’s bold new initiative to halt the flow of illegal substances into the United States for good. Details are secret and security tight, but the “d Wars” concept closely resembles its sibling, the newest incarnation of the “Star Wars” dream of an anti-missile defense system to protect the entire continental United States. Unlike the new land-based missile defense shield, the d Wars shield will consist of thousands of specially trained “astrodogs” circling in space aboard high-tech kennels. Their mission: to sniff out incoming d shipments from as far as 2,000 miles away in the ultra-clear, ultra-clean atmosphere of space, where smells can travel undiminished for thousands of light- years, and start barking. Allegedly, every such bark will be picked up by sensitive listening devices at d Enforcement Administration headquarters in Washington;the precise location of the law-breaking invader by air, sea or land will be electronically pinpointed, and a response instantly triggered. Within seconds, a shower of water bombs released from hovering “space barrels” will hit their target with the estimated force of six tsunamis. Administration backers acclaim the d Wars concept as a foolproof and impregnable barrier against d trafficking from abroad. Skeptics pooh-pooh the very idea of astrodogs as the linchpin of a deterrent system. “It’s badly flawed,” scoffs one. “Some defense system, when dogs spend more than half their lives asleep!” Other critics point to the system’s “exorbitant” $300 billion estimated cost. “And that doesn’t even include all the freeze-dried kibble those mutts will require,” snorts one Capitol Hill doubting Thomas. “A bonanza for Big Dogfood, a burden for the hard- working American taxpayer.” A research-and-development budget is the administration’s initial priority in getting the d Wars project underway. “A hundred million or so should get things off the ground,” forecasts one budgetary planner. “We buy up all the German shepherd breeders in America, do some preliminary testing of kennels incidentally, saving tons of money by snapping up used Russian space stations at bargain prices and subcontract with conventioneering Shriners to practice dropping water bombs out hotel windows. That’s another big plus about the d Wars idea. It may seem straight out of Buck Rogers, but, hey, it’s not exactly rocket science. A lot of it’s real low-tech, in fact.” Opponents’ other concerns that d Wars could lead to the contamination of outer space with fleas, for example, and the threat of a nationwide “pet drain” as all the smart dogs are drafted into the program are dismissed by its advocates. “Every daring new idea is bad-mouthed by the timid types, the nervous Nellies,” remarks one. “I’ll bet my Rottweiler that these guys all have Yorkies and Chihuahuas.” President Bush is reportedly set to volunteer his own dog, Spot, to be the first astrodog, as a symbol of his personal commitment to the d Wars program, and in a coming speech at the Texas Kennel Club’s annual Bow-Wow is expected to stir widespread public involvement by calling for a schoolchildren’s drive to collect rubber bones and other playthings for the nation’s thousands of space-based canine sentinels. Anti-d Wars forces, meanwhile, are about to recommend that dog owners hang “Hell No, I Won’t Go!” placards around their pets’ necks, and will soon introduce legislation tightening America’s dog-napping laws. But the d Wars debate is only in its early stages. More strident arguments, pro and con, are sure to mark public discourse as both sides dig in. Is the antagonism of the d Wars foes more bark than bite? Are its proponents barking up the wrong tree? “There hasn’t been a subject this emotional in dog’s years,” one observer comments. “The fur is really going to fly.” D. 21st Century Alchemy written by Gong Zizhen – born 1792 – China [For] when the wealthy vie with each other in splendor and display while the poor squeeze each other to death; when the poor do not enjoy a moment’s rest while the rich are comfortable; when the poor lose more and more while the rich keep piling up treasures; when in some ever more extravagant desires awaken, and in others an ever more burning hatred; when some become more and more arrogant and overbearing in their conduct, and others ever more miserable and pitiful until gradually the most perverse and curious customs arise, bursting forth as though from a hundred springs and impossible to stop, all of this will finally congeal in an ominous vapor which will fill the space between heaven and earth with its darkness. E. Lev Markov Psychology 101 Gender differences in the subjective effects of E In this study, Matthias E. Liechti, Alex Gamma and Franz X. Vollenweider performed a controlled analysis of the differences and similarities of E (commonly referred to as Ecstasy or E) effects on both genders. The focus of this psychological study was based around 74 subjects: 54 male and 20 female who were all staff (physicians and students) from the Medical School of Zurich and ranged between 20-49 years of age. The experiment was done in a calm and comfortable laboratory environment. Each participant was given 1.5+/-.09mg/kg of E or placebo and immediately following, the experiences of each was assessed using psychometric ratings. Blood pressure, heart rate and body temperature were also measured throughout the experiment. After the experiment was over, the subjects also described any side effects that may have occurred. The psychometric results were derived from a survey (OAV) which used three important characteristics of experience: Oceanic boundlessness which described a positive mood, Anxious ego dissolution which measured arousal and anxiety, and Visionary restructuralization measuring any visual hallucinations or distortions. When analyzed, the results of the OAV showed that overall, women were more dose sensitive than the men in the study. The largest gender difference was in the VR portion of the results where it was noted that many females had visual (pseudo-) hallucinations whereas the men did not. Furthermore, the increase in dose also increased the amount of hallucinations in women while the men experienced none of this. In conclusion, the study showed that E has a stronger effect on women than it does on men, therefore indicating that women are more susceptible to the flooding 5-HT (serotonin) release associated with E. This study bears much importance to those women interested in the recreational use of the d because it is imperative to know exactly how a particular substance will affect you before you ingest it. Many users are constantly surprised by the strong psychological effects of E and thus experience negative side effects stemming from the shock such as nausea or overall discomfort. Source used: M.E. Liechti, A. Gamma, F.X. Vollenweider (2001). Gender Differences in the Subjective Effects of E. Psychopharmacology, 154, pg161-8.
#1702 Mon, 7 May 2001 16:23:23 Sadhus Info for May 25 From: “Chris V.” goasadhu at yahooSYNTHETIC SADHUS and TIP RECORDS welcome you to a full-on psychedelic journey on Friday, May 25, 2001 This party is 18 & over, please bring your ID. – LOGIC BOMB (TIP-Spiral Trax-Sweden), – RAJA RAM (TIP-Twisted-Shpongle-UK), – DIMITRI (TIP-UK) – YANIV (Cosmophilia-Hadshot-Israel), (Special Guest). Decoration by BRAHMA (TIP-UK). Chill-out environment produced by WANDERLUST. Featuring Live sets, Dj’s sets, Chai, Tents, Hookas & Visuals. Party’s location: The ROXY 515 West 18th Street, Between 10 & 11th Av, Manhattan, NYC. / Peace and Love for all! Krisz
#1703 tonight – Hugh S et ali at NIGHTSHIFT plus d Dryads Wed, 9 May 2001 13:40:15 From: “sElf Trance Former” Every Tuesday NIGHTSHIFT May 8th Gemini Lounge 221 Second Avenue at 14th Street SubtleChaos residents plus special guest this week: Hugh S [FutureTech] 9pm till late $3 cover / free with guestlist at subtlechaos Thank you for support! – s u b t l e c h a o s Your d dryads? Introduction from; The Secret Life of Plants Tompkins/Bird (continued) Is it chance that plants grow into special shapes to adapt to the idiosyncrasies of insects which will pollinate them, luring these insects with special color and fragrance, rewarding them with their favorite nectar, devising extraordinary canals and floral machinery with which to ensnare a bee so as to release it through a trap door only when the pollination process is completed? Is it really nothing but a reflex or coincidence that a plant such as the orchid Trichoceros parviforus will grow its petals to imitate the female of a species of fly so exactly that the male attempts to mate with it and in so doing pollinates the orchid? Is it pure chance that night-blossoming flowers grow white the better to attract night moths and night-flying butterflies, emitting a stronger fragrance at dusk, or that the carrion lily develops the smell of rotting meat in areas where only flies abound, whereas flowers which rely on the wind to cross-pollinate the species do not waste energy on making themselves beautiful, fragrant or appealing to insects, but remain relatively unattractive? To protect themselves plants develop thorns, a bitter taste, or gummy secretions that catch and kill unfriendly insects. The timorous Mimosa pudica has a mechanism which reacts whenever a beetle or an ant or a worm crawls up its stem toward its delicate leaves: as the intruder touches a spur the stem raises, the leaves fold up, and the assailant is either rolled oflf the branch by the unexpected movement or is obliged to draw back in fright. Some plants, unable to find nitrogen in swampy land, obtain it by devouring living creatures. There are more than five hundred varieties of carnivorous plants, eating any kind of meat from insect to beef, using endlessly cunning mthods to capture their prey, from tentacles to sticky hairs to funnel-like traps. The tentacles of carnivorous plants are not only mouths but stomachs raised on poles with which to seize and eat their prey, to digest both meat and blood, and leave nothing but a skeleton. Insect-devouring sundews pay no attention to pebbles, bits of metal, or other foreign substances placed on their leaves, but are quick to sense the nourishment to be derived from a piece of meat. Darwin found that the sundew can be excited when a piece of thread is laid on it weighing no more than 1/78,000 of a grain. A tendril, which next to the rootlets constitutes the most sensitive portion of a plant, will bend if a piece of silk thread is laid across it weighing but .00025 of a gram. The ingenuity of plants in devising forms of construction far exceeds that of human engineers. Man-made structures cannot match the supply strength of the long hollow tubes that support fantastic weights against terrific storms. A plant’s use of fibers wrapped in spirals is a mechanism of great resistance against tearing not yet developed by human ingenuity. Cells elongate into sausages or flat ribbons locked one to the other to form almost unbreakable cords. As a tree grows upward it scientifically thickens to support the greater weight. The Australian eucalyptus can raise its head on a slim trunk above the ground 480 feet, or as high as the Great Pyramid of Cheops, and certain walnuts can hold a harvest of 100,000 nuts. The Virginia knotweed can tie a sailor’s knot which is put to such a strain when it dries that it snaps, hurling the seeds to germinate as far as possible from mother. Plants are even sentient to orientation and to the future. Frontiersmen and hunters in the prairies of the Mississippi Valley discovered a sunflower plant, Silphium laciniatum, whose leaves accurately indicate the points of the compass. Indian licorice, or Arbrus precatorius, is so keenly sensitive to all forms of electrical and magnetic influences it is used as a weather plant. Botanists who first experimented with it in London’s Kew Gardens found in it a means for predicting cyclones, hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. So accurate are alpine flowers about the seasons, they know when spring is coming and bore their way up through lingering snowbanks, developing their own heat with which to melt the snow. Plants which react so certainly, so variously, and so promptly to the outer world, must, says France, have some means of communicating with the outer world, somthing comparable or superior to our senses. France insists that plants are constantly observing and recording events and phenomena of which man-trapped in his anthropocentric view of the world, subjectively revealed to him through his five senses-knows nothing. Whereas plants have been almost universally looked upon as senseless automata, they have now been found to be able to distinguish between sounds inaudible to the human ear and color wavelengths such as infrared and ultraviolet invisible to the human eye; they are specially sensitive to The whole vegetal world, says France, lives responsive to the movement of the earth and its satellite moon, to the movement of the other planets of our solar system, and one day will be shown to be affected by the stars and other cosmic bodies in the universe. As the external form of a plant is kept a unit and restored whenever part of it is destroyed, France assumes there must be some conscious entity supervising the entire form, some intelligence directing the plant, either from within, or from without. Over half a century ago France, who believed plants to be possessed of all the attributes of living creatures including “the most violent reaction against abuse and the most ardent gratitude for favors,” could have written a Secret Life of Plants, but what he had already put into print was either ignored by the establishment or considered heretically shocking. What shocked them most was his suggestion that the awareness of plants might originate in a supramaterial world of cosmic beings to which, long before the birth of Christ, the Hindu sages referred as “devas,” and which, as fairies, elves, gnomes, sylphs and a host of other creatures, were a matter of direct vision and experience to clairvoyants among the Celts and other sensitives. The idea was considered by vegetal scientists to be as charmingly jejune as it was hopelessly romantic. It has taken the startling discoveries of several scientific minds in the 1960s to bring the plant world sharply back to the attention of mankind. Even so there are skeptics who find it hard to believe that plants may at last be the bridesmaids at a marriage of physics and metaphysics. Evidence now supports the vision of the poet and the philosopher that plants are living, breathing, communicating creatures, endowed with personality and the attributes of soul. It is only we, in our blindness, who have insisted on considering them automata. Most extraordinary, it now appears that plants may be ready, willing, and able to cooperate with humanity in the Herculean job of turning this planet back into a garden from the squalor and corruption of what England’s pioneer ecologist William Cobbett would have called a “wen.” Every Tuesday I IFT May 8th Gemini Lounge 221 Second Avenue a t 14th Street SubtleChaos residents plus special guest this wee k: ONG 9pm till late $3 cover / free with ilto:guestlist at subtlechaosguestlist at subtlechaos Thank you for support! Your d dryads?/ Introduction from; The Secret Life of Plants Tompkins/Bird (continued) Is it chance that plants grow into special shapes to adapt to the/P idiosyncrasies of insects which will pollinate them, luring these insects with special color and fragrance, rewardin g them with their favorite nectar, devising extraor dinary canals and floral machinery with which to en snare a bee so as to release it through a trap door only when t he pollination process is completed? I s it really nothing but a reflex or coincidence that a plant su ch as the orchid Trichoceros parviforus will grow its petals/P to imitate the female of a species of fly so exactly that the male attempts to mate with it and in so do ing pollinates the orchid? Is it pure chance that night-blossom ing flowers grow white the better to attract night moths and night-flying butterflies, emitting a stronger fragranat dusk, or that the carrion lily develops the s mell of rotting meat in areas where only flies abound, & gt; whereas flowers which rely on the wind to cross-pollinate t he species do not waste energy on making themselves beautiful, fragrant or appealing to insects, but remain relati vely unattractive? To protect themselves plants de velop thorns, a bitter taste, or gummy secretions t hat catch and kill unfriendly insects. The timorous Mimosa pudica has a mechanism which reacts whenever a beetle o r an ant or a worm crawls up its stem toward its delicate leave s: as the intruder touches a spur the stem raises, the leaves fold up, and the assailant is either rol led oflf the branch by the unexpected movement or is obliged to draw back in fright. Some plants, una ble to find nitrogen in swampy land, obtain it by devouring living creatures. There are more than five hundred var ieties of carnivorous plants, eating any kind of meat from inse ct to beef, using endlessly cunning mthods to capt ure their prey, from tentacles to sticky hairs to f unnel-like traps. The tentacles of carnivorous plants are not o nly mouths but stomachs raised on poles with which to seize and eat their prey, to digest both meat and blood, and leave nothing but a skeleton. Insect- devouring sundews pay no attention to pebbles, bits of metal, o r other foreign substances placed on their leaves, but & gt; are quick to sense the nourishment to be derived from a pieof meat. Darwin found that the sundew can be exc ited when a piece of thread is laid on it weighing no more than 1/78,000 of a grain. A tendril, which next to the rootlets constitutes the most sensitive portion of a plant, will bend if a piece of silk thread is la id across it weighing but .00025 of a gram. The ingenuity of plants in devising forms of construction far exceeds that of human engineers. Man-made structures canno t match the supply strength of the long hollow tube s that support fantastic weights against terrific s torms. A plant’s use of fibers wrapped in spirals is a mechanis m of great resistance against tearing not yet developed by human ingenuity. Cells elongate into sausages or flat r ibbons locked one to the other to form almost unbre akable cords. As a tree grows upward it scientifically thickens to support the greater weight. The Au stralian eucalyptus can raise its head on a slim trunk above th e ground 480 feet, or as high as the Great Pyramid of &g t; Cheops, and certain walnuts can hold a harvest of 100,000 nu ts. The Virginia knotweed can tie a sailor’s knot w hich is put to such a strain when it dries that it snaps, hurling the seeds to germinate as far as possible from m other. Plants are even sentient to orientation and to the future. Frontiersmen and hunters in the pra iries of the Mississippi Valley discovered a sunflower & gt; plant, Silphium laciniatum, whose leaves accurately indicat e the points of the compass. Indian licorice, or Arbrus precato rius, is so keenly sensitive to all forms of electr ical and magnetic influences it is used as a weather >plant. Botanists who first experimented with it in London’s K ew Gardens found in it a means for predicting cyclones, hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. So accurate are alpine flowers about the seasons, they know when spring is coming and bore their way up through lingering snowbanks, developing their o wn heat with which to melt the snow. Plants which react so certainly, so variously, and so promptly to the outer world, must, says France, have some means of commun icating with the outer world, somthing comparable or superior to our senses. France insists that plants are const antly observing and recording events and phenomena of which man-trapped in his anthropocentric view of the world, subjectively revealed to him through his five senses-knows noth ing. Whereas plants have been almost universally l ooked upon as senseless automata, they have now bee n found to be able to distinguish between sounds in audible to the human ear and color wavelengths such as infrared and ultraviolet invisible to the human eye; they are &g t; specially sensitive to elevision. The whole vegetal world, says France, l ives responsive to the movement of the earth and it s satellite moon, to the movement of the other planets of our solar system, and one day will be shown to be affect ed by the stars and other cosmic bodies in the universe. As the external form of a plant is kept a unit and restored whenever part of it is destroyed, France assume s there must be some conscious entity supervising t he entire form, some intelligence directing the plant, either/ from within, or from without. Over half a century ago France, who believed plants to be possessed of a ll the attributes of living creatures including “the >most violent reaction against abuse and the most ardent grati tude for favors,” could have written a Secret Life of Plants, but what he had already put into print was either/P ignored by the establishment or considered hereticall y shocking. What shocked them most was his suggestion that the awareness of plants might originate in a supramater ial world of cosmic beings to which, long before th e birth of Christ, the Hindu sages referred as “devas,” and whi ch, as fairies, elves, gnomes, sylphs and a host of other creatures, were a matter of direct vision and experience to clairvoyants among the Celts and other sensitiv es. The idea was considered by vegetal scientists to be as charmingly jejune as it was hopelessly romantic. It has taken the startling discoveries of several scient ific minds in the 1960s to bring the plant world sharply back t o the attention of mankind. Even so there are skept ics who find it hard to believe that plants may at last be the bridesmaids at a marriage of physics and metaphysic s. Evidence now supports the vision of the poet an d the philosopher that plants are living, breathing communicating creatures, endowed with personality and the attributes of soul. It is only we, in our blindness,/ who have insisted on considering them automata. Most extraordinary, it now appears that plants may be ready, willin g, and able to cooperate with humanity in the Hercu lean job of turning this planet back into a garden from the squalor and corruption of what England’s pioneer ecolo gist William Cobbett would have called a “wen.” &nbs
#1704 TWILO shuttered Wed, 9 May 2001 13:42:40 From: “sElf Trance Former” Which means you all will now join the real deal at the Roxy on Sasha & Digweed’s last Friday of the month nights for some REAL community, REAL vision, and a haven away from the e-tards. Sasha broke his eardrum, and their manager kicked me out of Twilo because he was (a) threatened by the real deal, and (B) he thought I was dangerous. As the Controller said to Neo in Matrix, “Now.. is OUR TIME.” Your d dryads? Introduction from; The Secret Life of Plants Tompkins/Bird (continued) Is it chance that plants grow into special shapes to adapt to the idiosyncrasies of insects which will pollinate them, luring these insects with special color and fragrance, rewarding them with their favorite nectar, devising extraordinary canals and floral machinery with which to ensnare a bee so as to release it through a trap door only when the pollination process is completed? Is it really nothing but a reflex or coincidence that a plant such as the orchid Trichoceros parviforus will grow its petals to imitate the female of a species of fly so exactly that the male attempts to mate with it and in so doing pollinates the orchid? Is it pure chance that night-blossoming flowers grow white the better to attract night moths and night-flying butterflies, emitting a stronger fragrance at dusk, or that the carrion lily develops the smell of rotting meat in areas where only flies abound, whereas flowers which rely on the wind to cross-pollinate the species do not waste energy on making themselves beautiful, fragrant or appealing to insects, but remain relatively unattractive? To protect themselves plants develop thorns, a bitter taste, or gummy secretions that catch and kill unfriendly insects. The timorous Mimosa pudica has a mechanism which reacts whenever a beetle or an ant or a worm crawls up its stem toward its delicate leaves: as the intruder touches a spur the stem raises, the leaves fold up, and the assailant is either rolled oflf the branch by the unexpected movement or is obliged to draw back in fright. Some plants, unable to find nitrogen in swampy land, obtain it by devouring living creatures. There are more than five hundred varieties of carnivorous plants, eating any kind of meat from insect to beef, using endlessly cunning mthods to capture their prey, from tentacles to sticky hairs to funnel-like traps. The tentacles of carnivorous plants are not only mouths but stomachs raised on poles with which to seize and eat their prey, to digest both meat and blood, and leave nothing but a skeleton. Insect-devouring sundews pay no attention to pebbles, bits of metal, or other foreign substances placed on their leaves, but are quick to sense the nourishment to be derived from a piece of meat. Darwin found that the sundew can be excited when a piece of thread is laid on it weighing no more than 1/78,000 of a grain. A tendril, which next to the rootlets constitutes the most sensitive portion of a plant, will bend if a piece of silk thread is laid across it weighing but .00025 of a gram. The ingenuity of plants in devising forms of construction far exceeds that of human engineers. Man-made structures cannot match the supply strength of the long hollow tubes that support fantastic weights against terrific storms. A plant’s use of fibers wrapped in spirals is a mechanism of great resistance against tearing not yet developed by human ingenuity. Cells elongate into sausages or flat ribbons locked one to the other to form almost unbreakable cords. As a tree grows upward it scientifically thickens to support the greater weight. The Australian eucalyptus can raise its head on a slim trunk above the ground 480 feet, or as high as the Great Pyramid of Cheops, and certain walnuts can hold a harvest of 100,000 nuts. The Virginia knotweed can tie a sailor’s knot which is put to such a strain when it dries that it snaps, hurling the seeds to germinate as far as possible from mother. Plants are even sentient to orientation and to the future. Frontiersmen and hunters in the prairies of the Mississippi Valley discovered a sunflower plant, Silphium laciniatum, whose leaves accurately indicate the points of the compass. Indian licorice, or Arbrus precatorius, is so keenly sensitive to all forms of electrical and magnetic influences it is used as a weather plant. Botanists who first experimented with it in London’s Kew Gardens found in it a means for predicting cyclones, hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. So accurate are alpine flowers about the seasons, they know when spring is coming and bore their way up through lingering snowbanks, developing their own heat with which to melt the snow. Plants which react so certainly, so variously, and so promptly to the outer world, must, says France, have some means of communicating with the outer world, somthing comparable or superior to our senses. France insists that plants are constantly observing and recording events and phenomena of which man-trapped in his anthropocentric view of the world, subjectively revealed to him through his five senses-knows nothing. Whereas plants have been almost universally looked upon as senseless automata, they have now been found to be able to distinguish between sounds inaudible to the human ear and color wavelengths such as infrared and ultraviolet invisible to the human eye; they are specially sensitive to The whole vegetal world, says France, lives responsive to the movement of the earth and its satellite moon, to the movement of the other planets of our solar system, and one day will be shown to be affected by the stars and other cosmic bodies in the universe. As the external form of a plant is kept a unit and restored whenever part of it is destroyed, France assumes there must be some conscious entity supervising the entire form, some intelligence directing the plant, either from within, or from without. Over half a century ago France, who believed plants to be possessed of all the attributes of living creatures including “the most violent reaction against abuse and the most ardent gratitude for favors,” could have written a Secret Life of Plants, but what he had already put into print was either ignored by the establishment or considered heretically shocking. What shocked them most was his suggestion that the awareness of plants might originate in a supramaterial world of cosmic beings to which, long before the birth of Christ, the Hindu sages referred as “devas,” and which, as fairies, elves, gnomes, sylphs and a host of other creatures, were a matter of direct vision and experience to clairvoyants among the Celts and other sensitives. The idea was considered by vegetal scientists to be as charmingly jejune as it was hopelessly romantic. It has taken the startling discoveries of several scientific minds in the 1960s to bring the plant world sharply back to the attention of mankind. Even so there are skeptics who find it hard to believe that plants may at last be the bridesmaids at a marriage of physics and metaphysics. Evidence now supports the vision of the poet and the philosopher that plants are living, breathing, communicating creatures, endowed with personality and the attributes of soul. It is only we, in our blindness, who have insisted on considering them automata. Most extraordinary, it now appears that plants may be ready, willing, and able to cooperate with humanity in the Herculean job of turning this planet back into a garden from the squalor and corruption of what England’s pioneer ecologist William Cobbett would have called a “wen.”
#1705 San Pedro/Ayuh. ceremony Wed, 9 May 2001 14:13:14 From: “sElf Trance Former” If anybody is interested in joining our ceremony in June please respond to this email
#1706 Photo from the Rally Saturday Wed, 9 May 2001 14:55:43 From: “sElf Trance Former” Two great photos of the huge monging crowd at the Space Odyssey Medical marijuana/Iboga Rally at Battery Park on Saturday, the culmination of a lot of planning and hard work by several underground crews After Subtlechaos’ Ear Gear/Fletcher Mundson syndrome thuis Friday at Downtime we’re doing a really special afterparty at my new squat!
#1707 To: “Milton Durr” miltondurr at hotmailRE: brain TWILO shuttered Wed, 9 May 2001 19:57:14 From: “sElf Trance Former” RE: brain TWILO shuttered ok, so: 1) why were you at Twilo? BECAUSE I used to think Goa trancers had no women and were stupid and foul smelling and close minded 2) how “real” was your deal? IS, milton, get the tense right, and it’s not soley “my” deal 3) why were you being “real” at Twilo of all places? BECAUSE i was getting in free every friday and there wasn’t that much of an alternative, and I knew a lot of people there 4) why would he think you were “dangerous”? BECAUSE I threw a party called Neurotrancemitter where one of his NY managers DJ’d at, and I advertised that fact on the flyer, along with a lot of scientific d info. Also, he said they would throw someone in a seizure… which only happens if somebody is really fuckedup and seizure prone or epileptic. From: “sElf Trance Former” To: “Milton Durr” miltondurr at hotmail RE: brain TWILO shuttered Wed, 9 May 2001 15:04:14 no really Sent: Tuesday, May 08, 2001 3:11 PM To: Re: brain TWILO shuttered From: “sElf Trance Former” brain TWILO shuttered Wed, 9 May 2001 13:42:40 Sasha broke his eardrum, and their manager kicked me out of Twilo because he was (a) threatened by the real deal, and (B) he thought I was dangerous. fibs and fictions? chuckle M
#1708 Tue, 8 May 2001 16:52:22 Wednesday at Opium with a special guest From: angeles garay chiletrance at yahoo Hello colorful people!!!!!!! This is a for every Wednesday nights at Opium Den with DJ Angel+Guests. This week we will have a special guest from Kinetic Records. Come and enjoy the Trance Music and nice vibes. DJ Angel(chiletrance-6th Element) Aaron Spectre(Opiate/Kinetic) Opium Den 29 East 3rd Street at 2nd Avenue 10 PM No Cover Love and Light Angeles
#1709 Another Thursday Party Wed, 9 May 2001 20:12:42 From: “sElf Trance Former” KOP Project!?! I wonder if that’s THE trance COP Project… if anybody knows, let me know… shit, there are already two parties that night. Mike, be sure to print out directions to the afterparty Sat. morning – which nobody wants to miss – we want KOP project at the afterparty! Everybody be sure to also check out Spiritual Being’s new Thursday night events too Hello all, This week I am proud to announce a NEW FREE Party on Thursdays. It is getting warmer out there folks, and when it get warm Liquids often evaporate. So take the party to the Street. Hope to see you there. Love and Happiness, mike ****New Free Thursday Party**** D3 Deep Dark Dirty Trance Every Thursday with DJ Divine at Street 14 Ave B Between 2nd Street and Houston 212-260-7100 10-4 FREE FRIDAY Welcome to a new week and exciting week. This week shows a double Psy booking thanks to the evil imperial forces at Tsunami. Fletcher Mundson Syndrome with Subtle Chaos should be an amazing night! For those of you who will be missing Twilo with its Guilianni imposed hiatus, come out to Cream for some of the best Deep Trance in the city and some of the best tech-house in NYC. I look forward to seeing you all out and about this weekend! Love and Happiness mike Tech House, Progressive, Deep Trance and Goa Trance Party Friday May 4th Divine Force Productions Presents Sauce Fridays Featuring Resident DJ Divine (Disco 2000) This weeks special guest DJs: Spoony d (Leisure Society, Twilo, T Dot) DJ Schwinge (KOP Project) Location: Cream 246 Columbus Ave Between 71st and 72nd $20 General Admission $15 Guest List Open bar from 10-12 21+ Guest list: MikESmileZ at hotmail
#1710 fight the power Wed, 9 May 2001 00:43:11 From: look at the cops behind them
#1711 kiovanna fights the power Wed, 9 May 2001 00:43:45 From:
#1712 Spy-Trance, Chapter 1 Wed, 9 May 2001 02:48:00 From: This photo was taken when a random chance meeting on Houston of a group of wayward trancers that lost their way and were headed to TWILO, AKA HELL to do some spy-trance
#1713 More TWILO trivia Thu, 10 May 2001 01:44:31 From: From a list member. Further proof that monEy corrupts… Didn’t TWILO hide someone who had OD’ed in a closet during that last inspection?
#1714 TWILO in recent NY Post Fri, 11 May 2001 12:51:40 From: “sElf Trance Former” “i’m talking about how twilo has a special room in which they hide the people who are ODing from inspectors and police who answer 911 calls coming from inside the club, thus preventing them from getting the medical attention they need…” Quote from a Boston mailing list
#1715 Afterparty at my new squat Sat. morning Fri, 11 May 2001 16:27:24 From: “sElf Trance Former” ELF NEST! Psy-trance afterparty in a loft $7 146 Duane Street 2nd floor (ring the buzzer 2B) 7am-2pm HOW MUCH Lucky $7. Everyone will be asked to donate to the Cause. If you bring extra water or refreshments or a Subtlechaos flyer your cover will be reduced. Only DJs that are printed on Friday’s flyers will be comped! WHERE Tribeca. 146 Duane Street 2nd floor (ring the buzzer 2B) The cross street is West Broadway. 2 blocks north from the 1/9 station at Chambers. SOUND d Sound system 7am-2pm and possibly beyond if Niko will let us keep his speakers there. So, conceivably, if everyone follows their own self interest and gets down to the Elf nest, we can go through the night if we behave ourselves. If you were there for the afterparty for the Marij. march you know the deal. The sound will be chill at 7am and build and build and crescendo to full capacity around 11am and then chill on the volume a TINY bit around noon and then. .onward and upward. Please respect the few neighbors that are still in the building, don’t hang out in the hallways etc. (when I say squat I’m not kidding!) SPACE 2000′ loft, 20′ ceiling, huge windows, brainmachines, oxygen, costumes, incense, internet access, video projections, T-shirts, CDs, UV lights, fluoro tapestries by House of Trance, some fog, crazy lighting, vornado fan, working toilets, yoga on the roof. MUSIC DJs- International trance DJs who happen to be in New York who you have not heard before, i.e. Fletcher Mundson Syndrome, Ear Gear. PLUS Niko from Synthetic Sadus, Jason & Vadim and Machinelf. Machinelf will be taking requests off Napster for trance songs at a $10 donation per pop (196 kps). PEOPLE A mishmash of Jeff’s friends, fiends, trance people, mostly from the Subtlechaos shindig – which will have a supply of Touch people – but also some of the best lost souls from SUN Project. REFRESHMENTS Bring your own bottled water, virgin’s blood, juice and food. There is a fountain of youth with running water to refill your water bottles. There is a nice Punjabi place with excellent samosas one block east. BRING if you get a chance, artwork and painting supplies would be enlightening, and a blanket if you be shillin be chillin be children. THE SOURCE All proceeds go towards doing more of this dodgey business, i.e. my summer move into this space. Special thanks to Parasense for keeping it unreal. Subtlechaos, Touch, Tsunami (yes – Tsunami), we’re all running around like chickens with their third eye exposed. DIRECTIONS From SubtleChaos etc at Downtime – go to the 1 or 9 station at the 28th street stop on 7th. $2 off with a Subtlechaos flyer. From Tsunami at World – go to the 1 or 9 station at 41st street Take the 1 or 9 subway to Chambers, walk two blocks up, take a right and you’re there Machinelf’s cell phone number: – Subtlechaos – Fletcher Munson Syndrome Subtlechaos – Fletcher Munson Syndrome Friday, May 11, 2001 Time: 11:30PM – 7:30AM (-04:00) Fletcher Mundson Syndrome (Naja, SpiritZone, Tatsu/Hamburg, Germany) live first time in U.S. located in midtown Manhattan 251 West 30th between 7th and 8th 18+, party till after sunrise + afterparty! /events.html oh, yeah, there’s also this other thing going on… look for the lone wolf alien scaring the consumers at some point in the night, that’s me.. SUN Project at the World on 1503 Broadway – check web tsunamitrance for details ..BUM WANKERS!
#1716 Thursday night & Friday evening Fri, 11 May 2001 16:35:54 From: “sElf Trance Former” Between now and tomorrow night there are two events, not including the street party Hello Psychedelic people, Spiritual Beings is proud to announce: THURSDAY NIGHTS AT NEVA When and Where: Every Thursday at NEVA BAR, 28 7th Av south (between Morton & Leroy), NYC from 10:00pm to 4:00am. Directions: It’s a few blocks south of Christopher st subway station (1,9). Djs: * Dj Ran (Spiritual Beings) * Dj Eitan (Spiritual Beings) Admission: * Free admission to Spiritual Beings members on the guest list (sigh up until thursday at 1:00pm) at: sbguestlist at hotmail . make sure you’re sending from the same email you’re subscribed to. subscribe “your name”. * $3 admission to non-members who sigh at the guest list (sigh up until thursday at 1:00pm) at: sbguestlist at hotmail . subscribe “your name”. * $5 at the doors. Hope to see you there 🙂 Peace. Love. Unity. Respect. Spiritual beings. Friday before the parties: somthing for brain: bitmaps is a great thing and its usually $12; on Friday its free and there will be acoustic additions as a prelistening for FMS later on: Where:WHITNEY MUSEUM 945 Madison Avenue at 75th St. When:FRIDAY 05.11.01 6:30pm – 9:30pm What:tshklabs at bitstreams FREE M. PS: look out for the skulls and check your dose! ACKGRO re are two events, not including SPA Hello Psychedelic people, Spiritual Beings is proud to announce: re: south (between Morton & Leroy), NYC :00pm to 4:00am. It’s a few blocks south of Christopher st subway station (1,9). al ion: Beings members on the guest list (sigh up until thursday at 1:00pm) at: ;. make sure you’re sending from the same email you’re subscribed to. subj ect: subscribe “your name”. sion to non-members who sigh at the guest list (sigh up until thursday at 1:00pm) at: l . subscribe “your name”. $5 at the doors. ou there 🙂 000ff Love. Unity. Respect. Spiritual beings. thing and its usually $ 12; on Friday its free and there will be acoustic additions as a prelis tening for FMS later on: Where:WHITNEY MUSEUM 945 Madison Avenue at 75th St. When:FRIDAY 05.11.01 6:30pm – 9:30pm What:tF6shF6kl abs at bitstreams FREE M. PS: look out for the skulls and chec k your DIV
#1717 correction, and TRP Magazine is now ‘Trip’ Fri, 11 May 2001 16:42:47 From: “sElf Trance Former” also Saturday a.m. Fletcher Mundson Syndrome and Eargear are not booked to play at Elf Nest – so go to the Subtlechaos party and here them Sent: Wednesday, May 09, 2001 4:29 PM To: Undisclosed-Recipient:; TRP Magazine is now ‘Trip’ The following post contains current news about Trip Magazine, and should be forwarded to all parties of interest. If you do not wish to receive such posts in the future please respond to this mail with the word “remove” in the subject line. All remove requests will be honored immediately. Please excuse any duplicate postings. IN THIS ISSUE: 1. TRP Magazine Relaunches as ‘Trip’ 2. Where’s my Magazine? 3. E Posters Available Now! 4. MUSIC: Resonant Radio and or New Downtempo Compilation 5. Trip at Entheobotany II and Mind States 2 6. We need your support! 1. TRP Magazine Relaunches as ‘Trip’! Yes, everything evolves, even our little underground ‘zine. After five glorious issues as ‘TRP: The Resonance Project’, TRP has been reborn as ‘Trip’, a sleeker and more user-friendly version of the same outstanding periodical. The reason for these changes are not arbitrary or irrational, and if you must know exactly why we decided to change the name you can read all about it here: web tripzine/articles.asp?iddowney As you read this article you may notice that we have also updated our website, and although web resproject will still get you there, our new official URL is web tripzine. Please make a note of it, for you will surely want to return again and again. The change has been long in coming, we know. We have all been through quite the ordeal over the last year with many false starts, impending mergers, failed corporate takeovers, and general lack of direction over what to do, how to preceed, and where to go next. But the dust has finally settled and we are back on track. We thank you for your limiteless patience and understanding, and hope you enjoy our new beginning. 2. Where’s my Magazine? The first issue of the new and improved ‘Trip’ (issue 6) will be released this summer, hopefully by late June or mid July. We have a lot of supremely insane material lined up for our glorious comeback, which you can follow on our website as publication nears. Current subscribers to TRP should rest-assured that their subscription WILL carry over to the new format, and you will not need to resubscribe until your current subscription expires. However, resubscribing NOW is the best way to make sure that you never miss another issue EVER. Plus, it shows you care, which we appreciate more than you could ever know. And if you have not subscribed, please do. We cannot continue to exist without a growing subscriber base, so now you know. Also, at this point the magazine will continue to be published roughly once or twice a year. The quarterly thing just will not work (as you may have noticed), but to offset the horrible burden of being without a new issue of your favorite magazine for such a long time, we have redoubled our efforts to funnel new content to our readers through our website. There will be monthly updates at tripzine featuring NEW AND ORIGINAL CONTENT for you, our readers, to enjoy. And if you are hesitant because you think a year is too long to wait between issues, then just think how you would feel if there were NO MORE ISSUES EVER. I hope that puts things into perspective. It is really all about you, the subscriber. You are the one that keeps us in business. And if for some reason you are missing an issue in your subscription, or you recently subscribed or ordered an issue and it never came, please LET US KNOW. Our record keeping has become a little jumbled during the long transition so please bear with us as we sort through orders or questions that have fallen through the cracks. We do not want anyone to feel cheated or left out, so please bug us (over and over if you have to) if there is a problem. We will fix it. 3. E Posters Available Now! That’s right, the classic E spoof ad first seen on the back cover of TRP 5 is now available in poster form! So many of you asked if there was a poster available that we just had to print one, and now it is ready. This poster is big and beautiful, printed on high-quality poster stock with a protective varnish to preserve it from fading and wear. It is an amazing bargain at only $10.00, and it will be a collectors item that you can cherish and share with loved ones for years to come. All profits from sales of this poster go directly to supporting the continued publication of Trip and regular updates at tripzine, so order one today and be proud that you are doing somthing good for humanity at large. 4. MUSIC: Resonant Radio and our New Downtempo Compilation In case you haven’t noticed by now, Trip has it’s own streaming audio station available at multiple bandwidths for internet connection speeds of all types. Resonant Radio is hosted by SLAM Media, and you can access the stream from web tripzine or by going directly to SLAM at web slam.cc to sample the best in alternative streaming audio available on the internet today. Also, we are proud to announce the release of our first CD compilation entitled “Resonant Frequencies: The Downtempo Collection”, now available at tripzine. This is a seamless mix of amazing underground music from 18 different artists from around the world, and is guranteed to put you in a variety of alternate headspaces. You have to trust us on this one, you won’t be disappointed with this collection of music. Again, all proceeds go to our continued growth, and your support is greatly appreciated. 5. Trip at Entheobotany II and Mind States 2 There are some interesting events coming up and Trip will be there. We will be at Entheobotany II (entheobotany/vancouver/) in Whistler, British Columbia, this weekend (May 11th – 13th), and also at Mind States 2 (web erowid.org/mindstates/) in Berkeley from May 25th to the 27th. If you are planning to be at either event you should come by and give us a piece of your mind! We will be doing video and audio interviews with guests and attendees at both shows about the issues they feel are important within the community, so now you too can make your voice heard! If we get anything good you’ll be sure to catch it at tripzine, so stay tuned. 6. We need your support! Yes, you should know by now, we need your help. By subscribing or ordering one of our fine products you help keep us in business. Without you there would be to Trip or tripzine, so that’s it. Subscribe today or show your support by purchasing a CD or poster, or just writing to say thanks. It does mean a lot. Thanks and be well! James Kent Publisher, Trip Trip 1122 East Pike St. #679 Seattle, WA 98122-3934 (305)768-7606 web tripzine info at tripzine
#1718 House of Trance party tonight Fri, 11 May 2001 17:50:47 From: “sElf Trance Former” Alex from House of Trance just called Open Air, a bar across from House of Trance, is having DJs inc. California Sunshine (Nikko) and Yanni from HOT back from Goa start around 10 go through 430. NO CHARGE, but maybe $3 max, 21 and up
#1719 Eight psy-trance parties this weekend – WOW Fri, 11 May 2001 17:56:47 From: “sElf Trance Former” If you count Thursday. I think we passed a milestone. And now some spam for you Burning Man people: Dear promoters, networkers and all family circles, We are trying to get the following petition out to as many people as possible..Please read the following info and send to your email lists ASAP… We thank you for your support.. D.A.N.C.E (The Dedicated Alliance of the Night-time CommunityExperience.) ***************** Dear Fellow Burning Man supporters… The Burning Man Celebration of 2000, unfortunatly did not include the annual Community Dance and this petition urges your response if you share the loss of this collective celebration . PETITION DRIVE We, the devoted participants and supporters of Burning Man Festival of ART, who currently participate in the annual week-long celebration, would like to request the return of the Community Dance at Burning Man on Saturday night September 1st, 2001. This petition represents an impassioned appeal from devout citizens who embody the daily existence of Black Rock City and Burning Man. After the Burning of the Man celebration came to its conclusion on Saturday night of last year, the fantastic levels of energy that had uplifted us seemed to have dissipated and nearly disappeared. In essence, we felt a vast letdown of energy after the fabulous pageantry of the Burn. We are aware that many Burners are quite content to melt into the evening and enjoy Burning Man’s eclectic array of Saturday night’s festivities. However, as loyal participants and faithful citizens of Burning Man, we maintain that there are many of us who would love to celebrate and dance together as one with the playa to the most inspired music and visuals ourcommunity hasto offer. To this end, we support this petition drive for the return of the Community Dance after the Saturday night Burn of 2001. The Community Dance will creatively reflect and celebrate the Burning Man theme for 2001, “The Seven Ages of Man” through dance, theatrical pageantry and tribal connectivity. By signing this petition I endorse our communities desire to reinstate this activity as a supported event in the Burning Man2001 Festivities. Please add you name to the list and cut and paste this petition and resend it to your email list ASAP. If you are the 50th person on the list please send the completed list to communitydance at yahoo. We will make an offical presentation to the Burning Man Committee with all of the signatures by June 10th. 1. Chris Deckker 2. Angela Snow 3. Alex Newman 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. When the list is full please send it to communitydance at yahoo. Many Thanks…. “Whatever you do, or dream you can, begin it. Boldnesshas genius and power and magic in it. ” Goethe
#1721 11 May 2001 22:02:01 – Entheogen Conference (3 days) Entheogen Conference (3 days) Friday, May 18, 2001 Time: 6:00PM The Prophets Conference New York City: Techniques of Discovery May 18-20, 2001 Cathedral of St. John the Divine, Synod Hall Bringing together… Huston Smith, Stanislav Grof, Ralph Metzner, Gregg Braden, Gabrielle Roth, Riane Eisler, Michio Kaku, John Mack, Oriah Mountain Dreamer, Robert Anton Wilson, Ram Dass, and Russell Targ. The Prophets Conference brings together today’s most remarkable teachers and authors to explore and bridge science and spirituality. Our thematic variation for this New York City gathering is Techniques of Discovery – an investigation of the powerful and profound pre-existent place of deep transcendent and transformative commonality found through shamanic practices, spiritual paths, entheogens, religious trance, out-of-body experiences and other revolutionary and revelatory tools. We will be looking at expanded states of consciousness and the uncommon knowledge and heightened awareness often obtained from them, and then look at the magnitude of the implications fostered by acknowledging them as true Gnosis. We will then explore their relevance to every area of life. The conference will also envision a deeper sense of Destiny at what appears to be a critical juncture in history, and assess avenues for imagining and reconfiguring Reality. For information, email: axiom at greatmystery.org or call toll-free 888-777-5981. Or you may visit our website at web greatmystery.org
#1723 12 May 2001 03:02:00 – Synthetic Sadhus Roxy Synthetic Sadhus Roxy Friday, May 25, 2001 Time: 11:00PM – 7:00AM SYNTHETIC SADHUS and TIP RECORDS welcome you to a full-on psychedelic journey on Friday, May 25, 2001 The new leaders of the Scandinavian sound are coming for the first time to NYC to deliver a rare live performance: LOGIC BOMB (TIP-Spiral Trax-Sweden), TIP Records’ visionary father, Shpongle’s guru, incandescent source of inspiration, the enlightened and enlightening Raja is back to guide us to infinity: RAJA RAM (TIP-Twisted-Shpongle-UK), Founding pioneer of Cosmophilia, one of the world’s largest trance music distributor, eclectic producer of Hadshot Recordings. Come to hear this deck wizard: YANIV (Cosmophilia-Hadshot-Israel), (Special Guest) Simply one of the best Dj on the circuit, electrifying crowds from Japan to Brazil back with the very latest European sounds: DIMITRI (TIP-UK). Decoration by BRAHMA (TIP-UK), Who is an incomparable master of psychedelic art. His paintings symbolizes graphically the essence of our music, while influencing it beyond our wildest expectations! Chill-out environment produced by WANDERLUST. Featuring Live sets, Dj’s sets, Chai, Tents, Hookas & Visuals. Party’s location: This party is 18 & over, please bring your ID. The ROXY 515 West 18th Street, Between 10 & 11th Av, Manhattan, NYC. The Roxy is one of Manhattan’s most amazing location. Certainly the best sound system in the City.There is plenty of place to stomp, yet it stays cozy with elevated and elevating chill-out area. The Roxy crew is very welcoming and their very affordable beverage prices complete the welcoming environment created by Synthetic Sadhus. Doors open from 11pm till 7am. Tickets are $ 30 in advance and $35 at the door. You can purchase advance tickets 2 weeks prior to event in the following record shops: House of Trance 212 533 6700 Throb 212 533 2328 Satellite 212 995 1744 Vinyl Market 212 539 1203 -New Manhattan Store! Sonic Groove 212 675 5284 Growroom (MA) 413 549 9296 Satellite (Boston) 617 536 5482 Caffeine (LI) 516 797 719
#1724 atmos confirmed for frying pan friday Mon, 14 May 2001 14:19:47 From: the rumours turned out to be unfounded – atmos IS confirmed for frying pan friday. see you there. thank you, disinformation agents!!
