Updated 2 years ago

These are the full emails with discussion, replies, off-topic, non-trance events, etc.
For a much more succinct, formatted, and edited history, go here, and here are just flyers.
Other years in emails:
1999* – 2000* – 2001* – 2002 Pt 1* – 2002 Pt 2* – 2003* – 2004 – 2005
2006 – 2007 – 2008 – 2009 – 2010 – 2011
*Trip Out New York was called Brainmachines from 1999-2003.
January 2007
#3867 Mon, 15 Jan 2007 20:43:35 From: “scott7738” scott at 28thdayJan 20 2007 :: PsyBooty at the Entheocentric Salon! Saturday, January 20 2007 at CoSM’s Entheocentric Salon 28thday presents Ps yBooty M-Field Record Release Party in CoSMosis from 10PM to 5AM, featurin g M-FIELD LIVE (PsyBooty Records | D-Space Studios, USA) web myspace/m fieldmusic | psybooty “Current Of Life,” the debut album from M-Field, is set for release on January 19, 2007! The album marks the first full-len gth artist album to be released on PsyBooty, and truly sets a new bar for p rogressive psytrance in America and around the world. “Current Of Life” is already receiving positive feedback from world renowned DJs and artists, as well as positive reviews in magazines. Listen to Equisol’s exclusive Curr ent of Life promo mix at web 28thday, or get it directly at: web D-SPACE LIVE PsyBooty Records | Soul Trance Records) web myspace/dspacestudios Jay and Steve will be weaving together their most immersive tracks live from the latest g rip of singles and forthcoming album material. Come on out to dance while D -Space connects the dots in the multi-dimensional geometry of the groove. and also at the Entheocentric Salon… novaTRON (Space Island, Seattle | L A) PEDRO (Reality Engine | Interchill Records | CoSM, NYC) PSYLAB (Sonic Be ating, Boston) DAN COVAN (NYC) CORAL (TOUCH Samadhi, NYC) Live art perform ances by: Alex & Allyson Grey Sharon Fulcher Zachariah Kaliptus Intellectu al stimulation at 8 PM by Alex Grey and Spot (web electricsheep.org) “Dream s in High Fidelity, a painting in continuous evolution”a talk on state o f the art psychedelic animation. Visuals by Optical Delusions and Spot Sou nd by 28thday Productions Location: Chapel of Sacred Mirrors 542 W 27th St reet, 4th Floor New York, NY web cosm.org Driving directions: http: Subway directions: web hopstop/route? Saturday 20 Jan 2007 8PM – 5AM $20 presale or door To purchase a ticket online visit: web enth eocentricsalon
#3868 Fri, 19 Jan 2007 19:36:24To: pedro at cosm.org Fri, 19 Jan 2007 19:36:22 From: Pedro Gomide pedro at realityengine.org[NYC]Tomorrow’s Entheocentric Salon time slots! Apple-Mail-1179862253 delspyes; formatflowed Entheocentric Salon web entheocentricsalon Saturday, January 20th 8 PM to 5 AM A fusion of art & music, live paintings, psychotropic p rojections, & eclectic grooves CoSMosis Open from 10 PM to 5 AM 10PM – Pedro 12AM – novaTRON (space island SEA/LA) 02AM – M-FIELD (D-SPACE (Ja Steve Equisol; PsyBooty Records | Soul Trance Records) 03:30 AM -M-FIELD (PsyBooty Records | D-Space Studios USA) CoSM: Open 8 PM to 4 AM 8 PM – Cultural Panel with Spot and Alex G rey 10 PM – Coral(Touch Samadhi) 96 dub/downtempo set 12 AM – Dan Covan 2 AM – PsyLab (dub/downtempo live band) Price: $20 Address: 542 W. 27th Street, 4th Floor NYC Links: web cosm.org web realityengine.org web int erchill web opticaldelusions web psybooty web myspace/novat ron web psylabunderground web electricsheep.org web spotworks web h ifidreams web 28thday Apple-Mail-1179862253 ; Apple-Mail-1179862253
#3869 Sat, 20 Jan 2007 10:59:54 From: ” WickedScreenSaverTheParty2! OCD- Opensource Contactalien Distributedcomputing This guy is speaking at COSM at 8pm b4 the party Saturday Be there or be sq uared Trust me – go here now and download this screensaver. If it’s not th e most psychedelic visual you’ve ever seen on a computer, I’ll owe you a bi g one (allow an hour or so for the sheep to baaaa baaaa to your machine) M eme ganked from SETI web electricsheep.org Ultimate reason to get Big Plasm a and my fave psytrance jam band is jammin go Dr Nigel hear them web psylabunderground/ “Electric Sheep is a free, open source screen s aver run by thousands of people all over the world. It can be installed on any ordinary PC or Mac. When these computers “sleep”, the screen saver come s on and the computers communicate with each other by the internet to share the work of creating morphing abstract animations known as “sheep”. The re sult is a collective “android dream”, an homage to Philip K. Dick’s novel D o Androids Dream of Electric Sheep. Anyone watching one of these computers may vote for their favorite animations using the keyboard. The more popula r sheep live longer and reproduce according to a genetic algorithm with mut ation and cross-over. Hence the flock evolves to please its global audience . You can also design your own sheep and submit them to the gene pool. ” /message/3868
#3870 Sun, 28 Jan 2007 23:56:07 From: “alladinproject” alladinproject at yahooAlladinProjectPresents:KNO-B Birthday SPECIES LIVE, ENERTOPIA, KNO-B, Fri Feb 2 9-6489565875-7158599500:4 forum.isratrance/viewtopic.php/topic/103455/forum/28 Alla din Project Presents: Friday February 2nd 2007 at CLUB EXIT 147 Greenpoint NY Hey guys we would like to thank all the ppl that took part in the NYE party it was a blast, we are opening the “Alladin 2007 party calendar” wit h KNO-B birthday, the talented rising star will blast the dance floor with his new Live Set. This party is going to be a special one!!! SPECIES is o ne of the best producers, he’s got strong sound and killer groove, not to b e missed!!! ENERTOPIA has not been properly introduced to the local scene. ..he used to be one of the leading artist in the years of 96 to 98, He has realeased 2 albums (BNE & Krembo Rec) and few singles. Now he’s back with n ew killer sounds that will blow you minds away, See you all there Lin e Up: SPECIES LIVE & Dj Set ENERTOPIA Alladin Records – Israel KNO-B LIVE & Dj Set Alladin Record s Japan ELNADIV Alladin records Israel CORAL Touch Samadhi NYC Electro room: NOLA Alladin Records NYC TONY UNORTHODOX 28th Day N YC And More TBA Decorations by: Alladin Project Crew (NYC) Tick ets: $20 before midnight $25 after midnight at the door ***18 to enter/21 + to drink with picture ID*** ***Door Open: 11 PM *** Location: CL UB EXIT 147 GREEN POINT AVE BROOKLYN NY 11222 Street Map: loca 0brooklyn- Directions: By Subway: Take the L train to metropolitan Ave & transfer to the G train to Green point Ave. The Club is right across the street. Or: take the L train to Redford stop and tran sfer to the 61 bus Go down in green point Ave (5 mint) Or: G train to gree n point Ave Subway Map: web mta.nyc.ny.us/nyct/maps/submap B us: 61, 43, to green point Ave Bus map: web mta.nyc.ny.us/nyct/map s/busbkln.pdf By Car: Take BQE (I-278) to Exit 33 McQuinness Blvd. To G reenpoint Ave. Turn LEFT at Greenpoint Ave Proceed to the corner of Manhatt an Ave. By car service / taxi: From Manhattan cost $15 From Bedford Sta tion it cost $6 More info: (917)-5691177 (917)-4054847 Links: http ://web alladinproject.net web alladinproject.net/ web mysp ace/enertopiapsy web myspace/enertopiapsy web ultr agrooverecords web ultragrooverecords/ web 28thday web 28thday/ 9-6489565875-7158599500:4 Alladin Project Presents: ” text-ali bruary 2nd 2007 at CLUB EXIT 147 Greenpoint NY st ” style ppl that took part in the NYE party it was a blast, we are opening the “Al ladin 2007 party calendar” with KNO-B birthday, the talented rising star wi ll blast the dance floor with his new Live Set.o/o pecial one!!! SPECIES is one of the best producers, he’s got strong sound and killer groove, not to be missed!!! o/o properly introduced to the local scene…he used to be one of the leading a rtist in the years of 96 to 98, He has realeased 2 albums (BNE & Krembo Rec) and few singles. Now he’s back with new killer sounds that will blow you minds away,o/o ” text b Vison – Serbiao/o ds – st1st1Israel/st1/st1 ” o/o ” M ” sty Israel/ /o ” ;/o ro/o ” text-ali /o ” ;” a ” sty o/o ” UNORTHODOXo/o 28th Day NYCo/o /o ” ; ” text- MsoN o/o ” ;” al ” text-alig ” st midnight $25 aft er midnight at the door ” style to drink wi th picture ID*** ” tex PM *** /o tero/o ” ” te B EXIT ” ;” OINT AVE /st1/st1 ” text-a tero/o ” st o/o entero/o ” style train to metropolitan Ave & transfer to the G train to Green point Ave . The Club is right across the street. train t o st1Redford/st1stop and transfer to the 61 bus Go down in gree n point Ave (5 mint) p: web mta.nyc.ny.us/nyct/maps/submap /b er61, 43, to green point Ave ” web mta.nyc.ny.us/ nyct/maps/busbkln.pdf ” style M ) ss Blvd./st1/st1To st1st1Greenpoint Ave./st1/st1 b Turn LEFT at Greenpoint Ave Proceed to the corner of Manhattan Ave. tero/o ” 1cost $15 From st1st1Bedford/st1/st1Station it cost $6/b o/o sp;/o centero/o ” te web alladinproject.net o/o color: windowtext;web myspace/enertopiapsy /a o/o ” ext;web ultragrooverecords o/o an color: windowtext;web 28thday o/o/s pan 9-6489565875-7158599500:4
February 2007
#3872 Fri, 02 Feb 2007 16:19:04 From: “alladinproject” alladinproject at yahooTHIS FRIDAY!!! AlladinProjectPresents:KNO-B Birthday SPECIES LIVE, ENERTOPIA, 6-4775275904-2069387298:0 We are happy to let you know that STEVE-O Gaian-mind And VADIM loft.n.spac e / phonoscape will play in this party Full Party info: Alladin Project Presents: Friday February 2nd 2007 at CLUB EXIT 147 Greenpoint NY Hey g uys we would like to thank all the ppl that took part in the NYE party it w as a blast, we are opening the “Alladin 2007 party calendar” with KNO-B bir thday, the talented rising star will blast the dance floor with his new Liv e Set. This party is going to be a special one!!! SPECIES is one of the b est producers, he’s got strong sound and killer groove, not to be missed!!! ENERTOPIA has not been properly introduced to the local scene…he used t o be one of the leading artist in the years of 96 to 98, He has released 2 albums (BNE & Krembo Rec) and few singles. Now he’s back with new killer so unds that will blow you minds away, See you all there Line Up: SPECI ES LIVE & Dj Set ENERTOPIA Alladin Records – Israel KNO-B LIVE & Dj Set Alladin Records Japan E LNADIV Alladin records Israel CORAL Touch Samadhi NYC Electro roo m: STEVE-O Gaian-mind VADIM loft.n.space / phonoscape NOLA Alla din Records NYC TONY UNORTHODOX 28th Day NYC Decorations by: Alladin Project Crew (NYC) Tickets: $20 before midnight $25 after mi dnight at the door ***18 to enter/21+ to drink with picture ID*** ***Do or Open: 11 PM *** Location: CLUB EXIT 147 GREEN POINT AVE BROOKLYN NY 11222 Street Map: reenpoint%20ave%20brooklyn&- local.google/local Dire ctions: By Subway: Take the L train to metropolitan Ave & transfer to the G train to Green point Ave. The Club is right across the street. Or: take the L train to Redford stop and transfer to the 61 bus Go down in green po int Ave (5 mint) Or: G train to green point Ave Subway Map: web mt a.nyc.ny.us/nyct/maps/submap Bus: 61, 43, to green point Ave Bus m ap: web mta.nyc.ny.us/nyct/maps/busbkln.pdf By Car: Take BQE (I- 278) to Exit 33 McQuinness Blvd. To Greenpoint Ave. Turn LEFT at Greenpoint Ave Proceed to the corner of Manhattan Ave. By car service / taxi: Fro m Manhattan cost $15 From Bedford Station it cost $6 More info: (917)-56 91177 (917)-4054847 Links: web alladinproject.net web alladinproject.net/ web myspace/enertopiapsy web myspa ce/enertopiapsy web ultragrooverecords web ultragr ooverecords/ web gaian-mind web gaian-mind/ web 28thday web 28thday/ web myspace/co mtak web myspace/comtak web loftnspace web .loftnspace/ 6-4775275904-2069387298:0 We are happy to let you know that STEVE -O Gaian-mind And VADIM loft.n.sp ace / phonoscape will play in this partyo/o “Full Party info:o/o ” styl Project Presents: ont-size: 18pt;o/o ” text-a ” s took part in the NYE party it was a blast, we are opening the “Alladin 2007 party calendar” with KNO-B birthday, the talented rising star will blast t he dance floor with his new Live Set.o/o !!! SPECIES is one of the best producers, he’s got stron g sound and killer groove, not to be missed!!! o/o ntroduced to the local scene…he used to be one of the leading artist in t he years of 96 to 98, He has released 2 albums (BNE & Krembo Rec) and f ew singles. Now he’s back with new killer sounds that will blow you minds a way,o/o ” 10.5pt;o/o ” tex Vison – Serbiao/o 1Israel/st1/st1 ” ;an centerAlladin Records st1st1Japan/st1/st1 ” 22pt;ELNADIVo/o ” text Israel o/o ” ;” /b erElectro room:o/o ” text-a /o ” ; ” text o/o ” o/o ” ;” Records NYC spa ” ” text UNORTHODOXo/o ” text-alig o/o ” ; ” text- ” te M /b ero/o ” ;” ” text-a ” midnight $25 after midnight at the door ” text-alig ” styl to drink w ith picture ID*** ” te PM *** ;/o ntero/o ” ” t UB EXIT “POINT AVE /st1/st1 ” text- ntero/o ” s o/o centero/o ” style train to metropolitan Ave & transfer to the G train to Green point Ave . The Club is right across the street. train t o st1Redford/st1stop and transfer to the 61 bus Go down in gree n point Ave (5 mint) p: web mta.nyc.ny.us/nyct/maps/submap /b er61, 43, to green point Ave ” web mta.nyc.ny.us/ nyct/maps/busbkln.pdf ” style M ) ss Blvd./st1/st1To st1st1Greenpoint Ave./st1/st1 b Turn LEFT at Greenpoint Ave Proceed to the corner of Manhattan Ave. tero/o ” 1cost $15 From st1st1Bedford/st1/st1Station it cost $6/b o/o sp;/o centero/o ” te : blue;web alladinproject.net/web alladinproje ct.net o/o ” text-alig web myspace/enertopiapsyweb myspace/en ertopiapsy o/o ” text- ://web ultragrooverecords o/o web gaian-mind o/o thday o/o ” text-a ue;web myspace/comtakweb myspace o/o p;/o 6-4775275904-2069387298:0
#3873 Thu, 15 Feb 2007 15:16:56Thu, 15 Feb 2007 15:16:53 From: Pedro Gomide pedro at realityengine.org[NYC] Entheocentric Salon 02/24 – Daniel Pinchbeck – Music by Karsh Kale, Sub Swara Live and Pedro Apple-Mail-110114315 delspyes; formatflowed Entheocentric Salon web entheocentricsalon Saturday, Feb 24th 8 PM to 5 AM A fusion of art & music, live paintings, psychot ropic projections, & eclectic grooves Intellectual stimulation at 9 PM : Daniel Pinchbeck & Alex Grey will be talking about the initiation into the visionary worlds Daniel Pinchbeck is the author of Breaking Open the H ead: A Psychedelic Journey into the Heart of Contemporary Shamanism (Broad way Books, 2002) and 2012: The Return of Quetzalcoatl (Tarcher/Penguin, 2006). His features have appeared in The New York Times Magazine, Rollin g Stone, Esquire, Wired and many other publications. He writes a monthy column, 93Prophet Motive94, for Conscious Choice Magazine (web conscio uschoice web consciouschoice), which has affiliates in S eattle, Chicago, San Francisco, and Los Angeles. -Live art performances by: Alex & Allyson Grey Oliver Vernon Zachariah Sharon Fulcher CoSMosis O pen from 10 PM to 5 AM Karsh Kale(Six Degrees/Kollektiv) Described by Bil lboard Magazine as a 93visionary composer and producer94, Karsh Kale (p ronounced 93Kursh Kah-lay94) is one of global electronic music92s brig htest stars. While his peers view Kale as a force of nature on both tabla and drums, Kale is an equally innovative song writer, producer, composer and DJ. Whether playing live or as a DJ . Kale has brought his infectiou s global sound to almost every major city on four continents. Kale is equ ally renown by both fans and critics as the pioneer of a sound that captu res a panorama of influences – past and future, analog and digital – br inging classical Indian music into the Western mainstream rock and electr onic vernacular. In a span of less than seven years, Kale released four c ritically acclaimed solo albums on Six Degrees Records, became a founding member of the super groups Tabla Beat Science and Realize Live, recorded and remixed countless artists, and has collaborated with the likes of Za kir Hussain, Paul Oakenfold, Sting, Anoushka Shankar, Salim-Sulaiman, Bil l Laswell, MIDIval Punditz, Norah Jones, Sultan Khan, Paula Cole, Susheel a Raman and Herbie Hancock. Karsh has also created Kollektiv, a national crew of DJs’ producers, musicians and artists showcasing cutting edge u nderground music through Kollektiv events across the country. Sub Swara ( Sunder, Dhruva and Haj) The Sub Swara crew has making serious waves in the world of cutting edge sound since its inception as a performing crew and club residency in 2005. Both as individual recording and performing ar tists and as a tandem, the Sub Swara crew is everywhere right now.Defying genre and concocting a bass charged blend of midtempo breaks, ragga danc ehall, glitch, dub step, next level breakbeat and the uncategorizable, Dh ruva, Sunder, Haj have created a profound imprint and redefined dance mus ic with their signature blend of mixing, turntablism and live dubbed out tabla. With a slew of crushing new material, a much anticipated debut al bum scheduled for late summer 2007 release, and blazing gigs from coasts to coast and across the world, SS has been pushing big speaker bizness to new levels. The Sub Swara live set represents the crew in fullest effec t. With the recent addition of heavyweight mc Juakali to the live Set Su b Swara has added a crucial ragga component to their international bass and breaks filled sound and has continued to ignite and unite crews from all sonic lineages. The SS sounds run deep and traverses all boundaries . Pedro (Reality Engine/ Interchill/ CoSM) Originally from Brazil, Ped ro plays and produces free style tribal grooves, with dub beats into midt empo trance, breaks and house, he fuses influences from many tribal cultu res and genres to build an uplifting experience CoSM: Open 9 PM to 4 AM Intellectual stimulation at 9 PM: Daniel Pinchbeck & Alex Grey will be ta lking about the initiation into the visionary worlds -DJs: Mikio(Freek Factory/Disorient) Alien Blue (CoSM) -Live: Hudost Eye of the Spirit Lo unge: Karin Nev & Zena Lotus Yoshi Visuals by: Optical Delusions VJ Gui’Aum’Etrix Sound by: 28thday Price: $20 Address: 5 42 W. 27th Street, 4th Floor NYC Links: web cosm.org web realityengine. org web interchill web opticaldelusions web breakingopenthehead web karshkale web myspace/karshkale web subswara web freekfact ory web myspace/subswara web myspace/dhruvamusic web myspace.co m/freekusmaximus web myspace/juakali web subswara.tribe.net Apple-Mail-110114315 ; Grey will be talking about the initiation into the visionary worlds the author of Breaking Open the Head: A Psychedelic ArialJourney into the Heart of Contemporary Shamanism (Broadway Books, 20 peared in The New York Times Magazine, Rolling Stone, Esquire, Wired Magazine ( web consciouschoice/ lboard Magazine as a 93visionary composer and producer94, Karsh Kale (pro nounced 93Kursh Kah-lay94) is one of global electronic music92s brightes t stars. While his peers view Kale as a force of nature on both tabla and d rums, Kale is an equally innovative song writer, producer, composer and DJ. Whether playing live or as a DJ . Kale has brought his infectious global s ound to almost every major city on four continents. Kale is equally renown by both fans and critics as the pioneer of a sound that captures a panorama of influences – past and future, analog and digital – bringing classical I ndian music into the Western mainstream rock and electronic vernacular. In a span of less than seven years, Kale released four critically acclaimed so lo albums on Six Degrees Records, became a founding member of the super gro ups Tabla Beat Science and Realize Live, recorded and remixed countless art ists, and has collaborated with the likes of Zakir Hussain, Paul Oakenfold, Sting, Anoushka Shankar, Salim-Sulaiman, Bill Laswell, MIDIval Punditz, No rah Jones, Sultan Khan, Paula Cole, Susheela Raman and Herbie Hancock. Kars h has also created Kollektiv, a national crew of DJs’ producers, musicians and artists showcasing cutting edge underground music through Kollektiv eve ara crew has making serious waves in the world of cutting edge sound since its inception as a performing crew and club residency in 2005. Both as i ndividual recording and performing artists and as a tandem, the Sub Swara c rew is everywhere right now.Defying genre and concocting a bass charged ble nd of midtempo breaks, ragga dancehall, glitch, dub step, next level breakb eat and the uncategorizable, Dhruva, Sunder, Haj have created a profound im print and redefined dance music with their signature blend of mixing, turnt ablism and live dubbed out tabla. With a slew of crushing new material, a much anticipated debut album scheduled for late summer 2007 releas e, and blazing gigs from coasts to coast and across the world, SS has b “Arial The Sub Swara live set represents the crew in fullest effect. With the recent addition of heavyweight mc Juakali to the live Set Sub Swara has added a crucial ragga component to their international bass an d breaks filled sound and has continued to ignite and unite crews from all sonic lineages. The SS sounds run deep and traverses all boundaries.dro plays and produces free style tribal grooves, with dub beats into midte mpo trance, breaks and house, he fuses influences from many tribal cultures and genres to build an uplifting experienceinchbeck & Alex Grey will be talking about the initiation into the visi web myspace/freekusmaximus fa web myspace/juakali Apple-Mail-110114315
#3874 Sun, 18 Feb 2007 21:39:05 From: “alladinproject” alladinproject at yahooAlladin Project Presents:ETNICA, KNO-B LIVE, ELNADIV, CRIS, NOLA Saturday Feb 24 7-5718928817-7188622140:1 Alladin Project Presents: “PsyTrance Party NYC” Saturday February 24 th 2007 at Webster Hall Hi, we are exited to host Alladin Project PsyTrance party in the main room of the Webster Hall, that future the best sound sys tem in the city, psychedelic laser show, multiple visual screens, and separ ated entrance to the main room. The party will be pure Alladin Project psy style party, so please come with you best energy to blast the floor!!! Se e u all there with love & light!!! Line Up: ETNICA-Maurizio Etnicanet – I biza /Spain KNO-B LIVE Alladin Records- Japan ELNADIV Alladin Records – Israel/NYC CRIS Alladin Records – Mexico NOLA Alladin Records NYC VJ By: SERG Alladin Project NYC Decorations by: Alladin Project Crew, NYC SEVERYN, NYC Tickets: $25 before midnight $30 after midnight at the d oor ***18 to enter/21+ to drink with picture ID*** ***Door Open: 11 PM to 8 AM *** Location: WEBSTER HALL 125 E 11th St New York, NY 10003 Googl e Maps: maps.google/m Directions by Subway: Take the N R 4 5 6 or L to Union Square/14th St. Walk to the corner of 14th St. and 4th Ave. Walk downtown 3 blocks to 11th St and make a left. Links: web myspace/alla dinproject web myspace/alladinproject web etnicanet.net web etnicanet.net/ web alladinrecords web alla dinrecords/ Our next party will be first time in NYC SKAZI LIVE more info will be up soon!! Peace & Love in Trance Alladin Project Crew 7-5718928817-7188622140:1 Prese nts: o/o ” ;” o/o ” ;” suth 2007 at Webster Hall o/o i, we are exited to host Alladin Project PsyTrance party in the main room o f the Webster Hall, that future the best sound system in the city, psychede lic laser show, multiple visual screens, and separated entrance to the main room. The party will be pure Alladin Project psy style party, so please come with you best energy to blast the floor!!! o/o/b See u all there with love & light!!! Line Up: net – Ibiza /st1st1Spain/st1/st1 o/o Alladin st1st1Records-/st1st1Japan/st1/st1sp ” st b Alladin Records – Israel/NYC o/o /b Records – st1st1Mexico/st1/st1 ” text-alig /b Alladin Records NYC ![if !supportLineBre akNewLine] ![endif] ” t r ![if !supportLineBreakNewLine] ![endif] ons by: NYC ” ;” a Tickets: $25 before midnight $30 after midnight at the door ***18 to enter/21+ to drink with picture ID*** b r ***Door Open: 11 PM to 8 AM *** Location: st1st1125 E 11th St/st1st1New York/st1, st1NY/st1st110003/st1/st1/p o/o ” ;” al the N R 4 5 6 or L to Union Square/14th St. Walk to the corner of 14th St. and 4th Ave. Walk downtown 3 blocks to 11th St and make a left.o/o/spa n ro/o ” ;” ” text 8pt; tnicanet.net/web etnicanet.net o/oweb ” te p;/o ” ;” ali Our next party will be first time in NYC SKAZI LIVE more info will be up soon!! Peace & Love in Tranc e Alladin Project Crew o/o 7-5718928817-7188622140:1
#3875 Tue, 20 Feb 2007 16:49:42 Tue, 20 Feb 2007 16:49:42 Cc: TripOutNY From: New contact info for Jeff/Machinelf My new main cell is 347-371-2442 Check out free AOL . Most comprehensive set of free safe ty and security tools, millions of free high-quality videos from across the Check out free AOL at free.aol/thenewaol/index.adp. Most comprehensive set of free safety and security tools, millions of free high-quality videos from across the we b, free AOL Mail and much more.
#3876 Wed, 21 Feb 2007 10:24:23 -0800 From: scott scott at 28thdayReefer Decree and Ibojima LIVE :: March 10 0-1548328378-1172082263:55254 ‘—. 10.march.2007 new york city ‘—. 28thday presents ‘.- – psynoptic shift “It is winter proper; the cold weather, such as it is, has come to stay. I bloom indoors like a forced forsythia; I come in to come out.” Annie Dillard And now on with the dance! 28thday invites you to an old-fashioned psyc hedelic loft party, this time at a spacious, accessible location in Queens . To attend this event shift at 28thday, or purchase a presale ticket at web 28thday. Exact location will be provided 48 ho urs in advance, to all RSVP and presale holders. You *must* RSVP or purcha se a presale to attend no exceptions! Musical lineup: REEFER DECREE – LIVE (Iboga, Denmark) Many of you remember stomping wild and barefoot to Oliver’s beautifully funky DJ set at our Pro g in the Park event last summer. There’s still a little while to go befor e we’ll all be back out under the warm sun, but don’t be surprised if you break a sweat tonight grooving to Reefer Decree’s live set extended to 1.5 hours so Oliver can share with us some “crispy new material”. IBOJIMALIVE + DJ (Yellow Sunshine Explosion, Sweden) S wedish trance duo Mathias (dj Molly Kulator) Andersson and Magnus Holte wer e recognized by Israeli artist Safi Connection, who helped record their fir st track ‘Awakening Of Dawn’. Ibojima’s second release ‘Apollo Project’ bec ame a blasting dance-floor hit, and together with last release ‘Higher Ener gy’ made Ibojima a big name worldwide. Since last year’s album release ‘Mor ning Glory’ on YSE, which added a crunchy twist to their sound, Ibojima has been booked solid for live performances worldwide. Most recently touring with trance legend Hux-Flux, this will be Mathias’ flagship United States a ppearance. CHRISTER (Limboland | Shiva Space Technology | Mechanik, Germ any) Christer is a label DJ for two important labels: Shiva Space Technology and Mechanik Records. He’s also one of those old-style DJs, the rare kind that tries to tell a story from behind the mixer instead of just playing the latest unreleaseds. His first true epiphany came in the shape a nd form of the album “Return to the Source – The Chakra Journey”, which dro ve his interest for music even further down the electronic spiral highway. Since then Christer has provided the audience with a wide and exciting rang e of psychedelic trance, with one main intention: to make people dance. As Christer exclaims, “Psychedelic music is pure energy and raw spirituality – I play it because I love it, unconditionally.” DAVE HENSHAW (Sonic Beat ing, Boston) It’s sometimes difficult to find Dave at a party because he prefers to maintain a low profile guarding the parking lot, checking Red Sox scores, or chilling in the back corner of the dance floor; but once yo u do find him behind the decks, you will realize that he is one of the most profound progressive DJs in North America. AMMON EP (Sonic Beating | S oul Trance, Boston) This brilliant musician has been spinning psy in B oston for almost 10 years. His skills run deep: Ammon performed at the last Gaian Mind festival, and also ran the main sound system at that event. He’ s part of the classical/world beat band Copal, and the owner of Soul Tranc e records. Tonight Ammon will showcase his talents in the progressive-psy d epartment. LAURYN (Peak Records | 28thday, NYC) Peak Records l abel DJ and 28thday resident, Lauryn has been busy rocking parties and fest ivals at various locations within the United States, Canada, and Europe. S he’s known for her energetic, nighttime, funky full-on, delic sets. Tonigh t we welcome Lauryn home to her first 28thday appearance since relocating t o NYC! TONY UNORTHODOX (28thday, NYC) There is a new move ment in electronic music happening overseas, a new wave of electro-infused trance music that combines the best elements of prog, electro, techno and p sytrance into a sound that is much more powerful and groovy than your stand ard progressive psy. Unfortunately this exciting and highly danceable new f rontier has largely gone under the radar in New York, and Tony has made it his personal mission to fix that. Tony Unorthodox is one of the cogs th at make the 28thday wheel spin, and is also one of NYC’s longest active pro g/psy DJs. Through his tenure as a local DJ and various appearances, he has become a staple in today’s “nyc trancers” musical diet. Handing out hundre ds of free CDs including last year’s “Summer Mix ’06”, he has always been a n endless resource for good new music, and tonight will be no differeal ong with a DJ set of hot new unheard-of tunes, he will be handing out hundr eds of copies of his spankin’ new ’07 mix, free for all in attendance. Don’ t miss out! Visionary projections by Spot (Spotworks, NYC) web spotworks | web electricsheep.org VJ and software artist Spot (aka Sco tt Draves) has recently wowed audiences at CoSM’s Entheocentic Salon events performing special extra-high-fidelity renderings of visuals that have be en communally evolved and selected from his well-known electricsheep screen saver. “…he provides not only mind-blowing hardcore psychedelics, b ut also a visual theory of evolution … the intricacy and artistry of Drav es’ work is somthing that will delight both sets of NASA enthusiasts 97 t hose who work for the governmental space organization and the others who re minisce about the legendary New York party.” Earplug Decor by SONIC BEATING Saturday, March 10 2007 Queens, NYC 11PM to 8:30 AM presale $20 door $25 with RSVP (see below) Exact location will be provided 48 hours in advance, to all RSVP to and presale holders. You *mus t* RSVP to shift at 28thday or purchase a presale to attend no exceptio ns! Presales available online now: web 28thday 0-1548328378-1172082263:55254 imes new roman,new ext-html” &nb ‘—. &n bs 28thday presents &nbs rgb( Co &nb s- &nbs & “It is winter proper; the cold weather, such as it is, has come to stay. I bloom indoors like a forced forsythia; I come in to come out.” Annie Dillard now on with the dance! 28thday invites you to an old-fashioned psychedelic loft party, this time at a spacious accessible location in Queens. To attend this event send an ema or purchase absExact location will be provided 48 hours in advance, to all RSVP a nd presale RSVP or purchase a presale to attend no exceptions! Musical lineup: REEFER DECREE – LIVE (Iboga, Denmark) of you remember stomping wild and barefoot to Oliver’s beautifully funky DJ set at our Prog in the P ark event last summer. There’s still a little while to go before we’ll all be back out under the warm sun, but don’t be surprised if you break a sweat tonight grooving to Reefer Decree’s live set exte nded to 1.5 hours so Oliver can share with us some “crispy new material “. LIVE + DJ (Yell ow Sunshine Explosion, Sweden) Swedish trance duo Mathias (dj Molly Kulator) An dersson and Magnus Holte were recognized by Israeli artist Safi Conne ction, who helped record Project’ b ecame a blasting dance-floor hit, and together with last release ‘Hig onospaceSince last year’s album release ‘Morning Glory’ on YSE, which added a crunchy twist to their sound, Ibojima has been booked solid f or live performances worldwide. Most recently touring with trance legen d Hux-Flux, this will be Mathias’ flagship United States appearance. STER (Limboland | Shiva Space Technology | Mechanik, Germany) Christer is a label DJ for two importa nt labels: Shiva Space Technology and Mechanik Records. He’s also one of those old-style DJs, the rare kind that tries to tell a story from b ehind the mixer instead of just playing the latest unreleaseds. His firs t true epiphany came in the shape and form of the album “Return to the S ource – The Chakra Journey”, which drove his interest for music even further down the electronic spiral highway. Since then Christer has prov ided the audience with a wide and exciting range of psychedelic trance, with one main intention: to make people dance. As Christer exclaims, “P sychedelic music is pure energy and raw spirituality – I play it beca use I love it, unconditionally.” pace,;” artist” small color: ng, Boston) It’s sometimes difficult to find Dave at a pa rty because he prefers to maintain a low profile guarding the parking lo t, checking Red Sox scores, or chilling in the back corner of the danfloor; but once you do find him behind the decks, you will realize th at he is one of the most profound progressive DJs in North America. artistAMMON EP artistAttrib( Sonic Beating | Soul Trance, Boston) This brilliant music ian has been spinning psy in Boston for almost 10 years. His skills run deep: Ammon performed at the last Gaian Mind festival, and also ran the main sound system at that event. He’s part of the classical/world beat band Copal, and the owner of Soul Trance records. Tonight Ammon will showcase his talents in the progressive-psy department. /small f onospace,; LAURYN (Peak Records | 28thday, NYC) Peak Records label D J and 28thday resident, Lauryn has been busy rocking parties and festiva ls at various locations within the United States, Canada, and Europe. S he’s known for her energetic, nighttime, funky full-on, delic sets. Ton ight we welcome Lauryn home to her first 28thday appearance since rel ocating to NYC! fo UNORTHODOX (28thday, NYC) aceThere is a new movement in electronic music happening overseas, a n ew wave of electro-infused trance music that combines the best elements of prog, electro, techno and psytrance into a sound that is much more po werful and groovy than your standard progressive psy. Unfortunately t his exciting and highly danceable new frontier has largely gone under th e radar in New York, and Tony has made it his personal mission to fix th at. Tony Unorthodox is one of the cogs that make the 28thday w heel spin, and is also one of NYC’s longest active prog/psy DJs. Through his tenure as a local DJ and various appearances, he has become a stapl e in today’s “nyc trancers” musical diet. Handing out hundreds of free C Ds including last year’s “Summer Mix ’06”, he has always been an endless resource for good new music, and tonight will be no differealong with a DJ set of hot new unheard-of tunes, he will be handing out hundr eds of copies of his spankin’ new ’07 mix, free for all in attendance. D on’t miss out! /smallcolor: rgb(45, 45, 45); projections b y Spot (Spotworks, NYC) urier New, Courier, monospaceVJ and software artist Spot (aka Scott Drave s) has recently wowed audiences at CoSM’s Entheocentic Salon events, performing special extra-high-fidelity renderings of visuals that have b een communally evolved and selected from his well-known electricsheep sc reen saver. “…he provides not only mind-blowing hardcore psych edelics, but also a visual theory of evolution … the intricacy and artistry of Draves’ work is somthing that will delight both sets of NAS A enthusiasts 97 those who work for the governmental space organization and the others who reminisce about the legendary New York party.” Ea rplug artistDecor by SONIC BEATING ay, March 10 2007 11PM to 8:30AM presale $20 ourier, monospacewith RSVP (see below) Exact location will be p rovided 48 hours in advance, to all RSVP to and presale holders. You b or purchase a presale to attend no exceptions! /small/spa er, monospace /small lor: rgb(45, 45, 45);Presales available online now: co 28thday color: rgb(45, 45, 45); /di v / div /b ody0-1548328378-1172082263:55254
#3877 Thu, 22 Feb 2007 12:15:59 From: ” New brain machine technology to be displayed at COSM this Saturday technology link web photosonix/colortrack this personalize d combo will be for sale; the controller will be customized in silver holog ram event info: /message/3873
#3878 Thu, 22 Feb 2007 14:13:09 2101522.USRUEIGX at chaisho Thu, 22 Feb 2007 14:13:09 From: Trancer’s Guide to the Galaxy 2007 Magazine Out Now From: mediainfo-sender at chaishop T o: Sent: Sat, 10 Feb 2007 9:22 AM Trancer’s Gu ide to the Galaxy 2007 Magazine Out Now Trancer’s Guide to the Gal axy 2007 Magazine Out Now ! February 2007. Whilst folk in the Northern H emisphere celebrate the passing of mid-winter and those in the south enjoy the height of their summer season, the Trancers Guide to the Galax y 2007 starts it annual journey around the globe. Whether providing the int ernational traveller with a handy companion on their voyages or giving the land-locked trance lover a glimpse of whats going on elsewhere, th is years guide is 25% bigger and contains 80 pages of content cove ring 35 trance active countries. Festivals, parties, music and people; the Trancers Guide to the Galaxy will help you find the psychedelic fa mily wherever it wants to be found! We have once again been able to print 30,000 copies and, with the help of our distribution partners, are spreadin g them out at various festivals, parties, shops and bars throughout the yea r. If you don’t want to wait for the Trancer’s Guide to find you, you can o rder it via the Trancer’s Guide website. There you can also register to win one of 1000 free magazines until May 1st. However you manage to obtain one we hope you enjoy it. Were also proud to announce the launch of a new, free online directory. It is to serve as both a reference for those working for the project as well as a contact directory for registered membe rs. The magazine and website represent the surprisingly harmonious work of around 100 scattered souls, linked by the desire to share the psychedelic s cenes they know best. We thank you all for the parts you play in this cosmi c charade, lets keep the dance alive ;). More info & how to get it : web trancersguide Mailing Info E2809CChaishop Media Mai lingE2809D is send to over 3000 trance business contacts. Subscribe or Check out the new AOL. Most comprehensive set of free safety and security tools, free access to m illions of high-quality videos from across the web, free AOL Mail and more. -Original Message- From: mediainfo-sender at chaishop To: . com Sent: Sat, 10 Feb 2007 9:22 AM Trancer’s Guide to the Galaxy 2007 Magazine Out Now 10-24fb-4e6f-8e77-0f4ca3a9280e Trancer’s Guide to the Galaxy 2007 Magazine Out Now ! / /mailings/mediainfo/064/ February 2007. Whilst folk in the Northern Hemisphere celebrate the passing of mid-winter and those in the so uth enjoy the height of their summer season, the Trancers Guide to the Galaxy 2007 starts it annual journey around the globe. Whethe r providing the international traveller with a handy companion on their voy ages or giving the land-locked trance lover a glimpse of whats goi ng on elsewhere, this years guide is 25% bigger and contains 80 pa ges of content covering 35 trance active countries. Festivals, parties, mus ic and people; the Trancers Guide to the Galaxy will help you find the psychedelic family wherever it wants to be found! stro ngWe have once again been able to print 30,000 copies and, with the help o f our distribution partners, are spreading them out at various festivals, p arties, shops and bars throughout the year. If you don’t want to w ait for the Trancer’s Guide to find you, you can order it via the Trancer’s Guide website. There you can also register to win one of 1000 free magazin es until May 1st. However you manage to obtain one, we hope you enjoy it./ Were also proud to announce the launch of a ne w, free online directory. It is to serve as both a reference for t hose working for the project as well as a contact directory for registered members. The magazine and website represent the surprisingly h armonious work of around 100 scattered souls, linked by the desire to share the psychedelic scenes they know best. We thank you a ll for the parts you play in this cosmic charade, lets ke ep the dance alive ;). More info & how to get it: ://web chaishop/mailings/mediainfo/064/web trancersguide/ a Mailing Info Stil1E2809CChaishop Media MailingE2809D is send to over 3000 trance business contacts. p/mailinglist 10-24fb-4e6f-8e77-0f4ca3a9280e sty pr.atwola/promoclk/1615326 t of free safety and security tools, free access to millions of high-qualit y videos from across the web, free AOL Mail and more./
#3879 22 Feb 2007 23:55:33 Thu, 22 Feb 2007 23:55:40 rainbowtrance, omnitribe, formatflowed From: scott scott at 28thdayFriday night Meta LIVE in NYC ! Thanks everyone for all the Shift rsvps, keep ’em coming this party is going to be one for the books. We’re happy to announce the addition of Ben light-o-matic on intelligent lighting, joining fellow feng-pshyui masters Sonic Beating and Spot in helping us all get our visual grooves in line. We’re so excited about this party we just can’t wait to see you all, and so we’re not going to… come to the Shift pre-party *tonight* Friday February 23, with a full-on live performance from Meta! Friday, Feb 23 Luv 24/7 247 Eldridge St Manhattan, NYC $5.00 10PM – 4AM featuring: META – LIVE (Acidance | Geomagnetic, San Francisco) | web myspace/metaekstasis TONY UNORTHODOX (28thday, NYC) + special guest! Subway directions: web hopstop/route?zip210002&address2247+ELDRIDGE+ST&modes Driving directions: maps.google/maps?fq&hlen&q%2224-7+bar+%26+lounge%22&ieUTF8&z14&ll40.729308,-73.986483 web 28thday
#3880 Fri, 23 Feb 2007 14:05:12To: tranceformers, TripOutNY, nyc604 Fri, 23 Feb 2007 14:04:48 From: Pedro Gomide pedro at realityengine.org[NYC] Entheocentric Salon 02/24 – Daniel Pinchbeck – Music by Karsh Kale, Sub Swara Live and Pedro Apple-Mail-3-676760574 delspyes; formatflowed Entheocentric Salon web entheocentricsalon Saturday, Feb 24th 8 PM t o 5 AM A fusion of art & music, live paintings, psychotropic projections, & eclectic grooves Intellectual stimulation at 9 PM by: Daniel Pinchb eck & Alex Grey will be talking about the initiation into the visionary w orlds Daniel Pinchbeck is the author of Breaking Open the Head: A Psychede lic Journey into the Heart of Contemporary Shamanism (Broadway Books, 20 02) and 2012: The Return of Quetzalcoatl (Tarcher/Penguin, 2006). His fe atures have appeared in The New York Times Magazine, Rolling Stone, Esquir e, Wired and many other publications. He writes a monthy column, 93Prop het Motive94, for Conscious Choice Magazine (web consciouschoice web consciouschoice), which has affiliates in Seattle, Chicag o, San Francisco, and Los Angeles. -Live art performances by: Alex & All yson Grey Oliver Vernon Zachariah Sharon Fulcher CoSMosis Open from 10 PM to 5 AM Karsh Kale(Six Degrees/Kollektiv) Described by Billboard Magazine as a 93visionary composer and producer94, Karsh Kale (pronounced 93Ku rsh Kah-lay94) is one of global electronic music92s brightest stars. Wh ile his peers view Kale as a force of nature on both tabla and drums, Kal e is an equally innovative song writer, producer, composer and DJ. Whethe r playing live or as a DJ . Kale has brought his infectious global sound to almost every major city on four continents. Kale is equally renown by both fans and critics as the pioneer of a sound that captures a panoram a of influences – past and future, analog and digital – bringing classica l Indian music into the Western mainstream rock and electronic vernacular . In a span of less than seven years, Kale released four critically accla imed solo albums on Six Degrees Records, became a founding member of the super groups Tabla Beat Science and Realize Live, recorded and remixed co untless artists, and has collaborated with the likes of Zakir Hussain, Pa ul Oakenfold, Sting, Anoushka Shankar, Salim-Sulaiman, Bill Laswell, MIDI val Punditz, Norah Jones, Sultan Khan, Paula Cole, Susheela Raman and H erbie Hancock. Karsh has also created Kollektiv, a national crew of DJs’ producers, musicians and artists showcasing cutting edge underground musi c through Kollektiv events across the country. Sub Swara (Sunder, Dhruva and Haj) The Sub Swara crew has making serious waves in the world of cuttin g edge sound since its inception as a performing crew and club residenc y in 2005. Both as individual recording and performing artists and as a tandem, the Sub Swara crew is everywhere right now.Defying genre and conc octing a bass charged blend of midtempo breaks, ragga dancehall, glitch, dub step, next level breakbeat and the uncategorizable, Dhruva, Sunder, H aj have created a profound imprint and redefined dance music with their s ignature blend of mixing, turntablism and live dubbed out tabla. With a slew of crushing new material, a much anticipated debut album scheduled f or late summer 2007 release, and blazing gigs from coasts to coast and across the world, SS has been pushing big speaker bizness to new levels. The Sub Swara live set represents the crew in fullest effect. With the r ecent addition of heavyweight mc Juakali to the live Set Sub Swara has ad ded a crucial ragga component to their international bass and breaks fill ed sound and has continued to ignite and unite crews from all sonic linea ges. The SS sounds run deep and traverses all boundaries. Pedro (Rea lity Engine/ Interchill/ CoSM) Originally from Brazil, Pedro plays and pro duces free style tribal grooves, with dub beats into midtempo trance, bre aks and house, he fuses influences from many tribal cultures and genres t o build an uplifting experience CoSM: Open 9 PM to 4 AM Intellectual s timulation at 9 PM by: Daniel Pinchbeck & Alex Grey will be talking about t he initiation into the visionary worlds -DJs: Mikio(Freek Factory/Disor ient) Alien Blue (CoSM) -Live: Hudost Eye of the Spirit Lounge: Karin N ev & Zena Lotus Yoshi Visuals by: Optical Delusions VJ Gui’Aum’Etrix Sound by: 28thday Price: $20 Address: 542 W. 27th St reet, 4th Floor NYC Links: web cosm.org web realityengine.org web inter chill web opticaldelusions web breakingopenthehead web karshkal e web myspace/karshkale web subswara web freekfactory web m yspace/subswara web myspace/dhruvamusic web myspace/freekusmaxi mus web myspace/juakali web subswara.tribe.net Apple-Mail-3-676760574 ; x Grey will be talking about the initiation into the visionary worlds/SPAN omposer and producer94, Karsh Kale (pronounced 93Kursh Kah-lay94) is one of global electronic music92s brightest stars. While his peers view Kale as a force of nature on both tabla and drums, Kale is an equally innovative song writer, producer, composer and DJ. Whether playing live or as a DJ . Kale has brought his infectious global sound to almost every major city on four continents. Kale is equally renown by both fans and critics as the pio neer of a sound that captures a panorama of influences – past and future, a nalog and digital – bringing classical Indian music into the Western mainst ream rock and electronic vernacular. In a span of less than seven years, Ka le released four critically acclaimed solo albums on Six Degrees Records, b ecame a founding member of the super groups Tabla Beat Science and Realize Live, recorded and remixed countless artists, and has collaborated with the likes of Zakir Hussain, Paul Oakenfold, Sting, Anoushka Shankar, Salim-Sul aiman, Bill Laswell, MIDIval Punditz, Norah Jones, Sultan Khan, Paula Cole, Susheela Raman and Herbie Hancock. Karsh has also created Kollektiv, a nat ional crew of DJs’ producers, musicians and artists showcasing cutting edge ious waves in the world of cutting edge sound since its inception as a perf orming crew and club residency in 2005. Both as individual recording and performing artists and as a tandem, the Sub Swara crew is everywhere right now.Defying genre and concocting a bass charged blend of midtempo breaks, ragga dancehall, glitch, dub step, next level breakbeat and the uncategoriz able, Dhruva, Sunder, Haj have created a profound imprint and redefined danmusic with their signature blend of mixing, turntablism and live dubbed out tabla. With a slew of crushing new material, a much anticipated de but album scheduled for late summer 2007 release, and blazing gigs from coasts to coast and across the world, SS has been pushing big speake effect. With the recent addition of heavyweight mc Juakali to the live Set Sub Swara has added a crucial ragga component to their internati onal bass and breaks filled sound and has continued to ignite and unite cre ws from all sonic lineages. The SS sounds run deep and traverses all bou Originally from Brazil, Pedro plays and produces free style tribal grooves with dub beats into midtempo trance, breaks and house, he fuses influence s from many tribal cultures and genres to build an uplifting experience/SP Apple-Mail-3-676760574
#3881 23 Feb 2007 18:51:15 Fri, 23 Feb 2007 18:51:23 rainbowtrance, omnitribe, formatflowed From: scott scott at 28thdayPSY TONIGHT NYC :: 28thday :: Hugh S and Kife added We’re pleased to announce the additions of Kife and Hugh S to the lineup of tonight’s party! Friday, Feb 23 at Luv 24/7 247 Eldridge St Manhattan, NYC $5.00 10PM – 4AM featuring (in order of appearance): KIFE (Omnitribe, NYC) 10:00 – 11:30 Hugh S (NYC) 11:30 – 1:00 TONY UNORTHODOX (28thday, NYC) 1:00 – 2:30 META – LIVE (Acidance | Geomagnetic, San Francisco) 2:30 – 4:00 Subway directions: web hopstop/route?zip210002&address2247+ELDRIDGE+ST&modes Driving directions: maps.google/maps?fq&hlen&q%2224-7+bar+%26+lounge%22&ieUTF8&z14&ll40.729308,-73.986483 web myspace/metaekstasis web 28thday
#3882 Sat, 24 Feb 2007 01:23:06 From: “alladinproject” alladinproject at yahooTHIS Saturday!!Alladin Project Presents:ETNICA, KNO-B LIVE, ELNADIV, CRIS, NOLA 7-4894653115-4003452757:8 Alladin Project Presents: “PsyTrance Party NYC” Saturday February 24th 2007 at Webster Hall Hi, we are exited to host Alladin Project PsyTrance p arty in the main room of the Webster Hall, that future the best sound syste m in the city, psychedelic laser show, multiple visual screens, and separat ed entrance to the main room. The party will be pure Alladin Project psy s tyle party, so please come with you best energy to blast the floor!!! See u all there with love & light!!! Line Up: ETNICA-Maurizio Etnicanet – Ibi za /Spain KNO-B LIVE Alladin Records- Japan ELNADIV Alladin Records – Israel/NYC CRIS Alladin Records – Mexico NOLA Alladin Records NYC VJ By: SERG Alladin Project NYC Decorations by: Alladin Project Crew, NY C SEVERYN, NYC Tickets: $25 before midnight $30 after midnight at the doo r ***18 to enter/21+ to drink with picture ID*** ***Door Open: 11 PM to 8 AM *** Location: WEBSTER HALL 125 E 11th St New York, NY 10003 Google Maps: maps.google/maps? Directions by Subway: Take the N R 4 5 6 or L to Union S quare/14th St. Walk to the corner of 14th St. and 4th Ave. Walk downtown 3 blocks to 11th St and make a left. Links: web myspace/alladi nproject web myspace/alladinproject web etnicanet.net web etnicanet.net/ web alladinrecords web allad inrecords/ Our next party will be first time in NYC SKAZI LIV E more info will be up soon!! Peace & Love in Trance Alladin Project Crew 7-4894653115-4003452757:8 Presents: o/o2007 at Webster Hall o/o ited to host Alladin Project PsyTrance party in the main room of the Webste r Hall, that future the best sound system in the city, psychedelic laser sh ow, multiple visual screens, and separated entrance to the main room. The party will be pure Alladin Project psy style party, so pl ease come with you best energy to blast the floor!!! o/o ll there with love & light!!! Line Up: b /st1st1Spain/st1/st1 o/o ” nt-size: 24pt;o/o ” text-al Alladin Records – Israel/NYC o/o Records – st1st1Mexico/s t1/st1 ” ;” al sAlladin Records NYC ![if !supportLineBreakNewLine]![endif] ![i f !supportLineBreakNewLine] ![endif] r Tickets: $25 before midnight $30 after midnight at the door ***18 to enter/21+ to drink with picture ID*** ***Door Ope n: 11 PM to 8 AM *** Location: M st1st1125 E 11th St/st1st1New York/st1, st1NY/st1st110003/st1/st1 Directions by Subway:o/o or L to Union Square/14th St. Walk to the corner of 14th St. and 4th Ave. W alk downtown 3 blocks to 11th St and make a left.o/o o rLinks: ” ;” /sp ttp://web etnicanet.net o/o ” style web alladinrecords/web alladinrecords/a o/o ” ;” a bs ;o/o ” ;” nbsp;/o ” Our next party will be first time in NYC SKAZI LIVE m ore info will be up soon!! Peace & Love in Trance Alladin Pr oject Crew o/o 7-4894653115-4003452757:8
#3883 Tue, 27 Feb 2007 22:29:44 From: ” News RSS feeds updated on tranceam.org – this means that if you post somthing o n the forum it shows up on the main page The local portal for NYC has been repaired and has feeds from all email groups that permit RSS (all save Goa Boston and Omnitribe and which need to be RSS enabled by resep ctive moderators in Yahoo Groups settings) Finally I’ll be adding Dax from New Hampshire onto the player. If you have a feed or DJ mix or original trance track you’d like to add to the site email me thx
March 2007
#3885 Fri, 2 Mar 2007 13:18:28 Fri, 2 Mar 2007 13:18:28 From: Daniel Pinchbeck: From Ego to We Go
#3886 Fri, 2 Mar 2007 13:41:15 Fri, 2 Mar 2007 13:41:13 From: OT – Minimal Techno party tonight This party is thrown by Mikey Smilez, many of you would remember him from back in the day at Synthetic Sadhus. The genre is the subject of a lot of great events recently, inc. the Danger events. Hello My Friends, Friday March 2nd we are pleased to bring you from SubTropical Records Steven LeTigre. Steven is known for bringing a sexy and techy vibe, with a certain groove that pulls you in. He will be joined by local NYC legend Spoony d, without whom I may never had have become involved in the New York Scene. As always LIFE will bring you some of the best mixture of Tech-House and Mimimal Techno as well as the best experiences NYC has to offer, but the most important element is YOU. This is your LIFE, it is what you make of it. Remember: LIFE is a Party so Enjoy! SmileZ ProductionZ PresentZ LIFE With DJs: Steven LeTigre (SubTropical Records) Spoony d (simple) Pasha (LIFE) 2 Free Birthday Drinks with a party of six or more (If your birthday is between 2/28 and 3/7 MUST SHOW ID) $99 Bottles of Absolut from 10-11pm (Limit 1 Per Table) email smilezproductionz at gmail for table reservations Great Sushi and Hookahs Available Party Starts at 10pm Moomia 157 Lafayette street at Grand St. Subway N,Q,4,6,J,M, Z to Canal st Moomia is 2 blocks north This party is thr own by Mikey Smilez, many of you would remember him from back in the day a t Synthetic Sadhus. The genre is the subject of a lot of great event s recently, inc. the Danger events. Hel lo My Friends, Friday March 2nd we are pleased to bring you from Su bTropical Records Steven LeTigre. Steven is known for bringing a s exy and techy vibe, with a certain groove that pulls you in. He w ill be joined by local NYC legend Spoony d, without whom I may never ha d have become involved in the New York Scene. As always LIFE wil l bring you some of the best mixture of Tech-House and Mimimal Techno a s well as the best experiences NYC has to offer, but the most important element is YOU. This is your LIFE, it is what you make of it. R emember: LIFE is a Party so Enjoy! SmileZ ProductionZ Presen tZ LIFE With DJs: Steven LeTigre (SubTropical Records)Spoony d (simple) Pasha (LIFE) 2 Free Birthday Drinks with a pa rty of six or more (If your birthday is between 2/28 and 3/7 MUST SHOW ID) $99 Bottles of Absolut from 10-11pm (Limit 1 Per Table) emai l smilezproductionz at gmail for table reservations Great Sushi and Ho okahs Available Party Starts at 10pm Moomia 157 Lafayette street at Grand St. Subway N,Q,4,6,J,M, Z to Canal st Moomia is 2 bl ocks offers free email to everyone. Find out more about what’s free from AOL at
#3887 Mon, 5 Mar 2007 15:02:06Mon, 5 Mar 2007 15:02:04 From: Pedro Gomide pedro at realityengine.org[NYC] Tribal Circus this Thursday at Sutra Apple-Mail-31603287871 delspyes; formatflowed Tribal Circus web myspace/ tribalcircusnyc Thursday, March 8th Join us this Thur sday at the Launch Party of our monthly night at Sutra, every second Thur sday we will go beyond musical genres presenting you a fusion of fresh wo rldwide rhythms to make you move. Djs: Pedro(R.E., Interchill,CoSM) Haj( Sub Swara,Freek Factory) Luis(Dreamcatcher, Tsunami) Sutra Lounge 16 F irst Av (btwn 1st and 2nd Streets) infoline:347 7334317 FREE 21+ w/ ID 10 P M 96 04 AM web kymastream web realityengine.org web interchill ww w.myspace/kymastream web myspace/freekusmaximus web subswara ww w.myspace/freekfactory web djluiscampos Pedro Gomide Producer/D J/ Events Coordinator Bookings/Contact: (347)733-4317 myspace/ kymastream realityengine.org interchill cosm.org Apple-Mail-31603287871 ;
#3888 Wed, 07 Mar 2007 21:05:31 From: “scott7738” scott at 28thdayPsynoptic Shift is this Saturday! Just a that 28thday’s Psynoptic Shift loft party is this weekend! RSVP and presales are guaranteed to remain open until noon on Saturday or until we’re sold out whichever happens first. At the release time of th is mailing we’re down to fewer than 75 tickets left, so get yourself sorted soon and ensure your place in the Shift! (If you’re a trancer, you should probably just do it now…) Those of you who witnessed the door circus at Best of the West 5 know that we do take the door policy seriously, and we’d like to again stress that *only* RSVP and presale holders will be granted entrance. RSVP holders will be able to purchase door tickets for $25. Gues ts who have already RSVP’d have been sent a confirmation e-mail specifying how many tickets they may purchase at the door. If you have submitted your RSVP, please verify that you have received the confirmation e-mail and tha t your count is correct. If you need to add people, please have them RSVP separately. $20 presale tickets can be purchased online at web 28thday.co m. For presale holders, your PayPal receipt is your confirmation; bring th is receipt or matching ID to the door with you the night of the party! Sat urday, March 10 2007 28thday presents Psynoptic Shift Queens, NYC 11PM to 8 :30AM presale $20 door $25 with RSVP REEFER DECREE – LIVE (Iboga, Denmark) IBOJIMA – LIVE + DJ (Yellow Sunshine Explosion, Sweden) CHRISTER (Limbolan d | Shiva Space Technology | Mechanik, Germany) DAVE HENSHAW (Sonic Beating Boston) vs AMMON EP (Sonic Beating | Soul Trance, Boston) LAURYN (Peak Re cords | 28thday, NYC) TONY UNORTHODOX (28thday, NYC) Visionary projections by Spot (Spotworks, NYC) Decor by SONIC BEATING Illumination by LIGHT-O-M ATIC Exact location will be provided 48 hours in advance, to all RSVP to a nd presale holders. You **must** RSVP to shift at 28thday or purchase a pr esale to attend no exceptions! For full details and presale ordering, v isit web 28thday. ** NEXT EVENT: MARCH 17, 2007: in the main room at CoSM’s Entheocentric Salon, 28thday presents ColinOOOD **
#3889 Thu, 8 Mar 2007 18:44:50 -0800 TripOutNY, rainbowtrance, omnitribe, From: scott scott at 28thdayPsynoptic Shift – SOLD OUT 0-1607253194-1173408290:51565 Psynoptic Shift has reached capacity. No more RSVPs can be accepted, and presales are now closed. Thanks for your support! RSVP and presale holders: more information will be sent to you soon. -28thday 0-1607253194-1173408290:51565 Psynoptic Shift has reached capacity. No more RSVPs can be accepted, and presales are now closed. Thanks for your support! RSVP and presale holders: more information will be sent to you soon. -28thday 0-1607253194-1173408290:51565
#3890 Wed, 14 Mar 2007 18:26:28 From: “pedrogomide” pedro at realityengine.orgEntheocentric Salon, Saturday March 17th! – Colin OOOD, Patch Bay, Animaltek Entheocentric Salon web entheocentricsalon Saturday, March 17th 10 PM to 5 AM A fusion of art & music, live paintings, psychotropi c projections, & eclectic grooves -Live art performances by: Alex & Allys on Grey Zachariah CoSMosis Open from 10 PM to 5 AM Live Acts: PatchBay( Reality Engine 96 BR) web myspace/patchbay1 Coming from a backgrou nd of playing in rock and heavy metal bands since the age of 12, in 2000 DJ Fred started producing experimental electronic music in the Brazilian hous e/techno scene. Since then, tuning his sound more to the psychedelic style he has been DJing full-on trance and downtempo in some of Brazil’s biggest festivals including: Trancendence, Universo Paralello, Solaris, Earth Dance Cachoeira Alta, Soma and many more. In 2003, Frederico Drummond began producing psy-trance under the alias PATCHBAY. Recently returning from a ve ry successful European tour through England, Holland, Spain, Austria and Hu ngary, Patchbay has been blowing people away where ever he takes his music. After several releases on such labels as Planet Ben/Highway Star (Japan ), Mandala (France), Materia (Spain), Divine Balance (U.S.A.), Geomagnetic TV/Morning Star (U.S.A.), Fred has joined Reality Engine an Audio Visual la bel based in New York,(web realityengine.org) and is participating in the a udio production of their debut DVD and other projects. Animaltek Live(Om nitribe 96 RU/NYC) web myspace/animaltek Shay Raban aka DJ Earthia n (web djearthian) and Oleg Slepak (aka Slepako) found a common ground to combine their skills to produce cutting edge dance music. Soon, a fter several sessions in a cozy studio in boulder, they released 2 tracks o n the compilation for the small label out of NYC (web polarlightmusi c) under the name of B.R.A.Z.I.L. a year and a half of separation, whil e shay was gaining a reputation of a versatile and virtuoso dj in nyc and o leg was completing his studies in sound engineering in australia, played a vital role in defining current sound of animaltek, where wide spectrum of m usical influences, from hardcore rock to trippy cyber-disco, brought togeth er in a unique and carefully crafted harmonious fusion of electronic dance music. Djs: 28th Day Prod presents: Colin OOOD(Voice of Cod 96 Organic Rec/Triskele 96UK) web triskelemanagement/djs/colinoood As part o f the seminal psytrance acts OOOD and Unconscious Collective (not to mentio n the acclaimed Voice of Cod), Colin has access to a huge and incredibly va ried selection of grade-A dancefloor filling tracks, both released and unre leased. With over 11 years-worth of original material in many styles with m any collaborators – including around 20 written in the past two years alone – he has the back-catalogue to play at any time of day or night, Notorious ly label-shy until his recent association with Organic Records, a great dea l of this cutting-edge music can only be heard in his live or DJ sets, whic h include both recent and classic tracks from other artists who major in de eply funky, compulsively psychedelic music. Whether it’s a night-time or a warm-up slot, chillout or main room, Colin has the tracks and is not afraid to use them! Pedro (Reality Engine/ Interchill/ CoSM) web kymastream Originally from Brazil, Pedro plays and produces free style tribal gro oves, with dub beats into midtempo trance, breaks and house, he fuses influ ences from many tribal cultures and genres to build an uplifting experience CoSM: Open 10 PM to 5 AM -Live: Cine Mad in Chaos (High End Rec. 96 B R) web cinemadinchaos Cine Mad in Chaos with the new album Coconutz in the Air proposes an Electronic fusion of analogical timbres with Break Beat /Trip Hop/Dub and unusual atmospheres, creating a singular and innovative s tyle. Audio producer since 1997 he became one of the pioneering Brazilians in the live-act performance. The real transformation happened back in 2001, when Simonsen trying to evolve his knowledge on electronic music moved to Australia, where he built an independent studio. There, the will for the to tal freedom of creation sprouted, bringing a more experimental music. He ca me back to Brazil in 2002, when he felt the need to create a more consisten t project: emerges then Cine Mad in Chaos. CMC is considered one of the mai n Down Beat projects in Brazil. -DJs: Fred (Reality Engine 96 BR) Ali en Blue (CoSM) Lauryn(28th Day Prod) Eye of the Spirit Lounge: Karin Nev & Zena Lotus Yoshi Visuals by: Optical Delusions Videolicious Sound by: 28thday Price: $20 Address: 542 W. 27th Street, 4th Floor N YC Links: web cosm.org web realityengine.org web interchill web kyma stream web myspace/patchbay1 web animaltek.net web myspace/anim altek web triskelemanagement/djs/colinoood web myspace/oood web voi ceofcod web 28thday web cinemadinchaos web lucination web o pticaldelusion
#3891 Fri, 16 Mar 2007 19:28:49 From: “pedrogomide” pedro at realityengine.orgEntheocentric Salon, tomorrow, saturday! – Colin OOOD, Patch Bay, Animaltek Entheocentric Salon web entheocentricsalon Saturday, March 17th 10 PM t o 5 AM A fusion of art & music, live paintings, psychotropic projections, & eclectic grooves -Live art performances by: Alex & Allyson Grey Zachari ah CoSMosis Open from 10 PM to 5 AM 10:00 PM Pedro (Reality Engine/ Inte rchill/ CoSM) web kymastream 12:00 AM Animaltek Live(Omnitribe 96 RU/ NYC) web myspace/animaltek 01:30 AM PatchBay(Reality Engine 96 BR) ww w.myspace/patchbay1 03:00 AM Colin OOOD(Voice of Cod 96 Organic Rec/T riskele 96UK) web triskelemanagement/djs/colinoood CoSM: Open 10 PM to 5 AM -DJs: 10:00 PM Lauryn(28th Day Prod) 12:00 AM Fred (Reality Eng ine 96 BR) 01:30 AM Alien Blue (CoSM) 03:30 AM Droozi Eye of the Spiri t Lounge: Karin Nev & Zena Lotus Yoshi Visuals by: Optical Delusions Videolicious Sound by: 28thday Price: $20 Address: 542 W. 27th Street, 4th Floor NYC Links: web cosm.org web realityengine.org web inte rchill web kymastream web myspace/patchbay1 web animaltek.net w ww.myspace/animaltek web triskelemanagement/djs/colinoood web myspa ce/oood web voiceofcod web 28thday web cinemadinchaos web l ucination web opticaldelusion
#3892 Sat, 17 Mar 2007 04:24:38 From: “alladinproject” alladinproject at yahooAlladin Orb Summer Festival July 13/14/15 2007 at Echo Lake NY Our dream came true After 4 years of producing and throwing parties consta ntly in NYC with the best trance artists in the globe, We feel that the tim e has come to go outdoors, for a well planed and highly produced 3 days fes tival by Alladin Project Crew. The gathering will take place in Echo Lake, upstate NY. It’s an amazing magical forest on top of a wide lake, plenty o f parking space and well maintained camping site, featuring the best intern ational psytrance artists, So please mark your calendars! Alladin summer f estival July 13/14/15 2007 at Echo Lake NY We are planning massive entertai nment activities that include but are not limited to, work shops, chai shop s, drums circle, fire performance, laser shows, psychedelic art backdrops & decorations, 24 hours active restaurant in affordable prices, full bar, ve ndors market, several designated public camping tents, hot showers, clean r estrooms, first aid on premises, and LOTS MORE!!! Full festival info will b e up soon. Prepare yourselves to be taken to the next level! We’re going t o enjoy from the best full on, progressive, dark, chill out, and alternativ e electronic music produced by the biggest artists from around the globe!!! Here’s the confirmed line-up so far, not in order of appearance. Line Up: Live Acts SHIFT (Nexus Media, South Africa) HUX FLUX (Spiral Trax, Sweden ) GATAKA (Compact Records, Israel) ZION (Alladin Records, Israel) ORBIT (Al ladin Records, Israel,Japan) D-TEK (Maia Recorsds Mexico) IBOJIMA (Yellow S unshine Explosion, Sweden) ZIK aka HORROR PLACE (Harmonia Rec, Drup Out, Gr eece) ONNOMON (Gaian Mind, Soular Records, Philadephia,) COMBINATIONS (Groo ve Criminals Records, Israel, Austria) REEFER DECREE (Iboga Records, Denmar k) ENERTOPIA (Alladin Records, Israel) D-SPACE (Alpha Channel/M-Field,PsyBo oty Records,Soul trance) JAY SELWAY aka CYZUM (Zero Divide/ JOOF Records/ I boga Records USA) M.T.R (Queens, NYC) BUBBLE CRAFT (NYC, Israel) PSYLAB (Bo ston, USA) DYNAMIC RAIN (Israel) EARWORM (NYC) Dj Sets SESTO SENTO (Compa ct Records, Israel) TOTAL ECLIPSE (TIP World,mandala France) TWISTED SYSTEM (Pitch Hikers/shift South Africa) PETER DIGITAL (Mpdqx Booking Digital Str uctures) ZIK aka HORROR PLACE(Harmonia Drup Out,Greece) IBOJIMA (Yellow Sun shine Explosion, Sweden) GRAPES OF WRATH-MONNO (Parvati, Denmark) ENERTOPIA (Alladin Records, Israel) ZION (Alladin Records, Israel) REEFER DECREE (Ib oga, Denmark) KNO-B (Alladin Records, Japan) HUX FLUX (Spiral Trax, Sweden) D-TEK (Maia Records, Mexico) DOMINO (Avatar/Wakyo,UK) SPYROS (Psytribe, Lo s Angeles) DRIZZT (24/7 Records, Montreal) LAURYN (Peak Records/28thday, NY C) TONY UNORTHODOX (28thday, NYC) YAN (Ultra Groove, Tech Safari, Canada) R ICKAM (Neurobiotic Records, Tech Safari, Canada) EGBOT & MESCALINIUM (Gaia n Mind/PSI-Philadelphia) LUIS ( Dreamcatcher, Brazil/NYC) CORAL (To uch Samadhi, NYC) PHATMIND (NYC/Israel) EARTHIAN (aka ANIMALTEK, Omnitribe, NYC) VADIM (Loft.N.Space, NYC) SHUUNY (Mad Elephant, NYC/Japan) GAVIN (Dig ital Structures, Spectra,NYC) ELNADIV (Alladin Records, Israel) CRIS (Allad in Records, Mexico) BABLA (Kagdila Records, India) STEVE-O (Goa Babies, Gai an Mind, NYC) BRANDON ADAMS (Dreamcatcher, NYC) NOLA (Alladin Records, NYC) SHAMAN FILMS MEDIA (San Francisco, Mexico) ROE REVOLUTION (South Florida P sytrance) OMER (Alladin Records, San Francisco) INNER MONGOLIAN (Russia/NYC ) KEN (NYC, Japan) INDRA (Omnitribe, Alphatrance, NYC) KIFE (Omnitribe, NYC ) SUNIL vs MADUH (Malysia/India) STAS (Omni Tribe, NYC) IGAL (Loft.n.Space, NYC) ALIEN AMBASSADOR (CoSM, NYC) DROOZI (Pune, India) MAYUR (Spectra, NYC ) FULL FESTIVAL WEB SITE WILL BE UP SOON Links: web alladinproject .net web myspace/alladinproject web myspace/djrickam web myspace/zerodivide web myspace/psylab web myspace/revolutionproductions web myspace/dspacestudios http ://web myspace/gatakamusic web myspace/musicdtek web myspace/zionpsy web myspace/djlauryn web myspace/ theearworm web myspace/djdrizzt web myspace/bubblecra ftproject web myspace/sshhiifftt web myspace/enertopi apsy web myspace/yanndj web myspace/djdomino72 web myspace/djearthian web myspace/djkife web myspac e/psycheground web mandalarecords.org web mpdqx web psytribe web iboga-records.dk web alladinrecords.co m web omnitribe web 28thday web cosm.org http ://web parvati-records web gaian-mind web touchsamadh i web soularrecords This one for sure will be an unforgett able gathering!!! More info to be up soon!!! Rain or Shine Event! Peace Lo ve Light ‘n Trance Alladin Project Crew
#3893 18 Mar 2007 05:48:04 From: TripOutNY Vernal Quinox, 3/21/2007, 12:00 am Vernal Quinox Wednesday March 21, 2007 Vernal Quinox Wednesday March 21, 2007 2007
#3894 id 1HTF9i5D-00 Mon, 19 Mar 2007 06:31:58 1174196884.9.56823.m43Mon, 19 Mar 2007 06:31:56 format”flowed” From: Charlie NYC listnyc at earthlink.netVernal Equinox, 3/21/2007, 12:09 am actually, the vernal equinox is 12:09 am on March 21 this year so it is actually tuesday night right after midnight: here are all the exact times of the equinoxes and solstices: web hermetic.ch/calsw/ve/ve
#3895 Wed, 21 Mar 2007 15:40:18 TripOutNY, omnitribe, From: scott scott at 28thdaySaturday March 24 – DJ Pena at CoSM 0-1757276965-1174516818:99030 Saturday March 24, 2007 28thday presents DJ Pena at CoSM 28thday kicks off its new residency at Alex Grey’s CoSMosis with one of the leading lights of the international progressive-psytrance scene: DJ Pena of Flow Records! Having played such major fests as Boom, VooV, and Earthcore, as well as smaller gigs around the world, Pena returns now to NYC for a night of prog-psy and electro sounds. Main Floor: DJ Pena (Flow Records, Portugal) Gosha (Omnitribe, NYC) Tony Unorthodox (28thday, NYC) Chillout: TBA Sound by 28thday Visuals by Alchemism (28thday) Decor by Mordechai Schulgasser (KC) CoSMosis 11PM – 5AM $15 542 West 27 Street, 4th Floor NYC 0-1757276965-1174516818:99030 Saturday March 24, 2007 28thday presents DJ Pena at CoSM 28thday kicks off its new residency at Alex Grey’s CoSMosis with one of the leading lights of the international progressive-psytrance scene: DJ Pena of Flow Records! Having played such major fests as Boom, VooV, and Earthcore, as well as smaller gigs around the world, Pena returns now to NYC for a night of prog-psy and electro sounds. Main Floor: DJ Pena (Flow Records, Portugal) Gosha (Omnitribe, NYC) Tony Unorthodox (28thday, NYC) Chillout: TBA Sound by 28thday Visuals by Alchemism (28thday) Decor by Mordechai Schulgasser (KC) CoSMosis 11PM – 5AM $15 542 West 27 Street, 4th Floor NYC 0-1757276965-1174516818:99030
#3896 Fri, 23 Mar 2007 22:01:54 From: “alladinproject” alladinproject at yahooSKAZI LIVE, Mr. P E C U L I A R, ELNADIV Dj Set !!! Saturday April 14, 05 NYC Saturday April 14th 2007 at Webster Hall NYC First time in the east coast h istory: SKAZI LIVE. This show is a must for any trance lover since SKAZI ha s been one of the leading psy artist in the world! This show will be sold o ut for sure!! Please purchase your tickets in advance since the number of t ickets is limited!!! Line Up: SKAZI LIVE & Dj Set Chemical Crew/Coast II Coast, Israel Mr. P E C U L I A R !! ELNADIV Dj Set Alladin Records, Isr ael/NYC ***19 to enter/21+ to drink with picture ID*** ***Door Open at 1 0 PM *** Tickets: $25 IN ADVANCE Online Tickets: web alladinprojec t.net To buy tickets in person call: (917)569-1177 / (917)405-4847 or In St ores: Satellite Records 259 Bowery New York, NY 10002 Phone (212) 995-1744 Hoomoos Asli 100 Kenmare St New York N.Y. Phone (212) 966 0022 Location: W EBSTER HALL 125 East 11th St New York, NY 10003 Directions by Subway: Take the N R 4 5 6 or L to Union Square/14th St. Walk to the corner of 14th St. and 4th Ave. Walk downtown 3 blocks to 11th St and make a left ww w.alladinproject.net Peace & Love ‘n Trance Alladin Project Crew
#3897 24 Mar 2007 02:46:55 Sat, 24 Mar 2007 02:46:54 omnitribe, TripOutNY, dragontribe,formatflowed From: scott scott at 28thdayTONIGHT – DJ Pena at CoSM Saturday March 24, 2007 28thday presents DJ Pena at CoSM Our party with DJ Pena is tonight at CoSM! We’re pleased to announce the addition of Kife and Coral on chillout. Main Floor: DJ Pena (Flow Records, Portugal) Gosha (Omnitribe, NYC) Tony Unorthodox (28thday, NYC) Chillout: Kife (Omnitribe, NYC) Coral (TOUCH Samadhi, NYC) Sound by 28thday Visuals by Alchemism (28thday) Decor by Mordechai Schulgasser (KC) CoSMosis 11PM – 5AM $15 542 West 27 Street, 4th Floor NYC And if you missed out on your free copy of Tony’s new Spring Mix ’07 at Psynoptic Shift, get one tonight or listen at: web 28thday
April 2007
#3898 Mon, 02 Apr 2007 23:55:52 Mon, 02 Apr 2007 23:55:50 formatflowed From: scott scott at 28thdaySaturday night at CoSM! 28thday presents… 28thday invites you back to our favorite and only stronghold of groovularity in the heart of Manhattan’s clubland… following the success of last month’s party with DJ Pena, we’re continuing our residency this coming weekend now with three sound systems! Saturday April 7, 2007 in CoSMosis: BLUE SPECTRAL MONKEY (TOUCH Samadhi | Interchill, NC) One of the most versatile psyslingers on the east coast, Monkey navigates with ease a wide spectrum of psy. In addition to his prominent place in one of the region’s strongest crews, Monkey is also an Interchill-anointed chillmaster and one half of the new live psy project Medimonks. At this gathering Monkey will share a careful selection of prime cuts from his full-on collection, including some original Medimonks material! CORAL (TOUCH Samadhi, NYC) v LAURYN (Peak Records | 28thday, NYC) Hugh S (28thday, NYC) Visionary projections by SPOT (Spotworks, NYC) web spotworks | web electricsheep.org Spot is the creator of the mindbending AI phenomenon Electric Sheep. Spot’s visuals are the product of thousands of PCs all over the world working together through distributed processing, collectively creating the patterns from which Spot builds his super high-resolution show. Contrary to Hollywood’s evocations of a dystopian future in which AI networks plan the destruction of mankind, Spot’s work enables those already in existence to send a message that peaceful co-existence is possible. In his own words, “Electric Sheep is a gift from the machine elves to us: a gift of Beauty.” Decor by ZOOB! (BSM & Doodlebug) in the progway: EQUISOL (Psybooty Records, CT) – Ableton Live Set Steve Equisol is one half of D-Space, whose mastery of sonic manipulation has made them a mainstay of many past 28thday events. Now Steve returns to NYC to share with us an Ableton set comprised of his solo work, D-Space material, and select cuts from his very, very thick CD book. EARTHIAN (Omnitribe, NYC) MAYUR (Spectra, NYC) TONY UNORTHODOX (28thday, NYC) Listen to Tony’s electro-prog mix from last month’s party! web 28thday/choons/tony/tony-unorthodox-24mar2007-28thday.mp3 Visuals by ALCHEMISM (28thday, NYC) Decor by PHARMAMAGUS (28thday, NYC) and in MicroCoSM: FOTO PHRONTIERS web microcosmgallery/fotophrontiers | web psythos This weekend marks the opening of Foto Phrontiers, an exhibit featuring work from none other then the infamous Eli Morgan! Eli has been a part of the New York Trance community since 1997 and began organizing parties with Alex Grey in 2001. Much of his art has been inspired by what he feels lies beyond reality. Psytrance has played a key role in the development Eli’s artist style. “Trance parties are very often where I have visions on what I want to create.” As a visionary artist Eli uses a camera and computer to capture images of the world as he sees it. His delving into the psychedelic consciousness has left him with a deep desire to, in his words, “search for a forgotten truth.” At this exhibit he shares the walls of MicroCoSM with six other outstanding photographers: Nancy Burson, Sequoia Emmanuelle, Zena Grey, Dean Chamberlain, Dercik Ion and Andrew Zuckerman. Soundscapes in MicroCoSM provided by: PEDRO (Reality Engine | Interchill Records | CoSM, NYC) – Ableton Live Set web kymastream Originally from Brazil, Pedro plays and produces free style tribal grooves. His wide ranging musical sensibility gives him the ability to create the right atmosphere for a pleasant and deep experience in any setting. After many events in his native country and 3 years of gigs in the US, Pedro has established himself as one of the most influential downtempo artists in the scene today, a position that has earned him his right to the many hats he wears: he currently serves as resident DJ and events coordinator at CoSM, as a label DJ for premier downtempo label Interchill Records, and is a key element of the audio-visual company Reality Engine. KIFE (Omnitribe, NYC) USTAS (Omnitribe, NYC) Sound by 28thday Saturday April 7, 2007 Chapel of Sacred Mirrors 11PM – 5AM $15 542 West 27 Street, 4th Floor NYC web 28thday web psyny
#3899 Fri, 06 Apr 2007 08:45:04 Fri, 6 Apr 2007 08:44:37 From: Charlie NYC listnyc at earthlink.netDreamcatcher’s PSYCHEGROUND – Thursday 4/12 at Sullivan Room -1036258995maformat”flowed” PSYCHEGROUND is back this Thursday, April 12, in NYC! Join us for a night of music and dancing with 2 for 1 drink specials until midnight at the newly renovated and greatly improved Sullivan Room now with larger capacity and better sound! Featuring the DJs: TONY UNORTHODOX (28thday) electro/progressive psy LUIS (Dreamcatcher / Tsunami / PGM Records – Brazil) full-on psy-trance JUGGERNAUT (Dreamcatcher – Japan) full-on psy-trance LAURYN (Peak Records / 28thday) full-on psy-trance PATCHBAY (Reality Engine – Brazil) full-on psy-trance Coming from a background of playing in rock and heavy metal bands since the age of 12, in 2000 DJ Fred started producing experimental electronic music in the Brazilian house/techno scene. Since then, tuning his sound more to the psychedelic style he has been DJing full-on trance and downtempo in some of Brazil’s biggest festivals including Trancendence, Universo Paralello, Solaris, Earth Dance, Cachoeira Alta, Soma, and many more. In 2003, Frederico Drummond began producing psy-trance under the alias PATCHBAY. Recently returning from a very successful European tour through England, Holland, Spain, Austria, and Hungary, Patchbay has been blowing people away where ever he takes his music. After several releases on such labels as Planet Ben/Highway Star (Japan), Mandala (France), Materia (Spain), Divine Balance (USA), Geomagnetic TV/Morning Star (USA), Fred has joined Reality Engine in New York and is participating in the audio production of their debut DVD and other projects. Thursday, April 12, 2007 10pm – 4am Sullivan Room, Manhattan, New York City 218 Sullivan St (between Bleecker and W 3rd St, 2 blocks east of 6th Ave) Subway: A, B, C, D, E, F, V to “W 4 St – Wash Sq” 21+ with ID $5 cover web myspace/patchbay1 web realityengine.org/ web djluiscampos/ web 28thday/ -1036258995ma/styletitleDreamcatcher’s PSYCHEGROUND – Thursday 4/12 at Thursday, April 12, in NYC! Join us for a night of music and dancing with 2 for 1 drink specials until midnight at the newly renovated and greatly improved Sullivan Room now with larger capacity and better sound! Featuring the DJs: TONY UNORTHODOX (28thday) electro/progressive psy LUIS (Dreamcatcher / Tsunami / PGM Records – Brazil) full-on psy-trance JUGGERNAUT (Dreamcatcher – Japan) full-on psy-trance LAURYN (Peak Records / 28thday) full-on psy-trance PATCHBAY (Reality Engine – Brazil) full-on psy-trance Coming from a background of playing in rock and heavy metal bands since the age of 12, in 2000 DJ Fred started producing experimental electronic music in the Brazilian house/techno scene. Since then, tuning his sound more to the psychedelic style he has been DJing full-on trance and downtempo in some of Brazil’s biggest festivals including Trancendence, Universo Paralello, Solaris, Earth Dance, Cachoeira Alta, Soma, and many more. In 2003, Frederico Drummond began producing psy-trance under the alias PATCHBAY. Recently returning from a very successful European tour through England, Holland, Spain, Austria, and Hungary, Patchbay has been blowing people away where ever he takes his music. releases on such labels as Planet Ben/Highway Star (Japan), Mandala (France), Materia (Spain), Divine Balance (USA), Geomagnetic TV/Morning Star (USA), Fred has joined Reality Engine in New York and is participating in the audio production of their debut DVD and other projects. Thursday, April 12, 2007 10pm – 4am Sullivan Room, Manhattan, New York City 218 Sullivan St (between Bleecker and W 3rd St, 2 blocks east of 6th Ave) Subway: A, B, C, D, E, F, V to “W 4 St – Wash Sq” 21+ with ID $5 cover web myspace/patchbay1 web realityengine.org/ web djluiscampos/ web 28thday/ -1036258995ma
#3900 07 Apr 2007 14:07:18 Sat, 07 Apr 2007 14:07:11 dragontribe, rainbowtrance, omnitribeformatflowed From: scott scott at 28thdaytonight at CoSM! 28thday presents… Come out tonight and honor through dance the eternality of all life! 28thday presents… BLUE SPECTRAL MONKEY (TOUCH Samadhi | Interchill, NC) CORAL (TOUCH Samadhi, NYC) v LAURYN (Peak Records | 28thday, NYC) Hugh S (28thday, NYC) Visionary projections by SPOT (Spotworks, NYC) Deco by Zoob! (BSM & Doodlebug) EQUISOL (Psybooty Records, CT) – Ableton Live Set EARTHIAN (Omnitribe, NYC) MAYUR (Spectra, NYC) TONY UNORTHODOX (28thday, NYC) Visuals by Alchemism (28thday) Decor by Pharmamagus (28thday) FOTO PHRONTIERS (MicroCoSM) PEDRO (Reality Engine | Interchill Records | CoSM, NYC) KIFE (Omnitribe, NYC) USTAS (Omnitribe, NYC) Sound by 28thday Saturday April 7, 2007 Chapel of Sacred Mirrors 11PM – 5AM $15 542 West 27 Street, 4th Floor NYC web 28thday
#3901 Mon, 09 Apr 2007 11:26:00 From: “pedrogomide” pedro at realityengine.orgThis thursday at Sutra NYC, Tribal Circus! Tribal Circus web myspace/tribalcircusnyc Thursday, April 12th Join us Thursday on our monthly night at Sutra. This month we are having a brazili an talents night, with the most influent artists on the downtempo/groove sc ene down south. Going beyond musical genres they will be spinning a fusion of fresh worldwide grooves to make you move. Djs: Soneca(Trotter/Indica 96 BR ) web djsoneca When you talk about the brazilian downbeat/groov e scene one of the most prominent names that come to mind is Rodrigo Ribeir o Ulson (a.k.a. DJ Soneca / Trotter ). His uncanny ability to combine Nu Ja zz, Headz, Electro and Ambient have made him one of the DJs able to create the perfect ambiance for lounges and clubs . With powerfull beats, mesmori zing grooves and a flawless execution. Among his many accomplishments music al production is one that he wishes to add to his repertoir. His most recen t project “Trotter”, is his latest venture into the production world of Dow nbeat music. Trotter signed with the Italian Label: Indica Music. Fred(Rea lity Engine 96 BR) Being one of the first downtempo djs as well as a psy- trance producer in Brazil, Fred has played all over the Americas and Europe for the second time in the US he will be playing a groovy funky lounge s et, with selected tunes from around the world to get you dancing Pedro(R.E ., Interchill,CoSM – BR) web kymastream Originally from Brazil, Pedro p lays and produces free style tribal grooves. He uses Ableton Live to mix dub-reggae vibes into house, breaks, dub step or minimal tech. He fuses the se styles with strong rhythmic influences from his country, creating an upl ifting experience through the wide spectrum of electronic music. After many events in his native country and 4 years of gigs in the US, Pedro has esta blished himself as one of the most influential downtempo artists in the sce ne today, a position that has earned him his right to the many hats he wear s; He currently serves as resident DJ and events coordinator at CoSM, as a label dj of Interchill Records (one of the premier downtempo labels in the world), and is a key element of the audio-visual company Reality Engine. Sutra Lounge Downstairs 16 First Av (btwn 1st and 2nd Streets) FREE 21+ w/ ID 10 PM 96 04 AM
#3902 Tue, 10 Apr 2007 20:22:29 Tue, 10 Apr 2007 20:22:23 From: Charlie NYC listnyc at earthlink.netDreamcatcher’s PSYCHEGROUND – Thursday at Sullivan Room -1035871547maformat”flowed” PSYCHEGROUND is back this Thursday, April 12, in NYC! Join us for a night of music and dancing with 2 for 1 drink specials until midnight at the newly renovated and greatly improved Sullivan Room now with larger capacity and better sound! Featuring the DJs: TONY UNORTHODOX (28thday) electro/progressive psy LUIS (Dreamcatcher / Tsunami / PGM Records – Brazil) full-on psy-trance JUGGERNAUT (Dreamcatcher – Japan) full-on psy-trance LAURYN (Peak Records / 28thday) full-on psy-trance PATCHBAY (Reality Engine – Brazil) full-on psy-trance Coming from a background of playing in rock and heavy metal bands since the age of 12, in 2000 DJ Fred started producing experimental electronic music in the Brazilian house/techno scene. Since then, tuning his sound more to the psychedelic style he has been DJing full-on trance and downtempo in some of Brazil’s biggest festivals including Trancendence, Universo Paralello, Solaris, Earth Dance, Cachoeira Alta, Soma, and many more. In 2003, Frederico Drummond began producing psy-trance under the alias PATCHBAY. Recently returning from a very successful European tour through England, Holland, Spain, Austria, and Hungary, Patchbay has been blowing people away where ever he takes his music. After several releases on such labels as Planet Ben/Highway Star (Japan), Mandala (France), Materia (Spain), Divine Balance (USA), Geomagnetic TV/Morning Star (USA), Fred has joined Reality Engine in New York and is participating in the audio production of their debut DVD and other projects. Thursday, April 12, 2007 10pm – 4am Sullivan Room, Manhattan, New York City 218 Sullivan St (between Bleecker and W 3rd St, 2 blocks east of 6th Ave) Subway: A, B, C, D, E, F, V to “W 4 St – Wash Sq” 21+ with ID $5 cover Here is the thread on Isratrance: forum.isratrance/viewtopic.php/topic/107171/forum/28 web myspace/patchbay1 web realityengine.org/ web djluiscampos/ web 28thday/ -1035871547ma/styletitleDreamcatcher’s PSYCHEGROUND – Thursday at Sullivan 12, in NYC! Join us for a night of music and dancing with 2 for 1 drink specials until midnight at the newly renovated and greatly improved Sullivan Room now with larger capacity and better sound! Featuring the DJs: TONY UNORTHODOX (28thday) electro/progressive psy LUIS (Dreamcatcher / Tsunami / PGM Records – Brazil) full-on psy-trance JUGGERNAUT (Dreamcatcher – Japan) full-on psy-trance LAURYN (Peak Records / 28thday) full-on psy-trance PATCHBAY (Reality Engine – Brazil) full-on psy-trance Coming from a background of playing in rock and heavy metal bands since the age of 12, in 2000 DJ Fred started producing experimental electronic music in the Brazilian house/techno scene. Since then, tuning his sound more to the psychedelic style he has been DJing full-on trance and downtempo in some of Brazil’s biggest festivals including Trancendence, Universo Paralello, Solaris, Earth Dance, Cachoeira Alta, Soma, and many more. In 2003, Frederico Drummond began producing psy-trance under the alias PATCHBAY. Recently returning from a very successful European tour through England, Holland, Spain, Austria, and Hungary, Patchbay has been blowing people away where ever he takes his music. After several releases on such labels as Planet Ben/Highway Star (Japan), Mandala (France), Materia (Spain), Divine Balance (USA), Geomagnetic TV/Morning Star (USA), Fred has joined Reality Engine in New York and is participating in the audio production of their debut DVD and other projects. Thursday, April 12, 2007 10pm – 4am Sullivan Room, Manhattan, New York City 218 Sullivan St (between Bleecker and W 3rd St, 2 blocks east of 6th Ave) Subway: A, B, C, D, E, F, V to “W 4 St – Wash Sq” 21+ with ID $5 cover Here is the thread on Isratrance: forum.isratrance/viewtopic.php/topic/107171/forum/28 br web myspace/patchbay1 web realityengine.org/ web djluiscampos/ web 28thday/ -1035871547ma
#3903 Wed, 11 Apr 2007 03:52:10 From: ” News – Coming back to life ranceAm Gallery is back and restored, plus new tracks by Velvet Acid Christ After a severe server side failure in January, everything had to be resto red from backup. Also check out the amazing tracks by Velvet Acid Christ, t owards the bottom of the playlist. web tranceam.org On a personal n ote, after our renovation at the old apartment (carpets removed) even walki ng on the floor at odd hours got to be too much for the co-op. We were evi cted and now have resettled in what can euphemistically be called Far East Williamsburg, i.e. Bushwick, a block from where 28th Day had Prog in the Pa rk. That’s why I haven’t been active at all. I’ve been depressed over the suicide of one of my best friends, Wilson Leary plus Olly’s twin brother’s suicide last Sunday. It will be a few weeks until my business is again ful ly operational, but every day more order is being imposed on the chaos that occasionally overwhelms this calling. When you bite off more than you can chew, it’s time to pull out a meat grinder. Onward and upward! On the pl us side, I am still off all ds. My new project: web raidnaked.t ranceamericana.org
#3904 Wed, 11 Apr 2007 09:09:33 From: scott scott at 28thdayApril 14th: Trinity Benefit at CoSM Featuring Ananda Shake + Electrypnose 0-1377881724-1176307773:97736 The following event is being produced by DBSONIC/DBR, with event management services provided by 28thday. DBSONIC/DBR’s mission is to heal as many individuals possible by harmonizing our energy centers with accordance of universal law, to trigger complete union with self and soul. Currently DBSONIC is undergoing the invention process and research design for a special type of ‘sound healing tool’ called PAT/SST Integration. Spearheaded by Sharmilla Patil, M.D., M.B.B.S., C.A.S. and Varun Desai, B.S. in E.C.E., DBSONIC research is currently in secondary stages of development. To keep this non-profit(501c3) project afloat and moving forward, DBR/DBSONIC has created a special research benefit compilation series called ‘THE TRINITY SERIES’. As an endorsed Global Sound Healing Initiative, all music tracks for this compilation series have been donated by psychedelic and electronica producers and organizations worldwide who support the study and value progress of PAT/SST Integration for healing expansion of the body, mind and soul. PAT/SST Integration is specifically designed and engineered to utilize sacred geometrical ‘patterns’ of ‘charged particle’ sine waves, root frequencies, metatones and vibratory elements of Life-light Tools which are then calibrated into a specific hemi-synced format. These implemented patterns clinically illicit multiple responses of Bio-energetic Field Change, which directly then induce Elemental Homeostasis within the entire framework of the physical/physiological, mental/emotional and spiritual energy grids of our human form. Creating ‘union with self’, when the listener digests, absorbs and assimilates the sound. In honor of this special Sonic Healing Project, DBR/DBSONIC is having a TRINITY RELEASE BENEFIT TOUR to raise funds for this specialized research. All proceeds will be directly allocated to the ‘DBSONIC HEALING RESEARCH FUND’ for utilization in fall of 2007 by the DBSONIC Research Clinical Trials being proctored at University of Chicago Research Center in Chicago, IL. Divine Balance Sonic Healing Research Institute (DBSONIC) Divine Balance Records (DBR) Presents: THE TRINITY TOUR The first Sonic Healing Research Benefit of its kind! Multiple sound environments supported by 7 Live artists and 4 DJs… creating liquid ambient soundscapes, psychedelic funky downtempo and powerful and stimulating Shakti energy sounds with a touch of nocturnal frolic. LIVE ACTS ANANDA SHAKE (Utopia Records/DBSonic :: Israel) *** First USA appearance! *** ELECTRYPNOSE (Peak Records/Kabrathor Records/DBSonic :: Switzerland) *** First NYC appearance! *** PRIMORDIAL OOZE (Divine Balance Records :: USA) *** First NYC appearance! *** JETO (Divine Balance Records :: USA/India) *** First NYC appearance! *** PSYBORIGINAL (Digital Psionics/DBSonic :: Australia) *** First USA appearance! *** D-SPACE (Psybooty Records :: USA) GRAINS OF SOUND (Divine Balance Records :: USA) INDIGOM (featuring EQUISOL) (Psybooty Records/D-Space :: USA) DJ SETS CHRISTER (Shiva Space Technology/DBSonic :: Norway) DAMON (Divine Balance Records/Chillumafia :: Poland) *** First NYC appearance! *** SHAI & YIDAM (Divine Balance Records :: India) *** Experimental Sound Healing Set *** VISUALS EGNOGRA : Shaman Films Media (San Francisco) MASON DIXON (Chicago) VJ EXERIS (NYC) DATE Saturday April 14th 2007 Sound waves begin at 9:30 PM on April 14th Sounds dissipate at 5:00 AM on April 15th VENUE Alex Grey’s Chapel of Sacred Mirrors (CoSM) 542 West 27 Street Floor 4, New York, NY 10001 web cosm.org Event Management: 28thday Productions (web 28thday) Sound: 28thday Productions Deco: Severyn Refreshments: 7 Ate 9 Catering Pre-register and receive one free Trinity Series Compilation of your choice. Tickets on sale for $33 till Thursday April 12 2007. $40 at the door Limited tickets available! To purchase tickets online visit: web divinebalance info at dbsonic.org Info-line: 312-498-2734 0-1377881724-1176307773:97736 The following event is being produced by DBSONIC/DBR, with event management services provided by 28thday. DBSONIC/DBR’s mission is to heal as many individuals possible by harmonizing our energy centers with accordance of universal law, to trigger complete union with self and soul. Currently DBSONIC is undergoing the invention process and research design for a special type of ‘sound healing tool’ called PAT/SST Integration. Spearheaded by Sharmilla Patil, M.D., M.B.B.S., C.A.S. and Varun Desai, B.S. in E.C.E., DBSONIC research is currently in secondary stages of development. To keep this non-profit(501c3) project afloat and moving forward, DBR/DBSONIC has created a special research benefit compilation series called ‘THE TRINITY SERIES’. As an endorsed Global Sound Healing Initiative, all music tracks for this compilation series have been donated by psychedelic and electronica producers and organizations worldwide who support the study and value progress of PAT/SST Integration for healing expansion of the body, mind and soul. PAT/SST Integration is specifically designed and engineered to utilize sacred geometrical ‘patterns’ of ‘charged particle’ sine waves, root frequencies, metatones and vibratory elements of Life-light Tools which are then calibrated into a specific hemi-synced format. These implemented patterns clinically illicit multiple responses of Bio-energetic Field Change, which directly then induce Elemental Homeostasis within the entire framework of the physical/physiological, mental/emotional and spiritual energy grids of our human form. Creating ‘union with self’, when the listener digests, absorbs and assimilates the sound. In honor of this special Sonic Healing Project, DBR/DBSONIC is having a TRINITY RELEASE BENEFIT TOUR to raise funds for this specialized research. All proceeds will be directly allocated to the ‘DBSONIC HEALING RESEARCH FUND’ for utilization in fall of 2007 by the DBSONIC Research Clinical Trials being proctored at University of Chicago Research Center in Chicago, IL. Divine Balance Sonic Healing Research Institute (DBSONIC) Divine Balance Records (DBR) Presents: THE TRINITY TOUR The first Sonic Healing Research Benefit of its kind! Multiple sound environments supported by 7 Live artists and 4 DJs… creating liquid ambient soundscapes, psychedelic funky downtempo and powerful and stimulating Shakti energy sounds with a touch of nocturnal frolic. LIVE ACTS ANANDA SHAKE (Utopia Records/DBSonic :: Israel) *** First USA appearance! *** ELECTRYPNOSE (Peak Records/Kabrathor Records/DBSonic :: Switzerland) *** First NYC appearance! *** PRIMORDIAL OOZE (Divine Balance Records :: USA) *** First NYC appearance! *** JETO (Divine Balance Records :: USA/India) *** First NYC appearance! *** PSYBORIGINAL (Digital Psionics/DBSonic :: Australia) *** First USA appearance! *** D-SPACE (Psybooty Records :: USA) GRAINS OF SOUND (Divine Balance Records :: USA) INDIGOM (featuring EQUISOL) (Psybooty Records/D-Space :: USA) DJ SETS CHRISTER (Shiva Space Technology/DBSonic :: Norway) DAMON (Divine Balance Records/Chillumafia :: Poland) *** First NYC appearance! *** SHAI & YIDAM (Divine Balance Records :: India) *** Experimental Sound Healing Set *** VISUALS EGNOGRA : Shaman Films Media (San Francisco) MASON DIXON (Chicago) VJ EXERIS (NYC) DATE Saturday April 14th 2007 Sound waves begin at 9:30 PM on April 14th Sounds dissipate at 5:00 AM on April 15th 0-1377881724-1176307773:97736
#3905 Sat, 14 Apr 2007 14:02:41 Sat, 14 Apr 2007 14:02:38 formatflowed From: scott scott at 28thdayDivine Balance: ANANDA SHAKE *tonight* in NYC! DBSONIC/DBR’s mission is to heal as many individuals possible by harmonizing our energy centers with accordance of universal law, to trigger complete union with self and soul. Saturday April 14th 2007 Divine Balance Sonic Healing Research Institute (DBSONIC) Divine Balance Records (DBR) Presents: THE TRINITY TOUR Multiple sound environments supported by 7 Live artists and 4 DJs… creating liquid ambient soundscapes, psychedelic funky downtempo and powerful and stimulating Shakti energy sounds with a touch of nocturnal frolic. LIVE ACTS ANANDA SHAKE (Utopia Records/DBSonic :: Israel) ELECTRYPNOSE (Peak Records/Kabrathor Records/DBSonic :: Switzerland) PRIMORDIAL OOZE (Divine Balance Records :: USA) JETO (Divine Balance Records :: USA/India) PSYBORIGINAL (Digital Psionics/DBSonic :: Australia) D-SPACE (Psybooty Records :: USA) GRAINS OF SOUND (Divine Balance Records :: USA) INDIGOM (featuring EQUISOL) (Psybooty Records/D-Space :: USA) DJ SETS CHRISTER (Shiva Space Technology/DBSonic :: Norway) DAMON (Divine Balance Records/Chillumafia :: Poland) SHAI & YIDAM (Divine Balance Records :: India) *** Experimental Sound Healing Set *** VISUALS EGNOGRA : Shaman Films Media (San Francisco) MASON DIXON (Chicago) VJ EXERIS (NYC) DATE Saturday April 14th 2007 Sound waves begin at 9:30 PM on April 14th Sounds dissipate at 5:00 AM on April 15th VENUE Alex Grey’s Chapel of Sacred Mirrors (CoSM) 542 West 27 Street Floor 4, New York, NY 10001 web cosm.org Event Management: 28thday Sound: 28thday Deco: Severyn Refreshments: 7 Ate 9 Catering $40 at the door Limited tickets available! To purchase tickets online visit: web divinebalance info at dbsonic.org Info-line: 312-498-2734
