Updated 2 years ago

These are the full emails with discussion, replies, off-topic, non-trance events, etc.
For a much more succinct, formatted, and edited history, go here, and here are just flyers.
Other years in emails:
1999* – 2000* – 2001* – 2002 Pt 1* – 2002 Pt 2* – 2003* – 2004 – 2005
2006 – 2007 – 2008 – 2009 – 2010 – 2011
*Trip Out New York was called Brainmachines from 1999-2003.
January 2002
#2175 Tue, 1 Jan 2002 17:51:36 -0800 Chiletrance Wednesdays From: angeles garay chiletrance at yahoo Happy New Year 2002!!! Hope everybody had a good time!! This is a for Wednesday nights at Opium with Dj Angeles+Guests. Come and enjoy this Winter in this nice and cozy bar enjoing the Trance music. Dj Angeles(Chiletrance-6th Element) Our special guests Dj Chasqui(La Paz-Chiletrance) Niko(Synthetic Sadhus) Opium Den 29 East 3rd Street at 2nd Avenue 10-4 No Cover Thanks!!Gracias.. Love and Light Angeles
#2176 Wed, 02 Jan 2002 19:31:58 New Years Reviews From: “ismoked” Wylies Trance Mission Best deal in town. The cavalry came: Marco from SUN Project and Frank E from Koxbox came and DJed at the trance mission after thanks to good old Kamal, who had been playing in a jail cell in the basement of the bank at Tsunami! Wylie’s new place is rocking, very comfortable, big and above all completely decked out in cool psy-artistry. It easily outdoes the old penthouse, and even has a beautiful roof. Don’t miss the next one. (and if yer not on safetydance, you won’t get the addy; wylie ran out of goodwill towards nontrancers and strangers and no longer promotes at techno parties after the graffiti and garen’s camera stealing incident) Tsunami Despite the heavy drama at the door (my companion wasn’t exactly kissing ass), and the weird security measures (no backpacks on the dance floor), Tsunami looked like it was a good party and the sound was good. I missed both acts because it just wasn’t as comfortable as Wylie’s. But it worked out because they came later and we all got to hang out. Also, just in.. From: “goakat” dinkydun at hotmail Tue Jan 1, 2002 9:37am Happy New YEar Everyone Hey everyone Justa quick note to wish you all avery happy and peaceful New YEar. So far things in Ireland have been going good, but have not found a psy-trance scene yet!I will be working on it so if anyone is coming this direction (or to the UK), drop me a line and we’ll try and arrange somthing. I’ve found a few places ((indoor and outdoors) and have been in contact with a festival promoter!! It’s going to be a great Year. Keep up the good work lads, keep on stomping and have one for me!! Slan agus Beannacht Kate P.S. Went to see Orbital though, and they were most wonderful my how I missed the Irish fungi also!!!
#2177 Wed, 2 Jan 2002 14:07:04 -0800 Chiletrance Wednesdays/YANIV FROM COSMOPHILIA TONIGHT From: angeles garay chiletrance at yahoo Hello Everyone!! Opium Den. Tonight our special, special guest is Dj YANIV from Cosmophilia records on Germany. Come and listen the Trance Music tonight and is FREE!! Happy new Year!!!! Love and Light Angeles
#2178 Sun, 06 Jan 2002 20:47:52 The Emperor has no…. clothes? From: “ismoked” So the Emperor stands before us, naked and jaded. Grappling at gadgets that have been subsequently demechanicized, ruffaging the ground for lost batteries in a blur of white powder induced longing. Seek what you will with blinking eyes, pulsating to geometric patterns of kinetic brain synapses….. Look into the technological guru’s eyes, seeing a glimpse of the other side of what you call your isolated illusion!!!! Break free of the jabbernauted crust in your under slept and over danced eyes, gaze into the lcd screen of your favorite sony, searching for the love of a cyber honey. LUST I SAY LUST for what is it all for if not to trance your self into a cult of half peeped gizmos and whirling orgasmatrons!!!! The Lord of the trance calls upon each of us at our appointed time, to shackle off these chains of reason and mundanity, SEEK YOUR UNIQUENESS it cries, NOVELTY IS ALL for conformity and homogenisis is death in itself, the stagnant and uncreative shall fall to loins of the past, steeping itself in the roadside of mass culturization. Thanks to Koan of Deeper in Zen
#2179 Sun, 6 Jan 2002 20:07:43 Sun, 6 Jan 2002 20:07:42 Goat Trance Goa Trance Go at trance Tuesday/Psy-Schedule 2002 (Note- venue change – not at Karma but uptown with better sound – we are aligning forces with lesbian go go dancers and midgets, read on) This Tuesday, Jan. 8th….. There’s ten reasons to come out this Tuesday 1 Multi birthday party (including yours truly) 2 the dmtski Lodge is now a go – Jan 18 our maiden weekend, every weekend for the next couple of months. Come get info! Thanks Dan de Maria for the $500!!! 3 Come be a part of the first of a new weekly Freaky Tuesday night party with Tony and Viviana! 4 New location with killer sound- Who’s on First 5 It’s been a while since you heard psy-trance after last weekend 6 Capricorns are badass – you must kiss the ring 7 There’s no trance party this coming weekend 8 Capricorns are very conscious of what other people think of them. They tend to tread lightly in delicate situations, and they try their darnedest to be polically correct. Consequently, they are easily embarrassed by their associates’ social blunders. So come embarrass us 9 This is a Tony Trance Mission 🙂 10 We’re all gonna hook up Tuesday!! Jan 8 – Tuesday – – dski Capricorn Goatrance Birthday Celebration for everyone born from December 22-January 19 10pm-4am. Free before midnight, $3 after. 21+ only, ID a must. “Who’s on First” a bar on 1st ave and 87th st. Midgets, lesbians, fetish people, and tranceheads all under 1 roof. DJs Amnesium and Machinelf. Great energy at a great bar with a big upstairs with games etc, a chillout area downstairs with couches – all set to psytrance. Drinks are 2 for 1 for anything! and Vivianna is your bartender. Come dressed as the sign. Goats. Horns. Eat tin cans. Goatrance. Goat trance. Cuddle Puddle. Sobriety Exam. Astrological readings. Slide show by Lisa Renko. Bring slides. Honored Capricorns: Jesus, Machinelf, chameleia at aol, Lauren Kutscher’s Birthday TaharaRose at hotmail, BillnEd at aol Bill, Akasha at deserttrance, Morgan Levine, Alicia beastiegirl at quadprincess Everyone is welcome. Freaky Tuesdays at “Who’s on First” a bar on 1st ave and 87th st. See you all there! To encourage all our friends to come help us celebrate a most chaotic crazy quilt of which we are all strands of theoretical string. To give trance people a chance to meet d people and possibly join the congregation. TO TALK ABOUT THE NEW dmtski LODGE!!! If you have toys, trip toys, bring them. If you have art, bring it. If you can bring a lot of goodies for everyone, that would be swell. Bring enough to share. And hey, it’s Machinelf’s End of 33 Year of the Stigmata 🙂 (e-mail questions to: Freebeer4kids at hotmail and/or . Email rocktheshow at aol about info on dski!!) Famous Capricorns web acton Elvis Presley, Ricky Martin Lord Acton web arnold Matthew Arnold web asimov Isaac Asimov web barton Clara Barton web beauvoir Simone de Beauvoir web burke Edmund Burke web cicero Cicero web marlene Marlene Dietrich web forster E.M. Forster web franklin Benjamin Franklin web goldwater Barry Goldwater web mead Margaret Mead web mickiewicz Adam Mickiewicz web poe Edgar Allan Poe web sandburg Carl Sandburg web wilson Woodrow Wilson Rev Martin Luther King, civil rights activist, Johannes Kepler, Astrologer and Astronomer, physicist and philosopher Sir Isaac Newton, former US President, Richard Nixon, singer Nat King Cole and football figures; Bryan Robson, Sir Alex Ferguson and Terry Venables. Faye Dunaway, web gzone/nixon/President Rod Serling, Richard Nixon, Donna Summer, Chuck Berry, Rudyard Kipling, Jon Voight, Henry Miller, Joseph Stalin, Cary Grant, Joan of Arc, Mao Tse-tung The deliberate Capricorn will put his or her nose to the grindstone to get the job finished. Later, as you are about to tell them what a good job they have done, they will grumble on about how no one else could have been as thorough or efficiant. Oops, if only they could have kept their trap shut. Capricorns don’t like to lose. They will keep coming back for more until they are either the victor, or everyone else has finally given up (in which case they will win by default). Likewise, Capricorns are unable to acknowledge the fact that they can lose (or that they are losers, if that’s the case). Don’t get into an argument with a Capricorn about the Vietnam war. Capricorns will stand gracefully, like a picture of ambition and superiority, until they take a step in any direction. They are terrific at tripping over themselves. Many Capricorns will fail sobriety exams even if they haven’t been drinking. Many Capricorns like to live their life like a movie script. When somthing goes wrong, they merely say to themselves, “that isn’t the way its supposed to happen. It isn’t in the script.” Sadly, they are not the ones writing the script, so they have to wait for the sequal to see if things get any better.Capricorns are very conscious of what other people think of them. They tend to tread lightly in delicate situations, and they try their darnedest to be polically correct. Consequently, they are easily embarrassed by their associates’ social blunders. Capricorns don’t often eat “normal” foods. They believe themselves gifted with an epicurean palate, designed to sample exotic cuisine. They’re the kinds of people that get excited at the idea of eating the parts of animals best left unmentioned. Capricorns have been known to eat and enjoy scrapple. They are also notorious for making other people eat their cooking (and without being told what it is). quality web links.net/spirit/astro/sign/cardinal cardinal symbol seagoat’s horn element web links.net/spirit/astro/sign/earth earth principle passive natural sign of web links.net/spirit/astro/house/tenth tenth house ruler web links.net/spirit/astro/planet/Saturn Saturn opposite sign web links.net/spirit/astro/sign/cancer/Cancer anatomy bones, knees and teeth colours black, brown, blue-violet, gray, indigo, green, purple metal lead flowers carnation, holly, snowdrop stones white onyx, moonstone, jet, lapis lazuli, diamond, garnet incense frankincense, khus-khus musical notes A and F numbers 3, 5, 7, 8, 11 tarot cards the devil, the world key phrase I use keyword ambition Updated Psy-Trance Calendar 2002 This list includes NYC and major international psy-trance events. for north american psy-trance northamtrance OPEN (nothing scheduled) All Sundays, Mondays and Thursdays, plus these weekends: Jan 4-5 Fri & Sat Jan 11-12 Fri & Sat Jan 18 Fri Jan 25 Fri The Lord of the Rings film is out!!! Go get inspired for Burning Elf’s spring woodland LOTR party Jan 11 – – Spectra: Hux Flux has been CANCELLED Jan 18 dski every weekend through April!!! will begin on this date – be sure to join dNY and pay your dues to be elgible to join these weekends at the ski lodge for CD sharing & burning, video games, music, fiends, fun, and o yeah… skiing and snowboarding 5 minutes away.. d members may email rocktheshow at aol Jan 19 – Sat – – Tsunami at Vinyl – Infected Mushroom & Vibrosphere Jan 23 – Screening of Goa Trance movie Jan 26 – Sat – – Synthetic Sadhus – Astral Projection, Dino Psaras and half of Etnica – Jan 28 – Mon – Full Moon Brazilian Daime Full Moon Trance Party / check this magnificent event taking place in brazil on the full moon of january. organized by the boom production team with the daime tribe of brazil (church of ayuhuasca)…. more info at igwana12 at hotmail Feb 1 – Imbalc Winter’s Leavetaking Feb 12 – d Aquarian Birthday Celebration January 20-February 18 FREE. Come early (8pm) to eat, later (11pm) to party. 8pm-4am Karma, 51 First Ave (3rd St) (d Aquarians May be moved to Liquids:-) 212-677-3160 All Ages, 21+ to drink The energy of the music will match the energy of the crowd. Bring: bottled water, water guns, dolphins, mermaid outfits, anything flowing. Think Liquid. The venue will allow us to refill our water bottles at the bathrooms just for us. Astrological readings. Si necessito we pull back the carpet to trance dance. To encourage all our friends to come help us celebrate a most chaotic crazy quilt of which we are all strands of theoretical string. To give trance people a chance to meet d people and possibly join the congregation. If you have toys, trip toys, bring them. If you have art, bring it. If you can bring a lot of goodies for everyone, that would be swell. Bring enough to share. To paraphrase Kate, “Karmais a lovely location, it’s always been an intimate experience, get there early dance, talk, get to know the people that share the same love as you. Smoke a hooka, have a bite to eat, have a drink and share the dream. There’s lots of opportunities to travel far into oneself, this is the opportunity to bond with others. Put names to faces and exchange information, we are a travelling band and need to make the connections to keep united no matter where we travel or where we go!” Feb 27 – Wed – Full Moon Mar 12 – Tues – d Pisces Birthday Celebration Feb 19-March 20 Bring fish. Guest of Honor: Mark Lorenz, Aquarium Cleaner Extraordinaire Possible location: 7th Avenue Sushi, Le Bernardin, or somewhere with a lot of fish aquariums March 21 – Vernal Equinox – The outdoor Lord of the Rings psy-trance festival upstate will be in the Spring, with trance Sindarin woodland elves. The film will be out December 21st. Possible party at Chicen Itza pyramids in the Yucatan during spring equinox might be good… one pyramid at chichen itza is built so that a plumed serpent can be seen descending the stairs when the light hits it on this day) of course thousands of native people come to see this as well, depending on how we’re received that could be good or bad) We have the ear of the head of tourism who is open to hosting a trance event at the base of the pyramids. Looking for organizers & investors. The rewards are high but it won’t come cheap. Suggestion: Sliding scale for Mexican nationals/Indians should ideally come for next to nothing, or free; alcohol should not be served. Email andys at ezy.net April 9 – Tues – d Arian Birthday Celebration March 21-April 19 LOCATION: Mars 2112 Guest of Honor: This dude I know named “Mars” Bring guns and swords. May 1 – Beltainne – Spring’s Planting May 14 – Tues – d Tauran Birthday Celebration April 20-May 20 Taurus All Taurus get a free Red Bull REFRESHMENTS: Red Bull, Schlitz Malt Liquor Bull Special Guest: Suzula, Xander, Gary Toro, Cata Toro Bring: Bulls. Horns. Whips. Rawhide. Music: Progressive Playstation Wipeout Game with Red Bull sponsorship Possible Location: Denim & Diamonds or someplace with a mechanical bull No Bullshit! June 11 – Tues – d Gemini Birthday Celebration May 21- June 21 Invite every twin you know. Two for one drink specials. Your evil twin, Invite your nemesis. Moment of Silence for the Twin Towers. Possible location: Twins. June 21 Summer Solstice In many cultures, the coming of Summer is the heralding of a time for love, marriage, friendship, beauty, protection, courage, magical energy, physical energy, and strength. It is the perfect time for Fire Magic! The Summer Solstice, also called “Midsummer” or “Litha”, is the longest day of the year. (The Christian Calendar marks this holiday with “St. Peter and Paul’s Day) This celebration of the coming of the light is when magics involving protection, strength, energy and clear sight will be the most successful. With the Sun high in the heavens, the powers of light are readily evoked. Anything that shadows your soul can be set aflame by the Sun’s protective glow. Pagan couples also know that this is the time when the Horned God is at the zenith of His manifest Power and the flowering Godess of Spring welcomes his presence. Sex Magic is powerful now and l In many cultures, the coming of Summer is the heralding of a time for love, marriage, friendship, beauty, protection, courage, magical energy, physical energy, and strength. It is the perfect time for Fire Magic! The Summer Solstice, also called “Midsummer” or “Litha”, is the longest day of the year. (The Christian Calendar marks this holiday with “St. Peter and Paul’s Day) This celebration of the coming of the light is when magics involving protection, strength, energy and clear sight will be the most successful. With the Sun high in the heavens, the powers of light are readily evoked. Anything that shadows your soul can be set aflame by the Sun’s protective glow. Pagan couples also know that this is the time when the Horned God is at the zenith of His manifest Power and the flowering Godess of Spring welcomes his presence. Sex Magic is powerful now and legend tells that a nakedmtskip through a garden on Litha night ensures fertility for the coming season. The peaceful blue color of the Lapis stone can be worn to foster physical fertility as well as psychic awareness. Below are some suggestions I have to make your Summer Solstice Rituals complete as well as enlightening…I’ve even included some of my favorite meditations and incantations. Enjoy, and Blessed Be! July 9 – Tues – d Cancer Birthday Celebration June 22-July 22 Crab cakes. Crabby people. Possible location: Maryland Crabs Aug 1 – Lugnasad – Harvest Time Aug 13 – Tues – d Leo Birthday Celebration July 23-August 22 Possible Location: White Lion. Cowardly Lion. King of the Jungle. Lyin’ Sept 10 – Tues – d Virgan Birthday Celebration August 23-September 22 Virgin bloody maries. Sacrificial virgins. Oct 8 – Tues – d Libral Birthday Celebration September 23-October 22 Bring scales 😀 Justice is blind. Machinelf is free. Possible location: Somewhere ‘downscale.’ Oct 31 Halloween Nov 1 – Samhain – Winter’s Start Nov 12 – Tues – d Scorpion Birthday Celebration October 23-November 21 Smoke scorpion venom 🙂 Junkies and Get High in the Pits” QUETTA, Pakistan (Reuters) – When they’re in season, Ghulam Raza smokes scorpions. He says he dries their stingers in the sun and grinds them, then lights the powdery venom and sucks the smoke deep into his lungs. “Oh yes,” he said when asked if the scorpions make him high. “When I smoke scorpion, then the heroin is like nothing to me.” The place where Raza and other Pakistani junkies smoke dope or shoot up in the southwestern city of Quetta is a good place to find scorpions. It is the main cemetery, a dust-filled field of tombstones and corpse-sized mounds of rocks. A shantytown molded from the pale dirt of the desert claws its way up a steep mountain slope on one side while Muslim prayers ring out across the city on the other. In the middle, in the ruins of a building, Raza and a dozen addict friends spend their days. Some, like Abdul Hai, have been coming here for more than 20 years. More disdained than criminalized, the hundreds of junkies in Quetta, capital of Pakistan’s parched Baluchistan province, gather away from the chaotic life of the city. In the cemetery, sometimes one of them will get very stoned and drop into an open grave. “We are safe here,” says Raza, a mechanical engineer, who says he started down the slippery slope of ds after becoming addicted to pain killers years ago when, he says, he was shot 18 times by police. The graveyard addicts beg or steal for their d money. They pay off officials for peace. When they forget, the police come and beat them, they say. Closer to the center of town, other Pakistani junkies hide away in an even less salubrious den. They huddle in small groups, cloaks pulled over their heads, in an open gutter. Dec 10 – Tues – d Sagittarian Birthday Celebration November 22-December 21 Centaur hunters. for pain. there is a time for joy. there is a time for exploration. there is a time for celebration. -v^v^v^v^v^V^V^WWVVV # (that’s ‘how’.) ‘This’ is what ‘That’ needs. ‘That’ is what we want. ‘This’ is what we have. ‘That’ is what we find. (the choiceis yours) the drone is a magic lucky charm. You can’t ‘over use’ it because it might bite you in the ass. You can ‘use it over’ but it’s gears may become dull. ‘Expose’ yourself to the mandala only for healing. Otherwise you must go through it. It is a part of the living form of space & light and that includes you. To be fully alive and awake, you must be on the other side. otherwise you are asleep. But that’s okay, you’lll need your rest. Up and Down; intersect, angles, dimension, spiral. Sense Probability Intrinsically Resonates Alternal Love (S.P.I.R.A.L.) life…. ((((( N’TENGUE: This is the oldest human fossil in the world! HOMER: P! I’ve got more bones than That guy! I’m not impressed. N’TENGUE: But Mr.Simpson HOMER: (hand in N’Tengue’s face) Not! Impressed! ))))) *If you face the ground you can see the stars on the other side of the world. *If you look up you realize we are being squozen through an epistemological black-hole birth canal, caught o the wake of a cosmic tsunami about to come crashing down. *Look to the right and understand the urgency that cries for your help. *Look to the left and understand the part we must play in this temporal crisis. *Look behind you to check for encouragement. *Look forward to new life and the Water-Bearer. *Be yourself so we can love you. *Be yourself so you can love us. *Be yourself so you can disagree. *Be together to share the joy. and show your way to those who are listening. This message will self-destruct in 5, 4, 3, 2…. love, Evan. Ratings from Past History and Reputation Boston Chicago Los Angeles web liquidgrin/ (psytrance)web sixthsense.net (psytrance, kindof defunct)Mexico Montreal Nantucket New Orleans New York – – Barcelona Berlin Brazil Copenhagen Goa Israel Mexico City ParisSweden TokyoThis Tuesday, Jan. 8th….. There’s ten reasons to come out this Tuesday 1 Multi birthday party (including yours truly) 2 the dmtski Lodge is now a go – Jan 18 our maiden weekend, every weekend for the next couple of months. Come get info! Thanks Dan de Maria for the $500!!! 3 Come be a part of the first of a new weekly Freaky Tuesday night party with Tony and Viviana! 4 New location with killer sound- Who’s on First 5 It’s been a while since you heard psy-trance after last weekend 6 Capricorns are badass – you must kiss the ring 7 There’s no trance party this coming weekend 8 Capricorns are very conscious of what other people think of them. They tend to tread lightly in delicate situations, and they try their darnedest to be polically correct. Consequently, they are easily embarrassed by their associates’ social blunders. So come embarrass us 9 This is a Tony Trance Mission 🙂 10 We’re all gonna hook up Tuesday!! Jan 8 – Tuesday – – dski Capricorn Goatrance Birthday Celebration for everyone born from December 22-January 19 10pm-4am. Free before midnight, $3 after. 21+ only, ID a must. “Who’s on First” a bar on 1st ave and 87th st. Midgets, lesbians, fetish people, and tranceheads all under 1 roof. DJs Amnesium and Machinelf. Great energy at a great bar with a big upstairs with games etc, a chillout area downstairs with couches – all set to psytrance. Drinks are 2 for 1 for anything! and Vivianna is your bartender. Come dressed as the sign. Goats. Horns. Eat tin cans. Goatrance. Goat trance. Cuddle Puddle. Sobriety Exam. Astrological readings. Slide show by Lisa Renko. Bring slides. Honored Capricorns: Jesus, Machinelf, chameleia at aol, Lauren Kutscher’s Birthday TaharaRose at hotmail, BillnEd at aol Bill, Akasha at deserttrance, Morgan Levine, Alicia beastiegirl at quadprincess Everyone is welcome. Freaky Tuesdays at “Who’s on First” a bar on 1st ave and 87th st. See you all there! To encourage all our friends to come help us celebrate a most chaotic crazy quilt of which we are all strands of theoretical string. To give trance people a chance to meet d people and possibly join the congregation. TO TALK ABOUT THE NEW dmtski LODGE!!! If you have toys, trip toys, bring them. If you have art, bring it. If you can bring a lot of goodies for everyone, that would be swell. Bring enough to share. And hey, it’s Machinelf’s End of 33 Year of the Stigmata 🙂 (e-mail questions to: Freebeer4kids at hotmail and/or . Email rocktheshow at aol about info on dski!!) Famous Capricorns Lord Acton web arnold Matthew Arnold web asimov Isaac Asimov web barton Clara Barton web beauvoir Simone de Beauvoir web burke Edmund Burke web cicero Cicero web marlene Marlene Dietrich web forster E.M. Forster web franklin Benjamin Franklin web goldwater Barry Goldwater web mead Margaret Mead web mickiewicz Adam Mickiewicz web poe Edgar Allan Poe web sandburg Carl Sandburg web wilson Woodrow Wilson Rod Serling, Richard Nixon, Donna Summer, Chuck Berry, Rudyard Kipling, Jon Voight, Henry Miller, Joseph Stalin, Cary Grant, Joan of Arc, Mao Tse-tung The deliberate Capricorn will put his or her nose to the grindstone to get the job finished. Later, as you are about to tell them what a good job they have done, they will grumble on about how no one else could have been as thorough or efficiant. Oops, if only they could have kept their trap shut. Capricorns don’t like to lose. They will keep coming back for more until they are either the victor, or everyone else has finally given up (in which case they will win by default). Likewise, Capricorns are unable to acknowledge the fact that they can lose (or that they are losers, if that’s the case). Don’t get into an argument with a Capricorn about the Vietnam war. Capricorns will stand gracefully, like a picture of ambition and superiority, until they take a step in any direction. They are terrific at tripping over themselves. Many Capricorns will fail sobriety exams even if they haven’t been drinking. Many Capricorns like to live their life like a movie script. When somthing goes wrong, they merely say to themselves, “that isn’t the way its supposed to happen. It isn’t in the script.” Sadly, they are not the ones writing the script, so they have to wait for the sequal to see if things get any better.Capricorns are very conscious of what other people think of them. They tend to tread lightly in delicate situations, and they try their darnedest to be polically correct. Consequently, they are easily embarrassed by their associates’ social blunders. Capricorns don’t often eat “normal” foods. They believe themselves gifted with an epicurean palate, designed to sample exotic cuisine. They’re the kinds of people that get excited at the idea of eating the parts of animals best left unmentioned. Capricorns have been known to eat and enjoy scrapple. They are also notorious for making other people eat their cooking (and without being told what it is). quality web links.net/spirit/astro/sign/cardinal cardinal symbol seagoat’s horn element web links.net/spirit/astro/sign/earth earth principle passive natural sign of web links.net/spirit/astro/house/tenth tenth house ruler web links.net/spirit/astro/planet/Saturn Saturn opposite sign web links.net/spirit/astro/sign/cancer/Cancer anatomy bones, knees and teeth colours black, brown, blue-violet, gray, indigo, green, purple metal lead flowers carnation, holly, snowdrop stones white onyx, moonstone, jet, lapis lazuli, diamond, garnet incense frankincense, khus-khus musical notes A and F numbers 3, 5, 7, 8, 11 tarot cards the devil, the world key phrase I use keyword ambition This list includes NYC and major international psy-trance events. for north american psy-trance northamtrance OPEN (nothing scheduled) All Sundays, Mondays and Thursdays, plus these weekends: Jan 4-5 Fri & Sat Jan 11-12 Fri & Sat Jan 18 Fri Jan 25 Fri The Lord of the Rings film is out!!! Go get inspired for Burning Elf’s spring woodland LOTR party Jan 11 – – Spectra: Hux Flux has been CANCELLED Jan 18 dski every weekend through April!!! will begin on this date – be sure to join dNY and pay your dues to be elgible to join these weekends at the ski lodge for CD sharing & burning, video games, music, fiends, fun, and o yeah… skiing and snowboarding 5 minutes away.. d members may email rocktheshow at aol Jan 19 – Sat – – Tsunami at Vinyl – Infected Mushroom & Vibrosphere Jan 23 – Screening of Goa Trance movie Jan 26 – Sat – – Synthetic Sadhus – Astral Projection, Dino Psaras and half of Etnica – Jan 28 – Mon – Full Moon Brazilian Daime Full Moon Trance Party / check this magnificent event taking place in brazil on the full moon of january. organized by the boom production team with the daime tribe of brazil (church of ayuhuasca)…. more info at igwana12 at hotmail Feb 1 – Imbalc Winter’s Leavetaking Feb 12 – d Aquarian Birthday Celebration January 20-February 18 FREE. Come early (8pm) to eat, later (11pm) to party. 8pm-4am Karma, 51 First Ave (3rd St) (d Aquarians May be moved to Liquids:-) 212-677-3160 All Ages, 21+ to drink The energy of the music will match the energy of the crowd. Bring: bottled water, water guns, dolphins, mermaid outfits, anything flowing. Think Liquid. The venue will allow us to refill our water bottles at the bathrooms just for us. Astrological readings. Si necessito we pull back the carpet to trance dance. To encourage all our friends to come help us celebrate a most chaotic crazy quilt of which we are all strands of theoretical string. To give trance people a chance to meet d people and possibly join the congregation. If you have toys, trip toys, bring them. If you have art, bring it. If you can bring a lot of goodies for everyone, that would be swell. Bring enough to share. To paraphrase Kate, “Karmais a lovely location, it’s always been an intimate experience, get there early dance, talk, get to know the people that share the same love as you. Smoke a hooka, have a bite to eat, have a drink and share the dream. There’s lots of opportunities to travel far into oneself, this is the opportunity to bond with others. Put names to faces and exchange information, we are a travelling band and need to make the connections to keep united no matter where we travel or where we go!” Feb 27 – Wed – Full Moon Mar 12 – Tues – d Pisces Birthday Celebration Feb 19-March 20 Bring fish. Guest of Honor: Mark Lorenz, Aquarium Cleaner Extraordinaire Possible location: 7th Avenue Sushi, Le Bernardin, or somewhere with a lot of fish aquariums March 21 – Vernal Equinox – The outdoor Lord of the Rings psy-trance festival upstate will be in the Spring, with trance Sindarin woodland elves. The film will be out December 21st. Possible party at Chicen Itza pyramids in the Yucatan during spring equinox might be good… one pyramid at chichen itza is built so that a plumed serpent can be seen descending the stairs when the light hits it on this day) of course thousands of native people come to see this as well, depending on how we’re received that could be good or bad) We have the ear of the head of tourism who is open to hosting a trance event at the base of the pyramids. Looking for organizers & investors. The rewards are high but it won’t come cheap. Suggestion: Sliding scale for Mexican nationals/Indians should ideally come for next to nothing, or free; alcohol should not be served. Email andys at ezy.net April 9 – Tues – d Arian Birthday Celebration March 21-April 19 Guest of Honor: This dude I know named “Mars” Bring guns and swords. May 1 – Beltainne – Spring’s Planting May 14 – Tues – d Tauran Birthday Celebration April 20-May 20 Taurus All Taurus get a free Red Bull REFRESHMENTS: Red Bull, Schlitz Malt Liquor Bull Special Guest: Suzula, Xander, Gary Toro, Cata Toro Bring: Bulls. Horns. Whips. Rawhide. Music: Progressive Playstation Wipeout Game with Red Bull sponsorship Possible Location: Denim & Diamonds or someplace with a mechanical bull No Bullshit! June 11 – Tues – d Gemini Birthday Celebration May 21- June 21 Invite every twin you know. Two for one drink specials. Your evil twin, Invite your nemesis. Moment of Silence for the Twin Towers. Possible location: Twins. June 21 Summer Solstice In many cultures, the coming of Summer is the heralding of a time for love, marriage, friendship, beauty, protection, courage, magical energy, physical energy, and strength. It is the perfect time for Fire Magic! The Summer Solstice, also called “Midsummer” or “Litha”, is the longest day of the year. (The Christian Calendar marks this holiday with “St. Peter and Paul’s Day) This celebration of the coming of the light is when magics involving protection, strength, energy and clear sight will be the most successful. With the Sun high in the heavens, the powers of light are readily evoked. Anything that shadows your soul can be set aflame by the Sun’s protective glow. Pagan couples also know that this is the time when the Horned God is at the zenith of His manifest Power and the flowering Godess of Spring welcomes his presence. Sex Magic is powerful now and legend tells that a nakedmtskip through a garden on Litha night ensures fertility for the coming season. The peaceful blue color of the Lapis stone can be worn to foster physical fertility as well as psychic awareness. Below are some suggestions I have to make your Summer Solstice Rituals complete as well as enlightening…I’ve even included some of my favorite meditations and incantations. Enjoy, and Blessed Be! July 9 – Tues – d Cancer Birthday Celebration June 22-July 22 Crab cakes. Crabby people. Possible location: Maryland Crabs Aug 13 – Tues – d Leo Birthday Celebration July 23-August 22 Possible Location: White Lion. Cowardly Lion. King of the Jungle. Lyin’ Sept 10 – Tues – d Virgan Birthday Celebration August 23-September 22 Virgin bloody maries. Sacrificial virgins. Oct 8 – Tues – d Libral Birthday Celebration September 23-October 22 Bring scales 😀 Justice is blind. Machinelf is free. Possible location: Somewhere ‘downscale.’ Nov 12 – Tues – d Scorpion Birthday Celebration October 23-November 21 Smoke scorpion venom 🙂 Junkies and Get High in the Pits” QUETTA, Pakistan (Reuters) – When they’re in season, Ghulam Raza smokes scorpions. He says he dries their stingers in the sun and grinds them, then lights the powdery venom and sucks the smoke deep into his lungs. “Oh yes,” he said when asked if the scorpions make him high. “When I smoke scorpion, then the heroin is like nothing to me.” The place where Raza and other Pakistani junkies smoke dope or shoot up in the southwestern city of Quetta is a good place to find scorpions. It is the main cemetery, a dust-filled field of tombstones and corpse-sized mounds of rocks. A shantytown molded from the pale dirt of the desert claws its way up a steep mountain slope on one side while Muslim prayers ring out across the city on the other. In the middle, in the ruins of a building, Raza and a dozen addict friends spend their days. Some, like Abdul Hai, have been coming here for more than 20 years. More disdained than criminalized, the hundreds of junkies in Quetta, capital of Pakistan’s parched Baluchistan province, gather away from the chaotic life of the city. In the cemetery, sometimes one of them will get very stoned and drop into an open grave. “We are safe here,” says Raza, a mechanical engineer, who says he started down the slippery slope of ds after becoming addicted to pain killers years ago when, he says, he was shot 18 times by police. The graveyard addicts beg or steal for their d money. They pay off officials for peace. When they forget, the police come and beat them, they say. Closer to the center of town, other Pakistani junkies hide away in an even less salubrious den. They huddle in small groups, cloaks pulled over their heads, in an open gutter. Dec 10 – Tues – d Sagittarian Birthday Celebration November 22-December 21 Centaur hunters.hmm? already open. You started without me? Fair distribution is a bitch. (oh, im just kidding, sorry ma’am) (whathefuck? – do I have rocks in my underwear? where did this baby-powder ome from? what’s that smell? rotting eggs? no, I think you look great. …oh, Mercer St. is that way 🙂 pardon, was I leaking? -okay now just the guys: “Sooooooow?” Too much galactose in your diet, cut back on the salt every moon my dear. If you doubt, but your perception is obscured, you gotta fight, for your right, to paaaaaarrtay! Don’t forget what you are not supposed to forget. Running hatred through your filter is hazardous, be sure to rinse & repeat (although i recomend sympathizing instead). freedom creeps up on you. The future so briight, I gotta wear shades. A quick whirs through your field of vision. Destiny is a roaring lion, if you pull the thorn out from his paw, he will be kind to you. I’m not all there right now. (words- dividing…) The absense is causing me to bother you. It’s not my fault..? How was I to know? How? Was. Eye? Two. No. . . . Letting time seep in like a lullaby, remembering how to remember: The serpent has a secret. The apple is called Delicious. Zero is discovering. One is atracting. Two is facing. Three is activating. Four is knowing. Five is understanding. Six is helping. Seven is participating. Eight is harmonizing. Nine is manifesting. Ten is completing. Eleven is releasing. Twelve is synchronizing. Thirteen is accepting. fourteen is embracing. . . . . … O weary Karmachanics! May you find that which are seeking, hear (here), hidden, amidst the rainforests of discoveries, and the program codes that reveal themselves humbly. Sci-Fi techno-hieroglyphs are sprouting from their nourished seeds. The reality-sysytems they ‘will’ become is not far. We are helping. The unborn unbored life is dreaming us and beckoning us back to itself. Be not afraid! there is a time for work. there is a time for rest. there is a time for pain. there is a time for joy. there is a time for exploration. there is a time for celebration. -v^v^v^v^v^V^V^WWVVV
#2181 Mon, 7 Jan 2002 15:02:11 Mon, 7 Jan 2002 15:02:11 Fwd: tsunami 1-19-02 Can’t wait. Tsunami is back!!! Credit Tsunami with being on the vanguard of getting new people in. Credit Tsunami for bringing many of us together. Credit Tsunami with providing a safe environment. Credit Tsunami with keeping on going despite naysayers. Vibrasphere was pretty squirrelly in screwing over a local promoter, but that is the nature of the beast. Info follows:
#2182 Mon, 7 Jan 2002 15:04:56 Mon, 7 Jan 2002 15:04:55 Fwd: Omni Tribe::: Feb 1st party with Peter Didjitale
#2183 Mon, 7 Jan 2002 15:25:46 Mon, 7 Jan 2002 15:25:45 Why Omnitribe? Their location at west 26th is one of the nicest. For those with long memories it’s similar to the Metropolitan Pavilion. And enough time has passed since their geiger Room sound snafu that they can yet again be acknowledged as having the best sound for a midsize event, second only to Gavin’s Mackey armada at the Spectra parties. It’s in the basement of a fencing school owned by a really great guy named Leroy. Put it on your calendars to come check it out if you’ve never been there. The water is free, the vibe is intimate, and the price is very reasonable.
#2184 Mon, 7 Jan 2002 16:22:01 Mon, 7 Jan 2002 16:22:01 Free Drinks at Goattrance Tuesday/Updated Psy-Schedule 2002 UPFREE DRINKS for Capricorns at the Goattrance Party on Tuesday at Who’s on First!! Everyone else has two-for-one drinks. Lesbians, midgets, and goats – how can you go wrong? Some are even dressing as Lord of the Rings extras. Orcs, I guess. The place is rocking anyways. Party hearty Tuesday nights. This is all from Wylie. It makes Hogs and heifers look like a tea party. More on Capricorns: Stern Capricorn and you astrology.msn/Horoscopes/article/capricorn.asp From December 21st thru January 20th, the Sun will be in Capricorn, the tenth sign of the Zodiac. The Goat, a metaphor for slowly plotting and planning a rags-to-riches existence, focuses us on our personal goals with regard to achievement, status and long-term projects. Capricorns certainly have their sunny side: they’re loyal friends; generous gift-givers; fashion mavens; stellar overachievers. They always seem to manage that tricky balance between faith and science. Goats have their shadow side too. They can be slaves to fashion; thin-skinned and confrontational (they can dish it out, but can they take it?); paranoid corporate climbers; bean-counting business school clones who miss out on the joys of life. What’s more, Capricorn is ruled by the planet Saturn, the solar system’s sternest source of karma. So never mess with a Goat on the way up you might meet this person again on the way down! (Note- venue change – not at Karma but uptown with better sound – we are aligning forces with lesbian go go dancers and midgets, read on) This Tuesday, Jan. 8th….. There’s ten reasons to come out this Tuesday 1 Multi birthday party (including yours truly) 2 the dmtski Lodge is now a go – Jan 18 our maiden weekend, every weekend for the next couple of months. Come get info! Thanks Dan de Maria for the $500!!! 3 Come be a part of the first of a new weekly Freaky Tuesday night party with Tony and Viviana! 4 New location with killer sound- Who’s on First 5 It’s been a while since you heard psy-trance after last weekend 6 Capricorns are badass – you must kiss the ring 7 There’s no trance party this coming weekend 8 Capricorns are very conscious of what other people think of them. They tend to tread lightly in delicate situations, and they try their darnedest to be polically correct. Consequently, they are easily embarrassed by their associates’ social blunders. So come embarrass us 9 This is a Tony Trance Mission 🙂 10 We’re all gonna hook up Tuesday!! Jan 8 – Tuesday – – dski Capricorn Goatrance Birthday Celebration for everyone born from December 22-January 19 10pm-4am. Free before midnight, $3 after. 21+ only, ID a must. “Who’s on First” a bar on 1st ave and 87th st. Midgets, lesbians, fetish people, and tranceheads all under 1 roof. DJs Amnesium and Machinelf. Great energy at a great bar with a big upstairs with games etc, a chillout area downstairs with couches – all set to psytrance. Drinks are 2 for 1 for anything! and Vivianna is your bartender. Come dressed as the sign. Goats. Horns. Eat tin cans. Goatrance. Goat trance. Cuddle Puddle. Sobriety Exam. Astrological readings. Slide show by Lisa Renko. Bring slides. Honored Capricorns: Jesus, Machinelf, chameleia at aol, Lauren Kutscher’s Birthday TaharaRose at hotmail, BillnEd at aol Bill, Akasha at deserttrance, Morgan Levine, Alicia beastiegirl at quadprincess Everyone is welcome. Freaky Tuesdays at “Who’s on First” a bar on 1st ave and 87th st. See you all there! To encourage all our friends to come help us celebrate a most chaotic crazy quilt of which we are all strands of theoretical string. To give trance people a chance to meet d people and possibly join the congregation. TO TALK ABOUT THE NEW dmtski LODGE!!! If you have toys, trip toys, bring them. If you have art, bring it. If you can bring a lot of goodies for everyone, that would be swell. Bring enough to share. And hey, it’s Machinelf’s End of 33 Year of the Stigmata 🙂 (e-mail questions to: Freebeer4kids at hotmail and/or . Email rocktheshow at aol about info on dski!!) Famous Capricorns Elvis Presley, Ricky Martin Lord Acton Matthew Arnold Isaac Asimov Clara Barton Simone de Beauvoir Edmund Burke Cicero Marlene Dietrich E.M. Forster Benjamin Franklin Barry Goldwater Margaret Mead Adam Mickiewicz Edgar Allan Poe Carl Sandburg Woodrow Wilson Rev Martin Luther King, civil rights activist, Johannes Kepler, Astrologer and Astronomer, physicist and philosopher Sir Isaac Newton, former US President, Richard Nixon, singer Nat King Cole and football figures; Bryan Robson, Sir Alex Ferguson and Terry Venables. Faye Dunaway, President Richard Nixon, General Robert E. Lee, FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover Rod Serling, Richard Nixon, Donna Summer, Chuck Berry, Rudyard Kipling, Jon Voight, Henry Miller, Joseph Stalin, Cary Grant, Joan of Arc, Mao Tse-tung The deliberate Capricorn will put his or her nose to the grindstone to get the job finished. Later, as you are about to tell them what a good job they have done, they will grumble on about how no one else could have been as thorough or efficiant. Oops, if only they could have kept their trap shut. Capricorns don’t like to lose. They will keep coming back for more until they are either the victor, or everyone else has finally given up (in which case they will win by default). Likewise, Capricorns are unable to acknowledge the fact that they can lose (or that they are losers, if that’s the case). Don’t get into an argument with a Capricorn about the Vietnam war. Capricorns will stand gracefully, like a picture of ambition and superiority, until they take a step in any direction. They are terrific at tripping over themselves. Many Capricorns will fail sobriety exams even if they haven’t been drinking. Many Capricorns like to live their life like a movie script. When somthing goes wrong, they merely say to themselves, “that isn’t the way its supposed to happen. It isn’t in the script.” Sadly, they are not the ones writing the script, so they have to wait for the sequal to see if things get any better.Capricorns are very conscious of what other people think of them. They tend to tread lightly in delicate situations, and they try their darnedest to be polically correct. Consequently, they are easily embarrassed by their associates’ social blunders. Capricorns don’t often eat “normal” foods. They believe themselves gifted with an epicurean palate, designed to sample exotic cuisine. They’re the kinds of people that get excited at the idea of eating the parts of animals best left unmentioned. Capricorns have been known to eat and enjoy scrapple. They are also notorious for making other people eat their cooking (and without being told what it is). quality cardinal symbol seagoat’s horn element earth principle passive natural sign of tenth house ruler Saturn opposite sign Cancer anatomy bones, knees and teeth colours black, brown, blue-violet, gray, indigo, green, purple metal lead flowers carnation, holly, snowdrop stones white onyx, moonstone, jet, lapis lazuli, diamond, garnet incense frankincense, khus-khus musical notes A and F numbers 3, 5, 7, 8, 11 tarot cards the devil, the world key phrase I use keyword ambition Updated Psy-Trance Calendar 2002 This list includes NYC and major international psy-trance events. for north american psy-trance northamtrance OPEN (nothing scheduled) All Sundays, Mondays and Thursdays, plus these weekends: Jan 4-5 Fri & Sat Jan 11-12 Fri & Sat Jan 18 Fri Jan 25 Fri The Lord of the Rings film is out!!! Go get inspired for Burning Elf’s spring woodland LOTR party Jan 11 – – Spectra: Hux Flux has been inexplicably CANCELLED Jan 18 dski every weekend through March 18!!! will begin on this date – be sure to join dNY and pay your dues to be elgible to join these weekends at the ski lodge for CD sharing & burning, video games, music, cooking, eating, DJing, hiking, snow angel making, cuddle puddling, fiends, fun, and oh yeah… skiing and snowboarding 5 minutes away, cheap.. Contribution is flexible depending on YOUR needs – some will occasionally spend an entire week there!! d members may email rocktheshow at aol . Here’s a photo of Jan 19 – Sat – – Tsunami at Vinyl – Infected Mushroom & Vibrosphere 212-439-8124 Jan 23 – Screening of Goa Trance movie Jan 26 – Sat – – Synthetic Sadhus – Astral Projection, Dino Psaras and half of Etnica – Jan 28 – Mon – Full Moon Brazilian Daime Full Moon Trance Party / check this magnificent event taking place in brazil on the full moon of january. organized by the boom production team with the daime tribe of brazil (church of ayuhuasca)…. more info at igwana12 at hotmail Feb 1 – Imbalc Winter’s Leavetaking Omnitribe Peter Didjital (Digital Structures, Baluns records – Sweden) and MUCH MORE… at 114 W 26th Street (b/w 6th & 7th Ave.) Feb 8 – Ben at cownow is doing a private party for Jamey. Feb 12 – d Aquarian Birthday Celebration January 20-February 18 FREE. Come early (8pm) to eat, later (11pm) to party. 8pm-4am Karma, 51 First Ave (3rd St) (d Aquarians May be moved to Liquids:-) 212-677-3160 All Ages, 21+ to drink The energy of the music will match the energy of the crowd. Bring: bottled water, water guns, dolphins, mermaid outfits, anything flowing. Think Liquid. The venue will allow us to refill our water bottles at the bathrooms just for us. Astrological readings. Si necessito we pull back the carpet to trance dance. To encourage all our friends to come help us celebrate a most chaotic crazy quilt of which we are all strands of theoretical string. To give trance people a chance to meet d people and possibly join the congregation. If you have toys, trip toys, bring them. If you have art, bring it. If you can bring a lot of goodies for everyone, that would be swell. Bring enough to share. To paraphrase Kate, “Karmais a lovely location, it’s always been an intimate experience, get there early dance, talk, get to know the people that share the same love as you. Smoke a hooka, have a bite to eat, have a drink and share the dream. There’s lots of opportunities to travel far into oneself, this is the opportunity to bond with others. Put names to faces and exchange information, we are a travelling band and need to make the connections to keep united no matter where we travel or where we go!” Feb 27 – Wed – Full Moon Mar 12 – Tues – d Pisces Birthday Celebration Feb 19-March 20 Bring fish. Guest of Honor: Mark Lorenz, Aquarium Cleaner Extraordinaire Possible location: 7th Avenue Sushi, Le Bernardin, or somewhere with a lot of fish aquariums March 21 – Vernal Equinox – The outdoor Lord of the Rings psy-trance festival upstate will be in the Spring, with trance Sindarin woodland elves. The film will be out December 21st. Possible party at Chicen Itza pyramids in the Yucatan during spring equinox might be good… one pyramid at chichen itza is built so that a plumed serpent can be seen descending the stairs when the light hits it on this day) of course thousands of native people come to see this as well, depending on how we’re received that could be good or bad) We have the ear of the head of tourism who is open to hosting a trance event at the base of the pyramids. Looking for organizers & investors. The rewards are high but it won’t come cheap. Suggestion: Sliding scale for Mexican nationals/Indians should ideally come for next to nothing, or free; alcohol should not be served. Email andys at ezy.net April 9 – Tues – d Arian Birthday Celebration March 21-April 19 LOCATION: Mars 2112 Guest of Honor: This dude I know named “Mars” Bring guns and swords. May 1 – Beltainne – Spring’s Planting May 14 – Tues – d Tauran Birthday Celebration April 20-May 20 Taurus All Taurus get a free Red Bull REFRESHMENTS: Red Bull, Schlitz Malt Liquor Bull Special Guest: Suzula, Xander, Gary Toro, Cata Toro Bring: Bulls. Horns. Whips. Rawhide. Music: Progressive Playstation Wipeout Game with Red Bull sponsorship Possible Location: Denim & Diamonds or someplace with a mechanical bull No Bullshit! June 11 – Tues – d Gemini Birthday Celebration May 21- June 21 Invite every twin you know. Two for one drink specials. Your evil twin, Invite your nemesis. Moment of Silence for the Twin Towers. Possible location: Twins. June 21 Summer Solstice In many cultures, the coming of Summer is the heralding of a time for love, marriage, friendship, beauty, protection, courage, magical energy, physical energy, and strength. It is the perfect time for Fire Magic! The Summer Solstice, also called “Midsummer” or “Litha”, is the longest day of the year. (The Christian Calendar marks this holiday with “St. Peter and Paul’s Day) This celebration of the coming of the light is when magics involving protection, strength, energy and clear sight will be the most successful. With the Sun high in the heavens, the powers of light are readily evoked. Anything that shadows your soul can be set aflame by the Sun’s protective glow. Pagan couples also know that this is the time when the Horned God is at the zenith of His manifest Power and the flowering Godess of Spring welcomes his presence. Sex Magic is powerful now and l In many cultures, the coming of Summer is the heralding of a time for love, marriage, friendship, beauty, protection, courage, magical energy, physical energy, and strength. It is the perfect time for Fire Magic! The Summer Solstice, also called “Midsummer” or “Litha”, is the longest day of the year. (The Christian Calendar marks this holiday with “St. Peter and Paul’s Day) This celebration of the coming of the light is when magics involving protection, strength, energy and clear sight will be the most successful. With the Sun high in the heavens, the powers of light are readily evoked. Anything that shadows your soul can be set aflame by the Sun’s protective glow. Pagan couples also know that this is the time when the Horned God is at the zenith of His manifest Power and the flowering Godess of Spring welcomes his presence. Sex Magic is powerful now and legend tells that a nakedmtskip through a garden on Litha night ensures fertility for the coming season. The peaceful blue color of the Lapis stone can be worn to foster physical fertility as well as psychic awareness. Below are some suggestions I have to make your Summer Solstice Rituals complete as well as enlightening…I’ve even included some of my favorite meditations and incantations. Enjoy, and Blessed Be! July 9 – Tues – d Cancer Birthday Celebration June 22-July 22 Crab cakes. Crabby people. Possible location: Maryland Crabs Aug 1 – Lugnasad – Harvest Time Aug 13 – Tues – d Leo Birthday Celebration July 23-August 22 Possible Location: White Lion. Cowardly Lion. King of the Jungle. Lyin’ Sept 10 – Tues – d Virgan Birthday Celebration August 23-September 22 Virgin bloody maries. Sacrificial virgins. Oct 8 – Tues – d Libral Birthday Celebration September 23-October 22 Bring scales 😀 Justice is blind. Machinelf is free. Possible location: Somewhere ‘downscale.’ Oct 31 Halloween Nov 1 – Samhain – Winter’s Start Nov 12 – Tues – d Scorpion Birthday Celebration October 23-November 21 Smoke scorpion venom 🙂 Junkies and Get High in the Pits” QUETTA, Pakistan (Reuters) – When they’re in season, Ghulam Raza smokes scorpions. He says he dries their stingers in the sun and grinds them, then lights the powdery venom and sucks the smoke deep into his lungs. “Oh yes,” he said when asked if the scorpions make him high. “When I smoke scorpion, then the heroin is like nothing to me.” The place where Raza and other Pakistani junkies smoke dope or shoot up in the southwestern city of Quetta is a good place to find scorpions. It is the main cemetery, a dust-filled field of tombstones and corpse-sized mounds of rocks. A shantytown molded from the pale dirt of the desert claws its way up a steep mountain slope on one side while Muslim prayers ring out across the city on the other. In the middle, in the ruins of a building, Raza and a dozen addict friends spend their days. Some, like Abdul Hai, have been coming here for more than 20 years. More disdained than criminalized, the hundreds of junkies in Quetta, capital of Pakistan’s parched Baluchistan province, gather away from the chaotic life of the city. In the cemetery, sometimes one of them will get very stoned and drop into an open grave. “We are safe here,” says Raza, a mechanical engineer, who says he started down the slippery slope of ds after becoming addicted to pain killers years ago when, he says, he was shot 18 times by police. The graveyard addicts beg or steal for their d money. They pay off officials for peace. When they forget, the police come and beat them, they say. Closer to the center of town, other Pakistani junkies hide away in an even less salubrious den. They huddle in small groups, cloaks pulled over their heads, in an open gutter. Dec 10 – Tues – d Sagittarian Birthday Celebration November 22-December 21 Centaur hunters. for pain. there is a time for joy. there is a time for exploration. there is a time for celebration. -v^v^v^v^v^V^V^WWVVV # (that’s ‘how’.) ‘This’ is what ‘That’ needs. ‘That’ is what we want. ‘This’ is what we have. ‘That’ is what we find. (the choiceis yours) the drone is a magic lucky charm. You can’t ‘over use’ it because it might bite you in the ass. You can ‘use it over’ but it’s gears may become dull. ‘Expose’ yourself to the mandala only for healing. Otherwise you must go through it. It is a part of the living form of space & light and that includes you. To be fully alive and awake, you must be on the other side. otherwise you are asleep. But that’s okay, you’lll need your rest. Up and Down; intersect, angles, dimension, spiral. Sense Probability Intrinsically Resonates Alternal Love (S.P.I.R.A.L.) life…. ((((( N’TENGUE: This is the oldest human fossil in the world! HOMER: P! I’ve got more bones than That guy! I’m not impressed. N’TENGUE: But Mr.Simpson HOMER: (hand in N’Tengue’s face) Not! Impressed! ))))) *If you face the ground you can see the stars on the other side of the world. *If you look up you realize we are being squozen through an epistemological black-hole birth canal, caught o the wake of a cosmic tsunami about to come crashing down. *Look to the right and understand the urgency that cries for your help. *Look to the left and understand the part we must play in this temporal crisis. *Look behind you to check for encouragement. *Look forward to new life and the Water-Bearer. *Be yourself so we can love you. *Be yourself so you can love us. *Be yourself so you can disagree. *Be together to share the joy. and show your way to those who are listening. This message will self-destruct in 5, 4, 3, 2…. love, Evan. (Note- venue change – not at Karma but uptown with better sound – we are aligning forces with lesbian go go dancers and midgets, read on) This Tuesday, Jan. 8th….. There’s ten reasons to come out this Tuesday 1 Multi birthday party (including yours truly) 2 the dmtski Lodge is now a go – Jan 18 our maiden weekend, every weekend for the next couple of months. Come get info! Thanks Dan de Maria for the $500!!! 3 Come be a part of the first of a new weekly Freaky Tuesday night party with Tony and Viviana! 4 New location with killer sound- Who’s on First 5 It’s been a while since you heard psy-trance after last weekend 6 Capricorns are badass – you must kiss the ring 7 There’s no trance party this coming weekend 8 Capricorns are very conscious of what other people think of them. They tend to tread lightly in delicate situations, and they try their darnedest to be polically correct. Consequently, they are easily embarrassed by their associates’ social blunders. So come embarrass us 9 This is a Tony Trance Mission 🙂 10 We’re all gonna hook up Tuesday!! Jan 8 – Tuesday – – dski Capricorn Goatrance Birthday Celebration for everyone born from December 22-January 19 10pm-4am. Free before midnight, $3 after. 21+ only, ID a must. “Who’s on First” a bar on 1st ave and 87th st. Midgets, lesbians, fetish people, and tranceheads all under 1 roof. DJs Amnesium and Machinelf. Great energy at a great bar with a big upstairs with games etc, a chillout area downstairs with couches – all set to psytrance. Drinks are 2 for 1 for anything! and Vivianna is your bartender. Come dressed as the sign. Goats. Horns. Eat tin cans. Goatrance. Goat trance. Cuddle Puddle. Sobriety Exam. Astrological readings. Slide show by Lisa Renko. Bring slides. Honored Capricorns: Jesus, Machinelf, chameleia at aol, Lauren Kutscher’s Birthday TaharaRose at hotmail, BillnEd at aol Bill, Akasha at deserttrance, Morgan Levine, Alicia beastiegirl at quadprincess Everyone is welcome. Freaky Tuesdays at “Who’s on First” a bar on 1st ave and 87th st. See you all there! To encourage all our friends to come help us celebrate a most chaotic crazy quilt of which we are all strands of theoretical string. To give trance people a chance to meet d people and possibly join the congregation. TO TALK ABOUT THE NEW dmtski LODGE!!! If you have toys, trip toys, bring them. If you have art, bring it. If you can bring a lot of goodies for everyone, that would be swell. Bring enough to share. And hey, it’s Machinelf’s End of 33 Year of the Stigmata 🙂 (e-mail questions to: Freebeer4kids at hotmail and/or . Email rocktheshow at aol about info on dski!!) Famous Capricorns Elvis Presley, Ricky Martin Lord Acton Matthew Arnold Isaac Asimov Clara Barton Simone de Beauvoir Edmund Burke Cicero Marlene Dietrich E.M. Forster Benjamin Franklin Barry Goldwater Margaret Mead Adam Mickiewicz Edgar Allan Poe Carl Sandburg Woodrow Wilson Rev Martin Luther King, civil rights activist, Johannes Kepler, Astrologer and Astronomer, physicist and philosopher Sir Isaac Newton, former US President, Richard Nixon, singer Nat King Cole and football figures; Bryan Robson, Sir Alex Ferguson and Terry Venables. Faye Dunaway, President Richard Nixon, General Robert E. Lee, FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover Rod Serling, Richard Nixon, Donna Summer, Chuck Berry, Rudyard Kipling, Jon Voight, Henry Miller, Joseph Stalin, Cary Grant, Joan of Arc, Mao Tse-tung The deliberate Capricorn will put his or her nose to the grindstone to get the job finished. Later, as you are about to tell them what a good job they have done, they will grumble on about how no one else could have been as thorough or efficiant. Oops, if only they could have kept their trap shut. Capricorns don’t like to lose. They will keep coming back for more until they are either the victor, or everyone else has finally given up (in which case they will win by default). Likewise, Capricorns are unable to acknowledge the fact that they can lose (or that they are losers, if that’s the case). Don’t get into an argument with a Capricorn about the Vietnam war. Capricorns will stand gracefully, like a picture of ambition and superiority, until they take a step in any direction. They are terrific at tripping over themselves. Many Capricorns will fail sobriety exams even if they haven’t been drinking. Many Capricorns like to live their life like a movie script. When somthing goes wrong, they merely say to themselves, “that isn’t the way its supposed to happen. It isn’t in the script.” Sadly, they are not the ones writing the script, so they have to wait for the sequal to see if things get any better.Capricorns are very conscious of what other people think of them. They tend to tread lightly in delicate situations, and they try their darnedest to be polically correct. Consequently, they are easily embarrassed by their associates’ social blunders. Capricorns don’t often eat “normal” foods. They believe themselves gifted with an epicurean palate, designed to sample exotic cuisine. They’re the kinds of people that get excited at the idea of eating the parts of animals best left unmentioned. Capricorns have been known to eat and enjoy scrapple. They are also notorious for making other people eat their cooking (and without being told what it is). quality cardinal symbol seagoat’s horn element earth principle passive natural sign of tenth house ruler Saturn opposite sign Cancer anatomy bones, knees and teeth colours black, brown, blue-violet, gray, indigo, green, purple metal lead flowers carnation, holly, snowdrop stones white onyx, moonstone, jet, lapis lazuli, diamond, garnet incense frankincense, khus-khus musical notes A and F numbers 3, 5, 7, 8, 11 tarot cards the devil, the world key phrase I use keyword ambition This list includes NYC and major international psy-trance events. for north american psy-trance northamtrance OPEN (nothing scheduled) All Sundays, Mondays and Thursdays, plus these weekends: Jan 4-5 Fri & Sat Jan 11-12 Fri & Sat Jan 18 Fri Jan 25 Fri The Lord of the Rings film is out!!! Go get inspired for Burning Elf’s spring woodland LOTR party Jan 11 – – Spectra: Hux Flux has been inexplicably CANCELLED Jan 19 – Sat – – Tsunami at Vinyl – Infected Mushroom & Vibrosphere 212-439-8124 Jan 23 – Screening of Goa Trance movie Jan 26 – Sat – – Synthetic Sadhus – Astral Projection, Dino Psaras and half of Etnica – Jan 28 – Mon – Full Moon Brazilian Daime Full Moon Trance Party / check this magnificent event taking place in brazil on the full moon of january. organized by the boom production team with the daime tribe of brazil (church of ayuhuasca)…. more info at igwana12 at hotmail Feb 1 – Imbalc Winter’s Leavetaking Omnitribe Peter Didjital (Digital Structures, Baluns records – Sweden) and MUCH MORE… at 114 W 26th Street (b/w 6th & 7th Ave.) Feb 8 – Ben at cownow is doing a private party for Jamey. Feb 12 – d Aquarian Birthday Celebration January 20-February 18 FREE. Come early (8pm) to eat, later (11pm) to party. 8pm-4am Karma, 51 First Ave (3rd St) (d Aquarians May be moved to Liquids:-) 212-677-3160 All Ages, 21+ to drink The energy of the music will match the energy of the crowd. Bring: bottled water, water guns, dolphins, mermaid outfits, anything flowing. Think Liquid. The venue will allow us to refill our water bottles at the bathrooms just for us. Astrological readings. Si necessito we pull back the carpet to trance dance. To encourage all our friends to come help us celebrate a most chaotic crazy quilt of which we are all strands of theoretical string. To give trance people a chance to meet d people and possibly join the congregation. If you have toys, trip toys, bring them. If you have art, bring it. If you can bring a lot of goodies for everyone, that would be swell. Bring enough to share. To paraphrase Kate, “Karmais a lovely location, it’s always been an intimate experience, get there early dance, talk, get to know the people that share the same love as you. Smoke a hooka, have a bite to eat, have a drink and share the dream. There’s lots of opportunities to travel far into oneself, this is the opportunity to bond with others. Put names to faces and exchange information, we are a travelling band and need to make the connections to keep united no matter where we travel or where we go!” Feb 27 – Wed – Full Moon Mar 12 – Tues – d Pisces Birthday Celebration Feb 19-March 20 Bring fish. Guest of Honor: Mark Lorenz, Aquarium Cleaner Extraordinaire Possible location: 7th Avenue Sushi, Le Bernardin, or somewhere with a lot of fish aquariums March 21 – Vernal Equinox – The outdoor Lord of the Rings psy-trance festival upstate will be in the Spring, with trance Sindarin woodland elves. The film will be out December 21st. Possible party at Chicen Itza pyramids in the Yucatan during spring equinox might be good… one pyramid at chichen itza is built so that a plumed serpent can be seen descending the stairs when the light hits it on this day) of course thousands of native people come to see this as well, depending on how we’re received that could be good or bad) We have the ear of the head of tourism who is open to hosting a trance event at the base of the pyramids. Looking for organizers & investors. The rewards are high but it won’t come cheap. Suggestion: Sliding scale for Mexican nationals/Indians should ideally come for next to nothing, or free; alcohol should not be served. Email andys at ezy.net April 9 – Tues – d Arian Birthday Celebration March 21-April 19 Guest of Honor: This dude I know named “Mars” Bring guns and swords. May 1 – Beltainne – Spring’s Planting May 14 – Tues – d Tauran Birthday Celebration April 20-May 20 Taurus All Taurus get a free Red Bull REFRESHMENTS: Red Bull, Schlitz Malt Liquor Bull Special Guest: Suzula, Xander, Gary Toro, Cata Toro Bring: Bulls. Horns. Whips. Rawhide. Music: Progressive Playstation Wipeout Game with Red Bull sponsorship Possible Location: Denim & Diamonds or someplace with a mechanical bull No Bullshit! June 11 – Tues – d Gemini Birthday Celebration May 21- June 21 Invite every twin you know. Two for one drink specials. Your evil twin, Invite your nemesis. Moment of Silence for the Twin Towers. Possible location: Twins. June 21 Summer Solstice In many cultures, the coming of Summer is the heralding of a time for love, marriage, friendship, beauty, protection, courage, magical energy, physical energy, and strength. It is the perfect time for Fire Magic! The Summer Solstice, also called “Midsummer” or “Litha”, is the longest day of the year. (The Christian Calendar marks this holiday with “St. Peter and Paul’s Day) This celebration of the coming of the light is when magics involving protection, strength, energy and clear sight will be the most successful. With the Sun high in the heavens, the powers of light are readily evoked. Anything that shadows your soul can be set aflame by the Sun’s protective glow. Pagan couples also know that this is the time when the Horned God is at the zenith of His manifest Power and the flowering Godess of Spring welcomes his presence. Sex Magic is powerful now and legend tells that a nakedmtskip through a garden on Litha night ensures fertility for the coming season. The peaceful blue color of the Lapis stone can be worn to foster physical fertility as well as psychic awareness. Below are some suggestions I have to make your Summer Solstice Rituals complete as well as enlightening…I’ve even included some of my favorite meditations and incantations. Enjoy, and Blessed Be! July 9 – Tues – d Cancer Birthday Celebration June 22-July 22 Crab cakes. Crabby people. Possible location: Maryland Crabs Aug 13 – Tues – d Leo Birthday Celebration July 23-August 22 Possible Location: White Lion. Cowardly Lion. King of the Jungle. Lyin’ Sept 10 – Tues – d Virgan Birthday Celebration August 23-September 22 Virgin bloody maries. Sacrificial virgins. Oct 8 – Tues – d Libral Birthday Celebration September 23-October 22 Bring scales 😀 Justice is blind. Machinelf is free. Possible location: Somewhere ‘downscale.’ Nov 12 – Tues – d Scorpion Birthday Celebration October 23-November 21 Smoke scorpion venom 🙂 Junkies and Get High in the Pits” QUETTA, Pakistan (Reuters) – When they’re in season, Ghulam Raza smokes scorpions. He says he dries their stingers in the sun and grinds them, then lights the powdery venom and sucks the smoke deep into his lungs. “Oh yes,” he said when asked if the scorpions make him high. “When I smoke scorpion, then the heroin is like nothing to me.” The place where Raza and other Pakistani junkies smoke dope or shoot up in the southwestern city of Quetta is a good place to find scorpions. It is the main cemetery, a dust-filled field of tombstones and corpse-sized mounds of rocks. A shantytown molded from the pale dirt of the desert claws its way up a steep mountain slope on one side while Muslim prayers ring out across the city on the other. In the middle, in the ruins of a building, Raza and a dozen addict friends spend their days. Some, like Abdul Hai, have been coming here for more than 20 years. More disdained than criminalized, the hundreds of junkies in Quetta, capital of Pakistan’s parched Baluchistan province, gather away from the chaotic life of the city. In the cemetery, sometimes one of them will get very stoned and drop into an open grave. “We are safe here,” says Raza, a mechanical engineer, who says he started down the slippery slope of ds after becoming addicted to pain killers years ago when, he says, he was shot 18 times by police. The graveyard addicts beg or steal for their d money. They pay off officials for peace. When they forget, the police come and beat them, they say. Closer to the center of town, other Pakistani junkies hide away in an even less salubrious den. They huddle in small groups, cloaks pulled over their heads, in an open gutter. Dec 10 – Tues – d Sagittarian Birthday Celebration November 22-December 21 Centaur hunters. for pain. there is a time for joy. there is a time for exploration. there is a time for celebration. -v^v^v^v^v^V^V^WWVVV # (that’s ‘how’.) ‘This’ is what ‘That’ needs. ‘That’ is what we want. ‘This’ is what we have. ‘That’ is what we find. (the choiceis yours) the drone is a magic lucky charm. You can’t ‘over use’ it because it might bite you in the ass. You can ‘use it over’ but it’s gears may become dull. ‘Expose’ yourself to the mandala only for healing. Otherwise you must go through it. It is a part of the living form of space & light and that includes you. To be fully alive and awake, you must be on the other side. otherwise you are asleep. But that’s okay, you’lll need your rest. Up and Down; intersect, angles, dimension, spiral. Sense Probability Intrinsically Resonates Alternal Love (S.P.I.R.A.L.) life…. ((((( N’TENGUE: This is the oldest human fossil in the world! HOMER: P! I’ve got more bones than That guy! I’m not impressed. N’TENGUE: But Mr.Simpson HOMER: (hand in N’Tengue’s face) Not! Impressed! ))))) *If you face the ground you can see the stars on the other side of the world. *If you look up you realize we are being squozen through an epistemological black-hole birth canal, caught o the wake of a cosmic tsunami about to come crashing down. *Look to the right and understand the urgency that cries for your help. *Look to the left and understand the part we must play in this temporal crisis. *Look behind you to check for encouragement. *Look forward to new life and the Water-Bearer. *Be yourself so we can love you. *Be yourself so you can love us. *Be yourself so you can disagree. *Be together to share the joy. and show your way to those who are listening. This message will self-destruct in 5, 4, 3, 2…. love, Evan. T –
#2185 Tue, 8 Jan 2002 00:30:37 Tue, 08 Jan 2002 00:30:36 Fwd: [K-OS] NYC ambient party I’m definitely going, Sheldon is a great DJ and a good source of info. Ambient is just the thing, now, and i hope to see you there. Look for the blinking glasses… directions at end of email…
#2186 Tue, 8 Jan 2002 15:41:10 -0800 Chiletrance Wednesdays From: angeles garay chiletrance at yahoo Dear Friends! I want to thank everyone who support Chiletrance Wednesdays last year. And also every Dj is welcome to play, just email me at chiletrance at yahoo. This is a for every Wednesday nights at Opium Den with Dj Angeles+Guests. Come and enjoy this winter with us in this nice bar. Dj Angeles(Chiletrance-6th Element) Our special guests Dj Chasqui(La Paz) Niko(Synthetic Sadhus) Opium Den 29 East 3rd Street at 2nd Avenue 10-4 No cover Thanks! Love and Light Angeles
#2187 Thu, 10 Jan 2002 16:20:58 Thu, 10 Jan 2002 16:20:57 Fwd: [infornography] 1/11 airport – BRING BLANKETS
#2188 Mon, 14 Jan 2002 15:29:09 Mon, 14 Jan 2002 15:29:09 PsyPschedule + Ambient Review/Freaky Tuesdays/dski launch PsyPschedule NYC 2002 News: -The Ego has Landed last Friday was to my experience New York’s first big ambient event. It went off well, despite a long wait at the door and Lunatarium not having its liquor license current which caused it to close at 4am. There was some off again randomness at Wylie’s afterwards, Sheldon Drake made a brief appearance. -Freaky Tuesdays at Who’s on First are officially on!! -We officially got the dski house!! Details below… -New PsySchedule feature: Historically, the Indians of what are now the northern and eastern United States kept track of the seasons by giving a distinctive name to each recurring full Moon, this name being applied to the entire month in which it occurred. With some variations, the same Moon names were used throughout the Algonquin tribes from New England to Lake Superior. This list includes NYC and major international psy-trance events. For north american psy-trance northamtrance OPEN DATES in JANUARY Sundays, Mondays and Thursdays, plus these weekends: Jan 18 Fri, Jan 25 Fri The Lord of the Rings film is out!!! Go get inspired for Burning Elf’s spring woodland LOTR party Jan 15 – Tue – Freaky Tuesdays at Who’s on First 1st avenue b/w 87th & 88th with DJ Tony and Machinelf contact 646-234-3263 ID21 & over Free before 10pm, $3 after, 2 for 1 drinks all night. Pool table, downstairs chill. Viviana is the bartender. Jan 16 – Opium Den 2nd avenue between 2nd and 3rd Street Jan 18 Fri – LAUNCH PARTY dski every weekend through March 18!!! will begin on this date – be sure to join dNY and pay your dues to be elgible to join these weekends at the ski lodge for CD sharing & burning, video games, music, cooking, eating, DJing, hiking, snow angel making, cuddle puddling, fiends, fun, and oh yeah… skiing and snowboarding 5 minutes away, cheap.. Contribution is flexible depending on YOUR needs – some will occasionally spend an entire week there!! Me personally, I will be there whenever there’s not a trance party on a given weekend evening. To join dNY paypal Machine Elf $25. d members get more info email rocktheshow at aol . Here’s a photo of the house: Jan 19 – Sat – – Tsunami at Vinyl – Infected Mushroom & Vibrosphere 212-439-8124 Jan 22 – Tue – Freaky Tuesdays at Who’s on First 1st avenue b/w 87th & 88th with DJ Tony and Machinelf contact 646-234-3263 ID21 & over Free before 10pm, $3 after, 2 for 1 drinks all night. Pool table, downstairs chill. Viviana is the bartender. Jan 23 – Wed – Screening of Goa Trance movie Opium Den 2nd ave b/w 2nd & 3rd Jan 25 – Fri – OPEN – dSkiing email rocktheshow at aol Jan 26 – Sat – – Synthetic Sadhus – Astral Projection, Dino Psaras and half of Etnica – Jan 28 – Mon – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Wolf/Old Moon) Jan 29 – Tue- Freaky Tuesdays at Who’s on First 1st avenue b/w 87th & 88th with DJ Tony and Machinelf contact 646-234-3263 ID21 & over Free before 10pm, $3 after, 2 for 1 drinks all night. Pool table, downstairs chill. Viviana is the bartender. Jan 30 – Wed – Opium Den 2nd ave b/w 2nd & 3rd Brazilian Daime Full Moon Trance Party / check this magnificent event taking place in brazil on the full moon of january. organized by the boom production team with the daime tribe of brazil (church of ayuhuasca)…. more info at igwana12 at hotmail Feb 1 – Friday – Imbalc Winter’s Leavetaking Unconfirmed Omnitribe Peter Didjital (Digital Structures, Baluns records – Sweden) and MUCH MORE… at 114 W 26th Street (b/w 6th & 7th Ave.) Feb 2 – Saturday OPEN – dski!!! Feb 6 – Wed -Opium Den 2nd ave b/w 2nd & 3rd Feb 8 – Ben at cownow is doing a private party for Jamey. Email him for details. Unconfirmed – Spectra: Hux Flux & Noma Feb 9 – OPEN – dski!!! Feb 12 – Tue – d Aquarian Birthday Celebration January 20-February 18 FREE. Come early (8pm) to eat, later (11pm) to party. 8pm-4am Location TBA, maybe Karma or Who’s on First The energy of the music will match the energy of the crowd. Bring: bottled water, water guns, dolphins, mermaid outfits, anything flowing. Think Liquid. The venue will allow us to refill our water bottles at the bathrooms just for us. Astrological readings. Si necessito we pull back the carpet to trance dance. To encourage all our friends to come help us celebrate a most chaotic crazy quilt of which we are all strands of theoretical string. To give trance people a chance to meet d people and possibly join the congregation. If you have toys, trip toys, bring them. If you have art, bring it. If you can bring a lot of goodies for everyone, that would be swell. Bring enough to share. Feb 13 – Wed – Opium Den 2nd ave b/w 2nd & 3rd Feb 19 – Tue – Freaky Tuesdays at Who’s on First 1st avenue b/w 87th & 88th with DJ Tony and Machinelf contact 646-234-3263 ID21 & over Free before 10pm, $3 after, 2 for 1 drinks all night. Pool table, downstairs chill. Viviana is the bartender. Feb 20 – Wed – Opium Den 2nd ave b/w 2nd & 3rd Feb 26 – Freaky Tuesdays at Who’s on First 1st avenue b/w 87th & 88th with DJ Tony and Machinelf contact 646-234-3263 ID21 & over Free before 10pm, $3 after, 2 for 1 drinks all night. Pool table, downstairs chill. Viviana is the bartender. Feb 27 – Wed – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Snow/Hunger Moon) Mar 12 – Tues – d Pisces Birthday Celebration Feb 19-March 20 Bring fish. Guest of Honor: Mark Lorenz, Aquarium Cleaner Extraordinaire Possible location: 7th Avenue Sushi, Le Bernardin, or somewhere with a lot of fish aquariums SPRING March 20 2:16pm – Vernal Equinox – The outdoor Lord of the Rings psy-trance festival upstate will be in the Spring, with trance Sindarin woodland elves. The film will be out December 21st. Possible party at Chicen Itza pyramids in the Yucatan during spring equinox might be good… one pyramid at chichen itza is built so that a plumed serpent can be seen descending the stairs when the light hits it on this day) of course thousands of native people come to see this as well, depending on how we’re received that could be good or bad) We have the ear of the head of tourism who is open to hosting a trance event at the base of the pyramids. Looking for organizers & investors. The rewards are high but it won’t come cheap. Suggestion: Sliding scale for Mexican nationals/Indians should ideally come for next to nothing, or free; alcohol should not be served. Email andys at ezy.net Mar 28 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Worm/Crow/Crust/Sugar/Sap Moon) April 9 – Tues – d Arian Birthday Celebration March 21-April 19 LOCATION: Mars 2112 Guest of Honor: This dude I know named “Mars” Bring guns and swords. April 26 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Pink/Sprouting Grass/Egg/Fish Moon) May 1 – Beltainne – Spring’s Planting May 14 – Tues – d Tauran Birthday Celebration April 20-May 20 Taurus All Taurus get a free Red Bull REFRESHMENTS: Red Bull, Schlitz Malt Liquor Bull Special Guest: Suzula, Xander, Gary Toro, Cata Toro Bring: Bulls. Horns. Whips. Rawhide. Music: Progressive Playstation Wipeout Game with Red Bull sponsorship Possible Location: Denim & Diamonds or someplace with a mechanical bull No Bullshit! May 26 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Flower/Corn Planting/Milk Moon) June 11 – Tues – d Gemini Birthday Celebration May 21- June 21 Invite every twin you know. Two for one drink specials. Your evil twin, Invite your nemesis. Moment of Silence for the Twin Towers. Possible location: Twins. SUMMER June 21 9:24am Summer Solstice In many cultures, the coming of Summer is the heralding of a time for love, marriage, friendship, beauty, protection, courage, magical energy, physical energy, and strength. It is the perfect time for Fire Magic! The Summer Solstice, also called “Midsummer” or “Litha”, is the longest day of the year. (The Christian Calendar marks this holiday with “St. Peter and Paul’s Day) This celebration of the coming of the light is when magics involving protection, strength, energy and clear sight will be the most successful. With the Sun high in the heavens, the powers of light are readily evoked. Anything that shadows your soul can be set aflame by the Sun’s protective glow. Pagan couples also know that this is the time when the Horned God is at the zenith of His manifest Power and the flowering Godess of Spring welcomes his presence. Sex Magic is powerful now. In many cultures, the coming of Summer is the heralding of a time for love, marriage, friendship, beauty, protection, courage, magical energy, physical energy, and strength. It is the perfect time for Fire Magic! The Summer Solstice, also called “Midsummer” or “Litha”, is the longest day of the year. (The Christian Calendar marks this holiday with “St. Peter and Paul’s Day) This celebration of the coming of the light is when magics involving protection, strength, energy and clear sight will be the most successful. With the Sun high in the heavens, the powers of light are readily evoked. Anything that shadows your soul can be set aflame by the Sun’s protective glow. Pagan couples also know that this is the time when the Horned God is at the zenith of His manifest Power and the flowering Godess of Spring welcomes his presence. Sex Magic is powerful now and legend tells that a nakedmtskip through a garden on Litha night ensures fertility for the coming season. The peaceful blue color of the Lapis stone can be worn to foster physical fertility as well as psychic awareness. Below are some suggestions I have to make your Summer Solstice Rituals complete as well as enlightening…I’ve even included some of my favorite meditations and incantations. Enjoy, and Blessed Be! June 24 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Strawberry/Rose/Hot Moon) July 9 – Tues – d Cancer Birthday Celebration June 22-July 22 Crab cakes. Crabby people. Possible location: Maryland Crabs July 24 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Buck/Thunder/Hay Moon) Aug 1 – Lugnasad – Harvest Time Aug 13 – Tues – d Leo Birthday Celebration July 23-August 22 Possible Location: White Lion. Cowardly Lion. King of the Jungle. Lyin’ August 22 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Sturgeon/Red/Green Corn Moon) Sept 10 – Tues – d Virgan Birthday Celebration August 23-September 22 Virgin bloody maries. Sacrificial virgins. September 21 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Harvest/Corn/Barley Moon) Autumn September 23 12:56 am Autumnal Equinox With only 3 more months left in the Celtic summer, pagan folk work hard for the harvest yet to come, whether it be corn and hay from the fields or the personal projects and goals that we planned for the summer months. When the sun crosses the equator and heads south at the Autumnal Equinox, the second of the harvest festivals, (celebrated around September 21) we again celebrate the magnificant balance that the everturning Wheel of the Year promises. These equinoxs are great s that the bleak days of winter as well as the heady days of summer are temporary, that all things have their seasons, and that none will last forever. The law of polarity and rythym require that all things be balanced by their opposites. On these days our ancestors aligned themselves in the ebb and flow of life. As winter, spring, summer and autumn pass by, Witches still reconnect with the ever moving flow of life, we make our plans and watch them unfold. If some do not come to fruition we try again. We pass through times of joy and sorrow; little ones are born, the older ones die allowing their spirits to pass into Summerland. Every event in life is rich in purpose and meaning. Each day, night and season has its own special character. Rituals connect us to both the big and little dramas of the year and of the greater life cycle. We unite the character and spirit of each passing season and do magic to transform our lives, giving them a depth and an expansiveness that without ritual and celebration we would never achieve. Even the most humble ritual helps the moment of power and change, and the celebrant partakes in somthing greater than him or herself. Some would say that in these moments of ecstasy we actually stand outside ourselves and the God and Goddess within us become brighter, more powerful and we touch the All; eg, the Lord Pan and Lady Gaia, Jesus, God, however you see the Divine Power. This festival is associated with the taking of corn and other foods that are to be harvested at this time. Cornbread cakes and cider are an excellent addition to the festivities. The frost will hit soon, so the last of the herbs and other plants you wish to dry for winter use should be harvested now. Depending on when the leaves turn in your area, you may wish to parafin them and add them to your house decorations. Dip the leave quickly in melted parafin, and put them on wax paper. When the leaves are dry you can put them in a huge, decorative jar with a sigil of protection carved lightly on some or all of the leaves. Colors used for candles should be brown, orange, gold or red. Altar cloths can be made of material with fall designs. River and stream stones gathered over the summer can empowered for various purposes. Oct 8 – Tues – d Libral Birthday Celebration September 23-October 22 Bring scales 😀 Justice is blind. Machinelf is free. Possible location: Somewhere ‘downscale.’ Oct 21 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Hunter’s/Travel/Dying Grass Moon) Oct 31 Halloween Winter (Pagan) Nov 1 – Samhain – Winter’s Start Nov 12 – Tues – d Scorpion Birthday Celebration October 23-November 21 Smoke scorpion venom 🙂 Junkies and Get High in the Pits” QUETTA, Pakistan (Reuters) – When they’re in season, Ghulam Raza smokes scorpions. He says he dries their stingers in the sun and grinds them, then lights the powdery venom and sucks the smoke deep into his lungs. “Oh yes,” he said when asked if the scorpions make him high. “When I smoke scorpion, then the heroin is like nothing to me.” The place where Raza and other Pakistani junkies smoke dope or shoot up in the southwestern city of Quetta is a good place to find scorpions. It is the main cemetery, a dust-filled field of tombstones and corpse-sized mounds of rocks. A shantytown molded from the pale dirt of the desert claws its way up a steep mountain slope on one side while Muslim prayers ring out across the city on the other. In the middle, in the ruins of a building, Raza and a dozen addict friends spend their days. Some, like Abdul Hai, have been coming here for more than 20 years. More disdained than criminalized, the hundreds of junkies in Quetta, capital of Pakistan’s parched Baluchistan province, gather away from the chaotic life of the city. In the cemetery, sometimes one of them will get very stoned and drop into an open grave. “We are safe here,” says Raza, a mechanical engineer, who says he started down the slippery slope of ds after becoming addicted to pain killers years ago when, he says, he was shot 18 times by police. The graveyard addicts beg or steal for their d money. They pay off officials for peace. When they forget, the police come and beat them, they say. Closer to the center of town, other Pakistani junkies hide away in an even less salubrious den. They huddle in small groups, cloaks pulled over their heads, in an open gutter. Nov 19 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Beaver/Frost Moon) Dec 10 – Tues – d Sagittarian Birthday Celebration November 22-December 21 Centaur hunters. Dec 19 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Cold/Long Nights Moon) Dec 21 8:15pm Winter Solstice for pain. there is a time for joy. there is a time for exploration. there is a time for celebration. -v^v^v^v^v^V^V^WWVVV # (that’s ‘how’.) ‘This’ is what ‘That’ needs. ‘That’ is what we want. ‘This’ is what we have. ‘That’ is what we find. (the choiceis yours) the drone is a magic lucky charm. You can’t ‘over use’ it because it might bite you in the ass. You can ‘use it over’ but it’s gears may become dull. ‘Expose’ yourself to the mandala only for healing. Otherwise you must go through it. It is a part of the living form of space & light and that includes you. To be fully alive and awake, you must be on the other side. otherwise you are asleep. But that’s okay, you’lll need your rest. Up and Down; intersect, angles, dimension, spiral. Sense Probability Intrinsically Resonates Alternal Love (S.P.I.R.A.L.) life…. ((((( N’TENGUE: This is the oldest human fossil in the world! HOMER: P! I’ve got more bones than That guy! I’m not impressed. N’TENGUE: But Mr.Simpson HOMER: (hand in N’Tengue’s face) Not! Impressed! ))))) *If you face the ground you can see the stars on the other side of the world. *If you look up you realize we are being squozen through an epistemological black-hole birth canal, caught o the wake of a cosmic tsunami about to come crashing down. *Look to the right and understand the urgency that cries for your help. *Look to the left and understand the part we must play in this temporal crisis. *Look behind you to check for encouragement. *Look forward to new life and the Water-Bearer. *Be yourself so we can love you. *Be yourself so you can love us. *Be yourself so you can disagree. *Be together to share the joy. and show your way to those who are listening. This message will self-destruct in 5, 4, 3, 2…. love, Evan.
