Updated 2 years ago

These are the full emails with discussion, replies, off-topic, non-trance events, etc.
For a much more succinct, formatted, and edited history, go here, and here are just flyers.
Other years in emails:
1999* – 2000* – 2001* – 2002 Pt 1* – 2002 Pt 2* – 2003* – 2004 – 2005
2006 – 2007 – 2008 – 2009 – 2010 – 2011
*Trip Out New York was called Brainmachines from 1999-2003.
January 2011
#4477 Fri, 21 Jan 2011 10:37:09 -0800 21 Jan 2011 10:37:09 -0800 Fri, 21 Jan 2011 13:37:08 From: Blue Goddess bluegoddess at psybotiktekno*feel*ya presents DJ EVERYDAY – Time Slots Announced & Ticket h ave a special edition of tekno*feel*ya on Friday, February 25th featuring o ne of Philadelphias finest, DJ EVERYDAY from Playloop Records and PEX celebrating the birthday of our latest diplomat SMOKE aka KABAYUN of 2t o6 Records. We’re very happy to announce this will be the first of a serie s of fundraisers for a theme camp at Burning Man 2011 (see below for useful links). Our goal is to bring together as many people in the psychedelic da nce music communities together to create a spectacular display of music, ar t and dance our fucking asses off! tekno*feel*ya presents [image: teknofe a limited ticket engagement featuring psychedelic t echno progressive psytrance, and more by: 11.0 DIMAN KUSKOV (Psybotik/tek no*feel*ya) nyc 12.5 DJ EVERYDAY (Playloop/PEX) Philadelphia 2.00 SM0KE ( Psybotik/Sync/tekno*feel*ya) NJ 3.00 ELECTRIK (Psybotik/tekno*feel*ya) nyc 4.00 FELIPE (Dreamcatcher) nyc Performances by VICTOR (Psybotik) and Fri ends This will be a limited capacity event at a secret location, get adva nce tickets to guarantee entry. Address will only be released to ticket ho lders. Tickets will still be sold at the door but only as space permits, w e want this to be a comfortable environment with plenty of room to dance. Tickets will go on sale on Tuesday Jan 25th at 12 noon $5-20, please bu y the highest ticket you can afford psybotik.ticketleap/teknofee lya-presents-dj-everyday/ sound by Greenpoint Sound 11 pm – 6 am 21+ w/ID Stay tuned for details on LUMENAUGHTY – Psybotiks 3rd Anniversar y Celebration… See you on the dance floor, blue DJ EVERYDAY (Playloop /PEX – Philadelphia) As a touring DJ, Everyday has appeared in hundreds of clubs, concerts, festivals and parties between both coasts and around the world. In addition, he has played alongside the likes of Orbital, Bassnecta r, Deadmau5, King Britt, MSTRKRFT, The Prodigy and more. Other notable per formances include Burning Man Festival 2007, 2008 & 2009, DJ TIMES America s Best DJ Tour (Philly) and Camp Bisco 7 & 9. DJ Everyday was fir st introduced to dance music during the 1990s electronica explosio n. A drummer by trade, Everyday heard his first electronic track in 1995 an d began DJing partys in 1997 and producing tracks in 1999. Everyd ay started producing his own brand of house with strong electro, tech and p rogressive leanings. Production was somthing that came very naturally to h im after so many years as a passionate listener. In 2006 DJ Everyday signed with Playloop Records and has released a number of singles through the lab el. At the same time, he teamed with producer and friend, Kezner, on an in dependent dance project collaboration known as E2809CLocality.E2809D This first product of this duo, E2809COne Foot On The Moon,E2809D was released digitally and is featured on Playloops first cd, E280 9CGet Into the Loop Volume 1E2809D. Recently, his role with Playloop h as expanded to include scouting for new talent while also handling some of the labels administrative duties. Playloop Records is the first la bel to which Everyday has signed a contract with and he continues to work h ard shaping his craft both in the studio and on the dance floor In 2007, E veryday started playing the legendary Philadelphia Experiment underground w arehouse events. As a Playloop and PEX touring dj, Everyday has made a nam e for himself in both the mainstream and underground dance communities. Un der the Playloop and PEX name, he has appeared in hundreds of clubs, concer ts, festivals and parties between both coasts and abroad. In addition, he h as played alongside the likes of Orbital, Bassnectar, Deadmau5, King Britt, MSTRKRFT, The Prodigy, Lotus and more. Other notable performances include Burning Man Festival 2007, 2008 & 2009, DJ TIMES Americas Best DJ Tour (Philly), The Disco Biscuits New Years Eve 2007 and Camp Bisco 7 & 9. As with any evolving artist, Everyday has refined both his taste and his s tyle. Bringing him to his current residence in Philadelphia with a powerful blend of techno, tech-house, and progressive house. When he is not on the road sharing the music that he loves to play, he is in the studio working on several planned releases for 2010. Under the Playloop and PEX name, he organizes a monthly party at Silk City, one of Phillys most respec ted dance clubs. Facebook -ADE28090 djevery day1 Podomatic -ADE28090 djeveryday.podomatic/ Artist p age E28093 web djeveryday Vimeo E28093 web vimeo.co m/djeveryday Myspace -ADE28090 web myspace/djeveryday S M0KE (Psybotik / tekno*feel*ya – NJ) SM0KE is the techno/prog project of D avid Mostoller, the man behind the psytrance project Kabayun, as well as on e-half of the psy duo Unwashed Tomato. Rooted in deep grooves with psychede lic atmospheres, SM0KEs sounds form a minimal yet danceable vibe. From his DJ sets, expect a mix of original tracks and some of the freshes t tunes from the border zone of techno, progressive house and psytrance. sm0kemusic ELECTRIK (Psybotik / tekno*feel*ya – NYC) Electrik is the founder of the Psybotik parties in New York City, catering to an exo tic audience with fashion, fire and cutting edge electronic music. His styl e is dynamic but typically focuses on high energy dance music with psychede lic roots. Representing up and down the eastern seaboard as well as coast t o coast in the US, as well as internationally in Japan. Sullivan Room, Tave rn on The Green, Exit, Public Assembly, Burning Man, Coalesce, Equinox, Syn chronize, Desiderata, Orb, San Sabastian in Puerto Rico, Rockwest in Tokyo. ..are just a few of the places you may have caught one of his astounding pe rformances. web psybotik/ Useful Links F or Burning Man: Tickets tickets.burningman/ tickets.bu rningman/ Burning man 10 Principles web burningman/whatisbu rningman/aboutburningman/principles tickets.burningman/ First Timers Guide web burningman/firsttimers/ ticket s.burningman/ NYC Container web nyccontainer/ tick ets.burningman/ Regional Contact Information tickets.burningma n/regionals.burningman/index tickets.burningma n/ We’re very happy to announce this will be the first of a series of fundraisers for a theme camp at Burning Man 2011 (see below for useful links). Our goal is to bring together as many people in the psychedelic dance music communities togethe r to create a spectacular display of music, art and dance our fucking asses off! ter; n: center; nter;11.0 DIMAN 12.5 DJ EVERYDAY (Playloop/PEX) Philadelphia sty e; 3.00 ELECTRIK (Psybotik/tekno*f 4.00 FELIPE (Dr ivPerformances by VICTOR (Psybotik) and Fri This will be a limited capacity event at a secret location, get advance tic kets to guarantee entry. Address will only be released to ticket hold ers. Tickets will still be sold at the door but only as space permits we want this to be a comfortable environment with plenty of room to dance . e; Tickets will go on sale on Tuesday Jan 25th at 12 noon $5-20, please buy the highes //psybotik.ticketleap/teknofeelya-presents-dj-everyday/ /span nter; 11 pm – 6 am; Stay tuned for d etails on LUMENAUGHTY – Psybotiks 3rd Anniversary Celebration…/ t- gn: center; ign: center; DJ EVERYDAY (Playloop/PEX – Philadelphia) As a touring DJ, Everyday has appeared in hundreds of clubs, concerts, fest ivals and parties between both coasts and around the world. In addition, he has played alongside the likes of Orbital, Bassnectar, Deadmau5, King Brit t, MSTRKRFT, The Prodigy and more. Other notable performances include Burning Man Festival 2007, 2008 & 2009, DJ TIMES Americas Bes t DJ Tour (Philly) and Camp Bisco 7 & 9. DJ Everyday was first introduced to dance music during the 1990s electronica explosion. A drummer by trade, Everyday heard his first electronic track in 1995 and began DJing partys in 1997 and producing tracks in 1999.Everyday started producing his own brand of house with strong electro, tech and progressive leanings. Production was somthing tha t came very naturally to him after so many years as a passionate listener. In 2006 DJ Everyday signed with Playloop Records and has released a number of singles through the label. At the same time, he teamed with produc er and friend, Kezner, on an independent dance project collaboration known as E2809CLocality.E2809D This first product of this duo, E2809COne Foot On The Moon,E2809D was released digitally and is featured on Playl oops first cd, E2809CGet Into the Loop Volume 1E2809D. gn: center; Recently, his role with Playloop has expanded to include scou ting for new talent while also handling some of the labels adminis trative duties. Playloop Records is the first label to which Everyday has s igned a contract with and he continues to work hard shaping his craft both in the studio and on the dance floor In 2007, Everyday s tarted playing the legendary Philadelphia Experiment underground warehouse events. As a Playloop and PEX touring dj, Everyday has made a name fo r himself in both the mainstream and underground dance communities. U nder the Playloop and PEX name, he has appeared in hundreds of clubs, conce rts, festivals and parties between both coasts and abroad. In addition, he has played alongside the likes of Orbital, Bassnectar, Deadmau5, King Britt MSTRKRFT, The Prodigy, Lotus and more. Other notable performances include Burning Man Festival 2007, 2008 & 2009, DJ TIMES Americas Bes t DJ Tour (Philly), The Disco Biscuits New Years Eve 2007 and Camp Bisco 7 & 9. As with any evolving artist, Everyday has refi ned both his taste and his style. Bringing him to his current residence in Philadelphia with a powerful blend of techno, tech-house, and progressive h When he is not on the road sharing the music that he loves to play, he is in the studio working on several planned releases for 2010. Under the Playloop and PEX name, he organizes a monthly par ty at Silk City, one of Phillys most respected dance clubs. n: center; Facebook -ADE28090 Apple-tab-span” style ay1djeveryday1 Apple-tab-span” er; : pre; djeveryday.podomatic/djeveryday.podomatic/ Apple-tab-span” white -space: pre; Artist anE28093 web djeverydayweb djeveryday.c Vimeo Apple-tab-spa jeverydayweb vimeo/djeveryday Apple-tab-span nter; Myspace -ADE28090 web myspace/djeveryd ayweb myspace/djeveryday Apple-tab-span” sty ter; SM0KE (Psybotik / tekno*feel*ya – NJ) / center; SM0KE is the techno/prog project of David Mostoller, the man beh ind the psytrance project Kabayun, as well as one-half of the psy duo Unwas hed Tomato. Rooted in deep grooves with psychedelic atmospheres, SM0KEE2 8099s sounds form a minimal yet danceable vibe. From his DJ s ets, expect a mix of original tracks and some of the freshest tunes from th e border zone of techno, progressive house and psytrance. sp sm0kemusicsm0kemusic center; ELECTRIK (Psyboti Electrik is the founder of the P sybotik parties in New York City, catering to an exotic audience with fashi on, fire and cutting edge electronic music. His style is dynamic but typica lly focuses on high energy dance music with psychedelic roots. Representing up and down the eastern seaboard as well as coast to coast in the US, as w ell as internationally in Japan. Sullivan Room, Tavern on The Green, Exit, Public Assembly, Burning Man, Coalesce, Equinox, Synchronize, Desiderata, O rb, San Sabastian in Puerto Rico, Rockwest in Tokyo…are just a few of the places you may have caught one of his astounding performances. /spa nter; web psybotik/web psybotik/ / Useful Links For Burning Man: /s center; ningman/ c boutburningman/principles First Timers Guide
February 2011
#4478 01 Feb 2011 22:24:56 -0800 Wed, 2 Feb 2011 01:24:56 To: nyc604, have to stay plugged in, one wrong move and zap power is gone. Does anybody have a spare lying around they would want to sell or trade? Macbook model # is: MB 13.3/2.1/CTO Battery Model: A1185 Many many thanks! Keirnyn Macbook model # is: class : Battery Model: A1185 ght: Keirnyn
#4479 Thu, 3 Feb 2011 16:53:58 Thu, 3 Feb 2011 16:53:57 Thu, 03 Feb 2011 16:53:57 From: Machinelf Fwd: Psychedelic Healing Party & Get Your Dance On Friday, February 4 Psychedelic Healing Party & Get Your Dance On Tue, 25 Jan 2011 10:48:36 -0800 From: Evolver NYC news at evolver.net reply-1-654-1224135-437548b5c18be4716c4ebb8f1e86bf65b0ae80b5-ismokedaol at realitysandwich To: You Evolver.net – It’s Our World to Change BLOGS TOP NEWS EVENTS GROUPS PROJECTS We’re just a couple of weeks away from the book release celebration, talk, and dance party “The Promise of Psychedelic Healing: Entheogens, Psychotherapy and Spiritual Development featuring Neal Goldsmith, Jon Perry Barlow, Julie Holland, Rick Doblin, and Ethan Nadelman, so save the date. And this Friday, you can Get Your Dance On at Urban Zen. Make sure to come early for an Evolver Activation yoga class and brief discussion with Virayoga founder Elena Brower. Details below. Friday, February 4 The Promise of Psychedelic Healing: Entheogens, Psychotherapy and Spiritual Development An evening with Neal Goldsmith and special guests: John Perry Barlow, Julie Holland, Daniel Pinchbeck, Rick Doblin, and Ethan Nadelmann And a dance party! Join Evolver.net and Mangusta Productions for a mind expanding night of psychedelic exploration. Banned after promising research in the 1940s, ’50s, and ’60s, the use of psychedelics as therapeutic catalysts is now being rediscovered a topic covered by Neal Goldsmith’s new book, Psychedelic Healing: The Promise of Entheogens for Psychotherapy and Spiritual Development (Inner Traditions, 2011). Come celebrate its publication with a kalidascopic conversation featuring five of the leading figures in this field, speaking on the latest theories, research, and legal developments. How can psychedelic experiences shape personality and healing? Can psychedelic psychotherapy truly can be transformative, either individually or collectively? Can humanity change course from an impending human dieback and blossom to create a truly integral planet? Come for a reading and discussion with: Neal Goldsmith, Ph.D, Psychotherapist specializing in psychospiritual development. A frequent speaker on spiritual on spiritual emergence, d policy reform, and post-modern society. Author of Psychedelic Healing: The Promise of Entheogens for Psychotherapy and Spiritual Development Rick Doblin, Ph.D, President and Founder of Multidisciplinary Association of Psychedelic Science (MAPS). His dissertation was on “The Regulation of the Medical Use of Psychedelics and Marijuana and his master’s thesis (Harvard) focused on the attitudes and experiences of oncologists concerning the medical use of marijuana. John Perry Barlow, Visionary, former Grateful Dead lyricist, and a founding member of the Electronic Frontier Foundation, an organization which promotes freedom of expression in digital media. Julie Holland, M.D, Psychiatrist specializing in psychopharmacology. Author of Ecstasy: The Complete Guide and bestselling Weekends at Bellevue and editor of The Pot Book: A Complete Guide to Cannabis and Ecstacy: The Complete Guide. Daniel Pinchbeck, Bestselling author of 2012: The Return of Quetzalcoatl, Notes from the Edge of Time, and Breaking Open the Head: A Psychedelic Journey into the Heart of Contemporary Shaminism; Co-editor of Toward 2012: Perspectives on the Next Age. Daniel is the editorial director of RealitySandwich, and co-founder of Evolver.net. Ethan Nadelmann, Ph.D, founder and executive director of the d Policy Alliance, the leading organization in the United States promoting alternatives to the war on ds. Author of Cops Across Borders, the first scholarly study of the internationalization of U.S. criminal law enforcement, and co-author of Policing the Globe: Criminalization and Crime Control in International Relations. Dance Celebration follows discussion. Stay tuned for the details on our live performance and DJ Cash bar – organic beer, wine and tequila Astoria’s own Beyond Kombucha’s features an event Kombucha blend Snacks by Xango Safe Harbor, Soho’s Exotic 5,000 sq ft loft space – 446 Broadway 3rd floor Doors at 7:30, Panel at 8:00 Dance Celebration 11pm – 2am Price – $25, $15 after midnight. Purchase advance tickets here: psychedelichealing.eventbrite/ Tickets likely to sell out so buy early. Sat, January 29 Get Your Dance On & Evolver Activation Evolver NYC and Get Your Dance On are uniting forces to bring together the city’s best local DJs, musicians, yoga teachers, healers, artists, and performers for a night of ecstatic revelry. Our 2011 residency begins at Urban Zen with renowned Anusara Yoga teacher Elena Brower and international 5Rhythms teacher Jonathan Horan to get everyone moving. 7pm, Evolver Activation: Yoga and Peace Spore Discussion with Virayoga founder Elena Brower Elana will teach a 45 min yoga class and then we will have a short discussion around this month’s Spore theme Peace, which is being celebrated in more than 40 Evolver communities worldwide. Also featuring featuring Garth Stevenson and Laraaji. 8pm – 5Rhythms with Jonathan Horan. Get busy at 9pm with DJ Dhundee, Black Panther Drumming, Brooklyn Shekere, The Didge Project, Healing Space featuring Brooklyn Acupuncture Project, Double Diamond Wellness, and Urban Zen’s Integrative Therapists. Live art, high-vibe food and drink, and “The Truth,” a multimedia exhibition by Haitian inspired artists curated by fashion photographer Marc Baptiste. 11:45 pm- Closing Ceremony with Parashakti and Wakia. Evolver Activation TBA. Saturday, January 29 Urban Zen, 711 Greenwich St $30 at 7pm for yoga + 5Rhythms / $20 after 9pm 70% of profits from the night benefit Hope, Help & Relief: Haiti. All ages, Cash only at door Tickets: web web kickstarter/projects/natashablank/get-your-dance-on-at-urban-zen-0 Thurs, February 24 Energy Medicine Workshop: The Basics of Bioenergetics Join Reiki Master and Evolver co-founder Jonathan Talat Phillips on an evening journey through the ancient art of energy healing. In this workshop, we will learn the five primary personality types and energetic defense structures that Bioenergetic therapy uses to help clients unleash their innate health, happiness, and personal power. The names for these character types have the provocative titles of “schizoid,” “oral,” “masochist,” “psychopath,” and “rigid.” According to Bioenergetics, we develop different levels of these protective systems in our childhood to prevent us from being overwhelmed by difficult experiences, but these defenses crystallize into our energetic field, trapping us in unhelpful behaviors and thought patterns, leading to longer term mental, emotional, and physical dis-ease. In this energy medicine workshop, we will learn the physical characteristics, psychological defenses, life tasks, and many gifts of each of the five personality types. Participants will discover their primary defense structures and learn energy healing modalities to release these old patterns and constrictive forces. We will also explore techniques for working with other people’s personality defenses, which can prove helpful in any social situation. This workshop will provide a safe container for participants to go deeper into their own healing journey. Anyone can learn to heal with energy, and all levels are welcome, whether you are a beginner just starting out or an advanced practitioner honing your art. Join us as we learn, share, and open up new dimensions of the heart. Jonathan Talat is a certified Chi and Bioenergetic healer from the Connecticut Healing Institute. He has a private practice in NYC and does Skype sessions. web TalatHealing Thurs, Feb. 24, 7:30-9:30pm TRS, 44 East 32nd Street, 11th Floor (between Park and Madison), NYC $15 (Nobody turned away due to lack of funds) web realitysandwich/basicsbioenergetics Sponsorship Nightlight “Donation Based” Astrology Founded by RealitySandwich Contributing Editor and “Fishers of Men: The Gospel of an Ayahuasca Vision Quest” author, Adam Elenbaas, the Vision of Nightlight Astrology is to offer donation based astrological readings, counseling and education to the public. Nighlight Astrology also offers a One Year, Donation Based Archetypal Astrologer’s Training Intensive. NYC classes and Distance Options are both available for the Intensive! Check out all the latest at web nightlightastrology Intern Locally, Manifest Globally The Evolver Social Movement is seeking intrepid volunteers to help build our international consciousness network. If you’d like to help create the world you want to see, we need your help. The Evolver Social Movement is growing rapidly and we are looking for inspired news writers, events coordinators, marketing mavens, newsletter writers, community associates, film editors, music outreach liaisons, and general admin assistance. We value your individual gifts and want to find what you are passionate about. You don’t have to be skilled at any particular position, but be inspired to give it a try, and to make a difference. Perks include meeting key figures in the consciousness movement, connecting with a dynamic local and international community, being part of a growing cultural scene, and receiving free or discounted entry to events and educational courses. Credit is available for college students. To join the evolution, send a cover letter and resume to jennifer(at)evolver(dot)net with “Intrepid Intern” in the subject line and any specific positions or projects you’d like to get involved with. web realitysandwich/volunteer Cheers, Daniel, Ken, Jonathan, Jennifer, Michael, Remi, Chris, Nese, Justin, Rachel, Steve, Corinne, Amy, and the rest of the Evolver team MANAGE ACCOUNT Psychedelic Healing Party & Get Your Dance On Tue, 25 Jan 2011 10:48:36 -0800 You Evolver.net – It’s Our World to Change” ! end Evolver Header ! begin message body We’re just a couple of weeks away from the book release celebration, talk, and dance party “aHealing: Entheogens, Psychotherapy and Spiritual Development ” featuring Neal Goldsmith, Jon Perry Barlow, Julie Holland, Rick Doblin, and Ethan Nadelman, so save the date. And this Friday, you canat Urban Zen. Make sure to come early for an Evolver Activation yoga class and brief discussion with Virayoga founder Elena Brower. Details below. Healing: Entheogens, Psychotherapy and Spiritual Goldsmith and special guests: br Holland, Daniel Pinchbeck, Rick Doblin, and Ethan Join Evolver.net and Mangusta Productions for a mind expanding night of psychedelic exploration. Banned after promising research in the 1940s, ’50s, and ’60s, the use of psychedelics as therapeutic catalysts is now being rediscovered a topic covered by Neal Goldsmith’s new book, Psychedelic Healing: The Promise of Entheogens for Psychotherapy and Spiritual Development (Inner Traditions, 2011). Come celebrate its publication with a kalidascopic conversation featuring five of the leading figures in this field, speaking on the latest theories, research, and legal developments. How can psychedelic experiences shape personality and healing? Can psychedelic psychotherapy truly can be transformative, either individually or collectively? Can humanity change course from an impending human dieback and blossom to create a truly integral planet? Come for a reading and discussion with: Psychotherapist specializing in psychospiritual development. A frequent speaker on spiritual on spiritual emergence, d policy reform, and post-modern society. Author of Psychedelic Healing: The Promise of Entheogens for Psychotherapy and Spiritual Development President and Founder of Multidisciplinary Association of Psychedelic Science (MAPS). His dissertation was on “The Regulation of the Medical Use of Psychedelics and Marijuana and his master’s thesis (Harvard) focused on the attitudes and experiences of oncologists concerning the medical use of marijuana. Visionary, former Grateful Dead lyricist, and a founding member of the Electronic Frontier Foundation, an organization which promotes freedom of expression in digital media. Psychiatrist specializing in psychopharmacology. Author of Ecstasy: The Complete Guide and bestselling Weekends at Bellevue and editor of The Pot Book: A Complete Guide to Cannabis and Ecstacy: The Complete Guide. author of 2012: The Return of Quetzalcoatl, Notes from the Edge of Time, and Breaking Open the Head: A Psychedelic Journey into the Heart of Contemporary Shaminism; Co-editor of Toward 2012: Perspectives on the Next Age. Daniel is the editorial director of RealitySandwich, and co-founder of Evolver.net. founder and executive director of the d Policy Alliance, the leading organization in the United States promoting alternatives to the war on ds. Author of Cops Across Borders, the first scholarly study of the internationalization of U.S. criminal law enforcement, and co-author of Policing the Globe: Criminalization and Crime Control in International Relations. Dance Celebration follows discussion. Stay tuned for the details on our live performance and DJ Cash bar – organic beer, wine and tequila Astoria’s own Beyond Kombucha’s features an event special kombucha blend Snacks by Xango Safe Harbor, Soho’s Exotic 5,000 sq ft loft space – 446 Broadway 3rd floor Doors at 7:30, Panel at 8:00 Dance Celebration 11pm – 2am Price – $25, $15 after midnight. Purchase advance tickets here: Tickets likely to sell out so buy early. Your Dance On & Evolver Activation Evolver NYC and Get Your Dance On are uniting forces to bring together the city’s best local DJs, musicians, yoga teachers, healers, artists, and performers for a night of ecstatic revelry. Our 2011 residency begins at Urban Zen with renowned Anusara Yoga teacher Elena Brower and international 5Rhythms teacher Jonathan Horan to get everyone moving. Yoga and Peace Spore Discussion with Virayoga founder Elena Brower Elana will teach a 45 min yoga class and then we will have a short discussion around this month’s Spore theme Peace, which is being celebrated in more than 40 Evolver communities worldwide. Also featuring featuring Garth Stevenson and Laraaji. 8pm – 5Rhythms with Jonathan Horan. Get busy at 9pm with DJ Dhundee, Black Panther Drumming, Brooklyn Shekere, The Didge Project, Healing Space featuring Brooklyn Acupuncture Project, Double Diamond Wellness, and Urban Zen’s Integrative Therapists. Live art, high-vibe food and drink, and “The Truth,” a multimedia exhibition by Haitian inspired artists curated by fashion photographer Marc Baptiste. 11:45 pm- Closing Ceremony with Parashakti and Wakia. Evolver Activation TBA. Saturday, January 29 Urban Zen, 711 Greenwich St $30 at 7pm for yoga + 5Rhythms / $20 after 9pm 70% of profits from the night benefit Hope, Help & Relief: Haiti. All ages, Cash only at door Tickets:The Basics of Bioenergetics Join Reiki Master and Evolver co-founder Jonathan Talat Phillips on an evening journey through the ancient art of energy healing. In this workshop, we will learn the five primary personality types and energetic defense structures that Bioenergetic therapy uses to help clients unleash their innate health, happiness, and personal power. The names for these character types have the provocative titles of “schizoid,” “oral,” “masochist,” “psychopath,” and “rigid.” According to Bioenergetics, we develop different levels of these protective systems in our childhood to prevent us from being overwhelmed by difficult experiences, but these defenses crystallize into our energetic field, trapping us in unhelpful behaviors and thought patterns, leading to longer term mental, emotional, and physical dis-ease. In this energy medicine workshop, we will learn the physical characteristics, psychological defenses, life tasks, and many gifts of each of the five personality types. Participants will discover their primary defense structures and learn energy healing modalities to release these old patterns and constrictive forces. We will also explore techniques for working with other people’s personality defenses, which can prove helpful in any social situation. This workshop will provide a safe container for participants to go deeper into their own healing journey. Anyone can learn to heal with energy, and all levels are welcome, whether you are a beginner just starting out or an advanced practitioner honing your art. Join us as we learn, share, and open up new dimensions of the heart. Talat is a certified Chi and Bioenergetic healer from the Connecticut Healing Institute. He has a private practice in NYC and does Skype sessions. web TalatHealingweb TalatHealing br Thurs, Feb. 24, 7:30-9:30pm TRS, 44 East 32nd Street, 11th Floor (between Park and Madison), NYC $15 (Nobody turned away due to lack of funds) Astrology Founded by RealitySandwich Contributing Editor and “Fishers of Men: The Gospel of an Ayahuasca Vision Quest” author, Adam Elenbaas, the Vision of Nightlight Astrology is to offer donation based astrological readings, counseling and education to the public. Nighlight Astrology also offers a One Year, Donation Based Archetypal Astrologer’s Training Intensive. NYC classes and Distance Options are both available for the Intensive! Check out all the latest atManifest Globally The Evolver Social Movement is seeking intrepid volunteers to help build our international consciousness network. If you’d like to help create the world you want to see, we need your help. The Evolver Social Movement is growing rapidly and we are looking for inspired news writers, events coordinators, marketing mavens, newsletter writers, community associates, film editors, music outreach liaisons, and general admin assistance. We value your individual gifts and want to find what you are passionate about. You don’t have to be skilled at any particular position, but be inspired to give it a try, and to make a difference. Perks include meeting key figures in the consciousness movement, connecting with a dynamic local and international community, being part of a growing cultural scene, and receiving free or discounted entry to events and educational courses. Credit is available for college students. To join the evolution, send a cover letter and resume to jennifer(at)evolver(dot)net with “Intrepid Intern” in the subject line and any specific positions or projects you’d like to get involved with. Cheers, Daniel, Ken, Jonathan, Jennifer, Michael, Remi, Chris, Nese, Justin, Rachel, Steve, Corinne, Amy, and the rest of the Evolver team
#4480 Sat, 5 Feb 2011 01:02:36 Sat, 5 Feb 2011 01:02:36 Sat, 05 Feb 2011 01:02:34 ; formatflowed From: Machinelf ot – Fun with ds by Velvet Acid Christ web youtube/watch?vvjeHqBQOZds one of my favorite producers, not psytrance per se but similar sound.
