Lori Hi-Fi Princess Interview

Updated 2 years ago

Piedmont Italy
Lori Bigger

TONY Large Anim
meets Lori Hi-Fi Princess

February 2004
by Ari Davidov

Are you enjoying your time back in North America? Missed anything/anyone in

Well, I just got back yesterday. its good to be back as I have a lot of studio work to do, but I had a great time. I had some fun gigs, the best being in Calgary at the warehouse. I stayed
in Calgary for a few days after, got to see a friend of mine, Chris Liberator. he played on Sunday. Relaxed a bit in the mountains and now I am back in Graz. It is a sunny day!

What’s it like in Graz, Austria and why have you decided to make it your home for a while now?
I love it here. we’re located in the south of Austria, so the weather is good, and it’s really centrally located in Europe. I just started to build a studio (as it has always been in my home for past 4 years!) it is in the center of Graz. I am very excited. I will do my own productions there, as well as engineering for other artists. I run a label called EBL with Christoph Risco and Christian Gerlich called EBL music as well as a heavy DJ sched. Graz keeps me busy, but gives me time to do some of my hobbies too, like climbing and also painting in my friend’s atelier.

Are you with a collective of artists there and if so who makes up your crew?
A couple of people that are my agency I own with sequential tom (futuretechartists) live in Graz now, miss innocent aka colleen Arndt and Staffan Ehrlin aka Slobodan. Colleen and I do quite a few 2X4 shows together. EBL (Electronic Beat Lounge) who i run the label with, do super parties here in Graz called Suncity (www.ebl.cc) so, futuretech and EBL is who I am down with so to say!!

Through the last decade of work and travel, you’ve gotten a lot of acclaim from both fans and pundits alike. What’s been your driving force and what do you think draws people to your music?
Passion is my biggest drive. music is my passion and keeps me truckin’ no matter what the circumstances. I am very serious about what I do, but also love to have fun. I have a uniqueness to my sound as well. very driving, but also very warm. maybe the combination keeps people coming back.

Every DJ/performer has that one embarrassing moment on stage. Care to share yours?
Over the years there have been so many. not really to do with letting a record run out or something to do with mixing, but there have been a few red wine incidents where I have gotten pretty silly!

Tell us about the Foreign Communication album. Were you always into the downtempo tip? What’s the album like in a few words and how do we find it?
-I have always loved downtempo music, abstract etc. I love Aphex Twin, Bjork, Massive Attack, FSOL, Mix Master Morris, Doof. I have sung my whole life as well and really wanted to make an album combining the 2 things. It’s a melt into your chair kinda album with 13 tracks. you can order it for now at ww.ebl.cc or futuretechartists and it should be available in the soon in stores.

What are your 4/4 releases going to be like? Are you releasing them on a particular label?
I have quite a few styles i like to make, house’ish, techno with a twist. I just finished a mix cd with all my own 4/4 productions on it. that will be out on my label, EBL music in the next 3 months, with a 12″ to follow. I am doing a re-mix for Dave the Drummers label Hydraulix as well.

What are your top five tracks of the moment?
1. Gene Le Fosse – Beg for More – Convoluted
2. Hifi Princess and Miss Innocent – Futal/White
3. Kobe – USA Aggression – Traction:

4. Adam Jay- Used of a Number E.P – Default

5. D. Howe – Data Rebel – Fathom

Do you think your experience as a female DJ/producer is any different
from that of a male one? Do you like to participate in all-female line-up events?

I don’t mind playing at an all-female party if it is not advertised that way. If I said no to all-female line-ups that would be silly, would a guy say no to an all-male line-up? there wouldn’t be many parties, would there. I just don’t like it when promoters try to capitalize on female parties. there are a few differences, like female DJs use the women’s washroom, and guys use the men’s.

Fo r those of us that have not seen you play, what should we be getting
ready for?


Finally, what does the near future hold for you? M ore studio time, any
special trips you are looking forward to?

lots of studio work. I am finishing up another chill album for EBL music, and then a couple 12″s I am also doing some engineering work for miss innocent, as we do music together quite regularly. I am looking forward to my USA gigs I start next week. the Tronic night in NYC march 1st should be great too! I head to Seoul, South Korea in April, then to Bangkok in June. in May I have my second live performance as Lori J. Ward. I transcribed my downtempo album, and will be playing along with a drummer, and a bassist. I will do vocals and keyboards/computer. this is for the spring 4 festival (www.zeiger)

Lots of great things coming up, it is a great year!

www.hifiprincess.com (Internet Archive)
https://www.mixcloud.com/lorijward/ (Current)
www .futuretechartists
www.ebl.cc (my new downtempo cd is available here on this site to order,
just send an email…)

USA schedule:
Feb 27 clevel and,ohio
Feb 28 indianapolis,indiana
Mar 1 tronic treatment nyc,ny
for more dates visit hifiprincess.com

You can catch Lori at the Third Eye Friday in Cleveland. She will also be in Indy and NYC. for info Bom! Luke/Dj Malachi Cleveland/Akron, Ohio Third Eye v.3 2-27-04 Lori the hifiprincess Sequential Tom Electric Mayhem UZI Malachi Lori The Hi-Fi Princess

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