#1725 History Mon, 14 May 2001 16:03:24 From: UNIT FOUR SUMMARY A History of d Use, Abuse and Addiciton HALLUCINOGENS (Including Marijuana) By Richard S. Waguespack, B.Th., LMSW-ACP Cannabis The earliest record of man’s use of cannabis comes from the island of Taiwan located off the coast of mainland China. Hemp weaving as an industry began 10,000 years ago. Scattered among the trash and debris from this prehistoric community were some broken pieces of pottery the sides of which had been decorated by pressing strips of cord into the wet clay before it hardened. Also dispersed among the pottery fragments were some elongated rod-shaped tools, very similar in appearance to those later used to loosen cannabis fibers from their stems.[1] These simple pots, with their patterns of twisted fiber embedded in their sides, suggest that men have been using the marijuana plant in some manner since the dawn of history (Abel). As time went one, hemp was considered a viable fiber for a variety of uses. Some claim that it was also used as food as early as 4000 BC and that by 2727 BC it was recorded as being used for medicine in China. One source reported that as part of early Jews holy Friday night services in the Temple of Solomon, 60,000 to 80,000 men ritually passed around and inhaled 20,000 incense burners filled with kanabosom (cannabis), before returning home for a very large meal. By 1200 to 800 BC, Cannabis is mentioned in the Hindu sacred text Atharvaveda (Science of Charms) as “Sacred Grass”, one of the five sacred plants of India. Other records show: it being used medicinally and ritually as an offering to Shiva, being used by Zoroastrian Persians between 700 BC – 300 BC and by 500 BC by Scythian tribes for burial rituals. Hemp is to said to have been mentioned in the works of Herodotus as both a ritualistic and recreational substance. Dioscorides refers to the use of cannabis as a Roman medicament. Hemp was probably introduced into Northern Europe by the Scythian’s. An um containing leaves and seeds of the Cannabis plant, unearthed near Berlin, is dated from 500 – 100 BC. (Erowid). There does not seem to be much evidence of the use of Cannibis in Europe between the fall of the Roman empire to the time that Napolean’s troops returned from Egypt with quantities of the substance. However, it is presumed to have been used by a few European groups during this period. In 13th century Persia, Hasanibn al-Sabbah, the “Old Man of the Mountain” created legends related to hemp (hashish) by recruiting assassins (followers) who used hashish men who were commissioned to commit assasinations. In this same century, Cannabis is introduced in Egypt. The Inquisition outlawed cannabis ingestion in Spain in the 12th Century, and France in the 13th. In the 16th century, German physician, Hohannus Weier mentioned use of hashish by groups of witches. Spanish and other European colonists planted hemp in the Americas and other places to provide sails, rope, oakum, clothes, etc. Thomas Jefferson among other founding fathers planted hemp. Most historians believe that its use in early American history was largely limited to the production of these items. In 1798, Napolean found that the Egypt he temporarily conquered held a lower class habitually. Realizing that this was a problematic d, he issued laws against its use. French administrators totally failed to control the production and sale of cannabis preparations. In response to the ban on sales, Greek smugglers immediately began a lucrative underground business importing hashish into Egypt. In 1842: English physician W.B. O’Shaughnessy became the first to introduce ganja, potent Indian hemp, to England in his Bengal Pharmacopeia. In 1845 JJ Moreau de Tours wrote “Hashish and Mental Illness” which sparked an interest in similiar articles and set off a wave of experimentation. The use of marijuana for recreational use became fashionable, especially amongst the French users. Well known is the 1848 Uprising in Paris where Students carried banners through the streets demanding free availability of cannabis and ether. Abraham Lincoln was an avowed enemy of prohibition. His wife was prescribed cannabis for her nerves after his assassination. One source claimed that virtually every president from the mid-19th Century until prohibition routinely used cannabis medicines (Erowid). Cannabis was neither stigmatized nor popularized in the US until the early 1930s. Harry Anslinger, US Commissioner of Narcotics created public hysteria regarding cannabis. Critics say he appears to have acted largely for American chemical and petrochemical companies interested in eliminating hemp as a competitor in the areas of lubricants, food, plastic and fiber. MYTH and Hallucinogens (Peyote, l) Huxley’s 1954 book, Brave New World, like Elvis’s first record and Brown vs. Board of Education, presaged the events of the tumultuous 1960’s. By 1964, Elvis had given way to the Beatles, and Brown vs. Board gave way to the Civil Rights Act. By ’66, the Doors of Perception gave rise to the Doors, and the Dionysian aesthetic found its archetypal representative in the rebellious son (Jim Morrison of the Doors) of the youngest Admiral ever appointed in the United States Navy (Pruett). TUNE IN, DROP OUT “No where is this more evident than in the 1960’s, which, by no coincidence, is the critical decade in the bursting forth of the Dionysian aesthetic. Accentuated by an unpopular foreign war (Vietnam), this hostility found its philosophic outlook in the hippie movement and in the ideological leadership of popular figures such as Timothy Leary, Jerry Rubin, and Abbie Hoffman. The essential Dionysian tendency of these leaders each may be recalled in the epigrams most closely associated with their names. Leary, Tune in, drop out, which became a national mantra for the counterculture millions. Rubin, whose book title, Do It, 25 years later found its way into the most prolific and innovative advertising campaigns in history, Nike sport shoes, Just Do It. Hoffman, perhaps less significant, is remembered for his short agitprop, Steal This Book” (Pruett). MOJO RISIN “Jim Morrison came of age in America at a time of profound change and disturbance. The chaos and confusion of the coming generation was captured first on celluloid in the dissonance, stammer, dark energy and sulking good looks of its new matinee idols, Marlon Brando, Montgomery Clift, and James Dean. Yet for however transcendental and familiar these new hero’s of the stage were to the growing new youth culture, it was in literature that the bookish young Morrison looked for direction” (Pruett). “Morrison’s first role model gleaned from literature was taken from Keruac’s seminal beatnik novel, On the Road. In the amphetimened energy of the wild, impulsive, Dionysian figure of Dean Moriaty, Morrison recognized his idealized self. Moriaty, based on the real life persona of Keruac sidekick Neal Cassidy, was described by Keruac as a “mad one, [one of] the ones who are mad to live, mad to talk, mad to be saved, desirous of everything at the same time…” (Pruett). “Morrison adapted himself to Moriaty, right down to his “hee-hee laugh.” [M p 12] In time Kerauc’s description of Moriaty seemed to cling to Morrison himself. In many ways, they were the same: wild, intoxicated on life and booze, marijuana and amphetamines, at the same time energetic, sexual, magnetic” (Pruett). “But what separated Morrison from Moriaty was a fine synthesis cultivated from the influence of l, a d Keruac himself was loathe to try, and music, namely rhythm and blues and rock n roll. So while it is literature where Morrison looked for individuals to pattern himself after, it was probably music and l that had the most profound influence on his aesthetic tendencies. Morrison took note that the birth of rock n roll coincided with his adolescence and, in what he described, as his coming into awareness. “It was a real turn on, although at the time I could never allow myself to rationally fantasize about ever doing it myself. I guess all that time I was subconsciously accumulation inclination and nerve. My subconscious had prepared the whole thing. I didn’t even think about it” [M p.59]” (Pruett). “And if genesis of rock music affected Morrison’s sensibilities without him consciously being aware of it, l, which was still legal and the rage of California in ’64 and ’65, affected him in other ways. Reputed to have ingested it some 250 times, Morrison took l in the spirit of his poet hero, the late 19th century French symbolist poet, Arthur Rimbaud. For Rimbaud poetry was a means of discovering the unknown. By breaking down the barriers of logical and intellectual control, Rimbaud believed that he would become a sensitive instrument that could receive impressions from the beyond. [ST p. 16] More to the point, Rimbaud advocated, in what for Morrison became a lifelong dictum, “the reasoned derangement of the senses” (Pruett). “Morrison was truly fascinated with the alteration of his nervous system through chemicals. Like the title to one of their hit songs, Break On Through to the Other Side, Morrison was interested in what went on behind the reality of appearances; he was interested in the ecstatic, intoxicated states of self oblivion characteristic of Nietzsche’s Dionysian aesthetic. Morrison was bent on experiencing what has been called the ecstatic dissolution of personal consciousness into the primal void. This primal void, Morrison and others, including Rimbaud, referred to as the Universal Mind; and it is this Universal Mind that they often cite as the source of their creativity, further supporting Nietzsche’s conception as the Dionysian as the source or the formula, and the Apollonian as that which gives form” (Pruett). “At this point we may go not proceed without first mentioning Nietzsche’s definitive impact on Morrison. Morrison had in fact been heavily influenced by Nietzsche as early as high school, when he began reading Genealogy On the of Morals and Beyond Good and Evil. But, as a matter of course, it would be Nietzsche’s first book, The Birthof Tragedy, that would cast the most decisive impression. Morrison came upon this book at a critical moment in his life, while at UCLA film school in Los Angeles, where he would soon meet the other members of his band. Quite naturally, Morrison identified with Nietzsche’s idealized Dionysus” (Pruett). “In the Dionysian state, where Nietzsche asserts that excess revealed a truth, we find a conspicuous beginning presaged in the words of Blake. “The road of excess,” he said, “leads to the palace of wisdom.” In the life of Jim Morrison, like Rimbaud, Baudelaire, and Dylan Thomas before him, and in his contemporaries, Hendrix, Bruce, and Joplin, came a living exemplar of Blake’s aphorism and Nietzsche’s description. Morrison, along with Hendrix and Joplin, formed a kind of Dionysian holy trinity where all three had to sacrifice themselves and die. The fact that they all three died at the age of 27 remains one of rock history’s strange coincidences” (Pruett). “And yet there are more meaningful connections. In Jerry Hopkins and Danny Sugarman’s best-selling book, No One Gets Out of Here Alive, the influence of Nietzsche, Blake, and Huxley, is recounted in a sort of stream of consciousness conversation. It was in fact through a sort of free association of the three that gave rise to the groups name, The Doors” (Pruett). “Morrison, then, fits into a pattern prefigured in the life, spirit, and critical philosophy of Frederich Nietzsche. Building upon the phenomenal breakthrough of music sensations, Elvis Presley and the Beatles, Morrison began his meteoric rise during a brief period in American history that completely altered the predominant sensibilities of a culture that had remained constant from at least the 15th century. The Dionysian aesthetic profoundly altered our affective relation to space. Through the ecstatic revelry of rock music, narcotics, and hallucinogenic ds, space and time became, as it did for Huxley relatively meaningless. Also affected was the Christian imperative of self-restraint, rooted, no doubt, in the over indulgence of late antiquity. The Dionysian state, remember, is characterized by the incapacity not to react” (Pruett). “Jim Morrison and the Doors broke through Apollonian consciousness as none other. At times their concerts were said to produce the effect of mystical Oneness. Through music now seems to flow a supernatural power. In accordance with this feeling, rock stars are treated as demi-gods. Through affiliation with various bands, young adults, as Nietzsche anticipated in his Birth of Tradgedy, express themselves as members of some higher community. As the original “underground” band, Jim Morrison and the Doors may have best embodied this sense of a collective higher community joined through music. Morrison was a kind of atavistic medicine man tearing through the last shreds of the old reality. The West would never again be quite the same” (Pruett). “Morrison and the Doors, like Neil Armstrong and the Apollo moon mission, peaked in 1969, the year, in fact, when the Doors were at the top of the charts and referred to as the American Beatles. Morrison, then, peaking in ’69 and dead by ’71 just a year ahead of the last American moon mission, may be seen, for the purposes of contrast and comparison as the purest expression, emblem and symbol of the emerging Dionysian spirit in contest with Apollo, at its steepest, most decisive, critical phase” (Pruett). “In the wake of the collective force rock music and ds, the veil of Maya that long separated the East and West has been torn asunder. Western man now sinks back to the oneness of nature. His affinity toward animals and the earth is expressed again in various ecological and animal rights movements. As this occurs, the dynamics of music, rhythm, and harmony assert themselves with great energy. In time the spoken word and coordination of the limbs begin to bend to the power of rhythm. Two decades after the death of Jim Morrison, the explosion of rap music in first the American and then world music scene must be seen as the natural progression of the Dionysian aesthetic that first burst forth in the consciousness of Nietzsche” (Pruett). (See Also The Indian Experience As Related to Music and Dionysian Type Themes) Hallucinogens: Contemporary Concerns “Cannabis smoking is associated with an increased risk of developing acute or chronic psychiatric symptoms. A sixfold increase in incidence of schizophrenia has been reported in a long term follow up study of 55,000” (Nahas and Gleaton). Research by Italian researchers discovered that when eight men smoked a cigarette containing the active ingredient in marijuana, THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), they had dramatically higher melatonin levels twenty minutes later. After two hours, their melatonin levels were 4,000 percent higher than at baseline!(11). Other research showing that melatonin is converted on a 25 hour cycle to seratonin and then back to melatonin is a clear indicator that those who smoke marijuana regularly are attempting to self medicate (i.e. perpetual prozac but without the same capacity to block the reuptake of seratonin thus more problems associated with the use of THC.). The fact that smoking marijuana is accompanied by a dramatic increase in melatonin production may explain some of the d’s positive effects. A 1995 article in The Journal of the American Medical Association reported that the hallucinogen is being used to counteract the toxicity of chemotherapy, treat migraines, reduce intraocular pressure, minimize pain, treat menstrual cramps, and moderate wasting syndrome in AIDS patients. Melatonin has been shown to ameliorate each and every one of these conditions (Reiter & Robinson). Smoking marijuana as a vehicle to increase melatonin production, however, may not be a good idea. The increase is so marked that it is not likely to be beneficial, especially if one smokes marijuana during the daytime, when melatonin levels are normally so low that they are just above the level of detection. Causing such a dramatic surge in melatonin levels in the daytime could phase-shift your circadian rhythms or interfere with your health in other as yet unknown ways ((Reiter & Robinson). THIS SUMMARY MAY BE EXPANDED AT A LATER DATE RSW hallucinogenhx.homestead/UnitFourSummary.html addhxwebsite.homestead/hallucinogens.html
#1726 Excellent Thursday Trance Tue, 15 May 2001 08:39:19 From: I went last Thursday – this is the ONLY GAME in town on Thursdays: NEVA Thursday, May 17, 2001 Time: 10:00PM – 4:00AM CDT (-05:00) Spiritual Beings is proud to present: THURSDAY NIGHTS AT NEVA Where and When: Every Thursday at NEVA BAR, 28 7th Av south (between Morton & Leroy), NYC. Directions: It’s a few blocks south of Christopher st. subway station (1,9). Djs: * Dj Ran (Spiritual Beings) * Dj Eitan (Spiritual Beings) Admission: * Free admission to Spiritual Beings members. Sigh the guest list (sigh up until Thursday at 1:00pm) at: sbguestlist at hotmail . make sure you’re sending from the same email you’re subscribed to. subscribe “your name”. * $3 at the doors. Hope to see you there 🙂 Peace. Love. Unity. Respect. Spiritual beings.
#1727 Tue, 15 May 2001 13:35:04 Sorry – ATMOS is confirmed for Friday at the Frying Pan From: Sorry guys, the email just sent out said Atmos is not playing. He is. The emails are now corrected. There were two people who were spreading disinformation. Guys, stop it, it’s not kosher. There will be plenty of trance parties everywhere this summer, we’re just going to have to live with it – and enjoy it. See everybody at the Frying Pan this Friday. Thanks, Doody, sorry fotr the disinformation.
#1728 Tue, 15 May 2001 13:37:04 So this is the full, correct Friday email – Thanks Doody From: Shaffel Records – Sound Rise Friday, May 18, 2001 Time: 9:00PM – 3:00AM Shaffel Records Sound-on-the-River Summer Outdoor Series presents: Sound Rise May 18th, 2001 ATMOS (Sweden) S-Range/ DJ Anthony (Spiral Trax Sweden) DJ Doom (Shaffel Records Israel) Dj Yon-E (Tsunami NYC) +more Tickets: $20 in advance, $25 door, 21 and over. Tickets at Throb, Home of Trance, Satellite, Any Time, Sonic Groove, Caffeine and Satellite Boston Location: The Frying Pan Pier 63, W23rd St. and West Side Highway Doors open 9pm. Also coming to Frying Pan June 22nd Growling Mad Scientists live. WIll not go too late b/c of sound issues. Repeat, if you want to go to this, get there fucking early. AFTERPARTY TBA starts at 4am in Williamsburg
#1729 Fletcher Mundson Syndrome tonight at NIGHTSHIFT Wed, 16 May 2001 11:25:29 From: “sElf Trance Former” They rocked last Friday – come see them tonight for only $3!! SubtleChaos weekly on Tuesdays NIGHTSHIFT May 15th, 2001 Fletcher Mundson Syndrom / EarGear DJ set [Germany] Vadim [subtlechaos / subtle productions] Jason [subtlechaos] Gemini Lounge 221 Second Avenue at 14th Street 9pm till late Pictures from previous events: /gallery/nightshift/nightshift1.htm $3 cover Thank you for support! – s u b t l e c h a o s Subtlechaos info at subtlechaos
#1730 Tue, 15 May 2001 10:37:11 Wednesday at Opium Den From: angeles garay chiletrance at yahoo Hello everybody!!! This message isa for Wednesday nights at Opium Den with DJ Angel+Guests. Come and enjoy the Trance music with nice people and nice vibes. Dj Angel(Chiletrance-6th element) Isam(Morocco) Misha(San Francisco) Opium Den 29 East 3rd Street at 2nd Avenue 10 PM No cover thanks!!!!!!! Love and Light Angeles
#1731 Nightshift Review Thu, 17 May 2001 04:12:50 From: “sElf Trance Former” It was so nice to to see all of the trance people at Nightshift at Gemini Lounge with Fletcher Munson Syndrome. I got there late but a lot of the good people were there. Those German guys could give their American counterparts some lesson in psychedelic precision. What a banging space. Too bad some of us have to work on Wednesdays.. Is anybody going to the techno events in Detroit next week?
#1732 Cc: “Shamanistas. com” ShamanistasSpiritual TranceDance at Limon Dance Studio Sunday 5/20/01 Thu, 17 May 2001 04:44:07 From: “sElf Trance Former” SHAKTI SPIRITS in cooporation with Electric Earth Present TranceDance at Limon Studios 611 Broadway “Trance Dance’s primary focus is on healing and our relationship with spirit. By dancing within the seclusion of darkness we discover parallel realities where solutions to seemingly unsolvable problems are possible. Through Trance Dance we ‘disappear’, become more like our spirit, and simultaneously less attached to our difficulties, making it possible at these moments to let these problems go.” Wilber Alix Shakti Spirits with Electric Earth will hold another Blindfolded TranceDance on Sunday 5/20/01 from 8:30 till 10:30 p.m. This will be held in the Beautiful Limon dance Studio-611 Broadway, near Houston st., 9th flr. Price $15 with pre-registration $ 20 at the door For more info and to pre-registar please call Parashakti at 212-396-9095
#1733 Kocations from our Cuban friend Thu, 17 May 2001 15:50:04 From: “sElf Trance Former” Than you, this will be great. Hey, if there was a stabbing, we have to create some sort of security system for ourselves. I suggest volunteers to just keep an eye on everybody and to protect the equipment. Also, people should travel in at least twos or threes for safety. Lastly, I have a van, lets scout some awesome locations, here is a copy of a letter I sent, um, someone, you can pass it along if ya like; I know of a few awesome spots in queens if people are interested. One place is in College point near the whitestone bridge. Have you ever thrown a beach party like at rockaway or somewhere out on the island? I see you guys can travel. There are lots of state parks really close too. Forest Park in queens is awesome, there is a bandshell that is way cool, talk about getting lost in the woods, this place is HUGE!. Juniper Valley park is cool, Flushing park is also interesting, though some places are better than others. Kissena park ir really beautiful around now, an amazing variety of trees and a great maze like area that you can get lost in. there is a small park in Astoria or LIC, im not too sure, but it is filled with the most rocking sculptures and art of all kinds and they rotate the displays always. Another park in College Point/Flushing looks north and west towards Laguardia, rikers and Manhattan. I also know of a handful of spots that are unused/disused and just dead empty space. Lots of places on the north shore of queens. I wonder about Roosevelt Island. Randalls Wards island has a foot bridge that connects the upper 90’s in Manhattan to the island and a huge park thats under the triboro bridge. Carl Schurz park in the 80’s on the east side of manhattan is great, and its where Adolf Guiliani lives, boy could we piss him off! I am just giving ya my ideas, do with em as you will
#1734 more DJs on Thursday Thu, 17 May 2001 15:53:35 From: “sElf Trance Former” Spiritual Beings is proud to announce: Dj Illusion (Psylocib, IL) Will be also djing on May 17th at NEVA BAR! It’s gonna be a full power night… don’t say we didn’t warn you… 🙂
#1735 16 May 2001 22:02:01 – Entheogen Conference (3 days) Entheogen Conference (3 days) Friday, May 18, 2001 Time: 6:00PM The Prophets Conference New York City: Techniques of Discovery May 18-20, 2001 Cathedral of St. John the Divine, Synod Hall Bringing together… Huston Smith, Stanislav Grof, Ralph Metzner, Gregg Braden, Gabrielle Roth, Riane Eisler, Michio Kaku, John Mack, Oriah Mountain Dreamer, Robert Anton Wilson, Ram Dass, and Russell Targ. The Prophets Conference brings together today’s most remarkable teachers and authors to explore and bridge science and spirituality. Our thematic variation for this New York City gathering is Techniques of Discovery – an investigation of the powerful and profound pre-existent place of deep transcendent and transformative commonality found through shamanic practices, spiritual paths, entheogens, religious trance, out-of-body experiences and other revolutionary and revelatory tools. We will be looking at expanded states of consciousness and the uncommon knowledge and heightened awareness often obtained from them, and then look at the magnitude of the implications fostered by acknowledging them as true Gnosis. We will then explore their relevance to every area of life. The conference will also envision a deeper sense of Destiny at what appears to be a critical juncture in history, and assess avenues for imagining and reconfiguring Reality. For information, email: axiom at greatmystery.org or call toll-free 888-777-5981. Or you may visit our website at web greatmystery.org
#1736 Cc: btswatchUSA Today May 16 Fri, 18 May 2001 14:04:06 From: “sElf Trance Former” Read on for local NYC mention – after the first couple times of the initial rush – which is never recaptured, why do people continue? Because they think it’s safe… Ecstasy d trade turns violent By Donna Leinwand, USA TODAY Ecstasy, the “peace and love” d of the rave party culture, is igniting violent turf wars among d dealers that authorities say resemble the battles over crack cocaine that devastated urban areas in the 1980s. But with Ecstasy there is a big difference: Its primary buyers and many of its low-level dealers are teenagers and college kids from middle- and upper-income families, rather than impoverished addicts. As a result, America’s suburbs are being hit with Ecstasy-related drive-by shootings, executions and assaults as violent international crime groups stake claims to the Ecstasy market. The gangs are lured by the d’s enormous profit potential. A single Ecstasy pill that costs less than $1 to make can be sold for up to $30. Read more Graphic How Ecstasy releases serotonin Video USA TODAY’S Ginger Gadsden discusses the d To reach Ecstasy’s typical customers, authorities say, d rings are recruiting middle-class suburban kids to peddle the pills. These dealers move easily among young ravers, many of whom consider the burst of energy and warm-all-over high they get from Ecstasy to be the perfect complement to all-night dancing and the raver mantra “PLUR,” an acronym for peace, love, unity and respect. But there’s nothing warm and fuzzy about the increasingly dangerous business of Ecstasy. In a marketplace dominated more and more by competing organized crime groups, inexperienced suburban dealers often find themselves in over their heads, police say. Russian and Israeli crime groups are the biggest players in the Ecstasy trade; Colombian and Dominican groups are gaining ground. “There are great amounts of kids who have become d dealers, kids who have never before been involved in any type of dealing,” Miami police Detective Eladio Paez says. “It’s an easy market to get into. It’s when they are competing with real d dealers that they get into trouble. The lucky ones just get beat up and their pills taken.” Danny Petrole, 21, wasn’t so lucky. Petrole, a college student and part-time floral deliveryman, was gunned down in March near his town house on a quiet cul-de-sac in Prince William County, Va., about 25 miles south of Washington, D.C. Police investigating the slaying discovered a Danny Petrole his family never knew. There was almost $18,000 in the trunk of his Honda. In the three-story town house he had just purchased with his family’s help, police seized a shotgun, more than $100,000 in cash, 60 pounds of marijuana worth $200,000 and 4,000 Ecstasy pills worth about $100,000. The suspect in the slaying, Owen Merton Barber IV, 21, of Chantilly, Va., grew up in Prince William and attended a county high school. County police believe Barber was a rival d dealer. Authorities say the incident was typical of the violence they are seeing linked with Ecstasy. “The level of violence with Ecstasy hasn’t come to the same level of other ds, but I think that Ecstasy is in its infancy stage still,” says Roger Aarons, manager of the U.S. Customs Ecstasy Task Force. “As more dealers get involved, violence is going to increase. It’s just the nature of the d game.” Few law enforcement agencies keep statistics on Ecstasy-related violence, but officials across the nation point to recent incidents that they say highlight the rise in such crimes: In Cook County, Ill., sheriff’s deputies investigating the execution of a 16-year-old boy arrested two members of a suburban youth gang. A farm worker found the body of Vu Hoang, a high school junior, near a barn outside Elgin, 38 miles northwest of Chicago. He had a single gunshot wound in his head. Police said the gang members had questioned Hoang about missing Ecstasy pills worth $10,000 because they thought he might know the thief. The suspects were charged with murder. In March, police in Nassau County, N.Y., charged Mark Petronio, 36, of Valley Stream, a New York City suburb, with murdering a 23-year-old Ecstasy dealer from Mineola, another New York suburb. Police say that Petronio, thinking the dealer had shortchanged him, stomped him to death. In June, d Enforcement Administration and U.S. Customs agents in New York dismantled a gang that traveled from rave to rave, shaking down suburban kids who were high on Ecstasy. The gang, which called itself the Brooklyn Terror Squad or BTS, “terrorized rave parties throughout the Eastern seaboard and in Florida,” says Linda Lacewell, an assistant U.S. attorney in New York. The gang beat up and robbed ravers, stole their ds and then resold them at the same parties, she says. Ten gang members have pleaded guilty to various d charges and are awaiting sentencing. ‘Like taking candy from a baby’ “When these people (high on Ecstasy) are in these raves, they are basically unconscious,” says Felix Jimenez, special agent in charge of New York’s DEA office. “It’s like taking candy from a baby.” Zoned-out ravers “are easy targets,” Paez says. “They think nothing bad is going to happen. Those people who want to go out there and take advantage of these people have an open market. They can pick and choose their victims.” The U.S. government in 1985 classified Ecstasy, also known as E (for its scientific name, mthylenedioxy-mthamphetamine), as a Schedule 1 illicit d with no medical benefit. Most of the pills are manufactured in illegal d labs in northern Europe and smuggled into the USA. The tiny pills are stamped with cartoon characters, peace symbols and brand names and logos meant to entice young users. Recent studies have shown that Ecstasy can harm brain mechanisms that control sleep, sexual function, memory, appetite and mood. Federal officials still devote far more time to tracking cocaine and heroin, but they have dramatically stepped up their efforts to stop the Ecstasy trade. In 1995, agents from Customs and the DEA seized a few hundred thousand pills of Ecstasy. Last year, the agencies confiscated more than 11 million pills. Meanwhile, rising concern over Ecstasy has led Congress to beef up penalties for trafficking in Ecstasy. The new guidelines, which became mandatory in federal courts on May 1, triple the potential jail terms for people caught with 800 or more pills. Previously, an Ecstasy dealer caught with 800 pills (typically worth about $20,000) could have been sentenced to nearly two years in federal prison. Now, that dealer would have to serve at least five years and three months, if convicted. For 8,000 pills or more, a convicted dealer would be sentenced to at least 10 years in prison. Crime analysts expect the violence associated with Ecstasy to play out differently than the inner-city crack wars, in part because the d’s effect on users is different, says Donald Vereen, deputy director of the White House Office of National d Control Policy. Crack often makes users violeEcstasy makes users hyperactive but non-violent and affectionate. Crack grew popular among poor people who often stole to feed their habits. Ecstasy users are more likely to have the financial resources to maintain their habits without resorting to crime, health analysts say. Crack also is highly addictive. Scientists aren’t sure whether Ecstasy users become physically addicted to the d, but they do know that regular users must increase their doses to continue to get high. “Ecstasy users are mostly college-age students,” says Lt. Bruce Adams of the New Orleans Police Department’s narcotics section, which is trying to shutter the city’s rave clubs. “Quite a number of them have the money to finance their habits, so you don’t see them committing crimes to pay for it. With other ds, we have users trying to rob dealers and getting hurt for it.” But the networks that smuggle, distribute and sell Ecstasy often are the same cartels that have moved crack or heroin, officials say. Cartels aren’t loyal to any one d, says Aarons of U.S. Customs. “They’re not in it because they like cocaine or heroin,” he says. “They like money.” Transporting Ecstasy pills is easier and less expensive than moving unwieldy bales of marijuana or bags of cocaine, Customs agents say. d couriers mail the pills or hide them on their person and in suitcases. One alleged cocaine distributor became one of the primary Ecstasy dealers in the Northeast, officials say. U.S. Customs agents say Frank Furino, 34, of Quogue, N.Y., switched from marijuana and cocaine once he developed a more profitable Ecstasy-smuggling route from Amsterdam, Netherlands. When police raided Furino’s $650,000 home in July, they seized 20 guns. Furino, charged with d conspiracy and participating in a continuing criminal enterprise, is awaiting trial. “There’s going to be organized crime where there is lots of money to be made,” Vereen says. “The violence usually is related to how intense the competition is.” He predicts that, as was the case with crack, d rings that deal Ecstasy will battle for turf until sharp lines are drawn around distribution territories. Meanwhile, ravers say their party scene is getting rougher, largely because of the crowd chasing the money Ecstasy can generate. One raver who calls herself BaBy JeSsIkA87 posted this plea on Ravernews Dreambook, an Internet message board: “The scene in NYC is startin to get type corrupted! All these crews and gangs … out to ruin the party.” Ecstasy’s silent invasion Prince William County, a rapidly growing suburb of Washington, has no rave scene and not much of a club scene. Ecstasy crept in quietly but spread quickly. In 1999, Prince William police worked fewer than two dozen Ecstasy cases. In 2000, they handled 122. None involved Danny Petrole. Police didn’t know him. His father, Dan Petrole Sr., is a former criminal investigator for the U.S. Secret Service who now heads the criminal investigations unit for the Department of Veterans Affairs. He says he saw nothing to make him suspect his son was involved with ds. Danny Petrole’s parents discouraged him from buying the town house; they thought the financial burden would be too much. But Petrole went ahead anyway, telling them he could handle it. “Danny was always an entrepreneurial kid,” his father says now, recalling that his son was a day-trader in the stock market. “He always said he didn’t want to do a 9-to-5 job. I guess he hid (his d dealing) from his family and he didn’t want to hurt us. I never even heard him mention Ecstasy.” Danny Petrole enjoyed all the advantages of being from a financially secure family. He played on a traveling soccer team in high school and went away to college. When he returned home after his freshman year, he enrolled at a community college. He attended church, had a serious girlfriend and visited often with his parents and younger brothers. Nevertheless, his father seems to understand how Danny could get caught up in ds. “There’s fast money out there. There’s demand,” he says. “As teenagers and young adults, they don’t have the maturity to look past that. As much as I’m saddened by some of the decisions he made, I forgive him. He loved his family dearly.”
