Updated 2 years ago

These are the full emails with discussion, replies, off-topic, non-trance events, etc.
For a much more succinct, formatted, and edited history, go here, and here are just flyers.
Other years in emails:
1999* – 2000* – 2001* – 2002 Pt 1* – 2002 Pt 2* – 2003* – 2004 – 2005
2006 – 2007 – 2008 – 2009 – 2010 – 2011
*Trip Out New York was called Brainmachines from 1999-2003.
January 2009
#4229 Sat, 3 Jan 2009 00:51:09 Sat, 3 Jan 2009 00:51:50 From: COSM new site For Immediate Release: Chapel of Sacred Mirrors leaves NYC, CoSM Sanctuar y to open in Wappinger, NY mid-2009. The Chapel of Sacred Mirrors has be en a sanctuary for contemplation and events encouraging the creative spir it in New York City since 2004. Hundreds of thousands of people have visi ted Alex and Allyson Greys living brochure; their vision of a pe rmanent home, but the lease has ended. CoSM is pleased to announce the pu rchase of 40-acre former interfaith retreat campus, 65 miles up the Hudson River. Its a 20-minute walk from the New Hamburg MetroNorth sta tion or about an hours drive from NYC. CoSM Sanctuary will offe r spiritual gatherings; educational and cultural events emphasizing art a s a spiritual practice. Visionary artists, musicians, dancers, scientists and teachers will share their wisdom here. Sun-filled galleries and libr aries will provide meditative and contemplative space for the mind, body and soul. The chapel you have seen in sculpted model will be built for th e artwork of Alex Grey and others. CoSM Sanctuary has wonderful opportun ities, but its upkeep was neglected for many years and its buildings have fallen into disrepair. With your help, this once-magnificent estate can be repurposed. The brick carriage house will be converted to exhibit the Sacred Mirrors. A conference building will host art, meditation and yoga classes. A cabin in the woods will become a studio where artists-in-resi dence can paint and sculpt for the Chapel and beyond. The main house, a s tunning wood-frame Victorian, needs extensive renovation to be weatherpro of and energy-efficient. Simple, affordable overnight lodging and dining for up to 100 people will be available. The Chapel of Sacred Mirrors is a 501(c)(3) organization, supported solely by donations from the communit y, which are deductible on income and estate taxes. Financial contributio ns andmtskilled volunteers are needed. An estimated two million dollars is required for renovation. There are tens of thousands of fans of Alex Gre y and the Chapel of Sacred Mirrors, just ten dollars from each can add up quickly. /donate ) sm.org/shop ) and web alexgrey/shop , (web alexgrey. com/shop ,) and buy a piece of art history. Checks may be mailed to Chapel of Sacred Mirrors, PO Box 20668, N, NY 10011 If you have time an dmtskills to offer in Wappinger, please write to our volunteer coordinator : cosm.art.sanctuary at gmail If you can help us move art and furniture from NYC to Wappinger in January, please write to our move coordinator M z. imani – cosm.move.nyc at gmail With your help, says founding artist Alex Grey, E2809CWe will create sacred space, a new center for creati vity as a spiritual path.E2809D Thank you, and blessings. Updates a re also posted on Facebook: (ap ****** ********Stay up-to-date on the latest news – from fashion trends to celebr ity break-ups and everything in between. taolcom00000024) For Immediate Release : Chapel of Sacred Mirrors leaves NYC, CoSM Sanctuary to open in Wappi nger, NY mid-2009. The Chapel of Sacred Mirrors has been a sanctua ry for contemplation and events encouraging the creative spirit in New Yor k City since 2004. Hundreds of thousands of people have visited Alex and A llyson Greys living brochure; their vision of a permanent home, b ut the lease has ended. CoSM is pleased to announce the purchase of 40-acr e former interfaith retreat campus, 65 miles up the Hudson River. ItE280 99s a 20-minute walk from the New Hamburg MetroNorth station or about an hours drive from NYC. CoSM Sanctuary will offer spiritual gatherings; educational and cultural events emphasizing art as a spiritual practice. Visionary artists, musicians, dancers, scientists and teachers will share their wisdom here. Sun-filled galleries and libraries will prov ide meditative and contemplative space for the mind, body and soul. The ch apel you have seen in sculpted model will be built for the artwork of Alex Grey and others. CoSM Sanctuary has wonderful opportunities, but its upkeep was neglected for many years and its buildings have fallen into disrepair. With your help, this once-magnificent estate can be repurposed . The brick carriage house will be converted to exhibit the Sacred Mirrors. A conference building will host art, meditation and yoga classes . A cabin in the woods will become a studio where artists-in-residence can paint and sculpt for the Chapel and beyond. The main house, a stunning wo od-frame Victorian, needs extensive renovation to be weatherproof and ener gy-efficient. Simple, affordable overnight lodging and dining for up to 10 0 people will be available. The Chapel of Sacred Mirrors is a 501( c)(3) organization, supported solely by donations from the community, whic h are deductible on income and estate taxes. Financial contributions and s killed volunteers are needed. An estimated two million dollars is required for renovation. There are tens of thousands of fans of Alex Grey and the Chapel of Sacred Mirrors, just ten dollars from each can add up quickly. /cosm.org/donate cosm.org/donate Or visit our web stores .org/shop and p://web alexgrey/shop ,web alexgrey/shop , and buy a piece of art history. Checks may be mailed to Chapel of Sacred Mirror s, PO Box 20668, N, NY 10011 If you have time andmtskills to offer in Wappinger, please write to our volunteer coordinator: cosm.art.sanctuar y at gmail If you can help us move art and furniture from NYC to Wappinger in January, please write to our move coordinator Mz. imani – cosm.move.nyc at gmail With your help, says founding artist Alex Grey, E2809CWe will create sacred space, a new center for creativity as a spiritual path.E2809D Thank you, and blessings. Upda tes are also posted on 20180
#4230 Mon, 12 Jan 2009 17:16:26 -0800 TripoutnyPSYCHEGROUND Thursday, January 15 at Sullivan Room featuring MUBALI, BRANDON ADAMS and more 0-1141242780-1231809386:62590 For our first gathering of 2009 we are happy to bring you a very special artist. MUBALI (Trishula Rec/San Fran CA) – LIVE! web myspace/mubalitrax Mubali is Greg Farley, from Monterey, California. He has been writing his own music since 2003. He comes from a background of classical music (violist for 7 years) and currently makes all of his music just for fun. His tracks tend to be on the darker side of full on, and his influences are Azax Syndrom, Xenomorph, Grapes of Wrath, Absolum, Twisted System, and Digital Talk. and dj sets by: BRANDON ADAMS (Dreamcatcher NYC) profile.myspace/index.cfm?fuseactionuser.viewProfile&friendID497009 MAYUR (Spectra / Psybotik, NYC) DA VINCI (Internal Astronauts, NY) Deco by the Dreamcatchers Admission: $10,00 RSVP to psycheground at yahoo for $5 reduced list 10pm – 4am Sullivan Room, Manhattan, New York City 218 Sullivan St (between Bleecker and West 3rd St, 2 blocks east of 6th Ave) Subway: A, B, C, D, E, F, or V trains to “W 4 St – Wash Sq” 21+ with ID Here is a web sullivanroom web myspace/psycheground web myspace/mubalitrax 0-1141242780-1231809386:62590
#4231 Thu, 15 Jan 2009 11:42:08 -0800 PSYCHEGROUND Thursday, January 15 at Sullivan Room featuring MUBALI, BRANDON ADAMS and more 0-1901705933-1232048528:44260 For our first gathering of 2009 we are happy to bring you a very speci al artist. MUBALI (Trishula Rec/San Fran CA) – LIVE! web myspace /mubalitrax Mubali is Greg Farley, from Monterey, California. He has been writing his own music since 2003. He comes from a background of classi cal music (violist for 7 years) and currently makes all of his music just f or fun. His tracks tend to be on the darker side of full on, and his influe nces are Azax Syndrom, Xenomorph, Grapes of Wrath, Absolum, Twisted System, and Digital Talk. and dj sets by: BRANDON ADAMS (Dreamcatcher NYC) h MAYUR (Spectra / Psybotik, NYC) DA VINCI (Internal As tronauts, NY) Deco by the Dreamcatchers Admission: $10,00 RSVP t o psycheground at yahoo for $5 reduced list 10pm – 4am Sullivan Room, Manhattan, New York City 218 Sullivan St (between Bleecker and West 3rd S t, 2 blocks east of 6th Ave) Subway: A, B, C, D, E, F, or V trains to “W 4 St – Wash Sq” 21+ with ID Here is a ma web s ullivanroom web myspace/psycheground web myspace.co m/mubalitrax 0-1901705933-1232048528:44260
#4232 Fri, 16 Jan 2009 19:49:07 From: “alladinproject” alladinproject at yahooTONIGHT SHIVA CANDRA ILLIGAL MACHINES at CLUB EXIT ALL THE ARTIST R HERE PROPER YOURSELF FOR ON UP LIFTING EXPERIENCE AS WELL DANIEL AKA SHIVA CHANDRA WILL PLAY ELECTRO SET IN THE ELECTRO ROOM 🙂 SEE Y OU ALL THERE WITH THE BEST ENERGY LineUp: Main floor SHIVA CHANDRA Live web myspace/shivachandra ILLEGAL MACHINE Live web myspace /illegalproject BRANDON ADAMS Dreamcatcher /NYC KeN Psy collective /Dr eamcatcher /NYC ORBIT Alladin Group Israel/ Japan MOMOLOS Zanon Rec Elect ro Room: OMER BRNEA Israel/ NYC TONY UNORTHODOX 28th day NYC DJ CHARLES SE VERYN NYC Decoration: Backdrops by; TBA Spandex & Structures by: Ocular Delight web dividemysky/oculardelight Alladin Deco Team 18 to enter 21 to drink with valid ID Doors open 10 pm 96 6 am $25 in advance at web alladinproject.net $30 at the door Location: CLUB EXIT 149 GREENPOINT AVE. BROOKLYN, NY 11222 Street Map: Directions: By Subway: Take the L train to Redford stop and transfer to the 61 bus go dow n in Greenpoint Ave, (5 mint) Or: take the L train to metropolitan Ave & tr ansfer to the G train to Green point Ave. the Club is right across the str eet. Or: G train to green point Ave Subway Map: web mta.nyc.ny.us /nyct/maps/submap Bus: 61, 43, to Green point Ave Bus map: ww w.mta.nyc.ny.us/nyct/maps/busbkln.pdf By Car: Take BQE (I-278) to Exit 3 3 McGuiness Blvd,towards Green point Ave, Turn LEFT at Green point Ave Pr oceed to 147 Green point Ave. By car-service / Taxi: From Manhattan cost s about $15 From Bedford Station it costs about $6 Our next party will be at take place at Club Exit on valentine weekend Feb 13 2009 with RASTALIENS Live BRAINCELL Live FRIA and more web AlladinProject.net
#4233 Mon, 19 Jan 2009 02:07:07 -0800 Mon, 19 Jan 2009 19:07:07 From: Yugo F ripvanwinkle at hotmailTech house DJ mix for after hours 4cd8142a-e54c-4635-bbe2-25ba4ff2f54b This is tech house mix for after hours by yugo from activate. I made this mix last summer so tracks are not really new but I hope you can see my taste. DJ Yugo ’08 august promo mix r-hotani/yugo/yugo.zip Thanks.
#4234 Mon, 19 Jan 2009 22:05:45 From: “alladinproject” alladinproject at yahooAlladin Group Valentine’s Weekend FEB 13 RASTALIENS Live, BRAINCELL Live…… AlladinGroup presnts: Valentine Weekend with RASTALIENS Live, BRAINCELL Liv e, ODISEO Live and more!! Friday Feb 13th 09 at Club EXIT ( Brooklyn NY ) Line Up: RASTALIENS Live Phar Psyde Rec web myspace/rastalien s BRAINCELL Live Glowing Flame / Phar Psyde Rec web myspace/bra incellstudio ODISEO Live Iboga Rec (Mexico) web myspace/djodise o ORBIT Alladin Group (Israel- Japan) STEVE-O Spectra /Gaian Mind (NYC) Electro Room: OMER BARNEA (TLV/Israel) CRIS Alladin Group (Mexico) LUIS & MATIAS Reality Engine (NYC) MAYUR Spectra (NYC)Decoration: Backd rops by; TBA Spandex & Structures by: Alladin Deco Team alladinpro 18 to enter 21 to dr ink with valid ID Doors open 10 pm 96 6 am $25 in advance at web all adinproject.net $30 at the door Location: CLUB EXIT 149 GREENPOINT AVE. BROOK LYN, NY 11222 Street Map: Directions: By Subway: Take th e L train to Redford stop and transfer to the 61 bus go down in Greenpoint Ave, (5 mint) Or: take the L train to metropolitan Ave & transfer to the G train to Green point Ave. the Club is right across the street. Or: G train to green point Ave Subway Map: web mta.nyc.ny.us/nyct/maps/submap.ht m Bus: 61, 43, to Green point Ave Bus map: web mta.nyc.ny.us/nyct/m aps/busbkln.pdf By Car: Take BQE (I-278) to Exit 33 McGuiness Blvd,toward s Green point Ave, Turn LEFT at Green point Ave Proceed to 147 Green point Ave. By car-service / Taxi: From Manhattan costs about $15 From Bedford St ation it costs about $6 Our next party will be at take place at Club Exit o n March 13 2009 web AlladinProject.net
February 2009
#4237 Tue, 3 Feb 2009 10:35:00 -0800 To: psyny Tripoutny..::: PsYcHeGrOuND :::.. February 5th, 09′ at Sullivan Room NY. Feat Karmakanik & DJ Earthian! 0-101883162-1233686100:66797 Thursday February 5th, 2009 Psycheground is back for another nig ht of quality music at the legendary Sullivan Room, one of New YorkA2s long est running night clubs. On this special evening, we welcome back two of E ast coastA2s most talented & favorite DJs: Karmakanik and DJ Earthian! W e will also celebrate one of our own DJs, K e NA2s Birthday on this speci al night. ItA2s a night of celebration where we once again push the bo undaries of music like never before! DJs for the night: KARMAKANIK ( Gaian Mind/ PSI – Philadelphia) Mastermind behind the legendary PSI parti es and a DJ of unmatched skill, Pat has rocked dance-floors across the coun try with his own signature blend of auditory stimulation. A true veteran of the trance scene with an ear for tunes that clean one’s head and compel th e body to dance, Pat’s versatility, effortless mixing technique, and energe tic track selection have combined to make him a crowd favorite. Smooth yet crunchy, raw yet refined, psychedelicious and immensely satisfying. The Sou nd of the Philly Underground! web gaian-mind/artists.php DJ E arthian aka Animaltek (Omnitribe/ Treibstoff/ Resopal/ Living) Shay is on e of the finest DJs in New York City. He has just come back from a 6 month tour of Europe!!! It is his first gig back in the Big Apple, and he will be presenting us, much of his new material that has rocked the dance floors a round the globe. His music has been played by some of the World’s Top DJ’s such as John Digweed, Sasha, Satoshi Tomie and Anthony Pappa, among others. He’s one of the few DJ’s who can elevate a crowd to extreme heights while keeping the music audibly subterranean. This will be a special set not to b e missed!!! web myspace/djearthian Luis Campos (Dreamcatcher – BR/ NYC) Luis Campos is one of the most respected, talented, producer, and veteran DJ of the New York Psychedelic Trance scene. He was raised in the city of Sao Paulo, Brazil and started his professional DJ career from t he early age of 13. In 1996 he became a member of the legendary INFLUX band till 1999 when he decided to come to NY. He then started Dreamcatcher stud ios and the Psycheground weekly events which surpassed its 100th party last July. His excellent mixing and great knowledge of music has taken him thr oughout the globe. His groundbreaking sets are highly recognized for his en ergetic Fullon sounds that flows through the dance floor in harmony with hi s signature blend of mixing. web myspace/psycheground K e N (Dreamcatcher/ Bella Gaia- JP/NYC) K e N has been gaining reputation as one of NYA2s finest DJs. He comes from a diverse musical background, w hile psychedelic trance is his favorite style to play. He recently started an internship program with the worldly recognized artist, Kenji Williams an d his Bella Gaia project. Stay tuned for more updates. His mixing techniqu es are precise, yet very powerful with a message. His deep, infectious, pla yful sounds will make you smile & dance He plays for the Love of the music and the people. Constantly evolving, and trying to further define the mome nt, to make the crowd feel special on the dance floor. web myspace. com/nydj4life DJ Lucina- (Dreamcatcher- NYC) Entering the West Coast ps ytrance scene with a Blam! in 2004 DJ Lucina (aka Gwyn) has been tearing it up with her full on and morning sets at parties all across the western US. After spending a year in the deserts of New Mexico, DJ Lucina has reemerge d on the East Coast as a full spectrum, night time DJ, ready to knock you s ocks off. Enjoy! web myspace/djlucina Deco by the Dreamcatch ers ** February 5th, 10pm – 4am ** at Sullivan Room, New York City web sullivanroom 218 Sullivan St (between Bleecker and West 3rd St, 2 blocks east of 6th Ave) General Admission: $10.00 RSVP to psychegr ound at yahoo for $5.00 reduced list Subway: A, B, C, D, E, F, or V tr ains to “W 4 St – Wash Sq” 21+ with ID m 0-101883162-1233686100:66797 lt; Psycheground is back for another night of quality music at the legendary Sullivan Room, one of New YorkA2s longest running night clu bs. On this special evening, we welcome back two of East coastA2s most talented & favorite DJs: Karmakanik and DJ Earthian! We will al so celebrate one of our own DJs, K e NA2s Birthday on this special night. ItA2s a night of celebration where we once again push the boundar ies of music like never before! DJs for the night: KARMAKANIK (Gaian Mind/ PSI – Philadelphia) Mastermind be hind the legendary PSI parties and a DJ of unmatched skill, Pat has rocked dance-floors across the country with his own signature blend of auditory st imulation. A true veteran of the trance scene with an ear for tunes that cl ean one’s head and compel the body to dance, Pat’s versatility, effortless mixing technique, and energetic track selection have combined to make him a crowd favorite. Smooth yet crunchy, raw yet refined, psychedelicious and i mmensely satisfying. The Sound of the Philly Underground! ! incode a ncode auto-link end DJ Earthian aka Animaltek (Omnitribe / Treibstoff/ Resopal/ Living) Shay is one of the finest DJs in New Yor k City. He has just come back from a 6 month tour of Europe!!! It is his fi rst gig back in the Big Apple, and he will be presenting us, much of his ne w material that has rocked the dance floors around the globe. His music has been played by some of the World’s Top DJ’s such as John Digweed, Sasha, S atoshi Tomie and Anthony Pappa, among others. He’s one of the few DJ’s who can elevate a crowd to extreme heights while keeping the music audibly subt erranean. This will be a special set not to be missed!!! ! incode au o-link end Luis Campos (Dreamcatcher- BR/ NYC) Lui s Campos is one of the most respected, talented, producer, and veteran DJ o f the New York Psychedelic Trance scene. He was raised in the city of Sao P aulo, Brazil and started his professional DJ career from the early age of 1 3. In 1996 he became a member of the legendary INFLUX band till 1999 when h e decided to come to NY. He then started Dreamcatcher studios and the Psych eground weekly events which surpassed its 100th party last July. His ex cellent mixing and great knowledge of music has taken him throughout the gl obe. His groundbreaking sets are highly recognized for his energetic Fullon sounds that flows through the dance floor in harmony with his signature bl end of mixing. ce/psycheground K e N (Dreamcatcher/ Bella Gaia- JP/NYC) K e N has been gaining reputa tion as one of NYA2s finest DJs. He comes from a diverse musical backgroun d, while psychedelic trance is his favorite style to play. He recently star ted an internship program with the worldly recognized artist, Kenji William s and his Bella Gaia project. Stay tuned for more updates. His mixing t echniques are precise, yet very powerful with a message. His deep, infectio us, playful sounds will make you smile & .isratrance/images/smiles/iconsmile.gif He plays for the Love of the music and the people. Constantly evolving, and trying to further define th e moment, to make the crowd feel special on the dance floor. ! incod auto-link end DJ Lucina- (Dreamcatcher- NYC) Entering the West Coast psytrance scene with a Blam! in 2004 DJ Lucina (aka Gwyn) h as been tearing it up with her full on and morning sets at parties all acro ss the western US. After spending a year in the deserts of New Mexico, DJ L ucina has reemerged on the East Coast as a full spectrum, night time DJ, re ady to knock you socks off. Enjoy! re ttp://web myspace/djlucina Deco by the Dreamcatchers ** February 5th, 10pm – 4am ** at Sullivan Room, New York City web sullivanroom 218 Su llivan St (between Bleecker and West 3rd St, 2 blocks east of 6th Ave) General Admission: $10.00 RSVP to ! incode auto-mailto for $5.00 reduced list Su bway: A, B, C, D, E, F, or V trains to “W 4 St – Wash Sq” 21+ wit h ID
#4238 Wed, 4 Feb 2009 23:45:39 -0800 ..::: PsYcHeGrOuND :::.. February 5th, 09′ at Sullivan Room NY. Feat Karmakanik & DJ Earthian! 0-858697084-1233819939:23460 Thursday February 5th, 2009 Psycheground is back for anothe r night of quality music at the legendary Sullivan Room, one of New YorkA2s longest running night clubs. On this special evening, we welcome back two of East coastA2s most talented & favorite DJs: Karmakanik and DJ Earthian ! We will also celebrate one of our own DJs, K e NA2s Birthday on this sp ecial night. ItA2s a night of celebration where we once again push the bo undaries of music like never before! DJs for the night: KARMAKANIK ( Gaian Mind/ PSI – Philadelphia) Mastermind behind the legendary PSI parti es and a DJ of unmatchedmtskill, Pat has rocked dance-floors across the coun try with his own signature blend of auditory stimulation. A true veteran of the trance scene with an ear for tunes that clean one’s head and compel th e body to dance, Pat’s versatility, effortless mixing technique, and energe tic track selection have combined to make him a crowd favorite. Smooth yet crunchy, raw yet refined, psychedelicious and immensely satisfying. The Sou nd of the Philly Underground! web gaian-mind/artists.php DJ Earthian aka Animaltek (Omnitribe/ Treibstoff/ Resopal/ Living) Shay is on e of the finest DJs in New York City. He has just come back from a 6 month tour of Europe!!! It is his first gig back in the Big Apple, and he will be presenting us, much of his new material that has rocked the dance floors a round the globe. His music has been played by some of the World’s Top DJ’s such as John Digweed, Sasha, Satoshi Tomie and Anthony Pappa, among others. He’s one of the few DJ’s who can elevate a crowd to extreme heights while keeping the music audibly subterranean. This will be a special set not to b e missed!!! web myspace/djearthian Luis Campos (Dreamcatcher – BR/ NYC) Luis Campos is one of the most respected, talented, producer, a nd veteran DJ of the New York Psychedelic Trance scene. He was raised in th e city of Sao Paulo, Brazil and started his professional DJ career from the early age of 13. In 1996 he became a member of the legendary INFLUX band t ill 1999 when he decided to come to NY. He then started Dreamcatcher studio s and the Psycheground weekly events which surpassed its 100th party last J uly. His excellent mixing and great knowledge of music has taken him throu ghout the globe. His groundbreaking sets are highly recognized for his ener getic Fullon sounds that flows through the dance floor in harmony with his signature blend of mixing. web myspace/psycheground K e N (D reamcatcher/ Bella Gaia- JP/NYC) K e N has been gaining reputation as one of NYA2s finest DJs. He comes from a diverse musical background, while psy chedelic trance is his favorite style to play. He recently started an inter nship program with the worldly recognized artist, Kenji Williams and his Be lla Gaia project. Stay tuned for more updates. His mixing techniques are p recise, yet very powerful with a message. His deep, infectious, playful sou nds will make you smile & dance He plays for the Love of the music and the people. Constantly evolving, and trying to further define the moment, to m ake the crowd feel special on the dance floor. web myspace/nydj 4life DJ Lucina- (Dreamcatcher- NYC) Entering the West Coast psytrance scene with a Blam! in 2004 DJ Lucina (aka Gwyn) has been tearing it up with her full on and morning sets at parties all across the western US. After s pending a year in the deserts of New Mexico, DJ Lucina has reemerged on the East Coast as a full spectrum, night time DJ, ready to knock you socks off . Enjoy! web myspace/djlucina Deco by the Dreamcatchers * * February 5th, 10pm – 4am ** at Sullivan Room, New York City web sullivanroom 218 Sullivan St (between Bleecker and West 3rd St, 2 bloc ks east of 6th Ave) General Admission: $10.00 RSVP to psycheground at yaho o for $5.00 reduced list Subway: A, B, C, D, E, F, or V trains to “W 4 St – Wash Sq” 21+ with ID 0-858697084-1233819939:23460 &g t;Thursday February 5th, 2009 Psycheground is bac k for another night of quality music at the legendary Sullivan Room, one of New YorkA2s longest running night clubs. On this special evening, we w elcome back two of East coastA2s most talented & favorite DJs: Karmaka nik and DJ Earthian! We will also celebrate one of our own DJs, K e N A2s Birthday on this special night. ItA2s a night of celebration wher e we once again push the boundaries of music like never before! DJs for the night: KARMAKANIK (Gaian Mind/ PSI – Philadelp hia) Mastermind behind the legendary PSI parties and a DJ of unmatc hedmtskill, Pat has rocked dance-floors across the country with his own sign ature blend of auditory stimulation. A true veteran of the trance scene wit h an ear for tunes that clean one’s head and compel the body to dance, Pat’ s versatility, effortless mixing technique, and energetic track selection have combined to make him a crowd favorite. Smooth yet crunchy, raw yet ref ined, psychedelicious and immensely satisfying. The Sound of the Philly Und J Earthian aka Animaltek (Omnitribe/ Treibstoff/ Resopal/ Living) Shay is one of the finest DJs in New York City. He has just come back from a 6 m onth tour of Europe!!! It is his first gig back in the Big Apple, and he wi ll be presenting us, much of his new material that has rocked the dance flo ors around the globe. His music has been played by some of the World’s Top DJ’s such as John Digweed, Sasha, Satoshi Tomie and Anthony Pappa, among ot hers. He’s one of the few DJ’s who can elevate a crowd to extreme heights w hile keeping the music audibly subterranean. This will be a special set not to be missed!!! A uis Campos (Dreamcatcher- BR/ NYC) Luis Campos is one of the most respe cted, talented, producer, and veteran DJ of the New York Psychedelic Trance scene. He was raised in the city of Sao Paulo, Brazil and started his prof essional DJ career from the early age of 13. In 1996 he became a member of the legendary INFLUX band till 1999 when he decided to come to NY. He then started Dreamcatcher studios and the Psycheground weekly events which surpa ssed its 100th party last July. His excellent mixing and great knowledg e of music has taken him throughout the globe. His groundbreaking sets are highly recognized for his energetic Fullon sounds that flows through the da nce floor in harmony with his signature blend of mixing. htt .myspace/psycheground K e N (Dreamcatcher/ Bella Gaia- JP/NYC) K e N has been gaining reputation as one of NYA2s finest DJs. He comes from a diverse musical background, while psychedelic trance is hi s favorite style to play. He recently started an internship program with th e worldly recognized artist, Kenji Williams and his Bella Gaia project. Sta y tuned for more updates. His mixing techniques are precise, yet very p owerful with a message. His deep, infectious, playful sounds will make you nsmile.gif He plays for the Love of the music and the people. Constantly evolving, and trying to further define the moment, to make the crowd feel special on the dance floor. web myspace/nydj4life DJ Lucina- (Dreamcatcher- NYC) Entering the West Coast psytrance scene with a Blam! in 2004 DJ Lucina (aka Gwyn) has been tearing it up wi th her full on and morning sets at parties all across the western US. After spending a year in the deserts of New Mexico, DJ Lucina has reemerged on t he East Coast as a full spectrum, night time DJ, ready to knock you socks o the Dreamcatchers ** February 5th, 10pm – 4am ** at Sullivan between Bleecker and West 3rd St, 2 blocks east of 6th Ave) Gen psycheground at yahoo for $5.00 reduced list Subway: A, B, C, D, E, F, or V trains to “W 4 St – Wash Sq” 21+ with ID body0-858697084-1233819939:23460
#4240 Tue, 17 Feb 2009 09:46:01 -0800 Tripoutny..:: Psycheground::.. Thursday, February 19 featuring Earworm, Ctrl + Alt+ DeL, and more!!! at Sullivan Room in NYC 0-2110620468-1234892761:79007 – Thursday February 19th This week at Psycheground, we will like t o welcome back two of Eastcoast’s finest and talented artists/ DJs. – – Both of them will be presenting us a very unique and special set that no one has ever heard. Its going to be another killer night at Sul livan Room not to be missed. See you all there. DJs for the night: * Ctrl + Alt +Del- (NEXUS MEDIA, INDIA/ NY) * Luis vs KeN- (Dreamcatcher, BR/JP/NY) * Iaell- (BZ/ NY) Deco by the Dreamcatchers ** February 19th, 10pm – 4am ** at Sulliv an Room, New York City web sullivanroom 218 Sullivan St (betwe en Bleecker and West 3rd St, 2 blocks east of 6th Ave) General Admission : $10.00 RSVP to psycheground at yahoo for $5.00 reduced list Subway: A, B, C, D, E, F, or V trains to “W 4 St – Wash Sq” 21+ with ID web myspace/psycheground web myspace/earwormfrequencies web myspace/ctrlaltdeletion web myspace/nydj4life
#4241 Thu, 19 Feb 2009 00:26:27 -0800 ..:: Psycheground::.. Thursday, February 19 featuring Earworm, Ctrl + Alt+ DeL, and more!!! at Sullivan Room in NYC 0-194162986-1235031987:92796 – Thursday February 19th This week at Psycheground, we will li ke to welcome back two of Eastcoast’s finest and talented artists/ DJs. – Both of them will be presenting us a very unique and spec ial set that no one has ever heard. Its going to be another killer night at Sullivan Room not to be missed. See you all there. DJs for the nigh t: * Ctrl + Alt +Del- (NEXUS ME DIA, INDIA/ NY) * Luis vs KeN- (Dreamcatcher, BR/JP/NY) * Iaell- (BZ/ N Y) Deco by the Dreamcatchers ** February 19th, 10pm – 4am ** at Su llivan Room, New York City web sullivanroom 218 Sullivan St (b etween Bleecker and West 3rd St, 2 blocks east of 6th Ave) General Admis sion: $10.00 RSVP to psycheground at yahoo for $5.00 reduced list Subw ay: A, B, C, D, E, F, or V trains to “W 4 St – Wash Sq” 21+ with ID ht tp://web myspace/psycheground web myspace/earwormfrequencie s web myspace/ctrlaltdeletion web myspace/nydj4life
#4242 Sun, 22 Feb 2009 19:23:12 From: “alladinproject” alladinproject at yahooAlladin Group Presents: DIGITAL TALK, ANDROMEDA, CHROMOSOME, MAD MAX & more! Fri, March 13th Alladin Group Presents: DIGITAL TALK, ANDROMEDA, CHROMOSOME, MAD MAX & more ! Fri, March 13th at club exit We would like to thank all of you that too k part in the last event, contributing to the vibe and the atmosphere. It w as great to see you all. The music was top notch, the artists delivered kil ler sets, and the deco was amazing. The energy is rising for ORB Festival July 9-12 09 we are cooking killer line up and workshops. Full Line up and info will be updated soon at web orbfestival We are looking f orward to see you at the next party on Friday, March 13th at Club Exit Main Stage Line Up: DIGITAL TALK Live (Yabai/ Digital Psionics) France ANDROMEDA Live( Dream Vision Media) Portugal CHROMOSOME Live (Dream Visio n Media) Portugal MAD MAX aka SIRIUS ISNESS Live (Phantasm) Spain ORBIT Alladin Group (Israel- Japan) Electro Stage: OMER BARNEA (TLV) Israel DJ KNOWLEDGE (Podcast) CT THIRD EAR SYNDROME (Bacteria) NYC KARMAKAN IK (Gaian Mind/PSI – Philadelphia) Decoration: Ocular Delight Alladin D eco Team And more TBA 18 to enter 21 to drink with valid ID Doors open 10PM 6AM Tickets: $ 30 at the door Location: CLUB EXIT 149 GREENPOINT AVE. BROOKLYN, NY 112 22 Street Map: Directions: By Subway: Take the L tr ain to Redford stop and transfer to the 61 bus go down in Greenpoint Ave, ( 5 mint) Or: take the L train to metropolitan Ave & transfer to the G train to Green point Ave. the Club is right across the street. Or: G train to green point Ave Subway Map: web mta.nyc.ny.us/nyct/maps/submap Bus: 61, 43, to Green point Ave Bus map: web mta.nyc.ny.us/nyct/ maps/busbkln.pdf By Car: Take BQE (I-278) to Exit 33 McGuiness Blvd,tow ards Green point Ave, Turn LEFT at Green point Ave Proceed to 147 Green po int Ave. By car-service / Taxi: From Manhattan costs about $15 From Bed ford Station it costs about $6 Our next party will be at take place at Clu b Exit on Saturday April 11 with ABSOLUM, NAKED TOURIST AND MORE w ww.AlladinProject.net Please mark your calendars for the biggest outdoor gathering of the summer “ORB Festival” July 9-12 at the new Echo lake Afton NY full info will be updated soon at web orbfestival
#4243 22 Feb 2009 21:54:14 Sun, 22 Feb 2009 21:54:38 ystem at 28thday From: scott scott at 28thdayGemini 2009 Multiple NYC crews are hitting the road this summer to represent at Gemini, a free festival taking place in June in northern California. Give yourself an extra dose of novelty this year, and join us! Full Circle and The Phoenix Family, in association with Straylight Productions and Xcience, bring you Gemini 2009. Over the years Gemini has secured itself as the longest running yearly psy-trance festival on the west coast, and has built a reputation as one of the best-vibed and premiere events of its kind in North America. This year will be no different, though it will experience some organizational differences as its father and our dear friend Wichdokta takes the year off to bring another Gemini into this world. Rest assured though, this year’s gathering will maintain the exceptional standards of music, deco and most importantly vibe and intention. It is this intention, the gift of this free event to the trance community, and bringing together of talent and tribes, that truly makes this event the special one it is. On the weekend of June 12th, we invite you to come and partake with us in Belden, CA. The venue is a literal town and is perhaps the most comfortable and beautiful venue in the states. Situated on the Feather River, the location includes a country market, a full service restaurant, a full bar, cabins, a riverside beach, swimming hole, shaded dance floor, plenty of shaded camping and frequently cleaned bathrooms with running water. Again this is a free gathering and gift to the trance community, we just ask you come, bring your best smile and dance your ass off. This year’s lineup will feature some of the best and brightest of the US trance scene as well as 3 international guests. Our international guests will be announced at 1 month intervals, with 1 in February, 1 in March and 1 in April. Much forethought has also been put into what we hope will be a shining example of a balanced and well-flowing lineup covering the spectrum from tribal to full-on to deep night time psychedelic. GEMINI 2009 – domestic main stage lineup (listed in alphabetical order): ARWIN (ataraxia / straylight) – San Jose, Ca Ca **live** CHRISTINE (vaporvent / mandala records) – Santa Cruz, Ca CLANDESTINE (xcience / mindlicker) – Kansas City, Mo CORAL (touch samadhi) – Seattle, Wa FACEHEAD (anomalistic records) – Portland, Or **live** GATTO MATTO (green sector) – San Francisco, Ca HELIOS (geomagnetic / synchronize) -San Francisco, Ca HYPNOTOAD (light-o-matic / p.s.i.) – NYC KAMELEON vs LABYRINTH (pure perception records / pangea productions) – Atlanta, Ga KIVA (green sector) – Los Angeles, Ca KONFLUX (pharpsyde records / psytribe) – Los Angeles, Ca ** live** K1 (straylight) – Monterey, Ca LUCINA (dreamcatcher) – NYC MACHI (xcience) – Millwaukee, Wi MUBALI (trishula / straylight) – Austin, Tx vs KNOB (alladin project) – NYC PARADIGM (xcience / straylight) – San Francisco, Ca PRIMORDIAL OOZE (chilluminati / divine balance) – Chicago, IL ** live** PUP vs LORD KOOK (f.s.l.d.) – San Francisco, Ca SENTIENT (alchemy) – Los Angeles, Ca SPYROS (psytribe) – Los Angeles, Ca TONY UNORTHODOX (28thday) – NYC TOKI (audiognomes)- Madison, Wi UZI (nuts n bolts / xcience) – Cleveland, Oh + 3 special guests: 1 night live act, 1 morning live act, and one international-caliber DJ TBA CHILL ZONE – hosted by Blue Spectral Monkey lineup TBA More detailed info including deco, visuals, bios and more coming in the following months. out the great photos up on the site. We found a few from Decom too but not many, we we’re having too much fun. Our next event is coming soon so stay tuned to psybotik blue Our next event is coming soon so stay tuned to psybotik” style”color:rgb(42, 93, 176)” target”blankpsybotik blue
#2384; With a special direction for the upcoming party YogiBogeyBox and TranceDanc eCompany bring you a night of energetic music from 4 continents, including a Brazilian talent with a first visit to the States and an Israeli legend. Come celebrate the international womens day with a big banger. :::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::Main Floor:::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: STEREOGRAPHIC – Discoval ey, Manic dragon / BRAZIL web myspace/stereographicmusic *** First US appearance + speacial ext ended LIVE set *** DARK SOHO – Warp Brain, Alchemy, B.N.E / ISRAEL web myspace/darksoho web myspace/darksoho DJ NIKI – Might y Quinn / Japan web mightyquinnrecords web mightyquinnre cords/ NOMOLOS – Zenon / USA, ISRAEL web myspace/thenomolo s web myspace/thenomolos ENERTOPIA – Warp Brain Records, GeoI srael, Krembo / USA, Israel, Argentina web myspace/enertopiapsy web myspace/enertopiapsy PROGRESS CHILL – TDC, YogiBogeyBox / USA web iprogress.us web iprogress.us/ ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::Downstairs::- :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::: Tony Unorthodox – 28th Day / NYC Gui”aum”etriX – Gaian Mind / NYC web guillaumeclave/ Andrey K – Polarlight / NYC Fumi – Yogi BogeyBox / NYC Be ready for a special visually stimulating atmosphere by the deco crews of TDC and YogiBogeyBox as well as new and special Visual p rojections by VJ Plasmo !!!! The new flyer is now on web yogibogey box.org web yogibogeybox.org/ Party Location: Hello BK formerly The Hook 18 Commerce street Brooklyn, NY web thehookmusic/ http ://web thehookmusic/ With a fanstastic vibe, this amazing venue with YUMMMY sound will provide us with two floors of music as well as an outdoor patio to take a breather. While the Red Hook does not have subways runnin g through its underground yet, there are other options. The B61 bus, which travels express from Williamsburg and downtown BK drops you off one block f rom the venue. The F train carroll street stop drops you a short 10 minute walk from The Hook. There is plenty of parking space and the cab fare to th e venue ranges from 8 from BK to 12 from Manhattan. directions: web .thehookmusic/directions web thehookmusic/directions.h map: e – Doors open at 10 with the party going into the early morning Tickets will be 25 in advance and 3 0 at the door. g party YogiBogeyBox and TranceDanceCompany bring you a night of energet ic music from 4 continents, including a Brazilian talent with a first v isit to the States and an Israeli legend. Come celebrate the intern ational womens day with a big banger. :::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::w:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::wMain Floor:::::::::::::::::::::: :::w::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::w:::::::::: ;STEREOGRAPHIC – Discovaley, Manic dragon / B r *** First US appearance + speacial extended LIVE set *** DARK SO HO – Warp Brain, Alchemy, B.N.E / ISRAEL web myspace.c darksoho DJ NIKI – Mighty Quinn / Japan http ww.mightyquinnrecords.wcom NOMOLOS – Zenon / USA, ISRAELblankweb myspace/wthenomolos ENERTOPIA – Warp Brain Records, GeoIsrael, Krembo / USA, Israel, Argentina htt /web myspace/wenertopiapsy PROGRESS CHILL – TDC, YogiBo &nb s&n bs:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::w::::::::::::::: ::::::::wDownstairs::::::::::::::::::::w::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::w:::::::::::::: Tony Uno rthodox – 28th Day / NYC Gui”aum”etriX – Gaian Mind / NYC web guillaumeclave Andrey K – Polarlight / NYC Fumi – YogiBogeyBox / NYC enter;Be ready for a special visually stimulating atmosphere by the de co crews of TDC and YogiBogeyBox as well as new and special Visual proje ctions by VJ Plasmo !!!! The new flyer is now on http ibogeybox.org Party Location: Hello BK formerly The Hook 18 Commerce street Brooklyn, NY web th / With a fanstastic vibe, this amazing venue with YUMMMY so und will provide us with two floors of music as well as an outdoor patio to take a breather. While the Red Hook does not have subways runnin g through its underground yet, there are other options. The B61 bus, which travels express from Williamsburg and downtown BK drops you off o ne block from the venue. The F train carroll street stop drops you a sho rt 10 minute walk from The Hook. There is plenty of parking space an d the cab fare to the venue ranges from 8 from BK to 12 from Manhattan. directions: web thehookmusic/directions ” ons map: maps.google/maps?hl en at 10 with the party going into the early morning Tickets will be 25 i n advance and 30 at the door.
March 2009
#4249 Wed, 04 Mar 2009 22:22:44 From: ” Mar 21 VOYAGE 1 VOYAGE 1 a trip through Electronic Music Host: Guillaume clave a.k.a. Gui “aum”etriX Type: Music/Arts – Performance Network: Global Start Time: Saturday, March 21, 2009 at 6:00pm End Time: Sunday, March 22, 2009 at 1 0:00am Location: TBA only if RSVP Street: 4500 sqloft City/Town: B rooklyn, NY : View Map Google MapQuest Microsoft Yahoo Email: rsvpBack2 Trance at gmail Departure: 03/21/09 at 6:00 pm Arrival: 03/22/09 at 10:00 am 6 to 8 pm: DJ DEET – Gaian Mind Psybient/Dub/Downtempo 8 to 10 pm: DJ ARROW CHROME – Disorient Breaks-n-house 10 to 12 am: DJ PETE BONES – Red An t Rec. – UK Prog. House/Tech. House profile.myspace/index.cfm?fu 12 to 2 am: DJ Balls – Dis orient – Fr. New-Rave/Trance 2 to 4 am: DJ LUIS – Dreamcatcher-Reality Engi ne – Br. Psy Trance web myspace/psycheground 4 to 7 am: DJ ElI P IXEL – Hommega – Il. Psy Trance web myspace/pixelon 7 to 10 am: DJ YAYO – Trancebody Express – Fr. Goa Trance Visuals: VJ Gui”aum”etriX – Gaian Mind web guillaumeclave Sound & Lights: Light-0-Matic web light-o -matic Travel fare: $35, cash only. Must RSVP to rsvpback2trance at gma il . Please NO PLUSes (names and last names of you and your friends is MUST) web gaian-mind web r3psych le.org web sonicbeating.org
#4250 Wed, 04 Mar 2009 14:37:56 -0800 Mar 2009 14:37:55 -0800 a7290d10903041421l258a54agd0f9c15f6be290be at mail.gmailWed, 4 Mar 2009 17:37:55 From: guillaume clave guillaumeclave at gmailRe: Voyager 1: A Trip through Electronic Music March 21st 0016364ee590e89f35046452b379 6 to 8 pm: DJ DEET – Gaian Mi nd Psybient/Dub/Downtempo 8 to 10 pm: DJ ARROW CHROME – Disorient Breaks-n -house 10 to 12 am: DJ PETE BONES – Red Ant Rec. – UK Prog. House/Tech. Ho use web myspace/theshakerofcourse web redantrecordings tinyu 12 to 2 am: DJ BALLS – Disorient – Fr. web dj balls New-Rave/Trance 2 to 4 am: DJ LUIS – Dreamcatcher-Reality Engine – Br. Psy Trance web myspace/psycheground 4 to 7 am: DJ ElI PIXEL – H ommega – Il. Psy Trance web myspace/pixelon 7 to 10 am: DJ YAYO – Tran cebody Express – Fr. Goa Trance Visuals: VJ Gui”aum”etriX – Gaian Mind web .guillaumeclave Sound & Lights: Light-0-Matic web light-o-matic T ravel fare: $35, cash only. Must RSVP to rsvpback2trance at gmail Please NO PLUSes (first and last names of you and your friends is MUST) NO RSVP gaian-mind web gaian-mind/ r3psychle.org web r3psychle.org/ sonicbeating.org web son icbeating.org/ yogibogeybox.org alladinproject.net web alladinproj ect.net/ Pete Bones “Red Ant Recordings” Biography With more than 15 ye ars as a DJ and producer, Pete Bones is somthing of an underground legend. He could sit back and earn gigs on the strength of his reputation alone. B ut that’s not Pete’s style. He knows what he wants, and he’s good enough at what he does to make it happen. And that’s why Pete Bones is always one st ep ahead of the rest of the scene. Pete started his musical background aft er being expelled from school aged 15. With way too much time on his hands, he started a band with 2 close friends. Pete taught himself guitar and dru ms, and by the age of 17 the boys were ready to start gigging. They had pla yed 2 London gigs when in 1988, when after a trip to Ibiza, and the first w hisperings of ecstasy and acid house, he decided that electronic music was his future, and traded his drum kit for a pair of technics turntables. The first half of Pete’s career is a lesson in success. After playing numerous illegal parties around the South East of England he gained his first resid ency in 1990 at the Hand & Spear in Surrey, and soon turned it into one of the biggest nights in the whole of the UK. Pete’s DJ career took off quickl y and it wasn’t long before he was guesting all over Europe. Pete had bigge r plans though, and in ’92 he launched Ugly Bug records. It was an instant hit, especially with big hitting radio dj’s Pete Tong and Judge Jules. Pete became a resident guest on Kiss 100fm, and his first release as his main r ecording alias, The Shaker, – ‘Just Lick It’, became the club hit of the ye ar. The remix work came flooding in, from labels such as London, FFRR, Hooj Ore, Fade, and Perfecto. His remix of Zee’s Dreamtime was essential new t une on Pete Tong’s BBC Radio1 show, and finally in 95 Pete signed to XL rec ordings, after a 3 way struggle between A&M, XL, and Maifesto to secure his signature. He went on to release 3 more singles under the Shaker guise 96 ‘Mooncat’, ‘Strong to Survive’ and ‘Star’ which were all massive club a nthems around the world. His djing skills started to attract the talents of promoters as far afield as Capetown and Durban in S.Africa, as well as New York, L.A. and Denver in the USA. For most, this would have been the peak of an outstanding career, but Pete was after somthing a bit more substanti al. Despite the massive chart success, Pete reinvented his sound and launch ed a new label: Red Ant Records. “Having a hit track is great and all, but I was really more concerned about the underground,” says Pete. “Red Ant was a way for me to get back to what I wanted to do, which was make tough, tec hy tracks with a lot of energy. Patrice “le Tawateur” or DJ Yayo started the first trance parties in France in 1988, he was the first dj ever playin g this new kind of music, and organized over 70 parties. His DJ skills mad e him travel every continents, but the frozeen ones….from Canada, Japan, Brazil, Russia, South Africa, the Caribbean’s, Asia, Goa, Bali and Thailand where in the beginning 90’s he started the infamous Koh Phan Gan parties, and of course all of Europe and France, where he was a resident DJ at the G ibus club and the “Trans It” nights at the Rex club. Pixel is Eli Biton Tal born 1979, living in the center of Israel. Eli discovered psychedelic trance music in 1997, after a few years of listening to different genres of electronic music such as techno, trip hop and breakbeat. His favorite ban ds are: Depeche mode, KLF, Eat Static, Massive attack, Pink Floyd and Radio head. He started DJing in 1999 and began creating his own music in 2000. T he whole thing happened very slowly, as he was taking it all step by step. In 2001 Pixel started to DJ back to back with Domestic, a successful collab oration which lasted 2.5 years. During this time, they made music together as Dual Head, compiled a very successful compilation- Think Sync- for Com.p act and toured the world extensively, playing in Japan, Brazil, England, Me xico, Germany and more. Eli says he owes the biggest thanks to Domestic, fo r teaching him how to make music from scratch. Even today he is still learn ing from him. His debut album- Reality Strikes Back- is due to be released later this year, in Hommega. He defines it as “all in one”, a combination of everything from dark night music, minimal progressive and full power dan cefloor stuff. Eli doesn’t use any external hardware to make his music. He claims that with today’s advanced sound software technology, it doesn’t ma tter what equipment you have, it matters how you use it. Therefore, he only uses the computer, soundcard, a pair of monitors and a good acoustic room. He released the following tracks on compilations: Pixel- Black In, Black Out (Pure E- Selected Vibes 2, Yellow Sunshine Explosion 2, Analog Refle ctions 3), Pixel- Spliff Connection (Joker’s Files 2, Psi Trance Explosion 2), Pixel vs. DJ Dede- Quickly (Joker’s Files 2), Pixel- 800*600 (Intellige nce), Sub6 and Pixel- Teder Beseder (Israliens 4), Pixel and Sub6- One Shot (Encoder), Pixel vs. Cyclic- Twist A Gain (Think Sync), Pixel- Stereo Flip (Air Gate), Pixel vs. Intelabeam- mthaminimal (The Maia Factor), Pixel vs . Wrecked Machines- Help the Situation (Reefer Madness), Pixel and Sub6- On e Shot (Visual Voice Rmx) (The Natural Waves of Sound), Sub6 vs. Pixel- Nav igate Into (Tweakers), Pixel and Sub6- One Shot (Wrecked Machines remix) (N eo:Robotics), Domestic vs. Pixel vs. Wrecked Machines- Any Sense (Amber Gem stones vol. 1), Dual Head- Blackin Human Bass megamix (Think Sync), Dual He ad vs. Wrecked Machine- Which One? (Think Sync, Open Air), Dual Head- Black in Human Bass megamix (Think Sync, Goa vol. 4), Dual Head vs. Wrecked Machi ne- Magic Monkey Juice (Open Air). guillaumeclave/voyager1/ Guillaume Clave NOTICE: Due to Presidential Executive Orde rs, the National Security Agency may have read this email without warning, warrant, or notice, and certainly without probable cause. They may do this without any judicial or legislative oversight. You have no recourse or prot ection other than petitioning your elected officials and exercising all of your constitutional rights. 0016364ee590e89f35046452b379 n t; 03/22/09 at 10:00 am 6 to 8 pm: DJ DEET – Gaian Mind Psybient/Dub/Downtempo 8 to 10 pm: DJ ARROW CHROME – Disorient Breaks-n-house 10 to 12 am: DJ PETE BONES – Red Ant Rec. – UK Prog. Hous e/Tech. House fcourse web redantrecordings/” tar 12 to 2 am: DJ BALLS – Disorient – Fr. web djballs New-Rave/Trance 2 to 4 am: DJ LUIS – Dreamcatcher-Reality Engine – Br. Psy Trance psycheground 4 to 7 am: DJ ElI PIXEL – Homm ega – Il. Psy Trance ace/pixelon 7 to 10 am: DJ YAYO – Tranc ebody Express – Fr. Goa Trance Visuals: VJ Gui”aum”etriX – Gaian Mind nkweb guillaumeclave Sound & Ligh ts: Light-0-Matic Travel fare: $35, cash only. mitting information to an external page.-nAre you sure?”); input na “1 /form Please NO PLUSes (first and last names of you and your frien ds is MUST) NO EXCEPTION gaian-mind blanksonicbeating.org yogibogeybox.org/” tar web alladinproj h2Pete Bones “Red Ant Recordings& quot; Biography With more than 15 years as a DJ and prod ucer, Pete Bones is somthing of an underground legend. He could sit back a nd earn gigs on the strength of his reputation alone. But that’s not Pe te’s style. He knows what he wants, and he’s good enough at what he does to make it happen. And that’s why Pete Bones is always one step a head of the rest of the scene. Pete started his music al background after being expelled from school aged 15. With way too much t ime on his hands, he started a band with 2 close friends. Pete taught himse lf guitar and drums, and by the age of 17 the boys were ready to start gigg ing. They had played 2 London gigs when in 1988, when after a trip to Ibiza and the first whisperings of ecstasy and acid house, he decided that elec tronic music was his future, and traded his drum kit for a pair of technics turntables. The first half of Pete’s career is a lesson in success. After playing numerous illegal parties around the South East of England he gained his first residency in 1990 at the Hand & Spear in S urrey, and soon turned it into one of the biggest nights in the whole of th e UK. Pete’s DJ career took off quickly and it wasn’t long before h e was guesting all over Europe. Pete had bigger plans though, and in ‘9 2 he launched Ugly Bug records. It was an instant hit, especially with big hitting radio dj’s Pete Tong and Judge Jules. Pete became a resident gu est on Kiss 100fm, and his first release as his main recording alias, The S haker, – ‘Just Lick It’, became the club hit of the year. The remix work came flooding in, from labels such as London, FFRR, Hooj, Ore, Fade, and Perfecto. His remix of Zee’s Dreamtime was essential new tune on Pe te Tong’s BBC Radio1 show, and finally in 95 Pete signed to XL recordin gs, after a 3 way struggle between A&M, XL, and Maifesto to secure his signature. He went on to release 3 more singles under the S haker guise 96 ‘Mooncat’, ‘Strong to Survive’ and ‘Sta r’ which were all massive club anthems around the world. His djing skil ls started to attract the talents of promoters as far afield as Capetown an d Durban in S.Africa, as well as New York, L.A. and Denver in the USA. For most, this would have been the peak of an outstanding career, but Pete was after somthing a bit more substantial. Despite the massive chart success, Pete reinvented his sound and launched a new label: Red Ant Records. ” Having a hit track is great and all, but I was really more concerned about the underground,” says Pete. “Red Ant was a way for me to get bac k to what I wanted to do, which was make tough, techy tracks with a lot of energy. h2Patric e “le Tawateur” or DJ Yayo started the first trance partie s in France in 1988, he was the first dj ever playing this new kind of musi c, and organized over 70 parties. His DJ skills made him travel every continents, but the frozeen ones….from Canada, Japan, Br azil, Russia, South Africa, the Caribbean’s, Asia, Goa, Bali and Thaila nd where in the beginning 90’s he started the infamous Koh Phan Gan par ties, and of course all of Europe and France, where he was a resident DJ at the Gibus club and the “Trans It” nights at the Rex club. h2Pixel is Eli Biton Tal born 1979, living in the center of Isr ael. Eli discovered psychedelic trance music in 1997, after a few years of listening to different genres of electronic music such as techno, trip hop and breakbeat. His favorite bands are: Depe che mode, KLF, Eat Static, Massive attack, Pink Floyd and Radiohead. He started DJing in 1999 and began creating his own music i n 2000. The whole thing happened very slowly, as he was taking it all step by step. In 2001 Pixel started to DJ back to back with Domestic, a successf ul collaboration which lasted 2.5 years. During this time, they made music together as Dual Head, compiled a very successful compilation- Think Sync- for Com.pact and toured the world extensively, playing in Japan, Brazil, En gland, Mexico, Germany and more. Eli says he owes the biggest thanks to Dom estic, for teaching him how to make music from scratch. Even today he is st ill learning from him. His debut album- Reality Strik es Back- is due to be released later this year, in Hommega. He defines it a s “all in one”, a combination of everything from dark night music minimal progressive and full power dancefloor stuff. Eli doesn’t use any external hardware to make his music. He claims th at with today’s advanced sound software technology, it doesn’t matt er what equipment you have, it matters how you use it. Therefore, he only u ses the computer, soundcard, a pair of monitors and a good acoustic room. He released the following tracks on compilations: Pi xel- Black In, Black Out (Pure E- Selected Vibes 2, Yellow Sunshine Expl osion 2, Analog Reflections 3), Pixel- Spliff Connection (Joker’s Files 2, Psi Trance Explosion 2), Pixel vs. DJ Dede- Quickly (Joker’s Files 2), Pixel- 800*600 (Intelligence), Sub6 and Pixel- Teder Beseder (Israliens 4), Pixel and Sub6- One Shot (Encoder), Pixel vs. Cyclic- Twist A Gain (Th ink Sync), Pixel- Stereo Flip (Air Gate), Pixel vs. Intelabeam- mthaminima l (The Maia Factor), Pixel vs. Wrecked Machines- Help the Situation (Reefer Madness), Pixel and Sub6- One Shot (Visual Voice Rmx) (The Natural Waves o f Sound), Sub6 vs. Pixel- Navigate Into (Tweakers), Pixel and Sub6- One Sho t (Wrecked Machines remix) (Neo:Robotics), Domestic vs. Pixel vs. Wrecked M achines- Any Sense (Amber Gemstones vol. 1), Dual Head- Blackin Human Bass megamix (Think Sync), Dual Head vs. Wrecked Machine- Which One? (Think Sync Open Air), Dual Head- Blackin Human Bass megamix (Think Sync, Goa vol. 4) Dual Head vs. Wrecked Machine- Magic Monkey Juice (Open Air). guillaumeclave/voyager1/” targe to Presidential Executive Orders, the National Security Agency may have rea d this email without warning, warrant, or notice, and certainly without pro bable cause. They may do this without any judicial or legislative oversight . You have no recourse or protection other than petitioning your elected of ficials and exercising all of your constitutional rights.