; News: -The Ego has Landed last Friday was to my experience New York’s first big ambient event. It went off well, despite a long wait at the door and Lunatarium not having its liquor license current which caused it to close at 4am. There was some off again randomness at Wylie’s afterwards, Sheldon Drake made a brief appearance. -Freaky Tuesdays at Who’s on First are officially on!! -We officially got the dski house!! Details below… -New PsySchedule feature: Historically, the Indians of what are now the northern and eastern United States kept track of the seasons by giving a distinctive name to each recurring full Moon, this name being applied to the entire month in which it occurred. With some variations, the same Moon names were used throughout the Algonquin tribes from New England to Lake Superior. This list includes NYC and major international psy-trance events. For north american psy-trance northamtrance OPEN DATES in JANUARY Sundays, Mondays and Thursdays, plus these weekends: Jan 18 Fri, Jan 25 Fri The Lord of the Rings film is out!!! Go get inspired for Burning Elf’s spring woodland LOTR party Jan 15 – Tue – Freaky Tuesdays at Who’s on First 1st avenue b/w 87th & 88th with DJ Tony and Machinelf contact 646-234-3263 ID21 & over Free before 10pm, $3 after, 2 for 1 drinks all night. Pool table, downstairs chill. Viviana is the bartender. Jan 16 – Opium Den 2nd avenue between 2nd and 3rd Street Jan 19 – Sat – – Tsunami at Vinyl – Infected Mushroom & Vibrosphere 212-439-8124 Jan 22 – Tue – Freaky Tuesdays at Who’s on First 1st avenue b/w 87th & 88th with DJ Tony and Machinelf contact 646-234-3263 ID21 & over Free before 10pm, $3 after, 2 for 1 drinks all night. Pool table, downstairs chill. Viviana is the bartender. Jan 23 – Wed – Screening of Goa Trance movie Opium Den 2nd ave b/w 2nd & 3rd Jan 25 – Fri – OPEN – dSkiing email rocktheshow at aol Jan 26 – Sat – – Synthetic Sadhus – Astral Projection, Dino Psaras and half of Etnica – Jan 28 – Mon – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Wolf/Old Moon) Jan 29 – Tue- Freaky Tuesdays at Who’s on First 1st avenue b/w 87th & 88th with DJ Tony and Machinelf contact 646-234-3263 ID21 & over Free before 10pm, $3 after, 2 for 1 drinks all night. Pool table, downstairs chill. Viviana is the bartender. Jan 30 – Wed – Opium Den 2nd ave b/w 2nd & 3rd Brazilian Daime Full Moon Trance Party / check this magnificent event taking place in brazil on the full moon of january. organized by the boom production team with the daime tribe of brazil (church of ayuhuasca)…. more info at igwana12 at hotmail Feb 1 – Friday – Imbalc Winter’s Leavetaking Unconfirmed Omnitribe Peter Didjital (Digital Structures, Baluns records – Sweden) and MUCH MORE… at 114 W 26th Street (b/w 6th & 7th Ave.) Feb 2 – Saturday OPEN – dski!!! Feb 6 – Wed -Opium Den 2nd ave b/w 2nd & 3rd Feb 8 – Ben at cownow is doing a private party for Jamey. Email him for details. Unconfirmed – Spectra: Hux Flux & Noma Feb 9 – OPEN – dski!!! Feb 12 – Tue – d Aquarian Birthday Celebration January 20-February 18 FREE. Come early (8pm) to eat, later (11pm) to party. 8pm-4am Location TBA, maybe Karma or Who’s on First The energy of the music will match the energy of the crowd. Bring: bottled water, water guns, dolphins, mermaid outfits, anything flowing. Think Liquid. The venue will allow us to refill our water bottles at the bathrooms just for us. Astrological readings. Si necessito we pull back the carpet to trance dance. To encourage all our friends to come help us celebrate a most chaotic crazy quilt of which we are all strands of theoretical string. To give trance people a chance to meet d people and possibly join the congregation. If you have toys, trip toys, bring them. If you have art, bring it. If you can bring a lot of goodies for everyone, that would be swell. Bring enough to share. Feb 13 – Wed – Opium Den 2nd ave b/w 2nd & 3rd Feb 19 – Tue – Freaky Tuesdays at Who’s on First 1st avenue b/w 87th & 88th with DJ Tony and Machinelf contact 646-234-3263 ID21 & over Free before 10pm, $3 after, 2 for 1 drinks all night. Pool table, downstairs chill. Viviana is the bartender. Feb 20 – Wed – Opium Den 2nd ave b/w 2nd & 3rd Feb 26 – Freaky Tuesdays at Who’s on First 1st avenue b/w 87th & 88th with DJ Tony and Machinelf contact 646-234-3263 ID21 & over Free before 10pm, $3 after, 2 for 1 drinks all night. Pool table, downstairs chill. Viviana is the bartender. Feb 27 – Wed – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Snow/Hunger Moon) Mar 12 – Tues – d Pisces Birthday Celebration Feb 19-March 20 Bring fish. Guest of Honor: Mark Lorenz, Aquarium Cleaner Extraordinaire Possible location: 7th Avenue Sushi, Le Bernardin, or somewhere with a lot of fish aquariums March 20 2:16pm – Vernal Equinox – The outdoor Lord of the Rings psy-trance festival upstate will be in the Spring, with trance Sindarin woodland elves. The film will be out December 21st. Possible party at Chicen Itza pyramids in the Yucatan during spring equinox might be good… one pyramid at chichen itza is built so that a plumed serpent can be seen descending the stairs when the light hits it on this day) of course thousands of native people come to see this as well, depending on how we’re received that could be good or bad) We have the ear of the head of tourism who is open to hosting a trance event at the base of the pyramids. Looking for organizers & investors. The rewards are high but it won’t come cheap. Suggestion: Sliding scale for Mexican nationals/Indians should ideally come for next to nothing, or free; alcohol should not be served. Email andys at ezy.net Mar 28 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Worm/Crow/Crust/Sugar/Sap Moon) April 9 – Tues – d Arian Birthday Celebration March 21-April 19 LOCATION: Mars 2112 Guest of Honor: This dude I know named “Mars” Bring guns and swords. April 26 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Pink/Sprouting Grass/Egg/Fish Moon) May 1 – Beltainne – Spring’s Planting May 14 – Tues – d Tauran Birthday Celebration April 20-May 20 Taurus All Taurus get a free Red Bull REFRESHMENTS: Red Bull, Schlitz Malt Liquor Bull Special Guest: Suzula, Xander, Gary Toro, Cata Toro Bring: Bulls. Horns. Whips. Rawhide. Music: Progressive Playstation Wipeout Game with Red Bull sponsorship Possible Location: Denim & Diamonds or someplace with a mechanical bull No Bullshit! May 26 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Flower/Corn Planting/Milk Moon) June 11 – Tues – d Gemini Birthday Celebration May 21- June 21 Invite every twin you know. Two for one drink specials. Your evil twin, Invite your nemesis. Moment of Silence for the Twin Towers. June 21 9:24am Summer Solstice In many cultures, the coming of Summer is the heralding of a time for love, marriage, friendship, beauty, protection, courage, magical energy, physical energy, and strength. It is the perfect time for Fire Magic! The Summer Solstice, also called “Midsummer” or “Litha”, is the longest day of the year. (The Christian Calendar marks this holiday with “St. Peter and Paul’s Day) This celebration of the coming of the light is when magics involving protection, strength, energy and clear sight will be the most successful. With the Sun high in the heavens, the powers of light are readily evoked. Anything that shadows your soul can be set aflame by the Sun’s protective glow. Pagan couples also know that this is the time when the Horned God is at the zenith of His manifest Power and the flowering Godess of Spring welcomes his presence. Sex Magic is powerful now. In many cultures, the coming of Summer is the heralding of a time for love, marriage, friendship, beauty, protection, courage, magical energy, physical energy, and strength. It is the perfect time for Fire Magic! The Summer Solstice, also called “Midsummer” or “Litha”, is the longest day of the year. (The Christian Calendar marks this holiday with “St. Peter and Paul’s Day) This celebration of the coming of the light is when magics involving protection, strength, energy and clear sight will be the most successful. With the Sun high in the heavens, the powers of light are readily evoked. Anything that shadows your soul can be set aflame by the Sun’s protective glow. Pagan couples also know that this is the time when the Horned God is at the zenith of His manifest Power and the flowering Godess of Spring welcomes his presence. Sex Magic is powerful now and legend tells that a nakedmtskip through a garden on Litha night ensures fertility for the coming season. The peaceful blue color of the Lapis stone can be worn to foster physical fertility as well as psychic awareness. Below are some suggestions I have to make your Summer Solstice Rituals complete as well as enlightening…I’ve even included some of my favorite meditations and incantations. Enjoy, and Blessed Be! June 24 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Strawberry/Rose/Hot Moon) July 9 – Tues – d Cancer Birthday Celebration June 22-July 22 Crab cakes. Crabby people. Possible location: Maryland Crabs July 24 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Buck/Thunder/Hay Moon) Aug 1 – Lugnasad – Harvest Time Aug 13 – Tues – d Leo Birthday Celebration July 23-August 22 Possible Location: White Lion. Cowardly Lion. King of the Jungle. Lyin’ August 22 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Sturgeon/Red/Green Corn Moon) Sept 10 – Tues – d Virgan Birthday Celebration August 23-September 22 Virgin bloody maries. Sacrificial virgins. September 23 12:56 am Autumnal Equinox With only 3 more months left in the Celtic summer, pagan folk work hard for the harvest yet to come, whether it be corn and hay from the fields or the personal projects and goals that we planned for the summer months. When the sun crosses the equator and heads south at the Autumnal Equinox, the second of the harvest festivals, (celebrated around September 21) we again celebrate the magnificant balance that the everturning Wheel of the Year promises. These equinoxs are great s that the bleak days of winter as well as the heady days of summer are temporary, that all things have their seasons, and that none will last forever. The law of polarity and rythym require that all things be balanced by their opposites. On these days our ancestors aligned themselves in the ebb and flow of life. As winter, spring, summer and autumn pass by, Witches still reconnect with the ever moving flow of life, we make our plans and watch them unfold. If some do not come to fruition we try again. We pass through times of joy and sorrow; little ones are born, the older ones die allowing their spirits to pass into Summerland. Every event in life is rich in purpose and meaning. Each day, night and season has its own special character. Rituals connect us to both the big and little dramas of the year and of the greater life cycle. We unite the character and spirit of each passing season and do magic to transform our lives, giving them a depth and an expansiveness that without ritual and celebration we would never achieve. Even the most humble ritual helps the moment of power and change, and the celebrant partakes in somthing greater than him or herself. Some would say that in these moments of ecstasy we actually stand outside ourselves and the God and Goddess within us become brighter, more powerful and we touch the All; eg, the Lord Pan and Lady Gaia, Jesus, God, however you see the Divine Power. This festival is associated with the taking of corn and other foods that are to be harvested at this time. Cornbread cakes and cider are an excellent addition to the festivities. The frost will hit soon, so the last of the herbs and other plants you wish to dry for winter use should be harvested now. Depending on when the leaves turn in your area, you may wish to parafin them and add them to your house decorations. Dip the leave quickly in melted parafin, and put them on wax paper. When the leaves are dry you can put them in a huge, decorative jar with a sigil of protection carved lightly on some or all of the leaves. Colors used for candles should be brown, orange, gold or red. Altar cloths can be made of material with fall designs. River and stream stones gathered over the summer can empowered for various purposes. Bring scales 😀 Justice is blind. Machinelf is free. Possible location: Somewhere ‘downscale.’ Oct 21 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Hunter’s/Travel/Dying Grass Moon) Oct 31 Halloween Nov 12 – Tues – d Scorpion Birthday Celebration October 23-November 21 Smoke scorpion venom 🙂 Junkies and Get High in the Pits” QUETTA, Pakistan (Reuters) – When they’re in season, Ghulam Raza smokes scorpions. He says he dries their stingers in the sun and grinds them, then lights the powdery venom and sucks the smoke deep into his lungs. “Oh yes,” he said when asked if the scorpions make him high. “When I smoke scorpion, then the heroin is like nothing to me.” The place where Raza and other Pakistani junkies smoke dope or shoot up in the southwestern city of Quetta is a good place to find scorpions. It is the main cemetery, a dust-filled field of tombstones and corpse-sized mounds of rocks. A shantytown molded from the pale dirt of the desert claws its way up a steep mountain slope on one side while Muslim prayers ring out across the city on the other. In the middle, in the ruins of a building, Raza and a dozen addict friends spend their days. Some, like Abdul Hai, have been coming here for more than 20 years. More disdained than criminalized, the hundreds of junkies in Quetta, capital of Pakistan’s parched Baluchistan province, gather away from the chaotic life of the city. In the cemetery, sometimes one of them will get very stoned and drop into an open grave. “We are safe here,” says Raza, a mechanical engineer, who says he started down the slippery slope of ds after becoming addicted to pain killers years ago when, he says, he was shot 18 times by police. The graveyard addicts beg or steal for their d money. They pay off officials for peace. When they forget, the police come and beat them, they say. Closer to the center of town, other Pakistani junkies hide away in an even less salubrious den. They huddle in small groups, cloaks pulled over their heads, in an open gutter. Nov 19 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Beaver/Frost Moon) Dec 10 – Tues – d Sagittarian Birthday Celebration November 22-December 21 Centaur hunters. Dec 19 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Cold/Long Nights Moon) for pain. there is a time for joy. there is a time for exploration. there is a time for celebration. -v^v^v^v^v^V^V^WWVVV
# (that’s ‘how’.) ‘This’ is what ‘That’ needs. ‘That’ is what we want. ‘This’ is what we have. ‘That’ is what we find. (the choiceis yours) the drone is a magic lucky charm. You can’t ‘over use’ it because it might bite you in the ass. You can ‘use it over’ but it’s gears may become dull. ‘Expose’ yourself to the mandala only for healing. Otherwise you must go through it. It is a part of the living form of space & light and that includes you. To be fully alive and awake, you must be on the other side. otherwise you are asleep. But that’s okay, you’lll need your rest. Up and Down; intersect, angles, dimension, spiral. Sense Probability Intrinsically Resonates Alternal Love (S.P.I.R.A.L.) life…. ((((( N’TENGUE: This is the oldest human fossil in the world! HOMER: P! I’ve got more bones than That guy! I’m not impressed. N’TENGUE: But Mr.Simpson HOMER: (hand in N’Tengue’s face) Not! Impressed! ))))) *If you face the ground you can see the stars on the other side of the world. *If you look up you realize we are being squozen through an epistemological black-hole birth canal, caught o the wake of a cosmic tsunami about to come crashing down. *Look to the right and understand the urgency that cries for your help. *Look to the left and understand the part we must play in this temporal crisis. *Look behind you to check for encouragement. *Look forward to new life and the Water-Bearer. *Be yourself so we can love you. *Be yourself so you can love us. *Be yourself so you can disagree. *Be together to share the joy. and show your way to those who are listening. This message will self-destruct in 5, 4, 3, 2…. love, Evan. Boston Chicago Los Angeles web liquidgrin/ (psytrance)web sixthsense.net (psytrance, kindof defunct)Mexico Montreal Nantucket New Orleans New York – – Barcelona Berlin Brazil Copenhagen Goa Israel Mexico CitySweden Tokyo
#2189 Mon, 14 Jan 2002 15:33:00 Mon, 14 Jan 2002 15:33:00 The New Dungeons & Dragons for the Return to the Source Set Cc: burningelf If you EVER played D&D look at this now: web ishkur/features/dnd/index
#2190 Mon, 14 Jan 2002 18:58:45 Mon, 14 Jan 2002 18:58:44 Another Meteor party ..in 2027. See ya’ll there!! There may be others between now and then. web cnn/2002/TECH/space/01/07/killer.asteroid/index
#2191 Tue, 15 Jan 2002 16:43:50 Tue, 15 Jan 2002 16:41:48 Rumour mongering… Lunatarium in trouble? DUMBO’s answer to Twilo… gone? the story i got was that there arent enuf fire exits in the building and its hazardous so theres really no way to get around it. I mean, there were like 3000 ppl [3000? WHAT WERE *YOU* ON LEV?] in there . What do you think? i heard rumors that the lunitarium is being shut down….do you have any idea whats happening? -Lev who, that’s fucked up – last weekend was busted at 4am i heard because their liquor license was two weeks past due or somthing. Cops really don’t have nothing better to do. Argue with an idiot and he will bring you down to his level, and he will win because he has a lot of practice. LONG LIVE OUTLAW PARTIES!!the story i got was that there arent enuf fire exits in the building and its hazardous so theres really no way to get around it. I mean, there were like 3000 ppl [3000? WHAT WERE *YOU* ON LEV?] in there . What do you think?
#2192 Tue, 15 Jan 2002 17:21:19 Tue, 15 Jan 2002 17:21:18 More on Lunartarium – Good Reading from AliciaBeastieGirlQuadPrincess (Ed. note – was one of the best parties i’ve been to in a while) JEFF!!! you didn’t know!!! come on.. OMG.. dude, come on.. you didn’t hear?? I bet you didn’t know about the undercover cops that were there too, huh? check it, this is truthful and as honest as I can get. now, as you know, I worked at the party as a stewardess (have photo proof, plus, well, you saw me), and I had alot of fucked up shit happen during my time at the party and I even spoke with my party “supervisor” the afternoon after to hear what was the deal, so know that everything I state, is true and I dont’ care if you post my name up with what I say.. it’s the damn truth!! Here’s the dealy.. cut and paste with what I sent to my friends about it the day afterwards.. If you didn’t hear, let me be the first to let you know.. If you know anyone at BlackKat or an organizer for the Run DMC event, I think you should inform them to call up whomever needs to be calling ASAP to get what is the deal for the future of their events.. Lunatarium.. RIP!!! Friday night was crazy, bottom line.. Party started off really great, I will admit.. I was the flight attendant at the Red Roof Inn (aka the Chill tent) most of the night, accepting sob stories or bribes from flight passengers to get a reservation, if anyone from this list was there and didn’t recognize me in my costume and wig.. anyways, at first, it was I guess normal… I mean, minus the crazed guy who got pissed that I didn’t allow him to smoke his dippy in the tent and the 1.5 hour wait others had to endure to get into the party because the freight elevator was acting up, everyone had a great time.. I mean, the deco at the place was beyond great, everyone that participated in working there as flight attendants or ground crew was working and looking great and everyone that came around to my part of the party enjoyed my bitchy speel at being selective on who got into the tent and reaped the benefits of having an Alicia-controlled enviroment. Then, things started going wacked.. at 1:30am, I guess, I was approached by an individual that there was a fire on the 6th(?) floor and we had to evacuate the building.. So, I turned to my chill room occupants, told them to leave, and they were like, whutever.. So we all ended up chilling in the tent smoking because no one else at the party seemed to be leaving and we all thought it was a joke.. Then a few minutes later, I saw FDNY guys walking around the party.. So I had to get back to my speel and try to keep things chill and the FDNY away from my tent (smell what I’m cooking here???) .. then, a few minutes later, after the 4 firetrucks and company left, the party kept on.. then a few minutes later, an undercover cop came up to me and started asking me about the Red Roof Inn and trying to get in, so I ended up getting back into character and became Glenda, the bitchy reservationist and he got a bit pissed that I didn’t let him in.. Was told later on that I bitched out a NYPD officer, so I had to give a minor prop to myself for doing that.. heh heh.. Then, after word dropped that undercovers were at the party, things got really f’ed up.. Lunatarium, to their horror, didn’t seem to have legal permits to sell alcohol (WHAT???), hence selling to underage people (WHAT???), no cabaret license (WHATT???) and with the undercovers seeing what they saw (people doing and selling K and other crazed stuff), even with the lunatarium security being around, they ended up cracking heads and shut the party down at 3:45am.. Based on what I heard directly from the co-party thrower on Saturday afternoon, after she got back from getting some props and deco from the place, Lunatarium probably will not be able to throw anymore parties in the near future. So, I don’t know.. Overall, if anyone drops any words about oh, the Lunatarium got shut down because of the organizers at the party, know this.. Lunatarium screwed themselves over, not Madagascar, not Shel, not no one who took part in that party as far as organizing and working.. I mean, Lunatarium had their own staff screw the venue over.. How hard is it to check an ID before serving alcohol or somthing? how hard is it to get proper papers to keep your shit going? You know.. Plus now people are talking about them not being able to pay their rent.. welps, tough shit, huh? But anyways, if you are looking for somthing to do on Saturday night, if Lunatarium can’t legally be open for parties anymore, you can always come to my and $mall Change’s b-day party at *cough cough*.. Hee hee Miyako hanaret Tabi no so hitori sabishiku Kisha no mado Namida kakushite Ocha ocha ocha hitotsu chodai na – Kouta by novelist Izumi Kyoka (ca. 1920)
#2193 Wed, 16 Jan 2002 09:38:07 -0800 Chiletrance Wednesdays From: angeles garay chiletrance at yahoo Hi Everyone!! for every Wednesday nights at Opium Den with Dj Angeles+Guests. Come, enjoy with us the Trance music when is coooolllddd outside. Dj Angeles(Chiletrance-6th Element) Isam(Symbionyc-chiletrance) Opium Den 29 East 3rd Street at 2nd Avenue 10-4 No cover Thanks!! Love and Light Angeles
#2194 Wed, 16 Jan 2002 21:55:28 Wed, 16 Jan 2002 21:55:26 Fwd: H.O.T. HOSTING INFECTED MUSHROOM 01/19/02
#2195 Wed, 16 Jan 2002 22:02:46 Wed, 16 Jan 2002 22:02:55 PsyPschedule – Infected appearance/Spectra cancelled Feb 8 PsyPschedule NYC 2002 News – Infected Mushroom guest appearance at Home of Trance store 2-4pm Saturday Spectra canceled Feb 8 News: OPEN DATES in JANUARY Sundays, Mondays and Thursdays, plus these weekends: Jan 18 Fri, Jan 25 Fri The Lord of the Rings film is out!!! Go get inspired for Burning Elf’s spring woodland LOTR party Jan 16 – Opium Den 2nd avenue between 2nd and 3rd Street Jan 18 Fri – LAUNCH PARTY dski every weekend through March 18!!! will begin on this date – be sure to join dNY and pay your dues to be elgible to join these weekends at the ski lodge for CD sharing & burning, video games, music, cooking, eating, DJing, hiking, snow angel making, cuddle puddling, fiends, fun, and oh yeah… skiing and snowboarding 5 minutes away, cheap.. Contribution is flexible depending on YOUR needs – some will occasionally spend an entire week there!! Me personally, I will be there whenever there’s not a trance party on a given weekend evening. To join dNY paypal Machine Elf $25. d members get more info email rocktheshow at aol . Here’s a photo of the house: Jan 19 – Sat 2-4pm – Infected Mushroom appearance at the Home of Trance 122 St Marks That night – – Tsunami at Vinyl – Infected Mushroom & Vibrosphere 212-439-8124 Hudson & Hubert Jan 22 – Tue – Freaky Tuesdays at Who’s on First 1st avenue b/w 87th & 88th with DJ Amnesium and Machinelf contact 646-234-3263 ID21 & over Free before 10pm, $3 after, 2 for 1 drinks all night. Pool table, downstairs chill. Viviana is the bartender. Jan 23 – Wed – Screening of Goa Trance movie Opium Den 2nd ave b/w 2nd & 3rd Jan 25 – Fri – OPEN – dSkiing email rocktheshow at aol Jan 26 – Sat – – Synthetic Sadhus – Astral Projection, Dino Psaras and half of Etnica – Jan 28 – Mon – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Wolf/Old Moon) Jan 29 – Tue- Freaky Tuesdays at Who’s on First 1st avenue b/w 87th & 88th with DJ Tony and Machinelf contact 646-234-3263 ID21 & over Free before 10pm, $3 after, 2 for 1 drinks all night. Pool table, downstairs chill. Viviana is the bartender. Jan 30 – Wed – Opium Den 2nd ave b/w 2nd & 3rd Brazilian Daime Full Moon Trance Party / check this magnificent event taking place in brazil on the full moon of january. organized by the boom production team with the daime tribe of brazil (church of ayuhuasca)…. more info at igwana12 at hotmail Feb 1 – Friday – Imbalc Winter’s Leavetaking Unconfirmed Omnitribe Peter Didjital (Digital Structures, Baluns records – Sweden) and MUCH MORE… at 114 W 26th Street (b/w 6th & 7th Ave.) Feb 2 – Saturday OPEN – dski!!! Feb 6 – Wed -Opium Den 2nd ave b/w 2nd & 3rd Feb 8 – Ben at cownow is doing a private party for Jamey. Email him for details. CANCELLED – Spectra: Hux Flux & Noma Feb 9 – OPEN – dski!!! Feb 12 – Tue – d Aquarian Birthday Celebration January 20-February 18 FREE. Come early (8pm) to eat, later (11pm) to party. 8pm-4am Location TBA, maybe Karma or Who’s on First The energy of the music will match the energy of the crowd. Bring: bottled water, water guns, dolphins, mermaid outfits, anything flowing. Think Liquid. The venue will allow us to refill our water bottles at the bathrooms just for us. Astrological readings. Si necessito we pull back the carpet to trance dance. To encourage all our friends to come help us celebrate a most chaotic crazy quilt of which we are all strands of theoretical string. To give trance people a chance to meet d people and possibly join the congregation. If you have toys, trip toys, bring them. If you have art, bring it. If you can bring a lot of goodies for everyone, that would be swell. Bring enough to share. Feb 13 – Wed – Opium Den 2nd ave b/w 2nd & 3rd Feb 19 – Tue – Freaky Tuesdays at Who’s on First 1st avenue b/w 87th & 88th with DJ Tony and Machinelf contact 646-234-3263 ID21 & over Free before 10pm, $3 after, 2 for 1 drinks all night. Pool table, downstairs chill. Viviana is the bartender. Feb 20 – Wed – Opium Den 2nd ave b/w 2nd & 3rd Feb 26 – Freaky Tuesdays at Who’s on First 1st avenue b/w 87th & 88th with DJ Tony and Machinelf contact 646-234-3263 ID21 & over Free before 10pm, $3 after, 2 for 1 drinks all night. Pool table, downstairs chill. Viviana is the bartender. Feb 27 – Wed – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Snow/Hunger Moon) Mar 12 – Tues – d Pisces Birthday Celebration Feb 19-March 20 Bring fish. Guest of Honor: Mark Lorenz, Aquarium Cleaner Extraordinaire Possible location: 7th Avenue Sushi, Le Bernardin, or somewhere with a lot of fish aquariums SPRING March 20 2:16pm – Vernal Equinox – The outdoor Lord of the Rings psy-trance festival upstate will be in the Spring, with trance Sindarin woodland elves. The film will be out December 21st. Possible party at Chicen Itza pyramids in the Yucatan during spring equinox might be good… one pyramid at chichen itza is built so that a plumed serpent can be seen descending the stairs when the light hits it on this day) of course thousands of native people come to see this as well, depending on how we’re received that could be good or bad) We have the ear of the head of tourism who is open to hosting a trance event at the base of the pyramids. Looking for organizers & investors. The rewards are high but it won’t come cheap. Suggestion: Sliding scale for Mexican nationals/Indians should ideally come for next to nothing, or free; alcohol should not be served. Email andys at ezy.net Mar 28 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Worm/Crow/Crust/Sugar/Sap Moon) April 9 – Tues – d Arian Birthday Celebration March 21-April 19 LOCATION: Mars 2112 Guest of Honor: This dude I know named “Mars” Bring guns and swords. April 26 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Pink/Sprouting Grass/Egg/Fish Moon) May 1 – Beltainne – Spring’s Planting May 14 – Tues – d Tauran Birthday Celebration April 20-May 20 Taurus All Taurus get a free Red Bull REFRESHMENTS: Red Bull, Schlitz Malt Liquor Bull Special Guest: Suzula, Xander, Gary Toro, Cata Toro Bring: Bulls. Horns. Whips. Rawhide. Music: Progressive Playstation Wipeout Game with Red Bull sponsorship Possible Location: Denim & Diamonds or someplace with a mechanical bull No Bullshit! May 26 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Flower/Corn Planting/Milk Moon) June 11 – Tues – d Gemini Birthday Celebration May 21- June 21 Invite every twin you know. Two for one drink specials. Your evil twin, Invite your nemesis. Moment of Silence for the Twin Towers. Possible location: Twins. SUMMER June 21 9:24am Summer Solstice In many cultures, the coming of Summer is the heralding of a time for love, marriage, friendship, beauty, protection, courage, magical energy, physical energy, and strength. It is the perfect time for Fire Magic! The Summer Solstice, also called “Midsummer” or “Litha”, is the longest day of the year. (The Christian Calendar marks this holiday with “St. Peter and Paul’s Day) This celebration of the coming of the light is when magics involving protection, strength, energy and clear sight will be the most successful. With the Sun high in the heavens, the powers of light are readily evoked. Anything that shadows your soul can be set aflame by the Sun’s protective glow. Pagan couples also know that this is the time when the Horned God is at the zenith of His manifest Power and the flowering Godess of Spring welcomes his presence. Sex Magic is powerful now. In many cultures, the coming of Summer is the heralding of a time for love, marriage, friendship, beauty, protection, courage, magical energy, physical energy, and strength. It is the perfect time for Fire Magic! The Summer Solstice, also called “Midsummer” or “Litha”, is the longest day of the year. (The Christian Calendar marks this holiday with “St. Peter and Paul’s Day) This celebration of the coming of the light is when magics involving protection, strength, energy and clear sight will be the most successful. With the Sun high in the heavens, the powers of light are readily evoked. Anything that shadows your soul can be set aflame by the Sun’s protective glow. Pagan couples also know that this is the time when the Horned God is at the zenith of His manifest Power and the flowering Godess of Spring welcomes his presence. Sex Magic is powerful now and legend tells that a nakedmtskip through a garden on Litha night ensures fertility for the coming season. The peaceful blue color of the Lapis stone can be worn to foster physical fertility as well as psychic awareness. Below are some suggestions I have to make your Summer Solstice Rituals complete as well as enlightening…I’ve even included some of my favorite meditations and incantations. Enjoy, and Blessed Be! June 24 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Strawberry/Rose/Hot Moon) July 9 – Tues – d Cancer Birthday Celebration June 22-July 22 Crab cakes. Crabby people. Possible location: Maryland Crabs July 24 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Buck/Thunder/Hay Moon) Aug 1 – Lugnasad – Harvest Time Aug 13 – Tues – d Leo Birthday Celebration July 23-August 22 Possible Location: White Lion. Cowardly Lion. King of the Jungle. Lyin’ August 22 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Sturgeon/Red/Green Corn Moon) Sept 10 – Tues – d Virgan Birthday Celebration August 23-September 22 Virgin bloody maries. Sacrificial virgins. September 21 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Harvest/Corn/Barley Moon) Autumn September 23 12:56 am Autumnal Equinox With only 3 more months left in the Celtic summer, pagan folk work hard for the harvest yet to come, whether it be corn and hay from the fields or the personal projects and goals that we planned for the summer months. When the sun crosses the equator and heads south at the Autumnal Equinox, the second of the harvest festivals, (celebrated around September 21) we again celebrate the magnificant balance that the everturning Wheel of the Year promises. These equinoxs are great s that the bleak days of winter as well as the heady days of summer are temporary, that all things have their seasons, and that none will last forever. The law of polarity and rythym require that all things be balanced by their opposites. On these days our ancestors aligned themselves in the ebb and flow of life. As winter, spring, summer and autumn pass by, Witches still reconnect with the ever moving flow of life, we make our plans and watch them unfold. If some do not come to fruition we try again. We pass through times of joy and sorrow; little ones are born, the older ones die allowing their spirits to pass into Summerland. Every event in life is rich in purpose and meaning. Each day, night and season has its own special character. Rituals connect us to both the big and little dramas of the year and of the greater life cycle. We unite the character and spirit of each passing season and do magic to transform our lives, giving them a depth and an expansiveness that without ritual and celebration we would never achieve. Even the most humble ritual helps the moment of power and change, and the celebrant partakes in somthing greater than him or herself. Some would say that in these moments of ecstasy we actually stand outside ourselves and the God and Goddess within us become brighter, more powerful and we touch the All; eg, the Lord Pan and Lady Gaia, Jesus, God, however you see the Divine Power. This festival is associated with the taking of corn and other foods that are to be harvested at this time. Cornbread cakes and cider are an excellent addition to the festivities. The frost will hit soon, so the last of the herbs and other plants you wish to dry for winter use should be harvested now. Depending on when the leaves turn in your area, you may wish to parafin them and add them to your house decorations. Dip the leave quickly in melted parafin, and put them on wax paper. When the leaves are dry you can put them in a huge, decorative jar with a sigil of protection carved lightly on some or all of the leaves. Colors used for candles should be brown, orange, gold or red. Altar cloths can be made of material with fall designs. River and stream stones gathered over the summer can empowered for various purposes. Oct 8 – Tues – d Libral Birthday Celebration September 23-October 22 Bring scales 😀 Justice is blind. Machinelf is free. Possible location: Somewhere ‘downscale.’ Oct 21 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Hunter’s/Travel/Dying Grass Moon) Oct 31 Halloween Winter (Pagan) Nov 1 – Samhain – Winter’s Start Nov 12 – Tues – d Scorpion Birthday Celebration October 23-November 21 Smoke scorpion venom 🙂 Junkies and Get High in the Pits” QUETTA, Pakistan (Reuters) – When they’re in season, Ghulam Raza smokes scorpions. He says he dries their stingers in the sun and grinds them, then lights the powdery venom and sucks the smoke deep into his lungs. “Oh yes,” he said when asked if the scorpions make him high. “When I smoke scorpion, then the heroin is like nothing to me.” The place where Raza and other Pakistani junkies smoke dope or shoot up in the southwestern city of Quetta is a good place to find scorpions. It is the main cemetery, a dust-filled field of tombstones and corpse-sized mounds of rocks. A shantytown molded from the pale dirt of the desert claws its way up a steep mountain slope on one side while Muslim prayers ring out across the city on the other. In the middle, in the ruins of a building, Raza and a dozen addict friends spend their days. Some, like Abdul Hai, have been coming here for more than 20 years. More disdained than criminalized, the hundreds of junkies in Quetta, capital of Pakistan’s parched Baluchistan province, gather away from the chaotic life of the city. In the cemetery, sometimes one of them will get very stoned and drop into an open grave. “We are safe here,” says Raza, a mechanical engineer, who says he started down the slippery slope of ds after becoming addicted to pain killers years ago when, he says, he was shot 18 times by police. The graveyard addicts beg or steal for their d money. They pay off officials for peace. When they forget, the police come and beat them, they say. Closer to the center of town, other Pakistani junkies hide away in an even less salubrious den. They huddle in small groups, cloaks pulled over their heads, in an open gutter. Nov 19 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Beaver/Frost Moon) Dec 10 – Tues – d Sagittarian Birthday Celebration November 22-December 21 Centaur hunters. Dec 19 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Cold/Long Nights Moon) Dec 21 8:15pm Winter Solstice for pain. there is a time for joy. there is a time for exploration. there is a time for celebration. -v^v^v^v^v^V^V^WWVVV # (that’s ‘how’.) ‘This’ is what ‘That’ needs. ‘That’ is what we want. ‘This’ is what we have. ‘That’ is what we find. (the choiceis yours) the drone is a magic lucky charm. You can’t ‘over use’ it because it might bite you in the ass. You can ‘use it over’ but it’s gears may become dull. ‘Expose’ yourself to the mandala only for healing. Otherwise you must go through it. It is a part of the living form of space & light and that includes you. To be fully alive and awake, you must be on the other side. otherwise you are asleep. But that’s okay, you’lll need your rest. Up and Down; intersect, angles, dimension, spiral. Sense Probability Intrinsically Resonates Alternal Love (S.P.I.R.A.L.) life…. ((((( N’TENGUE: This is the oldest human fossil in the world! HOMER: P! I’ve got more bones than That guy! I’m not impressed. N’TENGUE: But Mr.Simpson HOMER: (hand in N’Tengue’s face) Not! Impressed! ))))) *If you face the ground you can see the stars on the other side of the world. *If you look up you realize we are being squozen through an epistemological black-hole birth canal, caught o the wake of a cosmic tsunami about to come crashing down. *Look to the right and understand the urgency that cries for your help. *Look to the left and understand the part we must play in this temporal crisis. *Look behind you to check for encouragement. *Look forward to new life and the Water-Bearer. *Be yourself so we can love you. *Be yourself so you can love us. *Be yourself so you can disagree. *Be together to share the joy. and show your way to those who are listening. This message will self-destruct in 5, 4, 3, 2…. love, Evan.News – Infected Mushroom guest appearance at Home of Trance store 2-4pm Saturday Spectra canceled Feb 8 News: OPEN DATES in JANUARY Sundays, Mondays and Thursdays, plus these weekends: Jan 18 Fri, Jan 25 Fri The Lord of the Rings film is out!!! Go get inspired for Burning Elf’s spring woodland LOTR party Jan 16 – Opium Den 2nd avenue between 2nd and 3rd Street Jan 19 – Sat 2-4pm – Infected Mushroom appearance at the Home of Trance 122 St Marks That night – – Tsunami at Vinyl – Infected Mushroom & Vibrosphere 212-439-8124 Hudson & Hubert Jan 22 – Tue – Freaky Tuesdays at Who’s on First 1st avenue b/w 87th & 88th with DJ Amnesium and Machinelf contact 646-234-3263 ID21 & over Free before 10pm, $3 after, 2 for 1 drinks all night. Pool table, downstairs chill. Viviana is the bartender. Jan 23 – Wed – Screening of Goa Trance movie Opium Den 2nd ave b/w 2nd & 3rd Jan 25 – Fri – OPEN – dSkiing email rocktheshow at aol Jan 26 – Sat – – Synthetic Sadhus – Astral Projection, Dino Psaras and half of Etnica – Jan 28 – Mon – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Wolf/Old Moon) Jan 29 – Tue- Freaky Tuesdays at Who’s on First 1st avenue b/w 87th & 88th with DJ Tony and Machinelf contact 646-234-3263 ID21 & over Free before 10pm, $3 after, 2 for 1 drinks all night. Pool table, downstairs chill. Viviana is the bartender. Jan 30 – Wed – Opium Den 2nd ave b/w 2nd & 3rd Brazilian Daime Full Moon Trance Party / check this magnificent event taking place in brazil on the full moon of january. organized by the boom production team with the daime tribe of brazil (church of ayuhuasca)…. more info at igwana12 at hotmail Feb 1 – Friday – Imbalc Winter’s Leavetaking Unconfirmed Omnitribe Peter Didjital (Digital Structures, Baluns records – Sweden) and MUCH MORE… at 114 W 26th Street (b/w 6th & 7th Ave.) Feb 2 – Saturday OPEN – dski!!! Feb 6 – Wed -Opium Den 2nd ave b/w 2nd & 3rd Feb 8 – Ben at cownow is doing a private party for Jamey. Email him for details. CANCELLED – Spectra: Hux Flux & Noma Feb 9 – OPEN – dski!!! Feb 12 – Tue – d Aquarian Birthday Celebration January 20-February 18 FREE. Come early (8pm) to eat, later (11pm) to party. 8pm-4am Location TBA, maybe Karma or Who’s on First The energy of the music will match the energy of the crowd. Bring: bottled water, water guns, dolphins, mermaid outfits, anything flowing. Think Liquid. The venue will allow us to refill our water bottles at the bathrooms just for us. Astrological readings. Si necessito we pull back the carpet to trance dance. To encourage all our friends to come help us celebrate a most chaotic crazy quilt of which we are all strands of theoretical string. To give trance people a chance to meet d people and possibly join the congregation. If you have toys, trip toys, bring them. If you have art, bring it. If you can bring a lot of goodies for everyone, that would be swell. Bring enough to share. Feb 13 – Wed – Opium Den 2nd ave b/w 2nd & 3rd Feb 19 – Tue – Freaky Tuesdays at Who’s on First 1st avenue b/w 87th & 88th with DJ Tony and Machinelf contact 646-234-3263 ID21 & over Free before 10pm, $3 after, 2 for 1 drinks all night. Pool table, downstairs chill. Viviana is the bartender. Feb 20 – Wed – Opium Den 2nd ave b/w 2nd & 3rd Feb 26 – Freaky Tuesdays at Who’s on First 1st avenue b/w 87th & 88th with DJ Tony and Machinelf contact 646-234-3263 ID21 & over Free before 10pm, $3 after, 2 for 1 drinks all night. Pool table, downstairs chill. Viviana is the bartender. Feb 27 – Wed – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Snow/Hunger Moon) Mar 12 – Tues – d Pisces Birthday Celebration Feb 19-March 20 Bring fish. Guest of Honor: Mark Lorenz, Aquarium Cleaner Extraordinaire Possible location: 7th Avenue Sushi, Le Bernardin, or somewhere with a lot of fish aquariums March 20 2:16pm – Vernal Equinox – The outdoor Lord of the Rings psy-trance festival upstate will be in the Spring, with trance Sindarin woodland elves. The film will be out December 21st. Possible party at Chicen Itza pyramids in the Yucatan during spring equinox might be good… one pyramid at chichen itza is built so that a plumed serpent can be seen descending the stairs when the light hits it on this day) of course thousands of native people come to see this as well, depending on how we’re received that could be good or bad) We have the ear of the head of tourism who is open to hosting a trance event at the base of the pyramids. Looking for organizers & investors. The rewards are high but it won’t come cheap. Suggestion: Sliding scale for Mexican nationals/Indians should ideally come for next to nothing, or free; alcohol should not be served. Email andys at ezy.net Mar 28 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Worm/Crow/Crust/Sugar/Sap Moon) April 9 – Tues – d Arian Birthday Celebration March 21-April 19 LOCATION: Mars 2112 Guest of Honor: This dude I know named “Mars” Bring guns and swords. April 26 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Pink/Sprouting Grass/Egg/Fish Moon) May 1 – Beltainne – Spring’s Planting May 14 – Tues – d Tauran Birthday Celebration April 20-May 20 Taurus All Taurus get a free Red Bull REFRESHMENTS: Red Bull, Schlitz Malt Liquor Bull Special Guest: Suzula, Xander, Gary Toro, Cata Toro Bring: Bulls. Horns. Whips. Rawhide. Music: Progressive Playstation Wipeout Game with Red Bull sponsorship Possible Location: Denim & Diamonds or someplace with a mechanical bull No Bullshit! May 26 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Flower/Corn Planting/Milk Moon) June 11 – Tues – d Gemini Birthday Celebration May 21- June 21 Invite every twin you know. Two for one drink specials. Your evil twin, Invite your nemesis. Moment of Silence for the Twin Towers. June 21 9:24am Summer Solstice In many cultures, the coming of Summer is the heralding of a time for love, marriage, friendship, beauty, protection, courage, magical energy, physical energy, and strength. It is the perfect time for Fire Magic! The Summer Solstice, also called “Midsummer” or “Litha”, is the longest day of the year. (The Christian Calendar marks this holiday with “St. Peter and Paul’s Day) This celebration of the coming of the light is when magics involving protection, strength, energy and clear sight will be the most successful. With the Sun high in the heavens, the powers of light are readily evoked. Anything that shadows your soul can be set aflame by the Sun’s protective glow. Pagan couples also know that this is the time when the Horned God is at the zenith of His manifest Power and the flowering Godess of Spring welcomes his presence. Sex Magic is powerful now. In many cultures, the coming of Summer is the heralding of a time for love, marriage, friendship, beauty, protection, courage, magical energy, physical energy, and strength. It is the perfect time for Fire Magic! The Summer Solstice, also called “Midsummer” or “Litha”, is the longest day of the year. (The Christian Calendar marks this holiday with “St. Peter and Paul’s Day) This celebration of the coming of the light is when magics involving protection, strength, energy and clear sight will be the most successful. With the Sun high in the heavens, the powers of light are readily evoked. Anything that shadows your soul can be set aflame by the Sun’s protective glow. Pagan couples also know that this is the time when the Horned God is at the zenith of His manifest Power and the flowering Godess of Spring welcomes his presence. Sex Magic is powerful now and legend tells that a nakedmtskip through a garden on Litha night ensures fertility for the coming season. The peaceful blue color of the Lapis stone can be worn to foster physical fertility as well as psychic awareness. Below are some suggestions I have to make your Summer Solstice Rituals complete as well as enlightening…I’ve even included some of my favorite meditations and incantations. Enjoy, and Blessed Be! June 24 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Strawberry/Rose/Hot Moon) July 9 – Tues – d Cancer Birthday Celebration June 22-July 22 Crab cakes. Crabby people. Possible location: Maryland Crabs July 24 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Buck/Thunder/Hay Moon) Aug 1 – Lugnasad – Harvest Time Aug 13 – Tues – d Leo Birthday Celebration July 23-August 22 Possible Location: White Lion. Cowardly Lion. King of the Jungle. Lyin’ August 22 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Sturgeon/Red/Green Corn Moon) Sept 10 – Tues – d Virgan Birthday Celebration August 23-September 22 Virgin bloody maries. Sacrificial virgins. September 23 12:56 am Autumnal Equinox With only 3 more months left in the Celtic summer, pagan folk work hard for the harvest yet to come, whether it be corn and hay from the fields or the personal projects and goals that we planned for the summer months. When the sun crosses the equator and heads south at the Autumnal Equinox, the second of the harvest festivals, (celebrated around September 21) we again celebrate the magnificant balance that the everturning Wheel of the Year promises. These equinoxs are great s that the bleak days of winter as well as the heady days of summer are temporary, that all things have their seasons, and that none will last forever. The law of polarity and rythym require that all things be balanced by their opposites. On these days our ancestors aligned themselves in the ebb and flow of life. As winter, spring, summer and autumn pass by, Witches still reconnect with the ever moving flow of life, we make our plans and watch them unfold. If some do not come to fruition we try again. We pass through times of joy and sorrow; little ones are born, the older ones die allowing their spirits to pass into Summerland. Every event in life is rich in purpose and meaning. Each day, night and season has its own special character. Rituals connect us to both the big and little dramas of the year and of the greater life cycle. We unite the character and spirit of each passing season and do magic to transform our lives, giving them a depth and an expansiveness that without ritual and celebration we would never achieve. Even the most humble ritual helps the moment of power and change, and the celebrant partakes in somthing greater than him or herself. Some would say that in these moments of ecstasy we actually stand outside ourselves and the God and Goddess within us become brighter, more powerful and we touch the All; eg, the Lord Pan and Lady Gaia, Jesus, God, however you see the Divine Power. This festival is associated with the taking of corn and other foods that are to be harvested at this time. Cornbread cakes and cider are an excellent addition to the festivities. The frost will hit soon, so the last of the herbs and other plants you wish to dry for winter use should be harvested now. Depending on when the leaves turn in your area, you may wish to parafin them and add them to your house decorations. Dip the leave quickly in melted parafin, and put them on wax paper. When the leaves are dry you can put them in a huge, decorative jar with a sigil of protection carved lightly on some or all of the leaves. Colors used for candles should be brown, orange, gold or red. Altar cloths can be made of material with fall designs. River and stream stones gathered over the summer can empowered for various purposes. Bring scales 😀 Justice is blind. Machinelf is free. Possible location: Somewhere ‘downscale.’ Oct 21 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Hunter’s/Travel/Dying Grass Moon) Oct 31 Halloween Nov 12 – Tues – d Scorpion Birthday Celebration October 23-November 21 Smoke scorpion venom 🙂 Junkies and Get High in the Pits” QUETTA, Pakistan (Reuters) – When they’re in season, Ghulam Raza smokes scorpions. He says he dries their stingers in the sun and grinds them, then lights the powdery venom and sucks the smoke deep into his lungs. “Oh yes,” he said when asked if the scorpions make him high. “When I smoke scorpion, then the heroin is like nothing to me.” The place where Raza and other Pakistani junkies smoke dope or shoot up in the southwestern city of Quetta is a good place to find scorpions. It is the main cemetery, a dust-filled field of tombstones and corpse-sized mounds of rocks. A shantytown molded from the pale dirt of the desert claws its way up a steep mountain slope on one side while Muslim prayers ring out across the city on the other. In the middle, in the ruins of a building, Raza and a dozen addict friends spend their days. Some, like Abdul Hai, have been coming here for more than 20 years. More disdained than criminalized, the hundreds of junkies in Quetta, capital of Pakistan’s parched Baluchistan province, gather away from the chaotic life of the city. In the cemetery, sometimes one of them will get very stoned and drop into an open grave. “We are safe here,” says Raza, a mechanical engineer, who says he started down the slippery slope of ds after becoming addicted to pain killers years ago when, he says, he was shot 18 times by police. The graveyard addicts beg or steal for their d money. They pay off officials for peace. When they forget, the police come and beat them, they say. Closer to the center of town, other Pakistani junkies hide away in an even less salubrious den. They huddle in small groups, cloaks pulled over their heads, in an open gutter. Nov 19 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Beaver/Frost Moon) Dec 10 – Tues – d Sagittarian Birthday Celebration November 22-December 21 Centaur hunters. Dec 19 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Cold/Long Nights Moon) for pain. there is a time for joy. there is a time for exploration. there is a time for celebration. -v^v^v^v^v^V^V^WWVVV love, Evan.
#2196 Thu, 17 Jan 2002 14:27:11 Thu, 17 Jan 2002 14:27:10 Pschedule PsyPschedule NYC 2002 News – Feb 9 – Bansi – Growling Mad Scientists – Hommega/Spun/In-Trance-It – Flyer out soon OPEN DATES in JANUARY Sundays, Mondays and Thursdays, plus these weekends: Jan 18 Fri, Jan 25 Fri The Lord of the Rings film is out!!! Go get inspired for Burning Elf’s spring woodland LOTR party Jan 16 – Opium Den 2nd avenue between 2nd and 3rd Street Jan 18 Fri – LAUNCH PARTY dski every weekend through March 18!!! will begin on this date – be sure to join dNY and pay your dues to be elgible to join these weekends at the ski lodge for CD sharing & burning, video games, music, cooking, eating, DJing, hiking, snow angel making, cuddle puddling, fiends, fun, and oh yeah… skiing and snowboarding 5 minutes away, cheap.. Contribution is flexible depending on YOUR needs – some will occasionally spend an entire week there!! Me personally, I will be there whenever there’s not a trance party on a given weekend evening. To join dNY paypal Machine Elf $25. d members get more info email rocktheshow at aol . Here’s a photo of the house: Jan 19 – Sat 2-4pm – Infected Mushroom appearance at the Home of Trance 122 St Marks That night – – Tsunami at Vinyl – Infected Mushroom & Vibrosphere 212-439-8124 Hudson & Hubert Jan 22 – Tue – Freaky Tuesdays at Who’s on First 1st avenue b/w 87th & 88th with DJ Amnesium and Machinelf contact 646-234-3263 ID21 & over Free before 10pm, $3 after, 2 for 1 drinks all night. Pool table, downstairs chill. Viviana is the bartender. Jan 23 – Wed – Screening of Goa Trance movie Opium Den 2nd ave b/w 2nd & 3rd Jan 25 – Fri – OPEN – dSkiing email rocktheshow at aol Jan 26 – Sat – – Synthetic Sadhus – Astral Projection, Dino Psaras and half of Etnica – Jan 28 – Mon – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Wolf/Old Moon) Jan 29 – Tue- Freaky Tuesdays at Who’s on First 1st avenue b/w 87th & 88th with DJ Tony and Machinelf contact 646-234-3263 ID21 & over Free before 10pm, $3 after, 2 for 1 drinks all night. Pool table, downstairs chill. Viviana is the bartender. Jan 30 – Wed – Opium Den 2nd ave b/w 2nd & 3rd Brazilian Daime Full Moon Trance Party / check this magnificent event taking place in brazil on the full moon of january. organized by the boom production team with the daime tribe of brazil (church of ayuhuasca)…. more info at igwana12 at hotmail Feb 1 – Friday – Imbalc Winter’s Leavetaking Unconfirmed Omnitribe Peter Didjital (Digital Structures, Baluns records – Sweden) and MUCH MORE… at 114 W 26th Street (b/w 6th & 7th Ave.) Feb 2 – Saturday OPEN – dski!!! Feb 6 – Wed -Opium Den 2nd ave b/w 2nd & 3rd Feb 8 – Ben at cownow is doing a private party for Jamey. Email him for details. CANCELLED – Spectra: Hux Flux & Noma Feb 9 – Bansi – Growling Mad Scientists – Hommega/Spun/In-Trance-It Feb 12 – Tue – d Aquarian Birthday Celebration January 20-February 18 FREE. Come early (8pm) to eat, later (11pm) to party. 8pm-4am Location TBA, maybe Karma or Who’s on First The energy of the music will match the energy of the crowd. Bring: bottled water, water guns, dolphins, mermaid outfits, anything flowing. Think Liquid. The venue will allow us to refill our water bottles at the bathrooms just for us. Astrological readings. Si necessito we pull back the carpet to trance dance. To encourage all our friends to come help us celebrate a most chaotic crazy quilt of which we are all strands of theoretical string. To give trance people a chance to meet d people and possibly join the congregation. If you have toys, trip toys, bring them. If you have art, bring it. If you can bring a lot of goodies for everyone, that would be swell. Bring enough to share. Feb 13 – Wed – Opium Den 2nd ave b/w 2nd & 3rd Feb 19 – Tue – Freaky Tuesdays at Who’s on First 1st avenue b/w 87th & 88th with DJ Tony and Machinelf contact 646-234-3263 ID21 & over Free before 10pm, $3 after, 2 for 1 drinks all night. Pool table, downstairs chill. Viviana is the bartender. Feb 20 – Wed – Opium Den 2nd ave b/w 2nd & 3rd Feb 26 – Freaky Tuesdays at Who’s on First 1st avenue b/w 87th & 88th with DJ Tony and Machinelf contact 646-234-3263 ID21 & over Free before 10pm, $3 after, 2 for 1 drinks all night. Pool table, downstairs chill. Viviana is the bartender. Feb 27 – Wed – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Snow/Hunger Moon) Mar 12 – Tues – d Pisces Birthday Celebration Feb 19-March 20 Bring fish. Guest of Honor: Mark Lorenz, Aquarium Cleaner Extraordinaire Possible location: 7th Avenue Sushi, Le Bernardin, or somewhere with a lot of fish aquariums SPRING March 20 2:16pm – Vernal Equinox – The outdoor Lord of the Rings psy-trance festival upstate will be in the Spring, with trance Sindarin woodland elves. The film will be out December 21st. Possible party at Chicen Itza pyramids in the Yucatan during spring equinox might be good… one pyramid at chichen itza is built so that a plumed serpent can be seen descending the stairs when the light hits it on this day) of course thousands of native people come to see this as well, depending on how we’re received that could be good or bad) We have the ear of the head of tourism who is open to hosting a trance event at the base of the pyramids. Looking for organizers & investors. The rewards are high but it won’t come cheap. Suggestion: Sliding scale for Mexican nationals/Indians should ideally come for next to nothing, or free; alcohol should not be served. Email andys at ezy.net Mar 28 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Worm/Crow/Crust/Sugar/Sap Moon) April 9 – Tues – d Arian Birthday Celebration March 21-April 19 LOCATION: Mars 2112 Guest of Honor: This dude I know named “Mars” Bring guns and swords. April 26 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Pink/Sprouting Grass/Egg/Fish Moon) May 1 – Beltainne – Spring’s Planting May 14 – Tues – d Tauran Birthday Celebration April 20-May 20 Taurus All Taurus get a free Red Bull REFRESHMENTS: Red Bull, Schlitz Malt Liquor Bull Special Guest: Suzula, Xander, Gary Toro, Cata Toro Bring: Bulls. Horns. Whips. Rawhide. Music: Progressive Playstation Wipeout Game with Red Bull sponsorship Possible Location: Denim & Diamonds or someplace with a mechanical bull No Bullshit! May 26 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Flower/Corn Planting/Milk Moon) June 11 – Tues – d Gemini Birthday Celebration May 21- June 21 Invite every twin you know. Two for one drink specials. Your evil twin, Invite your nemesis. Moment of Silence for the Twin Towers. Possible location: Twins. SUMMER June 21 9:24am Summer Solstice In many cultures, the coming of Summer is the heralding of a time for love, marriage, friendship, beauty, protection, courage, magical energy, physical energy, and strength. It is the perfect time for Fire Magic! The Summer Solstice, also called “Midsummer” or “Litha”, is the longest day of the year. (The Christian Calendar marks this holiday with “St. Peter and Paul’s Day) This celebration of the coming of the light is when magics involving protection, strength, energy and clear sight will be the most successful. With the Sun high in the heavens, the powers of light are readily evoked. Anything that shadows your soul can be set aflame by the Sun’s protective glow. Pagan couples also know that this is the time when the Horned God is at the zenith of His manifest Power and the flowering Godess of Spring welcomes his presence. Sex Magic is powerful now. In many cultures, the coming of Summer is the heralding of a time for love, marriage, friendship, beauty, protection, courage, magical energy, physical energy, and strength. It is the perfect time for Fire Magic! The Summer Solstice, also called “Midsummer” or “Litha”, is the longest day of the year. (The Christian Calendar marks this holiday with “St. Peter and Paul’s Day) This celebration of the coming of the light is when magics involving protection, strength, energy and clear sight will be the most successful. With the Sun high in the heavens, the powers of light are readily evoked. Anything that shadows your soul can be set aflame by the Sun’s protective glow. Pagan couples also know that this is the time when the Horned God is at the zenith of His manifest Power and the flowering Godess of Spring welcomes his presence. Sex Magic is powerful now and legend tells that a nakedmtskip through a garden on Litha night ensures fertility for the coming season. The peaceful blue color of the Lapis stone can be worn to foster physical fertility as well as psychic awareness. Below are some suggestions I have to make your Summer Solstice Rituals complete as well as enlightening…I’ve even included some of my favorite meditations and incantations. Enjoy, and Blessed Be! June 24 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Strawberry/Rose/Hot Moon) July 9 – Tues – d Cancer Birthday Celebration June 22-July 22 Crab cakes. Crabby people. Possible location: Maryland Crabs July 24 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Buck/Thunder/Hay Moon) Aug 1 – Lugnasad – Harvest Time Aug 13 – Tues – d Leo Birthday Celebration July 23-August 22 Possible Location: White Lion. Cowardly Lion. King of the Jungle. Lyin’ August 22 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Sturgeon/Red/Green Corn Moon) Sept 10 – Tues – d Virgan Birthday Celebration August 23-September 22 Virgin bloody maries. Sacrificial virgins. September 21 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Harvest/Corn/Barley Moon) Autumn September 23 12:56 am Autumnal Equinox With only 3 more months left in the Celtic summer, pagan folk work hard for the harvest yet to come, whether it be corn and hay from the fields or the personal projects and goals that we planned for the summer months. When the sun crosses the equator and heads south at the Autumnal Equinox, the second of the harvest festivals, (celebrated around September 21) we again celebrate the magnificant balance that the everturning Wheel of the Year promises. These equinoxs are great s that the bleak days of winter as well as the heady days of summer are temporary, that all things have their seasons, and that none will last forever. The law of polarity and rythym require that all things be balanced by their opposites. On these days our ancestors aligned themselves in the ebb and flow of life. As winter, spring, summer and autumn pass by, Witches still reconnect with the ever moving flow of life, we make our plans and watch them unfold. If some do not come to fruition we try again. We pass through times of joy and sorrow; little ones are born, the older ones die allowing their spirits to pass into Summerland. Every event in life is rich in purpose and meaning. Each day, night and season has its own special character. Rituals connect us to both the big and little dramas of the year and of the greater life cycle. We unite the character and spirit of each passing season and do magic to transform our lives, giving them a depth and an expansiveness that without ritual and celebration we would never achieve. Even the most humble ritual helps the moment of power and change, and the celebrant partakes in somthing greater than him or herself. Some would say that in these moments of ecstasy we actually stand outside ourselves and the God and Goddess within us become brighter, more powerful and we touch the All; eg, the Lord Pan and Lady Gaia, Jesus, God, however you see the Divine Power. This festival is associated with the taking of corn and other foods that are to be harvested at this time. Cornbread cakes and cider are an excellent addition to the festivities. The frost will hit soon, so the last of the herbs and other plants you wish to dry for winter use should be harvested now. Depending on when the leaves turn in your area, you may wish to parafin them and add them to your house decorations. Dip the leave quickly in melted parafin, and put them on wax paper. When the leaves are dry you can put them in a huge, decorative jar with a sigil of protection carved lightly on some or all of the leaves. Colors used for candles should be brown, orange, gold or red. Altar cloths can be made of material with fall designs. River and stream stones gathered over the summer can empowered for various purposes. Oct 8 – Tues – d Libral Birthday Celebration September 23-October 22 Bring scales 😀 Justice is blind. Machinelf is free. Possible location: Somewhere ‘downscale.’ Oct 21 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Hunter’s/Travel/Dying Grass Moon) Oct 31 Halloween Winter (Pagan) Nov 1 – Samhain – Winter’s Start Nov 12 – Tues – d Scorpion Birthday Celebration October 23-November 21 Smoke scorpion venom 🙂 Junkies and Get High in the Pits” QUETTA, Pakistan (Reuters) – When they’re in season, Ghulam Raza smokes scorpions. He says he dries their stingers in the sun and grinds them, then lights the powdery venom and sucks the smoke deep into his lungs. “Oh yes,” he said when asked if the scorpions make him high. “When I smoke scorpion, then the heroin is like nothing to me.” The place where Raza and other Pakistani junkies smoke dope or shoot up in the southwestern city of Quetta is a good place to find scorpions. It is the main cemetery, a dust-filled field of tombstones and corpse-sized mounds of rocks. A shantytown molded from the pale dirt of the desert claws its way up a steep mountain slope on one side while Muslim prayers ring out across the city on the other. In the middle, in the ruins of a building, Raza and a dozen addict friends spend their days. Some, like Abdul Hai, have been coming here for more than 20 years. More disdained than criminalized, the hundreds of junkies in Quetta, capital of Pakistan’s parched Baluchistan province, gather away from the chaotic life of the city. In the cemetery, sometimes one of them will get very stoned and drop into an open grave. “We are safe here,” says Raza, a mechanical engineer, who says he started down the slippery slope of ds after becoming addicted to pain killers years ago when, he says, he was shot 18 times by police. The graveyard addicts beg or steal for their d money. They pay off officials for peace. When they forget, the police come and beat them, they say. Closer to the center of town, other Pakistani junkies hide away in an even less salubrious den. They huddle in small groups, cloaks pulled over their heads, in an open gutter. Nov 19 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Beaver/Frost Moon) Dec 10 – Tues – d Sagittarian Birthday Celebration November 22-December 21 Centaur hunters. Dec 19 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Cold/Long Nights Moon) Dec 21 8:15pm Winter Solstice for pain. there is a time for joy. there is a time for exploration. there is a time for celebration. -v^v^v^v^v^V^V^WWVVV # (that’s ‘how’.) ‘This’ is what ‘That’ needs. ‘That’ is what we want. ‘This’ is what we have. ‘That’ is what we find. (the choiceis yours) the drone is a magic lucky charm. You can’t ‘over use’ it because it might bite you in the ass. You can ‘use it over’ but it’s gears may become dull. ‘Expose’ yourself to the mandala only for healing. Otherwise you must go through it. It is a part of the living form of space & light and that includes you. To be fully alive and awake, you must be on the other side. otherwise you are asleep. But that’s okay, you’lll need your rest. Up and Down; intersect, angles, dimension, spiral. Sense Probability Intrinsically Resonates Alternal Love (S.P.I.R.A.L.) life…. ((((( N’TENGUE: This is the oldest human fossil in the world! HOMER: P! I’ve got more bones than That guy! I’m not impressed. N’TENGUE: But Mr.Simpson HOMER: (hand in N’Tengue’s face) Not! Impressed! ))))) *If you face the ground you can see the stars on the other side of the world. *If you look up you realize we are being squozen through an epistemological black-hole birth canal, caught o the wake of a cosmic tsunami about to come crashing down. *Look to the right and understand the urgency that cries for your help. *Look to the left and understand the part we must play in this temporal crisis. *Look behind you to check for encouragement. *Look forward to new life and the Water-Bearer. *Be yourself so we can love you. *Be yourself so you can love us. *Be yourself so you can disagree. *Be together to share the joy. and show your way to those who are listening. This message will self-destruct in 5, 4, 3, 2…. love, Evan. News – Feb 9 – Bansi – Growling Mad Scientists – Hommega/Spun/In-Trance-It – Flyer out soon OPEN DATES in JANUARY Sundays, Mondays and Thursdays, plus these weekends: Jan 18 Fri, Jan 25 Fri The Lord of the Rings film is out!!! Go get inspired for Burning Elf’s spring woodland LOTR party Jan 16 – Opium Den 2nd avenue between 2nd and 3rd Street Jan 19 – Sat 2-4pm – Infected Mushroom appearance at the Home of Trance 122 St Marks That night – – Tsunami at Vinyl – Infected Mushroom & Vibrosphere 212-439-8124 Hudson & Hubert Jan 22 – Tue – Freaky Tuesdays at Who’s on First 1st avenue b/w 87th & 88th with DJ Amnesium and Machinelf contact 646-234-3263 ID21 & over Free before 10pm, $3 after, 2 for 1 drinks all night. Pool table, downstairs chill. Viviana is the bartender. Jan 23 – Wed – Screening of Goa Trance movie Opium Den 2nd ave b/w 2nd & 3rd Jan 25 – Fri – OPEN – dSkiing email rocktheshow at aol Jan 26 – Sat – – Synthetic Sadhus – Astral Projection, Dino Psaras and half of Etnica – Jan 28 – Mon – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Wolf/Old Moon) Jan 29 – Tue- Freaky Tuesdays at Who’s on First 1st avenue b/w 87th & 88th with DJ Tony and Machinelf contact 646-234-3263 ID21 & over Free before 10pm, $3 after, 2 for 1 drinks all night. Pool table, downstairs chill. Viviana is the bartender. Jan 30 – Wed – Opium Den 2nd ave b/w 2nd & 3rd Brazilian Daime Full Moon Trance Party / check this magnificent event taking place in brazil on the full moon of january. organized by the boom production team with the daime tribe of brazil (church of ayuhuasca)…. more info at igwana12 at hotmail Feb 1 – Friday – Imbalc Winter’s Leavetaking Unconfirmed Omnitribe Peter Didjital (Digital Structures, Baluns records – Sweden) and MUCH MORE… at 114 W 26th Street (b/w 6th & 7th Ave.) Feb 2 – Saturday OPEN – dski!!! Feb 6 – Wed -Opium Den 2nd ave b/w 2nd & 3rd Feb 8 – Ben at cownow is doing a private party for Jamey. Email him for details. CANCELLED – Spectra: Hux Flux & Noma Feb 9 – Bansi – Growling Mad Scientists – Hommega/Spun/In-Trance-It Feb 12 – Tue – d Aquarian Birthday Celebration January 20-February 18 FREE. Come early (8pm) to eat, later (11pm) to party. 8pm-4am Location TBA, maybe Karma or Who’s on First The energy of the music will match the energy of the crowd. Bring: bottled water, water guns, dolphins, mermaid outfits, anything flowing. Think Liquid. The venue will allow us to refill our water bottles at the bathrooms just for us. Astrological readings. Si necessito we pull back the carpet to trance dance. To encourage all our friends to come help us celebrate a most chaotic crazy quilt of which we are all strands of theoretical string. To give trance people a chance to meet d people and possibly join the congregation. If you have toys, trip toys, bring them. If you have art, bring it. If you can bring a lot of goodies for everyone, that would be swell. Bring enough to share. Feb 13 – Wed – Opium Den 2nd ave b/w 2nd & 3rd Feb 19 – Tue – Freaky Tuesdays at Who’s on First 1st avenue b/w 87th & 88th with DJ Tony and Machinelf contact 646-234-3263 ID21 & over Free before 10pm, $3 after, 2 for 1 drinks all night. Pool table, downstairs chill. Viviana is the bartender. Feb 20 – Wed – Opium Den 2nd ave b/w 2nd & 3rd Feb 26 – Freaky Tuesdays at Who’s on First 1st avenue b/w 87th & 88th with DJ Tony and Machinelf contact 646-234-3263 ID21 & over Free before 10pm, $3 after, 2 for 1 drinks all night. Pool table, downstairs chill. Viviana is the bartender. Feb 27 – Wed – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Snow/Hunger Moon) Mar 12 – Tues – d Pisces Birthday Celebration Feb 19-March 20 Bring fish. Guest of Honor: Mark Lorenz, Aquarium Cleaner Extraordinaire Possible location: 7th Avenue Sushi, Le Bernardin, or somewhere with a lot of fish aquariums March 20 2:16pm – Vernal Equinox – The outdoor Lord of the Rings psy-trance festival upstate will be in the Spring, with trance Sindarin woodland elves. The film will be out December 21st. Possible party at Chicen Itza pyramids in the Yucatan during spring equinox might be good… one pyramid at chichen itza is built so that a plumed serpent can be seen descending the stairs when the light hits it on this day) of course thousands of native people come to see this as well, depending on how we’re received that could be good or bad) We have the ear of the head of tourism who is open to hosting a trance event at the base of the pyramids. Looking for organizers & investors. The rewards are high but it won’t come cheap. Suggestion: Sliding scale for Mexican nationals/Indians should ideally come for next to nothing, or free; alcohol should not be served. Email andys at ezy.net Mar 28 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Worm/Crow/Crust/Sugar/Sap Moon) April 9 – Tues – d Arian Birthday Celebration March 21-April 19 LOCATION: Mars 2112 Guest of Honor: This dude I know named “Mars” Bring guns and swords. April 26 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Pink/Sprouting Grass/Egg/Fish Moon) May 1 – Beltainne – Spring’s Planting May 14 – Tues – d Tauran Birthday Celebration April 20-May 20 Taurus All Taurus get a free Red Bull REFRESHMENTS: Red Bull, Schlitz Malt Liquor Bull Special Guest: Suzula, Xander, Gary Toro, Cata Toro Bring: Bulls. Horns. Whips. Rawhide. Music: Progressive Playstation Wipeout Game with Red Bull sponsorship Possible Location: Denim & Diamonds or someplace with a mechanical bull No Bullshit! May 26 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Flower/Corn Planting/Milk Moon) June 11 – Tues – d Gemini Birthday Celebration May 21- June 21 Invite every twin you know. Two for one drink specials. Your evil twin, Invite your nemesis. Moment of Silence for the Twin Towers. June 21 9:24am Summer Solstice In many cultures, the coming of Summer is the heralding of a time for love, marriage, friendship, beauty, protection, courage, magical energy, physical energy, and strength. It is the perfect time for Fire Magic! The Summer Solstice, also called “Midsummer” or “Litha”, is the longest day of the year. (The Christian Calendar marks this holiday with “St. Peter and Paul’s Day) This celebration of the coming of the light is when magics involving protection, strength, energy and clear sight will be the most successful. With the Sun high in the heavens, the powers of light are readily evoked. Anything that shadows your soul can be set aflame by the Sun’s protective glow. Pagan couples also know that this is the time when the Horned God is at the zenith of His manifest Power and the flowering Godess of Spring welcomes his presence. Sex Magic is powerful now. In many cultures, the coming of Summer is the heralding of a time for love, marriage, friendship, beauty, protection, courage, magical energy, physical energy, and strength. It is the perfect time for Fire Magic! The Summer Solstice, also called “Midsummer” or “Litha”, is the longest day of the year. (The Christian Calendar marks this holiday with “St. Peter and Paul’s Day) This celebration of the coming of the light is when magics involving protection, strength, energy and clear sight will be the most successful. With the Sun high in the heavens, the powers of light are readily evoked. Anything that shadows your soul can be set aflame by the Sun’s protective glow. Pagan couples also know that this is the time when the Horned God is at the zenith of His manifest Power and the flowering Godess of Spring welcomes his presence. Sex Magic is powerful now and legend tells that a nakedmtskip through a garden on Litha night ensures fertility for the coming season. The peaceful blue color of the Lapis stone can be worn to foster physical fertility as well as psychic awareness. Below are some suggestions I have to make your Summer Solstice Rituals complete as well as enlightening…I’ve even included some of my favorite meditations and incantations. Enjoy, and Blessed Be! June 24 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Strawberry/Rose/Hot Moon) July 9 – Tues – d Cancer Birthday Celebration June 22-July 22 Crab cakes. Crabby people. Possible location: Maryland Crabs July 24 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Buck/Thunder/Hay Moon) Aug 1 – Lugnasad – Harvest Time Aug 13 – Tues – d Leo Birthday Celebration July 23-August 22 Possible Location: White Lion. Cowardly Lion. King of the Jungle. Lyin’ August 22 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Sturgeon/Red/Green Corn Moon) Sept 10 – Tues – d Virgan Birthday Celebration August 23-September 22 Virgin bloody maries. Sacrificial virgins. September 23 12:56 am Autumnal Equinox With only 3 more months left in the Celtic summer, pagan folk work hard for the harvest yet to come, whether it be corn and hay from the fields or the personal projects and goals that we planned for the summer months. When the sun crosses the equator and heads south at the Autumnal Equinox, the second of the harvest festivals, (celebrated around September 21) we again celebrate the magnificant balance that the everturning Wheel of the Year promises. These equinoxs are great s that the bleak days of winter as well as the heady days of summer are temporary, that all things have their seasons, and that none will last forever. The law of polarity and rythym require that all things be balanced by their opposites. On these days our ancestors aligned themselves in the ebb and flow of life. As winter, spring, summer and autumn pass by, Witches still reconnect with the ever moving flow of life, we make our plans and watch them unfold. If some do not come to fruition we try again. We pass through times of joy and sorrow; little ones are born, the older ones die allowing their spirits to pass into Summerland. Every event in life is rich in purpose and meaning. Each day, night and season has its own special character. Rituals connect us to both the big and little dramas of the year and of the greater life cycle. We unite the character and spirit of each passing season and do magic to transform our lives, giving them a depth and an expansiveness that without ritual and celebration we would never achieve. Even the most humble ritual helps the moment of power and change, and the celebrant partakes in somthing greater than him or herself. Some would say that in these moments of ecstasy we actually stand outside ourselves and the God and Goddess within us become brighter, more powerful and we touch the All; eg, the Lord Pan and Lady Gaia, Jesus, God, however you see the Divine Power. This festival is associated with the taking of corn and other foods that are to be harvested at this time. Cornbread cakes and cider are an excellent addition to the festivities. The frost will hit soon, so the last of the herbs and other plants you wish to dry for winter use should be harvested now. Depending on when the leaves turn in your area, you may wish to parafin them and add them to your house decorations. Dip the leave quickly in melted parafin, and put them on wax paper. When the leaves are dry you can put them in a huge, decorative jar with a sigil of protection carved lightly on some or all of the leaves. Colors used for candles should be brown, orange, gold or red. Altar cloths can be made of material with fall designs. River and stream stones gathered over the summer can empowered for various purposes. Bring scales 😀 Justice is blind. Machinelf is free. Possible location: Somewhere ‘downscale.’ Oct 21 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Hunter’s/Travel/Dying Grass Moon) Oct 31 Halloween Nov 12 – Tues – d Scorpion Birthday Celebration October 23-November 21 Smoke scorpion venom 🙂 Junkies and Get High in the Pits” QUETTA, Pakistan (Reuters) – When they’re in season, Ghulam Raza smokes scorpions. He says he dries their stingers in the sun and grinds them, then lights the powdery venom and sucks the smoke deep into his lungs. “Oh yes,” he said when asked if the scorpions make him high. “When I smoke scorpion, then the heroin is like nothing to me.” The place where Raza and other Pakistani junkies smoke dope or shoot up in the southwestern city of Quetta is a good place to find scorpions. It is the main cemetery, a dust-filled field of tombstones and corpse-sized mounds of rocks. A shantytown molded from the pale dirt of the desert claws its way up a steep mountain slope on one side while Muslim prayers ring out across the city on the other. In the middle, in the ruins of a building, Raza and a dozen addict friends spend their days. Some, like Abdul Hai, have been coming here for more than 20 years. More disdained than criminalized, the hundreds of junkies in Quetta, capital of Pakistan’s parched Baluchistan province, gather away from the chaotic life of the city. In the cemetery, sometimes one of them will get very stoned and drop into an open grave. “We are safe here,” says Raza, a mechanical engineer, who says he started down the slippery slope of ds after becoming addicted to pain killers years ago when, he says, he was shot 18 times by police. The graveyard addicts beg or steal for their d money. They pay off officials for peace. When they forget, the police come and beat them, they say. Closer to the center of town, other Pakistani junkies hide away in an even less salubrious den. They huddle in small groups, cloaks pulled over their heads, in an open gutter. Nov 19 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Beaver/Frost Moon) Dec 10 – Tues – d Sagittarian Birthday Celebration November 22-December 21 Centaur hunters. Dec 19 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Cold/Long Nights Moon) for pain. there is a time for joy. there is a time for exploration. there is a time for celebration. -v^v^v^v^v^V^V^WWVVV # (that’s ‘how’.) ‘This’ is what ‘That’ needs. ‘That’ is what we want. ‘This’ is what we have. ‘That’ is what we find. (the choiceis yours) the drone is a magic lucky charm. You can’t ‘over use’ it because it might bite you in the ass. You can ‘use it over’ but it’s gears may become dull. ‘Expose’ yourself to the mandala only for healing. Otherwise you must go through it. It is a part of the living form of space & light and that includes you. To be fully alive and awake, you must be on the other side. otherwise you are asleep. But that’s okay, you’lll need your rest. Up and Down; intersect, angles, dimension, spiral. Sense Probability Intrinsically Resonates Alternal Love (S.P.I.R.A.L.) life…. ((((( N’TENGUE: This is the oldest human fossil in the world! HOMER: P! I’ve got more bones than That guy! I’m not impressed. N’TENGUE: But Mr.Simpson HOMER: (hand in N’Tengue’s face) Not! Impressed! ))))) *If you face the ground you can see the stars on the other side of the world. *If you look up you realize we are being squozen through an epistemological black-hole birth canal, caught o the wake of a cosmic tsunami about to come crashing down. *Look to the right and understand the urgency that cries for your help. *Look to the left and understand the part we must play in this temporal crisis. *Look behind you to check for encouragement. *Look forward to new life and the Water-Bearer. *Be yourself so we can love you. *Be yourself so you can love us. *Be yourself so you can disagree. *Be together to share the joy. and show your way to those who are listening. This message will self-destruct in 5, 4, 3, 2…. love, Evan.
