Elon Musk has reportedly been telling friends about benefits of shrooms and MDMA | Futurism

Updated 2 years ago

Occam’s Razor; although taking psychedelics and going to Burning Man is hardly rare in Silicon Valley, Musk overdoing psychedelic drugs, especially Ketamine, would explain everything. Tesla down 700 billion this year. The impulsivity and irrational decisions.
As often happens in the psychedelics scene, some people go weird and right-wing after losing their ego. Basically, they get freaked out by what they see, so when their consciousness re-enters the body, they decide to start building a firewall against all the loony tunes.

From trancespotting:

The Alt-Right Nutjob

Alt-Right Nutjob AKA Enlightened Fascist Stooge apparently learned nothing from being in a multicultural, multiethnic globalist psytrance movement and having their third eyes opened. After “taking a break” from parties they spent the early 2010s watching too much Sargon of Akkad, Stefan Molyneux, Lauren Southern and Dave Rubin and slid down that slippery slope into Milo Yiannopoulos and fell full white nationalist red pill. Pepe the frog became more and more prominent in their social media.
They relish in being politically incorrect, being a Proud Boy, watching Infowars, and going on and on and on manically about Hillary. The perfect storm of drunk, obnoxious, and existentially depressed – often becoming the middle-aged drug-using disaffected white male demographic that have the highest rates of suicide these days. You have to ask yourself, if they are this way as a thirtysomething, how the fuck are they going to be at the end of middle age?
They often stopped taking all psychedelics and just drink cheap beer and snort coke and K that they bought off the DarkWeb.
This is most apparent on Facebook. You have to take each on a case by case basis. Try to Heal Them? Tolerate? Avoid? Unfollow? Unfriend? Block?
That sad realization that no, psytrance wasn’t the ultimate global evolution of dance music and entheogenic culture, an elite group of intellectuals that cosmically came together to explore the physical/quantum world through hacking their neurochemistry, no, it was just a bunch of random people that listened to the same music that you did and were situated along the same drug supply lines that included a higher-than normal prevalence of superstitious and mentally deranged redpilled fucktards that you must constantly weed out of your social circles
Their left-wing counterpart is the Bitter Bernout. Probably have done too much acid, usually male, wiry, and ornery, and probably being somewhere on the autistic spectrum, these sad puppies like to self-righteously argue on Facebook and throw purity spirals at you like shurikens. Regularly get banned and sometimes permabanned on Facebook. Do things like send the same note to hundreds of people describing how they are unfriending you because you are not a serious person. Zero social skills. They talk at you, not to you. And if you disagree with them, you are fucking dead. Love is too minor a word to describe their infatuation with Bernie and Jill Stein. They despise Israel. The living embodiment of what the alt-right calls the Regressive Left.
I’m trying to make this funny, but it’s an impossible task with these people. I hate uneducated extremists. Not a shred of humor can be squeezed out of their miserable existence. So I give up. Fuckers.

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