#4251 Fri, 06 Mar 2009 08:37:55 From: “alladinproject” alladinproject at yahooAlladin Group Presents: DIGITAL TALK, ANDROMEDA, CHROMOSOME, MAD MAX & more! Fri, March 13th at club exit We would like to thank all of you that took part in the last event, contrib uting to the vibe and the atmosphere. It was great to see you all. The musi c was top notch, the artists delivered killer sets, and the deco was amazin g. The energy is rising for ORB Festival July 9-12 09 we are cooking kille r line up and workshops. Full Line up and info will be updated soon at http ://web orbfestival We are looking forward to see you at the next party on Friday, March 13th at Club Exit Main Stage Line Up: DIGITAL TALK Liv e (Yabai/ Digital Psionics) France ANDROMEDA Live( Dream Vision Media) Por tugal CHROMOSOME Live (Dream Vision Media) Portugal MAD MAX aka SIRIUS IS NESS Live (Phantasm) Spain ORBIT Alladin Group (Israel- Japan) Electro St age: OMER BARNEA (TLV) Israel DJ KNOWLEDGE (Podcast) CT THIRD EAR SYNDRO ME (Bacteria) NYC KARMAKANIK (Gaian Mind/PSI – Philadelphia) Decoration: Ocular Delight Alladin Deco Team And more TBA 18 to enter 21 to drink wit h valid ID Doors open 10 pm 6 am Tickets: $25 Advance at web alladin $30 at the door Location: CLUB EXIT 149 GREENPOINT AVE. BR OOKLYN, NY 11222 Street Map: Directions: By Subway: Tak e the L train to Redford stop and transfer to the 61 bus go down in Greenpo int Ave, (5 mint) Or: take the L train to metropolitan Ave & transfer to th e G train to Green point Ave. the Club is right across the street. Or: G tr ain to green point Ave Subway Map: web mta.nyc.ny.us/nyct/maps/subma p Bus: 61, 43, to Green point Ave Bus map: web mta.nyc.ny.us/n yct/maps/busbkln.pdf By Car: Take BQE (I-278) to Exit 33 McGuiness Blvd,t owards Green point Ave, Turn LEFT at Green point Ave Proceed to 147 Green p oint Ave. By car-service / Taxi: From Manhattan costs about $15 From Bedfo rd Station it costs about $6 Our next event will take place at club Exit on Saturday April 11 with ABSOLUM, NAKED TOURIST AND MORE web alladin project.net Please mark your calendars for the biggest outdoor gathering o f the summer “ORB Festival” July 9-12 at the new Echo lake Afton NY full in fo will be updated soon at web orbfestival
#4252 Tue, 10 Mar 2009 01:39:07 Tue, 10 Mar 2009 01:39:07 Cc: tonjera6 at yahoo From: Film Screening – brain machine scene with Machinelf “A knockout!” USA Film Festival A gritty and soulful directorial debut” Michael Imperioli “Shattering dialogue, br illiant acting & fine tuned direction.” Sandra Bernhard “Thor oughly engr above all, a chingly honest” Shane Black Next screening: Saturday March 14 at 7:15pm Directed by Angelica Torn and Tony Torn A 0 Cast: Ang elica Torn, Federico Castelluccio, Luke Zarzecki, Will Patton, Tina Benko Marilyn Sokol, Gary Wolf, Tony Torn, Denise Lute, T. W . Wolff, Frank Wood, Timothy Doyle, Roberta Wallach, Erin London with Anne Jackson and Rip Torn. Winner of the Coney Island Film Festival’s Best Feature Award 2008. Nominated for the Wor ldfest Remi Award for Best Feature 2009 Anthology is thrilled to present a special sneak-preview of the new film by Angelica Torn and her brother Tony Torn, a Coney Island-set drama featuring a spec ial appea rance by the filmmaker’s father, Rip. A chance encounter with her childh ood sweetheart leads Virginia (Angelica Torn) to discover hidden truths about her boyfriend and her neighborhood that she has chosen to ignore. Over the last explosive weekend of the summer,she must decide whether to a bandon everything shes ever known to the wolf-pack of developers buying up and tearing down the Coney Island boardwalk, or to sacrifice h erself to the world th ats been created for her. Angelica Torn s luminescent performance beautifully carries the film, which ca sts a beguiling spell in the manner of Alan Rudolphs early wor k. Anthology Film Archives 32 Second Avenue New York, NY 10003 (2 12) 505-5181
#4253 Mar 2009 07:01:24 Mon, 16 Mar 2009 10:01:24 nyc604 From: guillaume clave guillaumeclave at gmailVoyager 1: A Trip through Electronic Music March 21st 0016364ee590d126d404653ce2ca Departure: 03/21/09 at 6:00 pm Arrival: 03/22/09 at 10:00 am 6 to 8 pm: DJ DEET – Gaian Mind Psybient/Dub/Downtempo 8 to 10 pm: DJ ARROW CHROME – Disorient Breaks-n-house 10 to 12 am: DJ PETE BONES – Red Ant Rec. – UK Prog. House/Tech. House profile.myspace/index.cfm?fuseactionuser.viewprofile&friendID169137923 12 to 2 am: DJ Balls – Disorient – Fr. New-Rave/Trance 2 to 4 am: DJ LUIS – Dreamcatcher-Reality Engine – Br. Psy Trance web myspace/psycheground 4 to 7 am: DJ ElI PIXEL – Hommega – Il. Psy Trance web myspace/pixelon 7 to 10 am: DJ YAYO – Trancebody Express – Fr. Goa Trance Visuals: VJ Gui”aum”etriX – Gaian Mind web guillaumeclave VJ Plasmo Sound & Lights: Light-0-Matic web light-o-matic Deco by the Psybotik and Fractaltribe Network Crew web psybotik Travel fare: $35, cash only. Must RSVP to rsvpback2trance at gmail . Please NO PLUSes (names and last names of you and your friends is MUST) NO RSVP NO ENTRY NO EXCEPTION web gaian-mind web r3psychle.org web sonicbeating.org
#4254 Mon, 16 Mar 2009 20:02:15 16 Mar 2009 20:02:14 Mon, 16 Mar 2009 23:02:14 From: Blue Goddess bluegoddess at psybotikDIMITRI NAKOV Is Coming For Our One Year Anniversary!!! Plus Futuristic Fashion, Fire Performance and Immersive Video DesignLocation: Brooklyn, NYC 0016364ee39e497f17046547cb66 Psybotik 7 -One Year Anniversary Friday April 3, 2009 We are very proud to present: DIMITRI NAKOV (Neurobiotic Records, Italy; Solstice Music, Japan) Dimitri represents one of the most reputable and popular DJs on the international scene. He is a pioneer in the psy scene. He has been a DJ for over a decade, releasing compilations such as Dimitri92s Dat Bag on th e Legendary TIP World Records and The Usual Suspects Volume 2 on Solstice M usic. Since then he has produced with the infamous Deedrah and Antidote on their project The Good, The Bad, & The Ugly, releasing on Spun Records. H e has also been working Emfire Records and Tronic Records, both NYC affilia tes. His upcoming release will debut on Neurobiotic records. And being th e label DJ for solstice music, he is currently on a S. American tour85with his next stop NYC! So get ready for a killer 3 hours of full on with a sp ecial tech house set earlier in the night by one of the most phenomenal art ists/DJs on the planet. (web dimitrinakov) Futuristic Fashion WH EYLAN (NYC) (web wheylan) Immersive Video Design GLASS BEAD COLLE CTIVE (NYC) (web glassbeadcollective.org) Fire Performance MASAE (Psy botik, NYC) (web colorfulartist) DJs (Psytrance, Techno, Electro House, Breaks) ELECTRIK (Psybotik, NYC) MAYUR (Psybotik / Spectra, NYC) GA BRIEL (Psybotik, NYC) DYSFORM (Psybotik, NYC) ELF COMMUNIQUE (Glass Bead Collective, NYC) VJs VLAD T (Glass Bead Collective, NYC) NASHAMASHA ( Psybotik, NYC) ZUL (Glass Bead Collective, NYC) LEO K. (Glass Bead Collec tive, NYC) GUI AUM ETRIX (Gaian Mind, NYC) Sound LIGHT-O-MATIC (web li ghtomatic) Decor PSYBOTIK & GOA TONE April 3, 2009 9pm – 8am East Williamsburg, Brooklyn Location will only be revealed to our email l ist $10 Before 11pm $15 Advance $20 RSVP $25 At Door Tickets and F ull Flyer at web psybotik 0016364ee39e497f17046547cb66 ar Anniversary y:ArialFriday April 3, 2009 styl present: Records, Italy; Solstice Music, Japan) the most reputa n:yes He has been a DJ for over a decade, releasing compilation s such as Dimitri92s Dat Bag on the Legendary TIP World Records and The Us Since then he has produced with the infamous Deedrah and Antidot e on their project The Good, The Bad, & The Ugly, releasing on Spun Rec mfire acerun:yes His upcoming release will debut on Neurobiotic recor s olstice music, he is currently on a S. American tour85with his next stop N hours of full on with a special tech house set earlier in the night by one of the most phenomenal artists/DJs on the planet. M akovweb dimitrinakov ) spa st ylanweb wheylan ) sty GLASS BEAD COLLECTIVE (NY C) (web glassbeadcollective.orgweb glassbeadcollect ive.org ) Arial ial lFire Performance family:ArialMASAE (Psybotik, NYC) spa w.colorfulartist ) ont-family:Arial t-family:ArialDJs (Psytrance, Techno, Electro House, Breaks) ELECTRIK (Psybotik, NYC) ily:ArialMAYUR (Psybotik / Spectra, NYC) GABRIEL (Psybotik, NYC)/spa n sybotik, NYC) :ArialELF COMMUNIQUE (Glass Bead Collective, NYC) M VLAD T (Glass Bead Collective, NYC) NASHAMASHA (Psybotik, NYC) /p Bead Collective, NYC) (Glass Bead Collective, NYC) OLE r special-character:line-break special-char acter:line-break S ound IGHT-O-MATIC Arial(web lightomaticweb lightomatic )/sp an ; GOA TONE ial l April 3, 2009 9pm – 8am East Williamsburg, Brooklyn e revealed to our email list web psybotik/web psybotik 0016364ee39e497f17046547cb66
#4255 Tue, 17 Mar 2009 10:39:36 ..:: PSYCHEGROUND::.. March 19 with ANIMALTEK, ISVARA, KNOB at Sullivan Room NYC 0-774685258-1237311576:63616 Psycheground is back in full effect for another night of madness at the Sullivan Room once again! On this special evening, we welcome back Animaltek, Brandon Adams, and Isvara for a night of dark killer tunes. Animaltek will start the evening off with a special back to back DJ set by Oleg & Shay to warm up the evening. Then Brandon and Isvara the deck wizards will bring you some of the most killer night time music, as they push the boundaries of the unexpectedness and human insanity! Come out to support the scene for another stomping night. ISVARA (TDC Records- Russia/NYC) Sergey is the originator of TDC Production and a co-founder of MuktIsvara project. With many years of experience on stage in music and dance, his expertise plays a great roll in the organization. He incorporates everything he knows into his set. The music is full power and mysterious with heavy baselines and mind blowing synth lines that produces the Trance Dance Expreinence. ANIMALTEK (Omnitribe/ Treibstoff/ Resopal/ Living- Russia/ NYC) KNOB (Aladin Group NY/JP) Deco by the Dreamcatchers ** March 19th, 10pm – 4am ** at Sullivan Room, New York City web sullivanroom 218 Sullivan St (between Bleecker and West 3rd St, 2 blocks east of 6th Ave) General Admission: $10.00 RSVP to psycheground at yahoo for $5.00 reduced list Subway: A, B, C, D, E, F, or V trains to “W 4 St – Wash Sq” 21+ with ID 0-774685258-1237311576:63616 On this special evening, we welcome back Animaltek, Brandon Adams, and Isvara for a night of dark killer tunes. Animaltek will start the evening off with a special back to back DJ set by Oleg & Shay to warm up the evening. Then Brandon and Isvara the deck wizards will bring you some of the most killer night time music, as they push the boundaries of the unexpectedness and human insanity! Come out to support the scene for another stomping night. ISVARA (TDC Records- Russia/NYC) Sergey is the originator of TDC Production and a co-founder of MuktIsvara project. With many years of experience on stage in music and dance, his expertise plays a great roll in the organization. He incorporates everything he knows into his set. The music is full power and mysterious with heavy baselines and mind blowing synth lines that produces the Trance Dance Expreinence. ANIMALTEK (Omnitribe/ Treibstoff/ Resopal/ Living- Russia/ NYC) KNOB (Aladin Group NY/JP) Deco by the Dreamcatchers ** March 19th, 10pm – 4am ** at Sullivan Room, New York City target”blank” web sullivanroomweb sullivanroom 218 Sullivan St (between Bleecker and West 3rd St, 2 blocks east of 6th Ave) General Admission: $10.00 Subway: A, B, C, D, E, F, or V trains to “W 4 St – Wash Sq” 21+ with ID 0-774685258-1237311576:63616
#4256 18 Mar 2009 04:01:42 From: TripOutNY Vernal Quinox, 3/21/2009, 12:00 am Vernal Quinox Saturday March 21, 2009 All Day Vernal Quinox Saturday March 21, 2009 All Day 2009
#4257 Wed, 18 Mar 2009 22:12:51 PSYCHEGROUND special featuring MUKTISVARA, PIXEL, KNOB and ANIMALTEK thursday March 19th 0-1277969500-1237439571:65975 – Thursday March 19th, 2009- After much discussion with fellow artist s, DJs, and other event organizers, we have been able to finalize the line up & time slots for tomorrow evening’s partyyy. Sullivan Room has also agr eed to let us extend the party for another half an hour, due to the massiv e response we have already received from fellow party goers! The Party will go until 4:30am! Time slots for the night: 10:00- 12:30….. Animaltek (Omnitribe/ Treibstoff/ Resopal/ Living- Russia/ NYC) 12:30- 1:30…… Knob (Alladin Group- JP/ NY) 1:30- 2:30……. Eli Pixel (Hommega – Israe l)- 2:30- 4:30.. ….. Muktisvara (TDC Records- Russia/NYC) ce at Psycheground Deco by the Dreamcatchers Please come early, as we will have 2 for 1 drinks from 10:00-11:00pm. We would also like to thank all wh o have contributed to make this special event happen. It is rare to have so many different organizations come together under a single roof in NYC. Hom mega, TDC, YBB, Omnitribe, Alladin, and Dreamcatchers. Last but not least, Thank you to Guillaume for your Support & super positive vibes. We will be looking forward to Voyager 1 on Saturday March 21. Not to be missed by anyo ne! See you all on the dance floor! ** March 19th, 10pm – 4:30am ** at Sullivan Room, New York City web sullivanroom 218 Sulliva n St (between Bleecker and West 3rd St, 2 blocks east of 6th Ave) General Admission: $10.00 RSVP to psycheground at yahoo for $5.00 reduced list Su bway: A, B, C, D, E, F, or V trains to “W 4 St – Wash Sq” 21+ with ID web myspace/psycheground web myspace/pixelon web myspa ce/tdcIsvara web myspace/animaltek 0-1277969500-1237439571:65975 &nbs After much discussion with fellow artists, DJs, and other event organizers, we have been able to finalize the line up & time slots for tomorrow evening’s partyyy. Sullivan Room has a lso agreed to let us extend the party for another half an hour, due to The Party will go until 4:30am! Time slots for the ni ght: Alladin Group- JP/ NY) pecial set preview of Voyager 1 !!! Deco by the Dreamcatchers Please come early as we will have 2 for 1 drinks from 10:00-11:00pm. We would al so like to thank all who have contributed to make this special event happen . It is rare to have so many different organizations come together under a single roof in NYC. Hommega, TDC, YBB, Omnitribe, Alladin, and Dreamc atchers. Last but not least, Thank you to Guillaume for your Sup port & super positive vibes. We will be looking forward to Voyager 1 on Saturday March 21. Not to be missed by anyone! See you all o n the dance floor! /D ** March 19th, 10pm – 4:30am ** & nbs at Sullivan Room, New York City livan St (between Bleecker and West 3rd St, 2 blocks east of 6th Ave) nd at yahoopsycheground at yahoo for $5.00 reduced list Subway: A, B, C, D, E, F, or V trains to “W 4 St – Wash Sq” 21+ with ID maps. http heground web myspace/pixelon space/tdcIsvara web m web 0-1277969500-1237439571:65975
#4258 Mon, 23 Mar 2009 13:37:31 Mon, 23 Mar 2009 13:37:38 From: Psybotik 7 -One Year Anniversary Friday April 3, 2009 thanks . much love Psybotik 7 -One Year Anniversary Friday A pril 3, 2009 We are very proud to present: DIMITRI NAKOV (Neurobiotic Records, Italy; Solstice Music, Japan) Dimitri represents one of the mos t reputable and popular DJs on the international scene. He is a pioneer in the psy scene. He has been a DJ for over a decade, releasing compila tions such as Dimitris Dat Bag on the Legendary TIP World Record s and The Usual Suspects Volume 2 on Solstice Music. Since then he has p roduced with the infamous Deedrah and Antidote on their project The Good The Bad, & The Ugly, releasing on Spun Records. He has also been worki ng Emfire Records and Tronic Records, both NYC affiliates. His upcoming release will debut on Neurobiotic records. And being the label DJ for s olstice music, he is currently on a S. American tourE280A6with his next stop NYC! So get ready for a killer 3 hours of full on with a special tech house set earlier in the night by one of the most phenomenal artists /DJs on the planet. (web dimitrinakov (web dimitrinakov/) ) DJs (Psytrance, Techno, Electro House, Breaks) ELECTRIK (Psybotik, NY C) MAYUR (Psybotik / Spectra, NYC) GABRIEL (Psybotik, NYC) DYSFORM (Psy botik, NYC) ELF COMMUNIQUE (Glass Bead Collective, NYC) VJs VLAD T (Glas s Bead Collective, NYC) NASHAMASHA (Psybotik, NYC) ZUL (Glass Bead Colle ctive, NYC) LEO K. (Glass Bead Collective, NYC) GUI -AUM- ETRIX (Gaian- Mind, NYC) Sound LIGHT-O-MATIC (web lightomatic (web light omatic/) ) Futuristic Fashion WHEYLAN (NYC) (web wheylan (web wheylan/) ) Immersive Video Design GLASS BEAD COLLECTIVE (N YC) (web glassbeadcollective.org (web glassbeadcollective.org/) ) Fire Performance MASAE (Psybotik, NYC) (web colorfulartist (http ://web colorfulartist/) ) Decor PSYBOTIK & GOA TONE April 3, 2009 9pm – 8am East Williamsburg, Brooklyn Location will only be revealed to o ur email list $10 Before 11pm $15 Advance $20 RSVP $25 At Door Tic kets and Full Flyer at web psybotik (web psybotik/) **************Feeling the pinch at the grocery store? Make dinner for $10 or M bo document T 3, 20 pro NAKOV (Neurobiotic Records, Italy; Solstice Music, Ja MILY: ArialDimitri represents one of the most reputable and popular DJs on the international scene./ He has been a DJ for over a decade, releasing compilations such as Dimitris Dat Bag on the Legendary TIP Wo rld Records and The Usual Suspects Volume 2 on Solstice Mu with th e infamous Deedrah and Antidote on their project The Good, The Bad, & The Ugly, releasing on Spun Records.Records and Tronic Records, both NYC affiliates. s upcoming release will debut on Neurobiotic records. music, he is currently on a S. American tourE280A6with his next stop full on with a special tech house set earlier in the night by ( rel s style T echno, Electro House, Breaks) (Psybotik, NYC)/S PAN rialMAYUR (Psybotik / Spectra, NYC) GABRIEL (Psybotik DYSFORM rel ILY: ArialVJs VLAD T (Glass Bead Collective, NYC) ZUL (Glass Bead Collective, NYC) LEO K. N MILY: Arial( Y: ArialFuturistic NT- ( N Video Design GLASS BEAD C OLLECTIVE (NYC) ( ive.org/ st Normal ire (Psybotik, MILY: Arial( : ArialPSYBOTIK 2 PAN ILY: Arial$10 Before A $20 Do Ful
#4259 Mon, 23 Mar 2009 17:10:54 Mon, 23 Mar 2009 17:10:53 From: Reality Sandwich – Alan Moore et al RS Retreat, Endocrine Disruptors, Strange Bedfellows To members of Reality Sandwich (group.php?gid2426879957) Maya Lemberg March 19 at 2:48pm (inbox/?compose&msgid0&thread1047559512420&id22605433) Join Daniel Pinchbeck, Dennis McKenna, and Charles Eisenstein at the Reality Sandwich retreat: “Toward 2012: Envision the Next Age.” This intimate four-day gathering will feature talks, ceremonies, workshops, plant and primitive skill knowledge hikes, petroglyph explorations, slot canyon adventures, yoga, music, meditation and more. We’ll explore topics ranging from sacred geometry to urban homesteading, plant medicines to open source economics, Gaian technology to galactic alignments. This is your chance to connect with the RS editorial crew on ancient Anasazi land in one of the most beautiful spots in the American Southwest. May 6-10, Boulder Mountain Guest Ranch, Boulder, Utah. Reservations: brandie at bouldermountainguestranch. Readings from our book, “Toward 2012: Perspectives on the Next Age,” have attracted standing room only crowds across the country. We thank you all for joining us in Baltimore, Boulder, Portland, Capitola, Oakland, Atlanta, and New York. For those in the New York area, we invite you to our final scheduled reading at Spoonbil & Sugartown in Brooklyn, NY. Charles Eisenstein, Steven Taylor, Jill Ettinger, and Ken Jordan will take the stage Wed, April 8, 7pm at 218 Bedford St. * * * New Articles We publish new stories on Reality Sandwich daily, M-F. Below are teasers for recent highlights. We hope you will enjoy these articles and share them with your compatriots: An Extravagant Hypothesis by Daniel Pinchbeck I propose that humanity may be undergoing a rapid transition from the biological to the psychic phase of species evolution in the next few years. web realitysandwich/extravaganthypothesis (web realitysandwich/extravaganthypothesis) Chaos, Collapse, and Synchronicity by Tony Vigorito My relationship of eleven years abruptly ended. Then I was propelled into a six-month period of unparalleled and nearly nonstop synchronicity that continued to reverberate for another full year and upon which I’m still surfing the shockwave. Read it here: Playing Doctor: Herbal Medicine in A New World Economy by Jill Ettinger Plants have been used for thousands of years to treat and cure illnesses, but in modern America, we’re dissuaded from these proven mthods by the interests of multi-billion-dollar pharmaceutical companies. Is all that about to change? Read it here: web realitysandwich/playingdoctorherbalmedicine (web realitysandwich/playingdoctorherbalmedicine) Money and the Turning of the Age by Charles Eisenstein It is time to enter into a new story, and a new kind of money that embodies it. We are in the midst of a transition parallel to an adolescent’s transition into adulthood, when physical growth ceases, and vital resources turn inward to foster growth in other realms. The Shape of the Universe by Howard Rheingold If you are fortunate enough to share a neighborhood with a leafy elm, a gnarly oak, a soaring redwood, take another look at its silhouette against the sky. That self-similar 4-D explosion of branching branches is a clue to a cosmic riddle or two. Read it here: web realitysandwich/shapeuniverse (web realitysandwich/shapeuniverse) Strange Bedfellows by Gary Lachman Politics and the occult seem an unlikely couple, but the truth is that the two have had a long and remarkably influential relationship involving some of the key turning points in western history and spanning the political spectrum. Read it here: web realitysandwich/strangebedfellows (web realitysandwich/strangebedfellows) The Future is Immanent: Speculations on a Possible World by J. F. Martel God is dead, long live the Alien. Faith in somthing that has passed (Jesus, Mohammed) has been replaced by hope for somthing to come. However, this somthing comes not to replace our reality (earthly paradise) but to expand it (interstellar civilization). The Other is a possible world. Read it here: web realitysandwich/futureimmanentspeculationspossibleworld (web realitysandwich/futureimmanentspeculationspossibleworld) Endocrine Disruptors, Big Pharma, and BHRT by Laura Jane Increasing exposure to industrial chemicals is driving a hormonal health crisis. Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy can help, but pharmaceutical companies don’t want you to know this. Read it here: An Army of Jacks to Fight the Power by Peter Lamborn Wilson Money could be seen as an exteriorized soul to be locked away so that our bodies acquire magical invulnerability. But it need not be hidden away it can be circulated and “beget” itself endlessly in usury. It constitutes humanity’s one really totally successful experiment in magic. Read it here: web realitysandwich/armyjacksfightpower (web realitysandwich/armyjacksfightpower) War on Vitamins by Matt Touissant The FDA bans a naturally occurring form of Vitamin B6 to increase profits for Big Pharma. Read it here: web realitysandwich/warvitamins (web realitysandwich/warvitamins) Darmok and Jalad at Tanagra, or Mind as Metaphor by Steven Taylor Many spiritually-inclined people dismiss what they call “Western philosophy” as inferior to what they designate “Eastern thought,” or “indigenous spirituality.” But I would offer that this dismissal, to borrow a phrase from Shunryu Suzuki Roshi, “does not reflect correct understanding.” They have not understood mind as metaphor. Read it here: You’re Doing It Wrong by Richard Smoley My friend, you cannot escape doing it wrong. And of course, being, like you, a part of American culture, neither can I. There is an Ogallala aquifer of guilt sitting a few inches below the surface of the American psyche. Read it here: web realitysandwich/you039redoingitwrong (web realitysandwich/you039redoingitwrong) A New End: A New Beginning by John L. Petersen Almost everyone in leadership positions wants to make the old system well again. They don’t get that economy based on industrial expansion via revolving credit and cheap energy is over. So, what to do in the face of unprecedented change? Read it here: web realitysandwich/newendnewbeginning (web realitysandwich/newendnewbeginning) Comics Shaman by ST Frequency In the latest Disinformation podcast, author and comic book legend Alan Moore discusses shamanism, magical art, and the documentary about his life and work, The Mindscape of Alan Moore. Read it here: web realitysandwich/comicsshaman (web realitysandwich/comicsshaman) * * * Cheers, Daniel, Ken, Jonathan, Michael, Steven, ST, Kris, Jennifer, Maya, Jeffrey, Caroline, Renee, and the rest of the Reality Sandwich team. **************Feeling the pinch at the grocery store? Make dinner for $10 or eadheader edfellows Sandwich sr arfix nchbeck, Dennis McKenna, and Charles Eisenstein at the Reality Sandwich re treat: “Toward 2012: Envision the Next Age.” This intimate four-day gather ing will feature talks, ceremonies, workshops, plant and primitive skill k nowledge hikes, petroglyph explorations, slot canyon adventures, yoga, mus ic, meditation and more. We’ll explore topics ranging from sacred geometry to urban homesteading, plant medicines to open source economics, Gaian te chnology to galactic alignments. This is your chance to connect with the R S editorial crew on ancient Anasazi land in one of the most beautiful spot s in the American Southwest. May 6-10, Boulder Mountain Guest Ranch, Bould class 2 012: Perspectives on the Next Age,” have attracted standing room only crowd s across the country. We thank you all for joining us in Baltimore, Boulde r, Portland, Capitola, Oakland, Atlanta, and New York. For those in the Ne w York area, we invite you to our final scheduled reading at Spoonbil &Sugartown in Brooklyn, NY. Charles Eisenstein, Steven Taylor, Jill Ettin ger, and Ken Jordan will take the stage Wed, April 8, 7pm at 218 Bedford S t. * * * New Articles We publish new stories on Reali ty Sandwich daily, M-F. Below are teasers for recent highlights. We hope y ou will enjoy these articles and share them with your compatriots: An Extravagant Hypothesis by Daniel Pinchbeck I propose that humanit y may be undergoing a rapid transition from the biological to the psychic phase of species evolution in the next few years. lank cla c by Tony Vigorito My relationship of eleven years abruptly ended. Then I was propelled into a six-month period of unparalleled and nearly nonstop synchronicity that continued to reverberate for another full year and upo n which I’m still surfing the shockwave. Read it here: ity” W ANW tor: Herbal Medicine in A New World Economy by Jill Ettinger Plants have been used for thousands of years to treat and cure illnesses, but in modern America, we’re dissuaded from these proven mthods by the interests of multi-billion-dollar pharmaceutical companies. Is all that about to ch ange? Read it here: wich/playingdoctorherbalmedicine” Nmedicine Money and the Turning of the Age by Charles Eise nstein It is time to enter into a new story, and a new kind of money th at embodies it. We are in the midst of a transition parallel to an adolesc ent’s transition into adulthood, when physical growth ceases, and vital re sources turn inward to foster growth in other realms. Read it here: caac4 “, event)’ NW The Shape of the Universe by Howard Rheingold If you are fortunat e enough to share a neighborhood with a leafy elm, a gnarly oak, a soaring redwood, take another look at its silhouette against the sky. That self-s imilar 4-D explosion of branching branches is a clue to a cosmic riddle or two. Read it here: rse Strange Bedfellows by Gary Lachman Politics and the o ccult seem an unlikely couple, but the truth is that the two have had a lo ng and remarkably influential relationship involving some of the key turni ng points in western history and spanning the political spectrum. Read it here: The Future is Immanent: Speculations on a Possible World by J. F. Martel God is dead, long live the Alien. Faith in somthing that ha s passed (Jesus, Mohammed) has been replaced by hope for somthing to come . However, this somthing comes not to replace our reality (earthly paradi se) but to expand it (interstellar civilization). The Other is a possible world. Read it here: dwich/futureimmanentspeculationspossibleworld” Bi g Pharma, and BHRT by Laura Jane Increasing exposure to industrial c hemicals is driving a hormonal health crisis. Bioidentical Hormone Replacem ent Therapy can help, but pharmaceutical companies don’t want you to know this. Read it here: Fight the Power by Peter Lamborn Wilson Money could be seen as an exterio rized soul to be locked away so that our bodies acquire magical invulnerab ility. But it need not be hidden away it can be circulated and “beget” itself endlessly in usury. It constitutes humanity’s one really totally su ccessful experiment in magic. Read it here: class he FDA bans a naturally occurring form of Vitamin B6 to increase profits f or Big Pharma. Read it here: vitamins Darmok and Jalad at Tanagra, or Mind as Metaphor b y Steven Taylor Many spiritually-inclined people dismiss what they call “Western philosophy” as inferior to what they designate “Eastern thought, ” or “indigenous spirituality.” But I would offer that this dismissal, to borrow a phrase from Shunryu Suzuki Roshi, “does not reflect correct under standing.” They have not understood mind as metaphor. Read it here: caac4 “, event)’ tanagraormindmetaphor” etaphor You’re Doing It Wrong by Richard Smoley My friend you cannot escape doing it wrong. And of course, being, like you, a part of American culture, neither can I. There is an Ogallala aquifer of guilt sitting a few inches below the surface of the American psyche. Read it here: nd: A New Beginning by John L. Petersen Almost everyone in leadershi p positions wants to make the old system well again. They don’t get that e conomy based on industrial expansion via revolving credit and cheap energy is over. So, what to do in the face of unprecedented change? Read it h ere: 54f2d750caac4 “, event)’ Comics Shaman by ST Frequency In the latest Disinformatio n podcast, author and comic book legend Alan Moore discusses shamanism, ma gical art, and the documentary about his life and work, The Mindscape of A lan Moore. Read it here: shaman * * * Cheers, Daniel, Ken, Jonathan, Mich ael, Steven, ST, Kris, Jennifer, Maya, Jeffrey, Caroline, Renee, and the r est of the Reality Sandwich team. br/fon
#4260 Wed, 25 Mar 2009 07:55:58 From: “alladinproject” alladinproject at yahooAlladin Group SAT APRIL 11TH ACE VENTURA LIVE NAKED TOURIS…… at Club Exit BIG thanks to all of you party people for making the last gathering unforg ettable it was great to see you all dancing smiling and having allot of fun thank you for supporting and keeping the vibe a live. We are looking for ward to see you at the next party on SATURDY, APRIL 11th at Club Exit The energy is rising for ORB Festival 09 July 9-12 for Full Line up and info please visit web orbfestival Main Stage L ine Up: ACE VENTURA Live (Iboga records ) ISRAEL web myspace.co m/aceiboga NAKED TOURIST (Shaman 96Electro Records ) GERMANY ww w.myspace/djiguanainfo ORBIT (Alladin Group )(ISRAEL- JAPAN MAYOR (Spe ctra /Psybotik )NYC KARMAKANIK (Gaia mind/Psi ) PHILADELPHIA Electro Sta ge: OMER BARNEA (Alladin group ) ISRAEL DJ KNOWLEDGE (Podcast) CT TONY UNORTHODOX (PsyNy/28thday) NYC BRANDON ADAMS (Dreamcatcher)NYC Decora tion: Alladin Deco Team Ocular Delight And more TBA 18 to enter 21 to d rink with valid ID Doors open 10PM 6AM Tickets: $25 in advance at $30 at the door Location: CLUB EXIT 149 GR EENPOINT AVE. BROOKLYN, NY 11222 Street Map: local.google/lo Directi ons: By Subway: Take the L train to Redford stop and transfer to the 61 b us go down in Greenpoint Ave, (5 mint) Or: take the L train to metropolita n Ave & transfer to the G train to Green point Ave. the Club is right acro ss the street. Or: G train to green point Ave Subway Map: web mta .nyc.ny.us/nyct/maps/submap Bus: 61, 43, to Green point Ave Bus map: web mta.nyc.ny.us/nyct/maps/busbkln.pdf By Car: Take BQE (I-278 ) to Exit 33 McGuiness Blvd,towards Green point Ave, Turn LEFT at Green po int Ave Proceed to 147 Green point Ave. By car-service / Taxi: From Man hattan costs about $15 From Bedford Station it costs about $6 Our next p arty will be at take place at Club Exit on Friday May 15 with ANTIX LIVE X DREAM RETRO DJ SET AND MORE web AlladinProject.net Please mar k your calendars for the biggest psy/electro outdoor gathering of the summe r “ORB Festival” July 9-12 at the new Echo lake Afton NY ADVANCE TICKETS A ND FULL INFO web orbfestival
#4261 Wed, 25 Mar 2009 09:52:46 PSYCHEGROUND Thursday, March 26th featuring STEREOGRAPHIC 0-1072237662-1237999966:45639 We would like to thank all of you that came in the last psycheground. We ha d an amazing surprise lineup, and all did an awesome job. For this week we have top notch artistse out to support the scene for another awesome ni ght. featuring dj and live sets by: STEREOGRAPHIC (Discovalley, Manic dragon / BRAZIL): web myspace/stereographicmusic The projec t Stereographic is carried out by the musician Andre Santana Camargos. His career is highlighted by playing the some of the largest festivals in the w orld, including Universo Paralelo and full MOON festival. Andre has been a psytrance producer since 2001, and his project gained more shape and qualit y in 2004. Stereographic was one of the first producers of underground musi c in Brazil and in AMERICA. His music is played by a large number of respec table djs around the world. The style can be defined in 2 lines: Stereogr aphic side a- full on night high-tech,fat bass, deep atmospheres and melod ies – and Stereographic side b – night, dark, harder sound, also with fat b ass, efx and obscure atmospheres.It’s a combination of dancing and reflecti on. PEDRO (Planet Ben rec / Brazil) NOMOLOS (Zenon Records, Australia /Israel) BETWEEN DEVICES AKA RAFAEL & DUDU (Global W-Team Brazil/Boston) Deco by the Dreamcatchers ** March 19th, 10pm – 4am ** at Sulliva n Room, New York City web sullivanroom 218 Sullivan St (between Bleecker and West 3rd St, 2 blocks east of 6th Ave) General Admission: $10.00 RSVP to psycheground at yahoo for $5.00 reduced list Subway: A, B, C, D, E, F, or V trains to “W 4 St – Wash Sq” 21+ with ID Map to S ullivan Room: web myspace/psy cheground 0-1072237662-1237999966:45639 he last psycheground. We had an amazing surprise lineup, and all did an awe some job. For this week we have top notch artistse out to support the s cene for another awesome night. featuring dj and live sets by: ey, Manic dragon / BRAZIL): A! incode auto-link end The project Stereographic is carrie d out by the musician Andre Santana Camargos. His career is highlighted by playing the some of the largest festivals in the world, including Universo Paralelo and full MOON festival. Andre has been a psytrance producer since 2001, and his project gained more shape and quality in 2004. Stereographic was one of the first producers of underground music in Brazil and in AMERI CA. His music is played by a large number of respectable djs around the wor ld. The style can be defined in 2 lines: Stereographic side a- full on night high-tech,fat bass, deep atmospheres and melodies – and Stereogr aphic side b – night, dark, harder sound, also with fat bass, efx and obscu re atmospheres.It’s a combination of dancing and reflection. S amDUDU (Global W-Team Brazil/Boston) Deco by the Dreamcatchers ** March 19th, 10pm – 4am ** at Sullivan Room, New York City web sullivanroom 218 Sullivan St (between Bleecker and West 3rd St, 2 blocks east of 6t h Ave) General Admission: $10.00 RSVP to ! incode auto-m 0ffpsycheground at yahoo for $5 .00 reduced list Subway: A, B, C, D, E, F, or V trains to “W 4 St – Wash Sq” 21+ with ID !- es/pixel.gif”
#4262 Wed, 25 Mar 2009 20:03:18 Wed, 25 Mar 2009 20:03:18 From: H. Psychedelica, new species discovered egs “It also moves like some people did in the 60’s, since researchers have discovered that it doesn’t really swim. It instead hops like it’s just had whatever was handed out at Woodstock.” **************Feeling the pinch at the grocery store? Make dinner for $10 or ychedelic-fish-crawls-with-legs “It a lso moves like some people did in the 60’s, since researchers have discove red that it doesn’t really swim. It instead hops like it’s just had whatev er was handed out at Woodstock.”