#3906 Wed, 18 Apr 2007 18:11:44 From: “pedrogomide” pedro at realityengine.org[04/28 – NYC] Entheocentric Salon – check out the cultural panel Entheocentric Salon web entheocentricsalon Saturday, April 28th 8 PM to 5 AM A fusion of art & music, live paintings, psychotropic projections, & eclectic grooves -Live art performances by: Alex & Allyson Grey Zacharia h 8PM to 10PM -Our Cultural panel will be talking about the artistic prod uction for an audience focused on expanded consciousness. The participants will be talking about challenges facing their production, what inspires and how the production process happens… Participants: Alex Grey (CoSM) web .alexgrey Mikio Kennedy (Freek Factory) William Etundi (TheDanger.co m) anger Jonathan Phillips (Souldish) web souldish Joa nn Jimenez (Alma) web almanyc Eli Morgan web psythos CoSMosis Ope n from 10 PM to 5 AM Live Acts: Random Rab web myspace/randomrabmusic “Emerging from his own distinct corner of the West Coast electronic music scene, Random Rab offers a powerful, timeless contribution to sonic explora tion. Rab is a master of manipulating our temporal awareness, leading us in to seemingly ancient worlds, where to our amazement, we find visible shreds of the future. Allow his sound to catalyze your travels into haunting ecst asy, and you will not return to your same beginning. Playing only his own o riginally produced music live, the depth and craftsmanship of this offering is remarkable. With an array of drum machines, samplers, sequencers, and i nstruments, it is a clear devotion to expression and perfection. The beats are smooth, bold, and overwhelming. The original vocals, melodies and hitti ng bass merge seamlessly into a tapestry of unique and unexpected journeys. ” Djs: Matyas(Reality Engine) web realityengine.org Back from a long suc cessful season in Brazil, Matyas will be rocking the dance floor with tunes from the South American parties. Orion(Disorient) web disorient Orio n has been DJing parties in New York City since 2002. Cutting his teeth w ith house music and remixes, his selections have grown to include heavy dos es of funky breaks and other music which favors dirty basslines and sexy sa mples. Orion first discovered the practice of music when he received a guit ar for his 13th birthday. As his curiosity for music increased, this fasci nation with sound led him to pursue a classical training in music compositi on at the Oberlin Conservatory of Music. After graduating as a Bachelor of Music, he moved to New York to seek his fortune and maybe learn how to DJ on the side. These days, when not DJing, he works as a Recording Engineer and Music Producer in the Village. He also performs live as a member of th e techno band Spiral Blaster. Haj(Freek Factory/Sub Swara) web myspace.co m/freekusmaximus Pedro (Reality Engine/ Interchill/ CoSM) web kymastream. com Originally from Brazil, Pedro plays and produces free style triba l grooves, with dub-reggae vibes into house, breaks, dub step or minimal te ch. All fused with strong rhythmic influences from Brazil, Mid-East and Afr ica creating an uplifting experience through the wide spectrum of electroni c music, that gives him the ability to create the right atmosphere for a pl easant and deep experience in any setting. After many events in his na tive country and 3 years in the US, Pedro has established himself as one of the most influent downtempo artists, being the resident DJ and events coor dinator at CoSM, representing one of the main downtempo labels in the world – Interchill Records (Canada) 96 and a key element of the audio-visual co mpany Reality Engine. CoSM: Open 10 PM to 5 AM -DJs: Mikio(Freek Fac tory) Haj(Freek Factory, Sub Swara Alien Blue (CoSM) Visuals by: Bori ster web lucination Sound by: 28thday Price: $20 Address: 542 W. 27th Street, 4th Floor NYC
#3907 Fri, 20 Apr 2007 23:10:38 From: “ambionik” ambionik at yahoo”Electric Clerics” 05/18/07 Tickets on sale now Friday May 18th 2007 New York, New York A.M. Bionik Proudly Presents: Elec tric Clerics A.M. Bionik strives to procure underground artists and musici ans whose live artesian performances transform our interpretations of the k nown universe. We are focusing our third eye on their tangible artwork and musical sculptures. By cherishing quality over quantity, we are cutting to the chase by offering several hours of international music and VJ performan ces. For that reason, we are very excited to announce five live performing artists for the *Electric Clerics* event. Traveling from Warsaw, Poland fo r a debut performance is Kino Oko (Live!), Jurek Przezdziecki (Live!) (aka Epi Centrum, Mass Turbo), Epi Centrum (Live!) and Bigwigs (Live!) performin g their new never heard anywhere before material, which is expected to be r eleased sometime in 2007. The opening act will be Psylab performing their ( Live!) improvisational set for the show. ABOUT THE SPACE: The space has l imited capacity and we are asking that everyone who wants to attend this ev ent to kindly purchase a presale ticket. We are 100% positive that you will want to be at this event, especially considering the lineup and quality of the production. We are confident that the 5 hours of international live ac ts brought to you on an EAW, LA series speaker system with somthing like 2 039480239 zillion watts will get you in the door & screaming for more! The event will begin promptly at 8pm with Psylab’s 2 hour live improvisational performance. We will waste no time in getting right into the international music. There are no locals slotted for this event so please show up early!! A word to the wise: there will be an after-hours event w/ special djs at another location. Access to the after-hours granted to participants only at the close of the main event. FEATURED ARTISTS: BIGWIGS **LIVE P.A.** NATIONAL HEROS OF SONIC PASMATERIA You can listen to a sample of Bigwigs’ new material on their myspace page: web myspacewigs2 KINO OKO **LIVE P.A.** is a “Biblical Gold Medalist” You can listen to samples of Kino Oko’s music on his myspace page: web myspace/kinooko E PI CENTRUM aka Jurek Przezdziecki **LIVE P.A.** You can listen to samples of Jurek Przezdziecki’s music on his myspace page: web myspace/j urekp PSYLAB is **LIVE** Electronic Dance Music Joseph Giglio – bass ak a “Filter Junkie”, Steven Asaro – Roland TD-20 V-Drum kit aka “Human Drum Machine”, Ed Guild – Audio / “Vizzie”, Neil Larson – “Synth Doctor” aka “Dr Nigel” please visit web psylabunderground or web myspac e/psylab Video Projectionists: PIG IN SPACE PRODUCTIONS Rail Collective, Boston. SURGE:(a.k.a. Serge Mozgalevsky) New York. Gui”AUM”et riX: Based in New York, VJ and video artist Guillaume Clave. one.rev ver/watch/224580 TICKETS ARE ON SALE NOW: We are asking everyone to k indly purchase a ticket, which is the best and fairest way to RSVP your spaat this event. You’ll be able to purchase 2 tickets per party (for you a nd your significant other). Presale tickets are $25. Space is limited and we refuse to oversell this event so get yours today before they’re gone! F or additional information and to purchase presale tickets visit: ww w.ambionik
#3908 Tue, 24 Apr 2007 20:00:37 From: “ambionik” ambionik at yahooATTN: “Electric Clerics” additional ticket infos / Minor changes with wordings that are important to those of you who have not purchased presale tickets for the May 18th Electric Clerics event. The pla ybill for the evening will be posted on the website one week prior. The ma in event is 8 hours long with an after party that is too many hours long (a fternoon). TICKETS ARE ON SALE NOW: We are asking everyone to kindly purc hase a ticket, which is the best and fairest way to RSVP your space at this event. Presale tickets are $25 +1 fee. TICKETS WILL BE MORE AT THE DOOR. The ticket price includes admittance to the after party. Space is limited a nd we refuse to oversell this event so get yours today before they’re gone! For additional information and to purchase presale tickets visit: web ambionik Friday May 18th 2007 New York, New York A.M. Bionik P roudly Presents: Electric Clerics ABOUT THE SPACE: The space has limited capacity and we are asking that everyone who wants to attend this event to kindly purchase a presale ticket. We are 100% positive that you will want to be at this event, especially considering the lineup and quality of the p roduction. We are confident that the 5 hours of international live acts bro ught to you on an EAW, LA series speaker system with somthing like 2039480 239 zillion watts will get you in the door & screaming for more! The event will begin promptly at 8pm with Psylab’s 2 hour live improvisational perfor mance. We will waste no time in getting right into the international music. There are no locals slotted for this event so please show up early!! A wo rd to the wise: there will be an after-hours event w/ special djs at anothe r location. Access to the after-hours granted to participants only at the c lose of the main event. FEATURED ARTISTS: BIGWIGS **LIVE P.A.** NATION AL HEROS OF SONIC PASMATERIA You can listen to a sample of Bigwigs’ new ma terial on their myspace page: web myspacewigs2 KINO OKO ** LIVE P.A.** is a “Biblical Gold Medalist” You can listen to samples of Kin o Oko’s music on his myspace page: web myspace/kinooko EPI CEN TRUM aka Jurek Przezdziecki **LIVE P.A.** You can listen to samples of Jur ek Przezdziecki’s music on his myspace page: web myspace/jurekp PSYLAB is **LIVE** Electronic Dance Music Joseph Giglio – bass aka “Fil ter Junkie”, Steven Asaro – Roland TD-20 V-Drum kit aka “Human Drum Machin e”, Ed Guild – Audio / “Vizzie”, Neil Larson – “Synth Doctor” aka “Dr Nigel ” please visit web psylabunderground or web myspace/ psylab Video Projectionists: PIG IN SPACE PRODUCTIONS Rail Collec tive, Boston. SURGE:(a.k.a. Serge Mozgalevsky) New York. Gui”AUM”etriX: B ased in New York, VJ and video artist Guillaume Clave. one.revver.co m/watch/224580
#3909 Fri, 27 Apr 2007 06:35:48 From: “pedrogomide” pedro at realityengine.orgJust to tease…next month May 19th – Bluetech, Evan Marc, Onnomon, Alpha C hannel, Kilowatts and I !!!!! More info next week! Entheocentric Salon ht tp://entheocentricsalon Saturday, April 28th 8 PM to 5 AM A fusion of art & music, live paintings, psychotropic projections, & eclectic grooves -Live art performances by: Alex & Allyson Grey Zachariah 8PM to 10PM -Our Cultural panel will be talking about the artistic production for an au dience focused on expanded consciousness. The participants will be talking about challenges facing their production, what inspires and how the product ion process happens… Participants: Alex Grey (CoSM) alexgrey Mikio Kennedy (Freek Factory) William Etundi (TheDanger) thedan ger Jonathan Phillips (Souldish) souldish Joann Jimenez (Alma) almanyc Eli Morgan(CoSM) psythos CoSMosis Op en from 10 PM to 5 AM Live Acts: Random Rab myspace/randomrab music “Emerging from his own distinct corner of the West Coast electronic m usic scene, Random Rab offers a powerful, timeless contribution to sonic ex ploration. Rab is a master of manipulating our temporal awareness, leading us into seemingly ancient worlds, where to our amazement, we find visible s hreds of the future. Allow his sound to catalyze your travels into haunting ecstasy, and you will not return to your same beginning. Playing only his own originally produced music live, the depth and craftsmanship of this off ering is remarkable. With an array of drum machines, samplers, sequencers, and instruments, it is a clear devotion to expression and perfection. The b eats are smooth, bold, and overwhelming. The original vocals, melodies and hitting bass merge seamlessly into a tapestry of unique and unexpected jour neys.” Djs: Matyas(Reality Engine) realityengine.org Orion(Disor ient) .disorient Haj(Freek Factory/Sub Swara) myspace.co m/freekusmaximus Pedro(Reality Engine/Interchill/CoSM) kymastream.c om CoSM: Open 10 PM to 5 AM -DJs: Mikio(Freek Factory) Haj(Freek Fac tory, Sub Swara) Alien Ambassador (CoSM) Eye of the Spirit Lounge: Karin Nev & Zena Lotus Yoshi Visuals by: Borister lucination Speci al Guest Artist: Andrew Jones (SF) Live Digital Art androidjones / Sound by: 28thday Price: $25 Address: 542 W. 27th Street, 4th Floor NYC
#3910 Sat, 28 Apr 2007 03:01:47 Sat, 28 Apr 2007 03:01:43 From: Charlie NYC listnyc at earthlink.netDreamcatcher’s PSYCHEGROUND – Thursday, May 3 at Sullivan Room -1034378789maformat”flowed” PSYCHEGROUND is back this Thursday, May 3, in NYC! Join us for a night of music and dancing with 2 for 1 drink specials until midnight at the newly renovated, larger, and greatly improved Sullivan Room with AMAZING SOUND! Featuring the DJs: LUIS (Dreamcatcher, Tsunami – NYC/Brazil) full-on psy-trance MAX EARWORM (Yabai Records – NYC) full-on psy-trance SEW (Mad Elephant – NYC/Japan) progressive trance MATYAS (Reality Engine – NYC/Brazil) electro PEDRO (Reality Engine – NYC/Brazil) downtempo Thursday, May 3, 2007 10pm – 4am Sullivan Room, Manhattan, New York City 218 Sullivan St (between Bleecker and W 3rd St, 2 blocks east of 6th Ave) Subway: A, B, C, D, E, F, V trains to “W 4 St – Wash Sq” 21+ with ID $5 cover Please subscribe to our announcement list for info on future events. Just send a blank e web djluiscampos/ web psycheground/ web 881-rec/top web realityengine.org/ -1034378789ma/styletitleDreamcatcher’s PSYCHEGROUND – Thursday, May 3 at in NYC! Join us for a night of music and dancing with 2 for 1 drink specials until midnight at the newly renovated, larger, and greatly improved Sullivan Room with AMAZING SOUND! Featuring the DJs: LUIS (Dreamcatcher, Tsunami – NYC/Brazil) full-on psy-trance MAX EARWORM (Yabai Records – NYC) full-on psy-trance SEW (Mad Elephant – NYC/Japan) progressive trance MATYAS (Reality Engine – NYC/Brazil) electro PEDRO (Reality Engine – NYC/Brazil) downtempo Thursday, May 3, 2007 10pm – 4am Sullivan Room, Manhattan, New York City 218 Sullivan St (between Bleecker and W 3rd St, 2 blocks east of 6th Ave) Subway: A, B, C, D, E, F, V trains to “W 4 St – Wash Sq” 21+ with ID Please subscribe to our announcement list for info on future events. Just send a blank e web djluiscampos/ web psycheground/ web 881-rec/top web realityengine.org/ -1034378789ma
#3912 Mon, 30 Apr 2007 04:00:13 From: “alladinproject” alladinproject at yahooAlladin Summer Festival July 1215 2007 at Echo Lake NY Tickets available NOW! 0-6076676559-1732915684:8 [950] web alladinproject.net Alladin Orb Summer Festival in Echo Lake CampGround Afron NY July 12-15 2007 After four years of producing p arties in NYC with the best trance artists on the globe, we feel that the t ime has come to go outdoors, for a well planned and highly produced 3 day f estival, featuring over 50 of the best trance artists with three outdoor st ages and 80K sound systems!!! This bigger than ever nature gathering will t ake place in Echo Lake, a beautiful resort, three hours away from Manhattan in upstate NY. This is an incredible venue, which has hosted numerous musi cal festivals over the years. This amazing lake surrounded by a magical fo rest has plenty of parking space, well maintained camping site and economy cabins available for rental. Situated around a secluded spring-fed lake in the midst of a pine forest.. Come and experience the purity of nature and the divine psychedelic waves of sounds floating around the lake, creating a n amazing cosmic energy that brings people together. This one for sure will be an uplifting experience and an unforgettable gathering!!! Music Perform ance: SHIFT Live(Nexus Media, South Africa) HUX FLUX Live(Spiral Trax, Swed en) ATOMIC PULSE (B N E Records, Israel) TOTAL ECLIPSE(TIP World,mandala F rance) ZION Live(Alladin Records, Israel) D-TEK Live(Maia Recorsds Mexico) IBOJIMA Live(Millennium Records, Sweden) ZIK aka HORROR PLACE Live(Harmonia Rec, Drup Out, Greece) TWISTED SYSTEM(Nexus Media, South Africa) PETER DIG ITAL( Digital Structures sweden) GRAPES OF WRATH-MONNO(Parvati, Denmark) DO MINO(Avatar/Wakyo,UK) NAKED TOURISTS Live(Parvati Records, Germany) REEFER DECREE Live(Iboga Records, Denmark) ENERTOPIA Live(Alladin Records, Israel) KNO-B(Alladin Records, Japan) ORBIT Live(Alladin Records, Israel,Japan) ON NOMON Live (Gaian Mind, Soular Records, Philadephia,) COMBINATIONS Live (Gr oove Criminals Records, Israel, Austria) D-SPACE Live(Alpha Channel/M-FieldPsyBooty Records,Soul trance) JAY SELWAY aka CYZUM Live(Zero Divide/ JOOF Records/ Iboga Records USA) M.T.R Live(Queens, NYC) BUBBLE CRAFT Live(NYC, Israel) PSYLAB Live(Boston, USA) DYNAMIC RAIN Live(Israel) EARWORM Live (NY C) SPYROS (Psytribe, Los Angeles) YANN (Ultra Groove, Tech Safari, Canada) DRIZZT (24/7 Records, Montreal) CRIS (Alladin Records, Mexico) KIFE (Omnitr ibe, NYC) STEVE-O (Goa Babies, Gaian Mind, NYC) BRANDON ADAMS (Dreamcatcher NYC) EARTHIAN aka ANIMALTEK, (Omnitribe, NYC) SUNIL vs MADUH (Malysia/Ind ia) LAURYN (Peak Records/28thday, NYC) TONY UNORTHODOX (28thday, NYC) RICKA M (Neurobiotic Records, Tech Safari, Canada) EGBOT MESCALINIUM (Gaian Min d/PSI-Philadelphia) LUIS ( Dreamcatcher, Brazil/NYC) CORAL (Touch S amadhi, NYC) PHATMIND (NYC/Israel) VADIM (Loft.N.Space, NYC) SHUUNY (Mad El ephant, NYC/Japan) GAVIN (Digital Structures, Spectra,NYC) ELNADIV (Alladin Records, Israel) SINPATEX (Alladin Records, Israel) BABLA (Kagdila Records India) NOLA (Alladin Records, NYC) EGNOGRA (Shaman films media, San Franc isco) ROE REVOLUTION (South Florida Psytrance) INNER MONGOLIAN (Russia/NYC) KEN (NYC, Japan) INDRA (Omnitribe, NYC) STAS (Omni Tribe, NYC) BEN (Light- o-Matic, NYC) IGAL (Loft.n.Space, NYC) ALIEN AMBASSADOR (CoSM, NYC) DROOZI (Pune, India) MANNY (Green Sector, Los Angeles) Deco by: DAYA CAYUNG SEVE RYN Alladin Deco Team And More TBA!!! Visual By: SERGE GUILLAUME CLAVE And More TBA!!! Drum sircle By: MZ.IMANI(Shaman of the drum, Cosem. NY/DC) Sound By: Metro sound web metrosound.biz Advance Ticket: *$100 ti ll May 6th *$120 till June 1st *$135 till July 11th [0] Entertainment act ivities: Fishing, Boating, Massages and meditation area, Work shops, Vendor markets, Chai shops, Hookah lodge, Drums circles, Body painting, Fire perf ormances, Laser shows, Arts backdrops Decorations, Special nature lighting Food vendors, Fruit bar, ***Several designated public camping tents*** ** *Hot showers, clean and well maintained restrooms*** ***First aid on premis es*** and Lots more!!! OFFICIAL WEBSITE WILL BE UP SOON!!! For More informa tion call us (917)-5691177 (917)-4054847 Or Email us hoo Festival Web Page web orbfestival Alladin Web Page web alladinproject.net Alladin Myspace web myspace/allad inproject Love Light Alladin Crew 0-6076676559-1732915684:8 ://web alladinproject.net er Alladin Orb Summer Festival in Echo Lake CampGround Afron NY Aft er four years of producing parties in NYC with the best trance artists on t he globe, we feel that the time has come to go outdoors, for a well planned and highly produced 3 day festival, featuring over 50 of the best trance a rtists with three outdoor stages and 80K sound systems!!! This bigger than ever nature gathering will take place in Echo Lake, a beautiful resort three hours away from Manhattan in upstate NY. This is an incredible venu e, which has hosted numerous musical festivals over the years. This amazin g lake surrounded by a magical forest has plenty of parking space, well mai ntained camping site and economy cabins available for rental. Situated around a secluded spring-fed lake in the midst of a pine forest.. Come and experience the purity of nature and the divine psychedelic waves of sounds floating around the lake, creating an amazing cosmic energy that brings pe ople together. / This one for sure will be an uplifting experience and an unforgettable gathering!!! ftMusic Performance: Africa) ) TO ZION Live ennium Records, Sweden) (Harmonia Rec, Drup Out, Greece) (Nexus Media, South Africa) gital Structures sweden) Parvati, Denmark) KNO-B “1(Alladin Records, Israel,Japan) minals Records, Israel, Austria) (Zero Divide/ JOOF Records/ Iboga Records USA) fon r Canada) Records, Montreal) (Alladin Records, Mexico) nt dia) ds/28thday, NYC) phia) eamcatcher, Brazil/NYC) ael) ords, India) din Records, NYC) 1(Shaman films media, San Francisco) fo r es)/br DAYA CAYUNG SEVERYN Alladin Deco Team And More TBA!!! Visual By: SERGE GUILLAUME C LAVE And More TBA!!! Drum sircle By: MZ.IMANI(Shaman of the drum, Cosem. NY/DC) Sound By: web metros ound.bizMetro sound icket: *$100 till May 6th * $120 till June 1st *$135 till July 11th form ayPal – it’s fast, free and secure! input type ahoo Early Bird inpu i /form g, Boating, Massages and meditation area, Work shops, Vendor ma rkets, Chai shops, Hookah lodge, Drums circles, Body painti ng, Fire performances, Laser shows, Arts backdrops Decorations, Special nature lighting, Food vendors, Fruit bar, ***Sever al designated public camping tents*** ***Hot showers, clean and well ma intained restrooms*** ***First aid on premises*** and Lots more!!! OFFICIAL WEBSITE WILL BE UP SOON!!! For More information call us ( l us web orbfestivalFestival Web Page/ a web alladinproject.netAlladin Web Page Love Light Alladin Crew ! END 0-6076676559-1732915684:8
May 2007
#3913 Tue, 01 May 2007 18:32:45 Tue, 1 May 2007 18:32:38 From: Charlie NYC listnyc at earthlink.netDreamcatcher’s PSYCHEGROUND – Thursday at Sullivan Room -1034063731maformat”flowed” PSYCHEGROUND is back this Thursday, May 3, in NYC! Join us for a night of music and dancing with 2 for 1 drink specials until midnight at the newly renovated, larger, and greatly improved Sullivan Room with AMAZING SOUND! Featuring the DJs: LUIS (Dreamcatcher, Tsunami – NYC/Brazil) full-on psy-trance MAX EARWORM (Yabai Records – NYC) full-on psy-trance SEW (Mad Elephant – NYC/Japan) progressive trance MATYAS (Reality Engine – NYC/Brazil) electro PEDRO (Reality Engine – NYC/Brazil) downtempo Thursday, May 3, 2007 10pm – 4am Sullivan Room, Manhattan, New York City 218 Sullivan St (between Bleecker and W 3rd St, 2 blocks east of 6th Ave) Subway: A, B, C, D, E, F, V trains to “W 4 St – Wash Sq” 21+ with ID $5 cover Flyer for this event is online here: Please subscribe to our announcement list for info on future events. Just send a blank e The thread for this party is here on Isratrance: forum.isratrance/viewtopic.php/topic/108190/forum/28 web djluiscampos/ web 881-rec/top web realityengine.org/ -1034063731ma/styletitleDreamcatcher’s PSYCHEGROUND – Thursday at Sullivan in NYC! Join us for a night of music and dancing with 2 for 1 drink specials until midnight at the newly renovated, larger, and greatly improved Sullivan Room with AMAZING SOUND! Featuring the DJs: LUIS (Dreamcatcher, Tsunami – NYC/Brazil) full-on psy-trance MAX EARWORM (Yabai Records – NYC) full-on psy-trance SEW (Mad Elephant – NYC/Japan) progressive trance MATYAS (Reality Engine – NYC/Brazil) electro PEDRO (Reality Engine – NYC/Brazil) downtempo Thursday, May 3, 2007 10pm – 4am Sullivan Room, Manhattan, New York City 218 Sullivan St (between Bleecker and W 3rd St, 2 blocks east of 6th Ave) Subway: A, B, C, D, E, F, V trains to “W 4 St – Wash Sq” 21+ with ID $5 cover Flyer for this event is online here: Please subscribe to our announcement list for info on future events. Just send a blank e The thread for this party is here on Isratrance: forum.isratrance/viewtopic.php/topic/108190/forum/28 web djluiscampos/ web 881-rec/top web realityengine.org/ -1034063731ma
#3914 Mon, 7 May 2007 10:17:48 Mon, 7 May 2007 10:17:47 From: Daniel Pinchbeck article
#3915 Mon, 07 May 2007 16:34:16 From: ” Best ticket deal on 2 upcoming events Hi all, After taking a late winter break from all trance activity I am sel ling tickets to SUN Project this Friday, and the Summer Fesitval, which is proving to be the largest legal open air gathering in east coast history. Lowest prices anywhere, while supplies last; prices will go up so act soo n and save major $$$ /ind
#3916 Tue, 08 May 2007 00:11:35 From: “tsunaminypromo” tsunaminypromo at yahooFri, May 11th SUN PROJECT, LUIS & BRANDON ADAMS at STUDIO Mezmore (former CROBAR) 3-4367689572-5311093740:2 T S U N A M I In Association with AREA Events Present Friday, May 11th 10 Year Anniversary Tour by, S. U. N. P r o j e c t Live !!! ( Germany) Marco, Matthias and McCoy, return with their signature alien mas ks and costumes. Matthias81fs burning & exploding guitar will sure be a ni ght to be remembered* D J L U I S (TSUNAMI) B R A N D O N A D A M S (DREAMCATCHER) and more! S T U D I O M E Z M O R E (formerly k nown as CROBAR) 530 West 28th Street (between 10th & 11th Ave.) 10pm to la te 21 + Valid Picture ID a Must! For VIP table service contact info at tsunami -trance Admission: Advance $25 (limit ed number) / $30 Door: $40 / $35 reduced Advance Tickets Available on web GrooveTickets web groovetickets/ Also availab le at: 141 East 10th Street (bet. Prince & E.Houston)-(bet. 2nd & 1st Avenue s) 212 995-1744 – 212 539-1203 ce.c om ce/ web GrooveTickets ww w.groovetickets/ web areaevents web areaevents/ 3-4367689572-5311093740:2 T S U N A M I In Association with AREA Events Present Friday, May 11th 10 Year Anniversary Tour by, S. U. N. P r o j e c t Live !!! (Germany) Marco, Matthias and McCoy, return with their signature alien masks and costumes. Matthias 81fs burning & exploding guitar will sure be a night to be remembered* D J L U I S (TSUNAMI) B R A N D O N A D A M S (DREAMCATCHER) and more! S T U D I O M E Z M O R E (formerly known as CROBAR) 530 West 28th Streetb r(between 10th & 11th Ave.) 10pm to late 21 + Valid Picture ID a Must! For VIP table service contact ! incode auto-mailto start – – incode auto-mailto end Admission: Advance $25 (limited number) / $30 Door: $40 / $35 reduced Advance Tickets Av ailable on web groovetick o-link end Also available at: S 1 East 10th Street (bet. Prince & E.Houston)-(bet. 2nd & 1st A venues) 212 995-1744 – 212 539-1203 nkweb GrooveTickets ! incode auto-link end ! i ncode auto-link start web areaevents/” target 3-4367689572-5311093740:2
#3917 07 May 2007 21:17:34 Mon, 07 May 2007 21:17:25 omnitribe, TripOutNY, rainbowtrance, dragontribe, From: scott scott at 28thdaySaturday May 12: Brooklyn: CD Release Party for Anomalistic Behaviors Ft: Arahat! Saturday May 12: Brooklyn: CD Release Party for Anomalistic Behaviors Ft: Arahat! This Saturday 28thday presents an AUM Fundraiser! All profits from this event will go towards flying east coast artists out to the AUM festival in Arkansas, and everybody who pays at the door will receive a copy of the first release from Anomalistic Records, Anomalistic Behaviors! Taking place at East River Bar in Williamsburg, which features an awesome outdoor patio for a smoking area Featuring sounds from the following: Arahat aka DJ Hidro-Ponik & (PsyCircle Records, Cosmic Theatre, Psybertribe, Goods from Da Woods / San Diego) Live + DJ! First NYC Appearance! “Tom Hidro started mixing goa vinyl back in 1995 and has grown through the ages of electronica and finally settled on his passion, Psychedelic Nighttime trance. A producer since 2005 he has released 4 tunes globally with a handful more coming soon on Dark Prisma, Anomolistic, D-A-R-K, and the first comp coming from PsyCircle/Darkstar called Liquid Vision. Other studio projects include Arabali (with Mubali) and Monks of Madness (with Bodhisattva 13:20). Originally from the suburbs of Boston, Arahat has been in California since 1997, a hotbed of incredible talent and wild amazing events located from Tijuana all the way up to the Oregon border. The music is primarily inspired from the countless events performed under full-moons and new-moons in the Mojave desert and Mountains of the Sierra/Nevada range. Expect to hear wild and innovative psychedelic sounds designed for the night hours. This live/dj set will include 13 original tunes as well as the freshest tunes from around the globe.” FaceHead (Anomalistic, Geomagnetic.tv / Pennsylvania ) Live! Chuck Looper (AKA FaceHead), is one of those “saved by psy-trance” stories. Shortly after breaking free from a tarnished past a friend took him to his first psychedelic event in 2002. It changed his life. Since 1998 Chuck had been djing and producing his own blend of noisy experimental electronic music. After that first party, he went home and immediately started working on his first psy track. Since then it has been an obsession. Constantly searching for the most unique and bizarre sounds, FaceHead brings a style all his own that will leave you stomping away with question marks over your heads. You can expect dark and full-on with a wide variety of influences. Look for upcoming releases on Geomagnetic and Anomalistic. Egbot (Gaian mind, PSI / Philadelphia) David McGee (aka EgBot) offers a wealth of inspiration with a touch of dark humor to his works. He has been spinning/producing psy-trance since 2001 and is currently throwing parties with Gaian Mind and PSI. Always on the cutting edge of music, he has been hard at work blending minimal psytrance with textured sound-scapes, samples and hooks that just can’t be denied. His tracks are a twisting journey through psychedelia. Expect a dark and twisted dj set courtesy of Egbot. Sound by 28thday Hours: 11-5am Location: East River Bar 97 S. 6th St., Brooklyn, NY 11211 nr. Bedford Ave. Nearby Subway Stops J, M, Z at Marcy Ave.L at Bedford Ave. $20 at the door, which also gets you a copy of Anomolistic Behaviors links to the tracks are at a web anomalisticrecords” target”blankweb anomalisticrecords a web anomalisticrecords” target”blankweb anomalisticrecords web 28thday” target”blankweb 28thday
#3918 Wed, 09 May 2007 19:57:02 From: “pedrogomide” pedro at realityengine.orgEntheocentric Salon web entheocentricsalon Saturday, May 19th 8 PM to 5 AM A fusion of art & music, live paintings, psychotropic projections, & e clectic grooves -Live art performances by: Alex & Allyson Grey Zachariah -8 PM to 10 PM Cultural Estimulation: Curator and former SoHo gallery own er/director, Amy Lipton has spearheaded exhibitions and wriitten a comprehe nsive catalogue on art that addresses ecological issues. Amy will present an illustrated overview of outstanding artworks based on a consciousness of environmental responsibility. Moderated by Alex Grey, CoSMosis Open from 10 PM to 5 AM Live Acts: Evan Marc (Psybooty, Sentient Sound) Evan ac hieved international recognition and success with his downtempo / chill-out project, Bluetech, releasing three full-length albums and making waves in the psy/chill-out world with his unique sound and top-notch production qual ity. A need to expand his sound lead him to explore his love for tech-hous e resulting in his latest album, “Emotional Ecology.” On “Emotional Ecolog y,” Evan delves into the deeper side of tech-house and brings to it his sig nature production quality and atmospheric sensibility that defined the Blue tech sound. His signature touch on the tech-house sound is sure to make “E motional Ecology” a stand out release in the genre and a sought after relea se for collectors who know premium quality electronic music. Onnomon(Gaian Mind/Soular Rec ) Alpha Channel(Psybooty Rec) DJ: Pedro (R.E./ Interch ill/ CoSM) CoSM: Open 10 PM to 5 AM Live Acts: Bluetech (Aleph Zero, Na tive State) Evan Bluetech produces his unique style of digital downtempo f rom the West Coast of North America. Classically trained on the piano for p ublic performing, Bluetech deviated from the traditional structure of class ical music and being to relearn the instrument from an energetic and tonal perspective. This resulted in his interpretation of nature’s expression of being, establishing a playing style that is dronal ambient, downtempo and i mprovisational. Explosions in technology and software have enabled him to e xplore the edges of contemporary music production, and a sound has develope d which draws from the psychedelic community as well as the experimental/ID M community. His style fits somewhere snuggly between the two, and has been described as PsyDM (psytelligent dance music) and SpaceHop. KiloWatts (Ar tificial Music Machine) -DJ: Kyma Stream Kife (Omnitribe) Alien Ambassad or (CoSM) Visuals by: Videlicious VJ Laylah Sound by: 2 8thday Price: $25 Address: 542 W. 27th Street, 4th Floor NYC Links: ht tp://cosm.org kymastream interchill nativestat erecords aleph-zero.info psybooty myspace/ kilowatts myspace/alphachannelpsytrance myspace/onno mon 28thday lucination
#3919 Thu, 10 May 2007 08:32:23 From: “alladinproject” alladinproject at yahooAlladin Orb Summer Festival Early bird ticket Hi guys Early bird ticket sale is ending today Porches today and save web OrbFestival web AlladinProject.net See you all there w ith Love & Light web myspace/OrbFestival
#3920 Fri, 11 May 2007 10:58:57 Fri, 11 May 2007 10:58:57 From: National Psy-Trance Calendar TripOutNY’s format as you know has evolved over time. For years I maint ained a newsletter. This proved to be an inefficient use of time and was always second hand information. So within the past 6 months all NYC organi zers are able to post their event once on this list, directly, so that wi th one very low volume account you get just the events, no BS. Thanks to all organizers as none have abused their moderator posting rights. Now, even though the format is so late 1990s, periodically this email will go out that covers the national scene; every effort will be made to keep it updated but for up to date info by the promoters themselves see the forum o n tranceam.org or isratrance. A copy of this also goes to at ya hoogroups Namaste and Greetings What is up people? Summer is rollin g around the corner, well it looks like NY is having some parties again a fter a being quiet for a week or two, Boston is kicking as usual, hmm GAI AN MIND in Philly too as well as the upcoming 10 year party in Atlantic C ity, NJ. San Fran is kicking with Psy Burns and other areas out west. O Advanced-Lotus (web myspace/advancedlotus) PLEASE NOTE THE WEEKLYS SECTION IS BEING REVISED AND WILL BE UPDATED AS SOON AS MORE ACCURATE INFORMATION IS PRESENTED SOME EVENTS ARE OUTDATED SO IF YOU HAVE A WEEKLY PSY EVENT OR KNOW ABOUT IT PLEASE SEND ME AN EMAI L psydragon3 at aol This Weekend Friday, May 1 1th NY, NY TSUNAMI In Association with AREA Events Presents A 10 Year Anniversary Tour by: S. U. N. P r o j e c t Live !!! (Germany) Marco, Ma tthias and McCoy, return with their signature alien masks and costumes. M atthias burning & exploding guitar will sure be a night to be remembered D J L U I S (TSUNAMI) B R A N D O N A D A M S (DREAMCATCHER) and more! S T U D I O M E Z M O R E (formerly known as CROBAR) 530 West 28th Street (between 10th & 11th Street) 10pm to late 21 + Valid Picture ID a Must! F or VIP table service contact info at tsunami-trance Admission: Advance $ 25 (limited number) / $30 Door: $40 / $35 reduced Advance Tickets Availab le on web GrooveTickets Also available at: SATELLITE- VINYL MARKET (bet. Prince & E.Houston)-(bet. 2nd & 1st Avenues) 212 995-1744 – 212 539-1203 web GrooveTickets web areaevents “hi folks, this is SUN Project. we are so much looking forward to our live performance in NYC this friday ! it alw ays was a big fun to make party with the New York trance crowd ! We gonna play powerful new material as well as well known older stuff. we will mak e our crazy 10 years SUN Project anniversary show with aliens and burning guitar on stage. if you would not come to the party you really would mis s somthing ! you know there is no other trance act with a show like ours …! see you on friday night !!!!!! SUN Project, (the native born hamburge rs from germany)” web myspace/sunprojectoficial 5:11 :2007 boston, ma PSYLAB psylabunderground when is the last time you heard of a boston psychedelic producer make such a national impact? psyla b certainly has accomplished this. plucked to play on lansdowne before e mbarking on bigger festivals this summer: Alladin Orb Summer Festival and Camp Bisco VI to name a few. SHWILLY B circle/green/zbc boston ++ resi dent. techno and trance connoisseur, sure to give his ++ years of danceflo or wizardry yet another chapter visuals by Sean Stevens web seanstevens also visuals by Whorld EnVision VJ Whorld and VJ Vivia web whorld. org web spark-envision-media decor by sonic beating AXIS 13 lansdown e st boston web myspace/plusplusboston $10 door/$5 reduce email me f or reduce by 6pm 5/11 hoopers always get in free 10-2 21+ upcoming guests CROOK 5/18 DRC 5/25 web psylabunderground web shwillyb web gnome fatty.org web myspace/psylab web myspace/shwillyb web sonicbeating. org Friday, May 11th, 2007, Philadelphia, PA GAIAN MIND PHILLY – P hiladelphias Premier Psytrance Party! Special Guest: EARWORM (Y abai Records – NYC) EarWorm is the project of Max Meshiv, born in 1986. Wa s infected by the virus in Israel at a very early age and now resides in NYC to infect others. Just recently released on the new Yabai Rec. Compi lation alongside artists Abomination, Digital Talk, and Phatmatix. Insp ired by everything, Influenced by High-Tech and Nighttime-Twilight Psytra nce. Always aiming on Positive Sound Frequencies to move all body parts and to create ultra immense energy on the dance floors. Time To Get EarW ormed!!! web myspace/earwormtrax w/ Resident DJs: EGBOT (Gaian Mind – Philadelphia) FRACTAL PHONO (Gaian Mind – Philadelphia) Downtempo Loun ge with: BOTTOM FEEDER (Goa-Home – Philadelphia) TRITTON (Gaian Mind – Ph iladelphia) Deco: GAIAN MIND Friday, May 11th, 2007 9pm – 2am $7 cover ($5 before 11pm) 21+ w/ ID Ulanas Bainbridge Street & Second St reet Philadelphia, PA 19147, USA (one block south of South Street) GAIAN MIND PHILLY – Second Friday of Every Month at Ulanas! 05/12 /2007 04:00 PM – Downtown Get Down Pritchard Park, Asheville, North C arolina 28803 – free web touchsamadhi Saturday May 12 Brooklyn, NY CD Release Party for Anomalistic Behaviors Ft: Arahat! This Saturday 28thday presents an AUM Fundraiser! All profits from this event will go towards flying east coast artists out to the AUM festival in Arkansas, an d everybody who pays at the door will receive a copy of the first releas e from Anomalistic Records, Anomalistic Behaviors! Taking place at East River Bar in Williamsburg, which features an awesome outdoor patio for a smoking area Featuring sounds from the following: Arahat aka DJ Hidro-Po nik E28093 (PsyCircle Records, Cosmic Theatre, Psybertribe, Goods from Da Woods / San Diego) Live + DJ! First NYC Appearance! FaceHead (Anoma listic, Geomagnetic.tv / Pennsylvania Live! Egbot (Gaian mind, PSI / Ph iladelphia) Sound by 28thday Hours: 11-5am Location: East River Bar 97 S. 6th St., Brooklyn, NY 11211 nr. Bedford Ave. Nearby Subway Stops J, M, Z at Marcy Ave.L at Bedford Ave. $20 at the door, which also gets you a copy of Anomolistic Behaviors links to the tracks are at web ano malisticrecords web anomalisticrecords web 28thday.c om Saturday, May 12, 2007. 4pm to 10pm Asheville, NC The Traveling Bonfires & Touch Samadhi with The Indie & Third World Asheville present “Bonfires for Peace at Pritchard Park” Year 4, Event 1 Pritchard Park, Downtown Asheville, NC FREE For more details, email pasckie at yahoo o r call Marta Osborne at (828) 225 5994. Info about Traveling Bonfires, Th e Indie, and Third World Asheville web indieasheville and i ndiebonfires.blogspot/ Live Shapestatic Dj’s Iduna Oso Medisin web mountainx/ae/2005/0112bonfires.php web mountainx/ae/2 006/1213peacejones.php web touchsamadhi The Traveling Bonfire s roam the country, instigating arts and music events, bringing people tog ether for global peace and multicultural community harmony. *** SHAPESTAT IC – “Metaphim” [GM001] *** Coming in May 2007 on GAIAN MIND! love life K ri band: web myspace/shapestatic dj: touchsamadhi/kr i mixes: touchsamadhi/kri/krismixes releases: saikosou design and printing email me! Saturday, May 12th, 2007 Tempe, AZ Overmind Works and The Myst ic Jewell present: “Aura:Emerald” A dance music showcase featuring ethn o-chill tunes, ancient tribal beats and cutting edge Psychedelic Trance fr om around the world. With resident Audio Navigators: Hahn the Barbarian Moksha Mind Nick Synergy Dionysos Pan Eros Professor X (Trance Psyndicate) UV Art by SunRa Location: The Mystic J ewell Studio 524 W Broadway Rd #107 Tempe, AZ (East of Roosevelt – behind El Buen Sabor) 7pm – 4am $5 at the door 18+ only Enjoy the spacious danc e floor, hookah lounge, refreshments, henna tattoo artistry, UV/fluorescen t body painting, Tarot card reading, and chair massage. The Mystic Jewel l studio features a beautiful hardwood dance floor and they have gracious ly allowed us to use their cherished space. They only ask that attendees remove their shoes while on the dance floor. Please be prepared to dance i n clean socks or bare feet. Clean, soft-soled shoes are also allowed. ht tp://web overmindworks/aura “Every generation needs a new revolution.” Thomas Jefferson Overmind Works – bringing quality psytrance to the Ariz ona scene. May 12th, 2007 SF, CA Space Elevator Brought to you b y Ceiba, CCC and Friends The theme for this year’s Burning Man festival di ctates a push for alternate energy. Biodeisel, sunlight, hydro power. W e agree completely, but we don’t just keep our thoughts on the ground, o r in the desert. We’re looking upwards to the stars, and more fuel-ef ficient ways to get there! Come on board, as we embrace the name of the future, SPACE ELEVATOR! This is one of a number of events we are puttin g on to help raise funds for a psytrance sound system at Burning Man, at Space Elevator Camp. Join us in bringing more psychedelic sounds to th e Burn and help us launch them into Space! Space Elevator’s first officia l fundraiser will take place at a well-known and secure underground location. This place hasn’t seen a psytrance party in a long time, so we’re very happy to bring it back into the groove. Bring good vibes and lots of energy because we promise a rocking time to be had by a ll. Playa-wear is encouraged, and gets you $5 off the cover charge. Ps ychedelic Elevator Music provided by: ATUM (People’s Voice) Cybert (Ceiba ) Daniel (CCC) Douglas (CCC) Kode IV (Ceiba) Sentient (Vaporvent) Elevate d Sound by Pascal Space Deco by CCC and JenEye 10pm – 6am (and if the c rowd is big enough, even longer!) Located at The Gingerbread House in San Francisco $15 if you’re looking Playadelic or Playalicious $20 in street clothes Saturday May 12th, 2007 San Francisco, CA Outpost23 presen ts: .::Alchemy::. An amalgam of dance, music and creative expression. F REE before 11pm! Join us for our monthly, transcendental journey through the psychedelic time-portal! We really appreciate the support from you f olks and hope to see many friendly faces this Saturday! Intergalactic E xplorations led by: Dr. Spook (GeoMagnetic.tv) Obu (Outpost 23, Bombay P ower, Dreamlabs.MX) Sanyama (Outpost 23, Turiya Sounds) Come early, join us and hang with family! ALCHEMY at Julies Supper Club 1123 Folsom St. at 7th, FREE parking with prior validation 10pm – 2am :: $5 11pm :: 21+ *As always Outpost23 is dedicated to bringing you the b est in cutting edge music and, more importantly, an extremely positive da nce experience.* 5/12/2007 Mojave Desert PsyTribe presents: SEN SIENT+RANDOM & more A 24 Hour Outdoor Camp Gathering in the Mojave Deser t. Featuring a Live Performance by: SENSIENT (Zenon Rec.) Austrailia Liv e DJ Set by: RANDOM (Geomagnetic tv) S.F. more DJ sets by mighty PsyTribe Residents: Barakuda Spyros Dai KonFlux Scenator Samtabul v.s The Pharmac ist Maha Richie A Freeman Sound by TurboSound Visuals by Love Mushroom Deco by PsyTribe Tickets will be available presale only, you will not be able to purchase tickets at the gate, this event is PRESALE TICKETS ONLY! !!! You can purchase your presale tickets for $25 at web groovetick ets if you do not have internet then you can purchase presale tickets by phone. here is the number: 877-71-Groove? You can also purchase your p resale tickets at PsyFix at Tempo this wednesday and next Wednesday. Ther e will be no entry to this event without a ticket or Grooveticket print o ut. Come prepared for a 24 hour excursion in the Mojave Desert, bring all essentials needed. We will provide tons of shade, Misters on the Danceflo or and a full refreshment stand. We will also provide Free Sunset barbequ e on Saturday so come early. Directions for this event will be sent out and posted on our info lines soon. Drive Safely And Party Smartly SEE Y OU IN THE MOJAVE DESERT!!! (818)-377-4002 E28093 (310)-281-7588 Or vis it web psytribe Also on June 9th we bring you SHIFT, SLUG, EL ECRYPNOSE and more..Stay Tuned Onwards Friday May 18t h, 2007 Boston, MA Psyforia Outdoors Hugh S (New York City) Furth er line up and info TBA… 10pm – 2am 18+ $5 donation – funded by your donations!! If its warm enough amd not raining we will do the event outd oors!!! For directions and info visit: web sonicbeating.org/psyf oria – Public Service Notice – If we have to go inside this month, the capacity will be STRICTLY limited to 100 people inside the hall. ** PSYFORIA T-SHIRTS ** available at the door for $15 * Girl’s & Boy’s Styl es * Friday May 18th 2007 New York, New York A.M. Bionik Proudly Presents: Electric Clerics A.M. Bionik strives to procure underground art ists and musicians whose live artesian performances transform our interpr etations of the known universe. We are focusing our third eye on their ta ngible artwork and musical sculptures. By cherishing quality over quantit y, we are cutting to the chase by offering several hours of international music and VJ performances. For that reason, we are very excited to annou nce five live performing artists for the *Electric Clerics* event. ABOUT THE SPACE: The space has limited capacity and we are asking that everyon e who wants to attend this event to kindly purchase a presale ticket. We are 100% positive that you will want to be at this event, especially cons idering the lineup and quality of the production. We are confident that t he 5 hours of international live acts brought to you on an EAW, LA series speaker system with somthing like 2039480239 zillion watts will get you in the door & screaming for more! The event will begin promptly at 8pm with Psylab’s 2 hour live improvisational performance. We will waste no t ime in getting right into the international music. There are no locals sl otted for this event so please show up early!! A word to the wise: there will be an after-hours event w/ special djs at another location. Access t o the after-hours granted to participants only at the close of the main e vent. FEATURED ARTISTS: BIGWIGS **LIVE** NATIONAL HEROS OF SONIC PASMAT ERIA You can listen to a sample of Bigwigs’ new material on their myspace page: web myspacewigs2 KINO OKO **LIVE** is a “Biblical G old Medalist” You can listen to samples of Kino Oko’s music on his myspac e page: web myspace/kinooko EPI CENTRUM aka Jurek Przezdzieck i **LIVE** You can listen to samples of Jurek Przezdziecki’ s music on hi s myspace page: web myspace/jurekp PSYLAB is **LIVE** Electr onic Dance Music Joseph Giglio – bass aka “Filter Junkie”, Steven Asaro – Roland TD-20 V-Drum kit aka “Human Drum Machine”, Ed Guild – Audio / “Vi zzie”, Neil Larson – “Synth Doctor” aka “Dr Nigel” please visit ww w.psylabunderground or web myspace/psylab Video Projecti onists: PIG IN SPACE PRODUCTIONS Rail Collective, Boston. SURGE:(a .k.a. Serge Mozgalevsky) New York. Gui”AUM”etriX: Based in New York, VJ a nd video artist Guillaume Clave. one.revver/watch/224580 TICK ETS: We are asking everyone to kindly purchase a ticket, which is the best and fairest way to RSVP your space at this event. You’ll be able to purc hase 2 tickets per party (for you and your significant other). The ticket s are $25. Space is limited and we refuse to oversell this event so get y ours today before they’re gone! visit web ambionik to purchase presales. A noticed will be sent to the lists when the tickets go onsa le. Friday, May 18th Deerfields, NC Primordial Bliss Start: 05/18/ 2007 – 5:00pm End: 05/20/2007 – 5:00pm Timezone: Etc/-5 Goa Gil Sad hu (Holy Man) Technoshaman Father of Goa/Psychedelic Trance Redefining the Ancient Tribal Ritual for the 21st Century “Since the be ginning of time mankind has used music and dance to commune with the Spiri t of Nature and the Spirit of the Universe” Atlanta Psytrance and Those P eople Productions welcome Goa Gil back to the Southeastern US, on his sec ond rite of passage as your shamanic guide, for an extended journey into the heart of Primordial Bliss. Join us in a regional gathering of the tr ibes as we celebrate as one primal force Goa Gil’s sonic transmission of cutting-edge psychedelic trance across Deerfields, a 940-acre private re treat in the sacred Appalachian Mountains. Beneath the skies, on earthen soil where nature abounds, we will dance by ritual fire as the ancients once did – guided by Goa Gil in Redefining the Ancient Tribal Ritual fo r the 21st Century through the Trance Dance Experience! “[We] are comin g to these rituals in the same spirit that the ancients came to these ritu als to use music and dance to commune with the Cosmic Spirit, the Spirit of Nature, the Spirit which is behind Nature and the Cosmic Mind, and the Cosmic Being which exists within everything… This is getting down with Mother Earth and becoming one with the Spirit through the music and dance, which is as old as mankind itself” Quotes by Goa Gil (The Nommos / Ava tar Records) More on Goa Gil at: goagil Pre-registered tickets $40 u ntil May 1st at: thosepeople-asheville or atlantapsytrance.net *Full n ames of attendees required for pre-registration $45 at The Gate Gate op ens at 3pm, Friday – May 18th, 2007 *Gate hours posted online All ages ( under 18 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian) NO RE-ENTRY – Brin g everything you will need for survival Primitive campsites are encourage d in designated areas Meal tickets available for purchase by Ambrosia’s De light *Detailed vendor list online NO RENEGADE SOUND SYSTEMS LEAVE NO TRACE – Please respect Deerfields by collecting/disposing of your trash a nd removing all personal belongings from the site ABSOLUTELY NO DOGS ALL OWED *Visit us online for additional details and updates Primordial Bl iss – Schedule: Friday, May 18th (Night) Ritual Bonfire and Guide d Drum Circle Initiate the Trance Dance Experience with collective drummin g and tribal dancing! Saturday, May 19th (Day) Yoga, Chi Gung, a nd other Workshops – *Detailed schedule online Saturday, May 19th (Night ) and Sunday, May 20th (Day) Opening Ceremony by Sakkred Circle Goa Gil and Redefining the Ancient Tribal Ritual for the 21st Century Deco by Pyite and The Community Sound by Project7 Flyer Design by Iik ah Flyer Copy by AtlPsy and Those People Deerfields is located 20 minut es south of Asheville, North Carolina in the Mills River Community. The pr ivate retreat is a 940-acre family-owned tract of unspoiled wilderness off ering camping, swimming, and hiking. Cascading through the Queens Creek Mo untains of the Appalachia, the land is surrounded by ponds, apple orchards and rhododendrons. Tickets at the door will be $45.00 Please list you r name and the names of any other guest that you are paying for (separate d by a comma) if you are purchashing more than one ticket! If purchasing only one ticket, please list only your name. Presale: $40.00 calendar E V O L V E (TN) (9 days)Primordial Bliss with Goa Gil (NC) (29 REAM (TN) (43 days) Saturday, May 19th Ny, Ny Entheocentric Salon w ww.entheocentricsalon 8 PM to 5 AM A fusion of art & music, live pai ntings, psychotropic projections & eclectic grooves -Live art performanc es by: Alex & Allyson Grey Zachariah -8 PM to 10 PM Cultural Estimulati on: Curator and former SoHo gallery owner/director, Amy Lipton has spearhe aded exhibitions and wriitten a comprehensive catalogue on art that addre sses ecological issues. Amy will present an illustrated overview of outst anding artworks based on a consciousness of environmental responsibility . Moderated by Alex Grey CoSMosis Open from 10 PM to 5 AM Live Acts: E van Marc (Psybooty, Sentient Sound) Onnomon(Gaian Mind/Soular Rec ) Alp ha Channel(Psybooty Rec) DJ: Pedro (R.E./ Interchill/ CoSM) CoSM: Open 10 PM to 5 AM Live Acts: Bluetech (Aleph Zero, Native State) KiloWatts (Artificial Music Machine) -DJ: Kyma Stream Kife (Omnitribe) Alien Amba ssador (CoSM) Visuals by: Videlicious VJ Laylah Sound by: 28thday Pric e: $25 Address: 542 W. 27th Street, 4th Floor NYC Links: cosm.o rg kymastream interchill nativestaterecords.co m aleph-zero.info psybooty myspace/kilowatts myspace/alphachannelpsytrance myspace/onnomon 28thday lucination Saturday May 19th, 2007 Texas Sh iva Shakti presents: Siren Song Psytrance area: Orestis Live(Tantrumm Re cords)Athens, Greece Zion Live and DJ(Orb Records. Dooflex.) Israel Gift Culture(Artificial Music Machine)Dallas, TX Force Majeure vs. Pete(Fugu Trance/T.O.U.C.H)Austin, TX Vampyromorpha(Shiva Shakti)Austin, TX Sylph (Zero Point)Austin, TX Chill area: Our chill area will be the brainchild of Texas psytrance mainstay MachineElf a.k.a. Eckoe. He has meticulously designed an environment in which you will be able to immerse yourself in the ultimate aural and visual chill out experience. web machine-e lf Eckoe(Texaliens. Shiva Shakti.)Houston, TX 0X86 (Last Laugh) Seat tle, WA Gift Culture -E2809CSpecial SunriseE2809DPA/DJ set Set (Art ificial Music Machine) Dallas, TX Merchandise booth by Mantra Music. Ve gan snacks and refreshments will be available, with free fuit and chai in the morning. Check our website for more details and location and directi ons will be posted one week prior to the date of the event. web shivatrance May 19, 2007 Peoria, Illinois The Chilluminati pres ent Secret Fire 3 – May 19th – Illinois -META, FACEHEAD, PRIMORDIAL OOZE + MORE all night an outdoor event Goto web chilluminati.org for more inf o and tickets on this exciting event! Discuss this event at forum. chilluminati.org/./index.php/topic,1876.0 Get on the mailing list at web chilluminati.org/contacts/ The Chilluminati are in our third ye ar of Illinois outdoor psytrance under the Secret Fire banner. The Fire d ances in the psychedelic sonic landscapes we create. Our music is dusk to dawn and beyond, both Trance and Chill/Psyambient, and takes place on one stage. Trance is Dance. Chill is melodic and softer, and creates a r elaxing and peaceful mood. Chill . . . is . . . Psyambient, Downtempo, ID M, Ambient, Techno, Dub, Breaks, World, and Future Sound. The tempo we w ill play will change by Time of Day . . . following an Arc of Intention t oward a crescendo of psychedelic madness, then back down to the morning light. Our projection art is visual semiotics; a re-interpretation of exp erienced symbols and color, cast through the artist’s vision and refracte d as a calligraphy of light. Our deco creates the space and the corridor s for the participants’ own life ritual, our life as we pass through the flames of rebirth. We are an Intentional Community, meaning that everyo ne is an Artist and Active Participant, not spectators. Our events are cl ean and based on Respect and creating a more beautiful life for each pa rticipant. Scroll down for much more info on artist lineup, venue, and mo re. Complete info and tickets at web chilluminati.org LINEUP, Artists L IVE AUDIO Meta web GeoMagnetic.tv, San Francisco Facehead Anomalistic /Geomagnetic.tv, Pennsylvania Primordial Ooze Divine Balance Records, Chicago AUDIO DJ SETS Dave Henshaw Changmian/Sonic Beating Productions, Boston Professor X Trance Psyndicate, Illinois Derby T.O.U.C.H Sama dhi, Chicago Mr. Roboto Trance Psyndicate, Chicago KT T.O.U.C.H Sama dhi, Chicago CHILL Robyo Audiognomes, Rockford Damon Divine Balance Records/Chillumafia, Poland Kent Vogel Trance Psyndicate, Bloomington-N ormal, Illinois SONIC SADHANA – Yidam and Shai Divine Balance Records, India Divine Balance Records Chilluminati T.O.U.C.H. Samadhi Satur day, May 19th 2007 SF, CA LOVE AND DEVOTION All Ages $20 Join us in fr iendship and joy as we frolic the night away at our special gathering we call: LOVE AND DEVOTION The Spring is a time of spreading love and creat ing new life. The summer is about creating the vision that was born in th e spring. We find ourselves on the cusp of spring and summer. Love and D evotion is a very special community gathering taking place on the evening of Saturday May 19th and continuing all night till 7am. This Phoenix Fa mily gathering is located at a large, safe, well ventilated, private sp ace for 600+ that perfectly accommodates our all ages family style multi room audio visual immersive environment we have in store for you. Big th anks and love go out to all the devoted dancers, revelers, performers, an d good spirits who have gathered with us in the past, who come together with peace and positivity now in the present, and all those who we have y et to meet. More information on the performers will be posted very soon b ut for now we have a line up, a beautiful flyer, and some solid basics fo r you. Coming soon will be links to DJ-sets, gallery art and video links of the visual artists and performers who will be presenting for you an d other wonderful treats, so check back soon for the latest info. Groov- A-Lishus Love Shack: 11pm – SATURNIA 12 30am – WATERJUICE 2 am – CYBERVI XEN 330am – ANDROCELL *2 hr set !!* (Celestial Dragon ) 530am – OUTERSECT Psychedelic trance Temple : 11pm – Takuan The Pickled Radish 12 Midnig ht – PSYNTHETIC 1am – BARAK – LIVE set (Hadra and AP Records) 2am – BARAK – DJ set 3am – Dr. Spook 4am – Wichdokta 5am – Liam Shy 6am – Leo An d we have more! Some amazing decorations, visualizations, transformations, astralisations, permutations and purifications. Your positive dance fl oor participation and lots of great physical gyrations shall be your requ ired donations. To the 1st 100 Guests who commit to the full door fee wi ll receive a full copy of CYBERVIXEN’s ecstatic full length new album KUN DAL MY LINI Sacred Space Environments: (Mind Alters / Tao Deco / Full V isual Immersion: Geomagnetic.tv (Debuting new DVD E2809CVMX1E2809D) Acoustic Wonderland: Full Circle Sound (with some new toys to play with) WebLocation for Directions: web geomagnetic.tv/events/LoveAndDevotion07.ht m AlsoE280A6 coming up June 15th – 17th Gem ini Free Outdoor Festival 20+ Live Acts 30+ Djs and More… Lots more in fo coming soon…. with love and devotion- Doctor Spook- “Follow your Bliss” web geomagnetic.tv web mindseyemedia web crystal-code. com Check out the Geospirit DVD: forum.isratrance/viewtopic. php/topic/76615/forum/41/start/15 forum.isratrance/viewtopic .php/topic/79979/forum/9 to Join the VIP list go to: goalert-subscribe at topica 2007-05-25 10:00 PM Brooklyn, NY METATANTRUMM MASALA! !! Featuring ORESTIS (LIVE) !!! Freshly-ground psycheDeLiA for ALL! Friday 25 May 2007 10:00 pm – 7:30 am at The HOOK !!! ORESTIS (Tantrumm Records, Greece) – FULLY LIVE SET!!! ALSO FEATURING DJ SETS BY::: FRIA (Tantrumm Records, Bombay/NYC) VISHWAATMAAA (6362MetaForce, Bombay/NYC) TACHYON (6 362MetaForce, NYC) PSYCHEDELIC VISUAL ENVIRONMENT created by ZORAN (6362M etaForce, NYC) ALSO FEATURING GOA-STYLE FLEA MARKET!! CDs, jewelry, and o ther goodies will be on sale from 10pm – 4am…..!! …….Interested in selling your handmade creations ??? please contact us at info at 6362MetaFo rce.net!!…….. CHiLL-OuT RooM downstairs from 10pm – 7:30am….!!! Ot her INFO:: 18+ to party – 21+ to drink!! Everyone please bring photo ID! TICKETS :: $20 before 12am (MIDNIGHT) with RSV$25 after Midnight/witho ut RSVP. To RSVP :: Please send names and email IDs to info at 6362MetaFor ce.net BEFORE Thursday 24 May 2007 at midnight. Names received on 25 May will NOT be included on the RSVP list. LOCATION :: The HOOK, 18 Commerce Street, Red Hook (Brooklyn), NY 11231, Tel: 718-797-3007, Web: web thehoo kmusic, Email: info at thehookmusic DIRECTIONS :: Subway – F or G train to Carroll Street. Exit the subway from the FRONT of the train – to ward the 2nd Place exit. We will have a shuttle from that subway exit to The HOOK available from 10pm – 5am. Look for the van with the 6362MetaFo rce banner! You can also walk to the Hook from the subway – it’s a short 10 minute walk from 2nd Place. Take a right out of the subway stop and wa lk to Henry Street. Take a left on Henry; then the 2nd right and keep w alking til you will reach the BQE. Take the footbridge OVER the BQE and bear left as you get off the bridge. Keep walking straight til you reach Commerce Street. The Hook is on the right. For further directions, please consult web thehookmusic or call the club directly. Cab fare from Lo wer Manhattan – $10-$12. NEED MORE INFO??? Write to us at info at 6362Meta Force.net !!! On-line Store Coming SooN!!! Please BLESS this party with y our GOOD VIBES, KILLER ENERGY and STOMPING FEET!! bOM BHOLENATH!! Saturday, May 26th, 2007 Atlantic City, NJ GAIAN MIND Presents: A DECADE OF DANCE – 10-Year Anniversary! – Join us as we celebrate the first 10 y ears of GAIAN MIND with a full 9-hours of Transcendental Dance! Special Guest: PSYMMETRIX (PharPsyde Records – UK) Psymmetrix are 27 year old Ala stair Crowther and 30 year old Richie (Asimilon) Elmes, both Yellow Star Geminis from the South East of England, and they have been tearing apart the London squat and party scene and after headlining the Liquid stage a t the Glade festival last year these two have developed quite a followin g. They have been writing music together now for one and a half years, af ter initially deciding to formulate a back-2-back set in December 2004, their conflicting styles brought about the synthesis of a new collaborat ion, that month they furiously created their first 7 tracks which met wi th great success at their dC3A9but in the Liquid Connective Trance Room December 31st 2004 and its been onwards-and-upwards ever since . They bring 18 years of a love of trance music and dancefloor mayhem to their live sets, which are getting rave reviews wherever they are given the opportunity to unleash their unique brand of full-power psychedelic having-it dancefloor pounders!!! Look out for upcoming releases from Psym metrix on PharPsyde Records, Wild Things Records, Acidance Records and Do of Records! web psymmetrix.co.uk Plus: MUKTI (TDC – NYC) ALLEN2012 (Ga ian Mind – Tampa Bay) EGBOT (Gaian Mind – Philadelphia) MESCALINIUM (Gaia n Mind / PSI – Philadelphia) Outdoor Chillout w/: PEDRO (Reality Engine / Interchill Records – NYC) TRITTON (Gaian Mind – Philadelphia) DEET (Gaia n Mind – Philadelphia) ANDREW LIGHT (Gaian Mind – Philadelphia) FRACTAL PH ONO (Gaian Mind – Philadelphia) SOLOMOON (Metameme / Onetribe / Esoteric G en E28093 Denver) Deco: GAIAN MIND Saturday, May 26th, 2007 11pm – 8 am $15 21+ w/ ID (24-hour liquor license) 10west 10 West Bar & Lounge 10 West White Horse Pike, Galloway, NJ 08205 609-652-2400 web 10westnj Directions: From the North, take exit 40 off the Garden State Parkway, go through first traffic light and take u-turn. Travel West on White Horse Pike (RT. 30), under Parkway, look to your left, we are located on West bound side, 10 West White Horse Pike, Galloway, NJ. From the South, Atla ntic City area, travel West on White Horse Pike (Rt.30) approximately 12 Miles. Pass under Garden State Parkway, look to your left, we are locate d on West bound side, 10 West White Horse Pike, Galloway, NJ Approx. Dri ving Times: Boston – 6 hours DC – 3 hours NYC – 2 hours Philadelphia – 1 hour Only 5 minutes from the beach and casinos! Join us on the beach on S unday morning! SATURDAY, MAY 26th LA, CA MEMORIAL SATURDAY Green Sector & g.o.a.Play Present: PULSE 2007 Memorial Day Menagerie SILIC ON SOUND – Live & DJ (Neurobiotic Records) Celebrating the release of h is new album on Nuerobiotic records, Silicon Sound is the solo project of Johannes Regnier. Silicon Sound’s musical career starts out quite exceptio nally with his first album “Pure Analog”, released in 2003. Due to the pro duction quality of his music, in just a few months he reached the top of t he international psytrance scene. He is nowadays one of the most well-kn own and respected artist/producers and without a doubt one of the most wan ted live-acts. In the last few years, he rocked dance floors all over the world, playing live and spinning at the biggest festivals! The best is ye t to come, with his long-awaited second album, on Neurobiotic records, and also his already well-known collaboration with Jaia, under the name AB Even 11 BB . So stay tuned EVEN 11 E28093 DJ set This progre ssive electro project is a collaboration between Jaia and Silicon sound. J ohannes will be Djing a smooth selection of their latest tunes. tinyurl/2hhqxm The Wild Psyde: hosted by Green Sector and g. o.a.Play SILICON SOUND E28093 Live & DJ EVE N 11 E28093 DJ Set PSYNTHETIC vs. TOBAL (g.o.a.Play) KIVA (green sect or) DAI (psytribe) GATTO MATTO (green sector, SF) RICARDO (green sector dragonfly) BRIAN RAE (green sector) MANNY (green sector) More TBAE2 80A6 The Sanctuary: Hosted by the Rootabreakers DISTANCE E2 8093 Live (Planet Mu, Hot Flush, UK) DJ PINCH E28093 Live (tectonic, Planet Mu, UK) DANNY (moontribe, symbiosis) BARTEK (rootabreakers) POM (rootabreakers) BIM (rootabreakers) DAVID STARFIRE (space island) RUFF HAUSER (digitizm) BEAU (elm) More tbaE280A6 Environmentalists: CY BERQUEST BLOOMING SAKURA SAPPHIRE DRAGON Thump Thump: MOBIUS TURBOSO UND Tour Guide: 18 Hour Memorial Day Bash Private forest land 25 Miles from LA Gates open 9pm Saturday til 5pm Sunday afternoon More info and directions web greensector $40 at the out-door Psynthetic g.o.a.Play/S.F May 26, 2007 Garberville, CA Goa Gil – Memorial Meltdown REBIRTH Happy Springtime, trancers of Earth… Times are changin g, on this planet, as well as in neighboring spaces, places and realities . It is being considered, the move of Goa Gil parties, and all trance p arties from northern California to the newly discovered planet 581 C… “The planet was discovered by the European Southern Observatory’s telesco pe in La Silla, Chile, which has a special instrument that splits light to find wobbles in different wave lengths. Those wobbles can reveal the existence of other worlds.” – some news people But for the time being, a Gathering in a remote enchanted redwood forest in northern California w ith Goa Gil and Ariane, would be an excellent way to party. In keeping with the theme of 2007 trance year, the year of the Tarsier, a mammal uni que to Sumatra and Borneo, each person attending the party with their gr andparents or grandchildren will be given their choice of a pair of anato mically correct Tarsiers, or a free raffle ticket. en.wikipedia. org/wiki/Tarsier Located 5 hours North of San Francisco, 6 hours South of Portland (if you are flying), a virgin dancefloor nestled among giant Re dwood trees awaits! The ritual begins at sunset on Saturday with Ariane and continues into the night with Goa Gil (web goagil). Some Guideli nes and Tips to help make the weekend as great as possible: – Please bri ng everything you need to flourish and party for the weekend, including f ood and water. There is limited drinking water available onsite so – PLE ASE bring enough water to last you the entire weekend. – Be prepared for all types of weather, from low nighttime temperatures to high heat durin g the day. and be prepared for sunspots and ozone holes, as well as big foots… which are commonly sighted in the area… – Bring a flashlight! and blinky lights for your art cars or dancing devices if motorized. – This is a LEAVE NO TRACE event! Please pack out what you pack in, take al l of your trash and recycling with you! When you pack your vehicle plea se save room to take a bag of trash home with you! this means emotional as well. 🙂 – Please carpool & drive responsibly!! Its not only better for the environment, its better for your pocket book! Ple ase be mindful when planning your weekend and transport as many people w ith each vehicle as is safe. Sharing rides is also a great way to make a new friend or two! To offer or request a ride please visit: trib es.tribe.net/spaceshippooling – No campfires allowed! – Come with an ope n mind and heart; leave negativity behind you, and treat each other and t he land with respect! Mackie Fusion sound by Tantra oomplops by aliens. $25 presale tickets via web GoaGil or at Ceiba Records, SF (after 5/ 14/07) $30 at the gate To volunteer or for more info, please email: memor ialmeltdown at gmail See web goagil and doofdoofdoof.tribe.n et for developing developments. Please allow for more time, if you wish you set up your burning man projects early to test them… Please email memorialmeltdown at gmail attn: deco if you need electricity or special consideration for your art installation or camp, art camp or art car.. . The last bigger town on the adventure is Garberville… Any last minu te supplies you might need, could be obtained here. Memorial Meltdown RE BIRTH May 26, 2007 A Northern California Forest web GoaGil June 15th/16th, Friday Belden, CA Directions to be posted the last week of MAY. As spring spreads it’s wings and showers us with liquid sunshine, th e anticipation mounts for the beginning of summer. As the sun gets warmer, so will the glow in your heart that eminates the very essence of the gath ering ” GEMINI “. June 15th-17th 2007, FULL CIRCLE presents the 10th Annua l FREE 3 day campout and doofing extravaganza ” GEMINI “. We will be going back to the good ‘ol town of Belden, CA for another romping weekend of lo ve and light. They’ve made some improvements this winter to insure a smoot h running event. There is a restaurant now open in the Saloon and real bat hrooms and showers along with 8 porta potties. There’s plenty of camping o n site with a new space for more tents. A big river runs next to the event for your swimming needs. We’ll be having 2 Sound arena’s. A main trance a rea and a chill zone. The chill zone will be located closer to the main st age than last year. There will be no band stage. As for the main stage, I have gathered some people together to create an emersive atmosphere for yo ur minds eye to explore. I’ve handed over the riegns of the Chill Area to Saturnia to govern so it would have it’s own appeal. Who’s playing! Only th e best the U.S. has to offer. Plus a few live acts from Canada. Plus 2 int ernational live acts. All the info is below as to who they are. So, scribe this down on your calenders and in your minds to start preparing yourself for the blast we all now as ” GEMINI “. June 15th/16th, Friday nite to S at. Morning starting at 8pm Nagual Jeto DJ KRI Collision (Iowa City, IA //Mindoutpsyde) Primeordial Ooze Facehead SHOTU LIVE & DJ SET ( HADRA REC. France ) Konflux adhi, Asheville, NC] Dragon :: Jackson MS :: TOUCH Samadhi / VORTEX Shage e Mulu Helios Nick Synergy Rob-Ot June 16th/17th, Sat. Night to Sunday af ternoon starting at 5pm Micheal Liu Spyros Solomoon Random Shapestatic VI RTUAL LIGHT (Ottawa, CAN) KALI LIVE & DJ SET ( MateriaRec./Fractal Rec. Ba rcelona) DJ WICHDOKTA ( Ukiah, California USA) Dai BRAINS Moksa Sat. Nig ht Continued KodeSix Aktif Meta* Lauryn (Peak Records, 28thDay – NYC) Sat urnia DJKT Paradigm Christine* (Vaporvent Records E28093 CA) *** SHAP ESTATIC – “Metaphim” [GM001] *** Coming in May 2007 on GAIAN MIND! love life Kri band: web myspace/shapestatic dj: touchsamadhi. com/kri mixes: touchsamadhi/kri/krismixes releases: sa design and printing email me! Thurs June 21 – Sun June 24, 2007 Four Quarters, PA Pres enting the 6th Annual GAIAN MIND SUMMER FESTIVAL Presenting the 6th Ann ual GAIAN MIND SUMMER FESTIVAL Summer Solstice Thursday, June 21st to Sunday, June 24th, 2007 Four Quarters, Central Pennsylvania, USA Featured International Artists: AMD (Nano Records – UK) DICKSTER / DICK TREVOR (Na no Records – UK) APHID MOON (Nano Records – UK) HUMAN BLUE (Transient Reco rds – Sweden) LOOPUS IN FABULA (Fabula Records – Italy) YAB-YUM / GASPARD / AJJA (Peak Records – Switzerland) PHUTUREPRIMITIVE (Liquid Records – Por tland) Plus Regional Artists: SHAPESTATIC (TOUCH Samadhi / Gaian Mind – N C/TN) M-FIELD vs. D-SPACE – (PsyBooty Records – CT) ALLEN2012 (Gaian Mind – Tampa Bay) PRIMORDIAL OOZE (Divine Balance Records – Chicago) EITAN-SAN (Gaian Mind / Brain Busters – Japan) FACEHEAD (Anomalistic Records / Geoma gnetic.tv – Lancaster) EGBOT (Gaian Mind – Philadelphia) SOLOMOON (Metame me / Onetribe / Esoteric Gen – Denver) KARMAKANIK (Gaian Mind / PSI – Phi ladelphia) BRANDON ADAMS (Dreamcatcher – NYC) Downtempo Artists TBA… S pecial Guest: DANIEL PINCHBECK (2012: The Return of Quetzalcoatl) Tickets : Advanced – $110 (Monday April 16th to Sunday, June 10th, 2007) Gate – $1 35 (Thursday, June 21st to Sunday, June 24th, 2007) Please contact Four Q uarters at (814) 784-3075 or pay online at web 4qf.org. Website and flyer coming very, very soonE280A6 web gaian-mind/gmsf2007 “Celebra ting the Dance of Life!” July 13/14/15 Echo Lake NY Our dream came true After 4 years of producing and throwing parties constantly in NYC wi th the best trance artists in the globe, We feel that the time has come to go outdoors, for a well planed and highly produced 3 days festival by All adin Project Crew. The gathering will take place in Echo Lake, upstate NY . It’s an amazing magical forest on top of a wide lake, plenty of parking space and well maintained camping site, featuring the best international p sytrance artists, So please mark your calendars! Alladin summer festival July 13/14/15 2007 at Echo Lake NY We are planning massive entertainment a ctivities that include but are not limited to, work shops, chai shops, dru ms circle, fire performance, laser shows, psychedelic art backdrops & deco rations, 24 hours active restaurant in affordable prices, full bar, vendor s market, several designated public camping tents, hot showers, clean rest rooms, first aid on premises, and LOTS MORE!!! Full festival info will be up soon. Prepare yourselves to be taken to the next level! We’re going to enjoy from the best full on, progressive, dark, chill out, and alternativ e electronic music produced by the biggest artists from around the globe! !! Here’s the confirmed line-up so far, not in order of appearance. Line Up: Live Acts SHIFT (Nexus Media, South Africa) HUX FLUX (Spiral Trax, S weden) GATAKA (Compact Records, Israel) ZION (Alladin Records, Israel) ORB IT (Alladin Records, Israel,Japan) D-TEK (Maia Recorsds Mexico) IBOJIMA (Y ellow Sunshine Explosion, Sweden) ZIK aka HORROR PLACE (Harmonia Rec, Drup Out, Greece) ONNOMON (Gaian Mind, Soular Records, Philadephia,) COMBINATI ONS (Groove Criminals Records, Israel, Austria) REEFER DECREE (Iboga Recor ds, Denmark) ENERTOPIA (Alladin Records, Israel) D-SPACE (Alpha Channel/M -Field,PsyBooty Records,Soul trance) JAY SELWAY aka CYZUM (Zero Divide/ JO OF Records/ Iboga Records USA) M.T.R (Queens, NYC) BUBBLE CRAFT (NYC, Isra el) PSYLAB (Boston, USA) DYNAMIC RAIN (Israel) EARWORM (NYC) Dj Sets SES TO SENTO (Compact Records, Israel) TOTAL ECLIPSE (TIP World,mandala France ) TWISTED SYSTEM (Pitch Hikers/shift South Africa) PETER DIGITAL (Mpdqx Bo oking Digital Structures) ZIK aka HORROR PLACE(Harmonia Drup Out,Greece) I BOJIMA (Yellow Sunshine Explosion, Sweden) GRAPES OF WRATH-MONNO (Parvati, Denmark) ENERTOPIA (Alladin Records, Israel) ZION (Alladin Records, Isra el) REEFER DECREE (Iboga, Denmark) KNO-B (Alladin Records, Japan) HUX FLUX (Spiral Trax, Sweden) D-TEK (Maia Records, Mexico) DOMINO (Avatar/Wakyo,U K) SPYROS (Psytribe, Los Angeles) DRIZZT (24/7 Records, Montreal) LAURYN ( Peak Records/28thday, NYC) TONY UNORTHODOX (28thday, NYC) YAN (Ultra Groov e, Tech Safari, Canada) RICKAM (Neurobiotic Records, Tech Safari, Canada) EGBOT & MESCALINIUM (Gaian Mind/PSI-Philadelphia) LUIS ( Dreamcat cher, Brazil/NYC) CORAL (Touch Samadhi, NYC) PHATMIND (NYC/Israel) EARTHIA N (aka ANIMALTEK, Omnitribe, NYC) VADIM (Loft.N.Space, NYC) SHUUNY (Mad El ephant, NYC/Japan) GAVIN (Digital Structures, Spectra,NYC) ELNADIV (Alladi n Records, Israel) CRIS (Alladin Records, Mexico) BABLA (Kagdila Records, India) STEVE-O (Goa Babies, Gaian Mind, NYC) BRANDON ADAMS (Dreamcatcher, NYC) NOLA (Alladin Records, NYC) SHAMAN FILMS MEDIA (San Francisco, Mexic o) ROE REVOLUTION (South Florida Psytrance) OMER (Alladin Records, San Fra ncisco) INNER MONGOLIAN (Russia/NYC) KEN (NYC, Japan) INDRA (Omnitribe, Al phatrance, NYC) KIFE (Omnitribe, NYC) SUNIL vs MADUH (Malysia/India) STAS (Omni Tribe, NYC) IGAL (Loft.n.Space, NYC) ALIEN AMBASSADOR (CoSM, NYC) DR OOZI (Pune, India) MAYUR (Spectra, NYC) FULL FESTIVAL WEB SITE WILL BE UP SOON Links: web alladinproject.net web myspace/alladin project web myspace/djrickam web myspace/zerodivide web myspace/psylab web myspace/revolutionproductions web myspace/dspacestudios web myspace/gatakamusic http ://web myspace/musicdtek web myspace/zionpsy web mysp ace/djlauryn web myspace/theearworm web myspace/d jdrizzt web myspace/bubblecraftproject web myspace/ss hhiifftt web myspace/enertopiapsy web myspace/yanndj web myspace/djdomino72 web myspace/djearthian web myspace/djkife web myspace/psycheground web manda larecords.org web mpdqx web psytribe web iboga -records.dk web alladinrecords web omnitribe web 28thday web cosm.org web parvati-records web gaian-mind web touchsamadhi web soularrecords This one for sure will be an unforgettable gathering!!! More info to be up soon!!! Rain or Shine Event! Peace Love Light ‘n Trance Alladin Proje ct Crew July 25-30 Ozark Mountains of Northwest Arkansas The excit ement is spreading across the country for the AUM Festival, happening thi s summer, July 25-30. Converging on the Day Out of Time and culminating with the full moon, you can expect a wild 5 day adventure in psychedelic trance music, art and culture like no other! We have been networking wit h friends and party promoters across North America to bring you a truly collaborative event that seeks to create a bridge across the continent b uilt on our common passion for the modern trance dance ritual. The long t erm concept is to create a bi-annual festival held in a new location eac h year. This bi-annual gathering will give us a place to come together to share our resources and knowledge, raising the collective vibration and sending us back to our own communities inspired and ready to consciously construct our own realities. The 2007 AUM Festival will be held in the Ozark Mountains of Northwest Arkansas. We encourage you to read the loca tion information and also do your own research on this beautiful and lib eral area of Eureka Springs, Arkansas. Part of the goal of AUM Festival i s to break down imagined barriers that prevent us from coming together a s one community. On the dancefloor we can transcend these barriers and reconnect with the Earth, our bodies, minds & spirits, and each other. No w is the time to try somthing different! Choose your own adventure!! Peac e, Love and Unity! Venue Info: The 2007 AUM Festival will be located in the beautiful Ozark Mountains in Northwest Arkansas, bordering Missouri. High in the ridges, cliffs and crystal encrusted township of Eureka Sprin gs the venue has a lot to offer. On 143 acres of hilly ridge top property there are onsite bathrooms,showers, an outdoor amphitheatre, a covered m ainstage, a covered pavilion suitable for serving meals, electrical hooku ps in many of the campsites and hiking trails (one leads to a cave that c an be safely explored). There is a stream running through the property in the valley suitable for a cool rinse after dancing and just a short dri ve (7 miles) will get you to crystal clear Beaver Lake for swimming, cano eing and cliff jumping. Most of the camping is located under the shade of trees and can conveniently accommodate vehicles. Local Atmosphere: The town of Eureka Springs was founded primarily by European hippies and wel comes this type of event. We are expecting full support for AUM Festival from the friendly local community, including help with local food vendors and info for travelers to help find their way around. There is a vibrant local trance community that has offered their assistance with organizing local infrastructure and resources, including bio diesel generators as a power option. There is extensive outdoor recreation in the area that w ill make your journey to and from AUM Festival scenic and memorable. W eather: Weather is generally hot and humid, reaching the high 80s and 90s during the days dropping at night into the 70s at this time of year. T ravel: From Fayetteville (FAY) airport the drive is just over 1 hour. The new Northwest Arkansas Regional Airport (XNA), has several flights arri ving daily from most cities across the United States. Northwest Arkansas Regional Airport is south of Bentonville, AR approximately 1-1/2 hours west of Eureka Springs. Alternatively, you can fly into Springfield, Mis souri (SGF) located 2 1/2 hours north of Eureka Springs OR Tulsa, Oklahom a (TUL) located 2 hrs 45 minutes west OR Little Rock Airport located 4 ho urs south. Local Points of Interest: Eureka Springs: web eurekas prings/ Eureka Springs Alternative: web eurekasprings/alt ernative/index Outdoor Recreation: web eurekasprings/outd oors/ Local Tiger Refuge: web turpentinecreek.org/ More local re sources coming soon! Stand by for pics to be uploaded at: web aum festival.net/ soon! Next up: Presale Tickets July 27-30, 2007, Q uebec, Canada Hello friends around the world! This is the official date f or the next open air trance festival in the nort h of Quebec, Canada. Tec h Safari present Eclipse 2007: electronic music festival for dance music art and peace. web eclipsefestival (web eclipsefestiv al) Friday – Sunday August 10-12, 2007 Goahead Outdoor Gathering – To be named later Location: West Virgina, Location T.B.A Goahead producti ons presents an outdoor, all weekend camping, psytrance and downtempo musi c and arts gathering. We are limiting attendance to around 100 people in addition to lineup artists and Goahead staff. This will be an intimate gat hering in a beautiful West Virgina backdrop setting, as well as our first official outdoor event. Featuring: Goahead roster dj’s: Ari D. Meghan M oke Uzi Malachi John K Plus regional psytrance and downtempo lineup t.b. a. Tickets will be available only through registration – online purchase. Specific details regarding exact location and ticket prices will be updat ed soon. For updates, check: web goaheadproductions web 604head Friday – Sunday August 10-12, 2007 Goahead Outdoor Gathering – To b e named later Location: West Virgina, Location T.B.A Goahead productions presents an outdoor, all weekend camping, psytrance and downtempo music a nd arts gathering. We are limiting attendance to around 100 people in addi tion to lineup artists and Goahead staff. This will be an intimate gatheri ng in a beautiful West Virgina backdrop setting, as well as our first offi cial outdoor event. Featuring: Goahead roster dj’s: Ari D. Meghan Moke Uzi Malachi John K Plus regional psytrance and downtempo lineup t.b.a. Tickets will be available only through registration – online purchase. Sp ecific details regarding exact location and ticket prices will be updated soon. For updates, check: web goaheadproductions web 604head WEEKLIES Summer Festivals June 21-24: Ga ian Mind, Four Quarters, PA web gaian-mind July 12-15: Motion Notion, Alberta, Canada web motionnotion/ July 13-15: Alladin Projec t, Echo Lake, NY web alladinproject/ July 25-30: AUM Festival, Ozark Mountains, AR web aumfestival.net/ July 27-30: Eclipse, Can ada web eclipsefestival August 17-19: Moon Dance, Quebec, Canada Aug ust 27 E28093 Sept. 3: Burning Man, Black Rock Desert, NV web Burningma n Sept. 20-24: Symbiosis, Northern CA web symbiosisgathering. com/ PSY RADIO SHOWS Mindkiller Internet Radio The musi c of Mindkillers. Let Mindkiller Internet Radio direct you to your future through your ears. 100% Psychedelic Trance 24×7 128kbps MP3 stream ema HIG HWAY 604 Sundays 10:30pm – 12:30am tune in to Highway 604, a weekly psy-trance show mixed + streamed and mixed live by *christine* & aeon f rom KZSC 88.1fm. 10,000 watts for you people in the Monterey Bay region, here’s the web stream addy for those interested outside the South Bay are a: web kzsc.org/listen.shtml (web kzsc.org/listen.shtml) Namaste! We’re streaming insane ultra psychedelic trance 24/7 at 192k bps quality! Live events will occur from now and then, with reknown DJ’s doing their spinning live over the radio, dont miss this!! Stream URL i s mirkwar.nu:8000/listen.pls (mirkwar.nu:8000/listen.pls) And you can also join us on our IRC channel #Psy.se at EFNet network (i rc.dataphone.se), and idle in channel to be updated about coming events an d to have nice chats regarding psy music, clothes, parties or whatever, a nd even make some requests if you like! Hope to see you there soon!! (SP READ THE WORD) Happy Boom!! // #Psy.se Staff PS. Djs are lining up to ge t to stream, if yer good at streaming and interested, find us at IRC and talk to GLM! Z I A – T R A N C E This promo mix by DJ Kenosis high lights his outstanding skill and versatility and is just a taste of what you will expect to hear at Psyforia held in Boston on Friday 4/27. The m ix is an hour of hard progressive trance and full-on psytrance, including some of his favorite tracks from the past 6 months – like Whirloop’s re mix of Hosanna and Astral Projection – The Prophecy as well as some sligh tly older favorites. Don’t miss out on this preview of this truly excell ent DJ. The mix airs everyday starting at 2 PM, and again for the rew ind at 2 AM EST. *The “Scheduler” on the main station page converts the t imes for your time zone. Airing from 4/25 to 5/09. Z I A E28093 T R A N C E Psychedelic Radio Airing 24/7 web live365/stations/tra hpek web zia-trance Track listing: DJ Kenosis – April Psyforia preview 1. John ’00 Fleming – Rasa Lila (Siberian Sun remix) 2. The Egg – Angel of My Soul (Allaby remix) 3. Human Blue – BlackValley.org 4. Plani sphere – Hosanna (Whirloop remix) 5. Silicon Sound – Nexus 6 (Protoculture remix) 6. Astral Projection – The Prophecy 7. White Overtone Wizard – Onw ards and Upwards 8. Ricky M – Bongladesh (original mix) 9. Cybernetica – C orrosion Complete 10. Electric Universe – Deep Purple Haze Hello fe llow trancers- After nearly 4 years of radio silence the MP3 streaming ra dio station:”The Music of Doctor Hoffman” has returned! The MP3 stream has been online for over a week and has had a pretty good listener turn out … In 2000/2001 The music of doctor hoffman was one of the only internet mp3 128kbps psy-trance streaming radio stations. Stations like Philosoma tika were only 64kbps at that time. The music of doctor hoffman was onl ine for over 8 months and served hundreds of listeners from all around hte world! Now it is back in full force!!!! I am going to put up a 320kbps st ream soon for those audiophiles out there. As the next few weeks pass I w ill be encoding alot more music. The music ranges from full on, early fu ll-on (2001), minimal, minimal progressive, psy-tek, progressive, melodi c and of course the xenomorph style horror trance! Thanks and check out t he station, throw it in your itunes playlist. The stream is always on. web rogueoperator.net:8000/ (web rogueoperator.net:8000/) THE MUSIC OF DOCTOR HOFFMAN web rogueoperator.net/hoffman/ (web rogueoperator.net/hoffman/) The Digitally Imported Goa-Psy channel presents a brand new show called Tsunami Presents, streaming ever y 4th Friday of the month. And it’s just in time for Tsunami’s 9th Annive rsary celebration! For this, the premiere episode, prepare yourself for two hours of psychedelic storm featuring Talamasca Tsunami will be coming your way with a new guest every 4th Friday of the month. Starting today, catch the hottest Goa and Psy right here on DI! Start time: 2PM US Easter n / 7PM UK / 20:00 Central Europe, on the Goa-Psy channel. Tune in on any link below: web di.fm/mp3/goapsy.pls (web di.fm/mp3/goap sy.pls) web di.fm/wma/goapsy.asx (web di.fm/wma/goapsy.asx ) web di.fm/wma/goapsylow.asx (web di.fm/wma/goapsylow.a sx) web di.fm/aacplus/goapsy.pls (web di.fm/aacplus/goapsy .pls) You can see what’s playing here: web di.fm/goapsy/ (web di.fm/goapsy/) Trance Tuesday Podcast Now Online A few of us trance DJs in SF have been getting together once a week to mix and general ly hang out. The music ranges from progressive to psy (depending on who s hows up). We don’t get together every week, but we try to. The link to th e feed is as follows: feeds.feedburner/TranceTuesdayPodcast ( feeds.feedburner/TranceTuesdayPodcast) You can use iPodder (ip odder.sourceforge.net) or your client of choice. Anyone is welcome to spi n with us as long as they adhere to our basic guidelines. We also broadcas t a live icecast stream. Feel free to drop me a line if you are intereste d in getting more news about this or want to get involved. dj johnn y primitiv ( New Mexico ) “psytrance streams every thursday night on Des ert FM” -11pm Mountain Time web desertfm:7000/listen.pls ( web desertfm:7000/listen.pls) Chill Syndicate podcasts Hey Down tempo/Chill fans! The Chill Syndicate is a group of local Bay Area Chill DJ’s that get together and do a semi-regular podcast show. If interested, please visit our new website at: web chillsyndicate.net (web chillsyndicate.net) If you use iTunes, do a search in the music sto re under podcasts for ‘chill syndicate’. We are also listed on Yahoo Podca sts as well as many of the popular podcasting directories. Subscription is free as always. Check it out! Cheers! – The Captain FABULOUS! Fridays Fridays from 10 -Noon web KPSU.oRg Give a call (503.725. 5945) Send an AIM (kpsuradio) Or Gchat (goaconstrictor) Tune in next week for a very exciting special show. GyPsyNate will be coming down to the s tudio to play -and talk about- music with me. Should be a most wonderful experience for all. That’s all for this moment. Please remember kids, d o not, under any circumstances, ever, disturb the sexy. -A’damn – dude, jaegermeister and chinese herbs, I feel 100 times better then I did yest erday… web gizmonix.net ONLINE DJ SETS: Dragonlotus-Back to the Source web dragontribe.info web touchsamadhi/mp3/kri/ kri-nightprowler.mp3 Kri – Nightprowler Cool Stuff Geometry and Ar
#3921 Fri, 11 May 2007 11:08:09 Fri, 11 May 2007 11:08:08 From: Daniel Pinchbeck’s new psychedelic literary venture! Hi folks, I am writing to introduce you to Reality Sandwich (web realitysandwich), a new web magazine. I am the editorial director for the site, and I am very happy with what we have assembled so far. Reality Sandwich is a place for exploring many aspects of our physical and psychic realities that are ignored and avoided by the media. As the author of two books on indigenous shamanism and psychedelic substances – 2012: The Return of Quetzalcoatl (Penguin, 2006) and Breaking Open the Head (Broadway Books, 2002) – I have felt the lack of a cultural forum that could bridge between the alternative realms and mainstream culture. I hope that Reality Sandwich will fill that gap. Please check out Reality Sandwich, and if you like what you see, tell your friends about it. We hope to create an active community, and eventually a social network that will allow for deeper engagement among people around the world who are interested in these topics. I look forward to hearing your reactions, comments, story ideas, and criticisms. Our tagline is: “Evolving consciousness, bite by bite.” About Reality Sandwich: Reality Sandwich covers topics from sustainability to shamanism, alternate realities to alternative energy, remixing media to re-imagining community, holistic healing techniques to the promise and perils of new technologies. It hopes to spark debate and engagement by offering a forum for voices ranging from the ecologically pragmatic to the wildly visionary. Reality Sandwich includes news, reflective essays, arts, interviews, podcasts, and forums. Counteracting the doom-and-gloom of the daily news, the site is a platform for perspectives conveying a different vision of the transformations we face. Among the more than 40 current contributors are: Daniel Pinchbeck, Paul D. Miller aka DJ Spooky, Elizabeth Thompson (Director of the Buckminster Fuller Institute), The Yes Men, David Rothenberg, Douglas Rushkoff, John Jay Harper, Kaliya Hamlin, Henri Poole, Andrew Boyd (Billionaires for Bush), Aline Duriaud, Ken Jordan, Jonathan Phillips, Melinda Wenner, Andy Dale, and Michael Brownstein. Reality Sandwich is built with Drupal, the popular open source online publishing system, by the free and open source software consultants CivicActions. Please forward this announcement to those who will be interested. Yours, Daniel Hi folks, I am writing to introduce you to Reality Sandwich (web r ealitysandwich), a new web magazine. I am the editorial direc tor for the site, and I am very happy with what we have assembled so fa r. Reality Sandwich is a place for exploring many aspects of our physical and psychic realities that are ignored and avoided by the media. As the author of two books on indigenous shamanism and psychedelic substances – 2012: The Return of Quetzalcoatl (Penguin, 2006) and Breaking Open th e Head (Broadway Books, 2002) – I have felt the lack of a cultural foru m that could bridge between the alternative realms and mainstream cultu re. I hope that Reality Sandwich will fill that gap. Please chec k out Reality Sandwich, and if you like what you see, tell your friends about it. We hope to create an active community, and eventually a soci al network that will allow for deeper engagement among people around theB Rworld who are interested in these topics. I look forward to hearing your reactions, comments, story ideas, and criticisms. Our tagline i s: “Evolving consciousness, bite by bite.” About Reality Sa ndwich: Reality Sandwich covers topics from sustainability to shama nism, alternate realities to alternative energy, remixing media to re-i magining community, holistic healing techniques to the promise and peri ls of new technologies. It hopes to spark debate and engagement by offe ring a forum for voices ranging from the ecologically pragmatic to the wildly visionary. Reality Sandwich includes news, reflective essays, ar ts, interviews, podcasts, and forums. Counteracting the doom-and-gloom of the daily news, the site is a platform for perspectives conveying a different vision of the transformations we face. Among the more than 40 current contributors are: Daniel Pinchbeck, Paul D. Miller aka DJ Spooky, Elizabeth Thompson (Director of the Buckminster Fuller Instit ute), The Yes Men, David Rothenberg, Douglas Rushkoff, John Jay Harper, Kaliya Hamlin, Henri Poole, Andrew Boyd (Billionaires for Bush), Aline Duriaud, Ken Jordan, Jonathan Phillips, Melinda Wenner, Andy Dale, andMichael Brownstein. Reality Sandwich is built with Drupal, the pop ular open source online publishing system, by the free and open source software consultants CivicActions. Please forward this announcem ent to those who will be interested. Yours, Daniel
#3922 Fri, 11 May 2007 11:31:51 Fri, 11 May 2007 11:31:51 From: $20 tickets for SUN Project are closing at 2pm today. web tranceamweb tweb web trawwwht
#3923 Fri, 11 May 2007 12:31:45 Fri, 11 May 2007 12:31:44 From: Rock bottom tix avail to Anomalistic Behaviors this Saturday ( If you have a psychedelic event and would like to sell limited a mounts of discount tickets for an extra ooomph of promo, email machinelf at Saturday Ma y 12: Brooklyn: CD Release Party for Anomalistic Behaviors Ft: Arahat! This Saturday 28thday presents an AUM Fundraiser! All profits from this event will go towards flying east coast artists out to the AUM festival i n Arkansas, and everybody who pays at the door will receive a copy of the first release from Anomalistic Records, Anomalistic Behaviors! Taking place at East River Bar in Williamsburg, which features an awesome outdoo r patio for a smoking area Featuring sounds from the following: Arahat aka DJ Hidro-Ponik E28093 (PsyCircle Records, Cosmic Theatre, Psybertr ibe, Goods from Da Woods / San Diego) Live + DJ! First NYC Appearance! “Tom Hidro started mixing goa vinyl back in 1995 and has grown through t he ages of electronica and finally settled on his passion, Psychedelic Ni ghttime trance. A producer since 2005 he has released 4 tunes globally wi th a handful more coming soon on Dark Prisma, Anomolistic, D-A-R-K, and t he first comp coming from PsyCircle/Darkstar called Liquid Vision. Other studio projects include Arabali (with Mubali) and Monks of Madness (with Bodhisattva 13:20). Originally from the suburbs of Boston, Arahat has be en in California since 1997, a hotbed of incredible talent and wild amazin g events located from Tijuana all the way up to the Oregon border. The mu sic is primarily inspired from the countless events performed under full- moons and new-moons in the Mojave desert and Mountains of the Sierra/Neva da range. Expect to hear wild and innovative psychedelic sounds designed for the night hours. This live/dj set will include 13 original tunes as w ell as the freshest tunes from around the globe.” FaceHead (Anomalist ic, Geomagnetic.FaceHead (Anomalist Live! Chuck Looper (AKA FaceHead), is one of those “saved by psy-trance” stories. Shortly after breaking fr ee from a tarnished past a friend took him to his first psychedelic event in 2002. It changed his life. Since 1998 Chuck had been djing and produc ing his own blend of noisy experimental electronic music. After that firs t party, he went home and immediately started working on his first psy tr ack. Since then it has been an obsession. Constantly searching for the mo st unique and bizarre sounds, FaceHead brings a style all his own that wi ll leave you stomping away with question marks over your heads. You can e xpect dark and full-on with a wide variety of influences. Look for upcomin g releases on Geomagnetic and Anomalistic. Egbot (Gaian mind, PSI / Phi ladelphia) David McGee (aka EgBot) offers a wealth of inspiration with a touch of dark humor to his works. He has been spinning/producing psy-tr ance since 2001 and is currently throwing parties with Gaian Mind and PSI . Always on the cutting edge of music, he has been hard at work blending minimal psytrance with textured sound-scapes, samples and hooks that jus t can’t be denied. His tracks are a twisting journey through psychedelia. Expect a dark and twisted dj set courtesy of Egbot. Sound by 28thday Hours: 11-5am Location: East River Bar 97 S. 6th St., Brooklyn, NY 112 11 nr. Bedford Ave. Nearby Subway Stops J, M, Z at Marcy Ave.L at B edford Ave. $20 at the door, which also gets you a copy of Anomolistic Be haviors links to the tracks are at web anomalisweb htt ( web anomalisticrecords/) web anomalisweb htt (web anomalisticrecords/) web 28thday.htt (w ww.28thday/) See what’s fre e at web aol. & nbs If you have a psychedelic event and would like Trance Am to sell limited amounts of discount tickets for an extra ooomph of prom o, email americana.org Saturday May 12: Brookly n: CD Release Party for Anomalistic Behaviors Ft: Arahat! This Sat urday 28thday presents an AUM Fundraiser! All profits from this ev ent will go towards flying east coast artists out to the AUM festival in A rkansas, and everybody who pays at the door will receive a copy of the fir st release from Anomalistic Records, Anomalistic Behaviors! Taking place at East River Bar in Williamsburg, which features an awesome outdoo r patio for a smoking area Featuring sounds from the following: B RArahat aka DJ Hidro-Ponik E28093 (PsyCircle Records, Cosmic Theat re, Psybertribe, Goods from Da Woods / San Diego) Live + DJ! First NYC Appearance! “Tom Hidro started mixing goa vinyl back in 1995 and has grown through the ages of electronica and finally settled on his p assion, Psychedelic Nighttime trance. A producer since 2005 he has released 4 tunes globally with a handful more coming soon on Dark Prisma, Anomolis tic, D-A-R-K, and the first comp coming from PsyCircle/Darkstar called Liq uid Vision. Other studio projects include Arabali (with Mubali) and Monks of Madness (with Bodhisattva 13:20). Originally from the suburbs o f Boston, Arahat has been in California since 1997, a hotbed of incredible talent and wild amazing events located from Tijuana all the way up to the Oregon border. The music is primarily inspired from the countless events performed under full-moons and new-moons in the Mojave desert and Mountain s of the Sierra/Nevada range. Expect to hear wild and innovative psychedel ic sounds designed for the night hours. This live/dj set will include 13 o riginal tunes as well as the freshest tunes from around the globe.” B RFaceHead (Anomalistic, Geomagnetic.Wtv / Pennsylvania ) Liv e! Chuck Looper (AKA FaceHead), is one of those “saved by psy-tran ce” stories. Shortly after breaking free from a tarnished past a friend to ok him to his first psychedelic event in 2002. It changed his life. Since 1998 Chuck had been djing and producing his own blend of noisy experimenta l electronic music. After that first party, he went home and immediately s tarted working on his first psy track. Since then it has been an obsession . Constantly searching for the most unique and bizarre sounds, FaceHead br ings a style all his own that will leave you stomping away with question ma rks over your heads. You can expect dark and full-on with a wide variety o f influences. Look for upcoming releases on Geomagnetic and Anomalistic. Egbot (Gaian mind, PSI / Philadelphia) David McGee (aka Eg Bot) offers a wealth of inspiration with a touch of dark humor to his wor ks. He has been spinning/producing psy-trance since 2001 and is currently throwing parties with Gaian Mind and PSI. Always on the cutting edge of music, he has been hard at work blending minimal psytrance with texture d sound-scapes, samples and hooks that just can’t be denied. His tracks ar e a twisting journey through psychedelia. Expect a dark and twisted dj set courtesy of Egbot. Sound by 28thday Hours: 11-5am Location: East River Bar 97 S. 6th St., Brooklyn, NY 11211 nr. Be dford Ave. Nearby Subway Stops J, M, Z at Marcy Ave.L at Be dford Ave. $20 at the door, which also gets you a copy of Anomolist ic Behaviors links to the tracks are at sticrecords/” com ! incode auto-link start – – isticrecords/” com
#3924 Fri, 11 May 2007 12:51:54 Fri, 11 May 2007 12:51:53 From: TripOut interviews SUN Project web tranceam.org/brainmachines/interview-sunproject (web tranceam.org/brainmachines/interview-sunproject ) this is from a bit back but a great intro for relative newcomers. //web tranceam.org/brainmachines/interview-sunproject w ww.tranceam.org/brainmachines/interview-sunproject this is from a bit back but a great intro for relative newcomers.
