Updated 12 months ago
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2001 Emails from Brainmachines Yahoogroup

Spectra, Eagle’s Nest, Psilocib (Max), Light-o-Matic, Spiritual Beings, Burning Elf, Omnitribe, Liran/Hommega all begin producing events.
Changmian begins events in Boston
Twilo closed in May
Jeff Arrested in DMT Squat June 12
Yahoogroups launched January 30
Kazaa launched March
Ipod launched October 23
2001 List of Record Stores that sold rave music
Note: All renegade/underground events were all only posted as emails onthe DMT list that was deleted by Mark Indole, so they are lost to history. Much effort has been made to reconstruct the most important events.
January 2001
Zen is a behind the scenes organizer in New York who is affiliated with SubtleChaos, Blackkat Collective, and the DMT. His new site is web globaluplift.org It is full of information on the Million Marijuana March and events in 2001.
BTSWatch is evolving quickly. Our input will be going into an upcoming article in the Village Voice.
January 3 Wednesday
Chiletrance at Opium Den
DJs from New Years’ Eve. DJ Angeles+ Dominic Lamb(UK) Sid Shanti(UK) Yaniv(Israel) 29 East 3rd Street at 2nd Ave. 10 PM No Cover Happy New Year!!! You too!! 🙂 Love and Light Angeles
January 10 Wednesday
Jeff’s Birthday at Karma
Hej y’all… For your entertainment and amusement you are invited to my 33rd birthday this Wednesday at Karma, an Indian restaurant owned by a friend in a restaurant in the East Village 51 1st Avenue between 3rd & 4th streets. It’s very cozy and opulent. There is a nice bar too. Astrid had her rockin’ birthday party there last year. Dinner 9-11 then dancing etc. until maybe after 1am. We’ll jam out to our favorite tracks on the Karma’s stereo system. If you’d like to join us for dinner RSVP, be there 8:30pm and bring $30. Otherwise, feel free to come by. Cash bar. No dress code. Just come as you are. As an added bonus, if more than 33 show up for dinner then this year will NOT become the Year of the Jesus Complex. Hope to see y’all there! Jeff
January 12 Friday or 13
DMT Winter Celebration in SoHo loft
(98% legal!) As always, free for members of the d, and members can bring one guest for $15. Another reason to join the DMT – We have a DMT Ski tekno sweat lodge in the Poconos with a network of drivers. We are throwing down. Hey’s it’s better than UP. If any of you are interested in joining the DMT Ski you’ll have to join the DMT first. DMT Ski is free but you will have to share in the rental of the luxury lodge. It’s pretty big, and we have some mind-stretching apres-ski festivities planned.
Picture of the Tekno Sweat Lodge This Saturday’s Post Tsunami Ski Disorder DMT event is shaping up nicely. Party all day Saturday, get up early and ski Sunday. Here’s a shot of the T.A.Z., which is 5 minutes from the lifts. The more the merrier. This is what the DMT will do in the winter now! Don’t miss this most psychedelic of Saturdays.
January 13 Saturday
Shanti in Boston
SHANTI gms/tip records, UK spun/frequency deluxe, LA BUFO (live PA) ceiba records/eyephunk, SF ** first east coast appearance ** KJ eyephunk, SF ** first east coast appearance in 3+ years ** ADAM OHM bufo/ceiba records/eyephunk, SF ** first east coast appearance ** JAMIN hovek olam, NYC January 13, 10pm-? (lockdown at 11/11:30pm) free decor by Jamin (NYC) boston location TBA free giveaways throughout the nite 617.540.2368 617.730.5679
January 17 Wednesday
Chiletrance at Opium Den
DJ Isam Nick(Synthetic Sadhus) 29 East 3rd Street at 2nd Avenue 10 PM No Cover Thanks! Love and Light Angeles
January 19 Friday
Tsunami at Octagon
TIM SCHULDT live Aurinko, Germany OFORIA BNE, Israel/Tsunami Opher India drop purple oz/Tsunami Yare X NYC …and more! Octagon 555West 33rd 11pm-7am btwn 11th and 12th ave. tickets: $25 advance $30 door 18+ id only please
Bunny was there. I had a water fun full of LSD. Tsunami news What a great down and dirty party this last Friday! 1. Christopher Jones and Alex Munschnik Vitalizubry? of the BTS were spotted and removed by security after Alex was told he needed to try some Slimfast. Jones’ original post to me appears on brainmachines/btswatch.html implicating him in the assault of an Israeli at a bridge party 3 years ago that was advertised everywhere via flyers. I forgot to take their pictures; oh well next time. Frank Owen, the writer of the original Details article will be getting info from us for an upcoming Village Voice article. 2. At BB Kings a girl wandered over a velvet rope and into the brainmachine station where we “just wanted to sit down for a second” and had an epileptic seizure. She is OK. But I packed up all my gear anyway, it looked baaaaad. Witnesses verify that she never had in fact put on the glasses so my liability is still safe. Angel’s benefit in Greenpoint on Saturday was off the hook. See ya’ll at Spectra this weekend. And a message to a select few – PEZ ON EARTH!
we bring you… the return of the Old Skool!!! Brainmachines will bring back its brainmachine station with 15 glasses. Be sure to come by – it’s $3 and you can use them as long as you want. In the chillout area.
January 20 Saturday
Angel’s Benefit Loft Party at the Eagles Nest
House Party Also, In Queens Is A Private Shindig On The DMT List. This Event Will Be Wilder And Sloppier 100%Ready To Rock!!!!!! Angelny69 Hello Beautiful Ladies And Gentlemen Finally We Have The Fuckin’ Amazin’ Lineup Of Psychedelic Trance For Room 1
Chad Strange Wayne Keenan Blacksmith(Resurrection Boston) Steve-O(Goababies USA) Ammon Ep(Resurrection/Satellite Records Boston)
The Super Djs Of Room 2 Are: Dj Dots(Wanderlust) Billy”Yo” Shane(Touch-Freakus) Charmaine(I Don’T Know) Billy Velin(Satellite Records)
They’re in no particular order of appearance I think we’ll also have special surprise appearances from some super DJs that deserve to spin at least some tracks….you all know I would love to have all of you spinnin’ here!!!!!!! So anyways you DJs bring some records…..i don’t promise nuthin!!! The party is located at 48 Eagle st #301 between franklin and west sts. The donation at the door is $10…….i promise it’s worth it any questions just answer me back at angelny69 I hope all of you(and friends)can make it……besides the benefit this will be a wonderful event….excellent DJs….good vibes and cool people….get ready for some real fun and again thanks for the support and love all of you are givin’ to me through all this shit that happened.real thanks very special thanks to matter-form,touch-freakus, wanderlust, satellite records, goat babies, bpm entertainment, obscene, Guillaume clave entertainment, and the DJs from Nantucket, toy specialists, level x (sam), my roommates and neighbors, touched by a DJ, brain machines, e- devour, till noon Productions, minimal wage, and all of you….fuckin’ thanks but the biggest thanks are to that special person that I love more than anything in this world……she’s far away but her love to me means everything…..Sofie……i wish you can be here with me at the party……..i fuckin’ love you with all my being.thanks for being the one and only. send you a big kiss by the way(yummy!!!!) we’ll also have a fur coat check by the one and only: bunny!!!! Peace and love angel
January 21 Sunday
IL PAPA – Funday Mass
DJs: Animal With No Name Steve-O (GoaBabies USA), Charmaine Visuals: Patrick Gallagher, Eric, Guillaume Clave Multimedia and art performances: Bunny, Sean-Michael Fleming, Kendall Q. Morrison, Maya Gurantz, $12 ($10 with flyer) FUN: 130 Madison Street (Chinatown):(F train to East Broadway) nightfiles.jetlog.org 3PM-4AM
January 24 Wednesday
Chiletrance at Opium Den
DJ Angel(Chiletrance-6th Element) Misha(San Francisco) 29 East 3rd Street at 2nd Avenue 10 PM No Cover Welcome everybody!! Love and Light Angeles
January 26 Friday
Kri in North Carolina
thank you all again for coming out on the 6th and to the after-party bom shankar!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! don’t want to miss this come and witness an amazing 10 HR !!!!! set by KRI THE STORY OF KRI Kri began his musical journey in Winston Salem, NC writing industrial music in 1990. He made a cross over into the sounds of techno music and began learning the art of DJing. In just a few short years, Kri established a name for himself in the rave community, playing with many major acts. By 1994 Kri founded Did You Ever Think? a production company and opened up Evolution, a tattoo and body piercing studio in Winston Salem. He met a young DJ turntablist named Faust, who went on to become ranked number five in the world, and started another production company named Space Kadets Collective. As the years go by Kri continues to play with Faust and himself all over the southeast. Kri mixed a diverse range of styles of techno but was best known for his breakbeat and scratching skills. While performing in Atlanta, he was browsing in a record store and came across a section marked “GOA.” He heard some samples, bought several records, and immediately felt a deep, profound connection to this music. That night being booked to play a breakbeat set, Kri played this ominous beautiful trance music and as a result, did not get booked for six months after his performance at the URB/Smile tour. Kri became so bewitched by psychedelic goa trance and frustrated by the lack of understanding from the techno community he again formed a new production company, this time solely devoted to the sounds of goa trance. This was the dawn of Utta Chaos. This also marked the time of departure to the progressive, freak mountain community of Asheville, NC. Asheville welcomed him with loving arms and he felt he had finally found the support and understanding of the music that it deserved. Utta Chaos became infamous for their wildly free parties and their delivery of a true psychedelic experience. Kri began to make more contacts and has earned recognition in the international trance family, playing in New York and Puerto Rico with such greats as Hallucinogen, MFG, Infected Mushroom, Total Eclipse tours in Europe and Africa. Kri has an intense passion for playing goa trance and has gained a loyal following in the Southeast and New York. Living in the beautifully surreal mountains of Asheville he wants to use trance as a means towards working towards higher consciousness. The parties are dedicated to the primitive nature of the music and a return to the origin of our roots. Kri has also been inspired to compose his own compilations that have been received with great response. After being immersed in a trance for six years now, comes T.O.U.C.H. Samadhi, reflecting the spiritual evolution through the sonic vibrations of psychedelic goa trance. Kri has deep gratitude and love for all the Asheville family who has supported him and shared his vision. Fri. Jan. 26th at the future traditions from 10pm-8am price of entry is $ 5 18 & up must have I.D. to enter no if’s an’s or but’s or I know so and so. think of this place as a worship center. keep it clean don’t trash this venue or its bathrooms in any way shape or form. it is a godsend that we are able to use this place, so let’s keep it that way! please please party responsibly. don’t push your limits, no bad vibes or attitudes. or you will be kicked out. we try our best to provide a safe place for you to party so please party safe so that we may continue to bring you the very best psytrance events to come. life’s a blur stay in focus! Touchsamadhi or 828.691.2207 sat nam aum shiva kri web touchsamadhi in trance we believe
January 28 Sunday
Funday Mass
3pm-5pm Animal With No Name (flyvision.org)
5pm-7pm DJ Dot (Wanderlust-Touch) 7pm-11pm DJ Charmaine 11pm-12am art performance by IL PAPA 12am-4am Steve-O (GoaBabies, USA) Hooka by Sherrif (Sahara East) Thanks to all for your support, be proud to forward this e-mail! Funday Mass at FUN: 130 Madison St NYC – F line to E Broadway
January 29 Tuesday
SubtleChaos – Night Shift
First DJ Set: Niko
10PM-2:00AM 169 BAR AT 169 EAST BROADWAY F at E Broadway SubtleChaos & Niko present NIGHT SHIFT TECHNO TRANCE visual and audio environment techno and minimal psychedelic music by resident DJs and special guests FREE ADMISSION, ID to DRINK required
We are here right now. Our breath will be exceptionally fresh
Review of SubtleChaos Down in the sketchiest part of Chinatown last night I went to Bar 169 to see Jason & Vadim of SubtleChaos play. Any doubts that I had not indeed truly entered New York Bladerunner were dispelled by the time I walked into a group of Triads negotiating each other’s blood levels with broken beer bottles. That was just the first corner. In the other corner there were some homeboys dancing like men and men and men and women. In another corner some really weirded out trance people were scattering about in a frenetic metal synthesis provided by the fourth corner. Which had Jason & Vadim banging out tunes of constantly replenishing impending doom. I hope they weren’t offended when I handed them a CD that was given to me by Tihomir to give to Jason… the CD cover case had Sasha’s Expander EP. I suspect the CD inside parlayed more everlasting doom. And in the middle of all this, the accidental dosing I had given myself really kicked in. See ya’ll Friday at Amissouri!!
Jeff, it was something much ……much…..much…nicer than Sasha…. hihik….actually anything is nicer than sasha …so I will a neutral side on the decision making process of whether it was or it wasn’t a “Doom’s Day” CD…….. 😛 ANOTHER THING!!!!!!!!!!! THIS WEEKEND IS THE PLASTICMAN PARTY IN TWILO!!!!!!!!!!! SO FOR ALL YOU MINIMALISTIC-HEADBANGING-HARD PUMPING-( at & #$% at &9 GOT MYSELF CONFUSED) …You have a hard decision to make Hard Techno or Fluffy Psy!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!? Good Luck!!!!!!!!!! and See you All at One of those places or may be both Tim

January 30 Wednesday
Yahoogroups Launched
January 30 Wednesday
Chiletrance at Opium Den
DJ Angel(Chiletrance-6th Element) Isam(Morocco) Steveo 29 East 3rd Street at 2nd Avenue 10 PM No Cover Thanks!! Love and Light Angeles a year!
February 2001

Our new DMT Ski logo for skiing! Print out, laminate, superglue to bottom of snowboard, occasionally use the back of your board as a rolling tray at the top of the lift. Share.

February 2 Friday
Synthetic Sadhus – Gaia Party
11:00PM – 7:00AM (-05:00)
Live: YUMADE (Spiral Trax-Dragonfly-France),
TRIPIATRIK (TIP-Creamcrop-France),
PLANET BEN (TIP-Flying Rhino-Free form-Germany)
DJ: PAPS (TIP-Creamcrop-France),
NINJA (Gaia Concept-Tekno Tanz-France),
KALYX (Synthetic Sadhus-Growroom-USA).
Fluoro Deco by: Punkadelic (Liquid Karma-France), Jamin Murphy (Hovek Olam-USA), Severyn (NYC), Synthetic Sadhus (NYC). Free fruits and chai will be served in the morning! New Security! Live visuals! AMAZURA Ballroom, 91-12 144th Place, Jamaica, Queens, NY. Conveniently located by all public transportation and major highways. Doors open at 11PM. INFO: 212 774 7728 Tickets: $30/adv & $35/door.

The French Embassy Delegation won the Paps Blue Ribbon. Thanks to all for a vibe of liberte egalite and fraternite that you could cut with a rapier. And most thanks of all to Gilles and Krystina (sp?) for flying the French flag so highly. Thanks to all the ambassadors. To paraphrase Mahir from Turkey, “I Kiss You.” Apologies to the multiple Russians who were welcomed as the “one and only” representative from their country, don’t worry I tell that to all the girls. There were many young people who were blown away by their first trance, you could intuit their enthusiasm all through the end when free fruit was handed out. Cordially, The Double Agent PS That was really just water in the water gun that was being squirted, but not necessarily in the martini glass. My heart was shaken *and* stirred…
Confession Time Astrid is not dating Mark, and the guy I thought is not even named Mark it’s Mike and he lives in Barcelona. Occasionally these little errors slip through…. Astrid is ACTUALLY dating Carl Cox and she has sold her soul to progressive house no wait she’s just kidding. OUch Astrid stop hitting me. So after Synthetic Sadhus Friday and before Funday Mass on Sunday come hear Astrid’s new boyfriend spin… That bastard. Just Kidding. Mark is the grooviest nonpsytrance guy I know
February 4 Sunday
Funday Synthetic Sadhus afterparty
3:00pm till 4:am Monday delicious fresh fruit, stellar visuals (6 Projectors) ample room for everyone hours & hours of psy-sounds command you to attend think about it…. 3pm till 4am Sunday Feb 4th & every coming Sunday for the rest of the winter….Killer new revised link web hovekolam
If anybody could please send me a confidential update on the whereabouts of Yasher and Gaby I would be most appreciative.
February 7 Wednesday
Chiletrance at Opium Den
DJ Angel+ Guests every week. This Wednesday is Full Moon, so come and celebrate with us! DJ Angel(Chiletrance-6th Element) Isam(Morocco) Niko(Synthethic Sadhus) 29 East 3rd Street at 2nd Avenue 10 PM No Cover thanks!! Love and Light Angeles a year!

