Vitalik Omnitribe Interview

Updated 2 years ago


Nyanim 1 
meets Vitalik of Omnitribe

by Machinelf

I first met Vitalik at the DMT ski lodge in the Poconos back in late 2000 and since then he’s re-energized New York’s trance scene with the tasteful progression of Omnitribe, starting with outdoor events in and around New York, continuing with events including those at Fun-o-rama and the Fencing School,  and culminating in the Omnifestival at Echo Lake in upstate New York in 2003.  This year the Omnifestival is back with Wizzy Noise live, Mos Mittelstandskinder Ohne Strom live, and Phony Orphants live, plus an Emok dj set.

Vitalik will be DJing at Thiassos on Thursday night

Where are you from?
still figuring that out, but was born on the island called Sahalin, Russia.

What’s going on with you lately?
learning basics; rediscovering myself through letting go of fears; the hardest part to accept myself as shitty as I am. 

Does your name come from Vita, life?
that is where I am coming from!!! One thing that keeps me going is the believe that there is a way to continue our journey into the world beyond what we know with our selfish minds. Trip is beyond psychedelic drugs and beyond trance music. Psychedelics opened it up for me and now it’s all about life, experience and sharing knowledge.

When did you first hear trance music?
it all started with E as my girlfriend at the time brought me to the S.U.N. Project party at Mars 2112.  

Where have you played as a DJ?
DJing from the mind I’ve staryted back in 2001 at the fresh open air paties here in Brooklyn. Slowly discovering myself as a DJ and maybe only now coming to some understanding of this art. I played around, but for real when I was really playing with it, only a few times: Neva bar, Roof in Williamsburg, club Mundo, Danny’s loft and a gig in Philadelphia for Gaian Mind monthly; Oh and of course my studio where I manage to let go quite often. 

Are you doing a compilation anytime soon?
don’t know much about the future. of course it’d be pleasure to release something interesting and something I trully enjoy myself, so I’m working towards it. From the past, the compilation that I was working on for Midijum Records was put on hold. It was an experimental idea of releasing USA trance artists with some German acts, but America wasn’t ready for the quality that was demanded. Must say that PolarLight Rec., NYC picked up on that and will be releasing something fresh from the local artists quite soon.

My knowledge of Russian trance is limited to Parasense, Fungus Funk and Weird 
Walker.  Is there a characteristic in the Russian character that has influenced their flavors of trance?
It’s hard for me to talk about it ’cause I found myself in trance here in the states and yet to have  experience of the Russian trance scene. From my mind I can say that Russian wilderness and freshness of the mind was always attracting attention of the world, so it shows in the music that comes from there. Some more projects of serious interst are Fuzzion, Neoris, Overlap, Neogen, PPS Project…I find a lof of Russian character in myself and maybe the unbreakable will is the one to notice.


Who are your favorite artists/influences? [trance or not]
People around me are of great influence, I learn from each and everyone I am in contact with. It’s amazing how much we all have in common and how much we resonate. Talking about the trance scene of NYC, you Jeff is one of my heros btw :). From the trance world Pena (flow rec.), Noma (spiral trax),  opened up doors for me. X-Dream/Delta comes to mind as well. Favorite artists, oh too many to type.  Labels that released their tunes are MPDQX Label group, Spiral Trax, Spirit Zone, Plusquam, Midijum, Iboga, Nano, Save to Disk, Free Form, Z.M.A, Databass, 3D Vision ….

What turned you on to psytekk/minimal/progressive sound?  What are your thoughts on this music?
Dima turned me on ’cause he’d erase all the other stuff from his hard drive at the time I was starting up as a DJ. Then as I moved towards playing from the heart I found beauty in the progressive trance and a lot of melodies in the minimal what you call psytekk. There are so much going on in my head even if there are not that many crazy sounds flying around. 🙂 Now I’m also collecting some of the faster and fuller tracks for the open air season. Playing outside is totally different experience and the speed limit sign is far below.

What are your future plans for Omnitribe?
oh with this group of people it is impossible to make plans. More like catching moment after the moment. Still interested in promoting trance music, so working with labels to bring some fresh releases to the states. Danila @ is working with us on that idea, dedicating himself to the selfless approach to this matter. SUMMER is on the way and for sure will be bringing free parties to NYC. Just today I was exploring new places, thinking of bring sound system right to the footsteps of the bay. waves, sand, isolation, salted breeze and the sound of psychedelia.

Who would you most like to book that you haven’t?
Oh about booking it is always sweet to dream, but in reality I’m out of cash, so I’m dreaming of different things at this moment of my life 🙂

Is there anything else you’d like to tell us?
A friend of mine just came from Peru for a short stay. Very interesting and fresh things are going on with him. Imagine a healing center on the last point of civilization in the rain forest of Iquitos (north of Peru). He has devoted his life on helping people to overcome sickness. He helped this woman to get over the cancer of the “this long thing in human stomach that refines food.”
It’s amazing for me ’cause he’s just a guy like you and me with the same abilities and the same understanding of the world, maybe with the difference that he has switched the focus from himself to the other side. oh might know him, it’s Roman H.

Friday-Sunday, June 4-6 Echo Lake Afton, NY
omni dance festival 2004
confirmed acts include: wizzy noise live! mittelstandskinder ohne strom (mos) live! phony orphants live! emok dj set
+ other surprises in the works.
Same beautiful lake.
Tickets $75/85 presale / $100 at the door.
Full flyer out this week!

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