2010 Trip Out New York Emails

Updated 2 years ago


These are the full emails with discussion, replies, off-topic, non-trance events, etc.
For a much more succinct, formatted, and edited history, go here, and here are just flyers.
Other years in emails:
1999*2000*2001*2002 Pt 1*2002 Pt 2*2003*20042005
*Trip Out New York was called Brainmachines from 1999-2003.

January 2010

#4373 Tue, 12 Jan 2010 06:42:20 This Saturday (Jan 16 2010) YogiBogeyBox brings you Cosmosis Live and Rastaliens 9-5652958390-4755447191:7 The NYC Trance Dance Experience IN WHAT SEEMS TO BE AN EVENTFUL WEEKEND TO OUR NYC COMMUNITY, THERE IS ONE EVENT THAT REPRESENTS ALL THAT YOGIBOGEY BOX STANDS FOR AND PROMISES TO BE OUR BEST ONE YET! The absolute Genius of Cosmosis, the unforgettable tunes of Rastaliens, a Live only Chill-out area the decorations of Julien Seyer and as always the hospitality of YBB. We sure hope you will be there to gain a smile that will last a long long time !!! And so here is the lineup: COSMOSIS LIVE (Holoponic Records, U.K)Bill Halsey, the producer behind Cosmosis and Mumbo-Jumbo, is a former professio nal session guitarist from London who has performed with countless bands, p laying Rock, Funk, Jazz, Blues, Pop and Hip-Hip. He has toured throughout E urope, Australasia, and Asia. Bill honed his writing and recording skills w hile composing and recording pop tracks for over ten years before he began creating pure electronic music. Now he’s as much in demand as a composer as he is for live appearances, sharing his particular brand of tongue-in-chee k, full power Psy-Trance on dancefloors across the globe. During the past 1 2 years, Bill has played Cosmosis’ music to ecstatic crowds in such diverse locations as Japan, Taiwan, Brazil, Israel, India, Bali, Germany, Australi a, New Zealand, Colombia, United States, Egypt, Switzerland, Sweden, Hungar y, Slovakia, Denmark, England, Spain, Ireland, Canada, Serbia, Scotland, Be lgium, Finland, Holland, Greece, South Africa, Russia, France, Mexico and P ortugal, and continues to play regularly in many of these countries. Bill d ivides his studio time between scoring music for animation, lazing about in a hammock with his acoustic guitar in the back garden, making full power d ance music, and touring Cosmosis worldwide. web cosmosis.co.uk http ://web cosmosis.co.uk/ RASTALIENS DJ SET / SOUTHWILD (Phar Psyde Records, Switzerland)We will be joined by Jay for a special NYC Rastaliens DJ set. R astalians are Jurgen Kassel and Ralph Knobloch. Since about 13 years they a re DJs. After 3 years with dj-ing, Jurgen and Ralph realised, that the r ecords from other people were not enough for them. And look at this, since about 9 years they are producing their own psychedelic trance. Rastalians s tarted in a small cellar with a little soundsystem. At the beginning projec t just used simple software-synthies and a small sequenzer-programm. Becaus e of their limited possiblities, it was not easy for us to produce a good q uality of sound85Hard work and a lot of enthusiasm caused a booking from s ome friends in Switzerland. They wanted a live-act. Rastalians’ first set, which was played with some quite old synthies, as like Roland 101 and Korg Trident. On a special day, Jurgen and Ralph decided to send our first songs to some differnt labels around the world. Wepacked this CDs together wi th all our positive vibrations and what happend: Yaniv, from Hadshot Haheiz ar released our first two songs. “FREAK BOOSTER” and “UNIDENTIFIED SPECIES” . After playing on many parties around the globe, like Portugal, Netherland Mexico, Greece, USA, UK,etc. there was time for an album which was releas ed also on Hadshot and more should follow on Boom! Rec.(which released also the 2nd album), Digital Psionics, Ketuh, Glowing Flame, and so on85 web rastaliens web rastaliens/ FUMI (YogiBogeyBox, NY, J apan)Fumi is a Producer/DJ based in Brooklyn NY. Born in Japan in 1979, he has traveled the world extensively and lived in countries such as Japan, In dia, Singapore, Malaysia, Bahrain, and the United States today. While livin g in Bombay India, between 1996-1998, he was kidnapped to Goa by his high s chool friend for the first time not knowing what to expect. This turned out to be a life changing expedition. After living in India as high school stu dent, he gradually started to get infected by Psychedelic Trance, and soon purchased his first turntables. He has since performed on the same stage wi th many internationally known artists such as Transdriver, Penta, Jelly Hea dz, Parus, Ajja, Onkel Donkel, Wizak Twizack, Melorix, Muktisvara, Progress Ocelot, Cosmosis, Hux Flux, Infected Mushroom and Kiriyama to name few. T he style of Music he plays is mostly night time psychedelic trance music, a lthough wide range, not just dark or full-on, but pure psychedelic with pow erful, pounding, pumping, mind twisting trippy stories with craze, psyche, fun and bit of punk and humor. LUIS CAMPOS (Dreamcatcher, NY, Brazil)DJ Lui s Campos, producer and long time trance DJ, born and raised in the city of Sao Paulo, Brazil where he started his professional career as a DJ at the v ery early age of 13. Throughout the years, Luis experimented many different styles of music and developed his identity along the road. DJ Luis was par t of the band Influx since its foundation in 1996, in which he collaborated until 1999 when he decided to come to New York. In 2000, DJ Luis and colla borators founded the Dreamcatcher studios and Psycheground weekly trance pa rty which still happens and is already established as being one of the top party organizations in America. Currently Luis and His old time friend and partner Matyas Kelemen are working on the Reality Engine project which comb ines music and video creating a completely new dancefloor experience. AMOS RASTA (Red Eye Familia, Israel)Amos Greilsammer, 23, was born in Jerusalem, Israel. Playing drums and other instruments in his childhood, amos allways had the music full-filling his life. He’s been traveling and attending Psy -Trance parties and festivals over the world for the last 6 years, explorin g electronic sounds and the Psy-Trance movement. After spending one year in Australia in 2006, Amos came back to Israel inspired by the Australian Psy -Trance scene, and started mixing electronic music and producing undergroun d parties and music festivals in Israel. Amos will bring us fresh unique so unds from the Israeli desert, the Australian bush, and Goa beaches, to brin g us high for a towards a magical night. DJ RHEEDOO (Omnitribe, NY, Ukraine )Gosha, who was born in Kiev, Ukraine (Soviet Union at that time) became pa rt of the NYC scene shortly after his arrival in 1998 as he got involved in UnderTheBridge afterparties and other Alphatrance events as a promoter/pro ducer. He also began to dj under the alias DJ Indra. Then was Omnitribe, Ga ian Mind summer festivals and many others parties and events. Groovy-mornin g-progressive became Gosha’s favorite type of vibration. Deep chillout and ambient sets where also his specialty. In a past couple of years Gosha bega n re(dis)covering connections to his ethnical identity, and as result becam e very much influenced by world and ethnic music from the Eastern Europe. H e found that traditionally people from Balkans to Carpathian Mountains area are very musically gifted and their folk tunes are rather groovy and quite danceable. To signify this new passion for ethnic-based music Gosha assume d a new name – DJ Rheedoo. He played his first set under this new identity at the closing of Desiderata festival past August – and the response was ov erwhelming! Gosha has the recording available for listening and downloading here: soundcloud/ soundcloud/barmaglot/sets INCR EDIBLE CHILL LOUNGE LINEUP featuring: PRIMORDIAL OOZE – LIVE (Sentimony/Pur e Perception – Chicago)(YES, our friends from Chicago will join us for a li ve set) PROGRESS – LIVE CHILL SET (AntiShanti Records, USA) And a SPECIAL S URPRISE ACT Location:Hello BK formerly The Hook18 Commerce streetBrooklyn, NYweb thehookmusic/ web thehookmusic/ With a fansta stic vibe, this amazing venue with YUMMMY sound will provide us with two fl oors of music as well as an outdoor patio to take a breather. While the Red Hook does not have subways running through its underground yet, there are other options. The B61 bus, which travels express from Williamsburg and dow ntown BK drops you off one block from the venue. The F train carroll street stop drops you a short 10 minute walk from The Hook. There is plenty of pa rking space and the cab fare to the venue ranges from 8 from BK to 12 from Manhattan. Directions:web thehookmusic/ web thehookmusic / directions Map:maps.google/maps? maps.googl e/maps? Tickets will go for $2 5 before midnight and 30$ after. Our beautiful site:web YogiBogeyBox .org web YogiBogeyBox.org/Any questions write us at yogibogeybox at additional questions cal l us at (631)943-1339doors will open at 10 [mail.google/mail/?u 9-5652958390-4755447191:7 he NYC Trance Dance Experience widt SEEMS TO BE AN EVENTFUL WEEKEND TO OUR NYC COMMUNITY, THERE IS ONE EVENT TH AT REPRESENTS ALL THAT YOGIBOGEYBOX STANDS FOR AND PROMISES TO BE OUR BEST of Rastaliens, a Live only Chill-out area, the decorations of Julien Seyer and as always the hospitality of YBB. We sure hope you will be there to gai y, the producer behind Cosmosis and Mumbo-Jumbo, is a former professional s ession guitarist from London who has performed with countless bands, playin g Rock, Funk, Jazz, Blues, Pop and Hip-Hip. He has toured throughout Europe Australasia, and Asia. Bill honed his writing and recording skills while composing and recording pop tracks for over ten years before he began creat ing pure electronic music. Now he’s as much in demand as a composer as he i s for live appearances, sharing his particular brand of tongue-in-cheek, fu ll power Psy-Trance on dancefloors across the globe. During the past 12 yea rs, Bill has played Cosmosis’ music to ecstatic crowds in such diverse loca tions as Japan, Taiwan, Brazil, Israel, India, Bali, Germany, Australia, Ne w Zealand, Colombia, United States, Egypt, Switzerland, Sweden, Hungary, Sl ovakia, Denmark, England, Spain, Ireland, Canada, Serbia, Scotland, Belgium Finland, Holland, Greece, South Africa, Russia, France, Mexico and Portug al, and continues to play regularly in many of these countries. Bill divide s his studio time between scoring music for animation, lazing about in a ha mmock with his acoustic guitar in the back garden, making full power dance y Jay for a special NYC Rastaliens DJ set. Rastalians are Jurgen Kassel and Ralph Knobloch. Since about 13 years they are DJs. After 3 years with d j-ing, Jurgen and Ralph realised, that the records from other people were n ot enough for them. And look at this, since about 9 years they are producin g their own psychedelic trance. Rastalians started in a small cellar with a little soundsystem. At the beginning project just used simple software-syn thies and a small sequenzer-programm. Because of their limited possiblities it was not easy for us to produce a good quality of sound85Hard work and a lot of enthusiasm caused a booking from some friends in Switzerland. The y wanted a live-act. Rastalians’ first set, which was played with some quit e old synthies, as like Roland 101 and Korg Trident. On a special day, Jurg en and Ralph decided to send our first songs to some differnt labels around the world. Wepacked this CDs together with all our positive vibrations and what happend: Yaniv, from Hadshot Haheizar released our first two songs . “FREAK BOOSTER” and “UNIDENTIFIED SPECIES”. After playing on many parties around the globe, like Portugal, Netherland, Mexico, Greece, USA, UK,etc. there was time for an album which was released also on Hadshot and more sho uld follow on Boom! Rec.(which released also the 2nd album), Digital Psioni “blank” color: rgb(42, 93, 176);web rastaliens / n in 1979, he has traveled the world extensively and lived in countries suc h as Japan, India, Singapore, Malaysia, Bahrain, and the United States toda y. While living in Bombay India, between 1996-1998, he was kidnapped to Goa by his high school friend for the first time not knowing what to expect. T his turned out to be a life changing expedition. After living in India as h igh school student, he gradually started to get infected by Psychedelic Tra nce, and soon purchased his first turntables. He has since performed on the same stage with many internationally known artists such as Transdriver, Pe nta, Jelly Headz, Parus, Ajja, Onkel Donkel, Wizak Twizack, Melorix, Muktis vara, Progress, Ocelot, Cosmosis, Hux Flux, Infected Mushroom and Kiriyama to name few. The style of Music he plays is mostly night time psychedelic t rance music, although wide range, not just dark or full-on, but pure psyche delic with powerful, pounding, pumping, mind twisting trippy stories with c raze, psyche, fun and bit of punk and humor. Luis Campos, producer and long time trance DJ, born and raised in the city of Sao Paulo, Brazil where he started his professional career as a DJ at th e very early age of 13. Throughout the years, Luis experimented many differ ent styles of music and developed his identity along the road. DJ Luis was part of the band Influx since its foundation in 1996, in which he collabora ted until 1999 when he decided to come to New York. In 2000, DJ Luis and co llaborators founded the Dreamcatcher studios and Psycheground weekly trance party which still happens and is already established as being one of the t op party organizations in America. Currently Luis and His old time friend a nd partner Matyas Kelemen are working on the Reality Engine project which c ombines music and video creating a completely new dancefloor experience.&nb Playing drums and other instruments in his childhood, amos allways had the music full-filling his life. He’s been traveling and attending Psy-Trance parties and festivals over the world for the last 6 years, exploring electr onic sounds and the Psy-Trance movement. After spending one year in Austral ia in 2006, Amos came back to Israel inspired by the Australian Psy-Trance scene, and started mixing electronic music and producing underground partie s and music festivals in Israel. Amos will bring us fresh unique sounds fro m the Israeli desert, the Australian bush, and Goa beaches, to bring us hig n in Kiev, Ukraine (Soviet Union at that time) became part of the NYC scene shortly after his arrival in 1998 as he got involved in UnderTheBridge aft erparties and other Alphatrance events as a promoter/producer. He also bega n to dj under the alias DJ Indra. Then was Omnitribe, Gaian Mind summer fes tivals and many others parties and events. Groovy-morning-progressive becam e Gosha’s favorite type of vibration. Deep chillout and ambient sets where also his specialty. In a past couple of years Gosha began re(dis)covering c onnections to his ethnical identity, and as result became very much influen ced by world and ethnic music from the Eastern Europe. He found that tradit ionally people from Balkans to Carpathian Mountains area are very musically gifted and their folk tunes are rather groovy and quite danceable. To sign ify this new passion for ethnic-based music Gosha assumed a new name – DJ R heedoo. He played his first set under this new identity at the closing of D esiderata festival past August – and the response was overwhelming! Gosha h as the recording available for listening and downloading here: 76);soundcloud/ barmaglot/sets / 2PROGRESS – LIVE CHILL SET (AntiShanti Records, USA) blank” color: rgb(42, 93, 176);web thehookmusic/ astic vibe, this amazing venue with YUMMMY sound will provide us with two f not have subways running through its underground yet, there are other optio ns. The B61 bus, which travels express from Williamsburg and downtown BK dr ops you off one block from the venue. The F train carroll street stop drops you a short 10 minute walk from The Hook. ab fare to the venue ranges from 8 from BK to 12 from Manhattan. or: rgb(42, 93, 176);web YogiBogeyBox.org tbody

#4374 Tue, 26 Jan 2010 22:48:46 American Soviet – this is what we jammed to in the 80s

#4375 Thu, 28 Jan 2010 07:02:04 -0800 28 Jan 2010 07:02:04 -0800 Thu, 28 Jan 2010 10:02:04 From: Electrik bluegoddess at psybotikrecordsWanted: Macbook Power Cord 0016e6d77d124a57c9047e3acdac Help, I can’t get to my music 🙁 Anybody have an extra power cord for a macbook lying around? Willing to sell/trade/barter? Shoot me an email electrik at psybotik Many many thanks, Keirnyn 0016e6d77d124a57c9047e3acdac Anybody have an extra power cord for a macbook lying around? Willing to sell/trade/barter? Many many thanks, Keirnyn

#4376 Fri, 29 Jan 2010 12:48:38 From: “alladinproject” alladinproject at yahooAlladin Group presents Psy Valentine Sat, Feb 13th LOGIC BOMB,TRANAN…NYC Alladin Group presents Psy Valentine Saturday, February 13th 2010 Happ y New Year Trancers! Our NYE Extravaganza was an unforgettable night fil led with excitement, exhilaration, and collective energy! Alladin Group wi shes to express our deep appreciation for the solidarity of the psy communi ty; New Year’s Eve was an inspiring show of love for all the amazing perfor mers who dazzled us with intoxicating beats and mystical visions. Together we created a beautiful place in space and time where harmony lives. Our ou tlook is bright entering 2010, and we at Alladin Group are more committed t han ever to bringing only the best in trance music and decoration to New Yo rk. As always, we have been planning surprises to delight our faithful tr ancers… Alladin Group invites you all to come together once again for a Valentine Weekend edition of psy goodness85 We return to Hello BK for anot her high energy gathering on Saturday, February 13th ! LINEUP: LOGIC BO MB (TIP Records, Sweden) web myspace/logixbomb Sweden’s Johan Krafft and Jonas Pettersson are Logic Bomb, a dynamic psychedelic full-on S candinavian trance duo creating music together since 1998. Logic Bomb’s tra cks make appearances on top notch compilations from famous trance labels su ch as TIP Records, Spirit Zone and Transient, and released their own debut album, “Headware”, on Spiral Trax, Sweden’s leading trance label. With many years of experience in the electronic music arena, including collaboration with Dennis Tapper as Hux Flux, this highly skilled tech-savvy team makes no compromises on production quality, resulting in some of the crispiest so unds the trance scene has to offer. TRANAN (Solstice Music, Sweden) web myspace/trananmusic Jonas Pettersson, aka Tranan, has been pas sionate about music since the piano playing days of his youth. He discovere d the psy-trance scene in 1993 with friend Dennis Tapper, who later became his partner in the Hux Flux project. Jonas was motivated by the desire to c reate music exactly as he wanted to hear it, music that did not yet exist. Hux Flux gigs took him around the world, until he began Logic Bomb in 1998 with Johan Krafft, and later Jonaz Bergvall. 1999 witnessed his first solo release on Flow Records, and the following year the success of his many pro jects allowed him to quit his day job, giving complete focus to music ventu res. To date, he has toured every continent aside from Antarctica, includin g highlights like Solstice Music Festival in Japan 2002, Boom Festival 2000 and Samothraki 2002 and 2003. SKOOCHA (Parabola Records, France) http ://web myspace/skoocha Skoocha is one of the many aliases of French/Sp anish Musician & Producer Benoit Munoz. Inspired by the trance sounds of th e first Dragonfly compilation, which he encountered in Amsterdam back in 19 95, Skoocha has devoted himself to a life of sonic creativity. He has worke d on track releases with a variety of top names including Manmademan (UKSL (MindControl). Now we are delighted to be Skoocha’s host as he celebrates h is much anticipated debut album, just released on Parabola Music (Germany)! Containing both unreleased tracks and new remixes of old favorites, “The I nfinite Monkey Theorem” blends the emotions of old school goatrance with th e power of polished production and the funk of NYC. ORBIT (Orb Records, A lladin Group, NYC) web alladinproject.net Hailing from Japan and I srael, the pair has been energizing crowds in the New York scene since 2004 . Both with years of experience as DJs in their own right, this electric te am has everything it takes to impress. Orbit’s full-on sets activate the da nce floor to the max, generating an unstoppable vibe that is nothing less t han contagious. Orbit’s sonic sorcery induces the imagination with wonder, magic, and mystery, evoking a collective journey on waves of vibration. Tra ncers are guaranteed a potent and stimulating concoction, skillfully mixed by these master crowd pleasers. Orbit’s reputation in NYC precedes them, t he buzz of anticipation creating excitement before they even take the stage . ww w.myspace/earwormfrequencies KIFE (Omnitribe, NYC) web myspa ce/djkife Minimal & Progressive Room Lineup TBA DECO: OCULAR DEL IGHT (Alladin Group, NYC) web dividemysky/oculardelight/events.p hp ALLADIN DECO TEAM (Alladin Group, NYC) LIGHTING & SOUND: AUDIOLUST (NY C) ADMISSION: $20 Advance Tickets O n Sale at web alladinproject.net $30 at Door 18 to enter, 21 to dri nk MUST HAVE VALID PHOTO ID LOCATION : Hello BK (formerly The Hook) 18 Commerce Street Brooklyn, NY 11231 web thehookmusic/ Doors open 10pm This amazing venue, with TOP NOTCH sound and an amazing vibe, will p rovide us with two floors of music as well as an outdoor patio. 95 The B61 bus, which travels express from Williamsburg and downtown BK, drops you of f one block from the venue. 95 The F train, Carroll St. stop or F/G train Smith/9 St stop, drops you a short 10 minute walk from The Hook. There is plenty of parking space and the cab fare to the venue ranges from $8 (from BK) to $12 (from Manhattan). Directions: web thehookmusic/direct ions Click Here For MAP ** COMING SOON : Stay tuned for information concerning ORB Festival 2010 our fourth annual outdoor gathering85 ! Hap py Valentine’s Day! Alladin Project Team Click Here to Join Alladin Group o n Facebook

February 2010

#4377 Wed, 3 Feb 2010 10:41:41 -0800 PSYCHEGROUND Thursday, February 4th at Sullivan Room 0-761539662-1265222501:74645 Join us once again for the first Psycheground of 2010 for a night of full on madness and tech vibes featuring NY’s most gifted Artists. This week we’re celebrating Nicole Fox’s birthday and for this special night we’re gonna be blessed by the sets of: CAROL FERRAZ (Dreamcatcher NY/BR) dj HORUS (Disorient NYC) REALITY ENGINE live CTRL+ALT+DEL (Nexus Media) Deco by the Dreamcatchers AND Neuronymphonic ** February 4th, 11pm – 4am ** at Sullivan Room, New York City web sullivanroom 218 Sullivan St (between Bleecker and West 3rd St, 2 blocks east of 6th Ave) General Admission: $10.00 RSVP to psycheground at yahoo for $5.00 reduced list 21+ with ID Subway: A, B, C, D, E, F, or V trains to “W 4 St – Wash Sq” 0-761539662-1265222501:74645 full on madness and tech vibes featuring NY’s most gifted Artists. This week we’re celebrating Nicole Fox’s birthday and for this special night we’re gonna be blessed by the sets of: (Nexus Media) Deco by the Dreamcatchers AND Neuronymphonic ** February 4th, 11pm – 4am ** at Sullivan Room, New York City rel”nofollow” ” target”blankweb sullivanroom 218 Sullivan St (between Bleecker and West 3rd St, 2 blocks east of 6th Ave) General Admission: $10.00 21+ with ID Subway: A, B, C, D, E, F, or V trains to “W 4 St – Wash Sq”

#4378 Fri, 05 Feb 2010 12:32:08 -0800 05 Feb 2010 12:32:07 -0800 Fri, 5 Feb 2010 15:32:07 From: Blue Goddess bluegoddess at psybotik?ISO-2022-JP?B?RnJpZGF5IDIvMTkgGyRCN244dzJaSTEbKEIgaW4gY29sbGFib3JhdGlvbiB3aXRoIFBTWUJP? ?ISO-2022-JP?B?VElLIHByZXNlbnQgIlRoZSBIVUUtTUVOIHZvbCAxIiBhIEZ1bmRyYWlzZXIgZm9yIEhhaXRp? 0016e6d63fff62347e047ee058′ Join us for a Haiti fundraiser event hosted by Masae at The Skybox at the H ouse of Yes to help those suffering in Haiti and we need your support! This is also a birthday celebration for our Fire Dragon Victor. The show will f eature Sera Solstice, art by Kenji Williams and more…..Belly dancing, Bur lesque, DJs and drumming… plus surprises and merriment along the way! All of the event92s proceeds will go to the UNICEF & Doctors Without Borders: doctorswithoutborders.org/ Masae has a very special gift for us, he r new art performing show “THE HUE-MEN” This show theme will be the color R ED so please add some red to your evening attire. Her mission is always to express the power and meaning of color through performance. Color-energies have power and its art. Experience the strength, beauty and the Energy of C olor. Send an image of red color which represents passion, love, life, surv ival and earth mother to Haiti. “THE HUE-MEN” amazing dancers have generous ly donated their time and energy to this cause and will perform at the even t. It will be held on Friday February 19th at 8:30 pm. House of Yes 342 Mau jer St Brooklyn, NY Donation: $20 21+ Doors open at 7:30, Show starts at 8: 30 After 11pm your ears will be filled with techno, dubstep and progressive psy brought to you by Psybotik and friends Featuring DJs SPiRO (Freek Fact ory, CoSM) Cris Limon (Loud Monitors, THM) Electrik (Psybotik) Messenger Pa rticle (Psybotik) Matyas (Reality Engine) Visuals by nashamasha (Psybotik) So come shake your butts in support of Haiti! If you need more detail call me or email me. Thanks Love, Masae 347-531-1286 masae at colorfularitst colorfulartist/ ik 0016e6d63fff62347e047ee058′ nt hosted by Masae at The Skybox at the House of Yes to help those sufferin g in Haiti and we need your support! This is also a birthday celebration fo r our Fire Dragon Victor. The show will feature Sera Solstice, art by Ke nji Williams and more…..Belly dancing, Burlesque, DJs and drumming… plu s surprises and merriment along the way! All of the event92s proceeds wi ll go to the UNICEF & Doctors Without Borders: doctor swithoutborders.org/doctorswithoutborders.org/ Masae has a v ery special gift for us, her new art performing show “THE HUE-MEN”This show theme will be the color RED so please add some red to your even ing attire. Her mission is always to express the power and meaning of color through performance. Color-energies have power and its art. Experience the strength, beauty and the Energy of Color. Send an image of red color which represents passion, love, life, survival and earth mother to Haiti. &qu ot;THE HUE-MEN” amazing dancers have generously donated their time and energy to this cause and will perform at the event. It will be held on F riday February 19th at 8:30 pm. House of Yes 342 Maujer St Brooklyn, NY Don ation: $20 21+ Doors open at 7:30, Show starts at 8:30 After 11pm your e ars will be filled with techno, dubstep and progressive psy brought to you by Psybotik and friends Featuring DJs SPiRO (Freek Factory, CoSM) Cris Lim on (Loud Monitors, THM) Electrik (Psybotik) Me (Psybotik) M atyas (Reality Engine) Visuals by nashamasha (Psybotik) So come shake your butts in support of Haiti! If you need more detail call me or email me . Thanks Love, Masae 347-531-1286 mmasae at colorfularitst colorfulartist/http ://colorfulartist/ web psyboti kweb psybotik 0016e6d63fff62347e047ee058′

#4379 Thu, 18 Feb 2010 17:59:55 -0800 18 Feb 2010 17:59:55 -0800 Thu, 18 Feb 2010 20:59:55 From: Blue Goddess bluegoddess at psybotikTOMORROW Feb 19th Haiti Fundraiser “THE HUE-MEN” presented by Masae in collaboration with Psybotik 0016e6db2b0a9bc64c047fea701c Join us at The Skybox at the House of Yes for a fundraiser performance, hosted by Masae. We need your support to help those suffering in Haiti! This event will also happen in Tokyo on the same day. & Doctors Without Borders (doctorswithoutborders.org/) Masae has a very special gift for us, her new performance art show, “THE HUE-MEN” This show’s theme will be the color RED, so please add some red to your evening attire. Her mission is always to express the power and meaning of color through her performances, the shows she produces and her practice as a color therapist. Color-energies have independent power to heal in addition to their power as art. Experience the strength, beauty and the Energy of Color. Send an image of red color which represents passion, love, life, survival and earth mother to Haiti. “THE HUE-MEN” amazing dancers have generously donated their time and energy to this cause and will perform at the event. Featuring Red goddess dancer Sela Solstice (East cost tribal ) boldbellydance Nicki Miller (Aerial performer) Fayzah Claudia (Fusion Belly dance) web dancespiral Taryn Tulla (Burlesque) web taryntulla/ Brenna Crowley (Belly dance)web brennadance Nahoko Sugiyama (Belly dance) nahokodance/ Kaoru, Megumi Oyama (Belly dance) Kashimi, Tomoko, Saki (Contemporary) Masae (Burlesque) Nikolai Ruskin nikolairuskin/music Kae Reed(percussionist) Maya Osumi(singing bowl & shanty-chime) Art by Kenji Williams web kenjiwilliams web bellagaia After 11pm your ears will be filled with techno, dubstep and progressive psy brought to you by Psybotik and friends Featuring DJs SPiRO (Freek Factory, CoSM) Subfractal (Piso Records/Bosphorus/Airbus) Cris Limon (Loud Monitors, THM) Electrik (Psybotik) Me (Psybotik) Matyas (Reality Engine) Visuals by nashamasha (Psybotik) It will be held on *Friday February 19th at 8:30 pm*. House of Yes 342 Maujer St, Brooklyn, NY Donation: $20 21+ BYOB( bring your own drink!) Doors open at 7:30, Show starts at 8:30 web web paypal/cgi-bin/webscr?cmds-xclick&hostedbuttonidQ5L9Y96WLDDVC So come shake your butts in support of Haiti! masae at colorfulartist colorfulartist/ web psybotik

#4380 Wed, 24 Feb 2010 19:37:10 -0800 24 Feb 2010 19:30:40 -0800 Wed, 24 Feb 2010 22:30:40 From: Blue Goddess bluegoddess at psybotik This message comes to you from the Fire Goddess Masae Satouchi: Thank you so much for contributing your big heart for our Haiti fundraiser. I’m so glad that we shared this beautiful thing. Did you feel the Red energy? Ev erybody told me it was such a warm, peaceful and artistic experience! I was so happy to see how many people wanted to do somthing. And I had more con fidence to throw this party because you were all with me! I hope Haiti got our Red energy message to help people’s spirits. We raised $1320!!! Yay! C ongratulations!!! This money goes to UNICEF and Doctors Without Borders. Ha iti will need money for more than ten years from now so I’d like to continu e this show in the future. My heart is filled with gratitude toward all of you. Also there was some stuff left staff at House Of Yes. We have a Bl ack Cyber shot camera and some keys, email me at masae at colorfulartist Video and pictures are coming soon… And if you haven92t seen Max Nova92 s new movie from the solstice party, check it out at web psybotik.co m Much Love Masae Coming up we have a very special treat for you on the last weekend of April in New York when we celebrate the birthdays of Electrik, Blue Goddess and85 The 2nd year anniversary of Psybotik!! Come saturate yourself in an extra ordinary night of wonder with TWO ROOMS featuring one of our favorite Iboga legends on his new release tour! Plus we welcome some incredible talent from one o f the most active labels in Canada!! We are extremely proud to present85 REEFER DECREE **LIVE** (Iboga/DigiIboga/Ayahuasca Records) – Denmark iboga.dk/ LIKEWISE **LIVE** (Attitude Recordings/Noerg) – Canada web attituderecordings TAPWATR vs TENZIN (Attitude Recordings/Tech-Saf ari) 96 Canada web attituderecordings Plus many many more!! The event will be augmented by the passion and extravagance of the Luminis is performers with special guests to be announced. All the while being enc ompassed by nasha-masa’s team of visual alchemists. Stay tuned and sign u p on the mailing list for more details at web psybotik See you soon! blue REEFER DECREE (Iboga /DigiIboga/Ayahuasca Records) – Denmark Oliver Bierlich Nonell, the creato r behind Reefer Decree, Oryx and upcoming new project Oliver Jones, has put his forces towards the much awaited 93re-launch94 album of Reefer Decree ! A project that started as a collaboration between Jiwook Bijl and Oliver Bierlich which was sadly terminated in the recent years, is hereby re-laun ched as a new project, Oliver Reefer is back! He is back using his creative individuality and cutting right thru to the essence of the Reefer sound wi th tender, touching, groovy and extremely funky material. All this is spic ed up with the first release ever of Nightvision and some pumping, deep and uplifting collaborations with Emok (Phony Orphants), Rene (Beat Bizarre) a nd Banel (Behind Blue eyes). TAPWATR (Attitude Recordings/Tech-Safari) – Canada Born in Toronto, Canada, and now residing in Montreal, Tapwatr is t he production project of long-time DJ, Jeremy Reid. Reminiscent of his orig inal love for tech-trance, Tapwatr is churning out a new and unique sound t hat combines the drive and power of this classic style, with the slower BPM s influencing many dancefloors today. With his unique productions being sig ned on many labels, and a live set sound phatter than ever, 2009 is destine d to be a great year. As a DJ, Jeremy has traveled the globe playing in cl ubs and festivals along side some of the biggest names in the scene. During his eight-plus years of experience, he has become very versatile and devel oped a reputation for tight mixing with steady hypnotic flow. As with his p roductions, his DJ sets cross styles but always fit the moment, whether it be pumping the peak time electro or jammin out those daytime grooves, he’s always got the dance-floor inside his head. TENZIN (Attitude Recordings/T ech-Safari) – Canada DJ Tenzin a.k.a. Dominic Dublin (Dominic Poulin) bega n his career as a producer and a DJ in 1999 with an event he produced with Mathieu Labelle, under Union Productions. He then went on to become a well known DJ in the MontrE9al electronic music scene, thank to his skilful se ts at Eclipse festival, Natura, and more recently Microtek (Dusty Kid), Sug r, Electro-chic and Amazone, in addition to numerous gigs in bar and lounge s. (La BEAte Humaine, ) As a result of his selective musical taste, appre ciated by partygoers, and his experienced mixing technique, he became a mem ber of Tech Safari Productions in 2003. Within the collective, he has a maj or administrative role, and he is also committed to promoting the annual ev ent, Eclipse festival. Having mixed mainly melodic trance and progressive house at the beginning of his career, Tenzin has currently developed a more techno / minimal inclined sound. His turntables technique and his versatil ity have impressed many and his influences are mostly rooted in the Germany and Scandinavian electronic music scene. His intimate interplay between th e audience and himself is the reason for his immense popularity as a deejay .

March 2010

#4381 Wed, 3 Mar 2010 14:53:29 -0800 TripOutNY PSYCHEGROUND Thursday march 4th at SULLIVAN ROOM 0-1356718474-1267656809:23494 Once again PSYCHEGROUND is back at the amazing Sullivan Room for a night of tech beats and full on madness. Featuring dj sets by: LUIS CAMPOS & MATYAS (Reality Engine) BRANDON ADAMS (Dreamcatcher NYC) dj BALLS (Disorient, Glam Tech NY / Br) CRIS (Loud Monitors, THX NY/MX) RAY BRIONES (Mercado Paralelo Music) ** March 4th, 11pm – 4am ** at Sullivan Room, New York City web sullivanroom 218 Sullivan St (between Bleecker and West 3rd St, 2 blocks east of 6th Ave) General Admission: $10.00 RSVP to psycheground at yahoo for $5.00 reduced list 21+ with ID Subway: A, B, C, D, E, F, or V trains to “W 4 St – Wash Sq” Save the April 1st will be the 3 year anniversary of the Sullivan Room residency with lots of surprises. web myspace/psycheground 0-1356718474-1267656809:23494 Featuring dj sets by: ** March 4th, 11pm – 4am ** at Sullivan Room, New York City rel”nofollow” ” target”blankweb sullivanroom 218 Sullivan St (between Bleecker and West 3rd St, 2 blocks east of 6th Ave) General Admission: $10.00 21+ with ID Subway: A, B, C, D, E, F, or V trains to “W 4 St – Wash Sq” Save the April 1st will be the 3 year anniversary of the Sullivan Room residency with lots of surprises. 0-1356718474-1267656809:23494

#4382 Wed, 10 Mar 2010 10:55:38 -0800 -owner at yahoo, TripOutNY, nyc604 From: Eli Burmin eliburmin at yahooYogiBogeyBox & Pulp: [Space No More] for Antishanti Rec -March 20 2010 – [Wizack Twizack live, Cosmosis live] 0-1906085623-1268247338:75924 Antishanti Records and Wizack Twizack give birth to another wonder, a new release by the Swedish producer “Space No More”. In response to the people in charge of the stormy weather, the tribes will revel. The date is March 20th, the place is PUBLIC ASSEMBLY – all three rooms, every single inch. Dress to undress or come as you are ( underwear required! ). This will run from 11:00PM through 6:00AM. If you have the ENERGY – it will go further. The first hundred folks to arrive get a FREE “Space No More” CD. Twist it… bend it… shake it… LOVE it ! Room 1: WIZACK TWIZACK live [Sweden] web myspace/wizacktwizackmusic COSMOSIS live [U.K.] web myspace/cosmosis1 SHEMTOV (770) ELECTRIK ( Psybotik ) and Mayur ( Psybotik/Spectra ) CRIS ( Loud Monitors ) ANYA ( Sonic Beating ) Room 2: ALIGNING MINDS live web myspace/aligningminds KILOWATTS live web myspace/kilowatts ANIMALTEK live web myspace/animaltek THE GREAT MUNDANE live web myspace/thegreatmundane Room 3: PROGRESS CHILL live web myspace/iprog FOFA KIFE ( Omnitribe ) ELECTRIK ( Psybotik ) DYSFORM ( Psybotik ) Performances, Fire and Dance: MASAE, ERIN and VICTOR ( Luminisiso/Psybotiko ) Your contribution is $35. Stay tuned for a storm of updates on Desiderata. Wizack Twizack will be there too. Attend, Join and share: event.php?eid254242777272 YogiBogeyBox and Pulp, in a gorgeous collaboration with TDC, Omnitribe, Psybotik, Loud Monitors and Sonic Beating. From Antishanti with love. web AntiShantiRecords web YogiBogeyBox.org web DesiderataFestival web Psybotik web Omnitribe web SonicBeating 0-1906085623-1268247338:75924 COSMOSIS live [U.K.] web myspace/cosmosis1″ rel”nofollow” target”blankweb myspace/wcosmosis1 KILOWATTS live web myspace/kilowatts” rel”nofollow” target”blankweb myspace/wkilowatts ANIMALTEK live web myspace/animaltek” rel”nofollow” target”blankweb myspace/wanimaltek THE GREAT MUNDANE live web myspace/thegreatmundane” rel”nofollow” target”blankweb myspace/wthegreatmundane Your contribution is $35. Stay tuned for a storm of updates on Desiderata. Wizack Twizack will be there too. Attend, Join and share: event.php?eid254242777272″ rel”nofollow” target”blankevent.wphp?eid254242777272 web yogibogeybox.org/” rel”nofollow” target”blankweb YogiBogeyBox.org web desideratafestival/” rel”nofollow” target”blankweb DesiderataFestival.wcom web psybotik/” rel”nofollow” target”blankweb Psybotik web omnitribe/” rel”nofollow” target”blankweb Omnitribe web sonicbeating/” rel”nofollow” target”blankweb SonicBeating

#4383 Tue, 16 Mar 2010 20:27:02 16 Mar 2010 20:20:43 Tue, 16 Mar 2010 23:20:43 From: Blue Goddess bluegoddess at Psybotik presents LUMENAUGHTY 4/30 a birthday celebration with REEFER DECREE and LIKEWISE!!! Coming up we have a very special treat for you on Friday, April 30th in New York when we celebrate the birthdays of Electrik and Blue Goddess, and Th e 2nd year anniversary of Psybotik!! Come saturate yourself in an extra or dinary night of wonder with TWO ROOMS, featuring one of our favorite Iboga legends on his new release tour! Plus we welcome some incredible talent fro m one of the most active labels in Canada!! The event will be augmented by the passion and extravagance of the Luminisis performers with special gues ts bringing us Fire, Burlesque, Bellydance and Go-Go. All the while being encompassed by nasha-masa’s team of visual alchemists. Let us see those se xy outfits. Let us see your style. Psybotik is extremely proud to present …LUMENAUGHTY Electro House / Techno / Progressive Room: REEFER DECREE **LIVE & DJ** (Iboga/DigiIboga/Ayahuasca Records) – Denmark iboga.dk LIKEWISE **LIVE** (Attitude Recordings/Noerg) – Canada web attitud erecordings TAPWATR vs TENZIN (Attitude Recordings/Tech-Safari) – Cana da web attituderecordings MAYUR (Psybotik/Spectra) HISAKI KIYO HARA (Activate, NYC) web myspace/activateny GOATONE (Fractal Tr ibe) web fractaltribe.net TREMENDOUS GLOOM Electro House / Techn o / Progressive / Dubstep / Full On / Dark Room: SPiRO (Freek Factory/CoSM ) – USA freekfactory DJANE LONGSTOCKING (Syzygy) – Canada REAL ITY ENGINE *LIVE* web realityengine.tv ELECTRIK (Psybotik) MESSENG ER PARTICLE (Psybotik) CRIS (Loud Monitors, THM) web myspace/lo udmonitors DYSFORM (Psybotik) Fire, Burlesque, Bellydance and Go-Go by: Masae, Erin and Victor (Luminisis) web luminisis Sera Solstic e web boldbellydance Taryn Tulla web taryntulla Nik ki Miller web nickimiller.wordpress Daniella & the Psytrance B arbies VJs Low-KeyB2 (NYC) LuneCell Masha (Psybotik) Alchemism (P sybotik) Max Nova Sound Designer: Light-O-Matic web lightomatic. com Decor: Sean (Psybotik) & Crew Public Assembly 70 North 6th St Broo klyn, NY 21+ w/ID Friday 4/30 Doors at 8 Free before 10 with RSVP $20 aft er 10 with RSVP $25 at Door Send email to rsvp-naughty at psybotik for r educed list and Psybotik updates. Or sign up at web psybotik * **Psybotik is an official New York City Ambassador for Boom Festival 2010. The tickets have arrived and we will be selling them at the party for $240 which includes your gate token. This avoids all shipping and transaction fe es. You will also be able to reserve your Boom Bus ticket with us. Go to /web psybotik or web boomfestival.org for more details*** See you soon! blue ps. We’ve got a couple open DJ slots at the beggin ing of the party if anyone you know is interested in trying out. Send a de mo of your mixing on CDJs or Vinyl, to electrik at psybotik, no auto-mix p rograms. Also we need help with promotions. Email me at bluegoddess at psybot ik if you’re interested. Any amount of help is appreciated, the more y ou help the more you will be rewarded.

#4384 18 Mar 2010 04:04:04 From: TripOutNY Vernal Quinox, 3/21/2010, 12:00 am Vernal Quinox Sunday March 21, 2010 All Day Vernal Quinox Sunday March 21, 2010 All Day

#4385 Mon, 29 Mar 2010 13:31:16 nyc604 PSYCHEGROUND at Sullivan Room, April 1st 0-541138576-1269894676:33551 The Dreamcatchers are back in full force as we would like to welcome ever ybody back to another special evening at the PSYCHEGROUND, held at one of New Yorks finest and longest running clubs, Sullivan Room. On th is Special evening, we will be celebrating super star DJ & Producer on the rise – the one and onlyE280A6 Luis Camposs birthday!!! He w ill play a REALITY ENGINE DJ set with his partner in crime, Matyas Kelemen . We are also pleased to have DJs Vishwaatmaaa play for the first time, in addition to our fine DJs Ray & Lucina. Come out and celebrate this specia l night with us! DJs: – Reality Engine – Ray Briones – Vishwaatmaaa – L ucina ** April 1st, 10pm – 4am ** at Sullivan Room, New York City web sullivanroom 218 Sullivan St (between Bleecker and West 3rd St 2 blocks east of 6th Ave) General Admission: $10.00 RSVP to psychegro und at yahoo for $5.00 reduced list 21+ with ID Subway: A, B, C, D, E F, or V trains to “W 4 St – Wash Sq” Map to Sullivan Room: map 0-541138576-1269894676:33551 in full force as we would like to welcome everybody back to another specia l evening at the PSYCHEGROUND, held at one of New Yorks finest an d longest running clubs, Sullivan Room. On this Special evening, we will be celebrating super star DJ & Producer on the rise – the one and onlyE280A6 Luis Camposs birthday!!! He will play a REALI TY ENGINE DJ set with his partner in crime, Matyas Kelemen. We are also p leased to have DJs Vishwaatmaaa play for the first time, in addition to ou r fine DJs Ray & Lucina. Come out and celebrate this special night wi th us! DJs: – m – 4am ** at Sullivan Room, New York City ww ustedLink.bootstrap($(this), ttp://web sullivanroom 218 Sullivan St (between Bleecker and W est 3rd St, 2 blocks east of 6th Ave) General Admission: $10.00 b rRSVP to psycheground at yahoo for $5.00 reduced list 21+ wi th ID Subway: A, B, C, D, E, F, or V trains to “W 4 St – Wash Sq” Map to

#4386 Tue, 30 Mar 2010 21:43:46 Wed, 31 Mar 2010 00:43:45 30 Mar 2010 21:43:45 From: Blue Goddess bluegoddess at Psybotik presents LUMENAUGHTY 4/30 a birthday celebration with REEFER DECREE and LIKEWISE!!! ***Lumenaughty has now been extended to 7am and invites all those 18 years older to participate*** Coming up we have a very special treat for you on Friday, April 30th in New York when we celebrate the birthdays of Electrik and Blue Goddess, and The 2nd year anniversary of Psybotik!! Come saturat e yourself in an extra ordinary night of wonder with TWO ROOMS, featuring o ne of our favorite Iboga legends on his new release tour! Plus we welcome s ome incredible talent from one of the most active labels in Canada!! The e vent will be augmented by the passion and extravagance of the Luminisis per formers with special guests bringing us Fire, Burlesque, Bellydance and Go- Go. All the while being encompassed by nasha-masa’s team of visual alchemi sts. Tantalize our eyes with your wild style. Psybotik is extremely prou d to present…LUMENAUGHTY Electro House / Techno / Progressive Room: RE EFER DECREE **LIVE & DJ** (Iboga Records) – Denmark iboga.dk LIKEWI SE **LIVE** (Attitude Recordings/Noerg) – Canada web attituderecordi ngs TAPWATR vs TENZIN (Attitude Recordings/Noerg/Tech-Safari) – Canada web attituderecordings MAYUR (Psybotik/Spectra) HISAKI KIYOHA RA (Activate, NYC) web myspace/activateny GOATONE (Fractal Trib e) web fractaltribe.net Electro House / Techno / Progressive / Du bstep / Full On / Dark Room: SPiRO (Freek Factory/CoSM) – USA freek factory DJANE LONGSTOCKING (Syzygy) – Canada REALITY ENGINE *LIVE* ht tp://web realityengine.tv ELECTRIK (Psybotik) ME (Psyboti k) CRIS (Loud Monitors, THM) web myspace/loudmonitors HYPNOTOA D (Light-O-Matic) & DYSFORM (Psybotik) web lightomatic PRISHVIN MESS (AntiShanti Records) web antishantirecords Fire, Burle sque, Bellydance and Go-Go by: Masae, Erin and Victor (Luminisis) w ww.luminisis Sera Solstice web boldbellydance Taryn Tulla web taryntulla Nikki Miller web nickimiller.wordpress.co m Daniella & the Psytrance Barbies VJs Low-KeyB2 (NYC) LuneCell Masha (Psybotik) Alchemism (Psybotik) Max Nova Sound Designer: Light-O -Matic web lightomatic Decor: Sean (Psybotik) & Crew Public Assembly 70 North 6th St Brooklyn, NY 18+ w/ID Friday 4/30 Doors 8pm-7am Free before 10 with RSVP $20 after 10 with RSVP $25 at Door Send email t o rsvp-naughty at psybotik for reduced list and Psybotik updates. Or sign up at web psybotik ***Psybotik is an official New York City Am bassador for Boom Festival 2010. The tickets have arrived and we will be se lling them at the party for $240 which includes your gate token. This avoid s all shipping and transaction fees. You will also be able to reserve your Boom Bus ticket with us. Go to /web psybotik or web boo mfestival.org for more details*** See you soon! blue ps. We’ve got a c ouple open DJ slots at the beggining of the party if anyone you know is int erested in trying out. Send a demo of your mixing on CDJs or Vinyl, to ele ctrik at psybotik, no auto-mix programs. Also we need help with promotion s. Email me at bluegoddess at psybotik if you’re interested. Any amount o f help is appreciated, the more you help the more you will be rewarded. REEFER DEC REE (Iboga/DigiIboga/Ayahuasca Records) – Denmark The creator of Reefer De cree, Oryx and Oliver Jones, aka Oliver Bierlich now proudly presents his newest album entitled “After Eight”, expected to be released in May 2010 o n Iboga Records. This is the third album from Reefer Decree following the first album release ever on Iboga “Soundframes” from 1999 and the album “Po int of You” released in 2006. Now “After Eight” is born, and it delivers the classic Reefer sound with a great variety of trax and well seasoned wi th some groovy beats and a bit of house and electro vibe. It also include s a remix of Danish rock group “Grand Avenue” entitled “Almost Gone” and th e result is an album that really takes the listener on a complete audio journey guaranteed to put a smile on your face and a dance floor under you r feet…. LIKEWISE (Attitude Recordings/Tech-Safari) – Canada 2009 is the year t hat saw Likewise take over the studio, introducing a new blend of techno/pr ogressive music to the world, result of a vision shared by its two members, Jeremy Reid (Tapwatr) and Dominic Poulin (Tenzin; Dominic Dublin). The und eniable studio expertise of Jeremy Reid coupled with the dance floor magnet ism exerted by Dominic Poulin guarantees to everyone that witness one of th eir performances a phenomenal audio and sensorial experience. Before their joint project was born, both the Montrealer and Torontonian played leading roles on the Canadian techno scene, both as promoters and as successful Dj s. Jeremy Reid was the man behind the Toronto-based Black Light Activists c ollective founded in 1999 and also head of the label Cold Groove (2003). Af ter moving to Montreal he launched the label Attitude Recordings with FM Ra dio Gods. On his side Dominic Poulin joined the Tech Safari collective in 2 003 to produce what has gradually grown into one of the biggest tech, prog and trance festivals in America, the Eclipse festival, internationally reco gnized for the last 10 years. The Likewise sound emits on a frequency unit ing Tapwatr’s pure techno waves with Tenzin’s characteristic progressive en ergy offering an explosive result and capturing their audience in a continu ous roll of build-ups and heavy bass lines in a whole new formula. Very muc h to the point regarding actual techno music tendencies. 2010 already saw their first live performance that received a massive response from the Toro nto dance floor. The future seems bright for the young duo, who recently si gned with the Montreal-based Noerg collective for the administration of the ir career. Likewise will give live performances in the coming months in the Montreal area, notably in Noerg’s Microtek series and Eclipse festival. Se veral EP’s shall also be released in the near future. TAPWATR (Attitude Recordings /Tech-Safari) – Canada Born in Toronto, Canada, and now residing in Montre al, Tapwatr is the production project of long-time DJ, Jeremy Reid. Reminis cent of his original love for tech-trance, Tapwatr is churning out a new an d unique sound that combines the drive and power of this classic style, wit h the slower BPMs influencing many dancefloors today. With his unique produ ctions being signed on many labels, and a live set sound phatter than ever, 2009 is destined to be a great year. As a DJ, Jeremy has traveled the glo be playing in clubs and festivals along side some of the biggest names in t he scene. During his eight-plus years of experience, he has become very ver satile and developed a reputation for tight mixing with steady hypnotic flo w. As with his productions, his DJ sets cross styles but always fit the mom ent, whether it be pumping the peak time electro or jammin out those daytim e grooves, he’s always got the dance-floor inside his head. TENZIN (Attitude Recor dings/Tech-Safari) – Canada DJ Tenzin a.k.a. Dominic Dublin (Dominic Pouli n) began his career as a producer and a DJ in 1999 with an event he produce d with Mathieu Labelle, under Union Productions. He then went on to become a well known DJ in the MontrE9al electronic music scene, thank to his ski lful sets at Eclipse festival, Natura, and more recently Microtek (Dusty Ki d), Sugr, Electro-chic and Amazone, in addition to numerous gigs in bar and lounges. (La BEAte Humaine, ) As a result of his selective musical taste appreciated by partygoers, and his experienced mixing technique, he becam e a member of Tech Safari Productions in 2003. Within the collective, he ha s a major administrative role, and he is also committed to promoting the an nual event, Eclipse festival. Having mixed mainly melodic trance and progr essive house at the beginning of his career, Tenzin has currently developed a more techno / minimal inclined sound. His turntables technique and his v ersatility have impressed many and his influences are mostly rooted in the Germany and Scandinavian electronic music scene. His intimate interplay bet ween the audience and himself is the reason for his immense popularity as a deejay. REALITY ENGINE – USA Reality Engine is the project of producers and DJs, Luis Campos and Matyas Kelemen. Together the NYC based duo compose an arti culate blend of original music and synchronized videos, drawing upon a dive rse pallet of influences and styles. A unique experience where visuals can be heard and sounds can be seen. Utilizing state of the art technology, Rea lity Engine brings a one of a kind, epic dance floor journey, ready to set new standards in the electronic music industry. Luis Campos a music produc er and incessant dance music veteran was born and raised in the city of Sao Paulo, Brazil, where he began his career in 1985. Throughout the years he has been developing / re-creating his sound in dance music including trance techno, house and electro. Fate has lead him to some of the most prominen t clubs in Brazil, Japan, and Italy, as well as some of the most well estab lished music festivals around the globe. Soon Louis Campos found himself fa cing 200,000 people at the Love Parade. Now living in New York, Luis can be heard playing in such clubs as: Crobar, Sullivan Room, Le Souk, Cielo, Pac ha, Life, Exit, Vinyl, Avalon, World, just to name a few. Matyas Kelemen w as born in Transylvania and grew up NYC, within a production studio environ ment from an early age. He started experimenting with multi media art and A udio-Visual installations at the age of 15. Soon after, he began his career as a promoter, DJ and VJ, which lead to a full-time position at the famous Tunnel nightclub. With a passion to create unique multi sensory installati on art, Matyas began to produce Audio-Visual tracks and performed them live in NYC’s underground industrial scene of the late 9092s. DJ Matyas has a unique set of skills which have taken him above and beyond in the music sce ne and with his background in cinematography and fine arts, you can be sure that his work is never lacking in creativity. In 2007 Matyas made a huge impression on his year long Brazilian tour. Regularly performing in front o f 20,000+ crowds at some of the countries biggest events. Matyas left his m ark while sharing the stage with world renowned superstars at such events a s: Cachoiera Alta, Creamfeilds, Euphoria, Kaballa, Orbital, Universo Parall elo, Tribe, Tibaltech, Soul Vibes, and many more. Reality Engine is curren tly in finishing the long awaited release of their first official DVD, in s ummer of 2010. The DVD will feature eight Audio-Visual masterpieces, includ ing producer92s bonus footage, and an in studio interview. SPiRO (Freek Factory/C oSM) – USA With a history in electronic music production that goes back to 1995 with his first releases on Caffeine Records, SPiRO has been pushing m usical boundaries for as long as most of us can remember. Known for his dar e-devil genre-blending and astonishing ethnic trance and dub-step mash-ups thrown down at the legendary Freek Factory and Entheogenic Salon (CoSM) eve nts, SPiRO brings us the rare treat of his full-on LIVE performance set com plete with acoustic and electric guitars, sitar and bouzouki. An experience not to be missed.

#4387 Wed, 31 Mar 2010 20:48:43 Wed, 31 Mar 2010 23:48:41 31 Mar 2010 20:48:41 From: Blue Goddess bluegoddess at Psybotik debut in Tokyo and A little last minute announcement that Electrik will be playing tonight at club alongside . So anybody with friends in San Fran, give em a sh out cause tonight’s show is not to be missed, especially at only $5!! See d etails below. Next Greetings Synchronauts! Following on the positive vib ration from last week, this week we have 3 Special Guests to keep the energ y constantly evolving. Starting off the night will be Electrik (Psybotik, N Y) throwing down his first ever performance in SF! For those in the know, E lectrik has been tearing up the New York Trance/Prog scene with constantly evolving flavors of progressive electro tech thats always funky and in the flow. Then, Quantize (Iboga Rec, Dk) will continue on the progressive vibe building up to a frenzy of crunchy pumping trance. If you’ve yet to experie nce a Quantize set, be prepared for a blending of trance and progressive de signed to get you pumping your fist in the air while u get down. Finally, D ual Core (Bionics Rec Il) will kick us into trance overdrive with his twin turbo high-fidelity sound. Expect a double dose of psychedelic atmosphere w ith no boarders or boundaries. 10:00-11:15 Electrik – Psybotik, NY 11:15-1 2:30 Quantize – Iboga Rec. Dk 12:30-Close DualCore – Bionics Rec. Il Weds 10pm – 2am. 21&up $5 Il Parata is located at 16th & Utah San Francisco, CA F or your weekly dose of all things Psy ok. organizer is my friends burne r Tomoya. He hire me solar eclipse last summer. He have been decided yet w ho we’ll invite. I & he collaborating organized. now I’m waiting his respon se. April 9th start 9-12( Masae & Gabriel celebration!) singer & performer … after 12-6 or 7. psybotik & Japan burner Dj’s night. at ROCKWEST w ww.rockwest.jp/ DJ MOTHERSHIP(Phar-Psyde RecordsEFBC89 sound.jp/ ms01/disco web phar-psyde/ He’s my Japanese burner friend w ho I met at my first burning man. Gabriel he might remember him. we were sa me village at 2007. one more burner DJ Jun and tomoya( organizer) burner friend Electrik and Messenger techno tag live and some more… fire perf ormer and belly dancer as well. ok. have a safe trip! and I’m looking forw ard to seeing you JP! ps please have some dinner at Tokyo airport. we’ll go straight to hotel when we meet. no party!! you guys need less. bec we have to survive 3 party next day. ok? you could meet Gabriel at tokyo to hung out. there is no bar. but you can get beer at restaurant.

