Updated 2 years ago

your memory and cognitive skills
by what feels like a third… for a month
2020 Update
Since writing all this, age has given me a more nuanced perspective and I’d like to clarify a few things with the benefit of hindsight.
Everything here is essentially still valid.
The experience was very real and unexpected. I am certain it wasn’t psychosomatic as I was just talking vitamins and living a healthy lifestyle.
In retrospect, I believe Piracetam by itself for a month should be sufficient for the profound experience. Friends have confirmed this – after a month, they also got get a huge, very noticeable boost for about six weeks until it sadly tapered off, back to baseline.
The magnesium oxide and choline were frankly probably just along for the ride, but certainly did not hurt. Who knows; they may have potentiated the effects somewhat. It certainly still works out on paper.
The relative sobriety I was partaking in at that time is another factor, but could not in any way fully explain the way I felt my brain operate.
The Homozon-Ozone aspect stands on its own and having an occasinally cleaned out colon speaks for itself.
Regarding the herpes treatment, 20 years later I can confirm that I have not had any cold cores on my mouth after the oral treatment.
It may be because of the treatment, or it may not. It may be just age and time.
Again, it works out on paper, but take of that what you will.
My genital herpes came back once every few years for a week or so. I remember at the time putting more DMSO and H2O2, and more often, on my lips than on my penis.
Maybe I could try again, with more attention on the genital area, someday, but frankly, it’s just not that big of a deal.
Time heals all wounds, even shame.
1999: The Great Epiphany

I had an epiphany in 1999 when I found a great combo. I wrote this then, and have hyped it ever since. Subjectively, I can’t even begin to tell you how profound it is when you feel your brain’s abilities expand by a third.
I have found a new synergy between the nootropic piracetam and oxygen (ozone) therapy. The smart drug Piracetam goes into hyperdrive in a high-oxygen environment.
After two weeks of taking both, daily, I experienced a profound improvement in my mental abilities. When I would speak it was as if I would see dropdown menus that would offer me choices of which word to use.
There is an initial phase in which you feel you are going crazy. That’s because something like this couldn’t possibly be true, but we need to get used to the fact that we can see the world through sharper eyes.
Everything will change. It’s like a drug, but you can feel your mind opening up, new corridors of memory and lightning-quick awareness of your surroundings.
A second stage is one in which you start to use high IQ and memory as a crutch, a substitute for passion – and her brother discipline.
There’s no comedown, but it may be a little hard to sleep. You too can become Unipolaractive Man(ic)(sic)
When I combined these two I reaffirmed my relationship with God, my family, and friends, and my purpose in life, which is how you are reading this now.
It’s legal to have 3 month supply for personal use, thanks to AIDS, Clinton, and the relaxing of FDA restrictions.
In the U.S., Piracetam is not a scheduled drug, nor is it listed as a controlled substance. It is essentially an “orphan” drug. Piracetam has been in use in Europe and elsewhere for many years. It therefore cannot be patented in the US, and no drug company can hope to recover the costs associated with “proving” that it is safe and effective for the FDA.
It enhances the communication between the right and left hemispheres of your brain, and takes about 2 weeks to begin working. Alzheimer’s patients take it to drive, mentally retarded children take it to learn how to read and write. When normal people take it they get sharper, more alert, and quicker. Subjectively, I feel as if I think at least twice as fast. Timothy Leary called it the Ultimate Aphrodisiac. Take it every day.
If you extensively use Piracetam, you may want to also take a choline capsule with it – available at your nearest health food store. Choline regenerates liver, kidney, and nerve cell tissue.
By the way, you should also seek out Pramiracetam, which will affect you in 6 hours rather than two weeks. It’s much, much stronger, but really ultimately unnecessary when you can be doing more with less with Piracetam. Consider it Napalm: when someone doesn’t believe you give one to them and six hours later WHAM I JUST ACED THE S.A.T.!!


The second vital element in the >UPSHIFT< is singlet oxygen – ozone.
From analysis in air trapped inside insects in amber, 30,000 years ago, our air had three times as much oxygen. 100 years ago had twice that of today’s. Due to pollution and deforestation, right now atmospheric oxygen levels are at an all-time low, so the oxygen pressure in our blood is insufficient to guard us against oxygen-hating microbes. We become slightly stagnant, and serve as a growth medium for anaerobic parasites.
But all pathogens are inherently much weaker than our own cells, which are a lot more highly evolved than viruses, bacteria, fungus and such. So we can always get rid of them by just raising our internal oxygen concentration above what they can stand.
