Updated 2 years ago
Fall & Winter
July 2009
July 2 Thursday
As we prepare for the summer season to kick-off Psycheground is back for another night of madness at the legendary Sullivan Room. On this special evening, the Dreamcatcher crew will be hosting several of NYs finest DJs to spin some killer progressive and psychedelic trance. Please come prepared to dance! Also, our beloved KeN is going away to Japan for a while, so please come for his last extended set at Sullivan Room. Featuring DJ sets by: Mayur (Spectra / Psybotik) What more can you say his name is more than enough. Mayur has been dedicated to the NYC PSY underground for several years from Spectra to Alladin Project. May has made his mark as a future international DJ, playing with Atmos in Japan. K e N (Dreamcatcher/ Bella Gaia) K e N has been slowly gaining recognition as one of NYs finest Psychedelic Trance DJs. He currently works closely with Kenji Williams & his Bella Gaia project, and is on a mission to start his next chapter in life as he just finished school. He is headed to Japan to work on a concert with Seiji Ozawa in August for a month. Stay tuned for more info! web myspace/nyDJ4life DJ Lucina ( Dreamcatcher) Entering the West Coast psytrance scene with a Blam! in 2004 DJ Lucina (aka Gwyn) has been tearing it up with her full-on and morning sets at parties all across the western US. After spending a year in the deserts of New Mexico, DJ Lucina has reemerged on the East Coast as a full spectrum, nighttime DJ, ready to knock your socks off. Enjoy! web myspace/DJlucina Hypnotoad (light-o-matic) Light-o-matic is involved with most psytrance events in NY. Known by all as a psytrance and chill-out D J. Also will be heard playing the occasional 80’s New Wave set and mixed up 60’s and 70s music… web lightomatic/ Deco by the Dreamcatchers AND Neuronymphonic ** July 2nd, 10pm – 4am ** at Sullivan Room, New York City web sullivanroom 218 Sullivan St (between Bleecker and West 3rd St, 2 blocks east of 6th Ave) General Admission: $10.00 RSVP to psycheground at yahoo for $5.00 reduced list 21+ with ID Subway: A, B, C, D, E, F, or V trains to “W 4 St – Wash Sq” Ma p to Sullivan Room: web myspace/psycheground
Wow great party. Crazy people jumping around and shouting is a beautiful thing to see Thanks very much to Fluxor/Luis and all the Dreamcatchers for the many years of hard work. How many parties now?? It has to be in the hundreds… And thanks for the opportunity to play for you, it’s always an honor.

July 3 Friday
PEX Summer Festival
July 3 Friday
Pangea Greenville SC
Pangea welcomes you to a private weekend getaway in the foothills of the Appalachian Mountains featuring some of the best artists the southeast has to offer. The music has been carefully selected to take your mind on a journey through various sounds ranging from ambient, world beat, dubstep, techno, progressive, and psytrance. Music will be starting Friday at 9 pm and going until noon Sunday flowing through the various soundscapes of highly intelligent electronic dance music. This event will take place at the exclusive Camp Buckhorn in Paris Mountain State Park. Paris Mountain State Park features miles of lush forest, beautiful hiking & bike trails, and has two swimming lakes surrounded by trees. This is a private event with limited capacity and will sell out. Come celebrate the 4th of July for the freedom of your mind, body, and soul. MUSIC: The music has been carefully selected to take you on a journey through deep hypnotic and lush soundscapes and will feature something for everybody, building up the night and bringing in the sunrise. The main stage will be in the big lodge so no matter the weather we’ll be safe to party, and if the weather permits the music will be outdoors during the day. Lineup: Dragon – live + DJ set (psy trance) Touch Samadhi, Dharma Harmony – Pensacola FL http://www.myspace.com/glowingdragon Piltdown Sound – live (minimal) Knoxville TN http://www.myspace.com/piltdownsound Kri – (psy trance) Touch Samadhi – Asheville NC Santy Moreno – (tech house) Revolt – Atlanta GA http://www.myspace.com/DJsantymoreno Dj Nod – (dubstep) Touch Samadhi – Granite Falls NC http://www.DJnod.net Bioluminescense – live (tribal psy) Pure Perception Records – Greenville SC http://www.myspace.com/bioluminescensepangea The Malah – live (world beat) Homegrown Music Network – Greenville SC http://themalah.com Munir Amashata – (techno/tech house) Revolt – Atlanta GA http://www.myspace.com/muniramastha Total Recall – live (dubstep) – Greenville SC http://www.myspace.com/totalrecalldnb Ablist One – (drum and bass) – Greenville SC http://www.myspace.com/ablist1 Henry Wilson – Smooth Productionz – Greenville SC http://www.myspace.com/DJhenrywilson Medesin –(psy trance) Touch Samadhi – Asheville NC Armando – (progressive) Revolt – Atlanta GA Moonchine aka Chad McNeely & Sean McClellan – (progressive) Source of Gravity – Charlotte NC http://www.myspace.com/sourceofgravity Voytech –( techno ) Revolt – Atlanta GA http://www.myspace.com/DJ_voytech Naiad Daiad – live ( downbeat) Greenville SC http://www.myspace.com/naiaddaiad Bastard –(psy trance) Touch Samadhi – Knoxville TN http://www.touchsamadhi.com/ Aquarium – (ambient ) Greenville SC Alex Falk – (techno) Touch Samadhi – Knoxville TN http://www.myspace.com/piltdownsound Open Source Code – (dub / reggae) Greenville SC http://www.myspace.com/opensourcecode la familia D.Raigosa & Klaws – (minimal + techno sets) Kameleon & Labyrinth – (dubstep + progressive + psy trance sets) https://web.archive.org/web/20160224202152/http://www.pangeaProductions.org/
This was a beautiful blending of people. Psytrancers, cheese ravers, and hillbillies alike came together to get down in the woods of SC. It truly was a unique experience. Everything went very well. The guys at Pangea did a wonderful job! Major kudos for your first festival!! I think my feet will be sore for days and days I did so much dancing. I met a lot of new people and gave a lot of people rides from the camp to the stage. Who knew how many people you could fit into a honda hatchback?! I love dancing under the stars but the view from the lodge was lovely and the air conditioning was nice. Indoor toilets, magnificent. Showers, holy bejeezus. Plenty of porch activity. It was a very nice land. People had a lot of fun with the little boat. Overall a great way to spend the 4th. The music was banging. Dragon’s set was le woot. The sound was crispy like bacon. And I definitely was digging the MJ, Alex. I even grabbed my crotch and yelled HOOOOOOOOOOO and for those of you that were not around Saturday afternoon for Chad and Sean’s Moonshine set, you missed out. it was sweeeeeeeeet
Pine Barrens
featuring music by Butter and Eggs, Infinite Sun, Hypnotoad, Ctr + Alt + Del, Eg~bot & Lauryn, Karmakanik, and Psyren deco by NeuroNympho sound by Light-o-Matic
July 6 Thursday
Noam’s Secret beach Party
Free psychedelic trance beach party!
Come one come all. Join us under the stars on this beautiful full moon night! What time is it? It’s time to party and kick some dust. For location and directions call (917) 438-8804 donations welcome

July 9-12 Thursday-Sunday
Alladin Project – ORB Festival
The time has come to count down the remaining 8 days till the beats are flowing and we are all dancing under the sun at Orb Festival. All the preparations are going great and according to plan. It is going to be an amazing gathering, celebrating together with the top psytrance/ progressive/ ambient artists from around the globe. Alongside the music, we will have the best decoration artists in the scene. See you all at Orb Festival 2009! ORB LINE-UP 2009 Thursday 6pm to Friday Noon Maya stage: STEVE-O BANG LEE MESSENGER PARTICLE MAYUR KIFE NIKI BRANDON ADAMS EARWORM VS. PSYLIZA SKETI E11EVE N ELECKTRIK BABLA DAYA Friday from 2:30PM to Saturday afternoon Orb Stage: EARTH D M T SOUL SURFER ATMOS TONY ROHR MAPUSA MAPUSA RINKADINK ILLEGAL MACHINES ORBIT ROE REVOLUTION UV LOGIC BOMB TRANAN U-RECKEN DOMINO YONI H.O. F. Maya Stage: JAY MUTINY KNOWLEDGE PARADIGM OMER BARNEA TONY UNORTHODOX GAVIN AKTRIF THE HEIST PSY-FI KEN DAVE DITTMER GOATONE G O S MANNY Saturday 4PM to Sunday afternoon Orb Stage: ANDROMEDA ARTURO SHIVA CHANDRA SOLAR DELIRIA CHROMOSOME FRIA PSYKOVSKY SHANE GOBI U RECKEN HALLUCINAGEN TOTAL EC LIPS ZEN MECHANICS LIQUID SOUL ROE REVOLUTION ORBIT SHPONGLE DJ Set BETWEEN DEVICES Saturday 6pm till Sunday 7am Maya Stage: THIRD EAR SYNDROME ANYA QUIVERING VIRGIN BARAKUDA PSYOPS UNWASHED TOMATO CHRIS COX CORAL MISTER DR . ROBONIX vs. PULL DA PLUG Decoration and Installations: In addition to the amazing decoration that has been announced, we are thrilled to present Funktion Forms one of the best Installations deco groups from Sweden, they will be joining forces together with Deliria, Ocular Delight and Orb Festival deco crew. web deliria.org web myspace/funktionformsproj ect maemoadeco.online.fr web myspace/maemoa web p sygarden.be/gallery/v/Ba…Flour-Elysium/ web myspace/flourelysi um web myspace/gansedoline web oculardelight Workshops: Vinyasa Yoga Strengthen & Balance mind & body with active core strengthening salutations. All Levels. Fire Spinning, Dancing,and Safety Class Explore Experiment Exude. Experience poi, staff, and hula hoop with the PYROp horUS piXXies. Fire safety instruction All levels Tool making Workshop Le arn about materials and designs needed to make your own spinning props DANCE OF LIBERATIONAE by PARASHAKTI. Heal and free physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual blockages. Utilizing dance, contemporary shamanism, hands-on healing, live drumming, and global music, DANCE TO RETRIEVE LOST PARTS O F THE SOUL attract relations that resonate with your deeply awakened being create and connect to a clearer sense of yourself, your purpose, and your vision. Tribal Belly Dance: Goddess-in-Action. Learn to Isolate &Undulate Shimmy & Articulate in multiple levels and directions. All levels Sunset Prana-Vinyasa Yoga Explore element-inspired namaskars in mandala formations. All levels. Poetry Share accompanied by Acoustic Music Jam Bring words, sounds, art, movement, and instruments. Open Jam Session. Partner Yoga Pair ed breathing techniques and body opening postures. Come alone, or with a partner. Gong/singing bowls 10 Paiste planetary gongs, 24 Tibetan singing bowls, and a variety of other instruments including tingshas, bells, dorjes, a rain stick, and a roto sound. The gongs are placed around an individual who sits in our gravity hair with a special type of blindfold on. The instruments are played lightly and carefully for the optimal experience of the person sitting in the chakra tuning chair. The experience lasts 3-5 minutes. Reiki Gong/singing Bowls Dome workshop Solar cooking Crystal Wrapping Reiki Course For more Information visit: orbfestival/workShop. php Tickets: 3rd tier from June 8th through July 9th tickets will be $139 . At the gate they will be $150. orbfestival/tickets.php Meal plan: $73 Meal plan will include 6 Meals Friday- Breakfast /Dinner Saturday -Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner Sunday- Brunch More info: orbfestival/l ocation.php Cabins: SOLD OUT Location: The New Echo Lake Campground 18 5 Echo Lake Lane Afton, NY 13733 Gates Open: Thursday, July 9th at 12PM till Sunday, July 12 at 8PM. Echo Lake is a beautiful resort in upstate N.Y., three hours away from Manhattan. Echo Lake has hosted many music festivals over the years, including the last 2 annual Orb gatherings. A perfect setting for great music and memorable times! Shuttle bus: There is no better way to travel to Orb Festival than in the Bus, reliable, efficient and cost-effective, for that purpose Orb Festival has decided to Sponsor half of the bus fair to the Festival. The cost of the tickets will be $30 for a round trip package. Save the earth and money while you travel with festival-goers. Bus ticket sale ends on Friday, July 3rd 09. You can purchase your tickets at: web orb festival/tickets.php Bus Schedule: Departure from West 31st in between 7th and 8th ave Manhattan to Orb Festival: Thursday, July 9th: 12 Noon and 7PM Friday July 10th: 12 Noon and 7PM Saturday, July 11th: 12 Noon Departure from Orb Festival to Manhattan 7th Ave, west side, btw West 31st & West 3 0th: Sunday, July 12 at 5PM General festival info location, pics & more: orbfestival/location.php Vendors inquiry: orbfestival/v endors.php Spread the word: orbfestival/promoters-kit.php Look ing forward to see you all very soon! Orb festival crew Alladin Group / Orb Festival Phone: 1917-569-1177 1917-5546574 web OrbFestival
July 15-19
Transformus Deerfields NC
July 24 Friday
Animaltek and friends with Kazu Okura at Club 205
Record Release Party for Animaltek – “Aspiree” EP, on Berlin’s based Elektrotribe! https://web.archive.org/web/20160613041158/http://animaltek.net:80/http://www.elektrotribe.com on the decks: DJ Earthian https://web.archive.org/web/20190602220936/http://djearthian.com/ Kife
Luis Campos http://www.myspace.com/deejayluiscampos at “205 Club”
205 Chrystie st, NYC, downstairs 10pm – 4am, 21+ID say Animaltek for 5$ ticket when entering. the sound system at the space is designed by the same guy that did the sound at club Love in NYC
July 24 Friday
Animaltek and friends with Kazu Okura at Club 205
Animaltek and Friends@club 205 https://web.archive.org/web/20160613041158/http://animaltek.net:80/ on the decks: Kazu Okura ) DJ Earthian Kife ) “205 Club” 205 Chrystie st, NY 10pm-4am 21+ID, downstairs say Animaltek for 5$ reduced at the door Ladies entering without paying.
i strongly urge all lovers of quality music and vibe to come support this weekly. the sound downstairs is among the city’s best and the sonic facilitators can always be counted on to make the most of that. there ARE cheap drinks available, if that matters, and it’s not so often that our people can lock down a spot like this. help make this a long term fixture. I wouldn’t hype an event without genuine belief.
July 31 Friday
Animaltek and Friends @ club 205 https://web.archive.org/web/20160613041158/http://animaltek.net:80/ on the decks: Vadim DJ Earthian vs Slepak (tag team) Kife ) “205 Club” 205 Chrystie st, NY 10pm-4am 21+ID, downstairs say Animaltek for 5$ reduced entry Ladies Free!Animaltek and Friends @ club 205 was a great energy sound and good bunch of smiley faces!!!
we will be taking off for the month of August, and will be back in the beginning of sept, so hope will see you then!!!
August 2009
August 1 Saturday
Psybotik – DESCEND – Phoenix Circle Burning Man Village fund-raiser
Lineup by Psybotik & friends Tremendous Gloom (Miami) Gavin (Spectra, NYC) Electrik (Psybotik, NYC) web psybotik/ Anya (Sonic Beating, Boston) web sonicbeating.org/ Mayur (Psybotik/Spectra, NYC) web psybotik/ Orbit (Alladin Group, Israel/Japan) web alladinproject.net/ Third Ear Syndrome (Bacteria Records, NYC) web bacteriarecords/ Elf Communique (Glass Bead Collective, NYC) web glassbeadcollective.org/ Lara Berman (Bacteria Records, NYC) web glassbeadcollective.org/ more TBA… Futuristic Fashion by Wheylan web wheylan Fire and Dance by “Luminisis” web colorfullartist/ with a special performance by Sandhi Ferreira web sandyoga/ Live Visual Projections by VJ Plasmo nashaMasha (Psybotik, NYC) web psybotik/ VJ Alchemism Vlad T (Glassbead, NYC) web glassbeadcollective.org/ Deco and Art by Phoenix Circle Village & Psybotik. 7pm-9pm HAPPY HOUR and Free Admission $10 in advance or before midnight; $15 Reduced List; $20 Door 70 N 6th St Brooklyn, NY Join Reduced List and full flyer

