Updated 2 years ago
As Aristotle‘s scalpel, aided with technology, continues to dissect the human condition into ever-smaller segments, time to throw some meat to the false equivalence people with some good old postmodernist “nothing is universally true” propaganda, via one simple diagram, which is technically correct and accurate.
You can throw anything and everything into it. It turns Aristotle’s scalpel into a Cuisinart. And before you say, but what about facts and science! Some people don’t value those in their epistemology. What is true for them is true in the heart, emotionally. And no, they aren’t technically wrong, because their yardstick is different than yours.
This is why Facebook being in charge of truth is a Sisyphean task: Longhorns vs Aggies, Episcopal vs Southern Baptist, Protestant vs Catholic, Christian vs Muslim, Church and State vs Antidisestablishmentarianists, Sunni vs Shia, Science vs Superstition, Antifascists vs Fascists, LGBTQ vs Cis, Monogamists vs Swingers, Pro-Choice vs Pro-Life, Vaxxers vs Antivaxxers, Masks vs Reopen, Atheist vs Religious, Globalists vs Isolationists, Democrat vs Republican, Round Earth vs Flat Earth (7.594 billion more)