#1737 FW: [infornography] 05.22 Bjork in Harlem – From SonicNet Fri, 18 May 2001 14:08:08 From: “sElf Trance Former” Sent: Thursday, May 17, 2001 10:16 AM To: Infornography For The Masses [infornography] 05.22 Bjork in Harlem – From SonicNet Bjork in Harlem – From SonicNetrey S. Kaye Hey Everyone, Check this out!! Sounds great. More information at web sonicnet/news and ticket information at web bjork/unity/. 15.V.01: Vespertine! A Concert! Let it all begin! It is has been quiet lately, that is now about to change! Although quiet, work has been hectic and now we are too see the fruits of that labour. Bjrk’s first concert in a while will be in New York next Tuesday, the 22nd of May 2001. We call it a ‘Vespertine’ concert, as we will hear for the first time songs from the new album live. The concert will be in a small venue somewhere on Manhattan. Bjrk will be performing two 45 minute sets in the evening. A small venue and a 45 minute set x 2! Might this be the first one in a series of appearances all over the world. Who knows? Meester Fly!? We will ask. Accompanying Bjrk on stage on Tuesday will be Matmos and Zeena Parkins, and they will be playing songs from ‘Vespertine’ and also earlier songs. A limited number of tickets for these shows will only be sold on-line with a credit card. Just remember: it is a small venue, and the number of tickets for the performances is limited to 100 to each show. And only two per buyer. The tickets go on sale for these two performances at 12o’clock or noon, Friday the 18th of May. Buy tickets on Friday at noon here: web bjork/unity/ This concludes this message! Loud & Clear! beibisjitrodsjrver! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . to spam other worthless infornophiles: infornography at eGroups illuminating infornography: web infornography.org . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
#1738 stuff for sale Fri, 18 May 2001 14:11:29 From: “sElf Trance Former” Sent: Thursday, May 17, 2001 12:43 PM To: need some quick help Hello, Astrids friend Bjrn here. Please, look if you need some, forward this to all your friends. So: Im in Sweden now. Will come right to the point. My last roommate in NY turned out to be an insane psycopatic freak, that followed me and got the police to chase me, after I moved out, b/c of that. My stuff is in storage in NY. Im in Sweden. Have to be here in Sweden a while longer. So the stuff is for sale / looking for a home: 2 kitchen-chairs, black w chrome arm-rests 2 office chairs. Funky, slightly broken leather Ikea bookshelf 2*3,5. Each shelf sized for 30 vinyl-records office-desk 3 dravers file-cabinet. 4 dravers high drawer. Ikea some light wood. 3 dravers futon queens-size w wood-base fashiondistrict roller, hanger f clothes, Ikea still nice hanger w round base. metal some lights a red love-seat. Funky. Cool as hell. From when plastic was more prizy than leather. bought used for $500 It has to go and quick. If you have need for anything: gimme a bid. Have to sell the shit. Would cost me 666 fortunes to ship it to Sweden. Has to go quick / hopefully in a few days Eh, hope youre well and that you are spinning on w your thing. Please, forward this mail to friends. get back Bjrn Eriksson +46-733-56 40 13 bjorn101 at hotmail Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at web hotmail. orn101 at hotmail] Sent: Thursday, May 17, 2001 12:43 PM To: need some quick help Hello, Astrids friend BjF6rn here. /D So: I’m in Sweden now. Will come right to the point. My last roommate in NY turned out to b e an insane psycopatic freak, that followed me and got the police to chase me, after I moved out, b/c of that. My stuff is i n storage in NY. I’m in Sweden. Have to be here in Sweden a while lo nger. So the stuff is for sale / looking for a home : 2 kitchen-chairs, black w chrome arm-rests 2 offichairs. Funky, slightly broken leather Ikea bookshelf 2*3,5. Each & shelf& sized for 30 vinyl-records office-des k 3 dravers file-cabinet. 4 dravers high drawer. Ik ea some light wood. 3 dravers futon queens-size w wood-base fashiondistrict roller, hanger f clothes, Ikea still nice / some lights a red lo ve-seat. Funky. Cool as hell. From when plastic was more prizy than leathe r. bought used for $500 It has to go and quick. If you have need for anything: gimme a bid. Have to sell the shit. Would cost me 666 fortunes to ship it to Sweden. Has to go quick / hopefu lly in a few days Eh, hope your’e well and th at you are spinning on w your thing. Please, forwar d this mail to friends. get back BjF6r n Eriksson +46-733-56 40 13 bjorn101 at hotmail Get Your Private, Free E-mail f rom MSN Hotmail at om.
#1740 ATMOS is coming Sat, 19 May 2001 15:42:01 From: “sElf Trance Former” Shit, my autosend is jammed, and it keeps sending out the wrong info. Atmos IS COMING, see everybody there, and my deepest apolgies to Doody for this mess.
#1741 Important notice RE: Atmos etc. Sat, 19 May 2001 15:47:07 From: “sElf Trance Former” I have changed the settings back to where only I can change the calendar. The way I had it before, any brainmachines person could add or edit calendar listings. Well, guess what. I am 100% sure that I had a correct version of the Atmos email – where Atmos was and is indeed coming – and it was changed yesterday to say he wasn’t coming. That, or Yahoo Groups was fu**ed up and did not register my change. Regardless, better safe and sorry.
#1742 18 May 2001 21:02:02 – Shaffel Records – Sound Rise Shaffel Records – Sound Rise Friday, May 18, 2001 Time: 9:00PM – 3:00AM Shaffel Records Sound-on-the-River Summer Outdoor Series presents: ATMOS WILL BE THERE Sound Rise May 18th, 2001 ATMOS S-Range/ DJ Anthony (Spiral Trax Sweden) DJ Doom (Shaffel Records Israel) Dj Yon-E (Tsunami NYC) +more Tickets: $20 in advance, $25 door, 21 and over. Tickets at Throb, Home of Trance, Satellite, Any Time, Sonic Groove, Caffeine and Satellite Boston Location: The Frying Pan Pier 63, W23rd St. and West Side Highway Doors open 9pm. Also coming to Frying Pan June 22nd Growling Mad Scientists live. WIll not go too late b/c of sound issues. Repeat, if you want to go to this, get there fucking early. AFTERPARTY TBA starts at 4am in Williamsburg
#1743 Lost wholly rollers getting their roxy off Sun, 20 May 2001 07:55:35 From: “sElf Trance Former” The Atmos party was unbelievable… sometimes it’s good to go home and sleep and eat and human stuff like that. Oh yeah, Go West, young man. If you don’t understand, then this is your conscience telling you that you should stop procrastinating and join u$. As for next week, If you have pictures from Synthetic Sadhus please email them to synthsadhus at earthlink.net We wonder out loud if Twilo’s closing will have a beneficial effect next Friday at the Synthetic Sadhus at Roxy… lost wholly rollers getting their roxy off?
#1744 Cutting down on email Tue, 22 May 2001 17:44:01 From: “sElf Trance Former” In an attempt to reduce email traffic, I will be sending fewer emails with more info. More quality psychedelic trance and less exoerimentation with other genres and fleeting scenes is the New Way here. ATMOS and the d event were awesome, and for the latter, unparalled. Shame on ye who have little faith! There’s a place for the unfaithful consumers, and it’s called TWILO. Oh well, the best revenge on untruth, greed, and decadence is living long and well. -If anybody has Bjork tickets for her Harlem show email xdoodlbugx at aol (the wednesday opium den barteneder) -If anybody has a location for SpiritualBeings on June 8 please email spiritualbeings at hotmail Tuesday Liquids SC at Gemini Lounge Wednesday Opium Den Thursday Neva Friday SYNTHETIC SADHUS and TIP RECORDS welcome you to a full-on psychedelic journey on Friday, May 25, 2001 The new leaders of the Scandinavian sound are coming for the first time to NYC to deliver a rare live performance: LOGIC BOMB (TIP-Spiral Trax-Sweden), TIP Records’ visionary father, Shpongle’s guru, incandescent source of inspiration, the enlightened and enlightening Raja is back to guide us to infinity: RAJA RAM (TIP-Twisted-Shpongle-UK), Founding pioneer of Cosmophilia, one of the world’s largest trance music distributor, eclectic producer of Hadshot Recordings. Come to hear this deck wizard: YANIV (Cosmophilia-Hadshot-Israel), (Special Guest) Simply one of the best Dj on the circuit, electrifying crowds from Japan to Brazil back with the very latest European sounds: DIMITRI (TIP-UK). Decoration by BRAHMA (TIP-UK), Who is an incomparable master of psychedelic art. His paintings symbolizes graphically the essence of our music, while influencing it beyond our wildest expectations! Chill-out environment produced by WANDERLUST. Featuring Live sets, Dj’s sets, Chai, Tents, Hookas & Visuals. Party’s location: The ROXY, 515 West 18th Street, Manhattan, NYC. Between 10 & 11th Av, This party is 18 & over, please bring your ID. / Advance tickets are available for Synthetic Sadhus TIP Party in the following shops: House of Trance 212 533 6700 Throb 212 533 2328 Satellite 212 995 1744 Vinyl Market 212 539 1203 -New Manhattan Store! Sonic Groove 212 675 5284 Growroom (MA) 413 549 9296 Satellite (Boston) 617 536 5482 Caffeine (LI) 516 797 7196 611 (Philly) 215 413 9100
#1745 To: LOLLYGOA at aol, THEdRE: d and the crowd goes wild…. Wed, 23 May 2001 00:24:35 From: “sElf Trance Former” (details deleted and delaudid) i want to thank Everyone who had the faith and courage and trust to come and participate in what was far and away the best d event, yet. All the people who made offerings to the free area at the center at the Tree of Life All the people who joined hands to celebrate the Power of Life and then spiralled clockwise into an “ommmmmmm” Rocky for the mind blowing visuals interlaced from Morocco, past d events, etc etc all edited state of the art Lori & Boris for the lighting and the food Noel, Orla, Kate, and Noel for the Beltainne ritual Mark for scouting and booking and order keeping Susannah for the flowers and druid wear Mathias for the chai and power expertise Mike and ben for driving Ranka DJs Ranka for the turntables, FX Mike for the mixer and Steve-O for the groove Live PA Deeper in Zen – guitar, drums, synth, they had practiced so much they didn’t break a sweat Ben for the VRT Kamal for the blinking traffic light Stefan for the snacks Orla for the candles The standby and helpful police and medical crews who watched over us The outsiders who came and joined our group So the bar has risen! Quality before Quantity, that is the secret alchemical formula. That space can’t hold a huge system, not can it hold more than 200 people. So we must build inwards as well as outwards. We really don’t need more people, just keep bringing your friends and we’ll always be good. Anonymous exerpt… many details eliminated “Whatta beautimous party!!!!!!! This my 1st party and we were there from beginning to end and we had so much fun and met so many nice people! (even met some local boys who joined in the hand-holding during the ceremony-a little skeptical, but curious and rather game!) … Itwas nice to work with other professionals-Rocky, you da man! Anybody who missed him ….well, DON’T next time! And you DJ’S kicked a**! Jeff looked like the Horned Celtic God “Cerrunnos” on the Cauldron of the Dagda, Yeowww! I’m still impressed w/ how everybody pitched in and contributed some effort- it ran smooth. It’s nice to know the ‘flying saucer people’ can throw a really great ‘alien sex party’! See y’all at SS on Fri!”
#1746 More news and updates Wed, 23 May 2001 00:26:51 From: “sElf Trance Former” Tsunami is doing Hallucinogen on June 1 more to come Juno reactor, knitting factory, june 27 also, subtle chaos is no longer doing tuesdays at izzy bar
#1747 To: “thed” thed, “Shamanistas. com” ShamanistasDutch Court Rules in Favor of Ayahuasca-using Santo Daime Member Wed, 23 May 2001 12:28:05 From: “sElf Trance Former” Dutch Court Rules in Favor of Ayahuasca-using Santo Daime Member Arno Adelaars May 21, 2001 AMSTERDAM- On Monday, May 21 2001, Geraldine Fijneman, head of the Amsterdam branch of the ayahuasca-using Santo Daime church was acquitted by the court. Judge Marcus and his two colleagues decided that, although it was proven that Ms. Fijneman had owned, transported and distributed a d-containing substance, her constitutional right to Freedom of Religion must be respected. Read More at: web alchemind.org/topclnews.htm You received this message because you joined the Alchemind Society’s Center for Cognitive Liberty & Ethics e-mail alerts and announcements list. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ HOW TO SUPPORT THE ALCHEMIND SOCIETY The Alchemind Society, and our Center for Cognitive Liberty & Ethics, is entirely funded by the contributions of members and allies. Your contribution is necessary to continue our efforts to foster cognitive freedom and autonomy. All donations are tax-deductible. To become a member or to make a donation, please visit: web alchemind.org/joinus.htm ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
#1748 Expanded listings this week Wed, 23 May 2001 13:15:20 From: “sElf Trance Former” TUESDAY I’mpersonally gettng tired from hearing weekend high energy or metallic psy-trance during the week, so I will try to find kinedr and gentler music for this list, and include it in one email. I will not accept any new listings after Tuesday noon. FREE HOOKAH LOUNGE at Liquids, 10th between 1st and A, 10-4 $3 NIGHTSHIFT Subtlechaos, DJ Eleven, HIFI PRINCESS Gemini Lounge 221 Second Avenue at 14th Street 9pm till 3am WEDNESDAY FREE Hello Everybody: This is a for every Wednesday nights at Opium Den with DJ Angeles+Guests. Come and listen to the nice people and nice vibes. I heard everybody had a great time at don Saturday, this time I was not able to play, so I apologize for that. This Wednesday we have a special guest for New Orleans. So come and check it out! Welcome everybody!!! DJ Angeles(Chiletrance-6th Element) Valerio(New Orleans) Opium Den 29 East 3rd Street at 2nd Avenue 10pm-4am No Cover; 21+ Thanks!! Love and Light Angeles THURSDAY FREE The Fuse Wanderlust at Astor Lounge 316 Bowery 10-4 212-539-8475 Come hear Jamin Murphy!! ALSO THURSDAY FREE From Eitan: this thursday is going to ROCK: 1. Andera (a friend of mine) is leaving to zambia so her friends are coming to say goodbye. 2. Dj Serge is bringing his people 3. Dj Gula (The female dj that played on doody’s party on the boat) is coming and her crowd follows. 4. the word spreads, man… so, here are the details. (check out the admisson part) hope to see you there, man. NEVA BAR – Guest DJs! Admission:* Free Admisson Tonight! Thursday, May 24, 2001 Time: 10:00PM – 3am Spiritual Beings is proud to present: THURSDAY NIGHT AT NEVA Where and When: Every Thursday at NEVA BAR, 28 7th Av south (between Morton & Leroy), NYC, NY. Directions: It’s a few blocks south of Christopher st. subway station (1,9). Djs:* Dj Serge (Digital Circuitry, RU) * Dj Gula.K (IL) * Dj Ran (Spiritual Beings) * Dj Eitan (Spiritual Beings)
#1749 23 May 2001 03:02:00 – Synthetic Sadhus Roxy Synthetic Sadhus Roxy Friday, May 25, 2001 Time: 11:00PM – 7:00AM SYNTHETIC SADHUS and TIP RECORDS welcome you to a full-on psychedelic journey on Friday, May 25, 2001 The new leaders of the Scandinavian sound are coming for the first time to NYC to deliver a rare live performance: LOGIC BOMB (TIP-Spiral Trax-Sweden), TIP Records’ visionary father, Shpongle’s guru, incandescent source of inspiration, the enlightened and enlightening Raja is back to guide us to infinity: RAJA RAM (TIP-Twisted-Shpongle-UK), Founding pioneer of Cosmophilia, one of the world’s largest trance music distributor, eclectic producer of Hadshot Recordings. Come to hear this deck wizard: YANIV (Cosmophilia-Hadshot-Israel), (Special Guest) Simply one of the best Dj on the circuit, electrifying crowds from Japan to Brazil back with the very latest European sounds: DIMITRI (TIP-UK). Decoration by BRAHMA (TIP-UK), Who is an incomparable master of psychedelic art. His paintings symbolizes graphically the essence of our music, while influencing it beyond our wildest expectations! Chill-out environment produced by WANDERLUST. Featuring Live sets, Dj’s sets, Chai, Tents, Hookas & Visuals. Party’s location: This party is 18 & over, please bring your ID. The ROXY 515 West 18th Street, Between 10 & 11th Av, Manhattan, NYC. The Roxy is one of Manhattan’s most amazing location. Certainly the best sound system in the City.There is plenty of place to stomp, yet it stays cozy with elevated and elevating chill-out area. The Roxy crew is very welcoming and their very affordable beverage prices complete the welcoming environment created by Synthetic Sadhus. Doors open from 11pm till 7am. Tickets are $ 30 in advance and $35 at the door. You can purchase advance tickets 2 weeks prior to event in the following record shops: House of Trance 212 533 6700 Throb 212 533 2328 Satellite 212 995 1744 Vinyl Market 212 539 1203 -New Manhattan Store! Sonic Groove 212 675 5284 Growroom (MA) 413 549 9296 Satellite (Boston) 617 536 5482 Caffeine (LI) 516 797 719
#1750 Wed, 23 May 2001 16:33:45 Fox 5 Last Night From: Did anybody tape the Fox 5 news last night? REWARD – If you can get a copy by any means necessary 😉 you will be handsomely rewarded. Serious inquiries only.
#1751 Wed, 23 May 2001 18:05:13 Wednesdayat Opium Den, Special guest From: angeles garay chiletrance at yahoo Hello Everybody: This is a for every Wednesday nights at Opium Den with DJ Angeles +Guests. Come and enjoy a drink with us with nice vibes and nice people. DJ Angeles (Chiletrance-6th Element) Valerio (Psy-Clone Prod. New Orleans) Opium Den 29 East 3rd Street at 2nd Avenue 10 PM No Cover Thanks!! Love and Light Angeles
#1752 old hippy shit Thu, 24 May 2001 02:27:54 From: As opposed to jung yippie shit … New York Rainbow Family From: NYRainbowFamily at aol To: endoftheme at hotmail Re: Send email on 5/24 gathering Thu, 24 May 2001 01:09:14 NY Rainbow’s Annual Spring Benefit Thurs., May 24 – doors open 8 pm – donation $10 Walker Stage, 56 Walker St., NYC 2 blocks south of Canal, between Broadway & Church Lenny Charles Trio ZeroBoy Liza Garelik The Blunt Fringe Surprise Guests & Drum Circle There will be a potluck bake sale to raise money for NY Rainbow Please bring your favorite pastry to contribute to the table. Thank you! Walker Stage is a large and comfortable private studio space where we can do our thing! The management kindly requests PLEASE No Tobacco Smoking on the premises. Come have some fun and support NY Rainbow NY Rainbow P.O. Box 1554 New York, NY 10009 Lightline: 212-560-7111 members.nbci/nyrainbow%20%20%20NYRainbowFamily at aol WE LOVE YOU! Click! MAILMAN o jung yippie class ow Family To: endoftheme at hotmail Re: Send emai l on 5/24 gathering Thu, 24 May 2001 01:09:14 &g t; NY Rainbow’s Annual Spring Benefit Thurs., May 24 – doors open 8 pm – donation $10 Walker Stage, 56 Walk er St., NYC 2 blocks south of Canal, between Broadway & C hurch Lenny Charles Trio ZeroBoy Liza Gareli k The Blunt Fringe Surprise Guests & Drum Circle >There will be a potluck bake sale to raise money for NY Rai nbow Please bring your favorite pastry to contribute to the table. Thank you! Walker Stage is a large and comfortable private studio space where we can do our thing! T he management kindly requests PLEASE No Tobacco Smoking o n the premises. Come have some fun and support NY Rainbow NY Rainbow P.O. Box 1554 New York, NY 10009 Lightline: 212-560-7111 lmembers.nbci/nyrainbow%20%20%20NYRainbowFamily at aol/ AWE LOVE YOU! B R & nbsGet y our FREE download of MSN Explorer at comexplorer.msn web easyeverything/UNKNOWN/29099/Top/Mailround/easydefault/easyeve p://realmedia-a592.d4p.net/6/592/1130/0001/multi1.rmuk.co.uk:80/RealMedia/a ds/Creatives/Mailround/easydefault/easyeverythingeuro2.gif” b tp://web yoptin.net/MLR/UK.MLR.001.211M./Click here to join YO PTIN and WIN COOL PRIZES
#1753 Cc: “Thed. Com” god at heaven.org, waywardprogtrancepeople at twiloThe most important email I’ve sent this year, please take a minute and read Fri, 25 May 2001 15:12:33 From: Everyone must come to Synthetic Sadhus at the Roxy tomorrow. It is vital that we make a good showing. If you value authenticity, if you have ever enjoyed sustenance from Gilles and Kris’ amazing amazura marc ballroom Roxy epoxy mind meld, then come MAKE IT HAPPEN. Even if you weren’t planning on attending, come anyway – tomorrow night is a make or break inflection point in our future as happy trance people. Bring friends – Roxy is close, intimate, and has an amazing sound system. Eighteen and up. Courteous security (one of them is getting a tattoo from a mural from the party two months ago). Many new surprises. There will be a huge new chai area with a goa flea market and a hookah lounge by the vibesy Wanderlusters. If you want to see Synthetic Sadhus continue at the Roxy, come vote with your feet – and we can all again shape our own reality. The universe is what you make of it, let’s establish our perch, our safe place, our stomping grounds. Without Synthetic we only have Tsunami as a mother ship. John and Yanni are capable captains, however to take over the world we need an armada of cooperation and goodwill. As an added incentive, if you see me at Synthetic and have $15 I will add you right then and there to the d (we have BIG plans this summer that do not involve what has gone before… ) so don’t miss the boat. If you do join the d tomorrow night then you will receive an elf designed fluoro memeviralkarmic bindhi with a spatial message (see attached) and everyone will know that you are a trooper. Also, I’m going to raise the stakes even further. Should the Synthetic party at the Roxy lose its steam and be displaced by a bunch of E-head house zombie DJs, or whatever, I’m throwing in the towel. Brainmachines will change format and I will devote more time with other projects. It’s that important. We are at a crossroads. The media is dogpiling sensationalism, and we could very well dwindle into meandering one-offs on one side, and Tsunami on the other. Options and variety are the spice of life. Gilles and Kris have worked so hard to give us the very best that international talent has to offer, and it’s time to PAY THEM BACK with our love and our appreciation. Know that your presence will save our scene. I love all of you dearly. This is – for better or for worse – my life, and I am way to spoiled to have to watch Kris and Gilles have to relinquish the fruits of their labors. I am not in this for the money, I am in it for the inner Beauty, and I will die before I let inner ugliness and stupidity mar what I hold dear. See you tomorrow? Stand up and be counted. As we all go and show our support we will all rejoice in what we have created. One last thing – I’d like to ask everyone to bring free stuff and give it to everyone you see who is smiling. The person who increases the most smiles will get a million dollars in good karma. Bottom line, if you don’t come tomorrow and John Emmanuel gets hit by a bus, you will be thrown to the elves, and we will pull no punches. Synthetic Sadhus Roxy Friday, May 25, 2001 Time: 11:00PM – 7:00AM (-04:00) SYNTHETIC SADHUS and TIP RECORDS welcome you to a full-on psychedelic journey on Friday, May 25, 2001 The new leaders of the Scandinavian sound are coming for the first time to NYC to deliver a rare live performance: LOGIC BOMB (TIP-Spiral Trax-Sweden), TIP Records’ visionary father, Shpongle’s guru, incandescent source of inspiration, the enlightened and enlightening Raja is back to guide us to infinity: RAJA RAM (TIP-Twisted-Shpongle-UK), Founding pioneer of Cosmophilia, one of the world’s largest trance music distributor, eclectic producer of Hadshot Recordings. Come to hear this deck wizard: YANIV (Cosmophilia-Hadshot-Israel), (Special Guest) Simply one of the best Dj on the circuit, electrifying crowds from Japan to Brazil back with the very latest European sounds: DIMITRI (TIP-UK). Decoration by BRAHMA (TIP-UK), Who is an incomparable master of psychedelic art. His paintings symbolizes graphically the essence of our music, while influencing it beyond our wildest expectations! Chill-out environment produced by WANDERLUST. Featuring Live sets, Dj’s sets, Chai, Tents, Hookas & Visuals. Party’s location: This party is 18 & over, please bring your ID. The ROXY 515 West 18th Street, Between 10 & 11th Av, Manhattan, NYC. The Roxy is one of Manhattan’s most amazing location. Certainly the best sound system in the City.There is plenty of place to stomp, yet it stays cozy with elevated and elevating chill-out area. The Roxy crew is very welcoming and their very affordable beverage prices complete the welcoming environment created by Synthetic Sadhus. Doors open from 11pm till 7am. Tickets are $ 30 in advance and $35 at the door. You can purchase advance tickets 2 weeks prior to event in the following record shops: House of Trance 212 533 6700 Throb 212 533 2328 Satellite 212 995 1744 Vinyl Market 212 539 1203 -New Manhattan Store! Sonic Groove 212 675 5284 Growroom (MA) 413 549 9296 Satellite (Boston) 617 536 5482 Caffeine (LI) 516 797 719
#1754 ROXY is “FRIDAY” tonight Fri, 25 May 2001 18:21:14 From: Synthetic at Roxy tonight, Friday. The email sent today said “tomorrow night” but was delayed my a server.
#1755 26 May 2001 03:47:01 – Tsunami Hallucinogen/Infected Tsunami Hallucinogen/Infected Friday, June 1, 2001 Time: 11:45PM – 6:45AM Friday, June 1st, 2001 11.45pm -7.00am at “THE WORLD” 1501 Broadway at 43 Street the leading Trance organization in America, are once again breaking new ground, by bringing to the same event the world’s two most important two trance names, to Time Square: Back by huge popular demand: INFECTED MUSHROOM, live (BNE, Israel) Duvdev and Erez, are introducing their brand -new CD BP Empire, in one of their rocking live sets, that have made them revered the world over as, without doubt, the hottest live trance act A rare, exclusive dj set my the Trance Master him-self: HALLUCINOGEN (Twisted, UK) SIMON POSFORD (Hallucinogen) is considered by his peers, to be the most influential trance producer, as well as, by being half of the innovative ambient act SHPONGLE. DJ sets by: DUVDEV (Infected Mushroom) EREZ(Infected Mushroom) YON-E (Tsunami) Separate CHIL-OUT ROOM: AARON SPECTRE (Opiate/KINETIC) Separate LOUNGE ROOM: ANGELES (chiletrance-6th Element) Tickets: $30 advance /$35 door. Available at: HOUSE OF TRANCE 122 St. Marks Place, 212 533-6700 THROB 211 East 14 Street, New York City 12/9) SATELLITE 259 Bowery New York 212 995-1744 Boston 617 536-5482 SONIC GROVE 41 Carmine Street 212 675-5284 CAFFEINE Long Island 516 797-7196) TSUNAMI’s 24 hour information line: 212 439-8124 or log on ce. TSUNAMI compilation, with many new, exclusive tracks, as well as TSUNAMI 12-inch vinyl 1 and 2 in stores now, on KINETIC Records.
#1756 Saturday outercircle stuff Sat, 26 May 2001 09:23:35 From: (Saturday) Blackkat is hosting another cheap party for $5-10 suggested donation. It’s gonna be smaller than the last one they threw, but I’m sure there will be plenty of cool & friendly peeps showing up. Here’s the info: may 26th, saturday 10pm until ??? blackkat presents a benefit party for bibi bulak east timor at the brecth forum, 122 w. 27th, 10th floor 5-10 dollar donation, all proceeds after venue costs go to bibi bulak djs- extended sets by chrome (drum and bass, hip hop, house, reggae)(11-2) and jason blackkat (techno, hardcore, beoken beat, ragga)(2-5) plus guests sick puppy (blackkat-ragga) and criterion (broklyn beats-experimental breaks) we will also be showing video from east timor and earthdream australia this party is to benefit bibi bulak a registered fully independent performance-aid organization based in east timor, an isalnd in the indonesian archipelago, 600 km north of darwin australia….east timor has recently emerged from a 25 year brutal occupation by the indonesian military government….with u.s. backing and training, the indonesians killled over a third of the poputlation of the island and have been guilty of every atrocity conceivalble against the timorese people…now east tiomr is governed by the UN and is quickly becoming a westernized tourist area….bibi bulak started as a result of the earthdream 2000 convoy across australia arriving in timor in august 2000 and setting up free events in towns villages and community centers, with no help or aid from anyone..bibbulak is the only orgainization of its type in timor, with no UN backing, made up of representatives from cirkus and sound system culture from the us, the uk, and australia….memebers of blackkat particpated in these events…this is the kind of thing i think the free party crews and undergound “activists”should dedicate their efforts towards…bibbulak needs equipment and teaching aids as well as basic survival supplies, in east timor, resources are extremely limited. for more info on timor check web geocities/operationalalchemy….. also check web blackkat.org info:blackkat 212 714 4987 oh yeah BYOthang for this one, no bar, re entry ok as always all ages as always NO TAGGERS-tag on the street!RESPECT THE VENUE brecth forum is a 25 year old community center based on the ideas of radical social change and collective action…they regularly hold meetings and workshops as well as performances. & gt;(Saturday) Blackkat is hosting another cheap party for $5-10 suggested donation. It’s gonna be smaller than the last one they threw, but I’m sure there will be plenty of cool & friendly peeps showing up. Here’s the info: may 26th, saturday 10pm u ntil ??? blackkat presents a benefit party for bibi bulak east timor at the brecth fo rum, 122 w. 27th, 10th floor 5-10 dollar donation, all proc eeds after venue costs go to bibi bulak djs- extended sets by chrome (drum and bass, hip hop, house, r eggae)(11-2) and jason blackkat (techno, hardcore, beoken b eat, ragga)(2-5) plus guests sick puppy (blackkat-ragga) we will also be showing video from east timor and ear thdream australia this party is to benefi t bibi bulak a registered fully independent performance-aid organization b ased in east timor, an isalnd in the indonesian archipelago, 600 km north of darwin australia….east timor has recently emerged from a 25 year brut al occupation by the indonesian military government….with u.s. backing a nd training, the indonesians killled over a third of the poputlation of th e island and have been guilty of every atrocity conceivalble against the t imorese people…now east tiomr is governed by the UN and is quickly becom ing a westernized tourist area….bibi bulak started as a result of the ea rthdream 2000 convoy across australia arriving in timor in august 2000 and setting up free events in towns villages and community centers, with no h elp or aid from anyone..bibbulak is the only orgainization of its type in timor, with no UN backing, made up of representatives from cirkus and sound system culture from the us, the uk, and australia….memebers of blackkat particpated in these events…this is the kind of thing i think the free party crews and undergound “activists”should dedicate their efforts toward s…bibbulak needs equipment and teaching aids as well as basic survival s upplies, in east timor, resources are extremely limited. for more info on timor check web geocities/operational alchemy….. also check web blackkat.org info:blackkat 212 714 4987 oh yeah BYOthang for this one, no bar, re entry ok as always &g t; all ages as always NO T AGGERS-tag on the street!RESPECT THE VENUE brecth forum is a 25 year old community center based on the ideas of radical social change and collective action…they regularly hold meetings and workshops as wel l as performances.
#1757 thank you Sat, 26 May 2001 09:39:35 From: synthetic sadhus was a success. we came, we saw, we conquered, then we got kicked out (well some of us…) see ya’ll the last Friday of every month at the Roxy! also, the d will be hitting the water soon… don’t miss the boat 🙂 …. on other news… woops… web nypost/news/regionalnews/26835.htm LIFE ISN’T A CABARET: TWILO LOSES LICENSE By DAREH GREGORIAN May 25, 2001 It’s Twilo’s last gleaming for the notorious Chelsea nightclub. An appeals court yanked the controversial Club Twilo’s cabaret license yesterday, a move that essentially sounded the death knell for the West 27th Street nightspot. “We’re gratified the Appellate Division unanimously recognized the dangerous activities and environment that existed at Twilo,” said city Corporation Counsel Michael Hess. “This justifies the concerted effort we have made over the last few years to protect young people who were exposed to ds and injury in that club.” The Appellate Division decision reversed an earlier ruling by State Supreme Court Justice Jane Solomon, who found the Department of Consumer Affairs’ decision not to renew the cabaret license was “unreasonable.” The five-judge panel, however, found that DCA had very good reasons, including the death last July of a patron who’d overdosed on “ecstasy.” The decision also cited an Oct. 8, 2000 incident, in which two patrons who overdosed were found unconscious in a dark room. A security guard said later that he’d moved them there, the judges said. A Twilo source said the club had been planning to fight the closing, but now might not bother.