#4263 Thu, 26 Mar 2009 08:55:27 psynyPSYCHEGROUND Thursday, March 26th featuring STEREOGRAPHIC 0-1149636510-1238082927:65590 We would like to thank all of you that came in the last psycheground. We had an amazing surprise lineup, and all dj’s did an awesome job. For this week we have top notch artistse out to support the scene for another awesome night. featuring dj and live sets by: STEREOGRAPHIC (Discovalley, Manic dragon / BRAZIL): web myspace/stereographicmusic The project Stereographic is carried out by the musician Andre Santana Camargos. His career is highlighted by playing the some of the largest festivals in the world, including Universo Paralelo and full MOON festival. Andre has been a psytrance producer since 2001, and his project gained more shape and quality in 2004. Stereographic was one of the first producers of underground music in Brazil and in AMERICA. His music is played by a large number of respectable djs around the world. The style can be defined in 2 lines: Stereographic side a- full on night high-tech,fat bass, deep atmospheres and melodies – and Stereographic side b – night, dark, harder sound, also with fat bass, efx and obscure atmospheres.It’s a combination of dancing and reflection. PEDRO (Planet Ben rec / Brazil) NOMOLOS (Zenon Records, Australia/Israel) BETWEEN DEVICES AKA RAFAEL & DUDU (Global W-Team Brazil/Boston) Deco by the Dreamcatchers ** March 26th, 10pm – 4am ** at Sullivan Room, New York City web sullivanroom 218 Sullivan St (between Bleecker and West 3rd St, 2 blocks east of 6th Ave) General Admission: $10.00 RSVP to psycheground at yahoo for $5.00 reduced list Subway: A, B, C, D, E, F, or V trains to “W 4 St – Wash Sq” 21+ with ID web myspace/psycheground 0-1149636510-1238082927:65590
#4264 Fri, 27 Mar 2009 14:02:35 Fri, 27 Mar 2009 14:02:35 From: Pedro’s back, this sat at new cosm space Fwd: US Gigs this Week! From: PedroGomide at mail.vresp To: Sent: 3/26/2009 4:00:51 P.M. Time Subj: US Gigs this Week! Greetings! After six months living in Brazil doing cultural production and university, I’m back! I will be DJing two times this week, one at the present location of the famous Entheocentric Salons, Jungle. That night, on Saturday, Alex Grey will be joining us after his trip to Egypt. With me, Nyxys, Dan Covan and Primate will be making the beats for the night…don’t miss it! I will be playing from 2am to 4am. On another oportunity, tonight (Thursday), I will be djing at the Sullivan Room…earlier this time around, I will be playing around 11 pm…. Hope to see you in of these parties!!! Best, Pedro Gomide pedrogomide (cts.vresp/c/?CacaoMedia/7f55bb88a1/ae3573f039/89c9fede3f) myspace/pedrogomide (cts.vresp/c/?CacaoMedia/7f55bb88a1/ae3573f039/b8366110ea) PedroGomide 22 Fort Place, Staten Island, NY 10301 Read (web verticalresponse/content/pmpolicy ) the VerticalResponse marketing policy. (web verticalresponse/landing/?mm/7f55bb88a1) **************Feeling the pinch at the grocery store? Make dinner for $10 or re ply-7f55bb88a1-ae3573f039-0f39 at u.cts.vresp To: Sent: 3/26/2009 4:00:51 P.M. Time Subj: US Gigs t his Week! fter six months living in Brazil doing cultural production and universit y, I’m back! ng two times this week, one at the present location of the famous Entheo centric Salons, Jungle. That night, on Saturday, Alex Grey will be joini ng us after his trip to Egypt. With me, Nyxys, Dan Covan and Primate wil l be making the beats for the night…don’t miss it! I will be playing f rom 2am to 4am. oportunity, tonight (Thursday), I will be djing at the Sullivan Room… earlier this time around, I will be playing around 11 pm…. partie s!!! acaoMedia/7f55bb88a1/ae3573f039/89c9fede3f c/?CacaoMedia/7f55bb88a1/ae3573f039/89c9fede3fpedrogomide 39/b8366110ea 73f039/b8366110eamyspace/pedrogomide CLEAR: both c TBODY ger wish to receive these emails, please reply to this message wit subject line or simply click on the followi ng link: lpftw taten Island, NY 10301 alresponse/content/pmpolicy esponse/content/pmpolicy Read the VerticalResponse marketing policy. title tp://web verticalresponse/landing/?mm/7f55bb88a1
#4265 Fri, 27 Mar 2009 19:00:16 Fri, 27 Mar 2009 19:01:19 From: OT mimimal techno in Bushwick this Saturday This cohesive scene is similar to a psytrance party but the music though hypnotic and repetitive is not as full on ad the style is less florid. I’ ve been to a lot of their events and have never been disappointed. Vadi m from the old psytrance Subtle Chaos is DJing. Here’s a sample (web fac LESS Brooklyn Saturd ay March 28, 2009 LESS invites you to our first multi-disciplinary show. This will be a party with two levels: a loft-gallery area for social rela xation, filled with artwork, installations, video screens and the other, a dim lit cozy underground for getting down… Music by Smirk LIVE (W olf+Lamb) Eddie Krilov (LESS, Thema, Musique RisquE9e) Jen Lusker (Waxx D olls) Vadim (LESS) Igal (LESS) About Smirk: A smirk occurs at the moment just before one side of the mouth catches up with the other. Generally, a smirk is just looking for a good time. Smirk has released a number of fi ne items on Wolf+Lamb and is part of the “Brooklynn EP” that just came ou t. Art Installations and Video Projection presented by Stem Cell featur ing Karma Adam Ludwig Aik Safaryan Daniel “fearcondom” Olshansky About “fearcondom”: Fearcondom is originally from St. Petersburg, Russia. He gre w up in a prestigious neighborhood and developed his artistic talents in the Hermitage School for Young Soviet Child Prodigies or HSYSCP, aside fr om his unusual fine art talent, Fear was also a promising violinist and a fencing enthusiast. At age 11 his father, a world renowned clown, moved t o NYC taking his wife and son Fearcondom along for the ride. Fearcondom a dapted to his new environment by consuming large amounts of cheap Chinese take-out and televisions. Years later he emerged in the underground fash ion scene wearing nothing but a plastic bottle on his Johnson and speakin g in tongues. This display of artistic expression caused a small revoluti on in the art & fashion world. This a private invitation-only event. We will announce the location via our mailing list: Let’s unite! at w ww.lessparty/ (web lessparty/) Bar by Yesica Door by Eli jah Admission: 11pm, $10, 21+/id Official Site: web lessparty (web lessparty) **************Feeling the pinch at the gr ocery store? Make dinner for $10 or This cohesive scene is similar to a psytrance party but the music though hypnotic and repetitive is not as full on ad the style is less florid. I’ve been to a lot of their events and have never be en disappointed. Vadim from the old psytrance Subtle Chaos is DJing. Here’s a sample / LESS Brooklyn / Saturday March 28, 2009 LESS invites you to our first multi-disciplinary show. Th is will be a party with two levels: a loft-gallery area for social relaxat ion, filled with artwork, installations, video screens and the other, a di m lit cozy underground for getting down… Mu sic by Smirk LIVE (Wolf+Lamb) Eddie Krilov (LESS, Thema, Musique RisquE9e) Jen Lusker (Waxx Dolls) Vadim (LESS ) Igal (LESS) About Smirk: A smirk occur s at the moment just before one side of the mouth catches up with the othe r. Generally, a smirk is just looking for a good time. Smirk has released a number of fine items on Wolf+Lamb and is part of the “Brooklynn EP” that just came out. Art Installations and Vide o Projection presented by Stem Cell featuring About “fearcondom”: Fearcondom is originally fr om St. Petersburg, Russia. He grew up in a prestigious neighborhood and de veloped his artistic talents in the Hermitage School for Young Soviet Chil d Prodigies or HSYSCP, aside from his unusual fine art talent, Fear was al so a promising violinist and a fencing enthusiast. At age 11 his father, a world renowned clown, moved to NYC taking his wife and son Fearcondom alo ng for the ride. Fearcondom adapted to his new environment by consuming la rge amounts of cheap Chinese take-out and televisions. Years later he emer ged in the underground fashion scene wearing nothing but a plastic bottle on his Johnson and speaking in tongues. This display of artistic expressio n caused a small revolution in the art & fashion world. &nb s This a private invitation-only event. We will announce the l ocation via our ssparty/web lessparty/ Ba r by Yesica Door by Elijah Admission: 11pm, //web lessparty L
#4266 Sat, 28 Mar 2009 23:23:01 28 Mar 2009 23:23:00 Sun, 29 Mar 2009 02:23:00 From: Blue Goddess bluegoddess at psybotikDIMITRI NAKOV Is Coming For Our One Year Anniversary!!! Plus Friday April 3, 2009 We are very proud to present: DIMITRI NAKOV (Neurobiotic Records, Italy; Solstice Music, Japan) Dimitri represents one of the most reputable and popular DJs on the international scene. He is a pioneer in the psy scene. He has been a DJ for over a decade, releasing compilations such as Dimitri92s Dat Bag on th e Legendary TIP World Records and The Usual Suspects Volume 2 on Solstice M usic. Since then he has produced with the infamous Deedrah and Antidote on their project The Good, The Bad, & The Ugly, releasing on Spun Records. H e has also been working Emfire Records and Tronic Records, both NYC affilia tes. His upcoming release will debut on Neurobiotic records. And being th e label DJ for solstice music, he is currently on a S. American tour85with his next stop NYC! So get ready for a killer 3 hours of full on with a sp ecial tech house set earlier in the night by one of the most phenomenal art ists/DJs on the planet. (web dimitrinakov) Futuristic Fashion WH EYLAN (NYC) (web wheylan) Immersive Video Design GLASS BEAD COLLE CTIVE (NYC) (web glassbeadcollective.org) Fire Performance MASAE (Psy botik, NYC) (web colorfulartist) DJs (Psytrance, Techno, Electro House, Breaks) ELECTRIK (Psybotik, NYC) MAYUR (Psybotik / Spectra, NYC) GA BRIEL (Psybotik, NYC) DYSFORM (Psybotik, NYC) ELF COMMUNIQUE (Glass Bead Collective, NYC) VJs VLAD T (Glass Bead Collective, NYC) NASHAMASHA ( Psybotik, NYC) ZUL (Glass Bead Collective, NYC) LEO K. (Glass Bead Collec tive, NYC) GUI AUM ETRIX (Gaian Mind, NYC) Sound LIGHT-O-MATIC (web li ghtomatic) Decor PSYBOTIK & GOA TONE April 3, 2009 9pm – 8am East Williamsburg, Brooklyn Location will only be revealed to our email l ist $10 Before 11pm $15 Advance $20 RSVP $25 At Door Tickets and F ull Flyer at web psybotik nt-family:ArialWe are very proud to present: DIMITRI NAKOV (Neurobiotic Records, Italy; Solstice Music, Japan) / the most reputable and popular DJs on the international scene. He i s a pioneer in the psy scene. He has been a DJ for over a d ecade, releasing compilations such as Dimitri92s Dat Bag on the Legendary TIP World Records and The Usual Suspects Volume 2 on Solstice Music. Since then he has produced with the infamous Deedrah and Antidot e on their project The Good, The Bad, & The Ugly, releasing on Spun Rec ords. He has also been working Emfire Records and Tronic Re cords, both NYC affiliates. His upcoming release will debut on Neurobiotic records. And being the label DJ for solstic e music, he is currently on a S. American tour85with his next stop NYC!sp anSo get ready for a killer 3 hours of full on with a special t ech house set earlier in the night by one of the most phenomenal artists/DJ s on the planet. ) ArialFuturistic Fashion WHEYLAN (NYC) -family:Arial ve Video Design GLASS BEAD COLLECTIVE (NYC) (web rialFire Performance AE (Psybotik, NYC) m ) mily:ArialDJs (Psytrance, Techno, Electro House, Breaks) ELECTRIK (Ps ybotik, NYC) ik / Spectra, NYC) GABRIEL (Psybotik, NYC) Collective, NYC) / VLAD T (Glass Bead Collective, NYC) NASHAMASHA (Psybotik, NYC)/ (Glass Bead Collective, NYC) LEO K. (Glass Bead Collect ive, NYC) ly:ArialGUI AUM ETRIX (Gaian Mind, NYC) sp rial Sound ATIC family:Arial pan n April 3, 2009 9pm – 8am East Williamsburg, Brooklyn revealed to our em ail list st mily:Arial$20 RSVP t Door
#4267 Tue, 31 Mar 2009 04:39:58 From: “alladinproject” alladinproject at yahooAlladin Group Presents: SAT APRIL 11TH ACE VENTURA LIVE NAKED TOURIST…… at BIG thanks to all of you party people for making the last gathering unforge ttable it was great to see you all dancing smiling and having allot of fun, thank you for supporting and keeping the vibe alive. We are looking forwar d to see you at this upcoming party on SATURDAY, APRIL 11th at Club Exit The energy is rising for ORB Festival 09 July 9-12 for Full Line up and in fo please visit web orbfestival Main Stage Line Up: ACE VENT URA Live (Iboga records ) ISRAEL web myspace/aceiboga NAKED TO URIST (Shaman 96Electro Records ) GERMANY web myspace/djiguana info ORBIT (Alladin Group )ISRAEL- JAPAN MAYOR (Spectra /Psybotik )NYC K ARMAKANIK (Gaia mind/Psi ) PHILADELPHIA Electro Stage: OMER BARNEA (Alla din group) ISRAEL DJ KNOWLEDGE (Podcast) CT TONY UNORTHODOX (PsyNy/28thda y) NYC BRANDON ADAMS (Dreamcatcher)NYC Decoration: Alladin Deco Team Ocular Delight And more TBA 18 to enter 21 to drink with valid ID Doors op en 10PM 6AM Tickets: $25 in advance at web alladinproject.net $30 at the door Location: CLUB EXIT 149 GREENPOINT AVE. BROOKLYN, NY 11222 Stre et Map: Directions: By Subway: Take the L train to Redfor d stop and transfer to the 61 bus go down in Greenpoint Ave, (5 mint) Or: t ake the L train to metropolitan Ave & transfer to the G train to Green poin t Ave. the Club is right across the street. Or: G train to green point Ave Subway Map: web mta.nyc.ny.us/nyct/maps/submap Bus: 61, 43, to Green point Ave Bus map: web mta.nyc.ny.us/nyct/maps/busbkln.pdf By Car: Take BQE (I-278) to Exit 33 McGuiness Blvd,towards Green point Ave, Turn LEFT at Green point Ave Proceed to 147 Green point Ave. By car-servic e / Taxi: From Manhattan costs about $15 From Bedford Station it costs abou t $6 Our next party will be at take place at Club Exit on Friday May 15 wit h ANTIX LIVE X DREAM RETRO DJ SET AND MORE web AlladinProject.net P lease mark your calendars for the biggest Psy/Electro outdoor gathering of the summer “ORB Festival” July 9-12 at the new Echo lake Afton NY ADVANCE T ICKETS AND FULL INFO web orbfestival
#4268 Tue, 31 Mar 2009 04:42:05 From: “alladinproject” alladinproject at yahooORB FESTIVAL JULY 9-12 2009 at ECHO LAKE Hey party people! We are Happy to announce the 3rd annual outdoor gatherin g, Orb Festival 2009, in upstate New York at “The New Echo Lake Resort Camp ground”. This year we are planning a large, quality gathering that will fea ture some of the best electronic artists in the globe with top notch decora tion specializing in massive psychedelic installations, 2 stages, one featu ring full psy and the other top underground minimal techno. We will also ha ve a beautiful flea market, tribal drum circles, yoga, meditation, workshop s, kids area, designated swimming area, boating, main festival fire and foo d circles including vegetarian and vegan food. After producing 2 Orb Festi vals and 6 years of events in NYC, Alladin project has developed the profes sional experience that promises for a well planned and highly produced 4 da y festival with an international team specializing in the production and or ganization of quality events. This nature gathering will take place in Ech o Lake. Situated around a secluded spring-fed lake in the midst of a pine f orest, this beautiful resort is three hours away from Manhattan in upstate NY. An amazing magical forest on top of a wide lake, plenty of parking spac es with a well maintained camping site and economy cabins available for ren tal. Come and experience the purity of nature and the divine waves of soun ds floating around the water, creating an amazing cosmic energy that brings people together. This will be an uplifting experience and an unforgettabl e gathering!!! So please mark your calendars Orb Festival 2009 July 9th to the 12th at The New Echo Lake Resort Campground 185 Echo Lake Lane Afton, NY 13730. Advance Tickets, inquiries for shuttle bus, vendors, and workshop s please visit web OrbFestival See you all there Orb Festival Crew
#4269 Tue, 31 Mar 2009 19:35:29 YOGIBOGEYBOX and PSYCHEGROUND present SwEdIsH FiSh featuring KIRIYAMA live, Thursday April 2nd at Sullivan Room 0-2096633145-1238553329:29190 April 2 2009 YOGIBOGEYBOX and PSYCHEGROUND present SwEdIsH FiSh featuring KIRIYAMA at Sullivan Room (New York City) NYC We have long spoken about a collaboration that would bring a YBB event to the city and it is finally here. We are very happy about this opportunity to work with the longest running production in NY and some of the nicest people this scene has to offer This is going to be a very spacial Sullivan Room party!! After many requests to see him in our neck of the woods, we bring a great Swedish talent to NYC. The goa mindset and the deep tunes with a strong goa influence will surely make for some incredible vibes on the dancefloor. KIRIYAMA LIVE Devils Mind Rec / SWEDEN Alex a k a Kiriyama is one of the co-founders of the Swedish power house Devils Mind Records and the studio group Checkpoint Music. He-‘s frequently collaborating with French producer Hishiryo which has resulted in a number of co-produced tunes having been released, all of them comprising Japanese themes and East Asian influences. Although it-‘s common that people categorise Kiriyama as nocturnal music, Kiriyama-‘s sound has a goaish slant today since goa trance was the music with which he fell in love during the mid 90s. With some ten tracks already out and more in the pipeline, he-‘s currently working on his debut album which is planned for the first half of 2009. Moreover, he-‘s currently compiling a CD of Scandinavian forest music for the Italian label ANDREY K – Polarlight / NYC AARON – Fractaltribe / Boston FUMI – YogiBogeyBox / JAPAN, NYC Deco by FractalTibe and the Dreamcatchers ** April 2nd, 10pm – 4am ** at Sullivan Room, New York City web sullivanroom 218 Sullivan St (between Bleecker and West 3rd St, 2 blocks east of 6th Ave) General Admission: $10.00 Subway: A, B, C, D, E, F, or V trains to -“W 4 St – Wash Sq-” 21+ with ID Do Not Miss this special one… ) 0-2096633145-1238553329:29190 NYC We have long spoken about a collaboration that would bring a YBB event to the city and it is finally here. We are very happy about this opportunity to work with the longest running production in NY and some of the nicest people this scene has to offer This is going to be a very spacial Sullivan Room party!! After many requests to see him in our neck of the woods, we bring a great Swedish talent to NYC. The goa mindset and the deep tunes with a strong goa influence will surely make for some incredible vibes on the dancefloor. KIRIYAMA LIVE Devils Mind Rec / SWEDEN Alex a k a Kiriyama is one of the co-founders of the Swedish power house Devils Mind Records and the studio group Checkpoint Music. He-‘s frequently collaborating with French producer Hishiryo which has resulted in a number of co-produced tunes having been released, all of them comprising Japanese themes and East Asian influences. Although it-‘s common that people categorise Kiriyama as nocturnal music, Kiriyama-‘s sound has a goaish slant today since goa trance was the music with which he fell in love during the mid 90s. With some ten tracks already out and more in the pipeline, he-‘s currently working on his debut album which is planned for the first half of 2009. Moreover, he-‘s currently compiling a CD of Scandinavian forest music for the Italian label ** April 2nd, 10pm – 4am ** at Sullivan Room, New York City ” rel”nofollow” target”blankweb sullivanroom 218 Sullivan St (between Bleecker and West 3rd St, 2 blocks east of 6th Ave) General Admission: $10.00 Subway: A, B, C, D, E, F, or V trains to -“W 4 St – Wash Sq-” 21+ with ID Do Not Miss this special one… )
April 2009
#4270 Wed, 01 Apr 2009 16:08:08 01 Apr 2009 16:08:07 Wed, 1 Apr 2009 19:08:06 Salma salma at souldishFrom: Blue Goddess bluegoddess at psybotikAddress for Psybotik 7 – Friday 4/3 – Dimitri Nakov With Immersive Video Design Plus Futuristic Fashion and Fire 0016364ef0907d54770466866333 0016364ef0907d54700466866331 Dimitri has landed and we are only days away until the festivities begin! T hank you to all those who have supported us throughout the year. Especiall y to our good friends in New York, Boston, Philly, Burlington, Ashville, Gr eenville and for their insurmountable participation that made it all happen. Hope to see you all there. Jungle 286 Meserole St Brookly n Doors Open 9pm Don’t forget about the recession special, only $10 before 11. RSVP and tickets at psybotik See you on the dance floor, Blue P sybotik 7 -One Year Anniversary Friday April 3, 2009 We are very proud to present: DIMITRI NAKOV (Neurobiotic Records, Italy; Solstice Music, J apan) Dimitri represents one of the most reputable and popular DJs on the international scene. He is a pioneer in the psy scene. He has been a DJ f or over a decade, releasing compilations such as Dimitri92s Dat Bag on the Legendary TIP World Records and The Usual Suspects Volume 2 on Solstice Mu sic. Since then he has produced with the infamous Deedrah and Antidote on their project The Good, The Bad, & The Ugly, releasing on Spun Records. He has also been working Emfire Records and Tronic Records, both NYC affiliat es. His upcoming release will debut on Neurobiotic records. And being the label DJ for solstice music, he is currently on a S. American tour85with his next stop NYC! So get ready for a killer 3 hours of full on with a spe cial tech house set earlier in the night by one of the most phenomenal arti sts/DJs on the planet. (web dimitrinakov) Futuristic Fashion WHE YLAN (NYC) (web wheylan) Immersive Video Design GLASS BEAD COLLEC TIVE (NYC) (web glassbeadcollective.org) Fire Performance MASAE (Psyb otik, NYC) (web colorfulartist) DJs (Psytrance, Techno, Electro H ouse, Breaks) ELECTRIK (Psybotik, NYC) MAYUR (Psybotik / Spectra, NYC) GAB RIEL (Psybotik, NYC) DYSFORM (Psybotik, NYC) ELF COMMUNIQUE (Glass Bead C ollective, NYC) VJs VLAD T (Glass Bead Collective, NYC) NASHAMASHA (P sybotik, NYC) ZUL (Glass Bead Collective, NYC) LEO K. (Glass Bead Collect ive, NYC) GUI AUM ETRIX (Gaian Mind, NYC) Sound LIGHT-O-MATIC (web lig htomatic) Decor PSYBOTIK & GOA TONE April 3, 2009 9pm – 8am Jungle 286 Meserole St Brooklyn NY $10 Before 11pm $15 Advance $20 R SVP $25 At Door Tickets and Full Flyer at web psybotik 0016364ef0907d54700466866331 nd we are only days away until the festivities begin! T hank you to all those who have supported us throughout the year. Especia lly to our good friends in New York, Boston, Philly, Burlington, Ashville, Greenville and for their insurmountable participation tha t made it all happen. Hope to see you all there . Jungle 286 Meserole St Brook lyn Doors Open 9pm Don’t forget abou t the recession special, only $10 before 11. RSV See you on the dance floor, Bl ue 7 -One Year Anniversary riday April 3, 2009 pan present : Records, Italy; Sol stice Music, Japan) i represents one of the most reputable and popular DJs on the international scene. He is a pioneer in the psy scene. H e has been a DJ for over a decade, releasing compilations such as Dimitri 92s Dat Bag on the Legendary TIP World Records and The Usual Suspects Volu me 2 on Solstice Music. Since then he has produced with the infamous Deedrah and Antidote on their project The Good, The Bad, & Th e Ugly, releasing on Spun Records. He has also been working Emfire Records and Tronic Records, both NYC affiliates. Hi s upcoming release will debut on Neurobiotic records. And b eing the label DJ for solstice music, he is currently on a S. American tour 85with his next stop NYC! So get ready for a killer 3 hour s of full on with a special tech house set earlier in the night by one of t he most phenomenal artists/DJs on the planet. nkweb dimitrinakov ) al heylan ) GLASS BEAD COLLECTIVE (NY C) w.glassbeadcollective.org ) ial “blankweb colorfulartist ) ily:Arial Electro H ouse, Breaks) ELECTRIK (Psybotik, NYC) nt-family:ArialMAYUR (Psybotik / Spectra, NYC) GABRIEL (Psybotik, NYC ) Collective, NYC) n VLAD T (Glass Bead Collective, NYC) NASHAMASHA (Psybotik, NYC) LEO K. (Glass Bead Collective, NYC) NYC) Sound web lightomatic )
#4271 Thu, 2 Apr 2009 09:53:05 YOGIBOGEYBOX and PSYCHEGROUND present SwEdIsH FiSh featuring KIRIYAMA live, Thursday April 2nd at Sullivan Room 0-1996272457-1238691185:98849 TONIGHT THURSDAY APRIL 2nd 2009 YOGIBOGEYBOX and PSYCHEGROUND pr esent SwEdIsH FiSh featuring KIRIYAMA at Sullivan Room (New York City) We have long spoken about a collaboration that would bring a YBB event to the city and it is finally here. We are very happy about this opportunit y to work with the longest running production in NY and some of the nicest people this scene has to offer This is going to be a very spacial Sullivan Room party!! After many requests to see him in our neck of the woods, we bring a great Swedish talent to NYC. The goa mindset and the deep tunes wi th a strong goa influence will surely make for some incredible vibes on the dancefloor. KIRIYAMA LIVE Devils Mind Rec / SWEDEN Alex a k a Kiriyama is one of the co-founders of the Swedish power house Devils Mind Records an d the studio group Checkpoint Music. He-‘s frequently collaborating with Fr ench producer Hishiryo which has resulted in a number of co-produced tunes having been released, all of them comprising Japanese themes and East Asian influences. Although it-‘s common that people categorise Kiriyama as noctu rnal music, Kiriyama-‘s sound has a goaish slant today since goa trance was the music with which he fell in love during the mid 90s. With some ten tra cks already out and more in the pipeline, he-‘s currently working on his de but album which is planned for the first half of 2009. Moreover, he-‘s curr ently compiling a CD of Scandinavian forest music for the Italian label A NDREY K – Polarlight / NYC AARON – Fractaltribe / Boston FUMI – YogiBogey Box / JAPAN, NYC Deco by FractalTibe and the Dreamcatchers ** April 2nd, 10pm – 4am ** at Sullivan Room, New York City web sullivanroom / 218 Sullivan St (between Bleecker and West 3rd St, 2 blocks east of 6 th Ave) General Admission: $10.00 Subway: A, B, C, D, E, F, or V trains to -“W 4 St – Wash Sq-” 21+ with ID maps.y Do Not Miss this special one… ) 0-1996272457-1238691185:98849 2009 YOGIBOGEYBOX and PSYCHEGROUND present SwEdIsH FiSh featu ring KIRIYAMA at Sullivan Room (New York City) We have long spoken about a collaboration that would bring a YBB event to the city and it is finally here. We a re very happy about this opportunity to work with the longest running produ ction in NY and some of the nicest people this scene has to offer Th is is going to be a very spacial Sullivan Room party!! After man y requests to see him in our neck of the woods, we bring a great Swedish ta lent to NYC. The goa mindset and the deep tunes with a strong goa influe nce will surely make for some incredible vibes on the dancefloor. the co-founders of the Swedish power house Devils Mind Records and the stud io group Checkpoint Music. He-‘s frequently collaborating with French pr oducer Hishiryo which has resulted in a number of co-produced tunes having been released, all of them comprising Japanese themes and East Asian influ ences. Although it-‘s common that people categorise Kiriyama as nocturnal m usic, Kiriyama-‘s sound has a goaish slant today since goa trance was the m usic with which he fell in love during the mid 90s. With some ten tracks already out and more in the pipeline, he-‘s currently working on his debut album which is planned for the first half of 2009. Moreover, he-‘s current ly compiling a CD of Scandinavian forest music for the Italian label R ** April 2nd, 10pm – 4am ** at Sulliv an Room, New York City 218 Sullivan St (bet ween Bleecker and West 3rd St, 2 blocks east of 6th Ave) General Admission: $10.00 Subway: A, B, C, D, E, F, or V trains to -“W 4 St – Wash Sq-” 21+ with ID htt 0-1996272457-1238691185:98849
#4273 Thu, 09 Apr 2009 21:05:47 From: “alladinproject” alladinproject at yahooAlladin Group SAT APRIL 11TH ACE VENTURA LIVE NAKED TOURIST at CLUB EXIT BIG thanks to all of you party people for making the last gathering unforge ttable it was great to see you all dancing smiling and having allot of fun, thank you for supporting and keeping the vibe a live. We are looking forwa rd to see you at the next party on SATURDY, APRIL 11th at Club Exit The energy is rising for ORB Festival 09 July 9-12 for Full Line up and info pl ease visit web orbfestival Main Stage Line Up: ACE VENTURA L ive (Iboga records ) ISRAEL web myspace/aceiboga NAKED TOURIST (Shaman 96Electro Records ) GERMANY web myspace/djiguanainfo ORBIT (Alladin Group )(ISRAEL- JAPAN MAYOR (Spectra /Psybotik )NYC KARMAKA NIK (Gaia mind/Psi ) PHILADELPHIA Electro Stage: OMER BARNEA (Alladin gr oup ) ISRAEL DJ KNOWLEDGE (Podcast) CT TONY UNORTHODOX (PsyNy/28thday) NYC BRANDON ADAMS (Dreamcatcher)NYC Decoration: Alladin Deco Team Ocular Delight And more TBA 18 to enter 21 to drink with valid ID Doors open 10PM 6AM Tickets: $30 at th e door Location: CLUB EXIT 149 GREENPOINT AVE. BROOKLYN, NY 11222 Street Map: Directions: By Subway: Take the L train to Redford stop and transfer to the 61 bus go down in Greenpoint Ave, (5 mint) Or: ta ke the L train to metropolitan Ave & transfer to the G train to Green point Ave. the Club is right across the street. Or: G train to green point Ave S ubway Map: web mta.nyc.ny.us/nyct/maps/submap Bus: 61, 43, to G reen point Ave Bus map: web mta.nyc.ny.us/nyct/maps/busbkln.pdf By Car: Take BQE (I-278) to Exit 33 McGuiness Blvd,towards Green point Ave, T urn LEFT at Green point Ave Proceed to 147 Green point Ave. By car-service / Taxi: From Manhattan costs about $15 From Bedford Station it costs about $6 Our next party will be at take place at Club Exit on Friday May 15 with ANTIX LIVE X DREAM RETRO DJ SET AND MORE web AlladinProject.net Pl ease mark your calendars for the biggest psy/electro outdoor gathering of t he summer “ORB Festival” July 9-12 at the new Echo lake Afton NY ADVANCE TI CKETS AND FULL INFO web orbfestival
#4274 Wed, 15 Apr 2009 19:46:50 From: “alladinproject” alladinproject at yahooOrb festival 2009 Earlybird ticket Orb festival 2009 early ticket sale has started. The website is up and runn ing with full line up and work shops info, the excitement is in the air and we are looking forward to have an amazing gathering. Earlybird Tickets for $105 will run till Monday may 4th 2009! Get your tickets here web orbfestival/tickets.php Feel free to spread the word! See you on the da nce floor web orbfestival see you all there 🙂
#4275 Wed, 15 Apr 2009 21:47:44 Wed, 15 Apr 2009 21:50:32 To: omnitribe From: Urgent – Serge detained, wife dead, his 2 children ok but desp need assistance This is to announce that a friend of ours Sergiy Piskunov is in deep tr ouble. Sergiy has been detained by the Immigration Customs and Border enf orcement (ICE) in Texas. On Alril 11, 2009 his wife Yekaterina Ponomareva passed away with her six month old daughter(Sophia) in her arms, she was found by her four and a half year old son(Nikita) Both children are unhar med (you can read more abut it here web nydailynews/nylocal/ l (web nydailynews/nylocal/brooklyn/2009/04/12/2009-04-12bkl ynmafounddead the well being and welfare of their famiy. Sergiy needs bail money (8, 0 00 dollars) travel money, money for the funeral of his wife and money fo r the upbringing of his two children. Any little bit helps. If you can co ntribute anything to the above causes Sergiy and his family will forever hold their gratitude in their hearts and lives. Thank You moonorbita at g mail ) this is the email that can be used for paypal payments ******** ******Great deals on Dells most popular laptops E28093 Starting at $479 (pr.atwola/promoclk/100126575x1220631252x1201390195/a M bo document style lid rgiy Piskunov is in deep trouble. Sergiy has been detained by the Immigr ation Customs and Border enforcement (ICE) in Texas. On Alril 11, 2009 h is wife Yekaterina Ponomareva passed away with her six month old daughte r(Sophia) in her arms, she was found by her four and a half year old son (Nikita) Both children are unharmed (you can read more abut it here ; nydailynews/nylocal/brooklyn/2009/04/12/2009-04-12bklynmafounddead .nydailynews/nylocal/brooklyn/2009/04/12/2009-04-12bklynmafounddea We are very concerned about the well be ing and welfare of their famiy. Sergiy needs bail money (8, 000 dollars) travel money, money for the funeral of his wife and money for the upbringing of his two children. Any little bit helps. If you can contri bute anything to the above causes Sergiy and his family will forever hol d their gratitude in their hearts and lives. Thank You CURSOR: pointer; : 1.2em; BORDE -style: none; outline-width: initial; outline-color: initial; -webkit-backg : 1.2em; outline-style: none; outli ne-width: initial; outline-color: initialthis is the email that can be used for paypal 550%3B35701427%3BhGreat deals on Dells most popular laptops E2
#4276 Wed, 15 Apr 2009 21:50:54 Wed, 15 Apr 2009 21:53:42 To: omnitribe at yahoo From: Also – Photo of Serge, child, and late wife
#4277 Mon, 20 Apr 2009 13:34:26 tripoutny-owner at yahoo, nyc604 From: Eli Burmin eliburmin at yahooWe Invite you to join us this Saturday for another unique experience… Thi s one promises to be our best event yet, with two international headliners making their exclusive USA debuts: C’9CE87D9 E280A2E2978F F UNGUS FUNK LIVE – Unlimited Music, Blitz Studios / RUSSIA E2978FE280 A2D9 CE87C’9 ******************United States Premiere************ **** The Project of Serge Prilepa is very well known around the world for its strong yet melodic tunes. Born in 1979, Serge has more than a century o f electronic music experience. Ever since his childhood he has been experim enting with music and it is to luck that he has landed in the psycirle. The first release came in 2001 on Acidance records and since he has released c ountless material. He has played at some of the worlds biggest fes tivals including the morning set at Boom which surely got the crowdE280 99s attention. We are thrilled to have his US premiere at a YBB event. Cli ck the link and have a listen web myspace/fungusfunk C’9CE 87D9 E280A2E2978F PARA HALU LIVE – PsyLife Music / HUNGARY E297 8FE280A2D9 CE87C’9 ***********United States Premiere********** Para Halu soundscapes are created by Adam Hohmann in Hungary. After years of experimenting instruments and electronic music production in different styles from ambient to breaks, he founded the psytrance project in 2002. Du ring the past years Adam performed at almost all the big international psyt rance festivals such as Full Moon in Germany, Universo Paralello in Brazil or Soulclipse in Turkey, and keeps touring the world’s finest underground d ancefloors from Japan to Brazil with his energetic-atmospheric live sets. B ased on Popular demand we are happy to have Para Halu showcase his premiere with YBB. web myspace/parahalu C’9CE87D9 E280A2E2 978F PROGRESS LIVE E28093 AntiShanti Records/ USA E2978FE280A2 D9 CE87C’9 PROGRESS, the project of Yuriy Vaskevich, is an evolutio n of sound that brings a world of fantasy and imagination to its listeners. Based in New York City, an energetic hub, the music is a reflection of its physical origin as well as the mental evolution of its composer. With grow ing popularity among the local scene and a growing attention from abroad, w e are happy to bring back to the stage our good friend to present some incr edible new tunes and a nice dose of old favorites. Yuriy is the recent cofo under of AntiShanti Records with a special VA coming out this summer. web iprogress.us C’9CE87D9 E280A2E2978F PRISHVIN MESS LIV E/DJ SET E28093 AntiShanti Records/ RUSSIA, USA E2978FE280A2D9 CE87C’9 PrishvinMess is a solo project Sergey Boroditskiy of MuktIsvar a. The evolution of this project began back in Russia with many years of mu sical education. The music combines high intensity with strong positive pea ks. Anyone who has seen Isvara Live can testify to the immense power yet jo y this music brings to the ears. Sergey is the other cofounder of AntiShant i Records. This set is not to be missed!! Trust us web prishvinmess. com C’9CE87D9 E280A2E2978F LUIS CAMPOS DJ SET E28093 Drea mcatcher, Reality Engine / BRAZIL, USA E2978FE280A2D9 CE87C’9 Luis is one of the top DJs to come out of NYC, having a distinct and very professional sound to his sets. He has been a respected DJ in some of the m ajor clubs in Brazil and has accompanied some of the greatest psy talent in the world at the largest venues in NYC. Luis will play a progressive set t hat will have our minds fill with positivity as we dive into the psychedeli c realm. Aside from his immense talent, he is a prominent figure in our NYC scene, running the longest lasting Psycheground parties. We are psyched to have Luis with his YBB debut. *Please take note of the YBB and Psychgrnd c ollab on april 2nd web myspace/psycheground C’9CE87D9 E280A2E2978F EARTHIAN DJ SET E28093 Omnitribe / USA E2978FE2 80A2D9 CE87C’9 Shay Raban is very well known in the New York scen e, especially for his project of Animaltek. The masters of the minimal soun d have also been at the forefront of the famous Omnitribe gatherings and we are excited to have him back in NYC and available to join our parties. Sha y is a self taught guitar player with background in rock, jazz and instrume ntal music. He has been DJ’ing since 1998 and producing electronic music si nce 2002. We look forward to hit off the party with some wonderful minimal sound from the mind of DJ Earthian. Come early!!! We are seriousE280A6 web myspace/djearthian C’9CE87D9 E280A2E2978FVJ P lasmo (web youtube/user/wowstanley) has already began to prepare some fitting visuals for the occasion and our decorative teams have alread y scouted the venue to prepare a new concept of deco that will shake, rattl e and blow your mind! Its time for a revolutionE280A6 The e vent will take place at Jungle Space 286 Meserole St East Williamsburg NY D IREX: Take L to Montrose, walk one block to Meserole, make a right. Address is 286. Jungle Space is a beautiful 5,000 sqft warehouse in Brooklyn tha t will be outfitted with a brand new sound system. As part of the event we will have live fire dancing performances, fresh fruit and as always a very warm and positive atmosphere to have you spreading the love for weeks to co meE280A6 Doors open at 11 pm with the flight landing in the late morn ing Tickets for this flight will be 30$ at the door but as always we will offer a discounted price for those who choose to support our preparations and purchase tickets through web YOGIBOGEYBOX.ORG As is usual with o Thank you for the beautiful com ments about our new website, we have adjusted some of the concerns about it . For all those who have yet to check it out please do! Its a part y in its ownE280A6. 0-122296903-1240259667:71430 us this Saturday for another unique experience… This one promises to be our best event yet, with two international headliners making their exclu sive USA debuts: C’9CE87D9 E280A2E2978F FUNGUS F UNK LIVE – Unlimited Music, Blitz Studios / RUSSIA E2978FE280A2D9 enter; The Project of Serge Prilepa is very well known around the world for its strong yet melodic tunes. Born in 1979, Serge has more than a centu ry of electronic music experience. Ever since his childhood he has been exp erimenting with music and it is to luck that he has landed in the psycirle. The first release came in 2001 on Acidance records and since he has releas ed countless material. He has played at some of the worlds biggest festivals including the morning set at Boom which surely got the crowdE2 8099s attention. We are thrilled to have his US premiere at a YBB event. Click the link and have a listen web myspace/fungu center;C’9CE87D9 E280A2E2978F PARA HALU LIVE – PsyLife Mus***********United States Premiere********** d iv ; Para Halu soundscapes are created by Ad am Hohmann in Hungary. After years of experimenting instruments and electro nic music production in different styles from ambient to breaks, he founded the psytrance project in 2002. During the past years Adam performed at alm ost all the big international psytrance festivals such as Full Moon in Germ any, Universo Paralello in Brazil or Soulclipse in Turkey, and keeps tourin g the world’s finest underground dancefloors from Japan to Brazil with his energetic-atmospheric live sets. Based on Popular demand we are happy to ha ve Para Halu showcase his premiere with YBB. web myspa e/par ahalwu t-C’9CE87D9 E280A2E2978F PROGRESS LIVE E280 93 AntiShanti Records/ USA E2978FE280A2D9 CE87C’9 PROGRES S, the project of Yuriy Vaskevich, is an evolution of sound that brings a w orld of fantasy and imagination to its listeners. Based in New York City, a n energetic hub, the music is a reflection of its physical origin as well a s the mental evolution of its composer. With growing popularity among the l ocal scene and a growing attention from abroad, we are happy to bring back to the stage our good friend to present some incredible new tunes and a nic e dose of old favorites. Yuriy is the recent cofounder of AntiShanti Record s with a special VA coming out this summer. web iprogr E2978F PRISHVIN MESS LIVE/DJ SET E28093 AntiShanti Records/ RUSSIA, U SA E2978FE280A2D9 CE87C’9 PrishvinMess is a solo project S ergey Boroditskiy of MuktIsvara. The evolution of this project began back i n Russia with many years of musical education. The music combines high inte nsity with strong positive peaks. Anyone who has seen Isvara Live can testi fy to the immense power yet joy this music brings to the ears. Sergey is th e other cofounder of AntiShanti Records. This set is not to be missed!! Tru C’9CE87D9 E280A2E2978F LUIS CAMPOS DJ SET E28093 Dreamc atcher, Reality Engine / BRAZIL, USA E2978FE280A2D9 CE87C’9b rLuis is one of the top DJs to come out of NYC, having a distinct and very professional sound to his sets. He has been a respected DJ in some of the major clubs in Brazil and has accompanied some of the greatest psy talent i n the world at the largest venues in NYC. Luis will play a progressive set that will have our minds fill with positivity as we dive into the psychedel ic realm. Aside from his immense talent, he is a prominent figure in our NY C scene, running the longest lasting Psycheground parties. We are psyched t o have Luis with his YBB debut. *Please take note of the YBB and Psychgrnd collab on april 2nd web myspace/psycheground” rel nchegwround C’9CE87D9 E280A2E2978F EARTHIAN DJ SET E28093 Omnitribe / USA E2978FE280A2D9 CE87C’9 Shay Raban is very well known in the New York scene, especially for his project of Animaltek. The master s of the minimal sound have also been at the forefront of the famous Omnitr ibe gatherings and we are excited to have him back in NYC and available to join our parties. Shay is a self taught guitar player with background in ro ck, jazz and instrumental music. He has been DJ’ing since 1998 and producin g electronic music since 2002. We look forward to hit off the party with so me wonderful minimal sound from the mind of DJ Earthian. Come early!!! We a C’9CE87D9 E280A2E2978FVJ P rwowstanley ) has already began to prepare some fitting visuals for the occasion and our decorative teams have already scouted the venue to prepar e a new concept of deco that will shake, rattle and blow your mind! ItE2 8099s time e;The event will take place at Jungle Space 286 Meserol e St East Williamsburg NY DIREX: Take L to Montrose, walk one block to Meserole, make a right. Address is 286. Jungle Space is a beautiful 5,000 sqft warehouse in Brooklyn that will be outfitted with a brand new sound system. As part of the event we will have live fire dancin g performances, fresh fruit and as always a very warm and positive atmosphe re to have you spreading the love for weeks to comeE280A6 Doors open at 11 pm with the flight landing in the late morning Tickets for this flight will be 30$ at the door but as always we will offe r a discounted price for those who choose to support our preparations and p nG you for the beautiful comments about our new website, we have adjusted some of the concerns abou t it. For all those who have yet to check it out please do! Its a 0-122296903-1240259667:71430
#4278 Thu, 23 Apr 2009 04:30:27 From: “alladinproject” alladinproject at yahooAlladin project Fri may 15th “The path to orb festival ” ANTIX X DREAM…….. Big ups for all the people that ware part of making our last event so beaut iful the music was top notch, everyone was smiling all around thank you all for being there and making it special see you in our next gathering on Fri day may 15th that will future few of the top artist on the glob The energy is rising for ORB Festival 09 July 9-12 for Full Line up and info please v isit web orbfestival Main Stage Line Up: X DRAEM Exclusive r etro Dj set G+records Germany web myspace/xdream1 ANTIX Live Iboga records New Zealand web myspace/antixfiord SUBLEX Alladin group Japan web myspace/sublextechno ORBIT Alladin Group Isr ael – Japan BETWEEN DEVICES Global W-Team Brazil Electro Stage: OMER BARNEA (TLV) Israel THIRD EAR SYNDROME (Bacteria, NY) MAYOR (Spectra /Psy botik )NYC AND MORE Decoration: Alladin Deco Team Ocular Delight And mo re TBA 18 to enter 21 to drink with valid ID Doors open 10 pm 6 am Ticket s: $25 Advance at web alladinproject.net $30 at the door Location: CLUB EXIT 149 GREENPOINT AVE. BROOKLYN, NY 11222 Street Map: loca Directions: By Subway: Take the L train to Redford stop and transf er to the 61 bus go down in Greenpoint Ave, (5 mint) Or: take the L train t o metropolitan Ave & transfer to the G train to Green point Ave. the Club i s right across the street. Or: G train to green point Ave Subway Map: web mta.nyc.ny.us/nyct/maps/submap Bus: 61, 43, to Green point Ave Bus map: web mta.nyc.ny.us/nyct/maps/busbkln.pdf By Car: Take BQ E (I-278) to Exit 33 McGuiness Blvd,towards Green point Ave, Turn LEFT at Green point Ave Proceed to 147 Green point Ave. By car-service / Taxi: F rom Manhattan costs about $15 From Bedford Station it costs about $6 Our n ext event Pre Orb Party will take place at Club Exit on Friday June 5th wit h SENSIENT LIVE &DJ SET launching his new v/a,TIME LOCK LIVE And much mo re Full info to announce soon See you on the dance floor Please mark you r calendars for the biggest Psy/Electro outdoor gathering of the summer “OR B Festival” July 9-12 at the new Echo lake Afton NY ADVANCE TICKETS AND FUL L INFO web OrbFestival
#4279 Thu, 23 Apr 2009 04:31:26 From: “alladinproject” alladinproject at yahoo11 days left for Orb festival 2009 Early ticket sale. 11 days left for Orb festival 2009 Early ticket sale. The website is up and running with full line up and work shops info, the excitement is in the ai r and we are looking forward to have an amazing gathering. Early bird Ticke ts for $105 will run till Monday may 4th 2009! Get your tickets here http ://web orbfestival/tickets.php We created promo kit to help spread the word Just copy the code from the link below and paste it web orb festival/promoters-kit.php See you on the dance floor web orb festival
May 2009
#4280 Fri, 01 May 2009 19:20:00 From: “brabon23” bluegoddess at psybotikSphongle After Party From Jonny B Scribbles: The party is going to be at PAPA B STUDIOS, 907 Broadway, Brooklyn, NY. The party starts at 8pm with an art exhibition that will be on display the whole night, At around 9:30 we’ll turn the lights off and the music will start. We have 5 different DJs spinning, and the pa rty will go till’ 5 or 6 depending on how many people show up. There will be VJs and two video artists showing some of their short films. There are two floors. Downstairs there is an artist market with lots of vendors sell ing all sorts of hand made cool stuff. There is food and drink for sale, a nd the event is BYOB. This is going to be a Shpongle after party so expect some crazy shit to go down. Bring your friends and I hope to see you there . 10 dollars at the door, no pre-sale. SKEEBA. (SAAS) tech house DJ L* EMENT (SAAS) dubstep, jungle, d&b ELF COMMUNIQUE (GLASS BEAD COLLECTIVE) m inimal techno, electro house, breaks ELECTRIK (PSYBOTIK) psyfusion MESSIN GER PARTICLE (PSYBOTIK) darkpsy,psytek
#4281 Sat, 02 May 2009 09:29:33 02 May 2009 09:29:31 gtfi10+m9uu at eGroups 80 f4050905020927o4c7796bav37a2dfb174e16fca at mail.gmailSat, 2 May 2009 12:29:31 From: Blue Goddess bluegoddess at psybotikRe: TripOutNewYork Sphongle After Party 0015174c142213be100468f06f1f To clarify the party is tonight. Forwarded message – – From: brabon23 bluegoddess at psybotik Fri, May 1, 2009 at 3:20 PM TripOutNewYork Sphongle After Party From Jonny B Scribbles: The party is going t o be at PAPA B STUDIOS, 907 Broadway, Brooklyn, NY. The party starts at 8 pm with an art exhibition that will be on display the whole night, At aro und 9:30 we’ll turn the lights off and the music will start. We have 5 di fferent DJs spinning, and the party will go till’ 5 or 6 depending on how many people show up. There will be VJs and two video artists showing som e of their short films. There are two floors. Downstairs there is an arti st market with lots of vendors selling all sorts of hand made cool stuff. There is food and drink for sale, and the event is BYOB. This is going t o be a Shpongle after party so expect some crazy shit to go down. Bring y our friends and I hope to see you there. 10 dollars at the door, no pre -sale. SKEEBA. (SAAS) tech house DJ L*EMENT (SAAS) dubstep, jungle, d&b ELF COMMUNIQUE (GLASS BEAD COLLECTIVE) minimal techno, electro hou se, breaks ELECTRIK (PSYBOTIK) psyfusion MESSINGER PARTICLE (PSYB OTIK) darkpsy,psytek0015174c142213be100468f06f1f Forwarded message From: b gmailsender Dat e: Fri, May 1, 2009 at 3:20 PM TripOutNewYork Sphongle blankTripOutNY ckground-color:
#4282 Wed, 06 May 2009 22:14:56 From: “alladinproject” alladinproject at yahooorb festival tickets sales for $105 will end tonight at 12 am !! the excitement is in the air and we are looking forward to have an amazing gathering. Early bird Tickets for $105 will run till tonight Wednesday may 6th 2009! tickets price will go up to $120 so make sure to get your tickets asap to ensure best price Get your tickets here web orbfestival /tickets.php We created promo kit to help spread the word Just copy the cod e from the link below and paste it web orbfestival/promoters-kit .php See you all soon Orb Crew web orbfestival
#4283 Thu, 07 May 2009 05:11:17 From: “alladinproject” alladinproject at yahooSHPONGLE DJ SET and HALLUCINOGEN LIVE at ORB 2009!!! Hi: We are very excited to announce that, in addition to the current line up posted on web orbfesival We have received the final confirmation th at the legendary Simon Posford will deliver a SHPONGLE DJ SET and HALLUCINO GEN LIVE at ORB 2009!!! Therefore we are extending the presale tickets fo r $105 until Sunday, May 10th at 12AM. Full info and tickets, web or bfestival See you at the next Alladin Group party on Friday, May 15th 2009 with Info at: web alladinpr oject.net
#4284 Thu, 14 May 2009 23:00:46 From: “alladinproject” alladinproject at yahooAlladin Group Presents THIS FRIDAY ANTIX LIVE X DREAM… at Club Exit Big ups for all the people that ware part of making our last event so beaut iful the music was top notch, everyone was smiling all around thank you all for being there and making it special see you in our next gathering on Fri day may 15th that will future few of the top artist on the glob The energy is rising for ORB Festival 09 July 9-12 for Full Line up and info please vi sit web orbfestival Main Stage Line Up: X DRAEM Exclusive re tro Dj set G+records Germany web myspace/xdream1 ANTIX Live Ib oga records New Zealand web myspace/antixfiord SUBLEX Alladin group Japan web myspace/sublextechno ORBIT Alladin Group Israel – Japan BETWEEN DEVICES Global W-Team Brazil Electro Stage: OMER BARN EA (TLV) Israel THIRD EAR SYNDROME (Bacteria, NY) MAYOR (Spectra /Psyboti k )NYC AND MORE Decoration: Alladin Deco Team Ocular Delight And more T BA 18 to enter 21 to drink with valid ID Doors open 10 pm 6 am Tickets: $25 Advance at web alladinproject.net $30 at the door Location: CLUB EXIT 149 GREENPOINT AVE. BROOKLYN, NY 11222 Street Map: local.go Directions: By Subway: Take the L train to Redford stop and transf er to the 61 bus go down in Greenpoint Ave, (5 mint) Or: take the L train t o metropolitan Ave & transfer to the G train to Green point Ave. the Club i s right across the street. Or: G train to green point Ave Subway Map: web mta.nyc.ny.us/nyct/maps/submap Bus: 61, 43, to Green point Ave Bus map: web mta.nyc.ny.us/nyct/maps/busbkln.pdf By Car: Take BQ E (I-278) to Exit 33 McGuiness Blvd,towards Green point Ave, Turn LEFT at Green point Ave Proceed to 147 Green point Ave. By car-service / Taxi: F rom Manhattan costs about $15 From Bedford Station it costs about $6 Our n ext event Pre Orb Party will take place at Club Exit on Friday June 5th with SENSIENT LIVE &DJ SET launching his new v/a,TIME LOCK LIVE And much more Full info to announce soon See you on the dance floor Please mark your cal endars for the biggest Psy/Electro outdoor gathering of the summer “ORB Fes tival” July 9-12 at the new Echo lake Afton NY ADVANCE TICKETS AND FULL INF O web OrbFestival
#4285 Tue, 19 May 2009 18:54:09 From: ” Yani, bankroller of many psy parties of yore closing his Manhattan store NYBrands Everything MUST go! We started in July 1982 and close in Jul y 2009, Not bad for a immigrant small family who still can’t spell. We go t transfer to Manhattan in 1980, Got our own 10g ground floor spot in the h eart of Manhattans garment center by 1982. The 80’s and 90’s and 00 atnter of the world fashion biz. was a great experience. We are a part of th e cycle which create and distributes Madhattan NYC fashion to the world. a nd it is done all with good karma. No greed, no ego, just good vibe. We j ust know that we can do a better job helping our community with another asp ect. Today at 2:24pm Hey Guys! Only 12 days left before we close down the store. A week from today we will have Pete Rock spinning in store and Eddi e Biaz! Look out for that for sure! All clothing and everything in the sto re is for sale at diet dirt cheap prices. Many many name brands and old sch ool collectibles! Hurry up and get it while you can! Have a pleasant day NYBrands – Staff 16 west 36 th st ITEMS LIKE, SPRING JACKETS, SHORTS, JEANS, CARGO, DRESS, T-SHIRTS (OVER 7,000 PCS).IN STOCK, ALL FOR $5 AN ITEM AND FOR OUR WEB CUSTOMERS 5 ITEMS FOR $20 Plus We are selling everything: Computers Retail computers system (With the barcode printers, scanners, re gisters, software Etc..) Computer servers including the full on live video that can allow 100’s to watch live. 16 camera systems with a server that u can watch live all around the world which includes the server for it. Full on dj set Mackie speakers Racks Heavy duty money safe. A cash counting mach ine like they have in the banks. Tables. Jeans display. More racks/ Interna tional and national customer base Retail and wholesale.