#4388 Wed, 31 Mar 2010 20:52:24 Wed, 31 Mar 2010 23:52:23 31 Mar 2010 20:52:23 From: Blue Goddess bluegoddess at Psybotik debut in Tokyo and Sorry got a little jumpy with the send button before;) A little last minute announcement that Electrik will be playing Synchronize tonight at club Il Parata alongside Quantize (Iboga) and Dual Core (Bionics). So anybody with friends in San Fran, give em a shout cause tonight’s show is not to be missed, especially at only $5!! See details below. Next up Psybotik will be heading to Japan for Gabriel and Masa’e Japenese wedding ceremony! On Friday April 9th Psybotik takes over ROCKWEST (web rockwest.jp) in Tokyo. Electrik and Messenger Particle will be doing a special tag team Techno/Progressive along with DJ Mothership (Phar-Psyde) and DJ Jun, more details TBA… see you soon, blue Wednesday March 31 Greetings Synchronauts! Following on the positive vibration from last week, this week we have 3 Special Guests to keep the energy constantly evolving. Starting off the night will be Electrik (Psybotik, NY) throwing down his first ever performance in SF! For those in the know, Electrik has been tearing up the New York Trance/Prog scene with constantly evolving flavors of progressive electro tech thats always funky and in the flow. Then, Quantize (Iboga Rec, Dk) will continue on the progressive vibe building up to a frenzy of crunchy pumping trance. If you’ve yet to experience a Quantize set, be prepared for a blending of trance and progressive designed to get you pumping your fist in the air while u get down. Finally, Dual Core (Bionics Rec Il) will kick us into trance overdrive with his twin turbo high-fidelity sound. Expect a double dose of psychedelic atmosphere with no boarders or boundaries. 10:00-11:15 Electrik – Psybotik, NY 11:15-12:30 Quantize – Iboga Rec. Dk 12:30-Close DualCore – Bionics Rec. Il Weds 10pm – 2am. 21&up $5 Il Parata is located at 16th & Utah San Francisco, CA For your weekly dose of all things Psy

April 2010

#4389 Wed, 14 Apr 2010 19:34:15 Wed, 14 Apr 2010 22:34:14 Wed, 14 Apr 2010 19:34:14 From: Blue Goddess bluegoddess at psybotikWin a FREE Ticket to the Desiderata Festival at Psybotik’s LUMENAUGHTY 4/30!! With just over two weeks left until Lumenaughty we are getting pumped!! Th anks to our friends at Yogi Bogey Box and Pulp we will be giving away a fre e ticket to The Desiderata Festival in upstate New York June 23-27, 2010. Go to web desideratafestival for more information about this won derful event. And don’t forget to go check out Ott (Twisted) tomorrow at Cl ub Love in Manahattan. In order to win you must rsvp-naug hty at psybotik AND be present when your name/email address is called duri ng Lumenaughty. best of luck, blue ***Lumenaughty has now been extended to 7am and invites all those 18 years and older to participate*** Coming up we have a very special treat for you on F riday, April 30th in New York when we celebrate the birthdays of Electrik a nd Blue Goddess, and The 2nd year anniversary of Psybotik!! Come saturate yourself in an extra ordinary night of wonder with TWO ROOMS, featuring on e of our favorite Iboga legends on his new release tour! Plus we welcome so me incredible talent from one of the most active labels in Canada!! The ev ent will be augmented by the passion and extravagance of the Luminisis perf ormers with special guests bringing us Fire, Burlesque, Bellydance and Go-G o. All the while being encompassed by nasha-masa’s team of visual alchemis ts. Show up and show off – Decorate yourself Psybotik is extremely proud to present…LUMENAUGHTY Electro House / Techno / Progressive Room: REE FER DECREE **LIVE & DJ** (Iboga Records) – Denmark iboga.dk LIKEWIS E **LIVE** (Attitude Recordings/Noerg) – Canada web attituderecordin gs TAPWATR vs TENZIN (Attitude Recordings/Noerg/Tech-Safari) – Canada web attituderecordings MAYUR (Psybotik/Spectra) HISAKI KIYOHAR A (Activate, NYC) web myspace/activateny GOATONE (Fractal Tribe ) web fractaltribe.net Electro House / Techno / Progressive / Dub step / Full On / Dark Room: SPiRO (Freek Factory/CoSM) – USA freekf actory DJANE LONGSTOCKING (Syzygy) – Canada REALITY ENGINE *LIVE* web realityengine.tv ELECTRIK (Psybotik) ME (Psybotik ) CRIS (Loud Monitors, THM) web myspace/loudmonitors HYPNOTOAD (Light-O-Matic) & DYSFORM (Psybotik) web lightomatic PRISHVIN MESS (AntiShanti Records) web antishantirecords Fire, Burles que, Bellydance and Go-Go by: Masae, Erin and Victor (Luminisis) ww w.luminisis Sera Solstice web boldbellydance Taryn Tulla web taryntulla Nikki Miller web nickimiller.wordpress Daniella & the Psytrance Barbies VJs Low-KeyE289A4 (NYC) LuneC ell Masha (Psybotik) Alchemism (Psybotik) Max Nova Sound Designer: Li ght-O-Matic web lightomatic Decor: Sean (Psybotik) & Crew P ublic Assembly 70 North 6th St Brooklyn, NY 18+ w/ID Friday 4/30 Doors 8p m-7am Free before 10 with RSVP $20 after 10 with RSVP $25 at Door Send em ail to rsvp-naughty at psybotik for reduced list and Psybotik updates. Or sign up at web psybotik ***Psybotik is an official New York Ci ty Ambassador for Boom Festival 2010. The tickets have arrived and we will be selling them at the party for $240 which includes your gate token. This avoids all shipping and transaction fees. You will also be able to reserve your Boom Bus ticket with us. Go to /web psybotik or ww w.boomfestival.org for more details*** See you soon! blue ps. We’ve go t a couple open DJ slots at the beggining of the party if anyone you know i s interested in trying out. Send a demo of your mixing on CDJs or Vinyl, t o electrik at psybotik, no auto-mix programs. Also we need help with prom otions. Email me at bluegoddess at psybotik if you’re interested. Any amo unt of help is appreciated, the more you help the more you will be rewarded . REEFE R DECREE (Iboga/DigiIboga/Ayahuasca Records) – Denmark The creator of Reef er Decree, Oryx and Oliver Jones, aka Oliver Bierlich now proudly presents his newest album entitled “Motel Music”, expected to be released in May 201 0 on Iboga Records. This is the third album from Reefer Decree following t he first album release ever on Iboga “Soundframes” from 1999 and the album “Point of You” released in 2006. Now “Motel Music” is born, expect thessic Reefer sound with a great warmhearted variety of trax, all well season ed with some groovy beats and a bit of house and electro vibe.It also inclu des a remix of a track by danish rock group “Grand Avenue” entitled “Almost Gone” and the result is an album that really takes the listener on a compl ete audio journey guaranteed to put a smile on your face and a dancefloor u nder your feet.. LIKEWISE (Attitude Recordings/Tech-Safari) – Canada 2009 is the year that saw Likewise take over the studio, introducing a new blend of tec hno/progressive music to the world, result of a vision shared by its two me mbers, Jeremy Reid (Tapwatr) and Dominic Poulin (Tenzin; Dominic Dublin). T he undeniable studio expertise of Jeremy Reid coupled with the dance floor magnetism exerted by Dominic Poulin guarantees to everyone that witness one of their performances a phenomenal audio and sensorial experience. Before their joint project was born, both the Montrealer and Torontonian played l eading roles on the Canadian techno scene, both as promoters and as success ful Djs. Jeremy Reid was the man behind the Toronto-based Black Light Activ ists collective founded in 1999 and also head of the label Cold Groove (200 3). After moving to Montreal he launched the label Attitude Recordings with FM Radio Gods. On his side Dominic Poulin joined the Tech Safari collectiv e in 2003 to produce what has gradually grown into one of the biggest tech, prog and trance festivals in America, the Eclipse festival, internationall y recognized for the last 10 years. The Likewise sound emits on a frequenc y uniting Tapwatr’s pure techno waves with Tenzin’s characteristic progress ive energy offering an explosive result and capturing their audience in a c ontinuous roll of build-ups and heavy bass lines in a whole new formula. Ve ry much to the point regarding actual techno music tendencies. 2010 alread y saw their first live performance that received a massive response from th e Toronto dance floor. The future seems bright for the young duo, who recen tly signed with the Montreal-based Noerg collective for the administration of their career. Likewise will give live performances in the coming months in the Montreal area, notably in Noerg’s Microtek series and Eclipse festiv al. Several EP’s shall also be released in the near future. TAPWATR (Attitude Reco rdings/Tech-Safari) – Canada Born in Toronto, Canada, and now residing in Montreal, Tapwatr is the production project of long-time DJ, Jeremy Reid. R eminiscent of his original love for tech-trance, Tapwatr is churning out a new and unique sound that combines the drive and power of this classic styl e, with the slower BPMs influencing many dancefloors today. With his unique productions being signed on many labels, and a live set sound phatter than ever, 2009 is destined to be a great year. As a DJ, Jeremy has traveled t he globe playing in clubs and festivals along side some of the biggest name s in the scene. During his eight-plus years of experience, he has become ve ry versatile and developed a reputation for tight mixing with steady hypnot ic flow. As with his productions, his DJ sets cross styles but always fit t he moment, whether it be pumping the peak time electro or jammin out those daytime grooves, he’s always got the dance-floor inside his head. TENZIN (Attitude Recordings/Tech-Safari) – Canada DJ Tenzin a.k.a. Dominic Dublin (Dominic Poulin) began his career as a producer and a DJ in 1999 with an event he p roduced with Mathieu Labelle, under Union Productions. He then went on to become a well known DJ in the MontrC388al electronic music scene, thank t o his skilful sets at Eclipse festival, Natura, and more recently Microtek (Dusty Kid), Sugr, Electro-chic and Amazone, in addition to numerous gigs i n bar and lounges. (La BC38Dte Humaine, ) As a result of his selective m usical taste, appreciated by partygoers, and his experienced mixing techniq ue, he became a member of Tech Safari Productions in 2003. Within the colle ctive, he has a major administrative role, and he is also committed to prom oting the annual event, Eclipse festival. Having mixed mainly melodic tranand progressive house at the beginning of his career, Tenzin has current ly developed a more techno / minimal inclined sound. His turntables techniq ue and his versatility have impressed many and his influences are mostly ro oted in the Germany and Scandinavian electronic music scene. His intimate i nterplay between the audience and himself is the reason for his immense pop ularity as a deejay. REALITY ENGINE – USA Reality Engine is the project of produc ers and DJs, Luis Campos and Matyas Kelemen. Together the NYC based duo com pose an articulate blend of original music and synchronized videos, drawing upon a diverse pallet of influences and styles. A unique experience where visuals can be heard and sounds can be seen. Utilizing state of the art tec hnology, Reality Engine brings a one of a kind, epic dance floor journey, r eady to set new standards in the electronic music industry. Luis Campos a music producer and incessant dance music veteran was born and raised in the city of Sao Paulo, Brazil, where he began his career in 1985. Throughout t he years he has been developing / re-creating his sound in dance music incl uding trance, techno, house and electro. Fate has lead him to some of the m ost prominent clubs in Brazil, Japan, and Italy, as well as some of the mos t well established music festivals around the globe. Soon Louis Campos foun d himself facing 200,000 people at the Love Parade. Now living in New York, Luis can be heard playing in such clubs as: Crobar, Sullivan Room, Le Souk Cielo, Pacha, Life, Exit, Vinyl, Avalon, World, just to name a few. Maty as Kelemen was born in Transylvania and grew up NYC, within a production st udio environment from an early age. He started experimenting with multi med ia art and Audio-Visual installations at the age of 15. Soon after, he bega n his career as a promoter, DJ and VJ, which lead to a full-time position a t the famous Tunnel nightclub. With a passion to create unique multi sensor y installation art, Matyas began to produce Audio-Visual tracks and perform ed them live in NYC’s underground industrial scene of the late 90C3ADs. D J Matyas has a unique set of skills which have taken him above and beyond i n the music scene and with his background in cinematography and fine arts, you can be sure that his work is never lacking in creativity. In 2007 Maty as made a huge impression on his year long Brazilian tour. Regularly perfor ming in front of 20,000+ crowds at some of the countries biggest events. Ma tyas left his mark while sharing the stage with world renowned superstars a t such events as: Cachoiera Alta, Creamfeilds, Euphoria, Kaballa, Orbital, Universo Parallelo, Tribe, Tibaltech, Soul Vibes, and many more. Reality E ngine is currently in finishing the long awaited release of their first off icial DVD, in summer of 2010. The DVD will feature eight Audio-Visual maste rpieces, including producerC3ADs bonus footage, and an in studio intervie w. SPiR O (Freek Factory/CoSM) – USA With a history in electronic music production that goes back to 1995 with his first releases on Caffeine Records, SPiRO has been pushing musical boundaries for as long as most of us can remember. Known for his dare-devil genre-blending and astonishing ethnic trance and dub-step mash-ups thrown down at the legendary Freek Factory and Entheogeni c Salon (CoSM) events, SPiRO brings us the rare treat of his full-on LIVE p erformance set complete with acoustic and electric guitars, sitar and bouzo uki. An experience not to be missed.

#4390 Sun, 18 Apr 2010 07:27:32 Planning meeting for open air this summer, tomorrow Sunday April 18th If you would like to help plan open air trance events this summer, call me at as there is a meeting tomorrow, Sunday, April 18th from noo n on. This is not a party but a meeting.

#4391 Thu, 22 Apr 2010 12:38:42 Thu, 22 Apr 2010 15:38:42 22 Apr 2010 12:38:42 From: Blue Goddess bluegoddess at psybotik*UPDATE* Psybotik’s Lumenaughty 4/30 – RSVP to Win a FREE Ticket to Desiderata!! Wow! We’ve got an incredible response from the community with support for L umenaughty, thank you all very much for all your hard work. Don’t worry the re’s still time to help spread the word during our final approach. Here’s the event’s facebook link to invite your friends: # and don’t forget to send an ema il to rsvp-naughty at psybotik for your chance to win a FREE ticket to the Desiderata festival. Now let’s give a warm Psybotik welcome to the latest additions to the lineup. First we’ve got Jumbie coming up all the way fro m Kentucky (web jumbieart) bringing their unique UV creations to add to our psyscape. Next up, we’ve got some DJs making their Psybotik de but. After much deliberation over all the demos we received, here were our top picks. Not to say we didn’t enjoy all the others, but these people sha re our special taste in music and can really work the mixer! Valorie Molan o (Stupid Fly Records) DJ EMac (ChaosInPlace) Anandamide Priyank Sharma La stly we have some memories to share, enjoy! Psybotik in Japan: web flickr/photos/31981844 at N02/sets/72157623785405085/show/ Video from the Hue-Men Fundraiser for Haiti: See you very soon! blue Coming up we have a very special treat fo r you on Friday, April 30th in New York when we celebrate the birthdays of Electrik and Blue Goddess, and The 2nd year anniversary of Psybotik!! Com e saturate yourself in an extra ordinary night of wonder with TWO ROOMS, fe aturing one of our favorite Iboga legends on his new release tour! Plus we welcome some incredible talent from one of the most active labels in Canada !! The event will be augmented by the passion and extravagance of the Lumi nisis performers with special guests bringing us Fire, Burlesque, Bellydanc e and Go-Go. All the while being encompassed by nasha-masa’s team of visua l alchemists. Show up and show off – Decorate yourself Psybotik is extre mely proud to present…LUMENAUGHTY Electro House / Techno / Progressive Room: REEFER DECREE **LIVE & DJ** (Iboga Records) – Denmark iboga.d k LIKEWISE **LIVE** (Attitude Recordings/Noerg) – Canada web attitu derecordings TAPWATR vs TENZIN (Attitude Recordings/Noerg/Tech-Safari) – Canada web attituderecordings MAYUR (Psybotik/Spectra) HISA KI KIYOHARA (Activate, NYC) web myspace/activateny GOATONE (Fra ctal Tribe) web fractaltribe.net Electro House / Techno / Progres sive / Dubstep / Full On / Dark Room: SPiRO (Freek Factory/CoSM) – USA freekfactory DJANE LONGSTOCKING (Syzygy) – Canada REALITY ENGINE *LIVE* web realityengine.tv ELECTRIK (Psybotik) ME (Psybotik) CRIS (Loud Monitors, THM) web myspace/loudmonitors HYPNOTOAD (Light-O-Matic) & DYSFORM (Psybotik) web lightomatic PRISHVIN MESS (AntiShanti Records) web antishantirecords Fi re, Burlesque, Bellydance and Go-Go by: Masae, Erin and Victor (Luminisis) web luminisis Sera Solstice web boldbellydance Tar yn Tulla web taryntulla Nikki Miller web nickimiller.wor dpress Daniella & the Psytrance Barbies VJs Low-KeyB2 (NYC) L uneCell Masha (Psybotik) Alchemism (Psybotik) Max Nova Sound Designer : Light-O-Matic web lightomatic Decor: Sean (Psybotik) & Crew Public Assembly 70 North 6th St Brooklyn, NY 18+ w/ID Friday 4/30 Door s 8pm-7am Free before 10 with RSVP $20 after 10 with RSVP $25 at Door Sen d email to rsvp-naughty at psybotik for reduced list and Psybotik updates. Or sign up at web psybotik ***Psybotik is an official New Yor k City Ambassador for Boom Festival 2010. The tickets have arrived and we w ill be selling them at the party for $240 which includes your gate token. T his avoids all shipping and transaction fees. You will also be able to res erve your Boom Bus ticket with us. Go to /web psybotik or web boomfestival.org for more details*** See you soon! blue ps. Also we need help with promotions. Email me at bluegoddess at psybotik if you’ re interested. Any amount of help is appreciated, the more you help the mo re you will be rewarded. REEFER DECREE (Iboga/DigiIboga/Ayahuasca Records) – Denma rk The creator of Reefer Decree, Oryx and Oliver Jones, aka Oliver Bierlic h now proudly presents his newest album entitled “Motel Music”, expected to be released in May 2010 on Iboga Records. This is the third album from Re efer Decree following the first album release ever on Iboga “Soundframes” f rom 1999 and the album “Point of You” released in 2006. Now “Motel Music” is born, expect the classic Reefer sound with a great warmhearted variety o f trax, all well seasoned with some groovy beats and a bit of house and ele ctro vibe.It also includes a remix of a track by danish rock group “Grand A venue” entitled “Almost Gone” and the result is an album that really takes the listener on a complete audio journey guaranteed to put a smile on your face and a dancefloor under your feet.. LIKEWISE (Attitude Recordings/Tech-Safari) – Canada 2009 is the year that saw Likewise take over the studio, introdu cing a new blend of techno/progressive music to the world, result of a visi on shared by its two members, Jeremy Reid (Tapwatr) and Dominic Poulin (Ten zin; Dominic Dublin). The undeniable studio expertise of Jeremy Reid couple d with the dance floor magnetism exerted by Dominic Poulin guarantees to ev eryone that witness one of their performances a phenomenal audio and sensor ial experience. Before their joint project was born, both the Montrealer a nd Torontonian played leading roles on the Canadian techno scene, both as p romoters and as successful Djs. Jeremy Reid was the man behind the Toronto- based Black Light Activists collective founded in 1999 and also head of the label Cold Groove (2003). After moving to Montreal he launched the label A ttitude Recordings with FM Radio Gods. On his side Dominic Poulin joined th e Tech Safari collective in 2003 to produce what has gradually grown into o ne of the biggest tech, prog and trance festivals in America, the Eclipse f estival, internationally recognized for the last 10 years. The Likewise so und emits on a frequency uniting Tapwatr’s pure techno waves with Tenzin’s characteristic progressive energy offering an explosive result and capturin g their audience in a continuous roll of build-ups and heavy bass lines in a whole new formula. Very much to the point regarding actual techno music t endencies. 2010 already saw their first live performance that received a m assive response from the Toronto dance floor. The future seems bright for t he young duo, who recently signed with the Montreal-based Noerg collective for the administration of their career. Likewise will give live performance s in the coming months in the Montreal area, notably in Noerg’s Microtek se ries and Eclipse festival. Several EP’s shall also be released in the near future. TAPWATR (Attitude Recordings/Tech-Safari) – Canada Born in Toronto, Canad a, and now residing in Montreal, Tapwatr is the production project of long- time DJ, Jeremy Reid. Reminiscent of his original love for tech-trance, Tap watr is churning out a new and unique sound that combines the drive and pow er of this classic style, with the slower BPMs influencing many dancefloors today. With his unique productions being signed on many labels, and a live set sound phatter than ever, 2009 is destined to be a great year. As a DJ Jeremy has traveled the globe playing in clubs and festivals along side s ome of the biggest names in the scene. During his eight-plus years of exper ience, he has become very versatile and developed a reputation for tight mi xing with steady hypnotic flow. As with his productions, his DJ sets cross styles but always fit the moment, whether it be pumping the peak time elect ro or jammin out those daytime grooves, he’s always got the dance-floor ins ide his head. TENZIN (Attitude Recordings/Tech-Safari) – Canada DJ Tenzin a.k.a. Dominic Dublin (Dominic Poulin) began his career as a producer and a DJ in 1999 with an event he produced with Mathieu Labelle, under Union Production s. He then went on to become a well known DJ in the MontrE9al electronic music scene, thank to his skilful sets at Eclipse festival, Natura, and mor e recently Microtek (Dusty Kid), Sugr, Electro-chic and Amazone, in additio n to numerous gigs in bar and lounges. (La BEAte Humaine, ) As a result o f his selective musical taste, appreciated by partygoers, and his experienc ed mixing technique, he became a member of Tech Safari Productions in 2003. Within the collective, he has a major administrative role, and he is also committed to promoting the annual event, Eclipse festival. Having mixed ma inly melodic trance and progressive house at the beginning of his career, T enzin has currently developed a more techno / minimal inclined sound. His t urntables technique and his versatility have impressed many and his influen ces are mostly rooted in the Germany and Scandinavian electronic music scen e. His intimate interplay between the audience and himself is the reason fo r his immense popularity as a deejay. REALITY ENGINE – USA Reality Engine is the project of producers and DJs, Luis Campos and Matyas Kelemen. Together the NYC based duo compose an articulate blend of original music and synchronize d videos, drawing upon a diverse pallet of influences and styles. A unique experience where visuals can be heard and sounds can be seen. Utilizing sta te of the art technology, Reality Engine brings a one of a kind, epic dance floor journey, ready to set new standards in the electronic music industry . Luis Campos a music producer and incessant dance music veteran was born and raised in the city of Sao Paulo, Brazil, where he began his career in 1 985. Throughout the years he has been developing / re-creating his sound in dance music including trance, techno, house and electro. Fate has lead him to some of the most prominent clubs in Brazil, Japan, and Italy, as well a s some of the most well established music festivals around the globe. Soon Louis Campos found himself facing 200,000 people at the Love Parade. Now li ving in New York, Luis can be heard playing in such clubs as: Crobar, Sulli van Room, Le Souk, Cielo, Pacha, Life, Exit, Vinyl, Avalon, World, just to name a few. Matyas Kelemen was born in Transylvania and grew up NYC, withi n a production studio environment from an early age. He started experimenti ng with multi media art and Audio-Visual installations at the age of 15. So on after, he began his career as a promoter, DJ and VJ, which lead to a ful l-time position at the famous Tunnel nightclub. With a passion to create un ique multi sensory installation art, Matyas began to produce Audio-Visual t racks and performed them live in NYC’s underground industrial scene of the late 9092s. DJ Matyas has a unique set of skills which have taken him abov e and beyond in the music scene and with his background in cinematography a nd fine arts, you can be sure that his work is never lacking in creativity. In 2007 Matyas made a huge impression on his year long Brazilian tour. Re gularly performing in front of 20,000+ crowds at some of the countries bigg est events. Matyas left his mark while sharing the stage with world renowne d superstars at such events as: Cachoiera Alta, Creamfeilds, Euphoria, Kaba lla, Orbital, Universo Parallelo, Tribe, Tibaltech, Soul Vibes, and many mo re. Reality Engine is currently in finishing the long awaited release of t heir first official DVD, in summer of 2010. The DVD will feature eight Audi o-Visual masterpieces, including producer92s bonus footage, and an in stud io interview. SPiRO (Freek Factory/CoSM) – USA With a history in electronic music production that goes back to 1995 with his first releases on Caffeine Reco rds, SPiRO has been pushing musical boundaries for as long as most of us ca n remember. Known for his dare-devil genre-blending and astonishing ethnic trance and dub-step mash-ups thrown down at the legendary Freek Factory and Entheogenic Salon (CoSM) events, SPiRO brings us the rare treat of his ful l-on LIVE performance set complete with acoustic and electric guitars, sita r and bouzouki. An experience not to be missed.

#4392 Wed, 28 Apr 2010 10:56:55 April 29th – PSYCHEGROUND 3Year Anniversary Party at Sullivan Room feat. NY ALL Star Lineup 0-1126154363-1272477415:65634 DREAMCATCHERS Present: PsYcHeGrOuND – New York’s longest running Psychede lic Playground Celebrating the Dreamcatcher’s 3 Year Residency Anniversar y Party at Sullivan Room! As Sullivan Room was recently selected as one of the top 100 clubs in the WORLD, 3 were only from New York (Pacha & Ciel o being the others). The Dreamcatchers have come a long way over these yea rs and would like to share their appreciation with the trance community wi th a Big Bang- family style. On this special evening, we welcome both ne w and old friends to join us and to dance the night away. With a Massive li neup of some of New Yorks finest artists and DJs, the night will sure be non stop, full of psychedelic fever. Bring your dancing shoes, and let the party begin! Featuring Lineup: – Dreamcatcher Allstar Tag Set (LUIS vs MATYAS vs BRANDON vs KeN vs LUCINA) – Special NY Allstar Tag S et (EARWORM vs SKOOCHA) – RADMOURA (Paradigm Shift- Miguel vs Sebastian) – CAROL FERRAZ deco by Neuronymphonic ** April 29th, 2010** – 11: 00pm- 4:00am – at Sullivan Room NYC web sullivanroom 218 Sulli van St (between Bleecker and West 3rd St, 2 blocks east of 6th Ave) Gene ral Admission: $10.00 RSVP to psycheground at yahoo for $5.00 reduced lis t 21+ with ID Subway: A, B, C, D, E, F, or V trains to “W 4 St – Wash Sq” 0-1126154363-1272477415:65634 d;DREAMCATCHERS Present: Playground Celebrating the Dreamcatcher’s 3 Year Residency Anniver sary Party at Sullivan Room! As Sullivan Room was recently se lected as one of the top 100 clubs in the WORLD, 3 were only from New York (Pacha & Cielo being the others). The Dreamcatchers have come a long way over these years and would like to share their appreciation with the t rance community with a Big Bang- family style. On this special ev ening, we welcome both new and old friends to join us and to dance the nig ht away. With a Massive lineup of some of New Yorks finest artist s and DJs, the night will sure be non stop, full of psychedelic fever. Bri ng your dancing shoes, and let the party begin! Featuring Lin eup: – Dreamcatcher Allstar Tag Set – Special NY Allstar Tag Set KOOCHA ) t: bold;RADMOURA (Paradigm Shift- Miguel vs Sebastian) /s pan ** April 29th, 2010** – 11:00p m- 4:00am – at Sullivan Room NYC ! incode auto-link start – kweb sullivanroom 218 Sul livan St (between Bleecker and West 3rd St, 2 blocks east of 6th Ave) General Admission: $10.00 RSVP to ! incode auto-mailto start ncode auto-mailto end for $5.00 reduced list 21+ with ID Subway: A, B, C, D, E, F, or V trains to “W 4 St – Wash Sq” – incode auto-link end

#4393 Wed, 28 Apr 2010 20:23:05 Wed, 28 Apr 2010 20:23:04 Wed, 28 Apr 2010 23:23:04 From: Blue Goddess bluegoddess at psybotik*FRIDAY* Psybotik’s Lumenaughty 4/30 – RSVP to Win a FREE Ticket to Desiderata!! In just a few days we celebrate! Thanks again for the response from the com munity for Lumenaughty and all the continued support. We’re very excited fo r Friday and have a very special night planned filled with fire, dancing an d not to mention 2 rooms of music ’till 7am. Don’t worry there’s still tim e to help spread the word during our final approach. Here’s the event’s fa cebook link to invite your friends: event.php?ei and don’t forget to rsvp-nau ghty at psybotik for your chance to win a FREE ticket to the Desiderata fe stival. See you very soon! blue Coming up we have a very special treat for you on Friday, Apr il 30th in New York when we celebrate the birthdays of Electrik and Blue Go ddess, and The 2nd year anniversary of Psybotik!! Come saturate yourself in an extra ordinary night of wonder with TWO ROOMS, featuring one of our f avorite Iboga legends on his new release tour! Plus we welcome some incredi ble talent from one of the most active labels in Canada!! The event will b e augmented by the passion and extravagance of the Luminisis performers wit h special guests bringing us Fire, Burlesque, Bellydance and Go-Go. All th e while being encompassed by nasha-masa’s team of visual alchemists. Show up and show off – Decorate yourself Psybotik is extremely proud to presen t…LUMENAUGHTY Electro House / Techno / Progressive Room: REEFER DECREE **LIVE & DJ** (Iboga Records) – Denmark iboga.dk LIKEWISE **LIVE** (Attitude Recordings/Noerg) – Canada web attituderecordings TA PWATR vs TENZIN (Attitude Recordings/Noerg/Tech-Safari) – Canada web .attituderecordings MAYUR (Psybotik/Spectra) HISAKI KIYOHARA (Activat e, NYC) web myspace/activateny GOATONE (Fractal Tribe) w ww.fractaltribe.net Electro House / Techno / Progressive / Dubstep / Ful l On / Dark Room: SPiRO (Freek Factory/CoSM) – USA freekfactory DJANE LONGSTOCKING (Syzygy) – Canada REALITY ENGINE *LIVE* web re alityengine.tv ELECTRIK (Psybotik) ME (Psybotik) CRIS (L oud Monitors, THM) web myspace/loudmonitors HYPNOTOAD (Light-O- Matic) & DYSFORM (Psybotik) web lightomatic PRISHVIN MESS (Anti Shanti Records) web antishantirecords Fire, Burlesque, Belly dance and Go-Go by: Masae, Erin and Victor (Luminisis) web luminisi s Sera Solstice web boldbellydance Taryn Tulla web taryntulla Nikki Miller web nickimiller.wordpress Daniella & the Psytrance Barbies VJs Low-KeyB2 (NYC) LuneCell Masha (Psyboti k) Alchemism (Psybotik) Max Nova Sound Designer: Light-O-Matic web lightomatic Decor: Sean (Psybotik) & Crew Public Assembly 70 N orth 6t h St Brooklyn, NY 18+ w/ID Friday 4/30 Doors 8pm-7am Free before 1 0 with RSVP $20 after 10 with RSVP $25 at Door Send email to rsvp-naughty at psybotik for reduced list and Psybotik updates. Or sign up at w ww.psybotik ***Psybotik is an official New York City Ambassador for B oom Festival 2010. The tickets have arrived and we will be selling them at the party for $240 which includes your gate token. This avoids all shipping and transaction fees. You will also be able to reserve your Boom Bus tick et with us. Go to /web psybotik or web boomfestival.org for more details*** See you soon! blue ps. Also we need help with prom otions. Email me at bluegoddess at psybotikif you’re interested. Any amou nt of help is appreciated, the more you help the more you will be rewarded. REEFER DECREE (Iboga/DigiIboga/Ayahuasca Records) – Denmark The creator of Reefe r Decree, Oryx and Oliver Jones, aka Oliver Bierlich now proudly presents h is newest album entitled “Motel Music”, expected to be released in May 2010 on Iboga Records. This is the third album from Reefer Decree following th e first album release ever on Iboga “Soundframes” from 1999 and the album ” Point of You” released in 2006. Now “Motel Music” is born, expect the sic Reefer sound with a great warmhearted variety of trax, all well seasone d with some groovy beats and a bit of house and electro vibe.It also includ es a remix of a track by danish rock group “Grand Avenue” entitled “Almost Gone” and the result is an album that really takes the listener on a comple te audio journey guaranteed to put a smile on your face and a dancefloor un der your feet.. LIKEWISE (Attitude Recordings/Tech-Safari) – Canada 2009 is the y ear that saw Likewise take over the studio, introducing a new blend of tech no/progressive music to the world, result of a vision shared by its two mem bers, Jeremy Reid (Tapwatr) and Dominic Poulin (Tenzin; Dominic Dublin). Th e undeniable studio expertise of Jeremy Reid coupled with the dance floor m agnetism exerted by Dominic Poulin guarantees to everyone that witness one of their performances a phenomenal audio and sensorial experience. Before their joint project was born, both the Montrealer and Torontonian played le ading roles on the Canadian techno scene, both as promoters and as successf ul Djs. Jeremy Reid was the man behind the Toronto-based Black Light Activi sts collective founded in 1999 and also head of the label Cold Groove (2003 ). After moving to Montreal he launched the label Attitude Recordings with FM Radio Gods. On his side Dominic Poulin joined the Tech Safari collective in 2003 to produce what has gradually grown into one of the biggest tech, prog and trance festivals in America, the Eclipse festival, internationally recognized for the last 10 years. The Likewise sound emits on a frequency uniting Tapwatr’s pure techno waves with Tenzin’s characteristic progressi ve energy offering an explosive result and capturing their audience in a co ntinuous roll of build-ups and heavy bass lines in a whole new formula. Ver y much to the point regarding actual techno music tendencies. 2010 already saw their first live performance that received a massive response from the Toronto dance floor. The future seems bright for the young duo, who recent ly signed with the Montreal-based Noerg collective for the administration o f their career. Likewise will give live performances in the coming months i n the Montreal area, notably in Noerg’s Microtek series and Eclipse festiva l. Several EP’s shall also be released in the near future. TAPWATR (Attitude Recor dings/Tech-Safari) – Canada Born in Toronto, Canada, and now residing in M ontreal, Tapwatr is the production project of long-time DJ, Jeremy Reid. Re miniscent of his original love for tech-trance, Tapwatr is churning out a n ew and unique sound that combines the drive and power of this classic style with the slower BPMs influencing many dancefloors today. With his unique productions being signed on many labels, and a live set sound phatter than ever, 2009 is destined to be a great year. As a DJ, Jeremy has traveled th e globe playing in clubs and festivals along side some of the biggest names in the scene. During his eight-plus years of experience, he has become ver y versatile and developed a reputation for tight mixing with steady hypnoti c flow. As with his productions, his DJ sets cross styles but always fit th e moment, whether it be pumping the peak time electro or jammin out those d aytime grooves, he’s always got the dance-floor inside his head. TENZIN (Attitude Recordings/Tech-Safari) – Canada DJ Tenzin a.k.a. Dominic Dublin (Dominic Poulin) began his career as a producer and a DJ in 1999 with an event he pr oduced with Mathieu Labelle, under Union Productions. He then went on to b ecome a well known DJ in the MontrE9al electronic music scene, thank to hi s skilful sets at Eclipse festival, Natura, and more recently Microtek (Dus ty Kid), Sugr, Electro-chic and Amazone, in addition to numerous gigs in ba r and lounges. (La BEAte Humaine, ) As a result of his selective musical taste, appreciated by partygoers, and his experienced mixing technique, he became a member of Tech Safari Productions in 2003. Within the collective, he has a major administrative role, and he is also committed to promoting t he annual event, Eclipse festival. Having mixed mainly melodic trance and progressive house at the beginning of his career, Tenzin has currently deve loped a more techno / minimal inclined sound. His turntables technique and his versatility have impressed many and his influences are mostly rooted in the Germany and Scandinavian electronic music scene. His intimate interpla y between the audience and himself is the reason for his immense popularity as a deejay. REALITY ENGINE – USA Reality Engine is the project of producers and DJs, Luis Campos and Matyas Kelemen. Together the NYC based duo compose an articulate blend of original music and synchronized videos, drawing upon a diverse pallet of influences and styles. A unique experience where visuals can be heard and sounds can be seen. Utilizing state of the art technology Reality Engine brings a one of a kind, epic dance floor journey, ready to set new standards in the electronic music industry. Luis Campos a music p roducer and incessant dance music veteran was born and raised in the city o f Sao Paulo, Brazil, where he began his career in 1985. Throughout the year s he has been developing / re-creating his sound in dance music including t rance, techno, house and electro. Fate has lead him to some of the most pro minent clubs in Brazil, Japan, and Italy, as well as some of the most well established music festivals around the globe. Soon Louis Campos found himse lf facing 200,000 people at the Love Parade. Now living in New York, Luis c an be heard playing in such clubs as: Crobar, Sullivan Room, Le Souk, Cielo Pacha, Life, Exit, Vinyl, Avalon, World, just to name a few. Matyas Kele men was born in Transylvania and grew up NYC, within a production studio en vironment from an early age. He started experimenting with multi media art and Audio-Visual installations at the age of 15. Soon after, he began his c areer as a promoter, DJ and VJ, which lead to a full-time position at the f amous Tunnel nightclub. With a passion to create unique multi sensory insta llation art, Matyas began to produce Audio-Visual tracks and performed them live in NYC’s underground industrial scene of the late 9092s. DJ Matyas h as a unique set of skills which have taken him above and beyond in the musi c scene and with his background in cinematography and fine arts, you can be sure that his work is never lacking in creativity. In 2007 Matyas made a huge impression on his year long Brazilian tour. Regularly performing in fr ont of 20,000+ crowds at some of the countries biggest events. Matyas left his mark while sharing the stage with world renowned superstars at such eve nts as: Cachoiera Alta, Creamfeilds, Euphoria, Kaballa, Orbital, Universo P arallelo, Tribe, Tibaltech, Soul Vibes, and many more. Reality Engine is c urrently in finishing the long awaited release of their first official DVD, in summer of 2010. The DVD will feature eight Audio-Visual masterpieces, i ncluding producer92s bonus footage, and an in studio interview. SPiRO (Freek Fact ory/CoSM) – USA With a history in electronic music production that goes ba ck to 1995 with his first releases on Caffeine Records, SPiRO has been push ing musical boundaries for as long as most of us can remember. Known for hi s dare-devil genre-blending and astonishing ethnic trance and dub-step mash -ups thrown down at the legendary Freek Factory and Entheogenic Salon (CoSM ) events, SPiRO brings us the rare treat of his full-on LIVE performance se t complete with acoustic and electric guitars, sitar and bouzouki. An exper ience not to be missed. In just a few days we celebrate! Thanks again for the response from th e community for Lumenaughty and all the continued support. We’re very e xcited for Friday and have a very special night planned filled with fire, d ancing and not to mention 2 rooms of music ’till 7am. Don’t worry there’s still time to help spread the w ord during our final approach. Here’s the e vent’s facebook link to invite your friends: http: and don’t forget to mai lto:rsvp-naughty at psybotikrsvp-naughty at psybotik for your chanc New York when we celebrate the birthdays of Electrik and Blue Goddess, and Come saturate yourself in an extra ordinary night of wonder with TWO ROOMS, featuring one of our favorite Iboga legends on his new rel ease tour! Plus we welcome some incredible talent from one of the most acti ve labels in Canada!! The event will be augmented by the passion and extravagance of the Luminisis performers with special g uests bringing us Fire, Burlesque, Bellydance and Go-Go. All the while b eing encompassed by nasha-masa’s team of visual alchemists. Psybotik is extremely proud to present…LUMENAUGHTY/ div Electro House / Techno / Progressive Room: REEFER DECREE **LIVE & DJ** (Iboga Rec ords) – Denmark iboga.dkiboga.dk / div LIKEWISE **LIVE** (Attitude Recordings/Noerg) – Can ada web attituderecordingsweb att ituderecordings TAPWATR vs TENZIN (Attitud e Recordings/Noerg/Tech-Safari) – Canada web at tituderecordingsweb attituderecordings MAYUR (Psybotik/Spectra) HISAKI KIYOHAR A (Activate, NYC) web myspace/activatenyweb myspace/activateny GOATONE (Frac tal Tribe) web fractaltribe.netweb fr actaltribe.net E lectro House / Techno / Progressive / Dubstep / Full On / Dark Room: SPiRO (Freek Factory/CoSM) – USA freekfactoryfreekfactory di vDJANE LONGSTOCKING (Syzygy) – Canada REALITY ENG INE *LIVE* web realityengine.tvweb re alityengine.tv ELECTRIK (Psybotik) ME (Psybotik) CRIS ( Loud Monitors, THM) web myspace/loudmonito rsweb myspace/loudmonitors HYPNOT OAD (Light-O-Matic) & DYSFORM (Psybotik) ww w.lightomaticweb lightomatic PRISHVIN MESS (AntiShanti Records) web antisha ntirecordsweb antishantirecords d iv Fire, Burlesque, Bellydance and Go-Go by: Masae, Erin and Victor (Luminisis) web luminisisweb luminisis/a Sera Solstice web bo ldbellydanceweb boldbellydance Taryn Tulla web taryntullaweb t aryntulla Nikki Miller com Daniella & t v Low-KeyB2 (NYC) LuneCell Masha (Psybotik) Alchemism (Psy Sound Designer: Light-O-Matic v Decor: Sean (Psybotik) & Crew Public Assembly/d Friday 4/30 Doors 8pm-7am di vFree before 10 with RSVP $20 after 10 with RSVP $25 at Door Send email to ma ilto:rsvp-naughty at psybotikrsvp-naughty at psybotik for reduced l ist and Psybotik updates. Or sign up at web .psybotikweb psybotik /d al 2010. The tickets have arrived and we will be selling them at the party for $240 which includes your gate token. This avoids all shipping and trans action fees. You will also be able to reserve your Boom Bus ticket with us. Go to /web psybotikweb psybotik/ aor web boomfestival.orgweb boomfestival.org/ afor more details*** See you soo n! blue ps. Also we ne bluegoddess at psybotik if you’re interested. Any amount of help is appreciated, the more you help the more you will be rewarded./d REEFER DECREE (Iboga/DigiIboga/Ayah uasca Records) – Denmark The creator of Reefer Dec ree, Oryx and Oliver Jones, aka Oliver Bierlich now proudly presents his ne west album entitled “Motel Music”, expected to be released in May 2010 on Iboga Records. This is the third album f rom Reefer Decree following the first album release ever on Iboga “Sou ndframes” from 1999 and the album “Point of You” released in 2006. Now “Motel Music” is born, expec t the classic Reefer sound with a great warmhearted variety of trax, all we ll seasoned with some groovy beats and a bit of house and electro vibe.It a lso includes a remix of a track by danish rock group “Grand Avenue&quo t; entitled “Almost Gone” and the result is an album that really takes the listener on a complete audio journey guaranteed to put a smile on your face and a dancefloor under your feet.. b rLIKEWISE (Attitude Recordings/Tech-Safari) – Canada 2009 is the year that saw Likewise take over the studio, int roducing a new blend of techno/progressive music to the world, result of a vision shared by its two members, Jeremy Reid (Tapwatr) and Dominic Poulin (Tenzin; Dominic Dublin). The undeniable studio expertise of Jeremy Reid co upled with the dance floor magnetism exerted by Dominic Poulin guarantees t o everyone that witness one of their performances a phenomenal audio and se nsorial experience. Before their joint project wa s born, both the Montrealer and Torontonian played leading roles on the Can adian techno scene, both as promoters and as successful Djs. Jeremy Reid wa s the man behind the Toronto-based Black Light Activists collective founded in 1999 and also head of the label Cold Groove (2003). After moving to Mon treal he launched the label Attitude Recordings with FM Radio Gods. On his side Dominic Poulin joined the Tech Safari collective in 2003 to produce wh at has gradually grown into one of the biggest tech, prog and trance festiv als in America, the Eclipse festival, internationally recognized for the la st 10 years. The Likewise sound emits on a freque ncy uniting Tapwatr’s pure techno waves with Tenzin’s characteristi c progressive energy offering an explosive result and capturing their audie nce in a continuous roll of build-ups and heavy bass lines in a whole new f ormula. Very much to the point regarding actual techno music tendencies./d 2010 already saw their first live performance that received a massive response from the Toronto dance floor. The future seems bright for the young duo, who recently signed with the Montreal-based Noerg collective for the administration of their career. Likewise will give live performances in the coming months in the Montreal area, notably in Noerg& # 39;s Microtek series and Eclipse festival. Several EP’s shall also be r eleased in the near future. TA PWATR (Attitude Recordings/Tech-Safari) – Canada B orn in Toronto, Canada, and now residing in Montreal, Tapwatr is the produc tion project of long-time DJ, Jeremy Reid. Reminiscent of his original love for tech-trance, Tapwatr is churning out a new and unique sound that combi nes the drive and power of this classic style, with the slower BPMs influen cing many dancefloors today. With his unique productions being signed on ma ny labels, and a live set sound phatter than ever, 2009 is destined to be a great year. As a DJ, Jeremy has traveled the glo be playing in clubs and festivals along side some of the biggest names in t he scene. During his eight-plus years of experience, he has become very ver satile and developed a reputation for tight mixing with steady hypnotic flo w. As with his productions, his DJ sets cross styles but always fit the mom ent, whether it be pumping the peak time electro or jammin out those daytim e grooves, he’s always got the dance-floor inside his head. TENZIN (Attitude Recordings/Tech-Safari) – C anada DJ Tenzin a.k.a. Dominic Dublin (Dominic Pou lin) began his career as a producer and a DJ in 1999 with an event he produ ced with Mathieu Labelle, under Union Productions. di vHe then went on to become a well known DJ in the MontrE9al electronic mu sic scene, thank to his skilful sets at Eclipse festival, Natura, and more recently Microtek (Dusty Kid), Sugr, Electro-chic and Amazone, in addition to numerous gigs in bar and lounges. (La BEAte Humaine, ) oers, and his experienced mixing technique, he became a member of Tech Safa ri Productions in 2003. Within the collective, he has a major administrativ e role, and he is also committed to promoting the annual event, Eclipse fes tival. Having mixed mainly melodic trance and progressive house at the beginning of his career, Tenzin has currently deve loped a more techno / minimal inclined sound. His turntables technique and his versatility have impressed many and his influences are mostly rooted in the Germany and Scandinavian electronic music scene. His intimate interpla y between the audience and himself is the reason for his immense popularity as a deejay. REALITY ENGINE – US A Reality Engine is the project of producers and D Js, Luis Campos and Matyas Kelemen. Together the NYC based duo compose an a rticulate blend of original music and synchronized videos, drawing upon a d iverse pallet of influences and styles. A unique experience where visuals c an be heard and sounds can be seen. Utilizing state of the art technology, Reality Engine brings a one of a kind, epic dance floor journey, ready to s et new standards in the electronic music industry. di vLuis Campos a music producer and incessant dance music veteran was born a nd raised in the city of Sao Paulo, Brazil, where he began his career in 19 85. Throughout the years he has been developing / re-creating his sound in dance music including trance, techno, house and electro. Fate has lead him to some of the most prominent clubs in Brazil, Japan, and Italy, as well as some of the most well established music festivals around the globe. Soon L ouis Campos found himself facing 200,000 people at the Love Parade. Now liv ing in New York, Luis can be heard playing in such clubs as: Crobar, Sulliv an Room, Le Souk, Cielo, Pacha, Life, Exit, Vinyl, Avalon, World, just to n ame a few. Matyas Kelemen was born in Transylvania and grew up NYC, within a production studio environment from an early age. He started experimenting with multi media art and Audio-Visual installatio ns at the age of 15. Soon after, he began his career as a promoter, DJ and VJ, which lead to a full-time position at the famous Tunnel nightclub. With a passion to create unique multi sensory installation art, Matyas began to produce Audio-Visual tracks and performed them live in NYC’s undergrou nd industrial scene of the late 9092s. DJ Matyas has a unique set of skill s which have taken him above and beyond in the music scene and with his bac kground in cinematography and fine arts, you can be sure that his work is n ever lacking in creativity. In 2007 Matyas made a huge impression on his year long Brazilian tour. Regularly performing in f ront of 20,000+ crowds at some of the countries biggest events. Matyas left his mark while sharing the stage with world renowned superstars at such ev ents as: Cachoiera Alta, Creamfeilds, Euphoria, Kaballa, Orbital, Universo Parallelo, Tribe, Tibaltech, Soul Vibes, and many more. Reality Engine is currently in finishing the long awaited release of their first official DVD, in summer of 2010. The DVD will feature eight Aud io-Visual masterpieces, including producer92s bonus footage, and an in stu dio interview. SPiRO (Freek Fac tory/CoSM) – USA With a history in electronic musi c production that goes back to 1995 with his first releases on Caffeine Rec ords, SPiRO has been pushing musical boundaries for as long as most of us c an remember. Known for his dare-devil genre-blending and astonishing ethnic trance and dub-step mash-ups thrown down at the legendary Freek Factory an d Entheogenic Salon (CoSM) events, SPiRO brings us the rare treat of his fu ll-on LIVE performance set complete with acoustic and electric guitars, sit ar and bouzouki. An experience not to be missed.

May 2010

#4394 Fri, 07 May 2010 14:20:50 07 May 2010 14:20:49 Fri, 7 May 2010 17:20:49 From: onTonca ontonca at gmailGrains of Sound Album Release Party, Sat 5/8 at 10pm at LOVE Good evening! To those who have not yet seen our promotions, the Rectified Youth Collective is throwing a psyTrance party 93Grains of Sound Album Re lease Party94 this Saturday night at 10pm in Manhattan. On Facebook: http:/ We look forwar d to this Saturday! The DJs are reloading their magazines with cupid’s arr ows and other forms of positive energy. We are slowly moving towards the m oment when the first beat shalt hit the dance floor at CLUB LOVE! Summary: 1. The venue has changed. We are very excited that we’ll be at: Club LO VE 40 West 8th Street New York, NY 10011 2. We changed the finish time of the party from 4 to 5am!!! 3. Although pre-sale is no longer available, we decided to offer a special pricing to anyone whose ticket is sold before midnight at $10! Do not be late, the spaceship turns into a pumpkin preci sely at midnight! 4. We have added Luna ( FluroNe uroNymph ) to our deco team! Together with NephilNine ( web nephilni ne.net/ ) this will fill the space with love of psy flora, fauna, and frien dly spiritual entities. 5. Our updated lineup: 10 96 10:45 Tom Foxglove web Soundcloud/TomRogers 10:45 96 11:30 Andrey ProgressiveH eaven web termminal/andrey/Andrey%20DJ%20Set%2004-27-2010.mp3 11 :30 96 12:30 Earworm web reverbnation/earworm 12:30 96 2:00Grains of Sound (Exeris) web grainsofsound.net 2:00 96 4:00 Luis vs . KeN djluiscampos web myspace/n ydj4life 4:00 96 5:00 PsyRaiders the Rectified Youth Collective on t he web: web rycollective Best regards, RYC Staff

#4395 Tue, 18 May 2010 09:57:06 PSYCHEGROUND Thursday May 20th at SULLIVAN ROOM 0-1625148684-1274201826:74859 We would like to welcome everybody back to another special evening at the PSYCHEGROUND, hosted by one of New Yorks most distinguished clubs, Sullivan Room. At this party, we will have a mix of the best of both wo rlds featuring DJ sets long enough to savor and beats you can’t help but d ance to by: RODRIGO VIEIRA TONY UNORTHODOX CTRL+ALT+DEL live ** May 20 th, 11pm – 4am ** at Sullivan Room, New York City – web sullivanro om 218 Sullivan St (between Bleecker and West 3rd St, 2 blocks east of 6th Ave) General Admission: $10.00 RSVP to psycheground at yahoo for $5. 00 reduced list. 21+ with ID Subway: A, B, C, D, E, F, or V trains to “W 4 St – Wash Sq” Save the date! May 28 We’re having a sp ecial PSYCHEGROUND at SULLIVAN ROOM with one of the world’s best psytrance DJs. 0-1625148684-1274201826:74859 We would like to welcome everybody back to another s pecial evening at the PSYCHEGROUND, hosted by one of New Yorks mo st distinguished clubs, Sullivan Room. At this party, we will have a mix of the best of both worlds featuring DJ sets long enough to savor an d beats you can’t d;CTRL+ALT+DEL live ** May 20th, 11pm – 4am ** at Sullivan Room, New York City – web sullivanr Sullivan St (between Bleecker and West 3rd St, 2 blocks east of 6th Ave)b rGeneral Admission: $10.00 RSVP to psycheground at yahoo for $5.0 0 reduced list. 21+ with ID Subway: A, B, C, D, E, F, or V t rains to “W 4 St – Wash Sq” htt the date! May 28 We’re having a special PSYCHEGROUND at SULLIVAN ROOM with one of the world’s best psytrance DJs.

