It’s time to slay the ever-expanding “LGBTQ+” Hydra – Here’s a better acronym

Updated 4 months ago

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Old Jeff
Wizened Geezer

Shouldn’t be news to anyone reading this, but I dislike intersectionality and identity poltics. I think it’s divisive, counterproductive, and stupid. As the kiddos would say, cringe.

I also don’t personally think sexual identity should be a public matter for discussion (while our sexuality is one of if not the most unique, subjective aspect of our identities, I can name friends who, if you really really knew what they were up to (I did through piecing together several mutual friends’ recollections after they passed), you would be at a complete loss for labels to say the very least, which would flow off them like water off a duck’s back)…. can some aspects of our lives stay private FFS??, but here we go.

Stop with the gay letter crap.

It started with LGB, then LGBT, then LGBTQ, then LGBTQ+, then… more.

Now we have LGBTQQIP2SAA (look it up if you want, be warned) is actually a word, and they keep adding more on. I bet Biden did not know what the “IA” stood for when he said “LGBTQIA”

It’s ridiculous and counterproductive. Every new sexual variation (or old ones, such as swingers) that starts snowballing as a community starts to question, rightly, why they don’t get a letter. (I could add some truly vile sexual proclivities here but I’ll abstain)

And why is Lesbian the very first? Some might say that’s the origin story of feminist TERFs. See how it gets?

It plays into conservatives’ characterization of special interest snowflakes wanting a little trophy letter. And the conservatives are right. It’s time to stop using the panoply of words that accurately portray your virtue signalling at any one time or with any group of people to pander to.

I swear to God, at some point, someone’s gonna sneak a “C” for “Cis” in there and no one would notice or complain.

Asking or expecting anyone to define themselves by their sexuality is like defining someone by their birthmarks or DNA. It just diminishes. If I’m not going to hook up with someone, what does it matter how they get sexually fulfilled, or, more likely, what they fantasize about. It doesn’t.

Back in my day, things were nice and simple. It almost makes me pine for the days when people like J. Edgar Hoover would just call them “deviants.”

The new word I’m seeing around is GSD (Gender/Sexual Diversity). It encompasses everything and will never need new freaking letters. Use it before everyone gets it, you will look smart especially to academics.

On the other side of the coin, “People of color” is a flattening term that squishes individual variation. Can you imagine going up to a group of black men at a bus stop and saying something like, Hey! Are there a lot of People of Color around here? Why don’t you say non Whites? “Because we don’t want to be defined in negative terms!” some smartass will say. I say, who the hell is “we?” Most people aren’t white anymore!! This is insanity. If there gets to be more hispanics than non-hispanic whites, I’m gonna be frickin pissed if we don’t get a new term, and no, it’s not gringo.

People of mild taste buds?

So as you can see, while language itself is always a slippery slope )look at what they did to “Socialist”) this whole LGBTQQIP2SAA shenanigans are pretty much the same trap as PoC.

BLEH now get off my CIS white privileged manicured lawn.

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