Updated 2 years ago

These are the full emails with discussion, replies, off-topic, non-trance events, etc.
For a much more succinct, formatted, and edited history, go here, and here are just flyers.
Other years in emails:
1999* – 2000* – 2001* – 2002 Pt 1* – 2002 Pt 2* – 2003* – 2004 – 2005
2006 – 2007 – 2008 – 2009 – 2010 – 2011
*Trip Out New York was called Brainmachines from 1999-2003.
January 2005
#3512 Tue, 4 Jan 2005 09:48:09 Tue, 4 Jan 2005 09:48:08 Newsletter Trip Out New York Circ.1,297 “Don’t Hate the Media – Be the M edia” – Jello Biafra Free NYC Trance Community Weekly Newsletter Editor Forward /reprint to spread the psytrance virus To receive, email TripOutNY-subsc ribe To re scribe) MORE LINKS (web tranceam.org/links ) Numbers 24, verse 16 “He hath said, which heard the words of Go d, and knew the knowledge of the most High, which saw the vision of the A lmighty, falling into a trance, but having his eyes open” In t his issue New Trancespotting archetypes at the end of this newsletter Psy-Trance Music/Scene News Flow records, Etnica, Joti, Eduardo, mo re, announced for January (see lisitings) Tsuyoshi returned to Cielo Jan 16 Ruby Lounge is on for Thursday – it was busy last week, the middle of three straight nights of hard dancing and revelry. The address is 186 E. 2nd St., East Village Still signing up DJs for my birthday party Janu ary 12 willing to get their 15 minutes… contact me if interested. Psychedelic d News Feds fund E research – Wow story. he Commnity News Parts of the TripoutNY interview by Joanne (Equus) with ta pestry artist Chay (Daya) were used for an article in a big paper there.. Chay says his family in Sumatra are ok (the batak) com/interview-daya (web tranceam.org/interview-daya ) Event Calendar Outdoor festivals/d Sound System rental/logo part ners in bold; same date parties appear in the order submitted; Psy/Goa ev ents always come first. Organizers who cannot provide press passes to T ripOutNY will be charged the amount of 2 tickets to finance our journalis m. * * * Free party… the last two weeks were absolutely insan e.. Come check out the madness… Free party… i heard the last two wednesdays were absolutely insane… but we’re not gonna slow d own. Come check out the madness – you can always take a breather upstairs if it’s too much for you. Wednesday January 5 TELEPATHY at Goa Trash – DJs Kife (Omnitribe) and Synthroid (Com.Pact Records, Israel)(Lior) Ki fe is one of the masterminds of the Omnifestival, and a terrific full on DJ in his own right. Synthroid is a producer from Israel who has appeare d on Com.Pact Records’ “Made to measure” compilation. Telepathic deco by Nan and Machinelf. Warmup set by Ben Light-o-matic. This week, we’ll ha ve out the infamous pakistani Doombek drum (recently recovered from the N YPD’s property warehouse in LIC), the blood-splattered one from the infam ous crime scene at Boom in June 2003! Come Kiss the drum of doom! Goa Tra sh downstairs at Karma, 51 1st avenue between 3rd and 4th streets, ID21+, 10pm-4am, free. If it’s late go down the stairs and knock. This high r es-erected-by-popular-demand party promises to make any memories of Ibiza, the Riviera, or even Thailand like so much flotsam and jetsam strung alo ng the beaches of Goa India. Music from 10pm – 12am is generally mid- to late-90s Goa Trance, which is really just modern progressive house beats mixed with Ravi Shankar sounds done up at 145 BPM. After midnight DJs ma y mix in modern psychedelic trance. A GOA TRASH just opened recently in Santiago, Chile by Angeles who did the long running Wednesdays Opium Den. A coalition of independent trance collectives are coming together to ma ke Goa Trash version 3.0 – all old skool 90’s goa – at Karma in the East Village. Make a party and they will come: the outcasts, the d addicts freaks, dope pushers, wife beaters, torturers, trancespotters, teasers, deviants, dust munchkins, drunks, doxies, demimondes, dipsomaniacs, tart s, DJ groupies, jailbirds, junkies, flunkies, flesh traders, flim flam me n, fetishists, lowlifes, lushes, lepers, schleppers, schlemiels, snake oi l salesmen, squatters, stalkers, streetwalkers, smokers, cokers, jokers, advertising people, 604 armchair trance heads, adulterers, deserters, dru gstore cowboys, dirty old men, dharma bums, d traffickers, users, lose rs & abusers, lab techs, lurkers, neuromancers, number runners, ne’er do wells, nincompoops, nymphomaniacs, ninnies, megalomaniacs, madman, mack d addy’s, masochists, Mata Haris, “spiritual healer,” rotters, trance-gend er persons, hole-divers, sneaker pimps, cunts, grannies, grampies, big mom mas, big swinging dicks, jammy dodgers, wankers, lunatics, zen masters, f airies, gnomes and other supernatural beings, shoplifters, Goa Constricto rs, duct tape fanatics, native gaians, citizens of Tonga (only cause I ne ver get to see many of those), book characters, bridge party people, Indi an mafia, cavemen, the broken hearted, Israeli promoters advertising fake parties ostensibly thrown by rivals, gypsies. exhibitionists, fiends, fl asher, felons, fascists, fences, fun guys, false prophets, Flying Winos, womanizers, weekend warriors, weirdoes, war criminals, witches, Wolf crie rs, console cowboys, Californicators, cretins, shady arms dealers, sugar daddy’s, shameless self promoters, boiler room penny stock peddlers, punte rs, pickpockets, pool sharks, plagiarists, perverts, pyromaniacs, party g irls, party crashers, Pariahs, polluters, presdigitators, prevaricators, vampires, Maharishis, voyeurs, vamps, vandals, vixens, viragos, villains, village idiots, trailer trash, tantrists, tightwads, tricksters, turncoa ts, two timers, tomboys, trippers, strippers, tipsters, software pirates, simpletons, slobs, snobs, schemers, scofflaws, sissies, scoundrels, soci al climbers, Goa tourists, swindlers, swingers, sleazoids, scumbags, slav ers, slave drivers, sorcerers, speaker thieves, psychos, surreal killers, skinheads, succubi, jackasses, jury riggers, race mixers, rebels, ragamu ffins, recidivists, roughnecks, rumourmongers, wetbacks, wizards, warlocks sportos, motorheads, geeks, sluts, bloods, wastoids, dweebies, dick hea ds, dissidents, deserters, highwaymen, headhunters, hijackers, harridans, hooligans, hoods, hecklers, hackers, heros & zeroes, philanderers, forge rs, femme fatales, false prophets, floozies, Pharisees, faggots, thugees (Indian cult murderers), thieves, Anjuna assholes, draft dodgers, dime st ore plastic surgeons, imposters, urchins, idiots, incubi, succubi, sadist s, snake charmers, sober sadhus, satyromaniacs, sodomists, psychonauts, s lackers, slayers, ravers. robbers, ropers, dopers, ass grabbers, assassin s, 24 hour party people, goat ranchers, gangsters, getaway drivers, gambe rs, gossips, geishas, grifters, growers, grisettes, gun runners, gluttons, Goths, sloths, skeezers, skanks, cranks, cokeheads, cop killers, crooks, quacks, cruisers, idolaters, molesters, masturbators, mercenaries, money men, muggers, market makers, mobsters, murderers, muscle men, mad scient ists, mountebanks, motherfuckers, made men, meretrices, minimal progressi ve pimps, pornographers, parasites, party animals, punks, pennyweighters, pigs, pigeon pluckers, poachers, peddlers, pranksters, princes of darkne ss, travel ticket con men, gigolos, hydro-courtesans, arsonists, adultere rs, Anti-Disestablishmentarianists, assholes, anarchists, “Antipodean int ernational trance hooker trios,” hipsters, flipsters, and finger-poppin d addies, those on the take, scams, shams, shoplifters, charlatans, charas dealers, cheaters, chippies, children of dysfunctional alcoholic abusive f amilies, drinkers, traitors, day traders, devil worshippers, lookouts, lo onies, Prince Williams’ entourage, ambulance chasers, cattle rustlers, Kl eptos, cannibals, cutpurses, cult leaders, call girls, counterfeiters, ke pt women, convicts, kingpins, communists, card sharks, codependants, cads orcs, bastards, boors, backpackers, bandits, brigands, bootleggers, boo zehounds, box men, bawds, burglars, bums, backstabbers, bikers, buffoons, beggars, bumpkins, bullies, buccaneers, back alley practitioners, bottom boys, beatniks, brothel madams, blasphemers, bookies, bombers, harlots, hippies, whores, whoremongers, hangers-on, hustlers, hashashim, strumpets psychedelic terrorists, acid visionaries, Anjuna beach bums, burnouts, slum lords, speed freaks, sun starers, rapscallions, rakes, Rainbow Gathe rers, rounders, roundheels, racketeers… and the republicans. This part y is for you. Karma is a sensual, candlelit hookah lounge. The velvet dec or, subtle fragrance of incense and deep resonant music are a delight to the senses. The Ambient beats played early in the evening compliment our Happy Hour (everyday 3PM-8PM), and are sure to rejuvenate the soul. Fo r the body, we offer a light array of Indian and Cafe food that is served all night every night! There are private booths and comfortable couche s available for some R&R. Once you’ve relaxed your mind with one of our specialty cocktails, had a taste of India, and put your feet up, you must n’t forget that Karma is currently the number one place for a “puff of th e stuff” (Hookah stuff, that is.) And YES you can smoke here even after the city wide smoking ban since we are exempt as a Tobacco Bar from the s moking law. We have a variety of flavored tobacco that is served in beaut iful brass hookahs. If you wanna get down A6just follow the signs A6 to our basement, where Goa Trance is played. Karma is a true mix of E ast Village diversity in a no attitude space where everyone is welcome. Thursday Jan 6 Ruby Lounge is on for Thursday – it was busy last week, th e middle of three straight nights of hard dancing and revelry. The add ress is 186 E. 2nd St., East Village non trance event subtlechaos pr esents… january 7th at “m” shanghai bistro subtlechaos special event: live act: deadradar dead radar is a wild combo of electro-dance, industria l, and noisy rock n roll. based in brooklyn, but hailing from ja pan, russia, new orleans and chicago, this 3girl/1 boy band consists of l oud, screeching guitars, male and female vocals, synths and computer soun ds, and floor stomping dance beats. with a hybrid of sounds like depeche mode, kmfdm, the faint, the rapture and blonde redhead, dead radar is bot h retro and current, exciting and refreshing. djs: jordan (chicago-nyc) co mtak – subtlechaos (rus) jason – subtlechaos (u.k.) visuals by: surge & t he doktor(subtlechaos/dekompression) no cover & happy hour 2 till 4am lo cation-m shanghai bistro m 1718 384 93 00 129 havemeyer between grand st & south 1st, williamsburg, brooklyn ht tp://mshanghaiden/picgallery (mshanghaiden/picgallery. html) email for further information:.org o at subtlechaos.org) * * * January 12th – Wednesday – RESOLUTION Ma chinelf’s and Albert Hoffman’s birthday at Karma Extra Sound by d! Extra hours 8pm – 5am! Both floors open (Machinelf’s & Albert Hoffman’s Birthd ay is January 10 and 11, respectively) ; from 8-10pm we will project the “Team America” film… Fuck Yeah!! Karm a is staying open until at least 5am especially for this party. We are add ing a subwoofer and two Mackie 450s to the sound system just for this par ty! Free appetizers! You are encouraged to bring non-dosed food. Every DJ plays for 15 Minutes! Email me if you’d like to play and get your 15 Mi nutes of Fame. Two floors of DJs! Lineup so far: 8pm-10pm Projection of t he Team America film 11pm Stefan 11:15 Evil 9mm 11:30pm Chuck A.K.A. FaceH ead 11:45 Ethan Ambramson 12am Mark Trancellor Ogg Mod (unconfirmed) 12:15a m Jason Sannachan (Subtlechaos) 1am Ben Light-o-matic 1:30 Ari D (Goahead, Ohio) 1:45 PRIMATE (primal industries) 2am Vlad Kife “(PC) LIVE” 3am Machi nelf 4am Dan De Maria 4:45am Machinelf Deco by Nan and Joann (Equus, Philad elphia) * * * January 15 – Saturday – Omnitribe brings DJ Pena/Flow Rec s Portugal SATURDAY, JANUARY 15TH 2005 OMNI TRIBE presents B U R N I N G S K Y PENA Flow Records – P ortugal SERGE Z-LENIN Hypernation/ESW – NY VITALIK Omni Tri be – NY KIFE Omni Tribe – NY chillout: Farmatar Leshiy U-CTAC Earthian visuals: YDesign.tv dec o: Steve-O sound: Spectra 20 WEST 27TH ST. between 6TH AV & BWAY 12TH FLOOR 10PM-7AM PARTICIPATION: $20 – Web Flyer: web omnitribe.c om (web omnitribe) January 16 – Sunday – TSUNAMI Sundays, wi th TSUYOSHI SUZUKI at CIELO! January 19 – Wednesday – Dreamcatcher DJs a t Goa Trash with Special guest DJ Greenman from Western Massachussetts! bcadams at amherst writes: a friend, Bryan Ladd aka DJ Greenman, w ould be interested in coming down to play Karma sometime…he’s a skille d dj and sound technician, but doesnt get as much exposure due to his We stern Mass residency….i know you like to book new DJ’s and especially those from out of town, so I told him I’d pass on his info to you….hi s email is bryanladd at yahoo ebsite is web djgreenman…. (web djgreenman….%20thanx /) thanx! Friday, Jan 21, 2005 NYC Alladin Project Presents: PSYJOURNE Y Featuring… ETNICA-Maurizio Etnicanet-ibiza-Italy JOTI SIDHU-Neurobio toic Records-UK EDOARDO-Neurobiotic Records-Italy ELNADIV-Alladin Projec t-NYC S.H.I.K.I.D-OmniTribe-NYC Decorations by: Severyn Barabakh (Subt lecaos NYC) & Alladin Project Crew (NYC) Visuals by: Skyeye Sound Spec ies (U.N.-NYC) Tickets: $25 until 12 AM, $30 After. 18 to enter / 21+w/ ID to drink. Door Open: 10PM to 8AM Location: CLUB EXIT 147 GREENPOINT AVE BROOKLYN NY Directions : By Subway: take the L train to metropolita n Ave & transfer to the G train to Greenpoint Ave. the Club is right acr oss the street. Subway Map: web mta.nyc.ny.us/nyct/maps/submap.h tm (web mta.nyc.ny.us/nyct/maps/submap ) By Car: Take BQE ( I-278) to Exit 33 McQuinness Blvd. to Greenpoint Ave. Turn LEFT at Gree npoint Ave Proceed to the corner of Manhattan Ave. by car service / taxi : from Manhattan cost $15 from Bedford Station it cost $6 Street Map: web etnicanet.net ht tp://web alladinproject web neurobiotic web omnitr ibe web severyn “give a chance to trance NYC” January 26 – Wednesday – GANJATRON TWO!! “Potluck” DVD Release Party at Karma w ith DJs Terry Spacehopper and Omnitribe DJs at Goa Trash at Karma. “P otluck” came out last year, it’s the marijuana movie that bridges the Sop ranos and Cheech and Chong. We’ll probably project the DVD, and hopefully the director and actors will be on hand, as they were at last year’s par ty. The Pot Luck film’s DVD Release coming up in January!!! (See listings below) Just got this from Terry Spacehopper, you may remember him as the hippy with a can pull of joints giving them out to everybody Hey, Jeff this is shaping up to be the best party ever. David Peel is coming, som e other movie people, High Times people, I can’t thank you enough, what a great way to end this adventure. I hope you have a safe and relatively s ane holiday, can’t wait to see you and the gang, will definitely be there for your b-day, what do you want? love terry Here’s last year’s event ww w.brainmachines/ganjatron (web tranceam.org/ganjatro n ) Feb 2 – Wednesday – Goa Trash – Lauryn (Boston) & Mad Orange ( TDC) Feb 9 – Wednesday – Goa Trash – Pennsylvania DJs with Egbot from P hiladelphia and Psychotty from PA and Mescalinium Feb 16 – Wednesday – Go a Trash – Dreamcatcher Feb 18 – Reality Engine presents N’Light’N Feb 2 3 – Wednesday – Goa Trash – Omnitribe March 3 – Wednesday – Goa Trash – Jason Sannachan (Subtlechaos) + Guest March 19 – Reality Engine presents Merkaba May 21 North Carolina – Goa Gil – touchsamadhi (ht tp://touchsamadhi/) Early June – Upstate NY – web omnifestival.org (web omnifestival.org/) Late June – West Virginia – web gaia n-mind (web gaian-mind/) July 4th weekend – Los Angeles – web greensector (web greensector/) Phantasm again brin gs 4 day festival with Talamasca, Shakta, Orion, Eskimo, Cosmosis and ot hers July 16 – Midwest – web psymbolic (web psymbolic/) July – Oregon web Enosa.net (web enosa.net/) Sept 23-25 N orth Carolina – Powwow festival – touchsamadhi (touchs amadhi/) Goa Gil in Oregon New Trancespotting Archetypes Can an yone get a photo of “the Animal” who frequents German parties, moves in t o right in front of the stage and vicously defends it with tooth and nai l? I’d like to add this photo to the Missing Link archetype on web brain machines/trancespotting (web tranceam.org/trancespot ting ) (try saying that last sentence in the same tone and accent as a british game hunter) a rough sketch will do. if not, i may just use somthing from Lord of the Rings; however are we talking more Roast Mutt on trollsor Hobbits-era Goblins or is this beast a bit more blooodthirsty and malevolent? -Missing Link alias Sasquatch alias Yeti – generally onl y spotted at outdoor festivals. Easily distinguished by wild knotted hair prominent supra-orbital ridge usually covered by unibrow, crazed look i n eyes, bare chest, extra dirty pants (may have possibly been fluoro at o ne time in distant past), and well calloused hobbit feet. Is usually prom inent on the dance floor shaking fists, stomping madly, and grunting, but disappears back to cave soon after festival is over. Often found in clos e habitation with the Israeli. Not to be confused with Freaker. (Submitte d by jessw at mindspring Time to add more archetypes to Trancespotting. What was new for 2004? If anyone ha s anything to add – in terms of categories or merely more description to an existing one – send them in, and if it’s funny and/or remotely descipt ive and not too incredibly idiosyncratic, it will appear! Can anyone get a photo of “the Animal” who frequents German parties, moves in to righti n front of the stage and vicously defends it with tooth and nail? I’d i ke to add this photo to the Yeti Also, I think it’s time to start assign ed photos. Go though all the headshots you have, on .c om/nytrance (web tranceam.org/nytrance ), Safetydance photo sections, also hipchix (/hipchix/b ackinbiz (web tranceam.org/hipchix/backinbiz ) ) an d everywhere else you can imagine. try to keep it positive, the negative archetypes need kid gloves, we may just have a big box with a question m ark through it. I know where we’ll put Jacob though! The Ayahuasquero t hinks the trance people are addicted to partying. Their own style of mus ic, once you venture out of the native icaro genre, can be often jarringl y inappropriate. recently heartened by the steadily grwoing acceptance o f ayahuasca by established Brazillian church beachheads in the U.S. Alw ays perplexed by whether they are worthy enough to carry the mantle of sh aman. The Chemist makes a lot of money in the real world and would never EVER risk all that on illicit substances. The worst of the lot, they ar e incredible teases but a great source of in-jokes. Every half ass penny pinching acidhead fantasizes about becoming one but never gets beyond a Homer Simpson understanding of chemistry. They may try to lamely grow s hrooms, but once that doesn’t work for some glaring omission in the instr uctions, they give up, paying retail for the rest of their lives. A subs pecies of them actually go over the line and they are always in prison fa cing long sentences. The Crazy Jew – Sometimes a Rabbi, but never witho ut a yarmulke. Connected in some way with some crazy Chabad somewhere, C habads being somewhat liberal in their outlook. Dances like a fiend, and not afraid of substances. The older of the species troll late night aft erhours parties during non-Sabbath nights and early mornings, forever see king an escape from the bedsheet with the hole in it. Compare with Psych edelic Christian. The Door Person is usually someone nobody knows so no one will try to talk their way in for free. Ideally, it’s a well keep s ecret girlfriend or boyfriend who can be trusted not to steal money. Tra ined to not really look into your pleading eyes, and they will talk AT yo u. See also Security Guard. The Family People have entire families on the side with spouse and children at various stages of growth.. and come to trance parties for escapes. Often very organized with nice vehicles and aimmaculate organizational habits. Perfect for the trance communit y. Compare with Nuclear Unit. The Entrepreneur uses their trance connec tions to make money in legal (or mostly legal) ways, such as selling jewe lry, moving or recruitment for pharmaceutical studies at universities. S ee also Bottom Fisher. The Ex-Organizer leave the scene after giving e verything their all. For thoase of them who built their enterprise on fa mily money, they escape to back to law or enroll in somthing like archi tecture school, or whatever, will excoriate others for not”getting it” S ee also Jaded Trancer and Yuppie. The Experimental DJ will play out of genre tracks just to keep things lively, often at very inappropriate time s, to the dismay of the dancers. This role cannot be played for long unl ess the Experimental DJ is in a position of power or influence, otherwise they are bounced out the door, never to return. The secret ally of the Live Set Critic. The Jaded Trancer stops going to trance parties (to th e joy of some), complains about the Good Old Days, and goes into other Ea stern fads such as yoga or bead counting. Shantier than thou. Will spew vitriol at every opportunity. See also Lurker, New Ager, Armchair Tran cehead and Old Timer and the American. The neo-Luddite Medievals ride h orses and live a low tech lifestyle. The battle axe wielding Euro variet y travels from festival to festival in caravans with horse trailers livin g a sort of neo gypsy traveller existence. The closest American relative to this genus isn’t generally in tune with trance but creates an intricat e hierarchy a la the Society for Creative Anachronism. The Psychedelic C hristian clings to their beliefs that were sandblasted into their conscio usness by age of the eight, and has spent the rest of their lives trying to integrate psychedelics into the concept of being born again. A true loner with toes in two worlds but hearts in none. May be an Alex Grey fo llower. The Shitlister is prone to hit people, steal, throw food, start arguments, stalk pretty girls (whether they are male or female), push the ir way onto the decks, try to hijack a party with out of control wailing behaviour and generally physically disturbing everyone within reach. High minded organizers often let them in to their events, saying things like, at their events, “Everyone is welcome” and “Our vibe is positive”… unt il the paint, fists, and chaos starts flying. Then the organizers blame the person who originally assigned the Shitlister archetype for starting them on their path. See also Freaker, ODer. The Troll is ticking time bo mb… very large and ungainly, the Troll will steal purses and such until caught, which is fairly easy given their Boethean proportions. When thi s happens they get all evasive but will continue to try to show up at eve nts. When called out they go ballistic and it takes 4 humans to ward the m off. Hates to be called by their real names. ADD TO d Nerd – “Mort al enemy of the Straightedge.” ADD TO Raver – If they hang around trancers long enough they start to shed their candy and glowsticks for fluoro and dreads. And keep the piercing. he Media” – Jello Biafra spread the psytrance virus NKS verse 16 “He hath said, which heard the words of God, and knew the knowledge of the most High, which saw the vision of the Almighty, falling into a trance, but having his eyes open” newsletter usic/Scene News / Flow records, Etnica, Joti, Eduardo, more, announced for J anuary (see lisitings) Tsuyoshi returned to Cielo Jan 16 Ruby Lounge is on for Thursday – it was busy last we ek, the middle of three straight nights of hard dancing and revelry.& nbsThe address is 186 E. 2nd St., East Village Still signing up DJs for my birthday party January 12 willing to get their 15 minutes… contact me if interested. &n bs News / Feds fund E research – Wow ancertreatment NGCommnity News Parts of the TripoutNY intervie w by Joanne (Equus) with tapestry artist Chay (Daya) were used for an arti cle in a big paper there.. Chay says his family in Sumatra are ok (the bat ak) m/interview-daya festivals/d Sound System rental/logo partners in boldsame date parties ap pear in the order submitted; Psy/Goa events always come first. Organizers who cannot provide press passes to TripOutNY will be charged t he amount of 2 tickets to finance our journalism. Free party… the last two weeks were absolutely insane.. Come chec k out the madness… heard the last two wednesdays were absolutely insane… but we’re not gon na slow down. Come check out the madness – you can always take a breather upstairs if it’s too much for you. -&nbs p;DJs Kife (Omnitribe) and Synthroid (Com.Pact Records, Israel)(Lior) Kife is one of the masterminds of the Omnifestival, and a terrif ic full on DJ in his own right. Synthroid is a producer from Israel who has appeared on Com.Pact Records’ “Made to measure” compilat ion. Telepathic deco by Nan and Machinelf. Warmup set by Ben Light-o-matic. nfamous pakistani Doombek drum (recently recovered from the NYPD’s propert y warehouse in LIC), the blood-splattered one from the infamous crime scen e at Boom in June 2003! Come Kiss the drum of doom! s treets, ID21+, 10pm-4am, free. If it’s late go down the stairs a nd knock. This high res-erected-by-popular-demand party promises to make any memories of Ibiza, the Riviera, or even Thailand like so much flo tsam and jetsam strung along the beaches of Goa India. Music from 10 pm – 12am is generally mid- to late-90s Goa Trance, which is really just m odern progressive house beats mixed with Ravi Shankar sounds done up at 14 5 BPM. After midnight DJs may mix in modern psychedelic trance. A GOA TRASH just opened recently in Santiago, Chile by Angeles who did t he long running Wednesdays Opium Den. A coalition of independent tra nce collectives are coming together to make Goa Trash version 3.0 – all ol d skool 90’s goa – at Karma in the East Village. Make a party and th ey will come: the outcasts, the d addicts, freaks, dope pushers, wife b eaters, torturers, trancespotters, teasers, deviants, dust munchkins, drun ks, doxies, demimondes, dipsomaniacs, tarts, DJ groupies, jailbirds, junki es, flunkies, flesh traders, flim flam men, fetishists, lowlifes, lushes, lepers, schleppers, schlemiels, snake oil salesmen, squatters, stalkers, s treetwalkers, smokers, cokers, jokers, advertising people, 604 armchair tr ance heads, adulterers, deserters, dstore cowboys, dirty old men, dharm a bums, d traffickers, users, losers & abusers, lab techs, lurkers, neuromancers, number runners, ne’er do wells, nincompoops, nymphomaniacs, ninnies, megalomaniacs, madman, mack daddy’s, masochists, Mata Haris “spiritual healer,” rotters, trance-gender persons, hole-divers, sneaker pimps, cunts, grannies, grampies, big mommas, big swinging dicks, jammy d odgers, wankers, lunatics, zen masters, fairies, gnomes and other supernat ural beings, shoplifters, Goa Constrictors, duct tape fanatics, native gai ans, citizens of Tonga (only cause I never get to see many of those), book characters, bridge party people, Indian mafia, cavemen, the broken hearte d, Israeli promoters advertising fake parties ostensibly thrown by rivals, gypsies. exhibitionists, fiends, flasher, felons, fascists, fences, fun g uys, false prophets, Flying Winos, womanizers, weekend warriors, weirdoes, war criminals, witches, Wolf criers, console cowboys, Californicators, cr etins, shady arms dealers, sugar daddy’s, shameless self promoters, boiler room penny stock peddlers, punters, pickpockets, pool sharks, plagiarists perverts, pyromaniacs, party girls, party crashers, Pariahs, polluters, presdigitators, prevaricators, vampires, Maharishis, voyeurs, vamps, vanda ls, vixens, viragos, villains, village idiots, trailer trash, tantrists, t ightwads, tricksters, turncoats, two timers, tomboys, trippers, strippers, tipsters, software pirates, simpletons, slobs, snobs, schemers, scofflaws sissies, scoundrels, social climbers, Goa tourists, swindlers, swingers, sleazoids, scumbags, slavers, slave drivers, sorcerers, speaker thieves, psychos, surreal killers, skinheads, succubi, jackasses, jury riggers, rac e mixers, rebels, ragamuffins, recidivists, roughnecks, rumourmongers, wet backs, wizards, warlocks, sportos, motorheads, geeks, sluts, bloods, wasto ids, dweebies, dick heads, dissidents, deserters, highwaymen, headhunters, hijackers, harridans, hooligans, hoods, hecklers, hackers, heros & ze roes, philanderers, forgers, femme fatales, false prophets, floozies, Phar isees, faggots, thugees (Indian cult murderers), thieves, Anjuna assholes, draft dodgers, dime store plastic surgeons, imposters, urchins, idiots, in cubi, succubi, sadists, snake charmers, sober sadhus, satyromaniacs, sodom ists, psychonauts, slackers, slayers, ravers. robbers, ropers, dopers, ass grabbers, assassins, 24 hour party people, goat ranchers, gangsters, geta way drivers, gambers, gossips, geishas, grifters, growers, grisettes, gun runners, gluttons, Goths, sloths, skeezers, skanks, cranks, cokeheads, cop killers, crooks, quacks, cruisers, idolaters, molesters, masturbators, me rcenaries, money men, muggers, market makers, mobsters, murderers, muscle men, mad scientists, mountebanks, motherfuckers, made men, meretrices, min imal progressive pimps, pornographers, parasites, party animals, punks, pe nnyweighters, pigs, pigeon pluckers, poachers, peddlers, pranksters, princ es of darkness, travel ticket con men, gigolos, hydro-courtesans, arsonist s, adulterers, Anti-Disestablishmentarianists, assholes, anarchists, “Anti podean international trance hooker trios,” hipsters, flipsters, and finger -poppin daddies, those on the take, scams, shams, shoplifters, charlatans, charas dealers, cheaters, chippies, children of dysfunctional alcoholic a busive families, drinkers, traitors, day traders, devil worshippers, looko uts, loonies, Prince Williams’ entourage, ambulance chasers, cattle rustle rs, Kleptos, cannibals, cutpurses, cult leaders, call girls, counterfeiter s, kept women, convicts, kingpins, communists, card sharks, codependants, cads, orcs, bastards, boors, backpackers, bandits, brigands, bootleggers, boozehounds, box men, bawds, burglars, bums, backstabbers, bikers, buffoon s, beggars, bumpkins, bullies, buccaneers, back alley practitioners, botto m boys, beatniks, brothel madams, blasphemers, bookies, bombers, harlots, hippies, whores, whoremongers, hangers-on, hustlers, hashashim, strumpets, psychedelic terrorists, acid visionaries, Anjuna beach bums, burnouts, sl um lords, speed freaks, sun starers, rapscallions, rakes, Rainbow Gatherer s, rounders, roundheels, racketeers… and the republicans. This par ty is for you. Karma is a sensual, candlelit hookah lounge. The v elvet decor, subtle fragrance of incense and deep resonant music are a del ight to the senses. The Ambient beats played early in the evening co mpliment our Happy Hour (everyday 3PM-8PM), and are sure to rejuvenate the soul. For the body, we offer a light array of Indian and Cafe food that is served all night every night! There are private booths and comfortable couches available for some R&R. Once you’ ve relaxed your mind with one of our specialty cocktails, had a taste of I ndia, and put your feet up, you mustn’t forget that Karma is currently the number one place for a “puff of the stuff” (Hookah stuff, that is.) And YES you can smoke here even after the city wide smoking ban since we a re exempt as a Tobacco Bar from the smoking law. We have a variety of flav ored tobacco that is served in beautiful brass hookahs. If you wanna get down A6just follow the signsA6 to our basement, where Goa Tra nce is played. Karma is a true mix of East Village diversity in a no attit ude space where everyone is welcome. Ruby Lounge is on for Thursday – it was busy last week, the middle of three strai ght nights of hard dancing and revelry. The address is&nb sp;186 E. 2nd St., East Village : s presents… january 7th at “m” shanghai bistro subtlechaos special event : t: deadradar dead radar is a wild combo of electro-dance, industrial, and noisy rock n roll. based in brooklyn, but hailing from japan, rus sia, new orleans and chicago, this 3girl/1 boy band consists of loud, scre eching guitars, male and female vocals, synths and computer sounds, and fl oor stomping dance beats. with a hybrid of sounds like depeche mode, kmfdm the faint, the rapture and blonde redhead, dead radar is both retro and rdan/st1:country-region(chicago-nyc) comtak – subtlechaos (rus) jason – /st1:place/st1:country-region) visuals by: surge & the doktor(subt lechaos/dekompression) no cover & happy hour 2 till 4am location-m sha nghai bistro m 1718 384 9300 129 haveme yer between grand st //mshanghaiden/picgallery mshanghaiden/picgallery * anuary 12th – Wednesday – RESOLUTION nelf’s and Albert Hoffman’s birthday at Karma Sound by d! Extra hours 8pm – 5am! Both floors open and 11, respectively) y Death Metal John; from 8-10pm we will project the “Team America” film… Fuck Yeah!! am especially for this party. oofer and two Mackie 450s to the sound system just for this party! ed food. l me if you’d like to play and get your 15 Minutes of Fame. /D far: 9mm Ogg Mod (unconfirmed) lechaos) l industries) oann (Equus, Philadelphia) y 15 – Saturday – Omnitribe brings DJ Pena/Flow Recs Portugal &nb sOMNI TRIBE & nbspresents B U R N I N G S K PENA Flow Records – Portugal SERGE Z-LENIN Hypernation/ESW – NY VITALIK Omni Tribe – NY KIFE &nb s Omni Tribe – NY &n bs chillout: Farmatar Leshiy & nbs U-CTAC &n bs Earthian vi suals: YDesign.tv deco: Steve -O sound: Spectra &n bs 20 WEST 27TH ST. bet ween 6TH AV & BWAY 12TH F LOOR 10PM-7AM PARTICIPATION: $20 – web omnitribeweb omnitribe TSUYOSHI SUZUKI at CIELO! STR ONGGoa Trash with Special guest DJ Greenman from Western Massachussetts! bcadams at amherst writes: a&nb s friend, Bryan Ladd aka DJ Greenman, would be interested in coming down to play Karma sometime…he’s a skilled dj and sound technician, but doesnt get as much exposure due to his Western Mass residency….i know you like to book new DJ’s and especially those from out of town, so I told him I’d pass on ;his info to his thanx! RONGFriday, Jan 21, 2005 NYC Alladin Project Presents: PSYJOURNEY&nbs p;Featuring… ETNICA-Maurizio Etnicanet-ibiza-Italy JOTI SIDHU-Neurobiotoic Records-UK EDOARDO-Neurobiotic Records-Italy E LNADIV-Alladin Project-NYC S.H.I.K.I.D-OmniTribe-NYC Decorations b y: Severyn Barabakh (Subtlecaos NYC) & Alladin Project Cr ew (NYC) Visuals by: Skyeye Sound Species (U.N.-NYC) Tic kets: $25 until 12 AM, $30 After. 18 to enter / 21+w/ID to drink. Door Open: 10PM to 8AM Location: CLUB EXIT 147 GREENPOINT AVE BROOKLYN NY Directions : By Subway: take the L train to metrop olitan Ave & transfer to the G train to Greenpoint Ave. the Club i s right across the aps/submap web mta.nyc.ny.us/nyct/maps/submap By C ar: d. to Greenpoint Ave. Turn LEFT at Greenpoint Ave Proceed to t he corner of Manhattan Ave. by car service / taxi : from Manhattan cost $15 from Bedford Station it cost $6 Street Map: tit com web etnicanet.net web alladinproject B Rweb neurobiotic web omnitribe web s everyn “give a chance to trance NYC” N TWO !! “Potluck” DVD Release Party at Karma wit h DJs Terry Spacehopper and Omnitribe DJ s at Goa Trash at Karma. “Potluck” came out last year, i t’s the marijuana movie that bridges the Sopranos and Cheech and Chong.&nb sWe’ll probably project the DVD, and hopefully the director and actors will be on hand, as they were at last year’s party. tThe Pot Luck film’s DVD Release coming up in January!!! (See listi ngs below) Just got this from Terry Spacehopper, you may remember him as t he hippy with a can pull of joints giving them out to everybody Hey, Jeff, this is shaping up to be the best party ever. David Peel is com ing, some other movie people, High Times people, I can’t thank you enough, what a great way to end this adventure. I hope you have a safe and relativ ely sane holiday, can’t wait to see you and the gang, will definitely be t here for your b-day, what do you want? love terry ines/ganjatron (TDC) sday – Goa Trash – Pennsylvania DJs with Egbot from Philadelphia and Psych otty from PA and Mescalinium eft ‘N y – Goa Trash – Omnitribe + Guest bsp;- Reality Engine presents Merkaba ifestival.org/web omnifestival.org web greensector/web greensector Phantasm again brings 4 day festival with Talamasca, Shakta, Orion, Eskimo, Cosmosis and others/ w.psymbolic nosa.net/web Enosa.net V touchsamadhi eft Can anyone get a photo of “the Animal” who frequents German parti es, moves in to right in front of the stage and vicously defends it with tooth and nail? I’d like to add this photo to the Missing Link es/trancespotting (try saying that last sentence in the same tone and accent as a british game hunter) a rough sketch will do. if not, i may just use somthing from Lord of the Rings; however are we talking more Roast Mutton trollsor Hobbits-e ra Goblins or is this beast a bit more blooodthirsty and malevolent? -Missing Link alias Sasquatch alias Yeti – ge nerally only spotted at outdoor festivals. Easily distinguished by wild kn otted hair, prominent supra-orbital ridge usually covered by unibrow, craz ed look in eyes, bare chest, extra dirty pants (may have possibly been flu oro at one time in distant past), and well calloused hobbit feet. Is usual ly prominent on the dance floor shaking fists, stomping madly, and gruntin g, but disappears back to cave soon after festival is over. Often found in close habitation with the Israeli. Not to be confused with Freaker. (S potting. What was new for 2004? If anyone has anything to add – in terms of categories or merely more description to an existing one – s end them in, and if it’s funny and/or remotely desciptive and not too incr edibly idiosyncratic, it will appear! Animal” who frequents German parties, moves in to rightin front of the st age and vicously defends it with tooth and nail? I’d ike to ad d this photo to the Yeti ; hotos. Go NYC604, Safetydance photo sections, als keep it positive, the negative archetypes need kid gloves, we may just ha ve a big box with a question mark through it. I know where we’ll put Jacob though! D d to partying. Their own style of music, once you venture out of the native icaro genre, can be often jarringly inappropriate. recently heartened by the steadily grwoing acceptance of ayahuasca by established B razillian church beachheads in the U.S. Always perplexed by wh ether they are worthy enough to carry the mantle of shaman. ist makes a lot of money in the real world and would never EVER risk all t hat on illicit substances. The worst of the lot, they are incredible teases but a great source of in-jokes. Every half ass penny pinchin g acidhead fantasizes about becoming one but never gets beyond a Hom er Simpson understanding of chemistry. They may try to lamely grow s hrooms, but once that doesn’t work for some glaring omission in the instru ctions, they give up, paying retail for the rest of their lives. A s ubspecies of them actually go over the line and they are always in prison facing long sentences. ever without a yarmulke. Connected in some way with some crazy Chaba d somewhere, Chabads being somewhat liberal in their outlook. Dances like a fiend, and not afraid of substances. The older of the specie s troll late night afterhours parties during non-Sabbath nights and early mornings, forever seeking an escape from the bedsheet with the hole in it. Compare with Psychedelic Christian. usually someone nobody knows so no one will try to talk their way in for f ree. Ideally, it’s a well keep secret girlfriend or boyfriend who ca n be trusted not to steal money. Trained to not really look into you r pleading eyes, and they will talk AT you. See also Security Guard. spous e and children at various stages of growth.. and come to trance parties for escapes. Often very organized with nice vehicles and a immaculate organizational habits. Perfect for the trance community.& nbsCompare with Nuclear Unit. ance connections to make money in legal (or mostly legal) ways, such as se lling jewelry, moving or recruitment for pharmaceutical studies at univers ities. See also Bottom Fisher. e scene after giving everything their all. For thoase of them who bu ilt their enterprise on family money, they escape to back to law or enroll in somthing like architecture school, or whatever, will excor iate others for not”getting it” See also Jaded Trancer and Yuppie. DI to keep things lively, often at very inappropriate times, to the dismay o f the dancers. This role cannot be played for long unless the Experi mental DJ is in a position of power o
#3514 Wed, 5 Jan 2005 22:54:22 Wed, 5 Jan 2005 22:54:22 Fwd: Fundraiser for Parashakti & Fabian’s Burnt Home
#3515 Mon, 10 Jan 2005 15:03:17 Mon, 10 Jan 2005 15:03:16 Newsletter – Albert Hoffman’s Birthday, and more Trip Out New York Circ.1,297 “Freedom is the only way” – T eam America Free NYC Trance Community Weekly Newsletter Editor Machinelf Forward/reprint to spread the psytrance virus To receive, email TripOutNY-subscribe at yaho ogroups To review & di hoogroups) MORE LINKS (web tranceam.org/links ) Numbers 24, verse 16 “He hath said, which heard the words of God, and kn ew the knowledge of the most High, which saw the vision of the Almighty, falling into a trance, but having his eyes open” In this issu e George Carlin on Transhumanism at the end of this email. It’s a must- read! A sneak peek at this years’ Trance Americana to appear in the upco ming 2005 Mushroom Magazine’s Trancers Guide to the Galaxy is at the end of this email Psy-Trance Music/Scene News Ari D interviews Pena, who is playing at Omnitribe this weekend! web tranceam.org/int erview-pena (web tranceam.org/interview-pena ) and also this weekend, Tsuyoshi returned to Cielo Jan 16 March 25 – next Tsuna mi date announced My birthday party is at Karma this Wednesday, starting earlier, going later, and extra sound – and we’re projecting the movie Te am America. the puppet one made by the South Park guys. And Ruby Lounge i s going into its 3rd week this Thursday. news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/ente rtainment/4150747.stm (news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/entertainment/4150747.s tm) I know tempers often flare when this topic comes up… but whatever, nobody is advocating any point of view, just discussing…I would not e xpect a rise in CD sales at this point, with all the d/l-ing going on, bu t it’s happening nonetheless. Yet many psytrance labels tend to blame th eir financial woes on d/l-ing. Howcome? Is the general music market i tself growing so much? Or is the issue they’re having specific to the ED M small label business model… like, are they missing smthg, some new “l egal” technology or idea the big labels are jumping onto right now? I k now some labels, like Flow for example, offer their tracks for download t hru “clickatrack” or some such service straight on their web site. S ounds like a cool idea, cause you can get their out-of-print CDs or rare mi xed sets or whatever without mad searching or added shipping costs. Psychedelic d News just when you think your partying might ge t be getting a bit out of control, read this site and you’ll discover the y’re more hardcore d users/addicts out there than yourself! ww w.sixthseal/catds (web sixthseal/catds ) web sixthseal/catpharmaceuticals (web sixthse al/catpharmaceuticals ) i’ve never seen a blog with so much wri tten detail and pictures of ds! i’ve read alot of the entires on both pages- some of it is very informative, esp info about recreational use of phramies… -pat from Boston Links/Misc flying thru saturns rings with the “mic” on: web nasa.gov/missionpages/cassini/multimedia/pi 6 410 (web nasa.gov/missionpages/cassini/multimedia/pi 6410.h tml) Song worthy? eh 🙂 TRIP THE LIGHT FANTASTIK- is a strange alteratio n of lines from L’Allegro, a poem by John Milton, written in 1632: “Has te thee, Nymph, and bring with thee / Jest, and youthful Jollity,…/ Spor t that wrinkled Care derides, / And Laughter holding both his sides. / Com e, and trip it as you go, / On the light fantastick toe.” Event Calendar Outdoor festivals/d Sound System rental/logo partners in bold; same d ate parties appear in the order submitted; Psy/Goa events always come fir st. Organizers who cannot provide press passes to TripOutNY will be cha rged the amount of 2 tickets to finance our journalism. * * * Ja nuary 12th – Wednesday – Albert Hoffman & Machinelf’s birthday at Karma Extra Sound by d! Extra hours 10pm-at least 4am (Machinelf’s & Alb ert Hoffman’s Birthday is January 10 and 11, respectively) by Death Metal John; from 8-10pm we will project the “Team America” film … Fuck Yeah!! We are adding a subwoofer and two Mackie 450s to the sound system You are encouraged to bring non-dosed food. Special appearance by a friend who went to the Mayan ruins recently with Dr. Hoffman. Every DJ plays for 15 Minutes! Email me if you’d like to play and get your 15 Min utes of Fame. Two floors of DJs! Lineup, in no particular order: Stefan, Evil 9mm, Chuck A.K.A. FaceHead, Ethan Ambramson, Mark Trancellor Ogg Mod (unconfirmed), Jason Sannachan (Subtlechaos), Ben Light-o-matic, Ari D (Goahead, Ohio), Primate (Primal Industries), Vlad Kife “(PC) LIVE”, Mac hinelf, Dan De Maria Deco by Nan and Joann (Equus, Philadelphia) Goa Trash downstairs at Karma, 51 1st avenue between 3rd and 4th streets, ID21+, 10 pm-4am, free. If it’s late go down the stairs and knock. This high res -erected-by-popular-demand party promises to make any memories of Ibiza, t he Riviera, or even Thailand like so much flotsam and jetsam strung along the beaches of Goa India. Music from 10pm – 12am is generally mid- to la te-90s Goa Trance, which is really just modern progressive house beats mi xed with Ravi Shankar sounds done up at 145 BPM. After midnight DJs may mix in modern psychedelic trance. A GOA TRASH just opened recently in Sa ntiago, Chile by Angeles who did the long running Wednesdays Opium Den. A coalition of independent trance collectives are coming together to make Goa Trash version 3.0 – all old skool 90’s goa – at Karma in the East Vi llage. Make a party and they will come: the outcasts, the d addicts, freaks, dope pushers, wife beaters, torturers, trancespotters, teasers, d eviants, dust munchkins, drunks, doxies, demimondes, dipsomaniacs, tarts, DJ groupies, jailbirds, junkies, flunkies, flesh traders, flim flam men, fetishists, lowlifes, lushes, lepers, schleppers, schlemiels, snake oil salesmen, squatters, stalkers, streetwalkers, smokers, cokers, jokers, ad vertising people, 604 armchair trance heads, adulterers, deserters, ds tore cowboys, dirty old men, dharma bums, d traffickers, users, losers & abusers, lab techs, lurkers, neuromancers, number runners, ne’er do we lls, nincompoops, nymphomaniacs, ninnies, megalomaniacs, madman, mack dad dy’s, masochists, Mata Haris, “spiritual healer,” rotters, trance-gender persons, hole-divers, sneaker pimps, cunts, grannies, grampies, big momm as, big swinging dicks, jammy dodgers, wankers, lunatics, zen masters, fai ries, gnomes and other supernatural beings, shoplifters, Goa Constrictors duct tape fanatics, native gaians, citizens of Tonga (only cause I neve r get to see many of those), book characters, bridge party people, Indian mafia, cavemen, the broken hearted, Israeli promoters advertising fake p arties ostensibly thrown by rivals, gypsies. exhibitionists, fiends, flas her, felons, fascists, fences, fun guys, false prophets, Flying Winos, wo manizers, weekend warriors, weirdoes, war criminals, witches, Wolf criers console cowboys, Californicators, cretins, shady arms dealers, sugar da ddy’s, shameless self promoters, boiler room penny stock peddlers, punters pickpockets, pool sharks, plagiarists, perverts, pyromaniacs, party gir ls, party crashers, Pariahs, polluters, presdigitators, prevaricators, va mpires, Maharishis, voyeurs, vamps, vandals, vixens, viragos, villains, v illage idiots, trailer trash, tantrists, tightwads, tricksters, turncoats two timers, tomboys, trippers, strippers, tipsters, software pirates, s impletons, slobs, snobs, schemers, scofflaws, sissies, scoundrels, social climbers, Goa tourists, swindlers, swingers, sleazoids, scumbags, slaver s, slave drivers, sorcerers, speaker thieves, psychos, surreal killers, s kinheads, succubi, jackasses, jury riggers, race mixers, rebels, ragamuff ins, recidivists, roughnecks, rumourmongers, wetbacks, wizards, warlocks, sportos, motorheads, geeks, sluts, bloods, wastoids, dweebies, dick heads dissidents, deserters, highwaymen, headhunters, hijackers, harridans, h ooligans, hoods, hecklers, hackers, heros & zeroes, philanderers, forgers femme fatales, false prophets, floozies, Pharisees, faggots, thugees (I ndian cult murderers), thieves, Anjuna assholes, draft dodgers, dime stor e plastic surgeons, imposters, urchins, idiots, incubi, succubi, sadists, snake charmers, sober sadhus, satyromaniacs, sodomists, psychonauts, sla ckers, slayers, ravers. robbers, ropers, dopers, ass grabbers, assassins, 24 hour party people, goat ranchers, gangsters, getaway drivers, gambers gossips, geishas, grifters, growers, grisettes, gun runners, gluttons, Goths, sloths, skeezers, skanks, cranks, cokeheads, cop killers, crooks, q uacks, cruisers, idolaters, molesters, masturbators, mercenaries, money m en, muggers, market makers, mobsters, murderers, muscle men, mad scientis ts, mountebanks, motherfuckers, made men, meretrices, minimal progressive pimps, pornographers, parasites, party animals, punks, pennyweighters, p igs, pigeon pluckers, poachers, peddlers, pranksters, princes of darkness travel ticket con men, gigolos, hydro-courtesans, arsonists, adulterers Anti-Disestablishmentarianists, assholes, anarchists, “Antipodean inter national trance hooker trios,” hipsters, flipsters, and finger-poppin dad dies, those on the take, scams, shams, shoplifters, charlatans, charas de alers, cheaters, chippies, children of dysfunctional alcoholic abusive fam ilies, drinkers, traitors, day traders, devil worshippers, lookouts, loon ies, Prince Williams’ entourage, ambulance chasers, cattle rustlers, Klep tos, cannibals, cutpurses, cult leaders, call girls, counterfeiters, kept women, convicts, kingpins, communists, card sharks, codependants, cads, orcs, bastards, boors, backpackers, bandits, brigands, bootleggers, booze hounds, box men, bawds, burglars, bums, backstabbers, bikers, buffoons, b eggars, bumpkins, bullies, buccaneers, back alley practitioners, bottom b oys, beatniks, brothel madams, blasphemers, bookies, bombers, harlots, hi ppies, whores, whoremongers, hangers-on, hustlers, hashashim, strumpets, psychedelic terrorists, acid visionaries, Anjuna beach bums, burnouts, sl um lords, speed freaks, sun starers, rapscallions, rakes, Rainbow Gathere rs, rounders, roundheels, racketeers… and the republicans. This party is for you. Karma is a sensual, candlelit hookah lounge. The velvet decor subtle fragrance of incense and deep resonant music are a delight to th e senses. The Ambient beats played early in the evening compliment our H appy Hour (everyday 3PM-8PM), and are sure to rejuvenate the soul. For the body, we offer a light array of Indian and Cafe food that is served a ll night every night! There are private booths and comfortable couches available for some R&R. Once you’ve relaxed your mind with one of our sp ecialty cocktails, had a taste of India, and put your feet up, you mustn’ t forget that Karma is currently the number one place for a “puff of the stuff” (Hookah stuff, that is.) And YES you can smoke here even after th e city wide smoking ban since we are exempt as a Tobacco Bar from the smo king law. We have a variety of flavored tobacco that is served in beautif ul brass hookahs. If you wanna get down A6just follow the signsA6 to o ur basement, where Goa Trance is played. Karma is a true mix of East Vill age diversity in a no attitude space where everyone is welcome. Thursday Jan 13 Ruby Lounge is on for Thursday – it was busy last week, the middl e of three straight nights of hard dancing and revelry. The address is 186 E. 2nd St., East Village * * * January 15 – Saturday – Omnit ribe brings DJ Pena/Flow Recs Portugal SATURDAY, JANUARY 15TH 2005 OMNI TR IBE presents B U R N I N G S K Y PENA Flow Records – Portugal SERGE Z-LENIN Hypernation/ESW – N Y VITALIK Omni Tribe – NY KIFE Omni Tribe – NY chillout: Farmatar Leshiy U-CTAC Ear thian visuals: YDesign.tv deco: Steve-O sound: Spectra 20 WEST 27TH ST. between 6TH AV & BWAY 12TH FLOOR 10 PM-7AM PARTICIPATION: $20 Web Fl yer: web omnitribe (web omnitribe/) January 16 – Sunday – TSUNAMI Sundays, with TSUYOSHI SUZUKI at CIELO! (Martin Luther K ing Jr. Weekend) 8pm till late TSUYOSHI SUZUKI (Feedback… Tokyo / Res ident DJ Tokiodrome, Japan, tokiodrome) The international Trance Mast er in his New York Residency. YONI ( New York) KAZU (Vinyl Mark et, New York) C I E L O CIELO was names #1 venue in the US 18 Little West 12th Street (between 9th Avenue and Washington Street) DanceStar 2004 Be st Club Venue Winner :::::: Admission :::::: $15 at Door Tickets availab le at GrooveTickets Info Line: 212.439.8124 (ce) TSUNAMI EVENTS “Please joint us as our hearts, prayers and assistance go out to our brother and sisters in Asia. ” January 19 – Wednesday – Dreamcatcher DJs at Goa Trash with Special g uest DJ Greenman from Western Massachussetts! bcadams at amherst wri tes: a friend, Bryan Ladd aka DJ Greenman, would be interested in coming down to play Karma sometime…he’s a skilled dj and sound technician, b ut doesnt get as much exposure due to his Western Mass residency….i kn ow you like to book new DJ’s and especially those from out of town, so I told him I’d pass on his info to you….his email is bryanladd at yahoo.c om …. (web djgreenman….%20thanx/) thanx! Friday, Jan 21, 2005 NYC Alladin Project Presents: PSYJOURNEY Featuring… ETNICA-Mauriz io Etnicanet-ibiza-Italy JOTI SIDHU-Neurobiotoic Records-UK EDOARDO-Neur obiotic Records-Italy ELNADIV-Alladin Project-NYC S.H.I.K.I.D-OmniTribe- NYC Decorations by: Severyn Barabakh (Subtlecaos NYC) & Alladin Projec t Crew (NYC) Visuals by: Skyeye Sound Species (U.N.-NYC) Tickets: $2 5 until 12 AM, $30 After. 18 to enter / 21+w/ID to drink. Door Open: 10P M to 8AM Location: CLUB EXIT 147 GREENPOINT AVE BROOKLYN NY Directions : By Subway: take the L train to metropolitan Ave & transfer to the G tr ain to Greenpoint Ave. the Club is right across the street. Subway Map: web mta.nyc.ny.us/nyct/maps/submap (web mta.nyc.ny.u s/nyct/maps/submap ) By Car: Take BQE (I-278) to Exit 33 McQuinness Blvd. to Greenpoint Ave. Turn LEFT at Greenpoint Ave Proceed to the co rner of Manhattan Ave. by car service / taxi : from Manhattan cost $15 from Bedford Station it cost $6 Street Map: 218 (ht on at yahoo) web etnicanet.net web alladinproject web neurobiotic web omnitribe web severyn.c om “give a chance to trance NYC” January 26 – Wednesday – GANJATRON TW O!! “Potluck” DVD Release Party at Karma with DJs Terry Spacehopper and Omnitribe DJs at Goa Trash at Karma. “Potluck” came out last year, it ‘s the marijuana movie that bridges the Sopranos and Cheech and Chong. W e’ll probably project the DVD, and hopefully the director and actors will be on hand, as they were at last year’s party. The Pot Luck film’s DVD Re lease coming up in January!!! (See listings below) Just got this from Te rry Spacehopper, you may remember him as the hippy with a can pull of joi nts giving them out to everybody Hey, Jeff, this is shaping up to be th e best party ever. David Peel is coming, some other movie people, High Ti mes people, I can’t thank you enough, what a great way to end this advent ure. I hope you have a safe and relatively sane holiday, can’t wait to se e you and the gang, will definitely be there for your b-day, what do you want? love terry Here’s last year’s event /ganjatron. html (web tranceam.org/ganjatron ) Feb 2 – Wednesday – Goa Trash – Lauryn (Boston) & Mad Orange (TDC); DJ Spirit opens Feb 9 – Wednesday – Goa Trash – Pennsylvania DJs with Egbot from Philadelphia and Psychotty from PA and Mescalinium plus Analog from Bethlehem PA (Likes: walks on the beach, full on face melting basslines by the fire; Dislikes : women with fleas) Feb 16 – Wednesday – Goa Trash – Dreamcatcher Feb 18 – Reality Engine presents N’Light’N Feb 23 – Wednesday – Goa Trash – Omnitribe March 3 – Wednesday – Goa Trash – Jason Sannachan (Subtlechaos ) Jason will be playing all new unreleased full on Psy and Progressive s traight off the press and throwing in some rare whites just because he can . plus – Ari D (Goahead, Ohio) March 19 – Reality Engine presents Merkaba March 25 – Tsunami May 21 North Carolina – Goa Gil – touchsama dhi (touchsamadhi) Early June – Upstate NY – web omni festival.org (web omnifestival.org/) Late June – West Virginia – web gaian-mind (web gaian-mind/) July 4th weekend – Los Angeles – web greensector (web greensector/) Phantas m again brings 4 day festival with Talamasca, Shakta, Orion, Eskimo, Cosm osis and others July 16 – Midwest – web psymbolic (web psym bolic/) July – Oregon web Enosa.net (web enosa.net/) Sept 23-25 North Carolina – Powwow festival – touchsamadhi (touchsamadhi/) Goa Gil in Oregon New Trancespotting Archety pes Can anyone get a photo of “the Animal” who frequents German parties, moves in to right in front of the stage and vicously defends it with too th and nail? I’d like to add this photo to the Missing Link archetype on /trancespotting (.co m/trancespotting ) (try saying that last sentence in the same tone a nd accent as a british game hunter) a rough sketch will do. if not, i may just use somthing from Lord of the Rings; however are we talking mor e Roast Mutton trollsor Hobbits-era Goblins or is this beast a bit more b looodthirsty and malevolent? -Missing Link alias Sasquatch alias Yeti – g enerally only spotted at outdoor festivals. Easily distinguished by wild knotted hair, prominent supra-orbital ridge usually covered by unibrow, c razed look in eyes, bare chest, extra dirty pants (may have possibly been fluoro at one time in distant past), and well calloused hobbit feet. Is usually prominent on the dance floor shaking fists, stomping madly, and g runting, but disappears back to cave soon after festival is over. Often f ound in close habitation with the Israeli. Not to be confused with Freake r. (Submitted by jessw at mindspring Time to add more archetypes to Trancespotting. What was new for 2004? I f anyone has anything to add – in terms of categories or merely more desc ription to an existing one – send them in, and if it’s funny and/or remot ely desciptive and not too incredibly idiosyncratic, it will appear! Ca n anyone get a photo of “the Animal” who frequents German parties, moves in to rightin front of the stage and vicously defends it with tooth and n ail? I’d ike to add this photo to the Yeti Also, I think it’s time to start assigned photos. Go though all the headshots you have, on web bra inmachines/nytrance (web tranceam.org/nytrance ) Safetydance photo sections, also hipchix (.c om/hipchix/backinbiz (web tranceam.org/hipchix/backinbiz ) ) and everywhere else you can imagine. try to keep it positive, the negative archetypes need kid gloves, we may just have a big box with a question mark through it. I know where we’ll put Jacob though! The Ay ahuasquero thinks the trance people are addicted to partying. Their own style of music, once you venture out of the native icaro genre, can be of ten jarringly inappropriate. recently heartened by the steadily grwoing acceptance of ayahuasca by established Brazillian church beachheads in the U.S. Always perplexed by whether they are worthy enough to carry the m antle of shaman. The Chemist makes a lot of money in the real world and would never EVER risk all that on illicit substances. The worst of the lot, they are incredible teases but a great source of in-jokes. Every hal f ass penny pinching acidhead fantasizes about becoming one but never ge ts beyond a Homer Simpson understanding of chemistry. They may try to la mely grow shrooms, but once that doesn’t work for some glaring omission i n the instructions, they give up, paying retail for the rest of their liv es. A subspecies of them actually go over the line and they are always i n prison facing long sentences. The Crazy Jew – Sometimes a Rabbi, but never without a yarmulke. Connected in some way with some crazy Chabad somewhere, Chabads being somewhat liberal in their outlook. Dances like a fiend, and not afraid of substances. The older of the species troll la te night afterhours parties during non-Sabbath nights and early mornings, forever seeking an escape from the bedsheet with the hole in it. Compar e with Psychedelic Christian. The Door Person is usually someone nobody knows so no one will try to talk their way in for free. Ideally, it’s a well keep secret girlfriend or boyfriend who can be trusted not to steal money. Trained to not really look into your pleading eyes, and they wil l talk AT you. See also Security Guard. The Family People have entire families on the side with spouse and children at various stages of growth .. and come to trance parties for escapes. Often very organized with n ice vehicles and aimmaculate organizational habits. Perfect for the trancommunity. Compare with Nuclear Unit. The Entrepreneur uses their t rance connections to make money in legal (or mostly legal) ways, such as selling jewelry, moving or recruitment for pharmaceutical studies at univ ersities. See also Bottom Fisher. The Ex-Organizer leave the scene af ter giving everything their all. For thoase of them who built their ente rprise on family money, they escape to back to law or enroll in somthin g like architecture school, or whatever, will excoriate others for not”ge tting it” See also Jaded Trancer and Yuppie. The Experimental DJ will play out of genre tracks just to keep things lively, often at very inappr opriate times, to the dismay of the dancers. This role cannot be played for long unless the Experimental DJ is in a position of power or influenc e, otherwise they are bounced out the door, never to return. The secret ally of the Live Set Critic. The Jaded Trancer stops going to trance pa rties (to the joy of some), complains about the Good Old Days, and goes i nto other Eastern fads such as yoga or bead counting. Shantier than thou . Will spew vitriol at every opportunity. See also Lurker, New Ager, Ar mchair Trancehead and Old Timer and the American. The neo-Luddite Medi evals ride horses and live a low tech lifestyle. The battle axe wielding Euro variety travels from festival to festival in caravans w ith horse tr ailers living a sort of neo gypsy traveller existence. The closest Americ an relative to this genus isn’t generally in tune with trance but creates an intricate hierarchy a la the Society for Creative Anachronism. The P sychedelic Christian clings to their beliefs that were sandblasted into t heir consciousness by age of the eight, and has spent the rest of their l ives trying to integrate psychedelics into the concept of being born again . A true loner with toes in two worlds but hearts in none. May be an A lex Grey follower. The Shitlister is prone to hit people, steal, throw f ood, start arguments, stalk pretty girls (whether they are male or female ), push their way onto the decks, try to hijack a party with out of contr ol wailing behaviour and generally physically disturbing everyone within reach. High minded organizers often let them in to their events, saying things like, at their events, “Everyone is welcome” and “Our vibe is posi tive”… until the paint, fists, and chaos starts flying. Then the organ izers blame the person who originally assigned the Shitlister archetype f or starting them on their path. See also Freaker, ODer. The Troll is tic king time bomb… very large and ungainly, the Troll will steal purses an d such until caught, which is fairly easy given their Boethean proportion s. When this happens they get all evasive but will continue to try to sh ow up at events. When called out they go ballistic and it takes 4 humans to ward them off. Hates to be called by their real names. ADD TO d Nerd – “Mortal enemy of the Straightedge.” ADD TO Raver – If they hang aro und trancers long enough they start to shed their candy and glowsticks fo r fluoro and dreads. And keep the piercing. George Carlin on Transhum anism The following is a transcript of comedian George Carlin’s rant that he performed on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno on 11/15. It is impressiv e to read, and I wish I could post the video. Keep in mind, Carlin read t his at an almost breakneck pace. “I’m a modern man, a man for the millen nium. Digital and smoke free. A diversified multi-cultural, post-modern d econstruction that is anatomically and ecologically incorrect. I’ve been up linked and downloaded, I’ve been inputted and outsourced, I know the u pside of downsizing, I know the downside of upgrading. I’m a high-tech low -life. A cutting edge, state-of-the-art bi-coastal multi-tasker and I can give you a gigabyte in a nanosecond! I’m new wave, but I’m old school a nd my inner child is outward bound. I’m a hot-wired, heat seeking, warm-h earted cool customer, voice activated and bio-degradable. I interface with my database, my database is in cyberspace, so I’m interactive, I’m hyper active and from time to time I’m radioactive. Behind the eight ball, ahe ad of the curve, ridin the wave, dodgin the bullet and pushin the envelop e. I’m on-point, on-task, on-message and off ds. I’ve got no need for coke and speed. I’ve got no urge to binge and purge. I’m in-the-moment, o n-the-edge, over-the-top and under-the-radar. A high-concept, low-profile, medium-range ballistic missionary. A street-wise smart bomb. A top-gun bo ttom feeder. I wear power ties, I tell power lies, I take power naps and run victory laps. I’m a totally ongoing big-foot, slam-dunk, rainmaker with a pro-active outreach. A raging workaholic. A working rageaholic. O ut of rehab and in denial! I’ve got a personal trainer, a personal shopp er, a personal assistant and a personal agenda. You can’t shut me up. You can’t dumb me down because I’m tireless and I’m wireless, I’m an alpha m ale on beta-blockers. I’m a non-believer and an over-achiever, laid-back but fashion-forward. Up-front, down-home, low-rent, high-maintenance. Sup er-sized, long-lasting, high-definition, fast-acting, oven-ready and buil t-to-last! I’m a hands-on, foot-loose, knee-jerk head case pretty maturel y post-traumatic and I’ve got a love-child that sends me hate mail. But, I’m feeling, I’m caring, I’m healing, I’m sharing a supportive, bondin g, nurturing primary care-giver. My output is down, but my income is up. I took a short position on the long bond and my revenue stream has its own cash-flow. I read junk mail, I eat junk food, I buy junk bonds and I wat ch trash sports! I’m gender specific, capital intensive, user-friendly an d lactose intolerant. I like rough sex. I like tough love. I use the “F” word in my emails and the software on my hard-drive is hardcoreno soft porn. I bought a microwave at a mini-mall; I bought a mini-van at a mega- store. I eat fast-food in the slow lane. I’m toll-free, bite-sized, ready -to-wear and I come in all sizes. A fully-equipped, factory-authorized, h ospital-tested, clinically-proven, scientifically- formulated medical mir acle. I’ve been pre-wash, pre-cooked, pre-heated, pre-screened, pre-appro ved, pre-packaged, post-dated, freeze-dried, double-wrapped, vacuum-packe d and, I have an unlimited broadband capacity. I’m a rude dude, but I’m t he real deal. Lean and mean! Cocked, locked and ready-to-rock. Rough, tou gh and hard to bluff. I take it slow, I go with the flow, I ride with the tide. I’ve got glide in my stride. Drivin and movin, sailin and spinin, jiving and groovin, wailin and winnin. I don’t snooze, so I don’t lose. I keep the pedal to the metal and the rubber on the road. I party hearty a nd lunch time is crunch time. I’m hangin in, there ain’t no doubt and I’m hangin tough, over and out!” Trance Americana by Machin elf at brainmachines reporting from New York and Aaron Ocelot at Enabled.c om reporting from with help from countless others The hea lth of a trance scene can be gauged by several interdependent barometers. .. number of producers and visual artists, quality and quantity of events … and the availability of psychedelic ds. If one were to take the be st of America from its various pockets of trance and put it all in one ar ea, you’d have one slammin’ scene. But you can’t. It’s too spread out. It’s a Herculean or even Sisyphusean task to rein it all in, to condense the energy into one vital scene. Some have tried to do it in the U.S. a nd have burned out. Other diehards remain. These diehards say, “To he ll with the overseas snobs who sniff, “Why Bother?”‘ It’s STILL more sex y to have sex in the cracks of a fascist state. America invented skatebo ards, rock and roll, surfing, and hippy culture… Americans offer smalle r, intimate, and more underground gatherings. The scenes are as varied as the landscape, but trance has infiltrated even to Iowa in the prairie. Though never profitable, trance formers are collaborating like never be fore and keeping the faith. While other genres have fallen by the ways ide, psy/goa has persevered through l droughts, an Internet economy bus t, restrictions on immigration, and a generally apathetic population. On the entheogen front, religious use of d-laden ayahuasca is still march ing along fresh from a string of court victories, and the U.S. governmen t has begun the first testing of psychedelic ds in 40 years on post tr aumatic stress disorder and terminally ill patients. Plus, the medical us e of marijuana is starting to be recognized by the states, so the future o f psychedelics in the U.S. is assured. Although 9/11 slowed the influx o f international travellers, New York is still the largest and most dive rse community in the US – and 2004 was inarguably the best in years. Tsu nami, which pioneered psy/goa massives in North America in ’96 with the s eminal Return to the Source at the Liberty Science Center in New Jerse y, flies in Tsuyoshi every month and brings top acts to the old Twilo/Sou nd Factory space Spirit, the top floor of which is Alex Grey’s Chapel of the Sacred Mirrors (COSM). Liran shed Hommega’s name and still brings major acts to large clubs. The Russians bring both full on and progress ive with TDC in their amazing new and completely underground warehouse on the Brooklyn waterfront and OmniTribe’s OmniFest in upstate New York. All adin Project keeps the revolving door swinging with conoisseur events, pi cking up where Ecliptic Trance left off. Reality Engine has shifted out o f neutral, and long-running Goa Trash and a revived Psychegrounds are NYC ‘s free weeklies. After years of hibernation the community Devotional M inistry of Trance (d) brought the most fertile and vibrant open air sea son ever held in Manhattan, enacting Paleolithic rituals and bringing cre ws from all over the country to play at free gatherings for casts of hund reds under a bridge in the Dominican ghetto. Subtlechaos doses the Medi cal Marijuana Party with High Times in downtown Manhattan every May. Fina lly, Adam, Ian and Jowe and PSI have continued to do gatherings under the stars in the Pine Barrens. Daya (Indonesia), Severin (Ukraine), Equus a nd Nan Hutchinson are New York’s most prominent visual artists. Elsewh ere in the east coast, Touch Samadhi in Asheville, North Carolina has bee n the dominant force for psyculture in the Southeast since 1998. DJs Kri and Blue Spectral Monkey lead the team, and with visual artist the Devote e. Since 2000, working with other east coast psy-crews, they conjure Maa taa Mandaara at a Hare Krishna compound in West Virginia. After an epic Neptunalian summer festival in ’04, in ’05 they have Goa Gil and Autumn E quinox on private mountain land. Philadelphia has a small but steady scen e with Gaian Mind in the mountains at a place where locals are building a stonehenge the old, hard way. Boston’s sounds lean towards progressive and early nights, with Sonic Beating continuing its assault and Psyforia going into its third year. And Baltimore has Konvocation. On the West Coast, after a slowdown in Northern California in 2004 as various organiz ers retired, 2005 is looking up for psy/goa. The majority of American pro ducers call NoCal their home; even Penta’s dad lives in San Jose. SF’s weekly is Synchronize. Thump Radio does a monthly the 3rd friday of each month. Typically, the summer outdoor party season kicks off with a Goa Gil party in May, and ends with his birthday party in October, with all of t he other parties in between. Tantra continues to throw larger events on holidays and special occasions. Local producers include Nommos (Ariane a nd Goa Gil) oCeLoT, Kode IV, Chromatone, Ghreg on Earth, FractalCowboys ( Quasar and Dylalien), Mubali, Random, Amanda, Yohimbe and Deeper in Zen. Local artists include Garrett of Dreamtime, and Dr. Spook. San Francisc o is home to labels Dropout, Ceiba, Mistress of Evil, Vaporvent, and Soul ar Records. Ceiba Records on Haight Street is the only psy/goa record sh op in the U.S. In Los Angeles’ vital scene, Green Sector, Psy-tribe and Moontribe are the dominant forces, and Heavy Rotation is LA’s weekly. Ka gdila Records is based in LA., as is famed producer Quadra. Phantasm’s N ew Years party with Green Sector was the largest event of the year. In t he Pacific Northwest, producer Jirah is based in Seattle, and Apollo’s Lu te produces the Enosa festival in Oregon every summer. And of course t he biggest U.S. open air multigenre mindfuck megafestival of the year Bur ning Man continues to incinerate in Nevada. Its tentacles reach into al most every nook and cranny the US, although as it’s grown, psy/goa has los t its dominance. Texas has more people than any other state except Calif ornia, and the most land, but has a very low goa head ratio. Still it’s s howing signs of life with Mistical Productions bringing vital acts such a s Neuromotor. Burning Flipside, focuses on psy/goa with many various la rge-scale Burning Man style theme camps. The top Texas live acts are Init ialization String and Gift Culture. Most Texan events are indoors. The Midwest is starting to flower with groups with small multi-state festiva ls such as Aestival and the open community Chilluminati, a collaboration between Touch Samadhi, Audiognomes and Psymbolic Visual Communications, whi ch recently moved from Texas. Ohio’s Goahead brings the Butterfly Dance Ritual. In Iowa of all places Consciousness Collective delivers MAGE, Mid west Annual Goa Experience. Even Kansas City has Wilderness Technologi es. Filling in the gaps, Infected Mushroom debuted in Miami, DC. Seattle, and Chicago. In 2005 expect more activity as the infrastructure streng thens, the economy continues to improve, and communication, collaboration and cooperation between communities propels psychedelic trance to new heights. NT ay” – Team America 1Free NYC Trance Community Weekly Newsletter sprea d the psytrance virus 16 “He hath said, which heard the words of God, and knew the knowled ge of the most High, which saw the vision of the Almighty, falling into a trance, but having his eyes open” email. It’ s a must-read! mericana to appear in the upcoming 2005 Mushroom Magazine’s Trancers G uide to the T News ///interview-pena and also this weekend, Tsuyoshi returned to Cielo Jan 16 March 25 – next Tsuna mi date announced My birthday party is at Karm a this Wednesday, starting earlier, going later, and extra sound – an d we’re projecting the movie Team America. the puppet one made by the Sout h Park guys. And Ruby Lounge is going into its 3rd week this Thu rsday. /entertainment/4150747.stmnews.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/entertainment/415074 7.stm I know tempers often flare when this topic comes up… but w hatever, nobody is advocating any point of view, just discussing…I would not expect a rise in CD sales at this point, with all the d/l-ing g oing on, but it’s happening nonetheless. Yet many psytrance labels t end to blame their financial woes on d/l-ing. Howcome? I s the general music market itself growing so much? Or is the issue t hey’re having specific to the EDM small label business model… like, are they missing smthg, some new “legal” technology or idea the big labels are jumping onto right now? I know some labels, like Flow for e xample, offer their tracks for download thru “clickatrack” or some suc h service straight on their web site. Sounds like a cool idea, cause you can get their out-of-print CDs or rare mixed sets or whatever without mad searching or added shipping costs. just when you think your partying might get be getting a bit o ut of control, read this site and you’ll discover they’re more hardcore dr ug seal/catds web sixthseal/catds ixthseal/catpharmaceuticals i’ve never seen a blog with s o much written detail and pictures of ds! i’ve read alot of the e ntires on both pages- some of it is very informative, esp info about recre ational use of phramies… -pat from Boston nasa.gov/missionpages/cassini/multimedia/pi 6410 web nasa.go v/missionpages/cassini/multimedia/pi 6410 Song worthy? eh 🙂 TRIP THE LIGHT FANTASTIK- is a strange alteration of lines from L’Allegro, a poem by John Milton, written in 1632: “Haste thee, Nymph, and bring with thee / Jest, and youthful Jollity,.. ./ Sport that wrinkled Care derides, / And Laughter holding both his si des. / Come, and trip it as you go, / On the light fantastick toe.”/DI V RONGOutdoor festivals/d Sound System rental/logo partners in STRON Gboldsame date parties appear in the order submitted; Psy/Goa events always come first. Organizers who cannot provide press passes to TripOutNY will be charged the amount of 2 tickets to finance our journalism. nuary 12th – Wednesday – Albert Hoffman & Machinelf’s birthday at Karm a eftExtra Sound by d! Extra hours 10pm-at least 4am and 11, respectively) y Death Metal John; from 8-10pm we will project the “Team America” film… Fuck Yeah!! ie 450s to the sound system bring non-dosed food. nd who went to the Mayan ruins recently with Dr. Hoffman. pla y and get your 15 Minutes of Fame. floors of DJs! an, Evil 9mm, Chuck A.K.A. FaceHead, Ethan Ambramson, Mark Trancellor Ogg Mod (unconfirmed), Jason Sannachan (Subtlechaos), Ben Light-o-matic, Ari D (Goahead, Ohio), Primate (Primal Industries ), Vlad Kife “(PC) LIVE”, a Trash downstairs at Karma, 51 1st avenue between 3rd and 4th streets, ID 21+, 10pm-4am, free. If it’s late go down the stairs and knock. This high res-erected-by-popular-demand party promises to make any memories of Ibiza, the Riviera, or even Thailand like so much flotsam and jetsam strung along the beaches of Goa India. Music from 10pm – 12am is generally mid- to late-90s Goa Trance, which is really just modern pro gressive house beats mixed with Ravi Shankar sounds done up at 145 BPM.&nb sAfter midnight DJs may mix in modern psychedelic trance. A GOA T RASH just opened recently in Santiago, Chile by Angeles who did the long r unning Wednesdays Opium Den. A coalition of independent trance colle ctives are coming together to make Goa Trash version 3.0 – all old skool 9 0’s goa – at Karma in the East Village. Make a party and they will c ome: the outcasts, the d addicts, freaks, dope pushers, wife beaters, t orturers, trancespotters, teasers, deviants, dust munchkins, drunks, doxie s, demimondes, dipsomaniacs, tarts, DJ groupies, jailbirds, junkies, flunk ies, flesh traders, flim flam men, fetishists, lowlifes, lushes, lepers, s chleppers, schlemiels, snake oil salesmen, squatters, stalkers, streetwalke rs, smokers, cokers, jokers, advertising people, 604 armchair trance heads adulterers, deserters, dstore cowboys, dirty old men, dharma bums, dr ug traffickers, users, losers & abusers, lab techs, lurkers, neuromanc ers, number runners, ne’er do wells, nincompoops, nymphomaniacs, ninnies, megalomaniacs, madman, mack daddy’s, masochists, Mata Haris, “spirit ual healer,” rotters, trance-gender persons, hole-divers, sneaker pimps, c unts, grannies, grampies, big mommas, big swinging dicks, jammy dodgers, w ankers, lunatics, zen masters, fairies, gnomes and other supernatural bein gs, shoplifters, Goa Constrictors, duct tape fanatics, native gaians, citi zens of Tonga (only cause I never get to see many of those), book characte rs, bridge party people, Indian mafia, cavemen, the broken hearted, Israel i promoters advertising fake parties ostensibly thrown by rivals, gypsies. exhibitionists, fiends, flasher, felons, fascists, fences, fun guys, fals e prophets, Flying Winos, womanizers, weekend warriors, weirdoes, war crim inals, witches, Wolf criers, console cowboys, Californicators, cretins, sh ady arms dealers, sugar daddy’s, shameless self promoters, boiler room pen ny stock peddlers, punters, pickpockets, pool sharks, plagiarists, pervert s, pyromaniacs, party girls, party crashers, Pariahs, polluters, presdigit ators, prevaricators, vampires, Maharishis, voyeurs, vamps, vandals, vixen s, viragos, villains, village idiots, trailer trash, tantrists, tightwads, tricksters, turncoats, two timers, tomboys, trippers, strippers, tipsters software pirates, simpletons, slobs, snobs, schemers, scofflaws, sissies scoundrels, social climbers, Goa tourists, swindlers, swingers, sleazoid s, scumbags, slavers, slave drivers, sorcerers, speaker thieves, psychos, surreal killers, skinheads, succubi, jackasses, jury riggers, race mixers, rebels, ragamuffins, recidivists, roughnecks, rumourmongers, wetbacks, wi zards, warlocks, sportos, motorheads, geeks, sluts, bloods, wastoids, dwee bies, dick heads, dissidents, deserters, highwaymen, headhunters, hijacker s, harridans, hooligans, hoods, hecklers, hackers, heros & zeroes, phi landerers, forgers, femme fatales, false prophets, floozies, Pharisees, fa ggots, thugees (Indian cult murderers), thieves, Anjuna assholes, draft do dgers, dime store plastic surgeons, imposters, urchins, idiots, incubi, su ccubi, sadists, snake charmers, sober sadhus, satyromaniacs, sodomists, ps ychonauts, slackers, slayers, ravers. robbers, ropers, dopers, ass grabbers assassins, 24 hour party people, goat ranchers, gangsters, getaway drive rs, gambers, gossips, geishas, grifters, growers, grisettes, gun runners, gluttons, Goths, sloths, skeezers, skanks, cranks, cokeheads, cop killers, crooks, quacks, cruisers, idolaters, molesters, masturbators, mercenaries money men, muggers, market makers, mobsters, murderers, muscle men, mad scientists, mountebanks, motherfuckers, made men, meretrices, minimal prog ressive pimps, pornographers, parasites, party animals, punks, pennyweight ers, pigs, pigeon pluckers, poachers, peddlers, pranksters, princes of dar kness, travel ticket con men, gigolos, hydro-courtesans, arsonists, adulte rers, Anti-Disestablishmentarianists, assholes, anarchists, “Antipodean in ternational trance hooker trios,” hipsters, flipsters, and finger-poppin d addies, those on the take, scams, shams, shoplifters, charlatans, charas d ealers, cheaters, chippies, children of dysfunctional alcoholic abusive fa milies, drinkers, traitors, day traders, devil worshippers, lookouts, loon ies, Prince Williams’ entourage, ambulance chasers, cattle rustlers, Klept os, cannibals, cutpurses, cult leaders, call girls, counterfeiters, kept w omen, convicts, kingpins, communists, card sharks, codependants, cads, orc s, bastards, boors, backpackers, bandits, brigands, bootleggers, boozehoun ds, box men, bawds, burglars, bums, backstabbers, bikers, buffoons, beggar s, bumpkins, bullies, buccaneers, back alley practitioners, bottom boys, b eatniks, brothel madams, blasphemers, bookies, bombers, harlots, hippies, whores, whoremongers, hangers-on, hustlers, hashashim, strumpets, psychede lic terrorists, acid visionaries, Anjuna beach bums, burnouts, slum lords, speed freaks, sun starers, rapscallions, rakes, Rainbow Gatherers, rounde rs, roundheels, racketeers… and the republicans. This party is for you. Karma is a sensual, candlelit hookah lounge. The velvet dec or, subtle fragrance of incense and deep resonant music are a delight to t he senses. The Ambient beats played early in the evening compliment our Happy Hour (everyday 3PM-8PM), and are sure to rejuvenate the soul.&nb sFor the body, we offer a light array of Indian and Cafe food tha t is served all night every night! There are private booths an d comfortable couches available for some R&R. Once you’ve relaxe d your mind with one of our specialty cocktails, had a taste of India, and put your feet up, you mustn’t forget that Karma is currently the number o ne place for a “puff of the stuff” (Hookah stuff, that is.) And YES you can smoke here even after the city wide smoking ban since we are exempt as a Tobacco Bar from the smoking law. We have a variety of flavored toba cco that is served in beautiful brass hookahs. If you wanna get down A6just follow the signsA6 to our basement, where Goa Trance is played. Karma is a true mix of East Village diversity in a no attitude space where everyone is welcome. ftThursday Jan 13 Ruby Lounge is on for Thur sday – it was busy last week, the middle of three straight nights of hard dancing and revelry. The address is 186 E. 2nd St., East Village – Omnitribe brings DJ Pena/Flow Recs Portugal URDAY, JANUARY 15TH 2005 OMNI TRIBE presents BR B U R N I N G S K Y &n nbs Flow Records – Portugal SERGE Z-LENIN Hypernation/ESW – NY VITALIK & nbs Omni Tribe – NY KIFE &nbs Omni Tribe – NY &nbs ; chillout: Farmatar & nbs Leshiy &n bs U-CTAC &nb s Earthian visuals: YDesign. tv deco: Steve-O &n bs sound: Spectra &nbs ; 20 WEST 27TH ST. between 6TH AV &am BWAY 12TH FLOOR 10PM-7AM PARTICIPATION: TSUNAMI Sundays, with TSUYOSHI SUZUKI at CIELO! artin Luther King Jr. Weekend) 8pm till late TSUYOSHI SUZUKI&nbs (Feedback… Tokyo / Resident DJ Tokiodrome, Japan, tokiodrome) The international Trance Master in his New York Residency. YONI ( New York) KAZU (Vinyl Market, New York) C I E L O CIELO was names
#3516 Mon, 10 Jan 2005 15:17:43 Mon, 10 Jan 2005 15:17:43 If you didn’t just get it, this week’s newsletter is now online /message/3515 (/message/3515) you can always go to Yahoo Groups to get your trance information, if you dont want to get this in email form, just change your settings.
#3517 Thu, 13 Jan 2005 17:51:40 Thu, 13 Jan 2005 17:51:40 Consensus is, most definitely no Ruby Lounge tonight No word from the organizers, no emails or anything, so the general assumption on NYC604 is that it’s a no-go Thursday Jan 13 Ruby Lounge is on for Thursday – it was busy last week, the middle of three straight nights of hard dancing and revelry. The address is 186 E. 2nd St., East Village * * * tNo word from the organizers, no emails or anything, so the general assum ption on NYC604 is that it’s a no-go Ruby Lou nge is on for Thursday – it was busy last week, the middle of three s traight nights of hard dancing and revelry. The address i s 186 E. 2nd St., East Village
#3518 Sat, 15 Jan 2005 18:58:49 Sat, 15 Jan 2005 18:58:49 Fwd: [NYC604] UPOmni Tribe new venue tonight!
