The Bock Saga

Updated 1 year ago

Europe Tolkienesque

Update: New Bock Saga documentary is out! See video below!

“It [discovering Finnish] was like discovering a wine-cellar filled with bottles of amazing wine of a kind and flavour never tasted before. It quite intoxicated me.”
J.R.R. Tolkien

It is with this same gusto that Finnish shamans drank the urine of reindeer who had eaten the hallucinogenic Amanita Mucaria mushrooms, therefore getting a cleaner high.

So it is no wonder Finland spawned the Bock Saga, a fascinating Finnish folklore urban legend that rose to prominence in the late 90s. It is a distillation of the alien, non-Indo European culture that existed on the outer edge of Northeast Europe that so intrigued J.R.R. Tolkien, who learned its famously difficult language.

Please read this first for context: The Bock Saga on Wikipedia, which details his life-changing spiritual transformation in Goa, India (incidentally, Goa Trance, as well as the psychedelic perennial philosophy, was the original spark of inspiration for this entire web site)… and this. And more on Tolkien’s Suomi fascination. And finally, my guide on Scandinavian words, which, although is Indo-European and not Suomi, is geographically close.

Although it (and the similar but recently modern Book of Urantia and dare I say Scientology) may be either complete rubbish or the ravings of a charlatan or madman who drank too much reindeer piss, but it is, unlike the books I mentioned, instilled with a unique charm, and it’s still strangely entertaining.

I am fully aware of the irony, some may say hypocrisy, that I post this even as I “preach” skepticism.

To which I say, enjoy the Saga.

The Bock Saga Introduction and Commentary

“Every language is a temple in which the soul of those who speak it is enshrined.” — Oliver Wendell Holmes

Bock Wheel Inverted

The Bock Saga cannot be written, only written about.
Sa means to receive.
Ga means to give.
The process of receiving/giving introduced here took place from generation to generation in the Bock Family via the linguistic system, the “sound system”, of Rot (say “root”) language. The nucleus of this system is a ring of 23 sounds, each of which has specific meaning(s). The meaning(s) of each individual sound must be approached within the context of and in relation to the meaning(s) of all other sounds comprising the ring. The ring-ing inspired by the sound system of the Rot language cultivates an activity within the human brain that roots, educates and nourishes the integrated processes of consciousness and communication observable (and intuited) in the laws of nature.

When symbols representing the 23 sounds are written upon a page, in a ring, we have an “alphabet” that revolves in a continuum. The accompanying development of logic patterns inherent within – and emanating from – sequences discovered and followed in correlating these specifically meaningful sounds form a mandala.

This non-linear alphabet can not be written in a column with a beginning and an end; rather it circulates, literally, socially and logically. Like ripples radiating from a handful of pebbles thrown into a pond, the unfoldings of interdependent meanings are ceaselessly converging and overlapping, encouraging spontaneous, simultaneous non-linear thought processes (synaptic connections) that replicate the cyclical and radiant movements of creation itself. This not only parallels natural laws evidenced within the larger system, confirming discoveries continuing to this day in fields as diverse as particle physics, astrophysics and genetics. “As below, so above. As above, so below.”

As any engineer will affirm, when two things are in vibratory resonance there is an exchange of energy between them. When used correctly, the Sound System presents the human brain with a task – an activity – that brings it into vibratory resonance with universal natural forces and laws of cause and effect, known popularly to many as karma. Between these two – human brain and Sound System – there is an exchange of energy; in the process, the one becomes a part of the vitally resonating force field of the other. When the two entities are properly tuned, their internal frequencies synchronised, this phenomenon of resonance mirrors the vibrational alignment known to the scientist as superconductivity.

How does human DNA respond to such vibrational resonance? What information is supported, or transformed from its potential state, to vital readiness, in response to the contextualizing activities which Rot language stimulates in the human brain? What is the effect of sound upon electromagnetic and biochemical functions among cells in our brain? And throughout the entire body? There is much research to be done in this field.

The linguistic system, the Sound System, the ring and ringing of sound of which we speak, is named Alphernas Beten, the Prayer of the Elvs. From within this ring is generated the Rot {pronounced “root”} language. This impeccably logical language demonstrates itself, when finding fertile cerebral ground, to be the common origin of all languages spoken today.

In all fairness to those seeking truth, it must be asserted that this is a scientifically provable fact and principle. However, it has never been, nor can it be, reduced to or conveyed fully in writing. Through the millennia of Rot’s active role in the unfolding the human race’s history, individuals designated as its transmitters and conveyors were required to listen to the saga of sounds (with evolving antecedent understanding of their meanings and accompanying perception of the logic patterns being described) for some hours each day for 20 years, from the age of 7 to 27. This would have to be accomplished before one would be invited to ask one’s first question, for only by then would they be amply prepared to responsibly exercise this precious right and undertaking. Afterward, one’s sa ga continued throughout a lifetime.