#2197 Fri, 18 Jan 2002 13:39:22 Fri, 18 Jan 2002 13:39:21 Streaming trance sites and list Cc: prismpro at mindspring goamunications.net/ web goatrance.org if you too want info on streaming trance send an email togoamunications.net/ web goatrance.org
#2198 Fri, 18 Jan 2002 17:12:58 Fri, 18 Jan 2002 17:12:57 Philly Trance 1/25 (Ed. Note – Philly is Quality over Quantity) GAIAN MIND – Friday, January 25th, 2002 Philadelphia, PA, USA GAIAN MIND Philly’s premier Psychedelic Trance party! Special Guest: NEUM (Spiral Trax International/ACDC/Flow Records – Philadelphia) Plus: DJ ALLEN (Gaian Mind – Philadelphia) UV Decor by GAIAN MIND 9pm-2am $7 cover ($5 before 11pm) 21+ w/ ID at LaTazza 108 108 Chestnut Street Philadelphia, PA, USA web Gaian-Mind
#2199 Fri, 18 Jan 2002 17:20:37 Fri, 18 Jan 2002 17:20:36 Pschedule Spry-Trance Pschedule NYC 2002 News – 1/25 Philly party added Lineup for Ben’s party on Feb 8 Feb 9 – Bansi – Growling Mad Scientists – Hommega/Spun/In-Trance-It – Flyer out soon Wylie looking for roomate at Trance Mission OPEN: Sundays, Mondays and Thursdays The Lord of the Rings film is out!!! Go get inspired for Burning Elf’s spring woodland LOTR party Jan 18 Fri – LAUNCH PARTY dski every weekend through March 18!!! will begin on this date – be sure to join dNY and pay your dues to be elgible to join these weekends at the ski lodge for CD sharing & burning, video games, music, cooking, eating, DJing, hiking, snow angel making, cuddle puddling, fiends, fun, and oh yeah… skiing and snowboarding 5 minutes away, cheap.. Contribution is flexible depending on YOUR needs – some will occasionally spend an entire week there!! Me personally, I will be there whenever there’s not a trance party on a given weekend evening. To join dNY paypal Machine Elf $25. d members get more info email rocktheshow at aol . Here’s a photo of the house: Jan 19 – Sat 2-4pm – Infected Mushroom appearance at the Home of Trance 122 St Marks That night – – Tsunami at Vinyl – Infected Mushroom & Vibrosphere 212-439-8124 Hudson & Hubert Jan 22 – Tue – Freaky Tuesdays at Who’s on First 1st avenue b/w 87th & 88th with DJ Amnesium and Machinelf contact 646-234-3263 ID21 & over Free before 10pm, $3 after, 2 for 1 drinks all night. Pool table, downstairs chill. Viviana is the bartender. Jan 23 – Wed – Screening of Goa Trance movie Opium Den 2nd ave b/w 2nd & 3rd Jan 25 – Fri – GAIAN MIND – Philadelphia’s premier Psychedelic Trance party! Special Guest: NEUM (Spiral Trax International/ACDC/Flow Records – Philadelphia) Plus: DJ ALLEN (Gaian Mind – Philadelphia) UV Decor by GAIAN MIND 9pm-2am $7 cover ($5 before 11pm) 21+ w/ ID at LaTazza 108 108 Chestnut Street Philadelphia, PA, USA web Gaian-Mind Jan 26 – Sat – – Synthetic Sadhus – Astral Projection, Dino Psaras and half of Etnica – Jan 28 – Mon – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Wolf/Old Moon) Jan 29 – Tue- Freaky Tuesdays at Who’s on First 1st avenue b/w 87th & 88th with DJ Tony and Machinelf contact 646-234-3263 ID21 & over Free before 10pm, $3 after, 2 for 1 drinks all night. Pool table, downstairs chill. Viviana is the bartender. Jan 29 – – Tue- Freaky Tuesdays at Who’s on First 1st avenue b/w 87th & 88th with DJ Tony and Machinelf contact 646-234-3263 ID21 & over Free before 10pm, $3 after, 2 for 1 drinks all night. Pool table, downstairs chill. Viviana is the bartender. Jan 30 – Wed – Opium Den 2nd ave b/w 2nd & 3rd Brazilian Daime Full Moon Trance Party / check this magnificent event taking place in brazil on the full moon of january. organized by the boom production team with the daime tribe of brazil (church of ayuhuasca)…. more info at igwana12 at hotmail Feb 1 – Friday – Imbalc Winter’s Leavetaking Unconfirmed Omnitribe Peter Didjital (Digital Structures, Baluns records – Sweden) and MUCH MORE… at 114 W 26th Street (b/w 6th & 7th Ave.) Feb 2 – Saturday OPEN – dski!!! Feb 5 – Tue- Freaky Tuesdays at Who’s on First 1st avenue b/w 87th & 88th with DJ Tony and Machinelf contact 646-234-3263 ID21 & over Free before 10pm, $3 after, 2 for 1 drinks all night. Pool table, downstairs chill. Viviana is the bartender. Feb 6 – Wed -Opium Den 2nd ave b/w 2nd & 3rd Feb 8 – Ben at cownow light-o-maticis doing a private list only party for Jaime’s birthday. Prepay. Featuring DJ’s: Boris (Burning Elf) Shikid (OmniTribe) Chico DragonLotus (DragonTribe) Machinelf (d) Niko (Synthetic Sadhus) Jed (TranceAct) web lightomatic/party or email ben at cownow Feb 9 – Bansi – Growling Mad Scientists – Hommega/Spun/In-Trance-It Feb 11 – Tue- Freaky Tuesdays at Who’s on First 1st avenue b/w 87th & 88th with DJ Tony and Machinelf contact 646-234-3263 ID21 & over Free before 10pm, $3 after, 2 for 1 drinks all night. Pool table, downstairs chill. Viviana is the bartender. Feb 12 – Tue – d Aquarian Birthday Celebration January 20-February 18 FREE. Come early (8pm) to eat, later (11pm) to party. 8pm-4am Location TBA, maybe Karma or Who’s on First The energy of the music will match the energy of the crowd. Bring: bottled water, water guns, dolphins, mermaid outfits, anything flowing. Think Liquid. The venue will allow us to refill our water bottles at the bathrooms just for us. Astrological readings. Si necessito we pull back the carpet to trance dance. To encourage all our friends to come help us celebrate a most chaotic crazy quilt of which we are all strands of theoretical string. To give trance people a chance to meet d people and possibly join the congregation. If you have toys, trip toys, bring them. If you have art, bring it. If you can bring a lot of goodies for everyone, that would be swell. Bring enough to share. Feb 13 – Wed – Opium Den 2nd ave b/w 2nd & 3rd Feb 19 – Tue – Freaky Tuesdays at Who’s on First 1st avenue b/w 87th & 88th with DJ Tony and Machinelf contact 646-234-3263 ID21 & over Free before 10pm, $3 after, 2 for 1 drinks all night. Pool table, downstairs chill. Viviana is the bartender. Feb 20 – Wed – Opium Den 2nd ave b/w 2nd & 3rd Feb 26 – Freaky Tuesdays at Who’s on First 1st avenue b/w 87th & 88th with DJ Tony and Machinelf contact 646-234-3263 ID21 & over Free before 10pm, $3 after, 2 for 1 drinks all night. Pool table, downstairs chill. Viviana is the bartender. Feb 27 – Wed – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Snow/Hunger Moon) Mar 12 – Tues – d Pisces Birthday Celebration Feb 19-March 20 Bring fish. Guest of Honor: Mark Lorenz, Aquarium Cleaner Extraordinaire Possible location: 7th Avenue Sushi, Le Bernardin, or somewhere with a lot of fish aquariums SPRING March 20 2:16pm – Vernal Equinox – The outdoor Lord of the Rings psy-trance festival upstate will be in the Spring, with trance Sindarin woodland elves. The film will be out December 21st. Possible party at Chicen Itza pyramids in the Yucatan during spring equinox might be good… one pyramid at chichen itza is built so that a plumed serpent can be seen descending the stairs when the light hits it on this day) of course thousands of native people come to see this as well, depending on how we’re received that could be good or bad) We have the ear of the head of tourism who is open to hosting a trance event at the base of the pyramids. Looking for organizers & investors. The rewards are high but it won’t come cheap. Suggestion: Sliding scale for Mexican nationals/Indians should ideally come for next to nothing, or free; alcohol should not be served. Email andys at ezy.net Mar 28 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Worm/Crow/Crust/Sugar/Sap Moon) April 9 – Tues – d Arian Birthday Celebration March 21-April 19 LOCATION: Mars 2112 Guest of Honor: This dude I know named “Mars” Bring guns and swords. April 26 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Pink/Sprouting Grass/Egg/Fish Moon) May 1 – Beltainne – Spring’s Planting May 14 – Tues – d Tauran Birthday Celebration April 20-May 20 Taurus All Taurus get a free Red Bull REFRESHMENTS: Red Bull, Schlitz Malt Liquor Bull Special Guest: Suzula, Xander, Gary Toro, Cata Toro Bring: Bulls. Horns. Whips. Rawhide. Music: Progressive Playstation Wipeout Game with Red Bull sponsorship Possible Location: Denim & Diamonds or someplace with a mechanical bull No Bullshit! May 26 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Flower/Corn Planting/Milk Moon) June 11 – Tues – d Gemini Birthday Celebration May 21- June 21 Invite every twin you know. Two for one drink specials. Your evil twin, Invite your nemesis. Moment of Silence for the Twin Towers. Possible location: Twins. SUMMER June 21 9:24am Summer Solstice In many cultures, the coming of Summer is the heralding of a time for love, marriage, friendship, beauty, protection, courage, magical energy, physical energy, and strength. It is the perfect time for Fire Magic! The Summer Solstice, also called “Midsummer” or “Litha”, is the longest day of the year. (The Christian Calendar marks this holiday with “St. Peter and Paul’s Day) This celebration of the coming of the light is when magics involving protection, strength, energy and clear sight will be the most successful. With the Sun high in the heavens, the powers of light are readily evoked. Anything that shadows your soul can be set aflame by the Sun’s protective glow. Pagan couples also know that this is the time when the Horned God is at the zenith of His manifest Power and the flowering Godess of Spring welcomes his presence. Sex Magic is powerful now. In many cultures, the coming of Summer is the heralding of a time for love, marriage, friendship, beauty, protection, courage, magical energy, physical energy, and strength. It is the perfect time for Fire Magic! The Summer Solstice, also called “Midsummer” or “Litha”, is the longest day of the year. (The Christian Calendar marks this holiday with “St. Peter and Paul’s Day) This celebration of the coming of the light is when magics involving protection, strength, energy and clear sight will be the most successful. With the Sun high in the heavens, the powers of light are readily evoked. Anything that shadows your soul can be set aflame by the Sun’s protective glow. Pagan couples also know that this is the time when the Horned God is at the zenith of His manifest Power and the flowering Godess of Spring welcomes his presence. Sex Magic is powerful now and legend tells that a nakedmtskip through a garden on Litha night ensures fertility for the coming season. The peaceful blue color of the Lapis stone can be worn to foster physical fertility as well as psychic awareness. Below are some suggestions I have to make your Summer Solstice Rituals complete as well as enlightening…I’ve even included some of my favorite meditations and incantations. Enjoy, and Blessed Be! June 24 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Strawberry/Rose/Hot Moon) July 9 – Tues – d Cancer Birthday Celebration June 22-July 22 Crab cakes. Crabby people. Possible location: Maryland Crabs July 24 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Buck/Thunder/Hay Moon) Aug 1 – Lugnasad – Harvest Time Aug 13 – Tues – d Leo Birthday Celebration July 23-August 22 Possible Location: White Lion. Cowardly Lion. King of the Jungle. Lyin’ August 22 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Sturgeon/Red/Green Corn Moon) Sept 10 – Tues – d Virgan Birthday Celebration August 23-September 22 Virgin bloody maries. Sacrificial virgins. September 21 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Harvest/Corn/Barley Moon) Autumn September 23 12:56 am Autumnal Equinox With only 3 more months left in the Celtic summer, pagan folk work hard for the harvest yet to come, whether it be corn and hay from the fields or the personal projects and goals that we planned for the summer months. When the sun crosses the equator and heads south at the Autumnal Equinox, the second of the harvest festivals, (celebrated around September 21) we again celebrate the magnificant balance that the everturning Wheel of the Year promises. These equinoxs are great s that the bleak days of winter as well as the heady days of summer are temporary, that all things have their seasons, and that none will last forever. The law of polarity and rythym require that all things be balanced by their opposites. On these days our ancestors aligned themselves in the ebb and flow of life. As winter, spring, summer and autumn pass by, Witches still reconnect with the ever moving flow of life, we make our plans and watch them unfold. If some do not come to fruition we try again. We pass through times of joy and sorrow; little ones are born, the older ones die allowing their spirits to pass into Summerland. Every event in life is rich in purpose and meaning. Each day, night and season has its own special character. Rituals connect us to both the big and little dramas of the year and of the greater life cycle. We unite the character and spirit of each passing season and do magic to transform our lives, giving them a depth and an expansiveness that without ritual and celebration we would never achieve. Even the most humble ritual helps the moment of power and change, and the celebrant partakes in somthing greater than him or herself. Some would say that in these moments of ecstasy we actually stand outside ourselves and the God and Goddess within us become brighter, more powerful and we touch the All; eg, the Lord Pan and Lady Gaia, Jesus, God, however you see the Divine Power. This festival is associated with the taking of corn and other foods that are to be harvested at this time. Cornbread cakes and cider are an excellent addition to the festivities. The frost will hit soon, so the last of the herbs and other plants you wish to dry for winter use should be harvested now. Depending on when the leaves turn in your area, you may wish to parafin them and add them to your house decorations. Dip the leave quickly in melted parafin, and put them on wax paper. When the leaves are dry you can put them in a huge, decorative jar with a sigil of protection carved lightly on some or all of the leaves. Colors used for candles should be brown, orange, gold or red. Altar cloths can be made of material with fall designs. River and stream stones gathered over the summer can empowered for various purposes. Oct 8 – Tues – d Libral Birthday Celebration September 23-October 22 Bring scales 😀 Justice is blind. Machinelf is free. Possible location: Somewhere ‘downscale.’ Oct 21 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Hunter’s/Travel/Dying Grass Moon) Oct 31 Halloween Winter (Pagan) Nov 1 – Samhain – Winter’s Start Nov 12 – Tues – d Scorpion Birthday Celebration October 23-November 21 Smoke scorpion venom 🙂 Junkies and Get High in the Pits” QUETTA, Pakistan (Reuters) – When they’re in season, Ghulam Raza smokes scorpions. He says he dries their stingers in the sun and grinds them, then lights the powdery venom and sucks the smoke deep into his lungs. “Oh yes,” he said when asked if the scorpions make him high. “When I smoke scorpion, then the heroin is like nothing to me.” The place where Raza and other Pakistani junkies smoke dope or shoot up in the southwestern city of Quetta is a good place to find scorpions. It is the main cemetery, a dust-filled field of tombstones and corpse-sized mounds of rocks. A shantytown molded from the pale dirt of the desert claws its way up a steep mountain slope on one side while Muslim prayers ring out across the city on the other. In the middle, in the ruins of a building, Raza and a dozen addict friends spend their days. Some, like Abdul Hai, have been coming here for more than 20 years. More disdained than criminalized, the hundreds of junkies in Quetta, capital of Pakistan’s parched Baluchistan province, gather away from the chaotic life of the city. In the cemetery, sometimes one of them will get very stoned and drop into an open grave. “We are safe here,” says Raza, a mechanical engineer, who says he started down the slippery slope of ds after becoming addicted to pain killers years ago when, he says, he was shot 18 times by police. The graveyard addicts beg or steal for their d money. They pay off officials for peace. When they forget, the police come and beat them, they say. Closer to the center of town, other Pakistani junkies hide away in an even less salubrious den. They huddle in small groups, cloaks pulled over their heads, in an open gutter. Nov 19 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Beaver/Frost Moon) Dec 10 – Tues – d Sagittarian Birthday Celebration November 22-December 21 Centaur hunters. Dec 19 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Cold/Long Nights Moon) Dec 21 8:15pm Winter Solstice for pain. there is a time for joy. there is a time for exploration. there is a time for celebration. -v^v^v^v^v^V^V^WWVVV # (that’s ‘how’.) ‘This’ is what ‘That’ needs. ‘That’ is what we want. ‘This’ is what we have. ‘That’ is what we find. (the choiceis yours) the drone is a magic lucky charm. You can’t ‘over use’ it because it might bite you in the ass. You can ‘use it over’ but it’s gears may become dull. ‘Expose’ yourself to the mandala only for healing. Otherwise you must go through it. It is a part of the living form of space & light and that includes you. To be fully alive and awake, you must be on the other side. otherwise you are asleep. But that’s okay, you’lll need your rest. Up and Down; intersect, angles, dimension, spiral. Sense Probability Intrinsically Resonates Alternal Love (S.P.I.R.A.L.) life…. ((((( N’TENGUE: This is the oldest human fossil in the world! HOMER: P! I’ve got more bones than That guy! I’m not impressed. N’TENGUE: But Mr.Simpson HOMER: (hand in N’Tengue’s face) Not! Impressed! ))))) *If you face the ground you can see the stars on the other side of the world. *If you look up you realize we are being squozen through an epistemological black-hole birth canal, caught o the wake of a cosmic tsunami about to come crashing down. *Look to the right and understand the urgency that cries for your help. *Look to the left and understand the part we must play in this temporal crisis. *Look behind you to check for encouragement. *Look forward to new life and the Water-Bearer. *Be yourself so we can love you. *Be yourself so you can love us. *Be yourself so you can disagree. *Be together to share the joy. and show your way to those who are listening. This message will self-destruct in 5, 4, 3, 2…. love, Evan. News – 1/25 Philly party added Lineup for Ben’s party on Feb 8 Feb 9 – Bansi – Growling Mad Scientists – Hommega/Spun/In-Trance-It – Flyer out soon Wylie looking for roomate at Trance Mission OPEN: Sundays, Mondays and Thursdays The Lord of the Rings film is out!!! Go get inspired for Burning Elf’s spring woodland LOTR party Jan 19 – Sat 2-4pm – Infected Mushroom appearance at the Home of Trance 122 St Marks That night – – Tsunami at Vinyl – Infected Mushroom & Vibrosphere 212-439-8124 Hudson & Hubert Jan 22 – Tue – Freaky Tuesdays at Who’s on First 1st avenue b/w 87th & 88th with DJ Amnesium and Machinelf contact 646-234-3263 ID21 & over Free before 10pm, $3 after, 2 for 1 drinks all night. Pool table, downstairs chill. Viviana is the bartender. Jan 23 – Wed – Screening of Goa Trance movie Opium Den 2nd ave b/w 2nd & 3rd Jan 25 – Fri – GAIAN MIND – Philadelphia’s premier Psychedelic Trance party! Special Guest: NEUM (Spiral Trax International/ACDC/Flow Records – Philadelphia) Plus: DJ ALLEN (Gaian Mind – Philadelphia) UV Decor by GAIAN MIND 9pm-2am $7 cover ($5 before 11pm) 21+ w/ ID at LaTazza 108 108 Chestnut Street Philadelphia, PA, USA web Gaian-Mind Jan 26 – Sat – – Synthetic Sadhus – Astral Projection, Dino Psaras and half of Etnica – Jan 28 – Mon – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Wolf/Old Moon) Jan 29 – Tue- Freaky Tuesdays at Who’s on First 1st avenue b/w 87th & 88th with DJ Tony and Machinelf contact 646-234-3263 ID21 & over Free before 10pm, $3 after, 2 for 1 drinks all night. Pool table, downstairs chill. Viviana is the bartender. Jan 29 – – Tue- Freaky Tuesdays at Who’s on First 1st avenue b/w 87th & 88th with DJ Tony and Machinelf contact 646-234-3263 ID21 & over Free before 10pm, $3 after, 2 for 1 drinks all night. Pool table, downstairs chill. Viviana is the bartender. Jan 30 – Wed – Opium Den 2nd ave b/w 2nd & 3rd Brazilian Daime Full Moon Trance Party / check this magnificent event taking place in brazil on the full moon of january. organized by the boom production team with the daime tribe of brazil (church of ayuhuasca)…. more info at igwana12 at hotmail Feb 1 – Friday – Imbalc Winter’s Leavetaking Unconfirmed Omnitribe Peter Didjital (Digital Structures, Baluns records – Sweden) and MUCH MORE… at 114 W 26th Street (b/w 6th & 7th Ave.) Feb 2 – Saturday OPEN – dski!!! Feb 5 – Tue- Freaky Tuesdays at Who’s on First 1st avenue b/w 87th & 88th with DJ Tony and Machinelf contact 646-234-3263 ID21 & over Free before 10pm, $3 after, 2 for 1 drinks all night. Pool table, downstairs chill. Viviana is the bartender. Feb 6 – Wed -Opium Den 2nd ave b/w 2nd & 3rd Feb 8 – Ben at cownow light-o-maticis doing a private list only party for Jaime’s birthday. Prepay. Featuring DJ’s: Boris (Burning Elf) Shikid (OmniTribe) Chico DragonLotus (DragonTribe) Machinelf (d) Niko (Synthetic Sadhus) Jed (TranceAct) web lightomatic/party or email ben at cownow Feb 9 – Bansi – Growling Mad Scientists – Hommega/Spun/In-Trance-It Feb 11 – Tue- Freaky Tuesdays at Who’s on First 1st avenue b/w 87th & 88th with DJ Tony and Machinelf contact 646-234-3263 ID21 & over Free before 10pm, $3 after, 2 for 1 drinks all night. Pool table, downstairs chill. Viviana is the bartender. Feb 12 – Tue – d Aquarian Birthday Celebration January 20-February 18 FREE. Come early (8pm) to eat, later (11pm) to party. 8pm-4am Location TBA, maybe Karma or Who’s on First The energy of the music will match the energy of the crowd. Bring: bottled water, water guns, dolphins, mermaid outfits, anything flowing. Think Liquid. The venue will allow us to refill our water bottles at the bathrooms just for us. Astrological readings. Si necessito we pull back the carpet to trance dance. To encourage all our friends to come help us celebrate a most chaotic crazy quilt of which we are all strands of theoretical string. To give trance people a chance to meet d people and possibly join the congregation. If you have toys, trip toys, bring them. If you have art, bring it. If you can bring a lot of goodies for everyone, that would be swell. Bring enough to share. Feb 13 – Wed – Opium Den 2nd ave b/w 2nd & 3rd Feb 19 – Tue – Freaky Tuesdays at Who’s on First 1st avenue b/w 87th & 88th with DJ Tony and Machinelf contact 646-234-3263 ID21 & over Free before 10pm, $3 after, 2 for 1 drinks all night. Pool table, downstairs chill. Viviana is the bartender. Feb 20 – Wed – Opium Den 2nd ave b/w 2nd & 3rd Feb 26 – Freaky Tuesdays at Who’s on First 1st avenue b/w 87th & 88th with DJ Tony and Machinelf contact 646-234-3263 ID21 & over Free before 10pm, $3 after, 2 for 1 drinks all night. Pool table, downstairs chill. Viviana is the bartender. Feb 27 – Wed – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Snow/Hunger Moon) Mar 12 – Tues – d Pisces Birthday Celebration Feb 19-March 20 Bring fish. Guest of Honor: Mark Lorenz, Aquarium Cleaner Extraordinaire Possible location: 7th Avenue Sushi, Le Bernardin, or somewhere with a lot of fish aquariums March 20 2:16pm – Vernal Equinox – The outdoor Lord of the Rings psy-trance festival upstate will be in the Spring, with trance Sindarin woodland elves. The film will be out December 21st. Possible party at Chicen Itza pyramids in the Yucatan during spring equinox might be good… one pyramid at chichen itza is built so that a plumed serpent can be seen descending the stairs when the light hits it on this day) of course thousands of native people come to see this as well, depending on how we’re received that could be good or bad) We have the ear of the head of tourism who is open to hosting a trance event at the base of the pyramids. Looking for organizers & investors. The rewards are high but it won’t come cheap. Suggestion: Sliding scale for Mexican nationals/Indians should ideally come for next to nothing, or free; alcohol should not be served. Email andys at ezy.net Mar 28 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Worm/Crow/Crust/Sugar/Sap Moon) April 9 – Tues – d Arian Birthday Celebration March 21-April 19 LOCATION: Mars 2112 Guest of Honor: This dude I know named “Mars” Bring guns and swords. April 26 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Pink/Sprouting Grass/Egg/Fish Moon) May 1 – Beltainne – Spring’s Planting May 14 – Tues – d Tauran Birthday Celebration April 20-May 20 Taurus All Taurus get a free Red Bull REFRESHMENTS: Red Bull, Schlitz Malt Liquor Bull Special Guest: Suzula, Xander, Gary Toro, Cata Toro Bring: Bulls. Horns. Whips. Rawhide. Music: Progressive Playstation Wipeout Game with Red Bull sponsorship Possible Location: Denim & Diamonds or someplace with a mechanical bull No Bullshit! May 26 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Flower/Corn Planting/Milk Moon) June 11 – Tues – d Gemini Birthday Celebration May 21- June 21 Invite every twin you know. Two for one drink specials. Your evil twin, Invite your nemesis. Moment of Silence for the Twin Towers. June 21 9:24am Summer Solstice In many cultures, the coming of Summer is the heralding of a time for love, marriage, friendship, beauty, protection, courage, magical energy, physical energy, and strength. It is the perfect time for Fire Magic! The Summer Solstice, also called “Midsummer” or “Litha”, is the longest day of the year. (The Christian Calendar marks this holiday with “St. Peter and Paul’s Day) This celebration of the coming of the light is when magics involving protection, strength, energy and clear sight will be the most successful. With the Sun high in the heavens, the powers of light are readily evoked. Anything that shadows your soul can be set aflame by the Sun’s protective glow. Pagan couples also know that this is the time when the Horned God is at the zenith of His manifest Power and the flowering Godess of Spring welcomes his presence. Sex Magic is powerful now. In many cultures, the coming of Summer is the heralding of a time for love, marriage, friendship, beauty, protection, courage, magical energy, physical energy, and strength. It is the perfect time for Fire Magic! The Summer Solstice, also called “Midsummer” or “Litha”, is the longest day of the year. (The Christian Calendar marks this holiday with “St. Peter and Paul’s Day) This celebration of the coming of the light is when magics involving protection, strength, energy and clear sight will be the most successful. With the Sun high in the heavens, the powers of light are readily evoked. Anything that shadows your soul can be set aflame by the Sun’s protective glow. Pagan couples also know that this is the time when the Horned God is at the zenith of His manifest Power and the flowering Godess of Spring welcomes his presence. Sex Magic is powerful now and legend tells that a nakedmtskip through a garden on Litha night ensures fertility for the coming season. The peaceful blue color of the Lapis stone can be worn to foster physical fertility as well as psychic awareness. Below are some suggestions I have to make your Summer Solstice Rituals complete as well as enlightening…I’ve even included some of my favorite meditations and incantations. Enjoy, and Blessed Be! June 24 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Strawberry/Rose/Hot Moon) July 9 – Tues – d Cancer Birthday Celebration June 22-July 22 Crab cakes. Crabby people. Possible location: Maryland Crabs July 24 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Buck/Thunder/Hay Moon) Aug 1 – Lugnasad – Harvest Time Aug 13 – Tues – d Leo Birthday Celebration July 23-August 22 Possible Location: White Lion. Cowardly Lion. King of the Jungle. Lyin’ August 22 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Sturgeon/Red/Green Corn Moon) Sept 10 – Tues – d Virgan Birthday Celebration August 23-September 22 Virgin bloody maries. Sacrificial virgins. September 23 12:56 am Autumnal Equinox With only 3 more months left in the Celtic summer, pagan folk work hard for the harvest yet to come, whether it be corn and hay from the fields or the personal projects and goals that we planned for the summer months. When the sun crosses the equator and heads south at the Autumnal Equinox, the second of the harvest festivals, (celebrated around September 21) we again celebrate the magnificant balance that the everturning Wheel of the Year promises. These equinoxs are great s that the bleak days of winter as well as the heady days of summer are temporary, that all things have their seasons, and that none will last forever. The law of polarity and rythym require that all things be balanced by their opposites. On these days our ancestors aligned themselves in the ebb and flow of life. As winter, spring, summer and autumn pass by, Witches still reconnect with the ever moving flow of life, we make our plans and watch them unfold. If some do not come to fruition we try again. We pass through times of joy and sorrow; little ones are born, the older ones die allowing their spirits to pass into Summerland. Every event in life is rich in purpose and meaning. Each day, night and season has its own special character. Rituals connect us to both the big and little dramas of the year and of the greater life cycle. We unite the character and spirit of each passing season and do magic to transform our lives, giving them a depth and an expansiveness that without ritual and celebration we would never achieve. Even the most humble ritual helps the moment of power and change, and the celebrant partakes in somthing greater than him or herself. Some would say that in these moments of ecstasy we actually stand outside ourselves and the God and Goddess within us become brighter, more powerful and we touch the All; eg, the Lord Pan and Lady Gaia, Jesus, God, however you see the Divine Power. This festival is associated with the taking of corn and other foods that are to be harvested at this time. Cornbread cakes and cider are an excellent addition to the festivities. The frost will hit soon, so the last of the herbs and other plants you wish to dry for winter use should be harvested now. Depending on when the leaves turn in your area, you may wish to parafin them and add them to your house decorations. Dip the leave quickly in melted parafin, and put them on wax paper. When the leaves are dry you can put them in a huge, decorative jar with a sigil of protection carved lightly on some or all of the leaves. Colors used for candles should be brown, orange, gold or red. Altar cloths can be made of material with fall designs. River and stream stones gathered over the summer can empowered for various purposes. Bring scales 😀 Justice is blind. Machinelf is free. Possible location: Somewhere ‘downscale.’ Oct 21 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Hunter’s/Travel/Dying Grass Moon) Oct 31 Halloween Nov 12 – Tues – d Scorpion Birthday Celebration October 23-November 21 Smoke scorpion venom 🙂 Junkies and Get High in the Pits” QUETTA, Pakistan (Reuters) – When they’re in season, Ghulam Raza smokes scorpions. He says he dries their stingers in the sun and grinds them, then lights the powdery venom and sucks the smoke deep into his lungs. “Oh yes,” he said when asked if the scorpions make him high. “When I smoke scorpion, then the heroin is like nothing to me.” The place where Raza and other Pakistani junkies smoke dope or shoot up in the southwestern city of Quetta is a good place to find scorpions. It is the main cemetery, a dust-filled field of tombstones and corpse-sized mounds of rocks. A shantytown molded from the pale dirt of the desert claws its way up a steep mountain slope on one side while Muslim prayers ring out across the city on the other. In the middle, in the ruins of a building, Raza and a dozen addict friends spend their days. Some, like Abdul Hai, have been coming here for more than 20 years. More disdained than criminalized, the hundreds of junkies in Quetta, capital of Pakistan’s parched Baluchistan province, gather away from the chaotic life of the city. In the cemetery, sometimes one of them will get very stoned and drop into an open grave. “We are safe here,” says Raza, a mechanical engineer, who says he started down the slippery slope of ds after becoming addicted to pain killers years ago when, he says, he was shot 18 times by police. The graveyard addicts beg or steal for their d money. They pay off officials for peace. When they forget, the police come and beat them, they say. Closer to the center of town, other Pakistani junkies hide away in an even less salubrious den. They huddle in small groups, cloaks pulled over their heads, in an open gutter. Nov 19 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Beaver/Frost Moon) Dec 10 – Tues – d Sagittarian Birthday Celebration November 22-December 21 Centaur hunters. Dec 19 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Cold/Long Nights Moon) for pain. there is a time for joy. there is a time for exploration. there is a time for celebration. -v^v^v^v^v^V^V^WWVVV # (that’s ‘how’.) ‘This’ is what ‘That’ needs. ‘That’ is what we want. ‘This’ is what we have. ‘That’ is what we find. (the choiceis yours) the drone is a magic lucky charm. You can’t ‘over use’ it because it might bite you in the ass. You can ‘use it over’ but it’s gears may become dull. ‘Expose’ yourself to the mandala only for healing. Otherwise you must go through it. It is a part of the living form of space & light and that includes you. To be fully alive and awake, you must be on the other side. otherwise you are asleep. But that’s okay, you’lll need your rest. Up and Down; intersect, angles, dimension, spiral. Sense Probability Intrinsically Resonates Alternal Love (S.P.I.R.A.L.) life…. ((((( N’TENGUE: This is the oldest human fossil in the world! HOMER: P! I’ve got more bones than That guy! I’m not impressed. N’TENGUE: But Mr.Simpson HOMER: (hand in N’Tengue’s face) Not! Impressed! ))))) *If you face the ground you can see the stars on the other side of the world. *If you look up you realize we are being squozen through an epistemological black-hole birth canal, caught o the wake of a cosmic tsunami about to come crashing down. *Look to the right and understand the urgency that cries for your help. *Look to the left and understand the part we must play in this temporal crisis. *Look behind you to check for encouragement. *Look forward to new life and the Water-Bearer. *Be yourself so we can love you. *Be yourself so you can love us. *Be yourself so you can disagree. *Be together to share the joy. and show your way to those who are listening. This message will self-destruct in 5, 4, 3, 2…. love, Evan.
#2200 Mon, 21 Jan 2002 19:06:15 -0800 Wednesday at Makor From: angeles garay chiletrance at yahooJanuary 23 Wednesday Pacha Mama(2001-U.S. Premiere) Like so many Israelis, Moshe Kastiel decided to travel to India after completing his military service. While in Goa, he embarks on a spiritual journey that leads him to establish a commune in Costa Rica. Pacha Mama examines the fascinating world of that commune and its attraction to followers from around the world. Director:Asaffa Peled. Runtime: 61 minutes (English subtitles). Check out trance Dj Angeles at the Makor Lounge (9p-12a) following the early film screeningNo Cover at the door!!! Love and Light Angeles
#2203 Tue, 22 Jan 2002 10:18:33 Tue, 22 Jan 2002 10:18:33 Fwd: Astral Projection Party!
#2204 Tue, 22 Jan 2002 10:06:56 -0800 Chiletrance Wednesdays From: angeles garay chiletrance at yahoo Hello Everyone This is a for every Wednesday nights at Opium Den with Dj Angeles+Guests. Come and have fun with us listening to trance music. Dj Angeles(Chiletrance-6th element) Please check every week for our special guests. web chiletrance Opium Den 29 East 3rd Street at 2nd Avenue Thanks!! Love and Light Angeles
#2205 Wed, 23 Jan 2002 10:18:24 Wed, 23 Jan 2002 10:18:35 Need info on Goa film screening location… send the details for the “Pacha Mama” screening to this address today only: brainmachines i emailed angeles – chiletrance but have not heard back and a lot of people are asking
#2206 Fri, 25 Jan 2002 13:10:02 Fri, 25 Jan 2002 13:10:02 Fwd: solstice festival
#2207 Fri, 25 Jan 2002 13:18:21 Fri, 25 Jan 2002 13:18:20 Pschedule Spy-France Pschedule NYC 2002 News – Summer Solstice in Colorado, Fusion, Burning Man OPEN: Sundays, Mondays and Thursdays The Lord of the Rings film is out!!! Go get inspired for Burning Elf’s spring woodland LOTR party Jan 25 – Fri – dski every weekend through March 18!!! – come for CD sharing & burning, video games, music, cooking, eating, DJing, hiking, snow angel making, cuddle puddling, fiends, fun, and oh yeah… skiing and snowboarding 5 minutes away, cheap.. Contribution is flexible depending on YOUR needs – some will occasionally spend an entire week there!! Me personally, I will be there whenever there’s not a trance party on a given weekend evening. More info email rocktheshow at aol . Here’s a photo of the house: GAIAN MIND – Philadelphia’s premier Psychedelic Trance party! Special Guest: NEUM (Spiral Trax International/ACDC/Flow Records – Philadelphia) Plus: DJ ALLEN (Gaian Mind – Philadelphia) UV Decor by GAIAN MIND 9pm-2am $7 cover ($5 before 11pm) 21+ w/ ID at LaTazza 108 108 Chestnut Street Philadelphia, PA, USA web Gaian-Mind Jan 26 – Sat – – Synthetic Sadhus – Astral Projection, Dino Psaras and half of Etnica – Jan 28 – Mon – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Wolf/Old Moon) Jan 29 – Tue- Freaky Tuesdays at Who’s on First 1st avenue b/w 87th & 88th with DJ Amnesium contact 646-234-3263 ID21 & over Free before 10pm, $3 after, 2 for 1 drinks all night. Pool table, downstairs chill. Viviana is the bartender. Jan 30 – Wed – Opium Den 2nd ave b/w 2nd & 3rd Brazilian Daime Full Moon Trance Party / check this magnificent event taking place in brazil on the full moon of january. organized by the boom production team with the daime tribe of brazil (church of ayuhuasca)…. more info at igwana12 at hotmail Feb 1 – Friday – Imbalc Winter’s Leavetaking Unconfirmed: Omnitribe Peter Didjital (Digital Structures, Baluns records – Sweden) and MUCH MORE… at 114 W 26th Street (b/w 6th & 7th Ave.) Unconfirmed: Tsunami Feb 2 – Saturday OPEN – dski!!! Feb 5 – Tue- Freaky Tuesdays at Who’s on First 1st avenue b/w 87th & 88th with DJ Amnesium contact 646-234-3263 ID21 & over Free before 10pm, $3 after, 2 for 1 drinks all night. Pool table, downstairs chill. Viviana is the bartender. Feb 6 – Wed -Opium Den 2nd ave b/w 2nd & 3rd Feb 8 – Ben at cownow light-o-maticis doing a private list only party for Jaime’s birthday. Prepay. Featuring DJ’s: Boris (Burning Elf) Shikid (OmniTribe) Chico DragonLotus (DragonTribe) Machinelf (d) Niko (Synthetic Sadhus) Jed (TranceAct) web lightomatic/party or email ben at cownow Feb 9 – Bansi – Growling Mad Scientists – Hommega/Spun/In-Trance-It at the Lunatarium 10 Jay Street web lunatarium … Location unconfirmed Feb 11 – Tue- Freaky Tuesdays at Who’s on First 1st avenue b/w 87th & 88th with DJ Amnesium contact 646-234-3263 ID21 & over Free before 10pm, $3 after, 2 for 1 drinks all night. Pool table, downstairs chill. Viviana is the bartender. Feb 12 – Tue – d Aquarian Birthday Celebration January 20-February 18 FREE. Come early (8pm) to eat, later (11pm) to party. 8pm-4am Location TBA, maybe Karma or Who’s on First The energy of the music will match the energy of the crowd. Bring: bottled water, water guns, dolphins, mermaid outfits, anything flowing. Think Liquid. The venue will allow us to refill our water bottles at the bathrooms just for us. Astrological readings. Si necessito we pull back the carpet to trance dance. To encourage all our friends to come help us celebrate a most chaotic crazy quilt of which we are all strands of theoretical string. To give trance people a chance to meet d people and possibly join the congregation. If you have toys, trip toys, bring them. If you have art, bring it. If you can bring a lot of goodies for everyone, that would be swell. Bring enough to share. Feb 13 – Wed – Opium Den 2nd ave b/w 2nd & 3rd Feb 15/16 – Fri/Sat – dmtski!! Feb 19 – Tue – Freaky Tuesdays at Who’s on First 1st avenue b/w 87th & 88th with DJ Amnesium contact 646-234-3263 ID21 & over Free before 10pm, $3 after, 2 for 1 drinks all night. Pool table, downstairs chill. Viviana is the bartender. Feb 20 – Wed – Opium Den 2nd ave b/w 2nd & 3rd Feb 22/Feb 23 – Fri-Sat – dmtski!! Feb 26 – Freaky Tuesdays at Who’s on First 1st avenue b/w 87th & 88th with DJ Amnesium contact 646-234-3263 ID21 & over Free before 10pm, $3 after, 2 for 1 drinks all night. Pool table, downstairs chill. Viviana is the bartender. Feb 27 – Wed – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Snow/Hunger Moon) Mar 1/2 – Fri/Sat – dmtski Mar 8/9 – Fri/Sat – dmtski Mar 12 – Tues – d Pisces Birthday Celebration Feb 19-March 20 Bring fish. Guest of Honor: Mark Lorenz, Aquarium Cleaner Extraordinaire Possible location: 7th Avenue Sushi, Le Bernardin, or somewhere with a lot of fish aquariums SPRING March 20 2:16pm – Vernal Equinox – The outdoor Lord of the Rings psy-trance festival upstate will be in the Spring, with trance Sindarin woodland elves. The film will be out December 21st. Possible party at Chicen Itza pyramids in the Yucatan during spring equinox might be good… one pyramid at chichen itza is built so that a plumed serpent can be seen descending the stairs when the light hits it on this day) of course thousands of native people come to see this as well, depending on how we’re received that could be good or bad) We have the ear of the head of tourism who is open to hosting a trance event at the base of the pyramids. Looking for organizers & investors. The rewards are high but it won’t come cheap. Suggestion: Sliding scale for Mexican nationals/Indians should ideally come for next to nothing, or free; alcohol should not be served. Email andys at ezy.net Mar 28 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Worm/Crow/Crust/Sugar/Sap Moon) April 9 – Tues – d Arian Birthday Celebration March 21-April 19 LOCATION: Mars 2112 Guest of Honor: This dude I know named “Mars” Bring guns and swords. April 26 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Pink/Sprouting Grass/Egg/Fish Moon) May 1 – Beltainne – Spring’s Planting May 14 – Tues – d Tauran Birthday Celebration April 20-May 20 Taurus All Taurus get a free Red Bull REFRESHMENTS: Red Bull, Schlitz Malt Liquor Bull Special Guest: Suzula, Xander, Gary Toro, Cata Toro Bring: Bulls. Horns. Whips. Rawhide. Music: Progressive Playstation Wipeout Game with Red Bull sponsorship Possible Location: Denim & Diamonds or someplace with a mechanical bull No Bullshit! May 26 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Flower/Corn Planting/Milk Moon) June 11 – Tues – d Gemini Birthday Celebration May 21- June 21 Invite every twin you know. Two for one drink specials. Your evil twin, Invite your nemesis. Moment of Silence for the Twin Towers. Possible location: Twins. SUMMER June 21 9:24am Summer Solstice June 21-24 Solstice Festival in Southern Colorado gregschmid at yahoo 888-336-3997 In many cultures, the coming of Summer is the heralding of a time for love, marriage, friendship, beauty, protection, courage, magical energy, physical energy, and strength. It is the perfect time for Fire Magic! The Summer Solstice, also called “Midsummer” or “Litha”, is the longest day of the year. (The Christian Calendar marks this holiday with “St. Peter and Paul’s Day) This celebration of the coming of the light is when magics involving protection, strength, energy and clear sight will be the most successful. With the Sun high in the heavens, the powers of light are readily evoked. Anything that shadows your soul can be set aflame by the Sun’s protective glow. Pagan couples also know that this is the time when the Horned God is at the zenith of His manifest Power and the flowering Godess of Spring welcomes his presence. Sex Magic is powerful now. In many cultures, the coming of Summer is the heralding of a time for love, marriage, friendship, beauty, protection, courage, magical energy, physical energy, and strength. It is the perfect time for Fire Magic! The Summer Solstice, also called “Midsummer” or “Litha”, is the longest day of the year. (The Christian Calendar marks this holiday with “St. Peter and Paul’s Day) This celebration of the coming of the light is when magics involving protection, strength, energy and clear sight will be the most successful. With the Sun high in the heavens, the powers of light are readily evoked. Anything that shadows your soul can be set aflame by the Sun’s protective glow. Pagan couples also know that this is the time when the Horned God is at the zenith of His manifest Power and the flowering Godess of Spring welcomes his presence. Sex Magic is powerful now and legend tells that a nakedmtskip through a garden on Litha night ensures fertility for the coming season. The peaceful blue color of the Lapis stone can be worn to foster physical fertility as well as psychic awareness. Below are some suggestions I have to make your Summer Solstice Rituals complete as well as enlightening…I’ve even included some of my favorite meditations and incantations. Enjoy, and Blessed Be! June 24 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Strawberry/Rose/Hot Moon) July 9 – Tues – d Cancer Birthday Celebration June 22-July 22 Crab cakes. Crabby people. Possible location: Maryland Crabs July 24 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Buck/Thunder/Hay Moon) Aug 1 – Lugnasad – Harvest Time Aug 13 – Tues – d Leo Birthday Celebration July 23-August 22 Possible Location: White Lion. Cowardly Lion. King of the Jungle. Lyin’ Fusion Festival in California August 22 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Sturgeon/Red/Green Corn Moon) Labor Day – Burning Man Sept 10 – Tues – d Virgan Birthday Celebration August 23-September 22 Virgin bloody maries. Sacrificial virgins. September 21 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Harvest/Corn/Barley Moon) Autumn September 23 12:56 am Autumnal Equinox With only 3 more months left in the Celtic summer, pagan folk work hard for the harvest yet to come, whether it be corn and hay from the fields or the personal projects and goals that we planned for the summer months. When the sun crosses the equator and heads south at the Autumnal Equinox, the second of the harvest festivals, (celebrated around September 21) we again celebrate the magnificant balance that the everturning Wheel of the Year promises. These equinoxs are great s that the bleak days of winter as well as the heady days of summer are temporary, that all things have their seasons, and that none will last forever. The law of polarity and rythym require that all things be balanced by their opposites. On these days our ancestors aligned themselves in the ebb and flow of life. As winter, spring, summer and autumn pass by, Witches still reconnect with the ever moving flow of life, we make our plans and watch them unfold. If some do not come to fruition we try again. We pass through times of joy and sorrow; little ones are born, the older ones die allowing their spirits to pass into Summerland. Every event in life is rich in purpose and meaning. Each day, night and season has its own special character. Rituals connect us to both the big and little dramas of the year and of the greater life cycle. We unite the character and spirit of each passing season and do magic to transform our lives, giving them a depth and an expansiveness that without ritual and celebration we would never achieve. Even the most humble ritual helps the moment of power and change, and the celebrant partakes in somthing greater than him or herself. Some would say that in these moments of ecstasy we actually stand outside ourselves and the God and Goddess within us become brighter, more powerful and we touch the All; eg, the Lord Pan and Lady Gaia, Jesus, God, however you see the Divine Power. This festival is associated with the taking of corn and other foods that are to be harvested at this time. Cornbread cakes and cider are an excellent addition to the festivities. The frost will hit soon, so the last of the herbs and other plants you wish to dry for winter use should be harvested now. Depending on when the leaves turn in your area, you may wish to parafin them and add them to your house decorations. Dip the leave quickly in melted parafin, and put them on wax paper. When the leaves are dry you can put them in a huge, decorative jar with a sigil of protection carved lightly on some or all of the leaves. Colors used for candles should be brown, orange, gold or red. Altar cloths can be made of material with fall designs. River and stream stones gathered over the summer can empowered for various purposes. Oct 8 – Tues – d Libral Birthday Celebration September 23-October 22 Bring scales 😀 Justice is blind. Machinelf is free. Possible location: Somewhere ‘downscale.’ Oct 21 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Hunter’s/Travel/Dying Grass Moon) Oct 31 Halloween Winter (Pagan) Nov 1 – Samhain – Winter’s Start Nov 12 – Tues – d Scorpion Birthday Celebration October 23-November 21 Smoke scorpion venom 🙂 Junkies and Get High in the Pits” QUETTA, Pakistan (Reuters) – When they’re in season, Ghulam Raza smokes scorpions. He says he dries their stingers in the sun and grinds them, then lights the powdery venom and sucks the smoke deep into his lungs. “Oh yes,” he said when asked if the scorpions make him high. “When I smoke scorpion, then the heroin is like nothing to me.” The place where Raza and other Pakistani junkies smoke dope or shoot up in the southwestern city of Quetta is a good place to find scorpions. It is the main cemetery, a dust-filled field of tombstones and corpse-sized mounds of rocks. A shantytown molded from the pale dirt of the desert claws its way up a steep mountain slope on one side while Muslim prayers ring out across the city on the other. In the middle, in the ruins of a building, Raza and a dozen addict friends spend their days. Some, like Abdul Hai, have been coming here for more than 20 years. More disdained than criminalized, the hundreds of junkies in Quetta, capital of Pakistan’s parched Baluchistan province, gather away from the chaotic life of the city. In the cemetery, sometimes one of them will get very stoned and drop into an open grave. “We are safe here,” says Raza, a mechanical engineer, who says he started down the slippery slope of ds after becoming addicted to pain killers years ago when, he says, he was shot 18 times by police. The graveyard addicts beg or steal for their d money. They pay off officials for peace. When they forget, the police come and beat them, they say. Closer to the center of town, other Pakistani junkies hide away in an even less salubrious den. They huddle in small groups, cloaks pulled over their heads, in an open gutter. Nov 19 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Beaver/Frost Moon) Dec 10 – Tues – d Sagittarian Birthday Celebration November 22-December 21 Centaur hunters. Dec 19 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Cold/Long Nights Moon) Dec 21 8:15pm Winter Solstice for pain. there is a time for joy. there is a time for exploration. there is a time for celebration. -v^v^v^v^v^V^V^WWVVV # (that’s ‘how’.) ‘This’ is what ‘That’ needs. ‘That’ is what we want. ‘This’ is what we have. ‘That’ is what we find. (the choiceis yours) the drone is a magic lucky charm. You can’t ‘over use’ it because it might bite you in the ass. You can ‘use it over’ but it’s gears may become dull. ‘Expose’ yourself to the mandala only for healing. Otherwise you must go through it. It is a part of the living form of space & light and that includes you. To be fully alive and awake, you must be on the other side. otherwise you are asleep. But that’s okay, you’lll need your rest. Up and Down; intersect, angles, dimension, spiral. Sense Probability Intrinsically Resonates Alternal Love (S.P.I.R.A.L.) life…. ((((( N’TENGUE: This is the oldest human fossil in the world! HOMER: P! I’ve got more bones than That guy! I’m not impressed. N’TENGUE: But Mr.Simpson HOMER: (hand in N’Tengue’s face) Not! Impressed! ))))) *If you face the ground you can see the stars on the other side of the world. *If you look up you realize we are being squozen through an epistemological black-hole birth canal, caught o the wake of a cosmic tsunami about to come crashing down. *Look to the right and understand the urgency that cries for your help. *Look to the left and understand the part we must play in this temporal crisis. *Look behind you to check for encouragement. *Look forward to new life and the Water-Bearer. *Be yourself so we can love you. *Be yourself so you can love us. *Be yourself so you can disagree. *Be together to share the joy. and show your way to those who are listening. This message will self-destruct in 5, 4, 3, 2…. love, Evan.News – Summer Solstice in Colorado, Fusion, Burning Man OPEN: Sundays, Mondays and Thursdays The Lord of the Rings film is out!!! Go get inspired for Burning Elf’s spring woodland LOTR party GAIAN MIND – Philadelphia’s premier Psychedelic Trance party! Special Guest: NEUM (Spiral Trax International/ACDC/Flow Records – Philadelphia) Plus: DJ ALLEN (Gaian Mind – Philadelphia) UV Decor by GAIAN MIND 9pm-2am $7 cover ($5 before 11pm) 21+ w/ ID at LaTazza 108 108 Chestnut Street Philadelphia, PA, USA web Gaian-Mind Jan 26 – Sat – – Synthetic Sadhus – Astral Projection, Dino Psaras and half of Etnica – Jan 28 – Mon – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Wolf/Old Moon) Jan 29 – Tue- Freaky Tuesdays at Who’s on First 1st avenue b/w 87th & 88th with DJ Amnesium contact 646-234-3263 ID21 & over Free before 10pm, $3 after, 2 for 1 drinks all night. Pool table, downstairs chill. Viviana is the bartender. Jan 30 – Wed – Opium Den 2nd ave b/w 2nd & 3rd Brazilian Daime Full Moon Trance Party / check this magnificent event taking place in brazil on the full moon of january. organized by the boom production team with the daime tribe of brazil (church of ayuhuasca)…. more info at igwana12 at hotmail Feb 1 – Friday – Imbalc Winter’s Leavetaking Unconfirmed: Omnitribe Peter Didjital (Digital Structures, Baluns records – Sweden) and MUCH MORE… at 114 W 26th Street (b/w 6th & 7th Ave.) Unconfirmed: Tsunami Feb 2 – Saturday OPEN – dski!!! Feb 5 – Tue- Freaky Tuesdays at Who’s on First 1st avenue b/w 87th & 88th with DJ Amnesium contact 646-234-3263 ID21 & over Free before 10pm, $3 after, 2 for 1 drinks all night. Pool table, downstairs chill. Viviana is the bartender. Feb 6 – Wed -Opium Den 2nd ave b/w 2nd & 3rd Feb 8 – Ben at cownow light-o-maticis doing a private list only party for Jaime’s birthday. Prepay. Featuring DJ’s: Boris (Burning Elf) Shikid (OmniTribe) Chico DragonLotus (DragonTribe) Machinelf (d) Niko (Synthetic Sadhus) Jed (TranceAct) web lightomatic/party or email ben at cownow Feb 9 – Bansi – Growling Mad Scientists – Hommega/Spun/In-Trance-It at the Lunatarium 10 Jay Street web lunatarium … Location unconfirmed Feb 11 – Tue- Freaky Tuesdays at Who’s on First 1st avenue b/w 87th & 88th with DJ Amnesium contact 646-234-3263 ID21 & over Free before 10pm, $3 after, 2 for 1 drinks all night. Pool table, downstairs chill. Viviana is the bartender. Feb 12 – Tue – d Aquarian Birthday Celebration January 20-February 18 FREE. Come early (8pm) to eat, later (11pm) to party. 8pm-4am Location TBA, maybe Karma or Who’s on First The energy of the music will match the energy of the crowd. Bring: bottled water, water guns, dolphins, mermaid outfits, anything flowing. Think Liquid. The venue will allow us to refill our water bottles at the bathrooms just for us. Astrological readings. Si necessito we pull back the carpet to trance dance. To encourage all our friends to come help us celebrate a most chaotic crazy quilt of which we are all strands of theoretical string. To give trance people a chance to meet d people and possibly join the congregation. If you have toys, trip toys, bring them. If you have art, bring it. If you can bring a lot of goodies for everyone, that would be swell. Bring enough to share. Feb 13 – Wed – Opium Den 2nd ave b/w 2nd & 3rd Feb 15/16 – Fri/Sat – dmtski!! Feb 19 – Tue – Freaky Tuesdays at Who’s on First 1st avenue b/w 87th & 88th with DJ Amnesium contact 646-234-3263 ID21 & over Free before 10pm, $3 after, 2 for 1 drinks all night. Pool table, downstairs chill. Viviana is the bartender. Feb 20 – Wed – Opium Den 2nd ave b/w 2nd & 3rd Feb 22/Feb 23 – Fri-Sat – dmtski!! Feb 26 – Freaky Tuesdays at Who’s on First 1st avenue b/w 87th & 88th with DJ Amnesium contact 646-234-3263 ID21 & over Free before 10pm, $3 after, 2 for 1 drinks all night. Pool table, downstairs chill. Viviana is the bartender. Feb 27 – Wed – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Snow/Hunger Moon) Mar 1/2 – Fri/Sat – dmtski Mar 8/9 – Fri/Sat – dmtski Mar 12 – Tues – d Pisces Birthday Celebration Feb 19-March 20 Bring fish. Guest of Honor: Mark Lorenz, Aquarium Cleaner Extraordinaire Possible location: 7th Avenue Sushi, Le Bernardin, or somewhere with a lot of fish aquariums March 20 2:16pm – Vernal Equinox – The outdoor Lord of the Rings psy-trance festival upstate will be in the Spring, with trance Sindarin woodland elves. The film will be out December 21st. Possible party at Chicen Itza pyramids in the Yucatan during spring equinox might be good… one pyramid at chichen itza is built so that a plumed serpent can be seen descending the stairs when the light hits it on this day) of course thousands of native people come to see this as well, depending on how we’re received that could be good or bad) We have the ear of the head of tourism who is open to hosting a trance event at the base of the pyramids. Looking for organizers & investors. The rewards are high but it won’t come cheap. Suggestion: Sliding scale for Mexican nationals/Indians should ideally come for next to nothing, or free; alcohol should not be served. Email andys at ezy.net Mar 28 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Worm/Crow/Crust/Sugar/Sap Moon) April 9 – Tues – d Arian Birthday Celebration March 21-April 19 LOCATION: Mars 2112 Guest of Honor: This dude I know named “Mars” Bring guns and swords. April 26 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Pink/Sprouting Grass/Egg/Fish Moon) May 1 – Beltainne – Spring’s Planting May 14 – Tues – d Tauran Birthday Celebration April 20-May 20 Taurus All Taurus get a free Red Bull REFRESHMENTS: Red Bull, Schlitz Malt Liquor Bull Special Guest: Suzula, Xander, Gary Toro, Cata Toro Bring: Bulls. Horns. Whips. Rawhide. Music: Progressive Playstation Wipeout Game with Red Bull sponsorship Possible Location: Denim & Diamonds or someplace with a mechanical bull No Bullshit! May 26 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Flower/Corn Planting/Milk Moon) June 11 – Tues – d Gemini Birthday Celebration May 21- June 21 Invite every twin you know. Two for one drink specials. Your evil twin, Invite your nemesis. Moment of Silence for the Twin Towers. June 21 9:24am Summer Solstice In many cultures, the coming of Summer is the heralding of a time for love, marriage, friendship, beauty, protection, courage, magical energy, physical energy, and strength. It is the perfect time for Fire Magic! The Summer Solstice, also called “Midsummer” or “Litha”, is the longest day of the year. (The Christian Calendar marks this holiday with “St. Peter and Paul’s Day) This celebration of the coming of the light is when magics involving protection, strength, energy and clear sight will be the most successful. With the Sun high in the heavens, the powers of light are readily evoked. Anything that shadows your soul can be set aflame by the Sun’s protective glow. Pagan couples also know that this is the time when the Horned God is at the zenith of His manifest Power and the flowering Godess of Spring welcomes his presence. Sex Magic is powerful now. In many cultures, the coming of Summer is the heralding of a time for love, marriage, friendship, beauty, protection, courage, magical energy, physical energy, and strength. It is the perfect time for Fire Magic! The Summer Solstice, also called “Midsummer” or “Litha”, is the longest day of the year. (The Christian Calendar marks this holiday with “St. Peter and Paul’s Day) This celebration of the coming of the light is when magics involving protection, strength, energy and clear sight will be the most successful. With the Sun high in the heavens, the powers of light are readily evoked. Anything that shadows your soul can be set aflame by the Sun’s protective glow. Pagan couples also know that this is the time when the Horned God is at the zenith of His manifest Power and the flowering Godess of Spring welcomes his presence. Sex Magic is powerful now and legend tells that a nakedmtskip through a garden on Litha night ensures fertility for the coming season. The peaceful blue color of the Lapis stone can be worn to foster physical fertility as well as psychic awareness. Below are some suggestions I have to make your Summer Solstice Rituals complete as well as enlightening…I’ve even included some of my favorite meditations and incantations. Enjoy, and Blessed Be! June 24 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Strawberry/Rose/Hot Moon) July 9 – Tues – d Cancer Birthday Celebration June 22-July 22 Crab cakes. Crabby people. Possible location: Maryland Crabs July 24 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Buck/Thunder/Hay Moon) Aug 1 – Lugnasad – Harvest Time Aug 13 – Tues – d Leo Birthday Celebration July 23-August 22 Possible Location: White Lion. Cowardly Lion. King of the Jungle. Lyin’ Fusion Festival in California August 22 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Sturgeon/Red/Green Corn Moon) Labor Day – Burning Man Sept 10 – Tues – d Virgan Birthday Celebration August 23-September 22 Virgin bloody maries. Sacrificial virgins. September 23 12:56 am Autumnal Equinox With only 3 more months left in the Celtic summer, pagan folk work hard for the harvest yet to come, whether it be corn and hay from the fields or the personal projects and goals that we planned for the summer months. When the sun crosses the equator and heads south at the Autumnal Equinox, the second of the harvest festivals, (celebrated around September 21) we again celebrate the magnificant balance that the everturning Wheel of the Year promises. These equinoxs are great s that the bleak days of winter as well as the heady days of summer are temporary, that all things have their seasons, and that none will last forever. The law of polarity and rythym require that all things be balanced by their opposites. On these days our ancestors aligned themselves in the ebb and flow of life. As winter, spring, summer and autumn pass by, Witches still reconnect with the ever moving flow of life, we make our plans and watch them unfold. If some do not come to fruition we try again. We pass through times of joy and sorrow; little ones are born, the older ones die allowing their spirits to pass into Summerland. Every event in life is rich in purpose and meaning. Each day, night and season has its own special character. Rituals connect us to both the big and little dramas of the year and of the greater life cycle. We unite the character and spirit of each passing season and do magic to transform our lives, giving them a depth and an expansiveness that without ritual and celebration we would never achieve. Even the most humble ritual helps the moment of power and change, and the celebrant partakes in somthing greater than him or herself. Some would say that in these moments of ecstasy we actually stand outside ourselves and the God and Goddess within us become brighter, more powerful and we touch the All; eg, the Lord Pan and Lady Gaia, Jesus, God, however you see the Divine Power. This festival is associated with the taking of corn and other foods that are to be harvested at this time. Cornbread cakes and cider are an excellent addition to the festivities. The frost will hit soon, so the last of the herbs and other plants you wish to dry for winter use should be harvested now. Depending on when the leaves turn in your area, you may wish to parafin them and add them to your house decorations. Dip the leave quickly in melted parafin, and put them on wax paper. When the leaves are dry you can put them in a huge, decorative jar with a sigil of protection carved lightly on some or all of the leaves. Colors used for candles should be brown, orange, gold or red. Altar cloths can be made of material with fall designs. River and stream stones gathered over the summer can empowered for various purposes. Bring scales 😀 Justice is blind. Machinelf is free. Possible location: Somewhere ‘downscale.’ Oct 21 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Hunter’s/Travel/Dying Grass Moon) Oct 31 Halloween Nov 12 – Tues – d Scorpion Birthday Celebration October 23-November 21 Smoke scorpion venom 🙂 Junkies and Get High in the Pits” QUETTA, Pakistan (Reuters) – When they’re in season, Ghulam Raza smokes scorpions. He says he dries their stingers in the sun and grinds them, then lights the powdery venom and sucks the smoke deep into his lungs. “Oh yes,” he said when asked if the scorpions make him high. “When I smoke scorpion, then the heroin is like nothing to me.” The place where Raza and other Pakistani junkies smoke dope or shoot up in the southwestern city of Quetta is a good place to find scorpions. It is the main cemetery, a dust-filled field of tombstones and corpse-sized mounds of rocks. A shantytown molded from the pale dirt of the desert claws its way up a steep mountain slope on one side while Muslim prayers ring out across the city on the other. In the middle, in the ruins of a building, Raza and a dozen addict friends spend their days. Some, like Abdul Hai, have been coming here for more than 20 years. More disdained than criminalized, the hundreds of junkies in Quetta, capital of Pakistan’s parched Baluchistan province, gather away from the chaotic life of the city. In the cemetery, sometimes one of them will get very stoned and drop into an open grave. “We are safe here,” says Raza, a mechanical engineer, who says he started down the slippery slope of ds after becoming addicted to pain killers years ago when, he says, he was shot 18 times by police. The graveyard addicts beg or steal for their d money. They pay off officials for peace. When they forget, the police come and beat them, they say. Closer to the center of town, other Pakistani junkies hide away in an even less salubrious den. They huddle in small groups, cloaks pulled over their heads, in an open gutter. Nov 19 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Beaver/Frost Moon) Dec 10 – Tues – d Sagittarian Birthday Celebration November 22-December 21 Centaur hunters. Dec 19 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Cold/Long Nights Moon) for pain. there is a time for joy. there is a time for exploration. there is a time for celebration. -v^v^v^v^v^V^V^WWVVV
#2215 Fri, 25 Jan 2002 23:40:34 Chat Room Tonight From: “ismoked” Sorry for all the recent extra emails, i had openend up the list to seek the location for the screening of the goa movine and neglected to turnit off. Anyway, I have the flu, if anybody wants to chat with me and others go to groups.yahoo/group/brainmachines/chat i’ll be there until 8 or so. (maybe this is a preview of my retirement home activities)
#2216 Sat, 26 Jan 2002 17:14:47 Sat, 26 Jan 2002 17:14:46 Angry? Go Kick some Ass (NY Times article + quote follows) ARTS IN ACTION at WEF INFO PLEASE COPY & CIRCULATE WIDELY! ARTS IN ACTION AGAINST THE WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM ANOTHER WORLD IS POSSIBLE Neighbors, artists, co-workers, dancers, activists, mus icians, family, affinity groups, performers, arts/performance groups and fr iends are joining together to make large scale art and theater in the- stre ets of New York City during the World Economic Forum. Join us in creating and performing positive, inspiring images, theater, music and words that ex pose how the World Economic Forum and corporate globalization hurt our comm unities, to show that a better world is possible, and to win the hearts and minds of our communities. We will be making art and puppets and doing rehe arsals all week to create a giant street theater pageant and procession for events on Thursday Jan 31, Friday Feb 1, and for the Saturday Feb 2, 12 no on Rally and March from 59th and Fifth. A global movement of resistance, cr eativity and positive alternatives is rising up to create a better world. J oin us! SCHEDULE Saturday Jan 26 * GIANT Puppet-Making/Street Art Work shop: 12-2pm: 12th Ave Space * RADICAL ROCKETTE REHERSAL: come one come all 12-2:12th Ave Space * SAMBA BAND AND TANGO DANCE REHERSAL: 3-5PM: 12th Av eSpace * ARTS-IN ACTION MEETING/THEATER BRAINSTORM: 2:00-3:30:12th Ave Spac e * Art/Puppet Making: 12Noon-12midnight: 12th Ave Space and 6-10pm:Hunter (call to confirm) Sunday Jan 27 * Art/Puppet Making: 10am-12 Midnight: 12 th Ave Space Monday Jan 28 * Art/Puppet Making: 10am-6pm: Suffolk Space * PAGEANT AND SAMBA REHEARSAL: 6-9pm: Suffolk Space Tuesday Jan 29 * Art/Pup pet Making: 10am-10pm Suffolk Space * SAMBA REHERSAL: 6-9pm: 12th Ave Space Wednesday Jan 30 * REHEARSAL: 7-10pm: 12th Ave Space * Art/Puppet Making: 10am-6pm: 12th Ave Space Thursday Jan 31 * Art/Puppet Making: 10am-4pm: 1 2th Ave Space * Rally for Global Justice, 4:30 PM at the GAP, 54th Street a nd 5th Avenue Sponsored by the AFL-CIO, NYS AFL-CIO, New York City Central Labor Council & Jobs with Justice. Friday Feb 1 * REHEARSAL: 10am-1pm: 12 th Ave Space * Art/Puppet Making: 10am-5pm: 12th Ave Space * WEF Evening Vi gil! Friday, Feb. 1, 6pm, Washington Square Park. A safe and peaceful gathe ring, that will focus on healing, empowerment, and forging our vision. Co-s ponsored by the Pagan Cluster and Another World is Possible, Saturday Feb 2 * REHEARSAL: 10:30 am at 59th and Fifth * RALLY AND MARCH: 12 noon, Anoth er World Is Possible Rally at 59th and Fifth ( South East Corner of Central Park.) Followed by 1pm march to mid-town corporate headquarters and the W EF at the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel. ***** LOCATIONS 12th Ave Space: 830 12th Avenue Take 1,2,3,9,A,B,C or D train to Columbu s Circle…Walk South to 57th Street…West to 12th avenue (4 big blocks).. . And North 1/2 a block to 830…ring bell Hunter Space: Thomas Hunter Hal l Room 408 Take 6 train to 68th and Lexington or B,D to 63rd and Lexington. ..Enter Building between 68th and 69th and Lexington…Take stairs in front of you to 4th floor…Look for room 408. Suffolk Space: 107 Suffolk Stree t at Rivington Take JMZ,F to Essex/Delancy Stop…walk one block North to R ivington and 2 Blocks East to Sufflok… Look for Instructions on Door for Getting in. GET INVOLVED MAKE IT HAPPEN! *MAKE ART & PUPPETS; everyon e is capable: see daily schedule above. There will be a Puppet/Street Art M aking Workshop on Saturday, Jan 26Noon-2pm at12th Ave Space (see address be low). Or make images on your own?see “Images” below for suggestions) *REHE ARSE & PERFORM: everyone is welcome and needed: see schedule below. There w ill be an Arts and Action Orientation/Theater Brainstorm/Planning Get Toget her Saturday Jan 26, 2pm at12th Ave Space (see address below) *HELP WITH N EEDS: If you have or can get any of the items below, please bring it to 12 th Avenue or Suffolk Space during art-making or rehearsal times (see addres s above) as soon as possible. * PAINT/SUPPLIES: Bright colors of red, yell ow, orange, blue, green, deep browns and black latex/acrylic water base hou se or other water base paint, paintbrushes, plastic containers (with lids). * BACKPACK FRAMES * FABRIC/SEWING: bedsheets- white, white cotton fabric white muslin, big pieces of bright color/black fabric, sewing machine to borrow. * TABLES: folding tables, 4×8 foot plywood sheets for table tops, s awhorses for tables, CARDBOARD: lots of large bike, appliance, window, etc. boxes, rigid cardboard tubes * DONATIONS; to buy supplies for this remarka ble all volunteer effort. * TRUCK/VAN for transport * BRING FOOD & DRINKS T O SHARE ******** IMAGES Here are some of the i mages we are creating for the Street Theater Pageant; People are encouraged to make these at home and bring them to join the pageant: COMMUNITY PUPP ETS: Giant Puppet Images of communities hurt by and in resistance to the WE F and corporate globalization; students, unemployed, rainforest ecosystem, etc. We are trying to use warm/fiery colors: red, yellow, orange, brown. We are mounting the puppets on cardboard tubes, as NYPD have in the past conf iscated art on wooden sticks. ANOTHER WORLD IS PAINTABLE; Flat cardboard globes with images of a better world that is possible. We are sandwiching t ogether two layer of cardboard with space for a cardboard tube to slide in. Many will have the words: “Another World is Possible/NO WEF” around the ed ge. TOOLS FOR CHANGE: Warmly Colored Giant cardboard Tools painted with w ords like “Community” & “no WEF” RADICAL ROCKETTES: A kick line dressed as Lady Liberty leading the march with a Giant Lady Liberty puppet TANGO, SA MBA, AND A GLOBAL DOMINATION/ LIBERATION COCKTAIL PARTY hosted by Reclaim t he Streets NYC! AND MUCH MUCH MORE!!!! Get on the Arts in Action List serv by sending a blank e-mail to ArtsInAction-subscribe at topica. If you have trouble getting on the listserv to e-mail redscares at yahoo. CONTAC T: slxs5233 at oberlin (917) 773-1257 or (917) 807-3877 Voice mail updates /schedule (212) 502-3697 End of Forwarded Message Yvonne [ Students for Global Justice ] + yl90 at columbia + web studentsf orglobaljustice.org + vox: 646 321 5710 B3If I am not for myself, then wh o will be for me? And if I am only for myself, then what am I? And if not now, when?B2 – Rabbi Hillel From: yl90 at columbia (Yvonne) To: yl90 at columbia (Yvonne) Hey! I’m quoted in an article i n today’s New York Times about the upcoming protests against the World Econ omic Forum (WEF). I’m involved in Students for Global Justice, a new natio nal collective that is organizing a Counter Summit Against the WEF, and Nat ional Activist and Student Mobilization at Columbia University from 1/31 to 2/3. Please see our website, web studentsforglobaljustice.org Jan uary 25, 2002 Hoping for Calm, Preparing for Strife at Economic Talks http ://web nytimes/2002/01/25/nyregion/25SECU By AL BAKER Even many of the veterans of wild protest melees at Seattle and Genoa say there would be somthing unseemly about violent protests in New York, still healing fr om the wounds of Sept. 11, when the World Economic Forum starts meeting nex t week. Despite efforts to keep demonstrations under control, both the pol ice and demonstrators say there is no way to be certain what will happen if as expected, thousands of demonstrators arrive in New York to protest the policies of the world’s industrial leaders. Although most of the opponents of global capitalism say they are committed to nonviolent protest, others are planning to turn out in helmets and riot gear and some are expecting th at some property damage could be a part of the street activities. About 3, 000 leaders of corporations and governments as well as academic, religious and cultural figures will be at the meeting at the Waldorf-Astoria in Midto wn Manhattan from Thursday to Feb. 4, discussing topics as varied as econom ic growth, foreign policy, the role of the chief corporate executive and wh at gastronomy can reveal about foreign cultures. The meeting, moved to New York from its longtime home in Davos, Switzerland, after the terrorist att acks on Sept. 11, has historically given corporation executives a chance to sit down with government officials behind closed doors for the price of a very expensive ticket. The protesters, who include mainstream student an d union groups and more radical elements, plan street demonstrations focusi ng on such issues as declaring war on poverty, racism and mass layoffs, wor kers’ rights and ways to reduce world debt. Students interviewed in New Yo rk insisted that they were not planning to confront the police directly or to crash through barricades. Instead, they said, they will use less radical tactics than those used in Genoa, Italy, last summer, when one protester w as killed during an economic summit meeting. Some also said they thought i t was more important to demonstrate opposition to economic globalization th an to ensure that public activities are subdued as a sign of respect for th e losses of Sept. 11. “If the movement can orchestrate a significant show of force in New York City right now,” one student said, “we can show the wo rld that we can do it anywhere, anytime.” As Larry Holmes, a spokesman for the International Action Center, one of the groups expected, said yesterda y, “We’re back after 9/11, more sure of our cause.” Many protest organizer s feel that the World Economic Forum, more than the World Trade Organizatio n or the economic meeting of industrialized nations called the Group of Eig ht, is a more appropriate target for protests against global capitalism bec ause it consists largely of corporate representatives and is not, at its co re, a meeting of governments. The protesters’ groups, formed out of the la bor, student and environmental movements, have names like the Workers Democ racy Network, War Is Not the Answer Coalition and the First Quarter Storm M ovement. Protesters say the nature of the demonstrations will be shaped by the nature of the police response. “A current concern that we are facing now, as we prepare to voice our concerns in the streets, is that we are not sure what type of police- enforced climate we are walking into,” said Yvon ne Liu, a Columbia University junior from Bayside, Queens, who is among the organizers of Students for Global Justice, a group formed in mid-December. The police are also keenly aware of the public relations implications of the event. “Hopefully, we will not have to arrest anybody,” said the new po lice commissioner, Raymond W. Kelly. “We recognize everyone’s right to demo nstrate peacefully, and we are going to do everything we can to see that th at happens.” The World Economic Forum’s usual meeting place, in Davos, doe s not attract the kind of attention that it is expected to draw in New York . This year, said the organization’s spokesman, Charles D. McLean, in his h eadquarters in Geneva, reporters’ requests for access to this meeting excee ded all others in the group’s 32 years. “Last year we accredited 500 journ alists,” Mr. McLean said. “This year we’ve had thousands of requests, and w e can still only accommodate a fraction of those who want to attend. It’s g oing to be shoulder to shoulder.” Because of that, and because of the afte rmath of Sept. 11, many protesters said they did not expect unrest other th an textbook forms of civil disobedience. They added that only a very slim minority of people, perhaps 200 in a group of several thousand, would ever condone property damage. “Basically, the general feeling among most people is that this is not the moment for that,” said David R. Graeber, an assist ant professor of anthropology at Yale University, who is a member of the Ne w York Direct Action Network and Another World Is Possible, an umbrella org anization for many groups. “A lot of people have said they think that woul d be terribly inappropriate because it would be insensitive and disrespectf ul to people in the city and to protesters who come from the city,” Dr. Gra eber said. He said past experience showed that any window-breakers in the crowd would not attack independent owner-operators. “Never a cafe of a smal l businessman,” he said, adding that he has never damaged any property. He added that the past also showed that violence was more likely to be directe d at large coporations: “Citibank? Sure. Starbucks? Sure. But never anyone who is actually going to be hurt by that.” People in law enforcement who h ave seen globalization protests said the demonstrators were organized and i n some cases used diversions to enable them to cause disruptions or mar pro perty elsewhere. The protesters, though, blame law enforcement for scuffles . In New York, some of the demonstrators will use props to create a sort o f street theater “for a festive kind of atmosphere that will get across the kind of world we like to see” instead of the world that the economic forum “and the groups that it is influential with are trying to create,” said Er ic Laursen, a member of Another World Is Possible. Dr. Graeber said the pr otesters would use such props as giant cardboard depictions of corn (as a r epresentation of life to many of New York City’s Hispanic immigrants) or to p hats and champagne glasses (as a representation of affluent excess).Yvonne [ Students for Global Justice, Columbia University ] + yl90 at co lumbia + web studentsforglobaljustice.org + vox: 646 321 5710 D o you know why people like me are shy about being capitalist? Well, it’s be cause for as long as we have known you, we were capital, like bales of cott on and sacks of sugar, and you were the commanding, cruel capitalist, and t he memory of this is so strong, the experience so recent, that we can’t qui te bring ourselves to embrace this idea that you think so much of. As for w hat we were like before we met you, I no longer care. No periods of time ov er which my ancestors held sway, no documentation of complex civilizations, is any comfort to me. Even if I really came from people who were living li ke monkeys in trees, it was better to be that than what happened to me, wha t I became after I met you.” Jamaica Kincaid “A Small Place” Farra r, Straus & Giroux 1988 e follows) ARTS IN ACTION at WEF INFO PLEASE COPY & CIRCULA TE WIDELY! ARTS IN ACTION AGAINST THE WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM ANO THER WORLD IS POSSIBLE Neighbors, artists, co-workers, dancers, ac tivists, musicians, family, affinity groups, performers, arts/performangroups and friends are joining together to make large scale art and theater in the- streets of New York City during the World Economic Foru m. Join us in creating and performing positive, inspiring images, theater, music and words that expose how the World Economic Forum and corporate globalization hurt our communities, to show that a better wor ld is possible, and to win the hearts and minds of our communities. We will be making art and puppets and doing rehearsals all week to create a giant street theater pageant and procession for events on Thursday Ja n 31, Friday Feb 1, and for the Saturday Feb 2, 12 noon Rally and March from 59th and Fifth. A global movement of resistance, creativity and p ositive alternatives is rising up to create a better world. Join us! SCHEDULE Saturday Jan 26 * GIANT Puppet-Making/Stre et Art Workshop: 12-2pm: 12th Ave Space * RADICAL ROCKETTE REHERSAL: co me one come all, 12-2:12th Ave Space * SAMBA BAND AND TANGO DANCE REHER SAL: 3-5PM: 12th AveSpace * ARTS-IN ACTION MEETING/THEATER BRAINSTORM: 2:00-3:30:12th Ave Space * Art/Puppet Making: 12Noon-12midnight: 12th A ve Space and 6-10pm:Hunter (call to confirm) Sunday Jan 27 * Art/Puppet Making: 10am-12 Midnight: 12th Ave Space Monday Jan 28 * Art/Puppet Making: 10am-6pm: Suffolk Space * PAGEANT AND SAMBA REHEAR SAL: 6-9pm: Suffolk Space Tuesday Jan 29 * Art/Puppet Making: 10am -10pm Suffolk Space * SAMBA REHERSAL: 6-9pm: 12th Ave Space Wednesd ay Jan 30 * REHEARSAL: 7-10pm: 12th Ave Space * Art/Puppet Making: 10am-6pm: 12th Ave Space Thursday Jan 31 * Art/Puppet Making: 10a m-4pm: 12th Ave Space * Rally for Global Justice, 4:30 PM at the GAP, 5 4th Street and 5th Avenue Sponsored by the AFL-CIO, NYS AFL-CIO, New Yo rk City Central Labor Council & Jobs with Justice. Friday Feb 1 * REHEARSAL: 10am-1pm: 12th Ave Space * Art/Puppet Making: 10am- 5pm: 12th Ave Space * WEF Evening Vigil! Friday, Feb. 1, 6pm, Washingto n Square Park. A safe and peaceful gathering, that will focus on healin g, empowerment, and forging our vision. Co-sponsored by the Pagan Clust er and Another World is Possible, Saturday Feb 2 * REHEARSAL: 10:3 0 am at 59th and Fifth * RALLY AND MARCH: 12 noon, Another World Is Pos sible Rally at 59th and Fifth ( South East Corner of Central Park.) &nb sp;Followed by 1pm march to mid-town corporate headquarters and the WEF at the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel. ***** LOCATIONS 12th Ave Space: 830 12th Avenue Take 1,2,3,9,A,B,C or D train to Columbus Circle…Walk South to 57th Street…West to 12th avenue (4 big blocks)… And North 1/2 a block to 830…ring bell Hunter Space: Thomas Hunter Hall Room 408 Take 6 train to 68th and Lexi ngton or B,D to 63rd and Lexington…Enter Building between 68th and 69 th and Lexington…Take stairs in front of you to 4th floor…Look for room 408. Suffolk Space: 107 Suffolk Street at Rivington Take JMZ, F to Essex/Delancy Stop…walk one block North to Rivington and 2 Block s East to Sufflok… Look for Instructions on Door for Getting in. GET INVOLVED MAKE IT HAPPEN! *MAKE ART & PUPP ETS; everyone is capable: see daily schedule above. There will be a Pup pet/Street Art Making Workshop on Saturday, Jan 26Noon-2pm at12th Ave S pace (see address below). Or make images on your own?see “Images” below for suggestions) *REHEARSE & PERFORM: everyone is welcome and needed: see schedule below. There will be an Arts and Action Orientati on/Theater Brainstorm/Planning Get Together Saturday Jan 26, 2pm at12th Ave Space (see address below) *HELP WITH NEEDS: If you have or can get any of the items below, please bring it to 12th Avenue or Su ffolk Space during art-making or rehearsal times (see address above) as soon as possible. * PAINT/SUPPLIES: Bright colors of red, yellow, orange, blue, green, deep browns and black latex/acrylic water base ho use or other water base paint, paintbrushes, plastic containers (with l ids). * BACKPACK FRAMES * FABRIC/SEWING: bedsheets- white, w hite cotton fabric, white muslin, big pieces of bright color/black fabr ic, sewing machine to borrow. * TABLES: folding tables, 4×8 foot plywoo d sheets for table tops, sawhorses for tables, CARDBOARD: lots of large bike, appliance, window, etc. boxes, rigid cardboard tubes * DONAT IONS; to buy supplies for this remarkable all volunteer effort. * TRUCK /VAN for transport * BRING FOOD & DRINKS TO SHARE ************* ********************* IMAGES Here are some of the images we are creating for the Street Theater Pageant; People are encouraged to make these at home and bring them to join the pageant: COM MUNITY PUPPETS: Giant Puppet Images of communities hurt by and in resis tance to the WEF and corporate globalization; students, unemployed, rai nforest ecosystem, etc. We are trying to use warm/fiery colors: red, ye llow, orange, brown. We are mounting the puppets on cardboard tubes, as NYPD have in the past confiscated art on wooden sticks. ANOT HER WORLD IS PAINTABLE; Flat cardboard globes with images of a better w orld that is possible. We are sandwiching together two layer of cardboa rd with space for a cardboard tube to slide in. Many will have the word s: “Another World is Possible/NO WEF” around the edge. TOOLS FOR CHANGE: Warmly Colored Giant cardboard Tools painted with words lik e “Community” & “no WEF” RADICAL ROCKETTES: A kick line dresse d as Lady Liberty leading the march with a Giant Lady Liberty puppet B R TANGO, SAMBA, AND A GLOBAL DOMINATION/ LIBERATION COCKTAIL PARTY hos ted by Reclaim the Streets NYC! AND MUCH MUCH MORE!!!! B R Get on the Arts in Action Listserv by sending a blank e-mail to ArtsInAction-subscribe at topica. If you have trouble g etting on the listserv to e-mail redscares at yahoo. CONTACT: slxs5233 at oberlin (917) 773-1257 or (917) 807-3877 Voice mail updates/schedu le (212) 502-3697 End of Forwarded Message Yvonne [ Students for Global Justice ] + yl90 at co lumbia + web studentsforglobaljustice.org + vox: 646 321 5710 B3If I am not for myself, then who will be for me? And if I am only for myself, then what am I? And if not now, when?B2 – R abbi Hillel From: yl90 at columbia (Yvonne L iu) To: yl90 at columbia (Yvonne) /I Hey! I’m quoted in an article in today’s New York Times abo ut the upcoming protests against the World Economic Forum (WEF). I’m involved in Students for Global Justice, a new national collective that is organizing a Counter Summit Against the WEF, and National Activ ist and Student Mobilization at Columbia University from 1/31 to 2/3. & nbsp;Please see our website, web studentsforglobaljustice.org B R January 25, 2002 Hoping for Calm, Preparing for Strife at E conomic Talks web nytimes/2002/01/25/nyregion/25SECU B R By AL BAKER Even many of the veterans of wild protest melee s at Seattle and Genoa say there would be somthing unseemly about viol ent protests in New York, still healing from the wounds of Sept. 11, wh en the World Economic Forum starts meeting next week. Despite efforts to keep demonstrations under control, both the police and demon strators say there is no way to be certain what will happen if, as expe cted, thousands of demonstrators arrive in New York to protest the poli cies of the world’s industrial leaders. Although most of the opponents of global capitalism say they are committed to nonviolent protest, others are planning to turn out in helmets and riot gear and some are expecting that some property damage could be a part of the street activities. B R About 3,000 leaders of corporations and governments as well as acade mic, religious and cultural figures will be at the meeting at the Waldo rf-Astoria in Midtown Manhattan from Thursday to Feb. 4, discussing top ics as varied as economic growth, foreign policy, the role of the chief corporate executive and what gastronomy can reveal about foreign cultu res. The meeting, moved to New York from its longtime home in Davo s, Switzerland, after the terrorist attacks on Sept. 11, has historical ly given corporation executives a chance to sit down with government of ficials behind closed doors for the price of a very expensive tick et. The protesters, who include mainstream student and union group s and more radical elements, plan street demonstrations focusing on suc h issues as declaring war on poverty, racism and mass layoffs, workers’ rights and ways to reduce world debt. Students interviewed in New York insisted that they were not planning to confront the police d irectly or to crash through barricades. Instead, they said, they will u se less radical tactics than those used in Genoa, Italy, last summer, w hen one protester was killed during an economic summit meeting. B RSome also said they thought it was more important to demonstrate oppositi on to economic globalization than to ensure that public activities are subdued as a sign of respect for the losses of Sept. 11. “If t he movement can orchestrate a significant show of force in New York Cit y right now,” one student said, “we can show the world that we can do it B Ranywhere, anytime.” As Larry Holmes, a spokesman for the Interna tional Action Center, one of the groups expected, said yesterday, “We’r e back after 9/11, more sure of our cause.” Many protest organ izers feel that the World Economic Forum, more than the World Trade Org anization or the economic meeting of industrialized nations called the Group of Eight, is a more appropriate target for protests against globa l capitalism because it consists largely of corporate representatives a nd is not, at its core, a meeting of governments. The protesters’ groups, formed out of the labor, student and environmental movements, h ave names like the Workers Democracy Network, War Is Not the Answer Coa lition and the First Quarter Storm Movement. Protesters say the na ture of the demonstrations will be shaped by the nature of the police r esponse. “A current concern that we are facing now, as we prepare to voice our concerns in the streets, is that we are not sure what type of police- enforced climate we are walking into,” said Yvonne, a C olumbia University junior from Bayside, Queens, who is among the organi zers of Students for Global Justice, a group formed in mid-December. B R The police are also keenly aware of the public relations implication s of the event. “Hopefully, we will not have to arrest anybody,” said t he new police commissioner, Raymond W. Kelly. “We recognize everyone’s right to demonstrate peacefully, and we are going to do everything we c an to see that that happens.” The World Economic Forum’s usual meeting place, in Davos, does not attract the kind of attention that i t is expected to draw in New York. This year, said the organization’s s pokesman, Charles D. McLean, in his headquarters in Geneva, reporters’ requests for access to this meeting exceeded all others in the group’s 32 years. “Last year we accredited 500 journalists,” Mr. McLean sa id. “This year we’ve had thousands of requests, and we can still only a ccommodate a fraction of those who want to attend. It’s going to be sho ulder to shoulder.” Because of that, and because of the aftermath of Sept. 11, many protesters said they did not expect unrest other than textbook forms of civil disobedience. They added that only a very slim minority of people, perhaps 200 in a group of several thousan d, would ever condone property damage. “Basically, the general fee ling among most people is that this is not the moment for that,” said D avid R. Graeber, an assistant professor of anthropology at Yale Univers ity, who is a member of the New York Direct Action Network and Another World Is Possible, an umbrella organization for many groups. ” A lot of people have said they think that would be terribly inappropriate because it would be insensitive and disrespectful to people in the city and to protesters who come from the city,” Dr. Graeber said. H e said past experience showed that any window-breakers in the crowd would not attack independent owner-operators. “Never a cafe of a small bus inessman,” he said, adding that he has never damaged any property. He a dded that the past also showed that violence was more likely to be directed at large coporations: “Citibank? Sure. Starbucks? Sure. But never anyo ne who is actually going to be hurt by that.” People in law en forcement who have seen globalization protests said the demonstrators w ere organized and in some cases used diversions to enable them to cause disruptions or mar property elsewhere. The protesters, though, blame l aw enforcement for scuffles. In New York, some of the demonstrator s will use props to create a sort of street theater “for a festive kind of atmosphere that will get across the kind of world we like to see” i nstead of the world that the economic forum “and the groups that it is influential with are trying to create,” said Eric Laursen, a member of Another World Is Possible. Dr. Graeber said the protesters would u se such props as giant cardboard depictions of corn (as a representatio n of life to many of New York City’s Hispanic immigrants) or top hats a nd champagne glasses (as a representation of affluent excess). Yvonne [ Students for Global Justice, Columbia Un iversity ] + yl90 at columbia + web studentsforglobaljustic e.org + vox: 646 321 5710 Do you know why people like me are s hy about being capitalist? Well, it’s because for as long as we have B Rknown you, we were capital, like bales of cotton and sacks of sugar, and you were the commanding, cruel capitalist, and the memory of this i s so strong, the experience so recent, that we can’t quite bring oursel ves to embrace this idea that you think so much of. As for what we were like before we met you, I no longer care. No periods of time over which my ancestors held sway, no documentation of complex civilizations is any comfort to me. Even if I really came from people who were livi ng like monkeys in trees, it was better to be that than what happened t o me, what I became after I met you.” Jamaica Kincaid & nbs”A Small Place” Farrar, Straus & Giroux 1988
#2217 Sat, 26 Jan 2002 21:27:13 Sat, 26 Jan 2002 21:27:12 Omnitribe Friday Feb 1 – and a dski afterparty Cc: omnitribe Tarvaa’s Retourney Friday Feb 1 Peter Didjital (Digital Structures, Sweden) Kalyx (Synthetic Sadhus/Growroom, Boston) Serge (Digital Circuitry, NY) Vitalik (Omnitribe, NY) Video Projection by Rocky Atomic Juice/d 11pm-9am $15 at door 114 West 26th Street b/w 6 & 7th avenues info at omnitribe Apres-ski Afterparty Minimal to absolutely fluffy psy-trance at a private isolated 3 story lodge in the forest of the Poconos mountains through Sunday!!! email rocktheshow at aol for information on dski and directions to the house. $20. Featuring the lame duck snowboarding DJs, jacuzzi, sound system, fireplace, snowball fights, psycho drama, and more. Everyone try to get Vitalik to come back out this year – I first met him at the dski house a year ago, when he showed up at 4am, out of the blizzard. He was suspiciously quiet, but I could see wheels going on behind his eyes. Must be willing to share sleep quarters with others. The biggest thing you have to concern yourself with is to get a ride. It’s a two hour drive from the city. Ski lifts are 10 minutes away. Few end up skiing. Bring blankets, video games, VHS, CDs, stuff to do – and food. There will be someone (me!) at the Omnitribe party watching over luggage in case you have a lot to bring.Friday Feb 1 Peter Didjital (Digital Structures, Sweden) Kalyx (Synthetic Sadhus/Growroom, Boston) Serge (Digital Circuitry, NY) Vitalik (Omnitribe, NY) Video Projection by Rocky Atomic Juice/d 11pm-9am $15 at door 114 West 26th Street b/w 6 & 7th avenues info at omnitribe Apres-ski Afterparty
#2218 Sun, 27 Jan 2002 19:52:15 Sun, 27 Jan 2002 19:52:15 Astral & Dino Review plus Tsunami surprise The Synthtic Party was good. Dino Psaras did his usual hard early set and finished the morning with a groovier one. A fellow Greek in the crowd had seen me and lisa at a party several weeks ago, then went to athens. While there she was with her roomate and went to a random friend’s house, an elderly Greek painter, where they were looking through pictures and saw a picture of… LISA. Astral was great, i’m not a big fan but their new stuff was nice and hard and still melodic. Although Yahel was playing to Israelis in Brooklyn (double booking – yuck!) many still showed their strength. The crowd was heavily young and American. Tsunam- heard a crazy rumour. They will have a weekly soon with Twilo’s Phazon sound system… for those of you outside NYC, it’s said to be the best in the world. and the Manhattan location will boggle your mind. If the sound and environment is architected, it will blow away the ’96 – ’98 Tsunami reign at Vinyl. For me, it makes me feel that REAL trance will FINALLY have a chance to do its best on that system.Astral was great, i’m not a big fan but their new stuff was nice and hard and still melodic. Although Yahel was playing to Israelis in Brooklyn (double booking – yuck!) many still showed their strength. The crowd was heavily young and American.
