Tranceam Takes Major Step Forward: Hosting Moved to Fastest, Most Cutting Edge Web Provider

Updated 2 years ago

Robocop 2

Today Tranceam makes a major step forward. After 26 years of ghetto life, I have moved hosting to, the fastest, most cutting-edge web provider in the industry.

In every crisis, there is an opportunity. For several years I knew my host, Bluehost, was mediocre at best and dreadfully slow. I only chose them because they were solid, had been in business since the 90s, and were recommended by WordPress.
Only later did I realize Bluehost pays them.

I had also learned that Bluehost was acquired by Endurance International, an evil conglomerate that, like some evil corp in an 80s movie, that buys and companies and then sucks them dry.

Robocop Boadroom

After an unexplained outage with zero communication from Bluehost for days other than the nebulous words “performance issues on your site” in an email. My site had zero spikes and was well under the 2022 average for bandwidth, database and file size. It’s a freaking personal blog.
And yet Bluehost has advertised unlimited bandwidth for years.

I had been ghosted. Locked out like a criminal with no warning.

Now, I finally had a solid reason to flee the bottom-of-barrel shithole .

The irony is, had they reached out, offered a more expensive plan, or any solution really, I would have stayed – because like most people I am lazy and I’d rather be creating content.
But they didn’t. Just radio silence.
I refuse to do business with myopic idiots and the corporations they run into the ground. is the first mainstream host to utilize Google Cloud’s Edge infrastructure with the help of Cloudflare Enterprise. So the lightning-fast load times will be very similar all throughout the world, wherever Google has a presence. It’s like “rocket” science, bleeding edge stuff at least for a schmuck like me.

Very excited. Check out Tom Depuis’s insightful review of

Insightful quote:

“I feel like the AMD vs. Intel story is also happening in the hosting industry.
Too many hosts are sitting on an outdated stack and overcharging customers. They’re putting more effort into marketing and building their affiliate program than their hosting. Then comes who not only surpasses them in performance, but is quick to react on customer feedback and invests heavily in technology/support. I think in the next 1-2 years or so, other hosting companies will lose market share to, then it’ll be their turn to play catch up.”

Also take a moment to take a gander and see how many of the monster pages on this site load so much faster. I have also optimized and split the biggest pages up. To further boost site speed I will also be converting all images to the leaner webp format.

The best part is, I am resurrected after 3 days. I can now create at the speed of thought.

Interesting now to look back. Each step of the way I slowly upgraded servers each time:
In 1996, I used a friend’s fledgling company’s server space.
In 2005 I upgraded to Mochahost (still around but ranked at the bottom now)
In 2018 I got my URL back and used Bluehost
And now, at the end of 2022, I am using the very best host.
Took me 25 years to reach the top! Never give up hope!

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