Updated 2 months ago
Dear Blizzard,
Thank you for ruining the game. It gave me my life back.
And thank you for nuking Warcraft 3 which that was actually what had really gotten me addicted. I played WOW to get over my Warcraft 3 addiction.
I’m not being sarcastic. Thank you. My biggest worry now is that you’re going to somehow bring back the good old days. So please, stay on your current downward trajectory and listen to everything that Ion says.
I don’t want to hear any stories that a new renaissance is happening and you’re bringing back players, bringing back the magic, and making it a massive multiplayer RPG again. I would like to continue hearing what I hear, the same old same old BS that magically happens about a year or two after every expansion launch, that you’re finally listening to players a year after all the ignored beta testing, that you were reversing all the horrible changes that you made with systems upon systems that not even Houdini or God could manage.
And now, on with the show…
Active 2007-2011ish on the Korialstrasz PVE server, my guild <RAIDNAKED> was a bunch of noobs that regularly met and “raided” horde cities. This period was the most fun I ever had in WOW. More fun than when I was a top 1000 mythic raider by MoP, more fun than when I got Challenger in 2s as a resto druid Tree healing Shakow, a British woman didn’t use Vent and played a draenei DK in early Wrath.
This pattern of the initial rush being the most fun, when you are clueless and everything hasn’t been whittled down to raw numbers, holds true in everything, from relationships to partying.
Everything dies.
This page is a tribute to the good old days. Back when servers were communities and WOW was an MMO and not an RPG simulator. Back when one PVP equipped horde shaman destroyed our entire guild.
About Korialstrasz
Korialstrasz was a South Park server, in that it launched in November 2006, right after South Park’s “Make Love not Warcraft” episode which ran a month earlier on October 4th.
The timing was perfect.
Consequently, the server was full of nooby casuals, peppered with a few people who transferred to start over as an elite player in a sea of noobs, especially for its opening of Ahn’qiraj event.
About Me
I was Machinelf, night elf balance druid, and I was the GM of <Raid Naked>, a casual levelling guild I didn’t know what “raid” really meant at the time.
I stayed with the Korialstrasz server through MoP, then after a short period PVPing on Horse I went to Bleeding Hollow (what a colorful WPVP era the early teens were!) and then spread all my max level toons throughout all the highest pop servers. In 2019 I eventually moved my main back to Korial and am in <Epic Guardians> as a super casual.
My characters (click to enlarge):
Here are a few addons I uploaded to Curse, mostly UI tweaking, custom audio (did things like remix city sounds, etc), and music, until Ion shut that all down for players in 2019, which was pretty much my last straw. Also addons for mount farming, and pet battle addons.
-I also have a youtube channel, mostly Weakauras stuff circa 2013.
I did my ten years. I’m mostly out of WOW. Dip in every now and then. Like all the super niche, obscure scenes I get into, I stayed far too long. But if you are looking for me say hello! Send me old stories and screenshots!! Or add me in game machinelf#1505.
My most amazing story was that once when I was on my character in Stranglethorne Vale in 2007 someone whispered me and said “Nice name. I know someone IRL with that name.” And I said that WAS my IRL nickname. Turned out we knew each other, they were on my events list on Yahoo Groups. We went to the same trance parties in NYC. I also knew her boyfriend, a lecherous old poetry professor. He projected psychedelic visuals at trance parties, I set up brain machines. What are the chances?
They both ended up leaving when there was the inevitable schism in the guild when I started demanding everyone have horde alts. They quit WOW in mid-Burning Crusade, and also the trance scene.
I stuck with both.
Update: 2021:
I hate what Blizzard has become. They destroyed the game I played since 2002, Warcraft 3, taking Reign of Chaos out of the ladder. I played that almost daily since launch. Here is a way to get that old game back, by the way.
And Hong Kong.
And so much else.
I hope they Get Fucked at Blizzcon.
Sadly, I’m paid up for years. So I get on once a month to check mail, and in January I came back on to do my semi-annual alt levelling. Shadowlands isn’t terrible.
Update late 2022: Well that didn’t last. Quit last year. Shadowlands was crushed by systems.
By the way – I can’t believe it took me 2 years to notice Bliz hacks copypasted the Shadowlands zones from D&D’s alignment system. It all fits perfectly. Bastion = Lawful Good, Revendreth = Lawful Evil, Ardenweald = Chaotic Good, Maldraxxus = Chaotic Evil.