#2219 Mon, 28 Jan 2002 14:51:27 Mon, 28 Jan 2002 14:51:26 Pschedule Psy-Trance Pschedule NYC 2002 News: Swedish trance at Omnitribe this Friday Feb 1, dski apres-ski afterparty Feb 2. Tsunami to use new Phazon system at a new weekly at a redesigned Speeed, to be called “Shelter.” It’s verified that a friend got her purse stolen at Opium Den on Wednesday. It is more crowded than in the past but unfortunately not completely wholesome so watch your belongings. OPEN: Sundays, Mondays and Thursdays The Lord of the Rings film is out!!! Go get inspired for Burning Elf’s spring woodland LOTR party Jan 28 – Mon – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Wolf/Old Moon) Jan 29 – Tue- Freaky Tuesdays at Who’s on First 1st avenue b/w 87th & 88th with DJ Amnesium contact 646-234-3263 ID21 & over Free before 10pm, $3 after, 2 for 1 drinks all night. Pool table, downstairs chill. Viviana is the bartender. Jan 30 – Wed – Opium Den 2nd ave b/w 2nd & 3rd Brazilian Daime Full Moon Trance Party / check this magnificent event taking place in brazil on the full moon of january. organized by the boom production team with the daime tribe of brazil (church of ayuhuasca)…. more info at igwana12 at hotmail Feb 1 – Friday – Imbalc Winter’s Leavetaking Tarvaa’s Retourney Peter Didjital (Digital Structures, Sweden) Kalyx (Synthetic Sadhus/Growroom, Boston) Serge (Digital Circuitry, NY) Vitalik (Omnitribe, NY) Video Projection by Rocky Atomic Juice/d 11pm-9am $15 at door 114 West 26th Street b/w 6 & 7th avenues info at omnitribe Feb 2 – Saturday – dski Apres-ski Afterparty Minimal to absolutely fluffy psy-trance at a private isolated 3 story lodge in the forest of the Poconos mountains through Sunday!!! email rocktheshow at aol for information on dski and directions to the house. $20. Featuring the lame duck snowboarding DJs, jacuzzi, sound system, fireplace, snowball fights, psycho drama, and more. Everyone try to get Vitalik to come back out this year – I first met him at the dski house a year ago, when he showed up at 4am, out of the blizzard. He was suspiciously quiet, but I could see wheels going on behind his eyes. Must be willing to share sleep quarters with others. The biggest thing you have to concern yourself with is to get a ride. It’s a two hour drive from the city. Ski lifts are 10 minutes away. Few end up skiing. Bring blankets, video games, VHS, CDs, stuff to do – and food. There will be someone (me!) at the Omnitribe party watching over luggage in case you have a lot to bring. Feb 5 – Tue- Freaky Tuesdays at Who’s on First 1st avenue b/w 87th & 88th with DJ Amnesium contact 646-234-3263 ID21 & over Free before 10pm, $3 after, 2 for 1 drinks all night. Pool table, downstairs chill. Viviana is the bartender. Feb 6 – Wed -Opium Den 2nd ave b/w 2nd & 3rd Feb 8 – Ben at cownow light-o-maticis doing a private list only party for Jaime’s birthday. Prepay. Featuring DJ’s: Boris (Burning Elf) Shikid (OmniTribe) Chico DragonLotus (DragonTribe) Machinelf (d) Niko (Synthetic Sadhus) Jed (TranceAct) web lightomatic/party or email ben at cownow Feb 9 – Bansi – Growling Mad Scientists – Hommega/Spun/In-Trance-It at the Lunatarium 10 Jay Street web lunatarium … Location unconfirmed Feb 11 – Tue- Freaky Tuesdays at Who’s on First 1st avenue b/w 87th & 88th with DJ Amnesium contact 646-234-3263 ID21 & over Free before 10pm, $3 after, 2 for 1 drinks all night. Pool table, downstairs chill. Viviana is the bartender. Feb 12 – Tue – d Aquarian Birthday Celebration January 20-February 18 FREE. Come early (8pm) to eat, later (11pm) to party. 8pm-4am Location TBA, maybe Karma or Who’s on First The energy of the music will match the energy of the crowd. Bring: bottled water, water guns, dolphins, mermaid outfits, anything flowing. Think Liquid. The venue will allow us to refill our water bottles at the bathrooms just for us. Astrological readings. Si necessito we pull back the carpet to trance dance. To encourage all our friends to come help us celebrate a most chaotic crazy quilt of which we are all strands of theoretical string. To give trance people a chance to meet d people and possibly join the congregation. If you have toys, trip toys, bring them. If you have art, bring it. If you can bring a lot of goodies for everyone, that would be swell. Bring enough to share. Feb 13 – Wed – Opium Den 2nd ave b/w 2nd & 3rd Feb 15/16 – Fri/Sat – dmtski!! Feb 19 – Tue – Freaky Tuesdays at Who’s on First 1st avenue b/w 87th & 88th with DJ Amnesium contact 646-234-3263 ID21 & over Free before 10pm, $3 after, 2 for 1 drinks all night. Pool table, downstairs chill. Viviana is the bartender. Feb 20 – Wed – Opium Den 2nd ave b/w 2nd & 3rd Feb 22/Feb 23 – Fri-Sat – dmtski!! Feb 26 – Freaky Tuesdays at Who’s on First 1st avenue b/w 87th & 88th with DJ Amnesium contact 646-234-3263 ID21 & over Free before 10pm, $3 after, 2 for 1 drinks all night. Pool table, downstairs chill. Viviana is the bartender. Feb 27 – Wed – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Snow/Hunger Moon) Mar 1/2 – Fri/Sat – dmtski Mar 8/9 – Fri/Sat – dmtski Mar 12 – Tues – d Pisces Birthday Celebration Feb 19-March 20 Bring fish. Guest of Honor: Mark Lorenz, Aquarium Cleaner Extraordinaire Possible location: 7th Avenue Sushi, Le Bernardin, or somewhere with a lot of fish aquariums SPRING March 20 2:16pm – Vernal Equinox – The outdoor Lord of the Rings psy-trance festival upstate will be in the Spring, with trance Sindarin woodland elves. The film will be out December 21st. Possible party at Chicen Itza pyramids in the Yucatan during spring equinox might be good… one pyramid at chichen itza is built so that a plumed serpent can be seen descending the stairs when the light hits it on this day) of course thousands of native people come to see this as well, depending on how we’re received that could be good or bad) We have the ear of the head of tourism who is open to hosting a trance event at the base of the pyramids. Looking for organizers & investors. The rewards are high but it won’t come cheap. Suggestion: Sliding scale for Mexican nationals/Indians should ideally come for next to nothing, or free; alcohol should not be served. Email andys at ezy.net Mar 28 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Worm/Crow/Crust/Sugar/Sap Moon) April 9 – Tues – d Arian Birthday Celebration March 21-April 19 LOCATION: Mars 2112 Guest of Honor: This dude I know named “Mars” Bring guns and swords. To enter your birthday in our roster and celebrate wit h us go to April 26 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Pink/Sprouting Grass/Egg/Fish Moon) May 1 – Beltainne – Spring’s Planting May 14 – Tues – d Tauran Birthday Celebration April 20-May 20 Taurus All Taurus get a free Red Bull REFRESHMENTS: Red Bull, Schlitz Malt Liquor Bull Special Guest: Suzula, Xander, Gary Toro, Cata Toro Bring: Bulls. Horns. Whips. Rawhide. Music: Progressive Playstation Wipeout Game with Red Bull sponsorship Possible Location: Denim & Diamonds or someplace with a mechanical bull No Bullshit! May 26 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Flower/Corn Planting/Milk Moon) June 11 – Tues – d Gemini Birthday Celebration May 21- June 21 Invite every twin you know. Two for one drink specials. Your evil twin, Invite your nemesis. Moment of Silence for the Twin Towers. Possible location: Twins. SUMMER June 21 9:24am Summer Solstice June 21-24 Solstice Festival in Southern Colorado gregschmid at yahoo 888-336-3997 In many cultures, the coming of Summer is the heralding of a time for love, marriage, friendship, beauty, protection, courage, magical energy, physical energy, and strength. It is the perfect time for Fire Magic! The Summer Solstice, also called “Midsummer” or “Litha”, is the longest day of the year. (The Christian Calendar marks this holiday with “St. Peter and Paul’s Day) This celebration of the coming of the light is when magics involving protection, strength, energy and clear sight will be the most successful. With the Sun high in the heavens, the powers of light are readily evoked. Anything that shadows your soul can be set aflame by the Sun’s protective glow. Pagan couples also know that this is the time when the Horned God is at the zenith of His manifest Power and the flowering Godess of Spring welcomes his presence. Sex Magic is powerful now. In many cultures, the coming of Summer is the heralding of a time for love, marriage, friendship, beauty, protection, courage, magical energy, physical energy, and strength. It is the perfect time for Fire Magic! The Summer Solstice, also called “Midsummer” or “Litha”, is the longest day of the year. (The Christian Calendar marks this holiday with “St. Peter and Paul’s Day) This celebration of the coming of the light is when magics involving protection, strength, energy and clear sight will be the most successful. With the Sun high in the heavens, the powers of light are readily evoked. Anything that shadows your soul can be set aflame by the Sun’s protective glow. Pagan couples also know that this is the time when the Horned God is at the zenith of His manifest Power and the flowering Godess of Spring welcomes his presence. Sex Magic is powerful now and legend tells that a nakedmtskip through a garden on Litha night ensures fertility for the coming season. The peaceful blue color of the Lapis stone can be worn to foster physical fertility as well as psychic awareness. Below are some suggestions I have to make your Summer Solstice Rituals complete as well as enlightening…I’ve even included some of my favorite meditations and incantations. Enjoy, and Blessed Be! June 24 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Strawberry/Rose/Hot Moon) July 9 – Tues – d Cancer Birthday Celebration June 22-July 22 Crab cakes. Crabby people. Possible location: Maryland Crabs July 24 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Buck/Thunder/Hay Moon) Aug 1 – Lugnasad – Harvest Time Aug 13 – Tues – d Leo Birthday Celebration July 23-August 22 Possible Location: White Lion. Cowardly Lion. King of the Jungle. Lyin’ Fusion Festival in California August 22 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Sturgeon/Red/Green Corn Moon) Labor Day – Burning Man Sept 10 – Tues – d Virgan Birthday Celebration August 23-September 22 Virgin bloody maries. Sacrificial virgins. September 21 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Harvest/Corn/Barley Moon) Autumn September 23 12:56 am Autumnal Equinox With only 3 more months left in the Celtic summer, pagan folk work hard for the harvest yet to come, whether it be corn and hay from the fields or the personal projects and goals that we planned for the summer months. When the sun crosses the equator and heads south at the Autumnal Equinox, the second of the harvest festivals, (celebrated around September 21) we again celebrate the magnificant balance that the everturning Wheel of the Year promises. These equinoxs are great s that the bleak days of winter as well as the heady days of summer are temporary, that all things have their seasons, and that none will last forever. The law of polarity and rythym require that all things be balanced by their opposites. On these days our ancestors aligned themselves in the ebb and flow of life. As winter, spring, summer and autumn pass by, Witches still reconnect with the ever moving flow of life, we make our plans and watch them unfold. If some do not come to fruition we try again. We pass through times of joy and sorrow; little ones are born, the older ones die allowing their spirits to pass into Summerland. Every event in life is rich in purpose and meaning. Each day, night and season has its own special character. Rituals connect us to both the big and little dramas of the year and of the greater life cycle. We unite the character and spirit of each passing season and do magic to transform our lives, giving them a depth and an expansiveness that without ritual and celebration we would never achieve. Even the most humble ritual helps the moment of power and change, and the celebrant partakes in somthing greater than him or herself. Some would say that in these moments of ecstasy we actually stand outside ourselves and the God and Goddess within us become brighter, more powerful and we touch the All; eg, the Lord Pan and Lady Gaia, Jesus, God, however you see the Divine Power. This festival is associated with the taking of corn and other foods that are to be harvested at this time. Cornbread cakes and cider are an excellent addition to the festivities. The frost will hit soon, so the last of the herbs and other plants you wish to dry for winter use should be harvested now. Depending on when the leaves turn in your area, you may wish to parafin them and add them to your house decorations. Dip the leave quickly in melted parafin, and put them on wax paper. When the leaves are dry you can put them in a huge, decorative jar with a sigil of protection carved lightly on some or all of the leaves. Colors used for candles should be brown, orange, gold or red. Altar cloths can be made of material with fall designs. River and stream stones gathered over the summer can empowered for various purposes. Oct 8 – Tues – d Libral Birthday Celebration September 23-October 22 Bring scales 😀 Justice is blind. Machinelf is free. Possible location: Somewhere ‘downscale.’ Oct 21 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Hunter’s/Travel/Dying Grass Moon) Oct 31 Halloween Winter (Pagan) Nov 1 – Samhain – Winter’s Start Nov 12 – Tues – d Scorpion Birthday Celebration October 23-November 21 Smoke scorpion venom 🙂 Junkies and Get High in the Pits” QUETTA, Pakistan (Reuters) – When they’re in season, Ghulam Raza smokes scorpions. He says he dries their stingers in the sun and grinds them, then lights the powdery venom and sucks the smoke deep into his lungs. “Oh yes,” he said when asked if the scorpions make him high. “When I smoke scorpion, then the heroin is like nothing to me.” The place where Raza and other Pakistani junkies smoke dope or shoot up in the southwestern city of Quetta is a good place to find scorpions. It is the main cemetery, a dust-filled field of tombstones and corpse-sized mounds of rocks. A shantytown molded from the pale dirt of the desert claws its way up a steep mountain slope on one side while Muslim prayers ring out across the city on the other. In the middle, in the ruins of a building, Raza and a dozen addict friends spend their days. Some, like Abdul Hai, have been coming here for more than 20 years. More disdained than criminalized, the hundreds of junkies in Quetta, capital of Pakistan’s parched Baluchistan province, gather away from the chaotic life of the city. In the cemetery, sometimes one of them will get very stoned and drop into an open grave. “We are safe here,” says Raza, a mechanical engineer, who says he started down the slippery slope of ds after becoming addicted to pain killers years ago when, he says, he was shot 18 times by police. The graveyard addicts beg or steal for their d money. They pay off officials for peace. When they forget, the police come and beat them, they say. Closer to the center of town, other Pakistani junkies hide away in an even less salubrious den. They huddle in small groups, cloaks pulled over their heads, in an open gutter. Nov 19 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Beaver/Frost Moon) Dec 10 – Tues – d Sagittarian Birthday Celebration November 22-December 21 Centaur hunters. Dec 19 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Cold/Long Nights Moon) Dec 21 8:15pm Winter Solstice for pain. there is a time for joy. there is a time for exploration. there is a time for celebration. -v^v^v^v^v^V^V^WWVVV # (that’s ‘how’.) ‘This’ is what ‘That’ needs. ‘That’ is what we want. ‘This’ is what we have. ‘That’ is what we find. (the choiceis yours) the drone is a magic lucky charm. You can’t ‘over use’ it because it might bite you in the ass. You can ‘use it over’ but it’s gears may become dull. ‘Expose’ yourself to the mandala only for healing. Otherwise you must go through it. It is a part of the living form of space & light and that includes you. To be fully alive and awake, you must be on the other side. otherwise you are asleep. But that’s okay, you’lll need your rest. Up and Down; intersect, angles, dimension, spiral. Sense Probability Intrinsically Resonates Alternal Love (S.P.I.R.A.L.) life…. ((((( N’TENGUE: This is the oldest human fossil in the world! HOMER: P! I’ve got more bones than That guy! I’m not impressed. N’TENGUE: But Mr.Simpson HOMER: (hand in N’Tengue’s face) Not! Impressed! ))))) *If you face the ground you can see the stars on the other side of the world. *If you look up you realize we are being squozen through an epistemological black-hole birth canal, caught o the wake of a cosmic tsunami about to come crashing down. *Look to the right and understand the urgency that cries for your help. *Look to the left and understand the part we must play in this temporal crisis. *Look behind you to check for encouragement. *Look forward to new life and the Water-Bearer. *Be yourself so we can love you. *Be yourself so you can love us. *Be yourself so you can disagree. *Be together to share the joy. and show your way to those who are listening. This message will self-destruct in 5, 4, 3, 2…. love, Evan. News: Swedish trance at Omnitribe this Friday Feb 1, dski apres-ski afterparty Feb 2. Tsunami to use new Phazon system at a new weekly at a redesigned Speeed, to be called “Shelter.” It’s verified that a friend got her purse stolen at Opium Den on Wednesday. It is more crowded than in the past but unfortunately not completely wholesome so watch your belongings. OPEN: Sundays, Mondays and Thursdays The Lord of the Rings film is out!!! Go get inspired for Burning Elf’s spring woodland LOTR party Jan 28 – Mon – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Wolf/Old Moon) Jan 29 – Tue- Freaky Tuesdays at Who’s on First 1st avenue b/w 87th & 88th with DJ Amnesium contact 646-234-3263 ID21 & over Free before 10pm, $3 after, 2 for 1 drinks all night. Pool table, downstairs chill. Viviana is the bartender. Jan 30 – Wed – Opium Den 2nd ave b/w 2nd & 3rd Brazilian Daime Full Moon Trance Party / check this magnificent event taking place in brazil on the full moon of january. organized by the boom production team with the daime tribe of brazil (church of ayuhuasca)…. more info at igwana12 at hotmail Feb 1 – Friday – Imbalc Winter’s Leavetaking Tarvaa’s Retourney Peter Didjital (Digital Structures, Sweden) Kalyx (Synthetic Sadhus/Growroom, Boston) Serge (Digital Circuitry, NY) Vitalik (Omnitribe, NY) Video Projection by Rocky Atomic Juice/d 11pm-9am $15 at door 114 West 26th Street b/w 6 & 7th avenues info at omnitribe Feb 2 – Saturday – dski Apres-ski Afterparty Minimal to absolutely fluffy psy-trance at a private isolated 3 story lodge in the forest of the Poconos mountains through Sunday!!! email rocktheshow at aol for information on dski and directions to the house. $20. Featuring the lame duck snowboarding DJs, jacuzzi, sound system, fireplace, snowball fights, psycho drama, and more. Everyone try to get Vitalik to come back out this year – I first met him at the dski house a year ago, when he showed up at 4am, out of the blizzard. He was suspiciously quiet, but I could see wheels going on behind his eyes. Must be willing to share sleep quarters with others. The biggest thing you have to concern yourself with is to get a ride. It’s a two hour drive from the city. Ski lifts are 10 minutes away. Few end up skiing. Bring blankets, video games, VHS, CDs, stuff to do – and food. There will be someone (me!) at the Omnitribe party watching over luggage in case you have a lot to bring. Feb 5 – Tue- Freaky Tuesdays at Who’s on First 1st avenue b/w 87th & 88th with DJ Amnesium contact 646-234-3263 ID21 & over Free before 10pm, $3 after, 2 for 1 drinks all night. Pool table, downstairs chill. Viviana is the bartender. Feb 6 – Wed -Opium Den 2nd ave b/w 2nd & 3rd Feb 8 – Ben at cownow light-o-maticis doing a private list only party for Jaime’s birthday. Prepay. Featuring DJ’s: Boris (Burning Elf) Shikid (OmniTribe) Chico DragonLotus (DragonTribe) Machinelf (d) Niko (Synthetic Sadhus) Jed (TranceAct) web lightomatic/party or email ben at cownow Feb 9 – Bansi – Growling Mad Scientists – Hommega/Spun/In-Trance-It at the Lunatarium 10 Jay Street web lunatarium … Location unconfirmed Feb 11 – Tue- Freaky Tuesdays at Who’s on First 1st avenue b/w 87th & 88th with DJ Amnesium contact 646-234-3263 ID21 & over Free before 10pm, $3 after, 2 for 1 drinks all night. Pool table, downstairs chill. Viviana is the bartender. Feb 12 – Tue – d Aquarian Birthday Celebration January 20-February 18 FREE. Come early (8pm) to eat, later (11pm) to party. 8pm-4am Location TBA, maybe Karma or Who’s on First The energy of the music will match the energy of the crowd. Bring: bottled water, water guns, dolphins, mermaid outfits, anything flowing. Think Liquid. The venue will allow us to refill our water bottles at the bathrooms just for us. Astrological readings. Si necessito we pull back the carpet to trance dance. To encourage all our friends to come help us celebrate a most chaotic crazy quilt of which we are all strands of theoretical string. To give trance people a chance to meet d people and possibly join the congregation. If you have toys, trip toys, bring them. If you have art, bring it. If you can bring a lot of goodies for everyone, that would be swell. Bring enough to share. Feb 13 – Wed – Opium Den 2nd ave b/w 2nd & 3rd Feb 15/16 – Fri/Sat – dmtski!! Feb 19 – Tue – Freaky Tuesdays at Who’s on First 1st avenue b/w 87th & 88th with DJ Amnesium contact 646-234-3263 ID21 & over Free before 10pm, $3 after, 2 for 1 drinks all night. Pool table, downstairs chill. Viviana is the bartender. Feb 20 – Wed – Opium Den 2nd ave b/w 2nd & 3rd Feb 22/Feb 23 – Fri-Sat – dmtski!! Feb 26 – Freaky Tuesdays at Who’s on First 1st avenue b/w 87th & 88th with DJ Amnesium contact 646-234-3263 ID21 & over Free before 10pm, $3 after, 2 for 1 drinks all night. Pool table, downstairs chill. Viviana is the bartender. Feb 27 – Wed – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Snow/Hunger Moon) Mar 1/2 – Fri/Sat – dmtski Mar 8/9 – Fri/Sat – dmtski Mar 12 – Tues – d Pisces Birthday Celebration Feb 19-March 20 Bring fish. Guest of Honor: Mark Lorenz, Aquarium Cleaner Extraordinaire Possible location: 7th Avenue Sushi, Le Bernardin, or somewhere with a lot of fish aquariums March 20 2:16pm – Vernal Equinox – The outdoor Lord of the Rings psy-trance festival upstate will be in the Spring, with trance Sindarin woodland elves. The film will be out December 21st. Possible party at Chicen Itza pyramids in the Yucatan during spring equinox might be good… one pyramid at chichen itza is built so that a plumed serpent can be seen descending the stairs when the light hits it on this day) of course thousands of native people come to see this as well, depending on how we’re received that could be good or bad) We have the ear of the head of tourism who is open to hosting a trance event at the base of the pyramids. Looking for organizers & investors. The rewards are high but it won’t come cheap. Suggestion: Sliding scale for Mexican nationals/Indians should ideally come for next to nothing, or free; alcohol should not be served. Email andys at ezy.net Mar 28 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Worm/Crow/Crust/Sugar/Sap Moon) April 9 – Tues – d Arian Birthday Celebration March 21-April 19 LOCATION: Mars 2112 Guest of Honor: This dude I know named “Mars” Bring guns and swords. April 26 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Pink/Sprouting Grass/Egg/Fish Moon) May 1 – Beltainne – Spring’s Planting May 14 – Tues – d Tauran Birthday Celebration April 20-May 20 Taurus All Taurus get a free Red Bull REFRESHMENTS: Red Bull, Schlitz Malt Liquor Bull Special Guest: Suzula, Xander, Gary Toro, Cata Toro Bring: Bulls. Horns. Whips. Rawhide. Music: Progressive Playstation Wipeout Game with Red Bull sponsorship Possible Location: Denim & Diamonds or someplace with a mechanical bull No Bullshit! May 26 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Flower/Corn Planting/Milk Moon) June 11 – Tues – d Gemini Birthday Celebration May 21- June 21 Invite every twin you know. Two for one drink specials. Your evil twin, Invite your nemesis. Moment of Silence for the Twin Towers. June 21 9:24am Summer Solstice In many cultures, the coming of Summer is the heralding of a time for love, marriage, friendship, beauty, protection, courage, magical energy, physical energy, and strength. It is the perfect time for Fire Magic! The Summer Solstice, also called “Midsummer” or “Litha”, is the longest day of the year. (The Christian Calendar marks this holiday with “St. Peter and Paul’s Day) This celebration of the coming of the light is when magics involving protection, strength, energy and clear sight will be the most successful. With the Sun high in the heavens, the powers of light are readily evoked. Anything that shadows your soul can be set aflame by the Sun’s protective glow. Pagan couples also know that this is the time when the Horned God is at the zenith of His manifest Power and the flowering Godess of Spring welcomes his presence. Sex Magic is powerful now. In many cultures, the coming of Summer is the heralding of a time for love, marriage, friendship, beauty, protection, courage, magical energy, physical energy, and strength. It is the perfect time for Fire Magic! The Summer Solstice, also called “Midsummer” or “Litha”, is the longest day of the year. (The Christian Calendar marks this holiday with “St. Peter and Paul’s Day) This celebration of the coming of the light is when magics involving protection, strength, energy and clear sight will be the most successful. With the Sun high in the heavens, the powers of light are readily evoked. Anything that shadows your soul can be set aflame by the Sun’s protective glow. Pagan couples also know that this is the time when the Horned God is at the zenith of His manifest Power and the flowering Godess of Spring welcomes his presence. Sex Magic is powerful now and legend tells that a nakedmtskip through a garden on Litha night ensures fertility for the coming season. The peaceful blue color of the Lapis stone can be worn to foster physical fertility as well as psychic awareness. Below are some suggestions I have to make your Summer Solstice Rituals complete as well as enlightening…I’ve even included some of my favorite meditations and incantations. Enjoy, and Blessed Be! June 24 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Strawberry/Rose/Hot Moon) July 9 – Tues – d Cancer Birthday Celebration June 22-July 22 Crab cakes. Crabby people. Possible location: Maryland Crabs July 24 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Buck/Thunder/Hay Moon) Aug 1 – Lugnasad – Harvest Time Aug 13 – Tues – d Leo Birthday Celebration July 23-August 22 Possible Location: White Lion. Cowardly Lion. King of the Jungle. Lyin’ Fusion Festival in California August 22 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Sturgeon/Red/Green Corn Moon) Labor Day – Burning Man Sept 10 – Tues – d Virgan Birthday Celebration August 23-September 22 Virgin bloody maries. Sacrificial virgins. September 23 12:56 am Autumnal Equinox With only 3 more months left in the Celtic summer, pagan folk work hard for the harvest yet to come, whether it be corn and hay from the fields or the personal projects and goals that we planned for the summer months. When the sun crosses the equator and heads south at the Autumnal Equinox, the second of the harvest festivals, (celebrated around September 21) we again celebrate the magnificant balance that the everturning Wheel of the Year promises. These equinoxs are great s that the bleak days of winter as well as the heady days of summer are temporary, that all things have their seasons, and that none will last forever. The law of polarity and rythym require that all things be balanced by their opposites. On these days our ancestors aligned themselves in the ebb and flow of life. As winter, spring, summer and autumn pass by, Witches still reconnect with the ever moving flow of life, we make our plans and watch them unfold. If some do not come to fruition we try again. We pass through times of joy and sorrow; little ones are born, the older ones die allowing their spirits to pass into Summerland. Every event in life is rich in purpose and meaning. Each day, night and season has its own special character. Rituals connect us to both the big and little dramas of the year and of the greater life cycle. We unite the character and spirit of each passing season and do magic to transform our lives, giving them a depth and an expansiveness that without ritual and celebration we would never achieve. Even the most humble ritual helps the moment of power and change, and the celebrant partakes in somthing greater than him or herself. Some would say that in these moments of ecstasy we actually stand outside ourselves and the God and Goddess within us become brighter, more powerful and we touch the All; eg, the Lord Pan and Lady Gaia, Jesus, God, however you see the Divine Power. This festival is associated with the taking of corn and other foods that are to be harvested at this time. Cornbread cakes and cider are an excellent addition to the festivities. The frost will hit soon, so the last of the herbs and other plants you wish to dry for winter use should be harvested now. Depending on when the leaves turn in your area, you may wish to parafin them and add them to your house decorations. Dip the leave quickly in melted parafin, and put them on wax paper. When the leaves are dry you can put them in a huge, decorative jar with a sigil of protection carved lightly on some or all of the leaves. Colors used for candles should be brown, orange, gold or red. Altar cloths can be made of material with fall designs. River and stream stones gathered over the summer can empowered for various purposes. Bring scales 😀 Justice is blind. Machinelf is free. Possible location: Somewhere ‘downscale.’ Oct 21 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Hunter’s/Travel/Dying Grass Moon) Oct 31 Halloween Nov 12 – Tues – d Scorpion Birthday Celebration October 23-November 21 Smoke scorpion venom 🙂 Junkies and Get High in the Pits” QUETTA, Pakistan (Reuters) – When they’re in season, Ghulam Raza smokes scorpions. He says he dries their stingers in the sun and grinds them, then lights the powdery venom and sucks the smoke deep into his lungs. “Oh yes,” he said when asked if the scorpions make him high. “When I smoke scorpion, then the heroin is like nothing to me.” The place where Raza and other Pakistani junkies smoke dope or shoot up in the southwestern city of Quetta is a good place to find scorpions. It is the main cemetery, a dust-filled field of tombstones and corpse-sized mounds of rocks. A shantytown molded from the pale dirt of the desert claws its way up a steep mountain slope on one side while Muslim prayers ring out across the city on the other. In the middle, in the ruins of a building, Raza and a dozen addict friends spend their days. Some, like Abdul Hai, have been coming here for more than 20 years. More disdained than criminalized, the hundreds of junkies in Quetta, capital of Pakistan’s parched Baluchistan province, gather away from the chaotic life of the city. In the cemetery, sometimes one of them will get very stoned and drop into an open grave. “We are safe here,” says Raza, a mechanical engineer, who says he started down the slippery slope of ds after becoming addicted to pain killers years ago when, he says, he was shot 18 times by police. The graveyard addicts beg or steal for their d money. They pay off officials for peace. When they forget, the police come and beat them, they say. Closer to the center of town, other Pakistani junkies hide away in an even less salubrious den. They huddle in small groups, cloaks pulled over their heads, in an open gutter. Nov 19 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Beaver/Frost Moon) Dec 10 – Tues – d Sagittarian Birthday Celebration November 22-December 21 Centaur hunters. Dec 19 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Cold/Long Nights Moon) for pain. there is a time for joy. there is a time for exploration. there is a time for celebration. -v^v^v^v^v^V^V^WWVVV # (that’s ‘how’.) ‘This’ is what ‘That’ needs. ‘That’ is what we want. ‘This’ is what we have. ‘That’ is what we find. (the choiceis yours) the drone is a magic lucky charm. You can’t ‘over use’ it because it might bite you in the ass. You can ‘use it over’ but it’s gears may become dull. ‘Expose’ yourself to the mandala only for healing. Otherwise you must go through it. It is a part of the living form of space & light and that includes you. To be fully alive and awake, you must be on the other side. otherwise you are asleep. But that’s okay, you’lll need your rest. Up and Down; intersect, angles, dimension, spiral. Sense Probability Intrinsically Resonates Alternal Love (S.P.I.R.A.L.) life…. ((((( N’TENGUE: This is the oldest human fossil in the world! HOMER: P! I’ve got more bones than That guy! I’m not impressed. N’TENGUE: But Mr.Simpson HOMER: (hand in N’Tengue’s face) Not! Impressed! ))))) *If you face the ground you can see the stars on the other side of the world. *If you look up you realize we are being squozen through an epistemological black-hole birth canal, caught o the wake of a cosmic tsunami about to come crashing down. *Look to the right and understand the urgency that cries for your help. *Look to the left and understand the part we must play in this temporal crisis. *Look behind you to check for encouragement. *Look forward to new life and the Water-Bearer. *Be yourself so we can love you. *Be yourself so you can love us. *Be yourself so you can disagree. *Be together to share the joy. and show your way to those who are listening. This message will self-destruct in 5, 4, 3, 2…. love, Evan.
#2220 Mon, 28 Jan 2002 14:58:13 Mon, 28 Jan 2002 14:58:12 Pschedule Psy-Trance Pschedule NYC 2002 News: Swedish trance at Omnitribe this Friday Feb 1, dski apres-ski afterparty Feb 2. Tsunami to use new Phazon system at a new weekly at a redesigned Speeed, to be called “Shelter.” It’s verified that a friend got her purse stolen at Opium Den on Wednesday. It is more crowded than in the past but unfortunately not completely wholesome so watch your belongings. OPEN: Sundays, Mondays and Thursdays The Lord of the Rings film is out!!! Go get inspired for Burning Elf’s spring woodland LOTR party Jan 28 – Mon – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Wolf/Old Moon) Jan 29 – Tue- Freaky Tuesdays at Who’s on First 1st avenue b/w 87th & 88th with DJ Amnesium contact 646-234-3263 ID21 & over Free before 10pm, $3 after, 2 for 1 drinks all night. Pool table, downstairs chill. Viviana is the bartender. Jan 30 – Wed – Opium Den 2nd ave b/w 2nd & 3rd Brazilian Daime Full Moon Trance Party / check this magnificent event taking place in brazil on the full moon of january. organized by the boom production team with the daime tribe of brazil (church of ayuhuasca)…. more info at igwana12 at hotmail Feb 1 – Friday – Imbalc Winter’s Leavetaking Tarvaa’s Retourney Peter Didjital (Digital Structures, Sweden) Kalyx (Synthetic Sadhus/Growroom, Boston) Serge (Digital Circuitry, NY) Vitalik (Omnitribe, NY) Video Projection by Rocky Atomic Juice/d 11pm-9am $15 at door 114 West 26th Street b/w 6 & 7th avenues info at omnitribe Feb 2 – Saturday – dski Apres-ski Afterparty Minimal to absolutely fluffy psy-trance at a private isolated 3 story lodge in the forest of the Poconos mountains through Sunday!!! email rocktheshow at aol for information on dski and directions to the house. $20. Featuring the lame duck snowboarding DJs, jacuzzi, sound system, fireplace, snowball fights, psycho drama, and more. Everyone try to get Vitalik to come back out this year – I first met him at the dski house a year ago, when he showed up at 4am, out of the blizzard. He was suspiciously quiet, but I could see wheels going on behind his eyes. Must be willing to share sleep quarters with others. The biggest thing you have to concern yourself with is to get a ride. It’s a two hour drive from the city. Ski lifts are 10 minutes away. Few end up skiing. Bring blankets, video games, VHS, CDs, stuff to do – and food. There will be someone (me!) at the Omnitribe party watching over luggage in case you have a lot to bring. Feb 5 – Tue- Freaky Tuesdays at Who’s on First 1st avenue b/w 87th & 88th with DJ Amnesium contact 646-234-3263 ID21 & over Free before 10pm, $3 after, 2 for 1 drinks all night. Pool table, downstairs chill. Viviana is the bartender. Feb 6 – Wed -Opium Den 2nd ave b/w 2nd & 3rd Feb 8 – Ben at cownow light-o-maticis doing a private list only party for Jaime’s birthday. Prepay. Featuring DJ’s: Boris (Burning Elf) Shikid (OmniTribe) Chico DragonLotus (DragonTribe) Machinelf (d) Niko (Synthetic Sadhus) Jed (TranceAct) web lightomatic/party or email ben at cownow Feb 9 – Bansi – Growling Mad Scientists – Hommega/Spun/In-Trance-It at the Lunatarium 10 Jay Street web lunatarium … Location unconfirmed Feb 11 – Tue- Freaky Tuesdays at Who’s on First 1st avenue b/w 87th & 88th with DJ Amnesium contact 646-234-3263 ID21 & over Free before 10pm, $3 after, 2 for 1 drinks all night. Pool table, downstairs chill. Viviana is the bartender. Feb 12 – Tue – d Aquarian Birthday Celebration January 20-February 18 FREE. Come early (8pm) to eat, later (11pm) to party. 8pm-4am Location TBA, maybe Karma or Who’s on First The energy of the music will match the energy of the crowd. Bring: bottled water, water guns, dolphins, mermaid outfits, anything flowing. Think Liquid. The venue will allow us to refill our water bottles at the bathrooms just for us. Astrological readings. Si necessito we pull back the carpet to trance dance. To encourage all our friends to come help us celebrate a most chaotic crazy quilt of which we are all strands of theoretical string. To give trance people a chance to meet d people and possibly join the congregation. If you have toys, trip toys, bring them. If you have art, bring it. If you can bring a lot of goodies for everyone, that would be swell. Bring enough to share. Feb 13 – Wed – Opium Den 2nd ave b/w 2nd & 3rd Feb 15/16 – Fri/Sat – dmtski!! Feb 19 – Tue – Freaky Tuesdays at Who’s on First 1st avenue b/w 87th & 88th with DJ Amnesium contact 646-234-3263 ID21 & over Free before 10pm, $3 after, 2 for 1 drinks all night. Pool table, downstairs chill. Viviana is the bartender. Feb 20 – Wed – Opium Den 2nd ave b/w 2nd & 3rd Feb 22/Feb 23 – Fri-Sat – dmtski!! Feb 26 – Freaky Tuesdays at Who’s on First 1st avenue b/w 87th & 88th with DJ Amnesium contact 646-234-3263 ID21 & over Free before 10pm, $3 after, 2 for 1 drinks all night. Pool table, downstairs chill. Viviana is the bartender. Feb 27 – Wed – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Snow/Hunger Moon) Mar 1/2 – Fri/Sat – dmtski Mar 8/9 – Fri/Sat – dmtski Mar 12 – Tues – d Pisces Birthday Celebration Feb 19-March 20 Bring fish. Guest of Honor: Mark Lorenz, Aquarium Cleaner Extraordinaire Possible location: 7th Avenue Sushi, Le Bernardin, or somewhere with a lot of fish aquariums SPRING March 20 2:16pm – Vernal Equinox – The outdoor Lord of the Rings psy-trance festival upstate will be in the Spring, with trance Sindarin woodland elves. The film will be out December 21st. Possible party at Chicen Itza pyramids in the Yucatan during spring equinox might be good… one pyramid at chichen itza is built so that a plumed serpent can be seen descending the stairs when the light hits it on this day) of course thousands of native people come to see this as well, depending on how we’re received that could be good or bad) We have the ear of the head of tourism who is open to hosting a trance event at the base of the pyramids. Looking for organizers & investors. The rewards are high but it won’t come cheap. Suggestion: Sliding scale for Mexican nationals/Indians should ideally come for next to nothing, or free; alcohol should not be served. Email andys at ezy.net Mar 28 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Worm/Crow/Crust/Sugar/Sap Moon) April 9 – Tues – d Arian Birthday Celebration March 21-April 19 LOCATION: Mars 2112 Guest of Honor: This dude I know named “Mars” Bring guns and swords. April 26 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Pink/Sprouting Grass/Egg/Fish Moon) May 1 – Beltainne – Spring’s Planting May 14 – Tues – d Tauran Birthday Celebration April 20-May 20 Taurus All Taurus get a free Red Bull REFRESHMENTS: Red Bull, Schlitz Malt Liquor Bull Special Guest: Suzula, Xander, Gary Toro, Cata Toro Bring: Bulls. Horns. Whips. Rawhide. Music: Progressive Playstation Wipeout Game with Red Bull sponsorship Possible Location: Denim & Diamonds or someplace with a mechanical bull No Bullshit! May 26 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Flower/Corn Planting/Milk Moon) June 11 – Tues – d Gemini Birthday Celebration May 21- June 21 Invite every twin you know. Two for one drink specials. Your evil twin, Invite your nemesis. Moment of Silence for the Twin Towers. Possible location: Twins. SUMMER June 21 9:24am Summer Solstice June 21-24 Solstice Festival in Southern Colorado gregschmid at yahoo 888-336-3997 In many cultures, the coming of Summer is the heralding of a time for love, marriage, friendship, beauty, protection, courage, magical energy, physical energy, and strength. It is the perfect time for Fire Magic! The Summer Solstice, also called “Midsummer” or “Litha”, is the longest day of the year. (The Christian Calendar marks this holiday with “St. Peter and Paul’s Day) This celebration of the coming of the light is when magics involving protection, strength, energy and clear sight will be the most successful. With the Sun high in the heavens, the powers of light are readily evoked. Anything that shadows your soul can be set aflame by the Sun’s protective glow. Pagan couples also know that this is the time when the Horned God is at the zenith of His manifest Power and the flowering Godess of Spring welcomes his presence. Sex Magic is powerful now. In many cultures, the coming of Summer is the heralding of a time for love, marriage, friendship, beauty, protection, courage, magical energy, physical energy, and strength. It is the perfect time for Fire Magic! The Summer Solstice, also called “Midsummer” or “Litha”, is the longest day of the year. (The Christian Calendar marks this holiday with “St. Peter and Paul’s Day) This celebration of the coming of the light is when magics involving protection, strength, energy and clear sight will be the most successful. With the Sun high in the heavens, the powers of light are readily evoked. Anything that shadows your soul can be set aflame by the Sun’s protective glow. Pagan couples also know that this is the time when the Horned God is at the zenith of His manifest Power and the flowering Godess of Spring welcomes his presence. Sex Magic is powerful now and legend tells that a nakedmtskip through a garden on Litha night ensures fertility for the coming season. The peaceful blue color of the Lapis stone can be worn to foster physical fertility as well as psychic awareness. Below are some suggestions I have to make your Summer Solstice Rituals complete as well as enlightening…I’ve even included some of my favorite meditations and incantations. Enjoy, and Blessed Be! June 24 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Strawberry/Rose/Hot Moon) July 9 – Tues – d Cancer Birthday Celebration June 22-July 22 Crab cakes. Crabby people. Possible location: Maryland Crabs July 24 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Buck/Thunder/Hay Moon) Aug 1 – Lugnasad – Harvest Time Aug 13 – Tues – d Leo Birthday Celebration July 23-August 22 Possible Location: White Lion. Cowardly Lion. King of the Jungle. Lyin’ Fusion Festival in California August 22 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Sturgeon/Red/Green Corn Moon) Labor Day – Burning Man Sept 10 – Tues – d Virgan Birthday Celebration August 23-September 22 Virgin bloody maries. Sacrificial virgins. September 21 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Harvest/Corn/Barley Moon) Autumn September 23 12:56 am Autumnal Equinox With only 3 more months left in the Celtic summer, pagan folk work hard for the harvest yet to come, whether it be corn and hay from the fields or the personal projects and goals that we planned for the summer months. When the sun crosses the equator and heads south at the Autumnal Equinox, the second of the harvest festivals, (celebrated around September 21) we again celebrate the magnificant balance that the everturning Wheel of the Year promises. These equinoxs are great s that the bleak days of winter as well as the heady days of summer are temporary, that all things have their seasons, and that none will last forever. The law of polarity and rythym require that all things be balanced by their opposites. On these days our ancestors aligned themselves in the ebb and flow of life. As winter, spring, summer and autumn pass by, Witches still reconnect with the ever moving flow of life, we make our plans and watch them unfold. If some do not come to fruition we try again. We pass through times of joy and sorrow; little ones are born, the older ones die allowing their spirits to pass into Summerland. Every event in life is rich in purpose and meaning. Each day, night and season has its own special character. Rituals connect us to both the big and little dramas of the year and of the greater life cycle. We unite the character and spirit of each passing season and do magic to transform our lives, giving them a depth and an expansiveness that without ritual and celebration we would never achieve. Even the most humble ritual helps the moment of power and change, and the celebrant partakes in somthing greater than him or herself. Some would say that in these moments of ecstasy we actually stand outside ourselves and the God and Goddess within us become brighter, more powerful and we touch the All; eg, the Lord Pan and Lady Gaia, Jesus, God, however you see the Divine Power. This festival is associated with the taking of corn and other foods that are to be harvested at this time. Cornbread cakes and cider are an excellent addition to the festivities. The frost will hit soon, so the last of the herbs and other plants you wish to dry for winter use should be harvested now. Depending on when the leaves turn in your area, you may wish to parafin them and add them to your house decorations. Dip the leave quickly in melted parafin, and put them on wax paper. When the leaves are dry you can put them in a huge, decorative jar with a sigil of protection carved lightly on some or all of the leaves. Colors used for candles should be brown, orange, gold or red. Altar cloths can be made of material with fall designs. River and stream stones gathered over the summer can empowered for various purposes. Oct 8 – Tues – d Libral Birthday Celebration September 23-October 22 Bring scales 😀 Justice is blind. Machinelf is free. Possible location: Somewhere ‘downscale.’ Oct 21 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Hunter’s/Travel/Dying Grass Moon) Oct 31 Halloween Winter (Pagan) Nov 1 – Samhain – Winter’s Start Nov 12 – Tues – d Scorpion Birthday Celebration October 23-November 21 Smoke scorpion venom 🙂 Junkies and Get High in the Pits” QUETTA, Pakistan (Reuters) – When they’re in season, Ghulam Raza smokes scorpions. He says he dries their stingers in the sun and grinds them, then lights the powdery venom and sucks the smoke deep into his lungs. “Oh yes,” he said when asked if the scorpions make him high. “When I smoke scorpion, then the heroin is like nothing to me.” The place where Raza and other Pakistani junkies smoke dope or shoot up in the southwestern city of Quetta is a good place to find scorpions. It is the main cemetery, a dust-filled field of tombstones and corpse-sized mounds of rocks. A shantytown molded from the pale dirt of the desert claws its way up a steep mountain slope on one side while Muslim prayers ring out across the city on the other. In the middle, in the ruins of a building, Raza and a dozen addict friends spend their days. Some, like Abdul Hai, have been coming here for more than 20 years. More disdained than criminalized, the hundreds of junkies in Quetta, capital of Pakistan’s parched Baluchistan province, gather away from the chaotic life of the city. In the cemetery, sometimes one of them will get very stoned and drop into an open grave. “We are safe here,” says Raza, a mechanical engineer, who says he started down the slippery slope of ds after becoming addicted to pain killers years ago when, he says, he was shot 18 times by police. The graveyard addicts beg or steal for their d money. They pay off officials for peace. When they forget, the police come and beat them, they s ay. Closer to the center of town, other Pakistani junkies hide away in an even less salubrious den. They huddle in small groups, cloaks pulled over their heads, in an open gutter. Nov 19 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Beaver/Frost Moon) Dec 10 – Tues – d Sagittarian Birthday Celebration November 22-December 21 Centaur hunters. Dec 19 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Cold/Long Nights Moon) Dec 21 8:15pm Winter Solstice for pain. there is a time for joy. there is a time for exploration. there is a time for celebration. -v^v^v^v^v^V^V^WWVVV # (that’s ‘how’.) ‘This’ is what ‘That’ needs. ‘That’ is what we want. ‘This’ is what we have. ‘That’ is what we find. (the choiceis yours) the drone is a magic lucky charm. You can’t ‘over use’ it because it might bite you in the ass. You can ‘use it over’ but it’s gears may become dull. ‘Expose’ yourself to the mandala only for healing. Otherwise you must go through it. It is a part of the living form of space & light and that includes you. To be fully alive and awake, you must be on the other side. otherwise you are asleep. But that’s okay, you’lll need your rest. Up and Down; intersect, angles, dimension, spiral. Sense Probability Intrinsically Resonates Alternal Love (S.P.I.R.A.L.) life…. ((((( N’TENGUE: This is the oldest human fossil in the world! HOMER: P! I’ve got more bones than That guy! I’m not impressed. N’TENGUE: But Mr.Simpson HOMER: (hand in N’Tengue’s face) Not! Impressed! ))))) *If you face the ground you can see the stars on the other side of the world. *If you look up you realize we are being squozen through an epistemological black-hole birth canal, caught o the wake of a cosmic tsunami about to come crashing down. *Look to the right and understand the urgency that cries for your help. *Look to the left and understand the part we must play in this temporal crisis. *Look behind you to check for encouragement. *Look forward to new life and the Water-Bearer. *Be yourself so we can love you. *Be yourself so you can love us. *Be yourself so you can disagree. *Be together to share the joy. and show your way to those who are listening. This message will self-destruct in 5, 4, 3, 2…. love, Evan.News: Swedish trance at Omnitribe this Friday Feb 1, dski apres-ski afterparty Feb 2. Tsunami to use new Phazon system at a new weekly at a redesigned Speeed, to be called “Shelter.” It’s verified that a friend got her purse stolen at Opium Den on Wednesday. It is more crowded than in the past but unfortunately not completely wholesome so watch your belongings. OPEN: Sundays, Mondays and Thursdays The Lord of the Rings film is out!!! Go get inspired for Burning Elf’s spring woodland LOTR party Jan 28 – Mon – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Wolf/Old Moon) Jan 29 – Tue- Freaky Tuesdays at Who’s on First 1st avenue b/w 87th & 88th with DJ Amnesium contact 646-234-3263 ID21 & over Free before 10pm, $3 after, 2 for 1 drinks all night. Pool table, downstairs chill. Viviana is the bartender. Jan 30 – Wed – Opium Den 2nd ave b/w 2nd & 3rd Brazilian Daime Full Moon Trance Party / check this magnificent event taking place in brazil on the full moon of january. organized by the boom production team with the daime tribe of brazil (church of ayuhuasca)…. more info at igwana12 at hotmail Feb 1 – Friday – Imbalc Winter’s Leavetaking Tarvaa’s Retourney Peter Didjital (Digital Structures, Sweden) Kalyx (Synthetic Sadhus/Growroom, Boston) Serge (Digital Circuitry, NY) Vitalik (Omnitribe, NY) Video Projection by Rocky Atomic Juice/d 11pm-9am $15 at door 114 West 26th Street b/w 6 & 7th avenues info at omnitribe Feb 2 – Saturday – dski Apres-ski Afterparty Minimal to absolutely fluffy psy-trance at a private isolated 3 story lodge in the forest of the Poconos mountains through Sunday!!! email rocktheshow at aol for information on dski and directions to the house. $20. Featuring the lame duck snowboarding DJs, jacuzzi, sound system, fireplace, snowball fights, psycho drama, and more. Everyone try to get Vitalik to come back out this year – I first met him at the dski house a year ago, when he showed up at 4am, out of the blizzard. He was suspiciously quiet, but I could see wheels going on behind his eyes. Must be willing to share sleep quarters with others. The biggest thing you have to concern yourself with is to get a ride. It’s a two hour drive from the city. Ski lifts are 10 minutes away. Few end up skiing. Bring blankets, video games, VHS, CDs, stuff to do – and food. There will be someone (me!) at the Omnitribe party watching over luggage in case you have a lot to bring. Feb 5 – Tue- Freaky Tuesdays at Who’s on First 1st avenue b/w 87th & 88th with DJ Amnesium contact 646-234-3263 ID21 & over Free before 10pm, $3 after, 2 for 1 drinks all night. Pool table, downstairs chill. Viviana is the bartender. Feb 6 – Wed -Opium Den 2nd ave b/w 2nd & 3rd Feb 8 – Ben at cownow light-o-maticis doing a private list only party for Jaime’s birthday. Prepay. Featuring DJ’s: Boris (Burning Elf) Shikid (OmniTribe) Chico DragonLotus (DragonTribe) Machinelf (d) Niko (Synthetic Sadhus) Jed (TranceAct) web lightomatic/party or email ben at cownow Feb 9 – Bansi – Growling Mad Scientists – Hommega/Spun/In-Trance-It at the Lunatarium 10 Jay Street web lunatarium … Location unconfirmed Feb 11 – Tue- Freaky Tuesdays at Who’s on First 1st avenue b/w 87th & 88th with DJ Amnesium contact 646-234-3263 ID21 & over Free before 10pm, $3 after, 2 for 1 drinks all night. Pool table, downstairs chill. Viviana is the bartender. Feb 12 – Tue – d Aquarian Birthday Celebration January 20-February 18 FREE. Come early (8pm) to eat, later (11pm) to party. 8pm-4am Location TBA, maybe Karma or Who’s on First The energy of the music will match the energy of the crowd. Bring: bottled water, water guns, dolphins, mermaid outfits, anything flowing. Think Liquid. The venue will allow us to refill our water bottles at the bathrooms just for us. Astrological readings. Si necessito we pull back the carpet to trance dance. To encourage all our friends to come help us celebrate a most chaotic crazy quilt of which we are all strands of theoretical string. To give trance people a chance to meet d people and possibly join the congregation. If you have toys, trip toys, bring them. If you have art, bring it. If you can bring a lot of goodies for everyone, that would be swell. Bring enough to share. Feb 13 – Wed – Opium Den 2nd ave b/w 2nd & 3rd Feb 15/16 – Fri/Sat – dmtski!! Feb 19 – Tue – Freaky Tuesdays at Who’s on First 1st avenue b/w 87th & 88th with DJ Amnesium contact 646-234-3263 ID21 & over Free before 10pm, $3 after, 2 for 1 drinks all night. Pool table, downstairs chill. Viviana is the bartender. Feb 20 – Wed – Opium Den 2nd ave b/w 2nd & 3rd Feb 22/Feb 23 – Fri-Sat – dmtski!! Feb 26 – Freaky Tuesdays at Who’s on First 1st avenue b/w 87th & 88th with DJ Amnesium contact 646-234-3263 ID21 & over Free before 10pm, $3 after, 2 for 1 drinks all night. Pool table, downstairs chill. Viviana is the bartender. Feb 27 – Wed – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Snow/Hunger Moon) Mar 1/2 – Fri/Sat – dmtski Mar 8/9 – Fri/Sat – dmtski Mar 12 – Tues – d Pisces Birthday Celebration Feb 19-March 20 Bring fish. Guest of Honor: Mark Lorenz, Aquarium Cleaner Extraordinaire Possible location: 7th Avenue Sushi, Le Bernardin, or somewhere with a lot of fish aquariums March 20 2:16pm – Vernal Equinox – The outdoor Lord of the Rings psy-trance festival upstate will be in the Spring, with trance Sindarin woodland elves. The film will be out December 21st. Possible party at Chicen Itza pyramids in the Yucatan during spring equinox might be good… one pyramid at chichen itza is built so that a plumed serpent can be seen descending the stairs when the light hits it on this day) of course thousands of native people come to see this as well, depending on how we’re received that could be good or bad) We have the ear of the head of tourism who is open to hosting a trance event at the base of the pyramids. Looking for organizers & investors. The rewards are high but it won’t come cheap. Suggestion: Sliding scale for Mexican nationals/Indians should ideally come for next to nothing, or free; alcohol should not be served. Email andys at ezy.net Mar 28 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Worm/Crow/Crust/Sugar/Sap Moon) April 9 – Tues – d Arian Birthday Celebration March 21-April 19 LOCATION: Mars 2112 Guest of Honor: This dude I know named “Mars” Bring guns and swords. April 26 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Pink/Sprouting Grass/Egg/Fish Moon) May 1 – Beltainne – Spring’s Planting May 14 – Tues – d Tauran Birthday Celebration April 20-May 20 Taurus All Taurus get a free Red Bull REFRESHMENTS: Red Bull, Schlitz Malt Liquor Bull Special Guest: Suzula, Xander, Gary Toro, Cata Toro Bring: Bulls. Horns. Whips. Rawhide. Music: Progressive Playstation Wipeout Game with Red Bull sponsorship Possible Location: Denim & Diamonds or someplace with a mechanical bull No Bullshit! May 26 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Flower/Corn Planting/Milk Moon) June 11 – Tues – d Gemini Birthday Celebration May 21- June 21 Invite every twin you know. Two for one drink specials. Your evil twin, Invite your nemesis. Moment of Silence for the Twin Towers. June 21 9:24am Summer Solstice In many cultures, the coming of Summer is the heralding of a time for love, marriage, friendship, beauty, protection, courage, magical energy, physical energy, and strength. It is the perfect time for Fire Magic! The Summer Solstice, also called “Midsummer” or “Litha”, is the longest day of the year. (The Christian Calendar marks this holiday with “St. Peter and Paul’s Day) This celebration of the coming of the light is when magics involving protection, strength, energy and clear sight will be the most successful. With the Sun high in the heavens, the powers of light are readily evoked. Anything that shadows your soul can be set aflame by the Sun’s protective glow. Pagan couples also know that this is the time when the Horned God is at the zenith of His manifest Power and the flowering Godess of Spring welcomes his presence. Sex Magic is powerful now. In many cultures, the coming of Summer is the heralding of a time for love, marriage, friendship, beauty, protection, courage, magical energy, physical energy, and strength. It is the perfect time for Fire Magic! The Summer Solstice, also called “Midsummer” or “Litha”, is the longest day of the year. (The Christian Calendar marks this holiday with “St. Peter and Paul’s Day) This celebration of the coming of the light is when magics involving protection, strength, energy and clear sight will be the most successful. With the Sun high in the heavens, the powers of light are readily evoked. Anything that shadows your soul can be set aflame by the Sun’s protective glow. Pagan couples also know that this is the time when the Horned God is at the zenith of His manifest Power and the flowering Godess of Spring welcomes his presence. Sex Magic is powerful now and legend tells that a nakedmtskip through a garden on Litha night ensures fertility for the coming season. The peaceful blue color of the Lapis stone can be worn to foster physical fertility as well as psychic awareness. Below are some suggestions I have to make your Summer Solstice Rituals complete as well as enlightening…I’ve even included some of my favorite meditations and incantations. Enjoy, and Blessed Be! June 24 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Strawberry/Rose/Hot Moon) July 9 – Tues – d Cancer Birthday Celebration June 22-July 22 Crab cakes. Crabby people. Possible location: Maryland Crabs July 24 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Buck/Thunder/Hay Moon) Aug 1 – Lugnasad – Harvest Time Aug 13 – Tues – d Leo Birthday Celebration July 23-August 22 Possible Location: White Lion. Cowardly Lion. King of the Jungle. Lyin’ Fusion Festival in California August 22 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Sturgeon/Red/Green Corn Moon) Labor Day – Burning Man Sept 10 – Tues – d Virgan Birthday Celebration August 23-September 22 Virgin bloody maries. Sacrificial virgins. September 23 12:56 am Autumnal Equinox With only 3 more months left in the Celtic summer, pagan folk work hard for the harvest yet to come, whether it be corn and hay from the fields or the personal projects and goals that we planned for the summer months. When the sun crosses the equator and heads south at the Autumnal Equinox, the second of the harvest festivals, (celebrated around September 21) we again celebrate the magnificant balance that the everturning Wheel of the Year promises. These equinoxs are great s that the bleak days of winter as well as the heady days of summer are temporary, that all things have their seasons, and that none will last forever. The law of polarity and rythym require that all things be balanced by their opposites. On these days our ancestors aligned themselves in the ebb and flow of life. As winter, spring, summer and autumn pass by, Witches still reconnect with the ever moving flow of life, we make our plans and watch them unfold. If some do not come to fruition we try again. We pass through times of joy and sorrow; little ones are born, the older ones die allowing their spirits to pass into Summerland. Every event in life is rich in purpose and meaning. Each day, night and season has its own special character. Rituals connect us to both the big and little dramas of the year and of the greater life cycle. We unite the character and spirit of each passing season and do magic to transform our lives, giving them a depth and an expansiveness that without ritual and celebration we would never achieve. Even the most humble ritual helps the moment of power and change, and the celebrant partakes in somthing greater than him or herself. Some would say that in these moments of ecstasy we actually stand outside ourselves and the God and Goddess within us become brighter, more powerful and we touch the All; eg, the Lord Pan and Lady Gaia, Jesus, God, however you see the Divine Power. This festival is associated with the taking of corn and other foods that are to be harvested at this time. Cornbread cakes and cider are an excellent addition to the festivities. The frost will hit soon, so the last of the herbs and other plants you wish to dry for winter use should be harvested now. Depending on when the leaves turn in your area, you may wish to parafin them and add them to your house decorations. Dip the leave quickly in melted parafin, and put them on wax paper. When the leaves are dry you can put them in a huge, decorative jar with a sigil of protection carved lightly on some or all of the leaves. Colors used for candles should be brown, orange, gold or red. Altar cloths can be made of material with fall designs. River and stream stones gathered over the summer can empowered for various purposes. Bring scales 😀 Justice is blind. Machinelf is free. Possible location: Somewhere ‘downscale.’ Oct 21 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Hunter’s/Travel/Dying Grass Moon) Oct 31 Halloween Nov 12 – Tues – d Scorpion Birthday Celebration October 23-November 21 Smoke scorpion venom 🙂 Junkies and Get High in the Pits” QUETTA, Pakistan (Reuters) – When they’re in season, Ghulam Raza smokes scorpions. He says he dries their stingers in the sun and grinds them, then lights the powdery venom and sucks the smoke deep into his lungs. “Oh yes,” he said when asked if the scorpions make him high. “When I smoke scorpion, then the heroin is like nothing to me.” The place where Raza and other Pakistani junkies smoke dope or shoot up in the southwestern city of Quetta is a good place to find scorpions. It is the main cemetery, a dust-filled field of tombstones and corpse-sized mounds of rocks. A shantytown molded from the pale dirt of the desert claws its way up a steep mountain slope on one side while Muslim prayers ring out across the city on the other. In the middle, in the ruins of a building, Raza and a dozen addict friends spend their days. Some, like Abdul Hai, have been coming here for more than 20 years. More disdained than criminalized, the hundreds of junkies in Quetta, capital of Pakistan’s parched Baluchistan province, gather away from the chaotic life of the city. In the cemetery, sometimes one of them will get very stoned and drop into an open grave. “We are safe here,” says Raza, a mechanical engineer, who says he started down the slippery slope of ds after becoming addicted to pain killers years ago when, he says, he was shot 18 times by police. The graveyard addicts beg or steal for their d money. They pay off officials for peace. When they forget, the police come and beat them, they say. Closer to the center of town, other Pakistani junkies hide away in an even less salubrious den. They huddle in small groups, cloaks pulled over their heads, in an open gutter. Nov 19 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Beaver/Frost Moon) Dec 10 – Tues – d Sagittarian Birthday Celebration November 22-December 21 Centaur hunters. Dec 19 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Cold/Long Nights Moon) for pain. there is a time for joy. there is a time for exploration. there is a time for celebration. -v^v^v^v^v^V^V^WWVVV # (that’s ‘how’.) ‘This’ is what ‘That’ needs. ‘That’ is what we want. ‘This’ is what we have. ‘That’ is what we find. (the choiceis yours) the drone is a magic lucky charm. You can’t ‘over use’ it because it might bite you in the ass. You can ‘use it over’ but it’s gears may become dull. ‘Expose’ yourself to the mandala only for healing. Otherwise you must go through it. It is a part of the living form of space & light and that includes you. To be fully alive and awake, you must be on the other side. otherwise you are asleep. But that’s okay, you’lll need your rest. Up and Down; intersect, angles, dimension, spiral. Sense Probability Intrinsically Resonates Alternal Love (S.P.I.R.A.L.) life…. ((((( N’TENGUE: This is the oldest human fossil in the world! HOMER: P! I’ve got more bones than That guy! I’m not impressed. N’TENGUE: But Mr.Simpson HOMER: (hand in N’Tengue’s face) Not! Impressed! ))))) *If you face the ground you can see the stars on the other side of the world. *If you look up you realize we are being squozen through an epistemological black-hole birth canal, caught o the wake of a cosmic tsunami about to come crashing down. *Look to the right and understand the urgency that cries for your help. *Look to the left and understand the part we must play in this temporal crisis. *Look behind you to check for encouragement. *Look forward to new life and the Water-Bearer. *Be yourself so we can love you. *Be yourself so you can love us. *Be yourself so you can disagree. *Be together to share the joy. and show your way to those who are listening. This message will self-destruct in 5, 4, 3, 2…. love, Evan.
#2221 Tue, 29 Jan 2002 10:25:55 Tue, 29 Jan 2002 10:25:54 Synthtic Sadhus Lineup Feb 23 Sadhus Sects: utopia.knoware.nl/users/dolfhart/sects Synthetic Lineup for Feb 23: Oforia, Slinky Wizard, Medecine Drum, Gus Till, Ofer Dilovsky, Kalyx The chillout lounge is back, with the Solipse dude Shakespeare playing 9 hours Amazura utopia.knoware.nl/users/dolfhart/sects Synthetic Lineup for Feb 23: Oforia, Slinky Wizard, Medecine Drum, Gus Till, Ofer Dilovsky, Kalyx The chillout lounge is back, with the Solipse dude Shakespeare playing 9 hours Amazura
#2222 Tue, 29 Jan 2002 10:55:58 Tue, 29 Jan 2002 10:55:57 Pschedule Psy-Trance Pschedule NYC 2002 News to rumours: -Swedish trance at Omnitribe this Friday Feb 1, last dski party in two weeks: Feb 2 carpool from Omnitribe at 9am Tsunami to use new smaller Phazon system (as in the one at Twilo) at a new weekly at a redesigned Speeed, to be called “Shelter.” Local DJs already sharpening their needles to to the many floors at Speeed. -It’s verified that a drunk friend got her purse stolen at Opium Den on Wednesday. It is more crowded than in the past but unfortunately not completely wholesome so watch your belongings. -Several Israelis got in trouble with the Feds for being involved with ecstacy. Between that and straight out INS deportation, the more lawless element is getting squeezed. So Fluffy says, in a high pitched, sqeaky voice, stay away from E or you too will get a call from the DEA/FBI. -Evan needs a place to live; he has $500. He wrote the poem at the end of this email. evan at shpongle. -Where is Steve-O!?! -even more on the “real” Sadhus: utopia.knoware.nl/users/dolfhart/index Send News & Rumours to newself at brainmachines STILL OPEN: Sundays, Mondays and Thursdays The Lord of the Rings film is out!!! Go get inspired for Burning Elf’s spring woodland LOTR party. ANyone who hasn’t seen it is a LOSER!!! Jan 29 – Tue- Freaky Tuesdays at Who’s on First 1st avenue b/w 87th & 88th with DJ Amnesium contact 646-234-3263 ID21 & over Free before 10pm, $3 after, 2 for 1 drinks all night. Pool table, downstairs chill. Viviana is the bartender. Jan 30 – Wed – Opium Den 2nd ave b/w 2nd & 3rd Brazilian Daime Full Moon Trance Party / check this magnificent event taking place in brazil on the full moon of january. organized by the boom production team with the daime tribe of brazil (church of ayuhuasca)…. more info at igwana12 at hotmail Feb 1 – Friday – Imbalc Winter’s Leavetaking Tarvaa’s Retourney Peter Didjital (Digital Structures, Sweden) Kalyx (Synthetic Sadhus/Growroom, Boston) Serge (Digital Circuitry, NY) Vitalik (Omnitribe, NY) Video Projection by Rocky Atomic Juice/d 11pm-9am $15 at door 114 West 26th Street b/w 6 & 7th avenues info at omnitribe Feb 2 – Saturday – dski Apres-ski Afterparty Minimal to absolutely fluffy psy-trance at a private isolated 3 story lodge in the forest of the Poconos mountains through Sunday!!! email rocktheshow at aol for information on dski and directions to the house. $20. Featuring the lame duck snowboarding DJs, jacuzzi, sound system, fireplace, snowball fights, psycho drama, and more. Everyone try to get Vitalik to come back out this year – I first met him at the dski house a year ago, when he showed up at 4am, out of the blizzard. He was suspiciously quiet, but I could see wheels going on behind his eyes. Must be willing to share sleep quarters with others. The biggest thing you have to concern yourself with is to get a ride. It’s a two hour drive from the city. Ski lifts are 10 minutes away. Few end up skiing. Bring blankets, video games, VHS, CDs, stuff to do – and food. There will be someone (me!) at the Omnitribe party watching over luggage in case you have a lot to bring. Feb 5 – Tue- Freaky Tuesdays at Who’s on First 1st avenue b/w 87th & 88th with DJ Amnesium contact 646-234-3263 ID21 & over Free before 10pm, $3 after, 2 for 1 drinks all night. Pool table, downstairs chill. Viviana is the bartender. Feb 6 – Wed -Opium Den 2nd ave b/w 2nd & 3rd Feb 8 – Fri – Ben at cownow light-o-maticis doing a private list only party for Jaime’s birthday. Prepay. Featuring DJ’s: Boris (Burning Elf) Shikid (OmniTribe) Chico DragonLotus (DragonTribe) Machinelf (d) Niko (Synthetic Sadhus) Jed (TranceAct) web lightomatic/party or email ben at cownow Feb 9 – Sat – Bansi – Growling Mad Scientists live -Dmitri, Goblin, Liran – Hommega/Spun/In-Trance-It $30 at doorat the Lunatarium 10 Jay Street F to York 212-946-5687 web lunatarium … Location confirmed Feb 11 – Tue- Freaky Tuesdays at Who’s on First 1st avenue b/w 87th & 88th with DJ Amnesium contact 646-234-3263 ID21 & over Free before 10pm, $3 after, 2 for 1 drinks all night. Pool table, downstairs chill. Viviana is the bartender. Feb 12 – Tue – d Aquarian Birthday Celebration January 20-February 18 FREE. Come early (8pm) to eat, later (11pm) to party. 8pm-4am Location TBA, maybe Karma or Who’s on First The energy of the music will match the energy of the crowd. Bring: bottled water, water guns, dolphins, mermaid outfits, anything flowing. Think Liquid. The venue will allow us to refill our water bottles at the bathrooms just for us. Astrological readings. Si necessito we pull back the carpet to trance dance. To encourage all our friends to come help us celebrate a most chaotic crazy quilt of which we are all strands of theoretical string. To give trance people a chance to meet d people and possibly join the congregation. If you have toys, trip toys, bring them. If you have art, bring it. If you can bring a lot of goodies for everyone, that would be swell. Bring enough to share. Feb 13 – Wed – Opium Den 2nd ave b/w 2nd & 3rd Feb 15/16 – Fri/Sat – dmtski!! Feb 19 – Tue – Freaky Tuesdays at Who’s on First 1st avenue b/w 87th & 88th with DJ Amnesium contact 646-234-3263 ID21 & over Free before 10pm, $3 after, 2 for 1 drinks all night. Pool table, downstairs chill. Viviana is the bartender. Feb 20 – Wed – Opium Den 2nd ave b/w 2nd & 3rd Feb 22/Feb 23 – Fri- dmtski!! Feb 23 – Sat – Synthetic Sadhus Oforia, Slinky Wizard, Medecine Drum, Gus Till, Ofer Dilovsky, Kalyx at the Amazura 212-533-6700 Feb 26 – Freaky Tuesdays at Who’s on First 1st avenue b/w 87th & 88th with DJ Amnesium contact 646-234-3263 ID21 & over Free before 10pm, $3 after, 2 for 1 drinks all night. Pool table, downstairs chill. Viviana is the bartender. Feb 27 – Wed – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Snow/Hunger Moon) Mar 1/2 – Fri/Sat – dmtski Mar 8/9 – Fri/Sat – dmtski Mar 12 – Tues – d Pisces Birthday Celebration Feb 19-March 20 Bring fish. Guest of Honor: Mark Lorenz, Aquarium Cleaner Extraordinaire Possible location: 7th Avenue Sushi, Le Bernardin, or somewhere with a lot of fish aquariums SPRING March 20 2:16pm – Vernal Equinox – The outdoor Lord of the Rings psy-trance festival upstate will be in the Spring, with trance Sindarin woodland elves. The film will be out December 21st. Possible party at Chicen Itza pyramids in the Yucatan during spring equinox might be good… one pyramid at chichen itza is built so that a plumed serpent can be seen descending the stairs when the light hits it on this day) of course thousands of native people come to see this as well, depending on how we’re received that could be good or bad) We have the ear of the head of tourism who is open to hosting a trance event at the base of the pyramids. Looking for organizers & investors. The rewards are high but it won’t come cheap. Suggestion: Sliding scale for Mexican nationals/Indians should ideally come for next to nothing, or free; alcohol should not be served. Email andys at ezy.net Mar 28 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Worm/Crow/Crust/Sugar/Sap Moon) April 9 – Tues – d Arian Birthday Celebration March 21-April 19 LOCATION: Mars 2112 Guest of Honor: This dude I know named “Mars” Bring guns and swords. April 26 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Pink/Sprouting Grass/Egg/Fish Moon) May 1 – Beltainne – Spring’s Planting May 14 – Tues – d Tauran Birthday Celebration April 20-May 20 Taurus All Taurus get a free Red Bull REFRESHMENTS: Red Bull, Schlitz Malt Liquor Bull Special Guest: Suzula, Xander, Gary Toro, Cata Toro Bring: Bulls. Horns. Whips. Rawhide. Music: Progressive Playstation Wipeout Game with Red Bull sponsorship Possible Location: Denim & Diamonds or someplace with a mechanical bull No Bullshit! May 26 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Flower/Corn Planting/Milk Moon) June 11 – Tues – d Gemini Birthday Celebration May 21- June 21 Invite every twin you know. Two for one drink specials. Your evil twin, Invite your nemesis. Moment of Silence for the Twin Towers. Possible location: Twins. SUMMER June 21 9:24am Summer Solstice June 21-24 Solstice Festival in Southern Colorado gregschmid at yahoo 888-336-3997 In many cultures, the coming of Summer is the heralding of a time for love, marriage, friendship, beauty, protection, courage, magical energy, physical energy, and strength. It is the perfect time for Fire Magic! The Summer Solstice, also called “Midsummer” or “Litha”, is the longest day of the year. (The Christian Calendar marks this holiday with “St. Peter and Paul’s Day) This celebration of the coming of the light is when magics involving protection, strength, energy and clear sight will be the most successful. With the Sun high in the heavens, the powers of light are readily evoked. Anything that shadows your soul can be set aflame by the Sun’s protective glow. Pagan couples also know that this is the time when the Horned God is at the zenith of His manifest Power and the flowering Godess of Spring welcomes his presence. Sex Magic is powerful now. In many cultures, the coming of Summer is the heralding of a time for love, marriage, friendship, beauty, protection, courage, magical energy, physical energy, and strength. It is the perfect time for Fire Magic! The Summer Solstice, also called “Midsummer” or “Litha”, is the longest day of the year. (The Christian Calendar marks this holiday with “St. Peter and Paul’s Day) This celebration of the coming of the light is when magics involving protection, strength, energy and clear sight will be the most successful. With the Sun high in the heavens, the powers of light are readily evoked. Anything that shadows your soul can be set aflame by the Sun’s protective glow. Pagan couples also know that this is the time when the Horned God is at the zenith of His manifest Power and the flowering Godess of Spring welcomes his presence. Sex Magic is powerful now and legend tells that a nakedmtskip through a garden on Litha night ensures fertility for the coming season. The peaceful blue color of the Lapis stone can be worn to foster physical fertility as well as psychic awareness. Below are some suggestions I have to make your Summer Solstice Rituals complete as well as enlightening…I’ve even included some of my favorite meditations and incantations. Enjoy, and Blessed Be! June 24 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Strawberry/Rose/Hot Moon) July 9 – Tues – d Cancer Birthday Celebration June 22-July 22 Crab cakes. Crabby people. Possible location: Maryland Crabs July 24 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Buck/Thunder/Hay Moon) Aug 1 – Lugnasad – Harvest Time Aug 13 – Tues – d Leo Birthday Celebration July 23-August 22 Possible Location: White Lion. Cowardly Lion. King of the Jungle. Lyin’ Fusion Festival in California August 22 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Sturgeon/Red/Green Corn Moon) Labor Day – Burning Man Sept 10 – Tues – d Virgan Birthday Celebration August 23-September 22 Virgin bloody maries. Sacrificial virgins. September 21 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Harvest/Corn/Barley Moon) Autumn September 23 12:56 am Autumnal Equinox With only 3 more months left in the Celtic summer, pagan folk work hard for the harvest yet to come, whether it be corn and hay from the fields or the personal projects and goals that we planned for the summer months. When the sun crosses the equator and heads south at the Autumnal Equinox, the second of the harvest festivals, (celebrated around September 21) we again celebrate the magnificant balance that the everturning Wheel of the Year promises. These equinoxs are great s that the bleak days of winter as well as the heady days of summer are temporary, that all things have their seasons, and that none will last forever. The law of polarity and rythym require that all things be balanced by their opposites. On these days our ancestors aligned themselves in the ebb and flow of life. As winter, spring, summer and autumn pass by, Witches still reconnect with the ever moving flow of life, we make our plans and watch them unfold. If some do not come to fruition we try again. We pass through times of joy and sorrow; little ones are born, the older ones die allowing their spirits to pass into Summerland. Every event in life is rich in purpose and meaning. Each day, night and season has its own special character. Rituals connect us to both the big and little dramas of the year and of the greater life cycle. We unite the character and spirit of each passing season and do magic to transform our lives, giving them a depth and an expansiveness that without ritual and celebration we would never achieve. Even the most humble ritual helps the moment of power and change, and the celebrant partakes in somthing greater than him or herself. Some would say that in these moments of ecstasy we actually stand outside ourselves and the God and Goddess within us become brighter, more powerful and we touch the All; eg, the Lord Pan and Lady Gaia, Jesus, God, however you see the Divine Power. This festival is associated with the taking of corn and other foods that are to be harvested at this time. Cornbread cakes and cider are an excellent addition to the festivities. The frost will hit soon, so the last of the herbs and other plants you wish to dry for winter use should be harvested now. Depending on when the leaves turn in your area, you may wish to parafin them and add them to your house decorations. Dip the leave quickly in melted parafin, and put them on wax paper. When the leaves are dry you can put them in a huge, decorative jar with a sigil of protection carved lightly on some or all of the leaves. Colors used for candles should be brown, orange, gold or red. Altar cloths can be made of material with fall designs. River and stream stones gathered over the summer can empowered for various purposes. Oct 8 – Tues – d Libral Birthday Celebration September 23-October 22 Bring scales 😀 Justice is blind. Machinelf is free. Possible location: Somewhere ‘downscale.’ Oct 21 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Hunter’s/Travel/Dying Grass Moon) Oct 31 Halloween Winter (Pagan) Nov 1 – Samhain – Winter’s Start Nov 12 – Tues – d Scorpion Birthday Celebration October 23-November 21 Smoke scorpion venom 🙂 Junkies and Get High in the Pits” QUETTA, Pakistan (Reuters) – When they’re in season, Ghulam Raza smokes scorpions. He says he dries their stingers in the sun and grinds them, then lights the powdery venom and sucks the smoke deep into his lungs. “Oh yes,” he said when asked if the scorpions make him high. “When I smoke scorpion, then the heroin is like nothing to me.” The place where Raza and other Pakistani junkies smoke dope or shoot up in the southwestern city of Quetta is a good place to find scorpions. It is the main cemetery, a dust-filled field of tombstones and corpse-sized mounds of rocks. A shantytown molded from the pale dirt of the desert claws its way up a steep mountain slope on one side while Muslim prayers ring out across the city on the other. In the middle, in the ruins of a building, Raza and a dozen addict friends spend their days. Some, like Abdul Hai, have been coming here for more than 20 years. More disdained than criminalized, the hundreds of junkies in Quetta, capital of Pakistan’s parched Baluchistan province, gather away from the chaotic life of the city. In the cemetery, sometimes one of them will get very stoned and drop into an open grave. “We are safe here,” says Raza, a mechanical engineer, who says he started down the slippery slope of ds after becoming addicted to pain killers years ago when, he says, he was shot 18 times by police. The graveyard addicts beg or steal for their d money. They pay off officials for peace. When they forget, the police come and beat them, they say. Closer to the center of town, other Pakistani junkies hide away in an even less salubrious den. They huddle in small groups, cloaks pulled over their heads, in an open gutter. Nov 19 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Beaver/Frost Moon) Dec 10 – Tues – d Sagittarian Birthday Celebration November 22-December 21 Centaur hunters. Dec 19 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Cold/Long Nights Moon) Dec 21 8:15pm Winter Solstice for pain. there is a time for joy. there is a time for exploration. there is a time for celebration. -v^v^v^v^v^V^V^WWVVV # (that’s ‘how’.) ‘This’ is what ‘That’ needs. ‘That’ is what we want. ‘This’ is what we have. ‘That’ is what we find. (the choiceis yours) the drone is a magic lucky charm. You can’t ‘over use’ it because it might bite you in the ass. You can ‘use it over’ but it’s gears may become dull. ‘Expose’ yourself to the mandala only for healing. Otherwise you must go through it. It is a part of the living form of space & light and that includes you. To be fully alive and awake, you must be on the other side. otherwise you are asleep. But that’s okay, you’lll need your rest. Up and Down; intersect, angles, dimension, spiral. Sense Probability Intrinsically Resonates Alternal Love (S.P.I.R.A.L.) life…. ((((( N’TENGUE: This is the oldest human fossil in the world! HOMER: P! I’ve got more bones than That guy! I’m not impressed. N’TENGUE: But Mr.Simpson HOMER: (hand in N’Tengue’s face) Not! Impressed! ))))) *If you face the ground you can see the stars on the other side of the world. *If you look up you realize we are being squozen through an epistemological black-hole birth canal, caught o the wake of a cosmic tsunami about to come crashing down. *Look to the right and understand the urgency that cries for your help. *Look to the left and understand the part we must play in this temporal crisis. *Look behind you to check for encouragement. *Look forward to new life and the Water-Bearer. *Be yourself so we can love you. *Be yourself so you can love us. *Be yourself so you can disagree. *Be together to share the joy. and show your way to those who are listening. This message will self-destruct in 5, 4, 3, 2…. love, Evan at shpongleTsunami to use new smaller Phazon system (as in the one at Twilo) at a new weekly at a redesigned Speeed, to be called “Shelter.” Local DJs already sharpening their needles to to the many floors at Speeed. -It’s verified that a drunk friend got her purse stolen at Opium Den on Wednesday. It is more crowded than in the past but unfortunately not completely wholesome so watch your belongings. -Several Israelis got in trouble with the Feds for being involved with ecstacy. Between that and straight out INS deportation, the more lawless element is getting squeezed. So Fluffy says, in a high pitched, sqeaky voice, stay away from E or you too will get a call from the DEA/FBI. -Evan needs a place to live; he has $500. He wrote the poem at the end of this email. evan at shpongle. -Where is Steve-O!?! -even more on the “real” Sadhus: utopia.knoware.nl/users/dolfhart/index Send News & Rumours to newself at brainmachines STILL OPEN: Sundays, Mondays and Thursdays Jan 29 – Tue- Freaky Tuesdays at Who’s on First 1st avenue b/w 87th & 88th with DJ Amnesium contact 646-234-3263 ID21 & over Free before 10pm, $3 after, 2 for 1 drinks all night. Pool table, downstairs chill. Viviana is the bartender. Jan 30 – Wed – Opium Den 2nd ave b/w 2nd & 3rd Brazilian Daime Full Moon Trance Party / check this magnificent event taking place in brazil on the full moon of january. organized by the boom production team with the daime tribe of brazil (church of ayuhuasca)…. more info at igwana12 at hotmail Feb 1 – Friday – Imbalc Winter’s Leavetaking Tarvaa’s Retourney Peter Didjital (Digital Structures, Sweden) Kalyx (Synthetic Sadhus/Growroom, Boston) Serge (Digital Circuitry, NY) Vitalik (Omnitribe, NY) Video Projection by Rocky Atomic Juice/d 11pm-9am $15 at door 114 West 26th Street b/w 6 & 7th avenues info at omnitribe Feb 2 – Saturday – dski Apres-ski Afterparty Minimal to absolutely fluffy psy-trance at a private isolated 3 story lodge in the forest of the Poconos mountains through Sunday!!! email rocktheshow at aol for information on dski and directions to the house. $20. Featuring the lame duck snowboarding DJs, jacuzzi, sound system, fireplace, snowball fights, psycho drama, and more. Everyone try to get Vitalik to come back out this year – I first met him at the dski house a year ago, when he showed up at 4am, out of the blizzard. He was suspiciously quiet, but I could see wheels going on behind his eyes. Must be willing to share sleep quarters with others. The biggest thing you have to concern yourself with is to get a ride. It’s a two hour drive from the city. Ski lifts are 10 minutes away. Few end up skiing. Bring blankets, video games, VHS, CDs, stuff to do – and food. There will be someone (me!) at the Omnitribe party watching over luggage in case you have a lot to bring. Feb 5 – Tue- Freaky Tuesdays at Who’s on First 1st avenue b/w 87th & 88th with DJ Amnesium contact 646-234-3263 ID21 & over Free before 10pm, $3 after, 2 for 1 drinks all night. Pool table, downstairs chill. Viviana is the bartender. Feb 6 – Wed -Opium Den 2nd ave b/w 2nd & 3rd Feb 8 – Fri – Ben at cownow light-o-maticis doing a private list only party for Jaime’s birthday. Prepay. Featuring DJ’s: Boris (Burning Elf) Shikid (OmniTribe) Chico DragonLotus (DragonTribe) Machinelf (d) Niko (Synthetic Sadhus) Jed (TranceAct) web lightomatic/party or email ben at cownow Feb 9 – Sat – Bansi – Growling Mad Scientists live -Dmitri, Goblin, Liran – Hommega/Spun/In-Trance-It $30 at doorat the Lunatarium 10 Jay Street F to York 212-946-5687 web lunatarium … Location confirmed Feb 11 – Tue- Freaky Tuesdays at Who’s on First 1st avenue b/w 87th & 88th with DJ Amnesium contact 646-234-3263 ID21 & over Free before 10pm, $3 after, 2 for 1 drinks all night. Pool table, downstairs chill. Viviana is the bartender. Feb 12 – Tue – d Aquarian Birthday Celebration January 20-February 18 FREE. Come early (8pm) to eat, later (11pm) to party. 8pm-4am Location TBA, maybe Karma or Who’s on First The energy of the music will match the energy of the crowd. Bring: bottled water, water guns, dolphins, mermaid outfits, anything flowing. Think Liquid. The venue will allow us to refill our water bottles at the bathrooms just for us. Astrological readings. Si necessito we pull back the carpet to trance dance. To encourage all our friends to come help us celebrate a most chaotic crazy quilt of which we are all strands of theoretical string. To give trance people a chance to meet d people and possibly join the congregation. If you have toys, trip toys, bring them. If you have art, bring it. If you can bring a lot of goodies for everyone, that would be swell. Bring enough to share. Feb 13 – Wed – Opium Den 2nd ave b/w 2nd & 3rd Feb 15/16 – Fri/Sat – dmtski!! Feb 19 – Tue – Freaky Tuesdays at Who’s on First 1st avenue b/w 87th & 88th with DJ Amnesium contact 646-234-3263 ID21 & over Free before 10pm, $3 after, 2 for 1 drinks all night. Pool table, downstairs chill. Viviana is the bartender. Feb 20 – Wed – Opium Den 2nd ave b/w 2nd & 3rd Feb 22/Feb 23 – Fri- dmtski!! Feb 23 – Sat – Synthetic Sadhus Oforia, Slinky Wizard, Medecine Drum, Gus Till, Ofer Dilovsky, Kalyx at the Amazura 212-533-6700 Feb 26 – Freaky Tuesdays at Who’s on First 1st avenue b/w 87th & 88th with DJ Amnesium contact 646-234-3263 ID21 & over Free before 10pm, $3 after, 2 for 1 drinks all night. Pool table, downstairs chill. Viviana is the bartender. Feb 27 – Wed – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Snow/Hunger Moon) Mar 1/2 – Fri/Sat – dmtski Mar 8/9 – Fri/Sat – dmtski Mar 12 – Tues – d Pisces Birthday Celebration Feb 19-March 20 Bring fish. Guest of Honor: Mark Lorenz, Aquarium Cleaner Extraordinaire Possible location: 7th Avenue Sushi, Le Bernardin, or somewhere with a lot of fish aquariums March 20 2:16pm – Vernal Equinox – The outdoor Lord of the Rings psy-trance festival upstate will be in the Spring, with trance Sindarin woodland elves. The film will be out December 21st. Possible party at Chicen Itza pyramids in the Yucatan during spring equinox might be good… one pyramid at chichen itza is built so that a plumed serpent can be seen descending the stairs when the light hits it on this day) of course thousands of native people come to see this as well, depending on how we’re received that could be good or bad) We have the ear of the head of tourism who is open to hosting a trance event at the base of the pyramids. Looking for organizers & investors. The rewards are high but it won’t come cheap. Suggestion: Sliding scale for Mexican nationals/Indians should ideally come for next to nothing, or free; alcohol should not be served. Email andys at ezy.net Mar 28 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Worm/Crow/Crust/Sugar/Sap Moon) April 9 – Tues – d Arian Birthday Celebration March 21-April 19 LOCATION: Mars 2112 Guest of Honor: This dude I know named “Mars” Bring guns and swords. April 26 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Pink/Sprouting Grass/Egg/Fish Moon) May 1 – Beltainne – Spring’s Planting May 14 – Tues – d Tauran Birthday Celebration April 20-May 20 Taurus All Taurus get a free Red Bull REFRESHMENTS: Red Bull, Schlitz Malt Liquor Bull Special Guest: Suzula, Xander, Gary Toro, Cata Toro Bring: Bulls. Horns. Whips. Rawhide. Music: Progressive Playstation Wipeout Game with Red Bull sponsorship Possible Location: Denim & Diamonds or someplace with a mechanical bull No Bullshit! May 26 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Flower/Corn Planting/Milk Moon) June 11 – Tues – d Gemini Birthday Celebration May 21- June 21 Invite every twin you know. Two for one drink specials. Your evil twin, Invite your nemesis. Moment of Silence for the Twin Towers. June 21 9:24am Summer Solstice In many cultures, the coming of Summer is the heralding of a time for love, marriage, friendship, beauty, protection, courage, magical energy, physical energy, and strength. It is the perfect time for Fire Magic! The Summer Solstice, also called “Midsummer” or “Litha”, is the longest day of the year. (The Christian Calendar marks this holiday with “St. Peter and Paul’s Day) This celebration of the coming of the light is when magics involving protection, strength, energy and clear sight will be the most successful. With the Sun high in the heavens, the powers of light are readily evoked. Anything that shadows your soul can be set aflame by the Sun’s protective glow. Pagan couples also know that this is the time when the Horned God is at the zenith of His manifest Power and the flowering Godess of Spring welcomes his presence. Sex Magic is powerful now. In many cultures, the coming of Summer is the heralding of a time for love, marriage, friendship, beauty, protection, courage, magical energy, physical energy, and strength. It is the perfect time for Fire Magic! The Summer Solstice, also called “Midsummer” or “Litha”, is the longest day of the year. (The Christian Calendar marks this holiday with “St. Peter and Paul’s Day) This celebration of the coming of the light is when magics involving protection, strength, energy and clear sight will be the most successful. With the Sun high in the heavens, the powers of light are readily evoked. Anything that shadows your soul can be set aflame by the Sun’s protective glow. Pagan couples also know that this is the time when the Horned God is at the zenith of His manifest Power and the flowering Godess of Spring welcomes his presence. Sex Magic is powerful now and legend tells that a nakedmtskip through a garden on Litha night ensures fertility for the coming season. The peaceful blue color of the Lapis stone can be worn to foster physical fertility as well as psychic awareness. Below are some suggestions I have to make your Summer Solstice Rituals complete as well as enlightening…I’ve even included some of my favorite meditations and incantations. Enjoy, and Blessed Be! June 24 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Strawberry/Rose/Hot Moon) July 9 – Tues – d Cancer Birthday Celebration June 22-July 22 Crab cakes. Crabby people. Possible location: Maryland Crabs July 24 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Buck/Thunder/Hay Moon) Aug 1 – Lugnasad – Harvest Time Aug 13 – Tues – d Leo Birthday Celebration July 23-August 22 Possible Location: White Lion. Cowardly Lion. King of the Jungle. Lyin’ Fusion Festival in California August 22 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Sturgeon/Red/Green Corn Moon) Labor Day – Burning Man Sept 10 – Tues – d Virgan Birthday Celebration August 23-September 22 Virgin bloody maries. Sacrificial virgins. Autumn September 23 12:56 am Autumnal Equinox With only 3 more months left in the Celtic summer, pagan folk work hard for the harvest yet to come, whether it be corn and hay from the fields or the personal projects and goals that we planned for the summer months. When the sun crosses the equator and heads south at the Autumnal Equinox, the second of the harvest festivals, (celebrated around September 21) we again celebrate the magnificant balance that the everturning Wheel of the Year promises. These equinoxs are great s that the bleak days of winter as well as the heady days of summer are temporary, that all things have their seasons, and that none will last forever. The law of polarity and rythym require that all things be balanced by their opposites. On these days our ancestors aligned themselves in the ebb and flow of life. As winter, spring, summer and autumn pass by, Witches still reconnect with the ever moving flow of life, we make our plans and watch them unfold. If some do not come to fruition we try again. We pass through times of joy and sorrow; little ones are born, the older ones die allowing their spirits to pass into Summerland. Every event in life is rich in purpose and meaning. Each day, night and season has its own special character. Rituals connect us to both the big and little dramas of the year and of the greater life cycle. We unite the character and spirit of each passing season and do magic to transform our lives, giving them a depth and an expansiveness that without ritual and celebration we would never achieve. Even the most humble ritual helps the moment of power and change, and the celebrant partakes in somthing greater than him or herself. Some would say that in these moments of ecstasy we actually stand outside ourselves and the God and Goddess within us become brighter, more powerful and we touch the All; eg, the Lord Pan and Lady Gaia, Jesus, God, however you see the Divine Power. This festival is associated with the taking of corn and other foods that are to be harvested at this time. Cornbread cakes and cider are an excellent addition to the festivities. The frost will hit soon, so the last of the herbs and other plants you wish to dry for winter use should be harvested now. Depending on when the leaves turn in your area, you may wish to parafin them and add them to your house decorations. Dip the leave quickly in melted parafin, and put them on wax paper. When the leaves are dry you can put them in a huge, decorative jar with a sigil of protection carved lightly on some or all of the leaves. Colors used for candles should be brown, orange, gold or red. Altar cloths can be made of material with fall designs. River and stream stones gathered over the summer can empowered for various purposes. Bring scales 😀 Justice is blind. Machinelf is free. Possible location: Somewhere ‘downscale.’ Oct 21 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Hunter’s/Travel/Dying Grass Moon) Oct 31 Halloween Nov 1 – Samhain – Winter’s Start Nov 12 – Tues – d Scorpion Birthday Celebration October 23-November 21 Smoke scorpion venom 🙂 Junkies and Get High in the Pits” QUETTA, Pakistan (Reuters) – When they’re in season, Ghulam Raza smokes scorpions. He says he dries their stingers in the sun and grinds them, then lights the powdery venom and sucks the smoke deep into his lungs. “Oh yes,” he said when asked if the scorpions make him high. “When I smoke scorpion, then the heroin is like nothing to me.” The place where Raza and other Pakistani junkies smoke dope or shoot up in the southwestern city of Quetta is a good place to find scorpions. It is the main cemetery, a dust-filled field of tombstones and corpse-sized mounds of rocks. A shantytown molded from the pale dirt of the desert claws its way up a steep mountain slope on one side while Muslim prayers ring out across the city on the other. In the middle, in the ruins of a building, Raza and a dozen addict friends spend their days. Some, like Abdul Hai, have been coming here for more than 20 years. More disdained than criminalized, the hundreds of junkies in Quetta, capital of Pakistan’s parched Baluchistan province, gather away from the chaotic life of the city. In the cemetery, sometimes one of them will get very stoned and drop into an open grave. “We are safe here,” says Raza, a mechanical engineer, who says he started down the slippery slope of ds after becoming addicted to pain killers years ago when, he says, he was shot 18 times by police. The graveyard addicts beg or steal for their d money. They pay off officials for peace. When they forget, the police come and beat them, they say. Closer to the center of town, other Pakistani junkies hide away in an even less salubrious den. They huddle in small groups, cloaks pulled over their heads, in an open gutter. Nov 19 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Beaver/Frost Moon) Dec 10 – Tues – d Sagittarian Birthday Celebration November 22-December 21 Centaur hunters. Dec 19 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Cold/Long Nights Moon) for pain. there is a time for joy. there is a time for exploration. there is a time for celebration. -v^v^v^v^v^V^V^WWVVV # (that’s ‘how’.) ‘This’ is what ‘That’ needs. ‘That’ is what we want. ‘This’ is what we have. ‘That’ is what we find. (the choiceis yours) the drone is a magic lucky charm. You can’t ‘over use’ it because it might bite you in the ass. You can ‘use it over’ but it’s gears may become dull. ‘Expose’ yourself to the mandala only for healing. Otherwise you must go through it. It is a part of the living form of space & light and that includes you. To be fully alive and awake, you must be on the other side. otherwise you are asleep. But that’s okay, you’lll need your rest. Up and Down; intersect, angles, dimension, spiral. Sense Probability Intrinsically Resonates Alternal Love (S.P.I.R.A.L.) life…. ((((( N’TENGUE: This is the oldest human fossil in the world! HOMER: P! I’ve got more bones than That guy! I’m not impressed. N’TENGUE: But Mr.Simpson HOMER: (hand in N’Tengue’s face) Not! Impressed! ))))) *If you face the ground you can see the stars on the other side of the world. *If you look up you realize we are being squozen through an epistemological black-hole birth canal, caught o the wake of a cosmic tsunami about to come crashing down. *Look to the right and understand the urgency that cries for your help. *Look to the left and understand the part we must play in this temporal crisis. *Look behind you to check for encouragement. *Look forward to new life and the Water-Bearer. *Be yourself so we can love you. *Be yourself so you can love us. *Be yourself so you can disagree. *Be together to share the joy. and show your way to those who are listening. This message will self-destruct in 5, 4, 3, 2…. love, Evan at shpongle
#2223 Tue, 29 Jan 2002 12:45:47 Tue, 29 Jan 2002 12:45:46 Freeky Tuesday is ON Jan 29 – Tue- Freaky Tuesdays at Who’s on First 1st avenue b/w 87th & 88th with DJ Amnesium, Akin & Machinelf with a lot of new tracks courtesy of San Francisco’s DJ Thorn ID21 & over. Pool table, downstairs chill. Viviana is the bartender.