#3519 Tue, 18 Jan 2005 12:32:20 Tue, 18 Jan 2005 12:32:19 Newsletter Trip Out New York Circ.1,297 “Freedom is the only wa y” – Team America Free NYC Trance Community Weekly Newsletter Editor Mac Forward/re print to spread the psytrance virus To receive, email TripOutNY-subscrib e To revie ibe) MORE LINKS (web tranceam.org/links.ht ml) Numbers 24, verse 16 “He hath said, which heard the words of God, and knew the knowledge of the most High, which saw the vision of the Almi ghty, falling into a trance, but having his eyes open” In this issue A sneak peek at this years’ Trance Americana to appear in the up coming 2005 Mushroom Magazine’s Trancers Guide to the Galaxy is at the e nd of this email Psy-Trance Music/Scene News Great Omni party la st weekend – and at least 40 heads took over Yaffa Cafe afterwards and pu t on trance music on the CDs… Thursday at Ruby Lounge is no more – the ow ners were real assholes More Alladin Project dates Next week: “Po tluck” DVD release party at Karma with High Times magazine, the director and actors from the film plus DVD and magazine giveaways Omnitribe DJs Psychedelic d News The cover story in this week’s Village V oice is about the new progress in Psychedelic research: villagevoi ce/arts/0502,dayal,59938,12 (villagevoice/arts/0502,d ayal,59938,12 ) and has a related article on addiction studies: web villagevoice/arts/0502,tuhus-dubrow,59940,12 (web .villagevoice/arts/0502,tuhus-dubrow,59940,12 ) Links/Misc Yo u will enjoyE280A6 web planetdan.net/junk/blessitt/index ( web planetdan.net/junk/blessitt/index ) from our Nasa fr iend: The real trance party this weekend… web nasa.gov/mission pages/cassini/whycassini/30dectitan (web nasa.gov/missionpa ges/cassini/whycassini/30dectitan ) Potential for the last visually mind-blowing, mystery-unveiling planetary mission in our life-time. (Fo rget Europa funding, btw) They should have hooked on some speakers and bl asted some Phreaky during the descent.. repruzent. Event Calendar Outdo or festivals/d Sound System rental/logo partners in bold; same date par ties appear in the order submitted; Psy/Goa events always come first. O rganizers who cannot provide press passes to TripOutNY will be charged the amount of 2 tickets to finance our journalism. * * * January 19 th – Wednesday – This Week – ATLANTIS in AMERICA the party at Karma http ://web atlantisinamerica/ (web atlantisinamerica/) Goa T rash with Dreamcatcher’s Influx, Juggernaut, Brandon Adams with Special guest DJ Greenman from Western Massachussetts! bcadams at amherst wri tes: a friend, Bryan Ladd aka DJ Greenman, would be interested in coming down to play Karma sometime…he’s a skilled dj and sound technician, b ut doesnt get as much exposure due to his Western Mass residency….i kn ow you like to book new DJ’s and especially those from out of town, so I told him I’d pass on his info to you….his email is bryanladd at yahoo.c om …. (web djgreenman….%20thanx/) thanx! Tonight arti st Nan Hutchinson fleshes out George Erikson and Ivar Zapp’s new book Atl antis In America web atlantisinamerica/ (web atlantis inamerica/) Next week: “Potluck” DVD release party with High Times magazine, the director and actors from the film plus DVD and magazine giv eaways Omnitribe DJs Goa Trash downstairs at Karma, 51 1st avenue between 3rd and 4th streets, ID21+, 10pm-4am, free. If it’s late go down the sta irs and knock. This high res-erected-by-popular-demand party promises to make any memories of Ibiza, the Riviera, or even Thailand like so much f lotsam and jetsam strung along the beaches of Goa India. Music from 10pm – 12am is generally mid- to late-90s Goa Trance, which is really just mo dern progressive house beats mixed with Ravi Shankar sounds done up at 145 BPM. After midnight DJs may mix in modern psychedelic trance. A GOA T RASH just opened recently in Santiago, Chile by Angeles who did the long running Wednesdays Opium Den. A coalition of independent trance collecti ves are coming together to make Goa Trash version 3.0 – all old skool 90′ s goa – at Karma in the East Village. Make a party and they will come: t he outcasts, the d addicts, freaks, dope pushers, wife beaters, torture rs, trancespotters, teasers, deviants, dust munchkins, drunks, doxies, de mimondes, dipsomaniacs, tarts, DJ groupies, jailbirds, junkies, flunkies, flesh traders, flim flam men, fetishists, lowlifes, lushes, lepers, schl eppers, schlemiels, snake oil salesmen, squatters, stalkers, streetwalkers smokers, cokers, jokers, advertising people, 604 armchair trance heads, adulterers, deserters, dstore cowboys, dirty old men, dharma bums, dr ug traffickers, users, losers & abusers, lab techs, lurkers, neuromancers number runners, ne’er do wells, nincompoops, nymphomaniacs, ninnies, me galomaniacs, madman, mack daddy’s, masochists, Mata Haris, “spiritual he aler,” rotters, trance-gender persons, hole-divers, sneaker pimps, cunts, grannies, grampies, big mommas, big swinging dicks, jammy dodgers, wanke rs, lunatics, zen masters, fairies, gnomes and other supernatural beings, shoplifters, Goa Constrictors, duct tape fanatics, native gaians, citize ns of Tonga (only cause I never get to see many of those), book character s, bridge party people, Indian mafia, cavemen, the broken hearted, Israel i promoters advertising fake parties ostensibly thrown by rivals, gypsies. exhibitionists, fiends, flasher, felons, fascists, fences, fun guys, fal se prophets, Flying Winos, womanizers, weekend warriors, weirdoes, war cr iminals, witches, Wolf criers, console cowboys, Californicators, cretins, shady arms dealers, sugar daddy’s, shameless self promoters, boiler room penny stock peddlers, punters, pickpockets, pool sharks, plagiarists, pe rverts, pyromaniacs, party girls, party crashers, Pariahs, polluters, pre sdigitators, prevaricators, vampires, Maharishis, voyeurs, vamps, vandals, vixens, viragos, villains, village idiots, trailer trash, tantrists, tig htwads, tricksters, turncoats, two timers, tomboys, trippers, strippers, tipsters, software pirates, simpletons, slobs, snobs, schemers, scofflaws sissies, scoundrels, social climbers, Goa tourists, swindlers, swingers sleazoids, scumbags, slavers, slave drivers, sorcerers, speaker thieves psychos, surreal killers, skinheads, succubi, jackasses, jury riggers, race mixers, rebels, ragamuffins, recidivists, roughnecks, rumourmongers, wetbacks, wizards, warlocks, sportos, motorheads, geeks, sluts, bloods, wastoids, dweebies, dick heads, dissidents, deserters, highwaymen, headhu nters, hijackers, harridans, hooligans, hoods, hecklers, hackers, heros & zeroes, philanderers, forgers, femme fatales, false prophets, floozies, Pharisees, faggots, thugees (Indian cult murderers), thieves, Anjuna assh oles, draft dodgers, dime store plastic surgeons, imposters, urchins, idi ots, incubi, succubi, sadists, snake charmers, sober sadhus, satyromaniac s, sodomists, psychonauts, slackers, slayers, ravers. robbers, ropers, do pers, ass grabbers, assassins, 24 hour party people, goat ranchers, gangs ters, getaway drivers, gambers, gossips, geishas, grifters, growers, gris ettes, gun runners, gluttons, Goths, sloths, skeezers, skanks, cranks, co keheads, cop killers, crooks, quacks, cruisers, idolaters, molesters, mas turbators, mercenaries, money men, muggers, market makers, mobsters, murde rers, muscle men, mad scientists, mountebanks, motherfuckers, made men, m eretrices, minimal progressive pimps, pornographers, parasites, party anim als, punks, pennyweighters, pigs, pigeon pluckers, poachers, peddlers, pr anksters, princes of darkness, travel ticket con men, gigolos, hydro-cour tesans, arsonists, adulterers, Anti-Disestablishmentarianists, assholes, anarchists, “Antipodean international trance hooker trios,” hipsters, fli psters, and finger-poppin daddies, those on the take, scams, shitlisters, shams, shoplifters, charlatans, charas dealers, cheaters, chippies, chil dren of dysfunctional alcoholic abusive families, drinkers, traitors, day traders, devil worshippers, lookouts, loonies, Prince Williams’ entourag e, ambulance chasers, cattle rustlers, Kleptos, cannibals, cutpurses, cul t leaders, call girls, counterfeiters, kept women, convicts, kingpins, co mmunists, card sharks, codependants, cads, orcs, bastards, boors, backpac kers, bandits, brigands, bootleggers, boozehounds, box men, bawds, burgla rs, bums, backstabbers, bikers, buffoons, beggars, bumpkins, bullies, buc caneers, back alley practitioners, bottom boys, beatniks, brothel madams, blasphemers, bookies, bombers, harlots, hippies, whores, whoremongers, h angers-on, hustlers, hashashim, strumpets, psychedelic terrorists, acid v isionaries, Anjuna beach bums, burnouts, slum lords, speed freaks, sun st arers, rapscallions, rakes, Rainbow Gatherers, rounders, roundheels, rack eteers… and the republicans. This party is for you. Karma is a sensual, candlelit hookah lounge. The velvet decor, subtle fragrance of incense and deep resonant music are a delight to the senses. The Ambient beats p layed early in the evening compliment our Happy Hour (everyday 3PM-8PM), and are sure to rejuvenate the soul. For the body, we offer a light arr ay of Indian and Cafe food that is served all night every night! There are private booths and comfortable couches available for some R&R. Once you’ve relaxed your mind with one of our specialty cocktails, had a taste of India, and put your feet up, you mustn’t forget that Karma is currentl y the number one place for a “puff of the stuff” (Hookah stuff, that is.) And YES you can smoke here even after the city wide smoking ban since w e are exempt as a Tobacco Bar from the smoking law. We have a variety of flavored tobacco that is served in beautiful brass hookahs. If you wanna get down A6just follow the signsA6 to our basement, where Goa Tr ance is played. Karma is a true mix of East Village diversity in a no att itude space where everyone is welcome. Friday, Jan 21, 2005 NYC All adin Project Presents: PSYJOURNEY Featuring… ETNICA-Maurizio Etnicanet- ibiza-Italy JOTI SIDHU-Neurobiotoic Records-UK EDOARDO-Neurobiotic Recor ds-Italy ELNADIV-Alladin Project-NYC S.H.I.K.I.D-OmniTribe-NYC Decorati ons by: Severyn Barabakh (Subtlecaos NYC) & Alladin Project Crew (NYC) Visuals by: Skyeye Sound Species (U.N.-NYC) Tickets: $25 until 12 AM $30 After. 18 to enter / 21+w/ID to drink. Door Open: 10PM to 8AM Loc ation: CLUB EXIT 147 GREENPOINT AVE BROOKLYN NY Directions : By Subway : take the L train to metropolitan Ave & transfer to the G train to Green point Ave. the Club is right across the street. Subway Map: web .mta.nyc.ny.us/nyct/maps/submap (web mta.nyc.ny.us/nyct/maps/s ubmap ) By Car: Take BQE (I-278) to Exit 33 McQuinness Blvd. to G reenpoint Ave. Turn LEFT at Greenpoint Ave Proceed to the corner of Manh attan Ave. by car service / taxi : from Manhattan cost $15 from Bedford Station it cost $6 Street Map: (maps.yaho ) web etnicanet.net web alladinproject web n eurobiotic web omnitribe web severyn “give a chance to trance NYC” Saturday, January 22nd Essential Wave & Polarligh t House & Progressive at Nightengale 213 2nd Avenue # 13 St, NYC Stefan [deKompression] Pulsedub [Essential Wave, Hypernation] Valo [Essential Wav e] Dave Henshaw [Changmian/S. Beating] Andrey K [Polarlight] Stashuk [Esse ntial Wave] Visuals by Dejavu & Serge Free Admission 21+ web polarlightmu sic (web polarlightmusic) January 26 – Wednesday – GANJAT RON TWO!! “Potluck” DVD Release Party at Karma with DJs Terry Spacehop per and Omnitribe DJs at Goa Trash at Karma. “Potluck” came out last y ear, it’s the marijuana movie that bridges the Sopranos and Cheech and Ch ong. We’ll probably project the DVD, and hopefully the director and acto rs will be on hand, as they were at last year’s party. The Pot Luck film’s DVD Release coming up in January!!! (See listings below) Just got this from Terry Spacehopper, you may remember him as the hippy with a can pull of joints giving them out to everybody Hey, Jeff, this is shaping up t o be the best party ever. David Peel is coming, some other movie people, High Times people, I can’t thank you enough, what a great way to end this adventure. I hope you have a safe and relatively sane holiday, can’t wait to see you and the gang, will definitely be there for your b-day, what d o you want? love terry Here’s last year’s event /gan jatron (web tranceam.org/ganjatron ) Feb 2 – Wed nesday – Goa Trash – Lauryn (Boston) & Mad Orange (TDC); DJ Spirit opens Feb 9 – Wednesday – Goa Trash – Pennsylvania DJs with Egbot from Philad elphia and Psychotty from PA and Mescalinium plus Analog from Bethlehem PA (Likes: walks on the beach, full on face melting basslines by the fire; D islikes: women with fleas) Feb 11 Tsunami at Spirit Feb 12 – Alladin Project Feb 16 – Wednesday – Goa Trash – Dreamcatcher Feb 18 – Reality Engine presents N’Light’N Feb 23 – Wednesday – Goa Trash – Omnitribe M arch 3 – Wednesday – Goa Trash – Jason Sannachan (Subtlechaos) Jason will be playing all new unreleased full on Psy and Progressive straight off th e press and throwing in some rare whites just because he can. plus – Ari D (Goahead, Ohio) March 5 Alladin Project – Tsunami Benefit March 19 – R eality Engine presents Merkaba March 25 – Tsunami at Spirit March 26 – Alladin Project April 15 – Alladin Project May 21 North Carolina – Go a Gil – touchsamadhi (touchsamadhi/) Early Jun e – Upstate NY – web omnifestival.org (web omnifestival.org/) Late June – West Virginia – web gaian-mind (web gaian-mind.co m/) July 4th weekend – Los Angeles – web greensector (web greensector/) Phantasm again brings 4 day festival with Talamasca, Sh akta, Orion, Eskimo, Cosmosis and others July 16 – Midwest – web psymb olic (web psymbolic/) July – Oregon web Enosa.net (ht tp://web enosa.net/) Sept 23-25 North Carolina – Powwow festival – ht tp://touchsamadhi (touchsamadhi/) Goa Gil in Oregon AD &nb s DI V Team America NYC Trance Community Weekly Newsletter spread the psytrance virus “He hath said, which heard the words of God, and knew the knowledge of the most High, which saw the vision of the Almighty, falling into a trance but having his eyes open” issue nt-family: ears’ Trance Americana to appear in the upcoming 2005 Mushroom Magazin e’s Trancers Guide to the Galaxy is at the end of this ema il N Music/Scene News least 40 heads took over Yaffa Cafe afterwards and put on trance music on the CDs… e owners were real assholes Project dates y at Karma with High Times magazine, the director and actors from the film plus DVD and magazine giveaways Omnitribe DJs News / The cover story in this week’s Village Voice is about the new progress in Psychedelic research: ice/arts/0502,dayal,59938,12 and has a related article on uhus-dubrow,59940,12 web villagevoice/arts/0502,tuhus-dubr ow,59940,12 TRONGLinks/Misc NT asa friend: weekend… / hycassini/30dectitan web nasa.gov/missionpages/cassini/whyca ssini/30dectitan Potential for the last visually mind-blowin g, mystery-unveiling planetary mission in our life-time. (Forget Eur opa funding, btw) They should have hooked on some speakers and blasted som e Phreaky during the descent.. rental/logo partners in boldsame date parties appear in the order submitted; Psy/Goa events always come first. Organi zers who cannot provide press passes to TripOutNY will be charged the amou nt of 2 tickets to finance our journalism. eft V -&n bsp;ATLANTIS in AMERICA the party at Karma hre a/ Goa Trash with Dreamcatcher’s Influx Juggernaut, Brandon guest DJ Greenman from Western Massachuss etts! bcadams at amherst writes: a friend Bryan Ladd aka DJ Greenman, would be interested in coming&nbs p;down to play Karma sometime…he’s a skilled dj and sound tec hnician, but doesnt get as much exposure due to his Wester n Mass residency….i know you like to book new DJ’s and especi ally those from out of town, so I told him I’d pass on his info& webs &nb sp;thanx! son ttp://web atlantisinamerica/web atlantisinamerica//DI V k” DVD release party with High Times magazine, the director and a ctors from the film plus DVD and magazine giveaways Omnitribe DJs/DI VGoa Trash downstairs at Karma, 51 1st avenue between 3rd and 4th streets ID21+, 10pm-4am, free. If it’s late go down the stairs and kn ock. This high res-erected-by-popular-demand party promises to make any memories of Ibiza, the Riviera, or even Thailand like so much flotsam and jetsam strung along the beaches of Goa India. Music from 10pm – 12am is generally mid- to late-90s Goa Trance, which is really just modern progressive house beats mixed with Ravi Shankar sounds done up at 145 BPM . After midnight DJs may mix in modern psychedelic trance. A GO A TRASH just opened recently in Santiago, Chile by Angeles who did the lon g running Wednesdays Opium Den. A coalition of independent trance c ollectives are coming together to make Goa Trash version 3.0 – all old skoo l 90’s goa – at Karma in the East Village. Make a party and they wil l come: the outcasts, the d addicts, freaks, dope pushers, wife beaters torturers, trancespotters, teasers, deviants, dust munchkins, drunks, do xies, demimondes, dipsomaniacs, tarts, DJ groupies, jailbirds, junkies, fl unkies, flesh traders, flim flam men, fetishists, lowlifes, lushes, lepers schleppers, schlemiels, snake oil salesmen, squatters, stalkers, streetw alkers, smokers, cokers, jokers, advertising people, 604 armchair trance h eads, adulterers, deserters, dstore cowboys, dirty old men, dharma bums d traffickers, users, losers & abusers, lab techs, lurkers, neuro mancers, number runners, ne’er do wells, nincompoops, nymphomaniacs, ninni es, megalomaniacs, madman, mack daddy’s, masochists, Mata Haris, “sp iritual healer,” rotters, trance-gender persons, hole-divers, sneaker pimp s, cunts, grannies, grampies, big mommas, big swinging dicks, jammy dodger s, wankers, lunatics, zen masters, fairies, gnomes and other supernatural beings, shoplifters, Goa Constrictors, duct tape fanatics, native gaians, citizens of Tonga (only cause I never get to see many of those), book char acters, bridge party people, Indian mafia, cavemen, the broken hearted, Is raeli promoters advertising fake parties ostensibly thrown by rivals, gypsi es. exhibitionists, fiends, flasher, felons, fascists, fences, fun guys, f alse prophets, Flying Winos, womanizers, weekend warriors, weirdoes, war c riminals, witches, Wolf criers, console cowboys, Californicators, cretins, shady arms dealers, sugar daddy’s, shameless self promoters, boiler room penny stock peddlers, punters, pickpockets, pool sharks, plagiarists, perv erts, pyromaniacs, party girls, party crashers, Pariahs, polluters, presdi gitators, prevaricators, vampires, Maharishis, voyeurs, vamps, vandals, vi xens, viragos, villains, village idiots, trailer trash, tantrists, tightwa ds, tricksters, turncoats, two timers, tomboys, trippers, strippers, tipst ers, software pirates, simpletons, slobs, snobs, schemers, scofflaws, siss ies, scoundrels, social climbers, Goa tourists, swindlers, swingers, sleaz oids, scumbags, slavers, slave drivers, sorcerers, speaker thieves, psycho s, surreal killers, skinheads, succubi, jackasses, jury riggers, race mixe rs, rebels, ragamuffins, recidivists, roughnecks, rumourmongers, wetbacks, wizards, warlocks, sportos, motorheads, geeks, sluts, bloods, wastoids, d weebies, dick heads, dissidents, deserters, highwaymen, headhunters, hijac kers, harridans, hooligans, hoods, hecklers, hackers, heros & zeroes, philanderers, forgers, femme fatales, false prophets, floozies, Pharisees, faggots, thugees (Indian cult murderers), thieves, Anjuna assholes, draft dodgers, dime store plastic surgeons, imposters, urchins, idiots, incubi, succubi, sadists, snake charmers, sober sadhus, satyromaniacs, sodomists, psychonauts, slackers, slayers, ravers. robbers, ropers, dopers, ass grab bers, assassins, 24 hour party people, goat ranchers, gangsters, getaway d rivers, gambers, gossips, geishas, grifters, growers, grisettes, gun runne rs, gluttons, Goths, sloths, skeezers, skanks, cranks, cokeheads, cop kill ers, crooks, quacks, cruisers, idolaters, molesters, masturbators, mercena ries, money men, muggers, market makers, mobsters, murderers, muscle men, mad scientists, mountebanks, motherfuckers, made men, meretrices, minimal progressive pimps, pornographers, parasites, party animals, punks, pennywe ighters, pigs, pigeon pluckers, poachers, peddlers, pranksters, princes of darkness, travel ticket con men, gigolos, hydro-courtesans, arsonists, ad ulterers, Anti-Disestablishmentarianists, assholes, anarchists, “Antipodea n international trance hooker trios,” hipsters, flipsters, and finger-popp in daddies, those on the take, scams, shitlisters, shams, shoplifters, cha rlatans, charas dealers, cheaters, chippies, children of dysfunctional alc oholic abusive families, drinkers, traitors, day traders, devil worshipper s, lookouts, loonies, Prince Williams’ entourage, ambulance chasers, cattl e rustlers, Kleptos, cannibals, cutpurses, cult leaders, call girls, count erfeiters, kept women, convicts, kingpins, communists, card sharks, codepe ndants, cads, orcs, bastards, boors, backpackers, bandits, brigands, bootl eggers, boozehounds, box men, bawds, burglars, bums, backstabbers, bikers, buffoons, beggars, bumpkins, bullies, buccaneers, back alley practitioners bottom boys, beatniks, brothel madams, blasphemers, bookies, bombers, ha rlots, hippies, whores, whoremongers, hangers-on, hustlers, hashashim, str umpets, psychedelic terrorists, acid visionaries, Anjuna beach bums, burno uts, slum lords, speed freaks, sun starers, rapscallions, rakes, Rainbow G atherers, rounders, roundheels, racketeers… and the republicans. T his party is for you. Karma is a sensual, candlelit hookah lounge. The velvet decor, subtle fragrance of incense and deep resonant music ar e a delight to the senses. The Ambient beats played early in the eve ning compliment our Happy Hour (everyday 3PM-8PM), and are sure to rejuven ate the soul. For the body, we offer a light array of Indian a nd Cafe food that is served all night every night! There are p rivate booths and comfortable couches available for some R&R. Onyou’ve relaxed your mind with one of our specialty cocktails, had a tas te of India, and put your feet up, you mustn’t forget that Karma is curren tly the number one place for a “puff of the stuff” (Hookah stuff, that is. ) And YES you can smoke here even after the city wide smoking ban si nce we are exempt as a Tobacco Bar from the smoking law. We have a variety of flavored tobacco that is served in beautiful brass hookahs. If y ou wanna get down A6just follow the signsA6 to our basement, where Goa Trance is played. Karma is a true mix of East Village diversity in a t 005 NYC Alladin Project Presents: PSYJOURNEY Featuring… /S TRONGETNICA-Maurizio Etnicanet-ibiza-Italy JOTI SIDHU-Neurobiotoic Re cords-UK EDOARDO-Neurobiotic Records-Italy ELNADIV-Alladin Project -NYC S.H.I.K.I.D-OmniTribe-NYC Decorations by: Severyn B arabakh (Subtlecaos NYC) & Alladin Project Crew (NYC) Visuals by: Skyeye Sound Species (U.N.-NYC) Tickets: $25 until 1 2 AM, $30 After. 18 to enter / 21+w/ID to drink. Door Open: 10PM t o 8AM Location: CLUB EXIT 147 GREENPOINT AVE BROOKLYN NY D irections : By Subway: take the L train to metropolitan Ave & tran sfer to the G train to Greenpoint Ave. the Club is right across the st /web mta.nyc.ny.us/nyct/maps/submap By Car: Greenpoint Ave. Turn LEFT at Greenpoint Ave Proceed to the corner of Manhatt an Ave. by car service / taxi : from Manhattan cost $15 from B lto:alladinproduction at yahooalladinproduction at yahoo web etnicanet.net web alladinproject web neuro biotic web omnitribe web severyn “gi ve a chance to trance NYC” Hou se & Progressive at Nightengale 213 2nd Avenue
#3520 Tue, 18 Jan 2005 13:54:52 Tue, 18 Jan 2005 13:54:52 This week’s newsletter now online Here is the link: /message/3519 (/message/3519)
#3521 Thu, 20 Jan 2005 22:31:59 Thu, 20 Jan 2005 22:31:58 Cc: nyc604, omnitribe, Article in Times about light/sound devices- keep scrolling down.by Mark AllenLOL (web nytimes/) (web nytimes/pages/garden/index. html) crossword puzzle? (web nytimes/ tp://web nytimes/pages/crosswords/index ?incam rds) NYTimes: Home (web nytimes/) – Site Index (query.nytimes/search/archive ) – Help (web nyt imes/membercenter/sitehelp ) Welcome, jeffMachinelf (web .nytimes/mem/profile ) – Member Center (web nytimes/ membercenter) – Log Out (web nytimes/logout) Site Search: (h Home & Garden (web nytimes/pages/garden/index ) (bs.serving-sys/BurstingPipe/BannerRedirec (w (web nytimes/adx/bin times/SmallInnsAndLod ges/searchindex.asp) (javascript:Search Listings) or //web nytimes/classifieds) DE9cor by Timothy Leary By MARK ALLEN Published: January 20, 2005 T f irst glance it looked like somthing in the window of a TriBeCa furniture store, an oversize lamp from the early 60’s maybe. But when Kate Chapman flicked a switch and the three-foot high latticework cylinder in front of me began to spin, it was clear that we were dealing with more than just another piece of midcentury flotsam. The machine started to cast strobe like patterns of bright light on our faces, and when I closed my eyes as instructed, there they were, the dazzling multicolored forms that I’d bee n told about: mandalas and crosses and even Mandelbrot fractals, dancing across my eyelids. I was sitting on the floor of Ms. Chapman’s Brooklyn loft, and she was demonstrating her prized household appliance, a 1996 D reamachine originally made for William S. Burroughs. Besides the trippy v isual effects the device is said to induce an “alpha state” – a state con ducive to lucid dreaming or intense daydreaming – in people who face the cylinder with their eyes closed as it spins around a bright light. Dream achine enthusiasts – whose ranks have swelled recently thanks to chat for ums and a book published last year – claim that it promotes a trancelike serenity, intensifies creativity and insight and even uncovers suppressed memories. Ms. Chapman’s Dreamachine is one of more than a thousand that h ave been manufactured since the early 90’s by a California composer and c onductor named David Woodard. One is on display this month at the Clair O bscur Gallery in Los Angeles along with an exhibit of photographs of Burr oughs taken by John Aes-Nihil, an underground filmmaker, and the premiere at the gallery of his film, “William Burroughs in the Dreamachine.” Bur roughs, along with other figures from the Beat Generation like Allen Gins berg and Timothy Leary, was fascinated, even at times obsessed by the Dre amachine, which was invented in 1959 by their fellow Beats Brion Gysin, a n artist, and Ian Sommerville, a math student at Cambridge. Mr. Leary cal led it “the most sophisticated neurophenomenological device ever designed “; Mr. Burroughs experimented with it for nearly four decades. (The film shows him using his Dreamachines at his home in Lawrence, Kan., shortly b efore his death in 1997). I had come to Ms. Chapman’s loft to see if the machine lived up to the hype, but I didn’t get very far in my first sess ion. The colorful undulating patterns that I began to see almost at once were intriguing: far more vivid than the fuzzy images you see when you r ub your eyes, although just as hard to focus on. But as far as I could te ll my state of consciousness barely changed during the 20 minutes that I sat cross-legged in front of the spinning cylinder. When I opened my eyes Ms. Chapman seemed to sense my disappointment. I had been somewhat skep tical, but was still hoping for more, given what I had learned about the machine and its history. Mr. Gysin and Mr. Sommerville built the first Dr eamachine after learning of research by John Smythies and W. Grey Walter, scientists who had noted in experiments that light flickering at 8 to 12 flashes a second against a subject’s closed eyelids seemed to slow the electrical pulse rate of the subject’s brain to a state of semiconsciousn ess known as the alpha state and produce rich dreamlike imagery. Althoug h his fellow Beats were excited about using the device, Mr. Gysin had bro ader ambitions for it and tried to distance himself from their enthusiasm says John Geiger, the author of “Chapel of Extreme Experience: a Short History of Stroboscopic Light and the Dream Machine” (Soft Skull Press, 20 04). “He was focused on its commercial potential,” Mr. Geiger said. “He imagined a Dreamachine in every suburban home, in the spot formerly occup ied by the television set, but broadcasting inner programming. He really saw this idea as his ticket out of bohemia town.” Mr. Gysin’s attempts t o commercialize the Dreamachine during the 60’s and 70’s never got very f ar. He met with corporations like Philips, Columbia Records and Random Ho use, but they did not share his vision of the Dreamachine as the successo r to TV. They were also worried about lawsuits resulting from seizures ca used by the machine. at Ameritrade. Join now. /OGI/go/nwyrkatd0010000045ogi/di rect;at.ogiatd00001115;ct.1/01/) (web nytimes/ref/membercenter/help/copy right ) The New York Times Company (web nytco/) | Home (web nytimes/) | Privacy Policy (web nytimes/ ref/membercenter/help/privacy ) | Search (query.nytimes/s earch/advanced/) | ) | RSS (web nytimes/rss) | Help (web nytimes /membercenter/sitehelp ) | Back to Top (web nytimes/200 (bs.serving-sys/BurstingPipe/BannerRedirect.asp?FlightI (bs.s (web nytimes/adx/bin/adx click.h fieds) -smallinns2&ad ges/se archindex.asp) (javascript:SearchListings) (web nyti ps://placead.nytimes/default.asp?Categor (web n ttp: //web nytimes/classifieds) (web nytimes/adx/bin/adx //web nytimes/autos) Compare models and prices now. 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Op-Ed Columnist: Don’t Know Much About Algebra (web nytimes/2005/0 2. ck Soft Target: A Cartoon Sponge (web nytimes/2005/01/20/poli 3. Op-Ed Columnist: An Am erican in Paris (web nytimes/2005/01/20/opinion/20friedman.ht 4. State of the Art: New Ways to Manage Your Photos (web nytimes/2005/01/20/technology/circuits/20stat 5. Op-Ed Contributor: Four More Years of Happiness (web nytimes/2005/01/20/opinion/20gilbert ?i Go to Complete List (web nytimes.c Sotheby’s (top); John Aes-Nihil ALPHA-STATE MALES William F. Burroughs, right, examines a D reamachine with its maker, David Woodard, in 1997. Two years later Mr. W oodard made a version covered in ermine fur, top, for Burroughs’ memorial service. DE9cor by Timothy Leary Published: January 20, 2005 (Page 2 of 2) “For the high majority of people this is a completely safe devic e,” Mr. Geiger said. But Dr. Robert Fisher, the director of the Comprehen sive Epilepsy Center at Stanford, said that 1 in 10,000 people is likely to have a seizure in reaction to the its stroboscopic light, and that chi ldren are about twice as susceptible. David Woodard, who now makes Dream achines to order at his studio in Los Angeles, learned about the device f rom a friend of Mr. Gysin’s a few years after his death in 1986. Mr. Woo dard was able to borrow the original Dreamachine templates from the frien d, and built his first one in 1989; within a few years word of mouth and modest advertising led to a full-fledged business. He made two for Willia m Burroughs and has made others for celebrities including Iggy Pop, Beck and Kurt Cobain. ( Rumors circulated that Cobain had been using the deviheavily in the days leading up to his suicide, although later reports contradicted this.) Mr. Woodard charges $500 for a basic model with a cyli nder of acid-free matting board. (The cylinder surrounds a 150-watt bulb which is mounted in the center of a wood base holding a motor that spin s the cylinder at 80 r.p.m.) Custom models, with cylinders made from stee l, copper or cocobolo wood – or even covered in ermine fur – can cost as much as $3,000. After the mixed success of my first experiment with the Dreamachine, my hostess urged me to try again. Ms. Chapman, 30, is a form er neuroscience researcher for the Multidisciplinary Association for Psyc hedelic Studies, a nonprofit organization that sponsors “scientific resea rch designed to develop psychedelics and marijuana into F.D.A.-approved prescription medicines,” according to its Web site. “I’m just an artist now,” she said. Ms. Chapman thought it might be helpful if my body were more relaxed, so I lay down on a sofa, and she put on soothing music. She flicked the machine back on as I shut my eyes. A moment later there they were, the same flashing patt erns as before. After a while I became bored and my mind began to drift. That’s when it happened. I didn’t “see” as m uch as I strongly imagined a campfire in a clearing in a dense forest at night. My boyfriend Jim was sitting to my left, laughing. Later I seemed to find myself in a large empty auditorium, walking toward some chairs a rranged in the middle of the room. In one creepy moment I was in a baseme nt hallway, following closely behind someone walking ahead of me, whose f ace I couldn’t see. I was imagining these scenes so vividly that it was almost as if I were seeing them. The thoughts had a kind of slow-motion jump-cut feel, just like dreams, but because I was fully conscious, I was able to contemplate all of this as it was happening. With my eyes stil l shut and my mind now very relaxed and slightly adrift, I started to not ice that the wall of flashing patterns was receding backward and developi ng a dark border around its edges. It was at that moment that I sensed so meone to my left, sitting beside me, watching what I was watching. This figure was not in the room with me, but in my head, which had now turned into a little theater. I felt that if I turned my head, I would be able to look over at this person. I opened my eyes, and reality rushed back in, to my relief. That last vision hadn’t really been frightening, but it was n’t exactly heartwarming either. But I was impressed. As I talked to Ms. Chapman about my experience, I became aware of an unusual serenity and m ental clarity, as if I had just waked from a refreshing nap. Days after my experience with Ms. Chapman I found myself craving the Dreamachine an d the vivid imagery and sense of calm it had produced. I’m not sure I wou ld part with $500 to bring one into my life. But having lived through the experience, it was hard not to think about Mr. Gysin’s vision of an alt ernate-universe America in which every home would tune into internal lands capes instead of commercial programming. Previous (web nyti TOP NYTIMES ARTICLES Bush, B eginning a New Term, Stresses Liberty Abroad (web nytimes/20 05/01/20/politics/20cnd-prexy ?8bl) The Scene: Love Him or Hate H im, All Vie for a Good Perch (web nytimes/2005/01/21/national /nationalspecial2/21scene ?8bl) In Stench, Amid Ghosts, Seeking the Tsunami Dead (web nytimes/2005/01/21/international/worlds New Jersey Divides Egy ptians Once Again (web nytimes/2005/01/21/nyregion/21rift ?8bl) Go to NYTimes Home (web nytimes/pages/index.h tml) rdeners Get Busy (web nytimes/2005/01/20/garden/20cutt ?8 br) DE9cor by Timothy Leary (web nytimes/2005/01/20/ga rden/20mach ?8br) Design Notebook: Behold the Artful Price Tag (web nytimes/2005/01/20/garden/20appl ?8br) Is Your R efrigerator Running? So Where’s the Chugga-Chugga? 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#3522 Tue, 25 Jan 2005 04:13:12 Tue, 25 Jan 2005 04:13:11 Cc: severyn at subtlechaos.org Newsletter – 2012 talk, Ganjatron 2 Trip Out New York Circ.1,309 Drink the Koolaid Fre e NYC Trance Community Weekly Newsletter Editor .c Forward/reprint to spread the p sytrance virus (m MORE LINKS (web tranceam.org/links ) Numbers 24, ver se 16 “He hath said, which heard the words of God, and knew the knowledg e of the most High, which saw the vision of the Almighty, falling into a trance, but having his eyes open” Fiery the Angels rose, & as they rose deep thunder roll’d Around their shores: indignant burning with the fires of Orc – America, A Prophecy In this issue PsyTrance Musi c/Scene News Links/Misc Event Calendar “Decor by Timothy Leary” reprinted f rom New York Times, about light/audio devices and psychedelia “You know y ou’re a producer when…” (at the end of the email – producers check it o ut!) Psy-Trance Music/Scene News Tuesday and Wednesda y! Great events Tuesday Daniel Pinchbeck, who’s written for NY Times Magaz ine, Wired, et al, and about our scene in Breaking Open the Head, gives a talk on 2012 – see Events, below; for an interview see web brainmachine s/index2 (web tranceam.org/index2 ) Nan with al l the Mayan stuff you better be there! …and Wednesday, my last big budg et party for awhile – “Potluck” DVD release party at Karma with High Time s magazine, the director and actors from the film plus DVD and magazine g iveaways – plus Severyn doing deco, and Omnitribe DJs! The free party to end all free parties. Oh, and no parties this weekend as of this writing . Someone may post somthing on NYC604 (if it’s very last minute) and/or Safetydance, (if it’s private and they get to me in a timely fashion) Valerio originally from New Orleans, he has played at a couple parties her e – has a track out on Psyshop! yay! my track finally got released….it ‘s called “reefer and barbeque” now buy it, download it, rip it, do what u want with it… web psyshop/shop/CDs/zen/zen1cd003 (web psyshop/shop/CDs/zen/zen1cd003 ) Psy Trance Release fo r the Tsunami Benefit Title: Tsunami Benefit Appeal Release end. Jan / beg. Feb Format: 3xCD Digipack List of Contributing Artists: THE ORB JU NO REACTOR EAT STATIC SYSTEM 7 FUTURE SOUND OF LONDON SHPONGLE INFECTED M USHROOM ASTRIX ALIEN PROJECT SPACE CAT – ESKIMO- POP STREAM- DICK TREVOR/ AMD XEROX + ILLUMINATION ATMOS PROTOCULTURE HUMAN BLUE JIRAH WRECKED MACHI NES SAFI CONNECTION BENEFACTOR VOICE OF COD P.A.N/ ETNICA GMS HALLUCINOG EN After seeing the tragic effects of the Tsunami in the Indian Ocean, Organic Records have decided to put together a CD album with music donated from some top psytr ance artists, with all profits going towards the DEC (Disasters Emerg ency Committee). The 3cd album will be distributed by Arabesque Distributi on who will be doing so commission free, and who will be encouraging part ies further down the sales chain to do the same We are creating a 3xCD co mpilation featuring outstanding quality music from the creme-de-la-creme of the Trance and Electronic music scene. We are reaching to the whole of the Electronic Music Community to be involved. If you are interested, we would love your contributing help. The Goal: To compile an album represen ting the best of today’s electronic Music scene. To market the album all over The World to raise money for the Tsunami appeal Mission values: To a pply Organic Records quality and values to a humanitarian cause. To show the trance scene can stand by its beliefs and pull together when the time comes. (most people in the scene have traveled to Asia or have been infl uenced by its philosophies and culture in some way) The Mission: To unify the major producers and record labels of the trance/electronic music sce ne, to show politics and personal/ business issues can be pushed aside to THI S CD??? I am a seller with Arabesque Distribution (UK), and would be more than happy to order a batch of CDs, and sell them back to you, guys, at $ 0 markup, as long as the shipping costs are covered!!! Please let me know if you are interested in contributing for this worthy cost, and getting this unique CD!!! I will aggregate all of your requests, and put in one h uge order… PLEASE PASS THIS ON TO EVERYONE WHO YOU WOULD THINK WOULD BE INTERESTED!!! – Mike Tranceplant Records mike at tranceplant m) addition from Banco De Gaia : Down From the Mountain will appear on the CD… Join DanceSafe Jeff, Would you pass this along to the appropriate li sts for us? Thanks- AllisonDanceSafe NYC is looking for new volunteers!H elp us promote health and safety at parties, raves, and throughout the da nce community. We need your energy and ideas. You can help us staff inf o booths at parties, screen pills for adulterants, research and write pam phlets, defend NYC’s nightlife, and much more. If you’re interested in j oining or want to learn more about DanceSafe and d harm reduction plea se come to our free training: Saturday January 29th from 12:00 – 5:00pm. We’ll have lunch for you and lots of information. info.Don’t know what DanceSafe is all about?DanceSafe is a harm reduction organization workin g to make having fun safer and healthier for everyone. We have tables at parties and clubs where we offer information and harm reduction services like adulterant screening, to our fellow party-goers. But we also orga nize workshops, do research new d pamphlets, perform street outreach, organize against anti-dancing laws, and more. We want to hear your ideas on how DanceSafe can reach more people and more parties. Check out our w ebsite at web dancesafe.org (web dancesafe.org/) for more infor mation.What does it take to volunteer for DSnyc?DanceSafe NYC is looking for people who want to make a difference. Whether you want to work on ha rm reduction or general club safety or the legal aspects of nightlife (suc h as the Cabaret Laws and the RAVE Act) there is a place for you in our chapter. Give us a little of your time, or a lot – we are a flexible, no nprofit organization and we are more than willing to work with you if you would like to work with us.Didn’t think New York City had a DanceSafe ch apter?That’s what we’re trying to change. Join us as we try to make a bi gger difference in New York’s nightlife.Interested? Come to a volunteer o rientation session to find out more! Our next session will be Saturday J anuary 29th from 12p-5pm. Please RSVP to ilto:allison at dancesafe.org.Join) us in fighting for the safety of our sc ene!Allison McKim & Sarah HillCo-Directors – DanceSafe NYC Links/Misc WOW! Blessed eye candy! this quarter at UCSC i’m taking a class on F ractals, Chaos and The Arts with the wonderfull Dr. Ralph Abraham, chaos theorist. (Abraham wrote Chaos, Creativity and Cosmic Consciousness with Rupert Sheldrake and Terence McKenna.) the class is small but cozy! today our guest speaker was Scott Draves- you might have used his bomb softwa re that responds to audio stimulation and poking at the spacebar. electric sheep aren’t just your ordinary run-of-the-mill fractals- they are livin g and breathing (4 second inhale-exhale) and you can take part in their ev olution- you can vote on which sheep dies and which sheep will pass on th eir genome. go to- web electricsheep.org (web electricsheep.org) have fun! xoxo-kat (now ion Quincy, CA) Event Calendar Outdoor festiva ls/d Sound System rental/logo partners in bold; same date parties appea r in the order submitted; Psy/Goa events always come first. Organizers who cannot provide press passes to TripOutNY will be charged the amount o f 2 tickets to finance our journalism. * * * Januar y 25 Neke Carson Presents…In Association with Michael Wiener Live from the Gershwin Gallery Daniel Pinchbeck on “2012” Gershwin Hotel 7 E. 27th St. New York, NY Tuesday, January 25 8 pm $10 Understanding “2012” A talk on the Mayan Calendar, Hopi prophecies, crop circles, psychedelic shaman ism, and a change in the nature of time. Daniel Pinchbeck is the author o f “Breaking Open the Head: A Psychedelic Journey into the Heart of Contem porary Shamanism” (Broadway Books, 2002) and a regular columnist for Arth ur Magazine. He is currently working on a second book, “2012: The Return of Quetzalcoatl,” on indigenous prophecies and consciousness transformati on. “‘Breaking Open the Head’ is at once a spiritual autobiography and an ambitious ommentary, drawing on writers from Shakespeare to Timothy Le ary, on the modern world’s slow alienation from the holy.” “3 Gary Kamiya, New York Times Book Review January 26 – Wednesday – GANJATRON T WO!! “Potluck” DVD Release Party at Karma with DJs Terry Spacehopper an d Omnitribe DJs at Goa Trash at Karma. Deco by Severyn for the next tw o weeks! “Potluck” came out last year, it’s the marijuana movie that br idges the Sopranos and Cheech and Chong. We’ll project the DVD at around 9pm, and the director and actors will be on hand, as they were at last y ear’s party. High Times will have giveaways. and pleeeaaaasse people – do not light up at Karma! Goa Trash downstairs at Karma, 51 1st avenue be tween 3rd and 4th streets, ID21+, 10pm-4am, free. If it’s late go down t he stairs and knock. This high res-erected-by-popular-demand party promi ses to make any memories of Ibiza, the Riviera, or even Thailand like so much flotsam and jetsam strung along the beaches of Goa India. Music fro m 10pm – 12am is generally mid- to late-90s Goa Trance, which is really j ust modern progressive house beats mixed with Ravi Shankar sounds done up at 145 BPM. After midnight DJs may mix in modern psychedelic trance. A GOA TRASH just opened recently in Santiago, Chile by Angeles who did the long running Wednesdays Opium Den. A coalition of independent trance co llectives are coming together to make Goa Trash version 3.0 – all old sko ol 90’s goa – at Karma in the East Village. Make a party and they will c ome: the outcasts, the d addicts, freaks, dope pushers, wife beaters, torturers, trancespotters, teasers, deviants, dust munchkins, drunks, doxi es, demimondes, dipsomaniacs, tarts, DJ groupies, jailbirds, junkies, flu nkies, flesh traders, flim flam men, fetishists, lowlifes, lushes, lepers schleppers, schlemiels, snake oil salesmen, squatters, stalkers, street walkers, smokers, cokers, jokers, advertising people, 604 armchair trance heads, adulterers, deserters, dstore cowboys, dirty old men, dharma b ums, d traffickers, users, losers & abusers, lab techs, lurkers, neuro mancers, number runners, ne’er do wells, nincompoops, nymphomaniacs, ninn ies, megalomaniacs, madman, mack daddy’s, masochists, Mata Haris, “spiri tual healer,” rotters, trance-gender persons, hole-divers, sneaker pimps, cunts, grannies, grampies, big mommas, big swinging dicks, jammy dodgers, wankers, lunatics, zen masters, fairies, gnomes and other supernatural b eings, shoplifters, Goa Constrictors, duct tape fanatics, native gaians, citizens of Tonga (only cause I never get to see many of those), book cha racters, bridge party people, Indian mafia, cavemen, the broken hearted, Israeli promoters advertising fake parties ostensibly thrown by rivals, g ypsies. exhibitionists, fiends, flasher, felons, fascists, fences, fun gu ys, false prophets, Flying Winos, womanizers, weekend warriors, weirdoes, war criminals, witches, Wolf criers, console cowboys, Californicators, c retins, shady arms dealers, sugar daddy’s, shameless self promoters, boil er room penny stock peddlers, punters, pickpockets, pool sharks, plagiaris ts, perverts, pyromaniacs, party girls, party crashers, Pariahs, polluter s, presdigitators, prevaricators, vampires, Maharishis, voyeurs, vamps, v andals, vixens, viragos, villains, village idiots, trailer trash, tantris ts, tightwads, tricksters, turncoats, two timers, tomboys, trippers, stri ppers, tipsters, software pirates, simpletons, slobs, snobs, schemers, sc offlaws, sissies, scoundrels, social climbers, Goa tourists, swindlers, s wingers, sleazoids, scumbags, slavers, slave drivers, sorcerers, speaker thieves, psychos, surreal killers, skinheads, succubi, jackasses, jury ri ggers, race mixers, rebels, ragamuffins, recidivists, roughnecks, rumourm ongers, wetbacks, wizards, warlocks, sportos, motorheads, geeks, sluts, b loods, wastoids, dweebies, dick heads, dissidents, deserters, highwaymen, headhunters, hijackers, harridans, hooligans, hoods, hecklers, hackers, h eros & zeroes, philanderers, forgers, femme fatales, false prophets, floo zies, Pharisees, faggots, thugees (Indian cult murderers), thieves, Anjun a assholes, draft dodgers, dime store plastic surgeons, imposters, urchin s, idiots, incubi, succubi, sadists, snake charmers, sober sadhus, satyro maniacs, sodomists, psychonauts, slackers, slayers, ravers. robbers, rope rs, dopers, ass grabbers, assassins, 24 hour party people, goat ranchers, gangsters, getaway drivers, gambers, gossips, geishas, grifters, growers, grisettes, gun runners, gluttons, Goths, sloths, skeezers, skanks, crank s, cokeheads, cop killers, crooks, quacks, cruisers, idolaters, molesters masturbators, mercenaries, money men, muggers, market makers, mobsters, murderers, muscle men, mad scientists, mountebanks, motherfuckers, made men, meretrices, minimal progressive pimps, pornographers, parasites, par ty animals, punks, pennyweighters, pigs, pigeon pluckers, poachers, peddl ers, pranksters, princes of darkness, travel ticket con men, gigolos, hyd ro-courtesans, arsonists, adulterers, Anti-Disestablishmentarianists, ass holes, anarchists, “Antipodean international trance hooker trios,” hipste rs, flipsters, and finger-poppin daddies, those on the take, scams, shitl isters, shams, shoplifters, charlatans, charas dealers, cheaters, chippie s, children of dysfunctional alcoholic abusive families, drinkers, traito rs, day traders, devil worshippers, lookouts, loonies, Prince Williams’ e ntourage, ambulance chasers, cattle rustlers, Kleptos, cannibals, cutpurs es, cult leaders, call girls, counterfeiters, kept women, convicts, kingp ins, communists, card sharks, codependants, cads, orcs, bastards, boors, backpackers, bandits, brigands, bootleggers, boozehounds, box men, bawds, burglars, bums, backstabbers, bikers, buffoons, beggars, bumpkins, bullie s, buccaneers, back alley practitioners, bottom boys, beatniks, brothel m adams, blasphemers, bookies, bombers, harlots, hippies, whores, whoremong ers, hangers-on, hustlers, hashashim, strumpets, psychedelic terrorists, a cid visionaries, Anjuna beach bums, burnouts, slum lords, speed freaks, s un starers, rapscallions, rakes, Rainbow Gatherers, rounders, roundheels, racketeers… and the republicans. This party is for you. Karma is a se nsual, candlelit hookah lounge. The velvet decor, subtle fragrance of in cense and deep resonant music are a delight to the senses. The Ambient b eats played early in the evening compliment our Happy Hour (everyday 3PM- 8PM), and are sure to rejuvenate the soul. For the body, we offer a ligh t array of Indian and Cafe food that is served all night every night! T here are private booths and comfortable couches available for some R&R. Once you’ve relaxed your mind with one of our specialty cocktails, had a taste of India, and put your feet up, you mustn’t forget that Karma is cu rrently the number one place for a “puff of the stuff” (Hookah stuff, tha t is.) And YES you can smoke here even after the city wide smoking ban s ince we are exempt as a Tobacco Bar from the smoking law. We have a varie ty of flavored tobacco that is served in beautiful brass hookahs. If you wanna get down A6just follow the signsA6 to our basement, where Goa Trance is played. Karma is a true mix of East Village diversity in a no attitude space where everyone is welcome. Feb 2 – Wednesday – Goa Tr ash – Lauryn (Boston) & Mad Orange (TDC); DJ Spirit opens Feb 9 – Wedne sday – Goa Trash – Pennsylvania DJs with Egbot from Philadelphia and Psyc hotty from PA and Mescalinium plus Analog from Bethlehem PA (Likes: walks on the beach, full on face melting basslines by the fire; Dislikes: women with fleas) Friday February 11th, 2005 VALENTINES DAY WEEKEND “The Soun dwave of Love” TSUNAMI at SPIRIT 530 West 27th Street (between 10th & 11t h Avenues) 10pm till 7am TALAMASCA,live and dj set (Mind Control, France) CEDRIC mesmerizes large audiences in the four corners of the globe with his powerful and loving live-sets, and the Valentines Celebration at SPIR IT will be no exception. SPIRALLIANZ vs. MIDIMILIZ, live (Gravity Plus, Th e Delta, Boshkebeats, Spirit Zone – Germany) Arne and Wayan, who are also part of THE DELTA, keep pushing the envelope into new universes of musica l expression, and are a dance floor favorite all over the world. ARNE MIN DS OF DIMENTED HANOCH DEKOMPRESSION $30 in advance Valid Picture ID is Req uired Tickets also available at GrooveTickets (ce/) | Info Line 212 439-8124 web grooveti ckets (web groovetickets/) onefamilybenefit.org ( onefamilybenefit.org/) To unsuscribe – Click Here HAPPY CHINESE NE W YEAR – YEAR OF THE CHICKEN! Feb 12 – Alladin Project Feb 16 – Wedne sday – Goa Trash – Dreamcatcher Feb 18 – Reality Engine presents N’Light’ N Feb 23 – Wednesday – Goa Trash – Omnitribe March 3 – Wednesday – Goa Trash – Jason Sannachan (Subtlechaos) Jason will be playing all new unrel eased full on Psy and Progressive straight off the press and throwing in some rare whites just because he can. plus – Ari D (Goahead, Ohio) March 5 Alladin Project – Tsunami Benefit March 16 Bryan Ladd (Massachussetts) at Goa Trash March 19 – Reality Engine presents Merkaba March 25 – Tsu nami at Spirit March 26 – Alladin Project April 15 – Alladin Project May 21 North Carolina – Goa Gil – touchsamadhi (touc hsamadhi/) Early June – Upstate NY – web omnidancefestival. info/ (web omnidancefestival.info/) Late June – West Virginia – web gaian-mind (web gaian-mind/) July 4th weekend – – web greensector (web greensector/) Phantasm again brings 4 day festival with Talamasca, Shakta, Orion, Eskimo, Cosmos is and others July 16 – Midwest – web psymbolic (web psymbo lic/) July – Oregon web Enosa.net (web enosa.net/) Se pt 23-25 North Carolina – Powwow festival – touchsamadhi (touchsamadhi/) Goa Gil in Oregon You know you’re a produce r when… From Pat in Boston – The Top 40 signs that you’ve been hanging around synths and samplers too long:…………. 40. You not only tap in time to the indicators on your car, but know how many BPM they flash at. 39. You go to hear an orchestra with your girlfriend, and while she listen s to the beautiful music, you calculate the polyphony required to reproduc e it. 38. In addition to your in and out trays at work, you also have one marked ‘thru’. 37. Last Christmas you synced your Christmas tree lights to your TB-303. 36. The accelerator on your car has aftertouch. 35. Your cat ‘s name is Octave. 34. You expect the cutoff frequency of your door to cha nge when you turn the knob… 33. Your girlfriend/wife drapes a wig over y our favorite synth to remind you what she looks like. 32. You step out of your studio and realize that your family moved and you don’t have a clue w hen it happened. 31. You have “Frequency” and “Resonance” tattooed above y our nipples. (Don’t ask where the pitchbend is…) 30. Your daughter’s new boyfriend has tattoos, rides a Harley, and doesn’t have a job. But you do n’t mind because his name is Roland. 29. Your telephone answering machine message took 2 days to write and produce. 28. There is no couch, coffee ta ble, dinner table or chairs in your apartmeonly racks, mixers, keyboar ds, cables and power cords. 27. You have bass bins for end tables. 26. It is dangerous to walk around in your own living room at night. (See 2) 25. There’s a giant yellow ball in the sky, and your not quite sure what it is but when you go outside it burns out your retinas and makes your skin g low. 24. You wait until 12:01 A.M. to read the on-line music classified ad s and can effectively scan them in under a minute. 23. You neer answer the phone. (Hmm…I wonder if it’s to get people to listen to the answering m essage you spent so much time on in 29?) 22. When all your significant oth er has to say, “Oh no, not another one” and you know what they’re talking about. 21. If you just like to sit in the dark and watch all the pretty li ghts blink and glow. 20. If you perk-up on Sundays when you hear the word “Prophet”. 19. You would rather fiddle with your synthesizer’s knobs than fiddle with your girlfriend’s/wife’s knobs. 18. Somehow, you haven’t been able to budget for clothes for 2+ years, but you have found thousands of d ollars to buy gear. 17. Your girlfriend/wife goes to bed, You go to your S TUDIO. 16. Your friends say “Why would you pay $XXX for that piece of crap ?” and you glare back and actually get offended… 15. You can tell the di fference between 12dB/24dB filters by ear… 14. You prefer “analog” inste ad of “digital” home appliances because ‘they just work better ‘ 13. You s tart wondering if you can obtain a 24 db neural implant to filter your eve r-increasing tinnitus problem. 12. You devise a mthod of connecting your CV sequencer to a mains relay to trigger the coffee machine every 1,024 ga te pulses 11. Every piece of clothing you own has a synth manufacturers lo go on it. You scam them for free every trade show you attend. This allows more money for the important things in life. 10. Your wife/girlfriend leav es you. You go into a depression for a while, then decide you can win her back with a simple, touching and heartfelt song, written especially for he r. 6 months later, you are still mixing it. 9. You go to a trade show. You rush over to the brand new synth on display, fiddle for 5 minutes, declar e it “a piece of crap” and then go on to tell the company reps how it work s, where the PCM samples came from, and offer to do them better samples fr om your own analog wardrobes all in a very loud voice. They give you an em broidered tour jacket on the condition that you go away NOW. (see 11) 8. S ynth manufacturers call YOU for technical support. 7. First thing you thin k of after sex is turning on your synths. 6. You get excited about talking electronic toys and try to subvert them into saying bad words or doing we ird stuff so you can sample them. 5. You dream of finding a $50.00 Moog 55 at a garage sale, and after you’ve thought of it, you stop at every one y ou see! 4. You carry around a picture of your modular in your wallet to sh ow everyone. 3. Your monthly power bill is always in the triple digits. 2. You have a rack-mounted microwave oven. …and the #1 sign that you’v e been hanging around synths and samplers too long: You understand every l ast term and joke used in this article ! DC3A9cor by Timothy Leary By M ARK ALLEN Published: January 20, 2005 AT first glance it looked like somthing in the window of a TriBeCa furniture store, an oversize lamp fr om the early 60’s maybe. But when Kate Chapman flicked a switch and the t hree-foot high latticework cylinder in front of me began to spin, it was clear that we were dealing with more than just another piece of midcentur y flotsam. The machine started to cast strobelike patterns of bright lig ht on our faces, and when I closed my eyes as instructed, there they were the dazzling multicolored forms that I’d been told about: mandalas and crosses and even Mandelbrot fractals, dancing across my eyelids. I was sitting on the floor of Ms. Chapman’s Brooklyn loft, and she was demonst rating her prized household appliance, a 1996 Dreamachine originally made for William S. Burroughs. Besides the trippy visual effects the device is said to induce an “alpha state” – a state conducive to lucid dreaming or intense daydreaming – in people who face the cylinder with their eyes clo sed as it spins around a bright light. Dreamachine enthusiasts – whose ranks have swelled recently thanks to chat forums and a book published la st year – claim that it promotes a trancelike serenity, intensifies creat ivity and insight and even uncovers suppressed memories. Ms. Chapman’s Dr eamachine is one of more than a thousand that have been manufactured sinc e the early 90’s by a California composer and conductor named David Wooda rd. One is on display this month at the Clair Obscur Gallery in Los Angel es along with an exhibit of photographs of Burroughs taken by John Aes-Ni hil, an underground filmmaker, and the premiere at the gallery of his fil m, “William Burroughs in the Dreamachine.” Burroughs, along with other fi gures from the Beat Generation like Allen Ginsberg and Timothy Leary, was fascinated, even at times obsessed by the Dreamachine, which was invented in 1959 by their fellow Beats Brion Gysin, an artist, and Ian Sommerville a math student at Cambridge. Mr. Leary called it “the most sophisticate d neurophenomenological device ever designed”; Mr. Burroughs experimented with it for nearly four decades. (The film shows him using his Dreamachi nes at his home in Lawrence, Kan., shortly before his death in 1997). I had come to Ms. Chapman’s loft to see if the machine lived up to the hyp e, but I didn’t get very far in my first session. The colorful undulating patterns that I began to see almost at once were intriguing: far more viv id than the fuzzy images you see when you rub your eyes, although just as hard to focus on. But as far as I could tell my state of consciousness b arely changed during the 20 minutes that I sat cross-legged in front of t he spinning cylinder. When I opened my eyes, Ms. Chapman seemed to sense my disappointment. I had been somewhat skeptical, but was still hoping fo r more, given what I had learned about the machine and its history. Mr. G ysin and Mr. Sommerville built the first Dreamachine after learning of re search by John Smythies and W. Grey Walter, scientists who had noted in e xperiments that light flickering at 8 to 12 flashes a second against a su bject’s closed eyelids seemed to slow the electrical pulse rate of the su bject’s brain to a state of semiconsciousness known as the alpha state an d produce rich dreamlike imagery. Although his fellow Beats were excited about using the device, Mr. Gysin had broader ambitions for it and tried to distance himself from their enthusiasm, says John Geiger, the author of “Chapel of Extreme Experience: a Short History of Stroboscopic Light a nd the Dream Machine” (Soft Skull Press, 2004). “He was focused on its commercial potential,” Mr. Geiger said. “He imagined a Dreamachine in eve ry suburban home, in the spot formerly occupied by the television set, bu t broadcasting inner programming. He really saw this idea as his ticket o ut of bohemia town.” Mr. Gysin’s attempts to commercialize the Dreamachin e during the 60’s and 70’s never got very far. He met with corporations l ike Philips, Columbia Records and Random House, but they did not share hi s vision of the Dreamachine as the successor to TV. They were also worrie d about lawsuits resulting from seizures caused by the machine. Sotheb y’s (top); John Aes-Nihil ALPHA-STATE MALES William F. Burroughs, right, e xamines a Dreamachine with its maker, David Woodard, in 1997. Two years l ater Mr. Woodard made a version covered in ermine fur, top, for Burroughs’ memorial service. “For the high majority of people this is a complete ly safe device,” Mr. Geiger said. But Dr. Robert Fisher, the director of the Comprehensive Epilepsy Center at Stanford, said that 1 in 10,000 peop le is likely to have a seizure in reaction to the its stroboscopic light, and that children are about twice as susceptible. David Woodard, who n ow makes Dreamachines to order at his studio in Los Angeles, learned abou t the device from a friend of Mr. Gysin’s a few years after his death in 1986. Mr. Woodard was able to borrow the original Dreamachine templates f rom the friend, and built his first one in 1989; within a few years word of mouth and modest advertising led to a full-fledged business. He made tw o for William Burroughs and has made others for celebrities including Iggy Pop, Beck and Kurt Cobain. ( Rumors circulated that Cobain had been usin g the device heavily in the days leading up to his suicide, although late r reports contradicted this.) Mr. Woodard charges $500 for a basic mode l with a cylinder of acid-free matting board. (The cylinder surrounds a 1 50-watt bulb, which is mounted in the center of a wood base holding a mot or that spins the cylinder at 80 r.p.m.) Custom models, with cylinders ma de from steel, copper or cocobolo wood – or even covered in ermine fur – can cost as much as $3,000. After the mixed success of my first experime nt with the Dreamachine, my hostess urged me to try again. Ms. Chapman, 3 0, is a former neuroscience researcher for the Multidisciplinary Associat ion for Psychedelic Studies, a nonprofit organization that sponsors “scie ntific research designed to develop psychedelics and marijuana into F.D.A .-approved prescription medicines,” according to its Web site. “I’m ju st an artist now,” she said. Ms. Chapman thought it might be helpful if m y body were more relaxed, so I lay down on a sofa, and she put on soothin g music. She flicked the machine back on as I shut my eyes. A moment late r there they were, the same flashing patterns as before. After a while I became bored and my mind began to drift. That’s when it happened. I didn’ t “see” as much as I strongly imagined a campfire in a clearing in a dens e forest at night. My boyfriend Jim was sitting to my left, laughing. Lat er I seemed to find myself in a large empty auditorium, walking toward so me chairs arranged in the middle of the room. In one creepy moment I was in a basement hallway, following closely behind someone walking ahead of me, whose face I couldn’t see. I was imagining these scenes so vividly t hat it was almost as if I were seeing them. The thoughts had a kind of sl ow-motion jump-cut feel, just like dreams, but because I was fully consci ous, I was able to contemplate all of this as it was happening. With m y eyes still shut and my mind now very relaxed and slightly adrift, I sta rted to notice that the wall of flashing patterns was receding backward and developing a dark border around its edges. It was at that moment that I sensed someone to my left, sitting beside me, watching what I was watchin g. This figure was not in the room with me, but in my head, which had now turned into a little theater. I felt that if I turned my head, I would b e able to look over at this person. I opened my eyes, and reality rushe d back in, to my relief. That last vision hadn’t really been frightening, but it wasn’t exactly heartwarming either. But I was impressed. As I tal ked to Ms. Chapman about my experience, I became aware of an unusual sere nity and mental clarity, as if I had just waked from a refreshing nap. Days after my experience with Ms. Chapman I found myself craving the Dre amachine and the vivid imagery and sense of calm it had produced. I’m not sure I would part with $500 to bring one into my life. But having lived th rough the experience, it was hard not to think about Mr. Gysin’s vision o f an alternate-universe America in which every home would tune into inter nal landscapes instead of commercial programming. AD M DI 09 d Community Weekly Newsletter spread the psytranc e virus ath said, which heard the words of God, and knew the knowledge of the most High, which saw the vision of the Almighty, falling into a trance, but ha ving his eyes open” Fiery th e Angels rose, & as they rose deep thunder roll’d Around their sho res: indignant burning with the fires of Orc – America, A Prophecy/DI V issue /Scene News t Calendar New York Times, about light/audio devices and psychedelia pr oducers check it out!) Music/Scene News ay and Wednesday! iel Pinchbeck, who’s written for NY Times Magazine, Wired, et al, and abou t our scene in Breaking Open the Head, gives a talk on 2012 – se /index2 /index2 Nan with all the M ayan stuff you better be there! my last big budget party for awhile – “Potluck” DVD release party at Karma with High Times magazine, the director and actors from the film plus DVD and magazine giveaways – plus Severyn doing deco, and Omnitr ibe DJs! The free party to end all free parties. Oh and no parties this weekend as of this writing. Someone may post s omthing on NYC604 (if it’s very last minute) and/or Safetydance, (if it’s private and they get to me in a timely fashion) Valerio originally from New Orleans, he has played at a couple parties here – has a track out on Psyshop! yay! my track final ly got released….it’s called “reefer and barbeque” now buy it, download it, rip it, en1cd003 web psyshop/shop/CDs/zen/zen1cd003 Psy Trance Release for the Tsunami Benefit Title: Tsunami Benefit Appeal Release end. Jan/ beg. Feb Format: 3xCD Digipack List of Contributing Artists: THE ORB JUNO REACT OR EAT STATIC SYSTEM 7 FUTURE SOUND OF LONDON SHPONGLE INFECTED MUSHROOM A STRIX ALIEN PROJECT SPACE CAT – ESKIMO- POP STREAM- DICK TREVOR/ AMD XE ROX + ILLUMINATION ATMOS PROTOCULTURE HUMAN BLUE JIRAH WRECKED MACHINES SAFI CONNECTION BENEFACTOR VOICE OF COD P.A.N/ ETNICA GMS HALLUCINO GEN YOUTH + ing the tragic effects of the Tsunami in the Indian Ocean, Organic Records have decided to put together a CD album with music donated from some top psytrance artists, with all profits going towards the DEC (Disasters E mergency Committee). The 3cd album will be distributed by Arabesque Dis tribution who will be doing so commission free, and who will be encouragin g parties further down the sales chain to do the same We are creating a 3x CD compilation featuring outstanding quality music from the creme-de-la-cr eme of the Trance and Electronic music scene. We are reaching to the wh ole of the Electronic Music Community to be involved. If you are intereste d, we would love your contributing help. The Goal: To compile an album representing the best of today’s electronic Music scene. To market the alb um all over The World to raise money for the Tsunami appeal Mission values : To apply Organic Records quality and values to a humanitarian cause. To show the trance scene can stand by its beliefs and pull together when the time comes. (most people in the scene have traveled to Asia or have been i nfluenced by its philosophies and culture in some way) The Mission: To uni fy the major producers and record labels of the trance/electronic music sc ene, to show politics and personal/ business issues can be pushed aside to CD??? I am a seller with Arabesque Distribution (UK), and would be more t han happy to order a batch of CDs, and sell them back to you, guys, at $0 markup, as long as the shipping costs are covered!!! Please let me know if you are interested in contributing for this worthy cost, and getting this unique CD!!! I will aggregate all of your requests, and put in one huge o rder… PLEASE PASS THIS ON TO EVERYONE WHO YOU WOULD THINK WOULD BEINTERESTED!!! – Mike Tranceplant tranceplant at yahoo p.s. Latest addition from Banco De Gaia : Down From the Mountain will appear on the CD… STR ONGJoin DanceSafe Jeff, Would you pass this along to t he appropriate lists for us? Thanks- AllisonDanceSafe NYC is looking for new volunteers!Help us promote health and safety at parties, raves, a nd throughout the dance community. We need your energy and ideas.&nb sYou can help us staff info booths at parties, screen pills for adulter ants, research and write pamphlets, defend NYC’s nightlife, and much more. If you’re interested in joining or want to learn more about DanceSa fe and d harm reduction please come to our free training: Saturday Janu ary 29th from 12:00 – 5:00pm. We’ll have lunch for you and lots of i on at dancesafe.org for more info.Don’t know what DanceSafe is all about? DanceSafe is a harm reduction organization working to make having fun safe r and healthier for everyone. We have tables at parties and clubs wh ere we offer information and harm reduction services, like adulterant scre ening, to our fellow party-goers. But we also organize workshops, do research new d pamphlets, perform street outreach, organize against an ti-dancing laws, and more. We want to hear your ideas on how DanceSa fe can reach more people and more parties. Check out our website at web dancesafe.org/web dancesafe.org for more infor mation.What does it take to volunteer for DSnyc?DanceSafe NYC is looking f or people who want to make a difference. Whether you want to work on harm reduction or general club safety or the legal aspects of nightlife (s uch as the Cabaret Laws and the RAVE Act) there is a place for you in our chapter. Give us a little of your time, or a lot – we are a flexible nonprofit organization and we are more than willing to work with you if you would like to work with us.Didn’t think New York City had a DanceSafe chapter?That’s what we’re trying to change. Join us as we try to mak e a bigger difference in New York’s nightlife.Interested? Come to a volunt eer orientation session to find out more! Our next session will be S aturday o:allison at dancesafe.org.Joinallison at dancesafe.org.Join us in fightin g for the safety of our scene!Allison McKim & Sarah HillCo-Directors – DanceSafe NYC sc ye candy! this quarter at UCSC i’m taking a class on Fractals, Chaos and The Arts with the wonderfull Dr. Ralph Abraham, chaos theorist. (Abrah am wrote Chaos, Creativity and Cosmic Consciousness with Rupert Sheldrake and Terence McKenna.) the class is small but cozy! today, our guest spe aker was Scott Draves- you might have used his bomb software that responds to audio stimulation and poking at the spacebar. electric sheep aren’t just your ordinary run-of-the-mill fractals- they are living and breat hing (4 second inhale-exhale) and you can take part in their evolution- yo u can vote on which sheep dies and which sheep will pass on their genome. have fun! GOutdoor festivals/d Sound System rental/logo partners in b oldsame date parties appear in the order submitted; Psy/Goa eve nts always come first. Organizers who cannot provide press pas ses to TripOutNY will be charged the amount of 2 tickets to finance our jo urnalism. DI /DIV l Wiener Live from the Gershwin Gallery Daniel Pinchbeck on “2012” Gershwin Hotel 7 E. 27th St. New York, NY Tu esday, January 25 8 pm $10 Understanding “2012” A talk on the Mayan Calendar, Hopi prophecies, crop circles, psychedelic shamanism, and a change in the nature of time. Daniel Pinchbeck is the author of “Bre aking Open the Head: A Psychedelic Journey into the Heart of Contemporary Shamanism” (Broadway Books, 2002) and a regular columnist for Arthur Magaz ine. He is currently working on a second book, “2012: The Return of Quetza lcoatl,” on indigenous prophecies and consciousness transformation. “‘ ‘Breaking Open the Head’ is at once a spiritual autobiography and an ambi tious ommentary, drawing on writers from Shakespeare to Timothy Leary, on the modern world’s slow alienation from the holy.” “3 Gary Kamiya, New York Times Book Review Wednesday – GANJATRON TWO !! “Potluc k” DVD Release Party at Karma with DJs Terry Spacehopper/STR ONGand Omnitribe DJs at Goa Trash at Karma. Deco by Severyn for the next two weeks! “Pot luck” came out last year, it’s the marijuana movie that bridges the Sopran os and Cheech and Chong. We’ll project the DVD at around 9pm, and th e director and actors will be on hand, as they were at last year’s party.& nbsHigh Times will have giveaways. and pleeeaaaasse people – do n ot light up at Karma! downstairs at Karma, 51 1st avenue between 3rd and 4th streets, ID21+, 10p m-4am, free. If it’s late go down the stairs and knock. T his high res-erected-by-popular-demand party promises to make any memories of Ibiza, the Riviera, or even Thailand like so much flotsam and jetsam s trung along the beaches of Goa India. Music from 10pm – 12am is gener ally mid- to late-90s Goa Trance, which is really just modern progressive house beats mixed with Ravi Shankar sounds done up at 145 BPM. After midnight DJs may mix in modern psychedelic trance. A GOA TRASH just opened recently in Santiago, Chile by Angeles who did the long running We dnesdays Opium Den. A coalition of independent trance collectives ar e coming together to make Goa Trash version 3.0 – all old skool 90’s goa – at Karma in the East Village. Make a party and they will come: the outcasts, the d addicts, freaks, dope pushers, wife beaters, torturers, trancespotters, teasers, deviants, dust munchkins, drunks, doxies, demimo ndes, dipsomaniacs, tarts, DJ groupies, jailbirds, junkies, flunkies, fles h traders, flim flam men, fetishists, lowlifes, lushes, lepers, schleppers schlemiels, snake oil salesmen, squatters, stalkers, streetwalkers, smok ers, cokers, jokers, advertising people, 604 armchair trance heads, adulte rers, deserters, dstore cowboys, dirty old men, dharma bums, d traff ickers, users, losers & abusers, lab techs, lurkers, neuromancers, num ber runners, ne’er do wells, nincompoops, nymphomaniacs, ninnies, megaloma niacs, madman, mack daddy’s, masochists, Mata Haris, “spiritual heal er,” rotters, trance-gender persons, hole-divers, sneaker pimps, cunts, gr annies, grampies, big mommas, big swinging dicks, jammy dodgers, wankers, lunatics, zen masters, fairies, gnomes and other supernatural beings, shop lifters, Goa Constrictors, duct tape fanatics, native gaians, citizens of Tonga (only cause I never get to see many of those), book characters, bridg e party people, Indian mafia, cavemen, the broken hearted, Israeli promote rs advertising fake parties ostensibly thrown by rivals, gypsies. exhibiti onists, fiends, flasher, felons, fascists, fences, fun guys, false prophet s, Flying Winos, womanizers, weekend warriors, weirdoes, war criminals, wi tches, Wolf criers, console cowboys, Californicators, cretins, shady arms dealers, sugar daddy’s, shameless self promoters, boiler room penny stock peddlers, punters, pickpockets, pool sharks, plagiarists, perverts, pyroma niacs, party girls, party crashers, Pariahs, polluters, presdigitators, pr evaricators, vampires, Maharishis, voyeurs, vamps, vandals, vixens, virago s, villains, village idiots, trailer trash, tantrists, tightwads, trickste rs, turncoats, two timers, tomboys, trippers, strippers, tipsters, softwar e pirates, simpletons, slobs, snobs, schemers, scofflaws, sissies, scoundr els, social climbers, Goa tourists, swindlers, swingers, sleazoids, scumba gs, slavers, slave drivers, sorcerers, speaker thieves, psychos, surreal k illers, skinheads, succubi, jackasses, jury riggers, race mixers, rebels, ragamuffins, recidivists, roughnecks, rumourmongers, wetbacks, wizards, wa rlocks, sportos, motorheads, geeks, sluts, bloods, wastoids, dweebies, dic k heads, dissidents, deserters, highwaymen, headhunters, hijackers, harrid ans, hooligans, hoods, hecklers, hackers, heros & zeroes, philanderers forgers, femme fatales, false prophets, floozies, Pharisees, faggots, th ugees (Indian cult murderers), thieves, Anjuna assholes, draft dodgers, di me store plastic surgeons, imposters, urchins, idiots, incubi, succubi, sa dists, snake charmers, sober sadhus, satyromaniacs, sodomists, psychonauts slackers, slayers, ravers. robbers, ropers, dopers, ass grabbers, assass ins, 24 hour party people, goat ranchers, gangsters, getaway drivers, gamb ers, gossips, geishas, grifters, growers, grisettes, gun runners, gluttons, Goths, sloths, skeezers, skanks, cranks, cokeheads, cop killers, crooks, quacks, cruisers, idolaters, molesters, masturbators, mercenaries, money m en, muggers, market makers, mobsters, murderers, muscle men, mad scientist s, mountebanks, motherfuckers, made men, meretrices, minimal progressive p imps, pornographers, parasites, party animals, punks, pennyweighters, pigs pigeon pluckers, poachers, peddlers, pranksters, princes of darkness, tr avel ticket con men, gigolos, hydro-courtesans, arsonists, adulterers, An ti-Disestablishmentarianists, assholes, anarchists, “Antipodean internation al trance hooker trios,” hipsters, flipsters, and finger-poppin daddies, t hose on the take, scams, shitlisters, shams, shoplifters, charlatans, char as dealers, cheaters, chippies, children of dysfunctional alcoholic abusiv e families, drinkers, traitors, day traders, devil worshippers, lookouts, loonies, Prince Williams’ entourage, ambulance chasers, cattle rustlers, K leptos, cannibals, cutpurses, cult leaders, call girls, counterfeiters, ke pt women, convicts, kingpins, communists, card sharks, codependants, cads, orcs, bastards, boors, backpackers, bandits, brigands, bootleggers, booze hounds, box men, bawds, burglars, bums, backstabbers, bikers, buffoons, be ggars, bumpkins, bullies, buccaneers, back alley practitioners, bottom boy s, beatniks, brothel madams, blasphemers, bookies, bombers, harlots, hippi es, whores, whoremongers, hangers-on, hustlers, hashashim, strumpets, psyc hedelic terrorists, acid visionaries, Anjuna beach bums, burnouts, slum lo rds, speed freaks, sun starers, rapscallions, rakes, Rainbow Gatherers, ro unders, roundheels, racketeers… and the republicans. This party is for you. Karma is a sensual, candlelit hookah lounge. The velvet decor, subtle fragrance of incense and deep resonant music are a delight to the senses. The Ambient beats played early in the evening complim ent our Happy Hour (everyday 3PM-8PM), and are sure to rejuvenate the soul . For the body, we offer a light array of Indian and Cafe food that is served all night every night! There are private booth s and comfortable couches available for some R&R. Once you’ve re laxed your mind with one of our specialty cocktails, had a taste of India, and put your feet up, you mustn’t forget that Karma is currently the numb er one place for a “puff of the stuff” (Hookah stuff, that is.) And YES you can smoke here even after the city wide smoking ban since we are ex empt as a Tobacco Bar from the smoking law. We have a variety of flavored tobacco that is served in beautiful brass hookahs. If you wanna get down A6just follow the signsA6 to our basement, where Goa Trance i s played. Karma is a true mix of East Village diversity in a no attitude s pace where everyone is welcome. d Orange (TDC); DJ Spirit opens om Philadelphia and Psychotty from PA and Mescalinium plus class 192001-05012005ikes: walks on the beach, full on face melting basslines b with f February 11th, 2005 VALENTINES DAY WEEKEND “The Soundwave of Love” TSUN AMI at SPIRIT 530 West 27th Street (between 10th & 11th Avenues) 10pm till 7am TALAMASCA,live and dj set (Mind Control, France) CEDRIC mesmerizes large audiences in the four corners of the globe with his powerful and loving live-sets, and the Valentines Celebration at SPIRIT will be no exception. SPIRALLIANZ vs. MIDIMILIZ, live (Gra vity Plus, The Delta, Boshkebeats, Spirit Zone – Germany) Arne and Waya n, who are also part of THE DELTA, keep pushing the envelope into new universes of musical expression, and are a dance floor favorite all ov er the world. ARNE MINDS OF DIMENTED HANOCH DEKOMPRESSION $ 30 in advance Valid Picture ID is Required Tickets also available at nami-trance | Info Line 212 ybenefit.org/onefamilybenefit.org To unsuscribe – Click He re HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR – YEAR OF THE CHICKEN! – Dreamcatcher 8 – Reality Engine presents N’Light’N D ash – Jason Sannachan (Subtlechaos) playing all new unreleased full on Psy and Progressive straight off the p ress and throwing in some rare whites just because he can. ) at Goa Trash 19 – Reality Engine presents Merkaba com/touchsamadhi DI ancefestival.info/web omnidancefestival.info/ an-mind in brings 4 day festival with Talamasca, Shakta, Orion, Eskimo, Cosmo sis and others symbolic/web psymbolic touchsamadhi/touchsamadhi s ONT
#3523 Thu, 27 Jan 2005 18:26:35 Thu, 27 Jan 2005 18:26:35 Fwd: DeKompression Free party, EVERY Thursday now!!! -7682ac4d513594a7682ac4d513594a
#3524 Thu, 27 Jan 2005 18:55:50 Thu, 27 Jan 2005 18:55:49 let’s all try to get on this show I’m trying to get a bunch of trancers to infiltrate this… this came from a friend who works there. They are currently casting a tv show for V, entitled “Can’t Get A Date”. Don’t let the title fool you, our show isn’t a dating show. We don’t set people up with you. Nobody gets voted off. This is for that person who should have no problem, ’cause they really are a catch, but still has problems meeting people in this big city. It’s about interesting people hanging out and discussing life and love, and it’s unlike anything else on television. We are looking for honest, intelligent New Yorkers between the ages of 26-35, who have very interesting dating stories ranging from the fun and casual to the tragic and traumatic. Strong personalities and unusual points of view are a definite plus. Nobody is going to try to change you. Smart graphics and production value give our documentary style show a more indie-film feel than a “reality show” feel – a smart and innovative take on what it takes to be more date-able in New York City. Be sure to mention Me if you go in. For more information, please email cgadtv at yahoo.
