Electric Boogaloo

Updated 2 years ago


CNN Article

Back in the 60s, there weren’t actually a lot of “hippies.” But if you wanted us out of Vietnam and were amenable to smoking pot, you were called a hippie. This gave them greatly outsized influence.Today, if you see a white person rioting, and you just start making assumptions and calling them Antifa, you are making Antifa far more numerous powerful than they really are. You are playing into their hands.
Obviously, the protesters aren’t monolithic. They are a multiracial, diverse vertical slice across Americana. And if you hate/fear Antifa, this new group is your biggest nightmare: Boogaloos. Ideologically all over the place. Right and left. They just like guns and want a revolution. Or should I say, “The Man”s biggest nightmare.
A new outlet for middle-aged & millennial (mostly) white men to vent their anger.
Coming right on time for those Gen Xers having a midlife crisis.
With this media attention, it could easily surpass the Antifa meme. Antifa was always a media bugbear and probably, like Anonymous, vastly overhyped. But this one sounds far more streamlined for public consumption, less a secret club than a new 2020 Road Warrior lifestyle.
We will see.
PS the blonde guy in the thumbnail looks like Jared Leto’s blonde guy from Fight Club
On a related topic, what’s scary to me is that many people now are learning the fake lesson that Crime Pays. We must be seeing an explosion of unreported crimes right now – probably the biggest crime wave since the 60s. This is exacerbated by boredom and many people legitimately needing money to even eat. An added plus is that they can legitimately wear masks now and not be suspicious looking. And people will be wearing masks a year from now due to Covid spread.
So perfect storm. Buckle your seatbelts.

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