#3925 Fri, 11 May 2007 14:22:03 Fri, 11 May 2007 14:22:03 From: Free Open Air Trance Festival this Saturday night This weekend must be an explosion of warm weather energy… glad I’m back in time. I’m going to this after the Williamsburg event (rides are coord’s thru brainpooling – DONT mention the location). Saturday May 12 FREE pSychoActiVE s0uNd gAtheRing in thE piNE baRRens GatHEr ill data juices from yoUr wild reFlectiOns oF yoUr anCient saCred pAst. The molecular mArmalAde is spRead thIck thROugh multiplE reAlities aT all m0mEnts simultaneouslY. Sonic saTuratioN fiLLs thE spAce, floWing thRough the pIne nEedlEs. RemeMbeR yoUr fuTuRe. Close yoUr eYes And prOjeCt yoUr pErcePtion inTO thE mEntal caVitiEs oF all bEings. The gatHEriNg oF All of yoUr shAmaniC tEntaclEs uniTe! in syMetriCal denSitieS. LookIng foRwarD to blEndinG into thE etErnal frequEncy wiTh yoU s0on… sni Courtesy Jowe & Co.; if you know her ask her, if you’re on d, you have info already. Many of you newcomers are not on the underground d list. To get on, throw some loot ($30) at me, I’ll work hard to keep you informed all year. For those clever among you, the site was documented in Spielberg’s recent War of the Worlds. /productinfo.php?manufactur ersid13&productsid29 (/productinfo.php?manufacturersid13&productsid29) This weekend must be an explosion of warm weather energy… glad I’m back in time. I’ m going to this after the Williamsburg event (rides are coord’s thru brain pooling – DONT mention the location). &nb sSaturday May 12 & nbs { &n bs{ {{ [Aztec DrippIng & nbs&nbs FREE pSychoActiVE s0uNd gAtheRing& nbsp;in thE piNE baRRens GatHEr ill dat a juices from yoUr wild reFlectiOns oF y oUr anCient saCred pAst. The molecular mA rmalAde is spRead thIck thROugh multiplE reAl ities aT all m0mEnts simultaneouslY. Sonic&nbs p;saTuratioN fiLLs thE spAce, floWing thRough ;the pIne nEedlEs. RemeMbeR yoUr fuTuRe. Close yoUr eYes And prOjeCt yoUr pErcePtion&n bsp;inTO thE mEntal caVitiEs oF all bEing s. The gatHEriNg oF All of yoUr shAmaniC tEntaclEs uniTe! in syMetriCal denSitieS.&n bsp;LookIng foRwarD to blEndinG into thE etEr nal frequEncy wiTh yoU s0on… snip& gt; Courtesy Jowe & Co.; if you know her ask her, if you’re on d, you have info already. Many of you newcomers are not on the underground d list. To ge t on, throw some loot ($30) at me, I’ll work hard to keep you informed all year. For those clever among you, the site was documented in Spielb erg’s recent War of the Worlds.
#3926 12 May 2007 01:13:33 Sat, 12 May 2007 01:13:27 nyc604, omnitribe, rainbowtrance, From: scott scott at 28thdayNEW LOCATION for Anomalistic Behaviors party size”3VENUE CHANGE! party has been moved to a bigger venue! Please see below for the new address, and join us for a crazy night on the dark tip! class”headline2 Saturday, May 12 2007 Anomalistic Behaviors CD Release Party ft. Arahat class”headline28thday presents an AUM Fundraiser All profits from this event will go towards flying east coast artists out to the aAUM Festival in Arkansas, and your admission includes a copy of the new release from Anomalistic Records, Anomalistic Behaviors! featuring: class”artist ARAHAT (aka DJ Hidro-Ponik) LIVE + DJ! First NYC appearance! class”artistAttrib(PsyCircle Records | Cosmic Theatre | Psybertribe | Goods from Da Woods, San Diego) color” web 28thday class”artistFACEHEAD LIVE! class”artistAttrib(Anomalistic | Geomagnetic.tv, Pennsylvania) class”artistEGBOT class”artistAttrib(Gaian Mind | PSI, Philadelphia) Decor by Severyn Sound by 28thday Hours: 11-5am Location: Brooklyn Nights 497 DeKalb Ave btw Bedford & Franklin $20 at the door (includes Anomalistic Behaviors CD) Listen to the tracks at” target”blankweb anomalisticrecords” size”2″
#3927 Sat, 12 May 2007 11:28:45 From: ” SUN Project Afterparty at their hotel room 212 802 0600 room 756 They will be at the open air tonight
#3928 Sat, 12 May 2007 20:32:57 From: ” Gnostic Revival Hi Folks, I thought you might enjoy my new column in Conscious Choice mag azine, on John Lash’s extraordinary new book on Gnosticism, Not in His Im age. The article is below and can also be found here: consciouschoi ce/2007/05/prophetmotive0705 In other news: From June 1 – 3, I am giving a workshop at the Omega Institute in Rhinebeck, NY. This should be a great opportunity to go deeper into the subjects I explore in my books, i n a beautiful campus setting. If you are interested in attending, the info is here: web eomega.org/omega/workshops/54ca8589a640d71b488a425f18e 7d4b3/ I will be speaking at the Health and Harmony Festival in Sonoma Cou nty the following weekend. Also, if you haven’t checked it out yet, pleas e visit my new web magazine, Reality Sandwich: web realitysandwich web realitysandwich May 2007 | Prophet Motive The Gnostic Reviv al By Daniel Pinchbeck I first encountered the work of John Lamb Lash thro ugh his website, metahistory.org, when he posted a series of pieces on B32 012B2 8B the end of the Long Count of the Mayan Calendar 8B from astrolo gical and historical perspectives. In his essays, he defined the characteri stics of various B3end-time tribesB2 that were embodying aspects of futur istic consciousness. I began a dialogue with him on this subject, and he se nt me his new book, Not in His Image: Gnostic Vision, Sacred Ecology, and t he Future of Belief (Chelsea Green, 2006). This work is a tremendous achiev ement that reframes the debate about monotheism, offering a radical perspec tive on the destructive effects that have been unleashed by religious ideol ogies over the last two millennia. Not In His Image attacks the salvationi st theology of the Judeo-Christian tradition from a Gnostic perspective, ma king a devastating critique of the moral conditioning and deep-buried suppo sitions of this heritage, which has shaped the modern Western psyche. As su bstitute, Lash presents a counter-myth and alternative cosmology drawn from the tradition of Gnosticism, featuring the goddess Sophia, who plunged fro m the Pleroma to become the physical and generative Earth, and the Archons, soulless off-planet entities who use the human propensity for error to lea d us into increasingly destructive deviations from our evolutionary path. The populist and academic conception of Gnosticism considers it a radical o ffshoot from Christianity that was stamped out as the Holy Roman Empire gav e way to the Dark Ages. Lash has a different perspective. In his view, the Gnostics were the inheritors of the wisdom and initiatory training of the M ystery Schools that flourished across the Classical World. This learned, pa gan tradition had roots in the shamanic practices that predated the rise of Greece and Rome, and could be considered the indigenous spirituality of Eu rope. In some respects similar to Buddhism, the Gnostic tradition valued ph ilosophical debate and direct mystical experience over received wisdom and authority vested in religious hierarchy. Lash connects Sophia to the modern B3Gaia hypothesis,B2 developed by the scientists James Lovelock and Lynn Margulis, and argues that the Gnostic seers of the Mystery Schools were alienatio n from the natural world and the body that developed in Christianity was th e result of a deception, leading to the B3enslavement of humanity to an al ien, off-planet agenda.B2 The Gnostics understood the basis of this error, and were persecuted for voicing their opposition to it. Lash is ruthless in analyzing the moral precepts and core concepts of the Old and New Testam ent. He shows the ways in which these texts were designed to appeal to the highest aspirations and ideals of humanity, but subtly twisted to create im possible incongruities. Humans were tricked into trying to conform to an in human code of perfection, which doomed them to continual failure in relatio n to an absolutist abstraction. Borrowing a concept from Tibetan Buddhism, Lash suggests substituting the concept of B3basic goodnessB2 for B3origi nal sin,B2 and argues that Gnostics were horrified by the Christian belief in the redemptive value of suffering. He argues that the moral ethos expr VictimB2 8B in the New Testament has the unfortunate effect of aiding what he calls our B3victim/perpetrato rB2 bond. The concept of B3turning the other cheek,B2 for instance, only makes sense in world without aggressors. This precept instills a sense of otherworldly superiority in the victims of violence, while it helps the age nda of those who seek to dominate. B3The ethic of cheek turning is utterly wrong because it obliges people who are not inclined to harm others to rel y on those who do harm to embrace the same practice of nondefense.B2 The commandmant to B3love thy God with all thy heartB2 is similarly distorted : B3Who really needs to be commanded to love?B2 Lash asks. B3We love spo ntaneously, through the power of love itself, which cannot be commanded.B2 Throughout the Gospels, Lash finds B3a monumental effort to convert the h uman mind to the bad faith of betrayed humanity.B2 In our secular culture, it seems, the belief in a salvationist power that will liberate humanity a t some future point has been transferred, unconsciously, from divinity to t echnology. In order to reconnect with our earthly powers, we have to deprog ram ourselves from all concepts of a redemptive or divine force waiting out side of this realm. While Lash evinces a tendency to romanticize tradition al and indigenous cultures, while ignoring some of the progress made by mod ern civilization, his critique still goes to the heart of the crisis of our current world, where disconnection from nature and entrenched belief syste ms have brought us to the brink of global chaos. It seems that we can’t f ind our way forward until we find our way back, utilizing that discriminato ry intelligence 8B what the Gnostics called B3nousB2 8B that is our par ticular human gift. * Daniel Pinchbeck is the author of Breaking Open the Head: A Psychedelic Journey into the Heart of Contemporary Shamanism (Broa dway Books, 2002) and 2012: The Return of Quetzalcoatl (Tarcher/Penguin, 20 06). His features have appeared in The New York Times Magazine, Rolling Sto ne, Esquire, Wired and many other publications.
#3930 Tue, 15 May 2007 04:30:16 From: “ambionik” ambionik at yahooFriday May 18th “Electric Clerics” – BIGWIGS LIVE! 1ST US APPEARANCE + ADDED Friday, May 18, 2007 A.M. Bionik Proudly Presents: Electric Clerics **9pm- ??am** LIVE! P.A. Performances by Poland’s NATIONAL HEROS OF SONIC PASMATE RIA: FIRST APPEARANCE IN THE US! **BIGWIGS (Horns & Hoofs Entertainment – Warsaw, Poland) Bigwigs is currently working on their second album and will be performing their unreleased material. Listen to a mixed sample of Bigwigs’ new material on myspace at: web myspacewigs2 **KINO OKO (Warsaw, Poland) Performing unreleased tracks and selections from his “Los t Entertainment” album Listen to tracks of Kino Oko on myspace at: web my space/kinooko **EPI CENTRUM (aka Mass Turbo, aka Jurek Przezdziecki – Warsaw, Poland) **JUREK PRZEZDZIECKI (Whirlpool Sex Music – Warsaw, Poland ) Listen to tracks of Jurek Przezdziecki on myspace at: web myspace/ju rekp Also, featuring LIVE Electronic Dance Music by: **PSYLAB (Boston, MA ) Listen to Psylab tracks at web psylabunderground or web myspace/ psylab DJs: Tony Unorthodox (28th Day Productions, NYC) DJ Earthian (Anima ltek, Omnitribe, NYC) +Special guest DJs – TBA VJs: PIG IN SPACE PRODUCTI ONS, Leonid A. (Rail Collective, Boston) SURGE (Alladin Project, Subtle Production, NYC) Gui”AUM”etriX aka Guillaume Clave (NY based VJ) PRESALE T ICKETS: Presale tickets can be purchased through the website web ambionik. com or by sending an email to AMBionik at yahoo for more information on in -person ticket sales. ABOUT THE SPACE: The space has limited capacity. Onc e we reach capacity, we will not be able to allow anyone in! BYO You’re a llowed to bring your own spirits. However, NO GLASS CONTAINERS will be all owed inside. MERCHANDISE & REFRESHMENTS CDs, Vinyl, T-shirts, Posters, & select beverages will be available for purchase. LOCATION Located in the h istoric “5pointz” building (w/ graffiti) directly across the street from PS 1. “Zoran Studios” 45-40 Davis St 2nd Floor, Long Island City, NY By S ubway E/V Train: Get off at the 23rd St./Ely Ave. stop. Head South on 23rd St toward 45th Rd. Slight Left at Davis St. 7 Train (3 stops from Grandntral) Get off at the 45th Rd./Court House Square. Turn right onto 23rd St reet. Then slight left onto Davis Street. G Train: Get off at Court Square . Head South on 23rd St toward 45th Rd. Make slight left at Davis St. DISC LAIMER Please respect the environment. We are inviting you into private art ist studios. Please respect your neighbors, musicians, and participants b y keeping your mouth closed and your ears open. People have traveled far an d wide to listen to this once-in-a-lifetime event! Please use the designat ed smoking area if you must smoke. Do not smoke near the speakers or the mu sicians. Smoking shortens the life of equipment (just like us)! This is a d Free event.
#3931 Wed, 16 May 2007 06:25:23 From: “alladinproject” alladinproject at yahooCD Release party: INFECTED MUSHROOM Live May 19 2007 at Webster Hall NY Saturday May 19th 2007 Webster Hall Presents…. INFECTED MUSHROOM LIV E And more!! Doors Open: 10pm 19+ For advance tickets call 1917405484 7 or 9175691177 web alladinproject.net web websterhall
#3932 Thu, 17 May 2007 19:07:58 Thu, 17 May 2007 19:07:42 To: nyc604,TripOutNY,omnitribe,dragontribe,psyny at googlegroupsCc: From: “scott” scott at 28thdayjune 9 2007 :: inflorescence open-air 20 .’-/’-/ ‘-..- | / /-/- ‘ june 9 2007 28thday presents inflorescence psychedelik trance open-air A private open-air gathering in a secluded natural setting near Allentown, PA. featuring BRAINCELL (Glowing Flame | Rastaliens, Switzerland) LIVE + DJ ETIENNE (PsyBooty | Seizure Lab, SF) LIVE Hugh S (28thday, NYC) OLD-SKOOL GOA SUNRISE SET!! LAURYN (Peak Records | 28thday, NYC) MAYUR (Spectra, NYC) TONY UNORTHODOX (28thday, NYC) amplified music 11PM – 11AM or later gates open early, afternoon time TBA admission $30 – presale only! Allentown PA area – exact location provided with presale presales limited, and will open soon at web 28thday Stay tuned! a:link.poweredphplist, a:active.poweredphplist, ///style /-/.’-/’-//’-..- | ///-/-/’/ 07 presents cence trance open-air ! begin body /A private open-air gathering in a secluded natural setting near Allentown, PA.//featuring//BRAINCELL (Glowing Flame | Rastalien s, Switzerland) LIVE + DJ/ETIENNE (PsyBooty | Seizure Lab, SF) LIVE/s trongHugh S (28thday, NYC) OLD-SKOOL GOA SUNRISE SET!!/LAURYN (Peak Records | 28thday, NYC)/MAYUR/s trong(Spectra, NYC)/TONY UNORTHODOX (28thday, NYC) br //amplified music 11PM – 11AM or later/gates open early, afternoon time TBA/admission $30 – presale only!/web 28thday/lists exact location provided with presale/presales limited, and will open soon at web 28thday//Stay tuned!
#3933 Fri, 18 May 2007 14:49:01 From: “pedrogomide” pedro at realityengine.orgTomorrow! Bluetech, Evan Marc, Onnomon, Alpha Channel, KiloWatts, Pedro & + Entheocentric Salon web entheocentricsalon Saturday, May 19th 8 PM to 5 AM A fusion of art & music, live paintings, psychotropic projections, & e clectic grooves -Live art performances by: Alex & Allyson Grey Zachariah Sharon Fulcher Kaliptus Kelli Bickman -8 PM to 10 PM Cultural Stimulatio n: Curator and former SoHo gallery owner/director, Amy Lipton has spearhead ed exhibitions and written a comprehensive catalogue on art that addresses ecological issues. Amy will present an illustrated overview of outstanding artworks based on a consciousness of environmental responsibility. web ecoartspace.org/amylipton Moderated by Alex Grey. CoSMosis Open fr om 10 PM to 5 AM Live Acts: Evan Marc (Psybooty, Sentient Sound) Evan achieved international recognition and success with his downtempo / chill-o ut project, Bluetech, releasing three full-length albums and making waves i n the psy/chill-out world with his unique sound and top-notch production qu ality. A need to expand his sound lead him to explore his love for tech-ho use resulting in his latest album, “Emotional Ecology.” On “Emotional Ecol ogy,” Evan delves into the deeper side of tech-house and brings to it his s ignature production quality and atmospheric sensibility that defined the Bl uetech sound. His signature touch on the tech-house sound is sure to make “Emotional Ecology” a stand out release in the genre and a sought after rel ease for collectors who know premium quality electronic music. Onnomon(Gai an Mind/Soular Rec ) Alpha Channel(Psybooty Rec) DJ: Pedro (R.E./ Inter chill/ CoSM) Luis(Dreamcatcher Performance by: 11:00 pm KINETIC JUNGLIST MOVEMENT Kinetic Junglist Movement is the first Jungle, Drum & Bass dance collective leading the way for abstract urban expression. Based on their Ur ban Roots technique, KJM seamlessly fuses the gap between traditional and u rban dance. Through the universal language of dance, KJM aims to inspire cu ltural exchange while exposing the world to the underground urban tribal da nces of the Junglist community. KJM has performed and taught workshops thro ughout North and South America. KJM has also been featured in music videos and films such as The Sugar Babes “We Are All Different”, “Seasons Of Ligh t” by James Adolphus and “Lowlight” by Juilian Neville. web jungleri ddims CoSM: Open 10 PM to 5 AM Live Acts: Bluetech (Aleph Zero, Nat ive State) Evan Bluetech produces his unique style of digital downtempo fr om the West Coast of North America. Classically trained on the piano for pu blic performing, Bluetech deviated from the traditional structure of classi cal music and being to relearn the instrument from an energetic and tonal p erspective. This resulted in his interpretation of nature’s expression of b eing, establishing a playing style that is dronal ambient, downtempo and im provisational. Explosions in technology and software have enabled him to ex plore the edges of contemporary music production, and a sound has developed which draws from the psychedelic community as well as the experimental/IDM community. His style fits somewhere snuggly between the two, and has been described as PsyDM (psytelligent dance music) and SpaceHop. KiloWatts (Art ificial Music Machine) Kyma Stream DJs Kife (Omnitribe) Alien Ambassador (CoSM) Eye of the Spirit Lounge music by: Zena Grey Karen Nev Visuals by : Videlicious VJ Laylah Sound by: 28thday Price: $25 Add ress: 542 W. 27th Street, 4th Floor NYC Links: cosm.org ky mastream interchill myspace/yubabakyma nativestaterecords aleph-zero.info psybooty myspace/kilowatts myspace/alphachannelpsytrance m yspace/onnomon 28thday lucination djluis campos
#3934 18 May 2007 19:05:07 Fri, 18 May 2007 19:05:06 To: list at 28thday From: scott scott at 28thdaySaturday May 19: Dance Parade! (Dancers wanted.) s”moz-text-html” lang”x-western s”moz-text-html” lang”x-westernSaturday May 19, 2007 28thday and CoSM are running a float in the” Parade! The parade begins at 1PM. Don’t miss this unique opportunity to come and party on the streets of Manhattan! TONY UNORTHODOX (28thday, NYC) + special guest Route proceeds down Broadway past Union Square to 13th Street. Right on 13th to Fifth Avenue. At Washington Square North (the arch), street dancers will enter the Park. Floats will turn right on Waverly and proceed toward Sixth Avenue for float dismissal. 4pm-8pm: After the Parade, enjoy DJs and dance performances in the park! 8pm-5am: CoSM’s web entheocentricsalonEntheocentric Salon featuring live sets from Evan Marc, Onnomon, and Alpha Channel. Free admission for float dancers (see below). DANCE WITH US! If you’d like to dance on the 28thday/CoSM float, email a classparade at 28thday ASAP with your name and location. All dancers will need to meet us at CoSM at 10:00AM tomorrow (Saturday) morning. Space is limited, so once we’ve collected these e-mails we’ll respond to everyone indicating whether or not you’ve been accepted onto the float. Please apply only if you can be there on time tomorrow. 🙂
#3935 Mon, 21 May 2007 23:56:19 From: ” Limited availabity – 10 $100 tickets to Alladin Orb festival this summer Just got ten supercheap tickets from the guys upsairs, while supplies last. Lowest price anywhere to the largest psychedelic trance festival to hit U S shores outside Burning Man. web /cat
#3936 Tue, 22 May 2007 21:51:50 Tue, 22 May 2007 21:51:50 From: Photo Gallery at tranceam.org Its back up from the backup. You can add photos to your hearts’ content web tranceam.org/gallery2/main.php (web tranceam.org/gallery2/main.php) main site web tranceam.org (web tranceam.org) Its back up from the backup. You can add photos to your hearts’ content ceamericana.org/gallery2/main.php main site ://web tranceam.orgweb tranceam.org
#3937 Wed, 23 May 2007 18:24:17 Wed, 23 May 2007 18:24:15 Cc: pamelaprimi at hotmail From: Killer track from Gary Numan’s fave act – Industrial Goa at its best By far the most awesome track ever. The track to end all tracks. We’ve been listening to it for months nonstop practically. That’s why you haven’t seen us LOL web tranceam.org/files/futile98.mp3 (web tranceam.org/files/futile98.mp3) Velvet Acid Christ at their best also on the player at tranceam.org. We have various versions of it mutating around like mutant Republican strains of leprosy crawling off our torsos. GO GW!!! By far the most awesome track ever. The track to end all tracks.&nb s We’ve been listening to it for months non stop practically. That’s why you haven’t seen us LOL web tranceam.org/files/futile98.mp3 / Velvet Acid Christ at their best also on the player at tranceam.o rg. We have various versions of it mutating around like mutant Repub lican strains of leprosy crawling off our torsos. GO GW!!!
#3938 Tue, 22 May 2007 18:49:47 From: rachel Sacks rachuu71 at yahooNYC 5/25/07 – 3 DaYS til the MetaTantruMM Begins!! 0-855069200-1179884987:41515 THRee MoRE DaYS tiL the METATANTRUMM begins!!! Predictions are for beautiful sunshine that day and fuLL PoWER STomPING in the night!! If you haven’t yet sent your name/email ID for the RSVP list, please make sure we get it by Thursday at midnite!! ORESTIS just played a kiLLeR outdoor in Austin TX and now we prepare to receive his divine gifts in the great city of BROOKLYN, USA! Orestis is back with us in NYC and we are aLL ready to ROCK OUT!! See you on the stomping grounds….. !!! BOM 6362MetaForce Family ************ ********* ***** METATANTRUMM MASALA!!! Featuring ORESTIS (LIVE) !!! Freshly-ground psycheDeLiA for ALL! Friday 25 May 2007 10:00 pm – 7:30 am at The HOOK !!! *** ORESTIS (Tantrumm Records, Greece) – FULLY LIVE SET!!! A native of Athens, Greece, Orestis’s musical journey began in the realms of metal, gothic and hardcore sounds. Psychedelia entered his life in 1996, when he discovered the endless possibilities of electronic soundscapes. Since 2001, Orestis has been DJ’ing in the psystomp scene, moving into production in the last two years. Quickly evolving into an artist known for high-quality production combined with intense organic atmospheres, Orestis shines as one of the most talented producers in the international psystomp scene today. …….This is not a ‘ live appearance’ – this is a FULLY LIVE 3-hour PRODUCTION SET :: as only the most talented psystomp producers can give you!! Orestis will blow your minds and your feet into oblivion and the complete JBL PRO sound system we’re bringing in should give any exxtra PUSH you might think you need! *** ALSO FEATURING DJ SETS BY::: FRIA (Tantrumm Records, Bombay/NYC) VISHWAATMAAA (6362MetaForce, Bombay/NYC) TACHYON (6362MetaForce, NYC) ** PSYCHEDELIC VISUAL ENVIRONMENT created by ZORAN (6362MetaForce, NYC) A native of Croatia, ZORAN CRNKOVIC has been part of the New York art world for more than a decade. Known for his striking use of textures and colours in fantastic oil-on-canvas and other combinations, Zoran has never been afraid of new materials, new ideas, or new present Zoran’s first foray into the realms of blacklight psychedelia with his brand new series of blacklight oil paintings, created especially for this party. Encompassing the full spectrum of Buddhism, these massive oil canvasses evoke all of the gods and demons that exist within each of us, and will warm up the dancefloor with their powerful energy even before the musical masters begin their performances. Zoran is the newest member of the 6362MetaForce collective and we can’t wait for you to experience his powerful vision – in this party and in future parties to come! *** ALSO FEATURING GOA-STYLE FLEA MARKET!! CDs, jewelry, and other goodies will be on sale from 10pm – 4am…..!! *** CHiLL-OuT RooM downstairs from 10pm – 7:30am….!! ! *** Other INFO:: **18+ to party – 21+ to drink!! Everyone please bring photo ID! **TICKETS :: $20 before 12am (MIDNIGHT) with RSV$25 after Midnight/without RSVP. To RSVP :: Please send names and email IDs to info at 6362MetaForce. net BEFORE Thursday 24 May 2007 at midnight. Names received on 25 May will NOT be included on the RSVP list. **LOCATION :: The HOOK, 18 Commerce Street, Red Hook (Brooklyn), NY 11231, Tel: 718-797-3007, Web: web thehookmusic. com, Email: info at thehookmusic. com **DIRECTIONS :: Subway – F or G train to Carroll Street. Exit the subway from the FRONT of the train – toward the 2nd Place exit. We will have a shuttle from that subway exit to The HOOK available from 10pm – 5am. Look for the van with the 6362MetaForce banner! You can also walk to the Hook from the subway – it’s a short 10 minute walk from 2nd Place. Take a right out of the subway stop and walk to Henry Street. Take a left on Henry; then take the first right and keep walking – you will then hit the BQE. Take the footbridge OVER the BQE and bear left as you get off the bridge. From there you basically walk straight and you’ll hit Commerce Street. The Hook is on the right. For a visual, put “18 Commerce St., Brooklyn, NY” into Yahoo maps (maps.yahoo. com)! For further directions, please consult web thehookmusic. com or call the club directly. Cab fare from Lower Manhattan – $10-$12. ******* NEED MORE INFO??? ********* Write to us at info at 6362MetaForce. net !!! Please BLESS this party with your GOOD VIBES, KILLER ENERGY and STOMPING FEET!! bOM BHOLENATH!! 6362MetaForce Family ***** web 6362Meta Force.net :: On-line Store only one month away!!! – Leather bags, jewelry, and music gaLoRE!!!! web myspace. com/6362MetaForc e tribes. tribe.net/ 6362MetaForce web myspace. com/orestismusic web tantrumm records Be a better Heartthrob. Get better relationship answers from someone who knows. 0-855069200-1179884987:41515 present Zoran’s first foray into the realms of blacklight psychedelia with his brand new series of blacklight oil paintings, created especially for this party. Encompassing the full spectrum of Buddhism, these massive oil canvasses evoke all of the gods and demons that exist within each of us, and will warm up the dancefloor with their powerful energy even before the musical masters begin their performances. Zoran is the newest member of the 6362MetaForce collective and we can’t wait for you to experience his powerful vision – in this party and in future parties to come! *** ALSO FEATURING GOA-STYLE FLEA MARKET!! CDs, jewelry, and other goodies will be on sale from 10pm – 4am…..!! *** CHiLL-OuT RooM downstairs from 10pm – 7:30am….!! ! *** Other INFO:: **18+ to party – 21+ to drink!! Everyone please bring photo ID! **TICKETS :: $20 before 12am (MIDNIGHT) with RSV$25 0-855069200-1179884987:41515
#3939 Thu, 24 May 2007 13:42:16 From: “ambionik” ambionik at yahooElectric Clerics Gratitude ) Thank you to all who came out and made this event a reality. Special shou t outs to and in no particular order, Zoran, Alan of Metrosound, Anthony F ., Christine, Luther & Donna, Tony of 28th day, Serge, Leonid A, Ron, Rahe em, Fitz, Bigwigs, Kino oko, Vadim, Shay and everyone who attended. Pleas e email me if you’d like to drop a suggestion in the suggestion box. I al so wanted to thank everyone who helped make this event a d free event. you know who you are!! Thank you!! The A.M.Bionik Teamsters
#3940 Fri, 25 May 2007 10:13:43 Fri, 25 May 2007 10:13:42 From: Underground/open air/private events List for the non-public domain For eight years running, the most exhaustive source for free events, underground, open air, and private in and around NYC. The warm weather season in New York is the best in the country for events that cannot be blasted out to the public. These events are greater in magnitide than anything held indoors. Oxygen and vibe are that important. Goa is meant to be heard outdoors, if you have your head stuck inside you are missing the equation. Sign up now, it’s $30, so you won’t miss a beat. /productinfo.php?cPath2&pr oductsid29 (/productinfo.php?cPath2&productsid29) The above membership is free if you buy a limited number of tickets sold by this elf to the Alladin Orb Festival this summer. /productinfo.php?cPath22&p roductsid222 (/productinfo.php?cPath22&productsid222) Deep Guffaws and Cheers!!! For eight years r unning, the most exhaustive source for free events, underground, open air, and private in and around NYC. The warm weather season in New York is the best in the country for events that cannot be blasted out to the pu blic. These events are greater in magnitide than anything held indoo rs. Oxygen and vibe are that important. Goa is meant to be hea rd outdoors, if you have your head stuck inside you are missing the equati on. Sign up now, it’s $30, so you won’t miss a beat. The above membership is fre e if you buy a limited number of tickets sold by this elf to the Alladin O rb Festival this summer. Deep Guffaws and C
#3941 27 May 2007 22:09:31 Sun, 27 May 2007 22:09:24 ystem at 28thday From: scott scott at 28thday2007 summer calendar Greetings, We hope everyone’s enjoying the beautiful weekend! Join us now as we offer up a prayer for lots more beautiful stomping weather & the official 28thday open-air calendar*… Saturday, June 9 Allentown, PA 28thday’s first open-air of the season! 24 hours of fun in a beautiful, secluded natural setting about 2 hours’ drive from NYC. Featuring live sets from Ralph Braincell of Rastaliens and Psybooty’s Etienne, a chillout opening set by Agalactia of Aleph Zero, and a morning goa set from NYC veteran Hugh S! Tickets cost $30. This event is presale-only and attendance controlled. For details visit a web 28thday/lists/lt.php?idLBoBXA5TAURRAUVXweb 28thday . Free daytime park series: Sunday, July 1 New York City GMSF2k7-R: 28thday’s Gaian Mind recompression party! Sunday, July 22 New York City Open-air park party, one week after Orb. Sunday, August 19 New York City 28thday Productions 2-Year Anniversary!! featuring Voice of Cod * Events may be added to this calendar without warning and at any time. Re-live digitally last summer’s Prog in the Park: web 28thday/lists/lt.php?idLBoBXA5SDURRAUVX web 28thday/events/progpark/photos/ (high bandwidth recommended) See you soon! -28thday web 28thday/lists/lt.php?idLBoBXA5TAURRAUVX” web 28thday web 28thday/lists/lt.php?idLBoBXA5SCERRAUVX” web psyny PS- Thanks to everyone who joined us for the 2007 NYC Dance Parade! a web 28thday/lists/lt.php?idLBoBXA5cCERRAUVX” out some video from the event.
#3942 28 May 2007 13:38:34 Mon, 28 May 2007 13:38:25 ystem at 28thday From: scott scott at 28thdayInflorescence UPDATE s”moz-text-html” lang”x-western nowrap”nowrap { -/’o;- .’-/’-/ ‘-..- | / /-/- ‘ 9 2007 presents trance open-air ! begin body New musical, visual, and decor additions! Come early on Saturday for relaxation, bbq, and chillout music! 24 hours of fun in a beautiful, secluded natural setting about 2 hours’ drive from NYC. featuring BRAINCELL (Glowing Flame | Rastaliens, Switzerland) LIVE ++ RASTALIENS DJ SET AGALACTIA (Aleph Zero, Israel) ETIENNE (Psybooty | Seizure Lab, SF) LIVE Hugh S (28thday, NYC) OLD-SKOOL GOA MORNING SET!! LAURYN (Peak Records | 28thday, NYC) MAYUR (Spectra, NYC) TONY UNORTHODOX (28thday, NYC) Visuals by: Etienne (Psybooty | Seizure Lab, SF) Alchemism (28thday, NYC) Psynvironment by: Waking Dream (Montreal) Dan (Zometool Inc., NYC) Tesseract (28thday, NYC) unorthodomes ltd Explorations of multidimensional geometric forms with: Dan (Zometool Inc., NYC) | a web zometool”web zometool gates open 2PM. tents welcome. amplified music starting mid-afternoon, ending 11AM Sunday or later admission $30 – presale only! a “maps.google/maps?fq&hlen&qAllentown,+PA&ieUTF8&ll41.095912,-71.169434&spn7.300331,14.941406&z6&iwlocaddr&om1” target”blankAllentown PA area – exact location provided with presale presales available at web 28thday/”web 28thday
#3943 29 May 2007 22:17:22 Tue, 29 May 2007 22:17:16 ystem at 28thday From: scott scott at 28thdayInflorescence BUS nowrap”nowrap { -/’o;- .’-/’-/ ‘-..- | / /-/- ‘ 9 2007 presents trance open-air ! begin body Public transport available to Inflorescence! of you without a vehicle, or simply looking to lower your carbon footprint, may be interested to know that Inflorescence is easily reachable from NYC by bus. There’s a bus running every 2 hours from Port Authority in Manhattan, to a stop in PA about 10 miles from the party. 28thday will be offering a free shuttle between the PA bus stop and the event, for the times listed below. A round trip bus ticket costs $36.50, available at Port Authority. Full details on the bus route are available to you at a” web 28thday/lists/lt.php?idLBoDVAlVDURRD0VXweb 28thday immediately upon presale purchase. th colspan”2Saturday June 9 1:00 PM 3:00 PM 3:00 PM 5:00 PM 5:00 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM 9:00 PM 9:00 PM 11:00 PM
June 2007
#3944 Fri, 01 Jun 2007 13:15:05 From: “alladinproject” alladinproject at yahoo5 days for price change, Orb Summer Festival July 12& #8213;15, 2007 at Echo Lake, NY Alladin Orb Summer Festival in Echo Lake Campground, Afton NY July 12-15 2007 After four years of producing parties in NYC with the best trance art ists on the globe, we feel that the time has come to go outdoors, for a wel l planned and highly produced 3 day festival, featuring over 50 of the best trance artists with two outdoor stages and 80K sound systems!!! This bigge r than ever nature gathering will take place in Echo Lake, a beautiful reso rt, three hours away from Manhattan in upstate NY. This is an incredible ve nue, which has hosted numerous musical festivals over the years. This amazi ng lake surrounded by a magical forest has plenty of parking space, well ma intained camping site and economy cabins available for rental. Situated ar ound a secluded spring-fed lake in the midst of a pine forest.. Come and ex perience the purity of nature and the divine waves of sounds floating aroun d the lake, creating an amazing cosmic energy that brings people together. This one for sure will be an uplifting experience and an unforgettable gat hering!!! Music Performance: PROTOCULTURE Live (Nano Rec, BNE, South Afri ca) SHIFT Live (Nexus Media, South Afric a) ATOMIC PULSE Live (BNE Records, Israel) TOTAL ECLIPSE (TIP World, Mandal a, France) ZION Live (Orb Rec/ Alladin, Israel) D-TEK Live (Maia Records, M exico) ZIK aka HORROR PLACE Live (Harmonia Rec, Drop Out Rec, Greece) TWIST ED SYSTEM (Nexus Media, South Africa) PETER DIGITAL ( Digital Structures, S weden) GRAPES OF WRATH-MONNO (Parvati, Denmark) NAKED TOURISTS Live (Parvat i Records, Germany) REEFER DECREE Live (Iboga Records, Denmark) ENERTOPIA L ive (Alladin NYC, Israel) KNO-B (Alladin, Japan) ORBIT Live(Orb Rec/ Alladi n, Israel,Japan) ELNADIV (Orb Rec/ Alladin, NYC,Israel) ONNOMON Live (Gaian Mind, Soular Rec, Philly) COMBINATION (Groove Criminals Records, Israel, Austria) D-SPACE Live (Alpha Channel/M-Field, PsyBooty Records,Soul trance) JAY SELWAY aka CYZUM Live(Zero Divide, JOOF Records, Iboga Rec, USA) M.T.R Live(Queens, NYC) URIEL (NYC, Israel) PSYLAB Live (Boston, USA) DYNAMIC RA IN Live (Israel) EARWORM Live (NYC) KAZU (Vinyl Market, NYC) SPYROS (Psytr ibe, Los Angeles) YANN (Ultra Groove, Tech Safari, Canada) DRIZZT (24/7 R ecords, Montreal) CRIS (Alladin Records, Mexico) KIFE (Omnitribe, NYC) ST EVE-O (Goa Babies, Gaian Mind, NYC) BRANDON ADAMS (Dreamcatcher, NYC) VAMP YROMOROHA (Shiva Shakti, TX) EARTHIAN aka ANIMALTEK (Omnitribe, NYC) SUNIL vs MADUH (Malaysia, India) LAURYN (Peak Records, 28thday Productions, NYC) TONY UNORTHODOX (28thday Production, NYC) RICKAM (Neurobiotic Records, Tech Safari, Canada) EGBOT (Gaian Mind, PSI-Philadelphia) LUIS aka Influx (Dre amcatcher, Brazil, NYC) CORAL (Touch Samadhi, NYC) VANO (Orb Rec, Alladin, NYC) PHATMIND (NYC, Israel) VADIM (Loft.N.Space, NYC) SHUNNY (Mad Eleph ant, NYC, Japan) GAVIN (Digital Structures, Spectra,NYC) SINPATEX (Alladin Israel) BABLA (Kagdila Records, India) NOLA (Alladin, NYC) EGNOGRA (Sham an Films Media, San Francisco) ROE REVOLUTION (South Florida Psytrance) INN ER MONGOLIAN (Russia, NYC) KEN (NYC, Japan) INDRA (Omnitribe, NYC) BEN (Lig ht-o-Matic, NYC) IGAL (Loft.n.Space, NYC) ALIEN AMBASSADOR (CoSM, NYC) DROO ZI (Pune, India) FUMI (Alladin NYC, Japan) SEVERYN (Alladin, NYC) MA NNY (Green Sector, Los Angeles) Deco by: DAYA CAYUNG (Bali, NYC) SEVERYN ( Alladin, NYC) Alladin Deco Team And More TBA!! Visual By: SPOT WORKS aka TH E ELECTRIC SHEEP CAFRINE (Tech Safari/Vitamin C Pro) SERGE(Alladin, NYC) GU ILLAUME CLAVE (Alladin, NYC) Drum Circle By: MZ.IMANI(Shaman of the DruM, Cosm. NY/DC) Sound By: Metro sound Advance Ticket: *$120 till June 5th *$1 35 till July 11th Buy Tickets at web OrbFestival web Alla dinProject.net Entertainment activities: Fishing, Boating, Massages and me ditation area, Work shops, Vendor markets, Chai shops, Hookah lunge, Drums circles, Body painting, Fire performances, Laser shows, Arts backdrops & De corations, Special nature lighting, Food vendors, Fruit bar, ***Several des ignated public camping tents*** ***Hot showers, clean and well maintained r estrooms*** ***First aid on premises*** and Lots more!!! Love & Light Alla din Crew web OrbFestival web myspace/OrbFestival ht tp://web AlladinProject.net web myspace/AlladinProject
#3945 Sat, 02 Jun 2007 15:42:24 From: ” SPY TRANCE NORTH AMERICAN CALENDAR Namaste and Greetings!!! *** Please buy your tickets for only in advance f or the 28thday party – Inflorescence June 9th allentown PA*** What up Psy-Homies? Happy memorial day! I havent heard any reports on the weekend s events up here in the northeast, although one said GM’s 10th was good but no details…I am doing this calendar early so we can stay ahead and go fu ll steam not full-on… It looks pretty dead up here in the NE this coming weekend, I take that back there is a Psyforia in Boston, MA…well what can we do…well the Canadians seem to be on top of their game Ticon!!! O Be careful who u love they might love you back- Kamal “In Trance We Trust” – ? “If it’s in space and all is lost – A million s hattered pieces, Then let it be, I’ll tell you things you won’t believe – I’ll tell you anyway, I’ll be released” – BT Advanced-Lotus the Ultimate P sy-Whore (web myspace/advancedlotus) PLEASE NOTE THE WEEKLYS SECT ION IS BEING REVISED AND WILL BE UPDATED AS SOON AS MORE ACCURATE INFORMATI ON IS PRESENTED SOME EVENTS ARE OUTDATED SO IF YOU HAVE A WEEKLY PSY EVENT OR KNOW ABOUT IT PLEASE SEND ME AN EMAIL psydragon3 at aol This Weekend Friday, June 1st Boston, MA – Psyforia Outdoors – : SOT (T.O.U.C.H. Samadhi – Chicago) : Kicking off our first outdoor o f the season with his signature cutting-edge full on sound! 10pm – 2am 18 + $5 donation – funded by your donations! For directions and info visit: web sonicbeating.org/directions (outdoors weather permiting) ** PSYFORIA T-SHIRTS ** available at the door for $15 * Girl’s & Boy’s Styl es * june-1st-2007 Montreal, CA Qwik Present: KC3B6ntrast locat ion :TBA Ticon Live! Digital Structure, Sweden web ticonmusic After 3 years of absence, the swedish duo is finally back in Montreal! With 3 albums released, and many songs on various international labels, Ticon h as definately revolutionized trance around the world. Get ready to hear som e of their latest productions, and to see a show like we rarely see in Mont real! FM Radio Gods Live! Attitude, Coldgroove, Spaceports web mysp ace/fmradiogods FM Radio Gods is rapidly gaining a huge sucess in the canadian electronic scene. The trio consist of Andrew (Lucid), Ali (Otash) and Tao-Nhan (DJ Tao). Coming from diverse musical backgounds, the trio del ivers its unique blend of retro synth pop, modern electronic glitches and i nfectious club rhythms. Get ready to groove! -Filip, Digital structure, Sw eden -Rickam, Neurobiotic records, Tech Safari -Olivier Saint-Germain (OSG ), Spaceport Records, Noerg vs -Tenzin, Tech Safari -Clown, Jester rec ords, Techno.fm -Hidra Live! Jester Records, Qwik -Dorobo, Digital Militia -Camo, Attitude recordings Conceptual art and design by: Lunatixx art – web lunatixx-art.net/ Mikiram – web phonolite.ca / web noerg Tickets: -first 25: 20$ (Only at psychonaut, Presale on marc0 at noon) -next: 25$ -door (before midnight): 30$ -door (after midnight): 3 5$ Tickets may also be purchased by Paypal for 26$, send money to hidra30 3 at hotmail, with your full name. (a valid ID with picture will be needed at the door to get your tickets) Ticket outlets: Montreal: Psychonaut – 154 Prince Arthur E. 514-844-8998 Saint-Jerome: Chanvre Du Nord – 38 De Mar tigny Est, 450-565-5305 website: web kontrast-montreal Ju ne 2nd 07 Northern Nevada! Nuclear Fishin’! Nevada has a unique history of nuclear activity. From 1954-1958 there were approximately 5 detonations a week, amounting to around 1000 nuclear blasts of various tonnage. This is sure to have raised the net radiation levels of the world significantly, p artly due to the dirtier isotopes they used back then… So as a celebrati on of our radioactivity we are very happy to bring you Nuclear Fishin’! Cuz hey, nuclear mutants can have a good time too! Its been a dream of mine to bring psytrance and the beautiful nature of NEvada together, the right w ay. If you’ve been to Burning Man you’ve had a taste of what Nevada can be! Although, I can tell you, if you base your idea of Nevada off of the Playa you’re missing some amazing stuff! The oldest living things in the world live here, in the east of the state, the Bristlecone Pines, the oldest publ icly known was 4900 years! A former lakebed, the landscape is one of eroded cinder cones and alluvial piles, sagebrush and scrub with juniper, pinion pine and aspen in the higher elevations. A high desert, we have plenty of m oisture locked up in the biosphere, where ever it can find enough to live, life found a way! June 2nd is the closest we can get to the full moon, and not coincide with Goa Gil’s Memorial Meltdown which is to be the last week end of May. We’ve got a magical space picked for it! It amazes me how many people are coming to help and play! The night should have a nice progressio n, starting with some nice fullon or possibly a nice live to start out, mov ing to South African/power/twilight/whatever, then around midnight strippin g all vestiges of sanity, going with the pure psychedelic ‘psystomp’, movin g to more insane stuff IE Derango around first light, then smoothly shiftin g to morning fullon, and finally a nice progressive set by Me, Myself, and I (yeah, all at once… wink.gif ). After that, which will probably be late afternoon, if there’s still a bunch of freaks shambling about the danceflo or, I guess it would be fair to have an open-decks time for a mix-and-match of whoever wants to play! We have people coming to play from Reno, Sacram ento, Portland, Medford, even Vancouver! So far the acts who have been conf irmed (more or less) are: GyPsy (Portland/Colorado) Joe (thats me! Reno) D 6 (Reno) MasterSodium (Reno) Officer Bunch (Sacramento) Flak (Medford) Teks us Jack (Medford) 2 or 3 of the ladies of Godizus will also be joining us t o share their energies! (Godizus Vancouver) AND, though its not been confi rmed, we may have a couple live acts playing…. biggrin.gif biggrin.gif bi ggrin.gif (*crosses fingers*) Deco by Godizus and us all. Visuals by D6 ( Interactive video! biggrin.gif ) Chai by the Owl. For more info come on b y tribes.tribe.net/nevadapsytrance, or PM me here or on Tribe (Im the moder ator of the NV psy tribe, just click the crazy alien eyes). We will be usi ng a mailing list, as the amount of people covered by the permit is rather minimal. PLEASE do not bring uninvited people, if the Powers that Be find o ut, it could spell the end for the valiant crew of Nevada psytrance!! Be sm art, bring people you trust! This will be a desert party, we MAY be provid ing water, but its not a good idea to count on it. Things to bring: SMILE S! comfy dancing shoes and extra socks!! LOTS OF WATER!!!! Shade (we have n o structure planned, unless… someone wants the job?) SUNSCREEN, HAT, SUNG LASSES!! It will most likely be a sunny day! tent, sleeping bag, etc for a night or 2 in the desert Food (You need fuel to dance all night and day!) B YOB (please try not to break any glass) GARBAGE BAGS!!! (Lets get this star ted on the right foot, help us keep our wonderful land clean!) Toilet paper (There will be porta-johns but, since when is that a guarantee of actually having PAPER? wink.gif ) PLEASE DO NOT BRING: BAd Vibes (We’re going to p lay all sorts of stuff, Im sure you can find somthing you like, please kee p your complaints civil! Uninvited individuals (The mailing list is there f or a reason! mad.gif We often have problems around here with shady individu als at parties, help us keep it mature and relaxed!) No ds, weapons or D ogs (if theres no shade, its really mean to let Fido bake in the sun..) We will be approximately 2 hours from town, so bring whatever you need for a couple nights in the desert, and days in the sun! Try to keep your ecologi cal footprint minimal! Bring a big jug instead of small bottles, and refill a canteen. Bring stuff to cook, instead of a ton of packaged garbage! wink .gif You get the idea. We can keep having parties, and better and most imp ortantly BIGGER!! But its up to us all, not just we the organizers. Togethe r we can really make somthing great happen! Lets see what we can do! See ya out there! Onwards june 9 2007 28thday presents in florescence psychedelik trance open-air New musical, visual, and decor add itions! Come early on Saturday for relaxation, bbq, and chillout music! 2 4 hours of fun in a beautiful, secluded natural setting about 2 hoursE280 99 drive from NYC. featuring BRAINCELL (Glowing Flame | Rastaliens, Swi tzerland) LIVE ++ RASTALIENS DJ SET AGALACTIA (Aleph Zero, Israel) ETIEN NE (Psybooty | Seizure Lab, SF) LIVE Hugh S (28thday, NYC) OLD-SKOOL G OA MORNING SET!! LAURYN (Peak Records | 28thday, NYC) MAYUR (Spectra, NYC) TONY UNORTHODOX (28thday, NYC) Visuals by: Etienne (Psybooty | Seizure Lab SF) Alchemism (28thday, NYC) Psynvironment by: Waking Dream (Montreal) D an (Zometool Inc., NYC) Tesseract (28thday, NYC) unorthodomes ltd Explorat ions of multidimensional geometric forms with: Dan (Zometool Inc., NYC) | w ww.zometool ; gates open 2PM. tents welcome. amplified music starting mid-afternoon, ending 11AM Sunday or later admission $30 – presale only! A llentown PA area – exact location provided with presale presales available at web 28thday June 15th/16th, Friday Belden, CA Directions to be posted the last week of MAY. As spring spreads it’s wings and showers us with liquid sunshine, the anticipation mounts for the beginning of summe r. As the sun gets warmer, so will the glow in your heart that eminates the very essence of the gathering ” GEMINI “. June 15th-17th 2007, FULL CIRCLE presents the 10th Annual FREE 3 day campout and doofing extravaganza ” GEM INI “. We will be going back to the good ‘ol town of Belden, CA for anoth er romping weekend of love and light. They’ve made some improvements this w inter to insure a smooth running event. There is a restaurant now open in t he Saloon and real bathrooms and showers along with 8 porta potties. There’ s plenty of camping on site with a new space for more tents. A big river ru ns next to the event for your swimming needs. We’ll be having 2 Sound are na’s. A main trance area and a chill zone. The chill zone will be located c loser to the main stage than last year. There will be no band stage. As for the main stage, I have gathered some people together to create an emersive atmosphere for your minds eye to explore. I’ve handed over the riegns of t he Chill Area to Saturnia to govern so it would have it’s own appeal. Who ‘s playing! Only the best the U.S. has to offer. Plus a few live acts from Canada. Plus 2 international live acts. All the info is below as to who the y are. So, scribe this down on your calenders and in your minds to start preparing yourself for the blast we all now as ” GEMINI “. June 15th/16th Friday nite to Sat. Morning starting at 8pm Nagual Jeto DJ KRI Collisio n (Iowa City, IA //Mindoutpsyde) Primeordial Ooze Facehead SHOTU LIVE & DJ SET ( HADRA REC. France ) Konflux nkey [Touch Samadhi, Asheville, NC] Dragon :: Jackson MS :: TOUCH Samadhi / VORTEX Shagee Mulu Helios Nick Synergy Rob-Ot June 16th/17th, Sat. Nigh t to Sunday afternoon starting at 5pm Micheal Liu Spyros Solomoon Random Shapestatic VIRTUAL LIGHT (Ottawa, CAN) KALI LIVE & DJ SET ( MateriaRec./Fr actal Rec. Barcelona) DJ WICHDOKTA ( Ukiah, California USA) Dai BRAINS Moks a Sat. Night Continued KodeSix Aktif Meta* Lauryn (Peak Records, 28thDa y – NYC) Saturnia DJKT Paradigm Christine* (Vaporvent Records E280” CA) *** SHAPESTATIC – “Metaphim” [GM001] *** Coming in May 2007 on GAIAN MIN D! love life Kri band: web myspace/shapestatic dj: touc hsamadhi/kri mixes: touchsamadhi/kri/krismixes releases: ht design and pr inting email me! Thurs June 21 – Sun June 24, 2007 Four Quarters, P A Presenting the 6th Annual GAIAN MIND SUMMER FESTIVAL Presenting the 6th Annual GAIAN MIND SUMMER FESTIVAL Summer Solstice Thursday, June 2 1st to Sunday, June 24th, 2007 Four Quarters, Central Pennsylvania, USA F eatured International Artists: AMD (Nano Records – UK) DICKSTER / DICK TREV OR (Nano Records – UK) APHID MOON (Nano Records – UK) HUMAN BLUE (Transient Records – Sweden) LOOPUS IN FABULA (Fabula Records – Italy) YAB-YUM / GASP ARD / AJJA (Peak Records – Switzerland) PHUTUREPRIMITIVE (Liquid Records – Portland) Plus Regional Artists: SHAPESTATIC (TOUCH Samadhi / Gaian Mind – NC/TN) M-FIELD vs. D-SPACE – (PsyBooty Records – CT) ALLEN2012 (Gaian Min d – Tampa Bay) PRIMORDIAL OOZE (Divine Balance Records – Chicago) EITAN-SAN (Gaian Mind / Brain Busters – Japan) FACEHEAD (Anomalistic Records / Geoma gnetic.tv – Lancaster) EGBOT (Gaian Mind – Philadelphia) SOLOMOON (Metamem e / Onetribe / Esoteric Gen – Denver) KARMAKANIK (Gaian Mind / PSI – Philad elphia) BRANDON ADAMS (Dreamcatcher – NYC) Downtempo Artists TBA… Spe cial Guest: DANIEL PINCHBECK (2012: The Return of Quetzalcoatl) Tickets: Advanced – $110 (Monday April 16th to Sunday, June 10th, 2007) Gate – $135 (Thursday, June 21st to Sunday, June 24th, 2007) Please contact Four Quar ters at (814) 784-3075 or pay online at web 4qf.org. Website and flyer co ming very, very soonE280A6 web gaian-mind/gmsf2007 “Celebratin g the Dance of Life!” Jun 22-25, 2007 Cherryville bc, canada entheo s web entheosgathering summer solstice conference and festival 4 day s, 3 nights / outdoor 2 stages art gallery fresh water camping river marke t audio environments: human blue [live] (sweden) humanblue.se solar (mexi co) deliria.org nystagmus [live 5.1] (vancouver) entheogenetic adham sh aikh (nelson) sonicturtle osiris indriya (seattle) osirisindriya no ah pred (toronto) noahpred anahata [live] (vancouver) entheogenetic shen [live] (toronto) shenism akhentek [live] (elphinstone) deliria.or g neto [live] (elphinstone) entheogenetic echopilot [live] (vancouver) myspace/echopilotdubs davila (mexico) deliria.org basilisk (toronto) ek toplazm gil shanti (vancouver) deliria.org byron dreamweaver (elphinsto ne) seedoflife.ca sons of aurora (calgary) area709 rj solo (vancouver) deliria.org nori (calgary) area709 austripin (vancouver) deliria.org no kturnal (calgary) zenonrecords mythril (vancouver) deliria.org luna (va ncouver) ekstasisdance nils (vancouver) beatswithoutborders jay mic hael (vancouver) area709 greenchild (calgary) elementaldjs.ca kaminanda (victoria) seedoflife.ca eyen (calgary) seedoflife.ca mountain eyes (victo ria) rainbowcathedral stargirl (vancouver) jessicastargirl joshua j ames (vancouver island) spinningdrum raq’el f (elphinstone) jordao.ca c loud dancer (victoria) rainbowcathedral ariel (vancouverr) seedoflife.c a deco artists: solar (mexico) deliria.org sri yantra space shaping (port land) spaceshaping.net visual environments: robert borecky (nelson) mahay ana.cc renegage pixie (vancouver) tryptonmedia spoonbender (vancouver) tryptonmedia elfmaster (vancouver) elftrance conference: sijay ja mes (elphinstone) onbeyondmetamedia the design paradigm: crafting the c ollective myth david aaron (nelson) david at legalmind.ca freedom of thought: ushering plant intelligence into western society luna ravenchilde (vancou ver) ekstasisdance frequency shift: trance dance in:formation sobey (e lphinstone) sobey.nexialist.org entheos council: collective mindmapping of potential future community akhentek & byron dreamweaver (elphinstone) enth eogenetic intelligent healing soundscapes: precision audio evolving the genome visionary art: st. even (vancouver) divinereflections.ca simon ha iduk (vancouver) thinningtheveil.ca doktorj (vancouver) doktorj.ca starfiel d (vancouver) godizus and more… tickets: $100 advance, $150 gate o nline: web entheosgathering vancouver: a small world 604.215.0279 vanc ouver: boomtown 604.893.8696 calgary: phonics 403.229.2836 nelson: love of shiva 250.352.6627 roberts creek: elfinstones 604.885.1118 nelson: still ea gle 250.352.3844 seattle: travellers 206.329.6260 vancouver: highlife 604.2 51.6964 nanaimo: thirsty camel 250.753.9313 kelowna: mountain surf shop 250 .763.1504 vernon: bean scene 250.558.1817 victoria: shift 250.385.7443 the entheos gathering is conveniently located about 6 hours from both vancouve r and calgary a central meeting point, where the bc, alberta and the pacif ic northwest communities can unite at a festival and conference featuring l ocal and international talent from multiple bioregions the conference plat form features speakers on key subjects of interest to our global culture d eliria and the seed of life will provide two festival platforms with both u ptempo and downtempo audio environments on world class decorated stages wit h live interactive visual interfaces entheos is a professional case study model for environmental design aimed at reducing overall gathering impact o n its land the event is a developing ground for future community skills, f ostering environmental responsibility, low impact deployment and lowering o verall carbon imprint over a 6 year period celebrate summer solstice in a next generation multimedia environment intentionally designed to inspire yo ur future June 22-24, 2007 Oregon Outdoors Contact Festival: Featu ring Ghreg on Earth, Parus, Dylalien, Fria, Mubali, Quasar, Freaks of Natur e, Secret Society and MANY more! A GATHERING BRIDGING WORLDS Three Stages . Camping . Multiple Genres web contactfestival PRODUCTION AND PROMO TION CREWS Apollo’s Lute . Catharsis . Four C . Metakinetics . Rebirth . Sp un Academy . We Are One DECORATION AND SPACE SHAPING TEAM Orbital Monkeys | Eugene/Portland | web orbitalmonkeys VISUAL EYE CANDY VJ VIID a.k.a Photonic Trancemissions | Albuquerque, NM Visionquest | Eugene, OR LIVE EL ECTRONIC MUSIC & DJs Amanita (Psytrance) | Seattle, WA Amber (Psytrance) | Portland, OR | Apollo’s Lute | web apollos-lute Aris (Tribal House) | Eugene, OR | Orbital Monkeys | web orbitalmonkeys B-Grade (Breaks & Pro gressive Psy) | Portland, OR | Catharsis Big Daddy Scamp (Breakbeat) | Euge ne, OR Big Fat Homo (Ambient) | Portland, OR Burnt (IDM) | Portland, OR Dea fchild (House & Breaks) | Portland, OR | Jedeye Deke (Psytrance) | Eugene, OR | Rebirth Devon (Downtempo) | Portland, OR Dylalien (Psytrance) | San Fr ancisco, CA Epsylon (Psy & Downtempo) | Portland, OR | Metakinetics | web a gentepsylon Erik Zu (Ambient & Downtempo) | Salem, OR Freaks of Nature (Psytrance) | Portland, OR | web dropout-productions/freaks.shtml Fria (Psytrance) | New York, NY | Tantrumm Records | web tantrummrecords Ghr eg on Earth (Psytrance) | San Francisco, CA | web phosphene.org/bio Go rilladust (Psytrance) | Portland, OR | web gorilladust Inanna (Psytranc e) | Portland, OR Jan Van Lier (Variety) | Humboldt, CA John Cates (Tech Ho use & Progressive) | Portland, OR | Rithmica & Global Underground | myspace /johncates Know One (Breakbeat) | San Francisco, CA Lord Kephra (Downte mpo & Ambient) | Albuquerque, NM | Metakinetics | web metakinetics Mako i (Progressive Psy) | Portland, OR | Catharsis Mandala (Variety) | Eugene, OR | Four C Modcam (Progressive Psy) | Eugene, OR | Rebirth | web modcam.co m Mubali (Psytrance) | San Francisco, CA | mubali.tripod/id1 Parus (Psytrance) | San Francisco, CA | web parus.net QRX (Downtempo & IDM) | Eu gene, OR | Rebirth Quasar (Psytrance) | San Francisco, CA Satyasamadhi (Dow ntempo) | Portland, OR | Metakinetics | web metakinetics Secret Society (Psytrance) | Portland, OR | Apollo’s Lute | web apollos-lute Sedousa (Downtempo) | Portland, OR Semblance (Deep House) | Portland, OR | Gigantic ore | web giganticore Seth Lewin | Portland, OR Shivati (Psytrance) | P ortland, OR | Ohm Base Records Sofa King Cool (Breakbeat) | Eugene, OR Temp est (Psytrance) | Eugene, OR | We Are One Productions Twisted Flipster (Psy trance) | Portland, OR Waater (Psytrance) | Seattle, WA | Environmental Str uctures | web environmentalstructures.net Zoopy (Psytrance) | Eugene, OR | Rebirth Zorin (Psytrance) | BC, Canada Sunday, July 1 New York City G MSF2k7-R: 28thdays Gaian Mind recompression party! July 12-1 5, 2007 Drayton Valley, AB The 8th Motion Notion!! at an amazing new locat ion… The Bent River Ranch (1hr West of Edmonton, 3.5hrs from Calgary) F ull info, pics, map, etc at web motionnotion MAIN STAGE Shout Out Out Out Out web nrmlswlcmrcrds, web myspace/shoutoutoutoutout Edmonto n’s red-hot electro-rock-pop-fusion band is back to blow your socks off! W izzy Noise (Greece) web wizzy-noise.gr, web myspace/wizzynoiseofficial candyflip rec, exposure …the vandals responsible for the damage to the left side of your brain, the fire on your speakers, and the nervous breakdo wn of your grandmother! Treavor Moontribe (USA) web desertdwellers.org, I Ngrooves, White Swan Rec, Native State Rec Blistering beats from one of the State’s greatest DJs. A favorite at Motion Notion. Felix (Germany) web fe lix-stoever.de Artist, DJ, explorer, and physicist- Felix is an ingenious m an and a fine downtempo dj. Earthy psydub in the afternoon! Sons of Aurora web area709 Darvin Knorr and Norris Lam make up this astounding DJ duo who play some of the deepest, most psychedelic music around. Chris Organi x web organixproductions Phantasm Records, UK The lunatic behind Vancou ver’s longest running club-night, and is a fine purveyer of the full-on sou nd! MossyRock (USA) web mossyrock.net Indie downtempo pop-loop gems that l eave you feeling part of a woozy, lilting waltz. Sobeit Union web sobeitun ion This unique 3-piece band from Nelson, BC plays everything from down tempo lounge to house, breaks, and techno. Nystagmus nystagmus.beno w.ca, sundance rec A hidden gem of a producer in Canada’s dance community. Melodic, dark, and whimsical. Ronin GSC, Iosis, In:Vision, E13, Elphinsto ne Fine talent from Vancouver Island. Ronin works closely with Interchill R ecords, The Green Samurai Clan, and Native State Records. Intergalactic Fa erie Funk (USA) web iff.galactique.net Live 3-piece band of traveling freak s who play surreal house music. Spooky yet beautiful! Jay Michael web area 709, web entheogenetic, web tribalharmonix.org Luke Morrison web .lukemorrison David Stone Cjsr, the union, web myspace/davidstone Kristoff Di.fm, DP Recordings, Recoverworld.net, Y Afterhours, web djkrist off Alexei- psytrance, web area709 Arlen- techhouse, pK, web music 1st.ca Cameron Sinclair- live-pa web music1st.ca Chris B- electro, i n-order-to-danse.blogspot Christian- progressive, web playpromotions.co m Cruz-Ae vs Tristan Newton- psytrance, web cruz-ae, web tristannewton. com Erin Eden vs Dusty Grooves- prog, web erineden Gong Show- live and electric Groovy Cuvy- house, electro, breaks, cjsr, J.A.DJ (Sask)- house, w ww.goodlifepromotions.ca James Katalyst- psytrance, breaks, web katalysteve nts Kevin Partridge- psytrance, breakbeat, web gomp.ca Kyro Prophet- ps ytrance, web ragingshaman/media/ LP- house, techno, web djlp.ca Relentl ess vs Jord web technohippycrew.ca Neighbour with The Konga Kid- house, liv e drums, web homebreakinrecords Powder- prog, electro, web phunktionpro ductions Sundrop- psytrance, web sundrop.ca Sweetz- house, breakbeat, w ww.myspace/sistasweetz Threesixty vs Mihagic- (BC) breaks, reggae, web myspace/goldendeliciousproduction Vinny Vo- electro, progressive, sushi crew THE FORT Aquasky (UK) web aquasky.co.uk, Passenger Rec, 777 Rec Wi th more breakbeat tracks in the marketplace than any other producer, Aquask y intend to continue with their mission to rule the world, to bring fun to the dancefloor and a smile to your face. Noisia (Netherlands) web noisia.n l, EMI Rec, Vision Rec, Moving Shadow, Renegade Hardware Noisia is explodi ng worldwide! They are a fresh breed of diverse and talented producers and DJs who bravely take new unexpected directions with D+B, Breaks, House and Downtempo. Ooah (USA) The Glitch Mob, web myspace/ooahmusik, web mysp ace/theglitchmob Squishy gut-wrenching bass frequencies, harmonic poly- rhythmic melodies and bloopy bleepy clicks and clacks from this outstanding turntablist. Small Town DJs web smalltowndjs,Hi Fi Club, Giant 45, B igfoot Rec Shamik web myspace/subterraneansound Anx- techno, web mysp ace/anxxx Big Daddy- house, phoenix Broken English- breaks, d+b, web pk events B-Side- breaks, d+b, web pkevents Deception- d+b, web pkeven ts Degree- reggae, breaks, d+b, web myspace/subterraneansound DJ En erate- d+b, rebelsoundsystem Dreadnought- d+b, web myspace/subterranean sound Funk Trader- breaks, web gomp.ca Fuuze- house, electro, breaks, web g omp.ca GI Jody- techno, rebelsoundsystem Greedo- techno, rebelsoundsystem H oneey Mustard- techno, web honeeymustard Kaspr- breaks, techno, rebelso undsystem Maryjayne- breaks, techno, rebelsoundsystem Matt Hatter- d+b, web .myspace/subterraneansound Mista Hellfiya- breakbeat Optimus Prime- bre akbeat Paul Who (Sask)- house Pete Wilde vs Eleven- breakbeat Seacek- house The Dirty Hustlers- Kev vs Rhett B- house, electro, live-synth, web bassic .ca Trapz- house, breaks, phoenix OTHER ATTRACTIONS The Curve Project R uns 6pm Friday to noon Sunday. A chill-out dome and surrounding area made b y Alexei, Nori, and friends. DJs from the other stages will play downtempo in this intentional space. Open-Decks Open-decks will run 1pm-7pm Friday a nd Saturday. This year The Fort will be hosting the open-decks extravaganza so it’s a chance to play on a huge soundsystem outdoors! Twelve one-hour slots are up for grabs. DJs that want to play must enter their DJ name into a drawbox at The Fort prior to 1pm Friday. The random draw will happen at 1pm on Friday at which time the lucky DJs will be added to the schedule. DJ s that are already booked to play are not eligible to enter the draw. The s tage is equiped with professional CDJs, turntables, and a mixer. Bring your own headphones and one hour of good music! Interactive Dome Make sounds a nd visuals in this surreal geodesic dome. Motion sensors and touch pads tri gger the sounds and lighting real-time through two computers. Big thanks to John Bichel and friends. Felix Deco Artist (Germany) An installation of e xquisitely detailed psychedelic backdrops by one of the world’s most active minds. His deep understandings of the universe are brought to life through massive story-like paintings that glow in UV light! You may have seen some of his art at our New Year’s Eve party a few years ago at the Golf Dome in Calgary. Workshops All types of free daytime workshops ranging from yoga and meditation to dj tricks and fire spinning or hoola-hoop classes. Schedu le will be posted at the Curve Project chill-out dome. Contact us if you wa nt to host a workshop. Costume Contest Wacky, wild, weird, or wicked- lets see what you’ve got! We go to excess creating this spectacle, so why not a dd your flavour to it?! Show your individuality! Winners get free cds, Moti on Notion merchandise, or passes to Motion Notion 2008. Katalyst Katalyst is the main organizer of Motion Notion. Years of contemplation broken only by the occasional silly moment of genius will culminate in a mammoth main s tage of colour and texture unlike any before. RebelSoundSystem The notorio us group of rowdy tech-heads that dwell within the walls of the Fort. pK E vents web pkeventservices Killer sound-systems, and unique party enviro nments. GOMP gomp.ca The Grumpy Old Men! Events and environments made from pure underground love. Dizzy Carnival dizzycarnival (at) gmail Circus trained performers who combine stilting, fire and unique movements along w ith custom costumes and deco. VJs Electric Zoom, C60, Ikaro, & Carrie Gate s Four independent VJs. Live-mixed visual projections that meld custom foot age, quirky samples, live feeds, and fractals in time with the music using two 6600 lumen beamers on immense outdoor screens! Rise Sun City risesunci ty (at) yahoo Calgary’s famous fire-dance crew always put on an amazing choreographed show with sexy outfits and fire stunts. Vendor Village Secu rity, First-Aid, Sanctuary TICKETS Price includes GST. A small service fee will be charged by the ticket outlet. *Early bird and *Saturday passes are only available at Foosh, Giant 45, and TicketMaster 3 Night Pass (ga tes at 12-noon Thursday) *Early Birds: $98 Regular: $118 At gate: $150 Sa turday Pass (gates at 12-noon Saturday) *Advance: $60 At gate: $80 Ticket Stores: Edmonton Foosh, 10554 82 Ave (780) 491-6980 Treehouse Records, 10 249 97 ST (780) 428-7334 Blackbyrd Myoozik 10442 82 Ave (780) 439-1273 Cal gary Grass Roots, 112 10 St NW (403) 270-2193 Giant 45, 1403 11 St SW (403) 244-5845 Ticketmaster web ticketmaster.ca (780) 451-8000, (403) 777 Motion Notion 2007 July 12-15 web motionnotion July 13/14/15 Ec ho Lake NY Our dream came true After 4 years of producing and throwing pa rties constantly in NYC with the best trance artists in the globe, We feel that the time has come to go outdoors, for a well planed and highly produce d 3 days festival by Alladin Project Crew. The gathering will take place in Echo Lake, upstate NY. It’s an amazing magical forest on top of a wide l ake, plenty of parking space and well maintained camping site, featuring th e best international psytrance artists, So please mark your calendars! Al ladin summer festival July 13/14/15 2007 at Echo Lake NY We are planning m assive entertainment activities that include but are not limited to, work s hops, chai shops, drums circle, fire performance, laser shows, psychedelic art backdrops & decorations, 24 hours active restaurant in affordable price s, full bar, vendors market, several designated public camping tents, hot s howers, clean restrooms, first aid on premises, and LOTS MORE!!! Full festi val info will be up soon. Prepare yourselves to be taken to the next level! We’re going to enjoy from the best full on, progressive, dark, chill out and alternative electronic music produced by the biggest artists from aro und the globe!!! Here’s the confirmed line-up so far, not in order of appea rance. Line Up: Live Acts SHIFT (Nexus Media, South Africa) HUX FLUX (Spiral Trax, Sweden) GATAKA (Compact Records, Israel) ZION (Alladin Record s, Israel) ORBIT (Alladin Records, Israel,Japan) D-TEK (Maia Recorsds Mexic o) IBOJIMA (Yellow Sunshine Explosion, Sweden) ZIK aka HORROR PLACE (Harmon ia Rec, Drup Out, Greece) ONNOMON (Gaian Mind, Soular Records, Philadephia, ) COMBINATIONS (Groove Criminals Records, Israel, Austria) REEFER DECREE (I boga Records, Denmark) ENERTOPIA (Alladin Records, Israel) D-SPACE (Alpha C hannel/M-Field,PsyBooty Records,Soul trance) JAY SELWAY aka CYZUM (Zero Div ide/ JOOF Records/ Iboga Records USA) M.T.R (Queens, NYC) BUBBLE CRAFT (NYC Israel) PSYLAB (Boston, USA) DYNAMIC RAIN (Israel) EARWORM (NYC) Dj Set s SESTO SENTO (Compact Records, Israel) TOTAL ECLIPSE (TIP World,mandala France) TWISTED SYSTEM (Pitch Hikers/shift South Africa) PETER DIGITAL (Mpd qx Booking Digital Structures) ZIK aka HORROR PLACE(Harmonia Drup Out,Greec e) IBOJIMA (Yellow Sunshine Explosion, Sweden) GRAPES OF WRATH-MONNO (Parva ti, Denmark) ENERTOPIA (Alladin Records, Israel) ZION (Alladin Records, Isr ael) REEFER DECREE (Iboga, Denmark) KNO-B (Alladin Records, Japan) HUX FLUX (Spiral Trax, Sweden) D-TEK (Maia Records, Mexico) DOMINO (Avatar/Wakyo,UK ) SPYROS (Psytribe, Los Angeles) DRIZZT (24/7 Records, Montreal) LAURYN (Pe ak Records/28thday, NYC) TONY UNORTHODOX (28thday, NYC) YAN (Ultra Groove, Tech Safari, Canada) RICKAM (Neurobiotic Records, Tech Safari, Canada) EGB OT & MESCALINIUM (Gaian Mind/PSI-Philadelphia) LUIS ( Dreamcatcher, Brazil/NYC) CORAL (Touch Samadhi, NYC) PHATMIND (NYC/Israel) EARTHIAN (aka ANIMALTEK, Omnitribe, NYC) VADIM (Loft.N.Space, NYC) SHUUNY (Mad Elephant, NYC/Japan) GAVIN (Digital Structures, Spectra,NYC) ELNADIV (Alladin Record s, Israel) CRIS (Alladin Records, Mexico) BABLA (Kagdila Records, India) ST EVE-O (Goa Babies, Gaian Mind, NYC) BRANDON ADAMS (Dreamcatcher, NYC) NOLA (Alladin Records, NYC) SHAMAN FILMS MEDIA (San Francisco, Mexico) ROE REVOL UTION (South Florida Psytrance) OMER (Alladin Records, San Francisco) INNER MONGOLIAN (Russia/NYC) KEN (NYC, Japan) INDRA (Omnitribe, Alphatrance, NYC ) KIFE (Omnitribe, NYC) SUNIL vs MADUH (Malysia/India) STAS (Omni Tribe, NY C) IGAL (Loft.n.Space, NYC) ALIEN AMBASSADOR (CoSM, NYC) DROOZI (Pune, Indi a) MAYUR (Spectra, NYC) FULL FESTIVAL WEB SITE WILL BE UP SOON Links: web alladinproject.net web myspace/alladinproject w ww.myspace/djrickam web myspace/zerodivide web myspac e/psylab web myspace/revolutionproductions web myspac e/dspacestudios web myspace/gatakamusic web myspace.c om/musicdtek web myspace/zionpsy web myspace/djlauryn web myspace/theearworm web myspace/djdrizzt w ww.myspace/bubblecraftproject web myspace/sshhiifftt web myspace/enertopiapsy web myspace/yanndj web myspa ce/djdomino72 web myspace/djearthian web myspace/ djkife web myspace/psycheground web mandalarecords.org ht tp://web mpdqx web psytribe web iboga-records.dk http ://web alladinrecords web omnitribe web 28thday web cosm.org web parvati-records web gaian-mind.co m web touchsamadhi web soularrecords This one for s ure will be an unforgettable gathering!!! More info to be up soon!!! Rain o r Shine Event! Peace Love Light ‘n Trance Alladin Project Crew Jul y 20th, 2007 Miami, FL INFECTED MUSHROOM at The Pawnshop Lounge Line-up, tickets, and additional information TBAE280A6 web thepawnshoplounge.co m web myspace/revolutionproductions web infected.co.il Sunday, Ju ly 22 New York City Open-air park party, one week after Orb. July 25 -30 Ozark Mountains of Northwest Arkansas The excitement is spreading acr oss the country for the AUM Festival, happening this summer, July 25-30. Co nverging on the Day Out of Time and culminating with the full moon, you can expect a wild 5 day adventure in psychedelic trance music, art and culture like no other! We have been networking with friends and party promoters ac ross North America to bring you a truly collaborative event that seeks to c reate a bridge across the continent built on our common passion for the mod ern trance dance ritual. The long term concept is to create a bi-annual fes tival held in a new location each year. This bi-annual gathering will give us a place to come together to share our resources and knowledge, raising t he collective vibration and sending us back to our own communities inspired and ready to consciously construct our own realities. The 2007 AUM Festiv al will be held in the Ozark Mountains of Northwest Arkansas. We encourage you to read the location information and also do your own research on this beautiful and liberal area of Eureka Springs, Arkansas. Part of the goal of AUM Festival is to break down imagined barriers that prevent us from comin g together as one community. On the dancefloor we can transcend these barri ers and reconnect with the Earth, our bodies, minds & spirits, and each oth er. Now is the time to try somthing different! Choose your own adventure! ! Peace, Love and Unity! Venue Info: The 2007 AUM Festival will be locate d in the beautiful Ozark Mountains in Northwest Arkansas, bordering Missour i. High in the ridges, cliffs and crystal encrusted township of Eureka Spri ngs the venue has a lot to offer. On 143 acres of hilly ridge top property there are onsite bathrooms,showers, an outdoor amphitheatre, a covered main stage, a covered pavilion suitable for serving meals, electrical hookups in many of the campsites and hiking trails (one leads to a cave that can be s afely explored). There is a stream running through the property in the vall ey suitable for a cool rinse after dancing and just a short drive (7 miles) will get you to crystal clear Beaver Lake for swimming, canoeing and cliff jumping. Most of the camping is located under the shade of trees and can c onveniently accommodate vehicles. Local Atmosphere: The town of Eureka Sp rings was founded primarily by European hippies and welcomes this type of e vent. We are expecting full support for AUM Festival from the friendly loca l community, including help with local food vendors and info for travelers to help find their way around. There is a vibrant local trance community th at has offered their assistance with organizing local infrastructure and re sources, including bio diesel generators as a power option. There is extens ive outdoor recreation in the area that will make your journey to and fro m AUM Festival scenic and memorable. Weather: Weather is generally hot and humid, reaching the high 80s and 90s during the days dropping at night into the 70s at this time of year. Travel: From Fayetteville (FAY) airpor t the drive is just over 1 hour. The new Northwest Arkansas Regional Airpor t (XNA), has several flights arriving daily from most cities across the Uni ted States. Northwest Arkansas Regional Airport is south of Bentonville, AR approximately 1-1/2 hours west of Eureka Springs. Alternatively, you ca n fly into Springfield, Missouri (SGF) located 2 1/2 hours north of Eureka Springs OR Tulsa, Oklahoma (TUL) located 2 hrs 45 minutes west OR Little Ro ck Airport located 4 hours south. Local Points of Interest: Eureka Spring s: web eurekasprings/ Eureka Springs Alternative: web eur ekasprings/alternative/index Outdoor Recreation: web eureka springs/outdoors/ Local Tiger Refuge: web turpentinecreek.org/ More local resources coming soon! Stand by for pics to be uploaded at: web aumfestival.net/ soon! Next up: Presale Tickets JULY 27- 28-29-30 QUEBEC, CA ECLIPSE 2007: SUMMER ELECTRONIC MUSIC FESTIVAL: Hell o friends around the world! This is the official date for the next open air trance festival in the north of Quebec, Canada. Tech Safari present Eclips e 2007: electronic music festival for dance music art and peace web eclipsefestival web techsafari.ca AMAZONE 3RD ANNIVERSARY (HALL OWEEN RITUAL) IN MONTREAL WITH TRANSWAVE LIVE! – OCTOBER 28TH Frid ay – Sunday August 10-12, 2007 Goahead Outdoor Gathering – To be named l ater Location: West Virgina, Location T.B.A Goahead productions presents an outdoor, all weekend camping, psytrance and downtempo music and arts gat hering. We are limiting attendance to around 100 people in addition to line up artists and Goahead staff. This will be an intimate gathering in a beaut iful West Virgina backdrop setting, as well as our first official outdoor e vent. Featuring: Goahead roster dj’s: Ari D. Meghan Moke Uzi Malachi John K Plus regional psytrance and downtempo lineup t.b.a. Tickets will be available only through registration – online purchase. Specific details regarding exact location and ticket prices will be updated soon. For upd ates, check: web goaheadproductions web 604head Friday – Su nday August 10-12, 2007 West Virgina Goahead Outdoor Gathering – To be na med later Location: West Virgina, Location T.B.A Goahead productions pres ents an outdoor, all weekend camping, psytrance and downtempo music and art s gathering. We are limiting attendance to around 100 people in addition to lineup artists and Goahead staff. This will be an intimate gathering in a beautiful West Virgina backdrop setting, as well as our first official outd oor event. Featuring: Goahead roster dj’s: Ari D. Meghan Moke Uzi Mal achi John K Plus regional psytrance and downtempo lineup t.b.a. Tickets will be available only through registration – online purchase. Specific de tails regarding exact location and ticket prices will be updated soon. Fo r updates, check: web goaheadproductions web 604head August 10-12,07 Asheville, NC WORLD BRIDGE 2 Come dance with us in the mountains again! Another year of amazing community tribal/neuro trance under the sta rs at Deerfields. Bring your art, ritual, vibe,dancing shoes and meet us on the dancefloor! Devic- Jester records Freaks Of Nature Primordial Ooze TO UCH Samadhi Facehead Dyalien (fractal cowboys) -alpha centuari Greenman – D -A-R-K Records / Black Magic records Nikon- Psybertribe Records (owner) Mok sa – Atlpsy Dragon – Touch Samadhi Figure 8 Puskara- Atlpsy Pyite- Atlpsy P syonic- Those People / Psybertribe records / Touch Samadhi Koji- Those Peop le / Singlecell Psylent Pulse (brainlizzard & aastral)- Those People Infini tessimal- those people Kri – TOUCH Samadhi Panties The Clown- Psybertribe r ecords / Those People More t.b.a. *PLUS! Special ‘phantom stage” hosted by Those People *VISUALS by Psyonic *Opening Ceremony by Tranceform Venus! *Sound by Project 7 web deerfields – One of the most beautiful venues in North America! Deerfield’s is an exquisite 940-acre family-owned wilderness retreat complete with incredible ponds, creeks, apple orchards, forests, wildlife and hiking trails. This is a LEAVE NO TRACE EVENT!!!! Ple ase respect the land and remove everything you bring in (including all tras h) when you leave! Camping is free Friday and Saturday nights, if you are interested in camping Sunday night there is a land usage fee of $20.00 per person. This fee can be paid to the land owners when you are onsite. Pleas e do not set up any camping or sleeping on the lakeside stage. This is a gr eat place to visit but sleeping there is not permitted. This is a Rain or Shine event with rustic camping accommodations – bring EVERYTHING you’ll ne ed to surviveE280A6.there is no re-entry. Food vendor on site. No alco hol. Feel free to bring your artwork to help decorate! Rituals and vibes provided by YOUE280A6The Community. Arrive Inspired! Tickets: To purch ase tickets, send $50 by PAYPAL to: ThosePeople at gmail Tickets are $50. 00 when paid in advance (at least 1 week before the party) 0r $70.00 at the gate. ALL TICKETS MUST BE RESERVED IN ADVANCE WITH NAME AS IT APPEARS ON Y OUR ID. Please email ThosePeople at gmail with the name of each person pla nning to attend. As this is a private party we will be checking ID at the g ate, so remember to bring some form of identification please! There are a l imited number of tickets to ensure a small, community style party, so pleas e let us know if you intend to be here so we can send you a ticket confirma tion…you will need it to get in!! Only those whose name appears on the li st will be admitted. No exceptions, not even at the gate! Prearranged rid es are available from the airport. Contact thosepeople at gmail. “Who are they???” “Oh, you know, they’re THOSE PEOPLE.” web thosepeople-asheville Brought to you by Those People Productions! Sunday, August 19 N ew York City 28thday Productions 2-Year Anniversary!! featuring Voice of Co d Summer Festivals RE-CAP June 21-24: Gaian Mind, F our Quarters, PA web gaian-mind July 12-15: Motion Notion, Alberta, Ca nada web motionnotion/ July 13-15: Alladin Project, Echo Lake, N Y web alladinproject/ July 25-30: AUM Festival, Ozark Mountains, AR web aumfestival.net/ July 27-30: Eclipse, Canada web eclipsefest ival August 17-19: Moon Dance, Quebec, Canada August 27 E280″ Sept. 3 : Burning Man, Black Rock Desert, NV web Burningman Sept. 20-24: Symbio sis, Northern CA web symbiosisgathering/ PSY RADIO SH OWS Mindkiller Internet Radio The music of Mindkillers. Let Mi ndkiller Internet Radio direct you to your future through your ears. 100% Psychedelic Trance 24×7 128kbps MP3 stream email: shockwaverider at gmail.c HIGHWAY 604 Sundays 10:30pm – 12:30am tune in to Highway 604, a weekly psy-trance show mixed + st reamed and mixed live by *christine* & aeon from KZSC 88.1fm. 10,000 watts for you people in the Monterey Bay region, here’s the web stream addy for those interested outside the South Bay area: web kzsc.org/listen. shtml (web kzsc.org/listen.shtml) Namaste! We’re streaming insane ultra psychedelic trance 24/7 at 192kbps quality! Live events will occur from now and then, with reknown DJ’s doing their spinning live over the radio, dont miss this!! Stream URL is mirkwar.nu:8000/listen .pls (mirkwar.nu:8000/listen.pls) And you can also join us on our IRC channel #Psy.se at EFNet network (irc.dataphone.se), and idle in chan nel to be updated about coming events and to have nice chats regarding psy music, clothes, parties or whatever, and even make some requests if you l ike! Hope to see you there soon!! (SPREAD THE WORD) Happy Boom!! // #Ps y.se Staff PS. Djs are lining up to get to stream, if yer good at streami ng and interested, find us at IRC and talk to GLM! Z I A – T R A N C E This promo mix by DJ Kenosis highlights his outstanding skill and ve rsatility and is just a taste of what you will expect to hear at Psyforia held in Boston on Friday 4/27. The mix is an hour of hard progressive tranand full-on psytrance, including some of his favorite tracks from the past 6 months – like Whirloop’s remix of Hosanna and Astral Projection – Th e Prophecy as well as some slightly older favorites. Don’t miss out on th is preview of this truly excellent DJ. The mix airs everyday starting at 2 PM, and again for the rewind at 2 AM. *The “Scheduler” on the mai n station page converts the times for your time zone. Airing from 4/25 to 5/09. Z I A E280″ T R A N C E Psychedelic Radio Airing 24/7 web .live365/stations/trahpek web zia-trance Track listing: DJ Kenosis – April Psyforia preview 1. John ’00 Fleming – Rasa Lila (Siberi an Sun remix) 2. The Egg – Angel of My Soul (Allaby remix) 3. Human Blue – BlackValley.org 4. Planisphere – Hosanna (Whirloop remix) 5. Silicon Sound – Nexus 6 (Protoculture remix) 6. Astral Projection – The Prophecy 7. White Overtone Wizard – Onwards and Upwards 8. Ricky M – Bongladesh (original mi x) 9. Cybernetica – Corrosion Complete 10. Electric Universe – Deep Purple Haze Hello fellow trancers- After nearly 4 years of radio silence the MP3 streaming radio station:”The Music of Doctor Hoffman” has returned ! The MP3 stream has been online for over a week and has had a pretty good listener turn out… In 2000/2001 The music of doctor hoffman was one of the only internet mp3 128kbps psy-trance streaming radio stations. Station s like Philosomatika were only 64kbps at that time. The music of doctor h offman was online for over 8 months and served hundreds of listeners from a ll around hte world! Now it is back in full force!!!! I am going to put up a 320kbps stream soon for those audiophiles out there. As the next few wee ks pass I will be encoding alot more music. The music ranges from full on, early full-on (2001), minimal, minimal progressive, psy-tek, progressiv e, melodic and of course the xenomorph style horror trance! Thanks and che ck out the station, throw it in your itunes playlist. The stream is always on. web rogueoperator.net:8000/ (web rogueoperator.net:8 000/) THE MUSIC OF DOCTOR HOFFMAN web rogueoperator.net/ho ffman/ (web rogueoperator.net/hoffman/) The Digitally Impor ted Goa-Psy channel presents a brand new show called Tsunami Presents, stre aming every 4th Friday of the month. And it’s just in time for Tsunami’s 9 th Anniversary celebration! For this, the premiere episode, prepare yours elf for two hours of psychedelic storm featuring Talamasca Tsunami will be coming your way with a new guest every 4th Friday of the month. Starting today, catch the hottest Goa and Psy right here on DI! Start time: 2PM US Eastern / 7PM UK / 20:00 Central Europe, on the Goa-Psy channel. Tune in on any link below: web di.fm/mp3/goapsy.pls (web di.fm/mp3/ goapsy.pls) web di.fm/wma/goapsy.asx (web di.fm/wma/goapsy. asx) web di.fm/wma/goapsylow.asx (web di.fm/wma/goapsylow .asx) web di.fm/aacplus/goapsy.pls (web di.fm/aacplus/goaps y.pls) You can see what’s playing here: web di.fm/goapsy/ (web di.fm/goapsy/) Trance Tuesday Podcast Now Online A few of us trance DJs in SF have been getting together once a week to mix and general ly hang out. The music ranges from progressive to psy (depending on who sh ows up). We don’t get together every week, but we try to. The link to the feed is as follows: feeds.feedburner/TranceTuesdayPodcast (ht tp://feeds.feedburner/TranceTuesdayPodcast) You can use iPodder (ipodd er.sourceforge.net) or your client of choice. Anyone is welcome to spin w ith us as long as they adhere to our basic guidelines. We also broadcast a live icecast stream. Feel free to drop me a line if you are interested in getting more news about this or want to get involved. dj johnny p rimitiv ( New Mexico ) “psytrance streams every thursday night on Desert F M” -11pm Mountain Time web desertfm:7000/listen.pls (web de sertfm:7000/listen.pls) Chill Syndicate podcasts Hey Downtemp o/Chill fans! The Chill Syndicate is a group of local Bay Area Chill DJ’s that get together and do a semi-regular podcast show. If interested, pleas e visit our new website at: web chillsyndicate.net (web chillsyndicate.net) If you use iTunes, do a search in the music store und er podcasts for ‘chill syndicate’. We are also listed on Yahoo Podcasts as well as many of the popular podcasting directories. Subscription is fr ee as always. Check it out! Cheers! – The Captain FABULOUS! Fri days Fridays from 10 -Noon web KPSU.oRg Give a call (503.725.5945 ) Send an AIM (kpsuradio) Or Gchat (goaconstrictor) Tune in next week for a very exciting special show. GyPsyNate will be coming down to the studio to play -and talk about- music with me. Should be a most wonderful experi ence for all. That’s all for this moment. Please remember kids, do not, u nder any circumstances, ever, disturb the sexy. -A’damn – dude, jaegermei ster and chinese herbs, I feel 100 times better then I did yesterday… web .gizmonix.net ONLINE DJ SETS: Dragonlotus-Back to the Sourc e web dragontribe.info web touchsamadhi/mp3/kri/kri-ni ghtprowler.mp3 Kri – Nightprowler Cool Stuff
#3946 Sat, 02 Jun 2007 17:31:24 From: “Sharon Joy” gaianmind611 at yahooGaian Mind Summer Festival 2007 June 21 to June 24 Pennsylvania, USA Presenting the 6th Annual GAIAN MIND SUMMER FESTIVAL Summer Solstice Th ursday, June 21st to Sunday, June 24th, 2007 Four Quarters, Central Pennsyl vania, USA Join us for four days and three nights of Transcendental Danc e in the open air 96 truly, a magical event which has quickly become an a nnual summer tradition for the global Trance Tribes! Now in its sixth yea r, the Gaian Mind Summer Festival has hosted world-class international tal ent from Australia, Brazil, Canada, Denmark, France, Germany, Indonesia, I taly, Japan, New Zealand, Sweden, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom, plus the finest regional talent in the USA, becoming a destination for hundred s of dancers from all over the world. The gathering includes a full weeken d of spiritual dancing, tribal drumming, lectures and workshops, yoga, swe at lodge, swimming, relaxation, and much more in a sacred, sylvan sanctuar y that only Four Quarters can provide. Stone Circle Stage: Psytrance & P rogressive Trance AMD (Nano Records 96 UK) Live! First North American appearance! Presenting AMD, the Psytrance super-group consisting of the tw o solo artists APHID MOON and DICKSTER. With their complementary producti on skills and a shared love of full-on music, they make a formidable force taking Psytrance to a new and exciting place, delivering nothing but flo or-fillers with huge, multi-layered tracks that keeping building and peaki ng! Having already rocked dancefloors in Brazil, Japan, Europe, and the UK in support of their debut album, “Big Fish,” we are fortunate to have th em for their first USA appearance! Get ready all you lovers of dance! D ICKSTER / DICK TREVOR (Nano Records 96 UK) Live & DJ sets! We are truly h onored to host a Psytrance legend! DICK TREVOR has been at the forefront of the Psytrance scene since its conception responsible for seminal acts such as GREEN NUNS OF THE REVOLUTION, BUMBLING LOONS, SLINKY NUNS, INFERN AL MACHINE, TRICKSTER, BISTO BOYS, GREEN OMS, JUMANJI, and currently with DICKSTER and AMD. With unrivaled production talent, and countless release s to his name, experience what an undeniably experienced artist can do to a dancefloor! APHID MOON (Nano Records 96 UK) Live! First North American appearance! Over the last decade, APHID MOON has released on countless Psy trance labels and played numerous parties and festivals in Japan, Israel, South Africa, Brazil, Europe, and the UK. His hard-driving and infectious dance sound made of clear grooves and intense psychedelics stands out of the league of full-on you know already. His music is sharp and toxic enou gh to expand your boarders of dance experience – demanding your energy to create the dancefloor’s collective. This is Psychedelic Trance! HUMAN BLU E (Transient Records 96 Sweden) Live! It’s been eight, long years since H UMAN BLUE first played in Philadelphia for GAIAN MIND, and in that time, h e’s been busy both touring around the globe and producing lots of tracks 96 testing and perfecting his signature sound consisting of delicately str uctured soundscapes, and harmonies backed up with a chunky groove. HUMAN BLUE has released five albums in his career so far, with a sixth album sla ted for this summer, and he’s been licensed to no less then 80 (!) compila tions, as well as releasing a number of 12″ vinyl releases. Prepare yours elf for what is sure to be a most memorable morning session! LOOPUS IN FAB ULA (Fabula Records 96 Italy) Live! We are happy to welcome back LOOPUS I N FABULA, who made a remarkable surprise appearance at GMSF2004. With thr ee albums to his name, he has established a reputation for the “funkadelic ” sound; a mixture of mind-twisting Psytrance and funky Disco sounds. Hav ing played almost every corner of the world, LOOPUS has developed and perfe cted a blended, live + DJ set with a special task: slowly bringing the dan cefloor into a relaxed, happy, funky atmosphere full of laughs and funny s miles! YAB-YUM / GASPARD / AJJA (Peak Records 96 Switzerland) Live & DJ s ets! Trance & Downtempo sets! First North American appearance! AJJA and GASPARD, two musicians, two sets of creative energy, influenced by each oth er and fusing into a whole that is greater then the sum of its parts. As co-founders of Switzerland’s Peak Records, they have their fingers on the pulse of the full-power, nighttime sounds. Get ready for a colorful night time journey filled with futuristic freakiness a swirling carousel of l oops and rhythms, spastic elastic sounds and funky leads, balanced by roll ing bass-lines and powerful kicks! We proudly present the North American debut of YAB-YUM! PHUTUREPRIMITIVE / TELEPATHIK (Liquid Records 96 Portla nd, OR) Live & DJ! Downtempo & Trance sets! PHUTUREPRIMITIVE has become a top artist in the Downtempo/Psy-Chill music scene, performing throughout the United States and Europe with his fusion of organic and synthetic elem ents. Musically ranging from atmospheric downbeat and Drum ‘n’ Bass patte rns, to ethnic breaks, vocals and percussions, to dub and beyond creatin g a landscape of aural texture. For a Psytrance project, TELEPATHIK is di verse in its sound, sometimes leaning towards a more progressive groove, s ometimes melodic, while other times diving straight into a full-on driving frenzy always shifting and changing into new sounds and themes. This i s dance music that takes both your mind and body on a journey! LEILA DJ ( Dragonfly Records 96 UK) As a veteran of the early Goa scene and the UK’s free party culture, Leila has played at festivals across Europe, Mexico, B razil, and Zambia, including twice at Samothraki. Her tunes are plucked f rom a spectrum of psychedelia, never too progressive or minimalist. Leila seduces with her insistent grooves, funky basslines, and multi-layered mel odies, often harboring a hard-edged, spring-loaded bite! She may be a wai f, but this little lady sure packs a punch! SHAPESTATIC (TOUCH Samadhi / Gaian Mind 96 Asheville, NC) Live! Debut album available out now! M-FIE LD vs. D-SPACE (PsyBooty Records / Soul Trance Records 96 USA) ALLEN2012 ( Gaian Mind 96 Tampa Bay) PRIMORDIAL OOZE (Divine Balance Records 96 Chic ago) Live! EITAN-SAN (Gaian Mind / Brain Busters 96 Japan) FACEHEAD (Ano malistic Records / Geomagnetic / 96 Lancaster) Live! EGBOT (Gaian Mind 96 Philadelphia) SOLOMOON (Metameme / OneTribe / Esoteric Gen 96 Denver, CO) KARMAKANIK (Gaian Mind / PSI 96 Philadelphia) BRANDON ADAMS (Dreamc atcher – NYC) North Crook Stage: Downtempo & Ambient KILOWATTS (Art ificial Music Machine 96 Philadelphia) Live! ALIGNING MINDS (88 – Baltimor e) Live! GRAINS OF SOUND (Divine Balance Records 96 Baltimore) Live! BUDDH A BOMB (OneTribe / KGNU Radio / Gypsie Nation / Family Productions – Boulde r, CO) DEET (Gaian Mind 96 Philadelphia) AMMON EP (Sonic Beating / Soul T rance Records 96 Boston) E.L.F. ARROW / SILIC8 (Space Dub Vibrations – CO) Live & DJ sets! NOD (TOUCH Samadhi / Those People 96 Asheville, NC) STEVE -O / DEDO (GoaBabies / Spectra / Gaian Mind – Rincon, PR) BEN LIGHT-O-MATIC (Light-O-Matic / PSI 96 NYC) DAN COVAN (NYC) FRACTAL PHONO (Gaian Mind 96 Philadelphia) MONO MONO (Gaian Mind / Soular Records / Divine Balance R ecords / Kyma Stream – Philadelphia) MALACHI (Goahead Productions 96 Akro n, OH) ORBICLES (Gaian Mind 96 Philadelphia) IDUNA (TOUCH Samadhi 96 Ashe ville, NC) TRITTON (Gaian Mind 96 Philadelphia) CORAL (TOUCH Samadhi 96 NYC) QANE (Allentown) BOTTOM DWELLERS (Four Quarters – Baltimore) ALIEN AMB ASSADOR (COSM 96 NYC) BLUE LOTUS (OneTribe – CO) MAYUR (Spectra Production s – NYC) (Artists change. Please check our website for additi onal information & updates: web gaian-mind/gmsf2k7 ) Visual Artis ts: OPTICAL DELUSION (NYC) VIDEOLICIOUS (EarthDance 96 NYC / SF / Denmar k) EGNOGRA (Shaman Films Media – / Mexico) EXERIS (Divine Bal ance Records – Baltimore) PETER PARKER (Parkerism 96 Philadelphia) Deco Artists: MIZUE KATAOKA (Japan) ANYA (Metaphor Productions 96 CO) SONIC B EATING (Boston) STEVE-O (GoaBabies / Spectra / Gaian Mind) 96 Rincon, PR) GAIAN MIND Featuring: Exclusive Speaking Engagement by Author DANIEL PI NCHBECK (2012: The Return of Quetzalcoatl – NYC) Opening & Closing Ceremon ies by TRIBAL BUTTERFLY (FL) & SEPHIROTH DANCE (OneTribe – CO) Dance Perfo rmance by SEPHIROTH DANCE (OneTribe – CO) Sound Installation by SONIC BEATI NG (Boston) Plus: Fire Performance Drum Workshops Lectures & Workshops Psychedelic Cinema Community Altar Tickets: Advanced – $110 (until Sund ay, June 10th) At the Gate – $135* (Thursday, June 21st – Sunday, June 24th ) *Cash or Credit Card only 96 no Personal Checks. Children under 16 admit ted FREE with parent or legal guardian. Optional Meal Plans with the STARVI N’ ARTIST CAFE are available. Payment: Credit Card (VISA/MC) payments – contact Four Quarters at 1-(814) 784-3075 or pay online at web 4qf.org. M oney Orders or Personal Checks – payable to: “Gaian Mind” c/o Four Quarters 190 Walker Lane, Artemas, PA 17211, USA. Admission Includes: FREE 24 -Hour Coffee/Tea Service by COFFEE DRAGONS Merchant Village & KINDERTRIBE C hildren’s Area Morning & Evening Yoga Sessions Healing Arts & Massage Daily Sweat Lodges Nightly Drum Circles Riverside Swimming Spacious Campgrounds Hot Showers & Flush Toilets FREE Drinking Water FREE & Secure Main Parking Dates: Thursday, June 21st to Sunday, June 24th, 2007 Gates open on Th ursday at noon – Drum Circle at dusk. Amplified music starts on Friday at 1 0:00am. Camping for early arrivals and late departures is available at an a dditional fee. Location: FOUR QUARTERS – An InterFaith Sanctuary of Ear thReligion, Artemas, Pennsylvania, USA Directions & Camp Policy: web 4q f.org Additional Information: web gaian-mind FOUR QUARTERS Regist ration and Rumor Control: 1-(814) 784-3075 Questions & Concerns can be ad dressed to info at gaian-mind or megalith at 4qf.org. FOUR QUARTERS is GREE N. Leave No Trace. See you at the Stones!