#1758 This week Tue, 29 May 2001 13:11:22 From: Tues. Gemini Lounge Wed. Opium Den Thurs. Neva Friday: Tsunami at the World, and: manTRANSforms CONCEIVED AND PRODUCED BY SPUTNIK June 1-2, 2001 Angel Orensanz Foundation Center for the Arts 172 Norfolk Street, New York City inspire. inform. evolve. EXPERIENCE THE IDEAS THAT WILL SHAPE OUR FUTURE. Where are we headed as a culture, as a species? What are the trends that will influence future global business? manTRANSforms is a cultural event that will present the major trends shaping our future. For the first time ever at Angel Orensanz Foundation Center for the Arts, influential artists, scientists, physicists, philosophers, authors, designers and inventors will join together to discuss emerging trends and explain their impact on business and our world. Friday, June 01, 2001 DAY ONE: IMMATERIALITY 08:00 REGISTRATION Each attendee will receive a one-of-a-kind limited edition bag designed by various New York City graffiti artists, a mobile installation project conceived and produced by Alife, a creative collective and exhibition space that operates within a lifestyle store in New York City’s Lower East Side. Contributing artists include: site, jest, elf, espo, kr, stak, skuf, keo, earsnot, lase, sabe, bast and faile. Each of these “biofeedback” bags will be filled with conceptual objects and strategic materials. MOKSHA Avikal Alexander Gebhard As the audience enters the Angel Orensanz Foundation they will experience “Moksha,” a film on the Kumbha Mela, a gathering of one million Yogis on the foothills of the Himalayas. 09:00 WHERE ARE WE HEADED AS A CULTURE, AS A SPECIES? SPUTNIK: Janine Lopiano, Joanne DeLuca and Mary McGuinness 09:20 THE ELEGANT UNIVERSE KEYNOTE SPEAKER: Brian Greene String Theorist, physicist and author of The Elegant Universe During the last thirty years of his life, Albert Einstein passionately sought the so-called unified theory, a theory that could explain the grand sweep of physics from quarks to the cosmos. Although Einstein never found the unified theory, recent work in a field called string theory has taken remarkable strides toward this elusive goal. And on the way, this research has resulted in a dramatic upheaval in our understanding of space and time. In this talk, which presumes no back ground in physics, these developments will be described and visually illustrated with computer animation. 10:15 MEMORY Exclusive digitized interview with RUPERT SHELDRAKE, biologist, Fellow of the Institute of Noetic Sciences and author of “Dogs that Know When Their Owners are Coming Home.” E N E R G I Z E – B R E A K 10:45 FROM CHAOS TO COSMOS: RADICAL ALCHEMY AND THE MUTATION OF CONSCIOUSNESS Lorie Eve Dechar M.Ac. Human consciousness is on the verge of a mutation which has the potential to fundamentally shift the way we organize reality. All around us, we see signs of a new, multidimensional consciousness colliding with the limiting, linear structures of our materialistic, egocentric viewpoint. This new consciousness integrates the wisdom of the past with the brilliance of the future. It collapses time and space, merges east and west and blurs rigid distinctions between spirit and matter. Yet, while the new “integral” consciousness is inspiring creativity and facilitating solutions to some of our most complex problems, the destabilizing, chaotic energies which inevitably accompany the processes of transformation are, simultaneously, triggering fear and widespread retreat to familiar yet obsolete systems and behaviors. As a central part of this presentation, we will turn to alchemy, the ancient art and science of transformation, where we discover an alternative attitude towards chaos which will help us midwife the birth of a vigorous and viable future consciousness for our planet. WHAT IF YOU COULD MAGNIFY NATURE AND LISTEN INSIDE? Sputnik MindtrendsT and StreetrendsT compilation featuring exclusive interviews with both established and emerging cultural thinkers 11:30 OUR EYES TELL US IT’S THE INFORMATION AGE. BUT OUR EARS TELL US IT’S THE AGE OF NOISE. Bruce Odland and Sam Auinger How can we transform our city’s soundscapes to hear them as a symphony? O+A inspect the cultural waveform, magnifying certain aspects for discussion. After making sound installations in public spaces in Wien, Salzburg, Berlin, New York City, Philadelphia, Nice, Hanover, Rome, Rotterdam, O+A discuss the cultural transformation implied by the simple statement: “Think with your Ears.” 12:15 N U T R I E N T S- L U N C H 02:00 INVISIBLE TECHNOLOGY. HUMAN DESIGN. Alex “Sandy” Pentland Humans are turning into machines, and machines are growing human. The blending of human and machine is happening at all scales, most obviously as digital technology moves onto and into the human body, and as computers gain emotions and intelligence. The same changes are happening at the smallest scales, where we are beginning to engineer the human machine by modifying the genome, and at the largest scales where human society is increasingly made up of and mediated by digital technology. Unfortunately the rush to create human machine symbiosis is progressing piecemeal, driven by individual improvements in technology and by market opportunities. To create a happier, more productive, and more human world Sandy Pentland addresses these changes as a design problem, asking how human values can be preserved, human expressiveness served, and the joys of life expanded. CAN WE SLIP THROUGH TIME, FORWARD AND BACKWARDS THROUGH TIME? Sputnik MindtrendsT and StreetrendsT compilation featuring exclusive interviews with both established and emerging cultural thinkers 03:00 TELE-IMMERSION AND THE FUTURE OF CONSUMER COMMUNICATIONS Jaron Lanier What will be the next craze after wireless? A better reason to be wired! The first prototype of “Tele-immersion”, the driver application of Internet2, started to work in 2000. It is now possible to get a glimpse of how people will use advanced networks and media in five to ten years. If any one had doubts, we can now be confident that consumers will want much, much better connections than what we have been calling “broadband”. E N E R G I Z E – B R E A K 04:00 EVOLVING VALUES Joe Firmage “What if we were to realize one day soon that humans are charged with evolving a stable civilization spanning many worlds? Joe’s presentation will span the domains of 21st century physics and economics and discuss the new class of electronic media experience that is emerging. 04:30 UTOPIC SPACE Paul Laffoley HOW DO WE NAVIGATE THE INVISIBLE SPECTRA? Sputnik MindtrendsT and StreetrendsT compilation featuring exclusive interviews with both established and emerging cultural thinkers 05:15 THE ART OF NECESSARY MODULATIONS Marian Michaels “We are electrified, we are emailed, we are faxed, and we are cellphoned.. Our Immune, Nervous, and Endocrine Systems are morphing at a rate which is clearly unidentifiable at this time. Our goal is to remain human.” Presented against a planetary terrain, Astrologer and researcher/writer, Marian Michaels, will discuss and offer tools for adaptation and navigation through the space/time acceleration she calls “The Consciousness Revolution.” Historical and current astrological references will blend with healing modalities to reference the planetary shift in mass perception. 08:00-11:00 RUPTURE AS RAPTURE SoundLab Cultural Alchemy’s electrotectural Evening Zingmagazine’s #15 Issue Release Celebration Sputnik’s Bionetworking Event Brought to you by Sprite Beer by Brooklyn Brewery Wine by Heron Wine Vodka by Kremlyovskay *admission for attendees and invitation only Having spent the afternoon immersed in words of wisdom, flossing the mind and upgrading our theoretical software and practices the evening program intends to balance this with energy directed at the body. The thematic gestures of the conference reconfigured in rhythm, tone and vibration. The space itself will be shifted from an orientation of focused listening to non-linear immersion. Saturday, June 02, 2001 DAY TWO: ECOLOGY by DESIGN 08:00 REGISTRATION 09:00 SPUTNIK LAUNCH SPUTNIK: Janine Lopiano, Joanne DeLuca, Mary McGuinness 09:15 NUDGING REALITY KEYNOTE SPEAKER: Paolo Soleri 1. Reality is mindless, therefore, meaningless. 2. Carbon-based life is the birth of mindness. 3. Human life is the birth of self-awareness. 4. Self-awareness generates intellection. 5. Carbon-based intellection is now pursuing a silicon-postsilicon-based intellection. 6. The cosmos might be seeded with meaning by post-silicon intellection. 7. A possible, though improbable, resolution is where the cosmos in to has become thought, i.e., self-awareness. 8. A self-knowing cosmos is self-revelation. Nature is now hosting “carbon and silicon.” If post-silicon intellection were to overwhelm carbon intellection, all bets would be off, including the biosphere in its 4-5 eons of history. From (star)dust to (star)dust. This second, a self-knowing dust? For the time being, a modus vivendi is indispensable for concreteness (carbon) and virtuality (silicon) to develop synergistically. Composites of body-brains as we are, the modus vivendi has to have a pie da terre: habitat. Arcosanti wants to be a habitat that in a lean mode offers an alternative to the hyperconsumption habitat now generating a materialistic age of unprecedented gravity. With greed, “abundance,” and hedonism as the base ingredients of what is coming, the virtue of post-silicon virtualities might be found in its ephemeralizing nature, but only if and when the body-brain persona is fully present, not just the brain, not just the body. 10:00 COMMUNICULTURE Future Farmers: Amy Franceschini and Josh On We are social creatures, connected to each other in more ways than can be counted. Many of these connections are invisible to us, obscured by the forest of other connections, purposely hidden by those who benefit, or just unobserved through our daily lives. As many of our relations are monitored by and recorded by technology, designers have the opportunity to reveal and shape some of these connections. New formats of communication and visualization of connections are emerging. It is time to experiment and see what is possible, discover what new forms of democracy and tyranny can come from revealing, shaping, hiding, initiating, and promoting connections between ourselves. E N E R G I Z E – B R E A K 11:00 LANDSCAPE An urban cultural film by Alifecomm:012001 11:05 Paul Miller Paul will be discussing how we as a culture transmit our ideas via various forms highlighting the linkages between the discourse networks of computer culture and the urban context. 12:30-01:30 N U T R I E N T S – L U N C H ECOLOGY OF COMMERCE Sputnik MindtrendsT and StreetrendsT compilation featuring exclusive interviews with both established and emerging cultural thinkers 01:45 VIRIDIAN DESIGN Bruce Sterling IMPERFECT MAN Sputnik MindtrendsT and StreetrendsT compilation featuring exclusive interviews with both established and emerging cultural thinkers 02:30 PROGRESS2 Natasha Vita-More modifications to the human physique. Inside the body, tiny-tech communicytes run messages to and from the senses. Outside the body, culture is considering whether to prevent scientific and technological enhancements. Culture requires progress just as our senses require stimulation. This is no time to quit, this is no time to die. E N E R G I Z E – B R E A K THE BRAIN IS THE NEW REALATE Sputnik MindtrendsT and StreetrendsT compilation featuring exclusive interviews with both established and emerging cultural thinkers 03:45 THE METABRAIN Max More, Ph.D. Evolution has produced creatures with increasingly complex minds. Using emerging and foreseeable future technologies, we are and we will continue to acclerate the evolution of mind. This talk will cover the technological paths to posthuman cognition and emotion while considering some philosophical and social-cultural issues that arise as we alter our basic mental architecture. While posthumans will vastly exceed humans intellectually and emotionally, we should not expect a utopian future of blissful peace. SPECIATION Sputnik MindtrendsT and StreetrendsT compilation featuring exclusive interviews with both established and emerging cultural thinkers 04:30 THE POSTHUMAN CONDITION Erik Davis Transhuman. Posthuman. Millennial man. Do these terms refer to a real break in the history of “homo sapiens”, or simply the latest buzzing trend? Explaining why he prefers the term “posthuman” to “transhuman”, Davis will sidestep the usual (bio)technological futurism that undergird discussion of humanity’s latest mutation. Instead of this hardware, Davis will emphasize the software the cultural, psychological, and spiritual changes that are carrying us to the lip of what we will become. 05:15 LIFE IS INFORMATION. INFORMATION IS ALIVE John Perry Barlow As we wire up the global MIND, we begin to realize that we are creating an eco-system for thought which has many of the characteristics of carbon based ecology. For example, if wisdom is a life form how dow we optimize its growth? An interactive discussion. 06:00
#1759 K-OSDesign workshop from Chaishop developer Tue, 29 May 2001 13:43:57 From: Come learn software development from the North American representative of Chaishop: Flash 5, Dreamweaver 4 & ultradev, Fireworks 4, Photoshop 5.5, After FX 5, Weekly workshops, hands on instruction, demo CDs available. Tribeca loft location. This week, Thursday evening, May 31, 7-10, $30. Space limited. RSVP with software interests to aaron at chaishop or
#1760 Zambia info Wed, 30 May 2001 16:52:07 From: It’s not too late to go on the internet and get travel and tickets see you in zambia!To All friends, family and supporters of the Solipse, The time is now drawing near when we will all converge in Africa to celebrate one of the most spectacular things that Mother Nature has to show us. It’s only 2 weeks away now, and things are really on a roll… thank you all for all your support over the year. Some people around the globe have really worked hard for the festival, to help bring it to life and everyone has contributed in their own way. The Solipse is a huge communal effort, with every part as important as the next. We have been working very hard on the location and making sure that all the things you need will be there. This is one of the major parts of the production, and so we are putting a lot of energy into it. We have dug extra water wells, full of clean and safe drinking water. And we now have enough water to even provide sprinklers on the dance floor for those afternoon dancing sessions. We have also cleared a massive space for the camping area, and we are making it so that you can walk barefoot around the whole location. Please remember the rule about No Glass Bottles! We have had many people asking us if there will be work on the location. There will of course be things that need doing, there always will be when you are creating a temporary city in the African bush, we will have a stand on the festival where you can come to volunteer to help out with these things. Get creative and get involved !! There is a shuttle bus that will run from the Airport and the Bus station to the location and back. This will run from the 15th June until the 27th June. You do not have to book a place on this bus, just turn up and ride… Other things to remember, camping is included in the price of the ticket, you can get your visa at the border as you enter Zambia and Elvis is not dead. We are very happy to say that some people have won two competitions… First up was DJ magazine in the UK. Dave Aldridge figured out that Zambia has 12 national parks, the currency is called Kwacha, and why you should take your blanket to Solipse. Second was a group of friends from Holland, Rob and Co, who proved with the help of their Dad that killing TVs can be a beautiful experience. The video they sent in will soon be on the Internet. This really made us laugh; we hope you enjoy it too! Since the last mail out (about 24 hours) we have raised US$10,800. This is really amazing, and we want to thank all the people around the world who have given us support and money to help bring the dream to life. We receive so much positive energy that really helps us through with our mission. Many people have also said that they would like to help us with smaller donations, and asked us how they can do this. So we have set up an Internet page where you can make a small donation to help with this… go to web web solipse/donateform.html Anything you can help us with is greatly appreciated by the whole global Solipse family. ! ! ! YES, Our line up is confirmed ! ! ! There have been some changes in the last few months and we thank you for sticking with us while we sorted the whole thing out. Now all the artists’ flights are booked, and we are all set to go. The problems we have had sorting out the line up have been due to a few key reasons. Firstly the fact that the festival is in Zambia has scared some Artists off, especially those that are used to playing only in clubs or in Europe. Secondly, some of the artists wanted larger fees than we were prepared and able to give them, and when you added this to Aeroplane tickets for the musicians and their friends, the sums of money involved were to high, and we could not afford it. Other issues also raised their heads such as clashes with other gigs, and some just had personal issues that they needed to sort out. To compensate for this we have added a few big acts. Dubtrees have been booked to play, and three of the original Orb members (Alex Paterson, Greg Hunter and Youth) will also be there! for a live jam in afternoon after the eclipse with a special guest… For a full list of who is playing please check out the website. web solipse. The Solipse is a Global Family Gathering, and while the music is very important, there is also a lot more to the festival than just Trance and Techno. We want people to come to create their own space, and we truly believe that while we can provide music, entertainment, a place to gather, it is you, the people, that make the festival special. We want you to come to meet old friends and make new ones from all around globe, and enjoy the world you create. But do not worry, those of us organizing the Solipse festival love Trance, so we can assure you that there will definitely be the some of the best trance this side of the Moon! Dj’s such as Anti, Tristan, Mark Allen, Olli Wisdom, Frank E, and bands like GMS, Total Eclipse, Logic Bomb, Zion Train and KoxBox all play the sounds we love to hear the way we love to hear it, and we will never forget that morning time stomp and groove that we all love! There will also be one night and day of only non-trance music. This night! in particular will highlight some of the best alternative beats from Africa and around the world We have recently been informed of an after Solipse party being organized. The organizers contacted us with some information about the party, and it sounds like a nice way to wind down and then up again after the festival. The party will be on an island near the Victoria Falls. The organizers have promised strong Zambian flavours and Acoustic sounds for the party. The location is situated 35 km west of Livingstone, down an 8km bush track through native woodlands. Along the riverbanks either side of the location are collections of small local villages, extremely picturesque and inhabited by the most friendly and welcoming people to all and sundry, who incidentally have given the organizers their full support. The area is extremely rich in wild life, and directly across the river is Zimbabwe where good game viewing can be expected from our makoras (dug out canoes). There will have an army of local guides and paddlers to cater for any guests needs, be it fishing, chilling, bush! walks, makora missions etc etc. The party takes place from 29th June to 1st July, although the organizers say people are welcome to turn up a day or two beforehand to have some African chill time. For more information about this you can e-mail to Tom at junglejunction at zamnet.zm. In the main production office we are at the heart of the event and we can really feel a fantastic energy beginning to rise in all the people all over the world who are starting to make their way to Africa. For those of you who do make it to Africa we can certainly say that this will be an experience that you will never forget and the memories will put a smile on your face when you think about them, for years to come. As one final note we would like to squash some rumours. There is no civil war in Zambia, NO the festival is NOT cancelled, and No, Fish do not fly… So if you hear someone telling you that “I heard….. blah blah blah… “, don’t listen, it’s not true! If you want to know what we are doing look at the website and the message board, everything else is rumours! Not only is the Solipse festival happening in Zambia, IT IS GOING TO TAKE OFF !!!! See you soon… Peace and respect. the Solipse Team not too late to go on the internet and get travel and tickets – To All friends, family and supporters of the So lipse, The time is now drawing near when we wi ll all converge in Africa to celebrate one of the most spectacular things that Mother Nature has to show us. It’s only 2 weeks away now, and things are really on a roll… thank you all for all your support over the year. Some people around the globe have really worked hard for the festival, to help bring it to life and everyone has contributed in their own way. The S olipse is a huge communal effort, with every part as important as the next . We have been working very hard on the location and making sure that all the things you need will be there . This is one of the major parts of the production, and so we are putting a lot of energy into it. We have dug extra water wells, full of clean and safe drinking water. And we now have enough water to even provide sprinkle rs on the dance floor for those afternoon dancing sessions. We have also c leared a massive space for the camping area, and we are making it so that you can walk barefoot around the whole location. Please remember the rule about No Glass Bottles! We have had many people asking us i f there will be work on the location. There will of course be things that need doing, there always will be when you are creating a temporary city in the African bush, we will have a stand on the festival where you can come to volunteer to help out with these things. Get creative and get involved !! There is a shuttle bus that w ill run from the Airport and the Bus station to the location and back. Thi s will run from the 15th June until the 27th June. You do not have to book a place on this bus, just turn up and ride… Other things to remember, c amping is included in the price of the ticket, you can get your visa at th e border as you enter Zambia and Elvis is not dead. competitions.. . First up was DJ magazine in the UK. Dave Aldridge figured out that Zambi a has 12 national parks, the currency is called Kwacha, and why you should take your blanket to Solipse. Second was a group of friends from Holland, Rob and Co, who proved with the help of their Dad that killing TVs can be a beautiful experience. The video they sent in will soon be on the Interne t. This really made us laugh; we hope you enjoy it too! Since the last mail out (about 24 hours) we have ra ised US$10,800. This is really amazing, and we want to thank all the peopl e around the world who have given us support and money to help bring the d ream to life. We receive so much positive energy that really helps us thro ugh with our mission. Many people have also said that they would like to h elp us with smaller donations, and asked us how they can do this. So we ha ve set up an Internet page where you can make a small donation to help wit h this… go to web web solipse/donateform.html An ything you can help us with is greatly appreciated by the whole global Sol ipse family. ! ! ! YES, Our line up is confirme d ! ! ! There have been some changes in the last few months a nd we thank you for sticking with us while we sorted the whole thing out. Now all the artists’ flights are booked, and we are all set to go. The pro blems we have had sorting out the line up have been due to a few key reaso ns. Firstly the fact that the festival is in Zambia has scared some Artist s off, especially those that are used to playing only in clubs or in Europ e. Secondly, some of the artists wanted larger fees than we were prepared and able to give them, and when you added this to Aeroplane tickets for th e musicians and their friends, the sums of money involved were to high, an d we could not afford it. Other issues also raised their heads such asshes with other gigs, and some just had personal issues that they needed t o sort out. To compensate for this we have added a few big acts. Dubtrees have been booked to play, and three of the original Orb members (Alex Pate rson, Greg Hunter and Youth) will also be there! for a live jam in afterno on after the eclipse with a special guest… For a full list of who is pla ying please check out the website. web solipse. The Solipse is a Global Family Gathering, and while the music i s very important, there is also a lot more to the festival than just Tranc e and Techno. We want people to come to create their own space, and we tru ly believe that while we can provide music, entertainment, a place to gath er, it is you, the people, that make the festival special. We want you to come to meet old friends and make new ones from all around globe, and enjo y the world you create. But do not worry, those of us organizing the Solip se festival love Trance, so we can assure you that there will definitely b e the some of the best trance this side of the Moon! Dj’s such as Anti, Tr istan, Mark Allen, Olli Wisdom, Frank E, and bands like GMS, Total Eclipse Logic Bomb, Zion Train and KoxBox all play the sounds we love to hear th e way we love to hear it, and we will never forget that morning time stomp and groove that we all love! There will also be one night and day of only non-trance music. This night! in particular will highlight some of the be st alternative beats from Africa and around the world /D We have recently been informed of an after Solipse par ty being organized. The organizers contacted us with some information abou t the party, and it sounds like a nice way to wind down and then up again after the festival. The party will be on an island near the Victoria Falls . The organizers have promised strong Zambian flavours and Acoustic sounds for the party. The location is situated 35 km west of Livingstone, down a n 8km bush track through native woodlands. Along the riverbanks either sid e of the location are collections of small local villages, extremely pictu resque and inhabited by the most friendly and welcoming people to all and sundry, who incidentally have given the organizers their full support. The area is extremely rich in wild life, and directly across the river is Zim babwe where good game viewing can be expected from our makoras (dug out ca noes). There will have an army of local guides and paddlers to cater for a ny guests needs, be it fishing, chilling, bush! walks, makora missions etc etc. The party takes place from 29th June to 1st July, although the organ izers say people are welcome to turn up a day or two beforehand to have so me African chill time. For more information about this you can e-mail to T om at junglejunction at zamnet.zm. In the main pro duction office we are at the heart of the event and we can really feel a f antastic energy beginning to rise in all the people all over the world who are starting to make their way to Africa. For those of you who do make it to Africa we can certainly say that this will be an experience that you w ill never forget and the memories will put a smile on your face when you th ink about them, for years to come. As one final note we would like to squash some rumours. There is no civi l war in Zambia, NO the festival is NOT cancelled, and No, Fish do not fly … So if you hear someone telling you that “I heard….. blah blah blah.. . “, don’t listen, it’s not true! If you want to know what we are doing lo ok at the website and the message board, everything else is rumours! Not o nly is the Solipse festival happening in Zambia, IT IS GOING TO TAKE OFF ! !!! See you soon… Peace and respe ct. the Solipse Team
#1761 Wed, 30 May 2001 13:03:31 Wednesday at Opium Den From: angeles garay chiletrance at yahoo Hello Party People! This is a for every Wednesday night at Opium Den Lounge with DJ Angeles+Guests. Come and enjoy the Trance Music with nice people and nice vibes. DJ Angeles(6th Element-Chiletrance) Isam(Morocco) Dan Opium Den 29 East 3rd Street at 2nd Avenue 10 PM No Cover thanks!!!!!! Love and Light Angeles a year!
#1762 Right now thru 9pm Wed, 30 May 2001 17:39:27 From: Massless Medium: Explorations in Sensory Immersion Wednesday 5.30 through 7.29 (Opening party: 7pm – 9pm / Thur – Sun: 1pm -6pm) The Anchorage (Brooklyn Bridge, Camden Plaza West, Bklyn, 212.206.6674) FREE
#1763 Dangers witnessed by Edison & Freud Wed, 30 May 2001 18:55:53 From: Study: Single Cocaine Dose Triggers Surge in Brian Activity .c The Associated Press (May 30) – A single, small dose of cocaine triggers a week-long surge of activity in the brain that may prime the user for addiction, scientists report. Researchers at the University of California at said exposure to the d accelerates a molecular process that is important to the formation of memories and underlies addiction. Their study appears in the latest issue of the journal Nature. The UCSF team used slices of brain tissue from mice that were given cocaine. The samples were taken from the ventral tegmental area of the brain. The VTA is rich in dopamine, a neurotransmitter associated with pleasure that is normally released in small amounts as a biochemical reward to brain cells. It also is associated with the high that cocaine induces and subsequent d cravings that travel neuron pathways throughout the brain. The UCSF team reported that samples from the cocaine-treated mice showed a chain reaction in brain cells that changed the properties of a neuron receptor named AMPA for as long as a week, long after the obvious high is gone. The prolonged AMPA activity triggered the release of dopamine and left the brain primed for more of the same, they said. These pathways typically are used in the formation of memories and learning, but the cocaine hijacks them, they said. ‘What’s so amazing is that all dopamine neurons are affected by this single cocaine exposure,’ said Mark Ungless, the study’s lead author. ‘It would have a profound effect on other areas of the brain, particularly those involved with addiction.’ The researchers said this pathway in the brain might offer one explanation into the biochemistry of how recovering d addicts can relapse easily. And, they speculated, the reaction might also apply to other addictive substances, including nicotine and alcohol.
#1764 Obsessive Compulsives Wed, 30 May 2001 19:02:44 From: Is this how the music keeps sucking us in? New Study Pinpoints Source of Impulsive Behavior By Katherine Hunt Reuters WASHINGTON (May 24) – Trying to choose between a cookie or a carrot at snack time? A newly identified ‘hot spot’ on the brain may be the key to impulsive behavior, involved in the critical choice between instant gratification and delayed reward, researchers said on Thursday. In a study reported in the journal Science, researchers examined the nucleus accumbens, located at the base of the forebrain. The region responds to natural rewards such as food and sex, as well as ds such as amphetamines and cocaine, through their effects on the neurotransmitter chemical dopamine. ‘We have shown that damage or dysfunction of the nucleus accumbens can cause, without a doubt, impulsive choice,’ said study author Rudolf Cardinal, of the Department of Experimental Psychology in Britain’s University of Cambridge. The findings have implications for the treatment and understanding of d addiction, attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and anti-social behavior, all of which are linked to the impulse for instant gratification. The researchers trained rats to choose between a small immediate reward and a larger, delayed reward. In tests after their nucleus accumbens were damaged, the researchers found the rats tended to choose the instant gratification of the small reward, rather than the larger reward delivered after a delay. ‘We already knew that there was a correlation between abnormalities in the nucleus accumbens and impulsive behavior,’ Cardinal said. ‘Now we have clear evidence that such abnormalities can cause this behavior.’ Lesions on two other regions of the brain that send information to the nucleus accumbens, the anterior cingulate cortex and medial prefrontal cortex, did not cause the rats to act impulsively, the study found. The findings ‘suggest the nucleus accumbens core, at least for impulsive choice, is a critical region,’ Cardinal said. The research also sheds new light on ds like Ritalin, used to treat ADHD by affecting the dopamine systems in the brain. ‘Our research suggests that (Ritalin’s) actions in the nucleus accumbens may responsible for its beneficial affects on impulsive behavior,’ he said. A SMOKER’S CHOICE Like most discoveries, the study has triggered more questions. ‘I think it’s an interesting question to ask, why were the animals with nucleus accumbens lesions impulsive?’ Cardinal said. ‘Were they impulsive because they were less sure that in fact, delayed reward was coming?’ The cigarette smoker’s choice is a good analogy, he said, and further research is needed to determine what is going on, he said. The choice is cigarettes now or avoiding lung cancer later, he said. So does the smoker really believe that cigarettes cause lung cancer? Or maybe the smoker believes cigarettes cause cancer but cares less about long-term health than the instant buzz. ‘That’s one question about the underlying psychology,’ Cardinal said. ‘Do you make your impulsive choices in the full knowledge of what you are getting yourself into? Or do you lack insight into the consequences?’
#1765 31 May 2001 03:47:01 – Tsunami Hallucinogen/Infected Tsunami Hallucinogen/Infected Friday, June 1, 2001 Time: 11:45PM – 6:45AM Friday, June 1st, 2001 11.45pm -7.00am at “THE WORLD” 1501 Broadway at 43 Street the leading Trance organization in America, are once again breaking new ground, by bringing to the same event the world’s two most important two trance names, to Time Square: Back by huge popular demand: INFECTED MUSHROOM, live (BNE, Israel) Duvdev and Erez, are introducing their brand -new CD BP Empire, in one of their rocking live sets, that have made them revered the world over as, without doubt, the hottest live trance act A rare, exclusive dj set my the Trance Master him-self: HALLUCINOGEN (Twisted, UK) SIMON POSFORD (Hallucinogen) is considered by his peers, to be the most influential trance producer, as well as, by being half of the innovative ambient act SHPONGLE. DJ sets by: DUVDEV (Infected Mushroom) EREZ(Infected Mushroom) YON-E (Tsunami) Separate CHIL-OUT ROOM: AARON SPECTRE (Opiate/KINETIC) Separate LOUNGE ROOM: ANGELES (chiletrance-6th Element) Tickets: $30 advance /$35 door. Available at: HOUSE OF TRANCE 122 St. Marks Place, 212 533-6700 THROB 211 East 14 Street, New York City 12/9) SATELLITE 259 Bowery New York 212 995-1744 Boston 617 536-5482 SONIC GROVE 41 Carmine Street 212 675-5284 CAFFEINE Long Island 516 797-7196) TSUNAMI’s 24 hour information line: 212 439-8124 or log on ce. TSUNAMI compilation, with many new, exclusive tracks, as well as TSUNAMI 12-inch vinyl 1 and 2 in stores now, on KINETIC Records.
#1766 free tekno sunday Thu, 31 May 2001 01:31:21 From: Sunday, June 3rd. 2001-*FREAKAHEDRON *- by HUGE!, Deep Unda Brooklyn & Dank Funk Floyd Bennett Field, Brooklyn, NYC. 1pm-9pm. FREE. all ages. DJ lineup :: Devilles on sax) Main Info :: 212.330.8146 & 718.390.7269 web Directions to Freakahedron on June 3rd… party info below the direx: MASS TRANSIT: No. 5 Train to very last stop in Brooklyn Flatbush Ave. Exits at front of train will let you out on Flatbush Ave. or Nostrand Ave. (depending on which exit onto streets that you use). Take the Green Line Q-35 bus towards Rockaway. The stop for this bus is on Flatbush Ave. in front of Sleepy’s, across the street from Metro Sports. Ask the bus driver to notify you when the Floyd Bennet Field stop comes up. The bus stop is just before toll bridge that leads into Rockaway, Queens. From the bus stop, cross Flatbush Ave. and enter into the park, following the driving directions. The bus ride is approximately 15-20 minutes long, and walking to event locale is 10 minutes. DRIVING DIRECTIONS: From BKLYN, QUEENS and LONG ISLAND… Take the Belt Parkway West and get off at exit 11-S Flatbush Ave. South/ Rockaways. Make a left, entering Floyd Bennet Field, at very last light before toll bridge. Make left at sign that says “Park Police/Park Headquarters/Ecology Village” (each with arrow pointing left), just before second speed bump. Take the left at fork in road towards “Picnic Parking”. Make a right at “No Outlet” sign. Park on runway at the big tan building with white roof. There will cones identifying parking location. Walk across field to picnic area. Those coming from points in Brooklyn near Floyd Bennet Field can avoid the Belt Parkway by taking Flatbush Avenue straight through. From MANHATTAN and NEW JERSEY… Take whatever route that best suits you into New York. Once in Brooklyn take the Belt Parkway East. Get off at exit 11-S Flatbush Ave. South/Rockaways. Make a left, entering Floyd Bennet Field, at very last light before toll bridge. Make left at sign that says “Park Police/Park Headquarters/Ecology Village” (each with arrow pointing left), just before second speed bump. Take the left at fork in road towards “Picnic Parking”. Make a right at “No Outlet” sign. Park on runway at the big tan building with white roof. There will be cones identifying parking location. Walk across field to picnic area.
#1767 FW: – NEVA BAR – Guest DJs! Thu, 31 May 2001 15:07:27 From: Sent: Thursday, May 31, 2001 1:57 PM To: Fwd: – NEVA BAR – Guest DJs! NEVA BAR – Guest DJs! Thursday, May 31, 2001 Time: 10:00PM – 4:00AM CDT (-05:00) Spiritual Beings is proud to present: THURSDAY NIGHT AT NEVA Where and When: Every Thursday at NEVA BAR, 28 7th Av south (between Morton & Bedford), NYC, NY. Directions: It’s a few blocks south of Christopher st. subway station (1,9). Djs: * Dj Illusion (Psylocib) * Dj Max (psylocib) * Dj Ran (Spiritual Beings) * Dj Eitan (Spiritual Beings) Admission: * Free admission to Spiritual Beings members. * $3 at the doors. Hope to see you there 🙂 Peace. Love. Unity. Respect. Spiritual beings. Our love and support to: Tibet -web savetibet.org The hunger site -web thehungersite
#1768 d Outdoors Thu, 31 May 2001 15:52:34 From: There have been FIVE outdoor events detailed on the special d list so far this year, and it’s still cool sailing in May. If you’ve never heard psychedelic trance on a decent system outdoors then you’re missing the point. Once you go out, you’ll never want to go back in. The police are cool, but we have to stay mobile to evade the media. Being on the email list is more important than ever. I can honestly say the best d event ever was two weeks ago, with a large video projection screen and many many props and Celtic summer ritual. This summer we’re also doing at least one boat party around Manhattan and up the river. There are also many more “Alien Sex Parties” in the works. To join the d psy-trance NYC announcement list send $25 via paypal to “Machine Elf,” (First name Machine, Last name Elf)
June 2001
#1769 Free tekno cancelled on Sunday Fri, 1 Jun 2001 01:05:12 From: because of the Feds are we Fed Up yet? they should be following W’s daughters… but then again that’s my job 😉
#1770 Arts Festival this weekend Fri, 1 Jun 2001 03:13:57 From: thx to infornography, the best list for alternative cultural events… THEATER FOR THE NEW CITY Schedule is change and additions THE GLORIOUS SIXTH ANNUAL LOWER EAST SIDE FESTIVAL OF THE ARTS Friday, Saturday, Sunday June 1st, 2nd, 3rd Theater for the New City is at 155 First Ave. (between 9th and 10th Streets), box office is (212) 254-1109 more info can be found at: Hi all – a 25 minute video which I put together from footage I shot during the Quebec protests will be showing this Saturday night (June 2nd) as part of the Lower East Side Arts Festival at the Theatre for the New City. My video (Quebec: Images from the Wall) will be be followed by ‘Raining on the Parade’, the Deep Dish TV (and IMC?) tape about the Inauguration protests. The whole festival looks pretty interesting; this year it is dedicated to the WBAI fight, and Theatre for the New City generally does really good stuff. Admission is free, and in addition to a night of videos there is lots of (probably excellent) cabaret and various interesting (and some not-so-interesting) folks will speak. My Quebec tape is scheduled to show at 9:15, but in all likelihood the entire event will be full and the theatre recommends coming an hour early. Alternatively, you can call the theatre and reserve a ticket for the night, but they ask that you only do this if you are actually interested in staying for the whole evening; they say it’s not fair to others if someone reserves a ticket for the night and just comes to see one video. Theater for the New City is at 155 First Ave. (between 9th and 10th Streets), box office is (212) 254-1109 . .
#1772 Trance Party in Central Park! Fri, 1 Jun 2001 10:27:42 From: We’re still here yo! Well, actually it is contemplative exercises, and introductory meditation practice from a variety of buddhist traditions in central park on June 2 2001 12:30 to 5:30 pm and if you think I’m a sneaky bastard I can paypal you some kickback karma! More info: web tricycle/cym/index.html George
#1773 Spiritual Beings cancelled June 8 Fri, 1 Jun 2001 13:34:02 From: On Behalf Of Spiritual Beings Sent: Friday, June 01, 2001 9:46 AM To:gathering june 8th we are very very VERY sorry to announce that the gathering on june 8th has been cancelled. after the deal with the original location fell through, we still had the backup location (under the bridge) but that’s impossible also at this time. for the past few weeks, we searched for other locations but the best we could find was for 12 hours only and with admission. when we did the april 6th party, all sighs were good. this time, all sighs are bad, so we guess it’s not ment to be, and all is for the best. or at least we hope so 🙂 i know that i will go to subtle chaos party. i know they’re planning a nice party, and we wish them all the best. we also wish to thank all the people that offered their help, helped search for locations, gave ideas, moral support, and for just being there for the benefit of us all. again, we are very very sorry. this is the first time ever we announced a party/gathering and it got cancelled before it even took off (usually the police is to be blamed). we hope to throw an outdoor party soon or at least a good warehouse party. we’ll keep you posted once all is confirmed. and for the last time: sorry. Peace. Love. Unity. Respect. Spiritual beings. To join our mailing list, send an e
#1774 Sao Paoulo Fri, 1 Jun 2001 13:38:50 From: web solarflares.br check out this festival in brasil,my friends are doing this festival and as you going to see will be great,plus dont forget its cheap the dollar in my contrie worths alot of money it basically double it,if you post this message and anybody needs help to get there i can help,im leaving to brasil on june 21,if anyone needs help i can pass my fone n.in brasil,we also gonna have buses leaving from sao paulo “main city”wich make easier and cheaper for all of us !also i maybe help to help to get cheaper air flight tickets! thanks JEFF. ALLAN ATagino at cs
#1775 Saturday Freakfest Fri, 1 Jun 2001 13:47:25 From: No sleep for the wicked! SATURDAY, JUNE 2 Blast Furnace II Come and freak out with us. Participate as we build, create, and survive before you arrive, then grow your hair, leave no trace, experience, experiment, dig it, be groovy, celebrate, do nothing that interferes with anyone’s immediate experience. Be interactive, peace man, trip out, feel your inner child, molest a stuffed animal. Downstairs: The Magenesium Twins (Ben & Cassandra) make your world sparkle; Jessea Perry, Roxanna Mennella, Steven provide words and mental tickling; Elisa Korenne rocks out. Plus acoustic mayhem with Dufus and Zero Boy. Hot Go-Go Heat by Eeah and Mahi. Videos by Mike Green, Josh & Carlos, Terry. Anney Fresh’s inflatables. Marina Potok’s slide ‘o rama, Kate Yareshenko’s effect. Samantha the Pantha and Tara Fire Ball work the DeVirginization Zone as the mood strikes. Coat check by Mike, Torch Job and special sexy guests. Bands: Licky, Two Weeks From Tomorrow. DJs downstairs: Bill, Super G (downtempo, experimental), Duane (funky San Fran house), Todd Polenberg (downtempo, experimental), kleverVice (downtempo, experimental), Phoenix (deephouse). DJs upstairs: Scott the Monkey King (two-step hip-hop garage), Marcus Ward (house), Keith Ward (house), MG (house, progressive and trance). NOTE: This is the second party thrown by this group, a small group of people who are all part of the New York Burning Man Community. (To find out more about Burning Man, look at the website web burningman.) This party is ostensibly a fundraiser for the group, which calls itself S.E.A.L. The money apparently will allow them to throw more parties, which will allow them to make more money, which will allow them to eventually get into some sort of real estate situation that would facilitate, you know, learning and parties and stuff. You could call it a Burning Man party, but somebody would get weird and proprietary or somthing and then it would start a long, exhaustive thread on the Burning Man listserver, which is possibly the most annoying thing that we return to every day on our own volition. Anyway, we went to the first Blast Furnace party about two months ago. We didn’t expect too much, frankly, because it was to take place in a bar and, you know, bars generally suck. We were way surprised. The party was great. Nice vibe, tons of costumes, decent dance music, some good performance, and dcor that radically erased almost all vestiges of bar-ness. The party was good enough that we went outside and called some friends on a pay phone and we never do that. Anyway, it’s a good one, and a pretty good group of active people who actually want to do somthing and live in a more interesting city. We’ll be putting in a shift at the door for this. Please stop by and say hello, and don’t make our job of figuring out what is a partial costume any more difficult than it already sounds. 211 Pearl Street, between Maiden Lane and John Street, Manhattan 10p-4a; $5 costumed, $10 partial costume (NOTE: ???), $15 for street clothes web sealspace.org
#1776 Upcoming Psy-Trance Events Fri, 01 Jun 2001 14:04:44 From: This document contains information regarding upcoming psy-trance events in New York, Boston, Pennsylvania, and DC including a list of weekly events. If anyone has any changes or corrections, please let me know. Friday, June 1st, 2001 New York, NY 11.45pm -7.00am Tsunami INFECTED MUSHROOM, live (BNE, Israel) DJ sets by: HALLUCINOGEN (Twisted, UK) DUVDEV (Infected Mushroom) EREZ( Infected Mushroom) YON-E (Tsunami) Separate CHILL-OUT ROOM: AARON SPECTRE (Opiate/KINETIC) Separate LOUNGE ROOM: ANGELES (chiletrance-6th Element) at “THE WORLD” 1501 Broadway at 43 Street Tickets: $30 advance /$35 door 212 439-8124 Friday June 8 NY, NY SubtleChaos Party Two Rooms: Kalyx (Growroom/Synthetic Sadhus) DJ Eleven (Union/Vibes) Jason vs. Vadim (SubtleChaos) Severyn (NYC) Angeles (Chiletrance/6th Element) Gavin (Spectra) plus special guests… Fluoro Decoration by DAniel, Kura, and Severyn $10 cover, 18+, ID required 113 Ludlow St. (take F Train to Delancey St.) june 10, 2001 boston,ma HANGOVER EASY brunch at DUNWELL’S weekly sunday brunch with good eats…chill beats hosted by killinfloor: Hugh S [futuretech/shapeshifters/brooklyn crib – NYC] SEQUENTIAL TOM [futuretech/nanote – NYC] JAMIN [futuretech/cosmophilia – NYC] AMMON EP [resurrection/satellite – BOSTON] GAVIN [spectra – NYC] DAVE WEST [changmian/samsara – BOSTON] DINO [changmian/samsara – BOSTON] BLACKSMITH [resurrection – BOSTON] noon – 8pm | No Cover patio & pool are now open | new menu music in lounge and out door by the pool Dunwells Bar and Grill (in the Fenway Howard Johnsons next to WBCN) 1271 Boylston Street, Boston breakfast/drink specials free 617.263.0793 info: johnnymarquis at hotmail FRIDAY, JUNE 15, 2001 Washington, DC PSYTRANCE EXPERIENCE ON THE PATIO out on the patio |Allen|Gaian Mind, Philadelphia| |Hatari|Gaian Mind, Philadelphia| |wildbill|Psychonauts, Swerve, DC| Full on fluoro decor, UV lighting by Gaian Mind at Buzz Friday Nights at Nation | 18 & over | 10pm-6am Regular Admission: $12 before 11 p.m. | $15 after 11 p.m. June 27 NY, NY Juno Reactor at Knitting Factory June 29 NY, NY Synthetic Sadhus Chaishop Party!! june 29 pittsburgh, pennsylvania medicine drum has been added to the juno reactor tour! this will be a live performance featuring all three (and possibly a new fourth) members. at mandala, located at level – 333 fourth ave. downtown pittsburgh. upcoming other lineups include: may 25: DJ Witchman (morgantown, wv) and boppity (detroit, mi) june 29: JUNO REACTOR (uk) (live) and MEDICINE DRUM (uk) (live) july 27: SYNCHRO (netherlands) and ex nihilo (detroit, mi) with residents: count zer0 and electric mayhem (sidetrakkt – pittsburgh) mandala takes place the last friday of every month at level – 333 fourth ave., downtown pittsburgh more info to be announced… web sidetrakkt friday, july 27, 2001 pittsburgh, pennsylvania sidetrakkt productions presents MANDALA a monthly psychedelic trance gathering SYNCHRO (Liquid Audio Soundz/ TIPWorld – Netherlands) We are excited to welcome the highly talented Synchro in his Pittsburgh debut. One of the world’s top psytrance producers, his sounds expand the borders, incorporating a fusion of psychedelic trance, techno, funk, and breaks. Not only is his third album, Elektrik, one of the best releases of 2001, he is also very skilled dj with a unique style that no fan of electronic music will want to miss. to learn more please visit web djsynchro with residents: Count Zer0 (sidetrakkt/elite/253 – pittsburgh) Electric Mayhem (sidetrakkt – pittsburgh) mandala literally, an essence-protecting environment, a mandala is a magical and sacred realm, created by the artistry of enlightened compassion in order to nurture beings’ development toward enlightenment mandala takes place every month at level – 333 fourth ave., downtown pittsburgh 10 p.m. until 6 a.m. $10 web sidetrakkt Solipse – Celebrating the Full Solar Eclipse – June 15-25, 2001 in Zambia, Africa – web solipse/ Alien Safari – 3 week safari/party thru Africa, ending at Solipse. June 3-23, 2001 – web aliensafari.co.za/ Tuesdays NY, NY Jason, Vadim & guests NightShift Gemini Lounge 221 Second Avenue at 14th Street 9pm till late $3 cover / free with guestlist at subtlechaos info at subtlechaos Tuesdays NY, NY FREE HOOKAH LOUNGE 10-4 at Liquids 10th between 1st and A Wednesdays NY, NY OPIUM DEN A bar with chillout tunes psytrance. NO COVER COME AND ENJOY TRANCE MUSIC WITH DJ ANGEL (CHILE) 29 EAST 3RD STREET at 2ND AVE. 10:00PM – 4:00AM Wednesdays NY, NY DJ Icycoil spins: Progressive, Psy-Trance & Tech House… 10P-3A 21+ w/ valid ID $2 domestic bottles/tap, $1 Kamikazee shots at The Korova Milk Bar 200 Avenue A between 12th & 13th st., NYC Wednesdays Boston CHANGMIAN PRODUCTIONS PRESENTS: SAMSARA (The energy of nature by which the physical and mental worlds take shape.) A smooth blend of ambient groove, intelligent dnb and psychedelic trance with resident selectors: DINO [Changmian] KRIS DEFIXIO [Redlight, Satellite] DAVID WEST [Changmian, Satellite] 3rd Floor of the Hong Kong 1236 Massachusetts Ave, Harvard Square, Cambridge, MA 21+ $5 9-1 AM 6.06 Qi (Mad lifted) Boston 6.13 DAVID WEST *4 Hour farewell set* 6.20 RANKA (Kontact/Echo lounge)NYC 6.27 DAVE DITTMER *Come early and chill out with a Mai-Tai or a Scorpion Bowl in the newly renovated and air conditioned third stage of the Hong Kong! info line: 978-963-5411 Full fluro artwork by HBomb, Aitch, Uri and Changmian. Psychedelic visuals by web ammonep announce only list changmian [It’s a truly beautiful thing they got going on, please check it out.] Thursdays NY, NY DJ Angel (Chiletrance-6th Element) & Guests Street Bar 14 Avenue B (Between 2nd St. & Houston) 10 Pm No Cover Thursdays NY, NY Spiritual Beings Every thursday at NEVA BAR, 28 7th Av south (between Morton & Leroy) 10:00pm to 4:00am * Dj Ran (Spiritual Beings) * Dj Eitan (Spiritual Beings) * Free admission to Spiritual Beings members on the guest list (sigh up you’re sending from the same email you’re subscribed to. subscribe “your name”. * $3 admission to non-members who sigh at the guest list (sigh up until subscribe “your name”. * $5 at the doors. Saturdays Washington, DC Swerve Psychedelic Trance The movement that is sweeping the entire world has finally come to DC. Wake up DC, this is the EVOLUTION of electronic music. 6.9 Dj Hybrid web eastcoasthappy / Swerve 2501 project2501 / Swerve DC WildBill Psychonauts / Metatrack / Swerve DC Cliff J Transentient / Swerve DC 6.16 Hugh S Futuretech / Brooklyn Crib NYC 1/2 Of the trance group Shapeshifters! WildBill Psychonauts / Metatrack / Swerve DC Dj Hybrid web eastcoasthappy / Swerve DC Stardiver DigitalYeti / Swerve DC 6.23 Kri Touch Samadhi / NC Electric Mayhem Sidetrakkt Productions / Pittsburgh 2501 project2501 / Swerve DC Dj Hybrid web eastcoasthappy / Swerve 6.30 JUNO REACTOR Record Release Party For their single “Masters of the Universe” Free promos, posters, and frisbees all night! Gaian Mind Party Allen & WildBill They rocked it at Buzz, now catch them at Swerve. 2501 project2501 / Swerve DC Come check out the new renovations at The Cage! Psycho-fluorescent blacklight landscape designs by DelMarVaTrance Team Video projections by Project 2501 Productions Free CD giveaways every week! at The Cage 1811 14th St NW (between S and T streets) 202.234.6000 9pm – 3am. $5 all night 18+ with valid photo ID web swerve-dc From North/MD: Head South on I-95. When 95 meets 495, take 495 West towards Silver Spring (right hand exit). Go about 4 miles and take the Georgia Ave. South exit (31). Head South on Georgia, get in your right lane. In a few miles take the exit for 16th Street. Follow 16th Street for about 6 miles. Turn left on U Street. Go 2 blocks. Turn right on 14th Street. The Cage is 1 1/2 blocks down, on your left between T and S streets. From West/South/VA: East on I-66. Over the Roosevelt Bridge and exit onto Constitution Ave. Take Constitution to 18th Street. Turn left on 18th. Go straight on 18th Street until you reach Q Street. Turn right on Q Street. Follow Q Street through several lights to 14th Street. Turn left onto 14th Street. Head north three blocks. The Cage is on the right between S and T streets OR go North on I-95 to 395, continue over the 14th street Bridge. Stay in the left lanes. Follow signs for 14th Street./Route 1 North. Go straight on 14th Street. for a few miles and through a traffic circle. The Cage is on the right between S and T streets.