February 8 Thursday
Jaime’s Birthday Party at Ben’s
Memory of the memory of the day. The first psytrance party I threw, 2001. Around 200 people showed up we were expecting more like 100, the vibe was off the charts we were blindsided but happy.. amazing 🙂
>>Found in a bin.. another trip.. down memory lane! Flyer for the first psy party that I (and Jaime) threw, Feb 2001. I wrote the text and Jaime laid it out in msword and printed it on flouro orange paper on her work printer. We didn’t just leave these around, we went out to parties looking for people who seemed nice.. introduced ourselves, and invited them to the party… Was worth it!
February 9th Friday
Tsunami at Octagon
CHAKRA, live (OPTIMUS, Israel / Tsunami) RIKTAM (Growling Mad Scientists / TIP.world)
YONI (House of Trance / History of Future, NY) YARE-X (NYC) OCTAGON 555 W 33rd Street (between 11/12) 18 and over. Must have valid ID! Hours: 11pm – 7am NEW DECORATIONS FROM EUROPE! Separate CHILL-OUT room and lounges.. Tickets: $25.00 advance/$30.00 door Throb 211 E 14 Street (12/9)
February 11 Sunday
FUN midnight
drop down to FUN. We’re here 130 Madison St So. of Canal.
February 11 Sunday
Life’s Blueprint packed into less of an inch By Rick Weiss Washington Post Staff Writer
February 13 Tuesday
SubtleChaos – Night Shift
Come here if you want more than progressive. I will be there! It’s very raw and Bladerunnerish. And open until 2pm the next day I kid you not. Hello, Starting tonight and every Tues. we will be working extra hours doing NIGHTSHIFT weekly events. 169 BAR 169 EAST BROADWAY, 212 473 8866 Big PA sound, lots of space to move! Low priced alcohol drinks – compared to upper bars. Weekly rotating resident Djs presenting this week: Jason and Vadim (subtlechaos), Nikko, DJ11 Home to numerous underground events, this place is becoming one of the most intimate places for new electronic dance music. Join underground minimal futuristic techno and psytrance party! Flyer is attached and distributed in techno-trance locations. Free admission, courtesy of subtle Productions and Nikko. Thanks for your support! We hope to see you all there! Sent: Tuesday, February 06, 1:02 PM [subtlechaos] flyer for next week subtle Productions, NYC
February 14 Wednesday
Chiletrance at Opium Den
DJ Angel+Guests. Nice music and nice people . Everybody welcome!! DJ Angeles (Chiletrance-6th Element) Isam(Morocco) Jason&Vadim(SubtleChaos) 29 East 3rd Street at 2 Avenue 10 PM No Cover Love and Light Angeles a year!
February 16 Friday
Vol de Nuit
Astrid is now working and spinning psytrance every night at 143 West 4th Street “Vol de Nuit” between 6th Avenue and Washington Park every night this week and if y’all come show your strength she will teach you how to handle the two-handed sword… Note on Vol de Nuit Friday meet The correct address is *148* West 4th between Washington & 6th Avenue. Also, note that you have to walk through the Belgian frites restaurant. This is important. Let everybody know. I was walking around outside and was propositioned by THREE dime bag dealers. The Belgian beers are killer….
February 16 Friday
Psychedelic Ambience
10:00PM – 4:00AM Chelsea Lounge 154 W26th $10 w/flyer or list DNA Dan Mad Pete Amnesium Mesh Dragonlotus info 973-269-3839
RELOCATES *LAST MINUTE ANNOUNCEMENT* Hey everyone….. the party got spontaneously moved to the Tunnel, TONITE!!! we know this isn’t our first choice of locations, but if its between having a party and not……… we’ll take having the damn party every time. So the location is the Tunnel, not too many people are gonna know about this, so its gonna be a pretty private party….. Flyers for the Chelsea lounge WILL be honored. Same DJs, same everything, different location. (Guest DJs Bodan & Madison) SPREAD THE WORD!!!!! 18+up, $10 w/flyer or guestlist, $20w/o. guestlist: freebeer4kids at aol or 973-269-3839 27th st. & 12th ave. thanks for makin this happen, -Tony.Thanks
February 16 Friday
Unknown Shroom “Goa” Party
I think it’s ravers trying to be goa, or someone completely new
9pm – 2am 420 – 420 North Broad Street, Elizabeth, NJ Cost: $15 before 11 PM, $20 after 11 PM Info: njraver4life or call 908-599-2538 Styles: Goa Trance, Hard Trance Promoter: Organic Myst Productions DJs: Unknown Shroom + more
Sacred Science: The Setup

If you miss drinking the Virgin Maria’s blood pulled from the heart of a live virgin and mixed with the urine from Montezuma’s medicine drummer, from the sacred skulls bought with pieces of eight from (or captured in manacles by) the ghost of Cortez el conquistador and help summon the spirit of Quetzalcoatl, the Feathered Serpent who will deliver the natives from the alien White Man, and innoculate the new trance natives from the diseases of the Old World, you will miss much my friend.
For one of my more intricate concepts, I dressed like an Aztec priest with rollerblades (it WAS a roller rink), with a soft canteen with spiked Koolaid with a spigot funneled down through my crotch, that I would then “pee” into skull cups, replicating the ancient mushroom-urine drinking ritual. I also had conquistador costumes with rubber manacles that were going to be worn by friends to go “arrest” local natives, whom I would save by giving some special drink to the conquistadors, as an analogy of the West discovering the sacred plants, but as I ironically had the flu, and everyone was dancing too much, I didn’t get to that. Did I get people sick? Probably. But that was part of the art. So I just administered it directly.
Quetzalcoatl Mayan and Aztec feathered serpent god, messiah to the natives of central America against the invading Spanish. Most precious Twin; Feathered serpent. Plumed serpent Morning Star.
Great Priest; master of Life; god of the wind, sea breeze, and life breath.
Creator god, identified with the planet Venus. He was considered a good god as he required only one human sacrifice a year. Civilization, the arts, metallurgy, fate. Priests would consume teonanacatl and urinate into urns, from which the peasants would drink to achieve enlightenment.
AN ANCIENT FORM OF COMMUNION The discovery of the shamanic use of teonanacatl amongst contemporary Mexican Indians was indicative of a sacred tradition that, although almost buried, had its roots firmly set in the glories of past civilisations. In particular, the great Aztec empire had been familiar with the mushroom and the various documents written by Spanish Conquistadors almost 500 years ago which mention mushroom use by the Aztecs, can be re-analyzed according to what we now know of the actual entheogenic experience. Teonanacatl emerges as no mere incidental feature of the natural world restricted to secretive and isolated use, rather its ritual role as a potent sacrament was overtly established within the very fabric of ancient Mesoamerican society. Until, that is, it came under the merciless gaze of the Catholic Spanish conquistadors. The Aztecs were an immensely powerful civilization whose cultural achievements are ranked by some in the same league as those of ancient Egypt and Babylonia. Religious ideology permeated all aspects of Aztec society, driving them to conquest and expansion and giving rise to their infamous bloody human sacrifices on a scale that cannot fail to shock. Located in the Central Valley of Mexico, the Aztec capital Tenochtitlan (now Mexico city) reached its peak of power and magnificence immediately prior to the arrival of Hernon Cortes and his gold rushing Spanish army in 1519. With the advent of the Spanish conquest, all aspects of Aztec religion including the use of the teonanacatl mushroom were systematically wiped out, being condemned as devilish heresy. To the invading Spanish clergy, the Aztec’s claim that certain teonanacatl (some two dozen teonanacatl-containing species are indigenous to Mexico) were teonanacatl, or ‘God’s flesh’, was to admit to some blasphemous unholy communion. In the Roman Catholicism touted by the marauding conquistadors, communion with the divine was not based upon personally revealed knowledge or gnosis. Absolutely not. Rather it was the case that ‘inside’ information concerning the divine was considered acceptable only if one was connected to a formally established religious hierarchy within which accepted, without question, its most cherished doctrines.
In other words, the organised drive of Catholicism which descended upon the Aztec nation derived its power structure through force-feeding religious dogma to its adherents. To openly question such dogma, or to criticise it, could and did mean death 500 years ago. One is therefore hard pushed to conceive of a more heretical act than that of the Aztecs consumption of supposedly divine fungi. The Catholic Spanish clergy, eager to spread their faith, would have been utterly appalled at the concept of eating some foul and unsightly fungus in order to commune with the Gods. This negative reaction was clearly reflected in the lively written Spanish accounts of Aztec customs. The Aztec’s use of Teonanacatl is clearly revealed in many of the records made by Spanish chroniclers at the time of the conquest who diligently recorded their observations and began translating Aztec historical documents. during the coronation of Montezuma the second in 1502, we learn that teonanacatl was consumed during the celebrations. Many war captives were slaughtered to honour the new king, their hearts torn out and offered to the gods. After the grisly sacrifices, the celebrants were bathed in blood and then given raw teonanacatl to eat. Perhaps it was this kind of terrible juxtaposition that helped the finger of heresy point toward the mushroom. After all, a mass bloody sacrifice followed by some strange ritual fungal inebriation is a hellish concept to the West, yet it was bound up to the Aztec’s desire to supplant their pantheon of gods. Blood spilled in the name of religion whether through war or sacrifice is, unfortunately, a kind of pious tradition that highlights the immense power of the religious impulse over the minds and souls of men. The gods of the Aztecs were deemed real, they had to be worshipped and placated. At any rate, the Aztecs utilised teonanacatl in their religious rituals as well as engaging in various other rites that would have appeared horrendously alien to the invading Spanish who were unlikely to react in the manner of refined social anthropologists. The excessive sacrifices together with the deliberate intoxication with teonanacatl must have sorely confused the Spanish invaders. For whilst they were at once amazed at the glorious wealth and regality of the Aztec cities that they encountered, they were less enthusiastic about the underlying psychological forces which had lead to the physical magnificence set in stone. “And all the lords and grandees of the provinces rose, and to solemnise further the festivities, they all ate of some woodland teonanacatl, which they say make you lose your senses, and thus they sallied forth all primed for the dance.” “At the very first, teonanacatl had been served. They ate them at a time when, they said, the shell trumpets were blown. They ate no more food; they only drank chocolate during the night. And they ate the teonanacatl with honey. When the teonanacatl took effect on them, then they danced, then they wept. But some while still in command of their senses entered and sat there by the house on their seats; they danced no more, but only sat there nodding.” Such scare stories are parodied by the rumours that surrounded l use in the sixties. People were supposedly hurling themselves from high-rise apartments and foolishly attempting to stop motorway traffic by the power of thought alone. In actuality, of all the millions of doses of l taken in the 1960’s there were only a handful of deaths through misadventure resulting from l’s effects. It appears that any psychedelic substance with a powerful mystique seems to instill fear in those who are unfamiliar with its effects and who are easily threatened by the unknown. Moreover, such fear often precedes persecution and the spreading of inaccurate information, which is why it is so important to have an unconditional flow of informed, hysteria-free knowledge regarding the psychological action of visionary plants and fungi. One hopes then, that we live in more enlightened times. The fact remains, however, that the Aztec’s use of psychoactive agents, which included the use of other entheogenic agents like the morning glory plant (whose seeds contain l-related compounds), proved to be so abhorrent to the Spanish that they sought to drive the all such practices to extinction. The intense disgust generated within the orthodox religious minds of the Spanish priests echoes the hatred meted out to the women accused of being satanic witches in medieval Europe as they too were found guilty of possessing heretical botanical knowledge. Whereas the Aztecs employed teonanacatl in order to induce numinous states of awareness, the witches of the Middle Ages achieved similar states using plants like henbane and belladonna. Historically it would seem that all such occult practices with plants and fungi, unfortunately, generate the same type of response in the male psyche of the dominator culture eager to perpetuate its own ideology, namely, unremitting persecution. The Aztec religion succumbed to just such a fate. It appears then, that the Spanish clergy were ultimately unsuccessful in silencing the claims made by their subdued and conquered subjects; messages in stone speak louder than words and provide rock-hard testimony to the Aztec’s sacred links to the natural environment, with its varied potent botanical offspring. What exactly the Aztecs experienced through teonanacatl remains debatable, although we can be sure that their psychedelic visions were vivid and convincing enough for them to regard the mushroom as being a link to the divine realm, no less than the appearance of God’s flesh upon the Earth.
Prior to the Aztec’s rise to dominance and before the time of the Toltecs reign previous to them, the premier ritual centre of pre- Columbian Mesoamerica was the mighty city of Teotihuacan located in the north-eastern Valley of Mexico, near Mexico city. Dating from 150 BC. to A.D.750, little is known about the Teotihuacans although Aztec legends equate this city with the birthplace of their deities. Its very name was given by the Aztecs who had discovered it 600 years after its mysterious collapse and means ‘Place of the Gods’ in Nahuatl. Due to the immense scale of Teotihuacan’s religious architecture which includes the spectacular Pyramids of the Sun and Moon and highly sophisticated wall paintings rife with ornate serpent motifs, it can be reasonably assumed that it was the centre of an important religious cult. The overt presence of serpent motifs upon the architecture is a strong indication of religious worship since the pantheon of almost all Mesoamerican cultures include mythical serpentine entities, such as the feathered serpent god Quetzalcoatl. Elaborately stylised serpents were used both to represent gods and to symbolise divine power penetrating the mundane world. Their fearsome presence on and around temples signified that the temple was a sacred place to be guarded from profane intrusion. Of most concern here are the style and content of the numerous mural paintings which adorn most of Teotihuacan’s temples and shrines. In these murals we once more find depictions of various flowers, one of which is the morning glory (either Turbina corymbosa or Ipomoea violacea). As stated, the seeds of this plant species contain l- related compounds known to have been used by the Aztecs for religious communion. It is therefore reasonable to assume that the temple-goers at Teotihuacan knew of, and thus utilised, the psychedelic effect of the morning glory. SECRET PSYCHEDELIC LEGACIES Such an historical concept in which indigenous visionary agents are consumed ritually in order to induce theophany and religious solidarity should come as no surprise. In ancient Greece the classic Eleusinian Mystery cult echoes the inferred scenario occurring at Teotihuacan. The mystery rites which took place each year at Eleusis near Athens, centred around the drinking of some secret potion that granted a numinous vision to initiates, the entire sacred ceremony taking place within the guarded confines of a hallowed temple. Recent theories have proposed that this Eleusinian drink was made from ergotised barley which would mean that it contained entheogenic substances since ergot, a tiny plant fungus which grows on wheat and barley, contains a number of l-related compounds. Though this psychedelic scenario has not been confirmed and remains merely an engaging hypothesis (ergot is also potentially toxic), the point is that the potion was almost certain to have contained some form of entheogenic alkaloid with the capacity to engender the type of mystical experience attested to in Greek historical literature. Wasson thus assumed that Teotihuacan was a Mesoamerican equivalent to Eleusis, that is, that both were sacred places where visionary agents were administered in a ritual context. Clearly the morning glory plant was utilised for its psychoactive effect by the Teotihuacans (assuming of course that they did not just like the look of it) as the various murals testify, and it would follow that teonanacatl would also have been ingested had their properties been known at the time.
Claims which infer that psychoactive plants and fungi played a major role in ancient religion might be considered to belittle religion in some way, as though one were reducing everything to ‘damnable drugs’. Nothing is further from the truth. Far from reducing the religion, the religion becomes firmly entwined with the unequivocal numinous effects of vision-inducing fungi and plant species. That is the strength and force of such species. They cannot fail but have a dramatic impact. Anyone who has made the sacred connection within their psyche through the action of natural psychedelics knows of their profoundly religious/spiritual impact. Ultimately one comes to suspect that the very historical source of Homo sapiens’ religious impulse lies in our ancestor’s primeval encounters with raw entheogenic species like the teonanacatl mushroom which are effective without the need for elaborate preparation. This scenario does not lessen religion, it empowers it, giving it an unstoppable impetus created through the effect of visionary alkaloids in opening up the boundless capacities of the human mind. God becomes connected to a level or state of consciousness, an inwardly felt presence mysteriously welling up from the depths of the psyche and not from some abstract religious dogma. However, religious dogma might well allude to the experience, and indeed testify to the reality of entheogen-induced theophany. Yet, once a detailed knowledge of the plant or fungus in question is lost in the hazy mists of time, then any lingering memory of it’s original entheogenic power will be no more than words, an echo of a once living mystery. The greatest reason to embrace an entheogenic fungus or plant-orientated explanation for the rise of the religious impulse however is that it is couched in wholly naturalistic terms, therefore lending itself to scientific study. If a man claims to have had a life- changing theophany then that is one thing. But if he bears in his hand the very mthod whereby he attained such an experience then you are obliged, if you wish to determine the man’s claims, to explore and verify the means. In more ways than one, psychedelic plants and fungi must be taken seriously in their role in the development of religious ideology. As stated, their historical influence can never be overestimated. Some of the stone teonanacatl are carved emerging from human figures with trance-like facial expressions. Others are linked to kneeling female figures at a metate, a kind of work surface upon which plant items are crushed. Metates were still sometimes used in order to grind teonanacatl so that an entheogenic infusion could be made. Still other of the mushroom stones carry ‘toad’ effigies at their base, and this creature has always been mysteriously linked with psychoactive fungi the world over, perhaps because of knowledge that certain toads exude hallucinogenic alkaloids from their skin glands (incidentally, this odd ‘toady’ fact might also account for the fairy story The Frog Prince since magical events happen after a frog has been ‘kissed’). Is there any other evidence that the Maya employed teonanacatl in their religion? A look at Mayan codices might help on this matter, yet our not-so-delightful conquering Spanish priests have hindered such study due to their blundering haste in burning everything that stood in their theological way, including virtually all Mayan scriptures. As an example, consider the fact that in 1562, one Diego de Landa, a hardened Spanish priest of some frightening zeal, seized thousands of Mayan ‘idols’ and books, burning all and sundry as though it were worthless. Among the treasures destroyed were 27 roles and signs of hieroglyphics, invaluable sources of knowledge about the Mayan civilisation. Landa commented: ” We found among them a number of books written in these characters and as they contained nothing in which there were not to be found superstitions and devilish lies, we burned them all, which they regretted to an amazing degree and caused them great affliction.” Such a foolish and insensitive act has left the world with only a handful of Mayan codices on which to assess Mayan customs and beliefs. Within two of these remaining works, the Popul Vuh and the Annals of Cakchiquels, are references to psychoactive fungi, but there is no indication as to the extent of their role within Mayan belief systems. In the Books of Chilam Balam there is mention of trance-like states, though no mention of hallucinogenic plants. Again, in many Mayan relief carvings, which seem to possess a psychedelic air about them, are found scenes depicting visionary ecstasy though plants are not explicitly shown. Some scholars have therefore rejected the notion that the Maya employed natural entheogenic agents in their religious rituals (despite the existence of the many mushroom stones) and have opted instead for the alternative view that the Maya, unlike the martial teonanacatl-using Aztecs who were to follow, were of a radically different nature and temperament. However, recently discovered Mayan mural paintings have depicted fearsome-looking battle scenes so that it is not absolutely certain that these two cultures were so different. It is worth looking more closely at the actual similarity in religious belief between the Maya and Aztecs, as it demonstrates a common historical thread connecting the two cultures. Both peoples divided the cosmos into upper worlds and lower worlds with their respective gods. Both believed in the cyclical destruction and regeneration of the Earth, and both followed a ritual 260 day calendar. Bearing in mind these cultural similarities, it has been reasonably suggested that the Maya also utilised the mushroom as well as other psychedelic agents and that this practice influenced the nature of ancient Mesoamerican cosmology. It has also recently come to light, as many Mayan vases and pieces of pottery attest, that the classical Mayan elite used enemas. The objects which depict scenes of enema use date from the first millennium AD.. The daunting practice of administering enemas has been well documented in South American native peoples. In particular, it has been established that the Incas introduced hallucinogenic infusions into the body via enema, using bulbed syringes made from local rubber sap. Apparently, the use of an enema to introduce psychoactive compounds into the body is almost as effective with regard to speed of action as is the method of intravenous injection. Its effectiveness with hallucinogens occurs because the colon is the receptive site of the enema and this is where absorption by the bloodstream occurs. A number of scholars have therefore claimed that hallucinogenic brews were involved in these Mayan enema rites and thus teonanacatl might well have been employed in this manner. We should also be aware that much Mayan artwork is given over to portrayals of ‘vision serpents’ manifesting themselves before entranced members of the Mayan nobility. To the Mayan mind serpents represented the entry of divine forces into normal reality, and to depict fantastically decorated serpents hovering above an enraptured individual signified a communion with the gods. Such individuals are often shown holding a special receptacle. This object is believed to either hold blood from a bloodletting rite or an hallucinogenic brew, both alternatives offering an effective Avenue for attaining a desired visionary state of consciousness.
Get some sleep tonight (Friday) Bring Aztec and Mayan clothes and accouterments 😉

