IV Join Us

Updated 2 years ago

Bak Concept Illuminati Eyes Final


Previous Page: III. Support Our Causes M-Z

Snort Lines

I am currently supporting a CONUS/OCONUS HUMINT mission for an American Intelligence Agency, I also provide adhoc support to a Special Operations COCOM HQ’d in the United States.
I have ties with the Freemasons, Scotland Yard, the Mossad (they made me wear a beanie), I play World of Warcraft with the head of the Defense Intelligence Agency’s Russian division (I went to college with him – he was a frat, I was a rebel – he told me I can’t ask him about secrets anymore because he then has to file a report but we have had long discussions about Vietnam and FDR), and I also plan to have unprotected anal sex with George Soros at Bohemian Grove as the top. I’ll use lube with fetal amniotic fluid from white virgin babies.
Trump likes my website.

Poes Law

Over the course of this disclosure, if Poe’s Law really works, I will succeed beyond my wildest dreams and will have a fleet of Rolls much bigger than Rajneesh.

Contact me to send me money directly via Google Pay.
Stay tuned.

Your leader,
Agent X
Code name Slippin Jimmy/Threat Level Midnight
Signed on the Dotted Lines.



We The People Logo

Add your name to the list as a charter member by completing this form:

00 Name, 1 letter off if I like you
(to confuse The Man)
Do NOT contact our army!
PoliticsLocationFlat/Hollow EarthClimate Change Denial911 TrutherPlandemic, Vaccines and/or 5GAlex Jones/David ickeAlt Right/Q AnonRacism/Trump SupportAntisemitism/Holocaust DenialMaking, supporting, aiding, or abetting violent threats (Screenshots on file where applicable)
0 Me - Agent "X"
Hitler Kill Everyone
I'm biTXxxxxxxxxx
Adolf HitlerRightGERxxx
Akhen AtenRightx
Albert Dermott
Albert MacManes
Bartaan A Ponamus
Bob Smith
Bob Smith Edidus
Bobert Smith
Bubba Hubbadoublis
Festus D Bestus

Albert StephensonyRightx
Alex JonesRightTXxxxOFC!xxx
Amber AlchemyRightx
An-drea Roza-lia Szabo
Andrew AnglinRightNigeriaxxxx
Andrew Hammondyx
Anthony FailyaRightxx
Arian ChristopherRightx
Arifumy TomiyanayRightJPxxx
Attila HildmanRightGExxxxx
Audrey Whitlock
Reopen NC
Ben LinRightx
Ben TrouthyRightx
Boris KarpmanRightx
Brad GriffenRightxx
Brendan Owen HollemanRightx
Brian TownsshipyRightx
Brittany Pettibonex
Candace OwenRightx
Catalina GaleanoRightx
Chris Kernotley -
gets the Man back
Chris PeckyRightx
Christopher James HavardyRightx
Courtney EstherRightx
Darin Jeremy MoenRight
David Bryson Evolvefest
Puts the trannies and Jews in their places
David DukeRightLAx
David LaneRightxx
Delta JennaRightx
Destino DasRightx
Devaya Dawn MoeyRightCAxxx
Donald TrumpRightNYxxxxx
Dylann RoofRightNCxxx
Edgar Suarezyx
Eric NewlyLeftxx
Eric ReicheltyRightx
Evan Mantry - writer for MAPS,
classic liberal who culls the best from Infowars
Flick Taney
Queen of Corona Denial
Gavin McInnesRightNYxxx
Guilleaume Clavey
Not particularly worthy of any salacious details
Heather Harty LotruglioRightNYx
Jacob Sabaty
VP Form Letters
Everything is a conspiracy
Jake Pattersonyx
James ShookyRightx
Janus Civa AmbiguyRightx
Jarrod LoughnerRightAZxxx
Jason KatzRightx
Jeorgina WilliamsyRightxx
Joel W. VanhooseRightx
Josh BempechatRightx
Josh BempechatRight
Joshua A HeinerichRightx
Kalki Krishnanyx
Karsten MuelleryLeftx
Kenjy Williams
Plandemic Violinist
Kenneth JonesRight
Kilowanna RoderiguezyLeftTXx
Kimberlyn RotenRightNCx
Kurt JensenRightx
Kyle HerrenkohlRightx
Lauren SouthernAlt Lite
Liad Yaelyx
Lori Perrony - fights against the evil vaccinesLeftNYx
Lorie MillerRight
Mark SpicolliyRightNVxx
Markus P. MiltenburgRightx
Martin HigginsRightx
Matthew HeimbachRightx
Maxim GehtRightx
Michael BorrelRightx
Michael CernivichAlt Lite
Mikki WillisLeft CAx
Milo YanniopoulosRightUKxxxx
Moshe Ace (Moshe Kassirer) Psyconaut
Nicole Gansy
Vaccines in the hotsauce
Nikki YorkRightx
Noam MeshivyRightISxx
Patrick MackAndrewy -
Sandy Hook avenger
Patrick MooreRightx
Paul HughesRightx
Peter FischettiyRightx
Peter MoorleyyLeftNYx
Piotr ZajacyRight?xxxxx
Renee JeffusRightx
Richard SpencerRightxx
Rik NelyRightx
Riley KostiganyRightx
Robert Scholzy KKK Engine Tribe -
Proud warrior of the white race
Roy MooreRightGAx
Ryan GueRightx
Sartek Simoyx
Sasha LorenzyRightxx
Sean Wielandyx
Serge GeeyRightx
Shawn RebaneRight
Stefan MolyneuxRightCAxxxx
Stephanie PollardRight COxxxx
Stephen MillerRight CA/DCx
Steve BannonRightxx
Steve HeadyRightOKx
Steve SailerRightx
Steven LawrenceRightx
Tamara SytchyRightx
Timothy McVeighRightOKxx
Tomi LahrenAlt Lite
Vasillios PistolisRightxxx
Vincent FrancisRightx
Vox DayRightxx
Wayne AltmanRightx

As you can see, we are a sausage party of mostly middle aged white men! We need more bitches for lap dances! So sign up, ladies first! Please note, our army believes in diversity of opinion. You may believe that the earth is flat but like the Jews, or vice versa! Just be nice to each other, as we have major plans.

We The People Truck

As a charter member, your first exercise is to point out the fallacies in all the drivel below:

Entia non sunt multiplicanda praeter necessitatem.”

“More things should not be used than are necessary.”

Occam’s Razor: The simplest, likeliest explanation is usually the correct one.”


Conspiracy Theory Flowchart
Satire design power name

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental. In case you just don’t get it, this is Satire. Grow a brain you dumb fuck. Yeah, you.

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