#2224 Wed, 30 Jan 2002 07:39:15 -0800 Chiletrance Wednesdays From: angeles garay chiletrance at yahoo Hello Everyone!! This is a for every Wednesday nights at Opium Den with Dj Angeles+Guests. Come and enjoy the music with us in this winter, that actiolly is not winter, but any way welcome!! Dj Angeles(Chiletrance-6th Element) See our web.web chiletrance for our special djs!!!!!!!!! Love and Light Angeles
#2225 Wed, 30 Jan 2002 10:50:26 Wed, 30 Jan 2002 10:50:26 Fwd: Review of Franch Trance Scene
#2226 Wed, 30 Jan 2002 12:24:53 Wed, 30 Jan 2002 12:24:52 Fwd: [Suzula’s Party] R E B E L at F U N 01.30.02
#2227 Thu, 31 Jan 2002 10:35:12 Thu, 31 Jan 2002 10:35:11 Pschedule Psy-Trance Schedule News to rumours: -Here’s a project for those who want to see more new faces at public trance the issue comes out. Address to Bruce Tantum. He hates psy and goa trance, by the way, so you may have to be creative. But if he gets enough trance listings from different people he will see the light. * An asterisk will be placed by the “must not miss” events. GarenI do believe in go go go NYC, but just wanted to let you know that the sound system at Twilo is actually top 3 in the world (which makes it one of the best, not necessarily the best) behind a mega club in Manchester and another club in Berlin. I read about that a year or so ago. -Freaky Tuesdays getting a steady crowd. I encourage everyone to come check it out. There will be another astrology party there in February for Aquarians. -What time is it? “yugop/ver3/stuff/03/fla yugop/ver3/stuff/03/fla Send News & Rumours to news at brainmachines See everybody at Omnitribe!!! STILL OPEN: Sundays, Mondays and Thursdays The Lord of the Rings film is out!!! Go get inspired for Burning Elf’s spring woodland LOTR party. ANyone who hasn’t seen it is a LOSER!!! Brazilian Daime Full Moon Trance Party / check this magnificent event taking place in brazil on the full moon of january. organized by the boom production team with the daime tribe of brazil (church of ayuhuasca)…. more info at igwana12 at hotmail Feb 1 – Friday – Imbalc Winter’s Leavetaking *Tarvaa’s Retourney Peter Didjital (Digital Structures, Sweden) Kalyx (Synthetic Sadhus/Growroom, Boston) Serge (Digital Circuitry, NY) Vitalik (Omnitribe, NY) Video Projection by Rocky Atomic Juice/d 11pm-9am $15 at door 114 West 26th Street b/w 6 & 7th avenues info at omnitribe *Feb 2 – Saturday – dski Apres-ski Afterparty Minimal to absolutely fluffy psy-trance at a private isolated 3 story lodge in the forest of the Poconos mountains through Sunday!!! email rocktheshow at aol for information on dski and directions to the house. $20. Featuring the lame duck snowboarding DJs, jacuzzi, sound system, fireplace, snowball fights, psycho drama, and more. Everyone try to get Vitalik to come back out this year – I first met him at the dski house a year ago, when he showed up at 4am, out of the blizzard. He was suspiciously quiet, but I could see wheels going on behind his eyes. Must be willing to share sleep quarters with others. The biggest thing you have to concern yourself with is to get a ride. It’s a two hour drive from the city. Ski lifts are 10 minutes away. Few end up skiing. Bring blankets, video games, VHS, CDs, stuff to do – and food. There will be someone (me!) at the Omnitribe party watching over luggage in case you have a lot to bring. Feb 5 – Tue- Freaky Tuesdays at Who’s on First 1st avenue b/w 87th & 88th with DJ Amnesium contact 646-234-3263 ID21 & over Free before 10pm, $3 after, 2 for 1 drinks all night. Pool table, downstairs chill. Viviana is the bartender. Feb 6 – Wed -Opium Den 2nd ave b/w 2nd & 3rd *Feb 8 – Fri – Ben at cownow light-o-maticis doing a private list only party for Jaime’s birthday. Prepay. Featuring DJ’s: Boris (Burning Elf) Shikid (OmniTribe) Chico DragonLotus (DragonTribe) Machinelf (d) Niko (Synthetic Sadhus) Jed (TranceAct) web lightomatic/party or email ben at cownow *Feb 9 – Sat – Bansi – Growling Mad Scientists live -Dmitri, Goblin, Liran – Hommega/Spun/In-Trance-It $30 at doorat the Lunatarium 10 Jay Street F to York 212-946-5687 web lunatarium … Location confirmed *Feb 12 – Tue – Age of Aquarius Birthday Celebration presented by the Devotional Ministry of Trance For everyone who has a birthday on January 20 – February 18 10pm-4am Who’s on First 1st avenue b/w 87th & 88th ID21 & over FREE, 2 for 1 drinks all night. Aquarians get their first drink free. Think liquid. We can refill our water bottles in the poopdeck! Astrological readings. Chinese Water Torture. Pool table, downstairs chill. Crazy aquatic visuals. Viviana is the bartender; Machinelf is your captain. Captain’s crew includes Boris, Vlad, Fahd, The Rev, and Blaine DJs Amnesium and Machinelf play watered down music: Water themed Eclectic; punk rock, whale songs, goth, psy-trance. Bring: bottled water, holy water, water guns, dolphins, mermaid outfits, toys and waterproof art. Anything flowing. Bring enough to share – including you, as you are mostly water anyway. Feb 13 – Wed – Opium Den 2nd ave b/w 2nd & 3rd Feb 15/16 – Fri/Sat – dmtski!! Feb 19 – Tue – Freaky Tuesdays at Who’s on First 1st avenue b/w 87th & 88th with DJ Amnesium contact 646-234-3263 ID21 & over Free before 10pm, $3 after, 2 for 1 drinks all night. Pool table, downstairs chill. Viviana is the bartender. Feb 20 – Wed – Opium Den 2nd ave b/w 2nd & 3rd Feb 22/Feb 23 – Fri- dmtski!! *Feb 23 – Sat – Synthetic Sadhus Oforia, Slinky Wizard, Medecine Drum, Gus Till, Ofer Dilovsky, Kalyx at the Amazura 212-533-6700 Feb 26 – Freaky Tuesdays at Who’s on First 1st avenue b/w 87th & 88th with DJ Amnesium contact 646-234-3263 ID21 & over Free before 10pm, $3 after, 2 for 1 drinks all night. Pool table, downstairs chill. Viviana is the bartender. Feb 27 – Wed – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Snow/Hunger Moon) *Mar 1 – Fri – Tsunami TBA Mar 2 – Sat – dmtski Mar 8/9 – Fri/Sat – dmtski *Mar 12 – Tues – d Pisces Birthday Celebration Feb 19-March 20 Bring fish. Guest of Honor: Mark Lorenz, Aquarium Cleaner Extraordinaire Possible location: 7th Avenue Sushi, Le Bernardin, or somewhere with a lot of fish aquariums Mar 15/16 – Fri/Sat – LAST dmtski SPRING March 20 2:16pm – Vernal Equinox *The outdoor Lord of the Rings psy-trance festival upstate will be in the Spring, with trance Sindarin woodland elves. The film will be out December 21st. Possible party at Chicen Itza pyramids in the Yucatan during spring equinox might be good… one pyramid at chichen itza is built so that a plumed serpent can be seen descending the stairs when the light hits it on this day) of course thousands of native people come to see this as well, depending on how we’re received that could be good or bad) We have the ear of the head of tourism who is open to hosting a trance event at the base of the pyramids. Looking for organizers & investors. The rewards are high but it won’t come cheap. Suggestion: Sliding scale for Mexican nationals/Indians should ideally come for next to nothing, or free; alcohol should not be served. Email andys at ezy.net Mar 28 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Worm/Crow/Crust/Sugar/Sap Moon) *April 9 – Tues – d Arian Birthday Celebration March 21-April 19 LOCATION: Mars 2112 Guest of Honor: This dude I know named “Mars” Bring guns and swords. April 26 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Pink/Sprouting Grass/Egg/Fish Moon) May 1 – Beltainne – Spring’s Planting *May 14 – Tues – d Tauran Birthday Celebration April 20-May 20 Taurus All Taurus get a free Red Bull REFRESHMENTS: Red Bull, Schlitz Malt Liquor Bull Special Guest: Suzula, Xander, Gary Toro, Cata Toro Bring: Bulls. Horns. Whips. Rawhide. Music: Progressive Playstation Wipeout Game with Red Bull sponsorship Possible Location: Denim & Diamonds or someplace with a mechanical bull No Bullshit! May 26 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Flower/Corn Planting/Milk Moon) *June 11 – Tues – d Gemini Birthday Celebration May 21- June 21 Invite every twin you know. Two for one drink specials. Your evil twin, Invite your nemesis. Moment of Silence for the Twin Towers. Possible location: Twins. SUMMER June 21 9:24am Summer Solstice June 21-24 Solstice Festival in Southern Colorado gregschmid at yahoo 888-336-3997 In many cultures, the coming of Summer is the heralding of a time for love, marriage, friendship, beauty, protection, courage, magical energy, physical energy, and strength. It is the perfect time for Fire Magic! The Summer Solstice, also called “Midsummer” or “Litha”, is the longest day of the year. (The Christian Calendar marks this holiday with “St. Peter and Paul’s Day) This celebration of the coming of the light is when magics involving protection, strength, energy and clear sight will be the most successful. With the Sun high in the heavens, the powers of light are readily evoked. Anything that shadows your soul can be set aflame by the Sun’s protective glow. Pagan couples also know that this is the time when the Horned God is at the zenith of His manifest Power and the flowering Godess of Spring welcomes his presence. Sex Magic is powerful now. In many cultures, the coming of Summer is the heralding of a time for love, marriage, friendship, beauty, protection, courage, magical energy, physical energy, and strength. It is the perfect time for Fire Magic! The Summer Solstice, also called “Midsummer” or “Litha”, is the longest day of the year. (The Christian Calendar marks this holiday with “St. Peter and Paul’s Day) This celebration of the coming of the light is when magics involving protection, strength, energy and clear sight will be the most successful. With the Sun high in the heavens, the powers of light are readily evoked. Anything that shadows your soul can be set aflame by the Sun’s protective glow. Pagan couples also know that this is the time when the Horned God is at the zenith of His manifest Power and the flowering Godess of Spring welcomes his presence. Sex Magic is powerful now and legend tells that a nakedmtskip through a garden on Litha night ensures fertility for the coming season. The peaceful blue color of the Lapis stone can be worn to foster physical fertility as well as psychic awareness. Below are some suggestions I have to make your Summer Solstice Rituals complete as well as enlightening…I’ve even included some of my favorite meditations and incantations. Enjoy, and Blessed Be! June 24 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Strawberry/Rose/Hot Moon) *July 9 – Tues – d Cancer Birthday Celebration June 22-July 22 Crab cakes. Crabby people. Possible location: Maryland Crabs July 24 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Buck/Thunder/Hay Moon) Aug 1 – Lugnasad – Harvest Time *Aug 13 – Tues – d Leo Birthday Celebration July 23-August 22 Possible Location: White Lion. Cowardly Lion. King of the Jungle. Lyin’ Fusion Festival in California August 22 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Sturgeon/Red/Green Corn Moon) Labor Day – Burning Man *Sept 10 – Tues – d Virgan Birthday Celebration August 23-September 22 Virgin bloody maries. Sacrificial virgins. September 21 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Harvest/Corn/Barley Moon) Autumn September 23 12:56 am Autumnal Equinox With only 3 more months left in the Celtic summer, pagan folk work hard for the harvest yet to come, whether it be corn and hay from the fields or the personal projects and goals that we planned for the summer months. When the sun crosses the equator and heads south at the Autumnal Equinox, the second of the harvest festivals, (celebrated around September 21) we again celebrate the magnificant balance that the everturning Wheel of the Year promises. These equinoxs are great s that the bleak days of winter as well as the heady days of summer are temporary, that all things have their seasons, and that none will last forever. The law of polarity and rythym require that all things be balanced by their opposites. On these days our ancestors aligned themselves in the ebb and flow of life. As winter, spring, summer and autumn pass by, Witches still reconnect with the ever moving flow of life, we make our plans and watch them unfold. If some do not come to fruition we try again. We pass through times of joy and sorrow; little ones are born, the older ones die allowing their spirits to pass into Summerland. Every event in life is rich in purpose and meaning. Each day, night and season has its own special character. Rituals connect us to both the big and little dramas of the year and of the greater life cycle. We unite the character and spirit of each passing season and do magic to transform our lives, giving them a depth and an expansiveness that without ritual and celebration we would never achieve. Even the most humble ritual helps the moment of power and change, and the celebrant partakes in somthing greater than him or herself. Some would say that in these moments of ecstasy we actually stand outside ourselves and the God and Goddess within us become brighter, more powerful and we touch the All; eg, the Lord Pan and Lady Gaia, Jesus, God, however you see the Divine Power. This festival is associated with the taking of corn and other foods that are to be harvested at this time. Cornbread cakes and cider are an excellent addition to the festivities. The frost will hit soon, so the last of the herbs and other plants you wish to dry for winter use should be harvested now. Depending on when the leaves turn in your area, you may wish to parafin them and add them to your house decorations. Dip the leave quickly in melted parafin, and put them on wax paper. When the leaves are dry you can put them in a huge, decorative jar with a sigil of protection carved lightly on some or all of the leaves. Colors used for candles should be brown, orange, gold or red. Altar cloths can be made of material with fall designs. River and stream stones gathered over the summer can empowered for various purposes. *Oct 8 – Tues – d Libral Birthday Celebration September 23-October 22 Bring scales 😀 Justice is blind. Machinelf is free. Possible location: Somewhere ‘downscale.’ Oct 21 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Hunter’s/Travel/Dying Grass Moon) Oct 31 Halloween Winter (Pagan) Nov 1 – Samhain – Winter’s Start *Nov 12 – Tues – d Scorpion Birthday Celebration October 23-November 21 Smoke scorpion venom 🙂 Junkies and Get High in the Pits” QUETTA, Pakistan (Reuters) – When they’re in season, Ghulam Raza smokes scorpions. He says he dries their stingers in the sun and grinds them, then lights the powdery venom and sucks the smoke deep into his lungs. “Oh yes,” he said when asked if the scorpions make him high. “When I smoke scorpion, then the heroin is like nothing to me.” The place where Raza and other Pakistani junkies smoke dope or shoot up in the southwestern city of Quetta is a good place to find scorpions. It is the main cemetery, a dust-filled field of tombstones and corpse-sized mounds of rocks. A shantytown molded from the pale dirt of the desert claws its way up a steep mountain slope on one side while Muslim prayers ring out across the city on the other. In the middle, in the ruins of a building, Raza and a dozen addict friends spend their days. Some, like Abdul Hai, have been coming here for more than 20 years. More disdained than criminalized, the hundreds of junkies in Quetta, capital of Pakistan’s parched Baluchistan province, gather away from the chaotic life of the city. In the cemetery, sometimes one of them will get very stoned and drop into an open grave. “We are safe here,” says Raza, a mechanical engineer, who says he started down the slippery slope of ds after becoming addicted to pain killers years ago when, he says, he was shot 18 times by police. The graveyard addicts beg or steal for their d money. They pay off officials for peace. When they forget, the police come and beat them, they say. Closer to the center of town, other Pakistani junkies hide away in an even less salubrious den. They huddle in small groups, cloaks pulled over their heads, in an open gutter. Nov 19 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Beaver/Frost Moon) *Dec 10 – Tues – d Sagittarian Birthday Celebration November 22-December 21 Centaur hunters. Dec 19 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Cold/Long Nights Moon) Dec 21 8:15pm Winter Solstice for pain. there is a time for joy. there is a time for exploration. there is a time for celebration. -v^v^v^v^v^V^V^WWVVV # (that’s ‘how’.) ‘This’ is what ‘That’ needs. ‘That’ is what we want. ‘This’ is what we have. ‘That’ is what we find. (the choiceis yours) the drone is a magic lucky charm. You can’t ‘over use’ it because it might bite you in the ass. You can ‘use it over’ but it’s gears may become dull. ‘Expose’ yourself to the mandala only for healing. Otherwise you must go through it. It is a part of the living form of space & light and that includes you. To be fully alive and awake, you must be on the other side. otherwise you are asleep. But that’s okay, you’lll need your rest. Up and Down; intersect, angles, dimension, spiral. Sense Probability Intrinsically Resonates Alternal Love (S.P.I.R.A.L.) life…. ((((( N’TENGUE: This is the oldest human fossil in the world! HOMER: P! I’ve got more bones than That guy! I’m not impressed. N’TENGUE: But Mr.Simpson HOMER: (hand in N’Tengue’s face) Not! Impressed! ))))) *If you face the ground you can see the stars on the other side of the world. *If you look up you realize we are being squozen through an epistemological black-hole birth canal, caught o the wake of a cosmic tsunami about to come crashing down. *Look to the right and understand the urgency that cries for your help. *Look to the left and understand the part we must play in this temporal crisis. *Look behind you to check for encouragement. *Look forward to new life and the Water-Bearer. *Be yourself so we can love you. *Be yourself so you can love us. *Be yourself so you can disagree. *Be together to share the joy. and show your way to those who are listening. This message will self-destruct in 5, 4, 3, 2…. love, Evan at shpongle -Freaky Tuesdays getting a steady crowd. I encourage everyone to come check it out. There will be another astrology party there in February for Aquarians. STILL OPEN: Sundays, Mondays and Thursdays Brazilian Daime Full Moon Trance Party / check this magnificent event taking place in brazil on the full moon of january. organized by the boom production team with the daime tribe of brazil (church of ayuhuasca)…. more info at igwana12 at hotmail Feb 1 – Friday – Imbalc Winter’s Leavetaking *Tarvaa’s Retourney Peter Didjital (Digital Structures, Sweden) Kalyx (Synthetic Sadhus/Growroom, Boston) Serge (Digital Circuitry, NY) Vitalik (Omnitribe, NY) Video Projection by Rocky Atomic Juice/d 11pm-9am $15 at door 114 West 26th Street b/w 6 & 7th avenues info at omnitribe *Feb 2 – Saturday – dski Apres-ski Afterparty Minimal to absolutely fluffy psy-trance at a private isolated 3 story lodge in the forest of the Poconos mountains through Sunday!!! email rocktheshow at aol for information on dski and directions to the house. $20. Featuring the lame duck snowboarding DJs, jacuzzi, sound system, fireplace, snowball fights, psycho drama, and more. Everyone try to get Vitalik to come back out this year – I first met him at the dski house a year ago, when he showed up at 4am, out of the blizzard. He was suspiciously quiet, but I could see wheels going on behind his eyes. Must be willing to share sleep quarters with others. The biggest thing you have to concern yourself with is to get a ride. It’s a two hour drive from the city. Ski lifts are 10 minutes away. Few end up skiing. Bring blankets, video games, VHS, CDs, stuff to do – and food. There will be someone (me!) at the Omnitribe party watching over luggage in case you have a lot to bring. Feb 5 – Tue- Freaky Tuesdays at Who’s on First 1st avenue b/w 87th & 88th with DJ Amnesium contact 646-234-3263 ID21 & over Free before 10pm, $3 after, 2 for 1 drinks all night. Pool table, downstairs chill. Viviana is the bartender. Feb 6 – Wed -Opium Den 2nd ave b/w 2nd & 3rd *Feb 8 – Fri – Ben at cownow light-o-maticis doing a private list only party for Jaime’s birthday. Prepay. Featuring DJ’s: Boris (Burning Elf) Shikid (OmniTribe) Chico DragonLotus (DragonTribe) Machinelf (d) Niko (Synthetic Sadhus) Jed (TranceAct) web lightomatic/party or email ben at cownow *Feb 9 – Sat – Bansi – Growling Mad Scientists live -Dmitri, Goblin, Liran – Hommega/Spun/In-Trance-It $30 at doorat the Lunatarium 10 Jay Street F to York 212-946-5687 web lunatarium … Location confirmed *Feb 12 – Tue – Age of Aquarius Birthday Celebration presented by the Devotional Ministry of Trance For everyone who has a birthday on January 20 – February 18 10pm-4am Who’s on First 1st avenue b/w 87th & 88th ID21 & over FREE, 2 for 1 drinks all night. Aquarians get their first drink free. Think liquid. We can refill our water bottles in the poopdeck! Astrological readings. Chinese Water Torture. Pool table, downstairs chill. Crazy aquatic visuals. Viviana is the bartender; Machinelf is your captain. Captain’s crew includes Boris, Vlad, Fahd, The Rev, and Blaine DJs Amnesium and Machinelf play watered down music: Water themed Eclectic; punk rock, whale songs, goth, psy-trance. Feb 13 – Wed – Opium Den 2nd ave b/w 2nd & 3rd Feb 15/16 – Fri/Sat – dmtski!! Feb 19 – Tue – Freaky Tuesdays at Who’s on First 1st avenue b/w 87th & 88th with DJ Amnesium contact 646-234-3263 ID21 & over Free before 10pm, $3 after, 2 for 1 drinks all night. Pool table, downstairs chill. Viviana is the bartender. Feb 20 – Wed – Opium Den 2nd ave b/w 2nd & 3rd Feb 22/Feb 23 – Fri- dmtski!! *Feb 23 – Sat – Synthetic Sadhus Oforia, Slinky Wizard, Medecine Drum, Gus Till, Ofer Dilovsky, Kalyx at the Amazura 212-533-6700 Feb 26 – Freaky Tuesdays at Who’s on First 1st avenue b/w 87th & 88th with DJ Amnesium contact 646-234-3263 ID21 & over Free before 10pm, $3 after, 2 for 1 drinks all night. Pool table, downstairs chill. Viviana is the bartender. Feb 27 – Wed – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Snow/Hunger Moon) *Mar 1 – Fri – Tsunami TBA Mar 2 – Sat – dmtski Mar 8/9 – Fri/Sat – dmtski *Mar 12 – Tues – d Pisces Birthday Celebration Feb 19-March 20 Bring fish. Guest of Honor: Mark Lorenz, Aquarium Cleaner Extraordinaire Possible location: 7th Avenue Sushi, Le Bernardin, or somewhere with a lot of fish aquariums March 20 2:16pm – Vernal Equinox *The outdoor Lord of the Rings psy-trance festival upstate will be in the Spring, with trance Sindarin woodland elves. The film will be out December 21st. Possible party at Chicen Itza pyramids in the Yucatan during spring equinox might be good… one pyramid at chichen itza is built so that a plumed serpent can be seen descending the stairs when the light hits it on this day) of course thousands of native people come to see this as well, depending on how we’re received that could be good or bad) We have the ear of the head of tourism who is open to hosting a trance event at the base of the pyramids. Looking for organizers & investors. The rewards are high but it won’t come cheap. Suggestion: Sliding scale for Mexican nationals/Indians should ideally come for next to nothing, or free; alcohol should not be served. Email andys at ezy.net Mar 28 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Worm/Crow/Crust/Sugar/Sap Moon) *April 9 – Tues – d Arian Birthday Celebration March 21-April 19 LOCATION: Mars 2112 Guest of Honor: This dude I know named “Mars” Bring guns and swords. April 26 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Pink/Sprouting Grass/Egg/Fish Moon) May 1 – Beltainne – Spring’s Planting *May 14 – Tues – d Tauran Birthday Celebration April 20-May 20 Taurus All Taurus get a free Red Bull REFRESHMENTS: Red Bull, Schlitz Malt Liquor Bull Special Guest: Suzula, Xander, Gary Toro, Cata Toro Bring: Bulls. Horns. Whips. Rawhide. Music: Progressive Playstation Wipeout Game with Red Bull sponsorship Possible Location: Denim & Diamonds or someplace with a mechanical bull No Bullshit! May 26 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Flower/Corn Planting/Milk Moon) *June 11 – Tues – d Gemini Birthday Celebration May 21- June 21 Invite every twin you know. Two for one drink specials. Your evil twin, Invite your nemesis. Moment of Silence for the Twin Towers. June 21 9:24am Summer Solstice In many cultures, the coming of Summer is the heralding of a time for love, marriage, friendship, beauty, protection, courage, magical energy, physical energy, and strength. It is the perfect time for Fire Magic! The Summer Solstice, also called “Midsummer” or “Litha”, is the longest day of the year. (The Christian Calendar marks this holiday with “St. Peter and Paul’s Day) This celebration of the coming of the light is when magics involving protection, strength, energy and clear sight will be the most successful. With the Sun high in the heavens, the powers of light are readily evoked. Anything that shadows your soul can be set aflame by the Sun’s protective glow. Pagan couples also know that this is the time when the Horned God is at the zenith of His manifest Power and the flowering Godess of Spring welcomes his presence. Sex Magic is powerful now. In many cultures, the coming of Summer is the heralding of a time for love, marriage, friendship, beauty, protection, courage, magical energy, physical energy, and strength. It is the perfect time for Fire Magic! The Summer Solstice, also called “Midsummer” or “Litha”, is the longest day of the year. (The Christian Calendar marks this holiday with “St. Peter and Paul’s Day) This celebration of the coming of the light is when magics involving protection, strength, energy and clear sight will be the most successful. With the Sun high in the heavens, the powers of light are readily evoked. Anything that shadows your soul can be set aflame by the Sun’s protective glow. Pagan couples also know that this is the time when the Horned God is at the zenith of His manifest Power and the flowering Godess of Spring welcomes his presence. Sex Magic is powerful now and legend tells that a nakedmtskip through a garden on Litha night ensures fertility for the coming season. The peaceful blue color of the Lapis stone can be worn to foster physical fertility as well as psychic awareness. Below are some suggestions I have to make your Summer Solstice Rituals complete as well as enlightening…I’ve even included some of my favorite meditations and incantations. Enjoy, and Blessed Be! June 24 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Strawberry/Rose/Hot Moon) *July 9 – Tues – d Cancer Birthday Celebration June 22-July 22 Crab cakes. Crabby people. Possible location: Maryland Crabs July 24 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Buck/Thunder/Hay Moon) Aug 1 – Lugnasad – Harvest Time *Aug 13 – Tues – d Leo Birthday Celebration July 23-August 22 Possible Location: White Lion. Cowardly Lion. King of the Jungle. Lyin’ Fusion Festival in California August 22 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Sturgeon/Red/Green Corn Moon) Labor Day – Burning Man *Sept 10 – Tues – d Virgan Birthday Celebration August 23-September 22 Virgin bloody maries. Sacrificial virgins. Autumn September 23 12:56 am Autumnal Equinox With only 3 more months left in the Celtic summer, pagan folk work hard for the harvest yet to come, whether it be corn and hay from the fields or the personal projects and goals that we planned for the summer months. When the sun crosses the equator and heads south at the Autumnal Equinox, the second of the harvest festivals, (celebrated around September 21) we again celebrate the magnificant balance that the everturning Wheel of the Year promises. These equinoxs are great s that the bleak days of winter as well as the heady days of summer are temporary, that all things have their seasons, and that none will last forever. The law of polarity and rythym require that all things be balanced by their opposites. On these days our ancestors aligned themselves in the ebb and flow of life. As winter, spring, summer and autumn pass by, Witches still reconnect with the ever moving flow of life, we make our plans and watch them unfold. If some do not come to fruition we try again. We pass through times of joy and sorrow; little ones are born, the older ones die allowing their spirits to pass into Summerland. Every event in life is rich in purpose and meaning. Each day, night and season has its own special character. Rituals connect us to both the big and little dramas of the year and of the greater life cycle. We unite the character and spirit of each passing season and do magic to transform our lives, giving them a depth and an expansiveness that without ritual and celebration we would never achieve. Even the most humble ritual helps the moment of power and change, and the celebrant partakes in somthing greater than him or herself. Some would say that in these moments of ecstasy we actually stand outside ourselves and the God and Goddess within us become brighter, more powerful and we touch the All; eg, the Lord Pan and Lady Gaia, Jesus, God, however you see the Divine Power. This festival is associated with the taking of corn and other foods that are to be harvested at this time. Cornbread cakes and cider are an excellent addition to the festivities. The frost will hit soon, so the last of the herbs and other plants you wish to dry for winter use should be harvested now. Depending on when the leaves turn in your area, you may wish to parafin them and add them to your house decorations. Dip the leave quickly in melted parafin, and put them on wax paper. When the leaves are dry you can put them in a huge, decorative jar with a sigil of protection carved lightly on some or all of the leaves. Colors used for candles should be brown, orange, gold or red. Altar cloths can be made of material with fall designs. River and stream stones gathered over the summer can empowered for various purposes. Bring scales 😀 Justice is blind. Machinelf is free. Possible location: Somewhere ‘downscale.’ Oct 21 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Hunter’s/Travel/Dying Grass Moon) Oct 31 Halloween Nov 1 – Samhain – Winter’s Start *Nov 12 – Tues – d Scorpion Birthday Celebration October 23-November 21 Smoke scorpion venom 🙂 Junkies and Get High in the Pits” QUETTA, Pakistan (Reuters) – When they’re in season, Ghulam Raza smokes scorpions. He says he dries their stingers in the sun and grinds them, then lights the powdery venom and sucks the smoke deep into his lungs. “Oh yes,” he said when asked if the scorpions make him high. “When I smoke scorpion, then the heroin is like nothing to me.” The place where Raza and other Pakistani junkies smoke dope or shoot up in the southwestern city of Quetta is a good place to find scorpions. It is the main cemetery, a dust-filled field of tombstones and corpse-sized mounds of rocks. A shantytown molded from the pale dirt of the desert claws its way up a steep mountain slope on one side while Muslim prayers ring out across the city on the other. In the middle, in the ruins of a building, Raza and a dozen addict friends spend their days. Some, like Abdul Hai, have been coming here for more than 20 years. More disdained than criminalized, the hundreds of junkies in Quetta, capital of Pakistan’s parched Baluchistan province, gather away from the chaotic life of the city. In the cemetery, sometimes one of them will get very stoned and drop into an open grave. “We are safe here,” says Raza, a mechanical engineer, who says he started down the slippery slope of ds after becoming addicted to pain killers years ago when, he says, he was shot 18 times by police. The graveyard addicts beg or steal for their d money. They pay off officials for peace. When they forget, the police come and beat them, they say. Closer to the center of town, other Pakistani junkies hide away in an even less salubrious den. They huddle in small groups, cloaks pulled over their heads, in an open gutter. Nov 19 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Beaver/Frost Moon) *Dec 10 – Tues – d Sagittarian Birthday Celebration November 22-December 21 Centaur hunters. Dec 19 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Cold/Long Nights Moon) Mexico City
February 2002
#2228 Mon, 4 Feb 2002 12:26:38 Mon, 4 Feb 2002 12:26:37 ?ISO-8859-1?Q?Fwd:20Fellow20Trance20Elves20-20Goa20Trance? ?ISO-8859-1?Q?20FrancE9s20in20S.F.? L’elf from France – photos follow..
#2229 Mon, 4 Feb 2002 12:27:52 Mon, 4 Feb 2002 12:27:51 Fwd: German Trance Party in Sept. (Kein Thema)
#2230 Mon, 4 Feb 2002 12:52:32 Mon, 4 Feb 2002 12:52:32 Fwd: Return to the Source! Synthetic Sadhus 2/23 Wow, what a lineup. Nice mix of Israeli, UK acts. Slinky Wizard is a personal favorite. “Slinky” in England means sinister. Return to the Source will add just enough weird energy to make this a must-see… info follows…
#2231 Mon, 4 Feb 2002 12:59:16 Mon, 4 Feb 2002 12:59:15 Fwd: Goa film, Liquid Crystal Vision!
#2232 Mon, 4 Feb 2002 13:03:03 Mon, 4 Feb 2002 13:03:03 Fwd: SF Trance Club pictures: Ascension
#2233 Mon, 4 Feb 2002 13:30:01 Mon, 4 Feb 2002 13:30:00 Omnitribe/dski Review Cc: dski Omnitribe was comfortable and vibesy as usual… everyone seemed to show. Thanks to Vitalik, Dima, and the Omnitribers for putting on another good party. the amp or speakers got blown early in the evening but I didn’t notice. I think they were on warranty so that’s cool. But it did thin the crowd out midway through the evening. Sweden’s Peter Didjital was great, I hear he lives in Brooklyn. A bunch of Israelis were tripping for the first time and thought the music was in their heads. Rocky of Atomic Trance was not actually doing video, it was alphatrance’s Misha with the dancing russian bear – that really freaked me out! Kelly was literally rolling on the floor. The dski was fun. I just got back this morning. There wasn’t any snow around the house, but the house is out in the woods and the weather was crystal clear. It was fun to hibernate in the jacuzzi then run around out in the cold, steaming. The challenge as always is to get transport out there. With only 20 people there it wasn’t a big party but everyone brought plenty to share and had plenty of space, including Me, Kamal, Cheryl, some Israeli girl, Chachi, Mayoora, Mike, Shannon, Paul, Rebecca, Yacc, Stefan, and Oren. We may do this again after Ben’s Friday party in case the GMS Lunartarium thing doesn’t go down; if not that, then the following weekend looks clear. I’m hoping to get enough interest to rent a house year round, a safe house, if you will, and place where we can always go if we are homeless or just need to get out in the woods.
#2234 Mon, 4 Feb 2002 19:49:45 -0800 Re: Fun February…. From: angeles garay chiletrance at yahoo- Ana Dzlieri snushrx at hotmailwrote: ” size4EvolutionBox proudly present…Fun month of February… ” size2Feb. 6th / Wed. Lounge Night at Makor; 35 West 67th Street, NYC (212) *** DJ Roy Cooper accompanied by Funky Video projections… DJ Roy Cooper is an Israeli born artist that spun his way around Tel Aviv and Paris’s hot night spots, now making New York his home…The unique sound produced from dj Roy Cooper’s turn tables, is a Deep House meeting Electro, sweetly kissed by Jazz and Disco … Music and spirits …8pm-12am… NO COVER CHARGE ” size2Feb. 20th / Wed. Lounge Night at Makor; 35 West 67th Street, NYC (212) ” *** DJ Roy Cooper accompanied by funky Video projections … Music and spirits… 8pm-2am… NO COVER CHARGE Feb. 15th /Friday Boundless TranceFunkyness….Level X in BKLYN Williamsburg; DJ Angeles, DJ Jaiman, DJ Shai K.I.D.; Lounge Funky Trance size2DOOR: $6.00 ” size2Feb. 25th / Monday PURIM, PURIM PURIM at Makor; 35 W67th St., NYC (212) party with us…Purim Costume Party ‘Cultura Ibiza… Straight from the Ibiza party scene of “Cafe Del Mar” -The music produced by DJ Ricardo Padilla, DJ SEN4 and DJ Roy Cooper will take you to high spiritual elevations; fun, fun, fun…Don’t forget your dancing shoes… Door: $25.00 ($5.00 off if Gefen …Israeli Pop Singer at Makor…2 shows…7pm & aligncenter class br with MSN Hotmail. a ‘go.msn/bql/hmtag4etlEN.asp’Click Here Love and Light Angeles
#2235 Tue, 5 Feb 2002 10:27:37 Tue, 5 Feb 2002 10:27:36 Freaky Tuesdays Hello, Just a to everyone to come out to Freaky Tuesdays, Tonite at “Who’s On First” on 1st ave between 87th & 88th. Free to get in, 2 for 1 drink specials, 21+ ID a must. 10pm – 3:30am with DJs Amnesium & Manic Mekator. Free psytrance for the people! see ya there, -Tony. PLUS also come RSVP for Ben and Jaime’s partyTuesdays, Tonite at “Who’s On First” on 1st ave between 87th & 88th. Free to get in, 2 for 1 drink specials, 21+ ID a must. 10pm – 3:30am with DJs Amnesium & Manic Mekator. Free psytrance for the people! see ya there, -Tony. PLUS also come RSVP for Ben and Jaime’s party
#2236 Tue, 5 Feb 2002 10:33:31 Tue, 5 Feb 2002 10:33:31 Keepin’ it real at the Lunatarium As for the Lunatarium, AFAIK it [the trance party this Saturday] isn’t a GO so I would assume that whomever is having a function will have to find an alternative location, unless some miracle happens! Lu hasn’t been a go since Airport, minus the Run DMC event and with that… the boys that was organizing that wasn’t letting the Lunatarium crew or the city cancel their party for nothing! They did all the ground work and cover with that (along with have tons of $$$ to help them), so that was the only reason why they were allowed to get away with it.
#2237 Tue, 5 Feb 2002 10:38:39 Tue, 5 Feb 2002 10:38:38 Tekno Party Saturday [ahem.. this is the good tekno crew… -m.e.] Saturday Fe’th.2000-23…. Paradigm KoreXtravaganza PumpinG soundzzz Soundart****HardteKnoJahKorehellhouseBrokenBreakzglitch&more Fury8 (rv,tbi25) Automaton (rv) NIC -fit (havoc) Foodstampz (rv,apocalypse) Gstompz Cj the MechNoid (metrophage) Xylene (rv) BeatKore Jazz TeaM Chadmo (lernand) Banji – (Csquat records) Peter Missing/Dj Hazzard Visualz Artzz sick Graff burnerz on display By: Sharp one Chadmo Merk Stan 1 Tsf Dan Shipz 0tb Josh guru Slinz Pris tsf 907 B.K. …….. MId Size HALF PIPE & CHEAP BAR allNight Devastating Bass Pounding Sound by RenegadeVirus virusPanikLine: (718) 404-3906 ext.6665 the location is CSQUAT located in the L.E.S of NYC directions will be posted to virus info line come.to/teknode-usa web virusrenegade.9f web havoc.freetekno.skKoreXtravaganza PumpinG soundzzz Soundart****HardteKnoJahKorehellhouseBrokenBreakzglitch&more Fury8 (rv,tbi25) Automaton (rv) NIC -fit (havoc) Foodstampz (rv,apocalypse) Gstompz Cj the MechNoid (metrophage) Xylene (rv) BeatKore Jazz TeaM Chadmo (lernand) Banji – (Csquat records) Peter Missing/Dj Hazzard Visualz Artzz sick Graff burnerz on display By: Sharp one Chadmo Merk Stan 1 Tsf Dan Shipz 0tb Josh guru Slinz Pris tsf 907 B.K. …….. MId Size HALF PIPE & CHEAP BAR allNight Devastating Bass Pounding Sound by RenegadeVirus the location is CSQUAT located in the L.E.S of NYC directions will be posted to virus info line come.to/teknode-usa web virusrenegade.9f
#2238 Tue, 5 Feb 2002 11:04:24 Tue, 5 Feb 2002 11:04:24 WEF/F2 Review [Oh my God what a bunch of assholes the NYPD were.. read on – M.e.] Dear friends, Thank you everyone for the wonderful F2 Festival on Saturday at the Frying Pan. We had a beautiful resistance, expressed through music, words and solidarity of volunteer crew and partygoers to subvert the cops that patrolled the parking lot with their six paddy wagons. Sincere and deep gratitude for the performers, artists and speakers for sharing their gifts and talents. For pouring their love, energy and vibe in creating that space on Saturday night. For letting voices on the streets be heard. For opening a moment where old hippies can sway besides ravers popping. Thank you, thank you, thank you all for creating another world made possible by the hard work and efforts of all of you. We had a few hours of joy before the pain of Sunday afternoon. 130 people were arrested on Sunday afternoon in the East Village, with violence from the police. A friend was knocked off his bike. Another was handcuffed, and the police held up his face to pepper spray directly into his face. A young person had his skull cracked. A girl of 14 was arrested, and held for 10 hours. Handcuffs were pulled so tightly on one woman’s hands that her hands turned black due to lack of circulation. In the prison, the police were insensitive and brutal. People were separated into small groups, taken into individual rooms and interrogated about their political party affiliations. Gays were bashed, immigrants had racist epithets thrown at them, a transsexual was referred to as “it.” Women were sexually harassed, and legal advice was held from them. Medications were not given to the arrested. And, vegans were given cereal and milk – expired milk – many were sick due to food poisoning. Many questions arise from the arrests and subsequent treatment of those arrested. Those arrested were charged with minor infractions that don’t qualify for detentions over 12 hours. Most were kept handcuffed for over 10 hours, in the police bus, with no access to restrooms. People were arrested for standing on the street, standing on the sidewalk, walking to the subway, walking, standing… breathing. The arrests were illegal. The violence on behalf on the police was uncalled for. And, the treatment of the arrestees will not be tolerated. The NYC Peoples Law Collective (one of the beneficiaries of the F2 festival, an anarchist law collective) is working with the National Lawyers Guild and high profile legal rockstars like Norman Siegel and Ron Kuby to file civil suits against the city. NYU students will be working with Columbia Univ. students to protest the complicity of the NYU administration with the NYPD. We know for a fact that (1) NYU closed their dorms to outside guests this weekend; (2) NYU allowed the NYPD into their buildings, access to their roofs to swoop down on protestors in the East Village on Sunday; and (3) NYU did nothing to prevent the arrests of NYU students simply standing in front of their dorms and watching the protests. One student banged on pots from her window in solidarity with the protestors. From the ground, people saw a guard enter her room to stop her. The student pasted a sign on her window: “NYU has silenced me.” Just a few remaining questions about the F2 Festival: (1) We didn’t pay Lego or Oscar Owens for sound engineer help or equipment. How do we get a hold of them (can you pass this message on to them), and how much do we owe? (2) Were there performers that didn’t get cab fare home paid for? Please let me know. (3) Estimated proceeds from the F2 festival are: $4000. All of that should be available for bail initially, when the money is returned the first largest chunk should go to NYC Peoples Law Collective (web tao.ca/nycplc/), the second to NYC Indymedia (nyc.indymedia.org) and the third to local community garden groups like More Gardens!, Earth Celebrations, Reclaim the Streets, etc. Also, tonight, healing space was made available at the Walkerspace at 56 Walker Street, led by Starhawk, web starhawk.org. On Wednesday, there will be a debriefing session at the Reclaim the Streets office space. I hope that you can all make it….(please see info below). In Solidarity, Yvonne – Forwarded message from “M. Neala Byrne” piratical7 at hotmail- Party/Debriefing/Clean-Up at 12th Ave. Wednesday Who: Reclaim the Streets and AWIP Arts In Action What: Debrief/clean-up the space/ feast & drink Where: 830 12th Ave. (57th) When: Wednesday, February 6th 7pm Why: Because we want to talk about the protests, keep in touch, talk about starting an Art & Revolution NYC, talk about storing puppets and samba band stuff for later demos, have fun, eat drink, clean up the space, unwind, figure out once and for all what the opera loving artists in the corner are going to make out of 100 foot strips of canvas How: Any train to Columbus Circle Yvonne [ Students for Global Justice ] + yl90 at columbia + web studentsforglobaljustice.org + vox: 646 321 5710 Do you know why people like me are shy about being capitalist? Well, it’s because for as long as we have known you, we were capital, like bales of cotton and sacks of sugar, and you were the commanding, cruel capitalist, and the memory of this is so strong, the experience so recent, that we can’t quite bring ourselves to embrace this idea that you think so much of. As for what we were like before we met you, I no longer care. No periods of time over which my ancestors held sway, no documentation of complex civilizations, is any comfort to me. Even if I really came from people who were living like monkeys in trees, it was better to be that than what happened to me, what I became after I met you.” Jamaica Kincaid “A Small Place” Farrar, Straus & GirouxDear friends, Thank you everyone for the wonderful F2 Festival on Saturday at the Frying Pan. We had a beautiful resistance, expressed through music, words and solidarity of volunteer crew and partygoers to subvert the cops that patrolled the parking lot with their six paddy wagons. Sincere and deep gratitude for the performers, artists and speakers for sharing their gifts and talents. For pouring their love, energy and vibe in creating that space on Saturday night. For letting voices on the streets be heard. For opening a moment where old hippies can sway besides ravers popping. Thank you, thank you, thank you all for creating another world made possible by the hard work and efforts of all of you. We had a few hours of joy before the pain of Sunday afternoon. 130 people were arrested on Sunday afternoon in the East Village, with violence from the police. A friend was knocked off his bike. Another was handcuffed, and the police held up his face to pepper spray directly into his face. A young person had his skull cracked. A girl of 14 was arrested, and held for 10 hours. Handcuffs were pulled so tightly on one woman’s hands that her hands turned black due to lack of circulation. In the prison, the police were insensitive and brutal. People were separated into small groups, taken into individual rooms and interrogated about their political party affiliations. Gays were bashed, immigrants had racist epithets thrown at them, a transsexual was referred to as “it.” Women were sexually harassed, and legal advice was held from them. Medications were not given to the arrested. And, vegans were given cereal and milk – expired milk – many were sick due to food poisoning. Many questions arise from the arrests and subsequent treatment of those arrested. Those arrested were charged with minor infractions that don’t qualify for detentions over 12 hours. Most were kept handcuffed for over 10 hours, in the police bus, with no access to restrooms. People were arrested for standing on the street, standing on the sidewalk, walking to the subway, walking, standing… breathing. The arrests were illegal. The violence on behalf on the police was uncalled for. And, the treatment of the arrestees will not be tolerated. The NYC Peoples Law Collective (one of the beneficiaries of the F2 festival, an anarchist law collective) is working with the National Lawyers Guild and high profile legal rockstars like Norman Siegel and Ron Kuby to file civil suits against the city. NYU students will be working with Columbia Univ. students to protest the complicity of the NYU administration with the NYPD. We know for a fact that (1) NYU closed their dorms to outside guests this weekend; (2) NYU allowed the NYPD into their buildings, access to their roofs to swoop down on protestors in the East Village on Sunday; and (3) NYU did nothing to prevent the arrests of NYU students simply standing in front of their dorms and watching the protests. One student banged on pots from her window in solidarity with the protestors. From the ground, people saw a guard enter her room to stop her. The student pasted a sign on her window: “NYU has silenced me.” Just a few remaining questions about the F2 Festival: (1) We didn’t pay Lego or Oscar Owens for sound engineer help or equipment. How do we get a hold of them (can you pass this message on to them), and how much do we owe? (2) Were there performers that didn’t get cab fare home paid for? Please let me know. (3) Estimated proceeds from the F2 festival are: $4000. All of that should be available for bail initially, when the money is returned the first largest chunk should go to NYC Peoples Law Collective (web tao.ca/nycplc/), the second to NYC Indymedia (nyc.indymedia.org) and the third to local community garden groups like More Gardens!, Earth Celebrations, Reclaim the Streets, etc. Also, tonight, healing space was made available at the Walkerspace at 56 Walker Street, led by Starhawk, web starhawk.org. On Wednesday, there will be a debriefing session at the Reclaim the Streets office space. I hope that you can all make it….(please see info below). In Solidarity, Yvonne – Forwarded message from “M. Neala Byrne” piratical7 at hotmail- Party/Debriefing/Clean-Up at 12th Ave. Wednesday Who: Reclaim the Streets and AWIP Arts In Action What: Debrief/clean-up the space/ feast & drink Where: 830 12th Ave. (57th) When: Wednesday, February 6th 7pm Why: Because we want to talk about the protests, keep in touch, talk about starting an Art & Revolution NYC, talk about storing puppets and samba band stuff for later demos, have fun, eat drink, clean up the space, unwind, figure out once and for all what the opera loving artists in the corner are going to make out of 100 foot strips of canvas How: Any train to Columbus Circle Yvonne [ Students for Global Justice ] + yl90 at columbia + web studentsforglobaljustice.org + vox: 646 321 5710 Do you know why people like me are shy about being capitalist? Well, it’s because for as long as we have known you, we were capital, like bales of cotton and sacks of sugar, and you were the commanding, cruel capitalist, and the memory of this is so strong, the experience so recent, that we can’t quite bring ourselves to embrace this idea that you think so much of. As for what we were like before we met you, I no longer care. No periods of time over which my ancestors held sway, no documentation of complex civilizations, is any comfort to me. Even if I really came from people who were living like monkeys in trees, it was better to be that than what happened to me, what I became after I met you.” Jamaica Kincaid “A Small Place” Farrar, Straus & Giroux
#2239 Tue, 5 Feb 2002 11:05:45 Tue, 5 Feb 2002 11:05:44 Pschedule Psy-Trance Schedule News & rumours: -Saturday’s Lunatarium GMS still finding a home (but there’s a techno party that night just in case) -Cafe Makor events added throughout Frebruary -Here’s a project for those who want to see more new faces at public trance the issue comes out. Address to Bruce Tantum. He hates psy and goa trance, by the way, so you may have to be creative. But if he gets enough trance listings from different people he will see the light. * An asterisk will be placed by the “must not miss” events. GarenI do believe in go go go NYC, but just wanted to let you know that the sound system at Twilo is actually top 3 in the world (which makes it one of the best, not necessarily the best) behind a mega club in Manchester and another club in Berlin. I read about that a year or so ago. -Freaky Tuesdays getting a steady crowd. I encourage everyone to come check it out. There will be another astrology party there in February for Aquarians. -What time is it? “yugop/ver3/stuff/03/fla yugop/ver3/stuff/03/fla Send News & Rumours to news at brainmachines See everybody at Omnitribe!!! STILL OPEN: Sundays, Mondays and Thursdays The Lord of the Rings film is out!!! Go get inspired for Burning Elf’s spring woodland LOTR party. ANyone who hasn’t seen it is a LOSER!!! Feb 5 – Tue- Freaky Tuesdays at Who’s on First 1st avenue b/w 87th & 88th with DJ Amnesium contact 646-234-3263 ID21 & over Free before 10pm, $3 after, 2 for 1 drinks all night. Pool table, downstairs chill. Viviana is the bartender. Feb 6 – Wed. Lounge Night at Makor; 35 West 67th Street, NYC (212) 601-1000 DJ Roy Cooper accompanied by Funky Video projections… DJ Roy Cooper is an Israeli born artist that spun his way around Tel Aviv and Paris’s hot night spots, now making New York his home…The unique sound produced from dj Roy Cooper’s turn tables, is a convergence of Deep House meeting Electro, sweetly kissed by Jazz and Disco…Music and spirits…8pm-12am…NO COVER Later -Opium Den 2nd ave b/w 2nd & 3rd *Feb 8 – Fri – Ben at cownow light-o-maticis doing a private list only party for Jaime’s birthday. Prepay. Featuring DJ’s: Boris (Burning Elf) Shikid (OmniTribe) Chico DragonLotus (DragonTribe) Machinelf (d) Niko (Synthetic Sadhus) Jed (TranceAct) web lightomatic/party or email ben at cownow *Feb 9 – Sat – Bansi – Growling Mad Scientists live -Dmitri, Goblin, Liran – Hommega/Spun/In-Trance-It $30 at doorat the Lunatarium 10 Jay Street F to York 212-946-5687 web lunatarium … Location UNCONFIRMED Virus Tekno party in the L.E.S.(718) 404-3906 ext.6665 *Feb 12 – Tue – Age of Aquarius Birthday Celebration presented by the Devotional Ministry of Trance For everyone who has a birthday on January 20 – February 18 10pm-4am Who’s on First 1st avenue b/w 87th & 88th ID21 & over FREE, 2 for 1 drinks all night. Aquarians get their first drink free. Think liquid. We can refill our water bottles in the poopdeck! Astrological readings. Chinese Water Torture. Pool table, downstairs chill. Crazy aquatic visuals. Viviana is the bartender; Machinelf is your captain. Captain’s crew includes Boris, Vlad, Fahd, The Rev, and Blaine DJs Amnesium and Machinelf play watered down music: Water themed Eclectic; punk rock, whale songs, goth, psy-trance. Bring: bottled water, holy water, water guns, dolphins, mermaid outfits, toys and waterproof art. Anything flowing. Bring enough to share – including you, as you are mostly water anyway. Feb 13 – Wed – Opium Den 2nd ave b/w 2nd & 3rd Feb 15 – Feb. 15th /Friday Boundless TranceFunkyness….Level X in BKLYN Williamsburg; DJ Angeles, DJ Jaiman, DJ Shai K.I.D.; Lounge Funky Trance music…9pm-4am…party…DOOR: $6.00 Feb 16 – Sat – dmtski!! Feb 19 – Tue – Freaky Tuesdays at Who’s on First 1st avenue b/w 87th & 88th with DJ Amnesium contact 646-234-3263 ID21 & over Free before 10pm, $3 after, 2 for 1 drinks all night. Pool table, downstairs chill. Viviana is the bartender. Feb 20 – Wed – Opium Den 2nd ave b/w 2nd & 3rd Feb 22/Feb 23 – Fri- dmtski!! *Feb 23 – Sat – Synthetic Sadhus Oforia, Slinky Wizard, Medecine Drum, Gus Till, Ofer Dilovsky, Kalyx at the Amazura 212-533-6700 Feb 25 – Feb. 25th / Monday PURIM, at Makor; 35 W67th St., NYC (212) 601-1000 Put on a fantasy costume this Purim and come party with us…Purim Costume Party ‘Cultura Ibiza… Straight from the Ibiza party scene of “Cafe Del Mar” -The music produced by DJ Ricardo Padilla, DJ SEN4 and DJ Roy Cooper will take you to high spiritual elevations; fun, fun, fun…Don’t forget your dancing shoes… Door: $25.00 ($5.00 off if dressed in costume) Feb 26 – Freaky Tuesdays at Who’s on First 1st avenue b/w 87th & 88th with DJ Amnesium contact 646-234-3263 ID21 & over Free before 10pm, $3 after, 2 for 1 drinks all night. Pool table, downstairs chill. Viviana is the bartender. Feb 27 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Snow/Hunger Moon) Aviv Gefen…Israeli Pop Singer at Makor…2 shows…7pm & 10pm… Door fee: $25.00 Box Office (212) 601-1000 *Mar 1 – Fri – Tsunami TBA Mar 2 – Sat – dmtski Mar 8/9 – Fri/Sat – dmtski *Mar 12 – Tues – d Pisces Birthday Celebration Feb 19-March 20 Bring fish. Guest of Honor: Mark Lorenz, Aquarium Cleaner Extraordinaire Possible location: 7th Avenue Sushi, Le Bernardin, or somewhere with a lot of fish aquariums Mar 15/16 – Fri/Sat – LAST dmtski SPRING March 20 2:16pm – Vernal Equinox *The outdoor Lord of the Rings psy-trance festival upstate will be in the Spring, with trance Sindarin woodland elves. The film will be out December 21st. Possible party at Chicen Itza pyramids in the Yucatan during spring equinox might be good… one pyramid at chichen itza is built so that a plumed serpent can be seen descending the stairs when the light hits it on this day) of course thousands of native people come to see this as well, depending on how we’re received that could be good or bad) We have the ear of the head of tourism who is open to hosting a trance event at the base of the pyramids. Looking for organizers & investors. The rewards are high but it won’t come cheap. Suggestion: Sliding scale for Mexican nationals/Indians should ideally come for next to nothing, or free; alcohol should not be served. Email andys at ezy.net Mar 28 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Worm/Crow/Crust/Sugar/Sap Moon) *April 9 – Tues – d Arian Birthday Celebration March 21-April 19 LOCATION: Mars 2112 Guest of Honor: This dude I know named “Mars” Bring guns and swords. April 26 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Pink/Sprouting Grass/Egg/Fish Moon) May 1 – Beltainne – Spring’s Planting *May 14 – Tues – d Tauran Birthday Celebration April 20-May 20 Taurus All Taurus get a free Red Bull REFRESHMENTS: Red Bull, Schlitz Malt Liquor Bull Special Guest: Suzula, Xander, Gary Toro, Cata Toro Bring: Bulls. Horns. Whips. Rawhide. Music: Progressive Playstation Wipeout Game with Red Bull sponsorship Possible Location: Denim & Diamonds or someplace with a mechanical bull No Bullshit! May 26 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Flower/Corn Planting/Milk Moon) *June 11 – Tues – d Gemini Birthday Celebration May 21- June 21 Invite every twin you know. Two for one drink specials. Your evil twin, Invite your nemesis. Moment of Silence for the Twin Towers. Possible location: Twins. SUMMER June 21 9:24am Summer Solstice June 21-24 Solstice Festival in Southern Colorado gregschmid at yahoo 888-336-3997 In many cultures, the coming of Summer is the heralding of a time for love, marriage, friendship, beauty, protection, courage, magical energy, physical energy, and strength. It is the perfect time for Fire Magic! The Summer Solstice, also called “Midsummer” or “Litha”, is the longest day of the year. (The Christian Calendar marks this holiday with “St. Peter and Paul’s Day) This celebration of the coming of the light is when magics involving protection, strength, energy and clear sight will be the most successful. With the Sun high in the heavens, the powers of light are readily evoked. Anything that shadows your soul can be set aflame by the Sun’s protective glow. Pagan couples also know that this is the time when the Horned God is at the zenith of His manifest Power and the flowering Godess of Spring welcomes his presence. Sex Magic is powerful now. In many cultures, the coming of Summer is the heralding of a time for love, marriage, friendship, beauty, protection, courage, magical energy, physical energy, and strength. It is the perfect time for Fire Magic! The Summer Solstice, also called “Midsummer” or “Litha”, is the longest day of the year. (The Christian Calendar marks this holiday with “St. Peter and Paul’s Day) This celebration of the coming of the light is when magics involving protection, strength, energy and clear sight will be the most successful. With the Sun high in the heavens, the powers of light are readily evoked. Anything that shadows your soul can be set aflame by the Sun’s protective glow. Pagan couples also know that this is the time when the Horned God is at the zenith of His manifest Power and the flowering Godess of Spring welcomes his presence. Sex Magic is powerful now and legend tells that a nakedmtskip through a garden on Litha night ensures fertility for the coming season. The peaceful blue color of the Lapis stone can be worn to foster physical fertility as well as psychic awareness. Below are some suggestions I have to make your Summer Solstice Rituals complete as well as enlightening…I’ve even included some of my favorite meditations and incantations. Enjoy, and Blessed Be! June 24 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Strawberry/Rose/Hot Moon) *July 9 – Tues – d Cancer Birthday Celebration June 22-July 22 Crab cakes. Crabby people. Possible location: Maryland Crabs July 24 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Buck/Thunder/Hay Moon) Aug 1 – Lugnasad – Harvest Time *Aug 13 – Tues – d Leo Birthday Celebration July 23-August 22 Possible Location: White Lion. Cowardly Lion. King of the Jungle. Lyin’ Fusion Festival in California August 22 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Sturgeon/Red/Green Corn Moon) Labor Day – Burning Man *Sept 10 – Tues – d Virgan Birthday Celebration August 23-September 22 Virgin bloody maries. Sacrificial virgins. September 21 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Harvest/Corn/Barley Moon) Autumn September 23 12:56 am Autumnal Equinox With only 3 more months left in the Celtic summer, pagan folk work hard for the harvest yet to come, whether it be corn and hay from the fields or the personal projects and goals that we planned for the summer months. When the sun crosses the equator and heads south at the Autumnal Equinox, the second of the harvest festivals, (celebrated around September 21) we again celebrate the magnificant balance that the everturning Wheel of the Year promises. These equinoxs are great s that the bleak days of winter as well as the heady days of summer are temporary, that all things have their seasons, and that none will last forever. The law of polarity and rythym require that all things be balanced by their opposites. On these days our ancestors aligned themselves in the ebb and flow of life. As winter, spring, summer and autumn pass by, Witches still reconnect with the ever moving flow of life, we make our plans and watch them unfold. If some do not come to fruition we try again. We pass through times of joy and sorrow; little ones are born, the older ones die allowing their spirits to pass into Summerland. Every event in life is rich in purpose and meaning. Each day, night and season has its own special character. Rituals connect us to both the big and little dramas of the year and of the greater life cycle. We unite the character and spirit of each passing season and do magic to transform our lives, giving them a depth and an expansiveness that without ritual and celebration we would never achieve. Even the most humble ritual helps the moment of power and change, and the celebrant partakes in somthing greater than him or herself. Some would say that in these moments of ecstasy we actually stand outside ourselves and the God and Goddess within us become brighter, more powerful and we touch the All; eg, the Lord Pan and Lady Gaia, Jesus, God, however you see the Divine Power. This festival is associated with the taking of corn and other foods that are to be harvested at this time. Cornbread cakes and cider are an excellent addition to the festivities. The frost will hit soon, so the last of the herbs and other plants you wish to dry for winter use should be harvested now. Depending on when the leaves turn in your area, you may wish to parafin them and add them to your house decorations. Dip the leave quickly in melted parafin, and put them on wax paper. When the leaves are dry you can put them in a huge, decorative jar with a sigil of protection carved lightly on some or all of the leaves. Colors used for candles should be brown, orange, gold or red. Altar cloths can be made of material with fall designs. River and stream stones gathered over the summer can empowered for various purposes. *Oct 8 – Tues – d Libral Birthday Celebration September 23-October 22 Bring scales 😀 Justice is blind. Machinelf is free. Possible location: Somewhere ‘downscale.’ Oct 21 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Hunter’s/Travel/Dying Grass Moon) Oct 31 Halloween Winter (Pagan) Nov 1 – Samhain – Winter’s Start *Nov 12 – Tues – d Scorpion Birthday Celebration October 23-November 21 Smoke scorpion venom 🙂 Junkies and Get High in the Pits” QUETTA, Pakistan (Reuters) – When they’re in season, Ghulam Raza smokes scorpions. He says he dries their stingers in the sun and grinds them, then lights the powdery venom and sucks the smoke deep into his lungs. “Oh yes,” he said when asked if the scorpions make him high. “When I smoke scorpion, then the heroin is like nothing to me.” The place where Raza and other Pakistani junkies smoke dope or shoot up in the southwestern city of Quetta is a good place to find scorpions. It is the main cemetery, a dust-filled field of tombstones and corpse-sized mounds of rocks. A shantytown molded from the pale dirt of the desert claws its way up a steep mountain slope on one side while Muslim prayers ring out across the city on the other. In the middle, in the ruins of a building, Raza and a dozen addict friends spend their days. Some, like Abdul Hai, have been coming here for more than 20 years. More disdained than criminalized, the hundreds of junkies in Quetta, capital of Pakistan’s parched Baluchistan province, gather away from the chaotic life of the city. In the cemetery, sometimes one of them will get very stoned and drop into an open grave. “We are safe here,” says Raza, a mechanical engineer, who says he started down the slippery slope of ds after becoming addicted to pain killers years ago when, he says, he was shot 18 times by police. The graveyard addicts beg or steal for their d money. They pay off officials for peace. When they forget, the police come and beat them, they say. Closer to the center of town, other Pakistani junkies hide away in an even less salubrious den. They huddle in small groups, cloaks pulled over their heads, in an open gutter. Nov 19 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Beaver/Frost Moon) *Dec 10 – Tues – d Sagittarian Birthday Celebration November 22-December 21 Centaur hunters. Dec 19 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Cold/Long Nights Moon) Dec 21 8:15pm Winter Solsticehmm? already open. You started without me? My resources don’t fit within my control parameters. Fair distribution is a bitch. (oh, im just kidding, sorry ma’am) (whathefuck? – do I have rocks in my underwear? where did this baby-powder ome from? what’s that smell? rotting eggs? no, I think you look great. …oh, Mercer St. is that way 🙂 pardon, was I leaking? -okay now just the guys: “Sooooooow?” Too much galactose in your diet, cut back on the salt every moon my dear. If you doubt, but your perception is obscured, you gotta fight, for your right, to paaaaaarrtay! Don’t forget what you are not supposed to forget. Running hatred through your filter is hazardous, be sure to rinse & repeat (although i recomend sympathizing instead). freedom creeps up on you. The future so briight, I gotta wear shades. A quick whirs through your field of vision. Destiny is a roaring lion, if you pull the thorn out from his paw, he will be kind to you. I’m not all there right now. (words- dividing…) The absense is causing me to bother you. It’s not my fault..? How was I to know? How? Was. Eye? Two. No. . . . nd you can see the stars on the other side of the world. *If you look up you realize we are being squozen through an epistemological black-hole birth canal, caught o the wake of a cosmic tsunami about to come crashing down. *Look to the right and understand the urgency that cries for your help. *Look to the left and understand the part we must play in this temporal crisis. *Look behind you to check for encouragement. *Look forward to new life and the Water-Bearer. *Be yourself so we can love you. *Be yourself so you can love us. *Be yourself so you can disagree. *Be together to share the joy. and show your way to those who are listening. This message will self-destruct in 5, 4, 3, 2…. love, Evan at shpongle Paris # Sweden-Saturday’s Lunatarium GMS still finding a home (but there’s a techno party that night just in case) -Cafe Makor events added throughout Frebruary -Freaky Tuesdays getting a steady crowd. I encourage everyone to come check it out. There will be another astrology party there in February for Aquarians. STILL OPEN: Sundays, Mondays and Thursdays Feb 5 – Tue- Freaky Tuesdays at Who’s on First 1st avenue b/w 87th & 88th with DJ Amnesium contact 646-234-3263 ID21 & over Free before 10pm, $3 after, 2 for 1 drinks all night. Pool table, downstairs chill. Viviana is the bartender. Feb 6 – Wed. Lounge Night at Makor; 35 West 67th Street, NYC (212) 601-1000 DJ Roy Cooper accompanied by Funky Video projections… DJ Roy Cooper is an Israeli born artist that spun his way around Tel Aviv and Paris’s hot night spots, now making New York his home…The unique sound produced from dj Roy Cooper’s turn tables, is a convergence of Deep House meeting Electro, sweetly kissed by Jazz and Disco…Music and spirits…8pm-12am…NO COVER Later -Opium Den 2nd ave b/w 2nd & 3rd *Feb 8 – Fri – Ben at cownow light-o-maticis doing a private list only party for Jaime’s birthday. Prepay. Featuring DJ’s: Boris (Burning Elf) Shikid (OmniTribe) Chico DragonLotus (DragonTribe) Machinelf (d) Niko (Synthetic Sadhus) Jed (TranceAct) web lightomatic/party or email ben at cownow *Feb 9 – Sat – Bansi – Growling Mad Scientists live -Dmitri, Goblin, Liran – Hommega/Spun/In-Trance-It $30 at doorat the Lunatarium 10 Jay Street F to York 212-946-5687 web lunatarium … Location UNCONFIRMED *Feb 12 – Tue – Age of Aquarius Birthday Celebration presented by the Devotional Ministry of Trance For everyone who has a birthday on January 20 – February 18 10pm-4am Who’s on First 1st avenue b/w 87th & 88th ID21 & over FREE, 2 for 1 drinks all night. Aquarians get their first drink free. Think liquid. We can refill our water bottles in the poopdeck! Astrological readings. Chinese Water Torture. Pool table, downstairs chill. Crazy aquatic visuals. Viviana is the bartender; Machinelf is your captain. Captain’s crew includes Boris, Vlad, Fahd, The Rev, and Blaine DJs Amnesium and Machinelf play watered down music: Water themed Eclectic; punk rock, whale songs, goth, psy-trance. Feb 13 – Wed – Opium Den 2nd ave b/w 2nd & 3rd Feb 15 – Feb. 15th /Friday Boundless TranceFunkyness….Level X in BKLYN Williamsburg; DJ Angeles, DJ Jaiman, DJ Shai K.I.D.; Lounge Funky Trance music…9pm-4am…party…DOOR: $6.00 Feb 16 – Sat – dmtski!! Feb 19 – Tue – Freaky Tuesdays at Who’s on First 1st avenue b/w 87th & 88th with DJ Amnesium contact 646-234-3263 ID21 & over Free before 10pm, $3 after, 2 for 1 drinks all night. Pool table, downstairs chill. Viviana is the bartender. Feb 20 – Wed – Opium Den 2nd ave b/w 2nd & 3rd Feb 22/Feb 23 – Fri- dmtski!! *Feb 23 – Sat – Synthetic Sadhus Oforia, Slinky Wizard, Medecine Drum, Gus Till, Ofer Dilovsky, Kalyx at the Amazura 212-533-6700 Feb 25 – Feb. 25th / Monday PURIM, at Makor; 35 W67th St., NYC (212) 601-1000 Put on a fantasy costume this Purim and come party with us…Purim Costume Party ‘Cultura Ibiza… Straight from the Ibiza party scene of “Cafe Del Mar” -The music produced by DJ Ricardo Padilla, DJ SEN4 and DJ Roy Cooper will take you to high spiritual elevations; fun, fun, fun…Don’t forget your dancing shoes… Door: $25.00 ($5.00 off if dressed in costume) Feb 26 – Freaky Tuesdays at Who’s on First 1st avenue b/w 87th & 88th with DJ Amnesium contact 646-234-3263 ID21 & over Free before 10pm, $3 after, 2 for 1 drinks all night. Pool table, downstairs chill. Viviana is the bartender. Feb 27 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Snow/Hunger Moon) Aviv Gefen…Israeli Pop Singer at Makor…2 shows…7pm & 10pm… Door fee: $25.00 Box Office (212) 601-1000 *Mar 1 – Fri – Tsunami TBA Mar 2 – Sat – dmtski Mar 8/9 – Fri/Sat – dmtski *Mar 12 – Tues – d Pisces Birthday Celebration Feb 19-March 20 Bring fish. Guest of Honor: Mark Lorenz, Aquarium Cleaner Extraordinaire Possible location: 7th Avenue Sushi, Le Bernardin, or somewhere with a lot of fish aquariums March 20 2:16pm – Vernal Equinox *The outdoor Lord of the Rings psy-trance festival upstate will be in the Spring, with trance Sindarin woodland elves. The film will be out December 21st. Possible party at Chicen Itza pyramids in the Yucatan during spring equinox might be good… one pyramid at chichen itza is built so that a plumed serpent can be seen descending the stairs when the light hits it on this day) of course thousands of native people come to see this as well, depending on how we’re received that could be good or bad) We have the ear of the head of tourism who is open to hosting a trance event at the base of the pyramids. Looking for organizers & investors. The rewards are high but it won’t come cheap. Suggestion: Sliding scale for Mexican nationals/Indians should ideally come for next to nothing, or free; alcohol should not be served. Email andys at ezy.net Mar 28 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Worm/Crow/Crust/Sugar/Sap Moon) *April 9 – Tues – d Arian Birthday Celebration March 21-April 19 LOCATION: Mars 2112 Guest of Honor: This dude I know named “Mars” Bring guns and swords. April 26 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Pink/Sprouting Grass/Egg/Fish Moon) May 1 – Beltainne – Spring’s Planting *May 14 – Tues – d Tauran Birthday Celebration April 20-May 20 Taurus All Taurus get a free Red Bull REFRESHMENTS: Red Bull, Schlitz Malt Liquor Bull Special Guest: Suzula, Xander, Gary Toro, Cata Toro Bring: Bulls. Horns. Whips. Rawhide. Music: Progressive Playstation Wipeout Game with Red Bull sponsorship Possible Location: Denim & Diamonds or someplace with a mechanical bull No Bullshit! May 26 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Flower/Corn Planting/Milk Moon) *June 11 – Tues – d Gemini Birthday Celebration May 21- June 21 Invite every twin you know. Two for one drink specials. Your evil twin, Invite your nemesis. Moment of Silence for the Twin Towers. June 21 9:24am Summer Solstice In many cultures, the coming of Summer is the heralding of a time for love, marriage, friendship, beauty, protection, courage, magical energy, physical energy, and strength. It is the perfect time for Fire Magic! The Summer Solstice, also called “Midsummer” or “Litha”, is the longest day of the year. (The Christian Calendar marks this holiday with “St. Peter and Paul’s Day) This celebration of the coming of the light is when magics involving protection, strength, energy and clear sight will be the most successful. With the Sun high in the heavens, the powers of light are readily evoked. Anything that shadows your soul can be set aflame by the Sun’s protective glow. Pagan couples also know that this is the time when the Horned God is at the zenith of His manifest Power and the flowering Godess of Spring welcomes his presence. Sex Magic is powerful now. In many cultures, the coming of Summer is the heralding of a time for love, marriage, friendship, beauty, protection, courage, magical energy, physical energy, and strength. It is the perfect time for Fire Magic! The Summer Solstice, also called “Midsummer” or “Litha”, is the longest day of the year. (The Christian Calendar marks this holiday with “St. Peter and Paul’s Day) This celebration of the coming of the light is when magics involving protection, strength, energy and clear sight will be the most successful. With the Sun high in the heavens, the powers of light are readily evoked. Anything that shadows your soul can be set aflame by the Sun’s protective glow. Pagan couples also know that this is the time when the Horned God is at the zenith of His manifest Power and the flowering Godess of Spring welcomes his presence. Sex Magic is powerful now and legend tells that a nakedmtskip through a garden on Litha night ensures fertility for the coming season. The peaceful blue color of the Lapis stone can be worn to foster physical fertility as well as psychic awareness. Below are some suggestions I have to make your Summer Solstice Rituals complete as well as enlightening…I’ve even included some of my favorite meditations and incantations. Enjoy, and Blessed Be! June 24 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Strawberry/Rose/Hot Moon) *July 9 – Tues – d Cancer Birthday Celebration June 22-July 22 Crab cakes. Crabby people. Possible location: Maryland Crabs July 24 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Buck/Thunder/Hay Moon) Aug 1 – Lugnasad – Harvest Time *Aug 13 – Tues – d Leo Birthday Celebration July 23-August 22 Possible Location: White Lion. Cowardly Lion. King of the Jungle. Lyin’ Fusion Festival in California August 22 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Sturgeon/Red/Green Corn Moon) Labor Day – Burning Man *Sept 10 – Tues – d Virgan Birthday Celebration August 23-September 22 Virgin bloody maries. Sacrificial virgins. Autumn September 23 12:56 am Autumnal Equinox With only 3 more months left in the Celtic summer, pagan folk work hard for the harvest yet to come, whether it be corn and hay from the fields or the personal projects and goals that we planned for the summer months. When the sun crosses the equator and heads south at the Autumnal Equinox, the second of the harvest festivals, (celebrated around September 21) we again celebrate the magnificant balance that the everturning Wheel of the Year promises. These equinoxs are great s that the bleak days of winter as well as the heady days of summer are temporary, that all things have their seasons, and that none will last forever. The law of polarity and rythym require that all things be balanced by their opposites. On these days our ancestors aligned themselves in the ebb and flow of life. As winter, spring, summer and autumn pass by, Witches still reconnect with the ever moving flow of life, we make our plans and watch them unfold. If some do not come to fruition we try again. We pass through times of joy and sorrow; little ones are born, the older ones die allowing their spirits to pass into Summerland. Every event in life is rich in purpose and meaning. Each day, night and season has its own special character. Rituals connect us to both the big and little dramas of the year and of the greater life cycle. We unite the character and spirit of each passing season and do magic to transform our lives, giving them a depth and an expansiveness that without ritual and celebration we would never achieve. Even the most humble ritual helps the moment of power and change, and the celebrant partakes in somthing greater than him or herself. Some would say that in these moments of ecstasy we actually stand outside ourselves and the God and Goddess within us become brighter, more powerful and we touch the All; eg, the Lord Pan and Lady Gaia, Jesus, God, however you see the Divine Power. This festival is associated with the taking of corn and other foods that are to be harvested at this time. Cornbread cakes and cider are an excellent addition to the festivities. The frost will hit soon, so the last of the herbs and other plants you wish to dry for winter use should be harvested now. Depending on when the leaves turn in your area, you may wish to parafin them and add them to your house decorations. Dip the leave quickly in melted parafin, and put them on wax paper. When the leaves are dry you can put them in a huge, decorative jar with a sigil of protection carved lightly on some or all of the leaves. Colors used for candles should be brown, orange, gold or red. Altar cloths can be made of material with fall designs. River and stream stones gathered over the summer can empowered for various purposes. Bring scales 😀 Justice is blind. Machinelf is free. Possible location: Somewhere ‘downscale.’ Oct 21 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Hunter’s/Travel/Dying Grass Moon) Oct 31 Halloween Nov 1 – Samhain – Winter’s Start *Nov 12 – Tues – d Scorpion Birthday Celebration October 23-November 21 Smoke scorpion venom 🙂 Junkies and Get High in the Pits” QUETTA, Pakistan (Reuters) – When they’re in season, Ghulam Raza smokes scorpions. He says he dries their stingers in the sun and grinds them, then lights the powdery venom and sucks the smoke deep into his lungs. “Oh yes,” he said when asked if the scorpions make him high. “When I smoke scorpion, then the heroin is like nothing to me.” The place where Raza and other Pakistani junkies smoke dope or shoot up in the southwestern city of Quetta is a good place to find scorpions. It is the main cemetery, a dust-filled field of tombstones and corpse-sized mounds of rocks. A shantytown molded from the pale dirt of the desert claws its way up a steep mountain slope on one side while Muslim prayers ring out across the city on the other. In the middle, in the ruins of a building, Raza and a dozen addict friends spend their days. Some, like Abdul Hai, have been coming here for more than 20 years. More disdained than criminalized, the hundreds of junkies in Quetta, capital of Pakistan’s parched Baluchistan province, gather away from the chaotic life of the city. In the cemetery, sometimes one of them will get very stoned and drop into an open grave. “We are safe here,” says Raza, a mechanical engineer, who says he started down the slippery slope of ds after becoming addicted to pain killers years ago when, he says, he was shot 18 times by police. The graveyard addicts beg or steal for their d money. They pay off officials for peace. When they forget, the police come and beat them, they say. Closer to the center of town, other Pakistani junkies hide away in an even less salubrious den. They huddle in small groups, cloaks pulled over their heads, in an open gutter. Nov 19 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Beaver/Frost Moon) *Dec 10 – Tues – d Sagittarian Birthday Celebration November 22-December 21 Centaur hunters. Dec 19 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Cold/Long Nights Moon)My resources don’t fit within my control parameters. Fair distribution is a bitch. (oh, im just kidding, sorry ma’am) (whathefuck? – do I have rocks in my underwear? where did this baby-powder ome from? what’s that smell? rotting eggs? no, I think you look great. …oh, Mercer St. is that way 🙂 pardon, was I leaking? -okay now just the guys: “Sooooooow?” Too much galactose in your diet, cut back on the salt every moon my dear. If you doubt, but your perception is obscured, you gotta fight, for your right, to paaaaaarrtay! Don’t forget what you are not supposed to forget. Running hatred through your filter is hazardous, be sure to rinse & repeat (although i recomend sympathizing instead). freedom creeps up on you. The future so briight, I gotta wear shades. A quick whirs through your field of vision. Destiny is a roaring lion, if you pull the thorn out from his paw, he will be kind to you. I’m not all there right now. (words- dividing…) The absense is causing me to bother you. It’s not my fault..? How was I to know? How? Was. Eye? Two. No. . . . Letting time seep in like a lullaby, remembering how to remember: The serpent has a secret. The apple is called Delicious. Zero is discovering. One is atracting. Two is facing. Three is activating. Four is knowing. Five is understanding. Six is helping. Seven is participating. Eight is harmonizing. Nine is manifesting. Ten is completing. Eleven is releasing. Twelve is synchronizing. Thirteen is accepting. fourteen is embracing. . . . . … O weary Karmachanics! May you find that which are seeking, hear (here), hidden, amidst the rainforests of discoveries, and the program codes that reveal themselves humbly. Sci-Fi techno-hieroglyphs are sprouting from their nourished seeds. The reality-sysytems they ‘will’ become is not far. We are helping. The unborn unbored life is dreaming us and beckoning us back to itself. Be not afraid! there is a time for work. there is a time for rest. there is a time for pain. there is a time for joy. there is a time for exploration. there is a time for celebration. -v^v^v^v^v^V^V^WWVVV # (that’s ‘how’.) ‘This’ is what ‘That’ needs. ‘That’ is what we want. ‘This’ is what we have. ‘That’ is what we find. (the choiceis yours) the drone is a magic lucky charm. You can’t ‘over use’ it because it might bite you in the ass. You can ‘use it over’ but it’s gears may become dull. ‘Expose’ yourself to the mandala only for healing. Otherwise you must go through it. It is a part of the living form of space & light and that includes you. To be fully alive and awake, you must be on the other side. otherwise you are asleep. But that’s okay, you’lll need your rest. Up and Down; intersect, angles, dimension, spiral. Sense Probability Intrinsically Resonates Alternal Love (S.P.I.R.A.L.) life…. ((((( N’TENGUE: This is the oldest human fossil in the world! HOMER: P! I’ve got more bones than That guy! I’m not impressed. N’TENGUE: But Mr.Simpson HOMER: (hand in N’Tengue’s face) Not! Impressed! ))))) *If you face the ground you can see the stars on the other side of the world. *If you look up you realize we are being squozen through an epistemological black-hole birth canal, caught o the wake of a cosmic tsunami about to come crashing down. *Look to the right and understand the urgency that cries for your help. *Look to the left and understand the part we must play in this temporal crisis. *Look behind you to check for encouragement. *Look forward to new life and the Water-Bearer. *Be yourself so we can love you. *Be yourself so you can love us. *Be yourself so you can disagree. *Be together to share the joy. and show your way to those who are listening. This message will self-destruct in 5, 4, 3, 2…. love, Chicago
#2240 Tue, 5 Feb 2002 11:31:11 Tue, 5 Feb 2002 11:31:10 Correction – Freaky Tuesday is Free it’s time we give Liquids a run for their money!!! and there are 2 for 1 drink specials.. Feb 5 – Tue- Freaky Tuesdays at Who’s on First 1st avenue b/w 87th & 88th with DJ Amnesium contact 646-234-3263 ID21 & over Free 2 for 1 drinks all night. Pool table, downstairs chill. Viviana is the bartender. alsoand there are 2 for 1 drink specials.. Feb 5 – Tue- Freaky Tuesdays at Who’s on First 1st avenue b/w 87th & 88th with DJ Amnesium contact 646-234-3263 ID21 & over Free 2 for 1 drinks all night. Pool table, downstairs chill. Viviana is the bartender.