#3947 06 Jun 2007 22:59:14 Wed, 06 Jun 2007 22:59:12 ystem at 28thday From: scott scott at 28thdayInflorescence is this weekend! s”moz-text-html” lang”x-western nowrap”nowrap { -/’o;- .’-/’-/ ‘-..- | / /-/- ‘ 9 2007 presents trance open-air ! begin body ADDED: Abundant sunshine! This weekend we leave the city behind, dancing with crisp grass underfoot as a warm and benevolent sun shines down. Check that weather report! And in the unlikely event of rain, we’ll have the dance floor covered by an 815-square-foot covered geodesic dome! ADDED: Karmakanik! None of us heard Pat Karmakanik throw down a positively banging prog set last weekend, but if we had we’d probably use it as fodder to excite you about his upcoming set at Inflo. Public transport available to Inflorescence! a bus running every 2 hours from Port Authority in Manhattan, to a stop in PA about 10 miles from the party. 28thday will be offering a free shuttle between the PA bus stop and the event, for the times listed below, and back again after the party ends. A round trip bus ticket costs $36.50, available at Port Authority. Full details on the bus route are available to you at a web 28thday”web 28thday immediately upon presale purchase. th colspan”2Saturday June 9 1:00 PM 3:00 PM 3:00 PM 5:00 PM 5:00 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM 9:00 PM 9:00 PM 11:00 PM Gates open 2PM Saturday. Bring your tents, camping gear, chairs, food, drink, and whatever other accoutrements you need for an extended journey. We’ll begin with chillout music a bit later on Saturday afternoon, then start up the trance at 11PM. The official lineup ends at 11AM, but even that won’t be the end… expect to stay until Sunday afternoon. Musical lineup: BRAINCELL (Glowing Flame | Rastaliens, Switzerland) LIVE + DJ AGALACTIA (Aleph Zero, Israel) ETIENNE (Psybooty | Seizure Lab, SF) LIVE Hugh S (28thday, NYC) OLD-SKOOL GOA MORNING SET!! LAURYN (Peak Records | 28thday, NYC) KARMAKANIK (Gaian Mind | PSI, Philadelphia) MAYUR (Spectra, NYC) TONY UNORTHODOX (28thday, NYC) Visuals by: Etienne (Psybooty | Seizure Lab, SF) Alchemism (28thday, NYC) Psynvironment by: Waking Dream (Montreal) Dan (Zometool Inc., NYC) Tesseract (28thday, NYC) unorthodomes ltd Explorations of multidimensional geometric forms with: Dan (Zometool Inc., NYC) | a web zometool”web zometool admission $30 – presale only! a “maps.google/maps?fq&hlen&qAllentown,+PA&ieUTF8&ll41.095912,-71.169434&spn7.300331,14.941406&z6&iwlocaddr&om1” target”blankAllentown PA area exact location provided immediately upon presale presales available at web 28thday”web 28thday bus transportation from NYC also available details provided upon presale
#3948 Thu, 7 Jun 2007 15:43:14 Thu, 7 Jun 2007 15:43:14 , d06, brainpooling From: Special $25 tickets available to 28th Day’s Inflorescence this Saturday! The open air season is in full swing. The kind people of 28th Day have given me a limited amount of inexpensive tickets to sell to help support my promotional activities. /productinfo.php?productsi d226 (/productinfo.php?productsid226) If there’s nothing there at the link, the cheap tickets are sold out. See you there! The open air seas on is in full swing. The kind people of 28th Day have given me a lim ited amount of inexpensive tickets to sell to help support my promotional activities. If t here’s nothing there at the link, the cheap tickets are sold out. DI V See you there! B
#3949 Thu, 7 Jun 2007 16:12:32 Thu, 7 Jun 2007 16:12:32 From: PSYCHEDELIC ART OPENING FRIDAY First there were the rock drawings, First on the Chart, then Alex Grey jumped in the fray. Now Brooklyn explodes with psychedelic art Afterparty at me casa nearby. Friday June 8th, 2007 Art exhibition of Contemporary Psychedelic Art at 3rd Ward in Bushwick web seze.w (web seze.net/l/) First there were the rock drawings, First on the Chart, then Alex Gre y jumped in the fray. Now Brooklyn explodes Afterparty at me casa nearby. Friday June 8th, 2007 Art exhibition of Contemporary Psychedelic Art at 3rd Ward in Bushwick
#3950 Thu, 7 Jun 2007 16:13:54 Thu, 7 Jun 2007 16:13:54 From: June 14, documentary on d laws at the Yippie Museum Cafe, and comedy too! Join the Real Reform New York Coalition at 6:30 p.m. at the Yippie Museum Cafe (9 Bleecker Street between Elizabeth and the Bowery) for an evening of discussion and a screening of the new Rockefeller d law documentary “Lockdown, USA.” Speakers include Wanda Best (wife of Darryl Best, whose story is featured in the film), Ricky and Cheri O’Donoghue (parents of Ashley O’Donoghue) and a special stand-up comedy performance by Randy Credico. For more information contact douggreene AT earthlink.net or the Cafe at (212) 677-5918. This event is free and open to the public. Donations will be accepted. Join the Real Ref orm New York Coalition at 6:30 p.m. at the Yippie Museum Cafe (9 Bleeck er Street between Elizabeth and the Bowery) for an evening of discussio n and a screening of the new Rockefeller d law documentary “Lockdown USA.” Speakers include Wanda Best (wife of Darryl Best, whose story i s featured in the film), Ricky and Cheri O’Donoghue (parents of Ashley O’Donoghue) and a special stand-up comedy performance by Randy Credico. For more information contact douggreene AT earthlink.net or the C afe at (212) 677-5918. This event is free and open to the publi
#3951 Tue, 12 Jun 2007 12:31:01 From: “Sharon Joy” gaianmind611 at yahooGMSF Ride Share Information If you need a ride, or can offer a ride: Ride Share database for the fest ie… web spaceshare/4qf/index.cgi/4
#3952 Tue, 12 Jun 2007 14:59:06 Tue, 12 Jun 2007 14:59:05 From: For the citybound, Fri June 15th, Caffe Novecento upstairs, FREE party Greetings to All! Join us at Caffe Novecento (343 west broadway) on friday june 15th as we get together for good times, fine beats, smiles and what not:-D on the decks Leshiy Slepako Earthian (b-day set) 10pm-4am FREE web djearthian (web djearthian/) web myspace/animaltek (web myspace/animaltek) Greetings to All! Join us at Caffe Novecento (343 west broadway) on friday june 15th as we get together for good times, fine beats, smiles and what not:-D on the decks Leshiy Slepako Earthian (b-day set) hian/ ce/animaltekweb myspace/animaltek B
#3953 Thu, 14 Jun 2007 01:49:11 From: ” tonight Weekly Minimal & Progressive party “Activate” at Sapphire Lounge on June. 6th 2007 (Wed.) Resident DJs: Shunny (Mad Elephant/NYC/JP) Sew (Mad Eleph ant/NYC/JP) T.T.X. (X Kaihatsu/NYC/JP) Yugo (X Kaihatsu/NYC/JP) Time: 10:00pm-4:00am Admission: FREE Venue Address: “Sapphire Lounge” 249 Eldridge Street, between Houston and Stanton New York, NY. Direction: B y Subway F, V to 2nd Ave.
#3954 Wed, 13 Jun 2007 21:51:35 Wed, 13 Jun 2007 21:51:34 Cc: psychrist From: Entheogen film Hey jeff how is it going man… its nikos the greek shaman guy… anyway hope you are well… its been a while and i have been kind of out of the loop for a bit. I wanted to let you know that I finished my movie formally known as entheogen: awakening the divine within now: entheo:genesis – awakening the divine within. here is the website web entheogen.tv/ web entheogen.tv/media/trailer.mov (web entheogen.tv/media/trailer.mov) Hey jeff h ow is it going man… its nikos the greek shaman guy… anyway hope you are well… its been a while and i have been kind of out of the loop for a bit. I wanted to let you know that I finished my mov ie formally known as entheogen: awakening the divine within now: ent heo:genesis – awakening the divine within. here is the website web entheogen.tv/ ailer.movweb entheogen.tv/media/trailer.mov B
#3955 Fri, 15 Jun 2007 00:31:31 From: “alladinproject” alladinproject at yahooTHIS FRIDAY! Alladin Presents: Timelock Live, Zion Live, Elnadiv, Cris, Sinpatex Alladin Presents: Pre-festival Party Friday June 15, 2007 at Club EXIT L ine up: First time in USA! TIMELOCK LIVE (BNE Records) IL ZION LIVE ( Orb Records/Alladin) IL CRIS (Alladin) NYC/MEX SINPATEX (Alladin) NYC/I L ELNADIV (Alladin/Orb Rec) NYC/IL Deco by: Alladin Deco Team Visu al by: SERGE (Alladin) NYC Doors open at 10pm 18 to enter/21 to drink with pic ID Admission: $25 before 12am, $30 after Location: CLUB EXIT 147 Greenpoint Ave. Brooklyn NY StreetMap: local.google/local Directions : By Subway: Take the L train to Lorimar station & transfer to the G train metropolitan station to Green point Ave the Club is right across the stree t. Or: take the L train to Redford station and transfer to the 61 bus, Go down in green point Ave (3 mint from the subway) or: G train to green point Ave Subway Map: web mta.nyc.ny.us/nyct/maps/submap Bus: 61, 43,24 to green point Ave. Bus map: web mta.nyc.ny.us/nyct/maps/busbk ln.pdf By Car: Take BQE (I-278) to Exit 33 McGuiness Blvd. To Greenpoint Ave. Turn LEFT at Greenpoint Ave Proceed to the corner of Manhattan Ave. By car service / taxi: From Manhattan it costs around $15. From Bedford Sta tion it costs around $6. More info: (917)569-1177 or (917)405-4847 alladi nproduction at yahoo Dear Party People, Make sure to get your Orb Summ er Festival Tickets on time due to high volume requests. Prepare yourselve s mentaly and physically for the biggest psy gathering east coast has ever seen!!! web alladinproject.net web myspace/alladinpro ject web OrbFestival web myspace/orbfestival
#3956 Fri, 15 Jun 2007 06:54:30 Fri, 15 Jun 2007 06:54:30 From: Limited $20 to Alladin Project tonight Friday June 15 See you there you 12 year party people you! Plus, there are still several ultrlow tickets to the summer bash web See you there you 12 year party people you! Plus, there are still several ultrlow tic kets to the summer bash
#3957 Fri, 15 Jun 2007 06:57:51 Fri, 15 Jun 2007 06:57:50 Cc: From: North American schedule Namaste and Greetings!!! Wow is all I can say, all of us that were at thi s weekends 28thday party had a great experience on this private property, pond included with frogs! The dome kicked ass too! I was especially ha ppy because the most beautiful girl in my whole world was there to share i t with me and the rest of us, God bless u and thank you Christina! 🙂 Ku dos to Eco-Jeff n Tony, Scott, Theo, Ron, Steve, Zara, Lauren R. DJ Laure n, Fig & the other talent and any one else not mentioned! 🙂 Looks quiet this weekend, but next week is Gaian Mind, I hope everybody has fun there too! For great summer festival guide on the internet please see my frie nds page: di.onys.us/2007-festival-guide/ Peace n Love from Kama l “Look into your heart – you will find, There’s nothin’ there to hide, T ake me as I am – take my life, I would give it all – I would sacrifice”, “I would fight for you – I’d lie for you, Walk the wire for you – ya I’d die for you, Ya know it’s true, Everything I do – I do it for you ” B.A. Advanced-Lotus (web myspace/advancedlotus) PLEASE NOTE THE WEEKLYS SECTION IS BEING REVISED AND WILL BE UPDATED A S SOON AS MORE ACCURATE INFORMATION IS PRESENTED, SOME EVENTS ARE OUTDATE D SO IF YOU HAVE A WEEKLY PSY EVENT OR KNOW ABOUT IT PLEASE SEND ME AN EM AIL psydragon3 at aol This Weekend Fri June 1 5th NYC, NYC Caffe Novecento upstairs, FREE party Join us at Caffe Novec ento (343 west broadway) on friday june 15th as we get together for good times, fine beats, smiles and what not 😀 on the decks Leshiy Slepako E arthian (b-day set) 10pm-4am FREE .djearthian .myspace/animaltek mo’tracksanimaltek.net June 15, 2007 Brooklyn, NY Alladin Prese nts: Pre-festival Party June 15, 2007 at Club EXIT! Line up: First time in USA! TIMELOCK LIVE (BNE Records) IL ZION LIVE (Orb Records/Alladin) IL CRIS (Alladin) NYC/MEX SINPATEX (Alladin) NYC/IL ELNADIV (Alladin/Orb Rec ) NYC/IL Deco by: Alladin Deco Team Visual by: SERGE (Alladin) NYC Doo rs open at 10pm 18 to enter/21 to drink with pic ID Admission: $25 before 12am, $30 after Location: CLUB EXIT 147 Greenpoint Ave. Brooklyn NY Str eetMap: Directions: By Subway: Take the L train to Lor imar station & transfer to the G train metropolitan station to Green poin t Ave the Club is right across the street. Or: take the L train to Redford station and transfer to the 61 bus, Go down in green point Ave (3 mint f rom the subway) or: G train to green point Ave Subway Map: web mta .nyc.ny.us/nyct/maps/submap Bus: 61, 43,24 to green point Ave. Bus map : web mta.nyc.ny.us/nyct/maps/busbkln.pdf By Car: Take BQE (I-278 ) to Exit 33 McGuiness Blvd. To Greenpoint Ave. Turn LEFT at Greenpoint A ve Proceed to the corner of Manhattan Ave. By car service / taxi: From M anhattan it costs around $15. From Bedford Station it costs around $6. M ore info: (917)569-1177 or (917)405-4847 alladinproduction at yahoo June 15th – 17th Ashland, OR Kyma This is going to be an amazing gathe ring, NW of the country, on the beautiful nature of Oregon. Not all “psy “, but it has some amazing artists… 2007.emrgnsee/ Emrg+N+S ee is Oregon’s premier outdoor, underground, visionary summer festival! E xperience three days & nights of cutting-edge electronic & live music, st unning art, transformational workshops, and more wonderful people than you ‘ll meet in a lifetime! Join Us! Emrg+N+See is elated to annouce the con firmation of Oracle Gatherings and Native State & Interchill Records at t his year’s event! Each crew is bringing a massive contribution of talent and treats! Saturday, June 16, 2007 Seattle, WA Infinite Connectio ns presents: Praxis: a Twisted IOSIS Art Party HALLUCINOGEN (live) KOXBO X (live) SHPONGLE (dj) Osiris Indriya (dj) Amanita (dj) Second room hoste d by ChickenhedAnd so much more TBA Tickets available at ticketsw Saturday, June 16, 2007 at The Fenix: 1700 1st Avenue South, Seattle, WA 981349pm – 4am18+ welcome, 21+ welcome at bar complete info at: web infiniteconnections.org June 15th/16th, Friday Belden, CA Directions to be posted the last week of MAY. As spring spreads it’s wings and showers us with liquid sunshine, th e anticipation mounts for the beginning of summer. As the sun gets warmer, so will the glow in your heart that eminates the very essence of the gath ering ” GEMINI “. June 15th-17th 2007, FULL CIRCLE presents the 10th Ann ual FREE 3 day campout and doofing extravaganza ” GEMINI “. We will be goi ng back to the good ‘ol town of Belden, CA for another romping weekend of love and light. They’ve made some improvements this winter to insure a smo oth running event. There is a restaurant now open in the Saloon and real b athrooms and showers along with 8 porta potties. There’s plenty of camping on site with a new space for more tents. A big river runs next to the eve nt for your swimming needs. We’ll be having 2 Sound arena’s. A main trance area and a chill zone. The chill zone will be located closer to the main stage than last year. There will be no band stage. As for the main stage, I have gathered some people together to create an emersive atmosphere for your minds eye to explore. I’ve handed over the riegns of the Chill Area t o Saturnia to govern so it would have it’s own appeal. Who’s playing! Only the best the U.S. has to offer. Plus a few live acts from Canada. Plus 2 international live acts. All the info is below as to who they are. So, scr ibe this down on your calenders and in your minds to start preparing yours elf for the blast we all now as ” GEMINI “. June 15th/16th, Friday nite t o Sat. Morning starting at 8pm Nagual Jeto DJ KRI Collision (Iowa City, I A //Mindoutpsyde) Primeordial Ooze Facehead SHOTU LIVE & DJ SET ( HADRA R EC. France ) Konflux Samadhi, Asheville, NC] Dragon :: Jackson MS :: TOUCH Samadhi / VORTEX Sh agee Mulu Helios Nick Synergy Rob-Ot June 16th/17th, Sat. Night to Sunday afternoon starting at 5pm Micheal Liu Spyros Solomoon Random Shapestatic VIRTUAL LIGHT (Ottawa, CAN) KALI LIVE & DJ SET ( MateriaRec./Fractal Rec. Barcelona) DJ WICHDOKTA ( Ukiah, California USA) Dai BRAINS Moksa Sat. Night Continued KodeSix Aktif Meta* Lauryn (Peak Records, 28thDay – NYC) Saturnia DJKT Paradigm Christine* (Vaporvent Records E28093 CA) *** S HAPESTATIC – “Metaphim” [GM001] *** Coming in May 2007 on GAIAN MIND! lo ve life Kri band: web myspace/shapestatic dj: touchsamad hi/kri mixes: touchsamadhi/kri/krismixes releases: http:/ design and print ing email me! Onwards Thurs June 21 – Sun June 24, 200 7 Four Quarters, PA Presenting the 6th Annual GAIAN MIND SUMMER FESTIVA L Presenting the 6th Annual GAIAN MIND SUMMER FESTIVAL Summer Solstice Thursday, June 21st to Sunday, June 24th, 2007 Four Quarters, Central Pe nnsylvania, USA Featured International Artists: AMD (Nano Records – UK) D ICKSTER / DICK TREVOR (Nano Records – UK) APHID MOON (Nano Records – UK) H UMAN BLUE (Transient Records – Sweden) LOOPUS IN FABULA (Fabula Records – Italy) YAB-YUM / GASPARD / AJJA (Peak Records – Switzerland) PHUTUREPRIMIT IVE (Liquid Records – Portland) Plus Regional Artists: SHAPESTATIC (TOUCH Samadhi / Gaian Mind – NC/TN) M-FIELD vs. D-SPACE – (PsyBooty Records – CT) ALLEN2012 (Gaian Mind – Tampa Bay) PRIMORDIAL OOZE (Divine Balance Rec ords – Chicago) EITAN-SAN (Gaian Mind / Brain Busters – Japan) FACEHEAD (A nomalistic Records / Geomagnetic.tv – Lancaster) EGBOT (Gaian Mind – Phil adelphia) SOLOMOON (Metameme / Onetribe / Esoteric Gen – Denver) KARMAKANI K (Gaian Mind / PSI – Philadelphia) BRANDON ADAMS (Dreamcatcher – NYC) Do wntempo Artists TBA… Special Guest: DANIEL PINCHBECK (2012: The Return of Quetzalcoatl) Tickets: Advanced – $110 (Monday April 16th to Sunday, June 10th, 2007) Gate – $135 (Thursday, June 21st to Sunday, June 24th, 20 07) Please contact Four Quarters at (814) 784-3075 or pay online at web 4qf.org. web gaian-mind/gmsf2007 “Celebrating the Dance of Life! ” Jun 22-25, 2007 Cherryville bc, canada entheos web entheosgather ing summer solstice conference and festival 4 days, 3 nights / outdo or 2 stages art gallery fresh water camping river market audio environm ents: human blue [live] (sweden) humanblue.se solar (mexico) deliria.org nystagmus [live 5.1] (vancouver) entheogenetic adham shaikh (nelson) s onicturtle osiris indriya (seattle) osirisindriya noah pred (toron to) noahpred anahata [live] (vancouver) entheogenetic shen [live] (toronto) shenism akhentek [live] (elphinstone) deliria.org neto [live ] (elphinstone) entheogenetic echopilot [live] (vancouver) myspace.co m/echopilotdubs davila (mexico) deliria.org basilisk (toronto) ektoplazm.c om gil shanti (vancouver) deliria.org byron dreamweaver (elphinstone) seed oflife.ca sons of aurora (calgary) area709 rj solo (vancouver) deliria .org nori (calgary) area709 austripin (vancouver) deliria.org nokturna l (calgary) zenonrecords mythril (vancouver) deliria.org luna (vancouv er) ekstasisdance nils (vancouver) beatswithoutborders jay michael (vancouver) area709 greenchild (calgary) elementaldjs.ca kaminanda (v ictoria) seedoflife.ca eyen (calgary) seedoflife.ca mountain eyes (victori a) rainbowcathedral stargirl (vancouver) jessicastargirl joshua ja mes (vancouver island) spinningdrum raq’el f (elphinstone) jordao.ca c loud dancer (victoria) rainbowcathedral ariel (vancouverr) seedoflife .ca deco artists: solar (mexico) deliria.org sri yantra space shaping (p ortland) spaceshaping.net visual environments: robert borecky (nelson) m ahayana.cc renegage pixie (vancouver) tryptonmedia spoonbender (vancou ver) tryptonmedia elfmaster (vancouver) elftrance conference: s ijay james (elphinstone) onbeyondmetamedia the design paradigm: crafti ng the collective myth david aaron (nelson) david at legalmind.ca freedom of thought: ushering plant intelligence into western society luna ravenchil de (vancouver) ekstasisdance frequency shift: trance dance in:formati on sobey (elphinstone) sobey.nexialist.org entheos council: collective mi ndmapping of potential future community akhentek & byron dreamweaver (elp hinstone) entheogenetic intelligent healing soundscapes: precision aud io evolving the genome visionary art: st. even (vancouver) divinereflect ions.ca simon haiduk (vancouver) thinningtheveil.ca doktorj (vancouver) do ktorj.ca starfield (vancouver) godizus and more… tickets: $100 adv ance, $150 gate online: web entheosgathering vancouver: a small worl d 604.215.0279 vancouver: boomtown 604.893.8696 calgary: phonics 403.229. 2836 nelson: love of shiva 250.352.6627 roberts creek: elfinstones 604.885 .1118 nelson: still eagle 250.352.3844 seattle: travellers 206.329.6260 va ncouver: highlife 604.251.6964 nanaimo: thirsty camel 250.753.9313 kelowna : mountain surf shop 250.763.1504 vernon: bean scene 250.558.1817 victoria : shift 250.385.7443 the entheos gathering is conveniently located about 6 hours from both vancouver and calgary a central meeting point, where th e bc, alberta and the pacific northwest communities can unite at a festiva l and conference featuring local and international talent from multiple bi oregions the conference platform features speakers on key subjects of int erest to our global culture deliria and the seed of life will provide two festival platforms with both uptempo and downtempo audio environments on world class decorated stages with live interactive visual interfaces enth eos is a professional case study model for environmental design aimed at r educing overall gathering impact on its land the event is a developing gr ound for future community skills, fostering environmental responsibility, low impact deployment and lowering overall carbon imprint over a 6 year p eriod celebrate summer solstice in a next generation multimedia environme nt intentionally designed to inspire your future June 22-24, 2007 Or egon Outdoors Contact Festival: Featuring Ghreg on Earth, Parus, Dylali en, Fria, Mubali, Quasar, Freaks of Nature, Secret Society and MANY more! A GATHERING BRIDGING WORLDS Three Stages . Camping . Multiple Genres w ww.contactfestival PRODUCTION AND PROMOTION CREWS Apollo’s Lute . Cat harsis . Four C . Metakinetics . Rebirth . Spun Academy . We Are One DEC ORATION AND SPACE SHAPING TEAM Orbital Monkeys | Eugene/Portland | web orb italmonkeys VISUAL EYE CANDY VJ VIID a.k.a Photonic Trancemissions | Albuquerque, NM Visionquest | Eugene, OR LIVE ELECTRONIC MUSIC & DJs Ama nita (Psytrance) | Seattle, WA Amber (Psytrance) | Portland, OR | Apollo’s Lute | web apollos-lute Aris (Tribal House) | Eugene, OR | Orbital Mo nkeys | web orbitalmonkeys B-Grade (Breaks & Progressive Psy) | Portla nd, OR | Catharsis Big Daddy Scamp (Breakbeat) | Eugene, OR Big Fat Homo (Ambient) | Portland, OR Burnt (IDM) | Portland, OR Deafchild (House & Bre aks) | Portland, OR | Jedeye Deke (Psytrance) | Eugene, OR | Rebirth Devon (Downtempo) | Portland, OR Dylalien (Psytrance) | San Francisco, CA Epsyl on (Psy & Downtempo) | Portland, OR | Metakinetics | web agentepsylon Erik Zu (Ambient & Downtempo) | Salem, OR Freaks of Nature (Psytrance) | Portland, OR | web dropout-productions/freaks.shtml Fria (Psytrance) | New York, NY | Tantrumm Records | web tantrummrecords Ghreg on Earth (Psytrance) | San Francisco, CA | web phosphene.org/bio Gorilladust (Psytrance) | Portland, OR | web gorilladust Inanna (Psytrance) | Port land, OR Jan Van Lier (Variety) | Humboldt, CA John Cates (Tech House & Pr ogressive) | Portland, OR | Rithmica & Global Underground | myspace/j ohncates Know One (Breakbeat) | San Francisco, CA Lord Kephra (Downtempo & Ambient) | Albuquerque, NM | Metakinetics | web metakinetics Makoi ( Progressive Psy) | Portland, OR | Catharsis Mandala (Variety) | Eugene, OR | Four C Modcam (Progressive Psy) | Eugene, OR | Rebirth | web modcam Mubali (Psytrance) | San Francisco, CA | mubali.tripod/id1 Parus (Psytrance) | San Francisco, CA | web parus.net QRX (Downtempo & IDM) | E ugene, OR | Rebirth Quasar (Psytrance) | San Francisco, CA Satyasamadhi (D owntempo) | Portland, OR | Metakinetics | web metakinetics Secret Soci ety (Psytrance) | Portland, OR | Apollo’s Lute | web apollos-lute Sed ousa (Downtempo) | Portland, OR Semblance (Deep House) | Portland, OR | Gi ganticore | web giganticore Seth Lewin | Portland, OR Shivati (Psytran ce) | Portland, OR | Ohm Base Records Sofa King Cool (Breakbeat) | Eugene, OR Tempest (Psytrance) | Eugene, OR | We Are One Productions Twisted Fli pster (Psytrance) | Portland, OR Waater (Psytrance) | Seattle, WA | Enviro nmental Structures | web environmentalstructures.net Zoopy (Psytrance) | Eugene, OR | Rebirth Zorin (Psytrance) | BC, Canada Sunday, July 1 New York City GMSF2k7-R: 28thdays Gaian Mind recompression party! July 12-15, 2007 Drayton Valley, AB The 8th Motion Notion!! at an amazing new location… The Bent River Ranch (1hr West of Edmonton, 3.5hr s from Calgary) Full info, pics, map, etc at web motionnotion MAIN S TAGE Shout Out Out Out Out web nrmlswlcmrcrds, web myspace/shout outoutoutout Edmonton’s red-hot electro-rock-pop-fusion band is back to b low your socks off! Wizzy Noise (Greece) web wizzy-noise.gr, web myspace /wizzynoiseofficial, candyflip rec, exposure …the vandals responsi ble for the damage to the left side of your brain, the fire on your speak ers, and the nervous breakdown of your grandmother! Treavor Moontribe (US A) web desertdwellers.org, INgrooves, White Swan Rec, Native State Rec B listering beats from one of the State’s greatest DJs. A favorite at Motion Notion. Felix (Germany) web felix-stoever.de Artist, DJ, explorer, and p hysicist- Felix is an ingenious man and a fine downtempo dj. Earthy psydu b in the afternoon! Sons of Aurora web area709 Darvin Knorr and Norri s Lam make up this astounding DJ duo who play some of the deepest, most p sychedelic music around. Chris Organix web organixproductions Phantas m Records, UK The lunatic behind Vancouver’s longest running club-night, a nd is a fine purveyer of the full-on sound! MossyRock (USA) web mossyroc k.net Indie downtempo pop-loop gems that leave you feeling part of a woozy lilting waltz. Sobeit Union web sobeitunion This unique 3-piece ba nd from Nelson, BC plays everything from downtempo lounge to house, break s, and techno. Nystagmus nystagmus.benow.ca, sundance rec A hidde n gem of a producer in Canada’s dance community. Melodic, dark, and whim sical. Ronin GSC, Iosis, In:Vision, E13, Elphinstone Fine talent from Van couver Island. Ronin works closely with Interchill Records, The Green Sam urai Clan, and Native State Records. Intergalactic Faerie Funk (USA) web iff.galactique.net Live 3-piece band of traveling freaks who play surreal house music. Spooky yet beautiful! Jay Michael web area709, web ent heogenetic, web tribalharmonix.org Luke Morrison web lukemorrison.co m David Stone Cjsr, the union, web myspace/davidstone Kristoff Di.fm DP Recordings, Recoverworld.net, Y Afterhours, web djkristoff Alexe i- psytrance, web area709 Arlen- techhouse, pK, web music1st.ca Camero n Sinclair- live-pa web music1st.ca Chris B- electro, in-order-to- danse.blogspot Christian- progressive, web playpromotions Cruz-Ae vs Tristan Newton- psytrance, web cruz-ae, web tristannewton Erin Eden vs Dusty Grooves- prog, web erineden Gong Show- live and electri c Groovy Cuvy- house, electro, breaks, cjsr, J.A.DJ (Sask)- house, web goo dlifepromotions.ca James Katalyst- psytrance, breaks, web katalystevents.c om Kevin Partridge- psytrance, breakbeat, web gomp.ca Kyro Prophet- psytra nce, web ragingshaman/media/ LP- house, techno, web djlp.ca Relentless vs Jord web technohippycrew.ca Neighbour with The Konga Kid- house, live drums, web homebreakinrecords Powder- prog, electro, web phunktionpro ductions Sundrop- psytrance, web sundrop.ca Sweetz- house, breakbeat, web myspace/sistasweetz Threesixty vs Mihagic- (BC) breaks, reggae, w ww.myspace/goldendeliciousproduction Vinny Vo- electro, progressive, s ushi crew THE FORT Aquasky (UK) web aquasky.co.uk, Passenger Rec, 777 R ec With more breakbeat tracks in the marketplace than any other producer, Aquasky intend to continue with their mission to rule the world, to brin g fun to the dancefloor and a smile to your face. Noisia (Netherlands) w ww.noisia.nl, EMI Rec, Vision Rec, Moving Shadow, Renegade Hardware Noisi a is exploding worldwide! They are a fresh breed of diverse and talented producers and DJs who bravely take new unexpected directions with D+B, Br eaks, House and Downtempo. Ooah (USA) The Glitch Mob, web myspace/oo ahmusik, web myspace/theglitchmob Squishy gut-wrenching bass frequenc ies, harmonic poly-rhythmic melodies and bloopy bleepy clicks and clacks from this outstanding turntablist. Small Town DJs web smalltowndjs,H i Fi Club, Giant 45, Bigfoot Rec Shamik web myspace/subterraneansound Anx- techno, web myspace/anxxx Big Daddy- house, phoenix Broken Engl ish- breaks, d+b, web pkevents B-Side- breaks, d+b, web pkevents D eception- d+b, web pkevents Degree- reggae, breaks, d+b, web myspace. com/subterraneansound DJ Enerate- d+b, rebelsoundsystem Dreadnought- d+b, web myspace/subterraneansound Funk Trader- breaks, web gomp.ca Fuuze- house, electro, breaks, web gomp.ca GI Jody- techno, rebelsoundsystem Gree do- techno, rebelsoundsystem Honeey Mustard- techno, web honeeymustard Kaspr- breaks, techno, rebelsoundsystem Maryjayne- breaks, techno, rebels oundsystem Matt Hatter- d+b, web myspace/subterraneansound Mista Hellf iya- breakbeat Optimus Prime- breakbeat Paul Who (Sask)- house Pete Wilde vs Eleven- breakbeat Seacek- house The Dirty Hustlers- Kev vs Rhett B- hou se, electro, live-synth, web bassic.ca Trapz- house, breaks, phoenix OT HER ATTRACTIONS The Curve Project Runs 6pm Friday to noon Sunday. A chil l-out dome and surrounding area made by Alexei, Nori, and friends. DJs fr om the other stages will play downtempo in this intentional space. Open-D ecks Open-decks will run 1pm-7pm Friday and Saturday. This year The Fort w ill be hosting the open-decks extravaganza, so it’s a chance to play on a huge soundsystem outdoors! Twelve one-hour slots are up for grabs. DJs t hat want to play must enter their DJ name into a drawbox at The Fort prio r to 1pm Friday. The random draw will happen at 1pm on Friday at which ti me the lucky DJs will be added to the schedule. DJs that are already book ed to play are not eligible to enter the draw. The stage is equiped with professional CDJs, turntables, and a mixer. Bring your own headphones and o ne hour of good music! Interactive Dome Make sounds and visuals in this surreal geodesic dome. Motion sensors and touch pads trigger the sounds a nd lighting real-time through two computers. Big thanks to John Bichel an d friends. Felix Deco Artist (Germany) An installation of exquisitely de tailed psychedelic backdrops by one of the world’s most active minds. His deep understandings of the universe are brought to life through massive s tory-like paintings that glow in UV light! You may have seen some of his art at our New Year’s Eve party a few years ago at the Golf Dome in Calg ary. Workshops All types of free daytime workshops ranging from yoga and meditation to dj tricks and fire spinning or hoola-hoop classes. Schedule will be posted at the Curve Project chill-out dome. Contact us if you wa nt to host a workshop. Costume Contest Wacky, wild, weird, or wicked- let s see what you’ve got! We go to excess creating this spectacle, so why no t add your flavour to it?! Show your individuality! Winners get free cds, Motion Notion merchandise, or passes to Motion Notion 2008. Katalyst Ka talyst is the main organizer of Motion Notion. Years of contemplation bro ken only by the occasional silly moment of genius will culminate in a mamm oth main stage of colour and texture unlike any before. RebelSoundSystem The notorious group of rowdy tech-heads that dwell within the walls of th e Fort. pK Events web pkeventservices Killer sound-systems, and uniq ue party environments. GOMP gomp.ca The Grumpy Old Men! Events and envir onments made from pure underground love. Dizzy Carnival dizzycarnival (at ) gmail Circus trained performers who combine stilting, fire and uniqu e movements along with custom costumes and deco. VJs Electric Zoom, C60, Ikaro, & Carrie Gates Four independent VJs. Live-mixed visual projections that meld custom footage, quirky samples, live feeds, and fractals in ti me with the music using two 6600 lumen beamers on immense outdoor screens ! Rise Sun City risesuncity (at) yahoo Calgary’s famous fire-dance cr ew always put on an amazing choreographed show with sexy outfits and fire stunts. Vendor Village Security, First-Aid, Sanctuary TICKETS Price includes GST. A small service fee will be charged by the ticket outlet. * Early bird and *Saturday passes are only available at Foosh, Giant 45, and TicketMaster 3 Night Pass (gates at 12-noon Thursday) *Early Birds: $98 Regular: $118 At gate: $150 Saturday Pass (gates at 12-noon Saturda y) *Advance: $60 At gate: $80 Ticket Stores: Edmonton Foosh, 10554 82 Av e (780) 491-6980 Treehouse Records, 10249 97 ST (780) 428-7334 Blackbyrd M yoozik 10442 82 Ave (780) 439-1273 Calgary Grass Roots, 112 10 St NW (403 ) 270-2193 Giant 45, 1403 11 St SW (403) 244-5845 Ticketmaster web ticket master.ca (780) 451-8000, (403) 777 Motion Notion 2007 July 12-15 w ww.motionnotion July 13/14/15 Echo Lake NY Our dream came true After 4 years of producing and throwing parties constantly in NYC with the best trance artists in the globe, We feel that the time has come to go ou tdoors, for a well planed and highly produced 3 days festival by Alladin P roject Crew. The gathering will take place in Echo Lake, upstate NY. It’s an amazing magical forest on top of a wide lake, plenty of parking space and well maintained camping site, featuring the best international psytranartists, So please mark your calendars! Alladin summer festival July 1 3/14/15 2007 at Echo Lake NY We are planning massive entertainment activit ies that include but are not limited to, work shops, chai shops, drums cir cle, fire performance, laser shows, psychedelic art backdrops & decoration s, 24 hours active restaurant in affordable prices, full bar, vendors mark et, several designated public camping tents, hot showers, clean restrooms, first aid on premises, and LOTS MORE!!! Full festival info will be up soo n. Prepare yourselves to be taken to the next level! We’re going to enjoy from the best full on, progressive, dark, chill out, and alternative ele ctronic music produced by the biggest artists from around the globe!!! Her e’s the confirmed line-up so far, not in order of appearance. Line Up: L ive Acts SHIFT (Nexus Media, South Africa) HUX FLUX (Spiral Trax, Sweden) GATAKA (Compact Records, Israel) ZION (Alladin Records, Israel) ORBIT (Al ladin Records, Israel,Japan) D-TEK (Maia Recorsds Mexico) IBOJIMA (Yellow Sunshine Explosion, Sweden) ZIK aka HORROR PLACE (Harmonia Rec, Drup Out, Greece) ONNOMON (Gaian Mind, Soular Records, Philadephia,) COMBINATIONS ( Groove Criminals Records, Israel, Austria) REEFER DECREE (Iboga Records, D enmark) ENERTOPIA (Alladin Records, Israel) D-SPACE (Alpha Channel/M-FieldPsyBooty Records,Soul trance) JAY SELWAY aka CYZUM (Zero Divide/ JOOF Rec ords/ Iboga Records USA) M.T.R (Queens, NYC) BUBBLE CRAFT (NYC, Israel) PS YLAB (Boston, USA) DYNAMIC RAIN (Israel) EARWORM (NYC) Dj Sets SESTO SEN TO (Compact Records, Israel) TOTAL ECLIPSE (TIP World,mandala France) TWIS TED SYSTEM (Pitch Hikers/shift South Africa) PETER DIGITAL (Mpdqx Booking Digital Structures) ZIK aka HORROR PLACE(Harmonia Drup Out,Greece) IBOJIMA (Yellow Sunshine Explosion, Sweden) GRAPES OF WRATH-MONNO (Parvati, Denm ark) ENERTOPIA (Alladin Records, Israel) ZION (Alladin Records, Israel) RE EFER DECREE (Iboga, Denmark) KNO-B (Alladin Records, Japan) HUX FLUX (Spir al Trax, Sweden) D-TEK (Maia Records, Mexico) DOMINO (Avatar/Wakyo,UK) SPY ROS (Psytribe, Los Angeles) DRIZZT (24/7 Records, Montreal) LAURYN (Peak R ecords/28thday, NYC) TONY UNORTHODOX (28thday, NYC) YAN (Ultra Groove, Tec h Safari, Canada) RICKAM (Neurobiotic Records, Tech Safari, Canada) EGBOT & MESCALINIUM (Gaian Mind/PSI-Philadelphia) LUIS ( Dreamcatcher, Brazil/NYC) CORAL (Touch Samadhi, NYC) PHATMIND (NYC/Israel) EARTHIAN (aka ANIMALTEK, Omnitribe, NYC) VADIM (Loft.N.Space, NYC) SHUUNY (Mad Elephant NYC/Japan) GAVIN (Digital Structures, Spectra,NYC) ELNADIV (Alladin Rec ords, Israel) CRIS (Alladin Records, Mexico) BABLA (Kagdila Records, India ) STEVE-O (Goa Babies, Gaian Mind, NYC) BRANDON ADAMS (Dreamcatcher, NYC) NOLA (Alladin Records, NYC) SHAMAN FILMS MEDIA (San Francisco, Mexico) ROE REVOLUTION (South Florida Psytrance) OMER (Alladin Records, ) INNER MONGOLIAN (Russia/NYC) KEN (NYC, Japan) INDRA (Omnitribe, Alphatra nce, NYC) KIFE (Omnitribe, NYC) SUNIL vs MADUH (Malysia/India) STAS (Omni Tribe, NYC) IGAL (Loft.n.Space, NYC) ALIEN AMBASSADOR (CoSM, NYC) DROOZI ( Pune, India) MAYUR (Spectra, NYC) FULL FESTIVAL WEB SITE WILL BE UP SOON Links: web alladinproject.net web myspace/alladinprojec t web myspace/djrickam web myspace/zerodivide web myspace/psylab web myspace/revolutionproductions web myspace/dspacestudios web myspace/gatakamusic web .myspace/musicdtek web myspace/zionpsy web myspace.co m/djlauryn web myspace/theearworm web myspace/djdrizz t web myspace/bubblecraftproject web myspace/sshhiiff tt web myspace/enertopiapsy web myspace/yanndj web myspace/djdomino72 web myspace/djearthian web my space/djkife web myspace/psycheground web mandalareco rds.org web mpdqx web psytribe web iboga-recor ds.dk web alladinrecords web omnitribe web 2 8thday web cosm.org web parvati-records web ga ian-mind web touchsamadhi web soularrecords This one for sure will be an unforgettable gathering!!! More info to be up so on!!! Rain or Shine Event! Peace Love Light ‘n Trance Alladin Project Cre w July 20th, 2007 Miami, FL INFECTED MUSHROOM at The Pawnshop Lou nge Line-up, tickets, and additional information TBAE280A6 web thepaw nshoplounge web myspace/revolutionproductions web infected.co.il Sunday, July 22 New York City Open-air park party, one week after Orb . July 25-30 Ozark Mountains of Northwest Arkansas The excitement i s spreading across the country for the AUM Festival, happening this summe r, July 25-30. Converging on the Day Out of Time and culminating with the full moon, you can expect a wild 5 day adventure in psychedelic trance m usic, art and culture like no other! We have been networking with friends and party promoters across North America to bring you a truly collaborati ve event that seeks to create a bridge across the continent built on our common passion for the modern trance dance ritual. The long term concept i s to create a bi-annual festival held in a new location each year. This b i-annual gathering will give us a place to come together to share our res ources and knowledge, raising the collective vibration and sending us bac k to our own communities inspired and ready to consciously construct our own realities. The 2007 AUM Festival will be held in the Ozark Mountains of Northwest Arkansas. We encourage you to read the location information and also do your own research on this beautiful and liberal area of Eure ka Springs, Arkansas. Part of the goal of AUM Festival is to break down i magined barriers that prevent us from coming together as one community. O n the dancefloor we can transcend these barriers and reconnect with the E arth, our bodies, minds & spirits, and each other. Now is the time to t ry somthing different! Choose your own adventure!! Peace, Love and Unity! Venue Info: The 2007 AUM Festival will be located in the beautiful Ozar k Mountains in Northwest Arkansas, bordering Missouri. High in the ridges cliffs and crystal encrusted township of Eureka Springs the venue has a lot to offer. On 143 acres of hilly ridge top property there are onsite bathrooms,showers, an outdoor amphitheatre, a covered mainstage, a cover ed pavilion suitable for serving meals, electrical hookups in many of the campsites and hiking trails (one leads to a cave that can be safely expl ored). There is a stream running through the property in the valley suita ble for a cool rinse after dancing and just a short drive (7 miles) will get you to crystal clear Beaver Lake for swimming, canoeing and cliff jum ping. Most of the camping is located under the shade of trees and can con veniently accommodate vehicles. Local Atmosphere: The town of Eureka Sp rings was founded primarily by European hippies and welcomes this type of event. We are expecting full support for AUM Festival from the friendly local community, including help with local food vendors and info for trav elers to help find their way around. There is a vibrant local trance comm unity that has offered their assistance with organizing local infrastruct ure and resources, including bio diesel generators as a power option. The re is extensive outdoor recreation in the area that will make your journ ey to and from AUM Festival scenic and memorable. Weather: Weather i s generally hot and humid, reaching the high 80s and 90s during the days dropping at night into the 70s at this time of year. Travel: From Fayet teville (FAY) airport the drive is just over 1 hour. The new Northwest Ar kansas Regional Airport (XNA), has several flights arriving daily from mo st cities across the United States. Northwest Arkansas Regional Airport i s south of Bentonville, AR approximately 1-1/2 hours west of Eureka Sp rings. Alternatively, you can fly into Springfield, Missouri (SGF) locate d 2 1/2 hours north of Eureka Springs OR Tulsa, Oklahoma (TUL) located 2 hrs 45 minutes west OR Little Rock Airport located 4 hours south. Local Points of Interest: Eureka Springs: web eurekasprings/ Eurek a Springs Alternative: web eurekasprings/alternative/index l Outdoor Recreation: web eurekasprings/outdoors/ Local Tiger Refuge: web turpentinecreek.org/ More local resources coming soo n! Stand by for pics to be uploaded at: web aumfestival.net/ soo n! Next up: Presale Tickets JULY 27-28-29-30 QUEBEC, CA ECLIPSE 2007: SUMMER ELECTRONIC MUSIC FESTIVAL: Hello friends around the world! This is the official date for the next open air trance festival in the no rth of Quebec, Canada. Tech Safari present Eclipse 2007: electronic music festival for dance music art and peace web eclipsefestival web techsafari.ca AMAZONE 3RD ANNIVERSARY (HALLOWEEN RITUAL) IN MON TREAL WITH TRANSWAVE LIVE! – OCTOBER 28TH Friday – Sunday August 10-12, 2007 Goahead Outdoor Gathering – To be named later Location: Wes t Virgina, Location T.B.A Goahead productions presents an outdoor, all we ekend camping, psytrance and downtempo music and arts gathering. We are li miting attendance to around 100 people in addition to lineup artists and G oahead staff. This will be an intimate gathering in a beautiful West Virgi na backdrop setting, as well as our first official outdoor event. Featuri ng: Goahead roster dj’s: Ari D. Meghan Moke Uzi Malachi John K Plus re gional psytrance and downtempo lineup t.b.a. Tickets will be available on ly through registration – online purchase. Specific details regarding exac t location and ticket prices will be updated soon. For updates, check: w ww.goaheadproductions web 604head Friday – Sunday August 10- 12, 2007 West Virgina Goahead Outdoor Gathering – To be named later Loca tion: West Virgina, Location T.B.A Goahead productions presents an outdoo r, all weekend camping, psytrance and downtempo music and arts gathering. We are limiting attendance to around 100 people in addition to lineup arti sts and Goahead staff. This will be an intimate gathering in a beautiful W est Virgina backdrop setting, as well as our first official outdoor event . Featuring: Goahead roster dj’s: Ari D. Meghan Moke Uzi Malachi John K Plus regional psytrance and downtempo lineup t.b.a. Tickets will be av ailable only through registration – online purchase. Specific details rega rding exact location and ticket prices will be updated soon. For updates, check: web goaheadproductions web 604head August 10-12,07 Asheville, NC WORLD BRIDGE 2 Come dance with us in the mountains again ! Another year of amazing community tribal/neuro trance under the stars a t Deerfields. Bring your art, ritual, vibe,dancing shoes and meet us on t he dancefloor! Devic- Jester records Freaks Of Nature Primordial Ooze TOU CH Samadhi Facehead Dyalien (fractal cowboys) -alpha centuari Greenman – D -A-R-K Records / Black Magic records Nikon- Psybertribe Records (owner) Mo ksa – Atlpsy Dragon – Touch Samadhi Figure 8 Puskara- Atlpsy Pyite- Atlpsy Psyonic- Those People / Psybertribe records / Touch Samadhi Koji- Those P eople / Singlecell Psylent Pulse (brainlizzard & aastral)- Those People I nfinitessimal- those people Kri – TOUCH Samadhi Panties The Clown- Psybert ribe records / Those People More t.b.a. *PLUS! Special ‘phantom stage” hosted by Those People *VISUALS by Psyonic *Opening Ceremony by Tranceform Venus! *Sound by Project 7 web deerfields – One of the most b eautiful venues in North America! Deerfield’s is an exquisite 940-acre fa mily-owned wilderness retreat complete with incredible ponds, creeks, app le orchards, forests, wildlife and hiking trails. This is a LEAVE NO TRAC E EVENT!!!! Please respect the land and remove everything you bring in (i ncluding all trash) when you leave! Camping is free Friday and Saturday n ights, if you are interested in camping Sunday night there is a land usag e fee of $20.00 per person. This fee can be paid to the land owners when you are onsite. Please do not set up any camping or sleeping on the lakes ide stage. This is a great place to visit but sleeping there is not permi tted. This is a Rain or Shine event with rustic camping accommodations – bring EVERYTHING you’ll need to surviveE280A6.there is no re-entry. F ood vendor on site. No alcohol. Feel free to bring your artwork to help decorate! Rituals and vibes provided by YOUE280A6The Community. Arriv e Inspired! Tickets: To purchase tickets, send $50 by PAYPAL to: ThosePeo ple at gmail Tickets are $50.00 when paid in advance (at least 1 week be fore the party) 0r $70.00 at the gate. ALL TICKETS MUST BE RESERVED IN AD VANCE WITH NAME AS IT APPEARS ON YOUR ID. Please email ThosePeople at gmail. com with the name of each person planning to attend. As this is a private party we will be checking ID at the gate, so remember to bring some form of identification please! There are a limited number of tickets to ensure a small, community style party, so please let us know if you intend to b e here so we can send you a ticket confirmation…you will need it to get in!! Only those whose name appears on the list will be admitted. No exc eptions, not even at the gate! Prearranged rides are available from the a irport. Contact thosepeople at gmail. “Who are they???” “Oh, you know, they’re THOSE PEOPLE.” web thosepeople-asheville Brought to you by Those People Productions! Sunday, August 19 New York City 28thday Productions 2-Year Anniversary!! featuring Voice of Cod Summer Festivals RE-CAP June 21-24: Gaian Mind, Four Quarters, PA web gaian-mind July 12-15: Motion Notion, Alberta, Canada web mot ionnotion/ July 13-15: Alladin Project, Echo Lake, NY web alla dinproject/ July 25-30: AUM Festival, Ozark Mountains, AR web aumfestival.net/ July 27-30: Eclipse, Canada web eclipsefestival Aug ust 17-19: Moon Dance, Quebec, Canada August 27 E28093 Sept. 3: Burnin g Man, Black Rock Desert, NV web Burningman Sept. 20-24: Symbiosis, N orthern CA web symbiosisgathering/ PSY RADIO SHOWS Mindkiller Internet Radio The music of Mindkillers. Let Mindkille r Internet Radio direct you to your future through your ears. 100% Psyche delic Trance 24×7 128kbps MP3 stream email: shockwaverider at gmail ( HIGHWAY 604 Sundays 10:30pm – 12:30 am tune in to Highway 604, a weekly psy-trance show mixed + streame d and mixed live by *christine* & aeon from KZSC 88.1fm. 10,000 watts for you people in the Monterey Bay region, here’s the web stream addy for th ose interested outside the South Bay area: web kzsc.org/listen.sh tml (web kzsc.org/listen.shtml) Namaste! We’re streaming in sane ultra psychedelic trance 24/7 at 192kbps quality! Live events will o ccur from now and then, with reknown DJ’s doing their spinning live over the radio, dont miss this!! Stream URL is mirkwar.nu:8000/listen .pls (mirkwar.nu:8000/listen.pls) And you can also join us on our IRC channel #Psy.se at EFNet network (irc.dataphone.se), and idle in cha nnel to be updated about coming events and to have nice chats regarding p sy music, clothes, parties or whatever, and even make some requests if yo u like! Hope to see you there soon!! (SPREAD THE WORD) Happy Boom!! // # Psy.se Staff PS. Djs are lining up to get to stream, if yer good at stre aming and interested, find us at IRC and talk to GLM! Z I A – T R A N C E This promo mix by DJ Kenosis highlights his outstanding skill and versatility and is just a taste of what you will expect to hear at Psyfor ia held in Boston on Friday 4/27. The mix is an hour of hard progressive trance and full-on psytrance, including some of his favorite tracks fr om the past 6 months – like Whirloop’s remix of Hosanna and Astral Projec tion – The Prophecy as well as some slightly older favorites. Don’t miss out on this preview of this truly excellent DJ. The mix airs everyday st arting at 2 PM, and again for the rewind at 2 AM EST. *The “Scheduler ” on the main station page converts the times for your time zone. Airing from 4/25 to 5/09. Z I A E28093 T R A N C E Psychedelic Radio Airing 24/7 web live365/stations/trahpek web zia-trance T rack listing: DJ Kenosis – April Psyforia preview 1. John ’00 Fleming – Rasa Lila (Siberian Sun remix) 2. The Egg – Angel of My Soul (Allaby remix ) 3. Human Blue – BlackValley.org 4. Planisphere – Hosanna (Whirloop remix ) 5. Silicon Sound – Nexus 6 (Protoculture remix) 6. Astral Projection – T he Prophecy 7. White Overtone Wizard – Onwards and Upwards 8. Ricky M – Bo ngladesh (original mix) 9. Cybernetica – Corrosion Complete 10. Electric U niverse – Deep Purple Haze Hello fellow trancers- After nearly 4 y ears of radio silence the MP3 streaming radio station:”The Music of Doctor Hoffman” has returned! The MP3 stream has been online for over a week a nd has had a pretty good listener turn out… In 2000/2001 The music of d octor hoffman was one of the only internet mp3 128kbps psy-trance streami ng radio stations. Stations like Philosomatika were only 64kbps at that time. The music of doctor hoffman was online for over 8 months and served hundreds of listeners from all around hte world! Now it is back in full fo rce!!!! I am going to put up a 320kbps stream soon for those audiophiles out there. As the next few weeks pass I will be encoding alot more music. The music ranges from full on, early full-on (2001), minimal, minimal pr ogressive, psy-tek, progressive, melodic and of course the xenomorph sty le horror trance! Thanks and check out the station, throw it in your itun es playlist. The stream is always on. web rogueoperator.net:8000 / (web rogueoperator.net:8000/) THE MUSIC OF DOCTOR HOFFMAN web rogueoperator.net/hoffman/ (web rogueoperator.net/hoffm an/) The Digitally Imported Goa-Psy channel presents a brand new sho w called Tsunami Presents, streaming every 4th Friday of the month. And it ‘s just in time for Tsunami’s 9th Anniversary celebration! For this, the premiere episode, prepare yourself for two hours of psychedelic storm f eaturing Talamasca Tsunami will be coming your way with a new guest every 4th Friday of the month. Starting today, catch the hottest Goa and Psy ri ght here on DI! Start time: 2PM US Eastern / 7PM UK / 20:00 Central Europ e, on the Goa-Psy channel. Tune in on any link below: web di.fm/m p3/goapsy.pls (web di.fm/mp3/goapsy.pls) web di.fm/wma/goa psy.asx (web di.fm/wma/goapsy.asx) web di.fm/wma/goapsylo w.asx (web di.fm/wma/goapsylow.asx) web di.fm/aacplus/goa psy.pls (web di.fm/aacplus/goapsy.pls) You can see what’s playing here: web di.fm/goapsy/ (web di.fm/goapsy/) Trance Tuesday Podcast Now Online A few of us trance DJs in SF have been gettin g together once a week to mix and generally hang out. The music ranges fro m progressive to psy (depending on who shows up). We don’t get together every week, but we try to. The link to the feed is as follows: fe eds.feedburner/TranceTuesdayPodcast (feeds.feedburner/Tranc eTuesdayPodcast) You can use iPodder (ipodder.sourceforge.net) or your cl ient of choice. Anyone is welcome to spin with us as long as they adhere to our basic guidelines. We also broadcast a live icecast stream. Feel fre e to drop me a line if you are interested in getting more news about th is or want to get involved. dj johnny primitiv ( New Mexico ) “psytr ance streams every thursday night on Desert FM” -11pm Mountain Time w ww.desertfm:7000/listen.pls (web desertfm:7000/listen.pls) Chill Syndicate podcasts Hey Downtempo/Chill fans! The Chill Syn dicate is a group of local Bay Area Chill DJ’s that get together and do a semi-regular podcast show. If interested, please visit our new website at : web chillsyndicate.net (web chillsyndicate.net) If you use iTunes, do a search in the music store under podcasts for ‘chill synd icate’. We are also listed on Yahoo Podcasts as well as many of the popula r podcasting directories. Subscription is free as always. Check it out ! Cheers! – The Captain FABULOUS! Fridays Fridays from 10 -Noon web KPSU.oRg Give a call (503.725.5945) Send an AIM (kpsuradio) Or Gchat (goaconstrictor) Tune in next week for a very exciting special sho w. GyPsyNate will be coming down to the studio to play -and talk about- m usic with me. Should be a most wonderful experience for all. That’s all for this moment. Please remember kids, do not, under any circumstances, ever, disturb the sexy. -A’damn – dude, jaegermeister and chinese herbs, I feel 100 times better then I did yesterday… web gizmonix.net O NLINE DJ SETS: Dragonlotus-Back to the Source web dragontribe.info web touchsamadhi/mp3/kri/kri-nightprowler.mp3 Kri – Nig htprowler Cool Stuff PEACE & LOVE 🙂 from – Kamal Adva nced (DragonLotus) Please download my chill out track called Sexy Psytra nce Lover at web myspace/advancedlotus & check out: web myspace.c om/dragonlotus web lotusgrafx web dragontribe.info *************** *********************** See what’s free at web aol. Namaste and Greetings !!! Wow is all I can say, all of us that were at this weekends 28th day party had a great experience on this private property, pond included w ith frogs! The dome kicked ass too! I was especially happy be cause the most beautiful girl in my whole world was there to share it with me and the rest of us, God bless u and thank you Christina! 🙂 Kudo s to Eco-Jeff n Tony, Scott, Theo, Ron, Steve, Zara, Lauren R. DJ Lauren, Fig & the other talent and any one else not mentioned! 🙂 Looks quiet this weekend, but next week is Gaian Mind, I hope everybody has fun there too! For great summer festival guide on the internet please see my friends page: di.onys.us/2007-festival-guide/ P eace n Love from Kamal “Look into your heart – you will find, There ‘s nothin’ there to hide, Take me as I am – take my life, I would give it all – I would sacrifice”, “I would fight for you – I’d lie for you, Walk t he wire for you – ya I’d die for you, Ya know it’s true, Everything I do – I do it for you ” B.A. Advanced-Lotus (web myspace/advancedlot us) Om Shanti! E THE WEEKLYS SECTION IS BEING REVISED AND WILL BE UPDATED AS SOON AS MORE ACCURATE INFORMATION IS PRESENTED, SOME EVENTS ARE OUTDATED SO IF YOU HAV E A WEEKLY PSY EVENT OR KNOW ABOUT IT PLEASE SEND ME AN EMAIL psydragon3 at aol This W eekend Fri June 15th NYC, NYC Caffe Novece nto upstairs, FREE party Join us at Caffe Novecento (343 west broad way) on friday june 15th as we get together for good times, fine beats, sm iles and what not 😀 on the decks Leshiy Slepako Eart hian (b-day set) 10pm-4am FREE .djearthian .myspac e/animaltek mo’tracksanimaltek.net June 15, 2007 Brooklyn, NY Alladin Presents: Pre-festival Party Ju ne 15, 2007 at Club EXIT! Line up: First time in USA! TIMELOCK LIVE (BNE Records) IL ZION LIVE (Orb Records/Alladin) IL CR IS (Alladin) NYC/MEX SINPATEX (Alladin) NYC/IL ELNADIV (Alladin/Orb Rec) NYC/IL Deco by: Alladin Deco Team Visual by: SERG E (Alladin) NYC Doors open at 10pm 18 to enter/21 to drink wi th pic ID Admission: $25 before 12am, $30 after Location:CLUB EXIT 147 Greenpoint Ave. Brooklyn NY StreetMap: lo Subway: Take the L train to L orimar station & transfer to the G train metropolitan station to Green point Ave the Club is right across the street. Or: take the L train to Redford station and transfer to the 61 bus, Go down in green point Ave (3 mint from the subway) or: G train to green point Ave Subway Map: web mta.nyc.ny.us/nyct/maps/submap Bus: 61, 43,24 to green po int Ave. Bus map: web mta.nyc.ny.us/nyct/maps/busbkln.pdf By Car: Take BQE (I-278) to Exit 33 McGuiness Blvd. To Greenpoint Ave. Turn LEFT at Greenpoint Ave Proceed to the corner of Manhattan Ave. By c ar service / taxi: From Manhattan it costs around $15. From Bedford Statio n it costs around $6. More info: (917)569-1177 or (917)405-4847 all adinproduction at yahoo June 15th – 17th Ashland, O R Kyma This is going to be an amazing gathering, NW of the c ountry, on the beautiful nature of Oregon. Not all “psy”, but it ha s some amazing artists… 2007.emrgnsee/ Emrg+N+S ee is Oregon’s premier outdoor, underground, visionary summer festival!Experience three days & nights of cutting-edge electronic & live music, stunning art, transformational workshops, and more wonderful people than you’ll meet in a lifetime! Join Us! Emrg+N+See is elated to a nnouce the confirmation of Oracle Gatherings and Native State & Interc hill Records at this year’s event! Each crew is bringing a massive contrib ution of talent and treats! Saturday, June 16, 2007 S eattle, WA Infinite Connections presents: Praxis: a Twisted IOSIS Art Party HALLUCINOGEN (live) KOXBOX (live) SHPONGLE (d j) Osiris Indriya (dj) Amanita (dj) Second room hosted by Chi ckenhedAnd so much more TBA Tickets available at ticketswes 16, 2007 at The Fenix: 1700 1st Avenue South, Seattle, WA 981349pm – 4am18+ welcome, 2 1+ welcome at bar complete info at: web infiniteconnections.org June 15th/16th, Friday Belden, CA Direct ions to be posted the last week of MAY. As spring spreads it’ s wings and showers us with liquid sunshine, the anticipation mounts fo r the beginning of summer. As the sun gets warmer, so will the glow in your heart that eminates the very essence of the gathering ” GEMINI “. June 15th-17th 2007, FULL CIRCLE presents the 10th Annual FREE 3B Rday campout and doofing extravaganza ” GEMINI “. We will be go ing back to the good ‘ol town of Belden, CA for another romping weekend of love and light. They’ve made some improvements this winter to insur e a smooth running event. There is a restaurant now open in the Saloon and real bathrooms and showers along with 8 porta potties. There’s plenty of camping on site with a new space for more tents. A big river runs ne xt to the event for your swimming needs. We’ll be having 2 So und arena’s. A main trance area and a chill zone. The chill zone will b e located closer to the main stage than last year. There will be no ban d stage. As for the main stage, I have gathered some people together to create an emersive atmosphere for your minds eye to explore. I’ve hande d over the riegns of the Chill Area to Saturnia to govern so it would h ave it’s own appeal. Who’s playing! Only the best the U.S. has t o offer. Plus a few live acts from Canada. Plus 2 international live ac ts. All the info is below as to who they are. So, scribe this down on your calenders and in your minds to start preparing yourself f or the blast we all now as ” GEMINI “. June 15th/16th, Friday nite to Sat. Morning starting at 8pm Nagual Jeto DJ KR I Collision (Iowa City, IA //Mindoutpsyde) Primeordial Ooze Faceh ead SHOTU LIVE & DJ SET ( HADRA REC. France ) Konflux Medi-Mo [Touch Samadhi, Asheville, NC] D ragon :: Jackson MS :: TOUCH Samadhi / VORTEX Shagee Mulu H elios Nick Synergy Rob-Ot June 16th/17th, Sat. Night to Sunday afternoon starting at 5pm Micheal Liu Spyros So lomoon Random Shapestatic VIRTUAL LIGHT (Ottawa, CAN) KALI LIV E & DJ SET ( MateriaRec./Fractal Rec. Barcelona) DJ WICHDOKTA ( Uki ah, California USA) Dai BRAINS Moksa Sat. Night Cont inued KodeSix Aktif Meta* Lauryn (Peak Records, 28th Day – NYC) Saturnia DJKT Paradigm Christine* (Vaporvent Record s E28093 CA) *** SHAPESTATIC – “Metaphim” [GM001] *** & nbsComing in May 2007 on GAIAN MIND! love life KriB Rband: web myspace/shapestatic dj: touchsamadhi/ kri mixes: touchsamadhi/kri/krismixes releases: pri nting email me! Onwards Thurs June 21 – Sun June 24, 2007 Four Quarters, PAB RPresenting the 6th Annual GAIAN MIND SUMMER FESTI VAL Presenting the 6th Annual GAIAN MIND SUMMER FESTIVALB R Summer Solstice Thursday, June 21st to Sunday, June 24th, 2007Four Quarters, Central Pennsylvania, USA Featured Internatio nal Artists: AMD (Nano Records – UK) DICKSTER / DICK TREVOR (Nano Re cords – UK) APHID MOON (Nano Records – UK) HUMAN BLUE (Transient Rec ords – Sweden) LOOPUS IN FABULA (Fabula Records – Italy) YAB-YUM / G ASPARD / AJJA (Peak Records – Switzerland) PHUTUREPRIMITIVE (Liquid Reco rds – Portland) Plus Regional Artists: SHAPESTATIC (TOUCH Samadhi / Gaian Mind – NC/TN) M-FIELD vs. D-SPACE – (PsyBooty Records – CT) ALLEN2012 (Gaian Mind – Tampa Bay) PRIMORDIAL OOZE (Divine Bala nce Records – Chicago) EITAN-SAN (Gaian Mind / Brain Busters – Japan)B RFACEHEAD (Anomalistic Records / Geomagnetic.tv – Lancaster) EGBOT (G aian Mind – Philadelphia) SOLOMOON (Metameme / Onetribe / Esoteric Gen – Denver) KARMAKANIK (Gaian Mind / PSI – Philadelphia) BRANDON ADAMS (Dreamcatcher – NYC) Downtempo Artists TBA… S pecial Guest: DANIEL PINCHBECK (2012: The Return of Quetzalcoatl) &nbs Tickets: Advanced – $110 (Monday April 16th to Sunday, June 10th, 2007) Gate – $135 (Thursday, June 21st to Sunday, June 24th, 2007) Please contact Four Quarters at (814) 784-3075 or pay online at web 4qf.org. web gaian-mind/gmsf2007 “Ce lebrating the Dance of Life!” Jun 22-25, 2007 C herryville bc, canada entheos web entheosgathering B Rsummer solstice conference and festival 4 days, 3 nights / out door 2 stages art gallery fresh water camping river market audio environments: human blue [live] (sweden) humanb lue.se solar (mexico) deliria.org nystagmus [live 5.1] (vancouver) e ntheogenetic adham shaikh (nelson) sonicturtle osiris indriy a (seattle) osirisindriya noah pred (toronto) noahpred anaha ta [live] (vancouver) entheogenetic shen [live] (toronto) shenism.c om akhentek [live] (elphinstone) deliria.org neto [live] (elphinston e) entheogenetic echopilot [live] (vancouver) myspace/echopilo tdubs davila (mexico) deliria.org basilisk (toronto) ektoplazmB Rgil shanti (vancouver) deliria.org byron dreamweaver (elphinstone) se edoflife.ca sons of aurora (calgary) area709 rj solo (vancouver) deliria.org nori (calgary) area709 austripin (vancouver) deliri a.org nokturnal (calgary) zenonrecords mythril (vancouver) delir ia.org luna (vancouver) ekstasisdance nils (vancouver) beatswith outborders jay michael (vancouver) area709 greenchild (calga ry) elementaldjs.ca kaminanda (victoria) seedoflife.ca eyen (calgary ) seedoflife.ca mountain eyes (victoria) rainbowcathedral stargi rl (vancouver) jessicastargirl joshua james (vancouver island) spin ningdrum raq’el f (elphinstone) jordao.ca cloud dancer (victoria ) rainbowcathedral ariel (vancouverr) seedoflife.ca deco art ists: solar (mexico) deliria.org sri yantra space shaping (portl and) spaceshaping.net visual environments: robert borecky (n elson) mahayana.cc renegage pixie (vancouver) tryptonmedia spoon bender (vancouver) tryptonmedia elfmaster (vancouver) elftrance.co m conference: sijay james (elphinstone) onbeyondmetamedia.co m the design paradigm: crafting the collective myth david aaron (nelson) david at legalmind.ca freedom of thought: ushering plant intellig ence into western society luna ravenchilde (vancouver) ekstasisdanc e frequency shift: trance dance in:formation sobey (elphinst one) sobey.nexialist.org entheos council: collective mindmapping of pot ential future community akhentek & byron dreamweaver (elphinsto ne) entheogenetic intelligent healing soundscapes: precision audio evolving the genome visionary art: st. even (vancouver) divi nereflections.ca simon haiduk (vancouver) thinningtheveil.ca doktorj (vancouver) doktorj.ca starfield (vancouver) godizus and more.. . tickets: $100 advance, $150 gate online: web entheo sgathering vancouver: a small world 604.215.0279 vancouver: boomtown 604.893.8696 calgary: phonics 403.229.2836 nelson: love of shiva 250.352.6627 roberts creek: elfinstones 604.885.1118 nelson: s till eagle 250.352.3844 seattle: travellers 206.329.6260 vancouver: highlife 604.251.6964 nanaimo: thirsty camel 250.753.9313 kelowna: m ountain surf shop 250.763.1504 vernon: bean scene 250.558.1817 victo ria: shift 250.385.7443 the entheos gathering is conveniently locat ed about 6 hours from both vancouver and calgary a central meeti ng point, where the bc, alberta and the pacific northwest communities c an unite at a festival and conference featuring local and international talent from multiple bioregions the conference platform features s peakers on key subjects of interest to our global culture deliri a and the seed of life will provide two festival platforms with both up tempo and downtempo audio environments on world class decorated stag es with live interactive visual interfaces entheos is a professiona l case study model for environmental design aimed at reducing overall g athering impact on its land the event is a developing ground for fu ture community skills, fostering environmental responsibility, low impac t deployment and lowering overall carbon imprint over a 6 year period celebrate summer solstice in a next generation multimedia enviro nment intentionally designed to inspire your future June 22-24, 2007 Oregon Outdoors Contact Festival: Feat uring Ghreg on Earth, Parus, D
#3958 18 Jun 2007 04:01:43 From: TripOutNY Summer Solstice, 6/21/2007, 12:00 am Summer Solstice Thursday June 21, 2007 Thursday June 21, 2007 2007
#3959 Mon, 18 Jun 2007 09:35:03 Mon, 18 Jun 2007 16:35:01 Bcc: Tue, 19 Jun 2007 01:35:01 From: “Yugo F” ripvanwinkle at hotmail[NYC 6/20/Wed] Tony Unorthodox (28thday) “Activate” at Sapphire lounge Weekly Minimal & Progressive party “Activate” at Sapphire Lounge on June. 20th 2007 (Wed.) Guest DJ: -Tony Unorthodox(28thday/NYC) Resident DJs: -Shunny (Mad Elephant/NYC/JP) -Sew (Mad Elephant/NYC/JP) -T.T.X. (X Kaihatsu/NYC/JP) -Yugo (X Kaihatsu/NYC/JP) Time: 10:00pm-4:00am Admission: FREE Venue Address: “Sapphire Lounge” 249 Eldridge Street, between Houston and Stanton New York, NY. Direction: By Subway F, V to 2nd Ave.