#4396 Tue, 25 May 2010 13:15:29 TripOutNY PSYCHEGROUND Friday, May 28th at SULLIVAN ROOM 0-1301937713-1274818529:2928 The Dreamcatchers are proud to welcome DJ Shawnodese to his first New Y ork City performance in a special Friday night edition of Psycheground! Sha wnodese is known for his master craftsmanship in blending and fusing every tune together in a perfect mix, he’s been able to set off many minds high up in the sky and to make them enjoy the powerful intensity of his belove d and favorite style of music, psytrance. During all those years heE280 99s seen almost every kind of venue and party imaginable, from clubs to s quats, from massive indoor as well as outdoor festivals to obscure undergro und locations and anything in between. As long as there were some pounding beats demanded, this man was taking control of the decks to deliver on de mand! A Holland resident for most his life, Shawnodese has also lived i n Germany and Venezuela. His name and fame have literally extended throug hout the psy-trance scene worldwide, however, having taken him to play in over two dozen countries spanning five continents so far. He also has bee n running his own record label, Mindfunk Records, for the past four years in addition to being a top-notch DJ. He also became a label DJ for the l egendary psytrance label Doof Records in 2008 and later joined Bom Shanka Records in 2010 in the same role. The Dreamcatchers are also delighted to be welcoming back Ray Briones and DJ Carol Ferraz as well as the New Yo rk City family favorite, Reality Engine share their signature holographic s how at Psycheground for the first time. Performing a special transition se t breaching the full spectrum of sound from techno to trance, Reality Engi ne will synthesize sight and sound into a unique sensory experience with sounds that will be seen and visuals that will be heard. Whether it be sc ience or metaphysics, this is the stuff that most of us only dream about. Are you ready? Then grab your dancing shoes and let’s just see how far do wn the rabbit hole we can go! ** May 28th, 10pm – 4am ** 2-1 Drinks f rom 10pm to 11pm! Line-Up: – Shawnodese (Mind Funk Records/NL) – Real ity Engine (Psycheground/US/BR) – Ray Briones (UC Music/BR) – Carol Ferra z (Psycheground/BR) – Visuals by Alchemism (Psybotik/Psycheground/NYC) Up to 50 Reduced Price Admissions with Advanced Purchase are now available for only $15! To purchase your reduced price ticket using PayPal please vis it Psycheground.DancefloorMechanix. Advanced ticket sales will end at 3:00pm on the day of the event. General Admission is $20. 21+ with ID at Sullivan Room, New York City 218 Sullivan Street (between Bleecker and West 3rd St, 2 blocks east of 6th Ave) (Click here for a map to Sulliva n Room) Subway: A, B, C, D, E, F, or V trains to “W 4 St – Wash Sq” 0-1301937713-1274818529:2928 size: 12pt; J Shawnodese to his first New York City performance in a special Friday ni ght edition of Psycheground! Shawnodese is known for his master craftsman ship in blending and fusing every tune together in a perfect mix, he’s bee n able to set off many minds high up in the sky and to make them enjoy the powerful intensity of his beloved and favorite style of music, psytrance. During all those years hes seen almost every kind of venue and p arty imaginable, from clubs to squats, from massive indoor as well as outd oor festivals to obscure underground locations and anything in between. As long as there were some pounding beats demanded, this man was taking con trol of the decks to deliver on demand! A Holland resident fo r most his life, Shawnodese has also lived in Germany and Venezuela. His name and fame have literally extended throughout the psy-trance scene worl dwide, however, having taken him to play in over two dozen countries spann ing five continents so far. He also has been running his own record label Mindfunk Records, for the past four years in addition to being a top-not ch DJ. He also became a label DJ for the legendary psytrance label Doof R ecords in 2008 and later joined Bom Shanka Records in 2010 in the same rol e. The Dreamcatchers are also delighted to be welcoming back R ay Briones and DJ Carol Ferraz as well as the New York City family favorit e, Reality Engine share their signature holographic show at Psycheground f or the first time. Performing a special transition set breaching the full spectrum of sound from techno to trance, Reality Engine will synthesize s ight and sound into a unique sensory experience with sounds that will be s een and visuals that will be heard. Whether it be science or metaphysics, this is the stuff that most of us only dream about. Are you ready? Then grab your dancing shoes and let’s just see how far down the rabbit hole we Drinks from r- r – visual.alchemism.net/Alchemism (Psybotik/Psycheground/NYC) Up to 50 Reduced Price Admissions with Advanced Purchase are now available for only $15! To purchase your reduced price ticket using PayPal d.DancefloorMechanix . Advanced ticket sales will end at 3:00p m on the day of the event. General Admission r218 Sullivan Street (between Bleecker and West 3rd St, 2 blocks east of Sullivan Room )

#4397 Fri, 28 May 2010 10:35:27 To: psyny nyc604, TripOutNY PSYCHEGROUND Friday, May 28th at SULLIVAN ROOM 0-1691435204-1275068127:56971 The Dreamcatchers are proud to welcome DJ Shawnodese to his first New Y ork City performance in a special Friday night edition of Psycheground! Sha wnodese is known for his master craftsmanship in blending and fusing every tune together in a perfect mix, he’s been able to set off many minds high up in the sky and to make them enjoy the powerful intensity of his belove d and favorite style of music, psytrance. During all those years heE280 99s seen almost every kind of venue and party imaginable, from clubs to s quats, from massive indoor as well as outdoor festivals to obscure undergro und locations and anything in between. As long as there were some pounding beats demanded, this man was taking control of the decks to deliver on de mand! A Holland resident for most his life, Shawnodese has also lived i n Germany and Venezuela. His name and fame have literally extended throug hout the psy-trance scene worldwide, however, having taken him to play in over two dozen countries spanning five continents so far. He also has bee n running his own record label, Mindfunk Records, for the past four years in addition to being a top-notch DJ. He also became a label DJ for the l egendary psytrance label Doof Records in 2008 and later joined Bom Shanka Records in 2010 in the same role. The Dreamcatchers are also delighted to be welcoming back Ray Briones and DJ Carol Ferraz as well as the New Yo rk City family favorite, Reality Engine share their signature holographic show at Psycheground for the first time. Performing a special transition s et breaching the full spectrum of sound from techno to trance, Reality Eng ine will synthesize sight and sound into a unique sensory experience with sounds that will be seen and visuals that will be heard. Whether it be s cience or metaphysics, this is the stuff that most of us only dream about. Are you ready? Then grab your dancing shoes and let’s just see how far d own the rabbit hole we can go! ** May 28th, 10pm – 4am ** 2-1 Drinks from 10pm to 11pm! Line-Up: – Shawnodese (Mind Funk Records/NL) – Re ality Engine (Psycheground/US/BR) – Ray Briones (UC Music/BR) – Carol Fe rraz (Psycheground/BR) – Visuals by Alchemism (Psybotik/Psycheground/NYC) – UV Environment by Nephilnine Deco – Visionary Arts & Prints for Sale by Kaliptus kaliptus General Admission: $20 Reduced Admission with RSVP: $15 As some people have reported difficulty with buying the presale tickets using PayPal we have decided to open up our usual RSVP list. Pl ease send names to psycheground at yahoo for $15 reduced admission before 6pm the day of the event. Hope to see you all there! at Sullivan Room, New York City – 218 Sullivan St (between Ble ecker and West 3rd St, 2 blocks east of 6th Ave) 21+ with ID Subway: A, B C, D, E, F, or V trains to “W 4 St – Wash Sq” welcome DJ Shawnodese to und! Shawnodese is known for his master craftsmanship in blending and fu sing every tune together in a perfect mix, he’s been able to set off many minds high up in the sky and to make them enjoy the powerful intensity of his beloved and favorite style of music, psytrance. During all those years hes seen almost every kind of venue and party imaginable, from c lubs to squats, from massive indoor as well as outdoor festivals to obscur e underground locations and anything in between. As long as there were som e pounding beats demanded, this man was taking control of the decks to del iver on demand! A Holland resident for most his life, Shawnod many and a . His name and fame have literally extended throughout the psy-t rance scene worldwide, however, having taken him to play in over two dozen countries spanning five continents so far. He also has been running his own record label, Mindfunk Records, for the past four years in addition to being a top-notch DJ. He also became a label DJ for the legendary psytra nce label Doof Records in 2008 and later joined Bom Shanka Records in 2010 in the same role. The Dreamcatchers are also delighted to be welcoming back Ray Briones and DJ Carol Ferraz as well as the class City family favorit e, Reality Engine share their signature holographic show at Psycheground f or the first time. Performing a special transition set breaching the full spectrum of sound from techno to trance, Reality Engine will synthesize sight and sound into a unique sensory experience with sounds that will be seen and visuals that will be heard. Whether it be science or metaphysics this is the stuff that most of us only dream about. Are you ready? Then grab your dancing shoes and let’s just see how far down the rabbit hole w b(54, 99, 136); cursor: pointer; background: none repeat scroll 0% 0% trans nt(Mind Funk ne (Psycheground/US/BR) – 268Ray Briones 2750677269Carol Ferraz (Psycheground/BR) by Nephilnine Deco – Visi onary Arts & Prints for Sale by duced Admission with RSVP: $15 As some people have reported difficu lty with buying the presale tickets using PayPal we have decided to open up our usual RSVP list. Please send names to psycheground at yahoo for $ 15 reduced admission before 6pm the day of the event. Hope to see you all there! at Sullivan Room, New York City – w / 218 Sullivan St (between Bleecker and West 3rd St, 2 blocks east of 6th Ave) 21+ with ID Subway: A, B, C, D, E, F, or V train s to “W 4 St – Wash Sq” htt 0-1691435204-1275068127:56971

June 2010

#4398 Thu, 10 Jun 2010 01:50:27 Desiderata, psy-trance arts festival June 24-27 upstate New York See everyone there, i’m bringing my family. This group is particularly par ticipatory art – DIY friendly. Their web site has all the information you need web desideratafestival Thursday June 24th after 4pm until S unday June 27th 6pm. Juno Reactor (DJ) // Talamasca // Perfect Stranger / / Beats Antique (DJ) // Jaia // Blockhead // Evan Bluetech // Mecca Bodega // Transdriver // Ajja // Phatmatix // Yab Yum // Eclectic mthod // And romeda // Future Rock // Encephalopaticys // Chromosome // Wizack Twizac k // Onkle Dunkel // Rastaliens (DJ) // Jahbo // Filteria // Giuseppe // A rtifakt // BLT // G.O.W. aka Grapes Of Wrath // Alex B // Papadosio // Sou thwild // Aerodromme / many many more Desiderata Festival is about celebr ating life, about reconnecting with your fellow brothers and sisters throug h a rich cultural and social experience. It’s not just about music, that is but one facet of the human experience. Interacting with your fellow human beings, reigniting that spark that winter has sought to extinguish, experie ncing the pure joy of being alive and being part of a gathering of like-min ded evolved humans, engaging in dialogue to better understand and connect w ith each other – that is Desiderata. Expect new and diverse breeds of musi c. Meet members of the world community and participate in workshops, lectur es, and political discussions. Expect the avant-garde and the abstract: ind ie film premieres, art installations and multimedia performances. Experienand discover music that will help you transcend the petty day-to-day iss ues out in the real world. Let loose and dance to wash away the stress of l ife. Watch and join actors performing theater. Sit by the fire and instinct ively remember a simpler time, when every person, musician or non-musician would sing, drum, play an instrument, in harmony with each other, exposing their true selves without shame to their fellow human beings. All your sens es aflame, your mind stimulated, your heart pumping with the utter joy of s haring life with others… “Go placidly amid the noise and haste, …you a re a child of the universe, no less than the trees and the stars…” Max Ehrmann, “Desiderata”

#4399 Tue, 15 Jun 2010 13:27:59 15 Jun 2010 13:27:57 Tue, 15 Jun 2010 16:27:57 From: onTonca ontonca at gmailFree Wednesday Night Psy PartyDo you think New York City could handle a weekly Wednesday night psyTrance party, running from 9pm so people can actually make it to work the next day ? Want to help us try it out? WEDNESDAY 6/16 TOMORROW NIGHT IS THE NIGHT! LETS MAKE IT REAL! We are running this one without a door fee. YES, ITS FREE!!! Psy Smoke Wednesday Start Time: Wednesday, June 16, 2010 at 9:00p m End Time: Thursday, June 17, 2010 at 4:00am Location: Falucka Street: 162 Bleecker St. City/Town: New York, NY Description The Rectified Youth Coll ective is proud to present Psy smoke Wednesdays! The rectified Youth collec tive believes that’s once in a while that the community should be able to g et together and enjoy them selves and not have to worry about a cover charg e (money isn’t everything therefor we will be trying a free event at one of New York’s finest hookah lounges with the night dedicated to our beloved P sy scene we will start the night of a new mine genre Psy-tribal-house and m ove the night into progressive psy then finish up up in the darker realm of psy so be prepared full night of mind altering sets brought to you buy som e of the most talented New York psy Dj’s. Hope to see you on the dance floo r;-) CRIS ( Loud Mon itors/THM) NYC/MX web myspace/loudmonitors Ray Gunnz Ruiz (Soun dGroove Records) soundcloud/Ray-Gunnz Curtis Atchison (Midnight Society) web midnight-society/ web soundgrooverecords.co m/ Eagle Feather (PsyRaiders) Ray Gunnz Ruiz (SoundGroove Records) Ray Gunnz has been around since the Palladium days.A Brooklyn Boy true n true.. Raised in Brighton Be ach an Coney Island. Growing up in a music culture opened doors for him and gave me the opportunity andmtskill to Dj his first club at only 15. I have been hooked ever since. From performing at Clubs like, Level-Club/ Love/Bud da Bar/Providence/Rebel/just to name a few; expect to fell and experience a new reason to get on the dance floor not to mention bring you a new genre psytrib-house Plus Look for his up-coming releases on SoundGroove Records.. Curtis Atchison (Mi dnight Society) In an industry where talent comes and go as fast as the lat est fads, very few acts have managed to achieve such a high level of succes s with the tenacity & perseverance as Midnight Society. This New York based production team, composed from the talents of DJ/Producers Curtis Atchison & Erik Elias made their first of many impressions in the music industry wi th the release of 93The Tone Depth EP94 on Nervous Dog Records in 2000. S ince then, Midnight Society has been featured on more than 100 different re leases & CD compilations covering over 30 National & International record l abels. Several of their projects have also appeared on Billboard Dance Char ts, which include a Number one remix single in 2007 with Altar & Jeanie Tra cy on Mamahouse Records, two Top five remix singles with Maya Azucena & Tra cy Young featuring Ceevox on Kult & Ferosh Records, and more than a dozen T op 10 & 20 singles over the last three years. They also own a digital label called SoundGroove Records, which has produced two Billboard charting sing les and is featured on several mixed CD compilations by some of the industr y92s most respected world class DJs & Producers. CRIS (Loud Monitors/THM) NYC/MX Idea created after a long journey of experience with electronic music, MONITORING PROJE CT brings the freshest beats from the most talented DJs worldwide, foundate d & based in New York city MONITORING PROJECT is considerate as one of the strongest well produced party organization, with over 100 performances MONI TORING PROJECT Djs have taken the east cost with nothing but the best of pr ogressive, minimal tech & psychedelic trance music stay tuned EAGLE FEATHER (/PsyRaiders) H e calls himself Eagle Feather because, the eagle is a free, powerful but al so a rare being…… Even to only hold a feather, is illegal!!! He was rai sed in Queens, N.Y by an IsrAlien! He first went to a “PsyParty” in ’09 and found his inner being and loved it…. Eagle Feather is a new comer to the mystic world of D.Jing.. He is now a PsyRaider and has played at “Spring in to the Future.” He wants to spread his wings and make his music flow throug h your soul and smile… dle a weekly Wednesday night psyTrance party, running from 9pm so people ca n actually make it to work the next day? sty WEDNESDAY 6/16 TOMORROW NIGHT IS THE NIGHT! LETS MAKE IT REAL! We are running this one without a doo r fee. YES, ITS FREE!!! Start Time: m nt- ,Wednesday, June 16, 2010 at 9:00pm/di End Time:/t Street: City/Town:/ The Rectified Yo uth Collective is proud to present Psy smoke Wednesdays! The rectified Yout h collective believes that’s once in a while that the community should be able to get together and enjoy them selves and not have to worry about a cover charge (money isn’t everything therefor we will be trying a fr ee event at one of New York’s finest hookah lounges with the night dedi cated to our beloved Psy scene we will start the night of a new mine genre Psy-tribal-house and move the night into progressive psy then finish up up in the darker realm of psy so be prepared full night of mind altering sets brought to you buy some of the most talented New York psy Dj’s. Hope to see you on the dance floor;-) CRIS ( Loud Monitors/THM) NYC/MX olor: rgb(195, 57, 11); web myspace/loudmonitors R ay Gunnz Ruiz (SoundGroove Records) soundcloud/Raysoundcloud/Ray-Gunnz Curtis Atchison (Midnight So ty/ grooverecords/ Eagle Feather (PsyRaiders) Ray Gunnz Ruiz (SoundGro ove Records) Ray Gunnz has been around since the Palladium days.A Brookl yn Boy true n true.. Raised in Brighton Beach an Coney Island. Growing up i n a music culture opened doors for him and gave me the opportunity andmtskil l to Dj his first club at only 15. I have been hooked ever since. From perf orming at Clubs like, Level-Club/ Love/Budda Bar/Providence/Rebel/just to n ame a few; expect to fell and experience a new reason to get on the dance f loor not to mention bring you a new genre psytrib-house Plus Look for his u p-coming releases on SoundGroove Records.. Curtis Atchison (Midnight Society) b rIn an industry where talent comes and go as fast as the latest fads, very few acts have managed to achieve such a high level of success with the ten acity & perseverance as Midnight Society. This New York based productio n team, composed from the talents of DJ/Producers Curtis Atchison & Eri k Elias made their first of many impressions in the music industry with the release of 93The Tone Depth EP94 on Nervous Dog Records in 2000. Since t hen, Midnight Society has been featured on more than 100 different releases & CD compilations covering over 30 National & International record labels. Several of their projects have also appeared on Billboard Dance Ch arts, which include a Number one remix single in 2007 with Altar & Jean ie Tracy on Mamahouse Records, two Top five remix singles with Maya Azucena & Tracy Young featuring Ceevox on Kult & Ferosh Records, and more than a dozen Top 10 & 20 singles over the last three years. They also o wn a digital label called SoundGroove Records, which has produced two Billb oard charting singles and is featured on several mixed CD compilations by s ome of the industry92s most respected world class DJs & Producers. CRIS (Loud Mo nitors/THM) NYC/MX Idea created after a long journey of experience with electronic music, MONITORING PROJECT brings the freshest beats from the mo st talented DJs worldwide, foundated & based in New York city MONITORIN G PROJECT is considerate as one of the strongest well produced party organi zation, with over 100 performances MONITORING PROJECT Djs have taken the ea st cost with nothing but the best of progressive, minimal tech & psyche delic trance music stay tuned EAGLE FEATHER (/PsyRaiders) He calls himse lf Eagle Feather because, the eagle is a free, powerful but also a rare bei ng…… Even to only hold a feather, is illegal!!! He was raised in Queens N.Y by an IsrAlien! He first went to a “PsyParty” in ’09 an d found his inner being and loved it…. Eagle Feather is a new comer to th e mystic world of D.Jing.. He is now a PsyRaider and has played at “Spr ing into the Future.” He wants to spread his wings and make his music flow through your soul and smile…

#4400 Wed, 16 Jun 2010 17:56:49 16 Jun 2010 17:56:49 Wed, 16 Jun 2010 20:56:49 To: nyc604, TripOutNY From: Electrik bluegoddess at psybotikrecordsPsybotik is relocating our Brooklyn laboratory – Looking to unload some furniture, subs, and other misc stuffDon92t worry, we92re not going far, just a little closer to the action 🙂 Descriptions and prices are below and you can see photos of everything he re: picasaweb.google/101707271653131817258/MovingToSmallerAptGoo dStuffForSalePullOutCouchGlassCoffeeTableSubwoofersAndMore email me at el ectrik at psybotik to make arrangements Cheers, Keirnyn *Pull out couch 96 Queen size mattress – $225* 96 Stylish black microfiber sleeper sofa with a pull out queen size bed in good condition. The dimensions are 792 x 292194 x 392(LxWxH). $225, Must come pick up. *Modern Coffee Table 96 Glass Top and 2 Footstools – $75:* Glass top coffee table in a modern 93S94 shape with a wooden bottom with wooden sliding door storage underne ath in good condition. 2 pull away footstools with padded removable tops an d storage space. The dimensions are 492 x 292294 x 192694 (LxWxH). $7 5, must come pick up. *Two Passive 1894 Subwoofers 96 Gemini Rhino – $7 0 for BOTH:* In working condition; these are loud so only needed one for my 300sf living room. The dimensions of each subwoofer is 292 x 192494 x 2 92994. Price: $40 for one, $70 for both. Must come pick up. *Two Papasa n Chairs 96 Navy Blue Microfiber – $30 for BOTH:* Two navy blue microfiber papasan chairs with a silver metal frame that fold up for quick and easy s torage in good condition. Price $20 for one, $30 for both. Must come pick u p. 392894 across and 392 tall. *Two Nightstands 96 Wooden – $30 for B OTH:* Two wooden nightstands in ok condition. Each nightstand has 2 pull ou t drawers. The dimensions of each nightstand is 292 x 192494 x 292 (LxW xH). Price: $20 for one, $30 for both. Must come pick up *4 Dining Room Chairs 96 Wooden – $45 for FOUR:* 4 wooden dining room chairs in good con dition. Must come pick up. Price: $15 for one, $25 for two, $45 for four. M ust come pick up. *Microwave – $15:* White Sharp brand microwave in fair condition. Digital display doesn’t work but all the buttons on the control panel do. 1’894 x 1’494 x 1194 (LxWxH). Must come pick up. *Girls Bik e – $15:* Gears broken but good for parts. Don92t worry, we92re not going far, just a little closer to the action 🙂 Descriptions and prices are below and you can see photos of everyt hing here: picasaweb.google/101707271653131817258/ MovingToSmallerAptGoodStuffForSalePullOutCouchGlassCoffeeTableSubwoofersAnd More picasaweb.google/101707271653131817258/MovingToSmallerApt GoodStuffForSalePullOutCouchGlassCoffeeTableSubwoofersAndMore to make arrangements Cheers, Keirnyn Pull ou t couch 96 Queen size mattress – $225 96 Stylish black microfiber sleeper sofa with a pull out queen size bed in good condition. The dimensi ons are 792 x 292194 x 392(LxWxH). $225, Must come pick up. di vModern Coffee Table 96 Glass Top and 2 Footstools – $75:/ bGlass top coffee table in a modern 93S94 shape with a wooden bottom with wooden sliding door storage underneath in good condition. 2 pull away footstools with padded removable tops and storage space. The dimensions are 492 x 292294 x 192694 (LxWxH). $75, must come pick up. / BOTH: In working condition; these are loud so only needed one for m y 300sf living room. The dimensions of each subwoofer is 292 x 192494 x 292994. Price: $40 for one, $70 for both. Must come pick up. Two Papasan Chairs 96 Navy Blue Microfiber – $30 for BOTH : Two navy blue microfiber papasan chairs with a silver metal frame that fold up for quick and easy storage in good condition. Price $20 for o ne, $30 for both. Must come pick up. 392894 across and 392 tall. Two Nightstands 96 Wooden – $30 for BOTH: Tw o wooden nightstands in ok condition. Each nightstand has 2 pull out drawer s. The dimensions of each nightstand is 292 x 192494 x 292 (LxWxH). Price: $20 for one, $30 for both. Must come pick up 4 Dining Room Chairs 96 Wooden – $45 for FOUR: 4 wooden d ining room chairs in good condition. Must come pick up. Price: $15 for one, $25 for two, $45 for four. Must come pick up. u Microwave – $15: White Sharp brand microwave in fair condition. Digital display doesn’t work but all the buttons on the control panel do. 1’894 x 1’494 x 1194 (LxWxH). Must come pick up. /d .

#4402 Fri, 18 Jun 2010 17:28:17 OT fwd: PAM’S ANNUAL SUMMER SHOW ROUNDUP! – From: pamelaprimi at hotmail AMAZING stuff going on outdoors this summer kids.. Most of these are free! See you there!!! Love, Pam A lso – Coney Island: Mermaid Parade – June 19 Siren Festival – July 17 Grateful Dead – June 26 & 27 Happy Summer Everybody!

#4404 Thu, 24 Jun 2010 14:57:47 Thu, 24 Jun 2010 14:52:05 (versionTLSv1/SSLv3 cipherRC4-MD5); Thu, 24 Jun 2010 14:52:05 Thu, 24 Jun 2010 17:51:58 From: Party Time timetopartynyc at gmailPsycheground’s Desiderata Warm-Up TONIGHT THURSDAY Please join the Dreamcatchers in a Desiderata warm up for those that wish to arrive at the festival fashionably late. (Those of you that have responsibilities that are keeping you in the city until the weekend are warmly invited, too!) Our warm up will include Cris who’s trademark DJ style and good vibes will bring your energy so high that you won’t want to stop dancing until long after Desiderata endswhich will be perfect because you’ll a chance to show him you’re still moving at the festival! Sullivan Room Resident DJ Carol Ferraz will also be on hand to help us find our groove as she gets ready to shine at the festival which will be first open air event. Last but not least, our very own Lucina will shake things up on the dance floor. New York City is losing Lucina to Boston so we all need to show her how much we love her expert beat matching and high quality sound so that she can’t wait to come back and play for us again and again! As a special thanks to our Psycheground family those in attendance will be entered into a raffle for a complimentary Desiderata ticket when purchasing entry at the door. Please visit web desideratafestival/ for festival details. Post-party carpooling to the festival is encouraged but just as we all make sure to dance safely, please drive safely, too! Line-Up: Cris (Loud Monitors) Lucina (Dreamcatchers) Carol Ferraz (Sullivan Room) ** June 24th, 10pm – 4am ** General Admission: $10 Reduced Admission with RSVP to psycheground at yahoo at Sullivan Room, New York City – 218 Sullivan St (between Bleecker and West 3rd St, 2 blocks east of 6th Ave) 21+ with ID Subway: A, B, C, D, E, F, or V trains to “W 4 St – Wash Sq”

July 2010

#4405 Wed, 07 Jul 2010 14:17:46 Wed, 07 Jul 2010 14:17:46 (versionTLSv1/SSLv3 cipherRC4-MD5); Wed, 07 Jul 2010 14:17:44 Wed, 07 Jul 2010 17:17:42 From: Party Time timetopartynyc at gmailLogarhythm Psy Trance Party – FRIDAY JULY 16 – Williamsburg Logarhythm Psy Trance Party at an Underground Loft in Williamsburg! The Facebook Page for This Event is Here: event.php?eid130361723660932 Or You Can Search for “Logarhythm” on Facebook. Please RSVP then INVITE ALL YOUR FRIENDS on facebook! I ask because I don’t use facebook normally and don’t have a lot of facebook friends so I need your help to bring people out! Your RSVP helps me prepare the venue for the size of the party. DJs: Luis Campos (Psycheground) Hypnotoad (Ben from Light-O-Matic) Me (Gabriel from Psybotik) DJ KeN (Psycheground) Fumi Radmoura (Sebastian from Paradigm Shift) Chillout Room by DJ/VJ Horus (Guillaume) Sound by Light-O-Matic Multiple Projections by Mojo Video Tech Deco by Biolu, Nephiline (Sue), Luna, and more… Rooftop Fire Performances by Krisstina (and maybe you! BYOF) Table Massages Available by Erek and Dalia Large Rooftop with BBQ Grilled Food for Sale Transdimensional Outside Pit Area $15 Ages 18+ Friday, July 16, 2010 10pm-7am 99 Richardson St Brooklyn, NY Take the L or G to Lorimer/Metropolitan then walk 6 blocks north and turn right on Richardson Street. It’s on the left. Special Thanks to Feed The Starving Artists and The Party that Never Was! Logarhythm Psy Trance Party at an Underground Loft in Williamsburg! The Facebook Page for This Event is Here:    event.php?eid130361723660932event.php?eid130361723660932 Or You Can Search for “Logarhythm” on Facebook. Please RSVP then INVITE ALL YOUR FRIENDS on facebook! I ask because I don’t use facebook normally and don’t have a lot of facebook friends so I need your help to bring people out! Your RSVP helps me prepare the venue for the size of the party. DJs: Luis Campos (Psycheground) Hypnotoad (Ben from Light-O-Matic) Me (Gabriel from Psybotik) DJ KeN (Psycheground) Fumi Radmoura (Sebastian from Paradigm Shift) Chillout Room by DJ/VJ Horus (Guillaume) Sound by Light-O-Matic Multiple Projections by Mojo Video Tech Deco by Biolu, Nephiline (Sue), Luna, and more… Rooftop Fire Performances by Krisstina (and maybe you! BYOF) Table Massages Available by Erek and Dalia Large Rooftop with BBQ Grilled Food for Sale Transdimensional Outside Pit Area $15 Ages 18+ Friday, July 16, 2010 10pm-7am 99 Richardson St Brooklyn, NY Take the L or G to Lorimer/Metropolitan then walk 6 blocks north and turn right on Richardson Street. It’s on the left. Special Thanks to Feed The Starving Artists and The Party that Never Was!

#4406 Tue, 13 Jul 2010 10:12:23 Tue, 13 Jul 2010 10:12:21 (versionTLSv1/SSLv3 cipherRC4-MD5); Tue, 13 Jul 2010 10:12:20 Tue, 13 Jul 2010 13:12:15 From: Party Time timetopartynyc at gmailLogarhythm Psy Trance Party THIS FRIDAY in Williamsburg! – MORE DETAILS Logarhythm Psy Trance Party THIS FRIDAY in Williamsburg! Get ready to dance your ass off at a hot underground location in Williamsburg! A full floor of rooms, an outside pit area to cool off and a killer sound system will make this party rock! Full decoration in every room, projections everywhere, a cool chill room, massages, food, fire, air conditioning… we are going all out this time! See you there! The facebook page is here: event.php?eid130361723660932 DJs: Luis Campos (Psycheground) event.php?eid133195616714220 Hypnotoad (Light-O-Matic) light-o-matic/about Me (Psybotik) psybotik/ DJ KeN (Psycheground) web myspace/nydj4life Electrik (Coalesce/Psybotik) vs Mayur (Spectra/Psybotik) psybotik/ Radmoura (Paradigm Shift) profile.php?id100000869117372 Fumi soundcloud/fumi1223 Chillout Room by DJ/VJ Horus (Disorient) guillaumeclave/ Sound by Light-O-Matic light-o-matic/about Multimedia Projections by VJ DoctorMojo (MojoVideoTech) pages/Mojo-Video-Tech/124799768408 String, Spandex, and Sculptural Installation by NephilNine Deco (Loud Monitors) web nephilnine.net/ Tapestries by Neuronymphonic Art FluroNeuroNymph Hanging Sculptures and Transdimensional Pit Area by Bioluminescence Double Fire Staff Performances by K Hawk (and you? BYOF!) web youtube/watch?vDYNAUtDHpSg Table Massages Available by Licensed Massage Therapists Erek Tinker and Dalia Maltese Burritos and BBQ Food Made to Order by Kitty Fresh Juice Bar All Night! $15 Ages 18+ Friday, July 16, 2010 10pm-7am 99 Richardson St. Brooklyn, NY Take the L or G to Lorimer/Metropolitan then walk 6 blocks north passing under the BQE then turn right on Richardson Street. It’s a few blocks on the left. Logarhythm Psy Trance Party THIS FRIDAY in Williamsburg! Get ready to dance your ass off at a hot underground location in Williamsburg! A full floor of rooms, an outside pit area to cool off and a killer sound system will make this party rock! Full decoration in every room, projections everywhere, a cool chill room, massages, food, fire, air conditioning… we are going all out this time! See you there! The facebook page is here: event.php?eid130361723660932event.php?eid130361723660932 DJs: Luis Campos (Psycheground) event.php?eid133195616714220″ target”blank” rel”nofollowevent.php?eid133195616714220 Hypnotoad (Light-O-Matic) light-o-matic/about ” “4f5afQNuBAMgSwT96Bqd1TcGVcg”, event);’ rel”nofollow” target”blanklight-o-matic/about Me (Psybotik) psybotik/ #bio” “4f5af5VkWGNnZt4WlCNzkF6UyJw”, event);’ rel”nofollow” target”blankpsybotik/ DJ KeN (Psycheground) web myspace/nydj4life” “4f5afxW6bres6YE-G0J5ypWEJqw”, event);’ rel”nofollow” target”blankweb myspace/nydj4life Electrik (Coalesce/Psybotik) vs Mayur (Spectra/Psybotik) psybotik/ #bio” “4f5afEHD0wEhd-5gQS9pE92438g”, event);’ rel”nofollow” target”blankpsybotik/ Radmoura (Paradigm Shift) profile.php?id100000869117372″ target”blank” rel”nofollowprofile.php?id100000869117372 Fumi soundcloud/fumi1223″ “4f5afzRUwDmME8jgVhOhuCbVJ7A”, event);’ rel”nofollow” target”blanksoundcloud/fumi1223 Chillout Room by DJ/VJ Horus (Disorient) Sound by Light-O-Matic light-o-matic/about ” “4f5afKf7syzehVTtMQfdz3NsKUA”, event);’ rel”nofollow” target”blanklight-o-matic/about Multimedia Projections by VJ DoctorMojo (MojoVideoTech) pages/Mojo-Video-Tech/124799768408″ target”blank” rel”nofollowpages/Mojo-Video-Tech/124799768408 String, Spandex, and Sculptural Installation by NephilNine Deco (Loud Monitors) web nephilnine.net/” “4f5afIHlYknhJ8Juv1ommrXsUOg”, event);’ rel”nofollow” target”blankweb nephilnine.net/ Tapestries by Neuronymphonic Art FluroNeuroNymph” target”blank” rel”nofollowFluroNeuroNymph Hanging Sculptures and Transdimensional Pit Area by Bioluminescence Double Fire Staff Performances by K Hawk (and you? BYOF!) web youtube/watch?vDYNAUtDHpSg” web youtube/watch?vDYNAUtDHpSg Table Massages Available by Licensed Massage Therapists Erek Tinker and Dalia Maltese Burritos and BBQ Food Made to Order by Kitty Fresh Juice Bar All Night! $15 Ages 18+ Friday, July 16, 2010 10pm-7am 99 Richardson St. Brooklyn, NY Take the L or G to Lorimer/Metropolitan then walk 6 blocks north passing under the BQE then turn right on Richardson Street. It’s a few blocks on the left.

#4407 Mon, 19 Jul 2010 21:37:36 Housemates doing a party Thursday, DJ Random from SF and Earworm Pre-buy your tickets: web brownpapertickets/event/119526 http ://web brownpapertickets/event/119526 The Rectified Youth Collective p resents PSY WORLD 001 This is a Special one! Every one will be dancing for World Peace at Club Love. Please come out and support! If no one tries th en we will never know if it can happen. The Rectified Youth Collective is building towards a global music festival that will visit 6 Continents ove r a 12 month period so come out and help us ignite this endeavor towards W orld Peace!!! [PSY WORLD 001 Flyer] Start Time: Thursday, July 22, 20 10 at 10:30pm End Time: Friday, July 23, 2010 at 5:00am Location: Cl ub LOVE Street: 179 Macdougal Street at 8th Street City/Town: Manhattan NY View Map +Street+%40+8th+St- reet%2C+Manhattan%2C+NY July 22nd, 2010 at Club Love NY C 10:30pm – 5 am 21+ with ID only (We are working on an after party also . If you are interested, please contact us beforehand!) Featuring: Ran dom LIVE! (San Fransisco, Geomagnetic Records) Random is Cal ifornia native Ross DuBois a principal dj and producer of goa/psy-trance c oming from the USA. He has toured the US, Canada, and Mexico extensively p laying at festivals, clubs, outdoors, indoors, night time and day. “Implic ate Order,” Random’s first full length album was released worldwide in 200 6 on Geomagnetic.tv. With 15 + singles on labels like VaporVent, Geomagneti c, Timecode, Acidance, Kagdila, Shiva Space Technology, and many more. His music kidnaps the listener’s mind and sends it spiraling beyond space and time, it’s intelligent, crunchy, groovy and mind-expanding. Random’s flawl ess DJing and psychedelic audio wizard has been zapping dance floors silly since 1996. The world is ready for this sensation to storm you to bliss ( web myspace/randompsy web myspace/randompsy-web myspace. com/randomrobot web myspace/randomrobot) Earworm LIVE! (NYC, 3-D Vision Records) “Earworm is the music project of Max Meshiv, born in 1986. Was infected by the psychedelic trance virus at a very young age in Israel, and now resides in New York City to infect others. Him and his old er brother Noam started to write music together around 2002. Just for the joy and happiness of it all… working with just a standalone computer. Wh at started as a fun hobby, eventually took on a more committed path which also attracted magical experiences along with it. All that combined with an explosion of great inspiration… and BooM! the Earworm project was born. Here to remind you that the frequency that was, is still present … lurki ng in the shadows…alternating like day and night…even now, as we pass through the twilight hours…” (web myspace/earwormfrequencies web myspace/earwormfrequencies) DJ’s: Dragon Lotus (NJ/SA, Dragont ribe / web Disorient web disorient/) Dragon Lotus (NJ/SA / Disorient) Surya Kamal is the north Easts original Goa Avatar artist and promoter since 1994: “Return to the Source, Tsunami & S ynthethic Sadhus” are just a few of his tribes. Promoting underground musi c & DJ-ing since 1992 with NASA/Bliss/Limelight. Kalki Sun Lotus will be p laying only best Psy Goa Trance to move make you spirit dance and glow. Be prepared for a true Psy-Goa set tonight from this Bodhisatva Rainbow Warr ior of light representing Burning Man and the Earth. Stay tuned for his own tracks in the months to come85 (web soundcloud/sunlotus web soundcloud/sunlotus- web myspace/dragonlotus web myspace /dragonlotus) Brandon Adams (NYC / Dreamcatcher) Established in Amer ica as one of its premier homegrown international-caliber DJs, Brandon dis plays a unique ability for versatility while managing to transcend musical subdivisions through a consistent signature sound. Bass driven melodies, cohesive groove, sparse psychedelic leads, spacey atmospheres, and careful ly placed, crisp percussion interspersed with brain bending effects are th e key elements to that sound. Smooth, precise, and patient mixing provide the necessary flow for an unrelenting journey with maximum trance floor im pact. As a proud representative of NYC-based Dreamcatcher and the newly sp awned Caliphonic label, Brandon is fully committed to building the America n scene from within. (web soundcloud/brandon-adams web soundclo ud/brandon-adams – web caliphonic web caliphonic/) Ray Gunnz (Midnight Society, Soundgroove Records / NYC) Music is soul Gu nnz represents that soul. Making appearances since the old school Palladiu m days. He is a Brooklyn Boy true n true.. Raised in Brighton Beach Coney Island. Grown up in a music culture that opened many doors. DJing since th e age of 15 in a club permanently influenced by the audio decks since. He h as played at Level, Club Love, Budda Bar, Providence, Rebel, Element, Sout h Beach’s Liquid Lounge, Shadow Lounge, Club Voodoo, Puerto Rico’s Music F estival & many many more. Look for my up-coming releases on SoundGroove Re cords & events all over NYC (IN A CLUB NEAR YOU) !!! (web soundcloud/r ay-gunnz web soundcloud/ray-gunnz) Visual VJs: Kaliptus (N J)A fresh emerging artist from Seed gallery, now throwing his own spy part ies expect more and more for this proud father. Kaliptus (Born April 16, 1 984 in Lisbon, Portugal) is a NY graduate artist from SVA with a BFA in an imation and an MFA in computer art. He uses painting, film, motion graphic s, animation, stop-motion, video-mixing, installations and whatever else h e feels is the right technique to express ideas that are usually surreal bu t vital to the philosophies and understandings of the human consciousness . Alchemism (web PsyNY web psyny// web Thinking web thinking/Sage) Deco: Severyn (web severyn web sever yn/) He has been in the Psy Goa scene from the beginning, making som e of the best killer deco for years as well as being a clothing designer a nd multi-faceted artist, expect the best. Luna (Neuronymphonic Art)and Gr eg (arThou) Fire Performances by: Caridad & Victor Escobar (Psybotik) Bu y Tickets Here: web brownpapertickets/event/119526 web b rownpapertickets/event/119526 $20 bucks in advance / $30 at the door . 21+ with ID only Info: Main Info Line: 347-200-7335 F lier: web LotusGrafx web lotusgrafx/ (973.349.8657) Pro motional Support: & Machine Elf of Hyper Space )'( After Part y TBA On Facebook: On IsraTrance: /party-promotions/psyworld-001/7 -162979/ /party-promotions/psyworld-001/7-162979/ vetica,; /119526 earfix ;The Recti fied Youth Collective presents PSY WORLD 001/ color: rgb(255, 48, 48); This is a Special one! Every one will be dancing for World Peace at Club Love. Pleas e come out and support! If no one tries then we will neve r know if it can happen. color: rgb(255, 48, 48); The Rectified Youth Collective is building towards a global musi c festival that will visit 6 Continents over a 12 month period so come out and help us ignite this endeavor towards World ! FLYER SUMMARY TABLE -align: left; 10:30pm Time: data di v datawrapFriday, July 23, 2010 at 5:00am ub LOVE Street rapManhattan, NY c left; wView Map ! MORE July 22nd, 2010 at Club Love NYC center;10:30pm – 5 am center;21+ with ID o nly center;(We are working on an after party also. If you are interested, please contact us beforehand!) F eaturing: Random LIVE! (San Fransisco, Geomagnetic Records) /Random is California native Ross DuBois a principal dj and producer of goa/psy-trance coming from the USA. He has toured the US, Canada, and Mexico extensively playing at festivals, clubs, outdoors, indoors, night time and day. “Implicate Order,” Random’s first full length album was released worldwide in 2006 on Geomagnetic.tv. With 15 + singles on labels like VaporVent, Geomagnetic, Timecode, Acidance, Kagdila, Shiva Space Technology, and many more. His music kidnaps the listener’s mind an d sends it spiraling beyond space and time, it’s intelligent, crunchy, gro ovy and mind-expanding. Random’s flawless DJing and psychedelic audio wiza rd has been zapping dance floors silly since 1996. The Earworm LIVE! (NYC, 3-D Vision Records)/”Earworm is the music project of Max Meshiv, born in 1986. Was infected by the psyched elic trance virus at a very young age in Israel, and now resides in New Yo rk City to infect others. Him and his older brother Noam started to write music together around 2002. Just for the joy and happiness of it all… wo rking with just a standalone computer. What started as a fun hobby, eventu ally took on a more committed path which also attracted magical experience s along with it. All that combined with an explosion of great inspiration. .. and BooM! the Earworm project was born. Here to remind you that the fre quency that was, is still present … lurking in the shadows…alternating like day and night…even now, as we pass through the twilight hours…”& mfrequenciesweb myspace/earwormfrequencies ) DJ’s: rient )/Dragon Lotus (NJ/SA, / Disorient) Surya Kamal is the north Easts original Goa Avatar artis t and promoter since 1994: “Return to the Source, Tsunami & Synthethic Sadhus” are just a few of his tribes. Promoting underground music & D J-ing since 1992 with NASA/Bliss/Limelight. Kalki Sun Lotus will be playin g only best Psy Goa Trance to move make you spirit dance and glow. Be prep ared for a true Psy-Goa set tonight from this Bodhisatva Rainbow Warrior o f light representing Burning Man and the Earth. Stay tuned for his own tra s ) Brandon Adams (NYC / Dreamcatcher)/Established i n America as one of its premier homegrown international-caliber DJs, Brand on displays a unique ability for versatility while managing to transcend m usical subdivisions through a consistent signature sound. Bass driven melo dies, cohesive groove, sparse psychedelic leads, spacey atmospheres, and c arefully placed, crisp percussion interspersed with brain bending effects are the key elements to that sound. Smooth, precise, and patient mixing pr ovide the necessary flow for an unrelenting journey with maximum trance fl oor impact. As a proud representative of NYC-based Dreamcatcher and the ne wly spawned Caliphonic label, Brandon is fully committed to building the A ://web soundcloud/brandon-adamsweb soundcloud/brandon-adams ) Ray Gunnz (Midnight Society, Soundgroove Records / NYC)/h 1Music is soul Gunnz represents that soul. Making appearances since t he old school Palladium days. He is a Brooklyn Boy true n true.. Raised in Brighton Beach Coney Island. Grown up in a music culture that opened many doors. DJing since the age of 15 in a club permanently influenced by the audio decks since. He has played at Level, Club Love, Budda Bar, Providenc e, Rebel, Element, South Beach’s Liquid Lounge, Shadow Lounge, Club Voodoo Puerto Rico’s Music Festival & many many more. Look for my up-coming releases on SoundGroove Records & events all over NYC (IN A CLUB NEAR /ray-gunnzweb soundcloud/ray-gunnz ) Visual VJs: Kaliptus (NJ)/A fresh emerging artist from Seed gallery, now throwin g his own spy parties expect more and more for this proud father. Kaliptus (Born April 16, 1984 in Lisbon, Portugal) is a NY graduate artist from SV A with a BFA in animation and an MFA in computer art. He uses painting, fi lm, motion graphics, animation, stop-motion, video-mixing, installations a nd whatever else he feels is the right technique to express ideas that are usually surreal but vital to the philosophies and understandings of the h uman consciousness. Sage)/Deco: /He has been in the Psy Goa scene from the beginning, making so me of the best killer deco for years as well as being a clothing designer and multi-faceted artist, expect the best. Luna (Neuronymphoni c Art)/and Greg (arThou)/ descrip tionFire Performances by: Caridad & Victor Escobar (Psybotik) / ickets/event/119526 $20 bucks Main Info Line: 347 m/web LotusGrafx (973.349.8657) Promotional Support: Drag ontribe & Machine Elf of Hyper Space )'( After Party TBA /d On IsraTrance: titl /party-promotions/psyworld-001/7-162979/

#4408 Wed, 21 Jul 2010 13:15:43 re: Housemates doing a party Thursday, DJ Random from SF and Earworm Just heard from th organizer that Random will be live feeding his set from SF.

#4409 Thu, 22 Jul 2010 17:21:45 Jul 2010 17:21:45 at rycollective Thu, 22 Jul 2010 20:21:45 From: onTonca ontonca at gmail RYCollective Presents: PSY WORLD 001 tonight at Club Love 90e6ba180ea81db4de048c03051e Hello, family! We have made a couple of changes to the event. Please read t he text at the beginning of the email for more information. Looking forward to seeing all of you tonight pursuing happiness at Club LOVE!!! The Recti fied Youth Collective presentsPSY WORLD 001 The Rectified Youth Collectiv e has a special announcement that we will be adding to our head liner line up. DJ. Nikki from Japan Also, we will be using a state of the art techni que to bring you somthing new to enlighten your evening. We have a new de co artist on our team..Nephilnine deco. And we are sad to announce that o ur dear friend, Caridad, will not be performing this evening due to flight issues. *This is a Special one! Every one will be dancing for World Peace at Club Love. Please come out and support! **If no one tries then we will n ever know if it can happen.* *The Rectified Youth Collective is building t owards a global music festival that will visit 6 Continents over a 12 month period so come out and help us ignite this endeavor towards World Peace!!! * Start Time: Thursday, July 22, 2010 at 10:30pm End Time: Friday, July 2 3, 2010 at 5:00am Location: Club LOVE Street: 40 West 8Th St at Mac Dougal C ity/Town: Manhattan, NY July 22nd, 201 0 at Club Love NYC 10:30pm – 5 am 21+ with ID only Featuring: Random LI VE! (San Fransisco, Geomagnetic Records) Random is California native Ross DuBois a principal dj and producer of goa/psy-trance coming fr om the USA. He has toured the US, Canada, and Mexico extensively playing at festivals, clubs, outdoors, indoors, night time and day. “Implicate Order, ” Random’s first full length album was released worldwide in 2006 on Geomag netic.tv. With 15 + singles on labels like VaporVent, Geomagnetic, Timecode Acidance, Kagdila, Shiva Space Technology, and many more. His music kidna ps the listener92s mind and sends it spiraling beyond space and time, it’s intelligent, crunchy, groovy and mind-expanding. Random’s flawless DJing a nd psychedelic audio wizard has been zapping dance floors silly since 1996. The world is ready for this sensation to storm you to bliss (web myspace.c om/randompsy – web myspace/randomrobot) Earworm LIVE! (NYC, 3-D Vision Records) “Earworm is the music project of Max Meshiv, born in 1986. Was in fected by the psychedelic trance virus at a very young age in Israel, and n ow resides in New York City to infect others. Him and his older brother Noa m started to write music together around 2002. Just for the joy and happine ss of it all… working with just a standalone computer. What started as a fun hobby, eventually took on a more committed path which also attracted ma gical experiences along with it. All that combined with an explosion of gre at inspiration… and BooM! the Earworm project was born. Here to remind yo u that the frequency that was, is still present … lurking in the shadows. ..alternating like day and night…even now, as we pass through the twiligh t hours…” (web myspace/earwormfrequencies) DJ’s: Dragon Lotus (NJ/S A, / *web Disorient*web disorient/ ) Dragon Lo tus (NJ/SA, / Disorient) Surya Kamal is the north Easts ori ginal Goa Avatar artist and promoter since 1994: “Return to the Source, Tsu nami & Synthethic Sadhus” are just a few of his tribes. Promoting undergrou nd music & DJ-ing since 1992 with NASA/Bliss/Limelight. Kalki Sun Lotus wil l be playing only best Psy Goa Trance to move make you spirit dance and glo w. Be prepared for a true Psy-Goa set tonight from this Bodhisatva Rainbow Warrior of light representing Burning Man and the Earth. Stay tuned for his own tracks in the months to come85 (web soundcloud/sunlotus – web mys pace/dragonlotus) Brandon Adams (NYC / Dreamcatcher) Established in Am erica as one of its premier homegrown international-caliber DJs, Brandon di splays a unique ability for versatility while managing to transcend musical subdivisions through a consistent signature sound. Bass driven melodies, c ohesive groove, sparse psychedelic leads, spacey atmospheres, and carefully placed, crisp percussion interspersed with brain bending effects are the k ey elements to that sound. Smooth, precise, and patient mixing provide the necessary flow for an unrelenting journey with maximum trance floor impact. As a proud representative of NYC-based Dreamcatcher and the newly spawned Caliphonic label, Brandon is fully committed to building the American scene from within. (web soundcloud/brandon-adams – web caliphonic) Ray Gunnz (Midnight Society, Soundgroove Records / NYC) Music is soul Gunnz rep resents that soul. Making appearances since the old school Palladium days. He is a Brooklyn Boy true n true.. Raised in Brighton Beach Coney Island. G rown up in a music culture that opened many doors. DJing since the age of 1 5 in a club permanently influenced by the audio decks since. He has played at Level, Club Love, Budda Bar, Providence, Rebel, Element, South Beach’s L iquid Lounge, Shadow Lounge, Club Voodoo, Puerto Rico’s Music Festival & ma ny many more. Look for my up-coming releases on SoundGroove Records & event s all over NYC (IN A CLUB NEAR YOU) !!! (web soundcloud/ray-gunnz) Vis ual VJs: Kaliptus (NJ) A fresh emerging artist from Seed gallery, now thro wing his own spy parties expect more and more for this proud father. Kalipt us (Born April 16, 1984 in Lisbon, Portugal) is a NY graduate artist from S VA with a BFA in animation and an MFA in computer art. He uses painting, fi lm, motion graphics, animation, stop-motion, video-mixing, installations an d whatever else he feels is the right technique to express ideas that are u sually surreal but vital to the philosophies and understandings of the huma n consciousness. Alchemism (*web PsyNY* web psyny// *web .Thinking*web thinking/ Sage) Deco: Severyn (*web severyn * web severyn/) He has been in the Psy Goa scene from the begi nning, making some of the best killer deco for years as well as being a clo thing designer and multi-faceted artist, expect the best. Luna (Neuronymph onic Art) and Greg (arThou) Fire Performances by: Caridad & Victor Escob ar (Psybotik) Buy Tickets Here: web brownpapertickets/event/119 526 $20 bucks in advance / $30 at the door. 21+ with ID only Info: rain4 dayz84 at yahoo Main Info Line: 347-200-7335 Flier: web LotusGrafx web lotusgrafx/(973.349.8657) Promotional Support: Dragontrib e & Machine Elf of Hyper Space )'( After Party TBA On IsraTrance: /party-promotions/psyworld-001/7-162979/ On Facebook: e of changes to the event. Please read the text at the beginning of the em ail for more information. Looking forward to seeing all of you tonight pur t- The Rectified Youth Collective presents style text Apple-style- 2 text The Rect ified Youth Collective has a special announcement that we will be adding to our head liner line up.DJ. Nikki from JapanAlso, we will be using a state of the art te chnique to bring you somthing new to enlighten your evening. st o.And we are sad to announce that our dea r friend, Caridad, will not be performing this evening due to flight issues . This is a Special one! Every one w ill be dancing for World Peace at Club Love. Please come out and support! / If no one tries then we will never know if it can happen./ The Rectified Youth Collecti ve is building towards a global music festival that will visit 6 Continents over a 12 month period so come out and help us ignite this endeavor toward s World Peace!!! x Friday, July 23, 2010 at 5:00am style 40 West 8Th St at Mac Dougal color p /table den;overflow-y:hidden” center” July 22nd, 2010 at Club Love NYC center10:30pm – 5 am center21+ with ID only Featurin g: Random LIVE! (San Fransisco, Geomagnetic Records)/ Earworm LIVE! (NYC, 3-D Vision Records)/ “Earworm i s the music project of Max Meshiv, born in 1986. Was infected by the psyche delic trance virus at a very young age in Israel, and now resides in New Yo rk City to infect others. Him and his older brother Noam started to write m usic together around 2002. Just for the joy and happiness of it all… work ing with just a standalone computer. What started as a fun hobby, eventuall y took on a more committed path which also attracted magical experiences al ong with it. All that combined with an explosion of great inspiration… an d BooM! the Earworm project was born. Here to remind you that the frequency that was, is still present … lurking in the shadows…alternating like d ay and night…even now, as we pass through the twilight hours…” (web myspace/earwormfrequencies” colo space/earwormfrequencies ) DJ’s: Dragon Lo tus (NJ/SA, / web disorient/” pan color: web Disorient ) / Dragon Lotus (NJ/SA, / Disorient) Surya Ka mal is the north Easts original Goa Avatar artist and promoter since 1994: “Return to the Source, Tsunami & Synthethic Sadhus” are just a few of his tribes. Promoting underground music & DJ-ing since 1992 wi th NASA/Bliss/Limelight. Kalki Sun Lotus will be playing only best Psy Goa Trance to move make you spirit dance and glow. Be prepared for a true Psy-G oa set tonight from this Bodhisatva Rainbow Warrior of light representing B urning Man and the Earth. Stay tuned for his own tracks in the months to co me85 (web soundcloud/sunlotus” color: #3b599 /sunlotus – web myspace/dragonlotus” style web myspace/dragonlotus ) Brandon Adams (NYC / Dre amcatcher)/ Established in America as one of its premier homegrown international-caliber DJs, Brandon displays a unique ability for versatili ty while managing to transcend musical subdivisions through a consistent si gnature sound. Bass driven melodies, cohesive groove, sparse psychedelic le ads, spacey atmospheres, and carefully placed, crisp percussion intersperse d with brain bending effects are the key elements to that sound. Smooth, pr ecise, and patient mixing provide the necessary flow for an unrelenting jou rney with maximum trance floor impact. As a proud representative of NYC-bas ed Dreamcatcher and the newly spawned Caliphonic label, Brandon is fully co mmitted to building the American scene from within. (web soundcloud/brandon-adams” color: #3b5998;text-decorat dams – web caliphonic/” color: #3b5998; om ) Ray Gunnz (Midnight Society, Soundgroove Records / NYC)/ Music is soul Gunnz represents that soul. Making appearances since the old school Palladium days. He is a Brooklyn Boy true n true.. Ra ised in Brighton Beach Coney Island. Grown up in a music culture that opene d many doors. DJing since the age of 15 in a club permanently influenced by the audio decks since. He has played at Level, Club Love, Budda Bar, Provi dence, Rebel, Element, South Beach’s Liquid Lounge, Shadow Lounge, Club Voodoo, Puerto Rico’s Music Festival & many many more. Look for my up-coming releases on SoundGroove Records & events all over NYC (IN A CLUB NEAR YOU) !!! (web soundcloud/ray-gunn Kaliptus (NJ)/ A fresh emerging artist from Seed gallery, now thro wing his own spy parties expect more and more for this proud father. Kalipt us (Born April 16, 1984 in Lisbon, Portugal) is a NY graduate artist from S VA with a BFA in animation and an MFA in computer art. He uses painting, fi lm, motion graphics, animation, stop-motion, video-mixing, installations an d whatever else he feels is the right technique to express ideas that are u sually surreal but vital to the philosophies and understandings of the huma n consciousness. Alchemism (web psyny. web Thinking Sage)/ Dec o: Severyn (web severyn/” color He has been in the Psy Goa s cene from the beginning, making some of the best killer deco for years as w ell as being a clothing designer and multi-faceted artist, expect the best. Luna (Neuronymphonic Art)/ and Greg (arThou)/ Fire Performances by: Caridad & Victor Escobar ( Psybotik)/ Buy Tickets Here: web brownpaper ets/event/119526 $20 bucks in advance / $30 at the door . iv Main Info Line: 347-200-7335 Flier: http: Promotional Support: & Machine Elf of Hyper Space )'( After Party TBA On IsraTran ce: /party-promotions/psyworld-001/7- /psyworld-001/7-162979/

#4410 Tue, 27 Jul 2010 12:01:00 TripoutnyCc: nicole at dancefloormechanix PSYCHEGROUND Presents: INFINITE SUN, Thursday, July 29th at Sullivan Room in NYC 0-127035759-1280257260:32008 Please join the Dreamcatchers in welcoming Infinite Sun to the next edition of Psycheground, NYC’s most beloved underground party, as she makes her way home from her international tour! Few DJs in the world can claim a success story as rapid and explosive as that told by Jenn Gaudioso. The first official FractalTribe DJ, her beginnings stemmed from private underground appearances in the Boston area using the intimacy of a small…audience to perfect her technique. Since that time she has toured New Hampshire, Vermont, Connecticut, New York, Canada, Hawaii and all over California and frequently appears at the Synchronize weekly in San Francisco, gaining momentum with each awe-inspiring performance. Her ever-popular high energy performances have made her such a favorite on the festival circuit that she has graced the stages of Desiderata, Space Gathering, Alchemy Festival, and the RedMarines Music Festival so far this year and will play at the Eclipse Summer Electronic Music Festival this coming weekend. In addition to our special guest the Dreamcatchers are also proud to welcome several local favorites back to Psycheground. The evening line-up will also include Sullivan Room resident DJ Carol Ferraz, the ever spirited Fumi, and one of the first DJs to bring psy-trance to the NYC scene with Spectra Productions, Mayur. As usual, it will be a night of foot stomping dancing until the lights go on! Line-Up: Infinite Sun (Ultraviolet Carnival/FractalTribe) web destinolive/dj/infinite-sun/ Mayur (Psybotik/Spectra) Carol Ferraz (Sullivan Room) soundcloud/carol-ferraz Fumi soundcloud/fumi1223 ** July 29th, 10pm – 4am ** General Admission: $10 Reduced Admission with RSVP to psycheground at yahoo: $5 Please note that reduced priced admission is only available with an RSVP including the name of each guest to psycheground at yahoo. Names not on the list must pay full price. No exceptions will be made. at Sullivan Room, New York City – 218 Sullivan St (between Bleecker and West 3rd St, 2 blocks east of 6th Ave) 21+ with ID Subway: A, B, C, D, E, F trains to “W 4 St – Wash Sq” 0-127035759-1280257260:32008 edition of Psycheground, NYC’s most beloved underground party, as she makes her way home from her international tour! Few DJs in the world can claim a success story as rapid and explosive as that told by Jenn Gaudioso. The first official FractalTribe DJ, her beginnings stemmed from private underground appearances in the Boston area using the intimacy of a small classexposedhide… class audience to perfect her technique. Since that time she has toured New Hampshire, Vermont, Connecticut, New York, Canada, Hawaii and all over California and frequently appears at the Synchronize weekly in San Francisco, gaining momentum with each awe-inspiring performance. Her ever-popular high energy performances have made her such a favorite on the festival circuit that she has graced the stages of Desiderata, Space Gathering, Alchemy Festival, and the RedMarines Music Festival so far this year and will play at the Eclipse Summer Electronic Music Festival this coming weekend. In addition to our special guest the Dreamcatchers are also proud to welcome several local favorites back to Psycheground. The evening line-up will also include Sullivan Room resident DJ Carol Ferraz, the ever spirited Fumi, and one of the first DJs to bring psy-trance to the NYC scene with Spectra Productions, Mayur. As usual, it will be a night of foot stomping dancing until the note that reduced priced admission is only available with an RSVP including the name of each guest to psycheground at yahoo.

