Updated 2 years ago

These are the full emails with discussion, replies, off-topic, non-trance events, etc.
For a much more succinct, formatted, and edited history, go here, and here are just flyers.
Other years in emails:
1999* – 2000* – 2001* – 2002 Pt 1* – 2002 Pt 2* – 2003* – 2004 – 2005
2006 – 2007 – 2008 – 2009 – 2010 – 2011
*Trip Out New York was called Brainmachines from 1999-2003.
January 2006
#3700 Wed, 4 Jan 2006 02:50:10 From: “Machinelf” Newyearsletter Artwork by Dhia (who was in Vice Maga a couple weeks back!) Trip Out New Y ork Circ 2,056 and growing faster than your brain cells Free NYC Psychedeli c Trance Community Weekly Noosletter Please make a donation to help keep t he spirit alive Editor elf at brainmachines Forward/reprint to spread the psytrance virus To rec eive this, email com “mail HYPERL INK web tranceam.org/links “More Links “ww w.brainmachines/links ” Numbers 24, verse 16 “He hath said, whic h heard the words of God, and knew the knowledge of the most High, which s aw the vision of the Almighty, falling into a trance, but having his eyes open” What’s News Goa Gil was amazing, lots of people from all over the country (Chris aka Belgian Goa Madness from LA, Tammy from NH) bu t ultimately I got scared off by the relentless BPMs (I wasn’t worthy!) and went to 55 Lex where I saw ABA Records (JAPAN)’s Kenjii Williams play a mo rning set with his violin. Definitely the best party there ever. But yhat was small comfort because had i stayed to the very end of Gil I would have been able t ensure he’d have made it to the afterparty. Thanks Eric for th e great shrimp crepes, etc and thanks to everyone – El Nadiv, 55 Lex, every one – for an amnazing weekend. Almost everone I spoke too had a great expe rience seeing the master play for the first time in New York – it must be s een and heard to be be understood. * * * Note, incorrect info for Lemurians this weekend was sent before, below is correction. * * * Okay, I won92t be able to make it to Albert Hoffman92s 100th b irthday party in Switzerland85 L To those of you that are going: Dance fo r me! but I DO have a copy of the unreleased Project Eleusis CD from Dropou t Productions that was created to celebrate Albert Hoffman92s birthday and accomplishments. WOW!!!! Everybody get ready85it is AWESOME85so, so PSYC HEDELIC!!! Twisted, pounding, glitchy, and completely psychoactive. I think the release date is Jan. 9, give or take a day. It has Penta, Kindzadza, D igitalist, The Nommos, Ocelot, The Galactic Brain, Plyphonia, Candy Power A ND Highko vs. Naked Tourist85.The samples are killer. I92ve got it on rep eat85repeat85repeat. Just a head92s up! You can listen to clips here: H YPERLINK web dropout-productions/releaseProjectEleusis.shtml”ht tp://web d ropout-productions/releaseProjectEleusis.shtml Daiva Nata “W e dance for laughter, we dance for tears, we dance for madness, we dance fo r fears, we dance for hopes, we dance for screams, we are the dancers, we c reate the dreams.” unknown * * * Depressed? Prolems staying ale rt? Addicted to ds? Try weekly Cranial Electrical Stimulation whose ef fectes become cumulative after several weeks. Now affordable and available at by appointment from Nootriton LLC in Brooklyn – satisfaction guarant eed in a month of weekly visits or your money back. . * * * * * * Personal news – my birthday party is Tuesdayt January 10th 8pm-12am at Nootropica LLC’s offices. Also, I am seeking a roomate in Brook lyn: My roomate Michael is moving out January 15th. Doorman building in tre e lined neighborhood, 2 blocks from Church Avenue stop on F train subway. 35 minutes from downtown door to door, 45 minutes from midtown. 10 block s south of Prospect Park I have an office downstairs on the ground floor. I am usually down there. You have the option of doing work for our compan y at $7 an hour. There is plenty of work with extremely flexible hours. Y ou would have your own master bedroom with a walk-in closet and 2 sunny wi ndows, wood floor. 200 sq feet. I have converted the living room to a ro om that I sleep in. It is divided from the dining room by a row of booksh leves. There is a large dining room and kitchen and extra closet space. I w ill need 2 months rent (first and last month) and 1 month security for dep osit. You must pay all rent and deposit to definitely secure the room. We use Optimum Online for cable/phone/broadband Internet. That is $50 a mon th each to share. Light smokers OK, a cat is OK although I am slightly alle rgic, cleanliness and sharing chores are a must, i.e. you should never le ave dirty plates in the sink. Rent is $650 a month. If we haven’t ever me t I’ll need references. You must be gainfully employed, independently wea lthy, or willing to work long hours. If you are seeking a limited time sh are let me know. Con Ed is about $40 a month. Call me at 1-347-405-5518.if you’re interested. I will be gone Dec 22-30 and would like to find someo ne ASAP. * * * Event Calendar . Art by Dhia – prints available in January web nootrition ” Logo partners in bold. Same date events appear in the order submitt ed. All events include at least on Psy/Goa DJ. Organizers who cannot prov ide press passes will be charged the amount of 2 tickets to help keep gonz o journalism alive (and kicking). * * * Come celebrate the firs t party of 2006. here’s the lineup: from 10:30 til 11:30 – MAYUR from 11:3 0 til 12:30 – NAHUAL (mexican tribe) from 12:30 til 01:30 – VORTEX (London England) from 01:30 til 04:00 – BRANDON ADAMS (dreamcatcher) FREE EN-TRAN21+ w/ ID LOCATION: THE FAT BLACK PUSSYCAT LOUNGE ( BASEMENT ) 130 W. 3rd st (between 6th ave and Macdougal) – New York City – NY in the heart o f Greenwich Village. By subway: A B C D E F V Trains to west 4th stop. Map : st+3rd+street,+new+york Flyer: HYPERLI NK io.n * * * just to clarify my gig at subtonic wil l not be trancemusik ill be playing dub, chill, idm and techno stuff… lin k to the party info here: web klever.org/thebunkernyc/”ht tp://web klever.org/thebunkernyc/ Jan 6 Blue Spectral Money will be playin g in NYC on Jan. 6 at subTonic on Norfolk street. * * * T uesday January 10 8pm-12am Tuesday Jeff Machinelf’s birthday party at Nootr ition’s offices * * * 28th Day Productions and Light-O- Matic Present Saturday January 7, 2005 9 Hours of Psychedelic Trance & Visi onary Art LEMURIANS – LIVE (Shiva Space Thechnology) PHASEPHOUR – LIVE (Shiva Space Technology) + Blue Spectral Monkey (Touch Samhadi / Interchil l) Shai (Divine Balance /Chilluminati) Karmakanik (PSI) vs. Dave Henshaw (S onic Beating) Indigom (PsyBooty Records San Francisco) live performance + D J set At COSM – The Chapel of Sacred Mirrors – 540 W27th St, NYC Saturday J anuary 7, 2005 11PM – 7:30AM – $25 The Chapel of Sacred Mirrors (CoSM) is a sanctuary in New York City for contemplation and a center for events encou raging the creative spirit. The Sacred Mirrors, on display in the Chapel, are a series of paintings by visionary artist Alex Grey that allow us to se e ourselves and each other as reflections of the divine. Chillout in the Ch apel with: EldarLife (Chillcode & Chill Tribe Records) Pedro (Reality Engin e / Interchill) Jay aka D-Space Dancefloor Decor by Dave Henshaw & Marria ( Sonic Beating Projection by Dave Tennant * * * HAPPY, HEALTHY & TRANCEY NEW YEAR! TSUNAMI New Monthly Party Friday, January 20th, 2006 Ho urs: 10pm till late at SPIRIT 530 West 27th Street (between 10th & 11th Aven ues) 10pm till late spritnewyork TSUNAMI and SPIRIT are starting a bran d new monthly party that intents to set the bar every 3rd Friday of each mo nth with top quality psy trance acts. It all starts on Friday, January 20th with… For the first time in NY: YOUNGER BROTHER (twisted, UK) The legendary, the much followed and imitated Simon Posford (a.k.a. HALLUCINOGEN, or half of SHPONGLE) and Benji Vaughan (a.k. a. PROmthEUS, and half of PROCESS, with Sean Williams, half of a CITIZEN KANED with Doof, and half of CYBER BABAS with Raja Ram) join forces for thi s trail blazing experience. 10:30pm till midnight, it’s our great honor to welcome: CONSPIRATOR (Diamond Riggs/Final Phaze) Conspirator consists of Ma rc and Aron of the DISCO BISCUITS and DJ Omen, who hosted CAMP BISCO the op en air party for 5000+, which brought YOUNGER BROTHER to the US for the fir st time ever this past August. HALLUCINOGEN (Simon P osford – Twisted, UK) PROmthEUS (Benji – Twisted, UK) YONI (TSUNAMI) – Alw ays rocking, always right on! SURRENDER – Gadi’s signature no nonesense mor ning full on sets are powerful and energetic. Decor by: NAGUAL Creations, B arcelona (Spain) Admission: $ 30 advance (plus store commission or service fee) Vinyl Market Satellite 241 East 10th Street 259 Bowery 212 539-1203 21 2 995-1740 Also available on GrooveTickets web groove tickets/ordersystem/Groove/frontsearchresults.asp?Affi enu ve/frontsearchresults Next TSUNAMI Monthlies at SPIRIT: Friday, February 17th, Friday, March 17th and so on. ceINFO LINE: 212.439.8124 Chec Release 1/2/2006 1250 D (wh Ci rc 2,056 and growing faster than your brain cells Free NYC Psychedelic Trance Community Weekly Noosletter Please make a donation to help keep the Forward/reprint to spread the psytrance virus size eview & discuss email T rainmachines/links ” Numbers 24, verse 16 “He hath said, which heard the words of God, and knew the knowledge of th e most High, which saw the vision of the Almighty, falling into a tran V 1507-04012006lots of people from all over the country (Chris aka Be lgian Goa Madness from LA, Tammy ed off by the relentless BPM where I saw ABA Records (JAPAN)’s K enjii Williams play a morning set with his violin. class there ever. But y/S PANhat was small comfort because had i stayed to able t ensure h e’d have made it to the afterparty. Thanks Eric for the great shrimp crepes, etc and thanks to everyone weekend. class great experi ence seeing the master play for the first time in New York – it must be se * * * this Okay, I won’t be able to make it to Albert Hoffman’s 1 00th birthday party in Switzerland& L To those of you that are going: Dance for me! but I DO have a copy of the unreleased Project Eleus is CD from Dropout Productions that was created to celebrate Albert Hoffma n’s birthday and accomplishments. WOW!!!! Everybody get ready& it is AWESOME& so, so PSYCHEDELIC!!! Twisted, pounding, glitchy, and completely psychoactive. I think the release date is Jan. 9, give or take a day. It has Penta, Kindzadza, Digitalist, The Nommos, Ocelot, The Galact ic Brain, Plyphonia, Candy Power AND Highko vs. Naked Tourist& .The s amples are killer. I’ve got it on repeat& repeat& repeat. Just a head’s up! You can listen to clips here: tp://web dropout-productions/releaseProjectEleusis.shtmlweb dr opout-productions/releaseProjectEleusis.shtml Daiva Nata “We dance for laughter, we dance for tears, we dance for madness, we dance fo r fears, we dance for hopes, we dance for screams, we are the dancers, we create the dreams.” unknown class * Depressed? Prolems staying alert? Addicted to ds? Try weekly Cranial Electrical Stimulation whose effectes bec ome cumulative after 221507-04012006affordable 21507-04012006by appointment from atisfaction guaranteed in a month of weekly visits or your money back.&nbs * &nbs * * * &n bs* * 25221507-04012006Personal news – my birthday party is Tuesdayt January 10 Brooklyn: My ro omate Michael is moving out January 15th. Doorman building in tree line d neighborhood, 2 blocks from Church Avenue stop on F train subway. 35 minutes from downtown door to door, 45 minutes from midtown. 1 0 blocks south of Prospect Park I have an office downstairs on the grou nd floor. I am usually down there. You have the option of doing work for our company at $7 an hour. There is plenty of wor k with extremely flexible hours. You would have your own master bedroom with a walk-in closet and 2 sunny windows, wood floor. 200 sq feet.&n bs I have converted the living room to a room that I sleep in. It is divided from the dining room by a row of bookshleves. There is a large dining room and kitchen and extra closet space. I will need 2 months rent (first and last month) and 1 month security for deposit. You must pay all rent and deposit to definitely secure the room . We use Optimum Online for cable/phone/broadband Internet. That is $50 a month each to share. Light smokers OK, a cat is OK althoug h I am slightly allergic, cleanliness and sharing chores are a must, i .e. you should never leave dirty plates in the sink. Rent is $650 a month. If we haven’t ever met I’ll need references. You must be gainfully employed, independently wealthy, or willing to work long hours. If you are seeking a limited time share let me know. Con Ed is about $40 a month. Call me at 1-347-405-5518.if you’re in terested. I will be gone Dec 22-30 and would like to find someon e ASAP. 507-04012006* sponsored by Nootritio Dhia – prints availab sr Logo partners in bold. Same date events appear in the or der submitted. All events include at least on Psy/Goa DJ. Organi zers who cannot provide press passes will be charged the amount of 2 tickets to help keep gonzo journalism alive (and kicking). & nbs * * * Come celebrate the first party of 2006. here’s the lineup : from 10:30 til 11:30 – MAYUR from 11:30 til 12:30 – NAHUAL ( mexican tribe) from 12:30 til 01:30 – VORTEX (London, England) from 01:30 til 04:00 – BRANDON ADAMS (dreamcatcher) FREE EN-TRANCE 21+ w/ I D LOCATION: THE FAT BLACK PUSSYCAT LOUNGE ( BASEMENT ) 130 W. 3rd st (between 6th ave and Macdougal) – New York City – NY in the hear t of Greenwich Village. By subway: A B C D E F V Trains to west 4th sto p. Map: * &n just to clarify my gig at subtonic will not be trancemusik ill be playing dub, chill, idm and techno stuff… link to the party info here: /web klever.org/thebunkernyc/ Jan 6 Blue Spectral Mo ney will be playing in NYC on Jan. 6 at subTonic on Norfolk street. 5221507-04012006* * */SP AN S 1507-04012006Tuesday January 10 8pm-12am Tuesday Jeff Machinelf’s birthda &n bs 28th D ay Productions and Light-O-Matic Present Saturday January 7, 2005 9 Hours of Psychedelic Trance & Visionary Art LEMURIANS – LIVE & nbs(Shiva Space Thechnology) PHASEPHOUR – LIVE (Sh iva Space Technology) + Blue Spectral Monkey (Touch Samhadi / Interc hill) Shai (Divine Balance /Chilluminati) Karmakanik (PSI) vs. Dave Henshaw (Sonic Beating) Indigom (PsyBooty Records San Francisco) live p erformance + DJ set At COSM – The Chapel of Sacred Mirrors – 540 W27th St, NYC Saturday January 7, 2005 11PM – 7:30AM – $25 The Chapel of Sa cred Mirrors (CoSM) is a sanctuary in New York City for contemplation and a center for events encouraging the creative spirit. The Sacred Mirr ors, on display in the Chapel, are a series of paintings by visionary arti st Alex Grey that allow us to see ourselves and each other as reflections of the divine. Chillout in the Chapel with: EldarLife (Chillcode &am Chill Tribe Records) Pedro (Reality Engine / Interchill) Jay aka D-Space Dancefloor Decor by Dave Henshaw & Marria (Sonic BeatingB RProjection by Dave Tennant * & HAPPY, HEALTHY & TRANCEY NEW YEAR! TSUNAMI New Monthly Party Friday, January 20th, 2006 Hours: 10 pm till late at SPIRIT 530 West 27th Street (between 10th & 11 th Avenues) 10pm till late spritnewyork TSUNAMI and SPIRIT ar e starting a brand new monthly party that intents to set the bar every 3rd Friday of each month with top quality psy trance acts. It all starts on F riday, January 20th with… Live first time in NY: YOUNGER BROTHER (twisted, UK) The legendary, the much followed and imitated Simon Posford (a.k.a. HALLUCINOGEN, or half of SHPONGLE) and Benji Vaughan (a.k.a. PROmthEUS, and half of PROCES S, with Sean Williams, half of a CITIZEN KANED with Doof, and half of CYBE R BABAS with Raja Ram) join forces for this trail blazing experience. 1 0:30pm till midnight, it’s our great honor to welcome: CONSPIRATOR (Dia mond Riggs/Final Phaze) Conspirator consists of Marc and Aron of the DI SCO BISCUITS and DJ Omen, who hosted CAMP BISCO the open air party for 500 0+, which brought YOUNGER BROTHER to the US for the first time ever this p – Twi sted, UK) PROmthEUS (Benji – Twisted, UK) YONI (TSUNAMI) – Always rocking, always right on! SURRENDER – Gadi’s signature no nonesense morning ful l on sets are powerful and energetic. Decor by: NAGUAL Creations, Barce lona (Spain) Admission: $ 30 advance (plus store commission or service fee) Vinyl Market Satellite 241 East 10th Street 259 Bowery 212 539-1203 212 995-1740 Also available on GrooveTickets tp://web groovetickets/ordersystem/Groove/frontsearchresults.asp?Affili TSUNAMI Month lies at SPIRIT: Friday, February 17th, Friday, March 17th and so on. LIN B R . 2006
#3701 Sat, 7 Jan 2006 23:28:15 From: “Machinelf” Compleat NYC Trance Photo gallery 1996-2006 now available online Basically every trance and weird ass photo and image I have from the past 10 years in a gallery, 1200 in all.. Completeley unedited – there may be a couple incriminating photos in there. I would like to hope that the NYPD could build a pretty good case on this gallery alone. web tranceam.org/photos1996-2006/Brainmachines19962006/index.ht mlweb tranceam.org/photos1996-2006/Brainmachines19962006/index. html Also, I uploaded all of Nan’s photos from NYC 2002-2004. The links for those and the link above are now on the main page at Brainmachines: web tranceam.org/hipchix/3YearsinPix/3years web brai nmachines/hipchix/3YearsinPix/3years web tranceam.org/hipchix/3YearsinPix2/3years2 web br ainmachines/hipchix/3YearsinPix2/3years2 web tranceam.org/hipchix/3YearsinPix3/3years3 web br ainmachines/hipchix/3YearsinPix3/3years3 And not to forget Serge’s photos from 2000. He’s out of jail now BTW.. web tranceam.org/serge/sergesphotos web brainmachin es/serge/sergesphotos Enjoy PS I will be revising this, if anyone has any photos to add please email them to me thx web tranceam.org/photos1996-2006/index ” 1250 o and image I have from the past 10 years in a gallery, 1200 in all..&nbs Completeley unedited – there may be a couple incriminating photos in there. I would like to hope that the NYPD could build a pretty g ood case 2006 19962006/index web tranceam.org/photos1996-2006/Brainmach Also, I uploaded all of Nan’s photos from NYC 2002-2004. The links f or those and the link above are now on the main page at Brainmachines .brainmachines/hipchix/3YearsinPix/3years 13-07012006 years2 web tranceam.org/hipchix/3YearsinPix2/3years2 / ainmachines/hipchix/3YearsinPix3/3years3 913-07012006And not to forget Serge’s photos from 2000. He’s out of 012006 2006PS I will be revising this, if anyone has any photos to add please em outgoing message.
#3702 Tue, 10 Jan 2006 17:10:03 From: “Machinelf” Newsletter Artwork by Dhia (who was in Vice Maga a couple weeks back!) Trip Out New Y ork Circ 2,056 and growing faster than your brain cells Free NYC Psychedeli c Trance Community Weekly Noosletter Please make a donation to help keep t he spirit alive Editor elf at brainmachines Forward/reprint to spread the psytrance virus To rec eive this, email com “mail HYPERL INK web tranceam.org/links “More Links “ww w.brainmachines/links ” Numbers 24, verse 16 “He hath said, whic h heard the words of God, and knew the knowledge of the most High, which s aw the vision of the Almighty, falling into a trance, but having his eyes open” What’s News Hoffman turns 100! “seatt lepi.nwsource/national/254832l07 “seattlepi.n wsource /national/254832l07 * * * I just got informed One of the guys from parasense jump down the window and unfortunately left our physic al planet.for good.It just happened one or two days ago..good to have way t o confirm this sad news. Zolod didn’t die by accidentally falling out of window – he jumped out of window after having a huge argument with his gir lfriend (the girl that was a reason for Parasens break up in a first place) . Unfortunatelly he simply killed himelf. White flag for Russian Trance… … * * * web internetdj/article.php?story * * * Basically every trance and weird ass photo and image I have from the pas t 10 years in a gallery, 1200 in all.. Completeley unedited – there may be a couple incriminating photos in there. I would like to hope that the N YPD could build a pretty good case on this gallery alone. “/photos1996-2006/Brainmachines19962006/index.ht ml”h web tranceam.org/photos1996-2006/Brainmachines19962006/index. ht ml Also, I uploaded all of Nan’s photos from NYC 2002-2004. The links for those and the link above are now on the main page at Brainmachines: H YPERLINK web tranceam.org/hipchix/3YearsinPix/3years “web brai nmachines/hipchix/3YearsinPix/3years ” /hipchix/3YearsinPix2/3years2 web br ainmac hines/hipchix/3YearsinPix2/3years2 web brainmach ines/hipchix/3YearsinPix3/3years3 web br ainmachines/hip chix/3YearsinPix3/3years3 And not to forget Serge’s photos from 2000. He’s out of jail now BTW.. web tranceam.org/se rge/sergesphotos web brainmachin es/serge/sergesphotos Enjoy PS I will be revising this, if anyone has any photos to add please email them to me thx * * * Okay, I won92t be able to make it to Albert Hoffman92s 100th birthday party in Switzerland85 L To those o f you that are going: Dance for me! but I DO have a copy of the unreleased Project Eleusis CD from Dropout Productions that was created to celebrate A lbert Hoffman92s birthday and accomplishments. WOW!!!! Everybody get ready 85it is AWESOME85so, so PSYCHEDELIC!!! Twisted, pounding, glitchy, and co mpletely psychoactive. I think the release date is Jan. 9, give or take a d ay. It has Penta, Kindzadza, Digitalist, The Nommos, Ocelot, The Galactic B rain, Plyphonia, Candy Power AND Highko vs. Naked Tourist85.The samples ar e killer. I92ve got it on repeat85repeat85repeat. Just a head92s up! Y ou can listen to clips here: web dropout-productions/ releaseProjectEleusis.shtmlweb d ropout-productions/releaseProj ectEleusis.shtml Daiva Nata “We dance for laughter, we dance for tears, we dance for madness, we dance for fears, we dance for hopes, we dance for scr eams, we are the dancers, we create the dreams.” unknown * * * Depressed? Prolems staying alert? Addicted to ds? Try weekly Cranial E lectrical Stimulation whose effectes become cumulative after several weeks. Now affordable and available at by appointment from Nootriton LLC in B rooklyn – satisfaction guaranteed in a month of weekly visits or your money back. . * * * Personal news – my birthday party is Tuesday t January 10th 8pm-12am at Nootropica LLC’s offices. Also, I am seeking a r oomate in Brooklyn: My roomate Michael is moving out January 15th. Doorman building in tree lined neighborhood, 2 blocks from Church Avenue stop on F train subway. 35 minutes from downtown door to door, 45 minutes from midt own. 10 blocks south of Prospect Park I have an office downstairs on the ground floor. I am usually down there. You have the option of doing work for our company at $7 an hour. There is plenty of work with extremely fl exible hours. You would have your own master bedroom with a walk-in closet and 2 sunny windows, wood floor. 200 sq feet. I have converted the livi ng room to a room that I sleep in. It is divided from the dining room by a row of bookshleves. There is a large dining room and kitchen and extra cl oset space. I will need 2 months rent (first and last month) and 1 month s ecurity for deposit. You must pay all rent and deposit to definitely secu re the room. We use Optimum Online for cable/phone/broadband Internet. Tha t is $50 a month each to share. Light smokers OK, a cat is OK although I a m slightly allergic, cleanliness and sharing chores are a must, i.e. you s hould never leave dirty plates in the sink. Rent is $650 a month. If we haven’t ever met I’ll need references. You must be gainfully employed, in dependently wealthy, or willing to work long hours. If you are seeking a limited time share let me know. Con Ed is about $40 a month. Call me at 1- 347-405-5518.if you’re interested. I will be gone Dec 22-30 and would lik e to find someone ASAP. * * * Event Calendar sponsored by N ootrition. Logo partners in bold. Same date events appear in the order submitted. All events include at least on Psy/Goa DJ. Organizers who can not provide press passes will be charged the amount of 2 tickets to help k eep gonzo journalism alive (and kicking). * * * Tuesday January 10 8pm-12am Tuesday Jeff Machinelf’s birthday party at Nootrition’s of fices RSVP a mus. i.e. don’t be a shitlister showing up at midnight with y our tagging crew) m * * * uxny at yahoo wrote: hello everyone, last week we had our 28th party. we are very happy with all the great vibration we had so far. thanks everyone for the support! this week we have a killer lineup: from 10:00 til 12:00 – LEO (tribal vision records) from 12:00 til 01:30 – FUZZY NUGGET LIVE fro m 01:30 til 02:30 – PHASEPHOUR LIVE (shiva space technology, norway) from 02:30 til 04:00 – LUIS (dreamcatcher NYC) PhasePhour is a Psychedelic trance project based in Norway, a little count ry based to far north on the blue and green planet Earth. Today PhasePhour consist of Eldar von Essen that92s been involved in the project from the start in 1997. Since then PhasePhour have changed a lot both in music style and members but today PhasePhour it92s concentrated about Psychedelic nig ht music for the dance floor. You will also find some chillout tracks made by PhasePhour but Eldar it92s now only producing chillout tracks under the name EldarLife that92s been his own project since the start in 2004. Pha sePhour has released one album (Boiing & Zipp85 on Freetransform Records) and V.A tracks on labels like Shiva Space Technology and Chill Tribe Record s for more info – web phasephourweb phasephou r FREE EN-TRANCE 21+ w/ ID LOCATION: THE FAT BLACK PUSSYCAT LOUNGE ( BASEMENT ) 130 W. 3rd st (between 6th ave and Macdougal) – New York City – NY in the heart of Greenwich Village. By subway: A B C D E F V Trains to w est 4th stop. Map: Flyer: web dreamcatcherstudio.n * * * 28th Day Produ ctions and Light-O-Matic Present Saturday January 7, 2005 9 Hours of Psyche delic Trance & Visionary Art LEMURIANS – LIVE (Shiva Space Thechnology) PHASEPHOUR – LIVE (Shiva Space Technology) + Blue Spectral Monkey (Touch Samhadi / Interchill) Shai (Divine Balance /Chilluminati) Karmakanik (PSI) vs. Dave Henshaw (Sonic Beating) Indigom (PsyBooty Records San Francisco) l ive performance + DJ set At COSM – The Chapel of Sacred Mirrors – 540 W27th St, NYC Saturday January 7, 2005 11PM – 7:30AM – $25 The Chapel of Sacred Mirrors (CoSM) is a sanctuary in New York City for contemplation and a cent er for events encouraging the creative spirit. The Sacred Mirrors, on disp lay in the Chapel, are a series of paintings by visionary artist Alex Grey that allow us to see ourselves and each other as reflections of the divine. Chillout in the Chapel with: EldarLife (Chillcode & Chill Tribe Records) P edro (Reality Engine / Interchill) Jay aka D-Space Dancefloor Decor by Dave Henshaw & Marria (Sonic Beating Projection by Dave Tennant * * * HAPPY, HEALTHY & TRANCEY NEW YEAR! TSUNAMI New Monthly Party Friday, Ja nuary 20th, 2006 Hours: 10pm till late at SPIRIT 530 West 27th Street (betwe en 10th & 11th Avenues) 10pm till late spritnewyork TSUNAMI and SPIRIT are starting a brand new monthly party that intents to set the bar every 3r d Friday of each month with top quality psy trance acts. It all starts on F riday, January 20th with… For the first time in NY: YOUNGER BROTHER (twisted, UK) The legendary, the much followed and imitated Simon Posford (a.k.a. HALLUCINOGEN, or half of SHPONGLE) and Benji Vaughan (a.k.a. PROmthEUS, and half of PROCESS, with Sean Williams, half of a CITIZEN KANED with Doof, and half of CYBER BABAS with Raja Ram) join forces for this trail blazing experience. 10:30pm till midnight, it’s our great honor to welcome: CONSPIRATOR (Diamond Riggs/Final Phaze) Conspir ator consists of Marc and Aron of the DISCO BISCUITS and DJ Omen, who hoste d CAMP BISCO the open air party for 5000+, which brought YOUNGER BROTHER to the US for the first time ever this past August. HA LLUCINOGEN (Simon Posford – Twisted, UK) PROmthEUS (Benji – Twisted, UK) Y ONI (TSUNAMI) – Always rocking, always right on! SURRENDER – Gadi’s signatu re no nonesense morning full on sets are powerful and energetic. Decor by: NAGUAL Creations, Barcelona (Spain) Admission: $ 30 advance (plus store com mission or service fee) Vinyl Market Satellite 241 East 10th Street 259 Bow ery 212 539-1203 212 995-1740 Also available on GrooveTickets web groovetickets/ordersystem/Groove/frontsearchresults.asp?Af fi /ordersystem/Groove/frontsearchresults 19&I Next TSUNAMI Monthlies at SPIRIT: Friday, February 17th, Fr iday, March 17th and so on. ce/web t sunami-trance INFO LINE: 212.439.8124 oing message. e: 267.14.16/225 – Release 1/9/2006 1250 D (who was in Vi Circ 2,056 an d growing faster than your brain cells Free NYC Psychedelic Trance Comm unity Weekly Noosletter Please make a donation to help keep the spirit inmachines spread the psytrance virus To receive this, e mail & discuss email title s si ww.brainmachines/links ” Numbers 24, verse 16 “He hath said, which heard the words of God, and knew the knowledge o f the most High, which saw the vision of the Almighty, falling into a D S ; SPA epi.nwsource/national/254832l07 DI * guys from parasense jump down the window and unfortunately left our physic al planet.for good.It just happened one or two days ago..good to have way to confirm this sad news. p;Zolod didn’t die by accidentally falling out of window – he jumped out o f window after having a huge argument with his girlfriend (the girl that w as a reason for Parasens break up in a first place). Unfortunatelly he&nbs White flag for Russian Trance…… * * &nbs s photo and image I have from the past 10 years in a gallery, 1200 in all .. Completeley unedited – there may be a couple incriminating photos in there. I would like to hope that the NYPD could build a pr etty good case 3-07012006 chines19962006/index 2006/Brainmachines19962006/index web tranceam.org/photos1 70341913-07012006Also, I uploaded all of Nan’s photos from NYC 2002-2004. The links for those and the link above are now on the main pag c 3YearsinPix2/3years2 rsinPix2/3years2 web tranceam.org/hipchix/3YearsinPix2/3ye p:///hipchix/3YearsinPix3/3years3 /hipchix/3YearsinPix3/3years3 web brainmac 270341913-07012006And not to forget Serge’s photos from 2000. He’s 913-07012006 ml class PS I will be revising this, if anyone has any photos to add please email t s SPA it to Albert Hoffman’s 100th birthday party in Switzerland& &n bsL To those of you that are going: Dance for me! but I DO have a copy of the unreleased Project Eleusis CD from Dropout Productions that was cre ated to celebrate Albert Hoffman’s birthday and accomplishments. WOW !!!! Everybody get ready& it is AWESOME& so, so PSYCHEDELIC!!! T wisted, pounding, glitchy, and completely psychoactive. I think the releas e date is Jan. 9, give or take a day. It has Penta, Kindzadza, Digitalist, The Nommos, Ocelot, The Galactic Brain, Plyphonia, Candy Power AND Highko vs. Naked Tourist& .The samples are killer. I’ve got it on rep eat& repeat& repeat. Just a head’s up! You can listen t o clips here: ectEleusis.shtml Eleusis.shtmlweb dropout-productions/releaseProjectEleusis.sht ml Daiva Nata “We dance for laughter, we dance for tears, we danfor madness, we dance for fears, we dance for hopes, we dance for screa ms, we are the dancers, we create the dreams.” unknown &n bs Depressed? Prolems stayi ng alert? Addicted to ds? Try weekly Cranial Electrical Sti mulation whose effectes become cumulative after several weeks. ts * * * day party is Tuesdayt January 10th 8pm-12am at Nootropica LLC’s offices./ a roomate in Brooklyn: My roomate Michael is moving out January 15th. Doorman building in tree lined neighborhood, 2 blocks from Church A venue stop on F train subway. 35 minutes from downtown door to door, 4 5 minutes from midtown. 10 blocks south of Prospect Park I have an office downstairs on the ground floor. I am usually down ther e. You have the option of doing work for our company at $7 an ho ur. There is plenty of work with extremely flexible hours. You wo uld have your own master bedroom with a walk-in closet and 2 sunny win dows, wood floor. 200 sq feet. I have converted the living room to a room that I sleep in. It is divided from the dining room b y a row of bookshleves. There is a large dining room and kitchen and ex tra closet space. I will need 2 months rent (first and last month) and 1 month security for deposit. You must pay all rent and deposit to definitely secure the room. We use Optimum Online for cable/phon e/broadband Internet. That is $50 a month each to share. Ligh t smokers OK, a cat is OK although I am slightly allergic, cleanliness and sharing chores are a must, i.e. you should never leave dirty plat es in the sink. Rent is $650 a month. If we haven’t ever met I’l l need references. You must be gainfully employed, independently wealthy, or willing to work long hours. If you are seeking a lim ited time share let me know. Con Ed is about $40 a month. Call m e at 1-347-405-5518.if you’re interested. I will be gone Dec 22- 30 and would like to find someone ASAP. *& PANLogo partners in bold. Same date events appear in the order su bmitted. All events include at least on Psy/Goa DJ. Organizers w ho cannot provide press passes will be charged the amount of 2 tickets to help keep gonzo journalism alive (and kicking). * * * &nb s m-12am Tuesday Jeff Machinelf’s birthday party at Nootrition’s offices ster showing up at midnight with your tagging crew) to:jeff at nootropicajeff at nootropica * * * djinflux hoo/A wrote: hello everyone, last week we had our 28th party . we are very happy with all the great vibration we had so far. thanks eve ryone for the support! this week we have a killer lineup: from 10: 00 til 12:00 – LEO (tribal vision records) from 12:00 til 01:30 – FUZZY NUGGET LIVE from 01:30 til 02:30 – PHASEPHOUR LIVE &nb s&nb s (shiva space technology, norway) from 02:30 til 04:00 – LUIS (dreamcatcher NYC) PhasePhour is a Psychedelic trance pro ject based in Norway, a little country based to far north on the blue and green planet Earth. Today PhasePhour consist of Eldar von Essen that& # 8217;s been involved in the project from the start in 1997. Since then Pha sePhour have changed a lot both in music style and members but today Phase Phour it’s concentrated about Psychedelic night music for the dance floor. You will also find some chillout tracks made by PhasePhour but Elda r it’s now only producing chillout tracks under the name EldarLife t hat’s been his own project since the start in 2004. PhasePhour ha s released one album (Boiing & Zipp& on Freetransform Records) a nd V.A tracks on labels like Shiva Space Technology and Chill Tribe Record s for more info – ephour FREE EN-TRANCE 21+ w/ ID LOCATION: THE FAT BL ACK PUSSYCAT LOUNGE ( BASEMENT ) 130 W. 3rd st (between 6th ave and Ma cdougal) – New York City – NY in the heart of Greenwich Village. By subway: A B C D E F V Trains to west 4th stop. Map: & nbs 28th Day Productions and Light-O-Matic Present Saturday January 7, 2005 9 Hours of Psychedelic Trance & Visionary Art LEMURIANS – LIVE (Shiva Space Thechnology) PHASEPHOUR – LIVE (S hiva Space Technology) + Blue Spectral Monkey (Touch Samhadi / Inter chill) Shai (Divine Balance /Chilluminati) Karmakanik (PSI) vs. Dave Henshaw (Sonic Beating) Indigom (PsyBooty Records San Francisco) live performance + DJ set At COSM – The Chapel of Sacred Mirrors – 540 W27th St, NYC Saturday January 7, 2005 11PM – 7:30AM – $25 The Chapel of S acred Mirrors (CoSM) is a sanctuary in New York City for contemplation and a center for events encouraging the creative spirit. The Sacred Mir rors, on display in the Chapel, are a series of paintings by visionary art ist Alex Grey that allow us to see ourselves and each other as reflections of the divine. Chillout in the Chapel with: EldarLife (Chillcode &a mChill Tribe Records) Pedro (Reality Engine / Interchill) Jay aka D-Space Dancefloor Decor by Dave Henshaw & Marria (Sonic Beating Projection by Dave Tennant DI * HAPPY, HEALTHY & TRANCEY NEW YEAR! TSUNAMI New Monthly Party Friday, January 20th, 2006 Hours: 1 0pm till late at SPIRIT 530 West 27th Street (between 10th & 1 1th Avenues) 10pm till late spritnewyork TSUNAMI and SPIRIT a re starting a brand new monthly party that intents to set the bar every 3r d Friday of each month with top quality psy trance acts. It all starts on Friday, January 20th with… Live e first time in NY: YOUNGER BROTHER (twisted, UK) The legendary, the much followed and imitated Simon Posford (a.k.a. HALLUCINOGEN, or hal f of SHPONGLE) and Benji Vaughan (a.k.a. PROmthEUS, and half of PROCE SS, with Sean Williams, half of a CITIZEN KANED with Doof, and half of CYB ER BABAS with Raja Ram) join forces for this trail blazing experience. 10:30pm till midnight, it’s our great honor to welcome: CONSPIRATOR (Di amond Riggs/Final Phaze) Conspirator consists of Marc and Aron of the D ISCO BISCUITS and DJ Omen, who hosted CAMP BISCO the open air party for 50 00+, which brought YOUNGER BROTHER to the US for the first time ever this – Tw isted, UK) PROmthEUS (Benji – Twisted, UK) YONI (TSUNAMI) – Always rocking always right on! SURRENDER – Gadi’s signature no nonesense morning fu ll on sets are powerful and energetic. Decor by: NAGUAL Creations, Barc elona (Spain) Admission: $ 30 advance (plus store commission or service fee) Vinyl Market Satellite 241 East 10th Street 259 Bowery 212 539-1203 212 995-1740 Also available on GrooveTickets ttp://web groovetickets/ordersystem/Groove/frontsearchresults.asp?Affil TSUNAMI Monthlies at SPIRIT: Friday, February 17th, Friday March 17th and so ge. 267.14.16/225 – Release 1/9/2006
#3703 Wed, 18 Jan 2006 11:29:36 From: “Machinelf” Newsletter Trip Out New York Circ 2,070 and growing faster than a pack of Israelis Fr ee NYC Psychedelic Trance Community Weekly Noosletter Please make a donati on to help keep the spirit alive Editor chines” Forward/reprint to spread the psytra nce virus com To review & discuss emai l groups web tranceam.org/links “More LinksHYP ERLINK web tranceam.org/links ” Numbers 24, verse 16 “H e hath said, which heard the words of God, and knew the knowledge of the m ost High, which saw the vision of the Almighty, falling into a trance, but having his eyes open” What’s News I have a new number! My room ate/business partner moved out so the number had to change. 718-676-5347 * * * Gosha plays early Wednesday at Psycheground, come early New Tsunami dates posted below. New Samadhi party Feb * * * Great articles – reprinted at end of this email: Great alkaloids info from Nancy UK head shop article from the Guardian New Pill Erases Bad Memories from C NN * * * UK Guardian on Christ’s cannabis use “web guardian.co.uk/international/story/0,3604,869273,00 ” web g uardian.co.uk/international/story/0,3604,869273,00 * * * Note from rebecca who was in Switzerland for Hoffman’s 100th – Oh my god, it was so great. The last day Albert Hoffman talked for the closing ceremon y at the Symposium and I was inches away. Got lots of cool shots of him. He uses kinda like a medical cane on each arm but is strong as ever, going u p and down the stage stairs and waving his arms in salut grinning the entir e time. He was describing his “problem child” and how it found him. I have some of the seminars of him on some DVD’s and cd’s that I got there. There was so many amazing speakers. Goa Gil played last night and I’ve never se en him so good, no longer hardcore, or maybe it was just my trip as I was g uided into a galaxy of organic, soft melodies interconnecting into fully di mensional sounds of reason and synchronization,. The deco was beautiful and cosmic (the party was in a huge barge!), and the whole room resonated with love and generosity. We were all satisfied under his sun. The Symbosium is over now. Time to pack up and move on. We go to Zurich tomorrow, it’s li ke an hr away. It’s 4 of us traveling including me in an old BMW, rockstar style. Loving life and you and you… * * * Also – some of you rememember me mentioning that there have been northern European mummies fou nd in the Gobi Desert that are 4000 years old, still with bright red braide d hair and with intricate tattooes and European stitching (plaid – tartan). Now for the first time the good old Discovery Channell has a program that shows images and photographs. They are startling to say the least, and th e implications of Europeans in China 4,000 years ago – before the first pyr amids were being built, before the SIlk Road started, are as yet unsettled. * * * Syefan is doing a Tuesday party at a sushi place and the y are showing Powow videos but he doiesn’t want any freaky tweakers showing up, contact him directly if you are interested. * * * Event C alendar sponsored by web nootrition/” Logo partner s in bold. Same date events appear in the order submitted. All events inclu de at least on Psy/Goa DJ. Organizers who cannot provide press passes will be charged the amount of 2 tickets to help keep gonzo journalism alive (an d kicking). * * * Every Wednesday thank you for coming last wee k .this week’s lineup: from 10:30 til 11:30 – GOSHA (omnitribe-alphatrance) from 11:30 til 12:30 – BEN (light- o-matic) from 12:30 til 02:00 – EARTHIA N(omnitribe-alphatrance) form 02:00 til 04:00 – LUIS(dreamcatcher NYC) FREE EN-TRANCE 21+ w/ ID LOCATION: THE FAT BLACK PUSSYCAT LOUNGE ( BASEMENT ) 130 W. 3rd st (between 6th ave and Macdougal) – New York City – NY in the heart of Greenwich Village. By subway: A B C D E F V Trains to west 4th st op. Map: -nmaps.google/maps Fly -nweb dr * * * HAPPY, HEALTHY & TRANCEY NEW YEAR! TSUNAMI New Monthly Party Friday, January 20th, 2006 Hours: 10pm till late at SPIRIT 530 West 27th Street (between 10th & 11th Avenues) 10pm till late spritnewyork TSUNAMI and SPIRIT are starting a brand new mont hly party that intents to set the bar every 3rd Friday of each month with t op quality psy trance acts. It all starts on Friday, January 20th with… L For the first time in NY: YOUNGER BROTHER ( twisted, UK) The legendary, the much followed and imitated Simon Posford (a .k.a. HALLUCINOGEN, or half of SHPONGLE) and Benji Vaughan (a.k.a. PROMET HEUS, and half of PROCESS, with Sean Williams, half of a CITIZEN KANED with Doof, and half of CYBER BABAS with Raja Ram) join forces for this trail bl azing experience. 10:30pm till midnight, it’s our great honor to welcome: C ONSPIRATOR (Diamond Riggs/Final Phaze) Conspirator consists of Marc and Aro n of the DISCO BISCUITS and DJ Omen, who hosted CAMP BISCO the open air par ty for 5000+, which brought YOUNGER BROTHER to the US for the first time ev er this past August. HALLUCINOGEN (Simon Posford – T wisted, UK) PROmthEUS (Benji – Twisted, UK) YONI (TSUNAMI) – Always rockin g, always right on! SURRENDER – Gadi’s signature no nonesense morning full on sets are powerful and energetic. Decor by: NAGUAL Creations, Barcelona ( Spain) Admission: $ 30 advance (plus store commission or service fee) Vinyl Market Satellite 241 East 10th Street 259 Bowery 212 539-1203 212 995-1740 Also available on GrooveTickets web groovetickets.co m/ordersystem/Groove/frontsearchresults.asp?Affi mageB chresults Next TSUNAMI Monthlies at SPIRIT: Friday, February 17th, Friday, March 17th and so on. H YPERLINK ce/INFO LINE: 212.439.8124 * * * 28thday and Light-o-matic Productions present : When: February 4th: Touch Samadhi Invasion! Where: Loft in NOHO Who: Live Act: Shape Static (formerly Lost Baba and the Bastard) Dj sets: Kri (Touch Samadhi) Blue Spectral Monkey (Touch Samadhi) Coral (Touch Samadhi/28thday ) Dr. Spook (Geomagnetic) Deco by GoaDevotee Hours: 11pm- 7am This event wi ll be footloose and shoe free once inside, so wash your goddamn feet and so cks beforehand85 there will be a coat check as well, so bundle up for the cold weather. Cover: $20. And I forgot to add: Dr. Spook will be providing visuals throughout the night. web 28thdayweb 28thday web lightomaticweb lightomatic “web psynyweb psyny Friday, February 17th TSUNAMI Monthl y at SPIRIT Friday, March 3rd: TSUNAMI new venue Friday, March 17th TSUNAM I Monthly at SPIRIT Friday, April 21st TSUNAMI Monthly at SPIRIT Grea t info! 🙂 Nancy (From Chapter 11 “The Secret Revealed” of “The Sunf ood Diet Success System” by David Wolfe) Alkaloids Alkal oids are bitter organic compounds which are derived from plants bearing see d. Aspirin, caffeine, cannabinoids (THC, THCV, CBD, CBC), cocaine, morphine nicotine, etc. are all alkaloids. Alkaloids provide the heating quality i n hot peppers. Peyote contains the most powerful alkaloids in the world. Dr ugs such as ecstasy, in their original plant derivation (from sassafras and nutmeg), contain alkaloids as their active agents. Joshua Rainbow, a fruitarian activist, has described in his booklet Biotrophic Pro tocol that when alkaloids are introduced into a body with an acidic biochem istry, they neutralize the acid and eliminate the acid-induced pain. Alkalo ids create a high for a time as acids are neutralized and the blood is alka lized. The alkalizing of the blood tunes one into the human body92s natura l frequency and insights begin to be drawn in from infinite intelligence 96 that is until the body92s acid-biochemistry begins reasserting itself mostly through the desire for acid-forming foods which 93acid-up94 the bl ood and diminish the alkaloid high. The insights diminish as one is tuned b ack into the static. We can see from the effects of alkaloi ds on the body, why ds, coffee, and the smoking of marijuana and tobacco etc. are so popular. The typical body, acidified by a cooked animal-food diet, is actually alkalized or balanced by the alkaloids of these substance s and achieves glimpses of higher consciousness. By eating significantly more green-leafy vegetables, especially wild herbs, one will alkalize the body chemistry and be able to tap into the natural human frequ ency more easily and more often, without ds and their side-effects. (Jos hua Rainbow believed this could be done with fruits also, but fruits do not contain enough alkaline elements to produce the effect.) Placing green lea ves in an acid body raises the consciousness as the body becomes more alkal ine. One can overcome coffee and addictions (coffee is a co oked beverage as it is made by passing hot water through ground-up roasted seeds [beans] from the coffee fruit) by drinking fresh green-vegetable juic e in the morning instead of coffee. This will stimulate an excellent bowel movement and give the body the alkaloid stimulation it desires. I know some raw-foodists who smoke marijuana regularly. Even if all-ra w, the habit of typically overeating sugar and fat and undereating green-le afed vegetables leads to a slightly acid and constricted body chemistry 96 leaving one tuned out, just a bit. This condition is alleviated by smoking marijuana, hence the desire. The alkaloids in the marijuana smoke neutrali ze the acid condition, relax the body, and tune one into a higher knowledge . But smoking marijuana actually perpetuates the same biochemistry which cr eated the desire for alkalinity (alkaloids) because smoking marijuana inter feres with the ability of the blood to carry sugar. The more you smoke, the more sugar the body desires. Also, the higher you go, the more acid-formin g foods the body asks for (avocados, nuts, and seeds) to bring you down. Th is cycle is broken by eating significantly more green-leafed vegetables and wild herbs which alkalize the body, loosen the tissues, and open the mind. To overcome the desire for cooked alkaloids, one should re place them by eating raw and/or by eating more green-leafed vegetables and wild herbs. Raw green leaves have the same effect as alkaloid substances, h owever, their high lasts much longer. By repeatedly introducing significant amounts of green-leafed vegetables and wild herbs we raise the alkalinity of the body and loosen the constriction of body tissues. Gr een leaves soothe the nerves and calm the body. Those with chronic back and muscle pains should be sure to eat plenty of green vegetables. Green leave s relieve pain. Green-leafy foods decrease the overall stress of the body a nd facilitate yoga practice. For those raw-foodists practicing yoga: eat mo re greens for better flexibility. Consider that the number one cause of death in the western world is heart disease. The heart chakra is green. An abundance of green in the diet strengthens the heart. Exotic, legal highs become big business as ‘headshops’ boom d emporiu ms flourish, selling pills, plants and cannabis paraphernalia David McCan dless Monday January 09 2006 The Guardian Pocket bongs, digital scales, herb grinders and exotic shamanic plants. The shelves of King Bong in Bour nemouth are packed with all the discerning d user could possibly want. T here are brightly packaged pills such as “Yellow Veg-E’s”, “vegetarian blis sed-out dance capsules”, and the citrus-flavoured Lime-Fantazias which prom ise “euphoric sensations” all night. And all of it entirely legal. King Bo ng is one of some 200 “headshops” in the high street. Most major towns and cities now have a resident d emporium, selling raver toys, cannabis acce ssories, and a selection of legal, mind-altering ds. Along with several large-scale websites, they form a lucrative “legal highs” industry which ma rkets exotic mind-changing plants and chemicals to a growing audience of dr ug users looking for alternatives to illegal substances. Demand for such l egal highs has never been higher. “Business is on the up,” says King Bong’s owner, Tony Rotherham, who has run headshops for 12 years. “We’re getting all sorts in here. Hippies, clubbers, students, housewives, even slimmers l ooking for appetite suppressants.” It was the boom in sales of magic mushr ooms that kickstarted the industry. A legal loophole led to a proliferation of vendors. The Fungi’ reliable and mostly benevolent psychedelic effe cts changed public perception of legal highs. “Fungi opened people’s mi nd to the possibility you could go into a shop and get a legal high that ha d an effect,” he says. When the loophole closed in July, vendors filled th e void. “We’ve got a lot of new good products coming in,” Mr Rotherham says . Some 20 new, effective ds have emerged in the last year. A hotchpotch of shamanic plants, synthetic stimulants, and psychedelic cacti, most impo rted from the Netherlands, New Zealand and India, are repackaged and sold a cross the UK. An intoxicant plant from Thailand called Kratom is a big sell er and dubbed the “herbal speedball” due its apparent euphoric effects. Als o selling well is a new breed of ecstasy-like ds, marketed as “p.e.p pil ls”. They contain piperazines, stimulant chemicals from the same chemical f amily as Viagra. Magic mushroom sellers have switched to selling another m ushroom, not yet outlawed: the red-and-white spotted Fly Agaric toadstool, which contains the psychoactive chemicals muscimol and ibotenic acid which can trigger delirious, dream-like states. Thanks to the effectiveness of t hese legal highs and the large customer base created by the mushroom boom, the trade is booming in shops and on the web, with shoppers exploiting secu re credit card orders and 24-hour websites. “Loads of people are getting i nto it,” says Mark Evans, owner of EveryOneDoesIt, the UK’s biggest onl ine headshop. “At the click of a button you can have whatever you want next day, at your home or in your office.” His site boasts more than 5,000 pro ducts and many types of ds: stimulant, visionary, relaxant, aphrodisiac. Customers can give star ratings and post Amazon-style reviews. The web ens ures word of mouth spreads quickly. Highs that don’t work or have negative side-effects quickly disappear from sale. It is proving a lucrative intern ational business. “We’re selling to thousands of customers a week all over Europe and north America,” Mr Evans says. “There’s a lot of money in the in dustry right now.” His company claims a £2m a year turnover, with the estimated worth of the UK industry put at £10m. While the majority of the new ds remain unscheduled under the Misuse of ds Act, retailer s are careful not to encourage any illegal activity or directly promote pro ducts as ds. Cannabis seeds are often sold as “souvenirs”. Bottles of in halant amyl nitrite or “poppers” are advertised as “room odourisers”. Bongs (a water pipe used for smoking cannabis) are labelled for “legal smoking m ixes