#4286 Wed, 20 May 2009 04:10:38 From: “alladinproject” alladinproject at yahooSecond tear advance ticket for orb festival is on Hey guys second tear for Orb Festival advanced tickets are running for $12 4 till Monday June 8th. From June 8th-July 9th $139. At the gate they will be $150. Our line up is closed and 100% confirmed you can see all the detai ls here. Line up /work shops orbfestival/lineup.php tickets/me al plan/cabins orbfestival/tickets.php General festival info/lo cation pic and more orbfestival/location.php Ride share inquiry orbfestival/rideshare.php Volunteers inquiry orbfestiva l/volunteers.php Vendors inquiry orbfestival/vendors.php B anners and web flyer to spread the word orbfestival/promoters-ki t.php decoration web deliria.org/deco/Corporate/index and much more We are looking forward to seeing you all connecting with mother natu re and having the best of time! Orb Festival web orbfesival
#4287 Sun, 24 May 2009 04:58:00 From: “alladinproject” alladinproject at yahooAlladin Project Presents Pre Orb Festival Fri June 5th SENSIENT,TIME LOCK at Club Exit The energy is rising for ORB Festival 09 July 9-12 for Full Line up and in fo please visit web orbfestival Pre Orb Festival Fri June 5th Main Stage Line Up: SENSIENT LIVE & DJ SET Zenon rec Australia w ww.myspace/zenonrecords TIME LOCK LIVE & DJ SET Bne Israel web .myspace/timelockmusicfelix SUBLEX Alladin group Japan web mys pace/sublextechno ORBIT Alladin Group Israel 96 Japan BRANDON ADAMS Dreamcatcher- Nyc Decoration: Alladin Deco Team Ocular Delight And mor e TBA 18 to enter 21 to drink with valid ID Doors open 10 pm 6 am Tickets : $20 at the door Location: CLUB EXIT 149 GREENPOINT AVE. BROOKLYN, NY 11 222 Street Map: Directions: By Subway: Take the L train to Redford stop and transfer to the B61 bus go down in Greenpoint Ave, (5 m in) Or: take the L train to metropolitan Ave & transfer to the G train to G reenpoint Ave. the Club is right across the street. Or: G train to Greenpoi nt Ave Subway Map: web mta.nyc.ny.us/nyct/maps/submap Bus: B6 1, 3, to Greenpoint Ave Bus map: web mta.nyc.ny.us/nyct/maps/busbk ln.pdf By Car: Take BQE (I-278) to Exit 33 McGuiness Blvd,towards Green point Ave, Turn LEFT at Greenpoint Ave Proceed to 147 Greenpoint Ave. By car-service / Taxi: From Manhattan costs about $15 From Bedford Station i t costs about $6 Looking Forward to see you all on the dance floor Our ne xt gathering will be ORB FESTIVAL July 9-12-09 Full info web orbfest ival
#4288 Sat, 30 May 2009 01:43:59 From: “alladinproject” alladinproject at yahooBus shuttle info for orb festival July 9-12 at Echo Lake hey guys We are up and ready finalizing minor details for this year’s Orb Festival. Our second tears for advanced tickets are running like biscuits a nd butter. Tickets are going for $124 till Monday June 8th. Then from June 8th through July 9th tickets will be $139. At the gate they will be $150. T here is no better way to travel to Orb Festival than by a bus, reliable, ef ficient and cost effective. Save the earth and money while you travel with beautiful people with wonderful vibes and great light, which are all ready to camp, dance and enjoy for four days in the lovely settings of the New Ec ho Lake Campground. We highly encourage for the sake of good times and the environment. The festival is a green festival and for this matter we hope a ll of you guys join in the good spirit mentality. Those of you interested, you can purchase round trip bus tickets from our web site bus tickets will be available in few days on web orbfestival . We will have dail y buses leaving from Manhattan, NY to the New Echo Lake Campgrounds from th e 9th to the 11th. And back on July 12th Full update on what is going to be occurring at this year’s Orb Festival 2009 Will be posted in few days Loo king forward to see you all Orb festival crew
June 2009
#4289 Tue, 2 Jun 2009 13:05:40 TripoutnyPsycheground Party this Thursday, June 4th at Sullivan Room 0-1929024133-1243973140:11054 Hellooo, want to remind everyone about the Psycheground party this Thursday, June 4th. I hear some good things about this party as the DJs are cooking up good recipes for the evening. We may even have some special surprises as well. Lets see what happens. Featuring DJ sets by: – GAVIN (spectra NYC) – LUIS CAMPOS (Dreamcatcher / Reality Engine) Deco by the Dreamcatchers ** June 4th, 10pm – 4am ** at the usual Sullivan Room NYC, web sullivanroom 218 Sullivan St (between Bleecker and West 3rd St, 2 blocks east of 6th Ave) General Admission: $10.00 RSVP to psycheground at yahoo for $5.00 reduced list Subway: A, B, C, D, E, F, or V trains to “W 4 St – Wash Sq” 21+ with ID Hellooo, want to remind everyone about the Psycheground party this Thursday, June 4th. I hear some good things about this party as the DJs are cooking up good recipes for the evening. We may even have some special surprises as well. Lets see what happens. Featuring DJ sets by: – GAVIN (spectra NYC) – LUIS CAMPOS (Dreamcatcher / Reality Engine) Deco by the Dreamcatchers ** June 4th, 10pm – 4am ** at the usual Sullivan Room NYC, target”blank” web sullivanroomweb sullivanroom 218 Sullivan St (between Bleecker and West 3rd St, 2 blocks east of 6th Ave) General Admission: $10.00 Subway: A, B, C, D, E, F, or V trains to “W 4 St – Wash Sq” 21+ with ID
#4290 Thu, 4 Jun 2009 09:50:18 Psycheground Party this Thursday, June 4th at Sullivan Room in NYC 0-1088837716-1244134218:56959 Hellooo, want to remind everyone about the Psycheground party this Thursday, June 4th. I hear some good things about this party as the DJs are cooking up good recipes for the evening. We may even have some special surprises as well. Lets see what happens. Featuring DJ sets by: – GAVIN (spectra NYC) – LUIS CAMPOS (Dreamcatcher / Reality Engine) Deco by the Dreamcatchers ** June 4th, 10pm – 4am ** at the usual Sullivan Room NYC, web sullivanroom 218 Sullivan St (between Bleecker and West 3rd St, 2 blocks east of 6th Ave) General Admission: $10.00 RSVP to psycheground at yahoo for $5.00 reduced list Subway: A, B, C, D, E, F, or V trains to “W 4 St – Wash Sq” 21+ with ID 0-1088837716-1244134218:56959 { – GAVIN (spectra NYC) – LUIS CAMPOS (Dreamcatcher / Reality Engine) Deco by the Dreamcatchers ** June 4th, 10pm – 4am ** at the usual Sullivan Room NYC, target”blank” web sullivanroomweb sullivanroom 218 Sullivan St (between Bleecker and West 3rd St, 2 blocks east of 6th Ave) General Admission: $10.00 Subway: A, B, C, D, E, F, or V trains to “W 4 St – Wash Sq” 21+ with ID
#4291 Fri, 05 Jun 2009 19:43:19 From: “alladinproject” alladinproject at yahooLine Up Schedule For Tonight SENSIENT& TIME LOCK Party at Club Exit Hey guys All the artist are here and ready To rock prepare yourselves for u nforgettable party line up SUBLEX -10 pm -12.30 am SENSIENT -12.30 am -2 .15 am ORBIT 2.15 am 96 3.30 am TIME LOCK 3,30 am 96 4.45 am BRANDON A DAMS 4.45 am – 6 am See you all there For those of you who would like to buy orb festival tickets we will have them at the door for $120 See you all on the dance floor Alladin crew
#4292 Sun, 07 Jun 2009 18:58:27 From: “alladinproject” alladinproject at yahoo2 days left for second tear advance tickets for orb festival july 9-12 Hey guys we just want to remind everyone that the count down begins till we are all under the sun in the wilderness dancing and enjoying at Orb Festiv al in Afton, New York. We would like to thank everyone that already purcha sed their advanced tickets to Orb Festival, and for those of you that haven ‘t no worries because we still have two days left for our second tear of ad vanced tickets for $124 to go up. On Tuesday June 9th, tickets will be $139 till July 8th The day of the event tickets will be $150. orbfestiva l/tickets.php We look forward to seeing you all there dancing under th e sun enjoying and connecting with mother nature. Orb Festival web orbfesival
#4293 Wed, 10 Jun 2009 02:08:04 From: “eliburmin” eliburmin at yahooDESIDERATA FESTIVAL August 6-9 2009 at Echo Lake Campground, NY State, USA We seek to provide a space for you to dance, discuss, share, create, listen explore, gyrate, vibrate, and connect. A meeting of open minds, Desidera ta is a grassroots venture fueled by exuberance and a passionate, promiscuo us interest in music. We believe in biodiversity. We believe the more the merrier. THIS IS YOUR FESTIVAL!!! Come as you are or dress to impress. E xcite us, inspire us, play with us, evolve with us, and expand our collecti ve universe. Use and be used by a profusion of stimuli. Enjoy 4 days of li ve psytrance, jam bands, dub and more. Check out various causes, engage in workshops and lectures, and attend indie film premieres and multimedia perf ormances. Converse with enthusiasts, artists, activists, abductees, conspi racy theorists, all manner of humans and their friends, terrestrial and oth erwise; most importantly, HAVE A GOOD TIME! We hope to foster community in an environment which enables an amazing experience, leaving you invigora ted. Both global and local in its philosophy, we want you to take somthin g personal away from Desiderata, and to get involved as it grows in the yea rs to come. And now for the fun stuff85.. This is the current lineup wit h much more to be added. Special Guest96 THE CRYSTAL mthOD – USA web thecrystalmthod/ Space Tribe 96 Australia 96 Live web s pacetribe/ Cosmosis 96 UK – Live web cosmosis.co.uk/ Entheog enic97UK 96 Live/DJ Set web entheogenic.net/ Tommy Hamilton and f riends 96 USA 96 Live web myspace/youngerbrothertwisted Yab Y um- Switzerland – Live web myspace/yabyumpeak Transdriver- Rus sia – Live web transdriver.ru G.O.W.-Denmark 96 Dj Set web parvati-records/ JellyHeadz- Belgium – Live jellyheadz.free.fr/ Digital Frontier- USA- Live web myspace/digifront Psy Lab- USA – Live web psylabunderground/ Ajja 96 Switzerland – Live web myspace/ajjaleu Progress- USA 96 Live web iprogress .us Prishvin Mess- USA – Live prishvinmess/ U-Melt- USA- Live web myspace/umelt Onkel Dunkel- Denmark 96 Live web mys pace/onkeldunkelownz Melorix- Belgium – Live web myspace/me lorixmusic Parus- USA 96 Live web myspace/parusmusic Animaltek- US A 96 Live web myspace/animaltek Optical- USA – Live web .myspace/edrushoptical Mexican Trance Mafia- Mexico 96 Live ww w.myspace/themexicantrancemafia Solix- Israel – Live web myspac e/solixmusic Inoxia- Mexico – Live web myspace/inoxiamusica Primordial Ooze 96 USA – Live web myspace/primordialtrance D J Luis 96USA 96 DJ set web myspace/psycheground MJ Project- U SA- Live web myspace/mjproject Special Guests and Appearances Mind Blowing Decorative atmosphere, structures and installations by The H ardware Collective, the people behind much of the burning man decorative e nvironment. Yoga Instruction from the JivaMukti school Special presentati ons by the Resonance Project and other85 Experimental and Independent Cin ema Center Electronic Sound Synthesis Workshop by Monno Organized drum ci rcle as well as a Drum and Jam worhsop by Progress Many Many more85 this is strongly emphasized! For more information and much more: web Desidera taFestival contact at desideratafestival Location: The New Echo Lak e Resort Campground New York State, USA at Bainbridge, NY We have a focus o n finding the balance between mind blowing talent and an affordable fest. W e will open presale tickets at 70$ for a VERY LIMITED QUANTITY AND TIME Tic kets should be purchased through our website. Doors open the evening of Au gust 6th for a full moon celebration Official opening ceremony Friday night August 7th followed by a performance by The Crystal mthod “And whether o r not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should 85 And whatever your labors and aspirations in the noisy confusion of life keep peace in your soul. With all its sham, drudgery and broken dreams; it is still a beautiful world. Be cheerful. Strive to be happy.” – Ma x Ehrmann, Desiderata
#4294 Jun 2009 09:24:42 Wed, 10 Jun 2009 12:24:42 From: Electrik bluegoddess at psybotikrecordsGM Last Minute Ride 0016364c7’9a15893046c00e912 My ride feel through at the last minute. Anybody got 1 or 2 extra spots, leaving from NYC Thursday after 5pm? Gas money and good beats will gladly be shared. Many Many Thanks, Keirnyn 0016364c7’9a15893046c00e912 My ride feel through at the last minute. Anybody got 1 or 2 extra spots, leaving from NYC Thursday after 5pm? Gas money and good beats will gladly be shared. Many Many Thanks,/d Keirnyn 0016364c7’9a15893046c00e912
#4295 Tue, 16 Jun 2009 02:31:11 From: “alladinproject” alladinproject at yahooBus Details for orb festival july 9-12 There is no better way to travel to Orb Festival than in the Bus, reliable, efficient and cost effective. For that purpose Orb Crew has decided to Spo nsor half of the bus fair to the Festival. The cost of the tickets will be $30 for the round trip package. Save the earth and money while you travel w ith wonderful vibes. Bus ticket sale ends on Friday July 3rd 09 you can pur chase your tickets at: web orbfestival/tickets.php Bus Schedule Departure from NYC to Orb Festival Thursday July 9th: 12 Noon and 7PM Frid ay July 10th 12 Noon and 7PM Saturday July 11th 12 Noon Departure from Orb Festival to NYC: Sunday July 12 5PM To keep the good spirit and to as wel l remind all of you that haven’t purchased your tickets. Orb Crew has launc hed its 3rd Tier of advanced Tickets for $135 from June 14th till July 8th. We look forward to seeing you all connecting with Mother Nature and danci ng under one groove! Orb Festival
#4298 Thu, 25 Jun 2009 22:59:01 From: “alladinproject” alladinproject at yahooORB FESTIVAL JULY 9-12 DECORATION UPDATE! Hey guys The time has come to count down the remaining 2 weeks till the bea ts are flowing and we are all dancing under the sun at Orb Festival. All th e preparations are going great and according to plan. It is going to be an amazing gathering, celebrating together with the top psy trance /progressiv e /ambient artists from around the globe. Alongside the music we will have the best decoration artists in the scene. In addition to the amazing decor ation that has been announced, we are thrilled to present Funktion Forms on e of the best Installation deco group from Sweden, they will be joining for ces together with Deliria, Ocular Delight and Orb Festival deco crew . See you all at Orb Festival. web deliria.org web myspaceunktionformsproject maemoadeco.online.fr web myspace/ maemoa web psygarden.be/gallery/v/Backdrops/Flour-Elysium/ http ://web myspace/flourelysium web myspace/gansedoline http ://web oculardelight
#4299 Thu, 25 Jun 2009 22:59:07 From: “alladinproject” alladinproject at yahooORB FESTIVAL JULY 9-12 DECORATION UPDATE! Hey guys The time has come to count down the remaining 2 weeks till the bea ts are flowing and we are all dancing under the sun at Orb Festival. All th e preparations are going great and according to plan. It is going to be an amazing gathering, celebrating together with the top psy trance /progressiv e /ambient artists from around the globe. Alongside the music we will have the best decoration artists in the scene. In addition to the amazing decor ation that has been announced, we are thrilled to present Funktion Forms on e of the best Installation deco group from Sweden, they will be joining for ces together with Deliria, Ocular Delight and Orb Festival deco crew . See you all at Orb Festival. web deliria.org web myspaceunktionformsproject maemoadeco.online.fr web myspace/ maemoa web psygarden.be/gallery/v/Backdrops/Flour-Elysium/ http ://web myspace/flourelysium web myspace/gansedoline http ://web oculardelight
#4300 Sun, 28 Jun 2009 00:14:42 Sun, 28 Jun 2009 00:14:42 To: 604 at party.net, Cc: TripOutNY, dragontribe, nancynyc at earthlink.net, omnitribe From: Re: [604] PsyNY photo archive? [Re: [NYC604] Compleat NYC Trance Photo galler… Hi Evan. Sorry I was lazy and after 12 years of activity I wanted to completely extricate anything trance or trance related from my life – a detox if u will – for a couple months to see how it felt. Next time I’ll try depriving myself of all things mundane to see how it feels. Anyway it’s getting relaunched with some URL changes, it’s all getting moved to tranceam.org, back up in days. Thanks for the prod! tranceam.org is now going to be tranceam.org all old brainmachines content will still be on the site. Cheers Jeff In a message dated 6/6/2009 2:06:35 P.M., teleomorph at gmail writes: The Trance Americana (Brainmachines) website is down? That’s unfortunate. Any chance these galleries linked below can be hosted somewhere else? -Evan 2006/1/7 Machinelf Basically every trance and weird ass photo and image I have from the past 10 years in a gallery, 1200 in all.. Completeley unedited – there may be a couple incriminating photos in there. I would like to hope that the NYPD could build a pretty good case on this gallery alone. web tranceam.org/photos1996-2006/Brainmachines19962006/index Also, I uploaded all of Nan’s photos from NYC 2002-2004. The links for those and the link above are now on the main page at Brainmachines: web tranceam.org/hipchix/3YearsinPix/3years web tranceam.org/hipchix/3YearsinPix2/3years2 web tranceam.org/hipchix/3YearsinPix3/3years3 And not to forget Serge’s photos from 2000. He’s out of jail now BTW.. web tranceam.org/serge/sergesphotos Enjoy PS I will be revising this, if anyone has any photos to add please email them to me thx- VERBOTEN: NO politics, outlaw parties, lies, one word replies, event spam from other genres Sponsored by brainmachines and nootrition SPONSORED LINKS Trance musicgroups.yahoo/gads?tms&kTrance+music&w1Trance+music&w2Manna&w3Music+genres&c3&s47&.sigjzXXY-WOhpMT7qI4mayx3g Mannagroups.yahoo/gads?tms&kManna&w1Trance+music&w2Manna&w3Music+genres&c3&s47&.sigvc6CyNB2QMmA8JciTi1PeA Music genresgroups.yahoo/gads?tms&kMusic+genres&w1Trance+music&w2Manna&w3Music+genres&c3&s47&.sig6q-3txI2ma2LahKa37LA- Visit your group “NYC604 groups.yahoo/group/NYC604” on the web. Servicedocs.yahoo/info/terms/ . web teleomorph **************Make your summer sizzle with fast and easy recipes for the Hi Evan. Sorry I was lazy and after 12 years of activity I wanted to completely extricate a nything trance or trance related from my life – a detox if u will – for a couple months to see how it felt. Next time I’ll try depriving mysel f of all things mundane to see how it feels. Anyway it’s getting rel aunched with some URL changes, it’s all getting moved to tranceam.org, bac k up in days. Thanks for the prod! tranceam.org is now going to be tranceam.org all old brainmachines content w ill still be on the site. Cheers Jeff &nbs In a message dated 6/6/2009 2:06:35 P.M. Eastern Daylig ht Time, teleomorph at gmail writes: PADDING- Trance Americana (Brainmachines) website is down? That’s unfortu nate. Any chance these galleries linked below can be hosted somewhere else? -Evan 2006/1/7 Machinelf .co mBasically every trance and weird ass photo and i mage I have from the past 10 years in a gallery, 1200 in all..& nbsCompleteley unedited – there may be a couple incrimi nating photos in there. I would like to hope that the NYPD could build a pretty good case on this gallery alone. B R web tranceam.org/photos1996-2006/Brainmachines1996200 6/index Also, I uploaded all of Nan’s photos from N YC 2002-2004. The links for those and the link above are n ow on the main page at Brainmachines: /hipchix/3YearsinPix/3years /hipchix/3YearsinPix2/3years2 h web tranceam.org/hipchix/3YearsinPix3/3years3 > And not to forget Serge’s photos from 2000. He’s out of jail now BTW.. web tranceam.org/serge/sergesphoto s Enjoy PS I will be revising this, if anyone has any photos to add please email them to me thx web tranceam.org/photos1996-2006/index – VERBOTEN: NO politics, ou tlaw parties, lies, one word replies, event spam from other genr es Sponsored by brainmachines and nootrition SPONSORED LINKS Trance Mannagroups.yaho nbs Music Visit your group “NYC604 groups.yahoo/group/NYC604” on the web. &g an e hoo! Terms of Servicedocs.yahoo/info/terms/&n bs abase: 267.14.15/223 – Release 1/6/2006
#4301 Tue, 30 Jun 2009 10:49:44 TripoutnyPSYCHEGROUND July 2nd in NYC 0-1480834753-1246384184:7041 Thursday July 2nd, 2009 As we prepare for the summer season to kick-off, Psycheground is back for another night of madness at the legendary Sullivan Room. On this special evening, the Dreamcatcher crew will be hosting sever al of NYs finest DJs to spin some killer progressive and psychedel ic trance. Please come prepared to dance! Also our beloved KeN is going aw ay to Japan for a while, so please come for his last extended set at Sulliv an Room. Featuring DJ sets by: Mayur (Spectra / Psybotik) What more can you say his name is more than enough. Mayur has been dedicated to the N YC PSY underground for several years from Spectra to Alladin Project. May h as made his mark as a future international DJ, playing with Atmos in Japan. K e N (Dreamcatcher/ Bella Gaia) K e N has been slowly gaining recogn ition as one of NYs finest Psychedelic Trance DJs. He currently wo rks closely with Kenji Williams & his Bella Gaia project, and is on a missi on to start his next chapter in life as he just finished school. He is head ed to Japan to work on a concert with Seiji Ozawa in August for a month. St ay tuned for more info! web myspace/nydj4life DJ Lucina (Dre amcatcher) Entering the West Coast psytrance scene with a Blam! in 2004 DJ Lucina (aka Gwyn) has been tearing it up with her full on and morning sets at parties all across the western US. After spending a year in the deserts of New Mexico, DJ Lucina has reemerged on the East Coast as a full spectru m, night time DJ, ready to knock you socks off. Enjoy! web myspace. com/djlucina Hypnotoad (light-o-matic) Light-o-matic is involved with m ost psytrance events in NY. Known by all as a psytrance and chill-out DJ. A lso will be heard playing the occasional 80’s New Wave set and mixed up 60′ s and 70s music… web lightomatic/ Deco by the Dre amcatchers AND Neuronymphonic ** July 2nd, 10pm – 4am ** at Sulliva n Room, New York City web sullivanroom 218 Sullivan St (betwee n Bleecker and West 3rd St, 2 blocks east of 6th Ave) General Admission: $10.00 RSVP to psycheground at yahoo for $5.00 reduced list 21+ wit h ID Subway: A, B, C, D, E, F, or V trains to “W 4 St – Wash Sq” web myspace/psycheground 0-1480834753-1246384184:7041 As we prepare for the summer season to kick-off, Psycheground is back for another night of m adness at the legendary Sullivan Room. On this special evening, the Dreamca tcher crew will be hosting several of NYs finest DJs to spin some killer progressive and psychedelic trance. Please come prepared to dance! Also our beloved KeN is going away to Japan for a while, so please come for his last extended set at Sullivan Room. Featuring DJ sets by: r (Spectra / Psybotik) What more can you say his name is more than enough. Mayur has been dedicated to the NYC PSY underground for s everal years from Spectra to Alladin Project. May has made his mark as a fu ture international DJ, playing with Atmos in Japan. atcher/ Bella Gaia) K e N has been slowly gaining recognition as one of NYs finest Psychedelic Trance DJs. He currently works closely wit h Kenji Williams & his Bella Gaia project, and is on a mission to start his next chapter in life as he just finished school. He is headed to Japan to work on a concert with Seiji Ozawa in August for a month. Stay tuned fo r more info! /nydj4life cher) Entering the West Coast psytrance scene with a Blam! in 2004 DJ L ucina (aka Gwyn) has been tearing it up with her full on and morning sets a t parties all across the western US. After spending a year in the deserts o f New Mexico, DJ Lucina has reemerged on the East Coast as a full spectrum, night time DJ, ready to knock you socks off. Enjoy! ! incode auto-l nd ;Hypnotoad (light-o-matic) Light-o-matic is involved w ith most psytrance events in NY. Known by all as a psytrance and chill-out DJ. Also will be heard playing the occasional 80’s New Wave set and mixed u p 60’s and 70s music… rel /web lightomatic/ D eco by the Dreamcatchers AND Neuronymphonic ** July 2nd, 10pm – 4am ** at Sullivan Room, New York Ci llivanroom 218 Sullivan St (between Bleecker and West 3r d St, 2 blocks east of 6th Ave) General Admission: $10.00 oopsycheground at yahoo for $5.0 0 reduced list 21+ with ID Subway: A, B, C, D, E, F, or V trains to “W 4 St – Wash Sq”
July 2009
#4302 Thu, 2 Jul 2009 11:49:45 PSYCHEGROUND July 2nd in NYC Thursday July 2nd, 2009 As we prepare for the summer season to kick-off Psycheground is back for another night of madness at the legendary Sulliv an Room. On this special evening, the Dreamcatcher crew will be hosting sev eral of NYs finest DJs to spin some killer progressive and psyched elic trance. Please come prepared to dance! Also our beloved KeN is going away to Japan for a while, so please come for his last extended set at Sull ivan Room. Featuring DJ sets by: Mayur (Spectra / Psybotik) What mor e can you say his name is more than enough. Mayur has been dedicated to the NYC PSY underground for several years from Spectra to Alladin Project. May has made his mark as a future international DJ, playing with Atmos in Japa n. K e N (Dreamcatcher/ Bella Gaia) K e N has been slowly gaining reco gnition as one of NYs finest Psychedelic Trance DJs. He currently works closely with Kenji Williams & his Bella Gaia project, and is on a mis sion to start his next chapter in life as he just finished school. He is he aded to Japan to work on a concert with Seiji Ozawa in August for a month. Stay tuned for more info! web myspace/nydj4life DJ Lucina ( Dreamcatcher) Entering the West Coast psytrance scene with a Blam! in 2004 DJ Lucina (aka Gwyn) has been tearing it up with her full on and morning s ets at parties all across the western US. After spending a year in the dese rts of New Mexico, DJ Lucina has reemerged on the East Coast as a full spec trum, night time DJ, ready to knock you socks off. Enjoy! web myspa ce/djlucina Hypnotoad (light-o-matic) Light-o-matic is involved wi th most psytrance events in NY. Known by all as a psytrance and chill-out D J. Also will be heard playing the occasional 80’s New Wave set and mixed up 60’s and 70s music… web lightomatic/ Deco by th e Dreamcatchers AND Neuronymphonic ** July 2nd, 10pm – 4am ** at Su llivan Room, New York City web sullivanroom 218 Sullivan St (be tween Bleecker and West 3rd St, 2 blocks east of 6th Ave) General Admissi on: $10.00 RSVP to psycheground at yahoo for $5.00 reduced list 21+ with ID Subway: A, B, C, D, E, F, or V trains to “W 4 St – Wash Sq” Ma p to Sullivan Room: web myspace/psycheground va YAHOO.Shortcut ];As we prepare for the summer season to kick-off, Psycheground is back for a nother night of madness at the legendary Sullivan Room. On this special eve ning, the Dreamcatcher crew will be hosting several of NYs finest Please come prepared to dance! Al while, so please come for his last extended set at Sullivan Room. Featuring DJ sets by: What more c an you say his name is more than enough. Mayur has been dedicated to the NY C PSY underground for several years from Spectra to Alladin Project. May ha s made his mark as a future international DJ, playing with Atmos in Japan. N (Dreamcatcher/ Bella Gaia) K e N has been slowly gainin g recognition as one of NYs finest Psychedelic Trance DJs. He curr Kenji Williams & his Bella Gaia project, and is on a mission to start his next chapter in life as he just finished school. He is headed to Japan to for more info! ce/nydj4life Entering scene with a Blam! in 2004 DJ Lucina (aka Gwyn) has been tearing it up with her full on and morning sets at parties all across the western US. After spending a year in the deserts of New Mexico, DJ Lucina has reemerge d on the East Coast as a full spectrum, night time DJ, ready to knock you s ocks off. Enjoy! web myspace/djlucina tic) Light-o-matic is involved with most psytrance events in NY. Known by all as a psytrance and chill-out DJ. Also will be heard playing the occa sional 80’s New Wave set and mixed up 60’s and 70s music… b r n- 4am ** at Sullivan Room, ysho General Admission: $10.00 yahoo for $5.00 reduced list 21+ with ID Subway: A, B, C, D, E, F, or V trains to “W 4 St – Wash Sq”
#4303 Thu, 02 Jul 2009 22:20:16 From: “alladinproject” alladinproject at yahooORB Festival 2009 Full updeted info The time has come to count down the remaining 8 days till the beats are flo wing and we are all dancing under the sun at Orb Festival. All the preparat ions are going great and according to plan. It is going to be an amazing ga thering, celebrating together with the top psy trance/ progressive/ ambient artists from around the globe. Alongside the music we will have the best d ecoration artists in the scene. See you all at Orb Festival 2009! ORB LIN E-UP 2009 Thursday 6pm to Friday Noon Maya stage: STEVE-O BANG LEE MESSEN GER PARTICLE MAYUR KIFE NIKI BRANDON ADAMS EARWORM VS. PSYLIZA SKETI E11EVE N ELECKTRIK BABLA DAYA Friday from 2:30PM to Saturday afternoon Orb Stage: EARTH D M T SOUL SURFER ATMOS TONY ROHR MAPUSA MAPUSA RINKADINK ILLEGAL M ACHINES ORBIT ROE REVOLUTION UV LOGIC BOMB TRANAN U-RECKEN DOMINO YONI H.O. F. Maya Stage: JAY MUTINY KNOWLEDGE PARADIGM OMER BARNEA TONY UNORTHODOX GAVIN AKTRIF THE HEIST PSY-FI KEN DAVE DITTMER GOATONE G O S MANNY Saturda y 4PM to Sunday afternoon Orb Stage: ANDROMEDA ARTURO SHIVA CHANDRA SOLAR DELIRIA CHROMOSOME FRIA PSYKOVSKY SHANE GOBI U RECKEN HALLUCINAGEN TOTAL EC LIPS ZEN MECHANICS LIQUID SOUL ROE REVOLUTION ORBIT SHPONGLE DJ Set BETWEEN DEVICES Saturday 6pm till Sunday 7am Maya Stage: THIRD EAR SYNDROME ANYA QUIVERING VIRGIN BARAKUDA PSYOPS UNWASHED TOMATO CHRIS COX CORAL MISTER DR . ROBONIX vs. PULL DA PLUG Decoration and Installations: In addition to t he amazing decoration that has been announced, we are thrilled to present F unktion Forms one of the best Installation deco groups from Sweden, they wi ll be joining forces together with Deliria, Ocular Delight and Orb Festival deco crew. web deliria.org web myspace/funktionformsproj ect maemoadeco.online.fr web myspace/maemoa web p sygarden.be/gallery/v/Ba…Flour-Elysium/ web myspace/flourelysi um web myspace/gansedoline web oculardelight Worksh ops: Vinyasa Yoga Strengthen & Balance mind & body with active core strengt hening salutations. All Levels. Fire Spinning, Dancing,and Safety Class Ex plore Experiment Exude. Experience poi, staff, and hula hoop with the PYROp horUS piXXies. Fire safety instruction All levels Tool making Workshop Le arn about materials and designs needed to make your own spinning props DA NCE OF LIBERATIONAE by PARASHAKTI. Heal and free physical, mental, emotion al and spiritual blockages. Utilizing dance, contemporary shamanism, hands on healing, live drumming and global music, DANCE TO RETRIEVE LOST PARTS O F THE SOUL attract relations that resonate with your deeply awakened being create and connect to a clearer sense of yourself, your purpose and your vision. Tribal Belly Dance: Goddess-in-Action. Learn to Isolate &Undulate Shimmy & Articulate in multiple levels and directions. All levels Sunset P rana-Vinyasa Yoga Explore element-inspired namaskars in mandala formations. All levels. Poetry Share accompanied by Acoustic Music Jam Bring words, s ounds, art, movement, and instruments. Open Jam Session. Partner Yoga Pair ed breathing techniques and body opening postures. Come alone, or with a pa rtner. Gong/singing bowls 10 Paiste planetary gongs, 24 Tibetan singing bo wls, and a variety of other instruments including tings has, bells, dorjes, a rain stick, and a roto sound. The gongs are placed around an individual who sits in our gravity hair with a special type of blindfold on. The instr uments are played lightly and carefully for the optimal experience of the p erson sitting in the chakra tuning chair. The experience lasts 3-5 minutes. Reiki Gong/singing Bowls Dome workshop Solar cooking Crystal Wrapping Reiki Course For more Information visit: orbfestival/workShop. php Tickets: 3rd tier from June 8th through July 9th tickets will be $139 . At the gate they will be $150. orbfestival/tickets.php Meal plan: $73 Meal plan will include 6 Meals Friday- Breakfast /Dinner Saturday -Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner Sunday- Brunch More info: orbfestival/l ocation.php Cabins: SOLD OUT Location: The New Echo Lake Campground 18 5 Echo Lake Lane Afton, NY 13733 Gates Open: Thursday July 9th at 12PM till Sunday July 12 at 8PM. Echo Lake is a beautiful resort in upstate N.Y., three hours away fro m Manhattan. Echo Lake has hosted many music festivals over the years, incl uding the last 2 annual Orb gatherings. A perfect setting for great music a nd memorable times! Shuttle bus: There is no better way to travel to Orb Festival than in the Bus, reliable, efficient and cost effective, for that purpose Orb Festival has decided to Sponsor half of the bus fair to the Fes tival. The cost of the tickets will be $30 for a round trip package. Save t he earth and money while you travel with festival goers. Bus ticket sale e nds on Friday July 3rd 09. You can purchase your tickets at: web orb festival/tickets.php Bus Schedule: Departure from West 31st in between 7th and 8th ave Manhattan to Orb Festival: Thursday July 9th: 12 Noon and 7PM Friday July 10th: 12 Noon and 7PM Saturday July 11th: 12 Noon Departur e from Orb Festival to Manhattan 7th Ave, west side, btw West 31st & West 3 0th: Sunday July 12 at 5PM General festival info location, pics & more: orbfestival/location.php Vendors inquiry: orbfestival/v endors.php Spread the word: orbfestival/promoters-kit.php Look ing forward to see you all very soon! Orb festival crew Alladin Group / Or b Festival Phone: 1917-569-1177 1917-5546574 web OrbFestival
#4304 Wed, 08 Jul 2009 23:18:00 08 Jul 2009 23:18:00 Wed, 8 Jul 2009 23:18:00 AppleWebKit/530.5 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/530.5,gzip(gfe),gzip(gfe) To: Psybotik psybotik at googlegroupsCc: TripOutNY From: Blue Goddess bluegoddess at psybotikAugust 1st – Music, Fire, Fashion and Dance… Celebrate the beginning of a journey… LineUp by Psybotik & friends DJ Tremendous Gloom (Miami) Gavin (Spectra, NYC) Electrik (Psybotik, NYC) Anya (Sonic Beating, NYC) Mayur (Psybotik, NYC) Orbit (Alladin Group, Israel/Japan) more TBA… Futuristic Fashion by Wheylan (web wheylan) Fire and Dance by “Luminisis” (web colorfullartist) with a special appearance by Sandhi Ferreira Live Visual Projections by VJ Plasmo nashaMasha (Psybotik, NYC) VJ Alchemism Deco and Art by Phoenix Circle Village & Co. 7pm-9pm HAPPY HOUR and Free Admission $10 in advance or before midnight; $15 Reduced List; $20 Door Join Reduced List at web psybotik
#4305 Thu, 16 Jul 2009 19:39:03 16 Jul 2009 19:39:02 Thu, 16 Jul 2009 22:39:02 From: Blue Goddess bluegoddess at psybotikAugust 1st – Music, Fire, Fashion and Dance… 0016e6de010ff45dd1046eddb077 Celebrate the beginning of a journey… LineUp by Psybotik & friends Tremendous Gloom (Miami) Gavin (Spectra, NYC) Electrik (Psybotik, NYC) Anya (Sonic Beating, Boston) Mayur (Psybotik/Spectra, NYC) Orbit (Alladin Group, Israel/Japan) more TBA… Futuristic Fashion by Wheylan (web wheylan) Fire and Dance by “Luminisis” (web colorfullartist) with a special Aerial performance by Sandhi Ferreira Live Visual Projections by VJ Plasmo nashaMasha (Psybotik, NYC) VJ Alchemism Deco and Art by Phoenix Circle Village & Psybotik. 7pm-9pm HAPPY HOUR and Free Admission $10 in advance or before midnight; $15 Reduced List; $20 Door Public Assembly 70 N 6th St Brooklyn, NY Join Reduced List and full flyer at web psybotik 0016e6de010ff45dd1046eddb077 beginning of a journey… LineUp by Psybotik & friends sybotik, NYC) Anya (Sonic Beating, Boston) Mayur (Psybotik/Spe ctra, NYC) Orbit (Alladin Group, Israel/Japan) more TBA… b heylan ) Fire and Dance by “Luminisis” (t color: rgb(0, 0, 204); web colorfullartist ) with a special Aerial performance by Sandhi Ferreira Live Visual Pr ojections by VJ Plasmo nashaMasha (Psybotik, NYC) VJ Alc hemism Deco and Art by Phoenix Circle Village & Psybotik. 7pm-9pm HAPPY HOUR and Free Admission $10 in advance or before midnight; $15 Reduced List; $20 Door Public Ass embly 70 N 6th St Brooklyn, NY Join Reduced List a .psybotik/” color: rgb(0, 0, 204); web psybotik
#4306 Tue, 21 Jul 2009 18:17:35 60753a79d0319ec568fb2eca7f1029af at web listmanagerservicesTue, 21 Jul 2009 18:17:32 From: Fwd: Desiderata Festival: Quick Updates From: Desiderata Festival membranes at desideratafestival To: jeffMachinelf at aol Sent: Tue, Jul 14, 2009 6:04 am Desiderata Festival: Quick Updates We come bearing updates.. Dear everybody, we would love to share the following updates with you, in no specific order: Peaking Goddess Collective will be joining Desiderata We are stoked to let you know that Desiderata will host a film festival within it’s village. Submissions are most welcome. For more information please look here.. Ticket price is to become $125 on Wednesday July 15th. A limited number of pre-sale tickets will be available online at this point. Tickets will be available at the gate. Desiderata is proud to have had a tremendous number of arts, workshops, activities, vendors, presentations, interactive installations and many amazingly zealous people join this endeavor. Expect a lot of these projects on our website very soon. There will be organized bus trips to Desiderata from NYC. All information will be available on the website within a few days. We are working to set up a curious, interesting, warm and sweet area for kids. More updates will be available on our web DesiderataFestival in no time. Comprehensive lineup and scheduling information, maps and tips will be finalized and posted next week. Don’t forget to browse your way to our website. Gosha (OmniTribe) will be joining Desiderata web DesiderataFestival Join Our Facebook Group, Invite Your Friends Contact Desiderata Full Lineup Desiderata Film Festival Again, we would love to encourage you to contribute your arts, ideas and suggestions. If you have somthing on your mind – please share! Desiderata is a resource for revelers. We seek to provide a space for you to dance, discuss, share, create, listen, explore, gyrate, vibrate, and connect. A meeting of open minds, Desiderata is a grassroots venture fueled by exuberance and a passionate, promiscuous interest in music. We believe in biodiversity. We believe the more the merrier. This is your festival. Come as you are or elaborately embellished. Excite us, inspire us, play with us, evolve with us, expand our collective universe. Use and be used by a profusion of stimuli. Enjoy four days of nonstop live psytrance, jam bands, drum and bass, techno, dub, reggae, sounds unclassifiable and in between. Check out various global social movements, engage in workshops and lectures, and attend indie film premieres and multimedia performances. Converse with enthusiasts, artists, activists, abductees, conspiracy theorists, all manner of humans and their friends, terrestrial and otherwise. Most importantly, have a good time. With an emphasis on community, we hope to enable an elating experience. We invite you to take somthing personal back to your natural habitat and be a part of Desiderata’s development. INFECTED MUSHROOM (classic old-school set), THE CRYSTAL mthOD, Space Tribe, Cosmosis, Transdriver, YAB YUM, Super Jam featuring Tommy Hamilton (Younger Brother) and Adam Deitch (BreakScience), Optical, BreakScience, U-melt, Grapes of Wrath, AJJA, Jelly Headz, Prishvin Mess, Peaking Goddess Collective, Progress, Onkle Dunkel, Solix, Mexican Trance Mafia, Melorix, Parus, Primordial Ooze, Psylab, Animaltek, MJ Project, Digital Frontier, Proper Villains, St8cyde Jump Up, Aligning Minds, Inoxia, Sw at t, The Omen, Dose the Alien, Lauryn & Egbot, Basha, MizEysis, Potent J, Jimo, Luis Campos, Conscious Pilot, The Dirty Drop, Reality Engine, Soren Larue, Karmakanic, Mikey Parkay, Rinse, Repeat, Shapes OF States, Billy Boogey, Orbicles, EarWorm, and so many more.. Resonance Project Presentation, Daniel Pinchbeck, Comprehensive Yoga Program, Shamanic Workshops, Fireside Drum Circles, Spoken Work By The Intangible Collective, Visual Arts, Tribal Dance, Guided Meditation, Massage, Hookah Spots, Electronic Music Production and Synthesis Workshops, Evolver, Independent and Indie Film Screening, Reality Sandwich, Funtown’s Interactive Art Experience and Live Painting, Rata Crafts Market, Lakeside Campfires, Boating, Amazing Interactive Decorations and Installations and so much more.. me please Elemental World: Desiderata Festival 2339 63 st Brooklyn NY 11204 -Original Message- From: Desiderata Festival membranes at desideratafestival To: jeffMachinelf at aol Sent: Tue, Jul 14, 2009 6:04 am Desiderata Festival: Quick Updates Dear everybody, we would love to share the following updates with you, in no specific order: Peaking Goddess Collective will be joining Desiderata We are stoked to let you know that Desiderata will host a film festival within it’s village. Ticket price is to become $125 on Wednesday July 15th. A limited number of pre-sale tickets will be Tickets will be available at the gate. Desiderata is proud to have had a tremendous number of arts, workshops, activities, vendors, presentations, interactive installations and many amazingly zealous people join this endeavor. Expect a lot of these projects on our very soon. There will be organized bus trips to Desiderata from NYC. All information will be available on within a few days. We are working to set up a curious, interesting, warm and sweet area for kids. More updates will be available on our in no time. Comprehensive lineup and scheduling information, maps and tips will be finalized and posted next week. Don’t forget to browse your way to our website. Gosha (OmniTribe) will be joining Desiderata Group, Invite Your Friends Festival Again, we would love to encourage you to contribute your arts, ideas and suggestions. If you have somthing on your mind – please share! We seek to provide a space for you to dance, discuss, share, create, listen, explore, gyrate, vibrate, and connect. A meeting of open minds, Desiderata is a grassroots venture fueled by exuberance and a passionate, promiscuous interest in music. We believe in biodiversity. We believe the more the merrier. This is your festival. Come as you are or elaborately embellished. Excite us, inspire us, play with us, evolve with us, expand our collective universe. Use and be used by a profusion of stimuli. Enjoy four days of nonstop live psytrance, jam bands, drum and bass, techno, dub, reggae, sounds unclassifiable and in between. Check out various global social movements, engage in workshops and lectures, and attend indie film premieres and multimedia performances. Converse with enthusiasts, artists, activists, abductees, conspiracy theorists, all manner of humans and their friends, terrestrial and otherwise. Most importantly, have a good time. With an emphasis on community, we hope to enable an elating experience. We invite you to take somthing personal back to your natural habitat and be a part of Desiderata’s development. INFECTED MUSHROOM (classic old-school set), THE CRYSTAL mthOD, Space Tribe, Cosmosis, Transdriver, YAB YUM, Super Jam featuring Tommy Hamilton (Younger Brother) and Adam Deitch (BreakScience), Optical, BreakScience, U-melt, Grapes of Wrath, AJJA, Jelly Headz, Prishvin Mess, Peaking Goddess Collective, Progress, Onkle Dunkel, Solix, Mexican Trance Mafia, Melorix, Parus, Primordial Ooze, Psylab, Animaltek, MJ Project, Digital Frontier, Proper Villains, St8cyde Jump Up, Aligning Minds, Inoxia, Sw at t, The Omen, Dose the Alien, Lauryn & Egbot, Basha, MizEysis, Potent J, Jimo, Luis Campos, Conscious Pilot, The Dirty Drop, Reality Engine, Soren Larue, Karmakanic, Mikey Parkay, Rinse, Repeat, Shapes OF States, Billy Boogey, Orbicles, EarWorm, target”blank” web listmanagerservices/link.php?M25260221&N7844&L9201&FH” style”color: rgb(0, 121, 197);and so many more.. Resonance Project Presentation, Daniel Pinchbeck, Comprehensive Yoga Program, Shamanic Workshops, Fireside Drum Circles, Spoken Work By The Intangible Collective, Visual Arts, Tribal Dance, Guided Meditation, Massage, Hookah Spots, Electronic Music Production and Synthesis Workshops, Evolver, Independent and Indie Film Screening, Reality Sandwich, Funtown’s Interactive Art Experience and Live Painting, Rata Crafts Market, Lakeside Campfires, Boating, Amazing Interactive Decorations and Installations target”blank” web listmanagerservices/link.php?M25260221&N7844&L9201&FH” style”color: rgb(0, 121, 197);and so much more.. me please Elemental World: Desiderata Festival 2339 63 st Brooklyn NY 11204
#4307 Wed, 29 Jul 2009 20:59:44 29 Jul 2009 20:59:42 Wed, 29 Jul 2009 23:59:42 From: Blue Goddess bluegoddess at psybotikAugust 1st – DECEND – Phoenix Circle Burning Man Village fund-raiser 0016e6db76b460e826046fe45501 August 1st Phoenix Circle Burning Man Village fund-raiser and compression party: DESCEND Lineup by Psybotik & friends Tremendous Gloom (Miami) Gavin (Spectra, NYC) Electrik (Psybotik, NYC) web psybotik/ Anya (Sonic Beating, Boston) web sonicbeating.org/ Mayur (Psybotik/Spectra, NYC) web psybotik/ Orbit (Alladin Group, Israel/Japan) web alladinproject.net/ Third Ear Syndrome (Bacteria Records, NYC) web bacteriarecords/ Elf Communique (Glass Bead Collective, NYC) web glassbeadcollective.org/ Lara Berman (Bacteria Records, NYC) web glassbeadcollective.org/ more TBA… Futuristic Fashion by Wheylan web wheylan Fire and Dance by “Luminisis” web colorfullartist/ with a special performance by Sandhi Ferreira web sandyoga/ Live Visual Projections by VJ Plasmo nashaMasha (Psybotik, NYC) web psybotik/ VJ Alchemism Vlad T (Glassbead, NYC) web glassbeadcollective.org/ Deco and Art by Phoenix Circle Village & Psybotik. 7pm-9pm HAPPY HOUR and Free Admission $10 in advance or before midnight; $15 Reduced List; $20 Door 70 N 6th St Brooklyn, NY Join Reduced List and full flyer at web psybotik/ 0016e6db76b460e826046fe45501 lapsePhoenix Circle Burning Man Village fund-raiser and compression party : lapse:collapse ami) .psybotik/ Anya (Sonic Beating, Boston) web sonicbeating.org/” t;
August 2009
#4308 Fri, 07 Aug 2009 14:11:44 Aug 2009 14:11:44 Fri, 7 Aug 2009 17:11:44 From: Blue Goddess bluegoddess at Psybotik Thank You and Upcoming Event Thursday Aug 20th 0016364c7cfbedda58047093ae92 An absolutely huge thanks goes out to all that made Descend such a huge success! It was nice to see so many new faces mixed in with the unusual suspects. With your help we are now able to afford a reliable source of sound and power out on the Playa! Psybotik will be fueling the fire all night long on Tuesday and Thursday during Burning Man at 8:30 and Esplanade so come dance with us!!! Full details on international lineup, performances and other sweet surprises to come soon. Now for some even better news…we had so much fun last weekend that we want to have one last taste of New York before making our evolutionary journey. Psybotik and Phoenix Circle Present GENETIC DRIFT An evening of Techno, Electro House, Breaks, Tech House and Proggy Psy Thursday Aug 20th at Libation 6pm-4am HAPPY HOUR until 8 Tony Unorhodox (28thday, NYC) Gavin (Spectra, NYC) Third Ear Syndrome (Bacteria Records, NYC) Electrik (Psybotik, NYC) Mayur (Spectra/Psybotik, NYC) Dysform (Psybotik, NYC) Libation 137 Ludlow New York, NY FREE before 12, $10 after 21+ w/ID See you soon, Blue, the Psybotik crew and Phoenix Circle Ps… For those who like to read to the end you are about to be rewarded. We are planning an outdoor event soon after our return from the desert. The event will take place in Allentown, PA on Saturday September 12th going into Sunday afternoon. Location will only be divulged to ticket buyers. This event will be presale only, you must buy a ticket in advance in order to attend the event! There will only be 150 tickets sold. We repeat, you must buy a ticket in advance in order to attend the event, if you show up without one you will be turned away, sorry NO EXCEPTIONS! Full details and ticket sales to come soon. 0016364c7cfbedda58047093ae92 An absolutely huge thanks goes out to all that made Descend such a huge suc cess! It was nice to see so many new faces mixed in with the unusual sus pects. With your help we are now able to afford a reliable source of sound and power out on the Playa! Psybotik will be fueling the fire all night long on Tuesday and Thursday during Burning Man at 8:30 and Espl anade so come dance with us!!! Full details on international lineup, per formances and other sweet surprises to come soon. Now for some even better news…we had so much fun last weekend that we want to have one las t taste of New York before making our evolutionary journey. Psyb otik and Phoenix Circle Present GENETIC DRIFT An evening of Tech no, Electro House, Breaks, Tech House and Proggy Psy Thursday Aug 20 th at Libation 6pm-4am HAPPY HOUR until 8 Tony Unorhodox (28thd ay, NYC) Gavin (Spectra, NYC) Third Ear Syndrome (Bacteria Records, N YC) Electrik (Psybotik, NYC) Mayur (Spectra/Psybotik, NYC) Dysfo rm (Psybotik, NYC) Libation 137 Ludlow New York, NY FREE be fore 12, $10 after 21+ w/ID See you soon, Blue, the Psybo tik crew and Phoenix Circle Ps… For those who like to read to the end you are about to be rewarded. We are planning an outdoo r event soon after our return from the desert. The event will take place in Allentown, PA on Saturday September 12th going into Sunday afternoon. Location will only be divulged to ticket buyers. This event will be presale only, you must buy a ticket in advance in order to attend the event ! There will only be 150 tickets sold. We repeat, you must buy a ticket in advance in order to attend the event, if you show up without one you wil l be turned away, sorry NO EXCEPTIONS! Full details and ticket s ales to come soon.