August 6-9 Thursday-Sunday
Desiderata 2
Quick Updates We come bearing updates. Dear everybody, we would love to share the following updates with you, in no specific order: Peaking Goddess Collective will be joining Desiderata We are stoked to let you know that Desiderata will host a film festival within its village. Submissions are most welcome. For more information please look here.. Ticket price is to become $125 on Wednesday, July 15th. A limited number of pre-sale tickets will be available online at this point. Tickets will be available at the gate. Desiderata is proud to have had a tremendous number of arts, workshops, activities, vendors, presentations, interactive installations, and many amazingly zealous people join this endeavor. Expect a lot of these projects on our website very soon. There will be organized bus trips to Desiderata from NYC. All information will be available on the website within a few days. We are working to set up a curious, interesting, warm, and sweet area for kids. More updates will be available on our web DesiderataFestival in no time. Comprehensive lineup and scheduling information, maps, and tips will be finalized and posted next week. Don’t forget to browse your way to our website. Gosha (OmniTribe) will be joining Desiderata web DesiderataFestival Join Our Facebook Group, Invite Your Friends Contact Desiderata Full Lineup Desiderata Film Festival Again, we would love to encourage you to contribute your arts, ideas, and suggestions. If you have something on your mind – please share! Desiderata is a resource for revelers. We seek to provide a space for you to dance, discuss, share, create, listen, explore, gyrate, vibrate, and connect. A meeting of open minds, Desiderata is a grassroots venture fueled by the exuberance and a passionate, promiscuous interest in music. We believe in biodiversity. We believe the more the merrier. This is your festival. Come as you are or elaborately embellished. Excite us, inspire us, play with us, evolve with us, expand our collective universe. Use and be used by a profusion of stimuli. Enjoy four days of nonstop live psytrance, jam bands, drum and bass, techno, dub, reggae, sounds unclassifiable, and in between. Check out various global social movements, engage in workshops and lectures, and attend indie film premieres and multimedia performances. Converse with enthusiasts, artists, activists, abductees, conspiracy theorists, all manner of humans and their friends, terrestrial and otherwise. Most importantly, have a good time. With an emphasis on community, we hope to enable an elating experience. We invite you to take something personal back to your natural habitat and be a part of Desiderata’s development. INFECTED MUSHROOM (classic old-school set), THE CRYSTAL method, Space Tribe, Cosmosis, Transdriver, YAB YUM, Super Jam featuring Tommy Hamilton (Younger Brother) and Adam Deitch (BreakScience), Optical, BreakScience, U-melt, Grapes of Wrath, AJJA, Jelly Headz, Prishvin Mess, Peaking Goddess Collective, Progress, Onkle Dunkel, Solix, Mexican Trance Mafia, Melorix, Parus, Primordial Ooze, Psylab, Animaltek, MJ Project, Digital Frontier, Proper Villains, St8cyde Jump Up, Aligning Minds, Inoxia, Sw at t, The Omen, Dose the Alien, Lauryn & Egbot, Basha, MizEysis, Potent J, Jimo, Luis Campos, Conscious Pilot, The Dirty Drop, Reality Engine, Soren Larue, Karmakanic, Mikey Parkay, Rinse, Repeat, Shapes OF States, Billy Boogey, Orbicles, EarWorm, and so many more.. Resonance Project Presentation, Daniel Pinchbeck, Comprehensive Yoga Program, Shamanic Workshops, Fireside Drum Circles, Spoken Work By The Intangible Collective, Visual Arts, Tribal Dance, Guided Meditation, Massage, Hookah Spots, Electronic Music Production and Synthesis Workshops, Evolver, Independent and Indie Film Screening, Reality Sandwich, Funtown’s Interactive Art Experience and Live Painting, Rata Crafts Market, Lakeside Campfires, Boating, Amazing Interactive Decorations and Installations and so much more.. me please Elemental World: Desiderata Festival 2339 63 st Brooklyn NY 11204
the festival took place at the gelston castle estates in Mohawk, NY, basically between syracuse and albany. I thought this festival was great, I spent a large chunk of Friday night working the staff parking lot but I still heard infected mushroom play a set I actually enjoyed, because it was a “classic” DJ set instead of their live show. I am not sure what happened with crystal method, I don’t know if they played a psy set, or didn’t play or what but it was confusing. Saturday day was really nice a combination of jammy psychedelic bands/psydub/psychill acts. Saturday night was excellent, although I wasn’t a huge fan of the DnB, the psytrance was really great throughout Saturday/Sunday morning. The festival grounds themselves were expansive and beautiful, the main stage was grassy and huge. Although it was a bit disorganized what festival isn’t, it was still really well put together considering the last-minute venue change and this being their first festival. I had a really awesome time and am excited for next year! I had a wonderful time at Desiderata. Perhaps I should not make comparisons to Orb festival as the festivals are different stylistically and whatnot, but as both festivals are close in region and attract similar crowds I will make a few general comparisons. Desiderata was amazing in terms of the organization compared to Orb festival – this goes for pretty much every aspect of the festival: the parking and camping situation, the food situation, the vendors, the staging, and the music flow. I had relatively low expectations for the festival because of the late location change. Reorganizing everything so quickly must have been a huge undertaking, but the organizers not only pulled it off, but also did it beyond my expectations. The volunteers and the crew did an excellent job of keeping the grounds clean and keeping things moving and flowing. The artists were able to keep their schedule pretty much to a tee. First aid seemed to be on top of some issues that arose and security was doing their jobs as far as I could tell. The only complaints I had would be the lack of actual flushing toilets on the site, the mix of music (and the mixing of pretty dissimilar vibes such as the festi-jam kids and the psypeople), and the temperature at nighttime. The portapotties were actually emptied every day which was appreciated. If I had researched the area a bit more the temp would not have been a problem. My complaints about the dissimilar genres is not because I don’t like the music, it has more to do with the differences in the way jammy/festival kids spend their fests versus the way psy and the more low key genre people approach them. There was some fairly aggressive vibes coming from the camping areas which was unusual for a majority psy type of fest. Overall a wonderful festival and hopefully this venue can be used again in the future, with a few tweaks. Oh and also wow Moonclear, that is either an amazing fakepost or you really need to get out of the psy scene and touch base with reality. The rambling diatribe you posted straddles some pretty delusional stuff and while humorous if it is real I really think you need to seek some help. By the way I am actually a ghost who got murdered by the people in the bushes. Murder aside I had a great time.
Desiderata was so awesome! Good vibes all around. I was at Orb Festival and while the Echo Lake location was beautiful in theory, it was kind of disgusting-no places to really kick back and relax in the general areas due to mud and such everywhere and condemned lake, so I was glad the location had changed. Gelston Castle Estates was awesome-the car camping area wasn’t really my thing since everyone was on top of each other, but it worked out fine and was so much fun partying with neighbors. But seriously-beautiful location and great stages and seriously just good vibes all around and we met so many great people and had so much fun. Infected Mushroom was awesome and it was cool that everyone was just dancing and partying-we hung out front and center during their set and it was unforgettable. Saturday afternoon was great at the main stage-relaxing, ambient music perfect for hanging out. We brought a blanket out there on the field and hung out for hours. We brought a bubble machine out there and a bunch of people loved it-it was just so awesome! I would definitely go to Desiderata again, especially if it is in the same location. Beautiful views on that mountain, we could see for miles and it was just awesome. The only problems with the location are really that it gets so COLD at night-we had sweatshirts/blankets but it wasn’t enough, but if it is here again we’d definitely pack warmer clothes and blankets with that in mind. The other problem with the location is that there is a cemetery on site which means that the zoning for the land can never be changed to have real bathrooms and showers (I’m in funeral service so I kind of know some weird facts related to laws like that haha…) which is kind of a shame because there were definitely not enough porter potties for the amount of people and it would have been nice to have like even one real toilet stall to use (the shower setup was a cool idea-good improvisation on the festival’s part even though I didn’t use it!) Only “real” complaint is that door tickets were $150 instead of the $140 it said on the website.
PHEWW!!! okay this is my official post for this party. first off I can say that im still tranced out from the whole experience. came in Thurs late night, and first thing, the loc. was HUGE! the uncomfortable part was camping next to so many foul-mouthed loud raver kids cursing at us for drumming at our campsite. last time I checked, it was a MUSIC festival! its not all about the molly and lights! I noticed the lack of deco on the main dance floor, but the great line-up covered for it. anyway, came into primordial ooze’s set. already got the place jumping. followed by bodhi & PROGRESS’s great set. I was expecting earworm’s set but didn’t see him. Friday night was a crazy turnout for infected mushroom’s set, though I wasn’t into it that much. I dont know what kind of set crystal method was playing, but wow that was a turn off. I couldn’t wait for Transdriver’s set to start off and waited till 7 in the morning while he was supposed to start at 4. the wait was sweet cause his set was the best set up to date. that man has skillsss!!! its good to hear my fav. re-cracker track bouncing the packed dance floor syncing everyone to his sounds, FU*KIN WOOWWWWWWWWW !!! I also liked onkel donkel and Mexican trance mafia’s set. I regret to say I overslept to ajja’s set and cursed myself, how was he btw? since there was a few time and loc. changes in the line-up I was kind of confused on who was playing at some points. once again parus did their job rockin their set syncing with the visuals, im sure ive heard the track see u there… man, twin power! the anticipation to jellyheadz set was mind twisting! he is overwhelming! and omg melorix…playing welcome to hell in the morning, man I had to sit down I couldn’t handle the beautiful madness. I’m not much of a morning/fullon type and I think rafael played, but I gotta hand it to him, he can def. get the floor shakin. lastly compliments to Transdriver’s chill set, followed by a more uplifting ground-shaking set, it was the cherry to my banana split. all in all, I had a crzy sick time at the dance floor, the energy was sublime, and I cant wait for another reunion. thanks guys!
What a great festival! I will start by the sound. Oh! what a nice sound system! I couldn’t believe when I got there and saw this huge stage and for sure the best sound system at a festival on the east coast on both stages. I was very, very impressed! The balls that served for video screens were incredible. On Thursday Primordial Ooze and Progress played very good sets, killer music. Friday I had the most unexpected surprise. Changes on the lineup had to be made and I was placed right after Infected Mushroom. I had a very good time it was nice to see that huge crowd jumping and screaming with their hands in the air. I was very impressed with the amount of people there. I had the best time playing outdoors in NY ever. Thank you for the opportunity Desiderata crew. Transdriver was awesome. It was hard to decide what was better, his live set or the “chill” set on Sunday morning. Saturday, like billy boogie said, Ajja killed it. Omg, what a killer set. Onkel Dunkel, Cosmosis, Space Tribe and Mexican Trance Mafia rocked it. I loved Cosmosise ‘s performance. He drove the crowd crazy with his guitar even playing some commercial tracks. Animaltek simply killed it with some rocking tech house on Sunday afternoon. I like the idea of making this event an Electronic music festival rather than just a trance music festival. Multigenre may not please everyone but it will always bring new people. It is a very smart and professional way to make this event turn into one of the biggest in NY. The place had a spectacular view. It is a big and very well taken care of the property. Perfect layout for the stages. For the next one, I would like to suggest more bathrooms for two reasons: They were not enough even with the service truck coming and next time there will be a lot more people. Big thanks to Eli, Sergey, Micha, Mukti, and everyone who made this happen, cant wait to see what you guys are doing for the next
Wow! Awesome. This festival was perfect. Amazing location, smooth and clean campground. Unbelievable sound system. That was a real surprise for me. I was very happy when I arrived. The first thing I saw was this beautiful stage loaded with visuals and sound. Really professional. That is what a real festival is like. I had a great time and enjoyed my stay. I camped at the very end past the vendors and it was very nice chill spot. I agree the portapotties were insufficient but I have seen much worse than that. I am sure improvements will be made next time. Changes in the lineup usually happens and that is understandable. It gets confusing and that is a little upsetting for some people. It would be nice to be able to see the name or logo of each act on the screen during their performance so that people don’t lose track of what they are listening to. That is really common in big events. Way to go Desiderata crew. I will def be there next time.
This was not a psychedelic trance party. IT WAS A RAVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have never been hassled by so many piece of shit ravers trying to force their shitty drugs on me!!! The majority of the people at this party had no respect for the land, themselves, or the people around them!!! They trashed the land and harshed the vibe; to the point where I wanted to pack up and leave early. The organization of this festival SUCKED. This RAVE was way worse than Orb has ever been! I will never go to a party thrown by these orgs again. Okay, had to get that out there before people start thinking that this was an awesome festival from these good reviews. Full review coming soon. Need to de-stress and reflect…
Orgz: thank you X 100 for making this an amazing festival. it was very memorable for me!! the hard work and love you guys put into this totally showed! the location was stunning to say the least, the deco was beautiful, the sound crisp and the vibe was awesome I can’t forget the stunning sunset and the moon that I saw at this fest! came in Friday at around 3am just in time for primordial ooze ..what a great start to a banging good time!! you guys rock!! fav sets were everyone Saturday starting from ajja onwards. and also primordial ooze,luis , progress, psy labs and some other DJ’s on the 2nd stage…rocked it!! big big shout out to Onkel dunkel, ajja/yab yum and Mexican trance mafia who were off the hook! Saturday night to Sunday morning was epic for me with a continuous flow of excellent sets and great energy on the floor to match. even the rain couldn’t stop the energy! 13 hrs of nonstop stomping and I could have gone on….. I can’t even begin to thank all my friends who were there who made everything triple special.. THANK YOU THANK YOU!! I was able to check out some interesting workshops and also relax with friends which were a nice change! yes, there were issues esp with the toilets in the main camping lot, the vending of drugs openly like it was a flea market and also some lineup confusion. But on the whole, it was beautifully done thank you to everyone involved once again… to all my friends and the amazing family I have made here! Much Much Much love
It seems many people who weren’t camped in the sketchy field had a better time. The place to be was near or behind the giant pile of rubble, ahem, I mean the castle to take in that amazing view and frolic in the field of wildflowers. Also, most of my friends camped up there. I have to say, amongst all the problems with this festival, I had SO much fun and I think it has the potential to be an awesome annual event. I was expecting the concert stage set-up at the 1st and 2nd stage and the renegade stage looked really nice covered in fractal tribe deco. I think having different people from different scenes sort of worked out even though the division between everyone was very clear. I meet some kewl people and got to reconnect with some old raver friends. I personally like the bands and eclectic music during the day, actually enjoyed the drum n bass without the shouting/MCing at night and trance to finish off the night and bring us into the morning. I especially LOVED the collaborative effort by many people to make this festival special-the magic hooka lounge and copy cat collective, various little camps and vendors with interactive things going on inside, many food kitchens, many people pitching in to walk around and pick-up trash, the cinema area, etc. On that note, I feel the concept of the festival was represented very well. Musical highlights: Dan Covan, Ajja, Parus, space tribe, Arron, Cosmosis, Rafael, Onkel Donkel, Luis and some band that played at sunset Saturday-they sounded great from my bed, was just too tired to get out of it. On that note, serious changes need to be made. The potties were scarce. There were none, nowhere else! I appreciate the fact that they were cleaned and a washing station was installed but it wasn’t enough. One more row of toilets would’ve been sufficient. What was with no shuttle buses as advertised?! Two of my friends got stuck, one at the station, one at the festival because of the lack of the buses (thanks to Mike for picking him up). The only people I saw cleaning trash were the patrons, no clean-up crew? The price was misleading on the website, there was no swimming as advertised, the sound problems (power cutting out constantly) should NOT happen at a large scale festival, performers were misled and unable to perform due to scheduling problems, insufficient equipment, or ground regulations. I cringed every time I saw a golf cart speeding around in the dark with no headlights and I had to question the sobriety of those behind the wheel and whether someone would be run over. Also, people should have a sound limit to how loud they blast their personal music because it’s disrespectful to the set stages and neighbors who are trying to chill/sleep. This event was VERY disorganized which some of it is forgivable due to the fact that it’s a virgin festival but orgz , please be open to taking suggestions and criticism to make this a smoother running festival. With that said, thanks for the good times! I’d like to come back next year if improvements are made.
I think one issue is that they didn’t state that if you volunteer you get a free ticket for entry and subsequently didn’t have a big volunteer turnout. I volunteered and it seemed like there was a shortage the whole time. As to the cleanup crews, some of the people you say may have been volunteers and you may just have not realized. Besides that, it really is up to everyone to make sure the venue is clean, not only be picking up after yourself but by picking up after other people too. In the future, they should advertise that volunteering gets you free entrance, but you have to write them a check for the cost of the gate ticket and once you’ve done your assigned shift(s) they tear up the check. This is done for lots of festivals and is the best way to get volunteers and ensure they don’t flake out! well the festival did have a lot of different people and maybe they weren’t in their best behavior but it is really selfish of those who think the festival should be dedicated only for the psytrance crowd there were complaints about different music going on but most of the acts were psytrance acts. I knew the festival would have other music styles too and that is totally fine. The lineup was posted ahead of time and it was clear this was gonna be a music festival and not a psytrance music festival. For those who didn’t notice, the investment made was very big and the psytrance crowd alone would never pay back the money spent. I don’t think there is one single festival in the world where you are gonna get along with everyone and be pleased with every single thing about it. compared to other big festivals I have been, this was actually a very good one. Everyone had a good time at some point. Psytrancers were all dancing and having a good time without the interference of nonpsytrancers. everyone survived! sorry for those who had a hard time camping near young misbehaved people. The other side of the campground was absolutely fantastic. and there was a lot of room left for more campers to stay. As for the rave/not trance stuff – everyone should have known what to expect to some extent. The jam band/festi-kids are assholes, it’s nothing new. Anyone you saw with a pitbull was probably a “festi-person”, which means they attend festivals for the parking lot scene, not the music. I agree that things were a bit aggressive and whatnot in the lot but I did not let them ruin my vibe. I knew how to handle them though from past experience, and I chose to spend most of my time down in the actual festival area, just came up to tents to lay around and eat. I don’t think that organizationally you can ever say that Orb was more organized – by definition, this festival was WAY more organized. (It had permits and therefore insurance, it had food, it had people cleaning toilets, it had a better location, it had more receptive organizers. Like I said before – get rid of the few more “aggressive” genres and this could be a pretty amazing fest. “jumpside crew brought out some bitches on stage always a plus. are they the ones I heard were obnoxious?. gotta show love to the ladies though” yeah a great way to show them love is to call them “bitches”. speaking of which one of the people in that group calls himself HoKilla….classy. They brought them on stage even though it was prohibited in the artist’s rules. and half of them were nasty and fat and wearing sideways hats…but hey fat chicks need love to right? But in all seriousness, those clowns are the scum of the earth. They showed up Sat morning and drove directly onto the main dance floor…parked next to the stage and proceeded to blast awful drum and bass (nothing against DnB but their music sucked) in the middle of other performers sets. They also had a hand-pump air horn that they continually shot off throughout the day and night. I believe I heard one of them shout “this is our culture” during their “set” which was essentially incomprehensible gibberish over generic DnB tracks. If being ignorant and disrespectful to oneself, fellow performers (with actual talent) and people who paid money to attend the festival is your culture then god help you. What is most ironic is how in the world these people got on the bill in the first place…let alone prime-time main stage slot between a great band PsyLab and one of the sickest artists of the show Ajja. They seem to me to be the antithesis of what Desiderata was supposed to be all about. From the poem Desiderata: “Avoid loud and aggressive persons; they are vexatious to the spirit.” I’m all for variety and multigenre festivals but it’s important that there always be an alternative. During St8cyde Jump up we went to the other stage to find another DnB DJ (albeit far superior in quality to St8cyde w/out the horrid MCing) so we resorted to our car to escape the madness. All that said I still had a great time and I felt the organizers did a decent job given the time frame they had to prep the venue. I saw them addressing issues as they arose throughout the weekend. What disheartened me the most was a lack of organization and support for the artists..many of whom played for nothing and in some instances were physically assaulted MID SET! Which is something I think we need to address as a community and perhaps outside of this thread. While we may not need shakedown, meathead bouncers, there should at least be someone in front of the stage to give people a reality check when they reach a point where they feel it’s acceptable to encroach upon an artist in the middle of his or her performance. Quote: On 2009-08-11 22:22, Random wrote: I admire the will to make something bigger happen in the US, but having such a mix up of music on all over the different stages just seems like overstretching some peoples limits in taste and respect for true art. I’ve read from the raver forum sites and most of the ravers hate all the psy that was played. so why even invite that side of the community, if they have their own idea in what music should be played at festivals let them stay going to their own festivals. keep underground psy underground!! maybe there was over 1000 people there and that’s great for a US party, but most of them were there for the Hype artist and not the Underground and that is sad that there was so little respect shown. onward to the future! kick up some dust! +1000!!!!!! When I first saw the posting for this festival I was intrigued by the idea of branching out to partiers from different groups and exposing them to psy. Now I see that this idea will not work in the US. I was so disgusted by the attitudes and actions of some of these ravers, that I almost had to resort to violence; just out of the rage that was built up inside of me from continuously watching the blatant disrespect for the land. But, I will have to admit, that the vibe at the party changed at around 2:00pm on Sunday. A lot of the bisco kids/ravers were scared away by the threat of rain. And from the group that remained, I recognized or identified with at least 75% of those near the main stage as enlightened, open-minded, respectful individuals. But even after enjoying Sunday afternoon and evening; and having a good time making and sitting around the fire in the Magik Hookah Lounge, one incident around sunrise Monday, really solidified this party in my mind as a major sadness and disappointment… A group of about 10-15 idiots were walking around screaming obscenities at the top of their lungs. Being very vulgar and offensive and immature. These fools were disturbing the peaceful and restful vibe that was around; as many trancers were trying to rest and prepare for long journeys home. This tweaker guy was walking around screaming: “THIS IS A MUSIC FESTIVAL!!! THERE’S NO SLEEPING ALLOWED AROUND HERE!!! EVERYBODY WAKE THE FUCK UP AND SMOKE SOME DMT!!!”
There were a few other phrases that he kept screaming that are so vulgar that I don’t even feel comfortable repeating them. Then they wandered into the Hookah Lounge area where we had a chill fire going and a lot of friends were laying nearby trying to rest. The group proceeded to yell obscenities and act like total douche-bags. One of them even tried to put all of the wood on the fire and rearrange it to make it a huge blaze. I had to forcefully ask them to leave. When they didn’t get the hint, I had to stand up and put them in their place, and send them on their way. This was very upsetting to me. I don’t want to ever have to forcefully remove someone from a communal campfire. I don’t want an adrenalin rush from coming close to violence to protect the sanctity of my friends’ area while they try to rest. If I wanted to deal with shit like that, I would make a party in North Philly or something. Okay. My first rant is over. I still have a review to come… lol at some point I heard someone scream at the main stage, “Your cd is skipping!!!” had a wonderful time, and I made sure not to let the festi-jam kids ruin my party. I was threatened once by the “GDF” though. But it’s okay because they didn’t know that my friends and I were part of the DPTF/FOPTF (Dark Psytrance Family/Full-on Psytrance Family). I wish I knew that I could’ve camped near the main stage, because that sketchy field really sucked. That’s where it was a drug festival and a screaming festival. In the end, when people were leaving I heard people fighting and leaving other people there cuz they didn’t wanna look for them and threw their shit on the ground and left (2 different groups of ppl). — But I didn’t let it ruin my time. Near the main stage, good vibes were always present from midnight to the afternoon. Primordial Ooze and Bodhi were great, though I was expecting Bodhi to get a little bit harder. IM wasn’t bad, and so did Crystal Method not play afterward? But I took a nap after that and woke up for Transdriver. One of my favorite sets of the weekend, his bass was crystal clear, smiles across the dancefloor! It was a beautiful morning. His stage presence was spectacular and just made his set that much better, plus his smirk was adorable. Onkel Donkel was good after that, and so was GOW the next night, but similar-sounding. Ajja was spectacular as everyone had stated. Jellyheadz and Parus killed it though!!!! Their sets we great in the deep dark night. It was cold though for most of the nights esp. Friday night. But getting down on the dancefloor really warmed things up. The dancefloor had a great vibe, really fun a lot of things going on, a billion lights to look at, though I missed the traditional blacklights and deco. It was a nice escape from the sketchy field. Lauryn and Eg-bots set was cool, but the field was kinda hard to dance in. Melorix was great too! Welcome to hell in the morning like someone’s set was definitely a highlight. I heard a few mins of Space Tribe but I was completely exhausted at that point. So, all in all the sketchy field sucked, and the portapotties did too, but really everything else was good for me. I had a spectacular time, and the people that I met were awesome! Had no problems with the orgz or anything! I would go back again, hopefully, it won’t be on the same weekend as World Bridge V! Good things: I made a few new connections and solidified some old ones. Music: Ajja was awesome!!!! And I am glad that he played for so long!!! Jellyheadz killed it for me!!!! My favorite set of the whole festy!!! Stomped a few holes in the ground and also in my feet! He was not as minimal dark as I expected. Just driving psychedelic music!!!! Melorix sounded like machine gun music. Every once in awhile, he would have a stomping part; but it was few and far between. Dave and Lauryn totally killed it at the secondary stage! What a great set from the Philly folks!!!! Also: other highlights for me: Onkle Dunkle put down a very groovy set. I danced my ass off to his music!!! And I have to mention Pat-Karmakanik who delivered the booty-shaking tracks that he has been known for. Philly represented well: for sure!!! Oh, and I can’t forget the OOze guys!!!! WAY COOL stuff from them!!! That was one of the first sets I heard, and one of the Best! Overall; there was some great music! Maybe if I was camped in a different area I wouldn’t have such a bad taste in my mouth… weather: pretty chilly on Friday nite, but the rest of the days the weather was just perfect. The light drizzle on Sunday afternoon couldn’t stop the stompers form going all crazy on the dance floor. Music: I got there for the last 20 min of primordial’s set, now these guys have never failed to deliver a crazy-ass set. I heard them @ OHIO, now in NY & I will be ending the festival season by hearing them again @ Deerfields can’t get enough of these guys. Bodhi – again hardcore set, nice bass line, kept it very clean and psychedelic. Progress & Luis played a good morning set. Next day: IM & Crystal not much into it, so I missed their set. Ahh then the long wait from 4-7 for Transdriver. Now that crazy Russian dude tranced drove me into one hell of a magical musical journey. His music was so clear cut. There were tracks with certain layers that twisted my mind, WHAT A FUCKING JOURNEY THAT GUY TOOK ME ON. Onkel Donkel played a very good set as usual. MTM played a good bouncy morning set. Transdriver-onkel-MTM around 4 hours of total madness. I overslept and sadly missed the set of Lauryn & Eg-bot, YAB-YUM, Ajja, Gow. Shit that’s 3 awesome acts that I missed. Newayz got to the main stage in time for parus (thank you orgz for having parus play on the main stage). Parus kicked started the nite for me with some good nite time track selections; they prepared us for jelly-baba. Jellyheads played a very intense nite time set that splattered your brains all over the place. Their music was taking me and pounding me so hard that every time I tried to leave the dance floor to use the restroom, I just couldn’t get myself to leave the dance floor. Melorix- again a very intense musical experience. Space Tribe& Cosmosis not exactly my type of music, but I enjoyed listening & watch cosmosis perform. Transdriver Chill set- was it chill? All I got to say is: that dude is crazy. It was good to reconnect with old friends. Had a good old time of cracking jokes, laughing till ur eyes start watering. There was some strong positive energy on the dance floor at certain time( mostly in the early morning hours when the floor was occupied by mainly trancers) @ Orgz- I must say a BIG THANK YOU. You guys def did a grt job. Seriously guys how often do you come across orgz who actually care about what you have to say. Some points. The orgz got bodhi to play. Got parus to play on the Rata stage. A first-aid tent. Having the original venue canceled a week before and still giving us a great time. Gave me some discount, cauz I was flat broke. the bad review: My bike got STOLEN. Well, the cost of the bike doesn’t matter, but the reason I am fuckin upset is cauz I purchased that bike on Friday and it was a gift for my sister. I know is my fault that I should have been more careful but again 6-7 yrs of psytrance festival and not one dime has been stolen from me. Now the fuckers trying to sell K, MOLLY, and loads of shitty drugs got us all pissed off, we arrive and while we are setting up our tent till we packed up and left, there were assholes that were constantly bothering us. It’s actually the way they were selling it that bothered me, walking straight up into our tent, trying to start a conversation only with the intention of selling us drugs. It’s funny how they were selling 1 pill for 20 on Friday morning and by Sunday evening 2 for 25. Our neighbors were a bunch of douche bags. One guy started cursing at us for playing the DJembe and we were not loud at all. Those ravers kids were high on K all day & nite not once did I see them on the dance floor. I feel the only reason they came there was for the drugs. Often they used to fight among themselves. Now imagine you having a beautiful experience on Transdrivers set and then you return to ur camp for a sandwich and all you hear around you is your neighbors fighting and cursing This was my first mixed-genre party. I had never been to a rave before so I really dint know what kind of people they are. Loud, foul-mouthed, fucked up with drugs. Now maybe there are some clean ravers who r there for the music only but I dint c any of them. I had a friend who came to a psy-event for the first time; it took me a while to convince him that this is not how psy festivals are. Some of the most beautiful people I know are found stomping on the dance floor in a real psy-fest. I have promised to take him to touch Samadhi where he can get to know some really amazing people and feel the awesome vibe. The vibe was really awful. Some kids were so aggressive that often I thought that a fight would break out. I have decided that no more mixed-genre parties for me. And those kids are not the kids that were bothering you in the parking lots – the parking lot kids are “Grateful Dead Family” – GDF, Family, etc. Who look like dirty homeless kids and some who just look kind of thugged out and they listen to jam bands and grateful dead all the time. They all went to see UMelt, so really it was a clash of three communities – jam-band/bisco kids, rave/dnb kids, and psy-adults. I was camped between 2 nitrous tanks, of which balloons popped 1 out of every 5, fireworks 5 feet from my tent, a bunch of trash, a person that fell into my tent and broke the pole, and someone that almost drove into our tent while we were in there, luckily our friend was out there and directed them away from our tent. I felt scared for my life while I was just trying to get some sleep. Oh and Rolls, anyone? People just about coming into my tent to try and push their drugs on me. Usually, at festivals, I meet some new people, many that become friends for life, this is the first one I didn’t. I started to ignore every person that came near me, just waiting for them to try and push something on me because if I waited a minute that was what happened. If only I had camped near those porta-potties on the hill with the gorgeous view, next to my friends… I think I would have had a much better experience, but my camp was already setup by the time I was able to get there. Why was there a renegade stage? I don’t think the music ever stopped there, but it was stopped at the desi stage which was originally part of the festival? The artists, including myself that didn’t get to play at the desi stage should have at least played at the renegade stage… workshops anyone? The music was the best part for me. I didn’t get to check out as much as I would have liked, but I really enjoyed Ajja, caught the end of Cosmosis, and wish I saw more because he was putting on quite the show! I like Infected Mushroom’s set because I like their old stuff and I thought they mixed it well with some of their newer stuff, it wasn’t overly cheesy. I liked Onkel Dunkel, and was happy to catch him since the schedule was running late, because otherwise, I would have still been asleep. Luis was great, was happy to catch him instead of Crystal Method before going off to bed. PsyLab were really good, Dave & Lauryn were good, but yeah the desi stage had thorns all over it, so if you didn’t have sneakers on it really hurt to dance there. I couldn’t leave until Fri afternoon and missed everything before Fri night, a lot of which I would have liked to have seen, including my husband, but hey so is life.. Cliff’s practically nonstop 3 day visuals were SICK! The super large hula hoop was tons of FUN! Getting to see my psy friends and spending time dancing with them was also a highlight. The First Aid folks were awesome, very knowledgeable, and prepared! Thank you Nurse Bob:) I appreciate the hard work of the promoters (they meant well with their intentions for the festival I am sure, and it could work with some very minor and major changes.) Thank you to all the volunteers and to the people that helped pick up trash. This festival was a learning experience for all of us. For the ravers, trancers, Junior rainbow mafia, Grateful dead Fam, filmmakers, Organizers, new agers, burners, artists, capitalists, Bonethugs in harmony, anarchists, and European mass murder cultists. It’s actually quite remarkable that we (meaning all of us) pulled this off, between last-minute location changes, extreme temperatures, uneasy neighbors, general confusion, and disorder. Its a testament to our commitment to this thing that we still stuck with it, believing in it. This truly was an experiment, How do we unify all of these groups of people? What elements were successful? I poured a lot of love and work into the little art installation next to the hookah lounge. I have mixed feelings about what kind of environment I helped shape. On one hand, I felt like I was contributing the craft and skills I have to expand the context of the festival. On the other hand, I felt that the high ticket prices excluded many. The specificity of the genres and music represented left something to be desired. I brought a bunch of kids that had never been to a festival or even heard trance, and needless to say they were shocked, frightened, amused, and exhausted. Infected mushroom’s set I think really unified the party, for a minute there it really clicked, it felt like all the tribes were letting loose and dancing together. unfortunately, simultaneously I witnessed a lot of suffering, due to drugs and the intense climate.
Hearing the scream of a woman terrified through the woods is deeply unsettling. Knowing that people around you are having difficult psychedelic experiences and there was not adequate respect or care taken in dealing with these situations is embarrassing and disgusting. Ultimately certain irreconcilable differences eventually split my camp, as people had seen enough and decided to head home early. Things really got good on Saturday night and Sunday, It felt like the staff got the hang of it and the vibes really picked up, lots of positivity was present. I loved the strange ice cream truck and the Klezmer music. I walk away from this experience changed. My biggest recommendation is that there is a way bigger psychedelic world outside of the jam band/rave/trance scenes, and if you want to be diverse we should explore that. Afro-beat music, real reggae, real hip hop, real psychedelic rock and pop bands, look at Glastonbury. I think the concept of a music festival is kinda weak. Its gotta more, 24-hour music for four days just doesn’t do it for me, maybe I’m old, I’m only 22 but still, I would rather have 8 solid hours of incredible music than 24 mediocre ones. I mean, don’t get me wrong there were exceptional musicians @ this, Transdriver is a favorite or mine and Yab Yum is excellent. Gaian Mind was for me the best festival I’ve ever been to and that’s why I stuck around I guess, but you know what made that great. It’s always been more than music, actual workshops, actual activities like sweat lodges, healing areas that feel real, and well-intentioned. Successful lecture series, meaningful discussion groups on the environment, and consciousness. I didn’t go this year and I don’t know if it holds up without the wonderful 4Q space. I long for that relatively low volume and well-tuned sound system, that incredible first night without amplified music the never-ending drum circle. There’s a lot more to this story but it takes time to process. I am really glad to have a voice and ears, and more glad that the desiderata people respect that. This festival was full of hopes and promises, but nothing good really happened. Charging $5 Milwaukee beer? It’s disrespectful What happened to the sound? The big system was off most of the festival and only the monitors were playing. In the original announcement, they said that the door price will be $120, then on the website, they said 140, and when I got there after driving 8 hours I paid $150. No shuttle bus not that I care, I have a car but no swimming? Decoration? Where was the deco? What about the other bluff “focusing on the workshops and taking it very seriously”? For some reason, I couldn’t find any workshops except for Pinchbeck. They had a smooth advertisement but nothing was delivered as promised. These organizers proving to be a false advertiser!!! The flow of the music was a disaster especially for psy experience, psytrance is about respect, love, and unity and it was far from being the case in this festival. They should have made a trance stage and “everything else stage”. Even for multi-genre fest, the selection of the bands and the order was distasteful, hip hop on the main stage? The psytrance crowd was a minority at Desiderata and I feel bad for us that we had to suffer such an experience. This organization should go do their homework and not just think about making money. I don’t know if they made any or not, but it’s clear that this was the intention, otherwise why they try to mix all these crowds together? YBB&TDC you refer you selves as psytrance lovers but it’s a shame to experience this outdoors event that you put together. it’s clear what your intentions were, you guys shouldn’t have promoted this festival on the trance forums and not to the trance community, some people I know had a VERY BAD TRIPS. If I wanted to go to a multi-genre festival then Camp Bisco is the one with real talented diversity, good production, and on top of that some of the most amazing psychedelic acts and chill acts on the scene. Not like that low-grade music that attracted some of the most disrespectful immature unpleasant KIDS I’ve seen in a long time. alkazam is right in every word he says. This is definitely not developing the trance community in the USA, it’s destroying it. You fooled us once but you won’t fool us again, there will not be a second time Its looks like this thread has been hijacked by a Desiderata crew that posts only positive comments about they own production, I know many from our community that have a mouthful of complaints but every time that some user complaining, some of the fake users or they crew pointing Orb fest, like its got to do with each other. Stop comparing Orb Festival to Desirata Festival. I attended both festivals, this festival was a multi-genre amateurs festival and Orb was a psytrance festival with deco and people that came to share and to love, not to trash and to hate. Not everything was perfect in orb but your festival is to far compare. The bottom line is being truthful and honest with yourselves and with the community that we all love. Stop using the trance community, stop to manipulate and destroy. If you guys (YBB&TDC) are not in it for the love of psytrance then do us and yourselves a favor and quit or don’t promote you multi revers events to our community. IN TRANCE WE TRUST Constructive, Music related Criticism Alert: I LOVE when a party is set up so that it starts out slow and prog, ramps up to full-on, then gets upwards of 150 bpm with driving, dark (without the screaming/crying samples they’re really not necessary) for 1 or 2 DJs then when the sun rises it eases back into full-on and prog. By the end of the night, you have a nice even balance and no one is left unhappy. To me, this festival had such an overwhelming dark psy feel. I know this forum has a lot of people who like dark, driving psy so they’re probably going to tell me to shut it but this is just my humble opinion. I am basing this on a lot of the complaints I read about GMSF with there being too much full on this year but in the end, I thought there was a fantastic balance. By my count (and this could be because I only camped next to the main stage and missed most of the second stage artists besides EgBot & Lauryn.) there were only two full-on DJs (Billy Boogie and Rafael who I missed, though I could be wrong please correct me) Billy spun on Thurs and Rafael on Sunday so in between all I heard was endless 150+ bpm. I camped next to the main stage but in such a way that I could really only hear the Basslines so by Sunday It drove me near insane to hear nonstop pounding (Also, IMHO the main stage was flat out too loud and painful for me) so in that sense, I feel for the neighbors. All that said, the dark artists I saw were awesome and world-class talent but in the future, a little more balance would be fantastic. It may have appealed more to the non-psy crowd as well. Finally, there should always, always, always be a downtempo stage (i.e. a REFUGE). It prevents all those bad trips from happening.
August 7-9
Photos – Josh – Paramnesia
Veils will be Lifted, Worlds will be Bridged. Join us once again in a ritual of deep, dark, twisted, neuron rearranging, trance dancing. Hold on to your mind…this one is going to be a psychedelic journey of massive proportions! THOSE PEOPLE PRESENT TO YOU: WORLD BRIDGE 4 AUGUST 7 – 9TH 2009 @The Beautiful Deerfields!! LINEUP LIVE CATATONIC DESPAIR [UT] (Nabi Records, Tantrum) DYLALIEN [CA] (Fractal Cowboys, Alpha Centauri) FREAKS OF NATURE [OR] (Echo Vortex) SECRET SOCIETY [OR] (HSS, Anomalistic, Quantum Frog) FREAKAZOID [OR] (Echo Vortex) TIME BANDITS OR,CA,NC,GA DRAGON [FL] (Dharmaharmony Records) GNOMES OF DESTRUCTION MN FACEHEAD [OR] (Anomalistic Records) CHILLIN [CA] (Alpha Centauri) Sound Manipulators NOD [NC] (Those People, Touch Samadhi, AtlPsy) AKTIF VS EKIM SKRID [IA] (Mindoutpsyde, Anomalistic) MIST [TX] (Acidance Records) PYITE [GA] (Anomalistic, AtlPsy) KOJI [NC] (Single Cell) HARDKORENATE [MN] (UncencoredUS, The Rift) MYRKABAH [NC] (Those People) PSYONIC [TN] (Twisted Minds Records, Those People) PANTIES THE CLOWN [NC] (Psybertribe, AtlPsy ) BRAINVOMIT [NC,GA] (Sick Puppy) PUSKARA [GA] (Anomalistic, AtlPsy) UHM [TX] (Atrium Obscurum) KARMAKAT [MS] (Dharmaharmony, Vortex) PAN TRITSA [NC] (Srivatsa, Caffix) Pre-Sales – https://www.Paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=6178866 DECO BY: PYITE AND THE COMMUNITY $55.00 PRE-SALES $65.00 AT THE GATE LOCATION : Deerfields!!!! http://www.deerfields.com One of the most beautiful venues in North America! Deerfield’s is an exquisite 940-acre family-owned wilderness retreat complete with incredible ponds, creeks, apple orchards, forests, wildlife, and hiking trails. This is a LEAVE NO TRACE EVENT!!!! Please respect the land and remove everything you bring in (including all trash) when you leave! FOOD VENDING BY GREEN LIGHT CAFE (VEGETARIAN/VEGAN/DELICIOUSNESS!) This is a Rain or Shine event with rustic camping accommodations – bring EVERYTHING you’ll need to survive….there is no re-entry. Feel free to bring your artwork to help decorate! Rituals and vibes provided by YOU…The Community. Arrive Inspired! Leave Enlightened! FOR MORE INFORMATION HIT US UP AT THOSEPEOPLE@GMAIL.COM UNTIL THEN… …KEEP IT GOAN!!!!!
this year we had a dominatrix in a geodesic dome whipping her partner…it was super. I think I know them! LOL! She was also performing a ritual form of Japanese Bondage. The dome just wasn’t strong enough for her to do any type of suspension. I’ve been reading the post. Responses can’t really get more to the point than that. I saw a great production at this event! Everyone involved seemed to be being uploaded from areas much higher than self. The sound was phenomenal. It almost left me in a confused state. I had never heard it so clear and defined. No matter what style was played, you could really tune into every layer being played/manipulated, and at the same time to the person whispering 3 feet away. The vibe was great. great energies, great people, Great MUSIC by all. What else is there? I’ve been to 3 WBs thus far, and after this one, It’s gonna take quite a bit to keep me away from another one. I have to admit, for myself, this was #1 on the 1-10 scale. I’m still a bit dazed by how clear it was on every plain. It’s almost like a new standard has been set in my mind. For those of us that were there and anyone else that understands even a small portion of this culture. Cheers! We’ll see ya soon all I can say is….WOW. much more on this later. BEST World Bridge yet. Thanks go out to EVERYONE who came together for this festival. We had multiple crews bring all their deco / all crew members and I’ve NEVER seen a community project like the one we had for world bridge. We are so happy to have the support we do from the united states. keep it Goan! full report when my brain is back together. WOW is a massive understatement. This was by far my favorite WB ever! In fact, it’s one of my favorite events ever. This may just be me, but I’ve found that regardless of the hard work, preparation, and good intent that goes into planning, some events have “it,” and some events just don’t so much, and you never really know when that perfect combination will come together just right to make a truly memorable, enjoyable, blow-you-away, OMG-ready-to-change-the-world kind of experience. This WB was definitely one of those times! I was soooo completely impressed with the quality of the music all weekend. I’m glad to hear the progression that the WB-worthy style of music (whatever you want to call it) has made. It’s so good to hear this style coming back around to some of the fundamental trance elements, while keeping the deep, dark drive I love so much. It’s come a long way! I can honestly say I didn’t hear much of anything I didn’t like. Needless to say, I had a blast. It’s been quite a while since I felt that kind of energy on the dance floor. Thanks for all the hard work from all the crews who came together to make this happen. It was great to see everyone, especially all the troopers who traveled from afar! You guys rock! Safe travels home. …. yeah , it was THAT good ! Not just the best World Bridge yet, but one of the Best events at Deerfields IMO ! Everything from the Sound System, the artists quality of music, the timeslots/flow, the weather, and the vibe was unreal, esp starting out from Don’s killer dub-step set Saturday afternoon until the music quit on Sunday mid-day! The dance space was always full and churning to some seriously great music! All of it was very danceable! I was extremely impressed with all the artists who performed over the weekend … I am soooooo Glad I did not miss this event and that we were able to be a part of it ! Many thanks to all those involved! you guys really out-did yourselves !! Bravo !! deer fields is by far the most beautiful land I have experienced for a trance event. the land is some 940+ acres of sprawling orchards and glorious fields, 2 large beautiful ponds with boats, rustic old cabins and a huge-mongous stage. The west coast artists were given a cabin to stay in with full facilities and food prepared throughout the weekend. The weather was perfect, a little humid of course, but only 30 minutes of rain around noon on Saturday. I didn’t have to wear a sweater much throughout the whole weekend. I got to see a cardinal bird, which I have never seen before, they are sooooo bright red! The ponds had turtles in them and big fish swimming all about, the water perfect for diving into from your floating platform with the bed on it. decks and wood bridges, SHIT, I don’t know I should just stop the place could be talked about forever! The music was good throughout the weekend, with a nice smattering of talent from different states. I was a little disappointed in how many “DJ’s” are using Ableton to mix pre warped tracks and just pushing play, standing up there dancing, doing nothing while the track does its thing… but the music was good and the first-night people properly didn’t rock to hard to save energy for Saturday. I slept most of Friday night, which was a much more apocalyptic night, much truly darker music this night. Saturday night was really nice, good music throughout. I got to help create Catatonic Despairs live set in Ableton as he had not ever used it before. His music was very creepy and experimental psy, very low frequency and heavy. He played around 1am and after him was kelly, a Georgia local with a heavy more Russian-style music he DJ’s, followed by the west coast section of the day. Freaks of Nature set was awesome, very clean. we had a great time playing the sunrise set and being able to finally see the dancefloor. Dylans set was incredible as always and was the best way to spend the sunny morning, I was a little bummed that when he played the ‘everybody get naked’ sample, no one did, but you can’t get everything you hope for… naked trancers are good for everyone! Pan Tripsa followed with some really pushy kind-of progressive basslines with a psytechno feel, was really nice. Then psionic finished with some more pushy music. The rest of the day involved several swimmings and good conversation. when I was helping catatonic despair set up the computer for his set, this DJ from texas was playing. he had one track left and cued up, a 12-minute track. while I was plugging RCA’s into sound cards and such he pushed play on his last track and …. it was our track, FUNKY TOWN!!!! before 5 seconds passed I had thoroughly rebuked the kid and forced the song off the sound system. Major party foul!!! I did thank him for liking our music hehe, and was happy that I was behind the decks when the blunder began. hopefully, in the future this DJ can be a little more aware of who is playing at the party with him. and for those who haven’t figured it out yet… DON’T PLAY MUSIC BY AN ARTIST THAT IS PLAYING LIVE AT THE SAME PARTY!!! I had a great great time there all around, one of the best! the dancefloor was solid and the people over in the south are just so freakin chill and they walk so slow, they feel very much like nw-ers on a slightly slower pace. I had some great conversations and met great people. Spent a lot of hilarious times mani and jeff and Dylan and Kevin, what a bunch of freekin jokers we all are, I felt as if the comedy troop had come and unleashed itself on whoever dared step up to the rockingchair-covered cabin porch. we really are a family us west coasters, and I think that this particular little group of artists we had at world bridge will become more connected and be touring together soon, slammo-ing it up all over the place. now I am hanging out with Jason and his wife Meg, 2 sweet people with smart heads on their shoulders who have a really nice big LCD screen and cable and ac in their house!!! tonight we all eat with dave and Casey and then tomorrow back to Seattle on the plane, Wednesday back in portland to my bed. I have had a wonderful time here and I can’t wait to come back for the next world bridge. <3 squee supeeerrrrrrrrb party! Well-organized and run, insane music, the wonderful feeling of family and community…..I could go on for hours! the musical highlights for me were Freaks of Nature & Secret Society, but EVERYBODY was awesome. I feel like I’m pretty intimately familiar with The State of Dark Psy Today. And I like what I hear! As somebody said, we’ve come back around to include a few dancier elements among the madness…..and the production levels all around were just astonishing! Great people, great land, great music, GREAT TIMES! Thanks to all who made it happen! It’s so great to hear people talk so highly of World Bridge… it’s been one of my favorite parties to attend since I’ve been listening to this music, and it’s been an honor to have attended, worked for crew, and performed at past World Bridges. To hear it was such a success really makes me happy I hope I’m in a position to be involved with World Bridges to come. Just a small note about the side topic… I can understand the points of all sides. To me, it would be a HUGE honor to hear a DJ play a track of mine at a party. It would definitely give me a lot of joy. If I were performing live, though, it would be kind of more than annoying because: to have my track played by another would make it rather redundant when I played it. I use bits and pieces of everything I’ve done in my sets, and I’d feel obligated to have to somehow rethink my entire set before I played with very little time to do it, which would be a real pain in the butt in my efforts to keep my performance unique. I use around 1000 to 1500 samples and loops (audio and midi) in a typical two-hour set which takes a lot to prepare and coordinate. Fortunately, I haven’t had to deal with that yet. But of course, it’s always nice if a DJ would at least check to see if it was okay beforehand but hey, shit happens I guess. Seems like everyone handled it with a proper attitude and that’s all contributing to the excellent vibe that’s made every World Bridge special to the people who take part. Great job all! Actually, that whole thing reminds me of a funny story that happened last October in Spain… Mubali and I played the same party and just to mess with him, I dropped one of his tracks in my mix that he didn’t play (I played a few slots after he did)just to see what he’d do (we were all a little drunk and silly on absinthe lol) and he didn’t even notice, LOL! which totally spoiled the fun in my joke… He was out there on the dancefloor grooving right along and when I mentioned it to him later, he was totally surprised, and we all had a good laugh, haha… and that’s what it was all about… definitely a fun and memorable party there! (He did catch me in the act trying to assface him while he was sleeping though… guess I need to practice some more to reach Kelly’s superior assfacing level. hehe Wow, so much to say. This was my first WB and it was the BEST festival that I have ever attended. The venue is incredible. I didn’t have the time to explore it my first time there and was thoroughly captivated by its beauty this time around. The people there were so welcoming and happy to share their warmth all around. The sense of community was very strong; it was so great to see so many people putting in effort for clean up and breakdown. The sound was perfect!! Being able to talk and still fully enjoy a dynamic system was pleasant all around. The way the stage, deco & dance space was setup couldn’t have been better. The altar was the best one I have ever encountered. It was so beautiful and diverse. Thanks to all involved! The music was top notch all weekend. I heard many great sets. Highlights for me were Pyite, Puskara, Psyonic, Freaks of Nature, Dyalien, & Brainvomit’s ambient set. My hands-down favorite set of the weekend was Secret Society. They put on the best live PA that I have ever had the chance to experience. I was left speechless by the time they got down. Cinder came up to me when they were almost done and asked what I thought….I could only shake my head in enjoyment while agreeing that they need to come to Texas I didn’t catch much of Friday’s music with socializing and getting some rest from my group’s 16-hour drive. Thanks to Those People for such a great festival. I look forward to coming back again next year Thank you so much for a wonderful time! It was well worth the 17-hour drive in the van with 9 other people from Texas. Friday night was most def the more chill night. it was nice getting to know some people and hanging out on the dance floor for a little bit. I think I went to bed about 4am that night to get ready for the craziness that was going to happen Saturday night/Sunday morning. We woke up on Saturday morning ate, did some hiking, and then hit the lake for some swimming. After that, I went to the stage again and danced to Nod for a bit. Saturday night was so killer. Got to see part of Brian vomit’s set but had to get some more sleep. I went down to the floor when Dragon was on and stayed down there until about halfway in Dylan’s set in the morning. I must say that was a pretty rawkin psychedelic dance floor! great music by everyone who played this festival. We will most def be back next year. I hope to make this a yearly thing for me now. nice to meet Kevin, David, Casey, Nick and all the others I haven’t met. Glad to see all the people I hadn’t seen in a while. it was great dancing with all of you.