only”. However, some of the plant-based highs have a quasi-legal statu s because they contain naturally occurring illegal ds. The San Pedro cac tus contains the outlawed psychedelic substance mescaline. Magic Fungi, too, contain a class A d, psilocybin, and were banned. Says Katy Swain e, head of legal services at ds advice charity Release: “The circumstanc es in which it is illegal to possess or supply the plant are ambiguous.” Bu t the authorities seem unconcerned. “We’ve only had the police in here once in 12 years,” says Mr Rotherham. “The local beat officer came in after som eone from a local mental health institute bought some herbal highs. He aske d us not to sell to anyone from there. So we didn’t.” Retailers say legal highs are safer than illicit ds, which are often either adulterated or d angerously powerful. In contrast, many legal highs have a history of human use dating back thousands of years. Plant preparations such as the psychede lic Amazonian brew, ayahuasca, or Yopo Seeds, which contain the hallucinoge n d (dimthyltryptamine), are used as sacraments in some shamanic ceremon ies, with vomiting and loss of bowel control common. Some have moved to ba n some legal highs as their use has increased, creating a patchwork of inco nsistent legislation. The potent psychedelic herb, Salvia Divinorum is bann ed in Australia and Italy but legal elsewhere. “Governments tend to respon d to very visible problems or public health scares,” says Ms Swaine. “If th ere was an explosion in the use or supply of a particular substance, as wit h magic mushroom, they might take steps.” Mark Evans, of EveryOneDoesIt.co m, says: “The government know we’re here. We pay 40% tax plus 1% for nation al insurance … I’m sure they do very well out of the headshop industry.” New stimulants, old plants Salvia divinorum Rare form of sage contains Sa lvinorin A, powerful psychoactive chemical. Effects When smoked, its effect s are instantaneous, powerful and strange. Duration 5-10 minutes, with an h our-long tail-off. Status Banned in Australia and Italy. Kratom (Mitragyna speciosa) Native south-east Asian plant. When eaten, the powdered leaves c ause an effect not dissimilar to a combination of heroin and cocaine. Effec ts Waves of physical pleasure, euphoria. Duration 5-8 hours. Status Illegal in Thailand and Australia Fly Agaric (Amanita muscaria) Red and white spo tted mushroom. When cooked the toxins break down, so it can be drunk in a t ea. Effects Often unreliable, a dreamy intoxicated state, excessive salivat ion. Duration 5 hours Status Legal everywhere. San Pedro (Trichocereus pac hanoi) Common cactus found in most garden centres, has large amounts of mes caline, class-A psychedelic. Effects Mild stimulant or full-blown psychedel ia for 12 hours. Large amounts of the bitter cactus must be consumed. Most throw up. Duration 12-18 hours. Status Legal. Copyright Guardian Newspaper s Limited New Pill Erases Bad Memories (Jan. 14) – Suppose you coul d erase bad memories from your mind. Suppose, as in a recent movie, your br ain could be wiped clean of sad and traumatic thoughts. That is science fi ction. But real-world scientists are working on the next best thing. They h ave been testing a pill that, when given after a traumatic event like rape, may make the resulting memories less painful and intense. Will it work? I t is too soon to say. Still, it is not far-fetched to think that this d someday might be passed out along with blankets and food at emergency shelt ers after disasters like the tsunami or Hurricane Katrina. Psychiatrist Hi lary Klein could have offered it to the man she treated at a St. Louis shel ter over the Labor Day weekend. He had fled New Orleans and was so distraug ht over not knowing where his sisters were that others had to tell Klein hi s story. “This man could not even give his name, he was in such distress. All he could do was cry,” she said. Such people often develop post-traumat ic stress disorder, or PTSD, a problem first recognized in Vietnam War vete rans. Only 14 percent to 24 percent of trauma victims experience long-term PTSD, but sufferers have flashbacks and physical symptoms that make them fe el as if they are reliving the trauma years after it occurred. Scientists think it happens because the brain goes haywire during and right after a st rongly emotional event, pouring out stress hormones that help store these m emories in a different way than normal ones are preserved. Taking a d t o tamp down these chemicals might blunt memory formation and prevent PTSD, they theorize. Some doctors have an even more ambitious goal: trying to cu re PTSD. They are deliberately triggering very old bad memories and then gi ving the pill to deep-six them. The first study to test this approach on 1 9 longtime PTSD sufferers has provided early encouraging results, Canadian and Harvard University researchers report. “We figure we need to test abou t 10 more people until we’ve got solid evidence.” said Alain Brunet, a psyc hologist at McGill University in Montreal who is leading the study. It can ‘t come too soon. The need for better treatment grows daily as American tr oops return from Iraq and Afghanistan with wounded minds as well as bodies. One government survey found almost 1 in 6 showing symptoms of mental stres s, including many with post-traumatic stress disorder. Disability payments related to the illness cost the government more than $4 billion a year. Th e need is even greater in countries ravaged by many years of violence. “I don’t think there’s yet in our country a sense of urgency about post-trauma tic stress disorder” but there should be, said James McGaugh, director of t he Center for the Neurobiology of Learning and Memory at the University of California at Irvine. He and a colleague, Larry Cahill, did experiments th at changed how scientists view memory formation and suggested new ways to m odify it. Memories, painful or sweet, don’t form instantly after an event but congeal over time. Like slowly hardening cement, there is a window of o pportunity when they are shapable. During stress, the body pours out adren aline and other “fight or flight” hormones that help write memories into th e “hard drive” of the brain, McGaugh and Cahill showed. Propranolol can bl unt this. It is in a class of ds called beta blockers and is the one mos t able to cross the blood-brain barrier and get to where stress hormones ar e wreaking havoc. It already is widely used to treat high blood pressure an d is being tested for stage fright. Dr. Roger Pitman, a Harvard University psychiatrist, did a pilot study to see whether it could prevent symptoms o f PTSD. He gave 10 days of either the d or dummy pills to accident and r ape victims who came to the Massachusetts General Hospital emergency room. In follow-up visits three months later, the patients listened to tapes des cribing their traumatic events as researchers measured their heart rates, p alm sweating and forehead muscle tension. The eight who had taken proprano lol had fewer stress symptoms than the 14 who received dummy pills, but the differences in the frequency of symptoms were so small they might have occ urred by chance – a problem with such tiny experiments. Still, “this was t he first study to show that PTSD could be prevented,” McGaugh said, and eno ugh to convince the federal government to fund a larger one that Pitman is doing now. Meanwhile, another study on assault and accident victims in Fra nce confirmed that propranolol might prevent PTSD symptoms. One of those r esearchers, Brunet, now has teamed with Pitman on the boldest experiment ye t – trying to cure longtime PTSD sufferers. “We are trying to reopen the w indow of opportunity to modulate the traumatic memory,” Pitman said. The e xperiments are being done in Montreal and involve people traumatized as lon g as 20 or 30 years ago by child abuse, sexual assault or a serious acciden t. “It’s amazing how a traumatic memory can remain very much alive. It doe sn’t behave like a regular memory. The memory doesn’t decay,” Brunet said. To try to make it decay, researchers ask people to describe the trauma as vividly as they can, bringing on physical symptoms like racing hearts, then give them propranolol to blunt “restorage” of the memory. As much as three months later, the single dose appears to be preventing PTSD symptoms, Brun et said. Joseph LeDoux, a neuroscience professor at New York University, i s enrolling 20 to 30 people in a similar experiment and believes in the app roach. “Each time you retrieve a memory it must be restored,” he said. “Wh en you activate a memory in the presence of a d that prevents the restor age of the memory, the next day the memory is not as accessible.” Not all share his enthusiasm, as McGaugh found when he was asked to brief the Presi dent’s Council on Bioethics a few years ago. “They didn’t say anything at the time but later they went ballistic on it,” he said. Chairman Leon Kass contended that painful memories serve a purpose and are part of the human experience. McGaugh says that’s preposterous when it comes to trauma like war. If a soldier is physically injured, “you do everything you can to make him whole,” but if he says he is upset “they say, ‘suck it up – that’s the normal thing,”‘ he complained. Propranolol couldn’t be given to soldiers in battle because it would curb survival instincts. “They need to be able to run and to fight,” Pitman said. “But if you could take them behind the l ines for a couple of days, then you could give it to them after a traumatic event,” or before they’re sent home, he said. Some critics suggest that r ape victims would be less able to testify against attackers if their memori es were blunted, or at least that defense attorneys would argue that. “Med ical concerns trump legal concerns. I wouldn’t withhold an effective treatm ent from somebody because of the possibility they may have to go to court a year later and their testimony be challenged. We wouldn’t do that in any o ther area of medicine,” Pitman said. “The important thing to know about thi s d is it doesn’t put a hole in their memory. It doesn’t create amnesia. ” Practical matters may limit propranolol’s usefulness. It must be given w ithin a day or two of trauma to prevent PTSD. How long any benefits from t he d will last is another issue. McGaugh said some animal research sugge sts that memory eventually recovers after being squelched for a while by th e d. Overtreatment also is a concern. Because more than three-quarters of trauma victims don’t have long-term problems, most don’t need medication . But LeDoux sees little risk in propranolol. “It’s a pretty harmless dru g,” he said. “If you could give them one or two pills that could prevent PT SD, that would be a pretty good thing.” Klein, the Saint Louis University psychiatrist, said it would be great to have somthing besides sleep aids, antidepressants and counseling to offer traumatized people, but she remains skeptical about how much long-term good propranolol can do. “If there wer e a pill to reduce the intensity of symptoms, that would be a relief,” she said. “But that’s a far step from being able to prevent the development of PTSD.” Only more study will tell whether that is truly possible. Versi 1250 D sty PANand growing faster Psychedelic Trance Community Weekly Nooslet ter Please make a donation to help keep the spirit alive Editor ONT siz to spread the psytrance virus title ps bscribe nes/links the words of God, and knew the knowledge of the most High, which saw t he vision of the Almighty, falling into a trance, but having his eyes open” 006 I have a new number! My roomate/business partner moved out so t he number had to class 2006* * SP Samadhi * &n V rinted at end of 2006New Pill Erases Bad Memories from &nbs s t’s 00 web guardian.co.uk/international/story/0,3604,869273,00 l 12006* land for Hoffman’s 100th – o great. The last day Albert Hoffman talked for the closing ceremony at th e Symposium and I was inches away. Got lots of cool shots of him. He uses kinda like a medical cane on each arm but is strong as ever, going u p and down the stage stairs and waving his arms in salut grinning the enti re time. He was describing his “problem child” and how it found hi m . I have some of the seminars of him on some DVD’s and cd’s that I got there. There was so many amazing speakers. /D Goa Gil played last night and I’ve never seen him so good, no lon ger hardcore, or maybe it was just my trip as I was guided into a gala xy of organic, soft melodies interconnecting into fully dimensional sounds of reason and synchronization,. The deco was beautiful and cosmic (the pa rty was in a huge barge!), and the whole room resonated with love and generosity. We were all satisfied under his sun. / The Symbosium is over now. Time to pack up and move on. We go to Zurich tomorrow, it’s like an hr away. It’s 4 of us traveling including me in an old BMW, rockstar style. Loving life and you and you… /SPAN 06Also – some of you rememember me mentioning that there have been northe rn European mummies found in the Gobi Desert that are 4000 years old, stil l with bright red braided hair and with intricate tattooes and European st itching (plaid – tartan). Now for the first time the good old D iscovery Channell has a program that shows images and photographs.&nb sThey are startling to say the least, and the implications of Europeans in China 4,000 years ago – before the first pyramids were being built, be & nbs doing a Tuesday party at a sushi place and they are showing Powow videos but he doiesn’t want any freaky tweakers sh owing up, contact him directly if you are class sponso hr the o rder submitted. All events include at least on Psy/Goa DJ. Organizer s who cannot provide press passes will be charged the amount of 2 tic kets to help keep gonzo journalism alive (and kicking). & nbs tent k .this week’s lineup: from 12:30 til 02:00 – alphatrance) 012006 CAT LOUNGE ( BASEMENT ) 130 W. 3rd st (between 6th ave and Macdou gal) – New York City – NY in the heart of Greenwich Village. By subway: A B C D E F V Trains to west 4th stop. Map: tit n” Flyer: titl bs H APPY, HEALTHY & TRANCEY NEW YEAR! TSUNAMI New Monthly Party F riday, January 20th, 2006 Hours: 10pm till late at SPIRIT 530 West 27th Street (between 10th & 11th Avenues) 10pm till late spr itnewyork TSUNAMI and SPIRIT are starting a brand new monthly party that intents to set the bar every 3rd Friday of each month with top quali ty psy trance acts. It all starts on Friday, January 20th with… Live (twisted, UK) The legendary, the much followed and imitated Simon Posf ord (a.k.a. HALLUCINOGEN, or half of SHPONGLE) and Benji Vaughan (a.k. a. PROmthEUS, and half of PROCESS, with Sean Williams, half of a CITI ZEN KANED with Doof, and half of CYBER BABAS with Raja Ram) join forces fo r this trail blazing experience. 10:30pm till midnight, it’s our great honor to welcome: CONSPIRATOR (Diamond Riggs/Final Phaze) Conspirato r consists of Marc and Aron of the DISCO BISCUITS and DJ Omen, who hosted CAMP BISCO the open air party for 5000+, which brought YOUNGER BROTHER to the US for the first time HALLUCINOGEN (Simon Posford – Twisted, UK) PROmthEUS (Benji – Twisted UK) YONI (TSUNAMI) – Always rocking, always right on! SURRENDER – Gad i’s signature no nonesense morning full on sets are powerful and energetic . Decor by: NAGUAL Creations, Barcelona (Spain) Admission: $ 30 adva nce (plus store commission or service fee) Vinyl Market Satellite 24 1 East 10th Street 259 Bowery 212 539-1203 212 995-1740 Also availab le on GrooveTickets p://web groovetickets/ordersystem/Groove/frontsearchresults.asp?Affilid TSUNAMI Monthlies at SPIRIT: Friday, February 17th, Friday, March 17th and so on. title INFO LINE: SP * 28thday and Light-o-matic Productions present: W hen: February 4th: Touch Samadhi Invasion! Where: Loft in NOHO Wh o: Live Act: Shape Static (formerly Lost Baba and the Bastard) Dj sets: Kri (Touch Samadhi) Blue Spectral Monkey (Touch Samadhi) C oral (Touch Samadhi/28thday) Dr. Spook (Geomagnetic) Deco by GoaDevo tee Hours: 11pm- 7am This event will be footloose and shoe free once inside, so wash your goddamn feet and socks beforehand& there wi ll be a coat check as well, so bundle up for the cold weather. Cover : $20. And I forgot to add: Dr. Spook will be providing visuals thro ughout the night. Frid ay, February 17th TSUNAMI Monthly at SPIRIT Friday, March 3rd: TSUNAM I new venue Friday, March 17th TSUNAMI Monthly at SPIRIT Frida y, April 21st TSUNAMI Monthly at SPIRIT bs G NG hapter 11 “The Secret Revealed” of “The Sunfood Diet Success System” by Da vid Wolfe) ab-stops: .5in center 2.5in” : normal ops: .5in center 2.5in” in” tab-count: 1 ter organic compounds which are derived from plants bearing seed. Aspirin, caffeine, cannabinoids (THC, THCV, CBD, CBC), cocaine, morphine, nicotine etc. are all alkaloids. Alkaloids provide the heating quality in hot pep pers. Peyote contains the most powerful alkaloids in the world. ds such as ecstasy, in their original plant derivation (from sassafras and nutmeg a tab-count: 1″ s described in his booklet B ophic Protocol that when alkaloids are introduced into a body with an acidic biochemistry, they neutralize the acid and eliminate the acid-induc ed pain. Alkaloids create a high for a time as acids are neutralized and t he blood is alkalized. The alkalizing of the blood tunes one into the huma n body’s natural frequency and insights begin to be drawn in from in finite intelligence & that is until the body’s acid-biochemistr y begins reasserting itself mostly through the desire for acid-forming foo ds which & acid-up& the blood and diminish the alkaloid high. T he insights diminish as one is tuned back into the static./SPA N enter 2.5in” s New Roman’ tab-count: 1″ &nb s of alkaloids on the body, why ds, coffee, and the smoking of marijuana and tobacco, etc. are so popular. The typical body, acidified by a cooked animal-food diet, is actually alkalized or balanced by the alkaloids of t hese substances and achieves glimpses of higher consciousness. in center 2.5in” a tab-count: 1″ more green-leafy vegetables, especially wild herbs, one will alkalize the body chemistry and be able to tap into the natural human frequency more e asily and more often, without ds and their side-effects. (Joshua Rainbo w believed this could be done with fruits also, but fruits do not contain enough alkaline elements to produce the effect.) Placing green leaves in a n acid body raises the consciousness as the body becomes more alkaline.o: stops: .5in center 2.5in” .5in” tab-count: 1 &nb s e coffee and addictions (coffee is a cooked beverage as it is made by pass ing hot water through ground-up roasted seeds [beans] from the coffee frui t) by drinking fresh green-vegetable juice in the morning instead of coffe e. This will stimulate an excellent bowel movement and give the body the a SPAN “tab-count: 1″ &n bs Even if all-raw, the habit of typically overeating sugar and fat and under eating green-leafed vegetables leads to a slightly acid and constricted bo dy chemistry & leaving one tuned out, just a bit. This condition is alleviated by smoking marijuana, hence the desire. The alkaloids in the ma rijuana smoke neutralize the acid condition, relax the body, and tune one into a higher knowledge. But smoking marijuana actually perpetuates the sa me biochemistry which created the desire for alkalinity (alkaloids) becaus e smoking marijuana interferes with the ability of the blood to carry suga r. The more you smoke, the more sugar the body desires. Also, the higher y ou go, the more acid-forming foods the body asks for (avocados, nuts, and seeds) to bring you down. This cycle is broken by eating significantly mor e green-leafed vegetables and wild herbs which alkalize the body, loosen t PAN tab-count: 1″ &nb s eplace them by eating raw and/or by eating more green-leafed vegetables an d wild herbs. Raw green leaves have the same effect as alkaloid substances however, their high lasts much longer. By repeatedly introducing signifi cant amounts of green-leafed vegetables and wild herbs we raise the alkali nity of the body and loosen the constriction of body tissues./ n center 2.5in” a tab-count: 1″ nerves and calm the body. Those with chronic back and muscle pains should be sure to eat plenty of green vegetables. Green leaves relieve pain. Gre en-leafy foods decrease the overall stress of the body and facilitate yoga practice. For those raw-foodists practicing yoga: eat more greens for bet tops: .5in center 2.5in” tab-count: 1″ /S PANConsider that the number one cause of death in the western world is hea rt disease. The heart chakra is green. An abundance of green in the diet **| ighs become big business as ‘headshops’ boom d emporiums flourish, sell ing pills, plants and cannabis paraphernalia David McCandless Monday January 09 2006 The Guardian Pocket bongs, digital scales, herb grinders and exotic shamanic plants. The shel ves of King Bong in Bournemouth are packed with all the discerning d use r could possibly want. There are brightly packaged pills such as “Yellow V eg-E’s”, “vegetarian blissed-out dance capsules”, and the citrus-flavoured Lime-Fantazias which promise “euphoric sensations” all night. And all of it entirely legal. King Bong is one of some 200 “headshops” in the h igh street. Most major towns and cities now have a resident d emporium, selling raver toys, cannabis accessories, and a selection of legal, mind- altering ds. Along with several large-scale websites, they form a lucra tive “legal highs” industry which markets exotic mind-changing plants and chemicals to a growing audience of d users looking for alternatives to illegal substances. Demand for such legal highs has never been highe r. “Business is on the up,” says King Bong’s owner, Tony Rotherham, who ha s run headshops for 12 years. “We’re getting all sorts in here. Hippies, c lubbers, students, housewives, even slimmers looking for appetite suppress ants.” It was the boom in sales of magic Fungi that kickstarted the industry. A legal loophole led to a proliferation of vendors. The mush rooms’ reliable and mostly benevolent psychedelic effects changed public p erception of legal highs. “Fungi opened people’s mind to the possibili ty you could go into a shop and get a legal high that had an effect,” he s ays. When the loophole closed in July, vendors filled the void. “We’ ve got a lot of new good products coming in,” Mr Rotherham says. Some 20 n ew, effective ds have emerged in the last year. A hotchpotch of shamanic plants, synthetic stimulants, and psychedelic cacti, most importe d from the Netherlands, New Zealand and India, are repackaged and sold acr oss the UK. An intoxicant plant from Thailand called Kratom is a big selle r and dubbed the “herbal speedball” due its apparent euphoric effects. Also selling well is a new breed of ecstasy-like ds, marketed as “p.e.p pil ls”. They contain piperazines, stimulant chemicals from the same chemical family as Viagra. Magic mushroom sellers have switched to selling a nother mushroom, not yet outlawed: the red-and-white spotted Fly Agaric to adstool, which contains the psychoactive chemicals muscimol and ibotenic a cid which can trigger delirious, dream-like states. Thanks to the e ffectiveness of these legal highs and the large customer base created by t he mushroom boom, the trade is booming in shops and on the web, with shopp ers exploiting secure credit card orders and 24-hour websites. “Load s of people are getting into it,” says Mark Evans, owner of EveryOneDoesIt the UK’s biggest online headshop. “At the click of a button you can have whatever you want next day, at your home or in your office.” Hi s site boasts more than 5,000 products and many types of ds: stimulant, visionary, relaxant, aphrodisiac. Customers can give star ratings and post Amazon-style reviews. The web ensures word of mouth spreads quickly. High s that don’t work or have negative side-effects quickly disappear from sal e. It is proving a lucrative international business. “We’re selling to thousands of customers a week all over Europe and north America,” Mr Ev ans says. “There’s a lot of money in the industry right now.” His company claims a £2m a year turnover, with the estimated worth of the UK industry put at £10m. While the majority of the new d s remain unscheduled under the Misuse of ds Act, retailers are careful not to encourage any illegal activity or directly promote products as d s. Cannabis seeds are often sold as “souvenirs”. Bottles of inhalant amyl nitrite or “poppers” are advertised as “room odourisers”. Bongs (a water p ipe used for smoking cannabis) are labelled for “legal smoking mixes only” . However, some of the plant-based highs have a quasi-legal status because they contain naturally occurring illegal ds. The San Pedro cactus cont ains the outlawed psychedelic substance mescaline. Magic Fungi, too, c ontain a class A d, psilocybin, and were banned. Says Katy Swaine head of legal services at ds advice charity Release: “The circumstanc es in which it is illegal to possess or supply the plant are ambiguous.” B ut the authorities seem unconcerned. “We’ve only had the police in here onin 12 years,” says Mr Rotherham. “The local beat officer came in after someone from a local mental health institute bought some herbal highs. He a sked us not to sell to anyone from there. So we didn’t.” Retailers say legal highs are safer than illicit ds, which are often either adult erated or dangerously powerful. In contrast, many legal highs have a histo ry of human use dating back thousands of years. Plant preparations such as the psychedelic Amazonian brew, ayahuasca, or Yopo Seeds, which contain th e hallucinogen d (dimthyltryptamine), are used as sacraments in some sh amanic ceremonies, with vomiting and loss of bowel control common. Some have moved to ban some legal highs as their use has increased, creatin g a patchwork of inconsistent legislation. The potent psychedelic herb, Sa lvia Divinorum is banned in Australia and Italy but legal elsewhere. “Governments tend to respond to very visible problems or public health s cares,” says Ms Swaine. “If there was an explosion in the use or supply of a particular substance, as with magic mushroom, they might take steps.”/P Mark Evans, of EveryOneDoesIt, says: “The government know we’re he re. We pay 40% tax plus 1% for national insurance … I’m sure they do ver y well out of the headshop industry.” New stimulants, old plants/P Salvia divinorum Rare form of sage contains Salvinorin A, powerful ps ychoactive chemical. Effects When smoked, its effects are instantaneous, p owerful and strange. Duration 5-10 minutes, with an hour-long tail-off. Sta tus Banned in Australia and Italy. Kratom (Mitragyna speciosa) Nati ve south-east Asian plant. When eaten, the powdered leaves cause an effect not dissimilar to a combination of heroin and cocaine. Effects Waves of p hysical pleasure, euphoria. Duration 5-8 hours. Status Illegal in Thailand and Australia Fly Agaric (Amanita muscaria) Red and white spotted m ushroom. When cooked the toxins break down, so it can be drunk in a tea. E ffects Often unreliable, a dreamy intoxicated state, excessive salivation. Duration 5 hours Status Legal everywhere. San Pedro (Trichocereus pachanoi) Common cactus found in most garden centres, has large amounts of mescaline, class-A psychedelic. Effects Mild stimulant or full-blown psyc hedelia for 12 hours. Large amounts of the bitter cactus must be consumed. Most throw up. Duration 12-18 hours. Status Legal. Copyright Guardi an Newspapers Limited Memories ase bad memories from your mind. Suppose, as in a recent movie, your brain could be wiped clean of sad and traumatic thoughts. eTextThat is science fiction. But real-world scientists are working on
#3704 Thu, 19 Jan 2006 17:41:05 From: “Machinelf” RE: Alkaloids article this interesting retort, from a chem prof re: the alkaloids artricle I inc. in this week’s newsletter Jeff Re: (From Chapter 11 “The Secret Revealed” of “The Sunfood Diet Success System” by David Wolfe) Alkaloids My reply: Aaagh: get the hippies away from the chemistry! Cannabinoids (THC, THCV, CBD, CBC) are NOT alkaloids. Safrassas constituents that are converted into e are NOT alkaloids. If alkaloids neutralising acids gave you a high, then why doesn’t eating baking soda or tums get you off? (Note: don’t try this at home kids). The quantities of alkaloids you eat when ingesting plant material definitely does not neutralize the acid in your stomach. Ditto blood: Blood pH is naturally a little alkaline (7.4), but raised above 7.8 or below 6.8, death will follow easily. Fortunately blood is buffered to make sure that if you eat too many lemons….speaking of lemons: “Joshua Rainbow believed this could be done with fruits also, but fruits do not contain enough alkaline elements to produce the effect” – Damn right – fruits are very acidic – citric acid anyone? There is an alkaloid content in marijuana smoke, but it is TINY. More mixed alkaloids are likely to be in bitter greens than in pot smoke! The heart chakra might be green, but the people who wrote this are definitely green! I realise rainbow-tribe-ish people don’t like all this babylon-mind nonsense of requiring their statements to have some shred of verifiability, element of truth, sense or plausibility, but tough! This article is BS! Green foods are good for you: fiber, complex carbs and vitamins as well as trace nutrients are all good reasons to eat this stuff. Brocolli has a genuine, lab-tested cancer-protective agent in it. No need to dig yourself a hole and fill it with unsubstantiated nonsense! This kind o’ crap is what makes people run away from otherwise sensible ideas. Peace & love etc. * 1250 hem prof re: the alkaloids artricle I inc. in this week’s newsletter/SPA N Jeff Re: (From Chapter 11 “The Secret Reveal ed” of “The Sunfood Diet Success System” by David Wolfe) Alkaloids My reply: / Aaagh: get the hippies away from the chemistry! Cannabinoids (THC, THCV, CBD, CBC) are NOT alkaloids. / Safrassas constituents that are converted into e are NOT alk aloids. If alkaloids neutralising acids gave you a high, then why doesn’t eating baking soda or tums get you off? (Note: don’ t try this at home kids). The quantities of alkalo ids you eat when ingesting plant material definitely does not neutralize t he acid in your stomach. Ditto blood: Blood pH is naturally a little alkaline (7.4), but raised above 7.8 or below 6.8, deat h will follow easily. Fortunately blood is buffered to make sure that if y ou eat too many lemons….speaking of lemons: “Josh ua Rainbow believed this could be done with fruits also, but fruits do not contain enough alkaline elements to produce the effect” – Damn right – fr uits are very acidic – citric acid anyone? There is an alkaloid content in marijuana smoke, but it is TINY. More mixed alkalo ids are likely to be in bitter greens than in pot smoke! The heart chakra might be green, but the people who wrote this are definitely green! I realise rainbow-tribe-ish people don’t like all this babylon-mind nonsense of requiring their statements to have some shred of verifiability, element of truth, sense or plausibility, but tough! This article is BS! G reen foods are good for you: fiber, complex carbs and vitamins as well as trace nutrients are all good reasons to eat this stuff. Brocolli has a gen uine, lab-tested cancer-protective agent in it. No need to dig yourself a hole and fill it with unsubstantiated nonsense! This kind o’ crap is what makes people run away from otherwise sensible ideas. L .14.21/235 – Release 1/19/2006
#3705 Mon, 23 Jan 2006 12:23:41 From: “Machinelf” Newsletter Trip Out New York Circ 2,071 and growing faster than a pack of Israelis Fr ee NYC Psychedelic Trance Community Weekly Noosletter Please make a donati on to help keep the spirit alive Editor chines” Forward/reprint to spread the psytra nce virus com To review & discuss emai l groups web tranceam.org/links “More LinksHYP ERLINK web tranceam.org/links ” Numbers 24, verse 16 “H e hath said, which heard the words of God, and knew the knowledge of the m ost High, which saw the vision of the Almighty, falling into a trance, but having his eyes open” What’s News All time best graphic! take n from “spectraleyes”spectraleyes HYPE RLINK web tranceam.org/NAMESTEHOLOU.gif.co m/NAMES TEHOLOU.gif * * * New TDC party announced Jan 27. * * * New mexitrance monthly starts this Thursday * * * Newly updated with 2000images – now with twice as many photos and image s (GIF and BMPS as well as JPGs) web tranceam.org/Br ainmachines1996-2006/index web brainmac hines/Brainmachines1996-20 06/index * * * New NYC psy site web psyny. comweb psyny * * * l: The Geek-‘s Wonder d? yc60 4web wired/news/technology/0,70015-0 ? storymailernyc604 * * * If ds were l egal – “b3ta/challenge/dproducts/”b3ta.co m/challenge/dprodu cts/ Check out the K one (3rd of 4th down) * * * Datura overdose web local6/news/62697 32/detail web local6/news/6 269732/detail * * * funny: “uncyclopedia.org/wiki/Psytrance”uncycl opedia.org/wiki/Psytran ce I also like the entry for Terence McKenna whe n it says “[McKenna] is widely credited with being sampled in every HYPERLI NK “uncyclopedia.org/wiki/Psytrance” -npsytrance song ever made and discovering that a great change is going to take place in 2012 when million s of New Agers realize the “uncyclopedia.org/index.php?tit know shit.” Event Calendar Please support our sponsor web nootrition/” Logo par tners in bold. Same date events appear in the order submitted. All events i nclude at least on Psy/Goa DJ. Organizers who cannot provide press passes will be charged the amount of 2 tickets to help keep gonzo journalism alive (and kicking). For sponsorship logo placement please contact “m ailto:” * * * Every Wednesday hello tranceheads thank you for coming last week. t his week is special we have Matyas birthday here’s the lineup: from 10:00 til 11:30 PEDRO (reality engine) from 11:30 til 01:00 MATYAS (reality engin e) from 01:00 til 02:30 GAVIN (digital structures – sweden) from 02:30 til 04:00 LUIS (dreamcatcher nyc) FREE EN-TRANCE 21+ w/ ID LOCATION: THE FAT BLACK PUSSYCAT LOUNGE ( BASEMENT ) 130 W. 3rd st (between 6th ave and Macd ougal) – New York City – NY in the heart of Greenwich Village. By subway: A B C D E F V Trains to west 4th stop. Map: “maps.google.c 6,0.014636&hl+ny&sp Flyer: web dreamcatcherstud * * * THURSDAY MEXICAN TRIBE PRESENTS: ” Free Psychedelic Trance Party, thi s Thursday, January 26 th, 2005. at SIN-SIN OR LEOPARD LOUNGE Located at 248 East. 5 th. St. Corner of 2 nd. Ave. East Village, NY, NY 10003 LINE-UP : ZUMA ( MEXICAN TRIBE NYC ) 10-12AM NAHUAL ( MEXICAN TRIBE/ DREAMCATCHER NYC ) 12-2AM JUGGERNAUT ( DREAMCATCHER NYC ) 2-4 AM FREE EN-TRANCE L TRAIN TO 1 ST OR 3 RD AVE. F TRAIN TO 2 ND AVE. For more info contact “mai lto:djnahual at yahoo”djnahual at yahoo I hope to see you all there. With your support this will become a Monthly Party. * * * Friday, J anuary 27 TDC Underground Presents: “Echoes in the Night ” Dejan ( Kabrathor Rec ) Live Set Dejan : Is a project from Paris, France. He discovered electronic music in 1995 a nd got interested music production. After attending his first psychedelic t rance party in 98, he felt in love with this kind of music, and he began to make psy trance. Now he makes psy trance and chill out sounds. He performe d in France, Russia, Japan, United States and Switzerland. Other projects: 0.0.0.: Dejan vs. Judzign vs. Virgile (France), The Many Faces: Dejan vs. J elly (from JellyHeadz)(France ), Loko : Dejan vs. Baphomet Engine vs. Elect rypnose(France, Brazil, Switzerland). Dejan also figure on Tantrumm Records Manic Dragon, Nabi, Vertigo, Ajana, Trishula, DE9jE0 vu records, Drop O ut and others. Dj’s: Egbot & Mescalinium (Gaian Mind, PSI – Philadelphia, NYC) Babla (Kagdila Records) Isvara (TDC) NikA9 (TDC) Deco by: Aleysis & Melanie (Gaian Mind – Philadelphia, PA) TDC Crew Admission: 20$ before midn ight 25$ after Location: Club 7 6122 7th Ave. (Corner of 62nd Street and 7t h Ave) Brooklyn NY, 11220 Public transportation: N train (8th Ave stop) ‘ bus (60 St. and 7th Ave. stop) web tdcny. com/web TDCNY * * * 28thday and Light-o-matic Productions present: When: February 4th: Touch Samadhi Invasion! Where: Lo ft in NOHO Who: Live Act: Shape Static (formerly Lost Baba and the Bastard) Dj sets: Kri (Touch Samadhi) Blue Spectral Monkey (Touch Samadhi) Coral (T ouch Samadhi/28thday) Dr. Spook (Geomagnetic) Deco by GoaDevotee Hours: 11p m- 7am This event will be footloose and shoe free once inside, so wash your goddamn feet and socks beforehand85 there will be a coat check as well, s o bundle up for the cold weather. Cover: $20. And I forgot to add: Dr. Spoo k will be providing visuals throughout the night. web 28t hday/web 28thday web lightomatic/web lighto matic web psyny/web psyny * * * F riday, February 17th TSUNAMI Monthly at SPIRIT Friday, March 3rd: TSUNAMI n ew venue Friday, March 17th TSUNAMI Monthly at SPIRIT Friday, April 21st T SUNAMI Monthly at SPIRIT Chec Release 1/20/2006 -1 lvetica Circ 2,0SPA PANand growing faster than Trance Community Weekly Nooslet ter Please make a donation to help keep the spirit alive Editor size to spread the psytrance virus title ps bscribe nes/links the words of God, and knew the knowledge of the most High, which saw t he vision of the Almighty, falling into a trance, but having his eyes open” 006 D n from s D 359515316-23012006* * */ /S PAN * &nb this nbs Newly updated SPA as many photos and images (GIF and BMPS as well as JPGs) :///Brainmachines1996-2006/index web brainmachin es/Brainmachines1996-2006/index -23012006 site web 23012006 ; k-‘s Wonder d? 9515316-23012006* * */SP title e one (3rd of 4th down) s ti ocal6/news/6269732/detail 15316-23012006* * */SPAN uncyclopedia.org/wiki/Psytranceuncyclopedia.org/wiki/Psytrance 12006 ays “[McKenna] is widely credited with being sampled in every “uncyclopedia.org/wiki/Psytrance& #10;Psytrance” op.js.OpenExtLink(window,event,this)” ever made and discovering t hat a great change is going to take place in 2012 when millions of New Age rs realize the w,event,this)” SPA 7Event Calendar ers in bold. Same date events appear in the order submitted. All events in clude at least on Psy/Goa DJ. Organizers who cannot provide pre ss passes will be charged the amount of 2 tickets to help keep gonzo journ alism alive (and kicking). sorship logo placement please contact hines * * * DI V hello tranceheads thank you for coming last week. this week is special we have Matyas birthday here’s the lineup: from 10:00 til 1 1:30 PEDRO (reality engine) from 11:30 til 01:00 MATYAS (reality engine ) from 01:00 til 02:30 GAVIN (digital structures – sweden) from 02:3 0 til 04:00 LUIS (dreamcatcher nyc) FREE EN-TRANCE 21+ w/ ID LOC ATION: THE FAT BLACK PUSSYCAT LOUNGE ( BASEMENT ) 130 W. 3rd st (b etween 6th ave and Macdougal) – New York City – NY in the heart of Gree nwich Village. By subway: A B C D E F V Trains to west 4th stop. Ma p: en Flyer: 316-23012006 nbs MEXICAN TRIBE PRESENTS: ” Free Psy chedelic Trance Party, this Thursday, January 26 th, 2005. at SIN-SIN O R LEOPARD LOUNGE Located at 248 East. 5 th. St. Corner of 2 nd. Ave. Eas t Village, NY, NY 10003 LINE-UP : ZUMA ( MEXICAN TRIBE NYC ) 10-12AMNAHUAL ( MEXICAN TRIBE/ DREAMCATCHER NYC ) 12-2AM JUGGERNAUT ( DREAMCA TCHER NYC ) 2-4 AM FREE EN-TRANCE L TRAIN TO 1 ST OR 3 RD AVE. F TRAIN TO 2 ND AVE. For more info contact oodjnahual at yahoo I hope to see you all there. With you r support this will become a Monthly Party. 515316-23012006* * */SPA DC Underground Presents: “Echoes in the Night ” ( Kabrathor Rec ) Live Set Dejan: Is a p roject from Paris, France. He discovered electronic music in 1995 and g ot interested music production. After attending his first psychedelic t rance party in 98, he felt in love with this kind of music, and he began t o make psy trance. Now he makes psy trance and chill out sounds. He per formed in France, Russia, Japan, United States and Switzerland. Othe r projects: 0.0.0.: Dejan vs. Judzign vs. Virgile (France), The Many Faces : Dejan vs. Jelly (from JellyHeadz)(France ), Loko : Dejan vs. Baphomet Engine vs. Electrypnose(France, Brazil, Switzerland). Dejan also figure o n Tantrumm Records, Manic Dragon, Nabi, Vertigo, Ajana, Trishula, DE9jE0 inium (Gaian Mind, PSI – Philadelphia, NYC) Babla (Kagdila Records) Isv ara (TDC) NikA9 (TDC) Deco by: Aleysis & Melanie (Gaian Mind – Philadelphia, PA) TDC Crew Admission: 20$ before midnight 25$ after Location: Club 7 6122 7th Ave. (Corner of 62nd Street and 7th Ave) Brookly n NY, 11220 Public transportation: N train (8th Ave stop) ‘ bus (60 St. and 7th Ave. cny/web TDCNY 59515316-23012006* * */S thday and Light-o-matic Productions present: When: February 4th: Tou ch Samadhi Invasion! Where: Loft in NOHO Who: Live Act: Shape Static (formerly Lost Baba and the Bastard) Dj sets: Kri (Touch Sama dhi) Blue Spectral Monkey (Touch Samadhi) Coral (Touch Samadhi/28thd ay) Dr. Spook (Geomagnetic) Deco by GoaDevotee Hours: 11pm- 7amB RThis event will be footloose and shoe free once inside, so wash your goddamn feet and socks beforehand& there will be a coat check as wel l, so bundle up for the cold weather. Cover: $20. And I forgot to add: Dr. Spook will be providing visuals throughout the night. t tomatic/web lightomatic * &n Friday, February 17th TSUNAMI Monthly at SP IRIT Friday, March 3rd: TSUNAMI new venue Friday, March 17th TSUNAMI Monthly at SPIRIT Friday, April 21st TSUNAMI Monthly at SPIRIT this outgoing message. /P
February 2006
#3708 Wed, 1 Feb 2006 09:52:56 From: “Machinelf” Newsletter id:359515316 at 23012006-2002″ Trip Out New York Circ 2,071 and growing faste r than a pack of Israelis Free NYC Psychedelic Trance Community Weekly Noos letter Please make a donation to help keep the spirit alive Editor HYPERLI NK Forward/ reprint to spread the psytrance virus “ma c om com/links “More Links web tranceam.org/links ” Numbers 24, verse 16 “He hath said, which heard the words of God, and knew the knowledge of the most High, which saw the vision of the Almighty falling into a trance, but having his eyes open” What’s News If you watch the above images from your seat in front of the computer, Mr . Angry is on the left, and Mrs. Calm is on the right. Get up from your se at, and move back about eight feet!! They switch places!! I believe thi s illusion was created by Phillippe G. Schyns and Aude Oliva of the Univ. o f Glasgow. This proves that we may not be seeing what’s actually there, all the time!! I do not know how they generated this fascinating image, and I believe no-one else is able to generate anything similar in Photoshop. I k now it has somthing to do with “low-pass” and “high-pass” filters, but the details?? * * * Voice of Cods recent album “We Are Free”, relea sed in October on Organic Records has had many excellent reviews (including one well-known online reviewer saying “There is no doubt in my mind – this is the best album I’ve heard so far in 2005! And I’ve heard quite a few – including the Shpongle album!” Very flattering :). ‘They have also had fan tastic responses to the many live sets they’ve played here in the UK, as we ll as in Switzerland and Scotland…and are about to play one of London’s b iggest and most well-known psytrance parties, “Synergy Project” for the sec ond time – unique for any act who has played there. If you haven’t heard any of their tracks, their style has been described as “proper psytrance”; funky, melodic full-on with spanking production… Antaro put their track “Just A Ride” in his top ten for 2004, and John 00 Fleming had an online in terview and played many of the tracks from the album saying….”An album fu ll of the finest music this year. Combining the thumping elements of Psy Tr ance with the deeper tones of Progressive are a winning combination. They h ave created their own unique sound. Bloody awesome!!! (5/5)”…so we recon they must be doing somthing right! 🙂 😉 * * * Newly updated wit h 2000images – now with twice as many photos and images (GIF and BMPS as w ell as JPGs) web tranceam.org/Brainmachines1996-2006 /index web brainmac hines/Brainmachines1996-2006/index * * * Event Calendar Please support our sponsor ” web nootrition/” Logo partners in bold. Same date events appear in the order submitted. All events include at least on Psy/Goa DJ. Organizers who cannot provide press passes will be charged the amount of 2 tickets to hel p keep gonzo journalism alive (and kicking). For sponsorship logo placemen t please contact ainmachines * * * Every Wednesday hi, thank you for comi ng last week. thanks Pedro, Matyas and gavin for their mindblowing sets t his week’s lineup: from 10:00 till 12:00 NAHUAL (mexican tribe/ dreamcatche r) from 12:00 till 02:00 BABLA (tdc – kayarecs) from 02:00 till 04:00 LUIS (dreamcatcher) deco and video projections by dreamcatcherstudio FREE EN-TRA NCE 21+ w/ ID LOCATION: THE FAT BLACK PUSSYCAT LOUNGE ( BASEMENT ) 130 W . 3rd st (between 6th ave and Macdougal) – New York City – NY in the heart of Greenwich Village. By subway: A B C D E F V Trains to west 4th stop. Ma p: est+3rd+street,+new+york Flyer: HYPERL INK dio.n * * * 28thday and Light-o-matic Productions pr esent: When:February 4th: Touch Samadhi Invasion! Where: Loft in NOHO Who: Live Act: Shape Static (formerly Lost Baba and the Bastard) Dj sets: Kri (T ouch Samadhi) Blue Spectral Monkey (Touch Samadhi) Coral (Touch Samadhi/28t hday) Dr. Spook (Geomagnetic) Deco by GoaDevotee Hours: 11pm- 7am This even t will be footloose and shoe free once inside, so wash your goddamn feet an d socks beforehand85 there will be a coat check as well, so bundle up for the cold weather. Cover: $20. And I forgot to add: Dr. Spook will be provid ing visuals throughout the night. web 28thday/web 28 thday web lightomatic/web lightomatic HYPERL INK web psyny/web psyny * * * TSUNAMI Friday, F ebruary 17th, 2006 Hours: 11m till late at SPIRIT 530 West 27th Street (betw een 10th & 11th Avenues) 11pm till late spritnewyork S.U.N. PROJECT, li ve (EMI / Sprit Zone, Germany) Marco, Mathias and McCoy, with their signatu re electric guitar and drum live set, will be celebrating this year, just a s TSUNAMI will, their 10th Anniversary as SUN PROJECT. Their appearances al l over the globe have made them the crowds german darlings. For their 10th year together they have big plans, also in the US, and they will be giving us a taste of their new creations for the jubilee, complete with masks and costumes. DINO PSARAS, live and dj set (Visionquest, Japan, / Cehmchemical Crew, Israel, / Spun, Spain) Dino is since years internationally consistent ly voted as one of the top trance DJs and Producers in the world. After qui te a few unforgettable dj sets, this is the first time Dino graces us in th e US with a live set, introducing his brand new, yet unreleased material. D J SURRENDER (Gadi) DJ OMI-40% (Chemical Crew, Israel) And in a separate ups tairs chill out area, the legendary… MIXMASTER MORRIS Decor by: NOS (Swed en) Visuals by Optical Delusion Admission: $ 30 advance (plus store commiss ion) Available at: VINYL MARKET SATELLITE 241 East 10th Street 259 Bowery 212 539-1203 212 995-1744 Also availa ble at: GrooveTickets (at $30 plus Service Fee) web groovetickets/ordersystem/groove/frontsearchresults.asp?Affi 1&SVenu /groove/frontsearchresult All ticket holders or will call patrons please use express entrance. ce/INFO LI NE: 212.439.8124 93TSUNAMI Presents94 every fourth Friday of each month ( next one Friday Febr. 24th) at 2pm NY time on web di.fm/”w ww.di.fm * * * TRANCEMOTION PRODUCTIONS Presents: New CD Release Party Saturday March 4th 2006 ALIEN vs. The CAT Following hot on the heels of the album by Alien Project & Avi Space Cat 9292Space Jam9292. Ari t he Alien has teamed up with Avi the Space Cat to catapult us into another s tratosphere. The collaboration fell together and gelled instantly. A projec t that came together very quickly, after all night studio sessions and in b etween numerous gigs around the world. It came out of nowhere, within a lun ar cycle and it’s a real treat for all. The quality and the vibe are so hig h that the benchmark has yet again been raised. 2 (Second) Album coming soo n !!! ALIEN PROJECT VS SPACE CAT Dj Set: Ari Linker (Alien Project, Tip, Sp un, Uk, Israel) Avi Algranati (Space Cat, Tip, Spun, Uk, Israel) Sinpatex ( Alladin project, Nyc) VJ Projector By: Chris 96 Exeris (nyc) Avalon Club 20th Street & 6th Ave, Ny,Nyc Doors Open at 11pm 96 7am $25 guest List / $3 0 without 1. 917.553.4424 web trance-motion/web trance-moti on web alien-project/web alien-project HYP ERLINK web spunrecords.org/web spunrecords.org Next Party On April 15th Passover + Easter Party. More Details Coming Soon. * * * Friday, March 17th TSUNAMI Monthly at SPIRIT * * * Friday, Apri l 7th: TSUNAMI new venue * * * Friday, April 21st TSUNAMI Monthly at SPIRIT e Edition. 1/31/2006 1250 AN 532515-180120067 ing faster than Trance Community Weekly Noosletter Pleas e make a donation to help keep the spirit alive Editor title spread t he psytrance virus size eview roups title html si od, and knew the knowledge of the most High, which saw the vision of t he Almighty, falling into a trance, but having his eyes open” N 006 If you watch the above ima ges from your seat in front of the computer, Mr. Angry is on the left, and Mrs. Calm is on the right. Get up from your seat, and move back abo ut eight feet!! They switch places!! I bel ieve this illusion was created by Phillippe G. Schyns and Aude Oliva of th e Univ. of Glasgow. This proves that we may not be seeing what’s actually there, all the time!! I do not know how they generated this fascinati ng image, and I believe no-one else is able to generate anything similar i n Photoshop. I know it has somthing to do with “low-pass” and “high-pass” 23012006 ; album “We Are Free”, released in Octob er on Organic Records has had many excellent reviews (including one well-k nown online reviewer saying “There is no doubt in my mind – this is the be st album I’ve heard so far in 2005! And I’ve heard quite a few – including the Shpongle album!” Very flattering :). ‘They have also had f antastic responses to the many live sets they’ve played here in the UK, as well as in Switzerland and Scotland…and are about to play one of L ondon’s biggest and most well-known psytrance parties, “Synergy Project” f or the second time – unique for any act who has played there. B RIf you haven’t heard any of their tracks, their style has been described as “proper psytrance”; funky, melodic full-on with spanking pro duction… Antaro put their track “Just A Ride” in his top ten for 2004, and John 00 Fleming had an online interview and played many of t full of the finest music this year. Combining the thumping elements of Psy Trance with the deeper tones of Progressive are a winning combination. They have created their own unique sound. Bloody awesome!!! (5/5)”… so we re con * & 316-23012006with 2000images and images (GIF and BMPS as well as nes/Brainmachines1996-2006/index /Brainmachines1996-2006/index /Brainmachines 1996-2006/index cla endar Same date events appear in the order submitted. All events include at least on Psy/G oa DJ. Organizers who cannot provide press passes will be charg ed the amount of 2 tickets to help keep gonzo journalism alive (and kickin o: NT * * &nb s* Wednesday /STRO hi, thank you for coming last week. thanks Pedro, Matyas and gavin for their mindblowing sets this week’s lineup : from 10:00 till 12:00 NAHUAL (mexican tribe/ dreamcatcher) from 12 :00 till 02:00 BABLA (tdc – kayarecs) from 02:00 till 04:00 LUIS (dream catcher) deco and video projections by dreamcatcherstudio FREE EN-TR ANCE 21+ w/ ID LOCATION: THE FAT BLACK PUSSYCAT LOUNGE ( BASEME NT ) 130 W. 3rd st (between 6th ave and Macdougal) – New York City – N Y in the heart of Greenwich Village. By subway: A B C D E F V Trains to west 4th stop. Map: bs S ic Productions present: When: February 4th: Touch Samad hi Invasion! Where: Loft in NOHO Who: Live Act: Shape Static ( formerly Lost Baba and the Bastard) Dj sets: Kri (Touch Samadhi) Blue Spectral Monkey (Touch Samadhi) Coral (Touch Samadhi/28thday) D r. Spook (Geomagnetic) Deco by GoaDevotee Hours: 11pm- 7am This e vent will be footloose and shoe free once inside, so wash your goddamn feet and socks beforehand& there will be a coat check as well, so bundle up for the cold weather. Cover: $20. And I forgot to add:Dr. Spook will be providing ttp://web 28thday/ c/web lightomatic * TSUNAMI Friday, February 17th, 200 6 Hours: 11m till late at SPIRIT 530 West 27th Street (be tween 10th & 11th Avenues) 11pm till late spritnewyork S. U.N. PROJECT, live (EMI / Sprit Zone, Germany) Marco, Mathias and Mc Coy, with their signature electric guitar and drum live set, will be celeb rating this year, just as TSUNAMI will, their 10th Anniversary as SUN PROJ ECT. Their appearances all over the globe have made them the crowds german darlings. For their 10th year together they have big plans, also in the U S, and they will be giving us a taste of their new creations for the jubil ee, complete with masks and costumes. DINO PSARAS, live and dj set ( Visionquest, Japan, / Cehmchemical Crew, Israel, / Spun, Spain) Dino is si nce years internationally consistently voted as one of the top trance DJs a nd Producers in the world. After quite a few unforgettable dj sets, this i s the first time Dino graces us in the US with a live set, introducing his brand new, yet unreleased material. DJ SURRENDER (Gadi) DJ OMI-4 0% (Chemical Crew, Israel) And in a separate upstairs chill out area the legendary… MIXMASTER MORRIS Decor by: NOS (Sweden) Visual s by Optical Delusion Admission: $ 30 advance (plus store commission)B RAvailable at: VINYL MARKET &nb s SATELLITE &nbs & nbs 241 East 10th Street 259 Bowery 212 539-1203 &nb s 212 995-1744 Also available at: GrooveTickets (a t $30 plus Service Fee) ticket holders or will call patrons please u se express entrance. unami-trance INFO LINE: 212.439.8124 & TSUNAMI Presents& every fourth Friday of each month (next one Friday Febr. 24th) at 2pm NY time on bs cl Rele ase Party Saturday March 4th 2006 ALIEN vs. The CAT Following hot on the heels of the album by Alien Project & Avi SpaCat ‘Space Jam’. Ari the Alien has teamed up with Avi the Space Cat to catapult us into another stratosphere. The colla boration fell together and gelled instantly. A project that came together very quickly, after all night studio sessions and in between numerous gigs around the world. It came out of nowhere, within a lunar cycle and it’s a real treat for all. The quality and the vibe are so high that the benchma rk has yet again been raised. 2 (Second) Album coming soon !!! ALIEN PR OJECT VS SPACE CAT Dj Set: Ari Linker (Alien Project, Tip, Spun, Uk, Israel) Avi Algranati (Space Cat, Tip, Spun, Uk, Israel) Sinp atex (Alladin project, Nyc) VJ Projector By: Chris & Exeris (n yc) Avalon Club 20th Street & 6th Ave, Ny,Nyc Doors Open at 11 pm & 7am $25 guest List / $30 without at trance-motionInfo at trance-motion 1. 917.553.4424 bs xt Party On April 15th Passover + Easter Party. More Details Coming So on. nbs Friday, March 17th TSUNAMI Monthly at SPIRIT 6* Frid ve nue *&nb Friday, April 21st TSUNAMI Monthly at No virus fou nd in this outgoing message. T