Your body’s supposed to be at ~60-75% water, which is eight-ninths oxygen. Water is two hydrogens for each oxygen, but the oxygen atom is sixteen times bigger.
You’re supposed to be composed of over two-thirds oxygen, twice as much as everything else in you combined. The bigger a proportion of something in a formula, the more margin there is in the high to low range of how much you can put in and still make that formula work. That also applies to the formula for an organism.
So you can see how a person could exist anywhere along a wide range of oxygen saturation that can support his cells, though the lower levels are not much fun. But people can still function, more or less, even at oxygen percentages so low that anaerobic microbes can inhabit them quite comfortably.
Well, how can you tell if your oxygen level is high enough? If you get sick, it isn’t. Everyone gets sick sometimes -but everyone you know about. You’re all oxygen-starved, that’s all. I’m making a point here.
In a healthy rain forest, it can still get up over twenty percent. But most large cities have very few trees and lots of carbon monoxide, which, being electrically unstable, gobbles up free oxygen like crazy, to become carbon dioxide, which is more stable. In those cities, it gets down to twelve percent or less at times. In Eastern Europe, with the whole Western world’s pollution blowing at them, even wooded areas can drop below fifteen percent. Entire forests are dying there. For humans, suffocation occurs at around seven percent.
The cities are already more than halfway to suffocating. What do you think causes early heart attacks, crib deaths and crashed immune systems? Very little of that happening in mountain villages.
A mammal’s immune system uses lots of single-atom oxygen in knocking off germs, and carries it around in H2 O 2 . That’s because singlet oxygen itself is so reactive it only stays loose for maybe a millionth of a second before oxidizing the nearest appropriate molecule. You should be internally producing and using several quarts of H2O 2 every day, but you can’t if there’s not enough oxygen available from your air.
Hydrogen peroxide? Yeah, oxygen water. The pure food-grade kind, thirty-five percent, which can hurt you if you don’t dilute it enough. Lots of health-food stores carry it now. -The drugstore variety has chemical stabilizers in it. Okay to put a little on a wound, but not much else.
Which diseases can you get rid of with it? All of them. But oxygen water is too simple and cheap to draw any commercial interest. Unpatentable. The only people who will be advertising it are people like me. I have absolutely nothing to gain by telling you this. On the contrary, talking like this has turned more than one attractive girl away, and showing this site to employers has made them look at me a little funny. Use your intuition.
What do I mean, all diseases? Like I said, all disease organisms prefer much lower oxygen saturations than what your cells function best at. Their primitive, fragile membranes break down at concentrations a healthy human cell merely finds invigorating. You need it constantly; oxygen’s the only thing you can die in minutes without. Get enough and it protects you from disease.
What about cancer? Especially cancer. It’s anaerobic; high oxygen levels kill it pretty fast. Otto Warburg won a Nobel Prize back in the 1930s for pointing that out, but your medical establishment has ignored the principle since then. Too unprofitable. Cancer cells get energy from glucose by fermentation instead of by oxidizing it like normal cells. This wastes so much energy that the healthy cells can’t get enough to function and the cancer squeezes them out, unless you intervene by raising the oxygen level one way or another.
Why isn’t this all written up somewhere? It is, it’s just unpublicized. Hundreds of physicians have independently reported curing all kinds of supposedly incurable diseases by raising the patient’s oxygen saturation, whether with intravenous H2O 2 , ozone blood infusions, taheebo or hyperbaric oxygen tanks, all of which simply raise the level of H2O 2 in the blood. But the way of modern science is to disregard any facts that don’t fit the accepted lucrative theory. And disease is a multibillion-dollar industry, in case you hadn’t noticed.
Food grade H2O 2 is good, but the best way I’ve heard to get oxygen in your system including your intestinal tract and colon – not to mention your bloodstream – is BioOxygen. It’s nascent oxygen, in a magnesium peroxide oxide powder.
Take a tablespoon daily, followed by the juice of a lemon. This is the best way to get oxygen in your system. The ozone binds with anaerobic molecules toxins and viruses in your body and creates free radicals. A lot of recent research points to the viral nature in many illnesses. The vitamin C in the lemon binds with the free radicals and washes it through your system.
Think of the BioOxygen as soap in your body, which binds to the dirt, and the lemon juice is the water that washes it away.