August 7 Friday
Fractal Fenzy
Rave Harder as Party Wright brought you one of the best hardcore parties that Rochester has seen in a while. This time we decided to focus on some different genres of music while still bringing you that exuberant vibe, that amazing atmosphere, and decor you’ve come to expect from our parties. We hope you’ll all join us for Fractal Frenzy on August 7th for a night of Psy, electro, glitch-hop and happy hardcore! Room 1: Unwashed Tomato (Philadelphia) [Unwashed Records, 2 to 6 Records, D-A-R-K Records] – Unwashed Tomato is a collaborative psytrance production initiative started by Andy Ayrd and David Mostoller in late 2006. Our main focus is creating an intensely psychedelic, groovy experience that is at once quirky and powerful, containing motifs from many musical traditions. We enjoy nuanced composition, funky rhythms, and slamming grooves, composed of hard-hitting deep kicks, heavy leads, intricate atmospheres, and ripping basslines. Close attention is given to producing a complex yet cohesive sound while maintaining a clean and dynamic mix. Since the summer of 2008, the project has expanded to include frequent appearances by Rod O’Connor, whose unique sensibilities have contributed new elements to the project. The Oracle (Buffalo) [Dharma Lab] – “Two crusty-ass belt-driven Gemini’s and some tech & trance records, all from my brother. That’s how it started back in 1998 in my basement in Buffalo, NY. I’ve always been an avid listener of music, and was the guy handing out mixtapes to folks in school, cause they needed to hear it. Just last week a friend told me they found a CD I gave them almost 10 years ago, and the music on it is still great. It’s that connection with music that ultimately led to many connections with people. I’ve played with and opened up for, all sorts of talent over the last 10 years- local, regional, and international. But rather than the big names on the flyer as a sign of success, I believe the moments I’ve shared, and the connections made with other people are what I take the most pride in. What good does playing the same stage with Hipp-E & Halo, Atomic Babies, or Analog Pussy do if I’m not immersing myself with the atmosphere and feeling of the crowd; what everyone else is hearing and feeling. When I perform, sometimes I find myself guiding the room, and sometimes I find myself merely reflecting what the room has created itself. It’s the people that make it special. Things definitely took an unexpected turn when I started playing together with a keyboard player named Chris Battaglia. Since 2002, we’ve been playing together as ‘Dharma Lab’, and it’s been one of the most important and fulfilling experiments of my life. After playing all sorts of house music together, I think we really tapped into something really unique when we started playing PsyTrance. It pulled a new side out of each of us, and continues to do so to this day!” The Amazing Baz (Boston) [Release Your Beats] – The Amazing Baz is a multitalented entertainer, who specializes in mesmerizing audio-visual performances in both his capacities as an internationally known fire dancer and as an up and coming DJ. As DJ Baz (Release Your Beats), The Amazing Baz has performed with the art and production organizations Sonic Beating, Circle, and the Gnomephattykolectiv, as well as having produced remixes that have been played at Diva’s Nightclub in Northampton, and An Tua Nua in Boston. The Amazing Baz has also produced custom remixes for the dance troupe Boston Hoop Troup. The Amazing Baz has DJed at the Drunken Monkey Lounge in San Francisco, at The Western Front in Cambridge, the Firefly Arts Festival in Vermont, and at the Burning Man festival in Nevada. Until very recently, The Amazing Baz maintained a weekly residency at Pi Pizza Bistro in Falmouth, MA, where he performed on Friday nights. The Amazing Baz spins dance music that is characterized by a mixture of funky breaks and electro, a smattering of Goa and worldbeat samples, and live remixes of everything from Men at Work to Frank Sinatra. You can access some of The Amazing Baz’s demo sets from http://www.theamazingbaz.com, or by going directly to his storage space with As a fire performer, The Amazing Baz has performed all over the USA and in the Caribbean. While skilled in fire breathing, fire fans, fire staff, fire double-staff, and fire double-torches, he is primarily known for his poi spinning. His innovative style, blending large dance movements with complex geometric spinning technique, has revolutionized the world of poi spinning – which he teaches in his hometown of Boston and at the Wildfire Fire Performance Retreat (www.wildfireretreat.com) to beginners and seasoned professionals alike. He is currently a member of the fire performance troupe Draconik (www.draconik.com), where he performs alongside such local talent as Dominique Immora (www.dominiqueimmora.com) and Mike Farrell (www.poispinner.com). DJ Dynamic (Rochester) [Nocturnal Commissions, Embedded Entertainment, Double Drop Records] – One of North America’s favorite Happy Hardcore performers, DJ Dynamic is known for high energy sets that leave the dancefloor gasping for air and begging for more! Now, he’s bringing his trademark intensity and his technical expertise to a whole new level. Is it Club Trance? Is it Electro? Is it UK Hard House? All that and more – It’s one-of-a-kind Happy Softcore! Who says you can’t have a happy rave at 140 bpm? Chucks (Buffalo) [Nocturnal Commissions, Braincell] – Originating out of Buffalo Chucks has been seen all around the immediate northeast supporting and spinning hardcore for almost 5 years!!! Known for his multi-genre talents and crisp style, he has caught the eye of promoters from his home town to Toronto, Ottawa, and Rochester.Taking a break from hardcore for this party he is whipping up a special bangin electro set for your listening pleasure. Gio D (Rochester) – Gio D started DJ’ing out of a passion for turntablism but today he’ll be bringing you the best of that whompified, glitch-hop! Room 2: featuring happy hardcore all night long! Lou Cabrasi (Maine) [Glowin Turtle Productions] – Coming all the way from Maine, Lou Cabrasi has been bringing you slammin tunes for years and will be sure to get your feet moving. Mark5 (Massachusetts) [Hard Hitters] – mark5 is a hard beat technician based out of central Massachusetts; serving up UK hardcore all around New England. He founded the Hard Hitters crew and established Hard Hits, New England’s hardcore monthly, with the intent of bringing more awareness of UK hardcore to the New England underground scene. His style ranges from cheddartastic to naughty to badass and he always brings along his bag of tricks to spice up the mixing. All of this adds up to a heaping dish full of banging hardcore helpings! You can also get a weekly serving of him on his weekly radio show on kraftyradio.com, Mondays from 7-8PM EST. DJ Bliss (Rochester) [Just 4 You Productions, Nocturnal Commissions] – Do you like anthems? You know you do! Bliss is Rochester’s own anthem master – get ready to raise your hands and sing along! DJ Kix (Rochester) [Just 4 You Productions, Nocturnal Commissions] – Making smooth transitions between DnB, Dubstep, Hardcore, and more, Kix seamlessly blends great tracks from every genre for top-notch entertainment every time he plays! DJ Skye (Rochester) [Just 4 You Productions, Nocturnal Commissions] – Known for an unmistakable brand of dark and bouncy UK Hardcore, DJ Skye’s energetic style always keeps the party rocking! His music has caught the attention of British promoters Hardcore Breakdown and High Velocity, and earned him residencies with Canada’s number one rave promoter: Nocturnal Commissions, as well as Bitchass Productions and De’ranged Entertainment. Get ready to rave harder! DJ Suprnova (Buffalo) [Buffalo Ravers] – Keeping it rocking in Buffalo, DJ Suprnova is coming to Rochester to bring you slammin happy hardcore! This event will be held at Tilt Night Club, 444 Central Ave – Rochester NY 14605. 17+ to party, 21+ to drink $15 presales $20 @ the door Tickets available @ Groovetickets.com or Aaron’s Alley [662 Monroe Avenue, Rochester NY, 14607] or anyone involved directly. Questions? or (585) 563-4387 for information for questions & pre-sales.