In this precisely articulate process the original Vaïnämoïnen mythology was updated and passed on from generation to generation, self-corrected and disseminated, sa-ga’d, via Alphernas Beten, the root. Inasmuch as this introduction is not a manual of instruction, no attempt is being made to offer the 23 sounds of Alphernas Beten, the ring, phonetically*.

  • See Glossary entries for individual sounds in the Ring. Audio materials are available through

It is worth noting that this alphabetic ringing makes three direct statements concerning the role, fate and destiny of ho-man (human) beings upon Earth. This ringing of three primary statements set forth by the circular alphabet is symbolized – notated – thus: i Asernas Börg C Dagen, Ekens Frus Grund, Hel. i Jarlarnas Karlarnas Lag: Monen, Nordcharnan, Oden, Polen, Quadraten. Ras Sol Tor, Ursprungets Vaner i.

Within this ring of sounds the condition upon which our species would multiply and inhabit the Earth was and remains set forth. Of course, in order to fully understand this ring of three statements or conditions of human existence, one must understand fully each individual sound and combination sound in these 23 words and how they relate logically in this ever-revolving, never static, always growing, brilliantly and sublimely ordered continuum and truly original form of circus -a word which means, in Rot, “the love of the ring”.

Vaïnämoïnen Mythology

Vaïnämoïnen mythology presents a “logical, honest and true” history of the human race upon the earth. Pre-dating currently known written records, archaeological findings and all known artifacts, it is a story too voluminous and intricate to store up and pass on via the inadequacies of the written word.

The written word is, in our context, a relatively recent form. It stands out, in contrast to Vaïnämoïnen mythology, as mute and static, for this device upon which we rely so heavily today for the storage and transmission of our legacies accords legitimacy to all statements, be they vital or insignificant, genuine or deceitful. Analysis under the clear light and resonating force of Vaïnämoïnen mythology (sound logic rings true) reveals the not-so-faint palimpsest of successive corrupting hands. Centuries of massaging the Truth for personal gain have seriously distorted mankind’s vision not only of himself, but of his past and true legacy.

The Bock Saga – or Vaïnämoïnen mythology – is more than a living historical document; it was the original scenario for human existence, a handbook for humans to live by, authored via Alphernas Beten itself. Today, achieving skillful, practiced use of its primal sound system, one can demonstrate the common origin of human linguistics, mythologies, symbolism, philosophies and religions the world over.

Europe Tolkienesque

Should any care to understand and accept how we humans are meant to inhabit the Earth and play our naturally lawful part in appreciating and maintaining the system of which we are each so obviously a part, we may search confidently for such understanding within the Rot linguistic ring. No such tool or resource has heretofore been offered. Perhaps this priceless treasure is emerging from secrecy none too soon, for the human race is rapidly accelerating into a hairpin turn after following for too long a mentally, physically and spiritually destructive-consumptive curve that it is (we are) ill-prepared to negotiate.

Thus it was that the Rot itself – the ring of sound upon which all human communication was originally based – carried the sa ga of human history, the giving-receiving from generation to generation using the continuum of human brains, human procreation and human kela* within the human family for the natural and given purpose of the Sound System: that is, to teach, guide, instruct, inspire, comfort, lead and direct the human race in the conduct of its existence in harmony and accord with natural law. When human activity is maintained in this balance, the greatest potential inherent in human existence is achieved. To nurture this potential to live in vibratory resonance and harmony with this law, and to engineer accordingly a self-governing human society, graced with understanding and appreciation, was, and continues to be, the purpose and value of Rot language, the Sound System, and Vaïnämoïnen mythology.

Bearing in mind, then, that each sound in each Rot name, word or expression is related in meaning (logically, honestly and truly) to each and every other, that the understanding of each sound – each word – is a life-long procedure and that transference of the story, the mythology, the saga, traditionally opens with a unique 20-year “statement” and accompanying process.

Bearing in mind also that the system cannot be written, that it must be heard in order that its logic, honesty and truth be given the opportunity to themselves ring in one’s brain. Then, by way of introduction, suffice it to be observed that, after the Vaïnämoïnen mythology follows a long sequence of events pertaining to the earlier parts of the story of creation (and rendered in most exquisite detail via this kela “in sound”) we are given the following to contemplate: that the “planet” ý, having undergone its processes to the point permitting it, al (say “all” – we can think of the one-celled algae*) gave rise to il (say “eel” – means “eel”) which gave rise to garuda (frog) which came onto the land, evolving into monki (say “moon key” – means, today, monkey) or apa (ape) which, in union with nanivorhi (today “goat” or “bock”) engendered the first two humans, Frej (say “frey”), masculine, and Freja (say “freya”), feminine.

At 7 years of age, Frej developed sperma (sperm) rendering his brain the fertile grund (ground) in which Alphernas Beten, the potent seed of a complete system and planet, could germinate and tarot (take root). He began teaching it to his sister and thus brother and sister learned to communicate by speaking Rot, as Frej transferred this system to Freja.

