‘Transvestite’ is not an offensive word

Updated 2 years ago

Old Jeff
Get off my lawn

I’m hearing from some cutting-edge Californians that “transvestite” is now an offensive word, and the more culturally sensitive and respectful term is “crossdresser.”

Since when? Who decided this? Let me guess. About 5 or 6 influencers on TUMBLR. Transvestite as a word has a long and proud history. It is freaking LATIN. Holy shit. People are constantly inventing new ways to get offended, to demand the world reshapes itself by their arbitrary whims.

Wikipedia says the term is “outdated,” which should not be conflated with “offensive” or “pejorative.” Old fashioned should never be a synonym for bad or undesirable.

You just wait – crossdresser will be replaced by crossdreamer. Keep up or your Woke friends will label you behind the times, at best, or worse, bigot.

I imagine at some point you can’t even say Black anymore. Think I’m stretching? The United Negro College Fund and the NAACP are still going strong. “BLM” will join their ranks soon.
It’s gotten to the point where we need special lists to know what words (or celebs) have gone out of fashion, and if you deviate from that list, knowingly or not, you lose brownie points, no pun intended. I see this constantly on Facebook, and it is petty and soul-crushing.

From a pure semiotic perspective, this whole dynamic of declaring words offensive activates the Streisand Effect, and only makes people on the other side (usually redpilled young male white 4 chan types) use it more.

You know what’s a better way? Reclaiming insults, such as what was done with “Queer,” the N word with a soft R, or even “Dark Brandon.” Take everything those that hate you throw at you, claim it for yourself and throw it back in their faces:

Now if you excuse me I’m gonna go put on my parachute pants like that colored feller Michael Jackson and loudly argue that socialism means the public ownership of the means of production.

Disclaimer: I live as a white minority in a racially integrated working-class neighborhood in suburban TEXAS, and I only heard racist crap a few times growing up. Yes, racism and prejudice do exist, but I speak for most of the world in saying ALMOST ALL OF THIS IS INVENTED RIDICULOUSNESS and so much of this is actual projection.

I understand a bunch of dumb Republicans are carrying on a war on LGBTQ+ right now, but please, don’t take the English language as hostage. “Transvestite” is not equal to any letters of LGBTQ+.

A strange hill to die on, to be sure.

-Written in ChatGPT 5 “Pretend you’re an irate Gen X railing against forbidding the word “transvestite” in a freewheeling manner

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