#4481 Sun, 06 Feb 2011 20:45:54 From: “njjunglist2001” NJJunglist at aol.: Unified Vibes :. Fri. Feb 18th FREE PARTY The Porch, NYC .: Unified Vibes :. Fri. Feb 18th FREE PARTY The Porch, NYC Flier is a Please bring canned food to donate to Food Not Bombs!!! Loud Zoo – Psy Trance Jas on BK – Techno Madaro – Free Tekno HoBeauX – Drum and Bass Jungle GAZz – Dr um and Bass Jump Up Fury8 – Breakcore Laphalot – House and Techno Submerger – Trip Hop Visuals by Lowkey Doors from 6 PM – 4 AM Music starts at 8 P M Drink Specials from 6 PM TO 10 PM: $4 Beers and $5 Well Drinks from 6 PM TO 10 PM The Porch | 115 Ave C (Between 7th & 8th) NYC
#4482 Thu, 10 Feb 2011 02:31:51 Thu, 10 Feb 2011 02:31:51 Thu, 10 Feb 2011 02:31:51 Thu, 10 Feb 2011 02:31:38 goa-boston From: Machinelf Fwd: [NYC604] Fractal Love this Saturday Feb 12th Everyone come, Apls is a great person and the lineup looks disgustingly sick with a close by the great dave dittmer [NYC604] Fractal Love this Saturday Feb 12th Wed, 9 Feb 2011 23:09:59 -0800 From: Apls Slide tsunaminj at yahoo To: NYC604 Dear Friends The wait is almost over. We are only a few days away from Fractal Love. This is an event produced at epic proportions – a 10,000 square foot legal warehouse, 30,000 watts of sound, 2 stages, 12 (that’s right 12) hours of non-stop music with talented artists and DJs, amazing deco, live visuals, live UV body painting and perhaps best of all much love… Bring your dance shoes, bring your good vibes, bring your lovely selves and make sure to make a lot of friends. We are so excited to finally meet you J Below is the official line-up: Main Stage Time Slots PSY CONDUCTOR 10 pm – 11 pm CRIS 11 pm – 12 am MAYUR 12 am – 1am HYPNOTOAD 1 am – 2 am RASTALIENS 2 am – 330 am BRAINCELL 330 am – 5 am RADMOURA 5 am – 6 am EPHEDRIX 6 am – 730 am INFINTITESUN 730 am – 830 am SOLAR SPECTRUM 830 am – 10 am Second Stage Time Slots DJ CHEWY 10-11 WINK-E 11-12 CIM aka THE ITALIAN STALLION 12-1 DJ DREI aka THE DIGITAL 1-2 ANIMUS 2-3 JOCHEM PETERSON 3-4 HELLFIRE MACHINA 4-5 DADDY NOOMZ 5-6 DJ’S BEAT MISER & WICKED KOZY 6-7 IZZY 7-8 EARGASM 8-9 DAVE DITTMER 9-10 web greenapplesnyc web greenapplesnyc media/set/?seto.167162566654847 event.php?eid167162566654847 media/set/?seto.167162566654847 #%21/event.php?eid167162566654847 Everyone come, Apls is a great person and the lineup looks disgustingly sick with a close by the great dave dittmer [NYC604] Fractal Love this Saturday Feb 12th Wed, 9 Feb 2011 23:09:59 -0800 Dear Friends The wait is almost over. We are only a few days away from Fractal Love. This is an event produced at epic proportions – a 10,000 square foot legal warehouse, 30,000 watts of sound, 2 stages, 12 (that’s right 12) hours of non-stop music with talented artists and DJs, amazing deco, live visuals, live UV body painting and perhaps best of all much love… Bring your dance shoes, bring your good vibes, bring your lovely selves and make sure to make a lot of friends. We are so excited to finally meet you J Below is the official line-up: Main Stage Time Slots PSY CONDUCTOR 10 pm – 11 pm CRIS 11 pm – 12 am MAYUR 12 am – 1am HYPNOTOAD 1 am – 2 am RASTALIENS 2 am – 330 am BRAINCELL 330 am – 5 am RADMOURA 5 am – 6 am EPHEDRIX 6 am – 730 am INFINTITESUN 730 am – 830 am SOLAR SPECTRUM 830 am – 10 am Second Stage Time Slots DJ CHEWY 10-11 WINK-E 11-12 CIM aka THE ITALIAN STALLION 12-1 DJ DREI aka THE DIGITAL 1-2 ANIMUS 2-3 JOCHEM PETERSON 3-4 HELLFIRE MACHINA 4-5 DADDY NOOMZ 5-6 DJ’S BEAT MISER & WICKED KOZY 6-7 IZZY 7-8 EARGASM 8-9 DAVE DITTMER 9-10 web greenapplesnycweb greenapplesnyc media/set/?seto.167162566654847 #%21/event.php?eid167162566654847media/set/?seto.167162566654847 event.php?eid167162566654847
#4483 Sat, 12 Feb 2011 02:16:19 From: “njjunglist2001” NJJunglist at aol.: Unified Vibes :. Fri. Feb 18th FREE PARTY The Porch, NYC .: Unified Vibes :. Fri. Feb 18th FREE PARTY The Porch, NYC Flier is a Please bring canned food to donate to Food Not Bombs!!! Loud Zoo – Psy Trance Jas on BK – Techno Madaro – Free Tekno HoBeauX – Drum and Bass Jungle GAZz – Dr um and Bass Jump Up Fury8 – Breakcore Laphalot – House and Techno Submerger – Trip Hop Visuals by Lowkey Doors from 6 PM – 4 AM Music starts at 8 P M Drink Specials from 6 PM TO 10 PM: $4 Beers and $5 Well Drinks from 6 PM TO 10 PM The Porch | 115 Ave C (Between 7th & 8th) NYC
#4484 Thu, 17 Feb 2011 15:42:48 From: “njjunglist2001” NJJunglist at aol.: Unified Vibes :. Fri. Feb 18th FREE PARTY The Porch, NYC .: Unified Vibes :. Fri. Feb 18th FREE PARTY The Porch, NYC Flier is a Please bring canned food to donate to Food Not Bombs!!! Loud Zoo – Psy Trance Jaso n BK – Techno Madaro – Free Tekno HoBeauX – Drum and Bass Jungle GAZz – Dru m and Bass Jump Up Fury8 – Breakcore Laphalot – House and Techno Submerger – Trip Hop Visuals by Lowkey Doors from 6 PM – 4 AM Music starts at 8 PM Drink Specials from 6 PM TO 10 PM: $4 Beers and $5 Well Drinks from 6 PM TO 10 PM The Porch | 115 Ave C (Between 7th & 8th) NYC
#4485 Thu, 17 Feb 2011 10:34:43 -0800 Bcc: TripOutNY Feb 2011 10:34:43 -0800 Thu, 17 Feb 2011 13:34:43 From: Blue Goddess bluegoddess at psybotikUpdate tekno*feel*ya 3 feat DJ Everyday – RSVP for address – $15 presales ends tomorrowIf any of you went to Heartburn in Philly last weekend you know what youE2 8099re in for…EVERYDAY, one of the most cutting edge DJs in Burner scen e, will be joining us next Friday February 25th at an undisclosed venue. S plicing together the big room tech house sound with chunky psychedelic tech no, you wont be able to resist the dance floor. Everyday has appeared in h undreds of clubs, concerts, festivals and parties between both coasts and a round the world. In addition, he has played alongside the likes of Orbital, Bassnectar, Deadmau5, King Britt, MSTRKRFT, The Prodigy and more. Other n otable performances include Burning Man Festival 2007, 2008 & 2009, DJ TIME S Americas Best DJ Tour (Philly). By popular demand we will relea se the address to the RSVP list. To receive the address send an email with full names to teknofeelya3 at gmail. RSVP list will be $10 minimum donati on at the door before 12, $15 after if space permits, we want this to be a comfortable environment with plenty of room to dance! Only ticket holders a re guaranteed quick entry so get em while you can. Get Tickets: psy botik.ticketleap/teknofeelya-presents-dj-everyday/ Invite Your Friends: web facebo $5 – SOLD OUT $10 – SOLD OUT $15 – until Friday Feb 18th while supplies last $20 – until Friday Feb 25th while supplies last tekno*feel*ya prese nts a limited ticket engagement featuring psychedelic techno progressive p sytrance, and more by: 11.0 DIMAN KUSKOV (Psybotik/tekno*feel*ya) nyc 12. 5 DJ EVERYDAY (Playloop/PEX) Philadelphia 2.00 SM0KE (Psybotik/Sync/tekno *feel*ya) NJ 3.00 ELECTRIK (Psybotik/tekno*feel*ya) nyc 4.00 FELIPE (Drea mcatcher) nyc Performances by VICTOR (Psybotik) and Friends sound by Gree npoint Sound 11 pm – 6 am 21+ w/ID $3-4 Beers & Cocktails We’re very happ y to announce this will be the first of a series of fundraisers for a theme camp at Burning Man 2011 (see below for useful links). Our goal is to brin g together as many people in the psychedelic dance music communities togeth er to create a spectacular display of music, art and dance our fucking asse s off! Stay tuned for details on LUMENAUGHTY – Psybotiks 3rd Anni versary Celebration May 7th featuring: SLATER (Tribal Vision Records) – Cz ech Republic tribalvision.cz/ djslater.net/ DRAGON **LI VE** (Dharmaharmony Records) – Gulf Breeze, Florida dragonpsytrance. com dharmaharmony See you on the dance floor, blue *DJ EVERYDAY (Playloop/PEX – Philadelphia)* As a touring DJ, Everyday has app eared in hundreds of clubs, concerts, festivals and parties between both co asts and around the world. In addition, he has played alongside the likes o f Orbital, Bassnectar, Deadmau5, King Britt, MSTRKRFT, The Prodigy and mor e. Other notable performances include Burning Man Festival 2007, 2008 & 200 9, DJ TIMES Americas Best DJ Tour (Philly) and Camp Bisco 7 & 9. DJ Everyday was first introduced to dance music during the 1990s e lectronica explosion. A drummer by trade, Everyday heard his first electron ic track in 1995 and began DJing partys in 1997 and producing trac ks in 1999. Everyday started producing his own brand of house with strong electro, tech and progressive leanings. Production was somthing that came very naturally to him after so many years as a passionate listener. In 2006 DJ Everyday signed with Playloop Records and has released a number of sing les through the label. At the same time, he teamed with producer and frien d, Kezner, on an independent dance project collaboration known as E2809C Locality.E2809D This first product of this duo, E2809COne Foot On The Moon,E2809D was released digitally and is featured on Playloop s first cd, E2809CGet Into the Loop Volume 1E2809D. Recently, his ro le with Playloop has expanded to include scouting for new talent while also handling some of the labels administrative duties. Playloop Recor ds is the first label to which Everyday has signed a contract with and he c ontinues to work hard shaping his craft both in the studio and on the dance floor In 2007, Everyday started playing the legendary Philadelphia Experi ment underground warehouse events. As a Playloop and PEX touring dj, Every day has made a name for himself in both the mainstream and underground danc e communities. Under the Playloop and PEX name, he has appeared in hundred s of clubs, concerts, festivals and parties between both coasts and abroad. In addition, he has played alongside the likes of Orbital, Bassnectar, Dea dmau5, King Britt, MSTRKRFT, The Prodigy, Lotus and more. Other notable per formances include Burning Man Festival 2007, 2008 & 2009, DJ TIMES America s Best DJ Tour (Philly), The Disco Biscuits New Years Eve 2007 and Camp Bisco 7 & 9. As with any evolving artist, Everyday has refined both his taste and his style. Bringing him to his current residence in Philadelp hia with a powerful blend of techno, tech-house, and progressive house. Wh en he is not on the road sharing the music that he loves to play, he is in the studio working on several planned releases for 2010. Under the Playloo p and PEX name, he organizes a monthly party at Silk City, one of PhillyE2 8099s most respected dance clubs. Facebook -ADE28090 web f acebook/djeveryday1 Podomatic -ADE28090 djeveryday.podom atic/ Artist page E28093 web djeveryday Vimeo E28093 web vimeo/djeveryday Myspace -ADE28090 web myspace /djeveryday *SM0KE (Psybotik / tekno*feel*ya – NJ)* SM0KE is the tec hno/prog project of David Mostoller, the man behind the psytrance project K abayun, as well as one-half of the psy duo Unwashed Tomato. Rooted in deep grooves with psychedelic atmospheres, SM0KEs sounds form a minimal yet danceable vibe. From his DJ sets, expect a mix of original tracks an d some of the freshest tunes from the border zone of techno, progressive ho use and psytrance. sm0kemusic *ELECTRIK (Psybotik / tekno*fee l*ya – NYC)* Electrik is the founder of the Psybotik parties in New York C ity, catering to an exotic audience with fashion, fire and cutting edge ele ctronic music. His style is dynamic but typically focuses on high energy da nce music with psychedelic roots. Representing up and down the eastern seab oard as well as coast to coast in the US, as well as internationally in Jap an. Sullivan Room, Tavern on The Green, Exit, Public Assembly, Burning Man, Coalesce, Equinox, Synchronize, Desiderata, Orb, San Sabastian in Puerto R ico, Rockwest in Tokyo…are just a few of the places you may have caught o ne of his astounding performances. web psybotik/ Useful Links For Burning Man: Tickets tickets.burningman.c om/ tickets.burningman/ Burning man 10 Principles web b urningman/whatisburningman/aboutburningman/principles web First Ti mers Guide web burningman/firsttimers/ web burningman.c om/firsttimers/ NYC Container web nyccontainer/ web ny ccontainer/ Regional Contact Information regionals.burningman.c om/index Philly last weekend you know what youre in for… sty of the most cutting edge DJs in Burner scene, will be joining us next Frida y February 25th at an undisclosed venue. Splicing together the big ro om tech house sound with chunky psychedelic techno, you wont be able to res ist the dance floor. of clubs, concerts, festivals and parties between both coasts and around th e world. In addition, he has played alongside the likes of Orbital, Bassnec tar, Deadmau5, King Britt, MSTRKRFT, The Prodigy and more. Other nota ble performances include Burning Man Festival 2007, 2008 & 2009, DJ TIM ES Americas Best DJ Tour (Philly). emand we will release the address to the RSVP list. To receive the ad ion at the door before 12, $15 after if space permits, we want this to be a comfortable environment with plenty of room to dance! Only ticket holders are guaranteed quick entry so get em while you can. Tickets: psybotik.ticketleap/teknofeely j-everyday/ even $15 – until Friday Feb 18th while supplies last fo engagement d more by: ) nyc s SM0KE (Psybotik/Sync/tekno*feel*ya) NJ k/tekno*feel*ya) nyc Performances by VICTOR (Psybotik) and Friends by Greenpoint Sound r 4 Beers & Cocktails raWe’re very happy to announce this will be the first of a series of fundraisers for a theme camp at Burning Man 2011 (see below for useful l inks). Our goal is to bring together as many people in the psychedelic danc e music communities together to create a spectacular display of music, art and dance our fucking asses off! n LUMENAUGHTY – Psybotiks 3rd Anniversary Celebration May 7th feat uring: an slater.net/ Gulf Breeze, Florida dragonpsytrance/ VERYDAY (Playloop/PEX – Philadelphia) of clubs, concerts, festivals and parties between both coasts and around t he world. In addition, he has played alongside the likes of Orbital, Bassne ctar, Deadmau5, King Britt, MSTRKRFT, The Prodigy and more. Other not able performances include Burning Man Festival 2007, 2008 & 2009, DJ TI MES Americas Best DJ Tour (Philly) and Camp Bisco 7 & 9./span introduced to dance music during the 1990s electronica explosion. A drummer by trade, Everyday heard his first electronic track in 1995 and b egan DJing partys in 1997 and producing tracks in 1999. his own brand of house with strong electro, tech and progressive leanings. Production was somthing that came very naturally to him after so many year s as a passionate listener. In 2006 DJ Everyday signed with Playloop Record s and has released a number of singles through the label. At the same time, he teamed with producer and friend, Kezner, on an independent dance project collaboration known as E2809CLocality.E2809D This first produ ct of this duo, E2809COne Foot On The Moon,E2809D was released digita lly and is featured on Playloops first cd, E2809CGet Into the L oop Volume 1E2809D. aRecently, his role with Playloop has expanded to include scouting for new talent while also handling some of the labels administrative duties. Playloop Records is the first label to which Everyday has signed a contract with and he continues to work hard shaping his craft both in the s tudio and on the dance floor e periment underground warehouse events. As a Playloop and PEX touring dj, Everyday has made a name for himself in both the mainstream and undergr ound dance communities. Under the Playloop and PEX name, he has appea red in hundreds of clubs, concerts, festivals and parties between both coas ts and abroad. In addition, he has played alongside the likes of Orbital, B assnectar, Deadmau5, King Britt, MSTRKRFT, The Prodigy, Lotus and more. Oth er notable performances include Burning Man Festival 2007, 2008 & 2009, DJ TIMES Americas Best DJ Tour (Philly), The Disco Biscuits New Y ears Eve 2007 and Camp Bisco 7 & 9. oth his taste and his style. Bringing him to his current residence in Phila delphia with a powerful blend of techno, tech-house, and progressive house. styl n the road sharing the music that he loves to play, he is in the studio wor king on several planned releases for 2010. Under the Playloop and PEX name, he organizes a monthly party at Silk City, one of Phillys m ost respected dance clubs. t; djeveryday1 Apple-tab-span” styl djeveryday.podomatic/djeveryday.podomatic/ class E28093 web djeverydayweb djeveryday an nweb vimeo/djeverydayweb vimeo/djeveryd Myspace -ADE28090 web myspace/djeveryday” web myspace/djeveryday Apple-tab-span” style spare feel*ya – NJ) n SM0KE is the techno/prog project of David Mostoller, the man behind the ps ytrance project Kabayun, as well as one-half of the psy duo Unwashed Tomato . Rooted in deep grooves with psychedelic atmospheres, SM0KEs soun ds form a minimal yet danceable vibe. From his DJ sets, expect a mix of original tracks and some of the freshest tunes from the border zon e of techno, progressive house and psytrance. emusic /b he founder of the Psybotik parties in New York City, catering to an exotic audience with fashion, fire and cutting edge electronic music. His style is dynamic but typically focuses on high energy dance music with psychedelic roots. Representing up and down the eastern seaboard as well as coast to co ast in the US, as well as internationally in Japan. Sullivan Room, Tavern o n The Green, Exit, Public Assembly, Burning Man, Coalesce, Equinox, Synchro nize, Desiderata, Orb, San Sabastian in Puerto Rico, Rockwest in Tokyo…ar e just a few of the places you may have caught one of his astounding perfor mances. sp styl http:/ hre n web burningman/whatisburningman/aboutburningm n/principles web burningman/whati pan gman/firsttimers/ web burningman/ web nycco ww hre om/index
#4486 Thu, 24 Feb 2011 10:23:01 -0800 Bcc: TripOutNY 24 Feb 2011 10:23:01 -0800 Thu, 24 Feb 2011 13:23:00 From: Blue Goddess bluegoddess at psybotikCamp Free Fall Website Launched – 1st Fundraiser is Tomorrow 2/25 RSVP for AddressCamp Free Fall Teaser – Burning Man 2011 5rIr1anzIY Are you ready to take the plunge? Fall freely through space an d let go entirely of inhibition, let the winds of perception take you where you need to go, direct your flight through a fantastical and majestic cosm ic matrix? Are you falling, or are you flying? Where will you land, if you land at all? Your Rite of Passage has Begun. Welcome to Free Fall, your r ito de iniciaciF3n station. Be baptized in the psychedelic fountain by ou r resident DJs and special guests. Awaken your mind, sanctify your senses, step through the door85there are no boundaries. Experience a psychedelic F ree Fall and put your mind on new a path…a new passage. 85…………. ………….. ………….. Free Fall is an inter national collaboration of electronic music connoisseurs and dance revolutio naries. Our mission is to bring beats to the playa; everything from psytranto techno to progressive. On top of bumpin92 sound, our music will be m obile. That92s right; we92re building a mobile party so we can take our b eats to the dusty streets. Not only will Free Fall be a place of dancing a nd DJing, but a landing pad for experience seekers and hiatus hunters. The time is now, it92s never too late to take the leap. Stay tuned to our web site for more details on how to participate freefall.psybotik/ And don’t forget Friday February 25th will be the first official fundraise r for Camp Free Fall, so getcha rest and bring the best cause we’ll be putt in ‘dem feet to the test. tekno*feel*ya 3 featuring DJ Everyday Brooklyn $10 before 12 with RSVP $15 after 12 with RSVP $20 presale or at door if sp ace permits For address & reduced list RSVP with full names to teknofeelya 3 at gmail n 2011 Are you ready to take the plunge? Fall freely through space and let go entirely of inhibition, let the winds of perception take you where you need to go, direct your flight through a fantastical and majestic cosmic ma trix? Are you falling, or are you flying? Where will you land, if you la nd at all? Your Rite of Passage has Begun. station. Be baptized in the psychedelic fountain by our resident DJs an d special guests. Awaken your mind, sanctify your senses, step through the door85there are no boundaries. Experience a psychedelic Free Fall and put your mind on new a path…a new passage. ………….. ….. Free Fall is an international collaboration of electronic music connoi sseurs and dance revolutionaries. Our mission is to bring beats to the play a; everything from psytrance to techno to progressive. On top of bumpin92 sound, our music will be mobile. That92s right; we92re building a mobile party so we can take our beats to the dusty streets. dancing and DJing, but a landing pad for experience seekers and hiatus hun ters. The time is now, it92s never too late to take the leap. or more details on how to participate freefall rget Friday February 25th will be the first official fundraiser for Camp Fr ee Fall, so getcha rest and bring the best cause we’ll be puttin ‘d em feet to the test. atekno*feel*ya 3 featuring DJ Everyday 15 after 12 with RSVP a3 at gmail
#4487 Sun, 27 Feb 2011 02:50:09 From: “njjunglist2001” NJJunglist at aol.: Unified Vibes :. Fri. March 18th FREE PARTY The Porch, NYC .: Unified Vibes :. Fri. March 18th FREE PARTY The Porch, NYC Flier i Pl ease bring canned food to donate to Food Not Bombs!!! 8 – 10 Subermerger – IDM and Trip Hop 10 – 11 Antonius – Drum and Bass 11 – 12 Laphalot – Hou se 12 – 12:45 Me – Psy Trance 12:45 – 1:30 Pierce Jackson – Classic Ragga Jungle Set 1:30 – 2:15 Big Ears – Ragga Jungle and Drum a nd Bass 2:15 – 3 Digital Gipsy – Drum and Bass and Electrobreak 3 – 3:30 Driver – Breakcore 3:30 – 4 Tryant – Hardcore Visuals by Lowkey Doors from 6 PM – 4 AM Music starts at 8 PM Drink Specials from 6 PM TO 10 PM : $4 Beers and $5 Well Drinks from 6 PM TO 10 PM The Porch | 115 Ave C ( Between 7th & 8th) NYC
March 2011
#4488 Sat, 05 Mar 2011 03:37:40 From: “njjunglist2001” NJJunglist at aol.: Unified Vibes :. Fri. March 18th FREE PARTY The Porch, NYC .: Unified Vibes :. Fri. March 18th FREE PARTY The Porch, NYC Flier is Pleas e bring canned food to donate to Food Not Bombs!!! 8 – 10 Subermerger – ID M and Trip Hop 10 – 11 Antonius – Drum and Bass 11 – 12 Laphalot – House 12 – 12:45 Me – Psy Trance 12:45 – 1:30 Pierce Jackson – Classic Ragga Jungle Set 1:30 – 2:15 Big Ears – Ragga Jungle and Drum and Bass 2:15 – 3 Digital Gipsy – Drum and Bass and Electrobreak 3 – 3:30 Dri ver – Breakcore 3:30 – 4 Tryant – Hardcore Visuals by Lowkey Doors from 6 PM – 4 AM Music starts at 8 PM Drink Specials from 6 PM TO 10 PM: $4 B eers and $5 Well Drinks from 6 PM TO 10 PM The Porch | 115 Ave C (Between 7th & 8th) NYC
#4492 Mon, 21 Mar 2011 18:21:09 21 Mar 2011 18:21:09 Mon, 21 Mar 2011 21:21:09 From: Salma planetdrum at gmailPulp: Juice II [Ott, Phutureprimitive and then some] 001636c5’111f07f 49f080f32 *Pulp: Juice II [Ott, Phutureprimitive and then some]** at 9:00pm – March 27 at 6:00am * *Public Assembly* *70 North 6th street* *Brooklyn, NY* *10 inches of snow. 29 painfully low degrees. 87 delayed trains. 1 reason not to care. * Juice II. A night of psyche delic sensations, mind modifying music, eye opening art, retina rousing vis uals, tantalizing installations, rapturous revelry, heart pounding drum cir cles, and raw, raw heat. On March 26, from 9:00 pm until 6:00 am, at Publ ic Assembly join us for Gourmet music from: -Ott ( Twisted Records ) [ New album release ] -Phutureprimitive [ New album release ] -Animaltek – Progress -Luis Campos -Liondub -Mun -Joro Boro -Supersyllius -Wobbles auce -PhunGeye -Kife -Electrik -Optimus Tribe Immersive Environments and Installations from: -Global Village Productions ( UK. Ozora, Eclipse, MANAFest… ) globalvillageproductions.co.uk/ -NephilNine ( NSquar ed, NYC ) web nephilnine.net/ -Akabak ‘A Collection of Images fro m the Akabak VirtualLabs; This series of digital paintings and painted phot ographs focuses on psychedelic and visionary imagery. This collection exami nes of perception of reality by exploring moments of intense vividness,rity, and illumination.’ Visual Multimedia Projections from: -Kaliptus Arts (NJ-NY Cosm, Seed, Psybolic Frolic) kaliptus.blogspot/ http ://vimeo/huemanoid -Robot Shabbat Productions 9pm Kirtan, Jamming an d Tribal Engagements from: -Unitribe, Alokananda web unitribeproduc tions/ Live painting by: -Gizem Bacaz ( SEED Gallery, NJ) (ww w.newarkseed/ -Martin Cash Live digital painting and projections by : -Myztico web myztico.mosaicglobe/ Body Painting by: -Coll yn Gold ( CoSM, NYC ) collyngold/ Imaginal Healing Decompress ion Corner by: -Salma Shamy, Lucas Chute, DC and the Tribe Squad (A healin g collective of Unitribe, Souldish, Green Bus Tour and the Brooklyn Dzogden Sanctuary) web souldish/ web greenbustour/ Drumm ers and impromptu Light-Sabor-Poi Spinning by: -Srikala (Unitribe) -Chelo Mercado and Downtown Live JC dtlive.org/ “Tribal Market” spring e dition by Lunara: -East Coast Tribal designers with the new spring collect ion -Erthia -Metaforce -Chihigh -Lunara design -and more web facebo tribalmarket.org/ and more from: -You. If you have somthing to share, share it. Room for submission s remain: artists at eatpulp Media Spons or: Salma – Souldish: web souldish/ Bring your instruments to join the drum circle. In this spirit oflebratory warmth, all those who arrive dressed to please (or inspire/mystif y/arouse/frolic/conquer) join us inside for $35. Except those who capitali ze on the limited pre-sale tickets, they join for $30. Except those who re ally capitalize and get the first 25 tickets, they join for $25. ( These ti ckets are sold out. ) Except the few-and-far-betweens who profoundly ‘wow’ the door-person. They join for free. Advance tickets are available here: eatpulp.ticketleap/juice2 . This 21+ event is presented by Pu lp[NY] in a beautiful collaboration with SoulDish, Fractaltribe, Audiolust, Feed The Starving Artists, Omnitribe, Electrotribe, VFAdoo Productions-tr ibe and Unitribe 85 tribe. Questions, comments, suggestions, existentia l revelations? Email: questions at eatpulp Join the Pulp group below for updates: – Other happenings: Unit ribe: Sacred Sweat Lodge (Inipi Ceremony). March 27th, The Yellow Ranch. ht Pulp: Vibrasphere T ribute. Last performance. April 1st, Brooklyn. Details to follow. Green A pples: Spring InPsyD. April 9th in NYC. event.php?e Subculture: Cosmic Joke. A Silly hat party. April 15 th, Prodivence, RI. Green Apples with Pulp: Tryambaka + Progress. May 13th in Brooklyn. http Desiderata Festival: August 11th, 12th, 13th and 14th. 80137062019946 web desideratafestival/ MANAFest: September 9th 10th and 11th. Details around the corner. 001636c5’111f07f 49f080f32 fsl” dtstart value-title” title span profileName fsxl fwb Pulp: Juice II [Ott, Phuturepri mitive and then some] b dtstartat 9:00p 03-27T06:00:00 March 27 at 6:00am ation vcard fn orgPublic Assembly s localityBrooklyn, NY/b class low degrees. 87 delayed trains. 1 reason not to care. Juice II. A night of psyched elic sensations, mind modifying music, eye opening art, retina rousing vis uals, tantalizing installations, rapturous revelry, heart pounding drum ci rcles, and raw, raw heat. On March 26, from 9:00 pm until 6: 00 am, at Public Assembly join us for Gourmet music from:b r-Ott ( Twisted Records ) [ New album release ] -Phutureprim itive [ New album release ] -Animaltek -Progress -Luis Campos -Liondub -Mun -Joro Boro – Supersyllius -Wobblesauce -PhunGeye -Kife -Ele ctrik -Optimus Tribe Immersive Environments and Insta llations from: -Global Village Productions ( UK. Ozora, Eclipse, MAN -NephilNine ( NSquared, NYC ankweb nephilnine.net/ -Akabak ‘A Collection of Images from the Akabak VirtualLabs; This series of digital paintings and p ainted photographs focuses on psychedelic and visionary imagery. This coll ection examines of perception of reality by exploring moments of intense v ividness, clarity, and illumination.’ Visual Multimedia Projections from: -Kaliptus Arts (NJ-NY Cosm, Seed, Psybolic Frolic blank kaliptus.blogspot.c wordbreak/ tions 9pm Kirtan, Jamming and Tribal Engagements from: -U nitribe, Alokananda web unitribeproductions/” rel n wordbreak ions/ Live painting by: b r-Gizem Bacaz ( SEED Gallery, NJ) (web newarksee r-Martin Cash Live digital painting and projections by: Body Painting by: -Collyn Gold ( CoSM, NYC ) collyngold/” rel maginal Healing Decompression Corner by: -Salma Shamy, Lucas Chute, DC and the Tribe Squad (A healing collective of Unitribe, Souldish, Gre en Bus Tour and the Brooklyn Dzogden Sanctuary) ww / k m/ Drummers and impromptu Light-Sabor-Poi Spin ning by: -Srikala (Unitribe) -Chelo Mercado and Downtown Liv dtlive.org/ “Tribal Market” spring editio n by Lunara: -East Coast Tribal designers with the new spring colle ction -Erthia -Metaforce -Chihigh -Lunara design -and moreb pan wordbreak 0 tribalmarket.or and more from: -You. If you have somthing to share, share i sts at eatpulp Bring your instruments to join the drum circle. In this spirit of celebratory warmth, all those who arrive dressed to please (or inspire/mystify/arouse/fro/spa nwordbreak lic/conquer) join us inside for $35. Except those who capitalize on the limited pre-sale tickets, they jo in for $30. Except those who really capitalize and get the first 25 tickets, they join for $25. ( These tickets are sold out. ) Except t he few-and-far-betweens who profoundly ‘wow’ the door-person. They join for free. Advance tickets are available here: http: ttp://eatpulp.ticketleap. wordbreak com/juice 2 . This 21+ event is presented by Pulp[NY] in a beaut iful collaboration with SoulDish, Fractaltribe, Audiolust, Feed The Starvi ng Artists, Omnitribe, Electrotribe, VFAdoo Productions-tribe and Unitrib e 85 tribe. Questions, comments, suggestions, existential r tpulp Join the Pulp group below for updates: break 0 span wordbreak” Other happenings: Unitribe: Sacred Sweat Lodge (Inipi Ceremony). March 27th, The Yellow Ranch. anwordbreak 1 Pulp: Vibrasphere Tr ibute. Last performance. April 1st, Brooklyn. Details to follow. Green Apples: Spring InPsyD. April 9th in NYC. web ollow ev wordbreak/ Subculture: Cosmic Joke. A Silly hat party. April 15 07448784 wordbreak 7 Green Ap ples with Pulp: Tryambaka + Progress. May 13th in Brooklyn. h break 0 Desiderata Festival: August 11th, 12th, 13t wordbreak 6 web de desideratafesti wordbreak val/ MANAFest: September 9th, 10th and 11th. Details around the corner. 001636c5’111f07f 49f080f32
#4493 Sat, 26 Mar 2011 00:47:09 From: “salmajane” planetdrum at gmail3/26 Saturday *Pulp: Juice II [Ott, Phutureprimitive and then some]** *Pulp: Juice II [Ott, Phutureprimitive and then some]** at 9:00pm – March 27 at 6:00am * *Public Assembly* *70 North 6th street* *Brooklyn, NY* *10 inches of snow. 29 painfully low degrees. 8 7 delayed trains. 1 reason not to care. * Juice II. A night of psychedel ic sensations, mind modifying music, eye opening art, retina rousing visual s, tantalizing installations, rapturous revelry, heart pounding drum circle s, and raw, raw heat. On March 26, from 9:00 pm until 6:00 am, at Public A ssembly join us for Gourmet music from: -Ott ( Twisted Records ) [ New al bum release ] -Phutureprimitive [ New album release ] -Animaltek -Progre ss -Luis Campos -Liondub -Mun -Joro Boro -Supersyllius -Wobblesauce -PhunGeye -Kife -Electrik -Optimus Tribe Immersive Environments and Ins tallations from: -Global Village Productions ( UK. Ozora, Eclipse, MANAFes t… ) globalvillageproductions.co.uk/ -NephilNine ( NSquared, NYC ) web nephilnine.net/ -Akabak ‘A Collection of Images from the Ak abak VirtualLabs; This series of digital paintings and painted photographs focuses on psychedelic and visionary imagery. This collection examines of p erception of reality by exploring moments of intense vividness, clarity, an d illumination.’ Visual Multimedia Projections from: -Kaliptus Arts (NJ-N Y Cosm, Seed, Psybolic Frolic) kaliptus.blogspot/ vimeo.c om/huemanoid -Robot Shabbat Productions 9pm Kirtan, Jamming and Tribal En gagements from: -Unitribe, Alokananda web unitribeproductions/ Live painting by: -Gizem Bacaz ( SEED Gallery, NJ) (web newarkseed / -Martin Cash Live digital painting and projections by: -Myztico ht tp://web myztico.mosaicglobe/ Body Painting by: -Collyn Gold ( CoSM, NYC ) collyngold/ Imaginal Healing Decompression Corner by: -S alma Shamy, Lucas Chute, DC and the Tribe Squad (A healing collective of Un itribe, Souldish, Green Bus Tour and the Brooklyn Dzogden Sanctuary) web souldish/ web greenbustour/ Drummers and impromptu Li ght-Sabor-Poi Spinning by: -Srikala (Unitribe) -Chelo Mercado and Downtow n Live JC dtlive.org/ “Tribal Market” spring edition by Lunara: -E ast Coast Tribal designers with the new spring collection -Erthia -Metaforc e -Chihigh -Lunara design -and more group.php?gid tribalmarket.org/ and more from: -You. If you h ave somthing to share, share it. Room for submissions remain: artists at eatp ulp Media Sponsor: Salma – Souldish: ht tp://web souldish/ Bring your instruments to join the drum circle. In this spirit of celebratory warmth, all those who arrive dressed to please (or inspire/mystify/arouse/frolic/conquer) joi n us inside for $35. Except those who capitalize on the limited pre-sale t ickets, they join for $30. Except those who really capitalize and get the first 25 tickets, they join for $25. ( These tickets are sold out. ) Excep t the few-and-far-betweens who profoundly ‘wow’ the door-person. They join for free. Advance tickets are available here: eatpulp.ticketleap.co m/juice2 . This 21+ event is presented by Pulp[NY] in a beautiful collabor ation with SoulDish, Fractaltribe, Audiolust, Feed The Starving Artists, Om nitribe, Electrotribe, VFAdoo Productions-tribe and Unitribe 85 tribe. Q uestions, comments, suggestions, existential revelations? Email: questions at eatpulp Join the Pulp group below for updates: web facebook Other happenings: Unitribe: Sacred Sweat Lodge (Inipi Cerem ony). March 27th, The Yellow Ranch. event.php?eid Pulp: Vibrasphere Tribute. Last performance. April 1st, Brooklyn. Details to follow. Green Apples: Spring InPsyD. April 9th in NY C. Subculture: Cos mic Joke. A Silly hat party. April 15th, Prodivence, RI. web faceboo Green Apples with Pulp: Tryambaka + Progress. May 13th in Brooklyn. 536017235870 Desiderata Festival: August 11th, 12th, 13th and 14th. http:/ web desideratafest ival/ MANAFest: September 9th, 10th and 11th. Details around the corne r.
#4494 Tue, 29 Mar 2011 15:16:30 From: TripOutNY-owner Pulp: Guilty Pleasures ( with Vibrasphere) Guilty Pleasures. For those who know… After 12 years of pushing the limits of psychedelic electronic music, on April 1st Vibrasphere will give their last performance in New York. Join us for a night of foolish romance playful emotions, uplifting music, mystifying art and rejuvenating vibrat ions. The Ice Age is over, it’s time to play. Music from: -Vibrasphere ( Final two-hour set ) -Gavin ( Spectra / Positive Pressure ) -Guillaume ( Disorient ) -Goatone ( Fractal Tribe ) -Psychedelikunz ( Psybolic Frol ic ) -Zola ( Lost in Sound ) Environments and Installations by: -Glob al Village ( UK ) globalvillageproductions.co.uk/ Visual Multimed ia Arts from: -Kaliptus kaliptus.blogspot/ vimeo/hue manoid -Lunecell Original artwork by: -Kaliptus The location will r emain a secret until the week of the event. RSVP to rsvp at eatpulp to re ceive the details via email. All those who arrive dressed to please (or inspire/mystify/arouse/frolic/conquer) join us inside for $30. RSVP to rsv p at eatpulp ahead of time to join for $25. $20 pre-sale tickets are avai lable here: eatpulp.ticketleap/guilty-pleasures-2011 Check th is page often. More details will be posted gradually. Questions, comments, suggestions, existential revelations? Email: questions at eatpulp Join t he Pulp group below for updates: 9894165700870 Other happenings: Pulp: Juice II ( Ott, Phutureprimitive ). March 26th in Brooklyn. Unitri be: Sacred Sweat Lodge (Inipi Ceremony). March 27th, The Yellow Ranch. http Subculture: Cosmic Jo ke. A Silly hat party. April 15th, Prodivence, RI. Green Apples: Spring InPsyD. April 9th in NYC. Green Apple s with Pulp: Tryambaka + Progress. May 13th in Brooklyn. web faceboo Desiderata Festival: August 11th, 1 2th, 13th and 14th. web desideratafestival/ MANAFest: September 9th, 10th and 11t h. Details around the corner.
#4495 Tue, 29 Mar 2011 15:18:15 From: “salmajane” planetdrum at gmailPulp: Guilty Pleasures (with Vibrasphere) Guilty Pleasures. For those who know… After 12 years of pushing the li mits of psychedelic electronic music, on April 1st Vibrasphere will give th eir last performance in New York. Join us for a night of foolish romance, playful emotions, uplifting music, mystifying art and rejuvenating vibratio ns. The Ice Age is over, it’s time to play. Music from: -Vibrasphere ( Final two-hour set ) -Gavin ( Spectra / Positive Pressure ) -Guillaume ( Disorient ) -Goatone ( Fractal Tribe ) -Psychedelikunz ( Psybolic Frolic ) -Zola ( Lost in Sound ) Environments and Installations by: -Global Village ( UK ) globalvillageproductions.co.uk/ Visual Multimedia Arts from: -Kaliptus kaliptus.blogspot/ vimeo/huema noid -Lunecell Original artwork by: -Kaliptus The location will rem ain a secret until the week of the event. RSVP to rsvp at eatpulp to rece ive the details via email. All those who arrive dressed to please (or in spire/mystify/arouse/frolic/conquer) join us inside for $30. RSVP to rsvp at eatpulp ahead of time to join for $25. $20 pre-sale tickets are availa ble here: eatpulp.ticketleap/guilty-pleasures-2011 Check this page often. More details will be posted gradually. Questions, comments, s uggestions, existential revelations? Email: questions at eatpulp Join the Pulp group below for updates: 94165700870 Ot her happenings: Pulp: Juice II ( Ott, Phutureprimitive ). March 26th in B rooklyn. Unitribe : Sacred Sweat Lodge (Inipi Ceremony). March 27th, The Yellow Ranch. http:/ Subculture: Cosmic Joke . A Silly hat party. April 15th, Prodivence, RI. ev Green Apples: Spring InPsyD. April 9th in N YC. Green Apples with Pulp: Tryambaka + Progress. May 13th in Brooklyn. web facebook. Desiderata Festival: August 11th, 12t h, 13th and 14th. web desideratafestival/ MANAFest: September 9th, 10th and 11th. Details around the corner.