The difference is D&D has a coherent story.
And fuck Ion. Not coming back for Dragonflight – first time that has ever happened!! I will check it out when Bobby is gone and Microsoft can right the ship and I can afford to waste time.
Update Feb 2023 – Nope.
Article about Tazeria on Engadget
(note – here is the link to Taz’ fiction on Wayback Machine)
Korialstrasz Guilds and Players
NOTE: Some guilds are linked to snapshots from the Wayback Machine. You can often go through their rosters! Rabbit holes within rabbit holes!
NOTE: “Notable” simply means I remember interacting with them and is in no way indicative of player skill or any of that. Hell, they may even be asshats or ninjas. Back then, servers were communities – like a high school – and everyone had a reputation: good, bad and/or ugly.
Memory only took me so far. Finding a lot of these people was no easy task, often using guesswork and trial and error with often arbitrary Wayback Machine URLs.
Notable Alliance Guilds:
Angers Fury
Big Where It Counts
Black Flag
Blondes Incorporated
Damage Inc
Dark Crusaders
Divine Intervention
Dragons of Abyss
e pluribus unum
Epic Guardians – my current guild.. One time in Wrath someone trolled trade in at least 12 hours in an epic session
Forgotten Crusaders
Gods Have Fallen
Greatly Exaggerated
Guild of Awesomeness
Guilty Pleasures
Hardcore Pwnography – had to change that name
House of Pain
I Insomniaxe I
Late Crew
Late Insom Crew
Lich Kings Gaurds – Adf’s guild
Montrose Guards
Noble Force of Valhalla
P A R A M O U N T – the first megaguild on Korial. December 2006, everyone had this over their head.
Phase Two
Raid Naked
Six Minutes to Release
Squid Fishers
The Cartel
The Strider Group
Unyielding Valor
Notable Alliance Players:
Adf the Server Ninja. Right after an Alliance Wintergrasp win, she would run right up the steps to the Vault of Archavon raid and spam LFM VOA ! then shamelessly ninja all the loot. This may be the same person.
Anergy – badass tank, great guy, once bought up all my mistakenly underpriced items and sent them to me
Arcangela GM of Relentless
Astrophil – <The Cartel>
Baje – Quebec Paladin, liked to PVP. Nice guy.
Belkan – the infamous. Mass kicked everyone in RAID NAMED after I foolishly granted him Executioner rank.
Blondette – famous for stating in Goldshire, You can’t fireball after a frost nova because it melts the ice”
Bobba – ninja of copper ores in Deadmines
Boogered – did 3s with Mooninite and Rtardian
Boyardee – lover of WPVP
Broley – NJ guido nelf boomkin had a huge wave of popularity in 200. It was a meme – people bowed. Made fun of Raid Naked as we “40 manned Crossroads”(which sounds AMAZING now!) Then Broley Left it All Behind and went Horde as a SP named Izzle and eventually went to Hyjal.
Ceraphin = didn’t like the blacks. Spit his chew all the time in vent
Challenger Challenger
Chaosjames the Server Asshole, spoke of himself in 3rd person. Would bring in hapless Korials into ICC and ruthlessly kick them. “CALL MY NAME!”
Cherokeemage – got so mad at me when I faction changed to horde and kept ganking him in Tol Barad he got his whole guild to come out and look for me
Claire – female human lock was always about the PVP
Daddums – hapless warrior
Auntjemima – Quebec douche who scammed people
Deckette – Blondes Inc.
Deillia – got to lvl 60 hunter before she realized there were talents!
Dethbein – <The Cartel>
Deusexmac – my priest
Disturbedone – RAID NAKED’s black ops guy pronounced Disturby-done. Like the band Disturbed.
Dotshurt – RL of
<I Insomniaxe I>
Eberkenzer – solid Mormon Paladin
Everiosus – my current guildie
Fhraelaok – GM of <Dragons of Abyss> – one time assembled a huge pug for Trial of Crusader raid, and at pull one page got all the aggro, it fell apart after that.
Fierce – trolled me in a Naxx raid in BC by misdirecting mob to me.
Foster GM of <Foster is God> kind of a perv
Frozenreapor – Douchebag
Fructisfort – tank who had multiple resistance sets.
