Arabs for Trump: Politics and stupidity make for strange bedfellows

Updated 4 months ago

Desert 13

Hamtramck’s Arab-American Mayor Endorses Trump For President

President Trump and I may not agree on everything, but I know he is a man of principles…
The council stirred controversy last year when it passed a resolution banning the Gay Pride flag on city property.”
It’s like Queers for Palestine!
This is why Arabs haven’t won a war since the Lawrence of Arabia era. From their Bedouin roots, none of their strengths, such as a haggling shrewdness in business endemic to all Semite cultures, a very giving personal hospitality, and general face-to-face congenialness, as long as you aren’t gay or a minority in the presence of Muslims, and all of their weaknesses (distrust of social structures beyond family or clan, corruption, and many more) apply to effective nation-state building and winning modern wars.
It’s chaos turtles all the way down and is a huge albatross preventing them from entering the 21st Century Western culture.
Once the oil is gone – and it will be gone someday – they will depend on tourism like Egypt, and the massive boondoggles in the desert they have built will be Oxymandian ruins reminding everyone that simply winning the geographic resource lottery does not an enduring civilization make.

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