Frej was the first Bock, the first member of the Aser. Aser were the pipol (pronounced “pee-pol”, means people) living inside Odemna (pronounced “uuu-den-maaa), a ringland, a sunland, a motherland, an eternal land, 250 km in diameter, the exact center of which was Hel (means “clear”, “home” and “complete”), located at the original north pole of the bal we call Earth before Ice Time when its axis of rotation was yet perpendicular to its plane of orbit around the Sun. Freja was the first Svan, the first feminine member of the Aser, the first matar.

Thus inside Odenma, surrounding the north pole before the Earth’s axial declination, the Sun would appear to circle the horizon 24 hours a day, while at the equator the days were equally divided, 12 hours with sun, 12 hours without, there being no seasons as were caused by the later shifting of the axis, occurring, according to the linguistics, 50,010,011 years ago, on July 24.

Via Alphernas Beten, Frej and Freja understood the system of procreation they were to initiate to insure that humans born as their descendants would be god (pronounced “goood”, meaning good inside) pipol and brah (means outwardly skillful and worthy in attending the Earth) pipol.

Frej and Freja, the first Bock and Svan (cf English “swan”) bore 12 sons and 7 daughters, at least. The first son was C po il Marinen, called Ra, and the first daughter Maia (cf English May and maypole). These first born became king and qvena (king and queen) of the entire human family being procreated; although they did not themselves bear children. They represented the Moon and wisdom upon Earth among humans, while Bock and Svan, their parents, represented the Sun and generation.

The roles of the next 6 daughtars and the next 10 sons born to Bock and Svan are being omitted from this brief introduction; suffice it to say, for the moment, that none of these ten sons sired offspring, while the six daughtars were eligible to become Disas, whose role will be discussed shortly. These direct descendants of Bock and Svan make up the Piroet family.

The 12th son of Bock and Svan received, at the age of 7, the title Lil Bockin, and at age 27 (after, among other preparations, having listened to the saga for 20 years) Lil Bockin was given, like his father, the title and role of Bock (progenitor; procreator), and he then mated with his generation’s svan, the ma tar (Earth mother), bearing 12 sons and 7 daughters (at least), the first born of each being Ra and Maia, the 12th son again Lil Bockin becoming Bock at age 27 and beginning, with Svan, the most beautiful and healthy woman on Earth, to continue this basic round of 12 sons and 7 daughters (at least) comprising the Bock or Piroet family (say “pirouette” as in French, please), the first or head family among the Aser, inside Odenma, before Ice Time. The retiring Bock became Ok (say “ooo co”, co as in coat) or Per, while the retiring Svan became Aka (ah-kah). Hence all pipol were per sons or per daughtars.

Bock also procreated with Disa(s) (meaning, among other things, “stem mother”) in creating the second et, or family (et also means branch) inside Odenma, the Roset – the Ros et (rose family, rose branch).

The offspring of Bock and Disa were either Rabi or Nar (masculine), Disa or Sienere (feminine).

Outside of Odenma, the planet was settled by Van pipol or Vaner (Van means “one”). These Van people spoke Van language, created by Aser based upon Alphernas Beten, the sound system of Rot. Van language is architected to enable orchestration of a vast and virtually limitless range of possibilities, and allowed for exquisite definition of essential details of perception among the Vaner, those who migrated outward, southward, from the center, Hel – the original place of human life – to populate the globe or bal. As they encountered a broad range of terrestrial circumstances never found inside Odenma, they were able to use Van language to guide them in understanding the new lands they inhabited, communicating their existential perceptions and experiences to one another, as well as those traveling and reporting to Hel, with great precision.

Let us take particular note of the fact that Van, (it is called Finnish today) was designed for a specific purpose: to accommodate and facilitate the role of Vaner in populating the earth.

In Van, as today in Finnish, each word can take one of at least 165,252 forms, cases, or tenses, while much of the vocabulary can assume over 200,000 forms. Many English speakers, by comparison, commonly use only a few tenses – present, past, future, perhaps conditional – leaving 165,100 plus forms yet unused if given the unique capacity of Van.

Obviously, then, into no other known language, past or present, can the Van language’s unique potential and possibility for exquisite detail, association and correlation be accurately translated. But we might well wish to ponder this question: how many languages, considered rather complete to our present way of thinking, might be formed by isolating certain areas of the capacity of Van, containing within themselves distinct, if much smaller, portions of the original whole?


At the same time how many forms, nuances, and meanings might have survived or have been accommodated, without flaw, if smaller populations were separated from the continuing instruction of the original architects of language as a whole, when the primary Rot/Van system was abruptly broken into pieces?

Outside Odenma, starting from Hel, the first Rasti or information center – , in symbolic form – the cradle of the human race at the exact north pole Hel meaning “clear; home; complete”, before Ice Time), Vaner moved southward in all directions forming ringlands the same size as Odenma. This emanation, this “rolling out”, from Hel, was actually but the continuation of greater processes bringing human life to the Earth to receive and act upon instructions given to human society from Oden via, in part, Rot language.