#3525 Sat, 29 Jan 2005 13:53:08 Sat, 29 Jan 2005 13:53:08 Afterparty tonight after Gaian Mind party – getting abducted by Smartd Fiends If you are going, see you at the party in Philly. If you are planning to drive in from NYC coordinate your rides on brainpooling. They’re renting a $40K(summer) rental a month for cheap winter rates a block from the beach: My ex-hacker friend’s smart d company is still importing piracetam and very cheap and pure nootropics/smart ds and making money hand over fist. The AIDS era Clinton loophole for a limit of three months supply of non-illicit “orphan ds” that may not cure disease but can make you smarter was very vague, and he’s pushing the fucking limit. And he’s creating jobs in south jersey. It seems they don’t know what to do with the case, and returned his computer. You go boy! Bring back the dmtski House! web smi2le.biz (web smi2le.biz) GAIAN MIND Presents a Benefit for HUMANKIND Saturday, January 29 2005 – Sunday, January 30 2005 10 pm – 7 am A Benefit Party for HUMANKIND, an Organization Dedicated to HIV/AIDS Education Thru Entertainment Featuring Performances by: GAVIN (Digital Structures, Sweden) ONNOMON (Soular Records, Philadelphia) Live! ALLEN (Gaian Mind, Philadelphia) EGBOT (Psy-Planet, Philadelphia) Deco by Optical Delusion & Steve-O Saturday, January 29th, 2005 10pm-7am THE HALCYON 3237 Amber Street Philadelphia, PA, USA Located at THE HALCYON, a beautiful, 3,300 square foot gallery space in the Port Richmond area of Philadelphia $15 Donation (Benefits HUMANKIND and CALCUTTA HOUSE) BYOB (Beer & Wine Only) From Philadelphia and points South: Take Rt. 95 N. to Allegheny Ave. Exit, turn right off the exit ramp and follow the road around to Allegheny Ave. Turn right on Allegheny Ave. and continue west for approx. 1 mile, make right onto Amber St. (just past the Penn Central train bridge). From NJ, NY, and points North: Take Rt. 95 S. to Allegheny Ave. Exit, follow Allegheny Ave. NW for approx. 1 mile, make right onto Amber St. (just past the Penn Central train bridge). Parking available on the streets or in the second available lot. Park at your own risk. THE HALCYON is located on the third floor via the freight elevator. web gaian-mind/humankind web archedream/humankind web katseyestudio.net web halcyongallery.net web calcuttahouse.org web archedream web gaian-mind Phill y. If you are planning to drive in from NYC coordinate your rides on brainpooling. They’re renting a $40K(summer) rental a month for cheap winter rates a block from the beach: her Spring Lake houses available) – Spring Lake, NJ – New Jersey Vacation R eal Estate Rental – Better than a hotel!” My ex-hacker friend’s smart d company is still importing piracetam and ver y cheap and pure nootropics/smart ds and making money hand over fist.&n bsThe AIDS era Clinton loophole for a limit of three months supply of n on-illicit “orphan ds” that may not cure disease but can make you smart er was very vague, and he’s pushing the fucking limit. And he’ s creating jobs in south jersey. It seems they don’t know what to do with the case, and returned his computer. You go boy! &nbs smi2le.biz/ GAIAN MIND Presents a Benefit for HUMANKIND Saturday, January 29 2005 – Sunday January 30 2005 10 pm – 7 am A Benefit Party for HUMANKIND, an Organization Dedicated to HIV/AIDS Education Thru Entertainment Featuring Performances by: GAVIN (Digital Structures, Sweden) O NNOMON (Soular Records, Philadelphia) Live! ALLEN (Gaian Mind, Philadel phia) EGBOT (Psy-Planet, Philadelphia) Deco by Optical Delusion & Steve-O Saturday, January 29th, 2005 10pm-7am THE HALCYON 3237 Amber Street Philadelphia, PA, USA Located at TH E HALCYON, a beautiful, 3,300 square foot gallery space in the Port Ric hmond area of Philadelphia $15 Donation (Benefits HUMANKIND and CALCUTTA HOUSE) BYOB (Beer & Wine Only) From Philadel phia and points South: Take Rt. 95 N. to Allegheny Ave. Exit, turn righ t off the exit ramp and follow the road around to Allegheny Ave. Tur n right on Allegheny Ave. and continue west for approx. 1 mile, make ri ght onto Amber St. (just past the Penn Central train bridge). Fr om NJ, NY, and points North: Take Rt. 95 S. to Allegheny Ave. Exit, fol low Allegheny Ave. NW for approx. 1 mile, make right onto Amber St. (ju st past the Penn Central train bridge). Parking available on the st reets or in the second available lot. Park at your own risk. THE HALCYON is located on the third floor via the freight elevator. w ww.gaian-mind/humankind web archedream/humankind web kats eyestudio.net web halcyongallery.net web calcuttahouse.org web arc hedream web gaian-mind
February 2005
#3528 Tue, 1 Feb 2005 17:50:43 Tue, 1 Feb 2005 17:50:41 Newsletter: Groundhog Day, more Trip Out New York Circ.1,309 Drink the Koolaid F ree NYC Trance Community Weekly Newsletter Editor Forward/reprint to spread the psytrance virus MORE LINKS (web tranceam.org/links ) Numbers 24, v erse 16 “He hath said, which heard the words of God, and knew the knowle dge of the most High, which saw the vision of the Almighty, falling into a trance, but having his eyes open” In this issue P syTrance Music/Scene News Links/Misc Event Calendar Jacob’s Ladder, and Mus hrooms (Psychrist) Rave On, and Out (New York Times) Psy-Trance Music/S cene News No more Jack Rabbit Slim’s on Thursday the place clo sed Glow sticks legal again! web chartattack/damn/2001/08/27 09.cfm (web chartattack/damn/2001/08/2709.cfm) Trance humor web psyreviews/comedy/index (web psyreviews/ comedy/index ) Please see this trailer for a new movie entitled Ent heogen which is opening at a Sundance festival this week in Utah. This t railer to the film It is very nicely ‘Reality Engine, especially when the psytrance starts. web maps.org/avarchive/igwana/Entheoge n.mov (web maps.org/avarchive/igwana/Entheogen.mov) and more inf o about the film here: Machine Elves in th e encyclopdia! en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MachineElves (en.wik ipedia.org/wiki/MachineElves) d.lycaeum.org/extract/where.ht ml ( d.lycaeum.org/extract/where ) web cannabischassid is.blogspot feedback (web cannabischassidis.blogspot%20fe edback/) ees alvays appreciated. yoseph Here is my new paintings. The se are available at my web site. web wwwcomcom/store/original/o riginalsforsale (web wwwcomcom/store/original/originals forsale ) Daniel Pinchbeck is colloborating with a groups on the l aunch of a new print magazing called Metacine that, if all goes well, will hit the shelves all over the US and Canada this summer. A group is at the Sundance Film Festival right now passing out hundreds of full-color broch ures to help generate buzz. They recently nabbed Sting to give a blurb. He re is the introduction: Are you interested in collaborating on a new parad igm for planetary culture? The goal of Metacine: A magazine for the New Ed ge is to present the paradigm for a new planetary culture. Today’s world i s out of balance, rocked by constant crisis – threatened by climate chang e, violence, pullution, rising energy costs, and environmental neglect. Bu the solutions to many of these problems already exist. What is required i s a quantum leap in consciousness, a mind-shift, that can give us the insp iration, will, and practical tools to make our highest visions into realit y. web metacine.net/ (web metacine.net/) Event Cal endar Outdoor festivals/d Sound System rental/logo partners in bold; sa me date parties appear in the order submitted; Psy/Goa events always come first. Organizers who cannot provide press passes to TripOutNY will be charged the amount of 2 tickets to finance our journalism. * * * Feb 2 – Wednesday – Groundhog Day at Goa Trash – Lauryn (Boston) & Mad Orange (TDC); DJ Spirit opens. Nan and friend returns to doing deco! Goa Trash downstairs at Karma, 51 1st avenue between 3rd and 4th streets, ID21+, 10pm-4am, free. If it’s late go down the stairs and knock. This high res-erected-by-popular-demand party promises to make an y memories of Ibiza, the Riviera, or even Thailand like so much flotsam a nd jetsam strung along the beaches of Goa India. Music from 10pm – 12am is generally mid- to late-90s Goa Trance, which is really just modern pro gressive house beats mixed with Ravi Shankar sounds done up at 145 BPM. After midnight DJs may mix in modern psychedelic trance. A GOA TRASH jus t opened recently in Santiago, Chile by Angeles who did the long running Wednesdays Opium Den. A coalition of independent trance collectives are coming together to make Goa Trash version 3.0 – all old skool 90’s goa – at Karma in the East Village. Make a party and they will come: the outca sts, the d addicts, freaks, dope pushers, wife beaters, torturers, tra ncespotters, teasers, deviants, dust munchkins, drunks, doxies, demimondes dipsomaniacs, tarts, DJ groupies, jailbirds, junkies, flunkies, flesh t raders, flim flam men, fetishists, lowlifes, lushes, lepers, schleppers, schlemiels, snake oil salesmen, squatters, stalkers, streetwalkers, smoke rs, cokers, jokers, advertising people, 604 armchair trance heads, adulter ers, deserters, dstore cowboys, dirty old men, dharma bums, d traff ickers, users, losers & abusers, lab techs, lurkers, neuromancers, number runners, ne’er do wells, nincompoops, nymphomaniacs, ninnies, megalomani acs, madman, mack daddy’s, masochists, Mata Haris, “spiritual healer,” r otters, trance-gender persons, hole-divers, sneaker pimps, cunts, grannie s, grampies, big mommas, big swinging dicks, jammy dodgers, wankers, luna tics, zen masters, fairies, gnomes and other supernatural beings, shoplif ters, Goa Constrictors, duct tape fanatics, native gaians, citizens of To nga (only cause I never get to see many of those), book characters, bridg e party people, Indian mafia, cavemen, the broken hearted, Israeli promot ers advertising fake parties ostensibly thrown by rivals, gypsies. exhibi tionists, fiends, flasher, felons, fascists, fences, fun guys, false prop hets, Flying Winos, womanizers, weekend warriors, weirdoes, war criminals, witches, Wolf criers, console cowboys, Californicators, cretins, shady a rms dealers, sugar daddy’s, shameless self promoters, boiler room penny s tock peddlers, punters, pickpockets, pool sharks, plagiarists, perverts, pyromaniacs, party girls, party crashers, Pariahs, polluters, presdigitat ors, prevaricators, vampires, Maharishis, voyeurs, vamps, vandals, vixens viragos, villains, village idiots, trailer trash, tantrists, tightwads, tricksters, turncoats, two timers, tomboys, trippers, strippers, tipsters software pirates, simpletons, slobs, snobs, schemers, scofflaws, sissie s, scoundrels, social climbers, Goa tourists, swindlers, swingers, sleazo ids, scumbags, slavers, slave drivers, sorcerers, speaker thieves, psycho s, surreal killers, skinheads, succubi, jackasses, jury riggers, race mix ers, rebels, ragamuffins, recidivists, roughnecks, rumourmongers, wetback s, wizards, warlocks, sportos, motorheads, geeks, sluts, bloods, wastoids dweebies, dick heads, dissidents, deserters, highwaymen, headhunters, h ijackers, harridans, hooligans, hoods, hecklers, hackers, heros & zeroes, philanderers, forgers, femme fatales, false prophets, floozies, Pharisee s, faggots, thugees (Indian cult murderers), thieves, Anjuna assholes, dr aft dodgers, dime store plastic surgeons, imposters, urchins, idiots, inc ubi, succubi, sadists, snake charmers, sober sadhus, satyromaniacs, sodom ists, psychonauts, slackers, slayers, ravers. robbers, ropers, dopers, as s grabbers, assassins, 24 hour party people, goat ranchers, gangsters, ge taway drivers, gambers, gossips, geishas, grifters, growers, grisettes, g un runners, gluttons, Goths, sloths, skeezers, skanks, cranks, cokeheads, cop killers, crooks, quacks, cruisers, idolaters, molesters, masturbator s, mercenaries, money men, muggers, market makers, mobsters, murderers, m uscle men, mad scientists, mountebanks, motherfuckers, made men, meretrice s, minimal progressive pimps, pornographers, parasites, party animals, pu nks, pennyweighters, pigs, pigeon pluckers, poachers, peddlers, pranksters princes of darkness, travel ticket con men, gigolos, hydro-courtesans, arsonists, adulterers, Anti-Disestablishmentarianists, assholes, anarchis ts, “Antipodean international trance hooker trios,” hipsters, flipsters, and finger-poppin daddies, those on the take, scams, shitlisters, shams, shoplifters, charlatans, charas dealers, cheaters, chippies, children of dysfunctional alcoholic abusive families, drinkers, traitors, day traders devil worshippers, lookouts, loonies, Prince Williams’ entourage, ambul ance chasers, cattle rustlers, Kleptos, cannibals, cutpurses, cult leader s, call girls, counterfeiters, kept women, convicts, kingpins, communists card sharks, codependants, cads, orcs, bastards, boors, backpackers, ba ndits, brigands, bootleggers, boozehounds, box men, bawds, burglars, bums backstabbers, bikers, buffoons, beggars, bumpkins, bullies, buccaneers, back alley practitioners, bottom boys, beatniks, brothel madams, blasphe mers, bookies, bombers, harlots, hippies, whores, whoremongers, hangers-o n, hustlers, hashashim, strumpets, psychedelic terrorists, acid visionari es, Anjuna beach bums, burnouts, slum lords, speed freaks, sun starers, r apscallions, rakes, Rainbow Gatherers, rounders, roundheels, racketeers.. . and the republicans. This party is for you. Karma is a sensual, candlel it hookah lounge. The velvet decor, subtle fragrance of incense and deep resonant music are a delight to the senses. The Ambient beats played ea rly in the evening compliment our Happy Hour (everyday 3PM-8PM), and are sure to rejuvenate the soul. For the body, we offer a light array of In dian and Cafe food that is served all night every night! There are priv ate booths and comfortable couches available for some R&R. Once you’ve r elaxed your mind with one of our specialty cocktails, had a taste of Indi a, and put your feet up, you mustn’t forget that Karma is currently the n umber one place for a “puff of the stuff” (Hookah stuff, that is.) And YE S you can smoke here even after the city wide smoking ban since we are ex empt as a Tobacco Bar from the smoking law. We have a variety of flavored tobacco that is served in beautiful brass hookahs. If you wanna get dow n A6just follow the signsA6 to our basement, where Goa Trance is played. Karma is a true mix of East Village diversity in a no attitude sp ace where everyone is welcome. Friday, February 4th Essential Wave & Pol arlight House & Progressive at Nightengale 213 2nd Avenue # 13 St, NYC Z innober [Polarlight] Stashuk [Essential Wave] Valo [Essential Wave] Andrey K [Polarlight] Earthian [Polarlight] D.Mitriy [Essential Wave] Visuals by Polarlight Free Admission 21+ web polarlightmusic (web pola rlightmusic/) Feb 9 – Wednesday – Goa Trash – Pennsylvania DJs with Egbot from Philadelphia and Psychotty from PA and Mescalinium plus Analog from Bethlehem PA (Likes: walks on the beach, full on face melting bassl ines by the fire; Dislikes: women with fleas) Friday February 11th, 200 5 VALENTINES DAY WEEKEND “The Soundwave of Love” TSUNAMI at SPIRIT 530 Wes t 27th Street (between 10th & 11th Avenues) 10pm till 7am TALAMASCA,live and dj set (Mind Control, France) CEDRIC mesmerizes large audiences in the four corners of the globe with his powerful and loving live-sets, and th e Valentines Celebration at SPIRIT will be no exception. SPIRALLIANZ vs. MIDIMILIZ, live (Gravity Plus, The Delta, Boshkebeats, Spirit Zone – Germa ny) Arne and Wayan, who are also part of THE DELTA, keep pushing the enve lope into new universes of musical expression, and are a dance floor favo rite all over the world. ARNE MINDS OF DIMENTED HANOCH DEKOMPRESSION $30 i n advance Valid Picture ID is Required Tickets also available at GrooveTi ckets (ce/) | Info Line 212 439-8124 web groovetickets (web groovetickets/ ) onefamilybenefit.org (onefamilybenefit.org/) To unsusc ribe – Click Here HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR – YEAR OF THE CHICKEN! Can you please post this to the lists? thanks… Hey this is Stefan. Many of you know, but for those who don’t- GREAT NEWS! On Fri, Feb 11th- Spirallianz (2/3 of Delta!!!) will be playing on the excellent, new sound system at S pirit!!!! Most of you know im nutz about them and soon youll see why I fl y to obscure locations on the globe to see them! guestlist info at bottom . Wayan and Arne have not played a live set asSpirallianz in NY since 200 0, when they released their ground-breaking, psytek wonder, “BLASTFOOD” Arne will also be doing a djset! Talamasca, of global fame, will also be doing a live set and dj set!!!! AND- DeKompression djs, Coral Slater and DanVapid will be opening the party, so come as early as you can!!!! I am doing a guestlist for this party. It will be the cheapest option, becau se buying tix presale usually involves a store comission….send an email with your name to t) and you will be on the DeKompression list, the tix will then be 30 bu cks flat. For info on upcoming events and a mix from DanVapid, visit web .dekompression.net (web dekompression.net/) Stefan:) Feb 12 – Al ladin Project Alladin Project Presents: Return to the Source Saturday Feb 12, 2005 NYC Valentines Day Weekend Featuring… KOX BOX LIVE-(DK) OFORIA LIVE- Bne Rec. (Israel ) BLACK BUDDHA LIVE- Sound Species (Japan ) /Alladin Project (NYC/US) Dj SET… Frank’e -KOX BOX (DK) Ofer Dikovsky Bne Rec. (Israel ) Knob- Sound Species/ Alladin Project (Japan) Dr Spoo k GeoMagnetic/ Alladin Project (SF) Decorations by: Severyn Barabakh (S ubtlechaos NYC) & Alladin Project Crew (NYC/US) Visuals by: VJ: Dr Spook (SF) VJ: Surge (SubtleChaos/Dekompression) VJ: Skyeye Sound Species (U.N .-NYC) Door Open: 10PM to 8AM Tickets: $25 in advance, $35 After. 18 to enter – 21+w/ID to drink. 00 Kenmare St/ Lafayette, (212) 966-0022 Satellite Records NYC 259 Bower y Av. (212) 995-1744 Location: CLUB EXIT 147 GREENPOINT AVE BROOKLYN N Y Directions : By Subway: take the L train to metropolitan Ave & transf er to the G train to Greenpoint Ave. the Club is right across the street . Subway Map: web mta.nyc.ny.us/nyct/maps/submap (w ww.mta.nyc.ny.us/nyct/maps/submap ) By Car: Take BQE (I-278) to Exit 33 McQuinness Blvd. to Greenpoint Ave. Turn LEFT at Greenpoint Ave Proce ed to the corner of Manhattan Ave. by car service / taxi : from Manhattan cost $15 from Bedford Station it cost $6 Street Map: maps.yaho 43&mlt 11222-2301&cou adinproduction at yahoo) web koxbox.dk/ (web koxbox. dk/) web bne.co.il/ (web bne.co.il/) web geomagnetic.tv/ (web geomagnetic.tv/) web alladinpro ject (web alladinproject/) web severyn (web severyn/) “give a chance to trance NYC” OUR NEXT PA RTY WILL BE ON SATURDAY MARCH 5 2005 Featuring… EAT STATIC LIVE and more… at CLUB EXIT (Greenpoint Ave) Feb 16 – Wednesday – Goa Trash – Dreamcatcher 2/18 – TEGMA live at The Hook (18 Commerce St., Red Hook, Brooklyn) presented by OmniTribe & Polarlight Records…web omnitr ibe/ Feb 19-20 Ibogain Conference Feb 23 – Wednesday – Goa Trash – Vlad Kife & Vitalik & Shai (Omnitribe) March 3 – Wednesday – Goa Trash – Jason Sannachan (Subtlechaos) Jason will be playing all new unreleased fu ll on Psy and Progressive straight off the press and throwing in some rar e whites just because he can. plus – Ari D (Goahead, Ohio) March 5 Allad in Project – Tsunami Benefit March 10 Goa Trash FaceHead (Pennsylvania) March 16 Bryan Ladd (Massachussetts) at Goa Trash March 25 – Tsunami at Spirit March 26 – Alladin Project April 15 – Alladin Project May 21 North Carolina – Goa Gil – touchsamadhi (touchsamadhi /) Early June – Upstate NY – web omnidancefestival.info/ (web omnidancefestival.info/) Late June – West Virginia – web ga ian-mind (web gaian-mind/) July 4th weekend – Los Angele s – web greensector (web greensector/) Phantasm again br ings 4 day festival with Talamasca, Shakta, Orion, Eskimo, Cosmosis and others July 16 – Midwest – web psymbolic (web psymbolic/ ) July – Oregon web Enosa.net (web enosa.net/) Sept 23-25 North Carolina – Powwow festival – touchsamadhi (touc hsamadhi/) Goa Gil in Oregon Lusty Cloud-Hoppers by Evan I’ve been running after you for hundreds of generations. You’ve smiled to me i n my dreams but I only woke up alone again. Are you at last within my gra sp? Is this illusion an allusion to where words can not reach? That possib le place from which splendor spills forth? If so I know I will Wake up t o Our tomorrow. Greetings All, Below is copy of the latest article I’ ve written, Its about seeing Humanity from the Divines perspective with re gards to sacred Fungi. The Journal it will be published in is called “TEONANACATL” and is put out by the Florida Mycology Research Center. Ste phen Peele is the Curator and is one of the few people that the GOV. ever granted a Schedule 1 license to so that he could study Psilocybin. I enco uraged you to order it. To look at a free sample of Teonanacatl click on the following link web Fungifmrc/teojournal (web Fungifmrc/teojournal ) Hope this article sheds some lig ht on the subject of God, Creation and the road home, as I know these are complicate times. Peace & Love, Matthew N. Wyman Walking in GodE280 99s Shoes Psilocybin & Jacobs “CLadder”D As I am sure, many of you have noticed there are some serious signs in the air lat ely. Speaking more clearly, the recent Tsunami caused by a massive under- ocean earthquake flooded as many as 10 countries. Some of theses countrie s had as much as 10 miles of land swept over by the sea waves! Nothing of that size, to my knowledge, has happened in recorded history. Now let us p lay a game called suppose… Suppose as I am sure some of you have, that the bad condition of the world right now is not a mere coincidence. S uppose that there is a Grand Master and a plan, a God if you will who desi res all of Humanity to know Him. However, He is faced with the obstacle o f a Humanity whose hearts and minds are full of the thousand fold paths of knowledge. Some say God is this direction, others say he is that way, some say He isnt a He at all, while other say He doesnt really exist. Now as God, you have foreseen this dilemma- and fortunately for us, you place a “C”Cladder”D”D directly fro m Earth into the Heavenly Realms where you dwell. Having made the problem of how to find you obsolete, so that “Cface to face”D conve rsations can now take place ironing out any misconceptions Humanity has ab out your nature, you feel assured. After all, humans need food, they are all attracted to beauty and if nothing else, they are very curious. Th e “Cladder”D you have placed on Earth is both attractive and edible; you made 184 different varieties of it so that every continent an d many islands have at least one type of “Cladder”D availabl e to them. In addition, you have designed the “Cladders”D to turn blue when handled so as to distinguish them from anything else and t o spark Humanities curiosity. Even a child could understand these concept s, so you relax. However, as you watch you see that Humanity does not as whole come to the beautiful feast youve set before them via your “Cladders.”D In fact, many of them outlawed the “Cl adder”D while others used it only to elevate themselves to the stat us of Magician. For a moment you lose hope, then as you are about to wipe away the whole race and start again you realize that if Humanity knew wha t a treasure you have in store for them they would gladly turn to you. Bu t how to tell them? You decide that sending messengers might do the tric k. To do this you select the trade group of the Shepards (most of the prophets came from this group), after all their duty is to see that the flock is safely brought to green pastures. With this in mind you place your “Cladders”D in dense thickets around the She pards so that at least some of them will inquire of the strange b lue staining fruit they find at their feet. Time passes and you find an e xcellent Shepard, his name is Abram. Abram is the son of an idol maker wh o sold the “Cladders”D as a means to animate his clay statue s. Because Abram is diligent with regard to your nature as God of the uni verse, you decide to make a whole race out of him. The Hebrew is born. As God, you are all wise and you know that just because they are biologic ally related to the man you renamed Abraham, that doesnt mean the y will step up to youre “Cladder”D or enter into yo ur domain. For Humanity as a whole has avoided it since the Fall, and th ough it had been the light of humankind, on that fateful day when the red fruit with white spots meshed its genetic material with humanitys Logic won out over Love. So what do you do? You know that a contract m ust be made between Abrahams decedents and you. This is the cove nant of the flesh, in which you have Abraham cut the shaft of his maleness remaking it into the likeness of your “Cladders.”D Becaus e the operation is painful and has no medical value you are sure that the meaning behind this ritual will not be lost. Now, surely no one will forg et the way to the Divine, for you commanded Abraham specifically that all of his descendents should circumcise- that it was to be a sign between the m and you for all ages. Not only that, but because you are all knowing, y ou can see how short sighted Humanity really is. They do not see that the y need you, and though they are very fond of eating, they believe in their hearts that this food is won by their own ingenuity. Realizing their sh ort sightedness, you discover that the only way to become important to the se creatures is to create a circumstance where they need you. So You sen d the one of Jacobs sons whom you love the most into slavery. Th is man is Joseph, and through him, you are able to set an example of how y ou can free anyone from any situation. The concept works so well that you take the better part of the Hebrew people and put them through the trial of slavery, for as it turned out the ritual of carving their maleness into your likeness did not keep them focused on you. Naturally, they hated sl avery, but over time, they become aware of the need for your higher power. As they unify from twelve tribes into a single people all crying out for help you seize your opportunity. You send one man, not a whole army, but just one man to free them. If an army had been sent they would see the a rmy but not you, the God behind their current and future salvation. There fore, you send Moses, whose name means drawn from the water. Knowing hu mans, you know that above all else they need water to survive. Thus, the “Cladder”D you created was also designed to satisfy this driv e for water, as you made it to be 92% water. For that matter, the E2 809Cladders”D were also designed to look you like the Palm tree, b ecause the palm signifies both food and the water of an oasis. Now, you could just have the man Moses bring in a massive Hurricane or Meteor showe r in by having him speak openly this prediction and then doing the work yo ur self to make it happen. But then the Humans would soon go back to livi ng life solely for themselves and you would be forgotten again. It takes a lot to impress Humans for all generations to come. Therefore, you send M oses with ten signs that only a God could perform to testify to them about you and youre “Cladder”D. Still you know that th ey will want to objectify you, to make you part of their collectable knowl edge so as to contain you and store you on a shelf somewhere. That is why when Moses asked for your Name to give to the Hebrews you gave him none. Saying instead, who ever asks you what God sent you, tell them: “CI am that I am sent you.”D If Moses at this time showed t he Hebrews the physical “Cladder”D of God, perhaps they too would ascend into heaven and come to know you. So by this manner you sav ed a People who youve called your own. These people you hope wil l fall further and further in love with you and thereby shed the light of understanding on you and your “Cladders”D for all generations to come. However, over time the Hebrews lose track of your holy name, the “Cladder”D which you sent down to them to help them in th eir times of need and bring everlasting beauty to their innermost breast. Again you shower down the rain of salvation that righteousness may spring up with it and again it is to the Shepards th at you send the “Cladders”D of heaven. From the class of S hepards is born one who from a youth learned about you. His skin was made ruddy by the consumption of your sacred name, and in you he stay ed awake through the long watches of the night to drive away the lion and the bear. One day while in your Divine name this young Shepard named Dav id came to the frontline of the armies of Israel where the Philistines sta nd mocking your people. Because David is in you and you are in him he is filled with your glory and wrath. You encourage him and he overtakes the giant Goliath with a symbol for your name “3 the Rock. Later you decide to make David your king because he is willing to act as a Shepard f or all of Israel, guiding them in word and deed toward “Cyour holy things”D (2 Chronicles 31:6-8). David had many trials to overcom e, but because he never ceased to call on your Divine Name that “Cl adder”D which brought him to you, you said of David that he was a m an after your own heart. David in turn so loved you that the Psalms you inspired in him to write are full of references to you & to his Lord Chris t the “Cladder”D between God and Man. From the loin of David sprang forth Solomon, of whom you had it said that he was the wisest of a ll men. For Solomon sought the light in your kingdom through that most a ncient of “Cdoors”D the holy “Cgate”D of heaven . He did this more fervently and frequently than anyone before him. Co nsequently, Solomons nervous system was grown out like a healthy b ed of mycelium in a Petri dish of auger. He could see the connections bet ween everything under the sun and he knew their beginnings and their endi ngs. Unfortunately, he love many women and in order to keep them happy he gave them everything they wanted including gods which they could fit neat ly into their hands and which they could place on shelves, alters, and hig h places where all of Israel saw them… Furious with Solomon for the de linquent act of placing short term pleasure over the long term welfare of your people Israel you take eleven of the tribes away from his descendents as a discipline to show your displeasure. Unfortunately, it does not solv e the fact that the Israelites are dissolving back into the world around t hem, and worse they are teaching others to profane your holy name by maki ng it into a tool simply for sexual gratification which they employ at the ir maypole gatherings. So you send more messengers to guide Israel back into your eternal sanctuary. But many of these are stone to death while t he others are silenced or drive away. It is clear to you that the tribe o f Hebrews has become rebellious and will not return to your kingdom. Ther efore, after exiling them several times with mixed results and seeing that their current Shepards have hidden the keys of your wisdom E2 8093 your ladders, you decide now is the time to send your Son to set th ings straight. Of whom your servants; the prophets foretold the arrival of. Born of a woman, Jesus was raised from a youth on the “Choney from the Rock”D that sweet water of life. As it is written E280 9Cas soon as the child can distinguish right from wrong he was fed curds and honey.”D As Jesus grew the radiance of life-force you poured i nto him increased, so that at times your spirit was an overflowing spring in him, while his human side was merely the glass containing you. Jesus, youre son, because his love for you exceeded Solomons a nd he ascended into heaven via your “Cladder”D more frequent ly than anyone before him, did what no prophet, Shepard or servant had bee n able to do before. He showed the world that following you matters not on ly in this life but in the next as well. For this is what is meant by the resurrection, that even death could not consume those who follow you, the Eternal One whose gift is eternal life- for their path continues upward b eyond the grave. Thousands of years pass, your “Cladder”D is more or less forgotten except in the remote mountains of Mexico and other distant locations. For it is humans separation from “Ccivilizatio n”D that has in the past so often force them to look outside of the mselves for answers. Then just as you have planned in your book Revelat ions, the woman gives birth to the Christ child, that Almighty Name and ph ysical form that is the “Cladder”D into heaven. Their in the desert just as your good servants prophesied she brought forth the Christ from herself, by your “Cladder”D of coarse (Revelations 12-) . With this Christ, she healed many and the woman whose name in Spanish m eans Mary became famous because of you and your medicine “Cladder.However, your enemy the Dragon has been watching, now that this has happened he knows his time is short and he has set off to “Cma ke war against her descendants”D (Rev.). The American Jihad is bor n, the war on ds rages and is continuing to spread as irrational fear d isguised as “Cresponsible citizenship.”D However, the stone that the builders rejected is becoming more widely known and this your en emy cannot stop. For the reputation of the “Cladder,”D the “Csaint child”D has been swept up into heaven in the hearts o f the people. Still today, as was written of old, those who climb its hei ghts find it marvelous in their eyes. You still have one more fig leaf to unfold. The “Ctwo lamp stands”D which stand to the right a nd to the left of the alter of God, that one and only “CladderE2 809D into heaven for those who blink and breath. These two lamp stands will be witnesses to Humanity about your role in our spiritual evolution t hroughout the ages, it is through this knowledge that you will re-establis h your “Cladders”D the Eucharist with your holy people and t he Rock spoken of by Danial will fill the earth.. Therefore, you pick up t he pace; you must simultaneously get Humanity to see that the physical wor ld is passing and cannot save them while illuminating the “Cladderswhich many have come to believe are themselves illusions. Instea d of seeing the imperishable realm you govern, they see a hallucination an d childish behavior. The tough thing about it is as with the Hebrews, it takes great suffrage on their part before they will seek you. It is in-li ght of this, you discover that nothing short of natural disaster can shake Humanity out of the rut of the ten thousand paths of knowledge. In fact, they are so entangled in their own creations that they hardly go out to a ppreciate the natural world where your “Cladders”D stand at all. Herein is your reasoning for sending the Witnesses, for they will s hed light on the nature of youre reality and do so in a compellin g way so that everyone who listens to their message and is willing to hea r it will be healed inwardly. These Witnesses are coming into the world n ow. -Matthew Wyman Minister of the Church for Enlightenment Rave On, an d Out: Going High Into That Good Night NYT January 16, 2005 By BENEDICT CA REY IF there’s a d for social phobia, maybe there could be one to help us relax in the company of death. Last month, the Food and d Administ ration gave the go-ahead to a Harvard University plan to study the recreat ional d “ecstasy” as a treatment for anxiety in terminal cancer patient s. Elsewhere, researchers in California are studying the effect of psilocy bin – the active ingredient in hallucinogenic Fungi – in similar patie nts. Both teams hope to learn whether the ds, which can induce effusive ness and heightened awareness, will help people express and manage their f ears in a therapeutic setting. Although these illegal ds are controver sial, their use is a natural outgrowth of the medicalization of all emotio nal difficulty, from childhood shyness to adult phobias and depression. Do ctors already prescribe antidepressants widely to dying patients, as well as anti-anxiety medications, like Valium, which can be emotionally numbin g. The possibility of using potent consciousness-altering agents raises a question: At what point do the theological, cultural and personal signifi cance of mortality become altered, or lost? Does going high into that good night risk mocking end-of-life customs – prompting rave flashbacks rather than life review, rude jokes rather than amends? “I see death not only a s an opportunity to reflect on the meaning of your own existence, but to o ffer your life as a gift to others,” said the Rev. Donald Moore, a profess or of theology at Fordham University. The end presents us with a time to p onder – and discuss, if possible – what life has meant and might continue to mean for others. Any d that interferes with that experience comes at a steep cost, he said. “If I never ponder these things,” Father Moore sa id, “if I never face up to these questions intellectually, if I’m so space d out it doesn’t make any difference, then I think the experience is prett y empty and meaningless. In death we can become more a part of others’ liv es, and if I have decided simply to escape, I may have missed that opportu nity.” From the sixth-century politician Boethius, who turned to philoso phy for consolation at the end, to Mozart, who plunged into his requiem Ma ss, history is filled with examples of those who faced the unknown unaided and apparently shared in some universal reckoning with their purpose. B ut there is no philosophical or psychological reason why existential quest ions should wait to the end of life. Death itself hardly respects concerns about meaning or timing. It strikes friends and loved ones often without warning. Moreover, it casts a deepening psychological shadow starting in m iddle age, which gives most people ample opportunity to contemplate the pu rpose and content of their lives simply by virtue of living to adulthood, psychologists say. If a d taken at the end can help them simply reflec t on the pleasure of having lived, that in itself might provide comfort an d meaning to those left behind, said Dr. Simon Blackburn, professor of phi losophy at the University of Cambridge. “If you look at what people envy as opposed to what they say they like, I think we envy people who go out o n a high,” he said. “An old don in my college, he had a stroke at the end of college dinner, and died on the spot, sitting in his suspenders, in can dlelight, holding a wine glass. It was the perfect end for him, just incre dible, and I think it struck people as very admirable.” The insistence on making amends, on finding or declaring meaning, stems as much from cultur al expectations of a good death as it does from the needs or the psycholog ical state of a dying person, psychiatrists say. Some people have an angui shed need to talk with loved ones, but cannot bring themselves to do so; o thers simply want to say goodbye and laugh their way out. And the effect o f even a strong d may not alter those desires much. Researchers tested l in terminal patients in the 1960’s, and heroin in the 1980, and neith er d made much difference in the emotional or family experience at the end of life, said Dr. David F. Musto, a professor of psychiatry and medica l history at Yale University School of Medicine. “The larger danger is th at we try to manage a death along the lines of what we consider the right way of doing it,” Dr. Musto said. “Some want to leave peacefully, and othe rs are anxious to find some meaning and get things taken care of,” and new d treatments may help both. Not to mention those who want simply to l augh, and trust their maker to understand their choice. “There was some o ne thing that was too great for God to show us when He walked upon our ear th,” wrote the Catholic philosopher and commentator G. K. Chesterton, in h is classic “Orthodoxy,” “and I have sometimes fancied it was His mirth.” AD &nb s 1,309 laid ce Community Weekly Newsletter spread the psytranc e virus ath said, which heard the words of God, and knew the knowledge of the most High, which saw the vision of the Almighty, falling into a trance, but ha ving his eyes open” issueJacob’s Ladder, and Fungi NT and Out (New York nbs ene News / Rabbit Slim’s on Thursday the place closed Glow sticks legal again! /2001/08/2709.cfmweb chartattack/damn/2001/08/2709.cfm/DI V Trance humor dex web psyreviews/comedy/index &nbs Please see this trailer for a new movie entitled Entheogen wh ich is opening at a Sundance festival this week in Utah. This traile r to the film It is very nicely ‘Reality Engine, especially when the psytrance web maps.org/avarchive/igwana/Entheogen.mov and more info ab &n bs neElvesen.wikipedia.org/wiki/MachineElves “d.lycaeum.org/extract/where d.lycaeum.org/extract/ where sidis.blogspot%20feedback/web cannabischassidis.blogspot feedbac k ees alvays appreciated. yoseph H ere is my new paintings. These are available at my web site. title /web wwwcomcom/store/original/originalsforsale &n bs Daniel Pinchbeck is colloborating with a groups on the laun ch of a new print magazing called Metacine that, if all goes well, will hit the shelves all over the US and Canada this summer. A group is at the Sundance Film Festival right now passing out hundreds of full-co lor brochures to help generate buzz. They recently nabbed Sting to give a blurb. Here is the introduction: Are you interested in collaborating on a new paradigm for planetary culture? The goal of Metacine: A magaz ine for the New Edge is to present the paradigm for a new planetary cul ture. Today’s world is out of balance, rocked by constant crisis – thre atened by climate change, violence, pullution, rising energy costs, and environmental neglect. Bu the solutions to many of these problems alre ady exist. What is required is a quantum leap in consciousness, a mind- shift, that can give us the inspiration, will, and practical tools to m ake our rental/logo partners in boldsame date parties appear in the order submitted; Psy/Goa events always come first. Organizers who cannot provi de press passes to TripOutNY will be charged the amount of 2 tickets to fi nance our journalism. V TRONG Day at Goa Trash – Lauryn (Boston) & Mad Orange (TDC); DJ Spi rit opens. Nan and friend returns to doing deco! Goa Trash down stairs at Karma, 51 1st avenue between 3rd and 4th streets, ID21+, 10pm-4a m, free. If it’s late go down the stairs and knock. This high res-erected-by-popular-demand party promises to make any memories of Ibiza, the Riviera, or even Thailand like so much flotsam and jetsam strun g along the beaches of Goa India. Music from 10pm – 12am is generall y mid- to late-90s Goa Trance, which is really just modern progressive hou se beats mixed with Ravi Shankar sounds done up at 145 BPM. After mi dnight DJs may mix in modern psychedelic trance. A GOA TRASH just op ened recently in Santiago, Chile by Angeles who did the long running Wedne sdays Opium Den. A coalition of independent trance collectives are c oming together to make Goa Trash version 3.0 – all old skool 90’s goa – at Karma in the East Village. Make a party and they will come: the out casts, the d addicts, freaks, dope pushers, wife beaters, torturers, tr ancespotters, teasers, deviants, dust munchkins, drunks, doxies, demimondes dipsomaniacs, tarts, DJ groupies, jailbirds, junkies, flunkies, flesh tr aders, flim flam men, fetishists, lowlifes, lushes, lepers, schleppers, sc hlemiels, snake oil salesmen, squatters, stalkers, streetwalkers, smokers, cokers, jokers, advertising people, 604 armchair trance heads, adulterers deserters, dstore cowboys, dirty old men, dharma bums, d trafficke rs, users, losers & abusers, lab techs, lurkers, neuromancers, number runners, ne’er do wells, nincompoops, nymphomaniacs, ninnies, megalomaniac s, madman, mack daddy’s, masochists, Mata Haris, “spiritual healer,” rotters, trance-gender persons, hole-divers, sneaker pimps, cunts, granni es, grampies, big mommas, big swinging dicks, jammy dodgers, wankers, luna tics, zen masters, fairies, gnomes and other supernatural beings, shoplift ers, Goa Constrictors, duct tape fanatics, native gaians, citizens of Tong a (only cause I never get to see many of those), book characters, bridge p arty people, Indian mafia, cavemen, the broken hearted, Israeli promoters advertising fake parties ostensibly thrown by rivals, gypsies. exhibitioni sts, fiends, flasher, felons, fascists, fences, fun guys, false prophets, Flying Winos, womanizers, weekend warriors, weirdoes, war criminals, witch es, Wolf criers, console cowboys, Californicators, cretins, shady arms dea lers, sugar daddy’s, shameless self promoters, boiler room penny stock ped dlers, punters, pickpockets, pool sharks, plagiarists, perverts, pyromaniac s, party girls, party crashers, Pariahs, polluters, presdigitators, prevar icators, vampires, Maharishis, voyeurs, vamps, vandals, vixens, viragos, v illains, village idiots, trailer trash, tantrists, tightwads, tricksters, turncoats, two timers, tomboys, trippers, strippers, tipsters, software pi rates, simpletons, slobs, snobs, schemers, scofflaws, sissies, scoundrels, social climbers, Goa tourists, swindlers, swingers, sleazoids, scumbags, slavers, slave drivers, sorcerers, speaker thieves, psychos, surreal kille rs, skinheads, succubi, jackasses, jury riggers, race mixers, rebels, raga muffins, recidivists, roughnecks, rumourmongers, wetbacks, wizards, warloc ks, sportos, motorheads, geeks, sluts, bloods, wastoids, dweebies, dick he ads, dissidents, deserters, highwaymen, headhunters, hijackers, harridans, hooligans, hoods, hecklers, hackers, heros & zeroes, philanderers, fo rgers, femme fatales, false prophets, floozies, Pharisees, faggots, thugee s (Indian cult murderers), thieves, Anjuna assholes, draft dodgers, dime s tore plastic surgeons, imposters, urchins, idiots, incubi, succubi, sadist s, snake charmers, sober sadhus, satyromaniacs, sodomists, psychonauts, sl ackers, slayers, ravers. robbers, ropers, dopers, ass grabbers, assassins, 24 hour party people, goat ranchers, gangsters, getaway drivers, gambers, gossips, geishas, grifters, growers, grisettes, gun runners, gluttons, Go ths, sloths, skeezers, skanks, cranks, cokeheads, cop killers, crooks, qua cks, cruisers, idolaters, molesters, masturbators, mercenaries, money men, muggers, market makers, mobsters, murderers, muscle men, mad scientists, mountebanks, motherfuckers, made men, meretrices, minimal progressive pimp s, pornographers, parasites, party animals, punks, pennyweighters, pigs, p igeon pluckers, poachers, peddlers, pranksters, princes of darkness, trave l ticket con men, gigolos, hydro-courtesans, arsonists, adulterers, Anti-D isestablishmentarianists, assholes, anarchists, “Antipodean international trance hooker trios,” hipsters, flipsters, and finger-poppin daddies, thos e on the take, scams, shitlisters, shams, shoplifters, charlatans, charas dealers, cheaters, chippies, children of dysfunctional alcoholic abusive f amilies, drinkers, traitors, day traders, devil worshippers, lookouts, loo nies, Prince Williams’ entourage, ambulance chasers, cattle rustlers, Klep tos, cannibals, cutpurses, cult leaders, call girls, counterfeiters, kept women, convicts, kingpins, communists, card sharks, codependants, cads, or cs, bastards, boors, backpackers, bandits, brigands, bootleggers, boozehou nds, box men, bawds, burglars, bums, backstabbers, bikers, buffoons, begga rs, bumpkins, bullies, buccaneers, back alley practitioners, bottom boys, beatniks, brothel madams, blasphemers, bookies, bombers, harlots, hippies, whores, whoremongers, hangers-on, hustlers, hashashim, strumpets, psyched elic terrorists, acid visionaries, Anjuna beach bums, burnouts, slum lords speed freaks, sun starers, rapscallions, rakes, Rainbow Gatherers, round ers, roundheels, racketeers… and the republicans. This party is for you. Karma is a sensual, candlelit hookah lounge. The velvet dec or, subtle fragrance of incense and deep resonant music are a delight to t he senses. The Ambient beats played early in the evening compliment our Happy Hour (everyday 3PM-8PM), and are sure to rejuvenate the soul.&nb sFor the body, we offer a light array of Indian and Cafe food tha t is served all night every night! There are private booths an d comfortable couches available for some R&R. Once you’ve relaxe d your mind with one of our specialty cocktails, had a taste of India, and put your feet up, you mustn’t forget that Karma is currently the number o ne place for a “puff of the stuff” (Hookah stuff, that is.) And YES you can smoke here even after the city wide smoking ban since we are exemp t as a Tobacco Bar from the smoking law. We have a variety of flavored tob acco that is served in beautiful brass hookahs. If you wanna get dow n A6just follow the signsA6 to our basement, where Goa Trance is p layed. Karma is a true mix of East Village diversity in a no attitude spac e where everyone is welcome. Ho use & Progressive at Nightengale 213 2nd Avenue
#3529 Tue, 1 Feb 2005 23:03:53 Tue, 1 Feb 2005 23:03:53 If you haven’t gotten it yet – link to this week’s TripOutNY online /message/3528 (/message/3528)
#3530 Mon, 7 Feb 2005 11:35:08 Mon, 7 Feb 2005 11:35:07 Newsletter Trip Out New York Circ.1,320 Drink the Koolaid Free NYC Trance Community Weekly Newsletter Forward/reprint to spread the psytrance virus (web tranceam.org/links ) Numbers 24, verse 16 “He hath said, which heard the words of God, and knew the knowledge of the most High, which saw the vision of the Almighty, falling into a trance, but having his eyes open” In this issue PsyTrance Music/Scene News Event Calendar Psy-Trance Music/Scene News Talamasca, Spirallianz and Koxbox this weekend! . Pennsylvania djs at Karma this week We’ve been in a steady process of creating new one of a kind lampworked necklaces. They are viewable & purchasable at web psymbolic/shop/online (web psymbolic/shop/online ) Event Calendar Outdoor festivals/d Sound System rental/logo partners in bold; same date parties appear in the order submitted; Psy/Goa events always come first. Organizers who cannot provide press passes to TripOutNY will be charged the amount of 2 tickets to finance our journalism. * * * Feb 9 – Wednesday – Goa Trash – now with a Coat Check behind the DJ booth! – Pennsylvania DJs with Egbot from Philadelphia and Psychotty from PA and Mescalinium plus Analog from Bethlehem PA (Likes: walks on the beach, full on face melting basslines by the fire; Dislikes: women with fleas) Nan and friend returns to doing deco! Goa Trash downstairs at Karma, 51 1st avenue between 3rd and 4th streets, ID21+, 10pm-4am, free. If it’s late go down the stairs and knock. This high res-erected-by-popular-demand party promises to make any memories of Ibiza, the Riviera, or even Thailand like so much flotsam and jetsam strung along the beaches of Goa India. Music from 10pm – 12am is generally mid- to late-90s Goa Trance, which is really just modern progressive house beats mixed with Ravi Shankar sounds done up at 145 BPM. After midnight DJs may mix in modern psychedelic trance. A GOA TRASH just opened recently in Santiago, Chile by Angeles who did the long running Wednesdays Opium Den. A coalition of independent trance collectives are coming together to make Goa Trash version 3.0 – all old skool 90’s goa – at Karma in the East Village. Make a party and they will come: the outcasts, the d addicts, freaks, dope pushers, wife beaters, torturers, trancespotters, teasers, deviants, dust munchkins, drunks, doxies, demimondes, dipsomaniacs, tarts, DJ groupies, jailbirds, junkies, flunkies, flesh traders, flim flam men, fetishists, lowlifes, lushes, lepers, schleppers, schlemiels, snake oil salesmen, squatters, stalkers, streetwalkers, smokers, cokers, jokers, advertising people, 604 armchair trance heads, adulterers, deserters, dstore cowboys, dirty old men, dharma bums, d traffickers, users, losers & abusers, lab techs, lurkers, neuromancers, number runners, ne’er do wells, nincompoops, nymphomaniacs, ninnies, megalomaniacs, madman, mack daddy’s, masochists, Mata Haris, “spiritual healer,” rotters, trance-gender persons, hole-divers, sneaker pimps, cunts, grannies, grampies, big mommas, big swinging dicks, jammy dodgers, wankers, lunatics, zen masters, fairies, gnomes and other supernatural beings, shoplifters, Goa Constrictors, duct tape fanatics, native gaians, citizens of Tonga (only cause I never get to see many of those), book characters, bridge party people, Indian mafia, cavemen, the broken hearted, Israeli promoters advertising fake parties ostensibly thrown by rivals, gypsies. exhibitionists, fiends, flasher, felons, fascists, fences, fun guys, false prophets, Flying Winos, womanizers, weekend warriors, weirdoes, war criminals, witches, Wolf criers, console cowboys, Californicators, cretins, shady arms dealers, sugar daddy’s, shameless self promoters, boiler room penny stock peddlers, punters, pickpockets, pool sharks, plagiarists, perverts, pyromaniacs, party girls, party crashers, Pariahs, polluters, presdigitators, prevaricators, vampires, Maharishis, voyeurs, vamps, vandals, vixens, viragos, villains, village idiots, trailer trash, tantrists, tightwads, tricksters, turncoats, two timers, tomboys, trippers, strippers, tipsters, software pirates, simpletons, slobs, snobs, schemers, scofflaws, sissies, scoundrels, social climbers, Goa tourists, swindlers, swingers, sleazoids, scumbags, slavers, slave drivers, sorcerers, speaker thieves, psychos, surreal killers, skinheads, succubi, jackasses, jury riggers, race mixers, rebels, ragamuffins, recidivists, roughnecks, rumourmongers, wetbacks, wizards, warlocks, sportos, motorheads, geeks, sluts, bloods, wastoids, dweebies, dick heads, dissidents, deserters, highwaymen, headhunters, hijackers, harridans, hooligans, hoods, hecklers, hackers, heros & zeroes, philanderers, forgers, femme fatales, false prophets, floozies, Pharisees, faggots, thugees (Indian cult murderers), thieves, Anjuna assholes, draft dodgers, dime store plastic surgeons, imposters, urchins, idiots, incubi, succubi, sadists, snake charmers, sober sadhus, satyromaniacs, sodomists, psychonauts, slackers, slayers, ravers. robbers, ropers, dopers, ass grabbers, assassins, 24 hour party people, goat ranchers, gangsters, getaway drivers, gambers, gossips, geishas, grifters, growers, grisettes, gun runners, gluttons, Goths, sloths, skeezers, skanks, cranks, cokeheads, cop killers, crooks, quacks, cruisers, idolaters, molesters, masturbators, mercenaries, money men, muggers, market makers, mobsters, murderers, muscle men, mad scientists, mountebanks, motherfuckers, made men, meretrices, minimal progressive pimps, pornographers, parasites, party animals, punks, pennyweighters, pigs, pigeon pluckers, poachers, peddlers, pranksters, princes of darkness, travel ticket con men, gigolos, hydro-courtesans, arsonists, adulterers, Anti-Disestablishmentarianists, assholes, anarchists, “Antipodean international trance hooker trios,” hipsters, flipsters, and finger-poppin daddies, those on the take, scams, shitlisters, shams, shoplifters, charlatans, charas dealers, cheaters, chippies, children of dysfunctional alcoholic abusive families, drinkers, traitors, day traders, devil worshippers, lookouts, loonies, Prince Williams’ entourage, ambulance chasers, cattle rustlers, Kleptos, cannibals, cutpurses, cult leaders, call girls, counterfeiters, kept women, convicts, kingpins, communists, card sharks, codependants, cads, orcs, bastards, boors, backpackers, bandits, brigands, bootleggers, boozehounds, box men, bawds, burglars, bums, backstabbers, bikers, buffoons, beggars, bumpkins, bullies, buccaneers, back alley practitioners, bottom boys, beatniks, brothel madams, blasphemers, bookies, bombers, harlots, hippies, whores, whoremongers, hangers-on, hustlers, hashashim, strumpets, psychedelic terrorists, acid visionaries, Anjuna beach bums, burnouts, slum lords, speed freaks, sun starers, rapscallions, rakes, Rainbow Gatherers, rounders, roundheels, racketeers… and the republicans. This party is for you. Friday February 11th, 2005 VALENTINES DAY WEEKEND “The Soundwave of Love” TSUNAMI at SPIRIT 530 West 27th Street (between 10th & 11th Avenues) 10pm till 7am TALAMASCA,live and dj set (Mind Control, France) CEDRIC mesmerizes large audiences in the four corners of the globe with his powerful and loving live-sets, and the Valentines Celebration at SPIRIT will be no exception. SPIRALLIANZ vs. MIDIMILIZ, live (Gravity Plus, The Delta, Boshkebeats, Spirit Zone – Germany) Arne and Wayan, who are also part of THE DELTA, keep pushing the envelope into new universes of musical expression, and are a dance floor favorite all over the world. ARNE MINDS OF DIMENTED HANOCH DEKOMPRESSION $30 in advance Valid Picture ID is Required Tickets also available at GrooveTickets (ce/) | Info Line 212 439-8124 web groovetickets (web groovetickets/) onefamilybenefit.org (onefamilybenefit.org/) To unsuscribe – Click Here HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR – YEAR OF THE CHICKEN! Hey this is Stefan. Many of you know, but for those who don’t- GREAT NEWS! On Fri, Feb 11th- Spirallianz (2/3 of Delta!!!) will be playing on the excellent, new sound system at Spirit!!!! Most of you know im nutz about them and soon youll see why I fly to obscure locations on the globe to see them! guestlist info at bottom. Wayan and Arne have not played a live set asSpirallianz in NY since 2000, when they released their ground-breaking, psytek wonder, “BLASTFOOD” Arne will also be doing a djset! Talamasca, of global fame, will also be doing a live set and dj set!!!! AND- DeKompression djs, Coral Slater and DanVapid will be opening the party, so come as early as you can!!!! I am doing a guestlist for this party. It will be the cheapest option, because buying tix presale usually involves a store comission….send an email with your name to on the DeKompression list, the tix will then be 30 bucks flat. For info on upcoming events and a mix from DanVapid, visit web dekompression.net (web dekompression.net/) Stefan:) Feb 12 – Saturday – Alladin Project – KOX BOX! Saturday Feb, 12, 2005 NYC Valentines Day Weekend Featuring… KOX BOX LIVE-(DK) OFORIA LIVE- Bne Rec. (Israel ) BLACK BUDDHA LIVE- Sound Species (Japan) /Alladin Project (NYC/US) Dj SET… Frank’e -KOX BOX (DK) Ofer Dikovsky Bne Rec. (Israel ) Knob- Sound Species/ Alladin Project (Japan) Dr Spook GeoMagnetic/ Alladin Project (SF) Decorations by: Severyn Barabakh (Subtlechaos NYC) & Alladin Project Crew (NYC/US) Visuals by: VJ: Dr Spook (SF) VJ: Surge (SubtleChaos/Dekompression) VJ: Skyeye Sound Species (U.N.-NYC) Door Open: 10PM to 8AM Tickets: $25 in advance, $35 After. 18 to enter – 21+w/ID to drink. 966-0022 Satellite Records NYC 259 Bowery Av. (212) 995-1744 Location: CLUB EXIT 147 GREENPOINT AVE BROOKLYN NY Directions : By Subway: take the L train to metropolitan Ave & transfer to the G train to Greenpoint Ave. the Club is right across the street. Subway Map: web mta.nyc.ny.us/nyct/maps/submap (web mta.nyc.ny.us/nyct/maps/submap ) By Car: Take BQE (I-278) to Exit 33 McQuinness Blvd. to Greenpoint Ave. Turn LEFT at Greenpoint Ave Proceed to the corner of Manhattan Ave. by car service / taxi : from Manhattan cost $15 from Bedford Station it cost $6 Street Map: 43&mlt40.722188&mln-73.951889&zip11222-2301&countryus&BFKey&BFCat&BFClie nt&mag9&cs9&name&desc&offn&poititle&poi&dsn+NY+11222-2301&slt40.730297&sln-73.954743&mlt40.722188&mln-73.951889&zip 11222-2301&countryus&BFKey&BFCat&BFClient&mag9&cs9&name&desc&offn&poi title&poi&dsn) web koxbox.dk/ (web koxbox.dk/) web bne.co.il/ (web bne.co.il/) web geomagnetic.tv/ (web geomagnetic.tv/) web alladinproject (web alladinproject/) web severyn (web severyn/) “give a chance to trance NYC” OUR NEXT PARTY WILL BE ON SATURDAY MARCH 5 2005 Featuring… EAT STATIC LIVE and more… at CLUB EXIT (Greenpoint Ave) Feb 16 – Wednesday – Goa Trash – Dreamcatcher, Coral (NC) opens 2/18 – TEGMA live at The Hook (18 Commerce St., Red Hook, Brooklyn) presented by OmniTribe & Polarlight Records…web omnitribe/ Feb 19-20 Ibogain Conference Feb 23 – Wednesday – Goa Trash – Vlad Kife & Vitalik & Shai (Omnitribe) March 3 – Wednesday – Goa Trash – Jason Sannachan (Subtlechaos) Jason will be playing all new unreleased full on Psy and Progressive straight off the press and throwing in some rare whites just because he can. plus – Ari D (Goahead, Ohio) March 5 Alladin Project – Tsunami Benefit March 10 Goa Trash FaceHead (Pennsylvania) March 16 Bryan Ladd (Massachussetts) at Goa Trash March 25 – Tsunami at Spirit March 26 – Alladin Project April 15 – Alladin Project May 21 North Carolina – Goa Gil – touchsamadhi (touchsamadhi/) Early June – Upstate NY – web omnidancefestival.info/ (web omnidancefestival.info/) Late June – West Virginia – web gaian-mind (web gaian-mind/) July 4th weekend – Los Angeles – web greensector (web greensector/) Phantasm again brings 4 day festival with Talamasca, Shakta, Orion, Eskimo, Cosmosis and others July 16 – Midwest – web psymbolic (web psymbolic/) July – Oregon web Enosa.net (web enosa.net/) Sept 23-25 North Carolina – Powwow festival – touchsamadhi (touchsamadhi/) Goa Gil in Oregon Lusty Cloud-Hoppers by Evan I’ve been running after you for hundreds of generations. You’ve smiled to me in my dreams but I only woke up alone again. Are you at last within my grasp? Is this illusion an allusion to where words can not reach? That possible place from which splendor spills forth? If so I know I will Wake up to Our tomorrow. rip Out New York Circ.1,320 int to spread the psytrance virus ORE LINKS rs 24, verse 16 “He hath said, which heard the words of God, and kne w the knowledge of the most High, which saw the vision of the Almighty, fa lling into a trance, but having his eyes open” D issue / T News NT Talamasca, Spirallianz and Koxbox this weekend! . Pennsylvania djs at Karma this week We’ve been in a steady process of creating new one of a kind lampworked necklaces. They are viewable & purchasable at p/online alendar Outdoor festivals/d Sound System rental/logo partners in boldsame date parties appear in the order submitted; Psy/Goa events always come first. Organizers who ca nnot provide press passes to TripOutNY will be charged the amount of 2 tick ets to finance our journalism. – Wednesday – Goa Trash – now with a Coat Che ck behind the DJ booth! – Pennsylvania DJs with Egbot from Philad 005ikes: walks on the beach, full on face melting basslines by the fire; with fleas) /SPAN Nan and friend returns to doing deco! Goa Trash downstairs at Karma, 51 1st avenue between 3rd and 4th streets, ID21+, 10pm-4am, free. &n bsp;If it’s late go down the stairs and knock. This high res-erected -by-popular-demand party promises to make any memories of Ibiza, the Rivie ra, or even Thailand like so much flotsam and jetsam strung along the beac hes of Goa India. Music from 10pm – 12am is generally mid- to late-90 s Goa Trance, which is really just modern progressive house beats mixed wi th Ravi Shankar sounds done up at 145 BPM. After midnight DJs may mi x in modern psychedelic trance. A GOA TRASH just opened recently in Santiago, Chile by Angeles who did the long running Wednesdays Opium Den.& nbsA coalition of independent trance collectives are coming together to make Goa Trash version 3.0 – all old skool 90’s goa – at Karma in the Eas t Village. Make a party and they will come: the outcasts, the d a ddicts, freaks, dope pushers, wife beaters, torturers, trancespotters, tea sers, deviants, dust munchkins, drunks, doxies, demimondes, dipsomaniacs, tarts, DJ groupies, jailbirds, junkies, flunkies, flesh traders, flim flam men, fetishists, lowlifes, lushes, lepers, schleppers, schlemiels, snake oil salesmen, squatters, stalkers, streetwalkers, smokers, cokers, jokers, advertising people, 604 armchair trance heads, adulterers, deserters, dru gstore cowboys, dirty old men, dharma bums, d traffickers, users, loser s & abusers, lab techs, lurkers, neuromancers, number runners, ne’er d o wells, nincompoops, nymphomaniacs, ninnies, megalomaniacs, madman, mack daddy’s, masochists, Mata Haris, “spiritual healer,” rotters, trance -gender persons, hole-divers, sneaker pimps, cunts, grannies, grampies, bi g mommas, big swinging dicks, jammy dodgers, wankers, lunatics, zen master s, fairies, gnomes and other supernatural beings, shoplifters, Goa Constri ctors, duct tape fanatics, native gaians, citizens of Tonga (only cause I never get to see many of those), book characters, bridge party people, Ind ian mafia, cavemen, the broken hearted, Israeli promoters advertising fake parties ostensibly thrown by rivals, gypsies. exhibitionists, fiends, fla sher, felons, fascists, fences, fun guys, false prophets, Flying Winos, wo manizers, weekend warriors, weirdoes, war criminals, witches, Wolf criers, console cowboys, Californicators, cretins, shady arms dealers, sugar dadd y’s, shameless self promoters, boiler room penny stock peddlers, punters, pickpockets, pool sharks, plagiarists, perverts, pyromaniacs, party girls, party crashers, Pariahs, polluters, presdigitators, prevaricators, vampire s, Maharishis, voyeurs, vamps, vandals, vixens, viragos, villains, village idiots, trailer trash, tantrists, tightwads, tricksters, turncoats, two t imers, tomboys, trippers, strippers, tipsters, software pirates, simpleton s, slobs, snobs, schemers, scofflaws, sissies, scoundrels, social climbers Goa tourists, swindlers, swingers, sleazoids, scumbags, slavers, slave d rivers, sorcerers, speaker thieves, psychos, surreal killers, skinheads, s uccubi, jackasses, jury riggers, race mixers, rebels, ragamuffins, recidiv ists, roughnecks, rumourmongers, wetbacks, wizards, warlocks, sportos, mot orheads, geeks, sluts, bloods, wastoids, dweebies, dick heads, dissidents, deserters, highwaymen, headhunters, hijackers, harridans, hooligans, hood s, hecklers, hackers, heros & zeroes, philanderers, forgers, femme fat ales, false prophets, floozies, Pharisees, faggots, thugees (Indian cult m urderers), thieves, Anjuna assholes, draft dodgers, dime store plastic sur geons, imposters, urchins, idiots, incubi, succubi, sadists, snake charmer s, sober sadhus, satyromaniacs, sodomists, psychonauts, slackers, slayers, ravers. robbers, ropers, dopers, ass grabbers, assassins, 24 hour party p eople, goat ranchers, gangsters, getaway drivers, gambers, gossips, geisha s, grifters, growers, grisettes, gun runners, gluttons, Goths, sloths, ske ezers, skanks, cranks, cokeheads, cop killers, crooks, quacks, cruisers, i dolaters, molesters, masturbators, mercenaries, money men, muggers, market makers, mobsters, murderers, muscle men, mad scientists, mountebanks, mot herfuckers, made men, meretrices, minimal progressive pimps, pornographers, parasites, party animals, punks, pennyweighters, pigs, pigeon pluckers, poachers, peddlers, pranksters, princes of darkness, travel ticket con men, gigolos, hydro-courtesans, arsonists, adulterers, Anti-Disestablishmenta rianists, assholes, anarchists, “Antipodean international trance hooker tr ios,” hipsters, flipsters, and finger-poppin daddies, those on the take, s cams, shitlisters, shams, shoplifters, charlatans, charas dealers, cheater s, chippies, children of dysfunctional alcoholic abusive families, drinker s, traitors, day traders, devil worshippers, lookouts, loonies, Prince Wil liams’ entourage, ambulance chasers, cattle rustlers, Kleptos, cannibals, cutpurses, cult leaders, call girls, counterfeiters, kept women, convicts, kingpins, communists, card sharks, codependants, cads, orcs, bastards, boo rs, backpackers, bandits, brigands, bootleggers, boozehounds, box men, baw ds, burglars, bums, backstabbers, bikers, buffoons, beggars, bumpkins, bul lies, buccaneers, back alley practitioners, bottom boys, beatniks, brothel madams, blasphemers, bookies, bombers, harlots, hippies, whores, whoremon gers, hangers-on, hustlers, hashashim, strumpets, psychedelic terrorists, acid visionaries, Anjuna beach bums, burnouts, slum lords, speed freaks, s un starers, rapscallions, rakes, Rainbow Gatherers, rounders, roundheels, racketeers… and the republicans. This party is for you. “The Soundwave of Love” TSUNAMI at SPIRIT Avenues) 10pm till 7am TALAMASCA,live and dj set (Mind Control, France) CEDRIC mesmerizes large audiences in the four corners of the globe with his powerful and loving live-sets, and the Valentines Celebration at SPIRI T will be no exception. SPIRALLIANZ vs. MIDIMILIZ, live (Gravity Plu s, The Delta, Boshkebeats, Spirit Zone – Germany) Arne and Wayan, who ar e also part of THE DELTA, keep pushing the envelope into new universes of musical expression, and are a dance floor favorite all over the w orld. ARNE MINDS OF DIMENTED HANOCH DEKOMPRESSION $30 in ad vance Valid Picture ID is Required Tickets also available at GrooveT w.tsunami-trance/| Info Line 212 439-8124 To unsuscribe – Click Here HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR – YEAR OF THE CHICKEN! Hey this is Stefan. Many of you know, but for those who don’t- GREAT NEWS! On Fri, Feb 11th- Spirallianz (2/3 of Delta!!!) wil l be playing on the excellent, new sound system at Spirit!!!! Most of you know im nutz about them and soon youll see why I fly to obscure locations on the globe to see them! guestlist info at bottom. Wayan and Arne hav e not played a live set asSpirallianz in NY since 2000, when they released their ground-breaking, psytek wonder, “BLASTFOOD” Arne will also be doing a djset! Talamasca, of global fame, will also be doing a live set a nd dj set!!!! AND- DeKompression djs, Coral Slater and DanVapid will be op ening the party, so come as early as you can!!!! I am doing a guestl ist for this party. It will be the cheapest option, because buying t ix presale usually involves a store comission….send an email with your n mpression at gmail.netdekompression at gmail.net and you will be on the De Kompression list, the tix will then be 30 bucks flat. For info on upcom Stefan:) din Project – KOX BOX! 12, 2005 NYC Valentines Day Weekend Featuring… KOX BOX LIVE-(DK) OFORIA LIVE- Bne Rec. (Israel ) BLAC K BUDDHA LIVE- Sound Species (Japan) /Alladin Project (NYC/US) Dj SE T… Frank’e -KOX BOX (DK) Ofer Dikovsky Bne Rec. (Israel ) Knob- Sound Species/ Alladin Project (Japan) Dr Spook GeoMagnetic/ A lladin Project (SF) Decorations by: Severyn Barabakh (Subtlec haos NYC) & Alladin Project Crew (NYC/US) Visuals by: VJ: Dr S pook (SF) VJ: Surge (SubtleChaos/Dekompression) VJ: Skyeye Sound Species ( U.N.-NYC) in advance, $35 After. 18 to enter – 21+w/ID to drink. Tickets in Adva inproduction at yahooalladinproduction at yahoo (917) 569-1177 Hoo moos Asli NYC 100 Kenmare St/ Lafayette, (212) 966-0022 Satellite Records NYC 259 Bowery Av. (212) 995-1744 Location: CLUB EXIT 147 GREENPOINT AVE BROOKLYN NY Directions : By Subway:&n bstake the L train to metropolitan Ave & transfer to the G train to Greenpoint Ave. the Club is right across the street. S /nyct/maps/submap By Car: Take BQE (I-278) to Exit 33 McQuinness Blvd. to Greenpoint Ave. Turn LEFT at Greenpoint Ave Pro ceed to the corner of Manhattan Ave. by car service / taxi : from Manh attan cost $15 from Bedford Station it cost $6 Street Map: title A tp://web geomagnetic.tv/web geomagnetic.tv/ & nbs inproject/web alladinproject &n bs web severyn “give a chance to trance NYC” OUR NEXT PARTY WILL BE ON SATURDAY MARCH 5 2005 Fe aturing… EAT STATIC LIVE and more… at CLUB EXIT (Greenpoint Ave)& nbs ftFeb 16 – Wednesday – Goa Trash – Dreamcatcher, Coral (NC) opens ok (18 Commerce St., Red Hook, Brooklyn) presented by OmniTribe & P olarlight Records…web omnitribe/ lad Kife & Vitalik & Shai (Omnitribe) n (Subtlechaos) eleased full on Psy and Progressive straight off the press and throwing in some rare whites just because he can. D (Goahead, Ohio) rch 5 Alladin Project – Tsunami Benefit tts) at Goa Trash rch 25 – Tsunami at Spirit D i ://web omnidancefestival.info/ DI D ensector/web greensector Phantasm again brings 4 day festiva l with Talamasca, Shakta, Orion, Eskimo, Cosmosis and others D olic t/web Enosa.net /touchsamadhi ftGoa Gil in Oregon Evan I’ve been running after you for hundreds of generations. You’ve smiled to me in my dreams but I only woke up alone again. Are you a t last within my grasp? Is this illusion an allusion to where words can not reach? That possible place from which splendor spills forth?If so I know I will Wake up to Our tomorrow. /DIV /
#3531 Tue, 8 Feb 2005 10:06:22 Tue, 8 Feb 2005 10:06:21 Fwd: Nan’s last deco at Karma wednesday!
#3532 Tue, 8 Feb 2005 10:04:38 Tue, 8 Feb 2005 10:04:37 Cc: omnitribe, dragontribe, TripOutNY Save $15!!! by buying Koxbox/Oforia tickets through Machinelf! In a message dated 2/8/2005 9:51:18 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, NASA dude writes: Howdy, this sounds pretty good, i’m thinkin of making the trek up north. So we paypal the money to you with names of ticket holders then what do we do at the door? As in what list should we tell the door person to look for our names on? hard to believe, but true, yes. i’ve done online promo for tickets before but never like this. say your names at the door at the prepaid list. And if you dont have paypal, then come by Karma Wednesday (I’ll be there by around midnight) and pay cash. I’m going also to Talamasca/Spirallianz but I really can’t miss Koxbox… Frank E is a true master and he partied with us at Wylie’s several years ago. And Talamasca stayed with us a couple years back when James Deeper in Zen lived here. Whatever, i think both parties are going to be good, there are 1400 people on TripOutNY and this is the first really big weekend of the year. Hey party people, This is gonna be one of those special parties. Oforia and Kox Box are one of the trance scene in the world since the beggining of it all. The music harmony together with Knob’s new LIVE act and Dr. Spook’s visual&dj set going to blow you out of this world… we are coming up with a SPECIAL promotion for NYC 604 USERS that purchase that ticket through PAYPAL will pay $20 till Friday 12:00 AM for experiencing this amazing journey we’re about to take you. Go to web paypal (web paypal) and send the $ to ” [include names for each person, and bring these names to the door and say “Prepaid List”] See U all with the best energy as always. Elnadiv Alladin Project Presents: Saturday Feb, 12, 2005 NYC Valentines Day Weekend Featuring… KOX BOX LIVE-(DK) OFORIA LIVE- Bne Rec. (Israel ) BLACK BUDDHA LIVE- Sound Species (Japan) /Alladin Project (NYC/US) Dj SET… Frank’e -KOX BOX (DK) Ofer Dikovsky Bne Rec. (Israel ) Knob- Sound Species/ Alladin Project (Japan) Dr Spook GeoMagnetic/ Alladin Project (SF) Decorations by: Severyn Barabakh (Subtlechaos NYC) & Alladin Project Crew (NYC/US) Visuals by: VJ: Dr Spook (SF) VJ: Surge (SubtleChaos/Dekompression) VJ: Skyeye Sound Species (U.N.-NYC) Door Open: 10PM to 8AM Tickets: $25 in advance, $35 After. 18 to enter – 21+w/ID to drink. Tickets in Advance: alladinproduction at yahoo (917) 569-1177 Hoomoos Asli NYC 100 Kenmare St/ Lafayette, (212) 966-0022 Satellite Records NYC 259 Bowery Av. (212) 995-1744 Location: CLUB EXIT 147 GREENPOINT AVE BROOKLYN NY Directions : By Subway: take the L train to metropolitan Ave & transfer to the G train to Greenpoint Ave. the Club is right across the street. Subway Map: web mta.nyc.ny.us/nyct/maps/submap (web mta.nyc.ny.us/nyct/maps/submap ) By Car: Take BQE (I-278) to Exit 33 McQuinness Blvd. to Greenpoint Ave. Turn LEFT at Greenpoint Ave Proceed to the corner of Manhattan Ave. by car service / taxi : from Manhattan cost $15 from Bedford Station it cost $6 Street Map: n&stateNY&cszBrooklyn,+NY+11222-2301&slt40.730297&sln-73.954743&mlt40.722 188&mln-73.951889&zip11222-2301&countryus&BFKey&BFCat&BFClient&mag9&cs 9&name&desc&offn&poititle&poi&dsn alladinproduction at yahoo web koxbox.dk/ web bne.co.il/ web geomagnetic.tv/ web alladinproject web severyn “give a chance to trance NYC” OUR NEXT PARTY WILL BE ON SATURDAY MARCH 5 2005 Featuring… EAT STATIC LIVE and more… at CLUB EXIT (Greenpoint Ave) In a messag e dated 2/8/2005 9:51:18 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, NASA dude w rites: this sounds pretty good, i’ m thinkin of making the trek up north. So we paypal the money to you with names of ticket holders then what do we do at the door? As in what list should we tell the door person to look for our names hard to believe, but tr ue, yes. i’ve done online promo for tickets before but never like th is. say your names at the door at the prepaid list. And if you dont have paypal, then come by Karma Wednesday (I’ll be there by aro und midnight) and pay cash. I’m going also to Talamasca/Spirallianz but I really can’t miss Koxbox… Frank E is a true master and he partied with us at Wylie’s several years ago. And Talamasca stayed with us a couple years back when James Deeper in Zen lived here. Whatever, i think both parties are going to be good, there are 1400 people on TripOutN Y and this is the first really big weekend of the year. Hey party people, This is gonna be one of those speci al parties. Oforia and Kox Box are one of the trance scene in the BR world since the beggining of it all. The music harmony > together with Knob’s new LIVE act and Dr. Spook’s visual&a mp;dj set going to blow you out of this world… we are comi ng up with a SPECIAL promotion for NYC 604 USERS that purcha se that ticket through PAYPAL will pay $20 till Friday 12:00 AM for experiencing this amazing journey we’re about to tak e you. Go to web paypalweb p aypal and send the $ to ” [include names for each person, and bring these names to the door and say “Prepaid List”] See U all with the best energy as alway s. Elnadiv Alladin Project Presents: Satur day Feb, 12, 2005 NYC Valentines Day Weekend Featuring… KOX BOX LIVE-(DK) OFORIA LIVE-&n bsBne Rec. (Israel ) BLACK BUDDHA LIVE- Sound Species (Ja pan) /Alladin Project (NYC/US) Dj SET… Frank’e -KOX BOX (DK) Ofer Dikovsky Bne Rec. (Israel ) BR Knob- Sound Species/ Alladin Project (Japan) Dr Spook GeoMagnetic/ Alladin Project (SF) Decorations by: >Severyn Barabakh (Subtlechaos NYC) & Alladin Project C rew (NYC/US) Visuals by: VJ: Dr Spook (SF)B R VJ: Surge (SubtleChaos/Dekompression) VJ: Skyeye Soun d Species (U.N.-NYC) Door Open: 10PM to 8AM Tickets: $25 in advance, $35 After. 18 to enter – 21+w/ID& nbsto drink. Tickets in Advance: alladinproduction at yaho o (917) 569-1177 Hoomoos Asli NYC 100 Ke nmare St/ Lafayette, (212) 966-0022 Satellite Records NYC 259 Bowery Av. (212) 995-1744 Location: CLUB E XIT 147 GREENPOINT AVE BROOKLYN NY Direction s : By Subway: take the L train to metropolitan Ave & transfer to the G train to Greenpoint Ave. the Club is right across the street. Subway Map: hr us/nyct/maps/submap By Car: Take BQE (I-278 ) to Exit 33 McQuinness Blvd. to Greenpoint Ave. T urn LEFT at Greenpoint Ave Proceed to the corner of Manhatta n Ave. by car service / taxi : from Manhattan cost $ 15 from Bedford Station it cost $6 Street&nb sMap: 722 9 BR alladinproduction at yahoo web koxbox.dk/ BR web bne.co.il/ web geomagnetic.tv/ web alladinproject web severyn > “give a chance to trance NYC” OUR NEXT PARTY WILL BE ON SATURDAY MARCH 5 2005 Featuring… EAT STATIC LIVE and more… at CLUB EXIT (Greenpoint Ave)
#3533 Tue, 8 Feb 2005 19:31:56 Tue, 8 Feb 2005 19:31:56 To: omnitribe Cc: nyc604, dragontribe, TripOutNY Tegma Interview by Vitalik of Omnitribe – site now up! web tranceam.org/interviews/interview-tegma (web tranceam.org/interviews/interview-tegma ) and thanks to Ari Davidoff for layout //interviews/interview-tegma rainmachines/interviews/interview-tegma .c om/interviews/interview-tegma and thanks to Ari Davido
#3534 Wed, 9 Feb 2005 20:56:53 Wed, 9 Feb 2005 20:56:53 Married at Spirit: An unofficial teaser Hey I am planning on getting married to a certain very special someone at Spirit sometime soon, during the day before a Tsunami party. All of our relatives will be flying in. I’ll also be there this Friday with some Shamanistas from Switzerland/France, Day 1 of a very busy weekend. No sleep til Brooklyn! And for those of you who remember the first Trancers Guide to the Galaxy, I predicted in the US survey that Sprit would host some of the most holistic events New York has ever seen. It took them a while… but it’s now happening! Friday February 11th, 2005 TSUNAMI at SPIRIT VALENTINE’s DAY WEEKEND “The Sound Wave of Love” HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR: Year of the Rooster! 530 West 27th Street (between 10th & 11th Avenues) 10pm till 7am TALAMASCA,live and dj set (Mind Control, France) CEDRIC mesmerizes large audiences in the four corners of the globe with his powerful and loving live-sets, and the Valentines Celebration at SPIRIT will be no exception. SPIRALLIANZ vs. MIDIMILIZ, live (Gravity Plus, The Delta, Boshkebeats, Spirit Zone – Germany) Arne and Wayan, who are also part of THE DELTA, keep pushing the envelope into new universes of musical expression, and are a dance floor favorite all over the world. ARNE MINDS OF DIMENTED HANOCH DEKOMPRESSION $30 in advance Valid Picture ID is Required 18 to party / 21 to drink Tickets also available at GrooveTickets Groovetickts (groovetickets/ordersystem/groove/frontsearchresults.asp?Affilid93&sname1&SHeadliner1&SDate1&SCity1&SState1&SCountry1&S Zip1&SVenue1&SInfo1&SPGroup1&searchtexttsunami&EventState&ImageButton.x 41&ImageButton.y13) (ce/index3 ) INFO LINE: 212.439.8124 Friday, March 25th at SPIRIT SUN PROJECT, both LIVE! TALAMASCA INTERVIEW at groovetickets TALAMASCA INTERVIEW at brainmachines | Info Line 212 439-8124 web groovetickets To unsuscribe reply with just UNSUBRSCRIBE as subject!!! Best regards, . Hey I am planning on getting married to a certain very special someone at Spirit sometime s oon, during the day before a Tsunami party. All of our relatives wil l be flying in. I’ll also be there this Friday with some Shamanistas from Switzerland/France, Day 1 of a very busy weekend.&n bsNo sleep til Brooklyn! And for those of you who rem ember the first Trancers Guide to the Galaxy, I predicted in the US survey that Sprit would host some of the most holistic events New York has ever seen. It took them a while… but it’s now happening! Friday February 11th, 2005 TSUNAMI at SPIRIT VALENTINE’s DAY W EEKEND “The Sound Wave of Love” HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR: Year of the Ro oster! 530 West 27th Street (between 10th & 11th Avenues) 10p m till 7am TALAMASCA,live and dj set (Mind Control, France) CEDRIC mesmerizes large audiences in the four corners of the globe withhis powerful and loving live-sets, and the Valentines Celebration at SPIRIT will be no exception. SPIRALLIANZ vs. MIDIMILIZ, live (Gr avity Plus, The Delta, Boshkebeats, Spirit Zone – Germany) Arne and Way an, who are also part of THE DELTA, keep pushing the envelope into new universes of musical expression, and are a dance floor favorite all ov er the world. ARNE MINDS OF DIMENTED HANOCH DEKOMPRESSION $30 in advance Valid Picture ID is Required 18 to party / 21 to drink Tickets also available at GrooveTickets ww.tsunami-trance/index3 INFO LINE: 2 (Germany) SUN PROJECT, both LIVE! TALAMASCA INTERVIEW at groovetickets TALAMASCA INTERVIEW at sunami-trance | Info Line 212 439-8124 web groovetickets To unsuscribe reply with just UNSUBRSCRIBE as subject!!!
#3535 Thu, 10 Feb 2005 11:53:36 Thu, 10 Feb 2005 11:53:36 Cc: 604 at party.net Spirallianz/Midi Milliz interview web tranceam.org/interviews/interview-spirallianz (web tranceam.org/interviews/interview-spirallianz ) the last time they played here at the roller rink they were playing on a system james deeper in zen put together that included my fucked up mixer. Sorry guys! ///interviews/interview-spirallianz web br ainmachines/interviews/interview-spirallianz the las t time they played here at the roller rink they were playing on a sys tem james deeper in zen put together that included my fucked up mixer.&nbs
#3536 Mon, 14 Feb 2005 17:31:45 Mon, 14 Feb 2005 17:31:44 Newsletter Trip Out New York Circ.1,315 Drink the Koolaid Free NYC Trance Community Weekly Newsletter Forward/reprint to spread the psytrance virus (web tranceam.org/links ) Numbers 24, verse 16 “He hath said, which heard the words of God, and knew the knowledge of the most High, which saw the vision of the Almighty, falling into a trance, but having his eyes open” Commercial Holograms one step closer to reality – “Help me Obi Wan, You’re my only hope” the technology of displays in space normally seen in scifi movies has suddenly snuck into our very own day. check out the videos, you won’t believe your eyes: web io2technology/dojo/178/v.jsp stocks of fog juice companies will skyrocket. First directional sound now this… Naotto Hattori’s new art web wwwcomcom/store/original/originalsforsale (web wwwcomcom/store/original/originalsforsale ) Central Park art installation web christojeanneclaude.net/tg (web christojeanneclaude.net/tg ) Event Calendar Outdoor festivals/d Sound System rental/logo partners in bold; same date parties appear in the order submitted; Psy/Goa events always come first. Organizers who cannot provide press passes to TripOutNY will be charged the amount of 2 tickets to finance our journalism. * * * Feb 16 – Wednesday – Goa Trash Dreamcatcher DJs, Coral (NC) opens Goa Trash downstairs at Karma, 51 1st avenue between 3rd and 4th streets, ID21+, 10pm-4am, free. If it’s late go down the stairs and knock. This high res-erected-by-popular-demand party promises to make any memories of Ibiza, the Riviera, or even Thailand like so much flotsam and jetsam strung along the beaches of Goa India. Music from 10pm – 12am is generally mid- to late-90s Goa Trance, which is really just modern progressive house beats mixed with Ravi Shankar sounds done up at 145 BPM. After midnight DJs may mix in modern psychedelic trance. A GOA TRASH just opened recently in Santiago, Chile by Angeles who did the long running Wednesdays Opium Den. 2/18 – TEGMA live at The Hook (18 Commerce St., Red Hook, Brooklyn) presented by OmniTribe & Polarlight Records…web omnitribe/ Feb 19-20 Ibogain Conference Tuesday, February 22, 2005 3 PM PST / 6 PM Where: web dpolicy.org/events/shulginchat (actioncenter.dpolicy.org/ctt.asp?u2456&l78278) Feb 23 – Wednesday – Goa Trash – Vlad Kife & Vitalik & Shai (Omnitribe) March 3 – Wednesday – Goa Trash – Jason Sannachan (Subtlechaos) Jason will be playing all new unreleased full on Psy and Progressive straight off the press and throwing in some rare whites just because he can. March 5 Alladin Project – Tsunami Benefit March 10 Goa Trash FaceHead (Pennsylvania) Ari D (Goahead, Ohio) March 16 Bryan Ladd (Massachussetts) at Goa Trash March 25 – Tsunami at Spirit March 26 – Alladin Project April 15 – Alladin Project May 21 North Carolina – Goa Gil – touchsamadhi (touchsamadhi/) Early June – Upstate NY – web omnidancefestival.info/ (web omnidancefestival.info/) Late June – West Virginia – web gaian-mind (web gaian-mind/) July 4th weekend – Los Angeles – web greensector (web greensector/) Phantasm again brings 4 day festival with Talamasca, Shakta, Orion, Eskimo, Cosmosis and others July 16 – Midwest – web psymbolic (web psymbolic/) July – Oregon web Enosa.net (web enosa.net/) Sept 23-25 North Carolina – Powwow festival – touchsamadhi (touchsamadhi/) Goa Gil in Oregon Lusty Cloud-Hoppers by Evan I’ve been running after you for hundreds of generations. You’ve smiled to me in my dreams but I only woke up alone again. Are you at last within my grasp? Is this illusion an allusion to where words can not reach? That possible place from which splendor spills forth? If so I know I will Wake up to Our tomorrow. .1,315 olaid nce Community Weekly Newsletter spread the psytranc e virus ath said, which heard the words of God, and knew the knowledge of the most High, which saw the vision of the Almighty, falling into a trance, but ha ving his eyes open” l Holograms one step closer to reality – “Help me Obi Wan, You’re my only hope” the technology of displays in space normally seen in scifi movies has suddenly snuck into our very own d ay. check out the videos, you won’t believe p://web io2technology/dojo/178/v.jspweb io2technology/dojo /178/v.jsp – . Maybe the stocks of fog juice companies will skyrocket. Firs t directional sound now this… //web wwwcomcom/store/original/originalsforsale web wwwc omcom/store/original/originalsforsale Central Park art installation ude.net/tg nt Calendar Outdoor festivals/d Sound System rental/ logo partners in boldsame date parties appear in the or der submitted; Psy/Goa events always come first. Organizers wh o cannot provide press passes to TripOutNY will be charged the amount of 2 tickets to finance our journalism. ; Feb 16 – Wednesday – Goa Trash Dreamcatch er DJs, Coral (NC) opens Goa Trash downstairs at Karma, 51 1st avenue between 3rd and 4th streets, ID21+, 10pm-4am, free. If it’s la te go down the stairs and knock. This high res-erected-by-popular-dem and party promises to make any memories of Ibiza, the Riviera, or even Tha iland like so much flotsam and jetsam strung along the beaches of Goa Indi a. Music from 10pm – 12am is generally mid- to late-90s Goa Trance, which is really just modern progressive house beats mixed with Ravi Shanka r sounds done up at 145 BPM. After midnight DJs may mix in modern ps ychedelic trance. A GOA TRASH just opened recently in Santiago, Chil e by Angeles who did the long running Wednesdays Opium Den. ok, Brooklyn) presented by OmniTribe & Polarlight Records…web omnitribe/ Feb 19-20 Ibogain Conference F ES ft d Kife & Vitalik & Shai (Omnitribe) – Jason Sannachan (Subtlechaos) ying all new unreleased full on Psy and Progressive straight off the press and throwing in some rare whites just because he can. it h FaceHead (Pennsylvania) Ari D (Goahead, Ohio) ft oa Trash Tsunami at Spirit rch 26 – Alladin Project D mnidancefestival.info/ r/web greensector Phantasm again brings 4 day festival with Talamasca, Shakta, Orion, Eskimo, Cosmosis and others m .Enosa.net hsamadhi a Gil in Oregon I’ve been running after you for hundreds of generations. You’ve smil ed to me in my dreams but I only woke up alone again. Are you at las t within my grasp? Is this illusion an allusion to where words can n ot reach? That possible place from which splendor spills forth? If s o I know I will Wake up to Our T ONT
#3537 Tue, 22 Feb 2005 01:02:03 Tue, 22 Feb 2005 01:02:02 Newsletter – Hunter S. Thompson dead at 67 Trip Out New York Circ.1,315 Drink the Koolaid Free NYC Trance Community Weekly Newsletter Forward/reprint to spread the psytrance virus (web tranceam.org/links ) Numbers 24, verse 16 “He hath said, which heard the words of God, and knew the knowledge of the most High, which saw the vision of the Almighty, falling into a trance, but having his eyes open” News Hunter S. Thompson dead at 67 …crazy bastard pulls a Kurt Cobain web cnn/2005/SHOWBIZ/books/02/21/thompson.obit/index (web cnn/2005/SHOWBIZ/books/02/21/thompson.obit/index ) Tsunami Benefit 3*CD Released! Organic February update….. web organicrecords.net (web organicrecords.net/) Transient closing down sale CDs and vinyl as low as 2.50, some good old classics ! web transient/ (web transient/) Ive made my order and looking forward to the CDs dropping thru the door 🙂 xoxo Robin Psychedelic Nebula found heritage.stsci/2003/30 (heritage.stsci/2003/30 ) Optical Illusion web bobrobles/opticalillusion (web bobrobles/opticalillusion ) I don’t quite get the science behind it, but it’s a fun little distraction. Rainbow TV Episode – a must see this is some weird shit ! rainbow.arch.scriptmania/rainbowtvepisode (rainbow.arch.scriptmania/rainbowtvepisode ) Darrell Event Calendar Outdoor festivals/d Sound System rental/logo partners in bold; same date parties appear in the order submitted; Psy/Goa events always come first. Organizers who cannot provide press passes to TripOutNY will be charged the amount of 2 tickets to finance our journalism. * * * Feb 23 – Wednesday – Omnitribe at Goa Trash djs Shai, Vitalik, Vlad Kife, fxmikes bday was this past Friday and vlad globus was sunday.. also there will be raffles of omnitribe dj mixes from the party this past weekend……! Goa Trash downstairs at Karma, 51 1st avenue between 3rd and 4th streets, ID21+, 10pm-4am, free. If it’s late go down the stairs and knock. This high res-erected-by-popular-demand party promises to make any memories of Ibiza, the Riviera, or even Thailand like so much flotsam and jetsam strung along the beaches of Goa India. Music from 10pm – 12am is generally mid- to late-90s Goa Trance, which is really just modern progressive house beats mixed with Ravi Shankar sounds done up at 145 BPM. After midnight DJs may mix in modern psychedelic trance. A GOA TRASH just opened recently in Santiago, Chile by Angeles who did the long running Wednesdays Opium Den. March 3 – Wednesday – Goa Trash – Jason Sannachan (Subtlechaos) Jason will be playing all new unreleased full on Psy and Progressive straight off the press and throwing in some rare whites just because he can. Friday March 4th SUBTLECHAOS-NYC mixed genre event MIDNIGHT- DJ CAMEA (NYEX, SNYC) bio. Camea is currently living in New York where she has several projects underway. She has been honing her mixing skills to create a funky and dirty blend of tech-house, micro-house and minimal techno. Growing increasingly popular in 2004, she has played over fifty shows in the past year. Her style has been described as “innovative”, “energetic” and “intelligent” by her peers. For a full length biography please visit this page – web djcamea (web djcamea) Resident DJs – Jason, Comtak and Severyn Visuals by SURGE & THE DOKTOR(Subtlechaos/Dekompression) Fluoro Environment by Severyn (SubtleChaos-NYC) This event occurs on first Friday of every month. Location ‘M’ Shanghai Bistro 129 Havemeyer St Between South 1st & Grand St. 11pm till pretty late NO COVER (Happy hour 2 till 4am) Visit .org (.org) March 5 TBA Alladin Project – Tsunami Benefit March 10 Goa Trash FaceHead (Pennsylvania) Ari D (Goahead, Ohio) March 16 Bryan Ladd (Massachussetts) at Goa Trash March 25 – Tsunami at Spirit March 26 – Alladin Project April 15 – Alladin Project May 21 North Carolina – Goa Gil – touchsamadhi (touchsamadhi/) Early June – Upstate NY – web omnidancefestival.info/ (web omnidancefestival.info/) Late June – Pennsylvania, NOT West Virginia like I said before sorry Sharon 🙂 – web gaian-mind (web gaian-mind/) July 4th weekend – Los Angeles – web greensector (web greensector/) Phantasm again brings 4 day festival with Talamasca, Shakta, Orion, Eskimo, Cosmosis and others July 16 – Midwest – web psymbolic (web psymbolic/) July – Oregon web Enosa.net (web enosa.net/) Sept 23-25 North Carolina – Powwow festival – touchsamadhi (touchsamadhi/) Goa Gil in Oregon Lusty Cloud-Hoppers by Evan I’ve been running after you for hundreds of generations. You’ve smiled to me in my dreams but I only woke up alone again. Are you at last within my grasp? Is this illusion an allusion to where words can not reach? That possible place from which splendor spills forth? If so I know I will Wake up to Our tomorrow. rc.1,315 Koolaid rance Community Weekly Newsletter spread the psytrance virus es/links MORE LINKS heard the w ords of God, and knew the knowledge of the most High, which saw the vision of the Almighty, falling into a trance, but having his eyes open” DI V V on.obit/index web cnn/2005/SHOWBIZ/books/02/21/thompson.ob it/index TRONGTsunami Benefit 3*CD Released! Organic February update…../S TRONG D wn sale transient/ Ive made my order and looking forward to the CDs dro pping thru the door 🙂 xoxo Robin V /heritage.stsci/2003/30 tmweb bobrobles/opticalillusion I don’t quite ge t the science behind it, but it’s a fun little distraction. mpiralconcubine at yahoovampiralconcubine at yahoo see ptmania/rainbowtvepisode rainbow.arch.scriptmania/ra inbowtvepisode Darr ell utdoor festivals/d Sound System rental/logo partners in bold/ST RONG; same date parties appear in the order submitted; Psy/Goa events alw ays come first. Organizers who cannot provide press passes to TripOutNY will be charged the amount of 2 tickets to finance our journalis m. Trash/STRONG djs Shai, Vitalik, Vlad Kife, fxmikes bday was this past Frid ay and vlad globus was sunday.. also there will be raffles of omnitribe dj mixes from the party this past weekend……! Goa Trash downstairs at Karma, 51 1st avenue between 3rd and 4th streets, ID21+, 10pm-4am, free. If it’s late go down the stairs and knock. This high res -erected-by-popular-demand party promises to make any memories of Ibiza, th e Riviera, or even Thailand like so much flotsam and jetsam strung along t he beaches of Goa India. Music from 10pm – 12am is generally mid- to late-90s Goa Trance, which is really just modern progressive house beats mixed with Ravi Shankar sounds done up at 145 BPM. After midnight DJ s may mix in modern psychedelic trance. A GOA TRASH just opened rece ntly in Santiago, Chile by Angeles who did the long running Wednesdays Opi um Den. Psy and Progressive straight off the press and throwing in some rare white s just because he can. eftFriday March 4th SUBTLECHAOS-NYC mixed genre event MIDNIGHT- DJ CAMEA (NYEX, SNYC) bio. Camea is currently living in New York where she has several projects underway. She has been honing her mixing skills t o create a funky and dirty blend of tech-house, micro-house and minimal techno. Growing increasingly popular in 2004, she has played over fift y shows in the past year. Her style has been described as “innovative”, “energetic” and “intelligent” by her peers. For a full length biography mea Resident DJs – Jason, Comtak and Severyn Visuals by ;SURGE & THE DOKTOR(Subtlechaos/Dekompression) Fluoro Environment b y Severyn of Subtlechaos sound! This event occurs on first Friday of every month . Location ‘M’ Shanghai Bistro 129 Havemeyer St Between S outh 1st & Grand St. 11pm till pretty late NO COVER (Happy hour haos Email info at subtlechaos.org din Project – Tsunami Benefit Ohio) Ladd (Massachussetts) at Goa Trash D t ttp://touchsamadhi tival.info/web omnidancefestival.info/ like I said before ector/web greensector Phantasm again brings 4 day festival&n bsp;with Talamasca, Shakta, Orion, Eskimo, Cosmosis and others c web Enosa.net uchsamadhi Goa Gil in Oregon bs n I’ve been running after you for hundreds of generations. You’ve sm iled to me in my dreams but I only woke up alone again. Are you at l ast within my grasp? Is this illusion an allusion to where words can not reach? That possible place from which splendor spills forth? If so I know I will Wake up to Our tomorrow. ONT
#3538 Wed, 23 Feb 2005 02:30:53 Wed, 23 Feb 2005 02:30:53 Extra – Progressive Fwd: Essential Wave & Polarlight (Saturday, February…
#3539 Fri, 25 Feb 2005 12:26:06 Fri, 25 Feb 2005 12:26:06 Fwd: [SafetyDance] Fwd: [NYC604] TDC Presents – Underground Gathering – Feb 26
#3540 Sun, 27 Feb 2005 01:05:49 Sun, 27 Feb 2005 01:05:37 Cc: safetydancem Fwd: [NYC604] TDC party got canceled
#3541 Mon, 28 Feb 2005 18:08:56 Mon, 28 Feb 2005 18:08:55 Newsletter In your Outer Space Trip Out New York Circ.1,329 Free NYC Trance Community Weekly Newsletter Forward/reprint to spread the psytrance virus (web tranceam.org/links ) Numbers 24, verse 16 “He hath said, which heard the words of God, and knew the knowledge of the most High, which saw the vision of the Almighty, falling into a trance, but having his eyes open” What’s News Lots of news this week, lots of Subtlechaos this week Wednesday and Friday, plus Eat Static and Koxnox this saturday. And a new weekly on Sunday. Plus, Rhythms of Pace beach festival in Morocco festival announced. Plus more on The Rhythms of Peace Beach Festival in Morocco Announced for August!! Morocco Festival August 25th-30th, and the line-up is sick – live acts by Parasense, Son Kite, Silicon Sound, Wizzy Noise, Safi Connection, Atmos, Bamboo Forest, way more Moundir the organizer has been involved with other festivals and has a good reputation. He asked me through Gavin to sell tickets in the U.S. and will be offering travel packages of $700 round trip, $200 food & lodging. Details for these packages will be forthcoming. Once you get there it is very very cheap, I mean like almost India cheap.. Ticket prices before the 30th of April 2005 : $80 before the 30th of July 2005 : $100 at the door : 100 euros Physical tickets will be provided. Tickets may be purchased by check or money order via snail mail (email for in person. Psychedelic Medicine making headway! web newscientist/channel/health/mg18524881.400 (web newscientist/channel/health/mg18524881.400) Event Calendar Outdoor festivals/d Sound System rental/logo partners in bold; same date parties appear in the order submitted; Psy/Goa events always come first. Organizers who cannot provide press passes to TripOutNY will be charged the amount of 2 tickets to finance our journalism. * * * March 2 – Wednesday – Subtlechaos at Goa Trash djs Jason Sannachan (Subtlechaos) with tapestry art and djing by the infamous and very notorious Severyn Jason will be playing all new unreleased full on Psy and Progressive straight off the press and throwing in some rare whites just because he can. Goa Trash downstairs at Karma, 51 1st avenue between 3rd and 4th streets, ID21+, 10pm-4am, free. If it’s late go down the stairs and knock. This high res-erected-by-popular-demand party promises to make any memories of Ibiza, the Riviera, or even Thailand like so much flotsam and jetsam strung along the beaches of Goa India. Music from 10pm – 12am is generally mid- to late-90s Goa Trance, which is really just modern progressive house beats mixed with Ravi Shankar sounds done up at 145 BPM. After midnight DJs may mix in modern psychedelic trance. A GOA TRASH just opened recently in Santiago, Chile by Angeles who did the long running Wednesdays Opium Den. Friday March 4th SUBTLECHAOS-NYC mixed genre event MIDNIGHT- DJ CAMEA (NYEX, SNYC) bio. Camea is currently living in New York where she has several projects underway. She has been honing her mixing skills to create a funky and dirty blend of tech-house, micro-house and minimal techno. Growing increasingly popular in 2004, she has played over fifty shows in the past year. Her style has been described as “innovative”, “energetic” and “intelligent” by her peers. For a full length biography please visit this page – web djcamea (web djcamea/) Resident DJs – Jason, Comtak and Severyn Visuals by SURGE & THE DOKTOR(Subtlechaos/Dekompression) Fluoro Environment by Severyn (SubtleChaos-NYC) This event occurs on first Friday of every month. Location ‘M’ Shanghai Bistro 129 Havemeyer St Between South 1st & Grand St. 11pm till pretty late NO COVER (Happy hour 2 till 4am) Visit .org (.org/) Saturday March 5 – Eat Static & Koxbox redux! Alladin Project Presents: Saturday March 5, 2005 FOR THE FIRST TIME IN NYC EXCLUSIVE LIVE SET FROM THE LEGENDARY EAT STATIC!!! Featuring… KOX BOX -FRANK-E (DK) EAT STATIC LIVE (UK) Mesmobeat,TIP World,Twisted,Solstice Rec. KNOB (Japan) Sound Species / Alladin Project ELNADIV Alladin Project NYC/ IL JASON Subtlecaos -NYC Chillout Room By: LESHIY (Omnitribe- NYC) U-STAS (Omnitribe- NYC) TONIC (Omnitribe- NYC) INDRA (Omnitribe- NYC) Decorations by: Severyn Barabakh (Subtlecaos -NYC) Flouradelic by Lunatic Brothers (NYC) Visuals by: VJ: Surge (SubtleChaos/Dekompression) NYC VJ: Skyeye Sound Species (Alladin Project)Japan -NYC Tickets: $30 in Advance, $35 at door 18 to enter – 21+w/ picture ID to drink. Door Open: 10PM to 8AM Location: CLUB EXIT 147 GREENPOINT AVE BROOKLYN NY Tickets in Advance: (917) 569-1177 Hoomoos Asli NYC 100 Kenmare St/ Lafayette, (212) 966-0022 Satellite Records NYC 259 Bowery Av. (212) 995-1744 Directions : By Subway: take the L train to metropolitan Ave & transfer to the G train to Greenpoint Ave. the Club is right across the street. Subway Map: web mta.nyc.ny.us/nyct/maps/submap (web mta.nyc.ny.us/nyct/maps/submap ) By Car: Take BQE (I-278) to Exit 33 McQuinness Blvd. to Greenpoint Ave. Turn LEFT at Greenpoint Ave Proceed to the corner of Manhattan Ave. by car service / taxi : from Manhattan cost $15 from Bedford Station it cost $6 Street Map: yn&stateNY&cszBrooklyn,+NY+11222-2301&slt40.730297&sln-73.954743&mlt40.72 2188&mln-73.951889&zip11222-2301&countryus&BFKey&BFCat&BFClient&mag9&cs 9&name&desc&offn&poititle&poi&dsn 301&slt40.730297&sln-73.954743&mlt40.722188&mln-73.951889&zip11222-2301&c ountryus&BFKey&BFCat&BFClient&mag9&cs9&name&desc&off n&poititle&poi&dsn) web koxbox.dk (web koxbox.dk/) web eatstatic.co.uk/ (web eatstatic.co.uk/) web alladinproject (web alladinproject/) web severyn (web severyn/) March 6 – Sunday Trance in Brooklyn TONE LOTUS and TOLTECNICA Present VIBRO FUENTES, dj set Acid Trance to Psy ASSEMBLAGE POINT, dj set Psy and more Psy JIMMY JAMES, dj set Breaks then Techo MIKE SPEARZ, dj set Downtempo Breaks and Techo The evening stars off with Chill and Breaks moving into Techno and Acid Trance then we work our way up into Psy Location: Boogaloo Bar 68 Marcy Ave South Williamsburg, Brooklyn, NY (‘tween Bway and S. 5th) 8pm till 4am FREE By Subway: J to Marcy Ave. (over the Williamsburg Bridge); G at Metropolitan Ave March 10 Goa Trash FaceHead (Pennsylvania) Ari D (Goahead, Ohio) March 16 Bryan Ladd (Massachussetts) at Goa Trash March 25 – Tsunami at Spirit with XDream and S.U.N. Project Friday, March 25th 2005 TSUNAMI at SPIRIT 530 West 27th Street (between 10th & 11th Avenues) 10pm till 7am Live Performances by name coming from Germany. They have set the tone for over 8 years. While they visited the US in many occasions, this is the first time they appear with their new addition, Arielle. Their album RADIO was a milestone in international trance, now they introduce their new (ce/) S.U.N. Project Mathias, Marco and McCoy are the international crowd pleasers in trance. McCoy’s fiery guitar interludes bring crowds to a roaring frenzy, in all four corvers of the globe. DJs MINDS OF DEMENTED HANOCH KIFE (Omnitribe, DeKompression) ADMINSSION 30 in advance Valid Picture ID is Required 18 to party / 21 to drink Buy Tickets Early! GROOVETICKETS 1-877-71GROOVE SATELLITE 259 Bowery 212 995-1744 VINYL MARKET 241 E 10th Street 212 539-1203 SATELLITE Boston 617 536-5482 611 Philadelphia 215 4139100 (ce/) INFO LINE: 212.439.8124 (ce) | Info Line 212 439-8124 web groovetickets (web groovetickets/) March 26 – Alladin Project April 15 – Alladin Project May 21 North Carolina – Goa Gil – touchsamadhi (touchsamadhi/) Early June – Upstate NY – web omnidancefestival.info/ (web omnidancefestival.info/) Late June – Pennsylvania, (NOT West Virginia like I said before sorry Sharon 🙂 web gaian-mind (web gaian-mind) July 4th weekend – Los Angeles – web greensector (web greensector/) Phantasm again brings 4 day festival with Talamasca, Shakta, Orion, Eskimo, Cosmosis and others July 16 – Midwest – web psymbolic (web psymbolic/) July – Oregon web Enosa.net (web Enosa.net) August 25-30 Rhythms of Peace in Morocco Sept 23-25 North Carolina – Powwow festival – touchsamadhi (touchsamadhi/) Goa Gil in Oregon Lusty Cloud-Hoppers by Evan I’ve been running after you for hundreds of generations. You’ve smiled to me in my dreams but I only woke up alone again. Are you at last within my grasp? Is this illusion an allusion to where words can not reach? That possible place from which splendor spills forth? If so I know I will Wake up to Our tomorrow. V letter spread the psytrance virus NKS verse 16 “He hath said, which heard the words of God, and knew the knowledge of the most High, which saw the vision of the Almighty, falling into a trance, but having his eyes open” News Lots of news this week, lots of Subtlechaos this week Wednesday and Friday, plus Eat Static and Koxnox this saturday. And a new weekly on Sunday. Plus, Rhythms of Pace beach festival in Mor occo festival er this month. The Rhythms of Peace Beach Festival in Morocco Announced for August!! Moro cco Festival August 25th-30th, and the line-up is sick – live acts by Parasense, Son Kite, Silicon Sound, Wizzy Noise, Safi Connection, Atmos, Bamboo Forest, way more Moundir the organizer has been involv ed with other festivals and has a good reputation. He asked me throu gh Gavin to sell tickets in the U.S. and will be offering travel pack ages of $700 round trip, $200 food & lodging. Details for these packages will be forthcoming. Once you get there it is v ery very cheap, I mean like almost India cheap.. &n bs Ticket prices before the 30th of April 2005 : $80 before the 30th of July 2005 : $100 at the door : 100 euros Physical tickets will be provided. Tickets may be purchased b y check or money order via snail mail (email for address), paypal to person. Psychedelic Medicine making headway! web newscientist/channel/health/mg18524881.400 alendar Outdoor festivals/d Sound System rental/logo partners in boldsame date parties appear in the order submitted; Psy/Goa events always come first. Organizers who ca nnot provide press passes to TripOutNY will be charged the amount of 2 tic kets to finance our journalism. STRONG /STRON nbs eftMarch 2 – Wednesday – Subtlechaos at Goa Trash/STRO NG han (Subtlechaos) with tapestry art and djing by the infamous and very not orious Severyn ased full on Psy and Progressive straight off the press and throwing in so me rare whites just because he can. Goa Trash downstairs at Kar ma, 51 1st avenue between 3rd and 4th streets, ID21+, 10pm-4am, free. If it’s late go down the stairs and knock. This high res-erec ted-by-popular-demand party promises to make any memories of Ibiza, the Ri viera, or even Thailand like so much flotsam and jetsam strung along the b eaches of Goa India. Music from 10pm – 12am is generally mid- to lat e-90s Goa Trance, which is really just modern progressive house beats mixe d with Ravi Shankar sounds done up at 145 BPM. After midnight DJs ma y mix in modern psychedelic trance. A GOA TRASH just opened recently in Santiago, Chile by Angeles who did the long running Wednesdays Opium D en. 4th SUBTLECHAOS-NYC mixed genre event MIDNIGHT- DJ CAMEA (NYEX, SNYC ) bio. Camea is currently living in New York where she has several proj ects underway. She has been honing her mixing skills to create a funky and dirty blend of tech-house, micro-house and minimal techno. Growing increasingly popular in 2004, she has played over fifty shows in thepast year. Her style has been described as “innovative”, “energetic” a nd “intelligent” by her peers. For a full length biography please visit a/web djcamea Resident DJs – Jason, Comtak and SeverynVisuals by SURGE & THE DOKTOR(Subtlechaos/Dekompression) Fluo ro Environment by Severyn prefered source of Subtlechaos sound! This event occurs on first Frida y of every month. Location ‘M’ Shanghai Bistro 129 Havemeyer St Between South 1st & Grand St. 11pm till pretty late NO CO Subtlechaos Email haos.org at Static & Koxbox redux! Allad in Project Presents: Saturday March 5, 2005 FOR THE FIRST TIME IN NYC EXCLUSIVE LIVE SET FROM THE LEGENDARY EAT STATIC!!! Featuring … KOX BOX -FRANK-E (DK) EAT STATIC LIVE (UK) Mesmobeat,TIP World,Twisted,Solstice Rec. KNOB (Japan) Sound Species / Alladin Proj ect ELNADIV Alladin Project NYC/ IL JASON Subtlecaos -NYC Chil lout Room By: LESHIY (Omnitribe- NYC) U-STAS (Omnitribe- NYC ) TONIC (Omnitribe- NYC) INDRA (Omnitribe- NYC) Decorations by : Severyn Barabakh (Subtlecaos -NYC) Flouradelic by Lunatic Brothers (NYC) Visuals by: VJ: Surge (SubtleChaos/Dekompressi on) NYC VJ: Skyeye Sound Species (Alladin Project)Japan -NYC Ticke ts: $30 in Advance, $35 at door 18 to enter – 21+w/ picture ID to d rink. Door Open: 10PM to 8AM Location: CLUB EXIT 147 GREEN POINT AVE alladinproduction at yahooalladinproduction at yahoo (917) 569 -1177 Hoomoos Asli NYC 100 Kenmare St/ Lafayette, (212) 966-0022 Satellite Records NYC 259 Bowery Av. (212) 995-1744 Direction s : By Subway: take the L train to metropolitan Ave & transfer to the G train to Greenpoint Ave. the Club is right across the str bmap web mta.nyc.ny.us/nyct/maps/submap By Car: B RTake BQE (I-278) to Exit 33 McQuinness Blvd. to Greenpoint Ave. Turn LEFT at Greenpoint Ave Proceed to the corner of Manhattan Ave . by car service / taxi : from Manhattan cost $15 from Bedford w.severyn/web severyn Tranc e to Psy ASSEMBLAGE POINT, dj set Psy and more Psy JIMMY JAMES, dj s et Breaks then Techo MIKE SPEARZ, dj set Downtempo Breaks and Techo T he evening stars off with Chill and Breaks moving into Techno and Acid Tra nce then we work our way up into Psy Location: Boogaloo Bar 68 Marcy Av e South Williamsburg, Brooklyn, NY (‘tween Bway and S. 5th) 8pm till 4a m FREE By Subway: J to Marcy Ave. (over the Williamsburg Bridge); G at Metropolitan Ave Pennsylvania) Ari D (Goahead, Ohio) V ami at Spirit with XDream and S.U.N. Project Friday, March 25th 2005 TSUNAMI at SPIRIT 530 West 27th Stree t (between 10th & 11th Avenues) 10pm till 7am Live Performances (Gravity Plus Records, Germany / Solstice Music, Japan) Arielle, Ian and name coming from Germany. They have set the tone for over 8 years. While t hey visited the US in many occasions, this is the first time they ap pear with their new addition, Arielle. Their album RADIO was a miles tone in international trance, now they introduce their new milestone ” We Interface”. To hear a ce/ S.U .N. Project Mathias, Marco and McCoy are the international crowd pleasers in trance. McCoy’s fiery guitar interludes bring crowds to a roaring frenz y, in all four corvers of the globe. DJs MINDS OF DEMENTED HANOCH KIFE (Omnitribe, DeKompression) ADMINSSION 30 in advance Vali d Picture ID is Required 18 to party / 21 to drink Buy Tickets Early ! GROOVETICKETS 1-877-71GROOVE SATELLITE 259 Bowery 212 995-1744 VINYL MARKET 241 E 10th Street 212 539-1203 SATELLITE Boston 617 53 i-trance/INFO LINE: 212.439.8124 ti i-trance| Info Line 212 439-8124 March 26 – Alladin Project hsamadhi /web omnidancefestival.info/ aid before sorry Sharon 🙂 ://web greensector/web greensector Phantasm again brings 4 d ay festival with Talamasca, Shakta, Orion, Eskimo, Cosmosis and other s web psymbolic w.Enosa.netweb Enosa.net RONG oppers by Evan I’ve been running after you for hundreds of generations. You’ve smiled to me in my dreams but I only woke up alo ne again. Are you at last within my grasp? Is this illusion an allus ion to where words can not reach? That possible place from which spl endor spills forth? If so I know I will Wake up to Our tomorrow.