Grundlestrip – Mage. Your best friend in a BG
Iambored – Elitist prick who would pug with me a lot
Icyxrice – got the bow in Naxx and felt he became a God
Igarr – Clicker Holy Paladin. Hell we all clicked at that time. I yelled at him for screwing up a wpvp raid at Chillwind Post near Mulgore and he cried and Silentwolf was like ‘that’s not right’
Isobell – GM of Late Crew
Ito – extremely paranoid of ninjas
Latus – gnome lock
Lewstelamon – my current GM
Lilhoss – Gunslingers
Machinelf (that’s me)
Maidhion – Resto Druid, BC 2’s Glad with Roxell
Marksman – sold cigarettes IRL
Mephileslol – “the Gladiator Bros”
MacBiff – likes Dead Milkmen
Metalmaniac – gave guild 5K gold via buying Sunwell tokens on another server’s AH.
Millershaman – Great Rated BG Leader
Mooninite – Boomkin, did 3s with Rtardian and Boogered
Muffins – Priest
Myrdin – badass dwarf warrior
Navistar – little brother liked RAID NAKEd because it was “fun.” Thought I should make a guild called “Nemesis.”
Nehca – was a hunter who was a doorman in NYC IRL and played while working
Niebretto – claimed to have taught Broley everything he knew. Also stated with all the new ppl in Korial for the AQ opening, things were gonna change and elite guilds would show people what’s up
Onelegend GM of Twinks
Rebirth – Raid Naked’s healer
Remmahcm – Paladin
Roncli – GM of Six Minutes to Release
Rouen – Dwarf hunter
Roxell – BC Glad 2’s with Maidhion who played on a toaster
Rtardian – Paladin, did 3s with Boogered and Mooninite
Rubberz – Rogue
Rylanodory the Server Gladiator. Nice Mormon boy. Did 3s with a server douche, the French Canadian Aunt Jemima
Sarinde – lived in uptown Manhattan but we never met
Satkarring – my rogue and bank toon. My first character, but I couldn’t figure out how to run behind them to backstab.
Shakow – British woman, female Draenei, my 2s partner, we got Challenger at the end of BC. Always loved to play Peggle between matches. We never used vent.
Soniia – resto druid, had a son who played
Shumindalf – young California kid I took to Black Rock Spire for first time and was amazed
Silentwolf – got mad when I yelled at Igarr.
Souljaxx the Server Wheeler Dealer, lost 500k g in a loss with ICC mounts
Squidtree of Squidsfishers. Nice guy
Tazeria – combat rogue. The Server Scribe. Human rogue. Wrote fan fiction. Went to a lot of work to get her old guild, Black Flag back.
Theironhand – Canadian asian dwarf hunter – with engineering! Friends with Icyxrice
Tonys – Tiger.
Truen the Traitor – left Raid Naked
Vampkat – GM of Overraided
Victim – Probably the only one on Korial to ever have higher cheeves than me
Warfoundtaco the Server Auctioneer – Human mage – would stand hours at the auction house manually selling BOEs he got from “Romps in BT.” Rich entrepreneur IRL.
Williamwallace – GM of
Zul – GM of <The Cartel>
Notable Horde Guilds:
Acta Non Verba
Dark Omen
Hearts of Fire
No Limit – The. World PVP guild
No Spin Zone – GM BillOreilly
Sinister Urge
Wrecked – THE raiding guild. Lost ICC heroic to Koreans abusing Thanksgiving buff
Notable Horde Players:
Báne/Brute/ Hellscreàm – Arkansas Christian boy who liked Slayer
Demericus – Always sat outside Shrine in BG qeue
Juanindya – her dad is famous German schlager singer
Lit – GM of Wrecked
Proxumo – Half black half white half Chinese El Paso GM of No Limit, now on Bleeding Hollow.
Ruthers & Kidsruthers – Pet battling mom and daughter. Trade was merciless to the daughter. I felt bad and gave the mom a lot of gold.
Solve – 12 y o Houston kid who was PVP fire mage, TomtheShaman hung onto him for rating. Once took him to Stormwind to set up duels for gold.
Stereg – feral tank, solid
Wardog – Black guy with inner city accent, which we thought was the coolest thing ever. Hated bad players. Which was most of us.
Wickedclown – Florida panhandle GM of PVP. Still at it. If it works, don’t fix it.
Wrathman – DK wunderkind – young
Popular Late ’00s Memes
Alli sucks
Anal ___
Arguing on the Internet is like Special Olympics no matter who wins yer still a retard
Bacon… mmmmm
Barrens Chat
Blizz Sux
Can anybody run me threw
Can i have some gold?