August 20 Thursday
PSYCHEGROUND at Sullivan Room
w/ Skoocha, Ctrl+Alt+Del, and Luis Campos New York City’s longest-running weekly psytrance event is back at Sullivan Room for yet another action-packed evening. lineup for the night will include: SKOOCHA (UKSL / Parabola Records) Skoocha is one of the many aliases of French/Spanish Musician & Producer Benoit Munoz. He discovered Trance in 1995 while visiting friends in Amsterdam when somebody gave him the first Dragonfly compilation. From there, there was no turning back and he knew music would be his life. Now a busy music producer and musician in NY since 2003. Skoocha still finds time to craft Trance tracks that will blend the emotions of the oldschool Goatrance that started all this with the power of the actual production and the Funk of NY ! Over the years he has worked released tracks with Manmademan (UKSL / Flying Rhino) music has been played extensively over the world by DJ’s like Domino and the mighty Juno Reactor. His long-awaited 1st album that will contain many unreleased tracks as well as remixes of the old ones is due this winter on Parabola Records (Germany). It will be the 2nd release of this new label after the Talamasca Vs XSI Album. Expect a set that combines old and new tracks as well as some new collaborations. Also, we’ll be celebrating Skoocha’s birthday! CTRL + ALT + DEL (Nexus Media, US/India) LUIS CAMPOS (Dreamcatcher/Reality Engine, US/Brazil) Deco by the Dreamcatchers AND Neuronymphonic **August 20, 10pm – 4am ** at Sullivan Room, New York City 218 Sullivan St (between Bleecker and West 3rd St, 2 blocks east of 6th Ave) General Admission: $10.00 RSVP to psycheground at yahoo for $5.00 reduced list 21+ with ID
August 20 Thursday
Psybotik and Phoenix Circle Burning Man Send-Off Party
One last taste of New York before our evolutionary journey… Anyone on the Psybotik mailing list automatically gets reduced admission! GENETIC DRIFT An evening of Techno, Electro House, Breaks, Tech House and Proggy Psy at Libation 6pm-4am HAPPY HOUR until 9 DJs Tony Unorhodox (28thday, NYC) Gavin (Spectra, NYC) Third Ear Syndrome (Bacteria Records, NYC) Electrik (Psybotik, NYC) Mayur (Spectra/Psybotik, NYC) Dysform (Psybotik, NYC) Lara Berman (Bacteria Records, NYC) Dru West (E-Clipse Productions) Visuals NashaMasha and Friends Libation 137 Ludlow New York, NY Happy Hour 6-9 21+ w/ID FREE before 12, $5 Reduced List, $10 At Door Join email list for reduced admission.
One last taste of New York before our evolutionary journey… on the Psybotik mailing list automatically gets reduced admission!

August 21 Friday
Loud Monitors
L.M presents Friday august 21st a night of electronic music featuring DJ`s ORBIT (Alladin Project) Israel/japan CRIS (Loud Monitors,thm) mexico BETWEEN DEVICES (Global W-Team Boston/) brazil EARTHIAN a.k.a ANIMALTEK ( treibstoff records ) Russia opening set by C-BASTIAN (Loud Monitors,thm) Colombia Ají Bar Lounge 287 9th Street Brooklyn, NY 11215 F train to 4th ave R train to 9th st N-TRANCE :$5 before midnight $10 after we will drop prices down on drinks to you all trance familia !!!! 8pm to 5 am for more information contact us to monitoring.project@live.com
professional sound system will be provided by BEN light-o-matic!! so guys don’t miss this event all DJs will rock your ears up ….
WOW it was a great party !!!! thanks to all of you .. rafael thanks for the help and great set … ben the sound was just perfect thank you very much …
August 22 Saturday
Fusion at Tavern on the Green in Central Park, NYC
A Night of Minimal Techno, Electro House, Progressive and Trance!
Featuring: Omer Barnea (Alladin group/Israel) Orbit (Alladin Group, Israel/Japan) Third Ear Syndrome (Bacteria Records,NYC/PR) Dj Kontakt (Army Collective Records, Phi) Electrik (Psybotik, NYC) Fusion will take place at “The Chestnut Room” that will feature a fusion of electronic music every Saturday by some of the top DJs in NYC bringing you the best electronic dance vibes and beautiful people in NYC. Tav ern on the Green situated in an amazing setting in Central Park brings you as well POP, HIP HOP, HOUSE, SALSA/MERENGUE/BACHATA, FUNK, and REGGAE. for those of other likings! FREE Admission by mentioning “FUSION” at THE DOOR Girls 21+ Guys 23+ From 11pm to 4am GUESTLIST CLOSE AT 2 AM SO MAKE SURE TO BE THERE EARLY FOR COMPS Enforced dress code No sneakers, No t-shirts, No Hats Dress to Impress! Looking forward to see you all partying in this amazing location! Powered by: Army Collective Records Bacteria Records Alladin Group Psybotik NYC Nine73 Productions For more Info: Email: OneFusionlist at gmail Phone: 917-569-1177
August 27 Thursday
Return to Pyramid
Once again Fumi and I (Hypnotoad), along with Progress.. return to Pyramid for some Thursday night psytrance goodness. Fun, low price, good music DJs: PROGRESS (TDC / YogeyBogeyBox) Hyponotoad (light-o-matic / PSI) Fumi (YogeyBogeyBox) Art by: Luna, Kelly @ The Pyramid Club, New York City www.thepyramidclub.com 101 Ave.A b/w 6 & 7st East Village Manhattan $5.00. 18+ (21 to drink) Hope to see you there! moof -Ben aka Hypnotoad (light-o-matic / PSI)

August 28 Friday
6362MetaForce – our 3rd Year Anniversary Celebration…. BRo oKLYN SuMMER SToMP
ReDUX BAJAO* OUT THE VOTE FOR A NEW NYC MAYOR! Friday 28 August 2009 Time: 10pm 96 6am Location: Club Exit, 149 Greenpoint Ave., Greenpoint, Brooklyn Subway: G to Greenpoint Avenue 1RG UM 3URGUM (PsyBaba Records, Hungary) 96 Live & DJ NightPsy Set HEYOKA (M uti Music, San Franciso) 96 Live Psychedelic Dubstep VISHWAATMAAA vs. FR IA (6362MetaForce/Tantrumm Records, NYC/Bombay) 96 Bombay Bajao NightPsy D J Set Featuring Midnight Mass with REVEREND BILLY TALEN and the Life After Shopping Choir! (Green Party Candidate for NYC Mayor) Psychedelic Visual Environment by JULIEN SEYER LOISELLE Plus INFINITY MANDIR 96 Chill-out Temple (6362MetaForce) Psychic Hank 96 Readings & Intuitions Slobtown Collaborative, NYC – Live Painting * * To celebrate our 3rd-year anniversary in NYC, 6362MetaForce invites you to a night of good ol BAJAO*! 1RGU M 3URGUM (LIVE & DJ) Psybaba Records, Hungary Our friend Gyuri bumped into us 1 fine year on the dancefloor of Nine Bar, under the stars of Goa, during a Vishwaatmaa/Giuseppe DJ set. Since then, his releases on Psybaba Records have brightened the world with full power BAJAO! Direct from Budapest, the first time in NYC, 1rgum 3urgum will BAJAO LIVE. HEYOKA (LIVE) Muti Music, On the West Coast of the US, the BAJAO-ing has a distinct and tasty flavor. Heyoka is bringing it for the first time to NYC – deep psychedelic dubstep from the Muti Music family. VISHWAATMAA vs. FRIA 6362Met aForce/Tantrumm Records, NYC/Bombay The original-style Bombay BAJAO’ers. Having experienced hard-core BAJAO’ing long ago on the playgrounds of Bombay they finessed their BAJAO skills in the parties of Goa, Maharashtra & more recently the US. On meeting in NYC, the sindhi and the bawi asked each other “Do you BAJAO?” – – and the rest is history. BAJAO Sunrise Set! 85An d there’s no better way than a big BAJAO to celebrate the candidacy of REVEREND BILLY TALEN for Mayor of NYC!! Reverend Billy will lead us in Midnite Mass at 12am SHARP with his Life After Shopping Choir! Reverend Billy needs no introduction to New Yorkers – but did you know he’s running for Mayor? BAJAO out the vote with us and get registered! His volunteers will be with us all night to get you on the rolls. Reprieve from the BAJAO’ing will be offered in the INFINITY MANDIR, where you’ll encounter PSYCHIC HANK and his powers of peaceful intuitive interpretation. Or stay in the main room to gaze at the live painting talents of the lovely ladies of the SLOBTOWN COLL ABORATIVE8585. Lots of goodies still to be added! * * * *BAJAO [ba -JAOW] (v/n/aDJ/adv) From the Hindi: BAJAO. To Play/Play/Play Hard/Playing like never before /in a Playful Spirit * * * Entry: Pre-Sale Online or Cash at Door Before 11:30pm: $20 11:30pm and later: $25 general admission ** This is an 18+ event 96 please bring photo ID!!** Questions?? Email us at info at 6362MetaForce.net RSVP on FACEBOOK: 6362StomP And join our F B Group: 6362FaceBook Bless this party with your good vibes, killer energy & stomping feet!!! BOM BHOLENATH *** web 6362MetaForce.net voterevbilly.org web tantrummrecords web myspa ce/irgumburgum web myspace/andreism web psychichank BooM!
Gyuri (1rgum 3urgum) is still with us here at home, so we all are just coming up 4 air….. and remembering the good vibes & crazy moments. Looking 4ward to seeing u all again soon…!
Psychic Hank rocked out, Heyoka encountered his first full-power trance party, and Gavin launched us with a killer progressive set.
Not to mention:: Reverend Billy had a great time, as did his choir. To clarify for anyone who still does not know who he is: Rev Billy is NOT a religious figure. He is a performance artist, and since more than 30 years, he has been a part of creative New York.
Get with the freaks and vote in one of our own! Make a stand against King Bloomberg.
August 31-September 7
Burning Man: Evolution
September 2009
September 3 Thursday
The official Brazillian day pre-party at Sullivan Room 0-56129094-1252002611:44501 Psycheground is back with another night of proggy and full-on beats. This week we’re celebrating the Brazillian independence day parade which gathers more than 1.5 million people in Manhattan and we have a very special guest, Brazil’s best progressive DJ, Ferris. The lineup for the night will include: FERRIS (UC bookings BR) LUIS CAMPOS (Dreamcatcher – Reality Engine – UC bookings) MARCOS CARNAVAL & RODRIGO VIEIRA (UC bookings) Deco by the Dreamcatchers AND Neuronymphonic ** September 3rd, 10pm – 4am ** at Sullivan Room, New York City web sullivanroom 218 Sullivan St (between Bleecker and West 3rd St, 2 blocks east of 6th Ave) General Admission: $10.00 RSVP to psycheground at yahoo for $5.00 reduced list 21+ with ID Subway: A, B, C, D, E, F, or V trains to “W 4 St – Wash Sq” 0-56129094-1252002611:44501 which gathers more than 1.5 million people in Manhattan and we have a Lineup for the night will include: FERRIS (UC bookings BR) MARCOS CARNAVAL & RODRIGO VIEIRA (UC bookings) 21+ with ID

