Pros and Cons of Biden: Uniting America and Standing for Ukraine

Updated 2 years ago

Dark Brandon

Let’s take a brief look at how Brandon is doing right now.

Pros: Unlike the top 2 Repub contenders in 2024, no one can deny he is a uniter when we need a uniter, and he stands for Ukraine. Been so long since the US was actually doing a right and logical thing military-wise, some have forgotten the nobility of American aid and involvement in WW2 – or, worse, they willingly ignore it, and are against it just because Brandon is for it.
Also, Brandon doesn’t want to (insert crazy far right/far left wing stunts here)
Bonus: He is an inspiration for elderly everywhere. LOL
Oh, and he hasn’t done anything glaringly awful or embarrassing.

Cons: Forced thru the RAVE Act in the 2000s. Helped get Clarence Thomas nominated. Very clumsy and a little off persona. Old school touchy feely. His surviving son is an embarrassment. He didn’t change Trump’s fiasco plan for leaving Afghanistan.

Some people hate him, but only about a tenth of how much people hate Trump. And the 1st camp is far smaller than the 2nd.
Which is ultimately pretty crucial.

Dark Brandon is so Alpha Chad (or maybe just old, male, straight, and white) that his detractors can’t ever make anything against him stick, so they have to go after his screwup son. You could say as COVID doomed Trump, Ukraine saved Brandon. He was the perfect man for the job. And even if a recession hits between now and 2024, he has a complete lock.
And i got this far without mentioning his name. 

Biden Just Works 1
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