The average human has about 12 lbs. of hardened fecal matter clogging up your digestive system. BioOxygen starts the first week clearing all this out. So you’ll lose an average 2 lbs. a day for the first week. This all depends, of course, on how full of shit you are. After that it the ozone is absorbed straight into your system, where you start to feel a natural high, you get more energy, and your body is less anaerobic.
You are fortifying yourself in:

…that has existed since the spark of life in the methane soup of early Earth. In a sense, you imbue yourself with the life force responsible for the creation of life.
If any of this sounds fantastic, look all this up on the web. Between ads for Vioxx and Prozac, you’ll find the truth under mountains of commercial clutter. Part of the process is your interest and self-discovery.
Oxygen Trivia: When you eat sugar or drink alcohol & feed Candida Albicans yeast inside you, their waste products include carbon monoxide, which replaces the iron atom in the hemoglobin molecule, rendering it incapable of carrying oxygen. And, while plants consume carbon dioxide and produce oxygen during daylight hours, the plant metabolism reverses in the dark, and then converts oxygen to carbon dioxide. So, plants and trees are not a significant producer of the oxygen we breathe. And water is crucial, duh. For example, even moderate cellular dehydration is involved in tryptophan not being able to cross the blood-brain barrier, which means the brain can’t make serotonin, which further means it can’t make melatonin.
New evidence explains why you can’t take smart drugs on an ongoing basis – overexcitation. from www.cosmicuniverse.com:
New Insight into Function of Memory Enhancing Drugs
May 16, 2002 8:40 CDT
Researchers at the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD) and the Howard Hughes Medical Institute have come one step closer to understanding how experimental, memory-enhancing drugs affect the brain on a molecular level. The researchers published their results in the May 16 issue of Nature.
The finding provides an important insight into the mechanisms that regulate the sensitivity of brain cells to neurotransmitters, the chemical messengers that the cells use to communicate with one another.
“Learning how neurons respond to neurotransmitters is important not only to understanding basic brain functioning, but also may one day lead to new insight into a variety of new therapies,” said Duane Alexander, Director of the NICHD.
Like a key fits into a lock, neurotransmitters fit into specific sites, or receptors, studding the surface of brain cells. In an elaborate relay system, a cell that is excited by one neurotransmitter will, in turn, release neurotransmitters of its own. These affect still other cells, which, in turn, release more neurotransmitters, and so on.
In this way, messages are transmitted throughout the brain’s various mental circuits.
The researchers studied one of the glutamate receptors, found throughout the brain and involved in numerous learning and memory processes. Whether in the brain or in laboratory cultures, many receptors show reduced activity when exposed to higher-than-normal amounts of a neurotransmitter, a process called desensitization. Essentially, the cells become less sensitive to the effects of neurotransmitters.
According to an NICHD author of the paper, Mark Mayer, head of the Laboratory of Cellular and Molecular Neurophysiology, the researchers biochemically isolated one part of the glutamate receptor and determined its structure at the atomic level. They then designed altered, or mutant, receptors and determined their atomic structures as well. By observing how the drugs interacted with both mutant and normal receptors, the researchers could gain more insight into how the drugs interact with the receptor, and into the process of desensitization. They found that experimental drugs, known as allosteric modulators, regulate desensitization by binding to a second site on the receptor separate from the binding site for glutamate itself. Receptors that had chemically bonded with allosteric modulators were more likely to also bond with glutamate molecules. The researchers hope that future efforts to understand the molecular action of additional classes of allosteric modulators may lead to novel insights into both the receptors themselves and the design of potential new treatments for disorders such as Alzheimer’s disease.
Oxygen: A Cure for Herpes?
In a nutshell, you apply H2O2 to the mouth lesion (don’t get in the eyes, it has been suspected of causing cataracts) and the upper spine, then apply DMSO over it, which carries the H2O2 through the nerve endings and destroys the latent herpes virus. For genital herpes, apply to genital lesion area and the lower spine area. Repeat thrice daily for two days.
Don’t do this without immersing yourself in research about what you are doing, these are NOT meant to be instructions. I can only vouch for what seems to have worked very well for me. But be careful, be informed and be aware. After this treatment I never got a fever blister on my mouth again, and the frequency of my genital herpes flareups went from from 5-6 times a year to once every five years or so, probably only because I didn’t do the DMSO as much as I did my mouth.
DMSO is one of the four “Wonder Drugs” by the FDA. It has the unique ability to carry itself through the body; coffee grinds in the hand will be tasted in the mouth in minutes. Hippies would put LSD and DMSO in their water pistols in the sixties and shoot cops.