#3960 Tue, 19 Jun 2007 13:18:58 Tue, 19 Jun 2007 13:18:58 From: New contact info – live chat at and phone go to tranceam.org, at the bottom of the left pane is a contact Live Help, that’s me the phone number is 206 666 4503 go to tranceam.or g, at the bottom of the left pane is a contact Live Help, that’s me
#3961 19 Jun 2007 21:59:43 Tue, 19 Jun 2007 21:59:39 ystem at 28thday From: scott scott at 28thdayGaian Mind shuttle & discount admission s”moz-text-html” lang”x-western s”headline2big28thday shuttle to Gaian Mind Summer Festival 28thday is offering a shuttle service between Manhattan and a web gaian-mind/gmsf2007 ” target”blankGaian Mind, as well as discounted festival admission with the shuttle package deal. s”artistDepart NYC Friday June 22 at 3:00 PM Meet in front of the a “maps.google/maps?fq&hlen&q841+broadway,+new+york,+ny&sll40.735397,-73.990281&sspn0.003601,0.007296&ieUTF8&om1&ll40.739128,-73.99086&spn0.02881,0.058365&z14&iwlocaddr” target”blankCosi restaurant at Union Square . s”artistDepart Four Quarters Sunday June 24 at 4:00 PM We leave Four Quarters at 4PM on Sunday. s”artistPricing Shuttle only: $65.00 Shuttle plus admission: $175.00 ($65 shuttle plus $110 festival entrance) Space is limited. Walk-ups are allowed space permitting, but you must purchase a reservation in advance to guarantee a seat. web 28thday/events/Click here for reservations.
#3962 21 Jun 2007 03:50:57 From: TripOutNY Summer Solstice, 6/21/2007, 12:00 am Summer Solstice Thursday June 21, 2007 Thursday June 21, 2007 2007
#3963 Thu, 21 Jun 2007 20:49:26 Thu, 21 Jun 2007 20:49:26 Cc: 604 at party.net, d06, psychrist From: Introducing Trance Teamspeak! I made a new on all the time voice server for trance music fans and discussion. A 24 party people line. There are several voice channels such as Psychedelic Christians, Organizers, Music Reviews, and NYCParty Line Its all free, you just need a mike/headset Its on all the time at my house, so if you need to reach me, do it on Trance Teamspeak 1. Buy a mike/headset for $20 at Radio Shack. Bluetooth sets are good too. 2. Download Ventrilo for free at: web ventrilo/ (web ventrilo/) 3. Open the program, create New Enter here: For Server IP/HOSTNAME, enter ” nissan2.nrgservers.net” For Server Port, enter “3517” Password: none 4. Yer in! I made a new on a ll the time voice server for trance music fans and discussion. A 24 party people line. There are several voice cha nnels such as Psychedelic Christians, Organizers, Music Reviews, and NYCPa rty Line Its all free, you just need a mike/he adset Its on all the time at my house, so if you need to reach m e, do it on Trance Teamspeak stbody1. Buy a mike/headset for $20 at Radio Shack. Bluetooth sets are go od too. 2. Download Ventrilo for free at: 3. O pen the program, create New Enter here: For Server IP/HOSTNAME, en ter ” nissan2.nrgservers.net” For Server Port, enter “3517” Passwo
#3964 Fri, 22 Jun 2007 11:43:16 Fri, 22 Jun 2007 11:43:15 From: Only FIVE cheap tickets left to Alladin Orb Festival The most insanely cool lineup the East Coast has ever seen! Eli was nivce enough to gove some tickets to sell… but they are almost sold out. When they are gone they are gone. If the ticket still shows up, they are still available for purchase. web Have a great weekend! The most insanely cool lineup the East Coast has ever seen! Eli was nivce enough to g ove some tickets to sell… but they are almost sold out. When they are go ne they are gone. If the ticket still shows up, they are still avail able for purchase. Have a great weekend!/DI Fri, 22 Jun 2007 12:56:14 Fri, 22 Jun 2007 12:55:58 ystem at 28thdayCc: From: “scott” scott at 28thdaylast chance for Gaian Mind presales The 28thday shuttle to the Gaian Mind Summer Festival is now closed, but we’re offering a final release of discounted presales to the festival for $115 each. Supply is limited and this is now the lowest and only option for Gaian Mind presales. You may also purchase admission at the gate for $135. 20 To purchase Gaian Mind presales via PayPal, visit: web 28thday/events For festival information visit: web gaian-mind/gmsf2007 Presales will go offline at 10PM ET tonight (Friday). See you in the Stone Circle! The 28thday shuttle to the Gaian Mind Summer Festival is now closed, but we’re offering a final release of discounted presales to the festival for $115 each. Supply is limited and this is now the lowest and only option for Gaian Mind presales. You may also purchase admission at the gate for $135. //To purchase Gaian Mind presales via PayPal, visit:/web 28thday/events//For festival information visit:/web gaian-mind/gmsf2007 //Presales will go offline at 10PM ET tonight (Friday).//See you in the Stone Circle!//
#3966 Sat, 30 Jun 2007 00:06:49 Sat, 30 Jun 2007 00:06:47 Cc: OggMod13 at aol From: One of our trancers and the CIA Metal Mark is the Mark Lorenz, son of Marita of the Cannes award winner film Dear Fidel web dear-fidel (web dear-fidel) His mom, whose parents were a starlet and an SS officer and was raped by a GI in a concentration camp, became a ward of the US gov’t and was hired to kill Castro; they made her abort her child with him. She married her gov’t contact., Mark’s father. Mark has driven speakers for bridge parties and is a stalwart trance warrior. He supports his mother now being an all purpose aquarium man. If you have The Trancers Guide to the Galaxy uses his headshot for mine in the credits,. Funny. web cnn/2007/US/06/26/cia.family.jewels.ap/index WASHINGTON (AP) The CIA released hundreds of pages of internal reports Tuesday detailing assassination plots against foreign leaders such as Cuba’s Fidel Castro and the secret testing of mind-and-behavior altering ds like l on unwitting U.S. citizens. The documents also provide information on wiretapping of U.S. journalists, spying on civil rights and anti-Vietnam war protesters, opening mail between the United States and the Soviet Union and China, and break-ins at the homes of ex-CIA employees and others. The 693 pages, mostly drawn from the memories of active officers of the Central Intelligence Agency in 1973, were turned over at that time to three different investigative panels President Gerald Ford’s Rockefeller Commission, the Senate’s Church committee and the House’s Pike committee. The panels spent years investigating and amplifying on these documents. And their public reports in the mid-1970s filled tens of thousands of pages. The scandal sullied the reputation of the intelligence community and led to new rules for the CIA, FBI and other spy agencies and new permanent committees in Congress to oversee them. Among the more famous misdeeds included a plot against Castro. In August 1960, the CIA recruited ex-FBI agent Robert Maheu to approach mobster Johnny Roselli and pass himself off as the representative of international corporations who wanted Castro killed. Roselli introduced Maheu to “Sam Gold” and “Joe,” who were actually 10-most wanted mobsters Momo Giancana, Al Capone’s successor in Chicago, Illinois, and Santos Trafficant. The CIA gave them six poison pills, and they tried unsuccessfully for several months to have several people put them in the Cuban leader’s food. This particular plot was dropped after the failed CIA-sponsored Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba, but other plots continued against Castro. Details of this plot first appeared in Jack Anderson’s newspaper column in 1971. These documents also were one of the products of the Watergate scandal that led to President Nixon’s resignation. Then-CIA Director James Schlesinger was angered to read in the newspapers that the agency had provided support to ex-CIA agents E. Howard Hunt and James McCord, who were convicted in the Watergate break-in. Hunt had worked for a secret “plumbers unit” in Nixon’s White House. The unit originally was tasked to investigate and end leaks of classified information but ultimately engaged in a wide range of misconduct. In May 1973, Schlesinger ordered “all senior operating officials of this agency to report to me immediately on any activities now going on, or that have gone on the past, which might be construed to be outside the legislative charter of this agency.” The law establishing the CIA barred it from conducting spying inside the United States. The result was 693 pages of memos that arrived after Schlesinger had moved to the Pentagon and been replaced as CIA chief by William Colby. Colby ultimately reported the contents to the Justice Department. “These are the top CIA officers all going into the confessional and saying, ‘Forgive me father, for I have sinned,’ ” said Thomas Blanton, director of the private National Security Archive, which had requested release of the documents under the Freedom of Information Act. Inside the CIA, Colby referred to the documents as the “skeletons.” But another name quickly caught on and stuck: “family jewels.” They first spilled into public view on December 22, 1974, with an article by Seymour Hersh in The New York Times on the CIA’s spying against antiwar and other dissidents inside this country. The agency assembled files on some 10,000 people. not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. Metal Mark is the Mark Lorenz, son of Marita of the Cannes award winner film Dear Fidel His mo m, whose parents were a starlet and an SS officer and was raped by a GI in a concentration camp, became a ward of the US gov’t and was hired to kill Castro; they made her abort her child with him. She married her gov’ t contact., Mark’s father. Mark has driven speakers for bridge parties and is a stalwart trance warrior. He supports his mother now being an all purpose aquarium man. If you have any needs email him at &nb s The Trancers Guide to the Galaxy uses his headshot for mine in the credits,. Funny. D IV web cnn/2007/US/06/26/cia.family.jewels.ap/index WASHINGTON (AP) The CIA released hundreds of pages of internal reports Tuesday detailing assassination plots against foreign leaders such as Cuba’s Fidel Castro and the secret testing of mind-and-behavior alteri ng ds like l on unwitting U.S. citizens. The documents also provid e information on wiretapping of U.S. journalists, spying on civil rights a nd anti-Vietnam war protesters, opening mail between the United States and the Soviet Union and China, and break-ins at the homes of ex-CIA employee s and others. The 693 pages, mostly drawn from the memories of active o fficers of the Central Intelligence Agency in 1973, were turned over at th at time to three different investigative panels President Gerald Ford’s Rockefeller Commission, the Senate’s Church committee and the House’s Pik e committee. The panels spent years investigating and amplifying on the se documents. And their public reports in the mid-1970s filled tens of tho usands of pages. The scandal sullied the reputation of the intelligence co mmunity and led to new rules for the CIA, FBI and other spy agencies and ne w permanent committees in Congress to oversee them. Among the more famo us misdeeds included a plot against Castro. In August 1960, the CIA recrui ted ex-FBI agent Robert Maheu to approach mobster Johnny Roselli and pass himself off as the representative of international corporations who wanted Castro killed. Roselli introduced Maheu to “Sam Gold” and “Joe,” who were actually 10-most wanted mobsters Momo Giancana, Al Capone’s successor in Chicago, Illinois, and Santos Trafficant. The CIA gave them six poison pil ls, and they tried unsuccessfully for several months to have several peopl e put them in the Cuban leader’s food. This particular plot was droppe d after the failed CIA-sponsored Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba, but other p lots continued against Castro. Details of this plot first appeared in Jack Anderson’s newspaper column in 1971. These documents also were one of the products of the Watergate scandal that led to President Nixon’s resign ation. Then-CIA Director James Schlesinger was angered to read in the news papers that the agency had provided support to ex-CIA agents E. Howard Hun t and James McCord, who were convicted in the Watergate break-in. Hunt had worked for a secret “plumbers unit” in Nixon’s White House. The unit orig inally was tasked to investigate and end leaks of classified information b ut ultimately engaged in a wide range of misconduct. In May 1973, Schle singer ordered “all senior operating officials of this agency to report to me immediately on any activities now going on, or that have gone on the p ast, which might be construed to be outside the legislative charter of thi s agency.” The law establishing the CIA barred it from conducting spying i nside the United States. The result was 693 pages of memos that arrived after Schlesinger had moved to the Pentagon and been replaced as CIA chie f by William Colby. Colby ultimately reported the contents to the Justice Department. “These are the top CIA officers all going into the confessi onal and saying, ‘Forgive me father, for I have sinned,’ ” said Thomas Bla nton, director of the private National Security Archive, which had requeste d release of the documents under the Freedom of Information Act. Inside the CIA, Colby referred to the documents as the “skeletons.” But another name quickly caught on and stuck: “family jewels.” They first spilled i nto public view on December 22, 1974, with an article by Seymour Hersh in The New York Times on the CIA’s spying against antiwar and other dissident s inside this country. The agency assembled files on some 10,000 people.B Associated Press. .This material m ay not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.
July 2007
#3967 Sun, 8 Jul 2007 21:49:40 Mon, 09 Jul 2007 04:49:39 Bcc: Mon, 09 Jul 2007 13:49:39 From: “Yugo F” ripvanwinkle at hotmail[NYC 7/11/Wed] Kamal Ishwara (Dragontribe) “Acivate” at Sapphire Lounge Weekly Minimal & Progressive party “Activate” at Sapphire Lounge on July 11th 2007 (Wed.) Guest DJ: Kamal Ishwara (Lotus Advanced) Dragontribe/Psythtrance, NJ,SA Kamal has been active in the NY dance scene dating back to ’93. He has promoted many significant psy events and has his own events, under the name of Dragontribe. His favorite style is Progressive psychedelic trance, inspired by Atmos and Shiva Chandra, to name a couple. Also mixing in other genres, be prepared for a complete vinyl set this wednesday! web myspace/dragonlotus Resident DJs: -Shunny (Mad Elephant/NYC/JP) -Sew (Mad Elephant/NYC/JP) -T.T.X. (X Kaihatsu/NYC/JP) -Yugo (X Kaihatsu/NYC/JP) Time: 10:00pm-4:00am Admission: FREE Venue Address: “Sapphire Lounge” 249 Eldridge Street, between Houston and Stanton New York, NY. drink specials, all night. Direction: By Subway F, V to 2nd Ave. presented by Activate & DeKompression promotion.msn.co.jp/ie7/
#3968 Mon, 09 Jul 2007 08:26:26 From: “alladinproject” alladinproject at yahooOrb festival 2007 THIS weekend!!!! Hey Party People, The festival preparations are all going according to pl an and we are getting a lot of great responses from all over! We are very e xcited, as the festival is about to unfold! All of the artist’s plane ticke ts have been purchased; the crew is setting up the campground. With all of our energies combined, this gathering is for sure going to be a magical ex perience! The energy is building up, so prepare your selves to connect with Mother Nature!!! These links are a breakdown of all information you nee d to know about ORB 2007 ineup Deco, Visual & Sound Info: Attractions & Workshops: orbfestival/index.php? tion Festiva Dire ction & Transportation: **If you need a ride or have extra room in your car, here’s a link f or a rides database website that makes it easy to post ads for your conveni ence! Ride Sharing or Car Pooling Link: spaceshare/orbfestival/ Food and meal plan will be available at the site See you all there with love and light Orb Crew web orbfestival web myspace/ orbfestival web alladinproject.net web myspace/alladinp roject
#3969 Tue, 10 Jul 2007 10:35:32 Tue, 10 Jul 2007 10:35:31 Cc: traceam From: North Am calendar Namaste and Greetings!!! please watch this video its about love and good vibes: Sorry for the delay not much was going on up here in the Northeast anyways, I needed some d owntime to recover from GM. Speaking of which was truly enchanting. Lot s of good people, beautiful faces, old friends etc. Talent was good soun d was weak. Oh Yea No rain too except once. Well this weekend in Philly there is another GM/PEx Party for burning man, woo-hoo! its invite only s o if u get this i suggest u haul ass to get a invite via whatever mthod t hey suggest kinda kooky if u ask me. If your a New Yorker there is a free party with amazing music, see below. As for the rest read on, with Love Kamal Ishwara Advanced-Lotus (web myspace/advancedlotus) or (web m yspace/dragonlotus) PLEASE NOTE THE WEEK LYS SECTION IS BEING REVISED AND WILL BE UPDATED AS SOON AS MORE ACCURATE INFORMATION IS PRESENTED, SOME EVENTS ARE OUTDATED SO IF YOU HAVE A WEEK LY PSY EVENT OR KNOW ABOUT IT PLEASE SEND ME AN EMAIL psydragon3 at a ol This Weekend Saturday 07.07.07 NY, NY funky g roovy trance prog electro tribal party at Caffe Novecento, upstairs o n the decks: DJ Smumer (Radiolaria) DJ Indra (Alphtrance, Omnitribe) DJ E arthian (Omnitribe/Animaltek) 10-4am free Caffe Novecento, 343 west B roadway *** Animaltek’s special edition cd’s will be given away at the pa rty for a modest donation, as we try and help our dear friend Katalina to buy an air conditioner to protect her young baby from summer heat. THE PHILADELPHIA EXPERIMENT Presents: TRIPLE SEVEN COMPRESSION Saturday, July 7th, 2007 (7/7/7) 10pm – ??? at the PEX Warehouse (5th b/w Cecil B. M oore & Montgomery) $10 w/ costume, $20 w/o The Official PEX Fundraiser an d Compression party for Black Rock City 2007. With Live performances by A rchedream for Humankind, Uncut Productions, The Philadelphia Fire Arts Tr ibe, Philly Hoopers and Pyro-A-Go-Go (California). Upstairs Psytrance roo m with music and deco by GAIAN MIND. This Event is invitation only, for i nvites please send a Self Addressed Stamped Envelope to The Philadelphia Experiment 813 N. 5th St. Phila, Pa. 19123. No invite, No admittance, No exceptions. First Floor DJs Microstar (Hamburg Germany, Playloop ) Nigel Richards (611 Records, Philly, PEX) Phillip Charles (Dot Matrix, P hilly) Selector Science (N. Coast Undrground, Oakland, CA) Jomai Etu (NYC, SF, Tribe of Magic) StormHouse (Charlotte, SC, Tribe of Magic) Lee Mayjah s? (PEX, BRC) Second Floor by Gaian Mind Onnomon (Gaian Mind, Divine Bala nce Records – Philly) performing LIVE EgBot (Gaian Mind/PSI – Philly) Ka rmakanik (Gaian Mind/PSI – Philly) Ben Light-o-Matic (Light-o-Matic/PSI – NYC) Fractal Phono (Gaian Mind – Philly) Kilowatts (Artificial Music Machi ne – Philly/Texas) performing LIVE – just added! Chill Lounge DJE280 99s Summerjoy (Shakedown Philly) Meeshu (Philly) LinaLuv (PEX, Philly) Be en Jammin (NYC) Michael Nightime (PEX, Philly) We have almost raised enou gh funds to bring Arche-Dream to the Playa. Come help support The PEX rep resent Philly at BRC. Playa Wear and costumes always in Style. t ribes.tribe.net/thephiladelphiaexperiment 7.7.7 – Saturday, July 7t h, 2007, Tampa, FL GAIAN MIND TAMPA BAY vortex GMSF2007 Decompression Party! Resident DJs: ALLEN2012 (Gaian Mind – Tampa Bay) SIOUXZ I (Gaian Mind – Tampa Bay) Plus Special Guest: PSYOPS (Gaian Mind – Phil adelphia) Deco & Blacklight Atmosphere by GAIAN MIND Saturday, July 7th, 2007 10:00pm – 3:00am $7 cover 18+ with photo ID THE LOFT (aka CLUB CH AMBERS) 1701 North Franklin Street, 2nd floor Tampa, FL 33602 USA (Note: Enter at side entrance on East Henderson Avenue!) web clubchambers Sat. 07.07.07 Atlanta, GA Neptune’s Gate 10pm-8am Come! Take the me ntal plunge and voyage with AtlPsy, through Neptune’s Gate, into an under water realm of aquatic psychedelia. Dance away your land-lover’s inhibiti on and celebrate our 2nd anniversary with us in oceanic depths of fluoro- consciousness, as we embark on a 3rd year as one of the Deep South’s heav iest pioneers of underground, psychedelic trance. Psytrance: Ghreg On Ea rth (Mistress of Evil Recs., web phosphene.org) – San Fran, CA and AtlPsy DJs: Pyite (AtlPsy) Dinosaur Vomit (aka Iikah vs. Cinder, AtlPsy) Moksa (AtlPsy, Touch Samadhi) Puskara (AtlPsy) Michael Curran (AtlPsy, Touch Sa madhi) Chillout: Blue Spectral Monkey (Interchill Recs., Touch Samadhi) Oso (Touch Samadhi) Bastard (Touch Samadhi) Iikah (AtlPsy) Dancefloor rit ual by the AtlPsy family UV deco-enhanced atmospheres by Pyite and the Atl Psy family Chillout ambience by ZOOB! (Blue Spectral Monkey + Doodlbug) Ch ai tea and healthy munchies provided by the AtlPsy family Oceanic themed costumes and dress encouraged! This is a RSVP only event, situated privat ely in Atlanta’s midtown, requiring a unique RSVP (Name, Birth Date, and E-mail Address) from each attendee. NO GUESTS! You will be denied entry w ithout a RSVP. Space is limited and projected to sell out quick! RSVP now and arrive early to guarantee entry. (Detailed info provided following re gistration) Registration, event info, and 24/7 updates: web atlantapsytra nce.net Tickets: $15 at the Door 18+ to enter with valid picture ID 21+ t o drink BYOA (no alcohol provided) Smoking restricted to outdoor chill are a Zero-tolerance: illegal ds and bad vibes Security provided for re-enf orcement LEAVE NO TRACE!!! Please respect our venue and dispose of trash to ensure a sacred space for everyone attending. Atlanta Psytrance is a consciousness-pioneering organization of DJs, musicians, artists, perform ers, and supporters…whose mission is to cultivate the positive vibratio ns and healing energies of Psytrance throughout the Southeastern US. web atlantapsytrance.net web touchsamadhi J uly 7th, 2007 BAJA CALIFORNIA (Tijuana/Ensenada) PSY FEST: w/Polyphonia & more:: Join us in the beautiful countryside of Baja California for som e twisted, powerful music from all around the world……… LIVE ACTS P olyphonia (LIVE): Insomnia RecordsE280A6GREECE Kashyyk (LIVE):Mass Ab duction/Pleiadian..MEXICO Master Pain (LIVE): Mass Abduction/PleiadianE2 80A6E280A6.E280A6E280A6MEXICO Audiopathik (LIVE): Acidize/Mass Abduction/PleiadianE280A6MEXICO Monks of Madness (LIVE): Psycirlce SAN DIEGO Darkaholic (LIVE): 5th ElementE280A6TIJUANA Rellic Dika (LIVE) : 5th ElementE280A6TIJUANA DJ SETS Mubali (Trishula) Gochan (Mass Ab ductions/Pleiadian) Makro (Mass Abductions/Pleiadian) Catalyx (Mindful) Wi ked (5th Element) Hosorom (Mass Abductions/Pleiadian) Madro (Mass Abductio ns/Pleiadian) Mutex (Mass Abductions/Pleiadian) Noid (5th Element) Magnoli a (Pleiadian/5th Element/Psycircle) web 5thelement.mx w ww.psyproductions web massabductions web psycircle.co m “In the end the love you take is equal to the love you make” Pleiadian/5th Element Rec Onwards July 11th 2007 (We d.) Ny, Ny Weekly Minimal & Progressive party “Activate” at Sapphire Loung e on Guest DJ: Kamal Ishwara (Lotus Advanced) Dragontribe/Psythtrance, NJ,SA Kamal is the leader/founder, he has been a DJ & Prom oter since 1993 and turned onto Goa trance back in 1995. Apart from playi ng at underground events, he throws partys from time to time. His favori te style is Progressive psychedelic trance, inspired by Atmos and Shiva C handra just to name a couple. You might find him playing other genres as well including Full-On Psy & Chill-Out but never any cheasy loud noise… Be prepared for a complete vinyl set this wednesday! web dragontribe. info – (web myspace/advancedlotus) or (web myspace/dragonlotus) Resident DJs: -Shunny (Mad Elephant/NYC/JP) -Sew (Mad Elephant/NYC/JP) -T.T.X. (X Kaihatsu/NYC/JP) -Yugo (X Kaihatsu/NYC/JP) Time: 10:00pm-4: 00am Admission: FREE Venue Address: “Sapphire Lounge” 249 Eldridge Street, between Houston and Stanton New York, NY. Direction: By Subwa y F, V to 2nd Ave. presented by Activate & Dekompression 7/11/0 7 SF, CA Hypnotic Masquerade Ball *cd release party*, Mistress Of Evil Records “Enter a world of dark fantasy where fiery fantasma light your w ay and entrance your very soul…” Dearest Friends, Fans, and Supporters of the Dreamtime Circus, Please join us this Wednesday for a MASQUERADE BALL as we celebrate the release of “Hypnotic Masquerade”, a psychedelic t rance compilation CD to benefit the Dreamtime India Tour! And, come prepa red to dance, because we’ve lined up four of the best psychedelic trance acts on this side of the galaxy to ensure a full four hours of psychedeli c circus mayhem! Audial Hypnosis by PARUS FRACTAL COWBOYS LIAM SHY (a ka SHATTERED ORDER) TREESAP (part of the MUGWORT MOON project with M.O.E A manda) Visual Journeys by SANDY DING (Flashlight Show & Film Project ions) DREAMTIME CIRCUS (Costumed Creatures & Video from “Between Worlds”) What The Dreamtime Circus “Hypnotic Masquerade” Ball When Wednesday, July 7th – 10pm-2am Where Il Pirata – 2007 16th St. at Potrero – San Fran cisco Why It’s a great party for a great cause! Wear A mask, it’s a Ma squerade! This is a special night of “Synchronize”, the weekly psytrance event at Il Pirata. You must be 21 or over to attend. $5 – $20 donations requested. FREE CD FOR DONATIONS OF $15 OR MORE! All proceeds from the eve nt benefit the Dreamtime Circus India Tour that will bring free circus pe rformances to villages and refugee communities throughout India from Octob er 2007 – March 2008. All tracks on “Hypnotic Masquerade” were donated by the artists and many of the tracks were inspired by the circus and speci fically written for this compilation. The CD includes previously unreleas ed tracks by PENTA, FRACTAL COWBOYS, PARUS, GHREG ON EARTH, MUBALI, SHATT ERED ORDER, MUGWORT MOON, HAUNTED CASTLE, and an Intro by DYLALIEN. A li mited number of hard copies will be available at the CD release party as well as other Dreamtime Circus events. Digital downloads will soon be on sale at web DreamtimeCircus.org. All proceeds from the sale of “Hyp notic Masquerade” will benefit the Dreamtime India Tour. Hope to see you there… The Dreamtime Circus web DreamtimeCircus.org July 13/14/ 15 Echo Lake NY Orb-Fest Our dream came true After 4 years of producing and throwing parties constantly in NYC with the best trance artists in th e globe, We feel that the time has come to go outdoors, for a well planed and highly produced 3 days festival by Alladin Project Crew. The gatherin g will take place in Echo Lake, upstate NY. It’s an amazing magical forest on top of a wide lake, plenty of parking space and well maintained campin g site, featuring the best international psytrance artists, So please mar k your calendars! Alladin summer festival July 13/14/15 2007 at Echo Lake N Y We are planning massive entertainment activities that include but are n ot limited to, work shops, chai shops, drums circle, fire performance, las er shows, psychedelic art backdrops & decorations, 24 hours active restaur ant in affordable prices, full bar, vendors market, several designated pub lic camping tents, hot showers, clean restrooms, first aid on premises, an d LOTS MORE!!! Full festival info will be up soon. Prepare yourselves to b e taken to the next level! We’re going to enjoy from the best full on, p rogressive, dark, chill out, and alternative electronic music produced by the biggest artists from around the globe!!! Here’s the confirmed line-up so far, not in order of appearance. Line Up: Live Acts SHIFT (Nexus Med ia, South Africa) HUX FLUX (Spiral Trax, Sweden) GATAKA (Compact Records, Israel) ZION (Alladin Records, Israel) ORBIT (Alladin Records, Israel,Japa n) D-TEK (Maia Recorsds Mexico) IBOJIMA (Yellow Sunshine Explosion, Sweden ) ZIK aka HORROR PLACE (Harmonia Rec, Drup Out, Greece) ONNOMON (Gaian Min d, Soular Records, Philadephia,) COMBINATIONS (Groove Criminals Records, I srael, Austria) REEFER DECREE (Iboga Records, Denmark) ENERTOPIA (Alladin Records, Israel) D-SPACE (Alpha Channel/M-Field,PsyBooty Records,Soul tra nce) JAY SELWAY aka CYZUM (Zero Divide/ JOOF Records/ Iboga Records USA) M .T.R (Queens, NYC) BUBBLE CRAFT (NYC, Israel) PSYLAB (Boston, USA) DYNAMIC RAIN (Israel) EARWORM (NYC) Dj Sets SESTO SENTO (Compact Records, Israe l) TOTAL ECLIPSE (TIP World,mandala France) TWISTED SYSTEM (Pitch Hikers/s hift South Africa) PETER DIGITAL (Mpdqx Booking Digital Structures) ZIK ak a HORROR PLACE(Harmonia Drup Out,Greece) IBOJIMA (Yellow Sunshine Explosio n, Sweden) GRAPES OF WRATH-MONNO (Parvati, Denmark) ENERTOPIA (Alladin Re cords, Israel) ZION (Alladin Records, Israel) REEFER DECREE (Iboga, Denmar k) KNO-B (Alladin Records, Japan) HUX FLUX (Spiral Trax, Sweden) D-TEK (Ma ia Records, Mexico) DOMINO (Avatar/Wakyo,UK) SPYROS (Psytribe, Los Angeles ) DRIZZT (24/7 Records, Montreal) LAURYN (Peak Records/28thday, NYC) TONY UNORTHODOX (28thday, NYC) YAN (Ultra Groove, Tech Safari, Canada) RICKAM ( Neurobiotic Records, Tech Safari, Canada) EGBOT & MESCALINIUM (Gaian Mind /PSI-Philadelphia) LUIS ( Dreamcatcher, Brazil/NYC) CORAL (Touch S amadhi, NYC) PHATMIND (NYC/Israel) EARTHIAN (aka ANIMALTEK, Omnitribe, NYC ) VADIM (Loft.N.Space, NYC) SHUUNY (Mad Elephant, NYC/Japan) GAVIN (Digita l Structures, Spectra,NYC) ELNADIV (Alladin Records, Israel) CRIS (Alladin Records, Mexico) BABLA (Kagdila Records, India) STEVE-O (Goa Babies, Gaia n Mind, NYC) BRANDON ADAMS (Dreamcatcher, NYC) NOLA (Alladin Records, NYC ) SHAMAN FILMS MEDIA (San Francisco, Mexico) ROE REVOLUTION (South Florida Psytrance) OMER (Alladin Records, San Francisco) INNER MONGOLIAN (Russia/ NYC) KEN (NYC, Japan) INDRA (Omnitribe, Alphatrance, NYC) KIFE (Omnitribe, NYC) SUNIL vs MADUH (Malysia/India) STAS (Omni Tribe, NYC) IGAL (Loft.n.S pace, NYC) ALIEN AMBASSADOR (CoSM, NYC) DROOZI (Pune, India) MAYUR (Spectr a, NYC) FULL FESTIVAL WEB SITE WILL BE UP SOON Links: web alladi nproject.net web myspace/alladinproject web myspace/d jrickam web myspace/zerodivide web myspace/psylab web myspace/revolutionproductions web myspace/dspacestud ios web myspace/gatakamusic web myspace/musicdtek web myspace/zionpsy web myspace/djlauryn web mysp ace/theearworm web myspace/djdrizzt web myspace/b ubblecraftproject web myspace/sshhiifftt web myspace/ enertopiapsy web myspace/yanndj web myspace/djdomino7 2 web myspace/djearthian web myspace/djkife ww w.myspace/psycheground web mandalarecords.org web mpdqx.c om web psytribe web iboga-records.dk web alladinre cords web omnitribe web 28thday web cosm .org web parvati-records web gaian-mind web to uchsamadhi web soularrecords This one for sure will be an unforgettable gathering!!! More info to be up soon!!! Rain or Shine Event! Peace Love Light ‘n Trance Alladin Project Crew July 12-15, 2007 Drayton Valley, AB The 8th Motion Notion!! at an amazing new location… The Bent River Ranch (1hr West of Edmonton, 3.5hrs from Calgary) Full i nfo, pics, map, etc at web motionnotion MAIN STAGE Shout Out Out Out Out web nrmlswlcmrcrds, web myspace/shoutoutoutoutout Edmonton’s red-hot electro-rock-pop-fusion band is back to blow your socks off! Wi zzy Noise (Greece) web wizzy-noise.gr, web myspace/wizzynoiseofficial candyflip rec, exposure …the vandals responsible for the damage to th e left side of your brain, the fire on your speakers, and the nervous bre akdown of your grandmother! Treavor Moontribe (USA) web desertdwellers.or g, INgrooves, White Swan Rec, Native State Rec Blistering beats from one of the State’s greatest DJs. A favorite at Motion Notion. Felix (German y) web felix-stoever.de Artist, DJ, explorer, and physicist- Felix is an i ngenious man and a fine downtempo dj. Earthy psydub in the afternoon! So ns of Aurora web area709 Darvin Knorr and Norris Lam make up this asto unding DJ duo who play some of the deepest, most psychedelic music around . Chris Organix web organixproductions Phantasm Records, UK The lunat ic behind Vancouver’s longest running club-night, and is a fine purveyer of the full-on sound! MossyRock (USA) web mossyrock.net Indie downtempo p op-loop gems that leave you feeling part of a woozy, lilting waltz. Sobe it Union web sobeitunion This unique 3-piece band from Nelson, BC play s everything from downtempo lounge to house, breaks, and techno. Nystag mus nystagmus.benow.ca, sundance rec A hidden gem of a producer in Canada’s dance community. Melodic, dark, and whimsical. Ronin GSC, Iosi s, In:Vision, E13, Elphinstone Fine talent from Vancouver Island. Ronin wo rks closely with Interchill Records, The Green Samurai Clan, and Native S tate Records. Intergalactic Faerie Funk (USA) web iff.galactique.net Live 3-piece band of traveling freaks who play surreal house music. Spooky ye t beautiful! Jay Michael web area709, web entheogenetic, web t ribalharmonix.org Luke Morrison web lukemorrison David Stone Cjsr, t he union, web myspace/davidstone Kristoff Di.fm, DP Recordings, Recov erworld.net, Y Afterhours, web djkristoff Alexei- psytrance, web area 709 Arlen- techhouse, pK, web music1st.ca Cameron Sinclair- live-pa ww w.music1st.ca Chris B- electro, in-order-to-danse.blogspot Chri stian- progressive, web playpromotions Cruz-Ae vs Tristan Newton- psyt rance, web cruz-ae, web tristannewton Erin Eden vs Dusty Grooves- prog, web erineden Gong Show- live and electric Groovy Cuvy- house, e lectro, breaks, cjsr, J.A.DJ (Sask)- house, web goodlifepromotions.ca Jame s Katalyst- psytrance, breaks, web katalystevents Kevin Partridge- psy trance, breakbeat, web gomp.ca Kyro Prophet- psytrance, web ragingshaman.c om/media/ LP- house, techno, web djlp.ca Relentless vs Jord web technohip pycrew.ca Neighbour with The Konga Kid- house, live drums, web homebreakin records Powder- prog, electro, web phunktionproductions Sundrop- p sytrance, web sundrop.ca Sweetz- house, breakbeat, web myspace/sistasw eetz Threesixty vs Mihagic- (BC) breaks, reggae, web myspace/goldende liciousproduction Vinny Vo- electro, progressive, sushi crew THE FORT Aq uasky (UK) web aquasky.co.uk Noisia (Netherlands) web noisia.nl Ooah ( USA) The Glitch Mob, web myspace/ooahmusik, web myspace/theglitch mob Small Town DJs web smalltowndjs,Hi Fi Club, Giant 45, Bigfoot R ec Shamik web myspace/subterraneansound Anx- techno, web myspace /anxxx Big Daddy- house, phoenix Broken English- breaks, d+b, web pkevents B-Side- breaks, d+b, web pkevents Deception- d+b, web pkevents.co m Degree- reggae, breaks, d+b, web myspace/subterraneansound DJ Enerat e- d+b, rebelsoundsystem Dreadnought- d+b, web myspace/subterraneansou nd Funk Trader- breaks, web gomp.ca Fuuze- house, electro, breaks, web gom p.ca GI Jody- techno, rebelsoundsystem Greedo- techno, rebelsoundsystem Ho neey Mustard- techno, web honeeymustard Kaspr- breaks, techno, rebels oundsystem Maryjayne- breaks, techno, rebelsoundsystem Matt Hatter- d+b, w ww.myspace/subterraneansound Mista Hellfiya- breakbeat Optimus Prime- breakbeat Paul Who (Sask)- house Pete Wilde vs Eleven- breakbeat Seacek- h ouse The Dirty Hustlers- Kev vs Rhett B- house, electro, live-synth, web b assic.ca Trapz- house, breaks, phoenix OTHER ATTRACTIONS The Curve Pro ject Runs 6pm Friday to noon Sunday. A chill-out dome and surrounding area made by Alexei, Nori, and friends. DJs from the other stages will play d owntempo in this intentional space. Open-Decks Open-decks will run 1pm-7p m Friday and Saturday. This year The Fort will be hosting the open-decks e xtravaganza, so it’s a chance to play on a huge soundsystem outdoors! Twe lve one-hour slots are up for grabs. DJs that want to play must enter the ir DJ name into a drawbox at The Fort prior to 1pm Friday. The random dra w will happen at 1pm on Friday at which time the lucky DJs will be added to the schedule. DJs that are already booked to play are not eligible to enter the draw. The stage is equiped with professional CDJs, turntables, and a mixer. Bring your own headphones and one hour of good music! Inter active Dome Make sounds and visuals in this surreal geodesic dome. Motion sensors and touch pads trigger the sounds and lighting real-time through two computers. Big thanks to John Bichel and friends. Felix Deco Artist (Germany) Workshops All types of free daytime workshops ranging from yoga and meditation to dj tricks and fire spinning or hoola-hoop classes. Sch edule will be posted at the Curve Project chill-out dome. Contact us if y ou want to host a workshop. Costume Contest Wacky, wild, weird, or wicked – lets see what you’ve got! We go to excess creating this spectacle, so w hy not add your flavour to it?! Show your individuality! Winners get free cds, Motion Notion merchandise, or passes to Motion Notion 2008. Kataly st Katalyst is the main organizer of Motion Notion. Years of contemplation broken only by the occasional silly moment of genius will culminate in a mammoth main stage of colour and texture unlike any before. RebelSoundS ystem The notorious group of rowdy tech-heads that dwell within the walls of the Fort. pK Events web pkeventservices Killer sound-systems, and unique party environments. GOMP gomp.ca The Grumpy Old Men! Events and environments made from pure underground love. Dizzy Carnival dizzycarniva l (at) gmail Circus trained performers who combine stilting, fire and unique movements along with custom costumes and deco. VJs Electric Zoom, C60, Ikaro, & Carrie Gates Four independent VJs. Live-mixed visual projec tions that meld custom footage, quirky samples, live feeds, and fractals in time with the music using two 6600 lumen beamers on immense outdoor sc reens! Rise Sun City risesuncity (at) yahoo Calgary’s famous fire-dancrew always put on an amazing choreographed show with sexy outfits and fire stunts. Vendor Village Security, First-Aid, Sanctuary TICKETS P rice includes GST. A small service fee will be charged by the ticket outl et. *Early bird and *Saturday passes are only available at Foosh, Giant 45 and TicketMaster 3 Night Pass (gates at 12-noon Thursday) *Early Bi rds: $98 Regular: $118 At gate: $150 Saturday Pass (gates at 12-noon Sa turday) *Advance: $60 At gate: $80 Ticket Stores: Edmonton Foosh, 10554 82 Ave (780) 491-6980 Treehouse Records, 10249 97 ST (780) 428-7334 Blackb yrd Myoozik 10442 82 Ave (780) 439-1273 Calgary Grass Roots, 112 10 St NW (403) 270-2193 Giant 45, 1403 11 St SW (403) 244-5845 Ticketmaster web t icketmaster.ca (780) 451-8000, (403) 777 Motion Notion 2007 July 12 -15 web motionnotion July 20th, 2007 Miami, FL INFECTED MUSHROO M at The Pawnshop Lounge Line-up, tickets, and additional information TB AE280A6 web thepawnshoplounge web myspace/revolutionproductions web infected.co.il July 20th-22nd 2007 SEATTLE, WA RETURN OF THE D RAGONFLY – USA OPEN-AIR! SWARMING DITHERING DROPPING AND SWOOPING THIS DRAGONFLY IS BACK AND IN FULL EFFECT We have Returned & are head over hee ls. .Molecular is Proud to present; the RETURN of the Dragonfly A full m oon OPEN AIR celebration, under the stars, on this earth. {{{ JULY 20TH-22 2 hours of Seattle Three Stages of Music Art Pe rformances Food Culture Life Diversity – Butoh performanc es Aerial Arts Fire & ritual Visuals hosted by Pierre Lazarus + More D ecoration with Orbital Monkeys Sound by Lucid Audio & You Cafe AbunDanc e serving up chai, foods, and faerie dust magic! Raising donations to supp ort NEST and the Abundance travelling cafe-a-thon Please bring a bowl/plat e, cup & spoon so you might be served to a higher level. *1st 75 tickets 15$ each! Get yours soon! web brownpapertickets *2nd Tier 20$ *3rd Tier (week of) 25$ *At the Gate 30$ URL :: web MOLECULAR.CC INFOLINE :: 206 309 7290 Location Confirmed to be announced in the nea r future Are you Molecular? Interested in being a part? Email for contact. *All artists are confirmed within the following list with much more soon to be known. Samples & links will be posted via web at the earliest conv enience. Thank you all for your patience as more suprises await. Featuring Psytrance class-act a ll the way from Denmark::::: MONNO (grapes of wrath, parvati records) DM web myspace/onkeldunkelownz Transmission Start……Onkel Dunk el is the result of an over active imagination coupled with technology. It s the solo project of Monno member of G.O.W. Originally started up in 2003 the Onkel Dunkel project has been in hiatus mode up until 2005 where it slowly but surely worked its way from imagination to sequencer and in 2007 on to releasing material. Inspiration comes from everywhere possible, as well as sound sources of all manners. Above all else a love of organic syn th sounds and electronics. Pointless trivia you might not need to know, b ut you’re gonna anyway: -Proud owner of one of the worlds finest studio t ans -also available for children’s birthdays! -Will work for things that g o beep and/or has knobs -half man, half six-pack! more info may or may no t be had at it’s his own little slice of the conscious collective/shameles sly self-promoting hive mind for the “more me” generation. Gotta be hip wi th the hipsters and down with the groove see you out there somewhere. DJ ZORIN & SUNASH (Shiva Family) VAN,BC DJ WAATER (Molecular/Ohm Bass Record s) SEA web molecular.cc/waater “..Once it clicks into one’s head, t hat we all have our own power & prowess, then is when we begin our journey – here as sentient beings..” DJ WaaterMaark (Shepherd Grei) DR. BON ES (Over Mind Works/Molecular) AK/SEA AZEBAN (Molecular) NYC/SEA/Earth G OA PETE (Shiva Family/Organix) VAN, BC RY’N (apollos lute) PDX LARA (sea ttle) HERBIE (Apollos Lute/Molecular) PDX MUSCHI (Inertia-Labs) SEA THE GOA CONSTRICTOR (Bagscrapers) PdXXX IDMERCIAL (Import-Exploit/Molecular) SEA DJ CID 6.7 (seattle) web cid67 – the Dragonfly Nes t DJ ADVENT (Seattle) web djadvent Ambient, downtemp o ZEEROK (Molecular) SEA AARON HOYLE (Molecular) SEA Ambient/Downtempo MYSTERY THEATRE Kristina Childs – decibelfestival – techno/house/progres sive Nordic Soul – decibelfestival – groovin sonication MUCH MORE UNDER S OON! Await the final shout.. This is a LEAVE NO TRACE EVENT. Trashbags & reusable containers are encouraged Directions & Locations will be announ ced Within the near Future. So please.., STAY TUNED WE ARE LOOKING FORWAR D TO THIS AND SEEING ALL! WE HAVE AN AMAZING TIME TO COME! Love to Light, o0Oo .Molecular oO0o //web molecular.cc – *flyer design by Mythril mythril at skyearth.org July 21, 2007 Laytonville, CA. PROTOCULTURE – . AREA 101 $30 – PRESALE ONLY!!!!! Tickets online at web symb iosisevents and in person at Ceiba in San Francisco. Symbiosis Events is proud to announce that we are bringing back Protoculture for another epic morning set this summer at Area 101, near Laytonville, CA. We are ex cited to see you all out there for a fun night under the stars and a day in the sun. Outdoor Soundspace Protoculture (NANO – S. Africa) Live + DJ Set Psynthetic Ricardo Tryptymine Sentient Alixer Atum Sentrafuge Pedro I ndoor Chill Lounge Ribotto Rob Rayle Manny sTony Remember it is a Presal e ONLY event. Get your tickets as there is a limited supply. Sunday July 22 New York City Open-air park party, one week after Orb. Jul y 25-30 Ozark Mountains of Northwest Arkansas The excitement is spreading across the country for the AUM Festival, happening this summer, July 25- 30. Converging on the Day Out of Time and culminating with the full moon, you can expect a wild 5 day adventure in psychedelic trance music, art a nd culture like no other! We have been networking with friends and party promoters across North America to bring you a truly collaborative event t hat seeks to create a bridge across the continent built on our common pas sion for the modern trance dance ritual. The long term concept is to crea te a bi-annual festival held in a new location each year. This bi-annual gathering will give us a place to come together to share our resources and knowledge, raising the collective vibration and sending us back to our o wn communities inspired and ready to consciously construct our own realit ies. The 2007 AUM Festival will be held in the Ozark Mountains of Northw est Arkansas. We encourage you to read the location information and also do your own research on this beautiful and liberal area of Eureka Springs, Arkansas. Part of the goal of AUM Festival is to break down imagined bar riers that prevent us from coming together as one community. On the dance floor we can transcend these barriers and reconnect with the Earth, our b odies, minds & spirits, and each other. Now is the time to try somthin g different! Choose your own adventure!! Peace, Love and Unity! Venue In fo: The 2007 AUM Festival will be located in the beautiful Ozark Mountain s in Northwest Arkansas, bordering Missouri. High in the ridges, cliffs and crystal encrusted township of Eureka Springs the venue has a lot to o ffer. On 143 acres of hilly ridge top property there are onsite bathroomsshowers, an outdoor amphitheatre, a covered mainstage, a covered pavilio n suitable for serving meals, electrical hookups in many of the campsites and hiking trails (one leads to a cave that can be safely explored). The re is a stream running through the property in the valley suitable for a cool rinse after dancing and just a short drive (7 miles) will get you to crystal clear Beaver Lake for swimming, canoeing and cliff jumping. Most of the camping is located under the shade of trees and can conveniently accommodate vehicles. Local Atmosphere: The town of Eureka Springs was founded primarily by European hippies and welcomes this type of event. We are expecting full support for AUM Festival from the friendly local comm unity, including help with local food vendors and info for travelers to h elp find their way around. There is a vibrant local trance community that has offered their assistance with organizing local infrastructure and re sources, including bio diesel generators as a power option. There is exte nsive outdoor recreation in the area that will make your journey to and from AUM Festival scenic and memorable. Weather: Weather is generally hot and humid, reaching the high 80s and 90s during the days dropping at night into the 70s at this time of year. Travel: From Fayetteville (FA Y) airport the drive is just over 1 hour. The new Northwest Arkansas Regi onal Airport (XNA), has several flights arriving daily from most cities a cross the United States. Northwest Arkansas Regional Airport is south of Bentonville, AR approximately 1-1/2 hours west of Eureka Springs. Alte rnatively, you can fly into Springfield, Missouri (SGF) located 2 1/2 hou rs north of Eureka Springs OR Tulsa, Oklahoma (TUL) located 2 hrs 45 minu tes west OR Little Rock Airport located 4 hours south. Local Points of Interest: Eureka Springs: web eurekasprings/ Eureka Springs Alternative: web eurekasprings/alternative/index Outdoor Recreation: web eurekasprings/outdoors/ Local Tiger Refuge: web turpentinecreek.org/ More local resources coming soon! Stand by for pics to be uploaded at: web aumfestival.net/ soon! Next up : Presale Tickets JULY 27-28-29-30 QUEBEC, CA ECLIPSE 2007: SUMM ER ELECTRONIC MUSIC FESTIVAL: Hello friends around the world! This is th e official date for the next open air trance festival in the north of Que bec, Canada. Tech Safari present Eclipse 2007: electronic music festival f or dance music art and peace web eclipsefestival web techsafari.ca AMAZONE 3RD ANNIVERSARY (HALLOWEEN RITUAL) IN MONTREAL WITH TRANSWAVE LIVE! – OCTOBER 28TH Aug 4th to Aug 6th Near Vancouver city, BC, CANADA GODIZUS 2007 Start Time:: TBA Location:: OUTDOOR “HOPE town” (less then 2 hrs drive from Vancouver city, BC, CANADA) Exact out door venue TBA We are celebrating us artists * DJs* producers * broth ers and sisters family members Sharing our visions * arts * music * vib es * dance * love and peace Pre-Gathering is held on Aug 3rd “Stage 2 * l Sound Tribe / Holochron” same location combining vibes from all 3 stages artists & family members, while doing the gathering set up *** 3 STAGES:: * Main Stage 1 PSYTRANCE / TRANCE / PROGRESSIVE “Light, Morn ing, Minimal, Progressive, Tribal, Goa, FullOn, Hard, Dark & Night, Deser t, Downtempo, Chill, …) * Main Stage 2 PSY * ELECTRONICA “In colobera tion with l Sound Tribe / Holochron” “Drum & Bass, Breakbeat, House, Ju ngle, Ragga, IDM, Dub, Triphop, Psy Brake, Industrial, Techno, Glitch, Dan cehall, Chill, …) * Renegade Stage 3 Dreadnex Inc. * Opening Ceremon y:: Raq’el F. & Ariel * Altar:: Ariel * Visuals:: Anandamide CrazyDave Tristian (more Visual artists to be announced) * Deco:: Spacenuggs Anja Godizus sisters Shiva family * Photography by Raq’el Fors Jord ao photographic productions web jordao.ca * Videographic by Ryan McCann McCann Video productions web mvpvideo.ca * Arts Projects * Fire Spinni ng Artists * Dancers * Vendors: Arts * Clothing * Jewllery * Food * Alco hol free Drinks Sound systems & Sound Technicians:: Stage 1:: E13 sound & productions Stage 2:: l Sound Tribe / Holochron Renegade stage:: Dread nex Inc. Sharing the stages:: (by alphabetic order) Artists “DJs * Produc ers” International Line Up:: Divine Soma Experiment (SomaSoundSystem) [U K] Faxi Nadu Live (Anomalistic, D-A-R-K) [Isreal] Joe (Great Basin Trance) {Nevada, USA] Meghan (Goahead, Godizus, Shaman Film) [Ohio – USA] Mubali Live (Trishula Records, NL) [Wisconsin – USA] Wichdokta (Phoenix Family, Geomagnetic) [California – USA] Spirax (Psycologic) [Columbia, Montreal] National Line Up:: Aerion [Elphinstone] Akhentek (Deliria, ElementalMedia Entheogenetic) [Elphinstone] Andabeat (Sinningdrum) [Elphinstone] Angel (Organix) [Vancouver] Ariel (Godizus) [East Vancouver] Aurora [Vancouver] Austripin (Acidengine, Deliria) [Vancouver] Aya (Organix, Geomagnetic) [Va ncouver] ] Bad (Tribal Harmonix) [Vancouver] Basick [Toronto] BeatFarmer [Lesquiti Island] Bias (Boomtown Records, Fixed Fridays) [Vancouver] Blurred Edges ( Kali Yuga, Acid Terror) [Gabriola Island] Byron Dreamweaver (Seed Of life) [elphinstone] Charo (Godizus) [Elphinstone, Mexico] Cloud Dancer (Rainbow Cathedral) [Victoria] Crazy Dave (Morning Glory) [Neo Tokyo 3] Data Dagge r (Geomancers) [Calgary, Vancouver] Davila (Deliria) [Mexico, Vancouver] Derek Michael (HeatScore) [Vancouver] Desunos (Rainbow Cathedral) [Victori a] Don Juan Kenobi (Holochron) [Vancouver] o] Eeos (Anandamide) [Vancouver] Fractal Fred (Together As One) [Calgary] Ganika (Godizus, Geomagnetic, Triplag, D-A-R-K, Neutrona) [Toronto, Vanco uver] Goa Pete (Goa Trance Mission, Organix) [India, Canada] Grant (Haus u v Freex) [Vancouver] Headley (l Soundtribe, Holochron) [Vancouver] Houst on (In:Vision, E13) [Vancouver] Indigo Violetta (Deliria, Godizus) [Vancou ver, Mexico] Isiselectren (Holochron) [Elphinstone] JabberWock [Vancouver] Jenny [Victoria] Jorge (Psyon) [Mexico, Vancouver] Jprime [Vancouver] JuiBox [Vancouver] Killa Krush (Automatic) [Vancouver] Kinwah (Euphorik) [Vancouver] Kiweheredeyejedi (l Soundtribe, Holochron) [Vancouver, New Zealand] kRAKRJAXX (Haus uv Freex) [Vancouver] Krazy K (mAdmtskilLz, Godi zus, Night Oracle, Neutrona) [Vancouver] Logik (Electro Shock Entertainmen t) [Vancouver, Montreal, Quebec] Longstocking (Sygyzy, Godizus) [Montreal] Luna (Ekstasis Dance) [elphinstone] Maktub (Tribal Rhythms Nomadic) [Elph instone] Mazeguider [Vancouver] Mofo Beoch (Here On Earth) [Vancouver] Mou ntain Eyes (Rainbow Cathedral) [Victoria] Nighthawk (Haus uv Freex) [Toron to, Vancouver] Not The Droidz [Live PA] (Holochron) [Vancouve, Tatooine] N ystagmus ‘live 5.1′ (Entheogenetic) [Vancouver] Piksee [Vancouver] Psi-co- sys vs Causai (Psicotik, Geomagnetic, D-A-R-K) [Montreal, Vancouver] Raq’e l F. (Elphinstone, Godizus) [Elphinstone] Ronin (GSC, In:Vision, E13) [Elp hinstone] Rytalin (l Soundtribe, Holchron) [Vancouver] Scotty Stylus [Vi ctoria] Sinister (Solstice) [Vancouver] Skinni B (l Soundtribe) [Vancouv er] Space Monkey (Neutrona) [Vancouver] Spaceman Spliff (Down to Earth) [ Vancouver] Spacenuggs [Vancouver] Stargirl (Godizus) [Seattle, Vancouver] Stimz (l Soundtribe) [Vancouver] Sunash (Shiva family, Godizus) [Russia, Vancouver] Tardy (Lost n Found, Holochron) [Vancouver] TDDA (U.S.B) [Vanc ouver] Timekeeper (Geomancers) [Vancouver] Transgress [Live PA] (Tribal Ha rmonix, Thirteen Moons, Inject) [East Vancouver] Trichome (e13) [Vancouve r] Willow (Dreamtribe, Organix) [Vancouver] Xpander [Mexico, Vancouver] Zi ni [Vancouver] TICKETS:: $40 pre-sale $60 at door Tickets available f Highlife 604-251- 6964 (Please visit web godizus.net for more updates on tickets purchasing new locations…) w.godizus.net (by Paypal & Credit Cards) NOTES:: * This is a “Drunk Fre e” gathering (We are here for Peace) * No Glass is permitted on the bea utiful ground during our gathering * No Weapons are permitted * No C hemicals-ds are permitted * Adults only: 18+ are welcomed * Child ren and Youth under 18- are ONLY welcomed with the presence of their own PARENTS *Please be responsible to your own being and to others thank you very much and blessings to all of us on this beautiful journey *** ** For any inquiries please e: contact at godizus.net (or email to “godizus at hotmail”) ***** Please visit web godizus.net for more update d info (availbe after July 6th) Goahead Prod: web 604head web goahea dproductions GODIZUS Sisters: tribes.tribe.net/godizus Shaman Films: web shamanfilms.net/ MySpace: web myspace/djmeg hangoahead Friday – Sunday August 10-12, 2007 Goahead Outdoor Gath ering – To be named later Location: West Virgina, Location T.B.A Goahead productions presents an outdoor, all weekend camping, psytrance and downte mpo music and arts gathering. We are limiting attendance to around 100 pe ople in addition to lineup artists and Goahead staff. This will be an inti mate gathering in a beautiful West Virgina backdrop setting, as well as ou r first official outdoor event. Featuring: Goahead roster dj’s: Ari D. Meghan Moke Uzi Malachi John K Plus regional psytrance and downtempo lin eup t.b.a. Tickets will be available only through registration – online purchase. Specific details regarding exact location and ticket prices will be updated soon. For updates, check: web goaheadproductions web 604h ead Friday – Sunday August 10-12, 2007 West Virgina Goahead Ou tdoor Gathering – To be named later Location: West Virgina, Location T.B. A Goahead productions presents an outdoor, all weekend camping, psytrance and downtempo music and arts gathering. We are limiting attendance to aro und 100 people in addition to lineup artists and Goahead staff. This will be an intimate gathering in a beautiful West Virgina backdrop setting, as well as our first official outdoor event. Featuring: Goahead roster dj’ s: Ari D. Meghan Moke Uzi Malachi John K Plus regional psytrance and dow ntempo lineup t.b.a. Tickets will be available only through registration – online purchase. Specific details regarding exact location and ticket p rices will be updated soon. For updates, check: web goaheadproductions.co m web 604head August 10-12,07 Asheville, NC WORLD BRIDGE 2 C ome dance with us in the mountains again! Another year of amazing communit y tribal/neuro trance under the stars at Deerfields. Bring your art, ritu al, vibe,dancing shoes and meet us on the dancefloor! Devic- Jester reco rds Freaks Of Nature Primordial Ooze TOUCH Samadhi Facehead Dyalien (fract al cowboys) -alpha centuari Greenman – D-A-R-K Records / Black Magic recor ds Nikon- Psybertribe Records (owner) Moksa – Atlpsy Dragon – Touch Samad hi Figure 8 Puskara- Atlpsy Pyite- Atlpsy Psyonic- Those People / Psybertr ibe records / Touch Samadhi Koji- Those People / Singlecell Psylent Pulse (brainlizzard & aastral)- Those People Infinitessimal- those people Kri – TOUCH Samadhi Panties The Clown- Psybertribe records / Those People More t.b.a. *PLUS! Special ‘phantom stage” hosted by Those People *VISUALS by Psyonic *Opening Ceremony by Tranceform Venus! *Sound by Project 7 http ://web deerfields – One of the most beautiful venues in North America ! Deerfield’s is an exquisite 940-acre family-owned wilderness retreat co mplete with incredible ponds, creeks, apple orchards, forests, wildlife and hiking trails. This is a LEAVE NO TRACE EVENT!!!! Please respect the lan d and remove everything you bring in (including all trash) when you leav e! Camping is free Friday and Saturday nights, if you are interested in c amping Sunday night there is a land usage fee of $20.00 per person. This f ee can be paid to the land owners when you are onsite. Please do not set up any camping or sleeping on the lakeside stage. This is a great place to visit but sleeping there is not permitted. This is a Rain or Shine eve nt with rustic camping accommodations – bring EVERYTHING you’ll need to s urviveE280A6.there is no re-entry. Food vendor on site. No alcohol. Feel free to bring your artwork to help decorate! Rituals and vibes provi ded by YOUE280A6The Community. Arrive Inspired! Tickets: To purchase tickets, send $50 by PAYPAL to: ThosePeople at gmail Tickets are $50.00 when paid in advance (at least 1 week before the party) 0r $70.00 at the gate. ALL TICKETS MUST BE RESERVED IN ADVANCE WITH NAME AS IT APPEARS ON YOUR ID. Please email ThosePeople at gmail with the name of each person planning to attend. As this is a private party we will be checking ID at the gate, so remember to bring some form of identification please! There are a limited number of tickets to ensure a small, community style party, so please let us know if you intend to be here so we can send you a ticke t confirmation…you will need it to get in!! Only those whose name appea rs on the list will be admitted. No exceptions, not even at the gate! P rearranged rides are available from the airport. Contact thosepeople at gmai l. “Who are they???” “Oh, you know, they’re THOSE PEOPLE.” web thos epeople-asheville Brought to you by Those People Productions! Sunday, August 19 New York City 28thday Productions 2-Year Anniversary!! f eaturing Voice of Cod September 20-24, 2007 Northern California 3rd Ann ual Symbiosis Gathering Symbiosis Events is proud to announce the Third Annual Symbiosis Gathering, An International Arts, Music, and Conscious L ifestyle Event, to take place on 20-24 September, 2007. The Northern Calif ornia venue will be announced later this summer. The crew is currently co nfirming a diverse international lineup of art, music, education, and ent ertainment, with a strong commitment to ecological sustainability. We ho pe you’ll all be able to participate this year; we have lots of surprises in store…! More information will be available soon on the new website, web SymbiosisGathering . Contribute This Year Your amazing t alents andmtskills are what makes this event so special. Submit proposals t o participate as an artist, musician, entertainer, healer, educator, or a ctivist at SymbiosisGathering for Round 1 considerations until 20 Fe bruary. 2007 PreFlyers Are On the Streets… visit our website to join th e street promo team: web SymbiosisGathering Summer F estivals RE-CAP July 12-15: Motion Notion, Alberta, Canada http ://web motionnotion/ July 13-15: Alladin Project, Echo Lake, NY web alladinproject/ July 25-30: AUM Festival, Ozark Mountains, AR web aumfestival.net/ July 27-30: Eclipse, Canada web eclipsefestiva l August 17-19: Moon Dance, Quebec, Canada August 27 E28093 Sept. 3: Burning Man, Black Rock Desert, NV web Burningman Sept. 20-24: Sy mbiosis, Northern CA web symbiosisgathering/ PSY RADIO SHOWS Mindkiller Internet Radio The music of Mindkillers. Let Mindkiller Internet Radio direct you to your future through your ears. 10 0% Psychedelic Trance 24×7 128kbps MP3 stream email: shockwaverider at gma HIGHWAY 604 Sundays 10:30 pm – 12:30am tune in to Highway 604, a weekly psy-trance show mixed + streamed and mixed live by *christine* & aeon from KZSC 88.1fm. 10,000 watts for you people in the Monterey Bay region, here’s the web stream a ddy for those interested outside the South Bay area: web kzsc.org /listen.shtml (web kzsc.org/listen.shtml) Namaste! We’re st reaming insane ultra psychedelic trance 24/7 at 192kbps quality! Live eve nts will occur from now and then, with reknown DJ’s doing their spinning live over the radio, dont miss this!! Stream URL is mirkwar.nu:8 000/listen.pls (mirkwar.nu:8000/listen.pls) And you can also join us on our IRC channel #Psy.se at EFNet network (irc.dataphone.se), and i dle in channel to be updated about coming events and to have nice chats r egarding psy music, clothes, parties or whatever, and even make some requ ests if you like! Hope to see you there soon!! (SPREAD THE WORD) Happy B oom!! // Psy.se Staff PS. Djs are lining up to get to stream, if yer goo d at streaming and interested, find us at IRC and talk to GLM! Z I A – T R A N C E This promo mix by DJ Kenosis highlights his outstanding skill and versatility and is just a taste of what you will expect to hear at Psyforia held in Boston on Friday 4/27. The mix is an hour of hard p rogressive trance and full-on psytrance, including some of his favorite t racks from the past 6 months – like Whirloop’s remix of Hosanna and Astr al Projection – The Prophecy as well as some slightly older favorites. Don’t miss out on this preview of this truly excellent DJ. The mix airs e veryday starting at 2 PM, and again for the rewind at 2 AM EST. *The “Scheduler” on the main station page converts the times for your time zon e. Airing from 4/25 to 5/09. Z I A E28093 T R A N C E Psychedelic Ra dio Airing 24/7 web live365/stations/trahpek web zia-tra nce Track listing: DJ Kenosis – April Psyforia preview 1. John ’00 F leming – Rasa Lila (Siberian Sun remix) 2. The Egg – Angel of My Soul (All aby remix) 3. Human Blue – BlackValley.org 4. Planisphere – Hosanna (Whirl oop remix) 5. Silicon Sound – Nexus 6 (Protoculture remix) 6. Astral Proj ection – The Prophecy 7. White Overtone Wizard – Onwards and Upwards 8. Ri cky M – Bongladesh (original mix) 9. Cybernetica – Corrosion Complete 10. Electric Universe – Deep Purple Haze Hello fellow trancers- After nearly 4 years of radio silence the MP3 streaming radio station:”The Music of Doctor Hoffman” has returned! The MP3 stream has been online for over a week and has had a pretty good listener turn out… In 2000/2001 The music of doctor hoffman was one of the only internet mp3 128kbps psy-tranc e streaming radio stations. Stations like Philosomatika were only 64kbps at that time. The music of doctor hoffman was online for over 8 months a nd served hundreds of listeners from all around hte world! Now it is back in full force!!!! I am going to put up a 320kbps stream soon for those aud iophiles out there. As the next few weeks pass I will be encoding alot mo re music. The music ranges from full on, early full-on (2001), minimal, minimal progressive, psy-tek, progressive, melodic and of course the xen omorph style horror trance! Thanks and check out the station, throw it in your itunes playlist. The stream is always on. web rogueoperato r.net:8000/ (web rogueoperator.net:8000/) THE MUSIC OF DOCTOR HOFFMAN web rogueoperator.net/hoffman/ (web rogueoperator .net/hoffman/) The Digitally Imported Goa-Psy channel presents a bra nd new show called Tsunami Presents, streaming every 4th Friday of the mon th. And it’s just in time for Tsunami’s 9th Anniversary celebration! For this, the premiere episode, prepare yourself for two hours of psychedeli c storm featuring Talamasca Tsunami will be coming your way with a new g uest every 4th Friday of the month. Starting today, catch the hottest Goa and Psy right here on DI! Start time: 2PM US Eastern / 7PM UK / 20:00 Cen tral Europe, on the Goa-Psy channel. Tune in on any link below: w ww.di.fm/mp3/goapsy.pls (web di.fm/mp3/goapsy.pls) web di. fm/wma/goapsy.asx (web di.fm/wma/goapsy.asx) web di.fm/wma /goapsylow.asx (web di.fm/wma/goapsylow.asx) web di.fm/a acplus/goapsy.pls (web di.fm/aacplus/goapsy.pls) You can see what ‘s playing here: web di.fm/goapsy/ (web di.fm/goapsy/) Trance Tuesday Podcast Now Online A few of us trance DJs in SF have b een getting together once a week to mix and generally hang out. The music ranges from progressive to psy (depending on who shows up). We don’t get together every week, but we try to. The link to the feed is as follows: feeds.feedburner/TranceTuesdayPodcast (feeds.feedburner /TranceTuesdayPodcast) You can use iPodder (ipodder.sourceforge.net) or your client of choice. Anyone is welcome to spin with us as long as th ey adhere to our basic guidelines. We also broadcast a live icecast stream . Feel free to drop me a line if you are interested in getting more new s about this or want to get involved. dj johnny primitiv ( New Mexic o ) “psytrance streams every thursday night on Desert FM” -11pm Mountain Time web desertfm:7000/listen.pls (web desertfm:7000/l isten.pls) Chill Syndicate podcasts Hey Downtempo/Chill fans! The Chill Syndicate is a group of local Bay Area Chill DJ’s that get together and do a semi-regular podcast show. If interested, please visit our new website at: web chillsyndicate.net (web chillsyndicate.ne t) If you use iTunes, do a search in the music store under podcasts for ‘ chill syndicate’. We are also listed on Yahoo Podcasts as well as many of the popular podcasting directories. Subscription is free as always. Ch eck it out! Cheers! – The Captain FABULOUS! Fridays Fridays from 1 0 -Noon web KPSU.oRg Give a call (503.725.5945) Send an AIM (kps uradio) Or Gchat (goaconstrictor) Tune in next week for a very exciting s pecial show. GyPsyNate will be coming down to the studio to play -and tal k about- music with me. Should be a most wonderful experience for all. That’s all for this moment. Please remember kids, do not, under any circu mstances, ever, disturb the sexy. -A’damn – dude, jaegermeister and chine se herbs, I feel 100 times better then I did yesterday… web gizmonix.n et ONLINE DJ SETS: Dragonlotus-Back to the Source web dragont ribe.info web touchsamadhi/mp3/kri/kri-nightprowler.mp3 Kri – Nightprowler PEACE & LOVE 🙂 from – Kamal Advanced (DragonLotus) Please download my chill out track called Sexy Psytrance Lover at web .myspace/advancedlotus & check out: web myspace/dragonlotus web l otusgrafx web dragontribe.info Namaste and Greetings !!! please watch this video its about love and good vibes: ht the delay, not much was going on up here in the Northeast anyways, I needed some downtim e to recover from GM. Speaking of which was truly enchanting. Lots of good people, beautiful faces, old friends etc. Talent was goo d sound was weak. Oh Yea No rain too except once. Well this weeken d in Philly there is another GM/PEx Party for burning man, woo-hoo! its in vite only so if u get this i suggest u haul ass to get a invite via whatev er mthod they suggest kinda kooky if u ask me. If your a New Yorker there is a free party with amazing music, see below. As for the rest rea d on, with Love Kamal Ishwara Advanced-Lotus (web myspace.co m/advancedlotus) or (web myspace/dragonlotus) Om Shanti! & PLEASE NOTE THE WEEKLYS SECTION IS BEI NG REVISED AND WILL BE UPDATED AS SOON AS MORE ACCURATE INFORMATION IS PRE SENTED, SOME EVENTS ARE OUTDATED SO IF YOU HAVE A WEEKLY PSY EVENT OR KNOW ABOUT IT PLEASE SEND ME AN EMAIL psydragon3 at a ol This Weekend B RSaturday 07.07.07 NY, NY funky groovy trance prog electro tri bal party at Caffe Novecento, upstairs on the de cks: DJ Smumer (Radiolaria) DJ Indra (Alphtrance, Omnitribe) DJ Earthian (Omnitribe/Animaltek) 10-4am free Ca ffe Novecento, 343 west Broadway *** Animaltek’s special edition cd ‘s will be given away at the party for a modest don ation, as we try and help our dear friend Katalina to buy an air conditioner to protect her young babyB R from summer heat. THE PHILADELPHIA EXPERIMENT Presents: TRIPLE SEVEN COMPRESSION Saturday, July 7th, 2 007 (7/7/7) 10pm – ??? at the PEX Warehouse (5th b/w Cecil B. Moore & am Montgomery) $10 w/ costume, $20 w/o The Official PEX Fundra iser and Compression party for Black Rock City 2007. With Live performance s by Archedream for Humankind, Uncut Productions, The Philadelphia Fire Ar ts Tribe, Philly Hoopers and Pyro-A-Go-Go (California). Upstairs Ps ytrance room with music and deco by GAIAN MIND. This Event is invit ation only, for invites please send a Self Addressed Stamped Envelope to T he Philadelphia Experiment 813 N. 5th St. Phila, Pa. 19123. No invite, No admittance, No exceptions. First Floor DJs Microstar (H amburg Germany, Playloop) Nigel Richards (611 Records, Philly, PEX) Phillip Charles (Dot Matrix, Philly) Selector Science (N. Coast Undrgro und, Oakland, CA) Jomai Etu (NYC, SF, Tribe of Magic) StormHouse (Ch arlotte, SC, Tribe of Magic) Lee Mayjahs? (PEX, BRC) Second Floo r by Gaian Mind Onnomon (Gaian Mind, Divine Balance Records – Philly) p erforming LIVE EgBot (Gaian Mind/PSI – Philly) Karmakanik (Gaian Mi nd/PSI – Philly) Ben Light-o-Matic (Light-o-Matic/PSI – NYC) Fractal Phono (Gaian Mind – Philly) Kilowatts (Artificial Music Machine – Phil ly/Texas) performing LIVE – just added! Chill Lounge DJsB RSummerjoy (Shakedown Philly) Meeshu (Philly) LinaLuv (PEX, Philly) Been Jammin (NYC) Michael Nightime (PEX, Philly) We have alm ost raised enough funds to bring Arche-Dream to the Playa. Come help suppo rt The PEX represent Philly at BRC. Playa Wear and costumes always in Sty le. tribes.tribe.net/thephiladelphiaexperiment 7.7.7 – Saturday, July 7th, 2007, Tampa, FL GAIAN MI ND TAMPA BAY vortex GMSF2007 Decompression Party! Res ident DJs: ALLEN2012 (Gaian Mind – Tampa Bay) SIOUX ZI (Gaian Mind – Tampa Bay) Plus Special Guest: PSYOPS (Gaia n Mind – Philadelphia) Deco & Blacklight Atmosphere by GAIAN MI ND Saturday, July 7th, 2007 10:00pm – 3:00am $7 cover 18+ with photo ID THE LOFT (aka CLUB CHAMBERS) 1701 North Fra nklin Street, 2nd floor Tampa, FL 33602 USA (Note: Enter at side entrance on East Henderson Avenue!) web clubchambers Sat. 07.07.07 Atlanta, GA Neptune’s Gate 10pm-8a m Come! Take the mental plunge and voyage with AtlPsy, through Nept une’s Gate, into an underwater realm of aquatic psychedelia. Dance away yo ur land-lover’s inhibition and celebrate our 2nd anniversary with us in oc eanic depths of fluoro-consciousness, as we embark on a 3rd year as one of the Deep South’s heaviest pioneers of underground, psychedelic trance. Psytrance: Ghreg On Earth (Mistress of Evil Recs., web phosphe ne.org) – San Fran, CA and AtlPsy DJs: Pyite (AtlPsy) Din osaur Vomit (aka Iikah vs. Cinder, AtlPsy) Moksa (AtlPsy, Touch Samadhi ) Puskara (AtlPsy) Michael Curran (AtlPsy, Touch Samadhi) Chi llout: Blue Spectral Monkey (Interchill Recs., Touch Samadhi) Os o (Touch Samadhi) Bastard (Touch Samadhi) Iikah (AtlPsy) Danc efloor ritual by the AtlPsy family UV deco-enhanced atmospheres by Pyit e and the AtlPsy family Chillout ambience by ZOOB! (Blue Spectral Monke y + Doodlbug) Chai tea and healthy munchies provided by the AtlPsy fami ly Oceanic themed costumes and dress encouraged! This is a R SVP only event, situated privately in Atlanta’s midtown, requiring a uniqu e RSVP (Name, Birth Date, and E-mail Address) from each attendee. NO GUEST S! You will be denied entry without a RSVP. Space is limited and projec ted to sell out quick! RSVP now and arrive early to guarantee entry. (D etailed info provided following registration) Registration, event i nfo, and 24/7 updates: web atlantapsytrance.net Tickets: $15 at the Door 18+ to enter with valid picture ID 21+ to drink BYOA (no alc ohol provided) Smoking restricted to outdoor chill area Zero-toleran ce: illegal ds and bad vibes Security provided for re-enforcement LEAVE NO TRACE!!! Please respect our venue and dispose of trash to en sure a sacred space for everyone attending. Atlanta Psytrance is a consciousness-pioneering organization of DJs, musicians, artists, performe rs, and supporters…whose mission is to cultivate the positive vibrations and healing energies of Psytrance throughout the Southeastern US. & nbs web atlantaps ytrance.net web touchsamadhi July 7th, 200 7 BAJA CALIFORNIA (Tijuana/Ensenada) PSY FEST: w/Polyphonia &more:: Join us in the beautiful countryside of Baja Califo rnia for some twisted, powerful music from all around the world………B RLIVE ACTS Polyphonia (LIVE): Insomnia RecordsE280A6GREECE Kashyyk (LIVE):Mass Abduction/Pleiadian..MEXICO Master Pain (LIV E): Mass Abduction/PleiadianE280A6E280A6.E280A6E280A6MEXICO Audiopathik (LIVE): Acidize/Mass Abduction/PleiadianE280A6MEXICOB RMonks of Madness (LIVE): Psycirlce SAN DIEGO Darkaholic (LIVE ): 5th ElementE280A6TIJUANA Rellic Dika (LIVE): 5th ElementE2 80A6TIJUANA DJ SETS Mubali (Trishula) Gochan (Mass Abdu ctions/Pleiadian) Makro (Mass Abductions/Pleiadian) Catalyx (Mindful ) Wiked (5th Element) Hosorom (Mass Abductions/Pleiadian) Madro ( Mass Abductions/Pleiadian) Mutex (Mass Abductions/Pleiadian) Noid (5t h Element) Magnolia (Pleiadian/5th Element/Psycircle) ww w.5thelement.mx web psyproductions web massabdu ctions.co
#3970 Tue, 10 Jul 2007 10:40:21 Tue, 10 Jul 2007 10:40:20 Cc: From: AUM Festival Arkansas July 25-30 The AUM Festival Full Moon July 2007 The A.U.M. Festival July 25-30, 2007 Converging on the Day Out of Time, Culminating with the Full Moon Ozark M ountains, NW Arkansas web aumfestival.net The A.U.M Festival will establi sh a safe gathering space that facilitates the exploration of consciousnes s and connectedness through inspired, underground psychedelic trance music and culture. It will encourage the growth of the North American psy-commu nity; emphasize our ability to heal ourselves and each other; embrace an o pen, multi-generational perspective; and promote an earth conscious, leave no trace ethic. Join us for 4 nights and 5 days as we gather high up in the beautiful ridges, cliffs and crystal encrusted landscapes of the Ozar k Mountains to create a temporary autonomous zone. Imagined boundaries wil l melt away as we come together to raise the collective vibration through psychedelic music, art and dance. Each day of the festival will be devoted to honoring one of the Five basic Elements as we spiral towards the cente r: Earth, Air, Fire, Water and Spirit. You will also find the Elements re presented among the festival’s main areas: FIRE -PSYCHEDELIC TRANCE FLOOR Transform yourself with the passion of ecstatic dance! Building in i ntensity throughout the week, the mainstage will kick off on Thursday July 26 and go until Monday July 30. Sunday is the full moon so make your trav el plans accordingly! LIVE: Deeper In Zen Soular Records SF-LA Drag on TOUCH Samadhi Mississippi D-Space – Psybooty – SF/Conn Facehead – – Anomalistic Records Pennsylvania Fractal Saddhus Alpha Centauri San Francisco Freaks Of Nature Dropout Productions Portland Ghreg o n Earth Mistress of Evil San Francisco Monks of Madness Psycircle San Diego Mubali Trishula/M.o.E. Milwaukee-SF Onnomon Gaian M ind Philadelphia Parus Auraquake San Francisco Primordial Ooze Chilluminati / Divine Balance Chicago-Milwaukee DJ: Aktif & Collisio n MindOutPsyde Iowa Amber Apollos Lute Portland DJ Chevy aka I noc God’s Eye Psy Taos, New Mexico Clandestine Syceda Rhythm K ansas City Cyzum Konvocation Washington DC Greenman PsyCircle San Diego Luis Dreamcatcher New York, NY Deep Fryer Esoteric Gene ration/Arkansas Japan dree Onetribe Colorado Egbot Gaian Min d Philadelphia EgNogRa Shaman Films SF/NYC Freedom & Shagee Es oteric Generation Arkansas Goaneck Esoteric Generation Arkansas I nanna Apollos Lute-Neptune Portland, Oregon Olowanpi Dropout S an Francisco Lauryn Peak Rec/ 28th Day New York Magnolia Fifth El ement San Diego Meghan Goahead Ohio Mist Acidance/Mistical Pro d Dallas, Texas Moksa Atlanta Psy Atlanta Nate Those People North Carolina Paradigm D.E.A. Missouri Psylent Pulse Those Peop le North Carolina Solomoon Metameme-Onetribe Colorado Sylph Te xas Vampyromorpha Shiva Shakti Texas Wichdokta Phoenix Family California AIR -CHILLOUT ZONE Indulge yourself in a blissful and r elaxing atmosphere! Providing a slower tempo alternative to the trancefloo r, give yourself permission to relax, let inspiration fill you up! LIVE: Aligning Minds (Baltimore) Dog of Tears (Los Angeles) Gift Culture (Texas) Silic8 (Colorado) Mukti (Colorado) DJ: BuddhaBomb (Colorado) Doohickey (Arkansas) Malachi (OH) nod (NC) Paramnesia (KY) Robyo (IL) Shad (TN) Yida m (IL) More Chillout Artists are currently being confirmed, please contac t aumfestival at gmail if you are interested in playing in the chillout. EARTH -WORKSHOPS/LECTURES Ground yourself with abundant knowledge! Choose from a variety of workshops and lectures designed to engage your mi nd, body and spirit. SPIRIT -HEALING ARTS Nurture your vibrant spir it! Participate in a yoga class, give or receive a Reiki treatment or mass age, experience Sound Healing techniques. A safe space for giving and rece iving healing work. WATER -SANCTUARY Immerse yourself in an oasis o f calm! When you need a moment of peace amidst the chaos you are welcome i n the sanctuary. Trained volunteers will be standing by ready to offer as sistance and valuable information on harm reduction. Other festival areas that will help facilitate community building: PLAY -FAMILY AREA An open play space for kids of all ages. There will be games, toys and art s upplies available as well as scheduled group activities throughout the wee k. NOURISH -COMMUNAL DINING AREA Bring your own food, share a meal with friends, or purchase food from one of the vendors. VENUE INFO: On 14 3 acres of hilly ridge top property there are onsite bathrooms, showers, a n outdoor amphitheatre, a covered mainstage, a covered pavilion suitable f or serving meals, electrical hookups in many of the campsites and hiking t rails (one leads to a cave that can be safely explored). TRAVEL: The near est town is Eureka Springs, AR. The nearest airport is the Northwest Arkan sas Regional Airport (XNA), approximately 1-1/2 hours west of Eureka Sprin gs. Alternatively, you can fly into Springfield, Missouri (SGF) located 2 1/2 hours north of Eureka Springs OR Tulsa, Oklahoma (TUL) located 2 hrs 4 5 minutes west OR Little Rock Airport located 4 hours south. We are in the process of arranging bus transport from the airport to the festival site. TICKETS: A limited number of Early-Bird presale tickets are available NO W at web aumfestival.net Until July 20: $75 At the gate: $85 (Children under 14 are FREE; Residents of the county get in for $30 at the gate all week w/ valid ID) More info is available at: web aumfestival.net Join our forum to connect with other festival goers: aumfestival.net/forum/ If you are interested in vending at AUM please contact: aumvendors at gmail. com If you would like to volunteer please contact: aumfestivalvolunteers at g mail For general info: aumfestival at gmail Now is the time to try s omthing different! Choose your own adventure!! Peace, Love and Unity! web peakrec web 28thday web my space/djlauryn msn: djlauryn at hotmail The AUM Festival Full Moon July 2007 The A.U.M. Festival July 25-30, 2007 Con verging on the Day Out of Time, Culminating with the Full Moon Ozark Mountains, NW Arkansas web aumfestival.net The A.U.M Festival w ill establish a safe gathering space that facilitates the exploration o f consciousness and connectedness through inspired, underground psyc hedelic trance music and culture. It will encourage the growth of the N orth American psy-community; emphasize our ability to heal ourselvesand each other; embrace an open, multi-generational perspective; and p romote an earth conscious, leave no trace ethic. Join us for 4 n ights and 5 days as we gather high up in the beautiful ridges, cliffs a nd crystal encrusted landscapes of the Ozark Mountains to create a t emporary autonomous zone. Imagined boundaries will melt away as we come together to raise the collective vibration through psychedelic music, art and dance. Each day of the festival will be devoted to honoring one of the Five basic Elements as we spiral towards the center: Earth, Air, Fire, Water and Spirit. You will also find the Elements repres ented among the festival’s main areas: FIRE -PSYCHEDELI C TRANCEFLOOR Transform yourself with the passion of ecstatic dance!Building in intensity throughout the week, the mainstage will kick off on Thursday July 26 and go until Monday July 30. Sunday is the full mo on so make your travel plans accordingly! LIVE: Deeper In Zen Soular Records SF-LA Dragon TOUCH Samadhi Mississippi D -Space – Psybooty – SF/Conn Facehead Anomalistic Records Pennsylv ania Fractal Saddhus Alpha Centauri Freaks Of Na ture Dropout Productions Portland Ghreg on Earth Mistress of E vil Monks of Madness Psycircle San Diego Mubal i Trishula/M.o.E. Milwaukee-SF Onnomon Gaian Mind Philadel phia Parus Auraquake Primordial Ooze Chillumi nati / Divine Balance Chicago-Milwaukee DJ: Aktif & Co llision MindOutPsyde Iowa Amber Apollos Lute Portland DJ Chevy aka Inoc God’s Eye Psy Taos, New Mexico Clandestine Syce da Rhythm Kansas City Cyzum Konvocation Washington DC Green man PsyCircle San Diego Luis Dreamcatcher New York, NY D eep Fryer Esoteric Generation/Arkansas Japan dree Onetribe – – Colorado Egbot Gaian Mind Philadelphia EgNogRa Shaman Fil ms SF/NYC Freedom & Shagee Esoteric Generation ArkansasGoaneck Esoteric Generation Arkansas Inanna Apollos Lute-Nept une Portland, Oregon Olowanpi Dropout Lauryn Peak Rec/ 28th Day New York Magnolia Fifth Element San Dieg o Meghan Goahead Ohio Mist Acidance/Mistical Prod Dallas Texas Moksa Atlanta Psy Atlanta Nate Those People Nort h Carolina Paradigm D.E.A. Missouri Psylent Pulse Those Peo ple North Carolina Solomoon Metameme-Onetribe Colorado Sylp h Texas Vampyromorpha Shiva Shakti Texas Wichdokta Phoen ix Family California AIR – CHILLOUT ZONE Indulge your self in a blissful and relaxing atmosphere! Providing a slower tempo alternative to the trancefloor, give yourself permission to relax, let inspiration fill you up! LIVE: Aligning Minds (Baltimore)Dog of Tears (Los Angeles) Gift Culture (Texas) Silic8 (Colorado)B RMukti (Colorado) DJ: BuddhaBomb (Colorado) Doohickey (Arka nsas) Malachi (OH) nod (NC) Paramnesia (KY) Robyo (IL) Shad (TN) Yidam (IL) More Chillout Artists are currently being confi rmed, please contact aumfestival at gmail if you are interested in playing in the chillout. EARTH -WORKSHOPS/LECTURES Groun d yourself with abundant knowledge! Choose from a variety of workshops and lectures designed to engage your mind, body and spirit. SPIR IT -HEALING ARTS Nurture your vibrant spirit! Participate i n a yoga class, give or receive a Reiki treatment or massage, experienc e Sound Healing techniques. A safe space for giving and receiving he aling work. WATER -SANCTUARY Immerse yourself in an oas is of calm! When you need a moment of peace amidst the chaos you are welcome in the sanctuary. Trained volunteers will be standing by ready to offer assistance and valuable information on harm reduction. Other festival areas that will help facilitate community building: PLAY – FAMILY AREA An open play space for kids of all ages. There will be games, toys and art supplies available as well as sch eduled group activities throughout the week. NOURISH -COMM UNAL DINING AREA Bring your own food, share a meal with friends, or purchase food from one of the vendors. VENUE INFO: On 143 acres of hilly ridge top property there are onsite bathrooms, showers, an out door amphitheatre, a covered mainstage, a covered pavilion suitable for serving meals, electrical hookups in many of the campsites and hiki ng trails (one leads to a cave that can be safely explored). TRA VEL: The nearest town is Eureka Springs, AR. The nearest airport is the Northwest Arkansas Regional Airport (XNA), approximately 1-1/2 hour s west of Eureka Springs. Alternatively, you can fly into Springfield, Missouri (SGF) located 2 1/2 hours north of Eureka Springs OR Tulsa, Oklahoma (TUL) located 2 hrs 45 minutes west OR Little Rock Airport lo cated 4 hours south. We are in the process of arranging bus transpor t from the airport to the festival site. TICKETS: A limited numb er of Early-Bird presale tickets are available NOW at web aumfestival.n et Until July 20: $75 At the gate: $85 (Children under 14 are FREE; Residents of the county get in for $30 at the gate all week w/ valid ID) More info is available at: web aumfestival.net Join our forum to connect with other festival goers: aumfestival.net /forum/ If you are interested in vending at AUM please contact: aumv endors at gmail If you would like to volunteer please contact: aumf estivalvolunteers at gmail For general info: aumfestival at gmail Now is the time to try somthing different! Choose your own adventu re!! Peace, Love and Unity! ec web 28thday web myspace/djlauryn msn: djlauryn at hotmail &nb s
#3971 Tue, 10 Jul 2007 20:37:09 Tue, 10 Jul 2007 20:36:58 From: scott scott at 28thday28thday summer update s”moz-text-html” lang”x-western s”moz-text-html” lang”x-westernThe summer season is off to quite a start! Many thanks to everyone who came out to Inflorescence and helped make 28thday’s first open-air of the season so memorable. If you haven’t already, check out some photos from the event taken by a web 28thday/lists/lt.php?idLBoGVAhVCERXAkVXLauryn and web 28thday/lists/lt.php?idLBoGVAhVCURXAkVXClone . We’d also like to extend thanks to the a web 28thday/lists/lt.php?idLBoGVAhXD0RXAkVXGaian Mind crew for yet another top-shelf summer festival last week, and for giving us the opportunity to contribute to the event. This weekend is the Alladin ORB festival at Echo Lake! The Alladin crew is offering a jam-packed musical and activity lineup in another beautiful location, and 28thday will be running sound for the second stage. If you’re going to ORB, please consider purchasing your presales through 28thday. Predictably, we receive a commission from every ticket we sell, and this in turn helps support our future events. ORB information and presales are available here: web 28thday/events/alladin-orbweb 28thday/events/alladin-orb Also, be on the lookout for the 28thday 2-year anniversary celebration in August a free NYC open-air featuring a live set from Voice of Cod! web 28thdayweb 28thday web psynyweb psyny
#3972 Wed, 11 Jul 2007 13:12:58 Wed, 11 Jul 2007 13:12:57 From: Aya Workshop in early August Overnight campout in early. Contact me privately if you are interested. Overnight campout in early. Contact me privately if you are interested.
