Updated 3 days ago

Today, Trump threw a match and gasoline on our economy. Alarm bells will start ringing, but inflation, once started, is very hard to stop.
America is about to suffer. Big time. In practically every possible way. Hard recession and persistent stagflation.
And China will step into the vacuum with all our former allies, as a stable, reliable trading partner.
And as of today, they certainly are.
Elon is going to withhold Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security to any states that disobey him.
Even some of his supporters will realize how unprecedentedly bad this all is, but by then it will be too late. And they will blame minorities and liberals. We ain’t seen nothing yet. We’re only 12 days in to 1,460 days.
The only way I can mentally get through this is to convince myself that Americans actually deserve this terrible fate – and they do, if elections mean anything. F around and find out. From Mitch McConnell on down, Americans had every chance to move on and not put a criminal who somehow managed to bankrupt casinos in charge of their future.

America deserves everything that’s happening right now, and will happen for the next four years – the crashes, the fires, the non-existent government apparatus, the depression, the societal meltdown. And interestingly at the same time, besides gun ownership, many of his supporters are the least equipped to survive all of this.
Understanding this opens the door to a potential positive outcome after everything turns to cinder. The forest needs to burn to renew. Thomas Jefferson said we need a revolution every twenty years. An alcoholic often must hit rock bottom before any chance of deciding to be better.
“The lesson” will finally be learned – for a little while.
Now I know 1% of how my Russian friends felt when Putin invaded Ukraine. Speaking of, while everything else burns I’m glad at least Israel and Ukraine are in a good place right now.
I hope all my friends and family are financially and emotionally prepared for this unprecedented chaos in our lives.
We are facing the loss of our democracy. Please vote like you’ve never voted before.