#4496 Wed, 30 Mar 2011 01:59:13 From: TripOutNY-owner Green Apples presents: Spring InPsyD 18+ to dance 21+ to drink (9:30pm – April 10 at 6:00am, $15 in advance till A pril 3rd $20 at the door) Crystal Manor 1460 Flatbush Avenue between Glenwoo d and Farragut Roads Brooklyn, NY Take 2 or 5 to Flatbush Avenue-Brooklyn College web greenapplesnyc We don’t charge a processing fee fo r presale tickets web crystalmanor.net ::Live:: AVALON: Nano Reco rds, United Kingdom CTRL+ALT+DEL: Nexus-Media, India ::DJ Sets:: ELECTRIK : Psybotik/tekno*feel*ya, NYC MINDS OF DEMENTED: PA PSY CONDUCTOR: Green Apples, CT DJ BEAT MISER: Coalesce/PSI, CT DJ WICKED KOZY: Coalesce/ PSI, CT SUN LOTUS: Sounds, NJ PSYCHEDELIKUNZ: Psybolic Frolic/ Paranormal Dimension Recs, NJ ::Deco:: Neuronymphonic Art NephilNine Dec o ::Visuals:: Peter Parker Brodhead web parkerism Live painting by Kaliptus web kaliptus.blogspot 18+ to dance 21+ to drink $15 in adva nce till April 3rd $20 at the door We don’t charge a processing fee for pre sale tickets ::Venue:: Crystal Manor web crystalmanor.net 1460 Flatbush Avenue Brooklyn NY 11210 Take 2 or 5 to Flatbush Avenue-Brooklyn College ********************* Avalon Leon ‘Avalon’ (Uk, Nano records) is curr ently one of the biggest up and coming names on the international psytrance circuit. Avalon’s rip-roaring full-on, melodic, driving, yet surprisingly hard-hitting and evocative sound, is totally unique and has been tried and tested with huge success on dancefloors worldwide. Avalon has been tearing it up at parties in over 20 countries over the past year, at events includi ng Glade 2009 (UK), Tribe 8 Anos, Universo Paralello 10, (Brazil) Burning m an 09 (US), Origin 2010 (South Africa) as well as at some of the largest fe stivals and club nights across Europe, Japan and Australia. Whilst making i ncredible leaps and bounds with his solo production and DJing, he has also been remixed by and invited to work with some of the biggest names in the s cene, forming recent collaborations with Zen mechanics, Cosmosis, Burn In n oise, Lucas, Waio, Logica, Dickster. Avalon has also just teamed up with Tr istan to form a new power house liveact called Killawatts. They are current ly taking bookings all over the globe, so look out! Recent releases Include his debut album on Nano records, ‘Distant Futures,’ and latest ep ‘Session one’ all Gaining top 10 and number 1 slots on beatport . Stay tuned for fu ture Ep and compilation releases on top labels such as Nano, Neurobiotic, I boga, Alchemy and Tipworld. web myspace/avaleon web nano records.co.uk/artists/avalon.php avaleon web Ctrl+Alt+Del Ctrl+Alt+Del is the psyt rance project of Vishaal Turakhia. Originally from Bombay (India), he was f irst exposed to electronic music when he discovered Prodigy’s – Fat of The Land 12″. From that moment, all other genres of music were put on the back burner. He set out to explore other forms of “intelligent” electronic music and was addicted to high-tech and cutting-edge electronic sounds from the likes of 96 Prodigy, State of Bengal, Talvin Singh, Massive Attack, Leftfi eld, Venetian Snares, Boards of Canada and many others85 The period of tru e enlightenment was when he immersed himself into the burgeoning Psy-Trance culture in Bombay in 1999. After frequenting several underground psy-parti es, he realized the potential of this form of music. He most identified wit h the Swedish sound (ie – Logic Bomb, Hux-Flux, Chromosome etc.), which was intensely psychedelic with twisted sounds and an edgy twilight/morning fla vour. He began collecting psychedelic tunes and started dj-ing at parties i n Bombay. The desire to channel the passion for psy into a creative force l ed to the development of “Ctrl+Alt+Del.” After years of spinning psy, he be gan tinkering away at the computer, spending endless hours experimenting wi th DAWs + VSTs. While in college in New York, Vishaal often collaborated wi th his friend Peter Terlaak-Poot (a Violin prodigy) to add a “Classical-Goa ” sound to his projects. Eventually a unique sound was developed. The proje ct aims at producing top-notch intelligent twilight blasters that will sure ly tweak the brain! The project’s 1st track was signed by Shift for Nexus-M edia’s compilation 96 Midnight Storm III. Ctrl+Alt+Del is finally ready to explode onto the global psy-trance scene! web nexus-media.co.za web myspa ce/ctrlaltdeletion Minds Of Demented Matt (Darkrad) and Jeremy have been mixing music and attending events since 2000. They spent a few years l earning and being students of music until 2003 when they made their NYC deb ut at Club Vinyl for Tsunami. There they had a huge taste of a large live N YC crowd. After that show they played several Tsunami shows, outdoor gathe rings and private parties, sharing the stages with the likes of Alien Proje ct, Orion, Astral Projection, Hallucinogen, Hujaboy, Midi Miliz and others. In 2007, they decided to take a break from the scene to raise their famil ies. Now after a 4 year layoff, they are back and ready to bring their puls e pounding full on madness back to the main stage and promise to be crazier than ever. 18+ to dance 21+ to drink $15 in advance till April 3rd $20 at the door We don’t charge a processing fee for presale tickets ::Venue:: Crystal Manor 1460 Flatbush Avenue Brooklyn NY 11210 web crystalmanor.n et Take 2 or 5 to Flatbush Avenue-Brooklyn College
#4497 Thu, 31 Mar 2011 13:44:57 From: TripOutNY-owner Pulp: Guilty Pleasures ( with Vibrasphere ). Vibrasphere’s last ever performance in US. April 1st, NYC. *** Pulp: Gui lty Pleasures ( with Vibrasphere ). Pulp: Guilty Pleasures ( with Vibrasph ere ). For those who know… After 12 years of pushing the limits of psyc hedelic electronic music, on April 1st Vibrasphere will give their last per formance in New York. Join us for a night of foolish romance, playful emot ions, uplifting music, mystifying art and rejuvenating vibrations. Music f rom: -Vibrasphere ( Final two-hour set ) -Gavin ( Spectra / Positive Pres sure ) -Guillaume ( Disorient ) -Carol Ferraz ( Dreamcatchers ) -Goatone ( Fractal Tribe ) -Inner Mongolian ( Pulp ) -Psychedelikunz ( Psybolic F rolic ) -Zola ( Lost in Sound ) Environments and Installations by: -Glob al Village ( UK ) globalvillageproductions.co.uk/ Visual Multimedia Arts from: -Kaliptus kaliptus.blogspot/ vimeo/huema noid -Lunecell Drumming, jamming and tribal engagements by: -Unitribe – Tribe Squad Original artwork by: -Kaliptus Rebel 251 West 30th Street Ne w York, New York. 21+. All those who arrive dressed to please (or inspire /mystify/arouse/frolic/conquer) join us inside for $30. RSVP to rsvp at eatpu lp ahead of time to join for $25. $20 pre-sale tickets are available h ere: eatpulp.ticketleap/guilty-pleasures-2011 Questions, commen ts, suggestions, existential revelations? Email: questions at eatpulp Fac ebook event page: tinyurl/aprilpulp Check this page often for up dates. Join the Pulp group below for updates: grou
April 2011
#4498 Sat, 02 Apr 2011 15:58:48 Bcc: TripOutNY 02 Apr 2011 15:58:47 Sat, 2 Apr 2011 18:58:47 From: Blue Goddess bluegoddess at psybotikLUMENAUGHTY *UPDATE* PSYBOTIK’S 3RD ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION & FUNDRAISER FOR CAMP FREE FALL 0016362845e01ea3f4049ff77852 0016362845e01ea3ed049ff77851 We are very happy to announce we have a very special treat for you this yea r as we embark on a new adventure in Brooklyn where we92ll have a full gre en screen and projection wall to play with all night long. Featuring an org y of psychedelic techo, prog, full on and darkpsy to stimulate the audio-vi sual experience we will moving through a variety of backdrops throughout th e night we92ll visit the past and create the future, dive to the depths of the ocean, rise above the clouds and soar throughout the universe. Come s aturate yourself in an extra ordinary night with two rooms of whimsy and wo nder, featuring SLATER, the founder of Tribal Vision Records, and DRAGON of Dharmaharmony showcasing his new album! We92re also very happy to welcome back sexy-time with Boston92s sensational seductress ANYA from Sonic Beat ing, while KARMAKANIK brings us the sound of the Philly Underground! The re st of the evening will be filled with a complete PSYBOTIK SHOWCASE as we we lcome back the old and new members to the stage. Both headliners have made their mark in the scene of psychedelic electronic music. Slater runs one o f the most cutting edge labels in the world with an unmatched all star line up pumping out release after release pioneering the psychedelic techno soun d we have grown to love. Dragon pushes the boundaries and blurs the line be tween full on and darkpsy that will titillate the minds of the most seasone d psytrance connoisseurs. The night will be augmented by the passion and e xtravagance of the Luminisis performers with special guests bringing us Fir e, Burlesque, Bellydance and Go-Go. All the while being encompassed by Alch emism’s visual landscape. All proceeds help fund CAMP FREE FALL at Burning Man 2011, find out how to participate at: freefall.psybotik/ L et us see those sexy outfits. Let us see your style. Psybotik is extremely proud to present our sexiest of events…LUMENAUGHTY: PSYBOTIK’S 3RD ANNIV ERSARY CELEBRATION Seductive Suit e (Techno/Electro House/Prog): SLATER (Tribal Vision Records) – Czech Repu blic tribalvision.cz/ djslater.net/ KARMAKANIK (PSI/Coa lesce/Gaian Mind) – PHL ELECTRIK (Psybotik/tekno*feel*ya) – NYC psy botik SM0KE (Psybotik/Sync/tekno*feel*ya) – NJ sm0kemusic The Flirtatious Flat (Full On, Dark and Progressive Psytrance): DRAGON ** LIVE** (Dharmaharmony Records) – Gulf Breeze, Florida dragonpsytranc e dharmaharmony ANYA (Sonic Beating) – Boston s onicbeating.org ME (Psybotik/tekno*feel*ya) – NYC p sybotik HYPNOTOAD (Light-o-Matic/PSI/Psybotik) – NYC lightomati c psybotik/ MAYUR (Psybotik) – NYC psybotik D YSFORM (Psybotik/tekno*feel*ya) – NYC psybotik Fire Performanc e By: MASAE & ERIN (Luminisis) VICTOR (Psybotik) Immersive Green Screen Vi deo By: MAX NOVA (Dawn of Man) ALCHEMISM (Psybotik) Killer Sound By: Light -O-Matic Divine Deco By: Nephilnine (Fractal Tribe/ NSquared) We have glo rius NEW Virgin Venue in Brooklyn to show you but its very special so we ca n only release the address to ticket holders and those who RSVP. $10 until April 15th $15 until April 29th $20 until May 7th All pre-sales limited wh ile supplies last, get em while you can psybotik.ticketleap/psy botiknye3/at psybotik or click here: psybotik.ticketleap/lu menaughty3/ $30 at the door, $5 off with RSVP by sending an email to rsvp naughty3 at psybotik (one RSVP per email address) psybotik.ticket leap/psybotiknye3/ Invite your friends: event 37995021 psybotik.ticketleap/psybotiknye3/ See you soon! blue psybotik.ticketleap/psybotiknye3/ ps. We never want money t o prevent someone form being able to come so we offer work barters to anyon e who wants to be able to come for free or is just plain interested in gett ing involved and learning about what we do. Email me at bluegoddess at psyboti k for more information. psybotik.ticketleap/psybotiknye3/ SLATER (Tribal Vision Reco rds) – Czech Republic Michal Smetana aka DJ Slater is label manager and A&R of internationally well-known electronic music label Tribal Vision Records and at the same time one of the most renowned Czech DJs abroad. p sybotik.ticketleap/psybotiknye3/ His carrier started in the late 1990′ s, during the big boom of dance music in Prague. In the last decade he perf ormed at countless parties and festivals across the globe, held in almost a ll the European countries from Portugal to Russia, Sweden to Greece and eve rywhere in between, as well as oversea locations such as Japan, Brazil, Uni ted States, Canada, Australia, China, Mexico, Israel, Turkey, Morocco, Tuni sia or Chile. You might have already heard his sets at huge international f estivals such as Boom (PT), Glade (UK), Fusion (DE), Ozora (HU), Voov Exper ience / VuuV (DE), Aurora (GR), Soulclipse (TR), Sonica (IT), Virada Cultur al (BRA), Antaris Project (DE), Akasha (AUS), Antiworld (UK), Tribal Park ( MEX), Spirit Base (AT), Atmosphere (CH), Sundance (MEX), Enigma (BRA), or F ullmoon (DE) as well as the prestigious clubs in Shanghai, Tokyo, London, T el Aviv, Los Angeles, Paris, Mexico City, Sao Paolo, Berlin, Moscow and man y other places. These days, DJ Slater is playing a unique fusion of progres sive and techno, always including a lot of fresh new stuff label related ar tists. psybotik.ticketleap/psybotiknye3/ DJ Slater has been a lso collaborating with different artists in the studio on brand new tracks and remixes and as a result there were releases coming out recently – inclu ding well-known hits East Block, Virada or remix for legendary French artis t Jaia. Slater has also compiled more than fifteen CDs for various labels a round the world and as a creative director of Tribal Vision Records he is t o be found behind the album releases of artists such as Vibrasphere, Jaia, Brisker & Magitman, Peter Gun, Tegma, Duca, AstroNivo or Fitalic and countl ess singles and EPs. psybotik.ticketleap/psybotiknye3/ Beside s his regular dj sets, Slater is also performing with his dj/live project D J Slater feat. U-Prag Drummers, consisting of Akai APC 40 controlled Ableto n live, different sets of live percussion, cello and other musical instrume nts. tribalvision.cz/ djslater.net/ psybotik.t icketleap/psybotiknye3/ psybotik.ticketleap/psybotiknye3/ DRAGON (Dharmaharmony Records) – Gulf Breeze, Florida Co-founder of Dharm aharmony Records, David Scruggs, aka Dragon, is an international artist fro m the sunny beaches of Florida producing a hybrid style of psytrance and da rkpsy. Learning to dj in 1997, he made the trek from progressive trance to the realms of psytrance by 2001, and started composing his own music around 2004. He has been a cornerstone of the trance scene in the South Eastern U S, representing the TOUCH Samadhi coalition based in North Carolina. Dragon 92s musical productions include a handful of singles as well as two full-l ength albums; in.formation released in 2009 and spirals of time releasing i n early 2011. dragonpsytrance dharmaharmony psybotik.ticketleap/psybotiknye3/ ANYA (Sonic Beating) – Boston, Massachusetts Anya is a Russian dj, member, promoter, and booking agent fo r the successful Boston-based Sonic Beating crew. She enjoys DJing many dif ferent styles of electronic music including full-on and dark psytrance, min imal techno/tech house, IDM, dubstep, and progressive. Because she started listening to electronic music over 15 years ago, her taste is wide and vari ed, and her passion is to just see everyone dance. Anya has been involved w ith Sonic Beating for over 3 years and has worked with the SB team to push Psyforia – Boston’s semi-monthly psytrance party – out into the main Boston electronic music scene. Anya has been a featured guest on the 11-year runn ing WZBC radio station (web wzbc.org) show 93Green94 with Jeff Mission & used to hold a bimonthly slot on the Greek psy internet radio station Melex Radio. She has played various clubs, parties, and festivals in the US on th e East and West Coasts, and internationally in Italy, Switzerland, Canada, Morocco, and more. psybotik.ticketleap/psybotiknye3/ FUCK WAR FUCK PEACE. FULL POWER MUSIC RULES THE WORLD! sonicbeating.org psybotik.ticketleap/psybotiknye3/ psybotik.ticketleap.c om/psybotiknye3/ KARMAKANIK (Gaian Mind / PS1 / Coalesce) – Philadelphia M astermind behind the legendary PSI parties and the Coalesce festival, Pat h as rocked dance floors across the country with his signature blend of audit ory stimulation. His sets are known to span a wide range of contemporary el ectronic dance music, from harder edged twilight psytrance to progressive e lectro tech house. Pat92s versatility, effortless mixing technique, and en ergetic track selection have combined to make him a crowd favorite. Smooth yet crunchy, raw yet refined, psychedelicious and immensely satisfying. The Sound of the Philly Underground! psybotik.ticketleap/psybotik nye3/ ELECTRIK (Psybotik / tekno*feel*ya) – NYC Electrik is the founder of the Psybotik parties in New York City, catering to an exotic audience with fashion, fire and cutting edge electronic music. His style is dynamic but typically focuses on high energy dance music with psychedelic roots. Repres enting up and down the eastern seaboard as well as coast to coast in the US as well as internationally in Japan. Sullivan Room, Tavern on The Green, Exit, Public Assembly, Burning Man, Coalesce, Equinox, Synchronize, Desider ata, Orb, San Sabastian in Puerto Rico, Rockwest in Tokyo…are just a few of the places you may have caught one of his astounding performances. web psybotik psybotik.ticketleap/psybotiknye3/ MESSENGE R PARTICLE (Psybotik / tekno*feel*ya) I’m a creator of underground, eclect ic, esoteric and awesome parties. A veteran of the New York City Psytrance Culture. My first parties were the bridge parties. Dancing to Psychadelic t rance creates a synaesthesia. In your mind, your dancing adds an additional dimension to the music, creating a gestalt an entity greater then the two. I’ll create a wire-frame for you to stretch your mind across. You do the r est. web psybotik psybotik.ticketleap/psybotiknye3/ SM0KE (Psybotik / tekno*feel*ya – NJ) SM0KE is the techno/prog project of David Mostoller, the man behind the psytrance project Kabayun, as well as one-half of the psy duo Unwashed Tomato. Rooted in deep grooves with psyche delic atmospheres, SM0KE92s sounds form a minimal yet danceable vibe. Fr om his DJ sets, expect a mix of original tracks and some of the freshest tu nes from the border zone of techno, progressive house and psytrance. sm0kemusic psybotik.ticketleap/psybotiknye3/ Hypnotoad ( light-o-matic / PSI / Psybotik) – NYC A hard working 10 year veteran of the psy community, Hypnotoad has mesmerized many dancefloors with his unique a nd varied style: Dark fast and rhythmic night time music, deep flowing twil ight sounds, tech-ey melodic mornings… But always trippy, always danceabl e, always with the goal of inducing the pure joy of dancing and the psytranexperience. psybotik.ticketleap/psybotiknye3/ As a DJ, cor e member of the PSI family, and as the multifarious madman behind the sound lighting and party throwing machine that is light-o-matic, Hypnotoad has contributed his skills to literally hundreds of events. He is an active mem ber of Psybotik and long time contributor to the Gaian Mind family, has len t his talents to the Gaian Mind, Gemini, and Coalesce Festivals, was one of the original members of the 28th Day organization and has contributed in v arious ways to the efforts of a great many psytrance collectives in the New York and Philadelphia area. Artist, engineer, muckraker and peacemaker.. H ypnotoad has made his indelible mark on psytrance in the USA. psyb otik.ticketleap/psybotiknye3/ pages/DJ-Hypnoto ad/137307552953820 psybotik.ticketleap/psybotiknye3/ MAYUR (P sybotik) – NYC DJ, academic, and global neuronaut, Mayur has been dedicated to the NYC underground for several years. Opening for such acts as Atmos i n Japan, Son Kite in Morocco, and headlining with acts such as Dijital Talk in San Francisco; there seems theres no place Mayur hasn’t been! Starting about a decade ago with Spectra Productions, Mayur has since then focused h is valiant efforts organizing exceptional events with Psybotik. So far this year has had a barrage of dance throbbing sets coming to you almost every weekend if you’re lucky. Stay tuned for his next appearance! psybo tik.ticketleap/psybotiknye3/ DYSFORM (Psybotik / tekno*feel*ya) – NYC A long time ago I noticed that music involving certain rythms to be unusual ly inspiring and energetic, elevating the mind somehow. This rhythm is the foundation of psychedelic trance and along with the ability to synthesise s ounds that we never hear in nature, talented artists created truly amazing music that is incomprehensibly wonderful. It is my greatest pleasure to be behind the controls FULL ON!psybotik.ticketleap/psybotiknye3/ psybotik.ticketleap/psybotiknye3/ 0016362845e01ea3ed049ff77851 reat for you this year as we embark on a new adventure in Brooklyn where we 92ll have a full green screen and projection wall to play with all night l ong. Featuring an orgy of psychedelic techo, prog, full on and darkpsy to s timulate the audio-visual experience we will moving through a variety of ba ckdrops throughout the night we92ll visit the past and create the future, dive to the depths of the ocean, rise above the clouds and soar throughout the universe. iv ; urself in an extra ordinary night with two rooms of whimsy and wonder, feat aharmony showcasing his new album! We92re also very happy to welcome back lcome back the old and new members to the stage. /span Both headliners have made their mark in the scene of psychedelic electronic music. Slater runs one of the m ost cutting edge labels in the world with an unmatched all star lineup pump ing out release after release pioneering the psychedelic techno sound we ha ve grown to love. Dragon pushes the boundaries and blurs the line between f ull on and darkpsy that will titillate the minds of the most seasoned psytr ance connoisseurs. he Luminisis performers with special guests bringing us Fire, Burlesque, Be llydance and Go-Go. All the while being encompassed by Alchemism’s visu al landscape. E FALL at Burning Man 2011, find out how to participate at: s freefall.psybotik/ Psybotik is extremely proud to pre sent our sexiest of events…LUMENAUGHTY: PSYBOTIK’S 3RD ANNIVERSARY lic djslater.net/ nter; gn: center; ; psybotik er; class fo //sm0kemusic class fo Breeze, Florida /s class style Apple-sty “; ME (Psybotik/tekno*feel*ya) – NYC / App “; HYPNOTOAD (Light-o-Matic/PSI/Psybotik) – NYC Apple-st – sybotik DYSFORM ranspare Apple-style- gn: center; n: center; Light-O-Matic di ter; mal; We have glorius NEW Virgin Venue in Brooklyn to show you but its ver y special so we can only release the address to ticket holders and those wh o RSVP. A $15 until April 29th /sp iv ; ; lies last, get em while you can psybotik.ticketleap or click here: psybotik.ticketleap/lumenaughty3/ botikrsvpnaughty3 at psybotik (one RSVP per email address)/span See you soon! o prevent someone form being able to come so we offer work barters to anyon e who wants to be able to come for free or is just plain interested in gett ing involved and learning about what we do. Email me at m ation. nsparepsybotik.ticketleap/psybotiknye3/ / psybotik.ticketleap/psybotiknye3/ di h Republic is label manager and A&R of internationally well-known electronic music label Tribal Vision Records and at the same time one of the most renowned Czech DJs abroad. 990’s, during the big boom of dance music in Prague. In the last decade he performed at countless parties and festivals across the globe, held in almost all the European countries from Portugal to Russia, Sweden to Greece and everywhere in between, as well as oversea locations such as Japan, Bra zil, United States, Canada, Australia, China, Mexico, Israel, Turkey, Moroc co, Tunisia or Chile. You might have already heard his sets at huge interna tional festivals such as Boom (PT), Glade (UK), Fusion (DE), Ozora (HU), Vo ov Experience / VuuV (DE), Aurora (GR), Soulclipse (TR), Sonica (IT), Virad a Cultural (BRA), Antaris Project (DE), Akasha (AUS), Antiworld (UK), Triba l Park (MEX), Spirit Base (AT), Atmosphere (CH), Sundance (MEX), Enigma (BR A), or Fullmoon (DE) as well as the prestigious clubs in Shanghai, Tokyo, L ondon, Tel Aviv, Los Angeles, Paris, Mexico City, Sao Paolo, Berlin, Moscow and many other places. These days, DJ Slater is playing a unique fusion of progressive and techno, always including a lot of fresh new stuff label re lated artists. with different artists in the studio on brand new tracks and remixes and a s a result there were releases coming out recently – including well-known h its East Block, Virada or remix for legendary French artist Jaia. Slater ha s also compiled more than fifteen CDs for various labels around the world a nd as a creative director of Tribal Vision Records he is to be found behind the album releases of artists such as Vibrasphere, Jaia, Brisker & Mag itman, Peter Gun, Tegma, Duca, AstroNivo or Fitalic and countless singles a nd EPs. ransparepsybotik.ticketleap/psybotiknye3/ performing with his dj/live project DJ Slater feat. U-Prag Drummers, consi sting of Akai APC 40 controlled Ableton live, different sets of live percus sion, cello and other musical instruments. com/psybotiknye3/ DRAGON (Dharmaharmony Records) – Gulf Breeze, Florida aka Dragon, is an international artist from the sunny beaches of Florida p roducing a hybrid style of psytrance and darkpsy. Learning to dj in 1997, h e made the trek from progressive trance to the realms of psytrance by 2001, and started composing his own music around 2004. He has been a cornerstone of the trance scene in the South Eastern US, representing the TOUCH Samadh i coalition based in North Carolina. Dragon92s musical productions include on released in 2009 and spirals of time releasing in early 2011. /d” sparepsybotik.ticketleap/psybotiknye3/ /a on, Massachusetts member, promoter, and booking agent for the successful Boston-based Sonic B eating crew. She enjoys DJing many different styles of electronic music inc luding full-on and dark psytrance, minimal techno/tech house, IDM, dubstep, and progressive. Because she started listening to electronic music over 15 years ago, her taste is wide and varied, and her passion is to just see ev eryone dance. Anya has been involved with Sonic Beating for over 3 years an d has worked with the SB team to push Psyforia – Boston’s semi-monthly psytrance party – out into the main Boston electronic music scene. Anya has been a featured guest on the 11-year running WZBC radio station ( on & used to hold a bimonthly slot on the Greek psy internet radio stat ion MelexRadio. She has played various clubs, parties, and festivals in the US on the East and West Coasts, and internationally in Italy, Switzerland, Canada, Morocco, and more. LL POWER MUSIC RULES THE WORLD! /sonicbeating.org / PS1 / Coalesce) – Philadelphia mind behind the legendary PSI parties and the Coalesce festival, Pat has ro cked dance floors across the country with his signature blend of auditory s timulation. His sets are known to span a wide range of contemporary electro nic dance music, from harder edged twilight psytrance to progressive electr o tech house. Pat92s versatility, effortless mixing technique, and energet ic track selection have combined to make him a crowd favorite. Smooth yet c runchy, raw yet refined, psychedelicious and immensely satisfying. The Soun d of the Philly Underground! TRIK (Psybotik / tekno*feel*ya) – NYC ectrik is the founder of the Psybotik parties in New York City, catering to an exotic audience with fashion, fire and cutting edge electronic music. H is style is dynamic but typically focuses on high energy dance music with p sychedelic roots. Representing up and down the eastern seaboard as well as coast to coast in the US, as well as internationally in Japan. Sullivan Roo m, Tavern on The Green, Exit, Public Assembly, Burning Man, Coalesce, Equin ox, Synchronize, Desiderata, Orb, San Sabastian in Puerto Rico, Rockwest in Tokyo…are just a few of the places you may have caught one of his astoun ding performances. ik ybotik / tekno*feel*ya) ator of underground, eclectic, esoteric and awesome parties. A veteran of t he New York City Psytrance Culture. My first parties were the bridge partie s. a synaesthesia. In your mind, your dancing adds an additional dimension to the music, creating a gestalt an entity greater then the two. I’ll cre ate a wire-frame for you to stretch your mind across. You do the rest./spa n n stoller, the man behind the psytrance project Kabayun, as well as one-half of the psy duo Unwashed Tomato. Rooted in deep grooves with psychedelic atm ospheres, SM0KE92s sounds form a minimal yet danceable vibe. From hi s DJ sets, expect a mix of original tracks and some of the freshest tunes f nity, Hypnotoad has mesmerized many dancefloors with his unique and varied style: Dark fas
#4499 Fri, 8 Apr 2011 16:46:29 Fri, 8 Apr 2011 16:46:29 Fri, 8 Apr 2011 16:46:28 Fri, 08 Apr 2011 15:46:25 ; formatflowed From: Machinelf Owsley dies in car accident A couple weeks old.. web jambands/news/2011/03/13/owsley-bear-stanley-dies-in-car-accident
#4500 Apr 2011 19:38:26 Thu, 14 Apr 2011 22:38:26 To: nyc604, TripOutNY From: Blue Goddess bluegoddess at psybotikTwo Great NYC Underground Parties! SYNC on Sat 4/16 then LUMENAUGHTY Sat May 7th (1st Tier Sold Out!) – RSVP for Address 001485f9a80cbaeca304 ebef57 001485f9a80cbaec9e04 ebef56 Celebrating the upcoming release of Crooked Records first CD compilation, S YNC is bringing some of the worlds finest full-power psytrance acts to our lovely NYC! Featuring live sets by: Psymmetrix Asimilon Dirty Saffi Project Sketch Kabayun Onnomon and DJ sets by: Bran don Adams Electrik Dan Covan and more. Deco by Nephilnine and Hitomi Arai Visuals by Alchemism Outdoor area curated by the Magic Hookah Lounge and friends, & Neuronymphonic Art. Psychedelic clothing/music/jewelry/art sho p by Enki and friends. Crooked Records t-shirts by Chad will be available!! ! This event is a fundraiser for the first Crooked Records CD Release, so come out and support the hard work and devotion one of our dear friends has put into this music and the scene for so many years. Help get this spacesh ip off the ground! Check out the full event info and purchase pre-sale tic kets at: s-y-n-c/ To receive location and directions please se nd an email with your name and email address to rsvp at s-y-n-c . Psybotik is del ighted to announce we have a very special treat for you on Saturday May 7th as we embark on a new adventure in Brooklyn where we92ll have a full gree n screen and projection wall to play with all night long. Featuring an orgy of psychedelic techo, prog, full on and darkpsy to stimulate the audio-vis ual experience we will transform through a variety of backdrops throughout the night where we92ll visit the past and create the future, dive to the d epths of the ocean, rise above the clouds and soar throughout the universe. Come saturate yourself in an extra ordinary night with two rooms of whims y and wonder, featuring SLATER, the founder of Tribal Vision Records, and D RAGON of Dharmaharmony showcasing his new album! We92re also very happy to welcome back sexy-time with Boston92s sensational seductress ANYA from So nic Beating, while KARMAKANIK brings us the sound of the Philly Underground ! The rest of the evening will be filled with a complete PSYBOTIK SHOWCASE as we welcome back the old and new members to the stage. Plus a very specia l guest world renowned fire performance by FLAMBEAUX99. Both headliners h ave made their mark in the scene of psychedelic electronic music. Slater ru ns one of the most cutting edge labels in the world with an unmatched all s tar lineup pumping out release after release pioneering the psychedelic tec hno sound we have grown to love. Dragon pushes the boundaries and blurs the line between full on and darkpsy that will titillate the minds of the most seasoned psytrance connoisseurs. The night will be augmented by the passi on and extravagance of the Luminisis performers with special guests bringin g us Fire, Burlesque, Bellydance and Go-Go. All the while being encompassed by Alchemism’s visual landscape. All proceeds help fund CAMP FREE FALL at Burning Man 2011, find out how to participate at: freefall.psybotik / Let us see those sexy outfits. Let us see your style. Psybotik is e xtremely proud to present our sexiest of events…LUMENAUGHTY: PSYBOTIK’S 3 RD ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION Saturday, May 7 10PM Brooklyn rsvpnaughty3 at psybotik for address Seductive Suite (Psychedelic Techno and Prog): SLATER (Tribal Vision Records) – Czech Republic tribalv ision.cz/ djslater.net/ KARMAKANIK (PSI/Coalesce/Gaian Mind) – PHL ELECTRIK (Psybotik/tekno*feel*ya) – NYC psybotik SM0KE (P sybotik/Sync/tekno*feel*ya) – NJ sm0kemusic The Flirtatious Fl at (Full On, Dark and Progressive Psytrance): DRAGON **LIVE** (Dharmaharmo ny Records) – Gulf Breeze, Florida dragonpsytrance d harmaharmony ANYA (Sonic Beating) – Boston sonicbeating.org ME (Psybotik/tekno*feel*ya) – NYC psybotik HYPNOT OAD (Light-o-Matic/PSI/Psybotik) – NYC lightomatic psybo tik/ MAYUR (Psybotik) – NYC psybotik DYSFORM (Psybotik/te kno*feel*ya) – NYC psybotik Fire Performance By: MASAE & ERIN (Luminisis) VICT OR (Psybotik) Immersive Green Screen Video By: MAX NOVA (Dawn of Man) http ://web dawnofman/ ALCHEMISM (Psybotik) Killer Sound By: Light-O-Matic lightomatic/ Divine Deco By: Nephilnine (Fractal Tribe/ NSquar ed) web nephilnine.net/ We have glorious NEW Virgin Venue in Brookl yn to show you but its very special so we can only release the address to t icket holders and those who RSVP. $10 until April 15th $15 until April 29t h $20 until May 7th All pre-sales limited while supplies last, get em while you can psybotik.ticketleap/psybotiknye3/at psybotik or c lick here: psybotik.ticketleap/lumenaughty3/ $30 at the door, $5 off with RSVP by sending an email to rsvpnaughty3 at psybotik (one RSVP per email address) psybotik.ticketleap/psybotiknye3/ Invite htt psybotik.tick etleap/psybotiknye3/ See you soon! blue psybotik.ticketleap. com/psybotiknye3/ ps. We never want money to prevent someone form being a ble to come so we offer work barters to anyone who wants to be able to come for free or is just plain interested in getting involved and learning abou t what we do. Email me at bluegoddess at psybotik for more information. psybotik.ticketleap/psybotiknye3/ psybotik.ticketleap. com/psybotiknye3/ SLATER (Tribal Vision Records) – Czech Republic Michal S metana aka DJ Slater is label manager and A&R of internationally well-known electronic music label Tribal Vision Records and at the same time one of t he most renowned Czech DJs abroad. psybotik.ticketleap/psyboti knye3/ His carrier started in the late 1990’s, during the big boom of danc e music in Prague. In the last decade he performed at countless parties and festivals across the globe, held in almost all the European countries from Portugal to Russia, Sweden to Greece and everywhere in between, as well as oversea locations such as Japan, Brazil, United States, Canada, Australia, China, Mexico, Israel, Turkey, Morocco, Tunisia or Chile. You might have a lready heard his sets at huge international festivals such as Boom (PT), Gl ade (UK), Fusion (DE), Ozora (HU), Voov Experience / VuuV (DE), Aurora (GR) Soulclipse (TR), Sonica (IT), Virada Cultural (BRA), Antaris Project (DE) Akasha (AUS), Antiworld (UK), Tribal Park (MEX), Spirit Base (AT), Atmosp here (CH), Sundance (MEX), Enigma (BRA), or Fullmoon (DE) as well as the pr estigious clubs in Shanghai, Tokyo, London, Tel Aviv, Los Angeles, Paris, M exico City, Sao Paolo, Berlin, Moscow and many other places. These days, DJ Slater is playing a unique fusion of progressive and techno, always includ ing a lot of fresh new stuff label related artists. psybotik.ticke tleap/psybotiknye3/ DJ Slater has been also collaborating with differe nt artists in the studio on brand new tracks and remixes and as a result th ere were releases coming out recently – including well-known hits East Bloc k, Virada or remix for legendary French artist Jaia. Slater has also compil ed more than fifteen CDs for various labels around the world and as a creat ive director of Tribal Vision Records he is to be found behind the album re leases of artists such as Vibrasphere, Jaia, Brisker & Magitman, Peter Gun, Tegma, Duca, AstroNivo or Fitalic and countless singles and EPs. psybotik.ticketleap/psybotiknye3/ Besides his regular dj sets, Slater is also performing with his dj/live project DJ Slater feat. U-Prag Drummers consisting of Akai APC 40 controlled Ableton live, different sets of live percussion, cello and other musical instruments. tribalvision.cz/ djslater.net/ psybotik.ticketleap/psybotiknye3/ psybotik.ticketleap/psybotiknye3/ DRAGON (Dharmaharmony Record s) – Gulf Breeze, Florida Co-founder of Dharmaharmony Records, David Scrugg s, aka Dragon, is an international artist from the sunny beaches of Florida producing a hybrid style of psytrance and darkpsy. Learning to dj in 1997, he made the trek from progressive trance to the realms of psytrance by 200 1, and started composing his own music around 2004. He has been a cornersto ne of the trance scene in the South Eastern US, representing the TOUCH Sama dhi coalition based in North Carolina. Dragon92s musical productions inclu de a handful of singles as well as two full-length albums; in.formation rel eased in 2009 and spirals of time releasing in early 2011. dragonpsy trance dharmaharmony psybotik.ticketleap/ psybotiknye3/ ANYA (Sonic Beating) – Boston, Massachusetts Anya is a Russi an dj, member, promoter, and booking agent for the successful Boston-based Sonic Beating crew. She enjoys DJing many different styles of electronic mu sic including full-on and dark psytrance, minimal techno/tech house, IDM, d ubstep, and progressive. Because she started listening to electronic music over 15 years ago, her taste is wide and varied, and her passion is to just see everyone dance. Anya has been involved with Sonic Beating for over 3 y ears and has worked with the SB team to push Psyforia – Boston’s semi-month ly psytrance party – out into the main Boston electronic music scene. Anya has been a featured guest on the 11-year running WZBC radio station (web wz bc.org) show 93Green94 with Jeff Mission & used to hold a bimonthly slot on the Greek psy internet radio station MelexRadio. She has played various clubs, parties, and festivals in the US on the East and West Coasts, and in ternationally in Italy, Switzerland, Canada, Morocco, and more. ps ybotik.ticketleap/psybotiknye3/ FUCK WAR, FUCK PEACE. FULL POWER MUSIC RULES THE WORLD! sonicbeating.org psybotik.ticketleap/ psybotiknye3/ psybotik.ticketleap/psybotiknye3/ KARMAKANIK ( Gaian Mind / PS1 / Coalesce) – Philadelphia Mastermind behind the legendary PSI parties and the Coalesce festival, Pat has rocked dance floors across the country with his signature blend of auditory stimulation. His sets are known to span a wide range of contemporary electronic dance music, from har der edged twilight psytrance to progressive electro tech house. Pat92s ver satility, effortless mixing technique, and energetic track selection have c ombined to make him a crowd favorite. Smooth yet crunchy, raw yet refined, psychedelicious and immensely satisfying. The Sound of the Philly Undergrou nd! psybotik.ticketleap/psybotiknye3/ ELECTRIK (Psybotik / te kno*feel*ya) – NYC Electrik is the founder of the Psybotik parties in New Y ork City, catering to an exotic audience with fashion, fire and cutting edg e electronic music. His style is dynamic but typically focuses on high ener gy dance music with psychedelic roots. Representing up and down the eastern seaboard as well as coast to coast in the US, as well as internationally i n Japan. Sullivan Room, Tavern on The Green, Exit, Public Assembly, Burning Man, Coalesce, Equinox, Synchronize, Desiderata, Orb, San Sabastian in Pue rto Rico, Rockwest in Tokyo…are just a few of the places you may have cau ght one of his astounding performances. psybotik web psy botik/ psybotik.ticketleap/psybotiknye3/ MESSENGER PARTI CLE (Psybotik / tekno*feel*ya) I’m a creator of underground, eclectic, eso teric and awesome parties. A veteran of the New York City Psytrance Culture . My first parties were the bridge parties. Dancing to Psychadelic trance c reates a synaesthesia. In your mind, your dancing adds an additional dimens ion to the music, creating a gestalt an entity greater then the two. I’ll c reate a wire-frame for you to stretch your mind across. You do the rest. ht tp://psybotik psybotik.ticketleap/psybotiknye3/ SM0KE (Ps ybotik / tekno*feel*ya – NJ) SM0KE is the techno/prog project of David Most oller, the man behind the psytrance project Kabayun, as well as one-half of the psy duo Unwashed Tomato. Rooted in deep grooves with psychedelic atmos pheres, SM0KE92s sounds form a minimal yet danceable vibe. From his DJ s ets, expect a mix of original tracks and some of the freshest tunes from th e border zone of techno, progressive house and psytrance. sm0kemusic psybotik.ticketleap/psybotiknye3/ Hypnotoad (light-o-mat ic / PSI / Psybotik) – NYC A hard working 10 year veteran of the psy commun ity, Hypnotoad has mesmerized many dancefloors with his unique and varied s tyle: Dark fast and rhythmic night time music, deep flowing twilight sounds tech-ey melodic mornings… But always trippy, always danceable, always w ith the goal of inducing the pure joy of dancing and the psytrance experien ce. psybotik.ticketleap/psybotiknye3/ As a DJ, core member of the PSI family, and as the multifarious madman behind the sound, lighting and party throwing machine that is light-o-matic, Hypnotoad has contributed his skills to literally hundreds of events. He is an active member of Psyb otik and long time contributor to the Gaian Mind family, has lent his talen ts to the Gaian Mind, Gemini, and Coalesce Festivals, was one of the origin al members of the 28th Day organization and has contributed in various ways to the efforts of a great many psytrance collectives in the New York and P hiladelphia area. Artist, engineer, muckraker and peacemaker.. Hypnotoad ha s made his indelible mark on psytrance in the USA. psybotik.ticket leap/psybotiknye3/ pages/DJ-Hypnotoad/13730755 2953820 psybotik.ticketleap/psybotiknye3/ MAYUR (Psybotik) – NYC DJ, academic, and global neuronaut, Mayur has been dedicated to the NYC underground for several years. Opening for such acts as Atmos in Japan, So n Kite in Morocco, and headlining with acts such as Dijital Talk in San Fra ncisco; there seems theres no place Mayur hasn’t been! Starting about a dec ade ago with Spectra Productions, Mayur has since then focused his valiant efforts organizing exceptional events with Psybotik. So far this year has h ad a barrage of dance throbbing sets coming to you almost every weekend if you’re lucky. Stay tuned for his next appearance! psybotik.ticketl eap/psybotiknye3/ DYSFORM (Psybotik / tekno*feel*ya) – NYC A long time ago I noticed that music involving certain rhythms to be unusually inspiri ng and energetic, elevating the mind somehow. This rhythm is the foundation of psychedelic trance and along with the ability to synthesise sounds that we never hear in nature, talented artists created truly amazing music that is incomprehensibly wonderful. It is my greatest pleasure to be behind the controls FULL ON! psybotik.ticketleap/psybotiknye3/ 001485f9a80cbaec9e04 ebef56 xCelebrating the upcoming release of Crooked Records first CD compilation SYNC is bringing some of the worlds finest full-power psytrance acts to o ur lovely NYC! di ion:none Asimilon ext-decoration:none Onnomon and DJ sets by: /sp text and more. sty enterDeco by Nephilnine and Hitomi Arai als by Alchemism sp l Outdoor area curated by the Magic Hookah Lounge and friends, & Neuronymphonic Art. Psychedelic clothing/music/jewelry/art /sp iv text shop by Enki and friends. Crooked Recor This event is a fundraiser for the f irst Crooked Records CD Release, so come out and support the hard work and devotion one of our dear friends has put into this music and the scene for so many years. Help get this spaceship off the ground! nt info and purchase pre-sale tickets at: / terTo receive location and directions please send an email with your name rsvp at s-y-n-c . “, or you on Saturday May 7th as we embark on a new adventure in Brooklyn wher e we92ll have a full green screen and projection wall to play with all nig ht long. Featuring an orgy of psychedelic techo, prog, full on and darkpsy to stimulate the audio-visual experience we will transform through a variet y of backdrops throughout the night where we92ll visit the past and create the future, dive to the depths of the ocean, rise above the clouds and soa r throughout the universe. iv text ordinary night with two rooms of whimsy and wonder, featuring ! We92re also very happy to welcome back sexy-time with Boston92s sensati Philly Underground! The rest of the evening will be filled with a complete as we welcome back the old and new members to the stage. spa Both headliners have made their mark in the scene of psychede lic electronic music. Slater runs one of the most cutting edge labels in th e world with an unmatched all star lineup pumping out release after release pioneering the psychedelic techno sound we have grown to love. Dragon push es the boundaries and blurs the line between full on and darkpsy that will titillate the minds of the most seasoned psytrance connoisseurs. /s The night will be augmented by the passion and extravagance of the Lumin isis performers with special guests bringing us Fire, Burlesque, Bellydance and Go-Go. All the while being encompassed by Alchemism’s visual lands cape. xt All proceeds help fund CAMP FREE FALL at Burning Man 201 an Psyboti k is extremely proud to present our sexiest of events…LUMENAUGHTY: PSYBOT Saturday, May 7 /span 10P n:center ss pan djslater.net/” style t/ s-serif ELECTRIK (Psybotik/tekno*feel*y ://psybotik iv text l ily:, dharmaharm p://dharmaharmony ans-serif s psybotik MAY -wrappsybotik serif DYSFORM (Psybotik/tekno*feel*ya) psybotik st an VIC xt Immersive Green Screen Video By: spa ly:, MAX NOVA (Dawn of ww.dawnofman/ text oma, serif r Nephil fon have glorious NEW Virgin Venue in Brooklyn to show you but its very special so we can only release the address to ticket holders and those who RSVP./ n:center div text homa, imited while supplies last, get em while you can ps k here: pan sp $30 at the door, $5 off with RSVP by sending an email to mailto (one RSVP per email address) fInvite your friends: event.php? textpsybotik.ticketleap/psyb u soon! -family:, ps. We never want money to prevent someone f orm being able to come so we offer work barters to anyone who wants to be a ble to come for free or is just plain interested in getting involved and le nformation. http: iv textpsybotik.ticketleap/ps er A&R of internationally well-known electronic music label Tribal Vision Records and at the same time one of the most renowned Czech DJs abroad. / psybotik.ti of dance music in Prague. In the last decade he performed at countless part ies and festivals across the globe, held in almost all the European countri es from Portugal to Russia, Sweden to Greece and everywhere in between, as well as oversea locations such as Japan, Brazil, United States, Canada, Aus tralia, China, Mexico, Israel, Turkey, Morocco, Tunisia or Chile. You might have already heard his sets at huge international festivals such as Boom ( PT), Glade (UK), Fusion (DE), Ozora (HU), Voov Experience / VuuV (DE), Auro ra (GR), Soulclipse (TR), Sonica (IT), Virada Cultural (BRA), Antaris Proje ct (DE), Akasha (AUS), Antiworld (UK), Tribal Park (MEX), Spirit Base (AT), Atmosphere (CH), Sundance (MEX), Enigma (BRA), or Fullmoon (DE) as well as the prestigious clubs in Shanghai, Tokyo, London, Tel Aviv, Los Angeles, P aris, Mexico City, Sao Paolo, Berlin, Moscow and many other places. These d ays, DJ Slater is playing a unique fusion of progressive and techno, always including a lot of fresh new stuff label related artists. d iv textpsybotik.ticketleap/ps later has been also collaborating with different artists in the studio on b rand new tracks and remixes and as a result there were releases coming out recently – including well-known hits East Block, Virada or remix for legend ary French artist Jaia. Slater has also compiled more than fifteen CDs for various labels around the world and as a creative director of Tribal Vision Records he is to be found behind the album releases of artists such as Vib rasphere, Jaia, Brisker & Magitman, Peter Gun, Tegma, Duca, AstroNivo o r Fitalic and countless singles and EPs. psybotik.ticketleap/psybotiknye3/” targ Besides his regular d j sets, Slater is also performing with his dj/live project DJ Slater feat. U-Prag Drummers, consisting of Akai APC 40 controlled Ableton live, differe nt sets of live percussion, cello and other musical instruments. tribalvision.cz/” st if” psyb gs, aka Dragon, is an international artist from the sunny beaches of Florid a producing a hybrid style of psytrance and darkpsy. Learning to dj in 1997 he made the trek from progressive trance to the realms of psytrance by 20 01, and started composing his own music around 2004. He has been a cornerst one of the trance scene in the South Eastern US, representing the TOUCH Sam adhi coalition based in North Carolina. Dragon92s musical productions incl ude a handful of singles as well as two full-length albums; in.formation re leased in 2009 and spirals of time releasing in early 2011. dragonpsytrance/” st homa, ” ston, Massachusetts st an dj, member, promoter, and booking agent for the successful Boston-based Sonic Beating crew. She enjoys DJing many different styles of electronic mu sic including full-on and dark psytrance, minimal techno/tech house, IDM, d ubstep, and progressive. Because she started listening to electronic music over 15 years ago, her taste is wide and varied, and her passion is to just see everyone dance. Anya has been involved with Sonic Beating for over 3 y ears and has worked with the SB team to push Psyforia – Boston’s semi-m onthly psytrance party – out into the main Boston electronic music scene. A nya has been a featured guest on the 11-year running WZBC radio station (reen94 with Jeff Mission & used to hold a bimonthly slot on the Greek psy internet radio station MelexRadio. She has played various clubs, partie s, and festivals in the US on the East and West Coasts, and internationally in Italy, Switzerland, Canada, Morocco, and more. CK PEACE. FULL POWER MUSIC RULES THE WORLD! e festival, Pat has rocked dance floors across the country with his signatu re blend of auditory stimulation. His sets are known to span a wide range o f contemporary electronic dance music, from harder edged twilight psytrance to progressive electro tech house. Pat92s versatility, effortless mixing technique, and energetic track selection have combined to make him a crowd favorite. Smooth yet crunchy, raw yet refined, psychedelicious and immensel y sa
#4501 Wed, 20 Apr 2011 12:00:36 Wed, 20 Apr 2011 12:00:36 (versionSSLv3 cipherOTHER); Wed, 20 Apr 2011 12:00:35 Wed, 20 Apr 2011 15:01:13 From: Party Time timetopartynyc at gmailPSY SPA PTY! – THIS FRIDAY APRIL 22 – Come SWEAT at a Psychedelic Spa Party! FACEBOOK PAGE FOR THIS EVENT: web event.php?eid215044918506424 PLEASE RSVP THEN INVITE ALL YOUR FRIENDS! FOWARD THIS EMAIL (no lists), TEXT THE WORLD! 😀 Psy Spa Pty! Brooklyn Banya Bath House in Kensington, Brooklyn 602 Coney Island Avenue (NOT on Coney Island) Brooklyn, NY Psy Trance Party at a Russian Bath House in Brooklyn, Friday, April 22! Hot Tub, Pool, Wet Sauna, Dry Sauna, Steam Room, Hooka Room with Free Hooka, Big Roof Deck, Private Massage Rooms, Platzka, Hot and Cold Showers, Lockers, and a Russian Restaurant inside will be selling food and beer. DJs Luis Campos and Felipe Linares will be spinning Psychedelic Music starting at 11pm. Four Blacklight Cannons will create a Full Blacklight Environment for Spandex Art by NephilNine Deco and Blacklight Tapestries by Planetaura. Candle-lit Hooka Room with Altar and Middle Eastern Tapestries offering FREE Hooka all night long with your hostess Bioluminescence! The Roof Deck will be warm enough by April 22 to enjoy this large outdoor space! * BYO FIRE!!! * Licenced Massage Therapists will be available in private rooms all night for $1/min massages. 20 minute foot massages? Full back massages? It’s up to you! Schedule at the door. Professional Sound and Blacklights by Audiolust. ALL THIS FOR JUST $40 AT DOOR! That’s only $10 more than a spa normally costs! 18+ to party. 21+ to drink with ID. 602 Coney Island Avenue is between Beverly Road and Avenue C in Kensington, Brooklyn, NOT on Coney Island! To get there by subway: 1) Take the B, Q to Beverly Rd, walk west on Beverly Rd past Marlborough Rd to Coney Island Ave then turn left. 2) Take the F, G to Church Av, walk south on McDonald Ave then turn left on Beverly Rd and walk past Ocean Pkwy to Coney Island Ave and turn right. Here is the google map: maps.google/maps?&q602%20Coney%20Island%20Ave%2C%20Brooklyn%2C%20New%20York Here is the spa’s website: brooklynbanya/ 20% of profits go to Farm Sanctuary to save abandoned and mistreated farm animals: farmsanctuary.org/about/ Brought to you by Shashi and Diffy Productions! FACEBOOK PAGE FOR THIS EVENT: web event.php?eid215044918506424web event.php?eid215044918506424 PLEASE RSVP THEN INVITE ALL YOUR FRIENDS! FOWARD THIS EMAIL (no lists), TEXT THE WORLD! 😀 Psy Spa Pty! Brooklyn Banya Bath House in Kensington, Brooklyn 602 Coney Island Avenue (NOT on Coney Island) Brooklyn, NY Psy Trance Party at a Russian Bath House in Brooklyn, Friday, April 22! Hot Tub, Pool, Wet Sauna, Dry Sauna, Steam Room, Hooka Room with Free Hooka, Big Roof Deck, Private Massage Rooms, Platzka, Hot and Cold Showers, Lockers, and a Russian Restaurant inside will be selling food and beer. DJs Luis Campos and Felipe Linares will be spinning Psychedelic Music starting at 11pm. Four Blacklight Cannons will create a Full Blacklight Environment for Spandex Art by NephilNine Deco and Blacklight Tapestries by Planetaura. Candle-lit Hooka Room with Altar and Middle Eastern Tapestries offering FREE Hooka all night long with your hostess Bioluminescence! The Roof Deck will be warm enough by April 22 to enjoy this large outdoor space! * BYO FIRE!!! * Licenced Massage Therapists will be available in private rooms all night for $1/min massages. 20 minute foot massages? Full back massages? It’s up to you! Schedule at the door. Professional Sound and Blacklights by Audiolust. ALL THIS FOR JUST $40 AT DOOR! That’s only $10 more than a spa normally costs! 18+ to party. 21+ to drink with ID. 602 Coney Island Avenue is between Beverly Road and Avenue C in Kensington, Brooklyn, NOT on Coney Island! To get there by subway: 1) Take the B, Q to Beverly Rd, walk west on Beverly Rd past Marlborough Rd to Coney Island Ave then turn left. 2) Take the F, G to Church Av, walk south on McDonald Ave then turn left on Beverly Rd and walk past Ocean Pkwy to Coney Island Ave and turn right. Here is the google map: “maps.google/maps?&q602%20Coney%20Island%20Ave%2C%20Brooklyn%2C%20New%20Yorkmaps.google/maps?&q602%20Coney%20Island%20Ave%2C%20Brooklyn%2C%20New%20York Here is the spa’s website: “brooklynbanya/brooklynbanya/ 20% of profits go to Farm Sanctuary to save abandoned and mistreated farm animals: “farmsanctuary.org/about/farmsanctuary.org/about/ Brought to you by Shashi and Diffy Productions!