In each Ringland outside of Odenma, Rabi was Alfader (all father) to three et or “branches” ofVaner: Jarl-et, Karl-et, and Trel-et. To the ringlands from Hel, from Odenma, came also Nars and Sienere who were members of the information system and did not procreate. Disas remained inside Odenma as “stem mothers”, creating the second et of pipol, Roset, whose father was also Bock.

Pa ra dis et (in English, Paradise) explains itself in sound via kela, over time, to one learning Rot language, as an historical period of about 400,000,000 years ending with the first Ragnarök, the declination of the Earth’s axis, 50,010,011 years ago on the 24th of July, after which began a period called (in Rot) Alt Land Is – “all the land ice” – which lasted for 50,000,000 years.

Throughout Paradiset the programs were created in Hel by Aka and the seven Tars and by Ok (Per) (pronounced “ooo – ko”) and the seven Tars (daughtars). These programs were brought to the rasti in each ringland by Nars and Sienere were played out for the instruction of Vaner in a form of theater called, in Rot, circus. After the declination, this process was interrupted for 50 million years, amd has never again been revived in its original and all-inclusive form.

The catastrophic event called the first Ragnarök, the “first destruction of Aser”, the shifting of earth’s axis of rotation initiating cycles we call “seasons”, destroyed virtually all life from the north pole southward, and from the south pole northward, to the equatorial band around the earth.

Throughout Paradiset and before the Ragnarök which marked the beginning of Ice Time, Aser, inside Odenma, could kela Alphernas Beten, the Sound System, and speak and kela both Rot (also called As) and Van. Vaner, living in the many ringlands being established outside of Odenma, would kela and speak only Van. The original and living Rot “instructions” for populating the Earth’s ho man plan et, the continuing flow of information regarding true correct care and maintenance of what we today call our “biosphere” and “ecosystem”, contained in the Rot Sound System, were no longer available to Vaner. Programs created in Hel by Rot-speaking As pipol were no longer brought out to play for Vaner in rastis. When they became disconnected from Aser, who had served as the head of the race – keeping the instructions alive for the benefit of all-Vaner, for this and other reasons concerning the s per ma system, lost their connection with the governing overpower of Oden which guided the human family through Aser , via the breeding and information system.

Just as the brain must be fully connected to a healthy body to assure it the vitality of life, so Vaner required the instruction of Aser in order to function at their highest potential and as intended according to the planet. Now under Altlandis, the single breeding and information system holding one human family together in a unit having five branches or et, no longer existed. Now Aser were no longer the head of Vaner; now Vaner had 10 distinct and new breeding and information systems with a Van King at the head of each and no connection whatsoever with the small group of Aser – still speaking Rot and Van – completely isolated in a virtual island of relative warmth, a relative hot spot in Hel, a small part only of Odenma, surrounding what had suddenly become the old north pole. Hel – the original North Pole, the cradle and center of human life – was not really a city as such, but rather a settlement among 7 hills and the 7 islands that are just off-shore of present-day Helsinki. Each of these fourteen sites served a particular function in the single procreation and information system maintained by Bock/Van or As/Van family connections during Pa ra dis et, “Paradise Time”. When Ice Time (the Alt Land Is period) began, Hel did not freeze over. Warmed by the predecessor of our pre sent Gulf Stream and other natural phenomena, Hel remained relatively ice-free. Separated from remaining Vaner by thousands of miles of unpassable ice and snow in all directions, some of the Aser survived there and over time – 50 million years – evolved white skin, blond hair and blue or green eyes. The Vaner who were surviving near the equator also evolved distinctive skin pigmentation and other remarkable physical characteristics; all, however, to this day, appearing to be tropical as differentiated now for the first time from the Aser who during Altlandis became distinctly arctic.

Given foreknowledge of the first Ragnarök and the Ice Time to follow, via their kela of Alphernas Beten in response to observable events, Aser conceived a program for the Vaner who in regions near the equator would survive this great catastrophe to earthly life.

The breeding system of Paradiset would end, and among remaining Vaner in 10 locations “King systems” would be established for the first time, each for its language using a designated portion of Van, the initial 10 kings who were the Rabis at that time Alfader to the ringlands chosen as centers for the new breeding and information systems devised to sustain surviving Vaner during Ice Time.

Thus the role of these 10 chosen Rabi radically changed after the first Ragnarök. Each became a king wed to a qvena (queen). The first-born son was again king. The 10 separate king-qvena systems, each speaking a created language developed from a portion of Van, began to evolve not only distinct physical characteristics and outward appearances peculiar to each King-Qvena line, which helped to “keep the pi pol in line”, but also to develop distinct linguistic capacity and usage which would later over time become associated with these evolving “racial traits” and “types”** – a process that it is now possible to begin tracing, illuminating and perhaps at last understanding in the modern world using Alphernas Beten .