#3542 Mon, 28 Feb 2005 21:59:31 Mon, 28 Feb 2005 21:59:31 To: goa-boston Cc: nyc604, dragontribe, 604 at party.net, tranceformers, TripOutNY, gavin at mpdqx Morocco’s Rhythms of Peace festival discussion group (U.S. based) For those of you not on NYC604 or TripOutNY and would like to recieve updates to the gathering and to dicuss, click the above link to join Go Morocco 2005. Any emails from the organizers will be fwded there. The NYC lists will have occasional updates, but for those who’d like to discuss going, in the interest of space please join the morocco group. You don’t have to be buying tickets from me to join; Dave Henshaw is also selling tickets in Boston and others may be as well. I’m really interested in this. If you’re going to keep a list of people to send out information to, please put me on it! Flyer at ups For those of you not on NYC604 or TripOutNY and would like to recieve updates to the gathering and to d icuss, click the above link to join Go Morocco 2005. Any emails from the organizers will be fwded there. The NYC li sts will have occasional updates, but for those who’d like to discuss goin g, in the interest of space please join the morocco group. &nbs be buying tickets from me to join; Dave Henshaw is also selling tickets&n bsp;in Boston and others may be as well. this. If you’re going to keep a list of people to send out information to, T Flyer at
March 2005
#3545 Wed, 9 Mar 2005 08:41:36 Wed, 9 Mar 2005 08:41:35 Ye Olde Newsletter In your Outer Space Trip Out New York Circ.1,329 Free NYC Trance Community Weekly Newsletter Forward/reprint to spread the psytrance virus (web tranceam.org/links ) Numbers 24, verse 16 “He hath said, which heard the words of God, and knew the knowledge of the most High, which saw the vision of the Almighty, falling into a trance, but having his eyes open” What’s News American soldiers on E!! web guardian.co.uk/usa/story/0,12271,1416073,00 (web guardian.co.uk/usa/story/0,12271,1416073,00 ) Koxbox/Eat Static was exhilarating – never saw Exit in Greenpoint that packed – saw a lot of old faces – and former naysayer Brian was there and I gave him a lot of grief. I wore a Hungarian warlock robe made by Emoka. It was good to see Frank E again, he ended up at Wylies’ place on Duane street a couple years back when he played at Tsunami for New Years. And speaking of Wylie, his new project “Melonhand” (so named because the cops stomped his hand after he hit a cop) is up and running wildly: THE DOOR IS AJAR AND MELONHAND IS AFOOT!!! The time for talk is OVER!!! I have finally recorded and posted some of my songs on the world wide web for your listening pleasure! Enjoy! web melonhand (web melonhand/) Website is currently under construction but will be more user friendly soon! Yours, Robert Wylie Hyde 917-476-1864 Happy Birthday Ben L of TVT Records! here’s a birthday track taken from another “Ben” web epsilonminus/djpr0phnizt/yakketypsytrance.mp3 (web epsilonminus/djpr0phnizt/yakketypsytrance.mp3) (come hear it tonight at Goa Trash at 3:50am) spectraleyes (spectraleyes) amazing visionary artist National Geographic’s March cover story has a Buddhist monk with wires in his head Mushroom Magazine’s Trancer’s Guide to the Galaxy coming in a matter of weeks! I’ll have some copies for sale. Mind-machine Control web wired/wired/archive/13.03/brain (web wired/wired/archive/13.03/brain ) From James Kent at Tripzine Friends, As many of you know, since I’ve wrapped Trip Magazine I have been working towards completing a book which compiles everything I have learned in my fifteen year exploration of the psychedelic experience. Some of this material appeared on tripzine last year in an article entitled “The Case Against d Elves,” but now this project has expanded into comprehensive text entitled “Psychedelic Information Theory: Shamanism in the Age of Reason.” Psychedelic Information Theory is an exhaustive work which analyzes and deconstructs the psychedelic state from a neurochemical, cognitive, and mystical perspective simultaneously. That may seem like a Herculean task, but years of research and hard work are finally paying off as this massive text now nears completion. The bulk of the chapters are still undergoing revision and editorial review, but a preview of the introduction and first six chapters are now available online: web tripzine/pit (web tripzine/pit) It is a big chunk to take in all at once, but if you take a quick look at the index you’ll see that this promises to be a monumental work. I hope to have the full text ready for publication before the end of the year, but for those of you who would like to see results sooner I am offering a full online preview of chapters as they become available for everyone who donates $5.00 or more to the Psychedelic Information Theory Publishing Fund. Donations of $50.00 or more will receive a numbered copy of the limited first edition of this landmark text signed by the author (me), and sure to be a collector’s item. The publication date for this limited first edition is still unknown, but this offer will be extended to the first 100 respondents only, so act now to reserve your copy today! web tripzine/pit.asp?iddonate (web tripzine/pit.asp?iddonate) Since this is a work in process on a very complex and controversial subject, there will no doubt be many questions, discussions, comments, and corrections to follow. In order to manage reader feedback I have set up a discussion board where readers can post comments or start follow-up discussions related to the text. I will also be posting announcements, addendums, and updates to the text here from time to time. web tripzine.net/pit/viewforum.php?f2 (web tripzine.net/pit/viewforum.php?f2) That is all for now. If you are interested in the text and wish to be notified when new chapters become available online, please make a small donation today. Every little bit will help make this project a reality sooner rather than later. Thanks and best wishes, James Kent tripzine (tripzine) The Rhythms of Peace Beach Festival in Morocco Announced for August!! Morocco Festival August 25th-30th, and the line-up is sick – live acts by Parasense, Son Kite, Silicon Sound, Wizzy Noise, Safi Connection, Atmos, Bamboo Forest, way more Moundir the organizer has been involved with other festivals and has a good reputation. He asked me through Gavin to sell tickets in the U.S. and will be offering travel packages of $700 round trip, $200 food & lodging. Details for these packages will be forthcoming. Once you get there it is very very cheap, I mean like almost India cheap.. Ticket prices before the 30th of April 2005 : $80 before the 30th of July 2005 : $100 at the door : 100 euros Physical tickets will be provided. Tickets may be purchased by check or money order via snail mail (email for in person. For those of you not on NYC604 or TripOutNY and would like to recieve updates to the gathering and to dicuss, click the above link to join Go Morocco 2005. Any emails from the organizers will be fwded there. The NYC lists will have occasional updates, but for those who’d like to discuss going, in the interest of space please join the morocco group. You don’t have to be buying tickets from me to join; Dave Henshaw is also selling tickets in Boston and others may be as well. Flyer at Event Calendar Outdoor festivals/d Sound System rental/logo partners in bold; same date parties appear in the order submitted; Psy/Goa events always come first. Organizers who cannot provide press passes to TripOutNY will be charged the amount of 2 tickets to finance our journalism (and hookers, limo, blow, etc). * * * March 9 – Wednesday – Psy-trance DJ FaceHead (Pennsylvania), plus various NYC DJs at Goa Trash Ari Martin opens at 8pm just confirmed with “rockin techo and trance” Deco by Kelly and Ben LightOmatic (And THANK YOU EMOKA for helping out with deco last week – it was awesome!) Theme: Transplant a plan. Goa Trash downstairs at Karma, 51 1st avenue between 3rd and 4th streets, ID21+, 10pm-4am, free. Even if the lights are on upstairs, the party ALWAYS GOES until 4am. If it’s late and the main doors are closed go down the stairs and knock. This high res-erected-by-popular-demand party promises to make any memories of Ibiza, the Riviera, or even Thailand like so much flotsam and jetsam strung along the beaches of Goa India. Music from 10pm – 12am is generally mid- to late-90s Goa Trance, which is really just modern progressive house beats mixed with Ravi Shankar sounds done up at 145 BPM. After midnight DJs may mix in modern psychedelic trance. A GOA TRASH just opened recently in Santiago, Chile by Angeles who did the long running Wednesdays Opium Den. A mutual love swirl Problematic, then arranged clean Don’t complain about the ARTiST WhORE DREAm It can trance a house clean Down the deep Deep, sleep peak Cosmic trans explanations Cosmic historical confirmations She can experience a Peasant’s eternal love She can wipe a Kings nose and get his ear plugs The moon is covered by a cloud, she whispers and takes A yellow, orange bow Is this the impermanence of true art? Is this hallucinations in the heart? Fresh and open I sacrifice Weep, Weep I could dip my brush in a bra, size C Pure art for the eyes that give her money Did that happen to me? Let me see, I’ll paint with drips of drippy honey Pleasant dreams to you as you rest with another hue Of soft, white bristle art Untouched he whistles art! I can feel you on the other side of the world Cake in my teeth The little art girl -Kelly Newman Friday March 11 – Underground indoor free trance party (the best!) in Queens by the NJ crew – listed only on Safetydance! PLEASE don’t ask me where it is if you’re not on that list. Ask Jowe, Ian, Adam, etc if you know them. Saturday – March 12th, 2005! Polarlight Recordings Anniversary Party!!! web polarlightmusic/boshke (web polarlightmusic/boshke ) March 16 Bryan Ladd (Massachussetts) at Goa Trash at Karma March 23 – Dreamcatcher at Goa Trash at Karma March 25 – Tsunami at Spirit with XDream and S.U.N. Project Friday, March 25th 2005 TSUNAMI at SPIRIT 530 West 27th Street (between 10th & 11th Avenues) 10pm till 7am Live Performances by psytrance name coming from Germany. They have set the tone for over 8 years. While they visited the US in many occasions, this is the first time they appear with their new addition, Arielle. Their album RADIO was a milestone in international trance, now they introduce their new milestone “We Interface”. S.U.N. Project Mathias, Marco and McCoy are the international crowd pleasers in trance. McCoy’s fiery guitar interludes bring crowds to a roaring frenzy, in all four corvers of the globe. DJs MINDS OF DEMENTED HANOCH KIFE (Omnitribe, DeKompression) ADMINSSION 30 in advance Valid Picture ID is Required 18 to party / 21 to drink Buy Tickets Early! GROOVETICKETS 1-877-71GROOVE SATELLITE 259 Bowery 212 995-1744 VINYL MARKET 241 E 10th Street 212 539-1203 SATELLITE Boston 617 536-5482 611 Philadelphia 215 4139100 (ce/) INFO LINE: 212.439.8124 Friday, Mar 25 Entropy at Holi celebration in Austin, Texas web shivatrance (web shivatrance) March 26 – Alladin Project March 30th- Omnitribe at Goa Trash at Karma April 6th- Subtlechaos at Goa Trash at Karma April 13th- Dreamcatcher at Goa Trash at Karma April 15 – Alladin Project April 20th- Goa Trash at Karma April 27th- Omnitribe at Goa Trash at Karma May 4 – Nick Tornetta (Seattle) at Goa Trash at Karma May 21 North Carolina – Goa Gil – touchsamadhi (touchsamadhi) Friday, May 27th Tsunami at at Spirit Sunday, May 29th Tsunami at Cielo Early June – Upstate NY – web omnidancefestival.info/ (web omnidancefestival.info/) Late June – Pennsylvania, (NOT West Virginia like I said before sorry Sharon 🙂 web gaian-mind (web gaian-mind/) July 4th weekend – Los Angeles – web greensector (web greensector/) Phantasm again brings 4 day festival with Talamasca, Shakta, Orion, Eskimo, Cosmosis and others July 16 – Midwest – web psymbolic (web psymbolic/) July – Oregon web Enosa.net (web enosa.net/) August 25-30 Rhythms of Peace in Morocco Sept 23-25 North Carolina – Powwow festival – touchsamadhi (touchsamadhi/) Goa Gil in Oregon Lusty Cloud-Hoppers by Evan I’ve been running after you for hundreds of generations. You’ve smiled to me in my dreams but I only woke up alone again. Are you at last within my grasp? Is this illusion an allusion to where words can not reach? That possible place from which splendor spills forth? If so I know I will Wake up to Our tomorrow. What’s missing from News in the United States is the news.” In Need of Thompson’s Savage Take By Frank Rich The International Herald Tribune Saturday 05 March 2005 New York – Two weeks ago Hunter S. Thompson committed suicide. This week Dan Rather commits ritual suicide, leaving the anchor chair at CBS prematurely as penance for his toxic National Guard story. The two journalists shared little but an abiding distaste – make that hatred in Thompson’s case – for the Great Satan of 20th-century American politics, Richard Nixon. The best work of both was long behind them. Yet memories of that best work – not to mention the coincidental timing of their departures – only accentuate the vacuum in that cultural category we stubbornly insist on calling News. What’s missing from News in the United States is the news. On ABC, Peter Jennings devotes two hours of prime time to playing peek-a-boo with UFO fanatics, a whorish stunt crafted to deliver ratings, not information. On NBC, Brian Williams is busy as all get-out, as every promo reminds us, “Reporting America’s Story.” That story just happens to be the relentless branding of Brian Williams as America’s anchorman – a guy just too in love with Folks Like Us to waste his time looking closely at, say, anything happening in Washington. Hunter Thompson did not do investigative reporting, but he would have had a savage take on our news-free world – not least because it resembles his own during the Nixon era, before he had calcified into the self-parodistic pop culture cartoon immortalized by Garry Trudeau, Bill Murray, Johnny Depp and most of his eulogists. Read “Fear and Loathing: On the Campaign Trail ’72” – the chronicle of his Rolling Stone election coverage – and you find that his diagnosis of journalistic dysfunction hasn’t aged a day: “The most consistent and ultimately damaging failure of political journalism in America has its roots in the clubby/cocktail personal relationships that inevitably develop between politicians and journalists.” He cites as a classic example the breathless but belated revelations of the mental history of George McGovern’s putative running mate, the Missouri Senator Thomas Eagleton – a story that had long been known by “half of the political journalists in St. Louis and at least a dozen in the Washington press corps.” This same clubby pack would be even tardier on Watergate, a distasteful assignment left to a pair of lowly police-beat hacks at The Washington Post. Thompson was out to break the mainstream media’s rules. His unruly mix of fact, opinion and masturbatory self-regard may have made him a blogger before there was an Internet, but he was a blogger who had the zeal to leave home and report firsthand and who could write great sentences that made you want to savor what he found out rather than just scroll quickly through screen after screen of minutiae and rant. When almost all “the Wizards, Gurus and Gentlemen Journalists in Washington” were predicting an unimpeded victory march for Edmund Muskie to the Democratic presidential nomination, it was Thompson who sniffed out the Muskie campaign’s “smell of death” and made it stick. The purported front-runner, he wrote, “talked like a farmer with terminal cancer trying to borrow money on next year’s crop.” But even Thompson might have been shocked by what’s going on now. “The death of Thompson represents the passing from the Age of Gonzo to the Age of Gannon,” wrote Russell Cobb in a column in The Daily Texan at the University of Texas. As he argues, today’s White House press corps is less likely to be invaded by maverick talents like a d-addled reporter from a renegade start-up magazine than by a paid propagandist like Jeff Gannon, a fake reporter for a fake news organization (Talon News) run by a bona fide Texas Republican operative. Though a few remain on the case – Eric Boehlert of Salon, mediamatters.org, Joe Strupp of Editor and Publisher – the Gannon story is fast receding. In some major news venues, including ABC and CBS, it never surfaced at all. Yet even as Gannon has quit his “job” as a reporter and his “news organization” has closed up shop, the plot thickens. His own Web site – which only recently shut down with the self-martyring message “The voice goes silent” – has now restarted as a blog with Gonzo pretensions. The title alone of his first entry, “Fear and Loathing in the Press Room,” would send Thompson spinning in his grave had he not asked that his remains be shot out of a cannon. As a blogger, Gannon’s new tactic is to encourage fellow rightist bloggers to portray him as the victim of a homophobic leftist witch hunt that destroyed his privacy. Given that it was Gannon himself who voluntarily exhibited his own private life by appearing on Web sites advertising his services as a $200-an-hour escort, that’s a hard case to make. But it is a clever way to deflect attention from an actual sexual witch hunt conducted by his own fake news organization in early 2004. It was none other than Talon News that advanced the fictional story that a young woman “taped an interview with one of the major television networks” substantiating a rumor on the Drudge Report that John Kerry had had an extramarital affair with an intern. (Kerry had to publicly deny the story.) This is the kind of dirty trick only G. Gordon Liddy of Watergate fame could dream up. Or maybe did. Gannon’s Texan boss, Bobby Eberle, posted effusive thanks (for “their assistance, guidance and friendship”) to both Liddy and Karl Rove on Talon News’s sister site, GOPUSA, in December. Gannon may well be a pawn of larger forces as the vainglorious Liddy once was. But to what end? A close reading of the transcripts of televised White House press conferences reveals that at uncannily crucial moments he was called on by the White House press secretary, Scott McClellan, to stanch tough questioning on such topics as Abu Ghraib and Rove’s possible involvement in the outing of the CIA agent Valerie Plame. We still don’t know how this Zelig, using a false name, was given a daily White House pass every day for two years. Last weekend, Jim Pinkerton, a former official in the Reagan and Bush I White Houses, said on “Fox News Watch,” no less, that such a feat “takes an incredible amount of intervention from somebody high up in the White House” and that “some investigation should proceed and they should find that out.” Given an all-Republican government, the only investigation possible will have to come from the press. Which takes us back to 1972, the year of Thompson’s fear and loathing on the campaign trail. That was no golden age for news either. As Thompson’s Rolling Stone colleague, Timothy Crouse, wrote in his own chronicle of that year, “The Boys on the Bus,” months of stories by Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein failed to “sink in” and only 48 percent of those polled by Gallup had heard of Watergate by Election Day. Some news organizations had simply ignored The Post’s scoops “out of petty rivalry,” Crouse wrote. Others did so because they “feared the administration or favored Nixon in the presidential race.” Others didn’t initially recognize the story’s importance. (The New York Times played the Watergate break-in on page 30.) According to a superb new history of the Washington press corps, “Reporting from Washington,” by Donald Ritchie, even Rather, then CBS’s combative man in the Nixon White House, “left the Watergate story alone at first, sure that it would fade like ‘a puff of talcum powder.”‘ For similar if not identical reasons, journalistic investigations into the current administration rarely “sink in” either. Early stories in The Boston Globe and Washington Post on what Jeff Gannon himself (on his blog) now calls “Gannongate” faded like that puff of powder. But we’ve now entered a new twilight zone: In 1972, at least, the press may have been stacked with jokers but not with counterfeit newsmen. “Reporting America’s Story,” NBC’s slogan, is what Thompson actually did before the phrase was downsized into a vacuous marketing strategy. As for Rather, he gave a valedictory interview to Ken Auletta of The New Yorker in which he said, “The one thing I hope, and I believe, is that even my enemies think that I am authentic.” The bar is so low these days that authenticity may well constitute a major journalistic accomplishment in itself. your Outer Space ew York Circ.1,329 ee NYC Trance Community Weekly Newsletter inmachines/links MORE LINKS h eard the words of God, and knew the knowledge of the most High, which saw t he vision of the Almighty, falling into a trance, but having his eyes open ” News eft American soldie rs on E!! usa/story/0,12271,1416073,00 web guardian.co.uk/usa/story/0,12 271,1416073,00 Koxbox/Eat Sta tic was exhilarating – never saw Exit in Greenpoint that packed – saw a lo t of old faces – and former naysayer Brian was there and I gave him a lot of grief. I wore a Hungarian warlock robe made by Emoka. It was good to see Frank E again, he ended up at Wylies’ place on Duane st reet a couple years back when he played at Tsunami for New Years. An d speaking of Wylie, his new project “Melonhand” (so named because the cops stomped his hand after he hit a cop) is up and running wildly: T HE DOOR IS AJAR AND MELONHAND IS AFOOT!!! The time for talk is OVER!!! I h ave finally recorded and posted some of my songs on the world wide web for your listening om/web melonhand Website is currently under construc tion but will be more user friendly soon! Yours, Robert Wylie Hyde 917-476 -1864 Happy Birthday Ben L of TVT Records! here’s a birthday track minus/djpr0phnizt/yakketypsytrance.mp3web epsilonminus/dj pr0phnizt/yakketypsytrance.mp3 (come hear it tonight at G oa Trash at 3:50am) spectral eyesspectraleyes amazing visionary artist National Geographic’s March cover story has a Buddhist monk with wires in his head Mushroo m Magazine’s Trancer’s Guide to the Galaxy coming in a matter of weeks!&nb sI’ll have some copies for sale. Mind-machi ne Control /brain web wired/wired/archive/13.03/brain From James Kent at Tripzine Friends, As m any of you know, since I’ve wrapped Trip Magazine I have been working towa rds completing a book which compiles everything I have learned in my fifteen year exploration of the psychedelic experience. Some of this mater ial appeared on tripzine last year in an article entitled “The Ca se Against d Elves,” but now this project has expanded into co mprehensive text entitled “Psychedelic Information Theory: Shamanism in the Age of Reason.” Psychedelic Information Theory is an exhaustive work which analyzes and deconstructs the psychedelic state from a neurochemica l, cognitive, and mystical perspective simultaneously. That may seem like a Herculean task, but years of research and hard work are f inally paying off as this massive text now nears completion. The bulk of the chapters are still undergoing revision and editorial rev iew, but a preview of the introduction and first six chapters are now available online: com/pit It is a big chunk to take in all at once, but if you take a quick look at the index you’ll see that this promises to be a monumental work. I hope to have the full text ready for publication before the end of the year, but for t hose of you who would like to see results sooner I am offering a full online preview of chapters as they become available for ev eryone who donates $5.00 or more to the Psychedelic Information Theory Pub lishing Fund. Donations of $50.00 or more will receive a nu mbered copy of the limited first edition of this landmark text signed by the author (me), and sure to be a collector’s item. The publication da te for this limited first edition is still unknown, but this offer&nb sp;will be extended to the first 100 respondents only, so a ct now to reserve your copy today! e Since this is a work in process on a very complex and controversial subject, there will no doubt be many quest ions, discussions, comments, and corrections to follow. In order to manage reader feedback I have set up a discussion board where readers can p ost comments or start follow-up discussions related to the text. I wi ll also be posting announcements, addendums, and updates to the text here from time to time. That is all for now. If you are interested i n the text and wish to be notified when new chapters become available onli ne, please make a small donation today. Every little bit will help make th is project a reality sooner rather than later. James Kent/ ttp://tripzinetripzine The Rhythms of Peace Beach Festival in Morocco Ann ounced for August!! Morocco Festival August 25th-30th, and the line-up is sick – live acts by Parasense, Son Kite, Si licon Sound, Wizzy Noise, Safi Connection, Atmos, Bamboo Forest, way more Moundir the organizer has been involved with other festivals and has a good reput ation. He asked me through Gavin to sell tickets in the U.S. and will be offering travel packages of $700 round trip, $200 food &am lodging. Details for these packages will be forthcoming. che ap.. Ticket prices before the 30th of April 2005 : $ 80 before the 30th of July 2005 : $100 at the door : 100 eu ros Physical tickets will be provided. Tickets may be purchased by check or money order via snail mail (email for address), pay at aoljeffMachinelf at aol, or in person. / For tho se of you not on NYC604 or TripOutNY and would like to recieve updates to the gathering and to dicuss, click the above link to join Go Morocco 2005. Any emails from the organizers will be fwded th ere. The NYC lists will have occasional updates, but for those who’d like to discuss going, in the interest of space please join the moro cco group. t have to be buying tickets from me to join; Dave Henshaw is also selling tickets in Boston and others may be as well. Flyer at door festivals/d Sound System rental/logo partners in bold/STRO NG; same date parties appear in the order submitted; Psy/Goa events alway s come first. Organizers who cannot provide press passes to Tr ipOutNY will be charged the amount of 2 tickets to finance our journalism (and hookers, limo, blow, etc). STRONG /STRON bsp;Psy-trance DJ FaceHead (Pennsylvania), plus various NYC DJs at Go a Trash i Martin opens at 8pm just confirmed with “rockin techo and trance” Dec o by Kelly and Ben LightOmatic for helping out with deco last week – it was awesome!) Theme: Tr ansplant a plan. Goa Trash downstairs at Karma, 51 1st avenue between 3 rd and 4th streets, ID21+, 10pm-4am, free. Even if the lights a re on upstairs, the party ALWAYS GOES until 4am. If it’s late and th e main doors are closed go down the stairs and knock. This high res- erected-by-popular-demand party promises to make any memories of Ibiza, th e Riviera, or even Thailand like so much flotsam and jetsam strung along t he beaches of Goa India. Music from 10pm – 12am is generally mid- to late-90s Goa Trance, which is really just modern progressive house beats mixed with Ravi Shankar sounds done up at 145 BPM. After midnight DJs may mix in modern psychedelic trance. A GOA TRASH just opened recen tly in Santiago, Chile by Angeles who did the long running Wednesdays Opiu m matic, then arranged clean Don’t complain about the ARTiST WhORE DREAm It can trance a house clean Down the deep Deep, sleep peak Cos mic trans explanations Cosmic historical confirmations She can exper ience a Peasant’s eternal love She can wipe a Kings nose and get his ea r plugs The moon is covered by a cloud, she whispers and takes A yel low, orange bow Is this the impermanence of true art? Is this halluc inations in the heart? Fresh and open I sacrifice Weep, We ep I could dip my brush in a bra, size C Pure art for the eyes that give her money Did that happen to me? Let me see, I’ll paint with d rips of drippy honey Pleasant dreams to you as you rest with another h ue Of soft, white bristle art Untouched he whistles art! I can fe el you on the other side of the world Cake in my teeth The little ar t girl -Kelly Newman best!) in Queens by the NJ crew – listed only on Safetydance! PLEASE do n’t ask me where it is if you’re not on that list. Ask Jowe, Ian, Ada m, etc if you know them. Saturday – March 12th, 2005! Polarlight ftMarch 16 Bryan Ladd (Massachussetts) at Goa Trash at Karma ash at Karma March 25 – Tsunami at Spirit with XDream and S.U.N. Project Friday, March 25th 2005 TSUNAMI at SPIRIT 530 West 27th Street (between 10th & 11th Avenues) 10pm till 7am(Gravity Plus Records, Germany / Solstice Music, Japan) Arielle, Ian and famous psytrance name coming from Germany. They have set the tone for over 8 years. While they visited the US in many occasions, this is the first time they appear with their new addition, Arielle. Their album R ADIO was a milestone in international trance, now they introduce their new milestone “We Interface”. To hear alog on to S.U.N. Project Mathias, Marco and McCoy are the international crowd pleasers in trance. McCoy’s fiery gui tar interludes bring crowds to a roaring frenzy, in all four corvers o f the globe. DJs MINDS OF DEMENTED HANOCH KIFE (Omnitribe, DeK ompression) ADMINSSION 30 in advance Valid Picture ID is Required 18 to party / 21 to drink Buy Tickets Early! GROOVETICKETS 1 -877-71GROOVE SATELLITE 259 Bowery 212 995-1744 VINYL MARKET 241 E 1 0th Street 212 539-1203 SATELLITE Boston 617 536-5482 611 Philadelph mi-trance INFO LINE: 212.439.8124 Friday, Mar ONT March 26 – Alladin Project March 30th- Omnitribe at Goa Trash at Karma April 6th- Subtle chaos at Goa Trash at Karma April 13th- D reamcatcher at Goa Trash at Karma pril 15 – Alladin Project April 20th- Goa Trash at Karma April 27th- Omnitribe at Goa Trash at K arma ick Tornetta (Seattle) at Goa Trash at Karma i ay 27th Tsunami at at Spirit 29th Tsunami at Cielo l.info/web omnidancefestival.info/ s ke I said before sorry Sharon 🙂 ngs 4 day festival with Talamasca, Shakta, Orion, Eskimo, Cosmosis an d others ic/web psymbolic ttp://web enosa.net/web Enosa.net rocco by Evan I’ve been running after you for hundreds of generations. You’ve smiled to me in my dreams but I only woke up alone again.Are you at last within my grasp? Is this illusion an allusion to wh ere words can not reach? That possible place from which splendor spills forth? If so I know I will Wake up to Our tomorrow./D IV / s in the United States is the news.” In Need of Thompson’s Savage Take By Frank Rich The International Herald Tribune Saturday 05 March 2005 New York – Two weeks ago Hunter S. Thompson com mitted suicide. This week Dan Rather commits ritual suicide, leaving the a nchor chair at CBS prematurely as penance for his toxic National Guard sto ry. The two journalists shared little but an abiding distaste – make that hatred in Thompson’s case – for the Great Satan of 20th-century American p olitics, Richard Nixon. The best work of both was long behind them. Yet me mories of that best work – not to mention the coincidental timing of their departures – only accentuate the vacuum in that cultural category we stub bornly insist on calling News. What’s missing from News in the United S tates is the news. On ABC, Peter Jennings devotes two hours of prime time to playing peek-a-boo with UFO fanatics, a whorish stunt crafted to delive r ratings, not information. On NBC, Brian Williams is busy as all get-out, as every promo reminds us, “Reporting America’s Story.” That story just h appens to be the relentless branding of Brian Williams as America’s anchor man – a guy just too in love with Folks Like Us to waste his time looking closely at, say, anything happening in Washington. Hunter Thompson did not do investigative reporting, but he would have had a savage take on our news-free world – not least because it resembles his own during the N ixon era, before he had calcified into the self-parodistic pop culture car toon immortalized by Garry Trudeau, Bill Murray, Johnny Depp and most of h is eulogists. Read “Fear and Loathing: On the Campaign Trail ’72” – the chronicle of his Rolling Stone election coverage – and you find that his diagnosis of journalistic dysfunction hasn’t aged a day: “The most con sistent and ultimately damaging failure of political journalism in America has its roots in the clubby/cocktail personal relationships that inevitab ly develop between politicians and journalists.” He cites as a classic exa mple the breathless but belated revelations of the mental history of Georg e McGovern’s putative running mate, the Missouri Senator Thomas Eagleton – a story that had long been known by “half of the political journalists in St. Louis and at least a dozen in the Washington press corps.” This same clubby pack would be even tardier on Watergate, a distasteful assignment l eft to a pair of lowly police-beat hacks at The Washington Post. T hompson was out to break the mainstream media’s rules. His unruly mix of f act, opinion and masturbatory self-regard may have made him a blogger befor e there was an Internet, but he was a blogger who had the zeal to leave ho me and report firsthand and who could write great sentences that made you want to savor what he found out rather than just scroll quickly through sc reen after screen of minutiae and rant. When almost all “the Wizards, Guru s and Gentlemen Journalists in Washington” were predicting an unimpeded vi ctory march for Edmund Muskie to the Democratic presidential nomination, i t was Thompson who sniffed out the Muskie campaign’s “smell of death” and made it stick. The purported front-runner, he wrote, “talked like a farmer with terminal cancer trying to borrow money on next year’s crop.” But eve n Thompson might have been shocked by what’s going on now. “The de ath of Thompson represents the passing from the Age of Gonzo to the Age of Gannon,” wrote Russell Cobb in a column in The Daily Texan at the Univers ity of Texas. As he argues, today’s White House press corps is less likely to be invaded by maverick talents like a d-addled reporter from a rene gade start-up magazine than by a paid propagandist like Jeff Gannon, a fake reporter for a fake news organization (Talon News) run by a bona fide Tex as Republican operative. Though a few remain on the case – Eric Bo ehlert of Salon, mediamatters.org, Joe Strupp of Editor and Publisher – th e Gannon story is fast receding. In some major news venues, including ABC and CBS, it never surfaced at all. Yet even as Gannon has quit his “job” a s a reporter and his “news organization” has closed up shop, the plot thic kens. His own Web site – which only recently shut down with the self-marty ring message “The voice goes silent” – has now restarted as a blog with Go nzo pretensions. The title alone of his first entry, “Fear and Loathing in the Press Room,” would send Thompson spinning in his grave had he not ask ed that his remains be shot out of a cannon. As a blogger, Gannon’s new tactic is to encourage fellow rightist bloggers to portray him as the victim of a homophobic leftist witch hunt that destroyed his privacy. Giv en that it was Gannon himself who voluntarily exhibited his own private li fe by appearing on Web sites advertising his services as a $200-an-hour es cort, that’s a hard case to make. But it is a clever way to deflect attent ion from an actual sexual witch hunt conducted by his own fake news organi zation in early 2004. It was none other than Talon News that advanc ed the fictional story that a young woman “taped an interview with one of the major television networks” substantiating a rumor on the Drudge Report that John Kerry had had an extramarital affair with an intern. (Kerry had to publicly deny the story.) This is the kind of dirty trick only G. Gord on Liddy of Watergate fame could dream up. Or maybe did. Gannon’s Texan bo ss, Bobby Eberle, posted effusive thanks (for “their assistance, guidance and friendship”) to both Liddy and Karl Rove on Talon News’s sister site, GOPUSA, in December. Gannon may well be a pawn of larger forces as the vainglorious Liddy once was. But to what end? A close reading of the t ranscripts of televised White House press conferences reveals that at unca nnily crucial moments he was called on by the White House press secretary, Scott McClellan, to stanch tough questioning on such topics as Abu Ghraib and Rove’s possible involvement in the outing of the CIA agent Valerie Pl ame. We still don’t know how this Zelig, using a false name, was gi ven a daily White House pass every day for two years. Last weekend, Jim Pi nkerton, a former official in the Reagan and Bush I White Houses, said on “Fox News Watch,” no less, that such a feat “takes an incredible amount of intervention from somebody high up in the White House” and that “some inv estigation should proceed and they should find that out.” Given an all-Republican government, the only investigation possible will have to c ome from the press. Which takes us back to 1972, the year of Thompson’s fea r and loathing on the campaign trail. That was no golden age for news eith er. As Thompson’s Rolling Stone colleague, Timothy Crouse, wrote in his ow n chronicle of that year, “The Boys on the Bus,” months of stories by Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein failed to “sink in” and only 48 percent of tho se polled by Gallup had heard of Watergate by Election Day. Some n ews organizations had simply ignored The Post’s scoops “out of petty rival ry,” Crouse wrote. Others did so because they “feared the administration or favored Nixon in the presidential race.” Others didn’t initially recogniz e the story’s importance. (The New York Times played the Watergate break-i n on page 30.) According to a superb new history of the Washington press c orps, “Reporting from Washington,” by Donald Ritchie, even Rather, then CB S’s combative man in the Nixon White House, “left the Watergate story alon e at first, sure that it would fade like ‘a puff of talcum powder.”‘ For similar if not identical reasons, journalistic investigations into t he current administration rarely “sink in” either. Early stories in The Bo ston Globe and Washington Post on what Jeff Gannon himself (on his blog) n ow calls “Gannongate” faded like that puff of powder. But we’ve now entere d a new twilight zone: In 1972, at least, the press may have been stacked with jokers but not with counterfeit newsmen. “Reporting America’s Story,” NBC’s slogan, is what Thompson actually did before the phrase was downsized into a vacuous marketing strategy. As for Rather, he gave a val edictory interview to Ken Auletta of The New Yorker in which he said, “The one thing I hope, and I believe, is that even my enemies think that I am authentic.” The bar is so low these days that authenticity may well constitute a major journalistic accomplishment in itself. /
#3546 Tue, 15 Mar 2005 14:19:03 Tue, 15 Mar 2005 14:19:03 Newsletter Still crazy after all these years Trip Out New York Circ.1,327 Free NYC Trance Community Weekly Newsletter Editor Mac Forward/re print to spread the psytrance virus To receive, email TripOutNY-subscribe To review be) MORE LINKS (web tranceam.org/link s.ht ml) Numbers 24, verse 16 “He hath said, which heard the words of God, and knew the knowledge of the most High, which saw the vision of the Almi ghty, falling into a trance, but having his eyes open” What’s News Goa Trash moved from Karma We were notified by the ma nagement that there was a rash of theft at Karma and the NYPD Larceny Uni t had been casing the joint for the past several weeks; their final repor t was that the late night Sunday and Wednesday night parties had to go or Karma would lose its license. This is all a bit ironic as we did all we could to combat the theft that was endemic to the venue… from my exper ience 90% of anything ever going wrong was by someone who who was not one of “us” or there for Goa Trash. This goes back a ways… some may rememb er I was assaulted last year for outing the purse thief on the microphone. . but the manager would be evasive about removing known thieves. On top of this, some friends of the bouncer, a group of underage black thugs, pu nched Ira. And the manager did not remove them. Fuck that! I think th is crew are the perps, they came around right when the thefts began. We are better than this, and we deserve a venue that will uphold our rights to privacy and a safe space to spend our beer money 🙂 Stay tuned, if a suitable alternate venue will be found – I’m looking at a couple spots to night – it will be announced here by Wednesday afternoon. Otherwise ther e won’t be any scheduled rance events in greater NYC almost 2 weeks! Is this the beginning of the death of trance in New York – the long-feared d ark ages, the nuclear winter? Stay tuned to find out Jersey crew’s free Friday party in Queens photos (the one that was only posted on Safetydan ce) Hi everyone. Thanks to all for a kickass party fri. nite. I posted s ome (web j Now you can drink Russian Trance thi s is from my friend mr. khalashnikov Jeff, check this out (scroll to see the picture): web sostav.ru/news/2005/03/10/r3/ (web sost av.ru/news/2005/03/10/r3/) It’s a new drink in Russia with “euphoric qua lities”, containing only “all-natural ingredients”. How funny is that! – mk Israeli Army frowns on Dungeons and Dragons hahaaa too funny. http ://web ynetnews/articles/0,7340,L-3052074,00 (web ynetnews /articles/0,7340,L-3052074,00 ) I wonder how they file those who admit to stomping around in fluoro for hours. So you want to be a “Sham an” The case of the missing l slate.msn/id/2114793/ (slate.msn/id/2114793/) Release Information “CTran cers Guide to the Galaxy 2005″D mushroom magazine and Chaishop presents The Trancers Guide to the Galaxy 2005 64-pages magazine, 4c-prin t, 12x12cm LANGUAGE: English RELEASE-April 1, 2005 “CThe Tra ncers Guide to the Galaxy”D is a worldwide travel guide for Trancer s by mushroom magazine and Chaishop. It informs about the local scene history, parties, shops, artists, labels and connections. It shows sigh tseeing highlights, mentions immigration hints and gives insight into nat ional politics. It is spiced up with amazing photos from the 30 included countries as well as short artist interviews. The first issue has been pu blished in March 2004 and got amazing feedback from Trance Freaks all ove r the world. The second Issue is just ready to hit the street! The Trance rs Guide to the Galaxy 2005 is valid for one whole year and comes as a 64 -pages CD-Format full-color magazine. We recommend a sales price of EUR 2. Resellers will be mentioned on our online “CSales Points”D page. Ask us for our regional exclusivity contracts! Order Online: web trancersguide/shopsframeset (web trancersguide /shopsframeset ) The Rhythms of Peace Beach Festival in Morocco Ann ounced for August!! Morocco Festival August 25th-30th, and the line-up i s sick – live acts by Parasense, Son Kite, Silicon Sound, Wizzy Noise, Sa fi Connection, Atmos, Bamboo Forest, way more Check out the flyer.web b (web tranceam.org/moroccopa Moundir the organizer has been involved with other festivals and has a good reputation. He asked me through Gavin to sell tickets in the U.S. and will be offering travel packages of $700 round trip, $200 food & lodging. Details for these packages will be forthcoming. Once you get there it is very very cheap, I mean like almost India cheap.. Tick et prices before the 30th of April 2005 : $80 before the 30th of July 2005 : $100 at the door : 100 euros Physical tickets will be provided. Tickets may be purchased by check or money order via snail mail (email for addre i n person. For those of you not on NYC604 or T ripOutNY and would like to recieve updates to the gathering and to dicuss click the above link to join Go Morocco 2005. Any email s from the organizers will be fwded there. The NYC lists will have occa sional updates, but for those who’d like to discuss going, in the interes t of space please join the morocco group. You don’t have to be buying tick ets from me to join; Dave Henshaw is also selling tickets in Boston and o thers may be as well. Flyer at web tranceam.org/moroccoparty. jpg Event Cal endar Outdoor festivals/d Sound System rental/logo partners in bold; sa me date parties appear in the order submitted; Psy/Goa events always come first. Organizers who cannot provide press passes to TripOutNY will be charged the amount of 2 tickets to finance our journalism (and hookers, limo, blow, etc). * * * March 16 Bryan Ladd (Mass achussetts) at Goa Trash… TBD! March 23 – Omnitribe at Goa Trash…. T BD! March 25 – Tsunami at Spirit with XDream and S.U.N. Project Fri day, March 25th 2005 TSUNAMI at SPIRIT 530 West 27th Street (between 10th & 11th Avenues) 10pm till 7am Live Performances by ecords, Germany / Solstice Music, Japan) psytrance name coming from Germany. They ha ve set the tone for over 8 years. While they visited the US in many occasi ons, this is the first time they appear with their new addition, Arielle. Their album RADIO was a milestone in international trance, now they intr oduce their new milestone “We Interface”. dream,log on to ce S.U.N. Project Mathias, Marco and M cCoy are the international crowd pleasers in trance. McCoy’s fiery guitar interludes bring crowds to a roaring frenzy, in all four corvers of the g lobe. DJs MINDS OF DEMENTED HANOCH KIFE (Omnitribe, DeKompression) ADMINSS ION 30 in advance Valid Picture ID is Required 18 to party / 21 to drink B uy Tickets Early! GROOVETICKETS 1-877-71GROOVE SATELLITE 259 Bowery 21 2 995-1744 VINYL MARKET 241 E 10th Street 212 539-1203 SATELLITE Boston 61 7 536-5482 (ce/) INFO LINE: 212.439.8124 Friday, Mar 25 En tropy at Holi celebration in Austin, Texas web shivatrance (web .shivatrance) March 26 – Alladin Project web realityengine.o rg presents (web realityengine.org presents) NLightE2 8099N Launch Party Saturday – 03/26/05 White Galactic Wind Reality Engin e in collaboration with CoSM invite you to a special private event, welco ming the spring and Easter with the NLightN opening at th e Chapel of the Sacred Mirrors. Being already established as a meeting po int for the visionary community, now it will also become a reference on t he East Coast for upbeat down tempo and neo media gatherings. This even t is meant to uplift the awareness of collective consciousness through th e multi-mediation of ego loss and ecstatic ritual process. Bringing toget her in celebration diverse communities committed to experience sacred sou nds and images as pathways toward a return to a natural state of happiness . With a performance by ArcheDream, an archetypal mask theatre company whi ch uses ritual, movement and myth to present allegorical dramas. The insp iration for ArcheDream is derived from ancient rituals where the Devine m ingled with Humankind. Their theatre uses various forms of dance, innovat ive music, multimedia projections, archetypal masks and costumes that are illuminated with ultra-violet light, accentuating the supernatural aspec ts to reveal the dreamscape as the action unfolds. ArcheDream is founded on the quality of the individual artist participating in a collaborative effort. This remains their ongoing quest as they merge creative forces wi th the Reality Engine crew and the Chapel of Sacred Mirrors to “C NLightN “C through an original performance of Arc heDream, the Episode titled “5th Element.” For more information please v isit: web archedream. A body & soul nourishing by Putali Catering that has been providing creative whole foods cuisine for over a decade. Puta li sets up a Chai-shop at CoSM to offer delicious vegetarian, vegan, raw organic food and beverages. The program for the evening will be the foll owing: 10:00 PM Opening ceremony Special Performance by ArcheDream: E280 9CThe 5th Element”D archedream Upbeat Downtempo grooves by: Blue Spectral Monkey (TouchSamadhi-Asheville-NC) Alien Blue (CoSM E2 8093 NY) Matyas (Reality Engine) Pedro (Reality Engine) + Dan Covan 06 :00 AM Closing Ceremony Minimum donation: $20 Space is very limited; guara ntee your participation buying tickets online. Audio-visual installation b y Reality Engine Address: 540 W. 27th St. 4th Floor – New York City For mo re infos log at realityengine.org (realityengine.org) Online tickes cosm.org Namaste, Reality Engine Team.May any merits created by or through this gathering be offered to the freedom of all be ings. realityengine.org (realityengine.org) Contact/Boo king: (347)7334317 March 30th- Dreamcatcher at Goa Trash TBD April 6th- Subtlechaos at Goa Trash TBD April 13th- Dreamcatcher at Goa Trash TBD April 15 – Alladin Project April 20th- Goa Trash TBD April 27th- O mnitribe at Goa Trash TBD May 4 – Nick Tornetta (Seattle) at Goa Trash T BD May 15 – Goa Gil in North Carolina bus trip info !!!!! from philly t o asheville. please contact: allen2012 at gmail Goa Gil & Ariane Sacred Trance Dance Experience Saturday – Sunday May 21 – 22 2005 At Deerfield s, Asheville, NC, USA TOUCH Samadhi is honored to bring you: Goa Gil & Ari ane (The Nommos, Avatar Records) Gil grew up in the middle of the San Fra ncisco music scene of the sixties; he then left to journey to India in 19 69. Having been a musician all his life and then doing intense Yogic pra ctices with Gurus in the Himalayas, he tried to unite the two forces, Musi c and Yoga, into one spirit befitting this Age. The result is his focus to use the trance party environment as a medium to uplift the consciousn ess of the participants through the Sacred Trance Dance Experience. He m et Ariane in Goa in 1985. They have been together constantly ever since. Ariane’s keen interest in African Djembe drumming and West African Trad itional Dance has also had a big influence on the development and directi on of Gil’s musical tastes and concepts. Gil & Ariane’s current musical project is The Nommos, and their goal is to combine Psychedelic Trance wit h West African Traditional Drumming in the True Spirit of the Ancients.We will begin with an opening drum invocation at sunset, followed by Ariane ‘s ethno-tribal rhythms. Then Gil will guide us on an 18 hour trip thro ugh futuristic sounds for primal movements, “Redefining Ancient Tribal Ri tual for the 21st Century.” “Since the beginning of time humankind has us ed Music and Dance to commune with the Spirit of Nature and the Spirit of the Universe. When I come to the Party and set up my altar, sprinkle th e Holy Water, recite the Holy Mantra, and make the Offering to the Cosmic Spirit, and then start the Music… the Music and the whole Party become s the Offering to the Cosmic Spirit.” Come early on Saturday to set up ca mp, explore the land, have a swim, share a potluck meal (bring a dish/ute nsils and prepare for the amazing journey that awaits us all! Plus: Sound by Project 7 Psyoptic Mindstimuli by Devotee Live video projections by O mb Ritual by Tranceform Venus Entry: $30 presale til may 7 at BOBO Gallery 22 Lexington Ave, Asheville Atmosphere Records, 1 West Walnut St, Ashev ille $35 presale til may 7 – paypal to: touch.samadhi at gmail (mailt o:touch.samadhi at gmail) $40 at gate Bus trips over 4 people get in for $30 a person Gate opens Saturday 9AM carpool & leave no trace! more info rmation and directions at: web touchsamadhi (web touchsamadhi ) web deerfields (web deerfields) Bhakti Sat ya, Kri see you on the dance floor! always be brahmanirvana. tou chsamadhi (touchsamadhi) email: kri at touchsamadhi ( djkri at hotmail join our mailing list! touchsamadhi-subscribe at touchsamadhi ouchsamadhi-subscribe at touchsamadhi) join our tribe! touchsa madhi.tribe.net/ (touchsamadhi.tribe.net/) The music will never stop! The heartbeat will never fade! The party will never end! May 21 North Carolina – Goa Gil – touchsamadhi (touchsamad hi/) Friday, May 27th Tsunami at at Spirit Sunday, May 29th Tsuna mi at Cielo Early June – Upstate NY – web omnidancefestival.info/ (web omnidancefestival.info/) Late June – Pennsylvania, (NOT W est Virginia like I said before sorry Sharon 🙂 web gaian-mind (web gaian-mind/) July 4th weekend – Los Angeles – web greense ctor (web greensector/) Phantasm again brings 4 day fest ival with Talamasca, Shakta, Orion, Eskimo, Cosmosis and others July 16 – Midwest – web psymbolic (web psymbolic/) July – Ore gon web Enosa.net (web enosa.net/) August 25-30 Rhythms of Pe ace in Morocco (web brai Sept 23-25 North Carolina – Powwow fest ival – touchsamadhi (touchsamadhi/) Goa Gil in Oregon AD Still crazy after all these years Circ.1,327/STRON G Community Weekly Newsletter pread the psytrance virus ainmachines/links MORE LINKS 4, verse 16 “He hath said, which heard the words of God, and knew th e knowledge of the most High, which saw the vision of the Almighty, fallin g into a trance, but having his eyes open” ST RONGGoa Trash moved from Karma We were notified&n bsp;by the management that there was a rash of theft at Karma and the NYPD Larceny Unit had been casing the joint for the past several weeks; t heir final report was that the late night Sunday and Wednesday night parti es had to go or Karma would lose its license. This is all a bit ironic as we did all we could to combat the theft that was endemic to the venue… from my experience 90% of anything ever going wrong was by someone who who was not one of “us” or there for Goa Trash. This goes back a ways… some may remember I was assaulted last year for outing the purse thief on the microphone.. but the manager would be evasive about rem oving known thieves. On top of this, some friends of the b ouncer, a group of underage black thugs, punched Ira. And the manager did not remove them. Fuck that! I think this crew are the perps, they came around right when the thefts began.&nb sWe are better than this, and we deserve a venue that will uphold our r ights to privacy and a safe space to spend our beer money 🙂 S tay tuned, if a suitable alternate venue will b e found – I’m looking at a couple spots tonight – it will be announced here by Wednesday afternoon. Otherwise there won’t be any scheduled ranc e events in greater NYC almost 2 weeks! Is this the beginning of the death of trance in New York – the long-feared dark ages, the nuclear wint er? Stay tuned to find out Jers ey crew’s free Friday party in Queens photos (the one that was only p osted on Safetydance) Hi everyone. Thanks to all for a kickass party fri. nite. I posted some pics, they are up Peace! Jed No w you can drink Russian Trance this is from my friend m r. khalashnikov Jeff, check this out (scroll to see the picture): tav.ru/news/2005/03/10/r3/web sostav.ru/news/2005/03/10/r3/&nb s It’s a new drink in Russia with “euphoric qualities”, containing only “all-natural ingredients”. How funny is that! -mk Israeli Army frowns on Dungeons and Dragons hahaaaL-3052074,00 web ynetnews/articles/0,7340,L-3052074,00.ht ml I wonder how they file those who admit to stomping around in flu oro for hours. So you want to be a “S haman” The case of the mi ssing l slate.msn/id/2114793/ STRO Release I nformation “CTrancers Guide to the Galaxy 2005″D /STRONG mushroom magazine and Chaishop presents The Trancers Guide to th e Galaxy 2005 64-pages magazine, 4c-print, 12x12cm LANGUAGE: English RE LEASE-April 1, 2005 “CThe Trancers Guide to the GalaxyE2 809D is a worldwide travel guide for Trancers by mushroom magazine and C haishop. It informs about the local scene, history, parties, shops, ar tists, labels and connections. It shows sightseeing highlights, mentions i mmigration hints and gives insight into national politics. It is spiced up with amazing photos from the 30 included countries as well as short artis t interviews. The first issue has been published in March 2004 and got ama zing feedback from Trance Freaks all over the world. The second Issue is j ust ready to hit the street! The Trancers Guide to the Galaxy 2005 is v alid for one whole year and comes as a 64-pages CD-Format full-color magaz ine. We recommend a sales price of EUR 2. Resellers will be mentioned on o ur online “CSales Points”D page. Ask us for our regional exc com/shopsframeset web trancersguide/shopsframeset / A The Rhythms of Peace Beach Festival in Moro cco Announced for August!! Morocco Festival ;August 25th-30th, and the line-up is sick – live acts by Parasense, Son K ite, Silicon Sound, Wizzy Noise, Safi Connection, Atmos, Bamboo Forest, wa y more Moundir the organi zer has been involved with other festivals and has a good reputation. He asked me through Gavin to sell tickets in the U.S. and will be o ffering travel packages of $700 round trip, $200 food & lodging . Details for these packages will be forthcoming. Once you get there it is very very cheap, I mean like almost India ch eap.. Ticket prices before the 30th of April 2005 : $80 before the 30th of July 2005 : $100 at the door : 100 e uros Physical tickets will be provided. Tickets may b e purchased by check or money order via snail mail (email for address), pa e at aoljeffMachinelf at aol, or in person. For th ose of you not on NYC604 or TripOutNY and would like to recieve updates to the gathering and to dicuss, click the above link to join Go Morocco 2005. Any emails from the organizers will be fwded t here. The NYC lists will have occasional updates, but for those who’d like to discuss going, in the interest of space please join the mor occo group. ‘t have to be buying tickets from me to join; Dave Henshaw is also selling tickets in Boston and others may be as well. DI VFlyer at door festivals/d Sound System rental/logo partners in bold; same date pa rties appear in the order submitted; Psy/Goa events always come first.&nbs Organizers who cannot provide press passes to TripOutNY will be c harged the amount of 2 tickets to finance our journalism (and hookers, lim o, blow, etc). V oa Trash…. TBD! eftMarch 25 – Tsunami at Spirit with XDream and S.U.N. Project DI Friday, March 25th 2005 TSUNAMI at SPIRIT 530 West 27th Street (between 10th & 11th Avenues) 10pm till 7am Live (Gravity Plus Records, Germany / Solstice Music Japan) Arielle, Ian and s psytrance name coming from Germany. They have set the tone for over 8 years. While they visited the US in many occasions, this is the first time they appear with their new addition, Arielle. Their album RADIO was a milestone in international trance, now they introduce their new milestone “We Interface”. To hear a n to S.U.N. Project Mathias, Marco and McCoy are the international crowd pleasers in trance. McCoy’s fiery guitar in terludes bring crowds to a roaring frenzy, in all four corvers of the globe. DJs MINDS OF DEMENTED HANOCH KIFE (Omnitribe, DeKompres sion) ADMINSSION 30 in advance Valid Picture ID is Required 18 to party / 21 to drink Buy Tickets Early! GROOVETICKETS 1-877-7 1GROOVE SATELLITE 259 Bowery 212 995-1744 VINYL MARKET 241 E 10th St reet 212 539-1203 SATELLITE Boston 617 536-5482 611 Philadelphia 215 nce INFO LINE: 212.439.8124 Friday, Mar 25 Entropy at Holi celebration in Austin, Texas hre March 26 – Alladin Project pres ents NLightN Launch Party Saturday – 03/26/05 White Galactic Wind Reality Engine in collaboration with CoSM invite y ou to a special private event, welcoming the spring and Easter with the N LightN opening at the Chapel of the Sacred Mirrors. Bein g already established as a meeting point for the visionary community, now it will also become a reference on the East Coast for upbeat down tempo an d neo media gatherings. This event is meant to uplift the awaren ess of collective consciousness through the multi-mediation of ego loss an d ecstatic ritual process. Bringing together in celebration diverse commun ities committed to experience sacred sounds and images as pathways toward a return to a natural state of happiness. With a performance by ArcheDre AM, an archetypal mask theatre company which uses ritual, movement and myt h to present allegorical dramas. The inspiration for ArcheDream is derived from ancient rituals where the Devine mingled with Humankind. Their theat re uses various forms of dance, innovative music, multimedia projections, archetypal masks and costumes that are illuminated with ultra-violet light accentuating the supernatural aspects to reveal the dreamscape as the ac tion unfolds. ArcheDream is founded on the quality of the individual artis t participating in a collaborative effort. This remains their ongoing ques t as they merge creative forces with the Reality Engine crew and the Chape l of Sacred Mirrors to “C NLightN “C throu gh an original performance of ArcheDream, the Episode titled “5th Element. ” For more information please visit: web archedream. A bo dy & soul nourishing by Putali Catering that has been providing creati ve whole foods cuisine for over a decade. Putali sets up a Chai -shop at CoSM to offer delicious vegetarian, vegan, raw organic food and beverages. The program for the evening will be the following: 1 0:00 PM Opening ceremony Special Performance by ArcheDream: “CTh e 5th Element”D archedream Upbeat Downtempo grooves by : Blue Spectral Monkey (TouchSamadhi-Asheville-NC) Alien Blue (CoSM “3 NY) Matyas (Reality Engine) Pedro (Reality Engine) + D an Covan 06:00 AM Closing Ceremony Minimum donation: $20 Space i s very limited; guarantee your participation buying tickets online. Aud io-visual installation by Reality Engine Address: 540 W. 27th St. 4th F loor – New York City For more infos log at realityeng ine.orgrealityengine.org Online tickes cos m.org Namaste, Reality Engine Team.May any merits created by or through this gathering be offered to the freedom of all beings. realityengine.orgrealityengine.org Contact/Booking: (3 47)7334317 March 30th- Dreamcatc her at Goa Trash TBD April 6th- Sub tlechaos at Goa Trash TBD April 13th- Dre amcatcher at Goa Trash TBD lladin Project April 20th- Goa Trash TBD April 27th- Omnitribe at Goa Trash TBD attle) at Goa Trash TBD eftMay 15 – Goa Gil in North Carolina bus trip info !!!!! from philly to asheville. please contact: a llen2012 at gmail Goa Gil & Ariane Sacred Trance Dance Experience Saturday – Sunday May 21 – 22 2005 At Deerfields, Asheville, NC, USA TOUCH Samadhi is honored to bring you: Goa Gil & Ariane (T he Nommos, Avatar Records) Gil grew up in the middle of the music scene of the sixties; he then left to journey to India in 1969. Having been a musician all his life and then doing intense Yogic practic es with Gurus in the Himalayas, he tried to unite the two forces, Music an d Yoga, into one spirit befitting this Age. The result is his fo cus to use the trance party environment as a medium to uplift the consciou sness of the participants through the Sacred Trance Dance Experience. He met Ariane in Goa in 1985. They have been together constantly ever si nce. Ariane’s keen interest in African Djembe drumming and West Afri can Traditional Dance has also had a big influence on the development and direction of Gil’s musical tastes and concepts. Gil & Ariane ‘s current musical project is The Nommos, and their goal is to combine Psy chedelic Trance with West African Traditional Drumming in the True Spirit of the Ancients.We will begin with an opening drum invocation at sunset, f ollowed by Ariane’s ethno-tribal rhythms. Then Gil will guide us on an 18 hour trip through futuristic sounds for primal movements, “Red efining Ancient Tribal Ritual for the 21st Century.” “Since the beginni ng of time humankind has used Music and Dance to commune with the Spirit o f Nature and the Spirit of the Universe. When I come to the Party an d set up my altar, sprinkle the Holy Water, recite the Holy Mantra, and mak e the Offering to the Cosmic Spirit, and then start the Music… the Music and the whole Party becomes the Offering to the Cosmic Spirit.” Come earl y on Saturday to set up camp, explore the land, have a swim, share a p otluck meal (bring a dish/utensils and prepare for the amazing journey tha t awaits us all! Plus: Sound by Project 7 Psyoptic Mindstimuli by Devotee Live video projections by Omb Ritual by Tranceform Venus Ent ry: $30 presale til may 7 at BOBO Gallery, 22 Lexington Ave, Asheville Atm osphere Records, 1 West Walnut St, Asheville $35 presale til may 7 – l $40 at gate Bus trips over 4 people get in for $30 a person Gate opens Saturday 9AM carpool & leave no trace! more information and dir om Bhakti Satya, Kri see you on the dance floor! always be samadhikri at touchsamadhi aim: krisamadhi ms ost high quality printing email me! join our mailing list! ubscribe at touchsamadhi touchsamadhi.tribe.net/touchsamadhi.tribe.net/ T he music will never stop! The heartbeat will never fade! The party will never end! t Spirit efestival.info/ Late June – Pennsylvania, (NOT West Virginia like I said before sorry Shar on 🙂 m/web greensector Phantasm again brings 4 day festival with Talamasca, Shakta, Orion, Eskimo, Cosmosis and others sa.net ftAugust 25-30 Rhythms of Peace in Morocco g Oregon /DIV /D IV
#3547 Thu, 17 Mar 2005 05:14:31 Thu, 17 Mar 2005 05:14:30 Cc: nyc604, omnitribe Good news re: Wednesdays, starting next week Stefan found a very great location for Wednesday night parties called Carthage. It’s close to Karma, Ave B vetween 3rd and 4th, across the street from the infamous late night Le Souk (which is where Cathage’s manager was hred from). The decor and vibe is basically high end Moroccan hookah emporium. There are so many very nice details, the place is brand new and opulent. And you can smoke in there. The 10-4 hours are the same, the sound is roughly equivalent, the cdjs and mixer are better. The front is chillout, the back is the dance area… We’ll have four times as many drink tickets for the djs and artists. There will be plenty of extra foot traffic because it’s right across the street from Le Souk. This is a whiff of deja vu of Morocco 2001 and Opium Den, but taken to the next level. This will be a nice lead in to the Rhythms of Peace moroccan festival later this summer. Grand opening with many many artists and DJs from omnitribe, dreamcatcher and Bryan Ladd from Western Mass is next week! Please come out and start the weekly off with a bang. Oh yeah, we are calling this event Inshallah… the idea is to explore the Sufi ideal as an Islamic entree into psy-trance and a metaphor for bringing the tribes together rather than continuing to wallow in Indian trash… for those of you not up on your Arabic: Inshallah Translates roughly as… ‘If Allah wills it’. A marvellously useful term of complete fatalism and one which has no direct English equivalent. The nearest thing would be ‘…but on the other hand I might get hit by a number 73 bus tomorrow’ – uttered in tones of sodden dejection by a clinical depressive with a strong Solihull accent. Also, in the current climate, a term almost guaranteed to increase web traffic if only from US government sniffers. On Carthage Carthage before Hannibal Carthage, one of the most famous cities of antiquity, was founded on the north coast of Africa by the Phoenicians of Tyre (sur) in 814 B.C. The foundation of Carthage was closely followed by the establishment of other Phoenician cities in the west Mediterranean over which Carthage gradually gained control. From then on, Carthaginian power expanded into Spain, Sicily and numerous other places in the northern Mediterranean. This brought them into direct conflict with the empires in Rome and Greece. At the start of the 3rd century B.C.. Carthage was supreme in the western Mediterranean, enjoying the security of sea power and trading with her stations in Sicily, Sardinia, and Spain as well as with the shores of Africa. Rome was painfully struggling to obtain the mastery of central and southern Italy, where she had absorbed the power and culture of the Etruscans and gradually forged a federation of small states. It must have already become clear that there was not going to be room in the Mediterranean for both Rome and Carthage. The clash came over Sicily in the First Punic War (264-241 B.C), at the end of which Carthage lost Sicily, sea-power, and security. The Roman victory in Sicily induced Rome to cross the narrow straits to Africa and attack Carthage directly. Fortunately for Carthage, a strong and honest man appeared in the person of Hamilcar Barca, a commander who had evacuated his forces undefeated from Sicily in the best tradition of Dunkirk. Hamilcar was able to put down a mutiny in the Carthagian army and restore order to it. The political situation at that time had a strangely modern flavour. Rome pursued a policy of cold war during which it annexed Sardinia and Corsica, increased the reparations which Carthage was obliged to pay, and declared the Roman sphere of interest in Spain to extend from the North down to the river Ebro. In Carthage, a peace treaty was in power, commercially minded, ready to play the quisling. Hamilcar Barca, on the other hand, had popular support and the command of the armed forces. With these he proceeded to develop the Carthaginian hold on Spain, ostensibly to enable Carthage to pay repatriation to Rome, but in fact, because he saw in Spain a source of manpower and supplies and a base from which to attack Rome. With his son-in-law Hasdrubal and his four sons Hannibal, Hasdrubal, Hanno, and Mago, the ‘lion’s brood’ as he called them. Hamilcar barca soon succeeded in turning southern Spain into a sort of empire where new Carthage or Carthagena was founded. In 228 B.C. he fell in battle and was succeeded by hasdrubal his son-in- law, who was murdered seven years later. The Rise of Hannibal The army thereupon unanimously chose Hannibal to be their general in spite of his youth, “because of the shrewdness and courage which he had shown in their service.” Hannibal was then 26 years old. This strange man, whose name means “Joy of Baal”, had accompanied his father on his campaign in Spain at the age of nine. Hamilcar Barca had agreed to take him on his campaign on one condition, that before the sacrifice which he was then making to the gods, Hannibal should swear eternal enmity to Rome. No man ever kept a promise more faithfully. Hannibal’s first military success was in Saguntum, which precipitated the Second Punic War. It is quite clear that Hannibal carried out a carefully prepared plan which he had inherited from his father. His object was nothing less than the destruction of the power of Rome before Rome destroyed Carthage, and Rome’s most vulnerable spot was in Italy itself where the Roman federation of states was still loose and the Celtic tribes of Gauls in the North were in revolt. But since Carthage had lost command of the sea to Rome, how was Hannibal to get to Italy with his troops? The Romans never imagined for one moment that he could or would make the journey of 1500 miles overland from Spain, across the Pyrenees, the south of France, and the Alps; but that was exactly what Hannibal had decided to do. Having decided on his strategy and selected his theatre of operations Hannibal followed two principles which have grown no less important since his day: the seizure of the initiative, and the maintenance of the element of surprise. Hannibal first secured his bases at Carthage and Carthagena. Next he collected detailed information about the countries and peoples through which he proposed to pass. For this purpose he sent for messengers from the Gaulish tribes and asked for detailed accounts of the terrain and the fertility of the country at the foot of the Alps, in the midst of the Alps, and in the plain of the river Po. He also wanted to know the number of the inhabitants of the various populations, their capacity for war, and particularly whether their enmity against the Romans was maintained. He was particularly anxious to win over the Gauls on both sides of the Alps as he would only be able to operate in Italy against the Romans if the Gauls cooperated with him. He therefore planned a campaign of psychological warfare, to raise and maintain the morale of his supporters and to undermine the enemy’s will and power to resist. The operations began in great secrecy in the spring of 218 B.C. after Hannibal delivered a morale boosting speech to his troops. Moved by the emotions of indignation and lust for conquest, his men then leapt to their feet and shouted their readiness to follow Hannibal. From Carthagena Hannibal marched his army to the Ebro and then to Ampurias, through the Pyrenees and along the shore of the Mediterranean through the South of France, fighting much of the way. Crossing of the Alps Hannibal left Spain for Italy in the spring of 218 B.C. with about 35,000 seasoned troops. His force included a squadron of Elephants. The Romans planned to intercept him near Massilia (Marseille) and, after dealing with him, to invade Spain. Publius Cornelius Scipio was in charge of this operation, while Tiberius Sempronius led another army in Sicily, destined for Africa. However, Scipio had to sent his legions to deal with a Gallic revolt, and by the time he reached Massilia by sea, he learned that he had missed Hannibal by only a few days. Thereupon, Scipio returned to northern Italy and awaited Hannibal’s arrival. In the meantime, Scipio had sent his brother Gnaue to Spain with an army to cut Hannibal off from his brother Hasdrubal. It appears that Hannibal crossed the Alps somewhere between the Little St Bernard and Montgenevre passes. He did not begin to cross until early fall, which meant that he encountered winterlike conditions in the Alpine region. His force suffered greatly from the elements and the hostility of local tribesmen. He lost most of his elephants, and by the time he reached northern Italy, his army was reduced to about 26,000 men, 6,000 of whom were Cavalry. However, the number was quickly raised to about 40,000 by the addition of Gauls. Invasion of Italy In the first engagement with Roman troops, Hannibal’s cavalry won a minor victory over Scipio’s forces near the Ticinus River. This was followed by a decisive victory at the Trebia River in December 218 B.C. over Roman legions led by Scipio and Sempronius, who was recalled from Sicily when Hannibal invaded Italy. Hannibal’s superior numbers in cavalry and his skill in the combined use of cavalry and infantry were key factors in his success at the Trebia, as in later victories. Hannibal had an advantage in northern Italy, where the Gauls were friendly to his cause and where his cavalry could operate in the broad plains. The Romans therefore decided to withdraw to central Italy and await Hannibal who began to cross the Apennines in the spring of 217. The mountains again proved costly both to his army and personally to Hannibal, who lost the sight of one eye from an infection. The Roman consuls for 217, Gaius Flaminius and Servilius Geminus, had stationed themselves at Arretium and Ariminum to guard both possible routs, west and east, by which Hannibal might cross the Apennines. Hannibal selected Flaminius’ western routs, but the consul refused to give battle alone. Allowing Hannibal to pass, Flaminius followed, harassing the Carthaginian army and hoping to meet Geminus farther south, where they would jointly give battle. However, Hannibal ambushed Flaminius in a narrow pass near Lake Trasimene and destroyed almost his entire army of 25.000. At Rome, Quintius Fabius Maximus was elected dictator by the centuriate assembly. Rather than join battle with Hannibal, who had marched south into Apulia, he decided on a policy of caution and harassment that would keep Hannibal moving and gradually wear him down. Hannibal moved from Apulia into Campania, followed and watched by Fabius, who finally bottled him up in an area unfavourable to cavalry and decided to give battle. At night, however, Hannibal sent oxen toward Fabius’ army with burning sticks tied to their horns; while the Romans investigated what they considered an attack, he escaped with his army to Adulia, where he wintered. The Battle of Cannae When Fabuis’ tenure as dictator expired, the consuls for 216, Lueius Paullus and Gaius Varro, took charge of the war against Hannibal. On learning that Hannibal had captured the Roman depot at Cannae, in Apulia, the consuls decided to go into battle, and Hannibal now faced two formidable armies. However, at Cannae he again selected ground favourable to his tactics and strong cavalry. While the Romans relied on their superior numbers and their fighting skill. Hannibal’s plan called for his cavalry, positioned on the flanks of a crescent-shaped line, to defeat the Roman horsemen quickly and to attack from the rear at the crucial moment as the Roman infantry pressed upon a weakened centre of Spaniards and Gauls. His superior African troops were to press from the flanks and complete the encirclement. The plan succccded and the Romans suf-fered 25.000 dead and l0,000 captured. Hannibal’s Political Strategy Hannibal’s main objective was not the total destruction of Rome but a settlement that would free Cartllage from Roman intervention. Hannibal had hoped that his victories would bring about the wholesale defection of Italian cities from the Roman confederacy. However, the only major defection from Rome was Capua. When it was obvious to Hannibal that he could not effectively surround Rome with a ring of hostile ltalian states, he broadened the conflict to draw off Roman’s manpower and to spread its resources thin. In 215 he made an alliance with Philip V of Macedon; doubtless he did not want Philip to invade Italy but merely to drain Roman strength by waging war in Greece. The alliance came to naught because Hannibal could not supply Philip with a navy and because Rome checked Philip with its own navy and Aetolian allies (first Macedonian War, 214-205). Hannibal also brought Syracuse into the war against Rome. Hiero, ruler of Syracuse and long an ally of Rome, died in 215. His grandson Hieronymous took control of the city and made an alliance with Hannibal. Hieronymous was soon killed in a revolt, but Punic agents gained control of Syracuse. However, Roman control of Sicily was generally restored by 211, when Syracuse fell. First reverses following the defeat at Cannae, the Romans resorted back to Fabius’ tactics of harassing Hannibal while avoiding formal engagements. This seemed to have rendered Hannibal’s tactical skill and superior cavalry ineffective. Consequently, the Romans were able to retake Capua although their resources were heavily stretched by Hannibal ‘s international diplomacy. However, the real blow to Hannibal came from without. In 209, the Romans took Carthagena and forced Hasdrubal out of Spain. This cut his main supply route off. When Romans discovered that Hasdrubal had crossed the Alps to link up with Hannibal they left a small force to watch Hannibal and marched quickly with their main force to the Metaurus River, where they defeated Hasdrubal. Hannibal learned of the defeat when Hasdrubal’s head was thrown into his camp. Hannibal knew that he was without hope of reinforcement. For the rest of the Italian campaign he was generally restricted to Bruttium. Hannibal had no supporting navy and appeared indifferent to that Roman naval supremacy which in the first place was able to cut off reinforcements and in the second to bring about unimpeded the invasion of Carthage. Although his tactics in the field, as attested even by Scipio, were brilliants, and he himself by his personal appearances and quick marches up and down Italy dazzled the Romans and complicated their strategy, he was at a decided disadvantage as regards reinforcements and provisions. In 204, the Italian general Scipio landed in Carthage and was so successful that the following year Carthage sued for peace, terms were agreed upon, and Hannibal was recalled. The sight of Hannibal reinforced the Carthaginian will to resist, however, and hostilities were renewed. The two armies met at Zama in 202, in a battle that decided the outcome of the war. This time Hannibal met his match; he was outnumbered by a superior cavalry and was let down by the commercially-minded rulers of Carthage. Hannibal, his army destroyed, escaped. Peace was made the next year. Rome severely restricted the Carthaginian navy and demanded a heavy indemnity. Carthage was forbidden to make war outside its African domain, and could fight within Africa only with Roman permission. Since failure to accept the peace terms would have meant the destruction of Carthage, Hannibal worked for their acceptance and retired to private life in 200. In 196 Hannibal attacked the position, power, and corruption of the aristocrats so vigorously that they told the Romans he was scheming with Antiochus III of Syria and planning another war with Rome. A Roman investigation commission was sent to Carthage on a pretext, but Hannibal knew it was aimed at him, and he eventually made his way to Antiochus. The charge that Hannibal had plotted with Antiochus is unsupported, but after he became a member of the Syrian court he certainly advised the King to attack the Romans. After Antiochus defeat, Hannibal fled in 183 B.C., the Romans demanded his surrender. Unable this time to escape arrest, Hannibal took his own life rather than suffer further humiliation. See you next week! Stefan found a ve ry great location for Wednesday night parties called Carthage. It’s close to Karma, Ave B vetween 3rd and 4th, across the street from the infa mous late night Le Souk (which is where Cathage’s manager was hred from).& nbsThe decor and vibe is basically high end Moroccan hookah emporium.&n bsThere are so many very nice details, the place is brand new and opule nt. And you can smoke in there. The 10-4 hours are the same, t he sound is roughly equivalent, the cdjs and mixer are better. The fr ont is chillout, the back is the dance area… We’ll have four times as many drink tickets for the djs and artists. There will be plenty of extra foot traffic because it’s right across the street from Le Souk.& nbsThis is a whiff of deja vu of Morocco 2001 and Opium Den, but taken to the next level. This will be a nice lead in to the Rhythms of Peamoroccan festival later this summer. Grand opening with many many artists and DJs from omnitribe, dreamcatcher and B ryan Ladd from Western Mass is next week! Please come out and start the weekly off with a bang. Oh yeah, we are ca lling this event Inshallah… the idea is to explore the Sufi ideal as an Islamic entree into psy-trance and a metaphor for bringing the tribes toge ther rather than continuing to wallow in Indian trash… for those of you not up on your Arabic: Tran slates roughly as… ‘If Allah wills it’. A marvellously useful term of complete fatalism and one which has no direct English equivalent. The nearest thing would be ‘…but on the other hand I might get hit by a number 73 bus tomorrow’ – uttered in tones of sodden dejection by a clinical depressive with a strong Solihull accent. Also, in the current climate, a term almost guaranteed to increase web traffic if only from US government sniffers. T Carthage before Hannibal Carthage, one of t he most famous cities of antiquity, was founded on the north coast of Afri ca by the Phoenicians of Tyre (sur) in 814 B.C. The foundation of Carthage was closely followed by the establishment of other Phoenician cities in t he west Mediterranean over which Carthage gradually gained control. From t hen on, Carthaginian power expanded into Spain, Sicily and numerous other places in the northern Mediterranean. This brought them into direct confli ct with the empires in Rome and Greece. At the start of the 3rd century B. C.. Carthage was supreme in the western Mediterranean, enjoying the securi ty of sea power and trading with her stations in Sicily, Sardinia, and Spa in as well as with the shores of Africa. Rome was painfully struggling to obtain the mastery of central and southern Italy, where she had absorbed th e power and culture of the Etruscans and gradually forged a federation of small states. It must have already become clear that there was not going t o be room in the Mediterranean for both Rome and Carthage. The clash came over Sicily in the First Punic War (264-241 B.C), at the end of which Cart hage lost Sicily, sea-power, and security. The Roman victory in Sicily ind uced Rome to cross the narrow straits to Africa and attack Carthage direct ly. Fortunately for Carthage, a strong and honest man appeared in the pers on of Hamilcar Barca, a commander who had evacuated his forces undefeated from Sicily in the best tradition of Dunkirk. Hamilcar was able to put dow n a mutiny in the Carthagian army and restore order to it. The political s ituation at that time had a strangely modern flavour. Rome pursued a polic y of cold war during which it annexed Sardinia and Corsica, increased the reparations which Carthage was obliged to pay, and declared the Roman sphe re of interest in Spain to extend from the North down to the river Ebro. I n Carthage, a peace treaty was in power, commercially minded, ready to pla y the quisling. Hamilcar Barca, on the other hand, had popular support and the command of the armed forces. With these he proceeded to develop the C arthaginian hold on Spain, ostensibly to enable Carthage to pay repatriati on to Rome, but in fact, because he saw in Spain a source of manpower and supplies and a base from which to attack Rome. With his son-in-law Hasdruba l and his four sons Hannibal, Hasdrubal, Hanno, and Mago, the ‘lion’s broo d’ as he called them. Hamilcar barca soon succeeded in turning southern Sp ain into a sort of empire where new Carthage or Carthagena was founded. In 228 B.C. he fell in battle and was succeeded by hasdrubal his son-in- law who was murdered seven years later. The Rise of Hannibal T he army thereupon unanimously chose Hannibal to be their general in spite o f his youth, “because of the shrewdness and courage which he had shown in their service.” Hannibal was then 26 years old. This strange man, whose na me means “Joy of Baal”, had accompanied his father on his campaign in Spai n at the age of nine. Hamilcar Barca had agreed to take him on his campaig n on one condition, that before the sacrifice which he was then making to the gods, Hannibal should swear eternal enmity to Rome. No man ever kept a promise more faithfully. Hannibal’s first military success was in Saguntu m, which precipitated the Second Punic War. It is quite clear that Hanniba l carried out a carefully prepared plan which he had inherited from his fa ther. His object was nothing less than the destruction of the power of Rom e before Rome destroyed Carthage, and Rome’s most vulnerable spot was in I taly itself where the Roman federation of states was still loose and the C eltic tribes of Gauls in the North were in revolt. But since Carthage had lost command of the sea to Rome, how was Hannibal to get to Italy with his troops? The Romans never imagined for one moment that he could or would m ake the journey of 1500 miles overland from Spain, across the Pyrenees, th e south of France, and the Alps; but that was exactly what Hannibal had de cided to do. Having decided on his strategy and selected his theatre of op erations Hannibal followed two principles which have grown no less importan t since his day: the seizure of the initiative, and the maintenance of the element of surprise. Hannibal first secured his bases at Carthage and Car thagena. Next he collected detailed information about the countries and pe oples through which he proposed to pass. For this purpose he sent for mess engers from the Gaulish tribes and asked for detailed accounts of the terr ain and the fertility of the country at the foot of the Alps, in the midst of the Alps, and in the plain of the river Po. He also wanted to know the number of the inhabitants of the various populations, their capacity for war, and particularly whether their enmity against the Romans was maintain ed. He was particularly anxious to win over the Gauls on both sides of the Alps as he would only be able to operate in Italy against the Romans if t he Gauls cooperated with him. He therefore planned a campaign of psycholog ical warfare, to raise and maintain the morale of his supporters and to un dermine the enemy’s will and power to resist. The operations began in grea t secrecy in the spring of 218 B.C. after Hannibal delivered a morale boos ting speech to his troops. Moved by the emotions of indignation and lust f or conquest, his men then leapt to their feet and shouted their readiness to follow Hannibal. From Carthagena Hannibal marched his army to the Ebro a nd then to Ampurias, through the Pyrenees and along the shore of the Medit erranean through the South of France, fighting much of the way. Cro ssing of the Alps Hannibal left Spain for Italy in the spring of 218 B.C. with about 35,000 seasoned troops. His force included a squadron of Elephants. The Romans planned to intercept him near Massilia (Marseille) a nd, after dealing with him, to invade Spain. Publius Cornelius Scipio was in charge of this operation, while Tiberius Sempronius led another army in Sicily, destined for Africa. However, Scipio had to sent his legions to d eal with a Gallic revolt, and by the time he reached Massilia by sea, he l earned that he had missed Hannibal by only a few days. Thereupon, Scipio r eturned to northern Italy and awaited Hannibal’s arrival. In the meantime, Scipio had sent his brother Gnaue to Spain with an army to cut Hannibal o ff from his brother Hasdrubal. It appears that Hannibal crossed the Alps s omewhere between the Little St Bernard and Montgenevre passes. He did not begin to cross until early fall, which meant that he encountered winterlik e conditions in the Alpine region. His force suffered greatly from the ele ments and the hostility of local tribesmen. He lost most of his elephants, and by the time he reached northern Italy, his army was reduced to about 2 6,000 men, 6,000 of whom were Cavalry. However, the number was quickly rai sed to about 40,000 by the addition of Gauls. Invasion of Italy In the first engagement with Roman troops, Hannibal’s cavalry won a min or victory over Scipio’s forces near the Ticinus River. This was followed by a decisive victory at the Trebia River in December 218 B.C. over Roman legions led by Scipio and Sempronius, who was recalled from Sicily when Ha nnibal invaded Italy. Hannibal’s superior numbers in cavalry and his skill in the combined use of cavalry and infantry were key factors in his succe ss at the Trebia, as in later victories. Hannibal had an advantage in nort hern Italy, where the Gauls were friendly to his cause and where his caval ry could operate in the broad plains. The Romans therefore decided to with draw to central Italy and await Hannibal who began to cross the Apennines in the spring of 217. The mountains again proved costly both to his army a nd personally to Hannibal, who lost the sight of one eye from an infection . The Roman consuls for 217, Gaius Flaminius and Servilius Geminus, had st ationed themselves at Arretium and Ariminum to guard both possible routs, west and east, by which Hannibal might cross the Apennines. Hannibal selec ted Flaminius’ western routs, but the consul refused to give battle alone. Allowing Hannibal to pass, Flaminius followed, harassing the Carthaginian army and hoping to meet Geminus farther south, where they would jointly g ive battle. However, Hannibal ambushed Flaminius in a narrow pass near Lak e Trasimene and destroyed almost his entire army of 25.000. At Rome, Quinti us Fabius Maximus was elected dictator by the centuriate assembly. Rather than join battle with Hannibal, who had marched south into Apulia, he deci ded on a policy of caution and harassment that would keep Hannibal moving and gradually wear him down. Hannibal moved from Apulia into Campania, fol lowed and watched by Fabius, who finally bottled him up in an area unfavou rable to cavalry and decided to give battle. At night, however, Hannibal s ent oxen toward Fabius’ army with burning sticks tied to their horns; whil e the Romans investigated what they considered an attack, he escaped with his army to Adulia, where he wintered. The Battle of Cannae W hen Fabuis’ tenure as dictator expired, the consuls for 216, Lueius Paullus and Gaius Varro, took charge of the war against Hannibal. On learning tha t Hannibal had captured the Roman depot at Cannae, in Apulia, the consuls decided to go into battle, and Hannibal now faced two formidable armies. H owever, at Cannae he again selected ground favourable to his tactics and s trong cavalry. While the Romans relied on their superior numbers and their fighting skill. Hannibal’s plan called for his cavalry, positioned on the flanks of a crescent-shaped line, to defeat the Roman horsemen quickly an d to attack from the rear at the crucial moment as the Roman infantry pres sed upon a weakened centre of Spaniards and Gauls. His superior African tr oops were to press from the flanks and complete the encirclement. The plan succccded and the Romans suf-fered 25.000 dead and l0,000 captured. Hannibal’s Political Strategy Hannibal’s main objective was not t he total destruction of Rome but a settlement that would free Cartllage fr om Roman intervention. Hannibal had hoped that his victories would bring a bout the wholesale defection of Italian cities from the Roman confederacy. However, the only major defection from Rome was Capua. When it was obviou s to Hannibal that he could not effectively surround Rome with a ring of h ostile ltalian states, he broadened the conflict to draw off Roman’s manpo wer and to spread its resources thin. In 215 he made an alliance with Phil ip V of Macedon; doubtless he did not want Philip to invade Italy but mere ly to drain Roman strength by waging war in Greece. The alliance came to n aught because Hannibal could not supply Philip with a navy and because Rom e checked Philip with its own navy and Aetolian allies (first Macedonian Wa r, 214-205). Hannibal also brought Syracuse into the war against Rome. Hie ro, ruler of Syracuse and long an ally of Rome, died in 215. His grandson Hieronymous took control of the city and made an alliance with Hannibal. H ieronymous was soon killed in a revolt, but Punic agents gained control of Syracuse. However, Roman control of Sicily was generally restored by 211, when Syracuse fell. First reverses following the defeat at Cannae, the Romans resorted back to Fabius’ tactics of harassing Hannibal while av oiding formal engagements. This seemed to have rendered Hannibal’s tactica l skill and superior cavalry ineffective. Consequently, the Romans were ab le to retake Capua although their resources were heavily stretched by Hann ibal ‘s international diplomacy. However, the real blow to Hannibal came f rom without. In 209, the Romans took Carthagena and forced Hasdrubal out o f Spain. This cut his main supply route off. When Romans discovered that H asdrubal had crossed the Alps to link up with Hannibal they left a small f orce to watch Hannibal and marched quickly with their main force to the Me taurus River, where they defeated Hasdrubal. Hannibal learned of the defea t when Hasdrubal’s head was thrown into his camp. Hannibal knew that he wa s without hope of reinforcement. For the rest of the Italian campaign he w as generally restricted to Bruttium. Hannibal had no supporting navy and a ppeared indifferent to that Roman naval supremacy which in the first place was able to cut off reinforcements and in the second to bring about unimp eded the invasion of Carthage. Although his tactics in the field, as attes ted even by Scipio, were brilliants, and he himself by his personal appear ances and quick marches up and down Italy dazzled the Romans and complicat ed their strategy, he was at a decided disadvantage as regards reinforceme nts and provisions. In 204, the Italian general Scipio landed in Carthage and was so successful that the following year Carthage sued for peace, ter ms were agreed upon, and Hannibal was recalled. The sight of Hannibal rein forced the Carthaginian will to resist, however, and hostilities were rene wed. The two armies met at Zama in 202, in a battle that decided the outcom e of the war. This time Hannibal met his match; he was outnumbered by a su perior cavalry and was let down by the commercially-minded rulers of Carth age. Hannibal, his army destroyed, escaped. Peace was made the next year. Rome severely restricted the Carthaginian navy and demanded a heavy indemn ity. Carthage was forbidden to make war outside its African domain, and co uld fight within Africa only with Roman permission. Since failure to accep t the peace terms would have meant the destruction of Carthage, Hannibal w orked for their acceptance and retired to private life in 200. In 196 Hann ibal attacked the position, power, and corruption of the aristocrats so vi gorously that they told the Romans he was scheming with Antiochus III of S yria and planning another war with Rome. A Roman investigation commission was sent to Carthage on a pretext, but Hannibal knew it was aimed at him, and he eventually made his way to Antiochus. The charge that Hannibal had plotted with Antiochus is unsupported, but after he became a member of the Syrian court he certainly advised the King to attack the Romans. After An tiochus defeat, Hannibal fled in 183 B.C., the Romans demanded his surrend er. Unable this time to escape arrest, Hannibal took his own life rather t han suffer further humiliation. See you next week! &n bs
#3548 Fri, 18 Mar 2005 19:09:22 Fri, 18 Mar 2005 19:09:22 Astrix may be playing at Avalon Saturday I really do not like the parties there and certainly do not think it is worth the inflated cover charge. I do not recommend. Still, if you want a big budget cattle pen and have money to burn, check it out but I have no more details. I am only posting this because Astrix is a famous psy-trance DJ. Hopefully, emails will become more common as psy-trance enters the nightclub mainstream. OTOH hand if they comp me and give me drink tickets I would doubtlessly sing its praises :-/ On a side note, the truly “underground” parties (whatever “underground means – DIY? financially impossible and hopelessly point and cliqued out?) suffer financially; I think it’s a dilemma endemic to the U.S. where somthing is valued only if it is not free. That really sucks because there is a sizable group of individuals who have suffered financial hardship not because the djs are not good or don’t mix well or the sound is crap. This happened to Synthetic Sadhus all the way down to people who donated blood sweat and tears to get free food at a bridge party. I think most on this list anyway would agree with me when I say vibe is more important than how much money you spend, how many watts the system is, or how famous the performers are. I apologize for the elitist attitude, I heard many horror stories of women getting groped, inane security, and a general ugly dog eat dog attitude at every trance party I’ve been to at Avalon. Ify ou go, fine, just don’t harasss any of the free gathering people for a party on demand on an idle weekend this summer if you avoid the donation hat at events. I heard that ASTRIX IS PLAYING AT AVALON SATURDAY NIGHT, MARCH 19… What’s the Word?? here and certainly do not think it is worth the inflated cover charge. I do not recommend. Still, if you want a big budget cattle pen and have money to burn, check it out but I have no more details. I am onl y posting this because Astrix is a famous psy-trance DJ. Hopefully, e mails will become more common as psy-trance enters the nightclub mainstream . OTOH hand if they comp me and give me drink tickets I would doubtle ssly sing its praises :-/ On a side note, the truly “underground ” parties (whatever “underground means – DIY? financially impossible and hopelessly point and cliqued out?) suffer financially; I think it’s a d ilemma endemic to the U.S. where somthing is valued only if it is not free . That really sucks because there is a sizable group of individuals w ho have suffered financial hardship not because the djs are not good or don ‘t mix well or the sound is crap. This happened to Synthetic Sadhus a ll the way down to people who donated blood sweat and tears to get free foo d at a bridge party. I think most on this list anyway would agree wit h me when I say vibe is more important than how much money you spend, how m any watts the system is, or how famous the performers are. I apologiz e for the elitist attitude, I heard many horror stories of women getting gr oped, inane security, and a general ugly dog eat dog attitude at every tranparty I’ve been to at Avalon. Ify ou go, fine, just don’t harasss any of the free gathering people for a party on demand on an idle weekend t his summer if you avoid the donation hat at events. I heard th at ASTRIX IS PLAYING AT AVALON SATURDAY NIGHT, MARCH 19… What’s the W ord??