Can I Haz Cheeseburger
Charley Sheen memes
ChuckNorris memes
Deez Nutz Dicks out
Dice roll casinos
Do you even lift
Even longer than your average cloak or cape
Fish Sticks
Gear Score
Git gud
Girls dont play WOW Gnome punt
Has any1 seen Defias messnger?
Hogger Raid
Hot Pockets
I like Pie
It’s a hunter wep
Keyboard turner
Leave Britney Alone
Lady Gaga is a man
Legolas-sounding name for Night Elf hunter
Like a boss
Megan Fox memes
Metroid is a girl
Mom’s basement
MoP = Kung Fu Panda
Murloc Films
My DPS > yers
My Staff is a good one
Names ending in LOL and QT. A PVP thing.
Obama is a
Muslim Terrorist
Over 9000
Press Alt Q
Rebecca Black
Reported 4reporting
ROFLcopter (See below)
STFU truck (See below)
Srs bsnss
Stay outta fire
Sulfurus, Hand of Ragnaros
Swifty sucks
Sword of 1000 Truths
The cake is lie
Twilight Sux
Type /camp
Uninstall the game
WOW= 2ez
Warriors are OP
We have tabberds
What’s a better class
Where is Manrik’s Wife
Why do we lose WG
“Why is Arthas steed named Invincible when we can see him?”
WoD Sucks
Xbox 360 sucks! You buy it and turn right around and sell it!
Yer mom
You suck
Your Mom
Your guild sux
Your momma so fat
___ in bed
___ can be solo’d
Youtube Channels
Edit: Fuck all these guys. Az from Heels vs Babyface gives me all the anti Blizz news i need.
Preach Gaming – Drama Friday, Legacies
Alexensual (for the cringe)
Random Korial Youtubes
Warcraft Videos
My Channel
Things you didn’t know about Vanilla WOW
Useful Macros
These are some really great macros that aren’t that commonly seen. Check out the Bindpad addon for virtually unlimited keybound macros.
BG Callouts
This macro will say, for example INCOMING: BLACKSMITH or GONNA LOSE: STABLES. It dynamically returns your subzone location. Separate macros have to be made for INCOMING , CLEAR, GONNA LOSE, and BUM RUSH.
/run SendChatMessage("GONNA LOSE"..strupper(GetMinimapZoneText()),"INSTANCE_CHAT")
Put this into the BindPad addon so you can have one keybind that always buffs no matter what class you are on
/cast Mark of the Wild /cast Arcane Intellect /cast Legacy of the Emperor /cast Power Word: Fortitude /cast Battle Shout /cast Lightning Shield /cast Demon Armor
Cursor Macro
#showtooltip Purifying Blast /cast [@cursor] Purifying Blast
Damage Display
/console floatingCombatTextCombatDamage 1
Druid Bear Form into Frenzied Regeneration
This macro just has to be hit twice. Excellent QoL for a balance druid especially with the Guardian talent
#showtooltip Frenzied Regeneration #show /cast [stance:0] !Bear Form(Shapeshift); [stance:1] !Frenzied Regeneration; [stance:2] !Bear Form(Shapeshift); [stance:4] !bear form; [stance:3] !Bear Form(Shapeshift); [stance:5] !bear form
Druid Travel Shadowlands Macro
This macro shifts into cat, Soulshape, or travel form where appropriate. Also blinks in soulshape.
#showtooltip /castsequence [form:7] Flicker; [form:3] [nocombat,outdoors] [nocombat,swimming] Travel Form; reset=120 Soulshape, Cat Form
Duplicate Pets
This will print out in your chat window any duplicate pets you have.
/script local a,d={},{} local _,o=C_PetJournal.GetNumPets(false)for i=1,o do local _,_,_,_,_,_,_,n=C_PetJournal.GetPetInfoByIndex(i,false)if tContains(a,n)and not tContains(d,n)then tinsert(d,n)else tinsert(a,n)end end for a,b in pairs(d)do print(b)end
Engineering: Apply Nitro Boost to Belt and Goblin Glider to Cloak
This macro may have to be hit twice if you have not opened the character screen or engineering screen in your current session
Macro 1: Nitro /cast Gnomish Engineer /cast Goblin Engineer /run C_TradeSkillUI.CraftRecipe(55016) /script ToggleCharacter("PaperDollFrame") Macro 2: Glider /cast Gnomish Engineer /cast Goblin Engineer /run C_TradeSkillUI.CraftRecipe(126392) /script ToggleCharacter("PaperDollFrame")
This is all purpose for many classes and items.