February 17 Saturday
Spectra – Sacred Science
First Live Set: Kent Friedman, Shapeshifters
11:00PM – 7:00AM (-05:00) SPECTRA presents… Sacred Science February 17th,
live acts:
MEDICINE DRUM (Return to the Source, CyberOctave) U.K- all 3 members
TICON (DIGITAL structures, TIP World) Sweden- first time in the u.s
SHAPE SHIFTERS (Boom records, Krembo records) U.S- first NYC performance
SYNCHRO (TIP World, Liquid Audio Soundz) Netherlands Hugh S (Futuretech,Brooklyn Crib) NYC
JAMIN (Hovek Olam) NYC landscapes and brand new work MAXI-flourelysium-Germany
deco by: JAMIN- Hovek Olam- USA
venue: The Key Skating Rink 220 E.138th St.& Grand Concourse Bronx, N.Y.C $25 in advance $30 at the door advance tickets: House of Trance 212-533-6700 Sonic Groove 212-675-5284 Satellite Boston 617-536-5482 Growroom 413-549-9296
At the skate rink….a kid who had gone through some stuff and was allegedly running around sober that night….would freeze like a statue on the dance floor….and started going around and touching people and they would freeze….and for a while on the dance floor many people would be frozen statues….was super cool experience!
there’s also an afterparty in Brooklyn being planned after Sacred Science. I want to encourage everybody to come out and show your support for the unterwelt!
February 18 Sunday
Sacred Science Afterparty
Doors open at 4am and the venue is located 59 Montrose ave in Brooklyn. lot’s of luv and happy valentine’s day to everyone. attached is the flyer with the info.
Hello everyone, we will host the 2 Year TOUCH Anniversary After-Party starting at 4am – this will also be the Sacred Science After-Party.
We will have the first set of excellent House and Progressive DJs from 4am to 8:30am with DJ Dave Chromatix, the wonderful DJ Charmaine and some of the best guests you could ask for. The second set will be a total trance experience and will end when everybody dematerialized !!! with the amazing Steve-O (Goa Babies) and Opher (Purple OZ) and once again the best guest you could ask for.
The party will be located at SinCity, 59 Montrose Ave. in Brooklyn. Chai shop, fresh fruits and Kit Kat bars will bring back memories of Goa to the “Happy Few”. A $5 cover will be charge at the door. Have fun and be safe!!!
February 20 Tuesday
SubtleChaos – Night Shift
169 e broadway bar 169 in Chinatown trance Nikko [Synthetic Sadhus] Jason [subtlechaos] Va dim [subtlechaos / subtle Productions NYC] DJ Eleven [Nebulum recordings] p lus our special surprise guest decoration by Daniel 169 BAR 169 EAST BROADWAY, 212 473 8866 do not confuse with other Broadways! (not broadway and not west broadway… don’t end up in wrong place! this near Essex and E. Broadway) Big PA sound, lots of space to dance! Low prices on drinks! This week open 11pm until 4am Home to numerous underground events, this place is becoming one of the most intimate places for new electronic dance music. Join underground minimal futuristic techno and psytrance party! Flyer is attached and distributed in techno-trance locations. Free admission, courtesy of subtle Productions and Nikko. To receive future updates from us feel free to visit Thanks for your support! We hope to see you there!
February 21 Wednesday
Chiletrance at Opium Den
DJ Angel (Chiletrance-6th Element) Steve-O Misha (San Francisco) 29 East 3rd Street at 2nd Avenue 10 PM No Cover Love and Light Angeles a year!
Synchro is playing right now at Chiletrance at Opium Den!!! and you don’t have to pay $25!! 29 East 3rd Street at 2 Avenue
February 22 Thursday
SubtleChaos & Niko – NightShift
169 bar A night of full-on Psychedelic Techno at 169 bar (this is an off-schedule weekly NightShift event) This Thursday 11pm – 4am Free admission! lineup: Jason vs. Vadim [subtlechaos] Nikko [Synthetic Sadhus] Severyn, NYC plus special guests and fluoro deco b y Daniel and Severyn. 169 Bar is located at 169 East Broadway (East Broadway & Essex St.) info: 212 473 8866 1350404/ join our mailing list for party info at: . com/events.html SubtleChaos lineup: ests and fluoro deco by Daniel and Severyn. 169 Bar is located at 169 East Broadway (East Broadway & Essex St.) Right now Severin is playing a lot of unreleased dark material right now at Bar 169 His art is amazing too. we can go until 4am if we get more people. Bar 169 is at 169 East Broadway, south of Canal SC will be doing something here next Thursday as well
February 23 Friday
Great new party – the brown-eyed girl act live TRANCEMANIFEST
FUZZION (TIPworld,E,RUSSIA) Live DJ’s ILLUSION ( paradox,psy-locib,Israel)
YON-E (Tsunami-NYC) STEVE-O (Cosmophlia,Goa Babies,USA) MAXIMUS (psy-locib-NYC)
Chill STEVE-o Deco SEPERATION ANXIETY( LONDON, UK )+ nice visuals and projections .
DEMERARA 215 WEST 28 ST. (BET. 7th & 8th AVE.) Organizer Psy-Locib Infos purchase tickets now while they last at web tranceam.org/psy-locib.html tickets are 21$ in advance 25$ at the door note: tickets are limited get them now! free breakfast and fruits in the morning important: please bring your soul to dance, join others in releasing your trancendental energy! and please smile! Email psylocib3000 at aol Url – Thanks to psylocib
This Makes my Brown Eyes Blue Wed, 14 Feb Fuzzion from Russia will not be playing on 2/23, still come though, a solid lineup of NYC DJs will be knocking it out. Thanks, I. for the heads up. It was an honest miscommunication. You can still buy tickets online at web tranceam.org/psy-locib.html
February 23 Friday
T.O.U.C.H. Samadhi presents AVATARA
North Carolina Kri played at one of the best DMT events. this is an invite, print it you must bring it!!!!!!!!!!!! T.O.U.C.H. Samadhi psychedelic goa trance at its best presents AVATARA the birth of divine consciousness in the human heart lostnoiz Boppity PTLF Sapphire Productions Detroit, MI Sinai T.O.U.C.H. Samadhi Tokyo Alex T.O.U.C.H. Samadhi Asheville psychedelic cyberspace and sacred geometry sound with crystal placement by the devotee & kri flyer art by lostnoiz full awareness of a constant consciousness through the psychedelic sounds of goa trance fri. feb. 23rd at the future traditions from 10pm-8am price of entry is $ 10, 18 & up must have I.D. to enter no if’s an’s or but’s or I know so and so. think of this place as a worship center. keep it clean don’t trash this venue or its bathrooms in any way shape or form. it is a godsend that we are able to use this place, so let’s keep it that way! please please party responsibly. don’t push your limits, no bad vibes or attitudes. or you will be kicked out. we try our best to provide a safe place for you to party so please party safe so that we may continue to bring you the very best psytrance events to come . life’s a blur stay in focus! touchsamadhi or 828.691.2207 this is an invite, print it!!!!!!!!!!!! sat nam aum shiva kri web touchsamadhi in trance we believe
Federal Reserve Not So Reserved Anymore
February 24 Saturday
Also, thanks to Max and the Russians for doing a great job on Friday night at Demerara! Also, the WIlliamsburg event at the Eagle’s Nest was full on. I’ve never heard that many people on a trance floor doing an Indian yell in unison.
February 27 Tuesday
SubtleChaos & Nikko present – NightShift
Preston Space and DJ Eleven [Nebulum recordings] Jason [subtlechaos ] Vadim [subtle Productions / subtlechaos] Nikko [Synthetic Sadhus] Fre e admission!
February 28 Wednesday
Chiletrance at Opium Den
3rd street between 1st and 2nd Avenue Wednesday 10pm-4am It has been getting a great crowd of late EVERYBODY COME because there are no parties this weekend
March 2001

Kazaa Launched
March 1 Thursday
SubtleChaos & Nikko present – NightShift
Severyn b.. DJ Eleven [Nebulum recordings] c.. Vadim [subtle productions / subtlechaos] Jason [subtlechaos] e.. Nikko [synthetic sa dhus] with Fluoro PsycheDelic Art Decoration by a.. Daniel b.. Severyn, NYC 11pm-late. $5 / free guestlist 169 Bar is located at 169 East Broad way (East Broadway & Essex St.) club info: 212 473 8866 Email guestlist at subtlechaos or call 646 526 4500 Truly yo t l e c h a o s
Hello, we would like to remind you of tonight’s event, thanks for all the guestlist entries that were already sent to us, those who still haven’t given us their names and would like to receive “comp’s”, please do so before 6 :30pm as we go off-line at that time. We would also like to remind you to buy some drinks at the bar and not just come for the party the bar’s sales are crucial to our mission since they are not so much into psychedelic techno music and unlike us mainly care about making money… therefore even if you don’t drink alcohol, please buy a soda or water and don’t forget to tip the barman who’s making his salary off the tip money! Thanks and see you tonight!
March 2 Friday
High Times Party
Terry Hopper, in CT: There’s a cool event Friday. High times mag is hosting the stony awards, honoring the most pot-friendly movies and actors of the last year. Tommy Chong will be there to accept a lifetime award. Of most interest to me is the first-ever screening of Pot Luck, the movie I am a “prominent extra” in. There will be food and fun, and they plan to show clips from over 20 pot movies. It starts around 7 pm until… Tickets are 20 and available at the ht website, and possibly the door. It’s at the anthology film archives, corner of second ave.,and second street, lower east side. Anyway, it sounds like a good party out of bounds
March 3 Saturday
Tsuyoshi Suzuki & Max Graham at Twilo
After-hours w/ Junior Vasquez Special Offer from Mao! COMP & REDUCED ($15 OR $20) RE-MAIL ME A.S.A.P. mao at earthlink.net
March 4 Saturday
DMT at Bridge
Details of this event are lost to time as they were posted to a list that was deleted by Mark Indole but it was Terry Hopper’s first party
(Sent late Feb): Bridge Party within next 3 weeks We are finally almost ready to go. Within the next three weeks the DMT will start its spring schedule of free outdoor trance music festivals. This year we have added several improvements: 120 new members Police protection Exclusive access Larger, better sound system This year we hope to make these improvements: Two more speakers With your help we can achieve these improvements. All event information – location, dates, lineup, etc – will be posted on the DMT list. We are very careful about who gets the information because we don’t want the wrong elements – unappreciative, disrespectful, or just plain stupid – showing up to our Temporary Autonomous Zone. An added benefit to DMT members is access to the DMT Ski Tekno Sweat Lodge in the Poconos. We have Lodge until April and our next major event will be the first weekend of March. Thanks To join the DMT list please follow these instructions:

March 5 Monday
Digital Circuitry – Candy Flip
DJs Vadim – Alex – Andispace – Serge – Spirit
Club Moscow 137 East 55th Street between Lex and 3rd Ave 10pm-5am
Beautiful churchlike goth interior. I remember taking some model to this and giving her Ketamine, and found out she had a boyfriend who saw me as scum and wanted to kill me
March 7 Wednesday
Chiletrance at Opium Den
Nice vibes and nice people. Everybody welcome! DJ Angel(Chiletrance-6th Element) Jamin 29 East 3rd Street at 2nd Avenue 10 PM No Cover thanks! Love and Light Angeles

