Krisztina Végh

Updated 2 months ago

0 Oliver Benson

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Krisztina Enhanced Color Restored

July 29, 1975- Saturday, May 11, 2002
A Hungarian beauty who, alongside Gilles Clement, was one half of Synthetic Sadhus, by far the most amazing and high budget trance spectaculars New York had ever seen. First appearing at Tsunami events handing out flyers with Gilles, she became a leading light of the scene. Sadly she died in a plane crash in Hungary in 2002. She has been missed, and will be missed, for many years to come.

On this site:
Main Synthetic Sadhus page
Elsewhere on the web:
Article in Revolve Magazine

The following sign-off is extracted from the Wayback Machine:

“On this night of May 28, 2002, 17 days after my life changed forever, I have to share with you the most painful news ever, Krisztina Végh, my only love, the other Sadhu, has just died in a plane crash, on the evening of Saturday May 11 in Hungary, her native country
And here I am, in front of a blank page, desperately trying to communicate the suffering I am going through. I just lost the essence of my innocence, the only woman I ever truly, deeply, infinitely loved without any boundaries and within every boundaries.
She was my soul mate, the reason I am still alive, she was sacred, Coming from a source of pure love and healing…Her name was Krisztina, Krisztina Végh, the most beautiful name I have ever heard, the most beautiful girl I have ever met. People who met her were blessed, only as a blooming sun can bless…
She was a gift, a gift from life, a gift from the sacred source, and I had the rare privilege to share five full years of my existence with her. Now, she has surely returned to the source, they must have needed a soul as pure and beautiful as hers…..But I can not accept and I do not want to accept it, I refuse to lose her….I refuse to lose her… Shall we meet again, in a life or another, in a world or in Heavens, shall we meet again…my pure love, my true friend…
I will always love her, every day I live, every breathe I take, every step I walk, I will live it for her, I will breathe it for her and I will walk it for her, because she’s everything to me, her love has penetrated my veins and her faith has flown in my blood, she changed me for eternity, she taught me humility and goodness, she taught me devotion and redemption, she enlighten my existence as no one could ever do, she’s a goddess, a light and a princess, a true one, and her nobility resides in her heart…
She could heal any pain from a simple smile….I would give myself a thousand times for her, I will do anything possible or impossible to see her one more time, to hug her one last time, to hear her and to feel her by my side, I don’t know how to live without Krisz, I don’t know how to breathe without her, I am sliced in a thousand pieces and truly ignore how to glue the pieces back, I even ignore if I want to glue them back…Despair is a very dangerous place to be….
Words are such cliches, because we find ourselves trying to communicate through a vocabulary that stands so limited compares to our emotions, truly, there are no words to express what I feel right now, such loss is an ever bleeding wound, especially when the loss is Krisztina, her of all people, my poor angel, I wish I could do something, somehow, somewhere, sometime, or now more than ever…How can it be that she does not exist any more, how can it be that she only remains a memory in the souls of the living, of the ones who have been touched by her, and everyone who met her, even for a split second has been deeply touched by her grace, her ever shining grace…
She was a sun to me, she was THE sun to me, her voice was my guide and her eyes were my light. I was her moon and I will always remain full for her. But the moon without the sun isn’t really the moon any longer…I just hope from the bottom of my flesh that she can hear me right now, that God allows her in a way or another to hear me, because I love her, I LOVE HER more than anything….I feel so lost without her, I feel so emptied inside, she took the best part of me with her, and I’ll offer it to her from the bottom of my heart and soul, hoping it will help her on her path to eternity, I’ll always stand by her side, forever and ever….
I have this unbearable feeling that all this is just a nightmare, the worst of my life and that I will wake up, sooner better than later, but the days are passing by and I can’t wake up, I can’t wake up, as hard as I am trying…
Therefore, I have to find the strength to honor her, I have to find the strength to respect her because in despite of what she sometimes thought, she has always been more important than anything in my life, more important than anything…
It has not always been easy to prove it to her, because addiction is a terrible enemy, But in spite of some difficult times, our love always prevailed…..I miss her so much that it is unlivable, unacceptable, unthinkable, unbearable, unbreathable, unspeakable because Krisztina is unforgettable, she’s unforgettable! If only I could do something, if only she would not have taken that plane, IF, IF, IF….
If only I could take her in my arms and warm up her cold, fragile and delicate flesh, just one last time, if only I could…..Life is so unreal, so unfair, unfair to take someone like her, unfair to give her such short time…
I have all these memories coming back to me, from that first night I met her at the Splash’s bar to that last time I saw her at the airport and all the million ones in between, and I remember her love for life, her respect, her enthusiasm for life and I am trying to follow her path and learn from it. I recall that first night after I took her home, and I realized my life was going to change forever, I felt so excited and so extremely special, she made me feel so special, she made me see myself in a way I never saw before, and I looked so beautiful in her eyes, she showed me the true side of love and I will never forget Krisztina’s eyes.
There was something magic, something sacred in her eyes, something so deep and so real, so blooming and so pure, I saw pure love when looking into her eyes…And somehow I knew I met the woman which I will love till the very end. Our passion never had any limits, any boundaries or any fences. And believe me, trust me, the only true place in which she ever shined so much remains in my soul, she’s my flesh and blood, my veins and tears, my faith and seeds….I don’t know where to find the strength….
My heart died with you Krisztina….Shall we meet again, in a dream or another, in a sky or another, in a dance or in a cloud, shall we meet again…
I ask all of you to remember her and to honor her, for those who met her, for those who knew her and for those who simply felt her through her magical work as the creative force behind the Sadhus, please remember her by living the present to its fullest, by realizing that life is the greatest gift, in spite of all the imperfections and the suffering, we have been given the gift of feeling and the one of sharing it, so enjoy it while you can….Stop to judge and just look at yourselves….. Make love, communicate, share, cry, scream and dance…Be curious, be hungry for life, and never take it for granted, every day you live, every day you breathe is a gift, Krisztina knew this and her humility is a lesson for all of US, she did not even needed any drugs, because life was great enough for her, amazing enough as it already was….Simply feel and be grateful for it because we never know what will come tomorrow….The only thing I know is that Krisztina was a sacred being and that we shall, all of us, keep her alive in our love and in our dreams… With much LOVE…