September 4 Friday
September 4 Friday
Loud Monitors
hello TRANCE FAMILY we are back …. we had a great time @ the last party on the 21st, vibe, DJs, sound system, venue and of course all of you, made it happen, TOTAL BANGER !!!! LOUD MONITORS presents !!! A NIGHT OF ELECTRONIC MUSIC pt 2 Featuring DJ`s V.C.R live a.k.a BACKFIRE Israel ” second appearance in NYC ” V.C.R is ran gaash born 1983 in a small town in Israel near the beach. He started to listen to trance music at the age of 13 and had a great interest in club trance, throughout the years his musical ear has grown in many directions. after being in the USA for a few years he came back to Israel and started producing his own music while attending sound academy in Haifa. He has being playing at some of the better nature/club parties in Israel and NYC. he teamed up and produced music with some international DJs such as nitro, twisted and punchline. he is planning to take out his solo album buy 2008 so keep in tuned!! ran is also working on a side project, along with ido punchline named BACKFIRE C.D (Loud Monitors /global trance ) Mexico/Brazil DJ set !!!!! a combination of Mexican and Brazilian lords on the decks .. CRIS vs RAFAEL a.k.a BETWEEN DEVICES
September 5 Saturday
Pine Barrens Party
With Dan Covan’s van and Killowatts
Ok.. so here’s the story, slightly edited to protect the guilty Once upon a time, in March or April of 2009, Lawrence Chavoya asked me to engineer sound for the Gemini Festival that year.. or rather.. he told Gwyneth Ables that he needed a sound engineer because Wich Dokta was about to be a dad and had to stay close to home and could not be there. and Gwyn volunteered my services. So I and Gwyn flew out and both played the festival and I engineered the sound, we had an amazing time. So, Lawrence was kinda like “well I hooked you up for Gemini you have to hook me up to play the pines”.. (
you Lawrence!) and I was like, “of course, but you know, it’s a free outlaw, we don’t pay people.. we don’t fly people.. you have to get to NYC or Philly.. and you can stay with us, and we’ll feed you, take care of everything and get you a ride to the party. But we’d love to have you. So, when the Fractal thing came up, it was perfect because Lawrence was playing that and we already wanted to do a party right around then, so we scheduled it for the next day, and.. we were going to put Lawrence on a bus to get him down to NYC and a ride from there.. but Aaron Fractaltribe volunteered to drive down. It turned out to be the last PSI party in the pine barrens, and it was pretty epic. Scott Collins and Igor flew in from WI and I am pretty sure it was just to play at the pines, which was amazing… So that’s the story. The only sour note was that in the morning Aaron tried to shake me down for a flight share on Lawrence’s flight.. he was actually serious about it. We had no money to give him and even if we had, it would have been totally unfair to Scott and Igor who just picked up and flew in at their own expense. So Aaron was mad at me, and told me ok, well I owe Mayur some money, just pay him back for me and we’re even! Sigh…. I didn’t agree to that.. but I was like, ok, what a mess, let me talk to Mayur and see if I can work it out.. and of course, Mayur told me forget it, it’s all good.. not to worry. Looking up at you rn Mayur, miss you, hope you are well!
Was pretty special to play the last Pines. Did the spot just get burned and no longer usable? What caused it to be the last one? Not sure if I ever gained that knowledge.
Hey Lawrence, well basically yea it was burned.. literally. Some shifty ravers started throwing parties there, shifty disputes occurred, someone’s car was set on fire! The fire department came, it was a big deal. The #1 thing the police absolutely positively cannot ignore in the pine barrens is fire. It’s very dry and scrubby. After that some nice people we know who had been going there for over 10 years got in trouble for being there. The era had ended.. we called it good.
September 11 Friday
We’re planning to head out bright and early Saturday morning on the Party Bus, leaving from Penn Station around 9am. We currently have about 5 seats open so shoot me an email if you or someone you know still needs a ride. It works out to about $40 a person. Looks like we92ll have a little more rain tonight but it should clear up by tomorrow in time for the party! By popular demand, we are going to open up ticket sales at the door to anyone that can get themselves there. We will divulge directions to ticket holders RSVPs and friends. So if you or anyone you know wants directions email me at bluegoddess at psybotik and they will be able to buy tickets at the door for $35. We92ve had several requests about people bringing dogs. We ask that you please do everything you can to find a sitter, not because we don92t think your dog will behave but not sure how they will mingle with each other. If there is no way you can find a sitter, you must email us first to request permission to bring the dog, but please do not just show up or they will not be admitted. Thanks so much for everyone92s hard work and coming down to party out in the woods with us! So excited for the lineup! See you soon, blue ***TRAVEL INFO*** Also there is a public bus line that goes between NYC & Wescoville (about 15-20 min from the event ) web biebertourways The ride takes about 2 hours and departure times from NYC are at 3pm, 5pm, 7pm, 9pm, and Midnight on Saturday. We will be running a shuttle bus for $5 round trip from and to the bus station. The shuttle bus will be making two trips to pick people up, one at 7PM and one at 11PM. There will be one drop off at the end of the party around 2PM on Sunday. ***If you plan to utilize this shuttle, please let us know which one you92ll be coming on so we know how many seats to bring. Email me at bluegoddess at psybotik

September 12 Saturday
Beats provided by: FLIP-FLOP LIVE!! (Alchemy Recs./Nano Recs.)U.K. The dynamic duo returns for another spectacular performance. These two young Londoners have been cooking it up for a while now, with an exotic hybrid of psytrance and deep atmospheric electronica that shakes the system to its foundations. ANIMALTEK LIVE!! (Treibstoff Recs./Omnitribe) NYC Since their humble beginnings as DJ92s and organizers, Shay and Oleg have excelled as producers. Now coming out with numerous hits on many labels, they will grace the dance floor with minimal grooves. ELECTRIK (Psybotik) NYC DAVE DITTMER (Sonic Beating) Boston MESSENGER PARTICLE (Psybotik) NYC KIFE (Omnitribe) NYC MAYUR (Spectra/Psybotik) NYC HYPNOTOAD (LIGHT-O-MATIC/PSI) NYC EARTHIAN (Omnitribe) NYC DYSFORM (Psybotik) NYC TONY UNORTHODOX (28th Day) NYC DEET (Gaian Mind) Philadelphia PLUS MORE TBA… Killer sound by: A. M. BIONIK Decor by: Dana (Sonic Beating) Boston Performances by: Luminisis (Colorful Artist) NYC Visuals by: NashaMasha (Psybotik) NYC First 75 tickets at 25$ remaining at 35$ This is a limited entry event, please purchase tickets early at psybotik to avoid disappointment or use this link for the 1st tier tickets ($25). Once they are gone use the link below it. web w the 1st tier tickets are gone. Use this link for the 2nd tier tickets ($35 ). Once these are gone there will be no more tickets sold. No one will be admitted without a ticket. No tickets will be sold at the door. web the link doesn’t work from your email, copy-paste it into your browser. *NO TI CKETS at THE DOOR!!* Location will be revealed only to ticket holders. Saturday 9/12 Opening Ceremony at 6:30pm-Sunday 2pm Private outdoor location with camping available. THIS IS A LEAVE NO TRACE EVENT. PLEASE DISPOSE AND RE CYCLE PROPERLY. a little while because of all the great memories it brought back but we’ve gone through the photos and posted them on our website and Flickr (see below). The Paypal link has been fixed so now you can change the quanity and buy all your friends tickets! Also if you haven’t heard there will be a Chai Shop with tasty treats and bottled water, as well as a Hookah Lounge with sensual shisha and Pirate Juice. Get ready for an amazing weekend in the woods of Pennsylvania! See you soon, blue p.s. In case you can’t tell from the photos, Gabriel and Masae we’re married last week. It was by far the most beautiful moment on the playa. We wish you all the love in the world.
September 18-20
DEERFIELDS 95 ASHEVILLE, NC Presales $55 web touchsamadhi/events/equinox MAINSTAGE LIVE: Electrypnose – Digital Psionics – Switzerland Aerosis – Suntrip Records – CA/MN Earworm – C Mubali – 2to6 Records – TX Primordial Ooze – Divine Balance – WI/IL Annun aki – T.O.U.C.H. Samadhi – NC DJ: Aerosis – Suntrip Records – CA/MN Electrik – Psybotik – NYC Dave Henshaw – Sonic Beating – MA Kameleon & Labyrinth – Pure Perception – SC Brainlizzard – Those People – NC Cinder – Anomalistic – GA Kri – T.O.U.C.H. Samadhi – NC BSM – T.O.U.C.H. Samadhi – OR KT – T.O. U.C.H. Samadhi – IL Medisin – T.O.U.C.H. Samadhi – NC Iduna – T.O.U.C.H. Samadhi – NC Psyoptic Mindstimuli by DEVOTEE SECOND STAGE LIVE: Electrypnose Primordial Ooze Naiad Daiad Quetzatl OpenSourceCode LOGOS Piltdown Sound Me canikill? A.S.P. DJ: Nod Xist BSM Tofer Fuzz Alex Falk & Joel Cox Olof D.Ra igosa & Klaws Geo Dialectic Sines Shad Michael Curran MedEvil Andrew Herlihy Mydriasis Panties the Clown Visuals: Night Light Riders THIRD STAGE LIVE: Silver Machine Sonmi Suite Moving Temple BRING EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO SURVIVE COMFORTABLY FOR 3 DAYS IN THE WILDERNESS. Ins/Outs are highly discouraged and reserved for emergencies. BRING YOUR OWN WATER, 2 gallons a day is suggested. What else to bring: flashlights, floats for the lakes, mtn. bikes … Fires will only be allowed in designated fire circles. NO DOGS !!!!! Yo u will not be allowed in. Pirate sound-systems are not allowed! Gate opens Friday at Noon 18 and up, kids under 13 are loved, cherished, and free with guardian. Pre-registered by September 1st: $55 At the Gate: $70 Full name o f attendees required with registration Presales $55 Go to the website for tickets or pay with PayPal to touch.samadhi at gmail Full name of attendees required with registration! location: web Deerfields touchsamadhi Talk soon, Love Life Kri Mastering and Mixing Service: web audiovalve.org/ Music: web touchsamadhi/DJs/Kri web myspace/annunakisamadhi web myspace/Shapestatic web myspace/audiovalve Body Piercing: web diamondthieves.net Join psy/Goa trance talk: groups.go
September 18 Friday
Alladin Group Present ORB REUNION KOX BOX POLI
Big Thanks From Orb Festival Crew Hey Guys This year’s Orb Festival gathering was full of great vibes and beautiful people. The energy was felt throughout the campground with an international gathering of visitors and staff from all parts of the globe and the United States, making it possible to enjoy all the festivities with our extended trance family from all over the world. We are grateful to all the people involved in making this year’s festival possible: to the volunteers, artists, promoters, DJs, visual artists, first aid team, security, sound, lighting and stage crew, vendors, deco teams and workshop instructors that came out before and during to assist in getting the Festival going and maintain high energy during the four days of Music, Art, performances and educational workshops. All of you made it so much easier for us to attend to the many people that showed up to enjoy the celebration. And to all the great people who took part in the gathering, thank you all for supporting this years’ Orb Festival, for traveling near and far distances to rejoice and con nect with Mother Nature in beautiful surroundings. You made this gathering so special and unforgettable, the vibe was superb, all of us uniting as one cosmic family dancing to the awesome sound of the best producers and Dj’s of psytrance music in the world. The amazing stream of individuals that came together to experience, to love, and to dance was and is our satisfaction and motivation to keep on in producing events with the purity of psy trance music. There will be more opportunities for all of us to enjoy and reunite; to share stories of this past festival and other events. Our hearts are full of joy and we expect it to be so, for years to come. We are planning a series of events for 2009 and 2010, filled with surprises, great music and a beautiful environment. First to come will be “Orb Festival reunion party” on September, 18. That will be held at Club Exit in Brooklyn, with KOX BO X LIVE & AZAX SYNDROM full info will be posted soon! Please join our group s so we can keep you connected ALLADIN GROUP home ORB FESTIVAL GROUP
club exit hey guys we are fully recovered from orb 2009 that was amazing experience from all the aspects We are happy to announce on the official orb festival reunion party that will take place at club exit With a lot of great music be st vibe and killer energy looking forward to see you all Alladin/orb festiv al crew LineUp: Main floor KOX BOX Live (Twisted Records) IBIZA ww w.myspace/koxbox303 FIRST APPEARANCE IN NYC POLI (Spun Records ) IBIZA GMS FAMILY web myspace/polimusic BRANDON ADAMS (Dreamcatcher) /NYC web myspace/497009 ORBIT (Alladin Group /Orb festival)IL/J P web alladinproject.net BETWEEN DEVICES (Global W-Team Boston) BRA ZIL web myspace/betweendevices GAVIN (Spectra) NYC Electro R oom: DJ KONTAKT (army collective) PH THIRD EAR SYNDROME (bactria) NYC MES SENGER PARTICLE (Psybotik) NYC Visual by NashaMasha (psybotik NYC) Plasm o ( psybotik NYC) Live Painting by Gizem Bacaz Seed Gallery Mami San NYC Decoration: Main room Ocular Delight( Alladin group) CT Alladin deco team web dividemysky/oculardelight/events.php Electro room NephilNine (NYC) Lighting by Audiolust 18 to ent er 21 to drink with valid ID Doors open 10 pm 96 6 am “Birthday special ” Whoever has a birthday on the party weekend will have a free entry $20 till 12 am $30 after 12 am Location: CLUB EXIT 149 GREENPOINT AVE. BROOKLYN, N Y 11222 Happy birthday L iza Happy Jewish new year See you all on the trance floor Please join our groups so we can keep you connected ALLADIN GROUP ho ORB FESTIVAL GROUP

September 18-20 Friday-Sunday
Equinox in NC
EQUINOX THE T.O.U.C.H. SAMADHI 6TH ANNUAL ARTS AND MUSIC FESTIVAL SEPTEMBER 18-20 • 2009 • DEERFIELDS • ASHEVILLE, NC hhttp://www.touchsamadhi.com/events/2009/09/18/equinox-0 MAINSTAGE LIVE: Electrypnose – Digital Psionics – Switzerland Aerosis – Suntrip Records – CA/MN Earworm – 3D Vision – NYC Mubali – 2to6 Records – TX Primordial Ooze – Divine Balance – WI/IL Anunnaki – T.O.U.C.H. Samadhi – NC DJ: Aerosis – Suntrip Records – CA/MN Electrik – Psybotik – NYC Dave Henshaw – Sonic Beating – MA Kameleon & Labyrinth – Pure Perception – SC Brainlizzard – Those People – NC Cinder – Anomalistic – GA Kri – T.O.U.C.H. Samadhi – NC BSM – T.O.U.C.H. Samadhi – OR KT – T.O.U.C.H. Samadhi – IL Medisin – T.O.U.C.H. Samadhi – NC Iduna – T.O.U.C.H. Samadhi – NC Psyoptic Mindstimuli by DEVOTEE SECOND STAGE LIVE: Naiad Daiad Quetzatl OpenSourceCode LOGOS Piltdown Sound Mecanikill? A.S.P. DJ: Xist BSM Tofer Kameleon & Labyrinth Fuzz Alex Falk & Joel Cox Olof D.Raigosa & Klaws Geo Dialectic Sines Shad Michael Curran MedEvil Andrew Herlihy Mydriasis Panties the Clown Visuals: Night Light Riders THIRD STAGE LIVE: Silver Machine Sonmi Suite Moving Temple BRING EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO SURVIVE COMFORTABLY FOR 3 DAYS IN THE WILDERNESS. Ins/Outs are highly discouraged and reserved for emergencies. BRING YOUR OWN WATER, 2 gallons a day is suggested. What else to bring: flashlights, floats for the lakes, mtn. bikes… Fires will only be allowed in designated fire circles. NO DOGS !!!!! You will not be allowed in. Pirate sound-systems are not allowed! Gate opens Friday at Noon 18 and up, kids under 13 are loved, cherished and free with guardian. Pre-registered by September 1st: $55 At the Gate: $70 Full name of attendees required with registration, pay with Paypal.com to touch.samadhi@gmail.com location: http://www.deerfields.com main website: http://www.touchsamadhi.com
Thanks, herbivore for the kind words. The fest was very nice. There was definitely some massive rain, but still an amazing amount of smiley, happy, trooper, stompers. It was nice to see that a large majority of quest seem to refuse to let the rain take away there positive happy spirits. Great to see all the old and new friends. Thanks to everyone for coming out and having a good time. How about that malted bark soup we had for the main stomping ground, crazy crazy fun fun. t’s like Mother Nature was upset with us or something! lol I NEVER thought there could be more rain then what I saw in Texas the week prior to this weekend….I was wrong. Killer vibe, Thanks to the few hundred peeps that were trippin out to my set Fried Day Night. My headphones quit working halfway through my set, and thanks to Mubali for saving the second half of my set. It was fun getting to play heavier music on Friday. Seemed pretty well balanced with the stuff that was being played Saturday night. Great times, great party, great people!! Let’s do it again. LOL @ Aquanox! I had a great time at the festival. missed out Electrypnose’s chill sets, but caught his morning and night sets – and damn that guy has some raw talent. earworm’s live set was hardcore, mind bouncing fun, even with that small minute or so of silence in the middle also enjoyed electric’s set – was awesome to hear the likes of headroom, and dirty motion as for any complaints – the water was just too much. it was like man vs nature the dance floor looked like the ring for a royal rumble mud fight ahahahah all in all though – awesome event and look forward to the next one big up to the touch samadhi crew as always cheers! Absafanfuckingtastic weekend. The rain kept going for an almost comical amount of time but didn’t bother me thanks to the hard work and preparation of everyone involved, thank you so much. The rain actually worked in my favor as I only brought foolish shoes and my feet began to hurt just before Electrypnoses set Saturday night…..but which was right about the time the dance floor became a mud pit. The deeper and slushier the mud got the less my feet hurt. It felt at a little serendipitous on my end I am really pressed to think of how the rain could have effectively bothered me any less. Other than it severely cut my desire to travel to the other stages so sadly all the music I wanted to hear on any other stages was missed The music I did hear was forehead smackingly awesome from start to finish. Any set I saw at the main stage would of been difficult to leave even if it was rain-free and had a magic carpet. Cinder kt and brainlizard made me throw away my plans to try and conserve any energy. Afterwhich Mubali and Primordial Ooze finished me off completely. Saturday night was non stop amazing. The last hours were a totally plastered throw down. Lots of sillyness and shenanigans, glad monkey joined us at the end to play some tunes with medisin since I didn’t make it up very late the night before Great times, no hassles or bad attitudes. I snagged CKs camera a few times to get pics. I’ll post a link when she sends them to me thanks Touch Samadhi for so much hard work and effort into this. I know that big tent was a pain to put up! Aquanox is def appropriate. I’ve never seen so much rain in my life. Everyone stayed very positive though. I def heard lots of great music this weekend. KT – always gets the night started proper, Cinder – great forest music, Mubali – loved the new bounce in your sound!, Primordial – really cool to hear your more melodic side, Draigosa & Klaws – super tripped out minimal and techno, Piltdown – you guys have really developed your sound very psychedelic, Earworm – very impressive clean sound, and especially Electrypnose! wow!! Earthdance is definitely in for a treat next week. those basslines were so smooth. it was a blast hanging out with all the whole crew, I love the family we have here. Can’t wait to do it again! Started Topics : 2 Posts : 92 Posted : Sep 22, 2009 01:15 So far I have heard ‘Aquanox’, ‘Soakquinox’ and ‘Mudquinox”. All very appropriate! Despite the rain I had a fantabulous time. Arrived late, on Sat eve and checked out the jam band for a bit on the Lake Stage, then caught the end of what I think was Pitdown Sound’s finely crafted tunes at the second stage. Then Don DJ Nod played some chock full ‘o’ awesome dub/step as always. I went back to my car to grab my camera and passed out, but woke up to Mr. Dave Henshaw starting Sat night off proper with a smooth, shake your rump delicious as always proggy set. Wandered off awhile but later EarWorm caught me with his everything wonderful about psychedelic trance music, which blew my mind into a million pieces of beautiful fractalmented madness and then put it back together again in a brilliantly organized fashion. LOVE this man’s music! Fantastic festival. The circus tents were Touch Samadhi’s work and great idea showing years of experience. I really appreciated the shelter, as well as all the hard work which went into making this experience. Thank you Touch Samadhi and hope to see you next year (if not before!) I thought the Touch Samadhi crew did a wonder-full job with the place and with the very moist conditions. Even with a 12 hr ride from Philly I didn’t feel that exhausted until the monsoon came. It was a great joy having the Magic Hookah Lounge at the 2nd stage and meeting all you crazy and beautiful people. I just wish I could have had some opportunity to do some shiatsu massages. Electrypnose was such treat to stomp to. When I got into psytrance 3 years ago I started listening to him and just missed him at the GMSF’06, so I was overly excited to have this opportunity to see live for this showdown. The dubstep at the 2nd stage was nasty and wicked. Kalapas made me shake my rump till I realize Electrypnose was one. Aerosis, BSM, Electrik, Iduna, Earworm, and Nod where my highlights but there would been more if I didn’t stay in my tent during the monsoon. I hope to some you Ashevillians up in Philly or New York this fall and winter. Best of luck to you all! Mike Wow! What an amazing weekend! After decompression and wringing out our wet clothes and finally getting the mud out from between our toes, we are sitting here with loads of people to thank for creating such a beautiful and sacred space for us to party on. First and foremost, we want to thank all the partiers who came out on the wettest and wildest weekend ever to dance and smile and chat and have fun with us. If it wasn’t for you all, Touch Samadhi would not be here. Every single person on the dancefloor in the mud–you rock! You are the reason we do what we do and we continue to do so with such great passion and energy!! In no particular order, we’d like to thank Lou and Brad for the awesome main stage sound, for staying up for ungodly amounts of hours to provide the aural experience of the party. Justy and Jennifer and everyone for the opening ritual! Thank you for creating the space of “home” for us and opening the party with such beautiful prayers and words. Electrypnose for flying in from Switzerland to play 3 bomb sets for us in the rain. All the other artists, DJs, live acts, fire spinners, deco artists, etc..etc… for being such wonderful talented beautiful people and adding the creativity to our arts and music festival. Unifire for balancing all the water with fire. Scott for being the MAN with cleanup at the end–we don’t know where we’d be without you! Oso, Christian Johnston, Kelly Cook for helping long after the rest of us could barely keep an eye open. Thanks you 3 for the immeasurable help in set up, tear down, speaker carrying, vending, we could NOT have done it without you guys. Jennifer for the awesome altar–and everyone that contributed to it with their special objects or energy. Full moon for letting us use their huge tent that saved our asses on the main stage, and of course, Deerfields–without this amazing and beautiful venue, we wouldn’t have a festival at all. Everyone who came and partied or played, helped, danced, whatever! a massive THANK YOU!! Next year Kri promises to put a shining sun on the flyer instead of rain droplets! Keep on being the beautiful community you are, and keep supporting Touch Samadhi and the psytrance community, music, artists, etc.