The Aser, while acquiring arctical characteristics, attitudes, and behavior in new and challenging arctical circumstances, no longer created two et of pipol, Piro-et and Ros-et, during this period of Altlandis, and Bock and Svan no longer gave birth to 12 sons and 7 daughters. Instead Raphael and Sara became the heads of the Aser, bore 7 sons and 7 daughters, and the population remained accordingly small in its tiny ice-free area (Hel) in the ice cap that extended thousands of miles southwards from the new North Pole. (The site of Hel is today Helsinki: sing for the key to Hel.) Via adept kela of Rot language it becomes clear to both student and researcher alike that the saga of Alphernas Beten not only produced and vivified the life span of Vaïnämoïnen mythology but demonstrates it today to be the original mythology from which all subsequent mythologies and “original instructions” have evolved. Via kela of Alphernas BetenÝ it becomes evident that all mythologies present the same basic cast of characters personifying the same essential attributes. The many variations upon identical Vaïnämoïnen originated and related themes began with the onset of Ice Time – Altlandis – when the original human global family system forever broke apart and Pa ra dis et – paradise on Earth – ended forever.

Hellblade 2

The Second Ragnarök

The second Ragnarök , the second destruction of Aser, occurred 10,011 years ago as of this writing. The ice cap had been melting northward during 4 major stages that are considered today to be distinct “ice ages”. Foreseeing a major, rapid and radical shifting of the polar ice cap as the melting, proceeding northward from the Baltea (between Sweden and Finland today) would reach a certain point, the Aser constructed what boats they could, filled them with arctical plants and animals they had been developing “under the ice” and pushed them over forbidding glacial mass to the treacherous open waters where 30 Aser – Raphael and Sara, their 7 sons, 7 daughters, and tors * – succeeded in sailing to the tiny island of Bockland. Following their epic and perilous journey to the sea and a tumultuous voyage, they lived for 1,000 years in the chalk caves of what is at present called Göttland (sometimes Gothland, pronounced “goatland” today in Helsinki; a bock is a goat, recall). Rampaging ice churned up the east coast of what is today called Sweden and the west coast of what became Finland, destroying the site of Hel. It polished both coastlines to a remarkable smoothness, such that the effects of this Ragnarök are still clearly visible today. The glacial icebergs, however, breaking off and floating southward, passed on either side of this island haven to the south and a bit east of what is today Stockholm, leaving the Aser taking refuge there unharmed. 9014 years ago as of this writing, an advance party of Aser returned from Bockland /Gottland to Tuna * to begin reconstructing Ra C po ri Cas tel, placing its new fundament upon the site of the original, which the second Ragnarök had destroyed.

9,011 years ago as of this writing, some of the Aser returned to the original site of Hel to rebuild the breeding and information system with, once again, Bock and Svan creating 12 sons and 7 daughters, Bock and Disas creating Rabi, Nar, Disa, and Sienere, with Piroet and Roset inside Odenma and Rabi Alfader to Jarlet, Karlet and Trelet in the ringlands again being populated outside of Odenma, but this time with blond, white, blue- and green-eyed arctical As pipol – Aser – and blond white blue- and green-eyed arctical Van pipol – Vaner.

A group at the same time moved south from Bockland to England where the climate and conditions were more favorable for propagation of the arctic animals bred and arctic plant life developed during Altlandis. Concurrently, two noteworthy individuals – two of the more-than-twelve sons of Bock and Svan, Dan and Sven – rebelled against the system in Hel and, to the west, went their separate ways to create two independent systems – Danmark – the mark of Dan – and Svenskara – the Land of Sven, today Denmark and Sweden. Part of Sven’s system eventually broke off and established their own Norwegian system and, in time, also produced another offshoot, the Icelandic.

It is also well worthy of note that beginning 9,011 years ago, in each generation, one ” Han* Odens Man” – a Han O (say “uuu”) Man – today we know them as Hanuman -was sent from the recreated system at the original site of Hel to each of the centers of the 10 king systems evolving since the beginning of Altlandis. The objective and goal of each Han Odens Man was not to make any attempt to “correct” or “direct” these 10 original king/qvena systems but rather to simply reconnect them, regardless of the state into which they would be found to have transformed and perhaps disintegrated over 50,000,000 years, with the source of information and guidance of Oden which it had originally been the role of Aser to transmit and convey to Vaner during Pa ra dis et, which it had been the role of Aser to preserve, for the entire race, throughout the period of Altlandis, and which it became the responsibility of Aser to follow, to the best of their ability, in guiding the 10,000 year program projected until but eleven years ago.

