How Russia is like Rome

Updated 2 years ago

Greek Columns Copy

-Culture copy pasted from earlier empires (Greek in both! In Rome obviously to a greater extent, but don’t forget that Cyrillic is from Greek… and… religion)
-Democracy gave way eventually to absolute dictators
-Very heterogeneous/diverse/multicultural citizenry. Geographically unwieldy and overextended.
-Rome was 10-20% slaves. Most Russians are slavs. Look at the etymology of slav, at least from a Western-centric point of view. Yeah, that’s pretty cold.
-Militaries both very land-centric, and naval warfare is an afterthought.
-Many of the problems that led to Rome’s decline were due to government and economic corruption. Rich people bought votes and gave favors to friends. Bribery and corruption were rampant and led to the commoners distrusting the Senate.
-Recruiting barbarians from the outer provinces to fill its armies.
-Roman citizens became increasingly insulated from the outside world
-And Ukraine is Germania! Cross the Rhine/Dniepro at your peril! The Battle of the Teutoburg Forest is happening every day, with ground meat constantly on the menu.
We shall see if Putin also wisely emulates the Roman emperors and leave the Germans to their own devices.

Russia Third Rome map

Even the Russians themselves consider themselves the Third Rome.

This concept has even been gamified. Seems legit.

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