September 25-27
Horizons: Perspectives on Psychedelics
Judson Memorial Church in NYC Learn more at “horizonsNYC.org/horizonsNYC.org/ Questions? Press inquiries? Horizons is a new forum for learning about psychedelics, held annually in New York City. The Goal of the conference is to open a fresh dialogue on the role of psychedelics in medicine, culture, history, spirituality, and art. In recent years, a small group of dedicated researchers, scholars, and activists has orchestrated a renaissance that is re-shaping the public’s understanding of these unique substances. Horizons brings together the brightest minds and the boldest voices of this movement to share their research, insights, and dreams for the future. Presenters on Saturday, September 26th and Sunday the 27th will be: Alicia Danforth (UCLA), Earth & Fire (Erowid Center), Robert Jesse (Council on Spiritual Practices), Andy Letcher (author, Shroom), Valerie Mojeiko (MAPS), William Richards, Ph.D. (Johns Hopkins), Stephen Ross, M.D. (NYU), Franz Vollwenweider, M.D. (U. of Zurich), and cluster headache research advocate, Bob Wold. On Friday evening September 25th, there will be an opening reception party featuring inflatable sculptures from Anakin Koenig; “The Bike Trip,” a monologue by Martin Dockery; a photographic history of the psychedelic movement’s faces by Marc Franklin; and a performance by the Gamelatron, the world’s first and only robotic gamelan orchestra. DETAILS Horizons: Perspectives on Psychedelics Judson Memorial Church 55 Washington Square South New York, NY 10012 (A, C, E, B, D, F, V to W. 4th St) September 25th, 8pm-midnight (reception) September 26th, 10am-6pm September 27th, 2009, 2pm-6pm Tickets ($30 and up) are on sale now at “horizonsNYC.org/tickets.phphorizonsNYC.org/tickets.php All tickets include admission to the reception and both days of the conference Tickets are available on the days of the event (cash only). Reception-only tickets are available for $10 (cash only). Want to volunteer? “tinyurl/horizons09volunteertinyurl/horizons09volunteer Join us on Facebook at “tinyurl/horizons09fbtinyurl/horizons09fb Learn more at “horizonsNYC.orghorizonsNYC.org Questions?
September 30-Oct 4
Alchemy – The Georgia Burn Cherokee Farms Lafayette GA
October 2009
October 1 Thursday
PSYCHEGROUND at Sullivan Room
w/ RANDOM, PRISHVIN MESS, NEALIKA, PHASEPHOUR and KEN This summer season was filled with festivities and parties that put smiles on our faces. As the end of the summer draws close, we would like to gather one last night for a few very special reasons. This will be our beloved, Sana’s going away party. Please come stomp with her one last time. Also, we will celebrate one of our close friends: Carol’s birthday* For this special evening, we have a massive lineup from the best of both, the East and the West coast. Two of the west coast’s finest, Random from Geomagnetic and Nealika from Psytribe will take the decks. We have Prishvin Mess from Antishanti Rec and DJ Ken to represent the local east. Its gonna be a night of non-stop killer psytrance! Lineup: – RANDOM (Geomagnetic.tv, SF) – PRISHVIN MESS (AntiShanti Records) – PHASEPHOUR (Geomagnetic.tv, Norway) – KeN (Bella Gaia/ Dreamcatcher) – NEALIKA (PsyTribe LA/Mexico) Deco by the Dreamcatchers AND Neuronymphonic ** October 1st, 10pm – 4am ** at Sullivan Room, New York City 218 Sullivan St (between Bleecker and West 3rd St, 2 blocks east of 6th Ave) General Admission: $15.00 RSVP to psycheground at yahoo for $5.00 reduced list 21+ with ID Subway: A, B, C, D, E, F, or V trains to “W 4 St – Wash Sq” web myspace/psycheground web myspace/geomagnetic web myspace/tdcIsvara web myspace/nyDJ4life As the end of the summer draws close, we would like to gather one last night for a few very special reasons. This will be our beloved, Sana’s going away party. Please come stomp with her one last time. Also, we will celebrate one of our close friends: Carol’s birthday* For this special evening, we have a massive lineup from the best of both, the East and the West coast. Two of west coast’s finest, Random from Geomagnetic and Nealika from Psytribe will take the decks. We have Prishvin Mess from Antishanti Rec and DJ Ken to represent the local east. Its gonna be a night of non-stop killer psytrance! Lineup: Deco by the Dreamcatchers AND Neuronymphonic ** October 1st, 10pm – 4am ** at Sullivan Room, New York City 218 Sullivan St (between Bleecker and West 3rd St, 2 blocks east of 6th Ave) General Admission: $15.00 21+ with ID Subway: A, B, C, D, E, F, or V trains to “W 4 St – Wash Sq”
We have an addition to the lineup: PhasePhour from Norway will be joining us: PhasePhour comes from one of the northern peaks of the planet; Norway. The project consists of John Robert Egeland and Eldar von Essen who has been working together on music production for well over a decade. The Productions are massive full-on psychedelic sounds that is music for the ear and still can shake the dancefloors around the world. With numerous releases on major labels like Shiva Space Technology, Geomagnetic Records and Chill Tribe Records, they have slowly moved into the international music scene. Their album releases are “Boiing & Zipp” and “Fun From Far Away”. PhasePhour have played around the globe with mind blowing performances in countries like Brasil, Mexico, Sweden, Norway, Romania and the US.

October 3 Saturday
Infected Mushroom at Webster Hall
October 3 Saturday
AnCiEnt FLoraL Data NEtwoRK Nectar
So.. this Sat there was supposed to be an outdoor party thrown by Adem/Jowe/Ian/Chris.. with PSI contributing sound and contributing to the lineup.. and with Random, PhasePhour and Christer.. who are all here from Europe this weekend, and a whole lot of other people playing. So it was pretty exciting. But for reasons many of you know already, we cannot party outdoors this week. Sad. So everything has been moved indoors, to Seed Gallery in Newark. It is still the same lineup, I am still doing the sound system, it’s still totally free, it’s still an all-night party, and it’s still going to kick ass. So.. HAPPY Seed Gallery is actually very easy to get to.. you can use your MetroCard on the PATH train, just like taking the subway.. then it is a short ride by Newark Light Rail or taxi to the gallery. The full directions on how to get there are at: . This is one not to be missed.. three international artists flying themselves here from Norway at their own expense, playing for free.. I’m contributing a serious sound system for free, artists doing their art for free, the gallery is giving the space for free.. and of course Adem/Jowe/Ian/Chris. organizing it all for free.. everyone is pulling together for this one… Full info below… -Ben aka Hypnotoad (light-o-matic / PSI) – – – – – – – – – – – – – AnCiEnt FLoraL Data NEtwoRK Nectar (An Indoor Pine Barrens Party) SATURDAY, October 3rd A totally FREE All Night Psytrance Gathering at Seed in Newark NJ Doors open at 10:00 PM until Whenever Drenched prism flowers unwinding in your sense puddles. Blissful symmetries of worlds branch out from invisible thought imprints, left scattered on the landscape and in the sky. An ancient stomping on the earth called the prophecy of folding sensory nectar, and fractured future footsteps. The ringing of bells, and chattering of prayer beads accelerating into pure tones of peace, drifting out towards the horizons of pure dripping consciousness. Come to the sacred space, prepared for blissful delirium and cosmic symbiosis. Live Performances: Random – (San Francisco) Geomagnetic Phase Phour – (NORWAY) Shiva Space Technology Grains of Sound (Baltimore) AlterCulture Records TaNglED LYSergiC puDDLEs oN ceLestIaL thReaDs -(Pine Barrens) Warp Brain Records DJs: Loud Zoo – (Pine Barrens) Christer – (NORWAY) Shiva Space Technology / Mechanik Records Primate – (New York) TanGLed LySergiC PUddLEs on CeleStiaL threAds -(Pine Barrens) Warp Brain Records Hypnotoad – (New York) Light-O-Matic / PSI Sound by Light-O-Matic Optical Derangement: NephilNine TanGLed LySergiC PUddLEs on CeleStiaL threAds Psychedelic Art and Interactive Art Installations by: Adam Scott MillerManuel AborGizem BacazKaliptusJelani Gould- BaileyMartin CashSamson ContompasisGregory Maxwell DunnGiorgio VaselliGreyeggDwell & OneUnitE.S.P.Austin GuariscoCollyn GoldJoe HollanderDavid MarghieriKrystal MitchellRalph SandersJ.H. MillerLuis MonteagudoTeofilo OliveryAnibal PadillaRadicalSyd StrangeloveJon ScriblesParker WolfAeres VistaasPolina ZaitsevaFrance GarridoOdd EdgesVanessa RamalhoLuis Monteagudo We will have a killer sound system for the event, and there is also an upstairs area where you can chill out without being directly in the flow of sound. The Seed Gallery is located at 39 Washington Street in scenic Newark NJ. You can get directions by car or public transportation here: If you are planning to come by car from NY this Saturday, be aware that the Holland Tunnel will be closed from 1:00 – 8:00 am on oct 3rd and 4th The owner and curators of Seed have been very sweet to welcome us to party in their space. They have allowed us to make the event 100% free and we are able to play all night there. Please honor them and DO NOT HANG OUT IN FRONT OF THE BUILDING. The last thing we want to do is attract the attention of the police, so if you want to go out for some fresh air, we ask you to PLEASE take a walk a block or two away. If we can keep the front of the building desolate, we will have a safe party, undisturbed.
Wow, that was pretty crazy.. energy beyond all expectations! I had a good time Thanks to everyone who made it happen. Adem, Jowe, and Ian for organizing it and being always good for my soul.. Seed Gallery (Gizem, Robert, Mig-L and others I noticed but who’s names I don’t know) for the space and for all the artwork and all the artists whose names I don’t know.. for the live painting, and for the water and the snacks. Sue/Neff for the blacklight art and hammocks, Luna for the chill tent. And of course thanks to the visiting artists/DJs Christer, Random and PhasePhour (Eldar, John). moof! -Ben aka Hypnotoad (light-o-matic / PSI) Oh sorry, I forgot to mention some important people! VERY big thanks to Aaron (Psybotik) for the truck and huge help moving my equipment! It could not have happened without him. Thanks to Darrel and Trish for helping to load and unload. Also to Adam Magnani for doing the art with Neff and for helping set up and take down as well as move equipment! And thanks to Ben and Luna as well as numerous others who helped get stuff out to the truck in the morning. moof!
October 8 Saturday
Fusion Sound Productions – Astral Projection Orbit Alladin Group & DJ Shem-Tov
Live at Club Exit 149 Greenpoint Avenue, Brooklyn, NY Right off the L+G Train – the LIE and BQE Doors Open at 10pm General Admission $30 18 to Enter 21 to Drink – Bottle Service Available
October 9 Sunday
Tranceamericana.org is now all, completely Tranceam.org Also, this list will no longer be googleable.
October 16 Friday
BIG THANKS to all of you amazing people that came and made orb reunion so s pecial it was very beautiful energy and allot of smiling and dancing next a lladin party will be on Friday October 16th Looking forward to see you all very soon Alladin/orb festival crew LineUp: Main floor MAD MAXX aka SIRIU S ISSNES (Phantasm Records) web myspace/madmaxxspace FIRST APPE ARANCE IN NYC AZAX SYNDROM LIVE (Boa Group, Israel) web myspace /azax web myspace/earwormfrequencies O RBIT (Alladin Group /Orb festival)IL/JP web alladinproject.net BETW EEN DEVICES (Global W-Team Boston) BRAZIL web myspace/betweende vices MAYUR (Spectra/ Psybotik,) NYC Electro Room: GAVIN (Spectra) NY C DAVE HENSHAW (Sonic beating) BOSTON ANIMALTEK (Treibstoff,Elektrotribe) NYC AMMON EP (Sonic beating, Soul trance rec) BOSTON Live Painting by M ami San NYC Decoration: Main room Ocular Delight( Alladin group) CT Alladi n deco team web dividemysky/oculardelight/events.php Electro roo m NephilNine (NYC) Lighting by Audiolust web myspace/audiolust com 18 to enter 21 to drink with valid ID Doors open 10 pm 96 6 am “Birthd ay special ” Whoever has a birthday on the party weekend will have a free e ntry $20 till 12 am $30 after 12 am Location: CLUB EXIT 149 GREENPOINT AVE . BROOKLYN See you all on the trance floor Please join our groups so we can keep you connected ALLADIN GROUP web face ORB FESTIVAL GROUP
October 17 Saturday
New York City Burning Man Decompression: Eschaton 3000
4pm – 4am Aviator Sports at Floyd Bennett Field
Brooklyn An epic re-jiggering of humanity is upon us. In this moment of transformation and transcendence (literally The End of Days), 3,000 pioneers of a new era gather in a remote former airbase deep in Brooklyn to celebrate our evolution towards this moment, and to join forces to create a more perfect world. Together, we will build a model of utopia for the last of our kind, opening our arms to the diversity of post-human life and creating a new world in our image.
As the final 3,000 souls left on this planet, we ask ourselves: are we human or post-human? Granted the ability to create our own forms, what can we learn from our evolution to this point in time and how can we evolve into a more perfect future?
It’s the NYC Burning Man Decompression, and we want your participation! Bring your art, music, theme camp, costume, activity or performance …. or volunteer your time to help set up or break down. Learn more at NYCdecompression.org (site coming soon).
October 20 Tuesday
AnCiEnt FLoraL Data NEtwoRK Nectar – SEED Gallery
Indoor Pines Party
October 22 Thursday
Belated thanks, and a major announcement Thanks Theo Scott Tony Lauryn for all the 28th Day events. It was a watershed at the time and I hope that someone picks up the torch for what you did. Thankfully, Mayur stepped into the ring, and Psybotik and ofc El Nadiv are still active. We are in the process of getting the DMT generator back in shape. On other news, I’m expecting a son in January. He’ll probably like… uh what do I hate? … uh… he’ll hate music.
October 22 Thursday
Back to the Pyramid
Hey everyone.. Fumi and I are back for another party at Pyramid this Thursday, with special guests DJ Lauryn and Eg-Bot. It’s going to be a fun time as always, so come party with us! The info is below… -Ben aka Hypnotoad (light-o-matic / PSI) 10PM The Pyramid Club, 101 Ave A 6-7 St. Lauryn & Eg-bot (Peak Records/Gaian Mind/PSI, PHL) David McGee (aka Eg~Bot) and Lauryn are currently based in Philadelphia, PA where they help throw monthly psytrance parties at the infamous Belgian bathroom bar T’zottekot and DJ for the Swiss label Peak Records. Both finding their musical roots early in life, they have been DJing Goa/psychedelic trance for longer than they can remember, and more recently have begun brewing their own spumescent concoction of psychedelic trance music. Individually they have played across the US, Canada, and in Europe sharing the stage with many well know international acts. They joined forces in late 2007, and have been DJing collaboratively ever since. Prepare for a twisting journey through psychedelia past present and future… Plus: Hyponotoad (PSI /Light-o-matic) Fumi (YBB) Art by Nephil9 Technical Support by light-o-matic General admission : $5 Time: 10pm – 4am 18 to party 21 to drink.
Thanks everyone! It was a fun night
Especially: Thanks to Neff for the fantastic artwork, to DJ’s Lauryn, Eg-Bot, and Andrey/Progressive Heaven for the great music, and to everyone who helped set up and take down.. Mia, Eric, Trish and others. And of course thanks to friend and partner in crime Fumi for organizing and being the untiring positive force, and for his excellent music.
October 24 Saturday
Sonic beating – Psyforia Boston
October 27 Tuesday
Theo Vaskevitch, AKA Skeeve on these forums, an ex-minority partner in Icarus (Danley sound system in NYC), and the only a-hole at 28th Day Productions, recently sold some of the Danley’s (SH-50s) to the Symbiosis Crew in order to pay Icarus back part of the massive amount of money he owes from misleading investors and running the business well into the ground. Now the classy boy (son of Microsoft’s CTO no less) is not depositing the money for the SH-50s – repeatedly saying he has deposited/wired the cash for the past 1 month but never doing so. If anyone knows his whereabouts or contact info, pls PM me as I am filing a police report. Note to Symbiosis Crew – the sale to you is legit..but you have just dealt with THE slimiest scheming liars on earth, so check the insides to make sure Theo hasn’t altered any key components. Tarun Kapoor President Icarus 646-387-3971
October 29 Thursday
PSYCHEGROUND Pre Halloween Ball at Sullivan Room
REALITY ENGINE Live, Skoocha and more! 0-49087131-1256769467:86914 Come join us for our first live appearance in NYC Psycheground – REALITY ENGINE LIVE AV SHOW – NYC PREMIERE!!! Reality Engine is a LIVE Audio-Visual show, performed by world-renowned producers and DJs Luis Campos and Matyas Kelemen. Utilizing state of the art computer technology they create original music and synchronized visuals, interlaced with vocal samples and antique video clips. Get ready to experience an epic, one of a kind dance floor journey where visuals can be heard and sounds can be seen. web realityengine.tv/ Also headlining is: SKOOCHA is one of the many aliases of French/Spanish Musician & Producer Benoit Munoz. He discovered Trance in 1995 while visiting friends in Amsterdam when somebody gave him the first Dragonfly compilation. From there there was no turning back and he knew music would be his life. Now a busy music producer and musician in NY since 2003. Skoocha still finds time to craft Trance tracks that will blend the emotions of the oldschool Goatrance that started all this with the power of the actual production and the Funk of NY ! Over the years he has worked released tracks with Manmademan (UKSL / Flying Rhino) music has been played extensively over the world by DJ–‘s like Domino and the mighty Juno Reactor. His long-awaited 1st album that will contain many unreleased tracks as well as remixes of the old ones is due this winter on Parabola Records (Germany). It will be the 2nd release of this new label after the Talamasca Vs XSI Album. Expect a set that combines old and new tracks as well as some new collaborations. web myspace/skoocha Thursday, October 29 Line up: – REALITY ENGINE live AV – SKOOCHA (UKSL / Parabola Records) – KIFE (Omnitribe) – BRANDON ADAMS vs KeN (Dreamcatchers) Location: Sullivan Room, NYC 218 Sullivan St between Bleecker and West 3rd St, 2 blocks east of 6th Ave General Admission: Free until 11pm After 11pm – $10 RSVP to psycheground at yahoo for $5 reduced list 21+ with ID
Yayyyyyyyyyy It was a great party!!!! Parabens Luis e Matyas!!!!! great show!!!! bjosssssssssssss
PEX Halloween Ball
October 31 Saturday
Psybotik Halloween with Giant Mechanical Spiders
The hunt begins in less than two days… An encrypted message has reached Psybotik headquarters in New York City. It took us many hours of decoding to realize that this was in fact a warning and that all of us are in grave danger! Giant Mechanical Spiders have escaped a highly secured facility in the region, and are expected to begin their wrath on our dear city on All Hallows Eve. The beasts have been programmed to weave webs of fear and despair then trap people to slowly suck their soul s out85 Immediately we knew that something must be done! We must stop the approaching tragedy! We are going to track them into the darkest, dankest, dingiest corner of Brooklyn and fight them with what they fear most -Music Fire and Vitality! Psybotik is looking for skilled hunters to join us! Help us fight back the Evil Giant Mechanical Spiders! Invite everyone and wear your most unfathomable costumes! WE will not let them trap us in their webs! PSYBOTIK – GIANT MECHANICAL SPIDERS Saturday 10-31-09 ***HALLOWEEN*** Featuring: Treavor Moontribe *NYC Debut* (Iboga Records/Desert Dwellers/Desert Trax/White Swan Records/Native State Records/Omnis Recordings) – Los Angeles One of America’s top Psy-Trance/Progressive DJ’s, co-founder of the legendary Moontribe desert parties in Southern California and Head of A&R for dance/electronic music at the leading digital distributor INgrooves. As a DJ and Producer, Treavor is known for being extremely diverse. Although most known for his psy and progressive trance sound, he is also known to be quite unpredictable often playing deep techno, electro, house, breaks, and much more. This gives him the unique ability to DJ at any party and at any time. His consistency lies in his love for deep, moody, and psychedelic music, not to mention is tip top mixing and programming abilities. As a Producer, Treavor is part of the famed group Desert Dwellers. With his partner Amani Friend and various collaborators, the duo has an impressive discography dating back to 2001 when they were known as Amani vs. Teapot. The duo has remixed the likes of Deep Forest and had their tracks/remixes on labels like Bedrock, System Recordings, Cubic Digital, Omnis Recordings, Existence Records, White Swan Records, Wakyo Japan, Millennium Records, and their own imprint Desert Trax. web myspace/DJtreavor web moontribe. org/ FM RADIO GODS *LIVE* (Attitude Recordings) – Montreal, Canada FM Radio Gods is Andrew Hamilton and Tao-Nhan Nguyen. Since their debut in 2006, FM Radio Gods has become known as true heavyweight producers – always ready to deliver a powerfully-dynamic live act. Incorporating everything from minimal house to glitchy electro, the Montreal duo has come a long way and Is not showing any signs of letting up. 2007 saw the first wave of releases on such labels as Iboga and Blue Tunes. It did not take long for original tracks like “Freeflow” to climb past the top 50 on Beatport’s progressive house network. This same year, FM brought Attitude Recordings into existence acting as the label’s directional driving force. 2008 gave way to a frenzy of releases on labels such as Tribal Vision and Plastik Park, including a slew of collaborations with artists in the likes of Motion, Beauty and the Beat, Antix, and True Lies. The year came to a close with a 1st prize victory in the national Roland synthesizer contest – the result of a collaboration between FM Radio Gods and Ali Emad (aka eFem). 2009 opened with a North American booking contract with Akarien booking management followed by releases on Baroque Records (featuring a remix by Tobias Lutzenkirchen), Tribal Vision (featuring a remix by Presslaboys), and of course, Attitude Recordings. Currently, they are planning a cooperation with Swedish act Ticon as well as working on their first album. web myspace/fmradiogods web attitude recordings Main Room: Prog, Psytrance, Techno, Electro House Electrik (Psybotik) – NYC Mayur (Psybotik/Spectra) – NYC Dysform (Psybotik) – NYC Side Room: Techno, Electro House, Breaks, Tech House, Prog, Darkpsy Messenger Particle (Psybotik) – NYC Hypnotoad (Light-O-Matic / PSI) – NYC Dave Henshaw (Sonic Beating) 96 NYC Tremendous Gloom – Miami La Rage (Bacteria Records) – NYC Fire and Dance: Luminisis (Colorfull Artist) – NYC web colorfullartist Marria Grace (Boston Hoop Troop) – NYC Will Sanquil – NYC Victor (Psybotik) – NYC Special Aerial Performace: Sandhi Ferreira Visua ls: Alchemism ForeSight Plasmo Max Nova Masha Vlad T (Glass Bead Collective ) Sound: Light-O-Matic – NYC web lightomatic Decor: Sonic Beating 96 Boston web sonicbeating.org Come Early for Free UV body spray paint and Hand Job Salon!!! Saturday 10-31-09 10pm – 6AM Doors Open at 9PM Public Assembly 70 North 6th St Brooklyn, NY FREE Before 10pm $15 Advance $20 be fore 11 PM $25 After 11 pm ***$5 Off Door if in Costume or on reduced list* ** Join Reduced List and Get Tickets at