#4502 Wed, 20 Apr 2011 20:22:12 From: “salmajane” planetdrum at gmailPsycheCULTURE with LOGICA this Thursday 4/21 PsycheCULTURE with LOGICA Hosted by: Fract altribe Network, Aaron Fractaltribe, Eli Burmin, Nicole Lisichka Psychegro und and Fractaltribe Network invite you to a spontaneous celebration of viv id artwork, intelligent dance music and tribal community building. This spu r-of-the-moment gathering is brought to you by those dedicated to creating comfortable dance spaces for our community to grow in. The energy must be c arried. The tribes must gather and bond. The party must go on. Featuring d ecorations by FractalTribe and friends and music from the professionals an d up-and-comings in our community: 11-12 Carol Ferraz 12-1 ALOK live 1-2 D J Izzy 2-3 LOGICA live 3-4 Hisham in continuation of the spontaneous spir it, join us April 30th for a free gathering: (11p – 4a, $10) 21+ The Delan cey 168 Delancey (between Clinton and Attorney) Manhattan, NY (web t hedelancey)
#4503 Wed, 20 Apr 2011 20:24:05 From: “salmajane” planetdrum at gmailPsycheCULTURE with LOGICA this Thursday (4/21) PsycheCULTURE with LOGICA Hosted by: Fract altribe Network, Aaron Fractaltribe, Eli Burmin, Nicole Lisichka Psychegro und and Fractaltribe Network invite you to a spontaneous celebration of viv id artwork, intelligent dance music and tribal community building. This spu r-of-the-moment gathering is brought to you by those dedicated to creating comfortable dance spaces for our community to grow in. The energy must be c arried. The tribes must gather and bond. The party must go on. Featuring d ecorations by FractalTribe and friends and music from the professionals an d up-and-comings in our community: 11-12 Carol Ferraz 12-1 ALOK live 1-2 D J Izzy 2-3 LOGICA live 3-4 Hisham in continuation of the spontaneous spir it, join us April 30th for a free gathering: (11p – 4a, $10) 21+ The Delan cey 168 Delancey (between Clinton and Attorney) Manhattan, NY (elancey)
#4504 Wed, 20 Apr 2011 13:19:04 Wed, 20 Apr 2011 13:19:03 Wed, 20 Apr 2011 16:19:03 From: Salma planetdrum at gmailPsycheCULTURE with LOGICA this Thursday (4/21) 00248c0d75300269d104a15f5688 Thursday, April 21 PsycheCULTURE with LOGICA Hosted by: Fractaltribe Network, Aaron Fractaltribe, Eli Burmin, Nicole Lisichka Psycheground and Fractaltribe Network invite you to a spontaneous celebration of vivid artwork, intelligent dance music and tribal community building. This spur-of-the-moment gathering is brought to you by those dedicated to creating comfortable dance spaces for our community to grow in. The energy must be carried. The tribes must gather and bond. The party must go on. Featuring decorations by FractalTribe and friends and music from the professionals and up-and-comings in our community: 11-12 Carol Ferraz 12-1 ALOK live 1-2 DJ Izzy 2-3 LOGICA live 3-4 Hisham in continuation of the spontaneous spirit, join us April 30th for a free gathering: (11p – 4a, $10) 21+ The Delancey 168 Delancey (between Clinton and Attorney) Manhattan, NY (elancey) event.php?eid177054522344268 00248c0d75300269d104a15f5688 ed by: Fractaltribe Network, Aaron Fractaltribe, Eli Burmin, Nicole Lisichk a Psycheground and Fractaltribe Network invite you to a spontaneous celebration of vivid artwork, intelligent dance music and tribal community building. This spur-of-the-moment gathering is brought to you by those dedi cated to creating comfortable dance spaces for our community to grow in. Th e energy must be carried. The tribes must gather and bond. The party must g o on. Featuring decorations by FractalTribe and friends and music fro m the professionals and up-and-comings in our community: 11-12 Caro l Ferraz 12-1 ALOK live 1-2 DJ Izzy 2-3 LOGICA live 3-4 Hisham in continuation of the spontaneous spirit, join us April 30th for a free gathering: (11p – 4a, $10) 21+ The Delancey 168 Dela ncey (between Clinton and Attorney) Manhattan, NY ( elanceyelancey ) w
#4505 Fri, 22 Apr 2011 13:32:57 Bcc: TripOutNY 22 Apr 2011 13:32:56 Fri, 22 Apr 2011 16:32:56 From: Blue Goddess bluegoddess at psybotikCamp Free Fall Update Tristan, Avalon, Killerwatts & Hamish Added to the Lineup!! Submit Your Ideas for Art Installations 001485f992577fa904a187c31bDear Weekend Warriors and Playa Pilgrims, We’re putting the finishing touches on our application for Burning Man this year and getting really excited about how well its all coming together, especially the lineup! Nano Records all stars TRISTAN and AVALON will be joining us for three live performances including their new duo KILLERWATTS and sure to deliver an unforgettable performance on the open playa at sunrise. From Alchemy Records we have HAMISH bringing the top notch Psychedelic Progressive sound and many many more artists TBA. Don’t miss Alchemy’s 10th Anniversary Party happening right here in New York tomorrow night! (event.php?eid178829628808939) We’re also very happy and honored to announce we’ll be helping organize a new theme camp at the PEX Summer Festival oriented towards psychedelic dance music at night and a chillout space during the day. Seriously this festival is the shit check it out July 4th weekend (vimeo/20433493). If there’s any other submissions for art installations send them by next Wednesday April 27th so we can include them on the layout plan. installations at freefall.psybotik with the description of the installation, rough estimate of cost and how you plan to transport the materials (there are containers from NYC and Philly). If you’re interested in camping with us sign up on our mailing list to receive very import information regarding updates on placement, meetings, building sessions and other goings ons. You can freefallbm2011+subscribe at googlegroups or join here: groups.google/group/freefallbm2011 Last but not least LUMENAUGHTY is only 2 weeks away! Come enjoy our very sexy celebration of Psybotik’s 3rd Anniversary and my birthday * If you’ve ever been to a Psybotik party you know how good it’s gonna be. Highly skilled DJs and live acts playing the freshest sounds in psychedelic dance music including SLATER from Czech Republic, founder of Tribal Vision Records, the label responsible for a new generation of techno capturing the attention of music lovers around the world. All done inside a space transformed with divine blacklight decor, visionary visuals, astounding fire performances and killer sound. So please help us spread the word to all your like minded friends, call em up, shoot em an email or invite em on facebook ( event.php?eid187098937995021), 2nd tier tickets are on sale for $15 til next Friday but don’t wait because the 1st tier sold out ahead of time and these probably will too. All proceeds of the event will go towards art projects for Camp Free Fall. See you soon xoxo blue freefall.psybotik/ We’re putting the finishing touches on our application for Burn ing Man this year and getting really excited about how well its all coming together, especially the lineup! Nano Records all stars TRISTAN and AVAL ON will be joining us for three live performances including their new duo K ILLERWATTS and sure to deliver an unforgettable performance on the open pla ya at sunrise. From Alchemy Records we have HAMISH bringing the top notc h Psychedelic Progressive sound and many many more artists TBA. Don& #39 ;t miss Alchemy’s 10th Anniversary Party happening right here in New Yo eft;We’re also very happy and honored to announce we’ll be helpin g organize a new theme camp at the PEX Summer Festival oriented towards p sychedelic dance music at night and a chillout space during the day. Seri ously this festival is the shit check it out July 4th weekend (vimeo/20433493vimeo/20433493 ). n camping with us sign up on our mailing list to receive very import in formation regarding updates on placement, meetings, building sessions and o ther goings ons. You can Apple-style-span ilto:freefallbm2011+subscribe at googlegroups” on” color : rgb(0, 0, 204); freefallbm2011+subscribe at googlegroups or join here: groups.google/group/freefallbm2011groups.google/group/freefallbm2011 LUMENAUGHTY is only 2 weeks away! Come enjoy our very sexy celebration of P sybotik’s 3rd Anniversary and my birthday * If you’ve ever been t o a Psybotik party you know how good it’s gonna be. Highly skilled D Js and live acts playing the freshest sounds in psychedelic dance music inc luding SLATER from Czech Republic, founder of Tribal Vision Records, the la bel responsible for a new generation of techno capturing the attention of m usic lovers around the world. All done inside a space transformed with divi ne blacklight decor, visionary visuals, astounding fire performances and ki ller sound. inded friends, call em up, shoot em an email or invite em on facebook (h sale for $15 til next Friday but don’t wait because the 1st tier sold o ut ahead of time and these probably will too. All proceeds of the event will go towards art projects for Camp Free Fall.
#4506 Fri, 29 Apr 2011 08:58:24 Bcc: TripOutNY 29 Apr 2011 08:58:24 Fri, 29 Apr 2011 11:58:23 From: Blue Goddess bluegoddess at psybotik Holy smokes it’s been a very busy and exciting week as we completed and sub mitted the application for Camp Free Fall at Burning Man 2011, a huge thank s to all the contributors that made it happen! Fuck! Yeaaahhh!! If you’re interested in camping with us check out our website freefall.psyboti k/ and sign up on our mailing list to receive very important informatio n regarding updates on placement, meetings, building sessions and other goi ngs ons. You can freefallbm2011+subscribe at googlegroups or join here: groups.google/group/freefallbm2011 groups .google/group/freefallbm2011 With just over a week away until the sexi est Psybotik party of the year we can barely contain ourselves! One signifi cant change is that we92ve decided to move the event to Public Assembly, t he security of the previous underground venue has been compromised. We have very high regards for the safety of our supporters, artists and organizers . We want to make sure there are no unwanted interruptions and we92re able to dance til sunrise with all of you that have brought us to where we are today. That said we’re very grateful to have a home that welcomes us and o ur fantastic festivities with open arms. Were making this extra special fo r our 3rd anniversary and my birthday celebration so put on that special dr ess or just your birthday suit, we can celebrate together. The sound will be sensuous, visuals voluptuous and performances passionate…plus we92re adding another international live act! Anya wasn92t able to join us this time but we92re very happy to welcome Phasephour from Norway, a perfect ad dition to the already stacked lineup. On top of that we92re going to lowe r the door price because the cost of the new venue went down and we want to pass that on to you as a token of our appreciation and dedication to bring you affordable high quality expressions of communal transcendence. Ladies and gentlemen…we are extremely proud and honored to present Lumenaughty : Psybotik’s 3rd Anniversary and Blue Goddess92 Birthday Celebration …an orgy of psychedelic techo, prog, full on and darkpsy Saturday, May 7 Publ ic Assembly 70 North 6th St Brooklyn 21+ w/ID 9pm-6am Invite your friends: web facebo Come saturate yo urself in an extra ordinary night with two rooms of whimsy and wonder, feat uring Slater, the founder of Tribal Vision Records, and Dragon of Dharmahar mony showcasing his new album! Plus we92re very happy to welcome another i nternational live act, Phasephour from Norway, a perfect addition to the al ready stacked lineup! Karmakank returns to bring us the sound of the Philly Underground! The rest of the evening will be filled with a complete Psybot ik Showcase as we welcome back the old and new members to the stage. Plus a very special guest world renowned fire performance by Flambeux99. All th e headliners have made their mark in the scene of psychedelic electronic mu sic. Slater runs one of the most cutting edge labels in the world with an u nmatched all star lineup pumping out release after release pioneering the p sychedelic techno sound we have grown to love. Dragon pushes the boundaries and blurs the line between full on and darkpsy that will titillate the min ds of the most seasoned psytrance connoisseurs. Now Phasephor has joined t he team armed with new music ripe for our experience. The night will be au gmented by the passion and extravagance of the Luminisis performers with sp ecial guests bringing us Fire, Burlesque, Bellydance and Go-Go. All the whi le being encompassed by Alchemism’s visual landscape. All proceeds help fu nd CAMP FREE FALL at Burning Man 2011, find out how to participate at freefall.psybotik/ freefall.psybotik/ Let us see those s exy outfits. Let us see your style. Deetz for the Beatz: SLATER (Tribal V ision Records) – Czech Republic tribalvision.cz/ djslate r.net/ djslater.net/ PHASEPHOUR **LIVE** (Shiva Space Technology, Geomagnetic) – Norway facebook/phasephour soundcloud.c om/phasephour soundcloud/phasephour DRAGON **LIVE** (Dharmahar mony Records) – Gulf Breeze, Florida dragonpsytrance dharmaharmony dharmaharmony/ KARMAKANIK (PSI/Coalesce/Gai an Mind) – PHL ELECTRIK (Psybotik/tekno*feel*ya) – NYC psybotik psybotik/ SM0KE (Psybotik/Sync/tekno*feel*ya) – NJ sm0 kemusic sm0kemusic/ ME (Psybotik/tekno*fee l*ya) – NYC psybotik psybotik/ HYPNOTOAD (Light-o-M atic/PSI/Psybotik) – NYC lightomatic psybotik/ psybotik/ MAYUR (Psybotik) – NYC psybotik psybo tik/ DYSFORM (Psybotik/tekno*feel*ya) – NYC psybotik psybotik/ psybotik/ Special Guest World Renowned Fire P erformance By : FLAMBEAUX99 – (Flambeaux Fire LLC) – Scotland / NYC flambeuaxfire flambeuaxfire/ More Fire Performance By: MASAE & ERIN (Luminisis) luminisis ht VICTOR (Psybotik) Immersive Green Screen Video By: MAX NOVA (Dawn of Man) web dawnofman/ web daw nofman/ ALCHEMISM (Psybotik) nashamasha (Psybotik) Killer Sound By: Light-O-Matic lightomatic/ Divine Deco By: NEPHILNINE (Fractal Tribe/ NSquared) web nephilnine.net/ web nephilnine.net/ web nephilnine.net/ Public Assembly 70 Nort h 6th St Brooklyn 21+ w/ID 9pm-6am Presales: $10 until April 15th (SOLD OU T!) $15 until April 29th (SOLD OUT!) $20 until May 7th psybotik.tick etleap/lumenaughty3/ psybotik.ticketleap/lumenaughty3/ ht tp://psybotik.ticketleap/lumenaughty3/ Door Prices and Reduced Lists: $10 Before 10pm (we will give you back the difference if you already bought a presale) $20 Before Midnight with with RSVP by sending an email to rsvpn aughty3 at psybotik (one RSVP per email address) $25 at the door Invite y http: See you soon! blue ps. We never want money to prevent someone form being able to come so we offe r work barters to anyone who wants to be able to come for free or is just p lain interested in getting involved and learning about what we do. Email me at bluegoddess at psybotik for more information. SLATER (Tribal Vision Records) – Czech Republic Michal Smetana aka DJ Slater is label manager and A&R of internationally well-known electronic music label Tribal Vision Rec ords and at the same time one of the most renowned Czech DJs abroad. His c arrier started in the late 1990’s, during the big boom of dance music in Pr ague. In the last decade he performed at countless parties and festivals ac ross the globe, held in almost all the European countries from Portugal to Russia, Sweden to Greece and everywhere in between, as well as oversea loca tions such as Japan, Brazil, United States, Canada, Australia, China, Mexic o, Israel, Turkey, Morocco, Tunisia or Chile. You might have already heard his sets at huge international festivals such as Boom (PT), Glade (UK), Fus ion (DE), Ozora (HU), Voov Experience / VuuV (DE), Aurora (GR), Soulclipse (TR), Sonica (IT), Virada Cultural (BRA), Antaris Project (DE), Akasha (AUS ), Antiworld (UK), Tribal Park (MEX), Spirit Base (AT), Atmosphere (CH), Su ndance (MEX), Enigma (BRA), or Fullmoon (DE) as well as the prestigious clu bs in Shanghai, Tokyo, London, Tel Aviv, Los Angeles, Paris, Mexico City, S ao Paolo, Berlin, Moscow and many other places. These days, DJ Slater is pl aying a unique fusion of progressive and techno, always including a lot of fresh new stuff label related artists. DJ Slater has been also collaborati ng with different artists in the studio on brand new tracks and remixes and as a result there were releases coming out recently – including well-known hits East Block, Virada or remix for legendary French artist Jaia. Slater has also compiled more than fifteen CDs for various labels around the world and as a creative director of Tribal Vision Records he is to be found behi nd the album releases of artists such as Vibrasphere, Jaia, Brisker & Magit man, Peter Gun, Tegma, Duca, AstroNivo or Fitalic and countless singles and EPs. Besides his regular dj sets, Slater is also performing with his dj/l ive project DJ Slater feat. U-Prag Drummers, consisting of Akai APC 40 cont rolled Ableton live, different sets of live percussion, cello and other mus ical instruments. tribalvision.cz/ djslater.net/ djslater.net/ djslater.net/ PHASEPHOUR **LIVE** (Shiva Space Te chnology, Geomagnetic) – Norway PhasePhour has its roots from one of the no rthern peaks of the planet: Norway. The project is in the experienced hand s of John Robert Egeland, Eldar von Essen and Christer Andersson. The typic al sounds of PhasePhour are defined as massive psychedelic full on combined with deep scando sound – a perfect combination of music to both delight th e dance floors and for repeated listening between parties. With numerous r eleases on major labels like Shiva Space Technology, Chill Tribe, Aleph-Zer o, Geomagnetic Records, and the hit debut album 93Boiing & Zipp94, the pr oject has earned its way into the international psytrance scene as one of t he leading projects coming out of Norway. PhasePhour has been around the g lobe several times with mind-blowing performances to packed parties in Euro pe, USA, Brazil and Mexico. facebook/phasephour soundc loud/phasephour soundcloud/phasephour soundcloud.c om/phasephour DRAGON (Dharmaharmony Records) – Gulf Breeze, Florida Co-fou nder of Dharmaharmony Records, David Scruggs, aka Dragon, is an internation al artist from the sunny beaches of Florida producing a hybrid style of psy trance and darkpsy. Learning to dj in 1997, he made the trek from progressi ve trance to the realms of psytrance by 2001, and started composing his own music around 2004. He has been a cornerstone of the trance scene in the So uth Eastern US, representing the TOUCH Samadhi coalition based in North Car olina. Dragon92s musical productions include a handful of singles as well as two full-length albums; in.formation released in 2009 and spirals of tim e releasing in early 2011. dragonpsytrance dharmaha rmony dharmaharmony/ KARMAKANI K (Gaian Mind / PS1 / Coalesce) – Philadelphia Mastermind behind the legend ary PSI parties and the Coalesce festival, Pat has rocked dance floors acro ss the country with his signature blend of auditory stimulation. His sets a re known to span a wide range of contemporary electronic dance music, from harder edged twilight psytrance to progressive electro tech house. Pat92s versatility, effortless mixing technique, and energetic track selection hav e combined to make him a crowd favorite. Smooth yet crunchy, raw yet refine d, psychedelicious and immensely satisfying. The Sound of the Philly Underg round! ELECTRIK (Psybotik / tekno*feel*ya) – NYC Electrik is the founder of the Psybotik parties in New York City, catering to an exotic audience wi th fashion, fire and cutting edge electronic music. His style is dynamic bu t typically focuses on high energy dance music with psychedelic roots. Repr esenting up and down the eastern seaboard as well as coast to coast in the US, as well as internationally in Japan. Sullivan Room, Tavern on The Green Exit, Public Assembly, Burning Man, Coalesce, Equinox, Synchronize, Desid erata, Orb, San Sabastian in Puerto Rico, Rockwest in Tokyo…are just a fe w of the places you may have caught one of his astounding performances. psybotik web psybotik/ web psybotik/ web psybotik/ ME (Psybotik / tekno*feel*ya) I’m a creator of underground, eclectic, esoteric and awesome parties. A veteran of the New York City Psytrance Culture. My first parties were the bridge pa rties. Dancing to Psychadelic trance creates a synaesthesia. In your mind, your dancing adds an additional dimension to the music, creating a gestalt an entity greater then the two. I’ll create a wire-frame for you to stretch your mind across. You do the rest. psybotik psybotik.co m/ psybotik/ SM0KE (Psybotik / tekno*feel*ya – NJ) SM0KE is t he techno/prog project of David Mostoller, the man behind the psytrance pro ject Kabayun, as well as one-half of the psy duo Unwashed Tomato. Rooted in deep grooves with psychedelic atmospheres, SM0KE92s sounds form a minimal yet danceable vibe. From his DJ sets, expect a mix of original tracks an d some of the freshest tunes from the border zone of techno, progressive ho use and psytrance. sm0kemusic sm0kemusic/ s m0kemusic/ Hypnotoad (light-o-matic / PSI / Psybotik) – NYC A hard wor king 10 year veteran of the psy community, Hypnotoad has mesmerized many da ncefloors with his unique and varied style: Dark fast and rhythmic night ti me music, deep flowing twilight sounds, tech-ey melodic mornings… But alw ays trippy, always danceable, always with the goal of inducing the pure joy of dancing and the psytrance experience. As a DJ, core member of the PSI family, and as the multifarious madman behind the sound, lighting and party throwing machine that is light-o-matic, Hypnotoad has contributed his skil ls to literally hundreds of events. He is an active member of Psybotik and long time contributor to the Gaian Mind family, has lent his talents to the Gaian Mind, Gemini, and Coalesce Festivals, was one of the original member s of the 28th Day organization and has contributed in various ways to the e fforts of a great many psytrance collectives in the New York and Philadelph ia area. Artist, engineer, muckraker and peacemaker.. Hypnotoad has made hi s indelible mark on psytrance in the USA. pages/DJ -Hypnotoad/137307552953820 pages/DJ-Hypnotoad/1373 07552953820 pages/DJ-Hypnotoad/137307552953820 M AYUR (Psybotik) – NYC DJ, academic, and global neuronaut, Mayur has been de dicated to the NYC underground for several years. Opening for such acts as Atmos in Japan, Son Kite in Morocco, and headlining with acts such as Dijit al Talk in San Francisco; there seems theres no place Mayur hasn’t been! St arting about a decade ago with Spectra Productions, Mayur has since then fo cused his valiant efforts organizing exceptional events with Psybotik. So f ar this year has had a barrage of dance throbbing sets coming to you almost every weekend if you’re lucky. Stay tuned for his next appearance! DYSFO RM (Psybotik / tekno*feel*ya) – NYC A long time ago I noticed that music in volving certain rhythms to be unusually inspiring and energetic, elevating the mind somehow. This rhythm is the foundation of psychedelic trance and a long with the ability to synthesise sounds that we never hear in nature, ta lented artists created truly amazing music that is incomprehensibly wonderf ul. It is my greatest pleasure to be behind the controls FULL ON! With just over a week away until t he sexiest Psybotik party of the year we can barely contain ourselves! One significant change is that we92ve decided to move the event to Public Asse mbly, the security of the previous underground venue has been compromised. We have very high regards for the safety of our supporters, artists and org anizers. We want to make sure there are no unwanted interruptions and we92 re able to dance til sunrise with all of you that have brought us to where we are today. That said we’re very grateful to have a home that welc omes us and our fantastic festivities with open arms. styl sp ing this extra special for our 3rd anniversary and my birthday celebration so put on that special dress or just your birthday suit, we can celebrate t ogether. The sound will be sensuous, visuals voluptuous and performances passionate…plus we92re adding another international live act! Anya w asn92t able to join us this time but we92re very happy to welcome Phaseph our from Norway, a perfect addition to the already stacked lineup. b r On top of that we92re going to lower the door price because the cost of the new venue went down and we want to pass that on to you as a token of our appreciation and dedication to bring you affordable high quality expre ssions of communal transcendence. e extremely proud and honored to present ‘s 3rd Anniversary and Blue Goddess92 Birthday Celebration orgy of psychedelic techo, prog, full on and darkpsy styl sp May 7 9pm-6am web facebo ary night with two rooms of whimsy and wonder, featuring Slater, the founde r of Tribal Vision Records, and Dragon of Dharmaharmony showcasing his new album! Plus we92re very happy to welcome another international live act, P hasephour from Norway, a perfect addition to the already stacked lineup! Ka rmakank returns to bring us the sound of the Philly Underground! The rest o f the evening will be filled with a complete Psybotik Showcase as we welcom e back the old and new members to the stage. Plus a very special guest worl d renowned fire performance by Flambeux99. s of psychedelic electronic music. Slater runs one of the most cutting edge labels in the world with an unmatched all star lineup pumping out release a fter release pioneering the psychedelic techno sound we have grown to love. Dragon pushes the boundaries and blurs the line between full on and darkps y that will titillate the minds of the most seasoned psytrance connoisseurs . Now Phasephor has joined the team armed with new music ripe for our ex perience. ed by the passion and extravagance of the Luminisis performers with special guests bringing us Fire, Burlesque, Bellydance and Go-Go. All the while be ing encompassed by Alchemism’s visual landscape. proceeds help fund CAMP FREE FALL at Burning Man 2011, find out how to par ttp://freefall.psybotik/ freefall.psyb e your style. r ER (Tribal Vision Records) – Czech Republic tr slater.net/ ” way ” hr st /Coalesce/Gaian Mind) – PHL – NYC //psybotik psybotik/”a” NGER PARTICLE (Psybotik/tekno*feel*ya) – NYC p ic/PSI/Psybotik) – NYC psybotik. spa ybotik/tekno*feel*ya) – NYC psybotik/” sty psyboti psybotik/” By : com pan r luminisis Screen Video By: ww M (Psybotik) Light-O-Matic lightomatic/” lightomat styl al Tribe/ NSquared) web nephilnine.net/” style ww web spa 6th St an $10 until April 15th (SOLD OUT!) a$20 until May 7th psybotik.ticketleap.co ty3/ psybotik.ticketleap/lumenaughty3/ psybotik.ticketleap.c ra$10 Before 10pm (we will give you back the difference if you already bought a presale) com (one RSVP per email address) nt Invite your friends: event.php? st rablue e form being able to come so we offer work barters to anyone who wants to b e able to come for free or is just plain interested in getting involved and n
#4507 Sat, 30 Apr 2011 17:43:34 Sat, 30 Apr 2011 17:43:34 Sat, 30 Apr 2011 17:43:34 Sat, 30 Apr 2011 16:43:28 ; formatflowed From: Machinelf Brain Machines in 1999 music video I can’t believe I missed this. I used to run around parties with 10 of these wired to a central unit, until someone got a seizure so I retired. web youtube/watch?vhlv672jqbtE The last third of the song is very trippy. God I miss the 90s.