#3709 Wed, 1 Feb 2006 10:48:19 From: “Machinelf” IMPORTANT Ignore the other newsletter sent 10 min ago – this Newsletter has major updates Trip Out New York Circ 2,071 and growing faster than a pack of Israelis Free NYC Psychedelic Trance Community Weekly Noosletter Please make a dona tion to help keep the spirit alive Editor machines” Forward/reprint to spread the psyt rance virus com To review & discuss em ail oogroups web tranceam.org/links “More LinksH YPERLINK web tranceam.org/links ” Numbers 24, verse 16 “He hath said, which heard the words of God, and knew the knowledge of the most High, which saw the vision of the Almighty, falling into a trance, b ut having his eyes open” What’s News If you watch the above i mages from your seat in front of the computer, Mr. Angry is on the left, an d Mrs. Calm is on the right. Get up from your seat, and move back about ei ght feet!! They switch places!! I believe this illusion was created by Phillippe G. Schyns and Aude Oliva of the Univ. of Glasgow. This proves tha t we may not be seeing what’s actually there, all the time!! I do not know how they generated this fascinating image, and I believe no-one else is ab le to generate anything similar in Photoshop. I know it has somthing to do with “low-pass” and “high-pass” filters, but the details?? * * * Voice of Cod’s recent album “We Are Free”, released in October on Organic Records has had many excellent reviews (including one well-known online re viewer saying “There is no doubt in my mind – this is the best album I’ve h eard so far in 2005! And I’ve heard quite a few – including the Shpongle al bum!” Very flattering :). ‘They have also had fantastic responses to the m any live sets they’ve played here in the UK, as well as in Switzerland and Scotland…and are about to play one of London’s biggest and most well-know n psytrance parties, “Synergy Project” for the second time – unique for any act who has played there. If you haven’t heard any of their tracks, the ir style has been described as “proper psytrance”; funky, melodic full-on w ith spanking production… Antaro put their track “Just A Ride” in his top ten for 2004, and John 00 Fleming had an online interview and played many o f the tracks from the album saying….”An album full of the finest music th is year. Combining the thumping elements of Psy Trance with the deeper tone s of Progressive are a winning combination. They have created their own uni que sound. Bloody awesome!!! (5/5)”…so we recon they must be doing somth ing right! 🙂 😉 elemanagement * * * Brainmachines, Circa 2030: Newly updated with 2000images – now with twice as many photos and images (GIF an d BMPS as well as JPGs) web tranceam.org/Brainmachin es1996-2006/index web brainmac hines/Brainmachines1996-2006/index. html * * * Event Calendar Please support our sponsor HYPERLI NK web nootrition/” Logo partners in bold. Same date events app ear in the order submitted. All events include at least on Psy/Goa DJ. Org anizers who cannot provide press passes will be charged the amount of 2 tic kets to help keep gonzo journalism alive (and kicking). For sponsorship lo go placement please contact achinelf at brainmachines * * * Every Wednesday hi, thank y ou for coming last week. thanks Pedro, Matyas and gavin for their mindblo wing sets this week’s lineup: from 10:00 till 12:00 NAHUAL (mexican tribe/ dreamcatcher) from 12:00 till 02:00 BABLA (tdc – kayarecs) from 02:00 till 04:00 LUIS (dreamcatcher) deco and video projections by dreamcatcherstudio FREE EN-TRANCE 21+ w/ ID LOCATION: THE FAT BLACK PUSSYCAT LOUNGE ( BASEME NT ) 130 W. 3rd st (between 6th ave and Macdougal) – New York City – NY in the heart of Greenwich Village. By subway: A B C D E F V Trains to west 4t h stop. Map: Fl yer: mcatcherstudio.n * * * 28thday and Light-o-matic Pro ductions present: When:February 4th: Touch Samadhi Invasion! Where: Loft in NOHO Who: Live Act: Shape Static (formerly Lost Baba and the Bastard) Dj s ets: Kri (Touch Samadhi) Blue Spectral Monkey (Touch Samadhi) Coral (Touch Samadhi/28thday) Dr. Spook (Geomagnetic) Deco by GoaDevotee Hours: 11pm- 7a m This event will be footloose and shoe free once inside, so wash your godd amn feet and socks beforehand85 there will be a coat check as well, so bun dle up for the cold weather. Cover: $20. And I forgot to add: Dr. Spook wil l be providing visuals throughout the night. web 28thday. com/web 28thday web lightomatic/web lightomatic web psyny/web psyny * * * Alladi n Project Presents: VALENTINE WEEKEND Friday February 17th 2006 Hi party pe ople happy New Year, we would like to thank every one for the support and t he positive energy that we had in New Years weekend. We are planning for 20 06 killer parties with wicked line ups and best energy. We excited to star t this year in the valentine weekend Friday February 17th prepare your self for a mind blowing event see you all there DJ’S: THE LEGENDARY: BAMBOO FOREST – STEPHAN Transient Rec / MP Rec / Spirit Zone Rec. France Second album release. FIRST APPEARANCE IN NYC: SIRIUS ISNESS- Maxx Mind Control records. Spain ELNADIV Alladin Project. NYC – Israel SINPATEX Alladin Pr oject. Israel Decorations by: Severyn. NYC Alladin Project Crew. NYC *** 18 to enter/21+ to drink with picture ID*** ***Door Open: 11PM to 7 AM *** Tickets: $20 before midnight $30 after midnight at the door Location: CLUB EXIT 147 GREEN POINT AVE BROOKLYN NY Street Map: “loc N&t broo Directions : By Subway: take the L train to me tropolitan Ave & transfer to the G train to Green point Ave. the Club is r ight across the street. Or: take the L train to Redford stop and transfer to the 61 bus go down in green point Ave ( 5 mint ) or: G train to green point Ave ![if !supportLineBreakNewLine] ![endif] Subway Map: web mta.nyc.ny.us/nyct/maps/submap web mta.ny c.ny.us/nyct /maps/submap Bus: 61, 43, to green point Ave ![if !s upportLineBreakNewLine] ![endif] Bus map: web mt a.nyc.ny.us/nyct/maps/busbkln.pdfweb mta.nyc.ny.us/nyc t/maps/busbk ln.pdf By Car: Take BQE (I-278) to Exit 33 McQuinness Blvd. to Greenpoi nt Ave. Turn LEFT at Greenpoint Ave Proceed to the corner of Manhattan Av e. by car service / taxi: from Manhattan cost $15 from Bedford Station i t cost $6 Links: web alladinproject.netweb alla dinproject.net web mprecords.netweb mprecords.ne t web mindcontrolrecordsweb mindcontrolrecor ds Our next party will be on Friday march 10th See you all there * * * TSUNAMI Friday, February 17th, 2006 Hours: 11m till late at SPIR IT 530 West 27th Street (between 10th & 11th Avenues) 11pm till late spritn ewyork S.U.N. PROJECT, live (EMI / Sprit Zone, Germany) Marco, Mathias and McCoy, with their signature electric guitar and drum live set, will be celebrating this year, just as TSUNAMI will, their 10th Anniversary as SUN PROJECT. Their appearances all over the globe have made them the crowds ger man darlings. For their 10th year together they have big plans, also in the US, and they will be giving us a taste of their new creations for the jubi lee, complete with masks and costumes. DINO PSARAS, live and dj set (Vision quest, Japan, / Cehmchemical Crew, Israel, / Spun, Spain) Dino is since yea rs internationally consistently voted as one of the top trance DJs and Prod ucers in the world. After quite a few unforgettable dj sets, this is the fi rst time Dino graces us in the US with a live set, introducing his brand ne w, yet unreleased material. DJ SURRENDER (Gadi) DJ OMI-40% (Chemical Crew, Israel) And in a separate upstairs chill out area, the legendary… MIXMAST ER MORRIS Decor by: NOS (Sweden) Visuals by Optical Delusion Admission: $ 3 0 advance (plus store commission) Available at: VINYL MARKET SATELLITE 241 East 10th Street 259 Bowery 212 539-1203 212 995-1744 Also available at: GrooveTickets (at $30 plus Service Fee) web groovetickets/ordersystem/groove/frontsear chresults.asp?Affi groovetickets/ordersystem/groove/frontsearchresult ip ageButton.x All ticket holders or will call patron s please use express entrance. ce/”w ww.tsunami-trance INFO LINE: 212.439.8124 93TSUNAMI Presents94 ever y fourth Friday of each month (next one Friday Febr. 24th) at 2pm NY time on web di.fm/web di.fm * * * TRANCEMOTION PRODUC TIONS Presents: New CD Release Party Saturday March 4th 2006 ALIEN vs. The CAT Following hot on the heels of the album by Alien Project & Avi Space C at 9292Space Jam9292. Ari the Alien has teamed up with Avi the Space Ca t to catapult us into another stratosphere. The collaboration fell together and gelled instantly. A project that came together very quickly, after all night studio sessions and in between numerous gigs around the world. It ca me out of nowhere, within a lunar cycle and it’s a real treat for all. The quality and the vibe are so high that the benchmark has yet again been rais ed. 2 (Second) Album coming soon !!! ALIEN PROJECT VS SPACE CAT Dj Set: Ari Linker (Alien Project, Tip, Spun, Uk, Israel) Avi Algranati (Space Cat, Ti p, Spun, Uk, Israel) Sinpatex (Alladin project, Nyc) VJ Projector By: Chris 96 Exeris (nyc) Avalon Club 20th Street & 6th Ave, Ny,Nyc Doors Open at 1 1pm 96 7am $25 guest List / $30 without ion”Info at trance-motion 1. 917.553.4424 web tra nce-motion/web trance-motion web alien-project. com/web alien-project web spunrecords.org/web spun records.org Next Party On April 15th Passover + Easter Party. More Details Coming Soon. * * * Friday, March 17th TSUNAMI Monthly at SPIR IT * * * Friday, April 7th: TSUNAMI new venue * * * Fri day, April 21st TSUNAMI Monthly at SPIRIT ing message. : 267.14.25/247 – Release 1/31/2006 1250 81532515-180120067 owing faster than Trance Community Weekly Noosletter Ple ase make a donation to help keep the spirit alive Editor titl spread the psytrance virus size eview roups title html si od, and knew the knowledge of the most High, which saw the vision of t he Almighty, falling into a trance, but having his eyes open” N 006 If you watch the above ima ges from your seat in front of the computer, Mr. Angry is on the left, and Mrs. Calm is on the right. Get up from your seat, and move back abo ut eight feet!! They switch places!! I bel ieve this illusion was created by Phillippe G. Schyns and Aude Oliva of th e Univ. of Glasgow. This proves that we may not be seeing what’s actually there, all the time!! I do not know how they generated this fascinati ng image, and I believe no-one else is able to generate anything similar i n Photoshop. I know it has somthing to do with “low-pass” and “high-pass” 23012006 ; nt album “We Are Free”, released in October on Organic Records has had man y excellent reviews (including one well-known online reviewer saying “Ther e is no doubt in my mind – this is the best album I’ve heard so far in 200 5! And I’ve heard quite a few – including the Shpongle album!” Very flattering :). ‘They have also had fantastic responses to the many li ve sets they’ve played here in the UK, as well as in Switzerland and Scotl and…and are about to play one of London’s biggest and most well-kno wn psytrance parties, “Synergy Project” for the second time – unique for a ny act who has played there. If you haven’t heard any of&nbs p;their tracks, their style has been described as “proper psytrance”; funky, melodic full-on with spanking production… Antaro put t heir track “Just A Ride” in his top ten for 2004, and John 00 Fleming had an online interview and played many of the tracks from the album saying… ning the thumping elements of Psy Trance with the deeper tones of Progress ive are a winning combination. They have created their own unique sound. B loody awesome!!! (5/5)”… so we recon they must be doing somthing right! 🙂 😉 AN S * &nbs class 23012006with 2000images images (GIF and BMPS as well as com/Brainmachines1996-2006/index /Brainmachines1996-2006/index /Brainmachines1996 -2006/index class dar partners in bold. Same date events appe ar in the order submitted. All events include at least on Psy/Goa DJ. Organizers who cannot provide press passes will be charged the amou nt of 2 tickets to help keep gonzo journalism alive (and kicking). cl placement please cont at brainmachines * * * TEContent hi, thank you for coming last week. thanks Pedro, Ma tyas and gavin for their mindblowing sets this week’s lineup: from 1 0:00 till 12:00 NAHUAL (mexican tribe/ dreamcatcher) from 12:00 till 02 :00 BABLA (tdc – kayarecs) from 02:00 till 04:00 LUIS (dreamcatcher)deco and video projections by dreamcatcherstudio FREE EN-TRANCE 21+ w/ ID LOCATION: THE FAT BLACK PUSSYCAT LOUNGE ( BASEMENT ) 13 0 W. 3rd st (between 6th ave and Macdougal) – New York City – NY in the heart of Greenwich Village. By subway: A B C D E F V Trains to west 4t h stop. Map: 06* -o-matic Productions present: When: February 4th: Touch Samadhi Invasion! Where: Loft in NOHO Who: Live Act: Shape St atic (formerly Lost Baba and the Bastard) Dj sets: Kri (Touch Samadh i) Blue Spectral Monkey (Touch Samadhi) Coral (Touch Samadhi/28thday ) Dr. Spook (Geomagnetic) Deco by GoaDevotee Hours: 11pm- 7am This event will be footloose and shoe free once inside, so wash your go ddamn feet and socks beforehand& there will be a coat check as well, so bundle up for the cold weather. Cover: $20. And I forgot to a dd: Dr. Spook will be providing visuals throughout the night. tit com tomatic/web lightomatic /D * & Alladin Project Presents: VALENTINE WEEKE ND Friday February 17th 2006 Hi party people happy New Year, we would l ike to thank every one for the support and the positive energy that we had in New Years weekend. We are planning for 2006 killer parties with wic ked line ups and best energy. We excited to start this year in the val entine weekend Friday February 17th prepare your self for a mind blowing e vent see you all there DJ’S: THE LEGENDARY: BAMBOO FOREST – ST EPHAN Transient Rec / MP Rec / Spirit Zone Rec. France Second albu m release. FIRST APPEARANCE IN NYC: SIRIUS ISNESS- Maxx Mind Co ntrol records. Spain ELNADIV Alladin Project. NYC – Israel SIN PATEX Alladin Project. Israel Decorations by: Severyn. NYC A lladin Project Crew. NYC ***18 to enter/21+ to drink with picture ID** *** Tickets: $20 before midnight $30 after midnight at the door Loca tion: CLUB INT AVE et Map: Directions : By Subway: take the L train to metrop olitan Ave & transfer to the G train to Green point Ave. the Club is right across the street. Or: take the L train to Redford stop and t ransfer to the 61 bus go down in green point Ave ( 5 mint ) or: G train to green point Ave ![if !supportLineBreakNewLine]![endif]Subway Map: .us/nyct/maps/submap web mta.nyc.ny.us/nyct/maps/submap Bus: 61, 43, to green point Ave ![if !supportLineBreak NewLine]![endif]Bus map: w.mta.nyc.ny.us/nyct/maps/busbkln.pdfweb mta.nyc.ny.us/nyct/maps/b usbkln.pdf By Car: Take BQE (I-278) to Exit 33 McQuinness Blvd. to Greenpoint Ave. Turn LEFT at Greenpoint Ave Proceed t o the corner of Manhattan Ave. by car service / taxi: from Manhatt an cost $15 from Bedford Station it cost $6 Links: web alladinproject.netweb alladinproject.net h Our next party will be on Friday march 10th See you all there /P * &nb TSUNAMI Friday, February 17th, 2 006 Hours: 11m till late at SPIRIT 530 West 27th Street ( between 10th & 11th Avenues) 11pm till late spritnewyork S.U.N. PROJECT, live (EMI / Sprit Zone, Germany) Marco, Mathias and McCoy, with their signature electric guitar and drum live set, will be cel ebrating this year, just as TSUNAMI will, their 10th Anniversary as SUN PR OJECT. Their appearances all over the globe have made them the crowds germ an darlings. For their 10th year together they have big plans, also in the US, and they will be giving us a taste of their new creations for the jub ilee, complete with masks and costumes. DINO PSARAS, live and dj set(Visionquest, Japan, / Cehmchemical Crew, Israel, / Spun, Spain) Dino is since years internationally consistently voted as one of the top trance DJs and Producers in the world. After quite a few unforgettable dj sets, this is the first time Dino graces us in the US with a live set, introducing h is brand new, yet unreleased material. DJ SURRENDER (Gadi) DJ OMI -40% (Chemical Crew, Israel) And in a separate upstairs chill out ar ea, the legendary… MIXMASTER MORRIS Decor by: NOS (Sweden) Visu als by Optical Delusion Admission: $ 30 advance (plus store commission) Available at: VINYL MARKET & nbs&nbs SATELLITE &n bs 241 East 10th Street &nb s 259 Bowery &nbs 212 539-1203&nbs & nbs&nbs 212 995-1744 Also available at: GrooveTickets (at $30 plus Service Fee) ticket ho lders or will call patrons please use express entrance. p://ce/ unami-trance INFO LINE: 212.439.8124 & TSUNAMI Presents& every fourth Friday of each month (next one Friday Febr. 9515316-23012006* * */SP Presents: New CD Release Party Saturday March 4th 2006 /ALIEN vs. The CAT Following hot on the heels of the album by A lien Project & Avi Space Cat ‘Space Jam’. Ar i the Alien has teamed up with Avi the Space Cat to catapult us into anoth er stratosphere. The collaboration fell together and gelled instantly. A p roject that came together very quickly, after all night studio sessions and in between numerous gigs around the world. It came out of nowhere, within a lunar cycle and it’s a real treat for all. The quality and the vibe are so high that the benchmark has yet again been raised. 2 (Second) Album co ming soon !!! ALIEN PROJECT VS SPACE CAT Dj Set: Ari Linker (A lien Project, Tip, Spun, Uk, Israel) Avi Algranati (Space Cat, Tip, Spun, Uk, Israel) Sinpatex (Alladin project, Nyc) VJ Projector By : Chris & Exeris (nyc) Avalon Club 20th Street & 6th Ave, Ny,Nyc Doors Open at 11pm & 7am $25 guest List / $30 without ionInfo at trance-motion 1. 917.553.4424 tit web trance-motion ww.spunrecords.org Next Party On April 15th Passover + Easter Party . More Details Coming Soon. class * Friday, March 17th TSUNAMI Monthly at SPIRIT * &nb venue Friday, his outgoing message.
#3710 Fri, 3 Feb 2006 13:19:55 From: “Machinelf” New North American forum site – and free party this friday FW: [SafetyDance] fReE pSycHedElic paRty this Friday Feb 3rd The organizers are the New jersey Pine Barrens rainbow crew. They requested that this be sent out to you guys… so it’s 2 loft parties tonight yahoo! Also web tranceamerica.orgweb tranceamerica.org is launching very soon with a North America forum. All brainmachines files will be transferred to this site and reformatted and repackaged for your consumption.. Also this is where we wilol have a weekly TV show streamed out. Basically a north american answer to Isratrance. And all brainmachines are now sold at Nootrition. Death to brainmachines woohoo Behalf Of Eire Angel Sent: Tuesday, January 31, 2006 9:48 PM To: yahoo group Cc: Kevin Spyker; safety dance [SafetyDance] fReE pSycHedElic paRty this Friday Feb 3rd sPiralizeD gLiMpSeS oF cOnCurRenT 3Rd-eYe iMpulsE sNaCks HerE is aNotheR poSitivly fRee psYcheDelic event arRiviNg aT a cOncreTe sOiled brOoklYn shack on Fri Feb 3rd. Come join us for a very free night at 349 Kent Ave. in Brooklyn. fRee vEgan snAcks too. Party starts at 10pm and goes to earlY moRniNG Be sure to be 21.. The party is a 20 minute walk in the cold from the L train (Bedford and N.7th) so we are going to have a FREE pick up service running. Pick up will be at 11:00 and we can arrange a dropoff if necessary. Directions from South NJ: Take GSP north the Turnpike north. Get off at the Holland Tunnel exit and proceed into the city then follow Manhatten derections from Manhattan : By Car :Take the Manhattan Bridge into Brklyn. take ramp toward 1-278 BQE E to Exit 30 – Left on Classon Left on Kent. 349 Kent By Train: L train to the Bedford stop. Directions from North NJ:Take Lincoln Tunnel to the Manhattan Bridge. take ramp toward 1-278 BQE East to Exit 30 – Left on Classon Left on Kent. 349 Kent “us.rd.yahoo/mailus/taglines/photomailgmail/*photomail.ma il.yahoo”Use Photomail to share photos without annoying attachments. For discrete discussion and ask to get on the safetyrants yahoogroup Need a ride to the party? Have a car, have spaces? Send an email to For public events announcements send an email to Sponsored by brainmachines and nootrition “groups.yahoo/group/SafetyDance”SafetyDance” on the web. cre w. They requested that this be sent out to you guys… so it’s 2 loft is launching very soon with a North America forum. All brainmach ines files will be transferred to this site and reformatted and repackaged for your consumption.. Also this is where we wilol have a weekly TV show streamed out. Basically a north american answer to Isratrance. And all brainmachines are now sold at Nootrition. De ath to brainmachines [mail to:SafetyDance] On Behalf Of Eire Angel Sent: Tuesday, January 31, 2006 9:48 PM To: yahoo group Cc: Kevin Spyker; safety dance [SafetyDance] fReE pSyc HedElic paRty this Friday Feb 3rd sPiralizeD gLiMpSeS oF cOnCurRenT 3Rd-eYe iMpulsE sNaCks HerE is aNotheR poSiti vly fRee psYcheDelic event arRiviNg aT a cOncreTe sOiled brOoklY n shack on Fri Feb 3rd. Come join us for a very free nig ht at 349 Kent Ave. in Brooklyn. fRee vEgan snAcks too. & nbs Party starts at 10pm and goes to earlY moRniNG e 21.. F 20 minute walk in the cold from the L train (Bedford and N.7th) so we are going to have a FREE pick up service running. Pick up will be at 11: 00 and we can arrange a dropoff if f at the Holland Tunnel exit and proceed into the city then follow Manhat By Car :Take the Manhat tan Bridge into Brklyn. take ramp toward 1-278 BQE E to Ex it 30 – Left on Classon Left on Kent. 349 Kent By Train: L train to the Bedford stop. o the Manhattan Bridge. take ramp toward 1-278 BQE East to Exit 30 – Left on ailus/taglines/photomailgmail/*photomail.mail.yahooUse Photo mail to share photos without annoying attachments. Free Da N o virus found in this outgoing message.
#3711 goa-boston, 604 at party.net, safetydanceFri, 3 Feb 2006 15:51:05 From: “Machinelf” Introducing Trance Americana the new North American “super” site with forums, gallery etc web tranceam.orgweb tranceam.org with regional categories for all over north america. all of brainmachines will be folded into this new more interactive site. as brainmachines is not the site that sells brainmachines anymore (nootrition does that now) this was only 5 hours of work from DNS to completion, obviously there wil be many more add-ons and modules installed, e.g.. the Gallery will be made public in an hour. the styles will change fairly often and new topics will be added daily. Dinally, there will be numerous secret, closed forums that are accessible only to private groups. So if you are amoderator and willing to put in time, email me and I’ll set you up with your own area so that only those registered members that you specify will be able to see the topic. -and you’ll get the “super” joke when you see the forum If anyone would like to moderate any regional forums let me know. 1250 gweb tranceam.org with regional categories for al brainmachines will be folded into this new more interactive site.&nbs p;as brainmachines is not the site that sells brainmachines anymore (nootr s only 5 hours of work from DNS to completion, obviously there wil be many more add-ons and modules installed, e.g.. the Gallery will be made public in an hour. the styles will change fairly often and new topics will be added daily. Dinally, there will be numerous secret, closed foru ms that are accessible only to private groups. So if you are amodera tor and willing to put in time, email me and I’ll set you up with your own area so that only those registered members that you specify will be able l get the “super” joke when you see 749024320-03022006If anyone would like to moderate any regional forums le No virus found in this outgoing message. Versi
#3712 Sat, 4 Feb 2006 16:29:23 From: “Machinelf” Wrong link It’s web tranceam.orgweb tranceam.org not trance america. Of Machinelf Sent: Friday, February 03, 2006 1:20 PM TripOutNewYork New North American forum site – and free party this friday FW: [SafetyDance] fReE pSycHedElic paRty this Friday Feb 3rd [o (8 P [o “TripOutNY” is for public events. “SafetyDance” is an information service for underground events that will not appear here. Annual dues, $10. Email for details. Sponsored by brainmachines and nootrition “groups.yahoo/mygroups”My Groups | “TripOutNY Main Page The organizers are the New jersey Pine Barrens rainbow crew. They requested that this be sent out to you guys… so it’s 2 loft parties tonight yahoo! Also web tranceamerica.orgweb tranceamerica.org is launching very soon with a North America forum. All brainmachines files will be transferred to this site and reformatted and repackaged for your consumption.. Also this is where we wilol have a weekly TV show streamed out. Basically a north american answer to Isratrance. And all brainmachines are now sold at Nootrition. Death to brainmachines woohoo Behalf Of Eire Angel Sent: Tuesday, January 31, 2006 9:48 PM To: yahoo group Cc: Kevin Spyker; safety dance [SafetyDance] fReE pSycHedElic paRty this Friday Feb 3rd sPiralizeD gLiMpSeS oF cOnCurRenT 3Rd-eYe iMpulsE sNaCks HerE is aNotheR poSitivly fRee psYcheDelic event arRiviNg aT a cOncreTe sOiled brOoklYn shack on Fri Feb 3rd. Come join us for a very free night at 349 Kent Ave. in Brooklyn. fRee vEgan snAcks too. Party starts at 10pm and goes to earlY moRniNG Be sure to be 21.. The party is a 20 minute walk in the cold from the L train (Bedford and N.7th) so we are going to have a FREE pick up service running. Pick up will be at 11:00 and we can arrange a dropoff if necessary. Directions from South NJ: Take GSP north the Turnpike north. Get off at the Holland Tunnel exit and proceed into the city then follow Manhatten derections from Manhattan : By Car :Take the Manhattan Bridge into Brklyn. take ramp toward 1-278 BQE E to Exit 30 – Left on Classon Left on Kent. 349 Kent By Train: L train to the Bedford stop. Directions from North NJ:Take Lincoln Tunnel to the Manhattan Bridge. take ramp toward 1-278 BQE East to Exit 30 – Left on Classon Left on Kent. 349 Kent “us.rd.yahoo/mailus/taglines/photomailgmail/*photomail.ma il.yahoo”Use Photomail to share photos without annoying attachments. “TripOutNY” on the web. americana.org not trance s tabIndex t: Friday, February 03, 2006 1:20 PM at yahoogro ups TripOutNewYork New North American forum site – and free party this friday FW: [SafetyDance] fReE pSycHedElic paRt y this Friday Feb 3rd color crew. They requested that this be sent out to you guys… so it’s 2 loft .org is launching very soon with a North America forum. All brai nmachines files will be transferred to this site and reformatted and repac kaged for your consumption.. Also this is where we wilol have a week ly TV show streamed out. Basically a north american answer to Isratr ance. And all brainmachines are now sold at Nootrition.&nbs Death to brainmachines s tabIndex m Angel Sent: Tuesday, January 31, 2006 9:48 PM To: yahoo groupB RCc: Kevin Spyker; safety dance [SafetyDance] f ReE pSycHedElic paRty this Friday Feb 3rd sPiralizeD gLiMpSeS oF cOn CurRenT 3Rd-eYe iMpulsE sNaCks HerE is aNotheR poSitivly fRee psYcheDelic event arRiviNg aT a cOncreTe sOiled brOoklYn shack on Fri Feb 3rd. Come join us for a very f ree night at 349 Kent Ave. in Brooklyn. fRee vEgan snAcks too. Party starts at 10pm and goes to earlY moRniNG re to be 21.. sty y is a 20 minute walk in the cold from the L train (Bedford and N.7th) so we are going to have a FREE pick up service running. Pick up will be at 11:00 and we can arrange a dropoff if colo Get off at the Holland Tunnel exit and proceed into the city then follow bfbf By Car :Take the Manhattan Bridge into Brklyn. take ramp toward 1-278 BQE E to& nbsp;Exit 30 – Left on Classon Left on Kent. 349 Kent &nbs By Train: L train to the Bedford stop. unnel to the Manhattan Bridge. take ramp toward 1-278 BQE East to Exi t 30 – Left on Classon Left on Kent. 349 Kent /XBODY! toct o/mailus/taglines/photomailgmail/*photomail.mail.yahooUse Photomail to share photos without annoying attachments. e 1/27/2006 No virus foun 2/2/2006 / 0/249 – Release Checked by AV se 2/3/2006
#3713 Tue, 7 Feb 2006 21:32:26 From: “Machinelf” This is the last TripOutNY email until the forums at hits 100 users I know that emails are push and forums are pull – but I have no vested interest in anything trancewise right now beyond making the forums at tranceam.org take fruit. oh yeah, and go to luis’ wednesday and el nadv’s and tsunami this weekend. Promoters – please post your events at web tranceam.orgweb tranceam.org in the appropriate places. It’s easy to get confident that there are 2083 members who read this newsletter, but the reality is that most don’t go to most events, and few have time to sift through forums and such. But without a token gesture of support for the north psy scene from more than a smattering of the psy scene, it really isn’t worth my time. I feel like sometimes Ithe promoters and d dealers value the parties the most. Five and a half years ago I made a similar appeal for people to come together to make open air in new York a common occurrence. It’s time yet again for a critical mass of the Folk to emerge from their shell and take control of their destinies. I think 2006 is going to be amazing. let me pt it this way – if you guys go into the forums full force, we and the d will return the favor this next summer with a season that will rival 2004. And if you think THAT is crazy, brainmachines is now for sale… 1250 e pull – but I have no vested interest in anything trancewise right now b eyond making the forums at tranceam.org take fruit. oh ye ah, and go to luis’ wednesday and el nadv’s and tsunami this weekend./SPA N nts at in the 006It’s easy to get confident that there are 2083 members who read this n ewsletter, but the reality is that most don’t go to most events, and few h 2202-08022006But without a token gesture of support for the north psy sce ne from more than a smattering of the psy scene, it really isn’t worth my time. I feel like sometimes Ithe promoters and d dealers value&nbs p;the 006Five and a half years ago I made a similar appeal for people to come t ogether to make open air in new York a common occurrence. It’s time yet again for a critical mass of the Folk to emerge from their shell and t ake control of their destinies. I think 2006 is going to be amazing. let me pt it this way – if you guys go into the forums full force, we and the d will return the favor this next summer with a season that w e Edition. te: 2/6/2006
#3714 Wed, 8 Feb 2006 13:54:13 Wed, 08 Feb 2006 13:54:12 To: 604 at party.net, TripOutNY The Ski is Falling! Brainmachines domain for sale on ebay to highest bidder… It’s time to what Nobel physicist Prigogine Brainmachines domain for sale on ebay to highest bidder… in the late 70s called “escaping to a higher level of complexity.” Since I’m selling the brain machines and CES on nootrition now and the brainmachines registry just expired today, I have up to 3-4 weeks to decide what to do with it. I figure I could buy a couple cases of beer by not renewing. And when I say for sale to the highest bidder I meant the highest offer not the highest person. If nobody buys it I will keep in my pocket and fwd it to web tranceam.org or nootrition We have 2-3 weeks to do this if anyone is so inclined. The site has had pretty good traffic over 10 years – 1000 page views a day – and should draw in a lot of eyeballs. Here is the auction cgi.ebay/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item5664957639 And don’t knock on my door trashed at 5am saying “Hey I’M the highest bidder!!!” …someone give Mark a hundred bucks 🙂
#3715 Sun, 12 Feb 2006 18:05:51 Sun, 12 Feb 2006 18:05:48 From: Machinelf Brainmachines sold for $1000 to fames brain machine programmer Christopher Oliver
#3716 Sun, 12 Feb 2006 23:24:32 From: ” PsyNY how handling all scheduling the calendar at tranceam.org Ron had bid up the brainmachines domain, I ended up selling to ahigehr bid der bit in the spirit of cooperation I will pass slong the baton to Ron at PsyNY. The link is at web tranceam.org, which is the gateway to i nfo for trance in NYC – esp. the forum there. So no newsletters for awhil e as PsyNY and the forum at should fulfill what it did. A t some point in the future I’ll do the newsletter again, but use more RSS and links.
#3717 Thu, 16 Feb 2006 16:08:45 Thu, 16 Feb 2006 16:08:48 From: Machinelf There are 2 major parties this weekend For details, go to the forums at web tranceam.orgweb tranceam.org – Bamboo Forest etc (Alladin Project) and SUN Project etc (Tsunami). Psyny.org does not have those listings. the forums at web tranceam.orgweb tranceam.org – Bamboo Forest etc (Alladin Project) and SUN Project etc (Tsunami). Psyny.org does
#3718 Tue, 14 Feb 2006 04:53:46 Tue, 14 Feb 2006 04:53:44 From: Machinelf Last minute call for news for the northam section of Mushroom Magazine’s Trancers Guide to the Galaxy Spook from SF and I are writing it. If you know aof any cool happenenings throught the U.S. please let me know! The final draft is done but I want to ensure that everyone is counted for. Of there is some insanely cool movement anywhere in the US let me know via email or the forum at tranceam.org Cheers, Devotional Ministry of Trance – Trip Out New York web tranceam.org/web tranceam.org class250544109-14022006Spook from SF and I are writing it. If you know aof any cool happenenings throught the U.S. please let me know! The final draft is done but I want to ensure that everyone is counted for. Of there is some insanely cool movement anywhere in the US let me know via email src”cid:078545209 at 14022006-15C3″ alignleft border0Devotional Ministry of web tranceam.org/web tranceam.org width380 alignbaseline border0
#3719 Fri, 17 Feb 2006 04:50:09 Fri, 17 Feb 2006 04:50:13 From: Machinelf The Trancers Guide to the Galaxy magazine is revealing it’s distribution details! This is to prove that the Trancers Guide is the internationally best distri buted trance print magazine. Note that this year’s edition is completely f ree for the reader. Most of the 25,000 magazines are spread via important distributors, media partners, authors, photographers and advertisers. Addi tionally 1000 magazines are send out to interested readers worldwide free o f charge (no magazine cost, no shipping cost)! If you wanna be part of the Trancers Guide Magazine please consider an ad until Sunday February 19. Fi nd more information at web chaishop-media/” -nweb cha ishop-media TRANCERS GUIDE 2006 DISTRIBUTION as of Feb 14, 2006 DIS TRIBUTORS 95 BOA distribution (israel): 600 95 Wakyo (japan): 400 95 Ar abesque (world): 2000 95 Psyshop (worldwide): 2000 95 Mandala (France): 400 95 Geomagnetic (usa): 600 95 Chilly Beans (brasil): 600 or more M EDIA PARTNERS 95 Trance-IT (mexico): 600 95 BPM magazine (south africa): 600 issues PARTIES 95 Boom (portugal): 600 95 Voov (germany): 600 95 Sonica (italy): 600 95 Soulclipse (turkey): 600 95 Ozora (hungary): 600 95 Sonnenklang (austria): 600 OTHER 95 Trancers Guide Authors (world): 5 95 Trancers Guide C D Inlay (world): 1500 95 Mushroom Subscribers (world): 850 95 Mushroom Pr omo List (world): 1050 95 T TG Free List (world): 1000 95 Miscellaneous: 1000 Best regards and good vibes, Chaishop Media web chaishop-media/” -nweb cha ishop-media Contacts International Sales Oscar CastaF1eda HYPE Tel. +49 / (0)40 / 4 11 1 59 13 Fax +49 / (0)40 / 4111 59 15 Mob. + 49 / (0)176 / 20 60 40 45 MSN buenamierda at hotmail Skype skunkbeat Post Address Chaishop Media c/o Jankowski I.C. Kleiner SchE4ferkamp 35 b 20357 Hamburg Germany Mailing Info 93Chaishop Media Mailing94 is send to over 2500 trance bu siness contacts. web chaishop /mailinglistweb chaishop/mailinglist If you want to adverti se in this mailing please contact aishop ee Edition. : 2/16/2006 -1 BO DY This is to prove that the Trancers Guide is the internationall y best distributed trance print magazine. Note that this ye ar’s edition is completely free for the reader. Most of t he 25,000 magazines are spread via important distributors, media partners, authors, photographers and advertisers. Additionally 1000 magazines are s end out to interested readers worldwide free of charge (no magazine cost, no shipping cost)! If you wanna be part of the Trancers Guid e Magazine please targe Stil1TRANCERS GUIDE 2006 DISTRIBUTION as of Feb 14, 2006 &
#3720 21 Feb 2006 18:14:28 Tue, 21 Feb 2006 18:14:19 Cc: shamanistas, thed, ‘safety dance’ safetydance, omnitribe, From: Machinelf SUPREME COURT ALLOWS d AYAHUASCA First Serge gets off his case in Nebraska because they didn’t get an independent tester for the cid, weed and d found in his car (he had a good laugh at the graphics we made for his Free Serge party last year)’s starting work at Nootropica tomorrow) but now – now – Not just a stay – not just the Supreme Court telling Bush & Co. to back off for a while – this time it’s a unanimous decision – a victory for religious freedom. How can they block the importation of d when they subsidize the growth of, say, Illinoensis grass for cattle, which is chock full of d and can be made into tea by anyone with an Internet connection, lemons, syrian rue, panty hose, a stove, purified water, and Vitamin C. Of course, doing t outside an established religion a la UDV or Santo Daime is still verboten. from web tranceam.org/phpbb/viewtopic.php?t44web tranceam ericana.org/phpbb/viewtopic.php?t44 Court Allows Church’s Hallucinogenic Tea By GINA HOLLAND Associated Press Writer WASHINGTON (AP) A small branch of a South American religious sect may use hallucinogenic tea as part of a ritual intended to connect with God, a unanimous Supreme Court ruled Tuesday. In its first religious freedom decision under Chief Justice John Roberts, the court said the government cannot hinder religious practices without proof of a “compelling” need to do so. “This is a very important decision for minority religious freedom in this country,” said lawyer John Boyd, who represents about 130 U.S. members of O Centro Espirita Beneficiente Uniao do Vegetal who live in New Mexico, California and Colorado. The tea, which contains an illegal d known as d, is considered sacred to members of the sect, which has a blend of Christian beliefs and South American traditions. Members believe they can understand God only by drinking the tea, which is consumed twice a month at four-hour ceremonies. “
A trial judge found the government’s evidence that the d is harmful was equal in weight to information provided by the sect that said its mthod of use in tea is not. Roberts, in writing the opinion for the court, said the government had failed to prove that federal d laws should outweigh the Religious Freedom Restoration Act, which Congress passed in 1993 to prohibit burdening a person’s exercise of religion. The Bush administration had argued that the d in the tea not only violates a federal narcotics law but a treaty in which the United States promised to block the importation of ds including dimthyltryptamine, also known as d. Religious groups of various faiths, along with civil liberties organizations, filed friend-of-the-court briefs supporting the sect. “This is just one step in the right direction in the fight for religious liberty,” said Jared Leland, legal counsel for The Becket Fund for Religious Liberty in Washington. Supreme Court: Other News Court Allows Church’s Hallucinogenic Tea “hosted.ap.org/icons/spacer.gif” Interactives “
New Justice Samuel Alito did not take part in the case, which was argued last fall before Justice Sandra Day O’Connor’s retirement. Alito was on the bench for the first time on Tuesday. The justices sent the case back to a federal appeals court, which could consider more evidence. Roberts, writing his second opinion since joining the court, said that religious freedom cases can be difficult “but Congress has determined that courts should strike sensible balances.” The case is Gonzales v. O Centro Espirita Beneficiente Uniao Do Vegetal, 04-1084.On the Net: Supreme Court: web supremecourtus.gov/web supremecourtus.gov/ class796520423-21022006First Serge gets off his case in Nebraska because they didn’t get an independent tester for the cid, weed and d found in his car (he had a good laugh at the graphics we made for his Free Serge party last year)’s starting work at Nootropica tomorrow) but now – now – class796520423-21022006Not just a stay – not just the Supreme Court telling Bush & Co. to back off for a while – this time it’s a unanimous decision – a victory for religious freedom. How can they block the importation of d when they subsidize the growth of, say, Illinoensis grass for cattle, which is chock full of d and can be made into tea by anyone with an Internet connection, lemons, syrian rue, panty hose, a stove, purified water, and Vitamin C. Of course, doing t outside an established religion a la UDV or Santo Daime is still verboten. from WASHINGTON (AP) A small branch of a South American religious sect may use hallucinogenic tea as part of a ritual intended to connect with God, a unanimous Supreme Court ruled Tuesday. In its first religious freedom decision under Chief Justice John Roberts, the court said the government cannot hinder religious practices without proof of a “compelling” need to do so. “This is a very important decision for minority religious freedom in this country,” said lawyer John Boyd, who represents about 130 U.S. members of O Centro Espirita Beneficiente Uniao do Vegetal who live in New Mexico, California and Colorado. The tea, which contains an illegal d known as d, is considered sacred to members of the sect, which has a blend of Christian beliefs and South American traditions. Members believe they can understand God only by drinking the tea, which is consumed twice a month at four-hour ceremonies.
A trial judge found the government’s evidence that the d is harmful was equal in weight to information provided by the sect that said its mthod of use in tea is not. Roberts, in writing the opinion for the court, said the government had failed to prove that federal d laws should outweigh the Religious Freedom Restoration Act, which Congress passed in 1993 to prohibit burdening a person’s exercise of religion. The Bush administration had argued that the d in the tea not only violates a federal narcotics law but a treaty in which the United States promised to block the importation of ds including dimthyltryptamine, also known as d. Religious groups of various faiths, along with civil liberties organizations, filed friend-of-the-court briefs supporting the sect. “This is just one step in the right direction in the fight for religious liberty,” said Jared Leland, legal counsel for The Becket Fund for Religious Liberty in Washington.
#3721 Sat, 25 Feb 2006 01:12:59 Sat, 25 Feb 2006 01:12:58 From: Machinelf Subject:3 “thewstyle” be-in’s Saturday – Reality Engine at Alex Grey, TDC, Carlos from MX’s going away… Scientifically designed to resurrect a madman. Last Friday had 3 big parties, a sign of maturity. The multiplexed insanityrepeats itself topmorrow, I kick myself for not making it to Psycheground this Wednesday to see Pierre For Saturday, see the forum at web tranceam.orgweb tranceam.org Video of ayahuasca thx Tyler (no, not Tyler Durden) web neip.info/fdaimevideos web neip.info/fdaimevideos just in case you missed it: WE ARE LIVING NOW IN A UNIVERSE WHERE d IS A LEGAL SACRAMENT IN THE USA. Scientifically designed to resurrect a madman. Thews’ a lot of psychdelelic brain going on. I actually only added that because I miss Thew. Last Friday had 3 big parties, a sign of maturity. The multiplexed insanityrepeats itself topmorrow, I kick myself for not making it to Psycheground this Wednesday to see Pierre For Saturday, see the forum at web tranceam.orgweb tranceam.org Video of ayahuasca thx Tyler (no, not Tyler Durden) web neip.info/fdaimevideos web neip.info/fdaimevideos just in case you missed it: WE ARE LIVING NOW IN A UNIVERSE WHERE d IS A LEGAL SACRAMENT IN THE USA.
March 2006
#3724 Mon, 06 Mar 2006 08:32:23 Mon, 06 Mar 2006 08:32:11 From: Machinelf New Bazaar launched with many new products (shamanic plants, etc etc) /index.phpweb tran ceamericana.org/oscommerce/catalog/index.php
#3725 03 Mar 2006 13:13:04 Fri, 03 Mar 2006 13:13:05 Cc: TranceFormers From: Machinelf Now Online: USA Section of Mushroom Magazine’s Trancers’ Guide to the Galaxy web tranceam.org/tgg06 web tranceam.org/tgg 06 web tranceam.org/tgg06 web tranceam.org/tgg06
#3726 06 Mar 2006 09:10:47 Mon, 06 Mar 2006 09:10:37 Cc: dragontribe, NYC604, philly604, ‘safety dance’ safetydance, thed From: Machinelf Trip out New York- Relaunches as a national paid publication – plus we’re selling shamanic plants starting the first of Spring. TRIP OUT NEW YORK EXPANDS, RELAUNCHES AS TONA – TRIP OUT NORTH AMERICA! Trip OutNew York is being relaunched as TONA, Trip Out North America, as a paid publication at $5 a year. This will be a more extended version of what has been going out for years. We will have regional listings from all over the U.S. Canada, and Mexico, a new interview every week, complete previews and reviews on every event in NYC, plus photos from the events. The forum at will also be scoured for pertinent information. The newsletter will be available on the Web a month after it’s published. Subscribers will also get the current dV weekly broadcast, 30 minute program covering psychedelic culture in New York. Also by being a SUBSCRIBER YOU WILL AT LEAST OCCASIONALLY BUT PROBABLY ALWAYS GET REDUCED ADMISSION AT EVENTS so the subscription will pay for itelf almost immediately. TONA will also be carrying affordable advertising – the and the first advertiser is Alladin Project. Buy your subscription today at /productinfo.php?products id31/productinfo.php?pr oductsid31 We offer free subscriptions to monks, DJs, and event organizers. The paid newsletter will replace the free Trip Out New York next week. In addition to the TripOut subscription, links to purchase membership in the d and Safetydance are also on that site. There’s a great package deal where you get all memberships AND a free copy of the Trancer’s Guide to the Galaxy all for $40 a year. If membership surges, this is going to be a busy summer, free-open-air-wise – so don’t be left out and help make it happen. Safetydance gets you all the underground info, and d membership gives you a vote as to what we’ll do in open air this year. The forum and calendar at web tranceam.orgweb tranceam.org will always remain a repository of all information that is free – and it’s also interactive. We have resumed all email groups again now the rollout is in motion. and now the culmination of my dreams… TRANCE AMERICANA NOW SELLING AYAHUASCA INGREDIENTS ET AL Great news, We have signed a deal to be the sole U.S. distributor of Amazon Healing, a major wholesaler of shamanic plants and extracts, one that is ecologically minded works closely with indigeonous farmers. The Bazaar (link above) will be carrying a full range of shamanic plants later this month, from Salvia to Kratom and Ayahuasca ingredients. These plants will be available for sale around the start of Spring later this month. HELP WANTED TONA is currently seeking photographer/reporters who will get comps at the events but will be required to write stories and take pictures. Must have a digital camera and can write creatively. You will get a Press Pass for free entry to all events. You won’t have to attend every event, but a significant portion of them. YORK EXPANDS, RELAUNCHES AS TONA – TRIP OUT NORTH being relaunched as TONA, Trip Out North America, as a paid publication at $5 a year. This will be a more extended version of what has been going out for years. We will have regional listings from all over the U.S. Canada, and Mexico, a new interview every week, complete previews and reviews on every event in NYC, plus photos from the events. The forum at will also be scoured for pertinent information. The newsletter will be available on the Web a month after it’s published. Subscribers will also get the current dV weekly broadcast, 30 minute program covering psychedelic culture in New York. Also by being a SUBSCRIBER YOU WILL AT LEAST OCCASIONALLY BUT PROBABLY ALWAYS GET REDUCED ADMISSION AT EVENTS so the carrying affordable advertising – the and the first advertiser is Alladin /productinfo.php?productsid31/productinfo.php?productsid31 TripOut subscription, links to purchase membership in the d and Safetydance are also on that site. There’s a great package deal where you get all memberships AND a free copy of the Trancer’s Guide to the Galaxy all for $40 a year. If membership surges, this is going to be a busy summer, free-open-air-wise – so don’t be left out and help make it happen. Safetydance gets you all the underground info, and d membership gives you a calendar at web tranceam.orgweb tranceam.org will always remain a repository of all information that is free – and it’s also AMERICANA NOW SELLING AYAHUASCA INGREDIENTS ET have signed a deal to be the sole U.S. distributor of Amazon Healing, a major wholesaler of shamanic plants and extracts, one that is ecologically minded works closely with indigeonous farmers. The Bazaar (link above) will be carrying a full range of shamanic plants later this month, from Salvia to Kratom and Ayahuasca ingredients. These plants will be available for sale around faceArial size2TONA is currently seeking photographer/reporters who will get comps at the events but will be required to write stories and take pictures. Must have a digital camera and can write creatively. You will get a Press Pass for free entry to all events. You won’t have to attend every event, but a significant portion of them.
