Updated 2 years ago
Now that Amy Coney Barrett is safely in office, I would like to remind every female out there that I prefer to be addressed as “sir,” and be sure to only speak when spoken to by your betters.
All dark jokes aside, (You know I’m fucking supporting PACKING the court to completely obliterate this abomination – I see Barrett as illegitimate,
and “Coke Can Pubes” Clarence Thomas and rapey Kavanaugh need to be removed for sexual harassment/assault, for starters – we need two steps forward for every Trump step back and not worry ever again about “convention” and “norms”)…. Ruth Bader Ginsburg created this situation by not resigning when asked by Obama.
And this “situation” will lead to packing the court, if the Democrats have any teeth and balls whatsoever. Over time, and it will be a long time, at least 8 years, the Democrats will eventually be voted out, and the GOP will run everything again, having figured out how to woo back just enough of the Latino vote to squeak back in.
And they will go nuts. And Trump will not have been a 200-year flood, but a generational scourge.
SCOTUS will end up over 30 years being as big as the Senate.
This will continue until the process of selecting all the new justices becomes very burdensome for the Senate. Which I might add is again not very democratic.
This undemocratic taint of the Senate will linger and fester and eventually have to be addressed. The crack in our system will become a chasm, and ultimately our Constitution will have to be rewritten, or Amendments passed. Not sure which. But it will have to be done, eventually. Removing the Electoral College won’t be enough. The Senate will have to eventually be eliminated as a relic of colonial slaveholding times.
All thanks to the poisonous vanity of RBG. But if it wasn’t through her, it was bound to happen sooner or later. All it would take would be one particularly treacherous Senate leader.
Actually, you can also tack this on to Trump as well for being the catalyst with just enough polarization. That court-packing option will be the truly lasting Trump legacy, with Mitch as background “Stalking” radiation.
Every time now the carnival wheel will pass that brass ring covered in cocaine.