May 2011
#4508 Thu, 05 May 2011 10:14:36 Bcc: TripOutNY May 2011 10:14:34 Thu, 5 May 2011 13:14:33 From: Blue Goddess bluegoddess at psybotikSat 5/7 Lumenaughty: Birthday Celebration of Psybotik and the Blue Goddess 0016e640d4c6d31b4e04a28a81fa Saturday night is so close and we can92t effin wait to be dancing with all of you, especially with so many reasons to celebrate; it92s my birthday, the Burning Man application is in and our very own Kabayun just released hi s debut album, JOURNEYS, on 2to6 Records featuring a killer remix of Some H ope Left by Electrypnose! CDs will be available for purchase at the party, be one of the first to get this irresistibly danceable yet eternally noctur nal full-length album that bridges the gap between psychedelic full-on and night music with funk and ease. Or order online here: beatspace/ One of our biggest reasons for celebrating is the 3rd Anniversary of Psybotik. The venue will be trans formed into a new dimension of sensory perception through deco, projections fire and go-go dancers. We92ve got an extraordinary lineup in store for you comprised of some of the most cutting edge international and live perfo rmances in the industry, so saddle up and get ready for a one of kind exper ience! We can92t thank everyone enough for making it another year of wild success. From the launch of tekno*feel*ya, an extended Halloween party all the way to an off the hook New Years Eve Bash and of course some unforgett able after parties. Thank you all for being there to share these unbelievab le memories, can92t wait for all the adventures and mischief to come. Lad ies and gentlemen…we are extremely proud and honored to present… Lumen aughty: Birthday Celebration of Psybotik and The Blue Goddess …an orgy of psychedelic techo, prog, full on and darkpsy All proceeds help fund CAMP FREE FALL at Burning Man 2011, find out how to participate at freefa ll.psybotik/ Saturday, May 7 Public Assembly 70 North 6th St Brooklyn 21+ w/ID 9pm-6am rsvpnaughty3 at psybotik for reduced li st before midnight 187098937995021 Deetz for the Beatz: 9 DYSFORM (Psybotik/tekno*feel*ya) – NYC 11 KARMAKANIK & ELECTRIK & SM 0KE – Titillating Tag Team Set (PSI/Psybotik/Coalesce/Gaian Mind/tekno *feel*ya) – PHL/NYC/NJ 1 SLATER (Tribal Vision Records) – Czech Republic 230 PHASEPHOUR **LIVE** (Shiva Space Technology) – Norway 330 DRAGON **LIV E** (Dharmaharmony Records) – Gulf Breeze, Florida 5 ME & HYPNOTOAD – Delectable Duo (Psybotik/Light-o-Matic/PSI/tekno*feel*y a) – NYC Special Guest World Renowned Fire Performance By : FLAMBEAUX99 – (Flambeaux Fire LLC) – Scotland / NYC flambeuaxfire fla mbeuaxfire/ More Fire Performance By: MASAE & ERIN (Luminisis) VICTOR (Psybotik) Immer sive Green Screen Video By: MAX NOVA (Dawn of Man) web dawnofman / web dawnofman/ ALCHEMISM (Psybotik) NASHAMASHA (Psybotik) Killer Sound By: LIGHT-O-MATIC lightomatic/ lightomatic / Divine Deco By: NEPHILNINE (Fractal Tribe/ NSquared) web neph ilnine.net/ web nephilnine.net/ Public Assembly 70 North 6th St Br ooklyn 21+ w/ID 9pm-6am Presales: $10 until April 15th (SOLD OUT!) $15 unt il April 29th (SOLD OUT!) $20 until May 7th psybotik.ticketleap/ lumenaughty3/ psybotik.ticketleap/lumenaughty3/ psybot ik.ticketleap/lumenaughty3/ Door Prices and Reduced Lists: $10 Before 10pm (we will give you back the difference if you already bought a presale) $20 Before Midnight with with RSVP by sending an email to rsvpnaughty3 at psy botik (one RSVP per email address) $25 at the door Facebook Page: http web facebook.co See you soon! blue SLATER (Tribal Vis ion Records) – Czech Republic Michal Smetana aka DJ Slater is label manager and A&R of internationally well-known electronic music label Tribal Vision Records and at the same time one of the most renowned Czech DJs abroad. H is carrier started in the late 1990’s, during the big boom of dance music i n Prague. In the last decade he performed at countless parties and festival s across the globe, held in almost all the European countries from Portugal to Russia, Sweden to Greece and everywhere in between, as well as oversea locations such as Japan, Brazil, United States, Canada, Australia, China, M exico, Israel, Turkey, Morocco, Tunisia or Chile. You might have already he ard his sets at huge international festivals such as Boom (PT), Glade (UK), Fusion (DE), Ozora (HU), Voov Experience / VuuV (DE), Aurora (GR), Soulcli pse (TR), Sonica (IT), Virada Cultural (BRA), Antaris Project (DE), Akasha (AUS), Antiworld (UK), Tribal Park (MEX), Spirit Base (AT), Atmosphere (CH) Sundance (MEX), Enigma (BRA), or Fullmoon (DE) as well as the prestigious clubs in Shanghai, Tokyo, London, Tel Aviv, Los Angeles, Paris, Mexico Cit y, Sao Paolo, Berlin, Moscow and many other places. These days, DJ Slater i s playing a unique fusion of progressive and techno, always including a lot of fresh new stuff label related artists. DJ Slater has been also collabo rating with different artists in the studio on brand new tracks and remixes and as a result there were releases coming out recently – including well-k nown hits East Block, Virada or remix for legendary French artist Jaia. Sla ter has also compiled more than fifteen CDs for various labels around the w orld and as a creative director of Tribal Vision Records he is to be found behind the album releases of artists such as Vibrasphere, Jaia, Brisker & M agitman, Peter Gun, Tegma, Duca, AstroNivo or Fitalic and countless singles and EPs. Besides his regular dj sets, Slater is also performing with his dj/live project DJ Slater feat. U-Prag Drummers, consisting of Akai APC 40 controlled Ableton live, different sets of live percussion, cello and other musical instruments. tribalvision.cz/ djslater.net/ djslater.net/ PHASEPHOUR **LIVE** (Shiva Spac e Technology, Geomagnetic) – Norway PhasePhour has its roots from one of th e northern peaks of the planet: Norway. The project is in the experienced hands of John Robert Egeland, Eldar von Essen and Christer Andersson. The t ypical sounds of PhasePhour are defined as massive psychedelic full on comb ined with deep scando sound – a perfect combination of music to both deligh t the dance floors and for repeated listening between parties. With numero us releases on major labels like Shiva Space Technology, Chill Tribe, Aleph -Zero, Geomagnetic Records, and the hit debut album 93Boiing & Zipp94, th e project has earned its way into the international psytrance scene as one of the leading projects coming out of Norway. PhasePhour has been around t he globe several times with mind-blowing performances to packed parties in Europe, USA, Brazil and Mexico. facebook/phasephour so undcloud/phasephour soundcloud/phasephour soundclo ud/phasephour DRAGON (Dharmaharmony Records) – Gulf Breeze, Florida Co -founder of Dharmaharmony Records, David Scruggs, aka Dragon, is an interna tional artist from the sunny beaches of Florida producing a hybrid style of psytrance and darkpsy. Learning to dj in 1997, he made the trek from progr essive trance to the realms of psytrance by 2001, and started composing his own music around 2004. He has been a cornerstone of the trance scene in th e South Eastern US, representing the TOUCH Samadhi coalition based in North Carolina. Dragon92s musical productions include a handful of singles as w ell as two full-length albums; in.formation released in 2009 and spirals of time releasing in early 2011. dragonpsytrance dhar maharmony dharmaharmony/ KARMA KANIK (Gaian Mind / PS1 / Coalesce) – Philadelphia Mastermind behind the le gendary PSI parties and the Coalesce festival, Pat has rocked dance floors across the country with his signature blend of auditory stimulation. His se ts are known to span a wide range of contemporary electronic dance music, f rom harder edged twilight psytrance to progressive electro tech house. Pat 92s versatility, effortless mixing technique, and energetic track selectio n have combined to make him a crowd favorite. Smooth yet crunchy, raw yet r efined, psychedelicious and immensely satisfying. The Sound of the Philly U nderground! ELECTRIK (Psybotik / tekno*feel*ya) – NYC Electrik is the fou nder of the Psybotik parties in New York City, catering to an exotic audienwith fashion, fire and cutting edge electronic music. His style is dynam ic but typically focuses on high energy dance music with psychedelic roots. Representing up and down the eastern seaboard as well as coast to coast in the US, as well as internationally in Japan. Sullivan Room, Tavern on The Green, Exit, Public Assembly, Burning Man, Coalesce, Equinox, Synchronize, Desiderata, Orb, San Sabastian in Puerto Rico, Rockwest in Tokyo…are just a few of the places you may have caught one of his astounding performances . psybotik web psybotik/ web psybotik/ ME (Psybotik / tekno*feel*ya) I’m a creator of underground, eclectic, esoteric and awesome parties. A vet eran of the New York City Psytrance Culture. My first parties were the brid ge parties. Dancing to Psychadelic trance creates a synaesthesia. In your m ind, your dancing adds an additional dimension to the music, creating a ges talt an entity greater then the two. I’ll create a wire-frame for you to st retch your mind across. You do the rest. psybotik psybot ik/ psybotik/ SM0KE (Psybotik / tekno*feel*ya – NJ) SM0KE is the techno/prog project of David Mostoller, the man behind the psytranc e project Kabayun, as well as one-half of the psy duo Unwashed Tomato. Root ed in deep grooves with psychedelic atmospheres, SM0KE92s sounds form a mi nimal yet danceable vibe. From his DJ sets, expect a mix of original trac ks and some of the freshest tunes from the border zone of techno, progressi ve house and psytrance. sm0kemusic sm0kemusic/ sm0kemusic/ Hypnotoad (light-o-matic / PSI / Psybotik) – NYC A har d working 10 year veteran of the psy community, Hypnotoad has mesmerized ma ny dancefloors with his unique and varied style: Dark fast and rhythmic nig ht time music, deep flowing twilight sounds, tech-ey melodic mornings… Bu t always trippy, always danceable, always with the goal of inducing the pur e joy of dancing and the psytrance experience. As a DJ, core member of the PSI family, and as the multifarious madman behind the sound, lighting and party throwing machine that is light-o-matic, Hypnotoad has contributed his skills to literally hundreds of events. He is an active member of Psybotik and long time contributor to the Gaian Mind family, has lent his talents t o the Gaian Mind, Gemini, and Coalesce Festivals, was one of the original m embers of the 28th Day organization and has contributed in various ways to the efforts of a great many psytrance collectives in the New York and Phila delphia area. Artist, engineer, muckraker and peacemaker.. Hypnotoad has ma de his indelible mark on psytrance in the USA. MAYUR (Psybotik) – NYC DJ, academic, and global neuronaut, Mayur has be en dedicated to the NYC underground for several years. Opening for such act s as Atmos in Japan, Son Kite in Morocco, and headlining with acts such as Dijital Talk in San Francisco; there seems theres no place Mayur hasn’t bee n! Starting about a decade ago with Spectra Productions, Mayur has since th en focused his valiant efforts organizing exceptional events with Psybotik. So far this year has had a barrage of dance throbbing sets coming to you a lmost every weekend if you’re lucky. Stay tuned for his next appearance! DYSFORM (Psybotik / tekno*feel*ya) – NYC A long time ago I noticed that mus ic involving certain rhythms to be unusually inspiring and energetic, eleva ting the mind somehow. This rhythm is the foundation of psychedelic trance and along with the ability to synthesise sounds that we never hear in natur e, talented artists created truly amazing music that is incomprehensibly wo nderful. It is my greatest pleasure to be behind the controls FULL ON! 0016e640d4c6d31b4e04a28a81fa Saturday night is so close and we can92t effin wait to be dancing with all of you, especially with so many reasons to celebrate; it 92s my birthday, the Burning Man application is in and our very own Kabayu n just released his debut album, JOURNEYS, on 2to6 Records featuring a kill urchase at the party, be one of the first to get this irresistibly danceabl e yet eternally nocturnal full-length album that bridges the gap between ps ychedelic full-on and night music with funk and ease. Or order online here: beatspace/6252/2TO6+Records/KABAYUN/Journeys/detail r e of our biggest reasons for celebrating is the 3rd Anniversary of Psybotik . The venue will be transformed into a new dimension of sensory perception through deco, projections, fire and go-go dancers. We92ve got an extraordi nary lineup in store for you comprised of some of the most cutting edge int ernational and live performances in the industry, so saddle up and get read y for a one of kind experience! spare r of wild success. From the launch of tekno*feel*ya, an extended Halloween party all the way to an off the hook New Years Eve Bash and of course some unforgettable after parties. Thank you all for being there to share these u nbelievable memories, can92t wait for all the adventures and mischief to c ome. spa d gentlemen…we are extremely proud and honored to present… ration of Psybotik and The Blue Goddess ho, prog, full on and darkpsy are ind out how to participate at freefall.psybotik tp://freefall.psybotik/ spare aBrooklyn 21+ w/ID ght st Beatz: s llating Tag Team Set tekno*feel*ya) – PHL/NYC/NJ ) – Czech Republic Norway orida Duo sty World Renowned Fire Performance By : ) – Scotland / NYC flambeuaxfire/” style lambeuaxfire flambeuaxfire/” style More Fire Performance By: r OR (Psybotik) ersive Green Screen Video By: hre MATIC ; NEPHILNINE (Fractal Tribe/ NSquared) web n ww yn 21+ w/ID t; pril 29th (SOLD OUT!) hty3/ psybotik.ticketleap/lumenaughty3 psybotik.ticketleap/lumenaughty3/” st n ; Door Prices and Reduced Lists: back the difference if you already bought a presale) ybotikrsvpnaughty3 at psybotik (one RSVP per email address)/spa n $25 at the door an pan ” an ion Records) – Czech Republic anager and A&R of internationally well-known electronic music label Tri bal Vision Records and at the same time one of the most renowned Czech DJs abroad. s rier started in the late 1990’s, during the big boom of dance music in Prague. In the last decade he performed at countless parties and festivals across the globe, held in almost all the European countries from Portugal t o Russia, Sweden to Greece and everywhere in between, as well as oversea lo cations such as Japan, Brazil, United States, Canada, Australia, China, Mex ico, Israel, Turkey, Morocco, Tunisia or Chile. You might have already hear d his sets at huge international festivals such as Boom (PT), Glade (UK), F usion (DE), Ozora (HU), Voov Experience / VuuV (DE), Aurora (GR), Soulclips e (TR), Sonica (IT), Virada Cultural (BRA), Antaris Project (DE), Akasha (A US), Antiworld (UK), Tribal Park (MEX), Spirit Base (AT), Atmosphere (CH), Sundance (MEX), Enigma (BRA), or Fullmoon (DE) as well as the prestigious c lubs in Shanghai, Tokyo, London, Tel Aviv, Los Angeles, Paris, Mexico City, Sao Paolo, Berlin, Moscow and many other places. These days, DJ Slater is playing a unique fusion of progressive and techno, always including a lot o f fresh new stuff label related artists. ent artists in the studio on brand new tracks and remixes and as a result t here were releases coming out recently – including well-known hits East Blo ck, Virada or remix for legendary French artist Jaia. Slater has also compi led more than fifteen CDs for various labels around the world and as a crea tive director of Tribal Vision Records he is to be found behind the album r eleases of artists such as Vibrasphere, Jaia, Brisker & Magitman, Peter Gun, Tegma, Duca, AstroNivo or Fitalic and countless singles and EPs./spa n dj sets, Slater is also performing with his dj/live project DJ Slater feat . U-Prag Drummers, consisting of Akai APC 40 controlled Ableton live, diffe rent sets of live percussion, cello and other musical instruments. b r a djsl – Norway he planet: Norway. pan ; The project is in the experienced hands of John Robert Egeland, Eldar v on Essen and Christer Andersson. The typical sounds of PhasePhour are defin ed as massive psychedelic full on combined with deep scando sound – a perfe ct combination of music to both delight the dance floors and for repeated l istening between parties. t; gy, Chill Tribe, Aleph-Zero, Geomagnetic Records, and the hit debut album 93Boiing & Zipp94, the project has earned its way into the internatio nal psytrance scene as one of the leading projects coming out of Norway./s pan een around the globe several times with mind-blowing performances to packed facebook/phasephour” soundclou da an international artist from the sunny beaches of Florida producing a hybr id style of psytrance and darkpsy. Learning to dj in 1997, he made the trek from progressive trance to the realms of psytrance by 2001, and started co mposing his own music around 2004. He has been a cornerstone of the trance scene in the South Eastern US, representing the TOUCH Samadhi coalition bas ed in North Carolina. Dragon92s musical productions include a handful of s ingles as well as two full-length albums; in.formation released in 2009 and spirals of time releasing in early 2011. drag dharmaha Mastermind behind the legendary PSI parties and the Coalesce festival, Pat has rocked dance floors across the country with his signature blend of auditory stimulation. His sets are known to span a wide range of contempor ary electronic dance music, from harder edged twilight psytrance to progres sive electro tech house. Pat92s versatility, effortless mixing technique, and energetic track selection have combined to make him a crowd favorite. S mooth yet crunchy, raw yet refined, psychedelicious and immensely satisfyin g. The Sound of the Philly Underground! pan ELECTRIK (Psybotik / tekno*feel*ya) – NYC f the Psybotik parties in New York City, catering to an exotic audience wit h fashion, fire and cutting edge electronic music. His style is dynamic but typically focuses on high energy dance music with psychedelic roots. Repre senting up and down the eastern seaboard as well as coast to coast in the U S, as well as internationally in Japan. Sullivan Room, Tavern on The Green, Exit, Public Assembly, Burning Man, Coalesce, Equinox, Synchronize, Deside rata, Orb, San Sabastian in Puerto Rico, Rockwest in Tokyo…are just a few of the places you may have caught one of his astounding performances./spa n web ps space: pre-wr
#4509 Sun, 08 May 2011 17:41:06 From: “njjunglist2001” NJJunglist at aol.: UNIFIED VIBES :. Friday May 20th FREE PARTY 5/20/11 [NYC] .: UNIFIED VIBES :. Friday May 20th FREE PARTY 5/20/11 [NYC] Please bring canned food to donate to FOOD NOT BOMBS SUBMERGER 8 – 10 | Trip Hop /Acid Jazz/IDM LAPHALOT 10 – 11 | House and Techno GOLDENCHILD 11 – 12 | Ra gga Jungle DANIELSAN 12 96 1:15 | Techno JASON BK 1:15 96 2:15 | Techno ME 2:15 96 3:15 | Psy Trance HOLOGRAM 3:15 – 4 | Breakco re Visuals by LOWKEY The Porch | 115 Ave C (Between 7th & 8th) New York, NY Doors OPEN at 6pm, Music from 8pm – 4am $4 Beers and $5 Well Drinks from 6pm – 10pm Please bring canned food to donate to FOOD NOT BOMBS Please b ring canned food to donate to FOOD NOT BOMBS Please bring canned food to do nate to FOOD NOT BOMBS Large Flier At: farm6.static.flickr/50 Medium Flier at: farm6.static.flickr
#4511 Thu, 12 May 2011 07:14:44 Thu, 12 May 2011 07:14:44 Thu, 12 May 2011 06:14:29 ; formatflowed From: Machinelf Watching The Brain Listen To Music web npr.org/2011/05/12/135598390/mind-reading-technology-turns-thought-into-action?pscprs
#4512 Thu, 12 May 2011 13:29:30 Thu, 12 May 2011 13:29:29 Thu, 12 May 2011 12:29:14 From: Machinelf Trance party friday the 13th – looks awesomeformatflowed 13-14/05/2011 Green Apples NYC presents: Pulp & Green Apples NYC: Cabin Fever [Tryambaka + Progress] at Crystal Manor (Brooklyn) Crystal Manor LineUp: Live TRYAMBAKA : Bhooteshwara Recs/Spectral Rec, Portugal PROGRESS : AntiShanti Records, NYC DJ Sets KARMAKANIK : Gaian Mind/PSI/Coalesce, PA BRANDON ADAMS : Bom Shanka Recs/Dreamcatcher/SYNC, NYC INFINITESUN : PSI, NYC DAN COVAN : Gaian Mind, PA More Info: web greenapplesnyc PULP & Green Apples presents: Cabin Fever … Featuring Live TRYAMBAKA : Bhooteshwara Recs/Spectral Rec, Portugal PROGRESS : AntiShanti Records, NYC DJ Sets KARMAKANIK : Gaian Mind/PSI/Coalesce, PA BRANDON ADAMS : Bom Shanka Recs/Dreamcatcher/SYNC, NYC INFINITESUN : PSI, NYC DAN COVAN : Gaian Mind, PA Visuals MORGAN FREEMAN: Bluecrash, NYC web bluecrash KALIPTUS : Psybolic Frolic/CoSM, NJ web kaliptus.blogspot Deco Severyn web severyn NephilNine Deco (Fractaltribe/Nsquared) Sound & Lighting Audiolust web audiolust 18+ to dance 21+ to drink $15 in advance till May 10th $20 at the door web greenapplesnyc/buy-tickets/tryambaka-may-13th We don’t charge a processing fee for presale tickets ::Venue:: Crystal Manor web crystalmanor.net 1460 Flatbush Avenue Brooklyn NY 11210 Take 2 or 5 to Flatbush Avenue-Brooklyn College Tryambaka Tiago Coelho Pimentel has a connection with music since his childhood. The first contact was with classical music, but it would be the power of electronic music that would influence his artistic culture at psychedelic parties. Discovering trance lead Tryambaka to producing intense sounds marked by a nocturnal and unique style. Since then the challenge is at his finger tips, adopting one of the many names given to the Hindu god Shiva meaning the one who sees thru the third eye, a vision that promotes union such as the music he represents. web myspace/tryambaka ?refhome /Tryambaka-The-Official-Page/106572889388019 Progress The project of Yuriy Vaskevich, is an evolution of sound that brings a world of fantasy and imagination to its listeners. Based in New York City, an energetic hub, the music is a reflection of its physical origin as well as the mental evolution of its composer. With a strong foundation in classic music, mainly of piano and guitar and a post-modern ambition, the sound is both organic and electronic. The project began in the late 1990s with an exploration of personal identity and experimentation with various styles of electronic music. Today, PROGRESS, ranges in style from psychedelic trance, ambient and chill-out, to avant-garde and experimental. Having played at several live venues in the United States and written film scores, PROGRESS has a rapidly growing acclaim. As the name implies, the music is always progressing with the common denominator being its inspiring melodies and a strong tendency to take its listeners on a colorful journey. web iProgress.us web myspace/iprog web reverbnation/progress ?refhome /PROGRESS/46611308421 Karmakanik Mastermind behind the legendary PSI parties and a DJ of unmatchedmtskill, Pat has rocked dancefloors across the country with his own signature blend of auditory stimulation. His style spans the trance spectrum ranging from the harder edged South African twilight sound to smooth melodic daytime progressive, with elements of electro, minimal, and tech house. After six years spent collecting music and honing his skills in NYC, Pat returned to his hometown of Philadelphia in 2006 to help take Philly trance to the next level. A true veteran of the trance scene with an ear for tunes that clean ones head and compel the body to dance, Pats versatility, effortless mixing technique, and energetic track selection have combined to make him a crowd favorite. Smooth yet crunchy, raw yet refined, psychedelicious and immensely satisfying. The Sound of the Philly Underground! Pat has been active in the New York and Philadelphia electronic dance music scenes as a DJ and event organizer for nearly a decade. As a resident DJ for Philadelphia based Gaian Mind productions, he has played at over 100 different events, ranging in size from as small as 50 to over 1000 people, in such diverse locales as New York City, Philadelphia, Boston, Washington DC, Baltimore, Los Angeles, New Jersey, Delaware, Nevada, Texas, North Carolina, Ohio, Iowa, and Quebec, and alongside international artists from 6 different continents. He has been involved in the production of over 50 events in Pennsylvania, New Jersey and New York City. He has had the honor of playing alongside some of the biggest names in the international psytrance scene including Absolum, Hux Flux, Etnica, Shift, Artifakt, Phatmatix, Protoculture, Atomic Pulse, Deviant Species, Aphid Moon, Dick Trevor, Rastaliens, Braincell, Human Blue, Reefer Decree, Gus Till, Chromatone, Random, Naked Tourist, Penta, Horror Place, Polyphonia, Mubali, Electrypnose, Lemurians, Yab-Yum, Dejan, Jellyheadz, Phase Phour, Astrometrix, Onnomon, Loud, Psymmetrix, Kenji Williams, Earworm, Shapestatic, Loopus in Fabula, Ajja, Zuloop, Fragletrollet, Aes Dana, and Solar Fields. web soundcloud/karmakanik Brandon Adams Once New Jerseys best-kept secret, Brandon has quickly become a fixture in the New York psy scene and beyond. With a wealth of experience and appreciation for all forms of music, especially psychedelic, he is easily one of the most versatile and dedicated DJs around. His night and morning sets have stood up against some of the worlds best and have left a lasting imprint on dancefloors. Morgan Freeman VJ BLUECRASH (bluecrash) Morgan Freeman is a artist, designer, programmer and internationally known VJ. Morgan received the honor of North Americas Top Ten Digital Artists awarded by Corel and PGA. In 2009, Morgan Freeman placed third in a worldwide VJ competition at the Miami Winter Music Conference. Morgan as worked over a decade as a Visual artist for International stars like Erykah Badu, Curren$y, Stalley, Tabi Bonney, Boy George and for DJS Carl Cox, Tanny Tenaglia, David Harness, Dimitri, Frenchy Le Freak, Mark Farina, Tall Paul, Peretz (Perry Farrel) With over a decade of free public-art performances and installations, Morgan has spent the last two-years developing a variety of interactive motion-tracking installations using frame comparison, blob detection, and infrared light. tinyurl/68wa9j In 2008 he founded the Slow-Art Movement, creating a series of art-in-motion installations where viewers witness the quietly dynamic evolution of images in layered and unstructured light. In 2009, Morgan brought projection-mapping to North Americaby way of the Orlando Science Center. Over 3,000 people attended the gala. Since relocating to New York City, Morgan has had interactive art-installations in Williamsburg, Chelsea, and the Lower East Side. Morgan has been working with several NYC based groups including Warper Party, Monsieur Clothing, Max Klaxxon, Moldover and Smooth Moose Collaborative. Morgan has VJed at Webster Hall, Hiro, Velour, The Delancey, Bar 13 and Santos Party House. Since October, Morgan has a thirty-three minute-thirty-three second film two 33 minute visual samples (turn up your own music): web vimeo/bluecrash/one web vimeo/bluecrash/two Currently, Morgan works full time as a photojournalist- published online and in print monthly with a international circulation of over 5,000,000. web bluecrash Kaliptus Kaliptus (Born April 16, 1984 in Lisbon, Portugal) is a NY/NJ graduate artist from SVA with a BFA in animation and an MFA in computer art. He uses painting, film, motion graphics, animation, stop-motion, video-mixing, multimedia, interactive arts, installations and more to express ideas that are usually surreal, visionary and vital to the philosophies and understandings of the human consciousness. Kaliptus has been commissioned to work on projects for Alex Grey, Marvel, Stephen King, DC Comics, Black Tide, MTV, Prudential Center, Zoomdout, Shpongle, Sneaux, Orange County Choppers, American Choppers, and more. He is currently living in New Jersey and is a busy, self-employed freelance artist, working on a wide variety of projects from his home studio. web kaliptus.blogspot 18+ to dance 21+ to drink $15 in advance till May 10th $20 at the door We don’t charge a processing fee for presale tickets web greenapplesnyc/buy-tickets/tryambaka-may-13th ::Venue:: Crystal Manor web crystalmanor.net 1460 Flatbush Avenue Brooklyn NY 11210 Take 2 or 5 to Flatbush Avenue-Brooklyn College 13-14/05/2011 Green Apples NYC presents: Green Apples NYC: Cabin Fever [Tryambaka + Progress] at Crystal Manor (Brooklyn) Crystal Manor LineUp: Live TRYAMBAKA : Bhooteshwara Recs/Spectral Rec, Portugal PROGRESS : AntiShanti Records, NYC DJ Sets KARMAKANIK : Gaian Mind/PSI/Coalesce, PA BRANDON ADAMS : Bom Shanka Recs/Dreamcatcher/SYNC, NYC INFINITESUN : PSI, NYC DAN COVAN : Gaian Mind, PA More Info: web greenapplesnycweb greenapplesnyc PULP & Green Apples presents: Cabin Fever … Featuring Live TRYAMBAKA : Bhooteshwara Recs/Spectral Rec, Portugal PROGRESS : AntiShanti Records, NYC DJ Sets KARMAKANIK : Gaian Mind/PSI/Coalesce, PA BRANDON ADAMS : Bom Shanka Recs/Dreamcatcher/SYNC, NYC INFINITESUN : PSI, NYC DAN COVAN : Gaian Mind, PA Visuals MORGAN ÊÙÃü FREEMAN: Bluecrash, NYC web bluecrashweb bluecrash KALIPTUS : Psybolic Frolic/CoSM, NJ web kaliptusweb kaliptus . class”v-New-pen-0blogs pot Deco Severyn web severynweb severyn NephilNine Deco (Fractaltribe/Nsquared) Sound & Lighting Audiolust web audiolustweb audiolust 18+ to dance 21+ to drink web in advance till May 10th title”$” web greenapplesnyc/buy-tickets/tryambaka-may-13thweb greenapplesnyc/buy-tickets/tryambaka-may-13th We don’t charge a processing fee for presale tickets ::Venue:: Crystal Manor web crystalmanorweb crystalmanor title”.net” class”vh2-New-pen-1.net 1460 Flatbush Avenue Brooklyn NY 11210 Take 2 or 5 to Flatbush Avenue-Brooklyn College Tryambaka Tiago Coelho Pimentel has a connection with music since his childhood. The first contact was with classical music, but it would be the power of electronic music that would influence his artistic culture at psychedelic parties. Discovering trance lead Tryambaka to producing intense sounds marked by a nocturnal and unique style. Since then the challenge is at his finger tips, adopting one of the many names given to the Hindu god Shiva meaning the one who sees thru the third eye, a vision that promotes union such as the music he represents. web myspace/tryambakaweb myspace/tryambaka web title”facebook” name”vocabhighlighterfacebook” Progress The project of Yuriy Vaskevich, is an evolution of sound that brings a world of fantasy and imagination to its listeners. Based in New York City, an energetic hub, the music is a reflection of its physical origin as well as the mental evolution of its composer. With a strong foundation in classic music, mainly of piano and g title ambition, the sound is both organic and electronic. The project began in the late 1990s with an exploration of personal identity and experimentation with various styles of electronic music. Today, PROGRESS, ranges in style from psychedelic trance, ambient and chill-out, to avant-garde and experimental. Having played at several live venues in the United States and written film scores, PROGRESS has a rapidly growing acclaim. As the name implies, the music is always progressing with the common denominator being its inspiring melodies and a strong tendency to take its listeners on a colorful journey. web iProgress.usweb iProgress.us web myspace/iprogweb myspace/iprog web reverbnation/progressweb reverbnation/progress web title”facebook” name”vocabhighlighterfacebook” Karmakanik Mastermind behind the legendary PSI parties and a DJ of unmatchedmtskill, Pat has rocked dancefloors across the country with his own signature blend of auditory stimulation. His style spans the trance spectrum ranging from the harder edged South African twilight sound to smooth melodic daytime progressive, with elements of electro, minimal, and tech house. After six years spent collecting music and honing his skills in NYC, Pat returned to his hometown of Philadelphia in 2006 to help take Philly trance to the next level. A true veteran of the trance scene with an ear for tunes that clean one¡¯s head and compel the body to dance, Pat¡¯s versatility, effortless mixing technique, and energetic track selection have combined to make him a crowd favorite. Smooth yet crunchy, raw yet refined, psychedelicious and immensely satisfying. The Sound of the Philly Underground! Pat has been active in the New York and Philadelphia electronic dance music scenes as a DJ and event organizer for nearly a decade. As a resident DJ for Philadelphia based Gaian Mind productions, he has played at over 100 different events, ranging in size from as small as 50 to over 1000 people, in such diverse locales as New York City, Philadelphia, Boston, Washington DC, Baltimore, Los Angeles, New Jersey, Delaware, Nevada, Texas, North Carolina, Ohio, Iowa, and Quebec, and alongside title”intern” class”v-New-pen-0intern ational artists from 6 different continents. He has been involved in the production of over 50 events in Pennsylvania, New Jersey and New York City. He has had the honor of playing alongside some of the biggest names in the title”intern” class”v-New-pen-0intern ational psytrance scene including Absolum, H title”ux” Phatmatix, Protoculture, Atomic Pulse, Deviant Species, Aphid Moon, Dick Trevor, Rastaliens, Braincell, Human Blue, Reefer Decree, Gus Till, Chromatone, Random, Naked Tourist, Penta, Hor title”ror” name”vocabhighlighterror” id”vocabhighlighter1766″ class”v-New-pen-0ror Place, Polyphonia, Mubali, Electrypnose, Lemurians, Yab-Yum, Dejan, Jellyheadz, Phase Phour, Astrometrix, Onnomon, Loud, Psymmetrix, Kenji Williams, Earworm, Shapestatic, Loopus in Fabula, Ajja, Zuloop, Fragletrollet, Aes Dana, and Solar Fields. web soundcloud/karmakanikweb soundcloud/karmakanik Brandon Adams Once New Jersey¡¯s best-kept secret, Brandon has q title name”vocabhighlighterui” become a fixture in the New York psy scene and beyond. With a wealth of experience and appreciation for all forms of music, especially psychedelic, he is easily one of the most versatile and dedicated DJs around. His night and morning sets have stood up against some of the world¡¯s best and have left a lasting imprint on dancefloors. Morgan Freeman VJ BLUECRASH (bluecrash) Morgan Freeman is a artist, designer, programmer and title”intern” name”vocabhighlighterintern” id”vocabhighlighter1768″ class”v-New-pen-0intern ationally known VJ. Morgan received the honor of ¡°North America¡¯s Top Ten Digital Artists¡± awarded by Corel and PGA. In 2009, Morgan Freeman placed third in a worldwide VJ competition at the Miami Winter Music Conference. Morgan as worked over a decade as a Visual artist for title”intern” name”vocabhighlighterintern” id”vocabhighlighter1769″ class”v-New-pen-0Intern ational stars like Erykah Badu, Curren title”$” Boy George and for DJS Carl Cox, Tanny Tenaglia, David Harness, Dimitri, Frenchy Le Freak, Mark Farina, Tall Paul, Peretz (Perry Farrel) With over a decade of free public-art performances and installations, Morgan has spent the last two-years developing a variety of interactive motion-tracking installations using frame comparison, blob detection, and infrared light. tinyurl/68wa9j” rel”nofollow” target”blanktinyurl/68wa9j In 2008 he founded the Slow-Art Movement, creating a series of art-in-motion installations where viewers witness the q title name”vocabhighlighterui” dynamic evolution of images in layered and unstructured light. In 2009, Morgan brought projection-mapping to North America¡ªby way of the Orlando Science Center. Over 3,000 people attended the gala. Since relocating to New York City, Morgan has had interactive art-installations in Williamsburg, Chelsea, and the Lower East Side. Morgan has been working with several NYC based groups including Warper Party, Monsieur Clothing, Max Klaxxon, Moldover and Smooth Moose Collaborative. Morgan has VJ¡¯ed at Webster Hall, Hiro, Velour, The Delancey, Bar 13 and Santo¡¯s Party House. Since October, Morgan has a thirty-three minute-thirty-three title name at Webster Hall. two 33 minute visual samples (turn up your own music): web vimeo/bluecrash/oneweb vimeo/bluecrash/one web vimeo/bluecrash/twoweb vimeo/bluecrash/two Currently, Morgan works title”full time” class”v-New-pen-0full time as a photojournalist- published online and in print monthly with a title”intern” name”vocabhighlighterintern” id”vocabhighlighter1774″ class”v-New-pen-0intern ational circulation of over 5,000,000. web bluecrashweb bluecrash Kaliptus Kaliptus (Born April 16, 1984 in Lisbon, Portugal) is a NY/NJ graduate artist from SVA with a BFA in animation and an MFA in computer art. He uses painting, film, motion graphics, animation, stop-motion, title name id”vocabhighlighter1775″ interactive arts, installations and more to express ideas that are usually surreal, visionary and vital to the philosophies and understandings of the human consciousness. Kaliptus has been commissioned to work on projects for Alex Grey, Marvel, Stephen King, DC Comics, Black Tide, MTV, Prudential Center, Zoomdout, Shpongle, Snea title”ux” American Choppers, and more. He is currently living in New Jersey and is a busy, self-employed freelance artist, working on a wide variety of projects from his home studio. web kaliptusweb kaliptus . class”v-New-pen-0blogs pot 18+ to dance 21+ to drink in advance till May 10th title”$” We don’t charge a processing fee for presale tickets web greenapplesnyc/buy-tickets/tryambaka-may-13thweb greenapplesnyc/buy-tickets/tryambaka-may-13th ::Venue:: Crystal Manor web crystalmanorweb crystalmanor title”.net” class”vh2-New-pen-1.net 1460 Flatbush Avenue Brooklyn NY 11210 Take 2 or 5 to Flatbush Avenue-Brooklyn College
#4513 Fri, 13 May 2011 14:59:11 May 2011 14:59:10 Fri, 13 May 2011 17:59:10 freefallbm2011 at googlegroups From: Blue Goddess bluegoddess at psybotik* Lumenaughty Thank You & Planetary Alignment Festival May 20-22 (Next weekend!) * Thank you all so much for an incredible birthday celebration…the place was packed full of smiling faces, sexy outfits and we danced our asses off all night! The music was phenomenal, sound was superb, deco dazzling and visuals stunning. It takes a lot to create such a beautiful event, thank you everyone who helped make it happen and shared in the experience. It’s only been 3 years but feels like much much more with so many new friends and unforgettable memories. Stay tuned for the next Psybotik event happening this summer but in the meantime come down to Pangea Country with us next weekend for another dose of Dragon *live* plus Bird of Prey, Wichdokta, Kri, Annunaki *live*, Fractal Phono, Kameleon Poimandres, Electrik and many more amazing artists… .::Welcome to Pangea pt. 4 – Planetary Alignment::. May 20th – 22nd As with every year this event is RSVP only. To RSVP please send an e Welcome at Pureperceptionrecords.org No Capacity!! Follow this link to purchase tickets: web pureperceptionrecords.org/WelcometoPangea-pt.4 You are invited to Pangea’s fourth annual Festival of Life. On May 21st the Earth, Mars, Venus, Mercury, and Jupiter, will be in Alignment creating what some say will be a portal into another dimension. Join us as we celebrate this Astrologically historical event and permeate our Positive resonance into another Realm. Sounds will be provided by some of the nations top underground artist and djs featuring a full spectrum of highly intelligent and eclectic music ranging from IDM – Dubstep – Techno – Progressive – Progressive Psy – Psy Trance – Neo Goa – Tech House – Chill Out and more. This years line up is being carefully orchestrated in order to utilize this special occasion and help with the Alignment of your Mind and Spirit. Facebook Page: event.php?eid148247355225641 Pics from last year: web pureperceptionrecords.org/newreleases/photos Location Pics: pureperceptionrecords.org/WelcomeToPangeapt.3/index So you can plan ahead, the closest town is Rosman NC Music Sequence: Friday Night/Saturday Morning: 8 – 9:30 – Krushmode – Dubstep 9:30 – 10:30 – Selecta Cleofus – Dubstep 10:30 – 12 – Aligning Minds live* – Dubstep / Downtempo / IDM 12 – 1 – Quidam – Progressive Tribal 1 – 2:30 – Labyrinth – Prog Psy / Psy Trance 2:30 – 4 – Elektrik – Psy Trance 4 – 5:30 – Moksa – Psy Trance / Forest 5:30 – 6.30 – Kri – Neo Goa / Morning 6:30 – 8 – Oso – Progressive Deepness Lectures 10 – 12 – Main stage Saturday/Sunday: 12 – 1:30 – Tigerlily – Progressive / House 1:30 – 3 – Olof – Tech House Grooves 3 – 4 – Elektrik – Progressive / Techno 4 – 6 – Intrinsic live* + dj – Dubstep / IDM 6 – 7 – Predator – Dubstep 7 – 8:30 – Medisin – Psychedelic Bass Music Ritual 8:30 – 9:45 – Gregor Konstantin – Techno / Tech House 9:45 – 11 – Klaws – Psy Techno 11 – 1 – Fractal Phono – Chunky Progressive Psy 1 – 2 – Dragon live* – Psy Trance 2 – 3:30 – Annunaki live* – Neo Goa 3:30 – 4:30 – Kameleon Poimandres – Psy Trance / Neo Goa 4:30 – 7 – WichDokta – Psy Trance / Full On 7 – 8:30 – Vitor – Progressive Psy 8:30 – 9:30 – Bioluminescense – Tribal Psychedelic 9:30 – 11:30 – Flynt & Grooves – Progressive Tribal House 11:30 – 1:30 – Moonchine – Tech House 1:30 – 2:30 – Aligning Minds – Dubstep / Downbeat 2:30 – 4 – Selecta Cleofus – Dubstep / Ragga / Smoke 4 – 6 – Closing Ambiance so much for an incredible birthday celebration…the place was packed full of smiling faces, sexy outfits and we danced our asses off all night! The m usic was phenomenal, sound was superb, deco dazzling and visuals stunning. It takes a lot to create such a beautiful event, thank you everyone who helped make it happen and shared in the experience. It’s only been 3 ye ars but feels like much much more with so many new friends and unforgettabl e memories. homa, Stay tuned for the next Psybotik event happening this sum mer but in the meantime come down to Pangea Country with us next weekend fo r another dose of Dragon *live* plus Bird of Prey, Wichdokta, Kri, Annunaki *live*, Fractal Phono, class ts… a, ” face ry Alignment::. May 20th – 22nd textex posedshow” display: inline; As with every year this event is RS VP only. To RSVP please send an e Welcome at Purepercep tionreco wordbreak” display: block; float: l No Capacity!! Follow this link to purchase tickets: h none; web pureperceptionrecords. org/WelcometoPangea-pt.4.h wordbreak” displalay: inline; You are invited to Pangea’s fourth annual Festival of Li fe. On May 21st the Earth, Mars, Venus, Mercury, and Jupiter, will be in Al ignment creating what some say will be a portal into another dimension. Joi n us as we celebrate this Astrologically historical event and permeate our Positive resonance into another Realm. Sounds will be provided by some of t he nations top underground artist and djs featuring a full spectrum of high ly intelligent and eclectic music ranging from IDM – Dubstep – Techno – Pro gressive – Progressive Psy – Psy Trance – Neo Goa – Tech House – Chill Out and more. This years line up is being carefully orchestrated in order to ut ilize this special occasion and help with the Alignment of your Mind and Sp irit. osedshow” display: inline; class sty face collapse: separate; : normal; web facebook.c : So you can plan ahead, the closest town is Rosman NC Music Sequence: Friday Night/Saturday Morning: 8 – 9:30 – Krushmode – Dubstep 9:30 – 10:30 – Selecta Cleofus – Dub step 10:30 – 12 – Aligning Minds live* – Dubstep / Downtempo / IDMb r 12 – 1 – Quidam – Progressive Tribal 1 – 2:30 – Labyrinth – Prog Psy / Psy Trance 2:30 – 4 – Elektrik – Psy Trance 4 – 5:30 – Moksa – Psy Trance / Forest 5:30 – 6.30 – Kri – Neo Goa / Mor ning 6:30 – 8 – Oso – Progressive Deepness Lectures 1 osedshow” display: inline; Saturday/Sunday: 12 – 1:30 – Tigerlily – Progressive / House 1:30 – 3 – Olof – Tech Hous e Grooves 3 – 4 – Elektrik – Progressive / Techno 4 – 6 – Int rinsic live* + dj – Dubstep / IDM 6 – 7 – Predator – Dubstep 7 – 8:30 – Medisin – Psychedelic Bass Music Ritual 8:30 – 9:45 – Gregor Konstantin – Techno / Tech House 9:45 – 11 – Klaws – Psy Techno 11 – 1 – Fractal Phono – Chunky Progressive Psy 1 – 2 – Dragon live* – Psy Trance 2 – 3:30 – Annunaki live* – Neo Goa 3:30 – 4:30 – Kameleon Poimandres – Psy Trance / Neo Goa 4:3 0 – 7 – WichDokta – Psy Trance / Full On 7 – 8:30 – Vitor – Progress ive Psy 8:30 – 9:30 – Bioluminescense – Tribal Psychedelic 9 :30 – 11:30 – Flynt & Grooves – Progressive Tribal House 11:30 – 1:30 – Moonchine – Tech House 1:30 – 2:30 – Aligning Minds – Dubste p / Downbeat 2:30 – 4 – Selecta Cleofus – Dubstep / Ragga / Smokeb r4 – 6 – Closing Ambiance