March 9 Friday
11:00PM – 7:00AM Live: TORTURED BRAIN (Atomic Records – UK) PSYCHAOS (Atomic Records – UK) DJ: DINO PSARAS (Atomic Records – UK) JOTI SIDHU (Atomic Records – UK)
MARK VAN DER VLUGT (Atomic Records – UK) KEN (Synthetic Sadhus – NYC)
Fluoro Psychestetic Environment by: Harland (Hamburg, Germany) Jamin Murphy (Hovek Olam-USA) Krisz (Synthetic Sadhus – NYC) Severyn (Synthetic Sadhus – NYC) Free breakfast will be served in the morning with chai tea, fruits, croissants, and vitamins. New Security / Ticket Holder Line AMAZURA Ballroom 91-12 144th Place, Jamaica, Queens, NY. Conveniently located by all public transportation and major highways. Doors open at 11PM. INFO: 212 774 7728 Tickets: $30/adv & $35/door.
March 13 Tuesday
SubtleChaos & Nikko present – NightShift
169 bar DJ Eleven [Nebulum recordings] b.. Vadim [subtle Productions / subtlechaos] c.. Jason [subtlechaos] Niko [Synthetic Sadhus] with Fluoro PsycheDelic Art Decoration by a.. Daniel 11pm-late. Free admission! 169 Bar is located at 169 East Broadway (East Broadway & Essex St.) club info: 212 473 8866 Yours s u b t l e c h a o son Syndrom (EarGear) live + DJ set on May 11th! ease read this week’s NightShift info below: ns & Nikko present – 9 bar e Productions / subtlechaos] 111pm-late. Free admission! oadway & Essex St.) 8866 MARinfo at subtlechaos
March 14 Wednesday
Chiletrance at Opium Den
DJ Angel (Chiletrance-6th Element) Niko(Synthetic Sadhus) thanks! Love and Light Angeles
March 15 Thursday
DJ Angel(Chiletrance-6th Element) Isam(Morocco) Street Bar 14 Ave.B/BetweenHouston&2nd St. 10 PM No Cover Love and Light Angeles
March 16 Friday
Psy-locib – Aerodance
DJ’s: Hugh S (Futuretech, Brooklyn, NYC)
Jason & Vadim (SubtleChaos) illusion (Psy-locib, Paradox,Israel) Jamin (hovek olam-usa) Steve-o(Cosmophilia, goa babies,USA) Nimbus(Prometheus project,NYC)
decoration: Lunatics bros, Jamin. Very warm and pleasant atmosphere, in a safe and convenient location. Fun-o-rama 608 Neptune Ave. in Brooklyn. take the F train to Neptune ave. and it’s right there. Cover: 15$ on the guestlist, 20$ at the door. to be on the guestlist call 1-917-538-3247 / 24 hours. Party 11pm to 9am Thanx to : /psy-locib, goatrance.de/partyserver. On April 21 2001, psy-locib is bringing you AERODANCE party with Parasense-live, plus more.
Jason: We almost got in an accident in heavy rain last Friday trying to make it to psylocib party but, we didn’t know how important it is to show up on time in order to be able to play a set, so we are very sorry. ****
March 17, Saturday
Queens Psychedelic Trance Party .. for the first time in America Pete (GR ) Etruria Dimitri (GR) Psycho DMT Fluoro Environment Doors Open: 10pm – 4am 21+ID.. Management (Just NO sneakers) Music: Psychedelic – Techno Trance GOA (classix) NITRO bar cafe 32-18 Steinway St. Astoria, NY 11103
March 20 Tuesday
SubtleChaos & Niko Present – NightShift
First DJ Set: Issam
free party at 169 bar
DJ Eleven [Nebulum recordings] b.. Vadim [subtle Productions / subtlechaos] c.. Jason [subtlechaos] d.. Niko [Synthetic Sadhus] with Fluoro PsycheDelic Art Decoration by a.. Daniel [subtlechaos] 11pm-late. Free admission! 169 Bar is located at 169 East Broadway (East Broadway & Essex St.) club info: 212 473 8866
March 21 Wednesday
Chiletrance at Opium Den
Hello All: DJ Angel+ Guests. Tomorrow is the Spring Equinox, and from now is going to be more light in the Earth. Isn’t it great!! Enjoy us to celebrate this event. Everybody Welcome! DJ Angel(Chiletrance-6th Element) Jason(SubtleChaos) 29 East 3rd Street at 2nd Avenue 10 PM Free thanks! Love and Light Angeles
March 22 Thursdays
Street Bar
Come and enjoy the international flair every week. Welcome and Happy Spring Equinox!! DJ Angeles(Chiletrance-6th Element) Misha(San Francisco) Street 14 Avenue B/Between Houston at 2nd Street 10 PM Free Love and Light Angeles

March 23 Friday
Tsunami brings Koxbox/Anti/Erez
11:00PM – 7:00AM at the BB King Theater on 237 West 42nd between 7th and 8th Avenues
Val had a seizure from the brainmachines – she walked over a rope and just put them on while on E – and paramedics had to be called. She broke her nose. To his credit, John Emmanuel was very prompt with calling.

March 24 Saturday
Spectra presents….. d e c I p h e r
live acts:
THREE POINT TURN (Hadshot Haheizar) France NECTON (Spiritzone) Sweden
BUFO (Cieba records, Eyephunk) S.F DJ’s: DJ HAKUNAH (Spiritzone) Sweden
KALYX (Growroom, Spectra, Synthetic Sadhus) MA PORTAL QI (masd-lifted) Boston
fluorescent, native, and Mayan art by: DELIRIUM deco by CHILETRANCE
venue: The Key Skating Rink 220 E.138th St.& Grand Concourse Bronx, NY $25 in advance $30 at the door advance tickets: Throb 212-533-2328 House of Trance 212-533-6700 Sonic Groove 212-675-5284 Satellite Boston 617-536-5482 Growroom 413-549-9296
Want to ski this weekend – Last weekend to join us at the DMT Ski lodge in the Poconos, Saturday after Synthetic Sadhus.
March 27 Tuesday
SubtleChaos & Niko Present – NightShift
Special guests – Hello, here’s the line-up for tonight’s free party (our last one at 169 bar). see pictures from 169 at /gallery/nightshift/ni ghtshift1.htm at 1 69 bar
a.. Severyn
b.. DJ Eleven [Nebulum recordings]
c.. Vadim [subtle Productions / subtlechaos]
d.. Jason [subtlechaos]
e.. Niko [Synthetic Sadhus] with Fluoro PsycheDelic Art Decoration by a.. Daniel [subtlechaos] b.. Severyn 10pm-late. Free admission! 169 Bar is located at 169 East Broadway (East Broadway & Essex St.) club info: 212 473 88 66
March 28 Wednesday
Chiletrance at Opium Den
with DJ Angel and the international flair of DJ’s. Everybody is Welcome!!! DJ Angel(Chiletrance-6th Element) Isam(Morocco) Niko (Synthethic Sadhus) 29 East 3rd Street at 2nd Avenue 10 PM Free Thanks! Love and Light Angeles

March 30 Friday
Synthetic Sadhus at Roxy
10:00PM – 8:00AM Live: SHIVA CHANDRA (Spirit Zone-Germany), DJ: TOTAL ECLIPSE (TIP-Blue Room-France), ANTIDOTE (Solstice Music-Japan), KALYX (Synthetic Sadhus-USA), NIKO (Synthetic Sadhus-Bulgaria). Fluoro Deco by: NOS (Toxomniac-Sweden),
Jamin Murphy, Severyn (NYC), Synthetic Sadhus (NYC). Free fruits, breakfast, and chai will be served in the morning! New Manhattan location! ROXY 515 West 18th Street (btwn 10th & 11th Ave) This event is 21 & over, Please bring valid identification! Doors open at 10PM.
March 31 Saturday
Hello, we would like to remind that Subtle Productions and Niko invite you to 169 bar this Saturday for official Synthetic Sadhus afterparty.
Lineup: a.. Vadim [subtlechaos / subtle Productions] b.. Jason [subtlechaos] c.. Niko [Synthetic Sadhus] d.. Special guest! The price is $10 or $5 if you bring our small “AFTERPARTY” flyer or the large flyer – Synthetic Sadhus at ROXY.
Party starts right after you leave Roxy, catch a ride to 169 East Broadway ( at Essex St.), we will have chai, place to relax and good music that you will enjoy! e/11350404/ Thanks and see you at Roxy!
Don’t forget that this Tuesday is first SubtleChaos party at IzzyBar, look out for flyers this weekend! Ticket s for May 11th SubtleChaos party with Fletcher Mundson Syndrom are on sale at THROB 211 E. 14TH BET. 2ND & 3RD and VINYL MARKET 241 E. 10TH BET. 1ST & 2ND. advanced presale is $25 / $30 at the door.
April 2001
April 3 Tuesday
SubtleChaos at Izzy Bar
starting this TUESDAY… (not a joke!) Hello, starting this week: a.. 166 1st ave. bet.10th&1 1th St. Special guest this week Jamin [Hovek Olam, U.S.A.] $3 at door / fr ee with guestlist, email your names to guestlist at subtlechaos SubtleChaos

April 4 Wednesday
Samsara in Boston
April 4 Wednesday
Chiletrance at Opium Den
DJ Angel+Guests. Come and enjoy trance music every week in this nice lounge. Everybody Welcome! DJ Angel (Chiletrance-6th Element) Isam (Morocco) 29 East 3rd Street at 2nd Avenue 10 PM No Cover Love and Light Angeles
The only “real” psytrance party will be the Israeli party Spiritual Beings
April 5 Thursday
Midwest Express
10pm-2am velvet DJ’s kimbe( candy records) alexander solomos (candy records) sit back, relax with some friends, and listen to these two midwest DJ’s bring the trance to you. Tell your friends, tell your friends’ family and your family’s friends. No cover velvet 223 Mulberry (between prince and spring) upstairs party room hey all. Just wanted to let you know about this party. It is a good time, and is always a nice pre-party to other things, plus two-hour open bar. The music is always great, and at the end of the night DJ divine lays down some nice goa tracks. Look forward to seeing you all there. Mike

April 6 Friday
Spiritual Beings
First DJ set: Shai, Eitan
11:45PM – 11:45AM Hello there trance lovers, for the first time in the united states, Spiritual Beings are gathering together to produce a 12 hours ceremony full of peace, love, unity and respect.
12:00am (midnight) to 12:00pm (high noon)
502 w. 30 str (between 10 & 11 av). used to be a moving company. the party is on the 5th floor. a 5500 sf loft with city view to 3 directions, including the sunrise.Sound: way to much for this size of a venue . 8 18′ subwoofers, 4 mid-high from EAW. DJs: All DJs are Israeli and promise to deliver strong bass line-psychedelic- European trance.
* Dj Ran * Dj Eitan (Spiritual Beings) * Dj Doom (Shuffle Records)
Chai: a chai and chillout corner will be set on-site with mattress, pillows and good karma. Decorations: are beings made by the amazing michaela. longis, 3-d oms and Fungi, and lots more.Admission: $25 at the doors, $20 with an invitation (you can find our invitations in “house of trance”, “throb” and at our good friends all around ny. you can also print this email and bring it with you as an invitation.). low prices at the bar: $3 for water, $5 beer. coat check will also be available for our guests.one more thing: please remember that this party is “underground” so make sure you’re telling about it to the right people only.if you have any questions, please feel free to drop us a line, we’ll be more then happy to answer all your questions. May all beings be happy and full of joy, Spiritual beings
April 7 Saturday
SubtleChaos at CBGB
Resident DJs: Jason vs. Vadim DJ set [subtlechaos] DJ Eleven [union / vibes records] Special guest DJ Blacklight deco by our artists from New York including Severyn, Kura and Daniel [subtlechaos] E-Flyer: /events.html $7 at the door or $5 with our flyer (no flyer? – print this email…) 18+ / 21 to drink, tip like a New Yorker would! CBGB’s downstairs lounge 315 Bowery between 1st and 2nd Street bring drums or didj if you can play. we will grant free admission to the best cyber-techno-fluoro-freak costumes. ask f or us at the door if think you look like one. 10pm till later… Bring y er granny! SubtleChaos web subtlechaos CBGB
Bridge parties Correction: I meant one in April and one in May, not two in May. Hurry, the early bird catches the sandworm…
April 10 Tuesday
SubtleChaos at Izzy Bar
Hello, we would like to announce our special guests for tomorrow night at Izzy Bar: a.. QUARTZ [BreakBeatScience] from leading store for dru m & bass in East Village, groovy down-tempo breaks for most enjoyable evening in the Izzy’s upstairs lounge b.. KAZU [VinylMarket.org] best store for techno & trance in East Village carrying always fresh collection of new and underground material, minimal techno set from the store’s owner – Kazu! Izzy Bar downstairs lounge. plus resident DJs and blacklight art from Subtlechaos! 166 First ave. between 10th and 11th Street. 10pm – 4am $3 at the door / free with guestlist (please confirm by sending email to guestlist at subtlechaos) Truly yours, Please note that our weekly events at CBGB are cancelled, stay tuned for our new location on Saturday nights.
We were told that last night 4 people got asked to leave Izzy Bar because they were caught using drugs in front of the bar manager. We would like to ask you please don’t take pills and don’t smoke hand-rolled cigarettes in front of people, if you have to take any prescription ds, please leave the bar to take it or go in the bathroom, if undercover police catch you first, you’re definitely in big trouble. Please be smart and keep in mind that our parties are not in any way promoting DMT use.
April 11, 2001 – Is God a State of Mind? By Laurie Barclay, MD
April 17 Tuesday
SubtleChaos at Izzy Bar
First DJ Set: Gavin
166 First Ave between 10th and 11th Steet. 10pm-4am 212 228 0444
a.. Vadim [subtlechaos / subtle Productions]
b.. Jason [subtlechaos]
c.. DJ Eleven [Union, Vibe s records]
d.. Gavin [Spectra, Amherst – MA]
e.. Deco by Daniel [subtle chaos], Kura and Severyn
We would like to welcome our friend Gavin that has been responsible for the Spectra parties with new names like Ticon, 3-Turn and more coming soon… we hope you will like this special DJ set. In upstairs lounge : a.. DJ Angeles [6th Element, U.S.A.] Angeles originally coming from Chile now an international DJ playing for 6th Element, she is weekly resident DJ at Chiletrance at Opium Den (Wed.) and Street bar. (Thurs.) Enjoy her exot ic lounge mix. $3 at the door or free with guestlist, email guestlist at subtlechaos
April 18 Wednesday
Chiletrance at Opium Den
DJ Angeles +Guests. Come and listen the trance music in this nice bar and enjoy. Also, I want to inform that this Saturday 21st of April is the “Day of the Earth” that has been celebrated for years around the world. The idea is to meditate for our planet Earth to be heal of all the garbage that we have been putting for 2000years or more. So wake up everybody!!!!!! Let’s do something for the planet. This is DJ Angeles communicating my spirit to everyone that want to listen. DJ Angeles(Chiletrance-6th element) Isam(Morocco) Jamin(USA) 29 East 3rd Street at 2nd Avenue 10 PM No Cover thanks!! Love and Light Angeles
April 19 Thursday
Velvet Midwest Express
DJ’s: kimbe (candy records)and alexander solomos (candy records)spin trance from 10 until 2. Upstairs. Velvet 223 mulberry (in between prince and spring)

Holy Shit.
This is where it all came together. Winner – One of the Best NYC Parties of all time. It was on this day Russian Psytrance finally dominated New York.

April 21 Saturday
First DJ Set: Electrofunk/Psychodog/Uriel
Psilocib – Parasense Psychodog
PARASENSE in Brooklyn was amazingly off the hook. Good crowd, not so crowded that you could never dance. The music was wonderful. Every fifteen seconds the tracks would switch, each time jacking you in deeper and deeper, never ever repetitive, never ever boring, yet still the overall effect was entrancing. Sampling like Public Enemy, machined up like I’ve rarely heard. It sounded so intricate that it sounded like a turntablist. I wonder if their CDs sound the same. It took me sooo long to leave at 5:30am. The Mackie sound system was rocking. The Israeli guy Psychodog was energetic and victory. The venue was far but fun with a lot of rides, slides, and whatnot (next time guys – leave the video games on). Max from Psilocib did yet another great job and should be commended for sticking to it against all odds in the face of competition. Shame on those who spread – or heard and believed – rumors that the party was canceled. Guess what. You missed out. The party was always “on,” and if you still doubt me, then you should check your email. I go almost everything I post, and know who is shady and who is not (it just so happens there are not a lot of shady people in psytrance) There has NEVER been an instance of a party being canceled and it not being posted on this list. If you’re never 100% sure, check your email. If a promoter were to not contact me about a cancellation or significant headliner change, it is bad bad bad. Max has thrown two good parties before and this makes three. Throw him some freaking slack already!
Did anybody notice that Parasense’s CD is vanilla and all their unreleased stuff on Napster is amazing? Parasense- a pair of Russian guys on the edge, parasquatters, tied together by a fly by night Russian Jewish twentysomething who looks like one of the beastie boys. it’s been a while since talent this raw has been digested here.. We HAVE to get them back.
Noel jumped in the balls.
April 24 Tuesday
SubtleChaos at Izzy Bar
DJ Angeles [Chiletrance / 6th Element] plus guests.. . This Tuesday upstairs in Izzy Bar! DJ Angeles who now has been long time resident at Chiletrance at Opium Den will join us from tomorrow to create special ambient night upstairs in Izzy Bar. Please come and enjoy great dance music downstairs and electronic chill-out space upstairs! 166 First Ave. between 10th and 11th Street, 10pm-late, 21+ only Admission – $3, free with guestlist at subtlechaos DJ Angeles [Chiletrance / 6th Element] plus guests… This Tuesday upstairs in Izzy Bar! DJ Angeles who now has been long-time resident at Chiletrance at Opium Den will join us from tomorrow to create special ambient night upstairs in Izzy Bar. Please come and enjoy great dance music downstairs and electronic chill-out space upstairs! 166 First Ave . between 10th and 11th Street, 10pm-late, 21+ only Admission – $3, free with
April 25 Wednesday
Chiletrance at Opium Den
Nice vibes and people. I think finally the summer is here!!! Let s go out and enjoy life, Everybody Welcome! DJ Angeles(chiletrance-6th Element) Misha(San Francisco) + special guest 29 East 3rd Street at 2nd Avenue 10 Pm No Cover thanks! Love and Light Angeles
April 27th Friday
Divine Force Productions Presents Sauce Fridays
in Seinfeld’s and “Friends” ‘hood, the Yupper West Side… the Tsunami Party, but it is also my birthday. So it will be excellent with a two-hour open bar and smooth Trance early on it is a great way to start out the night. I hope to see you all out this weekend. Love and Happiness mike Tech House, Progressive, Deep Trance and Goa Trance Party Featuring Resident DJ Divine (Disco 2000) This week’s special guest DJ: DJ Spree (Touched by a DJ) Cream 246 Columbus Ave Between 71st and 72nd $20 General Admission $15 Guest List Open bar from 10-12 21+ Guestlist: MikESmileZ And don’t forget next week…

April 27 Friday
New venue for XDream Friday/Atmos still cancelled at Roxy Tsunami has been moved from the BB King to “The World” at 1501 Broadway at 43rd. It starts at 11:45 p.m. this Friday Also, an auto email was sent out this morning for Atmos at Roxy. It is still not going to happen, sorry. Hello just wondering if Atmos is really on this weekend? I thought it had been postponed. If you could let me know. Please. Thank you! Vibha (member of both your lists) I saw the group posting this am. I thought ATMOS was canceled. Please let me know Leslie Hey, are you going to Atmos? Them I want to hear. I think A. and her SISTER will probably not miss this one either. ALSO ON FRIDAY…
Mystery afterparty after the World, (which is the WWF place normally) and don’t know of the afterparty, come see me…. there’s something very very nice planned – but Trance etc.
More Parasense Insanity Apr Paranoid Sensations from Moskova, still heeeere… Max Psilocib brought’em last week and they’re having so much fun they’re still in New York and gonna do some damage this weekend ahahaha (d plug here) I strongly encourage to get their CD and if that’s not possible, get your ass on Napster and download, for example, “Matrix remix” or just about anything have out there. F***ng unbelievable. These guys are crazy, off the hook, and are meant to play LOUD. If ever you have lost faith in the direction of psytrance, you will be a true believer once more. This is turning out to be a crazy full-on 18 hour period. So after X Dream, join us for the wheels are turning on the crazy train.