* * *

Krisztina Angel
Krisztina and Angel Blanco

Over ten years ago, I discovered electronic music, at the starting edge of its cultural birth; it was an instant shock, an immediate understanding of this electronic language of emotions, a sudden appeal of my basic human tribal roots through a new synthetic pattern of feelings, displaying themselves as an infinite multilayered new reality.
I realized that never before a form of human expression carried me so deeply, so sincerely, so far into the discovery of my own self, of my own consciousness as well as the one of those who were surrounding me at the time. Then, the gatherings started, as a fascinating collection of souls, all sharing and exchanging the same intensity, expressing an unbelievable transcending energy, in which time, symbols, desires and magic where all melting as one entity, as one tribe. And following the logic cycle of life, electronic music started to divide through different identities, and I personally followed the one that was the closest to my emotions, to my dreams and expectations, psychedelic trance. After years of complete devotion to this trance culture, with all its unforgettable memories and casualties, I fell in love all over again, but with a goddess this time and after melting our senses, sharing our dances, we gave birth to many beautiful things, some of which are a passionate relationship and SYNTHETIC SADHUS.
The Sadhus are a perfect symbol of what we believe in, they have been known in the West since centuries as the naked philosophers, following a systematic reprogramming of the body and mind, a pursuit of the inner light through a mystical method to re-establish the link between the individual soul and the absolute. The inner light is the core of one’s consciousness, and still the basic conception of Indian culture, where mystics, who devote themselves to the full-time exploration of the Inner Light are highly respected.
Psychedelic trance was borne from European fathers living in Goa, and that is no coincidence. This music has always drove us towards our Inner light, it is full of mysticism and references to the Indian culture, it has been sponged by Indian influences and symbolism, which is exactly why it sounds so profound, so intense and so true. I really believe that one can be ‘touched’ by our music, that it carries somehow a sacred language for those who choose to understand it.
And even if I often hate modernity’s consequences, it at least gave us access to new technologies, new instruments, that gave us the opportunity to blend those ancestral quests through a new form of expression, which finally explains our choice for the word SYNTHETIC. Since words are the carriers of beliefs, SYNTHETIC SADHUS definitely symbolizes what trance music represents for us.
The music in itself really stands as the essence of our movement, but the parties represent the gatherings where people have this rare opportunity to meet, share, discover, experience, and simply express themselves with a freedom that most of us forgot about. In other words, there is in our gatherings a real opportunity for the attendance to get in touch with their human roots. We provide them with an environment built of fluorescent psychedelic paintings, sculptures, string art, video projections realized by some of the best international trance artists; making sure that every party features a new artist from overseas. And of course, we also provide them with a top-quality sound system on which the musicians can trust in order to express their music.
We started to organize trance gatherings three years ago, after deciding to spend a fragment of our lives in New York, in the twenty-first’s century’s Rome, as another experience, as another challenge. We simply wanted to transmit our passion, our center of interest to this gigantic, yet fascinating symbol of metropolitan modernity.
After producing over twenty events, inviting all the major artists and labels of the international psychedelic family, we feel that we have reached our goal. We touched and changed people’s lives and this remains one of the most gratifying experiences of our existence. Naturally, some care more about our message than others, but nobody stayed indifferent to our gatherings. And it is just the beginning….
Thanks to you, all of you, who supported us during those past years and the ones to come.
Trance culture finally gained an identity into the world’s most extravagant metropole. Our language has no nationality, it is as eternal as it is universal, and its children are the ones who will build a different world of respect, tolerance, beauty, and deliverance for the generations to come. Our music is the heart of a real movement, with revendications and dreams, it is to you, to us, to build its foundations on real beliefs, to prove that ‘hallucinations’ are sometimes the refection of reality’s rawest state. So yes, brothers and travelers, sisters and searchers, lovers and dancers, in trance, we definitely trust….
     With much love! The Sadhus

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