August 2010

#4411 Sun, 1 Aug 2010 00:35:45 Sun, 1 Aug 2010 00:35:44 Sun, 1 Aug 2010 00:35:44 , Official Premiere of Lucky Days – film i’m in – Aug 6 Im in it with brain machines as a mad scientist talking d and pineal glands, made by old trancers with Angelica Torn Will Patten an d Furio from the Sopranos. Much of the film was shot at my old smart dru g co. and apt. on Beverly. This is the big one. Hope to see you there! Please join us for the New York debut of our feature film: LUCKY DAYS E2808E Red Carpet Premiere August 6th runs nightly thru August 12th at 9pm nightly Q & A with cast Gran d Opening of Indie Screen 285 Kent Avenue at S 2nd Street, Williamsburg Brooklyn 11211 web indiescreen.us (web indiescreen.us/) F or schedule and tix! screenings are selling out so please reserve early A portion of the proceeds benefit PAVE web pavingtheway.net (web pavingtheway.net/) (web facebo web luckydaysth emovie (web luckydaysthemovie/) to view trailer E2 808E”A wonderful movie full of grit, spirit and heart. The cast is packe d with New York’s finest stage actors, all led by the great Angelica Torn . FIVE STARS!” Michael Riedel N.Y. POST Torn Page Productions and Seminal Films is pleased to announce the release of the dramatic comedy, E280 98Lucky Days, Angelica Torn and Tony Torns award-winnin g directorial debut and the last film produced by Paul Newman. It is also the last movie filmed in the Coney Island Amusement Park, offering a fin al glimpse into the faded glory of this historical destination that has b een lost forever. Virginia (Angelica Torn) embarks on a quest for freed om during the last explosive weekend of Coney Island’s renowned amusement park. After the reappearance of her childhood sweetheart (Luke Zarzecki) Virginia discovers hidden truths about her boyfriend (Federico Castellu ccio) and her neighborhood that will force her to abandon everything she’ s ever known to the wolf pack of developers buying up and tearing down th e boardwalk, or to sacrifice herself to the world that created her. Also starring Marilyn Sokol, Tina Benko, Gary Wolf, and Jeff Machinelf. Luc ky Days is a fresh, darkly romantic film that won Best Feature at the Con ey Island Film Festival and also received the Remi Award at Worldfest. Th e Dallas Observer says, E2809CAngelica Torns luminescent perfo rmance beautifully carries the film, which casts a beguiling spell in the manner of director Alan Rudolphs early work.E2809D Sandra Ber nhard praises the films E2809C shattering dialogue, brilliant acting and fine-tuned directionE2809D and The USA Film Festival calls it E2809CA knockout!E2809D About Torn Page Productions Torn Page P roductions is an independent film company based in New York City and Los Angeles, California that fuses innovative film making with core storytell ing techniques producing cutting edge film and television projects. web tornpageproductions (web tornpageproductions/) About Se minal Films Seminal Films, LLC is a film company specializing in independen t film acquisition and production based in Los Angeles, California and Ed monton, Alberta. Seminal Films is a division of the Da Silva Group, a we ll-established media group with radio interests as well as music and film labels. web seminalfilms/ (web seminalfilms/) For more information on LUCKY DAYS, please visit luckydaysthemovie (luckydaysthemovie/) .Note: we will be play ing all week as a double feature with the awesome LAST LETTERS FROM MONTE ROSA directed by Ari Taub. Please see it if you can! web mont erosamovie/ (web monterosamovie/) 4c9397-0b79-4db5-a852-2c3a2516a16e 3-9f1d-0e1908e11405 76bb24cf it with brain machi nes as a mad scientist talking d and pineal glands, made by old trance rs with Angelica Torn Will Patten and Furio from the Sopranos. Much of the film was shot at my old smart d co. and apt. on Beverly . This is the big one. Hope to see you there! us for the New York style DAYS /BT class co Red Carpet Premiere August 6th runs nightly thru August 12th at 9pm nightly Q & A with cast B RGrand Opening of Indie Screen 285 Kent Avenue at S 2nd Str title ta t c title T ll of grit, spirit and heart. The cast is packed with New York’s fin est stage actors, all led by the great Angelica Torn. FIVE STARS!” M Productions and Seminal Films is pleased to announce the release of the dramatic com edy, Lucky Days, Angelica Torn and Tony Torns aw ard-winning directorial debut and the last film produced by Paul New man. It is also the last movie filmed in the Coney Island Amusement Park, offering a final glimpse into the faded glory of this historic al destination that has been lost forever. /D Virginia (Angelica Torn) embarks on a quest for freedom duri ng the last explosive weekend of Coney Island’s renowned amusement p ark. After the reappearance of her childhood sweetheart (Luke Zarzec ki), Virginia discovers hidden truths about her boyfriend (Federico Castelluccio) and her neighborhood that will force her to abandon ev erything she’s ever known to the wolf pack of developers buying up a nd tearing down the boardwalk, or to sacrifice herself to the world that created her. Also starring Marilyn Sokol, Tina Benko, Gary Wolf and Jeff Machinelf. Lucky Days is a fresh, darkly romantic film that won Best Feature at the Coney Island Film Festival and also received the Remi Award at Worldfest. The Dallas Observer says, E2809CAngelica Torns luminescent performance beautifully carries the film, which casts a beguiling sp ell in the manner of director Alan Rudolphs early work.E2 809D Sandra Bernhard praises the films E2809Csh attering dialogue, brilliant acting and fine-tuned directionE280 9D and The USA Film Festival calls it E2809CA knockout!About Torn Page Produc tions Torn Page Productions is an independent film company based in New York City and Los Angeles, California that fuses innov ative film making with core storytelling techniques producing cuttin g edge film and roductions/ / About Seminal Films Seminal Films, LLC is a film company specializing in independent film acquisition and prod uction based in Los Angeles, California and Edmonton, Alberta. Semin al Films is a division of the Da Silva Group, a well-established med ia group with radio interests as well as music and film labels. t com/” on on LUCKY DAYS, please visit will be playing all week as a double feature with the awesome LAST LETTERS FROM MONTE ROSA directed by Ari Taub. /BT ns-serif” f al color titl epic T / /DI BL

#4412 Sun, 1 Aug 2010 00:44:50 Sun, 1 Aug 2010 00:44:49 Sun, 1 Aug 2010 00:44:49 Fwd: Tomorrow Sat 7/31: Positive Pressure Presents REGENERATE!!! From: bluegoddess at psybotik To: psybotik at googlegroups Sent: 7/30/2010 9:31:12 P.M. Subj: Tomorrow Sat 7/31: Positive Pressure Presents REGENERATE!!! Don’t forget to come out tomorrow night (Sat 7/31) for Regenerate presented by our friends at Positive Pressure. We’re really looking forward to our special treat from Philly, Valentina…especially after her awesome set at Coalesce. And don’t forget tomorrow is the LAST DAY (7/31) to buy BOOM tickets. For more info and to buy tickets go to web psybotik see you on the dance floor bg Positive Pressure presents: Regenerate Saturday, July 31, 2010 National Underground 159 East Houston Street between Allen & Eldridge doors open at midnight cover charge: $5 21+ Regenerate is brought to you by a new yet old collective of forward- thinking dance music lovers. The Positive Pressure parties will feature innovative music, passionate artists and a dance floor full of like minded people. For our first event we have carefully selected and are proud to have Philadelphia’s Valentina Cordido join us behind the decks. Join us on Facebook: event.php?eid139341312752462&refts Featured Artists: Valentina Cordido (Rizumu) – Venezuela, Philadelphia In her own words: My musical influences since an early age have been Cocteau Twins, Dead Can Dance, Pink Floyd, and The Doors among others. My passion for DJing is mainly to get a message across that comes straight from my soul so I can express my love through this art and connect with the crowd bringing harmony and profound experiences on the dance floor. The rhythms I select are a mix of deep house, tech-house, techno and minimal house. I like to keep it varied bringing emotion, intensity and harmonic flow. I prefer to stay minimal with vocals but when I use them they need to have a positive message with a point of unity and equality. Living in Philadelphia has given me an opportunity to frequent dance parties, art shows and be friendly with the music scene and DJs. Past Performances: Coalesce fest in Maryland 2010 Various appearances in Venezuela 2008-2010 WMC in Miami 2007 Various appearances in Philadelphia 2006 Resident at womb.tv radio station from 2005-2006 Gavin (Spectra/Positive Pressure) – New York Gavin has been involved in dance music since he organized his first party and started DJing in 1998. From the first Spectra parties in New York to his involvement as a DJ in the international scene, the consistent element has always been forward thinking music. Avoiding genre classifications is essential to Gavin’s sound. Expect funky, intelligent music mixed with precision and a natural feel for the dancefloor. Festival and club gigs have taken Gavin all over the globe. Notable stops include performances in Brazil, Casablanca, Marrakesh, Zurich, Geneva, Cologne, London, Copenhagen, Stockholm, and Croatia. North American appearances include Cancun, Vancouver, New York, Seattle, Philadelphia, Boston, and many more. Gavin is an artist who loves what he does and takes both pride and pleasure in sharing what he considers to be the most innovative music around. Kife (Omnitribe/Positive Pressure) – New York Kife brings a subtle yet powerful groove to the dance floor. With a penchant for bass, sweet melodic hooks and long, evolving mixes, his sets whip many styles and genres into a smooth blend. A member of NYC’s Omnitribe since its inception in 2001, Vlad has been involved in the production of a few successful festivals – Omni Dance (USA), Gaian Mind (USA), Aurora (Greece) – among other numerous events. His own productions and remixes are now appearing on record labels worldwide. Listen to Kife’s recent mix soundcloud/kife/morning-gymnastics-january-2010-mix Electrik (Psybotik/Coalesce) – New York Electrik is the founder of the Psybotik parties in New York City, catering to an exotic audience with fashion, fire and cutting edge electronic music. His style is dynamic but typically focuses on high energy dance music with psychedelic roots. Representing up and down the eastern seaboard as well as coast to coast in the US, as well as internationally in Japan. Sullivan Room, Tavern on The Green, Exit, Public Assembly, Burning Man, Coalesce, Equinox, Synchronize, Desiderata, Orb, San Sabastian in Puerto Rico, Rockwest in Tokyo…are just a few of the places you may have caught one of his astounding performances. Download Electrik’s mix web psybotik/downloads/electrik/ElectrikSamhain.mp3 Contact: info at positivepressure.fm You received this message because you are subscribed to “Psybotik”. To contact psybotik, send email to psybotik+owner at googlegroups For more options, visit this group at groups.google/group/psybotik?hlen psyb otik+owners at googlegroups To: psybotik at googlegroups Sent: 7 /30/2010 9:31:12 P.M. Subj: Tomorrow Sat 7/31: Positive Pressure Presents REGENERATE!!! Regenerate presented by our friends at Positive Pressure. We’re really looking forward to our special treat from Philly, Valentina…especially afte r her awesome set at Coalesce. And don’t forget tomorrow is the LAST DAY (7/31) to buy BOOM tickets. For more info and to buy tickets go t o web psybotik see you on the dance floor bg Po sitive Pressure presents: Regenerate Saturday, July 31, 20 10 National Underground 159 East Houston Street between All en & Eldridge doors open at midnight cover charge: $5 21 + Regenerate is brought to you by a new yet old collective of for ward- thinking dance music lovers. The Positive Pressure parties will feature innovative music, passionate artists and a dance floor fu ll of like minded people. For our first event we have carefully selected and are proud to have Philadelphia’s Valentina Cordido join us behind the decks. Join us on Facebook: web fa red Artists: Valentina Cordido (Rizumu) – Venezuela, Phila delphia In her own words: My musical influences since an early age have been Cocteau Twins, Dead Can Dance, Pink Floyd, and The Doors amo ng others. My passion for DJing is mainly to get a message across tha t comes straight from my soul so I can express my love through this a rt and connect with the crowd bringing harmony and profound experienc es on the dance floor. The rhythms I select are a mix of deep house, tech-house, techno and minimal house. I like to keep it varied bringing emotion, intensity and harmonic flow. I prefer to stay mini mal with vocals but when I use them they need to have a positive mess age with a point of unity and equality. Living in Philadelphia has given me an opportunity to frequent dance parties, art shows and be friendly with the music scene and DJs. Past Performances: Coalesce fest in Maryland 2010 Various appearances in Venezuela 2008- 2010 WMC in Miami 2007 Various appearances in Philadelphia 2006Resident at womb.tv radio station from 2005-2006 Gavin (Spec tra/Positive Pressure) – New York Gavin has been involved in danc e music since he organized his first party and started DJing in 1998. From the first Spectra parties in New York to his involvement as a D J in the international scene, the consistent element has always been forward thinking music. Avoiding genre classifications is essential t o Gavin’s sound. Expect funky, intelligent music mixed with precision and a natural feel for the dancefloor. Festival and club gigs have taken Gavin all over the globe. Notable stops include performan ces in Brazil, Casablanca, Marrakesh, Zurich, Geneva, Cologne, London Copenhagen, Stockholm, and Croatia. North American appearances incl ude Cancun, Vancouver, New York, Seattle, Philadelphia, Boston, and m any more. Gavin is an artist who loves what he does and takes bot h pride and pleasure in sharing what he considers to be the most inno vative music around. Kife (Omnitribe/Positive Pressure) – New York Kife brings a subtle yet powerful groove to the dance fl oor. With a penchant for bass, sweet melodic hooks and long, evolving mixes, his sets whip many styles and genres into a smooth blend. A m ember of NYC’s Omnitribe since its inception in 2001, Vlad has been i nvolved in the production of a few successful festivals – Omni Dance (USA), Gaian Mind (USA), Aurora (Greece) – among other numerous event s. His own productions and remixes are now appearing on record labels worldwide. Listen to Kife’s recent mix soundcloud/ kife/morning-gymnastics-january-2010-mix Electrik (Psybotik/C oalesce) – New York Electrik is the founder of the Psybotik parti es in New York City, catering to an exotic audience with fashion, fire and cutting edge electronic music. His style is dynamic but typically focuses on high energy dance music with psychedelic roots. Representi ng up and down the eastern seaboard as well as coast to coast in the US, as well as internationally in Japan. Sullivan Room, Tavern on The Green, Exit, Public Assembly, Burning Man, Coalesce, Equinox, Syn chronize, Desiderata, Orb, San Sabastian in Puerto Rico, Rockwest in Tokyo…are just a few of the places you may have caught one of his a stounding performances. Download Electrik’s mix web psybotik/downloads/electrik/ElectrikSamhain.mp3 Contact: info at positivepressure.fm You received this message because y ou email to send email to psybotik+owner at googlegroups For more options, visit this group at

#4413 Thu, 05 Aug 2010 23:27:04 05 Aug 2010 23:27:04 Fri, 6 Aug 2010 02:27:04 From: Blue Goddess bluegoddess at psybotik ?windows-1252?Q?95ya? 0016e6471ada616957048d21c13b The summer is hot and the parties are flowing! Next weekend Surreal Estate kick it off with a Friday the 13th THREE floor extravaganza. Featuring a Elect rik will be playing the latest in Progressive Psy and Full On85plus many m ore including a special treat from Victor the fire fanatic. See below for full details. The fun continues Saturday night as a new collective embark on their journey85 *tekno95feel95ya:* an after party for Disorient92s Boom Boat and Bacteria Records Third Ear Training 2.1! Only 5 minutes away from where the Boom Boat pulls ashore, a new exploration of Psychedelic Te chno commences in the heart of Lower Manhattan. *Featuring:* Friar Tuck (D isorient) Gavin (Spectra / Positive Pressure) Third Ear Syndrome (Bacteria Records) 85and many more *Saturday Aug 14th* RSVP for Exact Location at ht AIR CONDITIONED!!! 8 pm-late 21+ w/ID *FREE before 10pm, $5 after* see you there, blue Afterhours & PsyTrance Rendezvous FRI DAY, AUGUTST 13th 2010 96 10PM till 5AM ADMISSION $10 Join us Friday the 13th for an inventive evening of sonic seduction amongst the optically pecu liar. Enjoy perplexing perspectives, original outlooks, and focus yourself on fun. Surreal Estate NYC, a 3 floor loft space and activists/artists comm unal (with open air terrace!), will be hosting a very special psytrance aft erhours & rendezvous in its sound engineering masterpiece: The 3rd Floor 3 D Lair Custom Sound Designed, Created, Installed, and Run by the Mad Scient ist of Industrial Bass & Boom. The third floor of the Estate opens at midnight for an electrifying afterhours and psytrance rendezvous! KnoB NYC/Japan (Full On) NYC psyheadz are no str anger to this wizard : ) Special thanks to Knob, a friend of Ocular Delight and a great person to collaborate with. We at Surreal Estate are honored to have an in-house performance by such an intense and talented individual. Welcome85we know full well you92ll make these subs tingle the crowd. El ectrik Psybotik/Coalesce NYC (Progressive) web psybotik/download s/electrik/ElectrikLumenaughty2010.mp3 Electrik is the founder of the Psyb otik parties in New York City, catering to an exotic audience with fashion, fire and cutting edge electronic music. His style is dynamic but typically focuses on high energy dance music with psychedelic roots. Representing up and down the eastern seaboard as well as coast to coast in the US, as well as internationally in Japan. Sullivan Room, Tavern on The Green, Exit, Pub lic Assembly, Burning Man, Coalesce, Equinox, Synchronize, Desiderata, Orb, San Sabastian in Puerto Rico, Rockwest in Tokyo…are just a few of the pl aces you may have caught one of his astounding performances. Psyko Zombie NYC/Colombia (Full On/Dark Psy) web myspace/forgottenzombies3x D edicated to the psy sound, Psyko Zombie has been breaking into the NYC scen e since arriving from South America. A vibe that is mysterious and exhilara ting, Surreal Estate invites Psyko Zombie to widen eyes and cause bodies to move as if taken over by supernatural powers. Psychedelikunz NJ/India (Go a) web soundcloud/psychedelikunz/the-sound-of-goa Hailing from the birt hplace of Goa music, Psychedelikunz is ready to pump fresh energy into the NYC scene. Remember where it all began with his injections of timeless trac ks and psychedelic sound. ***Located in the Chill Underground*** 11pm-5am The first level of the Estate is a brand new high-ceil ing venue space, which will be transformed into a cavern of UV mind-bending wonder under the direction of Miss Joanna Z of Ocular Delight ( web .oculardelight/). Best known for her installations at the Alladin Proje ct parties, and Orb Festival, she will be pulling out all the stops to blow you away85 In conjunction with good friends: Spiritual Haze Hookah Loung e – Back by Popular Demand! Mystifying VJ sets from digital eye candy mast er Levitation Theory web myspace/levitationtheory DJ Poodlecann on Mehanata/NYC (Gypsy Rock and Global Dance) web myspace/poodle cannon Quickly becoming a favorite personality at Surreal Estate NYC, at le ast when he’s not busy whirling skirts at Mehanata Bulgarian Bar… we joyf ully anticipate another exhilarating session with DJ Poodlecannon. DJ Ivan Yamazaki (Dance Classics and Acid House) web myspace/djdisconyc The Russian D.O.D. Crew, Worcester MA (Liquid D&B Set) web myspace /dodcrew ***Rowdy Rooftop*** 10pm-5am The open air terrace shall be sh akin92 with a hundred funkified booties or more. We92ll open up at 10:30p m for an intimate style gathering with complimentary sangria and Big Tasty (of Big Tasty92s Funk Party) leading an open jam/drumming circle. *Arrive before 11pm with your instrument or soundmaker to get a discount at the do or. *Opt to become part of the spectacle with our body-painter92s glowing handywork! *Mesmerizing Fire & Dance by Victor (Psybotik, Dream Catchers) N YC web psybotik/ Underground Horns 93Cooking Audio Gumbo94 NY C web myspace/undergroundhorns It sure to be nothing less than r owdy with this 6 piece brass band instigating wildness in the night. Enjoy funk, jazz, and hip hop mixed with brass band traditions -spiced with Afric an and other world rhythms… A high energy live performance for Our Pleasu re85Music for the People! Sal P (of Liquid Liquid and Ectomorph) 93Truly Transcendent Futuristic Disco94 web myspace/liquidliquidmusic interdimensionaltransmissions/sal/ This NYC legendary figure wil l be gracing us with a dose of his irresistible grooves. His solid presence in the underground scenes since way back when has made Sal P a master of c rowd-pleasing experimentation, and unexpected dance floor delight. Surreal Estate exclaims, 93We92ve been waiting for you baby! Funk us UP!94 Thir d Ear Syndrome Puerto Rico/NYC (Electronica/Psychedelic Electro) web .myspace/thirdearsyndrome From dirty little Brooklyn hideouts to Ultra Music Festival in Florida, this duo is focused on producing quality and ori ginality for trained ears and inspired feet. Surreal Estate extends a speci al welcome to Third Ear, as neighbors and friends right here in Bushwick. B ig thanks for the support as we make our neighborhood a real haven for crea tive diversity. Location: Surreal Estate NYC 15 Thames St . Brooklyn, NY 11206 (L Train to Morgan) 0016e6471ada616957048d21c13b The summer is hot and the parties are flowing! Next weekend Surreal Estate kick it off with a Friday the 13th THREE floor extravaganza. Fea own Electrik will be playing the latest in Progressive Psy and Full On85pl us many more including a special treat from Victor the fire fanatic. See below for full details. The fun continues Satur day night as a new collective embark on their journey85 Boat and Bacteria Records Third Ear Training 2.1! Only 5 minutes away from where the Boom Boat pulls ashore, a new explora tion of Psychedelic Techno commences in the heart of Lower Manhattan. /d iv Featuring: Friar Tuck (Disorient)/ Gavin (Spectra / Positive Pressure) Third Ear Syndrome (Bacteria Records) 85and many more Saturday Aug 14th RSVP for Exact Location at http:/ AIR CONDI TIONED!!! 8pm-late 21+ w/ID b FREE before 10pm, $5 after/b see you there,/di vblue till 5AM ADMISSION $10 Join us Friday th e 13th for an inventive evening of sonic seduction amongst the optically pe culiar. Enjoy perplexing perspectives, original outlooks, an d focus yourself on fun. Surreal Estate NYC, a 3 floor loft space and activists/artists communal (with open air terrace!), will be hosting a very special psytrance afterhours & rendezvous in its sound engineerin g masterpiece: vCustom Sound Designed, Created, Installed, and Run by the Mad Scientist of Industrial Bass & Boom. The third floor of the E state opens at midnight for an electrifying afterhours and psytrance rendez vous! KnoB NYC/Japan (Full On) NYC psyhe adz are no stranger to this wizard : ) Special thanks to Knob, a friend of Ocular Delight, and a great person to collaborate with. We at Surreal Estat e are honored to have an in-house performance by such an intense and talent ed individual. Welcome85we know full well you92ll make these subs tingle the crowd. Electrik Psybotik/Coalesce NYC (Progr essive) web psybotik/downloads/electrik/Ele ads/electrik/ElectrikLumenaughty2010.mp3 Electrik is the f ounder of the Psybotik parties in New York City, catering to an exotic audi ence with fashion, fire and cutting edge electronic music. His style is dyn amic but typically focuses on high energy dance music with psychedelic root s. Representing up and down the eastern seaboard as well as coast to coast in the US, as well as internationally in Japan. Sullivan Room, Tavern on Th e Green, Exit, Public Assembly, Burning Man, Coalesce, Equinox, Synchronize Desiderata, Orb, San Sabastian in Puerto Rico, Rockwest in Tokyo…are ju st a few of the places you may have caught one of his astounding performanc es. Psyko Zombie NYC/Colombia (Full On/Dark Psy) blankweb myspace/forgottenzombies3x Dedicated t o the psy sound, Psyko Zombie has been breaking into the NYC scene since ar riving from South America. A vibe that is mysterious and exhilarating, Surr eal Estate invites Psyko Zombie to widen eyes and cause bodies to move as i f taken over by supernatural powers. Psychedelik unz NJ/India (Goa) web soundcloud/psychedel /the-sound-of-goa Hailing from the birthplace of Goa music, P sychedelikunz is ready to pump fresh energy into the NYC scene. Remember wh ere it all began with his injections of timeless tracks and psychedelic sou nd. ***Located in the Chill Underground*** 11pm- and new high-ceiling venue space, which will be transformed into a cavern o f UV mind-bending wonder under the direction of Miss Joanna Z of Ocular Del ww.oculardelight/ ). Best known for her installations at the Alladi n Project parties, and Orb Festival, she will be pulling out all the stops to blow you away85 Mystifying VJ sets from digital eye candy master Levit ation Theory web myspace/levitationtheory DJ Poodlecannon Mehanata/NYC (Gypsy Rock and Global Dance)/d ttp://web myspace/poodlecannon Quickly becoming a favor ite personality at Surreal Estate NYC, at least when he’s not busy whir ling skirts at Mehanata Bulgarian Bar… we joyfully anticipate another exh ilarating session with DJ Poodlecannon. DJ Ivan Yamazaki (Dance Classics and Acid House) web my a The Russian D.O.D. Crew, Worcester MA (Liquid D &B Set) web myspace/dodcrew” target Rowdy Rooftop*** 10pm-5am The open air terrace shall be shakin92 with a hundred funkified booties or more. We92ll open up a t 10:30pm for an intimate style gathering with complimentary sangria and Bi g Tasty (of Big Tasty92s Funk Party) leading an open jam/drumming circle. *Arrive before 11pm with your instrument or so undmaker to get a discount at the door. *Opt to become part of the spectacle with our body-painter92s glowing handywork! *Mesme rizing Fire & Dance by Victor (Psybotik, Dream Catchers) NYCh Underground Horns 93Cooking Audio Gumbo94 NYC/d kweb myspace/undergroundhorns It sure to be noth ing less than rowdy with this 6 piece brass band instigating wildness in th e night. Enjoy funk, jazz, and hip hop mixed with brass band traditions -sp iced with African and other world rhythms… A high energy l ive performance for Our Pleasure85Music for the People!Sal P (of Liquid Liquid and Ectomorph) 93Truly Transcende nt Futuristic Disco94 web myspace/liquidli interdimensionaltransmissions/sal/” target s NYC legendary figure will be gracing us with a dose of his irresistible g rooves. His solid presence in the underground scenes since way back when ha s made Sal P a master of crowd-pleasing experimentation, and unexpected danfloor delight. Surreal Estate exclaims, 93We92ve been waiting for you baby! Funk us UP!94 Third Ear Syndrome Puerto R ico/NYC (Electronica/Psychedelic Electro) web m earsyndrome From dirty little Brooklyn hideouts to Ultra Musi c Festival in Florida, this duo is focused on producing quality and origina lity for trained ears and inspired feet. Surreal Estate extends a special w elcome to Third Ear, as neighbors and friends right here in Bushwick. Big t hanks for the support as we make our neighborhood a real haven for creative diversity. on: Surreal Estate NYC 15 Thames St. Brooklyn NY 11206 (L Train to Morgan)

#4414 Fri, 06 Aug 2010 22:27:47 Friday tonight our film debut and free afterparty with open bar on Saturday SATURDAY Time Tomorrow at 10:30pm – Sunday at 1:00am Location The Gates Cl ub 290 8th Ave at 24th Street New York, NY Created By Ari Taub, Angelica P age Torn, Herbert Fox, Tony Torn More Info You are cordially Invited by Ari Taub and Angelica Torn to celebrate the GRAND NYC PREMIER of our two films LUCKY DAYS and LAST LETTERS FROM MONTE ROSA at The Gates Club in Manhattan . Complimentary admission for you and your guests till 12:30AM. There will be FREE Vodka drinks from 10:30pm-11:30pm compliments of our sponsor HERBER redno tee shirts or sneakers or you wont get in. We will party like its 1 979!!!! CODE WORD: LUCKY DAYS This Afterparty for the film debut Friday, the day before (Tonight!!) FRIDAY Im in it with brain machines as a mad sc ientist talking d and pineal glands, made by old trancers with Angelica T orn Will Patten and Furio from the Sopranos. Much of the film was shot at my old smart d co. and apt. on Beverly. This is the big one. Hope to s ee you there!Please join us for the New York debut of our f eature film: LUCKY DAYS E2808E Red Carpet Premiere Aug ust 6th runs nightly thru August 12th at 9pmnightly Q & A wi th castGrand Opening of Indie Screen 285 Kent Avenue at S 2n d Street, Williamsburg Brooklyn 11211 web indiescreen.us For schedule and tix! screenings are selling out so please reserve earlyA portion of the proceeds benefit PAVE web pavingtheway.net web luckydaysthemovie to view trailerE2808E”A wond erful movie full of grit, spirit and heart. The cast is packed with New Yor k’s finest stage actors, all led by the great Angelica Torn. FIVE STARS!” M ichael Riedel N.Y. POST Torn Page Productions and Seminal Films is pl eased to announce the release of the dramatic comedy, Lucky Days Angelica Torn and Tony Torns award-winning directorial debut and the last film produced by Paul Newman. It is also the last movie filmed in the Coney Island Amusement Park, offering a final glimpse into th e faded glory of this historical destination that has been lost forever.Virginia (Angelica Torn) embarks on a quest for freedom during the la st explosive weekend of Coney Island’s renowned amusement park. After the r eappearance of her childhood sweetheart (Luke Zarzecki), Virginia discovers hidden truths about her boyfriend (Federico Castelluccio) and her neighbor hood that will force her to abandon everything she’s ever known to the wolf pack of developers buying up and tearing down the boardwalk, or to sacrifiherself to the world that created her. Also starring Marilyn Sokol, Tina Benko, Gary Wolf, and .Lucky Days is a fresh, darkly romantic film that won Best Feature at the Coney Island Film Festival and also received the Remi Award at Worldfest. The Dallas Observer says, E280 9CAngelica Torns luminescent performance beautifully carries the film, which casts a beguiling spell in the manner of director Alan Rudolph s early work.E2809D Sandra Bernhard praises the films E2809Cshattering dialogue, brilliant acting and fine-tuned directionE2 809D and The USA Film Festival calls it E2809CA knockout!E2809D About Torn Page Productions Torn Page Productions is an independ ent film company based in New York City and Los Angeles, California that fu ses innovative film making with core storytelling techniques producing cutt ing edge film and television projects. web tornpageproductionsAbout Seminal Films Seminal Films, LLC is a film company specializing in independent film acquisition and production based in Los Angeles, Calif ornia and Edmonton, Alberta. Seminal Films is a division of the Da Silva Gr oup, a well-established media group with radio interests as well as music a nd film labels. web seminalfilms/For more information o n LUCKY DAYS, please visit luckydaysthemovie.

#4415 Sun, 08 Aug 2010 16:57:43 08 Aug 2010 16:57:42 Sun, 8 Aug 2010 19:57:42 From: Blue Goddess bluegoddess at psybotik?windows-1252?Q?tekno95feel95ya2E2E2EanewexplorationofPsychedelic? The fun begins Saturday night as a new collective embark on their journey 85 tekno95feel95ya: an after party for Disorient92s Boom Boat and Bact eria Records Third Ear Training 2.1! Only 5 minutes away from where the Bo om Boat pulls ashore, a new exploration of Psychedelic Techno awaits in the heart of Lower Manhattan. Featuring: Karmakanik (Gaian Mind/Coalesce) – P hiladelphia Friar Tuck (Disorient) Gavin (Spectra/Positive Pressure) Third Ear Syndrome (Bacteria Records) Hot Sauce Thieves (tekno95feel95ya/Psybot ik) 85and more Saturday Aug 14th The Blarney Stone 11 Trinity Place AIR C ONDITIONED!!! 7pm-late 21+ w/ID FREE before 10pm, $5 after web tek nofeelya 0016e6408b16708f40048d58aa1e The fun begins Saturday night as a new collective embark on their jour ney85 tekno95feel95ya: an after party for Di sorient92s Boom Boat and Bacteria Records Third Ear Training 2.1! di v Only 5 minutes away from where the Boom Boat pulls ashore a new exploration of Psychedelic Techno awaits in the heart of Lower Manh attan. Featuring: Karmakanik (Gaian M ind/Coalesce) – Philadelphia Gavin (Spectra/Positive Pressure) Third Ear Syndrome (Bacteria R ecords) Hot Sauce Thieves (tekno95feel95ya/Psybotik) 85and more Saturday Aug 14th The Bl arney Stone 11 Trinity Place AIR CONDITIONED!!! d iv 7pm-late 21+ w/ID FREE before 10pm, $ 5 after web teknofeelyaweb teknofeelya

#4416 Thu, 12 Aug 2010 14:53:10 12 Aug 2010 14:53:10 Thu, 12 Aug 2010 17:53:10 From: Blue Goddess bluegoddess at psybotik?windows-1252?Q?Sat82F14tekno95feel95ya3AFinallineupisstacked? 0016e644c57c6807db048da76447 The fun begins Saturday as a new collective begin their journey. tekno95f eel95ya: an after party for Disorient92s Boom Boat and Bacteria Records T hird Ear Training 2.1! Only 5 minutes from where the Boom Boat docks, a ne w exploration of Psychedelic Techno commences in the heart of Lower Manhatt an. Your Featured Beat Masters (read the incredible bios below to see what a treat you92re in for): 7:00 – HOT SAUCE THIEVES (tekno95feel95ya/Ps ybotik) 8:00 – ME (Psybotik/Coalesce) 8:45 – ELECTRIK ( Psybotik/Coalesce) 9:30 – VITAMINDEVO (3L3tronic) 96 11:0 0 – GIOVANNI (Biatch Corp/Trilogy) 12:00 – FRIAR TUCK (Disorient) 1:30 – KARMAKANIK (Gaian Mind/Coalesce) – Philadelphia 3:00 – AURICULA aka THIR D EAR SYNDROME (Bacteria Records) 4:00 – GAVIN (Spectra/Positive Pressure ) Visuals by: BOTONS VISUALS – Barcelona, Sp Saturday Aug 14th The Blarne y Stone 11 Trinity Place AIR CONDITIONED!!! On Trinity between Exchange Pl ace and Morris St 1, R, W to Rector St and head South on Trinity Pl 4,5 to Wall St; 2,3 to Wall St; J,M,Z to Broad St 7pm-late 21+ w/ID FREE before 1 0pm, $5 after web teknofeelya/ Facebook Event: web faceb DJS: VITAMINDEVO (3L 3tronic) 96 Vitamindevo is 1/2 of the Live electronic Duo ( 3L3TRONIC ). A veteran of the NYC dance scene and currently living in SF. H is new solo project is devoted to the progressive dust sound of epic desert sunrises. Look out for original remix’s and exclusive tracks to transport you melodically into a new day while still making you throw your hands in t he air for more. vitamindevo Sample Mix: vitamindevo /mp3/VITAMINDEVOinbetweenstates.mp3 KARMAKANIK (Gaian Mind, PS1, Coalesc e) – Philadelphia Mastermind behind the legendary PSI parties and the Coale sce festival, Pat has rocked dance floors across the country with his signa ture blend of auditory stimulation. His sets are known to span a wide range of contemporary electronic dance music, from harder edged twilight psytranto progressive electro tech house. Pat92s versatility, effortless mixi ng technique, and energetic track selection have combined to make him a cro wd favorite. Smooth yet crunchy, raw yet refined, psychedelicious and immen sely satisfying. The Sound of the Philly Underground! AURICULA (Bacteria Records) 96 NYC, Puerto Rico Auricula is the alias of production duo THIRD EAR SYNDROME that specializes in the more techno spectrum but with their c lassic Third Ear Syndrome psychedelic twist. Their sound can be defined as Dark Psychedelic Techno/ techhouse. Formed in Miami by Ramses Santos and Lu is D. Gonzalez, both are originally from Puerto Rico. Now based out of New York City, they have established a solid following during the last year wit h their appealing but aggressive sound. Their first official released came out in late November 2009 on Bacteria Records as Third Ear Syndrome. During the last four editions of Ultra Music Festival, they92re audio/visual sh ow was part of lineups which included names such as Fatboy Slim, Prodigy, J ustice and many other world renowned artists.” ELECTRIK (Psybotik, Coales ce) – NYC Electrik is the founder of the Psybotik parties in New York City, catering to an exotic audience with fashion, fire and cutting edge electro nic music. His style is dynamic but typically focuses on high energy dance music with psychedelic roots. Representing up and down the eastern seaboard as well as coast to coast in the US, as well as internationally in Japan. Sullivan Room, Tavern on The Green, Exit, Public Assembly, Burning Man, Coa lesce, Equinox, Synchronize, Desiderata, Orb, San Sebastian in Puerto Rico, Rockwest in Tokyo…are just a few of the places you may have caught one o f his astounding performances. FRIAR TUCK (Disorient) – NYC A true produc t of the underground, Friar Tuck is equally at home serving wicked funky be ats to the dancefloor and bending the minds of chill room revelers with sul try downtempo atmosphere. Following a journey from the mid ’90’s Baltimore rave scene to Los Angeles desert parties and now the Brooklyn Burner loft s cene, Tuck has developed a love of all things funky, quirky, and innovative . GAVIN (Spectra, Positive Pressure) – NYC Gavin has been involved in danmusic since he organized his first party and started DJing in 1998. From the first Spectra parties in New York to his involvement as a DJ in the in ternational scene, the consistent element has always been forward thinking music. Avoiding genre classifications is essential to Gavin’s sound. Expect funky, intelligent music mixed with precision and a natural feel for the d ance floor. Festival and club gigs have taken Gavin all over the globe. Not able stops include performances in Brazil, Casablanca, Marrakesh, Zurich, G eneva, Cologne, London, Copenhagen, Stockholm, and Croatia. North American appearances include Cancun, Vancouver, New York, Seattle, Philadelphia, Bos ton, and many more. Gavin is an artist who loves what he does and takes bot h pride and pleasure in sharing what he considers to be the most innovative music around. GIOVANNI (Biatch Corp, Trilogy) – NYC Giovanni, under the name DJ Switch, started his musical career when he won the Human Pattern an d The Riddle DJ contest in April, 2003, then had his first residency in a s mall club called “Subroyal” in Bogota, Columbia. Very busy since Giovanni moved to New York where he played ever since his arrival ratifying his some times quirky, somewhat-spacey always banging style of mixing, earning respe ct among industry members and fans. In the big apple Giovanni had a reside ncy in Bar 13, in company with Alvaro Bueno and Juan Karrasquilla founded t he Biatch Corp collective that, in July 2007, started as techno parties and in 2008 was established also as a recording label (web biatchcorp.o rg/label). In 2009 Biatch Corp collective is selected between top 5 techno parties in New York by the Time Out New York magazine ( newyork.time out/articles/clubs/73382/best-techno-parties), great accomplishment in the constantly struggling New York scene. ME (Psybotik, C oalesce) – NYC I’m a creator of underground, eclectic, esoteric and awesome parties. A veteran of the New York City Psytrance Culture. My first partie s were the bridge parties. Dancing to Psychedelic trance creates a synaesth esia. In your mind, your dancing adds an additional dimension to the music, creating a gestalt an entity greater then the two. I’ll create a wire-fram e for you to stretch your mind across. You do the rest. VISUALS: BOTONS VISUALS – Barcelona, Sp To Botons visuals ephemeral is power full. Each ses sion becomes somthing new by mixing living camera images with self made vi deos they give birth to visual material. Botons visual sessions wants to go further of visual atmosphere and get to guide the individuals into sinesth esy, it is view sound, listen images. All this is about translate sound int o a image to created a unique space where visuals and music have an equal v alue. We don92t perform under any ideology but we let us guide trough aest hetic based on plastic elements offered by video, we show a way to public s o each one of them be able to develop its own sensations. botonscoll ective/ Sample video for Bacteria Party: vimeo/14047267 The fun begins Saturday as a new collective begin their journey. tekno95feel95ya: an after party for Disorient92s Boo m Boat and Bacteria Records Third Ear Training 2.1! di vOnly 5 minutes from where the Boom Boat docks, a new exploration of Psych edelic Techno commences in the heart of Lower Manhattan. Your Featured Beat Masters (read the incredible bios below to s ee what a treat you92re in for): 7:00 – HOT SAUCE THIEVES (tekno95feel95ya/Psybotik) 8:00 – ME (Psy botik/Coalesce) 8:45 – ELECTRIK (Psybotik/Coalesce) 00 – GIOVANNI (Biatch Corp/Trilogy) 12:00 – FRIAR TUCK (Disori ent) 1:30 – KARMAKANIK (Gaian Mind/Coalesce) – Philadelphia 3:00 – AURICULA aka THIRD EAR SYNDROME (Bacteria Recor ds) 4:00 – GAVIN (Spectra/Positive Pressure) Visuals by: BOTONS VISUALS – Barcelona, Sp Saturday Aug 14th The Blarney Stone 11 T rinity Place AIR CONDITIONED!!! On Trini ty between Exchange Place and Morris St 1, R, W to Rector St and head South on Trinity Pl 4,5 to Wall St; 2,3 to Wall St; J,M,Z t o Broad St 7pm-late 21+ w/ID F REE before 10pm, $5 after web te knofeelya/web teknofeelya/ Facebook Event: VITAMINDEVO (3L3tronic) 96 Vitamindevo is 1/2 of the Live electronic Duo ( 3L3TRONIC ). A veteran of the NYC dance s cene and currently living in SF. His new solo project is devoted to the pro gressive dust sound of epic desert sunrises. Look out for original remix& #3 9;s and exclusive tracks to transport you melodically into a new day while still making you throw your hands in the air for more. hre Sample Mix: vitamindevo/mp3/VITAMINDE VOinbetweenstates.mp3vitamindevo/mp3/VITAMINDEVOinbetweensta tes.mp3 KARMAKANIK (Gaian Mind PS1, Coalesce) – Philadelphia Mastermind behind the legendar y PSI parties and the Coalesce festival, Pat has rocked dance floors across the country with his signature blend of auditory stimulation. His sets are known to span a wide range of contemporary electronic dance music, from ha rder edged twilight psytrance to progressive electro tech house. Pat92s versatility, effortless mixing technique, and energetic track selection ha ve combined to make him a crowd favorite. Smooth yet crunchy, raw yet refin ed, psychedelicious and immensely satisfying. The Sound of the Philly Under ground! AURICULA (Bacteria Records ) 96 NYC, Puerto Rico Auricula is the alias of production duo THIRD EAR SYNDROME that specializes in the more techno spectrum but with t heir classic Third Ear Syndrome psychedelic twist. Their sound can be defin ed as Dark Psychedelic Techno/ techhouse. Formed in Miami by Ramses Santos and Luis D. Gonzalez, both are originally from Puerto Rico. Now based out o f New York City, they have established a solid following during the last ye ar with their appealing but aggressive sound. Their first official released came out in late November 2009 on Bacteria Records as Third Ear Syndrome. During the last four editions of Ultra Music Festival, they92re audio/v isual show was part of lineups which included names such as Fatboy Slim, Pr odigy, Justice and many other world renowned artists.” ELECTRIK (Psybotik, Coalesce) – NYC Ele ctrik is the founder of the Psybotik parties in New York City, catering to an exotic audience with fashion, fire and cutting edge electronic music. Hi s style is dynamic but typically focuses on high energy dance music with ps ychedelic roots. Representing up and down the eastern seaboard as well as c oast to coast in the US, as well as internationally in Japan. Sullivan Room Tavern on The Green, Exit, Public Assembly, Burning Man, Coalesce, Equino x, Synchronize, Desiderata, Orb, San Sebastian in Puerto Rico, Rockwest in Tokyo…are just a few of the places you may have caught one of his astound ing performances. FRIAR TUCK (Diso rient) – NYC A true product of the underground, Friar Tuck is equ ally at home serving wicked funky beats to the dancefloor and bending the m inds of chill room revelers with sultry downtempo atmosphere. Following a j ourney from the mid ’90’s Baltimore rave scene to Los Angeles deser t parties and now the Brooklyn Burner loft scene, Tuck has developed a love of all things funky, quirky, and innovative. GAVIN (Spectra, Positive Pressure) – NYC Gavin has be en involved in dance music since he organized his first party and started D Jing in 1998. From the first Spectra parties in New York to his involvement as a DJ in the international scene, the consistent element has always been forward thinking music. Avoiding genre classifications is essential to Gav in’s sound. Expect funky, intelligent music mixed with precision and a natural feel for the dance floor. Festival and club gigs have taken Gavin a ll over the globe. Notable stops include performances in Brazil, Casablanca Marrakesh, Zurich, Geneva, Cologne, London, Copenhagen, Stockholm, and Cr oatia. North American appearances include Cancun, Vancouver, New York, Seat tle, Philadelphia, Boston, and many more. Gavin is an artist who loves what he does and takes both pride and pleasure in sharing what he considers to be the most innovative music around. GIOVANNI (Biatch Corp, Trilogy) – NYC Giovanni, under the name DJ Switch, started his musical career when he won the Human Pattern and Th e Riddle DJ contest in April, 2003, then had his first residency in a small club called “Subroyal” in Bogota, Columbia. Very busy since G iovanni moved to New York where he played ever since his arrival ratifying his sometimes quirky, somewhat-spacey always banging style of mixing, earni ng respect among industry members and fans. In th e big apple Giovanni had a residency in Bar 13, in company with Alvaro Buen o and Juan Karrasquilla founded the Biatch Corp collective that, in July 20 07, started as techno parties and in 2008 was established also as a recordi ng label (web biatchcorp.org/labelweb biatchcorp .org/label ). In 2009 Biatch Corp collective is selected between top 5 t echno parties in New York by the Time Out New York magazine (newyork.timeout/articles/clubs/73382/best-techno-partiesne wyork.timeout/articles/clubs/73382/best-techno-parties ), great acco mplishment in the constantly struggling New York scene. ME (Psybotik, Coalesce) – NYC I’m a creator of underground, eclectic, esoteric and awesome parties . A veteran of the New York City Psytrance Culture. My first parties were t he bridge parties. Dancing to Psychedelic trance creates a synaesthesia. In your mind, your dancing adds an additional dimension to the music, creatin g a gestalt an entity greater then the two. I’ll create a wire-frame fo r you to stretch your mind across. You do the rest. d iv VISUALS: BOTONS VISUALS – Barcel ona, Sp To Botons visuals ephemeral is power full. Each session b ecomes somthing new by mixing living camera images with self made videos t hey give birth to visual material. Botons visual sessions wants to go furth er of visual atmosphere and get to guide the individuals into sinesthesy, i t is view sound, listen images. All this is about translate sound into a im age to created a unique space where visuals and music have an equal value. We don92t perform under any ideology but we let us guide trough aesthetic based on plastic elements offered by video, we show a way to public so each one of them be able to develop its own sensations. botonscollective/botonscollective/ Sample video for Bacteria Party: vi meo/14047267vimeo/14047267

#4417 Tue, 17 Aug 2010 09:06:37 PSYCHEGROUND featuring THIRD EAR SYNDROME, Thursday August 19th at Sullivan Room in NYC Please join the Dreamcatchers in the much awaited Psycheground debut of THIRD EAR SYNDROME. Originally from Puerto Rico, Ramses Santos and Luis Daniel Gonzales first formed Third Ear Syndrome in Miami where they began to build a devoted following. Now based in New York City, Third Ear Syndrome has created a psychedelic sound that has gained them popularity nation-wide. To top it off, Third Ear Syndrome has created an audio-vi…sual show so high in quality that they’ve been part of the Ultra Music Festival line-up for three years running! With their unique sound that they describe as Psychedelic Electro-Techno, Third Ear Syndrome synthesizes the best of several genres including techno, electro, trance, and breakbeats to cast a spell on the dance floor that is sure to work the crowd into an ecstatic frenzywhich is perfect for us because if you’ve ever been to Psycheground you know that we always dance until the lights come on! And as if Third Ear Syndrome’s top-notch audio-visual show was not enough, the Dreamcatchers will also welcome back Sullivan Room resident DJ Carol Ferraz and the Dreamcatcher’s very own DJ Luis Campos who will bring to us another fantastic Full on Reality Engine DJ set. We are bringing you just the right mix of beloved and familiar with exciting and new this time around so that all you need to bring is YOU! See you on the dance floor! Line-Up: Third Ear Syndrome – site.thirdearsyndrome.info/ – soundcloud/third-ear-syndrome DJ Luis Campos – realityengine.tv/ – soundcloud/realityengine – soundcloud/djluiscampos DJ Carol Ferraz – soundcloud/carol-ferraz ** August 19th, 10pm – 4am ** at Sullivan Room, New York City – 218 Sullivan St (between Bleecker and West 3rd St, 2 blocks east of 6th Ave) General Admission: $10.00 Please RSVP to psycheground at yahoo to join the $5.00 reduced price list. You MUST be on the list for the reduced price; NO EXCEPTIONS. 21+ with ID Subway: A, B, C, D, E, F, or V trains to “W 4 St – Wash Sq” Please join the Dreamcatchers in the much awaited Psycheground debut of THIRD EAR SYNDROME. Originally from Puerto Rico, Ramses Santos and Luis Daniel Gonzales first formed Third Ear Syndrome in Miami where they began to build a devoted following. Now based in New York City, Third Ear Syndrome has created a psychedelic sound that has gained them popularity nation-wide. To top it off, Third Ear Syndrome has created an audio-vi…sual show so high in quality that they’ve been part of the Ultra Music Festival line-up for three years running! With their unique sound that they describe as Psychedelic Electro-Techno, Third Ear Syndrome synthesizes the best of several genres including techno, electro, trance, and breakbeats to cast a spell on the dance floor that is sure to work the crowd into an ecstatic frenzywhich is perfect for us because if you’ve ever been to Psycheground you know that we always dance until the lights come on! And as if Third Ear Syndrome’s top-notch audio-visual show was not enough, the Dreamcatchers will also welcome back Sullivan Room resident DJ Carol Ferraz and the Dreamcatcher’s very own DJ Luis Campos who will bring to us another fantastic Full on Reality Engine DJ set. We are bringing you just the right mix of beloved and familiar with exciting and new this time around so that all you need to bring is YOU! See you on the dance floor! Line-Up: Third Ear Syndrome site.thirdearsyndrome.info/” target”blanksite.thirdearsyndrome.info/ soundcloud/third-ear-syndrome” target”blanksoundcloud/third-ear-syndrome DJ Luis Campos realityengine.tv/” target”blankrealityengine.tv/ soundcloud/realityengine” target”blanksoundcloud/realityengine soundcloud/djluiscampos” target”blanksoundcloud/djluiscampos DJ Carol Ferraz soundcloud/carol-ferraz” target”blanksoundcloud/carol-ferraz ** August 19th, 10pm – 4am ** at Sullivan Room, New York City – rel”nofollow” ” target”blank 218 Sullivan St (between Bleecker and West 3rd St, 2 blocks east of 6th Ave) General Admission: $10.00 21+ with ID Subway: A, B, C, D, E, F, or V trains to “W 4 St – Wash Sq”

#4418 Wed, 18 Aug 2010 15:38:32 Wed, 18 Aug 2010 15:38:31 Wed, 18 Aug 2010 15:38:31 Cc: d-m-t, TripOutNY, tranceformers, LF Bar/Lounge in NYC any1 know of a bar or lounge in Mnhattan or upper Brooklyn that has an extant sound system and has a room for dancing, ideally would have existing crowd and have an area for smoking. Id like to find a new venue for a weekly, and my old friend who owned Karma died recently and it’s been difficult lining anything up there. I know we could get somthing going with at least $1500 going to bar if the right venue was found. any1 know of a ba r or lounge in Mnhattan or upper Brooklyn that has an extant sound system and has a room for dancing, ideally would have existing crowd and have an area for smoking. Id like to find a new venue for a weekly, and my old friend who owned Karma died recently and it’s bee n difficult lining anything up there. I know we could get somthing going with at least $1500 going to bar if the right venue was found.

#4419 Thu, 19 Aug 2010 09:54:40 TripoutnyPSYCHEGROUND this Thursday, August 19th featuring third ear syndrome and ctrl alt del live Please join the Dreamcatchers in the much awaited Psycheground debut of THIRD EAR SYNDROME. Originally from Puerto Rico, Ramses Santos and Luis Daniel Gonzales first formed Third Ear Syndrome in Miami where they began to build a devoted following. Now based in New York City, Third Ear Syndrome has created a psychedelic sound that has gained them popularity nation-wide. To top it off, Third Ear Syndrome has created an audio-vi…sual show so high in quality that they’ve been part of the Ultra Music Festival line-up for three years running! With their unique sound that they describe as Psychedelic Electro-Techno, Third Ear Syndrome synthesizes the best of several genres including techno, electro, trance, and breakbeats to cast a spell on the dance floor that is sure to work the crowd into an ecstatic frenzywhich is perfect for us because if you’ve ever been to Psycheground you know that we always dance until the lights come on! And as if Third Ear Syndrome’s top-notch audio-visual show was not enough, the Dreamcatchers will also welcome back Sullivan Room resident DJ Carol Ferraz and the Dreamcatcher’s very own DJ Luis Campos who will bring to us another fantastic Full on DJ set. We are bringing you just the right mix of beloved and familiar with exciting and new this time around so that all you need to bring is YOU! See you on the dance floor! Line-Up: Third Ear Syndrome – site.thirdearsyndrome.info/ – soundcloud/third-ear-syndrome Ctrl Alt Del live DJ Luis Campos – realityengine.tv/ – soundcloud/realityengine – soundcloud/djluiscampos DJ Carol Ferraz – soundcloud/carol-ferraz ** August 19th, 10pm – 4am ** at Sullivan Room, New York City – 218 Sullivan St (between Bleecker and West 3rd St, 2 blocks east of 6th Ave) General Admission: $10.00 Please RSVP to psycheground at yahoo to join the $5.00 reduced price list. You MUST be on the list for the reduced price; NO EXCEPTIONS. 21+ with ID Subway: A, B, C, D, E, F, or V trains to “W 4 St – Wash Sq” and Luis Daniel Gonzales first formed Third Ear Syndrome in Miami where Third Ear Syndrome has created a psychedelic sound that has gained them popularity nation-wide. To top it off, Third Ear Syndrome has created an audio-vi…sual show so high in quality that they’ve been part of the Syndrome synthesizes the best of several genres including techno, is sure to work the crowd into an ecstatic frenzywhich is perfect for us because if you’ve ever been to Psycheground you know that we always dance until the lights come on! And as if Third Ear Syndrome’s top-notch audio-visual show was not enough, the Dreamcatchers will also welcome back Sullivan Room resident DJ Carol Ferraz and the Dreamcatcher’s very own DJ Luis Campos who will bring to us another fantastic Full on DJ set. We are bringing you just the right mix of beloved and familiar with exciting and new this time around so that all you need to bring is YOU! See you on the dance floor! Line-Up: Third Ear Syndrome Ctrl Alt Del live DJ Luis Campos DJ Carol Ferraz 218 Sullivan St (between Bleecker and West 3rd St, 2 blocks east of 6th Ave) General Admission: $10.00 21+ with ID Subway: A, B, C, D, E, F, or V trains to “W 4 St – Wash Sq”

#4420 Wed, 25 Aug 2010 20:31:00 Wed, 25 Aug 2010 20:30:59 Wed, 25 Aug 2010 23:30:59 From: Blue Goddess bluegoddess at psybotikGIANT MECHANICAL SPIDERS II – Psybotik and tekno*feel*ya Celebrate the Eve of Halloween 001636c9255c7ca84d048eb1 a5 001636c9255c7ca848048eb1 a4 *The sightings have begun*85the Giant Mechanical Spiders are on the move a gain and heading toward Brooklyn. Last year92s bash was so amazing that we managed to hold them off, but despite our efforts it now seems they will r eturn to our borough on the 30th of October. [image: GiantMechanicalSpi This year *PSYBOTIK* has teamed up with *TEKNO*FEEL*YA* a nd nominated *WITCH DOKTOR, FULL CIRCLE92s* seasoned psy shaman from the m ountains of Northern California to lead the fight. * AERODROMME* and *SHANK AR* join the pack with some of the freshest sound coming out of the Toronto chapter of *TRIBAL VISION*. From the Northeast we92ve got *2to6 RECORDS 92s UNWASHED TOMATOES* and *DISORIENT92s ARROW CHROME *from New York. Ph iladelphia lends us the one and only *KARMAKANIK* from *GAIAN MIND* plus ma ny more of the most skilled guardians to be announced. The Giant Mechani cal Spiders have been programmed to weave webs of fear and despair then tra p people to slowly suck their souls out85but we won’t let it happen! We wi ll lure them into the marvelous & maniacal corner of Brooklyn and stand our ground them with what they fear most -Music, Fire and Vitality! Psybotik is looking for more spirited hunters to join us! Help us fight back the Ev il Giant Mechanical Spiders! Besides just showing up and dancing your ass off, one specific way to contribute and get your art in front of thousands of people is *DESIGN THE FLYER!* For those interested, please send sampl es of your work to bluegoddess at psybotik by Wednesday September 1st. The winner & 2 friends come for free & get backstage access! Invite everyon e you know and wear your most unfathomable costumes! WE will not let them t rap us in their webs!! *PSYBOTIK and TEKNO*FEEL*YA* *Presents * *GIANT MECHANICAL SPIDERS II* Saturday 10-30-2010 ****HALLOWEEN EV E**** Featuring: *AERODRF6MME *LIVE&SHANKAR DJ SET* (Tribal Vision Records) 96 Toronto* AerodrF6mme, a vibrant fresh Canadian act, was c reated by Boris “Shankar” Kurtzman and Steve Chan. The two members share st rong passion for music. Steve Chan comes from a Hard-Trance/Full On Psy wor ld, with his experimental project Nexus 7; while Boris Shankar arrives from a Progressive/Techno scene as a successful DJ for Tribal Vision Records. A erodrF6mme’s sound can be described as a blend of progressive house and te chno, with elements of progressive trance and electro. Within a year of its existence, AerodrF6mme has released music on such prominent labels as Blu e Tunes Records, Tribal Vision, Teggno Records; Plusquam, Airsnare and Echo plast Digital. web soundcloud/aerodromme web facebook web myspace/aerodrom me *WICHDOKTA *DJ SET* (Full Circle / Phoenix Cirle) – Ukiah, Californ ia* The Wichdokta began DJing in ’96 and formed the FULL CIRCLE COLLECTI VE in Mendocino County, California. In ’97 he began throwing the infamous gathering called “GEMINI” that started on the majestic Eel River and is now doing the Audio Corraboree Campouts. In ‘2000 he met up with Dr. Spook, A lex (Shanti) and Random to create the loving PHOENIX FAMILY COLLECTIVE. He also runs the sound company FULL CIRCLE PRODUCTIONS. As a promoter and gath ering thrower, he knows what gets the people going. The Wichdokta’s sets ar e somthing of a spectacle to witness, his amazing energy and music go hand in hand to give you the ride of your life on the dancefloor. Hailed as one of the top DJ’S in the United States, he has played with the best in the i ndustry; Neuromotor, Rastaliens, Shotu, Unkle Dunkle, Lamat, Stranger, Astr Mech anikka, SouthWild, Dual Core, Vibrasphere, Alien Project, Mr. Peculiar, Mir aculix, Lemurians, Devient Species, Scorb, CPU, Sirius Issness, Earthling, Xenomorph, Highko and many many more. *UNWASHED TOMATOES *LIVE&DJ SET* (2to6 Records) – NYC* Unwashed Tomato is a collaborative psytrance prod uction initiative started by Andy Aylward and David Mostoller in late 2006. Our main focus is creating an intensely psychedelic, groovy experience whi ch is at once quirky and powerful, containing motifs from many musical trad itions. Close attention is given to producing a complex yet cohesive sound while maintaining a clean and dynamic mix. Since the summer of 2008, the p roject has expanded to include frequent appearances by Rod O’Connor, whose unique sensibilities have contributed new elements to the project. Dave an d Andy are also the founders and managers of Unwashed Records.unwas hedrecords/ Affiliations: 2to6 Records 2to6records/, D-A -R-K Recordsweb dark-records/, Unwashed Records web un washedrecords/, Xtream Dimension Recordsweb xtreamdimension.co m/, Wild Seven Recordz web wildsevenrecordz/, Anomalistic Rec ordsweb anomalisticrecords/ . web unwashomato *KARMAKANIK *DJ SET* (Gaian Mind / PS1 / Coalesce) – Philadelphia* Mastermind behind the legendary PSI parties and the Coalesce festival, Pat has rocked dance floors across the country with his signature blend of aud itory stimulation. His sets are known to span a wide range of contemporary electronic dance music, from harder edged twilight psytrance to progressive electro tech house. Pat92s versatility, effortless mixing technique, and energetic track selection have combined to make him a crowd favorite. Smoo th yet crunchy, raw yet refined, psychedelicious and immensely satisfying. The Sound of the Philly Underground! *ARROW CHROME *DJ SET* (Disorient ) – NYC* Arrow Chrome is a cutting edge, NYC based DJ, who92s special m ix of hard hitting, high energy, electro, house and breaks has earned him a loyal following and made him one of the headlining DJs of several of NYC 92s party scenes. Arrow, who has been DJing at Burning Man since 1998, is one of the primary DJs of Disorient, a Burning Man/New York City arts and e vents collective, with whom he has DJ92ed since 2001. Arrow, has been a DJ and organizer of NYC underground party culture for over 12 years, is known for his fun and electrifying performances that leave no foot unmoved and n o bootie unshaken, and for his signature, sold out, boat party adventures. Fire and Dance: *Luminisis (Colorfull Artist) – NYC* web colorfull artist *Victor (Psybotik) – NYC* Visuals: *Alchemism (Psybotik ) and Friends* *And much much more TO BE ANNOUNCED!* Saturday 10- 30-2010 10pm – LATE *SECRET* Location in Brooklyn To Be Revealed85*You must RSVP or Join the Email List to get the address*, even if you purchase advance tickets you still need to sign up at web psybotik $1 0 & $15 Limited Presale $20 Before Midnight $25 After Midnight ***$5 Off Door if in Full Costume *** RSVP, Join the List and Get Tickets at http ://web psybotik 001636c9255c7ca848048eb1 a4 sightings have begun85the Giant Mechanical Spiders are on the move aga in and heading toward Brooklyn. Last year92s bash was so amazing that we m anaged to hold them off, but despite our efforts it now seems they will ret urn to our borough on the 30th of October. This year PSYBOTIK has teamed up with bTEKNO*FEEL*YA and nominated WITCH DOKTOR, FULL CIRCLE92s seas oned psy shaman from the mountains of Northern California to lead the fight . AERODROMME and SHANKAR join the pack with some of the fr eshest sound coming out of the Toronto chapter of TRIBAL VISION. Fro m the Northeast we92ve got 2to6 RECORDS92s UNWASHED TOMATOES and bDISORIENT92s ARROW CHROME from New York. Philadelphi a lends us the one and only KARMAKANIK from GAIAN MIND plus m any more of the most skilled guardians to be announced. M al Spiders have been programmed to weave webs of fear and despair then trap people to slowly suck their souls out85but we won’t let it happen! We will lure them into the marvelous & maniacal corner of Brooklyn and st and our ground them with what they fear most -Music, Fire and Vitality! :centerPsybotik is looking for more spirited hunters to join us! Help us fight back the Evil Giant Mechanical Spiders! Besides just showing up and dancing your ass off, one specific way to contribute and get your art in front of thousands of people is DESIGN THE FLYER! hose interested, by Wed nesday September 1st. The winner & 2 friends come for free & amget backstage access! know and wear your most unfa thomable costumes! WE will not let them trap us in their webs!! M KNO*FEEL*YA Presents textGIANT MECHANICAL SPIDERS II 0-30-2010 ***HALLOWEEN EVE*** HANKAR DJ SET* (Tribal Vision Records) 96 Toronto M a vibrant fresh Canadian act, was created by Boris “Shankar” Kurt zman and Steve Chan. The two members share strong passion for music. Steve Chan comes from a Hard-Trance/Full On Psy world, with his experimental proj ect Nexus 7; while Boris Shankar arrives from a Progressive/Techno scene as a successful DJ for Tribal Vision Records. AerodrF6mme’s sound can be described as a blend of progressive house and techno, with elements of pro gressive trance and electro. Within a year of its existence, AerodrF6mme h as released music on such prominent labels as Blue Tunes Records, Tribal Vi sion, Teggno Records; Plusquam, Airsnare and Echoplast Digital. oundcloud/aerodromme teweb myspace/aerodrom A *DJ SET* (Full Circle / Phoenix Cirle) – Ukiah, California kta began DJing in ’96 and formed the FULL CIRCLE COLLECTIVE in Mendoci no County, California. In ’97 he began throwing the inf amous gathering called “GEMINI” that started on the majestic Eel River and is now doing the Audio Corraboree Campouts. In & # 39;2000 he met up with Dr. Spook, Alex (Shanti) and Random to create the lo ving PHOENIX FAMILY COLLECTIVE. He also runs the sound company FULL CIRCLE PRODUCTIONS. As a promoter and gathering thrower, he knows what gets the pe ople going. The Wichdokta’s sets are somthing of a spectacle to witnes s, his amazing energy and music go hand in hand to give you the ride of you r life on the dancefloor. Hailed as one of the top DJ’S in the United S tates, he has played with the best in the industry; Neuromotor, Rastaliens, Chromatone Random, Mubali, Phatmatix, Hux Flux, Mechanikka, SouthWild, Dual Core, Vi brasphere, Alien Project, Mr. Peculiar, Miraculix, Lemurians, Devient Speci es, Scorb, CPU, Sirius Issness, Earthling, Xenomorph, Highko and many many more. er nter centerUNWASHED TOMATOES *LIVE&DJ SET* (2to6 Records) – NYC ashed Tomato is a collaborative psytrance production initiative started by Andy Aylward and David Mostoller in late 2006. Our main focus is creating a n intensely psychedelic, groovy experience which is at once quirky and powe rful, containing motifs from many musical traditions. Close attention is gi ven to producing a complex yet cohesive sound while maintaining a clean and dynamic mix. Since the summer of 2008, the project has expanded to include f requent appearances by Rod O’Connor, whose unique sensibilities have co ntributed new elements to the project. Dave and Andy are also the founders an ashed Records. xtAffiliations: 2to6records/” target Records . web unwashomato ter” t enter” t KARMAKANIK *DJ SET* (Gaian Mind / P S1 / Coalesce) – Philadelphia er” t nteMastermind behind the legendary PSI parti es and the Coalesce festival, Pat has rocked dance floors across the countr y with his signature blend of auditory stimulation. His sets are known to s pan a wide range of contemporary electronic dance music, from harder edged twilight psytrance to progressive electro tech house. Pat92s versatility, effortless mixing technique, and energetic track selection have combined to make him a crowd favorite. Smooth yet crunchy, raw yet ref ined, psychedelicious and immensely satisfying. The Sound of the Philly Und erground! center n:center ARROW CHROME *DJ SET* (Disorient) – NYC a cutting edge, NYC based DJ, who92s special mix of hard hitting, high en ergy, electro, house and breaks has earned him a loyal following and made h im one of the headlining DJs of several of NYC92s party scenes. Arrow, who has been DJing at Burning Man since 1998, is one of the primary DJs of Dis orient, a Burning Man/New York City arts and events collective, with whom h e has DJ92ed since 2001. Arrow, has been a DJ and organizer of NYC undergr ound party culture for over 12 years, is known for his fun and electrifying performances that leave no foot unmoved and no bootie unshaken, and for hi s signature, sold out, boat party adventures. ” a ” s (Colorfull Artist) – NYC isuals: nter centerAlchemism (Psybotik) and Friends ” BE ANNOUNCED! t Saturday 10-30-2010 MsoN Br ooklyn To Be Revealed85You must RSVP or Join the Email List to get the address, even if you purchase advance tickets you still need to sign up tik n:center $10 & $15 Limited Presale ght ***$5 Off Door if in Full Costume *** ” ali and Get Ticke botik