The stated vision and objective in the Bock Family 10,011 years ago (at the time of the second Ragnarök) was that in 1984, the entire human race, by virtue of its formal reconnection with its roots in Hel and the source of understanding found only in the – our – common Rot language and system of thought (kelaa sparked by saga) would now, in our present time, have become elevated to a state of health, well-being, understanding and wisdom guaranteeing that any woman on Earth within this planet, could choose any man to father her next child, producing an inwardly good and outwardly good person or perdaughtar, equipped to live in peace and harmony with the laws of nature. These laws, inherent and explicit in the Sound System of our common root, Rot language, were to become accessible to humanity, directly, via Alphernas Beten, for the first time beginning in the spring of 1984.

The revival of original Hiden (perverted to “heathen) culture envisioned at the original site of Hel 10,011 years ago, did not ultimately succeed as planned. It was a shock, following 50,000,000 years of evolution, for various brown, yellow, red and black Vaner to 9,011 years ago begin meeting distinctly arctical blonde, white-skinned, blue- or green-eyed Vaner coming from the north, often leading strange arctical animals, which had also evolved under the ice and had never before been seen by tropicals. Some additional white Aser and later Vaner were breaking with the system in Hel and, taking their supporters, going their separate ways, creating systems of leaders and followers (abandoning the guidance of a shared system wherein all are equal) and establishing very different roles and agenda concerning human harmonization with – or abandonment of – Nature’s Law and the guidance of Oden, which became mispronounced and misunderstood as Odin, Woden, and other degenerations of the original.*

During a period of approximately 8,000 years, a number of individuals, bearing only partial knowledge and understanding of the original system otherwise being regenerated, turned their backs upon it. Using what knowledge they had acquired they sought to create systems of their own rather than follow in the Bock family plan. Seriously and radically reforming any and all cultural institutions they usurped, they based their edicts upon existing conditions and partial, incomplete knowledge and understanding. In some cases their inspiration was seriously sapped by their new malaise, the disease they spread with them: personal ambition, greed, and an ego-centric Oden-ignorant urge to wield un- na tor al powers over others.

On noteworthy occasions, a few of these, under faulty guidance, allowed themselves to become worshipped as “superior” or “divine” beings, “demi-gods” or “gods”, a concept foreign to the Vaïnämoïnen system but one that humans will kill and die for to this day.

The Hiden pipol, those living in Hiden time, Paradiset, had neither need nor reason for any system of belief. The human family as a whole, composed of five et or branches, was given means of understanding the workings of universal laws in nature upon all life-forms sharing this planet. They could be understood in kela of life processes within the one human family culture, based upon, nurtured by and distinguished as processes rooted in Alphernas Beten, the ring of 23 sounds, invested as they are with meaning that unfolds and imparts to the entire species – with impeccable logic, honesty, and truth – the plan for human existence. (Plan means plan, recall, and Et means branch or family. Hence planet, the plan for the human et, which included all co-existing life forms upon Earth, naturally.)

The ho man family during Paradiset was neither a lofty ideal nor an intellectual abstraction but a living reality. At any given time, Aka and Ok – Matar and Alfader – were either mother and father, grandmother and grandfather, great grandmother and great-grandfather, or great-greats, to every human being alive. That is, it was a real family.

The Rot linguistic system detailing this information can now be challenged, experienced, examined and verified by any human being(s) willing and able to approach it. One can, for oneself, kela its function in the human brain, using oneself as the matrix, the laboratory, the system’s fertile ground, and one can share this kela with others to distinguish between that which is na tor al (natural) – logical, honest and true, and that which is norm al – normal – unnatural, illogical, dishonest and false. In no way can the written word accomodate the majestic potential of such a positively profound, mentally “electrifying” process.

Kalevala Infographic

The Hiden (say “hee-den”) people had no concept of a god, any god, nor any deity*. Rather, Alphernas Beten afforded to Aser profound understanding of eight powers in creation, four masculine and four feminine, manifest to human perception as, and given the names:

* Ra,
and Freja,

and upon this understanding, developed and maintained via kela of sound logic , sound logic that rings true , the breeding and information system was founded and continually renewed, taking however a very different form in the ringlands than it did inside Odenma, while yet entirely dependent on the system radiating from Odenma, from Hel, in which the pipol in each ringland played their part. This will be detailed later when we discuss the breeding and information system at greater length.

The Hiden system, then, was based upon a linguistically instructed brain-connected superconducted genetically informed bio-chemically activated and today scientifically demonstrable transmission and understanding of nature and natural law. The major religious systems are based upon belief, and require belief. Not only belief in a so-called “god”, but belief in the so-called “divinity” of at least one principal male figure (why never a woman?) to whom has been attributed supernatural powers in which one is absolutely required to believe. In such a system, the believer is robbed of and denied use of the capacity with which, and the freedom in which, to understand. Failure or refusal to believe the dictates of religion and self-appointed religious officers and bureaucracy have resulted in punishment, crusade, torture and painful death. All of this perpetrated in the name of human beings trying, in a couple of noteworthy instances at least, to encourage peaceful ways among brutish peoples who had devolved into a grotesque state of insanity – a state in which one human being would actually and willingly be moved to inflict harm, pain, or even death upon another, the lowest most abominable state into which supposedly intelligent and potentially good humans can sink.