April 28 Saturday
Parasense under the Bridge
Thanks from Alphatrance
Reprinted with permission from Gosha Trance fan:
The Thing from Outer Space wrote: The outdoor party after Tsunami was the best party I’ve been to in a long long time …took place last Saturday under the bridge. I would like to thank everyone who made it happen 🙂 Gosha I also feel that it’s really worth saying thank you to all who made it possible. I’ll try not to address any personal issues (not so easy to do with my level of involvement). First of all, the very idea of bringing Parasense -Under the Bridge came out/ was born/ inspired by Nyasha (Anya) POPOVA. (she’s a real meta-DJ, Dj who spin DJ’s :)) It was really sad that most of the trance-party people missed the guys 1st NY appearance a week ago, and Parasense themselves didn’t see much of ‘NYC hard-trancing’ As for the party itself, eventually, it turned out to be an absolutely collective effort. So many different things wouldn’t work out without the help of so different people. I’m sure that’s the exact reason why “the vibe” was so incredible. The weather, the people, the music, the fact that Parasense eventually came from Boston and somehow found us and showed up in the middle of the party (they couldn’t play /DAT-machines broken/, but I didn’t care much (almost 🙂 I was glad they made it and were experiencing our “under the bridge” activities). Then Jeff brought … DAT-player Ed. note – cab paid for bt House of Trance!and party got jump-started again, That unifying feeling was incredible. And there was no eX involved! (some of the people were tripping shit out of them, though 🙂 crazy acid-fest, smoking-chillum-lying-on-the-grass-looking-at-the-sky-see-the-smiles-and-face -of-love.. Now, back to people 🙂 Very special thank you to Misha (you know, the dude who used to draw flyers for Alphatrance events :), who helped to move, set up, and do all the preparations, made sure everything is cool and… had to leave and missed all the fun. to Grisha end Co. who stayed afterward – to all the dudes, who played the tunes, (and all who didn’t but wanted to) – and to all who did participate, did help and has been nice and beautiful – eshe raz bol’shoe SPASIBO! Gosha/ DJ Indra PSIf I forgot or offended anybody – sorry, there was no bad intention Ed. note after a lot of people left we went on, played requests straight off a wireless connection to Napster. At the end, even the local 12 and 13 year old cigarette bumming homies got to hear some Nelly Furtado Get ur Freak On and Wu Tang Clan. Everybody won. People, this party was off the hook and if you would like to get involved, get info, join the friggin’ DMT. See, we want Quality, not Quantity. It’s easier to keep the wrong people out in the first place rather than eject them once they are there. Thanks for understanding
May 2001
May 1 Tuesday
SubtleChaos – NightShift – Gemini Lounge
Hello all, our parties at Izzy Bar are being moved to new Every Tuesday starting May 1st NightShift (special MayDay event) Gemini Lounge 221 Second Avenue at 14th Street 9pm till late SubtleChaos residents plus special guests $3 cover / free with guestlist at subtlechaos Stay tuned for special guest announcement… See you there! – s u b t l e c h a o s added lineup for NIGHTSHIFT at Gemini lounge see ya’ll there…
May 2 Wednesday
Chiletrance at Opium Den
Nice vibes nice bar. DJ Angeles(Chiletrance-6th Element) Niko(Synthetic Sadhus) 29 East 3rd Street at 2nd Avenue 10 PM No cover Thanks! Love and Light Angeles
Wow, three outdoor shindigs this week, one last Sunday, one Thursday, one on Saturday… this one is partially promoted by the guy who dresses uplike Hunter S. Thompson: Good seeing you on Sunday. If you can you should come out to my Street party on Thursday if you can. If not I’ll see ya in the Boogie Down J Money. 😉 -M
May 3 Thursday
Street Party Thursday
It is getting warmer out there folks, and when it gets warm Liquids often evaporate. So take the part to the Street. Hope to see you there. Love and Happiness, mike
****New Free Thursday Party**** D3 Deep Dark Dirty Trance Every Thursday with DJ Divine at Street 14 Ave B Between 2nd Street and Houston 212-260-7100 10-4 FREE FRIDAY
This week is Gavin’s party (Spectra) up in the Bronx, which should be great and everyone should go check out and support him as he really knows how to throw a kick-ass party. For those of you who want to drink (as The Key has no liquor) and hear good music, you should come to Cream and Pre-Party.

May 4 Friday
Spectra – CYCLES
10:00PM – 6:00AM **live acts: NOMA (Spiral Trax) Sweden **DJ’s: MAGNUS ANDERSSON (Noma, Spiral Trax) Sweden LORI THE HIFI PRINCESS (Shimmy recordings U.K, futuretech, nanote) KALYX (Growroom, Spectra, Synthetic Sadhus) GAVIN (Spectra) AMMON EP (Resurrection, Satellite Boston) **fluorescent art by: TANIA (Amsterdam) CHILETRANCE (USA) deco by: JAMIN venue: the key skating rink 220 E.138th St. at Grand Concourse Bronx NYC
The morning after, the guy from Noma asked me why I had hummus on my face. It was glow in the dark fluoro paint.
May 4 Friday
Divine Force Productions Presents Sauce Fridays
Last week’s party was absolutely amazing with great music and a good vibe. I look forward to seeing you all there. Love and Happiness mike Tech House, Progressive, Deep Trance and Goa Trance Party Friday May 4th Divine Force Productions Presents Sauce Fridays Featuring Resident DJ Divine (Disco 2000) This week’s special guest DJs: Iman Rizky & Anthony D Cream 246 Columbus Ave Between 71st and 72nd $20 General Admission $15 Guest List Open bar from 10-12 21+ Guestlist: MikESmileZ
May 5 Saturday
SubtleChaos will be participating in the annual
Legalize It Marijuana March
“Space Odi ssey 2001”
6 hours of trance and techno music open air in Battery Park NYC in the shade of the Statue of Liberty celebrating right to choose… Sat. April 21st some big surprise party! Thank you and see you at Opium Den tonite! Vadim Dostman SubtleChaos vadim at subtlechaos Contact: guest.trulyglobal/vadim
Trance Party/Rally May And Kiovanna will be speaking – she’s always at the trance parties: Battery Sq. Park, NYC Openair annual Marijuana March “Space Odyssey 2001” 1pm – 7pm, sound system provided by DMT First time in history of Marijuana March we take official part as New York’s underground techno-trance community! SubtleChaos resident DJs plus a very special surprise from Europe! Please remember that smoking marijuana is still illegal be safe!
Sat. rally location/time change
Openair annual Marijuana March “Space Odyssey 2001” First time in history of Marijuana March we take official part as New York’s underground techno-trance community! March starts from opening ceremony at Broadway and Lafayette SubtleChaos sound system will be opening the march at 1pm and then continue our party at the park from 3pm until 7pm. Please join us first on Broadway, then at the park! *****Note – no one will be allowed to the park until 3pm. SubtleChaos resident DJs plus a very special surprise from Europe. Please remember that smoking marijuana is still illegal be safe!
May 5 Saturday
DMT Squat
If you’re reading this 10pm Saturday night we are in Tribeca… come… nice set up now at a friend’s loft. 146 Duane #2b (cross street is west broadway) go until whenever 2-3-…? subtle chaos, Israelis, weird crazy stuff and I want in. Wait a minute, I’m here. But if you wanna be too, come on down. The price is right – FREE. Bring drinks.

May 6, 2001
Twilo shuttered

May 6 Sunday
Ketamine Reception with Karl Jansen
Cathedral House of the Church of St. John the Divine
4:00-10:00pm, New York, NY, reception honoring the publication of Dr. Karl Jansen’s new book, “K Dreams and Realities” by the Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies (MAPS). At the Cathedral House of the Church of St. John the Divine, 112th St. & Amsterdam, lectures by Dr. Jansen at 5:00pm and 7:30pm. Optional RSVP by 4/30 to (941) 924-6277 or carla at maps.org.
Audio archives!
The medical marij./iboga at Battery Park rally went perfectly. SubtleChaos was perfect. Some underground crews brought extra sound and added it to the generator – wow. The VRT worked as well as promised, nobody in our tribe got arrested. Thanks to everyone involved. After the rally we all had a slamming afterparty with SubtleChaos, DJ Storm from Milwaukee (YEAH!! HE ROCKS) and our own DJ Serge brought his CDJs and closed it up.. where people were literally swinging off the rafters until 3pm Sunday, then a bunch of us went to the Cathedral to meet Dr. Karl Jansen and hear his K lecture. I haven’t been home in 3 days…
May 8 Tuesday
SubtleChaos – Nightshift at Gemini
Hugh S et ali plus DMT Dryads Gemini Lounge 221 Second Avenue at 14th Street SubtleChaos residents plus special guest this week: Hugh S [FutureTech] 9pm till late $3 cover / free with guestlist at subtlechaos Thank you for the support! – s u b t l e c h a o s
May 9 Wednesday
Chiletrance at Opium Den
with a special guest Hello colorful people!!!!!!! DJ Angel+Guests. This week we will have a special guest from Kinetic Records. Come and enjoy trance music and nice vibes. DJ Angel(Chiletrance-6th Element) Aaron Spectre(Opiate/Kinetic) 29 East 3rd Street at 2nd Avenue 10 PM No Cover Love and Light Angeles
May 10 Thursday
Spiritual Beings at Neva
Hello Psychedelic people 28 7th Av south (between Morton & Leroy) from 10:00pm to 4:00am. Djs: * DJ Ran (Spiritual Beings) * DJ Eitan (Spiritual Beings) –
San Pedro/Ayuh. ceremony If anybody is interested in joining our ceremony in June please respond to this email
May 11 Friday
Thursday night & Friday evening – Between now and tomorrow night there are two events, not including the street party
Eight psy-trance parties this weekend – WOW Fri, 11 May If you count Thursday. I think we passed a milestone.
May 11 Friday
House of Trance party tonight
Alex from House of Trance just called Open across from House of Trance, is having DJs inc. California Sunshine (Nikko) and Yanni from HOT back from Goa start around 10 go through 430. NO CHARGE, but maybe $3 max, 21 and up

May 11 Friday
Tsunami Sun Project
Tsunami SUN project moved from Saturday to Friday (yeah…) Expect high NRG Israeli guitar trance B –
This week shows a double Psy booking thanks to the evil imperial forces at Tsunami. Fletcher Mundson Syndrome with SubtleChaos should be an amazing night!
My life with John Emmanuel Gartman
Had a conversation with John Emmanuel Gartman of Tsunami last week. I’m just communicating for him what he said, don’t email me back, he doesn’t read these lists. He expresses his deepest condolences for the multiple instances of double booking in May. He gave credible reasons for each date snafu – from Spectra, then Synthetic, and now SubtleChaos. He says that May was a fluke, and that anybody in their right minds wants to see independent trance groups grow and grow. A rising tide. A Tsunami!! (My words) In the five years I have known him I see the good and the bad. He is a unique individual with a crazy vision. I’m not going to rehash my relationship with John. I understand when people get together and money is involved is more volatile than a marriage in Texas. But I’ve seen creeps, and John is not a creep. I love John. He made trance just commercial enough, just clean and washed enough, where yuppie yoyos like me started going in 1995. Now he has heard that he has been massacred in the email lists recently, and is very distressed and wanted feedback on how this can all be resolved. I told him it’s simple, try as hard as you can not to help drive the small guys out of the trance “industry”. With so many parties and groups now, there will be multiple choices for “consumers.” If people don’t want to be passive “consumers” then they will make their own decisions, based on karma, sound, ethics, and DJs!!! So he says he will try harder now. He is open to suggestions on doing a better job at Tsunamitrance (just don’t, you know, call him and tell him to go…) Anyway, there will be a LOT of double- and triple booking this summer – good luck to all. My position? Tsunami is Microsoft trying to acquire Time Warner/AOL. Synthetic is Apple. Spectra is Linux. SubtleChaos is the Melissa virus. DMT is Flash (but not in the pan). Some of us are Napster. Mark is Gnutella. Andrei is Winmx. Rishi is Winamp. Jacob is Mandala. Blue Room is Amiga. CCC is Adobe. Parasense is a bunch of chicken bones rattled over your computer with chunks of cacti.

May 11 Friday
SubtleChaos presents Fletcher Mundson Syndrom
Main floor: Fletcher Mundson Syndrom, a.k.a. EarGear live act [Plusquam, DE] First time in U.S., well known in Europe’s trance-scene for over 10 years, now introducing new album and new live set! Don’t miss this amazing psy-techno performance!
EarGear DJ set [SpiritZone, DE] We are proud to have this super-energy psychedelic techno Yak & Ramon tag team just as heard on last year’s Voov Experience festival in Germany…
DJ Eleven [Union / Vibes records] Our new resident – a very talented DJ from New York underground. plus….
Kalyx [Growroom, Greenhouse Effect, Spectra, Synthetic Sadhus]
Jason [subtlechaos]
Vadim [subtlechaos / subtle Productions]
Downtempo Progressive floor (special Touch to our event!): Sean Hall [Touch / Freakus] Billy Shane [Touch / Freakus] Dots [Hooka Lounge / Wanderlust, NYC] Original Fluoro Blacklight Deco by Daniel [subtlechaos], Severyn and Kura Chai stand by Kristina Downtime 251 West 30th Street between 7th and 8th Ave., great sound system owned and built by people who run the recording studios in the same building! 10pm – 7am + afterparty Admission $30 at the door, presale tickets at $25, 18+, please bring id. Tickets available at Vinyl Market 241 East 10th Street and Throb 211 East 14th Street Club capacity is limited. To order by phone call (212)539-1203
we’re doing a really special afterparty at my new squat!
May 12 Saturday
Afterparty at my new squat Sat. morning
ELF NEST! Psy-trance afterparty in a loft $7 146 Duane Street 2nd floor (ring the buzzer 2B) 7am-2pm HOW MUCH Lucky $7. Everyone will be asked to donate to the Cause. If you bring extra water or refreshments or a SubtleChaos flyer your cover will be reduced. Only DJs that are printed on Friday’s flyers will be comped! WHERE Tribeca. 146 Duane Street 2nd floor (ring the buzzer 2B) The cross street is West Broadway. 2 blocks north from the 1/9 station at Chambers. SOUND DMT Sound system 7am-2pm and possibly beyond if Niko will let us keep his speakers there. So, conceivably, if everyone follows their own self interest and gets down to the Elf nest, we can go through the night if we behave ourselves. If you were there for the afterparty for the Marij. march you know the deal. The sound will be chill at 7am and build and build and crescendo to full capacity around 11am and then chill on the volume a TINY bit around noon and then. .onward and upward. Please respect the few neighbors that are still in the building, don’t hang out in the hallways etc. (when I say squat I’m not kidding!) SPACE 2000′ loft, 20′ ceiling, huge windows, brainmachines, oxygen, costumes, incense, internet access, video projections, T-shirts, CDs, UV lights, fluoro tapestries by House of Trance, some fog, crazy lighting, vornado fan, working toilets, yoga on the roof. MUSIC DJs- International trance DJs who happen to be in New York who you have not heard before, i.e. Fletcher Mundson Syndrome, Ear Gear. PLUS Niko from Synthetic Sadus, Jason & Vadim and Machinelf. Machinelf will be taking requests off Napster for trance songs at a $10 donation per pop (196 kps). PEOPLE A mishmash of Jeff’s friends, fiends, trance people, mostly from the SubtleChaos shindig – which will have a supply of Touch people – but also some of the best lost souls from SUN Project. REFRESHMENTS Bring your own bottled water, virgin’s blood, juice and food. There is a fountain of youth with running water to refill your water bottles. There is a nice Punjabi place with excellent samosas one block east. BRING if you get a chance, artwork and painting supplies would be enlightening, and a blanket if you be shillin be chillin be children. THE SOURCE All proceeds go towards doing more of this dodgey business, i.e. my summer move into this space. Special thanks to Parasense for keeping it unreal. SubtleChaos, Touch, Tsunami (yes – Tsunami), we’re all running around like chickens with their third eye exposed. DIRECTIONS From SubtleChaos etc at Downtime – go to the 1 or 9 station at the 28th street stop on 7th. $2 off with a SubtleChaos flyer. From Tsunami at World – go to the 1 or 9 station at 41st street Take the 1 or 9 subway to Chambers, walk two blocks up, take a right and you’re there Machinelf’s cell phone number: – SubtleChaos – Fletcher Munson Syndrome SubtleChaos – Fletcher Munson Syndrome Friday, May 11, 11:30PM – 7:30AM (-04:00) Fletcher Mundson Syndrome (Naja, SpiritZone, Tatsu/Hamburg, Germany) live first time in U.S. located in midtown Manhattan 251 West 30th between 7th and 8th 18+, party till after sunrise + afterparty! /events.html oh, yeah, there’s also this other thing going on… look for the lone wolf alien scaring the consumers at some point in the night, that’s me.. SUN Project at the World on 1503 Broadway – check web Tsunamitrance for details ..BUM WANKERS!
May 11 or 12 Machinati Stabbing
Under the bridge
“This past May, Connecticut teenager William Jouannes was stabbed and beaten at one of the under-the-bridge raves in Washington Heights after he decided to confront a bunch of hooded party crashers who had just jacked his backpack. Despite a collapsed lung and internal bleeding, the lucky raver survived.”
Locations from our Cuban friend Thu, 17 May Than you, this will be great. Hey, if there was a stabbing, we have to create some sort of security system for ourselves. I suggest volunteers to just keep an eye on everybody and to protect the equipment. Also, people should travel in at least twos or threes for safety. Lastly, I have a van, lets scout some awesome locations, here is a copy of a letter I sent, um, someone, you can pass it along if ya like; I know of a few awesome spots in queens if people are interested. One place is in College point near the Whitestone bridge. Have you ever thrown a beach party like at Rockaway or somewhere out on the island? I see you guys can travel. There are lots of state parks really close too. Forest Park in queens is awesome, there is a bandshell that is way cool, talk about getting lost in the woods, this place is HUGE!. Juniper Valley park is cool, Flushing park is also interesting, though some places are better than others. Kissena park is really beautiful around now, an amazing variety of trees and a great maze-like area that you can get lost in. there is a small park in Astoria or LIC, I’m not too sure, but it is filled with the most rocking sculptures and art of all kinds and they rotate the displays always. Another park in College Point/Flushing looks north and west towards Laguardia, Rikers and Manhattan. I also know of a handful of spots that are unused/disused and just dead empty space. Lots of places on the north shore of queens. I wonder about Roosevelt Island. Randalls Wards island has a footbridge that connects the upper 90’s in Manhattan to the island and a huge park thats under the Triboro bridge. Carl Schurz park in the 80’s on the east side of manhattan is great, and its where Adolf Guiliani lives, boy could we piss him off! I am just giving ya my ideas, do with em as you will

