Updated 2 years ago
This just in. While Americans get distracted by the tweetstorms, Dutch public television goes all nuts and bolts under the hood. The Netherlands has a lot of shell trust companies that launder Russian oligarch money.
“Why did 60 Minutes pass on the Bayrock story in 2016? Why did ABC News’ Brian Ross pass on the Trump Soho [Tower] story in 2015? Why has no major network done any kind of documentary on what the Dutch just did?” I would posit we are too easily thrown off the trail by Trump’s larger than life daily trolling as he divides-and-conquers one institution after another like they are sexual conquests.
On the surface, the Dutch approach sounds boring compared to What Trump Tweeted to Rosie O’Donnel at 4AM. But it isn’t. The rabbit hole goes deep, with sex trafficking, prostitution rings, and murder.
Damning video linked. Good watch. The American public may be distracted, but hopefully the FBI isn’t. Trump Soho/Bayrock and mob boss Felix Sater will probably be one of Trump’s racketeering charges, and I assume this is a substantial part of the FBI investigation.