Anton “onTy” Toom

Updated 2 months ago

Beach 6

August 1, 1975 – April 10, 2019
Computer Programmer, Flushing and Brooklyn
Organizer of Art Thou artist group
Youtube Channel

From Rectified Youth Collective Facebook Group:
It has come to our understanding that our dear friend and co-founder Ontanca Onty Toom Arthou has suddenly passed away. Words are never adequate in moments like these. We will say though, that our hearts go out to you, and we will always remember the joyous memories that we are privileged to have in knowing you. We send you off with love and light on your Journey to see how long eternity really is. May God’s peace be with you as we Cherish the memories you created with us until we meet again. Luv u brother

From his friend Andre Welsh, who recently passed, and could have been describing himself:
onTy was a person who will never be replaced in our community. He was unique. He did much to help us achieve what we are. We will always miss him, as a friend, as a boss, as an organizer, as a colleague, as a psy-trancer, as a burner, as a man, as a person. I will never forget the time that I spent with him talking about life, our existence on this planet (and whatever meaning it can make!), our purpose, our role, our future. Not anyone will have a future. Future is not for anyone. We missed many, my dear friends, and now we miss onTy.
I know it’s hard to believe, but I think there’s a dark force that follows us, killing our friends in a strange and unusual way. I believe there’s a pattern behind all these deaths of our beloved people. It’s up to you to believe it or not, but I feel there’s a necessity to pronounce that.
I feel we are connected in some way, it is hard to tell to what extent we are connected, and what do we have to do in order to become better species, but future of our community depends on us.
To me, onTy was a modern icon of a computer geek (in a good way) and an advanced freak, truly belonging to our community, fitting the spot better than anyone else. It was magical to see how good he was at organizing parties, joining us together, making us happy and letting us forget about tomorrow, so that all the troubles will be left out. I believe in magic, now do you, dear beloved friends?
Everybody has bad habits. Unfortunately, this didn’t keep onTy intact. I think it would be sincere to mention it here. I know onTy as a person who loved methamphetamines over the limit. It is unknown to me what caused his death, but I believe it’s connected with drugs in a certain way that not everyone would know.
Now let us forget about tomorrow, and give praise to another lovely person that will not open his eyes today, like we do, and be able to look at the bright blue sky, be able to breathe nice air, and enjoy another day in Paradise, where we all dwell.
-Andre W.

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