Spiritual Beings
Hello Psychedelic people, Spiritual Beings is proud to announce: THURSDAY NIGHTS AT NEVA When and Where: Every Thursday at NEVA BAR, 28 7th Av south (between Morton & Leroy), NYC from 10:00pm to 4:00am. Directions: It’s a few blocks south of Christopher st subway station (1,9). Djs: * Dj Ran (Spiritual Beings) * Dj Eitan (Spiritual Beings) Admission: * Free admission to Spiritual Beings members on the guest list (sigh up until Thursday at 1:00pm) at: sbguestlist . make sure you’re sending from the same email you’re subscribed to. subscribe “your name”. * $3 admission to non-members who sigh at the guest list (sigh up until Thursday at 1:00pm) at: sbguestlist . subscribe “your name”. * $5 at the doors. Hope to see you there 🙂 Peace. Love. Unity. Respect. Spiritual beings.
May 15 Tuesday
Fletcher Mundson Syndrome tonight at NIGHTSHIFT
They rocked last Friday – come see them tonight for only $3!! SubtleChaos weekly on Tuesdays NIGHTSHIFT May 15th, Fletcher Mundson Syndrom / EarGear DJ set [Germany] Vadim [subtlechaos / subtle Productions] Jason [subtlechaos] Gemini Lounge 221 Second Avenue at 14th Street 9pm till late Pictures from previous events: /gallery/nightshift/nightshift1.htm $3 cover Thank you for support! – s u b t l e c h a o s SubtleChaos info at subtlechaos
It was so nice to to see all of the trance people. I got there late but a lot of the good people were there. Those German guys could give their American counterparts some lesson in psychedelic precision. What a banging space. Too bad some of us have to work on Wednesdays.. Is anybody going to the techno events in Detroit next week?
May 16 Wednesday
Chiletrance at Opium Den
Nice people and nice vibes. Dj Angel(Chiletrance-6th element) Isam(Morocco) Misha(San Francisco) 29 East 3rd Street at 2nd Avenue 10 PM No cover thanks!!!!!!! Love and Light Angeles
May 17 Thursday
Spiritual Beings at Neva
I went last Thursday – this is the ONLY GAME in town 28 7th Av south (between Morton & Leroy), NYC. DJs: * Dj Ran (Spiritual Beings) * Dj Eitan (Spiritual Beings) Admission: * Free admission to Spiritual Beings members. Sigh the guest list (sigh up until Thursday at 1:00pm) at: sbguestlist . make sure you’re sending from the same email you’re subscribed to. subscribe “your name”. * $3 at the doors. Hope to see you there 🙂 Peace. Love. Unity. Respect. Spiritual beings.
Dj Illusion (Psylocib, IL) Will be also DJing on May 17th at NEVA BAR! It’s gonna be a full power night… don’t say we didn’t warn you… 🙂
May 18 Friday
Shaffel Records – Sound Rise – Sound-on-the-River Summer Outdoor Series presents:
ATMOS S-Range/ DJ Anthony (Spiral Trax Sweden)
DJ Doom (Shaffel Records Israel)
Dj Yon-E (Tsunami NYC) +more Tickets: $20 in advance, $25 door, 21 and over. Tickets at Throb, Home of Trance, Satellite, Any Time, Sonic Groove, Caffeine and Satellite Boston The Frying Pan Pier 63, W23rd St. and West Side Highway Doors open 9pm. Also coming to Frying Pan June 22nd Growling Mad Scientists live. WIll not go too late b/c of sound issues. Repeat, if you want to go to this, get there fucking early. AFTERPARTY TBA starts at 4am in Williamsburg
atmos confirmed for frying pan the rumors turned out to be unfounded – atmos IS confirmed for frying pan Friday. see you there. thank you, disinformation agents!!
Lost wholly rollers getting their Roxy off The Atmos party was unbelievable… sometimes it’s good to go home and sleep and eat and human stuff like that. Oh yeah, Go West, young man. If you don’t understand, then this is your conscience telling you that you should stop procrastinating and join u$. As for next week, If you have pictures from Synthetic Sadhus please email them to synthsadhus at earthlink.net We wonder out loud if Twilo’s closing will have a beneficial effect next Friday at the Synthetic Sadhus at Roxy… lost wholly rollers getting their roxy off?
May 18-20 Friday-Sunday
Entheogen Conference
The Prophets Conference New York City: Techniques of Discovery May 18-20, 2001 Cathedral of St. John the Divine, Synod Hall Bringing together… Huston Smith, Stanislav Grof, Ralph Metzner, Gregg Braden, Gabrielle Roth, Riane Eisler, Michio Kaku, John Mack, Oriah Mountain Dreamer, Robert Anton Wilson, Ram Dass, and Russell Targ. The Prophets Conference brings together today’s most remarkable teachers and authors to explore and bridge science and spirituality. Our thematic variation for this New York City gathering is Techniques of Discovery – an investigation of the powerful and profound pre-existent place of deep transcendent and transformative commonality found through shamanic practices, spiritual paths, entheogens, religious trance, out-of-body experiences and other revolutionary and revelatory tools. We will be looking at expanded states of consciousness and the uncommon knowledge and heightened awareness often obtained from them, and then look at the magnitude of the implications fostered by acknowledging them as true Gnosis. We will then explore their relevance to every area of life. The conference will also envision a deeper sense of Destiny at what appears to be a critical juncture in history, and assess Avenues for imagining and reconfiguring Reality.
May 19 Saturday
DMT – Beltainne
Fox News showed up with hidden cam and called us “flying saucer people” who “had sex while one ecstasy” (Raver Jack, whose dad ran a broadway ad agency, had an inflatable couch) This party inspired the Alien Sex Party, later in the summer on a boat after my bust.
ATMOS and the DMT event were awesome, and for the latter, unparalleled. Shame on ye who have little faith! There’s a place for the unfaithful consumers, and it’s called TWILO. Oh well, the best revenge on untruth, greed, and decadence is living long and well. -If anybody has Bjork tickets for her Harlem show email xdoodlbugx at aol (the Wednesday Chiletrance at Opium Den bartender) -If anybody has a location for SpiritualBeings on June 8 please email spiritualbeings
I want to thank Everyone who had the faith and courage and trust to come and participate in what was far and away the best DMT event, yet. All the people who made offerings to the free area at the center at the Tree of Life All the people who joined hands to celebrate the Power of Life and then spiraled clockwise into an “ommmmmmm” Rocky for the mind-blowing visuals interlaced from Morocco, past DMT events, etc etc all edited state of the art Lori & Boris for the lighting and the food Noel, Orla, Kate, and Noel for the Beltainne ritual Mark for scouting and booking and order keeping Susannah for the flowers and druid wear Mathias for the chai and power expertise Mike and ben for driving Ranka DJs Ranka for the turntables, FX Mike for the mixer and Steve-O for the groove Live PA Deeper in Zen – guitar, drums, synth, they had practiced so much they didn’t break a sweat Ben for the VRT Kamal for the blinking traffic light Stefan for the snacks Orla for the candles The standby and helpful police and medical crews who watched over us The outsiders who came and joined our group So the bar has risen! Quality before Quantity, that is the secret alchemical formula. That space can’t hold a huge system, not can it hold more than 200 people. So we must build inwards as well as outwards. We really don’t need more people, just keep bringing your friends and we’ll always be good. Anonymous excerpt… many details eliminated “Whatta beautimous party!!!!!!! This my 1st party and we were there from beginning to end and we had so much fun and met so many nice people! (even met some local boys who joined in the hand-holding during the ceremony-a little skeptical, but curious and rather game!) … It was nice to work with other professionals – Rocky, you da man! Anybody who missed him ….well, DON’T next time! And you DJ’S kicked a**! Jeff looked like the Horned Celtic God “Cerrunnos” on the Cauldron of the Dagda, Yeowww! I’m still impressed w/ how everybody pitched in and contributed some effort- it ran smooth. It’s nice to know the ‘flying saucer people’ can throw a really great ‘alien sex party’! See y’all at SS on Fri!”
May 20 Sunday
in cooperation with Electric Earth Present TranceDance at Limon Studios 611 Broadway “Trance Dance’s primary focus is on healing and our relationship with spirit. By dancing within the seclusion of darkness we discover parallel realities where solutions to seemingly unsolvable problems are possible. Through Trance Dance we ‘disappear’, become more like our spirit, and simultaneously less attached to our difficulties, making it possible at these moments to let these problems go.” Wilber Alix Shakti Spirits with Electric Earth will hold another Blindfolded TranceDance on Sunday 5/20/01 from 8:30 till 10:30 p.m. This will be held in the Beautiful Limon dance Studio-611 Broadway, near Houston st., 9th flr. Price $15 with pre-registration $ 20 at the door For more info and to pre-registar please call Parashakti at 212-396-9095
May 23 Wednesday
Chiletrance at Opium Den
First DJ Set in NYC: Valerio
with DJ Angeles+Guests. Come and listen to the nice people and nice vibes. I heard everybody had a great time at don Saturday, this time I was not able to play, so I apologize for that. This Wednesday we have a special guest for New Orleans. So come and check it out! Welcome everybody!!! DJ Angeles(Chiletrance-6th Element) Valerio(New Orleans) 29 East 3rd Street at 2nd Avenue 10pm-4am No Cover; 21+ Thanks!! Love and Light Angeles
May 23 Wednesday
Fox 5 Last Night Did anybody tape the Fox 5 news last night? REWARD – If you can get a copy by any means necessary 😉 you will be handsomely rewarded. Serious inquiries only.
May 24 Thursday
Astor Lounge
THURSDAY FREE The Fuse Wanderlust at Astor Lounge 316 Bowery 10-4 212-539-8475 Come hear Jamin Murphy!!
May 24 Thursday
Spiritual Beings at Neva
ALSO THURSDAY FREE From Eitan: this Thursday is going to ROCK: 1. Andera (a friend of mine) is leaving to Zambia so her friends are coming to say goodbye. 2. Dj Serge is bringing his people 3. Dj Gula (The female DJ that played on doody’s party on the boat) is coming and her crowd follows. 4. the word spreads, man… so, here are the details. (check out the admission part) hope to see you there, man. NEVA BAR – Guest DJs! Admission:* Free Admission Tonight! Thursday, May 24, 10:00PM – 3am Spiritual Beings is proud to present: NEVA BAR, 28 7th Av south (between Morton & Leroy), NYC, NY.Djs:* Dj Serge (Digital Circuitry, RU) * Dj Gula.K (IL) * Dj Ran (Spiritual Beings) * Dj Eitan (Spiritual Beings)