#1777 Subway party tonight Fri, 1 Jun 2001 14:53:47 From: umm… sorry that is actually being posted on the $50 PersonalBest list at Yahoo Groups….. so secret even for the d hmmm… now that this is my job, i promise things are about to get a lot more interesting.
#1778 cheap ticket to solipse in zambia Sat, 2 Jun 2001 17:50:12 From: Sent: Saturday, June 02, 2001 4:53 PM -owner Re: brain Digest Number 545 Jeff, please help me to get rid of my Solipse Festival. I want $80 for it (very good deal); I’m not going (passport problems) and I’m giving this ticket away. Please give my email address to anyone interested. thanks a lot, vitalik brainmachines wrote: . You’ll be added to a special email community list. For a preview go to You can’t reply to this whole list, just to m.e. There are 7 messages in this issue. Topics in this digest:1. Zambia info From: 2. Wednesday at Opium Den From: angeles garay chiletrance at yahoo 3. Right now thru 9pm From: 4. Dangers witnessed by Edison & Freud From: 5. Obsessive Compulsives From: 6. – Tsunami Hallucinogen/Infected 7. free tekno sunday From: 1 Wed, 30 May 2001 16:52:07 From: Zambia info It’s not too late to go on the internet and get travel and tickets see you in zambia! To All friends, family and supporters of the Solipse, The time is now drawing near when we will all converge in Africa to celebrate one of the most spectacular things that Mother Nature has to show us. It’s only 2 weeks away now, and things are really on a roll… thank you all for all your support over the year. Some people around the globe have really worked hard for the festival, to help bring it to life and everyone has contributed in their own way. The Solipse is a huge communal effort, with every part as important as the next. We have been working very hard on the location and making sure that all the things you need will be there. This is one of the major parts of the production, and so we are putting a lot of energy into it. We have dug extra water wells, full of clean and safe drinking water. And we now have enough water to even provide sprinklers on the dance floor for those afternoon dancing sessions. We have also cleared a massive space for the camping area, and we are making it so that you can walk barefoot around the whole location. Please remember the rule about No Glass Bottles! We have had many people asking us if there will be work on the location. There will of course be things that need doing, there always will be when you are creating a temporary city in the African bush, we will have a stand on the festival where you can come to volunteer to help out with these things. Get creative and get involved !! There is a shuttle bus that will run from the Airport and the Bus station to the location and back. This will run from the 15th June until the 27th June. You do not have to book a place on this bus, just turn up and ride… Other things to remember, camping is included in the price of the ticket, you can get your visa at the border as you enter Zambia and Elvis is not dead. We are very happy to say that some people have won two competitions… First up was DJ magazine in the UK. Dave Aldridge figured out that Zambia has 12 national parks, the currency is called Kwacha, and why you should take your blanket to Solipse. Second was a group of friends from Holland, Rob and Co, who proved with the help of their Dad that killing TVs can be a beautiful experience. The video they sent in will soon be on the Internet. This really made us laugh; we hope you enjoy it too! Since the last mail out (about 24 hours) we have raised US$10,800. This is really amazing, and we want to thank all the people around the world who have given us support and money to help bring the dream to life. We receive so much positive energy that really helps us through with our mission. Many people have also said that they would like to help us with smaller donations, and asked us how they can do this. So we have set up an Internet page where you can make a small donation to help with this… go to web web solipse/donateform.html Anything you can help us with is greatly appreciated by the whole global Solipse family. ! ! ! YES, Our line up is confirmed ! ! ! There have been some changes in the last few months and we thank you for sticking with us while we sorted the whole thing out. Now all the artists’ flights are booked, and we are all set to go. The problems we have had sorting out the line up have been due to a few key reasons. Firstly the fact that the festival is in Zambia has scared some Artists off, especially those that are used to playing only in clubs or in Europe. Secondly, some of the artists wanted larger fees than we were prepared and able to give them, and when you added this to Aeroplane tickets for the musicians and their friends, the sums of money involved were to high, and we could not afford it. Other issues also raised their heads such as clashes with other gigs, and some just had personal issues that they needed to sort out. To compensate for this we have added a few big acts. Dubtrees have been booked to play, and three of the original Orb members (Alex Paterson, Greg Hunter and Youth) will also be there! for a live jam in afternoon after the eclipse with a special guest… For a full list of who is playing please check out the website. web solipse. The Solipse is a Global Family Gathering, and while the music is very important, there is also a lot more to the festival than just Trance and Techno. We want people to come to create their own space, and we truly believe that while we can provide music, entertainment, a place to gather, it is you, the people, that make the festival special. We want you to come to meet old friends and make new ones from all around globe, and enjoy the world you create. But do not worry, those of us organizing the Solipse festival love Trance, so we can assure you that there will definitely be the some of the best trance this side of the Moon! Dj’s such as Anti, Tristan, Mark Allen, Olli Wisdom, Frank E, and bands like GMS, Total Eclipse, Logic Bomb, Zion Train and KoxBox all play the sounds we love to hear the way we love to hear it, and we will never forget that morning time stomp and groove that we all love! There will also be one night and day of only non-trance music. This night! in particular will highlight some of the best alternative beats from Africa and around the world We have recently been informed of an after Solipse party being organized. The organizers contacted us with some information about the party, and it sounds like a nice way to wind down and then up again after the festival. The party will be on an island near the Victoria Falls. The organizers have promised strong Zambian flavours and Acoustic sounds for the party. The location is situated 35 km west of Livingstone, down an 8km bush track through native woodlands. Along the riverbanks either side of the location are collections of small local villages, extremely picturesque and inhabited by the most friendly and welcoming people to all and sundry, who incidentally have given the organizers their full support. The area is extremely rich in wild life, and directly across the river is Zimbabwe where good game viewing can be expected from our makoras (dug out canoes). There will have an army of local guides and paddlers to cater for any guests needs, be it fishing, chilling, bush! walks, makora missions etc etc. The party takes place from 29th June to 1st July, although the organizers say people are welcome to turn up a day or two beforehand to have some African chill time. For more information about this you can e-mail to Tom at junglejunction at zamnet.zm. In the main production office we are at the heart of the event and we can really feel a fantastic energy beginning to rise in all the people all over the world who are starting to make their way to Africa. For those of you who do make it to Africa we can certainly say that this will be an experience that you will never forget and the memories will put a smile on your face when you think about them, for years to come. As one final note we would like to squash some rumours. There is no civil war in Zambia, NO the festival is NOT cancelled, and No, Fish do not fly… So if you hear someone telling you that “I heard….. blah blah blah… “, don’t listen, it’s not true! If you want to know what we are doing look at the website and the message board, everything else is rumours! Not only is the Solipse festival happening in Zambia, IT IS GOING TO TAKE OFF !!!! See you soon… Peace and respect. the Solipse Team 2 Wed, 30 May 2001 13:03:31 From: angeles garay chiletrance at yahoo Wednesday at Opium DenHello Party People!This is a for every Wednesday night at Opium Den Lounge with DJ Angeles+Guests. Come and enjoy the Trance Music with nice people and nice vibes.DJ Angeles(6th Element-Chiletrance) Isam(Morocco) DanOpium Den 29 East 3rd Street at 2nd Avenue 10 PM No Cover thanks!!!!!! Love and Light Angeles a year! 3 Wed, 30 May 2001 17:39:27 From: Right now thru 9pmMassless Medium: Explorations in Sensory Immersion Wednesday 5.30 through 7.29 (Opening party: 7pm – 9pm / Thur – Sun: 1pm -6pm) The Anchorage (Brooklyn Bridge, Camden Plaza West, Bklyn, 212.206.6674) FREE 4 Wed, 30 May 2001 18:55:53 From: Dangers witnessed by Edison & Freud Study: Single Cocaine Dose Triggers Surge in Brian Activity .c The Associated Press (May 30) – A single, small dose of cocaine triggers a week-long surge of activity in the brain that may prime the user for addiction, scientists report. Researchers at the University of California at said exposure to the d accelerates a molecular process that is important to the formation of memories and underlies addiction. Their study appears in the latest issue of the journal Nature. The UCSF team used slices of brain tissue from mice that were given cocaine. The samples were taken from the ventral tegmental area of the brain. The VTA is rich in dopamine, a neurotransmitter associated with pleasure that is normally released in small amounts as a biochemical reward to brain cells. It also is associated with the high that cocaine induces and subsequent d cravings that travel neuron pathways throughout the brain. The UCSF team reported that samples from the cocaine-treated mice showed a chain reaction in brain cells that changed the properties of a neuron receptor named AMPA for as long as a week, long after the obvious high is gone. The prolonged AMPA activity triggered the release of dopamine and left the brain primed for more of the same, they said. These pathways typically are used in the formation of memories and learning, but the cocaine hijacks them, they said. ‘What’s so amazing is that all dopamine neurons are affected by this single cocaine exposure,’ said Mark Ungless, the study’s lead author. ‘It would have a profound effect on other areas of the brain, particularly those involved with addiction.’ The researchers said this pathway in the brain might offer one explanation into the biochemistry of how recovering d addicts can relapse easily. And, they speculated, the reaction might also apply to other addictive substances, including nicotine and alcohol. Message: 5 Wed, 30 May 2001 19:02:44 From: Obsessive Compulsives Is this how the music keeps sucking us in? New Study Pinpoints Source of Impulsive Behavior By Katherine Hunt Reuters WASHINGTON (May 24) – Trying to choose between a cookie or a carrot at snack time? A newly identified ‘hot spot’ on the brain may be the key to impulsive behavior, involved in the critical choice between instant gratification and delayed reward, researchers said on Thursday. In a study reported in the journal Science, researchers examined the nucleus accumbens, located at the base of the forebrain. The region responds to natural rewards such as food and sex, as well as ds such as amphetamines and cocaine, through their effects on the neurotransmitter chemical dopamine. ‘We have shown that damage or dysfunction of the nucleus accumbens can cause, without a doubt, impulsive choice,’ said study author Rudolf Cardinal, of the Department of Experimental Psychology in Britain’s University of Cambridge. The findings have implications for the treatment and understanding of d addiction, attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and anti-social behavior, all of which are linked to the impulse for instant gratification. The researchers trained rats to choose between a small immediate reward and a larger, delayed reward. In tests after their nucleus accumbens were damaged, the researchers found the rats tended to choose the instant gratification of the small reward, rather than the larger reward delivered after a delay. ‘We already knew that there was a correlation between abnormalities in the nucleus accumbens and impulsive behavior,’ Cardinal said. ‘Now we have clear evidence that such abnormalities can cause this behavior.’ Lesions on two other regions of the brain that send information to the nucleus accumbens, the anterior cingulate cortex and medial prefrontal cortex, did not cause the rats to act impulsively, the study found. The findings ‘suggest the nucleus accumbens core, at least for impulsive choice, is a critical region,’ Cardinal said. The research also sheds new light on ds like Ritalin, used to treat ADHD by affecting the dopamine systems in the brain. ‘Our research suggests that (Ritalin’s) actions in the nucleus accumbens may responsible for its beneficial affects on impulsive behavior,’ he said. A SMOKER’S CHOICE Like most discoveries, the study has triggered more questions. ‘I think it’s an interesting question to ask, why were the animals with nucleus accumbens lesions impulsive?’ Cardinal said. ‘Were they impulsive because they were less sure that in fact, delayed reward was coming?’ The cigarette smoker’s choice is a good analogy, he said, and further research is needed to determine what is going on, he said. The choice is cigarettes now or avoiding lung cancer later, he said. So does the smoker really believe that cigarettes cause lung cancer? Or maybe the smoker believes cigarettes cause cancer but cares less about long-term health than the instant buzz. ‘That’s one question about the underlying psychology,’ Cardinal said. ‘Do you make your impulsive choices in the full knowledge of what you are getting yourself into? Or do you lack insight into the consequences?’ Message: 6 31 May 2001 03:47:01 – Tsunami Hallucinogen/Infected Tsunami Hallucinogen/Infected Friday, June 1, 2001 Time: 11:45PM – 6:45AM (-04:00) Friday, June 1st, 2001 11.45pm -7.00am at “THE WORLD” 1501 Broadway at 43 Streetthe leading Trance organization in America, are once again breaking new ground, by bringing to the same event the world’s two most important two trance names, to Time Square:Back by huge popular demand: INFECTED MUSHROOM, live (BNE, Israel) Duvdev and Erez, are introducing their brand -new CD BP Empire, in one of their rocking live sets, that have made them revered the world over as, without doubt, the hottest live trance act A rare, exclusive dj set my the Trance Master him-self: HALLUCINOGEN (Twisted, UK) SIMON POSFORD (Hallucinogen) is considered by his peers, to be the most influential trance producer, as well as, by being half of the innovative ambient act SHPONGLE. DJ sets by: DUVDEV (Infected Mushroom) EREZ(Infected Mushroom) YON-E (Tsunami) Separate CHIL-OUT ROOM: AARON SPECTRE (Opiate/KINETIC) Separate LOUNGE ROOM: ANGELES (chiletrance-6th Element) Tickets: $30 advance /$35 door. Available at: HOUSE OF TRANCE 122 St. Marks Place, 212 533-6700 THROB 211 East 14 Street, New York City 12/9) SATELLITE 259 Bowery New York 212 995-1744 Boston 617 536-5482 SONIC GROVE 41 Carmine Street 212 675-5284 CAFFEINE Long Island 516 797-7196) TSUNAMI’s 24 hour information line: 212 439-8124 or log on ce. TSUNAMI compilation, with many new, exclusive tracks, as well as TSUNAMI 12-inch vinyl 1 and 2 in stores now, on KINETIC Records. Message: 7 Thu, 31 May 2001 01:31:21 From: free tekno sunday Sunday, June 3rd. 2001-*FREAKAHEDRON *- by HUGE!, Deep Unda Brooklyn & Dank Funk Floyd Bennett Field, Brooklyn, NYC. 1pm-9pm. FREE. all ages. DJ lineup :: & Devilles on sax) Main Info :: 212.330.8146 & 718.390.7269 web Directions to Freakahedron on June 3rd… party info below the direx: MASS TRANSIT: No. 5 Train to very last stop in Brooklyn Flatbush Ave. Exits at front of train will let you out on Flatbush Ave. or Nostrand Ave. (depending on which exit onto streets that you use). Take the Green Line Q-35 bus towards Rockaway. The stop for this bus is on Flatbush Ave. in front of Sleepy’s, across the street from Metro Sports. Ask the bus driver to notify you when the Floyd Bennet Field stop comes up. The bus stop is just before toll bridge that leads into Rockaway, Queens. From the bus stop, cross Flatbush Ave. and enter into the park, following the driving directions. The bus ride is approximately 15-20 minutes long, and walking to event locale is 10 minutes. DRIVING DIRECTIONS: From BKLYN, QUEENS and LONG ISLAND… Take the Belt Parkway West and get off at exit 11-S Flatbush Ave. South/ Rockaways. Make a left, entering Floyd Bennet Field, at very last light before toll bridge. Make left at sign that says “Park Police/Park Headquarters/Ecology Village” (each with arrow pointing left), just before second speed bump. Take the left at fork in road towards “Picnic Parking”. Make a right at “No Outlet” sign. Park on runway at the big tan building with white roof. There will cones identifying parking location. Walk across field to picnic area. Those coming from points in Brooklyn near Floyd Bennet Field can avoid the Belt Parkway by taking Flatbush Avenue straight through. From MANHATTAN and NEW JERSEY… Take whatever route that best suits you into New York. Once in Brooklyn take the Belt Parkway East. Get off at exit 11-S Flatbush Ave. South/Rockaways. Make a left, entering Floyd Bennet Field, at very last light before toll bridge. Make left at sign that says “Park Police/Park Headquarters/Ecology Village” (each with arrow pointing left), just before second speed bump. Take the left at fork in road towards “Picnic Parking”. Make a right at “No Outlet” sign. Park on runway at the big tan building with white roof. There will be cones identifying parking location. Walk across field to picnic area.
#1780 To: rubz at digitalshee this week/apt/ fire sale Sun, 3 Jun 2001 23:38:57 From: in the order of keeping down list traffic, here is an omnibus email with pretty much everything I can think of in one email. Trance this week tuesday – liquids & gemini lounge wednesday – opium den thursday – neva lounge & astor lounge MOVING SALE from rubz at digitalsheep All prices negotiable! Korg Z1 Synth, with Flight Case: $700. Serpa Queen Sized Bed, Posture mattress: $250. Fisher Wall Mounting CD/Radio Stereo, $120. XPeed sDSL Modem: $100. Huge Floor Standing Speakers, $80/pair. Antique Dressing Table: $60. Two Bar Sized Seats, $50/pair. Four Head VCR Player w/ Remote, $50. Lexmark Color Inkjet, $40. Shoe Rack: $40. Art Deco 5 Stem Black Lamp: $40. CD Tower / Uplighter Halogen Lamp: $40. Rice Paper Shade Floor Standing Lamp: $40. Rice Paper Floor Standing Screen: $40. Microsoft Sidewinder Joystick, $30. Computer Desk: $30. Skateboard: $30. Leather Footstool: $20. Three Shelf Cupboard, with doors: $20. (3x, all for $50) Plants with pots, $10 – $30. 1BR / Share – $1200; Park Slope (15th & 7th Ave – close to everything!) Palatial 1 BR with study for rent within a spacious and sunny 2BR Apartment. Newly renovated; shared kitchen, bathroom, den; option to sign on for full lease from October. Female or “sensitive” male roommate preferred; non or discreet smoker. Hey Jeff, I’m road tripping with no fixed destination from July 1st onwards…so all my stuff and my apt need to go. And a Q: if y’all could go *one place* on the American continent, where would it be? email rubz at digitalsheep
#1782 FW: [infornography] [transmissions] there is no such thing as Radio Free Williamsburg Tue, 5 Jun 2001 02:02:41 From: More quite noise from our WiliamsburgRUSSIANbraeee Sent: Tuesday, June 05, 2001 12:08 AM To: free1oh3point9 at topica [infornography] [transmissions] there is no such thing as Radio Free Williamsburg free103point9 transmissions Theres no such thing as Radio Free Williamsburg, not that we’ve ever heard, anyway. And we scour the airwaves pretty closely. There are lots of microradio stations in New York City to tune in. Just about any night you can turn on your dialif you live in Brooklyn, the Bronx or Queensand hear someone playing hardcore hip hop or speaking in tongues that aren’t often heard on the get-off-the-grass airwaves. (In lower Manhattan the building density makes it difficult to even tune in the stations that actually have working equipment, so the few pirates with rooftop access don’t get too far. Once, about five years ago, we heard the story of the fellows who worked for a TV station that broadcasts from atop the World Trade Center, as many stations do. With their access, they added their own antenna to the roof and began sending out a signal far more powerful, than those “pirates” on their ship in the New York harbor in the ’80s who get all the ink and pixel dots. Their bosses, reputedly, thought the lads were so clever to fix up their own little (well, actually, their station’s airwaves carried farther than any other “pirate” we’ve ever heard of) station, they didn’t fire them. They did post an armed gaurd, the legend goes.) But we digress. There’s no such thing as Radio Free Williamsburg. The Feds wouldn’t want it that way either. After ten years of civil disobedience, political lobbying, lawsuits, begging the conservative media to notice the lack of public access to the airwaves, and other tactics, a modest low-power FM proposal was approved by the Federal Comunications Commission last year. It would allow, in a few rural towns, small community neighborhood radio stations to serve unnooticed communities around the country. Many of the people reading this came from small towns. Imagine if your small town had its own radio station. Every Saturday afternoon, the station would likely have some sort of kids program, which would have allowed you to take part in the community’s dialogue probably for the first time. Or, say, if there was a localized flood, and the big city stations didn’t notice, the station would be there to quickly disseminate information. The Feds, they don’t want a Radio Free Williamsburg. The Republicans quickly made the limited FCC proposal that ignored big cities (“Williamsburg doesnt need a radio station”), even more limited. Excessively limited, to a bill they called the “Radio Preservation Act” or the “Corporate Money-Flow Presevation Act,” we seem to have misplaced that file. There new bill now only allows a handful of very small towns such as Ocean City, Maryland to have access to their own airwaves. So, funny world, isnt it, the Feds are out there looking for anyone who dares to serve their community with information sharing, cultural happenings, or special events, instead of helping folks spread the words of their communities. “The Feds/The Man/The System/Amerika” wants everything sorted through their corporate filters. If your tastes lean to the unfiltered, then turn your radio on. There may not be a Radio Free Williamsburg, but there are many other choices on your dial: 87.7-FM: Just below the “88” that begins most radio dials lies this fabulous freakuency. If you can turn your dial back just a bit more than you should you can get it (try older radios in thrift stores). Or try Channel 6 on your TV. If you are, say, riding the train through Philadelphia and you tune your HandHeld Portable Corporate Listening Machine just below 88, you’ll hear the Corporate Pablum of the Six O’Clock News without all the mascara and stiffener. We don’t know of anyone in New York who is doing the dual transmitting trick, but we plan to get to it soon if we get a few other hands on deck. 88.7-FM: Former home of Steal This Radio, and many other pirates. It’s pretty wide open, since the closest 88.7 is a weak Long Island college station. Turn it on and depending which part of town you are you might hear Hasidic holy men (Crown Heights, Williamsburg), a Haitian dance party (Central Brooklyn), Latin politics (East Harlem) or hip hop (Queens). 89.3-FM: Unitl May 22, Ibar Mhamed was microcasting in Queens and Brooklyn on 89.3-FM, but U.S. marshals arrested him that day, reportedly after seizing equipment from him on at least two previous occasions. Others are lurking about here too. Whatever happened to WJMZ anyway? That station wasnt Radio Free Williamsburg either, but got busted during a neighborhood student afternoon program when a trusting child let the FCC Krusty the Kop into the studio. Later they held a massive, successful fundraiser at Rubulad, and have never been heard from since, though we will assuredly hear somthing from someone about how wrong this sentence is in so many ways. And we will report back any findings in either 89.3 case. 91.1-FM: We heard about a record store on the Lower East Side that was jamming WFMU’s frequency about five years ago, and the WFMU folks saying that it happened occasionally elsewhere too. 91.9-FM: We like this frequency. Every night theres somthing great in the air. The BAD Radio guys and their raw hip hop seem to dominate, on most nights from either downtown Brooklyn or Queens. Weve also heard Polish, Italian, Hebrew and English spoken on this frequency that is the most open in the city. free91point9 uses it some weekend nights to air events, and when things are working fine the signal reaches from Long Island City to Park Slope. Youll hear it best in your car, but buildings in or about Williamsburg should be able to hear somthing, even if it sorta comes in and out sometimes and you have to stand on that chair with one leg in the air with the antenna in your teeth to really hear the bass in the dub properly. Trust us though, if you are in Brooklyn or Queens, start tuning in here frequently, cuz its always good listening. 99.1-FM: Perfect Radio occupies this tiny sliver of cypherspace in Western Greenpoint. Hopefully it blocks out the propaganda on WBAI. 103.9-FM: Mostly we just bring out the old free103point9 transmitter in East Williamsburg. Sometimes on Wednesdays, sometimes on Thursdays, sometimes on the weekends those from Bushwick to the BQE can tune in. 1610-AM: Another sliver of a station very localized near the Williamsburg Bridge. Or, turn out in person WEDNESDAY, JUNE 6 For ROCK N ROLL RADIO free103point9s night of free-form radio with special guest ANDREW BARKER The drummer from the Gold Sparkle Band who spins twice a month at Enids. With host DJ Dizzy 9:30 p.m. FREE at Angel, 174 Orchard St. btw Houston and Stanton Sts. Next week: June 16 Mad Scene/Fly Ashtray/Music for the Mood Expansion Chamber/DJ Dizzy + Matt Buas Suitcase Orchestra/DJ Matt Mikas/DJ Mike Wolf/live painting by Ken Echebial/much more Location tba to (un)subscribe to free103point9’s e-mail list: free1oh3point9-subscribe at topica or to forward us your concert announcement, or send us your record to play: free103point9 at yahoo 302 Bedford Ave., #261, Brooklyn, 11211 to respond publicly to this message: web screwmusicforever/interaction or to check out what we’ve done: web screwmusicforever/free103/free103flyer.html ^ This email was sent to: infornography at egroups T O P I C A Register now to manage your mail! web topica/partner/tag02/register ^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . to spam other worthless infornophiles: infornography at eGroups illuminating infornography: web infornography.org . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
#1783 astrid has left the building Tue, 5 Jun 2001 05:39:59 From:
#1784 Corrected email for Friday Tue, 5 Jun 2001 05:49:37 From: SUBTLECHAOS PARTY Two separate dancefloors: Kalyx [growroom, synthetic sadhus] DJ Eleven [union, vibes] Jason vs. Vadim [subtlechaos] Severyn, NYC Angeles [chiletrance, 6th element] Gavin [spectra] PLUS SPECIAL GUESTS… Fluoro decoration by Daniel [subtlechaos] Kura and Severyn 113 Ludlow St. Manhattan take F train to Delancey (same location as SubtleChaos E Label party last year…) $10 cover, 18+/21 to drink, ID required for everyone, 11pm-8am Invitation only – bring this email or our official flyer. Bring a didj or a drum if you can play, costumes welcome. Chai, fruits and more treats for all our guests! Thank you for support!
#1785 d fundraiser boat tour june 22/23 Tue, 5 Jun 2001 15:29:31 From: Taking a monthly break from our standard fare and setting sail for uncharted waters on 6/22/23 $35 for members, eight hour crazy cruise. Special introductory offer for new members, package rate for multiple members. Inquire for more info.
#1786 Cc: “Thed. Com” thedJune 9 Saturday morning Tue, 5 Jun 2001 21:48:18 From: Feel free to forward to your favorite psy-trance people… The Full Moon is out this weekend. The weather forecast is partly cloudy, low 55 to 60 and high in the upper 70s. I you happen to be up this fine Saturday morning (June 9) come join a fine group of folks at a psychedelic potluck family get-together in a spacious Tribeca loft. Back again, vastly improved space and sound system… and this time no 18 hour bridge event to compete with. Not a full-on dance after party (that’s at Twilo 🙁 but a friendly chillout. Many new surprises. 146 Duane Street (call from the entree from the street) 8:30am-4pm HOW MUCH Lucky $7. Everyone will be asked to donate to the Cause. If you bring extra water, refreshments, OJ, chai, paper towels, whatever, your cover will be reduced. $5 reduced admission for d members. All proceeds will go towards food for the needy (that’s me right now I’m down to 150 lbs 🙁 WHERE Tribeca. 146 Duane Street between Church and West Broadway. Once there call for entree from the street. Directions are the end of this email. SOUND d Sound system, CDJs. 7am-2pm and possibly beyond. We can go through the night if we behave ourselves. If you were there for the afterparty for the Marij. march you know the deal. The sound will be chill at 7am and build and build and crescendo to full capacity around 11am and then chill on the volume a TINY bit around noon and then… onward and upward. Please respect the neighbors that are in the building, don’t hang out in the hallways etc. SPACE 2000′ loft, 20′ ceilings, Grecian pillars, huge windows, brainmachines, oxygen, costumes, incense, internet access, video projections, video games, T-shirts, CDs, UV lights, fluoro tapestries by House of Trance, some fog, crazy lighting, vornado fan, working toilets, yoga on the roof. MUSIC DJs- Skilled and inspired DJs from the d will be representing. Aspiring DJs are welcome to contact me regarding playing. The best DJ present will get a free ticket and a spot to play on the d Summer Boat Cruise on June 22. Requests off Napster at a $5 donation per pop (196 kps). PEOPLE A mishmash of friends, fiends, trance people. REFRESHMENTS Bring your own bottled water, virgin’s blood, juice and food. There is a fountain of youth with running water to refill your water bottles. There is a nice Punjabi place with excellent samosas one block east. BRING if you get a chance, artwork and painting supplies would be enlightening, and a blanket if you be shillin be chillin be children. THE SOURCE All proceeds go towards doing more of this dodgey business, i.e. my summer move into this space. Special thanks to Parasense for keeping it unreal. DIRECTIONS From Ludlow street: Walk down on Ludlow, take left at Delancey, at Essex and Delancey street take J/M/Z to “Chambers”; walk west on Chambers, take right on Church, take a left on Duane 1,9,2,3 downtown to “Chambers St.” walk up West Broadway to Duane, take a right A,C downtown to “Chambers St.” walk up Church, take a left on Duane 4,5,6 downtown to “Brooklyn Bridge” walk west on Chambers, take right on Church, take a left on Duane N,R/City Hall walk west on Chambers, take right on Church, take a left on Duane Cell phone number: and… that night… Besto Kaiju Fans: Kaiju Big Battel will make its New York City premier this weekend. Here’s the low down: SoundLab/Cultural Alchemy in conjunction with Madame Chao Productions presents: Kaiju Big Battel! Saturday, June 9th 10pm, 353 Broadway, NYC Featuring sounds by: DJ Spooky, Priest & Beans of Anti-pop Consortium, Cannibal Ox, Singe & Verb, 8-Bit Construction, DJ Prozac, DJ Mutamassik, Infant Reader: Lessons 1 & 5 Visual manipulations by: BLIP – PanOptic – How2 – Luke – Madame Chao – Fondue And live monster mayhem by KAIJU Big Battel, the world’s only live monster wrestling spectacle. Tickets – $15 at the door – $12 presale (tickets available at Other Music & Mondo Kim’s) Check kaiju for details on the night’s featured monster wrestling super stars!
#1787 Eitan’s birthday party! Wed, 6 Jun 2001 01:21:20 From: Come help Eitan celebrate being spiritual through psychedelic trance! NEVA BAR – Birthday Party! We would like to announce of this upcoming event. NEVA BAR – Birthday Party! Thursday, June 7, 2001 Time: 10:00PM – 4:00AM CDT (-05:00) Spiritual Beings is proud to present: THURSDAY NIGHT AT NEVA – EITAN’S BIRTHDAY PARTY Where and When: Thursday night at NEVA BAR, 28 7th Av south (between Morton & Bedford), NYC, NY. Directions: It’s a few blocks south of Christopher st. subway station (1,9). Djs: * Dj Max (Psylocib) * Dj Ran (Spiritual Beings) * Dj Eitan (Spiritual Beings) – Our Birthday Boy! Admission: * Free! Hope to see you there 🙂 Peace. Love. Unity. Respect. Spiritual beings.
#1788 And after the Elf Nest party Saturday morning Wed, 6 Jun 2001 11:47:58 From: It’s a day party, and we’re all invited!! I know what you’re thinking… SKIP the Psychedelic Potluck at the Elf Nest and head on out to the techno! If that’s your deal then Go for it! Saturday, June 9, 2001 HAVOC + VIRUS FREE PARTY [2nd Annual] cHepers-FlushGulliani thanks to all who came out to the generator benefit two weeks back. we can now bring the sound outside for the summer!!!! come experience what collective power can generate… 5kW of HAVOC + VIRUS RENEGADE ]]]]]]]]]]sound[[[[[[[[[[ dj’s and live acts from 11am to 8pm- thats 9 full hours of the good shit!!! jack.clang (soundbombing extraordinaire) nic-fit (humming to the tune of destruction) – *liveact* blubber (sofat jungle and and the dubhall massive) zemi17 (psychosematic mindchaos for bluelines) al:i (jesustrance and hardbreaks) nakedslice (wikked beats and cutup family fun) automaton (gutwrenching grindcore electronique) xylene (the freetek monkeywrench continues) phd productions (hardbreaking noizecore) – tagteam*liveact* from deutscheclub.dk carl g (elektro from the edge of sane) – *liveact* from homebase, PA spiderman (tek no stoppin’ this one) ++++ guests to be announced PIRATE DIRECT distribution on premises (see attached list for some wicked titles) locale: Flushing Meadows Park, Meadow Lake area, Queenz time: from 11am to 8pm BY SUBWAY: Take the #7 train to the SHEA STATION/WILLETS POINT stop. It’s about a 20 minute walk down through the park (south) to the Meadow Lake area. BY VEHICLE: A) Van Wyck Expressway South to Exit 11- Flushing Meadows Pk-Jewel Avenue. B) Van Wyck Expressway North to exit 12A. On exit ramp make first left under highway (U-turn) and next right into the Park. c) LIE Eastbound to Exit 22 to Van Wyck Expressway South. See A. D) LIE Westbound to Exit 22B-College Point Blvd./Van Wyck Expressway: make first left on to College Point Blvd: continue straight onto service road to lake entrance. *********** VOICEMAIL: 212-726-0631 ************* we will arrive early to setup and get a good spot. the voicemail will be updated that day so you have pinpoint directionz, but basically if you take the subway in, walk down through the park, to the Meadow Lake area (20-25 min.) and follow the path around to the left (east side). You’ll see or hear us for sure…. havoc.freetekno.sk come.to/teknode-usa web virusrenegade.8k web deutscheclub.dk grayzine/homebase/ web virusrenegade.8k
#1789 Wednesday at Opium Den Wed, 6 Jun 2001 14:58:16 From: Hello Everybody! First of all Happy Full Moon!! This is a for Wednesday nights at Opium Den with DJ Angeles+Guests. Come and enjoy the Trance music with nice people and vibesssssss. DJ Angeles(Chiletrance-6th Element) Kamal(Dragonlotus) Opium Den 29 East 3rd Street at 2nd Avenue 10 Pm No cover Thanks!! Love and Light Angeles a year!
#1790 calling all artists.. and you. Wed, 6 Jun 2001 16:09:14 From: I need your info, i am updating the brainmachines site. and, if i know you, and you actually go to trance parties and are not just a lurker, send me a fucking photo! But it must be 1″ x 1″ 72 dpi JPG so i can add you. also, send me funny photos of BTS people so I can have fun with them.
#1791 Here Egos Again Wed, 6 Jun 2001 17:07:49 From: State of the Union My fellow Goamericans, I have been unemployed going on five months. I was selling advertising making $110k a year. Now I am here, squatting. Life is beautiful. The movie is not even in the opening credits. Now that Twilo is closed (the motherfuckers were not open to new ideas – they just wanted a minimal thing, just people paying money so that they can dance to Sasha’s ear popping pill popping drone music, as opposed to the spiritually enlightening brain chemistry that is psychedelic trance) Now that Twilo is closed, the feds and the city will probably continue to crack down on people who dance and have peak spiritual experiences on the dance floor. GHB was the final straw that got Twilo, and was also a major downer at past events. You GHB people, thanks for leaving it at home. Let’s keep it that way. Don’t miss your chance to join the d and get a boat cruise to boot. Don’t miss the boat. And nothing will change much after Michael Bloomberg gets elected Mayor. The BTS “problem” is an ongoing mess, but their weltanschauung doesn’t mesh with tranceadelica. Subtlechaos always making problems, doing it their ham headed way, but it is their way. Against all odds, and some oddballs, Synthetic Sadhus created a new residency at the Roxy, last Friday of every month. Thanks again for showing your strength. Tsunami settles in at the World. Sound still needs help, they need to hire Ricardo with his killer Mackey sound system. (Remember Parasense and the House of Trance bridge party?) Some BTS made it in to Tsunami and left before I got there from the Blue subway affair. Call Fox 5 at 212-452-3800 and tell them you want information on where you can find an Alien Sex Party, or if they know of any aliens who really *do* ecstasy. Gosha is back from the Ukraine. My former roomate Deeper in Zen is travelling in Europe but Kent Friedman is at the studio – and you will hear soon a compilation of the best of what NYC psy-producers has to offer, which is, surprisingly – in our banal capitalist culture – a lot. Thanks, Legolas the Sinadarin Elf
#1792 Thu, 7 Jun 2001 16:17:35 Fwd: This sunday at Bar on A this is from a good friend – not psy-trance but GREAT people
#1793 To: “Thed. Com” thedALIEN SEX PARTY Boat status Thu, 7 Jun 2001 16:46:33 From: We officially have enough people and resources and financial backing from back room benefactors to go forward with the boat party on June 23. We’re about half capacity with attendees; if you have been procastinating on going I highly recommend you act now to reserve your space. The $35 includes food and drinks, and there’s nothing else trance wise going on that weekend. After a conversation with Mark “we decided” to have this technically a non-d event. As this is nonprofit, we’ll still use the speakers and mixer for this one, but not use the formal DJ nomination process. So far we have Steve-O from Nantucket, Tony from and Machinelf from Hyperspace as DJs. So step on up! So far we have a nice even mix of males and females, trance heads and bright newcomers. And we’ll call it the ALIEN SEX PARTY – HIPS AJOY.
#1794 9 Jun 2001 01:02:01 – Karma Karma Friday, June 15, 2001 Time: 9:00PM – 3:00AM T. H. C. (Temporal Harmony Codes) presents -ORGANIC MATH- Friday, June 15 Free Cyborganic Chill-Out Trippy Downtempo Psychedelic Ambient Eclectic Beats & Psytrance with DJ’s: * Angeles (6th Element, chiletrance) * DNA * Evan (T.H.C.) * Jes * and guests at Karma Bar & Lounge -51 1st Ave, btwn 3rd & 4th St. -Lots of couches, and lots of big beautiful Hookahs! with many falvored tobaccos -Doors: 9pm til late! Info: evan at shpongle O rthogenic R esonance G enerating A coustoopic N on-linear I nformation C oding M usical A ttributes T o H yperspace Interdimensional devices; levitating, spinning, crawling and sliding. Linking, dividing, harmonizing and synergizing qualities, forms, waves and realities. Trans-technological singularities of temporal matrices, hyper-functional crystaline mathematic fractal baby gizmos of light, color and sound, busy, busy, busy, work so efficiently you have to use them just as fast and efficient… can you keep up? …don’t worry…………..they’re everywhere.
#1795 Chaishop party Sat, 9 Jun 2001 22:49:09 From: SYNTHETIC SADHUS presents CHAISHOP on Friday June 29 2001. Come and spend an other transcendental night with us in the land of fantasy! The first New York appearance of Germanys most thought after trance act. Their eclectic hard, deep techno-trance sound is a blessing: HALODIUM (Free Form-Chaishop-Germany) While touring the world over, this legendary pioneer & back with a brand new live: ORGANIC NOISE (TIP Records- Free Form-Germany) With a killer new album on Phonokol and a forth coming one on TIP Records, rocking parties from Japan to Mexico, a live act from Israels best breed: ALIEN PROJECT (TIP Records-Phonokol-Israel) Chaishops visionary father, Sam has imposed himself as one of Europes most influent artist & producer: SAM (Chaishop-Germany) After a stomping set at our last TIP party, our resident is back with quite guaranteed blistering new tracks: NIKO (Synthetic Sadhus-NYC) Decoration: After covering the last VOOV festival in Germany, Amrisha stands as one of Europes most talented fluoro painter, it is her first New York appearance. AMRISHA (Spirit Zone-Germany). Enlightening our events since more than three years, this three-dimensional wizard creates the gates to the worlds of ascending fantasy & stringing infinity: JAMIN MURPHY (NYC) Chill-out environment by WANDERLUST. Featuring Chai Tea, Tents, Hookas, Visuals, & Massage Plus Live sets, Dj’s sets by: DOTS (Wanderlust-NYC) SASKAI (Echo Lounge) RANKA (Echo Lounge) MICHAEL WANDERLUST PETER ANDERS (NYC) Partys location: The TUNNEL 220 12th Ave & 27th Street Manhattan, NYC Featuring a state of the art sound system! This party is 18 & over! (Please bring your I.D.) Doors open from 11pm till 7am. Tickets are $ 30 in advance and $35 at the door. You can purchase advance tickets a week prior to event in the following record shops: House of Trance 212 533 6700 Throb 212 533 2328 Satellite 212 995 1744 Vinyl Market 212 539 1203 -New Manhattan Store! Sonic Groove 212 675 5284 Growroom (MA) 413 549 9296 Satellite (Boston) 617 536 5482 Caffeine (LI) 516 797 7196 611 (Philly) 215 413 9100 /
#1796 finally: PARTY ON JUNE 17th Sun, 10 Jun 2001 18:30:47 From: Sent: Saturday, June 09, 2001 11:53 PM finally: PARTY ON JUNE 17th We are oh-so-very-happy to inform you about this upcoming event: When: Saturday, June 16th, 2001 from 10:00pm till 6:00am. Where: At club “Speeed”: 20 west 39 st (between 5th and 6th), NYC, NY. We rented the Moroccan lounge. It’s a magical intimate space we know you’ll love. Please try to come early. We might be forced to close doors at some point during the night. Djs: * Dj FxMike (Alphatrance) * Dj Eitan (Spiritual Beings) * Dj Ran (Spiritual Beings) Admission: **** $15 with no flyer **** $10 with this e-flyer **** $7 for Spiritual Beings members. Info: Spiritualbeings at hotmail Hope to see you there! Peace. Love. Unity. Respect. Spiritual beings. ****** “I Think, Therefore I’m Dangerous” ****** ! MAILMAN Spiritual Beings urday, June 09, 2001 11:53 PM finally: PARTY ON JUNE 17 th We are oh-so-very-happy to inform you about this upcoming event: Saturday, June 16th, 2001 from 10:00pm till 6:00am. /D At club “Speeed”: 20 west 39 st (between 5th and 6th), NYC, NY . We rented the Moroccan lounge. It’s a magical intimate space we know you’ll love. Please try to come early. We might be for ced to close doors at some point during the night. / : * Dj FxMike (Alphatrance) * Dj Eitan (Spiritual Beings) * Dj Ran (Spiritual B eings) s **** $15 with no flyer **** $10 with this e-flyer **** $7 for Spirit ual Beings members. Hope to see you there! Peace. Love. Unity. R espect. Spiritual beings.