#4514 Fri, 20 May 2011 17:34:20 Fri, 20 May 2011 17:34:11 Fri, 20 May 2011 16:33:49 goa604 at lists.sporkles.net, Psy-Trance/ NYC604 NYC604, d-m-t, Daniel Pinchbeck daniel.pinchbeck at gmail From: Machinelf June 5th – Psychedelic Adventures at the Edge of the Abyss: The Ideas of Terence and Dennis McKennaformatflowed Some of you may remember Luis Eduardo Luna’s book of ayahuasca paintings we passed around after ceremonies several years ago, and that’s just for starters as to a who’s who of psychedelic cognoscenti represented here. Here’s an electronic gathering of the tribes coming up in June, highly recommended! Let the drums of next year begin. Let the drums of next year begin. Psychedelic Adventures at the Edge of the Abyss: The Ideas of Terence and Dennis McKenna Terence McKenna was a brilliant psychedelic philosopher who foresaw the potential for a transformative future, pegged to the Mayan calendrical date of December 21, 2012. Dennis McKenna, his brother, explores his legacy and reveals his relevance for today. The Brothers McKenna are widely known to the psychedelic community. Their ideas and adventures, explorations of inner (and perhaps outer) space, and their Amazonian odyssey in search of answers to the mysteries of time, history, and being have been well chronicled by Terence, who though he passed on in 2000, still haunts the Net as an avatar and articulator of a radical and highly unconventional perspective on humanity’s current precarious perch on the edge of the singularity. Even the most skeptical souls can no longer deny that our species is at the threshold of an enormous and irrevocable plunge into novelty; a plunge that will change forever our understanding of who we are as a species, and our place in the scheme of a universe that is marvelous, terrifying, beautiful and puzzling in ways that we cannot begin to comprehend. Terence, not by choice, escaped to a hyperspatial redoubt, just as humanity crossed the threshold into the third millennium of its problematic career on this planet. His younger brother Dennis continues to grapple with the revelations and insights, perhaps delusions, that the two brothers confronted during their journey to the Amazonian rainforest in 1971 in search of exotic hallucinogens and high adventure. They found both, in spades, and it changed them, and perhaps the world, forever. class”evblackNow Dennis has determined that the time has come to tell his side of the story, and is proposing to write a book, The Brotherhood of the Screaming Abyss the title is in recognition of the name the two brothers and their intrepid band of fellow adventurers chose for themselves, partly tongue in cheek, and partly & mostly, as they discovered & deadly serious. Dennis is using Kickstarter to garner the resources, and time, needed to write this work, which will be both a memoir of sorts but also a fresh examination of the revelations forced onto them at the climax of that heart-of-darkness journey. Those who may be interested can find a detailed description of this proposal on the Kickstarter web site at web kickstarter/projects/1862402066/the-brotherhood-of-the-screaming-abyssweb kickstarter/projects/1862402066/the-brotherhood-of-the-screaming-abyss The Course This course is offered as a follow-up to the launch of the writing project and an anticipation of themes that will be explored in depth in the book, slated for release in the fall of 2012. The course will consist of four sessions, with dates set for June 5th, 12th, each webinar session will be hosted by Dennis McKenna in wide-ranging conversations with key guests who are recognized leaders on the cutting edge of post-millennial thought: Daniel Pinchbeck, Ralph Abraham, Marc Pesce, Ralph Metzner, L Most have also been close personal friends of Terence and Dennis over many decades; they have shared Terence and Dennis’ fascination and preoccupations with the concepts under discussion and have been key players in the development, elaboration, and expression of these ideas. Like Terence and Dennis, they lived through the social, environmental, and political changes that have characterized our ever-accelerating race toward novelty during the late 20th century and the first decade of the 21st in many respects, they are the people who have helped to catalyze the radical changes in global consciousness that have resulted. Each webinar will be 90 minutes in length, with the first 60 minutes devoted to a dialog between Dennis, the host, and one or more invited guests. The format will be an informal discussion, preceded by a brief exposition outlining the main themes under consideration in that session. There will be ample opportunities for the audience to interact in real time with the host and guests following the hour-long conversation. Participants from the audience will be able to ask questions and offer their own comments and insights via live title name chat, text, or email. If you can watch a YouTube title name you can take part in this course. s”evblack size”1 In this first session, the role of host and guest will be reversed. Author and commentator Daniel Pinchbeck will fill the role of host and moderator, and Dennis will be the interviewee. It will take the form of a free-wheeling retrospective look at the influences that led the brothers to forego any hopes of a normal life or careers and head to the Amazon in search of psychedelic secrets in 1971. It will be a personal reminiscence. Daniel Pinchbeck is the author of 2012: The Return of Quetzalcoatl (Tarcher/Peng Open the Head: A Psychedelic Journey into the Heart of Contemporary Shamanism (Broadway Books, 2002). His articles have appeared in The New York Times Magazine, Esq title name”vocabhighlighterui” ui re, Wired, The Village Voice, LA Weekly, ArtForum, Arthur, and many other publications. He is currently the editorial director of Reality Sandwich and a national columnist for a web huffingtonpost/web consciouschoiceConscious Choice magazine. He is also the executive producer of the a web huffingtonpost/web iclips.net/2012PostModernTimes series of interviews, directed by Joao Amorim, and is featured in Amorim’s upcoming documentary, 2012: Time for Change. Here are some of the questions he will be asking Dennis about his early years with Terence: What were the personal, familial, and societal factors that led to their preoccupation with matters both arcane, and peculiar? What was behind their early interest in psychedelics, transdimensional realms, consciousness exploration? What did their baffled parents, teachers, priests and peers make of all this? The second session will be a conversation between Dennis and his guest, Dr. L title the closest and oldest friends of Terence and Dennis. He also happens to be one of the world’s leading experts on ayahuasca ethnography and New World psychedelic shamanism. Eduardo was there (almost) from the start. A well-educated but distinctly un-psychedelic seminary student growing up in the tiny Colombian river community of Florencia in 1971, Eduardo’s first encounter with Terence on his way back from his second visit to La Chorrera changed his life forever. Terence was fizzing with fresh revelation when they met and was literally wild-eyed, a Messiah come back from the forest. Eduardo’s exposure to the strangest ideas in the known universe drove him to abandon his dreams of the priesthood forever and to plunge headlong into the purs title Terence and his companion traveler, the legendary Kumi, lived at Eduardo’s vinca for several months while they worked out what was to become TimeWave Zero and the first draft of the Invisible Landscape. One of the most influential anthropologists in the field of ayahuasca research, L ayahuasca shamanism practiced by mestizo (or mixed-blood) people in the Amazon. Born and raised in the Colombian Amazon, L Norway, and always had a foot in both worlds. His work revealed the importance of the diet that ayahuasqueros follow, and the pivotal role played by the icaros, or magic melodies, in shamanic ceremonies. L title name”vocabhighlighterui” has also studied the Brazilian ayahuasca churches such as Santo Daime, Uniao do Vegetal and Barq title Wasiwaska, a research center for the study of psychointegrator plants, visionary arts and consciousness, in Brazil, and is the author of several books, including em Vegetalismo: Shamanism among the Mestizo Population of the Peruvian Amazon em Inner Paths to Outer Space: Journeys to Alien Worlds through Psychedelics and Other Spiritual Technologies (co-authored with Rick Strassman et al.), and his much loved collaboration with the painter Pablo Amaringo, em Ayahuasca Visions: the Religious Iconography of a Peruvian Shaman . During this session, Eduardo and Dennis will talk about: How the path of Eduardo’s life was changed after meeting Terence McKenna How the nature of Eduardo and Dennis’s collaboration has changed through the years The inside scoop on the psychedelic scene they were a part ofbetween the two of them they know where all the bodies are buried! What is TW0? And does it really describe anything? Terence proclaimed to his dying day that it was a map of the quantum structure of time, and that it could be used to predict the future; even more shocking, he claimed that its spiral structure predicted the collapse of the space/time continuum on a specific date, December 21st, 2012. This date just happens to coincide perfectly with the predicted end of time based on the Mayan Calendar, as well as other world traditions that seem to express expectations of a major shift in the planetary world order, if not the cosmic order, on or around that date. This is the & teaching’ that two bemushroomed, raving wild men walked out of the jungle proclaiming?? Dennis is not so sure, and in recent years has begun to publicly question whether it means anything, or whether it means what Terence believed it to mean. No one knows the answer, but many very intelligent people have been both baffled and fascinated by Time Wave Zero. Ralph Abraham has been involved in the research frontier and the development of dynamical systems theory in the 1960s and 1970s. He has been a consultant on chaos theory and its applications in numerous fields, such as medical physiology, ecology, mathematical economics, and psychotherapy. He is the author of Foundations of Mechanics with Jerrold Marsden, Dynamics, the Geometry of Behavior with Christopher Shaw, Chaos, Gaia, Eros, and Chaos, Cosmos, and Creativity with Rupert Sheldrake and Terence McKenna. Ralph Abraham will join Mark Pesce and Dennis McKenna in a lively debate about the validity of the Time Wave, which Dennis has become more skeptical about in recent years. They will discuss: ul Is the TWO real? What is the proof in favor of its existence? Is there somthing about it we need to understand before 2012, in order to avert or prepare for global catastrophe? Dennis and Terence disagreed on whatever it was they experienced together following the Experiment at La Chorrera. Was it a simultaneous psychotic break, a shamanic initiation, an alien abduction, or somthing even stranger? They honestly don’t know, and interpretations have changed over the years. What is definitely odd about the La Chorrera & Event& whatever it may have been, was that they brought somthing back with them. This was the mathematical construct derived from the King Wen sequence of the I Ching that has become known as Time Wave Zero. Most psychoses or shamanic experiences do not end up yielding a mathematical tool, particularly one that purports to describe the fractal topology of time, and one that (possibly) predicts the end of the world. Mark Pesce is an inventor, writer, entrepreneur, educator and broadcaster. In 1994 Pesce founded graduate programs in interactive media at both the University of Southern California’s world-famous Cinema School and the Australian Film, Radio and Television School. In 2006 Pesce founded FutureSt, a Sydney consultancy dedicated to helping clients negotiate the challenges presented by our & hyperconnected’ future. In this session, Mark Pesce will discuss all things Time Wave with Ralph Abraham and Dennis: What is TW0? And does it really describe anything? Does it really hide the answer to our current ontological and historical dilemma? Why does its interpretation coincide so closely with the apocalyptarian predictions of so many other cultures? Although Terence did not live to see it, many of his ideas have been accepted into the mainstream cultural zeitgeista state of affairs about which he would feel q much of the wild changes we are witnessing during this time of global transformation. There can be little doubt that psychedelics, in permeating our culture, in opening the door once again to the rediscovery of parallel worlds and non-human intelligences, have functioned as a major catalyst of that change, and that new transformed worldview. These ideas no longer seem so strange because many people have taken psychedelics; many have confirmed for themselves what Terence and Dennis were raving about. In this session, Erik Davis joins Ralph Metzner and Dennis for a conversation about the evolution and transmission of these ideas. Erik Davis is a North American writer, social historian, cultural critic and lecturer. He is noted for his study of the history of technology and society and his essays about the fate of the individual in the dawning posthuman era. Although significant title”asp” class”v-New-pen-0asp ects of his work include media criticism and technology criticism, his works span across other disciplines to include a larger social history of art, religion, and science, technology, and politics. His books include TechGnosis: Myth, Magic, and Mysticism in the Age of Information, The Visionary State: A Journey Through California’s Spiritual Landscape, and Led Zeppelin IV. Erik will be talking to Ralph Metzner and Dennis about the following: Is there an impending historical singularity on the horizon? What are the possibilities for trans-human metamorphosis and plant-human symb title”ios” name”vocabhighlighterios” Has alien contact already taken place and what is the likelihood of humanity migrating into space? Whether or not Time Wave Zero is & true’ or not, there is little doubt that it has evolved into a pervasive cultural meme, sharing the space with a whole universe of cultural archetypes that certainly did not exist, or at least were a lot less overt, when Terence and Dennis were growing up in that small town in Colorado in the 1950s. In the post-millennial, pre-eschatology decade of the third millennium A.D., a whole host of bizarre notions about the impending historical singularity, trans-human metamorphosis, plant-human symb title”ios” name”vocabhighlighterios” the emergence of the Gaian planetary intelligence, the globalization of the human nervous system, the archaic revival, alien contact, space migration, transdimensional realities, parallel universes, and many others that would have seemed like schizophrenic delusions to earlier generations, have now become an accepted, almost mundane, component of the contemporary cultural zeitgeist. Suddenly we find ourselves living in a science-fictional universe; without even noticing it, things seem to be getting stranger and ever more bizarre at a rapidly accelerating pace. This final session, hosted by Dennis with guests psychedelic pioneer Ralph Metzner and techno-guru Erik Davis, will explore the ways in which many of Terence’s predictions about the changing nature of the world have become true. Ralph Metzner’s work has been focused on the transformations of consciousness, and as a graduate student, he worked with Timothy Leary and Richard Alpert (later Ram Dass) on the Harvard Psilocybin Projects. He co-wrote The Psychedelic Experience, and was editor of The Psychedelic Review. He is founder of the Green Earth Foundation and His books include The Well of Remembrance, The Unfolding Self, Green Psychology, and two edited collections on the science and the phenomenology of Ayahuasca and Teonanácatl. The discussion will cover various topics including: How have Terence’s ideas permeated culture? Do psychedelics have an evolutionary function? Can psychedelics help us transition into ahistorical time? We could ask for no two finer minds with whom to explore these themes. At the end of this final session, you may have a glimmer of some of the answers, but we guarantee, you will have a lot more questions! And it is in that dynamic space between knowing and unknowing, that understanding and insight may flourish. img height”158 Dennis McKenna is a ethnopharmacologist focusing on the therapeutic uses of psychoactive medicines derived from nature and used in indigenous ethnomedical practices. He is well known for his work with his brother Terence McKenna and their ground breaking research in The Invisible Landscape: Mind, Hallucinogens, and the I Ching, and is co-founder of the Hefter Research Institute that promotes scientific research on hallucinogenic compounds. By participating in this online course, you will receive: ul Four 90-minute live title name id”vocabhighlighter8053″ McKenna and his featured guests 30 minutes of question and answer time in each seminar Breakout sessions for student discussion following each seminar Participation in a private online community with other students Unlimited online access to title name id”vocabhighlighter8054″ ul PDF articles about course topics from Dennis and each of the guests We hope you join us for this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to explore the lives and ideas of Terrence and Dennis! Fri, 27 May 2011 13:07:37 Bcc: TripOutNY May 2011 13:07:37 Fri, 27 May 2011 16:07:36 From: Blue Goddess bluegoddess at psybotikOT: Dance Party Tonight!! 5/27 Marinated Poetry at Cameo Gallery (williamsburg) 00163630e91733852c04a4477d04 ::MARINATED POETRY:: dance party friday may 27th at the lovin cup, 93 n6th str, bet berry/wythe (ENTER THROUGH THE LOVIN’ CUP ), brooklyn 12-4am, 5 dollars at the door featuring music by Kife (Omnitribe) and a special Tag Team set by Electrik (Psybotik) & DJ Earthian (Animaltek) facebook: event.php?eid131124370299339&refts video flyer web youtube/watch?vRRa7WptJ7r0 links: web djearthian/ web animaltek.net/ web psybotik/ web positivepressure.fm/ 00163630e91733852c04a4477d04 collapse; lin Appl y may 27th at the lovin cup, 93 n6th str, bet berry/wythe (ENTER THROUGH TH E LOVIN’ CUP ), brooklyn class sty collapse; line-h usic by Kife (Omnitribe) and a special Tag Team set by Electrik (Psybotik) & DJ Earthian (Animaltek) App rweb psybotik/ web positivepressure oration: none; web positivepressur wordbreak” style 00163630e91733852c04a4477d04
#4516 Sun, 29 May 2011 10:55:24 From: Apls Slide tsunaminj at yahooArea 51 July 9th 0-2054692380-1306691724:87166 Area 51 PsyTran ce TALAMASCA : Mind Control Records, France PHASEPHOUR : Shiva Space Techn ology/Mechanik Records, Norway OSO :T.O.U.C.H. Samadhi, North Carolina KNO- B : Hikari Records, Japan FRACTAL PHONO : Zenon Records/Gaian Mind, Philade lphia DAVE DITTMER : Sonic Beating, Boston BRANDON ADAMS : Bom Shanka Recs/ Dreamcatcher/SYNC, NYC RAKSHASI HORNPIPE : Radial Engine Tribe, Albany GUIL LAUME : Disorient, NYC NEURONYMPH : Green Apples, NJ Area 2 Dubstep/Hards tyle/Techno DJ 2rip : B.A.D. A.S.S./Agency Sounds, Washington D.C JEFF HEA RT : Wiggle Productions / Proper Phase, Philadelphia DJ KNOWLEDGE : columns of knowledge, CT LOVE TECHNIQUE : Land of Los/(S)innerScene, NYC SUBSECTOR : Disorient/Space Pirates, Philadelphia DJ ATOM C : NYC Ravers, NYC DJ RIT ALIN : Original Brooklyn, NYC ANIMUS : LIVE/Digital Distortion/NYCR, NYC CI M aka THE ITALIAN STALLION : HardStylerz USA, NY WINK-E : Paradox Productio ns/Feed The Starving Artists, NYC Area 3 House/Progressive/Chillout KONT AKT : 3EV/Altered States/Nine73/Kontakt, CA NEGATIVE TIME : LIVE HARDWARE P A Nightmare Studio, MA DR. DISORIENT : Disorient/Cerberus, Philadelphia LAR A : inciting/Nightwerks/NoLove, Philadelphia DADDY NOOMZ : Digital Distorti on/Groove Therapy, NYC VERTICAL MIST : Green Apples, NYC D:[JR] : Audiolust /Cerberus, Philadelphia ARTEMIS : Fractaltribe/Tight Crew/Krooks Clothing/A wake, MA IZZY : Paradigm Shift/Radial Engine Tribe, NYC PSYCHEDELIKUNZ: Psy bolic Frolic, NJ DJ AUDIOPHILE : Audiolust, NYC THETA WAVES : Green Apples, Colorado More Info: 0938297 web greenapplesnyc Green Apples presents: AREA 51 …….. …. Area 51 PsyTrance TALAMASCA : Mind Control Records, France PHASEPHO UR : Shiva Space Technology/Mechanik Records, Norway OSO :T.O.U.C.H. Samadh i, North Carolina KNO-B : Hikari Records, Japan FRACTAL PHONO : Zenon Recor ds/Gaian Mind, Philadelphia DAVE DITTMER : Sonic Beating, Boston BRANDON AD AMS : Bom Shanka Recs/Dreamcatcher/SYNC, NYC RAKSHASI HORNPIPE : Radial Eng ine Tribe, Albany GUILLAUME : Disorient, NYC NEURONYMPH : Green Apples, NJ Area 2 Dubstep/Hardstyle/Techno DJ 2rip : B.A.D. A.S.S./Agency Sounds, W ashington D.C JEFF HEART : Wiggle Productions / Proper Phase, Philadelphia DJ KNOWLEDGE : columns of knowledge, CT LOVE TECHNIQUE : Land of Los/(S)inn erScene, NYC SUBSECTOR : Disorient/Space Pirates, Philadelphia DJ ATOM C : NYC Ravers, NYC DJ RITALIN : Original Brooklyn, NYC ANIMUS : LIVE/Digital D istortion/NYCR, NYC CIM aka THE ITALIAN STALLION : HardStylerz USA, NY WINK -E : Paradox Productions/Feed The Starving Artists, NYC Area 3 House/Prog ressive/Chillout KONTAKT : 3EV/Altered States/Nine73/Kontakt, CA NEGATIVE TIME : LIVE HARDWARE PA Nightmare Studio, MA DR. DISORIENT : Disorient/Cerb erus, Philadelphia LARA : inciting/Nightwerks/NoLove, Philadelphia DADDY NO OMZ : Digital Distortion/Groove Therapy, NYC VERTICAL MIST : Green Apples, NYC D:[JR] : Audiolust/Cerberus, Philadelphia ARTEMIS : Fractaltribe/Tight Crew/Krooks Clothing/Awake, MA IZZY : Paradigm Shift/Radial Engine Tribe, N YC PSYCHEDELIKUNZ: Psybolic Frolic/Paranormal Dimension Recs, NJ DJ AUDIOPH ILE : Audiolust, NYC THETA WAVES : Green Apples, Colorado at Electric Ware house 1428 Fulton Street Brooklyn NY 11216 10pm to 8am The ELECTRIC WAREHO USE, a beautiful 10,000 sq ft converted trolley repair station in the hear t of Brooklyn. In the early 1900’s trolleys ran all across the 5 boroughs d elivering a fast easy rapid transport across the city. This space has been beautifully preserved to capture the excitement and detail of those early days in Transit and New York History. Visuals MORGAN & FR EEMAN: Bluecrash, NYC LUNECELL : Fractaltribe, MA KALIPTUS : Psybolic Fro lic/CoSM, NJ Deco THE DEVOTEE : T.O.U.C.H. Samadhi NC NEPHILNINE DECO N EURONYMPHONIC ART Sound & Lighting AUDIOLUST Photography EDWIN ‘PAC-MAN ‘ CUEVAS III RONNIE COMPTON CORADO 18+ to dance 21+ to drink. Open Vodka Bar from 9pm-10pm. $20 in advance till June 5th $25 till July 3rd $30 at t he door. We don’t charge a processing fee for presale tickets. Area 51 Talamasca C edric Dassulle is playing all over the world since 1992…under the name of Dj Lestat first, then, under the name of Talamasca…for dancefloors ! Wh at would you need a biography for ? Just enjoy the music !!! web mindcontr olrecords talamasca.mind.control web youtube/wa PhasePhour PhasePhour has its roots from one of the northern peaks of t he planet: Norway. The project is in the experienced hands of John Robert E geland, Eldar von Essen and Christer Andersson. The typical sound of Phase Phour is defined as massive psychedelic full-on – a perfect combination of music to both delight the dance floors and for repeated listening between parties. With numerous releases on major labels like Shiva Space Technolog y, Chill Tribe, Aleph-Zero, GeoMagnetic Records and the hit debut album “B oiing & Zipp”, the project has earned its way into the international psytr ance scene as one of the leading projects coming out of Norway. PhasePhour has been around the globe several times with mind-blowing performances to packed parties in Europe, USA, Brazil and Mexico. phasep hour web soundcloud/phasephour Oso Oso is a devoted music connoisseu r providing a vast collection of intelligent, fun and deep surreal grooves for a spectrum of atmospheres and experiences. Osos DJ sets are compiled with intent, representing an array of artists from all over the w orld. As an experienced Abelton user, Oso is constantly twisting and tweak ing tracks to create a unique library of personalized remixes combined wit h the latest effects, tempo manipulation and layered mixing.Engulfed in the hypnotic rhythm and crispy swirly mayhem is he. Seek Surrender of the kno wn, submerge in the omnitone, release the spirit of the trance, And ALL to gether lets dance dance dance! Peace in sound! web touchsamadhi/artist s/oso web soundcloud/djoso/tracks Kno-B Kno-B has been involved in t he music scene since the early 90’s, when he discovered the art of psychoa coustics & the sound of electronic music. In the late 90’s he started to p lay psytrance along side of the very founders of the genre itself. Not lim ited to being in various live bands at the same time also. No one comes clo se to his style of mixing, which has been called by many “the live mix” as he mixes tracks at the same time, or changing tracks every two to four mi nutes that way keeping you on the dance floor for hours at the time. Kno-B ‘s style has been called new and brilliant as it’s somthing you’ve never experienced before. Besides being one of the top industry dj’s, he is also working on various new projects that will be released in the near future. Fractal Phono Fractal Phono is best known for his E2809Cquirky and mu rkyE2809D psychedelic progressive trance DJ sets, as well as occasional ly playing tripped out minimal techno. As resident DJ for Gaian Mind in Ph iladelphia, USA, Rory has evangelically spread the Zenon sound across the land. Super squishy, yet articulate bass lines, and deep-dark, psychedelic grooves have always been the main ingredients in F.P.s performan ces regardless of genre. web FractalPhono web Gaian-Mind web zenon records /Fractal-Phono/112412875490908 Dave Dittmer “I’ve been playing Psytrance since the day I began DJing, about 12 years ago. My early influences were Darshan, Psysex, and Infected Mushroo m, all played on vinyl. Later, I focused mainly on progressive psy for a c ouple years and made the switch to CDJs. These days I play various types o f full-on using a laptop. I combine the most intense and powerful tracks I can find with some subdued and elegant ‘morning style’ tracks to create a n interesting dynamic between the two extremes. Expanding my musical horiz ons is always a priority, and you may sometimes see me playing tech/prog/h ouse on a side stage. When I’m not DJing or teaching music, I work with th e Sonic Beating crew in Boston to throw our recurring parties at Rise and ‘Psyforia’ at Machine. Boston is my home, but I also love my NYC psy famil y and I can’t wait to come out there again to play my trippiest tracks for you. BOOM!” Dave D. web soundcloud/tyrantsonicbeating/tyrant-aka-da ve-dittmer-final-warning web sonicbeating Brandon Adams Once New Jer seys best-kept secret, Brandon has quickly become a fixture in the New York psy scene and beyond. With a wealth of experience and appreciati on for all forms of music, especially psychedelic, he is easily one of the most versatile and dedicated DJs around. His night and morning sets have stood up against some of the worlds best and have left a lasting imprint on dancefloors. web soundcloud/brandon-adams web caliphonic.co m Rakshasi Hornpipe After mixing in and out of various EDM genres for ye ars, Rakshasi Hornpipe stumbled into the world of psychedelic trance, melt ed down the vinyl, and started traveling a little lighter. Taking his name from a demon-defeating dance in Aldous Huxleys utopian novel Isl and, Rakshasi Hornpipe invites you to stomp away your stresses to his harm onically-mixed sets. “A Rakshasi is a species of demon. Very large, and exc eedingly unpleasant. All the ugliest passions personified. The Rakshasi Ho rnpipe is a device for letting off those dangerous heads of steam raised b y anger and frustration…”Aldous Huxley, Island web soundcloud/rak shasihornpipe pages/Rakshasi-Hornpipe/216724817833 Guill aume Clave web guillaumeclave Area 2 DJ 2rip DJ 2rip is charisma tic and innovative, constantly pushing a sound that consistently moves dan cefloors through the use of throbbing basslines. His style is entirely uni que as he crosses through different genres and emotions while taking his c rowds higher & higher, annihilating the dancefloor with every transition. web dj2rip web youtube/dj2rip Jeff Heart As a rare find, house music turntablist currently promoting t he genre of dark Electro House and similar styles, Jeff Heart is in his 20 th year of the DJ business. Starting out in 1991 as a basement DJ, Jeff wo rked his way through the commercial club circuit by 1995 and soon after la nded his career within the underground electronic music culture. We use th e term E2809ClandedE2809D loosely because its been quite th e opposite since his involvement took place in the underground dance music community. Jeffs popularity in the club, festival and E2809Cra veE2809D markets took off shortly after his entry in 1997. Following a short primer period, Jeff was brought onboard at the humble beginnings of club Space which became Philadelphias first fully underground mus ic, large capacity venue and the epitome of the underground music scene. I t was a whos who melting pot among the DJ elites and saw the like s of every world famous DJ at the time. Quickly gaining city wide recognit ion at the most popular and sole underground EDM venue, Jeff was soon adde d to the weekly resident DJ roster and became the longest running resident that the venue had to offer. Over a 4 year period through Space and its e ventual reformation as E2809CMotionE2809D, Jeff maintained the posit ions of resident DJ, venue manager and the Audio and Lighting engineer (Fi elds in which he holds degrees and certifications of the highest levels). Jeff also owned and provided much of the sound and lighting systems that th e venue was infamous for. With a regular weekly avenue to push out his tre nd setting genres and turntabilist skills, Jeff became known as the sole p ioneer for UK Hard House in Philly and collaboratively throughout the East Coast as his travelling career started picking up. Coupled with his inven tive rhythmic turntablism within a House music style such as his, it furth er quantified his contributions to the creation of musical expression that was not yet seen before. It was partially due to this endeavor that Jeff began touring in 2000 and has since been able to showcase his performances in every single state in the U.S. with none to spare. For a bold introduc tion to a lucrative travelling career, his very first out of state gig was granted by Internationally acclaimed DJ Jon Bishop, at a world famous eve nt known as Hedonism in San Diego California. The event was voted and rank ed as the best weekday party in the country by Playboy and Maxim Magazine. Along with international bookings in places such as Egypt, Japan, Italy, Finland, Russia, Belize to name a few, he has been able to deliver his home town taste of Philadelphia to EDM fans that span the globe. In the past de cade, Jeff has had the opportunity to play along side many of the worldE2 8099s finest talents. Whether a tag team dj set, opening or closing, Jef f has performed along with worldly recognized performers such as Paul Van Dyk, Paul Oakenfold, DJ Dan, Jon Bishop, DJ Icey, Sasha and Digweed, Q-Ber t and Keoki just to name a small few (The list is literally hundreds). As a mainstay name in the EDM industry, Jeffs work has been blessed with granting him the headlining status in about 80% of his current bookin gs while the other 20% are equal to, or just under such an esteemed positi on. In the local market, Jeff has played at mostly every single venue that has made a name for itself and supports the EDM community, including one off events such as the never forgotten, famous Whistle party series hosted by Local 13. He has also continued to do so for the past 10 years. Statesi de and abroad, Jeff has had the opportunity to perform at venues and festi vals ranging from a small 50 person intimate setting to outdoor massives, and being center stage to 25,000 music lovers. Whether you have heard him perform live or only have had the opportunity to listen to one his 20 worl dwide album releases, we are certain that coming out to see him for our ev ent will surely be a night worth your time. web wiggleproductions web .soundcloud/jeffheart DJ Knowledge Knowledge is one of the original foundation layers for the underground dance circuit in the mid-90 s for New England. His evolving sound has taken audiences of 5 to 5000+ an d turned rooms inside out worldwide. Always taking the time to hand select the most cutting edge production in the tracks he plays, his signature so und of genre-bending, layered, journey sets have transformed many minds an d moved countless bodies over his 13 year career. web columnsofknowledge.c om /DJ-KNOWLEDGE/60027260814 Love Technique web .soundcloud/matiasjofre djmatias.j Subsector Sub sector’s most popular productions are experiments that fuse melodic and psy chedelic soundscapes with fresh dubstep and trip-hop inspired beats. His lu sh and mesmerizing productions bring new life and unique perspective to the dry and passC3A9 world of chillout music. The world is taking notice too . Since his 2010 remix of Snoop Dogg and Kid CuDi’s That Tree (Twitter’s to p 20 Music Charts and Hype Machine’s top 15 music charts), he has been play ing to capacity crowds in NYC, Philadelphia and festivals throughout the Un ited States. web soundcloud/ntny web subsectormusic web facebook.c om/ subsector DJ Atom C Driven by the NYC Rave Scene and his insatiabl e love for keeping parties fresh, DJ Atom C was born and bred as the under ground scene’s jack of all trades. Beginning to spin at the tender age of thirteen, Atom C has been able to craft a clean and talented style void of sloppy beats to deliver a harmonically appealing auditory experience for all. Not only a passionate DJ, he is passionate about the scene. As Head S taff of NYCRavers he takes on many responsibility’s including but not limi ted to, Flier design, Web design, Video editing & special effects, Club & Stage lighting, Promotion, and anything ells needed to throw a banging par ty., as soon as the sun sets he is helping plan and promote parties for al l to enjoy. DJ Atom C is here to stay with his unique ability to flawlessl y flow between genres and keep the party moving until the sun comes up. w ww.DJAtomC web NYCRavers /DJ-Atom-C/117016 140871 Animus Animus or J. Mouse those are your two options. Not a fan of Joe right now. Who am I? A DJ in the NYC Rave scene. I spin Techno (its a genre, not the term to d escribe all rave music…) I love dancing, cant quite describe my style, bu t Ive been told I float across the floor. Yes I dress like a rave mouse, s o what. I wear normal clothes too, but if youre gonna rave, might as well go all out. Dont have to, but every now and then I just like doing it. Its fun. Could care less what you think. djanimusnyc web so undcloud/djanimus DJ CiM CiM . He began his Dj career in 2003 with t wo turntables and a two channel mixer. Not wasting any time CiM got right into the scene of different styles of EDM. It wasnt till late 200 4 where he came across the Hard Dance scene. This was the beginning of som ething that would lead up until now. A few artists that have had a huge in fluence are: Zany, Headhunterz, Tatanka, Isaac, Technoboy, The Prophet, No isecontrollers, and Brennan Heart. In the Present time CiM is part of C.A.O .S. (Creative Axis of Sound) a hardstyle group that including Dj CiM, Dj S ogma, and Ryan Blatt. CiM is also a part of the board of members of Hardst ylerzUSA a group formed by Dj Drei. Which looks to establish the harder da nce scene in the U.S. Currently, working in the studio on his own Hardstyle productions and different mixes. CiM is one of the youngest among the man y talented within HSUSA. Doing things different is what it is all about. N ot following the trend of everyone else but being creative and having a se nse of an imagination and passion. His style is straight to your face, in o ther words E2809CHARDSTYLEE2809D web hardstylerzusa web empiretr axx CIMDJ Wink-E Joseph Winkler a.k.a WINK-E is an Electronic Dance Music DJ from Brooklyn, NY. he specializes in harder s tyles such as Hardcore, UK Hardcore, Hardstyle and Jumpstyle. “I am a DJ. I dedicate what i do to all those who support me, all the kids who are loo king for the good vibes, and good times, I do this for my friends who shar e the same love as I do. I love Electronic Dance Music. The feeling, the e motion, the dance floor. The harder the music the better. Go Hard, or go ho me. If you stay and continue to feel the Hardcore Vibes, than I absolutely salute web soundcloud/wink-e ww w.facebook/ /Wink-E/116024165099975 /Pa radox-Productions/156520964400286 Area 3 Kontakt Founder of Army Coll ective Records and Kontakt Recordings. Born in NYC, currently based out of Orlando and LA. DJ Kontakt spins a mix of break beats, electro, and house all in to one big mess. It doesn’t matter how many years of this or that s omeone has under their belt, how many releases, or what number they are on the DJ List. It’s about bringing the energy down on the party, and making it go off! Kontakt’s been around long enough to know how to get it on, and then some. A night out is an experience, it needs to be crafted by an expe rt from all angles to be the best night of your life. The DJ is one of tho se essential elements. And this is one of those essential DJ’s. web djkon takt.podomatic web kontaktrec /DJ-Kontakt/ 185722508661 Negative Time – LIVE HARDWARE PA Negative Time started with Joshua Langberg and Greg Greg in 1996. Josh and Greg provided intense, he avy payload electronic music to the local Worcester, MA scene. Josh was al so responsible for some of the best underground parties in the late 90s/ea rly 2000s. Upon Gregs departure and meeting goa/psy-trance DJ Shoc kWaveRider (Patrick McAndrew) in 2000, the band developed intensity and ac quired a serious audio focus. Joshua Langberg and Pat perform ed live, generally at underground warehouse raves in the Massachusetts are a, from 2001-2003. After more than seven years, the producers were reunited . Negative Time (Joshua Langberg and Pat) is back and with a serious audio vengeance. Playing at numerous parties in Boston at the Mach ine Nightclub, Champions in Everett, Club Therapy in Providence, RI, and i n Brooklyn, NY; Negative Time has professionally performed from 2010 to pr esent. We have played at some of the largest techno/industrial and psy-tra nce parties in Boston. Negative Time has turned into a serious techno/psy-t rance act that will pierce your mind. Smooth dark progressive beats with a n emphasis on bass and analog synthesis please crowds and drive audiophile s nuts! With over 20 years