May 25 Friday
First Party: Kelly
11:00PM – 7:00AM welcome you to a full-on psychedelic journey, The new leaders of the Scandinavian sound are coming for the first time to NYC to deliver a rare live performance:
LOGIC BOMB (TIP-Spiral Trax-Sweden), TIP Records’ visionary father, Shpongle’s guru, incandescent source of inspiration, the enlightened and enlightening Raja is back to guide us to infinity:
RAJA RAM (TIP-Twisted-Shpongle-UK), Founding pioneer of Cosmophilia, one of the world’s largest trance music distributor, eclectic producer of Hadshot Recordings. Come to hear this deck wizard:
YANIV (Cosmophilia-Hadshot-Israel), (Special Guest) Simply one of the best Dj on the circuit, electrifying crowds from Japan to Brazil back with the very latest European sounds:
Decoration by BRAHMA (TIP-UK), Who is an incomparable master of psychedelic art. His paintings symbolizes graphically the essence of our music, while influencing it beyond our wildest expectations! Chill-out environment produced by WANDERLUST. Featuring Live sets, Dj’s sets, Chai, Tents, Hookas & Visuals. Party’s This party is 18 & over, please bring your ID. The ROXY 515 West 18th Street, Between 10 & 11th Av, Manhattan, NYC. The Roxy is one of Manhattan’s most amazing location. Certainly the best sound system in the City. There is plenty of place to stomp, yet it stays cozy with elevated and elevating chill-out area. The Roxy crew is very welcoming and their very affordable beverage prices complete the welcoming environment created by Synthetic Sadhus. Doors open from 11pm till 7am. Tickets are $ 30 in advance and $35 at the door. You can purchase advance tickets 2 weeks prior to event in the following record shops: House of Trance 212 533 6700 Throb 212 533 2328 Satellite 212 995 1744 Vinyl Market 212 539 1203 -New Manhattan Store! Sonic Groove 212 675 5284 Growroom (MA) 413 549 9296 Satellite (Boston) 617 536 5482 Caffeine (LI) 516 797 719
waywardprogtrancepeople at twiloThe most important email I’ve sent this year, please take a minute and read! Everyone must come to Synthetic Sadhus at the Roxy tomorrow. It is vital that we make a good showing. If you value authenticity, if you have ever enjoyed sustenance from Gilles and Kris’ amazing Amazura marc ballroom Roxy epoxy mind meld, then come MAKE IT HAPPEN. Even if you weren’t planning on attending, come anyway – tomorrow night is a make or break inflection point in our future as happy trance people. Bring friends – Roxy is close, intimate, and has an amazing sound system. Eighteen and up. Courteous security (one of them is getting a tattoo from a mural from the party two months ago). Many new surprises. There will be a huge new chai area with a goa flea market and a hookah lounge by the vibesy Wanderlusters. If you want to see Synthetic Sadhus continue at the Roxy, come vote with your feet – and we can all again shape our own reality. The universe is what you make of it, let’s establish our perch, our safe place, our stomping grounds. Without Synthetic we only have Tsunami as a mother ship. John and Yanni are capable captains, however, to take over the world we need an armada of cooperation and goodwill. As an added incentive, if you see me at Synthetic and have $15 I will add you right then and there to the DMT (we have BIG plans this summer that do not involve what has gone before… ) so don’t miss the boat. If you do join the DMT tomorrow night then you will receive an elf designed fluoro memeviralkarmic bindhi with a spatial message (see attached) and everyone will know that you are a trooper. Also, I’m going to raise the stakes even further. Should the Synthetic party at the Roxy lose its steam and be displaced by a bunch of E-head house zombie DJs, or whatever, I’m throwing in the towel. Brainmachines will change format and I will devote more time with other projects. It’s that important. We are at a crossroads. The media is dogpiling sensationalism, and we could very well dwindle into meandering one-offs on one side, and Tsunami on the other. Options and variety are the spice of life. Gilles and Kris have worked so hard to give us the very best that international talent has to offer, and it’s time to PAY THEM BACK with our love and our appreciation. Know that your presence will save our scene. I love all of you dearly. This is – for better or for worse – my life, and I am way to spoiled to have to watch Kris and Gilles have to relinquish the fruits of their labors. I am not in this for the money, I am in it for the inner Beauty, and I will die before I let inner ugliness and stupidity mar what I hold dear. See you tomorrow? Stand up and be counted. As we all go and show our support we will all rejoice in what we have created. One last thing – I’d like to ask everyone to bring free stuff and give it to everyone you see who is smiling. The person who increases the most smiles will get a million dollars in good karma. Bottom line, if you don’t come tomorrow and John Emmanuel gets hit by a bus, you will be thrown to the elves, and we will pull no punches.
thank youSynthetic Sadhus was a success. we came, we saw, we conquered, then we got kicked out (well some of us…) see ya’ll the last Friday of every month at the Roxy! also, the DMT will be hitting the water soon… don’t miss the boat 🙂 …. on other news… LIFE ISN’T A CABARET: TWILO LOSES LICENSE
May 25, 2001 New York Post
It’s Twilo’s last gleaming for the notorious Chelsea nightclub.
An appeals court yanked the controversial Club Twilo’s cabaret license yesterday, a move that essentially sounded the death knell for the West 27th Street nightspot.
“We’re gratified the Appellate Division unanimously recognized the dangerous activities and environment that existed at Twilo,” said city Corporation Counsel Michael Hess. “This justifies the concerted effort we have made over the last few years to protect young people who were exposed to drugs and injury in that club.”
The Appellate Division decision reversed an earlier ruling by State Supreme Court Justice Jane Solomon, who found the Department of Consumer Affairs’ decision not to renew the cabaret license was “unreasonable.”
The five-judge panel, however, found that DCA had very good reasons, including the death last July of a patron who’d overdosed on “ecstasy.”
The decision also cited an Oct. 8, 2000 incident, in which two patrons who overdosed were found unconscious in a dark room. A security guard said later that he’d moved them there, the judges said.
A Twilo source said the club had been planning to fight the closing, but now might not bother.
The Appellate Division decision reversed an earlier ruling by State Supreme Court Justice Jane Solomon, who found the Department of Consumer Affairs’ decision not to renew the cabaret license was “unreasonable.”
The five-judge panel, however, found that DCA had very good reasons, including the death last July of a patron who’d overdosed on “ecstasy.”The decision also cited an Oct. 8, 2000 incident, in which two patrons
who overdosed were found unconscious in a dark room. A security guard said later that he’d moved them there, the judges said.
A Twilo source said the club had been planning to fight the closing, but now might not bother.
May 31 Thursday
Spiritual Beings at NEVA
10:00PM – 4:00AM Spiritual Beings is proud to present: THURSDAY NIGHT AT NEVA 28 7th Av south (between Morton & Bedford), NYC, NY. DJs: * Dj Illusion (Psylocib) * Dj Max (psylocib) * Dj Ran (Spiritual Beings) * Dj Eitan (Spiritual Beings) Admission: * Free admission to Spiritual Beings members. * $3 at the doors. Hope to see you there 🙂 Peace. Love. Unity. Respect. Spiritual beings. Our love and support to: Tibet -web savetibet.org The hunger site -web thehungersite
May 31 Thursday
Outdoors There have been FIVE outdoor events detailed on the special DMT list so far this year, and it’s still cool sailing in May. If you’ve never heard psychedelic trance on a decent system outdoors then you’re missing the point. Once you go out, you’ll never want to go back in. The police are cool, but we have to stay mobile to evade the media. Being on the email list is more important than ever. I can honestly say the best DMT event ever was two weeks ago, with a large video projection screen and many many props and Celtic summer ritual. This summer we’re also doing at least one boat party around Manhattan and up the river. There are also many more “Alien Sex Parties” in the works. To join the DMT psytrance NYC announcement list send $25 via Paypal to “Machine Elf,” (First name Machine, Last name Elf)
June 2001

Awesome song that’s not in their set list anymore
June 1 Friday
Tsunami Hallucinogen/Infected Mushroom at the World, Times Square
First Party: Lauryn
11:45PM – 6:45AM
at “THE WORLD” 1501 Broadway at 43 Street the leading Trance organization in America, is once again breaking new ground, by bringing to the same event the world’s two most important two trance names, to Time Square:
Back by huge popular demand:
Duvdev and Erez, are introducing their brand -new CD BP Empire, in one of their rocking live sets, that have made them revered the world over as, without doubt, the hottest live trance act
A rare, exclusive DJ set by the Trance Master him-self: HALLUCINOGEN (Twisted, UK) SIMON POSFORD (Hallucinogen) is considered by his peers, to be the most influential trance producer, as well as, by being half of the innovative ambient act SHPONGLE.
DJ sets by: DUVDEV (Infected Mushroom) EREZ(Infected Mushroom)
YON-E (Tsunami) Separate
LOUNGE ROOM: ANGELES (chiletrance-6th Element) Tickets: $30 advance /$35 door. Tsunami compilation, with many new, exclusive tracks, as well as Tsunami 12-inch vinyl 1 and 2 in stores now, on KINETIC Records.
I remember they had oxygen tubes there for a pittance.
June 1-2 Friday-Saturday
manTRANSforms at Angel Orensanz Foundation Center for the Arts
172 Norfolk Street, New York City inspire. inform. evolve. EXPERIENCE THE IDEAS THAT WILL SHAPE OUR FUTURE. Where are we headed as a culture, as a species? What are the trends that will influence future global business? manTRANSforms is a cultural event that will present the major trends shaping our future. For the first time ever at Angel Orensanz Foundation Center for the Arts, influential artists, scientists, physicists, philosophers, authors, designers and inventors will join together to discuss emerging trends and explain their impact on business and our world.
June 5 Tuesday
Astrid has left the building
June 6 Wednesdays
First DJ Set: Dave Dittmer
(The energy of nature by which the physical and mental worlds take shape.) A smooth blend of ambient groove, intelligent dnb and psychedelic trance with resident selectors: DINO [Changmian] KRIS DEFIXIO [Redlight, Satellite] DAVID WEST [Changmian, Satellite] 3rd Floor of the Hong Kong 1236 Massachusetts Ave, Harvard Square, Cambridge, MA 21+ $5 9-1 AM 6.06 Qi (Mad lifted) Boston 6.13 DAVID WEST *4 Hour farewell set* 6.20 RANKA (Kontact/Echo lounge)NYC 6.27 DAVE DITTMER *Come early and chill out with a Mai-Tai or a Scorpion Bowl in the newly renovated and air-conditioned third stage of Hong Kong! info line: 978-963-5411 Full fluoro artwork by HBomb, Aitch, Uri and Changmian. Psychedelic visuals by web ammonep announce only list changmian [It’s a truly beautiful thing they got going on, please check it out.]
June 6 Wednesday
Here Egos Again
State of the Union
My fellow Goamericans, I have been unemployed going on five months. I was selling advertising making $110k a year. Now I am here, squatting. Life is beautiful. The movie is not even in the opening credits. Now that Twilo is closed (the motherfuckers were not open to new ideas – they just wanted a minimal thing, just people paying money so that they can dance to Sasha’s ear-popping pill-popping drone music, as opposed to the spiritually enlightening brain chemistry that is psychedelic trance) Now that Twilo is closed, the feds and the city will probably continue to crack down on people who dance and have peak spiritual experiences on the dance floor. GHB was the final straw that got Twilo, and was also a major downer at past events. You GHB people, thanks for leaving it at home. Let’s keep it that way. Don’t miss your chance to join the DMT and get a boat cruise to boot. Don’t miss the boat. And nothing will change much after Michael Bloomberg gets elected Mayor. The BTS “problem” is an ongoing mess, but their weltanschauung doesn’t mesh with tranceadelica. SubtleChaos always making problems, doing it their ham headed way, but it is their way. Against all odds, and some oddballs, Synthetic Sadhus created a new residency at the Roxy, last Friday of every month. Thanks again for showing your strength. Tsunami settles in at the World. Sound still needs help, they need to hire Ricardo with his killer Mackey sound system. (Remember Parasense and the House of Trance bridge party?) Some BTS made it in to Tsunami and left before I got there from the Blue subway affair. Call Fox 5 at 212-452-3800 and tell them you want information on where you can find an Alien Sex Party, or if they know of any aliens who really *do* ecstasy. Gosha is back from the Ukraine. My former roommate Deeper in Zen is traveling in Europe but Kent Friedman is at the studio – and you will hear soon a compilation of the best of what NYC psy-producers has to offer, which is, surprisingly – in our banal capitalist culture – a lot. Thanks, Legolas the Sinadarin Elf
June 6 Wednesday
Chiletrance at Opium Den
First of all Happy Full Moon!! Nice people and vibesssssss. DJ Angeles(Chiletrance-6th Element) Kamal(Dragonlotus) 29 East 3rd Street at 2nd Avenue 10 Pm No cover Thanks!! Love and Light Angeles a year!
June 7 Thursday
Eitan’s birthday party at Neva!
Come help Eitan celebrate being spiritual through psychedelic trance! 10:00PM – 4:00AM CDT 28 7th Av south (between Morton & Bedford), NYC, NY. Directions: It’s a few blocks south of Christopher st. subway station (1,9). Djs: * Dj Max (Psylocib) * Dj Ran (Spiritual Beings) * Dj Eitan (Spiritual Beings) – Our Birthday Boy! Admission: * Free! Hope to see you there 🙂 Peace. Love. Unity. Respect. Spiritual beings.

June 8 Friday
Two separate dancefloors: Kalyx [growroom, Synthetic Sadhus] DJ Eleven [union, vibes] Jason vs. Vadim [subtlechaos] Severyn, NYC Angeles [chiletrance, 6th element] Gavin [Spectra] PLUS SPECIAL GUESTS… Fluoro decoration by Daniel [subtlechaos] Kura and Severyn 113 Ludlow St. Manhattan take F train to Delancey (same location as SubtleChaos E Label party last year…) $10 cover, 18+/21 to drink, ID required for everyone, 11pm-8am Invitation only – bring this email or our official flyer. Bring a diDJ or a drum if you can play, costumes welcome. Chai, fruits and more treats for all our guests! Thank you for support!
DMT fundraiser boat tour june 22/23 Taking a monthly break from our standard fare and setting sail for uncharted waters on 6/22/23 $35 for members, eight hour crazy cruise. Special introductory offer for new members, package rate for multiple members. Inquire for more info.
June 9 Saturday Morning
DMT Squat
the DMT Feel free to forward to your favorite psy-trance people… The Full Moon is out this weekend. The weather forecast is partly cloudy, low 55 to 60 and high in the upper 70s. I you happen to be up this fine Saturday morning (June 9) come join a fine group of folks at a psychedelic potluck family get-together in a spacious Tribeca loft. Back again, vastly improved space and sound system… and this time no 18 hour bridge event to compete with. Not a full-on dance after party (that’s at Twilo 🙁 but a friendly chillout. Many new surprises. 146 Duane Street (call from the entree from the street) 8:30am-4pm HOW MUCH Lucky $7. Everyone will be asked to donate to the Cause. If you bring extra water, refreshments, OJ, chai, paper towels, whatever, your cover will be reduced. $5 reduced admission for DMT members. All proceeds will go towards food for the needy (that’s me right now I’m down to 150 lbs 🙁 WHERE Tribeca. 146 Duane Street between Church and West Broadway. Once there call for entree from the street. Directions are the end of this email. SOUND DMT Sound system, CDJs. 7am-2pm and possibly beyond. We can go through the night if we behave ourselves. If you were there for the afterparty for the Marij. march you know the deal. The sound will be chill at 7am and build and build and crescendo to full capacity around 11am and then chill on the volume a TINY bit around noon and then… onward and upward. Please respect the neighbors that are in the building, don’t hang out in the hallways etc. SPACE 2000′ loft, 20′ ceilings, Grecian pillars, huge windows, brainmachines, oxygen, costumes, incense, internet access, video projections, video games, T-shirts, CDs, UV lights, fluoro tapestries by House of Trance, some fog, crazy lighting, vornado fan, working toilets, yoga on the roof. MUSIC DJs- Skilled and inspired DJs from the DMT will be representing. Aspiring DJs are welcome to contact me regarding playing. The best DJ present will get a free ticket and a spot to play on the DMT Summer Boat Cruise on June 22. Requests off Napster at a $5 donation per pop (196 kps). PEOPLE A mishmash of friends, fiends, trance people. REFRESHMENTS Bring your own bottled water, virgin’s blood, juice and food. There is a fountain of youth with running water to refill your water bottles. There is a nice Punjabi place with excellent samosas one block east. BRING if you get a chance, artwork and painting supplies would be enlightening, and a blanket if you be shillin be chillin be children. THE SOURCE All proceeds go towards doing more of this dodgey business, i.e. my summer move into this space. Special thanks to Parasense for keeping it unreal.
and… that night… Besto Kaiju Fans: Kaiju Big Battel will make its New York City premier this weekend. Here’s the low down: SoundLab/Cultural Alchemy in conjunction with Madame Chao Productions presents: Kaiju Big Battel! Saturday, June 9th 10pm, 353 Broadway, NYC Featuring sounds by: DJ Spooky, Priest & Beans of Anti-pop Consortium, Cannibal Ox, Singe & Verb, 8-Bit Construction, DJ Prozac, DJ Mutamassik, Infant Reader: Lessons 1 & 5 Visual manipulations by: BLIP – PanOptic – How2 – Luke – Madame Chao – Fondue And live monster mayhem by KAIJU Big Battel, the world’s only live monster wrestling spectacle. Tickets – $15 at the door – $12 presale (tickets available at Other Music & Mondo Kim’s) Check kaiju for details on the night’s featured monster wrestling superstars!
And after the Elf Nest party Saturday morning It’s a day party, and we’re all invited!! I know what you’re thinking… SKIP the Psychedelic Potluck at the Elf Nest and head on out to the techno! If that’s your deal then Go for it!

I was the One Who Knocked
June 10 Sunday
Jeff arrested at DMT Squat
Saturdays in June
Washington, DC
Swerve Psychedelic Trance The movement that is sweeping the entire world has finally come to DC. Wake up DC, this is the EVOLUTION of electronic music.
6.9 Dj Hybrid web eastcoasthappy / Swerve 2501 project2501 / Swerve DC WildBill Psychonauts / Metatrack / Swerve DC Cliff J Transentient / Swerve DC
6.16 Hugh S Futuretech / Brooklyn Crib NYC 1/2 Of the trance group Shapeshifters! WildBill Psychonauts / Metatrack / Swerve DC Dj Hybrid web eastcoasthappy / Swerve DC Stardiver DigitalYeti / Swerve DC
6.23 Kri Touch Samadhi / NC Electric Mayhem Sidetrakkt Productions / Pittsburgh 2501 project2501 / Swerve DC Dj Hybrid web eastcoasthappy / Swerve
6.30 JUNO REACTOR Record Release Party For their single “Masters of the Universe” Free promos, posters, and frisbees all night! Gaian Mind Party Allen & WildBill They rocked it at Buzz, now catch them at Swerve. 2501 project2501 / Swerve DC Come check out the new renovations at The Cage! Psycho-fluorescent blacklight landscape designs by DelMarVaTrance Team Video projections by Project 2501 Productions Free CD giveaways every week! at The Cage 1811 14th St NW (between S and T streets) 202.234.6000 9pm – 3am. $5 all night 18+ with valid photo ID web swerve-dc “This is your last chance. After this there is no turning back. You take the red pill, the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe, whatever you want to believe. You take the blue pill, then it makes your penis bigger.”
June 13 Wednesday
Chiletrance at Opium Den
Ed. note – FX Mike from Alphatrance is my favorite NYC DJ – go to check him out… he hasn’t been around since the last DMT ritual Hello Everybody!!! with DJ Angeles+Guests. Come and enjoy trance music and nice vibes. Welcome everybody!! DJ Angeles(Chiletrance-6th element) Soch(New York City Fx Mike(Alphatrance) OpiumDen 29 East 3rd Street at 2nd Avenue 10 PM No Cover thanks! Love and Light Angeles
We have 21 paid aliens for Alien Sex Party- half way there. Wow – it’s really happening. Act soon to reserve your spot.
June 14 Thursday
Spiritual Beings at Neva
28 7th Av south (between Morton & Bedford), NYC, NY. DJs: * DJ Ran (Spiritual Beings) * DJ Eitan (Spiritual Beings) Admission: * Free admission! Hope to see you there 🙂 Peace. Love. Unity. Respect. Spiritual beings.
June 15 Friday
out on the patio |Allen|Gaian Mind, Philadelphia| |Hatari|Gaian Mind, Philadelphia| |wildbill|Psychonauts, Swerve, DC| Full on fluoro decor, UV lighting by Gaian Mind at Buzz Friday Nights at Nation | 18 & over | 10pm-6am 1015 Half Street SE, Washington, DC, USA Regular Admission: $12 before 11 p.m. | $15 after 11 p.m. web buzzdc
June 15 Friday
T. H. C. (Temporal Harmony Codes) presents -ORGANIC MATH
FREE. Cyborganic Chill-Out Trippy Downtempo Psychedelic Ambient Eclectic Beats & Psytrance with DJ’s: * Angeles (6th Element, chiletrance) * DNA * Evan (T.H.C.) * Jes * and guests at Karma Bar & Lounge -51 1st Ave, btwn 3rd & 4th St., NYC -Lots of couches, space and lots of big beautiful Hookahs! with many flavored tobaccos -Doors: 9pm til late! Info: evan at shpongle O rthogenic R esonance G enerating A coustoopic N on-linear I nformation C oding M usical A ttributes T o H yperspace

June 16 Saturday
Spiritual Beings at Speeed
Dj FxMike (Alphatrance) * Dj Eitan (Spiritual Beings) * Dj Ran (Spiritual Beings)
10:00PM till 6:00PM 20 west 39 st (between 5th and 6th) “We rented the Moroccan lounge. It’s a magical intimate space we know you’ll love. Please try to come early. We might be forced to close doors at some point during the night.” $15 with no flyer $10 with this e-flyer $7 for Spiritual Beings members.