#2241 Tue, 5 Feb 2002 16:43:39 Tue, 5 Feb 2002 16:43:50 Need emails of psy-trance DJs – local and international This is for a new database of DJ email addresses. This will be so that anyone can any DJ. Send all to my address; it will be posted online
#2242 Tue, 5 Feb 2002 20:53:07 -0800 Chiletrance Wednesdays From: angeles garay chiletrance at yahoo Hello!!! This is a for every Wednesday nights at Opium Den with Dj Angeles+Guests. Please CHECK our new web site for our special djs web Chiletrance Dj Angeles(Chiletrance-6th Element) thanks!, gracias! Love and Light Angeles
#2243 Wed, 6 Feb 2002 11:02:38 Wed, 6 Feb 2002 11:02:37 The Oracle at Delphi really did use Whippets Faults Suggest a High Calling for Delphi Priestesses By Guy Gugliotta Washington Post Staff Writer Monday, February 4, 2002; Page 6 They wa rned Oedipus to stay away from his mother, told Orestes to go ahead and kill his, caused Croesus to lose to the Persians, then helped Athens defeat them. So what’s the story with the priestesses at Delphi? Did they reall y channel for Apollo, or were they just high on somthing? Scientists don’t know about Apollo, but evidence is growing that the priestesses, kn own as pythia, were ripped on hydrocarbon gases, especially ethylene, a so metime anesthetic which, taken in modest doses, can induce lively conversa tion of a somewhat incoherent nature. This is because the Temple of A pollo at Delphi sits on crisscrossing geological faults, according to a team of scientists led by archaeologist John Hale of the University of Louisville and geologist Jelle Zeilinga de Boer of Wesleyan University in Connecticut. In re-embracing the ancients’ view that intoxicants emanate d from water bubbling from a rock fissure beneath the temple, Hale said, the team is challenging a century of research that held “that the prie sts and oracle were deceiving the public and inventing stories” to boost the shrine’s importance. Instead, it appears the ancients were right. ” I thought that if there is an active fault, there were most likely gases c oming up through fissures,” Zeilinga de Boer said. And if that were tru e, traces would show up in the travertine that underpins the temple. Tra vertine is a type of limestone. And so it proved. Reporting recently in the journal Geology, the team said that tests on the Delphi rock and the waters of a nearby spring showed the presence of mthane and ethane, w hich can be intoxicating, as well as ethylene, widely used as an anesthe tic in the first half of the 20th century. “It was a great gas,” said to xicologist Henry Spiller, director of the Kentucky Regional Poison Cente r in Louisville and another member of the Delphi team. “It produces a v ery rapid onset of effects, and leaves the heart alone.” Unfortunately, ” it is also explosive [and] dangerous for the surgeon,” Spiller added, whic h is why modern medicine eventually abandoned it. Ethylene, Spiller explained, produces “stages” of anesthesia. Low doses induce “disembodie d euphoria, with periods of excitation and amnesia,” he said. But at hig her doses, “you get delirium, hysteria and a combative, agitated state,” h e added. Further along comes unconsciousness and, if one is not careful, death. All of this squares nicely with historical accounts. As a high p riest at the temple in the 1st century A.D., the biographer Plutarch not ed that the pythia delivered oracles from a tripod in a small below-gro und chamber bathed in gases carried up by underground springs. Most of the time, the priestess was conscious, clever and chatty, but on occasion she flipped out, and things got nasty. The bad trips, including a death reported by Plutarch, had led past Delphi administrators to swap out the y oung maidens they used to put in the seat for more levelheaded matrons. Today the temple ruins, on the slopes of Mount Parnassus 100 miles nor thwest of Athens, are probably the most visited place in Greece after the Acropolis, but Hale said archaeological evidence suggests the ancient G reeks probably regarded Delphi as a holy place from its founding, about 1400 B.C. The shrine’s heyday began about 800 B.C., Hale said, when Gree k colonists sought Apollo’s blessing before they set sail for Italy, Sic ily, Spain, the Black Sea and Africa. The oracle didn’t go out of busin ess until A.D. 393, when the Christian emperor Theodosius shut it down. The oracle’s warnings and advice figure prominently in Greek mythology. After the Trojan War, when Orestes asked whether he should seek vengeanc e on his mother for murdering his father, Agamemnon, the oracle gave him the green light. Told by the oracle that he would murder his father and marry his mother, Oedipus did everything possible to avoid the inevitabl e, but failed. In actual practice, however, the oracle’s chief shortcomi ng was the ambiguity of her advice. Croesus, king of Lydia, went to war against Cyrus of Persia after the oracle told him that “a great nation would fall” if he crossed the Halys River. Unfortunately, the great nation turned out to be his own. And in 480 B.C., after the Athenians rejected the oracle’s opening prediction that the invading Persians would trash them, the priestess suggested they make use of “a wall of wood.” The At henians correctly interpreted this to mean ships, and subsequently defeate d Xerxes at sea in the Battle of Salamis. Delphi’s original excavation w as performed by French archaeologists, who at first found no gas emissions beneath the temple. An article published in English in 1904 suggested the fissure idea was “all a mistake,” Hale said. “This view defined the debate” for the next 90 years, and was reinforced by mid- century resear ch suggesting that emissions of intoxicating gas were impossible without volcanic activity, Hale said. “But this was archaeologists, mainly,” s aid geologist Luigi Piccardi of Italy’s National Research Council in Flo rence, whose own research in Greece reflects many of the U.S. team’s co nclusions. “The mechanics of active faulting are somthing only recently understood.” Geologists have known for years that much of Greece is in one of the world’s most active seismological areas. Delphi sits in the m iddle of the east-west “Corinth Rift Zone,” which slices the country in h alf. In the mid-1990s, Zeilinga de Boer spotted an active east-west faul t traveling beneath the Delphi temple and challenged Hale, a believer in the no-emissions theory, to rethink his views. Together, the pair f ound a second fault running north and south beneath the temple, and discov ered that the French had indeed found fissures in the bedrock but had on ly published their results in the 1920s, long after scientists had lost interest. “The geology is very young, and you have things happening befo re your eyes,” Zeilinga de Boer said. Deep in the earth, seismic forces grind the fault edges together, building tremendous heat that causes va porized hydrocarbons to funnel upward, joining groundwater to bubble up in springs through fissures in the ground. Spring water near the temple still has plenty of gases in it, Zeilinga de Boer said. The only reason gas doesn’t permeate the temple today is because modern Delphi is chann eling most of the groundwater into reservoirs: “The gas bubbles off befor e the water goes to the municipal system,” he said. 2002 The Washington Post Company -Allison h Calling for Delphi Priestesses By Guy Gugliotta Washington Post Staff Writer Monday, February 4, 2002; Page 6 They warned Oedipus to stay away from his mother, told Oreste s to go ahead and kill his, caused Croesus to lose to the Persians, then helped Athens defeat them. So what’s the sto ry with the priestesses at Delphi? Did they really channel for Apollo, or were they just high on somthing? Scientis ts don’t know about Apollo, but evidence is growing that the priest esses, known as pythia, were ripped on hydrocarbon gases, especially &g t;ethylene, a sometime anesthetic which, taken in modest doses, can induce lively conversation of a somewhat incoherent natur e. This is because the Temple of Apollo at Delphi sits on crisscrossing geological faults, according to a team of sc ientists led by archaeologist John Hale of the University of Louisville and geologist Jelle Zeilinga de Boer of Wesleyan Univ ersity in Connecticut. In re-embracing the ancient s’ view that intoxicants emanated from water bubbling from a rock fissure beneath the temple, Hale said, the team is challenging a century of research that held “that the priests and oracle were deceiving the public and inventing stories” to boost the shrine’s importance. Instead, it appears the an cients were right. “I thought that if there is an active fault, the re were most likely gases coming up through fissures,” Zeilinga B Rde Boer said. And if that were true, traces would show up in the travertine that underpins the temple. Travertine is a type of limestone. And so it proved. Reporting recently in the journal Geology, the team said that tests on the Delp hi rock and the waters of a nearby spring showed the presence of mthane and ethane, which can be intoxicating, as well as et hylene, widely used as an anesthetic in the first half of the 20th century. “It was a great gas,” said toxicologist Henry Spiller, director of the Kentucky Regional Poisonnter in Louisville and another member of the Delphi team. “It produces a very rapid onset of effects, and leaves the heart al one.” Unfortunately, “it is also explosive [and] dangerous for the surgeon,” Spiller added, which is why modern medicine eventually abandoned it. Ethylene, Spiller ex plained, produces “stages” of anesthesia. Low doses induce > ;”disembodied euphoria, with periods of excitation and amnesia,” he said. But at higher doses, “you get delirium, hysteria an d a combative, agitated state,” he added. Further along co mes unconsciousness and, if one is not careful, death. All of this squares nicely with historical accounts. As a high priest at the temple in the 1st century A.D., the biographer Plutarch not ed that the pythia delivered oracles from a tripod in a small below-ground chamber bathed in gases carried up by unde rground springs. Most of the time, the priestess was consc ious, clever and chatty, but on occasion she flipped out, and thing s got nasty. The bad trips, including a death reported by Plutarch, had led past Delphi administrators to swap out the young maidens they used to put in the seat for more levelheaded matrons. Today the temple ruins, on the slopes of Mount Pa rnassus 100 miles northwest of Athens, are probably the mo st visited place in Greece after the Acropolis, but Hale s aid archaeological evidence suggests the ancient Greeks probably re garded Delphi as a holy place from its founding, about 140 0 B.C. The shrine’s heyday began about 800 B.C., Hale said when Greek colonists sought Apollo’s blessing before the y set sail for Italy, Sicily, Spain, the Black Sea and Afr ica. The oracle didn’t go out of business until A.D. 393, when the Christian emperor Theodosius shut it down. &g t;The oracle’s warnings and advice figure prominently in Greek mythology. After the Trojan War, when Orestes asked whether he should seek vengeance on his mother for murdering his father, Agam emnon, the oracle gave him the green light. Told by the or acle that he would murder his father and marry his mother, Oedipus did everything possible to avoid the inevitable, but failed. & gt; In actual practice, however, the oracle’s chief shortcoming was the ambiguity of her advice. Croesus, king of Lydia, went to war against Cyrus of Persia after the oracle t old him that “a great nation would fall” if he crossed the Halys River. Unfortunately, the great nation turned out to be his own. And in 480 B.C., after the Athenians rejected the oracle’s opening B Rprediction that the invading Persians would trash them, the p riestess suggested they make use of “a wall of woo d.” The Athenians correctly interpreted this to mean ships, and sub sequently defeated Xerxes at sea in the Battle of Salamis. > ;Delphi’s original excavation was performed by French archaeologists, who a t first found no gas emissions beneath the temple. An article publi shed in English in 1904 suggested the fissure idea was “all a mistake,” Hale said. “This view defined the de bate” for the next 90 years, and was reinforced by mid- ce ntury research suggesting that emissions of intoxicating gas were impossible without volcanic activity, Hale said. BR”But this was archaeologists, mainly,” said geologist Luigi Piccardi of Italy’s National Research Council in Florence, whose o wn research in Greece reflects many of the U.S. te am’s conclusions. “The mechanics of active faulting are somthing only recently understood.” Geologists have known f or years that much of Greece is in one of the world’s most active seismological areas. Delphi sits in the middle of the east-west “Corinth Rift Zone,” which slices the country in half. >In the mid-1990s, Zeilinga de Boer spotted an active east-west fa ult traveling beneath the Delphi temple and challenged Hal e, a believer in the no-emissions theory, to rethi nk his views. Together, the pair found a second fault runn ing north and south beneath the temple, and discovered that the Fre nch had indeed found fissures in the bedrock but had only published their results in the 1920s, long after scientists had los t interest. “The geology is very young, and you h ave things happening before your eyes,” Zeilinga de Boer s aid. Deep in the earth, seismic forces grind the fault edges & gt;together, building tremendous heat that causes vaporized hydroca rbons to funnel upward, joining groundwater to bubble up i n springs through fissures in the ground. Spring water nea r the temple still has plenty of gases in it, Zeilinga de Boer said. The only reason gas doesn’t permeate the temple today is because modern Delphi is channeling most of the groundwat er into reservoirs: “The gas bubbles off before the water goes to the municipal system,” he said. 2002 The Washington Post Company
#2244 Wed, 6 Feb 2002 14:15:12 Wed, 6 Feb 2002 14:15:12 Another Big Mexican Trance Party Thanks Olga. Wow, peter, Iboga Records, Reefer Decree… “aaaahhhh…/me drooling all over the keyboard March 21st Tulum, Mexico presented by Superfly, Digital Structures and Iboga Records: SON PAX :The Equinox A Digiboga label Party. lineup:Live Acts: SON KITE (Digital Structures) TICON (Digital Structures) TEGMA (Digital) P-WOLAND (Digital) REEFER DECREE (Iboga) BEAT BIZARRE (Iboga) FABEL (Iboga) LLOPIS (Iboga) D.j. Sets: Iboga records Emok (Fabel) Alhad (Fabel) Jeppe (Fabel) Oliver&Jiwook (Reefer Decree) Llopis anel (label dj) Digital Structures Peter Didjital (label dj) Adis (label dj) Filip (Ticon) Marcus (Son Kite) “We are workig close to this guys to bring our pool of artists web alienatedbuddha a 100% Goa Act from Malaga Spain out of Orion Italy Vazik CHaishop/Germany Spiritzone/Germany Metta/Mexico City Psy2k Quadrophonic Industrie/Houston Mexico Maybe not confirm Sam at chaishop Darma-Kshetra from MIami NOT CONFIRMED Deco Abuelo Sikodelico SF Gatherings Deco Andres Chica QUadrophonic Industrie Hope all this goes well and looking forward to see you there.. For more info please contact quadrophonic at aol”
#2245 Wed, 6 Feb 2002 14:42:03 Wed, 6 Feb 2002 14:42:02 Revised: Another Big Mexican Trance Party Thanks Andy: “That post only tells half the story. Post the whole informa tion, please… The actual deal is this : 03/21/2002 – 03/23/2002 SON PA X The Equinox Digiboga Label Party (open air) Mayan Riviera; Starts in Pla ya ends in Tulum.; Mexico presented by Superfly, Digital Structures and Ib oga Records. lineup:Live Acts: SON KITE (Digital Structures) TICON (Digita l Structures) TEGMA (Digital) P-WOLAND (Digital) REEFER DECREE (Iboga) BEAT BIZARRE (Iboga) FABEL (Iboga) LLOPIS (Iboga) D.j. Sets: Iboga records Emo k (Fabel) Alhad (Fabel) Jeppe (Fabel) Oliver&Jiwook (Reefer Decree) Llopis Banel (label dj) Digital Structures Peter Didjital (label dj) Adis (label dj) Filip (Ticon) Marcus (Son Kite) deco: The Equinox…..when our plan et intersects the ecliptic of the suns orbit….night and day become equal in length….thus initiating the first day of spring…e join the cel ebration of the union of two very brilliant companies; Digital Structures of Sweden and Iboga Records of Denmark. The initiation of a new sound and season. This is a 3 day festival on the only beach with a Pyramid, in the world. Beautiful people in harmony with paradise…..is what you will find at SON PAX. We look forward to serving you. info at transfly at hotmail.co m hotline: (52) (998) 850-9506 tickets: $250 pesos Music is the universal means to show grattitude towards life. It does not matter your race, reli gion or beliefs. With music we are all one. Join us in this celebration. The partry starts at the famous ecological reserve-park…Tres Rios….the n the party unfolds it’s wings and takes off to Tulum….the famous archeal ogica l site of the pyramids./transport is provided. The party goes on….. ..right next to the pyramid…..there we can camp out for ($2dls a day)! o r rent a nice beach hut/cabaF1a for ($15-20.us a day)!, We have a restau rant that serves international and vegetarian meals. Also we lwould like for you to show your stuff….so if you have a talent…or make food..or w ant to sell somthing……please do! We encourage you to set up a stand and provide interesting new ideas to share with others. We provide the sta nds and everything free of charge. SON PAX means Sounds of Peace.
#2246 Thu, 7 Feb 2002 11:04:08 Thu, 7 Feb 2002 11:04:07 Responses to Lunatarium/WEF F2 -My boy Big Dipper did that party [at the Lunatarium] w/ Run DMC. It was not easy pulling it off and turnout wasn’t nearly what it should have been. [ed. note – the GMS info line for this Saturday at Luna. describes the dec 15 hanukkah party at speeed, not a good sign. Moreover GMS likes to stand up promoters. Skiing, anyone? email rocktheshow at aol for info on Saturday] – I am all for being the voice of dissent. I give money to many activist groups and was at the Courthouse when the KKK marched without their masks on. I screamed my head off at those racist assholes. I signed petitions and was interviewed by the media about why I was there. No doubt some INNOCENT people were in the wrong place at the wrong time here. No doubt some people’s civil liberties were violated. HOWEVER, you have to be pretty fucking stupid not to see which way the wind was blowingafter 9/11 the cops were not going to tolerate a Seattle situation. It was also a first test for the new/old police chief and new mayor. MANY PEACEFUL AND INTELLIGENT protesters did get their message across in mid-town, though I have to admit it took a lot of balls to assemble there. I saw them on NY1, CNN and many other stations. They should be proud of themselves. However, anyone who tries to block streets in the East Village with all its past police history is pretty fucking stupid in my opinion. Not the place or the time to protest. Not unless you have 50,000 protesters…..[ed. note – the GMS info line for this Saturday at Luna. describes the dec 15 hanukkah party at speeed, not a good sign. Moreover GMS likes to stand up promoters. Skiing, anyone? email rocktheshow at aol for info on Saturday] – I am all for being the voice of dissent. I give money to many activist groups and was at the Courthouse when the KKK marched without their masks on. I screamed my head off at those racist assholes. I signed petitions and was interviewed by the media about why I was there. No doubt some INNOCENT people were in the wrong place at the wrong time here. No doubt some people’s civil liberties were violated. HOWEVER, you have to be pretty fucking stupid not to see which way the wind was blowingafter 9/11 the cops were not going to tolerate a Seattle situation. It was also a first test for the new/old police chief and new mayor. MANY PEACEFUL AND INTELLIGENT protesters did get their message across in mid-town, though I have to admit it took a lot of balls to assemble there. I saw them on NY1, CNN and many other stations. They should be proud of themselves.
#2247 Thu, 7 Feb 2002 11:26:43 Thu, 7 Feb 2002 11:26:42 Krishna Krishna Broke-ah Broke-ah… UMMMMMMMMMM The economy is so bad. HOW BAD IS IT? The Hare Krishnas are going BROKE… web msnbc/news/701136.asp?0dm2AN&cp11 and Paypal called off its much heralded IPO amidst problems… glad the d wasn’t mentioned :-O web techtv/cybercrime/internetfraud/story/0,23008,3370214,00 HOW BAD IS IT? The Hare Krishnas are going BROKE… web msnbc/news/701136.asp?0dm2AN&cp11 and Paypal called off its much heralded IPO amidst problems… glad the d wasn’t mentioned :-O
#2248 Fri, 8 Feb 2002 11:47:27 Fri, 8 Feb 2002 11:47:27 Directions to Ben’s Party Yeah, RIGHT!!!
#2249 Fri, 8 Feb 2002 21:42:15 Fri, 8 Feb 2002 21:42:15 Fwd: Glow Sticks unbanned in New Orleans
#2250 Sun, 10 Feb 2002 19:01:56 -0800 Re: Boundless TranceFunkyness…Feb 15th…Level X…please forward From: angeles garay chiletrance at yahooCome this Friday to a super Trance Party on Brooklyn!!!!!! EvolutionBox presents: Boundless TranceFunkyness… Friday February 15th…9pm… Venue: Level X – 107 N. 6th Street (Between Berry & White), Williamsburg BKLYN (718) 302-3313 Door Cover: $6.00 …DJ Angeles, DJ Jaiman, DJ Shai K.I.D,Dj Isam… Love and Light Angeles
#2251 Mon, 11 Feb 2002 02:42:00 Mon, 11 Feb 2002 02:41:59 Trance Party Tuesday: Age of Aquarius Feb 12 – Tue – Age of Aquarius Birthday Celebration presented by the Devotional Ministry of Trance For everyone who has a birthday on January 20 – February 18 10pm-4am Who’s on First 1st avenue b/w 87th & 88th ID21 & over FREE, 2 for 1 drinks all night. Aquarians get their first drink free. Think liquid. We can refill our water bottles in the poopdeck! Astrological readings. Chinese Water Torture. Pool table, downstairs chill. Crazy aquatic visuals. Viviana is the bartender; Machinelf is your captain. Captain’s crew includes Boris, Vlad, Fahd, The Rev, and Blaine DJs TBA from the NYC scene, Amnesium and Machinelf play watered down music: psy-trance Water themed Eclectic; punk rock, whale songs, goth, psy-trance. Bring: bottled water, holy water, water guns, dolphins, mermaid outfits, toys and waterproof art. Anything flowing. Bring enough to share – including you, as you are mostly water anyway. Wylie will be there getting prepayments for his loft party Friday tba on safetdance mondayFor everyone who has a birthday on January 20 – February 18 10pm-4am Who’s on First 1st avenue b/w 87th & 88th ID21 & over FREE, 2 for 1 drinks all night. Aquarians get their first drink free. Think liquid. We can refill our water bottles in the poopdeck! Astrological readings. Chinese Water Torture. Pool table, downstairs chill. Crazy aquatic visuals. Viviana is the bartender; Machinelf is your captain. Captain’s crew includes Boris, Vlad, Fahd, The Rev, and Blaine DJs TBA from the NYC scene, Amnesium and Machinelf play watered down music: psy-trance Water themed Eclectic; punk rock, whale songs, goth, psy-trance. Bring: bottled water, holy water, water guns, dolphins, mermaid outfits, toys and waterproof art. Anything flowing. Bring enough to share – including you, as you are mostly water anyway.
#2252 Mon, 11 Feb 2002 02:47:32 Mon, 11 Feb 2002 02:47:31 More on the Big Mexican Trance Party Here are some of our Mexico pictures, there should be more coming soon: web picturetrail/gallery/view?p6&uid431983& Most of the time we stayer in Tulum, in small wooden beach huts right on the beach. We rented it from a mayan family who cooked us breakfast in the morning, let us play with a little insanely adorable fury creature named Lulu, and told us stories under the stars about Maya People coming down to Earth from Orion’s Belt and disappearing back up there after completing their mission here. Not to mention the gorgeous Carribean Sea (i’ve never seen waves this color), blue skies and bright yellow sun…every day…it was paradise One of the places we went to while in Tulum was Coba – an ancient Mayan city – one of the largest discovered to day. Most of the pictures were taken there. It’s in the middle of the jungle, half restored, mostly untouched by archeologiest and tourists. We actually had to walk through the jungle for several kilometers to get from one pyramid to another. Overall, I think Coba is over 80 sq. miles with 5 lakes. Nohoch Mul is the tallest pyramid in the Yucatan peninsula and is the main pyramid in the city dedicated to the Sun God. It is 12 stories tall,has 120 steps to the top and we actually did climb it…climbing down was much more fun…he he :)But it was all absolutely worth it, since from the top we watched the sunset (Mayan Decending God) over a magnificent span of jungle, lakes, and the ruins of ancient civilization laid out before you…it’s really not very expressible in words with the tops of other ruins reaching above the jungle the Mexican New year’s rave didn’t quiet match up after all of this, so we left the party early and went snorkeling in coral reefs in Puerto Marelos – another completely transient experience (!!!), in no way not manageable by words [Danila, thanks for recommending to try it!]. Swimming with tie-dyed colored tropical fish on the after-party-first-day-of-New-Year-morning was awesome, i managed to completely get over my phobia of water and whatever else the sea might hide, and Max even swam with a huge sea turtle, which is considered a sign of very good fortune among Mayans. Couldn’t wish for a better new year’s start… the last major stop was an in-land ancient town of Valladolid, built in 16th century by the Spanish, which impressed me with its wonderful architecture and most wonderful people … From there we went to Chichen Itza, another ancient Mayan city, but better excavated and restored,as well as frequented by tourists. It lacked the charm of the untouched ruins that Mayans left behind in Coba, where the spirit is still felt, but nevertheless was very interesting structure. it’s main pyramid Pyramid Kukulcan is the tallest of them and allows a view from the top of all Chichen Itza and is actually a 26,000 year solar calendar. It turned out, Mayans were quiet astronomers, astrologists, mathematicians, and architechts, managing to tie off of these disciplines together to create somthing very remarkable. During the Spring and Fall equinoxes, (March 21& Sept 21) the setting sun creates shadows down the steps of the Pyramid Kukulcan that resemble a snake descending. This is a popular event to see and usually draws big crowds. by the way, more info on this in the next message… ok, i’m tired and i’m not even half finished with remembering all the fun stuff we did in between of excessive substance and tequila intake…we even visited a local trance party on the beach under the full moon organized by local people. the party, people, vibe and music were so warm and comfy that i fell asleep right there in the sand in the middle of the dance floor – first time ever (!!) that happened to me… it turned out the same people who organized the party, strayed in the tents on the beach where we lived, so we had ambient playing there every night in our own private party under the stars and Orion’s belt…one night, i went into the water, and there were these bright green flourecent glowing somthings appearing and disappearing all around me ..i still can’t figure out what that was…any ideas anyone? so it was completely perfect. one word of advice for those traveling there – if possible, try to stay away and the like…you pay $30 to get in, and there is nothing really much exciting, but organized family fun. locals are a much better source of information…and ALWAYS bargain, 1/3 of a price is usually a good start ;))) till next time, Snegmore coming soon: web picturetrail/gallery/view?p6&uid431983& Most of the time we stayer in Tulum, in small wooden beach huts right on the beach. We rented it from a mayan family who cooked us breakfast in the morning, let us play with a little insanely adorable fury creature named Lulu, and told us stories under the stars about Maya People coming down to Earth from Orion’s Belt and disappearing back up there after completing their mission here. Not to mention the gorgeous Carribean Sea (i’ve never seen waves this color), blue skies and bright yellow sun…every day…it was paradise One of the places we went to while in Tulum was Coba – an ancient Mayan city – one of the largest discovered to day. Most of the pictures were taken there. It’s in the middle of the jungle, half restored, mostly untouched by archeologiest and tourists. We actually had to walk through the jungle for several kilometers to get from one pyramid to another. Overall, I think Coba is over 80 sq. miles with 5 lakes. Nohoch Mul is the tallest pyramid in the Yucatan peninsula and is the main pyramid in the city dedicated to the Sun God. It is 12 stories tall,has 120 steps to the top and we actually did climb it…climbing down was much more fun…he he :)But it was all absolutely worth it, since from the top we watched the sunset (Mayan Decending God) over a magnificent span of jungle, lakes, and the ruins of ancient civilization laid out before you…it’s really not very expressible in words with the tops of other ruins reaching above the jungle the Mexican New year’s rave didn’t quiet match up after all of this, so we left the party early and went snorkeling in coral reefs in Puerto Marelos – another completely transient experience (!!!), in no way not manageable by words [Danila, thanks for recommending to try it!]. Swimming with tie-dyed colored tropical fish on the after-party-first-day-of-New-Year-morning was awesome, i managed to completely get over my phobia of water and whatever else the sea might hide, and Max even swam with a huge sea turtle, which is considered a sign of very good fortune among Mayans. Couldn’t wish for a better new year’s start… the last major stop was an in-land ancient town of Valladolid, built in 16th century by the Spanish, which impressed me with its wonderful architecture and most wonderful people … From there we went to Chichen Itza, another ancient Mayan city, but better excavated and restored,as well as frequented by tourists. It lacked the charm of the untouched ruins that Mayans left behind in Coba, where the spirit is still felt, but nevertheless was very interesting structure. it’s main pyramid Pyramid Kukulcan is the tallest of them and allows a view from the top of all Chichen Itza and is actually a 26,000 year solar calendar. It turned out, Mayans were quiet astronomers, astrologists, mathematicians, and architechts, managing to tie off of these disciplines together to create somthing very remarkable. During the Spring and Fall equinoxes, (March 21& Sept 21) the setting sun creates shadows down the steps of the Pyramid Kukulcan that resemble a snake descending. This is a popular event to see and usually draws big crowds. by the way, more info on this in the next message… ok, i’m tired and i’m not even half finished with remembering all the fun stuff we did in between of excessive substance and tequila intake…we even visited a local trance party on the beach under the full moon organized by local people. the party, people, vibe and music were so warm and comfy that i fell asleep right there in the sand in the middle of the dance floor – first time ever (!!) that happened to me… it turned out the same people who organized the party, strayed in the tents on the beach where we lived, so we had ambient playing there every night in our own private party under the stars and Orion’s belt…one night, i went into the water, and there were these bright green flourecent glowing somthings appearing and disappearing all around me ..i still can’t figure out what that was…any ideas anyone? so it was completely perfect. one word of advice for those traveling there – if possible, try to stay away and the like…you pay $30 to get in, and there is nothing really much exciting, but organized family fun. locals are a much better source of information…and ALWAYS bargain, 1/3 of a price is usually a good start ;))) till next time,
#2254 Mon, 11 Feb 2002 03:01:42 Mon, 11 Feb 2002 03:01:42 Pschedule Psy-Trance Schedule *Feb 12 – Tue – Age of Aquarius Birthday Celebration presented by the Devotional Ministry of Trance For everyone who has a birthday on January 20 – February 18 10pm-4am Who’s on First 1st avenue b/w 87th & 88th ID21 & over FREE, 2 for 1 drinks all night. Aquarians get their first drink free. Think liquid. We can refill our water bottles in the poopdeck! Astrological readings. Chinese Water Torture. Pool table, downstairs chill. Crazy aquatic visuals. Viviana is the bartender; Machinelf is your captain. Captain’s crew includes Boris, Vlad, Fahd, The Rev, and Blaine DJs Amnesium and Machinelf play watered down music: Water themed Eclectic; punk rock, whale songs, goth, psy-trance. Bring: bottled water, holy water, water guns, dolphins, mermaid outfits, toys and waterproof art. Anything flowing. Bring enough to share – including you, as you are mostly water anyway. *Feb 13 – Wed – Greeting all!! We’re back!!! the party will at PYRAMID {101 FLOURO DECORATIONS BY KURA DJs come and enjoy a night of music and self expression in a night of dreams! Opium Den 2nd ave b/w 2nd & 3rd Feb 15 – Friday *This will be a large,high energy loft party: Private Party: Tribeca Trance Mission: Lord of the Trance at Wylie’s sweet new renovated penthouse through late Saturday morning TBA on Safetydance. Afterparty at the dmtski house. This Williamsburg one looks a but more chill: Boundless TranceFunkyness….Level X at 107 N.6th in BKLYN Williamsburg; DJ Angeles, DJ Jaiman, DJ Shai K.I.D.; Lounge Funky Trance music…9pm-4am…party…DOOR: $6.00 Feb 16-17 Sat/Sun- dmtski!! Feb 19 – Tue – Freaky Tuesdays at Who’s on First 1st avenue b/w 87th & 88th with DJ Amnesium ID21 & over 2 for 1 drinks all night. Pool table, downstairs chill. Viviana is the bartender. Feb 20 – Wed – Opium Den 2nd ave b/w 2nd & 3rd Feb 22/Feb 23 – Fri- dmtski!! *Feb 23 – Sat – Synthetic Sadhus Oforia, Slinky Wizard, Medecine Drum, Gus Till, Ofer Dilovsky, Kalyx at the Amazura 212-533-6700 Feb 25 – Feb. 25th / Monday PURIM, at Makor; 35 W67th St., NYC (212) 601-1000 Put on a fantasy costume this Purim and come party with us…Purim Costume Party ‘Cultura Ibiza… Straight from the Ibiza party scene of “Cafe Del Mar” -The music produced by DJ Ricardo Padilla, DJ SEN4 and DJ Roy Cooper will take you to high spiritual elevations; fun, fun, fun…Don’t forget your dancing shoes… Door: $25.00 ($5.00 off if dressed in costume) Feb 26 – Freaky Tuesdays at Who’s on First 1st avenue b/w 87th & 88th with DJ Amnesium ID21 & over 2 for 1 drinks all night. Pool table, downstairs chill. Viviana is the bartender. Feb 27 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Snow/Hunger Moon) Aviv Gefen…Israeli Pop Singer at Makor…2 shows…7pm & 10pm… Door fee: $25.00 Box Office (212) 601-1000 *Mar 1 – Fri – Tsunami TBA Mar 2 – Sat – dmtski Mar 8/9 – Fri/Sat – dmtski *Mar 12 – Tues – d Pisces Birthday Celebration Feb 19-March 20 Bring fish. Guest of Honor: Mark Lorenz, Aquarium Cleaner Extraordinaire Possible location: 7th Avenue Sushi, Le Bernardin, or somewhere with a lot of fish aquariums Mar 15/16 – Fri/Sat – LAST dmtski SPRING March 20 2:16pm – Vernal Equinox Mar 21 – Son Pax 3 day festival on beach with a pyramid in Mexico with Iboga Records and Son Kite transfly at hotmail (52) (998) 850-9506 Possible party at Chicen Itza pyramids in the Yucatan during spring equinox might be good… one pyramid at chichen itza is built so that a plumed serpent can be seen descending the stairs when the light hits it on this day) of course thousands of native people come to see this as well, depending on how we’re received that could be good or bad) We have the ear of the head of tourism who is open to hosting a trance event at the base of the pyramids. Looking for organizers & investors. The rewards are high but it won’t come cheap. Suggestion: Sliding scale for Mexican nationals/Indians should ideally come for next to nothing, or free; alcohol should not be served. Email andys at ezy.net *The outdoor Lord of the Rings psy-trance festival upstate will be in the Spring, with trance Sindarin woodland elves. The film will be out December 21st. Mar 28 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Worm/Crow/Crust/Sugar/Sap Moon) *April 9 – Tues – d Arian Birthday Celebration March 21-April 19 LOCATION: Mars 2112 Guest of Honor: This dude I know named “Mars” Bring guns and swords. April 26 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Pink/Sprouting Grass/Egg/Fish Moon) May 1 – Beltainne – Spring’s Planting *May 14 – Tues – d Tauran Birthday Celebration April 20-May 20 Taurus All Taurus get a free Red Bull REFRESHMENTS: Red Bull, Schlitz Malt Liquor Bull Special Guest: Suzula, Xander, Gary Toro, Cata Toro Bring: Bulls. Horns. Whips. Rawhide. Music: Progressive Playstation Wipeout Game with Red Bull sponsorship Possible Location: Denim & Diamonds or someplace with a mechanical bull No Bullshit! May 26 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Flower/Corn Planting/Milk Moon) *June 11 – Tues – d Gemini Birthday Celebration May 21- June 21 Invite every twin you know. Two for one drink specials. Your evil twin, Invite your nemesis. Moment of Silence for the Twin Towers. Possible location: Twins. SUMMER June 21 9:24am Summer Solstice June 21-24 Solstice Festival in Southern Colorado gregschmid at yahoo 888-336-3997 In many cultures, the coming of Summer is the heralding of a time for love, marriage, friendship, beauty, protection, courage, magical energy, physical energy, and strength. It is the perfect time for Fire Magic! The Summer Solstice, also called “Midsummer” or “Litha”, is the longest day of the year. (The Christian Calendar marks this holiday with “St. Peter and Paul’s Day) This celebration of the coming of the light is when magics involving protection, strength, energy and clear sight will be the most successful. With the Sun high in the heavens, the powers of light are readily evoked. Anything that shadows your soul can be set aflame by the Sun’s protective glow. Pagan couples also know that this is the time when the Horned God is at the zenith of His manifest Power and the flowering Godess of Spring welcomes his presence. Sex Magic is powerful now. In many cultures, the coming of Summer is the heralding of a time for love, marriage, friendship, beauty, protection, courage, magical energy, physical energy, and strength. It is the perfect time for Fire Magic! The Summer Solstice, also called “Midsummer” or “Litha”, is the longest day of the year. (The Christian Calendar marks this holiday with “St. Peter and Paul’s Day) This celebration of the coming of the light is when magics involving protection, strength, energy and clear sight will be the most successful. With the Sun high in the heavens, the powers of light are readily evoked. Anything that shadows your soul can be set aflame by the Sun’s protective glow. Pagan couples also know that this is the time when the Horned God is at the zenith of His manifest Power and the flowering Godess of Spring welcomes his presence. Sex Magic is powerful now and legend tells that a nakedmtskip through a garden on Litha night ensures fertility for the coming season. The peaceful blue color of the Lapis stone can be worn to foster physical fertility as well as psychic awareness. Below are some suggestions I have to make your Summer Solstice Rituals complete as well as enlightening…I’ve even included some of my favorite meditations and incantations. Enjoy, and Blessed Be! June 24 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Strawberry/Rose/Hot Moon) *July 9 – Tues – d Cancer Birthday Celebration June 22-July 22 Crab cakes. Crabby people. Possible location: Maryland Crabs July 24 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Buck/Thunder/Hay Moon) Aug 1 – Lugnasad – Harvest Time *Aug 13 – Tues – d Leo Birthday Celebration July 23-August 22 Possible Location: White Lion. Cowardly Lion. King of the Jungle. Lyin’ Fusion Festival in California August 22 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Sturgeon/Red/Green Corn Moon) Labor Day – Burning Man *Sept 10 – Tues – d Virgan Birthday Celebration August 23-September 22 Virgin bloody maries. Sacrificial virgins. September 21 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Harvest/Corn/Barley Moon) Autumn September 23 12:56 am Autumnal Equinox With only 3 more months left in the Celtic summer, pagan folk work hard for the harvest yet to come, whether it be corn and hay from the fields or the personal projects and goals that we planned for the summer months. When the sun crosses the equator and heads south at the Autumnal Equinox, the second of the harvest festivals, (celebrated around September 21) we again celebrate the magnificant balance that the everturning Wheel of the Year promises. These equinoxs are great s that the bleak days of winter as well as the heady days of summer are temporary, that all things have their seasons, and that none will last forever. The law of polarity and rythym require that all things be balanced by their opposites. On these days our ancestors aligned themselves in the ebb and flow of life. As winter, spring, summer and autumn pass by, Witches still reconnect with the ever moving flow of life, we make our plans and watch them unfold. If some do not come to fruition we try again. We pass through times of joy and sorrow; little ones are born, the older ones die allowing their spirits to pass into Summerland. Every event in life is rich in purpose and meaning. Each day, night and season has its own special character. Rituals connect us to both the big and little dramas of the year and of the greater life cycle. We unite the character and spirit of each passing season and do magic to transform our lives, giving them a depth and an expansiveness that without ritual and celebration we would never achieve. Even the most humble ritual helps the moment of power and change, and the celebrant partakes in somthing greater than him or herself. Some would say that in these moments of ecstasy we actually stand outside ourselves and the God and Goddess within us become brighter, more powerful and we touch the All; eg, the Lord Pan and Lady Gaia, Jesus, God, however you see the Divine Power. This festival is associated with the taking of corn and other foods that are to be harvested at this time. Cornbread cakes and cider are an excellent addition to the festivities. The frost will hit soon, so the last of the herbs and other plants you wish to dry for winter use should be harvested now. Depending on when the leaves turn in your area, you may wish to parafin them and add them to your house decorations. Dip the leave quickly in melted parafin, and put them on wax paper. When the leaves are dry you can put them in a huge, decorative jar with a sigil of protection carved lightly on some or all of the leaves. Colors used for candles should be brown, orange, gold or red. Altar cloths can be made of material with fall designs. River and stream stones gathered over the summer can empowered for various purposes. *Oct 8 – Tues – d Libral Birthday Celebration September 23-October 22 Bring scales 😀 Justice is blind. Machinelf is free. Possible location: Somewhere ‘downscale.’ Oct 21 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Hunter’s/Travel/Dying Grass Moon) Oct 31 Halloween Winter (Pagan) Nov 1 – Samhain – Winter’s Start *Nov 12 – Tues – d Scorpion Birthday Celebration October 23-November 21 Smoke scorpion venom 🙂 Junkies and Get High in the Pits” QUETTA, Pakistan (Reuters) – When they’re in season, Ghulam Raza smokes scorpions. He says he dries their stingers in the sun and grinds them, then lights the powdery venom and sucks the smoke deep into his lungs. “Oh yes,” he said when asked if the scorpions make him high. “When I smoke scorpion, then the heroin is like nothing to me.” The place where Raza and other Pakistani junkies smoke dope or shoot up in the southwestern city of Quetta is a good place to find scorpions. It is the main cemetery, a dust-filled field of tombstones and corpse-sized mounds of rocks. A shantytown molded from the pale dirt of the desert claws its way up a steep mountain slope on one side while Muslim prayers ring out across the city on the other. In the middle, in the ruins of a building, Raza and a dozen addict friends spend their days. Some, like Abdul Hai, have been coming here for more than 20 years. More disdained than criminalized, the hundreds of junkies in Quetta, capital of Pakistan’s parched Baluchistan province, gather away from the chaotic life of the city. In the cemetery, sometimes one of them will get very stoned and drop into an open grave. “We are safe here,” says Raza, a mechanical engineer, who says he started down the slippery slope of ds after becoming addicted to pain killers years ago when, he says, he was shot 18 times by police. The graveyard addicts beg or steal for their d money. They pay off officials for peace. When they forget, the police come and beat them, they say. Closer to the center of town, other Pakistani junkies hide away in an even less salubrious den. They huddle in small groups, cloaks pulled over their heads, in an open gutter. Nov 19 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Beaver/Frost Moon) *Dec 10 – Tues – d Sagittarian Birthday Celebration November 22-December 21 Centaur hunters. Dec 19 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Cold/Long Nights Moon) Dec 21 8:15pm Winter Solstice10pm-4am Who’s on First 1st avenue b/w 87th & 88th ID21 & over FREE, 2 for 1 drinks all night. Aquarians get their first drink free. Think liquid. We can refill our water bottles in the poopdeck! Astrological readings. Chinese Water Torture. Pool table, downstairs chill. Crazy aquatic visuals. Viviana is the bartender; Machinelf is your captain. Captain’s crew includes Boris, Vlad, Fahd, The Rev, and Blaine DJs Amnesium and Machinelf play watered down music: Water themed Eclectic; punk rock, whale songs, goth, psy-trance. Bring: bottled water, holy water, water guns, dolphins, mermaid outfits, toys and waterproof art. Anything flowing. Bring enough to share – including you, as you are mostly water anyway. FLOURO DECORATIONS BY KURA Opium Den 2nd ave b/w 2nd & 3rd Feb 15 – Friday *This will be a large,high energy loft party: Private Party: Tribeca Trance Mission: Lord of the Trance at Wylie’s sweet new renovated penthouse through late Saturday morning TBA on Safetydance. Afterparty at the dmtski house. This Williamsburg one looks a but more chill: Boundless TranceFunkyness….Level X at 107 N.6th in BKLYN Williamsburg; DJ Angeles, DJ Jaiman, DJ Shai K.I.D.; Lounge Funky Trance music…9pm-4am…party…DOOR: $6.00 Feb 16-17 Sat/Sun- dmtski!! Feb 19 – Tue – Freaky Tuesdays at Who’s on First 1st avenue b/w 87th & 88th with DJ Amnesium ID21 & over 2 for 1 drinks all night. Pool table, downstairs chill. Viviana is the bartender. Feb 20 – Wed – Opium Den 2nd ave b/w 2nd & 3rd Feb 22/Feb 23 – Fri- dmtski!! *Feb 23 – Sat – Synthetic Sadhus Oforia, Slinky Wizard, Medecine Drum, Gus Till, Ofer Dilovsky, Kalyx at the Amazura 212-533-6700 Feb 25 – Feb. 25th / Monday PURIM, at Makor; 35 W67th St., NYC (212) 601-1000 Put on a fantasy costume this Purim and come party with us…Purim Costume Party ‘Cultura Ibiza… Straight from the Ibiza party scene of “Cafe Del Mar” -The music produced by DJ Ricardo Padilla, DJ SEN4 and DJ Roy Cooper will take you to high spiritual elevations; fun, fun, fun…Don’t forget your dancing shoes… Door: $25.00 ($5.00 off if dressed in costume) Feb 26 – Freaky Tuesdays at Who’s on First 1st avenue b/w 87th & 88th with DJ Amnesium ID21 & over 2 for 1 drinks all night. Pool table, downstairs chill. Viviana is the bartender. Feb 27 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Snow/Hunger Moon) Aviv Gefen…Israeli Pop Singer at Makor…2 shows…7pm &am 10pm… Door fee: $25.00 Box Office (212) 601-1000 *Mar 1 – Fri – Tsunami TBA Mar 2 – Sat – dmtski Mar 8/9 – Fri/Sat – dmtski *Mar 12 – Tues – d Pisces Birthday Celebration Feb 19-March 20 Bring fish. Guest of Honor: Mark Lorenz, Aquarium Cleaner Extraordinaire Possible location: 7th Avenue Sushi, Le Bernardin, or somewhere with a lot of fish aquariums March 20 2:16pm – Vernal Equinox might be good… one pyramid at chichen itza is built so that a plumed serpent can be seen descending the stairs when the light hits it on this day) of course thousands of native people come to see this as well, depending on how we’re received that could be good or bad) We have the ear of the head of tourism who is open to hosting a trance event at the base of the pyramids. Looking for organizers & investors. The rewards are high but it won’t come cheap. Suggestion: Sliding scale for Mexican nationals/Indians should ideally come for next to nothing, or free; alcohol should not be served. Email andys at ezy.net *The outdoor Lord of the Rings psy-trance festival upstate will be in the Spring, with trance Sindarin woodland elves. The film will be out December 21st. Mar 28 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Worm/Crow/Crust/Sugar/Sap Moon) *April 9 – Tues – d Arian Birthday Celebration March 21-April 19 LOCATION: Mars 2112 Guest of Honor: This dude I know named “Mars” Bring guns and swords. April 26 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Pink/Sprouting Grass/Egg/Fish Moon) May 1 – Beltainne – Spring’s Planting *May 14 – Tues – d Tauran Birthday Celebration April 20-May 20 Taurus All Taurus get a free Red Bull REFRESHMENTS: Red Bull, Schlitz Malt Liquor Bull Special Guest: Suzula, Xander, Gary Toro, Cata Toro Bring: Bulls. Horns. Whips. Rawhide. Music: Progressive Playstation Wipeout Game with Red Bull sponsorship Possible Location: Denim & Diamonds or someplace with a mechanical bull No Bullshit! May 26 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Flower/Corn Planting/Milk Moon) *June 11 – Tues – d Gemini Birthday Celebration May 21- June 21 Invite every twin you know. Two for one drink specials. Your evil twin, Invite your nemesis. Moment of Silence for the Twin Towers. June 21 9:24am Summer Solstice In many cultures, the coming of Summer is the heralding of a time for love, marriage, friendship, beauty, protection, courage, magical energy, physical energy, and strength. It is the perfect time for Fire Magic! The Summer Solstice, also called “Midsummer” or “Litha”, is the longest day of the year. (The Christian Calendar marks this holiday with “St. Peter and Paul’s Day) This celebration of the coming of the light is when magics involving protection, strength, energy and clear sight will be the most successful. With the Sun high in the heavens, the powers of light are readily evoked. Anything that shadows your soul can be set aflame by the Sun’s protective glow. Pagan couples also know that this is the time when the Horned God is at the zenith of His manifest Power and the flowering Godess of Spring welcomes his presence. Sex Magic is powerful now. In many cultures, the coming of Summer is the heralding of a time for love, marriage, friendship, beauty, protection, courage, magical energy, physical energy, and strength. It is the perfect time for Fire Magic! The Summer Solstice, also called “Midsummer” or “Litha”, is the longest day of the year. (The Christian Calendar marks this holiday with “St. Peter and Paul’s Day) This celebration of the coming of the light is when magics involving protection, strength, energy and clear sight will be the most successful. With the Sun high in the heavens, the powers of light are readily evoked. Anything that shadows your soul can be set aflame by the Sun’s protective glow. Pagan couples also know that this is the time when the Horned God is at the zenith of His manifest Power and the flowering Godess of Spring welcomes his presence. Sex Magic is powerful now and legend tells that a nakedmtskip through a garden on Litha night ensures fertility for the coming season. The peaceful blue color of the Lapis stone can be worn to foster physical fertility as well as psychic awareness. Below are some suggestions I have to make your Summer Solstice Rituals complete as well as enlightening…I’ve even included some of my favorite meditations and incantations. Enjoy, and Blessed Be! June 24 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Strawberry/Rose/Hot Moon) *July 9 – Tues – d Cancer Birthday Celebration June 22-July 22 Crab cakes. Crabby people. Possible location: Maryland Crabs July 24 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Buck/Thunder/Hay Moon) Aug 1 – Lugnasad – Harvest Time *Aug 13 – Tues – d Leo Birthday Celebration July 23-August 22 Possible Location: White Lion. Cowardly Lion. King of the Jungle. Lyin’ Fusion Festival in California August 22 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Sturgeon/Red/Green Corn Moon) Labor Day – Burning Man *Sept 10 – Tues – d Virgan Birthday Celebration August 23-September 22 Virgin bloody maries. Sacrificial virgins. Autumn September 23 12:56 am Autumnal Equinox With only 3 more months left in the Celtic summer, pagan folk work hard for the harvest yet to come, whether it be corn and hay from the fields or the personal projects and goals that we planned for the summer months. When the sun crosses the equator and heads south at the Autumnal Equinox, the second of the harvest festivals, (celebrated around September 21) we again celebrate the magnificant balance that the everturning Wheel of the Year promises. These equinoxs are great s that the bleak days of winter as well as the heady days of summer are temporary, that all things have their seasons, and that none will last forever. The law of polarity and rythym require that all things be balanced by their opposites. On these days our ancestors aligned themselves in the ebb and flow of life. As winter, spring, summer and autumn pass by, Witches still reconnect with the ever moving flow of life, we make our plans and watch them unfold. If some do not come to fruition we try again. We pass through times of joy and sorrow; little ones are born, the older ones die allowing their spirits to pass into Summerland. Every event in life is rich in purpose and meaning. Each day, night and season has its own special character. Rituals connect us to both the big and little dramas of the year and of the greater life cycle. We unite the character and spirit of each passing season and do magic to transform our lives, giving them a depth and an expansiveness that without ritual and celebration we would never achieve. Even the most humble ritual helps the moment of power and change, and the celebrant partakes in somthing greater than him or herself. Some would say that in these moments of ecstasy we actually stand outside ourselves and the God and Goddess within us become brighter, more powerful and we touch the All; eg, the Lord Pan and Lady Gaia, Jesus, God, however you see the Divine Power. This festival is associated with the taking of corn and other foods that are to be harvested at this time. Cornbread cakes and cider are an excellent addition to the festivities. The frost will hit soon, so the last of the herbs and other plants you wish to dry for winter use should be harvested now. Depending on when the leaves turn in your area, you may wish to parafin them and add them to your house decorations. Dip the leave quickly in melted parafin, and put them on wax paper. When the leaves are dry you can put them in a huge, decorative jar with a sigil of protection carved lightly on some or all of the leaves. Colors used for candles should be brown, orange, gold or red. Altar cloths can be made of material with fall designs. River and stream stones gathered over the summer can empowered for various purposes. Bring scales 😀 Justice is blind. Machinelf is free. Possible location: Somewhere ‘downscale.’ Oct 21 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Hunter’s/Travel/Dying Grass Moon) Oct 31 Halloween Nov 1 – Samhain – Winter’s Start *Nov 12 – Tues – d Scorpion Birthday Celebration October 23-November 21 Smoke scorpion venom 🙂 Junkies and Get High in the Pits” QUETTA, Pakistan (Reuters) – When they’re in season, Ghulam Raza smokes scorpions. He says he dries their stingers in the sun and grinds them, then lights the powdery venom and sucks the smoke deep into his lungs. “Oh yes,” he said when asked if the scorpions make him high. “When I smoke scorpion, then the heroin is like nothing to me.” The place where Raza and other Pakistani junkies smoke dope or shoot up in the southwestern city of Quetta is a good place to find scorpions. It is the main cemetery, a dust-filled field of tombstones and corpse-sized mounds of rocks. A shantytown molded from the pale dirt of the desert claws its way up a steep mountain slope on one side while Muslim prayers ring out across the city on the other. In the middle, in the ruins of a building, Raza and a dozen addict friends spend their days. Some, like Abdul Hai, have been coming here for more than 20 years. More disdained than criminalized, the hundreds of junkies in Quetta, capital of Pakistan’s parched Baluchistan province, gather away from the chaotic life of the city. In the cemetery, sometimes one of them will get very stoned and drop into an open grave. “We are safe here,” says Raza, a mechanical engineer, who says he started down the slippery slope of ds after becoming addicted to pain killers years ago when, he says, he was shot 18 times by police. The graveyard addicts beg or steal for their d money. They pay off officials for peace. When they forget, the police come and beat them, they say. Closer to the center of town, other Pakistani junkies hide away in an even less salubrious den. They huddle in small groups, cloaks pulled over their heads, in an open gutter. Nov 19 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Beaver/Frost Moon) *Dec 10 – Tues – d Sagittarian Birthday Celebration November 22-December 21 Centaur hunters. Dec 19 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Cold/Long Nights Moon)
#2255 Mon, 11 Feb 2002 13:13:41 Mon, 11 Feb 2002 13:13:41 Worth 3,750 times its weight in gold “The other day I was thinking about the price of gold as compared to the price of an equivalent weight of ds. Here’s what I have so far. Gold is about $300/oz or $11/g. First a common d, beer. Beer retails at about $0.07/oz. Beer’s cheap, life’s short, drink hard. Marijuana, an unrefined plant that grows damn near anywhere, retails for about $200/oz for bad weed or $480/oz for really good weed. So pot is pretty much worth its weight in gold. Some tin foil, a lamp and abracadabra! you have a small gold mine in your basement. Psilocybin Fungi retail for as much as marijuana, but the wholesale is astronomically low at the price of a walk amid cows on a damp morning. When you think cow pies, think “gold seeds”. Cocaine retails for about $2240/oz. Wholesale is closer to gold’s price per ounce. mthamphetamine and K have similar price structures although wholesale for each is less making each more profitable to retail. Ecstasy (E) retails for about $5600/oz and wholesales for about $1120/oz at the phatty-boom-batty dealer level. Heroin wholesales in Pakistan for about $140/oz. By the time it gets here to the good ol’ USA it’s priced to its consumer’s at $14,000/oz. l retails for (take a deep breath) $1.1 million/oz. That makes l 3750 times more valuable than gold. Picture 311 lbs of gold and that’s how much enough l to fit in the palm of your hand is worth. At wholesale values l is $28,000/oz, still almost a hundred times more valuable than gold. The classic hallucinogen takes the prize as the single most profitable d in existence. The moral of this FYI is that if you want to get rich quick (and don’t mind the idea of being a serial horse rapist’s girlfriend for 20 to life), the federal government has been kind enough to enforce price supports on various substances so that you can do so, tax-free*. Be sure to send them a ‘thank you’ note. *Line 26 of your 1040 is for illegally obtained income” Thanks, Lojikbom!Gold is about $300/oz or $11/g. First a common d, beer. Beer retails at about $0.07/oz. Beer’s cheap, life’s short, drink hard. Marijuana, an unrefined plant that grows damn near anywhere, retails for about $200/oz for bad weed or $480/oz for really good weed. So pot is pretty much worth its weight in gold. Some tin foil, a lamp and abracadabra! you have a small gold mine in your basement. Psilocybin Fungi retail for as much as marijuana, but the wholesale is astronomically low at the price of a walk amid cows on a damp morning. When you think cow pies, think “gold seeds”. Cocaine retails for about $2240/oz. Wholesale is closer to gold’s price per ounce. mthamphetamine and K have similar price structures although wholesale for each is less making each more profitable to retail. Ecstasy (E) retails for about $5600/oz and wholesales for about $1120/oz at the phatty-boom-batty dealer level. Heroin wholesales in Pakistan for about $140/oz. By the time it gets here to the good ol’ USA it’s priced to its consumer’s at $14,000/oz. l retails for (take a deep breath) $1.1 million/oz. That makes l 3750 times more valuable than gold. Picture 311 lbs of gold and that’s how much enough l to fit in the palm of your hand is worth. At wholesale values l is $28,000/oz, still almost a hundred times more valuable than gold. The classic hallucinogen takes the prize as the single most profitable d in existence. The moral of this FYI is that if you want to get rich quick (and don’t mind the idea of being a serial horse rapist’s girlfriend for 20 to life), the federal government has been kind enough to enforce price supports on various substances so that you can do so, tax-free*. Be sure to send them a ‘thank you’ note. *Line 26 of your 1040 is for illegally obtained income”
#2256 Tue, 12 Feb 2002 19:26:43 -0800 Chiletrance Wednesdays From: angeles garay chiletrance at yahoo Helloooooooo!! Quick for every Wednesday nights at Opium Den with Dj Angeles+Guests. Come every week to enjoy the trance music in this nice bar. CHECK our web. site for special guests every week web chiletrance Dj Angeles(Chiletrance-6th Element) Love and Light Angeles
#2257 Wed, 13 Feb 2002 13:07:38 Wed, 13 Feb 2002 13:07:37 Trance Dance Party at Pyramid Wednesday Dancing is permitted here – the only legal weekly trance dance night in NYC… everything else is just a bar/lounge “Gretting all!! Where back!!!!can you please post my party on your maling FREE b4 11pm 5$ after FLOURO DECORATIONS BY KURA DJ”S wenesday February 13 come and enjoy a night of music and self expression in a night of dreams!FREE b4 11pm 5$ after FLOURO DECORATIONS BY KURA wenesday February 13 come and enjoy a night of music and self expression in a night of dreams!
#2258 Wed, 13 Feb 2002 13:26:31 Wed, 13 Feb 2002 13:26:30 Fwd: Synth. Sadhus – Return to the Source 2/23
#2259 Thu, 14 Feb 2002 01:29:51 Thu, 14 Feb 2002 01:29:51 Fwd: Brazillian psy-trance Massive Mar 28-30
#2260 Thu, 14 Feb 2002 03:22:34 Thu, 14 Feb 2002 03:22:23 Pyramid Psy-Trance Wednesdays Review In a message dated 2/13/02 1:08:57 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes: Dancing is permitted here – the only legal weekly trance dance night in NYC… everything else is just a bar/lounge “Gretting all!! Where back!!!!can you please post my party on your maling FREE b4 11pm 5$ after FLOURO DECORATIONS BY KURA DJ”S wenesday February 13 come and enjoy a night of music and self expression in a night of dreams! I passed by this and met some really cool people, and interesting japanneeese trancers. had a good time, and wished they had more of a turnout………although had to be one of the coldest nights in the city all winter……. brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrb, fridgid…….. anyways strognly recommend this new weekly, the pyramid, is an excelllent spot for dancing and has a sick sick,m turbo sound soundsytem……. peace.charlie,. FoodStampz Al:i web virusrenegade.8k LIVING ON THE EDGE!!!!!! virusPanikLine: (718) 404-3906 x6665FREE b4 11pm 5$ after FLOURO DECORATIONS BY KURA wenesday February 13 come and enjoy a night of music and self expression in a night of dreams! I passed by this and met some really cool people, and interesting japanneeese trancers. had a good time, and wished they had more of a turnout………although had to be one of the coldest nights in the city all winter……. brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrb, fridgid…….. anyways strognly recommend this new weekly, the pyramid, is an excelllent spot for dancing and has a sick sick,m turbo sound soundsytem……. peace.charlie,. Al:i web virusrenegade.8k LIVING ON THE EDGE!!!!!!