#3549 Sat, 19 Mar 2005 10:22:36 Sat, 19 Mar 2005 10:22:36 Exclusive X Dream interview by TripOut’s Ari D! Check it! web tranceam.org/interviews/interview-x-dream March 25 – Tsunami at Spirit New York with XDream and S.U.N. Project web tranceam.org/interviews/interview-x-dream web br ainmachines/interviews/interview-x-dream March 25 – T sunami at Spirit New York with XDream and S.U.N. Project /
#3550 Sat, 19 Mar 2005 19:52:25 Sat, 19 Mar 2005 19:52:25 Cc: omnitribe, dragontribe, nyc604, goa-boston From Boston’s Harris: Fwd: Trance in Brooklyn on Sundays yet another newly discovered group of people forming trance. sounds worth checking out, see you there of people forming trance. sounds worth checking out, see you there
#3551 Mon, 21 Mar 2005 12:26:39 Mon, 21 Mar 2005 12:26:38 Newsletter Allah Akbar! Trip Out New York Circ.1,327 Fr ee NYC Trance Community Weekly Newsletter Editor Forward/reprint to spread the psytrance virus ( MORE LINKS (web tranceam.org/links ) Numbers 24, v erse 16 “He hath said, which heard the words of God, and knew the knowle dge of the most High, which saw the vision of the Almighty, falling into a trance, but having his eyes open” What’s News Parties all weekend, and launch of Insha’allah As was mentioned befor e, the long running Goa Trash at Karma Wednesdays has been put to sleep. We moved 2 blocks away to better digs. Long Live Insha’allah at Cartha ge! Come check out our opulent new digs to the Grand Opening this Wednesda y night! DJs from Dreamcatcher & Omnitribe! See listings below. If we get enough people to come out this will be the new weekly with loads of o ut of town DJs, so it’s very important for people to come out this week. There are already a lot of out of towners in this week so it shouldn’t b e a problem. The location is currently being soundproofed but the system is already at par with Karma’s so it will only get bigger. Naotto has n ew art! web wwwcomcom/store/original/originalsforsale (web wwwcomcom/store/original/originalsforsale ) The Rhythms of Peace Beach Festival in Morocco Announced for August!! Morocc o Festival August 25th-30th, and the line-up is sick – live acts by Paras ense, Son Kite, Silicon Sound, Wizzy Noise, Safi Connection, Atmos, Bamboo Forest, way more Check out the flyer./moroccoparty Moundir the organiz er has been involved with other festivals and has a good reputation. He asked me through Gavin to sell tickets in the U.S. and will be offering t ravel packages of $700 round trip, $200 food & lodging. Details for th ese packages will be forthcoming. Once you get there it is very very ch eap, I mean like almost India cheap.. Ticket prices before the 30th of April 2005 : $80 before the 30th of July 2005 : $100 at the door : 100 eu ros Physical tickets will be provided. Tickets may be purchased by check or money order via snail mail (email for address), paypal to jeffMachinelf at in person. gomorocco200 om) For those of you not on NYC604 or TripOutNY and would like to re cieve updates to the gathering and to dicuss, click the above link to joi n Go Morocco 2005. Any emails from the organizers will be fwded there. The NYC lists will have occasional updates, but for those who’d like to discuss going, in the interest of space please join the mo rocco group. You don’t have to be buying tickets from me to join; Dave He nshaw is also selling tickets in Boston and others may be as well. Flyer at (web brainmachin Event Calendar Outdoor festivals/d Sound System rental/logo partners in bold; same date parties appear in t he order submitted; Psy/Goa events always come first. Organizers who ca nnot provide press passes to TripOutNY will be charged the amount of 2 ti ckets to finance our journalism (and hookers, limo, blow, etc). * * * Wednesday March 23 – The Goa Trash energy has found a new home. This Wednesday night is the Grand Opening for the new weekl y Insha’allah at the lounge/club Carthage in the East Village. Carthage is on Avenue B between 3rd and 4th street across from Le Souk. Free, ID 21+. 10pm-4am. If we get enough people to come out this will be the new weekly, so it’s important for people to come. Insha’allah translates ro ughly to “If God Wills.” We are attempting to bring Sufi Muslims, Crazy Jews, and Lapsed Christians together through mutual alcohol consumption, apple flavored tobacco smoked through hookahs, and psychedelic trance. T he venue is gorgeous and the potential is vast. It’s a combination of al l the best qualities of all the venues used in the past few years, with the hookah decor of Karma with the class of Boom. A perfect marriage. G reat owners, long hours, good kicthen, free. No thugs. And no security, the Moroccan guys take care of that. The bathrooms are very clean, alway s a plus. The whole places feels like the an upscale version of the Cant ina in Star Wars. Lounge area in the front, dance area in the back. Do or by Jennifer Fahey, Deco by Kelly Newman, /Machinelf is yo ur host. The kitchen stays open until 2am. Also if you can tell me the name of the mystic Sufi sect who go into trances by turning around and around again amongst heavy hashish smoking, you get a free drink. And if you can name the film with Ms. Winslitt (sp!) about Morocco, you get a nother. Limit to first five people. Ask for Jeff. 10-11:30 Stefan, Ari, a nd Machinelf – downtempo through house/trance 11:30am – 2am Omnitrib e djs – progressive to psy 2am – 4am Dreamcatcher djs – goa/psy March 25 – Tsunami at Spirit with XDream and S.U.N. Project Friday, March 2 5th 2005 TSUNAMI at SPIRIT 530 West 27th Street (between 10th & 11th Avenu es) 10pm till 7am Live Performances by any / Solstice Music, Japan) is the most famous psytrance name coming from Germany. They have set the t one for over 8 years. While they visited the US in many occasions, this is the first time they appear with their new addition, Arielle. Their album RADIO was a milestone in international trance, now they introduce their new milestone “We Interface”. to ce S.U.N. Project Mathias, Marco and McCoy are the international crowd pleasers in trance. McCoy’s fiery guitar interludes b ring crowds to a roaring frenzy, in all four corvers of the globe. DJs MI NDS OF DEMENTED HANOCH KIFE (Omnitribe, DeKompression) ADMINSSION 30 in a dvance Valid Picture ID is Required 18 to party / 21 to drink Buy Tickets Early! GROOVETICKETS 1-877-71GROOVE SATELLITE 259 Bowery 212 995-1744 VINYL MARKET 241 E 10th Street 212 539-1203 SATELLITE Boston 617 536-5482 (web tsunam i-trance/) INFO LINE: 212.439.8124 Friday, Mar 25 Entropy at Holi celebration in Austin, Texas web shivatrance (web shivatrance /) March 26 – Alladin Project Saturday, Mar 26 web realitye ngine.org presents (web realityengine.org presents) NLig htN Launch Party Saturday – 03/26/05 White Galactic Wind Reality Engine in collaboration with CoSM invite you to a special private event, welcoming the spring and Easter with the NLightN opening at the Chapel of the Sacred Mirrors. Being already established as a meet ing point for the visionary community, now it will also become a reference on the East Coast for upbeat down tempo and neo media gatherings. This event is meant to uplift the awareness of collective consciousness throu gh the multi-mediation of ego loss and ecstatic ritual process. Bringing together in celebration diverse communities committed to experience sacred sounds and images as pathways toward a return to a natural state of happ iness. With a performance by ArcheDream, an archetypal mask theatre compan y which uses ritual, movement and myth to present allegorical dramas. The inspiration for ArcheDream is derived from ancient rituals where the Dev ine mingled with Humankind. Their theatre uses various forms of dance, in novative music, multimedia projections, archetypal masks and costumes tha t are illuminated with ultra-violet light, accentuating the supernatural aspects to reveal the dreamscape as the action unfolds. ArcheDream is fou nded on the quality of the individual artist participating in a collabora tive effort. This remains their ongoing quest as they merge creative forc es with the Reality Engine crew and the Chapel of Sacred Mirrors to E2 809C NLightN “C through an original performance of ArcheDream, the Episode titled “5th Element.” For more information p lease visit: web archedream. A body & soul nourishing by Putali Cateri ng that has been providing creative whole foods cuisine for over a decade . Putali sets up a Chai-shop at CoSM to offer delicious vegetarian, vega n, raw organic food and beverages. The program for the evening will be th e following: 10:00 PM Opening ceremony Special Performance by ArcheDream: “CThe 5th Element”D archedream Upbeat Downtempo g rooves by: Blue Spectral Monkey (TouchSamadhi-Asheville-NC) Alien Blue (Co SM “3 NY) Matyas (Reality Engine) Pedro (Reality Engine) + Dan Cov an 06:00 AM Closing Ceremony Minimum donation: $20 Space is very limited; guarantee your participation buying tickets online. Audio-visual installa tion by Reality Engine Address: 540 W. 27th St. 4th Floor – New York City For more infos log at realityengine.org (realityengine.org /) Online tickes cosm.org Namaste, Reality Engine Team.May any merits created by or through this gathering be offered to the freedom of all beings. realityengine.org (realityengine.org/) Cont act/Booking: (347)7334317 March 27 – Sunday – March 20 Sunday TONE LOTUS a nd TOLTECNICA Present OLEJO, dj set Progredelic to Psy VIBRO FUENTES, dj s et Acid Trance to Psy COSMIC CREEPERS, dj set Psy and more Psy Techno and Acid Trance working our way up into Psy Location: Boogaloo Bar 68 Marcy Av e South Williamsburg, Brooklyn, NY (‘tween Bway and S. 5th) 8pm till 4am FREE By Subway: J to Marcy Ave. (over the Williamsburg Bridge); G at Metro politan Ave March 27 Sunday TONE LOTUS and TOLTECNICA Present OLEJO, dj set Progredelic to Psy JIMMY JAMES, dj set Techo to Psy VIBRO FUENTES, dj set Acid Trance to Psy COSMIC CREEPERS, dj set Psy and more Psy Techno and Acid Trance working our way up into Psy Location: Boogaloo Bar 68 Marcy A ve South Williamsburg, Brooklyn, NY (‘tween Bway and S. 5th) 8pm till 4am FREE By Subway: J to Marcy Ave. (over the Williamsburg Bridge); G at Metro politan Ave March 30th- Dreamcatcher at Insha’allah April 6th- Omnitrib e at Insha’allah April 13th- Stas and Coral at Insha’allah Stas “HiFi (Om nitribe) Coral Slater (Touch Samadhi, DeKompression) Sasha “Shmumer” Fs ov (Radiolaria) – Boston -“THIS WILL BE A SICK LINE-UP. ALL THREE PLAY GR EAT DOWNTEMPO, SHMUMER PLAYS TECHY PROG, CORAL AND STAS ARE FULLON, AWESO ME….THE WHOLE NIGHT WILL BE TAKEN CARE OF….” April 15 – Alladin Pro ject April 20th- Insha’allah TBD April 27th- Omnitribe at Insha’allah May 4 – Nick Tornetta (Seattle) at Insha’allah May 15 – Goa Gil in Nor th Carolina bus trip info !!!!! from philly to asheville. please contact: allen2012 at gmail Goa Gil & Ariane Sacred Trance Dance Experience Sat urday – Sunday May 21 – 22 2005 At Deerfields, Asheville, NC, USA TOUCH Samadhi is honored to bring you: Goa Gil & Ariane (The Nommos, Avatar Rec ords) Gil grew up in the middle of the music scene of the s ixties; he then left to journey to India in 1969. Having been a musician all his life and then doing intense Yogic practices with Gurus in the Hi malayas, he tried to unite the two forces, Music and Yoga, into one spiri t befitting this Age. The result is his focus to use the trance party e nvironment as a medium to uplift the consciousness of the participants thr ough the Sacred Trance Dance Experience. He met Ariane in Goa in 1985. T hey have been together constantly ever since. Ariane’s keen interest in African Djembe drumming and West African Traditional Dance has also had a big influence on the development and direction of Gil’s musical tastes a nd concepts. Gil & Ariane’s current musical project is The Nommos, and their goal is to combine Psychedelic Trance with West African Traditional Drumming in the True Spirit of the Ancients.We will begin with an opening drum invocation at sunset, followed by Ariane’s ethno-tribal rhythms. T hen Gil will guide us on an 18 hour trip through futuristic sounds for p rimal movements, “Redefining Ancient Tribal Ritual for the 21st Century.” “Since the beginning of time humankind has used Music and Dance to commun e with the Spirit of Nature and the Spirit of the Universe. When I come to the Party and set up my altar, sprinkle the Holy Water, recite the Hol y Mantra, and make the Offering to the Cosmic Spirit, and then start the Music… the Music and the whole Party becomes the Offering to the Cosmic Spirit.” Come early on Saturday to set up camp, explore the land, have a swim, share a potluck meal (bring a dish/utensils and prepare for the am azing journey that awaits us all! Plus: Sound by Project 7 Psyoptic Minds timuli by Devotee Live video projections by Omb Ritual by Tranceform Venu s Entry: $30 presale til may 7 at BOBO Gallery, 22 Lexington Ave, Ashevil le Atmosphere Records, 1 West Walnut St, Asheville $35 presale til may 7 – paypal to: touch.samadhi at gmail $40 at gate Bus trips over 4 people get in for $30 a person Gate opens Sa turday 9AM carpool & leave no trace! more information and directions at: web touchsamadhi (web touchsamadhi/) web deerfields.co m (web deerfields/) Bhakti Satya, Kri see you on the da nce floor! always be brahmanirvana. touchsamadhi (tou chsamadhi/) email: om) aim: krisamadhi msn: m) low cost high quality printing email me! join our mailing list! t ouchsamadhi-subscribe at touchsamadhi chsamadhi) join our tribe! touchsamadhi.tribe.net/ (touchsamadhi.tribe.net/) The music will never stop! The heartbeat wi ll never fade! The party will never end! May 21 North Carolina – Goa G il – touchsamadhi (touchsamadhi/) Friday, May 27th Tsunami at at Spirit Sunday, May 29th Tsunami at Cielo Early June – Upstate NY – web omnidancefestival.info/ (web omnidancef estival.info/) Late June – Pennsylvania, (NOT West Virginia like I said before sorry Sharon 🙂 web gaian-mind (web gaian-mind/ ) July 4th weekend – Los Angeles – web greensector (web gr eensector/) Phantasm again brings 4 day festival with Talamasca, Shak ta, Orion, Eskimo, Cosmosis and others July 16 – Midwest – web psymbol ic (web psymbolic/) July – Oregon web Enosa.net (http ://web enosa.net/) August 25-30 Rhythms of Peace in Morocco web bra (web tranceam.org/moroccopart Sept 23-25 North Carolina – Powwow festival – touchsamad hi (touchsamadhi/) Goa Gil in Oregon AD FO DI V Allah Akbar! ONGTrip Out New York Circ.1,327 Newsletter / MORE LINKS id, which heard the words of God, and knew the knowledge of the most High, which saw the vision of the Almighty, falling into a trance, but having h is eyes open” 2 News Parties all weekend, and launch of Insha’allah As was ment ioned before, the long running Goa Trash at Karma Wednesd ays has been put to sleep. We moved 2 blocks away to better dig s. Long Live Insha’allah at Carthage! Co me check out our opulent new digs to the Grand Opening this Wednesday night! DJs from Dreamcatcher & Omnitribe! See listings be low. If we get enough people to come out this will be the new weekly with loads of out of town DJs, so it’s very important for people to come o ut this week. There are already a lot of out of towners in this week so it shouldn’t be a problem. The location is currently being sound proofed but the system is already at par with Karma’s so it will only get bigger. Naotto has new art! / rsale web wwwcomcom/store/original/originalsforsale l The Rhythms of Peace Bea ch Festival in Morocco Announced for August!! Mo rocco Festival August 25th-30th, and the line-up is sick – live acts by Parasense, Son Kite, Silicon Sound, Wizzy Noise, Safi Connection, Atmos, Bamboo Forest, way more Moundir the organizer has been involved with other festivals and has a goo d reputation. He asked me through Gavin to sell tickets in the U.S.& nbsp;and will be offering travel packages of $700 round trip, $200 food & lodging. Details for these packages will be forthcoming.& nbs Once you get there it is very very cheap, I mean li ke almost India cheap.. Ticket prices before the 30 th of April 2005 : $80 before the 30th of July 2005 : $100 at the door : 100 euros Physical tickets will be provided. Tickets may be purchased by check or money order via snail mail (emai l for person. For those of you not on NYC604 or TripOutNY and would like to recieve updates to the gathering and to dicuss, click the above link to join Go Morocco 2005. Any emails from the organize rs will be fwded there. The NYC lists will have occasional upd ates, but for those who’d like to discuss going, in the interest of space please join the morocco group. from me to join; Dave Hens haw is also selling tickets in Boston and others T Flyer at NTOutdoor festivals/d Sound System rental/logo partners in bold; same date parties appear in the order submitted; Psy/Goa events alw ays come first. Organizers who cannot provide press passes to TripOutNY will be charged the amount of 2 tickets to finance our journalis m (and hookers, limo, blow, etc). y March 23 – The Goa Trash energy has found a new home. This Wednesd ay night is the Grand Opening for the new weekly Insha’allah at the l ounge/club Carthage in the East Village. Carthage is on Avenue B bet ween 3rd and 4th street across from Le Souk. Free, ID21+. 10pm-4am.& nbsIf we get enough people to come out this will be the new weekly, so it’s important for people to come. ha’allah translates roughly to “If God Wills.” We are attempting to bring Sufi Muslims, Crazy Jews, and Lapsed Christians together through mut ual alcohol consumption, apple flavored tobacco smoked through hookahs, an d psychedelic trance. The venue is gorgeous and the potential is vas t. It’s a combination of all the best qualities of all the venues us ed in the past few years, with the hookah decor of Karma with th e class of Boom. A perfect marriage. Great owners, long hours, good kicthen, free. No thugs. And no security, the Moroc can guys take care of that. The bathrooms are very clean, always a p lus. The whole places feels like the an upscale version of the Canti na in Star Wars. Lounge area in the front, dance area in the b ack. Door by Jennifer Fahey, Deco by Kelly Newman, /Mac hinelf is your host. The kitchen stays open until 2am. Also if you can tell me the name of the mystic Sufi sect who go into trance s by turning around and around again amongst heavy hashish smoking, you ge t a free drink. And if you can name the film with Ms. Winslitt (sp! ) about Morocco, you get another. Limit to first five people. Ask for Jeff. downtempo through house/trance ssive to psy RONGMarch 25 – Tsunami at Spirit with XDream and S.U.N. Project Friday, March 25th 2005 TSUNAMI at SPI RIT 530 West 27th Street (between 10th & 11th Avenues) 10pm till 7a (Gravity Plus Records, Germany / Sols tice Music, Japan) Arielle, Ian and most famous psytrance name coming from Germany. They have set the tone for over 8 years. While they visited the US in many occasions, this is the first time they appear with their new addition, Arielle. Their alb um RADIO was a milestone in international trance, now they introduce t heir new milestone “We Interface”. To hear a ream,log on to S.U.N. Project Mathias, Marco and McCoy are the international crowd pleasers in trance. McCoy’s fiery guitar interludes bring crowds to a roaring frenzy, in all four corve rs of the globe. DJs MINDS OF DEMENTED HANOCH KIFE (Omnitribe, DeKompression) ADMINSSION 30 in advance Valid Picture ID is Requ ired 18 to party / 21 to drink Buy Tickets Early! GROOVETICKETS.C OM 1-877-71GROOVE SATELLITE 259 Bowery 212 995-1744 VINYL MARKET 241 E 10th Street 212 539-1203 SATELLITE Boston 617 536-5482 611 Philad 212.439.8124 Friday, Mar 25 Entr ONT March 26 – Alladin Project .org presents NLightN Launch Party S aturday – 03/26/05 White Galactic Wind Reality Engine in colla boration with CoSM invite you to a special private event, welcoming the sp ring and Easter with the NLightN opening at the Chapel o f the Sacred Mirrors. Being already established as a meeting point for the visionary community, now it will also become a reference on the East Coas t for upbeat down tempo and neo media gatherings. This event is meant to uplift the awareness of collective consciousness through the mult i-mediation of ego loss and ecstatic ritual process. Bringing together in celebration diverse communities committed to experience sacred sounds and i mages as pathways toward a return to a natural state of happiness. With a performance by ArcheDream, an archetypal mask theatre company which use s ritual, movement and myth to present allegorical dramas. The inspiration for ArcheDream is derived from ancient rituals where the Devine mingled w ith Humankind. Their theatre uses various forms of dance, innovative music multimedia projections, archetypal masks and costumes that are illuminat ed with ultra-violet light, accentuating the supernatural aspects to revea l the dreamscape as the action unfolds. ArcheDream is founded on the quali ty of the individual artist participating in a collaborative effort. This remains their ongoing quest as they merge creative forces with the Reality Engine crew and the Chapel of Sacred Mirrors to “C NLight N “C through an original performance of ArcheDream, the Ep isode titled “5th Element.” For more information please visit: w ww.archedream. A body & soul nourishing by Putali Catering that has been providing creative whole foods cuisine for over a decade.&nb sPutali sets up a Chai-shop at CoSM to offer delicious vegetarian, vega n, raw organic food and beverages. The program for the evening wi ll be the following: 10:00 PM Opening ceremony Special Performance b y ArcheDream: “CThe 5th Element”D archedream U pbeat Downtempo grooves by: Blue Spectral Monkey (TouchSamadhi-Ashevill e-NC) Alien Blue (CoSM “3 NY) Matyas (Reality Engine) Pedr o (Reality Engine) + Dan Covan 06:00 AM Closing Ceremony Minimu m donation: $20 Space is very limited; guarantee your participation buy ing tickets online. Audio-visual installation by Reality Engine Addr ess: 540 W. 27th St. 4th Floor – New York City For more infos log at p://realityengine.org Online tickes cosm.org Nam aste, Reality Engine Team.May any merits created by or through this gather nbs Contact/Booking: (347)7334317 March 27 – Sunday – Mar ch 20 Sunday TONE LOTUS and TOLTECNICA Present OLEJO, dj set Progred elic to Psy VIBRO FUENTES, dj set Acid Trance to Psy COSMIC CREEPERS dj set Psy and more Psy Techno and Acid Trance working our way up int o Psy Location: Boogaloo Bar 68 Marcy Ave South Williamsburg, Bro oklyn, NY (‘tween Bway and S. 5th) 8pm till 4am FREE By Subway : J to Marcy Ave. (over the Williamsburg Bridge); G at Metropolitan Ave March 27 Sunday TONE LOTUS and TOLTECNICA Present OLEJO, dj set Progredelic to Psy JIMMY JAMES, dj set Techo to Psy VIBRO FU ENTES, dj set Acid Trance to Psy COSMIC CREEPERS, dj set Psy and more P sy Techno and Acid Trance working our way up into Psy Location: B oogaloo Bar 68 Marcy Ave South Williamsburg, Brooklyn, NY (‘tween Bw ay and S. 5th) 8pm till 4am FREE By Subway: J to Marcy Ave. (o ver the Williamsburg Bridge); G at Metropolitan Ave March&nb sp;30th- Dreamcatcher at Insha’allah Apri l 6th- Omnitribe at Insha’allah DI VApril 13th- Stas and Coral at Insha’allah Stas “HiFi (Omnitribe) Coral Slater (Touch Samadhi, DeKompression) Sasha “Shmu mer” Fsov (Radiolaria) – Boston -“THIS WILL BE A SICK LINE-UP. ALL THREE PLAY GREAT DOWNTEMPO, SHMUMER PLAYS TECHY PROG, CORAL AND STAS ARE FULLON, AWESOME….THE WHOLE NIGHT WILL BE TAKEN CARE April 20th- Insha’allah TBD April 27th- Omni tribe at Insha’allah ay 4 – Nick Tornetta (Seattle) at Insha’allah ; G bus trip info !!!!! from philly to ashevil le. please contact: allen2012 at gmail Goa Gil & Ariane Sacred Tra nce Dance Experience Saturday – Sunday May 21 – 22 2005 At Deerfields, Asheville, NC, USA TOUCH Samadhi is honored to bring you: G oa Gil & Ariane (The Nommos, Avatar Records) Gil grew up in the middle of the music scene of the sixties; he then left to journey to India in 1969. Having been a musician all his life and then doing intense Yogic practices with Gurus in the Himalayas, he tried to unite th e two forces, Music and Yoga, into one spirit befitting this Age. The result is his focus to use the trance party environment as a medium to uplift the consciousness of the participants through the Sacred Trance Dance Experience. He met Ariane in Goa in 1985. They have been toget her constantly ever since. Ariane’s keen interest in African Djembe drumming and West African Traditional Dance has also had a big influenon the development and direction of Gil’s musical tastes and concepts.& nbsGil & Ariane’s current musical project is The Nommos, and their goal is to combine Psychedelic Trance with West African Traditional Drummi ng in the True Spirit of the Ancients.We will begin with an opening drum i nvocation at sunset, followed by Ariane’s ethno-tribal rhythms. Then Gil will guide us on an 18 hour trip through futuristic sounds for p rimal movements, “Redefining Ancient Tribal Ritual for the 21st Century.” “Since the beginning of time humankind has used Music and Dance to comm une with the Spirit of Nature and the Spirit of the Universe. When I come to the Party and set up my altar, sprinkle the Holy Water, recite th e Holy Mantra, and make the Offering to the Cosmic Spirit, and then start the Music… the Music and the whole Party becomes the Offering to the Cos mic Spirit.” Come early on Saturday to set up camp, explore the land, have a swim, share a potluck meal (bring a dish/utensils and prepare for t he amazing journey that awaits us all! Plus: Sound by Project 7 Psyoptic Mindstimuli by Devotee Live video projections by Omb Ritual b y Tranceform Venus Entry: $30 presale til may 7 at BOBO Gallery, 22 Lexing ton Ave, Asheville Atmosphere Records, 1 West Walnut St, Asheville $ 0 at gate Bus trips over 4 people get in for $30 a person Gate opens Satur day 9AM carpool & leave no trace! more information and directions at: s Bhakti Satya, Kri see you on the dance floor!&nb salways be kri at touchsamadhi aim: krisamadhi msn: title il low cost high quality printing email me! join hi-subscribe at touchsamadhi join our tribe! title touchsamadhi.tribe.net/ The music will never stop! The heartbeat will never fade! The party will never end! touchsamadhi tSunday, May 29th Tsunami at Cielo omnidancefestival.info/web omnidancefestival.info/ West Virginia like I said before sorry Sharon 🙂 web gaian-mind ntasm again brings 4 day festival with Talamasca, Shakta, Orion, Eski mo, Cosmosis and others p://web psymbolic/web psymbolic D e in Morocco chsamadhi/touchsamadhi T ONT
#3552 Wed, 23 Mar 2005 09:07:55 Wed, 23 Mar 2005 09:07:55 Happy NoRooz! We’re bringing part of the d sound system to Cathage tonight, and the best part ids we don’t have to load them on elephants and we don’t have to march them through the Pyrenees. Thanks for getting us a new home! Just in time for Norooz (Persian-Zoroastrian New Year & celebratory welcoming of spring) & Purim (Jewish-Persian bachanal holiday of inebriation)! well, NoRooz officially began Sun morn 7:33:24 (beginning of spring) & the festivities continue, in various forms, for about a week, so it’s happening now. (There was a Norooz parade down Madison on 5th Ave. on Sun. afternoon.) Purim begins Thursday night, around 1/2 hour after sunset, & ends Friday night (in Jerusalem it lasts till saturday night). Actually, the entire month of Adar (of which Purim is on day 14) is a time for merriment & celebration, so this too is happening now. & full moon follows right behind… B J We’re bringing pa rt of the d sound system to Cathage tonight, and the best part ids we do n’t have to load them on elephants and we don’t have to march them through the Pyrenees. Thanks for getting us a new home ! Just in time for Norooz (Persian-Zoroastrian New Year & celebrat ory welcoming of spring) & Purim (Jewish-Persian bachanal holiday of inebriation)! well, NoRooz offic ially began Sun morn 7:33:24 (beginning of spring) & the festivities c ontinue, in various forms, for about a week, so it’s happening now. ( There was a Norooz parade down Madison on 5th Ave. on Sun. afternoon.)/DI V Purim begins Thursday night, around 1/2 hour afte r sunset, & ends Friday night (in Jerusalem it lasts till saturday nig ht). Actually, the entire month of Adar (of which Purim is on day 14) is a time for merriment & celebration, so this too is happening now. & full moon follows right behind… B
#3553 Wed, 23 Mar 2005 09:51:50 Wed, 23 Mar 2005 09:51:49 I am selling smart ds aka nootropics on ebay at near bulk prices (I am selling these nootropics on ebay in case anyone is interested) i started working with Mike’s company in NJ and he’s letting me sell them for less than he does, and guess what he sells them for a lot cheaper than anyone else. So if smart ds are your interest, check it out. search.ebay/W0QQsassZbrainmachines this is the real deal; the prices are killer. Like Wal-Mart, priced just a little but lower than the lowest prices I could find. the lowest anywhere. and if you don’t know what any of the nootropics are, use google. if you only have cash or want them immediately feel free to email me and I’ll see you at Insha’allah wednesday when I’m back in town and we’ll meet in some back alley for some shady transaction all just to to boost your IQ. I never imagined myself a smart d dealer (get it?) (I am selling the se nootropics on ebay in case anyone is interested) i started worki ng with Mike’s company in NJ and he’s letting me sell them for less th an he does, and guess what he sells them for a lot cheaper than anyone else. So if smart ds are your interest, check it out. search.ebay/W0QQsassZbrainmachines this is the real de al; the prices are killer. Like Wal-Mart, priced just a little b ut lower than the lowest prices I could find. the lowest a nywhere. and if you don’t know what any of the nootropics are, use goo gle. if you only have cash or want them immediately feel free to ema il me and I’ll see you at Insha’allah wednesday when I’m back in town and we’ll meet in some back alley for some shady transaction all just to to boost your IQ. I never imagined myself a smart d dealer (get
#3554 Wed, 23 Mar 2005 20:33:20 Wed, 23 Mar 2005 20:33:19 Cc: TripOutNY Extra! Big party sunday in Brooklyn the party at Carthage is on regardless of the snow and I’m driving, will be there 11pm the party at Carthage is on regardless of the snow and I’m driving, will b e there 11pm
#3555 Tue, 29 Mar 2005 19:49:02 Tue, 29 Mar 2005 19:49:01 Newsletter – Get Smart, Insha’allah, Son Kite on the docks! Circ.1,875!! Wow! Allahu Akbar! Trip Out New York Free NYC Trance Community Weekly Newsletter Forward/reprint to spread the psytrance virus (web tranceam.org/links ) Numbers 24, verse 16 “He hath said, which heard the words of God, and knew the knowledge of the most High, which saw the vision of the Almighty, falling into a trance, but having his eyes open” What’s News Party at Chelsea Piers with Son Kite and Ghreg on Earth starts 5pm Saturday! Plus Knobi is back from Japan and he’ll be playing. Insha’allah Wednesday back for round two with Steve-O, and Luis celebrates his birthday with the Dreamcatcher collective. Yahoo Groups has finally revamped their look and feel. It’s a pretty good skin change but the underlying mechanics and functionality have also been revamped. Members can now easily find other members. So now we went from 1327 members to 1875 members. With a 30% increase in a newsletter this large, that’s a fucking hefty gain in readership! 2000 trance headz here we come! Details of the new changes are at groups.yahoo/local/whatsnew (groups.yahoo/local/whatsnew ) Bargain Basement Smart ds! Everyone and I mean everyone needs to try Piracetam daily for at least two weeks and get what I call the UPSHIFT. Here are my experiences: /upshift (web tranceam.org/upshift ) When I made the page you could only get this stuff overseas. Not any longer! I now work at web Smi2le.biz (web smi2le.biz/) which offers this. Cheap. The company is awesome – Jackie is working here too. What’s in it for you trancers? I am also selling these nootropics at steep discounts on ebay. at search.ebay/W0QQsassZbrainmachines (search.ebay/W0QQsassZbrainmachines) Smi2le sells them for a lot cheaper than anyone else. And I get rid of excess inventory with 3 day auctions. So if smart ds are your interest, check it out. This is the real deal; the prices are killer. Like Wal-Mart, priced just a little but lower than the lowest prices I could find. the lowest anywhere. and if you don’t know what any of the nootropics are, use google. If you only have cash or want them immediately feel free to email me and I’ll see you at Insha’allah wednesday when I’m back in town and we’ll meet in some back alley for some shady transaction all just to to boost your IQ. I never imagined myself a smart d dealer (get it?) To get on the smart d mailing list send a blank email to specials, info, and discussion. Kent Friedman is moving back in June.. he’s been doing nuclear med down in Baltimore, but he hasn’t neglected his production. He’s been on releases by Soular Records, so he’s simply going to have to play them out some time this summer! New PS2 video game released next week where you can smoke weed or take acid etc web nytimes/2005/03/17/technology/circuits/17d ?ex11120724 00&en773b3830f0c9990b&ei5059&partnerAOL (web nytimes/2005/03/17/technology/circuits/17d ?ex1112072400&en773b3830f0c9990b&ei5059&par tnerAOL) Put this as your wallpaper – it moves! web cs.toronto/moraes/illusion (web cs.toronto/moraes/illusion ) Underwear goes Inside the Pants exodus.interoutemediaservices/deliverMedia.asp?id4010f7ed-9e16-46 0f-bce0-cce767b2d392&deliverystream (exodus.interoutemediaservices/deliverMedia.asp?id4010f7ed-9e16-460f-bce0-cce767b2d392&deliverystream) A fireball created in a US particle accelerator has the characteristics of a black hole news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/sci/tech/4357613.stm (news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/sci/tech/4357613.stm) The Rhythms of Peace Beach Festival in Morocco Announced for August!! Morocco Festival August 25th-30th, and the line-up is sick – live acts by Parasense, Son Kite, Silicon Sound, Wizzy Noise, Safi Connection, Atmos, Bamboo Forest, way more Moundir the organizer has been involved with other festivals and has a good reputation. He asked me through Gavin to sell tickets in the U.S. and will be offering travel packages of $700 round trip, $200 food & lodging. Details for these packages will be forthcoming. Once you get there it is very very cheap, I mean like almost India cheap.. Ticket prices before the 30th of April 2005 : $80 before the 30th of July 2005 : $100 at the door : 100 euros Physical tickets will be provided. Tickets may be purchased by check or money order via snail mail (email for in person. For those of you not on NYC604 or TripOutNY and would like to recieve updates to the gathering and to dicuss, click the above link to join Go Morocco 2005. Any emails from the organizers will be fwded there. The NYC lists will have occasional updates, but for those who’d like to discuss going, in the interest of space please join the morocco group. You don’t have to be buying tickets from me to join; Dave Henshaw is also selling tickets in Boston and others may be as well. Flyer at Event Calendar Outdoor festivals/d Sound System rental/logo partners in bold; same date parties appear in the order submitted; Psy/Goa events always come first. Organizers who cannot provide press passes to TripOutNY will be charged the amount of 2 tickets to finance our journalism (and hookers, limo, blow, etc). * * * YZVYZV Insha-‘alla this week – the sound system goes surround as soundproofing is being added… plus Steve-O’s doing deco and it’s Luis Influx’s birthday with an all star cast of DJs! Wednesday March 30 – The Goa Trash energy has found a new home. Last Wednesday night was the Grand Opening for the new weekly Insha’allah at the lounge/club Carthage in the East Village. Carthage is on Avenue B between 3rd and 4th street across from Le Souk. Free, ID21+. 10pm-4am. Insha’allah translates roughly to “If God Wills.” This is the weekly meeting of the Christian Muslim Jewish Drinking Society, promoting tolerance, understanding, camaraderie and maybe even friendship amongst those from various creeds through mutual alcohol consumption, apple flavored tobacco smoked through hookahs, and psychedelic trance. The venue is gorgeous and the potential is vast. It’s a combination of all the best qualities of all the venues used in the past few years, with the hookah decor of Karma with the class of Boom. A perfect marriage. Many take their shoes off. Great owners, long hours, good kitchen, free. Occasional free food. No thugs. And no security, the Moroccan guys take care of that. The bathrooms are very clean, always a plus. The whole places feels like the an upscale version of the Cantina in Star Wars. Lounge area in the front, dance area in the back. Door by Jackie P, Deco by Steve-O, /Machinelf is your host. The kitchen stays open until 2am. I will have extra nootropics (web smi2le.biz) on hand if anyone wants to buy some direct for cash. 10-11:30 Steve-O, Stefan, Ari, and Machinelf – downtempo through house/trance 11:30am – 12:30 Steve-O (Goababies) 12:30am – 4am – Dreamcatcher DJs (Influx, Juggernaut, Brandon Adams) Alladin Project Presents: Saturday, April 2nd, 2005 OPEN AIR IN NYC!!! Hey Party People…. This is the time of the year to welcome spring and come to enjoy a magical sunset party. Along with killer sounds flowing on the Hudson River, in the Open Air of Manhattan. Once more we get to enjoy the sounds of an exclusive LIVE set by Marcus and Sebastian aka SON KITE! And with one of the best North American Psy-Trance producers, GHREG ON EARTH for the 1ST time in NYC! See U ALL there with the best energy! Alladin Project Crew Featuring… SON KITE LIVE Digital Structures (Denmark) KNOB Alladin Project (JP) GHREG ON EARTH Wirikuta/ Mistress of Evil Records (SF) ALLEN Gaian Mind/ Metropolis Records (Philadelphia) ELNADIV Alladin Project (NYC/ IL) S.H.I.K.I.D OmniTribe (NYC) Sound: 20,000 WATT Decorations by: Severyn Barabakh (Subtlecaos -NYC) Alladin Project Crew Door Open: 5PM After party location will be anounced at party Location: THE FRYING PAN Pier 63 North River 23rd St. and Westside Highway MANHATTAN, NY 10001 THE PARTY WIIL TAKE PLACE ON THE DOCK Tickets: $25 in Advance, $30 at door 21+w/ picture ID to drink. By Subway: #1,9,F,N,R,A,C,E or PATH to 23st Take cross town bus or taxi to west side highway to pier 63 noth river. Subway Map: web mta.nyc.ny.us/nyct/maps/submap (web mta.nyc.ny.us/nyct/maps/submap ) Hoomoos Asli NYC 100 Kenmare St/ Lafayette, (212) 966-0022 Satellite Records NYC 259 Bowery Av. (212) 995-1744 web fryingpan (web fryingpan) web alladinproject (web alladinproject) web severyn (web severyn) web sonkite (web sonkite) RAIN OR SHINE EVENT! April 3 – Sunday TONE LOTUS and TOLTECNICA Present OLEJO, dj set Progredelic to Psy VIBRO FUENTES, dj set Acid Trance to Psy COSMIC CREEPERS, dj set Psy and more Psy Techno and Acid Trance working our way up into Psy Location: Boogaloo Bar 68 Marcy Ave South Williamsburg, Brooklyn, NY (‘tween Bway and S. 5th) 8pm till 4am FREE By Subway: J to Marcy Ave. (over the Williamsburg Bridge); G at Metropolitan Ave April 6th- Omnitribe at Insha’allah April 13th- Stas and Coral at Insha’allah Stas “HiFi (Omnitribe) Coral Slater (Touch Samadhi, DeKompression) Sasha “Shmumer” Fsov (Radiolaria) – Boston -“THIS WILL BE A SICK LINE-UP. ALL THREE PLAY GREAT DOWNTEMPO, SHMUMER PLAYS TECHY PROG, CORAL AND STAS ARE FULLON, AWESOME….THE WHOLE NIGHT WILL BE TAKEN CARE OF….” April 15 – Alladin Project April 20th- Insha’allah with Mescalinium and friends Just a note to let you know a couple artists of mine will be out performing in NYC for the Full Moon at CoSM with Alex Grey. (April 23-25) They are playing in the daytime … more of their acoustic drums/chill music. They also do a live trance act…. and a live chill act. Ajja is the label owner of Peak Records in Switzerland and if you arent aware of them…. check it out. They have released some stomping compilations that really move a floor! They have regularly performed throughout Europe and at festivals, Rainbow Serpent, Exodus, Zoom and more. April 27th- Omnitribe at Insha’allah May 4 – Nick Tornetta (Seattle) at Insha’allah May 15 – Goa Gil in North Carolina bus trip info !!!!! from philly to asheville. please contact: allen2012 at gmail Goa Gil & Ariane Sacred Trance Dance Experience Saturday – Sunday May 21 – 22 2005 At Deerfields, Asheville, NC, USA TOUCH Samadhi is honored to bring you: Goa Gil & Ariane (The Nommos, Avatar Records) Gil grew up in the middle of the music scene of the sixties; he then left to journey to India in 1969. Having been a musician all his life and then doing intense Yogic practices with Gurus in the Himalayas, he tried to unite the two forces, Music and Yoga, into one spirit befitting this Age. The result is his focus to use the trance party environment as a medium to uplift the consciousness of the participants through the Sacred Trance Dance Experience. He met Ariane in Goa in 1985. They have been together constantly ever since. Ariane’s keen interest in African Djembe drumming and West African Traditional Dance has also had a big influence on the development and direction of Gil’s musical tastes and concepts. Gil & Ariane’s current musical project is The Nommos, and their goal is to combine Psychedelic Trance with West African Traditional Drumming in the True Spirit of the Ancients.We will begin with an opening drum invocation at sunset, followed by Ariane’s ethno-tribal rhythms. Then Gil will guide us on an 18 hour trip through futuristic sounds for primal movements, “Redefining Ancient Tribal Ritual for the 21st Century.” “Since the beginning of time humankind has used Music and Dance to commune with the Spirit of Nature and the Spirit of the Universe. When I come to the Party and set up my altar, sprinkle the Holy Water, recite the Holy Mantra, and make the Offering to the Cosmic Spirit, and then start the Music… the Music and the whole Party becomes the Offering to the Cosmic Spirit.” Come early on Saturday to set up camp, explore the land, have a swim, share a potluck meal (bring a dish/utensils and prepare for the amazing journey that awaits us all! Plus: Sound by Project 7 Psyoptic Mindstimuli by Devotee Live video projections by Omb Ritual by Tranceform Venus Entry: $30 presale til may 7 at BOBO Gallery, 22 Lexington Ave, Asheville Atmosphere Records, 1 West Walnut St, Asheville $35 presale til may 7 – paypal to: touch.samadhi at gmail Gate opens Saturday 9AM carpool & leave no trace! more information and directions at: web touchsamadhi (web touchsamadhi/) web deerfields (web deerfields/) Bhakti Satya, Kri see you on the dance floor! always be brahmanirvana. touchsamadhi (touchsamadhi/) email: join our mailing list! touchsamadhi-subscribe at touchsamadhi touchsamadhi.tribe.net/ (touchsamadhi.tribe.net/) The music will never stop! The heartbeat will never fade! The party will never end! May 21 North Carolina – Goa Gil – touchsamadhi (touchsamadhi/) Friday, May 27th Tsunami at at Spirit Sunday, May 29th Tsunami at Cielo Early June – Upstate NY – web omnidancefestival.info/ (web omnidancefestival.info/) Late June – Pennsylvania, (NOT West Virginia like I said before sorry Sharon 🙂 web gaian-mind (web gaian-mind/) July 4th weekend – Los Angeles – web greensector (web greensector/) Phantasm again brings 4 day festival with Talamasca, Shakta, Orion, Eskimo, Cosmosis and others July 16 – Midwest – web psymbolic (web psymbolic/) July – Oregon web Enosa.net (web enosa.net/) August 25-30 Rhythms of Peace in Morocco Sept 23-25 North Carolina – Powwow festival – touchsamadhi (touchsamadhi/) Goa Gil in Oregon 2 ME RONGWow! Allahu Akbar! /ST RONG print to spread the psytrance virus web tranceam.org/links MORE LINKS ST RONG NGNumbers 24, verse 16 “He hath said, which heard the words of God, and knew the knowledge of the most High, which saw the vision of the Almi ghty, falling into a trance, but having his eyes open” /D News Party at Chelsea Piers with Son Kite and Ghreg on Earth starts 5pm Saturday! Plus Knobi is back f rom Japan and he’ll be playing. Insha’allah Wednesday back for round two with Steve-O, and Luis celebrates his birthday with the Dreamcatcher collective. Yahoo Groups/STRO NGhas finally revamped their look and feel. It’s a pretty goodmtski n change but the underlying mechanics and functionality have also bee n revamped. Members can now easily find other members. So now we went from 1327 members to 1875 members. With a 30% increase in a newsletter this large, that’s a fucking hefty gain in readership! 20 00 trance headz here we come! Details of the new changes are at om/local/whatsnew 2.1112143740″ Bargain Basement Smart ds!/STR ONG Everyone and I mean everyone needs to try Piracetam daily f or at least two weeks and get what I call the UPSHIFT. Here /upshift When I made the page y ou could only get this stuff overseas. Not any longer! I now w ffers this. Cheap. The company is awesome – Jackie is wor king here too. What’s in it for you trancers? I am also selling these nootropics at steep search.ebay/W0QQsassZbrainmachinessearch.ebay/W0QQsassZb rainmachines Smi2le sells them for a lot cheaper t han anyone else. And I get rid of excess inventory with 3 day auctions. So if smart ds are your interest, check it out. This is the real deal; the prices are killer. Like Wal-Mart, priced just a little but lower than the lowest prices I could find. the l owest anywhere. and if you don’t know what any of the nootropics are, use google. If you only have cash or want them immediately feel free to ema il me and I’ll see you at Insha’allah wednesday when I’m back in town and we’ll meet in some back alley for some shady transaction all just to to boost your IQ. I never imagined myself a smart d dealer (get i t?) To get on the smart d mailing list send a blank email to bscribe Kent Friedman is moving back in J une.. he’s been doing nuclear med down in Baltimore, but he hasn’t ne glected his production. He’s been on releases by Soular Records, so he’s simply going to have to play them out some time this summer! New PS2 video game released next week where yo u can smoke weed or take acid etc &n bs Put this as your wallpaper – it moves! //web cs.toronto/moraes/illusion / Underwear goes Inside the Pants A fireball created in a US particle accelerator has the characteristics of a black hole c.co.uk/1/hi/sci/tech/4357613.stm STRON GThe Rhythms of Peace Beach Festival in Morocco Announced for August!!/S TRONG Morocco Festival August 25th-30th, and t he line-up is sick – live acts by Parasense, Son Kite, Silicon Sound, Wizz y Noise, Safi Connection, Atmos, Bamboo Forest, way more Check Moundir the organizer has been involved wi th other festivals and has a good reputation. He asked me through Ga vin to sell tickets in the U.S. and will be offering travel packages of $700 round trip, $200 food & lodging. Details for thes e packages will be forthcoming. Once you get there it is very very cheap, I mean like almost India cheap.. Ticket prices before the 30th of April 2005 : $80 before t he 30th of July 2005 : $100 at the door : 100 euros Physical tickets will be provided. Tickets may be purchased by check or money order via snail mail (email for aol, or in person. ogroups For those of you not on NYC604 or TripOutNY and would like to recieve updates to the gathering and to dicuss, click the above link to join Go Morocco 2005.&nb sAny emails from the organizers will be fwded there. The NY C lists will have occasional updates, but for those who’d like to discuss going, in the interest of space please join the morocco group. kets from me to join; Dave Henshaw is also selling tickets in Boston and others may be as well. Flyer at /D F festivals/d Soun d System rental/logo partners in bold; same date parties appear in the ord er submitted; Psy/Goa events always come first. Organizers who cannot provide press passes to TripOutNY will be charged the amount of 2 tickets to finance our journalism (and hookers, limo, blow, etc). / DIV RONG* * * ZV system goes surround as soundproofing is being added… plus Steve-O’s doi ng deco and it’s Luis Influx’s d a new home. Last Wednesday night was the Grand Opening for th e new weekly Insha’allah at the lounge/club Carthage in the East Vill age. Carthage is on Avenue B between 3rd and 4th street across from Le Souk. Free, ID21+. 10pm-4am. ‘allah translates roughly to “If God Wills.” This is the weekly meet ing of the Christian Muslim Jewish Drinking Society, promoting tolerance, understanding, camaraderie and maybe even friendship amongst those from va rious creeds through mutual alcohol consumption, apple flavored tobacco sm oked through hookahs, and psychedelic trance. The venue is gorgeous a nd the potential is vast. It’s a combination of all the best qualiti es of all the venues used in the past few years, with the hooka h decor of Karma with the class of Boom. A perfect marriage. M any take their shoes off. Great owners, long hours, good kitchen, fr ee. Occasional free food. No thugs. And no security the Moroccan guys take care of that. The bathrooms are very clean, always a plus. The whole places feels like the an upscale version o f the Cantina in Star Wars. Lounge area in the front, dance ar ea in the back. Door by Jackie P, Deco by Steve-O, Jeff Whitmor e/Machinelf is your host. The kitchen stays open until 2am. I if anyone wants to buy some direct for cash. 10-11:30 Steve-O, Stefan, Ari, and Machinelf – downtempo through house/tr ance 0am – 4am – Dreamcatcher DJs (Influx, Juggernaut, Brandon Adams) DI tAlladin Project Presents: Saturday, April 2nd, 2005 OPEN AIR IN NYC!!! Hey Party People…. This is the time of the y ear to welcome spring and come to enjoy a magical sunset party. Along with killer sounds flowing on the Hudson River, in the Open Air of Manhat tan. Once more we get to enjoy the sounds of an exclusive LIVE set by Marc us and Sebastian aka SON KITE! And with one of the best North Americ an Psy-Trance producers, GHREG ON EARTH for the 1ST time in NYC! See U ALL there with the best energy! Alladin Project Crew Featuring… SON KITE LIVE Digital Structures (Denmark) KNOB Alladin Project ( JP) GHREG ON EARTH Wirikuta/ Mistress of Evil Records (SF) ALLEN G aian Mind/ Metropolis Records (Philadelphia) ELNADIV Alladin Project ( NYC/ IL) S.H.I.K.I.D OmniTribe (NYC) Sound: 20,000 WATT Decora tions by: Severyn Barabakh (Subtlecaos -NYC) Alladin Project Crew Door Open: 5PM After party location will be anounced at party L ocation: THE FRYING PAN Pier 63 North River 23rd St. and Wests ide Highway MANHATTAN, NY 10001 THE PARTY WIIL TAKE PLACE ON THE DOCK Tickets: $25 in Advance, $30 at door 21+w/ picture ID to drink. By Subway: #1,9,F,N,R,A,C,E or PATH to 23st Take cross t own bus or taxi to west side highway to pier 63 noth river. Subway Map: .nyc.ny.us/nyct/maps/submap Tickets in Advance: (917) 569-1177 (917) 405-4847 Hoomoos Asli NYC 100 Kenmare S t/ Lafayette, (212) 966-0022 Satellite Records NYC 259 Bowery Av. (212 ) 995-1744 To to:alladinproduction at yahooalladinproduction at yahoo web fryingpanweb fryingpan web severynweb severyn/A web sonkiteweb sonkite RAIN OR SHINE EVENT! ft Progredelic to Psy VIBRO FUENTES, dj set Acid Trance to Psy COSMIC C REEPERS, dj set Psy and more Psy Techno and Acid Trance working our way up into Psy Location: Boogaloo Bar 68 Marcy Ave South Williamsbu rg, Brooklyn, NY (‘tween Bway and S. 5th) 8pm till 4am FREE By Subway: J to Marcy Ave. (over the Williamsburg Bridge); G at Metropoli tan Ave April 6th- Omnitr ibe at Insha’allah April 13th- Stas and Coral at Insha’allah Stas “HiFi (Omnitribe) Coral Slater (Touch Samadhi, DeKompression) Sasha “Shmumer” Fsov (Radiolaria) – B oston -“THIS WILL BE A SICK LINE-UP. ALL THREE PLAY GREAT DOWNTEM PO, SHMUMER PLAYS TECHY PROG, CORAL AND STAS ARE FULLON, AWESOME….THE WH OLE NIGHT WILL BE TAKEN CARE OF….” s B RApril 20th- Insha’allah with Mescalinium and friends/DI V to let you know a couple artists of mine will be out performing ;in NYC for the Full Moon at CoSM with Alex Grey. (April 23-25) They are p laying in the daytime … more of their acoustic drums/chill music. They a lso do a live trance act…. and a live chill act. Switzer land and if you arent aware of them…. check it out. They have released s ome stomping compilations that really move a floor! They have regularly pe rformed throughout Europe and at festivals, Rainbow Serpent, Exodus, Zoom a nd more. April 27th- Omnitribe at Insha’a llah (Seattle) at Insha’allah bus trip info !!!!! from philly to asheville. please contact: allen2012 at gmail Goa Gil & Ariane Sacred Trance Dance Experienc e Saturday – Sunday May 21 – 22 2005 At Deerfields, Ashevil le, NC, USA TOUCH Samadhi is honored to bring you: Goa Gil & Ariane (The Nommos, Avatar Records) Gil grew up in the middle of the San Francis co music scene of the sixties; he then left to journey to India in 1969.&n bsHaving been a musician all his life and then doing intense Yogic prac tices with Gurus in the Himalayas, he tried to unite the two forces, Music and Yoga, into one spirit befitting this Age. The result is his focus to use the trance party environment as a medium to uplift the consc iousness of the participants through the Sacred Trance Dance Experience.&n bsHe met Ariane in Goa in 1985. They have been together constantly ever since. Ariane’s keen interest in African Djembe drumming and West A frican Traditional Dance has also had a big influence on the developme nt and direction of Gil’s musical tastes and concepts. Gil & Ari ane’s current musical project is The Nommos, and their goal is to combine Psychedelic Trance with West African Traditional Drumming in the True Spir it of the Ancients.We will begin with an opening drum invocation at sunset followed by Ariane’s ethno-tribal rhythms. Then Gil will guide us on an 18 hour trip through futuristic sounds for primal movements, ” Redefining Ancient Tribal Ritual for the 21st Century.” “Since the begi nning of time humankind has used Music and Dance to commune with the Spiri t of Nature and the Spirit of the Universe. When I come to the Party and set up my altar, sprinkle the Holy Water, recite the Holy Mantra, and make the Offering to the Cosmic Spirit, and then start the Music… the Mu sic and the whole Party becomes the Offering to the Cosmic Spirit.” Come e arly on Saturday to set up camp, explore the land, have a swim, share a potluck meal (bring a dish/utensils and prepare for the amazing journey that awaits us all! Plus: Sound by Project 7 Psyoptic Mindstimu li by Devotee Live video projections by Omb Ritual by Tranceform Venus Entry: $30 presale til may 7 at BOBO Gallery, 22 Lexington Ave, Asheville Atmosphere Records, 1 West Walnut St, Asheville $35 presale til may :touch.samadhi at gmailtouch.samadhi at gmail $40 at gate Bus trip s over 4 people get in for $30 a person Gate opens Saturday 9AM carpool &a Bhakti Satya, Kri see you on the dance floor! always be bra com aim: w cost high quality printing email me! join our mailing list! ilto:touchsamadhi-subscribe at touchsamadhitouchsamadhi-subscribe at touchs amadhi .tribe.net/ The music will never stop! The heartbeat will never fade! The party will never end! /D com 27th Tsunami at at Spirit th Tsunami at Cielo fo/web omnidancefestival.info/ said before sorry Sharon 🙂 ttp://web greensector/web greensector Phantasm again brings 4 day festival with Talamasca, Shakta, Orion, Eskimo, Cosmosis and ot hers m/web psymbolic //web enosa.net/web Enosa.net s p://touchsamadhi Oregon
#3556 Wed, 30 Mar 2005 13:16:08 Wed, 30 Mar 2005 13:16:07 Cc: nyc604 Just released upcoming parties by Tsunami at Spirit &Gaian Mind in Pennsylvania Saturday, April 9th, 2005 – GAIAN MIND Monthly at Ulana’s w/ DJ CORAL, CHAD, and others… web gaian-mindanaapril2005 Saturday, April, 30th, 2005 – GOAHEAD PRODUCTIONS Presents BUTTERFLY DANCE RITUAL w/ ALLEN, ONNOMON, MUBALI… web goaheadproductions Thurs. – Sun., June 23rd-26th, 2005 – GAIAN MIND SUMMER FESTIVAL 2005 at Four Quarters. Line-up TBA… Friday, July 1st – Tsunami at Spirit Friday, July 29th – Tsunami at Spirit Saturday, April 9 th, 2005 – GAIAN MIND Monthly at Ulana’s w/ DJ CORAL, CHAD, and other s… web gaian-mindanaapril2005 Saturday, April, 30th, 2005 – GOAHEAD PRODUCTIONS Presents BUTTERFLY DA NCE RITUAL w/ ALLEN, ONNOMON, MUBALI… web goaheadproduction s Thurs. – Sun., June 23rd-26th, 2005 – GAIAN MIN D SUMMER FESTIVAL 2005 at Four Quarters. Line-up TBA… Fri day, July 1st – Tsunami at Spirit Friday, July 29th – Tsunami at Spirit
#3557 Wed, 30 Mar 2005 14:20:25 Wed, 30 Mar 2005 14:20:24 Tonight – psy/ambient DJ Lizzie Shell South African female DJ opens Carthage Insha’allah is going to start opening earlier – 9pm. Earlier on we will be featuring different psy/ambient DJs; tonight we have the lovely and talented Lizzie Shell from South Africa (see below). The kitchen will be serving high-end Moroccan food. I’ve had a lot of Moroccan food around town and Carthage serves the best, as they make a lot of their own ingredients fresh. They specialize in baked goods. And we are definitely baked goods. Psytrance still goes later. Lizzy Shell, who some of us already know, is at NYU pursuing an education in musical history and audio engineering. She came from South Africa when she was 11. Three years ago she discovered psytrance…since then she’s been to festivals all over the globe and has cultivated her djing. Tonight we will hear her ambient selections…just a taste of her catalog. /inshaallah (web tranceam.org/inshaallah ) Insh a’allah is going to start opening earlier – 9pm. Earlier on we will be featuring different psy/ambient DJs; tonight we have the lovely and tal ented Lizzie Shell from South Africa (see below). The kitchen will be serving high-end Moroccan food. I’ve had a lot of Moroccan food aro und town and Carthage serves the best, as they make a lot of their own ing redients fresh. They specialize in baked goods. And we are def initely baked goods. Psytrance still goes lat er. Lizzy Shell, who some of us already kn ow, is at NYU pursuing an education in musical history and audio engineeri ng. She came from South Africa when she was 11. Three years ago she discovered psytrance…since then she’s been to festivals all over the glo be and has cultivated her djing. Tonight we will hear her ambient selec tions…just a taste of her catalog. brainmachines/inshaallah haallah /inshaallah
April 2005
#3561 Mon, 4 Apr 2005 19:36:43 Mon, 4 Apr 2005 19:36:42 Newsletter Circ.1,888!! 2000 here we come!! Trip Out New York Free NYC Trance Community Weekly Newsletter Forward/reprint to spread the psytrance virus (web tranceam.org/links ) Numbers 24, verse 16 “He hath said, which heard the words of God, and knew the knowledge of the most High, which saw the vision of the Almighty, falling into a trance, but having his eyes open” What’s News El Nadiv’s Alladin Project party with Son Kite, Ghreg on Earth, Allen and Nobi etc was truly excellent, a new high for this year. We surfed the waves of Chaos as the dancefloor on the dock rode the crests of the Hudson. I really hope people start doing afterparties after major events like this one. Free Open Air Psy-Trance in New York for 2005… If anyone misses the free open air bridge parties with DJs from all over the country with the frequency and incredible production values of last year, get involved and join the d. As of this writing we still need money to get the sound system restored to its full 7000 watt glory, and make it so that a few members (Dan de Maria… Joanne) don’t lose their shirts so that everyone else can play. Email joining. Gathering dates, location, and vital info is sent only to members. The suggested donation is $25. The more who join, the more you’ll see of us. And this time we are not going to do an event and then hope to recover funds from passing around a hat. That usually doesn’t work because people tend to do things like grab the hat and say “thanks” and put it on or somthing like that. This weekend No NYC parties as of this writing except for the well spoken of party in Brooklyn on Sundays that got a glowing review on NYC604 by Dan de Maria. Beings that these are the only people stepping up to the plate and doing somthing this weekend, I’m going to reprint his review here: What a kick-ass awesome party this was!!!! The bartender was making some serious drinks, and the DJs were dropping some serious beats! For me, this party had a little bit of everything that I like. As many of you know, I’m not a strictly psy-trance listener. This started off with some nice nice squeeking and bleeping techno, then moved to the trancier stuff-not quite full-on trance, somthing like a psychadellic techno, then full-on psy-trance from about 1-1:30AM. I had no idea what time it was until looking out the window seeing that it was getting light out!!! The bartender was still serving, the music by this time had moved from full-on to a chillout vibe. One of the owners of the bar came down. I was talking with her for a little while. Seems that she used to hit the clubs in NYC back in the 90’s and is looking to keep some of that vibe going. She had no problem keeping the place opened, just as long as some common sense was applied, no crowds, once you go out, no coming back in, etc. She was really cool about it! Also, big plus here, is that the owners bought the building, so in essence they don’t have to worry about the sound waking the people upstairs, there really aren’t any. And they do have a nice sound setup. Enough sound and in the right places to get the job done properly. I don’t smoke cigarettes, but I didn’t see anyone getting hassled about cigarettes, I wouldn’t push it though. Excellent way to finish the weekend off. Wish I was able to get some sleep… have to get ready for work now! Highly recommend this spot. Nice vibe, half block from the train. Music was great! Alcohol was great! Def. going back next weekend. Boogaloo Bar 168 Marcy Ave Sundays (see Calendar below) * * * (web trancersguide/) Trancer’s Guide to the Galaxy is finally being shipped! I’ll have limited copies for sale, but you can click the image above to order your copy. The two page US section will have even more features than last year, include a state by state map of trance infiltration. * * * (web smi2le.biz) New Office in Weehawken! The new web Smi2le.biz (web Smi2le.biz) offices are spacious and beautiful. We just got Internet and cable TV. Our phone is 201-766-1086. We offer free tours where you can see products getting made round the clock – you can stay overnight if it’s late, get free samples and consulting, and enjoy steep discounts on quantity smart ds. It’s a $2, 15 minute bus ride from Port Authority via the Lincoln Tunnel. Subliminal Records wons the building. We’ll be having a launch party here soon once our back orders are all fulfilled. Bargain Basement Smart ds! Everyone and I mean everyone needs to try Piracetam daily for at least two weeks and get what I call the UPSHIFT. Here are my experiences: /upshift (web tranceam.org/upshift ) When I made the page you could only get this stuff overseas. Not any longer! I now work at web Smi2le.biz (web smi2le.biz/) which offers this. Cheap. The company is awesome – Jackie is working here too and she looks gorgeous pressing capsules in her new lab coat. What’s in it for you trancers? I am also selling these nootropics at steep discounts on ebay. at search.ebay/W0QQsassZbrainmachines (search.ebay/W0QQsassZbrainmachines) Smi2le sells them for a lot cheaper than anyone else. And I get rid of excess inventory with 3 day auctions. So if smart ds are your interest, check it out. This is the real deal; the prices are killer. Like Wal-Mart, priced just a little but lower than the lowest prices I could find. the lowest anywhere. and if you don’t know what any of the nootropics are, use google. If you only have cash or want them immediately feel free to email me and I’ll see you at Insha’allah wednesday when I’m back in town and we’ll meet in some back alley for some shady transaction all just to to boost your IQ. I never imagined myself a smart d dealer (get it?) To get on the smart d mailing list send a blank email to specials, info, and discussion. We also just recently signed Wilson Leary, Timotyhy’s cousin, as our new spokesperson. Wilson is an old artist friend who currently resides in Austin, TX. His old roommate was the real Laszlo, the lawyer from Fear & Loathing. He stayed with me up here in ’97 an was on the phone the other night with PIKHAL/TIKHAL’s Sasha & Ann Shulgin. He is here in the lower left at a birthday party for Timothy at author Bruce Eisner’s house (writer of Ecstacy: The E Story).(and no, ladies, this dashing young man is not single): * * * Google’s stab at “smart drinks” web google/googlegulp/ (web google/googlegulp/) * * * From Joe our friend at NASA: People shouldnt come accross things like this and have their first thought be “hm that looks familiar.” * * * The Rhythms of Peace Beach Festival in Morocco Announced for August!! Morocco Festival August 25th-30th, and the line-up is sick – live acts by Parasense, Son Kite, Silicon Sound, Wizzy Noise, Safi Connection, Atmos, Bamboo Forest, way more Moundir the organizer has been involved with other festivals and has a good reputation. He asked me through Gavin to sell tickets in the U.S. and will be offering travel packages of $700 round trip, $200 food & lodging. Details for these packages will be forthcoming. Once you get there it is very very cheap, I mean like almost India cheap.. Ticket prices before the 30th of April 2005 : $80 before the 30th of July 2005 : $100 at the door : 100 euros Physical tickets will be provided. Tickets may be purchased by check or money order via snail mail (email for in person. For those of you not on NYC604 or TripOutNY and would like to recieve updates to the gathering and to dicuss, click the above link to join Go Morocco 2005. Any emails from the organizers will be fwded there. The NYC lists will have occasional updates, but for those who’d like to discuss going, in the interest of space please join the morocco group. You don’t have to be buying tickets from me to join; Dave Henshaw is also selling tickets in Boston and others may be as well. Flyer at Event Calendar Outdoor festivals/d Sound System rental/logo partners in bold; same date parties appear in the order submitted; Psy/Goa events always come first. Organizers who cannot provide press passes to TripOutNY will be charged the amount of 2 tickets to finance our journalism (and hookers, limo, blow, etc). * * * YZVYZV April 6th- Omnitribe at Insha’allah… Carthage is on Avenue B between 3rd and 4th street across from Le Souk. Free, ID21+. 9pm-4am. Insha’allah translates roughly to “If God Wills.” This is the weekly meeting of the Christian Muslim Jewish Drinking Society, promoting tolerance, understanding, camaraderie and maybe even friendship amongst those from various creeds through mutual alcohol consumption, apple flavored tobacco smoked through hookahs, and psychedelic trance. The venue is gorgeous and the potential is vast. It’s a combination of all the best qualities of all the venues used in the past few years, with the hookah decor of Karma with the class of Boom. A perfect marriage. Many take their shoes off. Great owners, long hours, good kitchen, free. Occasional free food. No thugs. And no security, the Moroccan guys take care of that. The bathrooms are very clean, always a plus. The whole places feels like the an upscale version of the Cantina in Star Wars. Lounge area in the front, dance area in the back. Door by Jackie P, Deco by Steve-O, /Machinelf is your host. The kitchen stays open until 2am. I will have extra nootropics (web smi2le.biz/) on hand if anyone wants to buy some direct for cash. Feel free to come early for high-end Moroccan cuisine. 9-11:30 Stefan, Ari, & Machinelf – downtempo through house/trance 11:30pm – 4am – Omnitribe Saturday, April 9th, 2005 – GAIAN MIND Monthly at Ulana’s w/ DJ CORAL, CHAD, and others… web gaian-mindanaapril2005 (web gaian-mindanaapril2005 ) April 10 – Sunday TONE LOTUS and TOLTECNICA Present OLEJO, dj set Progredelic to Psy VIBRO FUENTES, dj set Acid Trance to Psy COSMIC CREEPERS, dj set Psy and more Psy Techno and Acid Trance working our way up into Psy Location: Boogaloo Bar 68 Marcy Ave South Williamsburg, Brooklyn, NY (‘tween Bway and S. 5th) 8pm till at least 4am FREE By Subway: J to Marcy Ave. (over the Williamsburg Bridge); G at Metropolitan Ave [ed note: take the J train, the G stop is kinda far] April 13th- Stas and Coral at Insha’allah Stas “HiFi (Omnitribe) Coral Slater (Touch Samadhi, DeKompression) Sasha “Shmumer” Fsov (Radiolaria) – Boston -“THIS WILL BE A SICK LINE-UP. ALL THREE PLAY GREAT DOWNTEMPO, SHMUMER PLAYS TECHY PROG, CORAL AND STAS ARE FULLON, AWESOME….THE WHOLE NIGHT WILL BE TAKEN CARE OF….” April 20th- Insha’allah with Mescalinium and friends Just a note to let you know a couple artists of mine will be out performing in NYC for the Full Moon at CoSM with Alex Grey. (April 23-25) They are playing in the daytime … more of their acoustic drums/chill music. They also do a live trance act…. and a live chill act. Ajja is the label owner of Peak Records in Switzerland and if you arent aware of them…. check it out. They have released some stomping compilations that really move a floor! They have regularly performed throughout Europe and at festivals, Rainbow Serpent, Exodus, Zoom and more. April 27th- Omnitribe at Insha’allah Saturday, April, 30th, 2005 – GOAHEAD PRODUCTIONS Presents BUTTERFLY DANCE RITUAL w/ ALLEN, ONNOMON, MUBALI… web goaheadproductions (web goaheadproductions) May 4 – Nick Tornetta (Seattle) at Insha’allah May 7 TEASER FOR CURES NOT WARS BATTERY PARK MAY Please come show your support for this most worthy cause or if you dont want to support the smoke then at least come down and get your groove on to the best in Psychedelic Trance & Tek brought to you by Americas Top Dj’s & Organizers. Sound by d. May 15 – Goa Gil in North Carolina bus trip info !!!!! from philly to asheville. please contact: allen2012 at gmail Goa Gil & Ariane Sacred Trance Dance Experience Saturday – Sunday May 21 – 22 2005 At Deerfields, Asheville, NC, USA TOUCH Samadhi is honored to bring you: Goa Gil & Ariane (The Nommos, Avatar Records) Gil grew up in the middle of the music scene of the sixties; he then left to journey to India in 1969. Having been a musician all his life and then doing intense Yogic practices with Gurus in the Himalayas, he tried to unite the two forces, Music and Yoga, into one spirit befitting this Age. The result is his focus to use the trance party environment as a medium to uplift the consciousness of the participants through the Sacred Trance Dance Experience. He met Ariane in Goa in 1985. They have been together constantly ever since. Ariane’s keen interest in African Djembe drumming and West African Traditional Dance has also had a big influence on the development and direction of Gil’s musical tastes and concepts. Gil & Ariane’s current musical project is The Nommos, and their goal is to combine Psychedelic Trance with West African Traditional Drumming in the True Spirit of the Ancients.We will begin with an opening drum invocation at sunset, followed by Ariane’s ethno-tribal rhythms. Then Gil will guide us on an 18 hour trip through futuristic sounds for primal movements, “Redefining Ancient Tribal Ritual for the 21st Century.” “Since the beginning of time humankind has used Music and Dance to commune with the Spirit of Nature and the Spirit of the Universe. When I come to the Party and set up my altar, sprinkle the Holy Water, recite the Holy Mantra, and make the Offering to the Cosmic Spirit, and then start the Music… the Music and the whole Party becomes the Offering to the Cosmic Spirit.” Come early on Saturday to set up camp, explore the land, have a swim, share a potluck meal (bring a dish/utensils and prepare for the amazing journey that awaits us all! Plus: Sound by Project 7 Psyoptic Mindstimuli by Devotee Live video projections by Omb Ritual by Tranceform Venus Entry: $30 presale til may 7 at BOBO Gallery, 22 Lexington Ave, Asheville Atmosphere Records, 1 West Walnut St, Asheville $35 presale til may 7 – paypal to: touch.samadhi at gmail Gate opens Saturday 9AM carpool & leave no trace! more information and directions at: web touchsamadhi (web touchsamadhi/) web deerfields (web deerfields/) Bhakti Satya, Kri see you on the dance floor! always be brahmanirvana. touchsamadhi (touchsamadhi/) email: join our mailing list! touchsamadhi-subscribe at touchsamadhi touchsamadhi.tribe.net/ (touchsamadhi.tribe.net/) The music will never stop! The heartbeat will never fade! The party will never end! May 21 North Carolina – Goa Gil – touchsamadhi (touchsamadhi/) Friday, May 27th Tsunami at at Spirit Sunday, May 29th Tsunami at Cielo Early June – Upstate NY – web omnidancefestival.info/ (web omnidancefestival.info/) Thurs. – Sun., June 23rd-26th, 2005 – GAIAN MIND SUMMER FESTIVAL 2005 at Four Quarters. Line-up TBA…web gaian-mind (web gaian-mind) Friday, July 1st – Tsunami at Spirit July 4th weekend – Los Angeles – web greensector (web greensector/) Phantasm again brings 4 day festival with Talamasca, Shakta, Orion, Eskimo, Cosmosis and others July 16 – Midwest – web psymbolic (web psymbolic/) July – Oregon web Enosa.net (web Enosa.net) Friday, July 29th – Tsunami at Spirit August 25-30 Rhythms of Peace in Morocco Sept 23-25 North Carolina – Powwow festival – touchsamadhi (touchsamadhi/) Goa Gil in Oregon D /STR ONG rint to spread the psytrance virus :///links MORE LINKS STRON G Numbers 24, verse 16 “He hath said, which heard the words of God, an d knew the knowledge of the most High, which saw the vision of the Almight y, falling into a trance, but having his eyes open” DI V N ews El Nadiv’s Alladin Project party with Son Kite, Ghreg on Earth, Allen and Nobi etc was truly excellent, a new high for this year. We surfed the waves of Chaos as the dancefloor on the dock rode the crests o f the Hudson. I really hope people start doing afterparties after ma jor events like this one. 2.1112657797″ Free Open Air Psy-Trance in New York for 2005… If anyone misses the free open air bridge parties with DJs from a ll over the country with the frequency and incredible production valu es of last year, get involved and join the d. As of this writing w e still need money to get the sound system restored to its full 7000 watt glory, and make it so that a few members (Dan de Maria… Joanne) don’t lo se their shirts ailto: for det ails on joining. Gathering dates, location, and vital info is sent on ly to members. The suggested donation is $25. The more who joi n, the more you’ll see of us. And this time we are not going to do a n event and then hope to recover funds from passing around a hat. Th at usually doesn’t work because people tend to do things like grab the hat and say “thanks” and put it on or somthing like that. This weekend No NYC parties as of th is writing except for the well spoken of party in Brooklyn on Sundays that got a glowing review on NYC604 by Dan de Maria. Beings that these a re the only people stepping up to the plate and doing somthing this weeke nd, I’m going to reprint his review here: What a kick-ass aw esome party this was!!!! The bartender was making some serious drinks, and the DJs were dropping some serious beats! For me, this party had a little bit of everything that I like. As many of you know, I’m not a stric tly psy-trance listener. This started off with some nice nice squeeking an d bleeping techno, then moved to the trancier stuff-not quite full-on tran ce, somthing like a psychadellic techno, then full-on psy-trance from abo ut 1-1:30AM. I had no idea what time it was until looking out the window s eeing that it was getting light out!!! The bartender was still serving, the music by this time had moved from full-on to a chillout vibe. One of the owners of the bar came down. I was talking with her for a little while. Se ems that she used to hit the clubs in NYC back in the 90’s and is looking to keep some of that vibe going. She had no problem keeping the place open ed, just as long as some common sense was applied, no crowds, once you go out, no coming back in, etc. She was really cool about it! Also, big plus here, is that the owners bought the building, so in essence they don’t hav e to worry about the sound waking the people upstairs, there really aren’t any. And they do have a nice sound setup. Enough sound and in the right p laces to get the job done properly. I don’t smoke cigarettes, but I didn’t see anyone getting hassled about cigarettes, I wouldn’t push it though. E xcellent way to finish the weekend off. Wish I was able to get some sleep. .. have to get ready for work now! Highly recommend this spot. Nice vib e, half block from the train. Music was great! Alcohol was great! Def. goi ng back next weekend. Boogaloo Bar 168 Marcy Ave Sundays (see Calendar below) * * * web trancersgu uide to the Galaxy is finally being shipped! I’ll have limited copies for sale, but you can click the image above to order your copy. The two page US section will have even more features than last year, include a state by state map of trance infiltration. &nb s * * * web smi n Weehawken! The new web Smi2l e.bizweb Smi2le.biz offices are spacious and beautiful. We jus t got Internet and cable TV. Our phone is 201-766-1086. We off er free tours where you can see products getting made round the clock – yo u can stay overnight if it’s late, get free samples and consulting, a nd enjoy steep discounts on quantity smart ds. It’s a $2, 15 minu te bus ride from Port Authority via the Lincoln Tunnel. Subliminal R ecords wons the building. We’ll be having a launch party here soon o nce our back orders are all fulfilled. Bargain Basement Smart ds! Everyone and I mean everyone needs to try Piracetam daily for at least two weeks and get what I call the UPSHIFT. es/upshift When I made the page you could only ge t this stuff overseas. Not any longer! I now work at title which offers this. Cheap. The company is awesome – Jackie is working here too and she looks gorgeous pressing capsules in her new lab coat. What’s in it for you trancers? I am also selli ng these nootropics at steep /W0QQsassZbrainmachinessearch.ebay/W0QQsassZbrainmachines/A Smi2le sells them for a lot cheaper than anyone else . And I get rid of excess inventory with 3 day auctions. So if smart ds are your interest, check it out. This is the real de al; the prices are killer. Like Wal-Mart, priced just a little but l ower than the lowest prices I could find. the lowest anywhere. and if you don’t know what any of the nootropics are, use google. If y ou only have cash or want them immediately feel free to email me and I’ll see you at Insha’allah wednesday when I’m back in town and we’ll meet in some back alley for some shady transaction all just to to boost your I Q. I never imagined myself a smart d dealer (get it?) for s pecials, info, and discussion. We also just recently signed Wils on Leary, Timotyhy’s cousin, as our new spokesperson. Wilson is an o ld artist friend who currently resides in Austin, TX. His old r oommate was the real Laszlo, the lawyer from Fear & Loathing. He stayed with me up here in ’97 an was on the phone the other night with PI KHAL/TIKHAL’s Sasha & Ann Shulgin. He is here in the lower left at a birthday party for Timothy at author Bruce Eisner’s house ( writer of Ecstacy: The E Story).(and no, ladies, this dashing young man is not single): * * * Google’s stab at “smart drinks” * * * From Joe our friend at NASA: People shouldnt come accross thin gs like this and have their first thought be “hm that looks familiar.” * * * The Rhythms of Peace Beach Festival in Morocco Announced for Augu st!! Morocco Festival August 25th-30th and the line-up is sick – live acts by Parasense, Son Kite, Silicon Soun d, Wizzy Noise, Safi Connection, Atmos, Bamboo Forest, way more DI Moundir the organizer has been invo lved with other festivals and has a good reputation. He asked me thr ough Gavin to sell tickets in the U.S. and will be offering travel pa ckages of $700 round trip, $200 food & lodging. D etails for these packages will be forthcoming. Once you get there it is very very cheap, I mean like almost India c heap.. Ticket prices before the 30th of April 2005 : $80 before the 30th of July 2005 : $100 at the door : 100 euros Physical tickets will be provided. Tickets may be purchased by check or money order via snail mail (email for address), p re at aoljeffMachinelf at aol, or in person. For t hose of you not on NYC604 or TripOutNY and would like to recieve updates t o the gathering and to dicuss, click the above link to join Go Morocc o 2005. Any emails from the organizers will be fwded there. The NYC lists will have occasional updates, but for thos e who’d like to discuss going, in the interest of space please join the mo rocco group. n’t have to be buying tickets from me to join; Dave Henshaw is also sellin g tickets in Boston and others may be as well. Flyer at tdoor festivals/d Sound System rental/logo partners in bold; same date p arties appear in the order submitted; Psy/Goa events always come first.&nb s Organizers who cannot provide press passes to TripOutNY will be charged the amount of 2 tickets to finance our journalism (and hookers, li mo, blow, etc). DI April 6th- Omnitribe at Insha’allah . .. Carthage is on Avenue B between 3rd and 4th street across from Le Souk. Free, ID21+. 9pm-4am. lah translates roughly to “If God Wills.” This is the weekly meeting of the Christian Muslim Jewish Drinking Society, promoting tolerance, und erstanding, camaraderie and maybe even friendship amongst those from vario us creeds through mutual alcohol consumption, apple flavored tobacco smoke d through hookahs, and psychedelic trance. The venue is gorgeous and the potential is vast. It’s a combination of all the best qualities of all the venues used in the past few years, with the hookah d ecor of Karma with the class of Boom. A perfect marriage. Many take their shoes off. Great owners, long hours, good kitchen, free. Occasional free food. No thugs. And no security, t he Moroccan guys take care of that. The bathrooms are very clean, al ways a plus. The whole places feels like the an upscale version of t he Cantina in Star Wars. Lounge area in the front, dance area in the back. Door by Jackie P, Deco by Steve-O, /M achinelf is your host. The kitchen stays open until 2am. I wil biz/nootropics on hand if anyone wants to buy some direct for cash. an cuisine. sp;& Machinelf – downtempo through house/trance t Omnitribe April 9th, 2005 – GAIAN MIND Monthly at Ulana’s w/ DJ CORAL, CHAD, an web gaian-mindanaapril2005 t /STR ONG esent OLEJO, dj set Progredelic to Psy VIBRO FUENTES, dj set Acid Tr ance to Psy COSMIC CREEPERS, dj set Psy and more Psy Techno and Acid Trance working our way up into Psy Location: Boogaloo Bar 68 Marcy Ave South Williamsburg, Brooklyn, NY (‘tween Bway and S. 5th) 8pm till at least 4am FREE By Subway: J to Marcy Ave. (over the Williamsburg Bri dge); G at Metropolitan Ave [ed note: take the J train, the G stop i s kinda far] April 13th-&nbs p;Stas and Coral at Insha’allah Stas “HiFi (Omnitribe) Coral Slater (Touch Samadhi, DeKompression) Sasha “Shmumer” Fsov (Radiolaria) – Boston -“THIS WILL BE A SICK LINE-UP. ALL THREE PL AY GREAT DOWNTEMPO, SHMUMER PLAYS TECHY PROG, CORAL AND STAS ARE FULLON, A WESOME….THE WHOLE NIGHT WILL BE TAKEN CARE OF….” com April 20th- I nsha’allah with Mescalinium and friends a couple artists of mine will be out performing in NYC for the Full M oon at CoSM with Alex Grey. (April 23-25) They are playing in the daytime … more of their acoustic drums/chill music. They also do a live trance a ct…. and a live chill act. 2Ajja is the label owner of Peak Records in Switzerland and if you arent aware of them…. check it out. They have released some stomping compilati ons that really move a floor! They have regularly performed throughout Eur ope and at festivals, Rainbow Serpent, Exodus, Zoom and more. April 27th- Omnitribe at Insha’allah Saturday, April, 30th, 2005 – GOAHEAD PRODUCTI ONS Presents BUTTERFLY DANCE RITUAL w/ ALLEN, ONNOMON, MUBALI… com ick Tornetta (Seattle) at Insha’allah s come show your support for this most worthy cause or if you dont want to s upport the smoke then at least come down and get your groove on to the bes t in Psychedelic Trance & Tek brought to you by Americas Top Dj’s &Organizers. Sound by d. 12657797″ TRONGMay 15 – Goa Gil in North Carolina bus trip info !!!!! from philly to asheville. please contact: allen20 12 at gmail Goa Gil & Ariane Sacred Trance Dance Experience Saturd ay – Sunday May 21 – 22 2005 At Deerfields, Asheville, NC, USA TOUCH Samadhi is honored to bring you: Goa Gil & Ariane (The Nom mos, Avatar Records) Gil grew up in the middle of the music scene of the sixties; he then left to journey to India in 1969. Havi ng been a musician all his life and then doing intense Yogic practices wit h Gurus in the Himalayas, he tried to unite the two forces, Music and Yoga into one spirit befitting this Age. The result is his focus to use the trance party environment as a medium to uplift the consciousness of the participants through the Sacred Trance Dance Experience. He m et Ariane in Goa in 1985. They have been together constantly ever since.&n bsAriane’s keen interest in African Djembe drumming and West African B RTraditional Dance has also had a big influence on the development and di rection of Gil’s musical tastes and concepts. Gil & Ariane’s cur rent musical project is The Nommos, and their goal is to combine Psychedel ic Trance with West African Traditional Drumming in the True Spirit of the Ancients.We will begin with an opening drum invocation at sunset, followe d by Ariane’s ethno-tribal rhythms. Then Gil will guide us on an 18 hour trip through futuristic sounds for primal movements, “Redefinin g Ancient Tribal Ritual for the 21st Century.” “Since the beginning of time humankind has used Music and Dance to commune with the Spirit of Natu re and the Spirit of the Universe. When I come to the Party and set up my altar, sprinkle the Holy Water, recite the Holy Mantra, and make the Offering to the Cosmic Spirit, and then start the Music… the Music and t he whole Party becomes the Offering to the Cosmic Spirit.” Come early on S aturday to set up camp, explore the land, have a swim, share a potluck meal (bring a dish/utensils and prepare for the amazing journey that awai ts us all! Plus: Sound by Project 7 Psyoptic Mindstimuli by Dev otee Live video projections by Omb Ritual by Tranceform Venus Entry: $3 0 presale til may 7 at BOBO Gallery, 22 Lexington Ave, Asheville Atmospher e Records, 1 West Walnut St, Asheville $35 presale til may 7 – paypa madhi at gmailtouch.samadhi at gmail $40 at gate Bus trips over 4 people get in for $30 a person Gate opens Saturday 9AM carpool & leave /web deerfields/web deerfields Bhakti Satya, Kri see you on the dance floor! always be brahmanirvana saim: h quality printing email me! join our mailing list! ti samadhi-subscribe at touchsamadhitouchsamadhi-subscribe at touchsamadhi / The music will never stop! The heartbeat will neve r fade! The party will never end! 7th Tsunami at at Spirit GSunday, May 29th Tsunami at Cielo /web omnidancefestival.info/web omnidancefestival.info/ MER y 1st – Tsunami at Spirit ngs 4 day festival with Talamasca, Shakta, Orion, Eskimo, Cosmosis an d others ic/web psymbolic ttp://web Enosa.netweb Enosa.net t ugust 25-30 Rhythms of Peace in Morocco /touchsamadhi ftGoa Gil in