Look for the book “No More Outbreaks.” I had it, but do not need it anymore and don’t know if it’s still in print.
Frequently Asked Questions
Can I use the DMSO and H2O2 regimen more that once a month?
Yes, definitely. The more times you use the three-day regimen the more effective it will be. It was originally limited to once a month solely because of the embarrassment due to the bad breath it produced. But the DMSO liquid produces no bad breath in some and the DMSO Rose Scented Cream produces no bad breath in everyone.
During the first month or two of the procedure, it would be wise to do it bi-monthly or even weekly. People applying the simple regimen weekly found that all future outbreaks immediately stop. Some have had great success using the liquid monthly and the cream on a weekly basis.
Where can I find DMSO?
It can be purchased in some health food stores but not the major chains like GNC. If your local store doesn’t carry it ask them to order it. Most will.
Is there a difference between DMSO liquid and DMSO cream?
The Rose Scented DMSO Cream produces little or no body odor. Both are equally effective for most cases. The DMSO liquid is stronger – use for more persistent outbreaks.
Can I skip the DMSO and use hydrogen peroxide topically alone? The smell (bad breath) is embarrassing.
The DMSO is very important because it has the ability to penetrate the cell wall carrying oxygen molecules with it. The bad breath will go away once you stop the use of the liquid DMSO. Use the DMSO Rose Scented Cream when you expect to be near people.
Is there really a cure for herpes?
The word CURE may scare some people, but a cure is certainly feasible and probable. Expose the herpes virus to increased oxygenation and the virus dies. It simply becomes a question of oxygenating the body sufficiently to achieve this. There are many ways to do this – topical applications of H2O2 with DMSO (is it enough for a complete cure); oral H2O2 (and oral DMSO); intravenous H2O2, ozone and DMSO; ozone insufflation; hyperbaric oxygen (too expensive) and combinations thereof along with oxygen promoting antiviral supplements mentioned in the book. A cure for herpes (and other viral diseases) lies in oxygenation of the body.
Caveats about Nootropics
Caveat One – Avoid the Crutch
Be careful when trying nootropics – don’t use your new abilities as a crutch. Don’t just depend on your new IQ to take you away to Oz, because it ain’t gonna happen and reality will hit you like a cold fish. Intelligence doesn’t always matter in and of itself, and without the full balanced context of a healthy happy life, intelligence per se won’t give you an edge. Basically, there lies a paradox at work here – if you really need a drug to make you smarter, you are selling yourself short – and your sense of self-dignity. So keep an open mind here, and be careful.
Caveat Two – Avoid “Gurus”
As with any consciousness-related matter, you should never, ever forget Camden Benares’ two laws for choosing a guru, or a system, or whatever (from Zen Without Zen Masters):
- First, just because it works for you, doesn’t mean that it works for anybody else.
- Second, just because you think that it’s working for you, doesn’t mean that it even works for you.
Here’s a second opinion from a well experienced internet friend – Jim Lambert from the Mind-L list who died in the late 90s:
I’m happy to tell you that “depression denotes cerebral hypoxia. When I started hyperoxygenating with Homozon I discovered that happiness, confidence, drive and a lot of other things we think of as separate are all plenty of O2 in the brain.
Conversely, depression & other negatives are hypoxia. Microhydrin supposedly is better than Homozon about oxygenating the cells, because, according to the literature, while Homozon gets plenty of O2 in the bloodstream, microhydrin is supposed to get the O2 into the cells. Anyway, it doesn’t have the loose bowels associated with Homozon. I’m ordering microhydrin, but haven’t tried it yet. I still like the Homozon, because it cleans out the colon, while microhydrin doesn’t. I want to use them both.
For after effects of CES that last most of the day — or as standalone nutritional support for depression — add a handful of smart nutrients 60 minutes before using the machine, preferably in the morning, and you will have the precursors for the peptides you want to produce & release. A GOOD multi-vitamin, complete amino acids, Ginko biloba, CoQ10, phosphatidylserine, Phosphatidylcholine, DMAE(dimethylaminoethanol), DMG(dimethylglycine), NAC(n-acetyl-cysteine for glutathione), glutamine, aletyl-L-carnitine, gotu kola, siberian ginseng, panax ginseng,
These are the ones I took for a few months and the after effects of L/S & CES, what I call the brain-soup, are magnificent. At present I would add vinpocetine & piracetam or pyroglutamate. All of these are available over the counter in the US except piracetam, which can be legally imported for personal use. You can read about piracetam & how to get it at:
All information and statements regarding dietary supplements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.