#4309 Sun, 09 Aug 2009 18:55:48 6362metaforce – Aug 28 ….6362MetaForce Presents our 3rd Year Anniversary Celebration…. BRo oKLYN SuMMER SToMP ReDUX BAJAO* OUT THE VOTE FOR A NEW NYC MAYOR! Friday 28 August 2009 Time: 10pm 96 6am Location: Club Exit, 149 Greenpoint Ave., Greenpoint, Brooklyn Subway: G to Greenpoint Avenue 1RG UM 3URGUM (PsyBaba Records, Hungary) 96 Live & DJ NightPsy Set HEYOKA (M uti Music, San Franciso) 96 Live Psychedelic Dubstep VISHWAATMAAA vs. FR IA (6362MetaForce/Tantrumm Records, NYC/Bombay) 96 Bombay Bajao NightPsy D J Set Featuring Midnight Mass with REVEREND BILLY TALEN and the Life Afte r Shopping Choir! (Green Party Candidate for NYC Mayor) Psychedelic Visua l Environment by JULIEN SEYER LOISELLE Plus INFINITY MANDIR 96 Chill-ou t Temple (6362MetaForce) Psychic Hank 96 Readings & Intuitions Slobtown Collaborative, NYC – Live Painting * * To celebrate our 3rd year anniver sary in NYC, 6362MetaForce invites you to a night of good ol BAJAO*! 1RGU M 3URGUM (LIVE & DJ) Psybaba Records, Hungary Our friend Gyuri bumped into us 1 fine year on the dancefloor of Nine Bar, under the stars of Goa, duri ng a Vishwaatmaa/Giuseppe DJ set. Since then, his releases on Psybaba Recor ds have brightened the world with full power BAJAO! Direct from Budapest, f irst time in NYC, 1rgum 3urgum will BAJAO LIVE. HEYOKA (LIVE) Muti Music, On the West Coast of the US, the BAJAO-ing has a distinct a nd tasty flavor. Heyoka ia bringing it for the first time to NYC – deep psy chedelic dubstep from the Muti Music family. VISHWAATMAA vs. FRIA 6362Met aForce/Tantrumm Records, NYC/Bombay The original-style Bombay BAJAO’ers. H aving experienced hard-core BAJAO’ing long ago on the playgrounds of Bombay they finessed their BAJAO skills in the parties of Goa, Maharashtra & mor e recently the US. On meeting in NYC, the sindhi and the bawi asked each ot her “Do you BAJAO?” – – and the rest is history. BAJAO Sunrise Set! 85An d there’s no better way than a big BAJAO to celebrate the candidacy of REVE REND BILLY TALEN for Mayor of NYC!! Reverend Billy will lead us in Midnite Mass at 12am SHARP with his Life After Shopping Choir! Reverend Billy needs no introduction to New Yorkers – but did you know he’s running for Mayor? BAJAO out the vote with us and get registered! His volunteers will be with us all night to get you on the rolls. Reprieve from the BAJAO’ing will be offered in the INFINITY MANDIR, where you’ll encounter PSYCHIC HANK and hi s powers of peaceful intuitive interpretation. Or stay in the main room to gaze at the live painting talents of the lovely ladies of the SLOBTOWN COLL ABORATIVE8585. Lots of goodies still to be added! * * * *BAJAO [ba -JAOW] (v/n/adj/adv) From the Hindi: BAJAO. To Play/Play/Play Hard/Play ing like never before /in a Playful Spirit * * * Entry: Pre-Sale Online or Cash at Door Before 11:30pm: $20 11:30pm and later: $25 general admissio n ** This is an 18+ event 96 please bring photo ID!!** Questions?? Emai l us at info at 6362MetaForce.net RSVP on FACEBOOK: 6362StomP And join our F B Group: 6362FaceBook Bless this party with your good vibes, killer energ y & stomping feet!!! BOM BHOLENATH *** web 6362MetaForce.net ht tp://web voterevbilly.org web tantrummrecords web myspa ce/irgumburgum web myspace/andreism web psychichank BooM!
#4310 Sun, 09 Aug 2009 19:03:46 Tranceamericana.org is now all, completely Tranceam.org Also, this list will no longer be googleable.
#4311 Aug 2009 05:49:26 Mon, 10 Aug 2009 08:49:26 To: nyc604, TripOutNY From: Electrik bluegoddess at psybotikrecordsLooking for used CDJs and Mixer 000e0cd2984c1cb2910470c90498 We’re trying to find some used but still decent equipment to bring out to the Playa. Ideally we’re looking for a few Pioneer 100s or 200s and a couple mixers? Anyone got anything sitting their closet they want to get rid of? Many thanks, Keirnyn 917-656-9710 000e0cd2984c1cb2910470c90498 We’re trying to find some used but still decent equipment to bring out to the Playa. Ideally we’re looking for a few Pioneer 100s or 200s a nd a couple mixers? Anyone got anything sitting their closet they want t o get rid of? Many thanks, Keirnyn 917-656-9710
#4312 Tue, 11 Aug 2009 16:55:30 for sale – small frigidaire ac unit, 21″ crt monitor $50 each email im in bushwick close to the L
#4313 Sun, 16 Aug 2009 17:48:32 16 Aug 2009 17:48:31 Sun, 16 Aug 2009 20:48:31 From: Blue Goddess bluegoddess at psybotikThursday Aug 20th Psybotik and Phoenix Cirlcle Burning Man Send Off Party 0015174c171ac8958804714b4e 0015174c171ac8957e04714b4c One last taste of New York before our evolutionary journey… GENETIC DRIFT An evening of Techno, Electro House, Breaks, Tech House and Proggy Psy Thursday Aug 20th at Libation 6pm-4am HAPPY HOUR until 8 DJs Tony Unorhodox (28thday, NYC) Gavin (Spectra, NYC) Third Ear Syndrome (Bacteria Records, NYC) Electrik (Psybotik, NYC) Mayur (Spectra/Psybotik, NYC) Dysform (Psybotik, NYC) Lara Berman (Bacteria Records, NYC) Visuals NashaMasha and Friends Libation 137 Ludlow New York, NY Happy Hour 6-9 21+ w/ID FREE before 12, $5 Reduced List, $10 At Door Join email list for reduced admission at web psybotik
#4314 Sun, 16 Aug 2009 20:57:21 TripoutnyPSYCHEGROUND at Sullivan Room w/ Skoocha, Ctrl+Alt+Del, and Luis Campos 0-985109076-1250481441:99212 New York City’s longest running weekly psytrance event is back at Sullivan Room for yet another action-packed evening. lineup for the night will include: SKOOCHA (UKSL / Parabola Records) Skoocha is one of the may aliases of French/Spanish Musician & Producer Benoit Munoz. He discovered Trance in 1995 while visiting friends in Amsterdam when somebody gave him the first Dragonfly compilation. From there there was no turning back and he knew music would be his life. Now a busy music producer and musician in NY since 2003. Skoocha still finds time to craft Trance tracks that will blend the emotions of the oldschool goatrance that started all this with the power of the actual production and the Funk of NY ! Over the years he has worked released tracks with Manmademan (UKSL / Flying Rhino) music has been played extensively over the world by dj’s like Domino and the mighty Juno Reactor. His long awaited 1st album that will contain many unreleased tracks as well as remixes of the old ones is due this winter on Parabola Records (Germany). It will be the 2nd release of this new label after the Talamasca Vs XSI Album. Expect a set that combines old and new tracks as well as some new collaborations. Also, we’ll be celebrating Skoocha’s birthday! CTRL + ALT + DEL (Nexus Media, US/India) LUIS CAMPOS (Dreamcatcher/Reality Engine, US/Brazil) Deco by the Dreamcatchers AND Neuronymphonic **August 20, 10pm – 4am ** at Sullivan Room, New York City web sullivanroom 218 Sullivan St (between Bleecker and West 3rd St, 2 blocks east of 6th Ave) General Admission: $10.00 RSVP to psycheground at yahoo for $5.00 reduced list 21+ with ID Subway: A, B, C, D, E, F, or V trains to “W 4 St – Wash Sq” web myspace/psycheground lineup for the night will include: Skoocha is one of the may aliases of French/Spanish Musician & Producer Benoit Munoz. He discovered Trance in 1995 while visiting friends in Amsterdam when somebody gave him the first Dragonfly compilation. From there there was no turning back and he knew music would be his life. Now a busy music producer and musician in NY since 2003. Skoocha still finds time to craft Trance tracks that will blend the emotions of the oldschool goatrance that started all this with the power of the actual production and the Funk of NY ! Over the years he has worked released tracks with Manmademan (UKSL / Flying Rhino) music has been played extensively over the world by dj’s like Domino and the mighty Juno Reactor. His long awaited 1st album that will contain many unreleased tracks as well as remixes of the old ones is due this winter on Parabola Records (Germany). It will be the 2nd release of this new label after the Talamasca Vs XSI Album. Expect a set that combines old and new tracks as well as some new collaborations. Also, we’ll be celebrating Skoocha’s birthday! Deco by the Dreamcatchers AND Neuronymphonic **August 20, 10pm – 4am ** at Sullivan Room, New York City rel”nofollow” ” target”blankweb sullivanroom 218 Sullivan St (between Bleecker and West 3rd St, 2 blocks east of 6th Ave) General Admission: $10.00 21+ with ID Subway: A, B, C, D, E, F, or V trains to “W 4 St – Wash Sq”
#4315 Sun, 16 Aug 2009 21:08:16 August 20th PSYCHEGROUND at Sullivan Room w/ Skoocha, Ctrl+Alt+Del, and Luis Campos 0-877797060-1250482096:88137 New York City’s longest running weekly psytrance event is back at Sullivan Room for yet another action-packed evening. lineup for the night will include: SKOOCHA (UKSL / Parabola Records) Skoocha is one of the may aliases of French/Spanish Musician & Producer Benoit Munoz. He discovered Trance in 1995 while visiting friends in Amsterdam when somebody gave him the first Dragonfly compilation. From there there was no turning back and he knew music would be his life. Now a busy music producer and musician in NY since 2003. Skoocha still finds time to craft Trance tracks that will blend the emotions of the oldschool goatrance that started all this with the power of the actual production and the Funk of NY ! Over the years he has worked released tracks with Manmademan (UKSL / Flying Rhino) music has been played extensively over the world by dj’s like Domino and the mighty Juno Reactor. His long awaited 1st album that will contain many unreleased tracks as well as remixes of the old ones is due this winter on Parabola Records (Germany). It will be the 2nd release of this new label after the Talamasca Vs XSI Album. Expect a set that combines old and new tracks as well as some new collaborations. Also, we’ll be celebrating Skoocha’s birthday! CTRL + ALT + DEL (Nexus Media, US/India) LUIS CAMPOS (Dreamcatcher/Reality Engine, US/Brazil) Deco by the Dreamcatchers AND Neuronymphonic **August 20, 10pm – 4am ** at Sullivan Room, New York City 218 Sullivan St (between Bleecker and West 3rd St, 2 blocks east of 6th Ave) General Admission: $10.00 RSVP to psycheground at yahoo for $5.00 reduced list 21+ with ID Subway: A, B, C, D, E, F, or V trains to “W 4 St – Wash Sq” web myspace/psycheground lineup for the night will include: Skoocha is one of the may aliases of French/Spanish Musician & Producer Benoit Munoz. He discovered Trance in 1995 while visiting friends in Amsterdam when somebody gave him the first Dragonfly compilation. From there there was no turning back and he knew music would be his life. Now a busy music producer and musician in NY since 2003. Skoocha still finds time to craft Trance tracks that will blend the emotions of the oldschool goatrance that started all this with the power of the actual production and the Funk of NY ! Over the years he has worked released tracks with Manmademan (UKSL / Flying Rhino) music has been played extensively over the world by dj’s like Domino and the mighty Juno Reactor. His long awaited 1st album that will contain many unreleased tracks as well as remixes of the old ones is due this winter on Parabola Records (Germany). It will be the 2nd release of this new label after the Talamasca Vs XSI Album. Expect a set that combines old and new tracks as well as some new collaborations. Also, we’ll be celebrating Skoocha’s birthday! Deco by the Dreamcatchers AND Neuronymphonic **August 20, 10pm – 4am ** at Sullivan Room, New York City target”blank” 218 Sullivan St (between Bleecker and West 3rd St, 2 blocks east of 6th Ave) General Admission: $10.00 21+ with ID Subway: A, B, C, D, E, F, or V trains to “W 4 St – Wash Sq” target”blank” web myspace/psychegroundweb myspace/psycheground
#4316 Mon, 17 Aug 2009 10:58:27 August 20th PSYCHEGROUND at Sullivan Room w/ Skoocha, Ctrl+Alt+Del, and Luis Campos 0-1469919846-1250531907:90999 New York City’s longest running weekly psytrance event is back at Sullivan Room for yet another action-packed evening. lineup for the night will include: SKOOCHA (UKSL / Parabola Records) Skoocha is one of the may aliases of French/Spanish Musician & Producer Benoit Munoz. He discovered Trance in 1995 while visiting friends in Amsterdam when somebody gave him the first Dragonfly compilation. From there there was no turning back and he knew music would be his life. Now a busy music producer and musician in NY since 2003. Skoocha still finds time to craft Trance tracks that will blend the emotions of the oldschool goatrance that started all this with the power of the actual production and the Funk of NY ! Over the years he has worked released tracks with Manmademan (UKSL / Flying Rhino) music has been played extensively over the world by dj’s like Domino and the mighty Juno Reactor. His long awaited 1st album that will contain many unreleased tracks as well as remixes of the old ones is due this winter on Parabola Records (Germany). It will be the 2nd release of this new label after the Talamasca Vs XSI Album. Expect a set that combines old and new tracks as well as some new collaborations. Also, we’ll be celebrating Skoocha’s birthday! CTRL + ALT + DEL (Nexus Media, US/India) LUIS CAMPOS (Dreamcatcher/Reality Engine, US/Brazil) Deco by the Dreamcatchers AND Neuronymphonic **August 20, 10pm – 4am ** at Sullivan Room, New York City 218 Sullivan St (between Bleecker and West 3rd St, 2 blocks east of 6th Ave) General Admission: $10.00 RSVP to psycheground at yahoo for $5.00 reduced list 21+ with ID Subway: A, B, C, D, E, F, or V trains to “W 4 St – Wash Sq” web myspace/psycheground 0-1469919846-1250531907:90999 lineup for the night will include: Skoocha is one of the may aliases of French/Spanish Musician & Producer Benoit Munoz. He discovered Trance in 1995 while visiting friends in Amsterdam when somebody gave him the first Dragonfly compilation. From there there was no turning back and he knew music would be his life. Now a busy music producer and musician in NY since 2003. Skoocha still finds time to craft Trance tracks that will blend the emotions of the oldschool goatrance that started all this with the power of the actual production and the Funk of NY ! Over the years he has worked released tracks with Manmademan (UKSL / Flying Rhino) music has been played extensively over the world by dj’s like Domino and the mighty Juno Reactor. His long awaited 1st album that will contain many unreleased tracks as well as remixes of the old ones is due this winter on Parabola Records (Germany). It will be the 2nd release of this new label after the Talamasca Vs XSI Album. Expect a set that combines old and new tracks as well as some new collaborations. Also, we’ll be celebrating Skoocha’s birthday! Deco by the Dreamcatchers AND Neuronymphonic **August 20, 10pm – 4am ** at Sullivan Room, New York City target”blank” 218 Sullivan St (between Bleecker and West 3rd St, 2 blocks east of 6th Ave) General Admission: $10.00 21+ with ID Subway: A, B, C, D, E, F, or V trains to “W 4 St – Wash Sq”
#4317 Wed, 19 Aug 2009 09:26:33 August 20th PSYCHEGROUND at Sullivan Room w/ Skoocha, Ctrl+Alt+Del, and Luis Campos 0-825055756-1250699193:952 New York City’s longest running weekly psytrance event is back at Sullivan Room for yet another action-packed evening. lineup for the night will include: SKOOCHA (UKSL / Parabola Records) Skoocha is one of the may aliases of French/Spanish Musician & Producer Benoit Munoz. He discovered Trance in 1995 while visiting friends in Amsterdam when somebody gave him the first Dragonfly compilation. From there there was no turning back and he knew music would be his life. Now a busy music producer and musician in NY since 2003. Skoocha still finds time to craft Trance tracks that will blend the emotions of the oldschool goatrance that started all this with the power of the actual production and the Funk of NY ! Over the years he has worked released tracks with Manmademan (UKSL / Flying Rhino) music has been played extensively over the world by dj’s like Domino and the mighty Juno Reactor. His long awaited 1st album that will contain many unreleased tracks as well as remixes of the old ones is due this winter on Parabola Records (Germany). It will be the 2nd release of this new label after the Talamasca Vs XSI Album. Expect a set that combines old and new tracks as well as some new collaborations. Also, we’ll be celebrating Skoocha’s birthday! CTRL + ALT + DEL (Nexus Media, US/India) LUIS CAMPOS (Dreamcatcher/Reality Engine, US/Brazil) Deco by the Dreamcatchers AND Neuronymphonic **August 20, 10pm – 4am ** at Sullivan Room, New York City 218 Sullivan St (between Bleecker and West 3rd St, 2 blocks east of 6th Ave) General Admission: $10.00 RSVP to psycheground at yahoo for $5.00 reduced list 21+ with ID Subway: A, B, C, D, E, F, or V trains to “W 4 St – Wash Sq” web myspace/psycheground 0-825055756-1250699193:952 lineup for the night will include: Skoocha is one of the may aliases of French/Spanish Musician & Producer Benoit Munoz. He discovered Trance in 1995 while visiting friends in Amsterdam when somebody gave him the first Dragonfly compilation. From there there was no turning back and he knew music would be his life. Now a busy music producer and musician in NY since 2003. Skoocha still finds time to craft Trance tracks that will blend the emotions of the oldschool goatrance that started all this with the power of the actual production and the Funk of NY ! Over the years he has worked released tracks with Manmademan (UKSL / Flying Rhino) music has been played extensively over the world by dj’s like Domino and the mighty Juno Reactor. His long awaited 1st album that will contain many unreleased tracks as well as remixes of the old ones is due this winter on Parabola Records (Germany). It will be the 2nd release of this new label after the Talamasca Vs XSI Album. Expect a set that combines old and new tracks as well as some new collaborations. Also, we’ll be celebrating Skoocha’s birthday! Deco by the Dreamcatchers AND Neuronymphonic **August 20, 10pm – 4am ** at Sullivan Room, New York City target”blank” 218 Sullivan St (between Bleecker and West 3rd St, 2 blocks east of 6th Ave) General Admission: $10.00 21+ with ID Subway: A, B, C, D, E, F, or V trains to “W 4 St – Wash Sq” target”blank” web myspace/psychegroundweb myspace/psycheground
#4318 Thu, 20 Aug 2009 06:36:10 Aug 2009 06:36:10 Thu, 20 Aug 2009 09:36:10 From: Blue Goddess bluegoddess at psybotikTonight!!! Thursday Aug 20th Psybotik and Phoenix Cirlcle Burning Man Send Off Party 0015174bedcea31295047192d5ea One last taste of New York before our evolutionary journey… Anyone on the Psybotik mailing list automatically gets reduced admission! GENETIC DRIFT An evening of Techno, Electro House, Breaks, Tech House and Proggy Psy Thursday Aug 20th at Libation 6pm-4am HAPPY HOUR until 9 DJs Tony Unorhodox (28thday, NYC) Gavin (Spectra, NYC) Third Ear Syndrome (Bacteria Records, NYC) Electrik (Psybotik, NYC) Mayur (Spectra/Psybotik, NYC) Dysform (Psybotik, NYC) Lara Berman (Bacteria Records, NYC) Dru West (E-Clipse Productions) Visuals NashaMasha and Friends Libation 137 Ludlow New York, NY Happy Hour 6-9 21+ w/ID FREE before 12, $5 Reduced List, $10 At Door Join email list for reduced admission at web psybotik 0015174bedcea31295047192d5ea -family:Arial; color:black;background:whiteOne last taste of New York bef ore our evolutionary journey… on the Psybotik mailing list automatically gets reduced admission! ttachment: lack;background:white Techno, Electro House, Breaks, Tech House and Proggy Psy s apple-style-span at Libation 6pm-4am apple-style- spanHAPPY HOUR until 9 cl color:black;back color:blac k;background:white 8thday, NYC) C) Records, NYC) ik, NYC) k, NYC) color:black;background:white apple-s tyle-spanDru West (E-Clipse Productions) M color:black;background:whiteVisuals Arial;color:black MsoN c olor:black;background:whiteNashaMasha and Friends sty sssLibation apple-style-span 137 Ludlow Arial;color:black apple color:black;background:white color:black;background:white21+ w/ID Arial;color:black nt-family:Arial; color:black;background:whiteFREE before 12, $5 Reduced L color:black;background:whiteJoin email list background:white
#4319 Sat, 22 Aug 2009 04:17:05 From: “brabon23” bluegoddess at psybotikDEVOLUTION Sat. Sept 12th Psybotik and Phoenix Circle Burning Man Decompression PSYBOTIK 11 – – DEVOLUTION Allentown, PA Beats provided by: FLIP-FLOP LIV E!! (Alchemy Recs./Nano Recs.)U.K. The dynamic duo returns for another spec tacular performance. These two young Londoners have been cooking it up for a while now, with an exotic hybrid of psy trance and deep atmospheric elect ronica that shakes the system to its foundations. ANIMALTEK LIVE!! (Treib stoff Recs./Omnitribe) NYC Since their humble beginnings as dj’s and organi zers, Shay and Oleg have excelled as producers. Now coming out with numerou s hits on many labels, they will grace the dance floor with minimal grooves . ELECTRIK (Psybotik) NYC DAVE DITTMER (Sonic Beating) Boston MESSENGER PA RTICLE (Psybotik) NYC KIFE (Omnitribe) NYC MAYUR (Spectra/Psybotik) NYC HYP NOTOAD (LIGHT-O-MATIC/PSI) NYC EARTHIAN (Omnitribe) NYC DYSFORM (Psybotik) NYC TONY UNORTHODOX (28th Day) NYC DEET (Gaian Mind) Philadelphia PLUS MOR E TBA… Killer sound by: A.M. BIONIK Decor by: Dana (Sonic Beating) Bosto n Performances by: Luminisis (Colorful Artist) NYC Visuals by: NashaMasha (Psybotik) NYC First 75 tickets at 25$ remaining at 35$ This is a limited en try event, please purchase tickets early at psybotik to avoid disappoin tment. Or go to the link below, once the first 75 are gone we will send ou t a second link: *NO TICKETS at THE DOOR!!* Location will be reveal ed only to ticket holders. Saturday 9/12 Opening Ceremony at 6:30pm-Sund ay 2pm Private outdoor location with camping available. THIS IS A LEAVE NO TRACE EVENT. PLEASE DISPOSE AND RECYCLE PROPERLY.
#4320 Sun, 23 Aug 2009 04:51:42 tonight aug 22 sry didn’t get this until late – Fusion Presents: Fusion at Tavern on the Green in Central Park, NYC Sat August 22nd A Night of Minimal Techno, Electro House, Progressive and Trance! Featuring: Omer Barnea (Alladin group/israel) Orbit (Alladin Group,Israel/Japan) Third Ear Syndrome (Bacteri a Records,NYC/PR) Dj Kontakt (Army Collective Records,Phi) Electrik (Psybot ik,NYC) Fusion will take place at “The Chestnut Room” that will feature a fusion of electronic music every Saturday by some of the top djs in NYC bri nging you the best electronic dance vibes and beautiful people in NYC. Tav ern on the Green situated in an amazing setting in Central Park brings you as well POP, HIP HOP,HOUSE, SALSA/MERENGUE/BACHATA, FUNK, and REGGAE. for t hose of other likings! FREE Admission by mentioning “FUSION” at THE DOOR Gi rls 21+ Guys 23+ From 11pm to 4am GUEST LIST CLOSE AT 2 AM SO MAKE SURE TO BE THERE EARLY FOR COMPS Enforced dress code No sneakers, No t-shirts, N o Hats Dress to Impress! Looking forward to see you all partying in this a mazing location! Powered by: Army Collective Records Bacteria Records All adin Group Psybotik NYC Nine73 Productions For more Info: Email: OneFusi onlist at gmail Phone: 917-569-1177
#4321 Sun, 23 Aug 2009 14:06:32 23 Aug 2009 14:06:32 Sun, 23 Aug 2009 17:06:31 From: Blue Goddess bluegoddess at Psybotik Burning Man Line Up – Tuesday/Thursday at 8:30 & Esplanade!!! 0015174be628d48abb0471d5796d We are very excited to be a part of Phoenix Circle Village this year, bringing back some of the freshest sounds on the scene. It was this time last year when our paths first crossed on the playa. nashamasha tells it best; “The BlueGoddess of Psybotik & The Crew were introduced to the Phoenix Circle by the TinyFireGodessMasae who wished to pay a visit to her old could see and the ear could hear and as a token of appreciation they have gifted the Village people an AllnightElectroMusicFeast. and that was the pre-historic Burning MAN of 2008” Come dance with us! We’ll be located at 8:30 and Esplanade! See you there, Blue Vestigial Sounds Opening night of the Phoenix Circle Village! Come dance and play to the sounds of Psybotik- Electro House, Techno, Breaks, Tech House, Tribal, Progressive and Psytrance. As the sun goes gown the music goes up. Once fully consumed by the darkness the Luminisis goddesses awaken in Dance and Fire! Tues/Wed Sept 1-2 Sunset – 2pm Mystic Luminate (Geomagnetic, San Francisco) Barney Iller (NYC) Mayur (Spectra / Psybotik, NYC) Electrik (Psybotik, NYC) Flip Flop (Alchemy, UK) Dysform (Psybotik, NYC) Me (Psybotik, NYC) Rev Dr Shamus (PsySystem, NYC) Elf Communique (Glass Bead Collective, NYC) Helios (Geomagnetic, San Francisco) More TBA… Electro-Meiosis Come embrace the flames of the Phoenix and wiggle away the night while being mesmerized by the Phenomenal Fire of Luminisis. Electro House, Techno, Breaks, Tech House, Tribal, Progressive and Psytrance. As the sun goes gown the music goes up! Thurs/Fri Sept 3-4 Sunset – 2pm Elf Communique (Glass Bead Collective, NYC) Hax and Ixnee (Infectious Agency, Chicago) Hi Octane (Prosmolodic, Russia) Electrik (Psybotik, NYC) Kon Flux (Phar Psyde / Doof / Pixan / Looney Moon, LA) Gatto Matto (Green Sector, LA) Me (Psybotik, NYC) Dysform (Psybotik, NYC) Sentient (Psytribe / Alchemy, LA / UK) Mayur (Spectra / Psybotik, NYC) Rev Dr Shamus (Kostume Kult, NYC) Jon Boro (NYC) More TBA…
#4322 Mon, 24 Aug 2009 19:58:31 24 Aug 2009 19:58:31 Mon, 24 Aug 2009 22:58:31 From: Blue Goddess bluegoddess at psybotikUPDATE DEVOLUTION Saturday Sept 12th Psybotik and Phoenix Circle Burning Man Decompression 0015174c1820738b440471ee82dc PSYBOTIK 11 – – DEVOLUTION Allentown, PA Beats provided by: FLIP-FLOP LI VE!! (Alchemy Recs./Nano Recs.)U.K. The dynamic duo returns for another spe ctacular performance. These two young Londoners have been cooking it up for a while now, with an exotic hybrid of psy trance and deep atmospheric elec tronica that shakes the system to its foundations. ANIMALTEK LIVE!! (Treib stoff Recs./Omnitribe) NYC Since their humble beginnings as dj92s and orga nizers, Shay and Oleg have excelled as producers. Now coming out with numer ous hits on many labels, they will grace the dance floor with minimal groov es. ELECTRIK (Psybotik) NYC DAVE DITTMER (Sonic Beating) Boston ME (Psybotik) NYC KIFE (Omnitribe) NYC MAYUR (Spectra/Psybotik) NYC H YPNOTOAD (LIGHT-O-MATIC/PSI) NYC EARTHIAN (Omnitribe) NYC DYSFORM (Psybotik ) NYC TONY UNORTHODOX (28th Day) NYC DEET (Gaian Mind) Philadelphia PLUS M ORE TBA… Killer sound by: A.M. BIONIK Decor by: Dana (Sonic Beating) Bos ton Performances by: Luminisis (Colorful Artist) NYC Visuals by: NashaMash a (Psybotik) NYC First 75 tickets at 25$ remaining at 35$ This is a limited entry event, please purchase tickets early at psybotik to avoid disappo intment or use this link for the 1st tier tickets ($25). Once they are gon e use the link below it. Once the 1st tier tickets are gone. Use this link for the 2nd tier tickets ($35). Once these are gone there will b e no more tickets sold. No one will be admitted without a ticket. No ticke ts will be sold at the door. web web paypal/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd If the link doesn’t work from yo ur email, copy paste it into your browser. *NO TICKETS at THE DOOR!!* Lo cation will be revealed only to ticket holders. Saturday 9/12 Opening Cer emony at 6:30pm-Sunday 2pm Private outdoor location with camping available. THIS IS A LEAVE NO TRACE EVENT. PLEASE DISPOSE AND RECYCLE PROPERLY. TR AVEL INFORMATION There is a public bus line that goes between NYC & Wescov ille (about 15-20 min from the event) web biebertourways The ride takes about 2 hours and departure times from NYC are at 3pm, 5pm, 7pm 9pm, and Midnight on Saturday. We may be able to pick people up but we’r e not sure how often or at what times. So please email bluegoddess at psyboti om in the next couple of days if you plan to travel this way and will need to be picked up. Please write what time you can arrive, and what time you need to leave by and we’ll try and plan accordingly. We’ll send out fin al pick up and drop off times from the bus station later this week. 0015174c1820738b440471ee82dc ” :14.4pt ysh Arial;color:black Beats provided by: FLIP-FLOP LIVE!! (Alchemy Recs./Nano Recs.)U.K. The dynamic duo returns for another spectacular performance. These two young Londoners have been cooking it up for a while now, with an exotic hybrid of psy tranc e and deep atmospheric electronica that shakes the system to its foundation s. ANIMALTEK LIVE!! apple-converted-space /span (Treibstoff Recs./Omnitribe) NYC Since their humble beginnings as dj92s and organizers, Shay and Oleg have excelled as producers. Now comin g out with numerous hits on many labels, they will grace the dance floor wi th minimal grooves. ELECTRIK (Psybotik) NYC DAVE DITTMER (Soni c Beating) apple-converted-space ys hortcutsBoston ME (Psybotik) NYC KIFE (Omn itribe) NYC MAYUR (Spectra/Psybotik) NYC HYPNOTOAD (LIGHT-O-MATIC/P SI) NYC EARTHIAN (Omnitribe) NYC DYSFORM (Psybotik) NYC TONY UN ORTHODOX (28th Day) NYC DEET (Gaian Mind) apple-converted -space yshortcutsPhiladelphia P LUS MORE TBA… Killer sound by: A.M. BIONIK Decor by: Dana (S onic Beating) Boston Performances by: Luminisis (Colorful Artist) NYCb r Visuals by: NashaMasha (Psybotik) NYC First 75 tickets at 25$ r emaining at 35$ This is a limited entry event, please apple-co nverted-space purchase tickets early at apple- none;text-underline:nonepsybotik appl ticke ts ($25). Once they are gone use the link below it. ; ” line-h sp ecial-character:line-break special-character:line-break” ” :14.4pt st one. Use this link for the 2nd tier tickets ($35). Once these are gone ther e will be no more tickets sold. No one will be admitted without a ticket . No tickets will be sold at the door. ” s ial ” :14.4pts ” Arial;color:blue ” line-heig from your emai ” st l;color:black l;color:black*NO TICKETS at THE DOOR!!* Location will be revealed on ly to ticket holders. Saturday 9/12 fo nt-family:Arial;color:blackOpening Ceremony at 6:30pm-Sunday 2pm Priv ate outdoor location with camping available. THIS IS A LEAVE NO TRACE E VENT. PLEASE DISPOSE AND RECYCLE PROPERLY. y:Arial;color:blue INFORMATION color:blackTh ere is a public bus line that goes between NYC & Wescoville (about 15-2 0 min from the event) ” li ” li black ” :14.4pt kes about 2 hours and departure times from NYC are at 3pm, 5pm, 7pm, 9pm, a nd Midnight on Saturday. We may be able to pick people up but we’re not sure how often or at what times. So please apple-styl e-spanemail apple-converted-space styl color:black uegoddess at psybotik apple-style-s color:black /span color:blackin the next couple of days if you plan to travel this way and will need to be picked up. Please write what time you can arrive, and what time you need to leave by and we’ll try and plan accordingly. ; ” sty l;color:blackWe’ll send out final pick up and drop off times from the bus station later this week.
#4323 Fri, 28 Aug 2009 01:09:08 Aug 2009 01:09:08 Fri, 28 Aug 2009 04:09:08 From: Blue Goddess bluegoddess at psybotikUPDATE 9/12 – Psybotik & Phoenix Circle Present DEVOLUTION with FLIP FLOP!!! 001636c5’4ad23beb04722f32bb PSYBOTIK 11 – – DEVOLUTION Allentown, PA Beats provided by: FLIP-FLOP LIV E!! (Alchemy Recs./Nano Recs.)U.K. The dynamic duo returns for another spec tacular performance. These two young Londoners have been cooking it up for a while now, with an exotic hybrid of psy trance and deep atmospheric elect ronica that shakes the system to its foundations. ANIMALTEK LIVE!! (Treibs toff Recs./Omnitribe) NYC Since their humble beginnings as dj92s and organ izers, Shay and Oleg have excelled as producers. Now coming out with numero us hits on many labels, they will grace the dance floor with minimal groove s. ELECTRIK (Psybotik) NYC DAVE DITTMER (Sonic Beating) Boston MESSENGER P ARTICLE (Psybotik) NYC KIFE (Omnitribe) NYC MAYUR (Spectra/Psybotik) NYC HY PNOTOAD (LIGHT-O-MATIC/PSI) NYC EARTHIAN (Omnitribe) NYC DYSFORM (Psybotik) NYC TONY UNORTHODOX (28th Day) NYC DEET (Gaian Mind) Philadelphia PLUS MO RE TBA… Killer sound by: A.M. BIONIK Decor by: Dana (Sonic Beating) Bost on Performances by: Luminisis (Colorful Artist) NYC Visuals by: NashaMasha (Psybotik) NYC First 75 tickets at 25$ remaining at 35$ This is a limited e ntry event, please purchase tickets early at psybotik to avoid disappoin tment or use this link for the 1st tier tickets ($25). Once they are gone use the link below it. Once the 1st tier tickets are gone. Use this link for the 2nd tier tickets ($35). Once these are gone there will be no more tickets sold. No one will be admitted without a ticket. No tickets wi ll be sold at the door. If the link doesn’t work from your email, c opy paste it into your browser. *NO TICKETS at THE DOOR!!* Location will be revealed only to ticket holders. Saturday 9/12 Opening Ceremony at 6:30 pm-Sunday 2pm Private outdoor location with camping available. THIS IS A LE AVE NO TRACE EVENT. PLEASE DISPOSE AND RECYCLE PROPERLY. TRAVEL INFORMATIO N There is a public bus line that goes between NYC & Wescoville (about 15-2 0 min from the event) web biebertourways The ride takes about 2 hours and departure times from NYC are at 3pm, 5pm, 7pm, 9pm, and Midnight on Saturday. We will be running a shuttle bus for $5 round trip from an d to the bus station. The shuttle bus will be making two trips to pick peo ple up, one at 7PM and one at 11PM. There will be one drop off at the end of the party around 2PM on Sunday. 001636c5’4ad23beb04722f32bb or:blackPSYBOTIK UTION Allentown, PA Beats provided by: FLIP-FL OP LIVE!! (Alchemy Recs./Nano Recs.)U.K. The dynamic duo returns fo r another spectacular performance. These two young Londoners have been cooking it up for a while now, with an exotic hybrid of psy trance and deep atmospheric electronica that shakes the system to its foundations. ANIMALTEK LIVE!! (Treibstoff Recs./Omnitribe) NYC Since t heir humble beginnings as dj92s and organizers, Shay and Oleg have exc elled as producers. Now coming out with numerous hits on many labels, t hey will grace the dance floor with minimal grooves. ELECTRIK (Psy botik) NYC DAVE DITTMER (Sonic Beating) Boston ME ( Psybotik) NYC KIFE (Omnitribe) NYC MAYUR (Spectra/Psybotik) NYC HYPNOTOAD (LIGHT-O-MATIC/PSI) NYC EARTHIAN (Omnitribe) NYC DYSFORM (Psybotik) NYC TONY UNORTHODOX (28th Day) NYC DEET (Gaian Mind) Ph iladelphia PLUS MORE TBA… Killer sound by: A.M. BIONIKDecor by: Dana (Sonic Beating) Boston Performances by: Luminisis (C olorful Artist) NYC Visuals by: NashaMasha (Psybotik) NYC Fir st 75 tickets at 25$ remaining at 35$ This is a limited entry event, plea se isappointment or use this link for the 1st tier tickets ($25). Once they are gone use the link below it. web web pa Once the 1st tier tickets are gone. Use this link for the 2nd tier tic kets ($35). Once these are gone there will be no more tickets sold. No one will be admitted without a ticket. No tickets will be sold at th e door. If the link doesn’t work fro m your email, copy paste it into your browser. *NO TICKETS at THE DOOR!!* Location will be revealed only to ticket holders. Saturday 9/12 Opening Ceremony at 6:30pm-Sunday 2pm Private outdoo r location with camping available. THIS IS A LEAVE NO TRACE EVENT. PLEA SE DISPOSE AND RECYCLE PROPERLY. TRAVEL INFORMATION There is a public bus line that goes between NYC & Wescoville (about 15-20 mi n from the event) #2A5DB0web biebertourways The ride takes about 2 hours and departure times from NYC are at 3pm, 5pm, 7pm, 9pm, and Midnight on Saturday. t-family:Times;color:blackWe will be running a shuttle bus for $5 round t rip from and to the bus station. The shuttle bus will be making two trip s to pick people up, one at 7PM and one at 11PM. There will be one drop off at the end of the party around 2PM on Sunday.