/use Seafarer's Slidewhistle /cancelaura Goblin Glider Kit /cancelaura Parachute /cancelaura Goblin Glider /cancelaura Aviana's Feather /cancelaura Whispers of Rai'Vosh /cancelaura Levitate /cancelaura Slow Fall /use 15 /use Goblin Glider Kit /use Whispers of Rai'Vosh /cast Levitate /cast Slow Fall /cast Flap
Hide Objective Frame
/run if ObjectiveTrackerFrame:IsVisible() then ObjectiveTrackerFrame:Hide(); else ObjectiveTrackerFrame:Show(); end
Loot Macro
#showtooltip Findle's Loot-A-Rang /cast [mod:shift] survey /cast Loot-A-Rang /use Gin-Ji Knife Set
Movement Speed
/script print(string.format("Current speed: %d%%", GetUnitSpeed("player") / 7 * 100))
Quest Completed
Replace # with the quest ID you are looking for
/run print(IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(7162))
Queue Battlegrounds, Dungeons, and Pet Battles
Battleground: /run TogglePVPUI() /click HonorFrameQueueButton /click StaticPopup1Button1 /run TogglePVPUI() Dungeon: /click LFDQueueFrameFindGroupButton Pet Battles: /script C_PetBattles.StartPVPMatchmaking();
Racial Abilities in One Macro
Use Super Duper Macro addon, as this macro is too large to fit into the default UI. TL;DR make the following macro in Super Duper macro and name it “Racial”
Then add this to BindPad: /click sdb_Racial
/cast Ancestral Call /cast Arcane Pulse /cast Arcane Torrent /cast Bag of tricks /cast Berserking /cast Blood Fury /cast Bull Rush /cast Darkflight /cast Escape Artist /cast Every Man for Himself /cast Fireblood /cast Gift of the Naaru /cast Haymaker /cast Light's Judgment(Racial) /cast Quaking Palm /cast Regeneratin' /cast Rocket Jump /cast Shadowmeld /cast Spatial Rift /cast Stoneform /cast War Stomp /cast Will of the Forsaken
Resource Toggle
This is the bar that shows HP/energy
/click InterfaceOptionsNamesPanelUnitNameplatesPersonalResource
Sort Bag Order
/run SetSortBagsRightToLeft(false)
Sort Bags
/click BagItemAutoSortButton /print "Bags sorted!"
Trade Chat Item Link
/run SendChatMessage("WTS "..(select(2,GetItemInfo(128319))).." contains the Bind on Account levelling trinket "..(select(2,GetItemInfo(128318))) .." 1,000g COD right now to 1st pst ","channel",nil,GetChannelName("Trade - City"))
How to Fight Bots
Written circa 2012
Let’s be honest, it’s not really PVP anymore. A new era has dawned, and a metagame has arisen.
It’s become one of those TOC or TK fights where you fight multiple packs of mobs with classes like mage or paladin. I play late night early morning a lot. There are maybe a couple real players on each side, and it’s been this way as a rule for months now, showing only signs of getting worse. I’m seeing less and less real players, the bots have won, and have driven out anyone who wants to PVP except for a few die hards.
Let is be said I hate bots and feel like they ruin the game and do not condone their use at all. I spend way too much time reporting bots and AFKs. However, I’ve invested so much time in WOW that I still through inertia maybe try to make Bgs actually fun and not a demoralizing wakeup call that WOW PVP is officially dead.
Recent brain research shows that when you fight against other real people in a video game different areas of the brain light up than the usual pattern. That’s why PVE and most Bgs now feel like a game of solo golf, and in the times you do actually fight other people you get a rush and it feels like hockey or a competitive sport.
It’s at the point that until Blizzard addresses this we need to be realistic and formulate strategies incorporating the existence of botters. Knowing the patterns they move in, and how you can react to that, will make winning easier. I’ve noticed that often who wins is who can do the actual mechanics of the BG, i.e. flags or holding Gys etc. You now have to be more just a random dude in a BG. You have to be a controller and a strategist.
