Why You Should Unfriend all the Idiots

Updated 2 years ago

If you get people in your feed posting that all the school shootings are false flag incidents by the Deep State to take away our guns, and encourage the harassment of the bereaved families, here is my suggestion.
This is one of those rare cases where intelligence and morality align. Unfriend those people. Anyone that stupid and malicious should not be in your sphere. Every moment spent explaining to someone that no, the Earth is not flat or some other idiocy is a moment not spent contemplating the more important things in life.
But this is worse. They are dangerous and no, you cannot help them. If their grasp on logic is that tenuous they are a liability to you.
Personally, if anyone said any of that to my face I would punch them, 100%. And yes I have lost a good friend over this. To hell with him. If someone in his family got murdered and then he got death threats for being a crisis actor or FBI plant, he would know the true meaning of karma.
And, if you, like DJT Jr, merely “like” this garbage, you’re just a shitty enabler.

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