#3562 Mon, 11 Apr 2005 14:47:48 Mon, 11 Apr 2005 14:47:47 Newsletter Circ.1,873 Trip Out New York Free NYC T rance Community Weekly Newsletter Editor (ma ilto:) Forward/reprint to spread the psytrance virus cribe LINKS (web tranceam.org/links ) Numbers 24, verse 16 “He hath said, which heard the words of God, and knew the knowledge of th e most High, which saw the vision of the Almighty, falling into a trance, but having his eyes open” What’s News End of this Newsletter: Article: This is your Brain Praying New on the Calendar this week: – Triptonite Thursdays launches this week. – The very mainstreamy Avalon books GMS this Saturday. – Vibrasphere at Grand Space April 30. Insha’allah Wednesdays is no more, the venue was just too inco ngruous and I’m too busy to find another location and keep it going. Goa Trash is taking a break. If anyone would like to do somthing in that v ein and have me as a silent partner, I’m all (pointed) ears! * * * Eye of God? web skyimagelab/helixnebula (web skyi magelab/helixnebula ) * * * (web trancersguide /) Trancer’s Guide to the Galaxy is finally being shipped! web t rancersguide/ (web trancersguide/) I’ll have limited copie s for sale, but you can click the image above to order your copy. The tw o page US section will have even more features than last year, include a state by state map of trance infiltration. * * * TripOut New York Spon sor (web smi2le.biz/) Click here (aoldb://mail/write/web Smi2le. biz) for discount nootropics * * * Worst Album Covers of All Time porktornado.diaryland/albumcover (porktornado.diary land/albumcover ) * * * Help free summer open air events ha ppen! Join the Devotional Ministry of Trance. Email machinelf at brainmac hines rds are not high, we just need someone who can donate $25 and be trusted to hang out with us in the middle of the night in the woods. * * * Event Calendar Outdoor festivals/d Sound System rental/logo partners in bold; same date parties appear in the order submitted; Psy/Goa events always come first. Organizers who cannot provide press passes to TripOu tNY will be charged the amount of 2 tickets to finance our gonzo journali sm * * * April 14 – “TRIPTONITE THURSDAYS” at ea rthNYC You are graciously invited to the rebirth of your auditory senses. To a night of rigorous vibrations of a woofer diaphragm that will act as your passport to a complete mind fuck. Join us as we rejoice in the usheri ng of spring brought upon us by the turntable like movement of this rock we call Earth. Papaya Syndrome presents “Triptonite Thursdays” at earthNYC 116a 10th avenue, Corner of 17th Street and 10th Avenue, NY,NY DAVE WRI GHT (9 – 11 PM) Dave Wright exploded into the Midwestern underground tech -house scene in 1998. He quickly drew attention with his impeccable mixin g and experimental use of live jazz to enhance his bassy and feverishly f unky beats. His reputation as a tech-house, dub, trip-hop and down tempo disk jockey made him a regular in the Chicago- Milwaukee- Madison scene. His subtle mixes, funky bouncy tunes will send his listeners into a feeli ng of floating on dense air. He has opened for Rusty P and played along s ide the likes of Nick Nice. Please join us in welcoming Mr Wright to the NYC scene. Their loss is our gain. Special Guest: DJ LUNA AKA LUIS (11 P M – END) Luis has been spinning since 1985, in major clubs and parties in Brazil. In 1998 he founded the band INFLUX – “the first live PA of Psych edelic Trance in Brazil.” Now he’s part of the dreamcatcher team in new york city where he resides. Hope you all can make it and come support a new night in the NYC PSY/Electronica scene Zorawar “Babla” Sachdeva 1- 516-426-2627 ( I’m not lost…..I’m just looking for the people who drove me here…. ) April 16 GMS at Avalon web nyavalon/viewnewsa April 17 – Sunday TONE LOTUS and TOLTECNICA Present OLEJO, dj s et Progredelic to Psy VIBRO FUENTES, dj set Acid Trance to Psy COSMIC CREE PERS, dj set Psy and more Psy Techno and Acid Trance working our way up in to Psy Location: Boogaloo Bar 68 Marcy Ave South Williamsburg, Brooklyn, NY (‘tween Bway and S. 5th) 8pm till at least 4am FREE By Subway: J to Mar cy Ave. (over the Williamsburg Bridge); G at Metropolitan Ave [ed note: take the J train, the G stop is kinda far] Just a note to let you know a couple artists of mine will be out performing in NYC for the Full Moon a t CoSM with Alex Grey. (April 23-25) They are playing in the daytime … more of their acoustic drums/chill music. They also do a live trance act. … and a live chill act. Ajja is the label owner of Peak Records in Switzerland and if you arent aware of them…. check it out. They have r eleased some stomping compilations that really move a floor! They have re gularly performed throughout Europe and at festivals, Rainbow Serpent, Ex odus, Zoom and more. April 30 N’Light’N presents E V O L V E Saturday, April 30th 2005 at Grand Space On Saturday, April 30th, a creative collabo ration provides the potential to EVOLVE. A community of multimedia artis ts unites to create an enlightening and uplifting environment. Fusing mu lti media art installations with psychedelic experimental grooves, dubade lic world beats, and next level beatboxing. Evolve features beat-driven music that transcends current musical genres to illustrate where we have been and points in the direction of where we are going. Vibrasphere (web vibrasphere) – the desire to unite the deepness of dub and energy of trance was the catalyst that originally formed this project and whatever progressions to come, this will still be the guiding star of Vibrasphere . Waterjuice (web vaporvent) is the sonic brain-child of Cyril Kollock and Raven Tupling. Formed in 1999, their musical styles have ev olved from deep funk to trance, electro, breaks and a touch of rock and r oll. Based in the San Francisco bay area, these prolific artists have des igned their own software and an innovative piece of hardware called the M idi-Trigger Suit which they use to create sounds through movement. Their live performance takes the listener from dubby downtempo grooves to psyc hedelic soundscapes. Beatboxer Entertainment (web beatboxing) showcases some of the most innovative human beatboxing in the world. R epresenting the next level of the body as instrument, transcending traditi onal hip hop’s boundries to envelope the progressive sounds of future voc al breakbeat. Matyas – Reality Engine’s first audio visual artist will be featuring Pioneer’s new DVD turntable technology. Peek into the future o f DJ and VJ performance by taking a ride into a groovy psychedelic dimens ion of visualized sound. Live sets: Vibrasphere (Digital Structures – Swe den) Waterjuice (Vaporvent – San Francisco) Beatboxer Entertainment (New Y ork) Audio Visual DJ/VJ set: Matyas (Reality Engine) Dj set: Pedro (Rea lity Engine) VJ sets: Nikos (Reality Engine) Serge (Subtle Chaos) With a full-on video installation by Reality Engine and a collection of some of the area’s most progressive VJs. Vibrational Zen room by Himalayan Voic es. Chai-shop by Putali Catering, offering healthy and energetic food and beverages. Art installations by Michael Murphy (michaeldmurphy ) and Ryan Uzi Body therapeutics by Sharodka Stagger. Location: Grand Spa 778 Bergen St. in Prospect Heights, Brooklyn near the Brooklyn Museum of Art and Prospect Park (accessible by C, 2, 3 and Q trains). Directions : web grandspace/directions Tickets: Its strongly encourag ed to buy your tickets in advanced as we will keep this event at a comfor table dancing capacity. $20 in advance, $30 at the door if still availabl e. For tickets and more information please visit realityengine.org (realityengine.org) Saturday, April, 30th, 2005 – GOAHEAD PRO DUCTIONS Presents BUTTERFLY DANCE RITUAL w/ ALLEN, ONNOMON, MUBALI… web goaheadproductions (web goaheadproductions/) May 7 Please come show your support for this most worthy cause or if you dont want to support the smoke then at least come down and get your groove on to the best in Psychedelic Trance & Tek brought to you by Ameri cas Top Dj’s & Organizers. Sound by d. .org (mailto :.org) May 15 – Goa Gil in North Carolina bus trip info !!!!! from philly to asheville. please contact: allen2012 at gmail Goa Gil & Ariane Sacred Trance Dance Experience Saturday – Sunday May 21 – 22 2005 At Deerfields, Asheville, NC, USA TOUCH Samadhi is honored to bring you: Goa Gil & Ariane (The Nommos, Avatar Records) Gil grew up in th e middle of the music scene of the sixties; he then left to journey to India in 1969. Having been a musician all his life and then doing intense Yogic practices with Gurus in the Himalayas, he tried to un ite the two forces, Music and Yoga, into one spirit befitting this Age. The result is his focus to use the trance party environment as a medium to uplift the consciousness of the participants through the Sacred Trance Dance Experience. He met Ariane in Goa in 1985. They have been together constantly ever since. Ariane’s keen interest in African Djembe drummin g and West African Traditional Dance has also had a big influence on the development and direction of Gil’s musical tastes and concepts. Gil & Ar iane’s current musical project is The Nommos, and their goal is to combin e Psychedelic Trance with West African Traditional Drumming in the True S pirit of the Ancients.We will begin with an opening drum invocation at su nset, followed by Ariane’s ethno-tribal rhythms. Then Gil will guide us on an 18 hour trip through futuristic sounds for primal movements, “Rede fining Ancient Tribal Ritual for the 21st Century.” “Since the beginning of time humankind has used Music and Dance to commune with the Spirit of Nature and the Spirit of the Universe. When I come to the Party and set up my altar, sprinkle the Holy Water, recite the Holy Mantra, and make th e Offering to the Cosmic Spirit, and then start the Music… the Music and the whole Party becomes the Offering to the Cosmic Spirit.” Come early o n Saturday to set up camp, explore the land, have a swim, share a potluck meal (bring a dish/utensils and prepare for the amazing journey that awa its us all! Plus: Sound by Project 7 Psyoptic Mindstimuli by Devotee Live video projections by Omb Ritual by Tranceform Venus Entry: $30 presale ti l may 7 at BOBO Gallery, 22 Lexington Ave, Asheville Atmosphere Records, 1 West Walnut St, Asheville $35 presale til may 7 – paypal to: touch.sa madhi at gmail over 4 people get in for $30 a person Gate opens Saturday 9AM carpool & l eave no trace! more information and directions at: web touchsamadhi (web touchsamadhi/) web deerfields (web deerfie lds/) Bhakti Satya, Kri see you on the dance floor! always be brahmanirvana. touchsamadhi (touchsamadhi/) email : msn: lity printing email me! join our mailing list! touchsamadhi-subscribe at t ouchsamadhi our tribe! touchsamadhi.tribe.net/ (touchsamadhi.tribe.net /) The music will never stop! The heartbeat will never fade! The par ty will never end! May 21 North Carolina – Goa Gil – touchsamad hi (touchsamadhi/) Friday, May 27th Tsunami at at Sp irit Sunday, May 29th Tsunami at Cielo Early June – Upstate NY – web omnidancefestival.info/ (web omnidancefestival.info/) Thurs . – Sun., June 23rd-26th, 2005 – GAIAN MIND SUMMER FESTIVAL 2005 at Four Quarters. Line-up TBA…web gaian-mind (web gaian-mind/) Friday, July 1st – Tsunami at Spirit July 4th weekend – Los Angeles – w ww.greensector (web greensector/) Phantasm again brings 4 day festival with Talamasca, Shakta, Orion, Eskimo, Cosmosis and others July 16 – Midwest – web psymbolic (web psymbolic/) July – Oregon web Enosa.net (web enosa.net/) Friday, July 29t h – Tsunami at Spirit August 25-30 The Rhythms of Peace Beach Festival i n Morocco Announced for August!! Morocco Festival August 25th-30th, an d the line-up is sick – live acts by Parasense, Son Kite, Silicon Sound, Wizzy Noise, Safi Connection, Atmos, Bamboo Forest, way more Check out t (web brainmachine Moundir the organizer has been involved with other festivals and has a good reputation. He asked me through Gavin to sell tickets in the U.S. and will be offering travel packages of $700 round t rip, $200 food & lodging. Details for these packages will be forthcomi ng. Once you get there it is very very cheap, I mean like almost India cheap.. Ticket prices before the 30th of April 2005 : $80 before the 3 0th of July 2005 : $100 at the door : 100 euros Physical tickets will be p rovided. Tickets may be purchased by check or money order via snail mail (e mail for aol), or in person. ( For those of you not on NYC604 or TripOutNY and would like to recieve updates to the gatherin g and to dicuss, click the above link to join Go Morocco 2005 at yahoogro ups. Any emails from the organizers will be fwded there. The NYC lists will have occasional updates, but for those who’d like to discuss going, in the interest of space please join the morocco group. You don’t have to be buying tickets from me to join; Dave Henshaw is also selling tickets in Boston and others may be as well. Flyer at .co Sept 23-25 North Carolina – Powwow festival – touchsamadhi (touchsamadhi/) Goa Gil in Oregon Spirituality & Health – The SoulConnection January/February 2004 This is You r Brain Praying Louise Danielle Palmer When Andrew Newbergs boo k on the brain science behind religious and mystical experience turned up on the cover of Newsweek, it sparked a lively debate about God, evolutio n, and the meaning of life. This “CneurotheologistsE280 9D work is moving fast, so we caught up on his personal quest to underst and the mysterious workings of mind and spirit, his latest research, and its profound implications for our daily lives. When Andrew Newberg, M.D., was a little kid, he had questions so pressing that they would wake him in the middle of the night, get him out of bed, and lead him into his fat hers den. How do we know God exists? he would ask. Why is there good and evil? How do I know whats real? “CIts em barrassing to admit, but I was five years old when I started asking these questions,”D says Newberg, co-author of the acclaimed book Why God Won t Go Away. Not the musings of an average youngster. Then agai n, there is nothing average about Newberg, who at 36 is a professor of nu clear medicine at the University of Pennsylvania Medical Center, a radiol ogist at the university hospital, and the leading light in the field of n eurotheology, the brain science behind spiritual and religious experience . Newbergs exploration of neurotheology is based on a decade of i ntellectual partnership with Eugene DAquili, M.D., a psychiatris t at the University of Pennsylvania with a doctorate in anthropology, who m Newberg describes as “Cthe most brilliant man Ive ever met.”D DAquili, who died three years ago, was also a scho lar of religion and medieval history who spoke five languages and had eve ry bit of the obsession to get to the root of reality as does Newberg. The y were a perfect match: Newberg had the brain science background and a sp iritual and philosophical bent, whereas DAquili, an Italian Catho lic, had a wealth of insight into psychology, history, and theology. With in the first year of their collaboration, they had developed a theoretica l model for somthing never before illustrated: the spiritual circuitry o f the brain. By building a bridge between science and spirituality, Newber g believes we can achieve what many doctors, physicists, and theologians consider impossible: to pinpoint the origin of consciousness. Newberg ins ists that if we elevate our understanding of mind, body, and spirit, we w ill one day penetrate the mystery of the source of life itself. When that happens, he says, we will discover the true nature of reality, rather th an our subjective experience of it, which we cannot verify. “CJus t because it hasnt been done doesnt mean that it canE2 8099t be done,”D he says with a laugh. “CSomebody has to do it.”D Given his search for answers to the big questions, his sp iritual bent, and his mastery of high-tech medical wizardry, Andrew Newbe rg may well be that somebody. “CAndys work is really cutti ng-edge,”D says David J. Hufford, Ph.D., director of the Doctors K ienle Center for Humanistic Medicine and interim chair of medical humanit ies at Pennsylvania State University. “CIts one thing to ge t respect as a technical first-class performer in radiology, but combinin g that with a breadth of understanding and openness “4 thatE280 99s where you go from being a first-class technical researcher to being in a league of your own. Thats where Andy is “4 in a leag ue of his own.”D Newberg is thin, intense, and a fast walker. I try to keep up as he races down the corridor of the hospitals nucle ar medicine wing, talking excitedly about the SPECT machine, short for si ngle photon emission computed tomography. He leads me into a dimly lit be ige room housing an enormous humming contraption that looks fit for space travel. The SPECT has a metal plate upon which the subjects hea d is placed, surrounded by a three-pronged camera that generates 3-D pict ures of the brain. This is the machine that allowed Newberg and D Aquili to test their theoretical model and capture the now-famous snapshot of the brain in the moment of spiritual transcendence, a state variously known in its highest form as samadhi, nirvana, God consciousness, or abs olute unitary being, a term they coined. Newberg and DAquili be gan their study with a group of devout practitioners of Tibetan Buddhist meditation. Each man was taken into a room, wired with an IV, and given a length of twine to pull once he reached a peak meditative state. Each sa t before a single flickering candle, inhaling the gentle aroma of jasmine incense, quieting his mind as he journeyed inward. Newberg waited next do or for a tug on the twine. When he felt the tug, Newberg entered the room injected the man with a radioactive liquid that travels through the blo odstream into the brain, and whisked him into the SPECT room for a scan. The images he captured showed that the brains prefrontal cortex, c alled the seat of attention, lit up in a brilliant vermilion, indicating an increase in blood flow, or neural activity, due to the meditatorE280 99s state of deep concentration. However, the upper rear area of the bra in, known as the orientation association area, had gone dark, turning a d eep shade of blue. This is where we get our ability to orient ourselves i n space and time, which gives our bodies a sense of physical limits. It i s also where the brain “Cmakes”D our sense of an individual “Cself”D existing in “4 and apart from “4 the physical universe. The darkness in this area told Newberg that when a me ditator took a metaphorical dive inside, the outside world receded, effec tively blocking the sensory input that ordinarily streams into our brains . With no information flowing into that area, the brain cannot create a b oundary between self and outside world, or locate itself in physical real ity. As a result, Newberg explains, it has no choice but to perceive that self as endless, interwoven with everyone and everything. This perceptio n is utterly real to the subject, as real as apple pie (more on that late r). “CI experience E280A6 the emptiness of conditioned existence”D explained one of the Buddhists in the study. “CSometime s I have a feeling of energy centered in my heart. At the same time, I vi sualize this energy going out into infinite space.”D The chromati c changes on the scans were key to understanding the euphoric, otherworld ly states described by so many mystics across time, geography, and cultur e. Christian monks, Jewish Kabbalists, Himalayan yogis, Sufi whirling der vishes, and Buddhist meditators all speak of an altered state where the sel f is absorbed into some larger force or being, described as the spiritual All or the mystical Nothing, depending on ones perspective. Ne wberg later replicated his findings with a study of Franciscan nuns who w ere scanned during moments of profound contemplative prayer. The brain ac tivity, or lack thereof, was remarkably similar to the monks, alth ough the nuns brains showed increased activity in the region tha t creates language. And whereas the Buddhists described their transcenden t moment of meditation as contact with the universal consciousness where the self no longer exists, the sisters tended to describe this moment of prayer as a merging with a tangible God, “Ca greater connectedness with all of creation E280A6 a sense of union with a Presence.E280 9D Both describe a place of boundless peace, unity, infinity. The results also revealed somthing remarkable: The thalamus in both Buddhists and F ranciscans was asymmetrical, suggesting that the brain structure of serio us spiritual practitioners differs from most peoples. Whether thei r brains are different as a result of sustained spiritual practice, or wh ether they were attracted to the practice because their brains were diffe rent to begin with, is still an open question. Newberg began his researc h hoping the scans would illuminate the mysterious connection between E2 809Chuman consciousness and the persistent and peculiarly human longing to connect with somthing larger than ourselves.”D What he learned was that this longing is grounded in our biology and manifested in the v ery wiring of the brain. Whatever skeptics say, mystical religious states can no longer be written off as the result of wishful thinking or emotio nal confusion. Newbergs scans have rendered them visible and obse rvable. “CWhen you show someone a scan and they see changes in the brain, they are seeing somthing happening they cant argue with,Newberg says. For centuries, shamans, mystics, and monks have b een variously labeled as neurotic, deluded, epileptic, and even insane. “CAndy brings a fresh way of looking at spiritual experiences that d oesnt make pathological assumptions about them, but rather sees them as adaptive and valuable,”D says Hufford. “CHe is corr ecting a fundamentally wrong approach toward what it means to be human. I t is in the medical disciplines which have a great deal of prestige as th e scientific gold standard where you are now finding the most productive research on spirituality. Seminaries around the world are trying to catch up with what Andys doing. Its amazing to see this work happening in the belly of the beast.”D Although spirituality is fi nding a footing in the Western medical world, skeptics continue to cast d oubt on Newbergs work, saying it proves that a spiritual state i s nothing more than a neurological event. They claim that spirituality is conjured by the mind and has no basis in reality, citing studies of peop le with brain disorders who commonly experience religious or spiritual re velations, as well as experiments in which electrical storms stimulated in certain parts of the brain gave rise to religious or spiritual visions. “CI put on glasses to see better,”D says Newberg, who does, i n fact, wear lenses, “Cso if God is an infinite and highly energet ic being, then maybe when you have a seizure, your brain is amplifying yo ur vision in a way that allows you to see God. Because a person uses a dr ug or has a brain abnormality that allows their mind to be more open to s piritual experiences doesnt make that experience any less real. A shift has taken place.”D Newberg likes to refer skeptics to the a pple pie analogy. If you ate a freshly baked, piping-hot slice of apple p ie and took a SPECT scan at the moment of your first bite, the parts of y our brain that register shape and form, smell, taste, memory, and associa tion would all light up, while other areas of the brain not involved in t he task would go dark. This experience leaves its footprint on the brain in much the same way as does a peak meditative moment. But does that mean the apple pie isnt “Creal”D? Of course, NewbergE2 8099s research circles back to the question he asked as a five-year-old : How do I know whats real? If reality is entirely constructed by our brains, how can Newberg find an answer to his question? Does that ans wer lie in an ultimate reality beyond this one that transcends “4 and gives birth to “4 our subjective experience of our world? Are the brain scans giving us a glimpse of that place Newberg calls Absolute Unitary Being (AUB) that mystics have long claimed is far more real than our daily “Creality”D? “CInformed speculation tells u s that AUB is a primary reality from which all objective and subjective p erspectives are derived,”D Newberg writes in Why God Wont Go Away. “CWhether or not it is real, it provides us with a common source of all spiritual urges and a universal goal that has been interpre ted in myriad ways by all the great religions of the past and present.E2 809D Spiritual seekers are in good company. Some of the best scientific minds of the twentieth century “4 Albert Einstein, Robert Oppenhei mer (the theoretical physicist who helped create the atom bomb), and Edwi n Schroedinger (the physicist who helped create quantum theory) “4 believed the universe had unity and purpose that went beyond the materia l world. They maintained the possibility of a deeper self beyond what we think of as the self “4 a part of us that sees beyond the duality of subject (me) and object (everything else). Einstein, for instance, spo ke of a “Ccosmic religious feeling”D during which one feels t he “Cnothingness of human desires,”D only “Cthe desi re to experience the universe as a single significant whole.”D Sch roedinger wrote that “Cyou “4 and all other conscious being s as such “4 are all in all.”D With continued research in qu antum physics, spirituality, and neurotheology, Newberg hopes that the my stical state, or AUB, could become the spiritual foundation for a E280 9Cmegatheology.”D For now, though, the question of whether this r eality actually exists is beyond the reach of Newbergs SPECT machi ne “4 and beyond science itself. The only answer is the one rooted in your own experience. “CIt comes down to how we feel and sense reality in the moment, so I view these brain scans as leveling the field”D says Newberg, munching a butterscotch Tastycake Krimpet. E2 809CWhat we are saying is that, from a neurological perspective, hearin g God is as real as eating an apple pie, and eating an apple pie is as re al as talking to the spirit of a mountain or walking down the street. Som ething is happening in the brain so it is quote unquote real.E2 8099 Whether or not it corresponds to true external reality, my brain s cans cant tell you. What they prove is E280A6 you canE280 99t prove it.”D Does Newberg believe in God? “CIm trying to figure it out,”D he says hesitantly. “CIts a hard question to answer, being in my position. If I say yes or no, peo ple will say Im trying to prove or disprove the existence of God . I hate to sound so middle-of-the-roadish, but Im open to both. At the very least, Newberg says he is certain that humans have e volved the capacity to perceive an absolute, universal reality in which w e are all fundamentally connected as one, and this in and of itself requi res us to reconsider our basic assumptions. “CIt puts our everyda y reality in a different light, especially if you believe that our human consciousness or pure awareness is the fundamental stuff of the universe, and that consciousness is abounding everywhere rather than residing in t he brain itself,”D he explains. “COur brains are very good at bringing consciousness in and coalescing it into a person, but the brain is not responsible for consciousness per se. It is just the vehicle by w hich consciousness can be manifested. Consciousness cant just be a phenomenon of the brain because there is no reason that the more neuro ns and connections you pile on, somthing that says, Oh, IE280 99m me is created. On the other hand, we cant yet expl ain how our physical world came out of consciousness.”D Newberg poi nts out that either a strictly spiritual or strictly scientific approach limits our understanding. We cant get out of our brains to know wh at is actually out there because we are trapped in our own consciousness. We create the questions “4 and the answers. We create science. Ev en if you go into meditation and you transcend your mind, which offers yo u the opportunity to do what science cant, the problem of being outside your brain still exists. How do you return so that you can report back? Newberg chuckles at this question, leaving it hanging in the cool a ir as he pops the last of his butterscotch Krimpit into his mouth and wip es the crumbs off his face. What does this mean for our daily lives? If we have evolved with the potential for the mystical, can anyone transcend the mind and reach infinity and unity? Perhaps not. Some of us are barely able to balance our checkbooks, while others can do calculus in the ninth grade. In the same way, Newberg believes some people are born with a gre ater capacity for spiritual expansion than others. On the other hand, Ne wberg says, a person may not have not found the appropriate technique E2 8094 prayer, meditation, creative expression “4 to transport him or her to that place. Newbergs current research is focused on des igning experiments to track the effect of a variety of techniques on the brain in order to help people discover what best suits their nature. Wha t is important, he says, is that all human beings have the longing E280 94 and the capacity “4 for connection and that connection is avai lable everywhere: in church, in music, in art. In fact, many of the relig ious rituals we engage in, such as chanting, drumming, dancing, or moving in a rhythmic fashion, mimic the complex response of our brains to mysti cal experiences. For example, when we focus on one source of sensory input “4 whether it is the sound of a drum or the image of a cross E2 8094 we deprive the brain of other kinds of information. This helps shu t down the orientation association area, which gives us our sense of wher e we begin and the world ends, just as it did when the Franciscans and th e Buddhists entered a deep meditative state. In other words, focus and co ntemplation make us more likely to feel “Cone with everything.E2 809D They also intensify our nervous systems “Cquiescentstate, which is linked to spiritual feelings. In fact, the aut onomic nervous system, which is connected to higher brain structures and regulates basic functions such as heart rate and blood pressure as well a s emotions, is key to understanding why spiritual and religious activitie s affect us. The autonomic nervous system is made up of the sympathetic s ystem, which prepares the body for action and activates our flight-or-fligh t response when we are in danger by increasing heart rate and muscle tone and the parasympathetic system, which is responsible for keeping the bo dy in balance by regulating sleep, inducing relaxation, and governing cel l growth. Many ritualistic practices “4 from tantric yoga to medit ation “4 are associated with changes in the heart rate, blood pres sure and breathing, all of which are controlled by these systems. Usuall y, increased activity in one system results in decreased activity of the other. Newberg and DAquili, however, discovered that when both sym pathetic and parasympathetic systems are pushed to extraordinary levels b y intense physical or mental activity such as prolonged concentration or repetitive motion, altered states of consciousness are triggered. Maximum stimulation of both systems results in “Can ecstatic rush of orga smic-like energy,”D sensations of oceanic tranquility and bliss, t otal absorption, and extraordinary relaxation “4 all at the same t ime. These descriptions mirror high mystical experiences, as well as mild er versions of them, across spiritual and religious traditions. Given how good spiritual and religious practices make us feel “4 and the gr owing body of medical evidence showing that they cut down on stress, improv e the immune system, lower blood pressure, and actually add years to our lives “4 it is no coincidence that we have evolved to be hard-wire d for God, so to speak. What is surprising, however, is that this wiring is rooted in our sexuality. Newberg believes it is no coincidence that th e same feelings associated with mystical experience “4 transcenden ce, a feeling of union, ecstatic bliss “4 are also associated with sex. When Newberg and DAquili mapped the biology of mystical ex perience, they found that the autonomic nervous system has a particular p attern of arousal and quiescence. This same pattern is found in sexual ar ousal and orgasm. It is also activated by repetitive, rhythmic stimulation associated with trance-inducing chanting, dancing, meditation “4 a nd, of course, sex. Newberg isnt saying sexual and spiritual exp eriences are the same thing, but rather that they depend on the same neur al pathways. Since the publication of his book, however, Newberg is less i nterested in peak sexual or mystical experiences than he is in figuring o ut how to apply what he has learned to the daily stuff of our lives. To that end, he has developed a model of how spiritual and religious experie nces condition our moods, focusing on how the brain releases a cascade of neurotransmitters, such as serotonin, and hormones when engaged in these experiences. (Prozac and other antidepressants called selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors affect moods in a similar way, by slowing the brain s reuptake of serotonin and leaving more of it available.) A stu dy published this year already has proved Newbergs model accurat e: Meditators achieved higher levels of a similar neurotransmitter called dopamine, associated with motor function, the euphoria created by ingest ing cocaine, and our basic level of happiness. Newberg is waiting for fun ding to test meditators weeks, months, and even years after practicing, t o determine whether it has lasting impact on the physical and emotional b ody. “CThis has tremendous implications for clinical research and p sychotherapy,”D says Newberg. “CIts not about sayi ng stop the Prozac, which might be necessary for some, but rather saying that therapy might include spiritual practices. For milder cases of depre ssion, it is possible people could do things like meditation and prayer t o avoid medication.”D Newberg also has developed a model for the co mplex neurological process of simple spiritual feelings such as forgivene ss. “DSomthing happens in your brain when you forgive someone, or express love and gratitude,”D says Newberg. “CHumility and altruism all have a philosophical basis, an emotional basis, and a neurol ogical basis. We are just starting to develop techniques to look at these things. The scans have opened a window to a huge variety of experiences and ways of thinking.”D Forgiveness, for example, requires a sense of self and of the rest of the world, which comes mainly from the brain s frontal and parietal lobes. We need an emotional memory, which is tied to the hippocampus and the temporal lobes, to recognize when som eone has hurt us. Forgiveness also involves a cognitive process of changi ng our minds, to see a person or problem in a different light. Depending on your nature, this might happen in the limbic system, which is responsi ble for emotion. If you rely on reason, forgiveness might involve your te mporal lobe, the site of analytic and mathematical abilities. If you have a holistic bent, it might involve the right parietal lobe, which creates the feeling of connection. How you forgive depends on how you access E2 809Cthe system”D to reestablish a sense of yourself and create a good feeling, which is relayed to the region that controls behavior. “CThis is what psychotherapy is all about; its what going t o church is all about: how to modify your thoughts and behaviors to feel better and have more success in your relationships. It might help people understand the different ways they are capable of forgiving. Its not a magic bullet, but a way for people to identify how their minds wor k. If we can figure out whats going on when people stop forgivin g or stop loving, maybe we can help them.”D This might seem soft an d fuzzy stuff coming from a hard-core specialist in nuclear medicine, but at the end of the day, Newberg is a spiritual guy who just happens to ha ve a big brain, a radical optimist who wants to change the world. E280 9CThere is a universal quality about the mind,”D he says. “C If you slice everyones head open, which I dont recommen d, you would find pretty much the same thing. Likewise, there is a lot to be said about the universality of religion and spirituality. We all have the same deep questions and we all reach for explanations. Maybe this re search can help us get closer together and make the world a better place. Louise Danielle Palmer is deputy editor of Spirituality & Health magazine. She writes for magazi nes including Vogue, Self, and CondC3A9 Nast Traveler, and is a former staff political writer at the Boston Globe, as well as a nationally syndi cated feature writer for Newhouse Newspapers. AD FO D TRONGTrip Out New York NYC Trance Community Weekly Newsletter virus ks MORE LINKS /D “He hath said, which heard the words of God, and knew the knowledge of the most High, which saw the vision of the Almighty, falling into a trance but having his eyes open” News Praying/E M New on the Calendar this week: – Triptonite Thurs days launches this week. – The very mai nstreamy Avalon books GMS this Saturday. – Vi brasphere at Grand Space April 30. S TRONGInsha’allah Wednesdays is no more, the venue was just too i ncongruous and I’m too busy to find another location and keep it going.&nbs Goa Trash is taking a break. If anyone would like to do somthing in that vein and have me as a silent partner, I’m all (pointed) ears!&nbs * * * I kyimagelab/helixnebula * * * 3.1113245261″ Trancer’s G uide to the Galaxy is finally being shipped! I’ll have limited copies for sale, but you can click the image above t o order your copy. The two page US section will have even more featu res than last year, include a state by state map of trance infiltration. * * * Tri pOut New York Sponsor db://mail/write/web Smi2le.biz here for disc ount nootropics * * * &nbs Worst Album Covers of All Time nado.diaryland/albumcover * * * Help free summer open air events ha ppen! Join the Devotional Ministry of Trance. Email details. Our standards are not high, we just need someone who can d onate $25 and be trusted to hang out with us in the middle of the night in the woods. * * * NTOutdoor festivals/d Sound System rental/logo partners in bold; same date parties appear in the order submitted; Psy/Goa events alw ays come first. Organizers who cannot provide press passes to TripOutNY will be charged the amount of 2 tickets to finance our gonzo jou rnalism * * * D ou are graciously invited to the rebirth of your auditory senses. To a ni ght of rigorous vibrations of a woofer diaphragm that will act as your pas sport to a complete mind fuck. Join us as we rejoice in the ushering of sp ring brought upon us by the turntable like movement of this rock we call E arth. Papaya Syndrome presents “Triptonite Thursdays” at earthNYC 11 6a 10th avenue, Corner of 17th Street and 10th Avenue, NY,NY DAVE WRIG HT (9 – 11 PM) Dave Wright exploded into the Midwestern underground te ch-house scene in 1998. He quickly drew attention with his impeccable mixi ng and experimental use of live jazz to enhance his bassy and feverishly f unky beats. His reputation as a tech-house, dub, trip-hop and down tempo d isk jockey made him a regular in the Chicago- Milwaukee- Madison scene. Hi s subtle mixes, funky bouncy tunes will send his listeners into a feeling of floating on dense air. He has opened for Rusty P and played along side the likes of Nick Nice. Please join us in welcoming Mr Wright to the NYC s cene. Their loss is our gain. Special Guest: DJ LUNA AKA LUIS (11 PM – END) Luis has been spinning since 1985, in major clubs and partie s in Brazil. In 1998 he founded the band INFLUX – “the first live PA of Ps ychedelic Trance in Brazil.” Now he’s part of the dreamcatcher team in new york city where he resides. Hope you all can make it and come s upport a new night in the NYC PSY/Electronica scene tZorawar “Babla” Sachdeva 1-516-426-2627 ( I’m not lost…..I’m just looking for the people who drove me here…. ) PAN and TOLTECNICA Present OLEJO, dj set Progredelic to Psy VIBRO FUENT ES, dj set Acid Trance to Psy COSMIC CREEPERS, dj set Psy and more Psy Techno and Acid Trance working our way up into Psy Location: Boogalo o Bar 68 Marcy Ave South Williamsburg, Brooklyn, NY (‘tween Bway and S. 5th) 8pm till at least 4am FREE By Subway: J to Marcy Ave. (over th e Williamsburg Bridge); G at Metropolitan Ave [ed note: take the J t gt;Just a note to let you know a couple artists of mine will be out p erforming in NYC for the Full Moon at CoSM with Alex Grey. (April 23-2 5) They are playing in the daytime … more of their acoustic drums/chill music. They also do a live trance act…. and a live chill act. / Ajja is the label owner of Peak Records in Switzerland and if you arent aw are of them…. check it out. They have released some stomping compilation s that really move a floor! They have regularly performed throughout Europ e and at festivals, Rainbow Serpent, Exodus, Zoom and more. / April 30 N’Light’N presents E V O L V E Saturday, April 30th 2005 at Grand Space On Saturday, April 30 th, a creative collaboration provides the potential to EVOLVE. A community of multimedia artists unites to create an enlightening and uplif ting environment. Fusing multi media art installations with psychede lic experimental grooves, dubadelic world beats, and next level beat boxing. Evolve features beat-driven music that transcends current musical genres to illustrate where we have been and points in the direction of whe re we are going. Vibrasphere (web vibrasphere) – the desire t o unite the deepness of dub and energy of trance was the catalys t that originally formed this project and whatever progressions to come, t his will still be the guiding star of Vibrasphere. Waterjuice (ht tp://web vaporvent) is the sonic brain-child of Cyril Kollock and Raven Tupling. Formed in 1999, their musical styles have evolved from deep funk to trance, electro, breaks and a touch of rock and roll. Based in the bay area, these prolific artists have designed their own so ftware and an innovative piece of hardware called the Midi-Trigger Suit wh ich they use to create sounds through movement. Their live performantakes the listener from dubby downtempo grooves to psychedelic soundsc apes. Beatboxer Entertainment (web beatboxing) s howcases some of the most innovative human beatboxing in the world.&nb s Representing the next level of the body as instrument, transcending tr aditional hip hop’s boundries to envelope the progressive sounds of future vocal breakbeat. Matyas – Reality Engine’s first audio visual artist w ill be featuring Pioneer’s new DVD turntable technology. Peek into the future of DJ and VJ performance by taking a ride into a groovy psych edelic dimension of visualized sound. Live sets: Vibrasphere (Digita l Structures – Sweden) Waterjuice (Vaporvent – San Francisco) Beatbo xer Entertainment (New York) Audio Visual DJ/VJ set: Matyas&nb s(Reality Engine) Dj set: Pedro (Reality Engine) VJ sets: Nikos (Reality Engine) Serge (Subtle Chaos) With a full-on video installation by Reality Engine and a collection of some of the area’s most progressive VJs. Vi brational Zen room by Himalayan Voices. Chai-shop by Putali Catering, o ffering healthy and energetic food and beverages. Art installations by Michael Murphy (michaeldmurphy) and Ryan Uzi Body therapeuti cs by Sharodka Stagger. Location: Grand Space 778 Bergen St. in Prospect Heights, Brooklyn near the Brooklyn Museum of Art and Prospec t Park (accessible by C, 2, 3 and Q trains). Directions: ww w.grandspace/directions Tickets: Its strongly encouraged to buy your tickets in advanced as we will keep this event at a comfortable dancing capacity. $20 in advance, $30 at the door if still available.B RFor yengine.orgrealityengine.org Saturday, April, 30th, 2 005 – GOAHEAD PRODUCTIONS Presents BUTTERFLY DANCE RITUAL w/ ALLEN, ONNOMO web goaheadproductions/web goaheadproductions ERY PARK MAY thy cause or if you dont want to support the smoke then at least come down and get your groove on to the best in Psychedelic Trance & Tek brough t to you by Americas Top Dj’s & Organizers. Sound by d. May 15 – Goa Gil in North Carolina/ bus trip info !!!!! from philly to asheville. please contact: allen2012 at gmail Goa Gil & Ariane Sacred Trance Dance Experience Saturday – Sunday May 21 – 22 2005 At Deerfields, Asheville, NC, USA TOUCH Samadhi is honored to brin g you: Goa Gil & Ariane (The Nommos, Avatar Records) Gil grew up in the middle of the music scene of the sixties; he then left to journey to India in 1969. Having been a musician all his life and then doing intense Yogic practices with Gurus in the Himalayas, he tried to unite the two forces, Music and Yoga, into one spirit befitting thi s Age. The result is his focus to use the trance party environment a s a medium to uplift the consciousness of the participants through the Sac red Trance Dance Experience. He met Ariane in Goa in 1985. They have been together constantly ever since. Ariane’s keen interest in Afri can Djembe drumming and West African Traditional Dance has also had a big influence on the development and direction of Gil’s musical tastes and concepts. Gil & Ariane’s current musical project is The Nommos, and their goal is to combine Psychedelic Trance with West African Traditio nal Drumming in the True Spirit of the Ancients.We will begin with an open ing drum invocation at sunset, followed by Ariane’s ethno-tribal rhythms.& nbsThen Gil will guide us on an 18 hour trip through futuristic s ounds for primal movements, “Redefining Ancient Tribal Ritual for the 21st Century.” “Since the beginning of time humankind has used Music and Da nce to commune with the Spirit of Nature and the Spirit of the Universe.&n bsWhen I come to the Party and set up my altar, sprinkle the Holy Water recite the Holy Mantra, and make the Offering to the Cosmic Spirit, and then start the Music… the Music and the whole Party becomes the Offering to the Cosmic Spirit.” Come early on Saturday to set up camp, explore the land, have a swim, share a potluck meal (bring a dish/utensils and pr epare for the amazing journey that awaits us all! Plus: Sound b y Project 7 Psyoptic Mindstimuli by Devotee Live video projections by Omb Ritual by Tranceform Venus Entry: $30 presale til may 7 at BOBO Gallery 22 Lexington Ave, Asheville Atmosphere Records, 1 West Walnut St, Ashevi $40 at gate Bus trips over 4 people get in for $30 a person Gate opens Saturday 9AM carpool & leave no trace! more information and dire Bhakti Satya, Kri see you on the danc e floor! always be amadhikri at touchsamadhi aim: krisamadhi msn jkri at hotmail low cost high quality printing email me!& touchsamadhi-subscribe at touchsamadhi join our tribe!ibe.net/touchsamadhi.tribe.net/ The music will never st op! The heartbeat will never fade! The party will never end !
#3563 Fri, 15 Apr 2005 15:01:12 Fri, 15 Apr 2005 15:01:12 Cc: nyc604, omnitribe, Have you contributed to underground parties in/around NYC? If you have I’ll add you to Safetydance for free. Send me an email, tell me who you are and what you have done. All DJs and artists will automatically be added. This will be a busy warm season and we need everyone on board, We’ll announce all d and open air free events on that list (and d)only. And for $25 it also includes a d, we have a new treasurer Avi. If you have I’ll add you to Safetydance for free. Send me an email, tell me who you are and what you have done. All DJs and artists will automatically be added . This will be a busy warm season and we need everyone on board, We’ll announce all d and open air free events on that list (and d)on ly. And for $25 it also includes a d, we have a new treasurer Avi.
#3564 Sat, 16 Apr 2005 00:41:58 Sat, 16 Apr 2005 00:41:57 Cc: omnitribe, dragontribe, goa-boston NYC Fwd: GMS LIVE + DJ SET, SATURDAY APRIL 16TH 2005 at least we know Liran is involved, I was feeling remiss with no familiar faces, like a crotchety old trance man that none of the new kids tolerate I was feeling remiss with no familiar faces, like a crotchety old trance
#3565 Sat, 16 Apr 2005 20:55:11 Sat, 16 Apr 2005 20:55:11 Cc: omnitribe, dragontribe, TripOutNY No party in Brooklyn this sunday There actually isn’t a show this sunday the 17th. The next show will be on May 1st. I’ll send you the line up in a couple of days. Thanks Harris There actuall y isn’t a show this sunday the 17th. The next show will be on May 1st. I’ll send you the line up in a couple of days. Thanks &nbs
#3566 Sun, 17 Apr 2005 20:48:37 Sun, 17 Apr 2005 20:48:37 Fwd: THERE IS A PARTY TONIGHT AT BOOGALOO!!!
#3567 Mon, 18 Apr 2005 23:28:55 Mon, 18 Apr 2005 23:28:54 Amuseletter Circ.1,878 Trip Out New Yo rk Free NYC Trance Community Weekly Newsletter Editor Machinelf at brainmac Forward/reprint to spread the psytrance virus m To review & discuss emai com) MORE LINKS (web tranceam.org/links ) Numbers 24, verse 16 “He hath said, which heard the words of God, and knew the k nowledge of the most High, which saw the vision of the Almighty, falling into a trance, but having his eyes open” W hat’s News New on the Calendar this week: Daniel Pinchbeck, Gaian Mind info, Tsunami open air July 3, various psytekky stuff Interview w ith mubali [m.o.e. san fran] web tranceam.org/interviews (web tranceam.org/interviews ) 300 people removed fr om Safetydance If you were one of these people that i do not recall as a kn own contributor, you’ll have to contribute to rejoin. Sorry. I’d rather ask now than later this summer when I am too busy to even think about it . Let’s make 2005 make 2004 like a warm-up. GMS Review It was the bes t time I’ve ever had at Avalon, and the most sober time (d-wise) Liran did a great job letting in trancers straight away and many of the old he ads were there. GMS sounded incredible on the sound system. They played a lot of new material with mainstreamy samples and reworkings. The vibe was good. It was great to be at a really humongous trance party with a l ooot of unknown people. And it was at least a quarter Japanese/Korean. Movie Review | ‘Short Cut to Nirvana: Kumbh Mela’: In India, Counting Pi lgrims by Tens of Millions By A. O. SCOTT – While this documentary about a religious pilgrimage in India feels haphazard and superficial, the glimps es it offers are never less than fascinating. movies2.nytimes 5070 622 Music Video’s from many elect ronic and eclectic groups, from From A Perfect Circle to Yeah, Yeah granfaro.blogspot/2005/04/622-music-videos-various-from-perfect.ht ml (granfaro.b logspot/2005/04/622-music-videos-various-from-perf ect ) Photos from a bygone era! web tranceam.org/serge/ sergesphotos (web tranceam.org/serge/sergesphotos ) To re-experience this and transcend the fact that emotions are holograph ically imprinted chemicals, rejoin us or be forced to develop a time trave l mechanism in the lab in your basement. Neurons that fire together wire together. Help us escape to a higher level of complexity. here is the fo under of web SMI2LE.biz (web SMI2LE.biz) web brainmachi nes/serge/pages/DSCF1996 (web tranceam.org/serge/pag es/DSCF1996 ) web tranceam.org/serge/pages/DSCF1836 (web tranceam.org/serge/pages/DSCF1836 ) web bra inmachines/serge/pages/DSCF1837 (web tranceam.org/se rge/pages/DSCF1837 ) more /bridge (http :///bridge ) We organized that event back when t he Devotional Ministry of Trance was the Church of Trance, and that is wh ere I first met the AOHELL hacker who was delivering pizzas when he start ed SMI2LE. To see more events like this get on Safetydance for $10 or $25 for Safetydance and the d. Of course, you’ll be thoroughly screened. High-Res Eye of God great wallpaper! Reefer Madness web sho/site/reefermadness/h ome.do (web sho/site/reefermadness/home.do) Morocco to get on the info list for the big Morocco party in august send a blank email be) I have physical tickets for the Rhythms of Peace Beac h Festival in Morocco Announced in August!! Morocco Festival August 25th- 30th, and the line-up is sick – live acts by Parasense, Son Kite, Silicon Sound, Wizzy Noise, Safi Connection, Atmos, Bamboo Forest, way more Che Moundir the organi zer has been involved with other festivals and has a good reputation. He asked me through Gavin to sell tickets in the U.S. and will be offering travel packages of $700 round trip, $200 food & lodging. Details for t hese packages will be forthcoming. Once you get there it is very very ch eap, I mean like almost India cheap.. Ticket prices before the 30th of Apr il 2005 : $80 before the 30th of July 2005 : $100 at the door : 100 euro s Physical tickets will be provided. Tickets may be purchased by check or money order via snail mail (email for address), paypal to jeffMachinelf at a in person. gomorocco2005-subsc ribe Fo r those of you not on NYC604 or TripOutNY and would like to recieve updat es to the gathering and to dicuss, click the above link to join Go Morocco 2005. Any emails from the organizers will be fwded ther e. The NYC lists will have occasional updates, but for those who’d like to discuss going, in the interest of space please join the morocco group . You don’t have to be buying tickets from me to join; Dave Henshaw is als o selling tickets in Boston and others may be as well. Flyer at ww (web tranceam.org/morocc (web trancersguide/) Trancer’s Guide to the Gala xy is finally being shipped! web trancersguide/ (web t rancersguide/) I’ll have limited copies for sale, but you can click th e image above to order your copy. The two page US section will have even more features than last year, include a state by state map of trance inf iltration. * * * TripOut New York Sponsor (web smi2le.biz/) C lick here (web Smi2le.biz) for discount nootropics * * * Event Calendar Outdoor festivals/d Sound System rental/logo partner s in bold; same date parties appear in the order submitted; Psy/Goa event s always come first. Organizers who cannot provide press passes to Trip OutNY will be charged the amount of 2 tickets to finance our gonzo journa lism * * * Next Weds, April 19, 9 p.m. Talk on shamani sm and therapeutic use of psychedelics, as part of “Psychedelic Week” at Columbia University The Columbia talk will be held at Hamilton 517. To get to Hamilton Hall, you have to go to the 116th St. and Amsterdam Avenue g ates. Hamilton is the building to the left of the gates if you’re facing west (go into the campus to get to the entrance). Join us for a special ev ening with Daniel Pinchbeck, author of Breaking Open the Head: A Psychede lic Journey into the Heart of Contemporary Shamanism (Broadway Books, 200 2). web breakingopenthehead (web breakingopenthehead) Just a note to let you know a couple artists of mine will be out performing in NYC for the Full Moon at CoSM with Alex Grey. (April 23-25) They are playing in the daytime … more of their acoustic drums/chill mu sic. They also do a live trance act…. and a live chill act. Ajja i s the label owner of Peak Records in Switzerland and if you arent aware o f them…. check it out. They have released some stomping compilations th at really move a floor! They have regularly performed throughout Europe an d at festivals, Rainbow Serpent, Exodus, Zoom and more. Next Friday, April 22, 8 p.m. “how i learned to stop worrying and love the dimensional shift” a talk w/ daniel pinchbeck Friday, April 22, 2005 8:00 p.m., $1 0 at The Project Room 619 East 6th Street btw B and C Join us for a speci al evening with Daniel Pinchbeck, author of Breaking Open the Head: A Psy chedelic Journey into the Heart of Contemporary Shamanism (Broadway Books 2002). web breakingopenthehead He is currently completing a new boo k, 2012: The Return of Quetzalcoatl is on indigenous prophecies, crop cir cles, The Apocalypse, the Santo Daime religion of Brazil, and other subje cts. He will discuss the notion of an imminent “dimensional shift,” a mov ement into a new form of consciousness, developed in the works of Terence McKenna, and elaborated in recent studies of the Mayan Calendar, which p resents a different model of temporality, linking vast cycles of time to the evolution of consciousness. According to his hypothesis, the transiti on will conclude with the movement to a harmonic planetary civilization. Open discussion for questions and answers will follow. April 23rd 2005 Polarlight Recordings EssentialWave Hyper-Nation at Nightengale 213 2nd Avenue # 13 St, NYC Line up: Starstruck [Essential Wave, NYC] Serge Z-Lenin [HyperNation, NYC] Earthian [Polarlight RCS, NYC] Dino [Psybooty/Changmain, Boston] Yanis [Polarlight RCS, NYC] Eddie Kanto r [HyperNation, NYC] Free Admission 21+ web polarlightmusic (web polarlightmusic/) web essentialwave (http ://web essentialwave/) April 23rd 2005 New Loca tion!!! 10pm till ………Just ask ya mum if you can stay out late! ‘BOO GALOO’ 168 Marcy Ave Williamsburg, Brooklyn Subway: Take the JMZ to Marcy or the L/G to Metropolitan/Lorimer Dj’s Comtak – Subtlechaos/Subtleprodu ction Severyn – Subtlechaos/Pulse Industries Jason – Subtlechaos/Pulse Ind ustries Special Guests! Psy Environment by Sev – Pulse Industries/web seve ryn Visual Stim by the Boys from the Burg! Join us on April 23rd at o ne of the coolest spots in the Burg for a night of psychedelic tunes made for grooving:) Venue info: webtunes/venue/boogaloo.cfm (http at subtlechaos.org) Mailing List: subtlechaos ubtlechaos) April 30 N’Light’N presents E V O L V E Sa turday, April 30th 2005 at Grand Space On Saturday, April 30th, a creative collaboration provides the potential to EVOLVE. A community of multimed ia artists unites to create an enlightening and uplifting environment. F using multi media art installations with psychedelic experimental grooves dubadelic world beats, and next level beatboxing. Evolve features beat -driven music that transcends current musical genres to illustrate where we have been and points in the direction of where we are going. Vibrasphe re (web vibrasphere) – the desire to unite the deepness of dub and e nergy of trance was the catalyst that originally formed this project and whatever progressions to come, this will still be the guiding star of Vib rasphere. Waterjuice (web vaporvent) is the sonic brain-child of Cyril Kollock and Raven Tupling. Formed in 1999, their musical styles have evolved from deep funk to trance, electro, breaks and a touch of ro ck and roll. Based in the San Francisco bay area, these prolific artists have designed their own software and an innovative piece of hardware call ed the Midi-Trigger Suit which they use to create sounds through movement . Their live performance takes the listener from dubby downtempo grooves to psychedelic soundscapes. Beatboxer Entertainment (web beatbox ing) showcases some of the most innovative human beatboxing in the wo rld. Representing the next level of the body as instrument, transcending traditional hip hop’s boundries to envelope the progressive sounds of fu ture vocal breakbeat. Matyas – Reality Engine’s first audio visual artist will be featuring Pioneer’s new DVD turntable technology. Peek into the future of DJ and VJ performance by taking a ride into a groovy psychedeli c dimension of visualized sound. Live sets: Vibrasphere (Digital Structure s – Sweden) Waterjuice (Vaporvent – San Francisco) Beatboxer Entertainment (New York) Audio Visual DJ/VJ set: Matyas (Reality Engine) Dj set: Pe dro (Reality Engine) VJ sets: Nikos (Reality Engine) Serge (Subtle Chaos) With a full-on video installation by Reality Engine and a collection of s ome of the area’s most progressive VJs. Vibrational Zen room by Himala yan Voices. Chai-shop by Putali Catering, offering healthy and energetic f ood and beverages. Art installations by Michael Murphy (michaeldmu rphy) and Ryan Uzi Body therapeutics by Sharodka Stagger. Location: G rand Space 778 Bergen St. in Prospect Heights, Brooklyn near the Brooklyn Museum of Art and Prospect Park (accessible by C, 2, 3 and Q trains). Di rections: web grandspace/directions Tickets: Its strongly encouraged to buy your tickets in advanced as we will keep this event at a comfortable dancing capacity. $20 in advance, $30 at the door if still available. For tickets and more information please visit realityen gine.org (realityengine.org/) Saturday, April, 30th, 2005 – GO AHEAD PRODUCTIONS Presents BUTTERFLY DANCE RITUAL w/ ALLEN, ONNOMON, MUBA LI… web goaheadproductions (web goaheadproductions. com/) May 7 Please come show your support for this most worthy cau se or if you dont want to support the smoke then at least come down and ge t your groove on to the best in Psychedelic Trance & Tek brought to you b y Americas Top Dj’s & Organizers. Sound by d. .org Friday, May13th Alladin Project Pre sents: WIZZY NOISE(Greece) Spun Rec. Candy Flip Rec. KNOB Alladin Proj ect (Japan) ELNADIV Alladin Project (NYC/ IL) URIEL Alladin Project (NYC /IL) STEVE-O Spectra (NYC) Decorations by: Alladin Project Crew Severyn Barabakh (Subtlecaos -NYC) Visuals by: VJ: Skyeye (Alladin Project)Japan -NYC Tickets $25 in Advance, $30 at door 18 to enter – 21+w/ picture ID t o drink. Door Open: 11PM to 8AM Location: CLUB EXIT 147 GREENPOINT AVE BROOKLYN NY ladinproduction at yahoo) (917) 569-1177 (917 405-4847 Hoomoos Asli NYC 100 Kenmare St/ Lafayette, (212) 966-0022 Satellite Records NYC 259 Bo wery Av. (212) 995-1744 Directions By Subway: take the L train to metrop olitan Ave & transfer to the G train to Greenpoint Ave. the Club is righ t across the street. Subway Map: web mta.nyc.ny.us/nyct/maps/sub map (web mta.nyc.ny.us/nyct/maps/submap ) Directions By Car: Take BQE (I-278) to Exit 33 McQuinness Blvd. to Greenpoint Ave. T urn LEFT at Greenpoint Ave Proceed to the corner of Manhattan Ave. By ca r service / taxi : from Manhattan cost $15 from Bedford Station it cost $6 Street Map: klyn,+NY+11222-2 web .alladinproject (web alladinproject/) web wizzyn oise.gr (web wizzynoise.gr/) web severyn (web .severyn/) ALSO Konb and Elnadiv (Alladin Project) Will be playin g on Battery Park NYC on May 7th… more info coming out soon Elnadiv T ov Alladin Project Mobile: (917)569-1177 o:alladinproject at yahoo) web alladinproject (web alladinp roject/) May 15 – Goa Gil in North Carolina bus trip info !!!!! from philly to asheville. please contact: allen2012 at gmail Goa Gil & Ariane Sacred Trance Dance Experience Saturday – Sunday May 21 – 22 200 5 At Deerfields, Asheville, NC, USA TOUCH Samadhi is honored to bring you: Goa Gil & Ariane (The Nommos, Avatar Records) Gil grew up in the middle o f the music scene of the sixties; he then left to journey t o India in 1969. Having been a musician all his life and then doing inte nse Yogic practices with Gurus in the Himalayas, he tried to unite the tw o forces, Music and Yoga, into one spirit befitting this Age. The resul t is his focus to use the trance party environment as a medium to uplift the consciousness of the participants through the Sacred Trance Dance Exp erience. He met Ariane in Goa in 1985. They have been together constantl y ever since. Ariane’s keen interest in African Djembe drumming and West African Traditional Dance has also had a big influence on the developmen t and direction of Gil’s musical tastes and concepts. Gil & Ariane’s cur rent musical project is The Nommos, and their goal is to combine Psychede lic Trance with West African Traditional Drumming in the True Spirit of t he Ancients.We will begin with an opening drum invocation at sunset, foll owed by Ariane’s ethno-tribal rhythms. Then Gil will guide us on an 18 h our trip through futuristic sounds for primal movements, “Redefining Anc ient Tribal Ritual for the 21st Century.” “Since the beginning of time hu mankind has used Music and Dance to commune with the Spirit of Nature and the Spirit of the Universe. When I come to the Party and set up my alta r, sprinkle the Holy Water, recite the Holy Mantra, and make the Offering to the Cosmic Spirit, and then start the Music… the Music and the whol e Party becomes the Offering to the Cosmic Spirit.” Come early on Saturday to set up camp, explore the land, have a swim, share a potluck meal (bri ng a dish/utensils and prepare for the amazing journey that awaits us all ! Plus: Sound by Project 7 Psyoptic Mindstimuli by Devotee Live video pr ojections by Omb Ritual by Tranceform Venus Entry: $30 presale til may 7 at BOBO Gallery, 22 Lexington Ave, Asheville Atmosphere Records, 1 West Wal nut St, Asheville $35 presale til may 7 – paypal to: touch.samadhi at gmai l ple get in for $30 a person Gate opens Saturday 9AM carpool & leave no tr ace! more information and directions at: web touchsamadhi (ww w.touchsamadhi/) web deerfields (web deerfields/) Bhakti Satya, Kri see you on the dance floor! always be brahmanirv ana. touchsamadhi (touchsamadhi/) email: kri at to d ting email me! join our mailing list! touchsamadhi-subscribe at touchsamadh i ! touchsamadhi.tribe.net/ (touchsamadhi.tribe.net/) The music will never stop! The heartbeat will never fade! The party will ne ver end! May 21 North Carolina – Goa Gil – touchsamadhi ( touchsamadhi) Friday, May 27th Tsunami at at Spirit Sunda y, May 29th Tsunami at Cielo Early June – Upstate NY – web omnida ncefestival.info/ (web omnidancefestival.info/) Thurs. – Sun., J une 23rd-26th, 2005 – GAIAN MIND SUMMER FESTIVAL 2005 at Four Quarters. web gaian-mind (web gaian-mind) Presenting the 4th Annual GAIAN MIND SUMMER FESTIVAL 2005 “CCelebrating the Dance of Life!E2 809D Thursday, June 23rd to Sunday, June 26th Four Quarters “3ntral Pennsylvania, USA Stone Circle Stage (Psy-Trance/Progressive Trance) : JAIA (Digital Structures “3 France) LIVE! ANTIX (Iboga Records “3 New Zealand) LIVE! DEVIANT SPECIES (Ambivalent Records “3 London) LIVE! DJ EDOARDO (Neurobiotic Records/Sonica 2005 – Italy) KENJI WILLIAMS (ABA Structure – USA/Japan) LIVE! ALLEN (Gaian Mind/Metropolis Re cords “3 Philadelphia) GAVIN (Digital Structures/Spectra – Sweden) KRI (T.O.U.C.H. Samadhi “3 Asheville) KIFE (OmniTribe “3 NYC ) KNOB (Alladin Project “3 Japan) ALBERTO (Cosmic Traveler E280 93Columbus) BINARY (Sonic Beating “3 Boston) North Crook Stage (Do wntempo): ANDROCELL (Celestial Dragon Recordings “3 Arizona) LIVE! BUFFER (M-Labs “3 Baltimore) ELEKTRONKIND (Digital Yeti Studios E2 8093 Baltimore) BLUE SPECTRAL MONKEY (T.O.U.C.H. Samadhi “3 Ashev ille) MONO MONO (Soular Records “3 Philadelphia) ANDREW LIGHT (Gaia n Mind “3 Philadelphia) EIM (Gaian Mind “3 Philadelphia) DEE T (Gaian Mind “3 Philadelphia) EITAN (Gaian Mind “3 Philadel phia/Israel) EGBOT (Psy-Planet/Gaian Mind “3 Trenton) BOTTOM DWELL ERS (Members Camp “3 Four Quarters) (Plus more artists TBAE280A6 ) Plus: Performance Art by THE GREAT QUENTINI (Philadelphia) Drum and Fire Performance and Workshops Lectures and Workshops Psychedelia Film Cinema Opening and Closing Ceremonies (Additional information coming soon…) Fea turing: UV Deco by MIZUE (Japan) Visual Projections by REALITY ENGINE (NYC ) Additional Art Installations by STEVE-O (GoaBabies – NYC), DIGITAL YETI STUDIOS, and GAIAN MIND Sound Installation by SONIC BEATING (Boston) Admi ssion: Early-Bird Registration – $75 (until Saturday, May 7th, 2005) Pre-R egistration – $100 (until Saturday, June 18th, 2005) At the Gate* – $125 ( Thursday, June 23rd – Sunday, June 26th) *Cash or Credit Card only. Childr en under 16 admitted FREE with parent or legal guardian. Optional Meal Pla ns with the STARVIN’ ARTIST CAFE are available. Payment: Credit Card (VISA /MC) payments – contact Four Quarters at 1-(814) 784-3075 or pay online a t web 4QF.org (web 4qf.org/) . Money Orders or Personal Checks – payable to: “Gaian Mind” c/o Four Quarters, 190 Walker Lane, Artemas, PA 1 7211, USA. Admission Includes: Optional Meal Plan provided by STARVIN’ ART IST CAFE* FREE All-You-Can-Eat “Fractal Feast” (carnivore/vegetarian) FREE 24-Hour Coffee/Tea Service by COFFEE DRAGONS Chai and Children’s Area by ISHTARBUCK’S CHAI Merchant Area – Clothing, Jewelry, Crafts, Tattooing, P iercing, Body Painting, etc… Healing and Massage Area Morning and Eveni ng Yoga Sessions Daily Sweat Lodges Nightly Drum Circles Riverside Swimmin g Spacious Campgrounds Fire Rings with Unlimited Firewood* Hot Showers and Clean Toilets FREE Drinking Water FREE and Secure Main Parking *Additiona l charges apply. Dates: Thursday, June 23rd to Sunday, June 26th, 2005 Gat es open on Thursday at noon – Drum Circle at dusk. Amplified music starts on Friday at 10:00am. Extended camping is available for an additional fee for early arrivals and late departures. Location: FOUR QUARTERS – An Int erFaith Sanctuary of EarthReligion, Artemas, Pennsylvania, USA, Gaia Dire ctions: web 4qf.org (web 4qf.org/) Information: Questions and Concerns can be addressed to -mind) or megalith at 4qf.org GAIAN MIND 24-Hour Hotline: 1-(610) 771-0668 FOUR QUARTERS Registration and Rumor Con trol: 1-(814) 784-3075 web gaian-mind (web gaian-mind. com/) web 4qf.org (web 4qf.org/) – – – JAIA (Digital Str uctures “3 France) LIVE! The act JAIA is the project of the French producer Yannis Kamarinos, formed in 1995 with Jean-Michel Blanchet and f irst oriented Psy-Trance and Downtempo. Since 2000 Yannis is working a lone under JAIA name, and today JAIAs music is more orientated t o Progressive House and Progressive Trance (and still Downtempo too). JA IA has already released an album “CBlue Energy”D in 1998 (C ross/EastWest/Nova Tekk), which has been re-released in 2000 on the Japane se label Dakini. JAIA released several 12” singles too, as well as numer ous tracks on various label compilations, such as Island, Iboga, Wagram, Milan, Flying Rhino, T.I.P. World, and many others. The new album “Fict ion” will be released in May 2005 on Digital Structures. Yannis has coll aborated with other producers-DJs such as DADO, WIZY NOISE, and SILICON SOUND. He has remixed famous artists like the French singer MYLE NE FARMER “3 including her last two singles “Cest Une Bel le JournC3A9e” and “Pardonne-Moi” (Polydor/Universal) – with BLUE PLANET CORPORATION, the Moroccan singer TYOUSSI (Fairway/SonyMusic), and the Fr ench pop band JPEX (Wagram). JAIA also has been remixed by TOTAL ECLIPSE, MINIL:OGUE, and JIMMY VAN M for example. He is also working with Onelet ronic, a company making sound libraries for cinema and TV, collaborating with other artists like JOHN DIGWEED, OLIVER LIEB, NICK WARREN, and SASHA. Since 1997 Yannis has been performing live in Europe, Japan, Israel, Ca nada, and in the United States. He has played at many big gatherings lik e Return to the Source in London, Solstice in Japan, and the Samothraki D ance Festival in Greece. jaia.net.free.fr (jaia.net.free. fr/) ANTIX (Iboga Records “3 New Zealand) LIVE! Based in Auckland New Zealand, Barton and Hayden Strom are the producers behind the project ANTIX. The Strom brothers dedication to pushing their style in new directions in the ever evolving Progressive Trance genre has made th em one of the emerging acts to watch their scene. Both Barton and Hayden were introduced to music at a young age listening, to music from their parents vast record collections. They quickly became addi cted to the hypnotic sounds of Trance in ’95 when a friend handed them a tape urging them to check it out. Barton instantly purchased a mixer and started DJ’ing at small parties in the growing Auckland scene. Six mont hs later he had moved to Japan to buy studio equipment and teach himself the art of production, and Hayden later joined him. Together they returne d to New Zealand, setting up various studios around Auckland and refining a sound, which really came together once they moved to the West Coast of the North Island and set up Slow Burning Studios in ’99. The sound that seemed to evolve was a kind of minimal organic groove influenced by the E uropean sound being played by DJ PHILIPP from Plastik Park and ANTI from Spiral Trax. It wasn’t long before a connection was made when Philipp to ured Australia and New Zealand in 2000, and ANTIX were signed for their f irst 12”, “Rainstick,” on Plastik Park. Over the years the two have mana ged to put a few of the “big ones” under their belts, playing the U-Site Fusion Festival in Germany, The Boom in Portugal, and The Rainbow Serpent in Australia. And now three years down the line, ANTIX completed their long awaited debut album “Lull” released on the Danish label Iboga Records . The duo are currently touring the globe for the third year, they are o nly half way to completing this tour, but so far its been a huge success, playing parties in Denmark, Sweden, Croatia, Japan, the Voov Festival 20 03 in Germany and then in London, where they played alongside other respe cted kiwi artists for the annual New Zealand music night at club Fabric. And now to continue the tour ANTIX will play in Portugal, Switzerland, Sw eden, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Austria and then to finish in France. On top of this theyve also been involved in Auckland label Manta. The label has just released its second 12″ and third compilation “Subduc tion” featuring a excellent selection of New Zealand and international, P rogressive/Psy-Trance which are all available from Cyberculture Records at (web cyberculture.co.nz (web cyberculture.co.nz/) ). So at las t… Here comes the second full length album from ANTIX – “Twin Cost Dis covery.” Since their first album – “Lull” – released on Iboga Records in June 2003, ANTIX had major success with their very groovy and unique sty le. They have been playing their live set at a great number of events an d have made a very good name for themselves in the scene. Now two years later, Iboga Records is proud to be releasing another well produced album. From start to end the Strom brothers take you on a journey deep into the ir soundscapes. You can truly tell that ANTIX has spent many hours makin g this album come true, and once again they surprise with their style, go ing in a new direction. web iboga-records.dk (web iboga-re cords.dk/) DEVIANT SPECIES (Ambivalent Records “3 London) LIVE! DE VIANT SPECIES are the England based electronic duo who are currently tour ing Japan consisting of Santos De Castro and Paul Wright. Consistently r eleasing their unique take on the London Techno sound for the past five y ears, they are now preparing to release their third album, “In the Hands of the Randomiser,” later this year on Ambivalent Records. From the Warl ock Studios comes the long-awaited album by DEVIANT SPECIES. No need for introductions, once more you will be treated to nine quality-consistent cuts of dark and minimal psychedelia for the blackest hours of the night. In this third album installment by DEVIANT SPECIES the band is now only made up of Santos De Castro with collaborations with ex-DEVIANT SPECIES member Paul Konrad Wright (now of N.R.S. fame) and ground-breaking produc er Ady Connor from SCORB. The atmosphere prevailing here is hard, with t inges of Industrial and Ambient intros and outros that cross-over giving the album a continuous flow. It all kicks off with “Voice of Thard,” a ch ugging and spatial number that builds up to a ripping chorus. “Pincushio n Man” continues with galloping intensity where “…Thard” left off movin g relentlessly to a climatic final before “Shellless” ebbs in soothingly with an overture of peerless Gothic beauty. The tight pulse is quickly r estored leading to a frantic groove that allows you to breathe with its i nterspersed waves of noise. On a slightly softer tip “Thermal Boundaries ” follows with an infectious beat that gradually gathers momentum to tran cing-out effect. In a similar rolling yet relaxed vein enters “The Retina l Circus,” which has been doing the bootleg rounds in an earlier unfinish ed version titled “The Abyss.” To follow, “In the Hands of the Randomise r” is the first collaboration between DEVIANT SPECIES and SCORB, a powerf ul track that starts with an Industrial soundscape and steamrolls forward into a roaring pay-off. For the darkest hour “A Night to Dismember” brin gs the proceedings to total mayhem before the forces of light emerge. “P ortal to Balojax” is a 3-minute-plus unwinding ambient piece and serves as a prologue to “The Entrapment of John Dory,” the only morning track in t he album and the second DEVIANT SPECIES vs. SCORB outing, a delicate cut destined to be a classic. web deviantspecies.co.uk (web deviantspecies.co.uk/) web ambivalentrecords (web ambi valentrecords/) DJ EDOARDO (Neurobiotic Records/Sonica 2005 – Italy) EDOARDO is the main man behind Neurobiotic Records. He started DJing 10 years ago playing Techno at parties in Rome. After three years, he went t o his first Trance party and decided to move in that direction, so, he st arted playing Psy-Trance, the first one in Rome. Being one of the top DJ ‘s around today, he played gigs all over Europe (Germany, Austria, Spain, Portugal, Israel, Denmark, Czech Republic, Switzerland, Italy, Serbia, M acedonia, Slovenia, Croatia, France, Russia, Holland, Hungary, Greece, Bu lgaria), Brazil, United States, Mexico, Argentina, India, and Japan. Fro m small parties to huge festivals like Samothraki Dance Festival, Voov Ex perience, Full Moon Festival, Shiva Moon, Solaris, Universo Paralello, he is constantly touring the world spreading the Neurobiotic virus. His st yle is a mix of futuristic Psy-Trance with House, Progressive, and electr onic breaks and beats. Giving great importance to the mixing, he creates a flowing liquid psychedelic soundscape. In 2004, he created Indica Musi c, Chillout/Downtempo label together with DJ JOSKO and he’s currently bus y in the preparation of Sonica 2005, the first electronic music festival in Italy. web neurobiotic (web neurobiotic/) web sonica2005 (web sonica2005/) KENJI WILLIAMS ( ABA Structure – USA/Japan) LIVE! Techno-wizard KENJI WILLIAMS is world-re nowned for his cutting-edge improvisational compositions blending electro nic beats, classical violin, and mind-bending visuals. From the first ev er “Illusion” EP release reaching a global audience of nearly 100,000 in collaboration with JOHN DIGWEED’s Bedrock label, to Ambient releases with top labels such as Flying Rhino and Interchill, to the latest full length Tech-House, Tech-Trance album “Faces of Epiphany,” the network of recogn ition is growing. Combining unique skills in film and music, KENJI WILLI AMS has earned international film awards from the CSC to Sundance, and ha s been featured in the press such as XLR8R, Jwave, Tokyo FM, and Apple.co m. Director of three films to date, “Moment Utopia,” “Vision Quest 2002, ” and the latest project “WORLDSPIRIT,” collaborating with world-renowned spiritual artist, ALEX GREY, KENJI WILLIAMS is establishing himself as a forward thinking audio visual artist of the soul. web kenjiwillia ms (web kenjiwilliams/) web magneticpresence. com (web magneticpresence/) ANDROCELL (Celestial Dragon Recor dings “3 Arizona) LIVE! When awareness rendezvous with emotion, her e is where one finds the heart of ANDROCELL. Tyler “Quasga” Smith (former ly of PRABHAMANDALA) created ANDROCELL as an aural habitat for all cogniz ant beings who experience the emotional palette of chilled, psychedelic w onder that awaits inside his music. The debut album, “Emotivision,” reve als the first Downtempo offerings from the ANDROCELL studio. Nine Dub-en riched, sonic, soul stories for the universal traveler, these melodic tal es tell of beautiful scenes and moody dreams. Featuring visionary album cover art in digipak design plus a bonus 8-page gallery booklet of select digital works all created by Quasga. Along with digital mastering by le ading Psybient artist, YANIV SHULMAN, this album belongs in every serious chillers collection. web androcell (web androcell/ ) Saturday, July 3rd: Tsunami Free Outdoor Special Event in NYC Friday, July 1st – Tsunami at Spirit July 4th weekend – Los Angeles – web greensector (web greensector/) Phantasm again brings 4 day festival with Talamasca, Shakta, Orion, Eskimo, Cosmosis and other s July 16 – Midwest – web psymbolic (web psymbolic/) July – Oregon web Enosa.net (web enosa.net/) Friday, July 29 th – Tsunami at Spirit August 25-30 The Rhythms of Peace Beach Festival in Morocco Announced for August!! Morocco Festival August 25th-30th, a nd the line-up is sick – live acts by Parasense, Son Kite, Silicon Sound, Wizzy Noise, Safi Connection, Atmos, Bamboo Forest, way more Check out (web brainmachin Moundir the organizer has been involved with othe r festivals and has a good reputation. He asked me through Gavin to sell tickets in the U.S. and will be offering travel packages of $700 round trip, $200 food & lodging. Details for these packages will be forthcom ing. Once you get there it is very very cheap, I mean like almost India cheap.. Ticket prices before the 30th of April 2005 : $80 before the 30th of July 2005 : $100 at the door : 100 euros Physical tickets will be provided. Tickets may be purchased by check or money order via snail mail ( email for at aol), or in person. For those of you no t on NYC604 or TripOutNY and would like to recieve updates to the gatheri ng and to dicuss, click the above link to join Go Morocco 2005 at yahoogr oups. Any emails from the organizers will be fwded there. The NYC list s will have occasional updates, but for those who’d like to discuss going in the interest of space please join the morocco group. You don’t have t o be buying tickets from me to join; Dave Henshaw is also selling tickets in Boston and others may be as well. Flyer at .c Sept 23-25 North Carolina – Powwow festival – touchsamadhi.co m (touchsamadhi/) Goa Gil in Oregon AD TRONGTrip Out New York NYC Trance Community Weekly Newsletter virus ks MORE LINKS /D “He hath said, which heard the words of God, and knew the knowledge of the most High, which saw the vision of the Almighty, falling into a trance but having his eyes open” News New on the Calendar this w eek: Daniel Pinchbeck, Gaian Mind info, Tsunami open air July 3, various psytekky stuff Interview with mubali [m.o.e. san fran] com/interviews 300 peop le removed from Safetydance If you were one of these pe ople that i do not recall as a known contributor, you’ll have to contribut e to rejoin. Sorry. I’d rather ask now than later this summer when I am too busy to even think about it. Let’s make 2005 make 2004 like a warm-up. GMS Review It was the best time I’ve ever had at Avalon, and the most so ber time (d-wise) Liran did a great job letting in trancers straight away and many of the old heads were there. GMS sounded incredible o n the sound system. They played a lot of new material with mainstrea my samples and reworkings. The vibe was good. It was great to be at a really humongous trance party with a looot of unknown people. And it was at least a quarter Japanese/Korean. Movie Review | ‘Short Cut to Nirvana: Kumbh Mela’: In India, Counting P ilgrims by Tens of Millions By A. O. SCOTT – While this documentary about a religious pilgrimage in India feels haphazard and superficial, the glimps es it 622 Music Video’s from many electronic and eclectic groups, from From A /granfaro.blogspot/2005/04/622-music-videos-various-from-perfect granfaro.blogspot/2005/04/622-music-videos-various-from-perfect. html Photos from a bygone era! hre machines/serge/sergesphotos To re-experience this and tran scend the fact that emotions are holographically imprinted chemicals, rejo in us or be forced to develop a time travel mechanism in the lab in your b asement. Neurons that fire together wire together. Help us escape to a higher level of complexity. web SMI2LE.bizweb SMI2LE.biz inmachines/serge/pages/DSCF1996 web tranceam.org/serg e/pages/DSCF1836 web tranceam.org/serge/pages/DSCF1836.ht mlweb tranceam.org/serge/pages/DSCF1837 moreom/bridge We organized that event back when the Devotional Min istry of Trance was the Church of Trance, and that is where I first met th e AOHELL hacker who was delivering pizzas when he started SMI2LE. To se e more events like this get on Safetydance for $10 or $25 for Safetydance and the d. Of course, you’ll be thoroughly screened. &n bs wallpaper! //web sho/site/reefermadness/home.doweb sho/site/reefermad ness/home.do Morocco to get on the info list for the big Morocco party in august send a blank email t I have physical tickets for th e Rhythms of Peace Beach Festival in Morocco Announced in August!! Moro cco Festival August 25th-30th, and the line-up is sick – live acts by Para sense, Son Kite, Silicon Sound, Wizzy Noise, Safi Connection, Atmos, Bambo o Forest, way more Check out the flyer./moroccopa involved with other festivals an d has a good reputation. He asked me through Gavin to sell tickets i n the U.S. and will be offering travel packages of $700 round trip, $200 food & lodging. Details for these packages will be forthcoming. Once you get there it is very very cheap, I mean like almost In dia cheap.. Ticket prices before the 30th of April 2005 : $80 befor e the 30th of July 2005 : $100 at the door : 100 euros Physical tic kets will be provided. Tickets may be purchased by check or money order ups For those of you not on NYC604 or TripOutNY and would like to recieve updates to the gathering and to dicuss, click the above link to join Go Morocco 2005 at Yahoo Groups. Any emails from the organizers will be fwded there. The NYC lists will have occasional updat es, but for those who’d like to discuss going, in the interest of space pl ease join the morocco group. You don’t have to be buying tickets from m e to join; Dave Henshaw is also selling tickets in Boston and others may b Trancer’s Guide to the Galaxy is finally being shipped!/ST RONG web trancersguide/web trancersguide/ I’ll h ave limited copies for sale, but you can click the image above to order yo ur copy. The two page US section will have even more features than l ast year, include a state by state map of trance infiltration. * * * TripOut New Yo rk Sponsor for discount nootropics * * * ft festivals/d Sound System rental/logo partners in bold; same date parties appear in the order submitted; Psy/Goa events always come first. &nb s Organizers who cannot provide press passes to TripOutNY will be charge d the amount of 2 tickets to finance our gonzo journalism &nbs Talk on shamani sm and therapeutic use of psychedelics, as part of “Psychedelic Week” at C talk will be held at Hamilton 517. To get to Hamilton Hall, you have to g o to the 116th St. and Amsterdam Avenue gates. Hamilton is the building to the left of the gates if you’re facing west (go into the campus to get to the entrance). 000000Join us for a special evening with Daniel Pinchbeck, author of Brea king Open the Head: A Psychedelic Journey into the Heart of Contemporary S dweb breakingopenthehead o let you know a couple artists of mine will be out performing i n NYC for the Full Moon at CoSM with Alex Grey. (April 23-25) They are pla ying in the daytime … more of their acoustic drums/chill music. They als o do a live trance act…. and a live chill act. 2Ajja is the label owner of Peak Records in Switzerland and if you arent aware of them…. check it out. They have released some stomping compilati ons that really move a floor! They have regularly performed throughout Eur ope and at festivals, Rainbow Serpent, Exodus, Zoom and more. Friday, April 22, 8 p.m. “how i learned to stop worrying and love the dimensional shift” a talk w/ daniel pinchbeck Friday, April 22, 20 05 8:00 p.m., $10 at The Project Room 619 East 6th Street bt w B and C Join us for a special evening with Daniel Pinchbeck, author o f Breaking Open the Head: A Psychedelic Journey into the Heart of Contempo rary Shamanism (Broadway Books, 2002). web breakingopenthehead He is currently completing a new book, 2012: The Return of Quetzalcoatl is on indigenous prophecies, crop circles, The Apocalypse, the Santo Daime reli gion of Brazil, and other subjects. He will discuss the notion of an immin ent “dimensional shift,” a movement into a new form of consciousness, deve loped in the works of Terence McKenna, and elaborated in recent studies of the Mayan Calendar, which presents a different model of temporality, link ing vast cycles of time to the evolution of consciousness. According to hi s hypothesis, the transition will conclude with the movement to a harmonic planetary civilization. Open discussion for questions and answers will follow. April 23rd 2005 Recordings EssentialWave Hyper-Nation at Nightengale 213 2nd Avenue
#3568 Tue, 19 Apr 2005 08:55:53 Tue, 19 Apr 2005 08:55:52 Fwd: [NYC604] HAPPY BICYCLE DAY !!!!!!!! In a message dated 4/19/2005 5:32:59 A.M. Pacific Standard Time, robin at triskelemanagement writes: Forwarded from a friend 😉 Happy 62nd anniversary of Hoffmans legendary mark in l history 🙂 web erowid.org/chemicals/l/ltimeline.php In a messag e dated 4/19/2005 5:32:59 A.M. Pacific Standard Time, robin at triskelemanage ment writes: end 😉 Happy 62nd anniversary of Hoffmans legendary mark in l history 🙂 web erowid.org/chemicals/l/ltimeli