September 2009
#4324 Tue, 1 Sep 2009 14:10:12 TripoutnySept 3rd – PSYCHEGROUND presents The oficial Brazillian day pre party at Sullivan Room 0-455725024-1251839412:11673 Psycheground is back with another night of proggy and full on beats. This week we’re celebrating the Brazillian independence day parade which gathers more than 1.5 million people in Manhattan and we have a very special guest, Brazil’s best progressive dj, Ferris. Lineup for the night will include: FERRIS (UC bookings BR) LUIS CAMPOS (Dreamcatcher – Reality Engine – UC bookings) MARCOS CARNAVAL & RODRIGO VIEIRA (UC bookings) Deco by the Dreamcatchers AND Neuronymphonic ** September 3rd, 10pm – 4am ** at Sullivan Room, New York City web sullivanroom 218 Sullivan St (between Bleecker and West 3rd St, 2 blocks east of 6th Ave) General Admission: $10.00 RSVP to psycheground at yahoofor $5.00 reduced list 21+ with ID Subway: A, B, C, D, E, F, or V trains to “W 4 St – Wash Sq” 0-455725024-1251839412:11673 This week we’re celebrating the Brazillian independence day parade which gathers more than 1.5 million people in Manhattan and we have a very special guest, Brazil’s best progressive dj, Ferris. Lineup for the night will include: FERRIS (UC bookings BR) LUIS CAMPOS (Dreamcatcher – Reality Engine – UC bookings) MARCOS CARNAVAL & RODRIGO VIEIRA (UC bookings) Deco by the Dreamcatchers AND Neuronymphonic ** September 3rd, 10pm – 4am ** at Sullivan Room, New York City rel”nofollow” ” target”blankweb sullivanroom 218 Sullivan St (between Bleecker and West 3rd St, 2 blocks east of 6th Ave) 21+ with ID Subway: A, B, C, D, E, F, or V trains to “W 4 St – Wash Sq”
#4325 Thu, 3 Sep 2009 11:30:11 TripoutnyPSYCHEGROUND presents The oficial Brazillian day pre party at Sullivan Room 0-56129094-1252002611:44501 Psycheground is back with another night of proggy and full on beats. This week we’re celebrating the Brazillian independence day parade which gathers more than 1.5 million people in Manhattan and we have a very special guest, Brazil’s best progressive dj, Ferris. Lineup for the night will include: FERRIS (UC bookings BR) LUIS CAMPOS (Dreamcatcher – Reality Engine – UC bookings) MARCOS CARNAVAL & RODRIGO VIEIRA (UC bookings) Deco by the Dreamcatchers AND Neuronymphonic ** September 3rd, 10pm – 4am ** at Sullivan Room, New York City web sullivanroom 218 Sullivan St (between Bleecker and West 3rd St, 2 blocks east of 6th Ave) General Admission: $10.00 RSVP to psycheground at yahoofor $5.00 reduced list 21+ with ID Subway: A, B, C, D, E, F, or V trains to “W 4 St – Wash Sq” 0-56129094-1252002611:44501 which gathers more than 1.5 million people in Manhattan and we have a Lineup for the night will include: FERRIS (UC bookings BR) MARCOS CARNAVAL & RODRIGO VIEIRA (UC bookings) 21+ with ID 0-56129094-1252002611:44501
#4326 Fri, 04 Sep 2009 22:21:10 From: “alladinproject” alladinproject at yahooBig Thanks From Orb Festival Crew Hey Guys This year’s Orb Festival gathering was full of great vibes and be autiful people. The energy was felt throughout the campground with an inter national gathering of visitors and staff from all parts of the globe and th e United Sates, making it possible to enjoy all the festivities with our ex tended trance family from all over the world. We are grateful to all the p eople involved in making this year’s festival possible: to the volunteers, artists,promoters,Djs,visual artists, first aid team, security, sound, lighting and stage crew, vendors, deco teams and workshop instructors that came out before and during to assist in getting the Festival going and main tain high energy during the four days of Music, Art, performances and educa tional workshops. All of you made it so much easier for us to attend to the many people that showed up to enjoy the celebration. And to all the great people who took part in the gathering, thank you all for supporting this y ears’ Orb Festival, for traveling near and far distances to rejoice and con nect with Mother Nature in beautiful surroundings. You made this gathering so special and unforgettable, the vibe was superb, all of us uniting as one cosmic family dancing to the awesome sound of the best producers and Dj’s of psy trance music in the world. The amazing stream of individuals that c ame together to experience, to love and to dance was and is our satisfactio n and motivation to keep on in producing events with the purity of psy tranmusic. There will be more opportunities for all of us to enjoy and reuni te; to share stories of this past festival and other events. Our hearts are full of joy and we expect it to be so, for years to come. We are planning a series of events for 2009 and 2010, filled with surprises, great music a nd beautiful environment. First to come will be “Orb Festival reunion part y” on September, 18. That will be held at Club Exit in Brooklyn, with KOX BO X LIVE & AZAX SYNDROM full info will be posted soon! Please join our group s so we can keep you connected ALLADIN GROUP home ORB FESTIVAL GROUP
#4327 Fri, 04 Sep 2009 22:21:49 From: “alladinproject” alladinproject at yahooFRI SEP 18TH ORB REUNION KOX BOX .AZAX SYNDROM…. at CLUB EXIT hey guys we are fully recovered from orb 2009 that was amazing experience f rom all the aspects We are happy to announce on the official orb festival reunion party that will take place at club exit With allot of great music b est vibe and killer energy looking forward to see you all Alladin/orb fest ival crew LineUp: Main floor KOX BOX Live (Twisted Records) IBIZA ht tp://web myspace/koxbox303 FIRST APPEARANCE IN NYC AZAX SYNDROM LIV web myspace/azax BRANDON ADAMS (Dreamc atcher)/NYC web myspace/497009 ORBIT (Alladin Group /Orb fes tival)IL/JP web alladinproject BETWEEN DEVICES (Global W-Tea m Boston) BRAZIL web myspace/betweendevices GAVIN (Spectra) NYC Electro Room: DJ KONTAKT (army collective) PH THIRD EAR SYNDR OME (bactria) NYC ME (Psybotik) NYC Visual by Nash aMasha (psybotik nyc) Live Painting by Gizem Bacaz Seed Gallery M ami San NYC Decoration Main room: Ocular Delight( Alladin group) CT Alladin deco team web dividemysky/oculardelight/events.php Electro room: NephilNine (NYC) Lighting by Audiolust web my 18 to enter 21 to drink with valid ID Doors ope n 10 pm 96 6 am “Birthday special ” Whoever has a birthday on the par ty weekend will have a free entry $20 till 12 am $30 after Location: CLUB EXIT 149 GREENPOINT AVE. BROOKLYN, NY 11222 Street Map: l tab Directions: By Subway: Take the L train to Redford stop and transfer to the 61 bus go down in Greenpoint Ave, (5 mint) Or: take the L train to metropolitan Ave & transfer to the G train to Green point Ave. the Club is right across the street. Or: G train to green point Ave Subw ay Map: web mta.nyc.ny.us/nyct/maps/submap Bus: 61, 43, to Gr een point Ave Bus map: web mta.nyc.ny.us/nyct/maps/busbkln.pdf By Car: Take BQE (I-278) to Exit 33 McGuiness Blvd,towards Green point Ave, Turn LEFT at Green point Ave Proceed to 149 Green point Ave. By car-se rvice / Taxi: From Manhattan costs about $15 From Bedford Station it cost s about $6 Our next party will be at take place at Club Exit Friday Octobe r 16th Line up TBA web AlladinProject.net Happy birthday Liza H appy Jewish new year See you all on the trance floor Please join our grou ps so we can keep you connected ALLADIN GROUP hom ORB FESTIVAL GROUP See You All There
#4328 Tue, 08 Sep 2009 14:19:00 08 Sep 2009 14:19:00 Tue, 8 Sep 2009 14:18:59 From: Blue Goddess bluegoddess at psybotik*Psybotik 9/12 Outdoor Party Update1st Tier Tickets Almost Gone* Psybotik has left the playa but the playa surely hasn’t left us. An incredi ble event in an extrodinary place made for one hell of a wild adventure! W e’ll be shaking off the dust all the way back to New York. Some excitement will be sent out in the next day or two and some of the photos will be pos ted. A big thanks to all the organizers, DPW, rangers and all the people t hat came and made it all possible. Also a special thanks to Phoenix Circle, Psytribe, Space Elevator, Moontribe and Want It for hosting our crew throu ghout the week. We had just enough room to fit Flip Flop in our suitcases, so get ready as the dynamic duo return to the east coast! 1st tier tickets are almost gone so get them while you can. NO TICKETS WILL BE SOLD AT THE DOOR!! ******* ****** PSYBOTIK 11 – – DEVOLUTION Allentown, PA ***TRAVEL UPDATE** * There is a public bus line that goes between NYC & Wescoville (about 15- 20 min from the event) web biebertourways The ride takes about 2 hours and departure times from NYC are at 3pm, 5pm, 7pm, 9pm, and Midnigh t on Saturday. We will be running a shuttle bus for $5 round trip from and to the bus station. The shuttle bus will be making two trips to pick peop le up, one at 7PM and one at 11PM. There will be one drop off at the end o f the party around 2PM on Sunday. Beats provided by: FLIP-FLOP LIVE!! (A lchemy Recs./Nano Recs.)U.K. The dynamic duo returns for another spectacula r performance. These two young Londoners have been cooking it up for a whil e now, with an exotic hybrid of psy trance and deep atmospheric electronica that shakes the system to its foundations. ANIMALTEK LIVE!! (Treibstoff R ecs./Omnitribe) NYC Since their humble beginnings as dj92s and organizers, Shay and Oleg have excelled as producers. Now coming out with numerous hit s on many labels, they will grace the dance floor with minimal grooves. EL ECTRIK (Psybotik) NYC DAVE DITTMER (Sonic Beating) Boston MESSENGER PARTICL E (Psybotik) NYC KIFE (Omnitribe) NYC MAYUR (Spectra/Psybotik) NYC HYPNOTOA D (LIGHT-O-MATIC/PSI) NYC EARTHIAN (Omnitribe) NYC DYSFORM (Psybotik) NYC T ONY UNORTHODOX (28th Day) NYC DEET (Gaian Mind) Philadelphia PLUS MORE TBA … Killer sound by: A.M. BIONIK Decor by: Dana (Sonic Beating) Boston Per formances by: Luminisis (Colorful Artist) NYC Visuals by: NashaMasha (Psyb otik) NYC First 75 tickets at 25$ remaining at 35$ This is a limited entry e vent, please purchase tickets early at psybotik to avoid disappointment or use this link for the 1st tier tickets ($25). Once they are gone use th e link below it. Once the 1st tier tickets are gone. Use this link for the 2nd tier tickets ($35). Once these are gone there will be no more t ickets sold. No one will be admitted without a ticket. No tickets will be sold at the door. If the link doesn’t work from your email, copy pa ste it into your browser. *NO TICKETS at THE DOOR!!* Location will be rev ealed only to ticket holders. Saturday 9/12 Opening Ceremony at 6:30pm-Sun day 2pm Private outdoor location with camping available. THIS IS A LEAVE NO TRACE EVENT. PLEASE DISPOSE AND RECYCLE PROPERLY. Sent from my mobile device
#4329 Wed, 09 Sep 2009 13:29:24 09 Sep 2009 13:29:24 Wed, 9 Sep 2009 16:29:24 From: Blue Goddess bluegoddess at psybotik*Psybotik Playa Photos UploadedDevolution pay pal link fixed so you can buy your friends tickets* 0016e6d7852e4cbce604732af01d It took a little while because of all the great memories it brought back bu t we’ve gone through the photos and posted them on our website and Flickr ( see below). The paypal link has been fixed so now you can change the quanit y and buy all your friends tickets! web flickr/photos/31981844 at N 02/sets/72157622197264187/show/ Also if you haven’t heard there will be a C hai Shop with tasty treats and bottled water, as well as a Hokkah Lounge wi th sensual shisha and Pirate Juice. Get ready for an amazing weekend in the woods of Pennsylvania! See you soon, blue p.s. In case you can’t tell from the photos, Gabriel and Masae we’re married last week. It was by far the m ost beautiful moment on the playa. We wish you all the love in the world. * PSYBOTIK 11 – – DEVOLUTION Allentown, PA ***TRAVEL UPDATE*** There is a public bus line that goes between NYC & Wescoville (about 15-20 min from t he event) web biebertourways The ride takes about 2 hours and de parture times from NYC are at 3pm, 5pm, 7pm, 9pm, and Midnight on Saturday. We will be running a shuttle bus for $5 round trip from and to the bus sta tion. The shuttle bus will be making two trips to pick people up, one at 7P M and one at 11PM. There will be one drop off at the end of the party aroun d 2PM on Sunday. Beats provided by: FLIP-FLOP LIVE!! (Alchemy Recs./Nano Re cs.)U.K. The dynamic duo returns for another spectacular performance. These two young Londoners have been cooking it up for a while now, with an exoti c hybrid of psy trance and deep atmospheric electronica that shakes the sys tem to its foundations. ANIMALTEK LIVE!! (Treibstoff Recs./Omnitribe) NYC S ince their humble beginnings as dj92s and organizers, Shay and Oleg have e xcelled as producers. Now coming out with numerous hits on many labels, the y will grace the dance floor with minimal grooves. ELECTRIK (Psybotik) NYC DAVE DITTMER (Sonic Beating) Boston MESSENGER PARTICLE (Psybotik) NYC KIFE (Omnitribe) NYC MAYUR (Spectra/Psybotik) NYC HYPNOTOAD (LIGHT-O-MATIC/PSI) NYC EARTHIAN (Omnitribe) NYC DYSFORM (Psybotik) NYC TONY UNORTHODOX (28th D ay) NYC DEET (Gaian Mind) Philadelphia PLUS MORE TBA… Killer sound by: A. M. BIONIK Decor by: Dana (Sonic Beating) Boston Performances by: Luminisis (Colorful Artist) NYC Visuals by: NashaMasha (Psybotik) NYC First 75 ticke ts at 25$ remaining at 35$ This is a limited entry event, please purchase tic kets early at psybotik to avoid disappointment or use this link for the 1st tier tickets ($25). Once they are gone use the link below it. web w the 1st tier tickets are gone. Use this link for the 2nd tier tickets ($35 ). Once these are gone there will be no more tickets sold. No one will be a dmitted without a ticket. No tickets will be sold at the door. web web the link doesn’t work from your email, copy paste it into your browser. *NO TI CKETS at THE DOOR!!* Location will be revealed only to ticket holders. Satu rday 9/12 Opening Ceremony at 6:30pm-Sunday 2pm Private outdoor location wi th camping available. THIS IS A LEAVE NO TRACE EVENT. PLEASE DISPOSE AND RE CYCLE PROPERLY. 0016e6d7852e4cbce604732af01d a little while because of all the great memories it brought back but we& #39 ;ve gone through the photos and posted them on our website and Flickr (see below). The paypal link has been fixed so now you can change the quanity a nd buy all your friends tickets! web flickr/photos/3 1981844 at N02/sets/72157622197264187/show/web flickr/photos/3198 1844 at N02/sets/72157622197264187/show/ Also if you haven’t heard th ere will be a Chai Shop with tasty treats and bottled water, as well as a H okkah Lounge with sensual shisha and Pirate Juice. Get ready for an amazin g weekend in the woods of Pennsylvania! See you soon, blue p.s. In case y ou can’t tell from the photos, Gabriel and Masae we’re married last week. It was by far the most beautiful moment on the playa. We wish you all the love in the world. *********************** **************** PSYBOTIK 11 – – DEVOLUTION Allentown, PA ***TRAVEL UPDATE*** There is a public bus line that goes between NYC &am Wescoville (about 15-20 min from the event) web bieber tourwaysweb biebertourways The ride takes about 2 hou rs and departure times from NYC are at 3pm, 5pm, 7pm, 9pm, and Midnight on Saturday. We will be running a shuttle bus for $5 round trip from and to t he bus station. The shuttle bus will be making two trips to pick people up, one at 7PM and one at 11PM. There will be one drop off at the end of the p arty around 2PM on Sunday. Beats provided by: FLIP-FLOP LIVE!! (Alchemy Recs./Nano Recs.)U.K. The dynamic duo returns for another spectacular perfo rmance. These two young Londoners have been cooking it up for a while now, with an exotic hybrid of psy trance and deep atmospheric electronica that s hakes the system to its foundations. ANIMALTEK LIVE!! (Treibstoff Recs./Om nitribe) NYC Since their humble beginnings as dj92s and organizers, Shay a nd Oleg have excelled as producers. Now coming out with numerous hits on ma ny labels, they will grace the dance floor with minimal grooves. ELECTRIK (Psybotik) NYC DAVE DITTMER (Sonic Beating) Boston ME (Psyb otik) NYC KIFE (Omnitribe) NYC MAYUR (Spectra/Psybotik) NYC HYPNOTOAD (LIGH T-O-MATIC/PSI) NYC EARTHIAN (Omnitribe) NYC DYSFORM (Psybotik) NYC TONY UNO RTHODOX (28th Day) NYC DEET (Gaian Mind) Philadelphia PLUS MORE TBA… Ki ller sound by: A.M. BIONIK Decor by: Dana (Sonic Beating) Boston Performanc es by: Luminisis (Colorful Artist) NYC Visuals by: NashaMasha (Psybotik) N YC First 75 tickets at 25$ remaining at 35$ This is a limited entry event, p lease purchase tickets early at psybotikpsybotik to avoid disappointment or use this link for the 1st tier tickets ($25 ). Once they are gone use the link below it. web web paypal 58 Once the 1st tier tickets are gone. Use this link for the 2nd tier tickets ($35). Once these are gone there will be no more tickets sold. No o ne will be admitted without a ticket. No tickets will be sold at the door. If the link doesn’t work from you r email, copy paste it into your browser. *NO TICKETS at THE DOOR!!* Loca tion will be revealed only to ticket holders. Saturday 9/12 Opening Ceremo ny at 6:30pm-Sunday 2pm Private outdoor location with camping available. TH IS IS A LEAVE NO TRACE EVENT. PLEASE DISPOSE AND RECYCLE PROPERLY. b r
#4330 Fri, 11 Sep 2009 11:05:18 11 Sep 2009 11:05:17 Fri, 11 Sep 2009 14:05:17 From: Blue Goddess bluegoddess at psybotik***DEVOLUTION UPDATE*** By Popular Demand Tickets Will Be Sold at the Door 0016e6d9 579e978504735128ee We’re planning to head out bright and early Saturday morning on the Party B us, leaving from Penn Station around 9am. We currently have about 5 seats open so shoot me an email if you or someone you know still needs a ride. I t works out to about $40 a person. Looks like we92ll have a little more rain tonight but it should clear up by tomorrow in time for the party! By popular demand we are going to open up ticket sales at the door to anyone t hat can get themselves there. We will divulge directions to ticket holders RSVPs and friends. So if you or anyone you know wants directions email m e at bluegoddess at psybotik and they will be able to buy tickets at the d oor for $35. We92ve had several requests about people bringing dogs. We ask that you please do everything you can to find a sitter, not because we don92t think your dog will behave but not sure how they will mingle with each other. If there is no way you can find a sitter, you must email us fi rst to request permission to bring the dog, but please do not just show up or they will not be admitted. Thanks so much for everyone92s hard work and coming down to party out in the woods with us! So excited for the lineu p! See you soon, blue ***TRAVEL INFO*** Also there is a public bus line that goes between NYC & Wescoville (about 15-20 min from the event ) web biebertourways The ride takes about 2 hours and departure times from NYC are at 3pm, 5pm, 7pm, 9pm, and Midnight on Saturday. We wi ll be running a shuttle bus for $5 round trip from and to the bus station. The shuttle bus will be making two trips to pick people up, one at 7PM and one at 11PM. There will be one drop off at the end of the party around 2PM on Sunday. ***If you plan to utilize this shuttle, please let us know w hich one you92ll be coming on so we know how many seats to bring. Email m e at bluegoddess at psybotik*** 0016e6d9 579e978504735128ee We’re planning to head out bright and early Satu rday morning on the Party Bus, leaving from Penn Station around 9am. We currently have about 5 seats open so shoot me an email if you or someone yo u know still needs a ride. It works out to about $40 a person. Looks like we92ll h ave a little more rain tonight but it should clear up by tomorrow in time f or the party! By popular demand we are going to open up ticket sales at the door to anyone that can get themselves there. We will divulge direction s to ticket holders, RSVPs and friends. So if you or anyone you know wan oddess at psybotik and they will be able to buy tickets at the door fo r $35. We92ve had several requests about people bringing dogs. We ask that you please do everything you can to find a sitter, not because we don92t think your dog you must email us first to request permission to bring the dog, but please do not just show up or they will not be admitted. l Thanks so much for everyone92s hard wor k and coming down to party out in the woods with us! So excited for the lin eup! See you so on, blue ***TRAVEL INFO*** Also there is a pu blic bus line that goes between NYC & Wescoville (about 15-20 min from the event) web biebertourways The ride takes about 2 hours an d departure times from NYC are at 3pm, 5pm, 7pm, 9pm, and Midnight on Satur day. We will be running a shuttle bus for $5 round trip from and t o the bus station. The shuttle bus will be making two trips to pick peop le up, one at 7PM and one at 11PM. There will be one drop off at the end of the party around 2PM on Sunday. ***If you plan to utilize this shuttle, please let us k now which one you92ll be coming on so we know how many seats to bring.spa oddess at psybotik***bluegoddess at psybotik*** 0016e6d9 579e978504735128ee
#4331 Mon, 14 Sep 2009 21:07:02 Mon, 14 Sep 2009 21:07:02 Tue, 15 Sep 2009 00:07:02 From: Blue Goddess bluegoddess at psybotikT.O.U.C.H. Samadhi Presents EQUINOX September 18-20 0016e659f9b8203f60047395ea4e EQUINOX THE T.O.U.C.H. SAMADHI 6TH ANNUAL ARTS AND MUSIC FESTIVAL SEPTEMBER 18-20 95 2009 95 DEERFIELDS 95 ASHEVILLE, NC Presales $55 web to uchsamadhi/events/equinox MAINSTAGE LIVE: Electrypnose – Digital Psioni cs – Switzerland Aerosis – Suntrip Records – CA/MN Earworm – C Mubali – 2to6 Records – TX Primordial Ooze – Divine Balance – WI/IL Annun aki – T.O.U.C.H. Samadhi – NC DJ: Aerosis – Suntrip Records – CA/MN Electri k – Psybotik – NYC Dave Henshaw – Sonic Beating – MA Kameleon & Labyrinth – Pure Perception – SC Brainlizzard – Those People – NC Cinder – Anomalistic – GA Kri – T.O.U.C.H. Samadhi – NC BSM – T.O.U.C.H. Samadhi – OR KT – T.O. U.C.H. Samadhi – IL Medisin – T.O.U.C.H. Samadhi – NC Iduna – T.O.U.C.H. Sa madhi – NC Psyoptic Mindstimuli by DEVOTEE SECOND STAGE LIVE: Electrypnose Primordial Ooze Naiad Daiad Quetzatl OpenSourceCode LOGOS Piltdown Sound Me canikill? A.S.P. DJ: Nod Xist BSM Tofer Fuzz Alex Falk & Joel Cox Olof D.Ra igosa & Klaws Geo Dialectic Sines Shad Michael Curran MedEvil Andrew Herlih y Mydriasis Panties the Clown Visuals: Night Light Riders THIRD STAGE LIVE: Silver Machine Sonmi Suite Moving Temple BRING EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO SURV IVE COMFORTABLY FOR 3 DAYS IN THE WILDERNESS. Ins/Outs are highly discourag ed and reserved for emergencies. BRING YOUR OWN WATER, 2 gallons a day is s uggested. What else to bring: flashlights, floats for the lakes, mtn. bikes … Fires will only be allowed in designated fire circles. NO DOGS !!!!! Yo u will not be allowed in. Pirate sound-systems are not allowed! Gate opens Friday at Noon 18 and up, kids under 13 are loved, cherished and free with guardian. Pre-registered by September 1st: $55 At the Gate: $70 Full name o f attendees required with registration Presales $55 Go to the website for t ickets or pay with paypal to touch.samadhi at gmail Full name of atten dees required with registration! location: web deerfields Direct ions: 101 Watagnee Tr. Horse Shoe, NC 28742 From the East or the West… * Follow I-40 to I-26. * Take I-26 East towards the Asheville Airport, then . .. From the North or the South… * Take I-26 to Exit 40 (Old Exit 9, Ashev ille Regional Airport Exit). * Take 280 West towards Brevard (go past the a irport). * Go exactly 4.5 miles from the Airport Road Exit and turn right o n South Mills River Road. It’s the next right past the turn for North Mills River Campground. * Stay on South Mills River Road for 5 miles to the dead end. * Turn right on the newly paved (Watagnee Trail)… you’ll see the De erfields Sign Come up the Watagnee Trail for .3 mile. Stay straight where t he road narrows (bear right of the Deerfields Sign) and you’ll drive throug h the Deerfields entrance. Continue up the driveway for .7 mile to the Cabi n-Lake area. main website: web touchsamadhi Talk soon, Love Life Kri Mastering and Mixing Service: web audiovalve.org/ Music: web touchsamadhi/djs/Kri web myspace/annunakisamadhi web myspace/Shapestatic web myspace/audiovalve Body Piercin g: web diamondthieves.net Join psy/goa trance talk: groups.go 0016e659f9b8203f60047395ea4e THE T.O.U.C.H. SAMADHI 6TH ANNUAL ARTS AND MUSIC FESTIVAL SEPTEMBER 18-20 95 2009 95 DEERFIELDS 95 ASHEVILLE, NC Presales $55 http ://web touchsamadhi/events/equinoxweb touchsamadhi/events/ equinox MAINSTAGE LIVE: Electrypnose – Digital Psionics – Switzerl and Aerosis – Suntrip Records – CA/MN Mubali – 2to6 Records – TX Primordial Ooze – Divine Balance – WI/IL Annunaki – T. O.U.C.H. Samadhi – NC DJ: Aerosis – Suntrip Records – CA/MN Electrik – Psybotik – NYC Dave Henshaw – Sonic Beating – MA Kameleon & Labyrinth – Pure Perception – SC Brainlizzard – Those People – NC Cinder – Anomali stic – GA Kri – T.O.U.C.H. Samadhi – NC BSM – T.O.U.C.H. Samadhi – OR KT – T.O.U.C.H. Samadhi – IL Medisin – T.O.U.C.H. Samadhi – NC Iduna – T.O. U.C.H. Samadhi – NC Psyoptic Mindstimuli by DEVOTEE SECOND STAGE LIV E: Electrypnose Primordial Ooze Naiad Daiad Quetzatl OpenSourceCode L OGOS Piltdown Sound Mecanikill? A.S.P. DJ: Nod Xist BSM Tofer Fuz z Alex Falk & Joel Cox Olof D.Raigosa & Klaws Geo Dialectic Si nes Shad Michael Curran MedEvil Andrew Herlihy Mydriasis Panties the Clown Visuals: Night Light Riders THIRD STAGE LIVE: Silver Machine Sonmi Suite Moving Temple BRING EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO SURVIVE COMFORTA BLY FOR 3 DAYS IN THE WILDERNESS. Ins/Outs are highly discouraged and rese rved for emergencies. BRING YOUR OWN WATER, 2 gallons a day is suggested. What else to bring: flashlights, floats for the lakes, mtn. bikes… Fires will only be allowed in designated fire circles. NO DOGS !!!!! You will no t be allowed in. Pirate sound-systems are not allowed! Gate opens Frida y at Noon 18 and up, kids under 13 are loved, cherished and free with guar dian. Pre-registered by September 1st: $55 At the Gate: $70 Full name of attendees required with registration Presales $55 Go to the website for tickets or pay with paypalpaypal to hre of attendees required with registration! location: web .deerfieldsweb deerfields Directions: 101 Watagnee Tr. Horse Shoe, NC 28742 From the East or the West… * Follow I-40 to I-26. * Take I-26 East towards the Asheville Airport, then … From the North or the South… * Take I-26 to Exit 40 (Old Exit 9, Asheville Region al Airport Exit). * Take 280 West towards Brevard (go past the airport). * Go exactly 4.5 miles from the Airport Road Exit and turn right on South M ills River Road. It’s the next right past the turn for North Mills Riv er Campground. * Stay on South Mills River Road for 5 miles to the dead en d. * Turn right on the newly paved (Watagnee Trail)… you’ll see the Deerfields Sign Come up the Watagnee Trail for .3 mile. Stay straight where the road narrows (bear right of the Deerfields Sign) and you’ll drive through the Deerfields entrance. Continue up the driveway for .7 mile to th e Cabin-Lake area. main website: web touchsamadhi web touchsamadhi Talk soon, Love Life Kri Mastering an d Mixing Service: web audiovalve.org/web audiov alve.org/ Music: web touchsamadhi/djs/Kriweb touchsamadhi/djs/Kri web myspace/ann unakisamadhiweb myspace/annunakisamadhi web myspace/Shapestaticweb myspace/Shapestatic hr Body Piercing: web diamondthieves.netweb diamondthieves.net Join psy/goa trance talk: group 0016e659f9b8203f60047395ea4e
#4332 Thu, 17 Sep 2009 17:29:34 From: “salmajane” planetdrum at gmailOT – Psychedelically Inspired Film Screening Manifesting the Mind I am organizing this event with Nadya Peeva of Spiral Story for Daniel Pin chbeck and his gang at Reality Sandwich, and I believe it is going to be qu ite interesting. -Salma Manifesting the Mind Film Screening & Group Discu ssion with Filmmaker Sunday, October 4, 2009 – 7:00pm – 11:00pm Manifest ing the Mind Screening Hosted by Reality Sandwich, Souldish and Spiral Stor y Why are psychedelics so brutally suppressed in our culture? What exactly are some of the psychedelic plants and chemicals and how can they benefit us? With philosophy and insight from Dennis McKenna, Daniel Pinchbeck, Alex Grey, and many others, this film is not to be missed by anyone interested in psychedelics and shamanism. Interviews include – Robert Bussinger, Mike Crowley, Timothy Freke, Peter Gandy, Alex Grey, Clark Heinrich, Nick Herber t, John Major Jenkins, Dennis McKenna, Terence McKenna, Daniel Pinchbeck, a nd Dr. Rick Strassman. Then join filmmaker Andrew Rutajit, psychologist Dr . Neal Goldsmith and the d Policy Alliance’s Jag Davies (formerly of MAP S and the ACLU) for lively conversation between our special guest speakers and the audience. Expect to participate in thought provoking discussions. T he film, produced by Bouncing Bear Films and created by Andrew Rutajit, is the first in a series of three films discussing various aspects of shamanis m and is a broad look at psychedelics in general. Andrew Rutajit is formerl y from Gnostic Press. His previous work in the field include Astrotheology and Shamanism and the Pharmacratic Inquisition. You will be able to purchas e advanced tickets at the Wild Project website. See Andrew’s blog here: ht tp://web souldish/2009/09/16/manifesting-the-mind-the-significance-of-d mt-by-andrew-rutajit/ s (7p, $11 adv, $15 dr) Wild Project 195 east 3rd St. New York City, NY 10 009 Advance tickets web web ovationtix/trs/pr/691735 web the wildproject web bouncingbearbotanicals/dvdmanifesting-mind-p -697
#4333 Thu, 17 Sep 2009 19:38:20 17 Sep 2009 19:38:18 Thu, 17 Sep 2009 22:38:18 From: Blue Goddess bluegoddess at Psybotik Halloween 10-31-09 with Treavor Moontribe and FM Radio Gods LIVE!!! PSYBOTIK Presents GIANT MECHANICAL SPIDERS Saturday 10-31-09 ***HALLOWEEN** * Featuring: Treavor Moontribe *DJ Set* (Iboga Records/Desert Dwellers/Dese rt Trax/White Swan Records/Native State Records/Omnis Recordings) – Los Ang eles One of America’s top Psy-Trance/Progressive DJ’s, co-founder of the le gendary Moontribe desert parties in Southern California and Head of A&R for dance/electronic music at the leading digital distributor INgrooves. As a DJ and Producer, Treavor is known for being extremely diverse. Although mos t known for his psy and progressive trance sound, he is also known to be qu ite unpredictable often playing deep techno, electro, house, breaks and muc h more. This gives him the unique ability to DJ at any party and at anytime . His consistency lies in his love for deep, moody and psychedelic music, n ot to mention is tip top mixing and programming abilities. As a Producer, T reavor is part of the famed group Desert Dwellers. With his partner Amani F riend and various collaborators, the duo have an impressive discography dat ing back to 2001 when they were known as Amani vs. Teapot. The duo have rem ixed the likes of Deep Forest and had their tracks/remixes on labels like B edrock, System Recordings, Cubic Digital, Omnis Recordings, Existence Recor ds, White Swan Records, Wakyo Japan, Millennium Records and their own impri nt Desert Trax. web myspace/djtreavor web moontribe.org/FM RADIO GODS * LIVE* (Attitude Recordings) – Montreal, Canada FM Radio Gods is Andrew Hami lton and Tao-Nhan Nguyen. Since their debut in 2006, FM Radio Gods has beco me known as true heavyweight producers – always ready to deliver a powerful ly-dynamic live act. Incorporating everything from minimal house to glitchy electro, the Montreal duo has come a long way and is not showing any signs of letting up. 2007 saw the first wave of releases on such labels as Iboga and Blue Tunes. It did not take long for original tracks like “Freeflow” t o climb past the top 50 on Beatport’s progressive house network. This same year, FM brought Attitude Recordings into existence acting as the labels di rectional driving force. 2008 gave way to a frenzy of releases on labels su ch as Tribal Vision and Plastik Park, including a slew of collaborations wi th artists in the likes of Motion, Beauty and the Beat, Antix and True Lies . The year came to a close with a 1st prize victory in the national Roland synthesizer contest – the result of a collaboration between FM Radio Gods a nd Ali Emad (aka eFem). 2009 opened with a North American booking contract with Akarien booking management followed by releases on Baroque Records (fe aturing a remix by Tobias Lutzenkirchen), Tribal Vision (featuring a remix by Presslaboys) and of course, Attitude Recordings. Currently, they are pla nning a cooperation with Swedish act Ticon as well as working on their firs t album. web myspace/fmradiogods web attituderecordings Main Room: Prog, Psytrance, Techno, Electro House Electrik (Psybotik) – NYC Mayur (Psy botik/Spectra) – NYC Dysform (Psybotik) – NYC Side Room: Electro House, Bre aks, Tech House, Prog, Darkpsy Messenger Particle (Psybotik) – NYC Hypnotoa d (Light-O-Matic / PSI) – NYC Tremendous Gloom Miami More TBA85 Fire and D ance: Luminisis Colorfull Artist-NYC web colorfullartist Visuals: nasha masha (Psybotik) – NYC Sound: Light-O-Matic – NYC web lightomatic Deco r: Dana (Sonic Beating) 96 Boston web sonicbeating.org Come Early for Free UV body spray paint and Hand Job Salon!!! Saturday 10-31-09 10pm – 6AM Doo rs Open at 9PM Public Assembly 70 North 6th St Brooklyn, NY FREE Before 10p m $15 Advance $20 Reduced List or before 11 PM $25 After 11 pm ***$5 Off Do or if in Costume -*- Also Applies to Reduced List Before 11PM*** Join Reduc ed List and Get Tickets at web psybotik Presents GIANT MECHANICAL SPI DERS Saturday 10-31-09 ***HALLOWEEN*** Featuring: Treavor Moontribe *D J Set* (Iboga Records/Desert Dwellers/Desert Trax/White Swan Records/Native State Records/Omnis Recordings) – Los Angeles One of America’s top Ps y-Trance/Progressive DJ’s, co-founder of the legendary Moontribe desert parties in Southern California and Head of A&R for dance/electronic mu sic at the leading digital distributor INgrooves. As a DJ and Producer, Tre avor is known for being extremely diverse. Although most known for his ps y and progressive trance sound, he is also known to be quite unpredictable often playing deep techno, electro, house, breaks and much more. This gives him the unique ability to DJ at any party and at anytime. His consistency lies in his love for deep, moody and psychedelic music, not to mention is t ip top mixing and programming abilities. As a Producer, Treavor is part o f the famed group Desert Dwellers. With his partner Amani Friend and variou s collaborators, the duo have an impressive discography dating back to 2001 when they were known as Amani vs. Teapot. The duo have remixed the likes o f Deep Forest and had their tracks/remixes on labels like Bedrock, System R ecordings, Cubic Digital, Omnis Recordings, Existence Records, White Swan R ecords, Wakyo Japan, Millennium Records and their own imprint Desert Trax. com/djtreavor ww.moontribe.org/ FM RADIO GODS *LIVE* (Attitude Recordings) – Montr eal, Canada FM Radio Gods is Andrew Hamilton and Tao-Nhan Nguyen. Since th eir debut in 2006, FM Radio Gods has become known as true heavyweight produ cers – always ready to deliver a powerfully-dynamic live act. Incorporating everything from minimal house to glitchy electro, the Montreal duo has com e a long way and is not showing any signs of letting up. 2007 saw the fir st wave of releases on such labels as Iboga and Blue Tunes. It did not take long for original tracks like “Freeflow” to climb past the top 5 0 on Beatport’s progressive house network. This same year, FM brought A ttitude Recordings into existence acting as the labels directional driving force. 2008 gave way to a frenzy of releases on labels such as Tribal Vis ion and Plastik Park, including a slew of collaborations with artists in th e likes of Motion, Beauty and the Beat, Antix and True Lies. The year came to a close with a 1st prize victory in the national Roland synthesizer cont est – the result of a collaboration between FM Radio Gods and Ali Emad (aka eFem). 2009 opened with a North American booking contract with Akarien bo oking management followed by releases on Baroque Records (featuring a remix by Tobias Lutzenkirchen), Tribal Vision (featuring a remix by Presslaboys) and of course, Attitude Recordings. Currently, they are planning a coopera tion with Swedish act Ticon as well as working on their first album. hre fmradiogods ankweb attituderecordings Main Room: Prog, Psytrance, Techno, E lectro House Electrik (Psybotik) – NYC Mayur (Psybotik/Spectra) – NYC Dysf orm (Psybotik) – NYC Side Room: Electro House, Breaks, Tech House, Prog, Darkpsy Me (Psybotik) – NYC Hypnotoad (Light-O-Matic / PS I) – NYC Tremendous Gloom Miami More TBA85 Fire and Dance: Luminisis Colorfull Artist-NYC “blankweb colorfullartist Visuals: nashamasha (Psybotik) – N YC Sound: Light-O-Matic – NYC web lightomatic. Decor: Dana (Sonic Bea ting) 96 Boston web sonicbeating.org Come Early for Free UV body spray paint and Hand Job Salon!!! Saturday 10-31-09 10pm – 6AM Doors Open at 9PM Public Ass embly 70 North 6th St Brooklyn, NY FREE Before 10pm $15 Advance $20 Reduced List or before 11 PM $25 After 11 pm ***$5 Off Door if i n Costume -*- Also Applies to Reduced List Before 11PM*** Join Reduced Li web psybotik
#4334 Fri, 18 Sep 2009 03:37:47 From: “alladinproject” alladinproject at yahooAlladin Group Present ORB REUNION KOX BOX POLI….. Fri Sep 18th at club exit hey guys we are fully recovered from orb 2009 that was amazing experience from all the aspects We are happy to announce on the official orb festival reunion party that will take place at club exit With allot of great music be st vibe and killer energy looking forward to see you all Alladin/orb festiv al crew LineUp: Main floor KOX BOX Live (Twisted Records) IBIZA ww w.myspace/koxbox303 FIRST APPEARANCE IN NYC POLI (Spun Records ) IBIZA GMS FAMILY web myspace/polimusic BRANDON ADAMS (Dreamcatcher) /NYC web myspace/497009 ORBIT (Alladin Group /Orb festival)IL/J P web alladinproject.net BETWEEN DEVICES (Global W-Team Boston) BRA ZIL web myspace/betweendevices GAVIN (Spectra) NYC Electro R oom: DJ KONTAKT (army collective) PH THIRD EAR SYNDROME (bactria) NYC MES SENGER PARTICLE (Psybotik) NYC Visual by NashaMasha (psybotik nyc) Plasm o ( psybotik nyc) Live Painting by Gizem Bacaz Seed Gallery Mami San NYC Decoration: Main room Ocular Delight( Alladin group) CT Alladin deco team web dividemysky/oculardelight/events.php Electro room NephilNine (NYC) Lighting by Audiolust 18 to ent er 21 to drink with valid ID Doors open 10 pm 96 6 am “Birthday special ” Whoever has a birthday on the party weekend will have a free entry $20 till 12 am $30 after 12 am Location: CLUB EXIT 149 GREENPOINT AVE. BROOKLYN, N Y 11222 Street Map: Directions: By Subway: Take the L train to Redford stop and transfer to the 61 bus go down in Greenpoint Av e, (5 mint) Or: take the L train to metropolitan Ave & transfer to the G tr ain to Green point Ave. the Club is right across the street. Or: G train to green point Ave Subway Map: web mta.nyc.ny.us/nyct/maps/submap Bus: 61, 43, to Green point Ave Bus map: web mta.nyc.ny.us/nyct/map s/busbkln.pdf By Car: Take BQE (I-278) to Exit 33 McGuiness Blvd,towards Green point Ave, Turn LEFT at Green point Ave Proceed to 149 Green point Av e. By car-service / Taxi: From Manhattan costs about $15 From Bedford Stat ion it costs about $6 Our next party will be at take place at Club Exit Fri day October 16th Line up TBA web AlladinProject.net Happy birthday L iza Happy Jewish new year See you all on the trance floor Please join our groups so we can keep you connected ALLADIN GROUP ho ORB FESTIVAL GROUP
#4335 Mon, 21 Sep 2009 18:34:01 Mon, 21 Sep 2009 18:34:30 Mon, 21 Sep 2009 18:33:26 From: scott scott at 28thdayHorizons: Perspectives on Psychedelics Sept 25-27, 2009 at Judson Memorial Church in NYC Learn more at “horizonsnyc.org/horizonsnyc.org/ Questions? Press inquiries? Horizons is a new forum for learning about psychedelics, held annually in New York City. The goal of the conference is to open a fresh dialogue on the role of psychedelics in medicine, culture, history, spirituality, and art. In recent years, a small group of dedicated researchers, scholars, and activists has orchestrated a renaissance that is re-shaping the public’s understanding of these unique substances. Horizons brings together the brightest minds and the boldest voices of this movement to share their research, insights, and dreams for the future. Presenters on Saturday, September 26th and Sunday the 27th will be: Alicia Danforth (UCLA), Earth & Fire (Erowid Center), Robert Jesse (Council on Spiritual Practices), Andy Letcher (author, Shroom), Valerie Mojeiko (MAPS), William Richards, Ph.D. (Johns Hopkins), Stephen Ross, M.D. (NYU), Franz Vollwenweider, M.D. (U. of Zurich), and cluster headache research advocate, Bob Wold. On Friday evening September 25th, there will be an opening reception party featuring inflatable sculptures from Anakin Koenig; “The Bike Trip,” a monologue by Martin Dockery; a photographic history of the psychedelic movement’s faces by Marc Franklin; and a performance by the Gamelatron, the world’s first and only robotic gamelan orchestra. DETAILS Horizons: Perspectives on Psychedelics Judson Memorial Church 55 Washington Square South New York, NY 10012 (A, C, E, B, D, F, V to W. 4th St) September 25th, 8pm-midnight (reception) September 26th, 10am-6pm September 27th, 2009, 2pm-6pm Tickets ($30 and up) are on sale now at “horizonsnyc.org/tickets.phphorizonsnyc.org/tickets.php All tickets include admission to the reception and both days of the conference Tickets are available on the days of the event (cash only). Reception only tickets are available for $10 (cash only). Want to volunteer? “tinyurl/horizons09volunteertinyurl/horizons09volunteer Join us on Facebook at “tinyurl/horizons09fbtinyurl/horizons09fb Learn more at “horizonsnyc.orghorizonsnyc.org Questions?
#4336 Mon, 28 Sep 2009 09:26:13 TripoutnyOct 1st – PSYCHEGROUND at Sullivan Room w/ RANDOM, PRISHVIN MESS, NEALIKA, PHASEPHOUR and KEN 0-499240183-1254155173:4607 This summer season was filled with festivities and parties that put smiles on our faces. As the end of the summer draws close, we would like to gather one last night for a few very special reasons. This will be our beloved, Sana’s going away party. Please come stomp with her one last time. Also, we will celebrate one of our close friends: Carol’s birthday* For this special evening, we have a massive lineup from the best of both, the East and the West coast. Two of west coast’s finest, Random from Geomagnetic and Nealika from Psytribe will take the decks. We have Prishvin Mess from Antishanti Rec and DJ Ken to represent the local east. Its gonna be a night of non-stop killer psytrance! Lineup: – RANDOM (Geomagnetic.tv, SF) – PRISHVIN MESS (AntiShanti Records) – PHASEPHOUR (Geomagnetic.tv, Norway) – KeN (Bella Gaia/ Dreamcatcher) – NEALIKA (PsyTribe LA/Mexico) Deco by the Dreamcatchers AND Neuronymphonic ** October 1st, 10pm – 4am ** at Sullivan Room, New York City web sullivanroom 218 Sullivan St (between Bleecker and West 3rd St, 2 blocks east of 6th Ave) General Admission: $15.00 RSVP to psycheground at yahoo for $5.00 reduced list 21+ with ID Subway: A, B, C, D, E, F, or V trains to “W 4 St – Wash Sq” web myspace/psycheground web myspace/geomagnetic web myspace/tdcIsvara web myspace/nydj4life 0-499240183-1254155173:4607 As the end of the summer draws close, we would like to gather one last night for a few very special reasons. This will be our beloved, Sana’s going away party. Please come stomp with her one last time. Also, we will celebrate one of our close friends: Carol’s birthday* For this special evening, we have a massive lineup from the best of both, the East and the West coast. Two of west coast’s finest, Random from Geomagnetic and Nealika from Psytribe will take the decks. We have Prishvin Mess from Antishanti Rec and DJ Ken to represent the local east. Its gonna be a night of non-stop killer psytrance! Lineup: Deco by the Dreamcatchers AND Neuronymphonic ** October 1st, 10pm – 4am ** at Sullivan Room, New York City rel”nofollow” ” target”blankweb sullivanroom 218 Sullivan St (between Bleecker and West 3rd St, 2 blocks east of 6th Ave) General Admission: $15.00 21+ with ID Subway: A, B, C, D, E, F, or V trains to “W 4 St – Wash Sq”
October 2009
#4337 Thu, 1 Oct 2009 10:34:25 TripoutnyOct 1st – PSYCHEGROUND at Sullivan Room w/ RANDOM, PRISHVIN MESS, NEALIKA, PHASEPHOUR and KEN 0-223220193-1254418465:78321 This summer season was filled with festivities and parties that put smiles on our faces. As the end of the summer draws close, we would like to gather one last night for a few very special reasons. This will be our beloved, Sana’s going away party. Please come stomp with her one last time. Also, we will celebrate one of our close friends: Carol’s birthday* For this special evening, we have a massive lineup from the best of both, the East and the West coast. Two of west coast’s finest, Random from Geomagnetic and Nealika from Psytribe will take the decks. We have Prishvin Mess from Antishanti Rec and DJ Ken to represent the local east. Its gonna be a night of non-stop killer psytrance! Lineup: – RANDOM (Geomagnetic.tv, SF) – PRISHVIN MESS (AntiShanti Records) – PHASEPHOUR (Geomagnetic.tv, Norway) – KeN (Bella Gaia/ Dreamcatcher) – NEALIKA (PsyTribe LA/Mexico) Deco by the Dreamcatchers AND Neuronymphonic ** October 1st, 10pm – 4am ** at Sullivan Room, New York City 218 Sullivan St (between Bleecker and West 3rd St, 2 blocks east of 6th Ave) General Admission: $15.00 RSVP to psycheground at yahoo for $5.00 reduced list 21+ with ID Subway: A, B, C, D, E, F, or V trains to “W 4 St – Wash Sq” web myspace/psycheground web myspace/geomagnetic web myspace/tdcIsvara web myspace/nydj4life 0-223220193-1254418465:78321 As the end of the summer draws close, we would like to gather one last night for a few very special reasons. This will be our beloved, Sana’s going away party. Please come stomp with her one last time. Also, we will celebrate one of our close friends: Carol’s birthday* For this special evening, we have a massive lineup from the best of both, the East and the West coast. Two of west coast’s finest, Random from Geomagnetic and Nealika from Psytribe will take the decks. We have Prishvin Mess from Antishanti Rec and DJ Ken to represent the local east. Its gonna be a night of non-stop killer psytrance! Lineup: Deco by the Dreamcatchers AND Neuronymphonic ** October 1st, 10pm – 4am ** at Sullivan Room, New York City target”blank” 218 Sullivan St (between Bleecker and West 3rd St, 2 blocks east of 6th Ave) General Admission: $15.00 21+ with ID Subway: A, B, C, D, E, F, or V trains to “W 4 St – Wash Sq”
#4338 Thu, 01 Oct 2009 19:55:39 01 Oct 2009 19:47:50 Thu, 1 Oct 2009 22:47:50 From: Blue Goddess bluegoddess at Psybotik Halloween 10-31-09 with Treavor Moontribe and FM Radio Gods LIVE!!! 00504502c60d39d4790474eaca28 Today an encrypted message has reached Psybotik headquarters in New York Ci ty. It took us many hours of decoding to realize that this was in fact a wa rning and that all of us are in grave danger! Giant Mechanical Spiders hav e escaped a highly secured facility in the region, and are expected begin t heir wrath on our dear city on All Hallows Eve85 Saturday October 31st. Th e beasts have been programmed to weave webs of fear and despair then trap p eople to slowly suck their souls out85 Immediately we knew that somthing must be done! We must stop the approaching tragedy! We are going to track them into the darkest, dankest, dingiest corner of Brooklyn and fight them with what they fear most – Music, Fire and Vitality! Psybotik is looking f or skilled hunters to join us! Help us fight back the Evil Giant Mechanical Spiders! Invite everyone and wear your most unfathomable costumes! WE will not let them trap us in their webs! PSYBOTIK Presents GIANT MECHANICAL S PIDERS Saturday 10-31-09 ***HALLOWEEN*** Featuring: Treavor Moontribe *NYC Debut* (Iboga Records/Desert Dwellers/Desert Trax/White Swan Records/N ative State Records/Omnis Recordings) – Los Angeles One of America’s top P sy-Trance/Progressive DJ’s, co-founder of the legendary Moontribe desert pa rties in Southern California and Head of A&R for dance/electronic music at the leading digital distributor INgrooves. As a DJ and Producer, Treavor is known for being extremely diverse. Although most known for his psy and pr ogressive trance sound, he is also known to be quite unpredictable often pl aying deep techno, electro, house, breaks and much more. This gives him the unique ability to DJ at any party and at anytime. His consistency lies in his love for deep, moody and psychedelic music, not to mention is tip top m ixing and programming abilities. As a Producer, Treavor is part of the fam ed group Desert Dwellers. With his partner Amani Friend and various collabo rators, the duo have an impressive discography dating back to 2001 when the y were known as Amani vs. Teapot. The duo have remixed the likes of Deep Fo rest and had their tracks/remixes on labels like Bedrock, System Recordings Cubic Digital, Omnis Recordings, Existence Records, White Swan Records, W akyo Japan, Millennium Records and their own imprint Desert Trax. web myspa ce/djtreavor web moontribe.org/ FM RADIO GODS *LIVE* (Attitude Record ings) – Montreal, Canada FM Radio Gods is Andrew Hamilton and Tao-Nhan Ngu yen. Since their debut in 2006, FM Radio Gods has become known as true heav yweight producers – always ready to deliver a powerfully-dynamic live act. Incorporating everything from minimal house to glitchy electro, the Montrea l duo has come a long way and is not showing any signs of letting up. 2007 saw the first wave of releases on such labels as Iboga and Blue Tunes. It did not take long for original tracks like “Freeflow” to climb past the top 50 on Beatport’s progressive house network. This same year, FM brought Att itude Recordings into existence acting as the labels directional driving fo rce. 2008 gave way to a frenzy of releases on labels such as Tribal Vision and Plastik Park, including a slew of collaborations with artists in the l ikes of Motion, Beauty and the Beat, Antix and True Lies. The year came to a close with a 1st prize victory in the national Roland synthesizer contest – the result of a collaboration between FM Radio Gods and Ali Emad (aka eF em). 2009 opened with a North American booking contract with Akarien booki ng management followed by releases on Baroque Records (featuring a remix by Tobias Lutzenkirchen), Tribal Vision (featuring a remix by Presslaboys) an d of course, Attitude Recordings. Currently, they are planning a cooperatio n with Swedish act Ticon as well as working on their first album. web myspa ce/fmradiogods web attituderecordings Main Room: Prog, Psytrance, Techno, Electro House Electrik (Psybotik) – NYC Mayur (Psybotik/Spectra) – NYC Dysform (Psybotik) – NYC Side Room: Techno, Electro House, Breaks, Tech House, Prog, Darkpsy Me (Psybotik) – NYC Hypnotoad (L ight-O-Matic / PSI) – NYC Dave Henshaw (Sonic Beating) 96 NYC Tremendous G loom – Miami More TBA85 Fire and Dance: Luminisis (Colorfull Artist) – NYC web colorfullartist Marria Grace (Boston Hoop Troop) – NYC Will San quil – NYC Victor (Psybotik) – NYC Special Aerial Performace: Sandhi Ferre ira Visuals: Alchemism ForeSight Plasmo Max Nova Masha Sound: Light-O-Mat ic – NYC web lightomatic Decor: Sonic Beating 96 Boston web sonicbea ting.org Come Early for Free UV body spray paint and Hand Job Salon!!! Sa turday 10-31-09 10pm – 6AM Doors Open at 9PM Public Assembly 70 North 6th St Brooklyn, NY FREE Before 10pm $15 Advance $20 before 11 PM $25 After 11 pm ***$5 Off Door if in Costume or on reduced list*** web web paypal. Join Reduced List and Get Tickets at web psybotik 00504502c60d39d4790474eaca28 Today an encrypted message has reached Psybotik headquarters in New Yo rk City. It took us many hours of decoding to realize that this w as in fact a warning and that all of us are in grave danger! Giant Mechanical Spiders have escaped a highly secured facility in the region, and are expected begin their wrath on our dear city on All Hallows Eve85 Saturday October 31st. The beasts have been progra mmed to weave webs of fear and despair then trap people to slowly suck thei r souls out85 Immediately we knew that somthing must be done! We must stop the approaching tragedy! We are go ing to track them into the darkest, dankest, dingiest corner of Brooklyn an d fight them with what they fear most – Music, Fire and Vitality ! Psybotik is looking for skilled hunters to join u s! Help us fight back the Evil Giant Mechanical Spiders! Invite e veryone and wear your most unfathomable costumes! WE will not le t them trap us in their webs! PSYBO TIK Presents GIANT MECHANICAL SPIDERS /d iv Saturday 10-31-09 ***HALLOWEEN*** d iv Featuring: Treavo r Moontribe *NYC Debut* (Iboga Records/Desert Dwellers/Desert Tra x/White Swan Records/Native State Records/Omnis Recordings) – One of America’s top Psy-Trance/Prog ressive DJ’s, co-founder of the legendary Moontribe desert parties in S outhern California and Head of A&R for dance/electronic music at the le ading digital distributor INgrooves. As a DJ and Producer, Treavor is known for being extremely diverse. Although most kn own for his psy and progressive trance sound, he is also known to be quite unpredictable often playing deep techno, electro, house, breaks and much mo re. This gives him the unique ability to DJ at any party and at anytime. Hi s consistency lies in his love for deep, moody and psychedelic music, not t o mention is tip top mixing and programming abilities. / With his partner Amani Friend and various collaborators, the duo have an i mpressive discography dating back to 2001 when they were known as Amani vs. Teapot. The duo have remixed the likes of Deep Forest and had their tracks /remixes on labels like Bedrock, System Recordings, Cubic Digital, Omnis Re cordings, Existence Records, White Swan Records, Wakyo Japan, Millennium Re cords and their own imprint Desert Trax. web m yspace/djtreavorweb myspace/djtreavor ht tp://web moontribe.org/web moontribe.org/ b rFM RADIO GODS *LIVE* (Attitude Recordings) – Mont real, Canada FM Radio Gods is Andrew Hamilton and Tao-Nhan Nguyen. Since their debut in 2006, FM Radio Gods has become known as true heavyweight producers – always ready to deliver a powerfully-dynam ic live act. Incorporating everything from minimal house to glitchy electro the Montreal duo has come a long way and is not showing any signs of lett ing up. 2007 saw the first wave of releases on such labels as Iboga and Blue Tunes. It did not take long for original tra cks like “Freeflow” to climb past the top 50 on Beatport’s pr ogressive house network. This same year, FM brought Attitude Recordings int o existence acting as the labels directional driving force. 2008 gave way to a frenzy of releases on labels such as Triba l Vision and Plastik Park, including a slew of collaborations with artists in the likes of Motion, Beauty and the Beat, Antix and True Lies. The year came to a close with a 1st prize victory in the national Roland synthesizer contest – the result of a collaboration between FM Radio Gods and Ali Emad (aka eFem). 2009 opened with a North American bo oking contract with Akarien booking management followed by releases on Baro que Records (featuring a remix by Tobias Lutzenkirchen), Tribal Vision (fea turing a remix by Presslaboys) and of course, Attitude Recordings. Currentl y, they are planning a cooperation with Swedish act Ticon as well as workin g on their first album. web myspace/fmradi ogodsweb myspace/fmradiogods web atti Main Room: Prog, Psytrance, Techno, Electro House di v Electrik (Psybotik) – NYC Mayur (Psybotik/Spectr a) – NYC Dysform (Psybotik) – NYC / y Me (Psybotik) – NYC di vHypnotoad (Light-O-Matic / PSI) – NYC Dave Henshaw (Sonic Beati ng) 96 NYC Tremendous Gloom – Miami Mor e TBA85 Fire and Dance: is (Colorfull Artist) – NYC Apple-tab-span” white-sp ace:pre web colorfullartistweb .colorfullartist Marria Grace (Boston Hoop Troop) – NYC/ Special Aerial Performace: Visuals: Alchemism ForeSight P lasmo Max Nova Masha Sound:sp Light-O-Matic – NYC Apple-tab-span” white-spac e:pre web lightomaticweb ligh Decor: Sonic Beating 96 Boston web sonicbeating.orgweb sonicbeating.org Come Early for Free UV body spray paint and Hand Job Salon!!! Saturday 10-31-09 10pm – 6 AM Doors Open at 9PM Public Assembly/di v70 North 6th St Brooklyn, NY FREE Before 10pm $15 Advance $20 b efore 11 PM $25 After 11 pm ***$5 Off Door if i n Costume or on reduced list*** https:/ Join Reduced List and Get Ticke ts at web psybotikweb psybotik b r
#4339 Mon, 05 Oct 2009 10:06:32 From: “alladinproject” alladinproject at yahooAlladin Group Present Fri Oct 16th AZAX SYNDROM MAD MAX aka SIRIUS ISNESS And More at CLUB EXIT NY BIG THANKS to all of you amazing people that came and made orb reunion so s pecial it was very beautiful energy and allot of smiling and dancing next a lladin party will be on Friday October 16th Looking forward to see you all very soon Alladin/orb festival crew LineUp: Main floor MAD MAXX aka SIRIU S ISSNES (Phantasm Records) web myspace/madmaxxspace FIRST APPE ARANCE IN NYC AZAX SYNDROM LIVE (Boa Group, Israel) web myspace /azax web myspace/earwormfrequencies O RBIT (Alladin Group /Orb festival)IL/JP web alladinproject.net BETW EEN DEVICES (Global W-Team Boston) BRAZIL web myspace/betweende vices MAYUR (Spectra/ Psybotik,) NYC Electro Room: GAVIN (Spectra) NY C DAVE HENSHAW (Sonic beating) BOSTON ANIMALTEK (Treibstoff,Elektrotribe) NYC AMMON EP (Sonic beating, Soul trance rec) BOSTON Live Painting by M ami San NYC Decoration: Main room Ocular Delight( Alladin group) CT Alladi n deco team web dividemysky/oculardelight/events.php Electro roo m NephilNine (NYC) Lighting by Audiolust web myspace/audiolust com 18 to enter 21 to drink with valid ID Doors open 10 pm 96 6 am “Birthd ay special ” Whoever has a birthday on the party weekend will have a free e ntry $20 till 12 am $30 after 12 am Location: CLUB EXIT 149 GREENPOINT AVE . BROOKLYN, NY 11222 Street Map: Directions: By Subw ay: Take the L train to Redford stop and transfer to the 61 bus go down in Greenpoint Ave, (5 mint) Or: take the L train to metropolitan Ave & transfe r to the G train to Green point Ave. the Club is right across the street. O r: G train to green point Ave Subway Map: web mta.nyc.ny.us/nyct/map s/submap Bus: 61, 43, to Green point Ave Bus map: web mta.nyc.n y.us/nyct/maps/busbkln.pdf By Car: Take BQE (I-278) to Exit 33 McGuiness B lvd,towards Green point Ave, Turn LEFT at Green point Ave Proceed to 149 G reen point Ave. By car-service / Taxi: From Manhattan costs about $15 From Bedford Station it costs about $6 See you all on the trance floor Please join our groups so we can keep you connected ALLADIN GROUP web face ORB FEST IVAL GROUP
#4340 Thu, 15 Oct 2009 05:07:21 From: “alladinproject” alladinproject at yahooTHIS FRI 10/16 AZAX SYNDROM & MAD MAXX DISCOUNTED $20 at CLUB EXIT Dear friends, Only 1 day to go before the amazing artists that we’ve all b een waiting to see perform: AZAX SYNDROM together with MAD MAXX ! It’s goin g to be musical journey. Please COME EARLY (before 12am) TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THE DISCOUNTED $20 ENTRY, and get ready for great vibes and a lot of dan cing. See you all very soon. FULL DETAILS home.php Only 1 day to go before the amazin g artists that we’ve all been waiting to see perform: AZAX SYNDROM together with MAD MAXX ! It’s going to be musical journey. Please COME EARLY (befor e 12am) TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THE DISCOUNTED $20 ENTRY, and get ready for gr eat vibes and a lot of dancing. See you all very soon. FULL DETAILS http:/
#4341 21 Oct 2009 04:02:00 From: TripOutNY Timothy Leary’s Birthday, 10/22/2009, 12:00 am Timothy Leary’s Birthday Thursday October 22, 2009 All Day Timothy Leary’s Birthday Thursday October 22, 2009 All Day 2009
#4342 Wed, 21 Oct 2009 19:55:51 21 Oct 2009 19:55:50 Wed, 21 Oct 2009 22:55:50 From: Blue Goddess bluegoddess at Psybotik Halloween 10-31-09 with Treavor Moontribe and FM Radio Gods LIVE!!! 0016e6d7dfd4a7be3b04767d3bae An encrypted message has reached Psybotik headquarters in New York City. It took us many hours of decoding to realize that this was in fact a warning and that all of us are in grave danger! Giant Mechanical Spiders have escaped a highly secured facility in the region, and are expected begin their wrath on our dear city on All Hallows Eve. The beasts have been programmed to weave webs of fear and despair then trap people to slowly suck their souls out. Immediately we knew that somthing must be done! We must stop the approaching tragedy! We are going to track them into the darkest, dankest, dingiest corner of Brooklyn and fight them with what they fear most -Music, Fire and Vitality! Psybotik is looking for skilled hunters to join us! Help us fight back the Evil Giant Mechanical Spiders! Invite everyone and wear your most unfathomable costumes! WE will not let them trap us in their webs! PSYBOTIK Presents GIANT MECHANICAL SPIDERS ***HALLOWEEN*** Featuring: Treavor Moontribe *NYC Debut* (Iboga Records/Desert Dwellers/Desert Trax/White Swan Records/Native State Records/Omnis Recordings) – Los Angeles One of America’s top Psy-Trance/Progressive DJ’s, co-founder of the legendary Moontribe desert parties in Southern California and Head of A&R for dance/electronic music at the leading digital distributor INgrooves. As a DJ and Producer, Treavor is known for being extremely diverse. Although most known for his psy and progressive trance sound, he is also known to be quite unpredictable often playing deep techno, electro, house, breaks and much more. This gives him the unique ability to DJ at any party and at anytime. His consistency lies in his love for deep, moody and psychedelic music, not to mention is tip top mixing and programming abilities. As a Producer, Treavor is part of the famed group Desert Dwellers. With his partner Amani Friend and various collaborators, the duo have an impressive discography dating back to 2001 when they were known as Amani vs. Teapot. The duo have remixed the likes of Deep Forest and had their tracks/remixes on labels like Bedrock, System Recordings, Cubic Digital, Omnis Recordings, Existence Records, White Swan Records, Wakyo Japan, Millennium Records and their own imprint Desert Trax. web myspace/djtreavor web moontribe.org/ FM RADIO GODS *LIVE* (Attitude Recordings) – Montreal, Canada FM Radio Gods is Andrew Hamilton and Tao-Nhan Nguyen. Since their debut in 2006, FM Radio Gods has become known as true heavyweight producers – always ready to deliver a powerfully-dynamic live act. Incorporating everything from minimal house to glitchy electro, the Montreal duo has come a long way and is not showing any signs of letting up. 2007 saw the first wave of releases on such labels as Iboga and Blue Tunes. It did not take long for original tracks like “Freeflow” to climb past the top 50 on Beatport’s progressive house network. This same year, FM brought Attitude Recordings into existence acting as the labels directional driving force. 2008 gave way to a frenzy of releases on labels such as Tribal Vision and Plastik Park, including a slew of collaborations with artists in the likes of Motion, Beauty and the Beat, Antix and True Lies. The year came to a close with a 1st prize victory in the national Roland synthesizer contest – the result of a collaboration between FM Radio Gods and Ali Emad (aka eFem). 2009 opened with a North American booking contract with Akarien booking management followed by releases on Baroque Records (featuring a remix by Tobias Lutzenkirchen), Tribal Vision (featuring a remix by Presslaboys) and of course, Attitude Recordings. Currently, they are planning a cooperation with Swedish act Ticon as well as working on their first album. web myspace/fmradiogods web attituderecordings Main Room: Prog, Psytrance, Techno, Electro House Electrik (Psybotik) – NYC Mayur (Psybotik/Spectra) – NYC Dysform (Psybotik) – NYC Side Room: Electro House, Breaks, Tech House, Prog, Darkpsy Me (Psybotik) – NYC Dave Henshaw (Sonic Beating) – NYC Hypnotoad (Light-O-Matic / PSI) – NYC Tremendous Gloom- Miami La Rage (Bacteria Records) – NYC Fire and Dance: Luminisis Colorfull Artist-NYC web colorfullartist Marria Grace – (Boston Hoop Troop) Will Sanquil – NYC Victor (Psybotik) – NYC Visuals: Alchemism ForeSight (Bacteria Records) VJ Plasmo- web stanley-design/vj/ Max Nova Masha (Psybotik) Vlat T (Glassbead Collective/NYC) Sound: Light-O-Matic – NYC web lightomatic Decor: Sonic Beating – Boston web sonicbeating.org Come Early for Free UV body spray paint and Hand Job Salon!!! Saturday 10-31-09: 10pm – 6AM Doors Open at 9PM 21+/ID FREE Before 10pm $15 Advance $20 before 11 PM $25 After 11 pm ***$5 Off Door if in Costume or on reduced list*** Anyone on the Psybotik email list is automatically on the reduce list. An encrypted message has reached Psybotik headquarters in Ne w York City. It took us many hours of decoding to realize that this was in fact a warning and that all of us are in grave danger! mar scaped a highly secured facility in the region, and are expected begin thei r wrath on our dear city on All Hallows Eve. The beasts have been progra mmed to weave webs of fear and despair then trap people to slowly suck thei r souls out. m Immediately we knew that somthing must be done! We must stop the approac hing tragedy! We are going to track them into the darkest, dankest, ding iest corner of Brooklyn and fight them with what they fear most -Music, Fir e and Vitality! 33333Psybotik is looking for skilled hunters to join us! Help us fight ba ck the Evil Giant Mechanical Spiders! a Grande; color: Invite everyone and wear your most unfathomable c ostumes! WE will not let them trap us in their webs! marg r: PSYBOTIK Presents ; color: ***HALLOWEEN*** r ande; color: Featuring: nde; color: Treavor Moontribe *NYC Debut* t Trax/White Swan Records/Native State Records/Omnis Recordings) sty – Los Angeles ce/Progressive DJ’s, co-founder of the legendary Moontribe desert parti es in Southern California and Head of A&R for dance/electronic music at the leading digital distributor INgrooves. As a DJ and Producer, Treavor i s known for being extremely diverse. a Grande; color: Although most known for his psy and progressive t rance sound, he is also known to be quite unpredictable often playing deep techno, electro, house, breaks and much more. This gives him the unique abi lity to DJ at any party and at anytime. His consistency lies in his love fo r deep, moody and psychedelic music, not to mention is tip top mixing and p rogramming abilities. : As a Producer, Treavor is part of the famed group Desert Dweller s. With his partner Amani Friend and various collaborators, the duo have an impressive discography dating back to 2001 when they were known as Amani v s. Teapot. The duo have remixed the likes of Deep Forest and had their trac ks/remixes on labels like Bedrock, System Recordings, Cubic Digital, Omnis Recordings, Existence Records, White Swan Records, Wakyo Japan, Millennium Records and their own imprint Desert Trax. ttp://web myspace/djtreavorweb myspace/djtreavor 33333web moontribe.org/web moontribe.org/ Grande; color: FM RADIO GODS *LIVE* Recordings) – Montreal, Canada e; color: FM Radio Gods is Andrew Hamilton and Tao-Nhan Nguyen. Si nce their debut in 2006, FM Radio Gods has become known as true heavyweight producers – always ready to deliver a powerfully-dynamic live act. Incorpo rating everything from minimal house to glitchy electro, the Montreal duo h as come a long way and is not showing any signs of letting up. styl of releases on such labels as Iboga and Blue Tunes. It did not take long f or original tracks like “Freeflow” to climb past the top 50 on Be atport’s progressive house network. This same year, FM brought Attitude Recordings into existence acting as the labels directional driving force. ay to a frenzy of releases on labels such as Tribal Vision and Plastik Park including a slew of collaborations with artists in the likes of Motion, B eauty and the Beat, Antix and True Lies. The year came to a close with a 1s t prize victory in the national Roland synthesizer contest – the result of a collaboration between FM Radio Gods and Ali Emad (aka eFem). styl h American booking contract with Akarien booking management followed by rel eases on Baroque Records (featuring a remix by Tobias Lutzenkirchen), Triba l Vision (featuring a remix by Presslaboys) and of course, Attitude Recordi ngs. Currently, they are planning a cooperation with Swedish act Ticon as w ell as working on their first album. web myspace/fmradiogodsweb myspace/fmradiogods 33333web attituderecordingsweb attituderecordings margin Electro House 33Electrik (Psybotik) – NYC NYC Grande; color: Dysform (Psybotik) – NYC 0. House, Prog, Darkpsy st Me (Psybotik) – NYC aw (Sonic Beating) – NYC – NYC a Grande; color: Tremendous Gloom- Miami 0 e (Bacteria Records) – NYC lorfull Artist-NYC web colorfullartist Hoop Troop) Lucida Grande; color: Will Sanquil – NYC r (Psybotik) – NYC m ForeSight (Bacteria Records) p://web stanley-design/vj/web stanley-design/vj/ 33333Max Nova T (Glassbead Collective/NYC) nde; color: web lightomaticweb lightomatic margin 0.0 3web sonicbeating.orgweb sonicbeating.org UV body spray paint and Hand Job Salon!!! Lucida Grande; color: Saturday 10-31-09: 10pm – 6AM 33333Doors Open at 9PM mar $15 Advance Lucida Grande; color: before 11 PM 0.0 r 11 pm 5 Off Door if in Costume or on reduced list*** 0.0p the Psybotik email list is automatically on the reduce list.