#3973 Wed, 11 Jul 2007 14:53:09 Wed, 11 Jul 2007 14:53:09 Cc: psychrist From: Amazing new psychedelic documentary by one of New York’s trance formers Igwana I jus saw it and I must say it’s amazing. I posted the film on dV member submissions at tranceam.org. It’s got the polish of What the Bleep Know but takes it one quantum leap further. web tranceam.org/movies/videos.php #member (web tranceam.org/movies/videos.php #member) Here is the site on Youtube, probably a better way to watch web youtube/watch?v7-TlMswuY8 (web youtube/watch?v7-TlMswuY8) how is it going man… its the greek shaman guy… anyway hope you are well… its been a while and i have been kind of out of the loop for a bit. I wanted to let you know that I finished my movie formally known as entheogen: awakening the divine within now: entheo:genesis – awakening the divine within. here is the website web entheogen.tv/ (web entheogen.tv/) web entheogen.tv/media/trailer.mov (web entheogen.tv/media/trailer.mov) ALSO check the new Pinchbeck video by post modern times. In the Pinchbeck section on dV or directly at web youtube/postmoderntimes (web youtube/postmoderntimes) I jus saw it and I must say it’s amazing. I posted the film on dV member submission s at tranceam.org. It’s got the polish of What the Bleep Know but ta kes it one quantum leap further. ttp://web tranceam.org/movies/videos.php #memberweb ericana.org/movies/videos.php #member Here is the site on Youtube, probably a better way to watch how is it going man… its the greek shaman guy… anyway hope you are well… its been a w hile and i have been kind of out of the loop for a bit. I wanted to let yo u know that I finished my movie formally known as entheogen: awakeni ng the divine within now: entheo:genesis – awakening the divine within. here is the website ttp://web entheogen.tv/media/trailer.movweb entheogen.tv/media/tra iler.mov ALSO check the new Pinchbeck video by post modern times. In the Pinchbeck section o n dV or directly at derntimesweb youtube/postmoderntimes
#3974 id 1I95yfRu-00 Thu, 12 Jul 2007 17:13:33 Thu, 12 Jul 2007 17:13:28 type/html” From: Charlie NYC listnyc at earthlink.netDreamcatcher’s PSYCHEGROUND – Thursday, July 19 at Sullivan Room -1027847683mr -1027847683maformat”flowed” PSYCHEGROUND is back this Thursday, July 19, in NYC! Join us for a night of music and dancing at the amazing Sullivan Room! Featuring the DJs: BUBBLE CRAFT live (Aladdin Group) LUIS (Dreamcatcher / Aladdin Group) DJ EARTHIAN (Omnitribe / Animaltek) LAURYN (Peak Records / 28thDay) Thursday, July 19, 2007 10pm – 4am Sullivan Room, Manhattan, New York City 218 Sullivan St (between Bleecker and West 3rd St, 2 blocks east of 6th Ave) Subway: A, B, C, D, E, F, or V trains to “W 4 St – Wash Sq” 21+ with ID $5 cover Please subscribe to our announcement list for info on future events. Just send a blank e web djluiscampos/ web 28thday/ web omnitribe/ -1027847683ma/styletitleDreamcatcher’s PSYCHEGROUND – Thursday, July 19 at Thursday, July 19, in NYC! Join us for a night of music and dancing at the amazing Sullivan Room! Featuring the DJs: BUBBLE CRAFT live (Aladdin Group) LUIS (Dreamcatcher / Aladdin Group) DJ EARTHIAN (Omnitribe / Animaltek) LAURYN (Peak Records / 28thDay) Thursday, July 19, 2007 10pm – 4am Sullivan Room, Manhattan, New York City 218 Sullivan St (between Bleecker and West 3rd St, 2 blocks east of 6th Ave) Subway: A, B, C, D, E, F, or V trains to “W 4 St – Wash Sq” 21+ with ID $5 cover Please subscribe to our announcement list for info on future events. Just send a blank e web djluiscampos/ web 28thday/ color” web omnitribe/ -1027847683ma -1027847683mr
#3975 Fri, 13 Jul 2007 19:39:29 Fri, 13 Jul 2007 19:39:29 From: Owsley sfgate.sfgatsfgatsfgsfgasfgathtt (sfgate/cgi-bin/article.cgi?file/c/a/2007/07/12/MNGK0QV7HS1.DTL) … “I never set out to change the world,” he rasps in recalling his early manufacture of l. “I only set out to make sure I was taking somthing (that) I knew what it was. And it’s hard to make a little. And my friends all wanted to know what they were taking, too. Of course, my friends expanded very rapidly.” By conservative estimates, Bear Research Group made more than 1.25 million doses of l between 1965 and 1967, essentially seeding the entire modern psychedelic movement …. Get a sneak peak of the all-new AOL at hr W2007/07/12/WMNGK0QV7HS1.WDTL … “I never set out t o change the world,” he rasps in recalling his early manufacture of l. ” I only set out to make sure I was taking somthing (that) I knew what it was. And it’s hard to make a little. And my friends all wanted to k now what they were taking, too. Of course, my friends expanded very ra pidly.” By conservative estimates, Bear Research Group made more than 1 .25 million doses of l between 1965 and 1967, essentially seeding th e entire modern psychedelic movement
#3976 Fri, 13 Jul 2007 20:13:16 Fri, 13 Jul 2007 20:13:16 To: daniel at breakingopenthehead Cc: leilazafar at hotmail, phil.lukeman at nyu, d06, TripOutNY From: Wednesday July 18 NYC 6pm Dr. Phil Lukeman, Daniel Pinch Pinchbeck, Leila Safar we will meet at 6pm at Yaffa Cafe to see off Phil Lukeman and discuss WIlhem Reich with Daniel Pinchbeck and artist Leila Safar Everyone welcome. It’s a diner, expect to be occasionally asked for money by the bored waitron. st marks cafe bw 1st & Ave A Hyperspace Public Relations Contact:Machinelf com 347-404-5606 Get a sneak peak of the all-new AOL at we will meet at 6 pm at Yaffa Cafe to see off Phil Lukeman and discuss WIlhem Reich wi th Daniel Pinchbeck and artist Leila Safar Everyone welcome.&nbs It’s a diner, expect to be occasionally asked for money by the bored wa itron. st marks cafe bw 1st & Ave A Hyperspace Public Relations Contact:Machinelf ed at aolcomcom 347-404-5606
#3977 id 1Ixd-0006C8-00 Wed, 18 Jul 2007 08:48:57 Wed, 18 Jul 2007 08:48:48 type/html” From: Charlie NYC listnyc at earthlink.netDreamcatcher’s PSYCHEGROUND – THIS THURSDAY at Sullivan Room -1027359559mr -1027359559maformat”flowed” PSYCHEGROUND is back this Thursday, July 19, for a night of psy-trance at the amazing Sullivan Room! Featuring the DJs: BUBBLE CRAFT live (Aladdin Group) LUIS (Dreamcatcher / Aladdin Group) DJ EARTHIAN (Omnitribe / Animaltek) LAURYN (Peak Records / 28thDay) Thursday, July 19, 2007 10pm – 4am Sullivan Room, Manhattan, New York City 218 Sullivan St (between Bleecker and West 3rd St, 2 blocks east of 6th Ave) Subway: A, B, C, D, E, F, or V trains to “W 4 St – Wash Sq” 21+ with ID $5 cover to our announcement list for info on future events send a blank e This party’s topic on Isratrance (you can add comments): forum.isratrance/viewtopic.php/topic/112230/forum/28 web djluiscampos/ web 28thday/ web omnitribe/ -1027359559ma/styletitleDreamcatcher’s PSYCHEGROUND – THIS THURSDAY at Thursday, July 19, for a night of psy-trance at the amazing Sullivan Room! Featuring the DJs: BUBBLE CRAFT live (Aladdin Group) LUIS (Dreamcatcher / Aladdin Group) DJ EARTHIAN (Omnitribe / Animaltek) LAURYN (Peak Records / 28thDay) Thursday, July 19, 2007 10pm – 4am Sullivan Room, Manhattan, New York City 218 Sullivan St (between Bleecker and West 3rd St, 2 blocks east of 6th Ave) Subway: A, B, C, D, E, F, or V trains to “W 4 St – Wash Sq” 21+ with ID $5 cover to our announcement list for info on future events send a blank e This party’s topic on Isratrance (you can add comments): forum.isratrance/viewtopic.php/topic/112230/forum/28 web djluiscampos/ web 28thday/ color” web omnitribe/ -1027359559ma -1027359559mr
#3978 Thu, 19 Jul 2007 06:39:24 From: “alladinproject” alladinproject at yahooAlladin Group Presents: GMS LIVE and more at Webster Hall, Friday, July 27 NYC Alladin Group Presents: “GMS LIVE in NYC” Friday July, 27th 2007 at Web ster Hall Line Up: GMS LIVE (Spun Records) Ibiza, Spain Elnadiv (Al ladin Group, ORB Records) Israel/NYC Brandon Adams (Dreamcatcher, NYC) Decorations by: Alladin Group NYC Tickets: $30 at the door ***18 to e nter/21+ to drink with picture ID*** ***Door Open: 9PM to 6 AM *** Loca tion: WEBSTER HALL 125 E 11th St New York, NY 10003 Google Maps: http: Directions by Sub way: Take the N R 4 5 6 or L to Union Square/14th St. Walk to the corner o f 14th St. and 4th Ave. Walk downtown 3 blocks to 11th St and make a left. Links: web alladingroup web myspace/alladinprojec t web myspace/orbfestival
#3979 Thu, 19 Jul 2007 06:37:44 From: “alladinproject” alladinproject at yahooAlladin Group Presents: Orb Festival Reunion Party: SHIFT and more THIS Friday Alladin Group Presents: Orb Festival Reunion Party Friday July 20, 2007 at Club EXIT! Line up First time in NYC! 3hours set Shift aka Twisted S ystem (Nexus Media) South Africa Cris (Alladin Group) Mexico Bubble Cra ft (Aladdin Group) Israel Luis (Alladin Group) Brazil Deco by: Alladi n Group NYC Visual by: Serge (Alladin Group) NYC Guillaume (Alladin Gr oup) NYC Doors open at 10pm 18 to enter/21 to drink with picture ID Ad mission: $10 for festival attendees!!! $30 for all others Location: CLU B EXIT 147 Greenpoint Ave. Brooklyn, NY Street Map: local.googl Directions: By Subway: Take the L train to Lorimar station & transfer to the G train metropolitan station to Green point Ave the Club is right acros s the street. Or: take the L train to Redford station and transfer to the 61 bus, Go down in green point Ave (3 mint from the subway) or: G train to Greenpoint Ave. Subway Map: web mta.nyc.ny.us/nyct/maps/submap Bus: 61, 43, 24 to green point Ave. Bus map: web mta.nyc.ny.us/ny ct/maps/busbkln.pdf By Car: Take BQE (I-278) to Exit 33 McGuiness Blvd. T o Greenpoint Ave. Turn LEFT at Greenpoint Ave Proceed to the corner of Manh attan Ave. By car service / taxi: From Manhattan it costs around $15. Fro m Bedford Station it costs around $6. More info: (917)569-1177 or (917)40 5-4847 alladinproduction at yahoo web alladingroup web myspace/alladinproject web myspace/orbfestival
#3980 Fri, 20 Jul 2007 01:57:16 From: ” Save $10 on Fr July 20 Alladin Orb Reunion with Shift (Sud Afrika)!! 6pm Friday is cutoff to get discount tickets. While supples last. Note tha t it’s a flat $10 for festival attendees, no advance tickets needed here; t his link is solely for people who did not attend and would like to save $1 0. See you there! /index.
#3981 Fri, 20 Jul 2007 23:54:25 From: “fxdemolisher” fxdemolisher at worldnet.att.netTDC Presents: Outdoor Kebab – Saturday July 21th, 2007 TDC Productions Presents: A 24 hour OUTDOOR “KEBAB” featu ring: non-stop music, beautiful natural environment, stores, and lots more … Saturday July 21st, 2007 at 2pm. Musical arrangements will be provid ed by: Polyphonia i s Romolo Cheri from Thessaloniki, Greece. He started producing electronic m usic in 2003 and has been listening to trance music since 1994. Blown away by the power of synthesizers he started to concentrate hard on his trance p roject Polyphonia which he started in 2005. His sound is constantly evolvin g and he is always pushing boundaries. He has tracks released in labels suc h as Trishula, Tantrumm, Dropout, Devil’s Mind and many more. Polyphonia d ebut album release with Insomnia Records. web insomnia-records.ru Alex ZIK from Thessaloniki (Greece) who is also responsible for Adrenal Glands, Matu tero & Horror Place. The concept of his music is to deliver to the audience a feeling of intense trip into darkest corners of subconsciousness. Relea sed a debut album Horror Place – Hobyah on in Insomnia Records. web .insomnia-records.ru / NYC LIVE & DJ SET MuktIsvara is a project started by Isvara and Muk ti in 2003. Isvara is a direct descendant of Genghis Khan and was raised b y wolfs in the steppes of Mongolia until he was fifteen, when an ancient mo untain shaman found him and taught him the magic arts of music. He has been stumbling around in the fifth dimension until he mysteriously appeared in Times Square with a 15 foot long beard. No one noticed. Mukti was born in Russia and earned his degree in quantum physics at the age of thirteen and was hidden by the KGB in the deep tundra. He served the Soviet government i n a secret underground physics laboratory until we was able to escape to Ne w York. With Isvara’s animal instincts and innate musical talent and Mukti ‘s technical skills they are able to produce music to conquer dark spirits. Their shoe sizes are nine and a half and ten respectively. MuktIsvara deb ut release on Mighty-Quinn Records V/A “Beauty and The Beast” web m ightyquinnrecords J SET with VISUAL PROJECTION Guillermo crashed on planet Earth 24 years ag o without a clue of his existence, meantime he tries to remember and unders tands what it means to be human. He spends his time listening to crazy musi k, prolonged hours infront of a computer and thinking a lot about life and its meaning.. He enjoys the absurd and the bizarre as a healing therapy for the soul and mind. Born in Mexico City Egnogra relocated to to study animation and film and since then shaman films started as a telev ision show for independent filmmakers, later he realized the target audienc e weren’t alien audience so he shifted towards all his artistic tube in dir ection of the Trance Scene. Djing since 14 years old always a fan of crazy musik acompanied by the mysterious and the occult… Egnogra founded sham an films records in 2005 with one vision to create an outlet for both Visua l Artists and Electronic Muscians, and here is the result of the experiment .. shamanfilms.net DJ SET Once New Jersey’s best kept secret, Brandon has quickly become a fixture in the New York psy scene and beyond. With a long history of appr eciation for all forms of goa and psytrance, he is easily one of the most v ersatile and dedicated DJs around. His groovy yet cerebral morning sets hav e stood up against some of the world’s best and have left a lasting imprint on dancefloors. Denis has been l istening to Russian shanson music before he got his CDJ’s as a birthday pre sent. Now he’s got nothing more than to play shanson at the parties… Just kidding. It will be a nice set with every track carefully selected. rogress (TDC) – NYC LIVE & DJ SET Gabriel is a product of the radioactive fallout of Chernobyl. He is a cor e member of the TDC Production and a six armed master engineer with many ye ars of experience. His mixes bring psychedelic mayhem and noise radiation t o the dancefloor and will power up any night. – NYC DJ SET web myspace/djlauryn Lauryn began studying classical violin when she was nine years old. Her love of music led her to begin DJing and producing her own psytrance radio show while attending coll ege in upstate New York. In 2002, after graduating, Lauryn moved back to Bo ston where she helped start Psyforia, a monthly psy event that runs to this day. Lauryn is a label dj with Peak Records (web peakrec) based in Swi tzerland and is also affiliated with NYC based 28thday (web 28thday) an d Texas based Mistical Productions (web mistprodonline). In the past si x years, Lauryn has played across the United States and in Europe, sharing the stage with many well known international acts. She is known for her ene rgetic night time funky full-on psychedelic sets as well as the occasional morning progressive grooves. Decoration by: * Uta Bekaia (Georgia) * TDC Production * Mother Earth Visual Pro jection by Egnogra (Shaman Films Records) Location Features: * Nature i n its basic beauty. Food, beverages, fruit bar. Camping, stores. * Feel fr ee to bring your musical instruments (drums, percussion etc.) * Respect Na ture, No Littering, No Alcohol, No ds. * LEAVE NO TRACE BEHIND Admiss ion: $50 at the entrance NOTE: This is a limited attendance event so come e arly. Location: Private forest location at Town of Thomson Park 5 Miles awa y from Monticello, NY When: 24 Hour event starting at 2pm on Saturday July 21st Transportation / Directions: From NYC: – Take Palisades Parkway – T ake exit 9W to I-87 N (New York State Thruway) – Take exit 16 toward Harrim an/RT-17 – Get on RT-17 W – Take exit 106 – Take a left turn onto local rou te 173 (E Broadway) – Take a right on Liberty St (local route 107), this is 10-15 blocks into the city – Slight left on Town Park Road (at the fork) – Turn left at the sign “Town of Thomson Park” – Drive about 150 feet to the party entrance From Albany: – Take the I-87 South (New York State Thruway ) – Take EXIT 19 toward RT-28 / KINGSTON / RHINECLIFF BR. – Merge – Turn SL IGHT RIGHT onto NY-28 W / ONTEORA TRL. – Merge onto US-209 S toward ELLENVI LLE. – Turn RIGHT onto CANAL ST / NY-52 W. – Turn SLIGHT RIGHT onto NY-52. – Turn LEFT onto LOCH SHELDRAKE HURLEYVILLE RD / CR-104. Continue to follow CR-104. – Turn RIGHT onto OLD LIBERTY RD / CR-107. – Turn RIGHT onto TOWN PARK RD. – Turn left at the sign “Town of Thomson Park” – Drive about 150 f eet to the party entrance To find your own directions: – Copy paste this l ink into your browser: maps.google/maps? 619,-74.701259& – Click on “Get Directions: To Here” – Enter your address and click go – Follow the directions on google maps un til that point then keep driving – Turn left at the sign “Town of Thomson P ark” – Drive about 150 feet to the party entrance
#3982 20 Jul 2007 20:23:18 Fri, 20 Jul 2007 20:23:17 ystem at 28thday From: scott scott at 28thday28thday summer update #2 This weekend… Thanks to everyone who came out and supported Activate and Psycheground! It was our original plan to be doing a post-Orb park party this weekend… due to a permitting constraint, that is no longer scheduled to occur. TDC, however, is throwing an open-air this weekend, with 28thday’s DJ Lauryn amongst the musical talent. a web 28thday/lists/lt.php?idLBoHXA1cDkRXAUVXSee TDC’s site for details. Hari hari hari AUM! We’re very happy to announce the confirmation of D-Space live at the a web 28thday/lists/lt.php?idLBoHXA1cD0RXAUVXAUM Festival ! After playing what many considered to be a positively groundbreaking set at Gaian Mind, Jay and Steve have been busy refining their sounds further still. The D-Space live set at AUM will consist of Steve Equisol presenting the most recent sonic evolutions of the duo. The AUM Festival will establish a safe gathering space that facilitates the exploration of consciousness and connectedness through inspired, underground psychedelic trance music and culture. It will encourage the growth of the North American psy-community; emphasize our ability to heal ourselves and each other; embrace an open, multi-generational perspective; and promote an earth conscious, leave no trace ethic. web 28thday/lists/lt.php?idLBoHXA1cD0RXAUVXweb aumfestival.net web 28thday/lists/lt.php?idLBoHXA1cAERXAUVXtribes.tribe.net/aumfestival 28thday 2-Year Anniversary August 19, 2007 at Inwood Park NYC A free daytime open-air celebration, featuring a live set from Voice of Cod! Details TBA. web 28thdayweb 28thday web psyny/web psyny
#3983 Sun, 22 Jul 2007 22:03:57 Mon, 23 Jul 2007 05:03:55 Bcc: Mon, 23 Jul 2007 14:03:55 From: “Yugo F” ripvanwinkle at hotmail[NYC 7/25/Wed] Mayur (Spectra) “Activate” at Sapphire Lounge Weekly Minimal & Progressive party “Activate” at Sapphire Lounge on July 25th 2007 (Wed.) Guest DJ: -Mayur (Spectra/NYC) Resident DJs: -Shunny (Mad Elephant/NYC/JP) -Sew (Mad Elephant/NYC/JP) -T.T.X. (X Kaihatsu/NYC/JP) -Yugo (X Kaihatsu/NYC/JP) Time: 10:00pm-4:00am Admission: FREE Venue Address: “Sapphire Lounge” 249 Eldridge Street, between Houston and Stanton New York, NY. drink specials, all night. Direction: By Subway F, V to 2nd Ave.
#3984 Tue, 24 Jul 2007 10:55:47 Tue, 24 Jul 2007 10:55:47 From: Aya Campout Aug 4 Email me for details Email me for deta
#3985 id 1IEOId-0007P0-00 Fri, 27 Jul 2007 07:48:04 Fri, 27 Jul 2007 07:47:59 From: Charlie NYC listnyc at earthlink.netDreamcatcher’s PSYCHEGROUND – THURSDAY, AUG 2 at Sullivan Room -1026585612maformat”flowed” PSYCHEGROUND is back once again on Thursday, August 2, for a night of psy-trance at the amazing Sullivan Room! Come early to get 2 for 1 drink specials until midnight! Featuring the DJs: LUIS (Dreamcatcher / Aladdin Group) PEDRO (Reality Engine) BABLA (Kagdila Records) CRIS (Aladdin Group) Thursday, August 2, 2007 10pm – 4am Sullivan Room, Manhattan, New York City 218 Sullivan St (between Bleecker and West 3rd St, 2 blocks east of 6th Ave) Subway: A, B, C, D, E, F, or V trains to “W 4 St – Wash Sq” 21+ with ID $5 cover Here is a to our announcement list for info on future events send a blank e This party’s topic on Isratrance (you can add comments): forum.isratrance/viewtopic.php/topic/112617/forum/7 web djluiscampos/ web kagdilarecords/ web realityengine.org/ -1026585612ma/styletitleDreamcatcher’s PSYCHEGROUND – THURSDAY, AUG 2 at on Thursday, August 2, for a night of psy-trance at the amazing Sullivan Room! Come early to get 2 for 1 drink specials until midnight! Featuring the DJs: LUIS (Dreamcatcher / Aladdin Group) PEDRO (Reality Engine) BABLA (Kagdila Records) CRIS (Aladdin Group) Thursday, August 2, 2007 10pm – 4am Sullivan Room, Manhattan, New York City 218 Sullivan St (between Bleecker and West 3rd St, 2 blocks east of 6th Ave) Subway: A, B, C, D, E, F, or V trains to “W 4 St – Wash Sq” 21+ with ID $5 cover Here is a /span llivan+St%2C+New+York%2C+NY&trf0&lon-74.000173&lat40. 729438&mag2 to our announcement list for info on future events send a blank e This party’s topic on Isratrance (you can add comments): forum.isratrance/viewtopic.php/topic/112617/forum/7 web djluiscampos/ web kagdilarecords/ web realityengine.org/ -1026585612ma
#3986 Sat, 28 Jul 2007 17:02:24 From: ” Beautiful Ayahuasca & d Merchandise Check it out! Im’m getting the apron, you can get the bib. Ayahuasca, Kin g of Brews web cafepress/ayahuascany d (logo deisned by Naott o Hattori) web cafepress/thed
#3987 Tue, 31 Jul 2007 21:37:19 Tue, 31 Jul 2007 21:37:18 Wed, 01 Aug 2007 04:37:15 Bcc: Wed, 01 Aug 2007 13:37:15 From: “Yugo F” ripvanwinkle at hotmail[NYC 8/1/Wed] Weekly Minimal & Progressive “Activate” at Sapphire Lounge Weekly Minimal & Progressive party “Activate” at Sapphire Lounge on August 1st 2007 (Wed.) Resident DJs: -Shunny (Mad Elephant/NYC/JP) -Sew (Mad Elephant/NYC/JP) -T.T.X. (X Kaihatsu/NYC/JP) -Yugo (X Kaihatsu/NYC/JP) Time: 10:00pm-4:00am Admission: FREE Venue Address: “Sapphire Lounge” 249 Eldridge Street, between Houston and Stanton New York, NY. drink specials, all night. Direction: By Subway F, V to 2nd Ave. chizumaga.jp/
August 2007
#3988 Wed, 01 Aug 2007 06:09:40 Wed, 1 Aug 2007 06:09:35 From: Charlie NYC listnyc at earthlink.netDreamcatcher’s PSYCHEGROUND – THIS THURSDAY at Sullivan Room -1026159517maformat”flowed” PSYCHEGROUND is back once again on Thursday, August 2, for a night of psy-trance at the amazing Sullivan Room! Come early to get 2 for 1 drink specials until midnight! Featuring the DJs: LUIS (Dreamcatcher / Aladdin Group) BABLA (Kagdila Records) CRIS (Aladdin Group) Thursday, August 2, 2007 10pm – 4am Sullivan Room, Manhattan, New York City 218 Sullivan St between Bleecker and West 3rd St, 2 blocks east of 6th Ave Subway: A, B, C, D, E, F, or V trains to “W 4 St – Wash Sq” 21+ with ID $5 cover to our announcement list for info on future events send a blank e Here is a The party’s flyer is here online: This party’s topic on Isratrance (you can add comments): forum.isratrance/viewtopic.php/topic/112672/forum/28 web djluiscampos/ web kagdilarecords/ -1026159517ma/styletitleDreamcatcher’s PSYCHEGROUND – THIS THURSDAY at on Thursday, August 2, for a night of psy-trance at the amazing Sullivan Room! Come early to get 2 for 1 drink specials until midnight! Featuring the DJs: LUIS (Dreamcatcher / Aladdin Group) BABLA (Kagdila Records) CRIS (Aladdin Group) Thursday, August 2, 2007 10pm – 4am Sullivan Room, Manhattan, New York City 218 Sullivan St between Bleecker and West 3rd St, 2 blocks east of 6th Ave Subway: A, B, C, D, E, F, or V trains to “W 4 St – Wash Sq” 21+ with ID $5 cover to our announcement list for info on future events send a blank e Here is a /span llivan+St%2C+New+York%2C+NY&trf0&lon-74.000173&lat40. 729438&mag2 The party’s flyer is here online: This party’s topic on Isratrance (you can add comments): forum.isratrance/viewtopic.php/topic/112672/forum/28 web djluiscampos/ web kagdilarecords/ -1026159517ma
#3989 Wed, 1 Aug 2007 13:26:25 Wed, 1 Aug 2007 13:26:40 From: Aya Retreat this Saturday, campout and ceremony 5 spaces left. email me back for details or call 347 404 5606. 5 spaces left.&nb semail me back for details or call 347 404 5606. B
#3990 Wed, 01 Aug 2007 17:28:25 From: ” Proogi Action Aug 3 Proggi Action -progressive/minimal techno party- Weekly event “Activate” crew steps into NYC weekend scene at exotic Moomia Lounge with top local DJs. August 3rd, 2007 10pm-4am DJs Gavin (mpdqx/spectra/nyc) Tony uno rthodox (28thday/nyc) DJ Earthian (omnitribe/polarlight/nyc) Shunny (mad elephant/nyc/jp) Sew (mad elephant/nyc/jp) Venue Moomia Bar & Lounge 2 12-219-4006 157 Lafayette St., NYC 10013 (bet. Howard & Grand St.) $5 a t the door with photo ID 21+ to enter web djearthian web myspace/animaltek
#3991 Thu, 2 Aug 2007 10:21:02 Thu, 2 Aug 2007 10:21:02 From: Get monk-y for 10 days Man – let me take you there Sent: Tuesday, July 31, 2007 9:45 PM ervice-announce at dhara.dhamma.org Opportunities to Serve Fall Courses at VMC Dear Friend, It’s that time of the year again when we put a call out to old students to help serve fall courses, which is traditionally a time when there is a lull in the number of people who can serve. Thus, we are contacting people who indicated an interest in serving in fall on the “Opportunities to Serve at Dhamma Dhara” forms. The dates of the fall courses are as follows: September 26-October 7 10-day course October 10-21 10-day course October 24-November 4 10-day course November 4 (Sunday) 1-day Old Student course November 7-18 10-day course November 21-25 3-day Old Student course November 28-December 9 10-day course December 12-23 10-day course If you can serve any of these, either full or part time, please let us know: – To apply online or for more information about giving Dhamma service, please visit Dhamma Dhara’s web site, where you can find updated information on center activities: web dhara.dhamma.org/os or the international website of old students: dhamma.org/os/ Please note that for the above sites you will need to type in the following: USERNAME: oldstudent PASSWORD: behappy – If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the Dhamma Service & Inreach Committee at dhamma-service at dhara.dhamma.org. Or call 413.625.2160, voice box #3. With kind regards, Dhamma Service & Inreach Committee Vipassana Meditation Center, Dhamma Dhara dhamma-service at dhara.dhamma.org web dhara.dhamma.org (413)625-2160 386 Colrain-Shelburne Road Shelburne, MA 01370, USA Man – let me take you there -Original Message- From: VMC Dhamma Service [mail to:dhamma-service at dhara.dhamma.org] Sent: Tuesday, July 31, 2007 9:45 PM ervice-announce at dhara.dhamma.org Opportunities to S erve Fall Courses at VMC Dear Friend, It’s that time of the year again when we put a call out to old students to help serve f all courses, which is traditionally a time when there is a lull in the& nbsnumber of people who can serve. Thus, we are contacting people who indicated an interest in serving in fall on the “Opportunitie s to Serve at Dhamma Dhara” forms. The dates of the fall courses are as follows: September 26-October 7 &nbs 10-day course October 10-21 &n bs 10-day course October 24-November 4 10-day course November 4 (Sunday) 1-day Old Student course November 7-18 10-day course November 21-25 &nb s3-day Old Student course November 28-Decem ber 9 10-day course December 12-23 10-day course If you ca n serve any of these, either full or part time, please let us know: – To apply online or for more information about giving Dhamma service,please visit Dhamma Dhara’s web site, where you can find updatedinformation on center activities: &n bsweb dhara.dhamma.org/os &nb sor the international websit e of old students: dhamma.org/os/ Ple ase note that for the above sites you will need to type in the following: USERNAME: oldstudent PASSWORD: behappy – If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the Dhamma Service& Inreach Committee at dhamma-service at dhara.dhamma.org. Or call 413.625.2160, voice box #3. With kind regar ds, Dhamma Service & Inreach Committee Vipassana Meditat ion Center, Dhamma Dhara dhamma-service at dhara.dhamma.org web dha ra.dhamma.org (413)625-2160 386 Colrain-Shelburne Road Shelburne, MA 01370,
#3992 Mon, 6 Aug 2007 02:56:02 Mon, 6 Aug 2007 02:56:01 Mon, 06 Aug 2007 09:56:00 Bcc: Mon, 06 Aug 2007 18:56:00 From: “Yugo F” ripvanwinkle at hotmail[NYC 8/8/Wed] Brandon Adams (Dreamcatcher) “Activate” at Sapphire Lounge August 8th, 2007 (Wed.) Guest DJ: -Brandon Adams (Dreamcatcher/NYC) Finally, Brandon will show you an exclusive progressive set in a psychedelic way… Must not be missed. Resident DJs: -Shunny (Mad Elephant/NYC/JP) -Sew (Mad Elephant/NYC/JP) -T.T.X. (X Kaihatsu/NYC/JP) -Yugo (X Kaihatsu/NYC/JP) Time: 10:00pm-4:00am Admission: FREE Venue Address: “Sapphire Lounge” 249 Eldridge Street, between Houston and Stanton New York, NY. drink specials, all night. Direction: By Subway F, V to 2nd Ave. promotion.msn.co.jp/ie7/
#3993 12 Aug 2007 05:44:52 Sun, 12 Aug 2007 05:44:47 ystem at 28thday From: scott scott at 28thdayaugust 19 * brooklyn * free psytrance open-air s”moz-text-html” lang”x-unicode August 19th marks the 2-year anniversary of 28thday, and we’re commemorating the biennium with a free daytime park party at Brooklyn’s Dyker Beach Park! We’ve arranged for some very talented musical guests to come help us celebrate and we invite you to join us for the ride… Sunday August 19, 2007 28thday and psyNY present eudaemonia the 28thday 2-Year Anniversary Party! featuring: VOICE OF COD (Organic Records, UK) – LIVE We’ve been enamored with the real-time remixing, instrumental improvisations, groovy surprises, and straight-up novelty of VoC’s live ever since they first played for us at a web 28thday/lists/lt.php?idLBoJVA5SCkRXD0VXOrganic Sunrise, and are thrilled to be having Andrew and Colin back once again. Let’s spread out on the grass, tense and then relax our jaded ears deep into mother earth… and don’t be spent from Saturday night because the boys are gonna bring it the fuck ON. D-SPACE (28thday | Soul Trance Records) – LIVE Still fresh from the dancefloors of Gaian Mind and AUM, D-Space continues to win recognition as the vanguard of North American progressive psy. Come listen to Steve Equisol present the best of what D-Space Studios has to dish out, in a very memorable and thought-provoking live set. LAURYN (Peak Records | 28thday, NYC) * rare progressive set * TONY UNORTHODOX (28thday, NYC) * a glorious union of prog electro techno and psytrance * This is a free, all-ages event. Dyker Beach Park Brooklyn 12pm-7pm. rain or shine. directions: a bus: B1 / B64 to 86 St & 13 Av / Dyker Beach Golf Course We expect to be situated near the playground entrance, adjacent to the restrooms, along 86 St between 13 & 14 Aves. *o* Coming up: 9/29/07: 28thday presents Artifakt (Timecode) live! *o* class”poweredphplista web 28thday/lists/lt.php?idLBoJVA5TD0RXD0VX” target”blank” class”poweredphplist” #3994 Sat, 18 Aug 2007 09:36:36 Sat, 18 Aug 2007 09:36:36 From: Hallucinogen Shpongle this weekend Jeff do you realize that there was not one single announcement on any of the familiar Trance sites of this event, what a shame! I found this in the Village Voice: web campbisco.net/ (web campbisco.net/) rted from text/rtf format realize that there was not one single announcement on any of the familiar Trance sites of this event, mpbisco.net/
#3995 18 Aug 2007 19:34:31 Sat, 18 Aug 2007 19:34:28 ystem at 28thday From: scott scott at 28thdayEudaemonia is this Sunday! s”moz-text-html” lang”x-unicode …just in case you missed it the first time! We’d also like to announce two additions to the lineup: an opening set from special guest Marjo Lak of Butter Music, and Jay D-Space now joins Steve Equisol for a fully unified D-Space live. Details below. August 19th marks the 2-year anniversary of 28thday, and we’re commemorating the biennium with a free daytime park party at Brooklyn’s Dyker Beach Park! We’ve arranged for some very talented musical guests to come help us celebrate and we invite you to join us for the ride… Sunday August 19, 2007 28thday and psyNY present eudaemonia the 28thday 2-Year Anniversary Party! featuring: VOICE OF COD (Organic Records, UK) – LIVE We’ve been enamored with the real-time remixing, instrumental improvisations, groovy surprises, and straight-up novelty of VoC’s live ever since they first played for us at a web 28thday/lists/lt.php?idLBoBVAFSCQgfAwgaBg4BOrganic Sunrise, and are thrilled to be having Andrew and Colin back once again. Let’s spread out on the grass, tense and then relax our jaded ears deep into mother earth… and don’t be spent from Saturday night because the boys are gonna bring it the fuck ON. D-SPACE (28thday | Soul Trance Records) – LIVE Still fresh from the dancefloors of Gaian Mind and AUM, D-Space continues to win recognition as the vanguard of North American progressive psy. Come listen to Jay and Steve present the best of what D-Space Studios has to dish out, in a very memorable and thought-provoking live set. LAURYN (Peak Records | 28thday, NYC) * rare progressive set * TONY UNORTHODOX (28thday, NYC) * a glorious union of prog electro techno and psytrance * MARJO LAK (Butter Music, Brazil) * electro * minimal * sexy * progressive * groove * buttermusic * This is a free, all-ages event. Dyker Beach Park Brooklyn 12pm-7pm. rain or shine. directions: a web 28thday/lists/lt.php?idLBoBVAFSCQkfAwgaBg4Bsubway | web 28thday/lists/lt.php?idLBoBVAFSCQofAwgaBg4Bdriving bus: B1 / B64 to 86 St & 13 Av / Dyker Beach Golf Course We expect to be situated near the playground entrance, adjacent to the restrooms, along 86 St between 13 & 14 Aves. *o* September 29: 28thday presents Artifakt (Timecode, SA) live and Onnomon live at Grand Space! *o* class”poweredphplista web 28thday/lists/lt.php?idLBoBVAFSCgsfAwgaBg4B” target”blank” class”poweredphplist”
#3996 Sun, 19 Aug 2007 13:18:09 Sun, 19 Aug 2007 13:17:51 ystem at 28thdayCc: From: “scott” scott at 28thdayeudaemonia location update We’ve been relocated to a nearby field, right by the intersection of Cropse y and 14th. Spread the word! We’ve been relocated to a nearby field, right by the intersection of Cropse y and 14th. Spread the word!
#3997 23 Aug 2007 23:39:47 Thu, 23 Aug 2007 23:39:46 ystem at 28thday From: scott scott at 28thdaySep 29 :: Artifakt and Onnomon LIVE at Grand Space! s”moz-text-html” lang”x-unicode tbody lang”EN-GB…although currently in the possession of the Timecode crew, the exact nature and origin of the Artifakt remain an enigma. Tonight we dance into the mystery, opening in gratitude for the summer’s blessings, and uniting in strength for the winter to come… src”cid:part1.00020706.03060209 at 28thday” presents face”Verdana” size”2 + more artists TBA on main stage + second rooftop stage! 11pm to 6am or later Bergen St. Brooklyn presale | $30 door Presales available soon at web 28thdayweb 28thday strong a web psyny
#3998 Sat, 25 Aug 2007 11:35:29 Sat, 25 Aug 2007 11:35:29 From: Fwd: Free party in Williamsburg, Live music+DJ’s at BPM 237 Kent ave
#3999 Tue, 28 Aug 2007 22:18:36 From: “tsunaminypromo” tsunaminypromo at yahooSatruday, September 1st (Labor Day Weekend) SHANTI at GYPSY TEA TSUNAMI Presents: Saturday, September 1st (Labor Day Weekend) S H A N T I (Spun Records, Ibiza) SHANTI grew up with this music, as the younger br other of Riktam and of the GMS Clan SHANTI started to DJ when he was barely a teenager, and has now matured into a world class trance artist, and has spearheaded his own cutting edge style Brandon Adams and CRISTIAN LED EZM An up and coming talent from Mexico, Cris will expand your mind with br illiant mixing & solid selections And much more! GYPSY TEA 27 West 24th Street (between 5th & 6th Avenues) 18+ to enter / 21+ to drink VALID PICTU RE ID A MUST! 10pm till 8am (minimum) Admission: $25 / $20 (LIMITED NUMBER OF TICKETRS, available at $15 on GrooveTickets) groovetickets.c Tickets available on GrooveTickets
#4000 Tue, 28 Aug 2007 18:55:51 Tue, 28 Aug 2007 18:55:51 Cc: 604 at party.net From: The l Epidemic of the late 90s, A Reprise Found while mildly stoned in the archives at tranceam.org The Gorge-Your-Elf Environment By Ebenezer Goode New York Crimes Co. ![if !supportEmptyParas]![endif] From giant pez machines to supersize matchbook sized tabs to all-you-can-eat buffets, America’s approach to l can be summed up by one word: Big. Tongues are piled high, and few drops are left behind. Today’s microdots could, in an earlier era, have fed a family of four. But social norms change. Free love has given way to safe sex. Smokers have become pariahs. The gin fizz and the vodka gimlet have yielded to the mojito and the cosmopolitan. And some paleface herring-eating northern “alternative lifestylers” believe that the Goa sound has become Scando’s biaaaatch without even the COURTESY of a reacharound. Now many health experts are hoping that, in the service of combating an epidemic of l tolerance, the nation might be coaxed into a similar cultural shift in its tripping habits. Traditionally, the prescription for shedding extra brain cells has been dancing up a storm to the latest GMS track, sensible diet and increased exercise. Losing weight has been viewed as a matter of personal responsibility, a private battle between brain and kidney. But a growing number of studies suggests that while willpower obviously plays a role, people do not gorge themselves with psychedelics solely because they lack self-control. Rather, social scientists are finding, a host of environmental factors among them, portion size, price, advertising, trip toys, goa chicks with dayglo bikinis or lack thereof, email lists, kazaa, the availability of l and the number of l choices presented can influence the amount the average person consumes. “Researchers have underestimated the powerful importance of the local environment on tripping,” said Dr. Paul Rozin, a professor of psychology at the University of Pennsylvania, who studies l preferences. Give partygoers an extra-large tub of “White Fluff” liquid instead of a container one size smaller and they will eat 45 to 50 percent more, as Dr. Brian Wansink, a professor of nutritional science and marketing at the University of Illinois, showed in one experiment. Even if the acid is turned a gruesome brown or even black, they will still eat 40 to 45 percent more. Smoking pot offers no respite. Keep a tabletop in the office stocked with charas and hash and skunk and the requisite cookies and candy, and people will nibble their way through the workday, even if they are not hungry. Reduce prices or offer four-course meals instead of single tasty entrees, and diners will increase their consumption. In a culture where serving sizes are mammoth, attractive l is ubiquitous, bargains are abundant and variety is not just the spice but the staple of life, many researchers say, it is no surprise that brain cells are expanding. Dr. Kelly D. Brownell, a professor of psychology at Yale and an expert on tripping disorders, has gone so far as to label American society a “toxic environment” when it comes to l. Health experts and consumer advocates point to the studies of portion size and other environmental influences in arguing that fast-l chains and l manufacturers must bear some of the blame for the country’s sanity problem. “The l industry has used portion sizes and value marketing as very effective tools to try to increase their sales and profits,” said Margo Wootan, the director of nutrition policy at the Center for Science in the Public Interest, an advocacy group financed by private foundations. Trial lawyers met in Boston last month to discuss legal approaches to l tolerance, including lawsuits against fast-l chains and l manufacturers on grounds like false advertising, failure to provide labeling about so called “strychnine” content or even fostering l addiction. At least seven such lawsuits have been filed, with varying success, said Machinelfenfold, a professor of trance public interest law at Aldous Huxley University. Machinelfenfold, who led the way in litigation against E companies to release pre- and post-dosing supllement labelling information, is now channeling similar energy into reforming fast l. The l industry, however, dismisses such suits as a device to deposit more money in Machinelfenfold’s bank accounts. The onus for tripping healthfully, industry spokesmen say, rests entirely with the consumer, which as a word mostly applies to American trance attendees, few of which actually contribute at all but will bitch away about free parties or whatnot. “If you don’t want a large Hoffman on Anjuna Beach, usually there is a smaller portion, in, say Paradiso de Anjuna,” said Free Atmaah, a sometimes manager of the fabled Goa club. “You can get a small glass of Kool-Aid at almost any afterparty I’ve ever been to. There are the options there and it’s for the individual to decide.” Still, at least one company, Hammas l, the maker of Osamau Bin Trippin, recently gave up up on the kids version of Afghan White make your own dope kit with a Mickey Mouse spoon even and a safety syringe in the box, and announced its intention to “help encourage healthy lifestyles” by reducing portion sizes for some products. Some scientists have mixed feelings about taking the l tolerance issue into court. “Whenever trial lawyers get hold of an issue, I worry,” said Dr. Adam Drewnowski, the director for the Center for Public Health Nutrition at the University of Washington. But none dispute that an increasing number of studies show that how l is served, presented and sold plays at least some role in what and how much people eat. Price is a powerful influence. In a series of studies, researchers at the University of Minnesota have demonstrated that the relative cost of different products has an even more potent effect on l choice than nutritional labeling. Dr. Simone French, an associate professor of epidemiology, and her colleagues manipulated the prices of high-grade and low-grade acid in vending machines at 12 high schools and 12 workplaces. In some cases, the snacks were labeled to indicate their acid content. “The most interesting finding was that the price changes were whopping in effect,” compared with the labels, Dr. French said. Dropping the price of the pedestrian rate acid by even a nickel spurred more sales. In contrast, orange stickers signaling low potency content or cartoons promoting the low potency alternatives had little influence over which snacks were more popular. Packaging can change the amount people consume. Dr. Wansink and his colleagues have showed that, fooled by a visual illusion, people drink more from short, wide glasses than thinner, taller ones, but they think they are drinking less. Having more choices also appears to make people eat more. In one study, Dr. Barbara Rolls, whose laboratory at Pennsylvania State University has studied the effects of the environment on tripping, found that research subjects tripped more when offered acid indifferent formats (paoper, plastic, via waterguns, Pez, etc etc etc etc) than they did when they were given just one tongue-burning drop. In another study, participants served a four-course meal with meat, fruit, bread and a pudding ls with very different tastes, flavors and textures ate 60 percent more l than those served an equivalent meal of only their favorite course. To anyone who has survived Christmas season at the office, it will come as no surprise that the availability of mushroom covered chocolates has an effect as well. Dr. Wansink and his colleagues varied the placement of chocolates in work settings over three weeks. When the shroomy choco-lots were in plain sight on workers’ desks, they ate an average of nine pieces each. Storing the sweets in a desk drawer reduced consumption to six pieces. And chocolates lurking out of sight, a couple of yards from the desk, cut the number to three pieces per person. Throwing cross-tolerance to the fucking shithouse. Researchers have long suspected that large portions encourage people to eat more, but studies have begun to confirm this suspicion only in the last several years. There is little question that the serving size of many ls has increased since Israel introduced its groundbreaking Hoffman in 1998. For her doctoral dissertation, Dr. Lisa Young, now an adjunct assistant professor in the department of nutrition, l studies and public health at New York University, tracked portion sizes in national trance parties, in ls like cakes, bread products, steaks and sodas and in cookbook recipes from the 1970’s to the late 1990’s. The amount of l allotted for one person increased in virtually every category Dr. Young examined. Paper, drops, and microdots expanded to portions that were two to five times as great as they had been at the beginning of the period Dr. Young studied. Sheets, bottles, and eveian bottles grew markedly. Cookbooks specified fewer servings (and correspondingly larger portions) for the same recipe appearing in earlier editions. “Growers are growing bigger shrooms and female sativa plants, and fast-l companies are using larger sugar cubes,” Dr. Young wrote in a paper published last year in The American Journal of Public Health. Even the ashtrays in automobiles have grown larger to make room for giant joints, Dr. Young noted. She and other experts think it is no coincidence that l tolerance began rising sharply in the United States at the same time that portion sizes started increasing. But cause and effect cannot be proved. And the l industry rejects the idea of a connection. Mr. Anderson of the restaurant association, for example, says that lack of exercise, poor tripping habits and genetic influences are largely responsible for Americans’ struggle with extra fat. Still, in cultures where people are thinner, portion sizes appear to be smaller. Take France, where the citizenry is leaner in body mass and where only 7.4 percent of the population is obese, a contrast to America, where 22.3 percent qualify. Examining similar restaurant meals and supermarket l in Paris and Philadelphia, Dr. Rozin and colleagues at Penn found that the Parisian portions were significantly less hefty. Cookbook portions were also smaller. Even some items sold at Teknival, for example are smaller than their Canadian counterparts (there not existing a Teknival in Amerika at the moment) “There is a disconnect between people’s understanding of portions and the idea that a larger portion has more micrograms,” said Dr. Marion Nestle, chairwoman of the N.Y.U. nutrition and l policy department and the author of “l Politics: How the l Industry Influences Nutrition and Health.” The Double Gulp, a 64-ounce soft drink sold by Laced Tribe, Dr. Nestle noted, has close to 800 milligrams, more than a 3000% of many people’s daily acid? requirement, but she said people were often shocked to learn this. And, as studies by Dr. Rolls, Dr. Wansink and others suggest, faced with larger portions, people are likely to consume more, an effect, Dr. Rolls noted, that is not limited to people who are overweight. “Men or women, obese or lean, dieters, nondieters, plate-cleaners, non-plate-cleaners it’s pretty much across the board,” she said. In one demonstration of this, Dr. Rolls and her colleagues varied the portions of mescaline served at an Italian trance party, keeping the price for the microdots the same but on some days increasing the serving by 50 percent. On the days of the increase, Dr. Rolls said, customers ate 45 percent more, and while partygoers rated the bigger portion size as a better value, they deemed both servings appropriate. “Tranceheads are a cheapskate lot with short memories,” Dr. Rolls noted. The researchers have also shown that after downing large vials of l, people do not usually compensate by tripping less at their next party. Very young children, studies suggest, are relatively immune to the pressures that huge l seems to impose on adults. Three-year-olds served three different portion sizes of window pane and cheese for lunch on three different days, Dr. Rolls and her colleagues discovered, ate the same amount each time. Five-year-olds, however, already showed signs of succumbing to adult overindulgence, tripping more when more was put in front of them. Researchers have yet to cement the link between larger portions and a more generally insane public. But add up the studies, Dr. Rolls and other experts say, and it is clear Americans might have more success slimming down if plates were not quite so large and a tempting snack did not await on every corner. Obviously, people have responsibility for deciding what to ingest and how much, Dr. Rolls said. “The problem is,” she said, “they’re not very good at it.? I suggest making it to the Trance nEurope Sexpress party at Boom on Saturday to see how to work off that extra poundage” ed in the src Environment f !supportEmptyParas] ![endif] tFrom giant pez machines to supersize matchbook sized tabs to all-you-can -eat buffets, America’s approach to l can be summed up by one word: Big. iled high, and few drops are left behind. Today’s microdots could, in an e arlier era, have fed a family of four. o safe sex. Smokers have become pariahs. The gin fizz and the vodka gimlet have yielded to the mojito and the cosmopolitan. And some paleface herring-eating northern “alternative lifestylers” believe that the Goa sou nd has become Scando’s biaaaatch without even the COURTESY of a reacharoun d. alth experts are hoping that, in the service of combating an epidemic of L SD tolerance, the nation might be coaxed into a similar cultural shift in its tripping habits. dyTextTraditionally, the prescription for shedding extra brain cells has been dancing up a storm to the latest GMS track, sensible diet and increas ed exercise. Losing weight has been viewed as a matter of personal respons ibility, a private battle between brain and kidney. ext sts that while willpower obviously plays a role, people do not gorge themselves with psychedelics solely because they lack self-control. ntists are finding, a host of environmental factors among them, portion si ze, price, advertising, trip toys, goa chicks with dayglo bikinis or lack thereof, email lists, kazaa, the availability of l and the number of l choices presented can influence the amount the average BodyTextperson consumes. MsoBodyText”Researchers have underestimated the powerful importance of th e local environment on tripping,” said Dr. Paul Rozin, a professor of psyc hology at the University of Pennsylvania, who studies l preferences. extra-large tub of “White Fluff” liquid instead of a container one size s maller and they will eat 45 to 50 percent more, as Dr. Brian Wansink a professor of nutritional science and marketing at the University of Il linois, showed in one experiment. Even if the acid is turned a gruesome br own or even black, they will still eat 40 to 45 percent more. ite. Keep a tabletop in the office stocked with charas and hash and skunk and the requisite cookies and candy, and people will nibble their wa y through the workday, even if they are not hungry. Reduce prices or offer four-course meals instead of single tasty entrees, and diners will increa se their consumption. odyTextIn a culture where serving sizes are mammoth, attractive l is/P ot just the spice but the staple of life, many researchers say, it is no s urprise that brain cells are expanding. Dr. Kelly D. Brownell, a professor of psychology at Yale and an g disorders, has gone so far as to label American society a “toxic environ ment” when it comes to l. of portion size and other environmental influences in arguing that fast-l chains and l manufacturers must bear some of the blame for the country’ s sanity problem. Text”The l industry has used portion sizes and value marketing as very effective tools to try to increase their sales and profits,” said Margo Wo otan, the director of nutrition policy at the Center for Science in the/P vate foundations. TextTrial lawyers met in Boston last month to discuss legal approaches to l tolerance, including lawsuits against fast-l chains and l manufac turers on grounds like false advertising, failure to provide labeling abou t so called “strychnine” content or even fostering l addiction. suits have been filed, with varying success, said Machinelfenfold, a profe ssor of trance public interest law at Aldous Huxley University. Machinelfe nfold, who led the way in litigation against E companies to release pre – and post-dosing supllement labelling information, is now channelin g similar energy into reforming fast l. as a device to deposit more money in Machinelfenfold’s bank accounts. The onus for tripping healthfully, industry spokesmen say, rests entirely wit h the consumer, which as a word mostly applies to American trance attendee s, few of which actually contribute at all but will bitch away about free parties or whatnot. yText”If you don’t want a large Hoffman on Anjuna Beach, usually there is a said Free Atmaah, a sometimes manager of the fabled Goa club. “You can ge t a small glass of Kool-Aid at almost any afterparty I’ve ever been to. Th ere are the options there and it’s for the individual to decide.” mpany, Hammas l, the maker of Osamau Bin Trippin, recently gave up up o n the kids version of Afghan White make your own dope kit with a Mickey Mo use spoon even and a safety syringe in the box, and announced its intentio n to “help encourage healthy lifestyles” by reducing portion sizes for som e products. me scientists have mixed feelings about taking the l tolerance issue int o court. “Whenever trial lawyers get hold of an issue, I worry,” sai d Dr. Adam Drewnowski, the director for the Center for Public Health Nutri tion at the University of Washington. es show that how l is served, presented and sold plays at least so me role in what and how much people eat. tudies, researchers at the University of Minnesota have demonstrated that the relative cost of different products has an even more potent effect on l choice than nutritional labeling. miology, and her colleagues manipulated the prices of high-grade and low-g rade acid in vending machines at 12 high schools and 12 workplaces. In som e cases, the snacks were labeled to indicate their acid content. inding was that the price changes were whopping in effect,” compared with the labels, Dr. French said. Dropping the price of the pedestrian ra te acid by even a nickel spurred more sales. In contrast, orange stickers signaling low potency content or cartoons promoting the low potency altern atives had little influence over which snacks were more popular. e amount people consume. Dr. Wansink and his colleagues have showed that, fooled by a visual illusion, people drink more from short, wide glasses th an thinner, taller ones, but they think they are drinking less. appears to make people eat more. In one study, Dr. Barbara Rolls, whose l aboratory at Pennsylvania State University has studied the effects of the environment on tripping, found that research subjects tripped more when of fered acid indifferent formats (paoper, plastic, via waterguns, Pez, etc e tc etc etc) than they did when they were given just one tongue-burni ng drop. other study, participants served a four-course meal with meat, fruit, brea d and a pudding ls with very different tastes, flavors and textures ate 60 percent more l than those served an equivalent meal of only their fav orite course. To anyone who has survived Christmas season at the office, it will come as no surprise that the availability of mushroom covered chocolates has an e ffect as well. Dr. Wansink and his colleagues varied the placement o f chocolates in work settings over three weeks. When the shroomy choco-lots were in plain sight on workers’ desks, they ate an average of nine pieces each. Storing the sweets in a desk drawer reduced consumption to six piec es. And chocolates lurking out of sight, a couple of yards from the desk, cut the number to three pieces per person. Throwing cross-tolerance to the fucking shithouse. encoura ge people to eat more, but studies have begun to confirm this suspicion on ly in the last several years. has increased since Israel introduced its groundbreaking Hoffman in 1998. ral dissertation, Dr. Lisa Young, now an adjunct assistant professor in th e department of nutrition, l studies and public health at New York Unive rsity, tracked portion sizes in national trance parties, in ls like cake s, bread products, steaks and sodas and in cookbook recipes from the 1970′ s to the late 1990’s. odyTextThe amount of l allotted for one person increased in virtually e very category Dr. Young examined. Paper, drops, and microdots expanded to portions that were two to five times as great as they had been at the begi nning of the period Dr. Young studied. Sheets, bottles, and eveian bottles grew markedly. Cookbooks specified fewer servings (and correspondingly la rger portions) for the same recipe appearing in earlier editions. gger shrooms and female sativa plants, and fast-l companies are using la rger sugar cubes,” Dr. Young wrote in a paper published last year in The A merican Journal of Public Health. Even the ashtrays in automobiles have gr own larger to make room for giant joints, Dr. Young noted. MsoBodyText t is no coincidence that l tolerance began rising sharply in the United States at the same time that portion sizes started increasing. But cause a nd effect cannot be proved. And the l industry rejects the idea of a con nection. Mr. Anderson of the restaurant association, for example, says tha t lack of exercise, poor tripping habits and genetic influences are largely responsible for Americans’ struggle with extra fat. eople are thinner, portion sizes appear to be smaller. odyText is leaner in body mass and where only 7.4 percent of the population is obe se, a contrast to America, where 22.3 percent qualify. Examining similar r estaurant meals and supermarket l in Paris and Philadelphia, Dr. Rozin a nd colleagues at Penn found that the Parisian portions were significantly less hefty. Cookbook portions were also smaller. Even some items sold at T eknival, for example are smaller than their Canadian counterparts (there n ot existing a Teknival in Amerika at the moment) understanding of portions and the idea that a larger portion has more micr ograms,” said Dr. Marion Nestle, chairwoman of the N.Y.U. nutrition and L policy department and the author of “l Politics: How the l Industry Influences Nutrition and Health.” ribe Dr. Nestle noted, has close to 800 milligrams, more than a 3000% of many people’s daily acid? requirement, but she said people were often sho cked to learn this. dyTextAnd, as studies by Dr. Rolls, Dr. Wansink and others suggest, faced with larger portions, people are likely to consume more, an effect, Dr. R olls noted, that is not limited to people who are overweight. an, dieters, nondieters, plate-cleaners, non-plate-cleaners it’s pretty mu ch across the board,” she said. es varied the portions of mescaline served at an Italian trance party, kee ping the price for the microdots the same but on some days increasing the serving by 50 percent. On the days of the increase, Dr. Rolls said, custom ers ate 45 percent more, and while partygoers rated the bigger portion siz e as a better value, they deemed both servings appropriate. “Tranceh eads are a cheapskate lot with short memories,” Dr. Rolls noted. so shown that after downing large vials of l, people do not usually comp ensate by tripping less at their next party. bs elatively immune to the pressures that huge l seems to impose on adults. Three-year-olds served three different portion sizes of window pane and c heese for lunch on three different days, Dr. Rolls and her colleagues disc overed, ate the same amount each time. Five-year-olds, however, already sh owed signs of succumbing to adult e, tripping more when more was put in front of them. yText link between larger portions and a more generally insane public. But add u p the studies, Dr. Rolls and other experts say, and it is clear Americans might have more success slimming down if plates were not quite so large an d a tempting snack did not await on every corner. xtObviously, people have responsibility for deciding what to in gest and how much, Dr. Rolls said. “The problem is,” she said, “they’re no t very good at it.? I suggest making it to the Trance nEurope Sexpress par ty at Boom on Saturday to see how to work off that extra poundage” Company /
#4001 Thu, 30 Aug 2007 04:00:23 From: “alladinproject” alladinproject at yahooAlladinGroup at Webster Hall w/ ASTRIX LIVE & Dj, ELNADIV, and BRANDON Fri, Sept 7 3-5218587906-3837110752:8 Alladin Group at Webster Hall with ASTRIXLive and Dj Set, Elnadiv and Brand on Adams on Friday, September 7th, 2007 Please make sure to get your ticke ts in advance due to high demands! Prepare your selves for some smashing mu sic!! *ASTRIX*(Hommega Records, Israel) One of the biggest trance acts in the world, Astrix is without a doubt thefastest rising star in the trance scene, that became one of the top leadingartist of the psytrance history. A fter his successful appearance all around the globe, his is back to NYC aga into deliver an exclusive unreleased Live and Dj set performance, not to be missed!!! ELNADIV(Alladin Group, Orb Records, NYC/Israel) BRANDONADAM S (Dreamcatcher, NYC) ***19 to enter/21+ to drink with pic ID*** ***Door Open at 9PM*** Tickets: $20 in advance, $35 at the door Online tickets: web alladingroup web alladingroup/ Advance Tickets wil l be available online till Sept 7th at 7PM or In Stores: Hoomoos Asli- 100 K enmare St, NY(212) 966-0022 Satellite Records- 259 Bowery, NY(212) 995-1744 more info call:(917)569-1177 /(917) 405-4847 Location: WEBSTER HALL 125 E ast 11th St New York, NY 10003 Directions by Subway: Take the N,R,4,5,6,orL to Union Square/14th St. Walk to the corner of 14thStreet and 4th Ave. T hen walk downtown 3 blocks to 11th St and make a left. web allad ingroup web alladingroup/ web hommega w ww.hommega/ web myspace/alladinproject web myspace. com/alladinproject web myspace/orbrecords web myspace.c om/orbrecords 3-5218587906-3837110752:8 and Dj Set, Elnadiv and Brandon Adams on Friday, September 7th, 2007/s re to get your tickets in advance due to high demands! Prepare your sel ves for some smashing music!! *ASTRIX*(Hommega Re cords, Israel) One of the biggest trance acts in the world, Astrix is w ithout a doubt thefastest rising star in the trance scene, that became one of the top leadingartist of the psytrance history. After his successful app earance all around the globe, his is back to NYC againto deliver an exclusi ve unreleased Live and Dj set performance, not to bemissed!!! bELNADIV(Alladin Group, Orb Records, NYC/Israel) ![i f !supportLineBreakNewLine]![endif]o/ocher, NYC) ***19 to enter/21+ to drink with pic ID*** * **Door Open at 9PM*** Tickets: $20 in advance, $35 at th e door Online tickets: web allading dingroup Advance Tickets will be av ailable online till Sept 7th at 7PM or In Stores: Hoomoos Asli- 100 Kenmare St, NY(212) 966-0022 Satellite Records- 259 Bowery, NY(212) 995 -1744 more info call:(917)569-1177 /(917) 405-4847 Locati on: WEBSTER HALL 125 East 11th St New York, NY 10003 b rDirections by Subway: Take the N,R,4,5,6,or,L to Union Square/14th St. Walk to the corner of 14thStreet and 4th Ave. Then walk dow ntown 3 blocks to st1st111th St/st1/st1and make a left. b ncode auto-link start web alladingroup ! incode auto-li code auto-link start web hommega web web myspace/alladinproject b de auto-link start web myspace/orbrecords o/o/ 3-5218587906-3837110752:8
#4002 Thu, 30 Aug 2007 20:55:24 ystem at 28thday From: scott scott at 28thdayTicon! Artifakt! Greetings! a web 28thday/lists/lt.php?idLBoBVgtTAQ0fAwoaBg4BHarvest presales are now open, at the price of $22. As usual we are limiting attendance, only this time RSVP is *not* required. Still… a web 28thday/lists/lt.php?idLBoBVgtTAQ4fAwoaBg4Bour last loft party sold out, and buying a presale is the only way to immunize yourself against long lines and possible non-admittance. It’s also cheaper door tickets, if available, will cost $30. Don’t miss it as psy-trance once again returns to a web 28thday/lists/lt.php?idLBoBVgtTAQ8fAwoaBg4BGrand Space ! We also wanted to pass on some very important information from our friends at Spectra progressive powerhouse Ticon visits NYC next month! Details below. 9.21.07 Spectra & Activate present: Ticon – live – (Digital Structures) Sweden Gavin – (Spectra) NYC DJ Earthian – (Animaltek/Omnitribe) NYC Shunny – (Activate) – NYC/Japan Sew – (Activate) – NYC/Japan in the chill out: Sonecule – live – (Omnitribe) NYC Mayur (Spectra) – NYC T.T.X. (Activate) – NYC/Japan Yugo (Activate) – NYC/Japan deco: Steve-O & Sonic Beating sound & promotional support by 28thday CoSMosis 530 W. 27th St. NYC 18+ $30 doors open at 10 p.m web 28thday/lists/lt.php?idLBoBVgtTAQAfAwoaBg4Bweb spectrasound.org web 28thday/lists/lt.php?idLBoBVgtTAQEfAwoaBg4Bweb 28thday web 28thday/lists/lt.php?idLBoBVgtSCAgfAwoaBg4Bweb psyny
September 2007
#4003 Thu, 6 Sep 2007 18:09:42 Thu, 6 Sep 2007 18:09:42 From: Aya ceremony this Saturday in the woods Email me for details.
#4004 Fri, 7 Sep 2007 15:27:24 Fri, 7 Sep 2007 15:27:24 From: She’s been to bridge parties – free prescreening – Fwd: comp tickets/EDGE
#4005 Mon, 10 Sep 2007 09:29:03 Mon, 10 Sep 2007 09:29:03 From: Aya ceremony Sept 15 Email me for details.
#4006 Tue, 11 Sep 2007 01:23:58 Tue, 11 Sep 2007 01:23:58 To: TripOutNY From: Re: TripOutNewYork She’s been to bridge parties – free prescreening – Fwd:… I’m going this Friday, I’m also in her movie coming out soon, if any1 wants to get in free email me we can go. In a message dated 9/7/2007 6:19:41 P.M., writes: (/?ncidAOLAOF00020000000982) . Sep 2007 16:36:49 d1f.f3 e53.340a4fdb at aol 8C9BC767F3B6D98-7C0-6829 at mblk-r28.sysops.aol8C9BCB29 5FCA1-7C0-7847 at mblk-r28.sysops.aol 8C9BED044D02BBE-2BC-361C at mblk-r28.sysops.aol 8C9BEDB3AFE6DBB-2BC-3C09 at mblk-r28.sysops.aol8C9BEDC02C3F622-2BC-3C76 at mblk-r28.sysops.aol To: angelicatorn at aol comp tickets/EDGE Thu, 06 Sep 2007 16:36:45 From: angelicatorn at aol with HTTP (WebMailUI); Thu, 06 Sep 2007 16:36:45 Dear Friends, There are comp tickets for tonight and tomorrow’s 8pm performances. Simply go to the box office and say you’re on Sylvia’s list. Hope to see you there! Angelica The ArcLight Theater 152 west 71st street just off Broadway (edgeonstage/) Click on Image to Visit Web Site (/?ncidAOLAOF00020000000982) . (o.aolcdn/cdn.webmail.aol/mailtour/aol/en-us/index ?ncidAOLAOF00 020000000970) ! I’m going this Friday, I’m also in her movie coming out soon, if any 1 wants to get in free email me we can go. In a message dated 9/7/2007 6:19:41 P.M., machinelf at tr anceamericana.org writes: t ONT black !End group emai mblk-r28 (mblk-r28.mblk.aol []) by ciaaol-m01.mx.aol. MAILCIAAOLM015-b2d546e064de3a3; Thu, 06 Sep 2 007 16:36:49 d1f.f3 e53.340a4fdb at aol 8C9BC767F3B6D98-7C0-6829 at mblk-r28.sysops.aol 8C9BCB29A 05FCA1-7C0-7847 at mblk-r28.sysops.aol 8C9BED044D02BBE-2BC-361C at mblk-r28.sysops.aol 8C9BEDB3AFE6DBB-2BC-3C09 at mblk-r28.sysop s.aol 8C9BEDC02C3F622-2BC-3C76 at mblk-r28.sysops.aolB RTo: angelicatorn at aol comp tickets/EDGE Thu, 0 6 Sep 2007 8C9BEDC02C3F622-2BC-3C7 WebUI MIME-Vers User Con tent-Type: multipart/alternative; AOL WebMail 30128 ( ) with HTTP (WebMailUI); Thu, 06 Sep 2007 16:36:45 57-c553-449c-9a52-840499495ca1 ends, There are comp tickets for tonight and tomorrow’s 8pm per formances. Simply go to the box office and say you’re on Sylv ia’s list. Hope to see you there! Angelica 97086b55-79d4-4355-89b4-391018bfba4b e5-4a5e-‘5a-90c9ce6bb0f9 1st street just off Broadway FO FO TD sty LPromoFooter Email and AIM finally tog
#4007 Tue, 11 Sep 2007 01:25:01 Tue, 11 Sep 2007 01:25:00 From: Fwd: [NYC604] Extrawelt Live at Cielo 9/27
#4008 13 Sep 2007 23:09:29 Thu, 13 Sep 2007 23:09:27 ystem at 28thday From: scott scott at 28thdaysep 29 :: Harvest Arcanum :: update As the tribe assembles to welcome the incoming season, we have a few exciting additions to announce about the party. In the main room we welcome Ocelot, who will be performing a live set, and the supercharged light-o-matic sound system! Up in the rooftop party dome we’ll have chill and breaks courtesy of Freekfactory and Dhruva of Sub Swara, ofthe danger (formerly Complacent Nation) round out the environment with high-definition visuals and space transformation. Harvest time draws near! September 29, 2007 28thday presents Harvest Arcanum featuring: ARTIFAKT (Timecode, South Africa) – LIVE + DJ OCELOT (Zaikadelic | Avatar | Dropout | Vertigo) – LIVE ONNOMON (Soular, Philadelphia) – LIVE LAURYN (Peak Records | 28thday, NYC) sound by a web 28thday/lists/lt.php?idLBoBUQpWDAkfAw0aBg4Blight-o-matic Chill, dirty, and groovy breaks ++on the roof++ with our a web 28thday/lists/lt.php?idLBoBUQpWDAofAw0aBg4BFreekfactory and a web 28thday/lists/lt.php?idLBoBUQpWDAsfAw0aBg4BSub Swara cousins: HAJ (Freekfactory | Subswara) SPIRO (Freekfactory) BLACKLIGHT (Freekfactory) DHRUVA (Sub Swara) ALIEN AMBASSADOR (CoSM) sound by 28thday Visuals by Spot (Spotworks | a web 28thday/lists/lt.php?idLBoBUQpWDAwfAw0aBg4Bspotworks ) Decor by James Vogel (a web 28thday/lists/lt.php?idLBoBUQpWD fAw0aBg4Bthedanger ) Saturday, September 29 11pm to 6am or later web 28thday/lists/lt.php?idLBoBUQpWDA4fAw0aBg4B Grand Space 778 Bergen St. Brooklyn $22 presale | $30 door if available Presales available at a web 28thday/lists/lt.php?idLBoBUQpWDA8fAw0aBg4Bweb 28thday Attendance will be limited… buy presales early to ensure admittance. web 28thday/lists/lt.php?idLBoBUQpWDA8fAw0aBg4B web 28thday web 28thday/lists/lt.php?idLBoBUQpWDAAfAw0aBg4B web psyny
#4009 Sat, 15 Sep 2007 16:16:36 Sun, 16 Sep 2007 08:16:36 From: Yugo F ripvanwinkle at hotmail[NYC 9/21/Fri] Ticon Live!!! (Digital Structures / Sweden), Earthian a.k.a. Animaltek (Treibstoff / b8a2c317-89d9-4a18-aaf2-e24e8b89b032 Activate & Spectra present… -Ticon (Digital Structures / Sweden) Live!!! web ticonmusic/ web myspace/ticonmusic Ticon (Digital Structures – Sweden) are Filip Mardberg and Fredrik Gilenholt. The story of their musical involvement dates back to 1991 when they found mutual interest for underground dance music. Around 1995, they made thier first track in Fredriks bedroom, but it wasnt until the Swedish and Malmoe based label Digital Structures contacted them in 1999 that things started to get clear and they formed Ticon. After releasing on almost every now classic trance lable they earned a spot in the growing group of respected tranceproducers. Released in April 2001 on Digital Structures, their first full length album received fantastic reviews and is today a milestone in progressive music. It’s been a great journey from the first releases, and with landmark albums like “Rewind” and “Aero” to “Zero Six After” released in 2005, they have earned a top spot position in the trance and club scene. -Earthian a.k.a. Animaltek (Treibstoff/Russia) web myspace/animaltek web djearthian/ -DJ Gavin (Digital Structures/NYC) web spectrasound.org/ -Sew (Activate/JP) -Shunny (Activate/JP) Venue: “Cosmosis” 542 West 27th st. 4th fl. New York, NY Date: Sep. 21st (Fri) 2007 10:00pm – ??? Admission: $30 Age: 18+, web campaign.live.jp/hotmail/ b8a2c317-89d9-4a18-aaf2-e24e8b89b032 { { Activate & Spectra present… web ticonmusic/” titleweb ticonmusic/web ticonmusic/ web myspace/ticonmusic” titleweb myspace/ticonmusicweb myspace/ticonmusic Ticon (Digital Structures – Sweden) are Filip Mardberg and Fredrik Gilenholt. The story of their musical involvement dates back to 1991 when they found mutual interest for underground dance music. Around 1995, they made thier first track in Fredriks bedroom, but it wasnt until the Swedish and Malmoe based label Digital Structures contacted them in 1999 that things started to get clear and they formed Ticon. After releasing on almost every now classic trance lable they earned a spot in the growing group of respected tranceproducers. Released in April 2001 on Digital Structures, their first full length album received fantastic reviews and is today a milestone in progressive music. It’s been a great journey from the first releases, and with landmark albums like “Rewind” and “Aero” to “Zero Six After” released in 2005, they have earned a top spot position in the trance and club scene. web myspace/animaltek” titleweb myspace/animaltekweb myspace/animaltek web djearthian/” titleweb djearthian/web djearthian/ web spectrasound.org/” titleweb spectrasound.org/web spectrasound.org/ -Sew (Activate/JP) -Shunny (Activate/JP) Venue: “Cosmosis” 542 West 27th st. 4th fl. New York, NY Date: Sep. 21st (Fri) 2007 10:00pm – ??? Admission: $30 Age: b8a2c317-89d9-4a18-aaf2-e24e8b89b032
#4010 Mon, 17 Sep 2007 03:08:09 From: “tsunaminypromo” tsunaminypromo at yahooAFTER-HOURS, Sat Sept. 22nd – Sun, Sept 23rd (4am -10am Sunday morn) at GYPSY TEA TSUNAMI Presents AFTER HOURS Party The night from Saturday the 22nd / Su nday moring the 23rd Starting on Sunday, Septembe 23rd at 4am BRANDON ADA MS (Dreamcatcher, NY) BRANDON is a consistent and highly reliable fixture i n the US trance world, just back from Costa Rica with a fresh and rejuvenat ed state of mind. CRISTIAN LEDEZM An up and coming talent from Mexico, C ris will expand your mind with brilliant mixing & solid selections at the After Hours Legendary venue G Y P S Y T E A 27 West 24th Street (between 5th & 65th Avenues) 18+ to enter / 21+ to drink VALID PICTURE ID A MUST! 4 am -10am, Sunday morning the 23rd Admission: $15 / $20 (LIMITED NUMBER OF TICKETRS, available at $13 on web GrooveTickets Tickets avail able on web GroovveTickets ce
#4011 Mon, 17 Sep 2007 13:37:02 Mon, 17 Sep 2007 13:36:58 From: Big psychedelic talk and event Oct 27!! web horizonsnyc.org/bios (web horizonsnyc.org/bios l) Saturday October 27 2007 1pm – 6pm at Judson Memorial Churc h 55 Washington Square South New York, NY 10012 – Home (web hori zonsnyc.org/index ) – Speakers (web horizonsnyc.org/bios Tickets (web .horizonsnyc.org/tickets ) – Press (web horizonsnyc.org/pres s ) – Resources (web horizonsnyc.org/resource ) – Spe aker biographies Kenneth Alper, MD Kenneth Alper, MD is a member of the fa culty of the New York University School of Medicine where the currently h olds the rank of Associate Professor in the Departments of Psychiatry and Neurology. His research on the medical ethnography of the ibogaine subcu lture has involved extensive contact and experience in the US and Europe, and is based on an excellent observer participant research perspective. Dr. Alper organized the NYU Conference on ibogaine and edited the only English language scientific text on the subject, for which he received the Heffter Research Institutes Award for Public Service in 2001. He is an independently funded NIDA investigator for his research on the qu antitative EEG in substance-related disorders and is a member of the Amer ican Academy of Addiction Psychiatry (AAAP). Rick Doblin, Ph.D. Rick Dob lin, Ph.D is the founder (in 1986) and president of MAPS. His dissertatio n (Public Policy, Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government) was on “The Reg ulation of the Medical Use of Psychedelics and Marijuana,” and his master’ s thesis (Harvard) focused on the attitudes and experiences of oncologist s concerning the medical use of marijuana. His undergraduate thesis (New College of Florida) was a twenty-five year follow-up to the classic Good Friday Experiment, which evaluated the potential of psychedelic ds to catalyze religious experiences. He has also conducted a thirty-four year follow-up study to Tim Leary’s Concord Prison experiment. Doblin has als o studied with Stan Grof, M.D., and was in the first group to become cert ified as holotropic breathwork practitioners. His professional goal is to help develop legal contexts for the beneficial uses of psychedelics and marijuana, primarily as prescription medicines but also for personal grow th for otherwise “healthy” people, and to also become a legally licensed psychedelic therapist. He currently resides in Boston with his wife and th ree young children. Neal M. Goldsmith, Ph.D Neal M. Goldsmith, Ph.D. is a psychotherapist specializing in psychospiritual development E28093 se eing E2809CneurosisE2809D as the natural unfolding of human maturat ion. Dr. Goldsmiths training includes Psychosynthesis, yoga psych ology, Imago Relationship Therapy, regressive psychotherapies, Rogerian c lient-centered counseling, and other humanistic, transpersonal and easter n traditions (in addition to the lessons found in psychedelics research). Dr. Goldsmith has a masters degree in counseling from New York University and a Ph.D. in psychology from Claremont Graduate University. He conducted his dissertation research, on the factors that facilitate or inhibit the utilization of mental health policy research, at Princeton University’s Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs. Dr. Goldsmith is a frequent speaker on spiritual emergence, resistance to change, d policy reform and the post-modern future of society. Among his publications, Dr. Goldsmith is perhaps proudest of his E2809CTen Le ssons of Psychotherapy, RediscoveredE2809D chapter in Psychedelic Medi cine: New Evidence for Hallucinogenic Substances as Treatments (Praeger, 2007). He is also a founder of several salon discussion groups in New Yor k City. Dr. Goldsmith may be reached via his Web site, web nealgoldsmith. com. Alex Grey One night, while employed at a medical school morgue pre paring cadavers and studying the human anatomy, Alex Grey met his wife, A llyson Grey and took l for the first time. Triggering a mystical experi ences, his agnostic existentialism transformed into radical transcendenta lism. Alex has applied this multidimensional perspective to painted visio ns of crucial human experiences such as praying, kissing, copulating, pre gnancy, birth and dying. Portraying the body as translucent, Grey’s paint interweaving physical and bio logical anatomy with psychic and spiritual energies, providing a glimpse into archetypal domains of awareness. Grey’s visual meditation on the natu re of life and consciousness, the subject of his art, is contained in thr ee books, Sacred Mirrors and Transfigurations, two monographs that follow the history of Grey’s artistic life, and The Mission of Art which reflec ts on art as a spiritual practice. With a world reknown career of exhibit ions and keynote addresses from Basel, to Tokyo, to Sao Paulo, Grey’s art has been featured on Discovery Channel, Newsweek, Time, and on album art for Tool, Beastie Boys, Nirvana, and SCI. Grey is a member of the Integr al Institute, is on the Board of Advisors for the Center for Cognitive Li berty and Ethics, and is the Chair of Wisdom University’s Sacred Art Depa rtment. Alex and Allyson Grey are the co-founders of the Chapel of Sacred Mirrors (CoSM) a not for profit institution supporting Visionary Culture in New York City. “Grey’s vision of a flawed but perfectible mankind sta nds as an antidote to the cynicism and spiritual malaise prevalent in muc h contemporary art.” – The New York Times Allyson Grey An accomplished v isionary artist, Allyson Grey’s complex, highly patterned, spectral paint ing style has always been influenced and informed by psychedelics. Her ma niacal puzzles represent an essentialized world view consisting of chaos, order and secret writing. Co-founder of the Chapel of Sacred Mirrors in New York City, Allyson is the wife and partner of internationally renown artist, Alex Grey, and the mother of film actress Zena Grey. Born in 1952, Allyson received a Master of Fine Arts degree from Tufts University in 1 976. She has edited and co-written a dozen books and journals, taught art at Tufts University, the Boston Museum School and at Omega Institute for 17 years. A leader of a growing community, Allyson has spoken widely at conferences and symposia. She has received numerous commissions for long- term and permanent installations of her artwork, which has been exhibited and collected throughout the U.S. Julie Holland, MD Dr. Julie Holland i s a board certified psychiatrist in New York City. As an undegraduate at the University of Pennsylvania, Dr. Holland majored in the “Biological Ba sis of Behavior,” a series of courses combining the study of psychology a nd neural sciences, with a concentration in psychopharmacology, or ds and the brain. In 1992, Dr. Holland received her medical degree from Temp le University School of Medicine, where she performed research on auditory hallucinations, extensively interviewing nearly one hundred psychotic patients. In 1996, she completed a psychiatric residency at Mount Sinai Me dical Center, where she was the creator of a research project treating sc hizophrenics with a new medication, obtaining an IND from the Food and Dr ug Administration. In 1994, she received the Outstanding Resident Award f rom the National Institute of Mental Health. From 1996 to 2005, Dr. Holla nd ran the psychiatric emergency room of Bellevue Hospital on Saturday an d Sunday nights. A liaison to the hospital’s medical emergency room and t oxicology department, she is considered an expert on street ds and int oxication states, and lectures widely on this topic. She published a pape r in the Journal of Psychoactive ds, describing a resurgence of the dr ug phenomenon smoking marijuana soaked in embalming fluid, typically a ca rrier for PCP. During her college years, Dr. Holland grew interested in a new d and authored an extensive research paper on E (ecstasy), res ulting in multiple television appearances, forensic consultations, and a b ook, Ecstasy: The Complete Guide. She has been quoted as an authority on E in Harper’s magazine and has published in the journal Lancet about t he putative neurotoxic effects of E. She has also written two articles for the quarterly journal of the Multidisciplinary Association for Psych edelic Studies, a consortium of international hallucinogen researchers. T he first detailed a survey of ecstasy and other ds used at New York Ci ty raves, and the second reviewed an international conference on psychede lic research held in the Netherlands. Dr. Holland has a private psychiat ry practice in Manhattan since 1996. She is also available for forensic c onsultation. Please see her website, drholland, to learn more. Alli son McKim Allison McKim was co-director of DanceSafe’s NYC chapter for 4 y ears and a DanceSafe volunteer since 2001. She researched and developed h arm-reduction strategies to address E-related water intoxication and h elped to develop harm-reduction literature on PCP for DanceSafeNYC. Allis on is also a doctoral candidate in sociology whose research compares puni tive approaches to d use to interventions that use a health or illness model. She is interested in how gender interacts with ideas about sickne ss and badness at both penal and voluntary treatment programs, and in how gender shapes the programs’ techniques of control. Michael Mithoefer, M D Michael Mithoefer, MD, is a psychiatrist in practice in Charleston, SC, and is Clinical Assistant Professor of Psychiatry at The Medical Universi ty of South Carolina. He is Board Certified in Psychiatry and is a Certif ied Holotropic Breathwork Facilitator. Before going into psychiatry in 19 91 he practiced emergency medicine for ten years, and was board certified in both Internal Medicine and Emergency Medicine. Dr. Mithoefer is the P rincipal Investigator for the first FDA-approved E therapy study, whic h evaluates the safety and effectiveness of E-assisted psychotherapy f or subjects with chronic post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Ethan Na delmann, Ph.D Ethan Nadelmann is the founder and executive director of the d Policy Alliance, the leading organization in the United States prom oting alternatives to the war on ds. Nadelmann was born in New York C ity and received his BA, JD, and PhD from Harvard, and a masters degree in international relations from the London School of Economics. H e then taught politics and public affairs at Princeton University from 19 87 to 1994, where his speaking and writings on d policy, in publicatio ns ranging from Science and Foreign Affairs to American Heritage and Nati onal Review, attracted international attention. He also authored the boo k, Cops Across Borders, the first scholarly study of the internationaliza tion of U.S. criminal law enforcement. A new book, co-authored with Pet er Andreas and entitled Policing the Globe: Criminalization and Crime Con trol in International Relations, was published by Oxford University Press in 2006. In 1994, Nadelmann founded the Lindesmith Center, a d policy institute created with the philanthropic support of George Soros. In 2000 the growing Center merged with another organization to form the d P olicy Alliance, which advocates for d policies grounded in science, co mpassion, health and human rights. Described by Rolling Stone as “E280 9Cthe point manE2809D” for d policy reform efforts, Ethan Nadelman n is widely regarded as the most prominent proponent of d policy refor m. Andrew Sewell, MD Andrew Sewell is descended from Welsh coal miners on his mother’s side (the same who fought the Zulus at Rorke’s Drift) and B ritish coal miners on his father’s. When the Labor party made the univers ities merit-based after World War II, both his parents defied tradition a nd went to college; met, and emigrated to America when Andrew was young t o seek a better life. As an undergraduate at Cornell, Andrew studied phys ics like his father, but a late brush with psychedelics changed his mind and he went to medical school instead. After receiving MD at the Universit y of Connecticut School of Medicine and completing a combined residency i n neurology and psychiatry at the University of Massachusetts, Dr. Sewell recently completed a three-year research fellowship in Alcohol and d Abuse at McLean Hospital/Harvard Medical School, where he studied the res ponse of cluster headache to psychedelic ds such as psilocybin, l, a nd LSA. He now works at the VA Connecticut Healthcare System/Yale Departm ent of Psychiatry doing cannabis research, and hopes to continue the work on cluster headache there also. In his spare time, Dr. Sewell volunteers actively for the Burning Man organization, a community of which he has b een a part for almost a decade, rides his bike, and enjoys the company of his two cats. See what’s n ew at web aol w.horizonsnyc.org/bios web horizonsnyc.org/bios 0 500 27 2007 1pm – ngton Square web horizonsnyc.org/tickets Tickets – tp://web horizonsnyc.org/press Press – ww.horizonsnyc.org/resource Resources – 500 Speaker biographies STRONG Kenneth Alper, MD Kenneth Alper, MD is a member of the faculty of the New York University School of Medicine where the curr ently holds the rank of Associate Professor in the Departments of Ps ychiatry and Neurology. His research on the medical ethnography of the ibogaine subculture has involved extensive contact and experience in the US and Europe, and is based on an excellent observer participant re search perspective. Dr. Alper organized the NYU Confer ence on ibogaine and edited the only English language scientific tex t on the subject, for which he received the Heffter Research Institu tes Award for Public Service in 2001. He is an independentl y funded NIDA investigator for his research on the quantitative EEG in substance-related disorders and is a member of the American Acade my of Addiction Psychiatry (AAAP). Rick Doblin, Ph.D. Rick Doblin, Ph.D is the founder (in 1986) and presiden t of MAPS. His dissertation (Public Policy, Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government) was on “The Regulation of the Medical Use of Psyched elics and Marijuana,” and his master’s thesis (Harvard) focused on t he attitudes and experiences of oncologists concerning the medical u se of marijuana. His undergraduate thesis (New College of Flor ida) was a twenty-five year follow-up to the classic Good Friday Exp eriment, which evaluated the potential of psychedelic ds to catal yze religious experiences. He has also conducted a thirty-four year follow-up study to Tim Leary’s Concord Prison experiment. Doblin has also studied with Stan Grof, M.D., and was in the first group to become certified as holotropic breathwork practitioners. His professional goal is to help develop legal contexts for the beneficial uses of psychedelics and marijuana, primarily as prescription medici nes but also for personal growth for otherwise “healthy” people, and to also become a legally licensed psychedelic therapist. He current ly resides in Boston with his wife and three young children. Neal M. Goldsmith, Ph.D Neal M. Goldsmith, Ph.D. is a psychotherapist specializing in psychospiritual development E2 8093 seeing E2809CneurosisE2809D as the natural unfolding of human maturation. Dr. Goldsmiths training includes Psychos ynthesis, yoga psychology, Imago Relationship Therapy, regressive ps ychotherapies, Rogerian client-centered counseling, and other humani stic, transpersonal and eastern traditions (in addition to the lesso ns found in psychedelics research). Dr. Goldsmith has a maste rs degree in counseling from New York University and a Ph.D . in psychology from Claremont Graduate University. He conducted his dissertation research, on the factors that facilitate or inhibit th e utilization of mental health policy research, at Princeton Univers ity’s Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs. /P Dr. Goldsmith is a frequent speaker on spiritual emergence, resi stance to change, d policy reform and the post-modern future of s ociety. Among his publications, Dr. Goldsmith is perhaps proudest of his E2809CTen Lessons of Psychotherapy, RediscoveredE2809D ch apter in Psychedelic Medicine: New Evidence for Hallucinogenic Subst ances as Treatments (Praeger, 2007). He is also a founder of several salon discussion groups in New York City. Dr. Goldsmith may be reached via his Web site, web nealgoldsmith. S TRONGAlex Grey One night, while employed at a medical s chool morgue preparing cadavers and studying the human anatomy, Alex Grey met his wife, Allyson Grey and took l for the first time. Triggerin g a mystical experiences, his agnostic existentialism transformed in to radical transcendentalism. Alex has applied this multidimensional perspective to painted visions of crucial human experiences such as praying, kissing, copulating, pregnancy, birth and dying. Portrayin g the body as ns of reality, interweaving physical and biological anatomy with psy chic and spiritual energies, providing a glimpse into archetypal dom ains of awareness. Grey’s visual meditation on the nature of l ife and consciousness, the subject of his art, is contained in three books, Sacred Mirrors and Transfigurations, two monographs that fol low the history of Grey’s artistic life, and The Mission of Art whic h reflects on art as a spiritual practice. With a world reknown care er of exhibitions and keynote addresses from Basel, to Tokyo, to Sao Paulo, Grey’s art has been featured on Discovery Channel, Newsweek, Time, and on album art for Tool, Beastie Boys, Nirvana, and SCI. Gr ey is a member of the Integral Institute, is on the Board of Advisor s for the Center for Cognitive Liberty and Ethics, and is the Chair of Wisdom University’s Sacred Art Department. Alex and Allyson Grey are the co-founders of the Chapel of Sacred Mirrors (CoSM) a not for profit institution supporting Visionary Culture in New York City./ “Grey’s vision of a flawed but perfectible mankind stands as an antidote to the cynicism and spiritual malaise prevalent in much contemporary art.” – The New York Times Allyson G rey An accomplished visionary artist, Allyson Grey’s com plex, highly patterned, spectral painting style has always been infl uenced and informed by psychedelics. Her maniacal puzzles represent an essentialized world view consisting of chaos, order and secret wr iting. Co-founder of the Chapel of Sacred Mirrors in New York City, Allyson is the wife and partner of internationally renown artist, Al ex Grey, and the mother of film actress Zena Grey. Born in 1952, Allyson received a Master of Fine Arts degree from Tufts University in 1976. S he has edited and co-written a dozen books and journals, taught art at Tufts University, the Boston Museum School and at Omega Institute for 17 years. A leader of a growing community, Allyson has spoken w idely at conferences and symposia. She has received numerous commiss ions for long-term and permanent installations of her artwork, which has been exhibited and collected throughout the U.S. Julie Holland, MD Dr. Julie Holland is a board rtified psychiatrist in New York City. As an undegraduate at the Uni versity of Pennsylvania, Dr. Holland majored in the “Biological Basis of Behavior,” a series of courses combining the study of psychology and neural sciences, with a concentration in psychopharmacology, or ds and the brain. In 1992, Dr. Holland received her medical degree fro m Temple University School of Medicine, where she performed research on auditory hallucinations, extensively interviewing nearly one hun dred psychotic patients. In 1996, she completed a psychiatric reside ncy at Mount Sinai Medical Center, where she was the creator of a re search project treating schizophrenics with a new medication, obtain ing an IND from the Food and d Administration. In 1994, she recei ved the Outstanding Resident Award from the National Institute of Me ntal Health. From 1996 to 2005, Dr. Holland ran the psychiatri c emergency room of Bellevue Hospital on Saturday and Sunday nights. A liaison to the hospital’s medical emergency room and toxicology d epartment, she is considered an expert on street ds and intoxicat ion states, and lectures widely on this topic. She published a paper in the Journal of Psychoactive ds, describing a resurgence of th e d phenomenon smoking marijuana soaked in embalming fluid, typic ally a carrier for PCP. During her college years, Dr. Holland grew i nterested in a new d and authored an extensive research paper on E (ecstasy), resulting in multiple television appearances, forens ic consultations, and a book, Ecstasy: The Complete Guide. She has b een quoted as an authority on E in Harper’s magazine and has publ ished in the journal Lancet about the putative neurotoxic effects of E. She has also written two articles for the quarterly journal o f the Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies, a conso rtium of international hallucinogen researchers. The first detailed a survey of ecstasy and other ds used at New York City raves, and the second reviewed an international conference on psychedelic research he ld in the Netherlands. Dr. Holland has a private psychi atry practice in Manhattan since 1996. She is also available for for ensic consultation. Please see her website, drholland, to learn more. Allison McKim Allison McKim was co- director of DanceSafe’s NYC chapter for 4 years and a DanceSafe volu nteer since 2001. She researched and developed harm-reduction strate gies to address E-related water intoxication and helped to develo p harm-reduction literature on PCP for DanceSafeNYC. Allison is also a doctoral candidate in sociology whose research compares punitive approaches to d use to interventions that use a health or illness model. She is interested in how gender interacts with ideas about s ickness and badness at both penal and voluntary treatment programs, and in how gender shapes the programs’ techniques of control. Michael Mithoefer, MD Michael Mithoefer, MD, is a psychiatrist in practice in Charleston, SC, and is Clinical Assist ant Professor of Psychiatry at The Medical University of South Carol ina. He is Board Certified in Psychiatry and is a Certified Holotrop ic Breathwork Facilitator. Before going into psychiatry in 1991 he p racticed emergency medicine for ten years, and was board certified i n both Internal Medicine and Emergency Medicine. Dr. Mithoefer is th e Principal Investigator for the first FDA-approved E therapy stu dy, which evaluates the safety and effectiveness of E-assisted ps ychotherapy for subjects with chronic post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Ethan Nadelmann, Ph.D Ethan Nadel mann is the founder and executive director of the d Policy Allian ce, the leading organization in the United States promoting alternat ives to the war on ds. Nadelmann was born in New Yor k City and received his BA, JD, and PhD from Harvard, and a master s degree in international relations from the London School of Economics. He then taught politics and public affairs at Princeto n University from 1987 to 1994, where his speaking and writings on d rug policy, in publications ranging from Science and Foreign Affairs to American Heritage and National Review, attracted international attentio n. He also authored the book, Cops Across Borders, the first scholarly study of the internationalization of U.S. criminal law enforcement. A new book, co-authored with Peter Andreas a nd entitled Policing the Globe: Criminalization and Crime Control in International Relations, was published by Oxford University Press i n 2006. In 1994, Nadelmann founded the Lindesmith Center, a dr ug policy institute created with the philanthropic support of George Soros. In 2000, the growing Center merged with another organization to form the d Policy Alliance, which advocates for d policies grounded in science, compassion, health and human rights. Described by Rolling Stone as “E2809Cthe point manE2809D” for d poli cy reform efforts, Ethan Nadelmann is widely regarded as the most pr ominent proponent of d policy reform. Andrew Sewell MD Andrew Sewell is descended from Welsh coal miners o n his mother’s side (the same who fought the Zulus at Rorke’s Drift) and British coal miners on his father’s. When the Labor party made the universities merit-based after World War II, both his parents de fied tradition and went to college; met, and emigrated to America wh en Andrew was young to seek a better life. As an undergraduate at Co rnell, Andrew studied physics like his father, but a late brush with psychedelics changed his mind and he went to medical school instead. After receiving MD at the University of Connecticut School of Medic ine and completing a combined residency in neurology and psychiatry at the University of Massachusetts, Dr. Sewell recently completed a three-year research fellowship in Alcohol and d Abuse at McLean H ospital/Harvard Medical School, where he studied the response of clu ster headache to psychedelic ds such as psilocybin, l, and LSA. He now works at the VA Connecticut Healthcare System/Yale Departmen t of Psychiatry doing cannabis research, and hopes to continue the w ork on cluster headache there also. In his spare time, Dr. Sewell volunteers actively for the Burning Man organization, a c ommunity of which he has been a part for almost a decade, rides his bike, and enjoys the company of his two cats. izonsnyc.org/images/horizons.gif” /D
#4012 Mon, 17 Sep 2007 19:38:46 Mon, 17 Sep 2007 19:38:46 From: Major open air Fwd: NC REUNION – This weekend – Friday-Sunday September 21-23
#4013 Wed, 19 Sep 2007 14:14:11 Wed, 19 Sep 2007 14:14:10 From: Limited discount tickets to Sunday morning tsunami party with Brandon Adams Innovative concept – a morning party! web Innovative concep t – a morning party! $10, marked down from $15. While supplies last.