September 2010

#4421 Fri, 10 Sep 2010 15:51:25 Fri, 10 Sep 2010 15:51:25 Fri, 10 Sep 2010 15:51:23 Mana Festival at Echo Lake (Bainbridge, NY) September 10 – September 12 2010 web MANAfest.org/ (web manafest.org/) YogiBogeyBox prese nts MANA Festival: a gathering of manifestation Mana Festival at Echo Lak e (Bainbridge, NY) September 10 – September 12 2010 You are welcomed to a unique gathering, whose mission is to give back to a place special to o ur community. The ideology is that of a so-called E2809C old-schoolE2 809D celebration, an event that speaks to the root at what our community is about. It is time we take things outdoors. Echo Lake needs our helps to rehabilitate and restore the wonderful venue so many have grown to lo ve. By doing this event we encourage the community to join and help in th is endeavor. As always, the focus will be on the experience. The variety will be featured on 2 stages of interesting music. Both international and local acts will contribute to the atmosphere. We will gather as a family and celebrate our existence. The aim is the communal experience not the size of the community. Leave the mundane behind and come rejoiceE280 A6 Together. As a taste of what is to come, here are a few of the con firmed acts for the event: E0A590 Tristan (Nano Records, UK) Live E0 A590 Laughing Buddha (Nano Records, UK) Live E0A590 Fearsome Engine ( Nano Records, UK) Live E0A590 Southwild (Pharsyde, Toronto) Live E0A5 90 Primordial Ooze (AntiShanti/2to6/Sentimony, WI) Live E0A590 Prishvin Mess (AntiShanti, NYC) Live E0A590 Virtual Light – (Prism Code, Geomag netic – Canada) Live/DJ E0A590 Andrei K – (Prism Code, Canada) E0A5 90 Self-Fish-Man (ATM, RU) Live E0A590 Kabayun (2to6 Records, NY) Live E0A590 OpenSourceCode (Indep, MA) E0A590 Niki (Mighty Quinn, Japan ) Live E0A590 Luis (Psycheground, NYC) E0A590 Brandon Adams (Caliphon ic, NJ) E0A590 Dan Covan (Gaian Mind, PA) E0A590 Eduardo (Paradigm Shift, MA) E0A590 Prishvin Dub (AntiShanti, NYC) E0A590 DJ Rheedoo ( Omnitribe, NYC) E0A590 Carol (Psycheground, NYC) E0A590 Robot Ears ( Desiderata, CA) E0A590 Horus (Disorient, NYC) E0A590 Mayur (Psyboti k, NYC) E0A590 Fumi (YogiBogeyBox, NYC) E0A590 PhungEye (MicroCosm House, NY) E0A590 GoaTone (FractalTribe, MA) E0A590 Mikey Parkay (Vi sionary Mindz, NY) E0A590 Electrik (Psybotik, NYC) E0A590 Artemis (Fr actalTribe, MA) E0A590 PrOn (Fractaltribe, MA) E0A590 Misha (YogiBo geyBox, NYC) A few more acts to join this event… Beautiful nighttime visuals will be presented by: E0A590 Guillaume Clave (Disorient, NYC) E0A590 VJ Plasmo (YogiBogeyBox, NYC) E0A590 Tim Howe (FractalTribe, MA) E0A590 ATM (West-Tower Studios, Russia) More to be featured at E cho Lake: E29D84 A beautiful forested venue with a great energy E2 9D84 3 Days of camping away from the concrete jugle E29D84 Deco to i lluminate the beautiful nature of the lake E29D84 Fire and dance perfo rmances E29D84 Drum Circles by a campfire E29D84 Group Yoga Lesson s E29D84 Creative art installations E29D84 Stimulating visual pro jections Pre-sale tickets will be available for 70$ through August 1 0. Tickets will be available for 80$ from August 10 through shortly before the event. should there still be room available at the lake, tickets wil l be available at the gate. Tickets, Information and more can be found at web MANAfest.org/ (web manafest.org/) or web YogiBogeyBox.org/ (web yogibogeybox.org/) Please note that thi s event will have a limited capacity of 500 attendees rustedLink.bootstrap($(this), “30c8a”, event);’ tp://web MANAfest.org/ YogiBogeyBox presents MANA Festival: a gathering of manifestation Echo Lake (Bainbridge, N Y) September 10 – September 12 2010 You are welcomed to a uniqu e gathering, whose mission is to give back to a place special to our commu nity. The ideology is that of a so-called E2809Cold-schoolE2809D cele bration, an event that speaks to the root at what our community is about. It is time we take things outdoors. Echo Lake needs our helps to re habilitate and restore the wonderful venue so many have grown to love. By doing this event we encourage the community to join and help in this endea vor. As always, the focus will be on the experience. The variety wi ll be featured on 2 stages of interesting music. Both international and lo cal acts will contribute to the atmosphere. We will gather as a family and celebrate our existence. The aim is the communal experience not the size of the community. Leave the mundane behind and come rejoiceE280 A6 Together. As a taste of what is to come, here ar e a few of the confirmed acts for the event: E0A590 Tristan (Nan o Records, UK) Live E0A590 Laughing Buddha (Nano Records, UK) LiveE0A590 Fearsome Engine (Nano Records, UK) Live E0A590 Southwild (Pharsyde, Toronto) Live E0A590 Primordial Ooze (AntiShanti/2t Prishvin Mess (AntiShanti, NYC) Live E0A590 Virtual Light – (Prism Code, Geomagnetic – Canada) Live/DJ E0A590 Andrei K – (Prism Code, C anada) E0A590 Self-Fish-Man (ATM, RU) Live E0A590 Kabayun (2to6 Records, NY) Live E0A590 OpenSourceCode (Indep, MA) E0A590 N iki (Mighty Quinn, Japan) Live E0A590 Luis (Psycheground, NYC) E0A590 Brandon Adams (Caliphonic, NJ) E0A590 Dan Covan (Gaian Min d, PA) E0A590 Eduardo (Paradigm Shift, MA) E0A590 Prishvin Du b (AntiShanti, NYC) E0A590 DJ Rheedoo (Omnitribe, NYC) E0A590 C arol (Psycheground, NYC) E0A590 Robot Ears (Desiderata, CA) E0 A590 Horus (Disorient, NYC) E0A590 Mayur (Psybotik, NYC) E0 A590 Fumi (YogiBogeyBox, NYC) E0A590 PhungEye (MicroCosm House, N Y) E0A590 GoaTone (FractalTribe, MA) E0A590 Mikey Parkay (Visi onary Mindz, NY) E0A590 Electrik (Psybotik, NYC) E0A590 Artemis (FractalTribe, MA) E0A590 PrOn (Fractaltribe, MA) E0A590 Mis ha (YogiBogeyBox, NYC) A few more acts to join this event… Beautiful nighttime visuals will be presented by: E0A5 90 Guillaume Clave (Disorient, NYC) E0A590 VJ Plasmo (YogiBogeyBox, NYC) E0A590 Tim Howe (FractalTribe, MA) E0A590 ATM (West-Tower Studios, Russia) More to be featured at Echo Lake: E2 9D84 A beautiful forested venue with a great energy E29D84 3 D ays of camping away from the concrete jugle E29D84 Deco to illum inate the beautiful nature of the lake E29D84 Fire and dance per formances E29D84 Drum Circles by a campfire E29D84 Gro up Yoga Lessons E29D84 Creative art installations E29D 84 Stimulating visual projections Pre-sale tic kets will be available for 70$ through August 10. Tickets will be avail able for 80$ from August 10 through shortly before the event. should th ere still be room available at the lake, tickets will be available at the gate. Tickets, Information and more can be found at onm re nk.bootstrap($(this), “30c8a”, event);’ Please note that this event will have a limited capacity

#4422 Mon, 13 Sep 2010 10:55:27 Mon, 13 Sep 2010 10:55:27 Mon, 13 Sep 2010 10:55:27 Join MAPS on Sept. 25th in NYC for Twilight! yo, bwana… you know about this? i’m going to do my best to attend. – Original Message- Sat, 11 Sep 2010 08:20:42 From: “Bri an Wallace, MAPS” brian at maps.org To: drbombay at prodigy.net Have you heard? Join MAPS on Sept. 25th in NYC for Twilight! (app.st /) MAPS medicines provide limited relief, such as PTSD & anxiety associated with life-threatening illnesses, by d eveloping psychedelics & marijuana into prescription medicines. Have you heard? Join MAPS on Sept. 25th in NYC for Twilight! September 10, 2010 Dear MAPS Members and Supporters, On Saturday night, September 25th from 7pm-4am, MAPS will be hosting Twi light, a benefit party in New York City. This event will feature an incre dible lineup of live and electronic musical acts, cutting edge visionary artists, and a keynote address by MAPS Executive Director Rick Doblin, P h.D Visit the Twilight event page (h web maps.org/twilight) to learn more and to purchase tickets ( ps.org/twilight) . Tickets for Twilight are available on a sliding scale. Please contribute at the level you can comfortably afford, and know that your donation will support the continuation of MAPS worldwide e fforts in psychedelic psychotherapy research, including our upcoming MDM A/PTSD veterans study Supporters that can find it in their hearts (and wallets) to make a greater impact are invited to purchase a “Benefactor” ticket. Benefactors will join Rick Doblin, Ph. D ttp://web maps.org/staff ), Julie Holland, M.D. an intimate dinner at a nearby world-class restaurant before Twilight. Benefactors will enjoy expedited entry into Twilight, and access to a smal l reserved area that includes beverages and fresh fruit throughout the evening. Twilight will also feature auctions of rare psychedelic memorabi lia, including laboratory glassware from Sasha Shulgins lab, sig ned Albert Hofmann ttp://web mousestudios/), and others, and one-of-a-kind jewelry and c ustom clothing. (Alexander E2809CSasha (a aps. Albert Hofmann, Ph.D., is the late chemi st who invented l in 1938). Sponsorship opportunities are available for individuals, businesses, and philanthropists compassionate to the MAPS mission, simply reply to this message and I will send you the details. Sincerely, Brian Wallace MAPS Director of Field Devel opment P.S. – This event will coincide with the annual Horizons: Perspec tives on Psychedelics Conference 24th-26th at Judson Memorial Church. When programming ends at the Horizons Conference, attendees will have less than two blocks to walk to join us for Twilight. P.S.S. – After the party is over, all attende es are invited to join Rick on a sunrise walk to the park, where a light breakfast will be served. This will be a weekend you wont soon forget! MAPS is coming soon to a city near you! November 7th – Bould er, Colorado Principles and Practices of E-assisted Psychotherapy Wor kshop and MAPS/SSDP Autumn Gala (h web maps.org/colorado2010/) November 12th – Oakland, California Lakesi de: The MAPS Autumn Gala and Late Night Celebration December 11th – Los Angeles, California ct of Psychedelics on Culture, Cognition, and Creativity (app.st /la2010/) (app.strea 2010/) Flux: A Late Night Party at Temple of Visions (app.stre a2010/) MAPS 309 Cedar Street #2323 Santa Cruz, CA 95060-9989 tel: 831-429-E (6362) fax: 831-429-6370 yo, bwana… you know about this? i’m going to do my best to attend. – Original Message- Sat, 11 Sep 2010 08:20:42 From: “B rian Wallace, MAPS” brian at maps.orgTo: drbombay at prodigy.net Have you heard? Join MAPS on Sept. 25th in NYC for Twilight! DI 2Fweb maps.org” NGmission is to treat conditions for which c onventional medicines provide limited relief, such as PTSD & anxiety associated with life-threat ening illnesses, by developing psychedelics & marijuana into prescription medicines. width you heard? Join MAPS style 2010 Dear MAPS Members and Su pporters, On Saturday night, September 25th from 7pm-4am, MAPS will be hosting Twilight, a benefit party in New York City. This event will feature an incredible lineup of live and electronic musical acts, cutting edge visionary artists, and a keynote address by MAPS Executive Director Doblin, Ph.D. Visit the event page to learn more and to web maps.org/twilight ightpurchase tickets. Tickets for Twilight are available on a sliding scale. Please contribute at the level you can comfortably afford, and know that your donation will support the continuation of MAPSE280 99 worldwide efforts in psychedelic psychotherapy resea rch, including our upcoming tp%3A%2F%2Fweb maps.org%2FE%2FE/PTSD veterans st udy. Supporters that can find it in their hear ts (and wallets) to make a greater impact are invited to purchase a “Benefactor” ticket. Benefactors will join A Doblin, Ph.D, %2F%7Ejholland%2Fcv Julie Holland, M.D., Yazar-Klosinski, Ph.D., 2Fweb maps.org%2Fstaff myself, and other MAPS colleagues for an intimate dinner at a nearby world-s restaurant before Twilight. Benefactors will enjoy exp edited entry into Twilight, and access to a small reserved area that includes beverages and fresh fruit throughout the evening. Twilight will also feature auction s of rare psychedelic memorabilia, including laboratory glassware from Sasha Shulgins lab, signed Alber t Hofmann collectors items, breathtaking vision ary artworks from k%2FAndroid Jones, tp%3A%2F%2Fweb mousestudios%2FStanley Mouse, a nd others, and one-of-a-kind jewelry and custom clothing . (Alexander E2809C SashaE2809D Shulgin and his partner documented the creation an d exploration of E, 2C-B, and hundreds of other psych edelic compounds in their books and A lbert Hofmann, Ph.D., is the late chemist who invented l in 1938). Sponsorship opportunities are availab le for individuals, businesses, and philanthropists comp assionate to the MAPS mission, simply reply to this mess age and I will send you the details. Tickets for Twilight are maps.org%2Ftwilight%2Favailable here. See you in New York! ight Wallace MAPS Director of Field Development /D 90 P.S. – This event wil l coincide with the annual snyc.org%2Fsite%2FHorizons: Perspectives on Psychedeli cs Conference taking place Sept. Memorial Church. When programming ends at the Horizons Conference, attendees will have less than two blocks to w alk to join us for Twilight. 33333P.S.S. – After the party is over, all attendees a re invited to join Rick on a sunrise walk to the park, w here a light breakfast will be served. This will be a weekend you wont soon forget! al; PS is coming soon to a city near enterNovember 7th – Boulder, Colorado ca; maps.org%2Fcolorado2010%2FPrinciples and Practic es of E-assisted Psychotherapy Workshop and GN: center 0%2FMAPS/SSDP Autumn Gala 333; November 12th – Oakland, Cal ifornia The MAPS Autumn Gala and Late Night Celebration LOR: December 11th – Los Angeles, California The Impact of Psychedelics on Culture, Cognition, and Creativity A MAPS Benefit Event R: ps.org%2Fla2010%2FFlux: A Late Night Party at Temple o f Visions 309 Cedar Street

#4423 Mon, 13 Sep 2010 10:57:56 Mon, 13 Sep 2010 10:57:55 Mon, 13 Sep 2010 10:57:55 Horizons: Perspectives on Psychedelics Sept 24-26 Horizons: Perspectives on Psychedelics September 24-26. Conference hosted by Judson Memorial Church on Washington Square Park. Reception hosted by HoneySpace in Chelsea. Reception $10, conference $40 – $100 (sliding scale). Purchase tickets and learn more at horizonsnyc.org (t.ymlp56/jsbagambsaaauyewaoaj/click.php) or Facebook (t.ymlp56/jshakambsadauyewafaj/click.php) . Illustration by TRUE (t.ymlp56/jswaxambsalauyewalaj/click.php) . Learn about how E (“ecstasy”), psilocybin (“shrooms”), l and other ds are are finding their way back into universities, testing laboratories, hospitals, clinic and therapists’ offices across North America, Europe, and the Middle East. Horizons is an annual conference about psychedelics held in New York City. Its goal is to open a fresh dialogue on their role in medicine, culture, history, spirituality, and creativity. This year’s speakers include new medical research from Johns Hopkins Medical, NYU Medical, the University of Hannover, Germany and writers such as John Perry Barlow, Erik Davis, Dale Pendell, and many others. FO Perspectives on Psychedelics n Memorial Church on Washington Square Park. Reception hosted by HoneySpac e in Chelsea. Reception $10, conference $40 – $100 (sliding scale). Purcha se tickets and learn more at ewaoaj/click.php t.ymlp56/jsbagambsaaauyewaoaj/click.phphorizonsnyc.org or adauyewafaj mlp56/jswaxambsalauyewalaj/click.php TRUE. about how M DMA (“ecstasy”), psilocybin (“shrooms”), l and other ds are are findi ng their way back into universities, testing laboratories, hospitals, clin ic and therapists’ offices across North America, Europe, and the Middle Ea st. is an annual co nference about psychedelics held in New York City. Its goal is to open a f resh dialogue on their role in medicine, culture, history, spirituality, a nd creativity. This year’s speakers include new medical research from Johns Hopkins Medical, NYU Medical, the University of Hannover, Germany and wri ters such as John Perry Barlow, Erik Davis, Dale Pendell, and many others

#4424 Thu, 16 Sep 2010 14:17:10 Thu, 16 Sep 2010 14:17:10 Thu, 16 Sep 2010 14:17:06 MetaForce:ACTIVATE! Fri 10/15/10 Hi everyone – Sadly our Earthdance event that was scheduled for next wee kend had to be canceled due to issues with the venue… but as a happy co nsequence, we are able to deliver an even bigger and better alternative ju st a few weeks later on Friday 10/15/10! We have amazing art and video re ady to go, as well as the one and only Slackbaba (Liquid Records, UK) be ing flown in just from London just for this event. In fact we have so man y wonderful people involved in the production of this party that it can’t be anything but 150% killer! But having your spirits and stomping feet o n the dancefloor is required for full lift-off 🙂 Hope to see you ther e! Details below….. Xx BooM xX rachel rachel at 6362MetaForce.net web 6362metaforce.net (web 6362metaforce.net/) Gr eetings Superheroes! You may be surprised to hear that many of our Earthl ing siblings here in the magic borough of Brooklyn still don’t know that there is a planet in our solar system, far far away, which has been given the astronomical index number of 6362. They have not heard that this is the planet of infinity where the MetaForce was born: a special place wher e every living creature is bestowed with 2 gifts at birth – – psychedelic perception and full power vibes. As you will no doubt remember, upon a rrival on Earth, it became apparent to the MetaForce that Earths children have the same gifts within them that we do within us; therefore Gaia became our second home. But we noticed that many of our new planet s offspring often feared their gifts instead of embracing them – – hiding them & covering them with detritus instead of festooning them w ith jewels. Brothers and Sisters of the MetaForce: our help is needed! It s time to remind our earthbound siblings of their true essence. We are all psychedelic superheroes with the power to change the universe through music, dance, visuals and stomping celebrations. Its time to ACTIVATE! ***** Our Inter-Galactic Special Guest **** Your extrater restrial sound shaman is none other than the one and only SLACKBABA (Liqu id Records, UK) who will be flown in for this special occasion to play his pineal-tingling electronica WhoMP blend – – LIVE!! Check him out at ht tp://web liquid-records/artists/slackbaba (web liquid-rec ords/artists/slackbaba ) E28692 THE DETAILS DATE :: Friday October 15 2010 TIMING :: 10pm E28093 5am LOCATION :: Littlefield, Bro oklyn (622 DeGraw Street – Subway: D,N,R to Union) COSTUMES :: Psychedel ic Superheroes from across the Galaxy E28093 Dress to FLY! TICKETS :: $ 20 advance at web 6362MetaForce.net (web 6362metaforce.net/), $ 25 at the door E28692 THE ARTISTS THUS FAR ((( Audio ))) Slackbaba (Liquid Records, UK) – LIVE Vishwaatmaaa (Psybaba Records/6362MetaForce, N YC) – DJ SuKhush (Altar Records/6362MetaForce, NYC) E28093 Live and DJ DJ Exeris/Grains of Sound (Baltimore) E28093 LIVE ((( Visual ))) VJ S tatic/Gaetan Spurgin (Philly) Jess Hooks (NYC) ((( Alien Shaman Portal )) ) Joseph Alexander aka Moreno Baba (Dahn Yoga, NY/AZ) E28692 This is a 21+ event. Please bring photo ID!! E28692 Psychedelic Superheroes:: The Celebration is Nigh! Prepare to ACTIVATEE280A6E280A6 Questions? Comments? Want to participate? Contact Rachel or Vish at info at 6362MetaFo rce.net We’RE EXCiTED!!! web 6362MetaForce.net/ (web 6 362metaforce.net/) web liquid-records/artists/slackbaba (web liquid-records/artists/slackbaba ) web grains ofsound.net/ (web grainsofsound.net/) Hi everyone – Sadly our Earthdance event that was scheduled for next weekend had to be canceled due to issues with the venue… but as a happy consequence, we ar e able to deliver an even bigger and better alternative just a few weeks l ater on Friday 10/15/10! We have amazing art and video ready to go, as wel l as the one and only Slackbaba (Liquid Records, UK) being flown in just from London just for this event. In fact we have so many wonderful peo ple involved in the production of this party that it can’t be anything but 150% killer! But having your spirits and stomping feet on the dancefloor is required for full lift-off 🙂 Hope to see you there! Details below….. Xx BooM xX rachel rachel at 6362MetaForce.net aforce.net/” Greetings Superheroes! You may be surprised to hear that many of our Earthling siblings here in the magic borough of Brooklyn still don’t know that there is a planet in our solar system, far far away, which has been given the astronomical index number of 6362. They have not heard that this is the planet of infinity where the MetaForce was born: a special place where every living creature is bestowed with 2 gifts at bir th – – psyc edshowhedelic perception and full power vibes. As you will no do ubt remember, upon arrival on Earth, it became apparent to the MetaForce t hat Earths children have the same gifts within them that we do wi thin us; therefore, Gaia became our second home. But we noticed that many of our new planets offspring often feared their gifts instead of embracing them – – hiding them & covering them with detritus instead o f festooning them with jewels. Brothers and Sisters of the MetaForc e: our help is needed! Its time to remind our earthbound siblings of their true essence. We are all psychedelic superheroes with the power t o change the universe through music, dance, visuals and stomping celebrati ons. Its time to ACTIVATE! ***** Our Inter-Galactic Speci al Guest **** Your extraterrestrial sound shaman is none other than the on e and only SLACKBABA (Liquid Records, UK) who will be flown in for this sp ecial occasion to play his pineal-tingling electronica WhoMP blend – – LIV E!! Check him out at kbaba THE DETAILS DATE :: Friday October 15 2010 TIMING :: 10pm E2 8093 5am LOCATION :: Littlefield, Brooklyn (622 DeGraw Street – Subw ay: D,N,R to Union) COSTUMES :: Psychedelic Superheroes from across th e Galaxy E28093 Dress to FLY! TICKETS :: ttp://web 6362metaforce.net/ E28692 THE ARTISTS THUS FAR ((( Audio ))) Slackbaba (L iquid Records, UK) – LIVE Vishwaatmaaa (Psybaba Records/6362MetaForce, NYC) – DJ SuKhush (Altar Records/6362MetaForce, NYC) E28093 Live and DJ DJ Exeris/Grains of Sound (Baltimore) E28093 LIVE ((( Vis ual ))) VJ Static/Gaetan Spurgin (Philly) Jess Hooks (NYC) ( (( Alien Shaman Portal ))) Joseph Alexander aka Moreno Baba (Dahn Yoga, NY/AZ) E28692 This is a 21+ event. Please bring photo ID!! E28692 Psychedelic Superheroes:: The Celebration is Nigh! Prepare t o ACTIVATEE280A6E280A6 Questions? Comments? Want to participat e? Contact Rachel or Vish at info at 6362MetaForce.net We’RE EXCiTED! !! //web liquid-records/artists/slackbaba s/slackbaba ttp://web grainsofsound.net/”

#4425 Fri, 17 Sep 2010 23:16:54 Fri, 17 Sep 2010 23:16:54 Fri, 17 Sep 2010 23:16:53 Saturday Bring To Light September 18. Free. Starts at sundown. Oak Street, between Franklin Street and the East River waterfront in Greenpoint, Brooklyn. bringtolightnyc.org (t.ymlp56/jusacambsanauyewaraj/click.php) . An overnight celebration of illumination and creativity on a public street in Brooklyn. Featuring light art installations by Winkel & Balktick all stars Jason Eppink, Chris Jordan, ImageNode, and dozens of others. FO To Light 18. Free. Starts at sundown. Oak Street, b etween Franklin Street and the East River waterfront in Greenpoint, Brookl yn. style acambsanauyewaraj/click.phpbringtolightnyc.org. overnight celebration of illumination and crea tivity on a public street in Brooklyn. Featuring light art installations b y Winkel & Balktick all stars Jason Eppink, Chris Jordan, ImageNode, a nd dozens of

#4426 Sat, 18 Sep 2010 22:58:23 Sat, 18 Sep 2010 22:58:23 Sat, 18 Sep 2010 22:58:23 Re: TripOutNewYork Saturday their web site says Oct 2, this was from an email several weeks ago In a message dated 9/18/2010 12:22:17 A.M., writes: Bring To Light September 18. Free. Starts at sun down. Oak Street, between Franklin Street and the East River waterfront i n Greenpoint, Brooklyn. bringtolightnyc.org (t.ymlp56/jusacam bsanauyewaraj/click.php) . An overnight celebration of illumination and c reativity on a public street in Brooklyn. Featuring light art installatio ns by Winkel & Balktick all stars Jason Eppink, Chris Jordan, ImageNode, and dozens of others. their web site says O ct 2, this was from an email several weeks ago In a message dated 9/18/2010 12:22:17 A.M., I smoked at aol writes: D To Light veticaSeptember 18. Free. Starts at sundown. Oak Street, between Frank lin Street and the East River waterfront in Greenpoint, Brooklyn. anauyewaraj/click.phpbringtolightnyc.org. st overnight celebration of illumination and crea tivity on a public street in Brooklyn. Featuring light art installations by Winkel & Balktick all stars Jason Eppink, Chris Jordan, ImageNod e, and dozens of others. ML

#4427 Wed, 22 Sep 2010 08:59:29 Wed, 22 Sep 2010 08:59:29 35648634-8C78-48E6-8F -8FCC3E0D6E49 at meTo: d-m-t, TripOutNY Wed, 22 Sep 2010 08:59:28 Fwd: Horizons From: Alexandre Tannous alexandretannous at me To: Undisclosed recipients: ; Sent: Tue, Sep 21, 2010 10:15 am Subj ect: Horizons Hi Friends! A that this event is happening in NYC this weekend at Judson Church (by NYU). Rick Strassman, the author of d, The Spirit Molecule, is one of the main speakers. Try to make it! ww web horizonsnyc.org/s ite/ Also, don’t forget the viewing of the film: The Spirit Molecule at CO SM on Sunday Oct 26 from 5:007:00. web cosm.org/ I hope that you c an make it. Alexandre ear:both From: Alexandre Tanno us alexandretannous at me To: Undisclosed recipients: Se nt: Tue, Sep 21, 2010 10:15 am Horizons t this event is happening in NYC this weekend at Judson Church (by NYU). Ri ck Strassman, the author of d, The Spirit Molecule, is one of the main sp eakers. Try to make it! Also, don’t forget the vi ewing of the film: The Spirit Molecule at COSM on Sunday Oct 26 from 5:00 7:00. class c m.org/ I hope that you can make it.

#4428 Fri, 24 Sep 2010 16:58:08 Fri, 24 Sep 2010 16:58:07 Fri, 24 Sep 2010 16:58:07 Cc: d-m-t, Tonight – Horizons NYC reception Fri sept 24 note – Pierre from AKA airways did the bubbles at our bridge parties. I will be attending with an old friend who travelled to Delphi with ALbert Hoffman before he died THE RECEPTION The Road to Eleusis: A Reception P arty for Horizons Friday, September 25, 8pm – midnight. Free with Horizons ticket. $10 cash otherwise. An evening of celebration, art, performance and friends featuring the finest creative talent in the psychedelic comm unity. Larger-than-life imaginative inflatable sculpture by AKAirways. T he Bike Trip, a monologue about the inner explorer in all of us by master storyteller Martin Dockery. A visual history of the faces behind the psy chedelics movement from photographer Marc Franklin. Hypnotic soundscapes from The Gamelatron, the world’s first and only fully robotic Gamelan or chestra. HORIZONS 2009: Perspectives on Psychedelics Judson Memorial Church 55 Washington Square South September 24-26th 2009 at Judson Memori al Church 55 Washington Square South New York, NY 10012 Buy tickets and l earn more at horizonsnyc.org (horizonsnyc.org/) Contact us with questions at info at horizonsnyc.org ABO UT HORIZONS Horizons is an annual forum for learning about psychedelics, hosted by Judson Memorial Church in New York City. Its goal is to open a fresh dialogue about psychedelics and rethink their role in medicine, cul ture, history, spirituality and art. This is its third year. Psychedelic s are a unique class of psychoactive ds that have been used by humans for thousands of years. In the 1950s and early 1960s, academic research w ith psychedelics yielded important discoveries in psychology and neurosci ence. Just a few years later, they entered popular culture across North A merica, Europe and the world. Questions about their safety, medical value history and implications in politics and culture were unfortunately ans wered with numerous myths spread by both their users and the media. The m illennial rave fever brought a similar wave of popularity and hysteria. Recently, a renaissance in psychedelic research and dialogue has taken sh ape. Horizons brings together the brightest minds and boldest voices of th is movement to share their insights and dreams for the future. THE SPEA KERS (in alphabetical order) Alicia Danforth is a clinical psychedelic r esearcher and writer working on Dr. Charles Grob’s Harbor-UCLA cancer anx iety trial with psilocybin. Earth Erowid and Fire Erowid are co-creators of The Vaults of Erowid, a non-commercial web site that collects data and publishes original research on the topic of visionary plants and ds. Robert Jesse is organizer of the Council on Spiritual Practices, which a ims to shift modernity’s awareness and practices with respect to primary religious experience. Andy Letcher is a freelance writer, academic lectur er and folk-musician living in Oxford, UK and the author of the criticall y acclaimed Shroom: A Cultural History of the Magic Mushroom. Valerie Mo jeiko has worked with MAPSthe Multidisciplinary Association for Psyched elic Studies since 2000, facilitating research of the healing potentials of E (Ecstasy), l, Ibogaine and other psychedelic medicines. William Richards, Ph.D. is a psychologist in the Department of Psychiatry, Johns Hopkins School of Medicine. In the late 1960s, Dr. Richards worked with Stan Grof, Walter Pahnke, and Richard Yensen, administering l and DPT t o terminal cancer patients. For the past five years, he has participated in research at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine showing psiloc ybin can precipitate mystical experiences. Stephen Ross, M.D. is principa l investigator of the new NYU Psilocybin Cancer Project. He is assistant professor of psychiatry and director of the Division of Alcoholism and Dr ug Abuse at Bellevue Hospital, and associate director for education at Ne w York University School of Medicine in New York City. Franz X. Vollenwe ider, M.D. conducts neuroimaging studies with psychedelics. He is head of the Psychopharmacology and Brain Imaging Unit at the University Hospital of Psychiatry (BurghC5A1lzli) and lecturer in the School of Medicine, University of Zurich. Bob Wold is founder and President of Clusterbusters Inc., a non-profit organization that supports research on the use of ps ilocybin and l to treat cluster headaches. THE RECEPTION The Road to Eleusis: A Reception Party for Horizons Friday, September 25, 8pm – midnig ht. Free with Horizons ticket. $10 cash otherwise. An evening of celebrat ion, art, performance and friends featuring the finest creative talent in the psychedelic community. Larger-than-life imaginative inflatable sculp ture by AKAirways. The Bike Trip, a monologue about the inner explorer in all of us by master storyteller Martin Dockery. A visual history of the faces behind the psychedelics movement from photographer Marc Franklin. Hypnotic soundscapes from The Gamelatron, the world’s first and only ful ly robotic Gamelan orchestra. note – Pierre from AK A airways did the bubbles at our bridge parties. I will be attending with an old friend who travelled to Delphi with ALbert Hoffman before he died THE RECEPTION The Road to Eleu sis: A Reception Party for Horizons Friday, September 25, 8pm – midnigh t. Free with Horizons ticket. $10 cash otherwise. An evening of celebration, art, performance and friends featuring the finest creative ta lent in the psychedelic community. Larger-than-life imaginative inf latable sculpture by AKAirways. The Bike Trip, a monologue about th e inner explorer in all of us by master storyteller Martin Dockery. A visual history of the faces behind the psychedelics movement from photo grapher Marc Franklin. Hypnotic soundscapes from The Gamelatron, th e world’s first and only fully robotic Gamelan orchestra.   HORIZONS 2009: Perspective s on Psychedelics Judson Memorial Church 55 Washington Square South September 24-26th 2009 at Judson Memorial Church 55 Wa shington Square South New York, NY 10012 Buy tickets and learn m ore at horizonsnyc.org (horizonsnyc.org/) Contact us with questions at OUT HORIZONS Horizons is an annual forum for learning about psyched elics, hosted by Judson Memorial Church in New York City. Its goal is to o pen a fresh dialogue about psychedelics and rethink their role in medicine culture, history, spirituality and art. This is its third year. P sychedelics are a unique class of psychoactive ds that have been used b y humans for thousands of years. In the 1950s and early 1960s, academic re search with psychedelics yielded important discoveries in psychology and n euroscience. Just a few years later, they entered popular culture across N orth America, Europe and the world. Questions about their safety, m edical value, history and implications in politics and culture were unfort unately answered with numerous myths spread by both their users and the me dia. The millennial rave fever brought a similar wave of popularity and hy steria. Recently, a renaissance in psychedelic research and dialogu e has taken shape. Horizons brings together the brightest minds and boldes t voices of this movement to share their insights and dreams for the futur e. THE SPEAKERS (in alphabetical order) Alicia Danfo rth is a clinical psychedelic researcher and writer working on Dr. Charles Grob’s Harbor-UCLA cancer anxiety trial with psilocybin. Earth Ero wid and Fire Erowid are co-creators of The Vaults of Erowid, a non-commerc ial web site that collects data and publishes original research on the top ic of visionary plants and ds. Robert Jesse is organizer of the Council on Spiritual Practices, which aims to shift modernity’s awareness and practices with respect to primary religious experience. Andy Le tcher is a freelance writer, academic lecturer and folk-musician living in Oxford, UK and the author of the critically acclaimed Shroom: A Cultural History of the Magic Mushroom. Valerie Mojeiko has worked with MAPS the Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies since 2000, fa cilitating research of the healing potentials of E (Ecstasy), l, Ibog aine and other psychedelic medicines. William Richards, Ph.D. is a psychologist in the Department of Psychiatry, Johns Hopkins School of Medi cine. In the late 1960s, Dr. Richards worked with Stan Grof, Walter Pahnke, and Richard Yensen, administering l and DPT to terminal cancer patients . For the past five years, he has participated in research at Johns Hopkin s University School of Medicine showing psilocybin can precipitate mystica l experiences. Stephen Ross, M.D. is principal investigator of the new NYU Psilocybin Cancer Project. He is assistant professor of psychiatry and director of the Division of Alcoholism and d Abuse at Bellevue Hos pital, and associate director for education at New York University School of Medicine in New York City. Franz X. Vollenweider, M.D. conducts neuroimaging studies with psychedelics. He is head of the Psychopharmacolo gy and Brain Imaging Unit at the University Hospital of Psychiatry (Burgh C5A1lzli) and lecturer in the School of Medicine, University of Zurich. Bob Wold is founder and President of Clusterbusters, Inc., a non-pr ofit organization that supports research on the use of psilocybin and l to treat cluster headaches. THE RECEPTION The Road to Eleusi s: A Reception Party for Horizons Friday, September 25, 8pm – midnight. Free with Horizons ticket. $10 cash otherwise. An evening oflebration, art, performance and friends featuring the finest creative tale nt in the psychedelic community. Larger-than-life imaginative infla table sculpture by AKAirways. The Bike Trip, a monologue about the inner explorer in all of us by master storyteller Martin Dockery. A visual history of the faces behind the psychedelics movement from photogr apher Marc Franklin. Hypnotic soundscapes from The Gamelatron, the world’s first and only fully robotic Gamelan orchestra.

#4429 Fri, 24 Sep 2010 18:04:55 Fri, 24 Sep 2010 21:04:55 To: nyc604, TripOutNY From: Blue Goddess bluegoddess at psybotikUpdate Giant Mechanical Spiders II Moves to Manhattan Friday 10/29 & HIKARI joins the fun! 7 *New information has come to light85*the Giant Mechanical Spiders are movi ng fast and will arrive a day earlier than expected. Secondly their target has shifted85Manhattan is now in danger. *HIKARI *has joined crew and re located the mischief to a secret location in Manhattan on the 29th of Octob er. This year *PSYBOTIK* t eams up with *HIKARI* & *TEKNO*FEEL*YA* and nominated *WITCH DOKTOR, FULL C IRCLE92s* seasoned psy shaman from the mountains of Northern California to lead the fight. * AERODROMME* and *SHANKAR* join the pack with some of the freshest sound coming out of the Toronto chapter of *TRIBAL VISION*. From the Northeast we92ve got *2to6 RECORDS92 UNWASHED TOMATOES*, *DISORIENT 92s ARROW CHROME & SPECTRA92S GAVIN *from New York. Philadelphia lends u s the one and only *KARMAKANIK* from *GAIAN MIND* plus many more of the mos t skilled guardians to be announced. This will be a night full of fresh dance music and dazzling eye candy! Coming from local production crews as w ell as one of the top internationally acclaimed dance music DJ, Producer an d Organizer, *KNO-B*, the journey begins here as a new collaboration is bro ught together to fill the atmosphere with hyped vibes, and new cutting edge electronic dance music. We give you a blend that will grow throughout the night, and will shift as your eyes flow over the presented art installation s. The Giant Mechanical Spiders have been programmed to weave webs of fe ar and despair this Halloween85but we won’t let it happen! We will lure th em into the most marvelous & maniacal corner of Manhattan and stand our gro und with what they fear most -Music, Dance and Vitality! Psybotik, Hikari & tekno*feel*ya are looking for more spirited hunters to join us! Invite e veryone you know and wear your most unfathomable costumes! Facebook: htt *PS YBOTIK, HIKARI and TEKNO*FEEL*YA* *Presents* *GIANT MECHANICAL SPIDERS II * Friday 10-29-2010 ****HALLOWEEN EVE**** Featuring: *AERODR F6MME *LIVE&SHANKAR DJ SET* (Tribal Vision Records) 96 Toronto* Aerodr F6mme, a vibrant fresh Canadian act, was created by Boris “Shankar” Kurtzm an and Steve Chan. The two members share strong passion for music. Steve Ch an comes from a Hard-Trance/Full On Psy world, with his experimental projec t Nexus 7; while Boris Shankar arrives from a Progressive/Techno scene as a successful DJ for Tribal Vision Records. AerodrF6mme’s sound can be descr ibed as a blend of progressive house and techno, with elements of progressi ve trance and electro. Within a year of its existence, AerodrF6mme has rel eased music on such prominent labels as Blue Tunes Records, Tribal Vision, Teggno Records; Plusquam, Airsnare and Echoplast Digital. web sou ndcloud/aerodromme pages/Aerodromme/7108483941 web myspace/aerodromme *WICHDOKTA *DJ SET* (Ful l Circle / Phoenix Family) – Ukiah, California* The Wichdokta began DJin g in ’96 and formed the FULL CIRCLE COLLECTIVE in Mendocino County, Califor nia. In ’97 he began throwing the infamous gathering called “GEMINI” that started on the majestic Eel River and is now doing the Audio Corraboree Cam pouts. In ‘2000 he met up with Dr. Spook, Alex (Shanti) and Random to crea te the loving PHOENIX FAMILY COLLECTIVE. He also runs the sound company FUL L CIRCLE PRODUCTIONS. As a promoter and gathering thrower, he knows what ge ts the people going. The Wichdokta’s sets are somthing of a spectacle to w itness, his amazing energy and music go hand in hand to give you the ride o f your life on the dancefloor. Hailed as one of the top DJ’S in the United States, he has played with the best in the industry; Neuromotor, Rastaliens Shotu, Unkle Dunkle, Lamat, Stranger, e, Random, Mubali, Phatmatix, Hux Flux, Mechanikka, SouthWild, Dual Core, V ibrasphere, Alien Project, Mr. Peculiar, Miraculix, Lemurians, Devient Spec ies, Scorb, CPU, Sirius Issness, Earthling, Xenomorph, Highko and many many more. *UNWASHED TOMATOES *LIVE&DJ SET* (2to6 Records) – NYC* Unwas hed Tomato is a collaborative psytrance production initiative started by An dy Aylward and David Mostoller in late 2006. Our main focus is creating an intensely psychedelic, groovy experience which is at once quirky and powerf ul, containing motifs from many musical traditions. Close attention is give n to producing a complex yet cohesive sound while maintaining a clean and d ynamic mix. Since the summer of 2008, the project has expanded to include frequent appearances by Rod O’Connor, whose unique sensibilities have contr ibuted new elements to the project. Dave and Andy are also the founders an d managers of Unwashed Records.unwashedrecords/ Affiliations: 2to6 Records 2to6records/, D-A-R-K Recordsweb dark-re cords/, Unwashed Records web unwashedrecords/, Xtream Dim ension Recordsweb xtreamdimension/, Wild Seven Recordz web wildsevenrecordz/, Anomalistic Recordsweb anomalisticreco rds/ . web unwashomato *KARMAKANIK (Gaian Mind / PS1 / Coalesce) – Philadelphia* Mastermind behind the legendary PSI par ties and the Coalesce festival, Pat has rocked dance floors across the coun try with his signature blend of auditory stimulation. His sets are known to span a wide range of contemporary electronic dance music, from harder edge d twilight psytrance to progressive electro tech house. Pat92s versatility effortless mixing technique, and energetic track selection have combined to make him a crowd favorite. Smooth yet crunchy, raw yet refined, psyched elicious and immensely satisfying. The Sound of the Philly Underground! *Tyrant (Sonic Beating) – Boston* Dave Dittmer, better known as Tyrant is a resident DJ for Sonic Beating’s long-running Psyforia parties in Bos ton, as well as for the crew’s events at Rise nightclub. Intense psytrance and throbbing techno are the essential elements of his style. An experien ced DJ with performances alongside Hallucinogen/Shpongle, Logic Bomb, Perfe ct Stranger, Beats Antique, Shane Gobi, Atmos, Bluetech, and more of the wo rld’s finest artists, Tyrant’s beats and mixes will always hit you the righ t way. Although he’s dedicated to DJing, Tyrant’s higher priority is suppo rting the electronic dance music community, which he’s been doing for the p ast 10 years in the Northeast by organizing events for all styles of EDM. *ARROW CHROME (Disorient) – NYC* Arrow Chrome is a cutting edge, NYC b ased DJ, who92s special mix of hard hitting, high energy, electro, house a nd breaks has earned him a loyal following and made him one of the headlini ng DJs of several of NYC92s party scenes. Arrow, who has been DJing at Bur ning Man since 1998, is one of the primary DJs of Disorient, a Burning Man/ New York City arts and events collective, with whom he has DJ92ed since 20 01. Arrow, has been a DJ and organizer of NYC underground party culture for over 12 years, is known for his fun and electrifying performances that lea ve no foot unmoved and no bootie unshaken, and for his signature, sold out, boat party adventures. *DJ KNO-B (HIKARI) – NYC* Kno-B has been invo lved in the music scene since the early 90’s, when he discovered the art of psychoacoustics & the sound of electronic music. In the late 90’s he start ed to play psytrance along side of the very founders of the genre itself. N ot limited to being in various live bands at the same time also. Ever since then Kno-B has been known as one of the greatest international dj’s and pr oducers in the genre of our time. Kno-B’s sound will shift and take your m ind for a race. No one comes close to his style of mixing, which has been c alled by many “the live mix” as he mixes new tracks every three to four min utes without you ever noticing, that way keeping you on the dance floor for hours at the time. Kno-B’s style has been called new and brilliant as it’s somthing you’ve never experienced before. Besides being one of the top in dustry dj’s, he is also working on various new projects that will be releas ed in the near future. You can expect one of his cutting – edge, grand soun d sets, that he’s known for all around the globe. * * *GAVIN (Spectra, Po sitive Pressure) – NYC* Gavin has been involved in dance music since he organized his first party and started DJing in 1998. From the first Spectra parties in New York to his involvement as a DJ in the international scene, the consistent element has always been forward thinking music. Avoiding ge nre classifications is essential to Gavin’s sound. Expect funky, intelligen t music mixed with precision and a natural feel for the dance floor. Festiv al and club gigs have taken Gavin all over the globe. Notable stops include performances in Brazil, Casablanca, Marrakesh, Zurich, Geneva, Cologne, Lo ndon, Copenhagen, Stockholm, and Croatia. North American appearances includ e Cancun, Vancouver, New York, Seattle, Philadelphia, Boston, and many more . Gavin is an artist who loves what he does and takes both pride and pleasu re in sharing what he considers to be the most innovative music around. * * *ELECTRIK (Psybotik/Coalesce/tekno*feel*ya) – NYC* Electrik is the fo under of the Psybotik parties in New York City, catering to an exotic audie nce with fashion, fire and cutting edge electronic music. His style is dyna mic but typically focuses on high energy dance music with psychedelic roots . Representing up and down the eastern seaboard as well as coast to coast i n the US, as well as internationally in Japan. Sullivan Room, Tavern on The Green, Exit, Public Assembly, Burning Man, Coalesce, Equinox, Synchronize, Desiderata, Orb, San Sabastian in Puerto Rico, Rockwest in Tokyo…are jus t a few of the places you may have caught one of his astounding performance s. *ME (Psybotik/Coalesce/tekno*feel*ya) – NYC* I’m a creator of underground, eclectic, esoteric and awesome parties. A veteran of the New York City Psytrance Culture. My first parties were the bridge pa rties. Dancing to Psychadelic trance creates a synaesthesia. In your min d, your dancing adds an additional dimension to the music, creating a gesta lt an entity greater then the two. I’ll create a wire-frame for you to stre tch your mind across. You do the rest. *MAYUR (Psybotik/Spectra/Coalesce /tekno*feel*ya) – NYC* DJ, academic, and global neuronaut, Mayur has bee n dedicated to the NYC underground for several years. Opening for such acts as Atmos in Japan, Son Kite in Morocco, and headlining with acts such as D ijital Talk in San Francisco; there seems theres no place Mayur hasn’t been ! Starting about a decade ago with Spectra Productions, Mayur has since the n focused his valiant efforts organizing exceptional events with Psybotik. So far this year has had a barrage of dance throbbing sets coming to you al most every weekend if you’re lucky. Stay tuned for his next appearance! Performance and Dance: *Luminisis (Colorfull Artist) – NYC* web color fullartist *Victor (Psybotik) – NYC* Visuals: *Alchemism (Psyb otik) and Friends* Deco: *Hikari* *And much much more TO BE AN NOUNCED!* Friday 10-29-2010 10pm 96 8am *SECRET* Location in Manh attan To Be Revealed85*You must RSVP or Join the Email List to get the add ress*, even if you purchase advance tickets you still need to sign up at ht tp://web psybotik or * hikariproduction at gmail* $10 & $15 Limited Presale $20 Before Midnight $25 After Midnight ***$5 O ff Door if in Full Costume *** RSVP, Join the List and Get Tickets at ht tp://web psybotik Or RSVP by sending an email to *hikariproduction at gma il* 0016e68ef43158023204910b15c7 information has come to light85the Giant Mechanical Spiders are moving fast and will arrive a day earlier than expected. Secondly their target has shifted85Manhattan is now in danger. HIKARI has joined crew and relocated the mischief to a secret location in Manhattan on the 29th of October. ” a This year PSYBOTIK teams up with HIKA RI & TEKNO*FEEL*YA and nominated WITCH DOKTOR, FULL CIRCL E92s seasoned psy shaman from the mountains of Northern California to lead the fight. AERODROMME and SHANKAR join the pack with some of the freshest sound coming out of the Toronto chapter of TRIBAL V ISION. From the Northeast we92ve got 2to6 RECORDS92 UNWASHED TOMAT OES, DISORIENT92s ARROW CHROME & SPECTRA92S GAVIN from New York. Philadelphia lends us the one and only KARMAKANIK from GAIAN MIND plus many more of the most skilled guardians to be announced. xtThis will be a night full of fresh dance music and dazzlin g eye candy! Coming from local production crews as well as one of the top i nternationally acclaimed dance music DJ, Producer and Organizer, KNO-B/ b, the journey begins here as a new collaboration is brought together to f ill the atmosphere with hyped vibes, and new cutting edge electronic dance music. We give you a blend that will grow throughout the night, and will sh ift as your eyes flow over the presented art installations. hanical Spiders have been programmed to weave webs of fear and despair this Halloween85but we won’t let it happen! We will lure them into the mos t marvelous & maniacal corner of Manhattan and stand our ground with wh at they fear most -Music, Dance and Vitality! i & tekno*feel*ya are looking for more spirited hunters to join us! Inv ite everyone you know and wear your most unfathomable costumes! KARI and TEKNO*FEEL*YA erFriday 10-29-2010 ***HALLOWEEN EVE*** ” ME *LIVE&SHANKAR DJ SET* (Tribal Vision Records) 96 Toronto AerodrF6mme, a vibrant fresh Canadian act, was created by Boris “Shan kar” Kurtzman and Steve Chan. The two members share strong passion for music. Steve Chan comes from a Hard-Trance/Full On Psy world, with his exp erimental project Nexus 7; while Boris Shankar arrives from a Progressive/T echno scene as a successful DJ for Tribal Vision Records. AerodrF6mme’ s sound can be described as a blend of progressive house and techno, with e lements of progressive trance and electro. Within a year of its existence, AerodrF6mme has released music on such prominent labels as Blue Tunes Reco rds, Tribal Vision, Teggno Records; Plusquam, Airsnare and Echoplast Digita l. center web soundcloud/aerodromme WICHDOKTA *DJ SET* (Full Circle / Phoenix Family) – Ukiah, California /b erThe Wichdokta began DJing in ’96 and formed the FULL CIRCLE COLLECT IVE in Mendocino County, California. In ’97 he began th rowing the infamous gathering called “GEMINI” that started on the majestic Eel River and is now doing the Audio Corraboree Campouts. In ‘2000 he met up with Dr. Spook, Alex (Shanti) and Random t o create the loving PHOENIX FAMILY COLLECTIVE. He also runs the sound compa ny FULL CIRCLE PRODUCTIONS. As a promoter and gathering thrower, he knows w hat gets the people going. The Wichdokta’s sets are somthing of a spec tacle to witness, his amazing energy and music go hand in hand to give you the ride of your life on the dancefloor. Hailed as one of the top DJ’S in the United States, he has played with the best in the industry; Neuromot or, eam, Chromatone, Random, Mubali, Phatmatix, Hux Flux, Mechanikka, SouthWild Dual Core, Vibrasphere, Alien Project, Mr. Peculiar, Miraculix, Lemurians Devient Species, Scorb, CPU, Sirius Issness, Earthling, Xenomorph, Highko and many many more. t ds) – NYC Unwashed Tomato is a collaborative psytrance production initi ative started by Andy Aylward and David Mostoller in late 2006. Our main fo cus is creating an intensely psychedelic, groovy experience which is at onc e quirky and powerful, containing motifs from many musical traditions. Clos e attention is given to producing a complex yet cohesive sound while mainta ining a clean and dynamic mix. textSince the summer of 2008, the project has expa nded to include frequent appearances by Rod O’Connor, whose unique sens ibilities have contributed new elements to the project. als o the founders and managers of unwashedrecords/” targ Records. nteAffiliations: 2to6recor kAnomalistic Records . t web unwashomato/” t ind / PS1 / Coalesce) – Philadelphia ” ali legendary P SI parties and the Coalesce festival, Pat has rocked dance floors across th e country with his signature blend of auditory stimulation. His sets are kn own to span a wide range of contemporary electronic dance music, from harde r edged twilight psytrance to progressive electro tech house. Pat92s versa tility, effortless mixing technique, and energetic track selection have com bined to make him a crowd favorite. Smooth yet crunchy, raw yet refined, psychedelicious and immensely satisfying. The Sound of the Ph illy Underground! t Tyrant (Sonic Beating) – Boston etter known as Tyrant, is a resident DJ for Sonic Beating’s long-runnin g Psyforia parties in Boston, as well as for the crew’s events at Rise nightclub. Intense psytrance and throbbing techno are the e ssential elements of his style. An experienced DJ with perf ormances alongside Hallucinogen/Shpongle, Logic Bomb, Perfect Stranger, Bea ts Antique, Shane Gobi, Atmos, Bluetech, and more of the world’s finest artists, Tyrant’s beats and mixes will always hit you the right way.s panAlthough he’s dedicated to DJing, Tyrant’s higher pr iority is supporting the electronic dance music community, which he’s b een doing for the past 10 years in the Northeast by organizing events for a ll styles of EDM. t extARROW CHROME (Disorient) – NYC c utting edge, NYC based DJ, who92s special mix of hard hitting, high energy electro, house and breaks has earned him a loyal following and made him o ne of the headlining DJs of several of NYC92s party scenes. Arrow, who has been DJing at Burning Man since 1998, is one of the primary DJs of Disorie nt, a Burning Man/New York City arts and events collective, with whom he ha s DJ92ed since 2001. Arrow, has been a DJ and organizer of NYC underground party culture for over 12 years, is known for his fun and electrifying per formances that leave no foot unmoved and no bootie unshaken, and for his si gnature, sold out, boat party adventures. ” ali textKno-B has been involved in the music scene sinc e the early 90’s, when he discovered the art of psychoacoustics & t he sound of electronic music. In the late 90’s he started to play psytr ance along side of the very founders of the genre itself. Not limited to be ing in various live bands at the same time also. Ever since then Kno-B has been known as one of the greatest international dj’s and producers in t he genre of our time. shift and take your mind for a race. No one comes close to his style of mixing, which has been called by many “the live mix” as he mixes new tracks every three to four m inutes without you ever noticing, that way keeping you on the dance floor f or hours at the time. Kno-B’s style has been called new and brilliant a s it’s somthing you’ve never experienced before. Besides being one of the top industry dj’s, he is also working on various new projects t hat will be released in the near future. You can expect one of his cutting – edge, grand sound sets, that he’s known for all around the globe. nteGAVIN (Spectra, Positive Pressure) – N YC ter enterGavin has been involved in dance music since he organized his first party and started DJing in 1998. From the first Spectra parties in New York to his involvement as a DJ in the international scene, the consistent elem ent has always been forward thinking music. Avoiding genre classifications is essential to Gavin’s sound. Expect funky, intelligent music mixed wi th precision and a natural feel for the dance floor. Festival and club gigs have taken Gavin all over the globe. Notable stops include performances in Brazil, Casablanca, Marrakesh, Zurich, Geneva, Cologne, London, Copenhagen Stockholm, and Croatia. North American appearances include Cancun, Vancou ver, New York, Seattle, Philadelphia, Boston, and many more. Gavin is an ar tist who loves what he does and takes both pride and pleasure in sharing wh at he considers to be the most innovative music around. (Psybotik/Coalesce/tekno*feel*ya) – NYC ” ali ” a founder of the Psybotik parties in New York City, catering to an exotic audience with fash ion, fire and cutting edge electronic music. His style is dynamic but typic ally focuses on high energy dance music with psychedelic roots. Representin g up and down the eastern seaboard as well as coast to coast in the US, as well as internationally in Japan. Sullivan Room, Tavern on The Green, Exit, Public Assembly, Burning Man, Coalesce, Equinox, Synchronize, Desiderata, Orb, San Sabastian in Puerto Rico, Rockwest in Tokyo…are just a few of th e places you may have caught one of his astounding performances. ER PARTICLE (Psybotik/Coalesce/tekno*feel*ya) – NYC f underground, eclectic, esoteric and awesome parties. A veteran of the New York City Psytrance Culture. My first parties were the bridge parties. cing to Psychadelic trance creates a synaesthesia. In your mind, your danci ng adds an additional dimension to the music, creating a gestalt an entity greater then the two. I’ll create a wire-frame for you to stretch your mind across. You do the rest. t ” textMAYUR (Psybotik/Spectra/Coalesce/tekno*fee l*ya) – NYC a tDJ, academic, and global neuronaut, Mayur has been dedicate d to the NYC underground for several years. Opening for such acts as Atmos in Japan, Son Kite in Morocco, and headlining with acts such as Dijital Tal k in San Francisco; there seems theres no place Mayur hasn’t been! Star ting about a decade ago with Spectra Productions, Mayur has since then focu sed his valiant efforts organizing exceptional events with Psybotik. So far this year has had a barrage of dance throbbing sets coming to you almost e very weekend if you’re lucky. Stay tuned for his next appearance! Da nce: r terLuminisis (Colorfull Artist) – NYC ” k) – NYC gn:center Visuals: Hikari n:center And much much more TO BE ANNOUNCED! M 10 10pm 96 8am *SECRET* Location in Manhattan To Be Revealed85You must R SVP or Join the Email List to get the address, even if you purchase adv ance tickets you com or send an n at gmail Presale M 5 After Midnight ***$5 Off Door if in Full Costume *** an sending an

#4430 Fri, 24 Sep 2010 21:56:30 Fri, 24 Sep 2010 21:56:30 Fri, 24 Sep 2010 21:56:30 OT (sorta) Saturday Sept 25 Techno Ragga Freetek Jungle D&B etc in Union Square :UNIFIED VIBES:: at Union Square Park Sean Turney invited you Share Public Event Saturday, September 25 2:00pm – 6:00pm Location South Pl aza of Union Square Park NYC New York, NY Created By Sean Turney, Eric S hih, Asha Njjunglist More Info Saturday September 25, 2010 UNIFIED VIBES 2pm – 6pm :: FREE Music by: ESHIN & TRIGON NEFARIOUS MADARO FIS HSTIX BIG EARS NEVERMIND FOODSTAMPZ DARXYDE Dance Performers: KINETIC JUNGLIST MOVEMENT Location: Union Square Park – SOUTH PLAZA (14t h St. btw. University Place & Broadway) New York, NY Subway: L N Q R W 4 5 6 to 14th Street Union Square Station Please bring canned food to dona te to web FoodNotBombs.net (web FoodNotBombs.net) :UNIFIED VIBES:: at Union Square Park Sean Turney invited you Share Public Event Saturday, September 25 2:00pm – 6:00pm Location  ;South Plaza of Union Square Park NYC New York, NY Created By Sean Turney, Eric Shih, Asha Njjunglist More Info Saturday Sept ember 25, 2010 UNIFIED VIBES 2pm – 6pm :: FREE Music by: ESHIN & TRIGON NEFA RIOUS MADARO FISH STIX BIG EARS NEV ERMIND FOODSTAMPZ DARXYDE Dance Performers: &nbs KINETIC JUNGLIST MOVEMENT Lo cation: Union Square Park – SOUTH PLAZA (14th St. btw. University Place & Broadway) New York, NY Subway: L N Q R W 4 5 6 to 14th Street Union Square Station

#4431 Fri, 24 Sep 2010 21:59:30 Fri, 24 Sep 2010 21:59:29 Fri, 24 Sep 2010 21:59:29 To: TripOutNY Re: [NYC604] OT (sorta) Saturday Sept 25 Techno Ragga Freetek Jungle D&B etc … Note, these are both going down across the street from each other (Horizons in the church on th e south street if Union Square) Should be a g reat mix, dont miss it for maximum efficiency in fun time/dspace In a message dated 9/24/2010 6:56:43 P.M. Pacif ic Standard Time, writes: PA st :UNIFIED VIBES:: at Un ion Square Park Sean Turney invited you Share Public Ev ent Saturday, September 25 2:00pm – 6:00pm Locat ion South Plaza of Union Square Park NYC New York, NY Created By Sean Turney, Eric Shih, Asha Njjunglist More Info S aturday September 25, 2010 UNIFIED VIBES/ 2pm – 6pm :: FREE Music by: ESHIN & TRIGON NEFARIOUS MADA RO FISHSTIX BIG EARS NEVERMIND FOODSTAMPZ DARXYDE Dance Performers: KINETIC JUNGLIST MOVEMENT Location: Union Square Park – SOUTH PLAZA (14th St. btw. University Place &Broadway) New York, NY Subway: L N Q R W 4 5 6 to 14th Street Union Square Station Please bring canned food to donate to otbombs.net/

#4432 Sat, 25 Sep 2010 11:17:51 Sat, 25 Sep 2010 11:17:50 Sat, 25 Sep 2010 11:17:50 Correction Re: [NYC604] OT (sorta) Saturday Sept 25 Techno Ragga … From: To: ripoutny Sent: 9/24/2010 11:28:46 P.M. Pacific Standard Time Subj: Re: TripOutNewYork Re: [NYC604] OT (sorta) Saturday Sept 25 Techno Ragga F… Correction LOL the day techno is in Union sq, Horizons is in Washington sq, But still.. 8 blocks aint bad To: ripoutny Sent: 9/24/2010 11:28:46 P.M. Paci fic Standard Time Subj: Re: TripOutNewYork Re: [NYC604] OT (s orta) Saturday Sept 25 Techno Ragga F… F in W ashington sq, But still.. 8 blocks aint

#4433 Mon, 27 Sep 2010 10:16:21 Mon, 27 Sep 2010 10:16:21 Mon, 27 Sep 2010 10:16:21 , Tonight monday – Psychomagic web realitysandwich/alejandrojodorowskynyc (web realitysandwich/alejandrojodorowskynyc) Suggested contribution: $10 520 W27th St. Btw 10th/11th (ground flr) Doors open 7 pm, talk and discussion 7:30 – 9 pm, followed by reception. ttp://web realitysandwich/alejandrojodorowskynycweb realitys andwich/alejandrojodorowskynyc Sug gested contribution: $10 520 W27th St. Btw 10th/11th (ground flr) Do ors open 7 pm, talk and discussion 7:30 – 9 pm, followed by reception.