October 29 Thursday
Come join us for our first live appearance in NYC Psycheground presents: REALITY ENGINE LIVE AV SHOW – NYC PREMIERE!!! Reality Engine is a LIVE Audio-Visual show, performed by world-renowned producers and DJs Luis Campos and Matyas Kelemen. Utilizing state of the art computer technology they create original music and synchronized visuals, interlaced with vocal samples and antique video clips. Get ready to experience an epic, one of a kind dance floor journey where visuals can be heard and sounds can be seen. https://web.archive.org/web/20181110141602/http://realityengine.tv/ Also headlining is: SKOOCHA is one of the many aliases of French/Spanish Musician & Producer Benoit Munoz. He discovered Trance in 1995 while visiting friends in Amsterdam when somebody gave him the first Dragonfly compilation. From there there was no turning back and he knew music would be his life. Now a busy music producer and musician in NY since 2003. Skoocha still finds time to craft Trance tracks that will blend the emotions of the oldschool Goatrance that started all this with the power of the actual production and the Funk of NY ! Over the years he has worked released tracks with Manmademan (UKSL / Flying Rhino) Biotonic (Solstice ) Earworm (3d Vision) Mesmerizer (MindControl). His music has been played extensively over the world by DJ\’s like Domino and the mighty Juno Reactor. His long-awaited 1st album that will contain many unreleased tracks as well as remixes of the old ones is due this winter on Parabola Records (Germany). It will be the 2nd release of this new label after the Talamasca Vs XSI Album. Expect a set that combines old and new tracks as well as some new collaborations. https://web.archive.org/web/20100304021621/http://www.myspace.com:80/skoocha Line up: – REALITY ENGINE LIVE AV – SKOOCHA (UKSL / Parabola Records) – KIFE (Omnitribe) – Brandon vs KeN (Dreamcatchers) Location: Sullivan Room, NYC https://web.archive.org/web/20170426051115/http://www.sullivanroom.com:80/ 218 Sullivan St between Bleecker and West 3rd St, 2 blocks east of 6th Ave General Admission: Free until 11pm After 11pm – $10 RSVP to psycheground@yahoo.com for $5 reduced list 21+ with ID Subway: A, B, C, D, E, F, or V trains to \\”W 4 St – Wash Sq\\”
Yayyyyyyyyyy It was a great party!!!! Parabens Luis e Matyas!!!!! great show!!!! bjosssssssssssss
November 2009

Analog Pussy Interview

November 7 Saturday
Hypnagogia at Rebel
Hi, there was this trance party at Club Rebel last Saturday. I didn’t see it on this list. Fortunately, it was only $10, which I liked. However, I had to leave early because I was afraid the indoor fire show might cause an explosion or the like. As a fire survivor, I shy away from indoor fire. Otherwise, it was a pretty good party; there were not that many people; the music was good in spots; I thought the music at the beginning was best; I don’t know who the orgs. were; I had a good time and I’m glad I went. peace
November 18 Wednesday
http://www.Omnitribe.com berry park, 4 berry st@ N 14th st, Williamsburg Brooklyn, NY DJ’s Rheedoo Kife Earthian Slepak 9pm free w ID

November 19 Thursday
PSYCHEGROUND at Sullivan Room
featuring – PROGRESS, BABLA and LUIS CAMPOS Come and celebrate a night of full-on madness at the amazing Sullivan Room featuring DJ sets by P R O G R E S S – (AntiShanti Records/NYC) Yuriy Vaskevich is a discoverer of musical dreamscapes. The music he creates is both organic and electronic. It falls into the abyss between sentience and fantasy. Yuriy’s background provides a landscape for his music to flourish. He hails from Kiev, Ukraine where he grew up with a strong foundation in classical music, with proficiency in both piano and guitar. Yuriy’s journey to the USA brought him into a different world of New York punk rock. From these foundations, Yuriy explored his musical identity and starting in the late 1990s began to experiment with various styles of electronic music. From here PROGRESS was born ranging in style from psytrance, ambient, and chillout, to full-fledged avant-garde and experimental. PROGRESS has composed several film scores as well as performing live in a wide variety of venues throughout New York and beyond… web iprogress.us/ KABAYUN (Unwashed Tomato, 2 to 6 Records – USA) BABLA (India) and more DJs TBA Deco by the Dreamcatchers AND Neuronymphonic **Thursday, November 19th, 10pm – 4am ** at Sullivan Room, New York City web sullivanroom 218 Sullivan St (between Bleecker and West 3rd St, 2 blocks east of 6th Ave) General Admission: $10.00 RSVP to psycheground at yahoo for $5.00 reduced list 21+ with ID Subway: A, B, C, D, E, F, or V trains to “W 4 St – Wash Sq”
Hey all, Dave here… Great party last week, it was a lot of fun. I recorded a version of my set and put it online… hope you enjoy it! Click to listen, left-click to download. http://unwashedrecords.com/music_downloads/Darkpsy/Mixes/Kabayun%20-%20Psycheground%2011-19-09.mp3
Trance and ADD
At the direction of my significant other, I just realized I have Attention Deficit Disorder and people just don’t understaHEY LOOK A SQUIRREL!!! Googling around, it seems that the ADD is the original genes we had before agriculture came along, 150,000 years ago. ADD are the original hunter-gatherers, not attuned to long periods of concentration a la farmers. Native American Indians have had a high prevalence of it, for some reason, it suits their tribal (trance?) lifestyle. I take heart in the fact that some figures estimate a whopping 80% of the world’s most successful people have ADD. And a lot of people in prison have that, too. The trick of ending up on the good side is a combo of will and luck. I’m one of the few that ended up in the sloshy middle. If you think you may have it too, google around. The research has been very enlightening for me, like the first time I did L or Piracetam. All said, I’, not going to take Ritalin. I like what I am, but it certainly curtails me doing menial tasks. From KISS to Stamps to Bird Watching to Skateboarding to Christianity to D&D to Punk Rock to l to Anarchy to “being professional” to trance to smart ds to hardcore video gaming, I’ve surfed from meme to meme, trying to milk the essence of each. I go from trend to trend, always grasping for the brass ring. This is typical of ADD. My question – and it’s going to be one for a long while – is whether trance heads have a high representation of ADD. The reason I pose this is.. there’s something about trance that is hunter-gatherer tribal, living in the moment and scorning social convention for the spiritual truth . Do you.. Like to change the subject a lot? Are you all over the place? Have high energy? Like bullet points? Don’t give a F what “society” thinks? Are universally described as “intense” and “passionate” Like to start projects tha t you may not finish? there’s a lot more here and many places on the web.. ezinearticles/?Hunter-Gatherers,-Farmers-And-The-Discovery-of-A Om that note 🙂 I’ll leave it to the choir and post a poll on my web site some day if I get around to it. OMG did you see that video on youtube with that crazy monkey who

November 21 Saturday
Loud Monitors
Psychedelic Music Experience Celebration. 9hrs of full power !!
Psychedelic music experience celebration Coatlicue the reenactment of the mother of gods, life and death, who gave birth to the moon and the stars !! Aztec Warrios : BARAK live (hadra records/sounds of earth) MX First NY appearance!!! ODISEO live (Blue tunes / Iboga mexico ) MX EARWORM live (3d vision) IL/NYC http://www.myspace.com/earwormfrequencies DJ Sets : CRIS (Loud Monitors/THM) MX/NYC BRANDON ADAMS (Caliphonic Recs./Dreamcatcher) NYC KeN (Bella Gaia/ Dreamcatcher) JP /NYC Hypnotoad (light-o-matic / PSI) NYC Decoration, visual artist & lighting : Neuromantix ( Toronto Canada ) Ben (light-o-matic) http://www.lightomatic.com https://web.archive.org/web/20130530104714/http://caliphonic.com/ Sound power provided by : Ben (light-o-matic) Location : Marias Mexican bistro 669 Union St, Brooklyn, NY 11215 @ corner of 4th ave N-TRANCE : $20 dollars in advanced till Friday 20th ( email with full name ) $ 25 before midnight $ 30 after 10 :00pm to 7 am !!!!! 18 to get in 21 to drink w/ID place is located a block away from the train station prices on all drinks will get drop-down, friendly security, plus free welcome tequila shot for you all trance family !!!! for more information & 5 dollar reduced contact us at monitoring.project@live.com A night with the best of electro, progressive trance, and psychedelic trance music .. DON’T MISS IT !!!
Hey willsanquil, I played the first set.. thanks! Glad you liked it. I also enjoyed this party a lot.. I mean yea, I worked on the party.. (besides DJing, I supplied the sound system and the lighting).. but if anything, working on a party can sometimes make it harder to have a good time at the party, but in this case, I had a really good time.. the vibe was great, I met some cool people…It is too bad about the lineup and I really don’t know what happened there, I hope Loud Monitors will set things straight. Since it was my sound system, I can tell you that there really were noise complaints and it was a big problem, I was asked to turn things down several times and to reduce the amount of bass…Anyway I hope this issues will get worked out and Loud Monitors can find a good venue for these parties because as I said I had a good time and think there is a lot of potential here. moof!
Have to say I was not impressed with this party. The decor was cool but unfortunately, that was about it. As far as I’m aware neither of the two headlining live acts was present and the organizers offered no word of warning or explanation. I understand there are sometimes visa issues etc but it is the promoter’s responsibility to ensure a party goes off or at least to write a notice explaining what went wrong. The door price was meant to cover the advertised lineup and not just local DJs playing in a non-club venue and should have been reduced accordingly. The place was then shut down two hours early. I got the impression the closing time of 7 was falsely advertised in the first place as everyone working there told me it had always been meant to shut at 5 or 6 at the latest. Noise complaints also aren’t a good excuse – if you can’t guarantee a party continues to a certain time then don’t advertise it that way. Also placing a drum kit in a small room and letting mashed up people hit it all night at random doesn’t do wonders for the quality of the music
I liked the party overall, but yeah the dude with the drum kit and the whistle was fucking HORRIBLE! If I was the DJ/act playing when he was smashing that shit at random I would have been pissed.
November 27 Friday
Public Assembly
BLACK Friday November 27th – Sleep When You’re Deaf Kickoff Party @ Public Assembly Loft presented by Mr. Bugsly and Sleep When You’re Deaf with Djs: Juan Gaviria (Phono, Den of Thieves) denoftheivesparty.blogspot.com DJ Earthian (Omnitribe, Animaltek) DJearthian.com Tucci ( Sleep When You’re Deaf, Bugsly) myspace.com/tuccifuture After sleeping off your turkey coma and getting your bargain fix on Black Friday, come out to Williamsburg for a long night of techno and house from some of NYC’s new breed of luminaries. Juan Gaviria is making quite the name for himself with his Den of Thieves speakeasy-themed parties at Stay. His brand of techno has carried him as far as Europe and Japan but his sound screams NYC. Find him in his element in an intimate room like the Public Assembly Loft and you’ll be chasing him down for weeks to come. DJ Earthian is a world traveler who now calls Brooklyn his home. He’s been a featured DJ at many huge NYC clubs including Limelight and Pacha and around the world at numerous locales as exotic as Israel and Moscow. His production work (with partner Oleg Slepak as Animaltek) has received widespread acclaim and support from DJs like Laurent Garnier, Sasha, John Digweed and Gabriel Ananda. His rich techno and house will get Public Assembly moving in no time. Tucci is beginning to make waves in the NYC club scene, garnering prime bookings in the last year at Public Assembly, Sullivan Room, Music Hall of Williamsburg, and Highline Ballroom. He’s rounding out his first year in the city by starting up Sleep When You’re Deaf, under which a series of ear-opening NYC-centric club nights will emerge to tantalize and titillate. Join us for the first of these parties at Public Assembly on the 27th and be a part of the city’s electronic future. Public Assembly 70 North 6th Street 21+ 11:30pm-4am $10 anyone attending the Omega Moos show next door at Music Hall of Williamsburg will have a reduced price of $7 with ticket stub
December 2009

December 3 Thursday
As the winter season approaches, we would like to celebrate a night of full on madness at the Psycheground- Sullivan Room party once again. We welcome Miguel Casimiro from Portugal will play a tech-house/ minimal set to warm up the dance floor. Half of Reality Engine and resident of Dreamcatcher, Luis Campos will play an extended 2hour killer-psychedelic set. Ctrl+Alt+De l will play a special set with unreleased tracks from his long-awaited upcoming debut album. Other Dreamcatchers might play too. Come and see for your selves! featuring DJ sets by: – Miguel Casimiro (Portugal/NYC ) myspace/ucbookings -Luis Campos (Reality Engine- Dreamcatcher, NYC) web myspace/psycheground – Ctrl+Alt+Del (Nexus Media, Ind ia) web myspace/ctrlaltdeletion And more TBA! Deco by the Dreamcatchers AND Neuronymphonic ** December 3, 10pm – 4am ** at Sulli van Room, New York City 218 Sullivan St (betw een Bleecker and West 3rd St, 2 blocks east of 6th Ave) General Admission : $10.00 RSVP to psycheground at yahoo for $5.00 reduced list 21+ with ID
December 4 Friday
Animaltek and more in Williamsburg!
Come and join us with our special guests of the night: Animaltek + a live set by our very own resident DJ/producer Galo. He will be leaving for Chile the next day, so don’t miss your chance to see this up and coming talent! Animalktek ( elektrotribe, treibstoff, wir ) Galo ( mnmlktchn ) ::live:: Reppepd ( mnmlktchn ) elRojo ( mnmlktchn ) visuals: Mitsukuni ( inmmortal ) $5 before 12, $10 after. Location: MonkeyTown Street: 58 North 3rd street City/Town: Brooklyn, NY
December 5 Saturday
MAYAN GRIND Psytrance Party at ZOT in Philadelphia
9 PM – 2 AM Special Guests:
BODHISATTVA 13:20 (Psycircle Rec, San Diego)
Bodhi, a.k.a. Christopher Lee Martin, is an award-winning musician [L.A. Music Awards 2003-2006] specializing in psytrance. He has been a musician all his life, playing piano by ear since early on. Bodhi enjoys experimenting with cutting-edge sound manipulation in order to open minds and increase consciousness, constantly pushing the limits. He has been involved in the Goa/psy scene since 1996 and has been professionally producing electronic music and performing live sets since 2000. Over the course of his career, he has produced two psytrance albums (Excursions Through the Ancient Future [2002], Secrets of the Mojave [2005]), is currently releasing a third (Equations,[2009]), been featured on compilations released by domestic and international labels, and toured around North America and Europe. His side projects and collaborations include CILIUM, MONKS OF MADNESS, and MUBOD HI, among others. Bodhi has also authored an expert tips book on Reason 3.0 , which was published in summer 2005 and is available in large chain bookstores and websites. In 2007 Bodhi compiled Liquid Mind V/A, the first release on his event crewE28099s label, Psycircle Records. Look out for his crazy psychedelic, hard, playful and funky style.
BRANDON ADAMS (Dreamcatcher/Caliphonic Records – NYC)
Since his NY debut 5 short years ago, Brandon has quickly earned a reputation as one of America’s few homegrown international-caliber DJs. Through a combination of musical intelligence, persistent resourcefulness, open ears, and an open mind, he consistently provides a stimulating dancefloor experience that fits the moment and transcends sub-genre preference. His sets place an emphasis on thick sound texture, infectious groove, spacious atmospheres, and heady compositions with cohesive multi-dimensional construction that offer several patterns for the listener to lock in and out of. This approach has allowed him the versatility to play alongside some of the world’s top producers, ranging from Simon Posford, GMS, and Infected Mushroom to Mubali, Alien Mental, and Horror Place. Dance floors have responded positively whether it’s been the east coast, west coast, Europe or even India.
KILOWATTS (Gaian Mind, Native State Records E28093 Philadelphia)
James Watts began pruning his unique vision for electronic music in the days of tinkering with DOS-based trackers. His prolific body of work now spans breaks, IDM, techno, downtempo, and everything in between. His music is full of visionary dimensions, fusing together a dexterous knowledge of sound synthesis, deep emotional articulation, and solid melodic intuition. KiloWatts is determined to utilize electronic music as a tool to achieve instantaneous transcendence beyond the physical realm.
Fluoro Psychestetic Environment by:: Daya Cayung – (blacksheephybrid )
Sound & lights provided by Light-O-Matic & Space Junk
$5 cover 21+ w/ ID ZOT 122 Lombard Str eet Philadelphia, PA 19147 (267) 639-3260 Reverse Happy Hour 10pm – Midn ight! ttp://zotrestaurant.blogspot / 3D3D3D3D3D eakrec /DJlauryn msn: DJlauryn
December 12 Saturday
YogiBogeyBox and TDC release party for AntiShanti Records (FREE CD)
With the winter upon us and the need to warm up to our favorite artists, we are coming together to celebrate the recent debut release of AntiSh anti records: Psyclone. From the people who brought you the Desiderata Festival and many unforgettable events, comes the culmination of 2009 with a bright celebration. Join our family on the dancefloor. FIRST 100 ARRIVING WILL RECEIVE A COMPLIMENTARY COPY OF THE PSYCLONE CD So here we go….. TR ANSDRIVER – (AntiShanti Records, Russia) LIVE No other act in the past few years has arrived in NYC and absolutely turned our vision of quality sound to a new realm. Transdriver is one of few projects of the Russian trance scene that is famous for its rich and high-quality live acts. Every live is a real show with an absolutely spontaneous turn of affairs, full of improvisation and live sounds. The Project appeared in 1995 in Moscow, when the Russia n trance stage was on the first step of its ED development. At first, the project belonged to Alexey Kovalev, but soon Vassili Markelov joined. Their music developed from hard-core and break-beat, and trance from 1996. The music progressed with the progress of the technical equipment and soon reached the professional level. From 2000, Alexey went solo as Transdriver and released an incredible double album, while Vassili went his own way with the Psykovsky project. Do not miss this opportunity to hear the unique Transdriver sound! web transdriver.ru web transdriver.ru/ PARUS – ( AntiShanti Records/ AuraQuake, U.S.A.) LIVE PARUS is a psychedelic trance music project of twin brothers Mark and Valentin Tarasov that was born in the summer of 2000. This is their storyD6 While growing up in Riga, the capital city of Latvia, Valentin Tarasov was attending musical school, learning piano, Mark was learning guitar. After the break-up of the Soviet Union, they moved to California, wherein 1996 together with their older brother Eugene they formed a Russian rock band called Still Night, with Valentin on the keyboard and Mark playing the bass guitar. Soon after, they were introduced to trance music and the idea of Parus was born. It began with turntables in a Palo Alto apartment, evolving into a semi-professional studio in the garage of their house. By September of 2000, they were writing their own tracks as project Parus took sail.Parus has performed on numerous stages in America, Portugal, and Japan, including the amazing performances at the Boom Festival in Portugal, Burning Man Festival and the annual LoveFest in San Francisco. There is also a rumor that their debut album is coming on AuraQuake soon web myspace/parusportal web myspace/parusportal PRISHVIN MESS – (AntiShanti Records/NYC) LIVE Prishvin Mess is the project of Sergey Boroditskiy, formerly of Muktisvara, and Eli Burmin, a bass freak. The evolution of this project began back in Russia with many years of musical education. Their electronic sound has come about as an evolution of interests and an exploration of the mind. Recently, the project has adopted a symbiosis of sounds, adding the soulful sound of the violin to provide a new dimension to the flight that is PrishvinMess.The project is based in NYC, with the high energy of the city projected into the musical landscape. The mission of the project is to free the spirit within the body and release it into a flight with no boundaries. The music combines high intensity with strong positive peaks. It’s not easily defined, and it is our mission not to categorize it, as the freedom of the sound is the essence of the project. Prishvin Mess uses technological sound to free the human within us. While synths and modulators are the tools, the Goal is true free expression. web prishvinmess web prishvinmess/ PROGRESS – (AntiShanti Records/NYC) LIVE Yuriy Vaskevich is a discoverer of musical dreamscapes. The music he creates is both organic and electronic. It fall s into the abyss between sentience and fantasy. Yuriy’s background provides a landscape for his music to flourish. He hails from Kiev, Ukraine where h e grew up with a strong foundation in classical music, with proficiency in both piano and guitar. Yuriy’s journey to the USA brought him into a different world of New York punk rock. From these foundations, Yuriy explored his musical identity and starting in the late 1990s began to experiment with various styles of electronic music. From here PROGRESS was born ranging in style from psytrance, ambient, and chillout, to full-fledged avant-garde and experimental. PROGRESS has composed several film scores as well as performing live in a wide variety of venues throughout New York and beyond… web iprogress.us web iprogress.us/ PHUNgEYE (miscoCosmhouse, Utica, NY) DJ Set PHUNgEYE co-founder of microCosmhouse Productions, has been a fixture in the Upstate EDM culture for over 10 years. He has been spinning and producing different styles including downtempo/techno/psy/trance/breaks/dubstep/industrial. Believing in the power of Transcendence through sound, PHUNgEYE will take you on a journey to the far reaches of space and time With a set that is geared for your mind as well as your body. ww w.myspace/phungeye web myspace/phungeye A wonderful DOWNTEMPO LOUNGE DOWNSTAIRS by OMNITRIBE: DJ RHEEDOO (Omnitribe, NYC) KIFE (Omnitribe, NYC) and more… We are happy to host one of the great party promoters here in New York. Omnitribe is well known for its quality festivals and electrifying energy! Live Painting and/or Body Painting by Collyn Go ld web myspace/manifestationzz web myspace/manifesta tionzz Special visuals for this special event by VJ Plasmo (YogiBogeyBox, NYC) web stanley-design/vj web stanley-design/vj L ocation: Hello BK formerly The Hook 18 Commerce street Brooklyn, NY web thehookmusic web thehookmusic/ With a fanstastic vibe, this amazing venue with YUMMMY sound will provide us with two floors of music as well as an outdoor patio to take a breather. While the Red Hook doe s not have subways running through its underground yet, there are other options. The B61 bus, which travels express from Williamsburg and downtown BK drops you off one block from the venue. The F train Carroll street stop drops you a short 10-minute walk from The Hook. There is plenty of parking spa and the cab fare to the venue ranges from 8 from BK to 12 from Manhattan. Directions: web thehookmusic/directions web theh Map: Tickets will go for $30, and come early to receive y our FREE copy of Psyclone. web yogibogeybox.org web yogibog eybox.org/ web TDCNY web TDCNY/ web antisha ntirecords web antishantirecords/ Any questions write us at yogibogeybox at gmail For any additi onal questions call us at (631)943-1339 doors will open at 10
was good, better then good! PHUNGeYE, PROGRESS, PRISHVIN MESS, PARUS, & TRANSDRIVER were faaantastic! the vibe was incredible with full power growing and growing till the end. sound was crisp, and on point. loved it all! thank u for such a wonderful night! Whatever this Russian guys do it always has good vibes and good music We are in absolute awe from all of the acts, our guests from Russia and San Francisco, and most importantly you! We do not say it just to open our mouths but the way we look at it is we set the skeleton and you add the magic. So from the bottom of our hearts, we want to thank everyone for coming out and allowing us to put together this magical evening. If you enjoyed what we do and crave for more, check out our upcoming event on January 16 feat Cosmosis live and Rastaliens DJ set
Wow… What a party!!! We would like to thank each and everyone for coming out this weekend and support our debut release. We were really pleased that all 100 free CDs where given out within the first hour and a half. Thanks for your support. We also want to thank all the artists for their wonderful performances and all the people who helped to put this event together. We have more exciting things on the way: In January 2010 we are releasing new album “Space No More” from our good friend and really talented musician from Sweden – Wizack Twizack. Here is a link for the preview: https://web.archive.org/web/20100329174626/http://www.beatspace.com:80/dettagli/dettaglio.asp?id=5411 Also in case some of you did not have a chance to get your copy of V.A. Psyclone, it is still available for purchase: Thanks to all of you once again! This is just the beginning of a wonderful journey….

