Updated 1 year ago

I’m 55. I can’t see Archie as a little brother. Age-wise, he was a young buck! Meathead could be my crazy imaginary younger brother!
What is up with changing apparent age?! Was it the margarine, meat loaf-eating lifestyle, cosmetic technology, or just cultural – related somehow to the fact that kids aren’t jonesing for a drivers license these days at 16?
Coining a word here – The Frodo Effect – in JRR Tolkien’s The Hobbit, young Hobbits didn’t reach maturity until age 40.
Guys like us we had it made. Those were the days! “Goils were goils and men were men!” – I wonder how Archie would feel about Bushwick these days

Revealing: Even if she wasn’t an actress playing an “old maid” (Sam the Butcher notwithstanding) she would have been told to “dress her age… it is unseemly”
Trying telling someone that now.
Let’s take it one further – Alice and Sam represented the working class blue collars. Working class generally dress more conservatively. Mike was the white collar architect. He had the crazy ties, hip Danish Midcentury-Modern furniture. And the modern hairstyle below would not have been out of place on Carol, 20 years age difference notwithstanding.
One more step “furthur” – this hairstyle would not have been out of place on all the hippies that infested LA at the time. Here’s the connection: The hippies (like hipsters today) were mostly middle and upper class kids.
Unsurprising conclusion: The impulse in America to dress youthful-looking is driven by money and income.