#4434 Mon, 27 Sep 2010 19:14:29 From: “alladinproject” alladinproject at yahooalladin project present logic bomb live and more fri oct 8th at club love nyc Alladin Group Presents Logic Bomb Live! Friday October 8th, 2010 at Club L ove …Dear Friends & Family, After a rejuvenating hiatus, Alladin Projec t returns to NYC with more energy than ever. We are ready once again to uni te the trance family under one roof with the top-notch line ups and imagina tive dE9cor the community has come to expect from our exceptional team. It ‘s sure to be a magical night full of dance, melody, happiness, and love as we kick it up a notch for an autumnal gathering of cosmic proportions. We look forward to seeing you all as we celebrate Alladin’s joyful return. Bi g Love, Alladin Project Crew LINE UP: LOGIC BOMB LIVE! (TIP Records, Swed en) web myspace/logixbomb We are happy to welcome back the dynam ic psychedelic full-on trance super power known as Logic Bomb. Logic Bomb’s tracks make appearances on top notch compilations from famous trance label s such as TIP Records, Spirit Zone and Transient, and released their own de but album, “Headware”, on Spiral Trax, Sweden’s leading trance label. With many years of experience in the electronic music arena, including collabora tion with Dennis Tapper as Hux Flux, this highly skilled tech-savvy team ma kes no compromises on production quality, resulting in some of the crispies t sounds the trance scene has to offer. TRANAN LIVE! (Solstice Music, Swed en) web myspace/trananmusic Jonas Pettersson, aka Tranan, has be en passionate about music since the piano playing days of his youth. He dis covered the psy-trance scene in 1993 with friend Dennis Tapper, who later b ecame his partner in the Hux Flux project. Jonas was motivated by the desir e to create music exactly as he wanted to hear it, music that did not yet e xist. Hux Flux gigs took him around the world, until he began Logic Bomb in 1998 with Johan Krafft, and later Jonaz Bergvall. To date, he has toured e very continent aside from Antarctica, including highlights like Solstice Mu sic Festival in Japan 2002, Boom Festival 2000, and Samothraki 2002 and 200 3. NUMB (Noya Records, Israel) U.S. Debut Performance! cyber.jirafa Alladin Project is comm itted to keeping it fresh, and thus it is our great pleasure to host rising star “Numb”, for a first ever North American performance! Numb brings a ne w electronic sound highlighted by high melodic leads and massive bass lines to celebrate the release of their brand new Digital EP “Sine”. Liran and I lan are behind some of the most creative and serious full on trance sounds currently being produced so look out for Numb’s upcoming Debut album releas e. The EP includes three amazing tracks, starting up with a tribute for Co sma’s all time dance floor hit “People On Hold” (Numb Rmx 2010), and contin ues with two more vibrating tracks “Sine”, and “Uncontrolled”. BRANDON ADA MS (Dreamcatchers/Caliphonic Records, NYC) web myspace/497009 web myspace/earwormfrequen cies ELNADIV (Alladin Group, NYC) CRIS (Loud Monitors, NYC) Psychedeliku nz (Paranormal Dimension, NJ/India) And more TBA! DECO by Alladin Deco Te am with Ocular Delight web oculardelight/ 21+ LOCATION: CLUB L OVE 40 W 8th St. at MacDougal New York, NY 10012 (917)569-1177 TRAIN A,C, E B, D, F, M to West 4th St. Station ADMISSION: $25 ADVANCE TICKET web ala ddinproject $35 at THE DOOR ***Due to the nature of the location we will be limiting the capacity (to ensure that we will all enjoy ourselves comfo rtably). Advance Tickets are strongly advised, and expected to sell out. S ee You All Soon!

#4435 Wed, 29 Sep 2010 00:57:00 Wed, 29 Sep 2010 00:56:59 Wed, 29 Sep 2010 00:56:59 A Psycheground Double Feature: This Thursday, September 30th & Next Thur Oct 7 This Thursday, September 30th at 11pm We are a family formed on underground dance floors, some hidden beneath the mainstream clubs, ot hers created in artist’s lofts and empty warehouses. When we can, we make pilgrimages to the open air, dancing together in the fields among the pi nes or maybe on the beach or sometimes even deep in a forest clearing. So me of us have even been known to dance under a bridge or two. . . In hon or of that special bond the Dreamcatchers are proud to present the legend ary artists that have made our family possible including Philadelphia’s K armakanik, the mastermind behind the legendary PSI parties and the Coalesfestival, and New York’s very own Reality Engine. We will also be welc oming back everybody’s favorite Sullivan Room resident DJ, Carol Ferraz, as well as DJ Brunno Santos in his Psycheground debut. We are also celebr ating the birthday of the lovely Lore Baculima. There’s nothing more fun than a birthday party, unless maybe it’s a birthday party at Sullivan Room . In other words, family, get ready to dance! Complete Line-Up: Karmak anik karmakanik (karmakan ik) Reality Engine (DJ set) web realityengine.tv/ (web realityengine.tv/) RealityEngineAV (RealityEngineAV) DJ Carol Ferraz soundcloud/car ol-ferraz (soundcloud/carol-ferraz) Brunno Santos so undcloud/brunnosantos (soundcloud/brunnosantos) ww w.facebook/djbrunnosantos (djbrunnosantos) Deco by Neuronymphonic *** September 30th, 11pm E28093 4am *** Gener al Admission: $10.00 heground at yahoo) to join the $5.00 reduced price list. You MUST be on the list for the reduced price; NO EXCEPTIONS. 21+ with ID at Sullivan Room, New York City – (web sulliva nroom/) 218 Sullivan Street (between Bleecker and West 3rd Street, 2 blocks east of 6th Avenue) ew+York%2C+NY&t Subway: A, B, C, D, E, F, or V trains to E2809CW 4 St E28093 Wash SqE2809D Next up on Octob er 7th: Radmoura, Carol Ferraz, Felipe and KeN AD SP T his Thursday, September 30th at 11pm underground dance floors, some hidden beneath the mainstream clubs, other s created in artist’s lofts and empty warehouses. When we can, we make pil grimages to the open air, dancing together in the fields among the pines o r maybe on the beach or sometimes even deep in a forest clearing. Some of us have even been known to dance under a bridge or two. . . In hono r of that special bond the Dreamcatchers are proud to present the le gendary artists that have made our family possible including Philadelphia’ s Karmakanik, the mastermind behind the legendary PSI parties and the Coal esce festival, and New York’s very own Reality Engine. We will also be wel coming back everybody’s favorite Sullivan Room resident DJ, Carol Ferraz, a s well as DJ Brunno Santos in his Psycheground debut. We are also celebrating the birthday of the lovely Lore Baculima. There’s nothing more fun than a birthday party, unless maybe it’s a birthday party at Sullivan Room. In other words, family, get ready to dance! Complete E RDJ Santos tit by Neu ronymphonic *** September 30th, 11pm E28093 4am *** Ge neral psycheground at yahoo to join the $5.00 reduced price list. You MUST be on the list for the reduced price; NO EXCEPTIONS. 21+ with ID at Sullivan Room, New York City .sullivanroom/ COLOR: rgb(59,89,152); Sullivan Street (between Bleecker and West 3rd Street, 2 blocks east of 6th Avenue) A, B, C, D, E, F, or V trains to E2809CW 4 St Radmoura, Carol Ferraz, Fe N

October 2010

#4436 Sat, 2 Oct 2010 20:20:42 Sat, 2 Oct 2010 20:20:42 Sat, 2 Oct 2010 20:20:42 Tonight Sat 10/2 LOUD MONITORS presents !!! DANCE YOUR SOCKS OFF !!! Today at 10:00pm – Tomorrow at 5:00am LocationManny’s on Second (second floor) 1770 2nd Ave (Btwn 92nd & 93rd) Created By LOUD MONITORS (group.php?gid185801830199) More InfoLOUD MONITORS presents !!! DANCE YOUR SOCKS OFF !!! a night of minimal techno and psytrance music !! Saturday October 2ND 2010 Live set ENERTOPIA (Warp Brain Rec-NJ) web myspace/enertopiapsy (web myspace/enertopiapsy) DJ set KARMAKANIK VS CRIS !! (Loud Monitors – Gaian Mind – MARS) FRACTAL PHONO (Gaian Mind – Philadelphia) RADMOURA (Paradigm Shift – NYC) CAROL FERRAZ (Sullivan Room – NYC) Deco artist : NEURONYMPHONIC ART FluroNeuroNymph (FluroNeuroNymph) HITOMI ARAI !! $20 dollars 10 pm to 5am 18 to get in 21 to drink W/ID at Manny’s on Second 1770 2nd Ave (Btwn 92nd & 93rd) Manhattan New York,10128 for more information email us to monitoring.project at live our next event will take place on saturday november 20th 2010 with SHANE GOBI !!!! flier by : VJ PSYDREAM flier link : Today at 10:00pm – Tomorrow at 5:00am/DI on Secon d (second floor) 1770 2nd Ave (Btwn 92nd & 93rd) TH MONITORS/ MO NITORS presents !!! DANCE YOUR SOCKS OFF !!! a night of minimal techno and psytrance music !! Saturday October 2ND 2010 Live se t ENERTOPIA (Warp Brain Rec-NJ) tstrap($(this), “f6259”, event);’ W AKANIK VS CRIS !! (Loud Monitors – Gaian Mind – MARS) FRACTAL PHONO (G aian Mind – Philadelphia) RADMOURA (Paradigm Shift – NYC) CAROL FER RAZ (Sullivan Room – NYC) Deco artist : NEURONYMPHONIC ARTB R rel dollars 10 pm to 5am 18 to get in 21 to drink W/ID at Manny’s on Sec ond 1770 2nd Ave (Btwn 92nd & 93rd) Manhattan New York,10128B Rfor more information email us to monitoring.project at live.co/S next event will take plaon saturday november 20th 2010 with SHANE GOBI !!!! flier by : VJ PSYDREAM flier link : otstrap($(this), “f6259”, event);’ A

#4437 Mon, 4 Oct 2010 18:30:03 Mon, 4 Oct 2010 18:30:03 Mon, 4 Oct 2010 18:30:03 alladin project present logic bomb live and more fri oct 8th at club love nyc Alladin Group Presents Logic Bomb Live! Friday October 8th, 2010 at Club Lo ve …Dear Friends & Family, After a rejuvenating hiatus, Alladin Projec t returns to NYC with more energy than ever. We are ready once again to u nite the trance family under one roof with the top-notch line ups and ima ginative dE9cor the community has come to expect from our exceptional te am. It’s sure to be a magical night full of dance, melody, happiness, and love as we kick it up a notch for an autumnal gathering of cosmic proport ions. We look forward to seeing you all as we celebrate Alladin’s joyful return. Big Love, Alladin Project Crew LINE UP: LOGIC BOMB LIVE! (TIP R ecords, Sweden) web myspace/logixbomb (web myspace/ logixbomb) We are happy to welcome back the dynamic psychedelic full-on t rance super power known as Logic Bomb. Logic Bomb’s tracks make appearanc es on top notch compilations from famous trance labels such as TIP Record s, Spirit Zone and Transient, and released their own debut album, “Headwa re”, on Spiral Trax, Sweden’s leading trance label. With many years of ex perience in the electronic music arena, including collaboration with Denn is Tapper as Hux Flux, this highly skilled tech-savvy team makes no compr omises on production quality, resulting in some of the crispiest sounds t he trance scene has to offer. TRANAN LIVE! (Solstice Music, Sweden) web myspace/trananmusic (web myspace/trananmusic) Jona s Pettersson, aka Tranan, has been passionate about music since the piano playing days of his youth. He discovered the psy-trance scene in 1993 wi th friend Dennis Tapper, who later became his partner in the Hux Flux pro ject. Jonas was motivated by the desire to create music exactly as he want ed to hear it, music that did not yet exist. Hux Flux gigs took him aroun d the world, until he began Logic Bomb in 1998 with Johan Krafft, and lat er Jonaz Bergvall. To date, he has toured every continent aside from Anta rctica, including highlights like Solstice Music Festival in Japan 2002, Boom Festival 2000, and Samothraki 2002 and 2003. NUMB (Noya Records, Is rael) U.S. Debut Performance! cyber.jirafamusic/cyberpromo/View (cyber.jirafamusic/cyberpromo/Viewe Alladin Project is committed to keeping it fre sh, and thus it is our great pleasure to host rising star “Numb”, for a f irst ever North American performance! Numb brings a new electronic sound highlighted by high melodic leads and massive bass lines to celebrate the release of their brand new Digital EP “Sine”. Liran and Ilan are behind some of the most creative and serious full on trance sounds currently bei ng produced so look out for Numb’s upcoming Debut album release. The EP includes three amazing tracks, starting up with a tribute for Cosma’s all time dance floor hit “People On Hold” (Numb Rmx 2010), and continues wit h two more vibrating tracks “Sine”, and “Uncontrolled”. BRANDON ADAMS (Dr eamcatchers/Caliphonic Records, NYC) web myspace/497009 (web myspace/497009) ) web myspace/earwormfrequencies ELNADIV (Alladin Group, NYC) CRIS ( Loud Monitors, NYC) Psychedelikunz (Paranormal Dimension, NJ/India) And more TBA! DECO by Alladin Deco Team with Ocular Delight web ocula rdelight/ (web oculardelight/) 21+ LOCATION: CLUB LOVE 4 0 W 8th St. at MacDougal New York, NY 10012 (917)569-1177 TRAIN A,C, E, B, D, F, M to West 4th St. Station ADMISSION: $25 ADVANCE TICKET web aladdi nproject $35 at THE DOOR ***Due to the nature of the location we will b e limiting the capacity (to ensure that we will all enjoy ourselves comfo rtably). Advance Tickets are strongly advised, and expected to sell out. See You All Soon! Alladin Group Pr esents Logic Bomb Live! Friday October 8th, 2010 at Club Love …Dear Friends & Family, After a rejuvenating hiatus, Allad in Project returns to NYC with more energy than ever. We are ready once ag ain to unite the trance family under one roof with the top-notch line ups and imaginative dE9cor the community has come to expect from our exception al team. It’s sure to be a magical night full of dance, melody, happiness, and love as we kick it up a notch for an autumnal gathering of cosmic pro portions. We look forward to seeing you all as we celebrate Alladin’s j oyful return. Big Love, Alladin Project Crew LINE UP: LOGIC e/logixbomb ce/logixbomb We are happy to welcome back the dynamic psychedel ic full-on trance super power known as Logic Bomb. Logic Bomb’s tracks mak e appearances on top notch compilations from famous trance labels such as TIP Records, Spirit Zone and Transient, and released their own debut album “Headware”, on Spiral Trax, Sweden’s leading trance label. With many yea rs of experience in the electronic music arena, including collaboration wi th Dennis Tapper as Hux Flux, this highly skilled tech-savvy team makes no compromises on production quality, resulting in some of the crispiest sou nds the trance scene has to offer. TRANAN LIVE! (Solstice Music, Sw myspace/trananmusicweb myspace/trananmusic Jonas P ettersson, aka Tranan, has been passionate about music since the piano play ing days of his youth. He discovered the psy-trance scene in 1993 with fri end Dennis Tapper, who later became his partner in the Hux Flux project. J onas was motivated by the desire to create music exactly as he wanted to h ear it, music that did not yet exist. Hux Flux gigs took him around the wo rld, until he began Logic Bomb in 1998 with Johan Krafft, and later Jonaz Bergvall. To date, he has toured every continent aside from Antarctica, in cluding highlights like Solstice Music Festival in Japan 2002, Boom Festiv al 2000, and Samothraki 2002 and 2003. NUMB (Noya Records, Israel) U.S. Debut Performance! Project is committed t o keeping it fresh, and thus it is our great pleasure to host rising star “Numb”, for a first ever North American performance! Numb brings a new ele ctronic sound highlighted by high melodic leads and massive bass lines to celebrate the release of their brand new Digital EP “Sine”. Liran and Ilan are behind some of the most creative and serious full on trance sounds cu rrently being produced so look out for Numb’s upcoming Debut album release . The EP includes three amazing tracks, starting up with a tribute for Cosma’s all time dance floor hit “People On Hold” (Numb Rmx 2010), and continues with two more vibrating tracks “Sine”, and “Uncontrolled”. BRANDON ADAMS (Dreamcatchers/Caliphonic Records, tp://web myspace/497009 web myspace/497009 EARWORM USA) web myspace/earwormfrequencies ELNADIV (Alladin Group, NYC) CRIS (Loud Monitors, NYC) Psychedelikunz (Paranormal D imension, NJ/India) And more TBA! DECO by Alladin Deco Team w ith tp://web oculardelight/web oculardelight/ 21+ B RLOCATION: CLUB LOVE 40 W 8th St. at MacDougal New York, NY 10012 (917)569-1177 TRAIN A,C, E, B, D, F, M to West 4th St. Station ADMISSION: $25 ADVANCE TICKET web aladdinproject $35 at TH E DOOR ***Due to the nature of the location we will be limiting the cap acity (to ensure that we will all enjoy ourselves comfortably). Advance Ti ckets are strongly advised, and expected to sell out. See You All S

#4438 Tue, 5 Oct 2010 10:35:29 TripOutNY Please join us in welcoming one of NYC’s crowd favorites, Radmoura, back t o Psycheground. DJ/Producers Sebastian Raditsa and Miguel Moura will be g etting the dance floor moving with plenty of tracks that are impossible t o find beyond the extent of their personal CD collection. We will also be joined by Felipe and Sullivan Room resident DJ Carol Ferraz. It is Car ol’s birthday so please arrive early to get her birthday celebratio…n g oing on the dance floor as she provides our opening set! Happy Birthday, Carol! Last but not least, the Dreamcatchers are excited to welcome back KeN who has (finally) returned to us from Japan. Welcome home, KeNwe can’t wait to see what you have in store for us! Line-up: Radmoura (P aradigm Shift) Carol Ferraz (Sullivan Room) Felipe (Dreamcatcher) KeN (D reamcatcher – Bella Gaia) *** October 7th, 10pm E28093 4am *** Gener al Admission: $10.00 Please RSVP to psycheground at yahoo to join the $5 .00 reduced price list. You MUST be on the list for the reduced price; NO EXCEPTIONS. 21+ with ID at Sullivan Room, New York City – web su llivanroom/ 218 Sullivan Street (between Bleecker and West 3rd Street, 2 blocks east of 6th Avenue) Subway: A, B, C, D, E F, or V trains to E2809CW 4 St E28093 Wash SqE2809D Please join us in welcoming one of NYC’s crowd favor ites, Radmoura, back to Psycheground. DJ/Producers Sebastian Raditsa and M iguel Moura will be getting the dance floor moving with plenty of tracks t hat are impossible to find beyond the extent of their personal CD collecti on. We will also be joined by Felipe and Sullivan Room resident DJ Carol Ferraz. It is Carol’s birthday so please arrive early to get her b irthday celebratio…n going on the dance floor as she provides our openin g set! Happy Birthday, Carol! Last but not least, the Dreamcatcher s are excited to welcome back KeN who has (finally) returned to us from Ja pan. Welcome home, KeNwe can’t wait to see what you have in store for us ! Line-up: old;Radmoura (Paradigm Shift) Bella Gaia) *** October 7th, 10pm E28093 4am *** Gene ral Admission: $10.00 d at yahoopsycheground at yahoo to join the $5.00 reduced price lis t. You MUST be on the list for the reduced price; NO EXCEPTIONS. 2 1+ with ID om/ 218 Sullivan Street (between Bleecker and West 3rd Street, 2 blocks east of 6th Avenue) Subway: A, B, C, D, E, F, or V trains to E2809CW 4 St E280 93 Wash SqE2809D

#4439 Wed, 06 Oct 2010 21:31:50 06 Oct 2010 21:31:45 Thu, 7 Oct 2010 00:31:45 From: Blue Goddess bluegoddess at psybotik10/29 GIANT MECHANICAL SPIDERS II Progress *LIVE* & Auricula *LIVE/DJ* added! 0016e6881d7e3014150491ff5f02 0016e6881d7e3014110491ff5f01 New information has come to light85the Giant Mechanical Spiders are moving fast and will arrive a day earlier than expected. Secondly their target h as shifted85Manhattan is now in danger. HIKARI has joined crew and reloca ted the mischief to a secret location in Manhattan on the 29th of October. Join the List and Get Tickets at To RSVP for location and/or to join the list, please send y our name to hikariproduction at gmail *Early Bird Tickets ONLY $10 til Oc t 11th!! $15 til Oct 25th while supplies last* The line up is complete an d this year the PSYBOTIK crew teams up with HIKARI& TEKNO*FEEL*YA and nomin ated WITCH DOKTOR, FULL CIRCLE92s seasoned psy shaman from the mountains o f Northern California to lead the fight. AERODROMME and SHANKAR join the p ack with some of the freshest sound coming out of the Toronto chapter of TR IBAL VISION. From the Northeast we92ve got 2to6 RECORDS92 UNWASHED TOMATO ES and PROGRESS from ANTISHANTI representing the darkness while AURICULA fr om BACTERIA RECORDS & GAVIN of SPECTRA bring us that full body techno sound . Of course the electro guru for the night will be DISORIENT92s ARROW CHRO ME…all this incredible talent all hailing from New York City. Philadelph ia lends us the one and only KARMAKANIK from GAIAN MIND and Boston brings t op notch skill with TYRANT aka DAVE DITTMER. This will be a night full of fresh dance music and dazzling eye candy! Coming from local production crew s as well as one of the top internationally acclaimed dance music DJ, Produ cer and Organizer, KNO-B, the journey begins here as a new collaboration is brought together to fill the atmosphere with hyped vibes, and new cutting edge electronic dance music. We give you a blend that will grow throughout the night, and will shift as your eyes flow over the presented art installa tions. The Giant Mechanical Spiders have been programmed to weave webs of fear and despair this Halloween85but we won’t let it happen! We will lure them into the most marvelous & maniacal corner of Manhattan and stand our g round with what they fear most -Music, Dance and Vitality! Psybotik, Hikar i & tekno*feel*ya are looking for more spirited hunters to join us! Invite everyone you know and wear your most unfathomable costumes! Facebook: http ww PSYBOTIK, HI KARI and TEKNO*FEEL*YA Are Proud to Present GIANT MECHANICAL SPIDERS II Friday 10-29-2010 ***HALLOWEEN EVE*** Featuring: AERODRF6MME *LIVE SE T* (Tribal Vision Records) 96 Toronto AerodrF6mme, a vibrant fresh Canad ian act, was created by Boris “Shankar” Kurtzman and Steve Chan. The two me mbers share strong passion for music. Steve Chan comes from a Hard-Tranceull On Psy world, with his experimental project Nexus 7; while Boris Shanka r arrives from a Progressive/Techno scene as a successful DJ for Tribal Vis ion Records. AerodrF6mme’s sound can be described as a blend of progressiv e house and techno, with elements of progressive trance and electro. Within a year of its existence, AerodrF6mme has released music on such prominent labels as Blue Tunes Records, Tribal Vision, Teggno Records; Plusquam, Air snare and Echoplast Digital. web soundcloud/aerodromme web myspace. com/aerodromme web myspace/aerodromme SHANKAR (Tribal Vision Records) 96 Toronto Shankar started to DJ deep house in 1999. After disc overing Goa Trance sound in 2002, he decided to change his style. His journ ey through psychedelic music took him from full-on psy trance through dark psy to a morning sound of Progressive Trance. Today Shankar plays Progressi ve House and Trance with elements of Electro and Psy. Shankar is also a co- founder of Shakti Collective, a Toronto-based group devoted to promotion of quality progressive and psy sounds. Shankar performed around the globe. Fr om Copenhagen to New York, from Prague to Montreal, he managed to shake and rock the dancefloors. Shankar has also performed at Fusion Festival (Germa ny), Eclipse Festival (Canada), and shared stage with acts such as D Nox, B eckers, Juno Reactor, Perfect Stranger, Shpongle/Hallucinogen, GMS, Fitalic POTS, Tegma, Vibrasphere, Antix, Atmos. Shankar is now one-half of the ne w duo-project AerodrF6mme. WICHDOKTA *DJ SET* (Full Circle / Phoenix Fami ly) – Ukiah, California The Wichdokta began DJing in ’96 and formed the FU LL CIRCLE COLLECTIVE in Mendocino County, California. In ’97 he began thro wing the infamous gathering called “GEMINI” that started on the majestic Ee l River and is now doing the Audio Corraboree Campouts. In ‘2000 he met up with Dr. Spook, Alex (Shanti) and Random to create the loving PHOENIX FAMI LY COLLECTIVE. He also runs the sound company FULL CIRCLE PRODUCTIONS. As a promoter and gathering thrower, he knows what gets the people going. The W ichdokta’s sets are somthing of a spectacle to witness, his amazing energy and music go hand in hand to give you the ride of your life on the dancefl oor. Hailed as one of the top DJ’S in the United States, he has played with the best in the industry; Neuromotor, Rastaliens, Shotu, Unkle Dunkle, Lam at, Stranger, ix, Hux Flux, Mechanikka, SouthWild, Dual Core, Vibrasphere, Alien Project, Mr. Peculiar, Miraculix, Lemurians, Devient Species, Scorb, CPU, Sirius Is sness, Earthling, Xenomorph, Highko and many many more. UNWASHED TOMATOES *LIVE & DJ SET* (2to6 Records) – NYC Unwashed Tomato is a collaborative p sytrance production initiative started by Andy Aylward and David Mostoller in late 2006. Our main focus is creating an intensely psychedelic, groovy e xperience which is at once quirky and powerful, containing motifs from many musical traditions. Close attention is given to producing a complex yet co hesive sound while maintaining a clean and dynamic mix. Since the summer o f 2008, the project has expanded to include frequent appearances by Rod O’C onnor, whose unique sensibilities have contributed new elements to the proj ect. Dave and Andy are also the founders and managers of Unwashed Records. unwashedrecords/ Affiliations: 2to6 Records 2to6recor ds/, D-A-R-K Recordsweb dark-records/, Unwashed Records web unwashedrecords/, Xtream Dimension Recordsweb xtrea mdimension/, Wild Seven Recordz web wildsevenrecordz/, An omalistic Recordsweb anomalisticrecords/ . web unwashe dtomato web unwashomato PROGRESS *LIVE* (AntiShanti R ecords) 96 NYC PROGRESS, the project of Yuriy Vaskevich, is an evolution of sound that brings a world of fantasy and imagination to its listeners. B ased in New York City, an energetic hub, the music is a reflection of its p hysical origin as well as the mental evolution of its composer. With a stro ng foundation in classic music, mainly of piano and guitar and a post-moder n ambition, the sound is both organic and electronic. The project began in the late 1990s with an exploration of personal identity and experimentation with various styles of electronic music. Today, PROGRESS, ranges in style from psychedelic trance, ambient and chill-out, to avant-garde and experime ntal. Having played at several live venues in the United States and written film scores, PROGRESS has a rapidly growing acclaim. As the name implies, the music is always progressing with the common denominator being its inspi ring melodies and a strong tendency to take its listeners on a colorful jou rney. Artist Website: web iprogress.us Label Website: web antishantireco rds web antishantirecords KARMAKANIK (Gaian Mind / PS1 / Coalesce) – Philadelphia Mastermind behind the legendary PSI parties and the Coalesce festival, Pat has rocked dance floors across the country with his signature blend of auditory stimulation. His sets are known to span a w ide range of contemporary electronic dance music, from harder edged twiligh t psytrance to progressive electro tech house. Pat92s versatility, effortl ess mixing technique, and energetic track selection have combined to make h im a crowd favorite. Smooth yet crunchy, raw yet refined, psychedelicious and immensely satisfying. The Sound of the Philly Underground! TYRANT (So nic Beating) – Boston Dave Dittmer, better known as Tyrant, is a resident DJ for Sonic Beating’s long-running Psyforia parties in Boston, as well as for the crew’s events at Rise nightclub. Intense psytrance and throbbing t echno are the essential elements of his style. An experienced DJ with perf ormances alongside Hallucinogen/Shpongle, Logic Bomb, Perfect Stranger, Bea ts Antique, Shane Gobi, Atmos, Bluetech, and more of the world’s finest art ists, Tyrant’s beats and mixes will always hit you the right way. Although he’s dedicated to DJing, Tyrant’s higher priority is supporting the electr onic dance music community, which he’s been doing for the past 10 years in the Northeast by organizing events for all styles of EDM. ARROW CHROME (Di sorient) – NYC Arrow Chrome is a cutting edge, NYC based DJ, who92s speci al mix of hard hitting, high energy, electro, house and breaks has earned h im a loyal following and made him one of the headlining DJs of several of N YC92s party scenes. Arrow, who has been DJing at Burning Man since 1998, i s one of the primary DJs of Disorient, a Burning Man/New York City arts and events collective, with whom he has DJ92ed since 2001. Arrow, has been a DJ and organizer of NYC underground party culture for over 12 years, is kno wn for his fun and electrifying performances that leave no foot unmoved and no bootie unshaken, and for his signature, sold out, boat party adventures . DJ KNO-B (HIKARI) – NYC Kno-B has been involved in the music scene sinc e the early 90’s, when he discovered the art of psychoacoustics & the sound of electronic music. In the late 90’s he started to play psytrance along s ide of the very founders of the genre itself. Not limited to being in vario us live bands at the same time also. Ever since then Kno-B has been known a s one of the greatest international dj’s and producers in the genre of our time. Kno-B’s sound will shift and take your mind for a race. No one comes close to his style of mixing, which has been called by many “the live mix” as he mixes new tracks every three to four minutes without you ever notici ng, that way keeping you on the dance floor for hours at the time. Kno-B’s style has been called new and brilliant as it’s somthing you’ve never expe rienced before. Besides being one of the top industry dj’s, he is also work ing on various new projects that will be released in the near future. You c an expect one of his cutting – edge, grand sound sets, that he’s known for all around the globe. AURICULA aka Third Ear Syndrome *LIVE/DJ* – (Bacteri a Records) – NYC This is the alias of the production duo better known as T hird Ear Syndrome that focuses in the techno spectrum of electronic music. Their sound is full on hard and dark, and with their signature psychedelic twist, is perfect for the peak hours of the night. Their laptop’ less hardw are oriented half dj set, half live show is high energy and showcases some of the duos production skills. From little dark rooms in Brooklyn to the la st four ULTRA MUSIC FESTIVAL’s in Miami as Third Ear Syndrome they have mov ed people with their sets full of accents and exclamation points. Formed in Miami by Ramses Santos and Luis D. Gonzalez, both originally hail from Pue rto Rico. Now based out of New York City, they have established a solid fol lowing with their appealing and aggressive sound. web thirdearsyndrome web bacteriarecords web bacteriarecords GAVIN (Spectra Positive Pressure) – NYC Gavin has been involved in dance music since he organized his first party and started DJing in 1998. From the first Spectr a parties in New York to his involvement as a DJ in the international scene the consistent element has always been forward thinking music. Avoiding g enre classifications is essential to Gavin’s sound. Expect funky, intellige nt music mixed with precision and a natural feel for the dance floor. Festi val and club gigs have taken Gavin all over the globe. Notable stops includ e performances in Brazil, Casablanca, Marrakesh, Zurich, Geneva, Cologne, L ondon, Copenhagen, Stockholm, and Croatia. North American appearances inclu de Cancun, Vancouver, New York, Seattle, Philadelphia, Boston, and many mor e. Gavin is an artist who loves what he does and takes both pride and pleas ure in sharing what he considers to be the most innovative music around. E LECTRIK (Psybotik/Coalesce/tekno*feel*ya) – NYC Electrik is the founder of the Psybotik parties in New York City, catering to an exotic audience with fashion, fire and cutting edge electronic music. His style is dynamic but typically focuses on high energy dance music with psychedelic roots. Repres enting up and down the eastern seaboard as well as coast to coast in the US as well as internationally in Japan. Sullivan Room, Tavern on The Green, Exit, Public Assembly, Burning Man, Coalesce, Equinox, Synchronize, Desider ata, Orb, San Sabastian in Puerto Rico, Rockwest in Tokyo…are just a few of the places you may have caught one of his astounding performances. MESS ENGER PARTICLE (Psybotik/Coalesce/tekno*feel*ya) – NYC I’m a creator of un derground, eclectic, esoteric and awesome parties. A veteran of the New Yor k City Psytrance Culture. My first parties were the bridge parties. Dancin g to Psychadelic trance creates a synaesthesia. In your mind, your dancing adds an additional dimension to the music, creating a gestalt an entity gre ater then the two. I’ll create a wire-frame for you to stretch your mind ac ross. You do the rest. MAYUR (Psybotik/Spectra/Coalesce/tekno*feel*ya) – N YC DJ, academic, and global neuronaut, Mayur has been dedicated to the NYC underground for several years. Opening for such acts as Atmos in Japan, So n Kite in Morocco, and headlining with acts such as Dijital Talk in San Fra ncisco; there seems theres no place Mayur hasn’t been! Starting about a dec ade ago with Spectra Productions, Mayur has since then focused his valiant efforts organizing exceptional events with Psybotik. So far this year has h ad a barrage of dance throbbing sets coming to you almost every weekend if you’re lucky. Stay tuned for his next appearance! Performance and Dance: LUMINISIS aka ERIN & MASAE (Colorful Artist) – NYC Co-Founder, director a nd choreographer of the fire dance troupe Luminisis, Masae Satouchi perform s fire and Tribal belly dancing and burlesque with a passion for creation a nd signature style. Her venues have ranged from the United Nations, theate rs and clubs to festivals such as Burning Man and Amami solar eclipse Music festival in Japan. She has produced and directed four shows unifying dive rse styles of art, fashion and dance through her own unique vision of color and beauty. Underlying the charisma that Masae brings to every performa nce is a style of dance in which her body movements are strictly in harmony with the music. An evolving and dynamic artist, Masae92s goal is to brin g color and joy to the World. Erin has been playing with fire for over ten years. She lit up the first night that she ever laid her hands on a pair of poi and has been a fire addict ever since, performing and playing whenev er and wherever she goes. She has also been a practicing ninja since 2004 a nd is an assistant instructor at the Muzosa Bujinkan Dojo. VICTOR (Psybot ik) – NYC As an artist and performer Victor’s goal is to deliver a unique and unforgettable experience. He presents a vision and viewing of entertain ment to its fullest. Mastering the dangerous element of fire and overcoming physical and mental boundaries he creates a form of living art with his bo dy. His passion is fire and dance. Using dark tribal movements and one of a kind fire shows you never know how intense the experience will be. Immer sive Video By: VJ NOVA (Dawn of Man) – NYC NOVA is an experimental filmma ker from Colorado who now lives in Brooklyn. As co-founder of Dawn of Man P roductions, NOVA works every day to create original psychedelic, abstract, and live-action projections. His work has been seen all over NYC and on t he playa. Check out web dawnofman ALCHEMISM (Psybotik) KoD3000 (Bacte ria Records, ORL) and more Deco & Sound: HIKARI Friday 10-29-2010 1 0pm 96 8am *SECRET* Location in Manhattan To Be Revealed the week before the party (we92ll give you a hint, it92s near the Manhattan Bridge)85You must RSVP or Join the Email List to get the address, even if you purchase advance tickets at web psybotik you still need to hikariproduction at gmail to get the exact location. $10 Presale until Oct 11th while supplies last $15 Presale until Oct 25th while supplies la st $25 Before Midnight $30 After Midnight ***Impressive Costumes $5 Off Door *** 0016e6881d7e3014110491ff5f01 e a day earlier than expected. Secondly their target has shifted85Manha c Bird Tickets ONLY $10 til Oct 11th!! $15 til Oct 25th while supplies last /u f the freshest sound coming out of the Toronto chapter of styl l be a night full of fresh dance music and dazzling eye candy! Coming from local production crews as well as one of the top internationally acclaimed a new collaboration is brought together to fill the atmosphere with hyped vibes, and new cutting edge electronic dance music. We give you a blend tha t will grow throughout the night, and will shift as your eyes flow over the presented art installations. programmed to weave webs of fear and despair this Halloween85but we won& #3 9;t let it happen! We will lure them into the most marvelous & maniacal corner of Manhattan and stand our ground with what they fear most -M ore spirited hunters to join us! Invite everyone you know and wear your mos t unfathomable costumes! cente http:/ PIDERS II st rapAERODRF6MME *LIVE SET* (Tribal Vision Records) 96 Toronto an F6mme, a vibrant fresh Canadian act, was created by Boris “Shankar&qu ot; Kurtzman and Steve Chan. The two members share strong passion for music . Steve Chan comes from a Hard-Trance/Full On Psy world, with his experimen tal project Nexus 7; while Boris Shankar arrives from a Progressive/Techno scene as a successful DJ for Tribal Vision Records. AerodrF6mme’s soun d can be described as a blend of progressive house and techno, with element s of progressive trance and electro. Within a year of its existence, Aerodr F6mme has released music on such prominent labels as Blue Tunes Records, T ribal Vision, Teggno Records; Plusquam, Airsnare and Echoplast Digital./sp an rap web soundcloud/aerodromme st rodromme web myspace/aerodromme” tar arted to DJ deep house in 1999. After discovering Goa Trance sound in 2002, he decided to change his style. His journey through psychedelic music took him from full-on psy trance through dark psy to a morning sound of Progres sive Trance. Today Shankar plays Progressive House and Trance with elements of Electro and Psy. Shankar is also a co-founder of Shakti Collective, a T oronto-based group devoted to promotion of quality progressive and psy soun ds. Shankar performed around the globe. From Copenhagen to New York, from P rague to Montreal, he managed to shake and rock the dancefloors. Shankar ha s also performed at Fusion Festival (Germany), Eclipse Festival (Canada), a nd shared stage with acts such as D Nox, Beckers, Juno Reactor, Perfect Str anger, Shpongle/Hallucinogen, GMS, Fitalic, POTS, Tegma, Vibrasphere, Antix Atmos. Shankar is now one-half of the new duo-project AerodrF6mme./span p ICHDOKTA *DJ SET* (Full Circle / Phoenix Family) – Ukiah, California e Wichdokta began DJing in ’96 and formed the FULL CIRCLE COLLECTIVE in Mendocino County, California. In ’97 he began throwing the infamous gathering called “GEMINI” that started on the majestic Eel River and is now doing the Audio Corraboree Campouts. In ‘2000 he met up with Dr. Spook, Alex (Shanti) and Random to create the loving PHOENIX FAMIL Y COLLECTIVE. He also runs the sound company FULL CIRCLE PRODUCTIONS. As a promoter and gathering thrower, he knows what gets the people going. The Wi chdokta’s sets are somthing of a spectacle to witness, his amazing ene rgy and music go hand in hand to give you the ride of your life on the danc efloor. Hailed as one of the top DJ’S in the United States, he has play ed with the best in the industry; Neuromotor, Rastaliens, Shotu, Unkle Dunk Phatmatix, Hux Flux, Mechanikka, SouthWild, Dual Core, Vibrasphere, Alien P roject, Mr. Peculiar, Miraculix, Lemurians, Devient Species, Scorb, CPU, Si rius Issness, Earthling, Xenomorph, Highko and many many more. an rap UNWASHED TOMATOES *LIVE & DJ SET* (2to6 Records) – NYC mato is a collaborative psytrance production initiative started by Andy Ayl ward and David Mostoller in late 2006. Our main focus is creating an intens ely psychedelic, groovy experience which is at once quirky and powerful, co ntaining motifs from many musical traditions. Close attention is given to p roducing a complex yet cohesive sound while maintaining a clean and dynamic mix. pSince the summer of 2008, the project has expanded to include frequent a ppearances by Rod O’Connor, whose unique sensibilities have contributed new elements to the project. center;ma shed Records. tp://web unwashomato web unwashed ce C wrapPROGRESS, the project of Yuriy Vaskevich, is an evolution of sound th at brings a world of fantasy and imagination to its listeners. Based in New York City, an energetic hub, the music is a reflection of its physical ori gin as well as the mental evolution of its composer. With a strong foundati on in classic music, mainly of piano and guitar and a post-modern ambition, the sound is both organic and electronic. The project began in the late 19 90s with an exploration of personal identity and experimentation with vario us styles of electronic music. Today, PROGRESS, ranges in style from psyche delic trance, ambient and chill-out, to avant-garde and experimental. Havin g played at several live venues in the United States and written film score s, PROGRESS has a rapidly growing acclaim. As the name implies, the music i s always progressing with the common denominator being its inspiring melodi es and a strong tendency to take its listeners on a colorful journey./span p Label Website: web antishantirecords” targe http:/ S1 / Coalesce) – Philadelphia ce es and the Coalesce festival, Pat has rocked dance floors across the countr y with his signature blend of auditory stimulation. His sets are known to s pan a wide range of contemporary electronic dance music, from harder edged twilight psytrance to progressive electro tech house. Pat92s versatility, effortless mixing technique, and energetic track selection have combined to make him a crowd favorite. Smooth yet crunchy, raw yet refined, psyched elicious and immensely satisfying. The Sound of the Philly Underground!/sp an rap t Tyrant, is a resident DJ for Sonic Beating’s long-running Psyforia par ties in Boston, as well as for the crew’s events at Rise nightclub. Intense psytrance and throbbing techno are the essential elements of his st yle. An experienced DJ with performances alongside Hallucinogen/Shpongle Logic Bomb, Perfect Stranger, Beats Antique, Shane Gobi, Atmos, Bluetech, and more of the world’s finest artists, Tyrant’s beats and mixes w ill always hit you the right way. Although he’s dedicated to DJing, Tyrant’s higher priority is supporting the electronic dance music commu nity, which he’s been doing for the past 10 years in the Northeast by o rganizing events for all styles of EDM. t

#4440 Thu, 7 Oct 2010 11:07:59 Psycheground featuring Radmoura, Carol Ferraz, KeN and Felipe Thursday October 7th Please join us in welcoming one of NYC’s crowd favorites, Radmoura, back to Psycheground. DJ/Producers Sebastian Raditsa and Miguel Moura will b e getting the dance floor moving with plenty of tracks that are impossibl e to find beyond the extent of their personal CD collection. We will al so be joined by Felipe and Sullivan Room resident DJ Carol Ferraz. It is Carol’s birthday so please arrive early to get her birthday celebratio…n going on the dance floor as she provides our opening set! Happy Birthday Carol! Last but not least, the Dreamcatchers are excited to welcome b ack KeN who has (finally) returned to us from Japan. Welcome home, KeNw e can’t wait to see what you have in store for us! Line-up: Radmoura (Paradigm Shift) Carol Ferraz (Sullivan Room) Felipe (Dreamcatcher) KeN (Dreamcatcher – Bella Gaia) *** October 7th, 10pm E28093 4am *** Ge neral Admission: $10.00 Please RSVP to psycheground at yahoo to join the $5.00 reduced price list. You MUST be on the list for the reduced price; NO EXCEPTIONS. 21+ with ID at Sullivan Room, New York City – web .sullivanroom/ 218 Sullivan Street (between Bleecker and West 3rd Stre et, 2 blocks east of 6th Avenue) maps.yah Subway: A, B, C, D E, F, or V trains to E2809CW 4 St E28093 Wash SqE2809D 55377 Please join us in welcoming one of NYC’s crowd favorites, Radmoura, back to Psycheground. DJ/Producers Sebastian Raditsa and Miguel Moura will impo ssible to find beyond the extent of their personal CD collection. ipe and Sullivan Room resident DJ Carol Ferraz. It is Carol’s birth day so please arrive early to get her birthday celebratio…n going on the dance floor as she provides our opening set! Happy Birthday, Carol! Dreamcatchers are excited to welcome back KeN who has (finally) e can’t wait to see what you have in store for us! Line-up: van Room) pan(Dreamcatcher) KeN (Dreamcatcher – Bella Gaia) October 7th, 10pm E28093 4am *** General Admission: $10. 00 6psycheground at yahoo to join the $5.00 reduced price list. You MUST be on the list for the reduced price; NO EXCEPTIONS. 21+ with ID 68 218 Sullivan Street (betwe en Bleecker and West 3rd Street, 2 blocks east of 6th Avenue) Subway: A, B, C, D, E, F, or V trains to E2809C W 4 St E28093 Wash SqE2809D

#4441 Thu, 7 Oct 2010 18:55:56 Thu, 7 Oct 2010 18:55:56 Thu, 7 Oct 2010 18:55:56 Cc: Peru benefit tonight! pre-Psycheground Dat e: October 5, 2010 3:20:26 AM haron at paititi-institute.org (mail to:sharon at paititi-institute.org) I am in New York City on Thursd ay! Invite to Fundraiser. Hello Friends. I am coming to New York City on Thursday for a very special event. If you didn’t already know, m y path has lead me to become a part of an amazing organization, The Paiti ti Institute. I have been organizing retreats and talks in Colorado, and will now be stepping into the larger role of organizing retreats and tal ks around the U.S., South America and the world! I would like to invit e you to the charity event that has brought me back to the east coast. Humanity in Unity October 7th, 8pm-Midnight at Kiss & Fly web plane (web planetpeoplepassion/?pa All Proceeds to the event will go to Planet People Passio n & The Paititi Institute. This organization has made a profound impact on my life and how I show up in the world. It is very dear to my heart a nd I thrilled to share with you! The Non-Profit is dedicated to devel oping models where by humans can live in harmonious and abundant systems with nature and our communities. In order to maintain life on this planet as we know it, there must be a paradigm shift E28094 rather than tap a nd deplete resources in order to live, we can not only sustain them, but also enhance them in the process of living in a compatible relationship w ith nature. We create holistic models of education, development and heal ing. True sustainability not only requires the implementation of practice s that repair and maintain our precious planet E28094 true sustainabil ity must also integrate our own healing on a physical, emotional and spir itual level. In order to make true and lasting change, we must all transf orm and expand our consciousness on a personal level. I have attached a pdf document with more info on the organization as well as an event in vite. I would love the opportunity to see you while I’m here. Hope to s ee you there! peace. Sharon Joy joy at mac ; Date: October 5, 2010 3:20:26 AM To: tit nstitute.org R I am in New York City on Thursday! Invite to BLO Hello Friends. I am coming to New York City on Thursday for a very special event. If you didn’t already know, my path has lead me to become a part of an amaz ing organization, The Paititi Institute. I have been organizing re treats and talks in Colorado, and will now be stepping into the larger role of organizing retreats and talks around the U.S., South America and the world! the charity event that has brou ght me back to the east coast. T-SIZE: large Proceeds to the event will go to Planet Peopl e Passion & The Paititi Institute. This organization has made a profound impact on my life and how I show up in the world. It is very dear to my heart and I thrilled to share with you! /SPAN fit is dedicated to developing models where by humans can live in harmon ious and abundant systems with nature and our communities. In order to m aintain life on this planet as we know it, there must be a paradigm shif t E28094 rather than tap and deplete resources in order to live, we c an not only sustain them, but also enhance them in the process of living in a compatible relationship with nature. education, de velopment and healing. True sustainability not only requires the impleme ntation of practices that repair and maintain our precious planet E28094 true sustainability must also integrate our own healing on a physical, emotional and spiritual level. In order to make true and lasting change, we must all transform and expand our consciousness on a personal lev el. elvetica attached a pdf document with more info on the orga nization as well as an event invite. see you while I’m here. Hope to see you there! lveticapeace. aron

#4442 Sun, 10 Oct 2010 17:05:35 Sun, 10 Oct 2010 17:05:34 Sun, 10 Oct 2010 17:05:34 Cc: Picturing a Mind-Blowing World Made of ds, now showing web nytimes/2010/10/08/arts/design/08tomaselli ?r2&srcday ty peter

#4443 Tue, 12 Oct 2010 13:20:37 Tue, 12 Oct 2010 13:20:36 Tue, 12 Oct 2010 13:20:36 Cc: d-m-t, nyc604 Next Tues 10/19 free at Karma – trance & comedy – Nicotine: The Spirit Molecule Nicotine: The Spirit Molecule For the first time in years! Goa Trash in partnership with d, Trip Out New York, and NYC604 presents Nicotine: The Spirit Molecule A 10 hour full multigenre night with starting with downtempo, house, minimal techno, psytekk moving to full on psy after midnight – Psychedelic standup comedy at 12:30am! d Bridge party reunion Oct 19 Tuesday 6pm-4am starting very early Downstairs at Karma 51 1st Avenue between 3rd and 4th Manhattan NYC (ID/21+ no exceptions) Hookahs and Smoking Permitted Deco – Fluoro Deco by Severin, Fabric and Deco by Nephiline (N2) Flyer art and centerpiece by Shamandhia Festivities:: 6pm Downtempo/Eclectric/Mashups/Rock/Punk/Etc Open Decks with Terry Spacehopper (WPKN Public Radio, New Haven, CT) and Machinelf (d) DJ/beatmatching lessons for new people – bring your favorite CDs, also have WiFi for extra tunes 10pm DJ Hours aka Guilleaume Clave (France) – 132 to 136bpm trance Guilleaume is one of the brains behind the Den parties and has been a longtime contributor to excellence in NYC trance parties 11pm Vadim (Less/ Subtlechaos) Vadim Dostman (Russia) along with Jason Sannachan (UK) was part of Subtle Chaos, one of the original pioneers in NYC in the mid to late 90s bringing in such acts as Fletcher Mundson Syndrome and Ear Gear. He’s since been involved with the minimal techno scene. His sound has always been minimal and tekky, tonight he’s dusting off some old subtle chaos vinyl to tie the evening together. 12:30am: Standup Shaman Machinelf, 30 minutes of zany comedy, neuroscience, d talk, dick jokes, and history of the world. This Seer of Phillip Morris, this Warlock of Lucky Strikes needs no introduction and will pass the pipe and take you through a spiritual journey sacred tobacco ceremony with just 3 long tokes. Machinelf shamelessly steals from Bill Hicks, Terence McKenna, Mel Brooks, Sam Kinison, Gallagher, the Unknown Comic, Andrew Dice Clay, and Dennis Leary for a rip-roaring blast through human history and beyond.. Get your shame-on! 1am Severin (Ukraine) web severyn/ (web severyn/) has been a deco artist since the very early days of psy in NYC. His work has been at hundreds of events. After a brutal theft of all his work in the early 2000s, he had to remake himself and start completely over. He has progressed into clothing, selling in Union Square and Madison Square Park. Tonight he will play an old school psytekk set. Brandon Adams (US) is one of those rarities – a capable and relatively sober American DJ 🙂 For the last decade Brandon has dominated the local psy trance DJs with great track selection and mixing. Come hear him tonight as he shows you why he has topped the lists for years. El Nadiv (Jerusalem) this heavyweight and organizer of the biggest event in NYC, Alladin Project, needs no introduction come hear him close up with a full on sextravaganza  Mo lecule For the first time in years! Goa Trash in partnership with d, Trip Out New York, and NYC604 pre sents Nicotine: The Spirit Molecule A 10 hour full multigenre night with starting with downtempo, house, minimal techno, psytekk moving to full on psy after midnight – Psychedelic standup comedy at 12:30am! d Bridge party reunion Oct 19 Tuesday 6pm-4am starting very early Down stairs at Karma 51 1st Avenue between 3rd and 4th Manhattan NYC no exceptions)&nbs Hookahs and Smoking Permitted Deco – Fluoro Deco by Severin, Fabric and Deco by Nephiline (N2) Flyer art and centerpiece by Shamandhia/D Festivities:: 6pm Downtempo/Eclec tric/Mashups/Rock/Punk/Etc Open Decks with Terry Spacehopper (WPKN P ublic Radio, New Haven, CT) and Machinelf (d) DJ/beatmatching lessons for new people – bring your favorite CDs, also have WiFi for extr a tunes 10pm DJ Hours aka Guilleaume Clave (Fr ance) – 132 to 136bpm trance Guilleaume is one of the brains behind the De n parties and has been a longtime contributor to excellence in NYC trance parties 11pm Vadim (Less/ Subtlechaos)B RVadim Dostman (Russia) along with Jason Sannachan (UK) was part of Subtl e Chaos, one of the original pioneers in NYC in the mid to late 90s bringi ng in such acts as Fletcher Mundson Syndrome and Ear Gear. He’s sinc e been involved with the minimal techno scene. His sound has always been minimal and tekky, tonight he’s dusting off some old subtle chaos vin yl to tie the evening together. DI V12:30am: Standup Shaman Machinelf, 30 minutes of zany comedy, neuro science, d talk, dick jokes, and history of the world. This Seer of Phillip Morris, this Warlock of Lucky Strikes needs no introduction and will pass the pipe and take you through a spiritual journey sacr ed tobacco ceremony with just 3 long tokes. Machinelf shamelessly st eals from Bill Hicks, Terence McKenna, Mel Brooks, Sam Kinison, Gallagher, the Unknown Comic, Andrew Dice Clay, and Dennis Leary for a rip-roaring b last through human history and beyond.. Get your shame-on! DI V deco artist since the very early days of psy in NYC. His work has b een at hundreds of events. After a brutal theft of all his work in t he early 2000s, he had to remake himself and start completely over. He has progressed into clothing, selling in Union Square and Madison Squar e Park. Tonight he will play an old school psytekk set. & nbs Brandon Adams (US) is one of those rarities – a capable an d relatively sober American DJ 🙂 For the last decade Bra ndon has dominated the local psy trance DJs with great track selection and mixing. Come hear him tonight as he shows you why he has topped the lists for years. El Nadiv (Jerusalem) t his heavyweight and organizer of the biggest event in NYC, Alladin P roject, needs no introduction come hear him close up with a full on sextra