At the beginning of the round, check everyone’s health. Anyone at 80k health is a bot that has cheated so many people all night their armor is all red. Identify early real players in your group, and try to get them to report AFK and bots asap. Even if a bot is in combat, they can still be booted if enough players report them. Of course, when you are mostly bots this is extremely difficult.
The average player (not all) in a BG either either doesn’t care and just wants to do something other than questing and is not interested in playing hall monitor, or they are returning to WOW and haven’t BGd so they don;t know what;s up and assume you are just being paranoid and difficult.
When you identify bots, if you have ignore space, send them a garbled message so you see their name and can right click ignore. It doesn’t always work, but often times you supposedly don’t get them in qeues as often. There is no way to test this. This also applies for general bads and AFKs. I use this when levelling.
Group Right click Report is amazing. Do that for example at the beginning of every AV 15 sec after gate opens.
Every so often, scan your map to see patterns. If a large pack is moving in a regular fashion, report that pack and call it out.
Don’t rage at players. In fact don’t rage at all. You are probably only speaking to 2-5 people. You need as many human players as you can get. Don’t make them want to AFK or stop trying. So be supportive. And don’t yell at bots. They are bad listeners.
Melee bot packs are pretty effective so avoid any large groups of mobs if you can. Youc an;t really circle strafe them or do what you normally do to noobs.
Do NOT initiate combat on any enemy unit, unless it’s obvious they are human. SO many times I’ve capped flags in the middle of a bunch of enemy bots.
Do NOT try to boost your damage. Try to WIN the BG via objectives. Bots fighting bots constantly will probably top meters.
If you can, try to “lead” the bot packs by getting them to move where they are needed.
In TP/WSG and other maps I’ve noticed bots congregate in the middle. They will patrol usually until combat is initiated. If you are with a large group and see one enemy near, deathgrip/etc them in the middle. Avoid fighting in the middle, because a large group of bots is very effective at killing pretty much anything. A sure sign of massive bots is that they stay in the base. Players are easily identifiable because usually they are the only ones around the flags.
In IOC or AV, try to lure bots into bosses. Also, if all the bots get clumped up, I’ve seen them seiged down from afar.
In SotA, drive demos AROUND packs of enemies. As always try to dissociate your habit of “if an enemy sees you from afar you need to engage them.”
In EOTS, note that generally in 2v2 bases setups bots will simply patrol back and forth between capped nodes
In AB, it’s extremely obvious the patterns the bots are moving, between captured bases.
If you can, bring along some real players to help in reporting AFKs and bots and doing the mechanics of winning the BG. I think now more than ever, there is strength in numbers of actual organic brains on your side.
Report, report report. Get used to reporting bots. Who knows, all those complaints in someone’s account will finally terminate them eventually. Understand it may take months for this to culminate, and you won’t get a nice mental reward for nuking someone’s account. But have faith, and persevere. Like drug dealing, botters almost always eventually will get caught, and all their “work” comes to nothing.
Think of this as the Matrix. WOW is the last bastion of clean bot/hack free playing. Imagine yourself as Picard fighting the Borg. The line must be drawn Heah! No farther!
Finally, try to get in premades. It’s not as commitment free as randoms, but they are solid. There are many out there, google premade WOW.
Bots along with high end arena boosting is currently doing a two prong attack on PVP in WOW. Let’s hope it gets fixed because right now the only legit area still left is low to mid rating arena and RBGS/some level 90 BGs.
The Auction House
Written circa 2011, I removed most outdated data – though most still applies
General Practices
Getting your first 10k.
The first 10k is the hardest. Probably the easiest and fastest methods are general questing, dailies (ugh) gathering/fishing and auction arbitrage. Find otu what people need to level their profs and sell them for decent prices. The most common mistake people commit while levelling is selling all your stuff for cheap – this is why auction software that enables bottom limits to how low your prices gold are crucial. I myself made my first 5k via fishing Darkclaw Lobster and also selling the recipe, it fills a certain choke point in levelling cooking. At this point you’ll want to level inscription and JC. There’s probably no way around having to gather your own herbs to start building your glyph empire, and JC can be difficult except for the fact that prospecting ores will yield you the gems you need to level.
In a perfect world it’s a great idea to roll a toon on every class and to level every prof. This gives you unsurpasses knowledge of what mats and what glyphs sell.