#4014 20 Sep 2007 22:03:29 Thu, 20 Sep 2007 22:03:29 ystem at 28thday From: scott scott at 28thdayHarvest CD + presales Harvest Arcanum promo CDs are now available, featuring a selection of released and unreleased audio from Artifakt, Onnomon, and Ocelot! These will be given out tonight (Thursday) at a web 28thday/lists/lt.php?idLBoBUAhVDw8fAwwaBg4BPsycheground, tomorrow night at a web 28thday/lists/lt.php?idLBoBUAhVDwAfAwwaBg4BTicon, and on Saturday at the a web 28thday/lists/lt.php?idLBoBUAhVDwEfAwwaBg4BCoSM 3-year anniversary event. If you would like to arrange to have a CD mailed to you, inquire to a Also, for those of you wanting a web 28thday/lists/lt.php?idLBoBUAhVAAgfAwwaBg4BHarvest Arcanum presale but unable to use the online ticketing system, Theo of 28thday will be offering in-person presales for $20 cash at all of this weekend’s events. See you soon! -28thday
#4015 Thu, 20 Sep 2007 20:02:56 Cc:Fri, 21 Sep 2007 12:02:56 bf5.1649e6.342429a3 at aolFrom: Yugo F ripvanwinkle at hotmail[NYC 9/21/Fri] Ticon Live!!! at Cosm 2aeb32c8-6ae7-44fd-89ab-792ac312a283 Activate & Spectra present… -Ticon (Digital Structures / Sweden) Live!!! web ticonmusic/ web myspace/ticonmusic Ticon (Digital Structures – Sweden) are Filip Mardberg and Fredrik Gilenholt. The story of their musical involvement dates back to 1991 when they found mutual interest for underground dance music. Around 1995, they made thier first track in Fredriks bedroom, but it wasnt until the Swedish and Malmoe based label Digital Structures contacted them in 1999 that things started to get clear and they formed Ticon. After releasing on almost every now classic trance lable they earned a spot in the growing group of respected tranceproducers. Released in April 2001 on Digital Structures, their first full length album received fantastic reviews and is today a milestone in progressive music. It’s been a great journey from the first releases, and with landmark albums like “Rewind” and “Aero” to “Zero Six After” released in 2005, they have earned a top spot position in the trance and club scene. -Earthian a.k.a. Animaltek (Treibstoff/Russia) web myspace/animaltek web djearthian/ -DJ Gavin (Digital Structures/NYC) web spectrasound.org/ -Sew (Activate/JP) -Shunny (Activate/JP) Chill Room: Freak Factory DJ Sonecule …live – (Omnitribe) NYC Mayur (Spectra) NYC T.T.X.(Activate/NYC/JP) Yugo (Activate/NYC/JP) deco: Steve-O & Sonic Beating sound & promotional support by 28thday Venue: “Cosmosis” 542 West 27th st. 4th fl. New York, NY Sep. 21st (Fri) 2007 10:00pm – ??? Admission: $30 Age: 18+ 2aeb32c8-6ae7-44fd-89ab-792ac312a283 { { Activate & Spectra present… -Ticon (Digital Structures / Sweden) Live!!! web ticonmusic/” target”blankweb ticonmusic.wcom/ web myspace/ticonmusic” target”blankweb myspace.wcom/ticonmusic Ticon (Digital Structures – Sweden) are Filip Mardberg and Fredrik Gilenholt. The story of their musical involvement dates back to 1991 when they found mutual interest for underground dance music. Around 1995, they made thier first track in Fredriks bedroom, but it wasnt until the Swedish and Malmoe based label Digital Structures contacted them in 1999 that things started to get clear and they formed Ticon. After releasing on almost every now classic trance lable they earned a spot in the growing group of respected tranceproducers. Released in April 2001 on Digital Structures, their first full length album received fantastic reviews and is today a milestone in progressive music. It’s been a great journey from the first releases, and with landmark albums like “Rewind” and “Aero” to “Zero Six After” released in 2005, they have earned a top spot position in the trance and club scene. -Earthian a.k.a. Animaltek (Treibstoff/wRussia) web myspace/animaltek” target”blankweb myspace.wcom/animaltek web djearthian/” target”blankweb djearthian.wcom/ -DJ Gavin (Digital Structures/NYC) web spectrasound.org/” target”blankweb spectrasound.worg/ -Sew (Activate/JP) -Shunny (Activate/JP) Chill Room: Freak Factory DJ Sonecule …live – (Omnitribe) NYC Mayur (Spectra) NYC T.T.X.(Activate/wNYC/JP) Yugo (Activate/NYC/wJP) deco: Steve-O & Sonic Beating sound & promotional support by 28thday Venue: “Cosmosis” 542 West 27th st. 4th fl. New York, NY Sep. 21st (Fri) 2007 10:00pm – ??? Admission: $30 2aeb32c8-6ae7-44fd-89ab-792ac312a283
#4016 Thu, 20 Sep 2007 20:10:24 Fri, 21 Sep 2007 12:10:23 From: Yugo F ripvanwinkle at hotmail[NYC 9/21/Fri] Time slot for Ticon party at Cosm 10:00 – 1:00 Sew & Shunny 1:00 – 2:30 Gavin 2:30 – 4:00 Ticon Live!!! 4:00 – 5:00 Earthian a.k.a. Animaltek thanks. Y chizumaga.jp/ { {
#4017 Tue, 25 Sep 2007 03:37:56 From: “alladinproject” alladinproject at yahooAlladin Group Presents: Hux Flux, Sesto Sento, Gataka LIVE & more! November, 16 Alladin Group Presents: Friday, November 16th, 2007 Hux Flux Live (S piral Records, Sweden) Sesto Sento Live (Compact Records, Israel) Gataka Live (Compact Rec./Phonokol Rec, Israel) Luis (Alladin Group, NYC/Brazil) Roi Revolution (South Florida Psytrance, FL) Elnadiv (Alladin group/Orb R ecords, NYC/Israel) Electro Room: DJ Paula Pedroza (NYC/Brazil) Grain s of Sound (Baltimore) Steve-o (Gaiamind/Spectra NYC) Ekoplex (Aurora Bor eal Records, Canada) Visuals: Vj Serge (Alladin Group, NYC) Vj Exeris (Ba ltimore) Deco by: Julian Seyer (Canada) & Alladin Deco Team $25 Advance $35 at the door Doors open at 10PM Tickets will be available online at http ://web alladingroup till 7PM Nov, 16th Or in person at (917)405-4847 or (917)569-1177 Location: CLUB EXIT 147 GREENPOINT AVE BROOKLYN, NY Stree t Map: Directions: By Subway: Take the L train to metropolit an Ave & transfer to the G train to Green point Ave. The Club is right acro ss the street. Or: take the L train to Redford stop and transfer to the 61 bus Go down in green point Ave (5 mint) Or: G train to Green Point Ave Subw ay Map: web mta.nyc.ny.us/nyct/maps/submap Bus: B61, 3, to Gr een Point Ave. Bus map: web mta.nyc.ny.us/nyct/maps/busbkln.pdf By Car: Take BQE (I-278) to Exit 33 McQuinness Blvd. To Greenpoint Ave. Turn L EFT at Greenpoint Ave Proceed to the corner of Manhattan Ave. By car servi ce/taxi: From Manhattan costs about $15 From Bedford Station it costs about $6 web alladingroup compact-records web vje xeris web grainsofsound.net spiraltrax/ djluis campos web revolutionbookings web gaian-mind/ web myspace/sestosento myspace/gatakamusic web my space/julienseyer web myspace/exeris web myspace/ vjsurge web myspace/revolutionproductions web myspace /psycheground web myspace/ekoplexx web myspace/djpaul apedroza Prepare yourselves for total madness!!! See u all there!
#4018 Thu, 27 Sep 2007 12:11:16 Thu, 27 Sep 2007 12:11:13 From: Fwd: We are not from here: Earth is not from Milky Way galaxy
#4019 Thu, 27 Sep 2007 13:23:05 Thu, 27 Sep 2007 13:23:04 Cc: brooklynbj at yahoo From: Free play about Sylvia Plath, the actress went to bridge parties Let me know if you want to go for free, its running thru Oct 6 d27 bo document Let me know if you w ant to go for free, its running thru Oct 6
#4020 27 Sep 2007 22:41:11 Thu, 27 Sep 2007 22:41:09 ystem at 28thday From: scott scott at 28thdayHarvest Arcanum is this weekend! We’re pleased to announce that Artifakt has arrived safe and sound in NYC, and preparations at Grand Space are underway! We hope you’re all sharpening your psychic plows for Saturday this one’s gonna be a doozy! Tickets will be available at the door for $30. Presales ($22) are still available on the 28thday site, and will close at some point on Saturday. September 29, 2007 28thday presents Harvest Arcanum featuring: ARTIFAKT (Timecode, South Africa) – LIVE + DJ OCELOT (Zaikadelic | Avatar | Dropout | Vertigo) – LIVE ONNOMON (Soular, Philadelphia) – LIVE LAURYN (Peak Records | 28thday, NYC) sound by a Chill, dirty, and groovy breaks ++on the roof++ with our a and a Swara cousins: HAJ (Freekfactory | Subswara) SPIRO (Freekfactory) BLACKLIGHT (Freekfactory) DHRUVA (Sub Swara) ALIEN AMBASSADOR (CoSM) sound by 28thday Visuals by Spot (Spotworks | a Decor by James Vogel (a Saturday, September 29 11pm to 6am or later a Grand Space 778 Bergen St. Brooklyn $22 presale | $30 door * attendance controlled Presales available at a a
October 2007
#4021 Tue, 2 Oct 2007 12:35:26 Tue, 2 Oct 2007 12:35:24 From: Shunny Interview
#4022 Tue, 2 Oct 2007 14:25:36 Tue, 2 Oct 2007 14:25:33 To: tranceformers Cc: TripOutNY From: Joey Sylez, Eli, Pedro make a SF party!
#4023 Tue, 2 Oct 2007 14:40:05 Tue, 2 Oct 2007 14:40:05 From: Discount tickets to Hux Flux/Sesto Siento et al, limited supply web Discount ticket to Hux Flux & Sesto Siento Nov 16 $25.00 Alladin Group Presents: Friday, November 16th, 2007 Hux Flux Live (Spiral Records, Sweden) Sesto Sento Live (Compact Records, Israel) Gataka Live (Compact Rec./Phonokol Rec, Israel) Luis (Alladin Group, NYC/Brazil) Roe Revolution (South Florida Psytrance, FL) Elnadiv (Alladin group/Orb Records, NYC/Israel) Electro Room: DJ Paula Pedroza (NYC/Brazil) Grains of Sound (Baltimore) Steve-o (Gaiamind/Spectra NYC) Ekoplex (Aurora Boreal Records, Canada) Visuals: Vj Serge (Alladin Group, NYC) Vj Exeris (Baltimore) Deco by: Julian Seyer (Canada) & Alladin Deco Team $25 Advance $35 at the door Doors open at 10PM Tickets will be available online at web alladingroup (web alladingroup/) till 7PM Nov, 16th Or in person at (917)405-4847 or (917)569-1177 Location: CLUB EXIT 147 GREENPOINT AVE BROOKLYN, NY Street Map: local.google/local?hlen&q147%20greenpoint%20ave%20brooklyn&saN& tabwl (local.google/local?hlen&q147%20greenpoint%20ave%20brooklyn&saN&tabwl) Directions: By Subway: Take the L train to metropolitan Ave & transfer to the G train to Green point Ave. The Club is right across the street. Or: take the L train to Redford stop and transfer to the 61 bus Go down in green point Ave (5 mint) Or: G train to Green Point Ave Subway Map: web mta.nyc.ny.us/nyct/maps/submap (web mta.nyc.ny.us/nyct/maps/submap ) Bus: B61, 3, to Green Point Ave. Bus map: web mta.nyc.ny.us/nyct/maps/busbkln.pdf (web mta.nyc.ny.us/nyct/maps/busbkln.pdf) By Car: Take BQE (I-278) to Exit 33 McQuinness Blvd. To Greenpoint Ave. Turn LEFT at Greenpoint Ave Proceed to the corner of Manhattan Ave. By car service/taxi: From Manhattan costs about $15 From Bedford Station it costs about $6 web alladingroup (web alladingroup/) compact-records (compact-records/) web vjexeris (web vjexeris/) web grainsofsound.net (web grainsofsound.net/) spiraltrax/ (spiraltrax/) djluiscampos (djluiscampos/) web revolutionbookings (web revolutionbookings/) web gaian-mind/ (web gaian-mind/) web myspace/sestosento (web myspace/sestosento) myspace/gatakamusic (myspace/gatakamusic) web myspace/julienseyer (web myspace/julienseyer) web myspace/exeris (web myspace/exeris) web myspace/vjsurge (web myspace/vjsurge) web myspace/revolutionproductions (web myspace/revolutionproductions) web myspace/psycheground (web myspace/psycheground) web myspace/ekoplexx (web myspace/ekoplexx) web myspace/djpaulapedroza (web myspace/djpaulapedroza) Siento Nov 16 /catalog/images/pixeltrans.gif” Alladin Group Presents: Friday, November 16th, 2007 Hux Flux Live (Spiral Records, Sweden) Sesto Sento Live (Compact Records, Israel) Gataka Li ve (Compact Rec./Phonokol Rec, Israel) Luis (Alladin Group, NYC/Bra zil) Roe Revolution (South Florida Psytrance, FL) Elnadiv (A lladin group/Orb Records, NYC/Israel) Electro Room: DJ Paula Pedroza (NYC/Brazil) Grains of Sound (Baltimore) B RSteve-o (Gaiamind/Spectra NYC) Ekoplex (Aurora Boreal Records, Ca nada) Visuals: Vj Serge (Alladin Group, NYC) Vj Exeris (B altimore) Deco by: Julian Seyer (Canada) & Alladin Deco Team $25 Advance $35 at the door Doors open at 10PM Tickets will be available online at web alladingroup. com/web alladingroup till 7PM Nov, 16th Or in perso n at (917)405-4847 or (917)569-1177 Location: CLUB EXITB R147 GREENPOINT AVE BROOKLYN, NY Street Map: By Subway: Take the L train to metropolitan Ave & transfer to the G train to Green point Ave. The Club is right across the street. Or: take the L train to Redford stop and transfer to the 61 bus Go down in green point Ave (5 mint) Or: G train to Green Point Ave Subway M ap: ta.nyc.ny.us/nyct/maps/submap Bus: B61, 3, to Green Po int Ave. Bus map: .pdfweb mta.nyc.ny.us/nyct/maps/busbkln.pdf By Car:Take BQE (I-278) to Exit 33 McQuinness Blvd. To Greenpoint Ave. Turn LEFT at Greenpoint Ave Proceed to the corner of Manhattan Ave. By car service/taxi: From Manhattan costs about $15 From Bedford Station it costs about $6 om/web alladingroup com/compact-records /web vjexeris web grainsofsound.net ttp://spiraltrax/ jluiscampos ://web revolutionbookings web gaian-mind/ osentoweb myspace/sestosento /gatakamusicmyspace/gatakamusic web myspace/julienseyerweb myspace/julienseyer w.myspace/revolutionproductions om/psychegroundweb myspace/psycheground p://web myspace/ekoplexxweb myspace/ekoplexx hr
#4024 Sat, 6 Oct 2007 11:21:03 Sat, 6 Oct 2007 11:21:03 From: party tonight by my house (OT) emil me or call if u go, i live a block from there 347 404 5606 Saturday, October 6th : 10pm through very late The Carnival of Curiosities at the House of Yes Featuring, the gypsy campfire folk-tunes of The Mickey Western Band, A Three Ring Circus, the harmonicore of CCCOME?, and dancey beats stirred by dj Shakey. Plus the Lady Circus with acts of fire, flight and frivolity. The House of Yes is a wild collage of unpasteurized fun, spontaneity and youth gone wild. This is the space youve been meaning to check out and Saturday you will take the grand adventure. $5 before 12:30am, $10 later. 19-49 Troutman St. at the corner of Flushing Ave. L to Jefferson then 6 long blocks against traffic down Troutman till you’re there) emil me or call i f u go, i live a block from there 347 404 5606 Saturday, Oct ober 6th : 10pm through very late The Carnival of Curiosities at th e House of Yes Featuring, the gypsy campfire folk-tunes of The Mick ey Western Band, A Three Ring Circus, the harmonicore of CCCOME?, an d dancey beats stirred by dj Shakey. Plus the Lady Circus with ac ts of fire, flight and frivolity. The House of Yes is a wild collag e of unpasteurized fun, spontaneity and youth gone wild. This is the space youve been meaning to check out and Saturday you will take th e grand adventure. $5 before 12:30am, $10 later. 19-49 Troutma n St. at the corner of Flushing Ave. L to Jefferson then 6 long blocks against traffic down Troutman till you’re there) -/D
#4025 Wed, 10 Oct 2007 01:24:47 From: “fxdemolisher” fxdemolisher at worldnet.att.netLycantrop Records Label Party in NYC. November 3, 2007 Lycantrop Records Label Party in NYC. November 3, 2007 web myspace.c om/lycantroprecords SOUND MONIPULATORS: BABA JELLY (Lycantrope Records, Beligium) BABA JELLY: Karim discover techno in 1990 when the movement expl ore the “night circle”of Paris (Boy’s, Palace, Kit Kat),he was also very pr esent in hip hop and funk sound system and then he discovered trance stage in 1993. Jelly was an inevitable member of the French trance underground of that period (party promoter, deco, etc) He start(s) to compose trance musi c with a Spanish friend in 1993. In the end of 1999 he joined with Raphael and form DATAKULT, Jelly Headz project is created with Fabio in 1996. Sever al different project with Karim have seen the day from that date as “THE MA NY FACES” with DEJAN, BABA JELLY (which is Karim own project), and more rec ently VICIOUS ALCHEMY with CHRYSALID. HEADZ:Fabio discover the techno movem ent first in UK in 1990. He learned to mix and became an inevitable techno and Drum&Bass Dj. During 10 years, Fabio played in many party’s in France a nd in some other countries. Trance is part of him from 1993. In 1994, it is Said Acher, eminent member of DENSHI DANSHI from POF records (one of the f irst French trance project) with who Fabio started to learn the music, late r he join “CYCLOID” project with Julien (DIGITAL TALK), and Raphael Befort (DATAKULT, and finally, Jelly Headz is formed in 1996. DJ IGUANA – (Parva ti/Noise Poison Records, Germany) BjF6rn is DJ IGUANA and one part of Nak ed Tourist, a Psytrance project born and based in Germany since 2000. The l ast years he has been travelling around the world performing with his proje ct partner, Martin/Z-NEO aka Zoneotura, in several countries. Since Martin is working in a weekly job and next to producing a new-school psychedelic b reak beat album, Iguana has to travel by himself to some parties and festiv als. In 2006 he was in over over 20 different countries. The Naked Tourist Artist Album (Mad Different mthods) which Z-Neo and Iguana produced, is r eleased on Parvati-Records and it is working perfectly on the dancefloors i n the diffrent countries they are performing. The massive feedback from the audience and fans is making the Tourist guys work even harder!! They conti nuously try to push the level of quality of their music and are always sear ching for new ideas to make the people on the dancefloor jump and flip out !!!… Upcoming Naked Tourist releases are the pipe and soon on parvati rec ords !!! Psychedelic trance is since 1999 the style DJ Iguana loves to pla y and live. His sets are more for the night and early morning time, with sp ooky vibes and full power the music is waiting for you when you join the pa rty with Iguana… He likes the description “Forest Music” when someone ask him what style he is playing… Forest music between 0 and 200 bpm, everyt hing is possible with total experimental tendencies!!! His Dj sets always s tarts more minimalistic and than he builds them up to more serious psychede lic night music. BIUS (Blacksheephybrid Rec. Phi) VS. EGNOGRA (Shaman Fil ms Rec. SF/NYC) KOLHOZ (Svetloe Budushee, Rus) DECORATION BY: UTA BEKAI A (Georgia) VISUAL PROJECTION BY: EGNOGRA (Shaman Films Records) XTREME BILLIARDS & BAR 823 65th street Brooklyn, NY 11220 Admission: $20 at the entrance From 10pm – 6am 18 to Party, 21 to Drink. LINKS: web mysp ace/lycantroprecords web parvati-records web noise-po ison shamanfilms.net
#4026 Wed, 10 Oct 2007 10:49:22 Wed, 10 Oct 2007 10:47:21 From: Fwd: [TranceFormers] Lycantrop Records Label Party in NYC. November 3, 2007
#4028 Mon, 15 Oct 2007 14:06:44 Mon, 15 Oct 2007 14:06:44 From: Fwd: PSYCHEGROUND this thursday oct
#4029 Tue, 16 Oct 2007 12:43:08 Tue, 16 Oct 2007 12:43:07 From: OT Old School Gothioc Halloween Party PLEASE JOIN MY GOOD FRIEND PAKER DULANY’S BAND CERTAIN GENERAL (Fabulous NY Underground band since 1979) web myspace/certaingeneral AND MYSELF AND MY ENSEMBLE RIGHT AFTER web myspace/veraberen PLEASE JOIN MY GOOD FRIEND PAKER DULANY’S BAND CERTAIN GENERAL (Fabul ous NY Underground band since 1979) web myspace/certaingeneral &nbs AND MYSELF AND MY E NSEMBLE RIGHT AFTER
#4030 Thu, 18 Oct 2007 14:52:21 Thu, 18 Oct 2007 14:52:19 To: daniel at breakingopenthehead Cc: TripOutNY From: Correction Fact: our galaxy is gobbling up another, and we are right at the point w here it’s happening. This article makes a leap of faith and says we are p art of that older galaxy. It’s NOT a foregone conclusion that are part of the gobbled up Sagitarrius Minor. “.. and ends in a similarly long, fun, new agey cloud of incomprehensible fog about energy levels and so on…” – J Scientists Now Know: We’re Not From Here! Summary & comments by Dan Eden for Viewzone Imagine the shock of growing up in a loving family with people you call “Mum” and “Dad” and then, suddenly, learning that yo u are actually adopted! This same sense of shock came as scientists annou nced that the Sun, the Moon, our planet and its siblings, were not born i nto the familiar band of stars known as the Milky Way galaxy, but we actu ally belong to a strange formation with the unfamiliar name of the Sagitt arius Dwarf galaxy! How can this be? Using volumes of data from the Two -Micron All Sky Survey (2MASS), a major project to survey the sky in infr ared light led by the University of Massachusetts, the astronomers are an swering questions that have baffled scientists for decades and proving th at our own Milky Way is consuming one of its neighbors in a dramatic disp lay of ongoing galactic cannibalism. The study published in the Astrophys ical Journal, is the first to map the full extent of the Sagittarius gala xy and show in visually vivid detail how its debris wraps around and pass es through our Milky Way. Sagittarius is 10,000 times smaller in mass tha n the Milky Way, so it is getting stretched out, torn apart and gobbled up by the bigger Milky Way. A new infra red digital survey of the entire sky was made in 2003. Teams from the universities of Virginia and Massac husetts used a supercomputer to sort through half a billion stars to crea te a NEW STAR MAP showing our Solar System (yellow circle) to be at th e exact nexus crossroads where two galaxies are actually joining. “It’s clear who’s the bully in the interaction,” said Steven Majewski, U.Va. p rofessor of astronomy and lead author on the paper describing the results. “If people had infrared-sensitive eyes, the entrails of Sagittarius would be a prominent fixture sweeping across our sky,” Majewski said. “But at human, visual wavelengths, they become buried among countless intervening stars and obscuring dust. The great expanse of the Sagittarius system ha s been hidden from view.” Not any more. By using infrared maps, the ast ronomers filtered away millions of foreground stars to focus on a type of star called an M giant. These large, infrared-bright stars are populous in the Sagittarius galaxy but uncommon in the outer Milky Way. The 2MASS infrared map of M giant stars analyzed by Majewski and collaborators is t he first to give a complete view of the Milky Way galaxy’s meal of Sagitt arius stars, now wrapping like a spaghetti noodle around the Milky Way. P rior to this work, astronomers had detected only a few scattered pieces of the disrupted Sagittarius dwarf. Even the existence of Sagittarius was u nknown until the heart of this nearest satellite galaxy of the Milky Way was discovered by a British team of astronomers in 1994. ation (web astro.wesleyan/kvj/mw ) of the “marriage”. The fact that the Milky Way is seen in the sky at an angle has always puzzl ed astronomers. If we originated from the Milky Way, we ought to be orien ted to the galaxy’s ecliptic, with the planets aligned around our Sun in much the same angle as our Sun aligns with the Milky Way. Instead, as fir st suggested by researcher Matthew Perkins Erwin (curezone enced by some other system. Together with data from the Two-Micron All Sk y Survey we now know what it is. We actually belong to the Sagittarius Dw arf galaxy. “We sifted several thousand interesting stars from a catalog of half a billion,” said co-author Michael Skrutskie, U.Va. professor of astronomy and principal investigator for the 2MASS project. “By tuning ou r maps of the sky to the ‘right’ kind of star, the Sagittarius system jum ped into view.” We are from another galaxy in the process of joining wi th the Milky Way. The Milky Way is actually not our parent galaxy. The my stery of why the Milky Way has always been sideways in the night sky has never been answered until now. Dave Romer – Voyager and Galactic P lane on 07 Jul 2003 – DivX 6-5-1.avi (web viewzone/milkywaydiv .avi) . This movie shows the locations of Voyager 1 and Voyage 2 spacecra ft circa 2003 above and below the galactic plane respectively. “This first full-sky map of Sagittarius shows its extensive interaction with t he Milky Way,” Majewski said. “Both stars and star clusters now in the oute r parts of the Milky Way have been ‘stolen’ from Sagittarius as the grav itational forces of the Milky Way nibbled away at its dwarf companion. Thi s one vivid example shows that the Milky Way grows by eating its smaller neighbors.” The study’s map of M giants depicts 2 billion years of Sagitt arius stripping by the Milky Way, and suggests that Sagittarius has reach ed a critical phase in what had been a slow dance of death. “After slow continuous gnawing by the Milky Way, Sagittarius has been whittled down to the point that it cannot hold itself together much longer,” said 2MAS S Science Team member and study co-author Martin Weinberg of the Universi ty of Massachusetts. “We are seeing Sagittarius at the very end of its lif e as an intact system.” Does this mean we are at a unique moment in the life of our galaxy? Yes and no. “Whenever possible, astronomers appeal to the principle that we are not at a special time or place in the univer se,” Majewski said. “Because over the 14 billion-year history of the Milk y Way it is unlikely that we would just happen to catch a brief event lik e the death of Sagittarius, we infer that such events must be common in t he life of big spiral galaxies like our own. The Milky Way probably dined on a number of dwarf galaxy snacks in the past.” On the other hand, Maje wski and his colleagues have been surprised by the Earth’s proximity to a portion of the Sagittarius debris. “For only a few percent of its 240 mi llion-year orbit around the Milky Way galaxy does our Solar System pass t hrough the path of Sagittarius debris,” Majewski said. “Remarkably, stars from Sagittarius are now raining down onto our present position in the M ilky Way. Stars from an alien galaxy are relatively near us. We have to r e-think our assumptions about the Milky Way galaxy to account for this co ntamination.” The new findings will help astronomers measure the total ma ss of the Milky Way and Sagittarius galaxies, and probe the quantity and distribution of the invisible dark matter in these systems. “The shape of the Sagittarius debris trail shows us that the Milky Way’s unseen dark matter is in a spherical distribution, a result that is quite unexpected” Weinberg said. “The observations provide new insights into the nature of the mysterious dark matter,” said Princeton’s Spergel. “Either our gal axy is unusual or the dark matter has richer properties than postulated b y conventional models.” Implications in Global Warming? It has been pos tulated that this is the real reason for both global warming since higher energy levels of the Milky Way are almost certain to cause our Sun to bu rn hotter and emit higher energies. Indeed, temperatures have been seen to rise on virtually all the planets in our system. This seems quite apart from any local phenomenon like greenhouse gases etc. This grand turning is possibly the root cause for the discontinuation of the Mayan calendar (the most accurate on the planet) because the ‘read-point’ of the Pleiade s star cluster, which many believe the calendar was based upon, can no lo nger be a constant as we begin to steer away from the earlier predictable movements. Other changes happening in our system The “marriage” of our birth galaxy with our new adopted Milky Way galaxy is causing energy shifts that are obvious just about everywhere. Here are some changes bei ng watched by scientists: * A growth of dark spots on Pluto. * Reportin g of auroras on Saturn. * Reporting of Uranus and Neptune polar shifts (T hey are magnetically conjugate planets), and the abrupt large-scale growt h of Uranus’ magnetosphere intensity. * A change in light intensity and light spot dynamics on Neptune. * The doubling of the magnetic field int ensity on Jupiter (based upon 1992 data), and a series of new states and processes observed on this planet as an aftermath of a series of explosio ns in July 1994 [caused by “Comet” SL-9]. That is, a relaxation of a plas moid train which excited the Jovian magnetosphere, thus inducing excessiv e plasma generation and it’s release in the same manner as Solar coronal holes inducing an appearance of radiation belt brightening in decimeter b and ( 13.2 and 36 cm), and the appearance of large auroral anomalies and a change of the Jupiter – Io system of currents. Update Note: A stream o f ionized hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, etc. is being directed to Jupiter f rom the volcanic areas of Io through a one million amperes flux tube. It is affecting the character of Jupiter’s magnetic process and intensifying it’s plasma genesis.[ Z.I.Vselennaya “Earth and Universe” N3, 1997 plo-9 by NASA data] * A series of Martian atmosphere transformations increasing its biosphere quality. In particularly, a cloudy growth in the equator ar ea and an unusual growth of ozone concentration. Update Note: Mars Sur veyor Satellite encountered an atmospheric density double that projected by NASA upon entering a Mars orbit. This greater density bent one of the solar array arms beyond the full and open stop. This combination of event s has delayed the beginning of the scheduled photo mission for one year. * A first stage atmosphere generation on the Moon, where a growing natrium atmosphere is detected that reaches 9,000 km in height. * Significant physical, chemical and optical changes observed on Venus; an inversion of dark and light spots detected for the first time, and a sharp decrease o f sulfur-containing gases in its atmosphere. * A Change in the Quality of Interplanetary Space Towards an Increase in Its Interplanetary and Solar -Planetary Transmitting Properties. When speaking of new energetic and ma terial qualities of interplanetary space, we must first point out the inc rease of the interplanetary domains energetic charge, and level of materi al saturation. This change of the typical mean state of interplanetary sp ace has two main causes: * The supply/inflow of matter from interstellar space. (Radiation material, ionized elements, and combinations.) * The after effects of Solar Cycle 22 activity, especially as a result of fast coronal mass ejection’s [CME’s] of magnetized solar plasmas. What does it all mean? We of the overarching Sagittarius Dwarf Elliptical Galaxy have finally come down next to, and even with the massively powerful spiral a rmed equatorial plane of the Milky Way Galaxy. In our movement through space, our Earth has now fully begun to respond to the more powerful gala ctic energies and electro-gravitational bias of the massive Milky Way. We have reached the higher energy equatorial disc region of the massive spi ral arm. We have now been “adopted” by a new system, a stronger and more powerful system, and we can expect changes on almost every level of energ y. Whatever these changes are, they are all part of the natural birth, de ath, rebirth and transformation of the cosmos. As our knowledge of the un iverse grows, we cannot but understand how much we do not understand. Suc h is life. [For further reading we suggest you go to Matthew Perkins Erw in’s blog (abc.net.au/science/news/stories/2007/1942665 ) which was th e basis of this summary.] Readers may also be interested to read about D oomsday: The Mayan Prophecy (web viewzone/endtime ) . From Dan Eden: Back when the telesco pe was first invented, those who observed the movement of the planets pos tulated that the Earth was not the center of “God’s creation” and were cr iticized, imprisoned and even put to death as heretics. The criticism was usually vague and simply stated that things were not that way because… everyone should know they it’s just not that way… A paradigm is always difficult to change and seldom yields to a newer idea without much dialog and discussion. When we published this story in June of 2007 we hoped i t would initiate some thought and perhaps get people asking questions. It sure did that! But we also received comments from such sources as badas tronomy (badastronomy/) which amounted to declaring we w ere wrong because… everyone should know it’s just not that way… View zone understands that our readers are not idiots and can decide for thems elves if certain theories or interpretations are worthy of consideration. A majority of the feedback we received was positive. As always, we will co ntinue to report new ideas and let you use your own intellect, intuition and common sense. Thanks. Dan Eden. Hi Dan, I’ve been considering a hypothesis that might explain why t he Inuit (and others) are noticing that the sun is not rising and setting where it has in the past. Some have suggested this is due to a pole shif t, but that can’t be because Polaris would be in a different place as would the constellations. My hypothesis is that the angle of the ecliptic is changing while the Earth’s tilt (relative to the galactic plane and c onstellations) remains fixed. I liken this effect to a gyroscope sitting on a see-saw, where Earth is the gyro, Sol is a heat source at the center of the see-saw, and finally the ecliptic plane is the see-saw itself. Consider this: To understand my hypothesis consider this analogy. Place a spinning gyroscope on a see-saw that has a heat source (1000W lamp?) loc ated at the center ( i.e. fulcrum point) of the see-saw. As the see-saw m oves up or down, the gyro remains upright D0 much like your upper torso would remain upright if you were sitting on the see-saw. If you tilt the see-saw downward enough let’s say on the side that the gyro is sitting then the upper part of the gyro would receive more heat. If you then move the gyro to the other side of the see-saw without changing the incli nation of the see-saw, the lower part of the gyro would receive more heat . Now substitute: th I think you see what I’m getting at. This analogy could be used to explain why ice is melting on both poles, and why our seasons are harsher and why t here are reports of the sun rising and setting in different locations tha n in the past. Your thoughts? Cheers, Dave ********************** **************** See what’s new at web aol ” Fact : our galaxy is gobbling up another, and we are right at the point where i t’s happening. This article makes a leap of faith and says we are pa rt of that older galaxy. It’s NOT a foregone conclusion that are part of th e gobbled up Sagitarrius Minor. “.. and ends in a similarly long, fu n, new agey cloud of incomprehensible fog about energy levels and so on… ” – zone/milkyway.head.gif ientists Now Know: We’re Not From Here! Summary & comments by D an Eden for Viewzone Imagine the shock of growing up in a loving fa mily with people you call “Mum” and “Dad” and then, suddenly, learning tha t you are actually adopted! This same sense of shock came as scient ists announced that the Sun, the Moon, our planet and its siblings, were n ot born into the familiar band of stars known as the Milky Way galaxy, but we actually belong to a strange formation with the unfamiliar name of the Sagittarius Dwarf galaxy! How can this be? U sing volumes of data from the Two-Micron All Sky Survey (2MASS), a major p roject to survey the sky in infrared light led by the University of Massac husetts, the astronomers are answering questions that have baffled scienti sts for decades and proving that our own Milky Way is consuming one of its neighbors in a dramatic display of ongoing galactic cannibalism. The study published in the Astrophysical Journal, is the first to map the full exte nt of the Sagittarius galaxy and show in visually vivid detail how its deb ris wraps around and passes through our Milky Way. Sagittarius is 10,000 t imes smaller in mass than the Milky Way, so it is getting stretched out, t orn apart and gobbled up by the bigger Milky Way. IM A new infra red digital survey of the entire sky was made in 2003. Teams from the uni versities of Virginia and Massachusetts used a supercomputer to sort throu gh half a billion stars to create a NEW STAR MAP showing our Solar Syst em (yellow circle) to be at the exact nexus crossroads where two galaxies are actually joining. “It’s clear who’s the bully in the intera ction,” said Steven Majewski, U.Va. professor of astronomy and lead author on the paper describing the results. “If people had infrared-sensi tive eyes, the entrails of Sagittarius would be a prominent fixture sweepi ng across our sky,” Majewski said. “But at human, visual wavelengths, they become buried among countless intervening stars and obscuring dust. The g reat expanse of the Sagittarius system has been hidden from view.” Not any more. By using infrared maps, the astronomers filtered away millio ns of foreground stars to focus on a type of star called an M giant. These large, infrared-bright stars are populous in the Sagittarius galaxy but u ncommon in the outer Milky Way. The 2MASS infrared map of M giant stars an alyzed by Majewski and collaborators is the first to give a complete view of the Milky Way galaxy’s meal of Sagittarius stars, now wrapping like a s paghetti noodle around the Milky Way. Prior to this work, astronomers had detected only a few scattered pieces of the disrupted Sagittarius dwarf. E ven the existence of Sagittarius was unknown until the heart of this neare st satellite galaxy of the Milky Way was discovered by a British team of a stronomers in 1994. Here’s an web astro.wesleyan. edu/kvj/mw ” Th e fact that the Milky Way is seen in the sky at an angle has always puzzled astronomers. If we originated from the Milky Way, we ought to be oriented to the galaxy’s ecliptic, with the planets aligned around our Sun in much the same angle as our Sun aligns with the Milky Way. Instead, as first su ggested by Perkins Erwin, the odd angle suggests that our Sun is influenced by some other system. Together with data from the Two-Micron All Sky Survey we now know what it is. We actually belong to the Sagittar ius Dwarf galaxy. “We sifted several thousand interesting stars fro m a catalog of half a billion,” said co-author Michael Skrutskie, U.Va. pr ofessor of astronomy and principal investigator for the 2MASS project. “By tuning our maps of the sky to the ‘right’ kind of star, the Sagittarius s ystem jumped into view.” We are from another galaxy in the pro cess of joining with the Milky Way. The Milky Way is actually not our pare nt galaxy. The mystery of why the Milky Way has always been sideways in th e night sky has never been answered until now. Dave Rome r – web viewzone/milkywaydiv.aviVoyager and Galact ic Plane on 07 Jul 2003 – DivX 6-5-1.avi. This movie shows the locatio ns of Voyager 1 and Voyage 2 spacecraft circa 2003 above and below the galactic plane respectively. “This first full-sky map of Sagitt arius shows its extensive interaction with the Milky Way,” Majewski said. “Both stars and star clusters now in the outer parts of the Milky Way have been ‘stolen’ from Sagittarius as the gravitational forces of the Milky W ay nibbled away at its dwarf companion. This one vivid example shows that the Milky Way grows by eating its smaller neighbors.” The study’s m ap of M giants depicts 2 billion years of Sagittarius stripping by the Mil ky Way, and suggests that Sagittarius has reached a critical phase in what had been a slow dance of death. “After slow, continuous gnawing by the Milky Way, Sagittarius has been whittled down to the point that it ca nnot hold itself together much longer,” said 2MASS Science Team member and study co-author Martin Weinberg of the University of Massachusetts. “We a re seeing Sagittarius at the very end of its life as an intact system.” / Does this mean we are at a unique moment in the life of our galaxy? Y es and no. “Whenever possible, astronomers appeal to the principle that we are not at a special time or place in the universe,” Majewski sai d. “Because over the 14 billion-year history of the Milky Way it is unlike ly that we would just happen to catch a brief event like the death of Sagi ttarius, we infer that such events must be common in the life of big spira l galaxies like our own. The Milky Way probably dined on a number of dwarf galaxy snacks in the past.” On the other hand, Majewski and his co lleagues have been surprised by the Earth’s proximity to a portion of the Sagittarius debris. “For only a few percent of its 240 million-year orbit around the Milky Way galaxy does our Solar System pass through the path of Sagittarius debris,” Majewski said. “Remarkably, stars from Sagitt arius are now raining down onto our present position in the Milky Way. Sta rs from an alien galaxy are relatively near us. We have to re-think our as sumptions about the Milky Way galaxy to account for this contamination.” The new findings will help astronomers measure the total mass of the Milky Way and Sagittarius galaxies, and probe the quantity and distributi on of the invisible dark matter in these systems. “The shape of th e Sagittarius debris trail shows us that the Milky Way’s unseen dark matte r is in a spherical distribution, a result that is quite unexpected,” Wein berg said. “The observations provide new insights into the nature o f the mysterious dark matter,” said Princeton’s Spergel. “Either our galax y is unusual or the dark matter has richer properties than postulated by c onventional models.” Implications in Global Warming? It has been postulated that this is the real reason for both global warmin g since higher energy levels of the Milky Way are almost certain to cause our Sun to burn hotter and emit higher energies. Indeed, temperatures have been seen to rise on virtually all the planets in our system. This seems quite apart from any local phenomenon like greenhouse gases etc. T his grand turning is possibly the root cause for the discontinuation of the Mayan calendar (the most accurate on the planet) because the ‘read-point’ of the Pleiades star cluster, which many believe the calendar was based u pon, can no longer be a constant as we begin to steer away from the earlie r predictable movements. Other changes happening in our sys tem The “marriage” of our birth galaxy with our new adopted Mil ky Way galaxy is causing energy shifts that are obvious just about everywh ere. Here are some changes being watched by scientists: * A growth of dark spots on Pluto. * Reporting of auroras on Saturn. * Reporting of Uranus and Neptune polar shifts (They are magnetically conj ugate planets), and the abrupt large-scale growth of Uranus’ magnetosphere intensity. * A change in light intensity and light spot dynamics o n Neptune. * The doubling of the magnetic field intensity on Jupite r (based upon 1992 data), and a series of new states and processes observe d on this planet as an aftermath of a series of explosions in July 1994 [c aused by “Comet” SL-9]. That is, a relaxation of a plasmoid train which ex cited the Jovian magnetosphere, thus inducing excessive plasma generation and it’s release in the same manner as Solar coronal holes inducing an app earance of radiation belt brightening in decimeter band ( 13.2 and 36 cm), and the appearance of large auroral anomalies and a change of the Jupiter – Io system of currents. Update Note: A stream of ionized hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, etc. is being directed to Jupiter f rom the volcanic areas of Io through a one million amperes flux tube. It is affecting the character of Jupiter’s magnetic process and intensifyi ng it’s plasma genesis.[ Z.I.Vselennaya “Earth and Universe” N3, 1997 pl * A series of Martian atmosphere transfor mations increasing its biosphere quality. In particularly, a cloudy growth in the equator area and an unusual growth of ozone concentration. Update Note: Mars Surveyor Satellite encountered an atmos pheric density double that projected by NASA upon entering a Mars orbit. This greater density bent one of the solar array arms beyond the full a nd open stop. This combination of events has delayed the beginning of th e scheduled photo mission * A first stage atmosphere generation on the Moon, where a growing natrium atmosphere is detected that reaches 9,000 km in height. * Significant physical, c hemical and optical changes observed on Venus; an inversion of dark and li ght spots detected for the first time, and a sharp decrease of sulfur-cont aining gases in its atmosphere. * A Change in the Quality of Interp lanetary Space Towards an Increase in Its Interplanetary and Solar-Planeta ry Transmitting Properties. When speaking of new energetic and mate rial qualities of interplanetary space, we must first point out the increa se of the interplanetary domains energetic charge, and level of material s aturation. This change of the typical mean state of interplanetary space h as two main causes: * The supply/inflow of matter from interstellar space. (Radiation material, ionized elements, and combinations.) * The after effects of Solar Cycle 22 activity, especially as a result of fast coronal mass ejection’s [CME’s] of magnetized solar plasmas. BWhat does it all mean? We of the overarching Sagittarius Dwar f Elliptical Galaxy have finally come down next to, and even with the mass ively powerful spiral armed equatorial plane of the Milky Way Galaxy. In our movement through space, our Earth has now fully begun to respond to the more powerful galactic energies and electro-gravitational bias of the massive Milky Way. We have reached the higher energy equatorial disc r egion of the massive spiral arm. We have now been “adopted” by a new syste m, a stronger and more powerful system, and we can expect changes on almos t every level of energy. Whatever these changes are, they are all part of the natural birth, death, rebirth and transformation of the cosmos . As our knowledge of the universe grows, we cannot but understand how muc h we do not understand. Such is life. [For further reading we sugg est you go to 2Matthew Perkins Erwin’s blog; /news/stories/2007/1942665 abc.net.au which was the basis of this summary.] Readers may also be interested to read about web viewzone/endtime Doomsday: The Mayan Prophecy. From Dan Eden: Back when the telescope was first invented, those who observed the movement of the planets postula ted that the Earth was not the center of “God’s creation” and were critici zed, imprisoned and even put to death as heretics. The criticism was usual ly vague and simply stated that things were not that way because… everyo ne should know they it’s just not that way… A paradigm is always difficu lt to change and seldom yields to a newer idea without much dialog and dis cussion. When we published this story in June of 2007 we hoped it w ould initiate some thought and perhaps get people asking questions. It sur e did that! But we also received comments from such sources as “badastronomy/badastronomy which amounted to declaring we were wrong because… everyone should know it’s just not that way… Viewzone understands that our readers are not idiots and can decide for themselves if certain theories or interpretations are worthy of consid eration. A majority of the feedback we received was positive. As always, w e will continue to report new ideas and let you use your own intellect, in tuition and common sense. Thanks. Dan Eden. Hi Dan, I’ve been considering a hypothesis that might explain why t he Inuit (and others) are noticing that the sun is not rising and setting where it has in the past. Some have suggested this is due to a pole shift, but that can’t be because Polaris would be in a different place as wou ld the constellations. My hypothesis is that the angle of the eclip tic is changing while the Earth’s tilt (relative to the galactic plane and constellations) remains fixed. I liken this effect to a gyroscope sitting on a see-saw, where Earth is the gyro, Sol is a heat source at the center of the see-saw, and finally the ecliptic plane is the see-saw itself. /P Consider this: To understand my hypothesis consider this analo gy. Place a spinning gyroscope on a see-saw that has a heat source (1000W lamp?) located at the center ( i.e. fulcrum point) of the see-saw. As the see-saw moves up or down, the gyro remains upright D0 much like your uppe r torso would remain upright if you were sitting on the see-saw. If you ti lt the see-saw downward enough let’s say on the side that the gyro is s itting then the upper part of the gyro would receive more heat. If you then move the gyro to the other side of the see-saw without changing the i nclination of the see-saw, the lower part of the gyro would receive more h eat. Now substitute: year orbit around sun I think you see what I’m getting at. This ana logy could be used to explain why ice is melting on both poles, and why ou r seasons are harsher and why there are reports of the sun rising and sett ing in different locations than in the past. Your thoughts? Cheers
#4031 Thu, 18 Oct 2007 15:40:25 Thu, 18 Oct 2007 15:40:25 From: : Must-hear psychedelic talk at a church in the village web horizonsnyc.org/bios (web horizonsnyc.org/bios. html) Saturday October 27 2007 1pm – 6pm at Judson Memorial Ch urch 55 Washington Square South New York, NY 10012 – Home (web h orizonsnyc.org/index ) – Speakers (web horizonsnyc.org/bios. Tickets ( web horizonsnyc.org/tickets ) – Press (web horizonsnyc.org/p ress ) – Resources (web horizonsnyc.org/resource ) – Speaker biographies Kenneth Alper, MD Kenneth Alper, MD is a member of the faculty of the New York University School of Medicine where the currentl y holds the rank of Associate Professor in the Departments of Psychiatry and Neurology. His research on the medical ethnography of the ibogaine su bculture has involved extensive contact and experience in the US and Euro pe, and is based on an excellent observer participant research perspectiv e. Dr. Alper organized the NYU Conference on ibogaine and edited the only English language scientific text on the subject, for which he received t he Heffter Research Institutes Award for Public Service in 2001. He is an independently funded NIDA investigator for his research on the quantitative EEG in substance-related disorders and is a member of the A merican Academy of Addiction Psychiatry (AAAP). Rick Doblin, Ph.D. Rick Doblin, Ph.D is the founder (in 1986) and president of MAPS. His disserta tion (Public Policy, Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government) was on “The Regulation of the Medical Use of Psychedelics and Marijuana,” and his mast er’s thesis (Harvard) focused on the attitudes and experiences of oncolog ists concerning the medical use of marijuana. His undergraduate thesis ( New College of Florida) was a twenty-five year follow-up to the classic G ood Friday Experiment, which evaluated the potential of psychedelic ds to catalyze religious experiences. He has also conducted a thirty-four y ear follow-up study to Tim Leary’s Concord Prison experiment. Doblin has also studied with Stan Grof, M.D., and was in the first group to become c ertified as holotropic breathwork practitioners. His professional goal is to help develop legal contexts for the beneficial uses of psychedelics a nd marijuana, primarily as prescription medicines but also for personal g rowth for otherwise “healthy” people, and to also become a legally license d psychedelic therapist. He currently resides in Boston with his wife and three young children. Neal M. Goldsmith, Ph.D Neal M. Goldsmith, Ph.D. i s a psychotherapist specializing in psychospiritual development E28093 seeing E2809CneurosisE2809D as the natural unfolding of human matu ration. Dr. Goldsmiths training includes Psychosynthesis, yoga ps ychology, Imago Relationship Therapy, regressive psychotherapies, Rogeria n client-centered counseling, and other humanistic, transpersonal and eas tern traditions (in addition to the lessons found in psychedelics researc h). Dr. Goldsmith has a masters degree in counseling from New Yo rk University and a Ph.D. in psychology from Claremont Graduate Universit y. He conducted his dissertation research, on the factors that facilitate or inhibit the utilization of mental health policy research, at Princeto n University’s Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs. Dr. Goldsmith is a frequent speaker on spiritual emergence, resistance to change, d policy reform and the post-modern future of society. Amon g his publications, Dr. Goldsmith is perhaps proudest of his E2809CTen Lessons of Psychotherapy, RediscoveredE2809D chapter in Psychedelic M edicine: New Evidence for Hallucinogenic Substances as Treatments (Praege r, 2007). He is also a founder of several salon discussion groups in New York City. Dr. Goldsmith may be reached via his Web site, web nealgoldsmi th. Alex Grey One night, while employed at a medical school morgue preparing cadavers and studying the human anatomy, Alex Grey met his wife Allyson Grey and took l for the first time. Triggering a mystical exp eriences, his agnostic existentialism transformed into radical transcende ntalism. Alex has applied this multidimensional perspective to painted vi sions of crucial human experiences such as praying, kissing, copulating, pregnancy, birth and dying. Portraying the body as translucent, Grey’s pa interweaving physical and biological anatomy with psychic and spiritual energies, providing a glimp se into archetypal domains of awareness. Grey’s visual meditation on the n ature of life and consciousness, the subject of his art, is contained in three books, Sacred Mirrors and Transfigurations, two monographs that fol low the history of Grey’s artistic life, and The Mission of Art which ref lects on art as a spiritual practice. With a world reknown career of exhi bitions and keynote addresses from Basel, to Tokyo, to Sao Paulo, Grey’s art has been featured on Discovery Channel, Newsweek, Time, and on album art for Tool, Beastie Boys, Nirvana, and SCI. Grey is a member of the Int egral Institute, is on the Board of Advisors for the Center for Cognitive Liberty and Ethics, and is the Chair of Wisdom University’s Sacred Art D epartment. Alex and Allyson Grey are the co-founders of the Chapel of Sacr ed Mirrors (CoSM) a not for profit institution supporting Visionary Cultu re in New York City. “Grey’s vision of a flawed but perfectible mankind stands as an antidote to the cynicism and spiritual malaise prevalent in much contemporary art.” – The New York Times Allyson Grey An accomplishe d visionary artist, Allyson Grey’s complex, highly patterned, spectral pa inting style has always been influenced and informed by psychedelics. Her maniacal puzzles represent an essentialized world view consisting of cha os, order and secret writing. Co-founder of the Chapel of Sacred Mirrors in New York City, Allyson is the wife and partner of internationally renow n artist, Alex Grey, and the mother of film actress Zena Grey. Born in 19 52, Allyson received a Master of Fine Arts degree from Tufts University i n 1976. She has edited and co-written a dozen books and journals, taught art at Tufts University, the Boston Museum School and at Omega Institute for 17 years. A leader of a growing community, Allyson has spoken widely at conferences and symposia. She has received numerous commissions for lo ng-term and permanent installations of her artwork, which has been exhibi ted and collected throughout the U.S. Julie Holland, MD Dr. Julie Hollan d is a board certified psychiatrist in New York City. As an undegraduate at the University of Pennsylvania, Dr. Holland majored in the “Biological Basis of Behavior,” a series of courses combining the study of psycholog y and neural sciences, with a concentration in psychopharmacology, or dru gs and the brain. In 1992, Dr. Holland received her medical degree from T emple University School of Medicine, where she performed research on audit ory hallucinations, extensively interviewing nearly one hundred psychotic patients. In 1996, she completed a psychiatric residency at Mount Sinai Medical Center, where she was the creator of a research project treating schizophrenics with a new medication, obtaining an IND from the Food and d Administration. In 1994, she received the Outstanding Resident Award from the National Institute of Mental Health. From 1996 to 2005, Dr. Ho lland ran the psychiatric emergency room of Bellevue Hospital on Saturday and Sunday nights. A liaison to the hospital’s medical emergency room an d toxicology department, she is considered an expert on street ds and intoxication states, and lectures widely on this topic. She published a p aper in the Journal of Psychoactive ds, describing a resurgence of the d phenomenon smoking marijuana soaked in embalming fluid, typically a carrier for PCP. During her college years, Dr. Holland grew interested in a new d and authored an extensive research paper on E (ecstasy), resulting in multiple television appearances, forensic consultations, and a book, Ecstasy: The Complete Guide. She has been quoted as an authority on E in Harper’s magazine and has published in the journal Lancet abou t the putative neurotoxic effects of E. She has also written two artic les for the quarterly journal of the Multidisciplinary Association for Ps ychedelic Studies, a consortium of international hallucinogen researchers . The first detailed a survey of ecstasy and other ds used at New York City raves, and the second reviewed an international conference on psych edelic research held in the Netherlands. Dr. Holland has a private psych iatry practice in Manhattan since 1996. She is also available for forensi c consultation. Please see her website, drholland, to learn more. A llison McKim Allison McKim was co-director of DanceSafe’s NYC chapter for 4 years and a DanceSafe volunteer since 2001. She researched and develope d harm-reduction strategies to address E-related water intoxication an d helped to develop harm-reduction literature on PCP for DanceSafeNYC. Al lison is also a doctoral candidate in sociology whose research compares p unitive approaches to d use to interventions that use a health or illn ess model. She is interested in how gender interacts with ideas about sic kness and badness at both penal and voluntary treatment programs, and in how gender shapes the programs’ techniques of control. Michael Mithoefer MD Michael Mithoefer, MD, is a psychiatrist in practice in Charleston, S C, and is Clinical Assistant Professor of Psychiatry at The Medical Unive rsity of South Carolina. He is Board Certified in Psychiatry and is a Cer tified Holotropic Breathwork Facilitator. Before going into psychiatry in 1991 he practiced emergency medicine for ten years, and was board certif ied in both Internal Medicine and Emergency Medicine. Dr. Mithoefer is th e Principal Investigator for the first FDA-approved E therapy study, w hich evaluates the safety and effectiveness of E-assisted psychotherap y for subjects with chronic post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Ethan Nadelmann, Ph.D Ethan Nadelmann is the founder and executive director of the d Policy Alliance, the leading organization in the United States p romoting alternatives to the war on ds. Nadelmann was born in New Yor k City and received his BA, JD, and PhD from Harvard, and a masterE280 99s degree in international relations from the London School of Economic s. He then taught politics and public affairs at Princeton University fro m 1987 to 1994, where his speaking and writings on d policy, in public ations ranging from Science and Foreign Affairs to American Heritage and National Review, attracted international attention. He also authored the book, Cops Across Borders, the first scholarly study of the internationa lization of U.S. criminal law enforcement. A new book, co-authored with Peter Andreas and entitled Policing the Globe: Criminalization and Crime Control in International Relations, was published by Oxford University P ress in 2006. In 1994, Nadelmann founded the Lindesmith Center, a d pol icy institute created with the philanthropic support of George Soros. In 2000, the growing Center merged with another organization to form the Dru g Policy Alliance, which advocates for d policies grounded in science, compassion, health and human rights. Described by Rolling Stone as “E2 809Cthe point manE2809D” for d policy reform efforts, Ethan Nadel mann is widely regarded as the most prominent proponent of d policy re form. Andrew Sewell, MD Andrew Sewell is descended from Welsh coal miners on his mother’s side (the same who fought the Zulus at Rorke’s Drift) an d British coal miners on his father’s. When the Labor party made the univ ersities merit-based after World War II, both his parents defied traditio n and went to college; met, and emigrated to America when Andrew was youn g to seek a better life. As an undergraduate at Cornell, Andrew studied p hysics like his father, but a late brush with psychedelics changed his mi nd and he went to medical school instead. After receiving MD at the Univer sity of Connecticut School of Medicine and completing a combined residenc y in neurology and psychiatry at the University of Massachusetts, Dr. Sew ell recently completed a three-year research fellowship in Alcohol and Dr ug Abuse at McLean Hospital/Harvard Medical School, where he studied the response of cluster headache to psychedelic ds such as psilocybin, l and LSA. He now works at the VA Connecticut Healthcare System/Yale Depa rtment of Psychiatry doing cannabis research, and hopes to continue the w ork on cluster headache there also. In his spare time, Dr. Sewell volunte ers actively for the Burning Man organization, a community of which he ha s been a part for almost a decade, rides his bike, and enjoys the company of his two cats. See what an d Make AOL Your Homepage 00300000001169) . M bo document face rg/bios zonsnyc.org/bios s/horizons-logo2.gif” son Memorial Church 55 Washington Square South New York, NY 10 g/index A- web horizonsnyc.org/bios Speakers – ://web horizonsnyc.org/art rt Art – l web horizonsnyc.org/press Press – rizonsnyc.org/resource rce Resources – Sp eaker biographies Kenneth Alper, MD/STRO NGKenneth Alper, MD is a member of the faculty of the New York University School of Medicine where the currently holds the rank of Associate Professor in the Departments of Psychiatry and Neurology. His research on the medical ethnography of the ibogaine subculture h as involved extensive contact and experience in the US and Europe, a nd is based on an excellent observer participant research perspectiv e. Dr. Alper organized the NYU Conference on ibogaine and edi ted the only English language scientific text on the subject, for wh ich he received the Heffter Research Institutes Award for P ublic Service in 2001. He is an independently funded NIDA investigat or for his research on the quantitative EEG in substance-related dis orders and is a member of the American Academy of Addiction Psychiat ry (AAAP). Rick Doblin, Ph.D. Rick Doblin Ph.D is the founder (in 1986) and president of MAPS. His dissertat ion (Public Policy, Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government) was on ” The Regulation of the Medical Use of Psychedelics and Marijuana,” an d his master’s thesis (Harvard) focused on the attitudes and experie nces of oncologists concerning the medical use of marijuana. His undergraduate thesis (New College of Florida) was a twenty-five year follow-up to the classic Good Friday Experiment, which evaluated the potential of psychedelic ds to catalyze religious experience s. He has also conducted a thirty-four year follow-up study to Tim L eary’s Concord Prison experiment. Doblin has also studi ed with Stan Grof, M.D., and was in the first group to become certif ied as holotropic breathwork practitioners. His professional goal is to help develop legal contexts for the beneficial uses of psychedel ics and marijuana, primarily as prescription medicines but also for personal growth for otherwise “healthy” people, and to also become a legally licensed psychedelic therapist. He currently resides in Bos ton with his wife and three young children. Neal M. Go ldsmith, Ph.D Neal M. Goldsmith, Ph.D. is a psychotherap ist specializing in psychospiritual development E28093 seeing E2 809CneurosisE2809D as the natural unfolding of human maturation. Dr. G oldsmiths training includes Psychosynthesis, yoga psycholog y, Imago Relationship Therapy, regressive psychotherapies, Rogerian client-centered counseling, and other humanistic, transpersonal and eastern traditions (in addition to the lessons found in psychedelics research). Dr. Goldsmith has a masters degree in co unseling from New York University and a Ph.D. in psychology fromremont Graduate University. He conducted his dissertation research, on the factors that facilitate or inhibit the utilization of mental health policy research, at Princeton University’s Woodrow Wilson Sch ool of Public and International Affairs. Dr. Goldsmith is a frequent speaker on spiritual emergence, resistance to change, d policy reform and the post-modern future of society. Among his publications, Dr. Goldsmith is perhaps proudest of his E2809CTen Lesson s of Psychotherapy, RediscoveredE2809D chapter in Psychedelic Med icine: New Evidence for Hallucinogenic Substances as Treatments (Pra eger, 2007). He is also a founder of several salon discussion groups in New York City. Dr. Goldsmith may be reached via his Web s ite, web nealgoldsmith. Alex Grey One night, while employed at a medical school morgue preparing c adavers and studying the human anatomy, Alex Grey met his wife, Ally son Grey and took l for the first time. Triggering a mystical expe riences, his agnostic existentialism transformed into radical transc endentalism. Alex has applied this multidimensional perspective to p ainted visions of crucial human experiences such as praying, kissing, copulating, pregnancy, birth and dying. Portraying the body as tra in terweaving physical and biological anatomy with psychic and spiritual energies, providing a glimpse into archetypal domains of awareness. Grey’s visual meditation on the nature of life and consciousness, t he subject of his art, is contained in three books, Sacred Mirrors a nd Transfigurations, two monographs that follow the history of Grey’ s artistic life, and The Mission of Art which reflects on art as a s piritual practice. With a world reknown career of exhibitions and ke ynote addresses from Basel, to Tokyo, to Sao Paulo, Grey’s art has b een featured on Discovery Channel, Newsweek, Time, and on album art for Tool, Beastie Boys, Nirvana, and SCI. Grey is a member of the In tegral Institute, is on the Board of Advisors for the Center for Cog nitive Liberty and Ethics, and is the Chair of Wisdom University’s S acred Art Department. Alex and Allyson Grey are the co-founders of t he Chapel of Sacred Mirrors (CoSM) a not for profit institution supp orting Visionary Culture in New York City. “Grey’s visi on of a flawed but perfectible mankind stands as an antidote to the cynicism and spiritual malaise prevalent in much contemporary art.” – The New York Times Allyson Grey An accom plished visionary artist, Allyson Grey’s complex, highly patterned, spectral painting style has always been influenced and informed by p sychedelics. Her maniacal puzzles represent an essentialized world v iew consisting of chaos, order and secret writing. Co-founder of the Chapel of Sacred Mirrors in New York City, Allyson is the wife and partner of internationally renown artist, Alex Grey, and the mother of film actress Zena Grey. Born in 1952, Allyson received a Master o f Fine Arts degree from Tufts University in 1976. She has edited and co-written a dozen books and journals, taught art at Tufts Universi ty, the Boston Museum School and at Omega Institute for 17 years. A leader of a growing community, Allyson has spoken widely at conferences and symposia. She has received numerous commissions for long-term and permanent installations of her artwork, which has been exhibited and collected throughout the U.S. Julie Holland, MD Dr. Julie Holland is a board certified psychiatrist in New York City. As an undegraduate at the University of Pennsylvania, Dr. Holland majored in the “Biological Basis of Behavior,” a series of courses combining the study of psychology and neural sciences, w ith a concentration in psychopharmacology, or ds and the brain. I n 1992, Dr. Holland received her medical degree from Temple Universi ty School of Medicine, where she performed research on auditory hall ucinations, extensively interviewing nearly one hundred psychotic pa tients. In 1996, she completed a psychiatric residency at Mount Sinai Medical Center, where she was the creator of a research project treating schizophrenics with a new medication, obtaining an IND from the Food and d Administration. In 1994, she received the Outstanding Resi dent Award from the National Institute of Mental Health. From 1996 to 2005, Dr. Holland ran the psychiatric emergency room of Bellevue Hospital on Saturday and Sunday nights. A liaison to the hospital’s medical emergency room and toxicology department, she is considered an expert on street ds and intoxication states, and lectures widely on this topic. She published a paper in the Journal of Psych oactive ds, describing a resurgence of the d phenomenon smokin g marijuana soaked in embalming fluid, typically a carrier for PCP. During her college years, Dr. Holland grew interested in a new d and authored an extensive research paper on E (ecstasy), resultin g in multiple television appearances, forensic consultations, and a book, Ecstasy: The Complete Guide. She has been quoted as an authori ty on E in Harper’s magazine and has published in the journal Lan cet about the putative neurotoxic effects of E. She has also writ ten two articles for the quarterly journal of the Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies, a consortium of international h allucinogen researchers. The first detailed a survey of ecstasy and other ds used at New York City raves, and the second reviewed an international conference on psychedelic research held in the Netherl ands. Dr. Holland has a private psychiatry practice in Manhatt an since 1996. She is also available for forensic consultation. Plea se see her website, drholland, to learn more. STR ONGAllison McKim Allison McKim was co-director of Dance Safe’s NYC chapter for 4 years and a DanceSafe volunteer since 2001. She researched and developed harm-reduction strategies to address M DMA-related water intoxication and helped to develop harm-reduction literature on PCP for DanceSafeNYC. Allison is also a doctoral candidate in sociology whose research compares punitive approaches to d use t o interventions that use a health or illness model. She is intereste d in how gender interacts with ideas about sickness and badness at b oth penal and voluntary treatment programs, and in how gender shapes the programs’ techniques of control. Michael M ithoefer, MD Michael Mithoefer, MD, is a psychiatrist in practice in Charleston, SC, and is Clinical Assistant Professor of Psychiatry at The Medical University of South Carolina. He is Board Certified in Psychiatry and is a Certified Holotropic Breathwork Fac ilitator. Before going into psychiatry in 1991 he practiced emergency medicine for ten years, and was board certified in both Internal Medicine and Emergency Medicine. Dr. Mithoefer is the Principal Investigator for the first FDA-approved E therapy study, which evaluates the safety and effectiveness of E-assisted psychotherapy for subjects with chronic post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). S TRONGEthan Nadelmann, Ph.D Ethan Nadelmann is the found er and executive director of the d Policy Alliance, the leading o rganization in the United States promoting alternatives to the war on ds. Nadelmann was born in New York City and received his BA, JD, and PhD from Harvard, and a masters degree in inter national relations from the London School of Economics. He then taug ht politics and public affairs at Princeton University from 1987 to 1994, where his speaking and writings on d policy, in publication s ranging from Science and Foreign Affairs to American Heritage and National Review, attracted international attention. He also authored the book, Cops Across Borders, the first scholarly st udy of the internationalization of U.S. criminal law enforcement. A new book, co-authored with Peter Andreas and entitled Policing the Globe: Criminalization and Crime Control in International Relations, was published by Oxford University Press in 2006. In 19 94, Nadelmann founded the Lindesmith Center, a d policy institute created with the philanthropic support of George Soros. In 2000, th e growing Center merged with another organization to form the d P olicy Alliance, which advocates for d policies grounded in science, compassion, health and human rights. Described by Rolling Stone as “E2 809Cthe point manE2809D” for d policy reform efforts, Ethan Nadelmann is widely regarded as the most prominent proponent of d policy reform. Andrew Sewell, MD Andrew S ewell is descended from Welsh coal miners on his mother’s side (the same who fought the Zulus at Rorke’s Drift) and British coal miners on his father’s. When the Labor party made the universities merit-ba sed after World War II, both his parents defied tradition and went t o college; met, and emigrated to America when Andrew was young to se ek a better life. As an undergraduate at Cornell, Andrew studied phy sics like his father, but a late brush with psychedelics changed his mind and he went to medical school instead. After receiving M D at the University of Connecticut School of Medicine and completing a combined residency in neurology and psychiatry at the University of Massachusetts, Dr. Sewell recently completed a three-year researc h fellowship in Alcohol and d Abuse at McLean Hospital/Harvard Me dical School, where he studied the response of cluster headache to p sychedelic ds such as psilocybin, l, and LSA. He now works at the VA Connecticut Healthcare System/Yale Department of Psychiatry doing can nabis research, and hopes to continue the work on cluster headache t here also. In his spare time, Dr. Sewell volunteers act ively for the Burning Man organization, a community of which he has been a part for almost a decade, rides his bike, and enjoys the comp any of his two cats. ons.gif” ; D AOLCMP00300000001170 Homepage./
#4032 Fri, 19 Oct 2007 23:14:12 From: ” OT – Major ass rave saturday Oct 20 by our friend Sam Black I dont normally post non psytrance parties here but I’ll make an exception because this one looks so good and the organizer is such a great guy: Sam invites you to The Hanged Man Ball – A Masquerade Sat 10/20 (10PM) at POP 3 706 36th ST 4th FL, Long Island City, NY (Map) The Hanged Man is one of th e most mysterious cards in the tarot deck. It is simple, but complex. It at tracts, but also disturbs. It contradicts itself in countless ways. The Han ged Man is unsettling because it symbolizes the action of paradox in our li ves. A paradox is somthing that appears contradictory, and yet is true. Th e Hanged Man presents to us certain truths, but they are hidden in their op posites. On Oct 20 2007 Original Brooklyn invites you to The Hanged Man Ba ll – A Masquerade. Join us in letting go and surrender to the experience . Let the beat drive you forward, open your eyes to the world around you and understand that change begins with you and within us all. Suspend your beli ef and believe in the impossible, The night is young and ripe for the taki ng. Sacrifice yourself to the greater good . We invite you all to our new homebase POP . POP is located at 3706 36th Street in Long Island City, Que e ns (R, V, G train to 36th Street stop). Just Imagine 2500 sq ft raw i ndustrial underground club space just one Stop outside of the City. Expect the Unexpected on this Night of all Nights as we bring back the Magic and Wonder of the Masquerade Ball. DJs: Miss Honey Dijon (Dijonmusic) Dave Hollands (Minimal Wage) Odi (Konkrete Jungle) IXL (HopFu, SkystheLimit, Tu rntable Lab) SUBATOMIC Sound System (Modus Vivendi, Nomadic Wax) 3l3tronic (Disorient, Excursion) DJ Jess (indierotica) Adrian & Mysterious D (Boo tie NYC) Live Sideshow and Burlesque Performances by Lady Circus Cost: $1 0 in Costume; $15 without Official Site: web myspace/samblack84
#4033 Fri, 19 Oct 2007 23:17:53 From: ” OT – Major ass rave saturday Oct 20 by our friend Sam Black I dont normally post non psytrance parties here but I’ll make an exception because this one looks so good and the organizer is such a great guy: Sam invites you to The Hanged Man Ball – A Masquerade Sat 10/20 (10PM) at POP 3 706 36th ST 4th FL, Long Island City, NY (Map) The Hanged Man is one of th e most mysterious cards in the tarot deck. It is simple, but complex. It at tracts, but also disturbs. It contradicts itself in countless ways. The Han ged Man is unsettling because it symbolizes the action of paradox in our li ves. A paradox is somthing that appears contradictory, and yet is true. Th e Hanged Man presents to us certain truths, but they are hidden in their op posites. On Oct 20 2007 Original Brooklyn invites you to The Hanged Man Ba ll – A Masquerade. Join us in letting go and surrender to the experience . Let the beat drive you forward, open your eyes to the world around you and understand that change begins with you and within us all. Suspend your beli ef and believe in the impossible, The night is young and ripe for the taki ng. Sacrifice yourself to the greater good . We invite you all to our new homebase POP . POP is located at 3706 36th Street in Long Island City, Que e ns (R, V, G train to 36th Street stop). Just Imagine 2500 sq ft raw i ndustrial underground club space just one Stop outside of the City. Expect the Unexpected on this Night of all Nights as we bring back the Magic and Wonder of the Masquerade Ball. DJs: Miss Honey Dijon (Dijonmusic) Dave Hollands (Minimal Wage) Odi (Konkrete Jungle) IXL (HopFu, SkystheLimit, Tu rntable Lab) SUBATOMIC Sound System (Modus Vivendi, Nomadic Wax) 3l3tronic (Disorient, Excursion) DJ Jess (indierotica) Adrian & Mysterious D (Boo tie NYC) Live Sideshow and Burlesque Performances by Lady Circus Cost: $1 0 in Costume; $15 without Official Site: web myspace/samblack84
#4034 21 Oct 2007 04:03:36 From: TripOutNY Timothy Leary’s Birthday, 10/22/2007, 12:00 am Timothy Leary’s Birthday Monday October 22, 2007 All Day Timothy Leary’s Birthday Monday October 22, 2007 All Day 2007
#4035 Wed, 24 Oct 2007 12:16:35 Wed, 24 Oct 2007 12:16:18 ystem at 28thdayCc: From: “scott” scott at 28thdaySaturday Oct 27 – CoSM presents Deities & Demons Masquerade Deities & Demons Masquerade Saturday, Oct. 27th 2007 10pm-3am, $20 8-10pm in CoSM Alex as the Grim Reaper & Allyson Grey give an illustrated talk on Visions of Heaven and Hell 10pm – 3am in CoSMosis Entheocentric Salon Music Zena: downtempo breaks Alien Ambassador: electro & teck house KOZ tribal: electro funk Pedro: Downtempo/Electro 20 In the Hall of Spirit: Psytrance with Ben Light-O-Matic Primate Mikio In CoSM Incus / acoustic Midnight Performance Incus and Pantomime pyrotechnic dance theatre 20 Live Painting Alex and Allyson Grey Steve Shorts20 Live Body Painting Zachariah Gregory Audio-Visual installation & Deco by Phantomime visuals by Alchemism Deities & Demons Masquerade Saturday, Oct. 27th 2007 10pm-3am $20 8-10pm in CoSM Alex as the Grim Reaper & Allyson Greyb rgive an illustrated talk on Visions of Heaven and Hell 10pm – 3am in CoSMosis Entheocentric Salon Music Zena: downtempo breaksb rAlien Ambassador: electro & teck house KOZ tribal: electro funkPedro: Downtempo/Electro In the Hall of Spirit: Psytrance with Ben Light-O-Matic Primate Mikio In CoSM Incus / aco ustic Midnight Performance Incus and Pantomime pyrotechnic dantheatre Live Painting Alex and Allyson Grey Steve Sho rts Live Body Painting Zachariah Gregory Audio-Visual ins tallation & Deco by Phantomime visuals by Alchemism b r
#4036 Wed, 24 Oct 2007 14:09:35 Wed, 24 Oct 2007 14:09:35 From: Busy Saturday- 1 talk, 2 trance parties, 1 burnoid party- $80 whole night spree! web horizonsnyc.org/bios (web horizonsnyc.org/bios.h tml) Saturday October 27 2007 1pm – 6pm at Judson Memorial Chu rch 55 Washington Square South New York, NY 10012 – Home (web h orizonsnyc.org/index ) – Speakers (web horizonsnyc.org/bios. Tickets ( web horizonsnyc.org/tickets ) – Press (web horizonsnyc.org/p ress ) – Resources (web horizonsnyc.org/resource ) – S peaker biographies Kenneth Alper, MD Kenneth Alper, MD is a member of the faculty of the New York University School of Medicine where the currently holds the rank of Associate Professor in the Departments of Psychiatry a nd Neurology. His research on the medical ethnography of the ibogaine sub culture has involved extensive contact and experience in the US and Europ e, and is based on an excellent observer participant research perspective . Dr. Alper organized the NYU Conference on ibogaine and edited the only English language scientific text on the subject, for which he received th e Heffter Research InstituteC3A2E282ACE284A2s Award for Public Se rvice in 2001. He is an independently funded NIDA investigator for his re search on the quantitative EEG in substance-related disorders and is a me mber of the American Academy of Addiction Psychiatry (AAAP). Rick Dobli n, Ph.D. Rick Doblin, Ph.D is the founder (in 1986) and president of MAPS. His dissertation (Public Policy, Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government) was on “The Regulation of the Medical Use of Psychedelics and Marijuana, ” and his master’s thesis (Harvard) focused on the attitudes and experien ces of oncologists concerning the medical use of marijuana. His undergra duate thesis (New College of Florida) was a twenty-five year follow-up to the classic Good Friday Experiment, which evaluated the potential of psy chedelic ds to catalyze religious experiences. He has also conducted a thirty-four year follow-up study to Tim Leary’s Concord Prison experiment . Doblin has also studied with Stan Grof, M.D., and was in the first grou p to become certified as holotropic breathwork practitioners. His profess ional goal is to help develop legal contexts for the beneficial uses of p sychedelics and marijuana, primarily as prescription medicines but also f or personal growth for otherwise “healthy” people, and to also become a l egally licensed psychedelic therapist. He currently resides in Boston wit h his wife and three young children. Neal M. Goldsmith, Ph.D Neal M. Gold smith, Ph.D. is a psychotherapist specializing in psychospiritual develop ment C3A2E282ACE2809C seeing C3A2E282ACC593neurosisC3A2 E282AC9D as the natural unfolding of human maturation. Dr. Goldsmi thC3A2E282ACE284A2s training includes Psychosynthesis, yoga psycho logy, Imago Relationship Therapy, regressive psychotherapies, Rogerian cl ient-centered counseling, and other humanistic, transpersonal and eastern traditions (in addition to the lessons found in psychedelics research). Dr. Goldsmith has a masterC3A2E282ACE284A2s degree in counseling f rom New York University and a Ph.D. in psychology from Claremont Graduate University. He conducted his dissertation research, on the factors that facilitate or inhibit the utilization of mental health policy research, a t Princeton University’s Woodrow Wilson School of Public and Internationa l Affairs. Dr. Goldsmith is a frequent speaker on spiritual emergence, r esistance to change, d policy reform and the post-modern future of soc iety. Among his publications, Dr. Goldsmith is perhaps proudest of his C3A2E282ACC593Ten Lessons of Psychotherapy, RediscoveredC3A2E2 82AC9D chapter in Psychedelic Medicine: New Evidence for Hallucinog enic Substances as Treatments (Praeger, 2007). He is also a founder of se veral salon discussion groups in New York City. Dr. Goldsmith may be reac hed via his Web site, web nealgoldsmith. Alex Grey One night, while employed at a medical school morgue preparing cadavers and studying the h uman anatomy, Alex Grey met his wife, Allyson Grey and took l for the f irst time. Triggering a mystical experiences, his agnostic existentialism transformed into radical transcendentalism. Alex has applied this multid imensional perspective to painted visions of crucial human experiences suc h as praying, kissing, copulating, pregnancy, birth and dying. Portraying the reality, interweaving physical and biological anatomy with psychic and sp iritual energies, providing a glimpse into archetypal domains of awarenes s. Grey’s visual meditation on the nature of life and consciousness, the subject of his art, is contained in three books, Sacred Mirrors and Tran sfigurations, two monographs that follow the history of Grey’s artistic li fe, and The Mission of Art which reflects on art as a spiritual practice. With a world reknown career of exhibitions and keynote addresses from Ba sel, to Tokyo, to Sao Paulo, Grey’s art has been featured on Discovery Ch annel, Newsweek, Time, and on album art for Tool, Beastie Boys, Nirvana, and SCI. Grey is a member of the Integral Institute, is on the Board of A dvisors for the Center for Cognitive Liberty and Ethics, and is the Chair of Wisdom University’s Sacred Art Department. Alex and Allyson Grey are the co-founders of the Chapel of Sacred Mirrors (CoSM) a not for profit i nstitution supporting Visionary Culture in New York City. “Grey’s vision of a flawed but perfectible mankind stands as an antidote to the cynicis m and spiritual malaise prevalent in much contemporary art.” – The New Yo rk Times Allyson Grey An accomplished visionary artist, Allyson Grey’s co mplex, highly patterned, spectral painting style has always been influenc ed and informed by psychedelics. Her maniacal puzzles represent an essent ialized world view consisting of chaos, order and secret writing. Co-foun der of the Chapel of Sacred Mirrors in New York City, Allyson is the wife and partner of internationally renown artist, Alex Grey, and the mother of film actress Zena Grey. Born in 1952, Allyson received a Master of Fin e Arts degree from Tufts University in 1976. She has edited and co-writte n a dozen books and journals, taught art at Tufts University, the Boston Museum School and at Omega Institute for 17 years. A leader of a growing community, Allyson has spoken widely at conferences and symposia. She has received numerous commissions for long-term and permanent installations of her artwork, which has been exhibited and collected throughout the U.S . Julie Holland, MD Dr. Julie Holland is a board certified psychiatrist i n New York City. As an undegraduate at the University of Pennsylvania, Dr . Holland majored in the “Biological Basis of Behavior,” a series of cour ses combining the study of psychology and neural sciences, with a concent ration in psychopharmacology, or ds and the brain. In 1992, Dr. Hollan d received her medical degree from Temple University School of Medicine, where she performed research on auditory hallucinations, extensively inte rviewing nearly one hundred psychotic patients. In 1996, she completed a psychiatric residency at Mount Sinai Medical Center, where she was the cr eator of a research project treating schizophrenics with a new medication obtaining an IND from the Food and d Administration. In 1994, she re ceived the Outstanding Resident Award from the National Institute of Ment al Health. From 1996 to 2005, Dr. Holland ran the psychiatric emergency ro om of Bellevue Hospital on Saturday and Sunday nights. A liaison to the hospital’s medical emergency room and toxicology department, she is consi dered an expert on street ds and intoxication states, and lectures wid ely on this topic. She published a paper in the Journal of Psychoactive D rugs, describing a resurgence of the d phenomenon smoking marijuana so aked in embalming fluid, typically a carrier for PCP. During her college years, Dr. Holland grew interested in a new d and authored an extensive research paper on E (ecstasy), resulting in multiple television appe arances, forensic consultations, and a book, Ecstasy: The Complete Guide. She has been quoted as an authority on E in Harper’s magazine and has published in the journal Lancet about the putative neurotoxic effects of E. She has also written two articles for the quarterly journal of the Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies, a consortium of i nternational hallucinogen researchers. The first detailed a survey of ecs tasy and other ds used at New York City raves, and the second reviewed an international conference on psychedelic research held in the Netherla nds. Dr. Holland has a private psychiatry practice in Manhattan since 1996 . She is also available for forensic consultation. Please see her website drholland, to learn more. Allison McKim Allison McKim was co-dire ctor of DanceSafe’s NYC chapter for 4 years and a DanceSafe volunteer sin2001. She researched and developed harm-reduction strategies to addres s E-related water intoxication and helped to develop harm-reduction l iterature on PCP for DanceSafeNYC. Allison is also a doctoral candidate i n sociology whose research compares punitive approaches to d use to in terventions that use a health or illness model. She is interested in how gender interacts with ideas about sickness and badness at both penal and voluntary treatment programs, and in how gender shapes the programs’ techn iques of control. Michael Mithoefer, MD Michael Mithoefer, MD, is a psyc hiatrist in practice in Charleston, SC, and is Clinical Assistant Profess or of Psychiatry at The Medical University of South Carolina. He is Board Certified in Psychiatry and is a Certified Holotropic Breathwork Facilit ator. Before going into psychiatry in 1991 he practiced emergency medicin e for ten years, and was board certified in both Internal Medicine and Em ergency Medicine. Dr. Mithoefer is the Principal Investigator for the fir st FDA-approved E therapy study, which evaluates the safety and effect iveness of E-assisted psychotherapy for subjects with chronic post-tra umatic stress disorder (PTSD). Ethan Nadelmann, Ph.D Ethan Nadelmann is th e founder and executive director of the d Policy Alliance, the leading organization in the United States promoting alternatives to the war on ds. Nadelmann was born in New York City and received his BA, JD, and Ph D from Harvard, and a masterC3A2E282ACE284A2s degree in internati onal relations from the London School of Economics. He then taught politi cs and public affairs at Princeton University from 1987 to 1994, where hi s speaking and writings on d policy, in publications ranging from Scie nce and Foreign Affairs to American Heritage and National Review, attract ed international attention. He also authored the book, Cops Across Borde rs, the first scholarly study of the internationalization of U.S. crimina l law enforcement. A new book, co-authored with Peter Andreas and entit led Policing the Globe: Criminalization and Crime Control in Internationa l Relations, was published by Oxford University Press in 2006. In 1994, Nadelmann founded the Lindesmith Center, a d policy institute created with the philanthropic support of George Soros. In 2000, the growing Cent er merged with another organization to form the d Policy Alliance, whic h advocates for d policies grounded in science, compassion, health and human rights. Described by Rolling Stone as “C3A2E282ACC593the po int manC3A2E282AC9D” for d policy reform efforts, Ethan Nadelm ann is widely regarded as the most prominent proponent of d policy ref orm. Andrew Sewell, MD Andrew Sewell is descended from Welsh coal miners on his mother’s side (the same who fought the Zulus at Rorke’s Drift) and British coal miners on his father’s. When the Labor party made the unive rsities merit-based after World War II, both his parents defied tradition and went to college; met, and emigrated to America when Andrew was young to seek a better life. As an undergraduate at Cornell, Andrew studied ph ysics like his father, but a late brush with psychedelics changed his min d and he went to medical school instead. After receiving MD at the Univers ity of Connecticut School of Medicine and completing a combined residency in neurology and psychiatry at the University of Massachusetts, Dr. Sewe ll recently completed a three-year research fellowship in Alcohol and Dru g Abuse at McLean Hospital/Harvard Medical School, where he studied the r esponse of cluster headache to psychedelic ds such as psilocybin, l, and LSA. He now works at the VA Connecticut Healthcare System/Yale Depar tment of Psychiatry doing cannabis research, and hopes to continue the wo rk on cluster headache there also. In his spare time, Dr. Sewell voluntee rs actively for the Burning Man organization, a community of which he has been a part for almost a decade, rides his bike, and enjoys the company of his two cats. Deities & Demons Masquerade Saturday, Oct. 27th 2007 10pm-3am, $20 8-10pm in CoSM Alex as the Grim Reaper & Allyson Grey give an illustrated talk on Visions of Heaven and Hell 10pm – 3am in CoSMosis Entheocentric Salon Music Zena: downtempo breaks Alien Ambassador: electro & teck house KOZ tribal: electro funk Pedro: Downtempo/Electro In the Hal l of Spirit: Psytrance with Ben Light-O-Matic Primate Mikio In CoSM Incus / acoustic Midnight Performance Incus and Pantomime pyrotechnic dance thea tre Live Painting Alex and Allyson Grey Steve Shorts Live Body Painting Zachariah Gregory Audio-Visual installation & Deco by Phantomime visuals b y Alchemism TSUNAMI presents Satruday, October 27th (Hallowwen Weeke nd) Enertopia live Aargentina/Israel Cristian Ledezma a.k.a cris Brandon A dams (Dreamcatcher) k.b.m a.k.a sinpatex ENERTOPIA Emiliano Solazzi Gri minger (Moti Griminger) was born in December of 1974 in Buenos Aires, Arg entina. At the age of 11 his family and him immigrated to Beer Sheva, Isr ael, where he lived most of his life. At the age of 15 he started to take guitar lessons and by the age of 18 he was already leading a very succes ful Israeli death metal band called CEREBRAL COMA, which had a mayor succ ess in the international and national underground scene. In 1992, Emiliano hooked up with Ziv Matushka, another pioneer in the Israeli electronic m usic scene and, together, they started to experiment with more Industrial music and eventually writing Goa and Psy trance. Ziv joined P.Cok, and E miliano continued his project as ENERTOPIA. The first single by Enertopia was released in 1996 by B.N.E Israel in a compilation called DESTINATION ISRAEL, and after a few months he was signed by KREMBO records. The firs t full length album was called MAGIC FOR ETERNITY, released in 1997, foll owed by the second album called FACE ADAPTOR which w as cowritten with Yul i Fershtat AKA B.L.T, Perfect Stranger. In between 1996 and 1998 Enertopi a have released two full albums and numerous singles. Stronger than never Enertopia is back with new material in the studio Decor and Visuals by: SURGE Admission: $25 / $20 with costume (reduced) Limited number of $15 t ickets available on GrooveTickets (groovetickets/ordersy (groovetickets with ENERTOPIA and Frid ay, Nov. 2nd with DEEDRAH: $30 Hours: 10pm till 7am minimum 18+ (valid pi cture ID a must) GYPSY TEA 27 West 24th Street (between 5th & 6th Avenues) (ce) You are inv ited to: Within the Land of Ash Saturday, October Twenty Seventh From 8pm through 9am (13 hours) Starting at 195 Morgan Ave., Brooklyn and continui ng throughout the night at another secret location… Details: anger The end of October breeds nights made for mischief. This Sa turday we offer an ambitious mixture of the beautiful and the bizarre with two infamous Brooklyn art spaces built out into 13 visions of the afterli fe. There is a land just beyond here where surreal shares the stage with the sublime. This is how we live forever-after within the land of ash. Th e Sound of Perdition: DJ Kimyon : Brings deeply moving soul-infused techno . The Dustbin Brothers : The legendary dj duo of Spirithood and Incognegro Zemi17 : Moves you with Indonesian inspired dark beats. Rod + Raul Sanche z : An audio/visual experience. Terminal Optic : Of Technics brings a mix of broken beat, breaks to jungle jazz. & the after-hours will be kept dark and sultry with the infamous minimal techno duo: Wolf + Lamb Plus live mu sic by: Sankofa : There are some bands that play with such blood and energ y that you experience an internal revolution with the beat and sweat of ju st one performance. This is that band. Moisterizer : “Moist” Paula (barit one sax), “Moist” Gina (electric bass), and “Moist” Yoshio (drums) all pla y instruments nearly as big as they are. The only thing bigger is their so und, which rolls gospel, dub, funk-rock, and jazz into one unbelievably ha rd-hitting instrumental package. Presented by Okay Playa fresh from record ing with the production team for The Roots. The Experience of Perpetuity: The artistic visions below range from full-room spectacles to hidden mome nts of performance and are set throughout both spaces. Vision One : The Im ageNode Ambient Heaven This Burning Man bubble dome returns less dusted an d more cloudlike with the heavenly sounds of downtempo sound angels Borne, Morgan Packard and Autophage. Vision Two : Hell is What You Make It Colum ns of flame and interactive fire games including the sheet of fire by Dan Glass and the return of flaming Simon by Erok of the Madagascar Institute. Vision Three : Vertigoes What goes up, must come down. Nate Green and Owe n Schoppe adapt forms from toys, games, and amusement rides to create a la rge-scale interactive and kinetic environment. Vision Four : The Room of B rick Dark, raw and loud this is the room with bands to move you and cheap drinks to make it all make sense. Vision Five : The Angels of Lady Circus There are some secrets you shouldn’t withhold. The seductresses of the La dy Circus will recruit you into their mass spectacle of lost souls leading to the second event space. This is where the parade begins. After midnigh t the second (secret) space comes alive and continues way past sunrise wit h a booming sound system and the creative visions detailed below. Vision S ix : The Beauty of Nonsense NonsenseNYC sets up an intimate room of video projections and re-claimed comfort. Vision Seven : The Loamy Earth Broken Puppet & the Society of Agrarian Magicians conjure a rural-delic scene of hot spiked apple cider, jack-o-lanterns, haybales and barnyard aesthetic. Rotating performances by Mickey Western, Shawn Grady, and the Fool’s Jack et Puppet Troupe. Vision Eight : The Dream Catcher A massive outdoor hammo ck-like mesh of climby nirvana. Vision Nine : The Things I Am (or Once Was ) An interactive video installation of delicate beauty and invisible techn ology by David Wicks. Vision Ten : The Chikhai Bardo A cloud lounge with v isions of liberated truth. Vision Eleven : Eyes Wide Shut A surprise momen t by Boring Incorporated. Vision Twelve : Charon’s Dolls A roving performa nce of steam-punk Victorian dolls ferrying you to the underworld. Vision T hirteen : The Immaculate Surprise Within the Land of Ash Saturday, October 27th 8pm through 9am (13 hours) Starting at 3rd Ward Brooklyn 195 Morgan Ave., in the East Williamsburg Industrial Zone Take the L train to Morgan Ave. and walk four blocks north. The second space is a half-block away but everyone must start at 3rd Ward. $15 with inspired costume : $20 for the unadorned Details and directions are at: anger This ni ght is a spark… the city is our fuel… and the fire is what lights our best moments within the land of ash. ******** **** See what’s new at web aol M bo document .horizonsnyc.org/bios NT 2007 1pm – on Square 4- Home – web horizonsnyc.org/bios A- Spea ker biographies Kenneth Alper, MD/STRONG Kenneth Alper, MD is a member of the faculty of the New York Un iversity School of Medicine where the currently holds the rank of As sociate Professor in the Departments of Psychiatry and Neurology. Hi s research on the medical ethnography of the ibogaine subculture has involved extensive contact and experience in the US and Europe, and is based on an excellent observer participant research perspective. Dr. Alper organized the NYU Conference on ibogaine and edite d the only English language scientific text on the subject, for whic h he received the Heffter Research InstituteC3A2E282ACE284A2 s Award for Public Service in 2001. He is an independently funded NI DA investigator for his research on the quantitative EEG in substanc e-related disorders and is a member of the American Academy of Addic tion Psychiatry (AAAP). Rick Doblin, Ph.D. B RRick Doblin, Ph.D is the founder (in 1986) and president of MAPS. His dissertation (Public Policy, Harvard’s Kennedy School of Governm ent) was on “The Regulation of the Medical Use of Psychedelics and M arijuana,” and his master’s thesis (Harvard) focused on the attitude s and experiences of oncologists concerning the medical use of marij uana. His undergraduate thesis (New College of Florida) was a twenty-five year follow-up to the classic Good Friday Experiment, wh ich evaluated the potential of psychedelic ds to catalyze religio us experiences. He has also conducted a thirty-four year follow-up s tudy to Tim Leary’s Concord Prison experiment. Doblin h as also studied with Stan Grof, M.D., and was in the first group to become certified as holotropic breathwork practitioners. His profess ional goal is to help develop legal contexts for the beneficial uses of psychedelics and marijuana, primarily as prescription medicines but also for personal growth for otherwise “healthy” people, and to also become a legally licensed psychedelic therapist. He currently resides in Boston with his wife and three young children. STRO NGNeal M. Goldsmith, Ph.D Neal M. Goldsmith, Ph.D. is a psychotherapist specializing in psychospiritual development C3A2E282 ACE2809C seeing C3A2E282ACC593neurosisC3A2E282AC 9D as the natural unfolding of human maturation. Dr. GoldsmithC3 A2E282ACE284A2s training includes Psychosynthesis, yoga psychology, Imago Relationship Therapy, regressive psychotherapies, Rogerian cli ent-centered counseling, and other humanistic, transpersonal and eas tern traditions (in addition to the lessons found in psychedelics re search). Dr. Goldsmith has a masterC3A2E282ACE284A2s degree in counseling from New York University and a Ph.D. in psychol ogy from Claremont Graduate University. He conducted his dissertatio n research, on the factors that facilitate or inhibit the utilizatio n of mental health policy research, at Princeton University’s Woodro w Wilson School of Public and International Affairs. D r. Goldsmith is a frequent speaker on spiritual emergence, resistance to change, d policy reform and the post-modern future of society. Amon g his publications, Dr. Goldsmith is perhaps proudest of his C3A2 E282ACC593Ten Lessons of Psychotherapy, RediscoveredC3A2E2 82AC9D chapter in Psychedelic Medicine: New Evidence for Hallu cinogenic Substances as Treatments (Praeger, 2007). He is also a fou nder of several salon discussion groups in New York City. Dr . Goldsmith may be reached via his Web site, web nealgoldsmith. Alex Grey One night, while employed at a medical school morgue preparing cadavers and studying the human anat omy, Alex Grey met his wife, Allyson Grey and took l for the first time. Triggering a mystical experiences, his agnostic existentialis m transformed into radical transcendentalism. Alex has applied this multidimensional perspective to painted visions of crucial human exp eriences such as praying, kissing, copulating, pregnancy, birth and dying. Portraying the body as ultiple dimensions of reality, interweaving physical and biological anatomy with psychic and spiritual energies, providing a glimpse int o archetypal domains of awareness. Grey’s visual meditation on the nature of life and consciousness, the subject of his art, is co ntained in three books, Sacred Mirrors and Transfigurations, two mon ographs that follow the history of Grey’s artistic life, and The Mis sion of Art which reflects on art as a spiritual practice. With a wo rld reknown career of exhibitions and keynote addresses from Basel, to Tokyo, to Sao Paulo, Grey’s art has been featured on Discovery Ch annel, Newsweek, Time, and on album art for Tool, Beastie Boys, Nirv ana, and SCI. Grey is a member of the Integral Institute, is on the Board of Advisors for the Center for Cognitive Liberty and Ethics, and is the Chair of Wisdom University’s Sacred Art Department. Alex and Allyson Grey are the co-founders of the Chapel of Sacred Mirrors (CoSM) a not for profit institution supporting Visionary Culture in New Yor k City. “Grey’s vision of a flawed but perfectible mank ind stands as an antidote to the cynicism and spiritual malaise prev alent in much contemporary art.” – The New York Times Allyson Grey An accomplished visionary artist, Al lyson Grey’s complex, highly patterned, spectral painting style has always been influenced and informed by psychedelics. Her maniacal puzzles represent an essentialized world view consisting of chaos, order and secret writing. Co-founder of the Chapel of Sacred Mirrors in New Yo rk City, Allyson is the wife and partner of internationally renown a rtist, Alex Grey, and the mother of film actress Zena Grey. Born in 1952, Allyson received a Master of Fine Arts degree from Tufts Unive rsity in 1976. She has edited and co-written a dozen books and journ als, taught art at Tufts University, the Boston Museum School and at Omega Institute for 17 years. A leader of a growing community, Ally son has spoken widely at conferences and symposia. She has received numerous commissions for long-term and permanent installations of he r artwork, which has been exhibited and collected throughout the U.S . Julie Holland, MD Dr. Julie Holland is a board certified psychiatrist in New York City. As an undegraduate a t the University of Pennsylvania, Dr. Holland majored in the “Biolog ical Basis of Behavior,” a series of courses combining the study of psychology and neural sciences, with a concentration in psychopharma cology, or ds and the brain. In 1992, Dr. Holland received her me dical degree from Temple University School of Medicine, where she pe rformed research on auditory hallucinations, extensively interviewin g nearly one hundred psychotic patients. In 1996, she completed a ps ychiatric residency at Mount Sinai Medical Center, where she was the creator of a research project treating schizophrenics with a new me dication, obtaining an IND from the Food and d Administration. In 1994, she received the Outstanding Resident Award from the National Institute of Mental Health. From 1996 to 2005, Dr. Holland ra n the psychiatric emergency room of Bellevue Hospital on Saturday an d Sunday nights. A liaison to the hospital’s medical emergency room and toxicology department, she is considered an expert on street dru gs and intoxication states, and lectures widely on this topic. She p ublished a paper in the Journal of Psychoactive ds, describing a resurgence of the d phenomenon smoking marijuana soaked in embalm ing fluid, typically a carrier for PCP. During her college years, Dr . Holland grew interested in a new d and authored an extensive re search paper on E (ecstasy), resulting in multiple television app earances, forensic consultations, and a book, Ecstasy: The Complete Guide. She has been quoted as an authority on E in Harper’s magazine and has published in the journal Lancet about the putative neurotoxic effects of E. She has also written two articles for the quarterly journal of the Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies a consortium of international hallucinogen researchers. The first detailed a survey of ecstasy and other ds used at New York City r aves, and the second reviewed an international conference on psyched elic research held in the Netherlands. Dr. Holland has a private psychiatry practice in Manhattan since 1996. She is also a vailable for forensic consultation. Please see her website, drhollan d, to learn more. Allison McKim Allis on McKim was co-director of DanceSafe’s NYC chapter for 4 years and a DanceSafe volunteer since 2001. She researched and developed harm- reduction strategies to address E-related water intoxication and helped to develop harm-reduction literature on PCP for DanceSafeNYC. Allison is also a doctoral candidate in sociology whose research co mpares punitive approaches to d use to interventions that use a h ealth or illness model. She is interested in how gender interacts wi th ideas about sickness and badness at both penal and voluntary trea tment programs, and in how gender shapes the programs’ techniques of control. Michael Mithoefer, MD Michael Mi thoefer, MD, is a psychiatrist in practice in Charleston, SC, and is Clinical Assistant Professor of Psychiatry at The Medical Universit y of South Carolina. He is Board Certified in Psychiatry and is artified Holotropic Breathwork Facilitator. Before going into psychia try in 1991 he practiced emergency medicine for ten years, and was b oard certified in both Internal Medicine and Emergency Medicine. Dr. Mithoefer is the Principal Investigator for the first FDA-approved E therapy study, which evaluates the safety and effectiveness of E-assisted psychotherapy for subjects with chronic post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Ethan Nadelmann, Ph.D/STRONG Ethan Nadelmann is the founder and executive director of the Dr ug Policy Alliance, the leading organization in the United States pr omoting alternatives to the war on ds. Nadelmann was born in New York City and received his BA, JD, and PhD from Harvard and a masterC3A2E282ACE284A2s degree in international relations f rom the London School of Economics. He then taught politics and publ ic affairs at Princeton University from 1987 to 1994, where his spea king and writings on d policy, in publications ranging from Scienand Foreign Affairs to American Heritage and National Review, att racted international attention. He also authored the b ook, Cops Across Borders, the first scholarly study of the internati onalization of U.S. criminal law enforcement. A new book, co- authored with Peter Andreas and entitled Policing the Globe: Crimina lization and Crime Control in International Relations, was published by Oxford University Press in 2006. In 1994, Nadelmann founde d the Lindesmith Center, a d policy institute created with the ph ilanthropic support of George Soros. In 2000, the growing Center mer ged with another organization to form the d Policy Alliance, whic h advocates for d policies grounded in science, compassion, healt h and human rights. Described by Rolling Stone as “C3A2E282ACC593the point manC3A2E282AC9D” for d policy reform efforts, Eth an Nadelmann is widely regarded as the most prominent proponent of d rug policy reform. Andrew Sewell, MD Andre w Sewell is descended from Welsh coal miners on his mother’s side (t he same who fought the Zulus at Rorke’s Drift) and British coal mine rs on his father’s. When the Labor party made the universities merit -based after World War II, both his parents defied tradition and wen t to college; met, and emigrated to America when Andrew was young to seek a better life. As an undergraduate at Cornell, Andrew studied physics like his father, but a late brush with psychedelics changed his mind and he went to medical school instead. After receivin g MD at the University of Connecticut School of Medicine and complet ing a combined residency in neurology and psychiatry at the Universi ty of Massachusetts, Dr. Sewell recently completed a three-year rese arch fellowship in Alcohol and d Abuse at McLean Hospital/Harvard Medical School, where he studied the response of cluster headache to psychedelic ds such as psilocybin, l, and LSA. He now works at the V A Connecticut Healthcare System/Yale Department of Psychiatry doing cannabis research, and hopes to continue the work on cluster headach e there also. In his spare time, Dr. Sewell volunteers actively for the Burning Man organization, a community of which he h as been a part for almost a decade, rides his bike, and enjoys the c ompany of his two cats. &nb s Deities & Demons Masquerade Saturda y, Oct. 27th 2007 10pm-3am, $20 8-10pm in CoSM Alex as the Grim R eaper & Allyson Grey give an illustrated talk on Visions of Heaven and Hell 10pm – 3am in CoSMosis Entheocentric Salon Music Zena : downtempo breaks Alien Ambassador: electro & teck house KOZ tr ibal: electro funk Pedro: Downtempo/Electro In the Hall of Spi rit: Psytrance with Ben Light-O-Matic Primate Mikio In CoSM Incus / acoustic Midnight Performance Incus and Pantomime pyr otechnic dance theatre Live Painting Alex and Allyson Grey Steve Shorts Live Body Painting Zachariah Gregory Audio-Visual i nstallation & Deco by Phantomime visuals by Alchemism TSUNAMI / presents Satruday, October 27th / (Hallowwen Weekend) Enertopia live Aargentina/Israel Cristian Ledezma a.k.a cr is Brandon Adams (Dreamcatcher) k.b.m a.k.a sinpatex ENERTOPIA Emiliano Solazzi Griminger (Moti G riminger) was born in December of 1974 in Buenos Aires, Argentina. At the age of 11 his family and him immigrated to Beer Sheva, Israel, where he li ved most of his life. At the age of 15 he started to take guitar lessons a nd by the age of 18 he was already leading a very succesful Israeli death metal band called CEREBRAL COMA, which had a mayor success in the internat ional and national underground scene. In 1992, Emiliano hooked up with Ziv Matushka, another pioneer in the Israeli electronic music scene and, toge ther, they started to experiment with more Industrial music and eventually writing Goa and Psy trance. Ziv joined P.Cok, and Emiliano continued his project as ENERTOPIA. The first single by Enertopia was released in 1996 b y B.N.E Israel in a compilation called DESTINATION ISRAEL, and after a few months he was signed by KREMBO records. The first full length album was c alled MAGIC FOR ETERNITY, released in 1997, followed by the second album c alled FACE ADAPTOR which w as cowritten with Yuli Fershtat AKA B.L.T, Perf ect Stranger. In between 1996 and 1998 Enertopia have released two full al bums and numerous singles. Stronger than never Enertopia is back with new material in the studio Decor and Visuals by: SURGE Admission: $25 / $20 wit h costume (reduced) Limited number of $15 tickets avai lable on eTickets GrooveTicket SPECIAL : ti Ticket, fo r both events, Sat. Oct. 27th with ENERTOPIA and Friday, Nov. 2nd with DEE DRAH: $30 Hours: 10pm till 7am minimum 18+ (valid picture ID a must) GYPSY TEA 27 West 24th Street (b etween 5th & 6th V You are invited to: Within the Land of Ash Saturday, October Twe nty Seventh From 8pm through 9am (13 hours) Starting at 195 Morg an Ave., Brooklyn and continuing throughout the night at another secret location… Details: anger The end of October br eeds nights made for mischief. This Saturday we offer an ambitiou s mixture of the beautiful and the bizarre with two infamous Brooklyn a rt spaces built out into 13 visions of the afterlife. There is a land just beyond here where surreal shares the stage with the sublim e. This is how we live forever-after within the land of ash. T he Sound of Perdition: DJ Kimyon : Brings deeply moving soul-infused te chno. The Dustbin Brothers : The legendary dj duo of Spirithood and Inc ognegro Zemi17 : Moves you with Indonesian inspired dark beats. Rod + Raul Sanchez : An audio/visual experience. Terminal Optic : Of Techni cs brings a mix of broken beat, breaks to jungle jazz. & the after-hours will be kept dark and sultry with the infamous minimal techno duo: Wolf + Lamb Plus live music by: Sankofa : There are som e bands that play with such blood and energy that you experience an int ernal revolution with the beat and sweat of just one performance. This is that band. Moisterizer : “Moist” Paula (baritone sax), “Mois t” Gina (electric bass), and “Moist” Yoshio (drums) all play instrum ents nearly as big as they are. The only thing bigger is their sound, w hich rolls gospel, dub, funk-rock, and jazz into one unbelievably hard- hitting instrumental package. Presented by Okay Playa fresh from record ing with the production team for The Roots. The Experience of Perpe tuity: The artistic visions below range from full-room spectacles tohidden moments of performance and are set throughout both spaces. Visi on One : The ImageNode Ambient Heaven This Burning Man bubble dome retu rns less dusted and more cloudlike with the heavenly sounds of downtemp o sound angels Borne, Morgan Packard and Autophage. Vision Two : Hel l is What You Make It Columns of flame and interactive fire games inclu ding the sheet of fire by Dan Glass and the return of flaming Simon by Erok of the Madagascar Institute. Vision Three : Vertigoes What g oes up, must come down. Nate Green and Owen Schoppe adapt forms from to ys, games, and amusement rides to create a large-scale interactive and kinetic environment. Vision Four : The Room of Brick Dark, raw and l oud this is the room with bands to move you and cheap drinks to make it all make sense. Vision Five : The Angels of Lady Circus There are so me secrets you shouldn’t withhold. The seductresses of the Lady C ircus will recruit you into their mass spectacle of lost souls leading to the second event space. This is where the parade begins. After midnight the second (secret) space comes alive and continues way past sunrise with a booming sound system and the creative visions detailed b elow. Vision Six : The Beauty of Nonsense NonsenseNYC sets up an int imate room of video projections and re-claimed comfort. Vision Seven : The Loamy Earth Broken Puppet & the Society of Agrarian Magician s conjure a rural-delic scene of hot spiked apple cider, jack-o-lant erns, haybales and barnyard aesthetic. Rotating performances by Mickey Western, Shawn Grady, and the Fool’s Jacket Puppet Troupe. Vision Ei ght : The Dream Catcher A massive outdoor hammock-like mesh of climby n irvana. Vision Nine : The Things I Am (or Once Was) An interactive v ideo installation of delicate beauty and invisible technology by David Wicks. Vision Ten : The Chikhai Bardo A cloud lounge with visions of liberated truth. Vision Eleven : Eyes Wide Shut A surprise moment b y Boring Incorporated. Vision Twelve : Charon’s Dolls A roving perfo rmance of steam-punk Victorian dolls ferrying you to the underworld.Vision Thirteen : The Immaculate Surprise Within the Land of Ash Sa turday, October 27th 8pm through 9am (13 hours) Starting at 3rd Ward Brooklyn 195 Morgan Ave., in the East Williamsburg Industrial Zone Take the L train to Morgan Ave. and walk four blocks north. The second space is a half-block away but everyone must start at 3rd Ward. $15 with inspired costume : $20 for the unadorned Details and directions ar e at: anger This night is a spark… the city is our fuel… and the fire is what lights our best moments within the land o
#4037 Wed, 24 Oct 2007 16:46:37 Wed, 24 Oct 2007 16:46:34 From: OT Halloween Party – free – open bar Work friend’s party in Meatpacking. Not a trance party in the slightest but for those around 14th with females, heres a chance to get liquored up. only catch is, your party has to have 1 guy for every 2 women or they won’t let you in. Work friend’s party in Meatpacking. Not a trance party in the slightest bu t for those around 14th with females, heres a chance to get liquored up./ only catch is, your party has to have 1 guy for every 2 women or they won’t let you in.
