Terence McKenna and Why You Never See Your Friends Anymore

Updated 2 years ago

This is a two-part post. The first is a link to an article about social isolation in the Atlantic. The second is a proposed solution by the late Terence McKenna.

1. Our unpredictable and overburdened schedules are taking a dire toll on American society.

2. We are getting funneled by technology into a pod existence. This is why coming together for music and events is so important. The felt presence of immediate experience is retro, but necessary. And people are getting fat!
So keep the fires burning!

The music and the trance-dance drug-taking situation is the establishment of a ritual space outside the conventions of ordinary society, that is the new shamanism. And that’s again what makes it so suspect in the eyes of the establishment. They sense that this is something they can’t get a handle on and control, or that it takes them some time to get a handle on – they have to figure out how to co-opt each generation in a new way. My generation was co-opted in a very crude way, with money. Your generation… The Establishment’s not interested in that, they’d rather keep the money for themselves. I’m hoping that the new trance-dance culture has enough integrity to resist being folded into commercialism and ordinary mass cultural entertainment. But we shall see. “

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