Updated 2 years ago
Pseudoscience and conspiracies are a serious problem in America. The antivaxxer movement, Trump’s promotion of Q Anon and hydroxychloroquine, Creationism, the list goes on and on.
As a subset of this problem, the New Age wellness industry, alongside the psychedelic scene, ayahuasca, and any other sector that encourages alternative medicine, Eastern mysticism, and/or “consciousness”, is a wellspring for charlatans and should be vetted and viewed with careful skepticism.
That said, I have partaken of ayahuasca many times and it was incredibly profound and life-affirming. Everything does not have to be parsed with 1s and 0s through a Newtonian lens. Although I welcome its use coming under the spotlight of critique, let’s not throw the baby out with the bathwater.
Terence McKenna said it best – let the substances themselves do the heavy lifting, and leave the middlemen out of the equation. This intuition has always been one of the strengths of psytrance and psychedelic culture.