#3569 Wed, 20 Apr 2005 05:29:45 Wed, 20 Apr 2005 05:29:45 Fwd: [NYC604] Full-On Psy Trance at Boogaloo on Sunday Juve the bartender says it’s psy-trance there every Sunday Juve the bartende r says it’s psy-trance there every
#3570 Thu, 21 Apr 2005 05:10:57 Thu, 21 Apr 2005 05:10:57 Fwd: [NYC604] BOOGALOO APRIL 23RD 24HR PSY EVENT UPDATE
#3572 Wed, 27 Apr 2005 03:24:21 Wed, 27 Apr 2005 03:24:19 Chooseletter (web trancersguide/) Circ. 1,891 Trip Out New York Free NYC Psychedelic Trance Community Weekly New sletter Please make a donation to help keep the spirit alive (web Editor Machine Forward/reprin t to spread the psytrance virus TripOutNY-subscrib e To revie ibe) More Links (web tranceam.org/link s ) Numbers 24, verse 16 “He hath said, which heard the words of G od, and knew the knowledge of the most High, which saw the vision of the Almighty, falling into a trance, but having his eyes open” What’s News -Many new big events announced in the cale ndar, below. -Supreme Court to Hear Case of Dispute Over Religious Group’ s Use of Banned d [Ayahuasca /d] (see end of this email for full a rticle) Morocco – last chance to get $80 tickets. They go up to $100 af ter this Saturday. Travel packages are still being developed, so don’t w ait if you want to save a lot as end price is going to be 100 Euros, whic h is now $129.68, so buy now and you’d save $50 per ticket. To get on the info list for the big Morocco party in august send a blank email to gom ogroups) I have physical tickets for the Rhythms of Peace Beach Festi val in Morocco Announced in August 25th-30th, and the line-up is sick – l ive acts by Parasense, Son Kite, Silicon Sound, Wizzy Noise, Safi Connect ion, Atmos, Bamboo Forest, way more Check out the flyer web brainmachi Moundir the organizer has been involved with other festivals and has a g ood reputation. He asked me through Gavin to sell tickets in the U.S. an d will be offering travel packages of $700 round trip, $200 food & lodg ing. Details for these packages will be forthcoming. Once you get ther e it is very very cheap, I mean like almost India cheap.. Ticket prices be fore the 30th of April 2005 : $80 before the 30th of July 2005 : $100 at the door : 100 euros (currently $129.68 as of April 27) Physical tickets will be provided. Tickets may be purchased via paypal to jeffMachinelf at ao l or by check or money order via sn ail c/o SMI2LE.biz 193 Hackensack Plank Road 2nd fl oor Weehawken, NJ 07086-5843 201-766-1086 gomorocco2005-subscribe at yahoogr oups For those of you not on NYC604 or TripOutNY and would like to receive updates to the g athering and to dicuss, click the above link to join Go Morocco 2005 at y ahoogroups. Any emails from the organizers will be fwded there. The NY C lists will have occasional updates, but for those who’d like to discuss going, in the interest of space please join the morocco group. You don’t have to be buying tickets from me to join; Dave Henshaw is also selling t ickets in Boston and others may be as well. Flyer at web brainmac We welcome to this newsletter John Perry Barlow (homes.eff.org /barlow/), He’s the Electronic Frontier Foundation’s vice chairman, Grat eful Dead lyricist, and was on the letterhead for Wired Magazine for many years. Scientists say they can read a person’s unconscious thoughts u sing a simple brain scan news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/health/4472355.stm (news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/health/4472355.stm) Who hasn’t played in New York? Send any omissions/corrections. /whohasn tbeenhere.txt (web tranceam.org/whohasntbeenhere.txt) No tes from the Underground There are several gatherings being planned that yo u will not read about here. Why? because Thieves Destroy Scenes. Physi cal thieves, that is. I admit I appropriate almost every idea i can find . None of the logos and nor even the names of every group I am with are original. I can’t really think of anything original maybe, unless it was a weird costume ars back but even all that was store bought. But stealing a bag is anoth er thing entirely, and bag thieving is brilliant in its simplicity to fuck things up for tranceheads. The low number of thieves per capita is one of several reasons why psy-trance has survived the rave implosion. The i dea for us to survive is to keep things too weird and too psychedelic for a (low level) monkey mind to tolerate. Why the West Rules Dr. Timothy L eary on why California is cool and Western Culture rules (before multicul turism reared its relativistic head) From The Intelligence Agents, Leary ‘s best book: web american-buddha/intell.spinning.a (http ://web american-buddha/intell.spinning.a ) Country and western ve rsion of Gin & Juice, this week only /BobAndTom.mp3 (web tranceam.org/BobAndTom.mp3) Fungi in the Heavens. .. “dude its a giant friggin liberty cap..” Just released from da hubble, 10 light-years top to bottom. Our solar system is bout .001 ly, so (.001 into less than one pi xel on the image [not the one above, the higher-res version in the link b elow], so comparable to the smallest star in the foreground. antwr (antwrp.gsfc …Thanks to our friend w ho works for NASA for keeping us up to date on the latest in psychedelic astronomical images. We’ve been warned web terencemckenna ( web terencemckenna) Revvvs is back web nytimes/2005/04 (web nytimes/2005/04/18/arts/design/18revs Canadia n pot spray legalized – easy smuggling, anyone? web canoe.ca/Ne wsStand/OttawaSun/News/2005/04/20/1004667-sun (web canoe.ca/N ewsStand/OttawaSun/News/2005/04/20/1004667-sun ) Cool flash web zeronews-fr/flash/electroniksupersonik.php (web zeronew s-fr/flash/electroniksupersonik.php) Dr. Albert Hofmann celebr ated his 99th birthday on January 11, 2005! Dr. Hofmann first synthesized l-25 in 1938 while working at Sandoz Laboratories in Basel Switzerland . He became the first person to discover its psychedelic effects on April 16, 1943. (from MAPS.org) He’s also a pal of Goa Gil, who has played a t gatherings in Hofmann’s native Switzerland and is playing in North Caro lina in May (see below). One of my friends went down to the Mayan ruins wi th Dr. Hofmann recently. I wouldn’t have believed him but he gave me a p hoto. This guy just keeps going and going and going… Love Para de NYC Why does have its own Love Parade and New York does n ot? Trancer’s Guide to the Galaxy is finally being shipped! ww w.trancersguide/ (web trancersguide/) I’ll have limited co pies for sale, but you can click the link above to order your copy straig ht from Germany. * * * Sponsor This logo is from Timothy Leary’s ca mpaign for governor of California when he ran against Ronald Reagan in 19 68. Click here (web smi2le.biz/) for discount nootropics. We’ll have an open house soon. Here’s (web tranceam.org/upshift. html) my initial experience in 2000. * * * Event Calendar Log o partners in bold. Same date events appear in the order submitted. All events include at least on Psy/Goa DJ. Organizers who cannot provide pres s passes will be charged the amount of 2 tickets to help keep gonzo journ alism alive. * * * Wednesday April 27 He y Peeps, Thanks to everyone who came to Boogaloo last Saturday we had kil ler time and hopefully we will be doing it again next Month…………..m aybe we’ll go more than 12 hours though…you bunch of light weights:) FY I – Pulse Industries is dedicated to the best in Full On Trance & Tek no medium no in between & nothing slower than 135bpm. Jason/Severyn – Pulse I ndustries Subtlechaos is a multi Genre event dedicated to all music for gr ooving. Jason/Vadim – Subtlechaos ……Get the picture??? Any ?’s drop me a line:) Ok upcoming Events !(Opium Den & Vibrasphere Flyers) Pulse Industr ies at Opium Den Wednesday 27th of April April 29 – Tsuyoshi Ladies and Gentlemen ! Spring is coming !E38080NUMANOID(DJ:TSUYOSHI SUZUKI), JOUJOUKA is coming ! We are selling advanced tickets of April 29th with N umanoid aka DJ:Tsuyoshi, LIVE JOUJOUKA, TOMMIE SUNSHINE at websterhall. Y ou can buy advanced tickets at Oplanning(276 Fifth Ave suite 307A, bet 29t h&30th St 212-532-5665 Mon-Fri 10-19). If you buy advanced ticket $25, yo u can get JOUJOUKA LIVE CD and Joe Perry (aerosmith) and dj honda concert ‘s INVITATION on MAY 5th. April 29th (FRI) 10:00PM-MORNING at WEBSTERHALL (125 East 11th St,bet 3rd & 4th Ave) Main Floor: DJ:NUMANOID aka DJ TSUYOS HI (JOUJOUKA / MAdmtskiPPERS) LIVE:JOUJOUKA (Electro) DJ:TOMMIE SUNSHINE (xylophone jones / Brooklyn Fire) Advanced Ticket with JOUJOUKA live CD $2 5.00 Ticket Outlet- O planning (276 Fifth Ave suite 307A, bet 29th St &30 th St) 212-532-5665 (You have advanced ticket, you don’t stand on long li ne, use the guest entrance) If you buy advanced ticket $25, you can get J OUJOUKA LIVE CD and Joe Perry (aerosmith) and dj honda concert’s INVITATI ON on MAY 5th. web joujouka (web joujouka/) web tommies unshine.org (web tommiesunshine.org/) web odoru-nyc (web odoru-nyc/) basement: DJ Sean Sharpe (Hip Hop) 3F: DJ Chikkitin ( Salsa, Merengue and Reggaeton) 2F(coffee room): DJ Chase (Reggae) 1F: DJ A very (Classics 70’s-90’s) *Amature Striptease at 3:00AM $500 cash prize for winner! *Bring ID +18 to enter, +21 to drink *Dress Code -nice an d casual- ON SATURDAY, APRIL 30TH, A CREATIVE COLLABORATION PROVIDES THE POTENTIAL TO EVOLVE. web enlightenedproductions.org/evolv e/emailFlyer (web enlightenedproductions.org/evolve/emailFlye r ) realityengine.org/events (realityengine.org/events ) A community of multimedia artists unites to create an enlightening and uplifting environment. Fusing multi media art installations with psyche delic experimental grooves, dubadelic world beats, and next level beatboxi ng, Evolve features beat-driven music that transcends current musical gen res to illustrate where we have been and points in the direction of where we are going. LIVE ACTS: VIBRASPHERE(web mpdqx/digitalstruct ures (web mpdqx/digitalstructures) web mpdqx/digi talstructures (web mpdqx/digitalstructures) ) One of the mos t innovative trance acts in the world, Vibrasphere combine the deepness o f dub with the energy of Trance. Flying in from Sweden where Digital Stru ctures is based, Vibrasphere joins us in an exclusive east coast appearanc e to take us on a musical journey and rock the dance-floor. WATERJUICE ( web vaporvent (web vaporvent/) web vapo rvent (web vaporvent/) ) is the sonic brain-child of Cyri l Kollock and Raven Tupling. Formed in 1999, their musical styles have ev olved from deep funk to trance, electro, breaks and a touch of rock and r oll. Based in the bay area, these prolific artists have desi gned their own software and an innovative piece of hardware called the Mi di-Trigger Suit which they use to create sounds through movement. Their l ive performance takes the listener from dubby downtempo grooves to psyche delic soundscapes. BEATBOXER ENTERTAINMENT (beatboxing (beatboxing/) beatboxing (beatboxing/) ) B rooklyn based Beatboxer Entertainment showcases some of the most innovati ve human beatboxing in the world. Representing the next level of the body as instrument and transcending traditional Hip Hops boundaries to envelo pe the progressive sounds of future vocal breakbeat. UPBEAT-DOWNTEMPO Djs : CYRIL (Waterjuice-Vaporvent)ALIEN BLUE (C.o.S.M.)PEDRO (Reality Engine) MATYAS (Reality Engine) MULTI MEDIA (VJS)Full-on Video installation by Rea lity Engine Matyas (Reality Engine) Nikos (Reality Engine)Serge (Subtle C haos) Vibrational Zen room by Himalayan Voices, providing gongs and percus sion instruments from around the world. Beer, juice, water and snacks wi ll also be served. Art installations by Michael Murphy (michaeldmu rphy (michaeldmurphy/) ), Kris Kuksi (kriskuksi.c om (kriskuksi/) ), Ryan Uzi, and Wade Harrell (trauni c (traunic/) ) Body therapeutics by Sharodka Stagger. Conc eptualized in collaboration with enlightenedproductions.org (http ://enlightenedproductions.org/) Proceeds from EVOLVE to benefit the non-p rofit creativecommons.org (creativecommons.org/) LOCATION : Grand Space 778 Bergen St. in Prospect Heights, Brooklyn near the Brookl yn Museum of Art and Prospect Park (accessible by C, 2, 3 and Q trains). DIRECTIONS: web grandspace/directions (web grands pace/directions ) TICKETS: Its strongly encouraged to buy your ti ckets in advanced as we will keep this event at a comfortable dancing cap acity. $20 in advance, $30 at the door if still available. For tickets an d more information please visit realityengine.org/events ( realityengine.org/events) If you have any trouble viewing this flyer in y our email client is it also available online at web enlightenedpr oductions.org/evolve/emailFlyer (web enlightenedproductions.o rg/evolve/emailFlyer ) Saturday, April, 30th, 2005 – GOAHEAD PRODUCT IONS Presents BUTTERFLY DANCE RITUAL w/ ALLEN, ONNOMON, MUBALI… web goaheadproductions (web goaheadproductions) Eve ry Sunday May 1 Trance in Brooklyn TONE LOTUS and TOLTECNICA Present VIBR O FUENTES, dj set Acid Trance to Psy ASSEMBLAGE POINT, dj set Psy and more Psy JIMMY JAMES, dj set Breaks then Techo MIKE SPEARZ, dj set Downtempo B reaks and Techo The evening stars off with Chill and Breaks moving into Te chno and Acid Trance then we work our way up into Psy Location: Boogaloo Bar 68 Marcy Ave South Williamsburg, Brooklyn, NY (‘tween Bway and S. 5th ) 8pm till 4am FREE By Subway: J to Marcy Ave. (over the Williamsburg Bri dge); G at Metropolitan Ave (J train is waayyyy better) May 6 TDC Pres ents Atomic Pulse ( Spectrum, Israel) For the first time in New York City Atomic Pulse will perform a special LIVE and DJ Set. Atomic Pulse soun d consists of full-on music blending with hard elements of groove with an epic feel. DJ’s: Main Psy-full on room Babla ( Kagdila rec, NYC ) TDC Mafia ( Legalize this ) Inner Mongolian Progressive room Pulse ( Hyper Nation / TDC, NYC ) Oleg K ( HyperNation, NYC ) Eddie Kantor ( HyperNati on, NYC ) Serge Z-Lenin ( HyperNation, NYC ) Farmatar ( Omnitribe / Pola rlight, NYC ) Earthian ( Omnitribe / Polarlight, NYC ) Deco: Daya Cay ung ( Dreamcatcher studio, Indonesia ) TDC crew Admission: $ 25 – Part y from 10 – 7 Location: Club Axis 32-17 College point Blvd. QUEENS NYC. ( entrance is on 33rd Ave ) For more information about this event and upc oming summer festival visit web tdcny (web tdcny/ ) May 7 Please come show your support for this most worthy cause or if you dont want to support the smoke then at least come down and get your groove on to the best in Psychedelic Trance & Tek brought to you by Americas Top Dj’s & tlechaos.org) Friday, May13th Alladin Project Presents: WIZZY NOISE(Gree ce) Spun Rec. Candy Flip Rec. KNOB Alladin Project (Japan) ELNADIV All adin Project (NYC/ IL) URIEL Alladin Project (NYC/IL) STEVE-O Spectra (N YC) Decorations by: Alladin Project Crew Severyn Barabakh (Subtlecaos -NY C) Visuals by: VJ: Skyeye (Alladin Project)Japan -NYC Tickets $25 in Ad vance, $30 at door 18 to enter – 21+w/ picture ID to drink. Door Open: 11P M to 8AM Location: CLUB EXIT 147 GREENPOINT AVE BROOKLYN NY Tickets o) (917) 569-1177 (917 405-4847 Hoomoos Asli NYC 100 Kenmare St/ L afayette, (212) 966-0022 Satellite Records NYC 259 Bowery Av. (212) 995- 1744 Directions By Subway: take the L train to metropolitan Ave & transf er to the G train to Greenpoint Ave. the Club is right across the street . Subway Map: web mta.nyc.ny.us/nyct/maps/submap (ww w.mta.nyc.ny.us/nyct/maps/submap ) Directions By Car: Take BQE (I-27 8) to Exit 33 McQuinness Blvd. to Greenpoint Ave. Turn LEFT at Greenpoi nt Ave Proceed to the corner of Manhattan Ave. By car service / taxi : from Manhattan cost $15 from Bedford Station it cost $6 Street Map: ht Brookl 301& 22-2301&c web alladinproject (web alladinproject/) web wizzynoise.gr (web wi zzynoise.gr/) web severyn (web severyn/) ALSO K onb and Elnadiv (Alladin Project) will be playing on Battery Park NYC on May 7th… more info coming out soon Elnadiv Tov Alladin Project Mobile: (917)569-1177 web alladinproject (web alladinproject) May 21 No rth Carolina – Goa Gil – touchsamadhi (touchsamadhi.co m) bus trip info !!!!! from philly to asheville. please contact: Goa Gil & Ariane Sacred TranDance Experience Saturday – Sunday May 21 – 22 2005 At Deerfields, A sheville, NC, USA TOUCH Samadhi is honored to bring you: Goa Gil & Ariane (The Nommos, Avatar Records) Gil grew up in the middle of the San Francis co music scene of the sixties; he then left to journey to India in 1969. Having been a musician all his life and then doing intense Yogic practic es with Gurus in the Himalayas, he tried to unite the two forces, Music a nd Yoga, into one spirit befitting this Age. The result is his focus to use the trance party environment as a medium to uplift the consciousness of the participants through the Sacred Trance Dance Experience. He met A riane in Goa in 1985. They have been together constantly ever since. Ari ane’s keen interest in African Djembe drumming and West African Traditio nal Dance has also had a big influence on the development and direction o f Gil’s musical tastes and concepts. Gil & Ariane’s current musical proj ect is The Nommos, and their goal is to combine Psychedelic Trance with We st African Traditional Drumming in the True Spirit of the Ancients.We wil l begin with an opening drum invocation at sunset, followed by Ariane’s ethno-tribal rhythms. Then Gil will guide us on an 18 hour trip through futuristic sounds for primal movements, “Redefining Ancient Tribal Ritual for the 21st Century.” “Since the beginning of time humankind has used M usic and Dance to commune with the Spirit of Nature and the Spirit of the Universe. When I come to the Party and set up my altar, sprinkle the Ho ly Water, recite the Holy Mantra, and make the Offering to the Cosmic Spi rit, and then start the Music… the Music and the whole Party becomes th e Offering to the Cosmic Spirit.” Come early on Saturday to set up camp, explore the land, have a swim, share a potluck meal (bring a dish/utensils and prepare for the amazing journey that awaits us all! Plus: Sound by Project 7 Psyoptic Mindstimuli by Devotee Live video projections by Omb Ritual by Tranceform Venus Entry: $30 presale til may 7 at BOBO Gallery, 2 2 Lexington Ave, Asheville Atmosphere Records, 1 West Walnut St, Ashevill e $35 presale til may 7 – paypal to: touch.samadhi at gmail ouch.samadhi at gmail) $40 at gate Bus trips over 4 people get in for $3 0 a person Gate opens Saturday 9AM carpool & leave no trace! more informa tion and directions at: web touchsamadhi (web touchsamadhi.co m) web deerfields (web deerfields) Bhakti Satya, Kri see you on the dance floor! always be brahmanirvana. touchs amadhi (touchsamadhi) email: kri at touchsa madhi (mai lto:kri at touchsamadhi) aim: krisamadhi msn: djkri at hotmail (m ailto:djkri at hotmail) low cost high quality printing email me! joi n our mailing list! touchsamadhi-subscribe at touchsamadhi hsamadhi-subscribe at touchsamadhi) join our tribe! touchsamad hi.tribe.net/ (touchsamadhi.tribe.net/) The music will never st op! The heartbeat will never fade! The party will never end! Saturday – Sunday May 21 – 22 2005 At Deerfields, Asheville, NC, USA TOUCH Samadhi is honored to bring you: Goa Gil & Ariane Sacred Trance Dance Experienc e Goa Gil & Ariane (The Nommos, Avatar Records) Gil grew up in the middl e of the music scene of the sixties; he then left to journe y to India in 1969. Having been a musician all his life and then doing i ntense Yogic practices with Gurus in the Himalayas, he tried to unite the two forces, Music and Yoga, into one spirit befitting this Age. The res ult is his focus to use the trance party environment as a medium to uplif t the consciousness of the participants through the Sacred Trance Dance E xperience. He met Ariane in Goa in 1985. They have been together constant ly ever since. Arianes keen interest in African Djembe drumming and West African Traditional Dance has also had a big influence on the d evelopment and direction of Gils musical tastes and concepts. G il & Arianes current musical project is The Nommos, and their go al is to combine Psychedelic Trance with West African Traditional Drummin g in the True Spirit of the Ancients. We will begin with an opening drum invocation at sunset, followed by Ariane s ethno-tribal rhythms. Then Gil will guide us on an 18 hour trip through futuristic sounds for primal movements, “CRedefining Ancient Tribal Ritual for the 21st Century.”D “CSince the beginning of time humankind has used Music and Dance to commune with the Spirit of Nature and the Spirit of t he Universe. When I come to the Party and set up my altar, sprinkle the Holy Water, recite the Holy Mantra, and make the Offering to the Cosmic S pirit, and then start the MusicE280A6 the Music and the whole Party be comes the Offering to the Cosmic Spirit.”D Come early on Saturday t o set up camp, explore the land, have a swim, share a potluck meal (bring a dish/utensils and prepare for the amazing journey that awaits us all! Plus: Sound by Project 7 Psyoptic Mindstimuli by Devotee Live video pro jections by Omb Ritual by Tranceform Venus Entry: $30 presale til may 7 at BOBO Gallery, 22 Lexington Ave, Asheville Atmosphere Records, 1 West W alnut St, Asheville $35 presale til may 7 – paypal to: touch.samadhi at gmai l Bus trips over 4 pe ople get in for $30 a person Gate opens Saturday 9AM carpool & leave no trace! more information and directions at: web touchsamadhi (web touchsamadhi) web deerfields (web deerfields) bus trip info !!!!! from philly to asheville please cont act: DIRECTIONS TO D EERFIELDS From the East or the WestE280A6 Follow I-40 to I-26. Take I-2 6 East towards airport. From the North or the SouthE280A6 Take I-26 t o Exit 40 / Old Exit 9 (Airport Road Exit). Take 280 West towards Breva rd (go past the airport). Go exactly 4.5 miles from the Airport Road Exit and turn right on South Mills River Road. Its the next right pa st the turn for North Mills River Campground. Stay on South Mills River R oad for 5 miles to the dead end. turn right on the gravel road (Watagnee Trail)… youll see the Deerfields Sign. Come up the gravel ro ad 3 miles. Stay straight where the road narrows (you ll see the Deerfields Sign) and youll drive through the Deerfields entrance. Deerfields is only 9 miles from the asheville nc airport. Friday, May 27th Tsunami at at Spirit Sunday, May 29th Tsunami at Cielo ATTENTION: S unday, May 29th at CIELO: SIMON POSFORD / SHOONGLE. In a rare DJ set Simon Posford introduces SHPONGLE 3 “Nohting Lasts, But Nothing Is Lost, to be released world wide the end of May. Friday May 27th 2OO5 TSUANMI at SPIRIT 530 West 27th Street (between 10th & 11th Avenues) 10pm till 7am The worl d’s most sought after live trance act: HALLUCINOGEN (Twisted, UK) live and DJ set Simon Posfod and his live act HALLUCINOGEN is the industries most watched, imitaded and respected trance producers. Simon is also half of t he cutting edge ambienbt project SHPONGLE (see below, for CIELO on May 29 th!) For the first time in America: HUjABOY (SPUN Records, Ibiza / HOMEGA, Israel) live and DJ set Finally, after years of waiting, Nir is finally c oming to America! NIr has been producing his signature full on music for close to 10 years, and his young and happy style is very much in demand all over the world. His first album HUJABOY stirred a sensation, his seco nd one SONIC TONIC even more, and now, he also brings his newest gems. Al so DJing: MINDS OF DIMENTED $30 in advance Valid Picture ID is Required 18 to enter / 21 to drink Tickets Avialable at GrooveTickets Special Gro oveTickets Offer: Combination Tickets Friday, May 27th at SPIRIT and Sunday May 29th at CIELO $40 (while suplies last) Sunday, May 29th a very rare and precious treat: SIMON POSFORD introducing in a DJ set SHPONGLE 3 “Not hings Lasts, But Nothing Is Lost”, and YONI at CIELO! While visiting tsuna mi-trance, sign up to our email list, so that you will be informed pe rsonally of our upcoming world-wide events and releases. To listen to HAL LUCINGOEN, HUJABOY and SHPONGLE taste,go to tsunami-trance HUJABOY in terview: web mushroom-online/a/en/frequencies/interviews/10091 1 (ce/) INFO L INE: 212.439.8124 Early June – Upstate NY – web omnidancefestiva l.info/ (web omnidancefestival.info/) Thurs. – Sun., June 23rd-2 6th, 2005 – GAIAN MIND SUMMER FESTIVAL 2005 at Four Quarters. web gaian- mind (web gaian-mind/) Presenting the 4th Annual GAIAN MIN D SUMMER FESTIVAL 2005 “CCelebrating the Dance of Life!”D Th ursday, June 23rd to Sunday, June 26th Four Quarters “3 Central Pen nsylvania, USA Stone Circle Stage (Psy-Trance/Progressive Trance): JAIA (D igital Structures “3 France) LIVE! ANTIX (Iboga Records “3 N ew Zealand) LIVE! DEVIANT SPECIES (Ambivalent Records “3 London) LI VE! DJ EDOARDO (Neurobiotic Records/Sonica 2005 – Italy) KENJI WILLIAMS (A BA Structure – USA/Japan) LIVE! ALLEN (Gaian Mind/Metropolis Records E2 8093 Philadelphia) GAVIN (Digital Structures/Spectra – Sweden) KRI (T.O. U.C.H. Samadhi “3 Asheville) KIFE (OmniTribe “3 NYC) KNOB (A lladin Project “3 Japan) ALBERTO (Cosmic Traveler “3Columbus ) BINARY (Sonic Beating “3 Boston) North Crook Stage (Downtempo): A NDROCELL (Celestial Dragon Recordings “3 Arizona) LIVE! BUFFER (M-L abs “3 Baltimore) ELEKTRONKIND (Digital Yeti Studios “3 Balt imore) BLUE SPECTRAL MONKEY (T.O.U.C.H. Samadhi “3 Asheville) MONO M ONO (Soular Records “3 Philadelphia) ANDREW LIGHT (Gaian Mind E2 8093 Philadelphia) EIM (Gaian Mind “3 Philadelphia) DEET (Gaian M ind “3 Philadelphia) EITAN (Gaian Mind “3 Philadelphia/Israe l) EGBOT (Psy-Planet/Gaian Mind “3 Trenton) BOTTOM DWELLERS (Membe rs Camp “3 Four Quarters) (Plus more artists TBAE280A6) Plus: Pe rformance Art by THE GREAT QUENTINI (Philadelphia) Drum and Fire Performanand Workshops Lectures and Workshops Psychedelia Film Cinema Opening an d Closing Ceremonies (Additional information coming soon…) Featuring: UV Deco by MIZUE (Japan) Visual Projections by REALITY ENGINE (NYC) Addition al Art Installations by STEVE-O (GoaBabies – NYC), DIGITAL YETI STUDIOS, and GAIAN MIND Sound Installation by SONIC BEATING (Boston) Admission: Ear ly-Bird Registration – $75 (until Saturday, May 7th, 2005) Pre-Registratio n – $100 (until Saturday, June 18th, 2005) At the Gate* – $125 (Thursday, June 23rd – Sunday, June 26th) *Cash or Credit Card only. Children under 1 6 admitted FREE with parent or legal guardian. Optional Meal Plans with th e STARVIN’ ARTIST CAFE are available. Payment: Credit Card (VISA/MC) payme nts – contact Four Quarters at 1-(814) 784-3075 or pay online at web 4QF .org (web 4qf.org/) . Money Orders or Personal Checks – payable to : “Gaian Mind” c/o Four Quarters, 190 Walker Lane, Artemas, PA 17211, USA . Admission Includes: Optional Meal Plan provided by STARVIN’ ARTIST CAFE* FREE All-You-Can-Eat “Fractal Feast” (carnivore/vegetarian) FREE 24-Hour Coffee/Tea Service by COFFEE DRAGONS Chai and Children’s Area by ISHTARBUC K’S CHAI Merchant Area – Clothing, Jewelry, Crafts, Tattooing, Piercing, B ody Painting, etc… Healing and Massage Area Morning and Evening Yoga Se ssions Daily Sweat Lodges Nightly Drum Circles Riverside Swimming Spacious Campgrounds Fire Rings with Unlimited Firewood* Hot Showers and Clean Toi lets FREE Drinking Water FREE and Secure Main Parking *Additional charges apply. Dates: Thursday, June 23rd to Sunday, June 26th, 2005 Gates open on Thursday at noon – Drum Circle at dusk. Amplified music starts on Friday at 10:00am. Extended camping is available for an additional fee for early arrivals and late departures. Location: FOUR QUARTERS – An InterFaith Sa nctuary of EarthReligion, Artemas, Pennsylvania, USA, Gaia Directions: web 4qf.org (web 4qf.org/) Information: Questions and Conce rns can be addressed to or megalith at 4qf.org GAIAN MIND 24-Hour H otline: 1-(610) 771-0668 FOUR QUARTERS Registration and Rumor Control: 1-( 814) 784-3075 web gaian-mind (web gaian-mind/) ht tp://web 4qf.org (web 4qf.org/) – – – JAIA (Digital Structures “3 France) LIVE! The act JAIA is the project of the French produce r Yannis Kamarinos, formed in 1995 with Jean-Michel Blanchet and first or iented Psy-Trance and Downtempo. Since 2000 Yannis is working alone und er JAIA name, and today JAIAs music is more orientated to Progr essive House and Progressive Trance (and still Downtempo too). JAIA has already released an album “CBlue Energy”D in 1998 (Cross/Eas tWest/Nova Tekk), which has been re-released in 2000 on the Japanese labe l Dakini. JAIA released several 12” singles too, as well as numerous tra cks on various label compilations, such as Island, Iboga, Wagram, Milan, Flying Rhino, T.I.P. World, and many others. The new album “Fiction” wil l be released in May 2005 on Digital Structures. Yannis has collaborated with other producers-DJs such as DADO, WIZY NOISE, and SILICON SOUND. He has remixed famous artists like the French singer MYLENE FARME R “3 including her last two singles “Cest Une Belle Journ C3A9e” and “Pardonne-Moi” (Polydor/Universal) – with BLUE PLANET CORPORA TION, the Moroccan singer TYOUSSI (Fairway/SonyMusic), and the French pop band JPEX (Wagram). JAIA also has been remixed by TOTAL ECLIPSE, MINIL:O GUE, and JIMMY VAN M for example. He is also working with Oneletronic, a company making sound libraries for cinema and TV, collaborating with oth er artists like JOHN DIGWEED, OLIVER LIEB, NICK WARREN, and SASHA. Since 1997 Yannis has been performing live in Europe, Japan, Israel, Canada, a nd in the United States. He has played at many big gatherings like Return to the Source in London, Solstice in Japan, and the Samothraki Dance Fes tival in Greece. jaia.net.free.fr (jaia.net.free.fr/) AN TIX (Iboga Records “3 New Zealand) LIVE! Based in Auckland New Zeal and, Barton and Hayden Strom are the producers behind the project ANTIX. The Strom brothers dedication to pushing their style in new dir ections in the ever evolving Progressive Trance genre has made them one o f the emerging acts to watch their scene. Both Barton and Hayden were introduced to music at a young age listening, to music from their pa rents vast record collections. They quickly became addicted to the hypnotic sounds of Trance in ’95 when a friend handed them a tape urg ing them to check it out. Barton instantly purchased a mixer and started DJ’ing at small parties in the growing Auckland scene. Six months later he had moved to Japan to buy studio equipment and teach himself the art of production, and Hayden later joined him. Together they returned to Ne w Zealand, setting up various studios around Auckland and refining a sound which really came together once they moved to the West Coast of the Nor th Island and set up Slow Burning Studios in ’99. The sound that seemed t o evolve was a kind of minimal organic groove influenced by the European sound being played by DJ PHILIPP from Plastik Park and ANTI from Spiral T rax. It wasn’t long before a connection was made when Philipp toured Aus tralia and New Zealand in 2000, and ANTIX were signed for their first 12” “Rainstick,” on Plastik Park. Over the years the two have managed to p ut a few of the “big ones” under their belts, playing the U-Site Fusion F estival in Germany, The Boom in Portugal, and The Rainbow Serpent in Aust ralia. And now three years down the line, ANTIX completed their long awa ited debut album “Lull” released on the Danish label Iboga Records. The duo are currently touring the globe for the third year, they are only hal f way to completing this tour, but so far its been a huge success, playing parties in Denmark, Sweden, Croatia, Japan, the Voov Festival 2003 in Ge rmany and then in London, where they played alongside other respected kiw i artists for the annual New Zealand music night at club Fabric. And now to continue the tour ANTIX will play in Portugal, Switzerland, Sweden, Ge rmany, Greece, Hungary, Austria and then to finish in France. On top of this theyve also been involved in Auckland label Manta. The lab el has just released its second 12″ and third compilation “Subduction” fe aturing a excellent selection of New Zealand and international, Progressi ve/Psy-Trance which are all available from Cyberculture Records at (web c yberculture.co.nz (web cyberculture.co.nz/) ). So at last… He re comes the second full length album from ANTIX – “Twin Cost Discovery.” Since their first album – “Lull” – released on Iboga Records in June 20 03, ANTIX had major success with their very groovy and unique style. The y have been playing their live set at a great number of events and have m ade a very good name for themselves in the scene. Now two years later, I boga Records is proud to be releasing another well produced album. From start to end the Strom brothers take you on a journey deep into their soun dscapes. You can truly tell that ANTIX has spent many hours making this album come true, and once again they surprise with their style, going in a new direction. web iboga-records.dk (web iboga-records.dk /) DEVIANT SPECIES (Ambivalent Records “3 London) LIVE! DEVIANT SP ECIES are the England based electronic duo who are currently touring Japa n consisting of Santos De Castro and Paul Wright. Consistently releasing their unique take on the London Techno sound for the past five years, th ey are now preparing to release their third album, “In the Hands of the R andomiser,” later this year on Ambivalent Records. From the Warlock Stud ios comes the long-awaited album by DEVIANT SPECIES. No need for introdu ctions, once more you will be treated to nine quality-consistent cuts of dark and minimal psychedelia for the blackest hours of the night. In thi s third album installment by DEVIANT SPECIES the band is now only made up of Santos De Castro with collaborations with ex-DEVIANT SPECIES member P aul Konrad Wright (now of N.R.S. fame) and ground-breaking producer Ady C onnor from SCORB. The atmosphere prevailing here is hard, with tinges of Industrial and Ambient intros and outros that cross-over giving the albu m a continuous flow. It all kicks off with “Voice of Thard,” a chugging a nd spatial number that builds up to a ripping chorus. “Pincushion Man” c ontinues with galloping intensity where “…Thard” left off moving relent lessly to a climatic final before “Shellless” ebbs in soothingly with an overture of peerless Gothic beauty. The tight pulse is quickly restored leading to a frantic groove that allows you to breathe with its intersper sed waves of noise. On a slightly softer tip “Thermal Boundaries” follow s with an infectious beat that gradually gathers momentum to trancing-out effect. In a similar rolling yet relaxed vein enters “The Retinal Circu s,” which has been doing the bootleg rounds in an earlier unfinished vers ion titled “The Abyss.” To follow, “In the Hands of the Randomiser” is th e first collaboration between DEVIANT SPECIES and SCORB, a powerful track that starts with an Industrial soundscape and steamrolls forward into a roaring pay-off. For the darkest hour “A Night to Dismember” brings the proceedings to total mayhem before the forces of light emerge. “Portal to Balojax” is a 3-minute-plus unwinding ambient piece and serves as a prol ogue to “The Entrapment of John Dory,” the only morning track in the album and the second DEVIANT SPECIES vs. SCORB outing, a delicate cut destined to be a classic. web deviantspecies.co.uk (web deviants pecies.co.uk/) web ambivalentrecords (web ambivalentre cords/) DJ EDOARDO (Neurobiotic Records/Sonica 2005 – Italy) EDOARDO is the main man behind Neurobiotic Records. He started DJing 10 years ag o playing Techno at parties in Rome. After three years, he went to his f irst Trance party and decided to move in that direction, so, he started p laying Psy-Trance, the first one in Rome. Being one of the top DJ’s aroun d today, he played gigs all over Europe (Germany, Austria, Spain, Portuga l, Israel, Denmark, Czech Republic, Switzerland, Italy, Serbia, Macedonia Slovenia, Croatia, France, Russia, Holland, Hungary, Greece, Bulgaria), Brazil, United States, Mexico, Argentina, India, and Japan. From small parties to huge festivals like Samothraki Dance Festival, Voov Experience Full Moon Festival, Shiva Moon, Solaris, Universo Paralello, he is cons tantly touring the world spread ing the Neurobiotic virus. His style is a mix of futuristic Psy-Trance with House, Progressive, and electronic bre aks and beats. Giving great importance to the mixing, he creates a flowi ng liquid psychedelic soundscape. In 2004, he created Indica Music, Chill out/Downtempo label together with DJ JOSKO and he’s currently busy in the preparation of Sonica 2005, the first electronic music festival in Italy . web neurobiotic (web neurobiotic/) web sonica2005 (web sonica2005/) KENJI WILLIAMS (ABA Stru cture – USA/Japan) LIVE! Techno-wizard KENJI WILLIAMS is world-renowned f or his cutting-edge improvisational compositions blending electronic beat s, classical violin, and mind-bending visuals. From the first ever “Illu sion” EP release reaching a global audience of nearly 100,000 in collabor ation with JOHN DIGWEED’s Bedrock label, to Ambient releases with top lab els such as Flying Rhino and Interchill, to the latest full length Tech-H ouse, Tech-Trance album “Faces of Epiphany,” the network of recognition is growing. Combining unique skills in film and music, KENJI WILLIAMS has earned international film awards from the CSC to Sundance, and has been f eatured in the press such as XLR8R, Jwave, Tokyo FM, and Apple. Dire ctor of three films to date, “Moment Utopia,” “Vision Quest 2002,” and th e latest project “WORLDSPIRIT,” collaborating with world-renowned spiritu al artist, ALEX GREY, KENJI WILLIAMS is establishing himself as a forward thinking audio visual artist of the soul. web kenjiwilliams (web kenjiwilliams/) web magneticpresence (ht tp://web magneticpresence/) ANDROCELL (Celestial Dragon Recordings “3 Arizona) LIVE! When awareness rendezvous with emotion, here is w here one finds the heart of ANDROCELL. Tyler “Quasga” Smith (formerly of PRABHAMANDALA) created ANDROCELL as an aural habitat for all cognizant be ings who experience the emotional palette of chilled, psychedelic wonder that awaits inside his music. The debut album, “Emotivision,” reveals th e first Downtempo offerings from the ANDROCELL studio. Nine Dub-enriched sonic, soul stories for the universal traveler, these melodic tales tel l of beautiful scenes and moody dreams. Featuring visionary album cover art in digipak design plus a bonus 8-page gallery booklet of select digit al works all created by Quasga. Along with digital mastering by leading Psybient artist, YANIV SHULMAN, this album belongs in every serious chill ers collection. web androcell (web androcell/) July 2 – Tsunami July 4th weekend – Los Angeles – web greensector.c om (web greensector/) Phantasm again brings 4 day festival w ith Talamasca, Shakta, Orion, Eskimo, Cosmosis and others July 16 – Mid west – web psymbolic (web psymbolic/) July – Oregon w ww.Enosa.net (web enosa.net/) Friday, July 29th – Tsunami at S pirit August 25-30 The Rhythms of Peace Beach Festival in Morocco Announ ced for August!! Morocco Festival August 25th-30th, and the line-up is sick – live acts by Parasense, Son Kite, Silicon Sound, Wizzy Noise, Saf i Connection, Atmos, Bamboo Forest, way more Check out the flyer.web br (web tranceam.org/moroccopar Moundir the organizer has been involved with other festivals and h as a good reputation. He asked me through Gavin to sell tickets in the U .S. and will be offering travel packages of $700 round trip, $200 food & lodging. Details for these packages will be forthcoming. Once you get there it is very very cheap, I mean like almost India cheap.. Tick et prices before the 30th of April 2005 : $80 before the 30th of July 2005 : $100 at the door : 100 euros Physical tickets will be provided. Tickets may be purchased by check or money order via snail mail (email for addre i n person. For those of you not on NYC604 or Tr ipOutNY and would like to recieve updates to the gathering and to dicuss, click the above link to join Go Morocco 2005. Any emails from the organizers will be fwded there. The NYC lists will have occas ional updates, but for those who’d like to discuss going, in the interest of space please join the morocco group. You don’t have to be buying ticke ts from me to join; Dave Henshaw is also selling tickets in Boston and ot hers may be as well. Flyer at web tranceam.org/moroccoparty.j pg Sept 23-25 North Carolina – Powwow festival – touchsamadhi (touch samadhi/) Goa Gil in Oregon Supreme Court to Hear Case of Dis pute Over Religious Group’s Use of Banned d By LINDA GREENHOUSE (ht per) Published: April 19, 2005 WASHINGTON, April 18 – The Supreme Cou rt added an important new religion case to its docket on Monday, agreeing to decide whether the government can ban the importation of a hallucinog enic tea that is central to the religious rituals of a small Brazil-based church. The case raises the broader question of how the court will inter pret, in the context of an illegal d, a law that ordinarily requires th e federal government to refrain to the maximum extent possible from inter fering with religious practices. The tea, known as hoasca, is made from plants that grow in the Amazon region and that produce a chemical listed by both the federal government and an international narcotics traffickin g treaty as a controlled substance. The chemical, dimthyltryptamine, usu ally known as d, can also be produced in a laboratory, but followers of the Uniao Do Vegetal religion use only the naturally occurring version, which does not grow in the United States. The case is an appeal by the Bu sh administration of a federal court injunction won by the 130 members of the church’s American branch, who brought a lawsuit five years ago to pr ohibit the government from invoking the Controlled Substances Act to bloc k the importation of their tea and from seizing the sacred drink. The chu rch, which combines elements of Christianity and indigenous Brazilian rel igion, opened its American branch in Santa Fe, N.M., in 1993. The Federal District Court in Albuquerque, ruling before trial, issued a preliminary injunction against the government. The order was subsequently affirmed b y a three-judge panel of the United States Court of Appeals for the 10th Circuit, in Denver, and last November was affirmed again by the full appea ls court by a vote of 8 to 5. A trial has still not taken place, a fact t hat would ordinarily pose an obstacle to Supreme Court review. In fact, o n Dec. 10 of last year, the justices denied the administration’s request for a stay of the Court of Appeals order until the solicitor general’s of fice could prepare a formal petition for Supreme Court review. The denial of a request for a stay in those circumstances is usually a strong signa l that the Supreme Court will not consider the eventual appeal to be wort hy of its attention. But in this case, Gonzales v. O Centro Espirita Bene ficiente Uniao Do Vegetal, No. 04-1084, the justices might have been pers uaded, at least to let the administration have its say, by the strongly w orded appeal filed by Paul D. Clement, the acting solicitor general. Deno uncing the lower courts’ handling of the case as “contrary to all precede nt,” Mr. Clement said that “no court has ever ordered the United States to permit a religious exemption to Schedule I of the Controlled Substances Act.” Schedule I, on which d is listed, along with marijuana and other illicit ds, is reserved for substances that the government considers t o be particularly unsafe and to have no valid medical use. Both the exec utive branch and Congress, however, have granted a religious exemption fo r another Schedule I d, peyote, which is used in religious ceremonies by the Native American Church. In an opinion concurring in the 10th Circui t’s decision to uphold the injunction, Judge Michael W. McConnell cited t he peyote exemption as evidence that the government was free to exercise discretion in such matters. Rejecting the argument that the district cour t should have deferred to the other two branches, Judge McConnell said: ” If Congress or the executive branch had investigated the religious use of hoasca and had come to an informed conclusion that the health risks or p ossibility of diversion are sufficient to outweigh the free exercise conc erns in this case, that conclusion would be entitled to great weight. But neither branch has done that.” Instead, he said, the government had simpl y invoked the general principle that controlled substances are dangerous. Judge McConnell, a leading scholar on questions concerning the free exer cise of religion before he became a judge, is widely seen as a possible B ush administration choice for a future Supreme Court vacancy. AD w York Weekly Newsletter /STRO NG alive /STRON G to spread the psytrance virus brainmachines/links More Links bers 24, verse 16 “He hath said, which heard the words of God, and k new the knowledge of the most High, which saw the vision of the Almighty, falling into a trance, but having his eyes open” News DI V below. -Supreme Court to Hear Case of Dispute Over Religious Group’s Use of Banned d [Ayahuasca ;/d] (see end of this email for full article) last chance to get $80 tickets. They go up to $100 after this Saturday. Travel packages are still being develo ped, so don’t wait if you want to save a lot as end price is going to be 1 00 Euros, which is now $129.68, so buy now and you’d save $50 per ticket. n august send l in Morocco Announced in August 25th-30th, and the line-up is sick – live acts by Parasense, Son Kite, Silicon Sound, Wizzy Noise, Safi Connection, Atmos, Bamboo Moundir the organizer has been involved with other fes tivals and has a good reputation. He asked me through Gavin to sell tickets in the U.S. and will be offering travel packages of $700 round tr ip, $200 food & lodging. Details for these packages will be for thcoming. Once you get there it is very very cheap, I mean like almost India cheap.. Ticket prices before the 30th of April 2005 : $80 before the 30th of July 2005 : $100 at the door : 100 euros (curre ntly $129.68 as of April 27) Physical tickets will be provided. Tick or by check or money order via snail Jeff Whitm ore c/o SMI2LE.biz 193 Hackensack Plank Road 2nd flo or Weehawken, NJ 07086-5843 201-766-1086 those of you not on NYC604 or TripOut NY and would like to receive updates to the gathering and to dicuss, click the above link to join Go Morocco 2005 at Yahoo Groups. Any emails f rom the organizers will be fwded there. The NYC lists will hav e occasional updates, but for those who’d like to discuss going, in the in terest of space please join the morocco group. You don’t have to be buying tickets from me to join; Dave Henshaw is also selling tickets in Boston a barlow/ John Perry Barlow, He’s the Electronic Front ier Foundation’s vice chairman, Grateful Dead lyricist, and was on th e letterhead for Wired Magazine for many years. /D scious /1/hi/health/4472355.stm Who hasn’t played in New York? Sen d any omissions/corrections. nes/whohasntbeenhere.txt/whohasntbeenhere.txt/A Notes from the Underground There are several gatherings being planned that you will not read about h ere. Why? because Thieves Destroy Scenes. Physical thieve s, that is. I admit I appropriate almost every idea i can find. None of the logos and nor even the names of every group I am with are or iginal. I can’t really think of anything original maybe, unless it w e from years back but even all that was store bought. But s tealing a bag is another thing entirely, and bag thieving is brilliant in its simplicity to fuck things up for tranceheads. The low number of thieves per capita is one of several reasons why psy-trance has survived t he rave implosion. The idea for us to survive is to keep things too weird and too psychedelic for a (low level) monkey mind to tolerate. Why the West Rules Dr. Timothy Leary on why California is cool and Western Culture rules (be fore multiculturism reared its relativistic head) From The Intell igence Agents, Leary’s best book: erican-buddha/intell.spinning.a web american-buddha/int ell.spinning.a
May 2005
#3575 Mon, 2 May 2005 09:40:12 Mon, 2 May 2005 09:40:12 Cc: mondonootropia, smart-ds, smi2ledotbiz Open House Launch Party at Smi2le Wednesday May 4 We are having friends, family, and other intelligent people at our new offices. 7pm-6am Wednesday May 4. DJs Nick Tornetta (Seattle), Shaikid and Kife (Omnitribe) plus others Smart d giveaways, smart bar, barbecue, lab tours, etc web smi2le.biz/launchparty (web smi2le.biz/launchparty ) in the Subliminal Records building in Weehawken NJ, 5 minute $2 bus ride from Port Authority This is only the beginning. Later this summer we’ll host Salons with John Perry Barlow and Daniel Pinchbeck. We are having fri ends, family, and other intelligent people at our new offices. 7pm-6am Wednesday May 4. DJs Nick Tornetta (Seattle), Shai kid and Kife (Omnitribe) plus others Smart d giveaways, smart bar, barbecue, lab tours, etc launchparty biz/launchparty in the Subliminal Records building in Weehawken NJ 5 minute $2 bus ride from Port Authority This is only t he beginning. Later this summer we’ll host Salons with John Perry Ba rlow and Daniel Pinchbeck. hedThed, ribeomnitribe, gontribedragontribe, to:safetydancesafetydance, hr eformerstranceformers,
#3576 Wed, 4 May 2005 05:26:10 Wed, 4 May 2005 05:26:09 Here’s the Ne w s l e t t er. (web trancersguide/) Circ.1,891 Trip Out New York Free NYC Psychedelic Trance Community Weekly Newsl etter Please make a donation to help keep the spirit alive (web ww Editor Machinelf Forward/reprint to spread the psytrance virus TripOutNY-subscribe at Yahoo Groups To review e) More Links (web tranceam.org/links. html) Numbers 24, verse 16 “He hath said, which heard the words of God and knew the knowledge of the most High, which saw the vision of the Al mighty, falling into a trance, but having his eyes open” What’s News Smi2le launch party Wednesday, Atomic Puls e at TDC Friday, Medical Marijuana Rally at Battery Park Saturday, and fo r those in the know, streets say there’s a renegade somewhere this weeken d. Morocco are $100 until July 30. Travel packages are still being deve loped. To get on the info list for the big Morocco party in august send a blank I have physical tickets for the Rhythms of Peace Beach Festival in Morocco Announced in August 25th-30th, and the line-up is sick – live acts by Parasense, Son Kite, Silicon Sound, Wizzy Noise, Safi Connection, Atmos, Bamboo Forest, way more Check out the fl (.co Moundir the organizer has been involved with other f estivals and has a good reputation. He asked me through Gavin to sell ti ckets in the U.S. and will be offering travel packages of $700 round tri p, $200 food & lodging. Details for these packages will be forthcoming. Once you get there it is very very cheap, I mean like almost India chea p.. Ticket prices before the 30th of July 2005 : $100 at the door : 100 e uros (currently $129.68 as of April 27) Physical tickets will be provided. Tickets may be purchased via paypal or by check or money order to jeff gomorocco2005-subscribe For t hose of you not on NYC604 or TripOutNY and would like to receive updates t o the gathering and to dicuss, click the above link to join Go Morocco 20 05. Any emails from the organizers will be fwded there. The NYC lists will have occasional updates, but for those who’d like to discuss going, in the interest of space please join the morocco group. Yo u don’t have to be buying tickets from me to join; Dave Henshaw is also s elling tickets in Boston and others may be as well. Flyer at web Trancer’s Guide to the Galaxy is finally being shipped! web trancersguide/ (web trancersguide/) I’ll have li mited copies for sale, but you can click the link above to order your cop y straight from Germany. * * * Sponsor This logo is from Timothy L eary’s campaign for governor of California when he ran against Ronald Rea gan in 1968. Click here (web smi2le.biz/) for discount nootropi cs. Our open house is Wednesday (see below). Here’s (web brainm achines/upshift ) my initial experience in 2000. * * * Event Calendar Logo partners in bold. Same date events appear in the orde r submitted. All events include at least on Psy/Goa DJ. Organizers who c annot provide press passes will be charged the amount of 2 tickets to hel p keep gonzo journalism alive. May 4 Wednesday Sm i2le’s Open House and Launch Party with the NYC debut of Seattle’s Nick T ornetta (Syndicate Recordings) and Omnitribe’s Shai and Kife plus a morni ng set by Juggernaut. All info at web smi2le.biz/launchparty (web smi2le.biz/launchparty ) * * * May 6 TDC Presents Atomic Pulse ( Spectrum, Israel) For the first time in New Y ork City, Atomic Pulse will perform a special LIVE and DJ Set. Atomic Pu lse sound consists of full-on music blending with hard elements of groove with an epic feel. DJ’s: Main Psy-full on room Babla ( Kagdila rec, NYC ) TDC Mafia ( Legalize this ) Inner Mongolian Progressive room Pulse ( HyperNation / TDC, NYC ) Oleg K ( HyperNation, NYC ) Eddie Kantor ( Hy perNation, NYC ) Serge Z-Lenin ( HyperNation, NYC ) Farmatar ( Omnitribe / Polarlight, NYC ) Earthian ( Omnitribe / Polarlight, NYC ) Deco: D aya Cayung ( Dreamcatcher studio, Indonesia ) TDC crew Admission: $ 25 – Party from 10 – 7 Location: Club Axis 32-17 College point Blvd. QUEENS NYC. ( entrance is on 33rd Ave ) For more information about this event a nd upcoming summer festival visit web tdcny (web tdcn y) * * * Saturday Battery Park web cures- not-wars.org/ (web cures-not-wars.org/) * * * OUTDOOR MAY 7TH FROM 7AM This Parties location holds alot of special m emories for us and the people we have been working with and partying with over the last 8 years in NYC. Thank you for supporting the scene. TDC’S (Atomic Pulse) party finishes at 7am on May 7th then we go to the [locati on] for a full day and night of the best in Psy Tek and Trance. Cheers [E d. note: I love them so much, I’m never going to post location/direx on a public list. The exact location is to only to be released on Safetydance and d] * * * Friday, May13th Alladin Project Pre sents: WIZZY NOISE(Greece) Spun Rec. Candy Flip Rec. KNOB Alladin Proje ct (Japan) ELNADIV Alladin Project (NYC/ IL) URIEL Alladin Project (NYC/ IL) STEVE-O Spectra (NYC) Decorations by: Alladin Project Crew Severyn Barabakh (Subtlecaos -NYC) Visuals by: VJ: Skyeye (Alladin Project)Japan -NYC Tickets $25 in Advance, $30 at door 18 to enter – 21+w/ picture ID t o drink. Door Open: 11PM to 8AM Location: CLUB EXIT 147 GREENPO INT AVE BROOKLYN NY ( Hoomoos Asli NYC 100 Kenmare St/ Lafayette, (212) 966-0022 Satellite Records NY C 259 Bowery Av. (212) 995-1744 Directions By Subway: take the L train to metropolitan Ave & transfer to the G train to Greenpoint Ave. the Clu b is right across the street. Subway Map: web mta.nyc.ny.us/nyct /maps/submap (web mta.nyc.ny.us/nyct/maps/submap ) Direc tions By Car: Take BQE (I-278) to Exit 33 McQuinness Blvd. to Greenpoin t Ave. Turn LEFT at Greenpoint Ave Proceed to the corner of Manhattan Av e. By car service / taxi : from Manhattan cost $15 from Bedford Station it cost $6 Street Map: http ://web alladinproject (web alladinproject/) web wizzynoise.gr (web wizzynoise.gr/) web severyn (http ://web severyn/) May 21 North Carolina – Goa Gil – touch samadhi (touchsamadhi/) bus trip info !!!!! from philly to asheville. please contact: il) Goa Gil & Ariane Sacred Trance Dance Experience Saturday – Sunday May 21 – 22 2005 At Deerfields, Asheville, NC, USA TOUCH Samadhi is ho nored to bring you: Goa Gil & Ariane (The Nommos, Avatar Records) Gil grew up in the middle of the music scene of the sixties; he the n left to journey to India in 1969. Having been a musician all his life and then doing intense Yogic practices with Gurus in the Himalayas, he tr ied to unite the two forces, Music and Yoga, into one spirit befitting t his Age. The result is his focus to use the trance party environment as a medium to uplift the consciousness of the participants through the Sacr ed Trance Dance Experience. He met Ariane in Goa in 1985. They have been together constantly ever since. Ariane’s keen interest in African Djemb e drumming and West African Traditional Dance has also had a big influenc e on the development and direction of Gil’s musical tastes and concepts. Gil & Ariane’s current musical project is The Nommos, and their goal is to combine Psychedelic Trance with West African Traditional Drumming in t he True Spirit of the Ancients.We will begin with an opening drum invocat ion at sunset, followed by Ariane’s ethno-tribal rhythms. Then Gil will guide us on an 18 hour trip through futuristic sounds for primal movemen ts, “Redefining Ancient Tribal Ritual for the 21st Century.” “Since the b eginning of time humankind has used Music and Dance to commune with the S pirit of Nature and the Spirit of the Universe. When I come to the Party and set up my altar, sprinkle the Holy Water, recite the Holy Mantra, an d make the Offering to the Cosmic Spirit, and then start the Music… the Music and the whole Party becomes the Offering to the Cosmic Spirit.” Com e early on Saturday to set up camp, explore the land, have a swim, share a potluck meal (bring a dish/utensils and prepare for the amazing journe y that awaits us all! Plus: Sound by Project 7 Psyoptic Mindstimuli by De votee Live video projections by Omb Ritual by Tranceform Venus Entry: $30 presale til may 7 at BOBO Gallery, 22 Lexington Ave, Asheville Atmospher e Records, 1 West Walnut St, Asheville $35 presale til may 7 – paypal to : touch.samadhi at gmail Bus trips over 4 people get in for $30 a person Gate opens Saturday 9AM c arpool & leave no trace! more information and directions at: web touchsa madhi (web touchsamadhi/) web deerfields ( web deerfields/) Bhakti Satya, Kri see you on the dance floor! always be brahmanirvana. touchsamadhi (touchsamadhi.co m/) email: krisamadhi msn: t high quality printing email me! join our mailing list! touchsamadhi- subscribe at touchsamadhi m) join our tribe! touchsamadhi.tribe.net/ (touchsamadh i.tribe.net/) The music will never stop! The heartbeat will never fad e! The party will never end! Saturday – Sunday May 21 – 22 2005 At Deerf ields, Asheville, NC, USA TOUCH Samadhi is honored to bring you: Goa Gil & Ariane Sacred Trance Dance Experience Goa Gil & Ariane (The Nommos, Avatar Records) Gil grew up in the middle of the music scene of the sixties; he then left to journey to India in 1969. Having been a musician all his life and then doing intense Yogic practices with Gurus in the Himalayas, he tried to unite the two forces, Music and Yoga, into one spirit befitting this Age. The result is his focus to use the trance party environment as a medium to uplift the consciousness of the partici pants through the Sacred Trance Dance Experience. He met Ariane in Goa i n 1985. They have been together constantly ever since. Arianes keen interest in African Djembe drumming and West African Traditional Danhas also had a big influence on the development and direction of Gil s musical tastes and concepts. Gil & Arianes current mu sical project is The Nommos, and their goal is to combine Psychedelic Tra nce with West African Traditional Drumming in the True Spirit of the Anci ents. We will begin with an opening drum invocation at sunset, followed by Ariane s ethno-tribal rhythms. Then Gil will guide us on an 1 8 hour trip through futuristic sounds for primal movements, “CRede fining Ancient Tribal Ritual for the 21st Century.”D “CSinthe beginning of time humankind has used Music and Dance to commune wi th the Spirit of Nature and the Spirit of the Universe. When I come to th e Party and set up my altar, sprinkle the Holy Water, recite the Holy Man tra, and make the Offering to the Cosmic Spirit, and then start the Music E280A6 the Music and the whole Party becomes the Offering to the Cosmi c Spirit.”D Come early on Saturday to set up camp, explore the land have a swim, share a potluck meal (bring a dish/utensils and prepare fo r the amazing journey that awaits us all! Plus: Sound by Project 7 Psyo ptic Mindstimuli by Devotee Live video projections by Omb Ritual by Tran ceform Venus Entry: $30 presale til may 7 at BOBO Gallery, 22 Lexington A ve, Asheville Atmosphere Records, 1 West Walnut St, Asheville $35 presal e til may 7 – paypal to: touch.samadhi at gmail mail) $40 at gate Bus trips over 4 people get in for $30 a person G ate opens Saturday 9AM carpool & leave no trace! more information and di rections at: web touchsamadhi (web touchsamadhi/) web deerfields (web deerfields/) bus trip i nfo !!!!! from philly to asheville please contact: DIRECTIONS TO DEERFIELDS From the East or t he WestE280A6 Follow I-40 to I-26. Take I-26 East towards airport. Fr om the North or the SouthE280A6 Take I-26 to Exit 40 / Old Exit 9 (Air port Road Exit). Take 280 West towards Brevard (go past the airport). Go exactly 4.5 miles from the Airport Road Exit and turn right on South Mil ls River Road. Its the next right past the turn for North Mills River Campground. Stay on South Mills River Road for 5 miles to the dead end. turn right on the gravel road (Watagnee Trail)… youll see the Deerfields Sign. Come up the gravel road 3 miles. Stay straight whe re the road narrows (you ll see the Deerfields Sign) and youE2 8099ll drive through the Deerfields entrance. Deerfields is only 9 mile s from the asheville nc airport. Friday, May 27th Tsunami at at Spirit Sunday, May 29th Tsunami at Cielo ATTENTION: Sunday, May 29th at CIELO: SI MON POSFORD / SHOONGLE. In a rare DJ set Simon Posford introduces SHPONGL E 3 “Nohting Lasts, But Nothing Is Lost, to be released world wide the en d of May. Friday May 27th 2OO5 TSUANMI at SPIRIT 530 West 27th Street (betw een 10th & 11th Avenues) 10pm till 7am The world’s most sought after live trance act: HALLUCINOGEN (Twisted, UK) live and DJ set Simon Posfod and hi s live act HALLUCINOGEN is the industries most watched, imitaded and resp ected trance producers. Simon is also half of the cutting edge ambienbt p roject SHPONGLE (see below, for CIELO on May 29th!) For the first time in America: HUjABOY (SPUN Records, Ibiza / HOMEGA, Israel) live and DJ set Fi nally, after years of waiting, Nir is finally coming to America! NIr has been producing his signature full on music for close to 10 years, and his young and happy style is very much in demand all over the world. His fir st album HUJABOY stirred a sensation, his second one SONIC TONIC even mo re, and now, he also brings his newest gems. Also DJing: MINDS OF DIMENTED $30 in advance Valid Picture ID is Required 18 to enter / 21 to drink Tic kets Avialable at GrooveTickets Special GrooveTickets Offer: Combinati on Tickets Friday, May 27th at SPIRIT and Sunday, May 29th at CIELO $40 (whi le suplies last) Sunday, May 29th a very rare and precious treat: SIMON P OSFORD introducing in a DJ set SHPONGLE 3 “Nothings Lasts, But Nothing Is Lost”, and YONI at CIELO! While visiting tsunami-trance, sign up to o ur email list, so that you will be informed personally of our upcoming wo rld-wide events and releases. To listen to HALLUCINGOEN, HUJABOY and SHPO NGLE taste,go to tsunami-trance HUJABOY interview: web mushr oom-online/a/en/frequencies/interviews/100911 ce. com (ce/) INFO LINE: 212.439.8124 Early June – Upstate NY – web omnidancefestival.info/ (web omnid ancefestival.info/) Thurs. – Sun., June 23rd-26th, 2005 – GAIAN MIND SUMM ER FESTIVAL 2005 at Four Quarters. web gaian-mind (web gaian -mind/) Presenting the 4th Annual GAIAN MIND SUMMER FESTIVAL 2005 E2 809CCelebrating the Dance of Life!”D Thursday, June 23rd to Sunday June 26th Four Quarters “3 Central Pennsylvania, USA Stone Circle Stage (Psy-Trance/Progressive Trance): JAIA (Digital Structures “3 France) LIVE! ANTIX (Iboga Records “3 New Zealand) LIVE! DEVIANT S PECIES (Ambivalent Records “3 London) LIVE! DJ EDOARDO (Neurobiotic Records/Sonica 2005 – Italy) KENJI WILLIAMS (ABA Structure – USA/Japan) L IVE! ALLEN (Gaian Mind/Metropolis Records “3 Philadelphia) GAVIN (D igital Structures/Spectra – Sweden) KRI (T.O.U.C.H. Samadhi “3 Ashe ville) KIFE (OmniTribe “3 NYC) KNOB (Alladin Project “3 Japa n) ALBERTO (Cosmic Traveler “3Columbus) BINARY (Sonic Beating E2 8093 Boston) North Crook Stage (Downtempo): ANDROCELL (Celestial Dragon Recordings “3 Arizona) LIVE! BUFFER (M-Labs “3 Baltimore) EL EKTRONKIND (Digital Yeti Studios “3 Baltimore) BLUE SPECTRAL MONKEY (T.O.U.C.H. Samadhi “3 Asheville) MONO MONO (Soular Records E280 93 Philadelphia) ANDREW LIGHT (Gaian Mind “3 Philadelphia) EIM (Ga ian Mind “3 Philadelphia) DEET (Gaian Mind “3 Philadelphia) EITAN (Gaian Mind “3 Philadelphia/Israel) EGBOT (Psy-Planet/Gaian Mind “3 Trenton) BOTTOM DWELLERS (Members Camp “3 Four Quart ers) (Plus more artists TBAE280A6) Plus: Performance Art by THE GREAT Q UENTINI (Philadelphia) Drum and Fire Performance and Workshops Lectures an d Workshops Psychedelia Film Cinema Opening and Closing Ceremonies (Additi onal information coming soon…) Featuring: UV Deco by MIZUE (Japan) Visua l Projections by REALITY ENGINE (NYC) Additional Art Installations by STEV E-O (GoaBabies – NYC), DIGITAL YETI STUDIOS, and GAIAN MIND Sound Install ation by SONIC BEATING (Boston) Admission: Early-Bird Registration – $75 ( until Saturday, May 7th, 2005) Pre-Registration – $100 (until Saturday, Ju ne 18th, 2005) At the Gate* – $125 (Thursday, June 23rd – Sunday, June 26t h) *Cash or Credit Card only. Children under 16 admitted FREE with parent or legal guardian. Optional Meal Plans with the STARVIN’ ARTIST CAFE are a vailable. Payment: Credit Card (VISA/MC) payments – contact Four Quarters at 1-(814) 784-3075 or pay online at web 4QF.org (web 4qf.org/) . Money Orders or Personal Checks – payable to: “Gaian Mind” c/o Four Quar ters, 190 Walker Lane, Artemas, PA 17211, USA. Admission Includes: Optiona l Meal Plan provided by STARVIN’ ARTIST CAFE* FREE All-You-Can-Eat “Fracta l Feast” (carnivore/vegetarian) FREE 24-Hour Coffee/Tea Service by COFFEE DRAGONS Chai and Children’s Area by ISHTARBUCK’S CHAI Merchant Area – Clo thing, Jewelry, Crafts, Tattooing, Piercing, Body Painting, etc… Healing and Massage Area Morning and Evening Yoga Sessions Daily Sweat Lodges Ni ghtly Drum Circles Riverside Swimming Spacious Campgrounds Fire Rings with Unlimited Firewood* Hot Showers and Clean Toilets FREE Drinking Water FRE E and Secure Main Parking *Additional charges apply. Dates: Thursday, June 23rd to Sunday, June 26th, 2005 Gates open on Thursday at noon – Drum Cir cle at dusk. Amplified music starts on Friday at 10:00am. Extended camping is available for an additional fee for early arrivals and late departure s. Location: FOUR QUARTERS – An InterFaith Sanctuary of EarthReligion, Ar temas, Pennsylvania, USA, Gaia Directions: web 4qf.org (w ww.4qf.org/) Information: Questions and Concerns can be addressed to in (ma ilto:megalith at 4qf.org) . GAIAN MIND 24-Hour Hotline: 1-(610) 771-0668 FOU R QUARTERS Registration and Rumor Control: 1-(814) 784-3075 web ga ian-mind (web gaian-mind/) web 4qf.org (ww w.4qf.org/) – – – JAIA (Digital Structures “3 France) LIVE! The ac t JAIA is the project of the French producer Yannis Kamarinos, formed in 1995 with Jean-Michel Blanchet and first oriented Psy-Trance and Downte mpo. Since 2000 Yannis is working alone under JAIA name, and today JAIA s music is more orientated to Progressive House and Progressive Trance (and still Downtempo too). JAIA has already released an album E2 809CBlue Energy”D in 1998 (Cross/EastWest/Nova Tekk), which has been re-released in 2000 on the Japanese label Dakini. JAIA released sev eral 12” singles too, as well as numerous tracks on various label compila tions, such as Island, Iboga, Wagram, Milan, Flying Rhino, T.I.P. World, and many others. The new album “Fiction” will be released in May 2005 o n Digital Structures. Yannis has collaborated with other producers-DJE2 8099s such as DADO, WIZY NOISE, and SILICON SOUND. He has remixed famo us artists like the French singer MYLENE FARMER “3 including her la st two singles “Cest Une Belle JournC3A9e” and “Pardonne-Moi” (Polydor/Universal) – with BLUE PLANET CORPORATION, the Moroccan singer TY OUSSI (Fairway/SonyMusic), and the French pop band JPEX (Wagram). JAIA als o has been remixed by TOTAL ECLIPSE, MINIL:OGUE, and JIMMY VAN M for exa mple. He is also working with Oneletronic, a company making sound librar ies for cinema and TV, collaborating with other artists like JOHN DIGWEED, OLIVER LIEB, NICK WARREN, and SASHA. Since 1997 Yannis has been perform ing live in Europe, Japan, Israel, Canada, and in the United States. He has played at many big gatherings like Return to the Source in London, So lstice in Japan, and the Samothraki Dance Festival in Greece. ja ia.net.free.fr (jaia.net.free.fr/) ANTIX (Iboga Records “3 New Zealand) LIVE! Based in Auckland New Zealand, Barton and Hayden Stro m are the producers behind the project ANTIX. The Strom brothers dedication to pushing their style in new directions in the ever evolving Progressive Trance genre has made them one of the emerging acts to watch their scene. Both Barton and Hayden were introduced to music at a young age listening, to music from their parents vast record co llections. They quickly became addicted to the hypnotic sounds of Trance in ’95 when a friend handed them a tape urging them to check it out. Ba rton instantly purchased a mixer and started DJ’ing at small parties in t he growing Auckland scene. Six months later he had moved to Japan to buy studio equipment and teach himself the art of production, and Hayden lat er joined him. Together they returned to New Zealand, setting up various studios around Auckland and refining a sound, which really came together once they moved to the West Coast of the North Island and set up Slow Bu rning Studios in ’99. The sound that seemed to evolve was a kind of minim al organic groove influenced by the European sound being played by DJ PHI LIPP from Plastik Park and ANTI from Spiral Trax. It wasn’t long before a connection was made when Philipp toured Australia and New Zealand in 20 00, and ANTIX were signed for their first 12”, “Rainstick,” on Plastik Pa rk. Over the years the two have managed to put a few of the “big ones” u nder their belts, playing the U-Site Fusion Festival in Germany, The Boom in Portugal, and The Rainbow Serpent in Australia. And now three years down the line, ANTIX completed their long awaited debut album “Lull” relea sed on the Danish label Iboga Records. The duo are currently touring the globe for the third year, they are only half way to completing this tour but so far its been a huge success, playing parties in Denmark, Sweden, Croatia, Japan, the Voov Festival 2003 in Germany and then in London, wh ere they played alongside other respected kiwi artists for the annual New Zealand music night at club Fabric. And now to continue the tour ANTIX w ill play in Portugal, Switzerland, Sweden, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Aust ria and then to finish in France. On top of this theyve also be en involved in Auckland label Manta. The label has just released its sec ond 12″ and third compilation “Subduction” featuring a excellent selectio n of New Zealand and international, Progressive/Psy-Trance which are all available from Cyberculture Records at (web cyberculture.co.nz (w ww.cyberculture.co.nz/) ). So at last… Here comes the second full leng th album from ANTIX – “Twin Cost Discovery.” Since their first album – ” Lull” – released on Iboga Records in June 2003, ANTIX had major success w ith their very groovy and unique style. They have been playing their liv e set at a great number of events and have made a very good name for them selves in the scene. Now two years later, Iboga Records is proud to be r eleasing another well produced album. From start to end the Strom brothe rs take you on a journey deep into their soundscapes. You can truly tell that ANTIX has spent many hours making this album come true, and once ag ain they surprise with their style, going in a new direction. web iboga-records.dk (web iboga-records.dk/) DEVIANT SPECIES (Ambival ent Records “3 London) LIVE! DEVIANT SPECIES are the England based electronic duo who are currently touring Japan consisting of Santos De C astro and Paul Wright. Consistently releasing their unique take on the L ondon Techno sound for the past five years, they are now preparing to rele ase their third album, “In the Hands of the Randomiser,” later this year o n Ambivalent Records. From the Warlock Studios comes the long-awaited al bum by DEVIANT SPECIES. No need for introductions, once more you will be treated to nine quality-consistent cuts of dark and minimal psychedelia for the blackest hours of the night. In this third album installment by DEVIANT SPECIES the band is now only made up of Santos De Castro with col laborations with ex-DEVIANT SPECIES member Paul Konrad Wright (now of N.R .S. fame) and ground-breaking producer Ady Connor from SCORB. The atmosp here prevailing here is hard, with tinges of Industrial and Ambient intro s and outros that cross-over giving the album a continuous flow. It all kicks off with “Voice of Thard,” a chugging and spatial number that builds up to a ripping chorus. “Pincushion Man” continues with galloping inten sity where “…Thard” left off moving relentlessly to a climatic final be fore “Shellless” ebbs in soothingly with an overture of peerless Gothic b eauty. The tight pulse is quickly restored leading to a frantic groove t hat allows you to breathe with its interspersed waves of noise. On a sli ghtly softer tip “Thermal Boundaries” follows with an infectious beat tha t gradually gathers momentum to trancing-out effect. In a similar rollin g yet relaxed vein enters “The Retinal Circus,” which has been doing the bootleg rounds in an earlier unfinished version titled “The Abyss.” To f ollow, “In the Hands of the Randomiser” is the first collaboration betwee n DEVIANT SPECIES and SCORB, a powerful track that starts with an Industr ial soundscape and steamrolls forward into a roaring pay-off. For the da rkest hour “A Night to Dismember” brings the proceedings to total mayhem b efore the forces of light emerge. “Portal to Balojax” is a 3-minute-plus unwinding ambient piece and serves as a prologue to “The Entrapment of J ohn Dory,” the only morning track in the album and the second DEVIANT SPE CIES vs. SCORB outing, a delicate cut destined to be a classic. web deviantspecies.co.uk (web deviantspecies.co.uk/) web a mbivalentrecords (web ambivalentrecords/) DJ EDOARDO (Neu robiotic Records/Sonica 2005 – Italy) EDOARDO is the main man behind Neuro biotic Records. He started DJing 10 years ago playing Techno at parties in Rome. After three years, he went to his first Trance party and decide d to move in that direction, so, he started playing Psy-Trance, the first one in Rome. Being one of the top DJ’s around today, he played gigs all over Europe (Germany, Austria, Spain, Portugal, Israel, Denmark, Czech R epublic, Switzerland, Italy, Serbia, Macedonia, Slovenia, Croatia, France, Russia, Holland, Hungary, Greece, Bulgaria), Brazil, United States, Mexi co, Argentina, India, and Japan. From small parties to huge festivals li ke Samothraki Dance Festival, Voov Experience, Full Moon Festival, Shiva Moon, Solaris, Universo Paralello, he is constantly touring the world spr eading the Neurobiotic virus. His style is a mix of futuristic Psy-Trance with House, Progressive, and electronic breaks and beats. Giving great importance to the mixing, he creates a flowing liquid psychedelic soundsc ape. In 2004, he created Indica Music, Chillout/Downtempo label together with DJ JOSKO and he’s currently busy in the preparation of Sonica 2005, the first electronic music festival in Italy. web neurobiotic (web neurobiotic/) web sonica2005 (w ww.sonica2005/) KENJI WILLIAMS (ABA Structure – USA/Japan) LIVE! Tec hno-wizard KENJI WILLIAMS is world-renowned for his cutting-edge improvis ational compositions blending electronic beats, classical violin, and min d-bending visuals. From the first ever “Illusion” EP release reaching a g lobal audience of nearly 100,000 in collaboration with JOHN DIGWEED’s Bed rock label, to Ambient releases with top labels such as Flying Rhino and Interchill, to the latest full length Tech-House, Tech-Trance album “Face s of Epiphany,” the network of recognition is growing. Combining unique skills in film and music, KENJI WILLIAMS has earned international film aw ards from the CSC to Sundance, and has been featured in the press such as XLR8R, Jwave, Tokyo FM, and Apple. Director of three films to date, “Moment Utopia,” “Vision Quest 2002,” and the latest project “WORLDSPIRI T,” collaborating with world-renowned spiritual artist, ALEX GREY, KENJI WILLIAMS is establishing himself as a forward thinking audio visual artis t of the soul. web kenjiwilliams (web kenjiwilliams /) web magneticpresence (web magneticpresence /) ANDROCELL (Celestial Dragon Recordings “3 Arizona) LIVE! When a wareness rendezvous with emotion, here is where one finds the heart of AN DROCELL. Tyler “Quasga” Smith (formerly of PRABHAMANDALA) created ANDROCE LL as an aural habitat for all cognizant beings who experience the emotion al palette of chilled, psychedelic wonder that awaits inside his music. The debut album, “Emotivision,” reveals the first Downtempo offerings fro m the ANDROCELL studio. Nine Dub-enriched, sonic, soul stories for the u niversal traveler, these melodic tales tell of beautiful scenes and moody dreams. Featuring visionary album cover art in digipak design plus a bo nus 8-page gallery booklet of select digital works all created by Quasga. Along with digital mastering by leading Psybient artist, YANIV SHULMAN, this album belongs in every serious chillers collection. web and rocell (web androcell/) July 2 – Tsunami July 4t h weekend – Los Angeles – web greensector (web greensector.co m/) Phantasm again brings 4 day festival with Talamasca, Shakta, Orion, Eskimo, Cosmosis and others July 16 – Midwest – web psymbolic (web psymbolic/) July – Oregon web Enosa.net (web enosa .net/) Friday, July 29th – Tsunami at Spirit August 25-30 The Rhythm s of Peace Beach Festival in Morocco Announced for August!! Morocco F estival August 25th-30th, and the line-up is sick – live acts by Parasens e, Son Kite, Silicon Sound, Wizzy Noise, Safi Connection, Atmos, Bamboo F orest, way more Check out the flyer./moroccoparty.jp g Moundir the organizer has been involved with other festivals and has a good reputation. He ask ed me through Gavin to sell tickets in the U.S. and will be offering trav el packages of $700 round trip, $200 food & lodging. Details for these packages will be forthcoming. Once you get there it is very very chea p, I mean like almost India cheap.. Ticket prices before the 30th of Ap ril 2005 : $80 before the 30th of July 2005 : $100 at the door : 100 euro s Physical tickets will be provided. Tickets may be purchased by check or m oney order via snail mail (email for address), paypal to jeffMachinelf at ao in person. gomorocco2005-s ubscribe For those of you not on NYC604 or TripOutNY and would like to recie ve updates to the gathering and to dicuss, click the above link to join G o Morocco 2005. Any emails from the organizers will be fw ded there. The NYC lists will have occasional updates, but for those w ho’d like to discuss going, in the interest of space please join the moroc co group. You don’t have to be buying tickets from me to join; Dave Hensh aw is also selling tickets in Boston and others may be as well. Flyer at ( Sept 23-25 North Carolina – Powwow festiva l – touchsamadhi (touchsamadhi/) Goa Gil in Or egon AD Trance Community Weekly Newsletter alive spread the psytrance virus DI /ST inmachines/links More Links / s 24, verse 16 “He hath said, which heard the words of God, and knew the knowledge of the most High, which saw the vision of the Almighty, fal ling into a trance, but having his eyes open” DI V N ews Wednesday, Atomic Pulse at TDC Friday, Medical Marijuana Rally at Battery Park Saturday, and for those in the know, streets say there’s a renegade somewhere this weekend. 30. Travel packages are still being developed. eftTo get on the info list for the big Morocco party in august send a bla e the Rhythms of Peace Beach Festival in Morocco Announced in August 25th-3 0th, and the line-up is sick – live acts by Parasense, Son Kite, Silicon S ound, Wizzy Noise, Safi Connection, Atmos, Bamboo Forest, way more Che Moundir the organizer has been involve d with other festivals and has a good reputation. He asked me throug h Gavin to sell tickets in the U.S. and will be offering travel packages o f $700 round trip, $200 food & lodging. Details for these pack ages will be forthcoming. Once you get there it is very very che ap, I mean like almost India cheap.. Ticket prices before the 30th of J uly 2005 : $100 at the door : 100 euros (currently $129.68 as of April 27) Physical tickets will be provided. Tickets may be purchased&nbs For those of you not on NYC604 or TripOutNY and wo uld like to receive updates to the gathering and to dicuss, click the abov e link to join Go Morocco 2005 at Yahoo Groups. Any emails from the o rganizers will be fwded there. The NYC lists will have occasio nal updates, but for those who’d like to discuss going, in the interest of space please join the morocco group. You don’t have to be buying tickets from me to join; Dave Henshaw is also selling tickets in Boston and others Trancer’s Guide to the Galaxy is finally being shipped! ttp://web trancersguide/web trancersguide/ I’ll have limited copies for sale, but you can click the link above to ord er your copy straight from Germany. * * * Sponsor STRONG 6″ y’s campaign for governor of California when he ran against Ronald Reagan in 1968. Click nt nootropics. Our open house is Wednesday (see below).&nb //upshift Here’s my initial experience in 2000. * * */DI V bold./ST RONGSame date events appear in the order submitted. All events incl ude at least on Psy/Goa DJ. Organizers who cannot provide press passes will be charged the amount of 2 tickets to help keep gonzo journal ism alive. 1115198766″ May 4 Wednesday Smi2le’ s Open House and Launch Party with the NYC debut of Seattle’s Nic k Tornetta (Syndicate Recordings) and Omnitribe’s Shai and Kife plus a mor ning set by Juggernaut. All info at ty * * * / May 6 TDC Presents Atomic Pulse ( Spectrum, Israel) For the first time in New York City, Atomic Pulse wi ll perform a special LIVE and DJ Set. Atomic Pulse sound consists of f ull-on music blending with hard elements of groove with an epic feel. DJ’s: Main Psy-full on room Babla ( Kagdila rec, NYC ) TDC Mafia ( Legalize this ) Inner Mongolian Progressive room Pulse ( Hype rNation / TDC, NYC ) Oleg K ( HyperNation, NYC ) Eddie Kantor ( Hy perNation, NYC ) Serge Z-Lenin ( HyperNation, NYC ) Farmatar ( Omn itribe / Polarlight, NYC ) Earthian ( Omnitribe / Polarlight, NYC ) Deco: Daya Cayung ( Dreamcatcher studio, Indonesia ) TDC cr ew Admission: $ 25 – Party from 10 – 7 Location: Club Axis 32-17 College point Blvd. QUEENS NYC. ( entrance is on 33rd Ave ) For more info rmation about this event and upcoming summer festival visit titl com * *& nbs * Saturday Battery Park * * * / OUTDOOR MAY 7TH FROM 7AM al memories for us and the people we have been working with and partying w ith over you for supporting tomic Pulse) party finishes at 7am on May 7th then we go to the STRO NG[location] for a full day and night of the best in Psy Tek and Trance. ailto:jsannachan at yahooJason Subtlechaos/Pulse Industries. &nbs [Ed. note: I love them so much, I’m never goi ng to post location/direx on a public list. The exact location is to only to be released on Safetydance andS TRONGd] * * * &nbs Friday, May1 es/smiles/pumpurum.gif WIZZY NOISE(Greece) Spun Rec. Candy Flip Rec. KNOB Alladin Project (Japan) ELNADIV Alladin Project (NYC/ IL ) URIEL Alladin Project (NYC/IL) STEVE-O Spectra (NYC) Decorat ions by: Alladin Project Crew Severyn Barabakh (Subtlecaos -NYC) Visua ls by: VJ: Skyeye (Alladin Project)Japan -NYC Tickets $25 in Adv ance, $30 at door 18 to enter – 21+w/ picture ID to drink. Door Open: 1 1PM to 8AM eft Location: CLUB EXIT 147 GREENPOINT AVE BROOKLYN NY B RTickets alladinproduction at yahoo (917) 569-1 177 (917 405-4847 Hoomoos Asli NYC 100 Kenmare St/ Lafayette, (2 12) 966-0022 Satellite Records NYC 259 Bowery Av. (212) 995-1744 Directions By Subway: take the L train to metropolitan Ave & transfer to the G train to Greenpoint Ave. the Club is right across th maps/submap Directions By Car: B RTake BQE (I-278) to Exit 33 McQuinness Blvd. to Greenpoint Ave. Turn LEFT at Greenpoint Ave Proceed to the corner of Manhattan Ave . By car service / taxi : from Manhattan cost $15 from Bedford Station it cost $6 Street Map: – oo ! incode auto-link start auto-link end /web wizzynoise.gr ! incode auto-li dhi/touchsamadhi bus trip info !!!!! from philly Ariane Sacred Trance Dance Experience Saturday – Sunday May 21 – 22&n bs 2005 At Deerfields, Asheville, NC, USA TOUCH Samadhi is honored to bring you: Goa Gil & Ariane (The Nommos, Avatar Records) Gil grew up in the middle of the music scene of the sixties; he then left to journey to India in 1969. Having been a musician all his lif e and then doing intense Yogic practices with Gurus in the Himalayas, he t ried to unite the two forces, Music and Yoga, into one spirit befittin g this Age. The result is his focus to use the trance party environm ent as a medium to uplift the consciousness of the participants through th e Sacred Trance Dance Experience. He met Ariane in Goa in 1985. They have been together constantly ever since. Ariane’s keen interest in African Djembe drumming and West African Traditional Dance has also h ad a big influence on the development and direction of Gil’s musical taste s and concepts. Gil & Ariane’s current musical project is The No mmos, and their goal is to combine Psychedelic Trance with West African Tr aditional Drumming in the True Spirit of the Ancients.We will begin with a n opening drum invocation at sunset, followed by Ariane’s ethno-tribal rhy thms. Then Gil will guide us on an 18 hour trip through futuri stic sounds for primal movements, “Redefining Ancient Tribal Ritual for th e 21st Century.” “Since the beginning of time humankind has used Music and Dance to commune with the Spirit of Nature and the Spirit of the Unive rse. When I come to the Party and set up my altar, sprinkle the Holy Water, recite the Holy Mantra, and make the Offering to the Cosmic Spirit and then start the Music… the Music and the whole Party becomes the Of fering to the Cosmic Spirit.” Come early on Saturday to set up camp, explo re the land, have a swim, share a potluck meal (bring a dish/utensils and prepare for the amazing journey that awaits us all! Plus: Sound by Project 7 Psyoptic Mindstimuli by Devotee Live video projections by OmbB RRitual by Tranceform Venus Entry: $30 presale til may 7 at BOBO Gallery, 22 Lexington Ave, Asheville Atmosphere Records, 1 West Walnut St, Ashevil com $40 at gate Bus trips over 4 people get in for $30 a person Gate o pens Saturday 9AM carpool & leave no trace! more information and direc com Bhakti Satya, Kri see you on the dance floor! always be madhikri at touchsamadhi aim: krisamadhi msn: kri at hotmail low cost high quality printing email me!&n ouchsamadhi-subscribe at touchsamadhi join our tribe! be.net/touchsamadhi.tribe.net/ The music will never sto p! The heartbeat will never fade! The party will never end! Saturday – Sunday May 21 – 22 2005 At Deerfields, Asheville, NC, USA TOUCH Samadhi is honored to bring you: Goa Gil & Ariane B RSacred Trance Dance Experience Goa Gil & Ariane (The Nommos, Ava tar Records) Gil grew up in the middle of the music scene of the sixties; he then left to journey to India in 1969. Having be en a musician all his life and then doing intense Yogic practices with Gur us in the Himalayas, he tried to unite the two forces, Music and Yoga, int o one spirit befitting this Age. The result is his focus to use the trance party environment as a medium to uplift the consciousness of the pa rticipants through the Sacred Trance Dance Experience. He met Ariane in Goa in 1985. They have been together constantly ever since. Aria nes keen interest in African Djembe drumming and West African Tra ditional Dance has also had a big influence on the development and directi on of Gils musical tastes and concepts. Gil & ArianeE2 8099s current musical project is The Nommos, and their goal is to combin e Psychedelic Trance with West African Traditional Drumming in the True Sp irit of the Ancients. We will begin with an opening drum invocat ion at sunset, followed by Arianes ethno-tribal rhythms. Th en Gil will guide us on an 18 hour trip through futuristic sounds for prim al movements, “CRedefining Ancient Tribal Ritual for the 21st Centu ry.”D “CSince the beginning of time humankind has used Mu sic and Dance to commune with the Spirit of Nature and the Spirit of the U niverse. When I come to the Party and set up my altar, sprinkle the Holy Water, recite the Holy Mantra, and make the Offering to the Cosmic Sp irit, and then start the MusicE280A6 the Music and the whole Party beco mes the Offering to the Cosmic Spirit.”D Come early on S aturday to set up camp, explore the land, have a swim, share a potluck mea l (bring a dish/utensils and prepare for the amazing journey that awaits u s all! Plus: Sound by Project 7 Psyoptic Mindstimuli by Devotee Live video projections by Omb Ritual by Tranceform Venus Entry: $3 0 presale til may 7 at BOBO Gallery, 22 Lexington Ave, Asheville Atmosphere Records, 1 West Walnut St, Asheville $35 presale til may 7 – paypal t hi at gmailtouch.samadhi at gmail $40 at gate Bus trips over 4 people get in for $30 a person Gate opens Saturday 9AM carpool &a mleave no trace! more information and directions at: title p://web touchsamadhi Rbus trip info !!!!! from philly to asheville please contact: title 12 at gmail DIRECTIONS TO DEERFIELDS From the East or the Wes tE280A6 Follow I-40 to I-26. Take I-26 East towards airport. From t he North or the SouthE280A6 Take I-26 to Exit 40 / Old Exit 9 (Ai rport Road Exit). Take 280 West towards Brevard (go past the airport). Go exactly 4.5 miles from the Airport Road Exit and turn right on South M ills River Road. Its the next right past the turn for North Mi lls River Campground. Stay on South Mills River Road for 5 miles to the de ad end. turn right on the gravel road (Watagnee Trail)… you ll see the Deerfields Sign. Come up the gravel road 3 miles. Stay stra ight where the road narrows (youll see the Deerfields Sign) and y oull drive through the Deerfields entrance. Deerfields is only 9 miles from the asheville nc airport. ATTENTION: Sunday, May 29th at CIELO: SIMON POSFORD / SHOONGLE. In a rare DJ set Simon Posford introduces SHPONGLE 3 “Nohting Lasts, But Nothing Is Lo st, to be released world wide the end of May. Friday May 27th 2OO5 TSUA NMI at SPIRIT 530 West 27th Street (between 10th & 11th Avenues) 10p m till 7am The world’s most sought after live trance act: H ALLUCINOGEN (Twisted, UK) live and DJ set Simon Posfod and his live act HALLUCINOGEN is the industries most watched, imitaded and respected trance producers. Simon is also half of the cutting edge ambienbt project SHPONG LE (see below, for CIELO on May 29th!) For the first time in America:B RHUjABOY (SPUN Records, Ibiza / HOMEGA, Israel) live and DJ set Finall y, after years of waiting, Nir is finally coming to America! NIr