#2261 Thu, 14 Feb 2002 13:08:08 Thu, 14 Feb 2002 13:08:07 Pschedule: Hux Flux/Anti, Alex Grey Pschedule Trance News – Sweden’s Hux Flux live and DJ Anti at the next Tsunami in March (we’ll SEE if they sound as good as when they did at Spectra at the Key); another Alex Grey benefit in April; lineup for Lord of the Trance this Friday; and Ben & Jamie will be having another successful party some time. Feb 15 – Friday *This will be a large,high energy private loft party that will go until the wee hours of the morning. If it is anything like the successful New Years party, it is a do-not-miss. Tribeca Trance Mission: Lord of the Trance at Wylie’s sweet newly renovated penthouse through late Saturday morning TBA on Safetydance. DJs Amnesium, Akin, Machinelf, Chico, Icy Coil, Soch. Afterparty thru Monday at the dmtski house – it’s President’s Day Weekend!! There is a another party at a lounge in Williamsburg. If you’re in a mood to chill, check it out: Boundless TranceFunkyness….Level X at 107 N.6th in BKLYN Williamsburg; DJ Angeles, DJ Jaiman, DJ Shai K.I.D.; Lounge Funky Trance music…9pm-4am…party…DOOR: $6.00 Feb 16-18 Sat/Sun/Mon- dmtski!! Feb 19 – Tue – Freaky Tuesdays at Who’s on First 1st avenue b/w 87th & 88th with DJ Amnesium ID21 & over 2 for 1 drinks all night. Pool table, downstairs chill. Viviana is the bartender. Feb 20 – Wed – Opium Den 2nd ave b/w 2nd & 3rd Feb 22/Feb 23 – Fri- dmtski!! *Feb 23 – Sat – Synthetic Sadhus Oforia, Slinky Wizard, Medecine Drum, Gus Till, Ofer Dilovsky, Kalyx at the Amazura 212-533-6700 Feb 25 – Feb. 25th / Monday PURIM, at Makor; 35 W67th St., NYC (212) 601-1000 Put on a fantasy costume this Purim and come party with us…Purim Costume Party ‘Cultura Ibiza… Straight from the Ibiza party scene of “Cafe Del Mar” -The music produced by DJ Ricardo Padilla, DJ SEN4 and DJ Roy Cooper will take you to high spiritual elevations; fun, fun, fun…Don’t forget your dancing shoes… Door: $25.00 ($5.00 off if dressed in costume) Feb 26 – Freaky Tuesdays at Who’s on First 1st avenue b/w 87th & 88th with DJ Amnesium ID21 & over 2 for 1 drinks all night. Pool table, downstairs chill. Viviana is the bartender. Feb 27 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Snow/Hunger Moon) Aviv Gefen…Israeli Pop Singer at Makor…2 shows…7pm & 10pm… Door fee: $25.00 Box Office (212) 601-1000 *Mar 1 – Fri – Tsunami – Sweden’s Hux Flux live and DJ Anti Mar 2 – Sat – dmtski Mar 8/9 – Fri/Sat – dmtski *Mar 12 – Tues – d Pisces Birthday Celebration Feb 19-March 20 Bring fish. Guest of Honor: Mark Lorenz, Aquarium Cleaner Extraordinaire Possible location: 7th Avenue Sushi, Le Bernardin, or somewhere with a lot of fish aquariums Mar 15/16 – Fri/Sat – LAST dmtski SPRING March 20 2:16pm – Vernal Equinox Mar 21 – Son Pax 3 day festival on beach with a pyramid in Mexico with Iboga Records and Son Kite transfly at hotmail (52) (998) 850-9506 Possible party at Chicen Itza pyramids in the Yucatan during spring equinox might be good… one pyramid at chichen itza is built so that a plumed serpent can be seen descending the stairs when the light hits it on this day) of course thousands of native people come to see this as well, depending on how we’re received that could be good or bad) We have the ear of the head of tourism who is open to hosting a trance event at the base of the pyramids. Looking for organizers & investors. The rewards are high but it won’t come cheap. Suggestion: Sliding scale for Mexican nationals/Indians should ideally come for next to nothing, or free; alcohol should not be served. Email andys at ezy.net *The outdoor Lord of the Rings psy-trance festival upstate will be in the Spring, with trance Sindarin woodland elves. The film will be out December 21st. Mar 28 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Worm/Crow/Crust/Sugar/Sap Moon) *April 5 – Friday – Alex Grey’s Chapel of the Sacred Mirrors Benefit II Universal Spirit will turn the Frying-Pan(barge & boat) into a sacred space, with Alex’s art, video projection, fire dancers, and many guest DJs & live acts. An official Flyer and line up will be out soon. Supporters of Alex Grey’s Vision from across the globe will be gathering, so please come show your support. *April 9 – Tues – d Arian Birthday Celebration March 21-April 19 LOCATION: Mars 2112 Guest of Honor: This dude I know named “Mars” Bring guns and swords. April 26 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Pink/Sprouting Grass/Egg/Fish Moon) May 1 – Beltainne – Spring’s Planting *May 14 – Tues – d Tauran Birthday Celebration April 20-May 20 Taurus All Taurus get a free Red Bull REFRESHMENTS: Red Bull, Schlitz Malt Liquor Bull Special Guest: Suzula, Xander, Gary Toro, Cata Toro Bring: Bulls. Horns. Whips. Rawhide. Music: Progressive Playstation Wipeout Game with Red Bull sponsorship Possible Location: Denim & Diamonds or someplace with a mechanical bull No Bullshit! May 26 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Flower/Corn Planting/Milk Moon) *June 11 – Tues – d Gemini Birthday Celebration May 21- June 21 Invite every twin you know. Two for one drink specials. Your evil twin, Invite your nemesis. Moment of Silence for the Twin Towers. Possible location: Twins. SUMMER June 21 9:24am Summer Solstice June 21-24 Solstice Festival in Southern Colorado gregschmid at yahoo 888-336-3997 In many cultures, the coming of Summer is the heralding of a time for love, marriage, friendship, beauty, protection, courage, magical energy, physical energy, and strength. It is the perfect time for Fire Magic! The Summer Solstice, also called “Midsummer” or “Litha”, is the longest day of the year. (The Christian Calendar marks this holiday with “St. Peter and Paul’s Day) This celebration of the coming of the light is when magics involving protection, strength, energy and clear sight will be the most successful. With the Sun high in the heavens, the powers of light are readily evoked. Anything that shadows your soul can be set aflame by the Sun’s protective glow. Pagan couples also know that this is the time when the Horned God is at the zenith of His manifest Power and the flowering Godess of Spring welcomes his presence. Sex Magic is powerful now. In many cultures, the coming of Summer is the heralding of a time for love, marriage, friendship, beauty, protection, courage, magical energy, physical energy, and strength. It is the perfect time for Fire Magic! The Summer Solstice, also called “Midsummer” or “Litha”, is the longest day of the year. (The Christian Calendar marks this holiday with “St. Peter and Paul’s Day) This celebration of the coming of the light is when magics involving protection, strength, energy and clear sight will be the most successful. With the Sun high in the heavens, the powers of light are readily evoked. Anything that shadows your soul can be set aflame by the Sun’s protective glow. Pagan couples also know that this is the time when the Horned God is at the zenith of His manifest Power and the flowering Godess of Spring welcomes his presence. Sex Magic is powerful now and legend tells that a nakedmtskip through a garden on Litha night ensures fertility for the coming season. The peaceful blue color of the Lapis stone can be worn to foster physical fertility as well as psychic awareness. Below are some suggestions I have to make your Summer Solstice Rituals complete as well as enlightening…I’ve even included some of my favorite meditations and incantations. Enjoy, and Blessed Be! June 24 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Strawberry/Rose/Hot Moon) *July 9 – Tues – d Cancer Birthday Celebration June 22-July 22 Crab cakes. Crabby people. Possible location: Maryland Crabs July 24 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Buck/Thunder/Hay Moon) Aug 1 – Lugnasad – Harvest Time *Aug 13 – Tues – d Leo Birthday Celebration July 23-August 22 Possible Location: White Lion. Cowardly Lion. King of the Jungle. Lyin’ Fusion Festival in California August 22 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Sturgeon/Red/Green Corn Moon) Labor Day – Burning Man *Sept 10 – Tues – d Virgan Birthday Celebration August 23-September 22 Virgin bloody maries. Sacrificial virgins. September 21 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Harvest/Corn/Barley Moon) Autumn September 23 12:56 am Autumnal Equinox With only 3 more months left in the Celtic summer, pagan folk work hard for the harvest yet to come, whether it be corn and hay from the fields or the personal projects and goals that we planned for the summer months. When the sun crosses the equator and heads south at the Autumnal Equinox, the second of the harvest festivals, (celebrated around September 21) we again celebrate the magnificant balance that the everturning Wheel of the Year promises. These equinoxs are great s that the bleak days of winter as well as the heady days of summer are temporary, that all things have their seasons, and that none will last forever. The law of polarity and rythym require that all things be balanced by their opposites. On these days our ancestors aligned themselves in the ebb and flow of life. As winter, spring, summer and autumn pass by, Witches still reconnect with the ever moving flow of life, we make our plans and watch them unfold. If some do not come to fruition we try again. We pass through times of joy and sorrow; little ones are born, the older ones die allowing their spirits to pass into Summerland. Every event in life is rich in purpose and meaning. Each day, night and season has its own special character. Rituals connect us to both the big and little dramas of the year and of the greater life cycle. We unite the character and spirit of each passing season and do magic to transform our lives, giving them a depth and an expansiveness that without ritual and celebration we would never achieve. Even the most humble ritual helps the moment of power and change, and the celebrant partakes in somthing greater than him or herself. Some would say that in these moments of ecstasy we actually stand outside ourselves and the God and Goddess within us become brighter, more powerful and we touch the All; eg, the Lord Pan and Lady Gaia, Jesus, God, however you see the Divine Power. This festival is associated with the taking of corn and other foods that are to be harvested at this time. Cornbread cakes and cider are an excellent addition to the festivities. The frost will hit soon, so the last of the herbs and other plants you wish to dry for winter use should be harvested now. Depending on when the leaves turn in your area, you may wish to parafin them and add them to your house decorations. Dip the leave quickly in melted parafin, and put them on wax paper. When the leaves are dry you can put them in a huge, decorative jar with a sigil of protection carved lightly on some or all of the leaves. Colors used for candles should be brown, orange, gold or red. Altar cloths can be made of material with fall designs. River and stream stones gathered over the summer can empowered for various purposes. *Oct 8 – Tues – d Libral Birthday Celebration September 23-October 22 Bring scales 😀 Justice is blind. Machinelf is free. Possible location: Somewhere ‘downscale.’ Oct 21 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Hunter’s/Travel/Dying Grass Moon) Oct 31 Halloween Winter (Pagan) Nov 1 – Samhain – Winter’s Start *Nov 12 – Tues – d Scorpion Birthday Celebration October 23-November 21 Smoke scorpion venom 🙂 Junkies and Get High in the Pits” QUETTA, Pakistan (Reuters) – When they’re in season, Ghulam Raza smokes scorpions. He says he dries their stingers in the sun and grinds them, then lights the powdery venom and sucks the smoke deep into his lungs. “Oh yes,” he said when asked if the scorpions make him high. “When I smoke scorpion, then the heroin is like nothing to me.” The place where Raza and other Pakistani junkies smoke dope or shoot up in the southwestern city of Quetta is a good place to find scorpions. It is the main cemetery, a dust-filled field of tombstones and corpse-sized mounds of rocks. A shantytown molded from the pale dirt of the desert claws its way up a steep mountain slope on one side while Muslim prayers ring out across the city on the other. In the middle, in the ruins of a building, Raza and a dozen addict friends spend their days. Some, like Abdul Hai, have been coming here for more than 20 years. More disdained than criminalized, the hundreds of junkies in Quetta, capital of Pakistan’s parched Baluchistan province, gather away from the chaotic life of the city. In the cemetery, sometimes one of them will get very stoned and drop into an open grave. “We are safe here,” says Raza, a mechanical engineer, who says he started down the slippery slope of ds after becoming addicted to pain killers years ago when, he says, he was shot 18 times by police. The graveyard addicts beg or steal for their d money. They pay off officials for peace. When they forget, the police come and beat them, they say. Closer to the center of town, other Pakistani junkies hide away in an even less salubrious den. They huddle in small groups, cloaks pulled over their heads, in an open gutter. Nov 19 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Beaver/Frost Moon) *Dec 10 – Tues – d Sagittarian Birthday Celebration November 22-December 21 Centaur hunters. Dec 19 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Cold/Long Nights Moon) Dec 21 8:15pm Winter Solstice Los Angeles web carloswh.hpg.br Israel web crime.co.il KParis # Rate the organizers: Ratings results from poll of list members at NYC and International DJ listings and information at web tranceam.org/djs *This will be a large,high energy private loft party that will go until the wee hours of the morning. If it is anything like the successful New Years party, it is a do-not-miss. Tribeca Trance Mission: Lord of the Trance at Wylie’s sweet newly renovated penthouse through late Saturday morning TBA on Safetydance. DJs Amnesium, Akin, Machinelf, Chico, Icy Coil, Soch. Afterparty thru Monday at the dmtski house – it’s President’s Day Weekend!! There is a another party at a lounge in Williamsburg. If you’re in a mood to chill, check it out: Boundless TranceFunkyness….Level X at 107 N.6th in BKLYN Williamsburg; DJ Angeles, DJ Jaiman, DJ Shai K.I.D.; Lounge Funky Trance music…9pm-4am…party…DOOR: $6.00 Feb 16-18 Sat/Sun/Mon- dmtski!! Feb 19 – Tue – Freaky Tuesdays at Who’s on First 1st avenue b/w 87th & 88th with DJ Amnesium ID21 & over 2 for 1 drinks all night. Pool table, downstairs chill. Viviana is the bartender. Feb 20 – Wed – Opium Den 2nd ave b/w 2nd & 3rd Feb 22/Feb 23 – Fri- dmtski!! *Feb 23 – Sat – Synthetic Sadhus Oforia, Slinky Wizard, Medecine Drum, Gus Till, Ofer Dilovsky, Kalyx at the Amazura 212-533-6700 Feb 25 – Feb. 25th / Monday PURIM, at Makor; 35 W67th St., NYC (212) 601-1000 Put on a fantasy costume this Purim and come party with us…Purim Costume Party ‘Cultura Ibiza… Straight from the Ibiza party scene of “Cafe Del Mar” -The music produced by DJ Ricardo Padilla, DJ SEN4 and DJ Roy Cooper will take you to high spiritual elevations; fun, fun, fun…Don’t forget your dancing shoes… Door: $25.00 ($5.00 off if dressed in costume) Feb 26 – Freaky Tuesdays at Who’s on First 1st avenue b/w 87th & 88th with DJ Amnesium ID21 & over 2 for 1 drinks all night. Pool table, downstairs chill. Viviana is the bartender. Feb 27 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Snow/Hunger Moon) Aviv Gefen…Israeli Pop Singer at Makor…2 shows…7pm &am 10pm… Door fee: $25.00 Box Office (212) 601-1000 *Mar 1 – Fri – Tsunami – Sweden’s Hux Flux live and DJ Anti Mar 2 – Sat – dmtski Mar 8/9 – Fri/Sat – dmtski *Mar 12 – Tues – d Pisces Birthday Celebration Feb 19-March 20 Bring fish. Guest of Honor: Mark Lorenz, Aquarium Cleaner Extraordinaire Possible location: 7th Avenue Sushi, Le Bernardin, or somewhere with a lot of fish aquariums March 20 2:16pm – Vernal Equinox might be good… one pyramid at chichen itza is built so that a plumed serpent can be seen descending the stairs when the light hits it on this day) of course thousands of native people come to see this as well, depending on how we’re received that could be good or bad) We have the ear of the head of tourism who is open to hosting a trance event at the base of the pyramids. Looking for organizers & investors. The rewards are high but it won’t come cheap. Suggestion: Sliding scale for Mexican nationals/Indians should ideally come for next to nothing, or free; alcohol should not be served. Email andys at ezy.net *The outdoor Lord of the Rings psy-trance festival upstate will be in the Spring, with trance Sindarin woodland elves. The film will be out December 21st. Mar 28 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Worm/Crow/Crust/Sugar/Sap Moon) Supporters of Alex Grey’s Vision from across the globe will be gathering, so please come show your support. LOCATION: Mars 2112 Guest of Honor: This dude I know named “Mars” Bring guns and swords. April 26 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Pink/Sprouting Grass/Egg/Fish Moon) May 1 – Beltainne – Spring’s Planting *May 14 – Tues – d Tauran Birthday Celebration April 20-May 20 Taurus All Taurus get a free Red Bull REFRESHMENTS: Red Bull, Schlitz Malt Liquor Bull Special Guest: Suzula, Xander, Gary Toro, Cata Toro Bring: Bulls. Horns. Whips. Rawhide. Music: Progressive Playstation Wipeout Game with Red Bull sponsorship Possible Location: Denim & Diamonds or someplace with a mechanical bull No Bullshit! May 26 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Flower/Corn Planting/Milk Moon) *June 11 – Tues – d Gemini Birthday Celebration May 21- June 21 Invite every twin you know. Two for one drink specials. Your evil twin, Invite your nemesis. Moment of Silence for the Twin Towers. June 21 9:24am Summer Solstice In many cultures, the coming of Summer is the heralding of a time for love, marriage, friendship, beauty, protection, courage, magical energy, physical energy, and strength. It is the perfect time for Fire Magic! The Summer Solstice, also called “Midsummer” or “Litha”, is the longest day of the year. (The Christian Calendar marks this holiday with “St. Peter and Paul’s Day) This celebration of the coming of the light is when magics involving protection, strength, energy and clear sight will be the most successful. With the Sun high in the heavens, the powers of light are readily evoked. Anything that shadows your soul can be set aflame by the Sun’s protective glow. Pagan couples also know that this is the time when the Horned God is at the zenith of His manifest Power and the flowering Godess of Spring welcomes his presence. Sex Magic is powerful now. In many cultures, the coming of Summer is the heralding of a time for love, marriage, friendship, beauty, protection, courage, magical energy, physical energy, and strength. It is the perfect time for Fire Magic! The Summer Solstice, also called “Midsummer” or “Litha”, is the longest day of the year. (The Christian Calendar marks this holiday with “St. Peter and Paul’s Day) This celebration of the coming of the light is when magics involving protection, strength, energy and clear sight will be the most successful. With the Sun high in the heavens, the powers of light are readily evoked. Anything that shadows your soul can be set aflame by the Sun’s protective glow. Pagan couples also know that this is the time when the Horned God is at the zenith of His manifest Power and the flowering Godess of Spring welcomes his presence. Sex Magic is powerful now and legend tells that a nakedmtskip through a garden on Litha night ensures fertility for the coming season. The peaceful blue color of the Lapis stone can be worn to foster physical fertility as well as psychic awareness. Below are some suggestions I have to make your Summer Solstice Rituals complete as well as enlightening…I’ve even included some of my favorite meditations and incantations. Enjoy, and Blessed Be! June 24 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Strawberry/Rose/Hot Moon) *July 9 – Tues – d Cancer Birthday Celebration June 22-July 22 Crab cakes. Crabby people. Possible location: Maryland Crabs July 24 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Buck/Thunder/Hay Moon) Aug 1 – Lugnasad – Harvest Time *Aug 13 – Tues – d Leo Birthday Celebration July 23-August 22 Possible Location: White Lion. Cowardly Lion. King of the Jungle. Lyin’ Fusion Festival in California August 22 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Sturgeon/Red/Green Corn Moon) Labor Day – Burning Man *Sept 10 – Tues – d Virgan Birthday Celebration August 23-September 22 Virgin bloody maries. Sacrificial virgins. Autumn September 23 12:56 am Autumnal Equinox With only 3 more months left in the Celtic summer, pagan folk work hard for the harvest yet to come, whether it be corn and hay from the fields or the personal projects and goals that we planned for the summer months. When the sun crosses the equator and heads south at the Autumnal Equinox, the second of the harvest festivals, (celebrated around September 21) we again celebrate the magnificant balance that the everturning Wheel of the Year promises. These equinoxs are great s that the bleak days of winter as well as the heady days of summer are temporary, that all things have their seasons, and that none will last forever. The law of polarity and rythym require that all things be balanced by their opposites. On these days our ancestors aligned themselves in the ebb and flow of life. As winter, spring, summer and autumn pass by, Witches still reconnect with the ever moving flow of life, we make our plans and watch them unfold. If some do not come to fruition we try again. We pass through times of joy and sorrow; little ones are born, the older ones die allowing their spirits to pass into Summerland. Every event in life is rich in purpose and meaning. Each day, night and season has its own special character. Rituals connect us to both the big and little dramas of the year and of the greater life cycle. We unite the character and spirit of each passing season and do magic to transform our lives, giving them a depth and an expansiveness that without ritual and celebration we would never achieve. Even the most humble ritual helps the moment of power and change, and the celebrant partakes in somthing greater than him or herself. Some would say that in these moments of ecstasy we actually stand outside ourselves and the God and Goddess within us become brighter, more powerful and we touch the All; eg, the Lord Pan and Lady Gaia, Jesus, God, however you see the Divine Power. This festival is associated with the taking of corn and other foods that are to be harvested at this time. Cornbread cakes and cider are an excellent addition to the festivities. The frost will hit soon, so the last of the herbs and other plants you wish to dry for winter use should be harvested now. Depending on when the leaves turn in your area, you may wish to parafin them and add them to your house decorations. Dip the leave quickly in melted parafin, and put them on wax paper. When the leaves are dry you can put them in a huge, decorative jar with a sigil of protection carved lightly on some or all of the leaves. Colors used for candles should be brown, orange, gold or red. Altar cloths can be made of material with fall designs. River and stream stones gathered over the summer can empowered for various purposes. Bring scales 😀 Justice is blind. Machinelf is free. Possible location: Somewhere ‘downscale.’ Oct 21 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Hunter’s/Travel/Dying Grass Moon) Oct 31 Halloween Nov 1 – Samhain – Winter’s Start *Nov 12 – Tues – d Scorpion Birthday Celebration October 23-November 21 Smoke scorpion venom 🙂 Junkies and Get High in the Pits” QUETTA, Pakistan (Reuters) – When they’re in season, Ghulam Raza smokes scorpions. He says he dries their stingers in the sun and grinds them, then lights the powdery venom and sucks the smoke deep into his lungs. “Oh yes,” he said when asked if the scorpions make him high. “When I smoke scorpion, then the heroin is like nothing to me.” The place where Raza and other Pakistani junkies smoke dope or shoot up in the southwestern city of Quetta is a good place to find scorpions. It is the main cemetery, a dust-filled field of tombstones and corpse-sized mounds of rocks. A shantytown molded from the pale dirt of the desert claws its way up a steep mountain slope on one side while Muslim prayers ring out across the city on the other. In the middle, in the ruins of a building, Raza and a dozen addict friends spend their days. Some, like Abdul Hai, have been coming here for more than 20 years. More disdained than criminalized, the hundreds of junkies in Quetta, capital of Pakistan’s parched Baluchistan province, gather away from the chaotic life of the city. In the cemetery, sometimes one of them will get very stoned and drop into an open grave. “We are safe here,” says Raza, a mechanical engineer, who says he started down the slippery slope of ds after becoming addicted to pain killers years ago when, he says, he was shot 18 times by police. The graveyard addicts beg or steal for their d money. They pay off officials for peace. When they forget, the police come and beat them, they say. Closer to the center of town, other Pakistani junkies hide away in an even less salubrious den. They huddle in small groups, cloaks pulled over their heads, in an open gutter. Nov 19 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Beaver/Frost Moon) *Dec 10 – Tues – d Sagittarian Birthday Celebration November 22-December 21 Centaur hunters. Dec 19 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Cold/Long Nights Moon) Los Angeles
#2262 Thu, 14 Feb 2002 15:39:17 Thu, 14 Feb 2002 15:39:17 A new inititiate in trance Why am I sending this? He put a lot of effort into writing it. Sent w/permission. i talked to a friend that went to the birthday party last friday, and he said it was off the hook, he’s the person that introduced me to psy trance via koxbox, he was raving about some edrum pads / tribal peoples, he said it was a killer party and the vibe was amazing ect !:) i’ve known about the d since the Gwashington bridge parties, but for some reason never signed on,, then lost contact,, and now im seeking people who are on the same spiritual path(?) as me… i’ve experienced the religious awakening at my first open air event (wemf) after dancing for almost 15 hours the veil was lifted and i was walking through higher planes of consciousness. my first psy trance event however was the raja ram / logic bomb party at the roxy!!! the vibe of that party was unbelievable. i think i would have had a much better time at the roxy if had been mentally prepared (for the music), but i had no idea on how i was supposed to comprehend the music and was catapulted into sensory overLoad. i didnt get ‘it’ until the wemf. and boy did i! the first night i danced until my legs gave out midnight – 9am, i have never experience pain like that, it felt like i had hyper extended both my legs (back) and i was stuck in a half bend over position. i couldnt move! (i always do my stretches now), but some of the djs saw me and just smiled. the next night started at around 5pm w/ brainwerkz from ottawa and went until about 11am! thankfully i had regained my composure and was able to throw down yet again. lori’s set was slammin’ in the early morning. this was about the time the veil was lifted and the fires in my soul erupted… i was talking to this greek guy at the roxy the week before, and he was explaining to me how these parties were like a religion to some people and i just looked at him like, what?!? (i come from a middle class christian family so) but now these parties ARE like a religion to me. this music has sparked my very being, (you know, i cant put words to it), but i feel it. it makes me want to learn (i havent had time to read all the books on my bookshelf, but i have read some, one of my all time favorite books is the illuminati trilogy, im also exploring my dreams… i have a huge library some 150 books from various authors, c.g. jung, wilson, H.P. Blavatsky, aleister crowley, p.d.ouspensky, gurdjieff, rudolf steiner, janet and stewart farrar, books on dreams, wicca, the occult…. i was actually working at a thrift store 2 summers ago, and while i was working someone dropped off 4 boxs of these books, right about the same time i was finishing the illuminati triology… jackpot! im not that knowledgeable (yet) being that im a full time slave in college. im still a fledgling walking on the path. (the ‘correct’ path was shown to me recently in a dream, and that is why im seeking like minded people out). my mind has opened into a infinite learning circle, and i just cant wait to B w/ others that have like fires burning in their souls. i’ve done extensive research in hallucinogens, but i feel that it’s time to incorporate some kind of meditation / spirituality into my life (?? im still new to spirituality and i’ve had no formal training in meditation, but am going to a zen workshop at the zen center in rochester ny in a couple of weeks) this music was opened the gate to everything i have been longing for. 🙂 i’d love to meet and talk at SS.. well here’s a picture you can use to help identify B (my name is Brian Friedman, but my friends call me B… Brain Bri now it’s just B) my hair is unfortunately not in the samurai style anymore (i miss it!), im this big 6’4″ white kid, and i’ll B running circles around everyone at the amazura! i cut my hair that way not because i was a Kristina or anything but because i had my integrity put to the test (which was more like a psychotic experience). i was at a disco biscuits show (the wetlands), and an unfriendly was making his presence known. i was in an extremely susceptible position (i had recently eaten half a vile), and i realized that there was nothing stopping me from crushing this unfriendly. i am NOT a violent person (as in i avoid conflict at all costs), and these thoughts really scared me, fortunately i am FULLY trained in handling my mental condition and was able to hold myself back. the altercation pumped enormous amounts of adrenaline through my body. the way i see it, it was just a test, and i did the right thing by controlling my primal urges to kick that kids ass. i re-channeled all the adrenaline / energy into my dance for the evening and i had a GREAT time. at the time i thought that there would have not been that many people capable of handling themselves in my situation. somehow i made the connection to being Like a samurai by having similar mental conditioning. i was twisted to say the least… so i cut my hair to reflect that evening. now it’s just short and i wear a charlot hornet’s (it’s really a bee) baseball hat 24-7. the burning elf organizer is lollygoa at aol they do the best events. ps i saw some peeps with your brainmachines at the dec.1st party?!? shows events i’ve been to thus far: raja roxy may 25 2001 world electronic music festival 2001 sept.28th d.drum party oct.27th deedrah / space cat / SPACE TRIBE!!! synthetic party!!!! nov.21st bunk infected party dec.1st raja / hallucinogen / promtheus / total eclipse (oh yeah) dec.31st koxbox / sun project jan.19th infected mushroom (musically one of the best shows i’ve seen) and now i just cant WAIT to return to the source!!! namaste Bi talked to a friend that went to the birthday party last friday, and he said it was off the hook, he’s the person that introduced me to psy trance via koxbox, he was raving about some edrum pads / tribal peoples, he said it was a killer party and the vibe was amazing ect !:) i’ve known about the d since the Gwashington bridge parties, but for some reason never signed on,, then lost contact,, and now im seeking people who are on the same spiritual path(?) as me… i’ve experienced the religious awakening at my first open air event (wemf) after dancing for almost 15 hours the veil was lifted and i was walking through higher planes of consciousness. my first psy trance event however was the raja ram / logic bomb party at the roxy!!! the vibe of that party was unbelievable. i think i would have had a much better time at the roxy if had been mentally prepared (for the music), but i had no idea on how i was supposed to comprehend the music and was catapulted into sensory overLoad. i didnt get ‘it’ until the wemf. and boy did i! the first night i danced until my legs gave out midnight – 9am, i have never experience pain like that, it felt like i had hyper extended both my legs (back) and i was stuck in a half bend over position. i couldnt move! (i always do my stretches now), but some of the djs saw me and just smiled. the next night started at around 5pm w/ brainwerkz from ottawa and went until about 11am! thankfully i had regained my composure and was able to throw down yet again. lori’s set was slammin’ in the early morning. this was about the time the veil was lifted and the fires in my soul erupted… i was talking to this greek guy at the roxy the week before, and he was explaining to me how these parties were like a religion to some people and i just looked at him like, what?!? (i come from a middle class christian family so) but now these parties ARE like a religion to me. this music has sparked my very being, (you know, i cant put words to it), but i feel it. it makes me want to learn (i havent had time to read all the books on my bookshelf, but i have read some, one of my all time favorite books is the illuminati trilogy, im also exploring my dreams… i have a huge library some 150 books from various authors, c.g. jung, wilson, H.P. Blavatsky, aleister crowley, p.d.ouspensky, gurdjieff, rudolf steiner, janet and stewart farrar, books on dreams, wicca, the occult…. i was actually working at a thrift store 2 summers ago, and while i was working someone dropped off 4 boxs of these books, right about the same time i was finishing the illuminati triology… jackpot! im not that knowledgeable (yet) being that im a full time slave in college. im still a fledgling walking on the path. (the ‘correct’ path was shown to me recently in a dream, and that is why im seeking like minded people out). my mind has opened into a infinite learning circle, and i just cant wait to B w/ others that have like fires burning in their souls. i’ve done extensive research in hallucinogens, but i feel that it’s time to incorporate some kind of meditation / spirituality into my life (?? im still new to spirituality and i’ve had no formal training in meditation, but am going to a zen workshop at the zen center in rochester ny in a couple of weeks) this music was opened the gate to everything i have been longing for. 🙂 i’d love to meet and talk at SS.. well here’s a picture you can use to help identify B (my name is Brian Friedman, but my friends call me B… Brain Bri now it’s just B) my hair is unfortunately not in the samurai style anymore (i miss it!), im this big 6’4″ white kid, and i’ll B running circles around everyone at the amazura! i cut my hair that way not because i was a Kristina or anything but because i had my integrity put to the test (which was more like a psychotic experience). i was at a disco biscuits show (the wetlands), and an unfriendly was making his presence known. i was in an extremely susceptible position (i had recently eaten half a vile), and i realized that there was nothing stopping me from crushing this unfriendly. i am NOT a violent person (as in i avoid conflict at all costs), and these thoughts really scared me, fortunately i am FULLY trained in handling my mental condition and was able to hold myself back. the altercation pumped enormous amounts of adrenaline through my body. the way i see it, it was just a test, and i did the right thing by controlling my primal urges to kick that kids ass. i re-channeled all the adrenaline / energy into my dance for the evening and i had a GREAT time. at the time i thought that there would have not been that many people capable of handling themselves in my situation. somehow i made the connection to being Like a samurai by having similar mental conditioning. i was twisted to say the least… so i cut my hair to reflect that evening. now it’s just short and i wear a charlot hornet’s (it’s really a bee) baseball hat 24-7. the burning elf organizer is lollygoa at aol they do the best events. ps i saw some peeps with your brainmachines at the dec.1st party?!? shows events i’ve been to thus far: raja roxy may 25 2001 world electronic music festival 2001 sept.28th d.drum party oct.27th deedrah / space cat / SPACE TRIBE!!! synthetic party!!!! nov.21st bunk infected party dec.1st raja / hallucinogen / promtheus / total eclipse (oh yeah) dec.31st koxbox / sun project jan.19th infected mushroom (musically one of the best shows i’ve seen) and now i just cant WAIT to return to the source!!! namaste
#2263 Fri, 15 Feb 2002 11:45:25 Fri, 15 Feb 2002 11:45:25 Odissi Dance at Yoga Center A portion of the proceeds go to Project CHILD in Mumbai, India. $25 dj ch eb i sabbah &1002 Nights and Shakti Productions present “SANGAM” An Evening at the Kumbha Mela March 2, 2002 Jivamukti Yoga Center 404 Lafayette St., New York 7:00PM 212 353 0214 Jivamukti Yoga Center at web jiva muktiyoga/fms/index. Shakti Productions at web shaktipro ductions/ dj cheb i sabbah at chebisabbah/ The Maha Kumbha Mela, a spiritual fair held every twelve years in Allahabhad, India was held in January- February 2001: it was the largest gathering of peopl e recorded in human history. Tens of millions of pilgrims journeyed for a sacred dip at the Sangam or confluence of three Holy Rivers: the Ganga, Jamuna, and mythical Saraswati River. This Maha Kumbha Mela was particular ly auspicious and took place at a unique astrological alignmeone that o ccurs only once every 144 years. To honor this sacred event, dj Cheb i Sabb ah/1002 nights and Shakti Productions present: Sangam: An Evening at the Kumbha Mela.. Just as Sangam means confluence, the event will feature th ree distinct artistic and spiritual presentations, all in praise of the Div ine. The evening will commence with a short puja or prayer ceremony to Lor d Shiva and screening of the documentary, Nagas of the Kumbha Mela. An Ind ian Classical dance performance will follow with Odissi dancer Sarba Das. Sangam will culminate with music spun by outernational sound architect and legendary dj Cheb I Sabbah, (creator of the groundbreaking album Shri Durga and soon to be released Krishna Lila both on Six Degrees Records). A port ion of all proceeds will be donated to Project CHILD (Children of HIV Posit ive Individuals Living in Dignity), a 30-bed residential day care center f or the children of HIV/AIDS affected persons in Mumbai, India. Nagas of th e Kumbha Mela a documentary film Watching the remarkable footage in this film brought back to me the overwhelming experience of attending the Maha Kumbha Mela this winter. The Naga Babas uniquely express the religious ferv or of Hinduism, and their coming together at this great event is here portr ayed true to life. It is hard to put this film out of mind.C3A2E282AC 9D -Andrew Weil, M.D. on Nagas of the Kumbha Mela Nagas of the Kumbh a Mela documents the Naga, India’s most revered yogis and ascetics at the 2 001 Kumbha Mela in India. From January 9th till Shiva’s Birthday (Maha Siv a Ratri) February 16th, 50 to 70 million people pilgrammaged to the sangam or confluence of three Holy Rivers in Allahabhad in Northern Indiait was the largest recorded gathering in human history. Nagas of the Kumbha Mela is a singular spiritual odyssey, a living record of an ancient lineage of yoga, practiced for over 3000 years. The film was made during a month long stay in the Juna Akhara Camp of Sri Lalit Narayan Giri. With the blessin gs of Sri Lalit Narayangiri, my mentor, Maharaj Vijaygiri, and Maharaj Ram Giri, all Naga Babas of the Juna Akhara. I had the privilege to live in J una Akhara during the Mela. When asked (more than once) by the Nagas thems elves what our intention was in filming, we assured them this film was bein g made to explain somthing of their dharma. We hope we have fulfilled our promise. Directors: Sarthak Das and Sarba Das Producers: Sarthak Das and Sarba Das Format: (DV) Available on DVD and VHS. To be screened in Digita l Video Sarba Das, Odissi Dancer Sarba Das began studying Odissi at the te nder age of seven. Odissi is an Indian Classical Dance Form from the easte rn state of Orissa, India. This 2000 year-old temple dance originated as a divine offering in the famous shrines at Puri and Konark. In 1984, Sarba traveled to Orissa and began instruction with Sri Raghunath Dutta. In 1985 she joined the Chitralekha Dance Academy in Toronto under the supervision of Chitralekha Patnaik. In 1989, Sarba began intensive training with Guru Sri Gangadhar Pradhan, founder and principal of Orissa Dance Academy. Sinthen, she has traveled and performed extensively with her Guru and as a solo artist in such venues as The Lincoln Center (NYC), The Garden State Ar ts Center (NJ) and Harvard University. She has also trained under the lege ndary Gurus Padmavibhusan Kelucharan Mohapatra and Sri Pankaj Charan Das. Sarba has served as an instructor at Chitralekha Dance Academy, Odissi Danc e Circle (Los Angeles) and Lotus Fine Arts (NYC). The program will include brief oral explanations of the dances to be performed followed by the danc es themselves. The repertoire of Odissi Dance will include a brief introdu ction to Odissi followed by: MANGALACHARAN (Invocation Dance) Mangalachar an is an invocation dance where the dancer asks for blessings from The Moth er Earth, The Guru, and the audience. DASAVATAR (10 Incarnations of Lord V ishnu). Dasavatar is an abhinaya or expressional dance which depicts the st ory of Lord Vishnu who took ten different incarnations to redeem the world from evil. He took the form of a fish, tortoise, wild boar, half-man half lion, a dwarf, a warrior, Rama, a tiller, Buddha, and Kalki, the ultimate d estroyer who is yet to manifest. The duration of the entire Odissi program will not exceed 25 minutes. s go to Project CHILD in Mumbai, India. $25 dj cheb i sabbah &1002 Nights and Shakti Productions present “SANGAM” An Eve ning at the Kumbha Mela March 2, 2002 Jivamukti Yoga Center B R404 Lafayette St., New York 7:00PM 212 353 0214 Jivamukt i Yoga Center at web jivamuktiyoga/fm s/index. Shakti Productions at ;web shaktiproductions/ dj cheb i sabbah at & nbschebisabbah/ The Maha Kumbha Mela a spiritual fair held every twelve years in Allahabhad, India, was h eld in January- February 2001: it was the largest gathering of peop le recorded in human history. Tens of millions of pilgrims journeyed for a sacred dip at the Sangam or confluence of three H oly Rivers: the Ganga, Jamuna, and mythical Saraswati River. This Maha Kumbha Mela was particularly auspicious and took place at a unique astrological alignmeone that occurs only once every 144 years. To honor this sacred event, dj Cheb i Sabbah/1002 nights and Shakti P roductions present: Sangam: An Evening at the Kumbha Mela.. Just as Sangam means confluence, the event will feature three distinct artistic and spiritual presentations, all in praise of the Divine. The evening will commence with a short puja or pra yer ceremony to Lord Shiva and screening of the documentary, Nagas of t he Kumbha Mela. An Indian Classical dance performance will follow with Odissi dancer Sarba Das. Sangam will culminate with music spun by outernational sound architect and legendary dj Cheb I Sabbah (creator of the groundbreaking album Shri Durga and soon to be releas ed Krishna Lila both on Six Degrees Records). A portion of all proceeds will be donated to Project CHILD (Children of HIV Positive In dividuals Living in Dignity), a 30-bed residential day care center for the children of HIV/AIDS affected persons in Mumbai, India. Nagas of the Kumbha Mela a documentary film Watching the r emarkable footage in this film brought back to me the overwhelming exp erience of attending the Maha Kumbha Mela this winter. The Naga Bab as uniquely express the religious fervor of Hinduism, and their coming together at this great event is here portrayed true to life. It i s hard to put this film out of mind.C3A2E282AC9D -And rew Weil, M.D. on Nagas of the Kumbha Mela Nagas of the Kumb ha Mela documents the Naga, India’s most revered yogis and ascetics at the 2001 Kumbha Mela in India. From January 9th till Shiva’s Birthday (Maha Siva Ratri) February 16th, 50 to 70 million people pilgr ammaged to the sangam or confluence of three Holy Rivers in Allahabhad in Northern Indiait was the largest recorded gathering in human h istory. Nagas of the Kumbha Mela is a singular spiritual odyssey, a living record of an ancient lineage of yoga, practiced for over 300 0 years. The film was made during a month long stay in the Juna Akhara Camp of Sri Lalit Narayan Giri. With the blessings of Sri Lalit Narayangiri, my mentor, Maharaj Vijaygiri, and Mahar aj Ram Giri, all Naga Babas of the Juna Akhara. I had the privile ge to live in Juna Akhara during the Mela. When asked (more t han once) by the Nagas themselves what our intention was in filming, we assured them this film was being made to explain somthing of their dh arma. We hope we have fulfilled our promise. Directors: Sarthak Das and Sarba Das Producers: Sarthak Das and Sarba Das Form at: (DV) Available on DVD and VHS. To be screened in Digital Vid eo Sarba Das, Odissi Dancer Sarba Das began studying Odissi at the tender age of seven. Odissi is an Indian Classical Dance For m from the eastern state of Orissa, India. This 2000 year-old temple dance originated as a divine offering in the famous shrines at Puri and Konark. In 1984, Sarba traveled to Orissa and began inst ruction with Sri Raghunath Dutta. In 1985, she joined the Chi tralekha Dance Academy in Toronto under the supervision of Chitralekha Patnaik. In 1989, Sarba began intensive training with Guru Sri Ga ngadhar Pradhan, founder and principal of Orissa Dance Academy. &nb sp;Since then, she has traveled and performed extensively with her Guru and as a solo artist in such venues as The Lincoln Center (NYC), The Garden State Arts Center (NJ) and Harvard University. She has also trained under the legendary Gurus Padmavibhusan Kelucharan Mohapat ra and Sri Pankaj Charan Das. Sarba has served as an instructor at Chitralekha Dance Academy, Odissi Dance Circle (Los Angeles) and Lotus Fine Arts (NYC). The program will include brief oral explana tions of the dances to be performed followed by the dances themselv es. The repertoire of Odissi Dance will include a brief introd uction to Odissi followed by: MANGALACHARAN (Invocation Dance) B RMangalacharan is an invocation dance where the dancer asks for blessi ngs from The Mother Earth, The Guru, and the audience. DASAVAT AR (10 Incarnations of Lord Vishnu). Dasavatar is an abhinaya or expres sional dance which depicts the story of Lord Vishnu who took ten di fferent incarnations to redeem the world from evil. He took the f orm of a fish, tortoise, wild boar, half-man half lion, a dwarf, a warr ior, Rama, a tiller, Buddha, and Kalki, the ultimate destroyer who is yet to manifest. The duration of the entire Odissi program will not exceed 25 minutes.
#2264 Fri, 15 Feb 2002 11:38:42 -0800 Tonight at Level X…. From: angeles garay chiletrance at yahoo REMEMBER tonight at Williamsburg, check web chiletrance for details. EvolutionBox presents: Boundless TranceFunkyness… Friday February 15th…9pm… Venue: Level X – 107 N. 6th Street (Between Berry & White), Williamsburg BKLYN (718) 302-3313 Door Cover: $6.00 …DJ Angeles, DJ Jaiman, DJ Shai K.I.D.,Dj Isam… Love and Light Angeles mail.yahoo
#2265 Fri, 15 Feb 2002 15:05:48 Fri, 15 Feb 2002 15:05:47 Before Wylie’s party tonight – in same ‘hood NY Rainbow’s Potluck Dead of Winter Party/Freedom Benefit Friday, February 15, 2002 doors open 7 p.m. at 56 Walker Street New York City (between Broadway and Church St, 2 blocks south of Canal St.) Our ANNUAL DEAD OF WINTER PARTY this year will also be a Benefit and Tribute to our Sister on the eve of her incarceration for Forest Service Permit Violations. Please attend and support your Rights of Peaceful Assembly and Expression! This is a Potluck Event so bring good food to eat. There will be Live Music! Bring a Drum! Come with Family & Friends & Good Feelings. Welcome Home!! NY Rainbow P.O. Box 1554 New York, NY 10009 Lightline: 212-560-7111 “ NYRainbowFamily at aol WE LOVE YOU! ‘When the earth is ravaged and the animals are dying, a new tribe of people shall come unto the earth from many colors, classes, creeds, and who by their actions and deeds shall make the earth green again. They will be known as the warriors of the Rainbow.’ Old Native American ProphecyDead of Winter Party/Freedom Benefit Friday, February 15, 2002 doors open 7 p.m. at 56 Walker Street New York City (between Broadway and Church St, 2 blocks south of Canal St.) Please attend and support your Rights of Peaceful Assembly and Expression! This is a Potluck Event so bring good food to eat. There will be Live Music! Bring a Drum! Come with Family & Friends & Good Feelings. NY Rainbow/B P.O. Box 1554 New York, NY 10009 a new tribe of people shall come unto the earth from many colors, classes, creeds, and who by their actions and deeds shall make the earth green again.
#2268 Mon, 18 Feb 2002 19:44:04 Mon, 18 Feb 2002 19:44:04 21:12, 12/21, 2112 To: zulanation at earthlink.net actually it does happen again and the next time will be on a day that might intrigue you: /MCKENNA day that might intrigue you: /MCKENNA
#2269 Tue, 19 Feb 2002 11:43:49 -0800 Tue, 19 Feb 2002 19:43:48 To: dragontribe, brainmachines Bcc: Freaky Tuesdays Tue, 19 Feb 2002 14:43:48 From: “anthony citro” freebeer4kids at hotmail Hello, Just reminding everyone to come out to Freaky Tuesdays, at Who’s On First, on 1st ave between 87th & 88th. Free to get in! 2 for 1 drink special. with DJs: Amnesium Manic Mekator Icy Coil + special guests. Open dj spots for anyone who wants to play! 10pm-3am, 21+ ID a must. see you all there, -Tony. Join the worlds largest e-mail service with MSN Hotmail. web hotmail
#2270 Tue, 19 Feb 2002 16:34:12 Tue, 19 Feb 2002 16:34:11 Update on Carnival of Mind+Body+Spirit The organizers insist the Lunatarium is far from being done: Kaya-Ananda (Carnival of Mind, Body and Spirit) kaya::ananda a carnival of mind+body+spirit, or body bliss, in Sanskrit Sunday March 17, 2002 2pm-12 midnight Here is how the event is shaping up. Below are ideas thrown out at the last meeting. Also, anyone you know who would be interested in ontributing, send them to web lunatarium/kaya/proposal.pdf Thanks again for all your pledges to help and i’ll cya there. peace carlos the lunatarium 10 jay street dumbo :: brooklyn :: nyc 646.325.7556 web lunatarium lunacy at carlosgranda web carlosgrandaHopeful Components of Event: Workshops Massage circle Yoga instructions Lectures Fire Spinning Vocalists and Group Chanting Dance Interactive Performance Art Visual art Belly dance Live Artist Auditory and olfactory experiments Drum circles Sufi whirling Bodywork sessions Complementary Medicine Information Booths Juicebar Vegetarian Feast The centerpiece of the evening will be an interactive performance uniting the five elemental energies of the universe – Earth, Air, Fire, Water and Ether – and body’s chakras, the spiritual energy centers that correspond to each element. The goal of the program is to educate the participants about these forces as we try our hardest to activate and invoke them. The Elements will be used as the visual layout of the space. Some ideas that we have had are the following: Air area… 1. Balloons 2. Bubble Machine 3. Fan 4. Trapeze artists 5. Jugglers 6. Moon Bounce 7. Trampoline Earth area… 1. Drumming 2. Sand and Rocks 3. Piles of dirt 4. Contact dancing 5. Clay Water area… 1. Walls of Water 2. Entrance of Mist 3. “Liquid” dancers 4. Kiddy pool Fire area… 1. Fire Spinners- 1337 Collective 2. Fire Circle 3. Confrontational dance Ether area… 1. Designs that give a sense of space. 2. Meditation Chamber 3. Sufi Whirling These are only some ideas, we can use many more. We wil be having a “brainstorming” session at the space this Sunday February 17th at 8pm. To make this event a reality, we need your help, such as: Teachers: Yoga, Chakra, Meditation, Dance, Complementary Medicine (this is a good place to share with a large audience the myriad modes of healing, theories, etc.) Performers Musicians Dancers Creaters Vocalist Bodyworkers (w/ tables) If you know of anyone else who would be interested in helping, please forward them this message or bring them to the meeting, or give them my phone number: Laya 917.207.2660 The Space: Lunatarium – 10 Jay Street. check out the space at Lunatarium 9th floor. Take elevator to 8th floor (or any floor whose elevator button lights up when pressed). Make a left out the elevator and go up the stairs to the top floor. F Train to York (easiest route) First stop in Brooklyn Right on Jay. Last building before the water. A,C to High Street (a longer walk, about 11 minutes) First stop in Brooklyn Exit station from exit closest to the front of train (from Manhattan) From Brooklyn- exit closest to the end of train. Cross Cadmen Plaza East (it has an island dividing traffic) Cross through the mini-park (Cadman Plaza). Make a Left once you exit the park (Washington Street) under the BQE. Make a Right on Front Street Make a Left on Jay. Last building before the water 2,3 to Clark Street (longest walk, about 13.5 minutes) First stop in Brooklyn Only one staircase, two exits on ground floor, go to Henry St. exit Make a Left on Henry Street. On the right side of the street, after 2 blocks, you will ee “courtyard” of one-story housing complex Make a right through the courtyard, and you will be at the High Street Train Station Entrance (see above) the lunatarium 10 jay street dumbo :: brooklyn :: nyc 646.325.7556 web lunatarium lunacy at carlosgranda web carlosgranda
#2271 Tue, 19 Feb 2002 20:30:14 -0800 Chiletrance Wednesdays From: angeles garay chiletrance at yahoo Hello Everyone!! for every Wednesday nights at Opium Den with Dj Angeles+Guests. Come and enjoy with us every week in this nice bar………. Crazy weather, right???….. PLEASE check web chiletrance for our special guests. dj Angeles (Chiletrance-6th Element) Love and Light Angeles
#2272 Wed, 20 Feb 2002 23:28:12 Wed, 20 Feb 2002 23:28:12 k-komics Cc: k-os web unitedmedia/comics/hedge/archive/hedge-20020217
#2273 Thu, 21 Feb 2002 03:54:06 Thu, 21 Feb 2002 03:54:06 Support the Republicans and GW Bush web whitehouse.org/news/2002/021502.asp why thanks phil, in this time of crisis we should do all we can!
#2275 Thu, 21 Feb 2002 14:30:05 Thu, 21 Feb 2002 14:30:05 Pschedule Psychomimetic Psy-Trance Pschedule Trance News – Oct 12 – Saturday – International Global Dance Party for Peace… sponsored by EarthDance Org… Also, Wylie was told by one of the organizers that the Level X party wasn’t rea;lly a trance party so that’s why there were two events on the same night. Feb 22/Feb 24 – Fri- dmtski!! Buses available. Email rocktheshow at aol for info *Feb 23 – Sat – Synthetic Sadhus Oforia, Slinky Wizard, Medicine Drum, Gus Till, Ofer Dilovsky, Kalyx at the Amazura 212-533-6700 Feb 25 – Feb. 25th / Monday PURIM, at Makor; 35 W67th St., NYC (212) 601-1000 Put on a fantasy costume this Purim and come party with us…Purim Costume Party ‘Cultura Ibiza… Straight from the Ibiza party scene of “Cafe Del Mar” -The music produced by DJ Ricardo Padilla, DJ SEN4 and DJ Roy Cooper will take you to high spiritual elevations; fun, fun, fun…Don’t forget your dancing shoes… Door: $25.00 ($5.00 off if dressed in costume) Feb 26 – Freaky Tuesdays at Who’s on First 1st avenue b/w 87th & 88th with DJ Amnesium ID21 & over 2 for 1 drinks all night. Pool table, downstairs chill. Viviana is the bartender. Feb 27 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Snow/Hunger Moon) Aviv Gefen…Israeli Pop Singer at Makor…2 shows…7pm & 10pm… Door fee: $25.00 Box Office (212) 601-1000 *Mar 1 or 2 – Fri/Sat – Tsunami – Sweden’s Hux Flux live and DJ Anti plus d Ski Mar 8/9 – Fri/Sat – dmtski dmtski!! Buses available. Email rocktheshow at aol for info *Mar 12 – Tues – d Pisces Birthday Celebration Feb 19-March 20 Bring fish. Guest of Honor: Mark Lorenz, Aquarium Cleaner Extraordinaire Possible location: 7th Avenue Sushi, Le Bernardin, or somewhere with a lot of fish aquariums Mar 15/16 – Fri/Sat – FINAL dmtski Weekend of 2002!! dmtski!! Buses available. Email rocktheshow at aol for info SPRING March 20 2:16pm – Vernal Equinox Mar 21 – Son Pax 3 day festival on beach with a pyramid in Mexico with Iboga Records and Son Kite transfly at hotmail (52) (998) 850-9506 Possible party at Chicen Itza pyramids in the Yucatan during spring equinox might be good… one pyramid at chichen itza is built so that a plumed serpent can be seen descending the stairs when the light hits it on this day) of course thousands of native people come to see this as well, depending on how we’re received that could be good or bad) We have the ear of the head of tourism who is open to hosting a trance event at the base of the pyramids. Looking for organizers & investors. The rewards are high but it won’t come cheap. Suggestion: Sliding scale for Mexican nationals/Indians should ideally come for next to nothing, or free; alcohol should not be served. Email andys at ezy.net *The outdoor Lord of the Rings psy-trance festival upstate will be in the Spring, with trance Sindarin woodland elves. The film will be out December 21st. Mar 28 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Worm/Crow/Crust/Sugar/Sap Moon) *April 5 – Friday – Alex Grey’s Chapel of the Sacred Mirrors Benefit II Universal Spirit will turn the Frying-Pan(barge & boat) into a sacred space, with Alex’s art, video projection, fire dancers, and many guest DJs & live acts. An official Flyer and line up will be out soon. Supporters of Alex Grey’s Vision from across the globe will be gathering, so please come show your support. *April 9 – Tues – d Arian Birthday Celebration March 21-April 19 LOCATION: Mars 2112 Guest of Honor: This dude I know named “Mars” Bring guns and swords. April 26 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Pink/Sprouting Grass/Egg/Fish Moon) May 1 – Beltainne – Spring’s Planting *May 14 – Tues – d Tauran Birthday Celebration April 20-May 20 Taurus All Taurus get a free Red Bull REFRESHMENTS: Red Bull, Schlitz Malt Liquor Bull Special Guest: Suzula, Xander, Gary Toro, Cata Toro Bring: Bulls. Horns. Whips. Rawhide. Music: Progressive Playstation Wipeout Game with Red Bull sponsorship Possible Location: Denim & Diamonds or someplace with a mechanical bull No Bullshit! May 26 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Flower/Corn Planting/Milk Moon) *June 11 – Tues – d Gemini Birthday Celebration May 21- June 21 Invite every twin you know. Two for one drink specials. Your evil twin, Invite your nemesis. Moment of Silence for the Twin Towers. Possible location: Twins. SUMMER June 21 9:24am Summer Solstice June 21-24 Solstice Festival in Southern Colorado gregschmid at yahoo 888-336-3997 In many cultures, the coming of Summer is the heralding of a time for love, marriage, friendship, beauty, protection, courage, magical energy, physical energy, and strength. It is the perfect time for Fire Magic! The Summer Solstice, also called “Midsummer” or “Litha”, is the longest day of the year. (The Christian Calendar marks this holiday with “St. Peter and Paul’s Day) This celebration of the coming of the light is when magics involving protection, strength, energy and clear sight will be the most successful. With the Sun high in the heavens, the powers of light are readily evoked. Anything that shadows your soul can be set aflame by the Sun’s protective glow. Pagan couples also know that this is the time when the Horned God is at the zenith of His manifest Power and the flowering Godess of Spring welcomes his presence. Sex Magic is powerful now. In many cultures, the coming of Summer is the heralding of a time for love, marriage, friendship, beauty, protection, courage, magical energy, physical energy, and strength. It is the perfect time for Fire Magic! The Summer Solstice, also called “Midsummer” or “Litha”, is the longest day of the year. (The Christian Calendar marks this holiday with “St. Peter and Paul’s Day) This celebration of the coming of the light is when magics involving protection, strength, energy and clear sight will be the most successful. With the Sun high in the heavens, the powers of light are readily evoked. Anything that shadows your soul can be set aflame by the Sun’s protective glow. Pagan couples also know that this is the time when the Horned God is at the zenith of His manifest Power and the flowering Godess of Spring welcomes his presence. Sex Magic is powerful now and legend tells that a nakedmtskip through a garden on Litha night ensures fertility for the coming season. The peaceful blue color of the Lapis stone can be worn to foster physical fertility as well as psychic awareness. Below are some suggestions I have to make your Summer Solstice Rituals complete as well as enlightening…I’ve even included some of my favorite meditations and incantations. Enjoy, and Blessed Be! June 24 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Strawberry/Rose/Hot Moon) *July 9 – Tues – d Cancer Birthday Celebration June 22-July 22 Crab cakes. Crabby people. Possible location: Maryland Crabs July 24 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Buck/Thunder/Hay Moon) Aug 1 – Lugnasad – Harvest Time *Aug 13 – Tues – d Leo Birthday Celebration July 23-August 22 Possible Location: White Lion. Cowardly Lion. King of the Jungle. Lyin’ Fusion Festival in California August 22 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Sturgeon/Red/Green Corn Moon) Labor Day – Burning Man *Sept 10 – Tues – d Virgan Birthday Celebration August 23-September 22 Virgin bloody maries. Sacrificial virgins. September 21 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Harvest/Corn/Barley Moon) Autumn September 23 12:56 am Autumnal Equinox With only 3 more months left in the Celtic summer, pagan folk work hard for the harvest yet to come, whether it be corn and hay from the fields or the personal projects and goals that we planned for the summer months. When the sun crosses the equator and heads south at the Autumnal Equinox, the second of the harvest festivals, (celebrated around September 21) we again celebrate the magnificant balance that the everturning Wheel of the Year promises. These equinoxs are great s that the bleak days of winter as well as the heady days of summer are temporary, that all things have their seasons, and that none will last forever. The law of polarity and rythym require that all things be balanced by their opposites. On these days our ancestors aligned themselves in the ebb and flow of life. As winter, spring, summer and autumn pass by, Witches still reconnect with the ever moving flow of life, we make our plans and watch them unfold. If some do not come to fruition we try again. We pass through times of joy and sorrow; little ones are born, the older ones die allowing their spirits to pass into Summerland. Every event in life is rich in purpose and meaning. Each day, night and season has its own special character. Rituals connect us to both the big and little dramas of the year and of the greater life cycle. We unite the character and spirit of each passing season and do magic to transform our lives, giving them a depth and an expansiveness that without ritual and celebration we would never achieve. Even the most humble ritual helps the moment of power and change, and the celebrant partakes in somthing greater than him or herself. Some would say that in these moments of ecstasy we actually stand outside ourselves and the God and Goddess within us become brighter, more powerful and we touch the All; eg, the Lord Pan and Lady Gaia, Jesus, God, however you see the Divine Power. This festival is associated with the taking of corn and other foods that are to be harvested at this time. Cornbread cakes and cider are an excellent addition to the festivities. The frost will hit soon, so the last of the herbs and other plants you wish to dry for winter use should be harvested now. Depending on when the leaves turn in your area, you may wish to parafin them and add them to your house decorations. Dip the leave quickly in melted parafin, and put them on wax paper. When the leaves are dry you can put them in a huge, decorative jar with a sigil of protection carved lightly on some or all of the leaves. Colors used for candles should be brown, orange, gold or red. Altar cloths can be made of material with fall designs. River and stream stones gathered over the summer can empowered for various purposes. *Oct 8 – Tues – d Libral Birthday Celebration September 23-October 22 Bring scales 😀 Justice is blind. Machinelf is free. Possible location: Somewhere ‘downscale.’ Oct 12 – Saturday – International Global Dance Party for Peace… sponsored by EarthDance Org… Oct 21 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Hunter’s/Travel/Dying Grass Moon) Oct 31 Halloween Winter (Pagan) Nov 1 – Samhain – Winter’s Start *Nov 12 – Tues – d Scorpion Birthday Celebration October 23-November 21 Smoke scorpion venom 🙂 Junkies and Get High in the Pits” QUETTA, Pakistan (Reuters) – When they’re in season, Ghulam Raza smokes scorpions. He says he dries their stingers in the sun and grinds them, then lights the powdery venom and sucks the smoke deep into his lungs. “Oh yes,” he said when asked if the scorpions make him high. “When I smoke scorpion, then the heroin is like nothing to me.” The place where Raza and other Pakistani junkies smoke dope or shoot up in the southwestern city of Quetta is a good place to find scorpions. It is the main cemetery, a dust-filled field of tombstones and corpse-sized mounds of rocks. A shantytown molded from the pale dirt of the desert claws its way up a steep mountain slope on one side while Muslim prayers ring out across the city on the other. In the middle, in the ruins of a building, Raza and a dozen addict friends spend their days. Some, like Abdul Hai, have been coming here for more than 20 years. More disdained than criminalized, the hundreds of junkies in Quetta, capital of Pakistan’s parched Baluchistan province, gather away from the chaotic life of the city. In the cemetery, sometimes one of them will get very stoned and drop into an open grave. “We are safe here,” says Raza, a mechanical engineer, who says he started down the slippery slope of ds after becoming addicted to pain killers years ago when, he says, he was shot 18 times by police. The graveyard addicts beg or steal for their d money. They pay off officials for peace. When they forget, the police come and beat them, they say. Closer to the center of town, other Pakistani junkies hide away in an even less salubrious den. They huddle in small groups, cloaks pulled over their heads, in an open gutter. Nov 19 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Beaver/Frost Moon) *Dec 10 – Tues – d Sagittarian Birthday Celebration November 22-December 21 Centaur hunters. Dec 19 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Cold/Long Nights Moon) Dec 21 8:15pm Winter Solstice Los Angeles New York web carloswh.hpg.br Israel web crime.co.il KParissponsored by EarthDance Org… Also, Wylie was told by one of the organizers that the Level X party wasn’t rea;lly a trance party so that’s why there were two events on the same night. *Feb 23 – Sat – Synthetic Sadhus Oforia, Slinky Wizard, Medicine Drum, Gus Till, Ofer Dilovsky, Kalyx at the Amazura 212-533-6700 Feb 25 – Feb. 25th / Monday PURIM, at Makor; 35 W67th St., NYC (212) 601-1000 Put on a fantasy costume this Purim and come party with us…Purim Costume Party ‘Cultura Ibiza… Straight from the Ibiza party scene of “Cafe Del Mar” -The music produced by DJ Ricardo Padilla, DJ SEN4 and DJ Roy Cooper will take you to high spiritual elevations; fun, fun, fun…Don’t forget your dancing shoes… Door: $25.00 ($5.00 off if dressed in costume) Feb 26 – Freaky Tuesdays at Who’s on First 1st avenue b/w 87th & 88th with DJ Amnesium ID21 & over 2 for 1 drinks all night. Pool table, downstairs chill. Viviana is the bartender. Feb 27 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Snow/Hunger Moon) Aviv Gefen…Israeli Pop Singer at Makor…2 shows…7pm &am 10pm… Door fee: $25.00 Box Office (212) 601-1000 *Mar 1 or 2 – Fri/Sat – Tsunami – Sweden’s Hux Flux live and DJ Anti plus dmtski Mar 8/9 – Fri/Sat – dmtski dmtski!! Buses available. Email rocktheshow at aol for info *Mar 12 – Tues – d Pisces Birthday Celebration Feb 19-March 20 Bring fish. Guest of Honor: Mark Lorenz, Aquarium Cleaner Extraordinaire Possible location: 7th Avenue Sushi, Le Bernardin, or somewhere with a lot of fish aquariums March 20 2:16pm – Vernal Equinox might be good… one pyramid at chichen itza is built so that a plumed serpent can be seen descending the stairs when the light hits it on this day) of course thousands of native people come to see this as well, depending on how we’re received that could be good or bad) We have the ear of the head of tourism who is open to hosting a trance event at the base of the pyramids. Looking for organizers & investors. The rewards are high but it won’t come cheap. Suggestion: Sliding scale for Mexican nationals/Indians should ideally come for next to nothing, or free; alcohol should not be served. Email andys at ezy.net *The outdoor Lord of the Rings psy-trance festival upstate will be in the Spring, with trance Sindarin woodland elves. The film will be out December 21st. Mar 28 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Worm/Crow/Crust/Sugar/Sap Moon) Supporters of Alex Grey’s Vision from across the globe will be gathering, so please come show your support. LOCATION: Mars 2112 Guest of Honor: This dude I know named “Mars” Bring guns and swords. April 26 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Pink/Sprouting Grass/Egg/Fish Moon) May 1 – Beltainne – Spring’s Planting *May 14 – Tues – d Tauran Birthday Celebration April 20-May 20 Taurus All Taurus get a free Red Bull REFRESHMENTS: Red Bull, Schlitz Malt Liquor Bull Special Guest: Suzula, Xander, Gary Toro, Cata Toro Bring: Bulls. Horns. Whips. Rawhide. Music: Progressive Playstation Wipeout Game with Red Bull sponsorship Possible Location: Denim & Diamonds or someplace with a mechanical bull No Bullshit! May 26 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Flower/Corn Planting/Milk Moon) *June 11 – Tues – d Gemini Birthday Celebration May 21- June 21 Invite every twin you know. Two for one drink specials. Your evil twin, Invite your nemesis. Moment of Silence for the Twin Towers. June 21 9:24am Summer Solstice In many cultures, the coming of Summer is the heralding of a time for love, marriage, friendship, beauty, protection, courage, magical energy, physical energy, and strength. It is the perfect time for Fire Magic! The Summer Solstice, also called “Midsummer” or “Litha”, is the longest day of the year. (The Christian Calendar marks this holiday with “St. Peter and Paul’s Day) This celebration of the coming of the light is when magics involving protection, strength, energy and clear sight will be the most successful. With the Sun high in the heavens, the powers of light are readily evoked. Anything that shadows your soul can be set aflame by the Sun’s protective glow. Pagan couples also know that this is the time when the Horned God is at the zenith of His manifest Power and the flowering Godess of Spring welcomes his presence. Sex Magic is powerful now. In many cultures, the coming of Summer is the heralding of a time for love, marriage, friendship, beauty, protection, courage, magical energy, physical energy, and strength. It is the perfect time for Fire Magic! The Summer Solstice, also called “Midsummer” or “Litha”, is the longest day of the year. (The Christian Calendar marks this holiday with “St. Peter and Paul’s Day) This celebration of the coming of the light is when magics involving protection, strength, energy and clear sight will be the most successful. With the Sun high in the heavens, the powers of light are readily evoked. Anything that shadows your soul can be set aflame by the Sun’s protective glow. Pagan couples also know that this is the time when the Horned God is at the zenith of His manifest Power and the flowering Godess of Spring welcomes his presence. Sex Magic is powerful now and legend tells that a nakedmtskip through a garden on Litha night ensures fertility for the coming season. The peaceful blue color of the Lapis stone can be worn to foster physical fertility as well as psychic awareness. Below are some suggestions I have to make your Summer Solstice Rituals complete as well as enlightening…I’ve even included some of my favorite meditations and incantations. Enjoy, and Blessed Be! June 24 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Strawberry/Rose/Hot Moon) *July 9 – Tues – d Cancer Birthday Celebration June 22-July 22 Crab cakes. Crabby people. Possible location: Maryland Crabs July 24 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Buck/Thunder/Hay Moon) Aug 1 – Lugnasad – Harvest Time *Aug 13 – Tues – d Leo Birthday Celebration July 23-August 22 Possible Location: White Lion. Cowardly Lion. King of the Jungle. Lyin’ Fusion Festival in California August 22 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Sturgeon/Red/Green Corn Moon) Labor Day – Burning Man *Sept 10 – Tues – d Virgan Birthday Celebration August 23-September 22 Virgin bloody maries. Sacrificial virgins. Autumn September 23 12:56 am Autumnal Equinox With only 3 more months left in the Celtic summer, pagan folk work hard for the harvest yet to come, whether it be corn and hay from the fields or the personal projects and goals that we planned for the summer months. When the sun crosses the equator and heads south at the Autumnal Equinox, the second of the harvest festivals, (celebrated around September 21) we again celebrate the magnificant balance that the everturning Wheel of the Year promises. These equinoxs are great s that the bleak days of winter as well as the heady days of summer are temporary, that all things have their seasons, and that none will last forever. The law of polarity and rythym require that all things be balanced by their opposites. On these days our ancestors aligned themselves in the ebb and flow of life. As winter, spring, summer and autumn pass by, Witches still reconnect with the ever moving flow of life, we make our plans and watch them unfold. If some do not come to fruition we try again. We pass through times of joy and sorrow; little ones are born, the older ones die allowing their spirits to pass into Summerland. Every event in life is rich in purpose and meaning. Each day, night and season has its own special character. Rituals connect us to both the big and little dramas of the year and of the greater life cycle. We unite the character and spirit of each passing season and do magic to transform our lives, giving them a depth and an expansiveness that without ritual and celebration we would never achieve. Even the most humble ritual helps the moment of power and change, and the celebrant partakes in somthing greater than him or herself. Some would say that in these moments of ecstasy we actually stand outside ourselves and the God and Goddess within us become brighter, more powerful and we touch the All; eg, the Lord Pan and Lady Gaia, Jesus, God, however you see the Divine Power. This festival is associated with the taking of corn and other foods that are to be harvested at this time. Cornbread cakes and cider are an excellent addition to the festivities. The frost will hit soon, so the last of the herbs and other plants you wish to dry for winter use should be harvested now. Depending on when the leaves turn in your area, you may wish to parafin them and add them to your house decorations. Dip the leave quickly in melted parafin, and put them on wax paper. When the leaves are dry you can put them in a huge, decorative jar with a sigil of protection carved lightly on some or all of the leaves. Colors used for candles should be brown, orange, gold or red. Altar cloths can be made of material with fall designs. River and stream stones gathered over the summer can empowered for various purposes. Bring scales 😀 Justice is blind. Machinelf is free. Possible location: Somewhere ‘downscale.’ Oct 12 – Saturday – International Global Dance Party for Peace… sponsored by EarthDance Org… Oct 21 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Hunter’s/Travel/Dying Grass Moon) Oct 31 Halloween Nov 1 – Samhain – Winter’s Start *Nov 12 – Tues – d Scorpion Birthday Celebration October 23-November 21 Smoke scorpion venom 🙂 Junkies and Get High in the Pits” QUETTA, Pakistan (Reuters) – When they’re in season, Ghulam Raza smokes scorpions. He says he dries their stingers in the sun and grinds them, then lights the powdery venom and sucks the smoke deep into his lungs. “Oh yes,” he said when asked if the scorpions make him high. “When I smoke scorpion, then the heroin is like nothing to me.” The place where Raza and other Pakistani junkies smoke dope or shoot up in the southwestern city of Quetta is a good place to find scorpions. It is the main cemetery, a dust-filled field of tombstones and corpse-sized mounds of rocks. A shantytown molded from the pale dirt of the desert claws its way up a steep mountain slope on one side while Muslim prayers ring out across the city on the other. In the middle, in the ruins of a building, Raza and a dozen addict friends spend their days. Some, like Abdul Hai, have been coming here for more than 20 years. More disdained than criminalized, the hundreds of junkies in Quetta, capital of Pakistan’s parched Baluchistan province, gather away from the chaotic life of the city. In the cemetery, sometimes one of them will get very stoned and drop into an open grave. “We are safe here,” says Raza, a mechanical engineer, who says he started down the slippery slope of ds after becoming addicted to pain killers years ago when, he says, he was shot 18 times by police. The graveyard addicts beg or steal for their d money. They pay off officials for peace. When they forget, the police come and beat them, they say. Closer to the center of town, other Pakistani junkies hide away in an even less salubrious den. They huddle in small groups, cloaks pulled over their heads, in an open gutter. Nov 19 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Beaver/Frost Moon) *Dec 10 – Tues – d Sagittarian Birthday Celebration November 22-December 21 Centaur hunters. Dec 19 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Cold/Long Nights Moon)
#2276 Thu, 21 Feb 2002 14:32:04 Thu, 21 Feb 2002 14:32:03 Fwd: Philadephia Friday GAIAN MIND at LaTazza 108
#2277 Thu, 21 Feb 2002 14:33:24 Thu, 21 Feb 2002 14:33:23 Help us put an anti d war ad in USA Today Dear Libertarian: Would you like to spit in the eye of America’s biggest d Warrior? Would you like to prove to millions of Americans that the latest government d War propaganda isn’t just wrong it STINKS like a rotting fish? Would you like to garner nationwide publicity for the Libertarian Party? Perhaps even get us on the nightly news? We have an opportunity to do all that. But only if we raise $69,800 by Friday. That’s a lot of money, but the potential pay-off is huge. When you hear our bold plan and SEE what we propose I think you’ll agree. In fact, I think you’ll laugh out loud with delight. First, some background. The Office of National d Control Policy (ONDCP) has launched a new advertising campaign that attempts to link ds with terrorism. The campaign got underway with two TV ads during the Super Bowl. The cost to taxpayers: $3.4 million! One of the ads, which pretended to show terrorists buying weapons, asked: “Where do terrorists get their money? If you buy ds, some of it might come from you.” In the other ad, young people made matter-of-fact statements like, “I helped kill a judge.” The ads were so outrageous that we issued a press release calling them “Super Bowloney.” We noted: “For the Office of National d Control Policy to claim that d users are to blame for financing terrorists is like a maniac who kills his parents, and then throws himself on the mercy of the court because he is an orphan.” We said: “The fact is, the War on ds CAUSES the very problem these ads complain about. It turns ordinary, cheap plants like marijuana and poppies into fantastically lucrative black market products. The War on ds enriches terrorists, finances violence, and makes America less safe.” Unfortunately, ONDCP bureaucrats don’t read our press releases. Or just don’t care about the truth. Last week, they rolled out the print version of the campaign, with full-page ads in 293 newspapers around the USA. One ad shows a young woman’s face. The text reads: “Last week, I washed my car, hung out with a few friends, and helped murder a family in Colombia.” The bottom of the ad says: “d money helps support terror. Buy ds and you could be supporting it too.” Unbelievable! The ad ignores the fact that the War on ds and the black markets it spawns drives up the price of illegal ds by as much as 17,000% (according to the Hoover Institution). Without the War on ds, there would be no link between ds and terrorism, and the financial engine that fuels many terrorist organizations would sputter to a halt. (At the end of this message, I’ll give you a link to the ONDCP ads, and you can see them for yourself. I don’t want you to think we’re exaggerating.) The ONDCP’s strategy is clear: It’s trying to take the September 11- inspired hatred of terrorists, and use it to bolster the failing War on ds. And, by implication, it’s suggesting that if you oppose the War on ds, you help terrorists. Well, we hate terrorists, too. In fact, we hate them so much we’d like to squeeze their funding down to almost ZERO. We’d like to see the $40 million the U.S. government says the Taliban raised from heroin dwindle down to a FEW PENNIES. We’d like to see the $300 million that Colombian rebels raised from cocaine shrink down to a HANDFUL OF PESOS. Can you imagine how destitute terrorists would be if marijuana sold for the same price as lettuce? If poppies were worth the same as tulips? And if cocaine-producing coca plants were no more valuable than Brussels sprouts? If the War on ds did not artificially inflate their prices by 17,000%, that’s exactly what would happen. And many terrorists would be penniless. We Libertarians understand that. We know the War on ds gives terrorists the money they use to kill Americans. But how do we get that message across? How do we reach the American people when those full-page ONDCP ads are spreading lies and distortions? Then we had a brainstorm: We’ll create our OWN ad. And that’s what we did. At first glance, it looks just like the ONDCP ad. But in OUR ad, the face of d Czar John Walters is staring out. And OUR text says… “This week, I had lunch with the President, testified before Congress, and helped funnel $40 million in illegal d money to groups like the Taliban.” Bang. We take the d Warriors’ ad and throw it right back in their faces. At the bottom, our ad says: “The War on ds boosts the price of illegal ds by as much as 17,000% funneling huge profits to terrorist organizations. If you support the War on ds or vote for the politicians who wage it, you’re helping support terrorism.” We give a website address for more information. Can you imagine John Walters’ reaction when he sees our ad? Can you imagine the squawks of outrage from the d Warriors? The ad is ready to go. At the end of this message, I’ll give you a link so you can see it for yourself. We want to run it in two newspapers: USA Today and the Washington Times. USA Today reaches 2.1 million people. It’s the nation’s most widely read newspaper. The Washington Times has a circulation of only 105,000. But, as the capital’s “conservative” newspaper, it reaches EVERY Republican House and Senate member.In fact, it’s one of the six newspapers President George W. Bush reads each day. Can you imagine President Bush’s face when he sees our ad staring at him from the pages of the Washington Times? When the ad runs, we’ll shift into overdrive to try to leverage it into ADDITIONAL news coverage. We’ll fax copies of the ad to major media around the country. We’ll tell them: “The d War Debate Is On!” We’ll challenge journalists to ask John Walters for a comment or to debate us on talk shows. If we do it right, our ads could generate twice as much “free” media coverage as they cost to run. But the ads won’t be cheap. It will cost $60,350 to run it in USA Today. And $9,450 for the Washington Times. That’s a total of $69,800. We plan to run the ad next Tuesday, so we can capitalize on the awareness of the original ads. That’s the quickest we can rush into print which means we need to raise the money by this FRIDAY, so we can submit the ad to the newspapers for approval. (They require a two-day notice.) Now, here’s the best part of the plan. Newspapers must approve ads before they run. Our with its in-your-face message and audacious take-off of the ONDCP ad may get rejected by USA Today as “too controversial.” It may get rejected by the Washington Times because it’s in direct opposition to their pro-d War editorial stance. Great. We hope the ads get rejected. If they do, we have a chance to create a FIRESTORM of controversy. Remember the TV coverage Ralph Nader got when he ran a MasterCard spoof ad during his presidential campaign and got sued by the credit card company? Remember the media coverage PETA got when it ran billboards of nude models with the caption: “I’d rather go naked than wear fur”? Remember the slew of articles that resulted when David Horowitz’s ad arguing against slavery reparations was rejected by several college newspapers? We have a chance to do the same thing. We have an opportunity to get pundits and columnists debating OUR ad. If our ad is rejected by either newspaper, we’ll immediately get on the phone to OTHER newspapers. (They love hearing about “censorship” involving rival newspapers.) We’ll blast a press release to the major TV networks, charging the two newspapers with “suppressing political dissent.” We’ll send a copy of the rejected ad to John Walters at the Office of National d Control Policy and dare him to comment. If we can get Walters to take the bait and attack our ad or question our arguments then the firestorm will begin. It will be the Libertarians versus the d Warriors. It could land us on national television since there’s nothing the media loves more than a good, juicy controversy. Then, we’ll take the money we raised and try to run the ad in two other major newspapers. And see if we can turn that into even more attention. Can we guarantee that we’ll get mountains of media coverage? Of course not. It depends on what other news is going on, what the ONDCP does, and other factors beyond our control. But if we DON’T run the ad if we don’t take chances we’ll NEVER get that kind of national coverage. If you don’t swing for the fences, you won’t hit a home run. This nervy ad could be OUR home run. But only if we raise $69,800 by Friday. If we raise the money, we’ll submit the ads to USA Today and the Washington Times, to run on Tuesday, February 26. (Not on Monday, because Congress is off on Mondays.) If the newspapers AGREE to run it, we’ll let you know. And we’ll blast out thousands of press releases promoting the ad on Tuesday morning. If the newspapers REJECT the ads, we’ll let you know. And we’ll blast out thousands of press releases, promoting the controversy, as soon as we hear their decision. The ad is already produced, and ready to go. Click here to view it in .pdf format: web lp.org/issues/dczarad Click here to view the original ONDCP ads, so you can see what a clever satire our ad is: web mediacampaign.org/mg/print Or click here to donate immediately: web lp.org/contribute?progdwarad EVERY PENNY we raise from this message will go to run the ad. We wrote, designed, and produced the ad in-house, so there are no additional fees. EVERY PENNY you donate will put our in front of 2.2 million Americans, and smack-dab in the faces of the d Warriors. EVERY PENNY you donate will send the message: The d War Debate Is On! Click here to donate: web lp.org/contribute?progdwarad If everyone who gets this message donates just $10, we’ll have more than enough money to run the ad. Unfortunately, not everyone will. So, could you contribute $50? Or $100? That will help cover the cost of those who don’t donate, and put us that much closer to the $69,800 we need. In fact, since this ad doesn’t involve federal candidates, there are no contribution limits. You can legally donate any amount you want. We don’t want to pressure you. Look at the ad again. Think about what it’s worth to you to be able to buy a copy of USA Today next Tuesday and see YOUR ad. Then, donate whatever you think is appropriate. This is our chance to strike back. To raise the blood pressure of America’s most bullheaded d Warriors. And to get our message out to 2.2 million Americans. You can help. Just click here to donate: web lp.org/contribute?progdwarad Thank you, Ron Crickenberger, Libertarian Party Political Director PS: Remember, if we raise the money, you’ll see the ad in USA Today next Tuesday, February 26. You’ll see the SAME ad in the SAME newspaper that will land with a thud in the White House and in the Office of National d Control Policy. Or, the newspapers may REJECT our ad. In which case, we’ll work hard to turn it into a national controversy that generates news articles, talk radio debate, and perhaps even national TV coverage. Either way, your support will make it happen. EVERY dollar you contribute goes directly to pay for the ads. Just click here: web lp.org/contribute?progdwarad. Thank you! P.P.S. Please pass this message on to friends, family members, and other people you know personally who might be interested, but please don’t send it indiscriminately spam will only hurt our campaign.Would you like to spit in the eye of America’s biggest d Warrior? Would you like to prove to millions of Americans that the latest government d War propaganda isn’t just wrong it STINKS like a rotting fish? Would you like to garner nationwide publicity for the Libertarian Party? Perhaps even get us on the nightly news? We have an opportunity to do all that. But only if we raise $69,800 by Friday. That’s a lot of money, but the potential pay-off is huge. When you hear our bold plan and SEE what we propose I think you’ll agree. In fact, I think you’ll laugh out loud with delight. First, some background. The Office of National d Control Policy (ONDCP) has launched a new advertising campaign that attempts to link ds with terrorism. The campaign got underway with two TV ads during the Super Bowl. The cost to taxpayers: $3.4 million! One of the ads, which pretended to show terrorists buying weapons, asked: “Where do terrorists get their money? If you buy ds, some of it might come from you.” In the other ad, young people made matter-of-fact statements like, “I helped kill a judge.” The ads were so outrageous that we issued a press release calling them “Super Bowloney.” We noted: “For the Office of National d Control Policy to claim that d users are to blame for financing terrorists is like a maniac who kills his parents, and then throws himself on the mercy of the court because he is an orphan.” We said: “The fact is, the War on ds CAUSES the very problem these ads complain about. It turns ordinary, cheap plants like marijuana and poppies into fantastically lucrative black market products. The War on ds enriches terrorists, finances violence, and makes America less safe.” Unfortunately, ONDCP bureaucrats don’t read our press releases. Or just don’t care about the truth. Last week, they rolled out the print version of the campaign, with full-page ads in 293 newspapers around the USA. One ad shows a young woman’s face. The text reads: “Last week, I washed my car, hung out with a few friends, and helped murder a family in Colombia.” The bottom of the ad says: “d money helps support terror. Buy ds and you could be supporting it too.” Unbelievable! The ad ignores the fact that the War on ds and the black markets it spawns drives up the price of illegal ds by as much as 17,000% (according to the Hoover Institution). Without the War on ds, there would be no link between ds and terrorism, and the financial engine that fuels many terrorist organizations would sputter to a halt. (At the end of this message, I’ll give you a link to the ONDCP ads, and you can see them for yourself. I don’t want you to think we’re exaggerating.) The ONDCP’s strategy is clear: It’s trying to take the September 11- inspired hatred of terrorists, and use it to bolster the failing War on ds. And, by implication, it’s suggesting that if you oppose the War on ds, you help terrorists. Well, we hate terrorists, too. In fact, we hate them so much we’d like to squeeze their funding down to almost ZERO. We’d like to see the $40 million the U.S. government says the Taliban raised from heroin dwindle down to a FEW PENNIES. We’d like to see the $300 million that Colombian rebels raised from cocaine shrink down to a HANDFUL OF PESOS. Can you imagine how destitute terrorists would be if marijuana sold for the same price as lettuce? If poppies were worth the same as tulips? And if cocaine-producing coca plants were no more valuable than Brussels sprouts? If the War on ds did not artificially inflate their prices by 17,000%, that’s exactly what would happen. And many terrorists would be penniless. We Libertarians understand that. We know the War on ds gives terrorists the money they use to kill Americans. But how do we get that message across? How do we reach the American people when those full-page ONDCP ads are spreading lies and distortions? Then we had a brainstorm: We’ll create our OWN ad. And that’s what we did. At first glance, it looks just like the ONDCP ad. But in OUR ad, the face of d Czar John Walters is staring out. And OUR text says… “This week, I had lunch with the President, testified before Congress, and helped funnel $40 million in illegal d money to groups like the Taliban.” Bang. We take the d Warriors’ ad and throw it right back in their faces. At the bottom, our ad says: “The War on ds boosts the price of illegal ds by as much as 17,000% funneling huge profits to terrorist organizations. If you support the War on ds or vote for the politicians who wage it, you’re helping support terrorism.” We give a website address for more information. Can you imagine John Walters’ reaction when he sees our ad? Can you imagine the squawks of outrage from the d Warriors? The ad is ready to go. At the end of this message, I’ll give you a link so you can see it for yourself. We want to run it in two newspapers: USA Today and the Washington Times. USA Today reaches 2.1 million people. It’s the nation’s most widely read newspaper. The Washington Times has a circulation of only 105,000. But, as the capital’s “conservative” newspaper, it reaches EVERY Republican House and Senate member.In fact, it’s one of the six newspapers President George W. Bush reads each day. Can you imagine President Bush’s face when he sees our ad staring at him from the pages of the Washington Times? When the ad runs, we’ll shift into overdrive to try to leverage it into ADDITIONAL news coverage. We’ll fax copies of the ad to major media around the country. We’ll tell them: “The d War Debate Is On!” We’ll challenge journalists to ask John Walters for a comment or to debate us on talk shows. If we do it right, our ads could generate twice as much “free” media coverage as they cost to run. But the ads won’t be cheap. It will cost $60,350 to run it in USA Today. And $9,450 for the Washington Times. That’s a total of $69,800. We plan to run the ad next Tuesday, so we can capitalize on the awareness of the original ads. That’s the quickest we can rush into print which means we need to raise the money by this FRIDAY, so we can submit the ad to the newspapers for approval. (They require a two-day notice.) Now, here’s the best part of the plan. Newspapers must approve ads before they run. Our with its in-your-face message and audacious take-off of the ONDCP ad may get rejected by USA Today as “too controversial.” It may get rejected by the Washington Times because it’s in direct opposition to their pro-d War editorial stance. Great. We hope the ads get rejected. If they do, we have a chance to create a FIRESTORM of controversy. Remember the TV coverage Ralph Nader got when he ran a MasterCard spoof ad during his presidential campaign and got sued by the credit card company? Remember the media coverage PETA got when it ran billboards of nude models with the caption: “I’d rather go naked than wear fur”? Remember the slew of articles that resulted when David Horowitz’s ad arguing against slavery reparations was rejected by several college newspapers? We have a chance to do the same thing. We have an opportunity to get pundits and columnists debating OUR ad. If our ad is rejected by either newspaper, we’ll immediately get on the phone to OTHER newspapers. (They love hearing about “censorship” involving rival newspapers.) We’ll blast a press release to the major TV networks, charging the two newspapers with “suppressing political dissent.” We’ll send a copy of the rejected ad to John Walters at the Office of National d Control Policy and dare him to comment. If we can get Walters to take the bait and attack our ad or question our arguments then the firestorm will begin. It will be the Libertarians versus the d Warriors. It could land us on national television since there’s nothing the media loves more than a good, juicy controversy. Then, we’ll take the money we raised and try to run the ad in two other major newspapers. And see if we can turn that into even more attention. Can we guarantee that we’ll get mountains of media coverage? Of course not. It depends on what other news is going on, what the ONDCP does, and other factors beyond our control. But if we DON’T run the ad if we don’t take chances we’ll NEVER get that kind of national coverage. If you don’t swing for the fences, you won’t hit a home run. This nervy ad could be OUR home run. But only if we raise $69,800 by Friday. If we raise the money, we’ll submit the ads to USA Today and the Washington Times, to run on Tuesday, February 26. (Not on Monday, because Congress is off on Mondays.) If the newspapers AGREE to run it, we’ll let you know. And we’ll blast out thousands of press releases promoting the ad on Tuesday morning. If the newspapers REJECT the ads, we’ll let you know. And we’ll blast out thousands of press releases, promoting the controversy, as soon as we hear their decision. The ad is already produced, and ready to go. Click here to view it in .pdf format: web lp.org/issues/dczarad Click here to view the original ONDCP ads, so you can see what a clever satire our ad is: web mediacampaign.org/mg/print Or click here to donate immediately: web lp.org/contribute?progdwarad EVERY PENNY we raise from this message will go to run the ad. We wrote, designed, and produced the ad in-house, so there are no additional fees. EVERY PENNY you donate will put our in front of 2.2 million Americans, and smack-dab in the faces of the d Warriors. EVERY PENNY you donate will send the message: The d War Debate Is On! Click here to donate: web lp.org/contribute?progdwarad If everyone who gets this message donates just $10, we’ll have more than enough money to run the ad. Unfortunately, not everyone will. So, could you contribute $50? Or $100? That will help cover the cost of those who don’t donate, and put us that much closer to the $69,800 we need. In fact, since this ad doesn’t involve federal candidates, there are no contribution limits. You can legally donate any amount you want. We don’t want to pressure you. Look at the ad again. Think about what it’s worth to you to be able to buy a copy of USA Today next Tuesday and see YOUR ad. Then, donate whatever you think is appropriate. This is our chance to strike back. To raise the blood pressure of America’s most bullheaded d Warriors. And to get our message out to 2.2 million Americans. You can help. Just click here to donate: web lp.org/contribute?progdwarad Thank you, Ron Crickenberger, Libertarian Party Political Director PS: Remember, if we raise the money, you’ll see the ad in USA Today next Tuesday, February 26. You’ll see the SAME ad in the SAME newspaper that will land with a thud in the White House and in the Office of National d Control Policy. Or, the newspapers may REJECT our ad. In which case, we’ll work hard to turn it into a national controversy that generates news articles, talk radio debate, and perhaps even national TV coverage. Either way, your support will make it happen. EVERY dollar you contribute goes directly to pay for the ads. Just click here: web lp.org/contribute?progdwarad. Thank you! P.P.S. Please pass this message on to friends, family members, and other people you know personally who might be interested, but please don’t send it indiscriminately spam will only hurt our campaign.
#2278 Thu, 21 Feb 2002 17:59:36 Thu, 21 Feb 2002 17:59:36 Important Tsunami News – Saturday Weekly Just got off the phone with John Emmanuel. It’s looking like Tsunami is back on track, every Saturday. And the first two Saturdays will be full on hard scandotrance. Time to tweak the viking getup!! mar 2 – Saturday – Hux Flux/Sweden Live (this time not just spinning on my confiscated Pioneer CDJ 700s), Anti/Sweden extended set. Yon-E and Joa open. 11:45pm-9am Vinyl is at Hudson & Hubert. IMPORTANT: You absolutely need an ID that says you are 18 or older or you won’t get in!! mar 9 – Saturday: Talamasca (Spiral Trax/Sweden) at Shelter (a refurbished Speeed, 39th between 5th and 6th), using a version of the infamous Phazon sound system from Twilo … same place, EVERY Saturday therafter. So promoters, take note: John is camping on Saturdays for a while, and given their marketing muscle, it will most probably harken back to the biweekly Vinyl reign of 97-98. For more info go to ce
#2279 Thu, 21 Feb 2002 19:27:07 Thu, 21 Feb 2002 19:27:07 MTV spEcial last night The MTV special on MaDMAm was on again last night, and flashed yours truly being misquoted for 15 seconds, with my web site URL being flashed. Scary thing is, after all i been through, i am not concerned at this point over free speech from behind expensive sunglasses. That bygone era seems so long ago now. I wish i actually had the discretionary income to actually procure these illicit substances of which they speak; if i did have the income, I would replace the speakers conficated by the NYPD last summer.