Perhaps the major, most ruthless and relentlessly successful attack upon the Hiden (now “heathen”, with all of its negative connotations) culture, and providing ample evidence of the extent of human devolution since the end of Pa ra dis et, was sustained over many centuries by a bloodthirsty bureaucratic organization using the good name of a personage known as Jesus the Christ – one of the more than twelve sons of Bock living, according to the Saga, approximately 2,000 years ago, a man who never intended to harm anyone – to create a profitable imperial empire, the Roman Catholic Church.

A logically accurate picture of this historical period can now, using Rot as the instrument, be constructed for the first time. This is a vital undertaking given that today many beliefs dating from Bibical times are seminal to contemporary culture and directly influence the politics that determine human impact upon the ecosystem of this biosphere we inhabit.

In the name only of a peaceful Jesus, so-called Christ-ians murdered, raped, tortured, desecrated, decimated and destroyed what little remained of the culture and languages of the original human family. In time, if one refused to believe the pronouncements coming from Rome on the one hand, or from Constantinople on the other, one was likely to be beheaded or burned to death at the stake. Those who resisted the particularly Christian (so-called) onslaught and monotheistic belief system have been branded as evil or barbaric to this day.

The third Ragnarök, the third destruction of Aser and the dying Hiden culture, occurred on July 24, 1050 AD. At the instigation and direction of Pope Leo IX a mercenary Helvetian army, brought north from Switzerland, sailed from what is today Sweden, surrounded Hel, destroyed and looted what they could, and killed all who had not escaped.

In 1050 A.D., a number of Aser escaped the third Ragnarök northward to Lapinma (Lapland) where they remained until 1248 AD, at which time the Bock Family was given permission by Karl Birjirl Jarl, ruling Swedish magistrate of the day (by whose name we can recognize as having ties with the Bock Family) to move south and again plant its cultural roots upon the original site of Hel. However, as a part of the agreement, nothing could be said at all outside of the immediate Bock Family concerning Vaïnämoïnen mythology – the Bock (and human) Family saga – until 1984, the year in which all previous breeding systems were meant to end.

During the past approximately 7 – 1/2 centuries before the date of this writing (Spring of 1995) while their saga was kept completely secret, the Bock Family on several occasions nearly died out. As their numbers gradually dwindled, the living thread, the continuum connecting the Bock Family with earthly and pre-earthly origins of the human race, Alphernas Beten, was afforded fewer and fewer human brains in which to live its life and be passed on from human generation to generation.

Today, Ior Bock is the last Bock. He will bear no children. As the long anticipated year 1984 came upon the Earth, the Rot sound system, the original, primal, still-living root of all subsequent human communication, the linguistic system that taught the human race how to procreate and populate and live at peace and in harmony with the earth for 400,000,000 years, the ringing of sound logic in honesty and truth that nurtured, governed and guided our species throughout the time of Paradiset – Paradise Time – was alive, yes. But alive only in the brain of one man, the last member who will ever live of the oldest human lineage and Self-conscious continuum upon this planet.

If but a single – any single – particle of a hologram remains, all of the original information, the whole picture, can be reconstituted accurately from it.

Vaïnämoïnen mythology – the Bock Saga – might almost be considered as though it were a modern holographic plate, containing minutely detailed information describing 450 million years of human history. While the plate itself has been shattered, and only scattered and otherwise incoherent fragments yet remain, we are given, alive today via one man, the very system that constructed the holographic plate picturing what would be the human span on Earth in the first place – Alphernas Beten, the Prayer of the Elvs. From it, it is possible to reconstruct the whole plate, the complete picture , in time, with profound inspiration and supreme effort, if applied as though the life, vitality and ability of the human race to henceforth continue depended upon it. As well it might. And this proposition the reader is invited to kela for him- or herself directly via Alphernas Beten, via Sound logic ringing true.

Until we can view the entire, the whole, the complete, accurate and true picture of the human story, our history, as earthly inhabitants who in one manner and another have managed to survive thus far, and until we truly understand – not believe, understand – this picture, this history, and how we came to inherit the global situation that is confronting us today, and accept the logic, the honesty and the truth of it, until then, we can and shall not know how we must proceed under present conditions in which all must work together to heal the wounds inflicted upon our Ma (our mother, the Earth). By healing our Ma, our mother and our Earth, we may yet hope to share, in lawful terms – the naturally lawful terms of the Life Wheel – our sincere appreciation for that upon which human survival depends, now and always.

No religion, philosophy, political system, economic system, social system, technology, government, vested interest or institutional power structure currently established on the Earth today is succeeding in turning, directing, inspiring or leading the massive volume of human and other natural resource as a whole into caretaking and stewardship of the global ecosystem; yet this is the effort required from humans in order to renew and maintain the habitability of our Ma. Given that the combined impact, in sum total, of the human species on this planet is rapidly destroying the very conditions upon which plant, animal and human life mutually interdepend, how is the Bock Saga relevant to our human race today, apparently bent on self-destruction?