#3577 Thu, 5 May 2005 12:51:17 Thu, 5 May 2005 12:51:17 Fwd: [NYC604] DREAMCATCHER PRESENTS STRING THEORY THIS THURSDAY MAY 5 IN QUEENS
#3578 Sat, 7 May 2005 22:51:32 Sat, 7 May 2005 22:51:32 Regarding the “underground event” this weekend, they stopped at 4pm today
#3579 Tue, 10 May 2005 05:40:50 Tue, 10 May 2005 05:40:49 Obfuseletter (web trancersguide/) Circ.1,903 and growing faster than Chlamydia in a hippie commune Trip Out New York Free NYC Psychedelic Trance Community Weekly Newsletter Pleas e make a donation to help keep the spirit alive (web web paypal/ 0&nono Editor Machinelf at brainmachine Forward/reprint to spread the psytrance virus om To review & discuss ema ) More Links (web tranceam.org/links ) Numb ers 24, verse 16 “He hath said, which heard the words of God, and knew t he knowledge of the most High, which saw the vision of the Almighty, falli ng into a trance, but having his eyes open” What’s News This week, Dreamcatcher Thursday and Wizzy Noise F riday. Omnifest moved to September. Smi2le is hiring! web smi 2le.biz/hiring (web smi2le.biz/hiring ) A Psychedelic Cu re msnbc.msn/id/7764074/site/newsweek/ (msnbc.msn/ id/7764074/site/newsweek/) ….”ecstasy, a dangerous illicit d, can help cancer patients and trauma victims”D Am I the only one who is reminded of a Homer Simpson quote (from the episode he is given medic al marijuana) “CThats because daddys special me dicine, which you must never touch because it will ruin your life, allows him to see and hear things you couldnt even imagine everE280 9D -Scott from N.E. PA Cool Daya Art! Not that active in a cycle wa y but quite movin’ especially in the real size (17x1o ft). Plase see the link at scroll all th way down. I also still in the midle of a project w ith the similar theme for another 4 more pieces like that. web day avision.50megs/catalog (web dayavision.50megs/catalog ) New Naotto art! web wwwcomcom/store/original/origin alsforsale (web wwwcomcom/store/original/originalsfors ale ) My biz partner Mike’s sister and 2 cousins seek multibedroom apt if af m) Morocco are $100 until July 30. Travel packages are still being deve loped. To get on the info list for the big Morocco party in august send a blank I have physical tickets for the Rhythms of Peace Beach Festival in Morocco Announced in August 25th-30th, and the line-up is sick – live acts by Parasense, Son Kite, Silicon Sound, Wizzy Noise, Safi Connection, Atmos, Bamboo Forest, way more Check out the fl (.co Moundir the organizer has been involved with other f estivals and has a good reputation. He asked me through Gavin to sell ti ckets in the U.S. and will be offering travel packages of $700 round tri p, $200 food & lodging. Details for these packages will be forthcoming. Once you get there it is very very cheap, I mean like almost India chea p.. Ticket prices before the 30th of July 2005 : $100 at the door : 100 e uros (currently $129.68 as of April 27) Physical tickets will be provided. Tickets may be purchased via paypal or by check or money order to jeff gomorocco2005-subscribe For t hose of you not on NYC604 or TripOutNY and would like to receive updates t o the gathering and to dicuss, click the above link to join Go Morocco 20 05. Any emails from the organizers will be fwded there. The NYC lists will have occasional updates, but for those who’d like to discuss going, in the interest of space please join the morocco group. Yo u don’t have to be buying tickets from me to join; Dave Henshaw is also s elling tickets in Boston and others may be as well. Flyer at web Trancer’s Guide to the Galaxy is finally being shipped! web trancersguide/ (web trancersguide/) I’ll have li mited copies for sale, but you can click the link above to order your cop y straight from Germany. * * * Sponsor This logo is from Timothy Le ary’s campaign for governor of California when he ran against Ronald Reag an in 1968. Click here (web smi2le.biz/) for discount nootropic s. Here’s (web tranceam.org/upshift ) my initial exp erience in 2000. * * * Event Calendar Logo part ners in bold. Same date events appear in the order submitted. All events include at least on Psy/Goa DJ. Organizers who cannot provide press pas ses will be charged the amount of 2 tickets to help keep gonzo journalism alive. * * * Dreamcatcher Thursday thank you al l for coming last week this week’s lineup: from 11:00 till 12:30 – JEFF WH ITMORE (brainmachines) from 12:30 till 02:30 – STAS (omnitribe) from 02:30 till 04:00 – LUNA (dreamcatcher) NO cover/ 21 and over with ID (support the bar to keep party alive, location: CLUB CAOS 33-05 Broadway, Queens, NY directions by subway : take the N or the W to wards queens and get off on the broadway stop. the club is 2 blocks from the subway, between 33rd and 34th streets Friday, May13th Alladin Pro ject Presents: WIZZY NOISE(Greece) Spun Rec. Candy Flip Rec. KNOB Allad in Project (Japan) ELNADIV Alladin Project (NYC/ IL) URIEL Alladin Proje ct (NYC/IL) STEVE-O Spectra (NYC) Decorations by: Alladin Project Crew S everyn Barabakh (Subtlecaos -NYC) Visuals by: VJ: Skyeye (Alladin Proje ct)Japan -NYC Tickets $25 in Advance, $30 at door 18 to enter – 21+w/ pict ure ID to drink. Door Open: 11PM to 8AM Location: CLUB EXIT 147 GREENPOINT AVE BROOKLYN NY com Hoomoos Asli NYC 100 Kenmare St/ Lafayette, (212) 966-0022 Satellite Rec ords NYC 259 Bowery Av. (212) 995-1744 Directions By Subway: take the L train to metropolitan Ave & transfer to the G train to Greenpoint Ave. the Club is right across the street. Subway Map: web mta.nyc.ny. us/nyct/maps/submap (web mta.nyc.ny.us/nyct/maps/submap ) Directions By Car: Take BQE (I-278) to Exit 33 McQuinness Blvd. to Gr eenpoint Ave. Turn LEFT at Greenpoint Ave Proceed to the corner of Manha ttan Ave. By car service / taxi : from Manhattan cost $15 from Bedford Station it cost $6 Street Map: ) web alladinproject (web alladinproject/) web wizzynoise.gr (web wizzynoise.gr/) web severyn. com (web severyn/) May 21 North Carolina – Goa Gil – touchsamadhi (touchsamadhi/) bus trip info !!!!! from philly to asheville. please contact: len2012 at gmail) Goa Gil & Ariane Sacred Trance Dance Experience Saturd ay – Sunday May 21 – 22 2005 At Deerfields, Asheville, NC, USA TOUCH Sa madhi is honored to bring you: Goa Gil & Ariane (The Nommos, Avatar Record s) Gil grew up in the middle of the music scene of the sixt ies; he then left to journey to India in 1969. Having been a musician al l his life and then doing intense Yogic practices with Gurus in the Himal ayas, he tried to unite the two forces, Music and Yoga, into one spirit befitting this Age. The result is his focus to use the trance party envi ronment as a medium to uplift the consciousness of the participants throu gh the Sacred Trance Dance Experience. He met Ariane in Goa in 1985. The y have been together constantly ever since. Ariane’s keen interest in Af rican Djembe drumming and West African Traditional Dance has also had a b ig influence on the development and direction of Gil’s musical tastes and concepts. Gil & Ariane’s current musical project is The Nommos, and the ir goal is to combine Psychedelic Trance with West African Traditional Dr umming in the True Spirit of the Ancients.We will begin with an opening d rum invocation at sunset, followed by Ariane’s ethno-tribal rhythms. The n Gil will guide us on an 18 hour trip through futuristic sounds for pri mal movements, “Redefining Ancient Tribal Ritual for the 21st Century.” ” Since the beginning of time humankind has used Music and Dance to commune with the Spirit of Nature and the Spirit of the Universe. When I come to the Party and set up my altar, sprinkle the Holy Water, recite the Holy Mantra, and make the Offering to the Cosmic Spirit, and then start the Mu sic… the Music and the whole Party becomes the Offering to the Cosmic S pirit.” Come early on Saturday to set up camp, explore the land, have a s wim, share a potluck meal (bring a dish/utensils and prepare for the amaz ing journey that awaits us all! Plus: Sound by Project 7 Psyoptic Mindst imuli by Devotee Live video projections by Omb Ritual by Tranceform Venus Entry: $30 presale til may 7 at BOBO Gallery, 22 Lexington Ave, Ashevill e Atmosphere Records, 1 West Walnut St, Asheville $35 presale til may 7 – paypal to: touch.samadhi at gmail 40 at gate Bus trips over 4 people get in for $30 a person Gate opens Sat urday 9AM carpool & leave no trace! more information and directions at: web touchsamadhi (web touchsamadhi/) web deerfields (web deerfields/) Bhakti Satya, Kri see you on the danfloor! always be brahmanirvana. touchsamadhi (touc hsamadhi/) email: m) aim: krisamadhi msn: ) low cost high quality printing email me! join our mailing list! to uchsamadhi-subscribe at touchsamadhi hsamadhi) join our tribe! touchsamadhi.tribe.net/ ( touchsamadhi.tribe.net/) The music will never stop! The heartbeat wil l never fade! The party will never end! Saturday – Sunday May 21 – 22 200 5 At Deerfields, Asheville, NC, USA TOUCH Samadhi is honored to bring yo u: Goa Gil & Ariane Sacred Trance Dance Experience Goa Gil & Ariane (Th e Nommos, Avatar Records) Gil grew up in the middle of the music scene of the sixties; he then left to journey to India in 1969. Ha ving been a musician all his life and then doing intense Yogic practices with Gurus in the Himalayas, he tried to unite the two forces, Music and Yoga, into one spirit befitting this Age. The result is his focus to use the trance party environment as a medium to uplift the consciousness of the participants through the Sacred Trance Dance Experience. He met Aria ne in Goa in 1985. They have been together constantly ever since. Ariane s keen interest in African Djembe drumming and West African Trad itional Dance has also had a big influence on the development and directi on of Gils musical tastes and concepts. Gil & Arianes c urrent musical project is The Nommos, and their goal is to combine Psyche delic Trance with West African Traditional Drumming in the True Spirit of the Ancients. We will begin with an opening drum invocation at sunset, followed by Ariane s ethno-tribal rhythms. Then Gil will guide u s on an 18 hour trip through futuristic sounds for primal movements, E2 809CRedefining Ancient Tribal Ritual for the 21st Century.”D “CSince the beginning of time humankind has used Music and Dance to commune with the Spirit of Nature and the Spirit of the Universe. When I come to the Party and set up my altar, sprinkle the Holy Water, recite t he Holy Mantra, and make the Offering to the Cosmic Spirit, and then star t the MusicE280A6 the Music and the whole Party becomes the Offering t o the Cosmic Spirit.”D Come early on Saturday to set up camp, explo re the land, have a swim, share a potluck meal (bring a dish/utensils and prepare for the amazing journey that awaits us all! Plus: Sound by Pro ject 7 Psyoptic Mindstimuli by Devotee Live video projections by Omb Rit ual by Tranceform Venus Entry: $30 presale til may 7 at BOBO Gallery, 22 Lexington Ave, Asheville Atmosphere Records, 1 West Walnut St, Asheville $35 presale til may 7 – paypal to: touch.samadhi at gmail h.samadhi at gmail) $40 at gate Bus trips over 4 people get in for $30 a person Gate opens Saturday 9AM carpool & leave no trace! more informa tion and directions at: web touchsamadhi (web touchsam adhi/) web deerfields (web deerfields/) bus trip info !!!!! from philly to asheville please contact: DIRECTIONS TO DEERFIELDS From th e East or the WestE280A6 Follow I-40 to I-26. Take I-26 East towards a irport. From the North or the SouthE280A6 Take I-26 to Exit 40 / Old Exit 9 (Airport Road Exit). Take 280 West towards Brevard (go past the a irport). Go exactly 4.5 miles from the Airport Road Exit and turn right on South Mills River Road. Its the next right past the turn for N orth Mills River Campground. Stay on South Mills River Road for 5 miles to the dead end. turn right on the gravel road (Watagnee Trail)… youE2 8099ll see the Deerfields Sign. Come up the gravel road 3 miles. Stay straight where the road narrows (you ll see the Deerfields Sign) and youll drive through the Deerfields entrance. Deerfields is o nly 9 miles from the asheville nc airport. Friday, May 27th Tsunami at at Spirit ATTENTION:Sunday, May 29th at CIELO: SIMON POSFORD / SHPONGLE. In a rare DJ set Simon Posford introduces SHPONGLE 3 “Nohting Lasts, But Not hing Is Lost, to be released world wide the end of May. Friday May 27th 2OO5 TSUANMI at SPIRIT 530 West 27th Street (between 10th & 11th Avenues) 1 0pm till 7am The world’s most sought after live trance act: HALLUCINOGEN ( Twisted, UK) live and DJ set Simon Posfod and his live act HALLUCINOGEN is the industries most watched, imitaded and respected trance producers. Sim on is also half of the cutting edge ambienbt project SHPONGLE (see below, for CIELO on May 29th!) For the first time in America: HUjABOY (SPUN Recor ds, Ibiza / HOMEGA, Israel) live and DJ set Finally, after years of waitin g, Nir is finally coming to America! NIr has been producing his signature full on music for close to 10 years, and his young and happy style is ve ry much in demand all over the world. His first album HUJABOY stirred a s ensation, his second one SONIC TONIC even more, and now, he also brings hi s newest gems. Also DJing: MINDS OF DEMENTED $30 in advance Valid Picture ID is Required 18 to enter / 21 to drink VINYL MARKET SATELLITE Boston 241 East 10th Street 617 536-5482 212 5391203 (closed Sun./Mon.) SATELLITE 611 259 Bowery Philadelphia 212 995-1744 215 413-9100 Tickets Avialable at GrooveTickets Special GrooveTickets Offer: Combination Tickets Friday May 27th at SPIRIT and Sunday, May 29th at CIELO $40 (while suplies last) Sunday, May 29th a very rare and precious treat: SIMON POSFORD introducin g in a DJ set SHPONGLE 3 “Nothings Lasts, But Nothing Is Lost”, and YONI at CIELO! For Tickets: groovetickets/ordersystem/groove/frontsea (groovetickets.co mi) While visiting tsunami-trance, sign up to our email list, so that you will be informed personally of our upcoming world-wide events and rel eases. To listen to HALLUCINGOEN, HUJABOY and SHPONGLE taste,go to tsuna mi-trance HUJABOY interview: web mushroom-online/a/en/freq uencies/interviews/100911 (web mushroom-online/a/en/frequ encies/interviews/100911 ) (web tsunam i-trance/) INFO LINE: 212.439.8124 About half of the SHPONGLE ticket s will be sold on GrooveTickets, while the second half will be put up for sale at SPIRIT, during the event on Friday, May 27th with HALLUCINOG EN and HUJABOY. June 10th Ambient Alchemy Tour web ambientalchemy (web ambientalchemy/) Thurs. – Sun., June 23rd-26th, 2005 – G AIAN MIND SUMMER FESTIVAL 2005 at Four Quarters. web gaian-mind (ht tp://web gaian-mind/) Presenting the 4th Annual GAIAN MIND SUMMER FEST IVAL 2005 “CCelebrating the Dance of Life!”D Thursday, June 23rd to Sunday, June 26th Four Quarters “3 Central Pennsylvania, US A Stone Circle Stage (Psy-Trance/Progressive Trance): JAIA (Digital Struct ures “3 France) LIVE! ANTIX (Iboga Records “3 New Zealand) L IVE! DEVIANT SPECIES (Ambivalent Records “3 London) LIVE! DJ EDOARD O (Neurobiotic Records/Sonica 2005 – Italy) KENJI WILLIAMS (ABA Structure – USA/Japan) LIVE! ALLEN (Gaian Mind/Metropolis Records “3 Philadel phia) GAVIN (Digital Structures/Spectra – Sweden) KRI (T.O.U.C.H. Samadhi “3 Asheville) KIFE (OmniTribe “3 NYC) KNOB (Alladin Project “3 Japan) ALBERTO (Cosmic Traveler “3Columbus) BINARY (Sonic Beating “3 Boston) North Crook Stage (Downtempo): ANDROCELL (Celes tial Dragon Recordings “3 Arizona) LIVE! BUFFER (M-Labs “3 B altimore) ELEKTRONKIND (Digital Yeti Studios “3 Baltimore) BLUE SPE CTRAL MONKEY (T.O.U.C.H. Samadhi “3 Asheville) MONO MONO (Soular Re cords “3 Philadelphia) ANDREW LIGHT (Gaian Mind “3 Philadelp hia) EIM (Gaian Mind “3 Philadelphia) DEET (Gaian Mind “3 Ph iladelphia) EITAN (Gaian Mind “3 Philadelphia/Israel) EGBOT (Psy-P lanet/Gaian Mind “3 Trenton) BOTTOM DWELLERS (Members Camp “3 Four Quarters) (Plus more artists TBAE280A6) Plus: Performance Art by THE GREAT QUENTINI (Philadelphia) Drum and Fire Performance and Workshops Lectures and Workshops Psychedelia Film Cinema Opening and Closing Ceremo nies (Additional information coming soon…) Featuring: UV Deco by MIZUE ( Japan) Visual Projections by REALITY ENGINE (NYC) Additional Art Installat ions by STEVE-O (GoaBabies – NYC), DIGITAL YETI STUDIOS, and GAIAN MIND S ound Installation by SONIC BEATING (Boston) Admission: Early-Bird Registra tion – $75 (until Saturday, May 7th, 2005) Pre-Registration – $100 (until Saturday, June 18th, 2005) At the Gate* – $125 (Thursday, June 23rd – Sund ay, June 26th) *Cash or Credit Card only. Children under 16 admitted FREE with parent or legal guardian. Optional Meal Plans with the STARVIN’ ARTIS T CAFE are available. Payment: Credit Card (VISA/MC) payments – contact Fo ur Quarters at 1-(814) 784-3075 or pay online at web 4QF.org (web .4qf.org/) . Money Orders or Personal Checks – payable to: “Gaian Mind” c/ o Four Quarters, 190 Walker Lane, Artemas, PA 17211, USA. Admission Inclu des: Optional Meal Plan provided by STARVIN’ ARTIST CAFE* FREE All-You-Can -Eat “Fractal Feast” (carnivore/vegetarian) FREE 24-Hour Coffee/Tea Servic e by COFFEE DRAGONS Chai and Children’s Area by ISHTARBUCK’S CHAI Merchant Area – Clothing, Jewelry, Crafts, Tattooing, Piercing, Body Painting, et c… Healing and Massage Area Morning and Evening Yoga Sessions Daily Swea t Lodges Nightly Drum Circles Riverside Swimming Spacious Campgrounds Fir e Rings with Unlimited Firewood* Hot Showers and Clean Toilets FREE Drinki ng Water FREE and Secure Main Parking *Additional charges apply. Dates: Th ursday, June 23rd to Sunday, June 26th, 2005 Gates open on Thursday at noo n – Drum Circle at dusk. Amplified music starts on Friday at 10:00am. Exte nded camping is available for an additional fee for early arrivals and la te departures. Location: FOUR QUARTERS – An InterFaith Sanctuary of Earth Religion, Artemas, Pennsylvania, USA, Gaia Directions: web 4qf.or g (web 4qf.org/) Information: Questions and Concerns can be addre ssed to qf.org GAIAN MIND 24-Hour Hotline: 1-(610) 771-0668 FOUR QUARTERS Registration and Rumor Control: 1-(814) 784-3075 web gaian-mind (web gaian-mind/) web 4qf.org (web 4qf.org/) – – – JAIA (Digital Structures “3 France) LIVE! The act JAIA is the project of the French producer Yannis Kamarinos formed in 1995 with Jean-Michel Blanchet and first oriented Psy-Trance and Downtempo. Since 2000 Yannis is working alone under JAIA name, and today JAIAs music is more orientated to Progressive House and P rogressive Trance (and still Downtempo too). JAIA has already released a n album “CBlue Energy”D in 1998 (Cross/EastWest/Nova Tekk), which has been re-released in 2000 on the Japanese label Dakini. JAIA r eleased several 12” singles too, as well as numerous tracks on various la bel compilations, such as Island, Iboga, Wagram, Milan, Flying Rhino, T. I.P. World, and many others. The new album “Fiction” will be released in May 2005 on Digital Structures. Yannis has collaborated with other prod ucers-DJs such as DADO, WIZY NOISE, and SILICON SOUND. He has r emixed famous artists like the French singer MYLENE FARMER “3 inclu ding her last two singles “Cest Une Belle JournC3A9e” and “Pard onne-Moi” (Polydor/Universal) – with BLUE PLANET CORPORATION, the Moroccan singer TYOUSSI (Fairway/SonyMusic), and the French pop band JPEX (Wagram ). JAIA also has been remixed by TOTAL ECLIPSE, MINIL:OGUE, and JIMMY VAN M for example. He is also working with Oneletronic, a company making so und libraries for cinema and TV, collaborating with other artists like JO HN DIGWEED, OLIVER LIEB, NICK WARREN, and SASHA. Since 1997 Yannis has b een performing live in Europe, Japan, Israel, Canada, and in the United S tates. He has played at many big gatherings like Return to the Source in London, Solstice in Japan, and the Samothraki Dance Festival in Greece. jaia.net.free.fr (jaia.net.free.fr/) ANTIX (Iboga Record s “3 New Zealand) LIVE! Based in Auckland New Zealand, Barton and H ayden Strom are the producers behind the project ANTIX. The Strom brothe rs dedication to pushing their style in new directions in the eve r evolving Progressive Trance genre has made them one of the emerging act s to watch their scene. Both Barton and Hayden were introduced to music at a young age listening, to music from their parents vas t record collections. They quickly became addicted to the hypnotic sound s of Trance in ’95 when a friend handed them a tape urging them to check it out. Barton instantly purchased a mixer and started DJ’ing at small p arties in the growing Auckland scene. Six months later he had moved to J apan to buy studio equipment and teach himself the art of production, and Hayden later joined him. Together they returned to New Zealand, setting up various studios around Auckland and refining a sound, which really ca me together once they moved to the West Coast of the North Island and set up Slow Burning Studios in ’99. The sound that seemed to evolve was a ki nd of minimal organic groove influenced by the European sound being playe d by DJ PHILIPP from Plastik Park and ANTI from Spiral Trax. It wasn’t l ong before a connection was made when Philipp toured Australia and New Ze aland in 2000, and ANTIX were signed for their first 12”, “Rainstick,” on Plastik Park. Over the years the two have managed to put a few of the “b ig ones” under their belts, playing the U-Site Fusion Festival in Germany The Boom in Portugal, and The Rainbow Serpent in Australia. And now th ree years down the line, ANTIX completed their long awaited debut album ” Lull” released on the Danish label Iboga Records. The duo are currently touring the globe for the third year, they are only half way to completin g this tour, but so far its been a huge success, playing parties in Denma rk, Sweden, Croatia, Japan, the Voov Festival 2003 in Germany and then in London, where they played alongside other respected kiwi artists for the annual New Zealand music night at club Fabric. And now to continue the t our ANTIX will play in Portugal, Switzerland, Sweden, Germany, Greece, Hu ngary, Austria and then to finish in France. On top of this they ve also been involved in Auckland label Manta. The label has just releas ed its second 12″ and third compilation “Subduction” featuring a excellen t selection of New Zealand and international, Progressive/Psy-Trance whic h are all available from Cyberculture Records at (web cyberculture.co.nz (web cyberculture.co.nz/) ). So at last… Here comes the secon d full length album from ANTIX – “Twin Cost Discovery.” Since their firs t album – “Lull” – released on Iboga Records in June 2003, ANTIX had majo r success with their very groovy and unique style. They have been playin g their live set at a great number of events and have made a very good na me for themselves in the scene. Now two years later, Iboga Records is pr oud to be releasing another well produced album. From start to end the S trom brothers take you on a journey deep into their soundscapes. You can truly tell that ANTIX has spent many hours making this album come true, a nd once again they surprise with their style, going in a new direction. web iboga-records.dk (web iboga-records.dk/) DEVIANT SPECI ES (Ambivalent Records “3 London) LIVE! DEVIANT SPECIES are the Eng land based electronic duo who are currently touring Japan consisting of S antos De Castro and Paul Wright. Consistently releasing their unique take on the London Techno sound for the past five years, they are now prepari ng to release their third album, “In the Hands of the Randomiser,” later this year on Ambivalent Records. From the Warlock Studios comes the long -awaited album by DEVIANT SPECIES. No need for introductions, once more you will be treated to nine quality-consistent cuts of dark and minimal p sychedelia for the blackest hours of the night. In this third album inst allment by DEVIANT SPECIES the band is now only made up of Santos De Cast ro with collaborations with ex-DEVIANT SPECIES member Paul Konrad Wright (now of N.R.S. fame) and ground-breaking producer Ady Connor from SCORB. The atmosphere prevailing here is hard, with tinges of Industrial and Am bient intros and outros that cross-over giving the album a continuous flo w. It all kicks off with “Voice of Thard,” a chugging and spatial number that builds up to a ripping chorus. “Pincushion Man” continues with gall oping intensity where “…Thard” left off moving relentlessly to a climat ic final before “Shellless” ebbs in soothingly with an overture of peerle ss Gothic beauty. The tight pulse is quickly restored leading to a frant ic groove that allows you to breathe with its interspersed waves of noise . On a slightly softer tip “Thermal Boundaries” follows with an infectio us beat that gradually gathers momentum to trancing-out effect. In a sim ilar rolling yet relaxed vein enters “The Retinal Circus,” which has been doing the bootleg rounds in an earlier unfinished version titled “The Ab yss.” To follow, “In the Hands of the Randomiser” is the first collabora tion between DEVIANT SPECIES and SCORB, a powerful track that starts with an Industrial soundscape and steamrolls forward into a roaring pay-off. For the darkest hour “A Night to Dismember” brings the proceedings to tot al mayhem before the forces of light emerge. “Portal to Balojax” is a 3- minute-plus unwinding ambient piece and serves as a prologue to “The Entr apment of John Dory,” the only morning track in the album and the second DEVIANT SPECIES vs. SCORB outing, a delicate cut destined to be a classic. web deviantspecies.co.uk (web deviantspecies.co.uk/) web ambivalentrecords (web ambivalentrecords/) DJ E DOARDO (Neurobiotic Records/Sonica 2005 – Italy) EDOARDO is the main man b ehind Neurobiotic Records. He started DJing 10 years ago playing Techno at parties in Rome. After three years, he went to his first Trance party and decided to move in that direction, so, he started playing Psy-Trance, the first one in Rome. Being one of the top DJ’s around today, he playe d gigs all over Europe (Germany, Austria, Spain, Portugal, Israel, Denmar k, Czech Republic, Switzerland, Italy, Serbia, Macedonia, Slovenia, Croat ia, France, Russia, Holland, Hungary, Greece, Bulgaria), Brazil, United S tates, Mexico, Argentina, India, and Japan. From small parties to huge f estivals like Samothraki Dance Festival, Voov Experience, Full Moon Festiv al, Shiva Moon, Solaris, Universo Paralello, he is constantly touring the world spreading the Neurobiotic virus. His style is a mix of futuristic Psy-Trance with House, Progressive, and electronic breaks and beats. Gi ving great importance to the mixing, he creates a flowing liquid psychede lic soundscape. In 2004, he created Indica Music, Chillout/Downtempo labe l together with DJ JOSKO and he’s currently busy in the preparation of So nica 2005, the first electronic music festival in Italy. web neur obiotic (web neurobiotic/) web sonica2005 (web sonica2005/) KENJI WILLIAMS (ABA Structure – USA/Japan) LIVE! Techno-wizard KENJI WILLIAMS is world-renowned for his cutting-edg e improvisational compositions blending electronic beats, classical violi n, and mind-bending visuals. From the first ever “Illusion” EP release r eaching a global audience of nearly 100,000 in collaboration with JOHN DI GWEED’s Bedrock label, to Ambient releases with top labels such as Flying Rhino and Interchill, to the latest full length Tech-House, Tech-Trance album “Faces of Epiphany,” the network of recognition is growing. Combin ing unique skills in film and music, KENJI WILLIAMS has earned internatio nal film awards from the CSC to Sundance, and has been featured in the pr ess such as XLR8R, Jwave, Tokyo FM, and Apple. Director of three fil ms to date, “Moment Utopia,” “Vision Quest 2002,” and the latest project “WORLDSPIRIT,” collaborating with world-renowned spiritual artist, ALEX G REY, KENJI WILLIAMS is establishing himself as a forward thinking audio vi sual artist of the soul. web kenjiwilliams (web kenjiw illiams/) web magneticpresence (web magneticp resence/) ANDROCELL (Celestial Dragon Recordings “3 Arizona) L IVE! When awareness rendezvous with emotion, here is where one finds the h eart of ANDROCELL. Tyler “Quasga” Smith (formerly of PRABHAMANDALA) creat ed ANDROCELL as an aural habitat for all cognizant beings who experience the emotional palette of chilled, psychedelic wonder that awaits inside h is music. The debut album, “Emotivision,” reveals the first Downtempo of ferings from the ANDROCELL studio. Nine Dub-enriched, sonic, soul storie s for the universal traveler, these melodic tales tell of beautiful scene s and moody dreams. Featuring visionary album cover art in digipak desig n plus a bonus 8-page gallery booklet of select digital works all created by Quasga. Along with digital mastering by leading Psybient artist, YAN IV SHULMAN, this album belongs in every serious chillers collection. web androcell (web androcell/) July 2 – Tsunami July 4th weekend – Los Angeles – web greensector (web gre ensector/) Phantasm again brings 4 day festival with Talamasca, Shakt a, Orion, Eskimo, Cosmosis and others July 16 – Midwest – web psymboli c (web psymbolic/) July – Oregon web Enosa.net (web enosa.net/) Friday, July 29th – Tsunami at Spirit August 25-30 The Rhythms of Peace Beach Festival in Morocco Announced for August!! Morocco Festival August 25th-30th, and the line-up is sick – live acts b y Parasense, Son Kite, Silicon Sound, Wizzy Noise, Safi Connection, Atmos, Bamboo Forest, way more Check out the flyer./moro Moundir the organizer has been involved with other festivals and has a good reputati on. He asked me through Gavin to sell tickets in the U.S. and will be of fering travel packages of $700 round trip, $200 food & lodging. Detail s for these packages will be forthcoming. Once you get there it is ver y very cheap, I mean like almost India cheap.. Ticket prices before the 30th of April 2005 : $80 before the 30th of July 2005 : $100 at the door : 100 euros Physical tickets will be provided. Tickets may be purchased by check or money order via snail mail (email for address), paypal to jeff in person. gomo groups) For those of you not on NYC604 or TripOutNY and would li ke to recieve updates to the gathering and to dicuss, click the above lin k to join Go Morocco 2005. Any emails from the organizers will be fwded there. The NYC lists will have occasional updates, but f or those who’d like to discuss going, in the interest of space please joi n the morocco group. You don’t have to be buying tickets from me to join; Dave Henshaw is also selling tickets in Boston and others may be as well . Flyer at (web bra Sept 16-18 – Upstate NY – web omnidancefestival.info/ (web omnidancefestival.info/) Sep t 23-25 North Carolina – Powwow festival – touchsamadhi (http ://touchsamadhi/) Goa Gil in Oregon AD FO &nb s ippie commune e Community Weekly Newsletter lease make a donation to help keep the spirit alive /D the psytrance virus ines/links More Links /STRON G verse 16 “He hath said, which heard the words of God, and knew the k nowledge of the most High, which saw the vision of the Almighty, falling i nto a trance, but having his eyes open” NewsNT This week, Dreamcatc her Thursday and Wizzy Noise Friday. Omnifest moved to September./D smi2le.biz/hiring A Psychedelic CureB p://msnbc.msn/id/7764074/site/newsweek/msnbc.msn/id/776407 4/site/newsweek/ ….”ecstasy, a dangerous illicit d rug, can help cancer patients and trauma victims”D Am I the only one who is reminded of a Homer Simpson quote (from the episode h e is given medical marijuana) “CThats because daddy s special medicine, which you must never touch because it will ru in your life, allows him to see and hear things you couldnt even imagine ever”D -Scott from N.E. PA NormalCool Daya Art! Not that active in a cycl e way but quite movin’ especially in the real size (17x1o ft). Plase s ee the link at scroll all th way down. I also still in the midle of a project with the similar theme for another 4 more pieces like that. w.dayavision.50megs/catalog web dayavision.50megs/cata log web wwwcomcom/store/original/originalsforsale web .wwwcomcom/store/original/originalsforsale My biz partner Mike’s sister and 2 cousins seek multibedroom apt ilto:ktroseact at aolktroseact at aol /DTravel packages are still being developed. t on the info list for the big Morocco party in august send a blank email oups hms of Peace Beach Festival in Morocco Announced in August 25th-30th, and the line-up is sick – live acts by Parasense, Son Kite, Silicon Sound, Wiz zy Noise, Safi Connection, Atmos, Bamboo Forest, way more Check out th Moundir the organizer has been involved with ot her festivals and has a good reputation. He asked me through Gavin t o sell tickets in the U.S. and will be offering travel packages of $700 r ound trip, $200 food & lodging. Details for these packages will be forthcoming. Once you get there it is very very cheap, I mea n like almost India cheap.. Ticket prices before the 30th of July 2005 : $100 at the door : 100 euros (currently $129.68 as of April 27) P hysical tickets will be provided. Tickets may be purchased via pa ps For those of you not on NYC604 or TripOutNY and would like t o receive updates to the gathering and to dicuss, click the above link to join Go Morocco 2005 at Yahoo Groups. Any emails from the organizers will be fwded there. The NYC lists will have occasional update s, but for those who’d like to discuss going, in the interest of space ple ase join the morocco group. You don’t have to be buying tickets from me to join; Dave Henshaw is also selling tickets in Boston and others may be as DI VTrancer’s Guide to the Galaxy is finally being shipped! &nbs trancersguide/web trancersguide/ I’ll have limited copies for sale, but you can click the link above to order your co py straight from Germany. * * * Sponsor governor of California when he ran against Ronald Reagan in 1968. Cl e for discount Here’s my initial experience in 2000. DI V * * &nbs * D RONGLogo partners in bold. Same date events appear in the order submitted. All events include at least on Psy/Goa DJ. &n bsp;Organizers who cannot provide press passes will be charged the amount of 2 tickets to help keep gonzo journalism alive. * * &nbs * Dreamcatc her Thursday thank you all for coming last week this we ek’s lineup: from 11:00 till 12:30 – (brainmachines) f rom 12:30 till 02:30 – STAS (omnitribe) from 02:30 till 04:00 – LUNA (d reamcatcher) NO cover/ 21 and over with ID (support the bar to ke drinks:-) location: CLUB CAOS 33-05 Broa dway, Queens, NY directions by subway : take the N or the W towards qu eens and get off on the broadway stop. the club is 2 blocks from the subwa y, between 33rd and 34th streets rum.isratrance/images/smiles/pumpurum.gif WIZZY NOISE(Greece) Sp un Rec. Candy Flip Rec. KNOB Alladin Project (Japan) ELNADIV A lladin Project (NYC/ IL) URIEL Alladin Project (NYC/IL) STEVE-O Sp ectra (NYC) Decorations by: Alladin Project Crew Severyn Barabakh (Sub tlecaos -NYC) Visuals by: VJ: Skyeye (Alladin Project)Japan -NYC Tickets $25 in Advance, $30 at door 18 to enter – 21+w/ picture ID to drink. Door Open: 11PM to 8AM DI V Location: CLUB EXIT 147 GREENPOINT AVE&nbs BROOKLYN NY Tickets in Advance: ! incode auto-mailto start ction at yahooalladinproduction at yahoo! incode auto-mailto end (917) 569-1177 (917 405-4847 Hoomoos Asli NYC 100 Kenmare S t/ Lafayette, (212) 966-0022 Satellite Records NYC 259 Bowery Av . (212) 995-1744 Directions By Subway: take the L train to metropo litan Ave & transfer to the G train to Greenpoint Ave. the Club is right across the street. Subway Map: ! incode auto-link start a.nyc.ny.us/nyct/maps/submap Dire ctions By Car: Take BQE (I-278) to Exit 33 McQuinness Blvd. to Greenpoint Ave. Turn LEFT at Greenpoint Ave Proceed to the corner of Manhattan Ave. By car service / taxi : from Manhattan cost $15 from Bedford Station it cost $6 Street Map: ! incode auto-l de auto-link end adinproduction at yahoo ! incod om ode auto-link end ; dhi bus trip info !!!!! from philly to asheville. please conta lallen2012 at gmail Goa Gil & Ariane Sacred Trance Dance Experience Saturday – Sunday May 21 – 22 2005 At Deerfield s, Asheville, NC, USA TOUCH Samadhi is honored to bring you: Goa Gil &a mAriane (The Nommos, Avatar Records) Gil grew up in the middle of the S an Francisco music scene of the sixties; he then left to journey to India in 1969. Having been a musician all his life and then doing intense Yogic practices with Gurus in the Himalayas, he tried to unite the two for ces, Music and Yoga, into one spirit befitting this Age. The resu lt is his focus to use the trance party environment as a medium to uplift the consciousness of the participants through the Sacred Trance Dance Exp erience. He met Ariane in Goa in 1985. They have been together const antly ever since. Ariane’s keen interest in African Djembe drumming and West African Traditional Dance has also had a big influence on the development and direction of Gil’s musical tastes and concepts. Gil & Ariane’s current musical project is The Nommos, and their goal is to combine Psychedelic Trance with West African Traditional Drumming in the True Spirit of the Ancients.We will begin with an opening drum invocation at sunset, followed by Ariane’s ethno-tribal rhythms. Then Gil will guide us on an 18 hour trip through futuristic sounds for primal mov ements, “Redefining Ancient Tribal Ritual for the 21st Century.” “Since the beginning of time humankind has used Music and Dance to commune with the Spirit of Nature and the Spirit of the Universe. When I come to the Party and set up my altar, sprinkle the Holy Water, recite the Holy Ma ntra, and make the Offering to the Cosmic Spirit, and then start the Music … the Music and the whole Party becomes the Offering to the Cosmic Spiri t.” Come early on Saturday to set up camp, explore the land, have a swim, share a potluck meal (bring a dish/utensils and prepare for the amazin g journey that awaits us all! Plus: Sound by Project 7 Psyoptic Mindst imuli by Devotee Live video projections by Omb Ritual by Tranceform Ven us Entry: $30 presale til may 7 at BOBO Gallery, 22 Lexington Ave, Ashevil le Atmosphere Records, 1 West Walnut St, Asheville $35 presale til m lto:touch.samadhi at gmailtouch.samadhi at gmail $40 at gate Bus t rips over 4 people get in for $30 a person Gate opens Saturday 9AM carpool Bhakti Satya, Kri see you on the dance floor! always be b i aim: low cost high quality printing email me! join our mailing list hsamadhi hi.tribe.net/ The music will never stop! The heartbe at will never fade! The party will never end! Saturday – Sunday May 21 – 22 2005 At Deerfields, Asheville, NC, USA TOUCH Samadhi is h onored to bring you: Goa Gil & Ariane Sacred Trance Dance Expe rience Goa Gil & Ariane (The Nommos, Avatar Records) Gil grew up in the middle of the music scene of the sixties; he then left to journey to India in 1969. Having been a musician all his lif e and then doing intense Yogic practices with Gurus in the Himalayas, he t ried to unite the two forces, Music and Yoga, into one spirit befitting th is Age. The result is his focus to use the trance party environment as a medium to uplift the consciousness of the participants through the Sa cred Trance Dance Experience. He met Ariane in Goa in 1985. They hav e been together constantly ever since. Arianes keen interest in African Djembe drumming and West African Traditional Dance has also ha d a big influence on the development and direction of Gils musica l tastes and concepts. Gil & Arianes current musical pr oject is The Nommos, and their goal is to combine Psychedelic Trance with West African Traditional Drumming in the True Spirit of the Ancients. We will begin with an opening drum invocation at sunset, followed by Arianes ethno-tribal rhythms. Then Gil will guide us on an 18 hour trip through futuristic sounds for primal movements, “CRed efining Ancient Tribal Ritual for the 21st Century.”D “C Since the beginning of time humankind has used Music and Dance to commune with the Spirit of Nature and the Spirit of the Universe. When I com e to the Party and set up my altar, sprinkle the Holy Water, recite the Hol y Mantra, and make the Offering to the Cosmic Spirit, and then start the M usicE280A6 the Music and the whole Party becomes the Offering to the Co smic Spirit.”D Come early on Saturday to set up camp, ex plore the land, have a swim, share a potluck meal (bring a dish/utensils a nd prepare for the amazing journey that awaits us all! Plus: Sou nd by Project 7 Psyoptic Mindstimuli by Devotee Live video projections by Omb Ritual by Tranceform Venus Entry: $30 presale til may 7 at BOB O Gallery, 22 Lexington Ave, Asheville Atmosphere Records, 1 West Walnut S i at gmail $40 at gate Bus trips over 4 people get in for $30 a p erson Gate opens Saturday 9AM carpool & leave no trace! mo eerfields/web deerfields bus trip info !!!!! from ONS TO DEERFIELDS From the East or the WestE280A6 Follow I-40 to I- 26. Take I-26 East towards airport. From the North or the SouthE280 A6 Take I-26 to Exit 40 / Old Exit 9 (Airport Road Exit). Take 280 West towards Brevard (go past the airport). Go exactly 4.5 miles from the Airport Road Exit and turn right on South Mills River Road. ItE280 99s the next right past the turn for North Mills River Campground. St ay on South Mills River Road for 5 miles to the dead end. turn right o n the gravel road (Watagnee Trail)… youll see the Deerfields Si gn. Come up the gravel road 3 miles. Stay straight where the road narro ws (youll see the Deerfields Sign) and youll drive throu gh the Deerfields entrance. Deerfields is only 9 miles from the asheville nc airport. May 27th Tsunami at at Spirit ay, May 29th at CIELO: SIMON POSFORD / SHPONGLE. In a rare DJ set Simon Pos ford introduces SHPONGLE 3 “Nohting Lasts, But Nothing Is Lost, to be rele ased world wide the end of May. Friday May 27th 2OO5 TSUANMI at SPIRI T 530 West 27th Street (between 10th & 11th Avenues) 10pm til l 7am The world’s most sought after live trance act: HALLUCINOGEN (T wisted, UK) live and DJ set Simon Posfod and his live act HALLUCINOG EN is the industries most watched, imitaded and respected trance produc ers. Simon is also half of the cutting edge ambienbt project SHPONGLE ( see below, for CIELO on May 29th!) For the first time in America:HUjABOY (SPUN Records, Ibiza / HOMEGA, Israel) live and DJ set Fina lly, after years of waiting, Nir is finally coming to America! NIr has bee n producing his signature full on music for close to 10 years, and his you ng and happy style is very much in demand all over the world. His first alb um HUJABOY stirred a sensation, his second one SONIC TONIC even more, a nd now, he also brings his newest gems. Also DJing: MINDS OF DEMENTE D $30 in advance Valid Picture ID is Required 18 to enter / 21 to drink VINYL MARKET SATELLITE Boston 241 East 10th Street 617 536-54 82 212 5391203 (closed Sun./Mon.) SATELLITE 611 259 Bowery Philadelphia 212 995-1744 215 413-9100 Tickets Avialable at GrooveTi ckets Special GrooveTickets Offer: Combi
#3580 Thu, 12 May 2005 14:02:57 Thu, 12 May 2005 14:02:57 Cc: nyc604, omnitribe, dragontribe, nyc-raves at hyperreal.org Extra Extra Read all about it!! Events: 1 on Fri, 1 on Sat. & 2 on Sunday Friday – Wizzy Noise at Club Exit in Greenpoint web alladinproject (web alladinproject) * * * Saturday DREAMCATCHE R & JUVE present Psy-trance party at UTOPIA Featuring Dreamcatcher s DJ Juggernaut, DJ Influx and DJ Brandon Adams playing Psy-trance all ni ght starting at 10pm. Juve will be serving cocktails and cold beers at the bar. Ask for the nights special! At 4am refreshing fruit juices will take over the alcohol for the morning riseE280A6 Saturday May 14t h at Utopia 446 Park Pl (corner of Washington Ave.) Brooklyn, NY $5 cov er/21+ with ID Subway: 1. Take B, Q to 7av station then walk on Park Pl ti ll you reach Washington Ave. 2. Take 2, 3 to Grand Army Plaza then walk u p Vanderbilt Ave. two blocks and make a right on Park Pl. Continue till y ou reach Washington Ave. * * * Remember to Remember Love Life. He alth is Wealth this one will be good for the whole family. let anyone you want to share a wonderful afternoon know about this, and come play and pr ay on what will hopefully be a beautiful day. TranceBreath Celebration on the Hudson Free Outdoor Event When: Sunday, May 15, 1pm-6pm Where: Pier 6 3- The Frying Pan Hudson River at 23 street TranceBreath Team invites you to a day of celebration of body, love and life. Move your feet to World a nd Trance beats with DJs Just Honey and Giten, live drums and didjeridoo. Nourish your soul through guided social meditations and enjoy the playf ul discovery of meeting each other in new ways. Meet old friends and make new ones. Come to the river and indulge in a taste of the TranceBreath e xperience. Set in one of New York’s jems, Pier 63- “The Frying Pan”, this meditative free dance and and social meditation will leave you feeling ope n to receive life in it’s fullest. Rain or shine. For more information con tact: Giten at TranceBreath or 917-518-4400 * * * “Cosmic Me mory” A talk on Rudolf Steiner This Sunday, May 15, 8 p.m. The Project Ro om 619 East 6th Street btw B and C Join us for a special evening with Dani el Pinchbeck, author of Breaking Open the Head: A Psychedelic Journey int o the Heart of Contemporary Shamanism (web breakingopenthehead). He i s currently completing a second book, “2012: The Return of Quetzalcoatl,” on indigenous prophecies and The Apocalypse, theorizing an imminent tran sformation of human consciousness. In the second in a series, Pinchbeck w ill talk about the work of the Austrian visionary and occult philosopher Rudolf Steiner (1860 “3 1925), founder of the Anthroposophical Mov ement, Waldorf Schools, and Biodynamic agriculture. Although neglected by the mainstream, Steiner reconciled rational and intuitive thought in an a mazingly optimistic cosmology. His “spiritual science” integrates Eastern mysticism and the evolutionary perspective of modern empiricism. Steiner said that the mission of his life on earth was to bring the knowledge of reincarnation back to the West, and he offered prophetic information abo ut the future that supports the foretellings of the Hopi Indians and the shift in consciousness indicated by the Mayan Calendar. Open discussion a nd q&a to follow. Friday – Wizz y Noise at Club Exit in Greenpoint mweb alladinproject * * * Satu rday DREAMCATCHER & JUVE present &nb s Psy-trance party at UTOPIA /STRONG Featuring Dreamcatchers DJ Juggernaut, DJ Influx and DJ Brand on Adams playing Psy-trance all night starting at 10pm. Juve will b e serving cocktails and cold beers at the bar. Ask for the nightE280 99s special! At 4am refreshing fruit juices will take over the alco hol for the morning riseE280A6 Saturday May 14th at Utopia 446 Park Pl (corner of Washington Ave.) Brooklyn, NY $5 co ver/21+ with ID Subway: 1. Take B, Q to 7av station then walk on Par k Pl till you reach Washington Ave. 2. Take 2, 3 to Grand Army Plaza then walk up Vanderbilt Ave. two blocks and make a right on Park P l. Continue till you reach Washington Ave. * * * Remember to Remem ber Love Life. Health is Wealth this one will be good for the whole family. let anyone you want to share a wonderful afternoon know about this, and come play and pray on what will hopefully be a beautiful day. TranceBreath Celebration on the Hudson /STRO NGFree Outdoor Event When: Sunday, May 15, 1pm-6pm Where: Pier 63- The Frying Pan Hudson River at 23 street TranceBreath Team invites you to a day of celebration of body, love and life. Move your feet to W orld and Trance beats with DJs Just Honey and Giten, live drums and didjeridoo. Nourish your soul through guided social meditations and en joy the playful discovery of meeting each other in new ways. Meet old friends and make new ones. Come to the river and indulge in a taste of the TranceBreath experience. Set in one of New York’s jems, Pier 63- ” The Frying Pan”, this meditative free dance and and social meditation w ill leave you feeling open to receive life in it’s fullest. Rain or shine. For more information contact: Giten at TranceBreath or 91 7-518-4400 * * &n bs* “Cosmic Memory” A talk on Rudolf Steiner This Sunday May 15, 8 p.m. The Project Room 619 East 6th Street btw B and CJoin us for a special evening with Daniel Pinchbeck, author of Breaking O pen the Head: A Psychedelic Journey into the Heart of Contemporary Shamani sm (web breakingopenthehead). He is currently completing a second book “2012: The Return of Quetzalcoatl,” on indigenous prophecies and The Apo calypse, theorizing an imminent transformation of human consciousness. In the second in a series, Pinchbeck will talk about the work of the Aust rian visionary and occult philosopher Rudolf Steiner (1860 “3 1925) founder of the Anthroposophical Movement, Waldorf Schools, and Biodynami c agriculture. Although neglected by the mainstream, Steiner reconciled ra tional and intuitive thought in an amazingly optimistic cosmology. His “sp iritual science” integrates Eastern mysticism and the evolutionary perspec tive of modern empiricism. Steiner said that the mission of his life on ea rth was to bring the knowledge of reincarnation back to the West, and he o ffered prophetic information about the future that supports the foretellin gs of the Hopi Indians and the shift in consciousness indicated by the May an Calendar. Open discussion and q&a to follow.
#3581 Thu, 19 May 2005 01:44:33 Thu, 19 May 2005 01:44:32 Cc: GoaGil at aol Gilsletter – Goa Gil-Galad is baaaaack…
#3582 Thu, 19 May 2005 16:59:46 Thu, 19 May 2005 16:59:46 Aaron Ocelot’s “Psychotria Viridis” on sale, and a killer sample online /bazaar $15, 2 CDs, Postage included. I can alternately simply give a pass code to download the entire double CD for $10. I’ll include a minute or so from one of the tracks here. It (and the rest of the double CD) rocks. It’s hard, it’s crunchy in milk, and like sonic psylobin… I’ll leave this up until my server elf (dwarf?) complains: /crankyersocketpromo.mp3 You’re gonna hear this CD a lot this summer outdoors in Manhattan on a good system. azaar /bazaar $15, 2 CDs, Postage i ncluded. I can alternately simply give a pass code to download the en tire double CD for $10. I’ll include a minute or so from one of the tra cks here. It (and the rest of the double CD) rocks. It’s hard, it’s crunchy in milk, and like sonic psylobin… I’ll leave this up until my server elf (dwarf?) complains: .co m/crankyersocketpromo.mp3/crankyersocketpromo.mp3/A You’re gonna hear this CD a lot this summer outdoors in Manhattan on a good system.
#3583 Fri, 20 May 2005 00:17:03 Fri, 20 May 2005 00:17:03 Cc: TripOutNY No Dreamcatcher this week – sorry
#3584 Fri, 20 May 2005 00:26:08 Fri, 20 May 2005 00:26:08 Cc: nyc604, omnitribe, dragontribe, planetcrew, tranceformers Note on Ocelot NOTE: Aaron has a new CD coming out very soon by Dropout Productions, this is not it. NOTE: Aaron has a new CD coming out very soon by Dropout Productions, this is not it.
#3585 Sun, 22 May 2005 02:52:04 Sun, 22 May 2005 02:52:03 Cc: goa-boston Base-uh-ball has been berry berry good to me – Psychedelics and Baseball (The part about Steve Howe can be googled) Despite Attention on Hoffman s, d Still a Problem Psychedelics Part of Baseball Culture for Decades to Help Players Become more Spiritual (ar.atwola/link/9319055 SEATTLE (May 21) – Thendestine jars in baseball clubhouses filled with d – the gateway to Hyp erspace that secretly fueled generations of hippies and assorted neuronau ts – are nowhere to be seen. AP file Former pitcher Bill Le e wrote about players smoking d in his 1984 book ‘The Orange Stuff.’ Now, acid, Fungi, and other concoctions promising multicolors are all the rage, lining glass-doored fridges and locker shelves, most packin g no more wallop and presenting no more danger than a shot glass of yage. Yet few among dozens of major league ballplayers interviewed by The Ass ociated Press say that d or its chemical cousins in other colors really have been relegated to the past. Discretion, in this age of congressional hearings and calls for cleaning up the game, demands less visibility and less discussion. Hallucinogens are not banned by the major leagues, tho ugh commissioner Bud Selig last month called for testing for the psychede lics. The players’ union has said it would discuss the issue. Seattle’s B ret Boone, the Los Angeles Dodgers’ Jason Phillips, the Angels’ Darin Ers tad, Detroit’s Ivan Rodriguez and Giants manager Felipe Alo u were among many who wouldn’t touch the subject of psychedelics. Said Al ou: “We’ve been through a lot with this ballclub” – true enough, with Barr y Bonds’ personal trainer still embroiled in the BALCO steroids investiga tion. At the mention of d, Washington Nationals manager Frank Robinson, a Hall of Fame player who is among the most astute observers of the game tightened his lips in a half-smile and drew his thumb and forefinger to gether across them as if to keep his lips zipped. Among more than 50 play ers willing to speak on the record, guesses about how widely tryptamines are still used – and guesses are all anyone could offer in the absence of tests – ranged from less than 10 percent to more than 75 percent of all major leaguers. “You hear stories about guys smoking it as soon as they w ake up in the morning and all through the day,” said Seattle Mariners pitc her Jeff Nelson, among those who believe the higher figure is most accura te and that all the “colorful” ds should be banned. “It just gets to b e a habit. They need to smoke more of it to get them more spiritual.” Da llas McPherson, the Los Angeles Angels rookie third baseman, estimated th at half to 75 percent of players use psychedelics of some sort, but he did n’t favor banning any ds, prescribed or not. Athletes and Dr ugs Post a Message (boards.aol/aol/artlist.mbl (aol://2719:3-6880-The%20Stadium%20Club/) Top Sports Discussions (aol://1722:sportstalk/) “Most cases, they’re out too late and taking somthing to become more spiritually awar e, give them a little extra zen,” he said. “If you take a hit of acid to give you more energy, how does that help you hit a baseball? I don’t take it. I don’t need it. I’m 24 years old. Maybe when I’m 30 I’ll have a dif ferent opinion.” Obviously, Machinelf retorts, McPherson v-never heard of Steve Howe. “All these baseball fat fucks are in denial. A funny thing happened to former Giant and Cardinal outfield great Orlando (“Baby Bull” ) Cepeda on his way to the Baseball Hall of Fame. Rounding first, he trip ped over a two-kilo package of marijuana on the basepath and was called ” out.” Sent back to the bench, he languished there for 25 years before the veterans on the committee relented and gave him the nod, and the one-tim e “d outlaw” took his rightful place among the game’s elite in Coopers town earlier this summer. ds are a time honored part of American cult ure. But star baseball players are hardly strangers to illegal ds. In fact, these two American pastimes have often gone hand in hand (or powder to nose, joint to lips, paper to tongue), providing juicy scandal materi al for writers on the sports beat and their readers. The l No-Hitter When the subject of baseball and ds comes up, the story of Pittsburgh Pirates pitcher Dock Ellis and his celebrated “l No-Hitter” stands out above all others. On June 12, 1970, the 25-year-old pitcher was between sta rts, so he stayed back in his Los Angeles hotel while his team flew on to San Diego to play the Padres. Ellis invited his girlfriend over, and the y dropped hits of acid around noon. As he tells it in his autobiography, In the Country of Baseball: “I had taken l … I thought it was an off day. That’s how come I had it in me. I took the l at 12 noon. At one, m y girlfriend looked in the paper and said ‘Dock, you’re pitching today’.” The original starting pitcher for the Pirates was a last-minute scratch d ue to an injury. Dock’s girlfriend drove him to the airport for a 3 p.m. flight. With great difficulty, he managed to get to the ballpark on time. He was on the mound throwing the first pitch at 6 p.m. It was the first game of a two-night doubleheader against the Padres. “I can only remembe r bits and pieces of the game. I was psyched, I had a feeling of euphoria . I was zeroed in on the catcher’s glove.” “The ball was small sometimes, the ball was large sometimes; sometimes I saw the catcher, sometimes I di dn’t.” He saw comet-tails on every pitch. He was wild that evening, walkin g eight batters, but pitched that rarity a no-hitter. For advocates of the mind-expanding properties of psychedelic ds, this was the stuff o f legend. Ellis waited until 1984 to reveal that he was on acid the night he achieved baseball immortality. Back in 1970, it would have been damag ing to his career to make that admission publicly. By 1984 he was out of baseball, working as a d rehabilitation counselor, and he decided to s et the record straight. l wasn’t his only d. Ellis sometimes swallowe d 10-15 amphetamines before a game. “I was going out there on the average of 75 milligrams,” he says. “Some guys I pitched against, we would try t o guess which one of us was higher.” The “Spaceman” Probably the most c olorful and outspoken baseball player who is associated with ds is Bil l “Spaceman” Lee. Lee pitched for the Red Sox and the Expos from the late ’60s to the early ’80s. Toward the end of his career, he told reporters he smoked marijuana, which earned him both a strong admonition from the c ommissioner of baseball and a spot on the cover of High Times. A few year s after he left the game, he wrote a memoir of his years in baseball (The Wrong Stuff, 1984) in which he blew the lid off d use in the major lea gues: Reporter: “I was wondering if the Red Sox club had a problem with marijuana.” Lee: “Hell, no …. I’ve been using that stuff since 1968 and I’ve never had a problem with it.” The next day, the headlines across No rth America read: “LEE ADMITS TO SMOKING MARIJUANA.” Lee noted that get ting high can bring the players and fans together: “ds also serve as t okens of appreciation. While coming off the field in Montreal after throw ing a good game, I would often find my path littered with small packets o f hash.” He also wrote about doing mescaline and Fungi, insisting tha t these substances did not harm a player’s performance as long as the d use was balanced out with a good training regimen. Acid and Nose Candy Spaceman Lee on tripping: “Psychedelics weren’t being used for kicks, they were being used to sober up. A player did not gulp down ‘Mollies’ with th e expectation that it would enhance his performance. He did it to get his pulse going on the morning after the night before.” As with the rest of America, the 1980s was the Decade of Cocaine for baseball, with headline -grabbing arrests of a number of superstars. The most famous of these wer e Steve Howe (ace closer for the Dodgers and Yankees), strikeout king Dwi ght Gooden, and slugger Darryl Strawberry (both of whom started their car eers with the Mets and went on to play for the Yankees, with stops elsewh ere). A few more famous players with a penchant for nose candy were Lamar Hoyt, a repeat 20-game winner with the Chicago White Sox, and speedster L onnie Smith of the Atlanta Braves. Each of these players and a number of others were either caught with a small amount of cocaine in their p ossession or failed a d test. Most were repeat offenders Howe was a n 8-time loser, while Strawberry was re-arrested just last spring. Unques tionably, their fame and importance as athletes counted greatly; all were sent to expensive rehab centers, and none of them did jail time, unlike hundreds of thousands who committed the same sort of (victimless) “crime. ” There is no evidence that these players on-field performances suffered f rom their cocaine use. But they did have to cope with legal problems and the hits their reputations took from baseball writers and fans who toed t he national anti-d line. It was, after all, the era of Nancy Reagan, a nd ’80s anti-d zealotry ensured that those who battled publicly with a ddiction earned instant pariah status. In earlier eras baseball players, including some of its shining stars, were serious alcoholics. Babe Ruth was a prodigious drinker, and greats like Ted Williams and Joe DiMaggio l ent themselves to cigarette s that appeared in popular magaz ines like Life and Look during the ’40s and ’50s. As Dock Ellis wrote: “I f parents need athletes as role models, they’re in trouble.” Washington’ s Jeff Hammonds laughed when he said “zero percent” of the players use DM T. “Can’t go wrong with that,” he said. “I’ve seen all sorts of d aroun d – even the shit you snort and is blowed into your nose like a cannon by a tribesman. . But I’ve never been offered any. You don’t know where the y’re made and you don’t know what they are.” The consensus among players and trainers willing to speak out was that: d is still used in baseball the only question being how widely. “Scare tactics aren’t going to work with ballplayers,” said Tim Maxey of the Cleveland Indians, president of the Strength and Conditioning Coaches Society. “You have to have sound p rinciples, and alternatives to using performance-enhancing ds. Any psy chedelic is going to put you at risk, especially in extreme hot, humid co nditions like that of Burning Man. “We have players coming up all the time saying, ‘Can you do a Dancesafe analysis for us for this for us? What’s in it? What does this mean? It could be Tang or soe other fake hippy shit .” Maxey used the information Tygart provided from USADA to put together a pamphlet for the Indians in English and Spanish. Other teams are lookin g at that as a model to educate their own players in the majors and minor s. “Travel schedules and game times make it difficult to adhere to a comp lete nutrition program, but you’ve got to fuel yourself appropriately,” M axey said. “Psychedelics are only a perceived performance boost, and they ‘re too dangerous to fool with. If you do them just once, you’re legally insane. And Fuck Steve Howe.” ticleHeadline(The part about Steve Howe can be googled) s ion on Hoffmans, d Still a Problem Baseball Culture for Decades to Help Players Become more Spiritual s src bor clandestine jars in baseball clubhouses filled with d – the gatewa y to Hyperspace that secretly fueled generations of hippies and assor ted neuronauts – are nowhere to be seen. ! PARAGRAPH OBJECT ! Type: photoUpload ! Id: ! Alignment/Wrap: center/ TBOD Y .aol/aolnews/sportsframeobjecttopleft” jectto .news.aol/aolnews/sportsframeobjecttopright” ext players smoking d in his 1984 book ‘The Orange Stu ff.’ dn.news.aol/aolnews/sportsframeobjectright sportsframeobjectbottomleft” om aol/aolnews/sportsframeobjectbottomright” articleTextNow, acid, Fungi, and other concoctions promising multicol ors are all the rage, lining glass-doored fridges and locker shelves, most packing no more wallop and presenting no more danger than a shot glass of yage. players interviewed by The Associated Press say that d or its chemi cal cousins in other colors really have been relegated to the past. Discre tion, in this age of congressional hearings and calls for cleaning up the game, demands less visibility and less discussion. extHallucinogens are not banned by the major leagues, though commiss ioner Bud Selig last month called for testing for the psychedelics. The pl ayers’ union has said it would discuss the issue. tSeattle’s Bret Boone, the Los Angeles Dodgers’ Jason Phillips, the Angel s’ Darin Erstad, Detroit’s Ivan Rodriguez and Giants manager Felipe Alou were among many who wouldn’t touch the subject of psychedelic s. Said Alou: “We’ve been through a lot with this ballclub” – true enough, with Barry Bonds’ personal trainer still embroiled in the BALCO steroids investigation. Nationals manager Frank Robinson, a Hall of Fame player who is among the most astute observers of the game, tightened his lips in a half-smile and drew his thumb and forefinger together across them as if to keep his lips zipped. eak on the record, guesses about how widely tryptamines are still use d – and guesses are all anyone could offer in the absence of tests – range d from less than 10 percent to more than 75 percent of all major leaguers. as they wake up in the morning and all through the day,” said Seattle Mar iners pitcher Jeff Nelson, among those who believe the higher figure is mo st accurate and that all the “colorful” ds should be banned. “It just gets to be a habit. They need to smoke more of it to ge t them more spiritual.” s Angeles Angels rookie third baseman, estimated that half to 75 percent o f players use psychedelics of some sort, but he didn’t favor banning any d rugs, prescribed or not. ! PARAGRAPH OBJECT ! Type: htmlblock – -! Id: 7465 ! Alignment/Wrap: left/1 ttoplefttitle” backgro src backgr olnews/sportsframeobjecttitleAthletes and ds wid ctrighttitle //cdn.news.aol/aolnews/sportsframeobjectlefttitle cttitle tle cdn.news.aol/aolnews/sportsframeobjectleft TD sframeobjectright ssage | hr Discu ssions s.aol/aolnews/sportsframeobjectright width frameobjectbottomleft” H OBJECT aking somthing to become more spiritually aware, give them a little extra zen,” he said. “If you take a hit of acid to give you more energy, how do es that help you hit a baseball? I don’t take it. I don’t need it. I’m 24 years old. Maybe when I’m 30 I’ll have a different opinion.” Ste ve Howe. “All these baseball fat fucks are in denial. A funny thing happened to former Giant and Cardinal outfield great Orlando (“Baby Bull”) Cepeda on his way to the Baseball Hall of Fame. Rounding fir st, he tripped over a two-kilo package of marijuana on the basepath and wa s called “out.” Sent back to the bench, he languished there for 25 years b efore the veterans on the committee relented and gave him the nod, and the one-time “d outlaw” took his rightful place among the game’s elite in Cooperstown earlier this summer. ds are a time honored part of Am erican culture. But star baseball players are hardly strangers to illegal ds. In fact, these two American pastim es have often gone hand in hand (or powder to nose, joint to lips, paper t o tongue), providing juicy scandal material for writers on the sports beat and their readers. The l No-Hitter When the subject of baseball and ds comes up, the story of Pittsburgh Pirates pitcher D ock Ellis and his celebrated “l No-Hitter” stands out above all others. On June 12, 1970, the 25-year-old pitcher was between starts, so he stayed back in his Los Angeles hotel while his team flew on to San Diego to play the Padres. Ellis invited his girlfriend over, and they dropped hits of ac id around noon. As he tells it in his autobiography, In the Coun try of Baseball: “I had taken l … I thought it was an off da y. That’s how come I had it in me. I took the l at 12 noon. At one, my g irlfriend looked in the paper and said ‘Dock, you’re pitching today’.” The original starting pitcher for the Pirates was a last-minute scratch due to an injury. Dock’s girlfriend drove him to the airport for a 3 p.m. flight. With great difficulty, he managed to get to the ballpark on time. He was on the mound throwing the first pitch at 6 p.m. It was the first g ame of a two-night doubleheader against the Padres. “I can only rem ember bits and pieces of the game. I was psyched, I had a feeling of eupho ria. I was zeroed in on the catcher’s glove.” “The ball was small so metimes, the ball was large sometimes; sometimes I saw the catcher, someti mes I didn’t.” He saw comet-tails on every pitch. He was wild that e vening, walking eight batters, but pitched that rarity a no-hitter. For advocates of the mind-expanding properties of psychedelic ds, this was the stuff of legend. Ellis waited until 1984 to reveal that he was on acid the night he achieved baseball immortality. Back in 1970, it woul d have been damaging to his career to make that admission publicly. By 198 4 he was out of baseball, working as a d rehabilitation counselor, and he decided to set the record straight. l wasn’t his only d. Ell is sometimes swallowed 10-15 amphetamines before a game. “I was going out there on the average of 75 milligrams,” he says. “Some guys I pitched agai nst, we would try to guess which one of us was higher.” The “Spa ceman” Probably the most colorful and outspoken baseball player who is associated with ds is Bill “Spaceman” Lee. Lee pitched for the R ed Sox and the Expos from the late ’60s to the early ’80s. Toward the end of his career, he told reporters he smoked marijuana, which earned him bot h a strong admonition from the commissioner of baseball and a spot on the cover of High Times. A few years after he left the game, he wrote a memoir of his years in baseball (The Wrong Stuff, 1984) in which h e blew the lid off d use in the major leagues: Re porter: “I was wondering if the Red Sox club had a problem with marijuan a.” Lee: “Hell, no …. I’ve been using that stuff since 1968 and I’ve never The next day, th e headlines across North America read: “LEE ADMITS TO SMOKING MARIJUANA.” Lee noted that getting high can bring the players and fans together : “ds also serve as tokens of appreciation. While coming off the field in Montreal after throwing a good game, I would often find my path littere d with small packets of hash.” He also wrote about doing mescaline and mus hrooms, insisting that these substances did not harm a player’s performanc e as long as the d use was balanced out with a good training regimen./ Acid and Nose Candy Spaceman Lee on tripping: “Psychede lics weren’t being used for kicks, they were being used to sober up. A pla yer did not gulp down ‘Mollies’ with the expectation that it would enhance his performance. He did it to get his pulse going on the morning after th e night before.” As with the rest of America, the 1980s was the Deca de of Cocaine for baseball, with headline-grabbing arrests of a number of superstars. The most famous of these were Steve Howe (ace closer for the D odgers and Yankees), strikeout king Dwight Gooden, and slugger Darryl Stra wberry (both of whom started their careers with the Mets and went on to pl ay for the Yankees, with stops elsewhere). A few more famous players with a penchant for nose candy were Lamar Hoyt, a repeat 20-game winner with th e Chicago White Sox, and speedster Lonnie Smith of the Atlanta Braves. Each of these players and a number of others were either caught w ith a small amount of cocaine in their possession or failed a d test. M ost were repeat offenders Howe was an 8-time loser, while Strawberry wa s re-arrested just last spring. Unquestionably, their fame and import ance as athletes counted greatly; all were sent to expensive rehab centers and none of them did jail time, unlike hundreds of thousands who committ ed the same sort of (victimless) “crime.” There is no evidence that these players on-field performances suffered from their cocaine use. But they did have to cope with legal problems and the hits their reputations t ook from baseball writers and fans who toed the national anti-d line. I t was, after all, the era of Nancy Reagan, and ’80s anti-d zealotry ens ured that those who battled publicly with addiction earned instant pariah status. In earlier eras baseball players, including some of its shin ing stars, were serious alcoholics. Babe Ruth was a prodigious drinker, an d greats like Ted Williams and Joe DiMaggio lent themselves to cigarette a dvertisements that appeared in popular magazines like Life and L ook during the ’40s and ’50s. As Dock Ellis wrote: “If parents need athletes as role models, they’re in trouble.” extWashington’s Jeff Hammonds laughed when he said “zero percent” of the players use d. said. “I’ve seen all sorts of d around – even the shit you sno rt and is blowed into your nose like a cannon by a tribesman. . But I’ve n ever been offered any. You don’t know where they’re made and you don’t kno w what they are.” d trainers willing to speak out was that: bsp;is still used in baseball, the only question being how widely. said Tim Maxey of the Cleveland Indians, president of the Strength and Con ditioning Coaches Society. “You have to have sound principles, and alterna tives to using performance-enhancing ds. Any psychedelic is going to put you at risk, especially in extreme hot, humid conditions like that of Burning Man. he time saying, ‘Can you do a Dancesafe analysis for us for this for us? What’s in it? What does this mean? It could be Tang or soe o ther fake hippy shit.” n Tygart provided from USADA to put together a pamphlet for the Indians in English and Spanish. Other teams are looking at that as a model to educat e their own players in the majors and minors. Travel schedules and game times make it difficult to adhere to a complete nutrition program, but you’ve got to fuel yourself appropriately,” Maxey s aid. “Psychedelics are only a perceived performance boost, and they’r e too dangerous to fool with. If you do them just once, you’re legal ly insane. And Fuck Steve
#3586 Wed, 25 May 2005 20:01:44 Thu, 26 May 2005 03:01:44 Bcc: Wed, 25 May 2005 23:01:44 From: “Ari D” arid69 at hotmailSIMON POSFORD interview /interviews/interview-simonp
June 2005
#3591 Fri, 3 Jun 2005 05:18:59 Fri, 3 Jun 2005 05:18:58 Newsletter TripOut New York Sponsor Discount Nootropics Buyers’ Club Opening next wee k with a group buy of Pramiracetam * * * Trip Out New York Circ.1,912 and slouching towards Bethlehem Free NYC P sychedelic Trance Community Weekly Newsletter Please make a donation to he lp keep the spirit alive Editor Forward/reprint to spread the psytrance virus TripOutNY-subscribe m More Links Numbers 24, verse 16 “He hath said, which heard the words of God, and knew the knowledge of the mos t High, which saw the vision of the Almighty, falling into a trance, but h aving his eyes open” What’s News WOW!! Skazi, AP free at Central P ark’s Summer Stage July 23!! see listings * * * Vladimir’s Going Away (To Prague!) Party T hat’s Vlad in the middle, Chris Exeris on the left, m.e. on the right, Jac kie dancing one more positive trip on Glatsonbury, from The Guardian: Mush room Cloud: politics.guardian.co.uk/comment/story/0,9115,1486483,00 read this: l and the CIA web ssonet.au/dis anyone even heard of this quinuclidinyl benzilat e? -Evan K in China thanks Eddy Somthing peculiar I find in this partic ular article. Most things you’ll read about d activity will usually spe nd plenty of time explaining the dangers the said ds pose to the indivi dual and society at large. “Also known as K powder or Ket, K is a le gitimate chemical anaesthetic used on animals and humans, but is now on th e rise in clubs and pubs in China. Effects lead to rapture, paranoia or ext reme boredom.” So basically, the only point this article makes about why th is is bad is because it’s popular and might make some people feel good. Ma ybe I’m just too used to reading the U.S. versions of such stories, but in some strange way, I find myself appreciating the “honesty” on display her e.Then again, maybe it’s not me, just the K talking.” web chinadail y.cn/english/doc/2005-05/26/content445878 * * * Hark! The Official Opening of Machi nelf’s Bizarro Bazaar of the Bizarre I have a lot of trance related merchan dise on sale on my site via a secure server. You can buy Trancers Gu ides, Morocco Tickets, Frozen Sperm, d memberships and T-Shirts, more at at /bazaar * * * Trancer’s Guide to the Galaxy is here! I have 40 copies for sale at /bazaar and yes, Severin i s listed in the USA section. Also note that they used Metal Mark’s ph oto not mine as the author… * * * I just got a lot of flyers, booklets, and posters for the Rhy thms of Peace Beach Festival in Morocco August 25th-30th. Coor dinate with me if you need some and we’ll meet up. I also sell tickets; they’re $100 until July 30. Tickets may be purchased by ch eck or money order via snail mail (email for address), order via credit ca rd via my new secure order form at web brainmachine/bazaar , or in person. Travel packages are still being developed. The line-up is sick – l ive acts by Parasense, Son Kite, Silicon Sound, Wizzy Noise, Safi Connecti on, Atmos, Bamboo Forest, way more Check out the flyer web brainmach Moundir the organizer has been involved with oth er festivals and has a good reputation. He asked me through Gavin to sell tickets in the U.S. and will be offering travel packages of $700 ro und trip, $200 food & lodging. Details for these packages will be f orthcoming. Once you get there it is very very cheap, I mean like al most India cheap.. Ticket prices before the 30th of July 2005 : $100 at th e door : 100 euros (currently $129.68 as of April 27) Physical tickets will be provided. To get on the discussion group for party in august send a bla nk email to For those of you not on NYC604 or TripOutNY and would like to receive updates to the gathering and to dicuss, click the above link to join Go Morocco 2005 . Any emails from the organizers will be fwded there. Th e NYC lists will have occasional updates, but for those who’d like to disc uss going, in the interest of space please join the morocco group. You don’ t have to be buying tickets from me to join; Dave Henshaw is also selling tickets in Boston and others may be as well. * * * The Secret Life of the Brain: web pbs .org/wnet/brain/scanning/index * * * Just look at the name web ergotradio.net/ * * * DanceSafe NYC is a non-profit harm reduction group that has been providing health services to late night party people since 1998. We provide literature about safer dru g use and safer sex, condoms, earplugs, candy, pill testing services and m ore, 100% free. Our info ranges in detail from raver to psychonaut! If you would like DanceSafe to set up a table at your next party, or just walk a round with a bag distributing info and condoms, email pyrotix at optonline.ne t to book us. and check our site at nyc.dancesafe.org Thanks -Kevi n * * * Event Cal endar Logo partners in bold. Same dateevents appear in the order sub mitted. All events include at least on Psy/Goa DJ.Organizers w ho cannot provide press passes will be charged the amount of 2 tickets to help keep gonzo journalism alive (and kicking). * * * OMNITRIBEPOLARLIGH THYPER-NATIONPURNYCTC1 “M I X E D G R E E N S” a weekly shindig featuring the best of underground dance muziK PREMIERE NIGHT!!! Th ursday,June 2nd, 8pm FREE Buddha Lounge(former Opium Den) 29 East 3rd st(bet 2nd ave and Bowery) web buddhaloungenyc web omnitribe web polarlightmusic web hyper-nation web purny c web tc1 * * * J UVE presents Psy-trance party at UTOPIA Featuring DreamcatcherE2 8099s DJ Juggernaut and DJ Brandon Adams playing Psy-trance all night sta rting at 10pm till 4am. Mayur 2-4am Juve will be serving cocktails and col d beers at the bar. Ask for the night’s special! Free till midnight, Aft er midnight $5 cover Friday June 3rd at UTOPIA 446 Park Pl (corner of Washin gton Ave.) Brooklyn, NY Subway: 1. Take Q to 7av station then walk on Park Pl till you reach Washington Ave. 2. Take 2, 3 to Grand Army Plaza then wal k up Vanderbilt Ave. two blocks and make a right on Park Pl. Continue till you reach Washington Ave. * * * Friday June 10th Ambient Alch emy Tourweb ambientalchemy N’Light’N presents Ambient Alche my at 4th floor of 540 W. 27th St. (between 10th and 11th Ave) Spirit Yoga Center – New York City realityengine.org/events Realit y Engine invites you to join us at N’Light’N, as we transmute varied backg rounds, mediums and genres into an element more valuable than the sum of i ts parts. Friday, June 10th we gather to experience the eclectic electronic music culture emerging on the enlightened fringe where styles and thought s intersect. N’light’N’s Ambient Alchemy will be the only East Coast date on the Ambient Alchemy Tour ( web ambientalchemy ), featuring internat ionally renowned producer Shulman from Israel, Shen, the new downtempo pro ject from well-respected techno producer Noah Pred and eclectic beats buzz kid of the moment, Bluetech. The wholly unique and inspiring movie 1 Giant Leap, which features world music and great thinkers from all around the w orld will be screened at 10PM. The innovative theatre company, Archedream join us in Reality Engine’s full-on multi-media environment for an intima te night of next level music and full spectrum atmosphere. Eclectic multi -media culture is emerging, and we’re excited to share our creativity, pas sion, and destroy a few genre descriptions in the process. Program: LIVE Acts: SHULMAN (Aleph Zero “3 Israel) ( web shulman.info ) The Shul man project, comprised of Yaniv Shulman and later joined by Omri Harpaz, i s considered one of the leading groups in psychedelic chill out and ambien t electronic music. Shulman’s music is filled with evolving organic layer s backed by rich harmonies. With two albums already released, Shulman is b usy working on several new projects at the moment. Yaniv also manages Ale ph Zero ( web aleph-zero.info ) a well-respected label, with partner Shah ar Bar-Itzhak (aka DJ Shahar). Aleph Zero was created with a vision of rel easing and promoting high quality downbeat electronic music, journeying th rough the realms of ambient, chill out, ethnic sounds and weird electronica . BLUETECH (Aleph Zero, Native State) ( web bluetechonline ) Evan Bl uetech stormed onto the scene in 2003 with the release of “Prima Materia” on seminal ambient label Waveform, and has since appeared on many compilat ions. In 2004 he released “CElementary Particles” on his own Nativ e State ( web nativestaterecords ), and both albums were re-released b y Shulman’s Aleph Zero imprint. He has quickly built an avid fan base thro ugh his unique blend of IDM, chill-out, dub, and other genres. Not content to stay in the studio, he is often found on tour through Europe, Canada, and the United States. 2005 will see the launch of Native State into a ful ly operational label with the introduction of a compilation in time for su mmer. Bluetech will be playing music from both albums, as well as over an hour of new music. SHEN (Sentient Sound, Metapath) ( web noahpred.co m ) Audio explorer and sonic architect operating from the wild realms of t he Pacific Northwest, Noah Pred a.k.a. Shen – has produced digital music under various guises for the past eight years. Focused on a deeply expansi ve sound, which aims to reflect the interconnected nature of experie nce, he has DJd and performed live at numerous gatherings through out Europe and North America. His productions have appeared on over twenty labels, garnering critical acclaim worldwide. He currently runs two label s of his own Metapath Recordings ( web metapathrecordings ) and Senti ent Sound ( web sentientsound.net ) . Noah continues to develop his work t hrough integrated approaches to audio, communication, and consciousness it self. ARCHEDREAM ( web archedream ) ArcheDream are an archetypal mask theatre company, which uses ritual, movement and myth to present allegori cal dramas. The inspiration for ArcheDream is derived from ancient rituals where the Devine mingled with Humankind. Their theatre uses various forms of dance, innovative music, multimedia projections, archetypal masks and costumes that are illuminated with ultra-violet light, accentuating the su pernatural aspects to reveal the dreamscape as the action unfolds. ArcheDr eam is founded on the quality of the individual artist participating in a collaborative effort. They will be performing 2 scenes from their original performance “The Shamyn’s Breath”. 1 Giant Leap ( web 1giantleap.tv ) Fe aturing such incredible musicians as Baaba Maal from Senegal, Ashe Bhosle from India, Brian Eno from the UK, and visionary thinkers like Ram Dass and Kurt Vonnegut, 1 Giant Leap fuses documentary filmmaking, innovative audi o/visual piece and a global cultural project to create somthing unlike an ything you’ve ever seen before. Guided by the principal of illustrating “U nity through Diversity” two music producers travel the world recording and speaking with a wide range of people and piece together the common stran ds that exist underneath the surface. Please join us at 10PM for this uniq ue film experience. Visuals by VJ’s Matyas and Jordan Decor surprises and special guests abound Artworks by St.Eves : ( web divinereflections.ca ) Location: The 4th floor of 540 W. 27th St. (between 10th and 11th Ave) Spi rit Yoga Center – New York City Tickets: Its strongly encouraged to buy your tickets in advanced as we will keep this event at a comfortable capac ity. 10pm. – 6am. $20 in advance, $25 at the door if still available. Fo r tickets and more information please visit realityengine.org/event s or call our info. line at (212) 726-TOAD See you there, Namaste. * * * Visual Para dox LIVE at Club Axis June 11th 2005 LIVE: – VISUAL PARADOX ( Com.pact Records, Israel ) Visual Paradox AKA DJ BOG is the label manager and founder of Com.pact Rec. He released tracks on several compilations and also produced 22 albums for known artists such as Sesto Sento, Lish, Ul travoice, Bizzare Contact, Cosmic Tone and more. His tracks are full of groovy, powerful, deep and melodic sounds with a very high production quality. Main Room DJ’S: – DJ BOG ( Com.pact Records, Israel ) – Babla ( Kagdila Records, NYC ) – TDC Mafia: Mukti, Isvara, Nik ( Legaliz e This ) Progressive Room DJ’S: – Pulse ( Blood Pressure / TDC, NYC ) – Oleg K ( HyperNation, NYC ) – Eddie Kantor ( HyperNation, NY