#3727 Thu, 09 Mar 2006 23:44:03 Thu, 09 Mar 2006 23:44:01 From: Machinelf Cosmosis this Friday 0- see you there The TripOutNY newsletter is no more. This is a promotional email that is p art of a package that organizers pay for, to help grow and strengthen our t rance family. To receive the Trip Out North America Newsletter with new i nterviews and party reviews all over the hemisphere 96 and discounts to ge t in to gatherings – go to web /catal /i jaq818b1966hq7hmq7 Alladin Project Presents: COSMOSIS LIVE, ELNAD IV, SINPATEX LUIS & EDUARDO, FRI MARCH 10TH NYC Friday March 10th CLUB EX IT Greenpoint NY Flyer: web alladinproject.net/ Hi party people af ter few years that he wasnEFBFBDt in NYC heEFBFBDs beck!!! One of the best psytrance producerEFBFBDs in the world, the master COSMOSIS, This one going to be creasy party, See u all on the trance floor Line Up: CO SMOSIS LIVE Transient Rec UK ELNADIV Alladin Project NYC – Israel SIN PATEX Alladin Project – Israel LUIS Dreamcatcher / Alladin Project – Braz il EDUARDO Alladin project – Mexico Decorations by: Alladin Projec t Crew (NYC) Tickets: $25 before midnight $30 after midnight at the door ***18 to enter/21+ to drink with picture ID*** ***Door Open: 11 PM to 7 AM *** Location: CLUB EXIT 147 GREEN POINT AVE BROOKLYN NY Street Map: Directions: By Subway: Take the L train to metropolitan Ave & transfer to the G train to Green point Ave. The Club is right across the street. Or: take the L train to Redford stop and transfer to the 61 bus Go down in green point Ave (5 mint) Or: G train to g reen point Ave Subway Map: web mta.nyc.ny.us/nyct/maps/submap Bus: 61, 43, to green point Ave Bus map: web mta.nyc.ny.us/nyct/maps /busbkln.pdf By Car: Take BQE (I-278) to Exit 33 McQuinness Blvd. To Gree npoint Ave. Turn LEFT at Greenpoint Ave Proceed to the corner of Manhattan Ave. By car service / taxi: From Manhattan cost $15 From Bedford Station it cost $6 Links: web alladinproject.net/web alladinp roject.net web transient/web transient More inf o: (917)-5691177 (917)-4054847 Our next party will be on Friday march 31 2006 with TOTAL ECLIPS, EXAILE and more w.w3.org/TR/REC-html40 ent microsoft-com:office:smarttags” o:SmartTagType namespac “/ ags” t-com:office:smarttags” o:SmartTagTy ce”/ ![if gte mso 9]xml o:OfficeDocumentSettings o:DoNotRelyOn CSS/ /o:OfficeDocumentSettings /xml![endif]![if gte mso 9]xm l w:WordDocument w:SpellingStateClean/w:SpellingState w:Gramma rStateClean/w:GrammarState w:DocumentKindDocumentEmail/w:DocumentKi nd w:EnvelopeVis/ w:ValidateAgainstSchemas/ w:SaveIfXMLInvalidfalse/w:SaveIfXMLInvalid w:IgnoreMixedContentfalse/w:IgnoreMixedCont ent w:AlwaysShowPlaceholderTextfalse/w:AlwaysShowPlaceholderText w:Compatibility w:BreakWrappables/ w:SnapToGridInCell/ w: WrapTextWithPunct/ w:UseAsianBreakRules/ w:UseWord2002TableStyleR ules/ /w:Compatibility w:BrowserLevelMicrosoftInternetExplorer4/w :BrowserLevel /w:WordDocument /xml![endif]![if gte mso 9]xml /w: LatentStyles /xml![endif]![if !mso] st1-:*{behavior:url( ![endif] ! */ panose-1:2 11 6 4 3 5 4 4 2 4; 000D-000A New Roman”; panose-1:0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0; ew Roman”; ormat:other; /* St yle Definitions */ p., li., div. {style-pa rent:”; margin:0in; pagination:widow-orphan; a:link, span.Mso {color:blue; text-decorat ion:underline; a:visited, span.MsoFollowe d {color:purple; span .EmailStyle17 {style-type:personal-compose; style-noshow:yes; ms m mily:Arial; spl-e s at page Section1 {s ize:8.5in 11.0in; margin:1.0in 1.25in 1.0in 1.25in; header-margin:.5i n; footer-margin:.5in; div.Section1 {page:Secti ![if gte mso 10] /* Style Definitions */ table.Table {style-name:”Table Normal”; tstyle-rowband-s ize:0; tstyle-colband-size:0; style-noshow:yes; style-parent :”; padding-alt:0in 5.4pt 0in 5.4pt; para-margin:0in; para- pagination:widow-orphan; fo ansi-language:
#3729 Thu, 16 Mar 2006 13:27:55 From: ” Subject:Call for links, US based tracks, and events Hi, when I retired brainmachines I felt it was too static and not dyna mic. The new siteis finally past beta and the fun begins, and I need you r help populating tranceam.org. I am looking for tracks from US pro ducers to stream – low res if needed. I have Antix and Skazi up there and would like to replace them with Americana tracks. Send them to me. A li nks page is now up, you can add links, descriptions, and update them here : web tranceam.org/phplinks/index.php You can also add photo s here: web tranceam.org/gallery/main.php Finally, feel free to add any interesting events to the appropriate areas here: web t ranceamericana.org/phpbb/index.php
#3730 18 Mar 2006 04:59:37 From: TripOutNY Vernal Quinox, 3/21/2006, 12:00 am from the Calendar of TripOutNY Vernal Quinox Tuesday March 21, 2006 us.rd.yahoo/calus/rem/??v9&evttype13 the Calendar of TripOutNY Vernal Quinox Tuesday March 21, 2006 12:00 am – 12:00 am 2006
#3731 Mon, 20 Mar 2006 09:56:20 Mon, 20 Mar 2006 09:56:26 From: Machinelf Addicted to ds i.e. cocaine and/or heroin? Depressed? Here’s a free solution that is well researched over decades of study We at Nootropica LLC are now offering free solution, this not meant to replace a doctor or as a replacement for clean living and the importance of responsibility/willpower. Absolutely no claims are implied – this is a private message to friends and not available to the general public. And soon we will carry Kratom, a shamanic plant from Vietnam which replicates a speedball (heroin/cocaine). Cranial Electrical Stimulation is painless, well researched, and takes 20 minutes a week and we are willing to offer this as a free service to the psychedelic trance community in New York. Our offices are located 5 minutes from the Church Avenue stop on the F train in Brooklyn just south of Park Slope, 20 miutes from downtown Manhattan. Here is our writeup at web nootrition/osCommerce/catalog/productinfo.php?cPath69 web nootrition/osCommerce/catalog/productinfo.php?cPath69&prod uctsid53&osCsid8030’0d705e6d234ed2f693b217f243 &productsid53&osCsid8030’0d705e6d234ed2f693b217f243 WHAT IS CRANIAL ELECTROTHERAPY STIMULATION? From The Townsend Letter for Doctors, June 1993 Cranial Electrotherapy Stimulation (CES) is the application of low-level pulsed electrical currents (usually less than 1 milliampere) applied to the head for medical and/or psychological purposes. There is now over 20 years of medical experience with CES in America. Presently, its use requires a prescription by a licensed health practitioner in the United States. It is available without a prescription throughout the rest of the world. Cranial electrotherapy stimulation has also been known by many other names. Transcranial electrotherapy (TCET), neuroelectric therapy (NET), alpha sleep, electroanalgesia, electronarcosis and the original electrosleep just a few of the more common terms that have referred to the same therapy. Cranial electrotherapy stimulation was first called electrosleep because it was thought to induce sleep. Rabinovich, a Russian, is given credit for making the first claim for electrical treatment of insomnia in 1914. In 1957, in the U.S.S.R., Anan’ev published the first paper on CES. The first book, simply titled Electrosleep, was published a year later by Gilyarovski. This generated a high degree of interest in the then-known Eastern Block countries and CES was soon adopted as a treatment modality. In 1959, Obrosow reviewed the CES literature and published the first American paper on CES. By 1966 the first International Symposium on Electrotherapeutic Sleep and Electroanesthesia was held in Austria. The use of CES had spread worldwide by the late 1960’s when animal studies of CES began in the U.S. at the University of Tennessee, and at what is now the University of Wisconsin Medical School. These were soon followed by human clinical trials at the University of Texas Medical School in San Antonio, the University of Mississippi Student Counseling Center and the University of Wisconsin Medical School. . The most comprehensive review of the research in CES published to date is a chapter by Ray B. Smith, Ph.D. in the book, Neural Stimulation, published in 1985. Dr. Smith has been researching CES since 1972. He concluded, “There are 40 studies of CES readily available in the U.S. in which the dependent variable is reliable. When these are examined alone it becomes apparent that CES is effective in alleviating symptoms of anxiety, depression, and insomnia…CES appears effective as a treatment for withdrawal in the chemically dependent person. Other promising areas of treatment are in hypergastric acidity and migraine headaches. Dr. Smith adds, CES appears to be safe, with no harm or negative side effects having been reported to date in controlled studies…Finally, while one usually assumes some placebo effect from a treatment as dramatic as this, none has been reported in studies controlled for this effect”. Scientists at Harvard have recently analyzed all the literature on CES worldwide, and have also found it to be an effective therapy although they are holding their findings confidential until their results are published. Open marketing of CES devices began in the 1970’s in the U.S. for the treatment of anxiety, depression and insomnia. Several thousand Americans are treated with CES annually by thousands of doctors and it is estimated that more than 50,000 people in the U.S. own CES devices which have been prescribed for home use. No adverse effects or contraindications have been found from the use of CES, either in the U.S. or in other parts of the world. As with all electrical devices, caution is advised during pregnancy and for patients with a demand-type pacemaker. In addition, it is recommend that patients not operate complex machinery or drive automobiles during and shortly after a CES treatment. In addition to the usual claims for anxiety, depression and insomnia, CES has been researched for many other conditions. Favorable results have been reported in the literature for labor, epilepsy, glossalgia, hypertension, spinal cord injuries, chronic pain, arthritis, cerebral atherosclerosis, eczema, dental pain, asthma, ischemic heart disease, stroke, motion sickness, digestive disorders as well as various addictive disorders including alcohol, heroin, cocaine, and marijuana abuse. Since we know that pain is a complex process involving the brain, it makes sense to add CES to the treatment of most pain patients. In fact, in many cases it is all that is needed to produce significant long-term pain relief. Cranial electrotherapy stimulation is believed to stimulate the production of endorphins. It probably also affects the hypothalamus causing changes in the hypothalamic neurohormonal regulatory mechanisms and the reticular formation of the brain stem. The reticular activating system is involved in a myriad of behavioral expressions from alertness to sleep. This “attentional center” plays an important integrative role in the functioning of mind and body. Cranial electrotherapy stimulation devices are generally similar in size and appearance to standard transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulators (TENS), but produce very different waveforms. Standard milliampere-current TENS devices must never be applied transcranially. CES electrodes can be placed bitemporally, bilaterally in the hollow behind the ears just anterior to the mastoid processes, or clipped to the earlobes. This depends on the device being used. Most CES devices produce a pulse repetition rate (PRR) of 100 Hertz(Hz) which was what the original Russian devices used. Some produce a PRR as low as 0.5, or as high as 15,000 Hz. The current is usually increased by the patient until a mild tingling sensation is felt at the electrode site, or a slight vertigo (dizziness) is experienced. It is then adjusted back down to a comfortable level below that which produces vertigo or an unpleasant feeling of electrical current. It may take a few minutes before the current needs to be reduced. Generally, a treatment time of 20 to 40 minutes is best, daily or every other day. Immediately after a CES treatment, patients usually report feeling more relaxed. Some people feel somewhat inebriated for the first few minutes. This is a pleasant and very comfortable sensation. After several minutes to hours, the light-headed feelings usually disappear, the relaxed state remains and a profound sense of alertness is achieved. This relaxed/alert state will usually remain for an average of 12 to 72 hours after the first few treatments and then becomes cumulative from a series of treatments. Most patients relate feeling more relaxed, less distressed, while their minds remain alert and even more focused on mental tasks. They generally sleep better and report improved concentration along with heightened states of general well-being. Cranial Electrical Stimulation – Our product, The CES Ultra, out of stock until late April. Cranial Electrical Stimulation (CES) is basically two electrical prods that go on each ear and is performed for about 20 minutes a week. CES supercharges your nootropics stack, synergizes your neurotransmitters, and increases brain hemisphere coherence electronically. The CES Ultra has two electrical configurations with two different frequencies: 100 Hz and 0.35 Hz. They are set using a dipswitch in the battery compartment. The frequency of choice is the 100 Hz which has the largest body of evidence as to efficacy behind it. It provides a gentle and calming tingling sensation, though it may also be used below the sensate threshold. The 0.35 Hz setting operates at a lesser amplitude, generating very little actual sensation, but with a more subtle impact. The user may pre-set the time for either configuration for 30 minutes or 45 minutes, at which point the current will automatically turn off, or to have the unit run continuously. Frequency: 100 Hz Power source: 9V alkaline battery Wave Shape: Square Amplitude: Adjustable from 0-1.5 Ma Pulse Duration: 2 milliseconds (20% duty cycle) Frequency: 0.35Hz (modulated by varying signals) Power source: 9V alkaline battery Wave Shape: Square Amplitude: Adjustable from 70-750 microamperes Features * User Friendly :: Ease of Application, Single Control Setting, Personal Timer * Efficient :: Automatic Shut-Off, Low Battery Indicator * Comfortable :: Choice of Pre-Gelled Electrodes or Ear-Clips * Convenient :: Compact, Portable, Hand-held or placed in pocket * Secure :: Rugged construction, Flame retardant, Fitted carrying case The CES Ultra with case and components. The CES Ultra and all included components fit conveniently in the carrying case. Included :: Base unit :: Carrying case :: Two lead-wires :: Pkg. pre-gelled woven electrodes :: Pair of zero-resistant ear-clips :: Water bottle :: 9 V battery :: Operating link relFile-List “cid:filelist.xml at 01C64C04.8D555DC0 link relEdit-Time-Data “cid:editdata.mso ![if !mso] ![endif]o:SmartTagType name”City”/ name”PlaceName”/ name”PlaceType”/ name”country-region”/ name”address”/ name”State”/ name”place”/ ![if gte mso 9]xml o:OfficeDocumentSettings o:DoNotRelyOnCSS/ /o:OfficeDocumentSettings /xml![endif]![if gte mso 9]xml w:WordDocument w:SpellingStateClean/w:SpellingState w:GrammarStateClean/w:GrammarState w:DocumentKindDocumentEmail/w:DocumentKind w:EnvelopeVis/ w:ValidateAgainstSchemas/ w:SaveIfXMLInvalidfalse/w:SaveIfXMLInvalid w:IgnoreMixedContentfalse/w:IgnoreMixedContent w:AlwaysShowPlaceholderTextfalse/w:AlwaysShowPlaceholderText w:Compatibility w:BreakWrappables/ w:SnapToGridInCell/ w:WrapTextWithPunct/ w:UseAsianBreakRules/ w:UseWord2002TableStyleRules/ /w:Compatibility w:BrowserLevelMicrosoftInternetExplorer4/w:BrowserLevel /w:WordDocument /xml![endif]![if gte mso 9]xml w:LatentStyles DefLockedState”false” LatentStyleCount”156 /w:LatentStyles /xml![endif]![if !mso] ![endif] ! panose-1:2 11 6 4 3 5 4 4 2 4; /* Style Definitions */ p., li., div. {style-parent:”; margin:0in; pagination:widow-orphan; a:link, span.Mso {color:blue; a:visited, span.MsoFollowed {color:purple; span.EmailStyle17 {style-type:personal-compose; style-noshow:yes; span.gold8 s at page Section1 {size:8.5in 11.0in; margin:1.0in 1.25in 1.0in 1.25in; header-margin:.5in; footer-margin:.5in; div.Section1 /* List Definitions */ at list l0 {list-id:1277449205; at list l0:level1 {level-number-format:bullet; level-text:-F0; level-tab-stop:.5in; level-number-position:left; text-indent:-.25in; at list l0:level2 {level-tab-stop:1.0in; level-number-position:left; at list l0:level3 {level-tab-stop:1.5in; level-number-position:left; at list l0:level4 {level-tab-stop:2.0in; level-number-position:left; at list l0:level5 {level-tab-stop:2.5in; level-number-position:left; at list l0:level6 {level-tab-stop:3.0in; level-number-position:left; at list l0:level7 {level-tab-stop:3.5in; level-number-position:left; at list l0:level8 {level-tab-stop:4.0in; level-number-position:left; at list l0:level9 {level-tab-stop:4.5in; level-number-position:left; ol ul ![if gte mso 10] /* Style Definitions */ table.Table {style-name:”Table Normal”; tstyle-rowband-size:0; tstyle-colband-size:0; style-noshow:yes; style-parent:”; padding-alt:0in 5.4pt 0in 5.4pt; para-margin:0in; pagination:widow-orphan; ansi-language: not meant to replace a doctor or as a replacement for clean living and the Absolutely no claims are implied & this is a private message to friends and not available to the general public. And soon we will carry Kratom, a shamanic plant from st1:place w:st”onw:st”onVietnam/st1:country-region/st1:place which replicates a speedball (heroin/cocaine). and takes 20 minutes a week and we are willing to offer this as a free service to the psychedelic trance community in st1:place w:st”onst1:State w:st”onNew offices are located 5 minutes from the st1:Street w:st”onst1:address w:st”onChurch Avenue/st1:address/st1:Streetstop on the F train in Brooklyn just south of Park Slope, 20 miutes from downtown st1:place w:st”onst1:City w:st”onManhattan/st1:City/st1:place. web nootrition/osCommerce/catalog/productinfo.php?cPath69&productsid53&osCsid8030’0d705e6d234ed2f693b217f243″ titleweb nootrition/osCommerce/catalog/productinfo.php?cPath69&productsid53&osCsid8030’0d705e6d234ed2f693b217f243web nootrition/osCommerce/catalog/productinfo.php?cPath69&productsid53&osCsid8030’0d705e6d234ed2f693b217f243 From The Townsend Letter for Doctors, June 1993 Cranial Electrotherapy Stimulation (CES) is the application of low-level pulsed electrical currents (usually less than 1 milliampere ) applied to the head for medical and/or psychological purposes. There is now over 20 years of medical experience with CES in st1:place w:st”onw:st”onAmerica/st1:country-region/st1:place. Presently, its use requires a prescription by a licensed health practitioner in the st1:place w:st”onw:st”onUnited States/st1:country-region/st1:place. It is available without a prescription throughout the rest of the world. Cranial electrotherapy stimulation has also been known by many other names. Transcranial electrotherapy (TCET), neuroelectric therapy (NET), alpha sleep, electroanalgesia, electronarcosis and the original electrosleep just a few of the more common terms that have referred to the same therapy. Cranial electrotherapy stimulation was first called electrosleep because it was thought to induce sleep. Rabinovich, a Russian, is given credit for making the first claim for electrical treatment of insomnia in 1914. In 1957, in the U.S.S.R., Anan’ev published the first paper on CES. The first book, simply titled Electrosleep, was published a year later by Gilyarovski . This generated a high degree of interest in the then-known Eastern Block countries and CES was soon adopted as a treatment modality. In 1959, Obrosow reviewed the CES literature and published the first American paper on CES. By 1966 the first International Symposium on Electrotherapeutic Sleep and Electroanesthesia was held in st1:place w:st”onw:st”onAustria/st1:country-region/st1:place. The use of CES had spread worldwide by the late 1960’s when animal studies of CES began in the w:st”onU.S./st1:country-regionat the st1:place w:st”onst1:PlaceType w:st”onUniversity/st1:PlaceTypeof st1:PlaceName w:st”onTennessee/st1:PlaceName/st1:place, and at what is now the University of Wisconsin Medical School. These were soon followed by human clinical trials at the University of Texas Medical School in st1:place w:st”onst1:City w:st”onSan Antonio/st1:City/st1:place, the University of Mississippi Student Counseling Center and the University of Wisconsin Medical School. . The most comprehensive review of the research in CES published to date is a chapter by Ray B. Smith, Ph.D. in the book, Neural Stimulation, published in 1985. Dr. Smith has been researching CES since 1972. He concluded, “There are 40 studies of CES readily available in the st1:place w:st”onw:st”onU.S./st1:country-region/st1:placein which the dependent variable is reliable. When these are examined alone it becomes apparent that CES is effective in alleviating symptoms of anxiety, depression, and insomnia…CES appears effective as a treatment for withdrawal in the chemically dependent person. Other promising areas of treatment are in hypergastric acidity and migraine headaches. Dr. Smith adds, CES appears to be safe, with no harm or negative side effects having been reported to date in controlled studies…Finally, while one usually assumes some placebo effect from a treatment as dramatic as this, none has been reported in studies controlled for this effect& . Scientists at Harvard have recently analyzed all the literature on CES worldwide, and have also found it to be an effective therapy although they are holding their findings confidential until their results are published. Open marketing of CES devices began in the 1970’s in the st1:place w:st”onw:st”onU.S./st1:country-region/st1:place for the treatment of anxiety, depression and insomnia. Several thousand Americans are treated with CES annually by thousands of doctors and it is estimated that more than 50,000 people in the st1:place w:st”onw:st”onU.S./st1:country-region/st1:placeown CES devices which have been prescribed for home use. No adverse effects or contraindications have been found from the use of CES, either in the st1:place w:st”onw:st”onU.S./st1:country-region/st1:placeor in other parts of the world. As with all electrical devices, caution is advised during pregnancy and for patients with a demand-type pacemaker. In addition, it is recommend that patients not operate complex machinery or drive automobiles during and shortly after a CES treatment. In addition to the usual claims for anxiety, depression and insomnia, CES has been researched for many other conditions. Favorable results have been reported in the literature for labor, epilepsy, glossalgia, hypertension, spinal cord injuries, chronic pain, arthritis, cerebral atherosclerosis, eczema, dental pain, asthma, ischemic heart disease, stroke, motion sickness, digestive disorders as well as various addictive disorders including alcohol, heroin, cocaine, and marijuana abuse. Since we know that pain is a complex process involving the brain, it makes sense to add CES to the treatment of most pain patients. In fact, in many cases it is all that is needed to produce significant long-term pain relief. Cranial electrotherapy stimulation is believed to stimulate the production of endorphins. It probably also affects the hypothalamus causing changes in the hypothalamic neurohormonal regulatory mechanisms and the reticular formation of the brain stem. The reticular activating system is involved in a myriad of behavioral expressions from alertness to sleep. This & attentional center” plays an important integrative role in the functioning of mind and body. Cranial electrotherapy stimulation devices are generally similar in size and appearance to standard transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulators (TENS), but produce very different waveforms. Standard milliampere -current TENS devices must never be applied transcranially . CES electrodes can be placed bitemporally, bilaterally in the hollow behind the ears just anterior to the mastoid processes, or clipped to the earlobes. This depends on the device being used. Most CES devices produce a pulse repetition rate (PRR) of 100 Hertz( Hz) which was what the original Russian devices used. Some produce a PRR as low as 0.5, or as high as 15,000 Hz. The current is usually increased by the patient until a mild tingling sensation is felt at the electrode site, or a slight vertigo (dizziness) is experienced. It is then adjusted back down to a comfortable level below that which produces vertigo or an unpleasant feeling of electrical current. It may take a few minutes before the current needs to be reduced. Generally, a treatment time of 20 to 40 minutes is best, daily or every other day. Immediately after a CES treatment, patients usually report feeling more relaxed. Some people feel somewhat inebriated for the first few minutes. This is a pleasant and very comfortable sensation. After several minutes to hours, the light-headed feelings usually disappear, the relaxed state remains and a profound sense of alertness is achieved. This relaxed/alert state will usually remain for an average of 12 to 72 hours after the first few treatments and then becomes cumulative from a series of treatments. Most patients relate feeling more relaxed, less distressed, while their minds remain alert and even more focused on mental tasks. They generally sleep better and report improved concentration along with heightened states of general well-being. Stimulation (CES) is basically two electrical prods that go on each ear and is performed for about 20 minutes a week. CES supercharges your nootropics stack, synergizes your neurotransmitters, and increases brain hemisphere coherence electronically. The CES Ultra has two electrical configurations with two different frequencies: 100 Hz and 0.35 Hz. They are set using a dipswitch in the battery compartment. The frequency of choice is the 100 Hz which has the largest body of evidence as to efficacy behind it. It provides a gentle and calming tingling sensation, though it may also be used below the sensate threshold. The 0.35 Hz setting operates at a lesser amplitude, generating very little actual sensation, but with a more subtle impact. The user may pre-set the time for either configuration for 30 minutes or 45 minutes, at which point the current will automatically turn off, or to have the unit run continuously. Power source: 9V alkaline battery Wave Shape: Square Amplitude: Adjustable from 0-1.5 Ma Pulse Duration: 2 milliseconds (20% duty cycle) varying signals) Power source: 9V alkaline battery Wave Shape: Square Amplitude: Adjustable from 70-750 microamperes ul typediscstyle’width:386.25pt;cellspacing:0in;padding-alt:0in 0in 0in 0in’ tr style’yfti-irow:0;yfti-firstrow:yes’ border0 width515 height423 id”x0000i1026″ classgold8The CES Ultra with case and components. The CES Ultra and all included components fit conveniently in the carrying case. tr style’yfti-irow:1;yfti-lastrow:yes’ electrodes ear-clips
#3732 21 Mar 2006 04:43:12 From: TripOutNY Vernal Quinox, 3/21/2006, 12:00 am from the Calendar of TripOutNY Vernal Quinox Tuesday March 21, 2006 us.rd.yahoo/calus/rem/??v9&evttype13 the Calendar of TripOutNY Vernal Quinox Tuesday March 21, 2006 12:00 am – 12:00 am 2006
#3733 Wed, 29 Mar 2006 16:59:41 Wed, 29 Mar 2006 16:59:44 From: Machinelf Totral Eclipse/Exaile this Friday! This is a promotional email that is part of a package that organizers pay f or, to help grow and strengthen our trance family. To receive the Trip Ou t North America Newsletter with new interviews every week and party reviews all over the hemisphere 96 for only $5/year – and discounts to get in to gatherings – go to /index /index.php 966hq7hmq7 Also be sure to check out the forums at web tranceam.o rg web tranceam.org/ for all events in New York 96 lus a Calnedar and links to all email groups. See Flyer at web tranceam. org web tranceam.org/ Friday March 31st CLUB EXIT Greenp oint NY Hi party people, we are proud to present this excellent line up: TOTAL ECLIPSE, & first time in USA EXAILE. they Are coming with new unrelea sed tunes to give as the best psychedelic experience Together with ALLADIN PROJECT DjEFBFBDs, Environment will be made by one of the talented deco artist NIEL GIBSON. DonEFBFBDt miss this party, See u all on the dance Floor Line Up: TOTAL ECLIPSE Tip world. Spirit Zone Rec – France EX AILE Chemical crew EFBFBD Israel ELNADIV Alladin Project NYC – Israel SINPATEX Alladin Project – Israel URIEL Alladin Project – Israel Decorations by: NEIL GIBSON Alladin project-Canada Alladin Project Cr ew (NYC) Tickets: $25 before midnight $35 after midnight at the door ** *18 to enter/21+ to drink with picture ID*** ***Door Open: 11 PM to 7 AM *** Location: CLUB EXIT 147 GREEN POINT AVE BROOKLYN NY More info: (9 17)-5691177 (917)-4054847 Or: info at alladinproject.net Street Map: Directions: By Subway: Take the L train to metropolitan Ave & transfer to the G train to Green point Ave. The Club is right across the st reet. Or: take the L train to Redford stop and transfer to the 61 bus Go do wn in green point Ave (5 mint) Or: G train to green point Ave Subway Map: web mta.nyc.ny.us/nyct/maps/submap Bus: 61, 43, to green point Ave Bus map: web mta.nyc.ny.us/nyct/maps/busbkln.pdf By Car: Take BQE (I-278) to Exit 33 McQuinness Blvd. To Greenpoint Ave. Turn LEFT at Gre enpoint Ave Proceed to the corner of Manhattan Ave. By car service / taxi : From Manhattan cost $15 From Bedford Station it cost $6 Links: http ://web alladinproject.net/web alladinproject.net web tipwor ld.co.uk web tipworld.co.uk/ web chemical-crew.tv/index.ph p web neilgibson.ca web neilgibson.ca/ Our next party wi ll be ETNICA LIVE (Max and Maurizio) and EDOARDO (Neurobiotic Records) on A PRIL 21ST at CLUB EXIT w.w3.org/TR/REC-html40 ent lelist.xml at 01C65352.2D836F90 microsoft-com:office:smarttags” o:SmartTagType namespa o: n ffice:smarttags” as-microsoft-com:office:smarttags” o:SmartTagType namesp on”/ ![if gte mso 9]xml o:OfficeDocumentSettings o:DoNotRelyOn CSS/ /o:OfficeDocumentSettings /xml![endif]![if gte mso 9]xm l w:WordDocument w:SpellingStateClean/w:SpellingState w:Gramma rStateClean/w:GrammarState w:DocumentKindDocumentEmail/w:DocumentKi nd w:EnvelopeVis/ w:ValidateAgainstSchemas/ w:SaveIfXMLInvalidfalse/w:SaveIfXMLInvalid w:IgnoreMixedContentfalse/w:IgnoreMixedCont ent w:AlwaysShowPlaceholderTextfalse/w:AlwaysShowPlaceholderText w:Compatibility w:BreakWrappables/ w:SnapToGridInCell/ w: WrapTextWithPunct/ w:UseAsianBreakRules/ w:UseWord2002TableStyleR ules/ /w:Compatibility w:BrowserLevelMicrosoftInternetExplorer4/w :BrowserLevel /w:WordDocument /xml![endif]![if gte mso 9]xml /w: LatentStyles /xml![endif]![if !mso] st1-:*{behavior:url( ![endif] ! /* Style Definitions */ p., li., div. {style-parent:”; margi n:0in; pagination:widow-orphan; a:link, span.Mso {color:blue; a:visited, span.MsoFollowed {color:purpl e; span.EmailStyle17 {style-type:personal-compose; style-noshow:yes; amily:Arial; co span.Gra mE at page Section1 {size:8.5in 11.0i n; margin:1.0in 1.25in 1.0in 1.25in; header-margin:.5in; footer- margin:.5in; div.Section1 /sty le ![if gte mso 10] /* Style Definitions */ table. Table {style-name:”Table Normal”; tstyle-rowband-size:0; tst yle-colband-size:0; style-noshow:yes; style-parent:”; paddi ng-alt:0in 5.4pt 0in 5.4pt; para-margin:0in; 0001pt; pagination:widow-orphan; s New Roman”; ansi-language: This is a promotional email that is part of a package that organiz ers pay for, to help grow and strengthen our trance family./spa n Roman receive the Trip Out North America Newsle tter with new interviews every week and party reviews all over the hemisphe re & for only $5/year – and discounts to get in to gatherings – go to a us0jaq818b1966hq7hmq7/in / 3 ‘Also be sure to check out the forums at web tranceameri cana.org/” g and links to all email groups. c ; :Arial; anceamericana.org/web tranceam.org /b nt-family:Arial; nt /st1:City :STATE/ST1:PLACE/st1:State/st1:placefo nt -family:Arial; color:bla ck’H i party people, we are proud to present this excellent line up: TOTAL ECLIPSE, & first time in USA EXAILE.theyfamily:Arial;color:black’Are coming with new unreleased tunes to give as the best psychedelic experience Together with ALLADIN PROJECT DjEF BFBDs, Environment will be made by one of the talented deco artist NI EL GIBSON.DonEFBFBDt miss this party, See u all on the dance Floor nt-family:Arial; colo c siz y:Arial; color:b color co lor:black’ color:b lack’ st1:countr color :black’/span co lor:black’o :/ w:st 1:place/st1:country-region/ST1:COUNTRY-REGION/ST1:PLACE/p amily:Arial; cmily:Arial; mily:Arial; color:b lack’/ o: 1:country-region/ST1:COUNTRY-REGION/ST1:PLACEcolor:black’ :Arial; ily:Arial; color co lor:black’o : co ‘Alladin ada color co y:Arial; family:Arial; nt-family:Arial; co al; color:black;fon color :black’ ld’$25 before midnight $35 after midnight at the door /O: :Arial; ily:Arial; color:blacnt :Arial; mily:Arial; -family:Arial; color: ial; color:black;fon co lor:black’ w:st GREEN POINT AVE /b /ST1:ADDRESS/ST1:STREET family:Arial; color :black’ fo at alladinproject.netinfo at alladinproject.net :Arial; ily:Arial; color:blac l; color:black;fon nt -family:Arial; colo c ; color: black’o : the L train to metropolitan Ave & transfer to the G train to Green poin/o: color :black’ Redford/st1:place/ST1:PLACE/ family:Arial; ay Map: web mta.nyc.ny.us/nyct/maps/submap /O y:Arial; mily:Arial; color:bla color co lor:black’ ial; color:black;fon web mta.nyc.ny.us/nyct/maps/busbkln.pdf/spa/ :Arial; nt-family:Arial; color co color: ont-family:Arial; /ST1:ADDRESS /ST1:STREET Ave./st1:address/st1:Street/ST1:ADDRESS/ST1:STnt Ave/st1:addre ss/st1:Street/ST1:ADDRESS/ST1:STREETfo nt -family:Arial; color: Ave. /ST1:ADDRESS/ST1:STnt :Arial; ily:Arial; t1:place/st1:City/ST1:CITY/ST1:PLACE cost $15 /O: c ; /st1:City/ST1:CITY/ST1:PLACE Station it cost $6 /O: :Arial; ily:Arial; color co lor:black’o : web tipworld.co.uk/” w.tipworld.co.ukl-crew.tv/index.phpweb chemical-crew.tv/index.php /web neilgibs on.ca/”nt t-family:Arial;Our next party will be ETNICA LIVE (Max and Ma urizio) and EDOARDO RIL 21ST at CLUB EXIT ne-break’ er:line-break’ ![endif] ‘
#3734 Thu, 30 Mar 2006 21:53:18 Thu, 30 Mar 2006 21:53:23 From: Machinelf One of my all time faves – Voice of COD – at COSM Saturday! Saturday April 1, 2006 28thday and Light-o-Matic bring you an Organically grown treat: In their first appearance in the U.S.: Voice of Cod LIVE (Organic Records UK) Andrew Humphries (Organic Records UK) ColinOOOD (Organic Records UK) Lauryn (Alkaloid Recs./Boston) Unorthodox (28thday) Enviroment by The Sonic Beating deco crew hailing from Boston and Steve-O Additional artists TBA $20 before midnight, $25 after. Location: CoSM – Chapel of Sacred Mirrors (540 West 27th St, NYC) lightomatic/ 28thday/ web psyny Missed our recent events? Look at photos here: lightomatic/images/touchsamadhi/ lightomatic/images/sst/ link relFile-List “cid:filelist.xml at 01C65444.5DA68020 name”Street”/ name”address”/ name”City”/ name”country-region”/ name”place”/ ![if gte mso 9]xml o:OfficeDocumentSettings o:DoNotRelyOnCSS/ /o:OfficeDocumentSettings /xml![endif]![if gte mso 9]xml w:WordDocument w:SpellingStateClean/w:SpellingState w:GrammarStateClean/w:GrammarState w:DocumentKindDocumentEmail/w:DocumentKind w:EnvelopeVis/ w:ValidateAgainstSchemas/ w:SaveIfXMLInvalidfalse/w:SaveIfXMLInvalid w:IgnoreMixedContentfalse/w:IgnoreMixedContent w:AlwaysShowPlaceholderTextfalse/w:AlwaysShowPlaceholderText w:Compatibility w:BreakWrappables/ w:SnapToGridInCell/ w:WrapTextWithPunct/ w:UseAsianBreakRules/ w:UseWord2002TableStyleRules/ /w:Compatibility w:BrowserLevelMicrosoftInternetExplorer4/w:BrowserLevel /w:WordDocument /xml![endif]![if gte mso 9]xml w:LatentStyles DefLockedState”false” LatentStyleCount”156 /w:LatentStyles /xml![endif]![if !mso] ![endif] ! /* Style Definitions */ p., li., div. {style-parent:”; margin:0in; pagination:widow-orphan; a:link, span.Mso {color:blue; a:visited, span.MsoFollowed {color:purple; span.EmailStyle17 {style-type:personal-compose; style-noshow:yes; s at page Section1 {size:8.5in 11.0in; margin:1.0in 1.25in 1.0in 1.25in; header-margin:.5in; footer-margin:.5in; div.Section1 ![if gte mso 10] /* Style Definitions */ table.Table {style-name:”Table Normal”; tstyle-rowband-size:0; tstyle-colband-size:0; style-noshow:yes; style-parent:”; padding-alt:0in 5.4pt 0in 5.4pt; para-margin:0in; pagination:widow-orphan; ansi-language: 28thday and Light-o- Matic bring you an Organically grown treat: In their first appearance in the onU.S./st1:place/st1:country-region: Voice of Cod LIVE (Organic Records onUK/st1:place/st1:country-region) Andrew Humphries (Organic Records onUK/st1:place/st1:country-region) ColinOOOD (Organic Records onUK/st1:place/st1:country-region) Lauryn (Alkaloid Recs ./ Boston) Unorthodox (28thday) Enviroment by The Sonic Beating deco crew hailing from st1:place w:st”onst1:City w:st”onBoston/st1:City/st1:place and Steve-O Additional artists TBA $20 before midnight, $25 after. Location: CoSM – Chapel of Sacred Mirrors (st1:Street w:st”onst1:address w:st”on540 West 27th St/st1:address/st1:Street, NYC) lightomatic/ 28thday/ web psyny Missed our recent events? Look at photos here: lightomatic/images/touchsamadhi/ lightomatic/images/sst/style’special-character:line-break’ ![if !supportLineBreakNewLine]style’special-character:line-break’ ![endif]
#3735 30 Mar 2006 22:31:06 Thu, 30 Mar 2006 22:31:14 Cc: goa-boston From: Machinelf Reduced admission to Voice of COD/Lauryn/Sonic beating in NYC – $10 limited tickets!! I am doing this because I want everyone to be able to go, but you have to pay with a debit or credit card. While supplies last – 5 tickets left! You will have a special pre-assigned secret name on the comp list at the door. The first buyer will also get a free copy of the new Voice of COD cd! The ticket link is /productinfo.php?products id106 Also we have added a lot of Geomagnetic CDs/DVDs and Psybertribe’s compilation with audio samples, with Random – Implicate Order and the Magnus sampler DVD added later tonight. Finally, we’ll be offering shamanic plants such as caapi, catuaba, kratom, and Salva 20x with a week or two. Saturday April 1, 2006 28thday and Light-o-Matic bring you an Organically grown treat: In their first appearance in the U.S.: Voice of Cod LIVE (Organic Records UK) Andrew Humphries (Organic Records UK) ColinOOOD (Organic Records UK) Unorthodox (28thday) The Sonic Beating deco crew hailing from Boston Additional artists TBA $20 before midnight, $25 after. Location: CoSM – Chapel of Sacred Mirrors (540 West 27th St, NYC) lightomatic/ 28thday/ Missed our recent events? Look at photos here: lightomatic/images/touchsamadhi/ lightomatic/images/sst/ link relFile-List “cid:filelist.xml at 01C65449.A79910D0 name”Street”/ name”address”/ ![if gte mso 9]xml o:OfficeDocumentSettings o:DoNotRelyOnCSS/ /o:OfficeDocumentSettings /xml![endif]![if gte mso 9]xml w:WordDocument w:SpellingStateClean/w:SpellingState w:GrammarStateClean/w:GrammarState w:DocumentKindDocumentEmail/w:DocumentKind w:EnvelopeVis/ w:ValidateAgainstSchemas/ w:SaveIfXMLInvalidfalse/w:SaveIfXMLInvalid w:IgnoreMixedContentfalse/w:IgnoreMixedContent w:AlwaysShowPlaceholderTextfalse/w:AlwaysShowPlaceholderText w:Compatibility w:BreakWrappables/ w:SnapToGridInCell/ w:WrapTextWithPunct/ w:UseAsianBreakRules/ w:UseWord2002TableStyleRules/ /w:Compatibility w:BrowserLevelMicrosoftInternetExplorer4/w:BrowserLevel /w:WordDocument /xml![endif]![if gte mso 9]xml w:LatentStyles DefLockedState”false” LatentStyleCount”156 /w:LatentStyles /xml![endif]![if !mso] ![endif] ! /* Style Definitions */ p., li., div. {style-parent:”; margin:0in; pagination:widow-orphan; a:link, span.Mso {color:blue; a:visited, span.MsoFollowed {color:purple; span.EmailStyle17 {style-type:personal-compose; style-noshow:yes; s at page Section1 {size:8.5in 11.0in; margin:1.0in 1.25in 1.0in 1.25in; header-margin:.5in; footer-margin:.5in; div.Section1 ![if gte mso 10] /* Style Definitions */ table.Table {style-name:”Table Normal”; tstyle-rowband-size:0; tstyle-colband-size:0; style-noshow:yes; style-parent:”; padding-alt:0in 5.4pt 0in 5.4pt; para-margin:0in; pagination:widow-orphan; ansi-language: but you have to pay with a debit or credit card. You will have a special pre-assigned The first buyer will also get a free copy of the new Voice of COD cd ! The ticket link is a /productinfo.php?productsid106/productinfo.php?productsid106 Psybertribe’s compilation with audio samples, with Random & Implicate Order and the Magnus sampler DVD added later tonight. Finally, we’ll be offering shamanic plants such as caapi, catuaba, kratom, and Salva 20x with a week or two. 28thday and Light-o- Matic bring you an Organically grown treat: In their first appearance in the U.S.: Voice of Cod LIVE (Organic Records UK) Andrew Humphries (Organic Records UK) ColinOOOD (Organic Records UK) Unorthodox (28thday) The Sonic Beating deco crew hailing from Boston Additional artists TBA $20 before midnight, $25 after. Location: CoSM – Chapel of Sacred Mirrors (st1:Street w:st”onst1:address w:st”on540 West 27th St/st1:address/st1:Street, NYC) lightomatic/” target”blank” title”lightomatic/lightomatic/ 28thday/” target”blank” title”28thday/28thday/ Missed our recent events? Look at photos here: lightomatic/images/touchsamadhi/” target”blank” title”lightomatic/images/touchsamadhi/lightomatic/images/touchsamadhi/ lightomatic/images/sst/” target”blank” title”lightomatic/images/sst/lightomatic/images/sst/
3736 Fri, 31 Mar 2006 01:37:10 Fri, 31 Mar 2006 01:37:07 From: Machinelf Sell your trance stuff – we do all the work! If you have extra trance paraphernalia laying around, give it and a minimum price to me, I’ll sell it at the bazaar at web tranceamerica.org web tranceamerica.org/ and at your option set up an ebay sale. My ebay rating is spotless. I only ask a 20% commission of final sale. Ebay charges will be extra should you choose that, as will shipping the item to me. At your option you can ship directly to the customer but this requires the fee upfront. Also if the item does not sell and you want it back at any point you would be reponsible for shipping back to you. I am also looking for DJ mixes, the old Organix calendar, flyers, old spacetribe clothes and will pay $$$ for the old school Israeli Morning in Space CD. LEGAL ITEMS ONLY. give it and a minimum price to me, I’ll sell it at the bazaar at a web tranceamerica.org/web tranceamerica.org and at your option set up an ebay rating is spotless. I only ask a 20% commission of final sale. Ebay charges will be extra should you choose that, as will shipping the item to me. At your option you can ship directly to the customer but this requires the fee upfront. Also if the item does not sell and you want it back at any point you would be reponsible for shipping back to you. calendar, flyers, old spacetribe clothes and will pay $$$ for the old school Israeli Morning in Space CD.
#3737 Fri, 31 Mar 2006 13:35:49 Fri, 31 Mar 2006 13:35:46 From: Machinelf Also re: Voice of COD, an online mix! – Look for our audio-CD flyer at a trance party near you, featuring an exclusive 70-minute promotional mix by ColinOOOD. Or, turn your volume up and browse to web 28thday web 28thday/-scott lLook for our audio-CD flyer at a trance party near you, featuring an exclusive 70-minute promotional mix by ColinOOOD . Or, turn your volume up and browse to web 28thday/web 28thday –
April 2006
#3739 Thu, 06 Apr 2006 02:43:16 Thu, 06 Apr 2006 02:43:19 From: Machinelf Fatali & Michele Adamson this Friday – Virgin Venue!! Or should it be, Virgin Vault as it’s a former bank building.. From web tranceam.org web tranceam.org/(see the bazaar for many new dvds and cds) * * * TSUNAMI “In Element TSUNAMI” Friday, April 7th, 2006 ELEMENT web elementny 225 East Houston St Essex St / Avenue A Doors open at 10pm Age 21+ TSUNAMI presents in New York City’s newest venue, a former and entirely redone Art Deco Bankbuilding, with very high ceilings, separate chill-out Vault, a new Party Experience, together with an after hours at separate location. For the first time in America: FATALI, live & DJ set (BNE, Israel) Eitan (22) sound is totally different, fresh and powerful, ranging from deep progressive to full-on trance, always melodic and perfectly produced for the dance floor. Also for the first time in America: MICHELE ADAMSON Live full-on set, and chill-out set in the separate Vault Michelle has sprung to trance prominence as the vocalist in SHPONGLE 2 “Tales of the Inexpressable”, and has then grown into a respected full on artists as well, collaborating with such names as SUB-6, SKAZI and more. BRANDON Regardless of what time slot New York based BRANDON plays, it’s always appropriate, inspired and fun! Separate chill out area in the VAULT MICHELLE ADAMSON KAZU (Vinyl Market) THE EYE (Disorient, Turquoise Trance | BRC) At 4.30 am the party moves, together with the artists, for it’s own after hours, produced together with TURQUOISE TRANCE to: VILLAGE UNDERGROUND 130 West 3rd Street (between 6th Av. and McDougal) The afterhours starts at 4am and last till 8am. There is only one ticket ($25 advacne/$30 door) available, regardless where and when it is bought, so no cheaper tickets available at the after hours. Tickets (valid for both legs of the evening) $25 advance / $30 door. Available ($25 plus store commission) VINYL MARKET SATELLITE 241 E 10th Street 259 Bowery 212 439-1203 212 995-1744 Also available on GrooveTickets at $25 plus service fee: groovetickets/ordersystem/Groove/frontsearchresults.asp?Affilid9 3&sname1&SHeadliner1&SDate1&SCity1&SState1&SCountry1&SZip1&SVenue1&S Info1&SPGroup1&searchtexttsunami&EventState&ImageButton.x29&ImageButton .y10 Info Line: 212.439.8124 Every 4th Friday of each month, next time, Friday, April 28th, on web di.fm, at 2pm NY time: ‘TSUNAMI Presents:” Next TSUNAMI Monthly at SPIRIT: Friday, April 21st with INFECTED MUSHROOM a former bank building .. web tranceam.org/web tranceam.org (see the bazaar for many new dvds and cds) “In Element TSUNAMI” Friday, April 7th, 2006 ELEMENT web elementny st1:Street w:st”onst1:address w:st”on225 East Houston St/st1:address/st1:Street st1:Street w:st”onst1:address w:st”onEssex St/st1:address/st1:Street / Avenue A Doors open at 10pm Age 21+ TSUNAMI presents in st1:City onNew York City/st1:place/st1:City’s newest venue, a former and entirely redone Art Deco Bankbuilding, with very high ceilings, separate chill-out Vault, a new Party Experience, together with an after hours at separate location. For the first time in st1:place w:st”onw:st”onAmerica/st1:country-region/st1:place: FATALI, live & DJ set (BNE, st1:place w:st”onw:st”onIsrael/st1:country-region/st1:place) Eitan (22) sound is totally different, fresh and powerful, ranging from deep progressive to full-on trance, always melodic and perfectly produced for the dance floor. Also for the first time in onAmerica/st1:place/st1:country-region: MICHELE ADAMSON Live full-on set, and chill-out set in the separate Vault Michelle has sprung to trance prominence as the vocalist in SHPONGLE 2 ” Tales of the Inexpressable “, and has then grown into a respected full on artists as well, collaborating with such names as SUB-6, SKAZI and more. st1:City onBRANDON/st1:place/st1:City Regardless of what time slot st1:State w:st”onNew York/st1:Statebased st1:City onBRANDON/st1:place/st1:Cityplays, it’s always appropriate, inspired and fun! Separate chill out area in the VAULT ![endif] KAZU (Vinyl Market) THE EYE (Disorient, Turquoise Trance | BRC) At 4.30 am the party moves, together with the artists, for it’s own after hours, produced together with TURQUOISE TRANCE to: VILLAGE UNDERGROUND st1:Street w:st”onst1:address w:st”on130 West 3rd Street/st1:address/st1:Street ( between 6th Av. and McDougal) The afterhours starts at 4am and last till 8am. There is only one ticket ($25 advacne/$30 door) available, regardless where and when it is bought, so no cheaper tickets available at the after hours. Tickets (valid for both legs of the evening) $25 advance / $30 door. Available ($25 plus store commission) VINYL MARKET SATELLITE 241 E 10th Street 259 Bowery 212 439-1203 212 995-1744 Also available on GrooveTickets at $25 plus service fee: groovetickets/ordersystem/Groove/frontsearchresults.asp?Affilid93&sname1&SHeadliner1&SDate1&SCity1&SState1&SCountry1&SZip1&SVenue1&SInfo1&SPGroup1&searchtexttsunami&EventState&ImageButton.x29&ImageButton.y10 Info Line: 212.439.8124 Every 4th Friday of each month, next time, Friday, April 28th, on web di.fm, at 2pm NY time: ‘TSUNAMI Presents:” Next TSUNAMI Monthly at SPIRIT: Friday, April 21st with INFECTED MUSHROOM src”cid:image002.gif at 01C65923.DC4848D0″ DATASIZE192626 XHEIGHT600 XWIDTH600 ![if !supportLineBreakNewLine]style’special-character:line-break’ ![endif]
#3740 12 Apr 2006 14:43:36 Wed, 12 Apr 2006 14:43:43 604 at party.net From: Machinelf Mushroom Magazine’s Trancer’s Guide to the Galaxy 2006 – now in stock Everybody got in except for specifically two truly great organizers 28th Day Productions and Lightomatic. Sorry guys! /productinfo.php?cPath2&p roductsid42 It’s free if you pick it up in person (in Brooklyn) otherwise it’s $5 shipping & handling, worldwide. I’d send it free if I could afford it. You may be able to catch me with some at a gathering but don’t count on it, I run out very quickly every year. ders and subscribers to the soon to be launched Trip Out North America have the s&h fee waived. So if you’ve already subscribed, expect your copy soon. It looks great, and smells good too. Lots of small details. The volk at Chaishop did a fantastic job. If you just want to take a quick peek at some of the USA section, here is an image web tranceam.org/tgg06.gif ..and the next shipment from Germany will be shamanic plants from the Amazon. Hooray!