of combined subtractive synthesis knowledge, we aim to blast the dance floors and keep people moving. Our current setup i ncludes the following brands: AKAI MPC, Jomox, Moog, Acccess Virus TI,via Nord 2, several analog MAM devices, Yamaha 01v Mixer, TC Electronics F inalizer Express, Presonus channel strip, and about lots efx processors. N O COMPUTER IS USED, STRICTLY HARDWARE for Live PA. web soundcloud/nega tive-time web youtube/negativetimelive /Negati ve-Time/122590467769210 Dr. Disorient Since his virgin Burning Man, DR. DISORIENT has immersed himself in burner counter-culture while relentlessl y studying electronic dance music’s evolution. The numerous hours of schol arship inherent in Docs life as a Ph.D. student have helped devel op an intensely tenacious attention span that he applies to his creations. Along with eight burns, activities like international travel, skydiving, S.C.U.B.A., & motorcycling have helped rid him of inhibitions toward integ rating diverse musical genres; the Good Doctor strives for perfection, but also realizes that the best music comes from the fearlessness to explore. DR. DISORIENT weaves emotive mixes coated with playa dust that catapult li steners through multi-dimensional journeys; his recent blends have explore d everything from hard-edge techno, soulful house, ravey-electro, driving psytrance, glitchy dubstep, & ambient sounds. Doc is always seeking to fur ther his evolution as a musician & human being, & his humility comes from being deeply grateful to the mentors, family, friends, & fans that support him in his artistic quest… web soundcloud/doctord web facebook /pages/Doctor-Disorient/140084326049289 Lara Lara is a lifelong student of music; out of 27 years on this planet, nine have been devoted to the ar t of DJing. In an ongoing quest to find a community of like-minded individ uals, Lara spent years paying dues in the rave scene as a drum + bass DJ, hosting several regular nights and playing at countless larger events alon gside major names in DnB; but as she watched the music evolve, she became deeply dissatisfied with the rigid attitudes of the traditional undergroun d dance music scene and began to use her stature as an established artist in the community to bend and break conventional understandings of electron ic music. Though these iconoclastic experiments were not universally well- received, last year they garnered her sight-unseen entry into inciting, one of Philly’s oldest techno institutions; thanks to them, she’s opened for such names as Adam X and 2562. Today, Lara’s sound spans everything from t echno and classic electro to post-dubstep and experimental minimal DnB, bo und flawlessly together by an uncompromising vision, formidable technical ability and the passion of a true musician. web ultraesthetic web sou ndcloud/djpos Daddy Noomz web dd-nyc /D addy-Noomz/134237646587857 D:[JR] One of Philadelphias finest D Js. J.R. has been DJing since 2001. Studied Art & Graphic Design in college . Over the years he has performed at numerous clubs or events in the Phila delphia and New York City area. J.R. always brings a wide variety of genre bending diversity to his sets. Somthing that is important to him & drive s is sharing music with people. He strives to deliver music with SUBSTANCE to the masses. Always trying to remind himself to abide by this rule: “It’ s not only the music people want to hear… it is music people NEED to hea r.” In 2007, D:[JR] released a intensely diverse 4 mix collection series ca lled ‘Residual Relaxations’ some of which now available for download on so undcloud In April 2011, J.R. released KULA:Spring 2011 Mix and Infinitu s C3A6stas estas(Infinite Summer) now available on Mixcloud “When yo u perform and you have the crowd, That’s what its all about. When you play a song and it’s exactly THE right track at THAT perfect moment… It seems as though time slows down. Time slows in such a way, that you can experienthe crowd’s reaction all at once! There’s no feeling quite like it…” w ww.mixcloud/djresidual web soundcloud/djresidual web soundcloud /residuallogic Artemis Diana Levy, better known as Artemis, a name she p icked for herself long before attending her first party, is a woman on a m ission: To make you dance, but also to make you think. Coming from a backg round of classical violin and vocal training, Artemis took to the wide var iety of sounds within electronic music, and began to experiment with them as much as possible. As her journey evolved, so has her music and her pass ion to create smiles and good times wherever she plays. Recently, she has joined forces with Tight Crew, not only as one of their DJs, but also as a contributor for deco and ambient rooms. This influence has only increased the diversity of music Artemis plays, which previously included, but was not limited to, psy trance of many kinds, electro, techno, breaks, dubstep, and house. Through these special projects and many of her other gigs, Artemis has been able to transcend cultures and reach people from al l walks of life. E2809CI feel renewed and awakened in a way that I had previously never thought possible. This music is magic; teaching the body to move, the mind to listen, and the soul to let go. I hope to help my aud iences feel this same magic I feel.E2809D web soundcloud/artemis w ww.facebook/artemisDJ Izzy web soundcloud/dj-izzzy Psychedelik unz web soundcloud/psychedelikunz/psychedelikunz-vs-ephedrix-prototype -contest-remix-2 web soundcloud/psychedelikunz/the-sound-of-goa-revise d web soundcloud/psychedelikunzz/psychedelikunz-goa-sunshine Visuals Morgan Freeman VJ BLUECRASH (bluecrash) Morgan Freeman is a artist, designer, programmer and internationally known VJ. Morgan received the hon or of E2809CNorth Americas Top Ten Digital ArtistsE2809D awa rded by Corel and PGA. In 2009, Morgan Freeman placed third in a worldwide VJ competition at the Miami Winter Music Conference. Morgan as worked ove r a decade as a Visual artist for International stars like Erykah Badu, Cu rren$y, Stalley, Tabi Bonney, Boy George and for DJS Carl Cox, Tanny Tenag lia, David Harness, Dimitri, Frenchy Le Freak, Mark Farina, Tall Paul, Per etz (Perry Farrel) With over a decade of free public-art performances and i nstallations, Morgan has spent the last two-years developing a variety of interactive motion-tracking installations using frame comparison, blob det ection, and infrared light. tinyurl/68wa9j In 2008 he founded t he Slow-Art Movement, creating a series of art-in-motion installations whe re viewers witness the quietly dynamic evolution of images in layered and unstructured light. In 2009, Morgan brought projection-mapping to North Ame ricaE28094by way of the Orlando Science Center. Over 3,000 people atten ded the gala. Since relocating to New York City, Morgan has had interactive art-installations in Williamsburg, Chelsea, and the Lower East Side. Morg an has been working with several NYC based groups including Warper Party, Monsieur Clothing, Max Klaxxon, Moldover and Smooth Moose Collaborative. Mo rgan has VJed at Webster Hall, Hiro, Velour, The Delancey, Bar 13 and Santos Party House. Since October, Morgan has a thirty-three minute-thirty-three second film called el at Webster Hall. two 33 minute visual samples (turn up your own music): web vimeo/bluecrash/one web vimeo/bluecrash/two Currently, Morgan w orks full time as a photojournalist- published online and in print monthly with a international circulation of over 5,000,000. web bluecrash L unecell : Fractaltribe LuneCell is Tim Howe from Frostburg, Maryland. He i s an audio-visual artist that produces Psytrance, Psychedelic Dubstep and Downtempo music. He is inspired by the psychedelic movement and the fringe culture that it produces. VJing and producing music is his main drive in life at the moment. He is part of FractalTribe: Northeastern US Psytrance community and is currently based out of Kingston, Rhode Island. web vimeo /lunecell web soundcloud/lunecell Kaliptus Kaliptus (Born April 16, 1984 in Lisbon, Portugal) is a NY/NJ graduate artist from SVA with a B FA in animation and an MFA in computer art. He uses painting, film, motion graphics, animation, stop-motion, video-mixing, multimedia, interactive a rts, installations and more to express ideas that are usually surreal, vis ionary and vital to the philosophies and understandings of the human consc iousness. Kaliptus has been commissioned to work on projects for Alex Grey, Marvel, Stephen King, DC Comics, Black Tide, MTV, Prudential Center, Zoom dout, Shpongle, Sneaux, Orange County Choppers, American Choppers, and mor e. He is currently living in New Jersey and is a busy, self-employed freel ance artist, working on a wide variety of projects from his home studio. web kaliptus.blogspot Deco The Devotee ?r web myspace/goa devotee/photos/21467390 #%7B NephilNine Deco web nephilnine.net Neurony mphonic Art pages/Nsquared-Event-Solutions/1359105 Sound & Lighting Audiolust This company was founded by a NYC DJ and a promoter with a shared love for club driven sound. The main idea behind Audiolust is to network with everyone who performs or pro motes music in a live setting and to help them improve their events, clubs and venues. We do live sound, equipment rentals and installations for ban ds, clubs and DJs of all styles. Our focus is on professionalism. All of o ur equipment is top-of-the-line and staffed by our own certified engineers. All of our gigs are powered completely by our own systems. Our current se rvices include club installations, sound systems, full PA packages, DJ sys tems with or without DJ’s, Intelligent lighting with on site programming, sound reinforcement with sound tech, video productions with VJ’s and proje ctors, event planning, graphic design, promotions, and photography for you r events. We have been doing this for over 10 years and we continue to grow and add to our services. web audiolust Photography Edwin ‘Pac-m an’ Cuevas III cuevas.edwin web myspacepaintings/Eddi e03 Ronnie Compton Corado web ronniecphotography.smugmug web faceboo k/666bafametElectric Warehouse 1428 Fulton Street Brooklyn NY 11216 10pm to 8am Wel come to the ELECTRIC WAREHOUSE, a beautiful 10,000 sq ft converted trolley repair station in the heart of Brooklyn. In the early 1900’s trolleys ran all across the 5 boroughs delivering a fast easy rapid transport across th e city. This space has been beautifully preserved to capture the excitement and detail of those early days in Transit and New York History. Directio ns A, C TRAIN to NOSTRAND AV. – EXIT at FULTON and NOSTRAND; WALK 2 BLOCKS EAST C TRAIN to KINGSTON AV. – WALK 1 BLOCK WEST LIRR NOSTRAND AV. STATION – 5 SHORT BLOCKS AWAY 18+ to dance 21+ to drink. Open Vodka Bar from 9pm -10pm. $20 in advance till June 5th $25 till July 3rd $30 at the door. We don’t charge a processing fee for presale tickets. web greenapplesnyc 0-2054692380-1306691724:87166 AMASCA : Mind Control Records, France PHASEPHOUR : Shiva Space Technolog y/Mechanik Records, Norway OSO :T.O.U.C.H. Samadhi, North Carolina KN O-B : Hikari Records, Japan FRACTAL PHONO : Zenon Records/Gaian Mind, Ph iladelphia DAVE DITTMER : Sonic Beating, Boston BRANDON ADAMS : Bom S hanka Recs/Dreamcatcher/SYNC, NYC RAKSHASI HORNPIPE : Radial Engine Trib e, Albany GUILLAUME : Disorient, NYC NEURONYMPH : Green Apples, NJ Area 2 Dubstep/Hardstyle/Techno DJ 2rip : B.A.D. A.S.S./ Agency Sounds, Washington D.C JEFF HEART : Wiggle Productions / Proper P hase, Philadelphia DJ KNOWLEDGE : columns of knowledge, CT LOVE TECHN IQUE : Land of Los/(S)innerScene, NYC SUBSECTOR : Disorient/Space Pirate s, Philadelphia DJ ATOM C : NYC Ravers, NYC DJ RITALIN : Original Bro oklyn, NYC ANIMUS : LIVE/Digital Distortion/NYCR, NYC CIM aka THE IT ALIAN STALLION : HardStylerz USA, NY WINK-E : Paradox Productions/Feed T he Starving Artists, NYC Area 3 House/Progressive/Chillout KONTAKT : 3EV/Altered States/Nine73/Kontakt, CA NEGATIVE TIME : LIV E HARDWARE PA Nightmare Studio, MA DR. DISORIENT : Disorient/Cerberus, P hiladelphia LARA : inciting/Nightwerks/NoLove, Philadelphia DADDY NOO MZ : Digital Distortion/Groove Therapy, NYC VERTICAL MIST : Green Apples NYC D:[JR] : Audiolust/Cerberus, Philadelphia ARTEMIS : Fractaltrib e/Tight Crew/Krooks Clothing/Awake, MA IZZY : Paradigm Shift/Radial Engi ne Tribe, NYC PSYCHEDELIKUNZ: Psybolic Frolic, NJ DJ AUDIOPHILE : Aud iolust, NYC THETA WAVES : Green Apples, Colorado class ples presents: AREA 51 ………… Area 51 Psy Trance TALAMASCA : Mind Control Records, France PHASEPHOUR : Shiv a Space Technology/Mechanik Records, Norway OSO :T.O.U.C.H. Samadhi, Nor th Carolina KNO-B : Hikari Records, Japan FRACTAL PHONO : Zenon Recor ds/Gaian Mind, Philadelphia DAVE DITTMER : Sonic Beating, Boston BRAN DON ADAMS : Bom Shanka Recs/Dreamcatcher/SYNC, NYC RAKSHASI HORNPIPE : R adial Engine Tribe, Albany GUILLAUME : Disorient, NYC NEURONYMPH : Gr een Apples, NJ Area 2 Dubstep/Hardstyle/Techno DJ 2rip : B.A.D. A.S.S./Agency Sounds, Washington D.C JEFF HEART : Wiggle Produ ctions / Proper Phase, Philadelphia DJ KNOWLEDGE : columns of knowledge CT LOVE TECHNIQUE : Land of Los/(S)innerScene, NYC SUBSECTOR : Diso rient/Space Pirates, Philadelphia DJ ATOM C : NYC Ravers, NYC DJ RITA LIN : Original Brooklyn, NYC ANIMUS : LIVE/Digital Distortion/NYCR, NYC CIM aka THE ITALIAN STALLION : HardStylerz USA, NY WINK-E : Paradox P roductions/Feed The Starving Artists, NYC Area 3 House/Progre ssive/Chillout KONTAKT : 3EV/Altered States/Nine73/Kontakt, CA NE GATIVE TIME : LIVE HARDWARE PA Nightmare Studio, MA DR. DISORIENT : Diso rient/Cerberus, Philadelphia LARA : inciting/Nightwerks/NoLove, Philadel phia DADDY NOOMZ : Digital Distortion/Groove Therapy, NYC VERTICAL MI ST : Green Apples, NYC D:[JR] : Audiolust/Cerberus, Philadelphia ARTE MIS : Fractaltribe/Tight Crew/Krooks Clothing/Awake, MA IZZY : Paradigm Shift/Radial Engine Tribe, NYC PSYCHEDELIKUNZ: Psybolic Frolic/Paranorma l Dimension Recs, NJ DJ AUDIOPHILE : Audiolust, NYC THETA WAVES : Gr een Apples, Colorado at Electric Warehouse 1428 Fulton Stre et Brooklyn NY 11216 10pm to 8am The ELECTRIC WAREHOUSE, a bea utiful 10,000 sq ft converted trolley repair station in the heart of Brookl yn. In the early 1900’s trolleys ran all across the 5 boroughs deliverin g a fast easy rapid transport across the city. This space has been beaut ifully preserved to capture the excitement and detail of those early days i n Transit and New York History. Visuals MORGAN & #23551;&a mp; #21629; FREEMAN: Bluecrash, NYC LUNECELL : Fractaltribe, MA B RKALIPTUS : Psybolic Frolic/CoSM, NJ Deco THE DEVOTEE : T.O. U.C.H. Samadhi NC NEPHILNINE DECO NEURONYMPHONIC ART S ound & Lighting AUDIOLUST Photography EDWIN ‘PAC-M AN’ CUEVAS III RONNIE COMPTON CORADO 18+ to dance 21+ to drin k. Open Vodka Bar from 9pm-10pm. $20 in advance till June 5t h $25 till July 3rd $30 at the door. We don’t charge a processing fee – Area 51 Talamasca Cedric Das sulle is playing all over the world since 1992…under the name of Dj Lesta t first, then, under the name of Talamasca…for dancefloors ! What woul d you need a biography for ? Just enjoy the music !!! web mindcontro lrecords talamasca.mind.control web youtube.c ne of the northern peaks of the planet: Norway. The project is in the ex perienced hands of John Robert Egeland, Eldar von Essen and Christer Anders son. The typical sound of PhasePhour is defined as massive psychedelic full -on – a perfect combination of music to both delight the dance floors and for repeated listening between parties. With numerous releases on major labels like Shiva Space Technology, Chill Tribe, Aleph-Zero, GeoMagnetic Re cords and the hit debut album “Boiing & Zipp”, the project has earned i ts way into the international psytrance scene as one of the leading project s coming out of Norway. PhasePhour has been around the globe several tim es with mind-blowing performances to packed parties in Europe, USA, Brazil and Mexico. phasephour web soundcloud/phasep hour Oso Oso is a devoted music connoisseur providing a v ast collection of intelligent, fun and deep surreal grooves for a spectrum of atmospheres and experiences. Osos DJ sets are compiled with int ent, representing an array of artists from all over the world. As an experi enced Abelton user, Oso is constantly twisting and tweaking tracks to creat e a unique library of personalized remixes combined with the latest effect s, tempo manipulation and layered mixing.Engulfed in the hypnotic rhythm an d crispy swirly mayhem is he. Seek Surrender of the known, submerge in t he omnitone, release the spirit of the trance, And ALL together lets dance dance dance! Peace in sound! web touchsamadhi/artists/oso web soundcloud/djoso/tracks Kno-B Kno-B has been invo lved in the music scene since the early 90’s, when he discovered the art of psychoacoustics & the sound of electronic music. In the late 90’s he s tarted to play psytrance along side of the very founders of the genre itsel f. Not limited to being in various live bands at the same time also. No one comes close to his style of mixing, which has been called by many “the live mix” as he mixes tracks at the same time, or changing tracks every two to four minutes that way keeping you on the dance floor for hours at the t ime. Kno-B’s style has been called new and brilliant as it’s somthing you ‘ve never experienced before. Besides being one of the top industry dj’s, h e is also working on various new projects that will be released in the near future. Fractal Phono Fractal Phono is best known for hi s E2809Cquirky and murkyE2809D psychedelic progressive trance DJ sets as well as occasionally playing tripped out minimal techno. As resident D J for Gaian Mind in Philadelphia, USA, Rory has evangelically spread the Ze non sound across the land. Super squishy, yet articulate bass lines, and de ep-dark, psychedelic grooves have always been the main ingredients in F.P. s performances regardless of genre. web FractalPhonoweb Gaian-Mind web zenonrecords /Fr actal-Phono/112412875490908 Dave Dittmer “I’ve been playi ng Psytrance since the day I began DJing, about 12 years ago. My early infl uences were Darshan, Psysex, and Infected Mushroom, all played on vinyl. L ater, I focused mainly on progressive psy for a couple years and made the s witch to CDJs. These days I play various types of full-on using a laptop. I combine the most intense and powerful tracks I can find with some subdued and elegant ‘morning style’ tracks to create an interesting dynamic between the two extremes. Expanding my musical horizons is always a priority, and you may sometimes see me playing tech/prog/house on a side stage. When I’m not DJing or teaching music, I work with the Sonic Beating crew in Boston t o throw our recurring parties at Rise and ‘Psyforia’ at Machine. Boston is my home, but I also love my NYC psy family and I can’t wait to come out the re again to play my trippiest tracks for you. BOOM!” Dave D. web so undcloud/tyrantsonicbeating/tyrant-aka-dave-dittmer-final-warning w ww.sonicbeating Brandon Adams Once New JerseyE280 99s best-kept secret, Brandon has quickly become a fixture in the New Yor k psy scene and beyond. With a wealth of experience and appreciation for al l forms of music, especially psychedelic, he is easily one of the most vers atile and dedicated DJs around. His night and morning sets have stood up ag ainst some of the worlds best and have left a lasting imprint on d ancefloors. web soundcloud/brandon-adams web caliphonicB RRakshasi Hornpipe After mixing in and out of various EDM g enres for years, Rakshasi Hornpipe stumbled into the world of psychedelic t rance, melted down the vinyl, and started traveling a little lighter. Takin g his name from a demon-defeating dance in Aldous Huxleys utopian novel Island, Rakshasi Hornpipe invites you to stomp away your stresses to his harmonically-mixed sets. “A Rakshasi is a species of demon. Very lar ge, and exceedingly unpleasant. All the ugliest passions personified. The R akshasi Hornpipe is a device for letting off those dangerous heads of stea m raised by anger and frustration…”Aldous Huxley, Island web sou ndcloud/rakshasihornpipe pages/Rakshasi-Hornpipe/21 6724817833 Guillaume Clave web guillaumeclave Area 2 DJ 2rip DJ 2rip is charismatic and innovat ive, constantly pushing a sound that consistently moves dancefloors through the use of throbbing basslines. His style is entirely unique as he crosses through different genres and emotions while taking his crowds higher & higher, annihilating the dancefloor with every transition. web dj2r Jeff Heart As a rare find, house music turntablist currently promoting the genre of dark Electro House and similar styles, Jeff Heart i s in his 20th year of the DJ business. Starting out in 1991 as a basement D J, Jeff worked his way through the commercial club circuit by 1995 and soo n after landed his career within the underground electronic music culture. We use the term E2809ClandedE2809D loosely because its been quite the opposite since his involvement took place in the underground danc e music community. Jeffs popularity in the club, festival and E2 809CraveE2809D markets took off shortly after his entry in 1997. Follo wing a short primer period, Jeff was brought onboard at the humble beginnin gs of club Space which became Philadelphias first fully undergroun d music, large capacity venue and the epitome of the underground music scen e. It was a whos who melting pot among the DJ elites and saw the l ikes of every world famous DJ at the time. Quickly gaining city wide recogn ition at the most popular and sole underground EDM venue, Jeff was soon add ed to the weekly resident DJ roster and became the longest running resident that the venue had to offer. Over a 4 year period through Space and its e ventual reformation as E2809CMotionE2809D, Jeff maintained the positi ons of resident DJ, venue manager and the Audio and Lighting engineer (Fiel ds in which he holds degrees and certifications of the highest levels). Jef f also owned and provided much of the sound and lighting systems that the v enue was infamous for. With a regular weekly avenue to push out his tren d setting genres and turntabilist skills, Jeff became known as the sole pio neer for UK Hard House in Philly and collaboratively throughout the East Co ast as his travelling career started picking up. Coupled with his inventive rhythmic turntablism within a House music style such as his, it further qu antified his contributions to the creation of musical expression that was n ot yet seen before. It was partially due to this endeavor that Jeff began t ouring in 2000 and has since been able to showcase his performances in ever y single state in the U.S. with none to spare. For a bold introduction to a lucrative travelling career, his very first out of state gig was granted by Internationally acclaimed DJ Jon Bishop, at a world famous event known a s Hedonism in San Diego California. The event was voted and ranked as the b est weekday party in the country by Playboy and Maxim Magazine. Along with international bookings in places such as Egypt, Japan, Italy, Finland, Russ ia, Belize to name a few, he has been able to deliver his hometown taste of Philadelphia to EDM fans that span the globe. In the past decade, Jeff has had the opportunity to play along side many of the worlds finest talents. Whether a tag team dj set, opening or closing, Jeff has performed along with worldly recognized performers such as Paul Van Dyk, Paul Oakenfo ld, DJ Dan, Jon Bishop, DJ Icey, Sasha and Digweed, Q-Bert and Keoki just t o name a small few (The list is literally hundreds). As a mainstay name in the EDM industry, Jeffs work has been blessed with granting him th e headlining status in about 80% of his current bookings while the other 2 0% are equal to, or just under such an esteemed position. In the local mark et, Jeff has played at mostly every single venue that has made a name for i tself and supports the EDM community, including one off events such as the never forgotten, famous Whistle party series hosted by Local 13. He has als o continued to do so for the past 10 years. Stateside and abroad, Jeff has had the opportunity to perform at venues and festivals ranging from a small 50 person intimate setting to outdoor massives, and being center stage to 25,000 music lovers. Whether you have heard him perform live or only have h ad the opportunity to listen to one his 20 worldwide album releases, we are certain that coming out to see him for our event will surely be a night wo rth your time. web wiggleproductions web soundcloud/jeffh eart DJ Knowledge Knowledge is one of the original found ation layers for the underground dance circuit in the mid-90s for New England. His evolving sound has taken audiences of 5 to 5000+ and turne d rooms inside out worldwide. Always taking the time to hand select the mos t cutting edge production in the tracks he plays, his signature sound of ge nre-bending, layered, journey sets have transformed many minds and moved co untless bodies over his 13 year career. web columnsofknowledgeB R /DJ-KNOWLEDGE/60027260814 Love Techni que web soundcloud/matiasjofre djmatias.j Subsector Subsector’s most popular productions are exper iments that fuse melodic and psychedelic soundscapes with fresh dubstep and trip-hop inspired beats. His lush and mesmerizing productions bring new life and unique perspective to the dry and passC3A9 world of chill out music. The world is taking notice too. Since his 2010 remix of Snoo p Dogg and Kid CuDi’s That Tree (Twitter’s top 20 Music Charts and Hype Machine’s top 15 music charts), he has been playing to capacity crowds i n NYC, Philadelphia and festivals throughout the United States. w ww.soundcloud/ntny web subsectormusic sub sector DJ Atom C Driven by the NYC Rave Scene and his ins atiable love for keeping parties fresh, DJ Atom C was born and bred as the underground scene’s jack of all trades. Beginning to spin at the tender age of thirteen, Atom C has been able to craft a clean and talented style void of sloppy beats to deliver a harmonically appealing auditory experience fo r all. Not only a passionate DJ, he is passionate about the scene. As Head Staff of NYCRavers he takes on many responsibility’s including but not limi ted to, Flier design, Web design, Video editing & special effects, Club & Stage lighting, Promotion, and anything ells needed to throw a bang ing party., as soon as the sun sets he is helping plan and promote parties for all to enjoy. DJ Atom C is here to stay with his unique ability to flaw lessly flow between genres and keep the party moving until the sun comes up . web DJAtomC web NYCRavers / RAnimus Animus or J. Mouse those are your two options. Not a fan of Joe right now. Who am I? A DJ in the NYC Rave scene. I spin Techno (its a genre, not the term to describe all rave music…) I love dancing, cant quite describe my style, but Ive been told I float across the floor. Y es I dress like a rave mouse, so what. I wear normal clothes too, but if yo ure gonna rave, might as well go all out. Dont have to, but every now and t hen I just like doing it. Its fun. Could care less what you think. djanimusnyc web soundcloud/djanimus DJ C iM CiM . He began his Dj career in 2003 with two turntables and a tw o channel mixer. Not wasting any time CiM got right into the scene of diffe rent styles of EDM. It wasnt till late 2004 where he came across t he Hard Dance scene. This was the beginning of somthing that would lead up until now. A few artists that have had a huge influence are: Zany, Headhun terz, Tatanka, Isaac, Technoboy, The Prophet, Noisecontrollers, and Brennan Heart. In the Present time CiM is part of C.A.O.S. (Creative Axis of So und) a hardstyle group that including Dj CiM, Dj Sogma, and Ryan Blatt. CiM is also a part of the board of members of HardstylerzUSA a group formed by Dj Drei. Which looks to establish the harder dance scene in the U.S. Cu rrently, working in the studio on his own Hardstyle productions and differe nt mixes. CiM is one of the youngest among the many talented within HSUSA. Doing things different is what it is all about. Not following the trend of everyone else but being creative and having a sense of an imagination and passion. His style is straight to your face, in other words E2809CHAR DSTYLEE2809D web hardstylerzusa web empiretraxx web .facebook/ CIMDJ Wink-E Joseph Winkler a.k.a WINK-E is an Electronic Dance Music DJ from Brooklyn, NY. he specializes in harde r styles such as Hardcore, UK Hardcore, Hardstyle and Jumpstyle. “I am a DJ. I dedicate what i do to all those who support me, all the kids who are looking for the good vibes, and good times, I do this for my friends who s hare the same love as I do. I love Electronic Dance Music. The feeling, the emotion, the dance floor. The harder the music the better. Go Hard, or go home. If you stay and continue to feel the Hardcore Vibes, than I absolutel y salute you, and the battle continues. nk-e /Wink-E/116024165099975 web facebook.co m/ /Paradox-Productions/156520964400286 Area 3 Kontakt Founder of Army Collective Records and Kontakt Recordin gs. Born in NYC, currently based out of Orlando and LA. DJ Kontakt spins a mix of break beats, electro, and house all in to one big mess. It doe sn’t matter how many years of this or that someone has under their belt, ho w many releases, or what number they are on the DJ List. It’s about bringin g the energy down on the party, and making it go off! Kontakt’s been aro und long enough to know how to get it on, and then some. A night out is an experience, it needs to be crafted by an expert from all angles to be th e best night of your life. The DJ is one of those essential elements. And t his is one of those essential DJ’s. web djkontakt.podomatic web kontaktrec /DJ-Kontakt/185722508661 Negative Time – LIVE HARDWARE PA Negative Time started with Joshua Langberg and Greg Greg in 1996. Josh and Greg provided intense, heav y payload electronic music to the local Worcester, MA scene. Josh was also responsible for some of the best underground parties in the late 90s/early 2000s. Upon Gregs departure and meeting goa/psy-trance DJ Shock WaveRider (Pat) in 2000, the band developed intensity and acqu ired a serious audio focus. Joshua Langberg and Pat performed live, generally at underground warehouse raves in the Massachusetts area, f rom 2001-2003. After more than seven years, the producers were reunited. Negative Time (Joshua Langberg and Pat) is back and with a se rious audio vengeance. Playing at numerous parties in Boston at the Machine Nightclub, Champions in Everett, Club Therapy in Providence, RI, and in B rooklyn, NY; Negative Time has professionally performed from 2010 to presen t. We have played at some of the largest techno/industrial and psy-trance p arties in Boston. Negative Time has turned into a serious techno/psy-tra nce act that will pierce your mind. Smooth dark progressive beats with an e mphasis on bass and analog synthesis please crowds and drive audiophiles nu ts! With over 20 years of combined subtractive synthesis knowledge, we aim to blast the dance floors and keep people moving. Our current setup incl udes the following brands: AKAI MPC, Jomox, Moog, Acccess Virus TI, Clavia Nord 2, several analog MAM devices, Yamaha 01v Mixer, TC Electronics Finali zer Express, Presonus channel strip, and about lots efx processors. NO COMP UTER IS USED, STRICTLY HARDWARE for Live PA. web soundcloud/neg ative-time web youtube/negativetimelive /Negative-Time/122590467769210 Dr. Disorient Since his vi rgin Burning Man, DR. DISORIENT has immersed himself in burner counter-cult ure while relentlessly studying electronic dance music’s evolution. The num erous hours of scholarship inherent in Docs life as a Ph.D. studen t have helped develop an intensely tenacious attention span that he applies to his creations. Along with eight burns, activities like international tr avel, skydiving, S.C.U.B.A., & motorcycling have helped rid him of inhi bitions toward integrating diverse musical genres; the Good Doctor strives for perfection, but also realizes that the best music comes from the fearle ssness to explore. DR. DISORIENT weaves emotive mixes coated with playa dus t that catapult listeners through multi-dimensional journeys; his recent bl ends have explored everything from hard-edge techno, soulful house, ravey- electro, driving psytrance, glitchy dubstep, & ambient sounds. Doc is a lways seeking to further his evolution as a musician & human being, &am his humility comes from being deeply grateful to the mentors, family, fr iends, & fans that support him in his artistic quest… web soun dcloud/doctord pages/Doctor-Disorient/140084326049 289 Lara Lara is a lifelong student of music; out of 27 y ears on this planet, nine have been devoted to the art of DJing. In an ongo ing quest to find a community of like-minded individuals, Lara spent years paying dues in the rave scene as a drum + bass DJ, hosting several regular nights and playing at countless larger events alongside major names in DnB; but as she watched the music evolve, she became deeply dissatisfied with t he rigid attitudes of the traditional underground dance music scene and beg an to use her stature as an established artist in the community to bend an d break conventional understandings of electronic music. Though these icono clastic experiments were not universally well-received, last year they garn ered her sight-unseen entry into inciting, one of Philly’s oldest techno in stitutions; thanks to them, she’s opened for such names as Adam X and 2562. Today, Lara’s sound spans everything from techno and classic electro to po st-dubstep and experimental minimal DnB, bound flawlessly together by an un compromising vision, formidable technical ability and the passion of a true musician. web ultraesthetic web soundcloud/djpos Daddy Noomz web dd-nyc /Daddy-No omz/134237646587857 D:[JR] One of Philadelphias finest DJs. J.R. has been DJing since 2001. Studied Art & Graphic De sign in college. Over the years he has performed at numerous clubs or event s in the Philadelphia and New York City area. J.R. always brings a wide variety of genre bending diversity to his sets. Somthing that is importan t to him & drives is sharing music with people. He strives to delive r music with SUBSTANCE to the masses. Always trying to remind himself to ab ide by this rule: “It’s not only the music people want to hear… it is mus ic people NEED to hear.” In 2007, D:[JR] released a intensely diverse 4 mix collection series called ‘Residual Relaxations’ some of which now av ailable fo
June 2011
#4517 – Sat, 4 Jun 2011 13:37:52 From: Apls Slide tsunaminj at yahooTonight June 4th psy after party info 🙂 0-368106725-1307219872:44397 web event.php?eid124032181012146 “the official after after party” Sunday June 5th 4am-10am DJs: Fractal Phono Electric NYC Psy Conductor Guillaume Clave $10 min. donation at the door. 21 + 5mn by car or 20mn by public transportation from Coco66. Location House Of Yes 342 Maujer St Brooklyn New York 0-368106725-1307219872:44397 “the official after after party” Sunday June 5th 4am-10am DJs: Fractal Phono Electric NYC Psy Conductor Guillaume Clave $10 min. donation at the door. 21 + 5mn by car or 20mn by public transportation from Coco66. Location 342 Maujer St 0-368106725-1307219872:44397
#4521 Jun 2011 10:57:45 Thu, 23 Jun 2011 13:57:45 From: Blue Goddess bluegoddess at psybotikOnly 1 Week Away!! PEX Summer Festival 2011 – Progressive Psytrance Stage If you have seen the promo video yet check it out, its effin awesome!! vimeo/20433493 The Philadelphia Experiment (PEX) is excited to announce the Third Annual PEX Summer Festival July 1st- 4th in Darlington, Maryland, (1 hour from Philly and Baltimore, 90 minutes from DC, and 2.5 hours from NYC) As part of our continued collaboration with the Philadelphia Experiment, the Coalescence Coalition will be creating a Progressive Psytrance stage at the annual PEX Summer Festival at Ramblewood Resort in Darlington, MD. The festival will be hosted on 200 private acres overlooking the Susquehanna River with Tons of DJs, Bands, and Performers + Art Installations, Effigy burn, Workshops, Speakers, Camping, Lake, Pool Parties, hiking trails & Fire Arts Amenities include Multiple Stages, Swimming Pool, Ropes Course, Fire & Drum Circles, Catered Meals, Cabins, Tent & Car Camping, Sport Courts, and Saturday Night BBQ & Effigy Burn. PEX Summer Festival is a participatory experience. Art is desired in every dimension! Bring your ideas, innovations, unique visions and creativity and help us to explore the depths of who we really are! We are inviting artists, performers, sculptors, musicians, dancers, builders, and creative people of all types! June 1st is the Deadline for guide submissions. Art! We are pleased to announce a few of the art installations that will be gracing PEX Fest this year! Vast by Quentin Davis, The Egg Chamber by Gaetan Spurgin aka VJ Static, Tronnis 2.0 by Tracy Gillan, All Day Rainbow by Lucas Wheat, Quack Attack by Chassy Cleland and Audrey Boguchwal, Electric Garden by Foamy 333, Interactive Kaleidoscope by Meso Creso, Psyspires by Adolphe Alexander, Portal by Vincent Gasper, Re-Re-Resolution by Fady, Toad by Boris “Burning Elf” Connell, Glorb, PANadelphia ART DECK Workshops! We have had a huge amount of workshop submissions with topics including: Aerial & Circus Arts, Music, Fine Arts, Hooping, Yoga, Capoeira, Martial Arts, Photography, Spirituality and Self Cultivation, Fire Performance, Dance, and Exercise. This year we will be expanding on our Healing Arts Space! Stay tuned for the official workshop schedule. Theme Camps! Bubbles & Bass, Camp Chemistry, Camp Contact, Camp Yoda, Gold Bar, IdeaDome, Kostume Kult and Burning Elf, Little PEX, Meso Creso, Get the word out! Please invite your friends and post. Pictures from last year are up here: web flickr/photos/philadelphiaexperiment/sets/721576261131…web google/url?saD&qweb flickr/photos/philadelphiaexperiment/sets/72157626113130144/ The site will be updated as the event continues to evolve. Check back often for the most recent additions! web pexsummerfestival/web google/url?saD&qweb pexsummerfestival/ web thephiladelphiaexperiment.org/web google/url?saD&qweb thephiladelphiaexperiment.org/ INITIAL LINE UP, More TBA Soon! Main Hilltop Stage Billi Shakes (NYC) Eclectic mthod (London UK) Fraction Theory (Philly, Pa.) Gina Ferrera (Philly, Pa.) Histrionica (Philly, Pa.) Joshua Tennant Kevlar & Geri (Philly, Pa.) Leana Song (Philly, Pa.) Lenka Du (Boston, MA) Love in the Circus (Los Angeles) Mutaytor (Los Angeles) Nico’s Gun (Philly, Pa.) Plum Dragoness (Philly, Pa.) Russian Roulette Variety Show See-I (Washington, DC) Telesma (Baltimore, MD) Wonder Bars (Philly, Pa.) Xande Cruz (Philly, Pa.) Progressive PsyTrance Stage Sm0ke (Psybotik/Sync/teknofeelya, NJ) Felipe (Dreamcatcher, NYC/BR) Onnomon (Gaian Mind, PHL) Fractal Phono (Gaian Mind, PHL) Electrik (Psybotik/teknofeelya, NYC) Karmakanik (Gaian Mind/PSI/Coalesce, PHL) Hypnotoad (light-o-matic/PSI/Psybotik/Coalesce, NYC) butter&eggs (Kitchen Cut ups, PHL) Wicked Kozy & Beatmiser (Coalesce/PSI, CT) Me (Psybotik, NYC) Peter Parker (Gaian Mind, PHL) Orbicles (Gaian Mind/Coalesce, PHL) Psyryn (Coalesce, PHL) PEX Pavillion Stage (Night) Big Jawn (PEX, Philly) Black Coffee (Soulistic, Durban, South Africa) DJuice (Winkel & Balktic, NYC) Dave Hughes (Palette, Playloop, Los Angeles) Dave P & Sammy Slice (Making Time, Philly) Dayhota (Los Angeles) Deep C (Tigerhook, ROC, Philly) Discount (PEX, Philly) Dj Dennis (Selekta, Philly) Everyday (PEX, Playloop, Philly) j Boogi’s Dubtronic Science (San Francisco) Justin Paul (PEX, Playloop, Los Angeles) Lee Mayjahs (Pex, Playloop, Philly) Marques Wyatt (Deep, Los Angeles) Matt Cue (Playloop, Philly) Max Martinez (Selekta, NYC) Mia & T (Funktion Radio) Neil Kurland (Soul Mob, Baltimore) Rob Paine (Shakedown, Worship, Philly) Sean Thomas (Sound B/W Movement, Philly) Terry Thompson (Future Classics, Defected, Baltimore) Thick N Thin (Charlotte, NC) Lunasea Stage (Pool Side) Barney Iller (Rubulad, NYC) Bass Kitty (KJ215, Droppin Science, Philly) Bass Ritual (Area 33, Los Angeles) Black 22’s (Good Vibes, Los Angeles) Boris Burning Elf (Kostume Kult, NYC) Captain Shaggy Y2K (Space Pirates, Disorient, Philly) Cha Chi (Los Angeles Coyote (PEX, Philly) Davidson Opsina (Ospina Digital, NYC) Discount (PEX, Philly) Dj Dozia (Voyuer, Philly) Ejag (Playloop, Los Angeles) For Quarters Collective (ESL, Red Maple, Baltimore) Frosty (Philly) HoboTech (NYC) James Shander (Night Drive, Philly) Jay Yo (4am, Voyuer, Philly) Jeff Omega (F.O.H., Propaganda, Phiilly) John Reinhold (PLF Richmond, VA.) Jomai Etu (Tribe of Magic, NYC) Jon H FK5 (Fort Knox 5, Wash DC) Kilowatts (Invisible Allies, Autonomous, Philly) Lina Luv (PEX, Philly) Lush Bunny (Los Angeles) Meeshu (PEX, Kauai, Hawaii) Michael Nightime (PEX, Philly) Mr. Jennings (PLF Richmond, VA.) Nate Dark (Propoganda, Philly) Orangina (Los Angeles) Orion Keyser (Disorient, NYC) Pete Stone (Philly) Rafael De la Cruz (Deep, Los Angeles) Rich Medina (Jump n Funk, NYC/Philly) Ross D (PEX, Playloop) Rudy Kardos (Rizumu, Philly) Seqioua (Mischief, Disorient, Wash DC) Shakey (NYC) Small Change (No Parking on the Dancefloor, NYC) The Architech (Philly) + more TBA soon! TICKETS ON SALE NOW! Tickets for the event will be sold on a tiered pricing system Meal Plan $65 RT NYC Bus Tickets $40 1st Tier: $ 120 Sold Out 2nd Tier $ 130 Sold Out 3rd Tier $ 140 Sold Out 4th Tier $ 150 Sold Out 5th Tier $ 160 5th Tier Extended – Available Till June 14th 6th Tier $ 170 June 15th – June 31st Last Tier $190 Starting July 1st Available Online & At the Gate (Credit Only) Car or RV Camping Pass Sold Out Cabins Sold Out Tent camping