#2282 Fri, 22 Feb 2002 16:10:58 Fri, 22 Feb 2002 16:10:58 Fwd: Playstation2’s WTO protester video game
#2284 Mon, 25 Feb 2002 18:16:15 Mon, 25 Feb 2002 18:16:13 Pschedule -Psy-Trance Pschedule- Trance News – Synthetic Sadhus’ sound on Friday was incredible – the best ever. The bass just rolled through the floor. We saved the big bubble to use at outdoor events this year. And now we have Tsunami every Saturday. So much competition these days. People will vote with their feet. Friends from London relate that there were TWELVE trance parties listed oin London last weekend – and nobody is complaining about double booking. Maybe NYC can catch up. Either way, the bar is being raised – looking forward to the next! TONIGHT – Feb. 25th / Monday PURIM, at Makor; 35 W67th St., NYC (212) 601-1000 Put on a fantasy costume this Purim and come party with us…Purim Costume Party ‘Cultura Ibiza… Straight from the Ibiza party scene of “Cafe Del Mar” -The music produced by DJ Ricardo Padilla, DJ SEN4 and DJ Roy Cooper will take you to high spiritual elevations; fun, fun, fun…Don’t forget your dancing shoes… Door: $25.00 ($5.00 off if dressed in costume). Info from from Angel from chile. Feb 26 – Freaky Tuesdays at Who’s on First 1st avenue b/w 87th & 88th with Psy-Trance DJ Amnesium ID21 & over 2 for 1 drinks all night. Pool table, downstairs chill. Viviana is bartender. Feb 27 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Snow/Hunger Moon) Aviv Gefen…Israeli Pop Singer at Makor…2 shows…7pm & 10pm… Door fee: $25.00 Box Office (212) 601-1000 *Mar 1 – Fri – dmtski – bus available – email rockthe show at aol for info *Mar 2 – Saturday – Hux Flux/Sweden Live (this time not just spinning on my confiscated Pioneer CDJ 700s), Anti/Sweden extended set. Yon-E and Joa open. 11:45pm-9am Vinyl is at Hudson & Hubert. IMPORTANT: You absolutely need an ID that says you are 18 or older or you won’t get in!! *Mar 9 – Saturday A. Omnitribe B. Tsunami A. OMNI TRIBE presents”AXIS OF TRANCE” party 114 W 26th Street MAHASUKA (Intact Instinct / Peak Pilots – Liquid Audio Soundz, Medium Recrords – GERMANY) Isam (Spectra, Morocco) Kife (Omni Tribe, New York) Dima (Omni Tribe, New York) Live Video Projections By ATOMIC JUICE, YDESIGN 11PM – 9AM $15 at the door 18+ DJ Peter MAHASUKA Hollenbach started to DJ in 1989 and by 1992 he had moved over to the trance scene and has since played at all the big parties and festivals in Germany as well as many other events in Europe. Additionally he has played gigs in India, Thailand, Venezuela, Russia, Macedonia, Japan, New Zealand, Australia and Israel. He’s one of the most regularly booked DJs of the German trance scene and has won the “DJ of the year 1999” award of the German trance magazine “Mushroom”. Peter describes his style as “elastic techno trance” and also produces music under the name of “Intact Instinct” and “Peak Pilots” with his friend and partner Stefan Huebner, and “Disco Slickers” with his friend Sebastian Krueger (Tarsis and SBK).If this is not enough, he also has a side project called “Ouija” with the German trance rockers from “Sun Project”. Peter has had many releases on various labels including Spiral Trax, Naja and Liquid Audio Soundz. He has also recently made a compilation for Medium records and you may also know him for remixes of other artists tracks like Atmos, Quirk, Der Stern Von Afrika and Paps. ALSO B. Tsunami – Talamasca (Spiral Trax/Sweden) at Shelter (a refurbished Speeed, 39th between 5th and 6th), using a version of the infamous Phazon sound system from Twilo … same place, EVERY Saturday therafter. So promoters, take note: John is camping on Saturdays for a while, and given their marketing muscle, it will most probably harken back to the biweekly Vinyl reign of 97-98. For more info go to ce Mar 8/9 – Fri/Sat – dmtski dmtski!! Buses available. Email rocktheshow at aol for info *Mar 12 – Tues – d Pisces Birthday Celebration Feb 19-March 20 Bring fish. Guest of Honor: Mark Lorenz, Aquarium Cleaner Extraordinaire Possible location: 7th Avenue Sushi, Le Bernardin, or somewhere with a lot of fish aquariums Mar 15/16 – Fri/Sat – FINAL dmtski Weekend of 2002!! dmtski!! Buses available. Email rocktheshow at aol for info SPRING March 20 2:16pm – Vernal Equinox Mar 21 – Son Pax 3 day festival on beach with a pyramid in Mexico with Iboga Records and Son Kite transfly at hotmail (52) (998) 850-9506 Possible party at Chicen Itza pyramids in the Yucatan during spring equinox might be good… one pyramid at chichen itza is built so that a plumed serpent can be seen descending the stairs when the light hits it on this day) of course thousands of native people come to see this as well, depending on how we’re received that could be good or bad) We have the ear of the head of tourism who is open to hosting a trance event at the base of the pyramids. Looking for organizers & investors. The rewards are high but it won’t come cheap. Suggestion: Sliding scale for Mexican nationals/Indians should ideally come for next to nothing, or free; alcohol should not be served. Email andys at ezy.net *The outdoor Lord of the Rings psy-trance festival upstate will be in the Spring, with trance Sindarin woodland elves. The film will be out December 21st. Mar 28 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Worm/Crow/Crust/Sugar/Sap Moon) *April 5 – Friday – Alex Grey’s Chapel of the Sacred Mirrors Benefit II Universal Spirit will turn the Frying-Pan(barge & boat) into a sacred space, with Alex’s art, video projection, fire dancers, and many guest DJs & live acts. An official Flyer and line up will be out soon. Supporters of Alex Grey’s Vision from across the globe will be gathering, so please come show your support. *April 9 – Tues – d Arian Birthday Celebration March 21-April 19 LOCATION: Mars 2112 Guest of Honor: This dude I know named “Mars” Bring guns and swords. April 26 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Pink/Sprouting Grass/Egg/Fish Moon) May 1 – Beltainne – Spring’s Planting *May 14 – Tues – d Tauran Birthday Celebration April 20-May 20 Taurus All Taurus get a free Red Bull REFRESHMENTS: Red Bull, Schlitz Malt Liquor Bull Special Guest: Suzula, Xander, Gary Toro, Cata Toro Bring: Bulls. Horns. Whips. Rawhide. Music: Progressive Playstation Wipeout Game with Red Bull sponsorship Possible Location: Denim & Diamonds or someplace with a mechanical bull No Bullshit! May 26 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Flower/Corn Planting/Milk Moon) *June 11 – Tues – d Gemini Birthday Celebration May 21- June 21 Invite every twin you know. Two for one drink specials. Your evil twin, Invite your nemesis. Moment of Silence for the Twin Towers. Possible location: Twins. SUMMER June 21 9:24am Summer Solstice June 21-24 Solstice Festival in Southern Colorado gregschmid at yahoo 888-336-3997 In many cultures, the coming of Summer is the heralding of a time for love, marriage, friendship, beauty, protection, courage, magical energy, physical energy, and strength. It is the perfect time for Fire Magic! The Summer Solstice, also called “Midsummer” or “Litha”, is the longest day of the year. (The Christian Calendar marks this holiday with “St. Peter and Paul’s Day) This celebration of the coming of the light is when magics involving protection, strength, energy and clear sight will be the most successful. With the Sun high in the heavens, the powers of light are readily evoked. Anything that shadows your soul can be set aflame by the Sun’s protective glow. Pagan couples also know that this is the time when the Horned God is at the zenith of His manifest Power and the flowering Godess of Spring welcomes his presence. Sex Magic is powerful now. In many cultures, the coming of Summer is the heralding of a time for love, marriage, friendship, beauty, protection, courage, magical energy, physical energy, and strength. It is the perfect time for Fire Magic! The Summer Solstice, also called “Midsummer” or “Litha”, is the longest day of the year. (The Christian Calendar marks this holiday with “St. Peter and Paul’s Day) This celebration of the coming of the light is when magics involving protection, strength, energy and clear sight will be the most successful. With the Sun high in the heavens, the powers of light are readily evoked. Anything that shadows your soul can be set aflame by the Sun’s protective glow. Pagan couples also know that this is the time when the Horned God is at the zenith of His manifest Power and the flowering Godess of Spring welcomes his presence. Sex Magic is powerful now and legend tells that a nakedmtskip through a garden on Litha night ensures fertility for the coming season. The peaceful blue color of the Lapis stone can be worn to foster physical fertility as well as psychic awareness. Below are some suggestions I have to make your Summer Solstice Rituals complete as well as enlightening…I’ve even included some of my favorite meditations and incantations. Enjoy, and Blessed Be! June 24 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Strawberry/Rose/Hot Moon) *July 9 – Tues – d Cancer Birthday Celebration June 22-July 22 Crab cakes. Crabby people. Possible location: Maryland Crabs July 24 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Buck/Thunder/Hay Moon) Aug 1 – Lugnasad – Harvest Time *Aug 13 – Tues – d Leo Birthday Celebration July 23-August 22 Possible Location: White Lion. Cowardly Lion. King of the Jungle. Lyin’ Fusion Festival in California August 22 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Sturgeon/Red/Green Corn Moon) Labor Day – Burning Man *Sept 10 – Tues – d Virgan Birthday Celebration August 23-September 22 Virgin bloody maries. Sacrificial virgins. September 21 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Harvest/Corn/Barley Moon) Autumn September 23 12:56 am Autumnal Equinox With only 3 more months left in the Celtic summer, pagan folk work hard for the harvest yet to come, whether it be corn and hay from the fields or the personal projects and goals that we planned for the summer months. When the sun crosses the equator and heads south at the Autumnal Equinox, the second of the harvest festivals, (celebrated around September 21) we again celebrate the magnificant balance that the everturning Wheel of the Year promises. These equinoxs are great s that the bleak days of winter as well as the heady days of summer are temporary, that all things have their seasons, and that none will last forever. The law of polarity and rythym require that all things be balanced by their opposites. On these days our ancestors aligned themselves in the ebb and flow of life. As winter, spring, summer and autumn pass by, Witches still reconnect with the ever moving flow of life, we make our plans and watch them unfold. If some do not come to fruition we try again. We pass through times of joy and sorrow; little ones are born, the older ones die allowing their spirits to pass into Summerland. Every event in life is rich in purpose and meaning. Each day, night and season has its own special character. Rituals connect us to both the big and little dramas of the year and of the greater life cycle. We unite the character and spirit of each passing season and do magic to transform our lives, giving them a depth and an expansiveness that without ritual and celebration we would never achieve. Even the most humble ritual helps the moment of power and change, and the celebrant partakes in somthing greater than him or herself. Some would say that in these moments of ecstasy we actually stand outside ourselves and the God and Goddess within us become brighter, more powerful and we touch the All; eg, the Lord Pan and Lady Gaia, Jesus, God, however you see the Divine Power. This festival is associated with the taking of corn and other foods that are to be harvested at this time. Cornbread cakes and cider are an excellent addition to the festivities. The frost will hit soon, so the last of the herbs and other plants you wish to dry for winter use should be harvested now. Depending on when the leaves turn in your area, you may wish to parafin them and add them to your house decorations. Dip the leave quickly in melted parafin, and put them on wax paper. When the leaves are dry you can put them in a huge, decorative jar with a sigil of protection carved lightly on some or all of the leaves. Colors used for candles should be brown, orange, gold or red. Altar cloths can be made of material with fall designs. River and stream stones gathered over the summer can empowered for various purposes. *Oct 8 – Tues – d Libral Birthday Celebration September 23-October 22 Bring scales 😀 Justice is blind. Machinelf is free. Possible location: Somewhere ‘downscale.’ Oct 12 – Saturday – International Global Dance Party for Peace… sponsored by EarthDance Org… Oct 21 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Hunter’s/Travel/Dying Grass Moon) Oct 31 Halloween Winter (Pagan) Nov 1 – Samhain – Winter’s Start *Nov 12 – Tues – d Scorpion Birthday Celebration October 23-November 21 Smoke scorpion venom 🙂 Junkies and Get High in the Pits” QUETTA, Pakistan (Reuters) – When they’re in season, Ghulam Raza smokes scorpions. He says he dries their stingers in the sun and grinds them, then lights the powdery venom and sucks the smoke deep into his lungs. “Oh yes,” he said when asked if the scorpions make him high. “When I smoke scorpion, then the heroin is like nothing to me.” The place where Raza and other Pakistani junkies smoke dope or shoot up in the southwestern city of Quetta is a good place to find scorpions. It is the main cemetery, a dust-filled field of tombstones and corpse-sized mounds of rocks. A shantytown molded from the pale dirt of the desert claws its way up a steep mountain slope on one side while Muslim prayers ring out across the city on the other. In the middle, in the ruins of a building, Raza and a dozen addict friends spend their days. Some, like Abdul Hai, have been coming here for more than 20 years. More disdained than criminalized, the hundreds of junkies in Quetta, capital of Pakistan’s parched Baluchistan province, gather away from the chaotic life of the city. In the cemetery, sometimes one of them will get very stoned and drop into an open grave. “We are safe here,” says Raza, a mechanical engineer, who says he started down the slippery slope of ds after becoming addicted to pain killers years ago when, he says, he was shot 18 times by police. The graveyard addicts beg or steal for their d money. They pay off officials for peace. When they forget, the police come and beat them, they say. Closer to the center of town, other Pakistani junkies hide away in an even less salubrious den. They huddle in small groups, cloaks pulled over their heads, in an open gutter. Nov 19 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Beaver/Frost Moon) *Dec 10 – Tues – d Sagittarian Birthday Celebration November 22-December 21 Centaur hunters. Dec 19 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Cold/Long Nights Moon) Dec 21 8:15pm Winter Solstice Toronto Brazil web carloswh.hpg.br Israel web crime.co.il KParis #-The music produced by DJ Ricardo Padilla, DJ SEN4 and DJ Roy Cooper will take you to high spiritual elevations; fun, fun, fun…Don’t forget your dancing shoes… Door: $25.00 ($5.00 off if dressed in costume). Info from from Angel from chile. Feb 26 – Freaky Tuesdays at Who’s on First 1st avenue b/w 87th & 88th with Psy-Trance DJ Amnesium ID21 & over 2 for 1 drinks all night. Pool table, downstairs chill. Viviana is bartender. Feb 27 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Snow/Hunger Moon) Aviv Gefen…Israeli Pop Singer at Makor…2 shows…7pm &am10pm… Door fee: $25.00 Box Office (212) 601-1000 *Mar 1 – Fri – dmtski – bus available – email rockthe show at aol for info *Mar 2 – Saturday – Hux Flux/Sweden Live (this time not just spinning on my confiscated Pioneer CDJ 700s), Anti/Sweden extended set. Yon-E and Joa open. 11:45pm-9am Vinyl is at Hudson & Hubert. IMPORTANT: You absolutely need an ID that says you are 18 or older or you won’t get in!! *Mar 9 – Saturday A. Omnitribe B. Tsunami A. OMNI TRIBE presents”AXIS OF TRANCE” party 114 W 26th Street MAHASUKA (Intact Instinct / Peak Pilots – Liquid Audio Soundz, Medium Recrords – GERMANY) Isam (Spectra, Morocco) Kife (Omni Tribe, New York) Dima (Omni Tribe, New York) Live Video Projections By ATOMIC JUICE, YDESIGN 11PM – 9AM $15 at the door 18+ DJ Peter MAHASUKA Hollenbach started to DJ in 1989 and by 1992 he had moved over to the trance scene and has since played at all the big parties and festivals in Germany as well as many other events in Europe. Additionally he has played gigs in India, Thailand, Venezuela, Russia, Macedonia, Japan, New Zealand, Australia and Israel. He’s one of the most regularly booked DJs of the German trance scene and has won the “DJ of the year 1999” award of the German trance magazine “Mushroom”. Peter describes his style as “elastic techno trance” and also produces music under the name of “Intact Instinct” and “Peak Pilots” with his friend and partner Stefan Huebner, and “Disco Slickers” with his friend Sebastian Krueger (Tarsis and SBK).If this is not enough, he also has a side project called “Ouija” with the German trance rockers from “Sun Project”. Peter has had many releases on various labels including Spiral Trax, Naja and Liquid Audio Soundz. He has also recently made a compilation for Medium records and you may also know him for remixes of other artists tracks like Atmos, Quirk, Der Stern Von Afrika and Paps. ALSO B. Tsunami – Talamasca (Spiral Trax/Sweden) at Shelter (a refurbished Speeed, 39th between 5th and 6th), using a version of the infamous Phazon sound system from Twilo … same place, EVERY Saturday therafter. So promoters, take note: John is camping on Saturdays for a while, and given their marketing muscle, it will most probably harken back to the biweekly Vinyl reign of 97-98. For more info go to Mar 8/9 – Fri/Sat – dmtski dmtski!! Buses available. Email rocktheshow at aol for info *Mar 12 – Tues – d Pisces Birthday Celebration Feb 19-March 20 Bring fish. Guest of Honor: Mark Lorenz, Aquarium Cleaner Extraordinaire Possible location: 7th Avenue Sushi, Le Bernardin, or somewhere with a lot of fish aquariums March 20 2:16pm – Vernal Equinox might be good… one pyramid at chichen itza is built so that a plumed serpent can be seen descending the stairs when the light hits it on this day) of course thousands of native people come to see this as well, depending on how we’re received that could be good or bad) We have the ear of the head of tourism who is open to hosting a trance event at the base of the pyramids. Looking for organizers & investors. The rewards are high but it won’t come cheap. Suggestion: Sliding scale for Mexican nationals/Indians should ideally come for next to nothing, or free; alcohol should not be served. Email andys at ezy.net *The outdoor Lord of the Rings psy-trance festival upstate will be in the Spring, with trance Sindarin woodland elves. The film will be out December 21st. Mar 28 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Worm/Crow/Crust/Sugar/Sap Moon) Supporters of Alex Grey’s Vision from across the globe will be gathering, so please come show your support. LOCATION: Mars 2112 Guest of Honor: This dude I know named “Mars” Bring guns and swords. April 26 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Pink/Sprouting Grass/Egg/Fish Moon) May 1 – Beltainne – Spring’s Planting *May 14 – Tues – d Tauran Birthday Celebration April 20-May 20 Taurus All Taurus get a free Red Bull REFRESHMENTS: Red Bull, Schlitz Malt Liquor Bull Special Guest: Suzula, Xander, Gary Toro, Cata Toro Bring: Bulls. Horns. Whips. Rawhide. Music: Progressive Playstation Wipeout Game with Red Bull sponsorship Possible Location: Denim & Diamonds or someplace with a mechanical bull No Bullshit! May 26 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Flower/Corn Planting/Milk Moon) *June 11 – Tues – d Gemini Birthday Celebration May 21- June 21 Invite every twin you know. Two for one drink specials. Your evil twin, Invite your nemesis. Moment of Silence for the Twin Towers. June 21 9:24am Summer Solstice In many cultures, the coming of Summer is the heralding of a time for love, marriage, friendship, beauty, protection, courage, magical energy, physical energy, and strength. It is the perfect time for Fire Magic! The Summer Solstice, also called “Midsummer” or “Litha”, is the longest day of the year. (The Christian Calendar marks this holiday with “St. Peter and Paul’s Day) This celebration of the coming of the light is when magics involving protection, strength, energy and clear sight will be the most successful. With the Sun high in the heavens, the powers of light are readily evoked. Anything that shadows your soul can be set aflame by the Sun’s protective glow. Pagan couples also know that this is the time when the Horned God is at the zenith of His manifest Power and the flowering Godess of Spring welcomes his presence. Sex Magic is powerful now. In many cultures, the coming of Summer is the heralding of a time for love, marriage, friendship, beauty, protection, courage, magical energy, physical energy, and strength. It is the perfect time for Fire Magic! The Summer Solstice, also called “Midsummer” or “Litha”, is the longest day of the year. (The Christian Calendar marks this holiday with “St. Peter and Paul’s Day) This celebration of the coming of the light is when magics involving protection, strength, energy and clear sight will be the most successful. With the Sun high in the heavens, the powers of light are readily evoked. Anything that shadows your soul can be set aflame by the Sun’s protective glow. Pagan couples also know that this is the time when the Horned God is at the zenith of His manifest Power and the flowering Godess of Spring welcomes his presence. Sex Magic is powerful now and legend tells that a nakedmtskip through a garden on Litha night ensures fertility for the coming season. The peaceful blue color of the Lapis stone can be worn to foster physical fertility as well as psychic awareness. Below are some suggestions I have to make your Summer Solstice Rituals complete as well as enlightening…I’ve even included some of my favorite meditations and incantations. Enjoy, and Blessed Be! June 24 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Strawberry/Rose/Hot Moon) *July 9 – Tues – d Cancer Birthday Celebration June 22-July 22 Crab cakes. Crabby people. Possible location: Maryland Crabs July 24 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Buck/Thunder/Hay Moon) Aug 1 – Lugnasad – Harvest Time *Aug 13 – Tues – d Leo Birthday Celebration July 23-August 22 Possible Location: White Lion. Cowardly Lion. King of the Jungle. Lyin’ Fusion Festival in California August 22 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Sturgeon/Red/Green Corn Moon) Labor Day – Burning Man *Sept 10 – Tues – d Virgan Birthday Celebration August 23-September 22 Virgin bloody maries. Sacrificial virgins. Autumn September 23 12:56 am Autumnal Equinox With only 3 more months left in the Celtic summer, pagan folk work hard for the harvest yet to come, whether it be corn and hay from the fields or the personal projects and goals that we planned for the summer months. When the sun crosses the equator and heads south at the Autumnal Equinox, the second of the harvest festivals, (celebrated around September 21) we again celebrate the magnificant balance that the everturning Wheel of the Year promises. These equinoxs are great s that the bleak days of winter as well as the heady days of summer are temporary, that all things have their seasons, and that none will last forever. The law of polarity and rythym require that all things be balanced by their opposites. On these days our ancestors aligned themselves in the ebb and flow of life. As winter, spring, summer and autumn pass by, Witches still reconnect with the ever moving flow of life, we make our plans and watch them unfold. If some do not come to fruition we try again. We pass through times of joy and sorrow; little ones are born, the older ones die allowing their spirits to pass into Summerland. Every event in life is rich in purpose and meaning. Each day, night and season has its own special character. Rituals connect us to both the big and little dramas of the year and of the greater life cycle. We unite the character and spirit of each passing season and do magic to transform our lives, giving them a depth and an expansiveness that without ritual and celebration we would never achieve. Even the most humble ritual helps the moment of power and change, and the celebrant partakes in somthing greater than him or herself. Some would say that in these moments of ecstasy we actually stand outside ourselves and the God and Goddess within us become brighter, more powerful and we touch the All; eg, the Lord Pan and Lady Gaia, Jesus, God, however you see the Divine Power. This festival is associated with the taking of corn and other foods that are to be harvested at this time. Cornbread cakes and cider are an excellent addition to the festivities. The frost will hit soon, so the last of the herbs and other plants you wish to dry for winter use should be harvested now. Depending on when the leaves turn in your area, you may wish to parafin them and add them to your house decorations. Dip the leave quickly in melted parafin, and put them on wax paper. When the leaves are dry you can put them in a huge, decorative jar with a sigil of protection carved lightly on some or all of the leaves. Colors used for candles should be brown, orange, gold or red. Altar cloths can be made of material with fall designs. River and stream stones gathered over the summer can empowered for various purposes. Bring scales 😀 Justice is blind. Machinelf is free. Possible location: Somewhere ‘downscale.’ Oct 12 – Saturday – International Global Dance Party for Peace… sponsored by EarthDance Org… Oct 21 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Hunter’s/Travel/Dying Grass Moon) Oct 31 Halloween Nov 1 – Samhain – Winter’s Start *Nov 12 – Tues – d Scorpion Birthday Celebration October 23-November 21 Smoke scorpion venom 🙂 Junkies and Get High in the Pits” QUETTA, Pakistan (Reuters) – When they’re in season, Ghulam Raza smokes scorpions. He says he dries their stingers in the sun and grinds them, then lights the powdery venom and sucks the smoke deep into his lungs. “Oh yes,” he said when asked if the scorpions make him high. “When I smoke scorpion, then the heroin is like nothing to me.” The place where Raza and other Pakistani junkies smoke dope or shoot up in the southwestern city of Quetta is a good place to find scorpions. It is the main cemetery, a dust-filled field of tombstones and corpse-sized mounds of rocks. A shantytown molded from the pale dirt of the desert claws its way up a steep mountain slope on one side while Muslim prayers ring out across the city on the other. In the middle, in the ruins of a building, Raza and a dozen addict friends spend their days. Some, like Abdul Hai, have been coming here for more than 20 years. More disdained than criminalized, the hundreds of junkies in Quetta, capital of Pakistan’s parched Baluchistan province, gather away from the chaotic life of the city. In the cemetery, sometimes one of them will get very stoned and drop into an open grave. “We are safe here,” says Raza, a mechanical engineer, who says he started down the slippery slope of ds after becoming addicted to pain killers years ago when, he says, he was shot 18 times by police. The graveyard addicts beg or steal for their d money. They pay off officials for peace. When they forget, the police come and beat them, they say. Closer to the center of town, other Pakistani junkies hide away in an even less salubrious den. They huddle in small groups, cloaks pulled over their heads, in an open gutter. Nov 19 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Beaver/Frost Moon) *Dec 10 – Tues – d Sagittarian Birthday Celebration November 22-December 21 Centaur hunters. Dec 19 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Cold/Long Nights Moon)
#2285 Tue, 26 Feb 2002 11:15:20 Tue, 26 Feb 2002 11:15:20 Antidwar ad appears in *today’s* USA Today From: Lojikbom at aol To: neuroatomik, Rebeccamccauley4 at cs For those of you that haven’t heard, the Libertarian Party ran a full page ad in the Washington Post and USA Today featuring d Czar John Walters that said … “This week, I had lunch with the president, testified before Congress, and helped funnel $40 million in illegal d money to groups like the Taliban.” At the bottom the ad stated, “The War on ds boosts the price of ds by as much as 17,000%-funneling huge profits to terrorist organizations. If you support the War on ds or vote for the politicans who wage it, you’re helping support terrorism. Get the facts at web LP.org/dwar.” It’s no secret that terrorist organizations use d money to fund their operations and why not with such lucrative profits to be gained? If the d War were ended then the bottom would fall out of the black market d trade. If marijuana were as cheap as lettuce, or poppies worth as much as tulips, or coca producing plants priced like brussels sprouts, terrorist organizations would lose BILLIONS! Much like the ending of alcohol Prohibition in the 30’s drained mafia coffers, so too would the ending of the d war sap terrorist organization funding. The LP really stuck the blame where it belonged and was bold enough to implicate America’s War on d leaders as the SOURCE for terrorist funding to over 2 million Americans today. So go out and buy a USA Today and frame the ad that’s (hopefully) going to create a firestorm of controversy across the nation. d Peace 2010!!! -Lojikbom PS – Ben Franklin said to his fellows at the dawn of the Revolution, “We must all hang together or most assuredly we will hang separately.” They’ve been hanging us one by one for decades now; it’s about time we fought back!To: neuroatomik, Rebeccamccauley4 at cs For those of you that haven’t heard, the Libertarian Party ran a full page ad in the Washington Post and USA Today featuring d Czar John Walters that said … “This week, I had lunch with the president, testified before Congress, and helped funnel $40 million in illegal d money to groups like the Taliban.” At the bottom the ad stated, “The War on ds boosts the price of ds by as much as 17,000%-funneling huge profits to terrorist organizations. If you support the War on ds or vote for the politicans who wage it, you’re helping support terrorism. Get the facts at web LP.org/dwar.” It’s no secret that terrorist organizations use d money to fund their operations and why not with such lucrative profits to be gained? If the d War were ended then the bottom would fall out of the black market d trade. If marijuana were as cheap as lettuce, or poppies worth as much as tulips, or coca producing plants priced like brussels sprouts, terrorist organizations would lose BILLIONS! Much like the ending of alcohol Prohibition in the 30’s drained mafia coffers, so too would the ending of the d war sap terrorist organization funding. The LP really stuck the blame where it belonged and was bold enough to implicate America’s War on d leaders as the SOURCE for terrorist funding to over 2 million Americans today. So go out and buy a USA Today and frame the ad that’s (hopefully) going to create a firestorm of controversy across the nation. d Peace 2010!!! -Lojikbom
#2286 Tue, 26 Feb 2002 11:23:47 Tue, 26 Feb 2002 11:23:46 Cheap scare tactics on TV This misleading ad will actually increase the disbelief among young people… deaths from E are incredibly rare; equally idiotic is that the chemical makeup of the ectasy is indeterminate – it could be PMA. If a fraction of the amount of money it took to produce and distribute this ad went towards testing – rooting out the real life substances that are parroted as real E – more lives may be saved and less disinformation and disingenuousness would be circulating. E abuse can be harmful, but this “reefer madness” scare tactic is ireesponsible and ridiculous. Parents of Ecstasy Victim Take Grief Public By KEN GUGGENHEIM .c The Associated Press WASHINGTON (Feb. 26) – Jim Heird’s face fills the television screen. The dark background highlights his pale skin, square jaw and dark bags under his eyes. ‘I would have given anything for some warning signs,’ he says, almost shouting. ‘I would have moved. I would have locked her up, I don’t care, if there were warning signs. I would have done whatever it took.’ His voice cracks. ‘I was never given that opportunity.’ Then Heird, 61, sobs for all the world to see. His sniffles can still be heard as white letters appear on a black screen: ‘Danielle Heird died after taking two pills of Ecstasy.’ Before, the Partnership for a d-Free America made ads using fried eggs to symbolize brain damage and showing teen-agers thanking their parents for being tough with them. Now it is going for the gut in exposing the raw grief of Jim and Elsa Heird, a Nevada couple who lost their 21-year-old daughter to Ecstasy. Some say the ads overstate the substance’s dangers, making the case against its use less believable to teens. But the partnership, a coalition of communications professionals, says the ads will encourage parents to talk to children about ds. In coming months, millions of television viewers will get to know Danielle through a series of ads. They will hear the coroner read from her autopsy report. They will see her mother struggle to maintain her composure as she talks about her beautiful and vivacious Danielle. And they will watch Jim Heird weep. ‘A parent’s not supposed to survive their children,’ Heird says, dabbing his eyes with a tissue, at the end of the ad. ‘It’s not the scheme of things.’Under other circumstances, Heird says in a phone interview, he might have felt uncomfortable crying on television. Not now. ‘It may sound corny, but if I save one kid, if it saves one kid …’ ‘I gotta hope it saves a lot more than one.’ Until July 20, 2000, his family’s story was unremarkable. They lived in Henderson, Nev., just outside Las Vegas. The Heirds worked in a casino. He handled food purchasing; she was a chef. Danielle was their younger daughter. She graduated from a Roman Catholic high school and lived at home while working as a casino hostess. She planned to study radiology. She loved to Jet Ski, dance and go to lunch with her parents. On her last night, Danielle, her boyfriend and another friend went to a nightclub to celebrate her boyfriend’s birthday. A Clark County coroner’s report said she brought along six pills of Ecstasy, a d her parents later found out she had taken twice before. Ecstasy, considered both hallucinogen and amphetamine, has become increasingly popular in recent years. She gave two pills to each man and took at least one herself, the report says. At 3 a.m., she was groggy and feeling sick. The men took her to their home. She lay down on a bed and told the men to go back to the club. When they returned at 10:30 a.m., she was dead. ‘It came to us as a total surprise,’ Heird said. ‘There was never any evidence of any d use. The school never called us and said, ‘We need to talk to you. We think there’s a problem.”Within months of Danielle’s death, the Heirds began speaking at schools about Ecstasy. The partnership approached them about doing ads. The partnership says $20 million worth of airtime has been donated nationwide. Typical viewers are likely to see the ads several times during the next eight months, partnership spokesman Steve Dnistrian said. Some d policy analysts are uncomfortable using the story of Danielle. Although repeated use of Ecstasy has been linked to brain damage and kidney and heart problems, deaths like hers are relatively rare. Marsha Rosenbaum, of the d Policy Alliance, said teen-agers don’t take anti-d messages seriously because they know the risks often are overstated. She said Ecstasy is unsafe, but ‘if you choose to do it anyway, I’m going to be honest with you about how you can be safer.’ Dnistrian said the ads are aimed more at parents, to warn those who believe their children would never use ds.WASHINGTON (Feb. 26) – Jim Heird’s face fills the television screen. The dark background highlights his pale skin, square jaw and dark bags under his eyes. ‘I would have given anything for some warning signs,’ he says, almost shouting. ‘I would have moved. I would have locked her up, I don’t care, if there were warning signs. I would have done whatever it took.’ His voice cracks. ‘I was never given that opportunity.’ Then Heird, 61, sobs for all the world to see. His sniffles can still be heard as white letters appear on a black screen: ‘Danielle Heird died after taking two pills of Ecstasy.’ Before, the Partnership for a d-Free America made ads using fried eggs to symbolize brain damage and showing teen-agers thanking their parents for being tough with them. Now it is going for the gut in exposing the raw grief of Jim and Elsa Heird, a Nevada couple who lost their 21-year-old daughter to Ecstasy. Some say the ads overstate the substance’s dangers, making the case against its use less believable to teens. But the partnership, a coalition of communications professionals, says the ads will encourage parents to talk to children about ds. In coming months, millions of television viewers will get to know Danielle through a series of ads. They will hear the coroner read from her autopsy report. They will see her mother struggle to maintain her composure as she talks about her beautiful and vivacious Danielle. And they will watch Jim Heird weep. ‘A parent’s not supposed to survive their children,’ Heird says, dabbing his eyes with a tissue, at the end of the ad. ‘It’s not the scheme of things.’ – Under other circumstances, Heird says in a phone interview, he might have felt uncomfortable crying on television. Not now. ‘It may sound corny, but if I save one kid, if it saves one kid …’ ‘I gotta hope it saves a lot more than one.’ Until July 20, 2000, his family’s story was unremarkable. They lived in Henderson, Nev., just outside Las Vegas. The Heirds worked in a casino. He handled food purchasing; she was a chef. Danielle was their younger daughter. She graduated from a Roman Catholic high school and lived at home while working as a casino hostess. She planned to study radiology. She loved to Jet Ski, dance and go to lunch with her parents. On her last night, Danielle, her boyfriend and another friend went to a nightclub to celebrate her boyfriend’s birthday. A Clark County coroner’s report said she brought along six pills of Ecstasy, a d her parents later found out she had taken twice before. Ecstasy, considered both hallucinogen and amphetamine, has become increasingly popular in recent years. She gave two pills to each man and took at least one herself, the report says. At 3 a.m., she was groggy and feeling sick. The men took her to their home. She lay down on a bed and told the men to go back to the club. When they returned at 10:30 a.m., she was dead. ‘It came to us as a total surprise,’ Heird said. ‘There was never any evidence of any d use. The school never called us and said, ‘We need to talk to you. We think there’s a problem.” – Within months of Danielle’s death, the Heirds began speaking at schools about Ecstasy. The partnership approached them about doing ads. The partnership says $20 million worth of airtime has been donated nationwide. Typical viewers are likely to see the ads several times during the next eight months, partnership spokesman Steve Dnistrian said. Some d policy analysts are uncomfortable using the story of Danielle. Although repeated use of Ecstasy has been linked to brain damage and kidney and heart problems, deaths like hers are relatively rare. Marsha Rosenbaum, of the d Policy Alliance, said teen-agers don’t take anti-d messages seriously because they know the risks often are overstated. She said Ecstasy is unsafe, but ‘if you choose to do it anyway, I’m going to be honest with you about how you can be safer.’
#2287 Tue, 26 Feb 2002 10:21:38 -0800 Tue, 26 Feb 2002 18:21:38 To: dragontribe, brainmachines Bcc: Freaky Tuesdays Tue, 26 Feb 2002 13:21:38 From: “anthony citro” freebeer4kids at hotmail Hello, reminding everyone to come out to “Who’s On First?” a weekly psy-trance party. on 1st ave between 87th & 88th st Free to get in, 21+ ID a must 2 for 1 drink specials! with DJs: Amnesium Manic Mekator Icy Coil 10pm-3am (trance starts at midnight) see you all there! peace&love -Tony.
#2288 Tue, 26 Feb 2002 14:07:58 Tue, 26 Feb 2002 14:07:58 MEGA TSUNAMI COMING!!! Coming One Day Near You a Mega-Tsunami Tue Feb 26 03:01:56 2002 WOLLONGONG, Australia (Reuters) – One day, a giant wave traveling at 125 mph across open water could crash into Sydney harbor, wipe out the beaches of California or plough across the golf courses of northeast Scotland. Mega-tsunamis have happened with greater frequency than modern science would like to believe, and no coastline in the world is safe, says Canadian geologist-geographer Edward Bryant. He said he had found signs of giant waves sweeping over 425 feet high headlands in southeast Australia, roaring down the U.S. West Coast and carving into the bedrock of the Scottish coastline north of Edinburgh. “I believe St. Andrews golf course is a tsunami deposit,” Bryant, head of geosciences at Wollongong University south of Sydney, told Reuters. Over the past 2,000 years, tsunamis have officially killed 462,597 people in the Pacific region alone, with the largest toll recorded in the Japanese islands. Of the top recorded events, the Lisbon earthquake of 1755 is said to have triggered a 15-meter high wave that destroyed the port of Lisbon and caused widespread destruction in southwest Spain, western Morocco and across the Atlantic in the Caribbean. Modern science blames the killer waves on earthquakes and most countries believe they are immune. But in his book, “Tsunamis The Underrated Hazard,” Bryant argues that submarine landslides, underwater volcanoes and even the potentially catastrophic scenario of a meteorite impact must also be taken into account when evaluating tsunami risk. That means a destructive tsunami moving at 250 meters per second in deep water, 85 meters per second across continental shelves and at 10 meters per second at shore could strike an unprotected coastal metropolis anywhere, killing thousands. GEOLOGICAL DABBLER TO CATASTROPHIST In 1989, Bryant was dabbling into the coastal evolution of rock platforms and sand barriers along the New South Wales coastline of eastern Australia when he noticed somthing strange. Giant boulders, some the size of boxcars and weighing almost 100 tons, were jammed 33 meters above sea level into a crevice at the top of a rock platform sheltered from storm waves. Further field work found gravel dunes on a 130-meter-high headland and other massive boulders more than 100 meters inland. Bryant then examined bedrock that had been savagely eroded and found that headlands carved into inverted toothbrushes, where a gap had been roughly gouged in the middle, existed from Cairns in the far northeast to Victoria state in the south. This could not be explained by normal wave action or storms. “But a tsunami could do this,” Bryant said. “From being a trendy process geomorphologist wrapped in the ambience of the 1960s, I had descended into the abyss of catastrophism,” Bryant writes in his book. Similar toothbrush headlands exist in northeast Scotland and gravel has been dumped up to 30 km inland in Western Australia. To the scorn of many modern scientists, Bryant says it is “naive” to base what we know about tsunamis simply on documented history. In North America and Australia, official history only goes back as far as white colonization. We may be ignoring the legends of the Indians of North America, the Aborigines of Australia or the Maoris of New Zealand at our peril, he said. ORAL LEGENDS “We ignore all oral record and it’s probably a significant oversight,” Bryant told Reuters. One Aboriginal tale tells how one of the four pillars holding up the sky collapsed in the east and the sea also fell in. The Maoris of New Zealand have long spoken of a time of fire that burned the land to a crisp. A legend told by the Kwenaitchechat people of the U.S. Pacific Northwest tells of a great shaking of the earth that led to the sea receding and then coming back in a great wall. Using dating techniques, Bryant argues there is evidence that eastern Australia was struck by a mega-tsunami around 1500, which would coincide with the Aboriginal tale of a “great white wave.” The Aboriginal accounts of fire in the sky mean a comet crashing into the South Tasman Sea could have been responsible. Carbon dating indicates a great fire ravaged New Zealand at the same time, giving further weight to the theory of a comet. And Bryant said Japanese researchers probing past tsunamis had found evidence of a massive earthquake off Oregon in January 1700 that would coincide with the Indian tales, and with a Pacific seismic zone where the Juan de Fuca tectonic plate grinds under the North American plate in a process called subduction. “We now know the Oregon subduction zone goes every 300 years. 17002002?” he wonders with raised eyebrows. Bryant’s suspicions of meteor and comet impacts a relatively short time ago rile many in the scientific community who believe the chances of Earth colliding with space debris are tiny. But Bryant says computer modeling suggests a meteor would not have to be a “dinosaur killer” to cause a mega-tsunami. A chunk 100 meters in diameter moving at 20 meters per second could theoretically produce a tsunami that is 27 meters high at source. SUBMARINE LANDSLIDES Focusing on extreme scenarios such as meteorite impacts may also underestimate the risk of a mega-tsunami. Contentiously, Bryant argues that underwater landslides, which can involve thousands of cubic km (miles) of material, may have the power alone to generate the giant waves. A 1998 earthquake off northwest Papua New Guinea has been blamed for a tsunami that killed around 2,000 people near Aitape. But according to conventional scientific wisdom, the 7.1 magnitude was too small to be responsible for the 15-meter wave that at some points swept 500 meters inland. Bryant says a submarine landslide was the likely villain. Another landslide-induced tsunami may have been responsible for shaping the Scottish coastline, including the dunes of St. Andrews, 7,000 years ago. Scientists have found indications of a large submarine landslide at Storegga off the east coast of Norway that Bryant says could have sent a wave originally measuring 8-12 meters roaring into the North Sea and across the Atlantic. Worryingly, he says geologists at the University of Sydney have recently mapped around 170 submarine landslide zones off Sydney, Australia’s largest city with four million inhabitants. What’s more, he has found signs that tsunamis have struck the New South Wales coast with alarming regularity every 500 years. If you take the risk seriously, it does not take much to save human life from tsunamis. Chile, Japan and Hawaii already have warning systems and evacuation drills. Seabed sensors can send tsunami warnings via satellite triggering bells, alarms and telephones within minutes. “The only guarantee or prediction is that they will happen again, sometime soon, on a coastline near you,” Bryant concludes. “Tsunami are very much an underrated, widespread hazard. Any coast is at risk.”Mega-tsunamis have happened with greater frequency than modern science would like to believe, and no coastline in the world is safe, says Canadian geologist-geographer Edward Bryant. He said he had found signs of giant waves sweeping over 425 feet high headlands in southeast Australia, roaring down the U.S. West Coast and carving into the bedrock of the Scottish coastline north of Edinburgh. “I believe St. Andrews golf course is a tsunami deposit,” Bryant, head of geosciences at Wollongong University south of Sydney, told Reuters. Over the past 2,000 years, tsunamis have officially killed 462,597 people in the Pacific region alone, with the largest toll recorded in the Japanese islands. Of the top recorded events, the Lisbon earthquake of 1755 is said to have triggered a 15-meter high wave that destroyed the port of Lisbon and caused widespread destruction in southwest Spain, western Morocco and across the Atlantic in the Caribbean. Modern science blames the killer waves on earthquakes and most countries believe they are immune. But in his book, “Tsunamis The Underrated Hazard,” Bryant argues that submarine landslides, underwater volcanoes and even the potentially catastrophic scenario of a meteorite impact must also be taken into account when evaluating tsunami risk. That means a destructive tsunami moving at 250 meters per second in deep water, 85 meters per second across continental shelves and at 10 meters per second at shore could strike an unprotected coastal metropolis anywhere, killing thousands. GEOLOGICAL DABBLER TO CATASTROPHIST In 1989, Bryant was dabbling into the coastal evolution of rock platforms and sand barriers along the New South Wales coastline of eastern Australia when he noticed somthing strange. Giant boulders, some the size of boxcars and weighing almost 100 tons, were jammed 33 meters above sea level into a crevice at the top of a rock platform sheltered from storm waves. Further field work found gravel dunes on a 130-meter-high headland and other massive boulders more than 100 meters inland. Bryant then examined bedrock that had been savagely eroded and found that headlands carved into inverted toothbrushes, where a gap had been roughly gouged in the middle, existed from Cairns in the far northeast to Victoria state in the south. This could not be explained by normal wave action or storms. “But a tsunami could do this,” Bryant said. “From being a trendy process geomorphologist wrapped in the ambience of the 1960s, I had descended into the abyss of catastrophism,” Bryant writes in his book. Similar toothbrush headlands exist in northeast Scotland and gravel has been dumped up to 30 km inland in Western Australia. To the scorn of many modern scientists, Bryant says it is “naive” to base what we know about tsunamis simply on documented history. In North America and Australia, official history only goes back as far as white colonization. We may be ignoring the legends of the Indians of North America, the Aborigines of Australia or the Maoris of New Zealand at our peril, he said. ORAL LEGENDS “We ignore all oral record and it’s probably a significant oversight,” Bryant told Reuters. One Aboriginal tale tells how one of the four pillars holding up the sky collapsed in the east and the sea also fell in. The Maoris of New Zealand have long spoken of a time of fire that burned the land to a crisp. A legend told by the Kwenaitchechat people of the U.S. Pacific Northwest tells of a great shaking of the earth that led to the sea receding and then coming back in a great wall. Using dating techniques, Bryant argues there is evidence that eastern Australia was struck by a mega-tsunami around 1500, which would coincide with the Aboriginal tale of a “great white wave.” The Aboriginal accounts of fire in the sky mean a comet crashing into the South Tasman Sea could have been responsible. Carbon dating indicates a great fire ravaged New Zealand at the same time, giving further weight to the theory of a comet. And Bryant said Japanese researchers probing past tsunamis had found evidence of a massive earthquake off Oregon in January 1700 that would coincide with the Indian tales, and with a Pacific seismic zone where the Juan de Fuca tectonic plate grinds under the North American plate in a process called subduction. “We now know the Oregon subduction zone goes every 300 years. 17002002?” he wonders with raised eyebrows. Bryant’s suspicions of meteor and comet impacts a relatively short time ago rile many in the scientific community who believe the chances of Earth colliding with space debris are tiny. But Bryant says computer modeling suggests a meteor would not have to be a “dinosaur killer” to cause a mega-tsunami. A chunk 100 meters in diameter moving at 20 meters per second could theoretically produce a tsunami that is 27 meters high at source. SUBMARINE LANDSLIDES Focusing on extreme scenarios such as meteorite impacts may also underestimate the risk of a mega-tsunami. Contentiously, Bryant argues that underwater landslides, which can involve thousands of cubic km (miles) of material, may have the power alone to generate the giant waves. A 1998 earthquake off northwest Papua New Guinea has been blamed for a tsunami that killed around 2,000 people near Aitape. But according to conventional scientific wisdom, the 7.1 magnitude was too small to be responsible for the 15-meter wave that at some points swept 500 meters inland. Bryant says a submarine landslide was the likely villain. Another landslide-induced tsunami may have been responsible for shaping the Scottish coastline, including the dunes of St. Andrews, 7,000 years ago. Scientists have found indications of a large submarine landslide at Storegga off the east coast of Norway that Bryant says could have sent a wave originally measuring 8-12 meters roaring into the North Sea and across the Atlantic. Worryingly, he says geologists at the University of Sydney have recently mapped around 170 submarine landslide zones off Sydney, Australia’s largest city with four million inhabitants. What’s more, he has found signs that tsunamis have struck the New South Wales coast with alarming regularity every 500 years. If you take the risk seriously, it does not take much to save human life from tsunamis. Chile, Japan and Hawaii already have warning systems and evacuation drills. Seabed sensors can send tsunami warnings via satellite triggering bells, alarms and telephones within minutes. “The only guarantee or prediction is that they will happen again, sometime soon, on a coastline near you,” Bryant concludes. “Tsunami are very much an underrated, widespread hazard. Any coast is at risk.”
#2289 Tue, 26 Feb 2002 20:04:44 -0800 Chiletrance Wednesdays From: angeles garay chiletrance at yahoo Dear Everyone!! for every Wednesday nights at Opium Den with Dj Angeles+Guests. Come and enjoy with us the Trance music in this nice bar. Dj Angeles(Chiletrance) Isam(Spectra) Indra(Alphatrance) check web chiletrance Love and Light Angeles
#2290 Wed, 27 Feb 2002 12:37:20 Wed, 27 Feb 2002 12:37:19 Tsunami Hux Flux/Anti Guest List this Saturday – Save $5 SAVE $$$ AT TSUNAMI Your Brainmachines email is your Tsunami Guest List (You basically save $5 off the $30.) *Mar 2 – Saturday – Hux Flux/Sweden Live (this time not just spinning on my confiscated Pioneer CDJ 700s), Anti/Sweden extended set. Yon-E and Joa open. 11:45pm-9am Vinyl is at Hudson & Hubert. IMPORTANT: You absolutely need an ID that says you are 18 or older or you won’t get in!! $30/$25 on list. You are on the BRAINMACHINES list, give your email address that you receive these emails on. All list proceeds will go towards rebuilding the d sound system for the bridge parties this year.Your Brainmachines email is your Tsunami Guest List (You basically save $5 off the $30.) *Mar 2 – Saturday – Hux Flux/Sweden Live (this time not just spinning on my confiscated Pioneer CDJ 700s), Anti/Sweden extended set. Yon-E and Joa open. 11:45pm-9am Vinyl is at Hudson & Hubert. IMPORTANT: You absolutely need
#2292 Wed, 27 Feb 2002 14:42:25 Wed, 27 Feb 2002 14:42:24 Bark at the Brightest Full Moon of 2002 Tonight Full Moon on Wednesday to be Year’s Brightest Reuters WASHINGTON (Feb 26) – If the dog howls more than usual on Wednesday night and if lovers feel the urge to spoon, don’t be surprised, NASA said it’s the brightest full moon of the year. When the Moon is full on Wednesday night it will be just about as close to Earth as it gets in its elliptical orbit, the U.S. space agency said. As a result, it will appear 9 percent wider than normal and shine 20 percent more brightly. At the far end of its ellipse, called apogee, the moon is 252,700 miles from Earth. At the closest, the perigee, it is only 221,500 miles away. In addition, the Earth at this time of year is closer to the sun on its own elliptical orbit, and therefore the moon is as well, so it has more of the sun’s light to reflect, adding to its brightness.WASHINGTON (Feb 26) – If the dog howls more than usual on Wednesday night and if lovers feel the urge to spoon, don’t be surprised, NASA said it’s the brightest full moon of the year. When the Moon is full on Wednesday night it will be just about as close to Earth as it gets in its elliptical orbit, the U.S. space agency said. As a result, it will appear 9 percent wider than normal and shine 20 percent more brightly. At the far end of its ellipse, called apogee, the moon is 252,700 miles from Earth. At the closest, the perigee, it is only 221,500 miles away.
#2293 Wed, 27 Feb 2002 18:07:54 Wed, 27 Feb 2002 18:07:53 Pschedule -update – Omnitribe is actually on Sat. March 16 Cc: omnitribe -Psy-Trance Pschedule- Omnitribe is actually on March 16 – not March 9 coniciding with Talamasca at Tsunami – as previously reported. I apologize for posting the wrong date and look forward to seeing everyone there. dmtski There will be more people up at the dski house this Friday. I myself will be back for Tsunami on Saturday night. The house is available only through mid-March. Buses and rides available. Email rocktheshow at aol for details. SAVE $$$ AT TSUNAMI Your Brainmachines email is your Tsunami Guest List (You basically save $5 off the $30.) *Mar 2 – Saturday – Hux Flux/Sweden Live (this time not just spinning on my confiscated Pioneer CDJ 700s), Anti/Sweden extended set. Yon-E and Joa open. 11:45pm-9am Vinyl is at Hudson & Hubert. IMPORTANT: You absolutely need an ID that says you are 18 or older or you won’t get in!! $30/$25 on list. You are on the BRAINMACHINES list, give your email address that you receive these emails on. All list proceeds will go towards rebuilding the d sound system for the bridge parties this year. LOOKING FOR TURNTABLES From: thenewfixxx at yahoo (silvio kustera) Im looking to put my hat back in the dj arena. If you can let me know who wants to get rid of their tables. silvio TRANCE DANCE COMPANY From: astralboy79 at hotmail (dreamy jimmy) Open Classes Friendly Admission: $6 02.14.02 – 04.30.02 For more information: web tdcny (212) 946-5363 or (917) 859-9602 Bring dance into 21st Century! Battery Dance Studio, 380 Broadway, 5 floor, New York, NY GIVE TRANCE A CHANCE !!! Desktop enhancer From: planbisco at hotmail (Infect B) a friend just sent me this link for program that’s described as a ‘psychotheraputic screensaver and desktop enhancer’ web geisswerks/drempels/ thought i’ld pass it on. B The next horoscope event for Pisces will be held on our last weekend in the Poconos, March 15-16. Feb 27 – Wednesday – Opium Den 3rd street between 2nd and 3rd avenues *Mar 1 – Fri – dmtski overnight – bus available – email rockthe show at aol for info *Mar 2 – Saturday – Hux Flux/Sweden Live (this time not just spinning on my confiscated Pioneer CDJ 700s), Anti/Sweden extended set. Yon-E and Joa open. 11:45pm-9am Vinyl is at Hudson & Hubert. IMPORTANT: You absolutely need an ID that says you are 18 or older or you won’t get in!! Mar 5 – Tue – Freaky Tuesday w/DJ Amnesium at Who’s on First, 87th & 1st Mar 6 – Wed – Opium Den 3rd street between 2nd and 3rd avenue Mar 9 Tsunami – Talamasca (Spiral Trax/Sweden) at Shelter (a refurbished Speeed, 39th between 5th and 6th), using a version of the infamous Phazon sound system from Twilo … same place, EVERY Saturday therafter. So promoters, take note: John is camping on Saturdays for a while, and given their marketing muscle, it will most probably harken back to the biweekly Vinyl reign of 97-98. For more info go to Mar 8/9 – Fri/Sat – dmtski dmtski!! Buses available. Email rocktheshow at aol for info Mar 12 – Tue – Freaky Tuesday w/DJ Amnesium at Who’s on First, 87th & 1st Mar 13 – Opium Den 3rd street between 2nd and 3rd avenue *Mar 15/16 – Fri/Sat – FINAL dmtski Weekend of 2002!! dmtski!! Buses available. Email rocktheshow at aol for info. The monthly horoscope event will be held at the house on Friday. d Pisces Birthday Celebration Feb 19-March 20 Bring fish. Guest of Honor: Mark Lorenz, Aquarium Cleaner Extraordinaire *Mar 16 – Sat – A. OMNI TRIBE presents”AXIS OF TRANCE” party 114 W 26th Street MAHASUKA (Intact Instinct / Peak Pilots – Liquid Audio Soundz, Medium Recrords – GERMANY) Isam (Spectra, Morocco) Kife (Omni Tribe, New York) Dima (Omni Tribe, New York) Live Video Projections By ATOMIC JUICE, YDESIGN 11PM – 9AM $15 at the door 18+ DJ Peter MAHASUKA Hollenbach started to DJ in 1989 and by 1992 he had moved over to the trance scene and has since played at all the big parties and festivals in Germany as well as many other events in Europe. Additionally he has played gigs in India, Thailand, Venezuela, Russia, Macedonia, Japan, New Zealand, Australia and Israel. He’s one of the most regularly booked DJs of the German trance scene and has won the “DJ of the year 1999” award of the German trance magazine “Mushroom”. Peter describes his style as “elastic techno trance” and also produces music under the name of “Intact Instinct” and “Peak Pilots” with his friend and partner Stefan Huebner, and “Disco Slickers” with his friend Sebastian Krueger (Tarsis and SBK).If this is not enough, he also has a side project called “Ouija” with the German trance rockers from “Sun Project”. Peter has had many releases on various labels including Spiral Trax, Naja and Liquid Audio Soundz. He has also recently made a compilation for Medium records and you may also know him for remixes of other artists tracks like Atmos, Quirk, Der Stern Von Afrika and Paps. *Tsunami at Shelter Mar 19 – Tue – Freaky Tuesday w/DJ Amnesium at Who’s on First, 87th & 1st SPRING March 20 2:16pm – Vernal Equinox Opium Den 3rd street between 2nd and 3rd avenue Mar 21 – Son Pax 3 day festival on beach with a pyramid in Mexico with Iboga Records and Son Kite transfly at hotmail (52) (998) 850-9506 Possible party at Chicen Itza pyramids in the Yucatan during spring equinox might be good… one pyramid at chichen itza is built so that a plumed serpent can be seen descending the stairs when the light hits it on this day) of course thousands of native people come to see this as well, depending on how we’re received that could be good or bad) We have the ear of the head of tourism who is open to hosting a trance event at the base of the pyramids. Looking for organizers & investors. The rewards are high but it won’t come cheap. Suggestion: Sliding scale for Mexican nationals/Indians should ideally come for next to nothing, or free; alcohol should not be served. Email andys at ezy.net *The outdoor Lord of the Rings psy-trance festival upstate will be in the Spring, with trance Sindarin woodland elves. The film will be out December 21st. *Mar 23 – Tsunami at Shelter Mar 27 – Opium Den 3rd street between 2nd and 3rd avenue Mar 28 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Worm/Crow/Crust/Sugar/Sap Moon) *Mar 29 – Synthetic Sadhus Laughing Buddha, Alien Project et al at Amazura. web synthetic-sadhius *Mar 30 – Tsunami at Shelter *April 5 – Friday – Alex Grey’s Chapel of the Sacred Mirrors Benefit II Universal Spirit will turn the Frying-Pan(barge & boat) into a sacred space, with Alex’s art, video projection, fire dancers, and many guest DJs & live acts. An official Flyer and line up will be out soon. Supporters of Alex Grey’s Vision from across the globe will be gathering, so please come show your support. To get on the email list for Sacred Mirrors *April 6 – Sat – Tsunami at Shelter *April 9 – Tues – d Arian Birthday Celebration March 21-April 19 LOCATION: Mars 2112 Guest of Honor: This dude I know named “Mars” Bring guns and swords. *April 13 – Tsunami at Shelter *April 20 – Tsunami at Shelter April 26 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Pink/Sprouting Grass/Egg/Fish Moon) *April 27 – Tsunami at Shelter May 1 – Beltainne – Spring’s Planting *May 14 – Tues – d Tauran Birthday Celebration April 20-May 20 Taurus All Taurus get a free Red Bull REFRESHMENTS: Red Bull, Schlitz Malt Liquor Bull Special Guest: Suzula, Xander, Gary Toro, Cata Toro Bring: Bulls. Horns. Whips. Rawhide. Music: Progressive Playstation Wipeout Game with Red Bull sponsorship Possible Location: Denim & Diamonds or someplace with a mechanical bull No Bullshit! May 26 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Flower/Corn Planting/Milk Moon) *June 11 – Tues – d Gemini Birthday Celebration May 21- June 21 Invite every twin you know. Two for one drink specials. Your evil twin, Invite your nemesis. Moment of Silence for the Twin Towers. Possible location: Twins. SUMMER June 21 9:24am Summer Solstice June 21-24 Solstice Festival in Southern Colorado gregschmid at yahoo 888-336-3997 In many cultures, the coming of Summer is the heralding of a time for love, marriage, friendship, beauty, protection, courage, magical energy, physical energy, and strength. It is the perfect time for Fire Magic! The Summer Solstice, also called “Midsummer” or “Litha”, is the longest day of the year. (The Christian Calendar marks this holiday with “St. Peter and Paul’s Day) This celebration of the coming of the light is when magics involving protection, strength, energy and clear sight will be the most successful. With the Sun high in the heavens, the powers of light are readily evoked. Anything that shadows your soul can be set aflame by the Sun’s protective glow. Pagan couples also know that this is the time when the Horned God is at the zenith of His manifest Power and the flowering Godess of Spring welcomes his presence. Sex Magic is powerful now. In many cultures, the coming of Summer is the heralding of a time for love, marriage, friendship, beauty, protection, courage, magical energy, physical energy, and strength. It is the perfect time for Fire Magic! The Summer Solstice, also called “Midsummer” or “Litha”, is the longest day of the year. (The Christian Calendar marks this holiday with “St. Peter and Paul’s Day) This celebration of the coming of the light is when magics involving protection, strength, energy and clear sight will be the most successful. With the Sun high in the heavens, the powers of light are readily evoked. Anything that shadows your soul can be set aflame by the Sun’s protective glow. Pagan couples also know that this is the time when the Horned God is at the zenith of His manifest Power and the flowering Godess of Spring welcomes his presence. Sex Magic is powerful now and legend tells that a nakedmtskip through a garden on Litha night ensures fertility for the coming season. The peaceful blue color of the Lapis stone can be worn to foster physical fertility as well as psychic awareness. Below are some suggestions I have to make your Summer Solstice Rituals complete as well as enlightening…I’ve even included some of my favorite meditations and incantations. Enjoy, and Blessed Be! June 24 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Strawberry/Rose/Hot Moon) *July 9 – Tues – d Cancer Birthday Celebration June 22-July 22 Crab cakes. Crabby people. Possible location: Maryland Crabs July 24 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Buck/Thunder/Hay Moon) Aug 1 – Lugnasad – Harvest Time *Aug 13 – Tues – d Leo Birthday Celebration July 23-August 22 Possible Location: White Lion. Cowardly Lion. King of the Jungle. Lyin’ Fusion Festival in California August 22 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Sturgeon/Red/Green Corn Moon) Labor Day – Burning Man *Sept 10 – Tues – d Virgan Birthday Celebration August 23-September 22 Virgin bloody maries. Sacrificial virgins. September 21 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Harvest/Corn/Barley Moon) Autumn September 23 12:56 am Autumnal Equinox With only 3 more months left in the Celtic summer, pagan folk work hard for the harvest yet to come, whether it be corn and hay from the fields or the personal projects and goals that we planned for the summer months. When the sun crosses the equator and heads south at the Autumnal Equinox, the second of the harvest festivals, (celebrated around September 21) we again celebrate the magnificant balance that the everturning Wheel of the Year promises. These equinoxs are great s that the bleak days of winter as well as the heady days of summer are temporary, that all things have their seasons, and that none will last forever. The law of polarity and rythym require that all things be balanced by their opposites. On these days our ancestors aligned themselves in the ebb and flow of life. As winter, spring, summer and autumn pass by, Witches still reconnect with the ever moving flow of life, we make our plans and watch them unfold. If some do not come to fruition we try again. We pass through times of joy and sorrow; little ones are born, the older ones die allowing their spirits to pass into Summerland. Every event in life is rich in purpose and meaning. Each day, night and season has its own special character. Rituals connect us to both the big and little dramas of the year and of the greater life cycle. We unite the character and spirit of each passing season and do magic to transform our lives, giving them a depth and an expansiveness that without ritual and celebration we would never achieve. Even the most humble ritual helps the moment of power and change, and the celebrant partakes in somthing greater than him or herself. Some would say that in these moments of ecstasy we actually stand outside ourselves and the God and Goddess within us become brighter, more powerful and we touch the All; eg, the Lord Pan and Lady Gaia, Jesus, God, however you see the Divine Power. This festival is associated with the taking of corn and other foods that are to be harvested at this time. Cornbread cakes and cider are an excellent addition to the festivities. The frost will hit soon, so the last of the herbs and other plants you wish to dry for winter use should be harvested now. Depending on when the leaves turn in your area, you may wish to parafin them and add them to your house decorations. Dip the leave quickly in melted parafin, and put them on wax paper. When the leaves are dry you can put them in a huge, decorative jar with a sigil of protection carved lightly on some or all of the leaves. Colors used for candles should be brown, orange, gold or red. Altar cloths can be made of material with fall designs. River and stream stones gathered over the summer can empowered for various purposes. *Oct 8 – Tues – d Libral Birthday Celebration September 23-October 22 Bring scales 😀 Justice is blind. Machinelf is free. Possible location: Somewhere ‘downscale.’ Oct 12 – Saturday – International Global Dance Party for Peace… sponsored by EarthDance Org… Oct 21 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Hunter’s/Travel/Dying Grass Moon) Oct 31 Halloween Winter (Pagan) Nov 1 – Samhain – Winter’s Start *Nov 12 – Tues – d Scorpion Birthday Celebration October 23-November 21 Smoke scorpion venom 🙂 Junkies and Get High in the Pits” QUETTA, Pakistan (Reuters) – When they’re in season, Ghulam Raza smokes scorpions. He says he dries their stingers in the sun and grinds them, then lights the powdery venom and sucks the smoke deep into his lungs. “Oh yes,” he said when asked if the scorpions make him high. “When I smoke scorpion, then the heroin is like nothing to me.” The place where Raza and other Pakistani junkies smoke dope or shoot up in the southwestern city of Quetta is a good place to find scorpions. It is the main cemetery, a dust-filled field of tombstones and corpse-sized mounds of rocks. A shantytown molded from the pale dirt of the desert claws its way up a steep mountain slope on one side while Muslim prayers ring out across the city on the other. In the middle, in the ruins of a building, Raza and a dozen addict friends spend their days. Some, like Abdul Hai, have been coming here for more than 20 years. More disdained than criminalized, the hundreds of junkies in Quetta, capital of Pakistan’s parched Baluchistan province, gather away from the chaotic life of the city. In the cemetery, sometimes one of them will get very stoned and drop into an open grave. “We are safe here,” says Raza, a mechanical engineer, who says he started down the slippery slope of ds after becoming addicted to pain killers years ago when, he says, he was shot 18 times by police. The graveyard addicts beg or steal for their d money. They pay off officials for peace. When they forget, the police come and beat them, they say. Closer to the center of town, other Pakistani junkies hide away in an even less salubrious den. They huddle in small groups, cloaks pulled over their heads, in an open gutter. Nov 19 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Beaver/Frost Moon) *Dec 10 – Tues – d Sagittarian Birthday Celebration November 22-December 21 Centaur hunters. Dec 19 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Cold/Long Nights Moon) Dec 21 8:15pm Winter Solstice Dallas Los Angeles New York Toronto Brazil web carloswh.hpg.br Israel web crime.co.il KParis #Omnitribe is actually on March 16 – not March 9 coniciding with Talamasca at Tsunami – as previously reported. I apologize for posting the wrong date and look forward to seeing everyone there. dmtski There will be more people up at the dski house this Friday. I myself will be back for Tsunami on Saturday night. The house is available only through mid-March. Buses and rides available. Email rocktheshow at aol for details. SAVE $$$ AT TSUNAMI Your Brainmachines email is your Tsunami Guest List (You basically save $5 off the $30.) *Mar 2 – Saturday – Hux Flux/Sweden Live (this time not just spinning on my confiscated Pioneer CDJ 700s), Anti/Sweden extended set. Yon-E and Joa open. 11:45pm-9am Vinyl is at Hudson & Hubert. IMPORTANT: You absolutely need an ID that says you are 18 or older or you won’t get in!! $30/$25 on list. You are on the BRAINMACHINES list, give your email address that you receive these emails on. All list proceeds will go towards rebuilding the d sound system for the bridge parties this year. LOOKING FOR TURNTABLES From: thenewfixxx at yahoo (silvio kustera) Im looking to put my hat back in the dj arena. If you can let me know who wants to get rid of their tables. silvio TRANCE DANCE COMPANY From: astralboy79 at hotmail (dreamy jimmy) Open Classes Friendly Admission: $6 02.14.02 – 04.30.02 For more information: web tdcny (212) 946-5363 or (917) 859-9602 Bring dance into 21st Century! Battery Dance Studio, 380 Broadway, 5 floor, New York, NY GIVE TRANCE A CHANCE !!! Desktop enhancer From: planbisco at hotmail (Infect B) a friend just sent me this link for program that’s described as a ‘psychotheraputic screensaver and desktop enhancer’ web geisswerks/drempels/ thought i’ld pass it on. B Feb 27 – Wednesday – Opium Den 3rd street between 2nd and 3rd avenues *Mar 1 – Fri – dmtski overnight – bus available – email rockthe show at aol for info *Mar 2 – Saturday – Hux Flux/Sweden Live (this time not just spinning on my confiscated Pioneer CDJ 700s), Anti/Sweden extended set. Yon-E and Joa open. 11:45pm-9am Vinyl is at Hudson & Hubert. IMPORTANT: You absolutely need an ID that says you are 18 or older or you won’t get in!! Mar 5 – Tue – Freaky Tuesday w/DJ Amnesium at Who’s on First, 87th & 1st Mar 6 – Wed – Opium Den 3rd street between 2nd and 3rd avenue Mar 9 Tsunami – Talamasca (Spiral Trax/Sweden) at Shelter (a refurbished Speeed, 39th between 5th and 6th), using a version of the infamous Phazon sound system from Twilo … same place, EVERY Saturday therafter. So promoters, take note: John is camping on Saturdays for a while, and given their marketing muscle, it will most probably harken back to the biweekly Vinyl reign of 97-98. For more info go to Mar 8/9 – Fri/Sat – dmtski dmtski!! Buses available. Email rocktheshow at aol for info Mar 12 – Tue – Freaky Tuesday w/DJ Amnesium at Who’s on First, 87th & 1st Mar 13 – Opium Den 3rd street between 2nd and 3rd avenue *Mar 15/16 – Fri/Sat – FINAL dmtski Weekend of 2002!! dmtski!! Buses available. Email rocktheshow at aol for info. The monthly horoscope event will be held at the house on Friday. d Pisces Birthday Celebration Feb 19-March 20 Bring fish. Guest of Honor: Mark Lorenz, Aquarium Cleaner Extraordinaire *Mar 16 – Sat – A. OMNI TRIBE presents”AXIS OF TRANCE” party 114 W 26th Street MAHASUKA (Intact Instinct / Peak Pilots – Liquid Audio Soundz, Medium Recrords – GERMANY) Isam (Spectra, Morocco) Kife (Omni Tribe, New York) Dima (Omni Tribe, New York) Live Video Projections By ATOMIC JUICE, YDESIGN 11PM – 9AM $15 at the door 18+ DJ Peter MAHASUKA Hollenbach started to DJ in 1989 and by 1992 he had moved over to the trance scene and has since played at all the big parties and festivals in Germany as well as many other events in Europe. Additionally he has played gigs in India, Thailand, Venezuela, Russia, Macedonia, Japan, New Zealand, Australia and Israel. He’s one of the most regularly booked DJs of the German trance scene and has won the “DJ of the year 1999” award of the German trance magazine “Mushroom”. Peter describes his style as “elastic techno trance” and also produces music under the name of “Intact Instinct” and “Peak Pilots” with his friend and partner Stefan Huebner, and “Disco Slickers” with his friend Sebastian Krueger (Tarsis and SBK).If this is not enough, he also has a side project called “Ouija” with the German trance rockers from “Sun Project”. Peter has had many releases on various labels including Spiral Trax, Naja and Liquid Audio Soundz. He has also recently made a compilation for Medium records and you may also know him for remixes of other artists tracks like Atmos, Quirk, Der Stern Von Afrika and Paps. *Tsunami at Shelter Mar 19 – Tue – Freaky Tuesday w/DJ Amnesium at Who’s on First, 87th & 1st March 20 2:16pm – Vernal Equinox might be good… one pyramid at chichen itza is built so that a plumed serpent can be seen descending the stairs when the light hits it on this day) of course thousands of native people come to see this as well, depending on how we’re received that could be good or bad) We have the ear of the head of tourism who is open to hosting a trance event at the base of the pyramids. Looking for organizers & investors. The rewards are high but it won’t come cheap. Suggestion: Sliding scale for Mexican nationals/Indians should ideally come for next to nothing, or free; alcohol should not be served. Email andys at ezy.net *The outdoor Lord of the Rings psy-trance festival upstate will be in the Spring, with trance Sindarin woodland elves. The film will be out December 21st. Mar 27 – Opium Den 3rd street between 2nd and 3rd avenue Mar 28 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Worm/Crow/Crust/Sugar/Sap Moon) *Mar 29 – Synthetic Sadhus Laughing Buddha, Alien Project et al at Amazura. web synthetic-sadhius *Mar 30 – Tsunami at Shelter *April 6 – Sat – Tsunami at Shelter LOCATION: Mars 2112 Guest of Honor: This dude I know named “Mars” Bring guns and swords. *April 13 – Tsunami at Shelter *April 20 – Tsunami at Shelter *April 27 – Tsunami at Shelter May 1 – Beltainne – Spring’s Planting *May 14 – Tues – d Tauran Birthday Celebration April 20-May 20 Taurus All Taurus get a free Red Bull REFRESHMENTS: Red Bull, Schlitz Malt Liquor Bull Special Guest: Suzula, Xander, Gary Toro, Cata Toro Bring: Bulls. Horns. Whips. Rawhide. Music: Progressive Playstation Wipeout Game with Red Bull sponsorship Possible Location: Denim & Diamonds or someplace with a mechanical bull No Bullshit! *June 11 – Tues – d Gemini Birthday Celebration May 21- June 21 Invite every twin you know. Two for one drink specials. Your evil twin, Invite your nemesis. Moment of Silence for the Twin Towers. June 21 9:24am Summer Solstice In many cultures, the coming of Summer is the heralding of a time for love, marriage, friendship, beauty, protection, courage, magical energy, physical energy, and strength. It is the perfect time for Fire Magic! The Summer Solstice, also called “Midsummer” or “Litha”, is the longest day of the year. (The Christian Calendar marks this holiday with “St. Peter and Paul’s Day) This celebration of the coming of the light is when magics involving protection, strength, energy and clear sight will be the most successful. With the Sun high in the heavens, the powers of light are readily evoked. Anything that shadows your soul can be set aflame by the Sun’s protective glow. Pagan couples also know that this is the time when the Horned God is at the zenith of His manifest Power and the flowering Godess of Spring welcomes his presence. Sex Magic is powerful now. In many cultures, the coming of Summer is the heralding of a time for love, marriage, friendship, beauty, protection, courage, magical energy, physical energy, and strength. It is the perfect time for Fire Magic! The Summer Solstice, also called “Midsummer” or “Litha”, is the longest day of the year. (The Christian Calendar marks this holiday with “St. Peter and Paul’s Day) This celebration of the coming of the light is when magics involving protection, strength, energy and clear sight will be the most successful. With the Sun high in the heavens, the powers of light are readily evoked. Anything that shadows your soul can be set aflame by the Sun’s protective glow. Pagan couples also know that this is the time when the Horned God is at the zenith of His manifest Power and the flowering Godess of Spring welcomes his presence. Sex Magic is powerful now and legend tells that a nakedmtskip through a garden on Litha night ensures fertility for the coming season. The peaceful blue color of the Lapis stone can be worn to foster physical fertility as well as psychic awareness. Below are some suggestions I have to make your Summer Solstice Rituals complete as well as enlightening…I’ve even included some of my favorite meditations and incantations. Enjoy, and Blessed Be! *July 9 – Tues – d Cancer Birthday Celebration June 22-July 22 Crab cakes. Crabby people. Possible location: Maryland Crabs Aug 1 – Lugnasad – Harvest Time *Aug 13 – Tues – d Leo Birthday Celebration July 23-August 22 Possible Location: White Lion. Cowardly Lion. King of the Jungle. Lyin’ Fusion Festival in California Labor Day – Burning Man *Sept 10 – Tues – d Virgan Birthday Celebration August 23-September 22 Virgin bloody maries. Sacrificial virgins. Autumn September 23 12:56 am Autumnal Equinox With only 3 more months left in the Celtic summer, pagan folk work hard for the harvest yet to come, whether it be corn and hay from the fields or the personal projects and goals that we planned for the summer months. When the sun crosses the equator and heads south at the Autumnal Equinox, the second of the harvest festivals, (celebrated around September 21) we again celebrate the magnificant balance that the everturning Wheel of the Year promises. These equinoxs are great s that the bleak days of winter as well as the heady days of summer are temporary, that all things have their seasons, and that none will last forever. The law of polarity and rythym require that all things be balanced by their opposites. On these days our ancestors aligned themselves in the ebb and flow of life. As winter, spring, summer and autumn pass by, Witches still reconnect with the ever moving flow of life, we make our plans and watch them unfold. If some do not come to fruition we try again. We pass through times of joy and sorrow; little ones are born, the older ones die allowing their spirits to pass into Summerland. Every event in life is rich in purpose and meaning. Each day, night and season has its own special character. Rituals connect us to both the big and little dramas of the year and of the greater life cycle. We unite the character and spirit of each passing season and do magic to transform our lives, giving them a depth and an expansiveness that without ritual and celebration we would never achieve. Even the most humble ritual helps the moment of power and change, and the celebrant partakes in somthing greater than him or herself. Some would say that in these moments of ecstasy we actually stand outside ourselves and the God and Goddess within us become brighter, more powerful and we touch the All; eg, the Lord Pan and Lady Gaia, Jesus, God, however you see the Divine Power. This festival is associated with the taking of corn and other foods that are to be harvested at this time. Cornbread cakes and cider are an excellent addition to the festivities. The frost will hit soon, so the last of the herbs and other plants you wish to dry for winter use should be harvested now. Depending on when the leaves turn in your area, you may wish to parafin them and add them to your house decorations. Dip the leave quickly in melted parafin, and put them on wax paper. When the leaves are dry you can put them in a huge, decorative jar with a sigil of protection carved lightly on some or all of the leaves. Colors used for candles should be brown, orange, gold or red. Altar cloths can be made of material with fall designs. River and stream stones gathered over the summer can empowered for various purposes. Bring scales 😀 Justice is blind. Machinelf is free. Possible location: Somewhere ‘downscale.’ Oct 12 – Saturday – International Global Dance Party for Peace… sponsored by EarthDance Org… Oct 31 Halloween Nov 1 – Samhain – Winter’s Start *Nov 12 – Tues – d Scorpion Birthday Celebration October 23-November 21 Smoke scorpion venom 🙂 Junkies and Get High in the Pits” QUETTA, Pakistan (Reuters) – When they’re in season, Ghulam Raza smokes scorpions. He says he dries their stingers in the sun and grinds them, then lights the powdery venom and sucks the smoke deep into his lungs. “Oh yes,” he said when asked if the scorpions make him high. “When I smoke scorpion, then the heroin is like nothing to me.” The place where Raza and other Pakistani junkies smoke dope or shoot up in the southwestern city of Quetta is a good place to find scorpions. It is the main cemetery, a dust-filled field of tombstones and corpse-sized mounds of rocks. A shantytown molded from the pale dirt of the desert claws its way up a steep mountain slope on one side while Muslim prayers ring out across the city on the other. In the middle, in the ruins of a building, Raza and a dozen addict friends spend their days. Some, like Abdul Hai, have been coming here for more than 20 years. More disdained than criminalized, the hundreds of junkies in Quetta, capital of Pakistan’s parched Baluchistan province, gather away from the chaotic life of the city. In the cemetery, sometimes one of them will get very stoned and drop into an open grave. “We are safe here,” says Raza, a mechanical engineer, who says he started down the slippery slope of ds after becoming addicted to pain killers years ago when, he says, he was shot 18 times by police. The graveyard addicts beg or steal for their d money. They pay off officials for peace. When they forget, the police come and beat them, they say. Closer to the center of town, other Pakistani junkies hide away in an even less salubrious den. They huddle in small groups, cloaks pulled over their heads, in an open gutter. *Dec 10 – Tues – d Sagittarian Birthday Celebration November 22-December 21 Centaur hunters. Dallas Los Angeles New York Toronto Brazil web carloswh.hpg.br Israel web crime.co.il KMexico City #
March 2002
#2297 Wed, 6 Mar 2002 15:43:42 Wed, 6 Mar 2002 15:43:42 Saturday evening: Angeles & Dima This looks like a good call before Tsunami: CAF’E CHILL-OUTSaturday March 9th. (9pm-2am) at MakorBringing on the vibe of eclectic Chilled-Out groovy sounds mixed into an Ambient tribal experienceFEATURING:DJ Angeles…Chiletrance Hailing from Chile, DJ Angeles is well known fro her unique style of ambient, chill-out and Goa Trance music. Angeles had been featured throughout South America and Europe for her very rich electronic musical and spiritual creativity…DJ Dima…Omni Tribe This Russian born DJ is making his debue as an up and coming Ambient and Down-Beats artist, from the Underground label of Omni Tribe…DJ Dima brings on the vibe of the fresh and eclectic sound of European Chill-Out-Out music……keeping it funky…Venue: Makor, 35 W67th Street, NYCBox Office: (212) 601-100003.09.02Time: 9pmDoor: $12.00 ($10.00 pre-sale).
#2298 Wed, 6 Mar 2002 16:38:33 Wed, 6 Mar 2002 16:38:32 Pschedule – Eclipse, Tsunami Update, ElfTranceFlashMovie Cc: – Psy-Trance Pschedule – In this blockbuster issue – Eclipse festival announced, d Speaker Update, Elf Trance Flash Movie, Slap the Raver, Tripping after 9/11, More -denotes that I will be there, up to no good! New Eclipse Party: Nov 30 Transsolar South Africa Trance Party timed to the Dec 4 solar eclipse come.to/solareclips Tsunami/$20 List Update: I just got out of a meeting with John Emmanuel Gartmann of Tsunami. Shelter this Saturday with Talamasca is really looking good. The old club Speeed was bought by the people who ran Shelter at Vinyl back in the day. Although it maxes out at 500 people (the roof is still closed) they have completely remodeled the place. There is of course the Phazon sound system, but there is also new AC installed on the top floor. JEG envisions this weekly to attract new non-trance people, somthing Tsunami has excelled in since 1995. Mike Bindra from the old Twilo was at Vinyl Saturday checking out the scene… that progressive trance/house warrior only booked psy at Twilo THRICE!! So the Hux Flux list at Vinyl was a success, and John Emmanuel honored it. We’ll continue to do it every Saturday, until further notice, mostly at Shelter, with some dates at Vinyl. To get reduced, say BRAINMACHINES list at door, give your email address that you receive these emails on. You basically save $5 off the $25. All list proceeds ($1 per person) will go towards rebuilding the d sound system for the bridge parties this year. Money raised for the d summer events so far: $110. New Links: Taking Psychedelics in the USA, post-9/11: web tikkun.org/magazine/index.cfm/action/tikkun/issue/tik0203/article/020313c web tikkun.org/magazine/index.cfm/action/tikkun/issue/tik0203/article/02 0313c Elf trance flash movie (wow – parallel evolution!! 🙂 web elftrance/Flash/Evolution.swfweb elftrance/Flash/Evolution.swf Slap the Raver – funny game: web eneone/tuningspork/SLAP web eneone/tuningspork/SLAP New PS2 trippy videogame synaesthetically emulates Kandinsky: Events: – TONIGHT – Mar 6 – Wed – Opium Den 3rd street between 2nd and 3rd avenue – Mar 8 – Friday – dmtski dmtski!! There’s Snow!!! Buses available. Two Hour drive. Some coming back Saturday for Tsunami. Others stay through Sunday night. Email rocktheshow at aol for info. – Mar 9 – Saturday – Makor and then Tsunami MAKOR CAF’E CHILL-OUT (9pm-2am) at Makor Bringing on the vibe of eclectic Chilled-Out groovy sounds mixed into an Ambient tribal experienceFEATURING: DJ Angeles…Chiletrance Hailing from Chile, DJ Angeles is well known from her unique style of ambient, chill-out and Goa Trance music. Angeles had been featured throughout South America and Europe for her very rich electronic musical and spiritual creativity… DJ Dima…Omni Tribe This Russian born DJ is making his debut as an up and coming Ambient and Down-Beats artist, from the Underground label of Omni Tribe…DJ Dima brings on the vibe of the fresh and eclectic sound of European Chill-Out-Out music… …keeping it funky… Venue: Makor, 35 W67th Street, NYC Box Office: (212) 601-1000 03.09.02 Time: 9pm Door: $12.00 ($10.00 pre-sale). – Mar 9 Tsunami – Talamasca AKA Cederic (Spiral Trax/Sweden) at the Basement of Shelter (a refurbished Speeed, 20 West 39th between 5th & 6th), 11pm-11am(!), use separate Tsunami entrance, ID18+ (You MUST bring an ID!!!) using a version of the infamous Phazon sound system from Twilo … DJs India Drop and Ryan of Purple Oz open. Same place, EVERY Saturday therafter. So promoters, take note: John is camping on Saturdays for a while, and given their marketing muscle, it will most probably harken back to the biweekly Vinyl reign of 97-98. For more info go to ce. $25/$20 w/list. If you’re on the BRAINMACHINES list, say “Brainmachines List” at the door and give your email address to save $5; all proceeds go towards d warm weather trance festivals in the five boroughs) Mar 12 – Tue – Freaky Tuesday w/DJ Amnesium at Who’s on First, 87th & 1st Mar 13 – Opium Den 3rd street between 2nd and 3rd avenue -Mar 15/16 – Fri/Sat – FINAL dmtski Weekend of 2002!! dmtski!! Buses available. Email rocktheshow at aol for info. The monthly horoscope event will be held at the house on Friday. d Pisces Birthday Celebration Feb 19-March 20 Bring fish. Guest of Honor: Mark Lorenz, Aquarium Cleaner Extraordinaire – Mar 16 – Sat – A. OMNI TRIBE presents”AXIS OF TRANCE” party 114 W 26th Street MAHASUKA (Intact Instinct / Peak Pilots – Liquid Audio Soundz, Medium Recrords – GERMANY) Isam (Spectra, Morocco) Kife (Omni Tribe, New York) Dima (Omni Tribe, New York) Live Video Projections By ATOMIC JUICE, YDESIGN 11PM – 9AM $15 at the door 18+ DJ Peter MAHASUKA Hollenbach started to DJ in 1989 and by 1992 he had moved over to the trance scene and has since played at all the big parties and festivals in Germany as well as many other events in Europe. Additionally he has played gigs in India, Thailand, Venezuela, Russia, Macedonia, Japan, New Zealand, Australia and Israel. He’s one of the most regularly booked DJs of the German trance scene and has won the “DJ of the year 1999” award of the German trance magazine “Mushroom”. Peter describes his style as “elastic techno trance” and also produces music under the name of “Intact Instinct” and “Peak Pilots” with his friend and partner Stefan Huebner, and “Disco Slickers” with his friend Sebastian Krueger (Tarsis and SBK).If this is not enough, he also has a side project called “Ouija” with the German trance rockers from “Sun Project”. Peter has had many releases on various labels including Spiral Trax, Naja and Liquid Audio Soundz. He has also recently made a compilation for Medium records and you may also know him for remixes of other artists tracks like Atmos, Quirk, Der Stern Von Afrika and Paps. Special Note: In keeping with the spirit of the Axis of Trance, there is an attached word file entitled “TwoOmstikas.” You are invited to print this page out, cut out each Om-stika and make an armband. Fasten with scotch tape. There are two so that you can make one with your friend. It would look particularly good in an all black outfit, but that’s just a matter of personal “taste.” – Tsunami at Shelter $30/$25 w/list. Your Brainmachines email is your Tsunami Guest List (You basically save $5 off the $30.) Mar 19 – Tue – Freaky Tuesday w/DJ Amnesium at Who’s on First, 87th & 1st SPRING – March 20 2:16pm – Vernal Equinox Opium Den 3rd street between 2nd and 3rd avenue Mar 21 – Son Pax 3 day festival on beach with a pyramid in Mexico with Iboga Records and Son Kite transfly at hotmail (52) (998) 850-9506 Possible party at Chicen Itza pyramids in the Yucatan during spring equinox might be good… one pyramid at chichen itza is built so that a plumed serpent can be seen descending the stairs when the light hits it on this day) of course thousands of native people come to see this as well, depending on how we’re received that could be good or bad) We have the ear of the head of tourism who is open to hosting a trance event at the base of the pyramids. Looking for organizers & investors. The rewards are high but it won’t come cheap. Suggestion: Sliding scale for Mexican nationals/Indians should ideally come for next to nothing, or free; alcohol should not be served. Email andys at ezy.net – The outdoor Lord of the Rings psy-trance festival upstate will be in the Spring, with trance Sindarin woodland elves. The film will be out December 21st. – Mar 23 – Tsunami at Shelter Mar 27 – Opium Den 3rd street between 2nd and 3rd avenue Mar 28 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Worm/Crow/Crust/Sugar/Sap Moon) – Mar 29 – Synthetic Sadhus Laughing Buddha, Alien Project et al at Amazura. web synthetic-sadhius – Mar 30 – Tsunami at Shelter – April 5 – Friday – Alex Grey’s Chapel of the Sacred Mirrors Benefit II Universal Spirit will turn the Frying-Pan(barge & boat) into a sacred space, with Alex’s art, video projection, fire dancers, and many guest DJs & live acts. An official Flyer and line up will be out soon. Supporters of Alex Grey’s Vision from across the globe will be gathering, so please come show your support. To get on the email list for Sacred Mirrors – April 6 – Sat – Tsunami at Shelter – April 9 – Tues – d Arian Birthday Celebration March 21-April 19 LOCATION: Mars 2112 Guest of Honor: This dude I know named “Mars” Bring guns and swords. – April 13 – Tsunami at Shelter – April 20 – Tsunami at Shelter April 26 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Pink/Sprouting Grass/Egg/Fish Moon) – April 27 – Tsunami at Shelter – May 1 – Beltainne – Spring’s Planting – May 14 – Tues – d Tauran Birthday Celebration April 20-May 20 Taurus All Taurus get a free Red Bull REFRESHMENTS: Red Bull, Schlitz Malt Liquor Bull Special Guest: Suzula, Xander, Gary Toro, Cata Toro Bring: Bulls. Horns. Whips. Rawhide. Music: Progressive Playstation Wipeout Game with Red Bull sponsorship Possible Location: Denim & Diamonds or someplace with a mechanical bull No Bullshit! – May 26 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Flower/Corn Planting/Milk Moon) – June 11 – Tues – d Gemini Birthday Celebration May 21- June 21 Invite every twin you know. Two for one drink specials. Your evil twin, Invite your nemesis. Moment of Silence for the Twin Towers. Possible location: Twins. SUMMER – June 21 9:24am Summer Solstice June 21-24 Solstice Festival in Southern Colorado gregschmid at yahoo 888-336-3997 In many cultures, the coming of Summer is the heralding of a time for love, marriage, friendship, beauty, protection, courage, magical energy, physical energy, and strength. It is the perfect time for Fire Magic! The Summer Solstice, also called “Midsummer” or “Litha”, is the longest day of the year. (The Christian Calendar marks this holiday with “St. Peter and Paul’s Day) This celebration of the coming of the light is when magics involving protection, strength, energy and clear sight will be the most successful. With the Sun high in the heavens, the powers of light are readily evoked. Anything that shadows your soul can be set aflame by the Sun’s protective glow. Pagan couples also know that this is the time when the Horned God is at the zenith of His manifest Power and the flowering Godess of Spring welcomes his presence. Sex Magic is powerful now. In many cultures, the coming of Summer is the heralding of a time for love, marriage, friendship, beauty, protection, courage, magical energy, physical energy, and strength. It is the perfect time for Fire Magic! The Summer Solstice, also called “Midsummer” or “Litha”, is the longest day of the year. (The Christian Calendar marks this holiday with “St. Peter and Paul’s Day) This celebration of the coming of the light is when magics involving protection, strength, energy and clear sight will be the most successful. With the Sun high in the heavens, the powers of light are readily evoked. Anything that shadows your soul can be set aflame by the Sun’s protective glow. Pagan couples also know that this is the time when the Horned God is at the zenith of His manifest Power and the flowering Godess of Spring welcomes his presence. Sex Magic is powerful now and legend tells that a nakedmtskip through a garden on Litha night ensures fertility for the coming season. The peaceful blue color of the Lapis stone can be worn to foster physical fertility as well as psychic awareness. Below are some suggestions I have to make your Summer Solstice Rituals complete as well as enlightening…I’ve even included some of my favorite meditations and incantations. Enjoy, and Blessed Be! -June 24 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Strawberry/Rose/Hot Moon) -July 9 – Tues – d Cancer Birthday Celebration June 22-July 22 Crab cakes. Crabby people. Possible location: Maryland Crabs -July 24 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Buck/Thunder/Hay Moon) -Aug 1 – Lugnasad – Harvest Time -Aug 13 – Tues – d Leo Birthday Celebration July 23-August 22 Possible Location: White Lion. Cowardly Lion. King of the Jungle. Lyin’ Fusion Festival in California -August 22 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Sturgeon/Red/Green Corn Moon) Labor Day – Burning Man -Sept 10 – Tues – d Virgan Birthday Celebration August 23-September 22 Virgin bloody maries. Sacrificial virgins. -September 21 – Full Moon (Indian Name: Full Harvest/Corn/Barley Moon) Autumn – September 23 12:56 am Autumnal Equinox With only 3 more months left in the Celtic summer, pagan folk work hard for the harvest yet to come, whether it be corn and hay from the fields or the personal projects and goals that we planned for the summer months. When the sun crosses the equator and heads south at the Autumnal Equinox, the second of the harvest festivals, (celebrated around September 21) we again celebrate the magnificant balance that the everturning Wheel of the Year promises. These equinoxs are great s that the bleak days of winter as well as the heady days of summer are temporary, that all things have thei