#4444 Thu, 14 Oct 2010 20:12:14 Thu, 14 Oct 2010 20:12:14 Thu, 14 Oct 2010 20:12:14 Film Deb2012 Time for Change – tomorrow Friday! + afterparty This film is it. It’s the culmination of a lot of work and effort. And no, it’s not Rambo 4, so they need all the help they can get to help it to critical mass. Let’s help make it happen for Daniel & Co.! a nice plus is that the afterparty is at my new haunt, an awesome brazillian hot spot where Ive been running into a lot of people – Pedro has recently DJd there. It is really important that New Yorkers go and see this film and consider the ideas in it. This film is competing in NYC without the level of promotional budget of Hollywood films, therefore counting on our extend ed community to recognize the importance of supporting a film that offers a counterculture message, presents clear solutions for contemporary crises explores shamanism and ecological design, promotes consciousness, etc. T his weekend is critical, as a strong attendance will get the film extended . 4dLHw Here’s a description of the film: 2012: Time for ChangeB2 present s an optimistic alternative to apocalyptic doom and gloom. Directed by Em my Award nominee JoE3o Amorim, the film follows journalist Daniel Pinchbe ck, author of the bestselling 2012: The Return of Quetzalcoatl, on a quest for a new paradigm that integrates the archaic wisdom of tribal cultures with the scientific mthod. As conscious agents of evolution, we can redes ign post-industrial society on ecological principles to make a world that works for all. Rather than breakdown and barbarism, 2012 heralds the birth of a regenerative planetary culture where collaboration replaces competit ion, where exploration of psyche and spirit becomes the new cutting edge, replacing the sterile materialism that has pushed our world to the brink. The film features Sting, Ellen Page, David Lynch, Gilberto Gil, and many o ther artists and visionaries. It opens Friday at the AMC Loews Village 7 at 66 3rd Avenue (11th St). We will be having panels and Q & As with the f ilmmakers, subjects of the film, and other co-conspirators after the even ing screenings. There will be an afterparty on Friday, at Nublu on Ave C, for ticket stub holders. This film is it. It’s the culmination of a lot of work and effort. And no, it’s not Rambo 4, s o they need all the help they can get to help it to criti cal mass. Let’s help make it happen for Daniel & Co.! a niplus is that the afterparty is at my new haunt, an awesome brazillian h otspot where Ive been running into a lot of people – Pedro has recently DJ d there. It is really important that New Yorkers go and see this film and consider the ideas in it. This film is competin g in NYC without the level of promotional budget of Hollywood films, th erefore counting on our extended community to recognize the importance of supporting a film that offers a counterculture message, presents cle ar solutions for contemporary crises, explores shamanism and ecological design, promotes consciousness, etc. This weekend is critical, as a st rong attendance will get the film extended. Here’s the theatrical trailer: re’s a description of the film: 2012: Time for ChangeB2 presents a n optimistic alternative to apocalyptic doom and gloom. Directed by Emmy Award nominee JoE3o Amorim, the film follows journalist Daniel Pinchbeck, author of the bestselling 2012: The Return of Quetzalcoatl, on a quest for a new paradigm that integrates the archaic wisdom of tr ibal cultures with the scientific mthod. As conscious agents of evolut ion, we can redesign post-industrial society on ecological principles t o make a world that works for all. Rather than breakdown and barbarism, 2012 heralds the birth of a regenerative planetary culture where colla boration replaces competition, where exploration of psyche and spirit b ecomes the new cutting edge, replacing the sterile materialism that haspushed our world to the brink. The film features Sting, Ellen Page, David Lynch, Gilberto Gil, and many other artists and visionaries. It opens Friday at the AMC Loews Village 7 at 66 3rd Avenue (11th St). We will be having panels and Q & As with the filmmakers, subjects of the film, and other co-conspirators after the evening screenings. There wil l be an afterparty on Friday, at Nublu on Ave C, for ticket stub holde

#4445 Thu, 14 Oct 2010 20:14:12 Thu, 14 Oct 2010 20:14:12 Thu, 14 Oct 2010 20:14:12 , Film Poster – 2012 Time for Change

#4446 Tue, 19 Oct 2010 00:30:39 Tue, 19 Oct 2010 00:30:39 Tue, 19 Oct 2010 00:30:38 , d-m-t Tonight – Tuesday – the Machinelf Variety Show – Nicotine the Spirit Molecule Be there or be square! Nicotine: The Spirit Molecule For the first time in years! Goa Trash in partnership with d, Trip Out New York, and NYC604 presents Nicotine: The Spirit Molecule A 10 hour full multigenre night with starting with downtempo, house, minimal techno, psytekk moving to full on psy after midnight – Psychedelic standup comedy at 12:30am! d Bridge party reunion Oct 19 Tuesday 6pm-4am starting very early Downstairs at Karma 51 1st Avenue between 3rd and 4th Manhattan NYC Directions (karmanyc/index.php?optioncomgoogle&viewgoogle&id1&Itemid57) (ID/21+ no exceptions) Hookahs and Smoking Permitted Deco – Fluoro Deco by Severin, Fabric and Deco by Nephiline (N2) Flyer art and “Golem” centerpiece by Shamandhia available at web shamandhia (web shamandhia) Festivities:: 6pm Downtempo/Eclectric/Mashups/Rock/Punk/Etc Open Decks with Terry Spacehopper (WPKN Public Radio, New Haven, CT) and Machinelf (d) DJ/beatmatching lessons for new people – bring your favorite CDs, also open mike with poetry by Lori 10pm DJ Hours aka Guilleaume Clave (France) – 132 to 136bpm trance Guilleaume is one of the brains behind the Den parties and has been a longtime contributor to excellence in NYC trance parties 11pm Vadim (Less/ Subtlechaos) Vadim Dostman (Russia) along with Jason Sannachan (UK) was part of Subtle Chaos, one of the original pioneers in NYC in the mid to late 90s bringing in such acts as Fletcher Mundson Syndrome and Ear Gear. He’s since been involved with the minimal techno scene. His sound has always been minimal and tekky, tonight he’s dusting off some old subtle chaos vinyl to tie the evening together. 12:30am: Standup Shaman Machinelf, 30 minutes of zany comedy, neuroscience, d talk, dick jokes, and history of the world. This Seer of Phillip Morris, this Warlock of Lucky Strikes needs no introduction and will pass the pipe and take you through a spiritual journey sacred tobacco ceremony with just 3 long tokes. Machinelf shamelessly steals from Bill Hicks, Terence McKenna, Mel Brooks, Sam Kinison, Gallagher, the Unknown Comic, Andrew Dice Clay, and Dennis Leary for a rip-roaring blast through human history and beyond.. Get your shame-on! 1am Severin (Ukraine) web severyn/ (web severyn/) has been a deco artist since the very early days of psy in NYC. His work has been at hundreds of events. After a brutal theft of all his work in the early 2000s, he had to remake himself and start completely over. He has progressed into clothing, selling in Union Square and Madison Square Park. Tonight he will play an old school psytekk set. Brandon Adams (US) is one of those rarities – a capable and relatively sober American DJ 🙂 For the last decade Brandon has dominated the local psy trance DJs with great track selection and mixing. Come hear him tonight as he shows you why he has topped the lists for years. El Nadiv (Jerusalem) this heavyweight and organizer of the biggest event in NYC, Alladin Project, needs no introduction come hear him close up with a full on sextravaganza Be there or be square! A1.1287462636″ Molecule For th e first time in years! Goa Trash in partnership with d, Trip Out New York, and NYC604 presents Nicotine: The Spirit MoleculeB RA 10 hour full multigenre night with starting with downtempo, house, min imal techno, psytekk moving to full on psy after midnight – Psychedelic st andup comedy at 12:30am! d Bridge party reunion Oct 19 Tuesday 6pm-4am starting very early Downstairs at Karma 51 1st Avenue bet (ID/21+ no exceptions) Hookahs and Smoking Permitted Deco – Fluoro Deco by Severin, Fabric and Deco by Nephiline (N2) Flyer ar t and “Golem” centerpiece by Shamandhia available at hr Festivities:: 6pm Downtempo/Eclectric/Mashups/Rock/Punk/Etc Open Decks with Terry Spacehopper (WPKN Public Radio, New Haven, CT) and Machinelf (d) DJ/beatmatching lessons for new people – b ring your favorite CDs, also open mike with poetry by Lori &nbs 10pm DJ Hours aka Guilleaume Clave (France) – 132 to 136bpm t rance Guilleaume is one of the brains behind the Den parties and has been a longtime contributor to excellence in NYC trance parties &nbs 11pm Vadim (Less/ Subtlechaos) Vadim Dostman (Russia ) along with Jason Sannachan (UK) was part of Subtle Chaos, one of the ori ginal pioneers in NYC in the mid to late 90s bringing in such acts as Flet cher Mundson Syndrome and Ear Gear. He’s since been involved with th e minimal techno scene. His sound has always been minimal and tekky, tonight he’s dusting off some old subtle chaos vinyl to tie the evening together. 12:30am: Standup Sham an Machinelf, 30 minutes of zany comedy, neuroscience, d talk, dic k jokes, and history of the world. This Seer of Phillip Morris, this Warlock of Lucky Strikes needs no introduction and will pass the pip e and take you through a spiritual journey sacred tobacco ceremony wi th just 3 long tokes. Machinelf shamelessly steals from Bill Hicks, Terence McKenna, Mel Brooks, Sam Kinison, Gallagher, the Unknown Comic, An drew Dice Clay, and Dennis Leary for a rip-roaring blast through human hist ory and beyond.. Get your shame-on! 1am severyn/web severyn/ has been a deco artist since the very early days of psy in NYC. His work has been at hundreds of eve nts. After a brutal theft of all his work in the early 2000s, he had to remake himself and start completely over. He has progressed into clothing, selling in Union Square and Madison Square Park. Tonight he will play an old school psytekk set. Brando n Adams (US) is one of those rarities – a capable and relatively sober Ame rican DJ 🙂 For the last decade Brandon has dominated the local psy trance DJs with great track selection and mixing. Come hea r him tonight as he shows you why he has topped the lists for years. El Nadiv (Jerusalem) this heavyweight and org anizer of the biggest event in NYC, Alladin Project, needs no introd uction come hear him close up with a full on sextravaganza

#4447 Tue, 19 Oct 2010 06:06:45 Tue, 19 Oct 2010 06:06:45 Tue, 19 Oct 2010 06:06:45 To: TripOutNY , d-m-t Re: [NYC604] Tonight – Tuesday – the Machinelf Variety Show – Nicotine the Sp… Somehow it got missed – This is a free party Somehow it got mi

#4448 Wed, 20 Oct 2010 21:29:02 Wed, 20 Oct 2010 21:29:02 Wed, 20 Oct 2010 21:29:01 To: TripOutNY Re: TripOutNewYork Film Deb2012 Time for Change – tomorrow Friday! + after… Thanks, its been held over, go see it In a message dated 10/14/2010 9:3 0:18 P.M., writes: This fi lm is it. It’s the culmination of a lot of work and effort. And no, it’s not Rambo 4, so they need all the help they can get to help it to c ritical mass. Let’s help make it happen for Daniel & Co.! a nice plus i s that the afterparty is at my new haunt, an awesome brazillian hotspot w here Ive been running into a lot of people – Pedro has recently DJd there. It is really important that New Yorkers go and see this film and conside r the ideas in it. This film is competing in NYC without the level of prom otional budget of Hollywood films, therefore counting on our extended comm unity to recognize the importance of supporting a film that offers a count erculture message, presents clear solutions for contemporary crises, explo res shamanism and ecological design, promotes consciousness, etc. This wee kend is critical, as a strong attendance will get the film extended. Her Here’s a description of the film: 2012: Time for ChangeB2 presents an optimistic alternative to apocalyptic doom and gloom. Directed by Emmy A ward nominee JoC3A3o Amorim, the film follows journalist Daniel Pinchbec k, author of the bestselling 2012: The Return of Quetzalcoatl, on a quest for a new paradigm that integrates the archaic wisdom of tribal cultures w ith the scientific mthod. As conscious agents of evolution, we can redesi gn post-industrial society on ecological principles to make a world that w orks for all. Rather than breakdown and barbarism, 2012 heralds the birth of a regenerative planetary culture where collaboration replaces competiti on, where exploration of psyche and spirit becomes the new cutting edge, r eplacing the sterile materialism that has pushed our world to the brink. T he film features Sting, Ellen Page, David Lynch, Gilberto Gil, and many ot her artists and visionaries. It opens Friday at the AMC Loews Village 7 a t 66 3rd Avenue (11th St). We will be having panels and Q & As with the f ilmmakers, subjects of the film, and other co-conspirators after the eveni ng screenings. There will be an afterparty on Friday, at Nublu on Ave C, f or ticket stub holders. Thanks, its been held over, go see it In a message dated 10/1 4/2010 9:30:18 P.M., writes: It’s the culmi nation of a lot of work and effort. And no, it’s not Rambo 4, so they need all the help they can get to help it to critical mass. Let’s help make it happen for Daniel & Co.! a nice plus is that the afterparty is at my new haunt, an awesome brazillian hotspot where Ive been running into a lot of people – Pedro has recently DJd there. It is really important that New Yorkers go and see this film and consider the idea s in it. This film is competing in NYC without the level of promotional budget of Hollywood films, therefore counting on our ext ended community to recognize the importance of supporting a film thatoffers a counterculture message, presents clear solutions for contempor ary crises, explores shamanism and ecological design, promotes consci ousness, etc. This weekend is critical, as a strong attendance will g et the film extended. Here’s the theatrical trailer: of the film: 2012: Time for ChangeB2 presents an optimistic a lternative to apocalyptic doom and gloom. Directed by Emmy Awar d nominee JoC3A3o Amorim, the film follows journalist Daniel Pinchb eck, author of the bestselling 2012: The Return of Quetzalcoatl, on a quest for a new paradigm that integrates the archaic wisdom of triba l cultures with the scientific mthod. As conscious agents of evoluti on, we can redesign post-industrial society on ecological principles to make a world that works for all. Rather than breakdown and barbari sm, 2012 heralds the birth of a regenerative planetary culture where collaboration replaces competition, where exploration of psyche and spir it becomes the new cutting edge, replacing the sterile materialism th at has pushed our world to the brink. The film features Sting, Ellen Page, David Lynch, Gilberto Gil, and many other artists and visionari es. It opens Friday at the AMC Loews Village 7 at 66 3rd Avenue ( 11th St). We will be having panels and Q & As with the filmmakers subjects of the film, and other co-conspirators after the evening s creenings. There will be an afterparty on Friday, at Nublu on Ave C, for ticket stub holders.

#4449 21 Oct 2010 04:05:02 From: TripOutNY Timothy Leary’s Birthday, 10/22/2010, 12:00 am Timothy Leary’s Birthday Friday October 22, 2010 All Day Timothy Leary’s Birthday Friday October 22, 2010 All Day

#4450 Fri, 22 Oct 2010 12:31:03 Fri, 22 Oct 2010 15:31:03 To: psybotik at psybotik From: Blue Goddess bluegoddess at psybotikGIANT MECHANICAL SPIDERS II Only One Week Away! Time Slots Announced!! Thank you to everyone who bought tickets and RSVP92d, the most we92ve eve r had upfront and we are sooo excited for another hair-raising Halloween ex travaganza, our favorite night of the year! The lineup is incredible and ti me slots have been revealed below. Exact address will be announced at the beginning of next week. Tell your friends, pre-sales end on Monday but d on’t wait til the last minute cause there aren’t many left and will likely sell out before Monday. Also a quick that the mischief has been relocated to *a secret location in Manhattan on the 29th of October. * * * * ***You must RSVP, Purchase a Ticket or Join the Email List to get t he address at **web psybotik* web psybotik/** Or RSVP by sending an email to hikariproduction at gmail Facebook: w See you o n the dance floor 🙂 blue P.S. If your around this weekend don92t mi ss Electrypnose and Sensient at Sync Sat 10/23 in Brooklyn, send an email t o rsvp at s-y-n-c in order to receive the address. Facebook: web f * * *PSYBOTIK, HIKARI an d TEKNO*FEEL*YA* *Presents* *GIANT MECHANICAL SPIDERS II* *Friday 10-2 9-2010* * * Psy Chamber: 10 MAYUR (Psybotik/Spectra/Coalesce/tekno *feel*ya) 12 PROGRESS *LIVE* (AntiShanti Records) 130 DJ KNO-B (Hik ari) 230 WICHDOKTA *DJ SET* (Full Circle / Phoenix Family) – CA 4 UNWASHED TOMATOES *LIVE & DJ SET* (2to6 Records) 530 ME (Psybotik/Coalesce/tekno*feel*ya) 630 TYRANT aka Dave Dittmer (Sonic Be ating) – Boston Tek Quarters: 10 GAVIN (Spectra/Positive Pressure) 12 ARROW CHROME (Disorient) 1 ELECTRIK (Psybotik/Coalesce/tekno* feel*ya) 230 SHANKAR (Tribal Vision Records) – Toronto 4 AERODRF6M ME *LIVE SET* (Tribal Vision Records) – Toronto 530 KARMAKANIK (Gaian Min d / PS1 / Coalesce) – Philadelphia 630 AURICULA aka Third Ear Syndrome – (Bacteria Records) Performance and Dance: LUMINISIS aka ERIN & MASA E (Colorful Artist) – NYC VICTOR (Psybotik) – NYC More tba85 Visual s: VJ NOVA (Dawn of Man) ALCHEMISM (Psybotik) LUNECELL (Fractal Tribe) KoD3000 (Bacteria Records, ORL) NASHAMASHA (Psybotik) Deco and Sou nd by HIKARI $15 Presale until Oct 25th while supplies last $25 Before Midnight $30 After Midnight ***Impressive Costumes $5 Off Door *** You must bring ID: 18+ to enter, 21+ to drink *** RSVP, Purchase a Ticket o r Join the Email List to get the address at*** web psybotik** Or RSVP by sending an email to hikariproduction at gmail Facebook: http: Thank you to everyone who bought tickets and RSVP92 d, the most we92ve ever had upfront and we are sooo excited for another ha ir-raising Halloween extravaganza, our favorite night of the year! The line up is incredible and time -spacerun:yes Exact address will be announced at the beginning of next week. T ell your friends, pre-sales end on Monday but don’t wait til the last m inute cause there aren’t many left and will likely sell out before Mond ay. Also a quic k that the mischief has been relocated to 29th of October . Purchase a Ticket or Join the Email List to get the address at web psybotik/ht tp://web psybotik ** duction at gmailhikariproduction at gmail See you on the dance floor 🙂 P.S. If your around this weekend do n92t miss Electrypnose and Sensient at Sync Sat 10/23 in Brooklyn, send an to receive the address. Facebook: h b sty ” al : normalPSYBOTIK, HIKARI and TEKNO*FEEL*YA ight: normalPresents normalGIANT ME CHANICAL SPIDERS II Friday 10-29-2010 Ps y Chamber: 10s pan spacerun:yes MAYUR (Psybotik/Spectra/ Coalesce/tekno*feel*ya) acerun:yes PROGRESS *LIVE* (AntiShanti Records) KNO-B (Hikari) yes WICHDOKTA *DJ SET* (Full Circle / Phoenix Family) – CA/ UNWASHED TOMATOES *LIVE & DJ SET* (2to6 Records) NGER PARTICLE (Psybotik/Coalesce/tekno*feel*ya) ” Dittmer (Sonic Beating) – Boston Tek Quarters: GAVIN (Spectra/Positive Pressure) ROME (Disorient) es ELECTRIK (Psybotik/Coalesce/tekno*feel*ya) AR (Tribal Vision Records) – Toronto 4 sty *LIVE SET* (Tri bal Vision Records) – Toronto “spacerun:yes KARMAKANIK (Gaian Mind / PS1 / Coalesce) – Ph iladelphia AURICULA aka Third Ear Syndrome – (Bacteria Records) LUM INISIS aka ERIN & MASAE (Colorful Artist) – NYC VICTOR (Psybotik) – NYC More tba85 Visuals: VJ NOVA (Dawn of Man) ALCHEMISM (Psybotik) LUNECELL (Fractal Tribe) KoD3000 (Bacteria Reco rds, ORL) NASHAMASHA (Psybotik) $15 Presale until Oct 25th while su pplies last $25 Before Midnight ***Impressive Costumes $5 Off Door *** You must bring ID: 18+ to enter, 21+ to drink normal** RSVP, Purchase a Ticket or Join the Email List to get the addres s at** web psybotik/web psybotik normal

#4451 Thu, 28 Oct 2010 14:39:43 Oct 2010 14:39:43 Thu, 28 Oct 2010 17:39:43 From: Blue Goddess bluegoddess at psybotikAddress is Announced for GIANT MECHANICAL SPIDERS II, only 1 day away!! Halloween is our favorite holiday of the year, bringing out the most creati ve, artistic and mischievous contributions to our annual extravaganza. With only one day away we can barely contain ourselves, Wichdokta and Aerodromm e are hours from New York and we are ready for them! ***IMPORTANT** The spiders caught wind of our previous hideout, it is in danger! We must retur n to Brooklyn to ensure the celebration is a success. *** *You must RSVP b y Friday morning to get the address. * * hikariproductio n at gmail ** or join the email list at ** web psybotik * ** * * *This is a delightful surprise for many reasons; 1) There is an outd oor rooftop space to enjoy the fresh air and beautiful New York City landsc ape. 2) This means there will be FIRE!!! 3) We will celebrate well into the morning sunrise J* Presales are sold out but tickets will be available at the door. Come early and leave late, the event will sell out. See you on the dance floor! blue * * *PSYBOTIK, HIKARI and TEKNO*FEEL*YA* *P resents* *GIANT MECHANICAL SPIDERS II* *Friday 10-29-2010* * * Psy Ch amber: 10 MAYUR (Psybotik/Spectra/Coalesce/tekno*feel*ya) 12 PR OGRESS *LIVE* (AntiShanti Records) 130 ME (Psybotik/Coal esce/tekno*feel*ya) 230 UNWASHED TOMATOES *LIVE & DJ SET* (2to6 Records) 4 KNO-B (Hikari) 5 WICHDOKTA *DJ SET* (Full Circle / Phoenix Family) – CA 630 TYRANT aka Dave Dittmer (Sonic Beating) – Boston Te k Quarters: 10 GAVIN (Spectra/Positive Pressure) 12 ARROW CHROME (Disorient) 1 ELECTRIK (Psybotik/Coalesce/tekno*feel*ya) 230 SHANKA R (Tribal Vision Records) – Toronto 4 AERODRF6MME *LIVE SET* (Tribal Vision Records) – Toronto 530 KARMAKANIK (Gaian Mind / PS1 / Coalesce) – Philadelphia 630 AURICULA aka Third Ear Syndrome – (Bacteria Records) Fire Performance and Dance: LUMINISIS aka ERIN & MASAE (Colorful Arti st) – NYC VICTOR (Psybotik) – NYC DANIELLA (East Cost Tribal) TELAH V isuals: VJ NOVA (Dawn of Man) ALCHEMISM (Psybotik) LUNECELL (Fractal T ribe) KoD3000 (Bacteria Records, ORL) NASHAMASHA (Psybotik) Deco an d Sound by HIKARI $25 Before Midnight $30 After Midnight ***Impressive Costumes $5 Off Door *** You must bring ID: 18+ to enter, 21+ to drink Halloween is our favorite holiday of the year, bringing out the most crea tive, artistic and mischievous contributions to our annual extravaganza. Wi th only one day away we can barely contain ourselves, Wichdokta and Aerodro acerun:yes spiders caught wind of our previous hideout, it is in danger! We must return to Brooklyn to ensure the celebration is a success. by Friday morning to get the address. b ta or join the email list at /b web psybotik/web psybotik or many reasons; 1) There is an outdoor rooftop space to enjoy the fresh ai r and beautiful New York City landscape. 2) This means there will be FIRE!! ! 3) We will celebrate well into Presales are sold out but tickets will be a vailable at the and leave late, the event will sell out. blue PSYBOTIK, HIKARI and TEKNO*FEEL*YA Presents normalGIANT MECHANICAL SPIDERS II normalFriday 10-29-2010 ” Psy Chamber: 1 (Psybotik/Spect ra/Coalesce/tekno*feel*ya) -spacerun:yes PROGRESS *LIVE* (AntiShanti Records) /p MESSENGER PARTICLE (Psybotik/Coalesce/tekno*feel*ya) MsoN TOMATOES *LIVE & DJ SET* (2to6 Records) Phoenix Family) – CA cerun:yes TYRANT aka Dave Dittmer (Sonic Beating) – Boston/ Tek Quarters:/p spacerun:yes GAVIN (Spectra/Positive Pressure) RROW CHROME (Disorient) cerun:yes ELECTRIK (Psybotik/Coalesce/tekno*feel*ya ) nSHANKAR (Tribal Vision Records) – Toronto 4s pan spacerun:yes AERODRF6MME *LIVE SE T* (Tribal Vision Records) – Toronto 530 spacerun:yes KARMAKANIK (Gaian Mind / PS1 / Coalesc e) – Philadelphia n:yes AURICULA aka Third Ear Syndrome – (Bacteria Records) Fire Performance and Dance: rmalLUMINISIS aka ERIN & MASAE (Colorful Artist) – NYC DANIELLA (East Cost Tribal) TELAH Visuals: ” lVJ NOVA (Dawn of Man) ALCHEMISM (Psybotik) LUNECELL (Fractal Tribe) rmalKoD3000 (Bacteria Records, ORL) NASHAMA SHA (Psybotik) Deco and Sound by HIKARI $25 Before Midnigh t $30 After Midnight ***Impressive Costumes $5 Off Door *** /p You must bring ID: 18+ to enter, 21+ to drink

November 2010

#4452 02 Nov 2010 15:15:04 Tue, 2 Nov 2010 18:15:04 To: nyc604, music, people, vibe, everything was perfect. A huge thank you from Psybotik & tekno*feel*ya to all the people who contributed their hard work & participation that made it happen, you are the reason we do it! A special shout out to Ray, the driver that allowed us to stay much much later than planned, what a treat! Hope you all had a Happy Halloween and stay tuned for details of the next tekno*feel*ya party, Saturday Dec 11th. *We need your help*, after the party on saturday 3 or our walkie talkies (Motorola Radius CP200’s) were left at the venue but then picked up by someone (not sure who) that said they would bring them back to us but we think they forgot. We have to return them to avoid a $1500 replacement fee, so if you happened to grab them for us or know of their whereabouts give us a call 917-656-9710. Thank You Everyone!!! Many many thanks, electrik Wow! Epic is the only word that comes close to describing Hallowee n; the music, people, vibe, everything was perfect. A huge thank you from P sybotik & tekno*feel*ya to all the people who contributed their hard wo rk & participation that made it happen, you are the reason we do it! A special shout out to Ray, the driver that allowed us to stay much much late r than planned, what a treat! Hope you all had a Happy Halloween and stay t uned for details of the next tekno*feel*ya party, Saturday Dec 11th. -collapse: collapse; We need your help, after the party on saturday 3 or our walkie talkies (Motorola Radius CP200’s) were left at the venue but then picked up by someone (not sure who) that said they woul back to us but we think they forgot. We have to return them to avoid a $15 00 replacement fee, so if you happened to grab them for us or know of their whereabouts give us a call 917-656-9710. Thank You Everyone!!! psyny(NYC) PsYcHeGrOuND EarWorm’s Final Countdown, Thursday November 4th 0-507793354-1288802965:83202 EarWorm has long been one of NYC’s top producers, creating an arsenal of t racks that have driven dance floors wild across the globe. His positive energy and amazing talent have brought light to the darkest of dance floo rs and he has long been a regular feature at PsYcHeGrOuND. Even the best of parties all must come to an end, however, and EarWorm’s residency her e in NYC is no exception. Please join the Dreamcatchers in celebrating E arWorm’s tenure here in NYC as he makes his FINAL Sullivan Room appearance . EarWorm will be joined by another local favorite, our very own Brando n Adams, who will be bringing us a special birthday set for psychedelic a rtist Hitomi Arai that is sure to take us somewhere we’ve never been befo re. Last but not least, the Dreamcatchers are pleased to welcome back F elipe by popular demand. His recent set at Sullivan Room left the dance floor reelinghe is clearly a rising talent to look out for. Line-up: soundcloud/earworm-1 Brandon Ad ams (Dreamcatchers, NYC) soundcloud/brandon-adams Felipe (Dream catchers, NYC) Carol Ferraz (Sullivan Room) *** November 4th, 10pm E280 93 4am *** General Admission: $10.00 Please RSVP to psycheground at yahoo. com to join the $5.00 reduced price list. You MUST be on the list for the reduced price; NO EXCEPTIONS. 21+ with ID at Sullivan Room, New York City – 218 Sullivan Street (between Bleecker and W est 3rd Street, 2 blocks east of 6th Avenue) http:/ Subway: A, B, C, D, E, F trains to E2809CW 4 St E28093 Wash SqE2809D 0-507793354-1288802965:83202 EarWorm has long been one of NYC’s top producers, creatin g an arsenal of tracks that have driven dance floors wild across the globe . His positive energy and amazing talent have brought light to the darkes t of dance floors and he has long been a regular feature at PsYcHeGrOuND. Even the best of parties all must come to an end, however, and EarWorm’s residency here in NYC is no exception. Please join the Dreamcatchers in celebr textexposedhide textexposed showating EarWorm’s tenure here in NYC as he makes his FINAL Sullivan Roo m appearance. EarWorm will be joined by another local favorite, ou r very own Brandon Adams, who will be bringing us a special birthday set f or psychedelic artist Hitomi Arai that is sure to take us somewhere we’ve never been before. Last but not least, the Dreamcatchers are plea sed to welcome back Felipe by popular demand. His recent set at Sullivan Room left the dance floor reelinghe is clearly a rising talent to look o ansoundcloud/earw w wordbreak orm-1 Brandon Adams (Dreamcatchers, NYC) so /soundcloud/bran w wordbreak don-adams Felipe (Dreamcatchers, NYC) Carol Ferraz (Sullivan Room) *** November 4th, 10pm E28093 4am *** General Admission: $10.00 Please RSVP to psycheground at yahoo to join the $5.00 redu ced price list. You MUST be on the list for the reduced price; NO EXCEPTIO NS. 21+ with ID at Sullivan Room, New York City – h //web sullivanroom.co w wordbreak m/ b r218 Sullivan Street (between Bleecker and West 3rd Street, 2 blocks east van+St%2C+New+ w wordbreak York%2C+N B, C, D, E, F 0-507793354-1288802965:83202

#4454 Fri, 12 Nov 2010 14:34:50 -0800 12 Nov 2010 14:34:49 -0800 Fri, 12 Nov 2010 17:34:49 From: Blue Goddess bluegoddess at psybotik ?windows-1252?Q?ofThePhiladelphiaExperiment? 0016e6470e48c80b800494e2b2ed The tekno*feel*ya crew is still riding the energy from Halloween and wants to keep it going. With New York pumping out parties every weekend we wante d to make sure you don92t miss a beat so Saturday, December 11th we have a special double feature for you. To kick off the evening Masae will be c elebrating her birthday with a spectacular display of Burlesque, Fire, Aeri al and Belly Dance performances. Bring your strong hearts and sharp minds to engage the magic she has choreographed for us. *Masae92s Birthday Bu rlesque & Fire Extravaganza* Public Assembly Back Room 70 North 6th St. B rooklyn Doors Open 6pm, Show Starts 630-9 $15 At the Door 96 Includes Admission to tekno*feel*ya afterparty Limited supply advance tickets will go on sale soon As the curtain falls the DJs come alive and the dance pa rty begins. We are extremely proud and excited to announce *LEE MAYJAHS?* of *The Philadelphia Experiment* and *Play Loop Records* will be manning th e helm with help from some of New York92s finest. Whether you92re dressed as Santa, an Elf, Hanukah Harry or the wonderful you, come out and show us what you92re shakin! DJs: *LEE MAYJAHS? (The Philadelphia Experim ent (PEX) / Play Loop Records)* Lee Mayjayhs? is one of those artists that every musician secretly wishes they could be: one the East Coast’s most em inent DJ’s who has gigged at StarScape, Camp Bisco, Joshua Tree, Burning Ma n, and other A-list festivals; community founder of one of the largest Burn ing Man camps – Philadelphia Experiment (PEX) and internationally acclaime d DJ. Lee began his professional DJ career in the 8092s but didn92t re alize the true life changing power of music until he experienced it for his first time in the high desert of Nevada. On Lee’s first journey to the Bur ning Man festival in Black Rock City, Lee fell in love with dance music aga in in a life-altering way. It was there he began developing his vision to b ring people together from all lifestyles into one community, and where he d ecided to take his artist career to monumental levels. Lee Mayjahs? rece ntly aligned himself with critically acclaimed eclectic electronic music la bel Playloop Records and is currently working in the studio with Smitty, Ro ss D, King Britt and Playloop Honcho Justin Paul on a full-length debut EP scheduled for release in 2010. He tours internationally as a DJ and in 200 9 had the honor of playing with such diverse acts as Deadmau5, Thievery Cor poration, MSTRKRFT, Crystal mthod, BassNectar and The Prodigy. He has play ed with some of the most respected house DJ92s in the world, including, Jo Jo Flores, King Britt, Marques Wyatt, Josh Wink, Nickodemus & Osunlade. Lee is more than an experienced and adaptable DJ that knows how to rock glo bally universal crowds. He’s an artist, a leader, a visionary and a creator . leemayjahs/ *TONY UNORTHODOX (28thDay)* Tony Unorthodox is one of the cogs that made the 28thday wheel spin, and is also one of ps yNY’s longest active prog/psy DJs. Through his tenure as a local DJ and end less appearances since 2000, he became a staple in the musical diet of the NYC underground. Handing out hundreds of free seasonal mix CDs that Im sure most of us remember and still listen to, he has always been an endless res ource for good new music. Now he returns to the stage to push the boundari es of the freshest sounds in psychedelic dance music. *ELECTRIK (Psybo tik / tekno*feel*ya)* Electrik is the founder of the Psybotik parties in N ew York City, catering to an exotic audience with fashion, fire and cutting edge electronic music. His style is dynamic but typically focuses on high energy dance music with psychedelic roots. Representing up and down the eas tern seaboard as well as coast to coast in the US, as well as international ly in Japan. Sullivan Room, Tavern on The Green, Exit, Public Assembly, Bur ning Man, Coalesce, Equinox, Synchronize, Desiderata, Orb, San Sabastian in Puerto Rico, Rockwest in Tokyo…are just a few of the places you may have caught one of his astounding performances. *ME (Psybo tik / tekno*feel*ya)* I’m a creator of underground, eclectic, esoteric an d awesome parties. A veteran of the New York City Psytrance Culture. My fir st parties were the bridge parties. Dancing to Psychadelic trance and tec hno creates a synaesthesia. In your mind, your dancing adds an additional d imension to the music, creating a gestalt an entity greater then the two. I ‘ll create a wire-frame for you to stretch your mind across. You do the res t. *MORE TBA85* *tekno*feel*ya Afterparty* Public Assembly Loft 7 2 North 6th St. Brooklyn 9pm-6am Facebook: even $10 at the door 96 $5 off before 11pm with RSVP or Santa, Elf, Hanukah Harry or other festive costume 2 for 1 Drink s pecials from 9-10pm To RSVP you must rsvp at teknofeelya.c om one RSVP per email address Limited supply advance tickets will go on sa le soon 0016e6470e48c80b800494e2b2ed The tekno*feel*ya crew is still riding the energy fr om With New York pumping out parties every weekend we wanted to mak e sure you don92t miss a beat so Saturday, December 11th we hav e a special double feature for you. To kick off the evening Masae will be celebrating her birthday with a spectacular display of Burlesque, Fire, Aerial and Belly Da nce performances. ong hearts and sharp minds to engage the magic she has choreographed for us . Masae92s Birthday Burlesque & Fire Extravaganza Public Assembly Back Room 70 North 6th/su St. Brooklyn ” Doors Open 6pm, Show Starts 630-9 $15 At the D oor 96 Includes Admission to tekno*feel*ya afterparty Limited supply advance tickets will go on sale soon As the curtain falls the DJs come alive and the dance party We are extremely proud and excited to announce b bidi :normalPlay Loop Records will be manning the helm with help from some of New York92s finest. Whether you92re dressed as Santa, an Elf, Hanukah Harry or the wonderful you, come out and show us what you92re shakin! LEE MAYJAHS? (The Philadelphia Experiment (PEX) / Play Loop Records ) Lee Mayjayhs? is one of those artists tha t every musician secretly wishes they could be: one the East Coast’s mo st eminent DJ’s who has gigged at StarScape, Camp Bisco, Joshua Tree, B urning Man, and other A-list festivals; community founder of one of the lar gest Burning Man camps – :yes (PEX) and internationally acclaimed DJ. Lee began his professional DJ career in the 8092s but didn92t rea lize the true life changing power of music until he experienced it for his first time in the high desert of Nevada. On Lee’s first journey to the Burning Man festival in Black Rock City, Lee fell in love with dance music again in a life-altering way. It was there he began developing his vision t o bring people together from all lifestyles into one community, and where h e decided to take his artist career to monumental levels. Lee Mayjahs? recently aligned h imself with critically acclaimed eclectic electronic music label Playloop R ecords and is currently working in the studio with Smitty, Ross D, King Bri tt and Playloop Honcho Justin Paul on a full-length debut EP scheduled for ationally as a DJ and in 2009 had the honor of playing with such diverse ac ts as Deadmau5, Thievery Corporation, MSTRKRFT, Crystal mthod, BassNectar and The Prodigy. He has played with some of the most respected house DJ92s in the world, including, JoJo Flores, King Britt, Marques Wyatt, Josh Wink Nickodemus & Osunlade. how to rock globally universal crowds. He’s an artist, a leader, a visi onary and a creator. leemayj ahs/leemayjahs/ TONY UNORTHODOX (2 8thDay) Tony Unorthodox is one of the cogs that made the 28thday wheel spin, and is also one of psyNY’s longest ac tive prog/psy DJs. Through his tenure as a local DJ and endless appearances since 2000, he became a staple in the musical diet of the NYC underground. Handing out hundreds of free seasonal mix CDs that Im sure most of us reme mber and still listen to, he has always been an endless resource for good n Now he returns to the stage to push the boundaries of the freshest sounds in psychedelic dance mu sic. ELECTRIK (Psybotik / tekno*feel*ya) rk City, catering to an exotic audience with fashion, fire and cutting edge electronic music. His style is dynamic but typically focuses on high energ y dance music with psychedelic roots. Representing up and down the eastern seaboard as well as coast to coast in the US, as well as internationally in Japan. Sullivan Room, Tavern on The Green, Exit, Public Assembly, Burning Man, Coalesce, Equinox, Synchronize, Desiderata, Orb, San Sabastian in Puer to Rico, Rockwest in Tokyo…are just a few of the places you may have caug ht one of his astounding performances. MESSENGER PARTIC LE (Psybotik / tekno*feel*ya) I’m a creator of underground, eclectic, esoteric and awesome parties. A veteran o f the New York City Psytrance Culture. My first parties were the bridge par ties. Dancing to Psychadelic trance and techno creates a synaesthesia. In your mind, your d ancing adds an additional dimension to the music, creating a gestalt an ent ity greater then the two. I’ll create a wire-frame for you to stretch y our mind across. You do the rest. tekno*feel*ya Afte rparty Public Assembly Loft 9pm-6am Fa $10 at the door 96 $5 off b efore 11pm with RSVP or Santa, Elf, Hanukah Harry or other festive costume 2 for 1 Drink specials from 9-10pm To RSVP you must send an e e RSVP per email address Limited supply advance tickets will go on sale soon Wed, 17 Nov 2010 10:42:39 -0800 TripOutNY PsYcHeGrOuND at Sullivan Room Thursday November 18th 0-263505568-1290019359:5210 News just in! The Dreamcatchers are pleased to be hosting the debut p erformance of smOke, a new techno/prog project by the master behind Sync, David Mostoller. His DJ set will include brand new tracks that YOU can be the first to hear on the dance floor at Sullivan Room! Following smOke the Dreamcatchers will embark upon an experimental voyage into the electro nic music genre led by one of our favorite NYC producers, Ctrl+Alt+Del. Br inging us a special blend of mind blowing creativity that we are lucky eno ugh to dance to, Ctrl+Alt+Del’s live set will include several tracks not d ue to be released until next year. Don’t miss your chance to let this mas ter awaken your body’s urge to dance as your mind fulfills its desire to le t go! Closing out the show will be CRIS bringing his good vibes to the d ance floor and his classic bright smile to the DJ booth. See you all the re! Line-up: sm0ke (Sync, NJ) soundcloud/sm0ke Ctrl+Alt+Del (Nexus Media, India/NYC) Live soundcloud/ctrlaltdeletion CRIS (Loud Monitors, THM-NYC) *** November 18th, 11pm E28093 4am *** Gener al Admission: $10.00 Please RSVP to psycheground at yahoo to join the $5. 00 reduced price list. You MUST be on the list for the reduced price; NO E XCEPTIONS. 21+ with ID at Sullivan Room, New York City – web sulliv anroom/ 218 Sullivan Street (between Bleecker and West 3rd Street, 2 bl ocks east of 6th Avenue) Subway: A, B, C, D, E, F, or V trains to E2809CW 4 St E28093 Wash SqE2809D eased to be hosting the debut performance of smOke, a new techno/prog proje ct by the master behind Sync, David Mostoller. His DJ set will include bran d new tracks that YOU can be the first to hear on the dance floor at Sulliv an Room! Following smOke the Dreamcatcher s will embark upon an experimental voyage into the electronic music genre l ed by one of our favorite NYC producers, Ctrl+Alt+Del. Bringing us a specia l blend of mind blowing creativity that we are lucky enough to dance to, Ct rl+Alt+Del’s live set will include several tracks not due to be released un til next year. Don’t miss your chance to let this master awaken your Closing out the show will be CRIS bringing his good vibes to the dance floor and his classic bright smile to the DJ booth. &nbs See you all there! Line-up: b r div Ctrl+Alt+Del (Nexus Media, India/NYC) Live/d /ctrlaltdeletionsoundcloud/ctrlaltdeletion CRIS (Loud Monitors, THM-NYC) *** Nove mber 18th, 11pm E28093 4am *** General Admissio eground at yahoopsycheground at yahoo to join the $5.00 reduced pri 21+ with ID at Sullivan Room sullivanroom/ 218 Sullivan Street (between Bleecker and West 3rd Street, 2 blocks east of 6th Avenue) Subway: A, B, C, D, E, F, or V trains to E2809CW

#4456 Fri, 19 Nov 2010 03:24:39 Vagina, I mean Ayahuasca Monologues (shame thing?) Nov 30! The 4th annual Ayahuasca Monologues: Tales of the Spirit Vine Real ity Sandwich and Souldish present: The 4th annual Ayahuasca Monologues: Ta les of the Spirit Vine Catch new visionary stories about the renowned sa cred brew of the Amazon. For centuries, shamans have drunk this powerful co ncoction to heal illness, obtain mystical insights, contact spirit guides, and explore magical worlds. Hear of experiences both miraculous and terrify ing when Westerners access ayahuasca’s incredible gifts. Music and mingling will follow the show. Special thanks to Webster Hall for hosting the night in their Grand Ballroom. Storytellers: Chris Kilham: Fox News’ “Medicine Hunter” has researched shamanic medicine in over 20 countries around the w orld. He is “Explorer in Residence” at the University of Massachusetts at A mherst where he teaches the Shaman’s Pharmacy. Daniel Pinchbeck: Autho r of “Notes from the Edge Times,” “2012: The Return of Quetzalcoatl,” and ” Breaking Open the Head.” Daniel is the Editorial Director of web fac ebook/l/60 d3YDsHRoGn6B6yb0lpHnmug;RealitySandwich and l/60 ddsu-4jnUMtWpR0h9O1tdxg;Evolver.net. Peter Gorman: Form er editor-in-chief of “High Times” magazine. Gorman is one the veterans of ayahuasca adventures; his work has appeared in over 100 national/internatio nal journals and major magazines. His new book, “Ayahuasca in my Blood” rec ounts decades of work with ayahuasca medicine. Jessie Shaw: A reformed ad executive, Shaw has spent the past 8 years practicing Chinese medicine in N YC. An enthusiast of Jean Gebser, she has created & produced short films ab out consciousness based on Gebser’s theories and her own plant induced insi ghts. Adam Elenbaas: Author of “Fishers of Men: The Gospel of an Ayahuasca Vision Quest,” published by Evolver and Tarcher/Penguin in July, 2010. Ada m recently finished a national book talking about his ayahuasca experiences at bookstores and Evolver spores. He is a contributing editor of Reality S andwich and founder of Nightlight Astrology. Elenbaas is directing this yea r’s Monologues. Tatiana Puerta: Holistic nutrition counselor, meditation a nd yoga teacher, and founder of the OmWellness nutrition school in NYC. Pue rta has recently completed her manuscript, “Losing What Remains: Memoirs of an American Dream,” recounting her story as an immigrant and orphan from C olombia. Hosted and created by Jonathan Talat Phillips: Bioenergetic Heale r, Reiki Master, and co-founder of l/60 ddsu-4jnUM tWpR0h9O1tdxg;Evolver.net and Reality Sandwich. Tuesday, November 30th Web ster Hall, Grand Ballroom 125 E. 11th Street (between 3rd Ave & University Doors 7pm, Peformance starts 7:30pm sharp $20, $15 for E+SM Members Drinks will be available at the Grand Ballroom Bar. Stick around for the After Pa rty! l/60 dq7JanaignSGLEFCTDuHJQ;web realitysandw ich/ayahuascamonologues4

#4457 Mon, 22 Nov 2010 21:22:39 -0800 Mon, 22 Nov 2010 21:22:38 -0800 Tue, 23 Nov 2010 00:22:38 From: Blue Goddess bluegoddess at psybotikSat 12/11 – tekno*feel*ya and the Dreamcatchers present THE PINK SAGITTARIANS AFTERPARTY featuring LEE MAYJAHS? dtekno*feel*ya and the Dreamcatchers present THE PINK SAGITTARIANS AFTERPAR TY celebrating the birthday of MASAE featuring LEE MAYJAHS? (The Phila delphia Experiment aka PEX/Play Loop Records) * The evening will begin with the PINK SAGITTARIANS, a MASAE birth day extravaganza featuring a decadent display of Burlesque, Fire, Cabaret, Can Can, and Belly Dance performances so spectacular that two of the most r espected forces in the New York scene have joined forces in order to keep t he party bumping long into the night! The masterminds behind PSYBOTIK have been inspired to create a new project to add to their string of successes, tekno*feel*ya. Still riding the high of their illustrious Halloween party, tekno*feel*ya has united with the legendary DREAMCATCHERS, the crew best k nown for bringing New York City PsYcHeGrOuND since 2002. We are extremely proud and excited to announce that LEE MAYJAHS? of The Philadelphia Experim ent (PEX) and Play Loop Records will be manning the helm with help from som e of New York92s finest as we delve deeper into the realm of psychedelic t echno. Line Up: LEE MAYJAHS? (The Philadelphia Experiment aka PEX / Play L oop Records) LUIS CAMPOS (Dreamcatchers / Reality Engine) TONY UNORTHODOX ( 28thDay) ELECTRIK (Psybotik / tekno*feel*ya) ME (Psybotik / tekno*feel*ya) Immersive Video By: ALCHEMISM (Psybotik) Masae presents The Pink Sagittarians Public Assembly 70 North 6th St Brooklyn, NY 6pm-9pm (The show will begin promptly at 6:30pm.) $15 at the door (includes admiss ion to the afterparty) Please invite your friends facebook/even pink! facebook/ tekno*feel*ya and the Dreamcatchers prese nt The Pink Sagittarians Afterparty Public Assembly 70 North 6th St Brookly n, NY 9pm-6am $10 at the door (or free to those attending The Pink Sagitta rians) Only $5 with flyer before 12 OR sending an email to rsvp at teknofeelya (one RSVP per email address) OR arriving in a Santa, Elf, Hanukkah Har ry or otherwise festive costume! 2 for 1 Drink specials from 9-10pm Invit LE E MAYJAHS? (The Philadelphia Experiment aka PEX / Play Loop Records) Lee Ma yjayhs? is one of those artists that every musician secretly wishes they co uld be: one the East Coast’s most eminent DJ’s who has gigged at StarScape, Camp Bisco, Joshua Tree, Burning Man, and other A-list festivals; communit y founder of one of the largest Burning Man camps – Philadelphia Experiment (PEX) and internationally acclaimed DJ. Lee began his professional DJ ca reer in the 8092s but didn92t realize the true life changing power of mus ic until he experienced it for his first time in the high desert of Nevada. On Lee’s first journey to the Burning Man festival in Black Rock City, Lee fell in love with dance music again in a life-altering way. It was there h e began developing his vision to bring people together from all lifestyles into one community, and where he decided to take his artist career to monum ental levels. Lee Mayjahs? recently aligned himself with critically acclai med eclectic electronic music label Playloop Records and is currently worki ng in the studio with Smitty, Ross D, King Britt and Playloop Honcho Justin Paul on a full-length debut EP scheduled for release in 2010. He tours in ternationally as a DJ and in 2009 had the honor of playing with such divers e acts as Deadmau5, Thievery Corporation, MSTRKRFT, Crystal mthod, BassNec tar and The Prodigy. He has played with some of the most respected house DJ 92s in the world, including, JoJo Flores, King Britt, Marques Wyatt, Josh Wink, Nickodemus & Osunlade. Lee is more than an experienced and adaptable DJ that knows how to rock globally universal crowds. He’s an artist, a lea der, a visionary and a creator. leemayjahs/ leemayjahs.c om/ leemayjahs/ LUIS CAMPOS (Dreamcatchers / Reality Engine) Producer and DJ Luis Campos launched a professional music career at the age of 14 in his childhood home Sao Paulo, Brazil shortly after a small collec tion of records inspired him to pick up a set of Technics turntables. Throu ghout the first decade of his career he held residencies at some of the cou ntry92s most revered clubs, including Sao Paulo’s Limelight, Victoria Pub, New QG, Gitana among others. Luis’s talents were also showcased at Brazil 92s most prestigious music festivals such as Skol Beats and the Love Parad e attended by nearly 200,000 people. In addition to his work as a producer and DJ, Luis also founded PsYcHeGrOuND in 2002. PsYcHeGrOuND is an undergr ound electronic music party that has become a raging success, having offere d over 100 parties in NYC over the past seven years. A beacon for NYC’s und erground electronic music scene, PsYcHeGrOuND is now a regularly occurring event at Sullivan Room, recently voted one of the Top 100 Clubs worldwide b y DJ Mag. In 2008 Luis Campos joined forces with Matyas Kelemen to form th e Reality Engine project, one-of-a kind dance music driven project that cre ates an articulate blend of original music production, synchronized videos, and holographic projections. realityengine.tv realityengine .tv/ realityengine.tv/ TONY UNORTHODOX (28thDay) Tony Unorthodox (28thday, NYC) After a long season of hibernatio n, Tony is finally going to hit the decks once again to throw down one of h is classic dj sets! A 10-year veteran of the NYC psytrance scene and a dri ving force behind some of the most legendary events this city has seen, he will be delivering his unique signature blend of sexy electro-tech-house fr om his seemingly endless bag of tricks! Expect nothing but the newest, mos t cutting edge music you’ve ever heard mixed tightly across a tasty spectru m of genres that leaves every dance floor buzzing. This is going to be one of the few rare appearances he will be making this year, so don’t miss out ! ELECTRIK (Psybotik / tekno*feel*ya) Electrik is the founder of the Psyb otik parties in New York City, catering to an exotic audience with fashion, fire and cutting edge electronic music. His style is dynamic but typically focuses on high energy dance music with psychedelic roots. Representing up and down the eastern seaboard as well as coast to coast in the US, as well as internationally in Japan. Sullivan Room, Tavern on The Green, Exit, Pub lic Assembly, Burning Man, Coalesce, Equinox, Synchronize, Desiderata, Orb, San Sabastian in Puerto Rico, Rockwest in Tokyo…are just a few of the pl aces you may have caught one of his astounding performances. web psy botik/ ME (Psybotik / tekno*feel*ya) I’m a creator o f underground, eclectic, esoteric and awesome parties. A veteran of the New York City Psytrance Culture. My first parties were the bridge parties. Dan cing to Psychadelic trance creates a synaesthesia. In your mind, your danci ng adds an additional dimension to the music, creating a gestalt an entity greater then the two. I’ll create a wire-frame for you to stretch your mind across. You do the rest. web psybotik/ AFTERPARTY rating the birthday of aturing JAHS? adelphia Experiment aka PEX/Play Loop Records) ” ent display of Burlesque, Fire, Cabaret, Can Can, and Belly Dance performan ces so spectacular that two of the most respected forces in the New York sc ene have joined forces in order to keep the party bumping long into the nig ht! an t as we delve deeper into the realm of psychedelic techno. phia Experiment aka PEX / Play Loop Records) ” kno*feel*ya) nt Immersive Video By: Pink Sagittarians Brooklyn, NY ra” .) Please invite your friends facebook/event.php? and remember to wear pink! facebook/even present The Pink Sagittarians Afterparty 70 North 6th St door (or free to those attending The Pink Sagittarians) st nt-size: medium; elyarsvp at teknofeelya (one RSVP per email address) OR b r riving in a Santa, Elf, Hanukkah Harry or otherwise festive costume! a2 for 1 Drink specials from 9-10pm fo YJAHS? (The Philadelphia Experiment aka PEX / Play Loop Records) Mayjayhs? is one of those artists that every musician secretly wishes they could be: one the East Coast’s most eminent DJ’s who has gigged at StarScape, Camp Bisco, Joshua Tree, Burning Man, and other A-list festivalscommunity founder of one of the largest Burning Man camps – Philadelphia Experiment (PEX) and internationally acclaimed DJ. spa his professional DJ career in the 8092s but didn92t realize the true lif e changing power of music until he experienced it for his first time in the high desert of Nevada. On Lee’s first journey to the Burning Man festi val in Black Rock City, Lee fell in love with dance music again in a life-a ltering way. It was there he began developing his vision to bring people to gether from all lifestyles into one community, and where he decided to take his artist career to monumental levels. aligned himself with critically acclaimed eclectic electronic music label P layloop Records and is currently working in the studio with Smitty, Ross D, King Britt and Playloop Honcho Justin Paul on a full-length debut EP sched uled for release in 2010. He tours internationally as a DJ and in 2009 h ad the honor of playing with such diverse acts as Deadmau5, Thievery Corpor ation, MSTRKRFT, Crystal mthod, BassNectar and The Prodigy. He has played with some of the most respected house DJ92s in the world, including, JoJo Flores, King Britt, Marques Wyatt, Josh Wink, Nickodemus & Osunlade./s pan an o rock globally universal crowds. He’s an artist, a leader, a visionary and a creator. s/ hr gine) r at the age of 14 in his childhood home Sao Paulo, Brazil shortly after a small collection of records inspired him to pick up a set of Technics turnt ables. Throughout the first decade of his career he held residencies at som e of the country92s most revered clubs, including Sao Paulo’s Limeligh t, Victoria Pub, New QG, Gitana among others. Luis’s talents were also showcased at Brazil92s most prestigious music festivals such as Skol Beats and the Love Parade attended by nearly 200,000 people. ition to his work as a producer and DJ, Luis also founded PsYcHeGrOuND in 2 002. PsYcHeGrOuND is an underground electronic music party that has become a raging success, having offered over 100 parties in NYC over the past seve n years. A beacon for NYC’s underground electronic music scene, PsYcHeG rOuND is now a regularly occurring event at Sullivan Room, recently voted o ne of the Top 100 Clubs worldwide by DJ Mag. pos joined forces with Matyas Kelemen to form the Reality Engine project, o ne-of-a kind dance music driven project that creates an articulate blend of original music production, synchronized videos, and holographic projection s. http:/ realityengine.tv/” style TONY UNORTHODOX (28thDay) a long season of hibernation, Tony is finally going to hit the decks once again to throw down one of his classic dj sets! A 10-year veteran of the NYC psytrance scene and a driving force behind some of the most legendary events this city has seen, he will be delivering his unique signature blend of sexy electro-tech-house from his seemingly endless bag of tricks! Ex pect nothing but the newest, most cutting edge music you’ve ever heard mixed tightly across a tasty spectrum of genres that leaves every dance flo or buzzing. This is going to be one of the few rare appearances he will be making this year, so don’t miss out! st tik / tekno*feel*ya) in New York City, catering to an exotic audience with fashion, fire and cut ting edge electronic music. His style is dynamic but typically focuses on h igh energy dance music with psychedelic roots. Representing up and down the eastern seaboard as well as coast to coast in the US, as well as internati onally in Japan. Sullivan Room, Tavern on The Green, Exit, Public Assembly, Burning Man, Coalesce, Equinox, Synchronize, Desiderata, Orb, San Sabastia n in Puerto Rico, Rockwest in Tokyo…are just a few of the places you may have caught one of his astounding performances. http: RTICLE (Psybotik / tekno*feel*ya) eclectic, esoteric and awesome parties. A veteran of the New York City Ps ytrance Culture. My first parties were the bridge parties. Psychadelic trance creates a synaesthesia. In your mind, your dancing adds an additional dimension to the music, creating a gestalt an entity greater then the two. I’ll create a wire-frame for you to stretch your mind ac ross. You do the rest. web psybotik/” styl ww.psybotik/ 001636989694b6f39c0495b18f4d

#4458 Tue, 23 Nov 2010 18:56:28 OT Free Party this Friday Nov 26 i doubt it has any trance, its techno D&B ragga i believe I am doing thi s free event – did the union sq one if you would like to pass it on here i t is .: Unified Vibes :. Friday Nov 26th FREE PARTY The Porch, NYC F . : Unified Vibes :. Friday Nov 26th FREE PARTY The Porch, NYC 6 PM – 4 AM Please bring canned food to donate to Food Not Bombs!!! Live Visuals by Lowkey Submerger Mamajuana Pierce Jackson Big Ears Madaro Darxyde Visit or 139 Fury8 $4 Beers and $5 Well Drinks from 6 PM TO 11 PM The Porch | 1 15 Ave C (Between 7th & 8th) NYC web foodnotbombs.net web porchnyc F ** Character cannot be develo ped in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can t he soul be strengthened, ambition inspired, and success achieved….. Every thing has its wonders, even darkness and silence, and I learn, whatever sta te I may be in, therein to be content…. Faith is the strength by which a shattered world shall emerge into the light. …. Knowledge is love and lig ht and vision……No one has a right to consume happiness without producin g it…. The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched – they must be felt with the heart…..Your success and happin ess lies in you. Resolve to keep happy, and your joy and you shall form an invincible host against difficulties.