#1797 k,d, and tolkien in village voice Sun, 10 Jun 2001 21:01:34 From: 2 articles from this week’s village voice 1. K and d 2. JRR Tolkien, Lord of the Geeks Welcome to the K-Hole by Erik Davis ne of the most hopeless yet admirable reactions to the utter weirdness of psychedelic experience is the desire to write about it. Whether in the form of trip tales, philosophical rants, or revisionist histories, writing promises to ground the experience, “bringing some of it back” even while underscoring the pale inadequacy of language in the face of extreme altered states. At the same time, this inadequacy provides one of the secret pleasures of psychedelic literature, which stimulates desire for ineffable experience as it brings the tension between ordinary discourse and the otherworlds of ds so sharply into play. Nowhere is this tension more apparent than in the increasingly neuro-pharmacological language surrounding popular discussions of psychedelics. Researchers and heads find themselves suspended between monkey studies and parallel worlds, serotonin receptors and the void. Unable to contain the psychedelic experience within current biological models, researchers inevitably drift toward the science fictional fringe. Such, in any case, is what happens to doctors Rick Strassman and Karl Jansen in their important new books. The first major overviews devoted to d and K address two of the most fascinating molecules your nervous system may ever meet. An anesthetic found in every emergency room, K is the more often consumed of the two, though we usually hear more about the low-dose snuffage that jacks up club kids than the hour’s worth of deep-space scuba diving that comes with shooting a heftier load into, say, your butt. dan intensely freaky, smokable goo that blasts users past the far peaks of magic Fungi and back in about 20 minutesremains the more esoteric substance, despite the fact that the molecule is found throughout our bodies and in much of the living world. As the first researcher in decades authorized to give humans psychedelics, Strassman has an interesting story to tell, and he tells it like the sober Buddhist shrink he is. After jumping through countless regulatory hoops, Strassman started squirting high doses of d into the veins of seasoned New Mexican tripsters. Technically, he was studying the d’s physical effects, but what really drove him was his hunch that d was “the spirit molecule”: the biological basis for near-death experiences (NDEs) and mystical states of consciousness. Strassman speculates that, during times of high stress (like dying), the pineal gland may churn out enough d to overwhelm the body’s protection mechanisms and make us trip from within. d: The Spirit Molecule By Rick Strassman Park Street Press, 358 pp., $16.95 paper Buy this book K: Dreams and Realities By Karl Jansen MAPS, 355 pp., $14.95 paper Buy this book more on books at VLS Strassman’s psychonauts regularly found themselves hurtled into alien laboratories, high-tech nurseries, and Day-Glo hieroglyphic hypercubes. Odder by far were the consistent reports of encounters with otherworldly beings often characterized as clowns, imps, or jesters (the late Terence McKenna dubbed them the “machine elves of hyperspace”). Strassman was not prepared for these entities, which popped up far more consistently than the similarities to NDEs and mystical experiences he expected to find. He was disappointed as well when follow-up interviews found little evidence for the sort of long-term positive psychological changes that he thought the spirit molecule would leave in its wake. He also worried about d’s risks, which not only include nightmare trips (one fellow was treated to a round of anal rape by a crew of alien crocodiles), but dangerous fluctuations in blood pressure. In the end, Strassman comes to the conclusion that “d [is] not inherently therapeutic.” If anything, K is an even kookier substance than d. Significantly different from tryptamine-based ds like d and l, K unfolds users into a disembodied otherzone more likely to be compared to The Matrix than the organic honeycombs of psilocybin. Though capable of stirring up godlike emotions, K also has a rep for a certain Spock-like chill, which Jansen links to the fact that the d stimulates the neocortex while dampening the emotional centers of the brain. Still, though Jansen’s book is chock-full of copious interviews with K fans, the d’s bizarre majesty does not come through with the force of Strassman’s d reports, perhaps because K’s elusive experiences are frequently difficult to recall. K can also exact a high, if unusual, price: addiction. As Jansen wryly notes, this may come as a surprise “for those left in a state of psychic shock after their first experience, darkly muttering ‘never again.’ ” Jansen devotes considerable attention to K addiction and its possible cures, and includes fascinating first-person accounts from literate brainiacs who undermine the typical image of the needle freak. An ambitious fellow, Jansen is clearly trying to establish himself as Dr. K, and to that end he fills his sometimes poorly organized book with facts and anecdotes. Jansen offers a convincing neurological explanation for the similarity of K trips and NDEs, and includes an in-depththough predictably inconclusive discussion of K’s long-term effects on brain tissue. But unlike Strassman, who openly confesses his doubts, confusions, and desires surrounding d, Jansen hides his feelings behind the mask of the lab coat. That’s the standard scientific tack, of course, but his personal caginess about a substance that so compels him leaves one with a vague unease. Both Jansen and Strassman have done their homework, so when they turn to wilder speculations, they earn our attention, though not necessarily our belief. For his part, Strassman abandoned his shrinkish tendency to psychologize the alien encounters he kept hearing about, and came to accept the possibility that the d opened up “freestanding, independent levels of existence about which we are at most only dimly aware.” Jansen, who also notes the profound sense of reality communicated by K, suggests that K may act as a “mental modem” that plugs us into other dimensions. You may be fascinated by the weird physics they trot out (parallel universes, dark matter, biological quantum computers), but I was far more intrigued by a comment made by one of Strassman’s psychonauts, who said that d felt more like a new technology than a d. In other words, while psychedelics provide pretty shifty models of reality, it does seem fair to view them as machines of perceptionin other words, media. As we know from the Ecstasy debates, scientific heads like Strassman and Jansen are often trying to legitimate psychedelics on therapeutic groundsgrounds that Strassman here bravely calls into question. But the real “scientific” justification for psychedelics may lie with nothing more or less than humanity’s curious eye, which can hardly be expected to turn away from one of the most kaleidoscopic lenses chemistry has yet tossed our way. J.R.R. Tolkien Still Feeds the Nerd Nations Imagination Lord of the Geeks by Julian Dibbell n 1961, five years after publication of the final volume in John Ronald Reuel Tolkien’s three-part fantasy epic, The Lord of the Rings, the formidable English literary critic Philip Toynbee announced with great relief that popular enthusiasm for Tolkien was now thoroughly tapped out and his works were finally on their way to “merciful oblivion.” Nice call, Phil: Four years later, the first American paperback edition of The Lord of the Rings appeared, and the modestly bestselling bookthe tale of brave little hobbit Frodo Baggins’s quest to destroy the Ring of Power and save Middle Earth from the Dark Lord Sauronblew up to a youth-cultural legend. Three million copies were sold between 1965 and 1968; the curly-haired Frodo and his white-bearded wizardly protector Gandalf became hippie icons; and merry pranksters decked the walls of college campuses with such graffiti as “J.R.R. Tolkien is hobbit forming” and “Frodo Lives.” He still does, in case you hadn’t noticed. Even as you read this, the living face of Frodo Baggins is probably shining, 10 feet tall, on a movie screen near you, embodied by teen actor Elijah Wood in a trailer for New Line Cinema’s upcoming Fellowship of the Ring, the first installment in a slavishly faithful three-film rendering of the Ring trilogy. When the movie opens in December, it will land like a mothership in the midst of a global fandom that has by now swelled the sales figure for Tolkien’s masterwork to over 50 million copies (not counting the 40 million sales of its 1938 predecessor, The Hobbit). The Tolkienite hordes have been flooding Web sites for months with gossip and debate about the film. Add in every online discussion about the genealogy of the kings of Gondor, every argument over the syntax of the Elven Quenya dialect, and the monthly textual output of the world’s Tolkien-flavored chat rooms and message boards probably exceeds, kilobyte for kilobyte, the 1400 pages of The Lord of the Rings itself. In short, the year 2001 finds Tolkien’s following bigger and busier than at any other period in the four decades since Philip Toynbee wrote its obituary. What that amounts to in the greater pop cultural scheme of things, of course, is harder to say than it used to be. Back in the days when Tolkien was still alive and in the habit of referring to his shaggy, puff-sleeved fans as “my deplorable cultus” (he was a straitlaced, archconservative Catholic himself), they were easily mistaken for flower children, or at least fellow travelers on the road to a global transformation of consciousness through ds, electrified music, and other forms of postindustrial enchantment. But now that the world-historical context has simmered down and a somewhat tamer generation has filled out the hobbit-loving ranks, everyone can see they’re just geeks. Or somthing even geekier, arguably: ur-geeks. Keepers of the geek flame. For if The Lord of the Rings is not the sine qua non of geek culture, it’s hard to think what is. After all, the vast genre of fantasy fiction is, along with sci-fi, one of the two great narrative flows feeding the Nerd Nation’s imaginative life, and nobody doubts that Tolkien single-handedly invented it. And that’s not even counting the immense subcultural continent that is Dungeons & Dragons and every role-playing game descended from itfrom the complex, online time-suck EverQuest to the Japanimated children’s saga DragonBallZall of which testify to the formative influence of the Tolkien mythos. Throw in Star Wars (as Tolkienesque a space opera as ever there was) and the argument is pretty much a lock: Without the lucidly imagined geography of Middle Earth and the archetypal characters Tolkien stocked it withthe grave wizards, stout dwarves, evil orcs, and above all, plucky, permanently adolescent hobbitsgeekdom as we know it would simply not exist. If you feel that’s no particularly meaningful achievement, I understand. But maybe you could indulge me and imagine, just for a moment, that the fact that we live in a world increasingly made by geeks actually makes their collective imagination worth understanding. Think about computers, their evolution shaped by a hacker culture that insisted some of the earliest dot-matrix printers be programmed to produce the elvish Fanorian script. Think about the Internet, whose founding architects included the D&D fanatic who created the Adventure, the very first, very Tolkienized online role-playing game. Think, for a moment, about these profoundly transformative technologies. And then consider the possibility that the structures of feeling we inherit from them might just have some intimate connection to the dream life of the people who designed them. Consider, in other words, the possibility that The Lord of the Rings, geek culture’s defining literary creation, might just be one of the defining literary creations of our age. That The Lord of the Rings belongs among the most important works of modern Western literature is not an unheard-of notion, but it’s not exactly a blue-ribbon one either. True, in some of the first reviews of the trilogy, Tolkien’s best friend, C.S. Lewis, did call it a groundbreaking successor to the Odyssey, and W.H. Auden reckoned it was right up there with Milton’s Paradise Lost. But when bercritic Edmund Wilson published a bruising smackdown in The Nation (“Oo, Those Awful Orcs,” April 14, 1956) dismissing the book as “balderdash” and “juvenile trash,” he sent Tolkien’s critical stock into a long, steady tailspin from which it has yet to recover. By late 1996, when a survey of British readers crowned The Lord of the Rings “the greatest book of the 20th century,” the dismay that set in among Britain’s credentialed literati was as predictable as it was over-the-top. Germaine Greer, who arrived at Cambridge as a student in 1964, wrote “it has been my nightmare that Tolkien would turn out to be the most influential writer of the twentieth century. The bad dream has materialized.” Nor does the official stance seem to have softened any since. Just a few weeks ago critic Judith Shulevitz went to the trouble of reminding us all, in the pages of The New York Times Book Review, that no modern work of fiction in which people say things like “There lie the woods of Lthlrien! . . . Let us hasten!” can be anything less than “death to literature itself.” Shulevitz made these remarks in response to claims very much to the contrary, advanced in T. Shippey’s new critical assessment, J.R.R. Tolkien: Author of the Century, published by Houghton Mifflin last month. Shippey is a professor of Old English, just as Tolkien wasShippey even shared teaching duties with Tolkien at Oxford for a brief timeand he seems to take just a tad personally the general critical disdain heaped upon his former colleague. But while his indignation gets a little out of hand, his argument is a sober one, aimed at setting Tolkien alongside such epic poets of the 20th-century condition as Orwell, Joyce, and Pynchon. The Lord of the Rings, he insists, constitutes “a deeply serious response to what will be seen in the end as the major issues of his century: the origin and nature of evil . . .human existence . . . without the support of divine revelation; cultural relativity; and the corruptions and continuities of language.” But in fact, deeply serious or not, Tolkien’s actual responses to these issues are so deeply unengaged with the 20th-century cultural mainstream as to seem willfully out of it. A lovely list of issues indeed. The problem, though, is that, deeply serious or not, Tolkien’s responses to them were those of a man whose head resided in the 20th century but whose heart just wasn’t in it. He was a medievalist in more ways than one, and to read his work as Shippey proposes, with the concerns of modernist literature in mind, is to invite the sort of exasperation you might feel if you were in the mood for Madame Bovary and got handed Beowulf instead. Tolkien’s theory of evil? Well, orcs are, our heroes aren’t, and that about sums it up. Tolkien’s take on “human existence”? A hard gig, certainly, full of danger and tough decisions, but fortunately not enough to threaten the wise Gandalf, the noble Aragorn, the sly Saruman, or any of Tolkien’s other characters with more than the occasional moment of psychological complexity. And as for “cultural relativity,” hoo boy. By the time you have read your third or fourth description of the orcs as “swarthy” and “slant-eyed” you will either have checked your late-modern political sensitivities at the door or thrown the book at the wall. But ultimately, the real problem with Shippey’s approach is the same one that dogs almost all attempts to wring serious literary meaning out of The Lord of the Rings: It fails to take Tolkien’s literary project as seriously as he took it himself. “I cordially dislike allegory in all its manifestations,” he famously wrote in one foreword to the trilogy, warning readers against the temptation of finding in it “any inner meaning or ‘message.’ ” Nearly every thoughtful piece of Tolkien criticism makes some kind of nod to the letter of that admonition, but very few can resist violating its spirit. For some, the “inner meaning” of The Lord of the Rings has been a bluntly topical allegory of, say, World War II or eco-activism (Sauron is Hitler and the Ring is the atomic bomb; Sauron is the enemy of Gaia and the Ring is industrial technology). For more high-minded exegetes, like Auden and Shippey, the meanings are more abstract (Frodo’s quest is the Quest of Everyman to come to know himself; Frodo’s struggle with the Ring’s corrupting influence is society’s struggle with the burden of power). But either way, these critics’ sense of the worthiness of the trilogy compels them to sniff out its significance, often as not at the expense of any true grasp of what Tolkien’s point and power really are. So what is his point then? What is his power? Strip away his meaning and what is left? Well, Middle Earth itself. Or rather his invention of ita powerful, lifelong act that produced at least 12 volumes of background notes on the history and languages of that imaginary world. Some might call this make-believe, others might call it simulation, still others would call it hallucination. All three explain why, as an unnamed British smartass observed in a 1992 edition of Private Eye, Tolkien’s writing appeals less to critics than “to those with the mental age of a child, computer programmers, hippies and most Americans.” There is in Americaand anywhere else the engines of postmodernity run at full tilta growing cultural fascination with the elasticity of reality, and with it a growing urge to tinker at reality’s stretchiest edges. Literature, as the critics now understand it, doesn’t satisfy this urge. But child’s play has always done the trick. Psychedelics too. And now, more and more, our technologies are at it as well. Already, deep, complex computer games like the Sims and Black and White anticipate an era when critics locate culture’s center of gravity not in books but in elaborate digital simulations. And when they do, a few may recall that it was Tolkien, lord of the geeks, who announced the shift.
#1798 MachinatiMembersHavoc/Virus Mon, 11 Jun 2001 16:08:57 From: The Havoc/Virus day party in Queens Meadow had some of the best techno and breaks I’ve heard in a while. Everyone had a good time, all the picnickers seemed to be getting into it, even the 5 year old black girls. It’s good to see their new generator being put to such good use. Hats off to a great group of people. Speaking of good use, there are still spaces available on the boat for the Alien Sex Party. $35 tickets buy you 8 hour cruise, open bar, food… Email me for payment details to reserve your space today.
#1799 FW: Matter/:Form Overboard Boat Party, Sunday June 17th Tue, 12 Jun 2001 12:40:09 From: Note, this event is four hours, cash bar, and house music, on a half circuit of Manhattan, at $25. The Alien Sex Party is eight hours, open bar, with trance, techno, with a full circuit of Manhattan and up the Hudson, swimming, and many unexpected surprises, at $35. Just a cost comparison… Sent: Tuesday, June 12, 2001 1:28 AM To: Matter/:Form Overboard Boat Party, Sunday June 17th On Sunday, June 17th, Matter/:Form invites you to our second installment of this summers boat parties… the OVERBOARD boat party a matter/:form action Disc Jockey’s: Terry Lee Brown (Plastic City, UCMG) Timewriter (Plastic City, UCMG) David Hollands (Minimal Wage) Mike Bryant (Intrinsic Design) Aboard the PaddleWheel Queen Located at: 23rd & the East River Boarding Time / Skyy Vodka open bar: 7pm Departing at: 8pm (sharp) Returning to dock at 12am Tickets are $25 and will be available at: Vinyl Market (212-539-1203) 241 East 10th Street (between 1st and 2nd Ave.) Halcyon (718-260-9299) 227 Smith Street (Brooklyn) This is a rain or shine event! A Limited number of additional tickets will be available at the pier the day of the event. We are proud to have Groovetech onboard as our new broadcast sponsor for the summer Please Visit: web groovetech and click on broadcasts, find our logo and enjoy. Or click on this link for direct access to last events mix sets: web groovetech/PhoenixData/GT/srvlt/GTController?actionBroadc astDetail&pagedetailbroadcast.jsp&HTMLTypeDetail&BroadcastEventID 6571 For more info, email: info at matter-form web matter-form There will also be an after hours following the boats return to dock. After Hours located at: West 8th 40 West 8th Street (between 6th Avenue and Macdougal) With Resident Disc Jockey’s: Francis VS. Finn Plus very special guest Ralphie Romance Stay tuned for more…thank you…. matter/:form To be removed from this list, please respond with subject “REMOVE”. Someone lost a set of keys on the boat during the last boat party, email CZ1111 at aol if you found ’em
#1800 FW: Trancedance/Healing Ritual Presented by Parashakti & Shakti Spirits-June 17 Tue, 12 Jun 2001 21:04:45 From: Trancedance/Healing Ritual Presented by Parashakti & S Sent: Tuesday, June 12, 2001 6:57 PM To: Recipient List Suppressed: Trancedance/Healing Ritual Presented by Parashakti & Shakti Spirits-June 17 Dear Spirit Dancers We invite you to a special day of events that will take place on Sunday June 17. From 2 till 5 p.m. Parashakti and the Shakti Spirits will lead a Hatha Yoga class that will be followed by a Trancedance healing ritual.(to learn more about Trancedance look at the bottom of letter). This will be held at Limon dance studio- 611 Broadway by Houston St.,9th. floor. Join us for Trancedance, Yoga, chanting, laughter meditation, Healing Ritual ceremony and a delicious vegetarian Indian dinner. From 6:30-10:00: at the Integral Yoga Institute-(227 west 13th. St ) a Healing Ritual,Kirtan – (devotional chanting) and delicious vegetarian dinner will be held. This event is to be an benefit for the sister of one of Integral Yoga’s live in members. Ahalya Ahalya has been a member of Integral Yoga since she has been a child. Her sister Uchenna is afflicted with an undiagonosedmtskin condition that has forced her to leave collage . It will require her to seek medical treatment in the United States. This event will also be lead by Parashakti. We will also have a special laughter meditation by Laraji,the master of music as spirit. Price for the Trancedance: $25.00 for the Healing Ritual. Kirtan and dinner $ 15.00 For more info and to r.s.v.p. please call 212-396-9095 Please pass this along to those who might be intrested Trance Dance is a unique blend of healing sounds, dynamic percussive rhythms, transformational breathing techniques and the innovative use of a blindfold or bandana – together stimulating an ‘trance’ state that promotes spiritual awakenings, mental clarity, physical stamina and emotional well-being. Driven by unique musical soundtracks recorded specifically for this mthod of healing, Trance Dance takes participants on an ‘inner journey’ not limited to our normal perceptions of space/time. Ritual trance journeys have been a vital part of shamanic and eastern dance cultures for thousands of years. Our contemporary approach to Trance Dance brings together the richness of these ancient rituals with some startlingly effective modern techniques. One of these is the use of a blindfold or bandana which covers the eyes, thereby shutting down the major source of distractions to the brain and stimulating an ‘inner vision’ that reveals hidden meanings and answers to many of life’s most compelling questions. sage- From: Mark Sklawer RSent: Tuesday, June 12, 2001 6:57 PM To: Recipient List Suppressed: Trancedance/Healing Ritual Presented by Pa rashakti & Shakti Spirits-June 17 Dancers &nb sWe invite you to a special day of events that will take place on Sunday June 17. 5 p.m. Parashakti and the Shakti Spirits will lead a Hatha Yoga class that will be followed by a Trancedance healing ritual.(to learn more about Trancedance look at the bottom of letter). &nbs This will be held at Limon dance studio- 611 Broadway by Houston St.,9 th. floor. Join us for Trancedance, Yoga, chanting, laughter m editation, Healing Ritual ceremony and a delicious vegetarian Indian dinner. From 6:30-10:00: at the Integral Yoga Ins titute-(227 west 13th. St ) a Healing Ritual,Kirtan – (devotional chanting ) and delicious vegetarian dinner will be held. This event is to be an benefit for the sister of one of Integral Yoga’s live in members. Ahaly a ya has been a member of Integral Yoga since she has been a child. Her sist er Uchenna is afflicted with an undiagonosedmtskin condition that has forced her to leave collage . It will require her to seek medical treatme nt in the United States. This event will also be lead by Parashakti./I We will also have a special laughter meditation by Larajithe master of music as spirit. Price for the Trancedance: $25 .00 for the Healing&nb sRitual. Kirtan and dinner $ 15.00 e info and to r.s.v.p. please call 212-396-9095 Please pass this along to those who might be intrested/ &nb Trance Dance is a unique blend of healing sounds, dynamic percussive rhyth ms, transformational &n brea thing techniques and the innovative use of a blindfold or bandana – togethe r stimulating an ‘trance ‘ state that promotes spiritual awakenings, mental clarity, physical stami na and emotional well-bei ng. Driven by unique musical soundtracks recorded specifically for this me thod of healing, Trance D ance takes participants on an ‘inner journey’ not limited to our normal pe rceptions of &nbs space/time. Ritual trance journeys have been a vital part of shamanic and eastern danc e cultures for thousands of years. Our contemporary approach to Trance Dance brings together the r ichness SPA of these ancient r ituals with some startlingly effective modern techniques. One of these is the use SP of a blindfold or bandana which covers the eyes, thereby shutting down the major source of distractions to the brain and stimulating an ‘inner vision’ that reveals hidden meanings and &n answers to many of life’s most
#1803 FW: – NEVA BAR Tue, 12 Jun 2001 21:14:29 From: Sent: Tuesday, June 12, 2001 11:48 AM To:- NEVA BAR NEVA BAR Thursday, June 14, 2001 Time: 10:00PM – 4:00AM CDT (-05:00) Spiritual Beings is proud to present: THURSDAY NIGHT AT NEVA Where and When: Thursday night at NEVA BAR, 28 7th Av south (between Morton & Bedford), NYC, NY. Directions: It’s a few blocks south of Christopher st. subway station (1,9). Djs: * Dj Ran (Spiritual Beings) * Dj Eitan (Spiritual Beings) Admission: * Free admission! Hope to see you there 🙂 Peace. Love. Unity. Respect. Spiritual beings.
#1804 a low tech alternative to Speeed this Saturday Wed, 13 Jun 2001 00:09:12 From: i’ll be at Speeed but in the interest of a genre that just won’t die here it is yo! Sent: Tuesday, June 12, 2001 11:09 PM To: Fwd: DEPTH CHARGE From: “Blackkat NYC” blackkat2-owner at listbot To: List Member endoftheme at hotmail DEPTH CHARGE 13 Jun 2001 03:06:52 Blackkat NYC – web blackkat.org Start Your Own FREE Email List at web listbot/links/joinlb Wazzup everybody!! Blackkat welcomes you to our next major production DEPTH CHARGE An all night, after Mermaid underwater adventure. Saturday June 30, 2001 10 to 6 am Featuring deck masters; DJ CHROME (Blackkat) Tech-step Drum-n-bass intensity JASON BLACKKAT Hard techno, core and breaks SEAN HALL (Touch) Tech-house tightness with a special touch twist DJ 101 (Urban Resistance) Jungle massive from the roots till now TIMEBLIND (Orthlorng Musork) Abstract bangin’ electro-tech DJ POW POW (Blackkat) Jamaican hip-hop and dance hall reggae Plus; Industrial carnival rides by; THE MADAGASCAR INSTITUTE Sea monsters and underwater ambience by; TRASH WORSHIP Live video mixing and multi-projection by; ROBO & TERRI FARARRI Activist garden videos by TIMES UP Deep-sea film loops and safety by CAUTION MIKE Ambiance and decor by COMPLACENT.ORG Wet and porn bar by ROSCO Smart bar by KELVIN KAOS Party tips by DANCE-SAFE Information on the vitally important ‘Peoples Referendum To Save Our Community Gardens’ by MORE GARDENS (web voteforgardens.org) Plus many surprise performances AND a $100 CASH PRIZE for the best mermaid, Neptune, or underwater-related costume! Hosted by that Misstress of AdmissionsKAT-O Space; CHALKLINE STUDIOS Beautiful 5000 Sq. Ft. loft w/ attached roof-top deck 267 Douglass St. between Nevins and 3rd Ave Gowanus, Brooklyn NYC Cost; 10 beans supports the arts in search of renaissance Directions; By car from Brooklyn Bridge. Stay in middle lane and take a left on Atlantic Ave. In approx. 7 blocks take a right on Nevins. In approx. 8 blocks take a right on Douglass. By car from Manhattan Bridge. Stay on Flatbush approx. 8 blocks and take a right on Nevins. In approx. 10 blocks take a left on Douglass. By subway; Take the R or M to Union St. Exit right stairway onto 4th Ave. Walk approx 3 blocks towards clock tower and take a left on Douglass. Space is one and a half blocks down on right. Take the 2, 3, 4, 5, B, Q, M, N, R, or LIRR to Atlantic Ave./Pacific St. stop. Exit onto 4th Ave. Walk away from clock tower approx 8 blocks and take a right on Douglass St. Space is 1 * blocks down on the right. Take the F or G to Bergen St. stop. Walk east on Bergen approx. 8 to 10 blocks and take a right on Nevins. In approx. 4 blocks take a left on Douglass. Blackkat info-line-212.714.4987 Or check the newly updated web blackkat.org Mucho Amore from the Blackkat fam. Also, don’t forget PHREAKSHOW this Saturday June 16th at 360 W. 36th St., Manhattan. And, CARAVAN TO CUBA Benefit party Friday June 22nd at 122 W. 27th St. Mannhattan Click! MAILMAN be at Speeed but in the interest of a genre that just won’t die here it is SP m: Jacob Sabat June 12, 2001 11:09 PM To: S ubject: Fwd: DEPTH CHARGE T BODY “Blackkat NYC” blackkat2-owner at listbotTo: List Member endofthem e at hotmailDEPTH CHARGE 13 Jun 2 001 03:06:52 Blackkat NYC – – wn FREE Email List at everybody!! Blackkat welcomes you to our next major production & & DEPTH CHARGE An all night, after Mermaid underwater adventure. Saturday June 30, 200 1 10 to 6 am Featuring deck masters; B RDJ CHROME (Blackkat) Tech-step Drum-n-bass intensity JASON BLACKKAT Hard techno, core and breaks & gt; SEAN HALL (Touch) Tech-house tightness with a spec ial touch twist DJ 101 (Urban Resistance) Jungle massive from the roots till now TIMEBLIND (Orthlorng Musork) Abstract bangin’ electro-tech DJ POW POW (Blackkat) Jamaican hip-hop and dance hall reggae &g t; Plus; Industrial carnival rides by; THE MADA GASCAR INSTITUTE Sea monsters and underwater ambience by; TRASH WORSHIP Live video mixing and multi -projection by; ROBO & TERRI FARARRI Activ ist garden videos by TIMES UP Deep-sea film loops and safety by CAUTION MIKE Ambiance and decor by COMPLACENT.ORG Wet and porn bar by ROSCO & gt;Smart bar by KELVIN KAOS Party tips by DANCE-SAFE BR Information on the vitally important ‘Peoples Referen dum To Save Our Community Gardens’ by MORE GARDENS ( gt;Plus many surprise performances AND a $100 CASH PRIZE for the best mermaid, Neptune, or underwater-related costume! Hosted by that Misstress of AdmissionsKAT-O Space; CHALKLINE STUDIOS Beautiful 5000 Sq. Ft. l oft w/ attached roof-top deck 267 Douglass St. between Nevins and 3rd Ave Gowanus, Brooklyn NYC Cost10 beans supports the arts in search of renaissance Directions; By car from Brooklyn Bridge. Stay in midd le lane and take a left on Atlantic Ave. In approx. 7 blocks take a right on Nevins. In approx. 8 blocks take a right on D ouglass. By car from Manhattan Bridge. Stay on Flatbu sh approx. 8 blocks and take a right on Nevins. In approx. 10 blocks take a left on Douglass. By subway; Ta ke the R or M to Union St. Exit right stairway onto 4th Ave. Walkapprox 3 blocks towards clock tower and take a left on Douglass . Space is one and a half blocks down on right. &g t;Take the 2, 3, 4, 5, B, Q, M, N, R, or LIRR to Atlantic Ave./Pacif ic St. stop. Exit onto 4th Ave. Walk away from clock tower ap prox 8 blocks and take a right on Douglass St. Space is 1 * b locks down on the right. Take the F or G to Bergen St . stop. Walk east on Bergen approx. 8 to 10 blocks and take a right on Nevins. In approx. 4 blocks take a left on Douglass . Blackkat info-line-212.714.4987 Or check the newly updated Mucho Amore from the Blackkat fam. o, don’t forget PHREAKSHOW this Saturday June 16th at 360 W. 36th St., Manhattan. And, CARAVAN TO CUBA Benefit party Frida y June 22nd at 122 W. 27th St. Mannhattan & gt; To by targe round
#1805 Important perspective on Where We Are Now Wed, 13 Jun 2001 00:17:10 From: As psy-trance gets overextended and dimly lit, here is a ray of light… A presentation by Larry Hagerty, well worth the read: web matrixmasters/speaking/PsychedelicThinking.pdf there is a san pedro/ayuhuasca conference this month, highly recommended. Email me for details. Sent: Tuesday, June 12, 2001 10:58 PM To: mind states: psychedelic thinking
#1806 FX Mike at Opium Den Wed, 13 Jun 2001 00:25:05 From: Ed. note – FX Mike from Alphatrance is my favorite NYC DJ – go to check him out… he hasn’t been around since the last d ritual Hello Everybody!!! Every Wednesday nights at Opium Den with DJ Angeles+Guests. Come and enjoy the Trance Music and nice vibes. Welcome everybody!! DJ Angeles(Chiletrance-6th element) Soch(New York City Fx Mike(Alphatrance) OpiumDen 29 East 3rd Street at 2nd Avenue 10 PM No Cover thanks! Love and Light Angeles
#1807 To: “Thed. Com” thedAlien Status Wed, 13 Jun 2001 00:57:31 From: We have 21 paid aliens – half way there. Wow – it’s really happening. Act soon to reserve your spot.
#1808 :; Jeff needs your help!! Thu, 14 Jun 2001 18:45:18 From: Jeff has never been a private person, so at the risk of spreading rumors or otherwise besmirching Jeff, I am posting this message in what I believe is his best interest. Please do not try to email him. To the best of my knowledge, Jeff is being held in jail for “criminal trespassing”. In order to try to raise bail, money will be collected tonight at the Neva Bar. Jeff has done so much for all of us over the years, now it’s time to return the favor. Please see below for details. THANX!! At 4:14 PM 06/14/01, Spiritual Beings wrote: Jeff got arrested on Wednesday morning due to some issues at his building. Michel asked me to ask his friends to come tonight to NEVA. he will come there around midnight, give more details and ask for donations for bail. NEVA BAR Thursday, June 14, 2001 Time: 10:00PM – 4:00AM CDT (-05:00) Spiritual Beings is proud to present: THURSDAY NIGHT AT NEVA Where and When: Thursday night at NEVA BAR, 28 7th Av south (between Morton & Bedford), NYC, NY. Directions: It’s a few blocks south of Christopher st. subway station (1,9). Djs: * Dj Shai – This week’s Birthday boy! * Dj Ran (Spiritual Beings) * Dj Eitan (Spiritual Beings) Admission: * Free admission!
#1809 Jeff (FWD) plz send to brain and thed thedFri, 15 Jun 2001 11:23:46 From: Fri, 15 Jun 2001 10:33:13 plz send to brain and thed Dear brain and devotional ministers hey i got busted, originating from where i was living/squatting. it has nothing to do with this or any other list. i’m out now with no bail miracle of miracles, but am dealing with some serious shit, and my laptop and phone were seized, a cop pocketed my wallet with the boat party funds that I was to deposit that day, as well as all my belongings and the speakers/CDJs) under lock and key by the landlord, with a 50/50 chance of retrieval. I have new passwords to my email, but nevertheless I’ll be out of the party circuit for a while, tell everybody everything is OK but I need clarity right now. I will no longer be administering this list. And needless to say, the Alien Sex Party is postponed indefinitely until I get some clothes, toiletries, job, apartment and sanity back! I lost all my numbers, everything. If there’s any way you can help with clothing, apartment leads, or words of encouragement, please send it to Jeff. The Buddhists say that all learning comes from suffering, and that all auffering comes from desire. I have desired much, and i will learn much. Pray for me, love ya’ll… Jeff
#1810 Upcoming Psy-Trance Events Fri, 15 Jun 2001 12:00:11 From: This document contains information regarding upcoming psy-trance events in New York, Boston, Pennsylvania, and DC including a list of weekly events. If anyone has any changes or corrections, please let me know. FRIDAY, JUNE 15, 2001 Washington, DC PSYTRANCE EXPERIENCE ON THE PATIO out on the patio |Allen|Gaian Mind, Philadelphia| |Hatari|Gaian Mind, Philadelphia| |wildbill|Psychonauts, Swerve, DC| Full on fluoro decor, UV lighting by Gaian Mind at Buzz Friday Nights at Nation | 18 & over | 10pm-6am 1015 Half Street SE, Washington, DC, USA Regular Admission: $12 before 11 p.m. | $15 after 11 p.m. web buzzdc Friday, June 15 NY, NY T. H. C. (Temporal Harmony Codes) presents -ORGANIC MATH- FREE. Cyborganic Chill-Out Trippy Downtempo Psychedelic Ambient Eclectic Beats & Psytrance with DJ’s: * Angeles (6th Element, chiletrance) * DNA * Evan (T.H.C.) * Jes * and guests at Karma Bar & Lounge -51 1st Ave, btwn 3rd & 4th St., NYC -Lots of couches, space and lots of big beautiful Hookahs! with many falvored tobaccos -Doors: 9pm til late! Info: evan at shpongle O rthogenic R esonance G enerating A coustoopic N on-linear I nformation C oding M usical A ttributes T o H yperspace Saturday, June 16th, 2001 NY, NY Spiritual Beings * Dj FxMike (Alphatrance) * Dj Eitan (Spiritual Beings) * Dj Ran (Spiritual Beings) 10:00PM till 6:00PM Speeed 20 west 39 st (between 5th and 6th) “We rented the Moroccan lounge. It’s a magical intimate space we know you’ll love. Please try to come early. We might be forced to close doors at some point during the night.” $15 with no flyer $10 with this e-flyer $7 for Spiritual Beings members. Saturday, 16/6/01 NY, NY Astral Projection- live (Trust In Trance/Phonokol, Israel) CB (Disco 2000, The Music, Yume) Star (4 Elements) The Limelight, 20th St. & 6th Ave, NYC, USA Visuals: Labzero (labzero, Yume) $35 at door $20 on our list. For list: charles at yume.be Info: web yume.be/nonflash/Astral%20Projections.html June 27 NY, NY Juno Reactor Medicine Drum Knitting Factory, NYC web knittingfactory 212-219-3006 tix $16 in advance and $18 day of show Thursday, June 28th, 2001 Philadelphia, PA, USA JUNO REACTOR (Metropolis Records, UK) MEDICINE DRUM (CyberOctave/Virgin Records, UK) ALLEN (Gaian Mind/Metropolis Records, Philadelphia) 8pm $14 – all ages at The Trocadero Theatre 1003 Arch Street (215) 922-LIVE web trocaderotheatre June 29 NY, NY Synthetic Sadhus Chaishop Party HALODIUM (Free Form-Chaishop-Germany) ORGANIC NOISE (TIP Records- Free Form-Germany) ALIEN PROJECT (TIP Records-Phonokol-Israel) SAM (Chaishop-Germany) NIKO (Synthetic Sadhus-NYC) Decoration: AMRISHA (Spirit Zone-Germany). JAMIN MURPHY (NYC) Chill-out environment by WANDERLUST. Featuring Chai Tea, Tents, Hookas, Visuals, & Massage Plus Live sets, Dj’s sets by: DOTS (Wanderlust-NYC) SASKAI (Echo Lounge) RANKA (Echo Lounge) MICHAEL WANDERLUST PETER ANDERS (NYC) The TUNNEL 220 12th Ave & 27th Street Manhattan, NYC Featuring a state of the art sound system! This party is 18 & over! (Please bring your I.D.) Doors open from 11pm till 7am. Tickets are $ 30 in advance and $35 at the door. You can purchase advance tickets a week prior to event in the following record shops: House of Trance 212 533 6700 Throb 212 533 2328 Satellite 212 995 1744 Vinyl Market 212 539 1203 -New Manhattan Store! Sonic Groove 212 675 5284 Growroom (MA) 413 549 9296 Satellite (Boston) 617 536 5482 Caffeine (LI) 516 797 7196 611 (Philly) 215 413 9100 june 29 pittsburgh, pennsylvania medicine drum has been added to the juno reactor tour! this will be a live performance featuring all three (and possibly a new fourth) members. at mandala, located at level – 333 fourth ave. downtown pittsburgh. upcoming other lineups include: may 25: DJ Witchman (morgantown, wv) and boppity (detroit, mi) june 29: JUNO REACTOR (uk) (live) and MEDICINE DRUM (uk) (live) july 27: SYNCHRO (netherlands) and ex nihilo (detroit, mi) with residents: count zer0 and electric mayhem (sidetrakkt – pittsburgh) mandala takes place the last friday of every month at level – 333 fourth ave., downtown pittsburgh more info to be announced… web sidetrakkt july 3rd, 2001 boston TSUYOSHI SUZUKI joujouka tokio drome matsuri records tokyo/london/nyc DUTCH thump-radio inner-eye area 51 san fran friday, july 27, 2001 pittsburgh, pennsylvania sidetrakkt productions presents MANDALA a monthly psychedelic trance gathering SYNCHRO (Liquid Audio Soundz/ TIPWorld – Netherlands) We are excited to welcome the highly talented Synchro in his Pittsburgh debut. One of the world’s top psytrance producers, his sounds expand the borders, incorporating a fusion of psychedelic trance, techno, funk, and breaks. Not only is his third album, Elektrik, one of the best releases of 2001, he is also very skilled dj with a unique style that no fan of electronic music will want to miss. to learn more please visit web djsynchro with residents: Count Zer0 (sidetrakkt/elite/253 – pittsburgh) Electric Mayhem (sidetrakkt – pittsburgh) mandala literally, an essence-protecting environment, a mandala is a magical and sacred realm, created by the artistry of enlightened compassion in order to nurture beings’ development toward enlightenment mandala takes place every month at level – 333 fourth ave., downtown pittsburgh 10 p.m. until 6 a.m. $10 web sidetrakkt Sundays Boston RESURRECTION The Trance, Techno, NRG experience Sundays at The Pheonix Landing 512 Mass Ave. Central Square Cambridge MA, USA 617-576-6260 21+ $3 19+ $5 Admission is free before 10:00pm!! With Residents- BLACKSMITH and Ammon EP Visuals by Ammon EP (web ammonep) Sound by Blake/Sonic Solutions remember- Sunday is for partying! Sundays Boston HANGOVER EASY… (mellow grooves) sunday brunch at DUNWELL’S a collaboration of boston’s underground 12pm-5pm 1271 boylston st boston ma breakfast/drink specials questions? theregulars at email web decontrol.net/web lavabar Tuesdays NY, NY Jason, Vadim & guests NightShift Gemini Lounge 221 Second Avenue at 14th Street 9pm till late $3 cover / free with guestlist at subtlechaos info at subtlechaos Tuesdays NY, NY FREE HOOKAH LOUNGE 10-4 at Liquids 10th between 1st and A Wednesdays NY, NY OPIUM DEN A bar with chillout tunes psytrance. NO COVER COME AND ENJOY TRANCE MUSIC WITH DJ ANGEL (CHILE) 29 EAST 3RD STREET at 2ND AVE. 10:00PM – 4:00AM Wednesdays NY, NY DJ Icycoil spins: Progressive, Psy-Trance & Tech House… 10P-3A 21+ w/ valid ID $2 domestic bottles/tap, $1 Kamikazee shots at The Korova Milk Bar 200 Avenue A between 12th & 13th st., NYC Thursdays NY, NY Spiritual Beings Every thursday at NEVA BAR, 28 7th Av south (between Morton & Leroy) 10:00pm to 4:00am * Dj Ran (Spiritual Beings) * Dj Eitan (Spiritual Beings) * Free admission to Spiritual Beings members on the guest list (sigh up you’re sending from the same email you’re subscribed to. subscribe “your name”. * $3 admission to non-members who sigh at the guest list (sigh up until subscribe “your name”. * $5 at the doors. Saturdays Washington, DC Swerve Psychedelic Trance The movement that is sweeping the entire world has finally come to DC. Wake up DC, this is the EVOLUTION of electronic music. 6.9 Dj Hybrid web eastcoasthappy / Swerve 2501 project2501 / Swerve DC WildBill Psychonauts / Metatrack / Swerve DC Cliff J Transentient / Swerve DC 6.16 Hugh S Futuretech / Brooklyn Crib NYC 1/2 Of the trance group Shapeshifters! WildBill Psychonauts / Metatrack / Swerve DC Dj Hybrid web eastcoasthappy / Swerve DC Stardiver DigitalYeti / Swerve DC 6.23 Kri Touch Samadhi / NC Electric Mayhem Sidetrakkt Productions / Pittsburgh 2501 project2501 / Swerve DC Dj Hybrid web eastcoasthappy / Swerve 6.30 JUNO REACTOR Record Release Party For their single “Masters of the Universe” Free promos, posters, and frisbees all night! Gaian Mind Party Allen & WildBill They rocked it at Buzz, now catch them at Swerve. 2501 project2501 / Swerve DC Come check out the new renovations at The Cage! Psycho-fluorescent blacklight landscape designs by DelMarVaTrance Team Video projections by Project 2501 Productions Free CD giveaways every week! at The Cage 1811 14th St NW (between S and T streets) 202.234.6000 9pm – 3am. $5 all night 18+ with valid photo ID web swerve-dc From North/MD: Head South on I-95. When 95 meets 495, take 495 West towards Silver Spring (right hand exit). Go about 4 miles and take the Georgia Ave. South exit (31). Head South on Georgia, get in your right lane. In a few miles take the exit for 16th Street. Follow 16th Street for about 6 miles. Turn left on U Street. Go 2 blocks. Turn right on 14th Street. The Cage is 1 1/2 blocks down, on your left between T and S streets. From West/South/VA: East on I-66. Over the Roosevelt Bridge and exit onto Constitution Ave. Take Constitution to 18th Street. Turn left on 18th. Go straight on 18th Street until you reach Q Street. Turn right on Q Street. Follow Q Street through several lights to 14th Street. Turn left onto 14th Street. Head north three blocks. The Cage is on the right between S and T streets OR go North on I-95 to 395, continue over the 14th street Bridge. Stay in the left lanes. Follow signs for 14th Street./Route 1 North. Go straight on 14th Street. for a few miles and through a traffic circle. The Cage is on the right between S and T streets.