#4038 Wed, 31 Oct 2007 03:43:00 From: “alladinproject” alladinproject at yahooAlladin Group Presents: Hux Flux Live, Sesto Sento Live,& more! November16th 0-4567568845-0785411113:8 Alladin Group presents: Friday, November 16th, 2007 Few months afte r Orb festival, which was an unforgettable and amazing experience, we are b ack at Club Exit with a massive international and local line up, top deco a nd a lot of happy faces that will make a beginning of a warmer winter. See u all pumping the dance floor! Line Up: Hux Flux Live (Spiral Records, S weden) Sesto Sento Live (Compact Records, Israel) Luis (Alladin Group, NYC/ Brazil) Roi Revolution (South Florida Psytrance, FL) Elnadiv (Alladin group /Orb Records, NYC/Israel) Electro Room: DJ Paula Pedroza (NYC/Brazil) Gr ains of Sound (Baltimore) Steve-o (Gaiamind/Spectra NYC) Ekoplex Live (Auro ra Boreal Records, Canada) Visuals: Vj Serge (Alladin Group, NYC) Vj Exe ris (Baltimore) Decoration Julian Seyer (Canada) Alladin Deco Team (NYC) Doors open 10 pm 18+ to Enter 21 to drink $25 Advance $35 at the door Doors open at 10PM Tickets will be available online at alladin alladinproject.net/eventdetai till 7PM Nov, 16th Or in person at (917)405-4847 or (917)5 69-1177 Location: CLUB EXIT 147 Greenpoint Ave Brooklyn, NY lo &tabwl Directions by Subway: Take the L train to metropolitan Ave & trans fer to the G train to Greenpoint Ave. The Club is right across the street. Or: take the L train to Redford stop and transfer to the 61 bus Go down in green point Ave (5 mint) Or: G train to Green Point Ave By Car: Take BQE ( I-278) to Exit 33 McQuinness Blvd. To Greenpoint Ave. Turn LEFT at Greenp oint Ave Proceed to the corner of Manhattan Ave. By car service/taxi: From Manhattan costs about $15 From Bedford Station it costs about $6 See You All There 🙂 Alladin Crew web AlladinGroup web alladingroup/ 0-4567568845-0785411113:8 “b Alladin Group presents: Friday, November 16th, 2007 o/o Few months after Orb festival, which was an unforgettable and amazing experience, we are back at Club Exit with a massive international and local line up, top d eco and a lot of happy faces that will make a beginning of a warmer winter. See u all pumping the dance floor! o/o Line Up: (Spiral Records, st1Sweden/st1) -size: 13.5pt;Sesto Sento Live (Compact Records, st1Israel/st1) NYC/Brazil) (South Florida st1st1Psytrance/st1, st1FL/st1/st1) b Records, NYC/Israel) o/o/b Electro Room: nt-size: 13.5pt;DJ Paula Pedroza (NYC/Brazil) st b r ra NYC) (st1Aurora/st1 Boreal Records, st1st1Canada/st1/st1) o/o Visuals: ladin Group, NYC) (st1st1Baltimore/st1/st1) bo/o Decoration s /st1) o/o 18+ to Enter 21 to drink /p form $25 Advance $35 at the door ![if !supportLineBreakNewLine] ![endif]o/o Doors open at 10PM ![if !supportLine BreakNewLine] ![endif]o/o Tickets will be available online at alladinproject b til l 7PM Nov, 16th Or in person at (917)405-4847 or (917)569-1177o/o/ b o/o Location: http e Brooklyn, NY o/o Directions by Subwa y: Take the L train to metropolitan Ave & transfer to the G train t o st1st1Greenpoint Ave./st1/st1The Club is right across the street . Or: take the L train to st1Redford/st1stop and transfer to the 6 1 bus Go down in green point Ave (5 mint) Or: G train to st1st1Gree n Point Ave/st1/st1 o/o By Car: Take BQE (I-278 ) to Exit st1st133 McQuinness Blvd./st1/st1To Greenpoint Ave. Tu rn LEFT at Greenpoint Ave Proceed to the corner of Manhattan Ave.o/o/b By car service/taxi: From st1Manhattan/st1costs abou t $15 From st1st1Bedford/st1/st1Station it costs about $6o/o/ b See You All There 🙂 Alladin Crew o /o web alladingroup /web AlladinGroup o/o lo/o /form o/ o 0-4567568845-0785411113:8
#4039 Wed, 31 Oct 2007 13:39:59 Wed, 31 Oct 2007 13:39:58 From: Advanced discount tickets to Hux Flux, Sesto Sento Nov 16 /productinfo.php?cPath22&p roductsid217 (/productinfo.php?cPath22&productsid217)
November 2007
#4040 Thu, 1 Nov 2007 15:00:12 Thu, 1 Nov 2007 15:00:10 From: Free event tonight 945pm Thu Fwd: [NYC604] Daniel Pinchbeck shmooze
#4041 Fri, 2 Nov 2007 15:51:31 Fri, 2 Nov 2007 15:51:30 From: Lycantrop Records Label Party in NYC. November 3, 2007 Lycantrop Records Label Party in NYC. November 3, 2007 web myspace. web myspahttp (web myspace/lycantroprecords) SOUND M ONIPULATORS: BABA JELLY (Lycantrope Records, Beligium) BABA JELLY: Karim discover techno in 1990 when the movement explore the “night circle”of Pa ris (Boy’s, Palace, Kit Kat),he was also very present in hip hop and funk sound system and then he discovered trance stage in 1993. Jelly was an ine vitable member of the French trance underground of that period (party prom oter, deco, etc) He start(s) to compose trance music with a Spanish friend in 1993. In the end of 1999 he joined with Raphael and form DATAKULT, Jel ly Headz project is created with Fabio in 1996. Several different project with Karim have seen the day from that date as “THE MANY FACES” with DEJAN BABA JELLY (which is Karim own project), and more recently VICIOUS ALCHE MY with CHRYSALID. HEADZ:Fabio discover the techno movement first in UK in 1990. He learned to mix and became an inevitable techno and Drum&Bass Dj. During 10 years, Fabio played in many party’s in France and in some other countries. Trance is part of him from 1993. In 1994, it is Said Acher, em inent member of DENSHI DANSHI from POF records (one of the first French tr ance project) with who Fabio started to learn the music, later he join “CY CLOID” project with Julien (DIGITAL TALK), and Raphael Befort (DATAKULT, a nd finally, Jelly Headz is formed in 1996. DJ IGUANA – (Parvati/Noise Poi son Records, Germany) BjF6rn is DJ IGUANA and one part of Naked Tourist, a Psytrance project born and based in Germany since 2000. The last years he has been travelling around the world performing with his project partne r, Martin/Z-NEO aka Zoneotura, in several countries. Since Martin is worki ng in a weekly job and next to producing a new-school psychedelic break be at album, Iguana has to travel by himself to some parties and festivals. I n 2006 he was in over over 20 different countries. The Naked Tourist Arti st Album (Mad Different mthods) which Z-Neo and Iguana produced, is relea sed on Parvati-Records and it is working perfectly on the dancefloors in t he diffrent countries they are performing. The massive feedback from the a udience and fans is making the Tourist guys work even harder!! They contin uously try to push the level of quality of their music and are always sear ching for new ideas to make the people on the dancefloor jump and flip out !!!… Upcoming Naked Tourist releases are the pipe and soon on parvati r ecords !!! Psychedelic trance is since 1999 the style DJ Iguana loves to play and live. His sets are more for the night and early morning time, wit h spooky vibes and full power the music is waiting for you when you join t he party with Iguana… He likes the description “Forest Music” when someo ne ask him what style he is playing… Forest music between 0 and 200 bpm, everything is possible with total experimental tendencies!!possible with total experimen more minimalistic and than he builds them up to more seriou s psychedelic night music. BIUS (Blacksheephybrid Rec. Phi) VS. EGNOGRA (Shaman Films Rec. SF/NYC) KOLHOZ (Svetloe Budushee, Rus) DECORATION BY: UTA BEKAIA (Georgia) VISUAL PROJECTION BY: EGNOGRA (Shaman Films Records ) XTREME BILLIARDS & BAR 823 65th street Brooklyn, NY 11220 Admission: $ 20 at the entrance From 10pm – 6am 18 to Party, 21 to Drink. LINKS: http ://web myspace.web myspahttp (web myspace/lycantropreco rds) web parvati-web (web parvati-records/) web noise-www (web noise-poison/) shaman films.htt (shamanfilms.net/) ******** **** See what’s new at web aol ” Lycantrop Rec ords Label Party in NYC. November 3, 2007 /lycantroprecordsweb myspace.Wcom/lycantroprecWords/A SOUND MONIPULATORS: BABA JELLY (Lycantrope Records, Beligi um) BABA JELLY: Karim discover techno in 1990 when the movement exp lore the “night circle”of Paris (Boy’s, Palace, Kit Kat),he was alsovery present in hip hop and funk sound system and then he discovered t rance stage in 1993. Jelly was an inevitable member of the French tranc e underground of that period (party promoter, deco, etc) He start(s) to compose trance music with a Spanish friend in 1993. In the end of 1999 he joined with Raphael and form DATAKULT, Jelly Headz project is creat ed with Fabio in 1996. Several different project with Karim have seen t he day from that date as “THE MANY FACES” with DEJAN, BABA JELLY (which is Karim own project), and more recently VICIOUS ALCHEMY with CHRYSALI D. HEADZ:Fabio discover the techno movement first in UK in 1990. He lea rned to mix and became an inevitable techno and Drum&Bass Dj. Durin g 10 years, Fabio played in many party’s in France and in some other co untries. Trance is part of him from 1993. In 1994, it is Said Acher, em inent member of DENSHI DANSHI from POF records (one of the first French trance project) with who Fabio started to learn the music, later he jo in “CYCLOID” project with Julien (DIGITAL TALK), and Raphael Befort (DA TAKULT, and finally, Jelly Headz is formed in 1996. DJ IGUANA – (Pa rvati/Noise Poison Records, Germany) BjF6rn is DJ IGUANA and one p art of Naked Tourist, a Psytrance project born and based in Germany sin2000. The last years he has been travelling around the world perf orming with his project partner, Martin/Z-NEO aka Zoneotura, in several countries. Since Martin is working in a weekly job and next to produci ng a new-school psychedelic break beat album, Iguana has to travel b y himself to some parties and festivals. In 2006 he was in over over 20 different countries. The Naked Tourist Artist Album (Mad Different mthods) which Z-Neo and Iguana produced, is released on Parvati-Record s and it is working perfectly on the dancefloors in the diffrent cou ntries they are performing. The massive feedback from the audience and fans is making the Tourist guys work even harder!! They continuously tr y to push the level of quality of their music and are always searching for new ideas to make the people on the dancefloor jump and flip out !! !… Upcoming Naked Tourist releases are the pipe and soon on parvat i records !!! Psychedelic trance is since 1999 the style DJ Iguana loves to play and live. His sets are more for the night and early mo rning time, with spooky vibes and full power the music is waiting for y ou when you join the party with Iguana… He likes the description “For est Music” when someone ask him what style he is playing… Forest m usic between 0 and 200 bpm, everything is possible with total experimen tal tendencies!!W! His Dj sets always starts more minimalistic and than he builds them up to more serious psychedelic night music. BIUS (Blacksheephybrid Rec. Phi) VS. EGNOGRA (Shaman Films Rec. SF/NYC) KOLHOZ (Svetloe Budushee, Rus) DECORATION BY: UTA BEKAIA (Geor gia) VISUAL PROJECTION BY: EGNOGRA (Shaman Films Records) XT REME BILLIARDS & BAR 823 65th street Brooklyn, NY 11220 A dmission: $20 at the entrance From 10pm – 6am 18 to Party, 21 to Drin k. LINKS: web myspace.Wcom/lycantroprecWords ://web parvati-records/web parvati-Wrecords
#4042 Tue, 6 Nov 2007 13:02:03 Tue, 6 Nov 2007 13:02:00 From: Fwd: MaGiCAL MooN BooM :: This coming Saturday 11/10…!!
#4043 Tue, 13 Nov 2007 14:20:46 Tue, 13 Nov 2007 14:20:46 Cc: d-m-t, d06, goa-boston From: KARMA REUNION – the goa trash revival Wed Nov 14 PSYCHEGROUND presents: KARMA REUNION – the goa trash revival Featuring New York’s top Progressive and Night Full On dj’s Wednesday, November 14th, 2007 from 10 pm till 4 am line up: DJ Lucina (NY, Ectoplasmic) Entering the West Coast psytrance scene with a Blam! in 2004 DJ Lucina (aka Gwyn) has been tearing it up with her full on and morning sets at parties all across the western US. After spending a year in the deserts of New Mexico, DJ Lucina has reemerged on the East Coast as a full spectrum nighttime DJ ready to knock you socks off. Enjoy! (machinelf d) Luis Campos (dreamcatcher / alladin project NYC- BR) Brandon Adams (dreamcatcher NYC) $5 21+ with ID 10pm – 4am Location: Sullivan Room, Manhattan, New York City 218 Sullivan St (between Bleecker and West 3rd St, 2 blocks east of 6th Ave) Subway: A, B, C, D, E, F, or V trains to “W 4 St – Wash Sq” Come early to get 2 for 1 drink specials until midnight! Here is a llivan+St%2C+New+York%2C+NY&trf0&lon-74.000173&lat40.729438&mag2 () web djluiscampos/ (web djluiscampos/) web tranceam.org (web tranceam.org) Make a party and they will come: the outcasts, the d addicts, freaks, dope pushers, wife beaters, torturers, trancespotters, teasers, deviants, dust munchkins, drunks, doxies, demimondes, dipsomaniacs, tarts, DJ groupies, jailbirds, junkies, flunkies, flesh traders, flim flam men, fetishists, lowlifes, lushes, lepers, schleppers, schlemiels, snake oil salesmen, squatters, stalkers, streetwalkers, smokers, cokers, jokers, advertising people, 604 armchair trance heads, adulterers, deserters, dstore cowboys, dirty old men, dharma bums, d traffickers, users, losers & abusers, lab techs, lurkers, neuromancers, number runners, ne?er do wells, nincompoops, nymphomaniacs, ninnies, megalomaniacs, madman, mack daddy’s,? masochists, Mata Haris, “spiritual healer,” rotters, trance-gender persons, hole-divers, sneaker pimps, cunts, grannies, grampies, big mommas, big swinging dicks, jammy dodgers, wankers, lunatics, zen masters, fairies, gnomes and other supernatural beings, shoplifters, Goa Constrictors, duct tape fanatics, native gaians, citizens of Tonga (only cause I never get to see many of those), book characters, bridge party people, Indian mafia, cavemen, the broken hearted, Israeli promoters advertising ?fake? parties ostensibly thrown by rivals, gypsies. exhibitionists, fiends, flasher, felons, fascists, fences, fun guys, false prophets, Flying Winos, womanizers, weekend warriors, weirdoes, war criminals, witches, Wolf criers, console cowboys, Californicators, cretins, shady arms dealers, sugar daddy’s, shameless self promoters, boiler room penny stock peddlers, punters, pickpockets, pool sharks, plagiarists, perverts, pyromaniacs, party girls, party crashers, Pariahs, polluters, presdigitators, prevaricators, vampires, Maharishis, voyeurs, vamps, vandals, vixens, viragos, villains, village idiots, trailer trash, tantrists, tightwads, tricksters, turncoats, two timers, tomboys, trippers, strippers, tipsters, software pirates, simpletons, slobs, snobs, schemers, scofflaws, sissies, scoundrels, social climbers, Goa tourists, swindlers, swingers, sleazoids, scumbags, slavers, slave drivers, sorcerers, speaker thieves, psychos, surreal killers, skinheads, succubi, jackasses, jury riggers, race mixers, rebels, ragamuffins, recidivists, roughnecks, rumourmongers, wetbacks, wizards, warlocks, sportos, motorheads, geeks, sluts, bloods, wastoids, dweebies, dick heads, dissidents, deserters, highwaymen, headhunters, hijackers, harridans, hooligans, hoods, hecklers, hackers, heroes & zeroes, philanderers, forgers, femme fatales, false prophets, floozies, Pharisees, faggots, thugees (Indian cult murderers), thieves, Anjuna assholes, draft dodgers, dime store plastic surgeons, imposters, urchins, idiots, incubi, succubi, sadists, snake charmers, sober sadhus, satyromaniacs, sodomists, psychonauts, slackers, slayers, ravers. robbers, ropers, dopers, ass grabbers, assassins, 24 hour party people, goat ranchers, gangsters, getaway drivers, gambers, gossips, geishas, grifters, growers, grisettes, gun runners, gluttons, Goths, sloths, skeezers, skanks, cranks, cokeheads, cop killers, crooks, quacks, cruisers, idolaters, molesters, masturbators, mercenaries, money men, muggers, market makers, mobsters, murderers, muscle men, mad scientists, mountebanks, motherfuckers, made men, meretrices, minimal progressive pimps, pornographers, parasites, party animals, punks, pennyweighters, pigs, pigeon pluckers, poachers, peddlers, pranksters, princes of darkness, travel ticket con men, gigolos, hydro-courtesans, arsonists, adulterers, Anti-Disestablishmentarianists, assholes, anarchists, “Antipodean international trance hooker trios,” hipsters, flipsters, and finger-poppin daddies, those on the take, scams, shams, shoplifters, charlatans, charas dealers, cheaters, chippies, children of dysfunctional alcoholic abusive families, drinkers, traitors, day traders, devil worshippers, lookouts, loonies, Prince Williams? entourage, ambulance chasers, cattle rustlers, Kleptos, cannibals, cutpurses, cult leaders, call girls, counterfeiters, kept women, convicts, kingpins, communists, card sharks, codependants, cads, orcs, bastards, boors, backpackers, bandits, brigands, bootleggers, boozehounds, box men, bawds, burglars, bums, backstabbers, bikers, buffoons, beggars, bumpkins, bullies, buccaneers, back alley practitioners, bottom boys, beatniks, brothel madams, blasphemers, bookies, bombers, harlots, hippies, whores, whoremongers, hangers-on, hustlers, hashashim, strumpets, psychedelic terrorists, acid visionaries, Anjuna beach bums, burnouts, slum lords, speed freaks, sun starers, rapscallions, rakes, Rainbow Gatherers, rounders, roundheels, racketeers… and the republicans. This party is for you. Original web site web tranceam.org/brainmachines/goatrash (web tranceam.org/brainmachines/goatrash ) V e goa trash revival Progressive and Night Full On dj ‘s ednesday, November 14th, 2007 am ONG (NY, Ectoplasmic) VerdanaEntering the West Coast psytrance scene with a Blam! in 2004 DJ Lu cina (aka Gwyn) has been tearing it up with her full on and morning sets a t parties all across the western US. After spending a year in the deserts BACKGROUND: none dashedNew full spectrum nighttime DJ ready to knock you socks off. Enjoy! /D na (machinelf d) / alladin proj ect NYC- BR) nbs (dreamcatcher NYC) Verdana n: New York City 218 Sullivan St (bet ween Bleecker and West 3rd St, 2 blocks east of 6th Ave) Subway: A, SP BACKGROUND: none trans B, midn ight! :// ortcuts os/” 00 ; come: the outcasts, the d addicts, freaks, dope pushers, wife beaters, torturers, trancespotters, teasers, deviants, dust munchkins, drunks, dox ies, demimondes, dipsomaniacs, tarts, DJ groupies, jailbirds, junkies, flu nkies, flesh traders, flim flam men, fetishists, lowlifes, lushes, lepers, schleppers, schlemiels, snake oil salesmen, squatters, stalkers, streetwa lkers, smokers, cokers, jokers, advertising people, 604 armchair trance he ads, adulterers, deserters, dstore cowboys, dirty old men, dharma bums, d traffickers, users, losers & abusers, lab techs, lurkers, neurom ancers, number runners, ne?er do wells, nincompoops, nymphomaniacs, ninnie s, megalomaniacs, madman, mack daddy’s,? masochists, Mata Haris, “spiritua l healer,” rotters, trance-gender persons, hole-divers, sneaker pimps, cun ts, grannies, grampies, big mommas, big swinging dicks, jammy dodgers, wan kers, lunatics, zen masters, fairies, gnomes and other supernatural beings shoplifters, Goa Constrictors, duct tape fanatics, native gaians, citize ns of Tonga (only cause I never get to see many of those), book characters bridge party people, Indian mafia, cavemen, the broken hearted, Israeli promoters advertising ?fake? parties ostensibly thrown by rivals, gypsies. exhibitionists, fiends, flasher, felons, fascists, fences, fun guys, fals e prophets, Flying Winos, womanizers, weekend warriors, weirdoes, war crim inals, witches, Wolf criers, console cowboys, Californicators, cretins, sh ady arms dealers, sugar daddy’s, shameless self promoters, boiler room penn y stock peddlers, punters, pickpockets, pool sharks, plagiarists, perverts pyromaniacs, party girls, party crashers, Pariahs, polluters, presdigita tors, prevaricators, vampires, Maharishis, voyeurs, vamps, vandals, vixens viragos, villains, village idiots, trailer trash, tantrists, tightwads, tricksters, turncoats, two timers, tomboys, trippers, strippers, tipsters, software pirates, simpletons, slobs, snobs, schemers, scofflaws, sissies, scoundrels, social climbers, Goa tourists, swindlers, swingers, sleazoids scumbags, slavers, slave drivers, sorcerers, speaker thieves, psychos, s urreal killers, skinheads, succubi, jackasses, jury riggers, race mixers, rebels, ragamuffins, recidivists, roughnecks, rumourmongers, wetbacks, wiz ards, warlocks, sportos, motorheads, geeks, sluts, bloods, wastoids, dweeb ies, dick heads, dissidents, deserters, highwaymen, headhunters, hijackers harridans, hooligans, hoods, hecklers, hackers, heroes & zeroes, phi landerers, forgers, femme fatales, false prophets, floozies, Pharisees, fa ggots, thugees (Indian cult murderers), thieves, Anjuna assholes, draft do dgers, dime store plastic surgeons, imposters, urchins, idiots, incubi, su ccubi, sadists, snake charmers, sober sadhus, satyromaniacs, sodomists, ps ychonauts, slackers, slayers, ravers. robbers, ropers, dopers, ass grabber s, assassins, 24 hour party people, goat ranchers, gangsters, getaway driv ers, gambers, gossips, geishas, grifters, growers, grisettes, gun runners, gluttons, Goths, sloths, skeezers, skanks, cranks, cokeheads, cop killers crooks, quacks, cruisers, idolaters, molesters, masturbators, mercenarie s, money men, muggers, market makers, mobsters, murderers, muscle men, mad scientists, mountebanks, motherfuckers, made men, meretrices, minimal pro gressive pimps, pornographers, parasites, party animals, punks, pennyweigh ters, pigs, pigeon pluckers, poachers, peddlers, pranksters, princes of da rkness, travel ticket con men, gigolos, hydro-courtesans, arsonists, adult erers, Anti-Disestablishmentarianists, assholes, anarchists, “Antipodean i nternational trance hooker trios,” hipsters, flipsters, and finger-p oppin daddies, those on the take, scams, shams, shoplifters, charlatans, c haras dealers, cheaters, chippies, children of dysfunctional alcoholic abus ive families, drinkers, traitors, day traders, devil worshippers, lookouts loonies, Prince Williams? entourage, ambulance chasers, cattle rustlers, Kleptos, cannibals, cutpurses, cult leaders, call girls, counterfeiters, kept women, convicts, kingpins, communists, card sharks, codependants, cad s, orcs, bastards, boors, backpackers, bandits, brigands, bootleggers, boo zehounds, box men, bawds, burglars, bums, backstabbers, bikers, buffoons, beggars, bumpkins, bullies, buccaneers, back alley practitioners, bottom b oys, beatniks, brothel madams, blasphemers, bookies, bombers, harlots, hip pies, whores, whoremongers, hangers-on, hustlers, hashashim, strumpets, ps ychedelic terrorists, acid visionaries, Anjuna beach bums, burnouts, slum lords, speed freaks, sun starers, rapscallions, rakes, Rainbow Gatherers, rounders, roundheels, racketeers… and the republicans. This party is for you. anceamericana.org/brainmachines/goatrash
#4044 Tue, 13 Nov 2007 16:45:38 Tue, 13 Nov 2007 16:45:37 From: Discount tickets for Hux Flux, Sesto Sento Fri Nov 16 /productinfo.php?productsi d217 (/productinfo.php?productsid217) ///productinfo.php?productsid
#4045 Wed, 14 Nov 2007 17:32:28 From: “susannahpryce” susannahpryce at yahooTime Zone Trance at Tagine Sat Nov 17th 537 9th Ave and 40th St Saturday November 17th Time Zone Trance at Tagine 537 9th Ave and 40th Str eet SW Corner Belly Dancer! Hookas! DJ’s Kamal (Dragonlotus/Dragon Tribe/NYC) Fumi (Time Zone Trance/NYC/Japan) Makoto will use live impo visation to weave the sounds he creates on his Korg Kaoss Pad with tracks played by Fumi and Eli Luis Campos (Dreamcatcher/Alladin Project/NYC/Bra zil) Art Work by Uta Door: Lekso and Zigo Mistress of Ceremonies:El ectrocution Muffin But wait…theres more! Electrocution Muffin’s son g of the month, Vegan Muffin Men, Free CD Give Away…over 100 CD’s…1st come 1st take..no limit! 10pm-4am Subway: 42nd Street Time Square (1, 2,3,7,9,N,Q,R,S,W) or 42nd Street Port Authority (A,C,E, L) To see map and for driving directions click on the link below: web mapquest. 20GALLERY&fo… For Subway direc tions from your location in NY go to: york $7 /$5 If you mention psyNY web myspace/timezonetra nce web djluiscampos/
#4046 Wed, 14 Nov 2007 18:05:50 From: “susannahpryce” susannahpryce at yahoo$5 if you mention TripOutNY Saturday November 17th Time Zone Trance at Tagine 537 9th Ave and 40th Str eet SW Corner Belly Dancer! Hookas! DJ’s Kamal (Dragonlotus/Dragon Tribe/NYC) Fumi (Time Zone Trance/NYC/Japan) Makoto will use live impo visation to weave the sounds he creates on his Korg Kaoss Pad with tracks played by Fumi and Eli Luis Campos (Dreamcatcher/Alladin Project/NYC/Bra zil) Art Work by Uta Door: Lekso and Zigo Mistress of Ceremonies:El ectrocution Muffin But wait…theres more! Electrocution Muffin’s son g of the month, Vegan Muffin Men, Free CD Give Away…over 100 CD’s…1st come 1st take..no limit! 10pm-4am Subway: 42nd Street Time Square (1, 2,3,7,9,N,Q,R,S,W) or 42nd Street Port Authority (A,C,E, L) To see map and for driving directions click on the link below: web mapquest. 20GALLERY&fo… For Subway direc tions from your location in NY go to: york $7 /$5 If you mention TripOutNY web myspace/timezon etrance web djluiscampos/
#4047 Thu, 15 Nov 2007 15:06:49 From: “susannahpryce” susannahpryce at yahooUpdate-Ladies Free Before Midnight! Saturday November 17th Time Zone Trance at Tagine 537 9th Ave and 40th Street SW Corner (Downstairs in the Majoun Lounge) Belly Dancer! Hookas! DJ’s Kamal (Dragonlotus/Dragon Tribe/NYC) Fumi (Time Zone Trance/NYC/Japan) Makoto will use live impovisation to weave the sounds he creates on his Kor g Kaoss Pad with tracks played by Fumi and Eli Luis Campos (Dreamcatcher/ Alladin Project/NYC/Brazil) Art Work by Uta Door: Lekso and Zigo Mistre ss of Ceremonies:Electrocution Muffin But wait…theres more! Electrocu tion Muffin’s song of the month, Vegan Muffin Men, Free CD Give Away…over 100 CD’s…1st come 1st take..no limit! 10pm-4am Subway: 42nd Street T ime Square (1,2,3,7,9,N,Q,R,S,W) or 42nd Street Port Authority (A,C,E, L) To see map and for driving directions click on the link below: ww 20GALLERY&fo… For Su bway directions from your location in NY go to: web hopstop/?c $7 /$5 If you mention TripOutNY/Ladies free before midnight 🙂 web myspace/timezonetrance web djluiscampos/
#4048 Fri, 16 Nov 2007 13:46:32 From: “susannahpryce” susannahpryce at yahooAfter After Party Tomorrow! Saturday November 17th Time Zone Trance at Tagine 537 9th Ave and 40th Str eet SW Corner (Dow nstairs) (in the Majoun Lounge) Belly Dancer! Hoo kas! DJ’s! Kamal (Dragonlotus/Dragon Tribe/NYC) Fumi (Time Zone Trance/N YC/Japan) Makoto will use live impovisation to weave the sounds he creat es on his Korg Kaoss Pad with tracks played by Fumi Eli Triples the fun by joining Fumi and Makoto in their set! Luis Campos (Dreamcatcher/Alladin Project/NYC/Brazil) Art Work by Uta Door by Lekso and Zigo Mistress of C eremonies:Electrocution Muffin! Ahh! But wait…theres more! Electrocuti on Muffin’s song of the month,Vegan Muffin Men(Homebaked fresh by Electroc ution Muffin),Free CD Give Away!Over 100 CD’s! 1st come 1st take! No limit ! 10pm-4am Subway: 42nd Street Time Square (1,2,3,7,9,N,Q,R,S,W) or 42n d Street Port Authority (A,C,E, L) To see map and for driving directions click on the link below: %20DINING% 20GALLERY&fo… For Subway directions from your location in NY go to: $7 /$5 If you mention Trip OutNY/Ladies free before midnight 🙂 web myspace/timezonetran ce web djluiscampos/
#4049 Sun, 18 Nov 2007 19:47:38 From: “tsunaminypromo” tsunaminypromo at yahooSaturday Nov. 24th (Thanksgiving weekend) ANALOG PUSSY at Gypsy Tea Hope everyone has a Happy Thanksgiving! TSUNAMI presents Saturday, Novemb er 24th (Thanksgiving Weekend) – A N A L O G P U S S Y live (AP Records, Germany) web analog-pussy/v2/index.php Jiga and Gino, both ori ginally form Israel, and living in Germany, have been challenging and stirr ing up their live shows within the international trance scene and other mus ic genres as well. – Cristian Ledezma a.k.a cris – KeN Decor and Visu als Admission: $25 / $20 Limited number of $15 tickets available on Groove Tickets. $20 after web groovetickets Hours: 10pm till 7am m inimum 18+ (valid picture ID a must) GYPSY TEA 27 West 24th Street (betwe en 5th & 6th Avenues) ce Next TSUNAMI Event at GYPSY TEA: Saturday, December 8th for HANNUKAH!
#4050 Wed, 21 Nov 2007 21:36:01 From: “susannahpryce” susannahpryce at yahooCD Give Away-Kitchen Closes Late Wednesday, Nov. 21st (No School or work the next day!) Psycheground & Ti mezone Trance Presents: Trancegiving Eve! at Tagine 537 9th Ave & 40th S t. Downstairs in the Majoun Lounge SW Corner 10pm-4am HOLYMEN (Specia l LIVE!) a.k.a. TRINITIX a.k.a. Team 18 (Enigmatic Sound, JP/ Israel) H olly is one of the pioneers of Trance. He has produced and appeared on nu Team 18, Trinitix and of course the most famous is Holymen. During the last four years, Holym en has immersed himself in the messages and lifestyle of Kabbalah, which h as inspired him to produce a new studio album packed with unique beats, in novative techniques, and new sounds unlike any heard before. Don’t miss this special setfrom the master! Earworm (Yabai, NYC) Earworm is the psytrance project of Max Meshiv, born in 1986 somewhere around south-easte rn Russia. He was infected by the psychedelic trance virus at a young age in Israel…and now resides in NYC to infect others. Around 2002 he and hi s older brother Noam started to work on music together on a computer based music software…it was more of an experimental stage and development. A round 2005 the solo project Earworm was born. The project in itself is aim ed towards top notch nighttime-twlight hi-tek psychedelic frequencies. Ins pired by amazing artists such as Absolum, early CPU stuff, Twisted System, and many more great artists alike. 2007 was a benchmark year as the first track was released on Yabai Rec. compilation alongside very talented twil ight acts. But this for sure is just the begining. Stay tuned for more… DJ Luis Campos (Dreamcatcher/Alladin Group NYC/Brazil) vs- KeN Tag team Luis Eduardo Campos Araujo, producer and long time d ance music veteran DJ was born and raised in the city of Sao Paulo Brazil. Starting his professional career in 1985 at the age of 13, DJ Luis has b een developing and improving his DJ skills in many different styles includ ing Trance, Techno, House and Electro. His excellent mixing and great know ledge of music have taken him to the best clubs in Brazil, Japan, Italy an d USA. He has also participating in big outdoors events in Brazil such as love parade ( 200.000 people), the release of the cd AMP (35.000 people) a nd innumerous Trance festivals around the country. DJ Luis was part of the band Influx since its foundation in 1996, in which he collaborated with u ntil 1999 when he decided to live in NYC to continue his solo DJ career. In New York sice 2000, DJ Luis and collaborators founded the Dreamcatcher studios party organization and Psycheground, the only weekly Psytrance par ty in the city of New York. Psycheground still is one of the most respecte d names in progressive and Trance parties. His best gigs in New York were Omnidance Festival, TDC Festival, Gaian Mind in Philly, Psycheground at th e Fat Black Pussy Cat, club Spirit, Cielo, club Exit, Avalon World, Life a nd Pacha. Having established a solid reputation the dance floor DJ Luis ha s become highly respected for his energetic groundbreaking sets that flow s from dark to melodic mixed together in his signature blend. Currently he is a resident DJ with the oldest and most respected Psytrance pa rty organization in America. He is also working on his new project Warpdri ve which explores different sub genders of house music. The project gather s an enormous amount of ideas and professionalism creating a collection of the finest house tracks that contains a touch of tribal, progressive beat s and minimal techno. Intent to the new technology, the production is bei ng done with Emagic Logic Audio, Fruity Loops, Reason and Ableton Live. Fo r some performances DJ Luis also incorporates the use of Serato Scratch an d Stanton Final Scratch systems allowing him to play with vinyl keeping hi s music in the digital form. His popularity as both a DJ and a person is h ighlighted by the wide array of sub genders of music he has experimented w ith during the past twenty years. Creativity, excitement and enthusiasm se em to have no limits when it comes to DJ’ing. Sun Flower a.k.a. “Sury a Kamal” (Dragontribe-Seed/NJ-South Africa) -The first Seed DJ, straight out of Burning Man, the Dragon is always ready to burn up the vibe with th e whole tribe bringing the Decoration by Uta Bekaia (Georgia) utajan.tripod/utapbekaia/ Hosted by Electrocution Muffin web mys pace/timezonetrance $20 Limited to 40 people web djlu iscampos/ web myspace/earwormtrax web myspasce/ timezonetrance electrocutionmuffin at gmail
December 2007
#4051 Tue, 4 Dec 2007 15:30:48 Tue, 4 Dec 2007 15:30:48 From: Luis doing wednesdays Psycheground invites you to a night of psytrance at the amazing Sullivan Room, featuring New York’s best and most skilled psytrance djs. Lineup: LUIS CAMPOS (Alladin Group / Dreamcatcher BR) CRIS ( MX) BABLA FUMI (Time Zone Trance/NYC/JP) COME EARLY TO GET 2 FOR 1 DRINK SPECIALS UNTIL MIDNIGHT!!!!! From 10pm to 4am Sullivan Room, Manhattan, New York City 218 Sullivan St (between Bleecker and West 3rd St, 2 blocks east of 6th Ave) Subway: A, B, C, D, E, F, or V trains to “W 4 St – Wash Sq” 21+ with ID $5 cover Here is a +York%2C+NY&trf0&lon-74.000173&lat40.729438&mag2 0173&lat40.729438&mag2) Check out AOL’s list of 2007’s hottest products. (money.aol/special/hot-products-2007?NCIDaoltop00030000000001) Psycheground invi tes you to a night of psytrance at the amazing Sullivan Room, featuring Ne w York’s best and most skilled psytrance djs. Lineup: LUIS CAMPOS (Alladin Group / Dreamcatcher BR) CRIS ( MX) BABLA FUMI (Time Zone Trance/NYC/JP) COME EARLY TO GET 2 FOR 1 DRIN K SPECIALS UNTIL MIDNIGHT!!!!! From 10pm to 4am Sullivan R oom, Manhattan, New York City 218 Sullivan St (between Bleecker and Wes t 3rd St, 2 blocks east of 6th Ave) Subway: A, B, C, D, E, F, or V tra ins to “W 4 St – Wash Sq” 21+ with ID $5 cover Here is a m ap to Sullivan Room:
#4052 Tue, 4 Dec 2007 16:06:03 Tue, 4 Dec 2007 16:05:58 From: Voice of Cod/ear Worm Philly Dec 15 GAIAN MIND Presents: HEALING ANANDA BENEFIT Join us for a full night of dancing at our new venue in Philadelphia! Line Up: ZULOOP (Vo ice of Cod/Organic Records, UK) E28093 First Philadelphia Appearance! Z ULOOP is the new solo act of DJ Andrew Humphries. Andrew began his musical journey in Australia, writing n various bands and DJing at parties in Brisbane and Sydney. In 1999 he mo ved to the UK and started doing A&R for Organic Records, as well as produc ing psytrance under the name Mr. Biscuit. Following several releases on Or ganic Records under this name, he met Colin OOOD and together they started VOICE OF COD. Andrew has since compiled E2809CInvasion from Hyperspaceon Organic Records, and has released a full length album under t he VOICE OF COD name. He has DJed at most of the major psytrance parties i n the UK as well as internationally in Portugal, USA, Greece, Germany, Hol land, Spain, Switzerland, and Australia. In addition, he has also played o n the progressive house scene in the UK, USA and Madiera. With releases on the upcoming Organic Records compilation, E2809CParty On – 10 years of Organic Records,E2809D expect a powerful set of fresh, unreleased morn ing dancefloor grooves! EARWORM (Yabai Records – NYC) EARWORM is the proj ect of Max Meshiv, born in 1986. He was infected by the virus in Israel at a very early age and now resides in NYC to infect others. He has recently released on the new Yabai Records compilation alongside artists ABOMINATI ON, DIGITAL TALK, and PHATMATIX. Inspired by everything, influenced by hig h-tech and nighttime-twilight psytrance, he is always aiming on positive s ound frequencies to move all body parts and to create ultra immense energy on the dancefloors. Time To Get EarWormed!!! web myspace.ww w.mysp (web myspace/earwormtrax) LAURYN (Peak records/28thda y – NYC/Philadelphia) EGBOT (Gaian Mind/PSI – Philadelphia) KARMAKANIK (G aian Mind/PSI – Philadelphia) FRACTAL PHONO (Gaian Mind – Philadelphia) 2 nd Floor KILOWATTS & AMAGINE (Artificial Music Machine – Philadelphia) MO NO-MONO (Gaian Mind – Philadelphia) ANDREW LIGHT (Gaian Mind – Philadelphi a) DEET (Gaian Mind – Philadelphia) TRITTON (Gaian Mind – Philadelphia) JP (The Soma Collective – Philadelphia) Deco: SEVERYN (web severyn .htt (web severyn/) ) GAIAN MIND Video Projections by GUILLAU ME CLAVE Saturday, December 15th, 2007 10pm-6am $20* at the door 21+ w/ ID THE VACUUM 2nd and Tilghman Streets (between Cecil B. Moore Ave. & Mon tgomery Ave.) Philadelphia, PA web myspace.web myspa (http ://web myspace/vacuumphilly) BYOB Snacks and refreshments will be av ailableE280A6 * All proceeds to be donated to Ananda Milletics: healing-healing-htt (healing-ananda.blogspot/) http web peakrec.htt (web peakrec/) web 28thday .htt (web 28thday/) web myspace.web m ( web myspace/djlauryn) otmail) ( ( Never miss a thing. Make Yahoo your home page. web yahoo.w (web yahoo/r/hs) ************ Check out AOL’s list of 2007’s hottest products. 1) M bo document GAIAN MIND Presents: HEALING ANANDA BENEFIT Join us for a f ull night of dancing at our new venue in Philadelphia! Line Up: ZULOOP (Voice of Cod/Organic Records, UK) E28093 First Philad elphia Appearance! ZULOOP is the new solo act of DJ Andrew Humphries.B RAndrew began his musical journey in Australia, writing for dance maga playing drums in various bands and DJing at parties in Br isbane and Sydney. In 1999 he moved to the UK and started doing A&R for Organic Records, as well as producing psytrance under the name Mr. Biscuit. Following several releases on Organic Records under this n ame, he met Colin OOOD and together they started VOICE OF COD. Andrew h as since compiled E2809CInvasion from HyperspaceE2809D on Organic Records, and has released a full length album under the VOICE OF CO D name. He has DJed at most of the major psytrance parties in the UK as well as internationally in Portugal, USA, Greece, Germany, Holland, Spain, Switzerland, and Australia. In addition, he has also played on the progressive house scene in the UK, USA and Madiera. With releases o n the upcoming Organic Records compilation, E2809CParty On – 10 y ears of Organic Records,E2809D expect a powerful set of fresh, unrele ased morning dancefloor grooves! EARWORM (Yabai Records – NYC) E ARWORM is the project of Max Meshiv, born in 1986. He was infected by t he virus in Israel at a very early age and now resides in NYC to infect others. He has recently released on the new Yabai Records compilation alongside artists ABOMINATION, DIGITAL TALK, and PHATMATIX. Inspired by everything, influenced by high-tech and nighttime-twilight psytranc e, he is always aiming on positive sound frequencies to move all bod y parts and to create ultra immense energy on the dancefloors. Time To Get EarWormed!!! web myspace/earwormtraxweb myspace.Wcom/earwormtra x LAURYN (Peak records/28thday – NYC/Philadelphia) EGBOT (G aian Mind/PSI – Philadelphia) KARMAKANIK (Gaian Mind/PSI – Philadelphia ) FRACTAL PHONO (Gaian Mind – Philadelphia) 2nd Floor KIL OWATTS & AMAGINE (Artificial Music Machine – Philadelphia) MONO- MONO (Gaian Mind – Philadelphia) ANDREW LIGHT (Gaian Mind – Philadelphi a) DEET (Gaian Mind – Philadelphia) TRITTON (Gaian Mind – Philadelph ia) JP (The Soma Collective – Philadelphia) Deco: SEVERYN ://web severyn.Wcom) GAIAN MIND Video Projections by GUI LLAUME CLAVE Saturday, December 15th, 2007 10pm-6am $20* at the door 21+ w/ ID THE VACUUM 2nd and Tilghman Streets (between Cecil B. Moore Ave. & Montgomery Ave.) Philadelphia, PA/vacuumphillyweb myspace.Wcom/vacuumphilly BYOB Snacks and refreshments will be availableE280A6 * All procee ds to be donated to blogspot/ Wananda.blogspot.Wcom c/ ://web 28thday.Wcom ryn msn: :djlauryn%40hotmaildjlauryn at hotmail.Wcom A8 ) ( ( . WWW WWW Never miss a thing. Make Yahoo your oo/r/hsweb yahoo.Wcom/r/hs !End group
#4053 Wed, 05 Dec 2007 18:33:05 From: ” After work today – Alice in Wonderland event Shadyvil and Glass Bead Collective present The Un-Holiday: Come confused, leave confused (but a little happier). Concealed in a large basement theat re in Noho, Shadyvil and Glass Bead Collective present The Un-Holiday, a pa rticipatory spectacle of sensory engagement, theatrical Uroboros and disorg anized assembly. Burrow through the black-lit spiral staircase into an even ing of immersive audio-visual synergy, light-pulsating latex, rabbits and h oles, madness and hatters. Somewhere between the bar and the dancefloor, st umble upon other members of the gin induced tea-party and abandon all retic ence for a seat, a quick sip and a spin into the story. Mixing interactive theatre with the haphazard dynamic of an immersive visual party we are cond ucting an experiment in connecting the two genres. Performances by DJs and VJs of Glass Bead Collective and Special Guests TIME: Wednesday, Decembe r 5th, 6pm-1am SPACE: Theater at 45 Bleeker (between Lafayette and Mulberry ) ADMISSION: 6-9pm free admission, 9-1 am $5 pre-sale tix, $10 at door (pre-s ale at shadyvil/ ) $5 Drink Specials all night
#4054 Wed, 5 Dec 2007 13:34:27 Wed, 5 Dec 2007 13:34:27 From: Interdisciplinary creativity center – many events I thought you might be interested in the Philoctetes Center – theyE2 8099re dedicated to promoting an integrated, interdisciplinary approach to the understanding of creativity and the imaginative process. I usual ly attend their technology discussions, but there are other events they p romote that I think might interest you. Heres their link: http ://web philoctetes.org/ (web philoctetes.org/) ************** ************************Check out AOL’s list of 2007’s hottest products. ( you might be interested in the Philoctetes Center – theyre dedic ated to promoting an integrated, interdisciplinary approach to the underst anding of creativity and the imaginative process. I usually attend t heir technology discussions, but there are other events they promote that I think might interest you. philoctetes.org/
#4055 Wed, 5 Dec 2007 10:55:56 -0800 psynyPSYCHEGROUND this wednesday, December 5th in NYC 0-826049586-1196880956:43583 Psycheground invites you to a night of psytrance at the amazing Sullivan Room, featuring New York’s best and most skilled psytrance djs. Lineup: LUIS CAMPOS (Alladin Group / Dreamcatcher BR) CRIS ( MX) BABLA FUMI (Time Zone Trance/NYC/JP) COME EARLY TO GET 2 FOR 1 DRINK SPECIALS UNTIL MIDNIGHT!!!!! From 10pm to 4am Sullivan Room, Manhattan, New York City 218 Sullivan St (between Bleecker and West 3rd St, 2 blocks east of 6th Ave) Subway: A, B, C, D, E, F, or V trains to “W 4 St – Wash Sq” 21+ with ID $5 cover Here is a 0-826049586-1196880956:43583 0-826049586-1196880956:43583
#4056 Thu, 06 Dec 2007 06:14:25 From: “alladinproject” alladinproject at yahooAlladinGroup &Webster Hall Presents Sat Dec15th 2007 Skazi Live and more AlladinGroup and Webster Hall Presents: Saturday December 15th 2007 at Webs ter Hall NYC Line Up: Skazi Live ( Chemical Crew/Coast II Coast, Israel ) Elnadiv ( Alladin group/Orb Records, NYC/Israel) Brandon (Dreamcatcher N YC) $25 Advance Ticket at alladinproject.net For More information call us (917)-5691177 (917)-4054847 Location: WEBSTER HALL 125 East 11th St New York, NY 10003 Directions by Subway: Take the N R 4 5 6 or L to Union Squa re/14th St. Walk to the corner of 14th St. and 4th Ave. Walk downtown 3 blo cks to 11th St and make a left See You All There 🙂 Alladin Crew Alladin group Websterhall
#4057 Fri, 7 Dec 2007 15:32:50 Fri, 7 Dec 2007 15:32:50 From: Tuesday a reading and a trance party A Benefit for The Geraldine Page Center for The Arts & The French Broad Institute (of Time and the River) Suggested Donation $20 at door A very special TUESDAY NIGHT session of The Geraldine Page Center for The Arts play reading series: MISS JULIE by AUGUST STRINDBERG with ANGELICA TORN as Miss Julie KATE VALK as Jean ANTHONY TORN as Kristin Tuesday, December 11th at 8pm The performance will last approximately 90 minutes, and be followed by a reception. Seating Extremely Limited! Reservations Required! RSVP 212-620-0399 The Geraldine Page Center for The Arts 435 west 22 street/ First Floor DeKompression, every Tuesday, presenting NY’s finest techno and house! Held at Soho’s Moomia, where you can enjoy Japanese food and desserts see us on: web rhythmism (web rhythmism/) web residentadvisor.net (web residentadvisor.net/) & craigslist myspace/dekompression (myspace/dekompression) Before 11pm, free hookah for groups of 4 or more!!! … LINE UP Animaltek – 3 hour DJ Set (1am-4am) pening sets by: Sergey Lesovoy RainVitaly visual projections by SURGE of DeKompression location Moomia 157 Lafayette between Howard and Grand Manhattan Moomiany (moomiany/) 21+, 9pm-4am hookahs free for parties of 4+, before 11pm!!! web djearthian (web djearthian) web myspace/animaltek (web myspace/animaltek) Check out AOL’s list of 2007’s hottest products. (money.aol/special/hot-products-2007?NCIDaoltop00030000000001) ns-serifA Benefit for The Geraldine Page Center for The Arts d0 Ins TUESDA Y NIGHT session of The Geraldine Page Center for The Arts play reading series: ebkit-block-placeholder by AUGUST STRINDBERG with Julie DI VKATE VALK as Jean ANTHONY TORN as Kristin 8pm&nb sThe performance will last approximately 9 a reception. Seating Extremely Limited! Reservations Req uired! G eraldine Page Center for The Arts 435 west 22 street/ First Floor/ /D DeKompression, every Tue sday, presenting NY’s finest techno and house! Held at Soho’s Moom ia, where you can enjoy Japanese food and desserts see us on: net/” sp;& free hookah for gro ups of 4 or more!!! … LINE UP Animaltek – 3 hour DJ Set (1am-4am) F RainVitaly visual projections by SURGE of DeKompression location Moomia ONT157 Lafayette between Howard p://moomiany/” of title ekweb myspace/animaltek D
#4058 09 Dec 2007 14:31:33 Sun, 09 Dec 2007 14:31:16 ystem at 28thday From: scott scott at 28thday28thday & Freek Factory : Actuate NYE s”moz-text-html” lang”x-western s”moz-text-html” lang”x-western December 31, 2007 28thday and Freek Factory present Actuate NYE at Grand Space in the psyroom: MAGNETRIXX (AP, Germany) – LIVE TRON (Liquid Records, Mexico) – LIVE MONKS OF MADNESS (PsyCircle Records, San Diego) – LIVE SHADOW MACHINE (D-Space Studios, CT) – LIVE CHRISTER (Shiva Space Technology, Norway) TONY UNORTHODOX (28thday, NYC) MAYUR (Spectra, NYC) Environment by JAMIN MURPHY Visuals by SPOT Sound by LIGHT-O-MATIC up on the freektop (enclosed & heated!): HAJ (Sub Swara | Freek Factory, NYC) KUSH ARORA (Surya Dub | RLR | KAP, SF) FREEK FACTORY LIVESET NYC SPiRO w/ KARA TROTT (CoSM | Freek Factory, NYC) MIKIO (CoSM | Freek Factory, NYC) MANNY (DJ Dojo, Austin) ALIEN AMBASSADOR (CoSM, NYC) Tribal bellydance with SERA AND SOLSTICE Master of Ceremonies: BLACKLIGHT Environment by SEQUOIA EMMANUELLE Sound by ICARUS GRANDSPACE 778 Bergen St, Brooklyn 9PM to 8AM $65 presale | $75 door before 11pm | $85 after free champagne toast at midnight no outside alcohol presales available at web 28thday web 28thday web 28thday web psyny web psyny web freekfactory web freekfactory web grandspace web grandspace
#4059 Mon, 10 Dec 2007 15:35:27 Mon, 10 Dec 2007 15:35:27 From: Owen Wilson, Woody Harrelson linked to ayahuasca in Peru ayahuascashaman.info/ (ayahuascashaman.info/) Owen Wils on, Woody Harrelson linked to ayahuasca in Peru (ayahuascashaman. info/ayahuasca-ceremonies/owen-wilson-woody-harrelson-linked-to-ayahuasc a- in-peru) We see on the news that Hollywood actors Owen Wilson and Woody Harrelson have arrived in Lima Peru, where they were linked with a woman who leads ayahuasca rituals. However, the report also states Wilson and Harrelson were stopping over in Lima on their way to Cusco and not to the Amazon. Cusco is the gateway to Macho Picchu, where this writer has exp erienced a hallucinogenic ceremony with a beverage made from the San Pedro cactus, and not from the ayahuasca vine. It is more likely, it seems to me, that the two actors are more likely to encounter San Pedro than ayahu asca if indeed they are going to Cusco and Machu Picchu. Of course, this does not rule out the possibility that there may be a shaman leading an ayahuasca ceremony in Cusco or Machu Picchu. It just seems more likely th at, if theyre going to Peru for the purpose of an ayahuasca expe rience, its more likely theyd be heading for the Amazon. We know that Harrelson has a history of being a cannabis activist, for wh ich we applaud. It was also widely publicized that Wilson recently attemp ted suicide. It therefore is speculated that Harrelson may be taking Wils on under his protective wing to help get his head sorted out. A journey i nto Perus Sacred Valley and a meeting with a curandero seem like positive steps in that direction. One hopes the news media will not let this interesting story fall through the cracks. Should ayahuasca be a pos itive ingredient in Wilsons getting back on a more constructive path, it would be a good thing for the rest of the world to hear about. See AOL’s top rated recipes (htt M bo document cashaman.info/ le uasca in Peru” en-wilson-woody-harrelson-linked-to-ayahuasca-in-peru” Peru Harrel son have arrived in Lima Peru, where they were linked with a woman who lea ds ayahuasca rituals. However, the report also states Wilson and Harrelson were stopping over in Lima on their way to Cusco and not to the Amazon./ Cusco is the gateway to Macho Picchu, where thi s writer has experienced a hallucinogenic ceremony with a beverage made fr om the San Pedro cactus, and not from the ayahuasca vine. It is more likel y, it seems to me, that the two actors are more likely to encounter San Pe dro than ayahuasca if indeed they are going to Cusco and Machu Picchu.NT Of course, this does not rule out the possibility that there may be a shaman leading an ayahuasca ceremony in Cusco or Mach u Picchu. It just seems more likely that, if theyre going to Peru for the purpose of an ayahuasca experience, its more likely they d be heading for the Amazon. We know that Harrelson has a history of being a cannabis activist, for which we ap plaud. It was also widely publicized that Wilson recently attempted suicid e. It therefore is speculated that Harrelson may be taking Wilson under hi s protective wing to help get his head sorted out. A journey into PeruE2 8099s Sacred Valley and a meeting with a curandero seem like positive st eps in that direction. One hopes the news medi a will not let this interesting story fall through the cracks. Should ayah uasca be a positive ingredient in Wilsons getting back on a more constructive path, it would be a good thing for the rest of the world to h
#4061 Tue, 11 Dec 2007 12:38:38 Tue, 11 Dec 2007 12:38:37 From: Holiday shopping at Tranceam.org – psy cds, dvds, goji berries At Tranceam.org I have assembled a wide variety of gifts for the psychedelically inclined. Please allow 7-10 days for the shipping, which is free. The Goji berries are from Tibet and are by all accounts the best anyone has tasted. /index.php?cPath39 (/index.php?cPath39) Here’s a sample of the DVD’s available, also check out the CD selections. (/index.php?manufacturersid11) (/productinfo.php?cPath3&productsid99) 2 for 1: “Rosetta Stone” and “Science” (/productinfo.php?cPath3&productsid99) $42.00 (/index.php?manufacturersid11) (/productinfo.php?cPath3&produ ctsid203) $55.00 (/index.php?cPath3&sort3a&actionbuynow&productsid203) Geomagnetic (/index.php?manufacturersid3) (/productinfo.php?cPath3&productsid110) $22.00 (/index.php?cPath3&sort3a&actionbuynow&productsid110) Geomagnetic (/index.php?manufacturersid3) (/productinfo.php?cPath3&productsid107) $22.00 (/index.php?cPath3&sort3a&actionbuynow&productsid107) Geomagnetic (/index.php?manufacturersid3) (/productinfo.php?cPath3&pr oductsid40) $17.00 (/index.php?cPath3&sort3a&actionbuynow&productsid40) Geomagnetic (/index.php?manufacturersid3) Dr. Spook (/productinfo.php?cPath3&productsid109) $22.00 (/index.php?cPath3&sort3a&actionbuynow&productsid109) Devotional Ministry of Trance (/index.php?manufacturersid13) (/productinfo.php?cPath3&productsid41) $7.00 (/index.php?cPath3&sort3a&actionbuynow&productsid41) Geomagnetic (/index.php?manufacturersid3) (/productinfo.php?cPath3&productsid108) DVD – Magnus Sampler (/productinfo.php?cPath3&productsid108) $22.00 (/index.php?cPath 3&sort3a&actionbuynow&productsid108) Geomagnetic (/index.php?manufacturersid3) (/productinfo.php?cPath3&productsid28) DVD – Spook & V.A. – Geospirit One (/productinfo.php?cPath3&productsid28) $20.00 (/index.php?cPath3&sort3a&actionbuynow&productsid28) (/index.php?manufacturersid11) (/productinfo.php?cPath3&productsid200) DVD – The Quest for the Tree of Life (/productinfo.php?cPath3&productsid200) $25.00 (/index.php?cPath3&sort3a&actionbuynow&productsid200) (/index.php?manufacturersid11) (/productinfo.php?cPath3&productsid97) DVD – The Rosetta Stone of Psychedelics (/productinfo.php?cPath3&productsid97) $27.00 (/index.php?cPath3&sort3a&actionbuynow&productsid97) (/index.php?manufacturersid11) (/productinfo.php?cPath3&productsid98) DVD – The Science Behind Psychedelics (/productinfo.php?cPath3&productsid98) $25 See AOL’s top rated recipes At Tranceam.org I have assembled a wide variety of gifts for the psychedelically inclined. Please allow 7-10 days for the shipping, which is free. The Goji berries are from Tibet and are by all accounts the best anyone has tasted. Here’s a samp le of the DVD’s available, also check out the CD selections. &n bs ata for Enlightenment class 0 americana.org/oscommerce/catalog/images/rosettapackage.gif” for 1: “Rosetta Stone” and “Science” / TD DTR tListing-data for Enlightenme A setta Stone” plus “Science”‘ rce/catalog/images/quest3in1.gif” in 1: “Quest” plus “Rosetta Stone” plus “Science” $5 5.00 TDTR ta – Geospirit 1 Compiled by Dr. Spook ti r Tribe – Digital Shaman” CD ing-data agnetic bsp; Ocelot” ting-data – Psychotria Viridi s by Aaron Ocelot right $17.00 TR ductListing-data goria – Compiled by Dr. Spook ” – Phantasmagoria – Compiled by Dr. Spook” – San Fran Psychos 1 – Phantasmagoria – Co mpiled by Dr. Spook 109 TR productListing-data Minis er uot;Orc Messiah” EP – M achinelf’s “Orc Messiah” $7.00 cla – Magnus Sampler class V.A. – Geospirit One” alog/images/geospirit.gif” – Sp ta -data center Tree of Life” ges/quest.gif” isting-data – The Quest for TR ductListing-data for Enlighte p; elics” ettalabel.gif” isting-data – The Rosetta St al 97 TR productListing-data for Enlig nbsp; lics” nce.gif” -data – The Science Behind P
#4062 Tue, 11 Dec 2007 12:50:36 Tue, 11 Dec 2007 12:50:36 To: d06 Cc: d-m-t, TripOutNY From: Christmas Party at my house friday dec 14 Limited Capacity. RSVP by Thursday for directions and time. See AOL’s top rated recipes Limited Capacity. RSVP by Thursday for directions and time.
#4063 Tue, 11 Dec 2007 15:09:02 Tue, 11 Dec 2007 15:09:02 Cc: tranceformers From: Call for information- What’s happening trance music wise where you live This is a general call for information on all the trance happenings throughout the country. The deadline is looming and I’d like to leave no stone uncovered. Im particularly ineterested in general trends in music and events rather than being just a roll call for promoters and DJs that you know. This information will appear in Mushroom Magazine’s Trancer’s Guide to the Galaxy, the past few years of whioch appear on web tranceam.org (web tranceam.org) See AOL’s top rated recipes This is a general call for information on all the trance happenings throughout the country. The deadline is looming and I’d like to leave no stone uncovered.&n bsIm particularly ineterested in general trends in music and events rat her than being just a roll call for promoters and DJs that you know. This information will appear in Mushroom Magazi ne’s Trancer’s Guide to the Galaxy, the past few years of whioch appear on
#4064 Tue, 11 Dec 2007 15:21:43 Tue, 11 Dec 2007 15:21:43 From: $25 Discount tickets to Skazi While supplies last /productinfo.php?cPath22&p roductsid231 (/productinfo.php?cPath22&productsid231) See AOL’s top rated recipes While suppl ies last
#4065 Wed, 12 Dec 2007 19:04:07 Wed, 12 Dec 2007 19:04:07 Cc: d-m-t, d06 From: OT 26 hours of 70s and 80s mp3s on a DVD – $10 – perfect for holiday gift Exclusively available on web conroe86.org (web conroe86.org) my high school reunion site “Because butt-crunchy goa and psytrance may sometimes alienate or even scare your loved ones” See AOL’s top rated recipes Exclusively available on Amy high school reunion site “Because butt- crunchy goa and psytrance may sometimes alienate or even scare your loved
#4066 Thu, 13 Dec 2007 13:01:05 Thu, 13 Dec 2007 13:01:05 From: OT film screening by Angelica Torn (Im in it playing a mad d addict scientist who uses brain machines to fry Will Patten) A New Feature Film Directed by Angelica & Anthony Torn. Featuring Angelica Torn, Federico Castelluccio, Will Patton, Anne Jackson & Rip Torn Preview online at web luckydaysfilm Seating is limited. See attached for RSVP information. Begin forwarded message: From: angelicatorn at aol November 15, 2007 9:56:17 AM (CA) To: angelicatorn at aol LUCKY DAYS Michael Imperioli and TORN PAGE PRODUCTIONS invite you to a private screening of LUCKY DAYS Monday December 17th, 2007 STUDIO DANTE 257 west 29th Street (just off 8th Avenue) 7:00pm R.S.V.P? 212.620.0399 or angelicatorn at aol Email and AIM finally together. You’ve gotta check out free AOL Mail! More new features than ever. Check out the new AOL Mail ! – webmail.aol A New Feature Film Directed by Angelica & Anthony Torn. Featuring Angelica Torn, Federico Castelluccio, Will Patton, Anne Jackson & Rip Torn class”khtml-block-placeholder Preview online at target”blank” web luckydaysfilmweb luckydaysfilm class”khtml-block-placeholder Seating is limited. See attached for RSVP information. Begin forwarded message: invite you to a private screening of 257 west 29th Street (just off 8th Avenue) /b ! end of AOLMsgPart260028c’-e897-449b-9f73-d6339c7ecae0
#4067 Fri, 14 Dec 2007 16:42:46 24593090.1197601771426.JavaMail.tomcat at ilpostino.tribe.innerFri, 14 Dec 2007 16:42:46 From: GAIAN MIND: HEALING ANANDA BENEFIT – 12/15/07, Phila., PA Date & Time: 2007-12-15 10:00 PM Location: GAIAN MIND Presents: HEALING ANANDA BENEFIT Saturday, December 15, 2007 Join us for a full night of dancing at The Vacuum in Philadelphia! Line Up: ZULOOP (Voice of Cod/Organic Records, UK) ? *First Philadelphia Appearance!* ZULOOP is the new solo act of DJ Andrew Humphries. Andrew began his musical various bands and DJing at parties in Brisbane and Sydney. In 1999 he moved to the UK and started doing A&R for Organic Records, as well as producing psytrance under the name Mr. Biscuit. Following several releases on Organic Records under this name, he met Colin OOOD and together they started VOICE OF COD. Andrew has since compiled “Invasion from Hyperspace” on Organic Records, and has released a full length album under the VOICE OF COD name. He has DJed at most of the major psytrance parties in the UK as well as internationally in Portugal, USA, Greece, Germany, Holland, Spain, Switzerland, and Australia. In addition, he has also played on the progressive house scene in the UK, USA and Madiera. With releases on the upcoming Organic Records compilation, “Party On – 10 years of Organic Records,” expect a powerful set of fresh, unreleased morning dancefloor grooves! EARWORM (Yabai Records – NYC) EARWORM is the project of Max Meshiv, born in 1986. He was infected by the virus in Israel at a very early age and now resides in NYC to infect others. He has recently released on the new Yabai Records compilation alongside artists ABOMINATION, DIGITAL TALK, and PHATMATIX. Inspired by everything, influenced by high-tech and nighttime-twilight psytrance, he is always aiming on positive sound frequencies to move all body parts and to create ultra immense energy on the dancefloors. Time To Get EarWormed!!! web myspace/earwormtrax LAURYN (Peak records/28thday – NYC/Philadelphia) EGBOT (Gaian Mind/PSI – Philadelphia) KARMAKANIK (Gaian Mind/PSI – Philadelphia) FRACTAL PHONO (Gaian Mind – Philadelphia) 2nd Floor KILOWATTS & AMAGINE (Artificial Music Machine – Philadelphia) MONO-MONO (Gaian Mind – Philadelphia) ANDREW LIGHT (Gaian Mind – Philadelphia) DEET (Gaian Mind – Philadelphia) TRITTON (Gaian Mind – Philadelphia) JP (The Soma Collective – Philadelphia) Deco: SEVERYN (NYC) web web severyn GAIAN MIND Video Projections by GUILLAUME CLAVE Saturday, December 15th, 2007 10pm-6am $20* at the door 21+ w/ ID THE VACUUM 2nd and Tilghman Streets (between Cecil B. Moore Ave. & Montgomery Ave.) Philadelphia, PA BYOB Snacks and refreshments will be available… * All proceeds to be donated to Ananda Milletics: healing-ananda.blogspot web gaian-mind More new features than ever. Check out the new AOL Mail ! – webmail.aol Location: GAIAN MIND Presents: HEALING ANANDA BENEFIT Saturday, December 15, 2007 Join us for a full night of dancing at The Vacuum in Philadelphia! Line Up: ZULOOP (Voice of Cod/Organic Records, UK) ? *First Philadelphia Appearance!* ZULOOP is the new solo act of DJ Andrew Humphries. Andrew began his musical various bands and DJing at parties in Brisbane and Sydney. In 1999 he moved to the UK and started doing A&R for Organic Records, as well as producing psytrance under the name Mr. Biscuit. Following several releases on Organic Records under this name, he met Colin OOOD and together they started VOICE OF COD. Andrew has since compiled “Invasion from Hyperspace” on Organic Records, and has released a full length album under the VOICE OF COD name. He has DJed at most of the major psytrance parties in the UK as well as internationally in Portugal, USA, Greece, Germany, Holland, Spain, Switzerland, and Australia. In addition, he has also played on the progressive house scene in the UK, USA and Madiera. With releases on the upcoming Organic Records compilation, “Party On – 10 years of Organic Records,” expect a powerful set of fresh, unreleased morning dancefloor grooves! EARWORM (Yabai Records – NYC) EARWORM is the project of Max Meshiv, born in 1986. He was infected by the virus in Israel at a very early age and now resides in NYC to infect others. He has recently released on the new Yabai Records compilation alongside artists ABOMINATION, DIGITAL TALK, and PHATMATIX. Inspired by everything, influenced by high-tech and nighttime-twilight psytrance, he is always aiming on positive sound frequencies to move all body parts and to create ultra immense energy on the dancefloors. Time To Get EarWormed!!! web myspace/earwormtrax” target”blankweb myspace/earwormtrax LAURYN (Peak records/28thday – NYC/Philadelphia) EGBOT (Gaian Mind/PSI – Philadelphia) KARMAKANIK (Gaian Mind/PSI – Philadelphia) FRACTAL PHONO (Gaian Mind – Philadelphia) 2nd Floor KILOWATTS & AMAGINE (Artificial Music Machine – Philadelphia) MONO-MONO (Gaian Mind – Philadelphia) ANDREW LIGHT (Gaian Mind – Philadelphia) DEET (Gaian Mind – Philadelphia) TRITTON (Gaian Mind – Philadelphia) JP (The Soma Collective – Philadelphia) Deco: SEVERYN (NYC) web web severyn” target”blankweb web severyn GAIAN MIND Video Projections by GUILLAUME CLAVE Saturday, December 15th, 2007 10pm-6am $20* at the door 21+ w/ ID THE VACUUM 2nd and Tilghman Streets (between Cecil B. Moore Ave. & Montgomery Ave.) Philadelphia, PA BYOB Snacks and refreshments will be available… * All proceeds to be donated to Ananda Milletics: healing-ananda.blogspot web gaian-mind” target”blankweb gaian-mind /pres”AOLPromoFooter More new features than ever. Check out the new o.aolcdn/cdn.webmail.aol/mailtour/aol/en-us/text ?ncidaolcmp00050000000003″ target”blankAOL Mail !br/
#4068 Mon, 17 Dec 2007 15:35:49 d-m-t, d06 Mon, 17 Dec 2007 15:35:49 From: Free film tonight with multiple old trance heads in it A New Feature Film Directed by Angelica & Anthony Torn. Featuring Angelica Torn, Federico Castelluccio, Will Patton, Anne Jackson & Rip Torn Preview online at web luckydaysfilm Seating is limited. See attached for RSVP information. Begin forwarded message: From: angelicatorn at aol November 15, 2007 9:56:17 AM (CA) To: angelicatorn at aol LUCKY DAYS Michael Imperioli and TORN PAGE PRODUCTIONS invite you to a private screening of LUCKY DAYS Monday December 17th, 2007 STUDIO DANTE 257 west 29th Street (just off 8th Avenue) 7:00pm R.S.V.P? 212.620.0399 or angelicatorn at aol Email and AIM finally together. You’ve gotta check out free AOL Mail! More new features than ever. Check out the new AOL Mail ! – webmail.aol A New Feature Film Directed by Angelica & Anthony Torn. Featuring Angelica Torn, Federico Castelluccio, Will Patton, Anne Jackson & Rip Torn class”khtml-block-placeholder Preview online at target”blank” web luckydaysfilmweb luckydaysfilm class”khtml-block-placeholder Seating is limited. See attached for RSVP information. Begin forwarded message: invite you to a private screening of 257 west 29th Street (just off 8th Avenue) /b ! end of AOLMsgPart29db4fa6d-9505-45dc-9a5a-f43659f6c532
#4069 Mon, 17 Dec 2007 18:01:41 Mon, 17 Dec 2007 18:01:41 From: Discount tickets to Actuate NYE 2007 $60, supplies very limited. /productinfo.php?productsid232 More new features than ever. Check out the new AOL Mail ! – webmail.aol /productinfo.php?productsid232 s”AOLPromoFooter More new features than ever. Check out the new o.aolcdn/cdn.webmail.aol/mailtour/aol/en-us/text ?ncidaolcmp00050000000003″ target”blankAOL Mail !br/
#4070 18 Dec 2007 05:03:41 From: TripOutNY Winter Solstice, 12/21/2007, 12:00 am Winter Solstice Friday December 21, 2007 Winter Solstice Friday December 21, 2007 2007
#4071 Tue, 18 Dec 2007 13:07:25 Tue, 18 Dec 2007 13:07:24 From: Jan 19 2008 6362 metaforce presents LAB On Saturday, 19 January 2008, 6362MetaForce presents: PLANET 6362!!! Featuring LAB (En Sof/6362MetaForce, Portugal) E28093 LIVE!! E280 93 in his first-ever US performance!! Saturday, January 19, 2 008 Time: 9pm E28093 SUNRISE!! Location: Wonderland (Astoria, Queens ) LAB (En Sof/6362MetaForce, Portugal) E28093 LIVE PSY plus Vishwaatm aaa (6362MetaForce, NYC/India) E28093 Psy DJ Set PsyOps (Free Radicals, Philadelphia) E28093 Psy DJ Set SuKhuSH (6362MetaForce, NYC) E28093 Chill out DJ Set with Live Flute Randy Lee (MasterPlan Productions, NYC) E28093 Drum n Bass DJ Set Artemis (23 Sound/Psylicious, Boston ) E28093 Psy DJ Set ORIGINAL VISUALS: NEUROTIKA (Ibiza/Buenos Aires/P aris) PSY ECOSYSTEM / VISUAL ENVIRONMENT: Sue (MasterPlan Productions, N YC) 6362MetaForce invites you to explore a psychedelic EcoSystem in our celestial home, Planet 6362! Anticipate a fully transformed UV jungle whe re sister Sue will help you feel the tropical sun in the middle of winter while sensing the warmest rainforest vibes! Visually we bring you more original work by our European sister organization NEUROTIKA E28093 – and all of this will be set to the soundtrack of one of the best new psy producers in international trance – – LAB, aka Renato Moreira – – who i s that rare producer that continually delivers clean production, powerful structures, and happy full-power sound in the tradition of the original G oa frequency! Dancefloor-oriented and layered with sweet psychedelic soun ds, LABs tracks never cease to surprise or to please. We also a re excited to welcome PsyOps (aka Jonathan Yeminy) & Artemis (aka Diana Levy) back to NYC to join the 6362MetaForce and MasterPlan crew DJs E280 93 Vishwaatmaaa, Randy Lee, & SuKhush! Get ready to STOMP TIL SUNRISE & BEYOND as we usher in 2008 as the beautiful, powerful community we are! ! More info about LAB at: web 6362metaforce.net/listenlab l (web 6362metaforce.net/listenlab ) Hear samples from LABs latest EP: web 6362metaforce.net/store/product.php?p (web 6362metaforce.net/store/produ LOCATION: Wonderland!!! 38-01 23 rd Avenue in Astoria, Queens. Subway: N or W train to Ditmars Blvd. Deta iled directions by car/public transport at wonderlandny (wonderlandny/) ENTRY: Before 11:30pm: $20 with RSVP to info at 6362M etaForce.net if you send us your full name/email ID before Friday 1/18 at midnite! 11:30pm and later: $25 general admission *** **This is an 18+ event E28093 please bring photo ID!!** **Non-alcoholic beverages and sm oothie bar provided by Wonderland Collective** **CD and Accessories shop by 6362MetaForce (10pm E28093 1:30am) – – Featuring psychill and psyst omp CDs, eco-friendly jewelry, tagua tobacco pipes and leather & suede ba gs available on web 6362MetaForce.net** (web 6362metaforce .net**/) **Opening ceremony (traditional Hindu pooja) at 9pm!** **To get on the $20 RSVP list, send your Full Name and your Email ID to info at 6362M etaForce.net Friday 1/18/08 at MiDNiTE!** More details about the arti sts, timeslots, etc., to be posted at web 6362MetaForce.net (http ://web 6362metaforce.net/) in the PARTY section!! Questions?? Email us a t info at 6362MetaForce.net! Bless this party with your good vibes, killer energy & stomping feet!!! BOM BHOLENATH *** web 6362MetaForce.net web my space/lablabs web myspace/wegottheplan web myspace/neurotikablo g http:://wonderlandny (http:://wonderlandny) ************ See AOL’s top rated recipes AD 19 Ja (En Sof/6362MetaForce, Portugal) E28093 performance!! /SPAN : Saturday, January 19, 2008 Time: 9pm E28093 SUNRISE!! Location: Wonderland (Astoria, Quee LAB (En Sof/6362MetaForce, Portugal) E28093 LIVE PSYs Vishwaatmaaa (6362MetaForce, NYC/India) E28093 Psy DJ S et PsyOps (Free Radicals, Philadelphia) E28093 Psy DJ Set SuKhuSH (6362MetaForce, NYC) E28093 Chill out DJ Set with Live F lute Randy Lee (MasterPlan Productions, NYC) E28093 Drum nE2 8099 Bass DJ Set Artemis (23 Sound/Psylicious, Boston) E280 93 Psy DJ VISUALS : NEUROTIKA (Ibiza/Buenos Aires/Paris) PSY ECOSYSTEM / VISUAL ENVIRONMENT: Sue (MasterPlan Productio ns, NYC) 6362MetaForce invites you to explore a psychedelic EcoSystem in our celestial home, Planet 6362! Anticipate a full y transformed UV jungle where sister Sue will help you feel the tro pical sun in the middle of winter, while sensing the warmest rainfores t vibes! Visually we bring you more original work by our European sist er organization NEUROTIKA E28093 – and all of this will be set t o the soundtrack of one of the best new psy producers in international trance – – LAB, aka Renato Moreira – – who is that rare produc er that continually delivers clean production, powerful structures, an d happy full-power sound in the tradition of the original Goa frequency! Dancefloor-oriented and layered with sweet psychedelic sounds, LABE2 8099s tracks never cease to surprise or to please. We also are excite d to welcome PsyOps (aka Jonathan Yeminy) & Artemis (aka Diana Levy) back to NYC to join the 6362MetaForce and MasterPlan crew DJs E28093 Vishwaatmaaa, Randy Lee, & SuKhush ! Get ready to STOMP TIL SUNRISE & BEYOND as w e usher in 2008 as the beautiful, powerful community we are!! net/listenlab web 6362metaforce.net/listenlab 8038-01 23rd Avenue in Astoria, Queens. Subway: N or W train to Ditmars B lvd. Detailed directions ore 11:30pm: $20 with RSVP to info at 6362MetaForce.net if you send us yo ur full name/email ID before Friday 1/18 at midnite! 11:30pm This is an 18+ event E28093 please bring photo ID!!** * *Non-alcoholic beverages and smoothie bar provided by Wonderland Collectiv e** **CD and Accessories shop by 6362MetaForce (10pm E28093 1:30am) – – Featuring psychill and psystomp CDs, eco-friendly jewelry, tagua tobacco ttp://web 6362MetaForce.net** **Opening ceremony (traditional Hindu pooja) at 9pm!** **To get on the $20 RSVP list, send your Full Name an d your Email ID to info at 6362MetaForce.net Friday 1/18/08 at MiDNiTE!** about the artists, in the PARTY section!! Questions?? Email us at info at 6362MetaF orce.net! Bless this party with your good vibes, kille w.myspace/wegottheplan web myspace/neurotikablog title
#4072 Tue, 18 Dec 2007 15:29:52 -0800 To: psyny nyc604, JRModerno at aol, TripOutNY PSYCHEGROUND this Wednesday Dec 19th in NYC 0-1344291844-1198020592:7535 Come celebrate with us a night of trance vibes at the amazing Sullivan Room, featuring NY’s best and most gifted dj’s. this week’s lineup: EARTHIAN aka ANIMALTEK web myspace/animaltek web djearthian RICARDO MODERNO ( BR ) LUIS CAMPOS (dreamcatcher / Alladin Group BR / NYC) COME EARLY TO GET 2 FOR 1 DRINK SPECIALS UNTIL MIDNIGHT!!!!! From 10pm to 4am Sullivan Room, Manhattan, New York City 218 Sullivan St (between Bleecker and West 3rd St, 2 blocks east of 6th Ave) Subway: A, B, C, D, E, F, or V trains to “W 4 St – Wash Sq” 21+ with ID $5 cover Here is a maps. yahoo/ broadband # mvtm&gid111059006&q1218+Sullivan+ St%2C+New+ York%2C+NY&trf0&lon-74.000173&lat40.729438&mag2 0-1344291844-1198020592:7535 0-1344291844-1198020592:7535
#4073 21 Dec 2007 04:43:29 From: TripOutNY Winter Solstice, 12/21/2007, 12:00 am Winter Solstice Friday December 21, 2007 Winter Solstice Friday December 21, 2007 2007
#4074 22 Dec 2007 03:41:10 Sat, 22 Dec 2007 03:41:07 ystem at 28thday From: scott scott at 28thdayActuate NYE & Seed TONIGHT! face”Verdana” size”2 Happy Solstice from 28thday! We’ve all been super-busy gearing up for title”Actuate” id”o:l3Actuate, and we’re pleased to announce the arrival of Sequoia Emmanuelle, our rooftop decor artist, to NYC! Perched high above the swirling hysterics of the psyfloor, the rooftop sanctuary will offer a more contemplative space to dance, socialize, and reflect. The rooftop will be fully enclosed and heated, so we’re 100% on… no matter what. There’s also a party going on this Saturday night at Seed featuring 28thday residents Tony Unorthodox and Lauryn. Seed is Newark’s finest visionary art house, and one of only two such galleries in the NY area. We’ll be there selling discount tickets to Actuate, details below. color” Just In Time Productions Presents: ‘Seed Solstice Saturnalia’ ***Tonight!*** Saturday Night, December 22nd 2007 fundraiser event for Seed. Come enjoy the music with your friends On this holiday weekend! color” DJ Sets By: face”Verdana” size”2 size”2 size”2(| Seed, NYC) color” Visuals By: size”2 (28thday, NYC) face”Verdana” size”2Sound By: face”Verdana” size”2 (28thday, NYC) face”Verdana” size”2 -Seed- face”Verdana” size”2(Between Market St. & Campbell St.) Newark, NJ 12 midnight – 7am+ $10 at door All ages color” Seed is a center for the size”2A gallery devoted to unveiling the beauty