Updated 2 years ago

A man who procrastinates in his choosing will inevitably have his choice made for him by circumstance.
– Hunter S. Thomson
In the coming months, we WILL lose a lot of elderly people, and our parents and grandparents are also at risk.
It’s better to be prepared for unpleasantries than to be blindsided by cold reality. Take the bad medicine now while you have time to do it thoroughly, just in case any wheels start falling off.
These are all always good ideas, but in uncertain times like this, if you haven’t already, this might be a great time to sit down with your elderly parents, and, in order of importance:
-make sure they are doing OK
-advise them to not let in strangers to their houses until this is over. This pandemic will breed a lot of loneliness, and older people just love company, this one is hard
-make sure they have a good supply of medicine food and supplies
-make sure their estate is in order
-compile all their contacts on the cloud, such as Google Contacts
-compile all their passwords, CC #s, SS#, secret questions etc into an encrypted manager like Bitwarden and get their main login/password. This will also make them far more secure with long complicated passwords. They can access these apps on their phones.
-on their PC make sure they have Malwarebytes; Windows Defender should suffice if they use WIndows
-scan old photos and have them help you label them.
-Write a short biography of them and have them help you fill in the blanks and anything that’s missing.
And finally, for your middle-aged friends, encourage them to lose weight and stop smoking.