December 19 Saturday
*RSVPs for the NYE after party HAVE OPENED!!! Enter your information in the boxes on the right side of psybotik. Here’s something to hold you over while the excitement builds for NYE, a special treat on December 19th as we celebrate our crew member’s birthdays. Please welcome DJ Niki to the lineup! Also, we will be joined by renowned fire performer Flambeaux and a burlesque performance by Taryn Tulla!!! PSYBOTIK – Psybotik 13 Saturday 12-19-09 Celebrating the birthdays of Masae, Dysform, and Me!!! A festival of light, music and dance with Techno, Electro House, Prog, Psytrance and Dubstep DJ NIKI is a co-founder and owner of Tokyo-based psychedelic trance label Mighty Quinn Records. He has released three worldwide recognized and respected compilations as well as a most recent release; the split album of Mano and BioSynthesis “Non-Fiction”. The New V/A “Somatic Frenzy” will be released in the very near future. Dj Niki has been Djing since 2004 and had played at numerous psychedelic parties. Over many years of musical “tranced out” research and of course serious listening and space partying, Dj Niki has acquired a full length and power collection of music and – a complete psychedelic story to the dancer on the floor. Niki’s sets are described to be perfect for any time of the party and are always smooth, rhythmic, extra spicy and mysterious. The result is a perfect atmosphere for body and mind. Trancers and dancers are put in a happy, easy-going, relaxed state of mind. Electrik (Psybotik) Me (Psybotik) Mayur (Psybotik/Spectra) Dysform (Psybotik) Tremendous Gloom Fire and Dance: Flambeaux web flambeauxfire Masae (Luminisis) Erin (Luminisis) Victor (Luminisis) web luminisis Burlesque Performance by Taryn Tulla web taryntulla Visuals: nashamasha (Psybotik) Sound: Light-O-Matic web lightomatic Decor: Psybotik Saturday 12-19-09 10pm – 6AM Doors Open at 9PM Public Assembly 70 North 6th St Brooklyn, NY FREE Before 10:30pm $15 at the door – 5$ Off for members after 10:30 PM For more details, to RSVP, or to join the email list visit psybotik ***Psybotik is an official New York City Ambassador for Boom Festival 2010. Ambassadors first phase for ticket sales starts Dec 16th for 150 Euros. Stay tuned to psybotik for details*** ***RSVPs for the NYE after party HAVE OPENED!!! Enter your information in the boxes on the right side of psybotikpsybotik . Here’s something to hold you over while the excitement builds for NYE, a special treat on December 19th as we celebrate our crew member’s birthdays. Please welcome DJ Niki to the lineup! Also we will be joined by renowned fire performer Flambeaux and a burlesque performance by Ta ryn Tulla!!!
December 23 Christmas Eve
Hey all, I’ll be throwing a little shindig @ the M-Room in Philly on Dec. 23rd. Should be a great time with some eclectic Electronic tunes. lineup so far: Kilowatts www.kilowattsmusic.com Rinse, Repeat. www.myspace.com/rinserepeatband Super Galactic Expansive www.myspace.com/supergalacticexpansive Borscht (DJ SET) www.myspace.com/borschtlive I might throw on some full on at the end of the night if we get done early, which seems likely. DECO: black sheep hybrid blacksheephybrid.com
December 24 Thursday
Psycheground at Sullivan Room
featuring Juggernaut, Brandon Adams, and more Psycheground is in Full-effect as the Dreamcatchers welcome everybody back to the Sullivan Room on Christmas Eve once again this year. Were going to do it family-style with the usual suspects, along with our long-missed DJ Juggernaut (Vincent) from Japan! Come out for another night of killer Psytrance and let’s celebrate the holiday season! Featuring DJ sets by : – Juggernaut (Dreamcatcher/ Home Grown/ The Priests of Psy- JP/U S) – Miguel Casimiro (Portugal/NYC ) – Ray Briones (UC Music, Warpdrive-B R/NYC) – Luis Campos (Reality Engine- Dreamcatcher, NYC) – Brandon Adams (Dreamcatcher- Caliphonic Records, NYC) – K e N (Bella Gaia, Dreamcatcher, NYC) Deco by the Neuronymphonic Art & Dreamcatchers ** December 24t h, 10pm – 4am ** at Sullivan Room, New York City web sullivanroom.c om 218 Sullivan St (between Bleecker and West 3rd St, 2 blocks east of 6th Ave) General Admission: $10.00 RSVP to psycheground at yahoo for $5.00 reduced list 2 For 1 Drinks from 10-11pm 21+ with ID Subway: A, B, C, D, E F, or V
Pleasant surprise!!! Vincent!! U back in town!! Link up bro!!! We have some catching up to do ehehe!! Hope to see u while you are here!! Big boom my bro and all the best for this party!!! Seems Thursdays in Psyground are very Kirrah!!! Hope to make it out !! Bombom!! and Happy Holidaze to everyone!! For sure it was one of the best psycheground ever. Thank you for all who came and rocked hard and many many thanks to all the DJs who really rocked the crowd. Love you all see you next year with many surprises
December 26 Saturday
DJ Earthian (Animaltek), Bit Crushers and more at Sullivan Room
Bit Crushers (DJ Fame+Gabi from Astro&Glyde) DJ Earthian of Animaltek Methodrone Doors open at 10pm $10 with RSVP to rsvp@sullivanroom.com 218 Sullivan St. (Bleecker & W. 3rd) Doors at 10pm | 21+ 2 for 1 drinks until 11pm
December 26 Saturday
PsyTrakt/Psybotik/Microcosm House/Shadowparkl Studios – Zachary’s Birthday
Thank you for such a great turnout despite the snowstorm! Keep up the spirit with Psytrakt Dec 26-28 A huge freaking thank you to everyone who strapped on their snowshoes and trudged through the blizzard to join our celebration! I’m sure you would agree with us that it was well worth it. RSVP today and get ready for Psybotik’s New Year’s Eve After Hours! To keep up the season’s spirit Psybotik will be heading north in full force this weekend to join our friends from Psytrakt as the host an incredible winter wonderland getaway! Psytrakt presents…PsyYeti!! COMPLETE PSYTRANCE HOTEL TAKEOVER Lets get Psytrakt this winter, with a snowflake getaway! A breakthrough to a new beginning, bringing the like-minded together under one groove. Come celebrate life, dance, community, and everything in between. Don’t hibernate in the slush! Escape with us! Aminities: Massage & aroma therapy Theme chill rooms Live art & Art Deco 3 days 2 nights -Two day ski rental $44 -Two day snowboard rental $53 -Snowtubing $17 (3hrs) Indoor pool Psypod and other giveaways for raffle ticket winner Music by DJ K e N – New York (web myspace/nyDJ4life) Psyraiders – Pennsylvania (web myspace/psyraiders) Mayur – New York (web psybotik) KarboKane – Florida (web karbokane/) Electrik – New york (web psybotik) DJ Luis – New York Me – New York (heep://web psybotik) Lost Monster – New York (web myspace/lostmonster315) Phungeye – New York (web myspace/phungeye) Nexus – New York (web myspace/2cnexus) t3uth – Russia (web myspace/youthenasia) DJ Leara – New York DJ Matias Jofre – Argentina (web myspace/matiasjofre) Earworm – New York (web myspace/earwormfrequencies) Dysform – New York (web psybotik) Fumi – NYC, Japan (web myspace/yogibogeybox) DJ K0mplex – Minnesota (web shadowparkstudios) Sound by Brian Art by Luna Decor by Psytrakt Visuals by nashamasha Fire and Dance by Luminisis Masae Eric Victor Saturday, December 26, 2009 at 9pm until Monday, December 28, 2009 at 9pm Ramada Inn 2 River st. Cortland, NY
Well, this event pretty much sucked. Sorry to anyone I might have encouraged to go to this.
After a truly wonderful year of beautiful gatherings, we at Alladin Project wish to thank you all who have joined us and made everything possible. We have welcomed many new faces to our community, and as we grow, the future promises even more awe-inspiring parties85 It is our pleasure to invite you to an extra special New Year’s Eve celebration that will take place at Hello BK (formerly Club Hook), featuring some of the leading international artists in electronic music! We are planning everything necessary to make this a night to remember. We are happy to announce that one of the international decoration teams responsible for the incredible displays at Orb Festival 2009 will be joining us to create a fantastical scene that shall transport us all on this positively MAGICAL night! Mark your calendars, and look f or full details very soon! Alladin Project Team
Few Days Remain For Advance Tickets: Alladin Group New Year’s Eve Extravaganza! Blessings to all, In this joyous season of gathering, Alladin wishes warm and beautiful encounters to our wonderful community. The celebration is just gearing up with a brand new year right around the corner, and Alladin Group is full speed ahead readying for the spectacular show: Alladin Group presents A New Year’s Eve Extravaganza! Four days and counting: in the blink of an eye we’ll be raising our glasses in toasts to time, so secure your AdvanTickets at web alladinproject.net As the ball drops, this will be one for the history books! Alladin Group

December 31 Thursday
Alladin Group – New Year’s Eve Extravaganza
NYC Alladin Project is pleased to announce the full details of our New Year’s Eve Extravaganza, which promises to be the most joyful of occasions! It’s almost impossible to contain our excitement about this unbeatable super-group of knockout international guests and all our favorite homegrown performers. We are welcoming Swedish imports to grace us both sonically and visually, for the most amazing event collaboration in NYC this year. Be sure to arrive in time for the big midnight minute countdown, and a special NYC psy-toast to the coming year85 followed by a Special fire show! Three areas, a divine lineup, a masterful crew of visual & lighting artists, a heated hookah lounge outdoors: RING IN THE NEW YEAR with us in the most FANTASTIC PSYchedelic celebration STYLE! Line up: web myspace/huxfluxmusic Hux-Flux was born in 1998 with solo releases by Dennis Tapper, including the hit “Time Slices”. Subsequently, Dennis began work with Jonas Petterson (AKA Tranan), and they produced the legendary album Cryptic Crunch together. He relocated to Stockholm, continuing collaborative work with his old friend Henric Fietz. Their partnership resulted in some killer classics, such as “Idiot”, “Bring your own BIOS”, and the album Division by Zero. Dennis has released multiple solo tracks since, and his recent partnered projects include “Tryptamind”, together with Iboj ima. Currently, he is involved in the completely new and fresh chillout/dub /ambient project “Illuminus”, together with Magnus Holte. Hux-Flux has played live worldwide in several countries, including Japan, Germany, UK, USA, Canada, Mexico, Brazil, Switzerland, South Africa, India, Israel, Morocco, Portugal, Hungary, Spain, Indonesia, Italy, Croatia, Greece, Poland, Russi a, Ukraine, Australia, Romania, The Netherlands, Belgium, France, Denmark, Norway, Finland & Sweden. MUBALI 96 LIVE (Trishula Records USA) www.myspace/mubalitrax Mubali is Greg Farley, from Monterey, California. He has been writing his own music since 2003. He comes from a background of classical music (violist for 7 years) and currently makes all of his music just for fun. His tracks tend to be on the darker side of full-on, and his influences are Azax Syndrom, Xenomorph, Grapes of Wrath, Absolum, Twisted System, and Digital Talk. CORTEX – (Materia Records ISRAEL) First Appearanin USA web myspace/cortex-music Cortex A.k.a Assaf Weizmann (25) from south of Israel has been toying with psychedelic music since the age of 1 5 and releases under many different labels. He has collaborated on various tracks along-side artists such as BrainBokka / Twisted Reaction / Kali / Safi Connection / Sidhartha / Toxical / Shake the Snake / Insane Logic / And some others that are currently in progress like Patchbay /Puzzle. Cortex also releases Remixes for G M S, Karan 3rd Eyes, Etnica, Juno Reactor / Eat Static / Infected and Many more. Assaf is a member in more two projects with the names TEMPO SHRINE & AntiMatter with Brainbokka and shake the snake from Israel. Assaf works on the technical aspect of music and is the sound engineer in a post-production studio in Israel. Look for his 2nd Solo Album, released January 2010 More Info Soon!!! UNWASHED TOMATO-LIVE (D-A-R- K Records, Philadelphia USA) web myspace/unwashomato Unwashed Tomato is a collaborative psytrance production initiative started by Andy Aylward and David Mostoller in late 2006. Our main focus is creating an intensely psychedelic, groovy experience that is at once quirky and powerful, containing motifs from many musical traditions. Close attention is given t o producing a complex yet cohesive sound while maintaining a clean and dynamic mix. web myspace/earwormfrequencies REALITY ENGINE -LIVE(NYC/BRAZIL) AUDIO-VISUAL FULL ON TRANC E SET web realityengine.tv ORBIT (Trance Direct – Alladin Group – Orb Festival, JP/IL) web alladinproject.net BRANDON ADAMS (Dreamcatcher/Caliphonic Records – NYC) web myspace/497009 KIFE (Omnitribe, NYC) web myspace/DJkife GOATONE (Fractaltribe, Boston USA) w ww.myspace/604tone JAMIN (Funktion Forms (SWEDEN) web myspace.c om/funktionformsproject DUDU (Boston USA/BRAZIL) web myspace/duduroc Grains of Sound (AlterCulture Records, Baltimore, USA) web myspace.c om/grainsofsound web Danc ingZombies HYPNOTOAD (Light-O-Matic / PSI) web lightomatic OMER BARNEA (Alladin Group, NYC) STEVE-O (Gaian Mind, PA, San Francisco) ROBOT EARS (Electropulse Productions/ Awake, CT) DECO FUNKTION FORMS (SWEDEN) web myspace/funktionformsproject Funktion Forms is a cutting edge visual design company providing events with a completely original creates spaces that will leave audiences speechless. Advanced lighting techniques, in combination with various theatrical textiles, resulting in a look that is innovative, functional, and above all unique. The Funktion Forms vision is one of total stimulation and creativity, making the environment just as dynamic as the performances in it! OCULAR DELIGHT (Alladin Group, NYC ) web dividemysky/oculardelight/events.php NEPHILNINE (NYC) web nephilnine Alladin Deco Team (NYC) SPECIAL FIRE PERFORMANCE VICTOR (NYC) And More VJs SCRATCH DAVIS (NYC) LEVITATION THEORY (CT) web myspace/levitationtheory EXERIS (MD) web vjexeris ALC HEMISM (psyNY – NYC) web psyny LIGHTING & SOUND AUDIOLUST (NYC ) LOCATION Hello BK (formerly The Hook) Doors open 8pm-8am 18 Commerce Street Brooklyn, NY web thehook music/ ADMISSION: $50 in advance Tickets on sale at web alladinproject.net 18 to enter, 21 to drink MUST HAVE VALID PHOTO ID This amazing venue, with TOP NOTCH sound and an amazing vibe, will provide us with two floors of music as well as an outdoor patio. The patio will feature a heated hookah lounge offering YUMMMY traditional CHAI AND SWEETS! Happy new year Alladin Project Team
Good party with a large turn out caught the cortex set – was a lot of fun to hear his brand of crazy music, I look forward to hear the album he is working on earworm played a nice set too – lots of powerful twilight tunes, biogenesis, punchline, painkiller, chromatone – fun stuff then came the man – Hux flux – loved his set, explicit psychedelic music and a great dude to talk with unfortunately missed out on Mubali’s set but hopefully another place another time other than that – happy new year
December 31 Thursday
Touch Full Boom – the Asheville, NC – NYE party!
TOUCH FULL BOOM New Years Eve Get your Tickets NOW! ONLY 240 TICKETS AVAILABLE! THIS IS A PRIVATE EVENT! YOU MUST PURCHASE A TICKET TO GET IN! TICKETS ARE $16 Please include the full name of each attendee, with your PayPal purchase. Asheville’s 3 main underground sound systems align together to welcome the New Years in style. TOUCH Samadhi, Asheville Full Moon Gathering, and the Wondrous Temple of Boom will be representing on three unique levels of a classified location. Wild Rumours Abound! TOUCH SAMADHI: World-renowned trance collective based out of Asheville, known to throw some of the most third eye-opening parties in the southeast. introducing a large number of major European headliners to the Appalachia scene through yearly events at Deerfields and elsewhere. Ambassadors are Annunaki, Kri, Oso, Iduna, Olaf, Zenssie, TanGleD lYSerGiC puDDleS On CeleStial ThreadS, and more TBA! ASHEVILLE FULL MOON GATHERINGS: almost every full moon you will find this tribe gathered together paying homage and respect with some of the top DJs and live acts in the area. Known for parties of extended duration that emphasize respect to the earth, avoidance of commercialism, and family. Ambassadors are Glibot, Milkman, Medisin, Brett Rock, Xist, The Bandits with visuals by iLLume, WillOvSeraphim, and Awe Lucid. WONDROUS TEMPLE OF BOOM: This crew of intergalactic crunksters was born from burner culture and as a sound system has represented the area for the past four years at Transformus as well as recently at Alchemy in Georgia and has begun extending the SE burner vibe to the planets club scenes. WTOB ambassadors for the evening include Quetzatl, Selector Cleofus, GalaxC Girl, Kalapas, Alex Falk, and MC Rigel 7. Location – TBA