#3741 Thu, 13 Apr 2006 16:45:17 Thu, 13 Apr 2006 16:45:25 From: Machinelf Salvia 5x, 20x now available. The perfect thing to have while reading the new Trancers’ Guide 🙂 When you buy salvia of 20x you are buying a very strong concentration of the most powerful hallucinogen known to man! The active ingredient, Salvinori A has not been able to be synthesized, and looks like it’s going to take a while if they ever can. We have to rely then on nature to provide us with the necessary ingredients. This is actually a good thing, we tend to think if we use the active ingredient, the rest of the plant can be considered trash and discarded, but salvia is showing us that the most insignificant particles mean a lot. Salvinori A is present in three thousandth of the leaf, yet two leafs are usually enough for a normal dose. Divinorin C is present in even a smaller amount, in fact, the dose is so small this has made it extremely difficult to analyze the substance. Using the whole plant makes much more sense and will produce the effects that the ancient Mayas and Aztecs experienced. You can buy salvia 20x in many sites over the internet, the only places where the ingestion of the plant is prohibited is Australia, Denmark, Belgium, Italy and South Korea. The rest of the world has no restriction, you can use it without fear or thinking you are doing somthing that is forbidden by law. This is its current status, so be responsible and use the plant with care and caution so it remains this way, salvia divinorum is a plant unlike any other, works on the human body as no plant ever has, we must appreciate this marvelous gift and not abuse it. Make sure the site you purchase is for real, many are selling salvia without even knowing what it is. A 20x is a very strong concentrate, if the company is not good you will never know if you purchased a 15x at the price of a 20x. The detection of inaccurate extracts is difficult in many ways, how can you be certain 20 plants were concentrated into one? You have to trust the manufacturer. This is not simple, many plants have higher concentrations of salvinori A than others, products from the “Sierra Mazateca” are some of the best in quality because that’s the plant natural environment. People buy salvia 20x mostly for smoking, this makes it possible (without a concentrate many leafs would have to be smoked) with 20x only a few inhalations are necessary, making it practical for smoking. Extreme caution should be taken to avoid overdosing with such a heavy concentrate. Stock up while it’s still legal. Here’ a photo I just took: Fine quality at the lowest price on the Internet. Free shipping. Satisfaction guaranteed. I’ll even throw in my ex girlfriend! /index.php?cPath21 link relFile-List “cid:filelist.xml at 01C65F19.A9982760 link relEdit-Time-Data “cid:editdata.mso ![if !mso] ![endif]o:SmartTagType name”place”/ ![if gte mso 9]xml o:OfficeDocumentSettings o:DoNotRelyOnCSS/ /o:OfficeDocumentSettings /xml![endif]![if gte mso 9]xml w:WordDocument w:SpellingStateClean/w:SpellingState w:GrammarStateClean/w:GrammarState w:DocumentKindDocumentEmail/w:DocumentKind w:EnvelopeVis/ w:ValidateAgainstSchemas/ w:SaveIfXMLInvalidfalse/w:SaveIfXMLInvalid w:IgnoreMixedContentfalse/w:IgnoreMixedContent w:AlwaysShowPlaceholderTextfalse/w:AlwaysShowPlaceholderText w:Compatibility w:BreakWrappables/ w:SnapToGridInCell/ w:WrapTextWithPunct/ w:UseAsianBreakRules/ w:UseWord2002TableStyleRules/ /w:Compatibility w:BrowserLevelMicrosoftInternetExplorer4/w:BrowserLevel /w:WordDocument /xml![endif]![if gte mso 9]xml w:LatentStyles DefLockedState”false” LatentStyleCount”156 /w:LatentStyles /xml![endif]![if !mso] ![endif] ! panose-1:5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0; panose-1:2 11 6 4 3 5 4 4 2 4; /* Style Definitions */ p., li., div. {style-parent:”; margin:0in; pagination:widow-orphan; a:link, span.Mso {color:blue; a:visited, span.MsoFollowed {color:purple; span.EmailStyle17 {style-type:personal-compose; style-noshow:yes; s at page Section1 {size:8.5in 11.0in; margin:1.0in 1.25in 1.0in 1.25in; header-margin:.5in; footer-margin:.5in; div.Section1 ![if gte mso 10] /* Style Definitions */ table.Table {style-name:”Table Normal”; tstyle-rowband-size:0; tstyle-colband-size:0; style-noshow:yes; style-parent:”; padding-alt:0in 5.4pt 0in 5.4pt; para-margin:0in; pagination:widow-orphan; ansi-language: are buying a very strong concentration of the most powerful hallucinogen known to man! The active ingredient, Salvinori A has not been able to be synthesized, and looks like it’s going to take a while if they ever can. We have to rely then on nature to provide us with the necessary ingredients. This is actually a good thing, we tend to think if we use the active ingredient, the rest of the plant can be considered trash and discarded, but salvia is showing us that the most insignificant particles mean a lot. Salvinori A is present in three thousandth of the leaf, yet two leafs are usually enough for a normal dose. Divinorin C is present in even a smaller amount, in fact, the dose is so small this has made it extremely difficult to analyze the substance. Using the whole plant makes much more sense and will produce the effects that the ancient Mayas and Aztecs experienced. You can buy salvia 20x in many sites over the internet, the only places where the ingestion of the plant is prohibited is w:st”onAustralia/st1:country-region, w:st”onDenmark/st1:country-region, w:st”onBelgium/st1:country-region, w:st”onItaly/st1:country-regionand onSouth Korea/st1:place/st1:country-region. The rest of the world has no restriction, you can use it without fear or thinking you are doing somthing that is forbidden by law. This is its current status, so be responsible and use the plant with care and caution so it remains this way, salvia divinorum is a plant unlike any other, works on the human body as no plant ever has, we must appreciate this marvelous gift and not abuse it. Make sure the site you purchase is for real, many are selling salvia without even knowing what it is. A 20x is a very strong concentrate, if the company is not good you will never know if you purchased a 15x at the price of a 20x. The detection of inaccurate extracts is difficult in many ways, how can you be certain 20 plants were concentrated into one? You have to trust the manufacturer. This is not simple, many plants have higher concentrations of salvinori A than others, products from the “Sierra Mazateca ” are some of the best in quality because that’s the plant natural environment. People buy salvia 20x mostly for smoking, this makes it possible (without a concentrate many leafs would have to be smoked) with 20x only a few inhalations are necessary, making it practical for smoking. Extreme caution should be taken Arial’ legal. Here’ a photo I just took: id”x0000i1026″ src”cid:image001.gif at 01C65F19.A9982760 in my ex girlfriend! /index.php?cPath21/index.php?cPath21
#3742 Sat, 15 Apr 2006 08:29:00 Sat, 15 Apr 2006 08:28:59 From: Machinelf Party at COSm tonight Details at web tranceameriacana.org web tranceameriacana.org/ Matias, pedro, and the rest of the Reality Engine guys do the gathetings for Alex Grey. Mathias’s gf Anna Clara hooked me up with the Amazonian plants co. in Germany. I will be there interviewing Torsten who contributed a lot to the Liquid Crystal Vision. DVD link relFile-List “cid:filelist.xml at 01C66066.A4F8D760 ![if gte mso 9]xml o:OfficeDocumentSettings o:DoNotRelyOnCSS/ /o:OfficeDocumentSettings /xml![endif]![if gte mso 9]xml w:WordDocument w:SpellingStateClean/w:SpellingState w:GrammarStateClean/w:GrammarState w:DocumentKindDocumentEmail/w:DocumentKind w:EnvelopeVis/ w:ValidateAgainstSchemas/ w:SaveIfXMLInvalidfalse/w:SaveIfXMLInvalid w:IgnoreMixedContentfalse/w:IgnoreMixedContent w:AlwaysShowPlaceholderTextfalse/w:AlwaysShowPlaceholderText w:Compatibility w:BreakWrappables/ w:SnapToGridInCell/ w:WrapTextWithPunct/ w:UseAsianBreakRules/ w:UseWord2002TableStyleRules/ /w:Compatibility w:BrowserLevelMicrosoftInternetExplorer4/w:BrowserLevel /w:WordDocument /xml![endif]![if gte mso 9]xml w:LatentStyles DefLockedState”false” LatentStyleCount”156 /w:LatentStyles /xml![endif] ! /* Style Definitions */ p., li., div. {style-parent:”; margin:0in; pagination:widow-orphan; a:link, span.Mso {color:blue; a:visited, span.MsoFollowed {color:purple; span.EmailStyle17 {style-type:personal-compose; style-noshow:yes; s at page Section1 {size:8.5in 11.0in; margin:1.0in 1.25in 1.0in 1.25in; header-margin:.5in; footer-margin:.5in; div.Section1 ![if gte mso 10] /* Style Definitions */ table.Table {style-name:”Table Normal”; tstyle-rowband-size:0; tstyle-colband-size:0; style-noshow:yes; style-parent:”; padding-alt:0in 5.4pt 0in 5.4pt; para-margin:0in; pagination:widow-orphan; ansi-language: pedro, and the rest of the Reality Engine guys do the gathetings for Alex Grey. Mathias’s gf Anna Clara hooked me up with the Amazonian plants co. in Germany. who contributed a lot to the Liquid Crystal Vision. DVD
#3743 Fri, 21 Apr 2006 11:39:13 Fri, 21 Apr 2006 11:39:18 From: Machinelf Edoardo tonight at the Hook Alladin project presents: Friday April, 21st 2006 in The Hook club Hi party people; we are excited to present a new venue THE HOOK CLUB 18 Commerce Street Brooklyn, NY 11231. THE HOOK CLUB is absolutely great. It has good sound, a big out door back yard to chill and smoke, And easy access by the F and G trains to Carroll St. In the line up section we are happy to present the unforgettable uplifting Dj EDOARDO the head of Neurobiotic Rec, / and Sonica festival, He has been playing in the past few years all over the world with his excellent mixing skills and the best collections of unreleased top notch psytunes. For sure this party will be a mind blowing experience. Please come early. This party is not to be missed! See u all on the dance Floor!!! Line up: EDOARDO Neurobiotic Records/ Sonica – Italy ELNADIV Alladin Project NYC – Israel/NYC SINPATEX Alladin Project – Israel/NYC Uriel Alladin Project – Israel/NYC Decorations by: Alladin Project Crew (NYC) Tickets: ***$20 with guest list $25 at the door*** ***18 to enter/21+ to drink with picture ID*** ***Door Open: 11 PM to 7:30 AM *** Location: The Hook Club 18 Commerce Street Brooklyn, NY 11231 More info: (917)569-1177 (917)405-4847 or email: info at alladinproject.net info at alladinproject.net Street Map: By Subway: Take the F or the G train to Carroll St. A shuttle van will do roundtrips btw the club and the station every 15 minuets, from 11 pm till 4 am. If you up to walk, walk over to Henry Street and 4th Place. Proceed to walk over the Coles St. footpath. Make a left on the sidewalk. Make a soft left on Luquer St which turns into Commerce St at Columbia Street. The club is located between Richards St. and Columbia St on Commerce. ![if !supportLineBreakNewLine] ![endif] Subway Map: web mta.nyc.ny.us/nyct/maps/submap By Car: web thehookmusic/directions By bus: Take the B61 to Van Brunt and Commerce Streets. The club is located between Richards St. and Columbia St on Commerce St By car service / taxi: From Manhattan cost $15 Links: web alladinproject.net web alladinproject.net/ web neurobiotic web neurobiotic/ web thehookmusic/main Peace & Love in Trance Alladin Project Crew great. It has good sound, a big out door back yard to chill and smoke, And easy access by the F and G trains to st1:Street w:st”onst1:address w:st”on classstyle1ST1:STREET u1:st”onST1:ADDRESS u1:st”onCarroll St /st1:address/st1:Street EDOARDO the head of Neurobiotic Rec, / and Sonica festival, over the world with his excellent mixing skills and the best collections of unreleased top notch psytunes . For sure this party will be a mind blowing experience. Please come early. This party is not to be missed! ***$20 with guest list $25 at the door*** ***18 to enter/21+ to drink with picture ID*** thehookmusic/directions Take the B61 to Van Brunt and Commerce Streets. The club is located between Peace & Love in Trance Alladin Project Crew
#3744 Mon, 17 Apr 2006 20:36:55 Mon, 17 Apr 2006 20:36:55 From: Machinelf Open Air Events this year There was an utterly amazing open air gathering this last weekend in Jersey. For all you on Safetydance, you are grandfathered in to the new d. For you newcomers, you’ll have to pay to join. are grandfathered in to the new d. /productinfo.php?cPath2&productsid29/productinfo.php?cPath2&productsid29
#3745 Sun, 23 Apr 2006 07:43:40 Sun, 23 Apr 2006 07:43:44 From: Machinelf Mimosa Hotilis Root Bark now on sale at Trance Americana B est prices I can find! Tested for potency. Sustainably harvested in the Brazilian Caatinga from mature plants (over 10 years of age). Known as Ju rema and considered sacred by many Indian tribes in the northeast of Brazil its the only tree to survive the long dry periods of the Brazilian Caatin ga and still be green and vibrating with life! Tribesmen would evoke the connection to the spirit of this plant at a ritualistic ceremony known as T orE9. Dressed up in long straw costumes the Indians chant, dance and drink a brew called Vinho de Jurema, which is said to open the gates of the spir it world. The Jurema is also widely used In the Candomble and Ubanda religi ons. In their ceremonies the Jurema root bark is burned to evoke the spirit s of nature. The variety we carry is Premium MHRB – one of the most power ful in the world. We also offer both types finely grinded and ready to be used in your incense burner for your convenience. Sold for smudging as a id to call the natural spirits, just add it to your incense burner before s tarting the ceremony. Not for consumption. . from mature plants (over 10 years of age).color:black’ EJurema and considered sacred by many Indian tribes in the northeas ntry-region/st1:place, urvive the long dry periods of vibrating with life! Tribesmen woul d evoke the connection to the spirit of this plant at a ritualistic ceremon long straw cos tumes the Indians chant, dance and drink a brew called open al class ellEJurema root bark is burned to evoke the spirits of nature. The variety we carry is Premium MHRB – one of the most powerful in th e world. We also offer both types finely grinded and ready to be used in your incense burner for your convenience. Sold for smudgi ng as aid to call the natural spirits, just add it to your incense burner b size /o: yes’ Arial’
#3748 Fri, 28 Apr 2006 18:27:37 Fri, 28 Apr 2006 18:27:41 From: Viva Mexico!! news.yahoo/s/nm/20060428/tsnm/mexicodsdc Cheers, Managing Partner Nootropica LLC 301 Beverley Road Ofc PR4 Brooklyn, NY 11218 (718) 676-5347 jeff at nootrition Retail web nootrition Wholesale Co-Op web
May 2006
#3749 01 May 2006 04:32:58 Mon, 01 May 2006 04:33:05 Cc: Mayday – M’Aidez – Introducing Amazonian shamanic snuffs – viable seeds – spring planting A Tree Grows in Brooklyn? Cebil – Anadenanthera Colubrina seeds Cebil is t he name given to a shamanic snuff prepared from Anadenanthera Colubrina see ds and pods with perhaps 4500 years of historical use in the southern Andea n region and in the Chaco of Bolivia, Paraguay and Argentina. Cebil is also the common name used for the plant itself. The use of Cebil by Inca shaman s to foresee the future was reported by Western science as far back as the 15th century. Up to the present day these seeds are being used in ritualist ic contest by shamans in the form of snuff, or roasted and smoked, as a mea ns to enter the visionary spirit world. Bring closer the spirit of the for est! Use these seeds and plant a spirit plant near you. This beautiful tree with wide branches needs good sun light. Harvested from sustainable source s. Seeds sold for propagation. Not for human consumption Yopo – Anadenanth era Peregrina seeds With these seeds and pods the indigenous populations of Brazil,Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru produced a shamanic snuff cal led Yopo, that has broad historical and contemporary use. Yopo is normally employed only by shamans as an aid to divination, although in some cultures such as many YanomamF6 tribes of Venezuela and Brazil, is used frequentl y in non-ritual contexts while other WaikE1s tribes also used them for hun ting. Harvested from sustainable sources. Sold for propagation. Not for hum an consumption. Use these seeds to plant a Yopo tree! web tranceamer Cheers, Managing Partner Nootropica LLC 301 Beverley Road Ofc PR4 Brooklyn, NY 112 18 (718) 676-5347 jeff at nootrition Retail web nootrition Whol esale Co-Op web nootropica.org is the na me given to a shamanic snuff prepared from cla per haps 4500 years of historical use in the southern Andean region and in the ion st1:place/st1:country-region. the common name used for the plant Cebil by Inca shamans to foresee the future was reported by Western science as far back as the 15th century. Up to the present day these seeds are being used in ritualistic contest by shamans in the form of snuff, or r oasted and smoked, as a means to enter the visionary spirit world. Bring closer the spirit of the forest! Use these seeds and plant a spirit plant near you. This beautiful tree with wide branches needs good sun light . color: ‘Harvested from sustai Verdana;mso Ari al’Seeds sold for propagation. Not for human consumption Arial’Yopont size family: l;color: ‘ and pods the in and st1:country-re n has broad is normally employed only by shamans as an aid to divination, although in some cultures, f ountry-region, is used frequently in non-ritual contexts while other used them for hunting. spa color: ‘Sold for propagation. y: Use these seeds t Arial;no-proof:yes’Cheers, s’ hitmore y:Arial;no-proof:yes’Nootropica LLC -proof:yes’ es’301 Beverley Road Ofc PR4 nt ;no-proof: style no-proof:yes'(718) 676-5347 ;no-proof:yes’Retail web nootritionweb nootrition a 000i1025″ an nt
#3752 08 May 2006 14:19:21 Mon, 08 May 2006 14:19:21 Cc: shamanistas, thed, philly604 From: Machinelf Psychotria Viridis – Chacruna Leaves This is the most traditional source of d for Amazonian shamans, similar to the Mimosa Hostilis “Jurema”. I’m fairly certain that as is all other ethnobotanicals this is the lowest price on the Internet especially once quality and free shipping is taken into account. /index.php?cPath2154 Psychotria Viridis is also the name of Aaron Ocelot’s CD several years ago, also on sale on the site. The US government subsidizes the growth of another d containing plant, Illinoensis, which can give cows the “wobbles” bit is highly nutritious (for cattle). shamans, similar to the Mimosa Hostilis & fairly certain that as is all other ethnobotanicals this is the lowest price on the Internet especially once quality and free shipping is taken into account. /index.php?cPath2154/index.php?cPath2154 of Aaron Ocelot’s CD several years ago, also on sale on the site. plant, Illinoensis, which can give cows the & wobbles& bit is highly nutritious (for cattle).
#3754 Sun, 14 May 2006 19:46:13 Sun, 14 May 2006 19:46:14 From: Machinelf Call your MOM it’s mother’s day… And thanks to all to PSI and friends for the utterly amazing outdoor festival; it was well needed and enjoyed by hundreds. link relFile-List “cid:filelist.xml at 01C6778F.0F232CF0 ![if gte mso 9]xml o:OfficeDocumentSettings o:DoNotRelyOnCSS/ o:DoNotOrganizeInFolder/ /o:OfficeDocumentSettings /xml![endif]![if gte mso 9]xml w:WordDocument w:DisplayBackgroundShape/ w:SpellingStateClean/w:SpellingState w:GrammarStateClean/w:GrammarState w:DocumentKindDocumentEmail/w:DocumentKind w:EnvelopeVis/ w:ValidateAgainstSchemas/ w:SaveIfXMLInvalidfalse/w:SaveIfXMLInvalid w:IgnoreMixedContentfalse/w:IgnoreMixedContent w:AlwaysShowPlaceholderTextfalse/w:AlwaysShowPlaceholderText w:Compatibility w:BreakWrappables/ w:SnapToGridInCell/ w:WrapTextWithPunct/ w:UseAsianBreakRules/ w:UseWord2002TableStyleRules/ /w:Compatibility w:BrowserLevelMicrosoftInternetExplorer4/w:BrowserLevel /w:WordDocument /xml![endif]![if gte mso 9]xml w:LatentStyles DefLockedState”false” LatentStyleCount”156 /w:LatentStyles /xml![endif] ! /* Style Definitions */ p., li., div. {style-parent:”; margin:0in; pagination:widow-orphan; a:link, span.Mso {color:blue; a:visited, span.MsoFollowed {color:purple; span.EmailStyle17 {style-type:personal-compose; style-noshow:yes; at page Section1 {size:8.5in 11.0in; margin:1.0in 1.25in 1.0in 1.25in; header-margin:.5in; footer-margin:.5in; div.Section1 ![if gte mso 10] /* Style Definitions */ table.Table {style-name:”Table Normal”; tstyle-rowband-size:0; tstyle-colband-size:0; style-noshow:yes; style-parent:”; padding-alt:0in 5.4pt 0in 5.4pt; para-margin:0in; pagination:widow-orphan; ansi-language: outdoor festival; it was well needed and enjoyed by hundreds.
#3755 Fri, 19 May 2006 21:50:51 Fri, 19 May 2006 21:50:55 Trance this weekend Entheogenic Salon tomorrow by Pedro Mattias et al. Info at web tranceam.org web tranceam.org/ – on the PsyNY web calendar and in the Forum under “Talk” Cheers, Managing Partner Nootropica LLC 301 Beverley Road Ofc PR4 Brooklyn, NY 11218 (718) 676-5347 jeff at nootrition Retail web nootrition Wholesale Co-Op web nootropica.org w:st”on11218/st1:PostalCode/st1:place ‘ web nootropica.orgweb nootropica.org ‘
#3756 Sun, 21 May 2006 22:08:58 Sun, 21 May 2006 22:09:05 From: Machinelf Next Sunday – Memorial Day Weekend – Mubali from the west coast! When was the last time you went to a real psytrance loft party? One where you could really relax and have a good time? Now imagine one with live music, good sound, interesting art/visuals, and hot chai… Well, after years of people claiming that it could never happen again, that’s what we’re doing… SUNDAY MAY 28, 2006 Memorial Day Weekend – NO WORK ON MONDAY! In Brooklyn, NYC 28thday and Light-O-Matic present: Best of the West IV: Mubali! 14 hours of psychedelic trance 10:28 pm (may 28) – 12:28 pm (may 29) This is a presale-only, limited-admission event: only 125 tickets will be sold. At the end of this e-mail is a link to a web page where you can buy a ticket. Mubali LIVE + DJ* (Mistress of Evil Rec | Trishula Rec, San Francisco) First NYC appearance! Zero Divide LIVE* (Soular Records | J00F Recordings | Konvocation, Washington DC) First NYC appearance! Alpha Channel LIVE (PsyBooty, CT) Egbot vs. Mescalinium (Gaian Mind | PSI, Philadelphia/NYC) Tony Unorthodox (28thday, NYC) Environment: *PsyPlanet* (Philadelphia) Sound: *light-o-matic* (NYC) Projection: *light-o-matic* (NYC) Chaishop: *Putali* (NYC) For Tickets and Information, go to: web 28thday/bw4-ticket The exact location of the party will be revealed to ticket holders. It is in Brooklyn, not too far from Manhattan and easily reachable by subway. link relFile-List “cid:filelist.xml at 01C67D23.2C5A98 name”City”/ name”State”/ name”place”/ ![if gte mso 9]xml o:OfficeDocumentSettings o:DoNotRelyOnCSS/ o:DoNotOrganizeInFolder/ /o:OfficeDocumentSettings /xml![endif]![if gte mso 9]xml w:WordDocument w:DisplayBackgroundShape/ w:SpellingStateClean/w:SpellingState w:GrammarStateClean/w:GrammarState w:DocumentKindDocumentEmail/w:DocumentKind w:EnvelopeVis/ w:ValidateAgainstSchemas/ w:SaveIfXMLInvalidfalse/w:SaveIfXMLInvalid w:IgnoreMixedContentfalse/w:IgnoreMixedContent w:AlwaysShowPlaceholderTextfalse/w:AlwaysShowPlaceholderText w:Compatibility w:BreakWrappables/ w:SnapToGridInCell/ w:WrapTextWithPunct/ w:UseAsianBreakRules/ w:UseWord2002TableStyleRules/ /w:Compatibility w:BrowserLevelMicrosoftInternetExplorer4/w:BrowserLevel /w:WordDocument /xml![endif]![if gte mso 9]xml w:LatentStyles DefLockedState”false” LatentStyleCount”156 /w:LatentStyles /xml![endif]![if !mso] ![endif] ! /* Style Definitions */ p., li., div. {style-parent:”; margin:0in; pagination:widow-orphan; a:link, span.Mso {color:blue; a:visited, span.MsoFollowed {color:purple; span.EmailStyle17 {style-type:personal-compose; style-noshow:yes; s at page Section1 {size:8.5in 11.0in; margin:1.0in 1.25in 1.0in 1.25in; header-margin:.5in; footer-margin:.5in; div.Section1 ![if gte mso 10] /* Style Definitions */ table.Table {style-name:”Table Normal”; tstyle-rowband-size:0; tstyle-colband-size:0; style-noshow:yes; style-parent:”; padding-alt:0in 5.4pt 0in 5.4pt; para-margin:0in; pagination:widow-orphan; ansi-language: psytrance loft party? One where you could really relax and have a good time? Now imagine one with live music, good sound, interesting art/visuals, and hot chai … Well, after years of people claiming that it could never happen again that’s what we’re doing… SUNDAY MAY 28, 2006 Memorial Day Weekend – NO WORK ON MONDAY! In st1:place w:st”onBrooklyn/st1:place, NYC 28thday and Light-O- Matic present: Best of the West IV: Mubali ! 14 hours of psychedelic trance 10:28 pm ( may 28) – 12:28 pm (may 29) This is a presale-only, limited-admission event: only 125 tickets will be sold . At the end of this e-mail is a link to a web page where you can buy a ticket . Mubali LIVE + DJ* (Mistress of Evil Rec | Trishula Rec, st1:City onSan Francisco/st1:place/st1:City ) First NYC appearance! Zero Divide LIVE* ( Soular Records | J00F Recordings | st1:place w:st”onst1:City w:st”on Konvocation /st1:City, st1:State w:st”onWashington/st1:State/st1:place DC) First NYC appearance! Alpha Channel LIVE (st1:place w:st”onst1:City w:st”on PsyBooty /st1:City, st1:State w:st”onCT/st1:State/st1:place) Egbot vs. Mescalinium ( Gaian Mind | PSI, Philadelphia/NYC) Tony Unorthodox (28thday, NYC) Environment: * PsyPlanet * (st1:City onPhiladelphia/st1:place/st1:City) Sound: *light-o- matic * (NYC) Projection: *light-o- matic * (NYC) Chaishop : * Putali * (NYC) For Tickets and Information, go to: web 28thday/bw4-ticket The exact location of the party will be revealed to ticket holders. It is in Brooklyn, not too far from Manhattan and easily reachable by subway.
#3757 Sun, 21 May 2006 22:20:25 Sun, 21 May 2006 22:20:32 From: Machinelf This Friday at Exit – Xerox & Illumination. Presale tickets ($20) on sale at /productinfo.php?products id184 /productinfo.php?products id184&osCsidrts8iekr3hlt4gee49ond9sbg1 While supplies last (10 remaining at this writing; the listing will be automatically removed when sold out) Alladin project & Trancemotion Presents: MEMORIAL DAY WEEKEND Friday May 26 2006 in CLUB EXIT We are excited to present the one of the best Israeli full on act First Time In USA XEROX & ILLUMINATION LIVE & Dj Set, They just release they second collaboration album. They going to reap the floor together with Alladin Project Dj’s, this party going to blast, prepare your selves to a mind blowing event. See you all there!!! Line Up: XEROX & ILLUMINATION LIVE & Dj Set hommega- Israel ELNADIV Alladin Project NYC – Israel KNO-B Alladin Project – japan SINPATEX Alladin Project – Israel Decorations by: Alladin Project Crew (NYC) Tickets: $25 before midnight $35 after midnight at the door ***18 to enter/21+ to drink with picture ID*** ***Door Open: 11 PM to 7 AM *** Location: CLUB EXIT 147 GREEN POINT AVE BROOKLYN NY 11222 More info: (917) 569-1177 (917) 405-4847 (917)553-4424. Or: info at alladinproject.net / info at trance-motion Street Map: local.google/local?hlen local.google/local?hlen&q147%20greenpoint%20ave%20brooklyn&sa N&tabwl&q147%20greenpoint%20ave%20brooklyn&saN&tabwl Directions: By Subway: Take the L train to metropolitan Ave & transfer to the G train to Green point Ave. The Club is right across the street. Or: take the L train to Redford stop and transfer to the 61 bus Go down in green point Ave (5 mint) Or: G train to green point Ave Subway Map: web mta.nyc.ny.us/nyct/maps/submap Bus: 61, 43, to green point Ave Bus map: web mta.nyc.ny.us/nyct/maps/busbkln.pdf By Car: Take BQE (I-278) to Exit 33 McQuinness Blvd. To Greenpoint Ave. Turn LEFT at Greenpoint Ave Proceed to the corner of Manhattan Ave. By car service / taxi: From Manhattan cost $15 From Bedford Station it cost $6 Links: web alladinproject.net web alladinproject.net/ web hommega web hommega/ web trance-motion web trance-motion/ link relFile-List “cid:filelist.xml at 01C67D24.C611FC80 name”Street”/ name”country-region”/ name”City”/ name”address”/ name”place”/ ![if gte mso 9]xml o:OfficeDocumentSettings o:DoNotRelyOnCSS/ o:DoNotOrganizeInFolder/ /o:OfficeDocumentSettings /xml![endif]![if gte mso 9]xml w:WordDocument w:DisplayBackgroundShape/ w:SpellingStateClean/w:SpellingState w:GrammarStateClean/w:GrammarState w:DocumentKindDocumentEmail/w:DocumentKind w:EnvelopeVis/ w:ValidateAgainstSchemas/ w:SaveIfXMLInvalidfalse/w:SaveIfXMLInvalid w:IgnoreMixedContentfalse/w:IgnoreMixedContent w:AlwaysShowPlaceholderTextfalse/w:AlwaysShowPlaceholderText w:Compatibility w:BreakWrappables/ w:SnapToGridInCell/ w:WrapTextWithPunct/ w:UseAsianBreakRules/ w:UseWord2002TableStyleRules/ /w:Compatibility w:BrowserLevelMicrosoftInternetExplorer4/w:BrowserLevel /w:WordDocument /xml![endif]![if gte mso 9]xml w:LatentStyles DefLockedState”false” LatentStyleCount”156 /w:LatentStyles /xml![endif]![if !mso] ![endif] ! /* Style Definitions */ p., li., div. {style-parent:”; margin:0in; pagination:widow-orphan; a:link, span.Mso {color:blue; a:visited, span.MsoFollowed {color:purple; span.EmailStyle17 {style-type:personal-compose; style-noshow:yes; s at page Section1 {size:8.5in 11.0in; margin:1.0in 1.25in 1.0in 1.25in; header-margin:.5in; footer-margin:.5in; div.Section1 ![if gte mso 10] /* Style Definitions */ table.Table {style-name:”Table Normal”; tstyle-rowband-size:0; tstyle-colband-size:0; style-noshow:yes; style-parent:”; padding-alt:0in 5.4pt 0in 5.4pt; para-margin:0in; pagination:widow-orphan; ansi-language: ($20) on sale at /productinfo.php?productsid184&osCsidrts8iekr3hlt4gee49ond9sbg1/productinfo.php?productsid184 supplies last (10 remaining at this writing; the listing will be automatically removed when sold out) padding-alt:0in 0in 0in 0in’ tr style’yfti-irow:0;yfti-firstrow:yes;yfti-lastrow:yes’ Presents: best Israeli full on act First Time In USA XEROX & ILLUMINATION LIVE & Dj Set, They just release they second collaboration album. They going to reap the floor together with Alladin Project Dj’s, this party hommega & onIsrael/st1:place/ Alladin Project NYC – onIsrael/st1:place/ Alladin Project – japan Alladin Project – w:st”onst1:place $25 before midnight $35 after midnight at the door ***18 to enter/21+ to drink with picture ID*** a “local.google/local?hlen&q147%20greenpoint%20ave%20brooklyn&saN&tabwl” target”blank” title”local.google/local?hlen&q147 greenpoint ave brooklyn&saN&tabwl” idbodyLinkslocal.google/local?hlen&q147%20greenpoint%20ave%20brooklyn&saN&tabwl Take the L train to metropolitan Ave & transfer to the G train to Green st1:place w:st”onRedford/st1:placestop and transfer to the 61 bus Go web mta.nyc.ny.us/nyct/maps/submap ” target”blank” 61, 43, to green point Ave Bus map: web mta.nyc.ny.us/nyct/maps/busbkln.pdf” target”blank” titleweb mta.nyc.ny.us/nyct/maps/busbkln.pdf” Exit st1:Street w:st”onst1:address w:st”on33 McQuinness Blvd./st1:address/st1:StreetTo st1:Street w:st”onst1:address w:st”on Greenpoint Ave./st1:address/st1:Street Turn LEFT at st1:Street w:st”onst1:address w:st”on Greenpoint Ave/st1:address/st1:StreetProceed to the corner of st1:Street w:st”onst1:address From st1:City w:st”onManhattan/st1:Citycost $15 From st1:City w:st”onst1:place web alladinproject.net/” target”blank” web hommega/” target”blank” titleweb hommega/” idbodyLinksweb hommega web trance-motion/” target”blank” titleweb trance-motion/” idbodyLinksweb trance-motion
#3758 Mon, 22 May 2006 01:32:18 Mon, 22 May 2006 01:32:21 From: Machinelf New Media Portal at with streaming MP3 Many new tracks and various oddities added in a lightning fast flash player, plus spoken word by Bill Hicks et al. web tranceam.org web tranceam.org/ If you’re an original artist send me your tracks and I can sell them online. This where we will be broadcasting interviews of artists very soon. We are awaiting publication of Trip Out North America until we get reporters coast to coast. I am still looking for reporters, sign up and you’ll get a press pass. Great way to get in free, but you have to write and write well (better than me heh) link relFile-List “cid:filelist.xml at 01C67D3F.91FCE700 ![if gte mso 9]xml o:OfficeDocumentSettings o:DoNotRelyOnCSS/ o:DoNotOrganizeInFolder/ /o:OfficeDocumentSettings /xml![endif]![if gte mso 9]xml w:WordDocument w:DisplayBackgroundShape/ w:SpellingStateClean/w:SpellingState w:GrammarStateClean/w:GrammarState w:DocumentKindDocumentEmail/w:DocumentKind w:EnvelopeVis/ w:ValidateAgainstSchemas/ w:SaveIfXMLInvalidfalse/w:SaveIfXMLInvalid w:IgnoreMixedContentfalse/w:IgnoreMixedContent w:AlwaysShowPlaceholderTextfalse/w:AlwaysShowPlaceholderText w:Compatibility w:BreakWrappables/ w:SnapToGridInCell/ w:WrapTextWithPunct/ w:UseAsianBreakRules/ w:UseWord2002TableStyleRules/ /w:Compatibility w:BrowserLevelMicrosoftInternetExplorer4/w:BrowserLevel /w:WordDocument /xml![endif]![if gte mso 9]xml w:LatentStyles DefLockedState”false” LatentStyleCount”156 /w:LatentStyles /xml![endif] ! /* Style Definitions */ p., li., div. {style-parent:”; margin:0in; pagination:widow-orphan; a:link, span.Mso {color:blue; a:visited, span.MsoFollowed {color:purple; span.EmailStyle17 {style-type:personal-compose; style-noshow:yes; s at page Section1 {size:8.5in 11.0in; margin:1.0in 1.25in 1.0in 1.25in; header-margin:.5in; footer-margin:.5in; div.Section1 ![if gte mso 10] /* Style Definitions */ table.Table {style-name:”Table Normal”; tstyle-rowband-size:0; tstyle-colband-size:0; style-noshow:yes; style-parent:”; padding-alt:0in 5.4pt 0in 5.4pt; para-margin:0in; pagination:widow-orphan; ansi-language: fast flash player, plus spoken word by Bill Hicks et al. web tranceam.org/web tranceam.org can sell them online. We are awaiting publication of Trip Out North America until we get reporters coast to coast. I am still looking for reporters, sign up and to get in free, but you have to write and write well (better than me heh )
June 2006
#3761 Mon, 19 Jun 2006 08:11:27 From: ” New Video Portal There’s a great fast new portal for Trance TV now online at web tra nceamericana.org with l documentaries, Terence McKenna, and others. Thi s will be where Trance TV begins trancemitting soon with interviews and a weekly show.
#3762 Tue, 20 Jun 2006 05:33:58 From: ” Raja Ram Sunday – We’re selling tickets online 9-0671864612-6312561128:5 Raja is an elder of trance and is a must-see. Your tickets may be purchase d at the online bazaar at web conroe86.org and will be held in your name at the door. Note there is a package deal for Friday and Sunday. I’ll be in TX at my 20 year Reunion at Conroe86.org (I made that) but ya’ll have fun. THIS SUNDAY!!! Alladin Project Presents: SHPONGLE Party on JUNE 25 2006 [ ] Alladin Project Presents: SHPONGLE Party on SUNDAY JUNE 25 2006 Alladi n Project Presents: ttp%3A%2F%2Fweb alladinproject.netSHPONGLE Part y Sunday June 25 at CoSM 540 W 27th St NYC We are Happy to present: SHPONGL E By RAJA RAM ttp%3A%2F%2Ftipworld.co.ukTip world uk rs6.ne ttp%3A%2F %2Ftipworld.co.ukShpongle is considered to be one of the most important and influential psychedelic down tempo music projects of recent years. The members are Simon Posford (aka Hallucinogen) and Raja Ram (one half of The Infinity Project and founder of the indo-prog/raga rock group of the 60’s/7 0’s Quintessence). Their sound is a successful mix of mainly eastern ethnic samples and western contemporary psychedelic synth music. Shpongle’s first tune, Rumours of Vapours, was released on TIP Records’ Infinite Excursions compilation in 1996. Their debut album, Are You Shpongled?, was released 1 998 on Twisted Records. The high sound quality, successful mix of samples, instruments and synths along with the story and progress of the music throu gh the album made it one of the most cutting edge releases. Are You Shpongl ed? And Twisted Records’ first down tempo compilation, Eclipse, made a huge impact on the psychedelic trance scene. These two releases were very impor tant and influential to the small and undefined psychedelic down tempo genr e. ELNADIV ttp%3A%2F%2Fweb alladinproject.netAlladin Project Israel /nyc ttp%3A%2F%2Fweb alladinproject.netKIFE Omni Tribe NYC/ Russia PEDRO Reality Engine / Interchill Brazil/NYC, Art Exhibition By: ALEX GRAY ttp%3A%2F%2Fweb alexgrey VJ Art By : UMAAlladin Project Japan ttp%3A%2F%2Fweb alladinproject.netAdvance Tickets Available at : Hoo moos Asli 100 Kenmare St New York N.Y. Phone (212) 966 0022 Satellite Recor ds 259 Bowery New York, NY 10002 Phone (212) 995-1744 Online Tickets http: t tp%3A%2F%2Fweb tranceam.org%2Foscommerce%2Fcatalog%2Findex.php%3- Fc (917)4 054847 ***Door Open: 10 PM to 6 AM *** Location: CoSM rs6.net/tn.js ttp%3A%2F%2Fweb cosm.org%2F540 W 27th St 4th FL Btw 10th Ave & 11th Ave NYCtickets will be held in your name at the door. I’ll be at my 20 yea r Reunion Conroe86.org I made that) but ya’ll have fun. DI E Party on SUNDAY JUNE 25 2006 E Party St NYC ip world uk o be one of the most important and influential psychedelic down tempo music projects of recent years. The members are Simon Posford (aka Hallucinogen) and Raja Ram (one half of The Infinity Project and founder of the indo-pro g/raga rock group of the 60’s/70’s Quintessence). Their sound is a successf ul mix of mainly eastern ethnic samples and western contemporary psychedeli c synth music. Shpongle’s first tune, Rumours of Vapours, was released on T IP Records’ Infinite Excursions compilation in 1996. Their debut album, Are You Shpongled?, was released 1998 on Twisted Records. The high sound quali ty, successful mix of samples, instruments and synths along with the story and progress of the music through the album made it one of the most cutting edge releases. Are You Shpongled? And Twisted Records’ first down tempo co mpilation, Eclipse, made a huge impact on the psychedelic trance scene. The se two releases were very important and influential to the small and undefi ned psychedelic down tempo genre.
#3763 Tue, 20 Jun 2006 05:38:11 From: ” Friday TIP Party! 8-5501076076-8540052492:5 Off the hook! We’re selling tickets at the online bazaar at web tranceamer icana.org web tranceam.org THIS FRIDAY !!! Alladin Proje ct Presents: “TIP PARTY” with RAJA RAM on JUNE 23rd 2006 [ ] Alladin Pro ject Presents: “TIP PARTY” THIS FRIDAY JUNE 23rd 2006 Alladin Project Prese nts: ttp%3A%2F%2Fweb alladinproject.netT.I.P Party Friday June 23rd CLUB EXIT 147 Greenpoint Ave Brooklyn NY We are excited to present the leg end RAJA RAM ttp%3A%2F%2Ftipworld.co.ukTip world uk rs6.net ttp%3A%2F% 2Ftipworld.co.ukRaja Ram has been in music business for 40 years. From h is early jazz days, through to the cult 60’s psychedelic jazz rock group Qu intessence. He then found electronica in the 80’s. In 1990 the infinity pro ject began, it formed the basis for TIP records, now TIP world. Instigator of Shpongle, Yeti, Crystal skulls, Cyberbabas, and now 1200 Micrograms, Raj a Ram is a mover and innovator. One of the most in demand DJs and live perf ormers on the scene, his energy and professionally is legendary and boundle ss. LUCAS ttp%3A%2F%2Ftipworld.co.ukTip world uk rs6.net/t ttp%3A%2F%2F tipworld.co.ukA master of many styles and one the best mixers around, he is one of TIP World and 10 Kilo’s main DJs regularly representing both lab els as far afield as Mexico, Portugal, Serbia, Poland, Israel, Greece, Denm ark, Finland, UK, Australia, Japan and Switzerland. His intelligent and tot ally professional approach provides huge enjoyment to crowds wherever he go es. KNO-B ttp%3A%2F%2Fweb alladinproject.netAlladin Project Japan ttp%3A%2F%2Fweb alladinproject.netA Raising talent in the trance s een around the globe, his excellent skills of mixing and the right selectio n of unreleased music make his sets unforgettable Art Exhibition By: BRAHMA ttp%3A%2F%2Fbrahma.tv%2FTip world uk ttp%3A%2F%2Fbrahma.tv%2F Brahma is an acknowledged master of psychedelic fluro art. Along with Al ex Grey and a few others he has managed to expound this new art form, where the art gallery becomes the party. Working in complete harmony with the mu sic these paintings are the doorways to another dimension. He turns an ordi nary space into a scared worshipping ground where magic can happen. He has previously worked with Walt Disney, Madonna and on the Star Wars Films. His credibility is flawless. Advance Tickets Available at : Hoomoos Asli 100 Ken mare St New York N.Y. Phone (212) 966 0022 Satellite Records 259 Bowery New York, NY 10002 Phone (212) 995-1744 Online Tickets rs6.net/tn.jsp? ttp%3A%2F%2Fweb tr anceamericana.org%2Foscommerce%2Fcatalog%2Findex.php%3- (917)4054847 ***18 to e nter/21+ to drink***picture ID A MUST***Door Open: 10 PM to 7 AM *** Locati on: CLUB EXIT %2520greenpoint%- AVE BROOKLYN NY 11222 bway: Take the L train to Lorimer station & transfer to the G train metropo litan station to Green point Ave the Club is right across the street. Or: t ake the L train to Redford station and transfer to the 61 bus, Go down in g reen point Ave (3 mint from the subway) or: G train to green point Ave Subw ay Map ttp%3A%2F%2Fweb mta.nyc.ny.us%2Fnyct%2Fmaps%2Fsubmap By Bus:61, 43,24 to green point Ave. Bus map ttp%3A%2F%2Fweb mta.nyc.ny. us%2Fnyct%2Fmaps%2Fbusbkln.pdfBy Car: Take BQE (I-278) to Exit 33 McGui ness Blvd. To Greenpoint Ave. Turn LEFT at Greenpoint Ave Proceed to the co rner of Manhattan Ave. By car service / taxi: From Manhattan cost $15 From Bedford Station it cost $6 For More information call us (917)-5691177 (917) -4054847 Or Email Us Forward email h [ui.constantcontact/d.js sent to alladinproject at yahoo.co m, by alladinproduction at yahoo ate Profile/Email Address ui.cons ect%40yaho Privacy P olicy ui.constantcontact/roving/CCPrivacyPolicy.js . Powered by web c Alladin Project | 215 E 3rd St | New York | NY | 10009 8-5501076076-8540052492:5 r at web tranceam.orgweb tranceam.org 23rd 2006 DI Y gend orld uk usiness for 40 years. From his early jazz days, through to the cult 60’s ps ychedelic jazz rock group Quintessence. He then found electronica in the 80 ‘s. In 1990 the infinity project began, it formed the basis for TIP records now TIP world. Instigator of Shpongle, Yeti, Crystal skulls, Cyberbabas, and now 1200 Micrograms, Raja Ram is a mover and innovator. One of the most in demand DJs and live performers on the scene, his energy and professiona lly is legendary and boundless. many styles and one the best mixers around, he is one of TIP World and 10 Kilo’s main DJs regularly representing both labels as far afield as Mexico, Portugal, Serbia, Poland, Israel, Greece, Denmark, Finland, UK, Australia, Japan and Switzerland. His intelligent and totally professional approach p rovides huge enjoyment to crowds wherever he goes. ct Japan nce seen around the globe, his excellent skills of mixing and the right sel ection of unreleased music make his sets unforgettable F rectTip world uk owledged master of psychedelic fluro art. Along with Alex Grey and a few ot hers he has managed to expound this new art form, where the art gallery bec omes the party. Working in complete harmony with the music these paintings are the doorways to another dimension. He turns an ordinary space into a sc ared worshipping ground where magic can happen. He has previously worked wi th Walt Disney, Madonna and on the Star Wars Films. His credibility is flaw less. ne (212) 966 0022 Bowery New York, NY 10002 Phone (212) 995-1744 ne Tickets 054847 ture ID A MUST***Door Open: 10 PM to 7 AM *** NY 11222 DI e G train metropolitan station to Green point Ave the Club is right across the street. Or: take the L train to Redford station and transfer to the 61 bus, Go down in green point Ave (3 mint from the subway) or: G train to green point Ave 8) to Exit 33 McGuiness Blvd. To Greenpoint Ave. Turn LEFT at Greenpoint Av e Proceed to the corner of Manhattan Ave. By car service / taxi: From Manhattan cost $15 From Bedford Station it co st $6 T ecolSpan ontact/roving/CCPrivacyPolicy.jsp” COLOR: rgb(0,0,255);” 8-5501076076-8540052492:5
#3765 21 Jun 2006 04:02:54 From: TripOutNY Summer Solstice, 6/21/2006, 12:00 am from the Calendar of TripOutNY Summer Solstice Wednesday June 21, 2006 us.rd.yahoo/calus/rem/??v9&evttype13 the Calendar of TripOutNY Summer Solstice Wednesday June 21, 2006 12:00 am – 12:00 am script type/javascript var yphtype “lrec” var yphhostname “xcs.themis.yahoo” var yphproperty “class2” var yphprofile “class2um” ; var yphnumListigs “2OV” var yphspace “us.ard.yahoo/SIG12is8dmbs/M401454.8765671.9648695.1414694/Dcalrem/S152200116:LREC/YYAHOO/EXP1150868571/A3786193/R0/*” var yphrd ” var yphlineid “8765671” var yphwidth “300” var yphheight “250” var yphflashpath “us.i1.yimg/us.yimg/a/1-/flash/infinity/ysm/infinity2lrecdarkv2.swf ” var yphdefaultimgwidth “300” var yphdefaultimgheight “250” ! adend 2006
#3766 21 Jun 2006 20:47:45 Sat, 21 Jun 2003 20:47:48 To: goa-boston 604 at party.net From: Machinelf Harvard scandal, plus video and Link Raja Ram/TIP online tickets for this weekend For those of you who are nto Raja Ram/Shpongle/Tip World, here’s a link for tickets. /index.php?cPath22 Also, ofrom the main page at web tranceam.org web tranceam.org/there’s a link to the Halperngate Scandal involving a Harvard researcher who ratted out the Harvard chemist who made most of the global supply of l in the late 90s – and yet is doing great work in research. Nothing seems to ever advance in psychedelic culture without a Harvard Divinity School/Leary-style controversy. Finally, I’ve added a variety of video at Trance TV accessible from the main page. Today I added an incredible clip from the most incredible psychedelic film ever made – Renegade – AKA “Blueberry” from france. Though they are using peyote, it translates well to the rest of the pharmacopia. Easily the most psychedelic and accurate (LOL) visuals ever produced on film – and I should know 🙂 Cheers, Machinelf/ Director Trance Americana 301 Beverley Road Ofc PR4 Brooklyn, NY 11218 (718) 676-5347 Ram/ Shpongle /Tip World, here’s a link for tickets. /index.php?cPath22web web tranceam.org/web tranceam.org there’s a link to the Halperngate Scandal involving a Harvard researcher who ratted out the Harvard chemist who made most of the global supply of l in the late 90s & and yet is doing great work in advance in psychedelic culture without a Harvard Divinity School/Leary-style controversy. I added an incredible clip from the most incredible psychedelic film ever & AKA & Blueberry& from on france /st1:place/st1:country-region. Though they are using peyote, it translates well to the rest of the pharmacopia . Easily the most psychedelic and accurate ‘ w:st”onAmericana/st1:place/st1:City ‘ yes’, st1:State w:st”onNY/st1:Statest1:PostalCode w:st”on11218/st1:PostalCode/st1:place ‘
#3767 Fri, 30 Jun 2006 05:26:45 Fri, 30 Jun 2006 05:26:44 From: Machinelf Brijb at ck Mountain Scott and Th3o bringing th3 oth3r T3xas Faggot and Squarem33t (both nee Finland) later today at 2pm Get’er done!! Thanks to the toowenteeeeeaighyyydth deeei pruduckteeeeoonzzzzzz guys Scott and Theo you guys are popping the open aerie fairy’s cherry this time – via Blackberry.. And I absolutely LOVE the venue – best by far in New York. Insanely good ventilation and it’s FREE, blissfully free of thugs besides myself humping you wearing a pink cowboy hat when you drank that stray bottle of GHB. Ride you like a steer! I expect all my ex GFs to be there throwing black paint and mingling with squatters who prostitute themselves to other men for heroin (actually those guys will be workingrecovering from working). And if you don’t know what I am talking about, you really need to take more ds. Or less, Mr. S! I’ll post the first ever TranceTV episode onsite and onds on web tranceam.org web tranceam.org/ by Saturday if I’m out of jail/Belleview by then. We also post secret parties and credit card numbers we stole on there because no one reads the forum there anyway. PS my new favorite legal d – Kratom! As you can tell it chills you out in small doses (not). Somthing that’s illegal in Thailand has got to be good. A vitual River Phoenix speedball without the death part but black cheeks with overuse – and no Siamese king trying to cut the Kratom trees all down. Because this is “America, Fuck Yeah.” (hear that excellent track at tranceam.org) PS I only do legal highs these days all you illegal d users are a bunch of users, losers, and abusers. Be nice to Texas Faggot or we ride you. See you there. Be there or be Squaremeat. PS note to promoters – THIS is the kinda shit we like. This reminds me of when I was young, fresh, had a job, and was going places 🙂 Do this and we’ll be happily hog tied all summer. Cheers, Machinelf/ Director Trance Americana 301 Beverley Road Ofc PR4 Brooklyn, NY 11218 (718) 676-5347 Cheers, Machinelf/ Director Trance Americana 301 Beverley Road Ofc PR4 Brooklyn, NY 11218 (718) 676-5347 guys Scott and Theo you guys are popping the open aerie fairy’s cherry this time & via Blackberry .. onNew York/st1:place/st1:State. Insanely good ventilation and it’s FREE, blissfully free of thugs besides myself humping you wearing a pink cowboy hat when you drank that stray bottle of GHB. Ride you like a steer! throwing black paint and mingling with squatters who prostitute themselves to other men for heroin (actually those guys will be workingrecovering know what I am talking about, you really need to take more ds. Or less, Mr. S! episode onsite and onds on a web tranceam.org/web tranceam.org by Saturday if I’m out of jail/Belleview parties and credit card numbers we stole on there because no one reads the forum there anyway. As you can tell it chills you out in illegal in onThailand speedball without the death part but black cheeks with overuse – and no Siamese king trying to cut the Kratom trees all down. Because this is “onAmerica/st1:place/st1:country-region, Fuck hear that excellent track at tranceam.org) users are a bunch of users, losers, and abusers. Be nice to Texas Faggot or we ride you. Be there or be Squaremeat . Do this and we’ll be happily hog tied all summer. ‘ w:st”onAmericana/st1:place/st1:City ‘ yes’, st1:State w:st”onNY/st1:Statest1:PostalCode w:st”on11218/st1:PostalCode/st1:place ‘
July 2006
#3770 Mon, 10 Jul 2006 18:04:39 Mon, 10 Jul 2006 18:04:35 From: Machinelf Anyone need cheap rent? Live/work OK Note: Rent includes utilities. See below for weekly rent and daily rent. Share a set of doctor’s offices offices with two alternative health companies (Nootrition and FTNOnline.org) on the first floor of a high rise. Your name on the sign outside. We had been using this as extra storage and a de facto kitchen of sorts but we never use it. Very clean. You would have a windowed room with a sliding door. We can install a lock on the door for you. There is a bathroom for shared use and an air conditioner. There is a reception area for extra space that you can utilize per landlord’s discretion. The offices have a vibe remininscent of the offices in the recemt film Eternal Sunshine of the Enlightened Mind. We rarely have visitors on premises as Nootrition is a web retailer and FTNOnline has no retail sutomers per se. There is a doorman in the building, the neighborhood has affordable amenities all very close, and it’s 2 blocks from the F train and 30 minutes from downtown Manhattan. We would consider a weekly rental of $100/week. Also as we are setting up a Hynosis service here, a nutritionist/chiropractor/massage therapist etc renting this at $20/day would be negotiable. Live/work situations OK (but there is no actual shower) We would need one month security deposit, and first month’s rent. We will not hold the room without payment. There is no phone line or Internet installed but you are free to install. One of the tenants lives in the building so in emergency situations you would have access to a shower/phone/Internet access. Call 718-676-5347 or email jeffMachinelf at aol for more information. This is a sublet that has been cleared with building management. Cheers, Machinelf/ Director Trance Americana 301 Beverley Road Ofc PR4 Brooklyn, NY 11218 (718) 676-5347 below for weekly rent and daily rent. Share a set of doctor’s offices offices with two alternative health companies (Nootrition and FTNOnline.org) on the first floor of a high rise. Your name on the sign outside. We had been using this as extra storage and a de facto kitchen of sorts but we never use it. Very clean. You would have a windowed room with a sliding door. We can install a lock on the door for you. There is a bathroom for shared use and an air conditioner. There is a reception area for extra space that you can utilize per landlord’s discretion. The offices have a vibe remininscent of the offices in the recemt film Eternal Sunshine of the Enlightened Mind. We rarely have visitors on premises as Nootrition is a web retailer and FTNOnline has no retail sutomers per se. There is a doorman in the building, the neighborhood has affordable amenities all very close, and it’s 2 blocks from the F train and 30 minutes from downtown st1:City onManhattan/st1:place/st1:City. We would consider a weekly rental of $100/week. Also as we are setting up a Hynosis service here, a nutritionist/chiropractor/massage therapist etc renting this at $20/day would be negotiable. Live/work situations OK (but there is no actual shower) We would need one month security deposit, and first month’s rent. We will not hold the room without payment. There is no phone line or Internet installed but you are free to install. One of the tenants lives in the building so in emergency situations you would have access to a shower/phone/Internet access. information. This is a sublet that has been cleared with building management. ‘ w:st”onAmericana/st1:place/st1:City ‘ yes’, st1:State w:st”onNY/st1:Statest1:PostalCode w:st”on11218/st1:PostalCode/st1:place ‘
#3773 Sun, 16 Jul 2006 16:34:45 Sun, 16 Jul 2006 16:34:45 From: Machinelf Updated video installment at dV Hi all, Under the dV banner in web tranceam.org web tranceam.org/, I will be occasionally adding random, anonymous, unaccredited and/or otherwise unknown or downright obscure footage of the trance social gathering subculture. Latest installment uploaded this morning. link relFile-List “cid:filelist.xml at 01C6A8F5.BF15AB00 ![if gte mso 9]xml o:OfficeDocumentSettings o:DoNotRelyOnCSS/ o:DoNotOrganizeInFolder/ /o:OfficeDocumentSettings /xml![endif]![if gte mso 9]xml w:WordDocument w:BrowserLevelMicrosoftInternetExplorer4/w:BrowserLevel /w:WordDocument /xml![endif]![if gte mso 9]xml w:LatentStyles DefLockedState”false” LatentStyleCount”156 /w:LatentStyles /xml![endif] ! /* Style Definitions */ p., li., div. {style-parent:”; margin:0in; pagination:widow-orphan; a:link, span.Mso {color:blue; a:visited, span.MsoFollowed {color:purple; span.EmailStyle17 {style-type:personal-compose; style-noshow:yes; s at page Section1 {size:8.5in 11.0in; margin:1.0in 1.25in 1.0in 1.25in; header-margin:.5in; footer-margin:.5in; div.Section1 ![if gte mso 10] /* Style Definitions */ table.Table {style-name:”Table Normal”; tstyle-rowband-size:0; tstyle-colband-size:0; style-noshow:yes; style-parent:”; padding-alt:0in 5.4pt 0in 5.4pt; para-margin:0in; pagination:widow-orphan; ansi-language: web tranceam.org/web tranceam.org, I will be occasionally adding random, anonymous, unaccredited and/or otherwise unknown or downright obscure footage of the trance social gathering subculture. morning.
#3775 Sun, 30 Jul 2006 20:55:22 From: ” IMPORTANT I just added all the TripOutNY members to the Forum at web tranceam. org. Your username is your email address (the one that received this messag e) Your password is l. You can now log in and update your user name, pass word,avatar,k and personal info. Also, Safetydance and THEd have fnally b een consolidated into d. There is a usergroup in the forum for d membe rs, and your account has automatically been added to this group if you were /are a member of either d or Safetydance. If you are not currently a mem ber you have to make a donation. I will be transerring the Shitlist ointo t he forum later tonight – this is accessible onlky to d members.
#3776 Sun, 30 Jul 2006 22:24:31 From: ” Thanks A lot of you are starting to post onto the forum at web tranceam.org . We need to help this homegrown version of Isratrance. It will be a lo t easier to navigate North American events, and our voices will be heard. Please take a moment to contribute and MAKE IT VITAL, MAKE IT HAPPEN.