Satkarring is Swedish for Bitch. I’m not out to make friends on the WOW economy, Im here to make my millions. If you follow these guidelines there’s no reason you shouldnt be making at least 20,000 gold per day for 3-4 hour’s work.
My philosophy with auctioning is this. Sell where you can get a great price for something, and there are few competitors. If you find yourself in a highly competitive sector with ultracheap commodities and are making coppers per sale, time to move out. It’s just not worth your time. You want razor sharp focus and opportunities. Read the forums and patch notes and anticipate what’s going to be in demand. Great sites are MMO-Champion and Mmowned. It’s this knowledge that will set you apart from everyone else. Every once in a while there’s a wild exploit you can take advantage of, like all those maelstrom crystals that were able to be disenchanted from Alchemists’ epic stones. Sometimes class changes will drive glyph sales, as will gems. Sometimes it pays to stock up on items that will be in high demand after certain patches.
Try not to speak too much on trade unless you’re selling stuff. Sometimes you can lose sales by being a troll, although hours spent per day on the auction may scream for you to mess with people. Resist the urge and listen to a radio program or something. You’re here to make money.
Guild Banks
A multitab guild bank is very cost effective to ensure your bag space will be optimized to not including duplicate max stacks. The Bankstack mod will auto sort your GB regularly. If you’re getting close to max slots, try putting in partial stacks then sorting – Bankstack will first distribute that partial stack into the rest of the stacks.
How much time do you want to invest in this?
Ultimately, you will hit a point, a sweet spot, of a couple hours a day. Any time spent more than this will make your gold per hour hit a dimishing return. Starting out and new patches is going to require more time.
Windows Fullscreen/Windowed Macro
Macro this. One click toggle – yeah it’s awesome!
/run if (GetCVar(“gxWindow”) == “0”) then SetCVar(“gxWindow”,1); RestartGx(); else SetCVar(“gxWindow”,0); RestartGx(); end
Peak Hours
Use WOWCensus to get a feel for how many people log on on different days. Often a server location has little relation to where players physically reside IRL. I’ve found Tuesdays and WSundays to be especially busy. In terms of time slots, there’s a brief flurry of activity in early morning before school/work, then dead, then busy again when wor/school lets out. Flasks sell a lot right before raid times, enchants and gems very late after people raid.
Where to auction
I’d suggest a low population area to reduce lag. If you’re a JC, there’s no way around being in SW or Org Valley of Honor.
There are two bottlenecks with WOW auctioning. The first is mail. large bulk of your time will be spent waiting for a flood of mail. This can be mitigated by posting only 1 item rather than multiples. Like fishing, or now archaeology, doing a lot of AH can be very mind numbing. It’s highly recommended to set your display options for windowed mode and multitask on other programs if your computer allows it. Another way to mitigate the long mail wait is to find something you can do on your toon between each minute drop, like prospecting/milling/disenchanting, or even running to the auctioneer every 30 seconds and posting some auctions. Trade Skill Master will auction of your smallest stacks first, so this can be viable. You can also do prospecting/milling/disenchanting while at the AH.
The other bottleneck is bag space. Bags can only be so big. This can be mitigated by using multiple toons for different auction types, and also a bag macro that swaps your bank bags with your equipped bags with one button press. A potential bank toon setup might be:
Main faction(high pop, low prices)
All your crafters
Most popular/high end glyph seller
Less popular glyph seller for DKs, Druids, Hunters, Mages, Pallys
Less popular glyph seller for Priests, Rogues, Shamans, Warriors, Warlocks
A Trash Peddler (this alt sells a smattering of odds and ends. Adds some variety to your AH life)
Alternate faction (low pop, high prices)
JC (learns the patterns from JC dailies that main faction JC does not)to learn all of them is high and the ease of which you can move over to other faction.
Interestingly, your main faction toons probably won’t be your main money maker. They’ll simply supply the low pop toons with free stuff to sell high.
It’s not really worth it in the long run to have 2 scribes, as the cost to level is high. JC dailies however can be split up and the gems sent back and forth. JC also requires a lot of gems to be made on the spot, due to stacking differences you simply cannot hkeep a lot of cut gems in stock.
General Pricing
Bid – Buyout. As long as it’s not a rare, high ticket item, always make your buyout very low, lower than anyone, it will make your auction listed first.