#4344 Thu, 22 Oct 2009 18:14:51 Belated thanks, and a major announcement Thanks Theo Scott Tony Lauryn for all the 28th Day events. It was a waters hed at the time and I hope that someone picks up the torch for what you did . Thankfully, Mayur stepped into the ring, and Psybotik and ofc El nadiv a re still active. We are in the process of getting the d generator back i n shape. On other news, I’m expecting a son in January. He’ll probably li ke… uh what do I hate? … uh… he’ll hate music.
#4345 Fri, 23 Oct 2009 15:46:34 From: “salmajane” planetdrum at gmailOT: The Ascent of Humanity with Charles Eisenstein Dear Friends, I am listing this here because I know that within the psy co mmunity there is a thriving tribe of conscious creators who are working and envisioning a beautiful new world even in the wake of this crumbling old w orld. My dear friend Nadya has worked to bring one of the most prolific sp eakers and writers today, Charles Eisenstein to speak about the Ascent of H umanity and the rise of a more beautiful world our hearts have always told us is possible. The event is being sponsored by Story Spiral, Evolver.net and Soulish NYC events. I often post psy party events in Souldish, in the hopes that this amazing community will grow and thrive. I ask for nothing in return. Please bear with me here when I ask that you allow me to share this with you. Warmly, Salma Ascent of Humanity with Charles Eisenstein Join us for a talk by aut hor and visionary Charles Eisenstein on the subject of his prescient book T he Ascent of Humanity. This talk reframes the converging crises of our time as a birth process or collective initiatory ordeal, through which humanity is emerging into a new relationship to the planet, and a new individual an d collective identity. The changes happening today are nothing less than a revolution in human beingness, birthing the more beautiful world our hearts have always told us is possible. This talk will help transform your heart- knowing into embodied belief. Oct. 30 (Fri) (6:30p – 9p, event fee – you choose) 15th Street Meetinghouse, 15 Rutherford Place, (15th St b/w 2nd & 3rd Ave) web evolver.net/event/2009/10/30/charleseisenstein Nov . 1 (Sun) (7p – 9:30pm, event fee – you choose) Bluestockings Books, 172 Allen St (b/w Stanton & Rivington) web evolver.net/event/2009/11/01 /charleseisenstein Seedin g Gift Culture – Two-Day Seminar with Charles Eisenstein Writer and speak er Charles Eisenstein will lead a two-day seminar on the overarching theme of the Gift. This gathering is a transmission or an attunement to a new sto ry of self and world: the self of interbeing, living in the spirit of the G ift. Cognitively, we will embed the crises converging upon us today within a vast metahistorical context; experientially, we will translate the heart’ s knowing – that a more beautiful world is possible – into embodied, living belief. Somthing will crystalize within you, and never again will you dou bt what you know or think that maybe it is you, and not the world, that has gone mad. With the power of word, attention, and presence, we are gatherin g to catalyze the next step of the revolution in human beingness. The time of loneliness on the path, the time of wondering if maybe we are crazy, the time of feeling alone in our intuitions against a world hostile to the Gif t, is over. This seminar will bring you clarity about your gifts, new confi dence in their power, and an unconquerable determination to live them. Pres ented by StorySpiral, Souldish, and The NY Mythology Group. For the full ev ent description, visit web ascentofhumanity/Seeding-Gift-Culture -New-York.php Nov. 7-8, 9a – 6p $80 Sixth Street Community Center, 638 East 6th Street (b/w Ave. B & C) Learn more and register here web e You can read the book her e for free, please share with whomever you wish: web ascentofhumani ty/text.php Description of the Book The Ascent of Humanity is about th e history and future of civilization from a unique perspective: the evoluti on of the human sense of self. This book describes how all the expressions of our civilizationE280″its miraculous technology as well as the pillage of earth, culture, goodness, and beautyE280″arise from our identity, our way of being, “the discrete and separate self”. The gathering crises of our age demonstrate that this way of being is on the verge of collapse. And th is collapse is setting the stage for a revolution in human beingness whose stirrings we already begin to feel. The Ascent of Humanity is about Separa tion: its origins, its evolution, its ideology, its effects, its consummati on and resolution, and its cosmic purpose. What is the purpose of the grand eur and the ruin we have wrought? If civilization is to collapse, Why? and What for? Will we then go back to the Stone Age, or will we be born into so mthing entirely new? This book draws from mythological sources, as well as natural processes of birth and transformation, to offer a narrative framew ork for the majesty and madness of human civilization. More than anything, The Ascent of Humanity is about how to create the more beautiful world our hearts tell us is possible. I have long found most prescriptions for “what you can do” to reverse humanity’s trajectory of ruin quite empty. Recycle your bottles and turn off the faucet when you brush your teeth. Write your Congressman. What are these tiny individual actions against the juggernaut of destruction that consumes oceans, trees, soil, and culture? This book of fers an entirely different approach that begins with the reconception of ou r very selves. It invalidates the logic of despair that so many activists h ave felt, that arises inescapably from the conception of ourselves as discr ete and separate subjects in a world of other. This is the ideology of sepa ration. The ideology that has created the human realm we know is the same i deology that has us despair we can ever change it. Wait, did I say “we”? I mean actually “you” and “I”. “We” is often disempowering too, because it le ads us to wish, “Oh if only everyone would get it, then we would have a bet ter government, better laws, and stop being so greedy.” But they don’tE2 80″how could I make them?E280″and the despair comes back. Helplessness. Frustration. This may be the only book you have ever read that fully gets t he enormity of the crises facing us, yet responds neither with despair nor with fantasy suggestions about what “we” should do about it.
#4346 Sun, 25 Oct 2009 19:37:49 Oct 29 – PSYCHEGROUND Pre Halloween Ball at Sullivan Room – REALITY ENGINE Live, Skoocha and more! 0-1574694904-1256524669:22289 Come join us for our first live appearance in NYC Psycheground presents: REALITY ENGINE LIVE AV SHOW – NYC PREMIERE!!! Reality Engine is a LIVE Audio-Visual show, performed by world renowned producers and DJs Luis Campos and Matyas Kelemen. Utilizing state of the art computer technology they create original music and synchronized visuals, interlaced with vocal samples and antique video clips. Get ready to experience an epic, one of a kind dance floor journey where visuals can be heard and sounds can be seen. web realityengine.tv Also headlining is: SKOOCHA is one of the may aliases of French/Spanish Musician & Producer Benoit Munoz. He discovered Trance in 1995 while visiting friends in Amsterdam when somebody gave him the first Dragonfly compilation. From there there was no turning back and he knew music would be his life. Now a busy music producer and musician in NY since 2003. Skoocha still finds time to craft Trance tracks that will blend the emotions of the oldschool goatrance that started all this with the power of the actual production and the Funk of NY ! Over the years he has worked released tracks with Manmademan (UKSL / Flying Rhino) music has been played extensively over the world by dj–‘s like Domino and the mighty Juno Reactor. His long awaited 1st album that will contain many unreleased tracks as well as remixes of the old ones is due this winter on Parabola Records (Germany). It will be the 2nd release of this new label after the Talamasca Vs XSI Album. Expect a set that combines old and new tracks as well as some new collaborations. web myspace/skoocha Thursday, October 29 Line up: – REALITY ENGINE live AV – SKOOCHA (UKSL / Parabola Records) – KIFE (Omnitribe) – BRANDON ADAMS vs KeN (Dreamcatchers) Location: Sullivan Room, NYC web sullivanroom 218 Sullivan St between Bleecker and West 3rd St, 2 blocks east of 6th Ave General Admission: Free until 11pm After 11pm – $10 RSVP to psycheground at yahoo for $5 reduced list 21+ with ID Subway: A, B, C, D, E, F, or V trains to —“W 4 St – Wash Sq—” 0-1574694904-1256524669:22289 Psycheground presents: Reality Engine is a LIVE Audio-Visual show, performed by world renowned producers and DJs Luis Campos and Matyas Kelemen. Utilizing state of the art computer technology they create original music and synchronized visuals, interlaced with vocal samples and antique video clips. Get ready to experience an epic, one of a kind dance floor journey where visuals can be heard and sounds can be seen. rel”nofollow” web realityengine.tv/” target”blankweb realityengine.tv Also headlining is: Producer Benoit Munoz. He discovered Trance in 1995 while visiting friends in Amsterdam when somebody gave him the first Dragonfly compilation. From there there was no turning back and he knew music would be his life. Now a busy music producer and musician in NY since 2003. Skoocha still finds time to craft Trance tracks that will blend the emotions of the oldschool goatrance that started all this with the power of the actual production and the Funk of NY ! Over the years he has worked released tracks with Manmademan (UKSL / Flying Rhino) music has been played extensively over the world by dj–‘s like Domino and the mighty Juno Reactor. His long awaited 1st album that will contain many unreleased tracks as well as remixes of the old ones is due this winter on Parabola Records (Germany). It will be the 2nd release of this new label after the Talamasca Vs XSI Album. Expect a set that combines old and new tracks as well as some new collaborations. rel”nofollow” web myspace/skoocha” target”blankweb myspace/skoocha Thursday, October 29 Line up: Location: Sullivan Room, NYC rel”nofollow” ” target”blankweb sullivanroom 218 Sullivan St between Bleecker and West 3rd St, 2 blocks east of 6th Ave General Admission: Free until 11pm After 11pm – $10 21+ with ID Subway: A, B, C, D, E, F, or V trains to —“W 4 St – Wash Sq—“
#4347 Wed, 28 Oct 2009 15:37:47 TripoutnyOct 29 – PSYCHEGROUND Pre Halloween Ball at Sullivan Room – REALITY ENGINE Live, Skoocha and more! 0-49087131-1256769467:86914 Come join us for our first live appearance in NYC Psycheground presents: REALITY ENGINE LIVE AV SHOW – NYC PREMIERE!!! Reality Engine is a LIVE Audio-Visual show, performed by world renowned producers and DJs Luis Campos and Matyas Kelemen. Utilizing state of the art computer technology they create original music and synchronized visuals, interlaced with vocal samples and antique video clips. Get ready to experience an epic, one of a kind dance floor journey where visuals can be heard and sounds can be seen. web realityengine.tv/ Also headlining is: SKOOCHA is one of the may aliases of French/Spanish Musician & Producer Benoit Munoz. He discovered Trance in 1995 while visiting friends in Amsterdam when somebody gave him the first Dragonfly compilation. From there there was no turning back and he knew music would be his life. Now a busy music producer and musician in NY since 2003. Skoocha still finds time to craft Trance tracks that will blend the emotions of the oldschool goatrance that started all this with the power of the actual production and the Funk of NY ! Over the years he has worked released tracks with Manmademan (UKSL / Flying Rhino) music has been played extensively over the world by dj–‘s like Domino and the mighty Juno Reactor. His long awaited 1st album that will contain many unreleased tracks as well as remixes of the old ones is due this winter on Parabola Records (Germany). It will be the 2nd release of this new label after the Talamasca Vs XSI Album. Expect a set that combines old and new tracks as well as some new collaborations. web myspace/skoocha Thursday, October 29 Line up: – REALITY ENGINE live AV – SKOOCHA (UKSL / Parabola Records) – KIFE (Omnitribe) – BRANDON ADAMS vs KeN (Dreamcatchers) Location: Sullivan Room, NYC 218 Sullivan St between Bleecker and West 3rd St, 2 blocks east of 6th Ave General Admission: Free until 11pm After 11pm – $10 RSVP to psycheground at yahoo for $5 reduced list 21+ with ID Subway: A, B, C, D, E, F, or V trains to —“W 4 St – Wash Sq—” 0-49087131-1256769467:86914 Psycheground presents: Reality Engine is a LIVE Audio-Visual show, performed by world renowned producers and DJs Luis Campos and Matyas Kelemen. Utilizing state of the art computer technology they create original music and synchronized visuals, interlaced with vocal samples and antique video clips. Get ready to experience an epic, one of a kind dance floor journey where visuals can be heard and sounds can be seen. target”blank” web realityengine.tv/web realityengine.tv/ Also headlining is: Producer Benoit Munoz. He discovered Trance in 1995 while visiting friends in Amsterdam when somebody gave him the first Dragonfly compilation. From there there was no turning back and he knew music would be his life. Now a busy music producer and musician in NY since 2003. Skoocha still finds time to craft Trance tracks that will blend the emotions of the oldschool goatrance that started all this with the power of the actual production and the Funk of NY ! Over the years he has worked released tracks with Manmademan (UKSL / Flying Rhino) music has been played extensively over the world by dj–‘s like Domino and the mighty Juno Reactor. His long awaited 1st album that will contain many unreleased tracks as well as remixes of the old ones is due this winter on Parabola Records (Germany). It will be the 2nd release of this new label after the Talamasca Vs XSI Album. Expect a set that combines old and new tracks as well as some new collaborations. target”blank” web myspace/skoochaweb myspace/skoocha Thursday, October 29 Line up: Location: Sullivan Room, NYC target”blank” 218 Sullivan St between Bleecker and West 3rd St, 2 blocks east of 6th Ave General Admission: Free until 11pm After 11pm – $10 21+ with ID Subway: A, B, C, D, E, F, or V trains to —“W 4 St – Wash Sq—“
#4348 Thu, 29 Oct 2009 20:50:33 29 Oct 2009 20:50:33 Thu, 29 Oct 2009 23:50:32 From: Blue Goddess bluegoddess at Psybotik Halloween 10-31-09 with Treavor Moontribe and FM Radio Gods LIVE!!! The hunt begins in less then two days… 00504502cee0071e4104771eeecb An encrypted message has reached Psybotik headquarters in New York City. It took us many hours of decoding to realize that this was in fact a warning and that all of us are in grave danger! Giant Mechanical Spiders have esca ped a highly secured facility in the region, and are expected begin their w rath on our dear city on All Hallows Eve. The beasts have been programmed t o weave webs of fear and despair then trap people to slowly suck their soul s out85 Immediately we knew that somthing must be done! We must stop the approaching tragedy! We are going to track them into the darkest, dankest, dingiest corner of Brooklyn and fight them with what they fear most -Music Fire and Vitality! Psybotik is looking for skilled hunters to join us! H elp us fight back the Evil Giant Mechanical Spiders! Invite everyone and w ear your most unfathomable costumes! WE will not let them trap us in their webs! PSYBOTIK Presents GIANT MECHANICAL SPIDERS Saturday 10-31-09 ***H ALLOWEEN*** Featuring: Treavor Moontribe *NYC Debut* (Iboga Records/Dese rt Dwellers/Desert Trax/White Swan Records/Native State Records/Omnis Recor dings) – Los Angeles One of America’s top Psy-Trance/Progressive DJ’s, co- founder of the legendary Moontribe desert parties in Southern California an d Head of A&R for dance/electronic music at the leading digital distributor INgrooves. As a DJ and Producer, Treavor is known for being extremely dive rse. Although most known for his psy and progressive trance sound, he is a lso known to be quite unpredictable often playing deep techno, electro, hou se, breaks and much more. This gives him the unique ability to DJ at any pa rty and at anytime. His consistency lies in his love for deep, moody and ps ychedelic music, not to mention is tip top mixing and programming abilities . As a Producer, Treavor is part of the famed group Desert Dwellers. With his partner Amani Friend and various collaborators, the duo have an impress ive discography dating back to 2001 when they were known as Amani vs. Teapo t. The duo have remixed the likes of Deep Forest and had their tracks/remix es on labels like Bedrock, System Recordings, Cubic Digital, Omnis Recordin gs, Existence Records, White Swan Records, Wakyo Japan, Millennium Records and their own imprint Desert Trax. web myspace/djtreavor web moontribe. org/ FM RADIO GODS *LIVE* (Attitude Recordings) – Montreal, Canada FM Ra dio Gods is Andrew Hamilton and Tao-Nhan Nguyen. Since their debut in 2006, FM Radio Gods has become known as true heavyweight producers – always read y to deliver a powerfully-dynamic live act. Incorporating everything from m inimal house to glitchy electro, the Montreal duo has come a long way and i s not showing any signs of letting up. 2007 saw the first wave of releases on such labels as Iboga and Blue Tunes. It did not take long for original tracks like “Freeflow” to climb past the top 50 on Beatport’s progressive h ouse network. This same year, FM brought Attitude Recordings into existence acting as the labels directional driving force. 2008 gave way to a frenzy of releases on labels such as Tribal Vision and Plastik Park, including a slew of collaborations with artists in the likes of Motion, Beauty and the Beat, Antix and True Lies. The year came to a close with a 1st prize victor y in the national Roland synthesizer contest – the result of a collaboratio n between FM Radio Gods and Ali Emad (aka eFem). 2009 opened with a North American booking contract with Akarien booking management followed by relea ses on Baroque Records (featuring a remix by Tobias Lutzenkirchen), Tribal Vision (featuring a remix by Presslaboys) and of course, Attitude Recording s. Currently, they are planning a cooperation with Swedish act Ticon as wel l as working on their first album. web myspace/fmradiogods web attitude recordings Main Room: Prog, Psytrance, Techno, Electro House Electri k (Psybotik) – NYC Mayur (Psybotik/Spectra) – NYC Dysform (Psybotik) – NYC Side Room: Techno, Electro House, Breaks, Tech House, Prog, Darkpsy Mess enger Particle (Psybotik) – NYC Hypnotoad (Light-O-Matic / PSI) – NYC Dave Henshaw (Sonic Beating) 96 NYC Tremendous Gloom – Miami La Rage (Bacteria Records) – NYC Fire and Dance: Luminisis (Colorfull Artist) – NYC web col orfullartist Marria Grace (Boston Hoop Troop) – NYC Will Sanquil – NYC Victor (Psybotik) – NYC Special Aerial Performace: Sandhi Ferreira Visua ls: Alchemism ForeSight Plasmo Max Nova Masha Vlad T (Glass Bead Collective ) Sound: Light-O-Matic – NYC web lightomatic Decor: Sonic Beating 96 Boston web sonicbeating.org Come Early for Free UV body spray paint an d Hand Job Salon!!! Saturday 10-31-09 10pm – 6AM Doors Open at 9PM Public Assembly 70 North 6th St Brooklyn, NY FREE Before 10pm $15 Advance $20 be fore 11 PM $25 After 11 pm ***$5 Off Door if in Costume or on reduced list* ** Join Reduced List and Get Tickets at web psybotik 00504502cee0071e4104771eeecb An encrypted message has reached Psybotik headquarters in New York Cit y. It took us many hours of decoding to realize that this was in fact a war ning and that all of us are in grave danger! Giant Mechanical Spiders have escaped a highly secured facility in the region, a nd are expected begin their wrath on our dear city on All Hallows Eve. The beasts have been programmed to weave webs of fear and despair then trap peo ple to slowly suck their souls out85 Immediately we knew that somthing must be done! We must stop the approaching tragedy! We are going to track them into the darkest, dankest, dingiest corner of B rooklyn and fight them with what they fear most -Music, Fire and Vitality! Psybotik is looking for skilled hunters Invite everyone and wear your most unfathomable costumes! W E will not let them trap us in their webs! / v Saturday 10-31-09 ***HALLOWE EN*** Featuring: /d ers/Desert Trax/White Swan Records/Native State Records/Omnis Recordings)/ One of America’s top P sy-Trance/Progressive DJ’s, co-founder of the legendary Moontribe deser t parties in Southern California and Head of A&R for dance/electronic m usic at the leading digital distributor INgrooves. As a DJ and Producer, Tr eavor is known for being extremely diverse. Al though most known for his psy and progressive trance sound, he is also know n to be quite unpredictable often playing deep techno, electro, house, brea ks and much more. This gives him the unique ability to DJ at any party and at anytime. His consistency lies in his love for deep, moody and psychedeli c music, not to mention is tip top mixing and programming abilities. As a Producer, Treavor is part of the famed group De sert Dwellers. With his partner Amani Friend and various collaborators, the duo have an impressive discography dating back to 2001 when they were know n as Amani vs. Teapot. The duo have remixed the likes of Deep Forest and ha d their tracks/remixes on labels like Bedrock, System Recordings, Cubic Dig ital, Omnis Recordings, Existence Records, White Swan Records, Wakyo Japan, Millennium Records and their own imprint Desert Trax. br FM RADIO GODS *LIVE* (Attitude Re cordings) – Montreal, Canada FM Radio Gods is And rew Hamilton and Tao-Nhan Nguyen. Since their debut in 2006, FM Radio Gods has become known as true heavyweight producers – always ready to deliver a powerfully-dynamic live act. Incorporating everything from minimal house to glitchy electro, the Montreal duo has come a long way and is not showing a ny signs of letting up. 2007 saw the first wav e of releases on such labels as Iboga and Blue Tunes. It did not take long for original tracks like “Freeflow” to climb past the top 50 on B eatport’s progressive house network. This same year, FM brought Attitud e Recordings into existence acting as the labels directional driving force. 2008 gave way to a frenzy of releases on labe ls such as Tribal Vision and Plastik Park, including a slew of collaboratio ns with artists in the likes of Motion, Beauty and the Beat, Antix and True Lies. The year came to a close with a 1st prize victory in the national Ro land synthesizer contest – the result of a collaboration between FM Radio G ods and Ali Emad (aka eFem). 2009 opened with a N orth American booking contract with Akarien booking management followed by releases on Baroque Records (featuring a remix by Tobias Lutzenkirchen), Tr ibal Vision (featuring a remix by Presslaboys) and of course, Attitude Reco rdings. Currently, they are planning a cooperation with Swedish act Ticon a s well as working on their first album. web my web attituderecordingsweb attituderecordings di v Main Room: Prog, Psytrance, Techno, Electro House Electrik (Psybotik) – NYC Mayur (Psybotik/Spectra) – NYC Dysform (Psybotik) – NYC /div Side Room: Techno, Electro House, Breaks, Tech Hou se, Prog, Darkpsy Me (Psybotik ) – NYC Hypnotoad (Light-O-Matic / PSI) – NYC Dave Hens haw (Sonic Beating) 96 NYC Tremendous Gloom – Miami La Rage (Bacteria Records) – NYC Fir panLuminisis (Colorfull Artist) – NYC Apple-tab-s web co lorfullartistweb colorfullartist Marria Grace (Bost on Hoop Troop) – NYC Will Sanquil – NYC Victor (Psyboti k) – NYC Special Aerial Performace: San dhi Ferreira Visuals: Alch emism ForeSight Plasmo Max Nova Mas ha Vlad T (Glass Bead Collective) aticweb lightomatic Apple-tab-span” wh ite-space:pre Decor:/ ing.orgweb sonicbeating.org Come Early for F ree UV body spray paint and Hand Job Salon!!! Sat urday 10-31-09 10pm – 6AM Doors Open at 9PM Public Assembly 70 North 6th St Brooklyn, NY FREE Before 10pm $15 Ad vance $20 before 11 PM $25 After 11 pm ***$5 Off Door if in Costume or on reduced list*** di vJoin Reduced List and Get Tickets at web psybotik web psybotik 00504502cee0071e4104771eeecb
November 2009
#4349 Wed, 04 Nov 2009 23:25:07 From: “alladinproject” alladinproject at yahooAlladin Group presents New Year’s Eve Extravaganza 12/31/09 NYC After a truly wonderful year of beautiful gatherings, we at Alladin Project wish to thank you all who have joined us and made everything possible. We have welcomed many new faces to our community, and as we grow, the future p romises even more awe-inspiring parties85 It is our pleasure to invite yo u to an extra special New Year’s Eve celebration that will take place at He llo BK (formerly Club Hook), featuring some of the leading international ar tists in electronic music! We are planning everything necessary to make thi s a night to remember. We are happy to announce that one of the internation al decoration teams responsible for the incredible displays at Orb Festival 2009 will be joining us to create a fantastical scene which shall transpor t us all on this positively MAGICAL night! Mark your calendars, and look f or full details very soon! Alladin Project Team ev
#4350 Tue, 17 Nov 2009 11:38:39 -0800 To: psycheground at yahoo Nov 19 – PSYCHEGROUND at Sullivan Room featuring – PROGRESS, BABLA and LUIS CAMPOS 0-1372854581-1258486719:98556 Come and celebrate a night of full on madness at the amazing Sullivan Room featuring dj sets by: P R O G R E S S – (AntiShanti Records/NYC) Yuriy Vaskevich is a discoverer of musical dreamscapes. The music he creates is both organic and electronic. It falls into the abyss between sentience and fantasy. Yuriy’s background provides a landscape for his music to flourish. He hails from Kiev, Ukraine where he grew up with a strong foundation in classical music, with proficiency in both piano and guitar. Yuriy’s journey to the USA brought him into a different world of New York punk rock. From these foundations Yuriy explored his musical identity and starting in the late 1990s began to experiment with various styles of electronic music. From here PROGRESS was born ranging in style from psytrance, ambient, and chillout, to full fledged avant-garde and experimental. PROGRESS has composed several film scores as well as performing live in a wide variety of venues throughout New York and beyond… web iprogress.us/ KABAYUN (Unwashed Tomato, 2 to 6 Records – USA) BABLA (India) and more djs TBA Deco by the Dreamcatchers AND Neuronymphonic **Thursday, November 19th, 10pm – 4am ** at Sullivan Room, New York City web sullivanroom 218 Sullivan St (between Bleecker and West 3rd St, 2 blocks east of 6th Ave) General Admission: $10.00 RSVP to psycheground at yahoo for $5.00 reduced list 21+ with ID Subway: A, B, C, D, E, F, or V trains to “W 4 St – Wash Sq” 0-1372854581-1258486719:98556 featuring dj sets by: Yuriy Vaskevich is a discoverer of musical dreamscapes. The music he creates is both organic and electronic. It falls into the abyss between sentience and fantasy. Yuriy’s background provides a landscape for his music to flourish. He hails from Kiev, Ukraine where he grew up with a strong foundation in classical music, with proficiency in both piano and guitar. Yuriy’s journey to the USA brought him into a different world of New York punk rock. From these foundations Yuriy explored his musical identity and starting in the late 1990s began to experiment with various styles of electronic music. From here PROGRESS was born ranging in style from psytrance, ambient, and chillout, to full fledged avant-garde and experimental. PROGRESS has composed several film scores as well as performing live in a wide variety of venues throughout New York and beyond… rel”nofollow” web iprogress.us/” target”blankweb iprogress.us/ and more djs TBA Deco by the Dreamcatchers AND Neuronymphonic **Thursday, November 19th, 10pm – 4am ** at Sullivan Room, New York City rel”nofollow” ” target”blankweb sullivanroom 218 Sullivan St (between Bleecker and West 3rd St, 2 blocks east of 6th Ave) General Admission: $10.00 21+ with ID Subway: A, B, C, D, E, F, or V trains to “W 4 St – Wash Sq”
#4351 Wed, 18 Nov 2009 19:44:05 -0800 18 Nov 2009 19:44:05 -0800 Wed, 18 Nov 2009 22:44:05 From: Blue Goddess bluegoddess at Psybotik Solstice Party 12-19-09 001636a7d913c577460478b12bd0 12-19-09 PSYBOTIK Presents Psybotik 13 A festival of light, music and dance. Celebrating the birthdays of Masae, Dysform, and Me!!! A festival of light, music and dance with Techno, Electro House, Prog, Psytrance and Dubstep Electrik (Psybotik) Me (Psybotik) Mayur (Psybotik/Spectra) Dysform (Psybotik) Tremendous Gloom Fire and Dance: Luminisis (Psybotik) web luminisis Visuals: nashamasha (Psybotik) Sound: Light-O-Matic web lightomatic Decor: Psybotik Crew Saturday 12-19-09 10pm – 6AM Doors Open at 9PM Public Assembly 70 North 6th St Brooklyn, NY FREE Before 10:30pm $15 at the door – members $5 Off For more information, joining the email list and becoming a member visit web psybotik 001636a7d913c577460478b12bd0 12-19-09 PSYBOTIK Presents Psybotik 13/ A festival of light, music and dance with Techno, Ele ctro House, Prog, Psytrance and Dubstep Electrik ( Psybotik) Me (Psybotik) Mayur (Psybotik /Spectra) Dysform (Psybotik) Tremendous Gloom di v Fire and Dance: Apple-tab-spa Visuals: nashamasha (Psybotik) Sound: Apple-tab-span” wh ite-space:pre Light-O-Matic Apple-ta w.lightomaticweb lightomatic Apple-tab-span” st Decor: Psybotik Crew Sat urday 12-19-09 10pm – 6AM Doors Open at 9PM br Public Assembly 70 North 6th St/di vBrooklyn, NY FREE Before 10: 30pm $15 at the door – members $5 Off / visit web psybotikweb psybotik
#4353 22 Nov 2009 19:36:31 -0800 Sun, 22 Nov 2009 22:36:31 From: Electrik bluegoddess at psybotikrecordsPsybotik Update – Photos, Music, Boom, Parties and After Parties 0016e6d643f bf49c0479018843 A few pleasant pieces of news to share… 1. Some photos from halloween are up on our site, more to follow soon… web flickr/photos/31981844 at N02/sets/72157622856399522/show/ 2. You can download the approximate recreation of my set from the side room: web psybotik/downloads/electrik/ElectrikSamhain.mp3 3. Psybotik is the official NYC Boom Ambassador and will be hosting ticket sales very soon! 4. Get ready for an incredible night celebrating the winter solstice and three of our crew members birthday 12/19/09 at Public Assembly, FREE BEFORE 1030!! 5. Stay tuned for details about our NYE after party starting 6am New Year’s Day going to 6pm with surprise guests!!! much love, keirnyn aka electrik 0016e6d643f bf49c0479018843 pan Apple-s st m/photos/31981844 at N02/sets/72157622856399522/show/ 2. You can downloa d the approximate recreation of my set from the side room: http: kweb psybotik/downloads/electrik/ElectrikSamhain.mp3 3. Psybot ik is the official NYC Boom Ambassador and will be hosting ticket sales ver y soon! 4. Get ready for an incredible night celebrating the winter solst ice and three of our crew members birthday 12/19/09 at Public Assembly, FRE E BEFORE 1030!! 5. Stay tuned for details about our NYE after party start ing 6am New Year’s Day going to 6pm with surprise guests!!! much love, keirnyn aka electrik
#4354 Tue, 24 Nov 2009 06:39:24 Navel gazing: Trance and ADD At the direction of my significant other, I just realized I have Attention Deficit Disorder and people just don’t understaHEY LOOK A SQUIRREL!!! Goog ling around, it seems that the ADD is the original genes we had before agri culture came along, 150,000 years ago. ADD are the original hunter gath erers, not attuned to long periods of concentration a la farmers. Native A merican indians have had a high prevalence of it, for some reason it suits their tribal (trance?) lifestyle. I take heart in the fact that some figur es estimate a whopping 80% of the world’s most successful people have ADD. And a lot of people in prison have that, too. The trick of ending up on t he good side is a combo of will and luck. I’m one of the few that ended up in the sloshy middle. If you think you may have it too, google around. Th e research has been very enlightening for me, like the first time I did L or Piracetam. All said, I’, not going to take Ritalin. I like what I a m, but it certainly curtails me doing menial tasks. From KISS to Stamps to Bird Watching to Skateboarding to Christianity to D&D to Punk Rock to l t o Anarchy to “being professional” to trance to smart ds to hardcore vide o gaming, I’ve surfed from meme to meme, trying to milk the essence of each . I go from trend to trend, always grasping for the brass ring. This is ty pical of ADD. My question – and it’s going to be one for a long while – is whether trance heads have a high representation of ADD. The reason I pose this is.. thjere’s somthing about trance that is hunter gatherer tribal, living in the moment and scorning social convention for the spiritual truth . Do you.. Like to change subject a lot? Are all over the place? Have high energy? Like bullet points? Don’t give a F what “society” thinks? Are univ ersally described as “intense” and “passionate” Like to start projects tha t you may not finish? there’s a lot more here and many places on the web.. ezinearticles/?Hunter-Gatherers,-Farmers-And-The-Discovery-of-A Om that note 🙂 I’ll leave it to the choir and pos t a poll on my web site some day if I get around to it. OMG did you see th at video on youtube with that crazy monkey who
December 2009
#4355 Tue, 1 Dec 2009 12:36:42 -0800 Tripoutny?utf-8?B?W05ZQ10gRGVjIDAzIC0gUFNZQ0hFR1JPVU5EIEAgU3VsbGl2YW4gUm9vbSBm? ?utf-8?B?ZWF0dXJpbmcg4oCTIE1pZ3VlbCBDYXNpbWlybywgTHVpcyBDYW1wb3MsIGFu? ?utf-8?B?ZCBDdHJsK0FsdCtEZWw? 0-123126391-1259699802:95749 As the winter season approaches, we would like to celebrate a night of full on madness at the Psycheground- Sullivan Room party once again. We welcome Miguel Casimiro from Portugal will play a tech-house/ minimal set to warm up the dance floor. Half of Reality Engine and resident of Dreamcatcher, Lu is Campos will play an extended 2hour killer-psychedelic set. Ctrl+Alt+Del will play a special set with unreleased tracks from his long awaited upcomi ng debut album. Other Dreamcatchers might play too. Come and see for your s elves! featuring DJ sets by: – Miguel Casimiro (Portugal/NYC ) web myspace/ucbookings -Luis Campos (Reality Engine- Dreamcatcher, NY C) web myspace/psycheground – Ctrl+Alt+Del (Nexus Media, India ) web myspace/ctrlaltdeletion And more TBA! Deco by the Dr eamcatchers AND Neuronymphonic ** December 3, 10pm – 4am ** at Sulliva n Room, New York City web sullivanroom 218 Sullivan St (between Bleecker and West 3rd St, 2 blocks east of 6th Ave) General Admission: $ 10.00 RSVP to psycheground at yahoo for $5.00 reduced list 21+ with ID Subway: A, B, C, D, E, F, or V trains to “W 4 St – Wash Sq” Map to Sul livan Room: web myspace/ucbookings web myspace/psyche ground web myspace/ctrlaltdeletion 0-123126391-1259699802:95749 roaches, we would like to celebrate a night of full on madness at the Psych eground- Sullivan Room party once again. We welcome Miguel Casimiro from Po rtugal will play a tech-house/ minimal set to warm up the dance floor. Half of Reality Engine and resident of Dreamcatcher, Luis Campos will play an e xtended 2hour killer-psychedelic set. Ctrl+Alt+Del will play a special set with unreleased tracks from his long awaited upcoming debut album. Other Dr eamcatchers might play too. Come and see for your selves! featuring DJ sets by: –
#4356 Thu, 03 Dec 2009 04:22:34 12/12/09- YogiBogeyBox and TDC present release party for AntiShanti Records (FREE CD) 3-8091985235-1272171675:7 [600] With the winter upon us and the need to warm up to our favorite arti sts, we are coming together to celebrate the recent debut release of AntiSh anti records: Psyclone. From the people who brought you the Desiderata Fest ival and many unforgettable events, comes the culmination of 2009 with a br ight celebration. Join our family on the dancefloor. FIRST 100 ARRIVING WI LL RECEIVE A COMPLEMENTARY COPY OF THE PSYCLONE CD So here we go….. TR ANSDRIVER – (AntiShanti Records, Russia) LIVE No other act in the past few years has arrived in NYC and absolutely turned our vision of quality sound to a new realm. Transdriver is one of few projects of the Russian trance s cene who is famous for its rich and high-quality live acts. Every live is a real show with absolutely spontaneous turn of affairs, full of improvisati on and live sounds. The Project appeared in 1995 in Moscow, when the Russia n trance stage was on the first step of itsED development. At first the pr oject belonged to Alexey Kovalev, but soon Vassili Markelov joined. Their m usic developed from hard-core and break-beat, and trance from 1996. The mus ic progressed with the progress of the technical equipment and soon reached the professional level. From 2000, Alexey went solo as transdriver and rel eased an incredible double album, while vassili went his own way with the p sykovsky project. Do not miss this opportunity to hear the unique transdriv er sound! web transdriver.ru web transdriver.ru/ PARUS – ( AntiShanti Records/ AuraQuake, U.S.A.) LIVE PARUS is a psychedelic trance music project of twin brothers Mark and Valentin Tarasov that was born in t he summer of 2000. This is their storyD6 While growing up in Riga, the cap ital city of Latvia, Valentin Tarasov was attending musical school, learnin g piano, Mark was learning guitar. After the break-up of the Soviet Union, they moved to California, where in 1996 together with their older brother E ugene they formed a Russian rock band called Still Night, with Valentin on the keyboard and Mark playing the bass guitar. Soon after, they were introd uced to trance music and the idea of Parus was born. It began with turntabl es in a Palo Alto apartment, evolving into a semi-professional studio in th e garage of their house. By September of 2000, they were writing their own tracks as project Parus took sail.Parus has performed on numerous stages in America, Portugal and Japan, including the amazing performances at the Boo m Festival in Portugal, Burning Man Festival and the annual LoveFest in San Francisco. There is also a rumor that their debut album is coming on AuraQ uake soon web myspace/parusportal web myspace/parusp ortal PRISHVIN MESS – (AntiShanti Records/NYC) LIVE Prishvin Mess is th e project of Sergey Boroditskiy, formerly of Muktisvara, and Eli Burmin, a bass freak. The evolution of this project began back in Russia with many ye ars of musical education. Their electronic sound has come about as an evolu tion of interests and an exploration of the mind. Recently, the project has adopted a symbiosis of sounds, adding the soulful sound of the violin to p rovide a new dimension to the flight that is PrishvinMess.The project is ba sed in NYC, with the high energy of the city projected into the musical lan dscape. The mission of the project is to free the spirit within the body an d release it into a flight with no boundaries. The music combines high inte nsity with strong positive peaks. It’s not easily defined, and it is our mi ssion not to categorize it, as the freedom of the sound is the essence of t he project. Prishvin Mess use technological sound to free the human within us. While synths and modulators are the tools, the goal is true free expres sion. web prishvinmess web prishvinmess/ PROGRESS – (AntiShanti Records/NYC) LIVE Yuriy Vaskevich is a discoverer of musica l dreamscapes. The music he creates is both organic and electronic. It fall s into the abyss between sentience and fantasy. Yuriy’s background provides a landscape for his music to flourish. He hails from Kiev, Ukraine where h e grew up with a strong foundation in classical music, with proficiency in both piano and guitar. Yuriy’s journey to the USA brought him into a differ ent world of New York punk rock. From these foundations Yuriy explored his musical identity and starting in the late 1990s began to experiment with va rious styles of electronic music. From here PROGRESS was born ranging in st yle from psytrance, ambient, and chillout, to full fledged avant-garde and experimental. PROGRESS has composed several film scores as well as performi ng live in a wide variety of venues throughout New York and beyond… web iprogress.us web iprogress.us/ PHUNgEYE (miscoCosmhouse, U tica, NY) DJ Set PHUNgEYE co-founder of microCosmhouse productions, has be en a fixture in the Upstate EDM culture for over 10 years. He has been spin ning and producing different styles including downtempo/techno/psy/trance/b reaks/dubstep/industrial. Believing in the power of Transcendence through s ound, PHUNgEYE will take you on a journey to the far reaches of space and t ime With a set that is geared for your mind as well as your body. ww w.myspace/phungeye web myspace/phungeye A wonderful DOWN TEMPO LOUNGE DOWNSTAIRS by OMNITRIBE: DJ RHEEDOO (Omnitribe, NYC) KIFE (Om nitribe, NYC) and more… We are happy to host one of the great party pro moters here in New York. Omnitribe is well known for their quality festival s and electrifying energy! Live Painting and/or Body Painting by Collyn Go ld web myspace/manifestationzz web myspace/manifesta tionzz Special visuals for this special event by VJ Plasmo (YogiBogeyBox, NYC) web stanley-design/vj web stanley-design/vj L ocation: Hello BK formerly The Hook 18 Commerce street Brooklyn, NY web thehookmusic web thehookmusic/ With a fanstastic vibe, this amazing venue with YUMMMY sound will provide us with two floors of mu sic as well as an outdoor patio to take a breather. While the Red Hook doe s not have subways running through its underground yet, there are other opt ions. The B61 bus, which travels express from Williamsburg and downtown BK drops you off one block from the venue. The F train carroll street stop dro ps you a short 10 minute walk from The Hook. There is plenty of parking spaand the cab fare to the venue ranges from 8 from BK to 12 from Manhattan . Directions: web thehookmusic/directions web theh Map: Tickets will go for $30, and come early to receive y our FREE copy of Psyclone. web yogibogeybox.org web yogibog eybox.org/ web tdcny web tdcny/ web antisha ntirecords web antishantirecords/ Any questions write us at yogibogeybox at gmail For any additi onal questions call us at (631)943-1339 doors will open at 10 With the winter upon us and the need to warm up to our favorite arti sts, we are coming together to celebrate the recent debut release of AntiSh anti records: Psyclone. From the people who brought you the Desiderata Fest ival and many unforgettable events, comes the culmination of 2009 with a br ight celebration. Join our family on the dancefloor. b c olor: rgb(255, 0, 0);FIRST 100 ARRIVING WILL RECEIVE A COMPLEMENTARY COPY OF THE PSYCLONE CD So here we go….. TRA NSDRIVER – (AntiShanti Records, Russia) LIVE No other act in the past few years has arrived in NYC and absolutely turned our vision of qual ity sound to a new realm. Transdriver is one of few projects of the Russian trance scene who is famous for its rich and high-quality live acts. Every live is a real show with absolutely spontaneous turn of affairs, full of im provisation and live sounds. The Project appeared in 1995 in Moscow, when t he Russian trance stage was on the first step of itsED development. At fir st the project belonged to Alexey Kovalev, but soon Vassili Markelov joined . Their music developed from hard-core and break-beat, and trance from 1996 . The music progressed with the progress of the technical equipment and soo n reached the professional level. From 2000, Alexey went solo as transdrive r and released an incredible double album, while vassili went his own way w ith the psykovsky project. Do not miss this opportunity to hear the unique transdriver sound! blankweb transdriver.ru PARUS – (AntiShanti Records/ AuraQuake, U.S.A.) LIVE PARUS is a psychedelic trance music pro ject of twin brothers Mark and Valentin Tarasov that was born in the summer of 2000. This is their storyD6 While growing up in Riga, the capital city of Latvia, Valentin Tarasov was attending musical school, learning piano, Mark was learning guitar. After the break-up of the Soviet Union, they move d to California, where in 1996 together with their older brother Eugene the y formed a Russian rock band called Still Night, with Valentin on the keybo ard and Mark playing the bass guitar. Soon after, they were introduced to t rance music and the idea of Parus was born. It began with turntables in a P alo Alto apartment, evolving into a semi-professional studio in the garage of their house. By September of 2000, they were writing their own tracks as project Parus took sail.Parus has performed on numerous stages in America, Portugal and Japan, including the amazing performances at the Boom Festiva l in Portugal, Burning Man Festival and the annual LoveFest in San Francisc o. There is also a rumor that their debut album is coming on AuraQuake soon p://web myspace/wparusportal PRISHVIN MESS – ( AntiShanti Records/NYC) LIVE Prishvin Mess is the project of Ser gey Boroditskiy, formerly of Muktisvara, and Eli Burmin, a bass freak. The evolution of this project began back in Russia with many years of musical e ducation. Their electronic sound has come about as an evolution of interest s and an exploration of the mind. Recently, the project has adopted a symbi osis of sounds, adding the soulful sound of the violin to provide a new dim ension to the flight that is PrishvinMess.The project is based in NYC, with the high energy of the city projected into the musical landscape. The miss ion of the project is to free the spirit within the body and release it int o a flight with no boundaries. The music combines high intensity with stron g positive peaks. It’s not easily defined, and it is our mission not to cat egorize it, as the freedom of the sound is the essence of the project. Pris hvin Mess use technological sound to free the human within us. While synths and modulators are the tools, the goal is true free expression. h ess PROGRESS – (AntiShanti Records/NYC) LIVE/ Yuriy Vaskevich is a discoverer of musical dreamscapes. The music he creates is both organic and electronic. It falls into the abyss between sen tience and fantasy. Yuriy’s background provides a landscape for his music t o flourish. He hails from Kiev, Ukraine where he grew up with a strong foun dation in classical music, with proficiency in both piano and guitar. Yuriy ‘s journey to the USA brought him into a different world of New York punk r ock. From these foundations Yuriy explored his musical identity and startin g in the late 1990s began to experiment with various styles of electronic m usic. From here PROGRESS was born ranging in style from psytrance, ambient, and chillout, to full fledged avant-garde and experimental. PROGRESS has c omposed several film scores as well as performing live in a wide variety of venues throughout New York and beyond… web i bPHUNgEYE (miscoCosmhouse, Utica, NY) DJ Set PHUNgEYE co-founde r of microCosmhouse productions, has been a fixture in the Upstate EDM cult ure for over 10 years. He has been spinning and producing different styles including downtempo/techno/psy/trance/wbreaks/dubstep/industrial. Belie ving in the power of Transcendence through sound, PHUNgEYE will take you on a journey to the far reaches of space and time With a set that is geared f or your mind as well as your body. web myspace/ r A wonderful DOWNTEMPO LOUNGE DOWNSTAIRS by OMNITRIBE: DJ RHEEDOO (Omnitribe, NYC) KIFE (Omnitribe, NYC) and more…/ We are happy to host one of the great party promoters here in New Yor k. Omnitribe is well known for their quality festivals and electrifying ene rgy! Live Painting and/or Body Painting by Collyn Gold p://web myspace/wmanifestationzz Special visuals for this special event by VJ Plasmo (YogiBogeyBox, NYC) gn/wvj Location: Hello BK formerly The Hook 18 Commerce street Brooklyn, NY web thehookm With a fans tastic vibe, this amazing venue with YUMMMY sound will provide us with two floors of music as well as an outdoor patio to take a breather. Whil e the Red Hook does not have subways running through its underground yet, t here are other options. The B61 bus, which travels express from Williamsbur g and downtown BK drops you off one block from the venue. The F train carro ll street stop drops you a short 10 minute walk from The Hook. There is ple nty of parking space and the cab fare to the venue ranges from 8 from BK to 12 from Manhattan. Directions: web thehoo wdirections Map: maps.google/m Tickets will go for $30, and come early to receive your FREE copy of Psyclone. kweb tdcny web antishantirecords. For any additional questions call us at (631)943-1339 doors will open at 10 3-8091985235-1272171675:7