#1811 NIGHTSHIFT new location! Sun, 17 Jun 2001 11:28:51 From: From: “info” NIGHTSHIFT new location! Sun, 17 Jun 2001 00:46:52 Tuesday June 19 NIGHTSHIFT At Pyramid Club 101 Avenue A bet. 6th and 7th St., East Village, Manhattan This venue contains large dancefloor with high energy soundsystem for maximum enjoyment. Cabaret licensed. Affordable drink price. 10:30 – late, free admission only this Tuesday! 21+/ID required. Full-on minimal techno and psy-trance. To join SubtleChaos info list, send an e Thank you for support! – s u b t l e c h a o s
#1812 – NEVA BAR – Guest Dj! Wed, 20 Jun 2001 10:01:56 From: NEVA BAR Thursday, June 21, 2001 Time: 10:00PM – 4:00AM CDT (-05:00) Spiritual Beings is proud to present: THURSDAY NIGHT AT NEVA Where and When: Thursday night at NEVA BAR, 28 7th Av south (between Morton & Bedford), NYC, NY. Directions: It’s a few blocks south of Christopher st. subway station (1,9). Djs: * Dj DragonLotus (Liquid Lotus) * Dj Ran (Spiritual Beings) * Dj Eitan (Spiritual Beings) Admission: * Free admission!
#1813 Fwd: ancestor worship – this thursday at twilo! Wed, 20 Jun 2001 17:28:33 From: — From: “Outcast Grooves” outcastgrooves at hotmail Sent: Tuesday, June 19, 2001 11:59 AM this thursday at twilo! PATRONS BID FAREWELL TO NYC NIGHTCLUB, TWILO New York, New York, June 18, 2001 . In observance of the recent closing of famed New York City nightclub, Twilo, former patrons will gather outside of 530 West 27th Street beginning at 8:00 PM on Thursday June 21, 2001, to say good-bye and thank-you to the beloved nightclub. During its six years in operation, Twilo was considered the center of the electronic music movement in the United States. The first to sign International DJ’s as residents, it was a pilgrimage of sorts to club-goers worldwide. In the last year, the nightclub has been engulfed in legal battles with New York City that ultimately led to the denial of a renewal of the nightclub’s cabaret license. Twilo patrons believe the City unfairly targeted Twilo in an attempt to curb New York City nightlife and capitalize on the sensationalism surrounding the “club d” ecstasy; throughout the United States, established nightclubs are being targeted as havens for d use and distribution. For six years, Twilo brought together people from around the world to the warehouse on West 27th street through appreciation for music and dance. While Twilo is no more, the community lives on, the records will keep spinning, and Twilo will go down in the history books, with the likes of Studio 54 and the Pallidium, as a legendary New York City nightclubs. Twilo’s management and staff are not involved in the above-mentioned vigil. All statements made in this release are public and available on the World Wide Web.
#1814 Naoto’s art in Tattoo Savage & CBGB Gallery show Wed, 20 Jun 2001 17:28:37 From: From: TripE13 at aol Wed, 20 Jun 2001 00:33:59 Tattoo Savage I got 9 paintings and my interview on Tattoo Savage Magazine just came out yesterday. Please check it when you get a chance! Also I’m doing a show at CBGB Gallery right now, stop by when you get a chance. The last date of the show is June 22. The next show is coming up this SAT. June 23 at the Subculture Gallery! (7pm – 9pm) more info web wwwcomcom/news.html peace out yo Naoto
#1815 not a psy-trance event Thu, 21 Jun 2001 11:46:21 From: From: “Touch” gig at touch-nyc DJ Feelgood gone nuts….. -owner Oh boy, this one is going to get very crazy. House legend Charles Feelgood(fo unding father, along with Scott Henry, of the famous Fever parties and resp onsible for putting the DC/ Baltimore area at the forefront of the US’s hou se scene) is blessing us with his presence this Friday at Touch. Expect som e pumping, funky and peak time house music. *As well as a rare and not to be missed opening set by birthday boy, Birch Schambaugh and his partner wi thout a dime, Paolo. A.K.A the McSquiggens Brothers(think Oh Brother Where Art Though?). We have all been encouraged to buy the birthday boy many shot s before his set for added aural excitement! TOUCH, FRIDAY JUNE 22nd at SH INE DJ FEELGOOD (Moonshine, feelgoodfeelgood Balt imore) Sean Hall (Touch, Nyc) And…. The Mcsquiggen Bros. Birch Shamba ugh – b-day boy Paolo Visuals by: Video DJ HoneyGun spiralkind.c omspiralkind SHINE is located at 285 West Broadway, at Canal st. NYC Doors open at 10pm OPEN BAR 10pm-11pm 21+, NO ID, No Entry shineliveshinelive Half price($10) entry if you reply by 6PM on Friday with full names to c THE LIST CLOSES at 1am SHARP (reduced comp) for more info about Touch & Touch Friday touch-nyctouch-nyc or 212.502. 3532 Also catch the Touch Kids at Level X in Brooklyn this Thursday. Lev el X is at 107 N.6th bet. Berry & Wythe L train to Bedford Ave. 97info 97- brooklynbeatsbrooklynbeats
#1816 PLEASE READ: YOUR BRAINMACHINE MEMBERSHIP Cc: Jeff Thu, 21 Jun 2001 16:42:36 From: HAPPY SUMMER SOLSTICE!! As you probably already noticed, I am now running this list, and I am quite confident that I can do an excellent job keeping you informed. In fact, I am the source of much of the information that you are accustomed to receiving from Jeff. Jeff has given me absolute authority to do whatever I want with the Brainmachines mailing list. So I have decided to use it to raise money for his legal defense. I strongly believe that is in his best interest. You now must pay to stay. Nor am I adding any new members unless Jeff returns to take back this list, which is very unlikely For years, Jeff has provided you all with an invaluable source of information, and I am more than willing to donate my time in order to continue to provide this service, provided that you donate money to Jeff’s defense. Please notice I am not making a dime from any of this. Jeff loves all of you, and I love Jeff. However, I am not as enamored with all of you as much as Jeff is 🙂 The following may seem complicated, so please pay attention: If you are not a member of The Devotional Ministry of Trance, you have three, and only three, options in order to remain on this list: 1) Listed below is a flyer for a benefit party to raise money for Jeff’s defense. If you attend this event, you will be have the opportunity to give your email address, which will allow you to stay on this list. 2) You can send $19.23 via Paypal:
(First name: Machine, Last name: Elf), You are more than welcome to donate more than $19.23 to Jeff’s defense, but it must end in “9.23” otherwise I won’t know to keep you on Brainmachines. So you may donate $19.23, $29,23, $119.23, etc. To make things perfectly clear, please include a subject line or note with your Paypal payment saying “brainmachines”. 3) You can find Jeff somewhere, and hand him $20 in cash. He will then write down your email address and give it to me. You have 30 days in order to keep your Brainmachines membership. After 21 July 2001, any listmember who has not acted upon any of the above three options will be removed. Jeff’s Alien Sex Party on the boat 23 June has been cancelled. The weather forecast is predicting rain. Please stay tuned for information on upcoming events. July 30, 2001 The Elf Liberation Front presents SAVE THE ELF The Official Trance Mermaid Parade Afterparty A Benefit for ELF Eitan (Spiritual Beings, Israel) Ran (Spiritual Beings, Israel) F/X Mike (Alphatrance/d, Russia) Machinelf (d, Hyperspace) web speeed/speeed/rooms4.html 20 West 39th, 3rd floor right under the roof. Excellent sound, fluoro tapestries, video projections, special effects, free giveaways. If you would like to contribute to the cause with your art or performance, etc., feel free to come and participate Hear the real deal from machinelf. June 30, 10pm-4am or 5am Admission: $20, $15 for d members. *100% of ALL PROCEEDS from the first 100 people will go towards ELF, the Elf Liberation Fund to keep Machinelf out of incarceration.
#1817 – NEVA BAR – Guest Dj! Thu, 21 Jun 2001 16:42:44 From: NEVA BAR – Guest Dj! Thursday, June 21, 2001 Time: 10:00PM – 4:00AM CDT (-05:00) Spiritual Beings is proud to present: THURSDAY NIGHT AT NEVA Where and When: Thursday night at NEVA BAR, 28 7th Av south (between Morton & Bedford), NYC, NY. Directions: It’s a few blocks south of Christopher st. subway station (1,9). Djs: * Dj DragonLotus (Liquid Lotus) * Dj Ran (Spiritual Beings) * Dj Eitan (Spiritual Beings) Admission: * Free admission!
#1818 :; SAVE THE ELF is June 30, not July 30 Thu, 21 Jun 2001 22:07:25 From: SAVE THE ELF is June 30, not July 30. My bad. Sorry for any confusion. June 30, 2001 The Elf Liberation Front presents SAVE THE ELF The Official Trance Mermaid Parade Afterparty A Benefit for ELF Eitan (Spiritual Beings, Israel) Ran (Spiritual Beings, Israel) F/X Mike (Alphatrance/d, Russia) Machinelf (d, Hyperspace) web speeed/speeed/rooms4.html 20 West 39th, 3rd floor right under the roof. Excellent sound, fluoro tapestries, video projections, special effects, free giveaways. If you would like to contribute to the cause with your art or performance, etc., feel free to come and participate Hear the real deal from machinelf. 10pm-4am or 5am Admission: $20 *100% of ALL PROCEEDS from the first 100 people will go towards ELF, the Elf Liberation Fund to keep Machinelf out of incarceration.
#1819 (FWD) DUB events events events! ! ! Fri, 22 Jun 2001 10:07:49 From: Saturday, June 23rdD6 Galactique Faerie Funk Room: House/Tech Hous e – John Schenk (Slipping Into Sublimnity) – Olivetti (Chromosome 57, New Orleans) – Jack Deep (No Frills) – Clive (Galactique) – Mikee Life & Doug Hologram Room: Chill/Experimental – Instruction Shuttle vs. M ercykillaH (Zenapolae, PA/Undercity, NYC) – Pacifica (TBTMO/Endorphin) – R ob Mall (TBTMO/Darla) – Niku & ASOP (Sonic) Art Kitchen: Mixed Media – Diana Stein-Meyer – Katie Walton – Emily Saturday, June 23rd at KILLT IME, 3854 Lancaster Avenue in West Philadelphia. $7, 9pm-3am. Sun. Ju ne 24th The Echolounge presents……. SUNDAY IN THE PARK an all ages fre e outdoor gathering of friends… with ambient/chillout/leftfield/dub dj’s : Aaron Spectre (Opiate NYC) Fflood (Ether NYC) Ranka (Ech olounge NYC) Saskai (Echolounge NYC) Live PA’s from: Heartworm v s. Secret Agent Gel (Opiate, NYC/The Kids are bored, NYC) Instruction Shut tle vs. Mercy Killah (Hologram:Zenapole,Balt./Undercity: D.U.B, NYC) **Thi s event will take place from 3pm until dark…… Bring a blanket, food, st uff to throw, good vibes, and someone to share the experience with. There’s shade, trees, a great view of the city, and lots of space to lay out and g et some sun, so bring the SPF!! Location: Grand Ferry Park in Williamsburg Brooklyn It’s at the corner (on the waterfront) at Grand and Kent streets. A ten minute walk from the L train!! Directions: Take L train to Bedford Ave. Walk down Bedford Ave. to Grand St. and make a right. Follow Grand St. to waterfront!! It’s that easy!! All ages, totally free!! Bring ya granny !! BYOB!! Every SaturdayD6.. Frosted Beats! Deep, groovy, delicious funky house, served up by residents Sleepyface, Solo 4, and Monte (Digit) plus guestsD6. at INFRARED LOUNGE – 210 Rivington, between Pitt and Ridge Sts in the Lower East Side of Manhattan. 10pm-4am, 21 and over, and NO COV ER! Deep Unda Brooklyn and Neuronal present Undercity the number on e experimental music event in New York City. With Spinoza, Sheldon Drake, MercYKillaH, HazMaat, and Clark ov Saturn and special guets weekly. ALWAY S free and ALWAYS all ages. Every Sunday, from 7pm to midnight at HALCYON – 227 Smith Street between Butler and Douglass in Carroll Gardens… planet Brooklyn! Take the F or G trains to Bergen Street. July 21, The Leisu re Society presents Leisure Breaks. Two rooms of somthing sassy, with re sidents Bigyello and Keith Rocka droppin the ill broken beats upstairs with very special guests, and…. Slow break-ethno-ambient-dub-anesthesia down stairs as D.U.B/Undercity’s Sean Smith and MercYKillaH & HazMaat prep you for some spiritual surgery. July 21 at LEOPARD LOUNGE, 248 East 5th Street, on the corner of 2nd Avenue in the East Village of Manhattan. 21 and over, FREE, 10pm-4am.
#1820 upcoming psy-trance events Fri, 22 Jun 2001 10:19:43 From: This document contains information regarding upcoming psy-trance events in New York, Boston, Pennsylvania, and DC including a list of weekly events. If anyone has any additions, changes or corrections, please let me know. Sunday June 24 Boston, MA Changmian hosts Sunday Brunch Gregory Blake Mike Rogers aka MDR Dino David West (T.B.A.) the decks will be outside this week Hangover Easy Sunday Brunch Good Eats…Chill Beats Noon – 8pm No Cover at Dunwell’s Bar & Grill 1271 Boylston St. (Fenway Howard Johnson’s next to WBCN) June 27 NY, NY Juno Reactor Medicine Drum Knitting Factory, NYC web knittingfactory 212-219-3006 tix $16 in advance and $18 day of show Thursday, June 28th, 2001 Philadelphia, PA, USA JUNO REACTOR (Metropolis Records, UK) MEDICINE DRUM (CyberOctave/Virgin Records, UK) ALLEN (Gaian Mind/Metropolis Records, Philadelphia) 8pm $14 – all ages at The Trocadero Theatre 1003 Arch Street (215) 922-LIVE web trocaderotheatre June 29 NY, NY Synthetic Sadhus Chaishop Party HALODIUM (Free Form-Chaishop-Germany) ORGANIC NOISE (TIP Records- Free Form-Germany) ALIEN PROJECT (TIP Records-Phonokol-Israel) SAM (Chaishop-Germany) NIKO (Synthetic Sadhus-NYC) Decoration: AMRISHA (Spirit Zone-Germany). JAMIN MURPHY (NYC) Chill-out environment by WANDERLUST. Featuring Chai Tea, Tents, Hookas, Visuals, & Massage Plus Live sets, Dj’s sets by: DOTS (Wanderlust-NYC) SASKAI (Echo Lounge) RANKA (Echo Lounge) MICHAEL WANDERLUST PETER ANDERS (NYC) The TUNNEL 220 12th Ave & 27th Street Manhattan, NYC Featuring a state of the art sound system! This party is 18 & over! (Please bring your I.D.) Doors open from 11pm till 7am. Tickets are $ 30 in advance and $35 at the door. You can purchase advance tickets a week prior to event in the following record shops: House of Trance 212 533 6700 Throb 212 533 2328 Satellite 212 995 1744 Vinyl Market 212 539 1203 -New Manhattan Store! Sonic Groove 212 675 5284 Growroom (MA) 413 549 9296 Satellite (Boston) 617 536 5482 Caffeine (LI) 516 797 7196 611 (Philly) 215 413 9100 june 29 pittsburgh, pennsylvania medicine drum has been added to the juno reactor tour! this will be a live performance featuring all three (and possibly a new fourth) members. “sadly, the venue we were using for mandala has been sold, and we are no longer able to use it… the juno reactor/ medicine drum show has been moved to the irish centre of pittsburgh (6886 forward ave.) this is probably my favorite venue in pittsburgh, and is where my first event, gyrophare, was held. unfortunately we have to have people out by three a.m., so we are relocating at that point to a smaller venue for the second phase of the event. so basically, the first part will consist of live acts: twine, erth, medicine drum, and juno reactor. the second part will be a full-on psytrance party beginning at 3 with dj’s count zer0 and electric mayhem, with an ambient/ chillout room featuring live acts twine and sund. the second part will be free, however you must attend the first part where you will get your free pass. with the loss of level, finding an adequate and affordable venue in pittsburgh has become a difficult task… it’s been a very crazy couple of weeks, but i actually think this will work very well. we are looking into the best way to deal with travel between the venues. most likely we will have some sort of shuttle that will run. but my suggestion is to hold out until 3; everyone can all drive sober and then have a collective experience at the second venue…” upcoming other lineups include: may 25: DJ Witchman (morgantown, wv) and boppity (detroit, mi) june 29: JUNO REACTOR (uk) (live) and MEDICINE DRUM (uk) (live) july 27: SYNCHRO (netherlands) and ex nihilo (detroit, mi) with residents: count zer0 and electric mayhem (sidetrakkt – pittsburgh) web sidetrakkt June 30, 2001 NY, NY The Elf Liberation Front presents SAVE THE ELF The Official Trance Mermaid Parade Afterparty A Benefit for ELF Eitan (Spiritual Beings, Israel) Ran (Spiritual Beings, Israel) F/X Mike (Alphatrance/d, Russia) Machinelf (d, Hyperspace) web speeed/speeed/rooms4.html 20 West 39th, 3rd floor right under the roof. Excellent sound, fluoro tapestries, video projections, special effects, free giveaways. If you would like to contribute to the cause with your art or performance, etc., feel free to come and participate Hear the real deal from machinelf. 10pm-4am or 5am $20 *100% of ALL PROCEEDS from the first 100 people will go towards ELF, the Elf Liberation Fund to keep Machinelf out of incarceration. july 3rd, 2001 boston TSUYOSHI SUZUKI joujouka tokio drome matsuri records tokyo/london/nyc DUTCH thump-radio inner-eye area 51 san fran R I S E 306 stuart street boston, ma RISE is a private, members-only club and is not open to the general public. to attend RISE, you must be a member or be the guest of a member all non-members who are interested in attending this event please email johnnymarquis at hotmail privately for guest list Tuesday July 3rd (no work the next day) 2001 Chicago’s first psytrance/goa night joy blue at southport and irving, chicago 8pm until 2am and its ABSOLUTELY free! Ezra free Goa naut Storm Derby Symmetry Vortexian 21+ with live video mixing synced to the music. friday, july 27, 2001 pittsburgh, pennsylvania sidetrakkt productions presents MANDALA a monthly psychedelic trance gathering SYNCHRO (Liquid Audio Soundz/ TIPWorld – Netherlands) We are excited to welcome the highly talented Synchro in his Pittsburgh debut. One of the world’s top psytrance producers, his sounds expand the borders, incorporating a fusion of psychedelic trance, techno, funk, and breaks. Not only is his third album, Elektrik, one of the best releases of 2001, he is also very skilled dj with a unique style that no fan of electronic music will want to miss. to learn more please visit web djsynchro with residents: Count Zer0 (sidetrakkt/elite/253 – pittsburgh) Electric Mayhem (sidetrakkt – pittsburgh) mandala literally, an essence-protecting environment, a mandala is a magical and sacred realm, created by the artistry of enlightened compassion in order to nurture beings’ development toward enlightenment mandala takes place every month at level – 333 fourth ave., downtown pittsburgh 10 p.m. until 6 a.m. $10 web sidetrakkt July 28 NY, NY Spiritual Beings Sundays Boston RESURRECTION The Trance, Techno, NRG experience Sundays at The Pheonix Landing 512 Mass Ave. Central Square Cambridge MA, USA 617-576-6260 21+ $3 19+ $5 Admission is free before 10:00pm!! With Residents- BLACKSMITH and Ammon EP Visuals by Ammon EP (web ammonep) Sound by Blake/Sonic Solutions remember- Sunday is for partying! Sundays Boston HANGOVER EASY… (mellow grooves) sunday brunch at DUNWELL’S a collaboration of boston’s underground 12pm-5pm 1271 boylston st boston ma breakfast/drink specials questions? theregulars at email web decontrol.net/web lavabar Tuesdays NY, NY Jason, Vadim & guests NightShift At Pyramid Club 101 Avenue A (bet. 6th and 7th St.) East Village, Manhattan 10:30 PM – late 21+/ID required $3 cover / free with guestlist at subtlechaos info at subtlechaos Tuesdays NY, NY FREE HOOKAH LOUNGE 10-4 at Liquids 10th between 1st and A Wednesdays NY, NY OPIUM DEN A bar with chillout tunes psytrance. NO COVER COME AND ENJOY TRANCE MUSIC WITH DJ ANGEL (CHILE) 29 EAST 3RD STREET at 2ND AVE. 10:00PM – 4:00AM Thursdays NY, NY Spiritual Beings Every thursday at NEVA BAR, 28 7th Av south (between Morton & Leroy) 10:00pm to 4:00am * Dj Ran (Spiritual Beings) * Dj Eitan (Spiritual Beings) * Free admission to Spiritual Beings members on the guest list (sigh up you’re sending from the same email you’re subscribed to. subscribe “your name”. * $3 admission to non-members who sigh at the guest list (sigh up until subscribe “your name”. * $5 at the doors. Saturdays Washington, DC Swerve Psychedelic Trance The movement that is sweeping the entire world has finally come to DC. Wake up DC, this is the EVOLUTION of electronic music. 6.9 Dj Hybrid web eastcoasthappy / Swerve 2501 project2501 / Swerve DC WildBill Psychonauts / Metatrack / Swerve DC Cliff J Transentient / Swerve DC 6.16 Hugh S Futuretech / Brooklyn Crib NYC 1/2 Of the trance group Shapeshifters! WildBill Psychonauts / Metatrack / Swerve DC Dj Hybrid web eastcoasthappy / Swerve DC Stardiver DigitalYeti / Swerve DC 6.23 Kri Touch Samadhi / NC Electric Mayhem Sidetrakkt Productions / Pittsburgh 2501 project2501 / Swerve DC Dj Hybrid web eastcoasthappy / Swerve 6.30 JUNO REACTOR Record Release Party For their single “Masters of the Universe” Free promos, posters, and frisbees all night! Gaian Mind Party Allen & WildBill They rocked it at Buzz, now catch them at Swerve. 2501 project2501 / Swerve DC Come check out the new renovations at The Cage! Psycho-fluorescent blacklight landscape designs by DelMarVaTrance Team Video projections by Project 2501 Productions Free CD giveaways every week! at The Cage 1811 14th St NW (between S and T streets) 202.234.6000 9pm – 3am. $5 all night 18+ with valid photo ID web swerve-dc From North/MD: Head South on I-95. When 95 meets 495, take 495 West towards Silver Spring (right hand exit). Go about 4 miles and take the Georgia Ave. South exit (31). Head South on Georgia, get in your right lane. In a few miles take the exit for 16th Street. Follow 16th Street for about 6 miles. Turn left on U Street. Go 2 blocks. Turn right on 14th Street. The Cage is 1 1/2 blocks down, on your left between T and S streets. From West/South/VA: East on I-66. Over the Roosevelt Bridge and exit onto Constitution Ave. Take Constitution to 18th Street. Turn left on 18th. Go straight on 18th Street until you reach Q Street. Turn right on Q Street. Follow Q Street through several lights to 14th Street. Turn left onto 14th Street. Head north three blocks. The Cage is on the right between S and T streets OR go North on I-95 to 395, continue over the 14th street Bridge. Stay in the left lanes. Follow signs for 14th Street./Route 1 North. Go straight on 14th Street. for a few miles and through a traffic circle. The Cage is on the right between S and T streets. “This is your last chance. After this there is no turning back. You take the red pill, the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe, whatever you want to believe. You take the blue pill, then it makes your penis bigger.”
#1821 Fwd: Fw: TRANCE WEEKLY Fri, 22 Jun 2001 17:31:08 From: -TRANSPLANTERS- Charly Brown and Ozzie fly to new worlds in a spaceship that fits 1200…. web yume.be/ISRATRANCE.htm 06/23/01TransplanterS06/23/01 Charly Brown aka Kaishe 400+ people chanted his name after his last set at the ASTRAL PROJECTION PARTY. So we made him our resident trance d.j. Proof is in the mix! Ozzie has been playing records with CB for a few months now. The two of them together is heaven on earth. $20 on the A-List (just say you are on the A-List at the door) $30 if you are not
#1822 Electronics For Sale Fri, 22 Jun 2001 17:31:12 From: Fri, 22 Jun 2001 15:42:49 Electronics For Sale Will take best offer on each by June 30. All proceeds go to the Elf Liberation Front (ELF). The owner is a hidden benefactor of the d, a Fellow of the Year radiologist from Yale. So he knows his equipment and is willing to part with his excess to help keep me out of jail. Reply to or call to place your bid (email preferred) Nikon FG 35mm camera – mint cond. 50mm F1.4 Nikkor lens – exc. cond 24mm F2.8 Nikon AF Nikkor lens – mint cond. 60mm F2.8 Nikon AF Micro Nikkor – mint cond. DVDO iScan plus V2 Progressive scan video line doubler – mint cond. Roland MC-303 Groovebox – mint cond. Minuteman III ICBM – upgraded guidance system and fresh propellant – unused.
#1823 Chaishop Tour 2001 Synthetic Sadhus Sun, 24 Jun 2001 09:37:02 From: Come and spend another transcendental night with us in the land of fantasy! SYNTHETIC SADHUS presents CHAISHOP on Friday June 29 2001. The first New York appearance of Germany9s most thought after trance act. Their eclectic hard, deep techno-trance sound is a blessing: HALDOLIUM (Free Form-Chaishop-Germany) While touring the world over, this legendary pioneer & producer, ORGANIC NOISE (TIP Records- Free Form-Germany) With a killer new album on Phonokol and a forth coming one on TIP Records, rocking parties from Japan to Mexico, a live act from Israel’s best breed: ALIEN PROJECT (TIP Records-Phonokol-Israel) Chaishop’s visionary father, Sam has imposed himself as one of Europe9s most influent artist & producer: SAM (Chaishop-Germany) After a stomping set at our last TIP party, our resident is back with quite guaranteed blistering new tracks: NIKO (Synthetic Sadhus-NYC) Decoration: After covering the last VOOV festival in Germany, Amrisha stands as one of Europe9s most talented fluoro painter, it is her first New York appearance. AMRISHA (Spirit Zone-Germany). Enlightening our events since more than three years, this three-dimensional wizard creates the gates to the worlds of ascending fantasy & stringing infinity: JAMIN MURPHY (NYC) Chill-out environment by WANDERLUST. Featuring Chai Tea, Tents, Hookas, Visuals, & Massage Plus Live sets, Dj’s sets by: DOTS (Wanderlust-NYC) SASKAI (Echo Lounge) RANKA (Echo Lounge) MICHAEL WANDERLUST PETER ANDERS (NYC) Party9s location: The TUNNEL 220 12th Ave & 27th Street Manhattan, NYC Featuring a state of the art sound system! This party is 18 & over! (Please bring your I.D.) Doors open from 11pm till 7am. Tickets are $ 30 in advance and $35 at the door. You can purchase advance tickets in the following record shops: Home of Trance 212 533 6700 Throb 212 533 2328 Satellite 212 995 1744 Vinyl Market 212 539 1203 -New Manhattan Store! Sonic Groove 212 675 5284 Growroom (MA) 413 549 9296 Satellite (Boston) 617 536 5482 Caffeine (LI) 516 797 7196 611 (Philly) 215 413 9100 Synthetic Sadhus’ Info Line: 212-774-7728 / web chaishop/ Big Hugs for all of you! Synthetic Sadhus
#1824 Synthetic Sadhus at Tunnel Sun, 24 Jun 2001 09:37:06 From: Hi, We’ve got a lot of questions about why did we change venue this month, and I thought you would like to have an answer: Our main goal since we started to produce events in New York City has been and still is to provide you with the most amazing party environment possible. We don’t want to be just another party, we want to create a real atmosphere of aesthetic wonder and musical astonishment in which you as much as we are abble to experience a deep and yet fascinating cultural environment. Psychedelic trance is a colorfull movement of intense creativity and we always tried to represent its many aspects in our events. Some of you wondered why we did leave the Roxy for the Tunnel. Well, the main reason for such choice came from the fact that 200 people got denied admission by the Roxy’s security at our last TIP party because the Roxy, in a frantic stress caused by the final closure of Twilo, suddenly decided to refuse student ID as well as Foreign Driving License and ID at their doors. The consequence was that 200 of us could not get in the party. And We are doing parties for you guys to come, share and gather with us, so their policy obliged us to find a new venue since we are perfectly aware that half of our crowd is from Foreign nationalities. After a long and painful search, we finally decided that for now, the best venue for our CHAISHOP worldtour 2001 party was the TUNNEL. First the Tunnel offers one of the best sound system in the City, secondely, since it is closed as a regular club, we knew that we will not get any of the once residing “club” freaks that were frequenting the place. Plus, the Tunnel as a venue and once decorated from TOP to BOTTOM with amazing fluoro backdrops and installations will certainly stand as a beautiful environment. It is also located in the heart of Manhattan and more importantly than anything else, they do accept student ID and foreign ID’s as valid amission papers ! On the top of all this, it does fit more than a thousand people and can stay open till 7am, and those are RARE qualities in today’s Manhattan venues. So, as we always did these last three years, we will provide you with the best psychedelic environment possible: with the first NYC appearance of the legendary CHAISHOP collective, featuring three TOP eclectic international live acts, two killer DJ sets and the artist that decorated the VOOV experience added to Jamin’s out of this world installations, an amazing chill-out produced by Wanderlust, a truck load of black lights and a sound system to shake your lungs and all this followed by an after party !! So just think about that it will be a Synthetic Sadhus party not a Tunnel party. The Tunnel is just a room. We will be the spirit with full of good energy. And we will need your support in order to keep up the good parties! Well, we hope that our efforts will give birth to one of the summer’s most amazing gathering, the structure is set, the rest entirely depend on you, so let’s gather, let’s party and once again, let’s make history…. Respect and Love for all of you! SYNTHETIC SADHUS
#1825 Trance Mermaid Megaweekend, NYC Sun, 24 Jun 2001 09:37:11 From: Fri, 22 Jun 2001 19:06:44 Trance Mermaid Megaweekend Trance Mermaid Megaweekend Two days of positive unsanity Print out this guide to all the festivities. Send to everybody you know. Tell all your friends to dress aquatically. Friday 1pm-10pm Penguin Pirate’s Mermaid Float setup party Wherein Viviana et alia be creative, party, help set up tour new trance truck, float, and sound… FREE – 29 Woodhull
#1R, Brooklyn F Train to Carrol Gardens Driving directions – Brooklyn bridge 1st exit which is for BQE, BQE South 1st exit at Atlantic Ave, Make left off ramp onto Columbia Straight 1.5 miles, Left on Woodhull Subway Directions F train to Carrol Gardens Walk down 2nd place four blocks, take walkway over BQE highway, left on Hicks, right on Woodhull Friday 11pm-7am Synthetic Sadhus- Tunnel 27th street and West Side Highway Saturday 8:30am Illegal Alien Sex Party As seen on Fox 5 and the NY Daily News First Class ticket holders board the Wanderlust/E.L.F. UFO Boat at Chelsea Piers (Only 4 blocks from the Tunnel!) 60 abuctees capacity, refreshments and food provided. Alien art, alien music. In the cabin we will have footage of the Fox 5 segment that started it all. $35 – RSVP and prepay required, no walk-ons or stowaways accepted. For those who have already paid for the boat on 23 June, your $35 will be counted towards this event. So email to get on the boat. Many popular local NYC psy-trance DJs TBA; F/X Mike (Alphatrance/d), Aaron (Chaishop S.F., *maybe*), Soch (d), Machinelf (d), others. Sailing to: Saturday day – 2pm – 915pm Mermaid Parade Coney Island – FREE – Coney Island (End of the F train) Come wear your trance mermaid outfits and ride on the Psy-Trance mermaid Float. DJs on the float will be Ran and Eitan from Spiritual Beings, Yac, Ari, Maxx, D-Gree, Machinelf If you’re not “on the boat” come early to set up the trance float at 10am, look for the Penguin Pirate at the arking lot of Keyspan Park, Surf Avenue and West 19th street web coneyislandusa/mermaid.shtml Afternoon Boat Sails back to Chelsea Piers; those wishing to stay for the fireworks at dusk will probably have to take the F train back. Saturday Night – 10pm – 430am E.L.F. Benefit at Speeed 20 West 39th, 3rd floor, one floor below a chillout dubby roof DJs Eitan and Ran from Spiritual Beings F/X Mike from Alphatrance/d $20/$15 guest list Crazy lighting, video projection, fluoro art Proceeds from the first 100 people on the guest list go to the Elf Liberation Front, a legal defense fund to keep Machinelf from being incarcerated by the Controllers. $20 See you there!
#1826 :; SAVE THE ELF, NYC Cc: Jeff Sun, 24 Jun 2001 09:37:15 From: June 30, 2001 New York, New York The Elf Liberation Front presents SAVE THE ELF The Official Trance Mermaid Parade Afterparty A Benefit for ELF Eitan (Spiritual Beings, Israel) Ran (Spiritual Beings, Israel) F/X Mike (Alphatrance/d, Russia) Machinelf (d, Hyperspace) web speeed/speeed/rooms4.html 20 West 39th, 3rd floor right under the roof. Excellent sound, fluoro tapestries, video projections, special effects, free giveaways. Hear the real deal from machinelf. June 30, 10pm-4am or 5am Admission: $20 *100% of ALL PROCEEDS from the first 100 people will go towards ELF, the Elf Liberation Fund to keep Machinelf out of incarceration.