June 16 Saturday
Astral Projection at Limelight
Astral Projection- live (Trust In Trance/Phonokol, Israel) CB (Disco 2000, The Music, Yume) Star (4 Elements) The Limelight, 20th St. & 6th Ave, NYC, USA Visuals: Labzero (labzero, Yume) $35 at door $20 on our list. For list: charles at yume.be Info: web yume.be/nonflash/Astral%20Projections.html
June 17 Sunday
Trancedance/Healing Ritual Presented by Parashakti & Shakti Spirits
Dear Spirit Dancers We invite you to a special day of events that will take place on Sunday June 17. From 2 till 5 p.m. Parashakti and the Shakti Spirits will lead a Hatha Yoga class that will be followed by a Trancedance healing ritual.(to learn more about Trancedance look at the bottom of letter). This will be held at Limon dance studio- 611 Broadway by Houston St.,9th. floor. Join us for Trancedance, Yoga, chanting, laughter meditation, Healing Ritual ceremony and a delicious vegetarian Indian dinner. From 6:30-t the Integral Yoga Institute-(227 west 13th. St ) a Healing Ritual, Kirtan – (devotional chanting) and delicious vegetarian dinner will be held. This event is to be an benefit for the sister of one of Integral Yoga’s live in members. Ahalya Ahalya has been a member of Integral Yoga since she has been a child. Her sister Uchenna is afflicted with an undiagonosedmtskin condition that has forced her to leave college . It will require her to seek medical treatment in the United States. This event will also be lead by Parashakti. We will also have a special laughter meditation by Laraji, the master of music as spirit. Price for the Trancedance: $25.00 for the Healing Ritual. Kirtan and dinner $ 15.00 For more info and to r.s.v.p. please call 212-396-9095 Please pass this along to those who might be interested Trance Dance is a unique blend of healing sounds, dynamic percussive rhythms, transformational breathing techniques and the innovative use of a blindfold or bandana – together stimulating a ‘trance’ state that promotes spiritual awakenings, mental clarity, physical stamina and emotional well-being. Driven by unique musical soundtracks recorded specifically for this method of healing, Trance Dance takes participants on an ‘inner journey’ not limited to our normal perceptions of space/time. Ritual trance journeys have been a vital part of shamanic and eastern dance cultures for thousands of years. Our contemporary approach to Trance Dance brings together the richness of these ancient rituals with some startlingly effective modern techniques. One of these is the use of a blindfold or bandana which covers the eyes, thereby shutting down the major source of distractions to the brain and stimulating an ‘inner vision’ that reveals hidden meanings and answers to many of life’s most compelling questions. sage- Mark Sklawer
June 19 Tuesday
Subtlechaos – Nightshift at Pyramid Club
101 Avenue A bet. 6th and 7th St., East Village, Manhattan This venue contains large dancefloor with high energy sound system for maximum enjoyment. Cabaret licensed. Affordable drink price. 10:30 – late, free admission only this Tuesday! 21+/ID required. Full-on minimal techno and psy-trance. To join SubtleChaos info list, send an e Thank you for support! – s u b t l e c h a o s
June 20 Wednesday
Chiletrance at Opium Den
Nice people and nice vibes. DJ Angeles(Chiletrance-6th Element) Isam(Morroco) Misha(San Francisco) 29 East 3rd Street at 2nd Avenue 10 PM No Cover Thanks! Love and Light Angeles
June 19 Tuesday
Free Hookah Lounge
10-4 at liquids 10th between 1st and a Wednesdays chiletrance at opium den a bar with chillout tunes psytrance. No cover come and enjoy trance music with DJ angel (chile) 29 east 3rd street at 2nd ave. 10:00pm – 4:00am
June 21 Thursday
Spiritual Beings at Neva
28 7th Av south (between Morton & Bedford), NYC, NY. Directions: It’s a few blocks south of Christopher st. subway station (1,9). DJs:
Dj DragonLotus (Liquid Lotus)
Dj Ran (Spiritual Beings)
Dj Eitan (Spiritual Beings) Admission:
Free admission!

June 22 Friday
Trance Mermaid Megaweekend
Eitan’s Photo Gallery!
Two days of positive unsanity Print out this guide to all the festivities. Send to everybody you know. Tell all your friends to dress aquatically. Friday 1pm-10pm Penguin Pirate’s Mermaid Float setup party Wherein Viviana et alia be creative, party, help set up tour new trance truck, float, and sound… FREE – 29 Woodhull
Sailing to: Saturday day – 2pm – 915pm Mermaid Parade Coney Island – FREE – Coney Island (End of the F train) Come wear your trance mermaid outfits and ride on the Psy-Trance mermaid Float. DJs on the float will be Ran and Eitan from Spiritual Beings, Yak, Ari, Maxx, D-Gree, Machinelf If you’re not “on the boat” come early to set up the trance float at 10am, look for the Penguin Pirate at the parking lot of Keyspan Park, Surf Avenue and West 19th street web coneyislandusa/mermaid.shtml Afternoon Boat Sails back to Chelsea Piers; those wishing to stay for the fireworks at dusk will probably have to take the F train back.
June 23 Saturday
Charly Brown and Ozzie fly to new worlds in a spaceship that fits 1200…. web yume.be/ISRATRANCE.htm 06/23/01TransplanterS06/23/01 Charly Brown aka Kaishe 400+ people chanted his name after his last set at the ASTRAL PROJECTION PARTY. So we made him our resident trance d.j. Proof is in the mix! Ozzie has been playing records with CB for a few months now. The two of them together is heaven on earth. $20 on the A-List (just say you are on the A-List at the door) $30 if you are not
June 24 Sunday
Changmian – Sunday Brunch – Boston
Gregory Blake Mike Rogers aka MDR Dino David West (T.B.A.) the decks will be outside this week Hangover Easy Sunday Brunch Good Eats…Chill Beats Noon – 8pm No Cover at Dunwell’s Bar & Grill 1271 Boylston St. (Fenway Howard Johnson’s next to WBCN)
June 26 Tuesday
SubtleChaos – Nightshift
Pyramid Psytechno by SubtleChaos residents and special guests: * Jason [ subtlechaos] * Vadim [ subtlechaos ] * DJ Eleven [ union / vibes ] * Isam [ Morocco ]* 101 Avenue A bet. 6th and 7th St., East Village, Manhattan 10pm – 4am. 18+/21+ to drink. Entry only with valid ID. $3 cover before midnight / $5 after To join SubtleChaos info list, send an e Thank you for support! – s u b t l e c h a o s
June 26 Tuesday
The Hooka Lounge
proudly presents a DJ who not only rocks hard, but is also a person I am lucky to call “Mate” …. the fabulous SEAN HALL (Touch) also making an appearance will be STEVE O. (Nantucket Nectars) all topped off with TLC from your resident daddy DJ DOTS (Wanderlust) at LIQUIDS 266 E. 10th St. (between 1st ave. & ave. A) 9 – 4 No cover 21 w/id
June 27 Wednesday
Juno Reactor Medicine Drum at Knitting Factory
knittingfactory 212-219-3006 tix $16 in advance and $18 day of show
June 28 Thursday
Spiritual Beings at NEVA BAR
Guest Dj! 10:00PM – 4:00AM CDT Spiritual Beings is proud to present: 28 7th Av south (between Morton & Bedford), NYC, NY. Directions: It’s a few blocks south of Christopher st. subway station (1,9). DJs: * Dj Shai * Dj Ran (Spiritual Beings) * Dj Eitan (Spiritual Beings) Admission: * Free admission!
June 28th Thursday
Gaian Mind – Philadelphia
JUNO REACTOR (Metropolis Records, UK) MEDICINE DRUM (CyberOctave/Virgin Records, UK) ALLEN (Gaian Mind/Metropolis Records, Philadelphia) 8pm $14 – all ages at The Trocadero Theatre 1003 Arch Street (215) 922-LIVE web trocaderotheatre
June 29 Friday
Message from Synthetic Sadhus moving to Tunnel
Hi, We’ve got a lot of questions about why did we change venue this month, and I thought you would like to have an answer: Our main goal since we started to produce events in New York City has been and still is to provide you with the most amazing party environment possible. We don’t want to be just another party, we want to create a real atmosphere of aesthetic wonder and musical astonishment in which you as much as we are able to experience a deep and yet fascinating cultural environment. Psychedelic trance is a colorful movement of intense creativity and we always tried to represent its many aspects in our events. Some of you wondered why we did leave the Roxy for the Tunnel. Well, the main reason for such choice came from the fact that 200 people got denied admission by the Roxy’s security at our last TIP party because the Roxy, in a frantic stress caused by the final closure of Twilo, suddenly decided to refuse student ID as well as Foreign Driving License and ID at their doors. The consequence was that 200 of us could not get in the party. And We are doing parties for you guys to come, share and gather with us, so their policy obliged us to find a new venue since we are perfectly aware that half of our crowd is from Foreign nationalities. After a long and painful search, we finally decided that for now, the best venue for our CHAISHOP worldtour party was the TUNNEL. First the Tunnel offers one of the best sound system in the City, secondly, since it is closed as a regular club, we knew that we will not get any of the once residing “club” freaks that were frequenting the place. Plus, the Tunnel as a venue and once decorated from TOP to BOTTOM with amazing fluoro backdrops and installations will certainly stand as a beautiful environment. It is also located in the heart of Manhattan and more importantly than anything else, they do accept student ID and foreign ID’s as valid admission papers ! On the top of all this, it does fit more than a thousand people and can stay open till 7am, and those are RARE qualities in today’s Manhattan venues. So, as we always did these last three years, we will provide you with the best psychedelic environment possible: with the first NYC appearance of the legendary CHAISHOP collective, featuring three TOP eclectic international live acts, two killer DJ sets and the artist that decorated the VOOV experience added to Jamin’s out of this world installations, an amazing chill-out produced by Wanderlust, a truckload of black lights and a sound system to shake your lungs and all this followed by an after-party !! So just think about that it will be a Synthetic Sadhus party not a Tunnel party. The Tunnel is just a room. We will be the spirit with full of good energy. And we will need your support in order to keep up the good parties! Well, we hope that our efforts will give birth to one of the summer’s most amazing gathering, the structure is set, the rest entirely depend on you, so let’s gather, let’s party and once again, let’s make history…. Respect and Love for all of you! SYNTHETIC SADHUS

June 29 Friday
Come and spend another transcendental night with us in the land of fantasy!
The first New York appearance of Germany9s most thought after trance act. Their eclectic hard, deep techno-trance sound is a blessing:
HALDOLIUM (Free Form-Chaishop-Germany)
While touring the world over, this legendary pioneer & producer,
ORGANIC NOISE (TIP Records- Free Form-Germany)
With a killer new album on Phonokol and a forthcoming one on TIP Records, rocking parties from Japan to Mexico, a live act from Israel’s best breed:
ALIEN PROJECT (TIP Records-Phonokol-Israel)
Chaishop’s visionary father, Sam has imposed himself as one of Europe9s most influent artist & producer:
SAM (Chaishop-Germany)
After a stomping set at our last TIP party, our resident is back with quite guaranteed blistering new tracks:
NIKO (Synthetic Sadhus-NYC)
Decoration: After covering the last VOOV festival in Germany, Amrisha stands as one of Europe’s most talented fluoro painter, it is her first New York appearance. AMRISHA (Spirit Zone-Germany). Enlightening our events since more than three years, this three-dimensional wizard creates the gates to the worlds of ascending fantasy & stringing infinity: JAMIN MURPHY (NYC) Chill-out environment by WANDERLUST. Featuring Chai Tea, Tents, Hookas, Visuals, & Massage Plus Live sets, Dj’s sets by: DOTS (Wanderlust-NYC) SASKAI (Echo Lounge) RANKA (Echo Lounge) MICHAEL WANDERLUST PETER ANDERS (NYC) Party9s The TUNNEL 220 12th Ave & 27th Street Manhattan, NYC Featuring a state of the art sound system! This party is 18 & over! (Please bring your I.D.) Doors open from 11pm till 7am. Tickets are $ 30 in advance and $35 at the door. Big Hugs for all of you! Synthetic Sadhus
June 29 Friday
Sidetrakkt – Mandala in Pittsburgh – Juno Reactor Tour
JUNO REACTOR (UK) (live) and MEDICINE DRUM (uk) (live) July 27: SYNCHRO (Netherlands) and ex nihilo (Detroit, mi) with residents: count zer0 and electric mayhem (sidetrakkt – pittsburgh) mandala takes place the last Friday of every month at level – 333 fourth ave., downtown pittsburgh more info to be announced… web sidetrakkt july 3rd, boston TSUYOSHI SUZUKI joujouka tokio drome matsuri records Tokyo/London/NYC DUTCH thump-radio inner-eye area 51 san fran – medicine drum has been added to the juno reactor tour! this will be a live performance featuring all three (and possibly a new fourth) members. “sadly, the venue we were using for mandala has been sold, and we are no longer able to use it… the juno reactor/ medicine drum show has been moved to the irish centre of Pittsburgh (6886 forward ave.) this is probably my favorite venue in Pittsburgh, and is where my first event, gyrophare, was held. Unfortunately we have to have people out by three a.m., so we are relocating at that point to a smaller venue for the second phase of the event. so basically, the first part will consist of live acts: twine, erth, medicine drum, and juno reactor. the second part will be a full-on psytrance party beginning at 3 with DJ’s count zer0 and electric mayhem, with an ambient/ chillout room featuring live acts twine and sund. the second part will be free, however you must attend the first part where you will get your free pass. with the loss of level, finding an adequate and affordable venue in Pittsburgh has become a difficult task… it’s been a very crazy couple of weeks, but I actually think this will work very well. we are looking into the best way to deal with travel between the venues. most likely we will have some sort of shuttle that will run. but my suggestion is to hold out until 3; everyone can all drive sober and then have a collective experience at the second venue…” upcoming other lineups include: may 25: DJ Witchman (morgantown, wv) and boppity (detroit, mi)
june 29: JUNO REACTOR (uk) (live) and MEDICINE DRUM (uk) (live) july 27: SYNCHRO (netherlands) and ex nihilo (detroit, mi) with residents: count zer0 and electric mayhem (sidetrakkt – pittsburgh) web sidetrakkt
June 30 Saturday
First Documented DJ Set: Boris
(He’d been DJing in the UK since 1989, and here in the US at on Saturdays at Nation, and The Lounge on A and various loft parties with his collective since 96. Our weekly SPIN parties at Rock Reilys and Maggie Mays all all earlier than this. – Lori)
Hello People, Very important – be sure to mention that you are there for the E.L.F. trance fundraiser and give your email to get a reduced $15 admission. We will be on the 3rd floor, one floor below the roof. See ya’ll Jeff Saturday, June 30, New York, New York The Elf Liberation Front presents SAVE THE ELF The Official Trance Mermaid Parade Afterparty A Benefit for ELF Eitan (Spiritual Beings, Israel) Ran (Spiritual Beings, Israel) F/X Mike (Alphatrance/d, Russia) Machinelf (d, Hyperspace) web speeed/speeed/rooms4.html 20 West 39th, 3rd floor right under the roof. Excellent sound, fluoro tapestries, video projections, special effects, free giveaways. Hear the real deal from machinelf. June 30, 10pm-4am or 5am Admission: $20 *100% of ALL PROCEEDS from the first 100 people will go towards ELF, the Elf Liberation Fund to keep Machinelf out of incarceration.