is included in the ticket price. Cabins & Meal Plan are additional to individual admission ticket. This is a 21+ event only Children under 8 years of age can attend the event only accompanied by a parent or guardian and are free. No refunds All sales are final. No refunds or exchanges will be issued. Service fees are non-refundable. BY PURCHASING TICKETS ONLINE OR ATTENDING PEX SUMMER FESTIVAL, I ACKNOWLEDGE THAT I HAVE READ AND AGREE TO THE TERM AND CONDITIONS ON THE FESTIVAL Can’t wait to dance with all of you, swim in the pool and other things I can’t mention here:) Love, Blue effin awesome!! vimeo/20433493vimeo.c om/20433493 The Philadelphia Experiment (PEX) is e xcited to announce the Third Annual PEX Summer Festival July 1st- 4th in Darlington, Maryland, (1 hour from Philly and Baltimore, 90 minutes from DC, and 2.5 hours from NYC) As part of our continued collaboration with t he Philadelphia Experiment, the Coalescence Coalition will be creating a Progressive Psytrance stage at the annual PEX Summer Festival at Ramblewo od Resort in Darlington, MD. The festival will be hosted on 200 private acres overlooking the Susquehanna River with Tons of DJs, Ba nds, and Performers + Art Installations, Effigy burn, Workshops, Speakers Camping, Lake, Pool Parties, hiking trails & Fire Arts Amenities include Multiple Stages, Swimming Pool, Ropes Course, Fire &Drum Circles, Catered Meals, Cabins, Tent & Car Camping, Sport Cour ts, and Saturday Night BBQ & Effigy Burn. PEX Summer Fes tival is a participatory experience. Art is desired in every dimension! B ring your ideas, innovations, unique visions and creativity and help us t o explore the depths of who we really are! We are inviting artists, perfo rmers, sculptors, musicians, dancers, builders, and creative people of al l types! June 1st is the Deadline for guide submissions. Ar t! We are pleased to announce a few of the art installations t hat will be gracing PEX Fest this year! Vast by Quentin Davis, The Egg Chamber by Gaetan Spurgin aka VJ Static, Tronnis 2.0 by Tracy Gillan, All Day Rainbow by Lucas Wheat, Quack Attack by Chassy Cleland and Audrey Bo guchwal, Electric Garden by Foamy 333, Interactive Kaleidoscope by Meso C reso, Psyspires by Adolphe Alexander, Portal by Vincent Gasper, Re-Re-Res olution by Fady,Toad by Boris “Burning Elf” Connell, Glorb, PANadelphia ART DECK Workshops! We have had a h uge amount of workshop submissions with topics including: Aerial & Ci rcus Arts, Music, Fine Arts, Hooping, Yoga, Capoeira, Martial Arts, Photo graphy, Spirituality and Self Cultivation, Fire Performance, Dance, and E xercise. This year we willbe expanding on our Healing Arts Space! Sta y tuned for the official workshop schedule. Theme Camps! Bubbles & Bass, Camp Chemistry, Camp Contact, Camp Yoda, Gol d Bar, IdeaDome, Kostume Kult and Burning Elf, Little PEX, Meso Creso, Get the word out! Please invite your friends and post. / kr/photos/philadelphiaexperiment/sets/72157626113130144/” rgb(0, 0, 204); web flickr/photos/philadelphiaexperiment/se ts/721576261131… The site will be updated as the event continues to evolve. Check back often for the most recent additions! : rgb(0, 0, 204); web pexsummerfestival/ target ); web thephiladelphiaexperiment.org/ INITIAL LIN E UP, More TBA Soon! Main Hilltop Stage Billi Sh akes (NYC) Eclectic mthod (London UK) Fraction Theory (Philly, Pa.) Gina Ferrera (Philly, Pa.) Histrionica (Philly, Pa.) b rJoshua Tennant Kevlar & Geri (Philly, Pa.) Leana Song (P hilly, Pa.) Lenka Du (Boston, MA) Love in the Circus (Los Angel es) Mutaytor (Los Angeles) Nico’s Gun (Philly, Pa.) P lum Dragoness (Philly, Pa.) Russian Roulette Variety Show See-I (Washington, DC) Telesma (Baltimore, MD) Wonder Bars (Philly, Pa.) Xande Cruz (Philly, Pa.) Progressive PsyTrance Sta ge Sm0ke (Psybotik/Sync/teknofeelya, NJ) Felipe (Dreamca tcher, NYC/BR) Onnomon (Gaian Mind, PHL) Fractal Phono (Gaian Mind, PHL) Electrik (Psybotik/teknofeelya, NYC) Karmakanik (Gai an Mind/PSI/Coalesce, PHL) Hypnotoad (light-o-matic/PSI/Psybotik/Coal esce, NYC) butter&eggs (Kitchen Cut ups, PHL) Wicked Kozy & Beatmiser (Coalesce/PSI, CT) Me (Psybotik, NYC) Peter Parker (Gaian Mind, PHL) Orbicles (Gaian Mind/Coalesce, PHL) Psyryn (Coalesce, PHL) PEX Pavillion Stage (Night) Big Jawn (PEX, Philly) Black Coffee (Soulistic, Durban South Africa) DJuice (Winkel & Balktic, NYC) Dave Hughes (Palette, Playloop, Los Angeles) Dave P & Sammy Slice (Making Ti me, Philly) Dayhota (Los Angeles) Deep C (Tigerhook, ROC, Phil ly) Discount (PEX, Philly) Dj Dennis (Selekta, Philly) Ev eryday (PEX, Playloop, Philly) j Boogi’s Dubtronic Science (San F rancisco) Justin Paul (PEX, Playloop, Los Angeles) Lee Mayjahs (Pex, Playloop, Philly) Marques Wyatt (Deep, Los Angeles) Matt Cue (Playloop, Philly) Max Martinez (Selekta, NYC) Mia & T (Funktion Radio) Neil Kurland (Soul Mob, Baltimore) Rob Paine (Shakedown, Worship, Philly) Sean Thomas (Sound B/W Movement, Philly ) Terry Thompson (Future Classics, Defected, Baltimore) Thick N Thin (Charlotte, NC) Lunasea Stage (Pool Side) B arney Iller (Rubulad, NYC) Bass Kitty (KJ215, Droppin Science, Philly ) Bass Ritual (Area 33, Los Angeles) Black 22’s (Good Vibe s, Los Angeles) Boris Burning Elf (Kostume Kult, NYC) Captain S haggy Y2K (Space Pirates, Disorient, Philly) Cha Chi (Los Angeles Coyote (PEX, Philly) Davidson Opsina (Ospina Digital, NYC) Discount (PEX, Philly) Dj Dozia (Voyuer, Philly) Ejag (Playloop Los Angeles) For Quarters Collective (ESL, Red Maple, Baltimore) Frosty (Philly) HoboTech (NYC) James Shander (Night Drive, Philly) Jay Yo (4am, Voyuer, Philly) Jeff Omega (F.O.H., Propa ganda, Phiilly) John Reinhold (PLF Richmond, VA.) Jomai Etu (Tr ibe of Magic, NYC) Jon H FK5 (Fort Knox 5, Wash DC) Kilowatts (Invisible Allies, Autonomous, Philly) Lina Luv (PEX, Philly) L ush Bunny (Los Angeles) Meeshu (PEX, Kauai, Hawaii) Michael Nig htime (PEX, Philly) Mr. Jennings (PLF Richmond, VA.) Nate Dark (Propoganda, Philly) Orangina (Los Angeles) Orion Keyser (Diso rient, NYC) Pete Stone (Philly) Rafael De la Cruz (Deep, Los An geles) Rich Medina (Jump n Funk, NYC/Philly) Ross D (PEX, Playl oop) Rudy Kardos (Rizumu, Philly) Seqioua (Mischief, Disorient Wash DC) Shakey (NYC) Small Change (No Parking on the Dancefl oor, NYC) The Architech (Philly) + more TBA soon! TICKETS ON SALE NOW! Tickets for the event will be sold on a t iered pricing system Meal Plan $65 RT NYC Bus Ti ckets $40 1st Tier: $ 120 Sold Out 2nd Tier $ 130 Sold O ut 3rd Tier $ 140 Sold Out 4th Tier $ 150 Sold Out 5th Ti er $ 160 5th Tier Extended – Available Till June 14th 6th Tier $ 170 June 15th – June 31st Last Tier $190 Starting July 1st Available Onl ine & At the Gate (Credit Only) Car or RV Camping Pass S old Out Cabins Sold Out Tent camping is included in the ticket price. Cabins & Meal Plan are additional to individual admissi on ticket. This is a 21+ event only Children under 8 ye ars of age can attend the event only accompanied by a parent or guardian and are free. No refunds All sales are final. No refunds or exchanges will be issued. Service fees are non-refundable. BY PURCHASING TICKETS ONLINE OR ATTENDING PEX SUMMER FESTIVAL, I ACKNOWLEDGE THAT I HAVE READ AND AGREE TO THE TERM AND CONDITIONS ON T Can& #39;t wait to dance with all of you, swim in the pool and other things I can’t mention here:) Love, Blue
#4522 Fri, 24 Jun 2011 11:36:53 From: Apls Slide tsunaminj at yahooArea 51 July 9th new event page on Facebook Dear friends, Due to a facebook glitch, the original event page for Area 5 1 on July 9 at Electric Warehouse has vanished.The event is NOT cancelled a nd in fact it is moving forward full power!!! This is the NEW event page. See you on the dance floor!!! web greenapplesnyc Green Apples presents: AREA 51 pages/Green-Apples-NYC/228673687148755 ………… Area 51 PsyTrance TALAMASCA : Mind Control Records, France PHASEPHOUR : Shiva Space Technology/Mechanik Records, Norway OSO :T.O.U.C.H. Samadhi, North C arolina KNO-B : Hikari Records, Japan FRACTAL PHONO : Zenon Records/Gaian M ind, Philadelphia DAVE DITTMER : Sonic Beating, Boston BRANDON ADAMS : Bom Shanka Recs/Dreamcatcher/SYNC, NYC RAKSHASI HORNPIPE : Radial Engine Tribe, Albany GUILLAUME : Disorient, NYC NEURONYMPH : Green Apples, NJ Area 2 D ubstep/Hardstyle/Techno DJ 2rip : B.A.D. A.S.S./Agency Sounds, Washington D.C JEFF HEART : Wiggle Productions / Proper Phase, Philadelphia DJ KNOWLED GE : columns of knowledge, CT LOVE TECHNIQUE : Land of Los/(S)innerScene, N YC SUBSECTOR : Disorient/Space Pirates, Philadelphia LARA : inciting/Nightw erks/NoLove, Philadelphia DJ ATOM C : NYC Ravers, NYC DJ RITALIN : Original Brooklyn, NYC ANIMUS : LIVE/Digital Distortion/NYCR, NYC CIM aka THE ITALI AN STALLION : HardStylerz USA, NY WINK-E : NuOrder/Paradox Productions, NYC Area 3 House/Progressive/Chillout KONTAKT : 3EV/Altered States/Nine73/ Kontakt, CA NEGATIVE TIME : *LIVE HARDWARE PA* Nightmare Studio, MA DR. DIS ORIENT : Disorient/Cerberus, Philadelphia DADDY NOOMZ : Digital Distortion/ Groove Therapy, NYC VERTICAL MIST : Green Apples, NYC D:[JR] : Audiolust/Ce rberus, Philadelphia ARTEMIS : Fractaltribe/Tight Crew/Krooks Clothing/Awak e, MA IZZY : Paradigm Shift/Radial Engine Tribe, NYC PSYCHEDELIKUNZ: Psybol ic Frolic/Paranormal Dimension Recs, NJ DJ AUDIOPHILE : Audiolust, NYC THET A WAVES : Green Apples, Colorado Area 4 Area 1, 2 & 3 PSYNCUS PROJECT : web psyncus.tv at Electric Warehouse 142 8 Fulton Street Brooklyn NY 11216 10pm to 8am The ELECTRIC WAREHOUSE, a b eautiful 10,000 sq ft converted trolley repair station in the heart of Bro oklyn. In the early 1900’s trolleys ran all across the 5 boroughs deliver ing a fast easy rapid transport across the city. This space has been bea utifully preserved to capture the excitement and detail of those early day s in Transit and New York History. Visuals MORGAN E5AFBFE591BD FREE MAN: Bluecrash, NYC LUNECELL : Fractaltribe, MA KALIPTUS : Psybolic Froli c/CoSM, NJ Deco THE DEVOTEE : T.O.U.C.H. Samadhi NC NEPHILNINE DECO NEU RONYMPHONIC ART Sound & Lighting AUDIOLUST Photography EDWIN ‘PAC-MAN’ CUEVAS III RONNIE COMPTON CORADO Video ADRAGON TECHNOCHRIST 18+ to danc e 21+ to drink. Open Vodka Bar from 9pm-10pm. $25 till July 3rd $30 at th e door. We don’t charge a processing fee for presale tickets. web greenap plesnyc/buy-tickets/area-51-july-9th Area 51 Talamasca Cedric Dassulle is playing al l over the world since 1992…under the name of Dj Lestat first, then, und er the name of Talamasca…for dancefloors ! What would you need a biograph y for ? Just enjoy the music !!! web mindcontrolrecords web facebook.c om/ talamasca.mind.control PhasePhour PhasePhour h as its roots from one of the northern peaks of the planet: Norway. The proj ect is in the experienced hands of John Robert Egeland, Eldar von Essen an d Christer Andersson. The typical sound of PhasePhour is defined as massive psychedelic full-on – a perfect combination of music to both delight the dance floors and for repeated listening between parties. With numerous rel eases on major labels like Shiva Space Technology, Chill Tribe, Aleph-Zero GeoMagnetic Records and the hit debut album “Boiing & Zipp”, the project has earned its way into the international psytrance scene as one of the l eading projects coming out of Norway. PhasePhour has been around the globe several times with mind-blowing performances to packed parties in Europe, USA, Brazil and Mexico. phasephour web soundcloud/pha sephour Oso Oso is a devoted music connoisseur providing a vast collect ion of intelligent, fun and deep surreal grooves for a spectrum of atmosph eres and experiences. Osos DJ sets are compiled with intent, repr esenting an array of artists from all over the world. As an experienced Ab elton user, Oso is constantly twisting and tweaking tracks to create a uni que library of personalized remixes combined with the latest effects, temp o manipulation and layered mixing.Engulfed in the hypnotic rhythm and cris py swirly mayhem is he. Seek Surrender of the known, submerge in the omnito ne, release the spirit of the trance, And ALL together lets dance dance da nce! Peace in sound! web touchsamadhi/artists/oso web soundcloud/d joso/tracks Kno-B Kno-B has been involved in the music scene since the early 90’s, when he discovered the art of psychoacoustics & the sound of e lectronic music. In the late 90’s he started to play psytrance along side of the very founders of the genre itself. Not limited to being in various live bands at the same time also. No one comes close to his style of mixi ng, which has been called by many “the live mix” as he mixes tracks at the same time, or changing tracks every two to four minutes that way keeping you on the dance floor for hours at the time. Kno-B’s style has been calle d new and brilliant as it’s somthing you’ve never experienced before. Bes ides being one of the top industry dj’s, he is also working on various new projects that will be released in the near future. Fractal Phono Fracta l Phono is best known for his E2809Cquirky and murkyE2809D psychedeli c progressive trance DJ sets, as well as occasionally playing tripped out minimal techno. As resident DJ for Gaian Mind in Philadelphia, USA, Rory h as evangelically spread the Zenon sound across the land. Super squishy, ye t articulate bass lines, and deep-dark, psychedelic grooves have always be en the main ingredients in F.P.s performances regardless of genre . web FractalPhono web Gaian-Mind web zenonrecords web faceb ook/ /Fractal-Phono/112412875490908 Dave Dittmer “I’ve been playing Psytrance since the day I began DJing, about 12 years ago. My earl y influences were Darshan, Psysex, and Infected Mushroom, all played on vi nyl. Later, I focused mainly on progressive psy for a couple years and made the switch to CDJs. These days I play various types of full-on using a la ptop. I combine the most intense and powerful tracks I can find with some subdued and elegant ‘morning style’ tracks to create an interesting dynami c between the two extremes. Expanding my musical horizons is always a prio rity, and you may sometimes see me playing tech/prog/house on a side stage . When I’m not DJing or teaching music, I work with the Sonic Beating crew in Boston to throw our recurring parties at Rise and ‘Psyforia’ at Machin e. Boston is my home, but I also love my NYC psy family and I can’t wait t o come out there again to play my trippiest tracks for you. BOOM!” Dave D . web soundcloud/tyrantsonicbeating/tyrant-aka-dave-dittmer-final-war ning web sonicbeating Brandon Adams Once New Jerseys best- kept secret, Brandon has quickly become a fixture in the New York psy scen e and beyond. With a wealth of experience and appreciation for all forms o f music, especially psychedelic, he is easily one of the most versatile an d dedicated DJs around. His night and morning sets have stood up against s ome of the worlds best and have left a lasting imprint on danceflo ors. web soundcloud/brandon-adams web caliphonic Rakshasi Hornpi pe After mixing in and out of various EDM genres for years, Rakshasi Hornp ipe stumbled into the world of psychedelic trance, melted down the vinyl, and started traveling a little lighter. Taking his name from a demon-defea ting dance in Aldous Huxleys utopian novel Island, Rakshasi Hornp ipe invites you to stomp away your stresses to his harmonically-mixed sets . “A Rakshasi is a species of demon. Very large, and exceedingly unpleasa nt. All the ugliest passions personified. The Rakshasi Hornpipe is a devic e for letting off those dangerous heads of steam raised by anger and frust ration…”Aldous Huxley, Island web soundcloud/rakshasihornpipe web .facebook/pages/Rakshasi-Hornpipe/216724817833 Guillaume Clave web guillaumeclave Area 2 DJ 2rip DJ 2rip is constantly pushing a sou nd that consistently moves dance floors through the use of throbbing basel ines. His style is entirely unique as he seamlessly crosses through differ ent genres and emotions while taking his crowds higher and higher, annihil ating the dance floor with every transition. DJ 2rips energetic sets and h is undeniable charisma is what makes him a highly sought after DJ. He has the natural ability to electrify a crowd in every city he visits, converti ng party goers into loyal DJ 2rip fans. His interest in Electronic Dance music was sparked in the late 80s while listening to Synth Pop gr oups on the radio as a child, splicing together his own makeshift mix tape s. In high school, 2rip began to share his passion by mixing music in his garage where friends and acquaintances would come to hear the latest under ground tracks after school. This was the very small foundation of loyal fo llowers that would blossom by the thousands. By 2002 DJ 2rip embarked on h is first tour of the United States making his mark throughout the undergrou nd music scene. DJ 2rip is that rare breed of artist that can successful ly hone his craft all while being business savvy enough to produce some of the countrys hottest Electronic Dance Music parties. With 13 yea rs of experience, DJ 2rip now sits at the helm of producing raves and fest ival events in 6 different states around the country. He has toured over t wenty major cities around North America including Cancun, Mexico and has s hared the same stage as artists like Rusko, SubFocus, Disco Biscuits, Dats ik,Benny Benassi, Vaski, Steve Aoki and Wolfgang Gartner . His status as a n East coast legend has now been amplified as he has been a feature at the Starscape Festival which boasts an attendance of over 13,000 as well as m aintaining a residency with Steez Promo at the seasonal E2809CMassiveE2 809D events, hosted out of Baltimore MD. 2011 marks the debut of the n ext series of Annihilating Rhythm mixes. Annihilating Rhythm has become a viral marketing campaign which has blended social media and merchandise am ongst the mix compilation. Annihilating Rhythm has also become the tradema rk for what defines the sound of the East Coast. DJ 2rip has a fluid but t echnical approach to mixing as he blends scratching into a raging blend of dubstep, bassline, electro, and breaks leaving his fans soaked in sweat f rom dancing hard to the onslaught of grimy bass. web dj2rip web youtub e/dj2rip Jeff Heart As a rare f ind, house music turntablist currently promoting the genre of dark Electro House and similar styles, Jeff Heart is in his 20th year of the DJ busine ss. Starting out in 1991 as a basement DJ, Jeff worked his way through the commercial club circuit by 1995 and soon after landed his career within th e underground electronic music culture. We use the term E2809ClandedE2 809D loosely because its been quite the opposite since his invo lvement took place in the underground dance music community. Jeff s popularity in the club, festival and E2809CraveE2809D markets took off shortly after his entry in 1997. Following a short primer period, Jef f was brought onboard at the humble beginnings of club Space which became Philadelphias first fully underground music, large capacity venue and the epitome of the underground music scene. It was a whos who melting pot among the DJ elites and saw the likes of every world famous D J at the time. Quickly gaining city wide recognition at the most popular a nd sole underground EDM venue, Jeff was soon added to the weekly resident DJ roster and became the longest running resident that the venue had to of fer. Over a 4 year period through Space and its eventual reformation as E2809CMotionE2809D, Jeff maintained the positions of resident DJ, ve nue manager and the Audio and Lighting engineer (Fields in which he holds degrees and certifications of the highest levels). Jeff also owned and pro vided much of the sound and lighting systems that the venue was infamous f or. With a regular weekly avenue to push out his trend setting genres and turntabilist skills, Jeff became known as the sole pioneer for UK Hard Ho use in Philly and collaboratively throughout the East Coast as his travell ing career started picking up. Coupled with his inventive rhythmic turntab lism within a House music style such as his, it further quantified his con tributions to the creation of musical expression that was not yet seen bef ore. It was partially due to this endeavor that Jeff began touring in 2000 and has since been able to showcase his performances in every single stat e in the U.S. with none to spare. For a bold introduction to a lucrative t ravelling career, his very first out of state gig was granted by Internati onally acclaimed DJ Jon Bishop, at a world famous event known as Hedonism in San Diego California. The event was voted and ranked as the best weekda y party in the country by Playboy and Maxim Magazine. Along with internati onal bookings in places such as Egypt, Japan, Italy, Finland, Russia, Beli ze to name a few, he has been able to deliver his hometown taste of Philad elphia to EDM fans that span the globe. In the past decade, Jeff has had t he opportunity to play along side many of the worlds finest talent s. Whether a tag team dj set, opening or closing, Jeff has performed along with worldly recognized performers such as Paul Van Dyk, Paul Oakenfold, DJ Dan, Jon Bishop, DJ Icey, Sasha and Digweed, Q-Bert and Keoki just to n ame a small few (The list is literally hundreds). As a mainstay name in th e EDM industry, Jeffs work has been blessed with granting him the headlining status in about 80% of his current bookings while the other 20 % are equal to, or just under such an esteemed position. In the local mark et, Jeff has played at mostly every single venue that has made a name for itself and supports the EDM community, including one off events such as th e never forgotten, famous Whistle party series hosted by Local 13. He has also continued to do so for the past 10 years. Stateside and abroad, Jeff has had the opportunity to perform at venues and festivals ranging from a small 50 person intimate setting to outdoor massives, and being center sta ge to 25,000 music lovers. Whether you have heard him perform live or only have had the opportunity to listen to one his 20 worldwide album releases, we are certain that coming out to see him for our event will surely be a night worth your time. web wiggleproductions web soundcloud/jeffh eart DJ Knowledge Knowledge is one of the original foundation layers fo r the underground dance circuit in the mid-90s for New England. H is evolving sound has taken audiences of 5 to 5000+ and turned rooms insid e out worldwide. Always taking the time to hand select the most cutting ed ge production in the tracks he plays, his signature sound of genre-bending layered, journey sets have transformed many minds and moved countless bo dies over his 13 year career. web columnsofknowledge /DJ-KNOWLEDGE/60027260814 Love Technique web soundcloud/mat iasjofre djmatias.j Subsector Subsector’s most popu lar productions are experiments that fuse melodic and psychedelic soundscap es with fresh dubstep and trip-hop inspired beats. His lush and mesmerizing productions bring new life and unique perspective to the dry and passC3 A9 world of chillout music. The world is taking notice too. Since his 2010 remix of Snoop Dogg and Kid CuDi’s That Tree (Twitter’s top 20 Music Chart s and Hype Machine’s top 15 music charts), he has been playing to capacity crowds in NYC, Philadelphia and festivals throughout the United States. ww w.soundcloud/ntny web subsectormusic subsector Lara Lara is a lifelong student of music; out of 27 years on this plane t, nine have been devoted to the art of DJing. In an ongoing quest to find a community of like-minded individuals, Lara spent years paying dues in t he rave scene as a drum + bass DJ, hosting several regular nights and play ing at countless larger events alongside major names in DnB; but as she wa tched the music evolve, she became deeply dissatisfied with the rigid atti tudes of the traditional underground dance music scene and began to use he r stature as an established artist in the community to bend and break conv entional understandings of electronic music. Though these iconoclastic exp eriments were not universally well-received, last year they garnered her s ight-unseen entry into inciting, one of Philly’s oldest techno institution s; thanks to them, she’s opened for such names as Adam X and 2562. Today, Lara’s sound spans everything from techno and classic electro to post-dubs tep and experimental minimal DnB, bound flawlessly together by an uncompro mising vision, formidable technical ability and the passion of a true musi cian. web ultraesthetic web soundcloud/djpos DJ Atom C Driven by the NYC Rave Scene and his insatiable love for keeping parties fresh, D J Atom C was born and bred as the underground scene’s jack of all trades. Beginning to spin at the tender age of thirteen, Atom C has been able to cr aft a clean and talented style void of sloppy beats to deliver a harmonica lly appealing auditory experience for all. Not only a passionate DJ, he is passionate about the scene. As Head Staff of NYCRavers he takes on many responsibility’s including but not limited to, Flier design, Web design, Vi deo editing & special effects, Club & Stage lighting, Promotion, and anyth ing ells needed to throw a banging party., as soon as the sun sets he is h elping plan and promote parties for all to enjoy. DJ Atom C is here to sta y with his unique ability to flawlessly flow between genres and keep the p arty moving until the sun comes up. web DJAtomC web NYCRavers w ww.facebook/ /DJ-Atom-C/117016140871 group.p Animus Animus or J. Mouse those are your two optio ns. Not a fan of Joe right now. Who am I? A DJ in the NYC Rave scene. I sp in Techno (its a genre, not the term to describe all rave music…) I love dancing, cant quite describe my style, but Ive been told I float across t he floor. Yes I dress like a rave mouse, so what. I wear normal clothes to o, but if youre gonna rave, might as well go all out. Dont have to, but ev ery now and then I just like doing it. Its fun. Could care less what you t hink. djanimusnyc web soundcloud/djanimus DJ CiM CiM . He began his Dj career in 2003 with two turntables and a two channel mixer. Not wasting any time CiM got right into the scene of different styl es of EDM. It wasnt till late 2004 where he came across the Hard Dance scene. This was the beginning of somthing that would lead up until now. A few artists that have had a huge influence are: Zany, Headhunterz, Tatanka, Isaac, Technoboy, The Prophet, Noisecontrollers, and Brennan Hear t. In the Present time CiM is part of C.A.O.S. (Creative Axis of Sound) a h ardstyle group that including Dj CiM, Dj Sogma, and Ryan Blatt. CiM is als o a part of the board of members of HardstylerzUSA a group formed by Dj Dr ei. Which looks to establish the harder dance scene in the U.S. Currently, working in the studio on his own Hardstyle productions and different mixe s. CiM is one of the youngest among the many talented within HSUSA. Doing things different is what it is all about. Not following the trend of everyo ne else but being creative and having a sense of an imagination and passio n. His style is straight to your face, in other words E2809CHARDSTYLEE2 809D web hardstylerzusa web empiretraxx CIMD J Wink-E Joseph Winkler a.k.a WINK-E is an Electronic Dance Music DJ fro m Brooklyn, NY. he specializes in harder styles such as Hardcore, UK Hardc ore, Hardstyle and Jumpstyle. “I am a DJ. I dedicate what i do to all th ose who support me, all the kids who are looking for the good vibes, and g ood times, I do this for my friends who share the same love as I do. I lov e Electronic Dance Music. The feeling, the emotion, the dance floor. The h arder the music the better. Go Hard, or go home. If you stay and continue to feel the Hardcore Vibes, than I absolutely salute you, and the battle c web soundcloud/wink-e /Wink-E /116024165099975 /Paradox-Productions/156520964400 286 Area 3 Kontakt Founder of Army Collective Records and Kontakt Rec ordings. Born in NYC, currently based out of Orlando and LA. DJ Kontakt sp ins a mix of break beats, electro, and house all in to one big mess.Coales cence Coalition, Green Apples, Alladin Project, Altered States.. Voted #1 D J in over 37 countries by top names like Bassnectar, Deadmau5, Tiesto, Dav id Guetta, Kaskade, Britney Spears, and Lil John, Kontakt is the new Christ behind the laptop behind the decks. He has only been djing for one year b ut has gone instantly to the top of the rave, club, and pop scenes with hi s fresh teenage style, knowledge of at least a 1 year backlog of tracks di rect off beatport’s top 10 lists, and constantly barraging the crowds with epic breakdown tracks and dubstep basslines. Get ready for EPIC RAGE-ING AND FACE MELT GRIME DIRTY EPIC DUB SHIT when Kontakt fires up his playlist !!! “Kontakt is the best thing to happen to dance music since the invention of MIDI. I can almost say even the synthesizer itself” – Armin Van Buuren DJ Mag Dec 2010 It doesn’t matter how many years of this or that someone has under their belt, how many releases, or what number they are on the D J List. It’s about bringing the energy down on the party, and making it go off! Kontakt’s been around long enough to know how to get it on, and then some. A night out is an experience, it needs to be crafted by an expert fro m all angles to be the best night of your life. The DJ is one of those ess ential elements. And this is one of those essential DJ’s. Download some mi xes, mashups, and drop a note. Don’t miss out, you only live once) web .djkontakt.podomatic web kontaktrec /DJ-Ko ntakt/185722508661 Negative Time – LIVE HARDWARE PA Negative Time start ed with Joshua Langberg and Greg Greg in 1996. Josh and Greg provided inte nse, heavy payload electronic music to the local Worcester, MA scene. Josh was also responsible for some of the best underground parties in the late 90s/early 2000s. Upon Gregs departure and meeting goa/psy-tranc e DJ ShockWaveRider (Patrick McAndrew) in 2000, the band developed intensi ty and acquired a serious audio focus. Joshua Langberg and Patrick McAndre w performed live, generally at underground warehouse raves in the Massachu setts area, from 2001-2003. After more than seven years, the producers were reunited. Negative Time (Joshua Langberg and Pat) is back an d with a serious audio vengeance. Playing at numerous parties in Boston at the Machine Nightclub, Champions in Everett, Club Therapy in Providence, RI, and in Brooklyn, NY; Negative Time has professionally performed from 2 010 to present. We have played at some of the largest techno/industrial an d psy-trance parties in Boston. Negative Time has turned into a serious tec hno/psy-trance act that will pierce your mind. Smooth dark progressive bea ts with an emphasis on bass and analog synthesis please crowds and drive a udiophiles nuts! With over 20 years of combined subtractive synthesis know ledge, we aim to blast the dance floors and keep people moving. Our curren t setup includes the following brands: AKAI MPC, Jomox, Moog, Acccess Viru s TI, Clavia Nord 2, several analog MAM devices, Yamaha 01v Mixer, TC Elec tronics Finalizer Express, Presonus channel strip, and about lots efx proc essors. NO COMPUTER IS USED, STRICTLY HARDWARE for Live PA. web soundclo ud/negative-time web youtube/negativetimelive p ages/Negative-Time/122590467769210 Dr. Disorient Since his virgin Burni ng Man, DR. DISORIENT has immersed himself in burner counter-culture while relentlessly studying electronic dance music’s evolution. The numerous ho urs of scholarship inherent in Docs life as a Ph.D. student have helped develop an intensely tenacious attention span that he applies to his creations. Along with eight burns, activities like international travel, skydiving, S.C.U.B.A., & motorcycling have helped rid him of inhibitions t oward integrating diverse musical genres; the Good Doctor strives for perf ection, but also realizes that the best music comes from the fearlessness to explore. DR. DISORIENT weaves emotive mixes coated with playa dust that catapult listeners through multi-dimensional journeys; his recent blends have explored everything from hard-edge techno, soulful house, ravey-elect ro, driving psytrance, glitchy dubstep, & ambient sounds. Doc is always se eking to further his evolution as a musician & human being, & his humility comes from being deeply grateful to the mentors, family, friends, & fans that support him in his artistic quest… web soundcloud/doctord pages/Doctor-Disorient/140084326049289 Daddy Noomz web dd- nyc /Daddy-Noomz/134237646587857 D:[JR] One of Philadelphias finest DJs. J.R. has been DJing since 2001. Stu died Art & Graphic Design in college. Over the years he has performed at n umerous clubs or events in the Philadelphia and New York City area. J.R. a lways brings a wide variety of genre bending diversity to his sets. Somth ing that is important to him & drives is sharing music with people. He st rives to deliver music with SUBSTANCE to the masses. Always trying to remi nd himself to abide by this rule: “It’s not only the music people want to hear… it is music people NEED to hear.” In 2007, D:[JR] released a intens ely diverse 4 mix collection series called ‘Residual Relaxations’ some of which now available for download on soundcloud In April 2011, J.R. rel eased KULA:Spring 2011 Mix and Infinitus C3A6stas estas(Infinite Summer) now available on Mixcloud “When you perform and you have the crowd, Th at’s what its all about. When you play a song and it’s exactly THE right t rack at THAT perfect moment… It seems as though time slows down. Time slo ws in such a way, that you can experience the crowd’s reaction all at once! There’s no feeling quite like it…” web mixcloud/djresidual web sou ndcloud/djresidual web soundcloud/residuallogic Artemis Diana Levy, better known as Artemis, a name she picked for herself long before a ttending her first party, is a woman on a mission: To make you dance, but a lso to make you think. Coming from a background of classical violin and vo cal training, Artemis took to the wide variety of sounds within electronic music, and began to experiment with them as much as possible. As her jour ney evolved, so has her music and her passion to create smiles and good ti mes wherever she plays. Recently, she has joined forces with Tight Crew, n ot only as one of their DJs, but also as a contributor for deco a nd ambient rooms. This influence has only increased the diversity of music Artemis plays, which previously included, but was not limited to, psy tra nce of many kinds, electro, techno, breaks, dubstep, and house. Through th ese special projects and many of her other gigs, Artemis has been able to transcend cultures and reach people from all walks of life. E2809CI fee l renewed and awakened in a way that I had previously never thought possib le. This music is magic; teaching the body to move, the mind to listen, an d the soul to let go. I hope to help my audiences feel this same magic I f eel.E2809D web soundcloud/artemis artemisDJ Izz y web soundcloud/dj-izzzy Psychedelikunz web soundcloud/psyche delikunz/psychedelikunz-vs-ephedrix-prototype-contest-remix-2 web soundclo ud/psychedelikunz/the-sound-of-goa-revised web soundcloud/psychedel ikunzz/psychedelikunz-goa-sunshine Area 4 We would like to announce th e addition of the silent outdoor area to area 51. With wireless headphone technology brought up special from Washington DC, you will be able to list en to each stage with the flick of a switch. We would also like to announce a special two hour silent set by pSyncUs. pSyncUs Project is a concept fou nded by Christopher Van der Essen, who was born in Newburgh NY. He is the mind behind the community stage at festivals where we all can come togethe r in unity and share your resources and talents. He is also behind the healing lounge where you can get a massage, energy work or just find a pl ace to chill and talk. His music takes you on a journey through psychedeli c mindscapes of all original compositions played live with drum machines, samplers and synthesizers. He is the master of the Sidrassi Organus. a cus tom built analogue synth that has its circuity laid out with sacred geometr y. The music that channels through this unique performer is a force that w ill move you to dance and brush the infinite. sttOgwAq5Q tle 0&comments web soundcloud/ckat/psyin3 web soundcloud/ckat/is-real Visuals Morgan E5AFBFE591BD Freeman VJ BLUECRASH (bluecrash) Morgan Freeman is a artist, designer, programmer and internationally known VJ. Morgan received the honor of E2809CNorth Americas Top Ten D igital ArtistsE2809D awarded by Corel and PGA. In 2009, Morgan Freeman placed third in a worldwide VJ competition at the Miami Winter Music Confe rence. Morgan as worked over a decade as a Visual artist for International stars like Erykah Badu, Curren$y, Stalley, Tabi Bonney, Boy George and for DJS Carl Cox, Tanny Tenaglia, David Harness, Dimitri, Frenchy Le Freak, M ark Farina, Tall Paul, Peretz (Perry Farrel) With over a decade of free pu blic-art performances and installations, Morgan has spent the last two-yea rs developing a variety of interactive motion-tracking installations using frame comparison, blob detection, and infrared light. tinyurl/ 68wa9j In 2008 he founded the Slow-Art Movement, creating a series of art-i n-motion installations where viewers witness the quietly dynamic evolution of images in layered and unstructured light. In 2009, Morgan brought proj ection-mapping to North AmericaE28094by way of the Orlando Science Cent er. Over 3,000 people attended the gala. Since relocating to New York City, Morgan has had interactive art-installations in Williamsburg, Chelsea, an d the Lower East Side. Morgan has been working with several NYC based group s including Warper Party, Monsieur Clothing, Max Klaxxon, Moldover and Smo oth Moose Collaborative. Morgan has VJed at Webster Hall, Hiro, Ve lour, The Delancey, Bar 13 and Santos Party House. Since October, Morgan has a thirty-three minute-thirty-three second film called on repeat in the Video-Tunnel at Webster Hall. two 33 minute visual samples (turn up your own music): web vimeo/bluecrash/one web vimeo/bluecr ash/two Currently, Morgan works full time as a photojournalist- published o nline and in print monthly with a international circulation of over 5,000, 000. web bluecrash Lunecell : Fractaltribe LuneCell is Tim Howe fro m Frostburg, Maryland. He is an audio-visual artist that produces Psytranc e, Psychedelic Dubstep and Downtempo music. He is inspired by the psychede lic movement and the fringe culture that it produces. VJing and producing music is his main drive in life at the moment. He is part of FractalTribe: Northeastern US Psytrance community and is currently based out of Kingsto n, Rhode Island. web vimeo/lunecell web soundcloud/lunecell Kal iptus Kaliptus (Born April 16, 1984 in Lisbon, Portugal) is a NY/NJ gradua te artist from SVA with a BFA in animation and an MFA in computer art. He uses painting, film, motion graphics, animation, stop-motion, video-mixing multimedia, interactive arts, installations and more to express ideas th at are usually surreal, visionary and vital to the philosophies and unders tandings of the human consciousness. Kaliptus has been commissioned to wor k on projects for Alex Grey, Marvel, Stephen King, DC Comics, Black Tide, MTV, Prudential Center, Zoomdout, Shpongle, Sneaux, Orange County Choppers American Choppers, and more. He is currently living in New Jersey and is a busy, self-employed freelance artist, working on a wide variety of proj ects from his home studio. web kaliptus.blogspot Deco The Devotee web myspace/goadevotee/photos/21467390 #%7B NephilNine Deco w ww.nephilnine.net Neuronymphonic Art pages/Nsqua Sound & Lighting Audiolust This company was founded by a NYC DJ and a promoter with a shared love fo r club driven sound. The main idea behind Audiolust is to network with eve ryone who performs or promotes music in a live setting and to help them im prove their events, clubs and venues. We do live sound, equipment rentals and installations for bands, clubs and DJs of all styles. Our focus is on professionalism. All of our equipment is top-of-the-line and staffed by ou r own certified engineers. All of our gigs are powered completely by our o wn systems. Our current services include club installations, sound systems full PA packages, DJ systems with or without DJ’s, Intelligent lighting with on site programming, sound reinforcement with sound tech, video produ ctions with VJ’s and projectors, event planning, graphic design, promotion s, and photography for your events. We have been doing this for over 10 yea rs and we continue to grow and add to our services. web audiolust Photography Edwin ‘Pac-man’ Cuevas III cuevas.edwin web myspacepaintings/Eddie03 Ronnie Compton Corado web ronniecphotograph y.smugmug 666bafamet Video Adragon Technochrist w ww.facebook/ technochrist Electric Warehouse 1428 Fulton Street Brooklyn NY 11216 1 0pm to 8am Welcome to the ELECTRIC WAREHOUSE, a beautiful 10,000 sq ft co nverted trolley repair station in the heart of Brooklyn. In the early 1900 ‘s trolleys ran all across the 5 boroughs delivering a fast easy rapid tra nsport across the city. This space has been beautifully preserved to captur e the excitement and detail of those early days in Transit and New York Hi story. Directions A, C TRAIN to NOSTRAND AV. – EXIT at FULTON and NOSTRAN D; WALK 2 BLOCKS EAST C TRAIN to KINGSTON AV. – WALK 1 BLOCK WEST LIRR NOST RAND AV. STATION – 5 SHORT BLOCKS AWAY 18+ to dance 21+ to drink. Open Vo dka Bar from 9pm-10pm. $25 till July 3rd $30 at the door. web greenapples nyc/buy-tickets/area-51-july-9th We don’t charge a processing fee for presale tickets pages/Green-Apples-NYC/228673687148755 ww.greenapplesnyc