August 2006
#3778 Wed, 02 Aug 2006 17:19:53 From: ” Subject:New d arrived, and Scenes update First off, I just got in 10kg of Phenibut, it’s sort of a nootropic valium that has antidepressant and antianxiety properties. Hits you in 10-30 minu tes and then you spend hours smiling, laughing, relaxed, you just want to s it in a chair to shoot the breeze. Do not consume with alcohol as it makes it stronger. if you’re unsure about it just get a $5 sample. Everyone in the trance scene that I’ve given it to really enjoys it as it’s more like a narcotic than anything else I sell. Perfect for a coming down off of oth er wilder things, or just for chilling socially. Here’s the link to buy an d get info – web nootrition/osCommerce/catalog/index.php?cPath I’m going to working a lot more with Nootrition/Nootropica now tha t the renovation is done and the business is profitable. If anyone is look ing for me, the best place to instantly reach me is via Live help at web nootrition/aboutus I’m hearing from different places that the scene is in a big lull… Deeper in Zen was saying that psy scene has had its day in SF and he’s moving to L.A., many of the guys are leaving Boston for SF, etc etc At least we in New York have Ben Scott and Theo and a wid e cast of family to keep things good. I am postponing the launch of Trip O ut North America until reporters are hired in the States – have one in Japa n and Moscow but none here. That’s the last thing I’ve said I was going to do, and have not.
#3779 Thu, 03 Aug 2006 23:55:49 From: ” Live Help now available at tranceam.org Forgot how to tie your shoe? Misplaced your brain? No Problem! Live Hel p now available at web tranceam.org. But if it’s not about n ootropics and/or me getting somthing from you, please keep it short.
#3780 Sat, 05 Aug 2006 01:35:53 From: ” PARTY TONIGHT!! Babla Luis etc It’s in the forum in public NYC area at web tranceam.org/php I’m posting a lot of stuff there
#3781 Sun, 06 Aug 2006 05:04:34 From: ” Unbelievable protosextrance I’ve been looking for this for years and finally found it. It’s the first trance electronic music I ever heard 96 around 1980! It has a bit of disc o and rock mixed in for good measure, and the accompanying video is nice to o. web tranceam.org/movies/videos #Programs I first h eard this in when Showtime Cable wired up little Conroe Texas and gave us f ree programming with all sorts of stuff none of us had ever seen (well, tho se too young to g to Rated R movies) This must have been the kind of stuff Goa Gil was rocking out to.
#3782 Sun, 06 Aug 2006 18:57:58 From: ” Party in the park, right now Details in the forum at web tranceam.org I’m going to take a break and check it out. If you see me, I’ll have free Phenibut J
#3783 Mon, 07 Aug 2006 18:19:33 From: ” Go Disorient!!! Disorient had for the first time a trance room last night at Brooklyn’s clu b exit and let me tell you I’ve never ever ever seen anything like that ene rgy. A perfect combo of polyamorical sex and psychedelia, and a lot more o f an even gender balance than most big parties these days. Lots of hoola h oopers. Email Pierre at flyvision.org (he did the breathing bubble for the DM T bridge event Breath in 2004) and thank him for his adventurousness (I won ‘t even go into his costume last nightt85.) tell him you will go to his Di sorient style burning man parties if he continues to book DJs like Babla an d Luis. Trancers and Burners make for a great crowd, but not too many of e ach &
#3784 Wed, 09 Aug 2006 19:38:22 Wed, 09 Aug 2006 19:35:48 From: Machinelf Subject:K in Washington Post – short term quick cure for depression web washingtonpost/wp-dyn/content/article/2006/08/07/AR2006080701 089 ! /* Style Definitions */ p., li., div. a:link, span.Mso {color:blue; a:visited, span.MsoFollowed {color:purple; span.EmailStyle17 {style-type:personal-compose; at page Section1 {size:8.5in 11.0in; div.Section1 sSection1 web washingtonpost/wp-dyn/content/article/2006/08/07/AR2006080701089 web washingtonpost/wp-dyn/content/article/2006/08/07/AR2006080701089
#3785 Thu, 10 Aug 2006 20:11:47 Thu, 10 Aug 2006 20:11:47 From: GMS Friday! Alladin Project Presents: GMS LIVE, ZORBA LIVE, KNO-B & SINPATEX FRI A ugust 11th NYC (r.vresp/?Alladin Friday August 11th CLUB AVALON Line Up: GMS LIVE (r.vresp/?Alla (r.vr oast. Ibiza ZORBA LIVE (r.vresp/?AlladinProject/ecf9559f34/6 (r.vresp/?AlladinProject KNO-B (http:/ n Project Japan (r.vresp/?AlladinProject/8cf4811bc3/660557/7f SINPATEX (r.vresp/?AlladinProject/ 89944 (r.vresp. Decoration: lladin Project Crew (r.vresp/?AlladinProject/e6355a43b5/66055 $20 Advance Tickets $25 guest list and $30 at the door (r.vresp/?AlladinProject/9b36c0d26f/660557/7f2c50d83f/7a Or: (917)5691177 / (917)4054847 ***18 to enter/21+ to drink with picture ID*** ***Door Open: 11 PM to 7 AM *** Location: AVALON W 20th ST & 6 Ave Manhattan NY 10011 (r.vresp/?AlladinProject/2d4fee For More information call us (917)-569117 7 (917)-4054847 Or Email Us mails, please reply to this message e or simply click on the following link: This message was sent by Alladin Project using VerticalRespon se’s iBuilder (web verticalresponse/landing/?mm/82155efd59) AE (web verticalresponse/landing/?mm/82155efd59) Alladin Proj ect 215 E 3rd St New York NY 10009 Read (web verticalresponse.c om/content/pmpolicy ) the VerticalResponse marketing policy. ! START Alladin Project Presents: GMS LIVE, ZOR BA LIVE, KNO-B & SINPATEX FRI August 11th NYC lladin Project Presents:GMS LIVE, ZORBA LIVE iday August 11th CLUB AVALON Line Up: title Spun Rec / coast II coast. Ibiza NT Rec / coast II. Ibiza hr Project Japan title Project Israel Project Crew /P Advance Tickets $25 guest list and $30 at the door Or: (917)5691177 / (917)4054847 ***18 to enter/21+ to dr ink with picture ID*** ***Door Open: 11 PM to 7 AM *** Locati on: 20th ST & am6 Ave Manhattan NY 10011 For More information call us (917) -5691177 (917)-4054847 Or h em line or simply click on the following link: Project using VerticalResponse’s ng/?mm/82155efd59 m/82155efd59iBuilderAE hr t web verticalresponse/landing/?mm/82155efd59 1Alladin Project 215 E 3rd St New York NY 10009 tit web verticalresponse/content/pmpolicy Read the VerticalResponse marketing policy. IM G
#3786 Thu, 10 Aug 2006 21:54:13 Thu, 10 Aug 2006 21:54:11 From: Machinelf GMS Friday – and our first video interview! Alladin Project Presents: GMS LIVE, ZORBA LIVE, KNO-B & SINPATEX FRI August 11th NYC Alladin Project Presents:GMS LIVE, ZORBA LIVE Friday August 11th CLUB AVALON Line Up: GMS LIVE Spun Rec / coast II coast. Ibiza ZORBA LIVE Spun Rec / coast II. Ibiza KNO-B Alladin Project Japan SINPATEX Alladin Project Israel Decoration: Alladin Project Crew $20 Advance Tickets $25 guest list and $30 at the door Or: (917)5691177 / (917)4054847 ***18 to enter/21+ to drink with picture ID*** ***Door Open: 11 PM to 7 AM *** Location: AVALON 20th ST & 6 Ave Manhattan NY 10011 For More information call us (917)-5691177 (917)-4054847 Or Email Us GMS LIVE, ZORBA LIVE, KNO-B & SINPATEX FRI August 11th NYC Project Presents: GMS LIVE, ZORBA LIVELine Up: Spun Rec / coast II coast. st1:place w:st”onIbiza/st1:place Rec / coast II. st1:place w:st”onIbiza/st1:place Project Japan Project Israel Advance Tickets $25 guest list and $30 at the door (917)4054847 drink with picture ID*** AM *** 20th ST & 6 Ave Manhattan NY 10011 call us (917)-5691177 (917)-4054847
#3787 Fri, 11 Aug 2006 17:46:57 Fri, 11 Aug 2006 17:47:45 Double the strength of your Hoffmans with Piracetam from Nootrition DBBAPiracetam!
#3788 Fri, 11 Aug 2006 20:27:41 Fri, 11 Aug 2006 20:27:41 From: Machinelf A message from El Nadiv FW: [NYC604] G.M.S Party I think we should all still go to hear Nobi play on the main floor. and (I say this in all seriousness) crowds of really fucked up Asians are actually a good thing when you think about it. Come support the crew and hear Nobi play in an old church!! alladinproject Sent: Friday, August 11, 2006 6:31 PM [NYC604] G.M.S Party Hi guys Sorry, but we have bad news, G.M.S are not in the US, they flight has been canceled do to the terror problem in the UK. The party steel going to be killer, on the line up: CRIS, SINPATEX, KNO-B and ELNADIV, The price in the door will drop down to $20, all the ppl that porches advance ticket online will be refund by the website web wantickets . For more info feel free to call 9174054847 or 9175691177 Peace Love & Light Alladin Project Crew ![if !mso] ![endif]o:SmartTagType name”place”/ ![if !mso] ![endif] ! and (I say this in all seriousness) crowds of really fucked up Asians are actually a good thing when you think about it. in an old church!! PM Sorry, but we have bad news, G.M.S are not in the onUS/st1:place/st1:country-region, they flight has been canceled do to the terror problem in the onUK/st1:place/st1:country-region. The party steel going to be killer, on the line up: CRIS, SINPATEX, KNO-B and ELNADIV, The price in the door will drop down to $20, all the ppl that porches advance ticket online will be refund by the website web wantickets.wcom . For more info feel free to call 9174054847 or 9175691177 Peace Love & Light Alladin Project Crew !End group email
#3789 Mon, 14 Aug 2006 20:14:05 Mon, 14 Aug 2006 20:14:00 From: Machinelf japanese menthol eye drops! /productinfo.php?products id194 /productinfo.php?products id194&osCsid6b3snn61a5irnvic4kclkq2bj6 &osCsid6b3snn61a5irnvic4kclkq2bj6 Ben L brought some back from Japan a couple years ago and they were a big hot esp with the E crowd. It’s like a trance version of Vicks LOL We now carry them via Amazon. name”country-region”/ name”place”/ ![if !mso] ![endif] ! /* Style Definitions */ p., li., div. a:link, span.Mso {color:blue; a:visited, span.MsoFollowed {color:purple; span.EmailStyle17 {style-type:personal-compose; at page Section1 {size:8.5in 11.0in; div.Section1 sSection1 /productinfo.php?productsid194&osCsid6b3snn61a5irnvic4kclkq2bj6/productinfo.php?productsid194&osCsid6b3snn61a5irnvic4kclkq2bj6 w:st”onJapan/st1:place/st1:country-regiona couple years ago and they were a big hot esp with the E crowd. It’s like a trance version of Vicks LOL We now carry them via Amazon.
#3790 Tue, 15 Aug 2006 18:48:11 Tue, 15 Aug 2006 18:47:26 From: Machinelf 4 Events this weekend! cont’d at web tranceam.org/gallery/main.php?g2viewcore.ShowItem web tranceam.org/gallery/main.php?g2viewcore.ShowItem&g2it emId4986&g2itemId4986 .NYC web tranceam.org/phpbb/viewtopic.php?t155AUG 19//6362MetaForce//THE BROOKLYN SUMMER STOMP 07 Aug 2006 08:23 pm 6362MetaForce web tranceam.org/phpbb/profile.php?modeviewprofile&u2359 ‘s first party! Geomagnetic, web tranceam.org/phpbb/viewtopic.php?t181Dr Spook et al at Echo Lake this weekend – 3 days $15! 15 Aug 2006 08:30 pm Reefer web tranceam.org/phpbb/viewtopic.php?t179Decree Open 4Air Sunday! 15 Aug 2006 05:22 am Gathering web tranceam.org/phpbb/viewtopic.php?t182of the Vibes 2006:(Caution JamBand!) Albany 15 Aug 2006 09:03 pm ![if !mso] ![endif] ! /* Style Definitions */ p., li., div. a:link, span.Mso {color:blue; a:visited, span.MsoFollowed {color:purple; span.EmailStyle17 {style-type:personal-compose; at page Section1 {size:8.5in 11.0in; div.Section1 sSection1 web tranceam.org/gallery/main.php?g2viewcore.ShowItem&g2itemId4986web tranceam.org/gallery/main.php?g2viewcore.ShowItem&g2itemId4986 AUG 19//6362MetaForce//THE BROOKLYN SUMMER STOMP web tranceam.org/phpbb/profile.php?modeviewprofile&u23596362MetaForce ‘s first party! Dr Spook et al at Echo Lake this weekend – 3 days $15! Decree Open 4Air Sunday! of the Vibes 2006:(Caution JamBand!) Albany and
#3791 Wed, 16 Aug 2006 00:32:34 Wed, 16 Aug 2006 00:32:29 From: Machinelf NYC 25 Hour Party People Gallery – add your photo now! 350 people and counting… We now have a NYC Party People gallery that you can add your photos to: web tranceam.org/gallery/main.php?g2viewcore.ShowItem web tranceam.org/gallery/main.php?g2viewcore.ShowItem&g2it emId5042&g2itemId5042 There are 350 people there so far. I added all the photos I have of everyone in the scene. It’s in alphabetical order by file title, sorted by first name. You can also search. You can make your own album. You can add contact info like email addresses, etc in the summary and/or description. I set the permissions so that everyone can edit every photo and edit the descriptions. Even more fun, you can add comments to each photo. There’s also an NYC Party Photo area, with 450 photos so far, feel free to add. If anyone has a large amount of photos, send me them and I’ll mass upload them. ![if !mso] ![endif] ! /* Style Definitions */ p., li., div. a:link, span.Mso {color:blue; a:visited, span.MsoFollowed {color:purple; span.EmailStyle17 {style-type:personal-compose; at page Section1 {size:8.5in 11.0in; div.Section1 sSection1 photos to: web tranceam.org/gallery/main.php?g2viewcore.ShowItem&g2itemId5042web tranceam.org/gallery/main.php?g2viewcore.ShowItem&g2itemId5042 photos I have of everyone in the scene. name. You can also search. You can make your own album. You can add contact info like email addresses, etc in the summary and/or description. and edit the descriptions. so far, feel free to add. mass upload them.
#3792 Thu, 24 Aug 2006 05:29:28 Thu, 24 Aug 2006 05:30:27 From: Machinelf Shpongle Thur, TDC Echo Lake weekend, Shpongle Sunday. TDC at Echo Lake: web tranceam.org/phpbb/viewtopic.php?t143 Tsunami Shpongle on the Boat Thursday and Cielo Sunday: ce/ name”PlaceName”/ name”PlaceType”/ name”place”/ ![if !mso] ![endif] ! /* Style Definitions */ p., li., div. a:link, span.Mso {color:blue; a:visited, span.MsoFollowed {color:purple; span.EmailStyle17 {style-type:personal-compose; at page Section1 {size:8.5in 11.0in; div.Section1 sSection1 st1:PlaceType w:st”onLake/st1:PlaceType/st1:place: web tranceam.org/phpbb/viewtopic.php?t143web tranceam.org/phpbb/viewtopic.php?t143
#3793 Sun, 27 Aug 2006 06:57:09 Sun, 27 Aug 2006 06:57:08 From: Fwd: This Sun. Aug 27th at CIELO: SURPRISE!!
#3794 Wed, 30 Aug 2006 05:05:06 Wed, 30 Aug 2006 05:05:47 Cc: omnitribe at yahooogroups From: Machinelf It’s just too crazy too contemplate, I hope a lot of you do not go, so I can enjoy myself, since I discovered over years of abuse that without a lot of K, sweaty people are hard to bear (bare!) Pat of mindkiller.org web mindkiller.org/radio is particularly excited over Krumelur. I am so glad that these guys are doing not only big things but innovative things. That’s why you won’t see the d this summer. We were needed back in 2004-5, but not now – like in the 2002-3 Omnitribe daaaaaze thx Vitalik wherever you are in India and all the other guise, Dima, Shai. Mike, etc etc. In other news, Alex of Alphatrance is back in Australia. Also in the next 2 days I will add a lot of vera/lev/kat/Amelia links to web tranceam.org web tranceam.org/. You can add, too. Hey – and if you have not added your personal photo to the trance gallery at web tranceam.org/gallery/main.php?g2viewcore.ShowItem web tranceam.org/gallery/main.php?g2viewcore.ShowItem&g2it emId5042&g2itemId5042, What are you waiting for? I can understand if you are running for president, but that’s about it. Add your photo now so your old friends can find you. On September 16, Army Collective Records and 28thday present at CoSMosis: web gplusrecords/web gplusrecords For over 15 years German production duo Jan and Marcus have been on the cutting edge of electronic music, constantly pushing the boundaries that others were afraid to push. Recently joined by American run-away artist Ariel, the group continues to evolve and embrace new frontiers. At this event Jan will be orchestrating an extended set on Ableton Live. With ample time for the crafting of a full musical journey, expect a powerful influential and revered acts in psychedelic tech-trance. KRUMELUR – LIVE (Zenon Records, Sweden) krumelur.trance.net/krumelur.trance.net Krumelur is Fredrik Larsson from Stockholm, Sweden. One of the most respected pioneers of his genre, Krumelur is currently promoting his brand new second album Paramoral, which continues the tradition of his previous releases. With a maelstrom of quirky beats, deep atmospheres and ripping acid-leads, Fredrik’s hard edged progressive style combines a high level of musicality, masterful production skills, and a great sense of humor in order to create a unique dancefloor experience. BINAURAL KONTAKT (Army Collective Records, NYC / Philadelphia) web myspace/armycollective web myspace/armycollective Temporary. Autonomous. Zone. +special guests+ Location: CoSMosis at The Chapel of Sacred Mirrors 540 West 27 St, 4th Floor (between 10 & 11 Aves) New York City web cosm.org/web cosm.org web alexgrey/web alexgrey To reserve presale tickets please visit web 28thday/web 28thday Saturday 16 Sep 2006 11PM – 7AM $20 presale / $25 door name”country-region”/ name”City”/ name”place”/ ![if !mso] ![endif] ! /* Style Definitions */ p., li., div. a:link, span.Mso {color:blue; a:visited, span.MsoFollowed {color:purple; span.EmailStyle17 {style-type:personal-compose; at page Section1 {size:8.5in 11.0in; div.Section1 sSection1 go, so I can enjoy myself, since I discovered over years of abuse that without a lot of K, sweaty people are hard to bear (bare!) Pat of web mindkiller.org/mindkiller.org radio is particularly excited over Krumelur. innovative things. That’s why you won’t see the d this summer. We were needed back in 2004-5, but not now & like in the 2002-3 Omnitribe daaaaaze thx Vitalik wherever you are in onIndia/st1:place/st1:country-regionand all the other guise, Dima, Shai. Mike, etc etc. onAustralia/st1:place/st1:country-region. to web tranceam.org/web tranceam.org . You can add, too. gallery at a web tranceam.org/gallery/main.php?g2viewcore.ShowItem&g2itemId5042web tranceam.org/gallery/main.php?g2viewcore.ShowItem&g2itemId5042 president, but that’s about it. Add your photo now so your old friends can find you. Army Collective Records and 28thday present at CoSMosis: web gplusrecords/” target”blank” titleweb gplusrecords/web gplusrecords For over 15 years German production duo Jan and Marcus have been on the cutting edge of electronic music, constantly pushing the boundaries that others were afraid to push. Recently joined by American run-away artist Ariel, the group continues to evolve and embrace new frontiers. At this event Jan will be orchestrating an extended set on Ableton Live. With ample time for the crafting of a full musical journey, expect a powerful expression of the creative spirit psychedelic tech-trance. KRUMELUR – LIVE (Zenon Records, w:st”onSweden/st1:country-region) krumelur.trance.net/” target”blank” title”krumelur.trance.net/krumelur.trance.net Krumelur is Fredrik Larsson from st1:place w:st”onst1:City w:st”onStockholm/st1:City, w:st”onSweden/st1:country-region/st1:place. One of the most respected pioneers of his genre, Krumelur is currently promoting his brand new second album Paramoral, which continues the tradition of his previous releases. With a maelstrom of quirky beats, deep atmospheres and ripping acid-leads, Fredrik’s hard edged progressive style combines a high level of musicality, masterful production skills, and a great sense of humor in order to create a unique dancefloor experience. BINAURAL KONTAKT (Army Collective Records, NYC / st1:City onPhiladelphia/st1:place/st1:City) web myspace/armycollective” target”blank” titleweb myspace/armycollectiveweb myspace/armycollective Temporary. Autonomous. Zone. +special guests+ Location: CoSMosis at The Chapel of Sacred Mirrors 540 West 27 St, 4th Floor (between 10 & 11 Aves) New York City web cosm.org/” target”blank” titleweb cosm.org/web cosm.org web alexgrey/” target”blank” titleweb alexgrey/web alexgrey To reserve presale tickets please visit web 28thday/” target”blank” titleweb 28thday/web 28thday Saturday 16 Sep 2006 11PM – 7AM
September 2006
#3796 Fri, 01 Sep 2006 03:22:00 From: ” Shitlist is back, several news items The item is now a button in the nav bar at web tranceam.org I dont get off to this, sometimes these things just demand to be done.
#3797 Tue, 5 Sep 2006 20:16:31 Tue, 5 Sep 2006 20:16:31 From: Our hottest product, on BBC! news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uknews/magazine/5315202.stm (news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uknews/magazine/5315202.stm) buy them at 58cb33b4c48f126acb4a8ad47 //news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uknews/magazine/5315202.stmnews.bbc.co.uk/2 /hi/uknews/magazine/5315202.stm buy them at
#3798 Sat, 16 Sep 2006 14:07:30 Sat, 16 Sep 2006 14:07:30 From: info at the forum at web tranceam.org (web tranceam.org) info at the forum at org
#3799 Sat, 16 Sep 2006 17:18:54 Sat, 16 Sep 2006 17:18:53 Cc: shockwaverider at gmail From: MK Ultra files now online thx to ex-Boston Pat! Thx to the Paterfamilias Boston exPatriate exPatriot Pat There are thousands of files now accessible that have been missing for 30 years. We have it down Pat now! Accessible via MKRadio button at web tranceam.org (web tranceam.org) or go straight to web mindkiller.org (web mindkiller.org) Also any Boston people who make it down, give us a shout in advance and we’ll host you afterwards so you won’t be seeing quadruple on the fung wah. Thx to the Paterfamilias Boston exPatriate exPatriot Pat There are thousa nds of files now accessible that have been missing for 30 years. We have it down Pat now! Accessible via MKRadio button at straight to web mindkiller.orgweb mindkiller.org/ Boston people who m ake it down, give us a shout in advance and we’ll host you afterwards so y ou won’t be seeing quadruple on the fung
#3800 Thu, 28 Sep 2006 17:08:21 Thu, 28 Sep 2006 17:08:21 From: Fwd: (no subject) Daniel Pinchbeck lectures – 7pm tonight!!
#3801 Thu, 28 Sep 2006 17:07:45 Thu, 28 Sep 2006 17:07:45 To: thed Cc: nyc604, TripOutNY From: Coming soon to a d fuelled party by you… I used to have thousands of these until; I started dealing l. The statute of limitations is over and I dont do anything illegal anymore, so the million dollar bills are coming back! Perfect for dropping on the floor. Also you’ll note that tranceam.org will be the new alias for tranceam.org so within a couple days you can type that and it will take you to the site. And yes those are Hoffman’s molecules. And someday the official car for the site will be a vintage transam… I used to have thousands of these until; I started dealing l. The statute of limitations is o ver and I dont do anything illegal anymore, so the million dollar bills ar e coming back! Perfect for dropping on the floor. Also you’ll note that tranceam.org will be the new alias for tranceam.org so wi thin a couple days you can type that and it will take you to the site.&nbs And yes those are Hoffman’s molecules. And someday the offici al car for the site will be a vintage transam…
#3802 Sat, 30 Sep 2006 09:18:01 Sat, 30 Sep 2006 09:18:01 Cc: planet-crew, 604 at party.nyc604 at party.net, thed, goatexas at hotmail, goa-boston From: Wilson Leary Memorial Site web tranceam.org/wilsonleary (web tranceam.org/wilsonleary ) //web tranceam.org/wilsonleary web tranceam.org/w
October 2006
#3804 Sun, 01 Oct 2006 00:25:45 From: ” Wilson Leary Memorial Site web tranceam.org/wilsonleary
#3805 Thu, 05 Oct 2006 04:13:45 From: ” Nootrition hiring! $7/hour cash 9-5 M-F, full medical in 3 months. Will train. Attention to d etail, personal hygiene, promptness, diligence and dependability are param ount. The position of Lab Technician entails filling capsules and weighing out powders. Occasionally it may involve mailroom work and delivery of packages to the post office. Email if interested.
#3806 Fri, 06 Oct 2006 06:30:16 From: ” 5 advance supercheap tickets to Shiva Chandra & Zion Nov 10 Yeah I know it’s a month away but for those of you who don’t have money to burn and think think and plan in cycles longer than the next 24 hours, he re you go! $18 vs $25/$30 at door. web tranceam.org/oscommer ce/catalog/productinfo.php?
#3807 Fri, 06 Oct 2006 20:33:58 From: ” Announcing TRANCEAM.ORG, new video enhancements and now Aya on the Daily Show.. For the ADD/ADHD generation, tranceam.org was just too freaking har d to remember. Gratuitous yes, smart no. Tranceam.org is now the gateway to tranceam.org. All URLS are the same, just directs you to the site. It kinda fits in with the Smokey & the Bandit Transam car we wanna get. will be the official name for the site, and the one that is being printed, along with Mindkiller.org and Nootrition on tho usands of million dollar bills that will be distributed to the community. We now use Youtube’s full scripts so now you can watch all dV video on fullscreen, and added the Aya episode on the Daily Show. Also added many esoteric early proto trance tracks to the player. Soon, we’ll get the int erview with Collin from Voice of COD up and more to come. And finally, mo st importantly, we have new staff at Nootrition and fulfilment time is bac k to same day rather than the same couple of weeks.
#3808 Sat, 07 Oct 2006 09:18:58 From: ” Daniel Pinchbeck in this month’s Rolling Stone as the “New Psychedelc Guru.” web rollingstone/politics/story/11217201/danielpinchbeck andt henewpsychedelicelite And check out the hilarious portrait they made of him. Interview at web tranceam.org/brainmachines/index2.h tml He’s also in last week’s newsweek. Daniel was a dungeon master when h e was a kid so see eye to eye on things. He shot K with me back in the Tr ibeca squat and was one of the reasons I stopped doing K. he told me that when I was in a K- hole demons were selling my organs on the astral plane, and after that, every time I got high I would start to see a crowd of dem ons around me, and the biggest most articulate one would wear n Armani su it and push them all away and say, where do you want to go today? the Big Bang? The edge of the known universe? I’ll take you there heh hehe heh. .. One of Daniel’s D&D buddies was Tony Torn, Rip’s son, also an actor an d a pagan through and through. he and his lovely sister Angelica (who rec ently did a one woman show on Sylvia Plath on Broadway and in London) dire cted a film recently partly at my house and lab and bldg with onFurio from the Sopranos and Will Patten and others … and I got a bit part as Dr. H al a psycho doctor who uses brain machines to make people crazy but ends u p doing too much of his own stuff (filmed right after a tea ceremony where I DID drink to much and was still seeing fireflies everywhere), it’s call ed Lucky Days and will be out this fall, trust me, you’ll hear about it he re later. With terence and Timithy and recently Timothy’s cousin my dear comrade in arms Wilson hanging himself, the terrain is clear for a new mes siah to encapsulate our hopes. I say that only slightly facetiously we ca nnot all be crucified. Why let Jesus have all the fun?
#3809 Mon, 9 Oct 2006 04:36:15 Mon, 9 Oct 2006 04:36:15 From: Lowest ($13) tickets to Burrning Lotus, only 5 left /productinfo.php?productsi d202 (/productinfo.php?productsid202)
#3810 Mon, 9 Oct 2006 12:40:34 Mon, 9 Oct 2006 12:40:34 From: Fwd: Daniel Pinchbeck Tomorrow night (Tues) – talk and music i have daniel’s rolling stone article online now in the menu bar at web tranceam.org (web tranceam.org) i have daniel’s r olling stone article online now in the menu bar at
#3811 Wed, 11 Oct 2006 20:42:15 From: ” New low Burning Lotus presale at $10 – 7 left +Daniel Pinchbeck will be speaking! /productinfo.php? product Half off door price! Open air on private property. Check out t he details on the link above. We have seven tickets left, once those are sold, you’ll have to pay $15-$20. I’ll see ya’ll there saturday at noon. I never miss a chance to hear Daniel. I’ll be back Sunday afternoon for the d Brain Trust. And for those of you staying in the City this weekend there’s Gimme Goa, check the forum at tranceam.org for details.
#3812 Fri, 13 Oct 2006 11:47:57 Fri, 13 Oct 2006 11:47:56 Cc: nyc604, thed From: New York trance portal web tranceam.org (web tranceam.org) look under Area Portals – New York in the navbar This page is all you need if all you are interested in is New York activity. It has an easy navigation to all links, events, and party & people photos the direct link is web tranceam.org/nyhome (web tranceam.org/nyhome ) I hope to get other area portals for other areas of North America. If you are interested in this please email me back at web tranceam.orgweb tranceam.org look under Area P ortals – New York in the navbar This page is all you need if all you are interested in is New York activity. It has an easy navigati on to all links, events, and party & people photos the dire ct link is w.tranceam.org/nyhome I hope to get other area portals for other areas of North America. If you are interested in this please email me back at l
#3813 Mon, 16 Oct 2006 18:29:47 Mon, 16 Oct 2006 18:29:47 From: Burning Lotus review & Daniel Pinchbeck on dV First off, the event was amazing. Hats off to all involved. The clearest sky I’ve seen in years, the colors of all the stars in the constellations I know so well. The video guy Peter Parker pulled somthing I’ve never seen before, a huge pixel projector throwing fractals on a forest. No one could get it on film, but I have to tell you it was the most incredible thing I’ve seen in memory. There were so many great things that happened, so many details, yet so intimate. Thanks to Jeff ecofunkological, Jeff (rebecca’s friend from Hoffman’s bday), Kamal and everyone else involved. Thanks Steve for the Homeland emergency kits, Joann for the great food, Jerry & Debby for the beers, all the goody bags, Dave for the nitrous, all the love, and everyone else who gave so much.. ALL I CAN SAY IS WOW! Daniel Pinchbeck had a great talk afterwards… the videos are at dV at web tranceam.org (web tranceam.org) . First off, the ev ent was amazing. Hats off to all involved. The clearest sky I’ ve seen in years, the colors of all the stars in the constellations I know so well. The video guy Peter Parker pulled somthing I’ve never seen before, a huge pixel projector throwing fractals on a forest. No one could get it on film, but I have to tell you it was the most incred ible thing I’ve seen in memory. There were so many great things that happened, so many details, yet so intimate. Thanks to Jeff eco funkological, Jeff (rebecca’s friend from Hoffman’s bday), Kamal and every one else involved. Thanks Steve for the Homeland emergency kits, Joa nn for the great food, Jerry & Debby for the beers, all the goody bags Dave for the nitrous, all the love, and everyone else who gave so much.. ALL I CAN SAY IS WOW! Daniel Pinchbeck had a great talk afterwards… the videos are at dV at /DI
#3814 Tue, 17 Oct 2006 19:26:26 Tue, 17 Oct 2006 19:26:25 From: 100 new tracks, 16 new videos added today Most tracks are samples and trance tracks. Most videos are in programs and the new Terence McKenna section, including the entire What the Bleep do We Know? web tranceam.org (web tranceam.org) Most tracks are s amples and trance tracks. Most videos are in programs and the ne w Terence McKenna section, including the entire What the Bleep d o We Know? web tranceam.orgweb trance am.org
#3815 Tue, 17 Oct 2006 12:54:17 Tue, 17 Oct 2006 12:54:17 From: Fwd: Kazu, Android, DJ Earthian, Jon Turi this wednesday 10/18/06 at ‘Fat Bab…
#3816 Fri, 20 Oct 2006 09:23:38 Fri, 20 Oct 2006 09:23:37 From: Subject:Lowest price tickets to Shiva Chandra et al Nov 10 Limited Quantity $19 presale tickets on the Bazaar at Trance.org at /productinfo.php?productsi d (web tranceam.org 6dvddinkfhag7 i6) Please note the prices of all tickets sold on tranceam.o rg will start out somthing obscenely low and slowly rise about a dollar or so each week as the date of the event approaches. Shiva Chandra Interview coming soon! Alladin Project Presents Friday NOVEMBER 10 in CLUB EXIT 147 Greenpoint Ave Brooklyn NY Take a minute to fly with us and we will tak e you back in timeE280A6 Line Up: SHIVA CHANDRA LIVE Spirit Zone Ge rmany Shiva Chandra aka Daniel, was born in Hamburg he has been involved i n making music his whole life and creating in the beginning of the 90’s. H e has been developing his very own independent trance style, by taking aco ustic samples and integrating them in a homogenous way. he is continuously working on his project “Shiva Chandra” with six albums released up to date . He has also composed music for several short films, commercials and all sorts of projects. ZION LIVE & Dj Set Alladin Records Israel Zion began creating music at the beginning of 1999, after 2 years of DJing i n nature parties in Israel. He plays guitar, keyboards and drums. He relea sed an album called Epic and released tracks in many other labels. His mai n goal is to create sensations in the listeners mind and body, and to rele ase all their bindings and leave them feeling good inside. His upcoming se cond album will be released next year! KNO-B DJ Set Alladin Records Japan Kno-b needs no introduction the master of many styles and one the best mi xers around. A samurai on the stage, he provides huge enjoyments to crowds around the world. For the past years hes been making a killer mu sic, soon to be released. Prepare yourselves! ENERTOPIA- DJ Set Alladin Records. Israel Enertopia is a veteran in the PsyTrance scene. In 1996-199 8 he released Album s and singles under classic labels such as. M elodia Rec, Krembo Rec, B.N.E Rec. Now he is back with new tunes already c irculating the Underground scene and soon to be release. Also expect for a new collaborations with artists around the world. CRIS Alladin Records Mexico Chris. His sets is uplifting and energizing. His excellent mixing skills and the right choice of music make his sets unforgettable. H e is a rising talent in the NY trance scene! OSKO Guatemala Osko is a n ew talent from Guatemala known as a very good Dj in his area, his sets is Dark psychedelic style. Not to be missed Electro room Zion Alladin Re cords Israel STEVE-O Gaian mind NYC ANIMALTEK LIVE Omni tribe NYC KIFE L IVE Omni tribe Russia / NYC Decorations by: Severyn. NYC Severyn one o f the most gifted psychedelic painters in the world is back with a new ser ies of painting that will make the environment unforgettable not to be mis sed! String Art by: Alladin Project Crew. NYC Tickets: $25 before midnig ht, $30 After Midnight at the door ***18 to enter/21+ to drink***picture ID A MUST***Door Open: 10 PM to 7 AM *** Location: CLUB EXIT 147 GREENPOINT AVE BROOKLYN NY Street Map: Directions: By Subway: Take the L train to Lorimer station & transfer to the G train metropolitan stat ion to Green point Ave the Club is right across the street. Or: take the L train to Redford station and transfer to the 61 bus, Go down in green poi nt Ave (3 mint from the subway) or: G train to green point Ave Subway Map: web mta.nyc.ny.us/nyct/maps/submap Bus: 61, 43,24 to green po int Ave. Bus map: web mta.nyc.ny.us/nyct/maps/busbkln.pdf By Car: T ake BQE (I-278) to Exit 33 McGuiness Blvd. To Greenpoint Ave. Turn LEFT at Greenpoint Ave Proceed to the corner of Manhattan Ave. By car service / t axi: From Manhattan cost $15 From Bedford Station it cost $6 More info: (9 17)-5691177 (917)-4054847 alladinproduction at yahoo Links: web a lladinrecords/ web myspace/zionpsy web myspace/an imaltek web severyn/ M bott ocument Limited Quantity $18 pr esale tickets at A dvddinkfhag7i6/producti Alladin Project Presents Friday NOVEMBER 10 in CLUB EXIT 147 Greenpoint Ave Brooklyn NY Take a minu te to fly with us and we will take you back in timeE280A6 Line Up: SHIVA CHANDRA LIVE Spirit Zone Germany Shiva Chandra aka Daniel, was born in Hamburg he has been involved in making music his whole life and creating in the beginning of the 90’s. He has been developing his very own independent trance style, by taking acoustic samples and integrati ng them in a homogenous way. he is continuously working on his project “Shi va Chandra” with six albums released up to date. He has also composed music for several short films, commercials and all sorts of projects. & nbsZION LIVE & Dj Set Alladin Records Israel Zi on began creating music at the beginning of 1999, after 2 years of DJE280 99ing in nature parties in Israel. He plays guitar, keyboards and drums. H e released an album called Epic and released tracks in many other labels. H is main goal is to create sensations in the listeners mind and body, and to release all their bindings and leave them feeling good inside. His upcomin g second album will be released next year! KNO-B DJ Set Alladin Records Japan Kno-b needs no int roduction the master of many styles and one the best mixers around. A samur ai on the stage, he provides huge enjoyments to crowds around the world. Fo r the past years hes been making a killer music, soon to be releas ed. Prepare yourselves! ENERTOPIA- DJ Set Alladin Records. Israel Enertopia is a veteran in the PsyTrance s cene. In 1996-1998 he released Albums and singles under classic la bels such as. Melodia Rec, Krembo Rec, B.N.E Rec. Now he is back with new t unes already circulating the Underground scene and soon to be release. Also expect for a new collaborations with artists around the world. &n bsCRIS Alladin Records Mexico Chris. His setE280 99s is uplifting and energizing. His excellent mixing skills and the right choice of music make his sets unforgettable. He is a rising talent in the NY trance scene! OSKO Guatemala Osko is a new talent from Guatemala known as a very good Dj in his area, hi s sets is Dark psychedelic style. Not to be missed &nbs Electro room Zion Alladi n Records Israel STEVE-O Gaian mind NYC ANIMALTEK LIVE Omni tribe NYC KIFE LIVE Omni tribe Russia / NYC &nb sDecorations by: Severyn. NYC Severyn one of the most gifted psychedelic painters in the world is back with a new series of painting that will make the environment unforg ettable not to be missed! String Art by: Alladin Project Crew . NYC Tickets: $25 before midnight, $30 After Midnight at the door ***18 to enter/21+ to drink***picture ID A MUST***Door Open : 10 PM to 7 AM *** Location: CLUB EXI T 147 GREENPOINT AVE BROOKLYN NY Street Map: Directions: By Subway: Tak e the L train to Lorimer station & transfer to the G train metropolitan station to Green point Ave the Club is right across the street. Or: take the L train to Redford station and transfer to the 61 bus, Go down in green point Ave (3 mint from the subway) or: G train to green point Ave Subway Map: web mta.nyc.ny.us/nyct/maps/submap &nb sBus: 61, 43,24 to green point Ave. Bus map: web mta.nyc.ny.us/ny ct/maps/busbkln.pdf By Car: Take BQE (I-278) to Exit 33 McGuiness Blvd. To Greenpoint Ave. Turn LEFT at Greenpoint Ave Proceed to the corner of Manhattan Ave. By car service / taxi: From Manhattan cost $15 From Bedford Station it cost $6 More info: (917 )-5691177 (917)-4054847 alladinproduction at yahoo &nb sLinks: web alladinrecords/ web my space/zionpsy web myspace/animaltek http
#3817 21 Oct 2006 04:05:18 From: TripOutNY Timothy Leary’s Birthday, 10/22/2006, 12:00 am from the Calendar of TripOutNY Timothy Leary’s Birthday Sunday October 22, 2006 All Day Set up birthday s us.rd.yahoo/calus/rem/??v9&evttype13 Copyright © 2006 web yahoo s TripOutNY’s Calendar Timothy Leary’s Birthday Date: Sunday October 22, 2006 Time: All Day 2006
#3818 Mon, 23 Oct 2006 05:56:46 Mon, 23 Oct 2006 05:56:46 Cc: nyc604, thed, omnitribe, dragontribe, 604 at party.net, planet-crew From: Vote all your favorite psytrance djs, etc in the 2006 Tranceformer Awards!! It’s taken a year to get this off the ground, here we go! You can go to web tranceam.org (web tranceam.org) and navigate there from the nav bar, or go straight to web tranceam.org/tfa2006 (web tranceam.org/tfa2006 ) Please forward to any and all friends, people, lists, and forums. Note that there are International, Canada, and Mexico categories in addition to U.S. ones. The vote deadline is coming very soon – November 6. Also I added a lot of Archetypes for each region, but not all. I didn’t want to be too mean and out any Cokeheads, Jaded DJs, etc but it’s kind of funny that finally there could be a Best Freaker of the Midwest, Best Crazy Man of the West Coast, etc. Oh, and we will refuse any votes for Tiesto. It’s taken a year to get this off the ground, here we go! You can go to web tranceam.orgweb tranceam.org and navigate there from the n av bar, or go straight to 2006 web tranceam.org/tfa2006 Please forward to any and all friends, people, lists, and forums . Note that there are International, Canada, a nd Mexico categories in addition to U.S. ones. The vote deadline is coming very soon – November 6. Also I added a lot of Archetyp es for each region, but not all. I didn’t want to be too mean and ou t any Cokeheads, Jaded DJs, etc but it’s kind of funny that finally there could be a Best Freaker of the Midwest, Best Crazy Man of the West Coast, etc. Oh, and we will refuse any votes fo
#3819 Mon, 23 Oct 2006 07:36:40 Mon, 23 Oct 2006 07:36:39 From: Subject:Discount tickets to Infected Mushroom, Asterix, Shiva Chandra, both Cielo Sundays Lowest prices available – $18.. Will go up every week. While supplies last. A new project here is to offer ultracheap tickets to all major paid events in NYC. web Lowest prices ava ilable – $18.. Will go up every week. While supplies last./DI V
#3820 Thu, 26 Oct 2006 18:27:51 From: ” Shiva Chandra and Zion Nov 10 Limited Lowest Price Tickets atweb /ca Alladin Project Presen ts Friday NOVEMBER 10 in CLUB EXIT 147 Greenpoint Ave Brooklyn NY Take a minute to fly with us and we will take you back in time85 Line Up: SHIV A CHANDRA LIVE Spirit Zone Germany Shiva Chandra aka Daniel, was born in H amburg he has been involved in making music his whole life and creating in the beginning of the 90’s. He has been developing his very own independent trance style, by taking acoustic samples and integrating them in a homogeno us way. he is continuously working on his project “Shiva Chandra” with six albums released up to date. He has also composed music for several short fi lms, commercials and all sorts of projects. ZION LIVE & Dj Set Alladin Rec ords Israel Zion began creating music at the beginning of 1999, after 2 ye ars of DJ’ing in nature parties in Israel. He plays guitar, keyboards and d rums. He released an album called Epic and released tracks in many other la bels. His main goal is to create sensations in the listeners mind and body, and to release all their bindings and leave them feeling good inside. His upcoming second album will be released next year! KNO-B DJ Set Alladin Rec ords Japan Kno-b needs no introduction the master of many styles and one t he best mixers around. A samurai on the stage, he provides huge enjoyments to crowds around the world. For the past years he’s been making a killer mu sic, soon to be released. Prepare yourselves! ENERTOPIA- DJ Set Alladin R ecords. Israel Enertopia is a veteran in the PsyTrance scene. In 1996-1998 he released Album’s and singles under classic labels such as. Melodia Rec, Krembo Rec, B.N.E Rec. Now he is back with new tunes already circulating t he Underground scene and soon to be release. Also expect for a new collabor ations with artists around the world. CRIS Alladin Records Mexico Chris. His set’s is uplifting and energizing. His excellent mixing skills and the right choice of music make his sets unforgettable. He is a rising talent in the NY trance scene! OSKO Guatemala Osko is a new talent from Guatemala known as a very good Dj in his area, his sets is Dark psychedelic style. N ot to be missed Electro room Zion Alladin Records IsraelSTEVE-O Gaian min d NYC ANIMALTEK LIVE Omni tribe NYCKIFE LIVE Omni tribe Russia / NYC Dec orations by: Severyn. NYC Severyn one of the most gifted psychedelic pain ters in the world is back with a new series of painting that will make the environment unforgettable not to be missed! String Art by: Alladin Project Crew. NYC Tickets: $25 before midnight, $30 After Midnight at the door * **18 to enter/21+ to drink***picture ID A MUST***Door Open: 10 PM to 7 AM * ** Location: CLUB EXIT 147 GREENPOINT AVE BROOKLYN NY Street Map: http Directions: By Subway: Take the L train to Lorimer station & transfer to the G train metropolitan station to Green point Ave the Club is right across the street. Or: take the L train to Redford station and tr ansfer to the 61 bus, Go down in green point Ave (3 mint from the subway) o r: G train to green point Ave Subway Map: web mta.nyc.ny.us/nyct/ma ps/submap Bus: 61, 43,24 to green point Ave. Bus map: web mta.n yc.ny.us/nyct/maps/busbkln.pdf By Car: Take BQE (I-278) to Exit 33 McGuine ss Blvd. To Greenpoint Ave. Turn LEFT at Greenpoint Ave Proceed to the corn er of Manhattan Ave. By car service / taxi: From Manhattan cost $15 From B edford Station it cost $6 More info: (917)-5691177 (917)-4054847 alladinpr oduction at yahoo Links: web alladinrecords/ web mysp ace/zionpsy web myspace/animaltek web severyn/
#3821 Thu, 26 Oct 2006 18:36:41 From: ” My favorite psy band Psylab this Sat Oct 28 Deities & Demons Masquerade 2 Saturday, Oct. 28th 8pm-5am, $20 Come dress ed up as your favorite deity or demon 8-10pm in CoSM A special screening o f Frankenstein (1931) & discussion of The Monster and The Soul with Alex Gr ey 10pm – 5am in CoSMosis Entheocentric Salon Live Painting Alex Grey, Al lyson Grey Sharon Fulcher Live Body Painting Zachariah Gregory Midnight P erformance Pyrotechnic Dance Theatre KARMAGEDDON LIVE EDM BAND Psy Lab The roots of Psylab date back to 2000, when Asaro and bassist Giglio began mak ing organic trance & funky house music, under the highly unpronounceable an d esoteric name “Nikulydin”. It wasn’t until Asaro made the electronic plun ge in 2002 that Nikulydin began to take shape as a fully electronic live ef fort. While Nikulydin sought to find its own experimental sound and identit y, Psylab’s mission was to create a sound based on pre-established formulas for the various genres of EDM, namely: trance (psy, progressive, goa, tri bal) techno (minimal, ambient, Detroit style) drum’n’bass (jungle, liquid, atmospheric) breaks (2-step, uk garage, dubstep) house (acid, deep, tech, h ard) Psylab ultimately created their own live interpretations of these gen res, the obvious difference being the live band feel created within the con fines of these specified styles. Psylab also aims to popularize the obscure EDM sub-genre known as ‘Trance-step’. Djs: Dub Gabriel (NYC) Dub Gabrie l has become one of the top DJ/Producers in America that combines music fro m Africa, Middle East, India, Jamaica, Eastern Europe and South America in to a blend all of his own. Pedro (Reality Engine, Interchill, CoSM) Origin ally from Brazil, now based in NYC, Pedro plays and produces free style tri bal grooves. From dub beats into deep midtempo trance, breaks and house, he fuses influences from many tribal cultures and genres to build an upliftin g sonorous experience. Audio-Visual Installations by: Missy Galore feed buck galore Optical Delusion In CoSM: Live PA: KiloWatts – Philadelphia (Artificial Music Machine / KiloWattsMusic) Recently completing his 4th album, “Routes”, among numerous singles and remixes, James Watts continues to create dynamic and unpredictable moods with his music. He’s generally k nown for his complex rhythmic audio editing, sliced and diced to all hell, married to wistful melodic structure and vaporous soundscapes. His livesets are a combination of intricate programmed beats and sojourns into improvis ed experimental grooveology, often evolving into thick layered violet walls of sound. Dj: Mikio (Freek Factory) Performance: Serpentessa 21st Centur y Snake Priestess Links: web cosm.org web realityengine.org web interchill web myspace/dubgabriel web psy labunderground/ web kilowattsmusic web opticaldelusio n web freekfactory
November 2006