As most people are penny pinching skinflints that lowball their sales as much as they can, you want to charge as much as you possibly can when you are the only seller. Don’t be shy. The complaints you receive from some will be outweighed by the sales you get. Remember, there’s a sucker born every minute, and there’s always some clown who will pay a lot to get some instant gratification. if someone wants to offer a public service by selling cheap stuff on the AH, suggest they go help noobs level in starter areas. This is Economic PVP 101.
Buy Out the Competition
Via TSM’s shopping list, scroll through every item you’re following. IF you can make it and you dont have an item there and the market price is above mat cost, make it and sell it. If you can’t make it, and the price is below mat cost, buy out everything and repost for a lot higher. In small population servers you do this mercilessly, but it’s a good idea not to be a total douche on trade if you do that. Act like a helpful player, answer people’s questions.
As a market manipulator, your worst enemy is what I call an AH douche. After being bought out at 20g and seeing youve raised prices to say 300g, they’ll repost at 25g. Then 30g. Then 35g. This snail pace of raising prices effectively puts a brake on your market maniplulation because you don’t know how much stock they have, and buying out the entire market was expensive the begin with.
The ideal time to buy out a market is right after server restart, when there are slightly lower amount of goods on the AH.
Keeping track of your competition
Add your main competitors to your friends list. If they log on, abandon your AH qeue until they log off. If you notice someone who is a smart competitor, i.e. someone who isnt a serial underbidder and market destroyer, it can often be helpful to befriend them. That way you can band up sometimes against the occasional dumbass, and help each other by keeping the market free of lowballers.
Gems have a high deposit, you generally don’t want to cancel those too much.
Trade Skill Master
A 3rd generation evolution from the acclaimed Auction Profit Master, TSM is still in beta but is evolving every day. Any mod from this generation blows all others (Auctionator, Auctionlite) away. The straight selling portion of TSM, the vital part of it that was Auction Profit Master, is the way to go. Cancelling auctions shouldnt be done a lot unless you’re on a prime time slot or day.
2019 Update: TSM4 sucks. I still use TSM3
The problem with WOW mail is you can only receive 50 items at a time, every minute. This mod allows you to automatically receive mail. Makes mail a breeze, along with Trade Skill Master’s clock. Make sure you specify Verbose mode in the mod so you see what you’re getting as it unloads, along with what sold. Also gives you a nice total amount of gold you received after all mail is received.
Broker – Cash
Out of all the addons I like the simplicity of having just one number at the top of your screen with the total amount of gold you have in your faction, and across all servers.
Using the Insert Link into Macro method
Using Strokes
Set a key that you choose to be repeated in variable second intervals for like 20 minutes. Invaluable for those times you wanna get a lot of bag space, a lot of items to be milled, prospected, or disenchanted, and set it on GO then leave your keyboard for 30 minutes and come back with a pile of finished goods. Sure this is technically against the EULA but there’s no way you can be caught, and ethically or morally I personally see nothing wrong with the practice.
Make sure you have very large buttons keybound with
Banks to bags – bankstack
Bags to bank – bankstack
Swap bank bags and bags – macro
TSM config
Reload gui
A row of buttons with stacking to and from each Guild Bank tab
For items you make often, a macro to make that item can save you time int he long run. For example, if youre an alchemist mage you can set hearth to Uldum, have that hearthstone next to a button to make Transmute Living Elements (which if done in Uldum always nets Volatile Airs) and then the 3rd button is prt back to wherever u hang out in.
- Log into toon. They should be at the mailbox.
- Check mail.
- Use AHsearch (or at the very least a category search) to look for any lowballers. Buy them out.
- Look for any good deals.
- Post Auctions
- Do daily (if applicable)
- Leave toon by the mailbox.
Most of the gold made in WOW is done in the months after an expansion starts, and after patches. You may want to adjust your time on the AH to this dictum. Remember, you dont wanna be working your ass off to make a couple copper.
It really doesn’t matter how you get the goods, whether you made them yourself or bought them cheaply. What matters is the cost you got them is low and the price you’re going to sell them is high.
High prices, low volume. Know when the epic gems are coming out in an expansion, so you aren’t caught with your pants down with a lot of rares.
Gathering profs (Mining/Herb)
At the beginning of an expansion, these profs can be extremely profitable, but in the long run these profs are offered for casual gamers to make enough gold to get their flasks and pay for repairs. The mod to get for these profs is Gatherer and Routes, which offers wonderful track routes.
Early in the expansion
As raids open up, flasks from a transmutation spec can become profitable.