#4459 Tue, 23 Nov 2010 19:04:44 Va.. I mean Ayahuasca Monologues (shame thing?) Nov 30! The 4th annual Ayahuasca Monologues: Tales of the Spirit Vine R eality Sandwich and Souldish present: The 4th annual Ayahuasca Monologues: Tales of the Spirit Vine RSVP Here: event.php?eid Catch new visionary stories about the renowned sacred brew of the Amazon. For centuries, shamans have drunk this powerful concoction to heal illness, obtain mystical insights, contact spirit guide s, and explore magical worlds. Hear of experiences both miraculous and terr ifying when Westerners access ayahuasca’s incredible gifts. Music and mingl ing will follow the show. Special thanks to Webster Hall for hosting the ni ght in their Grand Ballroom. Storytellers: Chris Kilham: Fox News’ “Medic ine Hunter” has researched shamanic medicine in over 20 countries around th e world. He is “Explorer in Residence” at the University of Massachusetts a t Amherst where he teaches the Shaman’s Pharmacy. Daniel Pinchbeck: Au thor of “Notes from the Edge Times,” “2012: The Return of Quetzalcoatl,” an d “Breaking Open the Head.” Daniel is the Editorial Director of l/60 d3YDsHRoGn6B6yb0lpHnmug;RealitySandwich and w ww.facebook/l/60 ddsu-4jnUMtWpR0h9O1tdxg;Evolver.net. Peter Gorman: F ormer editor-in-chief of “High Times” magazine. Gorman is one the veterans of ayahuasca adventures; his work has appeared in over 100 national/interna tional journals and major magazines. His new book, “Ayahuasca in my Blood” recounts decades of work with ayahuasca medicine. Jessie Shaw: A reformed ad executive, Shaw has spent the past 8 years practicing Chinese medicine i n NYC. An enthusiast of Jean Gebser, she has created & produced short films about consciousness based on Gebser’s theories and her own plant induced i nsights. Adam Elenbaas: Author of “Fishers of Men: The Gospel of an Ayahua sca Vision Quest,” published by Evolver and Tarcher/Penguin in July, 2010. Adam recently finished a national book talking about his ayahuasca experien ces at bookstores and Evolver spores. He is a contributing editor of Realit y Sandwich and founder of Nightlight Astrology. Elenbaas is directing this year’s Monologues. Tatiana Puerta: Holistic nutrition counselor, meditatio n and yoga teacher, and founder of the OmWellness nutrition school in NYC. Puerta has recently completed her manuscript, “Losing What Remains: Memoirs of an American Dream,” recounting her story as an immigrant and orphan fro m Colombia. Hosted and created by Jonathan Talat Phillips: Bioenergetic He aler, Reiki Master, and co-founder of l/60 ddsu-4j nUMtWpR0h9O1tdxg;Evolver.net and Reality Sandwich. Tuesday, November 30th Webster Hall, Grand Ballroom 125 E. 11th Street (between 3rd Ave & Universi ty Doors 7pm, Peformance starts 7:30pm sharp $20, $15 for E+SM Members Dri nks will be available at the Grand Ballroom Bar. Stick around for the After Party! l/60 dq7JanaignSGLEFCTDuHJQ;web realitysa ndwich/ayahuascamonologues4

#4460 Tue, 23 Nov 2010 14:45:07 Tue, 23 Nov 2010 14:44:17 Tue, 23 Nov 2010 14:44:10 From: Machinelf Old school trance DJs Shai and Vadim playing minimalish at free party tonight Tuesday 11/23formatflowed web lessparty/ Dear Friends, You are invited to celebrate Thanksgiving Eve Party. Come and enjoy with us! DJs: EDDIE KRILOV (Alka Rex, Musique Risque) SHADI (Twice as Proper) DJ EARTHIAN (Animaltek) VADIM (LESS) Bar 13 35 East 13th St., corner of University Pl. 10pm-4am, 21+/ID, no cover Machinelf Devotional Ministry of Trance 115 web lessparty/img 115Dear Friends, 115You are invited to celebrate Thanksgiving Eve Party. Come and enjoy with us! 115DJs: 115EDDIE KRILOV (Alka Rex, Musique Risquée) SHADI (Twice as Proper) DJ EARTHIAN (Animaltek) VADIM (LESS) 115Bar 13 35 East 13th St., corner of University Pl. 10pm-4am, 21+/ID, no cover Machinelf Devotional Ministry of Trance

December 2010

#4461 Wed, 1 Dec 2010 11:38:38 -0800 Thursday, December 2nd PsYcHeGrOuND at Sullivan Room It’s time for a battle of Science Vs Nature at PsYcHeGrOuND! SVN is a n electronic band ready to bring an unforgettable spectacle of lights, but tons, and blinding talent to Sullivan Room in the form of a one-of-a-kind live performance that we can’t wait to dance to. Our next encounter will be a surge of invigorating Electrik energy to be followed up by a Dreamca tcher duel between Luis and KeN. Sullivan Room resident DJ Carol Ferraz w ill also be taking a turn in the DJ booth to kick off the night. Please le t her know that you want to hear her new track at PsYcHeGrOuND so that we can show her the love that she deserves. Line-up: DJ Carol Ferraz (Sull ivan Room, NYC) soundcloud/carol-ferraz Science Vs. Nature http ://web sciencevsnature/ Electrik (Psybotik, NYC) web psybotik.c om/ DJ Luis Campos (Reality Engine/Dreamcatchers, NYC/BR) vs. KeN (Dreamca tchers, NYC) realityengine.tv/ soundcloud/djluiscampos *** December 2nd, 10pm E28093 4am *** General Admission: $10.00 Pleas e RSVP to psycheground at yahoo to join the $5.00 reduced price list. You MUST be on the list for the reduced price; NO EXCEPTIONS. 21+ with ID at Sullivan Room, New York City – 218 Sullivan St reet (between Bleecker and West 3rd Street, 2 blocks east of 6th Avenue) Subway: A, B, C, D, E, F, or V trains to E2809CW 4 St E28093 Wash SqE2809D 0-1123666570-1291232318:13138 size: 12pt; It’s time for a battle of Science Vs Nat ure at PsYcHeGrOuND! SVN is an electronic band ready to bring an unforgetta ble spectacle of lights, buttons, and blinding talent to Sullivan Room in t he form of a one-of-a-kind live performance that we can’t wait to dance to. Our next encounter will be a surge of invigorating Electr ik energy to be followed up by a Dreamcatcher duel between Luis and KeN.&nb ne;az will also be taking a turn in the DJ booth to kick off the night. P lease let her know that you want to hear her new track at PsYcHeGrOuND so t hat we can show her the love that she deserves. /web psybotik/web psybotik/ DJ Luis Camp os (Reality Engine/Dreamcatchers, NYC/BR) vs. KeN (Dreamcatchers, NYC)  *** December 2nd, 10pm E28093 4am *** General Admission: $10. ground at yahoo to join the $5.00 reduced price list. You MUST be on t he list for the reduced price; NO EXCEPTIONS. 21+ with ID 218 Su llivan Street (between Bleecker and West 3rd Street, 2 blocks east of 6th A Subway: A, B, C, D, E, F, or V trains to E2809CW 4 St E28093 Wash SqE2809D/span

#4462 01 Dec 2010 16:12:16 -0800 Wed, 1 Dec 2010 19:12:16 To: nyc604, TripOutNY From: Blue Goddess bluegoddess at psybotiktekno*feel*ya & Dreamcatcher present THE PINK SAGITTARIANS AFTERPARTY feat LEE MAYJAHS? Get your Santacon on Dec 11 and help us spread some holiday cheer! Then on to Masae’s birthday celebration and after party with the one and only Lee M ayjahs, WOOT! tekno*feel*ya and Dreamcatcher present THE PINK SAGITTARIAN S AFTERPARTY celebrating the birthday of MASAE featuring LEE MAYJAHS? (The Philadelphia Experiment aka PEX/Play Loop Records) The evening will begin with the PINK SAGITTARIANS, a MASA E birthday extravaganza featuring a decadent display of Burlesque, Fire, Ca baret, Can Can, and Belly Dance performances so spectacular that two of the most respected forces in the New York scene have joined forces in order to keep the party bumping long into the night! The masterminds behind PSYBOT IK have been inspired to create a new project to add to their string of suc cesses, tekno*feel*ya. Still riding the high of their illustrious Halloween party, tekno*feel*ya has united with the legendary DREAMCATCHER, the crew best known for bringing New York City PsYcHeGrOuND since 2002. We are extr emely proud and excited to announce that LEE MAYJAHS? of The Philadelphia E xperiment (PEX) and Play Loop Records will be manning the helm with help fr om some of New York92s finest as we delve deeper into the realm of psyched elic techno. Line Up: LEE MAYJAHS? (The Philadelphia Experiment aka PEX / Play Loop Records) LUIS CAMPOS (Dreamcatchers / Reality Engine) TONY UNORTH ODOX (28thDay) ELECTRIK (Psybotik / tekno*feel*ya) ME (Psyb otik / tekno*feel*ya) Immersive Video By: ALCHEMISM (Psybotik) MASHA (Psy botik) Masae presents The Pink Sagittarians Public Assembly 70 North 6th S t Brooklyn, NY 6pm-9pm (The show will begin promptly at 6:30pm.) $15 at th e door (includes admission to the afterparty) Please invite your friends h pink ! tekno*feel*ya and the Dreamcatchers present The Pink Sagittarians Afterparty Public Assembly 70 North 6th St Brooklyn, NY 9pm-6am $10 at the door (or free to those att ending The Pink Sagittarians) Only $5 before 12 with flyer OR sending an em ail to rsvp at teknofeelya (one RSVP per email address) OR arriving in a S anta, Elf, Hanukkah Harry or otherwise festive costume! 2 for 1 Drink spec ials from 9-10pm Invite your friends event.php?eid LEE MAYJAHS? (The Philadelphia Experiment aka PEX / Pl ay Loop Records) Lee Mayjayhs? is one of those artists that every musician secretly wishes they could be: one the East Coast’s most eminent DJ’s who h as gigged at StarScape, Camp Bisco, Joshua Tree, Burning Man, and other A-l ist festivals; community founder of one of the largest Burning Man camps – Philadelphia Experiment (PEX) and internationally acclaimed DJ. Lee began his professional DJ career in the 8092s but didn92t realize the true lif e changing power of music until he experienced it for his first time in the high desert of Nevada. On Lee’s first journey to the Burning Man festival in Black Rock City, Lee fell in love with dance music again in a life-alter ing way. It was there he began developing his vision to bring people togeth er from all lifestyles into one community, and where he decided to take his artist career to monumental levels. Lee Mayjahs? recently aligned himself with critically acclaimed eclectic electronic music label Playloop Records and is currently working in the studio with Smitty, Ross D, King Britt and Playloop Honcho Justin Paul on a full-length debut EP scheduled for releas e in 2010. He tours internationally as a DJ and in 2009 had the honor of p laying with such diverse acts as Deadmau5, Thievery Corporation, MSTRKRFT, Crystal mthod, BassNectar and The Prodigy. He has played with some of the most respected house DJ92s in the world, including, JoJo Flores, King Brit t, Marques Wyatt, Josh Wink, Nickodemus & Osunlade. Lee is more than an ex perienced and adaptable DJ that knows how to rock globally universal crowds . He’s an artist, a leader, a visionary and a creator. leemayjahs.co m/ leemayjahs/ LUIS CAMPOS (Dreamcatc hers / Reality Engine) Producer and DJ Luis Campos launched a professional music career at the age of 14 in his childhood home Sao Paulo, Brazil short ly after a small collection of records inspired him to pick up a set of Tec hnics turntables. Throughout the first decade of his career he held residen cies at some of the country92s most revered clubs, including Sao Paulo’s L imelight, Victoria Pub, New QG, Gitana among others. Luis’s talents were al so showcased at Brazil92s most prestigious music festivals such as Skol Be ats and the Love Parade attended by nearly 200,000 people. In addition to his work as a producer and DJ, Luis also founded PsYcHeGrOuND in 2002. PsYc HeGrOuND is an underground electronic music party that has become a raging success, having offered over 100 parties in NYC over the past seven years. A beacon for NYC’s underground electronic music scene, PsYcHeGrOuND is now a regularly occurring event at Sullivan Room, recently voted one of the Top 100 Clubs worldwide by DJ Mag. In 2008 Luis Campos joined forces with Mat yas Kelemen to form the Reality Engine project, one-of-a kind dance music d riven project that creates an articulate blend of original music production synchronized videos, and holographic projections. realityengine.tv realityengine.tv/ realityengine.tv/ realityengin e.tv/ TONY UNORTHODOX (28thDay) After a long season of hibernation, Tony i s finally going to hit the decks once again to throw down one of his classi c dj sets! A 10-year veteran of the NYC psytrance scene and a driving forc e behind some of the most legendary events this city has seen, he will be d elivering his unique signature blend of sexy electro-tech-house from his se emingly endless bag of tricks! Expect nothing but the newest, most cutting edge music you’ve ever heard mixed tightly across a tasty spectrum of genr es that leaves every dance floor buzzing. This is going to be one of the f ew rare appearances he will be making this year, so don’t miss out! ELECT RIK (Psybotik / tekno*feel*ya) Electrik is the founder of the Psybotik part ies in New York City, catering to an exotic audience with fashion, fire and cutting edge electronic music. His style is dynamic but typically focuses on high energy dance music with psychedelic roots. Representing up and down the eastern seaboard as well as coast to coast in the US, as well as inter nationally in Japan. Sullivan Room, Tavern on The Green, Exit, Public Assem bly, Burning Man, Coalesce, Equinox, Synchronize, Desiderata, Orb, San Saba stian in Puerto Rico, Rockwest in Tokyo…are just a few of the places you may have caught one of his astounding performances. web psybotik / ME (Psybotik / tekno*feel*ya) I’m a creator of undergr ound, eclectic, esoteric and awesome parties. A veteran of the New York Cit y Psytrance Culture. My first parties were the bridge parties. Dancing to P sychadelic trance creates a synaesthesia. In your mind, your dancing adds a n additional dimension to the music, creating a gestalt an entity greater t hen the two. I’ll create a wire-frame for you to stretch your mind across. You do the rest. web psybotik/ on Dec 11 and help us spread some holiday cheer! Then on to Masae’s bi rthday celebration and after party with the one and only Lee Mayjahs, WOOT! di cent ating the birthday of Experiment aka PEX/Play Loop Records) ra irthday extravaganza featuring a decadent display of Burlesque, Fire, Cabar et, Can Can, and Belly Dance performances so spectacular that two of the mo st respected forces in the New York scene have joined forces in order to ke ep the party bumping long into the night! tex the crew best known for bringing New York City PsYcHeGrOuND spa 02. will be manning the helm with help from some of New York92s finest as we delve deeper into the realm of psychedelic techno. LEE MAYJAHS? (The Philadelphia Experiment aka PEX / Play Loop Records)/ y) raELECTRIK (Psybotik / tekno*feel*ya) / tekno*feel*ya) k) raMASHA (Psybotik) ; Public Assembly r 6pm-9pm (The show will begin promptly at 6:30pm.) sty r (includes admission to the afterparty) Pink Sagittarians Afterparty sty h St ree to those attending The Pink Sagittarians) h flyer OR rsvp at teknofeelya (one RSVP per email address) OR n a Santa, Elf, Hanukkah Harry or otherwise festive costume! sp for 1 Drink specials from 9-10pm st sp AYJAHS? (The Philadelphia Experiment aka PEX / Play Loop Records) Mayjayhs? is one of those artists that every musician secretly wishes they could be: one the East Coast’s most eminent DJ’s who has gigged at StarScape, Camp Bisco, Joshua Tree, Burning Man, and other A-list festival s; community founder of one of the largest Burning Man camps – Philadelphia Experiment (PEX) and internationally acclaimed DJ. sty s an his professional DJ career in the 8092s but didn92t realize the true l ife changing power of music until he experienced it for his first time in t he high desert of Nevada. On Lee’s first journey to the Burning Man fes tival in Black Rock City, Lee fell in love with dance music again in a life -altering way. It was there he began developing his vision to bring people together from all lifestyles into one community, and where he decided to ta ke his artist career to monumental levels. ly aligned himself with critically acclaimed eclectic electronic music labe l Playloop Records and is currently working in the studio with Smitty, Ross D, King Britt and Playloop Honcho Justin Paul on a full-length debut EP sc heduled for release in 2010. He tours internationally as a DJ and in 200 9 had the honor of playing with such diverse acts as Deadmau5, Thievery Cor poration, MSTRKRFT, Crystal mthod, BassNectar and The Prodigy. He has play ed with some of the most respected house DJ92s in the world, including, Jo Jo Flores, King Britt, Marques Wyatt, Josh Wink, Nickodemus & Osunlade. ra ow to rock globally universal crowds. He’s an artist, a leader, a visio nary and a creator. leemayjahs/ sty leemayjahs/ leemayjahs/ sty catchers / Reality Engine) fessional music career at the age of 14 in his childhood home Sao Paulo, Br azil shortly after a small collection of records inspired him to pick up a set of Technics turntables. Throughout the first decade of his career he he ld residencies at some of the country92s most revered clubs, including Sao Paulo’s Limelight, Victoria Pub, New QG, Gitana among others. Luis& #39 ;s talents were also showcased at Brazil92s most prestigious music festiva ls such as Skol Beats and the Love Parade attended by nearly 200,000 people . ded PsYcHeGrOuND in 2002. PsYcHeGrOuND is an underground electronic music p arty that has become a raging success, having offered over 100 parties in N YC over the past seven years. A beacon for NYC’s underground electronic music scene, PsYcHeGrOuND is now a regularly occurring event at Sullivan R oom, recently voted one of the Top 100 Clubs worldwide by DJ Mag. b r In 2008 Luis Campos joined forces with Matyas Kelemen to form the Real ity Engine project, one-of-a kind dance music driven project that creates a n articulate blend of original music production, synchronized videos, and h olographic projections. realityengine.tv/s realityengine.tv realityengine.tv/spa hre After a long season of hibernation, Tony is finally going to hit the decks once again to throw down one of his classic dj sets! A 10-year veteran of the NYC psytrance scene and a driving force behind some of the most lege ndary events this city has seen, he will be delivering his unique signature blend of sexy electro-tech-house from his seemingly endless bag of tricks! Expect nothing but the newest, most cutting edge music you’ve ever heard mixed tightly across a tasty spectrum of genres that leaves every danfloor buzzing. This is going to be one of the few rare appearances he will be making this year, so don’t miss out! K (Psybotik / tekno*feel*ya) parties in New York City, catering to an exotic audience with fashion, fire and cutting edge electronic music. His style is dynamic but typically focu ses on high energy dance music with psychedelic roots. Representing up and down the eastern seaboard as well as coast to coast in the US, as well as i nternationally in Japan. Sullivan Room, Tavern on The Green, Exit, Public A ssembly, Burning Man, Coalesce, Equinox, Synchronize, Desiderata, Orb, San Sabastian in Puerto Rico, Rockwest in Tokyo…are just a few of the places you may have caught one of his astounding performances. s ME (Psybotik / tekno*feel*ya) styl or of underground, eclectic, esoteric and awesome parties. A veteran of the New York City Psytrance Culture. My first parties were the bridge parties. raDancing to Psychadelic trance creates a synaesthesia. In your mind, your dancing adds an additional dimension to the music, creating a gestalt an entity greater then the two. I’ll create a wire-frame for you to str etch your mind across. You do the rest. web ps

#4463 Thu, 9 Dec 2010 16:10:42 Thu, 9 Dec 2010 16:10:41 Thu, 09 Dec 2010 16:10:36 NYC604, formatflowed From: Machinelf Save the date – free Winter Solstice THC (Trance Hanukah Christmas) Party at Karma Tuesday Dec 21 Holiday parties always have rocked for us at Karma, this should be no different. Djs and Artists TDB, will include Severin who rocked in October and the Man himself Brandon Adams. This will be a collaborative and free event, if you would like to participate in an artist capacity pleas email me. I will be out of town but Stefan is making a return to the NYC scene and being the host/Sacred Santa.

#4464 Fri, 10 Dec 2010 11:02:08 -0800 10 Dec 2010 11:02:07 -0800 Fri, 10 Dec 2010 14:02:07 From: Blue Goddess bluegoddess at psybotikSat 12/11 – THE PINK SAGITTARIANS AFTERPARTY – Time Slots and Santacon meeting location announcedLadies and Gentleman, We are less than a day away from THE PINK SAGITTARIA NS CELEBRATION and have some very exciting news…by popular demand SMOKE, the man behind Sync, Kabayun and one half of Unwashed Tomatoes has been add ed to the lineup! Also we92ve had such a good response for the event that Public Assembly has moved the party from their loft to the side room to ma ke sure we have enough space for all your dancing feet. That means bigger sound and fire all night long! Don92t forget to rsvp at tek nofeelya for $5 entry before 12 OR arrive in a Santa, Elf, Hanukkah Har ry or otherwise festive costume! For all you go getters join us in the mor ning for the Santacon kick off party which by amazing coincidence will happ en at Public Assembly from 10am-12pm. …and last but certainly not least your musical landscape for the night will be brought to you by: 9 – ME 11 – TONY UNORTHODOX 1230 – LEE MAYJAHS? 2 – LUIS CAMPOS 3 – ELECTRIK 430 – SMOKE ho ho ho! the jolly blue go ddess tekno*feel*ya and Dreamcatcher present THE PINK SAGITTARIANS AFTERP ARTY celebrating the birthday of MASAE featuring LEE MAYJAHS? (The Phi ladelphia Experiment aka PEX/Play Loop Records) The evening will begin with the PINK SAGITTARIANS, a MASAE birthd ay extravaganza featuring a decadent display of Burlesque, Fire, Cabaret, C an Can, and Belly Dance performances so spectacular that two of the most re spected forces in the New York scene have joined forces in order to keep th e party bumping long into the night! The masterminds behind PSYBOTIK have been inspired to create a new project to add to their string of successes, tekno*feel*ya. Still riding the high of their illustrious Halloween party, tekno*feel*ya has united with the legendary DREAMCATCHER, the crew best kno wn for bringing New York City PsYcHeGrOuND since 2002. We are extremely pr oud and excited to announce that LEE MAYJAHS? of The Philadelphia Experimen t (PEX) and Play Loop Records will be manning the helm with help from some of New York92s finest as we delve deeper into the realm of psychedelic tec hno. Line Up: LEE MAYJAHS? (The Philadelphia Experiment aka PEX / Play Loo p Records) LUIS CAMPOS (Dreamcatchers / Reality Engine) TONY UNORTHODOX (28 thDay) ELECTRIK (Psybotik / tekno*feel*ya) ME (Psybotik / tekno*feel*ya) Immersive Video By: ALCHEMISM (Psybotik) MASHA (Psybotik) Masae presents The Pink Sagittarians Public Assembly 70 North 6th St Brookl yn, NY 6pm-9pm (The show will begin promptly at 6:30pm.) $15 at the door ( includes admission to the afterparty) Please invite your friends fa pink! http: tekno*feel*ya and the Drea mcatchers present The Pink Sagittarians Afterparty Public Assembly 70 North 6th St Brooklyn, NY 9pm-6am $10 at the door (or free to those attending T he Pink Sagittarians) Only $5 before 12 with flyer OR sending an email to r svp at teknofeelya (one RSVP per email address) OR arriving in a Santa, El f, Hanukkah Harry or otherwise festive costume! 2 for 1 Drink specials fro m 9-10pm LEE MAYJAHS? (The Philadelphia Experiment aka PEX / Play Loop Records) Lee Mayjayhs? is one of those artists that every musician secretly wishes they could be: one the East Coast’s most eminent DJ’s who has gigge d at StarScape, Camp Bisco, Joshua Tree, Burning Man, and other A-list fest ivals; community founder of one of the largest Burning Man camps – Philadel phia Experiment (PEX) and internationally acclaimed DJ. Lee began his pro fessional DJ career in the 8092s but didn92t realize the true life changi ng power of music until he experienced it for his first time in the high de sert of Nevada. On Lee’s first journey to the Burning Man festival in Black Rock City, Lee fell in love with dance music again in a life-altering way. It was there he began developing his vision to bring people together from all lifestyles into one community, and where he decided to take his artist career to monumental levels. Lee Mayjahs? recently aligned himself with cr itically acclaimed eclectic electronic music label Playloop Records and is currently working in the studio with Smitty, Ross D, King Britt and Playloo p Honcho Justin Paul on a full-length debut EP scheduled for release in 201 0. He tours internationally as a DJ and in 2009 had the honor of playing w ith such diverse acts as Deadmau5, Thievery Corporation, MSTRKRFT, Crystal mthod, BassNectar and The Prodigy. He has played with some of the most res pected house DJ92s in the world, including, JoJo Flores, King Britt, Marqu es Wyatt, Josh Wink, Nickodemus & Osunlade. Lee is more than an experience d and adaptable DJ that knows how to rock globally universal crowds. He’s a n artist, a leader, a visionary and a creator. leemayjahs/ http ://leemayjahs/ leemayjahs/ LUIS CAMPOS (Dreamcatchers / R eality Engine) Producer and DJ Luis Campos launched a professional music ca reer at the age of 14 in his childhood home Sao Paulo, Brazil shortly after a small collection of records inspired him to pick up a set of Technics tu rntables. Throughout the first decade of his career he held residencies at some of the country92s most revered clubs, including Sao Paulo’s Limelight Victoria Pub, New QG, Gitana among others. Luis’s talents were also showc ased at Brazil92s most prestigious music festivals such as Skol Beats and the Love Parade attended by nearly 200,000 people. In addition to his work as a producer and DJ, Luis also founded PsYcHeGrOuND in 2002. PsYcHeGrOuND is an underground electronic music party that has become a raging success, having offered over 100 parties in NYC over the past seven years. A beacon for NYC’s underground electronic music scene, PsYcHeGrOuND is now a regula rly occurring event at Sullivan Room, recently voted one of the Top 100 Clu bs worldwide by DJ Mag. In 2008 Luis Campos joined forces with Matyas Kele men to form the Reality Engine project, one-of-a kind dance music driven pr oject that creates an articulate blend of original music production, synchr onized videos, and holographic projections. realityengine.tv realityengine.tv/ realityengine.tv/ T ONY UNORTHODOX (28thDay) After a long season of hibernation, Tony is finall y going to hit the decks once again to throw down one of his classic dj set s! A 10-year veteran of the NYC psytrance scene and a driving force behind some of the most legendary events this city has seen, he will be deliverin g his unique signature blend of sexy electro-tech-house from his seemingly endless bag of tricks! Expect nothing but the newest, most cutting edge mu sic you’ve ever heard mixed tightly across a tasty spectrum of genres that leaves every dance floor buzzing. This is going to be one of the few rare appearances he will be making this year, so don’t miss out! ELECTRIK (Psy botik / tekno*feel*ya) Electrik is the founder of the Psybotik parties in N ew York City, catering to an exotic audience with fashion, fire and cutting edge electronic music. His style is dynamic but typically focuses on high energy dance music with psychedelic roots. Representing up and down the eas tern seaboard as well as coast to coast in the US, as well as international ly in Japan. Sullivan Room, Tavern on The Green, Exit, Public Assembly, Bur ning Man, Coalesce, Equinox, Synchronize, Desiderata, Orb, San Sabastian in Puerto Rico, Rockwest in Tokyo…are just a few of the places you may have caught one of his astounding performances. web psybotik/ MESS ENGER PARTICLE (Psybotik / tekno*feel*ya) I’m a creator of underground, ec lectic, esoteric and awesome parties. A veteran of the New York City Psytra nce Culture. My first parties were the bridge parties. Dancing to Psychadel ic trance creates a synaesthesia. In your mind, your dancing adds an additi onal dimension to the music, creating a gestalt an entity greater then the two. I’ll create a wire-frame for you to stretch your mind across. You do t he rest. web psybotik/ Ladies and Gentleman, PINK SAGITTARIANS CELEBRATION and have some very exciting news…by popular demand SMOKE, the man behind Sync, Kabayun and one half of Unwashed Tomato es has been added to the lineup! Also we92ve had such a good response f or the event that Public Assembly has moved the party from their loft to th e side room to make sure we have enough space for all your dancing feet. That means bigger sound and fire all night long! spa lf, Hanukkah Harry or otherwise festive costume! st o getters join us in the morning for the Santacon kick off party which by a mazing coincidence will happen at Public Assembly from 10am-12pm. pan ; …and last but certainly not least your musical landscape for the nigh t will be brought to you by: ARTICLE ra2 – LUIS CAMPOS IK goddess AFTERPARTY sty YJAHS? Burlesque, Fire, Cabaret, Can Can, and Belly Dance performances so spec tacular that two of the most respected forces in the New York scene have jo ined forces in order to keep the party bumping long into the night! text-a f New York92s finest as we delve deeper into the realm of psychedelic tech no. PEX / Play Loop Records) TONY UNORTHODOX (28thDay) (Psybotik / tekno*feel*ya) By: sty he Pink Sagittarians n Brooklyn, NY 0pm.) r Please invite your friends facebook/event. Dreamcatchers present The Pink Sagittarians Afterparty st embly spa $10 at the door (or free to those attending The Pink Sagittarians)/sp an ailto:rsvp at teknofeelyarsvp at teknofeelya (one RSVP per email ad dress) OR ve costume! spa r 07 ay Loop Records) ician secretly wishes they could be: one the East Coast’s most eminent DJ’s who has gigged at StarScape, Camp Bisco, Joshua Tree, Burning Man, and other A-list festivals; community founder of one of the largest Burnin g Man camps – Philadelphia Experiment (PEX) and internationally acclaime d DJ. idn92t realize the true life changing power of music until he experienced it for his first time in the high desert of Nevada. On Lee’s first jour ney to the Burning Man festival in Black Rock City, Lee fell in love with d ance music again in a life-altering way. It was there he began developing h is vision to bring people together from all lifestyles into one community, and where he decided to take his artist career to monumental levels. raLee Mayjahs? recently aligned himself with critically acclaimed ecle ctic electronic music label Playloop Records and is currently working in th e studio with Smitty, Ross D, King Britt and Playloop Honcho Justin Paul on a full-length debut EP scheduled for release in 2010. He tours internat ionally as a DJ and in 2009 had the honor of playing with such diverse acts as Deadmau5, Thievery Corporation, MSTRKRFT, Crystal mthod, BassNectar an d The Prodigy. He has played with some of the most respected house DJ92s i n the world, including, JoJo Flores, King Britt, Marques Wyatt, Josh Wink, Nickodemus & Osunlade. adaptable DJ that knows how to rock globally universal crowds. He’s an artist, a leader, a visionary and a creator. leemayjahs/ pan aLUIS CAMPOS (Dreamcatchers / Reality Engine) Luis Campos launched a professional music career at the age of 14 in his ch ildhood home Sao Paulo, Brazil shortly after a small collection of records inspired him to pick up a set of Technics turntables. Throughout the first decade of his career he held residencies at some of the country92s most re vered clubs, including Sao Paulo’s Limelight, Victoria Pub, New QG, Git ana among others. Luis’s talents were also showcased at Brazil92s most prestigious music festivals such as Skol Beats and the Love Parade attende d by nearly 200,000 people. cer and DJ, Luis also founded PsYcHeGrOuND in 2002. PsYcHeGrOuND is an unde rground electronic music party that has become a raging success, having off ered over 100 parties in NYC over the past seven years. A beacon for NYC& #3 9;s underground electronic music scene, PsYcHeGrOuND is now a regularly occ urring event at Sullivan Room, recently voted one of the Top 100 Clubs worl dwide by DJ Mag. s Kelemen to form the Reality Engine project, one-of-a kind dance music dri ven project that creates an articulate blend of original music production, synchronized videos, and holographic projections. ht realityengine.tv/” lly going to hit the decks once again to throw down one of his classic dj s ets! A 10-year veteran of the NYC psytrance scene and a driving force be hind some of the most legendary events this city has seen, he will be deliv ering his unique signature blend of sexy electro-tech-house from his seemin gly endless bag of tricks! Expect nothing but the newest, most cutting e dge music you’ve ever heard mixed tightly across a tasty spectrum of ge nres that leaves every dance floor buzzing. This is going to be one of t he few rare appearances he will be making this year, so don’t miss out! ra sty e founder of the Psybotik parties in New York City, catering to an exotic a udience with fashion, fire and cutting edge electronic music. His style is dynamic but typically focuses on high energy dance music with psychedelic r oots. Representing up and down the eastern seaboard as well as coast to coa st in the US, as well as internationally in Japan. Sullivan Room, Tavern on The Green, Exit, Public Assembly, Burning Man, Coalesce, Equinox, Synchron ize, Desiderata, Orb, San Sabastian in Puerto Rico, Rockwest in Tokyo…are just a few of the places you may have caught one of his astounding perform ances. ya) parties. A veteran of the New York City Psytrance Culture. My first parties were the bridge parties. aesthesia. In your mind, your dancing adds an additional dimension to the m usic, creating a gestalt an entity greater then the two. I’ll create a wire-frame for you to stretch your mind across. You do the rest.

#4466 16 Dec 2010 14:13:46 -0800 Thu, 16 Dec 2010 17:13:46 From: Blue Goddess bluegoddess at psybotikPSYBOTIK NYE AFTERPARTY IS HAPPENING!!!That’s right we’re kicking off the new year the only way we know how…Fire dance and chunky beats until you drop! 2010 will forever be marked as a turning point in our community of psychedelic dance music…a fresh uprisin g of art, culture and free expression. Filled with new faces and old frien ds, we shared some of the most incredible performances on the planet, many their 1st visit to the Northeast. We saw numerous events reach EPIC status and several new venues and collectives that took us places we never thought we’d see. Most importantly we92ve made countless new friends and shared new understandings about ourselves and the world around us. Thank you to e veryone who made this all possible! When Psybotik was born in 2008 (and ra ised by Sonic Beating:)) months would pass without any signs of psy parties but now not a weekend goes by without a gathering of at least 100 people. This is truly incredible…we live in the cities of endless beats. After such a bountiful year, we absolutely could not let it come to an end withou t a proper (and affordable) farewell celebration…we are proud to bring yo u another epic coalition of the most reputable organizers and hottest perfo rmances in the northeast. Happy New Year! blue Presenting THE ROBOT REV OLUTION – 3rd Annual Psybotik New Year92s Eve Afterparty web facebo brought to you by members of Psybot ik, tekno*feel*ya, Green Apples NYC, Alchemy, Paradigm Shift, Pulp, Luminis is, Sonic Beating, Zenon, Gaian Mind, Animaltek, 28thDay, Light-o-Matic & F ractral Tribe Renegade Room (Dark, Full On and Progressive Psy): MESSENG ER PARTICLE (Psybotik / tekno*feel*ya) HYPNOTOAD (Light-O-Matic / Psybotik ) RADMOURA (Alchemy Records / Paradigm Shift) FRACTAL PHONO (Zenon Records / Gaian Mind) KEITH MATTAR (Sonic Beating) Subversion Stage (Psychedelic Electro, Techno and Prog): TONY UNORTHODOX (28thDay) SMOKE (Sync / Psyboti k) ELECTRIK (Psybotik / tekno*feel*ya) DJ EARTHIAN (Animaltek / Omnitribe / Living Records) GAGER FLEX (Pulp / Fractal Tribe) More TBA… Fire Perf ormance By: MASAE & ERIN (Luminisis) VICTOR (Psybotik) Immersive Video By: ALCHEMISM (Psybotik) Chill Space By: Jovial Rose Public Assembly – Fron t and Side Room 70 North 6th St Brooklyn, NY 4am-2pm 21+ w/ID Limited $5, $10, and $15 pre-sales while supplies last psybotik.ticketleap/ psybotiknye3/ $20 at the door, $5 off before 6am OR with flyer OR by sendi ng an email to rsvpnye at psybotik (one RSVP per email address) Invite yooff the new year the only way we know how…Fire, dance and chunky beats u ntil you drop! 2010 will forever be marked as a turning point in our community of psychede lic dance music…a fresh uprising of art, culture and free expression. Filled with new faces and old friends, we shared some of the most incredibl e performances on the planet, many their 1st visit to the Northeast. We saw numerous events reach EPIC status and several new venues and collectives t hat took us places we never thought we’d see. new friends and shared new understandings about ourselves and the world aro und us. Thank you to everyone who made this all possible! sp 8 (and raised by Sonic Beating:)) months would pass without any signs of ps y parties, but now not a weekend goes by without a gathering of at least 10 0 people. This is truly incredible…we live in the cities of endless beats . st bountiful year, we absolutely could not let it come to an end without a pro per (and affordable) farewell celebration…we are proud to bring you anoth er epic coalition of the most reputable organizers and hottest performances in the northeast. pan ; Happy New Year! spare esenting Afterparty brought to you by members of Psybotik, tekno*feel*ya, Green Apples NYC, Al chemy, Paradigm Shift, Pulp, Luminisis, Sonic Beating, Zenon, Gaian Mind, A nimaltek, 28thDay, Light-o-Matic & Fractral Tribe

#4467 Fri, 17 Dec 2010 08:25:07 -0800 17 Dec 2010 08:25:06 -0800 Fri, 17 Dec 2010 11:25:06 From: Blue Goddess bluegoddess at psybotikPSYBOTIK NYE AFTERPARTY – Discount Ticket Sales Start at NOON today while supplies last!*BRANDON ADAMS *of* Dreamcatcher *and* Caliphonic Records* added to the Lin e up!! More TBA… Limited $5, $10, and $15 pre-sales while supplies last psybotik.ticketleap/psybotiknye3/ Starts today at NOON, Get em while you can;) *THE ROBOT REVOLUTION – 3rd Annual Psybotik New Year92s Eve Afterparty* brought to you by members of Psybotik, tekno*feel*ya, Gree n Apples NYC, Alchemy, Paradigm Shift, Pulp, Luminisis, Sonic Beating, Zeno n, Gaian Mind, Omnitribe, 28thDay, Light-o-Matic & Fractral Tribe Renegad e Room (Dark, Full On and Progressive Psy): ME (Psybotik / tekno*feel*ya) HYPNOTOAD (Light-O-Matic / Psybotik) BRANDON ADAMS (Dreamc atcher / Caliphonic Records) RADMOURA (Alchemy Records / Paradigm Shift) FR ACTAL PHONO (Zenon Records / Gaian Mind) KEITH MATTAR (Sonic Beating) Sub version Stage (Psychedelic Electro, Techno and Prog): TONY UNORTHODOX (28t hDay) SMOKE (Sync / Psybotik) ELECTRIK (Psybotik / tekno*feel*ya) DJ EARTHI AN of ANIMALTEK (Omnitribe / Living Records) GAGRE FLEX (Pulp / Fractal Tri be) Fire Performance By: MASAE & ERIN (Luminisis) VICTOR (Psybotik) Imme rsive Video By: ALCHEMISM (Psybotik) Chill Space By: Jovial Rose Public Assembly – Front and Side Room 70 North 6th St Brooklyn, NY 4am-2pm 21+ w/I D Limited $5, $10, and $15 pre-sales while supplies last psybotik. ticketleap/psybotiknye3/ $20 at the door, $5 off before 6am OR with fl yer OR by sending an email to rsvpnye at psybotik (one RSVP per email addr ess) Caliphonic Records added to the Line up!! More TBA… /span pre-sales while supplies last Apple-style-span t-size: medium; psybotik.ticketleap/psybotiknye3/ styl Psybotik New Year92s Eve Afterparty l*ya, Green Apples NYC, Alchemy, Paradigm Shift, Pulp, Luminisis, Sonic Bea ting, Zenon, Gaian Mind, Omnitribe, 28thDay, Light-o-Matic & Fractral T ribe d Progressive Psy): an ME (Psybotik / tekno*feel*ya) tic / Psybotik) pan SMOKE (Sync / Psybotik) RTHIAN of ANIMALTEK (Omnitribe / Living Records) ctal Tribe) ASAE & ERIN (Luminisis)

#4469 Sun, 19 Dec 2010 04:47:36 Sun, 19 Dec 2010 04:47:33 Sun, 19 Dec 2010 04:47:26 goa-boston From: Machinelf Trance Hanukkah Christmas Party and Winter Solstice Celebration – free this coming Tuesday Dec 21 at Karma in NYCformatflowed DeKommpression in partnership with d, Trip Out New York, and NYC604 presents THC – Trance Hanukkah Christmas and Winter Solstice Dec 21 Tuesday 10pm-4am starting very early Downstairs at Karma 51 1st Avenue between 3rd and 4th Manhattan NYC (ID/21+ no exceptions) Hookahs and Smoking Permitted Fluoro Deco by Severin In previous years our holiday events here were off the hook. We expect this to be no different. DJs Severin Kiernan (Psybotik) Mystery Science DJ 3000 JP will be handing out invites to his new club 🙂 Your Host and Sacred Santa: Stefan Sry, no Standup Shaman this month, Machinelf went to Khandahar in Afghanistan to to standup for the Marines… and he bombed. Also note Psybotik’s New Years Eve Party THE ROBOT REVOLUTION – 3rd Annual Psybotik New Year’s Eve Afterparty event.php?eid Limited $5, $10, and $15 pre-sales while supplies last psybotik.ticketleap/psybotiknye3/ DeKommpression in partnership with d, Trip Out New York, and NYC604 presents THC – Trance Hanukkah Christmas and Winter Solstice Dec 21 Tuesday 10pm-4am starting very early Downstairs at Karma 51 1st Avenue between 3rd and 4th Manhattan NYC (ID/21+ no exceptions) Hookahs and Smoking Permitted Fluoro Deco by Severin In previous years our holiday events here were off the hook. We expect this to be no different. DJs Severin Kiernan (Psybotik) Mystery Science DJ 3000 JP will be handing out invites to his new club 🙂 Your Host and Sacred Santa: Stefan Sry, no Standup Shaman this month, Machinelf went to Khandahar in Afghanistan to to standup for the Marines… and he bombed. Also note Psybotik’s New Years Eve Party THE ROBOT REVOLUTION – 3rd Annual Psybotik New Year’s Eve Afterparty event.php?eidevent.php?eid Limited $5, $10, and $15 pre-sales while supplies last “psybotik.ticketleap/psybotiknye3/psybotik.ticketleap/psybotiknye3/

#4471 psynyPsYcHeGrOuND at Sullivan Room Holiday Party Thursday Dec 23rd 0-1890658989-1292956938:72572 It’s time to bring 2010 to a close with one last PsYcHeGrOuND family reuni on on the dance floor of our home away from home, Sullivan Room. Luziumn one of the first Dreamcatchers, will kick off the night followed by Fr actal Phono. Best known for his E2809Cquirky and murkyE2809D psyche delic progressive trance DJ sets, Fractal Phono has recently become a lab el DJ for Zenon Records. With a series of new tracks, we’re sure the roo m will be…positively vibrating with energy to blow our minds by the tim e his set is through! Next up will be Izzy in his much anticipated PsYcH eGrOuND debut leaving the Dreamcatcher’s very own Luis Campos to close t he show. Line-up: Fractal Phono (Zenon Records / Gaian Mind, Philadel phia) – web zenonrecords/zenon/artist/fractalphono/ – ww w.fractalphono/ Luziumn (Dreamcatcher, BR) Izzy Luis Campos (Reality Engine / Dreamcatcher) – web realityengine.tv/ Multimedia Visuals : Kaliptus (Psybolic Frolic / CoSM / Seed, NJ) – kaliptus.blogspot. com/ Logistics: *** December 23rd, 10pm E28093 4am *** General Admi ssion: $10 / $5 before midnight 21+ with ID at Sullivan Room, New York Cit y – 218 Sullivan Street (between Bleecker and West 3rd Street, 2 blocks east of 6th Avenue) http: Subway: A B, C, D, E, F, or V trains to E2809CW 4 St E28093 Wash SqE2809D 0-1890658989-1292956938:72572 It’s time to bring 2010 to a close with one last Ps YcHeGrOuND family reunion on the dance floor of our home away from home, S ullivan Room. Luziumn, one of the first Dreamcatchers, will kick off the night followed by Fractal Phono. Best known for his E2809Cquirky and m urkyE2809D psychedelic progressive trance DJ sets, Fractal Phono has re cently become a label DJ for Zenon Records. With a series of new tracks, we’re sure the room will be textexposedhide… sp an positively vibrating with energy to blow o ur minds by the time his set is through! Next up will be Izzy in his much anticipated PsYcHeGrOuND debut leaving the Dreamcatcher’s very own Luis Campos to close the / Gaian Mind, Philadelphia) – web zenonrecords/ze web zenonrecords.co w wordbreak m/ze non/artist/fractalpho w wordbreak no/ blank web fractalphono.co w wordbre ” lic Frolic / CoSM / Seed, NJ) – kaliptus.blogspot nw wordbreak om/ Logistics: *** December 23rd, 10pm E28093 4am *** General Admission: $10 / $5 before midnight 21+ with ID at Sullivan Room, New York C blank web sullivanroom.co w wordbrea k m/ 218 Sullivan Street (between Bleecker and West 3rd Stre et, 2 blocks east of 6th Avenue) a .yahoo/broa w wordbreak dband #mv way: A, B, C, D, E, F, or V trains to E2809CW 4 St E28093 Wash SqE2 809D

#4472 Tue, 21 Dec 2010 14:48:08 Tue, 21 Dec 2010 14:48:00 Tue, 21 Dec 2010 14:47:51 NYC604 NYC604 From: Machinelf Free Holiday Party Tonight at Karma with Psyboyik, Severin, Brandon Adamsformatflowed DeKommpression in partnership with d, Trip Out New York, and NYC604 presents THC – Trance Hanukkah Christmas and Winter Solstice Dec 21 Tuesday 10pm-4am starting very early Downstairs at Karma 51 1st Avenue between 3rd and 4th Manhattan NYC (ID/21+ no exceptions) Hookahs and Smoking Permitted Fluoro Deco by Severin In previous years our holiday events here were off the hook. We expect this to be no different. DJs Severin Kiernan (Psybotik) Brandon Adams JP will be handing out invites to his new club 🙂 Your Host and Sacred Santa: Stefan Sry, no Standup Shaman this month, Machinelf went to Khandahar in Afghanistan to to standup for the Marines… and he bombed. Also note Psybotik’s New Years Eve Party THE ROBOT REVOLUTION – 3rd Annual Psybotik New Year’s Eve Afterparty event.php?eid Limited $5, $10, and $15 pre-sales while supplies last psybotik.ticketleap/psybotiknye3/ DeKommpression in partnership with d, Trip Out New York, and NYC604 presents THC – Trance Hanukkah Christmas and Winter Solstice Dec 21 Tuesday 10pm-4am starting very early Downstairs at Karma 51 1st Avenue between 3rd and 4th Manhattan NYC (ID/21+ no exceptions) Hookahs and Smoking Permitted Fluoro Deco by Severin In previous years our holiday events here were off the hook. We expect this to be no different. DJs Severin Kiernan (Psybotik) Brandon Adams JP will be handing out invites to his new club 🙂 Your Host and Sacred Santa: Stefan Sry, no Standup Shaman this month, Machinelf went to Khandahar in Afghanistan to to standup for the Marines… and he bombed. Also note Psybotik’s New Years Eve Party THE ROBOT REVOLUTION – 3rd Annual Psybotik New Year’s Eve Afterparty event.php?eidevent.php?eid Limited $5, $10, and $15 pre-sales while supplies last “psybotik.ticketleap/psybotiknye3/psybotik.ticketleap/psybotiknye3/ class”titleThe psychedelic secrets of Santa Claus/ class”submittedBy Dana Larsen – Thursday, December 18 2003 s”taxonomy

#4473 Wed, 22 Dec 2010 12:21:26 -0800 22 Dec 2010 12:21:26 -0800 Wed, 22 Dec 2010 15:21:26 To: psybotik at googlegroups, TripOutNY From: Blue Goddess bluegoddess at psybotikROBOT REVOLUTION UPDATE!!! 0016e644de0268fe1e0498057f7b Attention: The revolution has grown! Just added to the lineup to tickle yo ur eyes and ears…Divine Deco by WizArt Visions and Killer Sound by Light- o-matic. Help us spread the word: Also for your viewing pleasure, the full flyer is up court esy of Fractal Phono (thank you). Make sure and catch him at a Special Holi day Edition of Psycheground this Thursday, 12/23 at Sullivan Room. Here’s t he event info: Ha ppy Holidays! love blue and the Psybotik Crew Presenting THE ROBOT REVOL UTION – 3rd Annual Psybotik New Year92s Eve Afterparty Generously brought to you by members of Psybotik, tekno*feel*ya, Green Apples NYC, Light-o-Ma tic, Alchemy, Paradigm Shift, Sync, Pulp, Luminisis, Sonic Beating, Zenon, Gaian Mind, Omnitribe, 28thDay, Dreamcatcher & Fractral Tribe Renegade Ro om (Dark, Full On and Progressive Psy): ME (Psybotik / te kno*feel*ya) HYPNOTOAD (Light-O-Matic / Psybotik) BRANDON ADAMS (Dreamcatch er / Caliphonic Records) RADMOURA (Alchemy Records / Paradigm Shift) FRACTA L PHONO (Zenon Records / Gaian Mind) KEITH MATTAR (Sonic Beating) Subvers ion Stage (Psychedelic Electro, Techno and Prog): TONY UNORTHODOX (28thDay ) SMOKE (Sync / Psybotik) ELECTRIK (Psybotik / tekno*feel*ya) DJ EARTHIAN o f ANIMALTEK (Omnitribe / Living Records) GAGRE FLEX (Pulp / Fractal Tribe) Fire Performance By: MASAE & ERIN (Luminisis) VICTOR (Psybotik) Immersiv e Video By: ALCHEMISM (Psybotik) Killer Sound By: Light-O-Matic Divine De co By: WizArt Visions Chill Space By: Jovial Rose Public Assembly – Fron t and Side Room 70 North 6th St Brooklyn, NY 4am-2pm 21+ w/ID Limited $5, $10, and $15 pre-sales while supplies last psybotik.ticketleap/ psybotiknye3/ $20 at the door, $5 off before 6am OR with flyer OR by sendi ng an email to rsvpnye at psybotik (one RSVP per email address) Invite yo 0016e644de0268fe1e0498057f7b class : c -serifJust added to the lineup to tickle your eyes and ears…Divine Deco by WizArt Visions and Killer Sound by Light-o-matic. s spread the word: class : class line-heig r class line-h Also for your viewing pleasure, the full flyer is up courtesy of Fractal Ph ono (thank you). Make sure and catch him at a Special Holiday Edition of Ps ycheground this Thursday, 12/23 at Sullivan Room. Here’s the event info : class line-h class line 647236099747 Appl e-style-span” : Apple-style-span #39;, New Year92s Eve Afterparty rs of Psybotik, tekno*feel*ya, Green Apples NYC, Light-o-Matic, Alchemy, Pa radigm Shift, Sync, Pulp, Luminisis, Sonic Beating, Zenon, Gaian Mind, Omni tribe, 28thDay, Dreamcatcher & Fractral Tribe ade Room (Dark, Full On and Progressive Psy): (Psybotik / tekno*feel*ya) an BRANDON ADAMS (Dreamcatcher / Caliphonic Records) (Psychedelic Electro, Techno and Prog): SMOKE (Sync / Psybotik) EARTHIAN of ANIMALTEK (Omnitribe / Living Records) Fractal Tribe) sty (Luminisis) LCHEMISM (Psybotik) aDivine Deco By: an Jovial Rose n 70 North 6th St spa r Limited $5, $10, and $15 pre-sales while supplies last omrsvpnye at psybotik (one RSVP per email address) ite your friends: event.php?eid 5 0016e644de0268fe1e0498057f7b

#4475 Wed, 29 Dec 2010 10:55:27 -0800 29 Dec 2010 10:55:26 -0800 Wed, 29 Dec 2010 13:55:26 From: Blue Goddess bluegoddess at psybotikRobot Revolution Update – Time slots and final details announced! 0016e644cdecbfecf80498911c63 Attention: The final piece of The Robot Revolution has been confirmed…We are pleased to announce two of New York92s veteran rebels have joined the cause: LUIS CAMPOS & CARROL FERRAZ of Reality Engine and Dreamcatcher will be doing a special New Year92s Day Tag Team set to start us off! [image: Renegade Room (Dark, Full On and Progres sive Psy): 0400 – ME (Psybotik / tekno*feel*ya) 0600 – BRA NDON ADAMS (Dreamcatcher / Caliphonic Records) 0730 – HYPNOTOAD (Light-O-Ma tic / Psybotik) 0900 – RADMOURA (Alchemy Records / Paradigm Shift) 1030 – F RACTAL PHONO (Zenon Records / Gaian Mind) 1200 – KEITH MATTAR (Sonic Beatin g) Subversion Stage (Psychedelic Electro, Techno and Prog): 0400 – LUIS CA MPOS and CAROL FERRAZ (Reality Engine / Dreamcatcher) 0600 – ELECTRIK (Psyb otik / tekno*feel*ya) 0730 – SMOKE (Sync / Psybotik) 0900 – DJ EARTHIAN of ANIMALTEK (Omnitribe / Living Records) 1030 – TONY UNORTHODOX (28thDay) 120 0 – GAGRE FLEX (Pulp / Fractal Tribe) If you haven’t already done so pleas e invite your friends and help spread the revolution: web facebook.c Want A FREE ticket to The Robot Revolut ion??? We’ll give a comp to anyone willing to go hand out flyers at anothe r event happening on New Year92s Eve. If you92re interested bluegoddess at psybotik so we can arm you with a stack of flyers. Her e’s our suggestions for events happening before ours, these aren92t Psytra nce parties but the crowd is wild and art is plentiful. Of course another great option is always celebrating in smaller groups of friends and family; ) see you on the dance floor! bg W&B AIRLINES MAIDEN VOYAGE December 31 2010, 10pm-sunrise At Industry City Airport In Sunset Park, Brooklyn Very near the D,N,R trains at 36th St 21+ w/ ID wandbnyc/airlines/?p MISTER SATURDAY NIGHT December 31, 2010, 9pm-late TBA Brookly n GEMINI & SCORPIO PRESE NT THE BOOTLEGGERS92 BALL NYE, Fri 12/31, 8pm-6am, 21+ with ID (25+ sugges ted) $35 presale until 12/27, $40 after, $50 at door if avail, $20 after 2a m Irondale Performing Arts Center, 85 S Oxford St, Fort Greene, BK Password RSVP: web geminiandscorpio/events FB: web facebook. RUBULAD PRESENTS: THE CRYSTALLINE BAL L – A NEW YEAR92S MASQUERADE Friday December 31, 2010 At the 1896, located at 592 Johnson Ave, Bklyn 10:00 pm Doors, 10:30 Show. I.D. that says you’r e 21 $20 before 11:00 or way late; $30 in full costume; $40 otherwise This is a masked ball. Please wear a costume. Robot Revolution has been confirmed…We are pleased to announce two of New ear92s Day Tag Team set to start us off! /sp sp ybotik / tekno*feel*ya) ight-O-Matic / Psybotik) n lity Engine / Dreamcatcher) IAN of ANIMALTEK (Omnitribe / Living Records) e-wrapIf you haven’t already done so please invite your friends and h elp spread the revolution: he Robot Revolution??? We’ll give a comp to anyone willing to go han d out flyers at another event happening on New Year92s Eve. If you92re in ou with a stack of flyers. ggestions for events happening before ours, these aren92t Psytrance partie s but the crowd is wild and art is plentiful. Of course another great op tion is always celebrating in smaller groups of friends and family;) t -sunrise ndustry City Airport e-wrapIn Sunset Park, Brooklyn sty nsparent” r pan -6am, 21+ with ID (25+ suggested) il, $20 after 2am rapIrondale Performing Arts Center, 85 S Oxford St, Fort Greene, BK/span E CRYSTALLINE BALL – A NEW YEAR92S MASQUERADE spa ohnson Ave, Bklyn rap10:00 pm Doors, 10:30 Show. I.D. that says you’re 21 $30 in full costume; $40 otherwise TripOutNY PsYcHeGrOuND at Sullivan Room featuring Dave Dittmer, January 6th, 2010, 0-1755980011-1294269302:63201 Since there’s no rest for the wicked anyway let’s get this year started wi th another edition of PsYcHeGrOuND! This coming Thursday we will be cele brating Joao Cho’s birthday with a long overdue debut performances by Son ic Beating favorite Dave Dittmer and Psychedelikunz who hails to us from Goa by way of New Jersey. Rounding out the evening’s line up will be our very own resident artists including the sizzling hot Carol Ferraz…and the bomb dropping boys that bring you PsYcHeGrOuND, Luis and KeN, along w ith multimedia visuals by Kaliptus Arts and Ivan Youngblood. Line-up: Dave Dittmer (Sonic Beating, Boston) – soundcloud/tyrantsonicb eating Psychedelikunz (Psybolic Frolic, NJ/Goa, India) – soundcloud /psychedelikunz/ Luis vs KeN (Reality Engine / Dreamcatcher) – soundcloud/djluiscampos Carol Ferraz – soundcloud/carol-fe rraz Multimedia Visuals: Kaliptus (Psybolic Frolic / CoSM / Seed, NJ) – kaliptus.blogspot/ Ivan Youngblood Logistics: *** January 6th, 10pm E28093 4am *** General Admission: $5 before 12am, $10 after 1 2am with RSVP, $15 after 12am if you don’t RSVP RSVP to psycheground at yaho o 21+ with ID at Sullivan Room, New York City – web sullivanro om/ 218 Sullivan Street (between Bleecker and West 3rd Street, 2 blocks east of 6th Avenue) Subway: A, B, C, D, E, F, or V tra ins to E2809CW 4 St E28093 Wash SqE2809D 0-1755980011-1294269302:63201 way let’s get this year started with another edition of PsYcHeGrOuND! Thi s coming Thursday we will be celebrating Joao Cho’s birthday with a long o verdue debut performances by Sonic Beating favorite Dave Dittmer and Psych edelikunz who hails to us from Goa by way of New Jersey. Rounding out the evening’s line up will be our very own resident artists including the siz zling hot Carol Ferraz textexposedhide… cl and the bomb dropping boys that bring you PsYcH eGrOuND, Luis and KeN, along with multimedia visuals by Kaliptus Arts and blank soundcloud/tyra w wordbrea nk soundcloud/psyc w wordbreak eality Engine / Dreamcatcher) – soundcloud/djluis w break l-ferraz Multimedia Visuals: Kaliptus (Psybolic Frolic / CoSM / Seed, NJ) – kaliptus.blogspo w wordbreak om/ Ivan Youngbloo d Logistics: *** January 6th, 10pm E28093 4am *** General Admission: $5 before 12am, $10 after 12am with RSVP, $1 5 after 12am if you don’t RSVP RSVP to psycheground at yahoo b r21+ with ID at Sullivan Room, New York City – web livanroom.co w wordbreak m/ 218 Su llivan Street (between Bleecker and West 3rd Street, 2 blocks east of 6th A C+New+ w wordbreak York%2C+NY&tr ins to E2809CW 4 St


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