#3822 Wed, 1 Nov 2006 16:25:40 Wed, 1 Nov 2006 16:25:40 From: Cielo this Sunday T S U N A M I Sundays Presents Sunday, November 5th E2809C A Night of Celestial Trance for Sublime People / Welcome back YONIE2809D As we continue our celebrations commemorating the 10 year Anniversary of Tr ance in the USA and of we are welcoming YONI back to New York, in the venue, voted #1 musical venue in each year since its openin g, by artists as well as by music lovers. Welcome Back: Y O N I (TSUNA MI After being “on the road” in India, Israel and Europe for more than 6 months, YONI is back with tons of new killer music! L U I S (TSUNAMI ) B R A N D O N A D A M S (Dreamcatcher) at C I E L O 18 Little West 12th Street (between 9th Avenue and Washington Street) web cieloclub Hours: 10pm E28093 4am 21 + VALID PICTURE ID A MUST Admission: $15 / $10 at the door – $10 advance Tickets available in advance on GrooveTicke ts: web groovetickets/ordersystem/PhoneSystem/frontsearchr Check out our exciting COMBINATION TICKETS on web G rooveTickets. Upcoming events: Friday, November 10th: INFECTED MUSHRO OM at ROXY ($25 advance, limited number / $35 & $30 at the door) Thursday, November 23rd, (THANKSGIVING NIGHT): ASTRIX at PACHA ($25 advance / $35 & $30 at the door) Sunday, November 26th: TSUNAMI Sundays at CIELO Limited presale tickets at /index 54e3vvl2acb8gh06ns4s3qdi5 (web h06ns4s3qdi5) and at GrooveTickets.: Nov. 10th INFECTED MUSHROOM at tickets) Nov. 10th INFECTED M USHROOM at ROXY P L U S ASTRIX Nov. 23rd at PACHA P L U S 1 CIELO ev Nov. 10th INFECTED MUSHROOM at ROXY P L U S ASTR IX Nov. 23rd at PACHA P Nov. 10th INFECTED MUSHROOM at ROXY O R ASTRIX Nov. 23rd at PACHA P L U S 1 CIELO event: $33 (2 tickets) Nov. 10th INFECTED MUSHROOM at ROXY O R ASTRIX Nov. 23rd at PACHA P L U S 2 CIELO events: $40 (3 tickets) ww w.tsunami-trance info-line: 212 439-8124 T S U N A M I &n bsSundays Presents Sunday, November 5th E2809C A Ni ght of Celestial Trance for Sublime People / Welcome bac k YONIE2809D As we continue our celebrations commemorating the 10 year Anniversary of Trance in the USA and of we are welcoming YO NI back to New York, in the venue, voted #3823 Wed, 1 Nov 2006 16:34:28 Wed, 1 Nov 2006 16:34:27 From: My fave Psylab playing at Burning Man Decom this Sat Nov 4 advance tickets only! Leave no Trace Here’s the schedule: 7:00 The Black Forest Fancies prese nt The Tragical Ballad of Black Bonnet or A Kitchen Maid’s Secret A puppe t operetta in three acts- based on true events Humor, Horror, Hermaphrodi tic Love! The Black Forest Fancies are Pandora Andrea Gastelum, Nina Nich ols,and Matthew Varvil. 8:00 BAD CAMERA Seeing through the facade of mod ernadvancement for greed, the camera reveals the dark side of humanity an dit’s toll it has on our fallible race. Hope, Aktor Kitty, Kurtessa, John & Veronica bring you this spooky band! 9:00 Ouiche Lorene (Crazy French sister marching band of Hungry March, some HMB members might join in).It was somewhere on the embankment, on a hotsummer night. There stood three four, five, then a dozen or more mouthpiece eaters, growling into their tinsel metal pipes, within an incredible tachycardia. Nobody in the surr ounding area could dodge the blow of those winds: such was the thirst in the air that everyone began to chant somthing like: Wish low rain! Wish low rain!?. Soon after came the police. 10:00 WWF Whiskey & Whores Fede ration (whiskey & whores house band featuring Lizzie Stealheart, JamieSla ter, Beneviolent, the infamous Rex, and me, Samantics) WWF bringyou song s and tails from the high seas of drinking whiskey and whoring around. W e’ve turned all our songs into whiskey drinking tunes, comeget a shot! 11:00 NUCLEAR RIOT PARTY (Natasha and Mary Jane’s new band) Nuclear Rio t Party is an all-female industrial, junkyard gypsy-punk band that starte d around a dumpster in Brooklyn and carried over to the many multiple ba rs, venues, dorm rooms, caves and house parties throughout New York. The ladies of the NRP rely on scrap metal, hammers, trash cans and a few plug- in items like their chainsaw theremin and drill-bit bass for sounds. The six women of Nuclear Riot Party can send anyone into the bleeding, biting and barking frenzy they supply on stage. No fluffy bunnies for any of us !! 12:00 The Downtowns Beneviolent, Georgie Sevil, Luc-Carle & Drew br ing you Sleazy NYC Rock with POP sensibility. 1:00am VOX The Vox Illumi nati is “rock noir.” Swirling tales of love and loss in the new world or der. Brought to you by Vox, Yuki, Savassa & Saryta 2:00am ISM deepl y weaves contemplative yet accessible lyrical ideas with a cool,scorching blend of ultra melodic rock, sensuous electronica, trip-hop andindustrial elements. The band, voted by the Summerfest 2006 audience as the “Best E merging Artist,” has been favorably compared to Nine Inch Nails and”a mor e rockin’ Radiohead.” Charismatic lead singer and songwriter AndreMistier ‘s rich intellectual sensibility comes alive amidst a rush of blistering, crazy-by-design energy. For latest tour schedule, check outweb ismmusic.c om or web myspace/ism.Andre (web myspace/ism.Andre), Lei gh, Gerald & Mike. 3:00 Psylab Psylab performs Live (no drum machines or sequencers) underground Electronic music – drenched in mind melting p sychedelic sounds – including : Psytrance, Ambient Jungle, Tribal Tech, & Psychill. Joe, Neil, Stever, Nick and Ed coming all the way from Boston . see web psylabunderground (web psylabunderground) 4: 00 am Djs take over and this is where Friartuck will take over the book ing. **ADDRESS 195 Morgan Avenue 3rd Ward in Bushwick, Brooklyn L train wi ll only being running to the Lorimer stop and there you can get a shuttle bus or hitchhike. For driving directions check the website. There will be car service phone #’s posted at the event. I’m not good at directions so don’t ask me! **TICKETS. (you are comped if performing) If your frie nds need tickets tell them, and please spread the word that tickets will NOT be sold at the door. Order online: Due to a need to limit and cont rol our event capacity, NYC Decom ’06 will NOT be selling tickets at the door. Tickets will be available ONLY IN ADVANCE. WE ARE VERY SERIOUS ABOUT THIS. NO IF’s, AND’s OR BUT’s. We are doing brisk sales already a nd we do have a capacity limit so at a certain point we will be SOLD OUT . So please get your tickets NOW!!! This is NOThype. You will be a ble to purchase tickets in advance until 8:00am Saturday,Nov 4th or until we sell out. This means we need to make sure that no one submits this event to any big nyc mailing lists or otherwise. The event is goin g to be roughly the same size in attendance as last year and we want to make sure that the people who really want to be there are able to get i n. SPREAD THE WORD. If you show up without a ticket you will not be a dmitted. Go to: web brcnyc/tickets (web brcnyc. com/tickets ) and buy your tickets today!! Just five more days to Decompression. You asked for the A to Z’s? Getready to:ACTE280A6Be Bui ld Breathe Celebrate Challenge Clean Create Dance Discover DiveDrink Eat Embrace Enjoy Escape Feel Find Follow Forge Forsee Fuel Gather Hear Help I nspire Inquire Invite Journey Jump Kostume Laugh Learn ListenLounge Love Make Meet Move Nudge Nod Offer Partake Participate PerformProvide Provoke Quench Question Relax Re-energize Soar Stretch Strip Touch Trust Try Unco ver Volunteer Vent Wander Watch Xplore Yammer YellE280A6 ZEALOUSLYFUEL FOR THE FEARLESSFor those who wanted some other “A to Z”sE280A6Yes, th is verges on the Too Much Information. Don’t be scared to skimE280A6we just wanted to address ALL the questions kicking around. (Basics are stil lon our website at web brcnyc (web brcnyc) )TOPICS*Dare to Decide / Decide to dare ! (times; activity overview; kids)*Buy tickets now! (purchase info; will-call & groups; re-entry)*Do your part! (chill in’ helsmoking; alcohol; get paid to clean ) *Bring cash! (coat check; food; alcohol; water)*Trust us! (bathrooms; Rangers/medical; pissing cle ar)***DARE TO DECIDE!!*****-ACTIVITIES and EVENTS RUN NOON TO NOONWe got afternoon yoga, poi lessons, hooping, dance. Crafts and costumes galore. 8 hours of activities dedicated to kids (and your own “innerchild!”) Five hours of live bands. 25 DJs. More than 30 artists. Craftsand costumes ga lore. 7 hours of live performances from opera to erotic comedy. Interactiv e theme camps small and large. Dare to dance on astripper pole. Writhe in blacklight. Dress as a SuperHero. Puff on ahookah. Engage in activities we’re not even aware of (or have been sworn to keep secret.) Whenever you arrive, prepare to face delightfulindecision.Find the preliminary overvie w at: web brcnyc/whatson (web brcnyc/whatson.ht m) -BRING YOUR KIDS Decom is family friend from noon until 8 pm. So brin g the kids along! Just remember, you’re responsible for them during that timeE28094and minors cannot enter or re-enter after 8 pm. Please escort out your under-18 companions out by then, or risk exposing your kids to no n-PG goings-on! -WILL-CALL & GROUPS Did you order several tickets at on ce? Come with your entire group intact to avoid being inconvenienced. Ther e will be one express line for complete groups, and a longer, slower line for people needing special attentionE28094such as entering separately f rom the person whose name holds the ticket order.) And as the posts have a nnounced, there will be NO TICKET SALES AT THE DOOR. -EXIT and RE-ENTRY Adults can leave and re-enter as many times as they like, but note that ex its are on Morgan StreetE28094and entry is on Stagg Street. Even if you stepped out for just a second, you gotta come back through that main door . And remember: Accompanied minors can only re-enter only prior to 8 pm. ****DO YOUR PART! -CHILL. LOUNGE. VOLUNTEER. Relax. Mingle. Enjoy the re freshments. Come on in and take a load offE28094of someone else. Yep, th at’s the deal: By showing up to the volunteer lounge, you’re saying “hey, I’m ready to lend a hand.” Maybe you’ll be handed a trash bag to fill. May be you’ll go on a wild adventure. Or maybe you’ll just sit around for a fe w minutes, anticipating the fact that by volunteering for Decom, you incre ase your chances of getting laid. -VIDEO CAMERAS. Some of you know the d eal here. If you will be bringing a video camera, please get a personal us e agreement from the greeters/gate. Always ask before filming ANYONE. And if any of your footage shows up on some Burners Gone Wild website your as s is grass. -No MOOP! We got trash cans all over the place: use ’em. Trip ping on some other slob’s garbage? Pick it up. Smoking? Discard your butts in cans. (outside only, see below) And clean up after your camps and proj ects, please! Even with everyone doing their part, our clean-up crew will have their hands fullE280A6 -DON’T BRING ALCOHOL That meansE28094n one. Nada. Nil. Our agreement with the venue states that no one will bring their own alcohol; if we violate this, we may not be invited to return. P lease be cool about this. Don’t make us seize your alcohol at the doorE2 8094because if you’ve got it, that’s what we have to do. -SMOKE OUTSID E This party is following ALL lawsE280A6and that means NO SMOKING insid e. If ya got ’emE28094smoke ’em out on the roof or in the courtyard. An d please try not to smoke near kids’ activities. Look for the ash buckets for guidance: Besides, you’d NEVER litter the ground with your nasty butts, right??!! -CLEAN UPE28094GET PAID! Make $30 dollars, drink bloody ma ry’s, and rock the most hardcore fun-lovin’ decompress-from-decompression crew ever! To join the Cleanup Crew, volunteer at brcnyc.co we love advance signups, butif you dec ide to join once you see how much the site needs it, we’ll be happy to br ing you on then.***BRING CASH!!Plan to pay for:-COAT CHECK$2 per item, an d don’t forget to TIthese folks are busting their assesto keep your be longings organized!-FOOD Main grill will serve hamburgers, hot dogs, and v eggie burgers availablethroughout the day and evening. Check the signage for closing times; thegrill will re-open for French toast in the morning. All items will be reasonably priced in the few-dollars range. Of course, y ou are alsocompletely welcome to bring your own snacks.-ALCOHOLSeveral ba rs throughout the venue will serve beer, wine, and other drinksat inexpen sive prices. (And absolutely NO BYOE280A6as explained above) -WATERWil l be sold in bottles at the bars. (As backup, the sink outside of thefirs t-floor bathrooms provides drinkable water.)****TRUST US!!-BATHROOMSSince we’re capping our numbers, we’ll have enough. And signs to find ’em. -RAN GERSNeed to find First Aid? Require urgent Medical assistance? Got a ques tion?Or just wanna get the skinny from the folks who make it a point to w ander?Look out for the folks wearing khaki Ranger hats. They’ll point you in the right direction, or conjure up someone to help.*****WHAT, MORE QUES TIONS?Sigh E280A6Sure we haven’t covered it on web brcnyc?Check ( web brcnyc?Check) that. If you’re still stumped, send an emai l to the most fittingcategory on web brcnyc/contact (web brcnyc/contact ) NYC Decom 2006 Info Team Sponsored by C ircle Arts, Inc circlearts.org (circlearts.org) **BEDBUG S Don’t pick up furniture/mattresses/pillows on the side of the road and bring them to Decom! There’s a huge bedbug epidemic in NYC right now. Pe ople are throwing away their bedbug infested furniture, mattresses, etc. a nd leaving them on the side of the road. YOU MUST ASSUME THAT ANYTHING LEF T ON THE SIDE OF THE ROAD IS THERE BECAUSE OF A BEDBUG INFESTATION. Bringi ng bedbug-infested furniture, mattresses and pillows to Decom opens up you r apartments and homes to bedbug infestation. Trust me… you don’t want one. If one couch or mattress is infested with bedbugs, they will wake up at night during decom, they will jump on to our clothes and we will bring them home. In a few weeks/months we will start getting itchy red bites on our bodies at night. Then we will have to pay $1000+ to get these critter s out of our homes, possessions and clothes. Imagine having to pay to get every piece of clothing you own drycleaned. We will have to throw our thin gs away, put the rest in storage and live out of plastic bags for months until they’re gone. Leave no Trace Here’s the schedule: 7: 00 The Black Forest Fancies present The Tragical Ballad of Black Bonnet or A Kitchen Maid’s Secret A puppet operetta in three acts- based on true eve nts Humor, Horror, Hermaphroditic Love! The Black Forest Fancies are Pando ra Andrea Gastelum, Nina Nichols,and Matthew Varvil. /D 8:00 BAD CAMERA Seeing through the facade of modernadvancement for greed, the camera reveals the dark side of humanity andit’s toll it has o n our fallible race. Hope, Aktor Kitty, Kurtessa, John, & Ver onica bring you this spooky band! 9:00 Ouiche Lorene (Crazy French sist er marching band of Hungry March, some HMB members might join in).It was s omewhere on the embankment, on a hotsummer night. There stood three, four, five, then a dozen or more mouthpiece eaters, growling into their tinsel metal pipes, within an incredible tachycardia. Nobody in the surrounding a rea could dodge the blow of those winds: such was the thirst in the air th at everyone began to chant somthing like: Wish low rain! Wish low rain!?. Soon after came the police. 10:00 WWF&n bsWhiskey & Whores Federation (whiskey & whores house band feat uring Lizzie Stealheart, JamieSlater, Beneviolent, the infamous Rex, and m e, Samantics) WWF bringyou songs and tails from the high seas of dri nking whiskey and whoring around. We’ve turned all our songs into whiskey drinking tunes, comeget a shot! 11:00 NUCLEAR RIOT PARTY (Natasha and Mary Jane’s new band) N uclear Riot Party is an all-female industrial, junkyard gypsy-punk band tha t started around a dumpster in Brooklyn and carried over to the many m ultiple bars, venues, dorm rooms, caves and house parties throughout New Y ork. The ladies of the NRP rely on scrap metal, hammers, trash cans and a few plug-in items like their chainsaw theremin and drill-bit bass for sounds. The six women of Nuclear Riot Party can send anyone into the bleed ing, biting and barking frenzy they supply on stage. No fluffy bunnies for any of us!! 12:00 The Downtowns Beneviolent, Georgie Sevil, Luc-Carle & Drew bring you Sleazy NYC Rock with POP sensibilit y. 1:00am VOX The Vox Illuminati is “roc k noir.” Swirling tales of love and loss in the new world order.&nbs Brought to you by Vox, Yuki, Savassa & Saryta &nbs 2:00am ISM deeply weaves contemplative yet ac cessible lyrical ideas with a cool,scorching blend of ultra melodic rock, sensuous electronica, trip-hop andindustrial elements. The band, voted by the Summerfest 2006 audience as the “Best Emerging Artist,” has been fa vorably compared to Nine Inch Nails and”a more rockin’ Radiohead.” Charism atic lead singer and songwriter AndreMistier’s rich intellectual sensibili ty comes alive amidst a rush of blistering, crazy-by-design energy. For latest tour schedule, check outweb ismmusic or /web myspace/ism.Andreweb myspace/ism.Andre, Leigh, Gerald & amMike. 3:00 Psylab Psylab performs L ive (no drum machines or sequencers) underground Electronic music – drenched in mind melting psychedelic sounds – including : Psytrance, Ambie nt Jungle, Tribal Tech, & Psychill. Joe, Neil, Stever, Nick and Ed coming all the way from Boston. see ndergroundweb psylabunderground 4:00 am Djs take over an d this is where Friartuck will take over the booking. **ADDRESSB R195 Morgan Avenue 3rd Ward in Bushwick, Brooklyn L train will only being running to the Lorimer stop and there you can get a shuttle bus or hitchhike. For driving directions check the website. There wil l be car service phone #’s posted at the event. I’m not good at dire ctions so don’t ask me! **TICKETS. (you are co mped if performing) If your friends need tickets tell them, and please spr ead the word that tickets will NOT be sold at the door. Due to a need to limit and control our event c apacity, NYC Decom ’06 will NOT be selling tickets at the door.&nb sTickets will be available ONLY INADVANCE. WE ARE VERY SERIO US ABOUT THIS. NO IF’s, AND’s OR BUT’s. We aredoing brisk sales already and we do have a capacity limit so at a certain point we will be SOLD OUT. So please get your tickets NOW!!! This is NO Thype.You will be able to purchase tickets in advance un til 8:00am Saturday,Nov 4th or until we sell out.Thi s means we need to make sure that no one submits this event to any bignyc mailing lists or otherwise. The event is going to be roughly the same size in attendance as last year and we want to make sure that the peo ple who really want to be there are able to get in.SP READ THE WORD. If you show up without a ticket you will not be admit ted.Go to: ://web brcnyc/tickets and buy your tickets today!! Just five more days to Decompression. You asked f or the A to Z’s? Getready to:ACTE280A6Be Build Breathe Celebrate Challe nge Clean Create Dance Discover DiveDrink Eat Embrace Enjoy Escape Feel Fi nd Follow Forge Forsee Fuel Gather Hear Help Inspire Inquire Invite Jou rney Jump Kostume Laugh Learn ListenLounge Love Make Meet Move Nudge Nod O ffer Partake Participate PerformProvide Provoke Quench Question Relax Re-e nergize Soar Stretch Strip Touch Trust Try Uncover Volunteer Vent Wande r Watch Xplore Yammer YellE280A6ZEALOUSLYFUEL FOR THE FEARLESSFor those who wanted some other “A to Z”sE280A6Yes, this verges on the Too Much Information. Don’t be scared to skimE280A6we just wanted to ad dress ALL the questions kicking around. (Basics are stillon our website at re to Decide / Decide to dare ! (times; activity overview; kids)*Buy ticke ts now! (purchase info; will-call & groups; re-entry)*Do your part!&nb s(chillin’ hel smoking; alcohol; get paid to clean ) *Bring cash! (coat check; food; alcohol; water)*Trust us! (bathrooms; Rangers/med ical; pissing clear)***DARE TO DECIDE!!*****-ACTIVITIES and EVENTS RUN NOO N TO NOONWe got afternoon yoga, poi lessons, hooping, dance. Crafts and co stumes galore. 8 hours of activities dedicated to kids (and your own “i nnerchild!”) Five hours of live bands. 25 DJs. More than 30 artists. Craft sand costumes galore. 7 hours of live performances from opera to eroticcomedy. Interactive theme camps small and large. Dare to dance on astripp er pole. Writhe in blacklight. Dress as a SuperHero. Puff on ahookah. Enga ge in activities we’re not even aware of (or have been sworn to keep se cret.) Whenever you arrive, prepare to face delightfulindecision.Find the preliminary overview at: web brcnyc/whatson -BRING Y OUR KIDS Decom is family friend from noon until 8 pm. So bring the kids along! Just remember, you’re responsible for them during that timeE2 8094and minors cannot enter or re-enter after 8 pm. Please escort out your under-18 companions out by then, or risk exposing your kids to non -PG goings-on! -WILL-CALL & GROUPSDid you order several tickets at once? Come with your entire group intact to avoid being inconvenienced. There will be one express line for comp lete groups, and a longer, slower line for people needing special at tentionE28094such as entering separately from the person whose name hol ds the ticket order.) And as the posts have announced, there will be NO TICKET SALES AT THE DOOR. -EXIT and RE-ENT RY Adults can leave and re-enter as many times as they like, but note t hat exits are on Morgan StreetE28094and entry is on Stagg Street. Ev en if you stepped out for just a second, you gotta come back through tha t main door. And remember: Accompanied minors can only re-enter only pr ior to 8 pm. ****DO YOUR PART! -CHILL. LOUNGE. VOLUNTEER. Relax. Mingle. Enjoy the refreshments. Come on in a nd take a load offE28094of someone else. Yep, that’s the deal: By sh owing up to the volunteer lounge, you’re saying “hey, I’m ready to lend a hand.” Maybe you’ll be handed a trash bag to fill. Maybe you’ll go o n a wild adventure. Or maybe you’ll just sit around for a few minutes, anticipating the fact that by volunteering for Decom, you increase your chances of getting laid. -VIDEO CAMERAS. S ome of you know the deal here. If you will be bringing a video camera, please get a personal use agreement from the greeters/gate. Always a sk before filming ANYONE. And if any of your footage shows up on some B urners Gone Wild website your ass is grass. -No MOOP! We got trash cans all over the place: use ’em. Tripping on s ome other slob’s garbage? Pick it up. Smoking? Discard your butts in can s. (outside only, see below) And clean up after your camps and projects please! Even with everyone doing their part, our clean-up crew will h ave their hands fullE280A6 -DON’T BRING ALCOHOL That meansE28094none. Nada. Nil. Our agreement with the ven ue states that no one will bring their own alcohol; if we violate this, we may not be invited to return. Please be cool about this. Don’t make us seize your alcohol at the doorE28094because if you’ve got it, tha t’s what we have to do. -SMOKE OUTSIDE Thi s party is following ALL lawsE280A6and that means NO SMOKING inside. If ya got ’emE28094smoke ’em out on the roof or in the courtyard. And please try not to smoke near kids’ activities. Look for the ash buckets for guidance: Besides, you’d NEVER litter the ground with your nasty bu tts, right??!! -CLEAN UPE28094GET PAID!Make $30 dollars, drink bloody mary’s, and rock the most hardcore fun- lovin’ decompress-from-decompression crew ever! To join the Cleanup Cre w, yc; we love advance signups, butif you decide to join once you see how much the site needs it, we’ll be happy to bring you on then.***BRI NG CASH!!Plan to pay for:-COAT CHECK$2 per item, and don’t forget to TIthese folks are busting their assesto keep your belongings organized!-FOOD Main grill will serve hamburgers, hot dogs, and veggie burgers availab lethroughout the day and evening. Check the signage for closing times; the grill will re-open for French toast in the morning. All items will be r easonably priced in the few-dollars range. Of course, you are alsocomplete ly welcome to bring your own snacks.-ALCOHOLSeveral bars throughout the ve nue will serve beer, wine, and other drinksat inexpensive prices. (And abs olutely NO BYOE280A6as explained above) -WATERWill be sold in bottles at the bars. (As backup, the sink outside of thefirst-floor bathrooms pro vides drinkable water.)****TRUST US!!-BATHROOMSSince we’re capping our num bers, we’ll have enough. And signs to find ’em. -RANGERSNeed to find Fi rst Aid? Require urgent Medical assistance? Got a question?Or just wanna g et the skinny from the folks who make it a point to wander?Look out for th e folks wearing khaki Ranger hats. They’ll point you in the right direc tion, or conjure up someone to help.*****WHAT, MORE QUESTIONS?SighE280 A6Sure we haven’t covered it on kweb brcnyc?Check that. If you’re still stumped, send an email t o the most fittingcategory on htmweb brcnyc/contact NYC Decom 2006 Info Team Sponsored by Circle Arts, Inc **BEDBUGS Don’t pi ck up furniture/mattresses/pillows on the side of the road and bring th em to Decom! There’s a huge bedbug epidemic in NYC right now. People are throwing away their bedbug infested furnitur e, mattresses, etc. and leaving them on the side of the road. YOU MUST ASSUME THAT ANYTHING LEFT ON THE SIDE OF THE ROAD IS THERE BECAUSE OF A BEDBUG INFESTATION. Bringing bedbug-infested furniture, mattresses and pillows to Decom opens up your apartments and homes to bedbug infestat ion. Trust me… you don’t want one. If one c ouch or mattress is infested with bedbugs, they will wake up at night d uring decom, they will jump on to our clothes and we will bring them ho me. In a few weeks/months we will start getting itchy red bites on our bodies at night. Then we will have to pay $1000+ to get these critters out of our homes, possessions and clothes. Imagine having to pay to get ev ery piece of clothing you own drycleaned. We will have to throw our thin gs away, put the rest in storage and live out of plastic bags for month s until they’re gone. &n bs #3825 Thu, 2 Nov 2006 16:25:21 Thu, 2 Nov 2006 16:25:20 Cc: nyc604, dragontribe, omnitribe, 604 at party.net From: 4 days left to vote your psy favorites in the TranceFormer Awards web tranceam.org/tfa2006 (web tranceam.org/tfa2006 ) There are many categories and regions, vote only what you know Deadline Nov 6 //web tranceam.org/tfa2006 web tranceam.org/tfa20 06 There are many categories and regions, vote only wh at you know
#3826 Fri, 3 Nov 2006 14:15:44 Fri, 3 Nov 2006 14:15:44 Cc: wyse at greensector From: Update – Manny from L.A.’s Green Sector to play in the chillout at Shiva Chandra Full info here web tranceam.org/phpbb/viewtopic.php?t252 (web tranceam.org/phpbb/viewtopic.php?t252) You can read about Green Sector and the kickass L.A. open air scene here web greensector (web greensector) Here’s the news – hi guys we have a killer news in addition to the line up we have one of the best chill out dj from LA MANNY(GREEN SECTOR, LA) for 6 years part of the Green Sector crew in Los Angeles, Manny always pushes for the unique,a fest of groove variations and melodic textures,make his performances unforgettable.he lately shared slots with acts like : Shpongle,Bluetech,Phutureprimitive,Waterjuice,Aes Dana Ott…etc. they will say around here…”there is no chillout without Manny.” don’t miss it for the world is gonna be strong party see all on the dance floor Alladin project next dates Saturday Nov 25 Friday Dec 15 Sunday dec 31- new years eve more info will be posted soon Full info here/D You can read about Green Sector and the kickass L.A. open air scene here hi guys we have a killer news in addition to the line up we have one of the best chill out dj from LA MANNY(GREEN SECTOR, LA) for 6 years part of the Green Sector crew in Los Angeles, Manny alwa ys pushes for the unique,a fest of groove variations and melodic textures, make his performances unforgettable.he lately shared slots with acts l ike : Shpongle,Bluetech,Phutureprimitive,Waterjuice,Aes Dana Ott…etc . they will say around here…”there is no chillout without Manny. ” don’t miss it for the world is gonna be strong party see all on the dance floor Alladin project next dates Saturday No v 25 Friday Dec 15 Sunday dec 31- new years eve more info will be posted soon
#3827 Fri, 3 Nov 2006 17:33:41 Fri, 3 Nov 2006 17:33:40 Cc: jamesk at tripzine, 604 at party.net, nyc604, dragontribe, omnitribe From: “Tales from the Tripside” now online – funniest psychelic video ever web tranceam.org/movies/videos You’re through a fast stream. &nb s bs about everything and everyone, from PIKHAL to Rick Doblin of MAPS to psytr ance. James Kent at web tripzineweb tripzine was kind enough to send me 2 copies over the years; he and Scotto may put this on youtube at some point, but until then here it is.. Now it can be seen far and wide. The DVD is split up into 4 quick st reaming flash video files. I decided against splitting up the video in to scenes as I dont have time and the tech is daunting. If anyone wo uld like a DVD email me offlist. Oh and if yo u dont get all the jokes, you’ve definitely had too much 2CT Special G/DI
#3828 Mon, 06 Nov 2006 23:26:04 From: ” Today is your last chance to vote your favorite psy trance artists, tracks etc web tranceam.org/tfa2006
#3829 Tue, 7 Nov 2006 18:41:39 Tue, 7 Nov 2006 18:41:37 Cc: omnitribe, dragontribe, 604 at party.net, planet-crew, psytranscendence, doctorspook at hotmail From: Results are in for the Tranceformer Awards 2006 web tranceam.org/tfa2006 (web tranceam.org/tfa2006 ) Thanks to all who voted! //web tranceam.org/tfa2006 web tranceam.org/tfa20 06
#3830 Tue, 7 Nov 2006 20:51:59 Tue, 7 Nov 2006 20:51:58 From: Shiva Chandra this Friday I sold out of my Shiva tickets long ago – here we go. Looking fwd to seein g Manny from Greensector and poor Steve-O, who’s coming from catching lob ster in sunny Puerto Rico for this one. THIS FRIDAY NOV 10!! SH IVA CHANDRA LIVE,ZION LIVE,KNO-B,ENERTOPIA,CRIS+Electro Room We are ha ppy to announce that in adittion to the original line up GAVIN Digital St ructures/Spectra E28093 Sweden And MANNY Green Sector, LA will be pla ying in the following party Love & Light Alladin Project Presents Fr iday NOVEMBER 10 in CLUB EXIT 147 Greenpoint Ave Brooklyn NY Take a minut e to fly with us and we will take you back in timeE280A6 Line Up: SHIVA CHANDRA LIVE Spirit Zone Germany Shiva Chandra aka Daniel, was bo rn in Hamburg he has been involved in making music his whole life and cre ating in the beginning of the 90’s. He has been developing his very own i ndependent trance style, by taking acoustic samples and integrating them in a homogenous way. he is continuously working on his project “Shiva Cha ndra” with six albums released up to date. He has also composed music for several short films, commercials and all sorts of projects. ZION LIVE & Dj Set Alladin Records Israel Zion began creating music at the beginning of 1999, after 2 years of DJing in nature parties in Israel. He plays guitar, keyboards and drums. He released an album called Epic and r eleased tracks in many other labels. His main goal is to create sensation s in the listeners mind and body, and to release all their bindings and l eave them feeling good inside. His upcoming second album will be released next year! KNO-B DJ Set Alladin Records Japan Kno-b needs no introduc tion the master of many styles and one the best mixers around. A samurai on the stage, he provides huge enjoyments to crowds around the world. For the past years hes been making a killer music, soon to be releas ed. Prepare yourselves! ENERTOPIA- DJ Set Alladin Records. Israel Enert opia is a veteran in the PsyTrance scene. In 1996-1998 he released Album s and singles under classic labels such as. Melodia Rec, Krembo R ec, B.N.E Rec. Now he is back with new tunes already circulating the Unde rground scene and soon to be release. Also expect for a new collaboration s with artists around the world. CRIS Alladin Records Mexico Chris. His sets is uplifting and energizing. His excellent mixing skills an d the right choice of music make his sets unforgettable. He is a rising t alent in the NY trance scene! OSKO Guatemala Osko is a new talent from Guatemala known as a very good Dj in his area, his sets is Dark psychedel ic style. Not to be missed Electro room STEVE-O Gaian mind NYC ANI MALTEK LIVE Omni tribe NYC MANNY Green Sector, LA KIFE LIVE Omni tribe Russ ia / NYC GAVIN Digital Structures/Spectra E28093 Sweden/NYC Decor ations by: Severyn. NYC Severyn one of the most gifted psychedelic pain ters in the world is back with a new series of painting that will make th e environment unforgettable not to be missed! String Art by: Alladin Pro ject Crew. NYC Visual by: SURGE MX Works / Subtle Chaos BlizzArt Omn itribe Tickets: $25 before midnight, $30 After Midnight at the door ***1 8 to enter/21+ to drink***picture ID A MUST***Door Open: 10 PM to 7 AM * ** Location: CLUB EXIT 147 GREENPOINT AVE BROOKLYN NY 11222 Street Map: Directions: By Subway: Take the L train to Lorimer station & transfer to the G train metropolitan station to Green point Ave the Club is right across the street. Or: take the L tra in to Redford station and transfer to the 61 bus, Go down in green point Ave (3 mint from the subway) or: G train to green point Ave Subway Map: web mta.nyc.ny.us/nyct/maps/submap (web mta.nyc.ny.us/n yct/maps/submap ) Bus: 61, 43,24 to green point Ave. Bus map: web mta.nyc.ny.us/nyct/maps/busbkln.pdf (web mta.nyc.ny.us/nyct/ma ps/busbkln.pdf) By Car: Take BQE (I-278) to Exit 33 McGuiness Blvd. To G reenpoint Ave. Turn LEFT at Greenpoint Ave Proceed to the corner of Manha ttan Ave. By car service / taxi: From Manhattan cost $15 From Bedford Sta tion it cost $6 on at yahoo Links: web a lladinrecords/ (web alladinrecords/) web myspace.c om/zionpsy (web myspace/zionpsy) web myspace/anima ltek (web myspace/animaltek) web severyn/ (web severyn/) AMILY: ST RONGI sold out of my Shiva tickets long ago – here we go. Looking fw d to seeing Manny from Greensector and poor Steve-O, who’s coming from cat ching lobster in sunny Puerto Rico for this one. STRON G THIS FRIDAY NOV 10!! SHIVA CH ANDRA LIVE,ST1:PLACE /ST1:CITY /ST1:PLACELIVE,KNO-B,ENERTOPIA,CRIS+Electro Room style announce that in adittion to the original line up Sweden /B r N will be playing in the following party Love & Light nter style Present s ter 1:ADDRESS ETST1:CITY T1:STATE/ST1:ADDRESS pt; COLOR: blackTake a minute to fly with us and we will take you s : enterLine Up: T-ALIGN: center” s F 1:PLACE/ST1:STATEhe has been involved in making music his whole life a nd creating in the beginning of the 90’s. He has been developing his very own independent trance style, by taking acoustic samples and integrating t hem in a homogenous way. he is continuously working on his project “Shiva Chandra” with six albums released up to date. He has also composed music f or several short films, commercials and all sorts of projects. styl w /ST1:CITY lladin Records ael/ST1:PLACE/creating music at the beginni ng of 1999, after 2 years of DJing in nature parties in ST1:COUN TRY-REGION. He plays guitar, keyboards and drums. He released an album ca lled Epic and released tracks in many other labels. His main goal is to cr eate sensations in the listeners mind and body, and to release all their b indings and leave them feeling good inside. His upcoming second album will be released next year! st DJ :PLACE style ion the master of many styles and one the best mixers around. A samurai on the stage, he provides huge enjoyments to crowds around the world. For th e past years hes been making a killer music, soon to be released. Prepare yourselves! er” AN w:st F scene. In 1996-1998 he released Albums and singles under classic labels s uch as. Melodia Rec, Krembo Rec, B.N.E Rec. Now he is back with new tunes already circulating the Underground scene and soon to be release. Also exp ect for a new collaborations with artists around the world. s His excellent mixing skills and the right choice of music make his sets unfor gettable. He is a rising talent in the NY trance scene! ” B AN FON w:st known as a very good Dj in his area, his sets is Dark psychedelic style. N ot to be ” New /PRE er es/Spectra E28093 alig GN: center” by: V PAN 14pt one of the most gifted psychedelic painters in the world is back wi th a new series of SIZE: 14ptenvironment unforgettable not to be missed! nter SPAN nter IGN: center” by:/O: nter N ChaosCOLOR: blackO before midnight $30 After Midnight at the door enter/21+ to drin k***picture ID A MUST***Door Open: 10 PM to 7 AM *** bs N nter :PLACE /ST1:PLACE t Map: style Take the L train to Lorime r station & transfer to the G train metropolitan station to Green poin t Ave the Club is right across the DI dford/ST1:PLACEstation and transfer to the 61 mint from the subw ay) or: G train to green point st ct/maps/submap COLOR: windowtextweb mta.nyc.ny.us CO uiness Blvd./ST1:ADDRESS/ST1:STREETTo Greenpoint Ave. T urn LEFT at Greenpoint Ave Proceed to the corner of Manhattan Ave. onManhattan/ST1:CITYcost LACE $6O: /B r 7 COLOR: windowtextallad Links: nrecords/ style tp://web myspace/animaltekweb myspace/animaltek/ ryn/
#3831 Wed, 8 Nov 2006 02:18:38 Wed, 8 Nov 2006 02:18:38 From: New at the Bazaar – DVDs, 10 year Ayahuasca vines Back in stock – 10 year old very thick Ayahuasca vines /index.php?cPath48 (/index.php?cPath48) Dr. Spook DVDs /index.php?cPath3 (/index.php?cPath3) Various West Coast CDs /index.php?cPath24 (/index.php?cPath24) Back in stock &nb sp;- 10 year old very thick Ayahuasca vines Dr. Spook D VDs West Coast CDs
#3832 Fri, 10 Nov 2006 01:49:52 From: ” 3 new things and 3 events this Weekend and 3 eyes on all the trancepersonals Many new enhancements to the Awards page at web tranceam.org/ tfa2006 Also Earthian’s mix now on the player at tranceam.org also ne w Morocco video from Deeper in Zen at web tranceam.org/movie s/videos #Events Tonight, Shiva Chandra/Zion/Manny/Steve-O at Club Exi t in Brooklyn Infected at Webster Hall Saturday Venue change (announced w eeks ago – to Studio B)for Pondscum and Mississipi’s Glowing Dragon and Omn ivoretribe/Banco de Gaian Minders (SORRY 🙂 at 6362Metaforce All event in fo at web tranceam.org/phpbb/index.php
#3833 Wed, 8 Nov 2006 16:45:30 Wed, 8 Nov 2006 16:45:28 From: Infected moved to Webster Hall this friday – 1st trance event there ever The sound at Webster Hall is amazing, they used to rent out their sound to Gilles sometimes I believe. This is the first psy event there EVER. Also check the forum at web tranceam.org (web tranceam.org) for 6362Metaforce’s Saturday party The sound at Webster Hall is amazing, they used to rent out their sound to Gilles sometimes I believe. This is the first psy event there EVER. ww.tranceam.org for 6362Metaforce’s Saturday
#3834 Thu, 9 Nov 2006 22:58:11 Thu, 9 Nov 2006 22:58:11 Cc: stevewyeth at whereissteve-o From: This poor man is coming up from Puerto Rico just to dj chillout at Shiva Chandra Photo from this week. Where is Steve O? Which one is redder? Steve Wyeth, Gynecologist to the Stars, got crabs in PR! It wasn’t a trance, it was a Trance Lobsterrrr… Lobsters seem delicious unless you realize they are arthropods. Like, well, cockroaches. Photo from this week. Where is Steve O? Which one is redder?/D Steve Wyeth, Gynecologist to the Stars, got crabs in PR! DI VIt wasn’t a trance, it was a Trance Lobsterrrr… Lobsters seem delic ious unless you realize they are arthropods. Like, well, cockroaches.
#3835 Fri, 17 Nov 2006 23:12:48 Fri, 17 Nov 2006 23:12:48 From: Psychegrounds is BACK for a One Off!! Everyone come so it can become a weekly!! “Hey tranceheads! Come celebrate with us this Tuesday, November 21, Dreamcatcher style at Sullivan Room for a night of psytrance vibes with New York’s top psytrance DJs. Special sets by: LEO (dreamcatcher) CORAL (touch samadi) BRANDON ADAMS (dreamcatcher) Tuesday, November 21 10pm to 4am Admission: $5 21+ with ID Sullivan Room 218 Sullivan St [between Bleecker St & West 3rd St] (two blocks east of 6th Ave) NYC If we do well, it could become a weekly! Please come out! Please post this to email lists! Here is the topic on IsraTrance: forum.isratrance/viewtopic.php/topic/99732/forum/28 Everyone come so it can become a weekly!! “Hey tranceheads! Com e celebrate with us this Tuesday, November 21, Dreamcatcher style at Su llivan Room for a night of psytrance vibes with New York’s top psytranDJs. Special sets by: LEO (dreamcatcher) CORAL (touch samadi) BRANDON ADAMS (dreamcatcher) Tuesday, November 21 10p m to 4am Admission: $5 21+ with ID Sullivan Room 218 Sulli van St [between Bleecker St & West 3rd St] (two blocks east of 6th Ave) NYC If we do well, it could become a weekly! Please come ou t! Please post this to email lists! Here is the topic on Is raTrance: forum.isratrance/viewtopic.php/topic/99732/forum/28
#3836 Tue, 21 Nov 2006 10:08:46 Tue, 21 Nov 2006 10:08:46 From: This Thursday – Astrix, Luis, Earthian, and Yoni at Pacha Very cheap tickets still available at web tranceam.org/osco (web tranceam.org/oscom Dear, friend H A P P Y T H A N K S G I V I N G ! TSUNAMI Presents Thursday, November 23rd – Thanksgi ving Night Giving Thanks and continuing to Celebrate 10 Years of Trance in the US and of TSUNAMI with the World’s top Trance DJ and Producer, in what must be currently US’s #1 large music venue, with A S T R I X (HOMmega, Israel) Avi is the one single psy trance artist who stands out as the top single Dj E28093 Producer of this genre, appearing right there with world famous groups, while he is achieving this on his own acco rd. ASTRIX is playing the worlds top venues (hence PACHA) with the wo rld’s top main stream and more underground names. In certain countries he is revered like a Rock-N-Roll star, in others as the worlds most exquisi te and cutting edge new millennium discovery. discovery. His soon to be r eleased album E2809CRed Means DistortionE2809D is already generatin g quite a buzz, some of which, and many more treasures will be introduce d during his exclusive extended DJ set. Late News: ASTIX just got voted # 41 on the Top 100 DJ 2006 list (a jump of 34 ranks over 2005)! web HOMm ega (web hommega/) Further DJ sets by: Y O N I L U I S (TSUNAMI) (TSUNAMI) Visual Projections by 2CBors Sep arate Electro & Progressive Room: DJ Earthian (Omnitribe/Polarlight) web djearthian (web djearthian/) web animal tek.net (web animaltek.net/) and more! P A C H A ( web pach anyc (web pachanyc/) ) 618 West 46 Street (between 11th Avenue & Westside Highway) Hours: 11pm E28093 6am minimum Admission: $25 Advance (limited number) / $35 & $30 door 18+ to enter / 21+ to drin k / Valid picture ID a must Tickets available in advance on GrooveTick ets (web groovetickets.co m/ordersystem/PhoneSystem/frontsearc archtext Check out our exciting COMBINATION TIC KETS on web GrooveTickets (web groovetickets/) Tickets also available at: ($25+ Service Fee) VINYL MARKET SATELLITE 241 EAST 10TH STREET 259 Bo wery (between 1st & 2nd Avenues) (between Prince & East Houston Streets) Upcoming events: Sunday, November 26th: TSUNAMI Sund ays at CIELO Braodcasts: Friday Nov. 24th 2pm on web di.fm ( web di.fm/) : E2809C TSUNAMI Presents:E2809D Moday, Nov. 27th 2pm E ST on web di.fm (web di.fm/) : E2809CTSUNAMI Presents Spotli ght USAE2809D COMBINATION TICKETS, available only on GrooveTickets: ASTRIX Nov. 23rd at PACHA VIExpress door for ticket holders and wil l call. (ce/) info-line: 212 439-8124 Best regards, Very cheap tickets st ill available at Dear, friend H A P P Y T H A N K S G I V I N G ! TSUNAMI Presents Thursday, November 23rd – Thanksgiving Night Giving Thanks and continuing to Celebrate 10 Years of Trance in the US and of TSU NAMI with the World’s top Trance DJ and Producer, in what must be curr ently US’s #1 large music venue, with A S T R I X (H OMmega, Israel) Avi is the one single psy trance artist who stands out, as the top single Dj E28093 Producer of this genre, appearing righ t there with world famous groups, while he is achieving this on his own ac cord. ASTRIX is playing the worlds top venues (hence PACHA) with the w orld’s top main stream and more underground names. In certain countries he is revered like a Rock-N-Roll star, in others as the worlds most exquisit e and cutting edge new millennium discovery. discovery. His soon to be rel eased album E2809CRed Means DistortionE2809D is already generating q uite a buzz, some of which, and many more treasures will be introduc ed during his exclusive extended DJ set. Late News: ASTIX just got vot ed #41 on the Top 100 DJ 2006 list (a jump of 34 ranks over 2005)! Further DJ se ts by: Y O N I &nbs & nbs&nbs & nbs L U I S (TSUNAMI) &nbs & nbs&nbs (TSUNAMI) Visua l Projections by 2CBors Separate Electro & Progressive Room:&n bsDJ Earthian (Omnitribe/Polarlight) rthian/web djearthian ltek.net/web animaltek.net and more! P A C H A ( web pachanyc/web pachanyc ) 61 8 West 46 Street (between 11th Avenue & Westside Highway) Hour s: 11pm E28093 6am minimum Admission: $25 Advance (limited num ber) / $35 & $30 door 18+ to enter / 21+ to drink / Valid picture ID a must Tickets available in advance on /web groovetickets/ordersystem/PhoneSystem/frontsearchresults.asp?Affil m: Check out our exciting COMBINATION TICKETS on ttp://web groovetickets/web GrooveTickets Tickets also a vailable at: ($25+ Service Fee) VINYL MARKET &nbs & nbs&nbs SATELLITE 241 EAST 10TH STREET &nb s 259 Bowery (between 1st & 2nd Avenues) &n bs (between Prince & East Housto n Streets) Upcoming events: Sunday, November 26th: TSUNAMI Sun days at CIELO Braodcasts: Friday Nov. 24th 2pm on web di.fm/web di.fm : E2809CTSUNAMI Presents:E2809D Moday, Nov. 27th 2pm on web d i.fm/web di.fm : E2809CTSUNAMI Presents Spotlight USAE2809D CO MBINATION TICKETS, available only on GrooveTickets: ASTRIX Nov . 23rd at PACHA VIExpress door for ticket holders and will call. e &nbs info-line: #3837 Thu, 23 Nov 2006 12:31:22 Thu, 23 Nov 2006 11:31:34 -0600 From: Ismoked Astrix toonight 63937803-db69-43f3-bc5e-61e503e9c64c Dear, friend H A P P Y T H A N K S G I V I N G ! TSUNAMI Presents Thursday, November 23rd – Thanksgiving Night Giving Thanks and continuing to Celebrate 10 Years of Trance in the US and of TSUNAMI with the World’s top Trance DJ and Producer, in what must be currently US’s #1 large music venue, with A S T R I X (HOMmega, Israel) Avi is the one single psy trance artist who stands out, as the top single Dj – Producer of this genre, appearing right there with world famous groups, while he is achieving this on his own accord. ASTRIX is playing the worlds top venues (hence PACHA) with the world’s top main stream and more underground names. In certain countries he is revered like a Rock-N-Roll star, in others as the worlds most exquisite and cutting edge new millennium discovery. discovery. His soon to be released album “Red Means Distortion” is already generating quite a buzz, some of which, and many more treasures will be introduced during his exclusive extended DJ set. Late News: ASTIX just got voted #41 on the Top 100 DJ 2006 list (a jump of 34 ranks over 2005)! web HOMmega Further DJ sets by: Y O N I L U I S (TSUNAMI) (TSUNAMI) Visual Projections by 2CBors Separate Electro & Progressive Room: DJ Earthian (Omnitribe/Polarlight) web djearthian web animaltek.net and more! P A C H A ( web pachanyc ) 618 West 46 Street (between 11th Avenue & Westside Highway) Hours: 11pm – 6am minimum Admission: $25 Advance (limited number) / $35 & $30 door 18+ to enter / 21+ to drink / Valid picture ID a must Tickets available in advance on GrooveTickets: Check out our exciting COMBINATION TICKETS on web GrooveTickets Tickets also available at: ($25+ Service Fee) VINYL MARKET SATELLITE 241 EAST 10TH STREET 259 Bowery (between 1st & 2nd Avenues) (between Prince & East Houston Streets) Upcoming events: Sunday, November 26th: TSUNAMI Sundays at CIELO Braodcasts: Friday Nov. 24th 2pm on web di.fm : “TSUNAMI Presents:” Moday, Nov. 27th 2pm on web di.fm : “TSUNAMI Presents Spotlight USA” COMBINATION TICKETS, available only on GrooveTickets: ASTRIX Nov. 23rd at PACHA VIExpress door for ticket holders and will call. info-line: 212 439-8124 Best regards, 63937803-db69-43f3-bc5e-61e503e9c64c
#3838 Thu, 23 Nov 2006 13:38:52 Thu, 23 Nov 2006 12:39:03 -0600 From: Ismoked Menog Live (Portrugal) and Rickam (Canada) this Saturday! live Sorry for the late notice! What a lineup… Even Gavin’s back from Malmo 5 dadvance discount tickets ($18 advanced, save $7) at /productinfo.php?cPath22&productsid196 Alladin project presents: “Thanksgiving weekend” Saturday November 25th 2006 at STUDIO B 259 Banker Street Brooklyn NY Take a minute to fly with us and we will take you back in time… Line Up: MENOG LIVE Spectral Rec / Portugal Menog aka Dani got involved with music at a very early age. he plays regularly drums, guitar,bass and synths. His introduction and interest for electronic music started at the first Boom Festival in 1997. in 2003 Dani released his first album under the name Menog. in 2005 he releases EMOTIONS CD 002 from Spectral Rec, and 2? solo album. Since then he released several tracks on various compilation and labels worldwide. Menog is also one of the founders and manager of the new Spectral Records. In the past 3 years he played in parties all over the world. Emotions is what he likes to create on people, His music is a story with a beginning, middle and end. All his tracks are made with one purpose…to make people DANCE!! RICKAM Neurobiotic records / Tech Safari/ Canada Rickam aka Eric has been ambassador of the Canadian psytrance scene since 1994 and DJ since 1997. With the Tech Safari collective, he created the first international outdoor psytrance festival in Canada “Eclipse Summer Trance Festival”. Rickam is now one of the key elements in the development of the emerging psytrance culture in Canada, As a DJ and instigator. Eric have a killer mixing skills, his sets offer a mixture of psychedelic and progressive sounds, ranging from 138 to 146 BPM. not to be missed!! KNO-B Alladin Records Japan Kno-b needs no introduction the master of many styles and one the best mixers around. A samurai on the stage, he provides huge enjoyments to crowds around the world. For the past years he’s been making a killer music, soon to be released. Prepare yourselves! LAURYN Peak Records / 28th Day, NYC Lauryn’s passion for music has been a constant all her life. She began playing the violin when she was 9 years old. Her love of music led her to begin DJing and producing her own psytrance radio show while attending college. In 2002, Lauryn moved to Boston where she helped start Psyforia. Lauryn is a label Dj with Peak Rec (Switzerland) and is affiliated with 28thday and Mistical Productions. In the past six years, Lauryn has played across the US and in Europe, sharing the stage with many well known international acts. She is known for her energetic night time funky full-on psychodelic sets as well as the occasional morning progressive grooves. SINPATEX Alladin Records israel Sinpatex aka kfir got introduces to electronic music in an early age, his passion for music leads him to select and play electronic music, he can play from full on to progressive minimal music, kfir has played with the hottest acts on the globe, he’s sets known as groove’s and energetic. Electro room GAVIN Digital Structures/Spectra – Sweden CORAL Touch Samadhi. Nyc LAURYN Peak Records / 28th Day, NYC FX MIKE Omni tribe NYC Decorations by Severyn NYC String Art by: Alladin Project Crew NYC Tickets: $25 at the door ***21 to enter***picture ID A MUST***Door Open: 11 PM to 7 AM *** Location: STUDIO B 259 Banker Street Brooklyn NY 11222 By Subway: L train to Bedford stop, Walk on North 7 Street toward the river to Wythe Ave, in Wythe Ave take Right until you hit Banker St (one street after North 15, 9 blocks from North 7).In Banker St Take left the club is on your Right Hand Side Btw Meserole Ave to Calyer St. G Train to Greenpoint Ave. walks on Manhattan Ave south to Calyer Street. Take a Right on Calyer St, walk 4 blocks to Banker Street, in banker Street Take a left, the club is on your left hand side Subway Map By Car: Take BQE (I-278) to Exit 33 McQuinness Blvd to Meserole Ave. Turn LEFT at Meserole Ave Proceed 7 books to the corner of Banker St. On Banker St Take a right, the club is on your right hand side . By car service / taxi: From Manhattan cost $15 From Bedford Station it cost $6 For More information call us (917)-5691177 (917)-4054847 Or Email Us Alladin My Space Alladin website Sorry for the late notice! What a lineup… Even Gavin’s back from Malmo 5 dadvance discount tickets ($18 advanced, save $7) at /productinfo.php?cPath22&productsid196/productinfo.php?cPath22&productsid196 Alladin project presents: “Thanksgiving weekend” Saturday November 25th 2006 at STUDIO B 259 Banker Street Brooklyn NY Take a minute to fly with us and we will take you back in time… Line Up: Tickets: $25 at the door ***21 to enter***picture ID A MUST***Door Open: 11 PM to 7 AM *** Location: By Subway: L train to Bedford stop, Walk on North 7 Street toward the river to Wythe Ave, in Wythe Ave take Right until you hit Banker St (one street after North 15, 9 blocks from North 7).In Banker St Take left the club is on your Right Hand Side Btw Meserole Ave to Calyer St. G Train to Greenpoint Ave. walks on Manhattan Ave south to Calyer Street. Take a Right on Calyer St, walk 4 blocks to Banker Street, in banker Street Take a left, the club is on your left hand side titler.vresp/?AlladinProject/20f3ac0c/772620/f86c44fb59/33330 “r.vresp/?AlladinProject/20f3ac0c/772620/f86c44fb59/33330″r.vresp/?AlladinProject/20f3ac0c/772620/f86c44fb59/33330Subway Map By Car: Take BQE (I-278) to Exit 33 McQuinness Blvd to Meserole Ave. Turn LEFT at Meserole Ave Proceed 7 books to the corner of Banker St. On Banker St Take a right, the club is on your right hand side . By car service / taxi: From Manhattan cost $15 From Bedford Station it cost $6 titler.vresp/?AlladinProject/276cfe9345/772620/f86c44fb59/33330 “r.vresp/?AlladinProject/276cfe9345/772620/f86c44fb59/33330″r.vresp/?AlladinProject/276cfe9345/772620/f86c44fb59/33330Alladin My Space
#3839 Thu, 23 Nov 2006 14:16:24 Thu, 23 Nov 2006 13:16:36 -0600 From: Ismoked Three $6 tickets left to Tsunami at Cielo on Sunday ac7a5cd3-d8c5-4a2e-9835-5541d5b394 /index.php?cPath22 ac7a5cd3-d8c5-4a2e-9835-5541d5b394 ac7a5cd3-d8c5-4a2e-9835-5541d5b394
