A perfect storm is developing, SA might go all Venezuela on us. You say it’ll never happen? Venezuela used to be the richest country in South America. Both have the highest oil reserves in the world – Venezuela is #1 and SA is #2. Both are authoritarian, untethered from reality, and have really screwed up mandates on its people. Alternative energy is replacing oil – the momentum flip flopped 3 years ago. They will eventually just have Meccan tourism to rely on, amidst a rusted skyline.
This isn’t good. A lot of fanatical terrorism can come from this as the West and Israel is blamed yet again for their misfortune. Let’s hope for a soft landing and no war with Iran, which appears increasingly poised to squish it like a bug. An all-out Sunni–Shia regional war would be as close to Armageddon as the region has ever come.
But they said that about Iran/Iraq.
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