Until we humans can understand the logic, the honesty and the truth of human origins, and the history of human existence to date, our race will remain subject to deception, misconception, belief, coercion, subjugation and the multitude of miseries preventing it from realizing its potential perfection.

A learned gentleman, President of Boston College, collecting the results of a lifetime search into the origins of the human species, published a book entitled Paradise Found – The Cradle of the Human Race at the North Pole. The following is from his opening remarks:

“This book is not the work of a dreamer. Neither has it proceeded from a love of learned paradox. Nor yet is it a cunningly devised fable aimed at particular tendencies in current science, philosophy, or religion. It is a thoroughly serious and sincere attempt to present what is to the author’s mind the true and final solution of one of the greatest and most fascinating of all problems connected with the history of mankind.

That this true solution has not been furnished before is not strange. The suggestion that primitive Eden was at the Arctic Pole seems at first sight the most incredible of all wild and willful paradoxes. And it is only within the lifetime of our own generation that the progress of geological discovery has relieved the hypothesis of fatal antecedent improbability. Moreover, when one considers the enormous variety and breadth of the fields from which its evidences of truth must be derived; when one remembers how recent are those comparative sciences on whose results the argument must chiefly depend; when one observes that many of the most striking of our alleged proofs, both in the physical and in the anthropological domain, are precisely the latest of the conclusions of these most modern of all sciences, it is easy to see that a generation ago the demonstration here attempted could not have been given. Even five years ago some of the most interesting and cogent of our arguments would as yet have been lacking.

The interest which has so long invested our problem, and which has prompted so many attempts to solve it was never greater than today. The lapse of centuries has rendered many another question antiquated, but not this. On the contrary, the more the modern world has advanced in new knowledge, the more exigent has grown the necessity of finding a valid solution. Men are feeling as never before that until the starting point of human history can be determined, the historian, the archaeologist, and the paleontological anthropologist are all working the dark. It is seen that without this desideratum the ethnologist, the philologist, the mythographer, the theologian, the sociologist can none of them construct anything not liable to profound modification if not to utter overthrow, the moment any new light shall be thrown upon the mother-region and the prehistoric movements of the human race. Every anthropological science, therefore, and every science related to anthropology, seems at the present moment to be standing in a state of dubious expectancy, willing to work a little tentatively, but conscious of its destitution of the needful primal datum, and conscious of its consequent lack of a valid structural law.”

William F. Warren, Boston, Houghton Mifflin, 1898 (11th ed.), reprinted (1964) by Health Research, Mokeumne Hill, CA These words might have been penned today, stating as they do the tenuous nature of various structural frameworks over which humans have layered cherished beliefs in place of accurate understanding. Prof. Warren’s case is as compelling now as when he published his work in 1885, quite unaware of the Bock Saga, that hand now emerging from beneath its cloak of secrecy to perfectly fit and animate the glove he so precisely tailored in advance.

Many people the world over today, from many nations, races, and cultures, via religion, via science, via philosophy; via traditions exoteric, well-known and observed by millions; via practices little known, esoteric and observed only by a few; via lives being lived in great cities and centers of population and mass production; via lively pursuits in small towns and among tribes in rural areas and primeval places – from all walks of life everywhere, the vast majority seek to affirm and honor accordingly the one thing we have in common, regardless how anyone or ones perceive it, or believe it, or understand it, or misunderstand it, to be, or not to be, the truth: we humans are of one origination. There is but one species of homo sapiens inhabiting the Earth. Thus our destiny is one.

If a root – Rot – language and history actually exists, able to prove itself to be ours, we humans’, and if we ignore it, and if we fail to investigate it and study it and learn it and reconnect ourselves with it, with our roots and common origin as human social cultural beings capable of communication and cooperation, intelligence and wisdom, living now, upon (or within) this planet, then we as humans will be throwing away the one key we are given that can unlock from within all languages and cultures the secrets of our origins. We are now afforded, in the Bock Saga, an unprecedented opportunity and peerless means with which to discover and understand where we come from, who we are, and how we are to go onward now, from here.

If the thread that Alphernas Beten and the Bock Saga offers can take us back, back through time, back through an unfolding exploration and understanding of our true nature and purpose, back to our very beginning, to our original instructions, to the root basis of all human brain-and-being capacity for communication, to the cradle of the human race, only therein (for where else in that case?) can we reach for and grasp the profoundest understanding of all: how our species was born to live in peace and harmony on the Earth, henceforth, and…?

Hellblade 10

1995 – A. Barker
Produced, Directed, & Published by G.O.D. Bros Travel Ling Circus, A Life Wheel Repair Project, Grove of Dragons * 222 Kanaio * Maui, Hawai’i 96790 * Tel/Fax (808)= 878-3221 April 22, 1995

Appendix: Finnish Mythology in Dungeons & Dragons

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