#3840 Fri, 24 Nov 2006 16:14:53 Fri, 24 Nov 2006 16:14:53 From: Saturday Nov 25 – 2 parties – Alladin Project and COSM Sorry for the late notice! What a lineup… Even Gavin’s back from Mal mo 5 dadvance discount tickets ($18 advanced, save $7) at web trance 196 Alladin project presents: “Thanksgiving weekend” Saturday November 25 th 2006 at STUDIO B 259 Banker Street Brooklyn NY Take a minute to fly with us and we will take you back in timeC3A2E282ACA6 Line Up: MENOG L IVE Spectral Rec / Portugal Menog aka Dani got involved with music at a ve ry early age. he plays regularly drums, guitar,bass and synths. His introdu ction and interest for electronic music started at the first Boom Festival in 1997. in 2003 Dani released his first album under the name Menog. in 200 5 he releases EMOTIONS CD 002 from Spectral Rec, and 2? solo album. Since t hen he released several tracks on various compilation and labels worldwide. Menog is also one of the founders and manager of the new Spectral Records. In the past 3 years he played in parties all over the world. Emotions is w hat he likes to create on people, His music is a story with a beginning, mi ddle and end. All his tracks are made with one purpose…to make people DAN CE!! RICKAM Neurobiotic records / Tech Safari/ Canada Rickam aka Eric has been ambassador of the Canadian psytrance scene since 1994 and DJ since 199 7. With the Tech Safari collective, he created the first international outd oor psytrance festival in Canada “Eclipse Summer Trance Festival”. Rickam i s now one of the key elements in the development of the emerging psytrance culture in Canada, As a DJ and instigator. Eric have a killer mixing skills his sets offer a mixture of psychedelic and progressive sounds, ranging f rom 138 to 146 BPM. not to be missed!! KNO-B Alladin Records Japan Kno-b needs no introduction the master of many styles and one the best mixers aro und. A samurai on the stage, he provides huge enjoyments to crowds around t he world. For the past years he’s been making a killer music, soon to be re leased. Prepare yourselves! LAURYN Peak Records / 28th Day, NYC Lauryn’s p assion for music has been a constant all her life. She began playing the vi olin when she was 9 years old. Her love of music led her to begin DJing and producing her own psytrance radio show while attending college. In 2002, L auryn moved to Boston where she helped start Psyforia. Lauryn is a label Dj with Peak Rec (Switzerland) and is affiliated with 28thday and Mistical Pr oductions. In the past six years, Lauryn has played across the US and in Eu rope, sharing the stage with many well known international acts. She is kno wn for her energetic night time funky full-on psychodelic sets as well as t he occasional morning progressive grooves. SINPATEX Alladin Records israel Sinpatex aka kfir got introduces to electronic music in an early age, his passion for music leads him to select and play electronic music, he can pla y from full on to progressive minimal music, kfir has played with the hotte st acts on the globe, he’s sets known as groove’s and energetic. Electr o room GAVIN Digital Structures/Spectra – Sweden CORAL Touch Samadhi. Nyc LAURYN Peak Records / 28th Day, NYC FX MIKE Omni tribe NYC Decorations by Severyn NYC String Art by: Alladin Project Crew NYC Tickets: $25 at t he door ***21 to enter***picture ID A MUST***Door Open: 11 PM to 7 AM *** L ocation: STUDIO B 259 Banker Street Brooklyn NY 11222 By Subway: L train to Bedford stop, Walk on North 7 Street toward the river to Wythe Ave, in Wyt he Ave take Right until you hit Banker St (one street after North 15, 9 blo cks from North 7).In Banker St Take left the club is on your Right Hand Sid e Btw Meserole Ave to Calyer St. G Train to Greenpoint Ave. walks on Manhat tan Ave south to Calyer Street. Take a Right on Calyer St, walk 4 blocks to Banker Street, in banker Street Take a left, the club is on your left hand side Subway Map By Car: Take BQE (I-278) to Exit 33 McQuinness Blvd to M eserole Ave. Turn LEFT at Meserole Ave Proceed 7 books to the corner of Ban ker St. On Banker St Take a right, the club is on your right hand side . By car service / taxi: From Manhattan cost $15 From Bedford Station it cost $ 6 For More information call us (917)-5691177 (917)-4054847 Or Email Us Alla din My Space Alladin website Hey, this is the next event at CoS M with talented artists playing music beyond limits of genres, come if you are a ready for a night of eclectic beats inspired by outer worldly artwork s. Hope to see you there!! The Entheocentric Salon web entheocentricsalon Saturday November 25th 8pm-5am A fusion of art & music, live paintin gs, psychotropic projections, & eclectic beats -Live Painting: Alex & All yson Grey -Chapel tour by Alex Grey CoSMosis Line up: From 10 PM until 5 AM -Live PA: SPIRO (Freek Factory) web spirosounds Since his firs t releases on Caffeine, Definitive/Plus8, Grinning and I.M.U.R.Me Records i n the mid 90’s, SPiRO has been known for his unique and extremely musical a pproach to electronic dance music composition and production. Now the resid ent producer/engineer for Brooklyn’s Freek Factory, his style has taken an unexpected turn into the diverse and ecclectic realms of krunky dance-hall and glitch-hop, as well as middle eastern influenced ethnic dub. In his liv e performances he incorporates his virtuoso guitar and bouzouki playing int o bass-heavy real-time electronic jams, and often appears with his producti on partners, DJ Haj and the intensely talented M.C. Blacklight. -DJs: J ustin Carter (Nublu) web nublu.net Justin Carter likes music with low frequ encies and hard drums. A child raised on Nickelodeon and Nintendo, his atte ntion span allows him to play the same genre for about three songs at a tim e. He’s a dabbler in the silver age of hip-hop, the golden age of funk, and the modern age of techno. A member of the Nublu family, Justin has held co urt there every week for more than two years now. Justin is also a curator and resident at Rebound, a popular summertime beach party in Long Island Ci ty. He’s played alongside Kudu, Brazilian Girls, In Flagranti, Deadbeat, Fo rro in the Dark with David Byrne, Dublex Inc, Stereotyp, Q-Tip, Ursula 1000 Quantic, Metro Area, and Luke Vibert. He likes to dance almost as much as he likes to play records. Pedro (Reality Engine/ Interchill/ CoSM) Origi nally from Brazil, Pedro plays and produces free style tribal grooves, with dub beats into midtempo trance, breaks and house, he fuses influences from many tribal cultures and genres to build an uplifting experience. C oSM: The Chapel will be open from 8 PM until 4 AM -Chapel tour by Alex Gr ey -Live PA: M I N D B E A M Steve Smith is one man, two samplers, a mixi ng board and a world of sound. House, techno, breakbeat; ska, dub and ambie nt soundscapes all growing together into continuous live sets as different as the rooms and crowds they merge with. Dance, lounge, lurch, relax and re ach for the volume knob… -DJ: Pedro (Reality Engine/ Interchill/ CoSM) Downtempo/Psy-dub set Visuals Optical Delusions ( web opticaldelusion.c om) Address: 540 W. 27th Street, 4th Floor NYC Links: web cosm.org ww w.realityengine.org web spirosounds web interchill web freekfactory web nublu.net Next event: Saturday, December 16th You are in this mailing because you signed up to one of our collaborator lists, e-mails fro m this address will contain mostly informations about events in the USA, to Check out the new AOL. Most comprehensive set of free safety and securi ty tools, free access to millions of high-quality videos from across the we b, free AOL Mail and more. e18e57f38 Sorry for the late notice! What a lineup… Even Gavin’s back from Malmo/ b 5 dadvance discount tickets ($18 advanced, save $7) at 196 Alladin project presents: ” Thanksgiving weekend” Saturday November 25th 2006 at STUDIO B 259 Banker Str eet Brooklyn NY Take a minute to fly with us and we wi ll take you back in timeC3A2E282ACA6 Line Up:/di v c44fb59/33330Spectral Rec / Portugal Menog aka Dani got involved with music at a very early ag e. he plays regularly drums, guitar,bass and synths. His introduction and i nterest for electronic music started at the first Boom Festival in 1997. in 2003 Dani released his first album under the name Menog. in 2005 he releas es EMOTIONS CD 002 from Spectral Rec, and 2? solo album. Since then he rele ased several tracks on various compilation and labels worldwide. Menog is a lso one of the founders and manager of the new Spectral Records. In the pas t 3 years he played in parties all over the world. Emotions is what he like s to create on people, His music is a story with a beginning, middle and en d. All his tracks are made with one purpose…to make people DANCE!!/d 330Tech Safari / Canada kam aka Eric has been ambassador of the Canadian psytrance sc ene since 1994 and DJ since 1997. With the Tech Safari collective, he creat ed the first international outdoor psytrance festival in Canada “Eclipse Su mmer Trance Festival”. Rickam is now one of the key elements in the develop ment of the emerging psytrance culture in Canada, As a DJ and instigator. E ric have a killer mixing skills, his sets offer a mixture of psychedelic an d progressive sounds, ranging from 138 to 146 BPM. not to be missed!! /b p://r.vresp/?AlladinProject/f54474bee0/772620/f86c44fb59/33330″ targe 620/f86c44fb59/33330Alladin Records Japan the master of many styles and one the best mixers around. A samurai on the stage, he provides huge enjoyments to crowds around the world. For the past years he’ s been making a killer music, soon to be released. Prepare yourselves! /b p://r.vresp/?AlladinProject/56c712b3b1/772620/f86c44fb59/33330″ alt p/?AlladinProject/81342b76cb/772620/f86c44fb59/3333028th Day, N YC tpassion for music has been a constant all her life. She began playing the violin when she was 9 years old. Her love of music led her to begin DJ ing and producing her own psytrance radio show while attending college. In 2002, Lauryn moved to Boston where she helped start Psyforia. Lauryn is a l abel Dj with Peak Rec (Switzerland) and is affiliated with 28thday and Mist ical Productions. In the past six years, Lauryn has played across the US an d in Europe, sharing the stage with many well known international acts. She is known for her energetic night time funky full-on psychodelic sets as we ll as the occasional morning progressive grooves. f86c44fb59/33330Alladin Records israel di intro duces to electronic music in an early age, his passion for music leads him to select and play electronic music, he can play from full on to progressiv e minimal music, kfir has played with the hottest acts on the globe, he’s s ets known as groove’s and energetic. b tro room ://r.vresp/?AlladinProject/2fb69d88c6/772620/f86c44fb59/33330Digita l Structures /Spectra – Sweden 33330Touch Samadhi . Nyc esp/?AlladinProject/5d4f1d05af/772620/f86c44fb59/33330LAURYN ladinProject/68d811a3b5/772620/f86c44fb59/33330Peak Records / ti d94474/772620/f86c44fb59/3333028th Day, NYC /d 622/772620/f86c44fb59/33330Omni tribe NYC ://r.vresp/?AlladinProject/c95f832b71/772620/f86c44fb59/33330″ target 20/f86c44fb59/33330Severyn NYC /b NYC Tickets: $25 at the d oor ***21 to enter***pictur e ID A MUST***Door Open: 11 PM to 7 AM *** Location: /?AlladinProject/5df275afdd/772620/f86c44fb59/33330STUDIO B nt By Subway: /b L train to Bedford stop, Walk on North 7 Street toward the river to Wythe Ave, in Wythe Ave take Right unti l you hit Banker St (one street after North 15, 9 blocks from North 7).In B anker St Take left the club is on your Right Hand Side Btw Meserole Ave to Calyer St. G Train t o Greenpoint Ave. walks on Manhattan Ave south to Calyer Street. Take a Rig ht on Calyer St, walk 4 blocks to Banker Street, in banker Street Take a le ft, the club is on your left hand side /?AlladinProject/20f3ac0c/772620/f86c44fb59/33330Subway Map /b By Car: /d Take BQE (I-278) to Exit 33 McQuinness Blvd to Meserole Ave. Turn LEFT at Meserole Ave Proceed 7 books to the corner of B anker St. On Banker St Take a right, the club is on your right hand side/b . By car service / taxi: From Manhattan cost $15 From Bedford Station it cost $6 For More information call us (917)-5691177 (91 lladinproduction at yahooEmail Us AlladinProject/276cfe9345/772620/f86c44fb59/33330Alladin My Space / b 9/33330Alladin website ! end of AOLMsgPart2537115d7-5d6c-48c0-9ad5-5a8e18e57f38 Hey, this is the next event at CoSM with talented artists playing music b eyond limits of genres, come if you are a ready for a night of eclectic bea ts inspired by outer worldly artworks. d er” theocentric Salon .entheocentricsalon ialNovember 25th ial8pm-5am ion of art & music, mAllyson Grey Grey From 10 PM until 5 AM ww.spirosounds his first releases on Caffeine, Definitive/ Plus8, Grinning and I.M.U.R.Me Records in the mid 90’s, SPiRO has been know n for his unique and extremely musical approach to electronic dance music c omposition and production. Now the resident producer/engineer for Brooklyn’ s Freek Factory, his style has taken an unexpected turn into the diverse an d ecclectic realms of krunky dance-hall and glitch-hop, as well as middle e astern influenced ethnic dub. In his live performances he incorporates his virtuoso guitar and bouzouki playing into bass-heavy real-time electronic j ams, and often appears with his production partners, DJ Haj and the intense ly talented M.C. Blacklight. l-DJs: Carter likes music with low frequencies and hard drums. A child raised on Nickelo deon and Nintendo, his attention span allows him to play the same genre for about three songs at a time. He’s a dabbler in the silver age of hip-hop, the golden age of funk, and the modern age of techno. A member of the Nublu family, Justin has held court there every week for more than two years now . Justin is also a curator and resident at Rebound, a popular summertime be ach party in Long Island City. He’s played alongside Kudu, Brazilian Girls, In Flagranti, Deadbeat, Forro in the Dark with David Byrne, Dublex Inc, St ereotyp, Q-Tip, Ursula 1000, Quantic, Metro Area, and Luke Vibert. He likes to dance almost as much as he likes to play records. from Brazil, Pedro plays and produces free style tribal grooves, with dub beats into midtempo trance, breaks and house, he fuses i nfluences from many tribal cultures and genres to build an uplifting experi ence. l” 8 PM until 4 AM rey E A M ;Steve Smith is one man, two samplers, a mixing board and a world of soun d. House, techno, breakbeat; ska, dub and ambient soundscapes all gro wing together into continuous live sets as different as the rooms and crowd s they merge with. Dance, lounge, lurch, relax and reach for the volu me knob… lPedro (Reality Engine/ Interchill/ CoSM) t treet, 4th Floor underline;” : underline;” spirosounds ;web nublu.net x;khtml-block-placeholder are in this mailing because you sign ed up to one of our collaborator lists, e-mails from this address wil l contain mostly informations about events in the USA, to be removed from t his mailing please reply he new AOL . Most comprehensive set of free safety and security tool s, free access to millions of high-quality videos from across the web, free AOL Mail and more./
#3841 Fri, 24 Nov 2006 20:29:42 Fri, 24 Nov 2006 20:29:41 From: Cielo Sunday cancelled MC8DE4850C02DA57F88BAWEBMAIL-MA13.sysops.aol Check out the new AOL. Most comprehensive set of free safety and security tools, free access to millions of high-quality videos from across the web, free AOL Mail and more. MC8DE4850C02DA57F88BAWEBMAIL-MA13.sysops.aol s”AOLPromoFooter pr.atwola/promoclk/1615326657x4311227241x4298082137/aol?redirhttp%3A%2F%2Fwww%2Eaol%2Ecom%2Fnewaol” target”blankCheck out the new AOL . Most comprehensive set of free safety and security tools, free access to millions of high-quality videos from across the web, free AOL Mail and more./ MC8DE4850C02DA57F88BAWEBMAIL-MA13.sysops.aol
#3842 Sat, 25 Nov 2006 22:14:59 From: ” Subject:3 tickets at $15 for Alladin Project tonight – act fast Before 6pm Saturday you can go to web After 6pm-9pm call 1-936-443-00 32 to get reduced admission tickets ($15) Sorry for the late notice! What a lineup… Even Gavin’s back from Malmo Alladin project presents: “Thanksg iving weekend” Saturday November 25th 2006 at STUDIO B 259 Banker Street Bro oklyn NY Take a minute to fly with us and we will take you back in timeC3 A2E282ACA6 Line Up: MENOG LIVE Spectral Rec / Portugal Menog aka Da ni got involved with music at a very early age. he plays regularly drums, g uitar,bass and synths. His introduction and interest for electronic music s tarted at the first Boom Festival in 1997. in 2003 Dani released his first album under the name Menog. in 2005 he releases EMOTIONS CD 002 from Spectr al Rec, and 2? solo album. Since then he released several tracks on various compilation and labels worldwide. Menog is also one of the founders and ma nager of the new Spectral Records. In the past 3 years he played in parties all over the world. Emotions is what he likes to create on people, His mus ic is a story with a beginning, middle and end. All his tracks are made wit h one purpose…to make people DANCE!! RICKAM Neurobiotic records / Tech Sa fari/ Canada Rickam aka Eric has been ambassador of the Canadian psytrance scene since 1994 and DJ since 1997. With the Tech Safari collective, he cre ated the first international outdoor psytrance festival in Canada “Eclipse Summer Trance Festival”. Rickam is now one of the key elements in the devel opment of the emerging psytrance culture in Canada, As a DJ and instigator. Eric have a killer mixing skills, his sets offer a mixture of psychedelic and progressive sounds, ranging from 138 to 146 BPM. not to be missed!! KNO -B Alladin Records Japan Kno-b needs no introduction the master of many sty les and one the best mixers around. A samurai on the stage, he provides hug e enjoyments to crowds around the world. For the past years he’s been makin g a killer music, soon to be released. Prepare yourselves! LAURYN Peak Reco rds / 28th Day, NYC Lauryn’s passion for music has been a constant all her life. She began playing the violin when she was 9 years old. Her love of mu sic led her to begin DJing and producing her own psytrance radio show while attending college. In 2002, Lauryn moved to Boston where she helped start Psyforia. Lauryn is a label Dj with Peak Rec (Switzerland) and is affiliate d with 28thday and Mistical Productions. In the past six years, Lauryn has played across the US and in Europe, sharing the stage with many well known international acts. She is known for her energetic night time funky full-on psychodelic sets as well as the occasional morning progressive grooves. SI NPATEX Alladin Records israel Sinpatex aka kfir got introduces to electroni c music in an early age, his passion for music leads him to select and play electronic music, he can play from full on to progressive minimal music, k fir has played with the hottest acts on the globe, he’s sets known as groov e’s and energetic. Electro room GAVIN Digital Structures/Spectra – Sweden CORAL Touch Samadhi. Nyc LAURYN Peak Records / 28th Day, NYC FX MIKE Omni tribe NYC Decorations by Severyn NYC String Art by: Alladin Project Crew N YC Tickets: $25 at the door ***21 to enter***picture ID A MUST***Door Open: 11 PM to 7 AM *** Location: STUDIO B 259 Banker Street Brooklyn NY 11222 By Subway: L train to Bedford stop, Walk on North 7 Street toward the river t o Wythe Ave, in Wythe Ave take Right until you hit Banker St (one street af ter North 15, 9 blocks from North 7).In Banker St Take left the club is on your Right Hand Side Btw Meserole Ave to Calyer St. G Train to Greenpoint A ve. walks on Manhattan Ave south to Calyer Street. Take a Right on Calyer S t, walk 4 blocks to Banker Street, in banker Street Take a left, the club i s on your left hand side Subway Map By Car: Take BQE (I-278) to Exit 33 McQ uinness Blvd to Meserole Ave. Turn LEFT at Meserole Ave Proceed 7 books to the corner of Banker St. On Banker St Take a right, the club is on your rig ht hand side . By car service / taxi: From Manhattan cost $15 From Bedford Station it cost $6 For More information call us (917)-5691177 (917)-4054847 Or Email Us Alladin My Space Alladin website
#3843 Thu, 30 Nov 2006 19:05:11 From: ” progressive party TONIGHT :: 28thday at Shelter Just a that tonight is the opening night of 28thday’s new progress ive weekly at Shelter! For this special event we’re bringing back D-Space, whose live set rocked the lawn this past summer at Prog in the Park, as we ll as PsyBooty night at Dreamcatcher’s sorely-missed Psycheground weekly. Weekly events provide a unique opportunity for the community to connect on a regular basis, outside the unsanity of weekend parties. We now have an op portunity to move into one of the city’s best venues… two floors, 18 and up, full bar for 21+, and Twilo’s legendary Phazon sound system! Weeklies support the trance family and in turn need your support, so come drink, dan ce, and get down with your friends! Shelter is now located at 150 Varick S t in Manhattan. Plenty of street parking usually available, right next to t he Holland Tunnel, and easily accessible by subway. Opening night is Thurs day November 30, featuring: Upstairs on the main floor: D-SPACE – LIVE SE T Reco rds | D-Space Studios, New England) Listen to an exclusive 20-minute previe w of D-Space live: web 28thday/choons/dspace/28thDayLiveDemo.mp 3 ANTHONY VELARDE (web anthonyvelarde | Acute Recordings, NYC) TONY U NORTHODOX (28thday, NYC) Listen to Tony’s ever-popular 2006 Summer Mix: web 28thday/choons/tony/summer06/tonyunorthodox-summer06.mp3 Down stairs chillout: BEN (light-o-matic, NYC) CORAL (TOUCH Samadhi, NYC) PEDRO (Reality Engine | Interchill Records, NYC) Shelter 150 Varick St, NYC 10 PM – 4AM 18+ $5.00 Subway directions: Driving directions: maps.go web 28thday
December 2006
#3845 Sat, 02 Dec 2006 14:35:49 From: ” TONIGHT – Random, Dr Spook, Brandon Adams at Boom NYC Join us this Saturday as we come full circle, with the return of Random onc e again at Boom. He’ll be joined by fellow Californian Doctor Spook, as we ll as local veteran Brandon Adams who is celebrating his birthday! Deta ils are below and on our web site web 28thday. Attendance will be capp ed at 100, so come early! December 2, 2006 28thday presents Best of the We st 6: Random Redux RANDOM (Geomagnetic | Phoenix Family | Fullcircle, SF) Ross Dubios (aka Random) began DJing in 1996 and writing psytrance in 2000. Known for constantly making music that kidnaps the listener’s mind and sen ds it spiraling across frequency and time, his unique sound is intelligent, crunchy, groovy and mind-expanding. Random has over 14 tracks released on over 10 compilations including those from Acidance, Shiva Space Tech, Spun, and Timecode. His new hit album is available now. DR. SPOOK (Geomagnetic | Phoenix Family, SF) Nathan Vogel (aka Mindstorm aka Doctor Spook) has mor phed into an amazing live visuals and music project that he has been realiz ing from the San Francisco-based Geomagnetic World Headquarters. Many high- quality visual music projects are being completed, astounding the world wit h masterful creations and lucid dreams. Musically Spook is collaborating wi th a stream of the world’s leading musical masterminds, including Tamir Oza na from Atomic Pulse, Chromatone and Random, Altom, Earthling, Central Proc essing Unit, Twisted Reaction and soon several new projects with Ovnimoon a nd Siddhartha. BRANDON ADAMS (Dreamcatcher, NYC) Always evolving and diggi ng deeper for fresh sounds, while keeping a deep psychedelic undertone… B randon’s sets meld the best aspects of all forms of psytrance. Arrive early for this special birthday set! Decor by Tao Consortium Visuals by Doctor Spook Boom 152 Spring St, NYC 11:30PM – 4AM 18+ $10.00 Subway directions: s Driving directions: web 28thday
#3846 Tue, 5 Dec 2006 15:01:19 Tue, 5 Dec 2006 15:01:18 From: free Psytrance tonight “PSY TRANCE – TUESDAY at SULLIVAN ROOM (again)” Psycheground is back!! This month we will be back at Sullivan Room on December 5th and 19th so mark your calendars now! We have a new Yahoo Groups newsletter. Email this address so you never miss out on our events: Come celebrate with us this full moon, Tuesday, December 5 as Dreamcatcher does it again at Sullivan Room. Extended sets by: PEDRO (R.E./Interchill/CoSM) KNOB (Alladin Records) LUIS (Tsunami/Dreamcatcher) Tuesday, December 5 10pm to 4am Admission: $5 21+ with ID Sullivan Room 218 Sullivan St [between Bleecker St & W 3rd St] (two blocks east of 6th Ave, just south of Washington Square) New York City Please post this to email lists and send to your friends! SUBJECT:&nb s”PSY TRANCE – TUESDAY at SULLIVAN ROOM (again)” D we n December 5th and 19th so mark your calendars now! We have a new Yahoo Groups newsletter. Email this address so you never miss out on our events: 0 Tuesday, December 5 as Dreamcatcher does it again at Sullivan Room . Extended sets by: & (R.E./Interchill/CoSM) rds) /Dreamcatcher) Tuesday, December 5 10 pm to 4am 21+ with ID Sulliva n Room (two blocks east of 6th Ave, just south of Washington Square) New York City Please post this to email lis ts and send to your friends!
#3847 Wed, 06 Dec 2006 02:12:48 From: ” Thursday Dec 7 :: 28thday at Shelter from 28thday: Thanks to everyone who came out to our first night at Shelte r last Thursday, and to Saturday’s party at Boom! We’re back again this we ek with our Thursday night progressive weekly at Shelter, and Christer from Shiva Space Tech at Boogaloo on Saturday! Shelter details below, and full info on Saturday’s event following soon. Thursday, December 7, 2006 28thda y at Shelter Upstairs on the main floor: GAVIN (Spectra, NYC) LUIZ (Dreamc atcher, NYC) TONY UNORTHODOX (28thday, NYC) Downstairs chillout: KIFE (Om nitribe, NYC) PEDRO (Reality Engine | Interchill Records, NYC) Shelter 15 0 Varick St, NYC 10PM – 4AM 18+ $5.00 Subway directions: web hopsto Driving directi ons:
#3848 id 1GrmYi-0005nY-00 Tue, 05 Dec 2006 21:30:56 Tue, 5 Dec 2006 21:30:52 From: Charlie NYC listnyc at earthlink.netPSY TRANCE – TONIGHT – $5 at SULLIVAN ROOM -1046750240maformat”flowed” Psycheground is back!! This month we will be back at Sullivan Room on December 5th and 19th so mark your calendars now! We have a new Yahoo Groups newsletter. Email this address so you never miss out on our events: Come celebrate with us this full moon, Tuesday, December 5 as Dreamcatcher does it again at Sullivan Room. Extended sets by: PEDRO (R.E./Interchill/CoSM) KNOB (Alladin Records) LUIS (Tsunami/Dreamcatcher) Tuesday, December 5 10pm to 4am Admission: $5 21+ with ID Sullivan Room 218 Sullivan St [between Bleecker St & W 3rd St] (two blocks east of 6th Ave, just south of Washington Square) New York City Please post this to email lists and send to your friends! Here is the post on Isratrance: forum.isratrance/viewtopic.php/topic/100594/forum/28 Last party’s post and reviews on Isratrance: forum.isratrance/viewtopic.php/topic/99732/forum/28 -1046750240ma/styletitlePSY TRANCE – TONIGHT – $5 at SULLIVAN Room on December 5th and 19th so mark your calendars now! We have a new Yahoo Groups newsletter. Email this address to subscribe so you never miss out on our events: color” Tuesday, December 5 as Dreamcatcher does it again at Sullivan Room. Extended sets by: (R.E./Interchill/CoSM) Records) (Tsunami/Dreamcatcher) Tuesday, December 5 10pm to 4am 21+ with ID Sullivan Room 218 Sullivan St [between Bleecker St & W 3rd St] (two blocks east of 6th Ave, just south of Washington Square) New York City Please post this to email lists and send to your friends! Here is the post on Isratrance: Last party’s post and reviews on Isratrance: -1046750240ma
#3849 Thu, 07 Dec 2006 00:15:30 From: “scott7738” scott at 28thdaylineup change * Thursday Dec 7 :: 28thday at Shelter Tomorrow (Thursday) night is week 2 of 28thday’s new progressive weekly at Shelter! Luiz from Dreamcatcher has been moved to next Thursday, and added to the lineup for tomorrow is Mayur from Spectra, joining Gavin from Spect ra. Also a label DJ for Digital Structures, Gavin is on the frontlines of the progressive-psy community. He has been instrumental in the production, promotion, and distribution of hit albums by Son Kite, Ticon, Vibrasphere, and Jaia, all the while playing breathtaking DJ sets around the world. To night, we welcome Gavin back for his short stay in New York – one of his or iginal stomping grounds – for two more hours of his smooth sailing prog on Shelter’s banging, crystal-clear Phazon sound system! Thursday, December 7 2006 28thday presents Spectra at Shelter Upstairs on the main floor: GAV IN (Digital Structures | Spectra, Sweden) MAYUR (Spectra, NYC) TONY UNORTHO DOX (28thday, NYC) Downstairs chillout: KIFE (Omnitribe, NYC) PEDRO (Real ity Engine | Interchill Records, NYC) + special guest! Shelter 150 Varick St, NYC 10PM – 4AM 18+ ( BRING ID ) $5.00 Subway directions: web ho Driving dir ections:
#3850 Thu, 07 Dec 2006 22:48:27 From: “scott7738” scott at 28thdaySaturday Dec 9 :: psy-trance at Boogaloo 28thday regrets that last week’s Random Redux party was forced to close an hour early… our music was just a little too banging for that environment, and the restaurant owners a little too paranoid. : ) We wanna make it up to y’all, so this Saturday we’re serving up an all-night full-on burner at Boogaloo! And, of course, tonight is week 2 of our Thursday prog weekly at Shelter. Don’t miss one of your last chances to hear Gavin while he’s sti ll stateside! Saturday, December 9, 2006 28thday presents… CHRISTER (Sh iva Space Technology | Mechanik Records, Norway) Christer is a label DJ for two important labels: Shiva Space Technology and Mechanik Records. He’s a lso one of those old-style DJs, the rare kind that tries to tell a story fr om behind the mixer instead of just playing the latest unreleaseds. His fi rst true epiphany came in the shape and form of the album “Return to the So urce – The Chakra Journey”, which drove his interest for music even further down the electronic spiral highway. Since then Christer has provided the a udience with a wide and exciting range of psychedelic trance, with one main intention: to make people dance. As Christer exclaims, “Psychedelic music is pure energy and raw spirituality – I play it because I love it, uncondit ionally.” EGNOGRA (Shaman Films, SF) Owner of label Shaman Films Records, Guillermo Alarcon (aka Egnogra) is helping to redefine ritual for the 21st century. Creating a medium of audio-visual alchemy and underground music t o expand the mind to higher states of consciousness, Egnogra will be delive ring both a DJ and VJ set tonight at Boogaloo. LAURYN (28thday | Peak Reco rds, NYC) … and another special out-of-town surprise guest, closing the party with some beautiful morning tunes! Visuals by Egnogra & mij’lekqua Location: Boogaloo 168 Marcy Ave, Brooklyn 11PM – 6:30AM $15.00 Subway di rections: Driving directions:
#3851 Tue, 5 Dec 2006 23:06:48 Tue, 5 Dec 2006 23:06:46 From: Subject:Updates, + Alladin Project brings Visual Paradox Dec 15 Now when you go to web tranceam.org (web tranceam.org, you get all the forum updates on one page. So you can easily find what’s new, what’s everyone posted, on one place. Pretty much everything has been upgraded, with polling spinkled throughout. Also, limited extremely discount tickets are available for next Friday’s party. Just go to tranceam.org in the tickets section. Alladin Project Presents: Friday DECEMBER 15 in CLUB EXIT 147 Greenpoint Ave Brooklyn NY Take a minute to fly with us and we will take you back in time Line Up: VISUAL PARADOX/BOG LIVE & Dj Set Compact Records Israel KNO-B Alladin Records Japan ALLEN GaianMind FL ELNADIV Alladin Records Israel CRIS Alladin Records Mexico BABLA Kagdila Rec India Electro room ANIMALTEK LIVE Omni tribe NYC PEDRO Reality engine NYC SOLOMON Metameme Denver CORAL Touch Samadhi NYC Decorations by Severyn NYC String Art by: Alladin Project Crew NYC Tickets: $25 before midnight, $30 After Midnight at the door ***18 to enter/21+ to drink***picture ID A MUST***Door Open: 10 PM to 7 AM *** Location: CLUB EXIT 147 GREENPOINT AVE BROOKLYN NY 11222 By Subway: Take the L train to Lorimer station & transfer to the G train metropolitan station to Green point Ave the Club is right across the street. Or: take the L train to Redford station and transfer to the 61 bus, Go down in green point Ave (3 mint from the subway) or: G train to green point Ave Subway Map By Bus:61, 43,24 to green point Ave. Bus map By Car: Take BQE (I-278) to Exit 33 McGuiness Blvd. To Greenpoint Ave. Turn LEFT at Greenpoint Ave Proceed to the corner of Manhattan Ave. By car service / taxi: From Manhattan cost $15 From Bedford Station it cost $6 For More information call us (917)-5691177 (917)-4054847 Or Email Us Now when you go t o web tranceam.orgweb tranceam.org, you get all th e forum updates on one page. So you can easily find what’s new, what ‘s everyone posted, on one place. Pretty much everything has been upgraded, with polling spinkled throughout.
#3852 11 Dec 2006 04:59:54 From: TripOutNY from the Calendar of TripOutNY Monday December 25, 2006 Set up birthday s us.rd.yahoo/calus/rem/??v9&evttype13 Copyright © 2006 web yahoo s TripOutNY’s Calendar Date: Monday December 25, 2006 Time: Description: web bluehoney.org/Xmas 2006
#3853 Fri, 15 Dec 2006 01:55:38 From: “scott7738” scott at 28thday28thday weekly FYI the 28thday weekly is off until further notice. Happy holidays! -2 8thday
#3854 Thu, 14 Dec 2006 22:04:28 Thu, 14 Dec 2006 22:04:26 From: Psy/trance News Feeds * General Northam Discussion :: Insane Finnish track by Mullet Mohawk (web tranceam.org/phpbb/viewtopic.php?p441 General Northam Discussion :: Trance psy guru Daniel Pinchbeck to be on the Colbert Report (web tranceam.org/phpbb/viewtopic.php?p440 North American Event Calendar :: WINTERDELICA| AKRON, OHIO| 1-20-07 (web tranceam.org/phpbb/viewtopic.php?p439 Midwest – Texas – Rocky Mountain Events :: WINTERDELICA| AKRON, OHIO| 1-20-07 (web tranceam.org/phpbb/viewtopic.php?p438 New York – DC Events :: Discount tickets to Visual Paradox Dec 15 (web tranceam.org/phpbb/viewtopic.php?p436 General Northam Discussion :: A Beginner’s Guide to Immortality (web tranceam.org/phpbb/viewtopic.php?p435 New York – DC Events :: RE: Alladin Project Presents: Friday DEC 15 !! VISUAL PARADOX (web tranceam.org/phpbb/viewtopic.php?p434 New York – DC Events :: Alladin Project Presents: Friday DEC 15 !! VISUAL PARADOX (web tranceam.org/phpbb/viewtopic.php?p432 New England Events :: Psyforia – Friday December 8 – Boston, MA (web tranceam.org/phpbb/viewtopic.php?p431 These feeds are now automatically fed into the main page at web TranceAm.org (web TranceAm.org) Also new is lunar cycles on each regional portal. ler UL Northam Discussion :: Insane Finnish track by Mullet Mohawk Northam Discussion :: Trance ps y guru Daniel Pinchbeck to be on the Colbert Report rth American Event Calendar :: WINTERDELICA| AKRON, OHIO| 1-20-07/L I Texas – Rocky Mountain Events :: WINTERDELICA| AKR ON, OHIO| 1-20-07 web tranceam.org/ York – DC Events :: Discount ticket s to Visual Paradox Dec 15 Northam Discussion :: A Beginner’s Guide to Immortality web t York – DC Events :: RE: Alladin Project Presents: Friday DEC 15 !! VISUAL PARADOX/L I 432 #432New York – DC Events :: Alladin Project Presents: Friday DEC 15 !! VISUAL PARADOX web tranceam. England Events :: Psyforia – Fr iday December 8 – Boston, MA These feeds are now automat ically fed into the main page at ranceAm.org Also new is lunar cycles on each regional porta
#3855 Thu, 14 Dec 2006 22:16:42 Thu, 14 Dec 2006 22:16:39 From: Subject:Tomorrow Fri Dec 15- Visual Paradox and many others 2 rooms and El Nadiv’s birthday New York – DC Events :: Discount tickets to Visual Paradox Dec 15 (web tranceam.org/phpbb/viewtopic.php?p436 discount tickets still available in the Tickets area at web tranceam.org (web tranceam.org) lesmaller DC Events :: Discount tickets to Visual Paradox Dec available in the Tickets area at
#3856 Fri, 15 Dec 2006 12:12:36 Fri, 15 Dec 2006 12:12:34 Cc: 604 at party.net From: Subject:Video of our main man Daniel Pinckbeck last night on Colbert Report! web tranceam.org/movies/videos.php #pinchbeck Daniel hung out at my 2001 squat on Duane Street and has been to d bridge parties (Breath in 2004 and Beltainne in 2001)and we have many mutual friends. He helped me get off K (it’s been almost a year!) and introduced me to Rip Torn’s daughter Angelica who made a film Lucky Days at my house with me in it that will debut soon here more details forthcoming. Funny to remember i cautioned Pinchbeck against going to Burning Lotus because i didn’t think it would go off well. Haha. I heard he went to gaian Mind – anybody have footage of that for the collection? And to name drop even further, the ex head of Comedy Central is a great guy who I’ve met and is friends with the girl who got me my apt. and went to the original Synthetic sadus at Marc Ballroom. ent/index.jhtml I’ll have the streams soon on dV. Above link should work for now. there’s also footage of him speaking at Burning Lotus this summer on d V at web tranceam.orgweb tranceam.org. he hu ng out at my 2001 squat on Duane Street and has been to d bridge parties and we have many mutual friends. He helped me get off K (it’s been almost a year!) and introduced me to rip torn’s daughter Angelica who made a film Lucky Days at my house with me in it that will debut soon here mor e details
#3857 Fri, 15 Dec 2006 18:03:01 From: ” Comedy Central’s interface too laggy – use this dV link web tranceam.org/movies/videos.php #pinchbeck
#3858 Sun, 17 Dec 2006 11:14:37 From: “alladinproject” alladinproject at yahooAlladin Project Presents sunday dec 31st NYE 2007 LOGIC BOMB, S RANGE, TRANAN, 8-7878452184-9496003962:3 Alladin Project Presents: Sunday December 31st in 83 worth street Manhatt an New York 10013 We are very excited to open the New Year with this eve nt, we wish you all a year of success, good vibe, happiness and health, we hope that this year will lead you to accomplish your good dream Line Up: LOGIC BOMB Live Solstice Rec Tip world Sweden S RANGE Live Liquid Rec, Team Cubase Sweden TRANAN Live Solstice Rec Sweden ZION Live Alladin Reco rds Israel KNO-B Live Alladin Records Japan EARTHIAN Omni Tribe NYC CR IS Alladin records Mexico DRIZZT Montreal TONY UNORTHODOX 28thday, NYC S INPATEX Alladin records BABLA Kagdila rec India DROOZI Pune, India SHUNN Y Mad elephant Japan Art by: SEVERYN String art by: Alladin Project C rew VJ Art by: SURGE MX Works / Subtle Chaos GUILLAUME NYC / France Extra Sound by: 28thday production Allen Thomson ****18 to ent er 21 to drink with picture ID*** doors open 10 PM to 8 AM *** free champag ne toast at midnight *** Fruit and bakeries buffet will be available in the morning Tickets: $70 till December 20th $80 till December 30th $95 at th e door Open bar tickets till 3am $50 till December 30th $65 at the door A dvance Ticket you can get in the following shops: Hoomoos Asli NYC 100 k enmare St & Lafayette 212-9660022 Satellite Records NYC 259 bowery AVE 212 -9951744 Or call 917-5691177 / 917-4054847 Location 83 Worth street Manhattan New York 10013 Google map: web google. This is a beautiful space located in Downtown Manhattan. The place has a g ood sound and friendly security, Directions By Subway: A, C, E. J. M. Z 1.2.3, To Chambers St 4, 5, 6, R & W To City Hall. Q & N to Canal St, By car: Links: web allad inrecords web alladinrecords/ web myspace/logi xbomb web myspace/logixbomb web logicbomb.se/ web logicbomb.se/ web myspace/trananmusic web myspace. com/trananmusic web s-range web s-range/ web mys pace/srangemusic web myspace/srangemusic myspace.c om/zionpsy myspace/zionpsy web omnitribe w ww.omnitribe/ web kagdilarecords web kagdilarecord s/ web 28thday/ web 28thday/ web djea rthian/ web djearthian/ 8-7878452184-9496003962:3 bo/o ” ;” ali in 83 worth street st1st1Manhattan/st1st1New York/st1st110013 /st1/st1o/o ” st excited to open the New Year with this event, we wish you all a year of success, good vibe happiness and health, we hope that this year will lead you to accomplish your good dreamo/o /b /o ” ;st1/st1o/oo/o ” sty /st1o/o ” ;” Tribe NYCo/o ” text-alig Alladin records st1st1Mexico/st1/st1o/o nbsp;/o ont-size: 28pt;o/o ” style size: 28pt;o/oo /o M /b ject Crewo/o Art by:o/o ” o/o ” NYC / Franceo/o /o ” ;” al ” te production/sp ano/o ” ;” a pan ro/o ” text-ali to drink with picture I D*** doors open 10 PM to 8 AM *** free champagne toast at midnight ***o/o nterFruit and bakeries buffet will be available in the morningo/o /b ero/o $95 at the door o/o M s till 3am $50 till December 30th $65 at the dooro/o /o ” ;” a nmare St & Lafayette 212-9660022o/o ” 25 9 bowery AVE 212-9951744o/o ” te / 917-4054847o/o ro/o ” text-ali st1st183 Worth street/st1st1Manhattan/st1 st1New Yor k/st1st110013/st1/st1o/o ” t space located i n Downtown st1st1Manhattan/st1/st1. The place has a good sound and friendly security,o/o ” text-ali By Subway:o/o centero/o ” text-alig itle o/o ” ks:o/o ” ;” al adinrecords o/o ” text-al ano/o “olor: windowtext;web logicbomb.se/ o/o web myspace/trananmusic o/o pano/o ” color: windowtext;web myspace/srangemusic o/o “windowtext;myspace/zionpsy o/o o/o ” ;o/o ” ;” al ian/ o/o
#3859 18 Dec 2006 05:04:05 From: TripOutNY Winter Solstice, 12/21/2006, 12:00 am Winter Solstice Thursday December 21, 2006 Winter Solstice Thursday December 21, 2006 2006
#3860 Mon, 18 Dec 2006 18:59:29 Mon, 18 Dec 2006 18:59:26 From: Logic Bomb early bird discount tickets – Save $25 – Prices go up Dec 20 Here is the link for discount tickets. Alladin Project will have these names the day before the event. Prices are going up again Dec 20 – 2 days. web (/productinfo.php?cPath22&productsid21 8) Note, open bar tickets are sold separately. This is the biggest lineup since Tour de Trance. Wow, what a difference a year makes…. many new developments in the scene brainmachines became tranceam/dV and evolved from a ghetto GUI into somthing we can be proud of. With the launch of forum, awards, links, gallery etc etc made 2006 the biggest leap forward ever for Internet trance. Coincidentally, machinelf’s been off K for almost 11 months. Oh, and Borat is now on dV at web tranceam.org/movies/videos.php tranceam.org/movies/videos.php On with the show… Alladin Project Presents: Sunday December 31st in 83 worth street Manhattan New York 10013 We are very excited to open the New Year with this event, we wish you all a year of success, good vibe, happiness and health, we hope that this year will lead you to accomplish your good dream Line Up: LOGIC BOMB (web logicbomb.se/) Live Solstice Rec Tip world (web myspace/logixbomb) Sweden S RANGE Live Liquid Rec, Team Cubase (web s-range/) Sweden TRANAN Live Solstice Rec (web myspace/trananmusic) Sweden ZION Live Alladin Records (web alladinrecords/) Israel KNO-B Live Alladin Records (web alladinrecords/) Japan EARTHIAN (web djearthian/) Omni Tribe (web omnitribe/) NYC TONY UNORTHODOX 28thday (web 28thday/) NYC SINPATEX Alladin Records (web alladinrecords/) Israel SHUNNY Mad elephant Japan DRIZZT Montreal BABLA Kagdila rec (web kagdilarecords/) India DROOZI Pune India Decorations by: Severyn (web severyn/) NYC String Art by:Alladin Project Crew NYC VJ Art by: GUILLAUMENYC / France SURGEMX Works / Subtle Chaos Extra Sound by: 28thday production NYC Allen Thomson NYC Tickets: $70 till December 20th $80 till December 30th $95 at the door Open bar tickets till 3am $50 till December 30th $65 at the door Advance Ticket you can get in the following shops: Hoomoos Asli NYC 100 kenmare St & Lafayette 212-9660022 Satellite Records NYC 259 bowery AVE 212-9951744 Or call 917-5691177 / 917-4054847 ***18 to enter/21+ to drink***picture ID A MUST***Door Open: 10 PM to 8 AM ***champagne toast at midnight *** Fruit and bakeries buffet will be available in the morning*** Location: 83 Worth street Manhattan New York 10013 (web google/maps?q83+Worth+St,+New+York,+NY+10013&saX&oimap&cttitle) This is a beautiful space located in Downtown Manhattan. The place has a good sound and friendly security, By Subway: A, C, E. J. M. Z 1.2.3, To Chambers St 4, 5, 6, R & W To City Hall. Q & N to Canal St, By Car: go to google map (web google/maps?q83+Worth+St,+New+York,+NY+10013&saX&oimap&cttitle) For More information call us (917)-5691177 (917)-4054847 Or Email Us (file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/Program%20Files/CoffeeCup%20Software/CoffeeCup%20Free%20HTML%20Editor/Working/web myspace/alla dinproject) (file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/Program%20Files/CoffeeCup%20Software/CoffeeCup%20Free%20HTML%20Editor/Working/web alladinproject.n et) Here is the link for discount tic kets. Alladin Project will have these names the day before the event . Prices are going up again Dec 20 – 2 days. Note, open bar tickets are sold separately. This is the biggest lineup si nce Tour de Trance. Wow, what a differe nce a year makes…. many new developments in the scene/ brainmachines became tranceam/dV and evolved from a ghett o GUI into somthing we can be proud of. With the launch of forum, awards, links, gallery etc etc made 2006 the biggest leap forward ever for Intern et trance. Coincidentally, machinelf’s been off K for almost 11 months. Oh, and nceamericana.org/movies/videos.php tranceam.org/m ovies/videos.php On with the show.. . Presents: Sunday December 31st in 83 wort 10013/st1:PostalCode/st1:place s N ew Year with this event, we wish you all a year of success, good vibe, hap piness and health, we hope that this year will lead you to accomplish your cente c / weden/st1:place/-region center” ack’TRANAN ec /SP AN Re / t1:country-region TEXT-ALIG n Records centerTE ions by: by Alladin Project TEXT FAMILY: ‘Arial Black’VJ Art /SPAN s centerExtra Sound rial Black’28thday production sty B AVE center drink***picture ID A MUST***Door Open: 10 PM to 8 AM ***champagne toast at midnight *** Fruit and bakeries buffet will be available in the morning*** space located in Downto wn Manhattan. The place has a good sound and friendly security, /o:p St 4, 5, 6, R & W To City Hall. Q & N to Canal St, NT
#3863 Sat, 30 Dec 2006 00:20:46 From: “alladinproject” alladinproject at yahoo: Advance ticket ending Dec 30 (Saturday) for NYE Trance Party 7-4610748232-3823839877:5 Alladin Project Presents NYE 2007 LOGIC BOMB, S RANGE, TRANAN, ZION, KNO-B and more in NYC Alladin Project Presents: NYE 2007 Sunday December 31st in 83 worth street Manhattan New York 10013 We are very excited to ope n the New Year with this event, we wish you all a year of success, good vib e, happiness and health, we hope that this year will lead you to accomplish your good dream Line Up: LOGIC BOMB Live Solstice Rec Tip w orld Sweden S RANGE Live Liquid Rec, Team Cubase Sweden TRANAN Live S olstice Rec Sweden ZION Live Alladin Records Israel KNO-B Live Alla din Records Japan EARTHIAN Omni Tribe NYC CRIS Alladin records Mexico DRIZZT Montreal TONY UNORTHODOX 28thday, NYC SINPATEX Alladin recor ds MEKNIMALS Live Israel / NYC BABLA Kagdila rec India DROOZI Pune India SHUNNY Mad elephant Japan Art by: SEVERYN String ar t by: Alladin Project Crew VJ Art by: SURGE MX Works / Subtle Chaos GUILLAUME NYC / France Extra Sound by: 28thday production Allen T homson ****18 to enter 21 to drink with picture ID*** doors open 10 PM t o 8 AM *** champagne toast at midnight *** Fruit and bakeries buffet will b e available in the morning Tickets: $80 till December 30th $95 at the doo r Open bar tickets till 3am $50 till December 30th $65 at the door Advanc e Ticket you can get in the following shops: Hoomoos Asli NYC 100 kenmar e St & Lafayette 212-9660022 Satellite Records NYC 259 bowery AVE 212-9951 744 Or call 917-5691177 / 917-4054847 Online Tickets: web web tranceameri Location 83 Worth str eet Manhattan New York 10013 Google map: web goog e This is a beautiful space located in Downtown Manhattan. The place has a good sound and friendly security, Directions By Subway: A, C, E. J. M. Z 1.2.3, To Chambers St 4, 5, 6, R & W To City Hall. Q & N to Canal St, By car: Links: web all adinrecords web alladinrecords/ web myspace/lo gixbomb web myspace/logixbomb web logicbomb.se/ web logicbomb.se/ web myspace/trananmusic web myspac e/trananmusic web s-range web s-range/ web myspace/srangemusic web myspace/srangemusic myspace/zionpsy myspace/zionpsy web omnitribe web omnitribe/ web kagdilarecords web kagd ilarecords/ web 28thday/ web 28thday/ web djearthian/ web djearthian/ 7-4610748232-3823839877:5 adin Project Presents NYE 2007 LOGIC BOMB, S RANGE, TRANAN, st1st1ZION /st1/st1, KNO-B and more in NYCo/o roject Presents: NYE 2007 Sunday December 31st in 83 wort h street st1st1Manhattan/st1 st1New York/st1st110013/st1/s t1o/o ” ;” al ” te excited to open the New Year with this event, we wish you all a year of success, good vibe, happine ss and health, we hope that this year will lead you to accomplish your good dreamo/o ” ;” /o centero/o ” text-alig o/o “n entero/o ” st /o ” ;” al /st1o/o ” ;” KNO-B Live Alladin Records st1st1Japan /st1/st1o/o ” sty pt;EARTHIAN Omni Tribe NYCo/o ” st1/st1o/o ” styl t;DRIZZT st1st1Montreal/st1/st1o/o /o ” sty /o ” ;” al /o an centero/o ” text-alig ntero/o ” : 16pt;” o/o ” by:o/o ” ;” al o/o ” st sp;/o ” ; ” t RGE MX ” t NYC / France o/o ” ; ” text- MsoN /o day production o/o ” text Thomsono/o ” to dr ink with picture ID*** doors open 10 PM to 8 AM *** champagne toast at midni ght ***o/o “rningo/o ” ;” ” th $95 at the door o/o ” te till 3am $50 till D ecember 30th $65 at the dooro/o vance Ticket you can get in the following shops:o/o : ” MS”;color: black; kenmare St & Lafa yette 212-9660022o/o ” text-alig 259 bowery AVE 212-99 51744o/o ” ;” / 917-4054847o/o Tickets: web /cata ! incode auto-link end o/o ” sty no/o ” ;size: 26pt;o/o ” text-a The place has a good sound and friendly securit y,o/o ” ;” ali ” tex o/o ” ;To Chambers St 4, 5, 6, R & W To City Hall. Q & N to st1st1Canal St/st1/st1, o/o /o ” ;” al ” t o/o ” ; ” text web alladinrecords/web alladinrecords.co m o/o ” ;” xt;web logicbomb.se/ o/o space/trananmusic o/o ” sty o/o ” color: windowtext;web myspace/srangemusic o/o “windowtext;myspace/zionpsy o/o o/o ” ;o/o ” ;” al ian/ o/o ” st sp;/o ” ; ” text- MsoN 7-4610748232-3823839877:5
#3864 Sun, 31 Dec 2006 07:40:26 From: “scott7738” scott at 28thdayAlladin NYE presales final extension !! The 28thday sound system is alive and kicking at 83 Worth! The Alladin cre w has been working hard all week to transform this beautiful venue into an even more magical place for our New Year’s revelry, and tonight a wide cros s-section of the nyc crews including Alladin, psyNY, and 28thday bega n the finishing touches. We are in for a treat! As a final act of amnesty to all indecisive trancers, presale tickets have been extended to *2PM* Sun day. Hundreds have already been sold to those who will have an extra $15 i n their pockets for other necessities, and we invite you to be one of them! web tranceam.org web 28thday web alladinproject. net
#3865 Tue, 19 Dec 2006 16:36:43 Tue, 19 Dec 2006 16:36:41 From: Most NYC lists readable from one page using RSS feeds web tranceam.org/nyhome (web tranceam.org/nyhome ) Has feeds from the forum, tripoutny, and psyny all on one page. If you click any message you are directed to the yahoogroup/google group site. If there are any groups I’m missing please let me know. If we can get Omnitribe, Dragontribe, and global 604 too enable RSS on their groups, we’ll have them too. //web tranceam.org/nyhome web tranceam.org/nyhome Has feeds from the forum, tripoutny, a nd psyny all on one page. If you click any message you are directed to the yahoogroup/google group site. If there are any groups I’ m missing please let me know. If we can get Omnitribe, Dragontri be, and global 604 too enable RSS on their groups, we’ll have them to