Updated 2 years ago
Also check out How to Fall Asleep in 10 Seconds
1. Electric Warmth
I went through a dark period in Bushwick in 2006-2010 where I got addicted to World of Warcraft/alcohol/cigarettes, so I had no money for heating, so I just layered on blankets, which were never enough. I contracted a very nasty case of bronchitis one winter that almost killed me. I began to assume a weird sleeping posture, face down, on my stomach, sleeping on my arms. Like a little cocoon. One night I slept a long time on a pressure point in my arm, and I lost all feeling on the right hemisphere of my left ring finger. It is numb to this day.
Then I got an electric blanket. I had avoided getting one for decades because I had heard they caused cancer. Then I found out it was a false alarm.
I just got one for the first time and it’s like I found religion. The reason I ever slept on my arms was that they were cold. I have the controller duct-taped to my headboard. Now every night, after showering, I look forward to going to bed, I strip down to boxers and climb in. It stays on for 9 hours and you can adjust the heat from 1-10. I put it on 7. It’s like floating in the Caribbean, and I sleep both better and in a more natural position.
2. Try a podcast
A podcast will help you doze off. I use Podcastaddict, which turns off after a set time. Find a very long podcast or audiobook, and slowly make your way through it, in 5-10 minute bites.
3. White Noise
Try a white noise generator, whether through Youtube or a device. You can even make a playlist of your favorite relaxing sounds, such as wind through trees or waves on a beach.
4. Be outside in the morning.
Make sure to be outside when the sun comes up. This will calibrate your melatonin. Do this even if you do not wake up in the morning. Also get at least 15 minutes of direct sunlight during the day – longer if you are not White. Not only does this give you Endogenous Vitamin D, which supports your immune system, it also helps you with your sleep schedule.
5. Make Your Bed a Ritual
View sleep as a sacred time for you. Do no ever go to sleep with your street clothes on. Always keep your bedding clean and make your bed.
6. Learn How to Hypnotize Yourself
Take a class. Like riding a bicycle, it’s a learned ability, one you never forget. After you have put yourself in a self-induced trancelike state several times, you will always be able to do so. And you can easily use this method for going to sleep within five minutes.
7. If all else fails, try Joe Pera: