Jesus in AI, and a few others | The Sun

Updated 2 years ago

Check out the link – there are a few other famous historical figures.

Just scratching the surface. I bet this will be on the backscreen of many modern churches on Sunday, followed by some by a stern sermon on the “demonic” AI and something something false idols.

Cleopatra looks sufficiently Greek but not nearly beautiful enough to my taste. All the rest are on the money, but Jesus looks a little too European. You need to mentally de-Ashkenazi/Eastern European him, I’m thinking he would look a *little* darker and “ethnic.” But not too dark – think modern Egyptians or Arabs. Probably, collectively, all the previous whitewashes throughout history infiltrated the algorithm.

But I wonder which one is Judas!! White Me is thinking that darkish schmuck to his immediate left. A slight accent of impending guilt.

Or maybe he’s hiding in the back.

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