#1827 Wednesday at Opium Den, NYC Mon, 25 Jun 2001 17:44:32 From: Mon, 25 Jun 2001 14:11:27 From: angeles garay chiletrance at yahoo Wednesday at Opium Den Hello everybody!! This is a for every Wednesday night at Opium Den with DJ Angeles + Guests. Come and enjoy the Trance Music with nice people and nice vibes. DJ Angeles(Chiletrance-6th Element) Isam(Morroco) Misha(San Francisco) Opium Den 29 East 3rd Street at 2nd Avenue 10 PM No Cover Thanks! Love and Light Angeles
#1828 :; Fw: NIGHTSHIFT this Tuesday, NYC Tue, 26 Jun 2001 14:36:25 From: From: “info” Fw: NIGHTSHIFT this Tuesday Mon, 25 Jun 2001 17:49:44 — From: info To: Subtlechaos Info List Sent: Sunday, June 24, 2001 10:14 PM NIGHTSHIFT this Tuesday TUESDAY JUNE 26 NIGHTSHIFT At Pyramid Psytechno by SubtleChaos residents and special guests: * Jason [ subtlechaos] * Vadim [ subtlechaos ] * DJ Eleven [ union / vibes ] * Isam [ Morocco 2001 ]* 101 Avenue A bet. 6th and 7th St., East Village, Manhattan 10pm – 4am. 18+/21+ to drink. Entry only with valid ID. $3 cover before midnight / $5 after To join SubtleChaos info list, send an e Thank you for support! – s u b t l e c h a o s
#1829 :; Fwd: Hall n’ O………, NYC Tue, 26 Jun 2001 16:43:18 From: Tue, 26 Jun 2001 14:06:29 Hall n’ O……… From: Liam Doherty-Ryoke moomins at earthlink.net To: djdots djdots at hotmail TONIGHT TUESDAY JUNE 26TH…. The Hooka Lounge proudly presents a DJ who not only rocks hard, but is also a person I am lucky to call “Mate” …. the fabulous SEAN HALL (Touch) also making an appearance will be STEVE O. (Nantucket Nectars) all topped off with TLC from your resident daddy dj DOTS (Wanderlust) at LIQUIDS 266 E. 10th St. (between 1st ave. & ave. A) 9 – 4 No cover 21 w/id
#1830 – NEVA BAR – Guest Dj! Wed, 27 Jun 2001 15:46:19 From: NEVA BAR – Guest Dj! Thursday, June 28, 2001 Time: 10:00PM – 4:00AM CDT (-05:00) Spiritual Beings is proud to present: THURSDAY NIGHT AT NEVA Where and When: Thursday night at NEVA BAR, 28 7th Av south (between Morton & Bedford), NYC, NY. Directions: It’s a few blocks south of Christopher st. subway station (1,9). Djs: * Dj Shai * Dj Ran (Spiritual Beings) * Dj Eitan (Spiritual Beings) Admission: * Free admission!
#1831 Illegal Alien Sex Party boat moved to Sunday Cc: JeffFri, 29 Jun 2001 09:59:21 From: The boat can’t dock at Coney island, it’s that simple. The Sunday departure time from Chelsea Piers will be announced later, or you can call Jeff at . This way, everyone can get in a full day, so it works out. Let Jeff or I know if you have RSVP’d and can’t make it so your spot can be reassigned. We have at least 35 people so we have room for more. Illegal Alien Sex Party As seen on Fox 5 and the NY Daily News FirstClass ticket holders board the Wanderlust/E.L.F. UFO Boat at Chelsea Piers. 60 abuctees capacity Refreshments and food provided. Alien art, alien music. In the cabin we will have footage of the Fox 5 segment that started it all. $35 – RSVP and prepay required, no walk-ons or stowaways accepted, email to get on theboat. Many popular local NYC psy-trance DJs: F/X Mike (Alphatrance/d) Tony Torn Soch (d) Machinelf (d) & others TBA.
#1832 :; SAVE THE ELF, NYC Cc: Jeff Fri, 29 Jun 2001 09:59:25 From: Saturday, June 30, 2001 New York, New York The Elf Liberation Front presents SAVE THE ELF The Official Trance Mermaid Parade Afterparty A Benefit for ELF Eitan (Spiritual Beings, Israel) Ran (Spiritual Beings, Israel) F/X Mike (Alphatrance/d, Russia) Machinelf (d, Hyperspace) web speeed/speeed/rooms4.html 20 West 39th, 3rd floor right under the roof. Excellent sound, fluoro tapestries, video projections, special effects, free giveaways. Hear the real deal from machinelf. June 30, 10pm-4am or 5am Admission: $20 *100% of ALL PROCEEDS from the first 100 people will go towards ELF, the Elf Liberation Fund to keep Machinelf out of incarceration.
#1833 :; Re: SAVE THE ELF at SPEEED, NYC Fri, 29 Jun 2001 18:35:26 From: Fri, 29 Jun 2001 15:42:52 Re: SAVE THE ELF at SPEEED, NYC Hello People, Very important – be sure to mention that you are there for the E.L.F. trance fundraiser and give your email to get a reduced $15 admission. We will be on the 3rd floor, one floor below the roof. See ya’ll Jeff Saturday, June 30, 2001 New York, New York The Elf Liberation Front presents SAVE THE ELF The Official Trance Mermaid Parade Afterparty A Benefit for ELF Eitan (Spiritual Beings, Israel) Ran (Spiritual Beings, Israel) F/X Mike (Alphatrance/d, Russia) Machinelf (d, Hyperspace) web speeed/speeed/rooms4.html 20 West 39th, 3rd floor right under the roof. Excellent sound, fluoro tapestries, video projections, special effects, free giveaways. Hear the real deal from machinelf. June 30, 10pm-4am or 5am Admission: $20 *100% of ALL PROCEEDS from the first 100 people will go towards ELF, the Elf Liberation Fund to keep Machinelf out of incarceration.
#1834 Chaishop Tour 2001 Synthetic Sadhus Fri, 29 Jun 2001 18:35:29 From: Come and spend another transcendental night with us in the land of fantasy! SYNTHETIC SADHUS presents CHAISHOP on Friday June 29 2001. The first New York appearance of Germany9s most thought after trance act. Their eclectic hard, deep techno-trance sound is a blessing: HALDOLIUM (Free Form-Chaishop-Germany) While touring the world over, this legendary pioneer & producer, ORGANIC NOISE (TIP Records- Free Form-Germany) With a killer new album on Phonokol and a forth coming one on TIP Records, rocking parties from Japan to Mexico, a live act from Israel’s best breed: ALIEN PROJECT (TIP Records-Phonokol-Israel) Chaishop’s visionary father, Sam has imposed himself as one of Europe9s most influent artist & producer: SAM (Chaishop-Germany) After a stomping set at our last TIP party, our resident is back with quite guaranteed blistering new tracks: NIKO (Synthetic Sadhus-NYC) Decoration: After covering the last VOOV festival in Germany, Amrisha stands as one of Europe9s most talented fluoro painter, it is her first New York appearance. AMRISHA (Spirit Zone-Germany). Enlightening our events since more than three years, this three-dimensional wizard creates the gates to the worlds of ascending fantasy & stringing infinity: JAMIN MURPHY (NYC) Chill-out environment by WANDERLUST. Featuring Chai Tea, Tents, Hookas, Visuals, & Massage Plus Live sets, Dj’s sets by: DOTS (Wanderlust-NYC) SASKAI (Echo Lounge) RANKA (Echo Lounge) MICHAEL WANDERLUST PETER ANDERS (NYC) Party9s location: The TUNNEL 220 12th Ave & 27th Street Manhattan, NYC Featuring a state of the art sound system! This party is 18 & over! (Please bring your I.D.) Doors open from 11pm till 7am. Tickets are $ 30 in advance and $35 at the door. You can purchase advance tickets in the following record shops: Home of Trance 212 533 6700 Throb 212 533 2328 Satellite 212 995 1744 Vinyl Market 212 539 1203 -New Manhattan Store! Sonic Groove 212 675 5284 Growroom (MA) 413 549 9296 Satellite (Boston) 617 536 5482 Caffeine (LI) 516 797 7196 611 (Philly) 215 413 9100 Synthetic Sadhus’ Info Line: 212-774-7728 / web chaishop/ Big Hugs for all of you! Synthetic Sadhus
#1835 BOAT CONFIRMATION!!! Sat, 30 Jun 2001 07:13:12 From: Fri, 29 Jun 2001 19:22:59 BOAT CONFIRMATION!!! hewwweb finally some good news. the E.L.F./Wanderlust Illegal Alien Sex Party is finally actually going to happen…. the ship’s engines are working, the weather looks good, and we will sail around Manhattan and then up river about 3 hours into clean waters for safe swimming. DJs F/X Mike, Soch, Machinelf, Tony, other aliens Sunday – *this* Sunday, July 1 – We board at 4pm, boat leaves at 5pm, returns around midnight or so. Chelsea Piers, 23rd and West Side Highway, on the Bertha right next to the Frying Pan. Keg of Brooklyn Lager and food plates and barbecue will be provided. I repeat, no walk-ons or castaways. We currently have a comfortable 30, but have room for lots more good people, so if you want to bring friends call me at or see me tonight at ELF. Need the money beforehand. Important – no cash will be exchanged or mentioned at the dock or in the boat. the great thing is, the flyer that was hanging up in the police stations said June 23 ahahaha. Bring weird alien sexy costumes, or you can even recycle your Mermaid outfit. The best outfit gets the door prize – a tiny alien trapped in the bottle. It is the NYPD, they are the alien, we are normal, let’s not ever forget that.
July 2001
#1836 Not Opium this Wednesday, NYC Mon, 02 Jul 2001 13:14:59 From: Sun, 1 Jul 2001 17:36:10 From: angeles garay chiletrance at yahoo Not Opium this WednesdayHello everybody! There is no Opium Den this Wednesday 4th of July, because of the date. I see you next week… Thanks!! Love and Light Angeles
#1837 Terry Mullan back in NYC for the Holiday! Tue, 03 Jul 2001 10:14:52 From: For the past 12 years Terry Mullan has been captivating dance floors worldwide with his driving funky beats that are a fusion of house and techno and his hip-hop influenced mixing style. Originally from Chicago he now lives in San Diego where he runs the Catalyst Recordings label and has been working on his own music productions and with Halo as Speaker Phreaker. After a short hiatus from NYC we are thrilled to have him at Touch this Holiday Friday. Touch Friday July 6th at Shine TERRY MULLAN – Catalyst Recordings, Champion Sound Sean Hall – Touch Luna – NYEX Doors 11pm SHINE is located at 285 West Broadway, at Canal st. NYC 21+, NO ID, No Entry shineliveshinelive Half price($10) entry if you reply by 6PM on Friday with full names to THE LIST CLOSES at 1am SHARP (reduced and comp) for more info about Touch and Touch Friday touch-nyctouch-nyc or 212.502.3532 Next Week, Friday July 13th Touch & K7 present GLOBAL ROTATION w/ Guy Called Gerald, Pathaan & Doomer week 3, Friday, July 20th Dano(Red Melon Records, SF) & Francis Harris week 4, Friday, July 27th DJ HELL, Dr. Rendezvous, Bill Velin
#1838 – NEVA BAR – Guest Dj! Tue, 03 Jul 2001 16:02:40 From: NEVA BAR – Guest Dj! Thursday, July 5, 2001 Time: 10:00PM – 4:00AM CDT (-05:00) Spiritual Beings is proud to present: THURSDAY NIGHT AT NEVA Where and When: Thursday night at NEVA BAR, 28 7th Av south (between Morton & Bedford), NYC, NY. Directions: It’s a few blocks south of Christopher st. subway station (1,9). Djs: * Dj YAC * Dj Ran (Spiritual Beings) * Dj Eitan (Spiritual Beings) Admission: * Free admission! Hope to see you there 🙂 Peace. Love. Unity. Respect. Spiritual beings. Our love and support to: Tibet -web savetibet.org The hunger site -web thehungersite
#1839 Opium Den on Wednesday, NYC Tue, 03 Jul 2001 16:02:43 From: From: XDoOdLBugX at aol Tue, 3 Jul 2001 14:56:01 mark its serena! hey! its serena from opium den,, can you do me a favor…can you send out an e-mail to everyone telling them that opium is very much open for the fourth of july…..and i will be bartending so everyone come in an chill out!!!…i think isam will be spinning….psy-trance…..(and possibly jeff also???) thanks man,,see ya there!! love, serena
#1840 Thanks from Jeff Tue, 03 Jul 2001 16:02:46 From: From: Tue, 3 Jul 2001 13:16:30 Thanks The Save the Elf benefit was a success. F/XMike, Ran, Eitan, and surprise guest DJ Illusion did a slamming job. We’re so happy with the turnout (98) that we’re going to do it again, it will be called REHAB. Also, those on brainmachines who attended will keep their membership. Thanks to Michel for organizing the trance float at the Mermaid Parade on Saturday, and finally, thanks to EVERYONE who set sail Sunday for the Alien Sex Party after the thunderstorm. When we got there at the pier at 5pm it was raining but luckily there was a film festival going on under the tent where we set up our Middle Eastern buffet. The weather had forecast scattered rains clearing up by nightfall. We decided to wait until 7pm to decide whether to continue or cancel. We lost about 12 people. After the initial downpour the skies miraculously cleared – did God change his mind? The remaining 25 made a group decision and got on the ship, we took off at 7pm, a rainbow came out, a beautiful sunset, and we had an evening to remember. The moon crept out from the clouds, dark trippy music set the mood. We must have had eight people swimming, props to Soch and Ben and Mandy for keeping the trance and industrial tunes going. There is a lot of interesting detail that unfortunately won’t ever see the light of day… you had to have been there. We got back at 1:30am. Everyone couldn’t believe the vibe, the spirit, and the full on insanity. For those who were no show, we did say, rain or shine. Even though the rain scared off 15 of the 40 people who had verbally promised they would show, and to hold a seat for them, keepin mind that if you commited, then that was a seat that could have gone to someone else. Thanks to some last minute friends who boarded we ended up just with a loss of $250 on the food and drink, which was offset by the Save the Elf benefit on Friday. In the future, absolutely no reservations will be made without payment upfront, even from friends. It is my policy to always keep my word, and when we say we are going to do somthing, whether under the bridge or on a boat or at my house, to follow up and do it no matter what the cost or consequence. Thanks again, true believers! Our faith and persistence was rewarded. We’ll do this again, definitely. Cheers Jeff
#1841 subtle chaos, tonight, nyc Tue, 03 Jul 2001 16:06:13 From: From: “info” tonight’s special guest Tue, 3 Jul 2001 10:45:05 TUESDAY JULY 3 NIGHTSHIFT At Pyramid (Downstairs lounge) special guests: Niko (synthetic sadhus, NYC) Wildbill (web swerve-dc/web swerve-dc, DC) plus DJ sets from Jason and Vadim (SubtleChaos / subtle production) 101 Avenue A bet. 6th and 7th St., East Village, Manhattan Use entrance on the left with NIGHTSHIFT poster. 10pm – 4am. 18+/21+ to drink. Entry only with valid ID. $3 cover before midnight / $5 after To join SubtleChaos mailing list, send an e – s u b t l e c h a o s
#1842 Machinelf Dependence Day Wed, 04 Jul 2001 13:30:00 From: From: Wed, 4 Jul 2001 11:11:59 Machinelf Dependence Day Today, we the strung out and tired declare ourselves dependent on trance music for life, love, and the pursuit of happiness. Tonight, Machinelf will spin independent music at Opium Den from 10-1am, the sucker slot during the fireworks ozone producing inanity. Bring alms, prosthetic devices, used needles, failed urinalysis, etc. and maybe a small donation. Your bartender will be Serina freshly back from Thailand. Issam and Vupta? wll take over at 1am.
#1843 NYC events from Nonsense Thu, 05 Jul 2001 20:47:56 From: … Thursday, July 5 … * Public Message Board, Manhattan … * The Baffler Benefit, Manhattan … … Friday, July 6 … * Drunken Universe, Greenpoint, Brooklyn … * Burlesque on the Beach, Coney Island, Brooklyn … * Kupalo Freakout, Manhattan … * Dance for Justice, Manhattan … … Saturday, July 7 … * Nonstop, Bushwick, Brooklyn … * Dumboluna, DUMBO, Brooklyn … * Janet Vodka’s Red Warehouse, Manhattan … … Ongoing Events … * PS1 Warm Up, Etc. … … Free Summer Stuff … * Summerstage, Etc. … … NOTE: For some navigation help, or an explanation for what this is all … about, scroll all the way down to NONSENSE. You’ll find snarky … editorial … comments and little bits of praise littered throughout this list. These … nuggets are marked with all caps, like this: NOTE. … … xX THURSDAY, JUNE 21 xX … … From Vanessa’s list: … … Public Message Board … … An interactive LED message board that can be operated from … public payphones … by Emre Celik and Jaime Villarreal. Opening demonstration tonight. … … The message board uses salvaged electronics, inexpensive parts, and the … existing phone network. Hanging from the balcony of our 5th floor … apartment, the LED display will be clearly visible and can be accessed … through the public payphone across the street. Using the keypad of the … phone as an interface, users can write messages, draw simple … graphics and … play games. … … Corner of Clinton and Stanton, Manhattan … 6-10$free … … ***** Also on THURSDAY ***** … … The Baffler Benefit … … The Baffler traveling salvation and medicinal show presents performers, … truth-tellers, and curative miracles. Contributions taken to … benefit The … Baffler fire fund. Providing witness to the majesty of the … contrarian point … of view: Thomas Frank, Robert Nedelkoff, David Grubbs, I Am the … World Trade … Center, and other special guests. … … Tonic … 107 Norfolk Street, between Delancey and Rivington, Manhattan … 9$12 … 212 358 7501 … web tonicnyc … thebaffler … … NOTE: The Baffler is who we used to be, or, rather, who we … wanted to be, or … worse, who we wanted others to think we were. See, in the early ’90s it … seemed to us that the world was consumed by commercialism and entirely … mediated by monolithic entertainment conglomerates. We imagined that if … these ideologies, these practices, these companies went … unchecked that even … the last, diligent few people like us, of course would be … steamrolled … and forced into a pair of Nikes. Back then we figured that the … only weapons … available to people like us were satire, irony, and intelligence. The … Baffler delivered all of that. They explained how dissent and … rebellion had … been boxed up, repackaged, and reused to sell Levi’s. They ripped apart … somthing called alternative music. They poked holes in the idea of … lifestyles, as opposed to lives. And they were funny: “Interns … built the … pyramids,” they asserted. “The journal that blunts the cutting … edge,” they … sloganed. So time passed. The Baffler editors wrote books. They started … writing about unions. Meanwhile, we got older. And in doing so … we learned … somthing that the Baffler never thought to teach us: That you … can rip and … pull and scream and shout about the system, but you can’t bring … it down. It … was all very depressing. By that time, the Baffler just made us … sad. It was … all so negative. We couldn’t stand it. We ached for sincerity, … for action. … Satire seemed so empty. Irony had no barbs left. Fortunately somthing … happened around that time. We started seeing things; people … doing stuff. … Homemade circuses. Collective warehouses. Elaborate parties. … Treasure hunts … in subway tunnels. People in costume for the pure … ridiculousness of it. The … people doing these things acted as if no one had bothered to … tell them that … everything sucked. And instead of moping around and complaining, they … built. It was all very inspiring. And fun. So fun. We have a … new mind about … all of this now. To us, it seems that it’s better to build new … things than … to bother tearing down old things. If you don’t like movies and … television, … entertain yourself. If you think bars suck, don’t go to them. … You create … your own life. These days we don’t really have time for the … Baffler and we … haven’t read it in years. But a few months ago, we heard that … the journal’s … offices in Chicago had burnt down in a fire that consumed the entire … building. The staff detailed what they had lost: files, … printers, scissors, … staples, a fax machine, so much more. And somehow, by reading … about all of … these real goods, we realized that we’d forgotten somthing: … The Baffler … and its staff were really trying to build somthing all along. … They weren’t … really just sitting around criticizing pop culture or whatever; … they were … making a magazine, printing it, distributing it. “Forget the other crap … magazines,” we could hear them say, “we’ll make our own.” And, … geez, they … even helped us get through all of that early ’20s negativity. We still … really haven’t changed our mind about their message, or … whatever, but we … sent in a check immediately. We want the Baffler to get going again, … because they’re, in their own way, building somthing of their own. We … figured we’d run the benefit party information here just in … case you agree. … … xX FRIDAY, JULY 6 xX … … Brooklyn Massive and Baraka Foundation present … … Drunken Universe … … Featuring Maharaja (Gypsies from Rajasthan India, formally known as … Musafir), Umar Bin Hassan (Last Poets), Baraka Orchestra … (Brooklyn’s own … Middle Eastern, dub, jazz, experience), DJs Dub Gabriel, … Professor Shehab, … Trance Muter. Visuals by Monster Zero, D-Luzion. Astrology by Astral … Science. Belly dancers and much more. … … Polish National Home and Ballroom … 261 Driggs, Greenpoint, Brooklyn … 10$10 … … ***** Also on FRIDAY ***** … … Burlesque on the Beach … … This Summer will see the return of our highly successful … program, a revival … of the most glorious and notorious of the girlie revues in Coney Island … history. The sumptuous decor, fabulous bubble machine, and … swell girls made … burlesque one of Coney’s hottest attractions! Now burlesque has … returned to … the shores of Coney Island for a new run. … … The times have changed, and so have the shows. Every Friday … night brings an … all new show with outrageous acts. A blend of old-style … burlesque, sideshow … freaks, strange women, new vaudeville, and toe-tappin’ music, it’s … fireworks after the fireworks. … … Tonight: Princess Pat and the Voodoo Band, authentic Afro-Pop … from Nigeria. … … Continuing Fridays through September 14. … … July 13: Sealboy, Freak! First American performance by London’s … disabled, … short-armed actor, punk rock drummer, and performance artist Mat Fraser. … … July 20: Trav S.D.’s Seaside Follies, a cavalcade of bathing … beauties, low … comics, and freakish anomalies, all presented in the best … possible taste. … … July 27: The Great Fredini and Bambi Present Burlesque-a-rama. … … August 3: Harley Newman, professional lunatic, fire, swords, … ropes, chains, … plastic wrap, a power drill and fishhooks from the holder of two … world-records on the Bed of Nails. … … August 10: Spazzstock 2001 with The Spittoons, The Shemps, Sato … and Jonny, … The Clams, and The Pluggers, hosted by WFMU’s Dave the Spazz. … … August 17: The Great Fredini and Bambi Present Burlesque-a-rama. … … August 24: The Great Fredini and Bambi Present Burlesque-a-rama. … … August 31: The World Famous Pontani Sisters Spectacular. … … September 7: The Great Fredini Presents the new burlesque game-show … sensation “This or That.” You could be a contestant and win … fabulous prizes. … … September 14: The VaVa Voom Room … … Sideshows By the Seashore … Surf Avenue and West 12th Street, Coney Island, Brooklyn 10$10 … web coneyislandusa/burlesque.shtml … … NOTE: This was a great series last summer. You can go down and … watch the … fireworks on the beach, which start around 9p, and then have a … leisurely … walk over to the Sideshow building. The shows are charmingly … anti-professional, but pro-entertainment. The ones we saw mixed silly … burlesque with bad magic. We laughed more than once. When the … show ends, … you’ve got Coney Island at night, which is always unnervingly … fun. You can … go check out that big ride with the spray-paint tributes to Tupac and … Biggie, or walk by and listen to the carnies heckle you into … playing a game … of chance. If you’ve got a date, hit the Wonderwheel, which … provides, in … our opinion, the best place to make out in New York. … … ***** Also on FRIDAY ***** … … From Extreme NY: … … Kupalo Freakout … … Rituals, songs, and anarchy celebrating Kupala, the Slavic … pagan Midsummer … Night, with Maryana Sadovska, Yara Arts Group performers, the … Experimental … Bandura Trio, Eugene Hutz (of Gogol Bordello), Alexis Kochan … from Winnipeg, … food artist Olesia Lew, wreath-maker Roksolana Luchkan, and many others. … … Community Garden, 6th Street and Avenue B, Manhattan … 8:30$free … … NOTE: Hippies. … … ***** Also on FRIDAY ***** … … From Blackkat: … … Dance for Justice … … Dance party fundraiser for Brecht Forum and Blackkat … Collective. With DJ … Chrome, Jason Blackkat, No-e, Pow Pow. Activist video … projections and info … tables. … … Brecht Forum … 122 West 27th Street, 10th floor, between 6th and 7th avenues, Manhattan … 10p-4a; $5-10 sliding scale … 212 242 4201 … web brechtforum.org/ … … xX SATURDAY, JULY 7 xX … … Nonstop … … First stop on the USA freetekno tour. Busses of musicians, free … thinkers, … culture tinkers, and artists are roaming the USA this summer, trying to … decapitalize the gathering experience by creating euphoric happenings … centered around electonic music and expression. For complete … tour dates, … see the TEKNODE. … … Tonight: Three rooms, three international sound systems, seven crews. … Havocsound (NYC), Spaz (SF), K.Ktus and … rondcirquesquaretriangle (France), … 5lowershop (SF), Mononom (Nederland). … … Plus mad tekno, psykotik video, clowns, chillout, dubhall … … Las Ventanas de 23/ 23 Windows … 41 Belvidere, Brooklyn … JMZ trains to Mrytle stop. Down the stairs to right, left on Broadway, … three blocks, then a right on Belvidere, last building on your … left #41. L … train to Montrose stop. Ten- to 15-minute walk. Walk downhill … on Bushwick … Avenue. The road will turn and veer to the left. Turn right on … Flushing, … two blocks, turn left onto Beaver, five blocks, turn right on … Belvidere, … first door on your right. … 10$5 to benefit travelling soundsystems … 212 726 0631 … … NOTE: This is the first stop for a touring consortium of tekno kids who … plan to drive around the country playing festivals. There are … about 30 of … them, spread among several crews. Admirably, they believe in … free culture, … and want to spread the vibe. They insist that there is a thriving scene … like this already working in Europe. This is their attempt to … kick-start … somthing in the US. Come break a bottle of spring water across … their back … bumper and send them on their way. … … ***** Also on SATURDAY ***** … … Dumboluna … … A full-moon night of seven different parties. Visit them all … with one pass … and walk around in the neighborhood that has become legendary for its … eclectic events. A night full of music, dance, film, video, flirting, … kissing, chilling, grooving. DJ Spooky hypnotizes. Drinks are … free ’til dawn. … … For a full schedule of events and locations, click here: … … 10 John Street, DUMBO, Brooklyn … F train to York … 6p-dawn; $20 advance, $25 door … sebiluna at hotmail … 718 813 8404 … … NOTE: Hard event to read. We really can’t tell if it’s actually … going to be … good, or if it’s mostly going to be just a linked set of loft … parties. We … think it’s absurdly expensive, so we encourage you to make sure … you scope … things out well or ask around before you go and drop the 20 bucks. … … ***** Also on SATURDAY ***** … … Janet Vodka’s Red Warehouse … … Since late 1998, the Janet Vodka rock ‘n’ roll catastrophe has … plunged the … depths of New York’s downtown music scene, appearing regularly … at CBGBs, … Baby Jupiter, and other venues. Disillusioned, degraded, and … disgusted by … club exploitation, where the only things that matter are … numbers, bodies, … and drink minimums, Janet Vodka began Red Warehouse to create a … positive … performance environment for everyone. … … Hosted by Mercury Man, with Janet Vodka, Early Edison, and the … Dan Whitley … Band. Plus, the off-stage antics of the Janet Vodka Sideshow Circus. … … Bellevue Bar … 9th Avenue and 40th Street, Manhattan … 8$free, you must RSVP to 212 8659622 or you will not be admitted … janetvodka/redwarehouse/ … … NOTE: We’re very curious about this event. If you go this … weekend, please … send us a note and let us know what you thought. … … xX ONGOING xX … … * PS1 Warm Up series. DJs, art, architecture, dancing, cute … people. July 7: … Nortec Collective. July 21: Breakbeat Science 5th Year … Anniversary. July … 28: Onthecorner.fm. September 1: Studio K7. Saturdays, 3p-9$5. 22-25 … Jackson Avenue, at 46th Avenue, Long Island City, Queens. … web ps1.org … … * Synth, organized by Leo Villareal, is an exhibition with immersive … installations that explore synthesis, synthetic, and synthesizer. There … will be special events through July 28. Check … web whitecolumns.org/synth.html for schedule. White … Columns Gallery, … 320 W. 13th Street, entrance on Horatio, between 8th Avenue and Hudson, … Manhattan. 7-9free. 212 924 4212, … web whitecolumns.org/schedule.html … … * Phat Tuesdays, the perfect performance party, featuring … dance, theater, … puppetry. Tuesdays, Galapagos, 70 N 6th St., Williamsburg. 8pm; $12. … … * Art and Music in the Anchorage. The music is over, but the … space and its … installations are still open through July 29. The Brooklyn Bridge … Anchorage, Cadman Plaza West, intersection of Hicks and Old … Fulton streets, … Brooklyn. Thursday through Sunday 1-6free. … web creativetime.org. … … * oneARMred, meeting ground for artists who share an intense desire for … community and creative collaboration that inspires an authentic … and ongoing … exchange with its audience, where every participant is co-creator, … performer, and educator in relentless collaborations. Oar, 100 Water … Street, Suite 1009, Brooklyn. 718 797-0046, getred at onearmred. … web onearmred/ … … * Va Va Voom Room, cabaret. Saturdays. Fez under Time Cafe, … Great Jones and … Lafayette, Manhattan. 11$15. Reservations: 212 533 7000. … web vavavoomroom. … … * Pontani Sisters, go-go dancing. Fridays: Windows on the … World, 1 World … Trade Center. 9:30p-1a; $10. With DJ Johnny Oh! and bands. Mondays: … Marion’s Continental, 354 Bowery, at E. 4th Street. 8.30-11$?. … Wednesdays: Barmacy, 14th Street, between Avenues A and B. … 10p-2a; $5 boys, … girls free. With DJ Johnny Oh! Thursdays: Galapagos, 70 N 6th St., … Williamsburg. 9free. Saturdays: Dance workshops at Steppin’ … Out Studios, … 37 W 26 Street, 9th floor. 4-5.30p-$10-13. … web pontanisisters. … … * Surveillance Camera Outdoor Walking Tours. Sundays. July 8: … Times Square. … July 15: Harlem. July 22: United Nations. July 29: Lower East … Side. Call or … check Website for meeting points. 2p sharfree. 212-561-0106. … web notbored.org/the-scp.html … … * The Wau Wau Sisters, trapeze-swinging, singing duo, Mondays, … Galapagos, … 70 N 6th St., Williamsburg, 10p, free. … … xX FREE SUMMER STUFF xX … … NOTE: This is a new, limited Nonsense NYC section. Like … everything we do, … it’s edited and filtered nowhere near comprehensive. The … events you’ll … find in this section are not exactly like other Nonsense-listed events. … That means that some of these are big, commercially sponsored … events, some … ask you to sit around and be entertained. Nevertheless, part of … what we try … to do here every week is to find the things that make New York a better … place to live, and the kind of things you’ll find below are the … things that … make the rent easier to pay. … … * Hudson River Park Riverflicks, free movies on the piers, … under the stars. … July 11: Taxi Driver. July 13: Little Shop of Horrors. July 18: Psycho. … July 20: The Producers. July 27: Harold and Maude. Pier 54, … 12th Avenue and … 43rd Street. Sundown. … web hudsonriverpark.org/summer/calendar/index.html #21 … NOTE: This is … a fine series of classic and near-classic films, with far less … ordeal than … the series over at Bryant Park. We went to several screenings … last summer … and ate free popcorn. It’s wonderful. This organization also … sponsors a lot … of free theater, concerts, and dances. Check the schedule for even more. … … * Central Park Summerstage, free, no-hassle music, concerts, and … performances all summer long. July 7: Manu Chau, Gogol … Bordello, DJs from … Nortec Collective, 1:30p DJs, 3p live shows. July 8: Africa … Fete, 3p. July … 9: Lyricist Lounge presents Strickly Lyrics, 7:30p. July 13: Mark Haim, … 8:30p. July 14: Basement Jaxx, Silvana Magda’s Viva Brazil … Dance Co., Bongo … Maffin, DJs Martin Morales, Ron Trent, 3p. July 15: Middle Eastern … Drumming, noon, Amina, Ekova, Lo’Jo, 3p. July 18: New York Grand Opera … plays Verdi’s Otello, 7:30p. July 21: Susan Tedeschi, Robert … Randolph. July … 22: Craig David, Lina, DJ MKL, 3p. July 27: MaiaClaire, M.C. Fortress, … M’Zawa Danz, Full Circle Productions, 8.30p. July 28: Kid … Creole and the … Coconuts, Los Mocosos, DJ Jeno, 3p. July 29: Shadow, Super … Blue, 3p. Rumsey … Playfield, near the 5th Avenue and 72nd Street entrance to … Central Park, … Manhattan. web summerstage.org/home.asp … NOTE: The booking staff at this venue is so good that pretty much every … single show is excellent. The acts are of such quality that … you’ll often be … won over, even if the genre is new to you or not exactly to your taste. … Since many of them are fairly obscure world artists, it’s often … worth it to … just show up with a blanket, a deli sandwich, and a few hours. … Make sure to … go early. You can find band bios and more at the Website. … … * Hiro Yamagata, NGC6093. Installation art show, with light, … technology, … and science. Tuesday through Saturday, 10a-6Sunday 11a-5p; … through July … 28. Ace Gallery, 275 Hudson, Manhattan. 212 255 5599. NOTE: This is a … large-scale gallery installation. List member yesac5000 checked … it out last … week and has this to say: “I went to Ace gallery with a vague notion of … what to expect. Some guy had supposedly transformed the whole … gallery into … a psychedelic hallucination. I didn’t think much could be done. … Sure, I’ve … seen Mind’s Eye computer graphics. I’ve been to a Dead show, hell, I’ve … even taken copious amounts of most hallucinogens. None of those … prepared me … for this show. Just entering the gallery felt like shedding the skin of … reality. The interior shimmered with fractals. The space felt … claustrophobic and vast at the same time. The lighting … undulated slowly, … bouncing off the spinning mirrored cubes as bright strobe … blasts beckoned … from other rooms. Each room contained its own unique experience … and some … were quieter than others. One required special 3-D glasses. As I moved … through the rooms my skin became covered with a fine perspiration and I … swear seratonin seeped free in my brain. I don’t want to give … away too much … of the magic so I’m going to cut myself short. Just do yourself … a favor and … see it before it’s gone! Like any trip, it’s best to experience NGC6093 … with some close friends. Go early to avoid the crowds.” … … * Bryant Park Summer Film Festival 2001. Bryant Park, 6th … Avenue at 42nd … street Mondays, through August 20. Lawn opens at 5p, film at … dusk; $free. … July 9: Double Indemnity. July 16: You Can’t Take It With You. July 23: … Rear Window. July 30: Stalag 17. August 6: The Philadelphia … Story. August … 13 and 14: Doctor Zhivago. August 20: An American in Paris. … 212-512-5700, … web hbobryantparkfilm NOTE: Very crowded, very … annoying people, … lots of cops. Nevertheless, lovely. … … xX NONSENSE xX … … nonsense nyc is a discriminating resource for independent art, weird … events, strange happenings, unique parties, and senseless … culture in new … york city. … … not much to add here in this space this week; we feel like we’ve said … pretty much all we had to say above in several NOTE scribbles … above. thank … you for enduring. … … we’ve probably entered the quieter part of the summer as people … run away … from the heat and that godawful stench. fortunately there’s … much to amuse. … pay special attention to the growing, three-week old “free … summer stuff” … section above. it’s got a lot of good junk plenty to amuse … you on sweaty … afternoons and humid nights. … … next sunday, save your early morning and we mean early for a boom … that will make anything you heard on the fourth sound like a cracking … ladyfinger. we’ll be helping host a formal tea party to celebrate the … implosion of williamsburg’s twin fuel towers. press your shirts and … blouses, dig out a bow tie, and watch this list for more … information next … week. … … that’s it this week. please send us info on upcoming events … your own or … the ones that you are attending. short reviews are great, too. special … thanks this week to kimbee, yesac, vanessa, and eartheater for … the listings … and the suggestions. … … please remember that you are always free to pass nonsense nyc along to … anyone who needs to see it, but you do not have permission to … use any of … the listings for your commercial publication. if you are receiving this … list as a forward from someone else go ahead and sign up here: … nonsensenyc-subscribe at laughingsquid. … … xX END xX … … The finest in elegant disposability. … … … … nonsense nyc … … to the list, send an e … nonsensenyc-subscribe at laughingsquid … … for more information, send an e … nonsensenyc-info at laughingsquid … … for additional help, email jstark at salon …
#1844 Touch Holiday Fri, 06 Jul 2001 09:49:37 From: Fri, 06 Jul 2001 02:00:53 From: “Touch” gig at touch-nyc Touch Holiday -owner cover it. sorry if you get this more than once…. Touch Friday July 6th at Shine TERRY MULLAN – Catalyst Recordings, Champion Sound Doors 11pm SHINE is located at 285 West Broadway, at Canal st. NYC 21+, NO ID, No Entry shineliveshinelive Half price($10) entry if you reply by 6PM on Friday with full names to THE LIST CLOSES at 1am SHARP (reduced and comp) for more info about Touch and Touch Friday touch-nyctouch-nyc or 212.502.3532
#1845 upcoming psy-trance events Fri, 06 Jul 2001 09:49:40 From: This document contains information regarding upcoming psy-trance events in New York, Boston, Pennsylvania, and DC including a list of weekly events. If anyone has any additions, changes or corrections, please let me know. Friday 6, 2001 NY, NY Funday Mass presents MAHADEVA NIGHT Isam (Morocco 2001) Jason (SubtleChaos) Vadim (SubtleChaos) Niko (Synthetic Sadhus) 10PM-10AM 60 Rutledge South Williamsburg, NY FRIDAY 06.06.01 NY, NY THE BUNKER at the 169BAR (169 EBroadway,1 block south of Canal & Essex,take the F train to broadway station) NIKO-Synthetic Sadhus(NYC) JASON -Subtle Chaos Backdrops provided by the Sadhus cover $8 18 to enter 21 to drink starting 10-4am Saturday, July 7 NY, NY DJ ILLUSION (Paradox,Psy-Locib Tranz,Israel) DJ Maxx ( Psy-Locib Tranz,NYC) party location at club T W I R L 208 West 23 st. bet. 7 & 8 ave. doors open 10pm until late. (Cover only 10$ and 8$ on the reduced list.) please e-mail as soon as possible Psylocib3000 at aol to be on our exclusive guestlist+ From 10pm – 11pm there will be an open bar, drink all you want for free. Please 21 + over only please bring your i.d. Friday, July 20 NY, NY Hom-mega Records and Shaffel Records present MOSHE.K. – Xerox, Maskalin (Hommega Records, Israel) SEBI – GMS, Zorba (TIP Records, UK) ORION (LIVE) (Transient, Phantasm Records, UK) LIRAN (Hommega Records, Israel) DOOM (Shaffel Records, Israel) 10:00PM – 8:00AM Warehouse, NYC 141 E 140th St (Grand Concourse & Walton Ave) by train: #4 to 138 Grand Concourse or #2 to 149 Grand Concourse by car: major deegan, triboro, madison or 3rd bridge to 138 Grand Concourse Tickets $25 advance, $30 at the door Home of Trance 212.533.6700 Throb 212.533.2328 Satellite 212.995.1744 Sonic Groove 212.675.5284 Any time 718.218.7272 InfoLine: 212.560.4346 web hommega 18+ ID A MUST friday, july 27, 2001 pittsburgh, pennsylvania sidetrakkt productions presents MANDALA a monthly psychedelic trance gathering SYNCHRO (Liquid Audio Soundz/ TIPWorld – Netherlands) web djsynchro Ex Nihilo (Psychedelic Trance Liberation Front – Detroit, MI) Count Zer0 and Electric Mayhem (sidetrakkt – pittsburgh) the venue will be transformed with psychedelic artwork and decorations 10 p.m. to 6 a.m. tickets are now available at milk records (333 fourth ave. downtown – basement of level) and hypervinyl (oakland ave. – oakland). there are a limited number of tickets available for $20 until the end of may or until sold out. starting june 1, presales will be $25. outlets may charge a $1 service charge. mandala literally, an essence-protecting environment, a mandala is a magical and sacred realm, created by the artistry of enlightened compassion in order to nurture beings’ development toward enlightenment mandala takes place every month at level – 333 fourth ave., downtown pittsburgh 10 p.m. until 6 a.m. $10 web sidetrakkt/july27.asp July 28 NY, NY Spiritual Beings Sundays Boston RESURRECTION The Trance, Techno, NRG experience Sundays at The Pheonix Landing 512 Mass Ave. Central Square Cambridge MA, USA 617-576-6260 21+ $3 19+ $5 Admission is free before 10:00pm!! With Residents- BLACKSMITH and Ammon EP Visuals by Ammon EP (web ammonep) Sound by Blake/Sonic Solutions remember- Sunday is for partying! Sundays Boston HANGOVER EASY… (mellow grooves) sunday brunch at DUNWELL’S a collaboration of boston’s underground 12pm-5pm 1271 boylston st boston ma breakfast/drink specials questions? theregulars at email web decontrol.net/web lavabar Tuesdays NY, NY Jason, Vadim & guests NightShift At Pyramid Club 101 Avenue A (bet. 6th and 7