Corporate Shitlist

Updated 2 years ago

Black Global Background

All companies have their ups and downs. These companies have been in a persistent down cycle due to complacency and a myopic profit focus. I beleieve they will need to almost hit insolvency before they reverse course. Such is the nature of corruption that power and success brings.


Apple went straight south after Steve Jobs died and has mastered the art of Stockholm Syndrome.
Do not use Apple products. They are overpriced, poorly made and hellish to repair. Resist getting sucked into their ecosystem.
Stick with PC/Android and Windows/Linux and save yourself a lot of grief.
It used to be the case that you needed Apple for graphics and music production. That is no longer the case.
On the ethics front, they kowtowed to Russia by labelling Crimea as part of Russia as a big “Fuck You” to Ukraine

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Bikram Yoga

If you followed this trash, there isn’t anything new here. But hopefully this will help turn the tide against this raping bastard.
Right now a lot of people are watching this and questioning their local Bikram yoga centers, who are claiming that they are independent.
…and they are, technically.
But they paid Bikram $10,000 PER INSTRUCTOR when they took the training. That was Bikram’s cash cow. That is how he afforded fleets of expensive cars like Rolls Royces.
The deed has already been done, and they are trying to make their investment back, banking on yoga people being naive and forgetful. It’s a huge fucking pyramid scheme.
They’re going to all lose unless people are even stupider than I suspect. Maybe they are, L.A. where he began is full of antivaxxers.
The ones that haven’t taken Bikram off are clinging to an impossible past and need to be boycotted out of existence.
To the Corporate Shit List you go. Let’s help make all Bikram Yogas disappear and rename themselves something honest like Bob’s Sweaty Yoga Shack. The name “Bikram” should be as toxic as the name “Trump…”
and in fact Bikram is the Indian Trump.
And yes, this is a witch hunt/lynch mob.

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Blizzard Entertainment

Has been on a long downhill slide since its merger with Activision in 2009
Stifled free speech in its pursuit of Chinese money
Ruined Warcraft 3 Reign of Chaos Ladder
Continuously tone-deaf
Boycott all their games

This must not stand.
They fired a championship winner, removed his prize winning after he voiced support for Hong Kong.
It’s similar to what happened with the NBA, South Park, and Winnie the Pooh. But unlike older traditional sports fans, gamers are younger, more idealistic, and louder, and this unites left and right like nothing I’ve seen in years (well, tied with letting the Kurds get massacred which is its own shitstorm)
I largely quit all gaming a while back as a massive waste of time, and this just affirms my decision. Chinese influence in traditional gaming via Tencent’s growing ownership of American game developers has been an unmitigated insidious plague, with the advent of loot boxes, pay to win, games as services, etc etc.
Not to mention Tencent also has a stake in Reddit, which has tried to squash this as well.
Please quit all Activision Blizzard games until the community once again forces them to do what’s right, similar to what happened with Classic WOW.
#FreeHongKong #BoycottBlizzard @Blizzard_Ent

Do the right thing.

Boycott Spotify

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