#4357 Thu, 3 Dec 2009 10:46:33 -0800 Tripoutny?utf-8?B?W05ZQ10gRGVjIDAzIC0gUFNZQ0hFR1JPVU5EIEAgU3VsbGl2YW4gUm9vbSBm? ?utf-8?B?ZWF0dXJpbmcg4oCTIE1pZ3VlbCBDYXNpbWlybywgTHVpcyBDYW1wb3MsIGFu? ?utf-8?B?ZCBDdHJsK0FsdCtEZWw? 0-742369094-1259865993:55163 As the winter season approaches, we would like to celebrate a night of fu ll on madness at the Psycheground- Sullivan Room party once again. We welco me Miguel Casimiro from Portugal will play a tech-house/ minimal set to war m up the dance floor. Half of Reality Engine and resident of Dreamcatcher, Luis Campos will play an extended 2hour killer-psychedelic set. Ctrl+Alt+De l will play a special set with unreleased tracks from his long awaited upco ming debut album. Other Dreamcatchers might play too. Come and see for your selves! featuring DJ sets by: – Miguel Casimiro (Portugal/NYC ) http ://web myspace/ucbookings -Luis Campos (Reality Engine- Dreamcatcher, NYC) web myspace/psycheground – Ctrl+Alt+Del (Nexus Media, Ind ia) web myspace/ctrlaltdeletion And more TBA! Deco by the Dreamcatchers AND Neuronymphonic ** December 3, 10pm – 4am ** at Sulli van Room, New York City 218 Sullivan St (betw een Bleecker and West 3rd St, 2 blocks east of 6th Ave) General Admission : $10.00 RSVP to psycheground at yahoo for $5.00 reduced list 21+ with ID Subway: A, B, C, D, E, F, or V trains to “W 4 St – Wash Sq” web myspace/ucbookings web myspace/ps ycheground web myspace/ctrlaltdeletion 0-742369094-1259865993:55163 olor: rgb(51, 51, 51);As the winter season approaches, we would like to c elebrate a night of full on madness at the Psycheground- Sullivan Room part y once again. We welcome Miguel Casimiro from Portugal will play a tech-hou se/ minimal set to warm up the dance floor. Half of Reality Engine and resi dent of Dreamcatcher, Luis Campos will play an extended 2hour killer-psyche delic set. Ctrl+Alt+Del will play a special set with unreleased tracks from his long awaited upcoming debut album. Other Dreamcatchers might play too. Come and see for your
#4358 Fri, 04 Dec 2009 14:44:27 -0800 04 Dec 2009 14:44:26 -0800 Fri, 4 Dec 2009 17:44:26 From: Blue Goddess bluegoddess at psybotik**Update** Psybotik Solstice Party 12-19-09 – Burlesque and Fire Performances Added If you haven’t seen the video from Halloween check out our website, thank you Max Nova!! PSYBOTIK Presents Psybotik 13 Saturday 12-19-09 Celebrating the birthdays of Masae, Dysform, and Me!!! A festival of light, music and dance with Techno, Electro House, Prog, Psytrance and Dubstep Electrik (Psybotik) Me (Psybotik) Mayur (Psybotik/Spectra) Dysform (Psybotik) Tremendous Gloom Fire and Dance: Flambeaux web flambeauxfire Masae (Luminisis) Erin (Luminisis) Victor (Luminisis) web luminisis Burlesque Performance by Taryn Tulla web taryntulla Visuals: nashamasha (Psybotik) Sound: Light-O-Matic web lightomatic Decor: Psybotik Saturday 12-19-09 10pm – 6AM Doors Open at 9PM Public Assembly 70 North 6th St Brooklyn, NY FREE Before 10:30pm $15 at the door – 5$ Off for members after 10:30 PM If you haven’t seen the video from Halloween check out our website thank you Max Nova!! PSYBOTIK Presents Psybotik 13 he birthdays of Masae, Dysform, and Me!!! /d og, Psytrance and Dubstep Electrik (Psybotik)/di vMe (Psybotik) Mayur (Psybotik/Spectra)/di vDysform (Psybotik) Tremendous Gloom d iv Fire and Dance: Apple-tab-span” wh ite-space:pre Flambeaux web flambeauxfireweb flambeauxfire M asae (Luminisis) Erin (Luminisis) Victor (Luminisis)/d d Visuals: nashamasha (Psybotik) Sound: Apple-tab-span” white- space:pre Light-O-Matic web lightomaticweb lightomatic Apple-tab-span” day 12-19-09 10pm – 6AM Doors Open at 9PM Public Assembly 70 North 6th St Brooklyn, NY FREE Before 10:30 pm $15 at the door – 5$ Off for members after 10:30 PM
#4359 Mon, 07 Dec 2009 19:04:59 -0800 Mon, 07 Dec 2009 19:04:59 -0800 Mon, 7 Dec 2009 22:04:59 From: Blue Goddess bluegoddess at psybotikTHE ROBOT REVOLUTION-2nd Annual FREE Psybotik New Year’s Eve After Party 6am-6pm 0016e6d46d7deb2fac047a2ed6d8 Friday, Jan 1, 2010, 6am-6pm The Robot Revolution Psybotik New Year’s Eve After Party Twelve hours! Two rooms! Welcome to a new age of Techno, Electro House, Progressive, Psytrance and Dubstep The Rebels: Dysform (Psybotik) Electrik (Psybotik) Gavin (Spectra) Hypnotoad (Light-o-Matic) Mayur (Psybotik/Spectra) Me (Psybotik) Reality Engine *Live* Steve-O (Spectra) Many more TBA plus special guests! Fire and Dance: Masae (Luminisis) Erin (Lumnisis) Victor (Luminisis) Sound by Light-O-Matic (web lightomatic) Decor by Psybotik Public Assembly 70 North 6th St. Brooklyn, NY Friday, Jan 1, 2010, 6am-6pm 21+ w/ID FREE with RSVP until 10AM otherwise only $10 For more details, to RSVP, or to join the email list visit psybotik ***Psybotik is an official New York City Ambassador for Boom Festival 2010. Ambassadors first phase for ticket sales starts Dec 16th for 150 Euros. Stay tuned to psybotik for details*** 0016e6d46d7deb2fac047a2ed6d8 The Robot Revolution Psybotik New Year’s Eve After Party Twelve hours! Two rooms! Welcome to a new age of Techno, Electro House, Progressive, Psytrance and Dubstep The Rebels: Dysform (Psybotik) Electrik (Psybotik) Gavin (Spectra) Hypnotoad (Light-o-Matic) Mayur (Psybotik/Spectra) Me (Psybotik) Reality Engine *Live* Steve-O (Spectra) Many more TBA plus special guests! Fire and Dance: Masae (Luminisis) Erin (Lumnisis) Victor (Luminisis) Sound by Light-O-Matic ( web lightomaticweb lightomatic ) Decor by Psybotik Public Assembly 70 North 6th St. Brooklyn, NY Friday, Jan 1, 2010, 6am-6pm 21+ w/ID FREE with RSVP until 10AM otherwise only $10 For more details, to RSVP, or to join the email list visit psybotikpsybotik ***Psybotik is an official New York City Ambassador for Boom Festival 2010. Ambassadors first phase for ticket sales starts Dec 16th for 150 Euros. Stay tuned to psybotikpsybotik for details*** /pre
#4360 Tue, 08 Dec 2009 20:18:42 From: “alladinproject” alladinproject at yahooThursday Dec 31st Alladin Group presents New Year’s Eve Extravaganza- NYC Alladin Project is pleased to announce the full details of our New Year’s E ve Extravaganza, which promises to be the most joyful of occasions! It’s al most impossible to contain our excitement about this unbeatable super-group of knockout international guests and all our favorite homegrown performers . We are welcoming Swedish imports to grace us both sonically and visually, for the most amazing event collaboration in NYC this year. Be sure to arri ve in time for the big midnight minute countdown, and a special NYC psy-toa st to the coming year85 followed by a Special fire show ! Three areas, a d ivine lineup, a masterful crew of visual & lighting artists, a heated hooka h lounge outdoors: RING IN THE NEW YEAR with us in the most FANTASTIC PSYch edelic celebration STYLE! Line up: web myspace/huxfluxmusic Hux-Flux was born in 1998 with solo re leases by Dennis Tapper, including the hit “Time Slices”. Subsequently, Den nis began work with Jonas Petterson (AKA Tranan), and they produced the leg endary album Cryptic Crunch together. He relocated to Stockholm, continuing collaborative work with his old friend Henric Fietz. Their partnership res ulted in some killer classics, such as “Idiot”, “Bring your own BIOS”, and the album Division by Zero. Dennis has released multiple solo tracks since, and his recent partnered projects include “Tryptamind”, together with Iboj ima. Currently, he is involved in the completely new and fresh chillout/dub /ambient project “Illuminus”, together with Magnus Holte. Hux-Flux has play ed live worldwide in several countries, including: Japan, Germany, UK, USA, Canada, Mexico, Brazil, Switzerland, South Africa, India, Israel, Morocco, Portugal, Hungary, Spain, Indonesia, Italy, Croatia, Greece, Poland, Russi a, Ukraine, Australia, Romania, The Netherlands, Belgium, France, Denmark, Norway, Finland & Sweden. MUBALI 96 LIVE (Trishula Records USA) ww w.myspace/mubalitrax Mubali is Greg Farley, from Monterey, California. He has been writing his own music since 2003. He comes from a background of classical music (violist for 7 years) and currently makes all of his music just for fun. His tracks tend to be on the darker side of full on, and his influences are Azax Syndrom, Xenomorph, Grapes of Wrath, Absolum, Twisted System, and Digital Talk. CORTEX – (Materia Records ISRAEL) First Appearanin USA web myspace/cortex-music Cortex A.k.a Assaf Weizmann (25) fro m south of Israel has been toying with psychedelic music since the age of 1 5 and releases under many different labels. He has collaborated on various tracks along-side artists such as: BrainBokka / Twisted Reaction / Kali / S afi Connection / Sidhartha / Toxical / Shake the Snake / Insane Logic / And some others that are currently in progress like Patchbay / Puzzle . Cortex also releases Remixes for G M S, Karan 3rd Eyes, Etnica, Juno Reactor / Eat Static / Infected and Many more. Assaf is a member in more two project s with the names TEMPO SHRINE & AntiMatter with Brainbokka and shake the sn ake from Israel. Assaf works on the technical aspect of music and is the so und engineer in a post production studio in Israel. Look for his 2nd Solo A lbum, released January 2010 More Info Soon!!! UNWASHED TOMATO-LIVE (D-A-R- K Records, Philadelphia USA) web myspace/unwashomato Unwashed Tomato is a collaborative psytrance production initiative started by Andy Aylward and David Mostoller in late 2006. Our main focus is creating an int ensely psychedelic, groovy experience which is at once quirky and powerful, containing motifs from many musical traditions. Close attention is given t o producing a complex yet cohesive sound while maintaining a clean and dyna mic mix. web myspace/earw ormfrequencies REALITY ENGINE -LIVE(NYC/BRAZIL) AUDIO-VISUAL FULL ON TRANC E SET web realityengine.tv ORBIT (Trance Direct – Alladin Group – O rb Festival, JP/IL) web alladinproject.net BRANDON ADAMS (Dreamcatcher/Cal iphonic Records – NYC) web myspace/497009 KIFE (Omnitribe, NYC) web myspace/djkife GOATONE (Fractaltribe, Boston USA) w ww.myspace/604tone JAMIN (Funktion Forms (SWEDEN) web myspace.c om/funktionformsproject DUDU (Boston USA/BRAZIL) web myspace/duduroc Grains of Sound (AlterCulture Records, Baltimore, USA) web myspace.c om/grainsofsound web Danc ingZombies HYPNOTOAD (Light-O-Matic / PSI) web lightomatic OMER BARNEA (Alladin Group, NYC) STEVE-O (Gaian Mind, PA, San Francisco) ROBOT EARS (Electropulse Productions/ Awake, CT) DECO FUNKTION FORMS (S WEDEN) web myspace/funktionformsproject Funktion Forms is a cutt ing edge visual design company providing events with a completely original creates spaces that will leaves audiences speechless. Advanced lighting tec hniques, in combination with various theatrical textiles, result in a look that is innovative, functional, and above all unique. The Funktion Forms vi sion is one of total stimulation and creativity, making the environment jus t as dynamic as the performances in it! OCULAR DELIGHT (Alladin Group, NYC ) web dividemysky/oculardelight/events.php NEPHILNINE (NYC) web nephilnine Alladin Deco Team (NYC) SPECIAL FIRE PERFORMANCE V ICTOR (NYC) And More VJs SCRATCH DAVIS (NYC) LEVITATION THEORY (CT) web myspace/levitationtheory EXERIS (MD) web vjexeris ALC HEMISM (psyNY – NYC) web psyny LIGHTING & SOUND AUDIOLUST (NYC ) LOCATION Hello BK (formerly The Ho ok) Doors open 8pm-8am 18 Commerce Street Brooklyn, NY web thehook music/ ADMISSION: $50 in advance Tickets on sale at web alladinp roject.net 18 to enter, 21 to drink MUST HAVE VALID PHOTO ID This amazing venue, with TOP NOTCH sound and an amazing vibe, will provide us with two floors of music as well as an outdoor patio. The patio will feature a heate d hookah lounge offering YUMMMY traditional CHAI AND SWEETS! While the Red Hook does not have subways running through its underground yet, there are other options: 95 The B61 bus, which travels express from Williamsburg and downtown BK drops you off one block from the venue. 95 The F train, Carro ll St. stop, drops you a short 10 minute walk from The Hook. 95 Smith/9 St F and G train stops: For your convenience we will have a SHUTTLE making ru ns from the Smith/9 St F and G train stops to the Venue!!!!! SHUTTLE: Shutt le will run from 10pm until 3:30am, pickups at the F/G Smith/9 St stop ever y 25 minutes. Shuttle will be marked, look for a sign in the side window AL LADIN NEW YEARS EVE SHUTTLE. There is plenty of parking space and the cab f are to the venue ranges from $8 (from BK) to $12 (from Manhattan). Directio ns: web thehookmusic/directions Map: maps.google See you all there Happy new year Alladin Project Team
#4362 Thu, 17 Dec 2009 17:54:48 -0800 17 Dec 2009 17:54:47 -0800 Thu, 17 Dec 2009 20:54:47 From: Blue Goddess bluegoddess at psybotik**Update** Psybotik Solstice Party 12-19-09 ** DJ Niki Co-founder of Mighty Quinn Records joins us!!! 0016e6d99d0547ae37047af706f4 ***RSVPs for the NYE after party HAVE OPENED!!! Enter your information in the boxes on the right side of psybotik. Here’s somthing to hold you over while the excitement builds for NYE, a special treat on December 19th as we celebrate our crew memeber’s birthdays. Please welcome DJ Niki to the line up! Also we will be joined by renowned fire performer Flambeaux and a burlesque performance by Taryn Tulla!!! PSYBOTIK Presents Psybotik 13 Saturday 12-19-09 Celebrating the birthdays of Masae, Dysform, and Me!!! A festival of light, music and dance with Techno, Electro House, Prog, Psytrance and Dubstep DJ NIKI is a co-founder and owner of Tokyo based psychedelic trance label Mighty Quinn Records. He has released three worldwide recognized and respected compilations as well as most recent release; the split album of Mano and BioSynthesis “Non Fiction”. The New V/A “Somatic Frenzy” will be released in the very near future. Dj Niki has been Djing since 2004 and had played at numerous psychedelic parties. Over many years of musical “tranced out” research and of course serious listening and space partying, Dj Niki has acquired a full length and power collection of music and presents a complete psychedelic story to the dancer on the floor. Niki’s sets are described to be perfect for any time of the party and are always smooth, rhythmic, extra spicy and mysterious. The result is a perfect atmosphere for body and mind. Trancers and dancers are put in a happy, easy going, relaxed state of mind. Electrik (Psybotik) Me (Psybotik) Mayur (Psybotik/Spectra) Dysform (Psybotik) Tremendous Gloom Fire and Dance: Flambeaux web flambeauxfire Masae (Luminisis) Erin (Luminisis) Victor (Luminisis) web luminisis Burlesque Performance by Taryn Tulla web taryntulla Visuals: nashamasha (Psybotik) Sound: Light-O-Matic web lightomatic Decor: Psybotik Saturday 12-19-09 10pm – 6AM Doors Open at 9PM Public Assembly 70 North 6th St Brooklyn, NY FREE Before 10:30pm $15 at the door – 5$ Off for members after 10:30 PM For more details, to RSVP, or to join the email list visit psybotik ***Psybotik is an official New York City Ambassador for Boom Festival 2010. Ambassadors first phase for ticket sales starts Dec 16th for 150 Euros. Stay tuned to psybotik for details*** 0016e6d99d0547ae37047af706f4 ***RSVPs for the NYE after party HAVE OPENED!!! Enter your information in the boxes on the right side of psybotikpsybotik . Here’s somthing to hold you over while the excitement builds for NYE, a special treat on December 19th as we celebrate our crew memeber ‘s birthdays. Please welcome DJ Niki to the line up! Also we will be jo ined by renowned fire performer Flambeaux and a burlesque performance by Ta ryn Tulla!!! PSYBOTIK Pr esents Psybotik 13 Saturday 12-19-09/di v Celebrating the birthdays of Masae, Dy sform, and Me!!! A festival of li ght, music and dance with Techno, Electro House, Prog, Psytrance and Dubste p DJ NIKI is a co-founder and owner of Tokyo based psychedelic trance label Mighty Quinn Records. He has released three world wide recognized and respected compilations as well as most recent release; the split album of Mano and BioSynthesis “Non Fiction”. The New V /A “Somatic Frenzy” will be released in the very near future. Dj Niki has been Djing since 2004 and had played at numerous psychedelic parti es. Over many years of musical “tranced out” research and of cour se serious listening and space partying, Dj Niki has acquired a full length and power collection of music and presents a complete psychedelic story to the dancer on the floor. Niki’s sets are described to be perfect for a ny time of the party and are always smooth, rhythmic, extra spicy and myste rious. The result is a perfect atmosphere for body and mind. Trancers and d ancers are put in a happy, easy going, relaxed state of mind. b rElectrik (Psybotik) Me (Psybotik)/d mendous Gloom Fire and Dance: Fl ambeaux web flambeauxfireweb flambeauxfir e Masae (Luminisis) Erin (Lumini sis) Victor (Luminisis) web luminisis web luminisis Burlesque Performance by Taryn Tulla web taryntullaweb taryntu lla Visuals: nasha masha (Psybotik) Sound: -O-Matic web lightomaticweb lightomatic.c Saturday 12-19-09 10pm – 6AM Doors Open at 9PM Public Assem bly 70 North 6th St Brooklyn, NY FREE Before 10:30pm $15 at the door – 5$ Off for members after 10:30 PM For m ore details, to RSVP, or to join the email list visit psy botikpsybotik ***Psybotik is an official New York City Ambassador for Boom Festival 2010. Ambassadors f irst phase for ticket sales starts Dec 16th for 150 Euros. Stay tuned to v 0016e6d99d0547ae37047af706f4
#4363 18 Dec 2009 05:04:07 From: TripOutNY Winter Solstice, 12/21/2009, 12:00 am Winter Solstice Monday December 21, 2009 Winter Solstice Monday December 21, 20092009
#4364 Sat, 19 Dec 2009 14:36:35 -0800 Sat, 19 Dec 2009 14:36:34 -0800 Sat, 19 Dec 2009 17:36:34 From: Blue Goddess bluegoddess at psybotikCome out and play in the snow! Psybotik Winter Solstice Party Tonight!!! 0016e6d7e4e117f202047b1c7d88 Join us at Public Assembly tonight in Williamsburg to celebrate birthdays and Winter Solstice. DJ Niki, Co-founder of Mighty Quinn records joins us as well as renowned fire performer Flambeaux and a burlesque performance by Taryn Tulla. Doors open at 9 and it’s free until 10:30, come celebrate the season! See you on the dance floor Blue Goddess (Tonight making a special appearance as Santa’s Elf Goddess:) web psybotik 0016e6d7e4e117f202047b1c7d88 at Public Assembly tonight in Williamsburg to celebrate birthdays and Winte r Solstice. DJ Niki, Co-founder of Mighty Quinn records joins us as well as renowned fire performer Flambeaux and a burlesque performance by Taryn Tul la. Doors open at 9 and it’s free until 10:30, come celebrate the seaso n! See you on the dance floor Blue Goddess (Tonight making a special appe arance as Santa’s Elf Goddess:) web psybotik0016e6d7e4e117f202047b1c7d88
#4365 21 Dec 2009 04:44:35 From: TripOutNY Winter Solstice, 12/21/2009, 12:00 am Winter Solstice Monday December 21, 2009 Winter Solstice Monday December 21, 20092009
#4366 Mon, 21 Dec 2009 19:42:34 -0800 Mon, 21 Dec 2009 22:42:34 From: Blue Goddess bluegoddess at psybotikThank you for such a great turnout despite the snowstorm! Keep up the spirit with Psytrakt Dec 26-28 00504502caad16e5fe047b48ff15 A huge freaking thank you to everyone who strapped on their snowshoes and trugged through the blizzard to join our celebration! I’m sure you would agree with us that it was well worth it. RSVP today today and get ready for Psybotik’s New Year’s Eve After Hours! To keep up the season’s spirit Psybotik will be heading north in full force this weekend to join our friends from Psytrakt as the host an incredible winter wonderland getaway! Psytrakt presents…PsyYeti!! COMPLETE PSYTRANCE HOTEL TAKEOVER Lets get Psytrakt this winter, with a snowflake getaway! A breakthrough to a new begining, bringing the like minded together under one groove. Come celebrate life, dance, community and everything in between. Don’t hibernate in the slush! Escape with us! Aminities: Massage & aroma therapy Theme chill rooms Live art & Art Deco 3 days 2 nights -Two day ski rental $44 -Two day snowboard rental $53 -Snowtubing $17 (3hrs) Indoor pool Psypod and other giveaways for raffle ticket winner Music by DJ K e N – New York (web myspace/nydj4life) Psyraiders – Pennsylvania (web myspace/psyraiders) Mayur – New York (web psybotik) KarboKane – Florida (web karbokane/) Electrik – New york (web psybotik) DJ Luis – New York Me – New York (heep://web psybotik) Lost Monster – New York (web myspace/lostmonster315) Phungeye – New York (web myspace/phungeye) Nexus – New York (web myspace/2cnexus) t3uth – Russia (web myspace/youthenasia) DJ Leara – New York DJ Matias Jofre – Argentina (web myspace/matiasjofre) Earworm – New York (web myspace/earwormfrequencies) Dysform – New York (web psybotik) Fumi – NYC, Japan (web myspace/yogibogeybox) DJ K0mplex – Minnesota (web shadowparkstudios) Sound by Brian Art by Luna Decor by Psytrakt Visuals by nashamasha Fire and Dance by Luminisis Masae Eric Victor Saturday, December 26, 2009 at 9pm until Monday, December 28, 2009 at 9pm Ramada Inn 2 River st. Cortland, NY 4 people per room $185 per person 3 people per room $205 per person 2 people per room $225 per person 1 person per room $350 per person 3 days $75 w/o accomedation one day $40 w/o accomedation For reservation info: Psytrakt or crystal – (347)261-1136 please e-mail rooming list to: ilovelemoncrystals at yahoo 00504502caad16e5fe047b48ff15 A huge freaking thank you to everyone who strapped on their snowshoes and trugged through the blizzard to join our celebration! I’m sure y ou would agree with us that it was well worth it. RSVP today today and g et ready for Psybotik’s New Year’s Eve After Hours! To keep up the season’s spirit Psybotik will be heading nort h in full force this weekend to join our friends from Psytrakt as the host an incredible winter wonderland getaway! Psytrakt presents…PsyYeti!! COMPLETE PSYT RANCE HOTEL TAKEOVER Lets get Psytrakt this winter with a snowflake getaway! A breakthrough to a new begining, bringing th e like minded together under one groove. Come celebrate life, dance, commun ity and everything in between. Don’t hibernate in the slush! Escape with us! Aminitie s: Massage & aroma therapy Theme chill rooms 3 days 2 nights shuttle to -Snowtubin g $17 (3hrs) Indoor pool Psypod and other giveaways for DJ K e N – New York (web myspace/nydj4lifeweb myspace/nydj4life ) Psyraiders – Pennsylvania (web myspace/psyraidersweb myspace/psyra iders ) Mayur – New York (web psyboti kweb psybotik ) KarboKane – Florida (h otik ) DJ Luis – New York Me – New York (heep://web psybotikweb psybotik/a ) Lost Monster – New York (web myspace/los tmonster315web myspace/lostmonster315 ) Phungeye – New York (web myspace/phungeyeweb myspace /phungeye ) Nexus – New York (web myspac e/2cnexusweb myspace/2cnexus ) t3uth – Russia (web myspace/youthenasiaweb myspace/you thenasia ) DJ Leara – New York DJ Matias Jofre – Ar gentina (web myspace/matiasjofreweb myspace. com/matiasjofre ) Earworm – New York (web my space/earwormfrequenciesweb myspace/earwormfrequencies ) Dysform – New York (web psybotikweb psybotik ) Fumi – NYC, Japan (web m DJ K0mplex – Minnesota (web shadowparkstudiosweb shadowparkstudios ) S Luna Decor by Ps ytrakt Visuals by nasha masha Fire and Dance by Luminisis vSaturday, December 26, 2009 at 9pm until Monday, December 28, 2009 a t 9pm Ramada Inn 2 River st. Cortland, NY/d iv 4 people per room $185 per person / per person 1 person per room $350 per person 3 days $ 75 w/o accomedation one day $40 w/o accomedation / tal – (347)261-1136 please e-mail rooming list to: ma ilto:ilovelemoncrystals at yahooilovelemoncrystals at yahoo 00504502caad16e5fe047b48ff15
#4367 Tue, 22 Dec 2009 11:00:53 -0800 [NYC] Psycheground- Dec. 24th at Sullivan Room featuring Juggernaut, Brandon Adams and more 0-1110866628-1261508453:78871 Psycheground is in Full-effect as the Dreamcatchers welcome everybody back to the Sullivan Room on Christmas Eve once again this year. Were g oing to do it family style with the usual suspects, along with our long mis sed DJ Juggernaut (Vincent) from Japan! Come out for another night of kille r Psytrance and lets celebrate the holiday season! Featuring DJ sets by : – Juggernaut(Dreamcatcher/ Home Grown/ The Priests of Psy- JP/US ) – Miguel Casimiro(Portugal/NYC ) – Ray Briones (UC Music, Warpdrive-BR/ NYC) – Luis Campos(Reality Engine- Dreamcatcher, NYC) – Brandon Adams(Dre amcatcher- Caliphonic Records, NYC) – K e N(Bella Gaia, Dreamcatcher, NYC) Deco by the Neuronymphonic Art & Dreamcatchers ** December 24th, 10 pm – 4am ** at Sullivan Room, New York City web sullivanroom 21 8 Sullivan St (between Bleecker and West 3rd St, 2 blocks east of 6th Ave) General Admission: $10.00 RSVP to psycheground at yahoo for $5.00 reduced list 2 For 1 Drinks from 10-11pm 21+ with ID Subway: A, B, C, D, E, F, or V trains to “W 4 St – Wash Sq” web myspace/ ucbookings web myspace/raybrionesmusic web myspace/fa reastjuggernaut web myspace/psycheground web myspace/ 497009 web myspace/nydj4life 0-1110866628-1261508453:78871 effect as the Dreamcatchers welcome everybody back to the Sullivan Room on Christmas Eve once again this year. Were going to do it family sty le with the usual suspects, along with our long missed DJ Juggernaut (Vince nt) from Japan! Come out for another night of killer Psytrance and letE2 8099s celebrate the holiday season! Featuring DJ sets by : grande’, verdana, arial,color: rgb(51, 51, 51); sp (51, 51, 51); (Dreamcatcher/ Home Grown/ The Priests of Psy- JP/US) grande’, verdana, arial,color: rgb(51, 51, 51); spa rgb(51, 51, 51); (Portugal/NYC ) – Apple-style- amily: ‘lucida grande’, verdana, arial,color: rgb(51, Luis Campos classnde’, verdana, arial,color: rgb(51, 51, 51); c 1, 51, 51); (Dreamcatcher- Caliphonic Records, NYC) – spa verdana, arial,color: rgb(51, 51, 51); Apple 51, 51); (Bell a Gaia, Dreamcatcher, NYC) Deco by the Neuronymphonic Art &a mDreamcatchers ** December 24th, 10pm – 4am ** at Sullivan Room, New York City web sullivanroom strap($(this), “54dbc 7c5a16f2c8dbb011e6704d597″, event)” style ://web sullivanroom 218 Sullivan St (between Bleecker and West 3 rd St, 2 blocks east of 6th Ave) General Admission: $10.00 RSVP t o psycheground at yahoo for $5.00 reduced list 2 For 1 Drinks from 10-11pm 21+ with ID Subway: A, B, C, D, E, F, or V trains to “W 4 St – Wash Sq” a ! cg2..mail.re1.yahoo compressed/chunked Sat Dec 12 16:27:51 PST 2009
#4368 Thu, 24 Dec 2009 08:54:02 -0800 24 Dec 2009 08:54:02 -0800 Thu, 24 Dec 2009 11:54:02 From: Blue Goddess bluegoddess at Psybotik Presents FREE New Year’s Eve After Party – THE ROBOT REVOLUTION 6am-6pm 000e0ce02a6c4b66b6047b7c494e Photos from the winter solstice party are up on our website, thank you Hologram for your beautiful art. NYE line up is complete except for the surprise guests! We’ve rounded up some of the New York City’s best underground DJs of the past, present and future plus a few greats from around the world. RSVPs have opened at psybotik so sign up and get ready for this incredible spectacle! Friday, Jan 1, 2010, 6am-6pm The Robot Revolution Psybotik New Year’s Eve After Party Twelve hours! Two rooms! Welcome to a new age of Techno, Electro House, Breaks, Progressive, Psytrance and Dubstep Subversion Stage (Prog, Electro House, Techno, Tribal, Psytek, Full On, Darkpsy): Dysform (Psybotik) Gavin (Spectra) Hypnotoad (Light-o-Matic) Mayur (Psybotik/Spectra) Me (Psybotik) Reality Engine *Live* Steve-O (Spectra) Plus special guests! Liberation Loft (Techno, Acid Tribaltek, Electro/Fidget House, Breaks, Minimal, Dubstep, Prog): Animaltek (Treibstoff / Omnitribe) Electrik (Psybotik) dr.iver (Septik Nexus, VRS) Hisaki Kiyohara (Activate) Jason Blackkat & Madaro TAG TEAM SET!! (Konundrum Records, 5th Street) Kife (Omnitribe) Primate (Chapel of Sacred Mirrors) Sublex *LIVE* – Japan Tektite (Vitamin Breaks) Thugfckr (Moodmusic) – Iceland Fire and Dance: Masae (Luminisis) Erin (Lumnisis) Victor (Luminisis) Sound by Light-O-Matic (web lightomatic) Visuals: nashamasha (Psybotik) Plasmo Cryptic303 Decor by Psybotik Public Assembly 70 North 6th St. Brooklyn, NY Friday, Jan 1, 2010, 6am-6pm 21+ w/ID FREE with RSVP until 10AM otherwise only $10 For more details, to RSVP, or to join the email list visit psybotik ***Psybotik is an official New York City Ambassador for Boom Festival 2010. Ambassadors first phase for ticket sales start soon at 150 Euros. Stay tuned to psybotik for details*** 000e0ce02a6c4b66b6047b7c494e Photos from the winter solstice party are up on our website, thank you Hologram for your beautiful art. NYE line up is c omplete except for the surprise guests! We’ve rounded up some of the Ne w York City’s best underground DJs of the past, present and future plus a few greats from around the world. RSVPs have opened at psybotikpsybotik so sign up and get ready for this incred ible spectacle! Friday, Jan 1, 201 0, 6am-6pm The Robot Revolution/di vPsybotik New Year’s Eve After Party Twelve hours! Two rooms! Welcome to a new age of Tec hno, Electro House, Breaks, Progressive, Psytrance and Dubstep b r Subversion Stage (Prog, Electro House, Techno, Tribal, Psytek, Full On, Darkpsy): Dysform (Psybotik) Gavin (Spectra) Hypnotoad (Light-o-Matic) Mayur (Psybot ik/Spectra) Me (Psybotik) Reality Engin e *Live* Steve-O (Spectra) Plus special guests! Liberation Loft (Techno, Acid Tribaltek, Electro/Fidget House, Breaks, Minimal, Dubstep, Prog): Animaltek (Treibstoff / Omnitribe) Electrik (Psybotik) dr.iver ( Septik Nexus, VRS) Hisaki Kiyohara (Activate) Jason Bla Kife (Omnitribe) Primate (Chapel of Sacred Mirrors) S ublex *LIVE* – Japan Tektite (Vitamin Breaks) Thugfckr (Moodmusic) – Iceland Fire and Danc e: Masae (Luminisis) Erin (Lumnisis) Victor (Luminisis) Sound by Light-O-Matic (web lightomaticweb lightomatic ) Visuals: nashamasha (Psybotik)/di v Decor by Psybotik Public Assembly Friday, Jan 1, 2010, 6am-6pm 21+ w/ID F REE with RSVP until 10AM otherwise only $10 For more details, to RSVP, or to join the email list vis it psybotikpsybotik /div ***Psybotik is an official New York City Ambassado r for Boom Festival 2010. Ambassadors first phase for ticket sales start so on at 150 Euros. Stay tuned to psybotikpsybo tik for details*** 000e0ce02a6c4b66b6047b7c494e
#4369 Thu, 24 Dec 2009 11:08:25 -0800 TripoutnyPsycheground- Dec. 24th at Sullivan Room featuring Juggernaut, Brandon Adams and more 0-600583049-1261681705:12424 Psycheground is in Full-effect as the Dreamcatchers welcome everybody back to the Sullivan Room on Christmas Eve once again this year. Were g oing to do it family style with the usual suspects, along with our long mis sed DJ Juggernaut (Vincent) from Japan! Come out for another night of kille r Psytrance and lets celebrate the holiday season! Featuring DJ sets by : – Juggernaut (Dreamcatcher/ Home Grown/ The Priests of Psy- JP/U S) – Miguel Casimiro (Portugal/NYC ) – Ray Briones (UC Music, Warpdrive-B R/NYC) – Luis Campos (Reality Engine- Dreamcatcher, NYC) – Brandon Adams (Dreamcatcher- Caliphonic Records, NYC) – K e N (Bella Gaia, Dreamcatcher, NYC) Deco by the Neuronymphonic Art & Dreamcatchers ** December 24t h, 10pm – 4am ** at Sullivan Room, New York City web sullivanroom.c om 218 Sullivan St (between Bleecker and West 3rd St, 2 blocks east of 6th Ave) General Admission: $10.00 RSVP to psycheground at yahoo for $5.00 re duced list 2 For 1 Drinks from 10-11pm 21+ with ID Subway: A, B, C, D, E F, or V trains to “W 4 St – Wash Sq” maps.y web myspace /ucbookings web myspace/raybrionesmusic web myspace.c om/fareastjuggernaut web myspace/psycheground web myspace /497009 web myspace/nydj4life 0-600583049-1261681705:12424 effect as the Dreamcatchers welcome everybody back to the Sullivan Room on& once again this year. Were going to do it family style with the usual suspects, along with our long missed DJ Juggernaut (Vincent) from out for another night of killer Psytrance and lets celebrate the h oliday season! Featuring DJ sets by : – verdana, arial, color: rgb(51, 51, 51); Apple he Priests of Psy- JP/US) – A ial,color: rgb(51, 51, 51); class ortugal/NYC ) – class fo nt-size: large; Ray Briones (UC Music, Warpdrive-BR/NYC) : ‘lucida grande’, verdana, arial,color: rgb(51, 51, 5 color: rgb(51, 51, 51); (Reality Engine- Dreamcatcher, NYC) a grande’, verdana, arial,color: rgb(51, 51, 51); s rgb(51, 51, 51); (Dreamcatcher- Caliphonic Records, NYC) -& nbs grande’, verdana, arial,color: rgb(51, 51, 51); sp 51, 51); (Bella Gaia, Dreamcatcher, NYC) Deco by the Neuronymphonic Art & Dreamcatchers ** cl r: pointer; December 24th, 10pm – 4am ** at Sulliva ivanroom/” cursor: pointer; color: rgb(59, 89, 152); text-deco ration: none; yshortcuts” ww.sullivanroom 218 Sullivan St (between class pointer; Bleecker and West 3rd St, 2 blocks east of 6th Ave) General Admission: $10.00 RSVP to yshortcuts” heground at yahoo for $5.00 reduced list 2 For 1 Drinks 0, 102, 204); cursor: pointer; 10-11pm 21+ with ID S ubway: A, B, C, D, E, F, or V trains to “W 4 St – yshor tcuts” ! cg2..mail.re1.yahoo co mpressed/chunked Sat Dec 12 16:27:51 PST 2009 0-600583049-1261681705:12424
#4371 Mon, 28 Dec 2009 03:27:22 From: “alladinproject” alladinproject at yahooFew Days Remain For Advance Tickets: Alladin Group New Year’s Eve Extravaganza! Blessings to all, In this joyous season of gathering, Alladin wishes warm and beautiful encounters to our wonderful community. Celebration is just g earing up with a brand new year right around the corner, and Alladin Group is full speed ahead readying for the spectacular show: Alladin Group presen ts A New Year’s Eve Extravaganza! Four days and counting: in the blink of an eye we’ll be raising our glasses in toasts to time, so secure your AdvanTickets at web alladinproject.net As the ball drops, this will b e one for the history books! Alladin Group
#4372 Tue, 29 Dec 2009 14:00:35 -0800 Tue, 29 Dec 2009 14:00:32 -0800 Tue, 29 Dec 2009 17:00:32 From: Blue Goddess bluegoddess at Psybotik Presents FREE New Year’s Eve After Party – THE ROBOT REVOLUTION 6am-6pm with Full Bar 00504502ca67a459dc047be526f3 We’re very excited to welcome Spiro from Freek Factory and Chapel of Sacred Mirrors to the line up!! Get ready for his superb taste in bass heavy Dubstep and Glitch. We’ve rounded up some of the New York City’s best underground DJs of the past, present and future plus a few greats from around the world. RSVPs have opened at psybotik so sign up for this incredible spectacle! Friday, Jan 1, 2010, 6am-6pm The Robot Revolution Psybotik New Year’s Eve After Party Twelve hours! Two rooms! Full Bar! Welcome to a new age of Techno, Electro House, Breaks, Progressive, Psytrance and Dubstep Subversion Stage: 6-7 Me (Psybotik) – Prog 7-8 Electrik (Psybotik) – Progressive Eletrotek 8-9 Reality Engine *Live* – Psytek 9-10 Gavin (Spectra) – Prog 10-11 Steve-O (Spectra) – Prog 11-12 Mayur (Psybotik/Spectra) – Prog/Full On 12-1 ??? 1-2 Dysform (Psybotik) – Full On 2-3 Hypnotoad (Light-o-Matic) – Full On 3-4 ??? 4-5 Me (Psybotik) – Darkpsy 5-6 Kife (Omnitribe) – Prog Liberation Loft: 7-8 Tektite (Vitamin Breaks) – Electro/Fidget House / Breakbeat 8-9 Electrik (Psybotik) – Psy Dubstep 9-10 SPiRO (Freek Factory / Chapel of Sacred Mirrors) – Glitch / Dubstep 10-11 Thugfckr (Moodmusic) – Iceland – Techno/House 11-12 dr.iver (Septik Nexus, VRS) – Dubstep/Tribal Techno 12-1 Jason Blackkat & Madaro TAG TEAM SET!! (Konundrum Records, 5th Street) – Acid Tribaltek 1-2 Jason Blackkat & Madaro TAG TEAM SET!! (Konundrum Records, 5th Street) – Acid Tribaltek 2-3 Animaltek (Treibstoff / Omnitribe) – Minimal Techno 3-4 Hisaki Kiyohara (Activate) – Techno 4-5 Sublex *LIVE* – Japan – Techno 5-6 Primate (Chapel of Sacred Mirrors) – Dubstep/Prog/Minimal Fire and Dance: Masae (Luminisis) Erin (Lumnisis) Victor (Luminisis) Kayti Bunny (Bunny Hoops / Wonderland) Sound by Light-O-Matic (web lightomatic) Visuals: nashamasha (Psybotik) Plasmo Cryptic303 Decor by Psybotik Public Assembly 70 North 6th St. Brooklyn, NY Friday, Jan 1, 2010, 6am-6pm 21+ w/ID FREE with RSVP until 10AM otherwise only $10 For more details, to RSVP, or to join the email list visit psybotik ***Psybotik is an official New York City Ambassador for Boom Festival 2010. Ambassadors first phase for ticket sales start soon at 150 Euros. Stay tuned to psybotik for details*** 00504502ca67a459dc047be526f3 We’re very excited to welcome Spiro from Freek Factory and Chapel of Sacred Mirrors to the line up!! Get ready for his superb taste in bas s heavy Dubstep and Glitch. We’ve rounded up s ome of the New York City’s best underground DJs of the past, present an d future plus a few greats from around the world. RSVPs have opened at ble spectacle! Friday, Jan 1, 2010 Psybotik New Year’s Eve After Party Twelve hours! Two r ooms! Full Bar! Welcome to a new a ge of Techno, Electro House, Breaks, Progressive, Psytrance and Dubstep/di v Subversion Stage: 6-7 Me (Psybotik) – Prog 7-8 Electrik (Psybotik) – Progressive Eletrotek 8-9 Reality En gine *Live* – Psytek 9-10 Gavin (Spectra) – Prog 10 -11 Steve-O (Spectra) – Prog 11-12 Mayur (Psybotik/Spectra) – Prog/Full On 12-1 ??? 1-2 Dysform (Psybo tik) – Full On 2-3 Hypnotoad (Light-o-Matic) – Full On/di v3-4 ??? 4-5 Me (Psybotik) – Darkpsy 5-6 Kife (Omnitribe) – Prog Liberation Loft: 7-8 Tek tite (Vitamin Breaks) – Electro/Fidget House / Breakbeat 8-9 Electrik (Psybotik) – Psy Dubstep 9-10 SPiRO (Freek Factor y / Chapel of Sacred Mirrors) – Glitch / Dubstep 10-11 Thugfc kr (Moodmusic) – Iceland – Techno/House 11-12 dr.iver (Septik Nexus, VRS) – Dubstep/Tribal Techno 12-1 Jason Blackkat & Madaro TAG TEAM SET!! (Konundrum Records, 5th Street) – Acid Tribaltek/di v 1-2 Jason Blackkat & Madaro TAG TEAM SET!! (Konundrum Re cords, 5th Street) – Acid Tribaltek 2-3 Animaltek (Treibst off / Omnitribe) – Minimal Techno 3-4 Hisaki Kiyohara (Act ivate) – Techno 4-5 Sublex *LIVE* – Japan – Techno iv Fire and Dance: Masae (Lumi nisis) Erin (Lumnisis) Victor (Luminisis) Ka yti Bunny (Bunny Hoops / Wonderland) di vSound by Light-O-Matic (web lightomaticweb lighto matic ) Visuals: nashamasha (Psybotik) Plasmo Cryptic303 Decor by Psybotik / Brooklyn, NY Friday, Jan 1, 2010, 6am-6pm 21+ w/ID FREE with RSVP until 10AM otherwise only $10 For more details, to RSVP, or t o join the email list visit psybotikpsybotik ***Psybotik is an officia l New York City Ambassador for Boom Festival 2010. Ambassadors first phase for ticket sales start soon at 150 Euros. Stay tuned to p sybotikpsybotik for details*** 00504502ca67a459dc047be526f3